- SOCIAL SCONCES A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETIES (THE UNITED STATES AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA) BY APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN SECOND EDITION, RtVISED AND ENLARGED 6S215S11 /JT? \y INTRODUCTION. The first edition of this -Bibliography was published in 1895, form ing pages 677-1236 of the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1895. The present edition takes in publications of historical societies down to and as far as possible through 1905. For the new material the collections in the Library of Congress and the principal libraries of Boston have been drawn upon. In some < the galley proofs have been submitted to officials of the societies con cerned, who have verified the titles and suggested additions. The compiler is in a superlative degree indebted to Samuel A. Green, LL. I)., librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and to J. H. Tuttle, assistant librarian. The personal interest shown by both was a most pleasurable experience. The publications received by the Massachusetts Historical Society have been carefully pre served and catalogued, even to the most fugitive leaflet. The cata logue of this collection was freely used and the result was a great gain in the completeness of the Bibliography. Mr. W. P. Greenlaw, librarian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, is also entitled to the highest appreciation for his aid and courtesy extended personally to my assistant. The librarian of the American Antiquarian Society and the libra rian of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania read the galley proofs of the titles of publications of their respective societies, n service which it is a pleasure to acknowledge. . Mr. Thomas Hamilton Murray read the proof for the American Irish Historical Society. Mr. Charles A. Flagg, of the Library of Congress, who has done much toward completing the sets of historical society publications in the Library, has given most generous and valuable aid. The arrangement is first by States, then alphabetical by name of society. The immediate work of compilation has been done, under my direct supervision, by Miss Grace Gardner Griffin. A. P. C. GKIFFIN. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 7, 1907. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. By APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN. A. NATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Washington, D. C. Organized at Saratoga, N. Y., September 10, 1884. Incorporated by act of Congress approved January 4, 1880. Reports annually to Congress through the Smithsonian Institution. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers of the American Historical Asso ciation. Vol. i. New York and London, 1886. 8vo, pp. iii, 502. CONTENTS. No. 1. Secretary s Report of the Organization and Proceedings, Saratoga, September 9, 10, 1884, pp. 5-44. No. 2. On Studies in General History and the History of Civilization, by Andrew D. White, president of the Association, pp. 1-28 [45-72]. No. 3. History and Management of Land Grants for Education in the North west Territory, by George W. Knight, pp. 1-175 [73-247]. No. 4. The Louisiana Purchase in its influence upon the American System, by the Right Rev. C. F. Robertson, D. D., Bishop of Missouri, pp. 1-42 [249-290]. No. 5. History of the Appointing Power of the President, by Lucy M. Salmon, pp. 1-129 [291-419]. No. 6. Report of the Proceedings of the American Historical Association, Sec ond Annual meeting, Saratoga, September 8-10, 1885, by Herbert I*. Adams, secretary of the Association, pp. 1-73 [421-493] ; Index, pp. 75-82 [495-502]. (1 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers of the American Historical Asso ciation. Vol. ii. New York and London, 1888. 8vo, pp. iv, 565. CONTENTS. No. 1. Report of the Proceedings of the American Historical Association at Washington, D. C., April 27-29, 1886, Third Annual Meeting, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary of the Association, pp. 1-104. Includes abstracts of the fol lowing papers : Columbus, by Gen. James Grant Wilson : Graphic Methods of Illustrating History, by Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart ; The Neglect and Destruction of Historical Materials in this Country, by Prof. Moses Colt Tyler; New Views of Early Virginia History, 1006-1619, by Alexander Brown : The Part taken by Virginia under the Leadership of Patrick Henry in Establishing Religious Liberty as a Foundation of American Government, by Hon. William Wirt Henry ; The Causes of the Revolution, by Dr. Edward Channing; The Development of Municipal Government in Massachusetts, by T. Jefferson Coolidge, jr, ; The March 8 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of the Spaniards Across Illlnbis* fly Edward G. Mason; The Northwest Terri tory, its/pi^inattCfe andifrsiGoveiviiri < ent, by Dr. Israel W. Andrews; Did the Louisiana \I^ijvl{ase^r,ducl e fOre^oV? ,bx* William A. Mowry ; The Settlement of the Lower St. Lawrence, by Ebeii G reenough Scott ; The Origin of the Highest Functions of the American Judiciary, by Prof. Austin Scott ; Jefferson s Use of the Executive Patronage, by J. M. Merriam ; The Early Protective Movement and the Tariff ,of 1828, by F. W. Taussig ; The Attack on Washington City in 1814, Jby Maj. Gen. George W. Cullum ; Confederate and Federal Strategy in the Pop& Campaign before Washington in 1862, by Col. William Allan ; The State- Rights Theory : Its Evolution and Involution in American Politics, by James C. Welling ; The Reconstruction of History, by Dr. George E. Ellis ; William Usselinx, by J. F. Jameson; Franklin in France, by Dr. Edward Everett Hale: Historical Studies in Canada, by George Stewart, jr. No. 2. A History of the Doctrine of Comets, by Andrew D. White, president of the Association, pp. 1-43 [105-147]. No. 3. William Usselinx, Founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India Com panies, by J. Franklin Jameson, Ph. D., pp. 1-234 [149-382]. No. 4. Church and State in the United States ; or, the American Idea of Religious Liberty and its Practical Effects, by Philip Schaff, D. D., LL. D., pp. 1-161 [383-543] : Index, [546-565]. (2 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers of the American Historical Associa tion. Vol. in. New York and London, 1889. fivo, pp. iv, 536. CONTENTS. No. 1. Report of the Proceedings at Boston and Cambridge, May 21-24, 1887, Fourth Annual Meeting, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary of the Association ; Manuscript Sources of American History The Conspicuous Collections Extant, by Justin Winsor, pp. 9-27 ; Diplomatic Prelude to the Seven Years War, by Herbert Elmer Mills, pp. 29-40 ; A Short Account of the Life and Times of Silas Deane, by Charles Isham, pp. 40-47 ; Historical Grouping, by James Schouler, pp. 48-52 : The Constitutional Relations of the American Colonies to the English Government at the Commencement of the Revolution, by Mellen Chamberlain, pp. 52-74 ; On the Peace Negotiations of 1782-83 as illustrated by the Secret Correspondence of France and England, by John Jay, pp. 79-100 ; Biographical Sketch of Leopold von Ranke, with an Account of Ranke and the Historical Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Science, and Bibliographical Notes on Leopold von Ranke, by Herbert B. Adams, pp. 101-133 ; A Reminiscence of Ranke, by Frederic A. Bancroft, pp. 121-124 ; The Parliamentary Experiment in Germany, by Kuno Francke, pp. 133-146; A Study in Swiss History, by John Martin Vincent, pp. 146-164 ; The Spaniard in New Mexico, by W. W. H. Davis, pp. 164-176 ; Abstract of Paper by Prof. Moses Coit Tyler ; The Historic Name of Our Country, pp. 176-178; The Biography of a River and Harbor Bill, by Dr. Albert Bushnell Hart, pp. 180-197 ; Extracts from a Paper by Col. Carroll D. Wright on the Study of Statistics in American Colleges, pp. 197-202 ; Abstract of a Paper by Prof. Arthur M. Wheeler on The Government of London, pp. 203- 205; Religious Liberty in Virginia, and Patrick Henry, by Charles J. Stiile. pp. 205-211 ; Abstract of a Paper by Philip Schaff on the American Chapter in Church History, pp. 211-213; Notes on Historical Studies in Canada, by George Stewart, jr., pp. 213-215 ; A letter written in 1500 from Hispaniola by a Fran ciscan Missionary, pp. 215-219 ; Necrology : Calvin Holmes Carter and James Carson Brevoort, pp. 223-227 ; List of Members of the American Historical Association, pp. 229-238. No. 2. Report of the Proceedings, Washington, D. C., December 26-28, 1888, Fifth Annual Meeting, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary of the Association, pp. 1-30 [245-274] ; The Early Northwest, inaugural address by William F. Poole, LL. D., president of the Association, pp. 31-56 [275-300] ; Remarks by Hon. George B. Loring on Dr. Poole s Address, pp. 56-84 [300-308] ; The Influence of Governor Cass on the Development of the Northwest, by Prof. A. C. McLaughlin, pp. 65-83 [309-327] ; The place of the Northwest in General History, by WUliam F. Allen, pp. 85-104 [329-348] ; Internal Improvements in Ohio, 1825-1850. by Charles N. Morris, pp. 105-136 [349-380] ; The Old Federal Court of Appeal, by Prof. J. Franklin Jameson, pp. 137-148 [381-392] ; Canadian Archives, by Douglas Brymner, pp. 149-163 [393-407] ; The States -Rights Conflict over the Public Lands, by James C. Welling, LL. D., pp. 165-188 [409-432] ; The Martyr dom of San Pedro Arbues, by Henry Charles Lea, pp. 189-209 [433-4531; A AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. f reply to Dr. Stille upon Religious Liberty in Virginia, by Hon. William Wlrt Henry, pp. 211-220 [455-464] ; American Trade Regulations before 1789 by Willard Clark Fisher, pp. 221-249 [465-493] ; Museum-History and Museums of History, by George Brown Goode, LL. D., pp. 251-275 [495-519] ; Appointment of Committees, etc. Index, pp. 279-292 [523-536]. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers of the American Historical Associa tion. Vol. iv. New York and London, 1890. 8vo, pp. iv, 537. CONTENTS. Part 1, January, 1890. Report of the Proceedings of the American Historical Association at the Sixth Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., December 28-31, 1889, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary of the Association, pp. 1-21 ; List of Mem bers, pp. 23-34 ; Report of the Treasurer, Clarence W. Bowen, p. 35 ; Recent His torical Work in the Colleges and Universities of Europe and America, inau gural address of President Charles Kendall Adams, LL. D., pp. 37-65 ; A Cate chism of the Revolutionary Reaction, by Andrew D. White, pp. 67-92. Part 2, April, 1890. The Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institutions of the United States, by G. Brown Goode, Ph. D., LL. D., pp. 3-112 [93-202]. Part 3, July, 1890. The Mutual Obligation of the Ethnologist and the Histo rian, by Otis T. Mason, pp. 3-12 [203-212] ; Historicals Survivals in Morocco, by Talcott Williams, pp. 13-34 [213-234] ; The Literature of Witchcraft, by Prof. George L. Burr, pp. 35-66 [235-266] ; The Development of International Law as to Newly Discovered Territory, by Walter B. Scaife, Ph. D., pp. 67-93 [267-293] ; The Spirit of Historical Research, by James Schouler, pp. 95-100 [295-306] ; A Defense of Congressional Government, by Dr. Freeman Snow, pp. 107-128 [307- 328]. Part 4, October, 1890. Materials for the History of the Government of the Southern Confederacy, by John Osborne Sumner, pp. 3-19 [329-345] ; The Con stitutional Aspect of Kentucky s Struggle for Autonomy, 1784-1792, by Ethelbert D. Warfield, pp. 21-39 [347-365] ; The Pelham Papers Loss of Oswego, by William Henry Smith, pp. 41-53 [367-379] ; Notes on the Outlook for Historical Studies in the South, by Prof. William P. Trent, pp. 55-65 [381-391] ; Economic and Social History of New England, 1620-1789, by William B. Weeden, pp. 67- 78 [393-404] ; The Early History of the Ballot in Connecticut, by Prof. Simeon E. Baldwin, pp. 79-96 [407-422] ; Bibliography of the American Historical Asso ciation, [note] by Paul Leicester Ford, pp. 97-103 [423-429] ; Brief notes on the Present Condition of Historical Studies in Canada, by George Stewart, jr., D. C. L., LL. D., pp. 105-109 [433-435]; The Trial and Execution of John Brown, by Gen. Marcus J. Wright, pp. -111-126 [437-452] ; A Few Facts from the Records of William and Mary College, by President Lyon G. Tyler, pp. 127-141 [453- 467] ; The Impeachment and Trial of President Johnson, by Dr. William A. Dun ning, pp. 143-177 [469-503] ; Committees, Historical Societies. Index, 179-211 [505-537]. (* AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers of the American Historical Associa tion. Vol. v, 1891. New York and London, 1891. 8vo, pp. iv, 503. CONTENTS. Parts 1-2, January and April, 1891. Reports of the Proceedings of the Asso ciation at the Seventh Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., December 29-31. 1890, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary of the Association, pp. 1-16; The Demand for Education in American History ; Inaugural Address of John Jay, LL. D.. president of the Association, pp. 19-43 ; The Theory of the Village Community, by Charles M. Andrews, pp. 47-61 ; Karl Follen and the German Liberal Movement (1S15 to 1819), by Kuno Francke, pp. 65-81; Bismarck as the typical German, by Wil liam G. Taylor, pp. 85-109; State Activities and Politics, by William F loughby, pp. 113-127; Mirabeau s speech of May 20, 1790, by Fred Morrow Fling, pp. 131-139 ; The Organization of Historical Material, by W. II. Mace. pp. 143-161 ; The Origin of American Institutions, as illustrated in the history o the written ballot, by Douglas Campbell, pp. 165-186. \ 10 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Part 3, July, 1891. The Fate of Dietrich Flade, by George L. Burr, pp. 3-57 ; The Philosophic Aspects of History, by William T. Harris, pp. 61-68 ; Brief Notes on the Present Condition of Historical Studies in Canada, by George Stewart, pp. 71-74; Is History a Science? by R. H. Dabney, pp. 77-86; Canada and the United States : An Historical Retrospect, by John George Bourinot, pp. 89-147. Part 4, October, 1891. Slavery in New York : The Status of the Slave Under the English Colonial Government, by Edwin Vernon Morgan, pp. 3-16 ; Amend ments to the Constitution of the United States, by Herman V. Ames, pp. 19-29 ; Congressional demands upon the Executive for information, by Edward Campbell Mason, pp. 33-41 ; A Plea for Reform in the Study of English Municipal History, by Charles Gross, pp. 45-58 ; The Yazoo land companies, by Charles H. Haskins, pp. 61-103 ; The Lost Colony of Roanoke : Its fate and survival, by Stephen B. Weeks, pp. 107-146; Index, pp. 481-503. (5 NOTE. The publication of the Papers ceased with this volume. The Annual Reports thenceforth took their place. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1889. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1890. 8vo, pp. viii, 427. Transmitted by the secretary of the Association to the Secretary of the Smith sonian Institution and submitted to Congress in accordance with the act of incorporation of the Association. Printed as Senate Miscellaneous Document No. 170 of the Fifty-first Congress (first session). Contents : Report of Proceedings at Sixth Annual Meeting, by Herbert B. Adams ; Recent Historical Work in the Colleges and Universities of Europe and America, by Charles Kendall Adams; The Spirit of Historical Research, by James Schouler ; The Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institu tions of the United States, by G. Brown Goode ; A Partial Bibliography of the Published Works of Members of the American Historical Association, by Paul Leicester Ford ; Index. (6 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of the American His torical Association for the year 1890. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891. 8vo, pp. x, 310. Price, bound, $4 ; paper covers, $3. Transmitted by the secretary of the Association to the Secretary of the Smith sonian Institution and submitted to Congress in accordance with the act of incorporation of the Association. Printed as Senate Miscellaneous Document No. 83 of the Fifty-first Congress (second session). An author s edition of each article is also issued in pamphlet form. Contents : Report of Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Amer ican Historical Association, held in Washington, D. C., December 29-31, 1890. by Herbert B. Adams, pp. 3-12; The Demand for Education in American History, Inaugural Address by Hon. John Jay, LL. D., pp. 15-36. The following refer ences are abstracts of papers read by the persons named : Canada and the United States from Historical Points of View, by J. G. Bourinot, C. M. G., LL. D., pp. 39, 40; New England Settlements in Acadia, by Benjamin Rand, Ph. D., pp. 41, 42 ; The Legislative Work of the First Parliament of Upper Canada, by William Houston, M. A., pp. 43, 44; The Fate of Dietrich Flade, by Prof. George L. Burr, p. 47 ; Theory of Village Community, by Dr. Charles M. Andrews, pp. 49, 50; A. Plea for Reform in the Study of English Municipal History, by Dr. Charles Gross, pp. 51, 52; Mirabeau s Speech of May 20, 1790, by Dr. Frederick M. Fling, pp. 53, 54 ; The Formation of the French Constitution, by Prof. Adolphe Cohn, pp. 55, 56 ; Karl Follen and the Liberal Movement in Germany, by Prof. Kuno Francke, pp. 57, 58 ; Bismarck, the Typical German, by William G. Taylor, p. 59 ; Haw the Written Ballot came into the United States, by Douglas Campbell, pp. 63-65; A Virginia Bill of Attainder The Case of Josiah Philips, by Prof. William P. Trent, pp. 67, 68 ; Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, by Herman V. Ames, pp. 69-70 ; Congressional Demands upon the Executive for Information, by Edward Campbell Mason, pp. 71. 72; Responsible Government in Canada, by J. G. Bourinot, LL. D., pp. 73, 74 ; Bills of Rights in State Constitutions, by Gen. R. D. Mussey, pp. 75-77 ; The Historical Develop ment of the Budget in the United States, by Dr. Ephraim D. Adams, p. 81 ; The Yazoo Land Companies, by Dr. Charles H. Haskins, p. 83 ; State Activities and AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. H Politics, by William F. Willoughby, pp. 85, 86 ; Slavery in New York The Status of the Slave under the English Colonial Government, by Edwin Vernon Morgan A. B., pp. 87, 88 ; Slavery in the District of Columbia The Policy of Congress and the Struggle for Abolition, by Mary Tremain, A. M., pp. 80-01 Remarks on Miss Tremain s Paper, by William Birney, pp. 91-93; Raleigh s Settlements on Roanoke Island An Historical Survival, by Dr. Stephen B. Weeks, pp !)7 <)s The Political Ideas of the Puritans, by Dr. Herbert L. Osgood, pp. 99, 100 ; State Historical Societies, by Gen. C. W. Darling, pp. 101, 102; Organization of His torical Material, by W. II. Mace, A. M., pp. 103-107; Is History a Science? by Prof. A. II. Dabney, Ph. D., p. 109; Webster s Seventh of March Speech, by James Schouler, pp. Ill, 112; The Border Land betwen the Historian and the Archaeologist, by Prof. Otis T. Mason, p. 113 ; Bibliography of the Writings of the Members of the American Historical Association for the year 1890, by Paul Leicester Ford and A. Howard Clark, pp. 117-160 ; Bibliography of the Histor ical Societies of the United States, by Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin pp 161- 267; Index, pp. 269-310. (7 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of the American His torical Association for the year 1891. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1892. 8vo, pp. ix, 499. Price, bound, $4 ; paper covers, $3. Transmitted by the Secretary of the Association to the Secretary of the Smith sonian Institution, and submitted to Congress in accordance with the act of incorporation of the Association. Printed as Senate Miscellaneous Document No. 173 of the Fifty-second Congress (first session). [An author s edition of each article is also issued in pamphlet form.] Contents : Report of Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, held in Washington, D. C., December 29-31, 1891, by Herbert B. Adams, pp. 3-11 ; Inaugural Address of Hon. William Wirt Henry, LL. D., President of the Association, on the Causes which producer the Virginia of the Revolutionary Period, pp. 15-29 ; The Expenditures of For eign Governments in Behalf of History, by Prof. .7. Franklin Jameson, pp 33-61 ; The United States and International Arbitration, by Prof. John Basset Moore, pp. 65-85 ; Some recent Discoveries concerning Columbus, by Presides Charles Kendall Adams, pp. 89-99 ; The History and Determination of th. Line of Demarcation established by Pope Alexander VI, between the Spanisl and Portuguese Fields of Discovery and Colonization, by Prof. Edward G Bourne, pp. 103-130 ; Slavery in the Territories, by President James C. Welling pp. 133-160; The Enforcement of the Slave-Trade Laws, by W. E. B. Du Boh pp. 163-174 ; State Sovereignty in Wisconsin, by Albert II. Sanford, pp. 177-195 The Earliest Texas, by Mrs. Lee C. Harby, pp. 199-205; Governor Williar Leete and the Absorption of New Haven Colony by Connecticut, by Dr. Bernar C. Steiner, pp. 209-222 ; The Visitorial Statutes of Andover Seminary, by Pro Simeon E. Baldwin, LL. D., pp. 225-241 ; Some Neglected Characteristics o: the New England Puritans, by Prof. Barrett Wendell, pp. 245-253 ; Henry Clay as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, by Mary Parko< Follett, pp. 257-265 ; Lord Lovelace and the second Canadian Campaign, 1708 - 1710, by Gen. James Grant Wilson, pp. 269-297; Commerce and Industry : Florence during the Renaissance, by Walter B. Scaifo. Ph. !>.. pp. 301-30S Parliamentary Government in Canada A Constitutional and Historical Stud by J. G. Bourinot, LL. D., D. C. L., pp. 311-407; Bibliography of Publislu Writings of Members of the American Historical Association for 1891, by . Howard Clark, pp. 411-463; Index, pp. 465-499. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of the American Historic:. Association for the year 1892. Washington : Government Printing Offic 1893. 8vo. pp. vii, 698. Price, bound, $4 ; paper covers, $3. Transmitted by the secretary of the Association to the Secretary of the Smit sonian Institution, and submitted to Congress in accordance with the act Incorporation of the Association. Printed as Senate Miscellaneous Document > . 57, Fifty-second Congress (second session). [An author s edition of each article is also issued in pamphlet form.] Contents: Summary of the Work of the American Historical Associati during the year 1892, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary, pp. 1-16; Copy of Tra<"- Relating to America (Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries) found in t 12 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bodleian Library, at Oxford, by Prof. James E. Thorold Rogers, and by him obtained for the American Historical Association, pp. 17-70 ; Some Account of George Washington s Library and Manuscript Records and their Dispersion from Mount Vernon, with an Excerpt from his Diary in 1774 during the First Session of the Continental Congress, with Notes, by J. M. Toner, M. D., pp. 71-169 ; Lotteries in American History, by A. R. Spofford, Librarian of Con gress, pp. 171-195 ; United States Provisional Court for the State of Louisiana, 1862-1865, by Judge Charles A. Peabody, pp. 197-210; Bibliography of Pub lished Writings of Members of the American Historical Association for the year 1892, by A. Howard Clark, assistant secretary, PP- 211-302 ; Bibliography of Historical Societies of the United States and British America, by Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin (continued from Annual Report for 1890), pp. 305-619; Index, pp. 621-698. (9 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1893. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1894. 8vo. pp. x, 605. [An author s edition of each article is also issued in pamphlet form.] Contents : Report of Proceedings of Ninth Annual Meeting, in Chicago, July 11-13, 1893, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary, pp. 1-9 ; Report of the treas urer, pp. 10-11 ; List of committees, p. 12 ; Inaugural address of President James B. Angell on the Inadequate Recognition of Diplomatists by Historians, pp. 13-24 ; The Value of National Archives, by Mrs. Ellen Hardin Walworth, pp. 25-32 ; American Historical Nomenclature, by Ainsworth R. Spofford, pp. 33-42 ; The Definition of History, by William Preston Johnston, pp. 43-53 ; Historical Industries, by James Schouler, pp. 55-66 ; The Historical Method of Writing the History of Christian Doctrine, by Charles J. Little, pp. 67-75; The Requirements for the Historical Doctorate in America, by Ephraim Emerton, pp. 77-9.0 ; The First Fugitive Slave Case of Record in Ohio, by William Henry Smith, pp. 01-100 ; The Present Status of Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by Norsemen, by James Phinney Baxter, pp. 101-110; Prince Henry, the Navi gator, by Edward Gaylord Bourne, pp. 111-121 ; The Economic Condition of Spain in the Sixteenth Century, by Bernard Moses, pp. 123-133 ; The Union of Utrecht, by Lucy M. Salmon, pp. 135-148 ; English popular Uprisings in the Middle Ages, by George Kriehn, pp. 149-161 ; Jefferson and the Social Com pact Theory, by George P. Fisher, pp. 163-177 ; The Relation of History to Politics, by Jesse Macy, pp. 179-188 ; Early Lead Mining in Illinois and Wis consin, by Reuben Gold Thwaites, pp. 189-195 ; The Significance of the Fron tier in American History, by Frederic J. Turner, pp. 197-227 ; Roger Sherman in the Federal Convention, by Lewis Henry Boutell, pp. 229-247 ; The His torical Significance of the Missouri Compromise, by James A. Woodburn, pp. 249-297 ; The First Legislative Assembly in America, By William Wirt Henry pp. 299-316; Naturalization in the English Colonies of America, by Miss Cora Start, pp. 317-328; The Establishment of the First Southern Boundary of the United States, by A. B. Hinsdale, pp. 329-366 ; The Historic Policy of the United States as to Annexation, by Simeon E. Baldwin, pp. 367-390 ; The Origin of the Standing Committee System in American Legislative Bodies, by J. Franklin Jameson, pp. 391-399 ; General Joseph Martin and the War of the Revolution in the West, by Stephen B. Weeks, pp. 401-477 ; The Annals of an Historic Town [Lawrence, Kansas], by F. W. Blackmar, pp. 479-499; Contri butions toward a Bibliography of American History, 1882-1892, by John Martin Vincent, pp. 501-572; Index, pp. 573-605. (1O n SICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the year 1894. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1895. 8vo, pp. xii, 602. Transmitted by the secretary of the Association to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and submitted to Congress in accordance with the act of incorporation of the Association. Printed as House Miscellaneous Docu ment No. 91, Fifty-third Congress (third session). \ Contents : Report of Proceedings of Tenth Annual Meeting, in Washington, D. C., December 26-28, 1894, by Herbert B. Adams, secretary, pp. 1-16; The Tendency of History, by Henry Adams, President of the Association, pp. 17-24 ; Rise of Imperial Federalism (abstract), by Prof. George B. Adams, pp. 25-28; AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 13 1 The Historical Work of Prof. Herbert Tuttle, by Prof. Herbert B. Adams pp 29-38; Turning Points in the Civil War, by Dr. Rossiter Johnson, pp. 30-54; Tributes to Hamilton Fish, Hon. John Jay, Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, and others! by Gen. James Grant Wilson, pp. 55-62 ; The Tejas : their Habits, Government! and Superstitions, by Mrs. Lee C. Harby, pp. 63-82 ; Why Coronado went to New Mexico in 1540, by George Parker Winship, pp. 83-92 ; The Casa de Contratacion of Seville, by Prof. Bernard Moses, pp. 93-124 ; Some European Modifications of the Jury System, by Dr. Walter B. Sca4fe, pp. 125-140 ; The Regulators of North Carolina (1765-1771), by Prof. John S. Bassett, pp.,141-212; A ChapteV in the Life of Charles Robinson, the First Governor of Kansas, by Prof. Frank W. Blackmar, pp. 213-226 ; The Continental Congress : A Neglected Portion of Ameri can Revolutionary History, by Dr. Herbert Friedenwald, pp. 227-236 ; The Labor Movement in English Politics, by Edward Porritt, pp. 237-246 ; The Organization of the First Committee of Public Safety, by Prof. Henry E. Bourne, pp. 247-272 ; The Quebec Act and the American Revolution, by Victor Coffin, pp. 273-280 ; The Historical Archives of the State Department, by Andrew Ilussey Allen, pp. 281-298 ; Appeals from Colonial Courts to the King in Council, with special ref erence to Rhode Island, by Harold D. Hazeltine, pp. 299-350 ; Rhode Island and the Impost of 1781, by Frank Greene Bates, pp. 351-360 ; The Constitutional Controversy in Rhode Island in 1841, by Arthur May Mowry, pp. 361-370 ; Party Struggles over the Pennsylvania Constitution, by Samuel B. Harding, pp. 371- 402 ; Evolution of Township Government in Ohio, by James Alva Wilgus, pp. 403-412 ; The Western Posts and the British Debts, by Prof. A. C. McLaughlin, pp. 413-444 ; Existing Autographs of Christopher Columbus, by William Eleroy Curtis, pp. 445-518; Mountains and History, by Prof. Edmund K. Alden, pp. 519-530 ; Causes and Consequences of the Party Revolution of 1800, by Prof. Anson D. Morse, pp. 531-540 ; The Tennis Court Oath, by Prof. James H. Robin son, pp. 541-548 ; What the United States Government has done for History, by A. Howard Clark, pp. 549-562 ; Bibliography of the Colonial History of South Carolina, by Edson L. Whitney, pp. 563-586; Index, pp. 587-602. (11 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1895. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1896. 8vo. pp. x, 1247. Transmitted by the Secretary of the Association 1o the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and submitted to Congress in accordance with the Act of Incorporation of the Association. Printed as House Document No. 291, Fifty-fourth Congress (1st session). CONTENTS. Report of Proceedings of Eleventh Annual Meeting in Washington, D. C., December 26-27, 1895, by Herbert B. Adams, Secretary, pp. 1-1 1 ; Report of the Treasurer; List of Committees; Necrology, pp. 13-18; Inaugural Address, by lion. George F. Hoar, President of the Association, on Popular Discontent with Representative Government, pp. 19-43 ; The Surroundings and Site of Raleigh s Colony, by Talcott Williams, pp. 45-61 ; Governor, Edward Winslow : His Part and Place in Plymouth Colony, by Rev. William C. Winslow, D. D., pp. 63-77 ; Arent Van Curler nnd His Journal of 1634-35, by Gen. James Grant Wilson, D. C. L., pp. 79-101 ; Political Activity of Massachusetts Towns during the Revolution, by Harry A. Cushing, pp. 103-113: The Land System of Pro vincial Pennsylvania, by William R. Shepherd, pp. 115-125; The Electoral Col- lego for the Senate of Maryland and the Nineteen Van Buren Electors, by Dr. B. C. Steiner, pp. 127-167; Libraries and Literature in North Carolina in the Eighteenth Century, by Dr. S. B. Weeks, pp. 169-267; Suffrage in the State of North Carolina (1776-1861), by Prof. J. S. Bassett, pp. 269-285; Locating the Capital, by Gaillard Hunt, pp. 287-205 ; " Free Burghs " in the United States, by James II. Blodgett, pp. 297-317 ; The Employment of the Indians in the War of 1812, by Ernest Cruikshank, pp. 319-335 ; Commodore John Barry, by Martin I. J. Griffin, pp. 337-365 ; Agreement of 1817 : Reduction of Naval Forces upon the American Lakes, by J. M. Callahan, pp. 367-302; "The Underground Railroad" for Liberation of Fugitive Slaves, by Prof. W. II. Siebert, pp. 303-402; Some bold Diplomacy in the United States in 1861, by Gen. Marcus J. Wright, pp. 403- 410; The Battle of Gettysburg, by Harold P. Goodnow, pp. 411-432; Historical testimony, by Dr. James Schouler, pp. 433-442 ; A Plea for the Study of History of Northern Europe, by Prof. A. C, Coolidge, pp. 443-451 ; The French Revo- 14 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. lution as Seen by the Americans of the Eighteenth Century, by Prof. C. D. Hazen, pp. 453-466 ; Napoleon s Concordat with Pope Pius VII, 1801, by Prof. Charles L. Wells, pp. 467-485 ; The German Imperial Court, by O. G. Villard, pp. 487-497 ; Dismemberment of the Turkish Empire : An Historical Sketch, by Prof. E. K. Alden, pp. 499-511 ; Colonies of North America and the Genesis of the Com monwealths of the United States, by Dr. J. M. Toner, pp. 513-614 ; Classifica tion of Colonial Governments, by Prof. H. L. Osgood, pp. 615627 ; Slavery in t the Province of South Carolina (1670-1770), by Edward McCrady, pp. 629-673; Bibliography of Historical Societies, by A. P. C. Griffin, pp. 675-1236. (12 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1896. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1897. 8vo. 2 vols., pp. 1313, 442. . CONTENTS. Volume /. Report of Proceedings of Twelfth Annual Meeting in New York, December 29- 31, 1896, by Herbert B. Adams, Secretary, pp. 11-25; Report of the Treasurer; List of Committees ; Necrology, pp. 27-34 ; Inaugural Address, by Dr. Richard S. Storrs, President of the Association, on Contributions made to our National Development by plain men, pp. 35-63 ; Leopold von Ranke, by E. G. Bourne, pp. 65-81 ; The Journal and Papers of the Continental Congress, by Herbert Friedenwald, pp. 83-135 ; The Antirent episode in the State of New York, by David Murray, pp. 137-173 ; A Know-Nothing Legislature, by G. H. Haynes, pp. 175-187 ; Peale s Original Whole-length Portrait of Washington : A Plea for Exactness in Historical Writings, by Charles Henry Hart, pp. 189-200; Political Science and History, by J. W. Burgess, pp. 201-219; The. Use of History made by the Kramers of the Constitution, by E. G. Bourne, pp. 221-230 ; Schemes for Episcopal Control in the Colonies, by Arthur Lyon Cross, pp. 231-241 ; The Teaching of History, by Herbert B. Adams, pp. 243-263; The Teaching of European History in the College, by James Harvey Robinson, pp. 265-278 ; The West as a Field for Historical Study, by Frederick J. Turner, pp. 279-319; A Plea for the Study of Votes in Congress, by Orin Grant Libby, pp. 321-334 ; The Northern Lake Frontier during the Civil War, by J. M. Callahan, pp. 335-359 ; Langdon Cheves and the United States Bank, by Louisa P. Haskell, pp. 361-371 ; The Influence of the American Revolution on England s Government of her Colo nies, by George B. Adams, pp. 373-390 ; The Government of Federal Territories in Europe, by Edmund C. Burnett, pp. 391-454 ; The Value of Maps in Boundary Disputes, by P. Lee Phillips, pp. 455-462 ; Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission of the American Historical Association, by J. Franklin Jameson, Douglas Brymner, Talcott Williams, Frederick J. Turner, and William P. Trent, pp. 4G3-1107; List of printed guides to, and Descriptions of, Archives and other Repositories of Historical Manuscripts, pp. 481-512 ; Letters of Phineas Bond to the Foreign Office of Great Britain, 1787, 1788, 1789, pp. 513-659 ; Inter cepted Letters to the Duke de Mirepoix, 1756, pp. 660-703 ; Letters of Stephen Higginson, 1783-1804, pp. 704-841 ; Diary of Edward Hooker, with biography, by J. Frank Jameson, pp. 842-929 ; Correspondence of Clark and Genet : Selec tions from Draper Collection in Possession of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, to elucidate the proposed French Expedition under George Rogers Clark against Louisiana in the years 1793-94, pp. 930-1107 ; Public Documents of Early Congresses, by Gen. A. W. Greely, pp. 1109-1248; List of books relat ing to America in the Register of the London Company of Stationers from 1562 to 1638, by P. Lee Phillips, pp. 1249-1261; A Contribution toward a Bibliog raphy of Leopold von Ranke, by William Price, pp. 1263-1274. (13 Volume II. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the United States during the First Century of its History, by Herman V. Ames. (Chap. I. A General Sur vey of the Attempts to Secure Amendments ; Chap. II. Amendments Affecting the form of Government Legislative; Chap. III. Amendments Affecting the Form of Government Executive ; Chap. IV. Amendments Affecting the Form of the Judiciary Department ; Chap. V. Amendments Affecting the Powers of the Government; Chap. VI. Procedure as to Constitutional Amendments.) pp. 442. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 15 ^ AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1807. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1898. 8vo, pp. ix, 1272. CONTENTS. Report of Proceedings of Thirteenth Annual Meeting at Cleveland, Ohio, December 28-30, 1897, by Herbert B. Adams, Secretary, pp. 1-11 ; Report of the Treasurer, List of Committees and Officers, pp. 13-17 ; 1 resident s Address, A new Federal Convention, by James Schouler, pp. 19-34 ; John Cabot and the Study of Sources, by George Parker Winship, pp. 35-41 ; To What Extent May Undergraduate Students of History be Trained in the Use of the Sources? by James A. Woodburn, pp. 43-49 ; The Functions of the State and Local Historical Societies with Respect to Research and Publication, by J. F. Jameson, pp. 51-59 ; State-Supported Historical Societies and their Functions, by Reuben Gold Thwaites, pp. 61-71 ; History in the German Gymnasia, by Lucy M. Salmon, pp. 73-89 ; Discussion of the Relation of the Teaching of Economic History to the Teaching of Political Economy, by Henry B. Gardner, George W. Knight, and "Henry R. Seager, pp. 91-98; Introduction to Southern Economic History The Land System by James Curtis Ballagh, pp. 99-129 ; Mirabeau and Calonne in 1785, by Fred Morrow Fling, pp. 131-147 : Some of the Consequences of the Louisiana Purchase, by Samuel M. Davis, pp. 149-160; National Politics and the Admission of Iowa into the Union, by James A. James, pp. 161-173 ; Spanish Policy in Mississippi after the Treaty of San Lorenzo, by Franklin L. Riley, pp. 175-192 ; Cuba and Anglo-American Relations, by J. M. Callahan, pp. 193-215 ; The Diplomacy of the United States in Regard to Cuba, by John H. Latane, pp. 217-277 ; The Protestant Revolution in Maryland, by Bernard C. Steiner, pp. 279-353 ; European Blue Laws, by J. M. Vincent, pp. 355-372 ; The Founding of the German Reformed Church in America by the Dutch, by James I. Good, pp. 373- 384 ; First Suggestions of a National Observatory, hy James C. Courtenay and William A. Courtenay, pp. 385-396; Second Annual Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, by J. Franklin Jameson, Talcott Williams. William P. Trent, Frederick J. Turner, and James Bain, jr., pp. 397-679 ; Colonial Assemblies and their Legislative Journals, by J. Franklin Jameson, pp. 403-453 ; Letters of Phineas Bond. British Consul at Philadelphia, to the Foreign Office of Great Britain, 1790-1794, pp. 454-568; The Mangourit Correspondence in Respect to Genet s projected Attack upon the Floridas, 1793-94, by Frederick J. Turner, pp. 569679 ; Guiana and Venezuela Cartography, by P. Lee Phillips, pp. 681-776 ; Bibliography of Alabama, by Thomas M. Owen, pp. 777-1248 ; Index, 1249-1272. (15 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1898. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1899. 8vo, pp. ix, 745. CONTENTS. Report of Proceedings of Fourteenth Annual Meeting in New Haven. Conn., December 28-30, 1898, by Herbert B. Adams, pp. 1-8 ; Report of the Treasurer ; List of Committees and Officers, pp. 9-12 ; Inaugural Address of Prof. G. P. Fisher, on the Function of the Historian as a Judge of Historic Persons, pp. 13- 33 ; The Historical Manuscripts in the Library of Congress, by Herbert Frieden- wald, pp. 35-45; American Colonial History (1690-1750), by C. M. Andrews, pp. 47-60 ; Study of American Colonial History, by II. L. Osgood, pp. 61-76 ; A Forgot ten Danger to the New England Colonies (Cromwell s plans, etc.), by Frank Strong, pp. 77-95; An Examination of Peters s "Blue Laws," by W. F. Price, pp. 97-138 ; The Connecticut Gore Land Company, by Albert C. Bates, pp. 139-162 ; The Society of Separatists in Zoar, Ohio, by George B. Landis, pp. 163-220 ; Southern Eco nomic History Tariff and Public Lands by J. C. Ballagh, pp. 221-263 ; Diplo matic Relations of the Confederate States with England (1861-1865), by J. M. Callahan, pp. 265-283 ; American Diplomacy, by Edwin A. Grosvenor, pp. 285- 300; Lessons from the Recent History of European Dependencies, by Henry E. Bourne, pp. 301-312 ; The Constitutional Questions Incident to the Acquisition and Government by the United States of Island Territories, by Simeon E. Bald win, pp. 313-343 ; Germans in America, by Ernest Bruncken, pp. 345-353 ; The Real Origin of the Swiss Republic, by William I). McCracken, pp. 355-362 Erasmus, the Prince of the Humanists, by George Norcross, pp. 363-380; The 16 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. V / Cambridge School of History, by Mary R. W. Stubbert, pp. 381-411 ; Municipal Government in the Twelfth Century, by J. M. Vincent, pp. 413-425 ; The Study of History in Schools, Report of the Committee of Seven to the American His torical Association, pp. 427-504 ; Third Annual Report of the Historical Manu scripts Commission, by J. Franklin Jameson, W. P. Trent, Frederick J. Turner, and James Bain, jr., pp. 565-708 ; Items respecting Historical Manuscripts, pp. 573-590 ; Calendar of the Letters of John C. Calhoun heretofore printed, by J. Franklin Jameson, pp. 591-610 ; Guide to the Items Relating to American History in the Reports of the English Historical Manuscripts Commission and their Appendixes, by J. Franklin Jameson, pp. 611-708; Bibliography of Annual Reports of the American Historical Association, pp. 709-714 ; Index, 715- 745. (10 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1899. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1900. 8vo, 2 vols., pp. 871, 1218. Transmitted by the Assistant Secretary of the Association to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and submitted to Congress in accordance .with the Act of Incorporation of the Association. CONTENTS. Volume I. Report of Proceedings of Fifteenth Annual Meeting at Boston and Cambridge, December 27-29, 1899, by A. Howard Clark, Assistant Secretary, pp. 1-42 ; Inaugural Address of President James Ford Rhodes, on History, pp. 43-63; Removal of Officials by the Presidents of the United States, by Carl Russell Fish, pp. 65-85 ; Legal Qualifications for Office in America, 1619-1899, by Frank Ilayden Miller, pp. 87-153; The Proposed Absorption of Mexico in 1847-48, by Edward G. Bourne, pp. 155-169 ; The Problem of Chinese Immigra tion in Farther Asia, by Frederick Wells Williams, pp. 171-204 ; The Droit de Banalite during the French Regime in Canada, by W. Bennett Munro, pp. 205-228 ; The Restoration of the Proprietary of Maryland and the Legislation against the Roman Catholics during the Governorship of Capt. John Hart (1714- 1720), by Bernard C. Steiner, pp. 229-307; The First Criminal Code of Virginia, by Walter F. Prince, pp. 309-363 ; A Critical Examination of Gordon s History of the American Revolution, by Orin Grant Libby, pp. 365-388; A Recent Service of Church History to the Church, by William Given Andrews, pp. 389- 427 ; The Origin of the Local Interdict, by Arthur Charles Rowland, pp. 429- 448 ; The Poor Priests : A Study in the Rise of English Lollardry, by Henry Lewin Cannon, pp. 449-482; The Roman City of Langres (France) in the Early Middle Ages, by Earle Wilbur Dow, pp. 483-511; Robert Fruin, 1823-1899, by Ruth Putnam, pp. 513-526 ; Sacred and Profane History, by James Harvey Rob inson, pp. 527-535 ; Should Recent European History have a place in the Col lege Curriculum? By Charles M. Andrews, pp. 537-548; The Colonial Problem, by Henry E. Bourne, pp. 549-558 ; A Bibliography of the Study and Teaching of History, by James Ingersoll Wyer. pp. 559-612; Titles of books on English His tory published in 1897 and 1898, selected and annotated by W. Dawson John ston, pp. 613-632 ; A Bibliography of Mississippi, by Thomas McAdory Owen, pp. 633-828 ; Bibliography of the American Historical Association, 1885 to 1900, pp. 829-844; Index, pp. 845 r 871. (17 Volume II. Fourth Annual Report of Historical Manuscripts Commission Correspondence of John C. Calhoun, edited by J. Franklin Jameson. Contents : Preface, pp. 11-19 ; Chronology of John C. Calhoun, pp. 21-24 ; Calendar of letters hereto fore printed, pp. 25-46 : List of letters now printed, pp. 47-64 ; Account of Calhoun s early life, by Col. W. Pinkney Starke, pp. 65-89 ; Part I, Letters of Calhoun, pp. 91-787 ; Part II, Letters to Calhoun, pp. 789-1212 ; Index, pp 1213-1218. (1S AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1900. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1901. 8vo. 2 vols., pp. xv, 652, 303. (19 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 17 CONTENTS. Volume I. Report of Proceedings of Sixteenth Annual Meeting at Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 27-29, 1900, by A. Howard Clark, Secretary, pp 1-33- The New History, Inaugural Address, by Edward Eggleston, President pp 35-47- -Concerning the Writing of History, by James Ford Rhodes, pp. 49-65- Fron tier Land Clubs, or Claim Associations, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh, pp 67-84 Missouri Party Struggles in the Civil-War Period, by S. B. Hardin- pp 85-103 Lord Baltimore s Struggle with the Jesuits, 1634-1649, by Alfred Pearce Den nis, pp. 105-125; American Ecclesiology, by George James Bayles, pp 127-138- Studies in the Colonial Period of England, 1672-1680: The Plantations the Royal African Company, and the Slave Trade, by Edward D. Collins, pp 139- 192 ; Plea for Military History, by Charles Francis Adams, pp. 193-218 ; Marcus Whitman: A Discussion of Professor Bourne s Paper, by William I*. Marshall, pp. 219-236; Sectionalism and Representation in South Carolina A Sociological Study, by William A. Schaper, pp. 237-463; Military Government of Southern Territory, 1861-1365, by A. H. Carpenter, pp. 465-498; Critical work on the Latin Sources of the First Crusade, by Oliver J. Thatcher pp 499-509 ; The Turkish Capitulation, by James B. Angell, pp. 511-519 ; Stein s German Policy at the Congress of Vienna, by Ulysses G. Weatherly, pp. 521- 534 ; The Considerations which induced Edward III to Assume the Title King of France, by Walter Irenaeus Lowe, pp. 535-583; Fifth Annual Report of "the Historical Manuscripts Comission of the American Historical Association, with Appendixes on Additional Items Respecting Historical Manuscripts and Calendar of Admiral Berkeley s North American Papers, pp. 585-623 ; Calendar of Admiral Berkeley s North American Papers, by James Bain, jr., pp. 608-623 ; Titles of Books on English History, published in 1899, selected by W. Dawson Johnston, pp, 625-639; Index, 641-652. (2o Volume II. First Report of the Public Archives Commission, by William MacDonald, James Harvey Robinson, Howard W. Caldwell, and Lester G. Bugbee, pp. 1-303, with following appendixes : The Public Archives of Connecticut, by Albert C. Bates, pp. 26-36 ; The Public Archives of Indiana, by James A. Woodburn, pp. 37-38; The Public Archives of Iowa, by B. F. Shambaugh, pp. 39-46; The Public Archives of Massachusetts, by Andrew McFarland Davis, pp. 47-59 ; The Public Archives of Michigan, by Harlow S. Person, pp. 60-63 ; The Public Archives of Nebraska, by H. W. Caldwell, pp. 64-66; The Public Archives of New York, by H. L. Os- good, pp. 67-250; The Public Archives of North Carolina, by J. S. Bassett, pp. 251-266 ; The Public Archives of Pennsylvania, by Herman V. Ames and Lewis S. Shimmell, pp. 267-293 ; The Public Archives of Wisconsin, by Orin G. Libby, pp. 294-297. (Index.) (21 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1901. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1902. 8vo, 2 vols., pp. 583, 360. CONTENTS. Volume I. Report of Proceedings of Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the American His torical Association, Washington, D. C., December 27-31, 1901, by Charles H. Haskins, Corresponding Secretary, pp. 17-45, Treasurer s Report, p. 33 ; An Undeveloped Function, President s Address, by Charles Francis Adams, pp. 47-93 ; The Massachusetts Public Record Commission and its Work, by Robert T. Swan, pp. 95-112 ; The Relation of the National Library to Historical Research in the United States, by Herbert Putnam, pp. 113-129; The Sandemanians of New England, by Williston Walker, pp. 131-162 ; James Madison and Religious Liberty, by Gaillard Hunt, pp. 163-171 ; The Chronology of the Erasmus Let ters, by Ephraim Emerton, pp. 173-186; Moses Coit Tyler, A Memorial Address, by George L. Burr, pp. 187-195 ; Herbert B. Adams, A Memorial Address, by John Martin Vincent, pp. 197-210; Maryland s First Courts, by Bernard H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 2 18 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. C. Steiner, pp. 211-229; Southwestern History in the Southwest, hy George P. Garrison, pp. 231-242 ; Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution, by Edward D. Collins, pp. 243-271 ; Jay s Treaty and the Slavery Interests of the United States, by Frederick Austin Ogg, pp. 273-298 ; The Legislative History of Naturalization in the United States, 3776-1795, by F. G. Franklin, pp. 299-317 ; The Influence of Party upon Legislation in England and America, by A. Lawrence Lowell, pp. 319542, with Plates I IV ; Lon don Company Records, by Lyon G. Tyler, pp. 543-550 ; The Relation between the Virginia Planter and the London Merchant, by John Spencer Bassett, pp. 551-575 ; Index, pp. 577-583. (22 Volume II. Georgia and State Rights, a study of the political history of Georgia from the Revolution to the Civil War, with particular regard to Federal relations, by Ulrich Bonnell Phillips (Justin Winsor Prize Essay), pp. 3-224, with plates i-xn ; Report of the Public Archives Commission, by William MacDonald, John Martia Vincent, and Howard W. Caldwell, pp. 225-360, includes following appendixes : The Public Archives of the City and County of Philadelphia, by Herman V. Ames and Albert E. McKinley, pp. 231-344 ; The Public Archives of North Carolina, by John S. Bassett, pp. 345-352; The Public Archives of Texas, by Eugene C. Barker, pp. 353-358. (23 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1902. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1903. 8vo, 2 vols. pp. 648, 527. Volume I. Contents: Report of Proceedings of Eighteenth Annual Meeting at Philadel phia, December 26-30, 1902, by Charles II. Haskins, corresponding secretary, pp. 17-45 ; Subordination in historical treatment, by Alfred Thayer Mahan, pp. 47-63 ; The Antecedents of the Declaration of Independence, by James Sullivan, with discussion by William A. Dunning, pp. 65-85 ; Studies in the History of the Federal Convention of 1787, by John Franklin Jameson, pp. 87-167 ; A Neglect ed Point of View in American Colonial History : The Colonies as Dependencies of Great Britain, by William MacDonald, pp. 169-178 ; The French Parliaments, by James Breck Perkins, pp. 179-190; The Art of Weaving: A Handmaid of Civilization, by William B. Weeden, pp. 191-210; Municipal Problems in Medi aeval Switzerland, by John Martin Vincent, pp. 211-221 ; Party Politics in Indiana during the Civil War, by James Albert Woodburn, pp. 223-251 ; Amer ican Business Corporations before 1789, by Simeon E. Baldwin, pp. 253-274 ; The National Canal Policy, by Lindley M. Keasbey, pp. 275-288; The Neutral ization Features of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, by John H. Latane, pp. 289-303 ; Suez and Panama, A parallel, by Theodore S. Woolsey, pp. 305-311 ; Reasons for the Withdrawal of the French from Mexico, by Clyde Augustus Duniway, pp. 313-328; Report of the Public Archives Commission, by William MacDonald, Herbert L. Osgood, John Martin Vincent, Charles M. Andrews, Edwin Erie Sparks, pp. 329-363, including following appendixes; The Archives of Oregon, by F. G. Young, pp. 337-355 ; Report on the Bexar Archives, by Eugene C. Barker, pp. 357-363; The Anti-Masonic Party, by Charles McCarthy, pp. 365- 574 ; List of Publications of American Historical Association, with index of titles, by A. Howard Clark, pp. 575-639 ; General Index, pp. 641-648. (24 Volume II. Sixth Report of Historical Manuscripts Commission, by Edward G. Bourne, Frederick W. Moore, Theodore C. Smith, Reuben G. Thwaites, George P. Garri son, Worthington C. Ford. With diary and correspondence of Salmon P. Chase, as follows: Calendar of Chase letters heretofore printed and list of letters now printed ; diary of S. P. Chase, July 21 to October 12, 1862 ; selected letters of Chase, 1846-1861 ; letters from George S. Denison to Chase, 1862-1865 ; mis cellaneous letters to Chase, 1842-1870. pp. 1-527. (25 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual Report for the year 1903. In two volumes : Washington, Government Printing Office, 1904. Syo. 2 vols., pp. 675, 1110. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 19 Volume I. Contents : Report of Proceedings of nineteenth annual meeting in New Orleans, La., December 29-31, 1903, by Charles H. Haskins, pp. 7-52 ; Ethical values in history, by Henry Charles Lea, pp. 53-70 ; Compromises of the Constitution, by Max Farrand, pp. 71-84 ; The world aspects of the Louisiana Purchase, by Wil liam M. Sloane, pp. 85-104 ; The story of Lewis and Clark s journals, by Reuben Gold Thwaites, pp. 105-130 ; The Aaron Burr conspiracy and New Orleans, by Walter Flavins McCaleb, pp. 131-144 ; The Spanish archives and their impor tance for the history of the United States, by William R. Shepherd, pp. 145-184 ; The American colonial charter, A study of English administration in relation thereto, chiefly after 1688, by Louise Phelps Kellogg, pp. 185-342 ; Public docu ments of the first fourteen congresses, 1789-1817, by A. W. Greely, pp. 343-406; Report of the Public Archives Commission, December 31, 1903, with reports on archives in Colorado, by Frederic L. Paxson ; Georgia, by Ulrich Bonnell Phil lips ; Mississippi, by Franklin L. Riley ; New Jersey, by William Nelson ; Rhode Island, by Clarence S. Brigham, and Virginia, by William G. Stanard, pp. 407- 664 ; Index, pp. 665-075. (2G Volume II. Seventh report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. Correspondence of the French Ministers to the United States, 1791-1797, edited by F. J. Turner. Contents : Calendar of the correspondence of Ternant, Genet, Fauchet, Adet, and Le"tombe ; Correspondence of Ternant ; Correspondence of Genet ; Correspond ence of Fauchet and the Commissioners ; Correspondence of Adet ; Correspondence of Letombe ; Index. (27 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Annual report for the year 1904. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1905. 8vo, pp. 708. Contents : Report of the proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting, in Chi cago, 111., December 28-30, 1904, by Charles II. Ilaskins, pp. 17-64 ; The treat ment of history, by Goldwin Smith, pp. 65-78 : On Roman history, by Ettore Pais, pp. 79-88 ; On the necessity in America of the study of the early history of modern European nations, by Friedrich Keutgen, pp. 89-108 ; The chief cur rents of Russian historical thought, by Paul Milyoukov, pp. 109-114 ; The work of American historical societies, by Henry E. Bourne, pp. 115-127; Public rec ords in our dependencies, by Worthington Chauncey Ford, pp. 129-148; The ex ploration of the Louisiana frontier, 1803-1806, by Isaac Joslin Cox, pp. 149- 174 ; The campaign of 1824 in New York, by C. H. Rammelkamp, pp. 175-202 ; Report of the conference on the teaching of history in elementary schools, by J. A. James, pp. 203-218 ; First report of the conference of state and local his torical societies, by Frederick Wightman Moore, pp. 219-234 ; State depart ments of archives and history, by Thomas McAdory Owen, pp. 235-258 ; Report of the proceedings of the first annual meeting of the Pacific coast branch of the American Historical Association, by Max Farrand, pp. 259-266 ; Bibliographical notes on early California, by Robert Ernest Cowan, pp. 267-278 ; The Nootka Sound controversy, by William Ray Manning, pp. 279-478 ; Report of the Pub lic Archives Commission, Dec. 30, 1904, pp. 479-649 ; Alabama archives, by Thomas McAdory Owen ; Georgia local archives, by Ulrich B. Phillips ; Public archives of Kansas, by Prof. Carl Becker; North Carolina county archives Part I, by Prof. John Spencer Bassett ; Part II, by Prof. Charles Lee Raper and J. II. Vaughan ; Public archives of Pennsylvania compiled by Prof. Herman V. Ames, with the assistance of Luther R. Kelker ; Report on the collections of material in English and European history and subsidiary fields in the libraries of the United States, by Wilbur H. Siebert, pp. 651-696; Index, pp. 697-708. (28 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of the Historical Manuscripts Com mission of the Association. December 30, 1896. By J. Franklin Jameson, Talcott Williams, Frederic J. Turner, and William P. Trent. From the Annual Report of the Association for 189<>, Vol. 1, pages 4(53-1107. Wash ington : Government Printing Office, 1897. 8 vo. pp. 463-1107. Contents : List of printed guides to, and descriptions of, archives and other repositories of historical manuscripts; Letters of Phineas Bond to the Foreign 20 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Office of Great Britain, 1787, 1788, 1789. Intercepted letters to the Duke de Mirepoix, 1756 ; Letters of Stephen Higginson, 1783-1804 ; Diary of Edward Hooker, 1805-1808 ; Clark-Genet Correspondence. (29 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Second annual report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission of the Association. December 30, 1897. 1. Colo nial Assemblies and their legislative journals. 2. Letters of Phineas Bond. 3. Mangourit correspondence. By J. Franklin Jameson, chairman. Tal- cott Williams, William P. Trent, Frederick J. Turner, James Bain, jr. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1897, pages 397-679. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1898. 8vo. pp. 397-679. (3O AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Third annual report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. Appendixes : Items respecting historical manu scripts. Calendar of letters of John C. Calhoun. American history items in Reports of English Manuscripts Commission. J. Franklin Jameson, chairman. William P. Trent, Frederick J. Turner, James Bain, jr. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1898, pages 565-713. Washing ton : Government Printing Office, 1899. 8vo. pp. 565*-713. (31 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Fourth annual report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission of the Association. December 27, 1899. Corre spondence of John C. Calhoun. Edited by J. Franklin Jameson. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1899, Vol. n. Washington: Govern ment printing office. 1900. 8vo. pp. 1-1218. (32 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Fifth annual report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission. Appendixes : Additional items respecting histor ical manuscripts. Calendar of Admiral Berkeley s North American papers. By Reuben G. Thwaites, chairman ; James Bain, Herbert Friedenwald, Fred erick W. Moore. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1900. Vol. i, pages 585-623. Washington : Government printing office. 1901. (33 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Reviews Vol. i, October, 1895, to July, 1896. 8vo, pp. iv, 811. Contents : History and democracy, by William M. Sloane ; The party of the Loyalists in the American Revolution, by Moses Coit Tyler ; The first Castilian Inquisitor, by Henry C. Lea ; Count Edward de Crillon, by Henry Adams ; Western State-making in the Revolutionary era (with map), by Frederick ,T. Turner ; Documents : Letters of Col. William Byrd, 1736, 1739 ; I|J*rcepted let ters of Col. G. R. Clark, 1778, 1779 ; Georgia and the Confederacy, 1865 ; Re views of books ; Notes and news. Ferrand Martinez and the Massacres of 1391, by Henry C. Lea; Radisson and Groseilliers, by Henry C. Campbell; The Whigs of Colonial New York, by Charles II. Levermore ; Office-seeking during Washington s administration, by Gaillard Hunt ; " The people the best gov ernors," by Harry A. Gushing ; Documents : Diary of Richard Smith, 1775-1776 ; The first colonial bishopric, 1786; Lincoln s nomination to Congress, 1846; Let ter of John C. Calhoun, 1847. The Battle of Bunker Hill, by Charles Francis Adams ; The Bohun wills, by Melville M. Bigelow ; Virginia and the Quebec Bill, by Justin Winsor ; The case of Josiah Philips, by William P. Trent; Light on the Underground Railroad (with map), by Wilbur H. Siebert ; The first six weeks of McClellan s Peninsular Campaign, by James Ford Rhodes ; Recent memoirs of the French Directory, by H. Morse Stephens ; Documents : A Mem orial of Lord Burghley, 1588; Diary of Richard Smith, 11. 1776. Hotman and the " Franco-Gallia," by Henry M. Baird ; The Bohun wills, n, by Melville M. Bigelow ; The Battle of Long Island, by Charles Francis Adams ; President a Published by the Macmillan Co., New York. The editors elected by the Executive Council of the American Historical Association. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 21 Witherspoon in the American Revolution, by Moses Coit Tyler ; The First National Nominating Convention, by John S. Murdock ; Documents : Draft of an Address of the Continental Congress to the People of the United States, 177*5; The Surrender of Fort Charlotte, Mobile, 1780 ; Letter of John Page to Madison, 1801. Bibliographical : Proceedings, etc., of Early Party Conventions. Index. (84 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. n, October, 1896, to July, 1897. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. iv, 814. Contents : The Colonel and his command, by Julian Corbett ; British convicts shipped by American Colonies, by James D. Butler ; A Plea for the Study uf the History of Northern Europe, by Archibald C. Coolidge ; The Vatican Ar chives, by Charles H. Haskins ; Rev. Thomas Bray and his American Libraries, by Bernard C. Steiner ; The Partition of Poland, by James B. Perkins ; Docu ments : Lord Burghley on the Spanish Invasion, 1588 ; McKean to Washington, 1789 ; A Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature on Additional Amendments to the Federal Constitution, 1790. Reviews of Books ; Bibliographical : Town records of Great Britain. Notes and news ; Boon services on the estate of Ramsey Abbey, by N. Neilson ; The Cahiers of 1789 as an evidence of a compromise spirit, by C. H. Lincoln ; The case of Frost vs. Leighton, by Andrew McF. Davis ; Office-seeking during the administration of John Adams, by Gail- lard Hunt ; Nominating conventions in Pennsylvania, by Joseph S. Walton, Representation in the National Congress from the seceding States, 1861-65, by Frederick W. Moore ; Documents : Letters of John Marshall when envoy to France, 1797, 1798 ; Letters of Richard Cobden to Charles Sumner, 1862- 1865. Political science and history, by John W. Burgess ; Marsiglio of Padua and William of Ockam, by James Sullivan ; Diplomatic missions to the court of China : The Kotow question, by William W. Rockhill ; The authorship of the Federalist, by Edward G. Bourne ; Documents : Emigration from York- ^ shire to West Jersey, 1677 ; Carondelet on the defense of Louisiana, 1794. Lu- cero, the Inquisitor, by Henry C. Lea ; The proprietary province as a form of colonial government, by Herbert L. Osgood ; Evolution of the American voter, by James Schouler ; The authorship of the Federalist, by Paul L. Ford and Edward G. Bourne ; Documents : The first charter to St. Edmund s Bury ; The Clarksville Conventions 1785, 1787 ; The Shays Rebellion, 1787 : West Florida - and its attempt on Mobile, 1810, 1811. Bibliographical: A list of civil lists, for American history ; The transliteration of Russian names. Index. (35 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol in, October, 1897, to July, 1898. New York, 1898. 8vo, pp. iv, 804. Contents: The Prussian Campaign of 1758, i, by Herbert L. Tuttle ; Mira- beau, a Victim of the Lettres de Cachet, by Fred. M. Fling; The Proprietary Province as a form of Colonial Government, ir, by Herbert L. Osgood; The development of the love of romantic scenery in America, by Mary E. ^Vooley," The causes of Know-nothing success in Massachusetts, by George H. Ilaynes Documents : Ferdinand of Aragon to Diego Columbus, 1510 ; Letters of Christopher Gadsden, 1778 ; Correspondence of Eli Whitney relative to the invention of the cotton gin. Reviews of books ; Bibliographical : A list of printed commissions and instructions to Colonial Governors. Notes and news; Justin Winsor. Edward Channing ; The life of Mediaeval students as illustrated by their letters, by Charles H. Haskins; The Prussian Campaign of 1758, n, by Herbert I. tie ; The Proprietary Province as a Form of Colonial Government in, by Herbert L. Osgood; The taxation of Tea, 1767-1773, by Max Farrand ; Office-seeking during Jefferson s Administration, by Gaillard Hunt; Tammany Hall and the Dorr Rebellion, by Arthur M. Mowry ; Documents : Orders of Mercer. Sullivan, and Stirling, 1776; Notes of Maj. William Pierce on the Federal Convention of 1787. The Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association ; Oppor tunities for American students of history at Paris, by Charles II. Hask .Features of the New History Apropos of Lamprecht s "Deutsche Geschichte, by Earle W. Dow ; Did Cabot return from his second voyage? by Henry HarrU The early history of the ballot in England, by Charles Gross ; The present statin of the Konigsmark Question, by Ernest F. Henderson; The early P oM1 uses of the word Convention, by J. Franklin Jameson; Documents of Jefferson on the Political Parties, 1798; Documents on the Relations France to Louisiana, 1792-1795. The Spanish dollar and the Colonial shilling, 22 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by William G. Sumner ; The execution of the Due d Enghien, by Sidney B. Fay ; The Delaware Bill of Rights of 1776, by Max Farrand ; The origin of .-> Genet s projected attack on Louisiana and the Floridas, by Frederick J. Turner ; Documents ; Jefferson to George Rogers Clark, 1783 ; Diary and letters of Henry Ingersoll, prisoner at Carthagena, 1806-1809. Index. (3O-37 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. iv. October, 1898, to July, 1899. New York, 1899. 8vo. pp. iv, 813 Contents : The historical opportunity in America, by Albert B. Hart ; The execution of the Due d Enghien, by Sidney B. Fay ; The outcome of the Cabot Quater-Centenary, by Henry Harrisse ; Spain and the United States in 1795, "^ by George L. Rives; The career of a Kansas politician [J. H. Lane], by Leverett W. Spring ; Documents : Thomas Shepard to Hugh Peter, 1645 ; The Illinois Indians to Capt. Abuer Prior, 1794 ; South Carolina in the Presidential elec tion of 1800 ; Note, Journal of Quebec, 1775. Reviews of books ; Notes and news ; The French Reformation and the French people in the sixteenth century, by Henri Hauser ; The causes of Cromwell s West Indian expedition, by Frank Strong ; The administrative history of the British dependencies in the Further East, by II. Morse Stephens ; The Connecticut loyalists, by George A. Gilbert ; The politics of John Adams, by Anson D. Morse ; The first Repub lican National Convention, by George W. Julian ; Documents : Santiago, and the Freeing of Spanish America, 1741; Letters to Caleb Strong, 1786, 1800; Letters to Secretary Chase from the South, 1861. The New Haven Meeting of the American Historical Association ; The Recantations of the Early Lol lards, by Edward I . Cheyney ; Napoleon s Plans for a Colonial System, by William M. Sloane ; Holmes -vs. Walton : A chapter in the history of judicial power and unconstitutional legislation, by Austin Scott ; The Search for the Venezuela-Guiana Boundary, by Geo. L. Burr ; Documents : The Siege of Charles ton ; Journal of Capt. Peter Russell, 1780. The County of Illinois, by Carl E. Boyd ; Hidalgo and Morelos, by Henry C. Lea ; John Bell of Tennessee, by Joshua W. Caldwell ; The Battle of Gettysburg, by James Ford Rhodes ; Docu ments : Attempts toward Colonization ; The Council for New England and the Merchant Venturers of Bristol, 1621-1623, by Miller Christy. Index. (38 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. v. October, 1899. to July, 1900. New York, 1900. 8vo, pp. iv, 847. Contents : The ballot and other forms of voting in the Italian Communes, by Arthur M. Wolfson ; Maryland s Adoption of the Federal Constitution, by Bernard C. Steiner : Contemporary opinion of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, by Frank M. Anderson ; The Unit Rule in National Nominating Conventions, by Carl Becker ; Documents : Accounts of Star Chamber Din ners, 1594 ; Letters of Bancroft and Buchanan on the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 1849, 1850. Reviews of Books; Notes and News ; Some curious Colonial reme dies, by Edward Eggleston ; The rise and fall of the nominating caucus, legisla tive and Congressional, by M. Ostrogorski ; Documents : Cartwright and Melville at the University of Geneva, 1569-1574 ; Journal of Philip Fithian, kept at Nomini Hall, Virginia, 1773-1774. The Boston meeting of the American Historical Association ; The problem of the North, by Gaillard T. Lapsley ; Social compact and Constitutional construction, by Andrew C. McLaughlin ; The United States and Mexico, 1847-1848, by Edward G. Bourne ; The Chinese immigrant in Further Asia, by Frederick W. Williams ; Document : A memorandum of Moses Austin s journey, 1796-1797. The critical period of English constitutional his tory, by George B. Adams ; Chatham s Colonial policy, by Hubert Hall ; Territory and district The judiciary Act of 1801, by Max Farrand ; President Buchanan s proposed intervention in Mexico, by Howard L. Wilson ; Letters of Ebenezer Huntington, 1774-1781 ; Bibliographical : Minutes of Abolition Conventions 1794-1829. Index. (39 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. VT. October, 1900, to July, 1901. New York, 1901. 8vo, pp. iv, 915. Contents : The English and Dutch Towns of New Netherland, by Albert E. McKinley ; Some political aspects of Homestead Legislation, T)y John B. San- born ; The Buford Expedition to Kansas, by Walter L. Fleming ; The Guiana AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 23 Boundary, by George L. Burr ; Document : Diary of John narrower, 1773-1776. Reviews of Books ; Communications ; Notes and News ; The Sifted Grain and the Grain Sifters, by Charles Francis Adams ; Mirabeau s secret mission to Berlin, by R. M. Johnston ; The Turkish Capitulations, by James B. Angell ; Nominations in Colonial New York, by Carl Becker ; The Legend of Marcus Whitman, by Ed ward G. Bourne ; Documents : Diary of Samuel Cooper, 1775, 1776 ; Letter of John Quincy Adams, 1811. The meeting of the American Historical Association at Detroit and Ann Arbor ; The Year 1000 and the antecedents of the Crusades, by George L. Burr ; The political influence of the University of Paris in the Mid dle Ages, by Charles Gross ; The rise of Metropolitan Journalism, 1800-1840, by Charles II. Levermore ; Sherman s March to the Sea, by James Ford Rhodes; French experience with representative government in the West Indies, by Paul S. Reinsch ; Documents : The Society of Dissenters founded at New York in 1769 ; Miranda and the British Admiralty, 1804-1806. The Republic of San Marino, by William Miller ; The risings in the English monastic towns in 1327, by Norman M. Trenholme ; The French Hayluyt : Marc Lescarbot of Vervins, by H. P. Biggar ; The transition from Dutch to English rule in New York, by Albert E. McKinley ; Documents : Letters of Dr. Thomas Cooper, 1825-1832 ; Letters on the Nullification movement in South Carolina, 1830-1834 ; A ministerial crisis in France, 1876. Bibliographical : A trial bibliography of American di plomacy, by Albert Bushnell Hart. Index. (4O AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol vii. October, 1901, to July, 1902. New York, 1902. 8vo. pp. iv, 868. Contents : The Age of Homer, by Goldwin Smith ; Anglo-Saxon feudalism, by George Burton Adams ; The Jesuit relations, by Charles W. Colby ; Growth of Revolutionary parties and methods in New York Province, 17651774, by Carl Becker ; The Monroe Doctrine and the Doctrine of Permanent Interest, by Albert Bushnell Hart ; Documents : Letter?, on the Nullification movement in South Carolina, 1830-1834 ; Reviews of books ; Notes and news ; An undevel oped function, by Charles Francis Adams ; The credibility of early Roman history, by Samuel B. Platner ; Studies in the sources of the Social Revolt in 1381, by George Kriehn ; A British privateer in the American Revolution (the Vengeance), by Henry R. Howland ; Papers of Sir Charles Vaughan ; The Meet ing of the American Historical Association at Washington ; Robert le Bougre and the beginnings of the Inquisition in Northern France, by Charles II. Haskius ; Who Burned Columbia? by James Ford Rhodes; The Commercial Privileges of the Treaty of 1803, by Max Farrand ; Documents : Papers of Sir Charles R. Vaughan, 1825-1835 ; European Archives, by George L. Burr ; The place of Nathaniel Macon in Southern history, by William E. Dodd ; John Quincy Adams and the Monroe Doctrine, I, by Worthington C. Ford ; Documents : A Letter of Alexander von Humboldt, 1845 ; English Policy toward America in 1790- 1791. Index. (41 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. vin. October, 1902, to July, 1903. New York, 1903. 8vo, pp. iv, 856. Contents: The financial relation of the Knights Templars to the English Crown, .by Eleanor Ferris ; Habeas Corpus in the Colonies, by A. H. Carpenter ; John Quincy Adams and the Monroe Doctrine, n, by Worthington C. Ford ; Lin coln and the patronage, by Carl R. Fish ; The authorship of the Journal d Adrien Duquesnoy, by Fred M. Fling ; Documents : English policy toward America in 1790-1791 ; Two letters of Richard Cromwell, 1059 ; A letter of Marquis de La Fayette, 1781 ; A letter of Alexander II. Stephens, 1854. The study of the Lutheran Revolt, by James H. Robinson.; Geneva before Calvin (1387- 1536) The antecedents of a Puritan state, by Herbert D. Foster; The con stitution and finance of the Royal African Company of England from its foundation till 1720, by W. R. Scott ; The plantation type of colony, by L. D. Scisco ; The State of Franklin, by George II. Alden ; An unpublished manu script on the rising of 1647-1648 in Naples, by Daniel C. Knowlton ; Docu ments : A letter of W T illiam Bradford and Isaac Allerton, ,1623 ; Letters of Samuel Cooper to Thomas Pownall, 1769-1777. The meeting of the American Historical Association at Philadelphia ; The origin of property in land, by Gaillard T. Lapsley ; American business corporations before 1789, by Simeon E. Baldwin ; American constitutional precedents in the French National 24 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Assembly, by Henry E. Bourne ; Henry I s writ regarding tbe local courts, by George B. Adams ; Documents : George, Rogers Clark and the Kaskaskia Cam paign, 1777-1778 ; A letter from De Vergennes to La Fayette, 1780 ; Portions of Charles Pinckney s plan for a constitution, 1787 ; A letter of James Nichol son, 1803. The early Norman jury, by Charles II. llaskins ; Some French communes, in the light of their charters, by Earle W. Dow ; The youth of Mirabeau, by Fred M. Fling ; St. Eustatins in the American Revolution, by J. Franklin Jameson ; Documents : Correspondence of theV Comte de \Ioustier with the Comte de Montmorin, 1787-1789 ; Reviews of^-books ; Notes and News ; Index. (42 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. ix. October, 1903-July, 1904. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. iv, 909. Contents : Historical synthesis, by Fred Morrow Fling ; Two lives of the Emperor Charles V, by Ernest F. Henderson ; The failure of the Humble Peti tion and Advice, by Ralph C. II. Catterall ; Election of delegates from New York to the second Continental Conguess, by Carl Becker ; Documents : Correspond ence of the Comte de Moustier with the Comte de Montmorin, 17871789 ; A letter of Noah Webster to Daniel Webster, 1834 ; A journey from New York to San Francisco in 1850. Reviews of books ; Notes and news ; Ethical values in history, by Henry Charles Lea ; The Podesta of Siena, by Ferdinand Schwill ; The Merchant Adventurers at Hamburg, by William E. Lingelbach : Naturaliza tion in England and the American colonies, by A. H. Carpenter ; French influ ence on the adoption of the Federal Constitution ; Documents : Papers of William Patterson on the Federal Convention, 1787. The meeting of the American Historical Association at New Orleans ; Jean Ribaut and Queen Elizabeth, by Woodbury Lowery ; Frederick the Great and the American Revo lution, by Paul Leland Haworth ; Compromises of the Constitution, by Max Farrand ; Wilkinson and the beginning of the Spanish Conspiracy, by Wm. R. Shepherd ; The World Aspects of the Louisiana Purchase, by Wm. M. Sloane : Documents : The interment of William Lovelace, New York, 1671 ; A letter of Benjamin Franklin, 1775 ; William Jackson on conditions in France, 1794 ; A letter of James Wilkinson, 1806 ; A letter of Admiral Farragut, 1853. The rehabilitation of Theramenes, by Bernadotte Perrin ; Cornage and Drengage, by Gaillard Thomas Lapsley ; Reginald Pole and Thomas Cromwell : An examina tion of the Apologia ad Carolum Quintum, by Paul Van Dyke ; The naviga tion acts as applied to European trade, by Dudley Odjell McGovney ; Docu ments : Sketch of Pinckney s plan for a constitution, 1787 ; Papers bearing on James Wilkinson s relations with Spain, 1788-1789 ; Two letters from George Farragut to Andrew Jackson, 1815-1816 ; Index. (43 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. x. October, 1904, to July, 1905. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. iv, 992. Contents : The University of Paris in the sermons of the thirteenth century, by Charles H. Haskins ; English poetry and English history, by Goldwin Smith ; The naming of America, by Edward Gaylord Bourne ; Nova Scotia and New England during the Revolution, by Emily P. Weaver ; The first stage of the movement for the annexation of Texas, by George P. Garrison. Documents : Alexander Hamilton s notes in the Federal Convention of 1787 ; Some papers of Franklin Pierce, 1852-1862. Reviews of books ; Notes and news ; The policy of France toward the Mississippi Valley in the period of Washington and Adams, by Frederick Jackson Turner ; Improvising a government in Paris in July, 1789, by Henry E. Bourne; The treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, by Jesse S. Reeves; Materials in British archives for American Colonial history, by Charles M. An drews. Documents : Some papers of Franklin Pierce, 1852-1862. The meet ing of the American Historical Association at Chicago, Dec. 28 to 30, 1904 ; The treatment of history, by Goldwin Smith ; Methods of work in historical semi naries, by George Burton Adams ; The early life of Oliver Ellsworth, by William Garrott Brown ; Origin of the title Superintendent of Finance, by Henry Barrett Learned ; Documents on the Blount conspiracy, 1795-1797 ; History and mate rialism, Tby Alfred H. Lloyd ; A Continental Congressman : Oliver Ellsworth, 1777-1783, by William Garrott Brown ; The Indian boundary line, by Max Far- rand ; William Walker and tbe steamship corporation in Nicaragua, by William AMEBICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 25 Oscar Scroggs ; Documents : Virginia letters on the Scots Darien colony, 1699 ; A letter of Marshall to Jefferson, 1783 ; Charles Pinckney s reply to Jay, August 16, 1786, regarding a treaty with Spain ; English peace proposals before the pre liminaries of Leoben, April, 1797 ; An interview of Governor Folch with General Wilkinson, 1807. Index. (44 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The American Historical Review. Vol. xi. No. 1. October, 1905. New York. 8vo, pp. 230. Contents : Early records of the King s council, by James F. Baldwin ; The literary activity of the Emperor Maximilian I, by Paul Van Dyke; The manor of East Greenwich in the county of Kent, by Edward P. Cheney ; Burke on party, by Goldwin Smith ; The Confederation and the Shays Rebellion, by Joseph Parker Warren ; The negotiations at Ghent in 1814, by A. T. Mahan ; Letters of John Quincy Adams to Alexander Hamilton Everett, 1811-1837, i ; Reviews of books ; Notes and news. (45 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers of the Association. Vol. i. No. i. Report of the organization and proceedings, Saratoga, September 9-10, 1884. By Herbert B. Adams, secretary of the Association. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 44. (40 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of Proceedings of ninth annual meeting of the Association. July, 1893. By Herbert B. Adams, secretary. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1893, pages 1-12. Washing ton. 1894. (47 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the tenth annual meeting of the Association. By Herbert B. Adams, secretary. From the Annual Report for 1894, pages 1-15. Washington. 1896. 8vo. pp. 15. (48 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of eleventh annual meeting of the Association, December, 1895. By Herbert B. Adams, secre tary. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1895, pages 1-18. Washington : Government printing office, 189G. (49 8vo. pp. 18. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of twelfth annual meeting of the Association, December, 1896. By Herbert B. Adams, secre tary. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1896. Vol. i, pages 11-34. Washington : Government printing office, 1897. (so 8vo. pp. 11-34. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of thirteenth annual meeting of the Association, December, 1897. By Herbert B. Adams, secre tary. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1897, pages 1-17. Washington : Government printing office, 1898. (51 8vo. pp. 17. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of fourteenth an nual meeting of the Association, December, 1898. By "Herbert B. Adams, secretary. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1898, pages 1-12. Washington : Government printing office, 1899. (52 8vo. pp. 12. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the fifteenth an nual meeting of the Association, Boston and Cambridge, Mass., December 27-29, 1899. By A. Howard Clark, assistant secretary. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1899. Vol. i, pages 3-42. Washington, 1900. 8vo. pp. 3-42. (53 26 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of sixteenth annual meeting of the Association, Detroit and Ann Arbor, December 27-29, 1900. By A. Howard Clark, secretary. From the Annual Report for 1900. Vol. i, pages 1-33. Washington, 1901. 8vo. pp. 33. (54 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of seventeenth annual meeting of the Association, Washington, D. C., December 27-31, 1901. By Charles H. Haskins, corresponding secretary. From the Annual Report for 1901, Vol. i, pages 17-45. Washington, 1902. 8vo. pp. 17-45. (55 * AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the eighteenth annual meeting of the American Historical Association, Philadelphia, Pa., December 2G, 27, 29, 30, 1902. By Charles H. Haskins. Washington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 17-45. From the Annual Report for 1902, Vol i, pages 17-45. (56 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of nineteenth annual meeting of the Association. By Charles II. Haskins, corresponding secretary. Reprinted from the Annual Report for the year 1903, Vol. i, pages 17-52. Washington, 1904. 8vo. pp. 17-52. (57 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. New Views of Early Virginia History, 1606-1619. By Alexander Brown. Liberty, Va., 1886. 12mo, pp. (2), 18. Written by request, to be read before the Association in 1886. Copious extracts were read by Charles Deane in the absence of the author. (58 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Constitutional Relations of the Amer ican Colonies to the English Government at the Commencement of the American Revolution. A Paper read before the Association in Boston, May 23, 1887, by Mellen Chamberlain. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 24. Reprinted from Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. in, 1888, pp. 52-74. (59-6O AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Manuscript Sources of American History. An Address before the Association, May 21, 1887, by the presi dent, Justin Winsor, with the action of the Association thereon. New York, 1887. Sm. 4to, pp. 20-34. Reprinted (50 copies) from the Magazine of American History, July, 1887, pp. 21-34. Printed also in Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. in, pp. 9-27. (61 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Territorial Growth of the United States. Our Title to Oregon. By W. A. Mowry. Boston, 1887. Svo. Read before the Association in 1886. (62 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Peace Negotiations of 1782-83, as illustrated by the Secret Correspondence of France and England. A Paper read before the Association, May, 1887, by John Jay. New York, 1888. Svo, pp. 22. Reprinted from Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. in, pp. 79-100. (63 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 27 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Spaniard in New Mexico. Head before the American Historical Association, at Boston, May 24th, 1887, by W. W. H. Davis. Doylestown, Pa., 1888. 8vo, pp. 21. (64 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Early Northwest. An address before the American Historical Association at the fifth annual meeting, Washing ton, December 2G, 1888, by the President, William Frederick Poole, LL. D. New York, 1889. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from Papers of the American Historical Association, Vol. in, pp. 275-300. (05 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Museum-History and Museums of History. A paper read before the Association, December 26-28, 1888, by G. Brown Goode. New York, 1889. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from Papers of tJie American Historical Association, Vol. in. (G6 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Origin of the National Scientific and Educational Institutions of the United States. By G. Brown Goode. New York, 1890. 8vo, pp. 112. Reprinted from Papers of tire American Historical Association, Vol. iv. Printed also, with some additions, in Annual Report of the Association for 1889. CG7 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers. Act of incorporation. Constitu tion. List of members. Historical societies in the United States. [Balti more] 1894. Svo, pp. 40. Covev-title. (OS AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Appeals from colonial courts to the king in council, with especial reference to Rhode Island, by Harold D. Hazeltine. Reprinted from the Reports of the American Historical Association. Providence, 1896. Cover-title, 299-350 pp. Svo. (Papers from the Historical seminary of Brown university ... vn.) (GO AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Arent Van Curler and his journal of 16. U- 35. By Gen. Jas. Grant Wilson. Washington. 189(5. Svo, pp. 20. From the Annual Report for 1895. (TO AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bibliography of early party conventions; ed. by J. Franklin Jameson . . . [New York, 1896.] 4to, cover-title, 760-771 pp. " Reprinted from the American Historical Review. Vol. i, no. 4, July, 1896." (71 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Libraries and literature in North Carolina in the eighteenth century. By Stephen B. Weeks. Washington, 1896. 8vo, pp. 96. From Annual Report of the Association for 1895. (72 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers. Act of incorporation. Constitu tion. List of members. Historical societies in the United States. 1896 [Baltimore, 1896.1 Svo, pp. 55. Cover-title. (73 28 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bibliography of the Papers and Reports of the Association. [November 1. 1897.] [Washington, 1807.] 8vo, pp. 20. (74 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, act of incorporation, constitution, list of members. Washington, 1897. 8vo, pp. 40. (75 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Peale s original whole-length portrait of Washington. Plea for exactness in historical writings- By Charles Henry Hart. Washington, 1897. 8vo. [Reprint from Report, 1897.] (76 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. A Bibliography of Alabama. By Thomas McAdory Owen. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1898. 8vo, pp. 777-1248. (From the Annual Report of the Association for 1897, pp. 777-1248.) (77 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The government of federal territories in Europe, by Edmund C. Burnett, Ph. I). ... Reprinted from the Annual reports of the American Historical Association [for 1896, v. 1]. Provi dence, 1898. 8vo, [391]-454 pp. (Papers from the Historical Seminary of Brown Univer sity . . . ix.) (78 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The study of history in schools; report to the American Historical Association by the Committee of seven ; Andrew C. McLaughlin, Herbert B. Adams, George L. Fox, Albert Bushnell Hart. Charles H. Haskins, Lucy M. Salmon, H. Morse Stephens. New York, 1899. 8vo, pp. ix, 267. (7t> AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. A bibliography of Mississippi. By Thomas McAdory Owen. Washington : Government Printing Office, 1900. . 8vo, pp. 196. (From the Annual Report of the American Historical Association. 1899 Vol. I, pp. 633-828.) (SO AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bibliography of publications of the Ameri can Historical Association, 1885 to 1900. From the Annual Report of the Association for 1899, Vol. i, pages 831-844. Washington : 1900. 8vo. (81 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, committees, act of incorporation, constitution, list of members. 1900. 8vo, pp. 65. Cover-title. (82 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report on the Public Archives of Massa chusetts, by Andrew McFarland Davis. Washington: Government Print ing Office, 1900. 8vo, pp. 47-59. (From First Report of Public Archives Commission in the Annual Report of the Association for 1900.) (S3 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 29 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report on the public archives of North Carolina. By Prof J. S. Bassett. Washington, 1901. 8vo, 1 p. 1., 251-266 pp. " From First report of Public archives commission in the Annual report of the American Historical Association for 1900, Vol. n, pages 251-266." (84 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, committees, act of incorporation, constitution, list of members. 1902. 8vo, pp. 71. Cover-title. (H5 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of the public archives of the city and county of Philadelphia. By Herman V. Ames and Albert E. McKin- ley. Washington, D. C., 1902. 8vo, pp. 115. f8tt AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. List of publications of the Association, 1885-1902, and the American Society of Church History, 1888-1897. Con tents of American Historical Review, 1895-1902. By A. Howard Clark. From the Annual Report for 1902. Vol. i, pages 575-639. Washington : 1903. 8vo. pp. 575-639. (87 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Municipal problems in Mediaeval Switzer land. By John Martin Vincent. Washington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 211-221. (From the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1902. Vol. i.) (88 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, committees, act of incorporation, constitution, list of members, February, 1903. [n. p., 1903.] 8vo, pp. 80. Cover-title. (89 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Antimasonic party : a study of politi cal antimasonry in the United States. 1827-1840. By Charles McCarthy (From the Annual report of the American Historical Association for 1902, Vol. i, pages 365-574.) Washington, Gov t print, off:, 1903. 8vo, 1 p. I., 365-574 pp. illus. Bibliography : pp. 560-574. (O AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. List of publications of the American His torical Association, 1885-1902, and the American Society of Church History, 1888-1897. Contents of American Historical Review. 1895-1902. By A. Howard Clark. (From the Annual report of the American Historical Asso ciation for 1902, vol. 1, pp. 575-639.) Washington: Government Printing Office. 1903. 8vo, pp. 575-639. (91 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Compromises of the Constitution. By Max Farrand. . . [New York? 1904] 4to, cover-title, 479-489 pp. " Reprinted from the American Historical Review, Vol. ix, no. 3, April 1904." < 2 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. El estudio de la historia en las escuelas. Informe a la Associacion americana de historia por la Comision de los siete. Obra traducida del ingles por Edgar C. Courtaux. Buenos Aires, 1904. 8vo, pp. 199. 2 folded tables. 30 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. History vs. the Whitman saved Oregon story ; three essays towards a true history of the acquisition of the old Oregon territory . . . by William I. Marshall . . . Chicago, 1904. 8vo, 92 pp., 1 1., 221-236 pp. The third essay (from the Annual report of the American Historical Associa tion for 1000, vol. i, pages 219-236) has special t.-p. dated 1901. Contents : Strange treatment of original sources. A review of " Marcus Whitman and the early days of Oregon," by Dr. W. A. Mowry.- 1 Why his search ( ?) for the truth of history was a failure. Being a review of Rev. Myron Eell s " Reply to Professor Bourne." Marcus Whitman : a discussion of Prof. Bourne s paper. (94 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Naturalization in England and the Amer- eau colonies. By A. H. Carpenter [New York? 1904] 4to, cover-title, 288-303 pp. " Reprinted from the American Historical Review, Vol. ix, no. 2. Jan., 1904." (95 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, committees, act of incorporation, constitution, list of members. February, 1904. [Washington, 1904] 8vo, pp. 92. Cover-title. (96 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The public archives of New Jersey. By William Nelson. Washington, 1904. 8vo. pp. 479-541. Reprinted from the Annual Report for 1903. Vol. i. (97 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Report on the archives of Rhode Island. By Clarence S. Brigham. Washington. 1904. 8vo. pp. 543-644. Reprinted from the Annual Report for 1903, Vol. i. (98 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Indian boundary line. Edited by Max Farrand. Reprinted from the American Historical Review, Vol. x, No. 4, July, 1905. 8vo, pp. 782-791. Map. (99 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Confederation and the Shays Re bellion. By Joseph Parker Warren. Reprinted from the American Historical Review, Vol. xi, No. 1, October, 1905. 8vo, pp. 42-67. (1OO AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Maps illustrating early discovery and exploration in America, 1502-1530. Reproduced by photography from the original manuscripts. Issued under the direction of Edward Luther Stevenson . . . (New Brunswick, New Jersey: 1903-1905) [New York, 1905] 8vo, [863]-867 pp. " Reprinted from the American Historical Review, Vol. x, no. 4, July, 1905." Signed: Victor Hugo Paltsits. (1O1 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Nootka Sound controversy. By Wil liam Ray Manning. Washington, Gov t print, office, 1905. 8vo, 1 p. 1., 279-478 pp. Separate from the Report of the American Historical Association. Bibliography : pp. 472-478. (1O2 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Officers, committees, act of incorporation, constitution, list of members, February, 1905. [Cleveland, 1905] 8vo, pp. 93. Cover-title. (103 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 31 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. William Walker and the steamship cor poration in Nicaragua. By William Oscar Scroggs. [New York, 1905] 4to, cover-title, 792-811 pp. "Reprinted from the American Historical Review, Vol. x, no. 4, July, 1905." (1O4 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Flourished 1835 to 181,0. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the American Historical So ciety, instituted at the city of Washington, October 12, 1835. Vol. i. Wash ington, 1839. 8vo. [This volume is made up of documents relating to the society, discourses pro nounced by the president, and thirteen tracts collected by Peter Force, a member of the society, who presented them to the society. These tracts commonly form the first volume of Force s Tracts, published in four volumes, but are here issued as part of Vol. i of the Transactions of the Society.] Contents : Preface ; Circular ; Constitution ; By-laws ; Officers ; Members, Cat alogue of books, medals, and prints belonging to the society, pp. 22. A discourse before the society, January 30, 1836, by Lewis Cass, president, Washington, 1836-37, pp. 53. A discourse before the society at their second annual meeting, January 20, 1837, by Levi Woodbury, Washington, 1837, pp. 63. Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in North America, from the discovery of the country to the year 1776, collected by Peter Force, Vol. I, Washington, 1836, containing: (1) A discourse concerning the design d establishment of a new colony to the south of Carolina, by Sir Robert Mountgomery, London, 1717, pp. 24, folded plan; (2) A brief ac count of the establishment of the colony of Georgia, under James Oglethorpe, February 1, 1733, Washington, 1835, pp. 15; (3) A State of the Province of Georgia, November 10, 1740, London, 1742, pp. 20; (4) A true and historical narrative of the Colony of Georgia, by Patrick Tailfer, Hugh Anderson, Da. Douglass, and others, Charleston, S. C., 1741, pp. xiii, 80 ; (5) An account shew ing the progress of the colony of Georgia from its first establishment, London, 1741, pp. v. 56; (6) Nova Britannia, offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia, London, 1609, pp. 28; (7) The new life of Virginia, published by authoritie of His Majestie s counsell of Virginea, London, 1612, pp. 24; (8) The beginning, progress, and conclusion of Bacon s rebellion in 1675 and 1676, Washington, 1835, pp. 26; (9) An account of our late troubles in Virginia, written in 1676, by Mrs. An. Colton, Washington, 1835, pp. 11; (10) A list of those that have been executed for the late rebellion in Virginia, by Sir William Berkeley, governor of the colony, Washington, 1835, pp. 4 ; (11) A narrative of the Indian and civil wars in Virginia in 1675 and 1676, Boston, 1814, pp. 47 ; (12) New England Plantation, written by a reuerend diuine now there resident, London, 1630, pp. 14; (13) A petition of W. C., exhibited to the high court of Parliament, now assembled, for the propagating of the Gospel in America, print ed 1641, pp. 11. (105 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Discourse at the Capitol of the United States, in the Hall of Representatives, before the American Historical Society, January 30, 1836, by Lewis Cass, to which are prefixed its constitution and the names of its members. Washington, 1836. 8vo, pp. 58. (1OG AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Discourse at the Capitol of the United States, in the Hall of Representatives, before the American Historical Society, at their second annual meeting, January 20, 1837, by Levi Woodbury. Wash ington, 1837. 8vo, pp. 67. U7 32 AMEBICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Worcester, Mass. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An account of the American Antiquarian Society, prepared by Isaiah Thomas. Boston, 1813. 8vo, pp. 32. With the act of incorporation, by-laws, and list of officers. (1O8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An address to the members of the Society, pronounced in King s Chapel, Boston, on their first anniversary, October 23, 1813. By William Jenks. Boston, 1813. Svo, pp. 28. (109 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society, in King s Chapel, Boston, on their second anniversary, October 24, 1813. By Abiel Holmes. Boston, 1814. 8vo, pp. 29 (1). Also contains list of officers elected October 24, 1814. Some copies have also a list of officers and other members, October 24, 1814, and a list of donations. 21 pp. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An address to the members of the Society, pronounced in King s Chapel. Boston, on their third anniversary, October 23, 1815. By William Paine. Worcester, 1815. Svo, pp. 27. With list of officers elected October 23, 1815. (Ill AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. By-laws. Resolutions of Congress and of the General Court of Massachusetts. [Giving documents to the Society.] [Worcester], 1815. 8vo, pp. 8. (112 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Communication from the president of the American Antiquarian Society [Isaiah Thomas] to the members, October 24th. 1814. [Published by order of the Society.] Together with the laws of the Society, as revised. Worcester (Mass.) [1815]. 8vo, 27, 8 pp. (Its [Minor publications, no. 4-5].) "List of officers and other members ... October 24, 1814 " : p. [13]-22. "Articles presented to the society" : p. [23]-27. The several sections of this work have also been issued separately; the first and second, and first and last sections are sometimes found together, cf. Amer. antiq. soc., A partial index to the Proceedings, 1883, p. 68. The "Laws" of the society (7 p. at end) together with the resolutions of Congress and of ther General court of Massachusetts (p. 8) are described in the "Partial index" as a separate publication (Minor publication, no. 5). (113 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Address to the members of the Society, together with the laws and regulations of the institution, and a list of dona tions to the Society since the last publication. Worcester, 1819. Svo, pp. 38. (114 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An address at Worcester, August 24, 1820, before the Society, at the opening of Antiquarian Hall, that day received as a donation from the president of the Society. By Isaac Goodwin. Worces ter, 1820. Svo, pp. 17, (1). Reprinted 1894. (1 15 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 33 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archreologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. i. Worcester, 1820. 8vo, pp. 436. Folded map. Plates. Contents : Preface ; List of Officers elected October, 1819 ; Origin of the Soci ety ; Account of the Discovery of the River Mississippi, by Lewis Hennepin ; Account of La Salle s Undertaking to discover the River Mississippi, by Lewis Hennepin ; Description of the Antiquities Discovered in Ohio and other Western States, by Caleb Atwater ; Conjectures Respecting the ancient Inhabitants of North America, by Moses Fiske ; Antiquities and Curiosities of Western Pennsyl vania, by Timothy Alden ; Communications from Samuel Mitchill ; Remarkable Cave in Kentucky, described by J. H. Farnham ; An Account of an exsiccated Body or Mummy, found in said Cave, by Charles Wilkins ; Account of the Caraibs, who inhabited the Antilles, by William Sheldon ; Account of a great and extraordi nary cave in Indiana, by Benjamin Adams. (116 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archreologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. n. Cambridge, 183G. 8vo, pp. xxx (1) (573) (1). Folded map. Contents : Preface ; Officers of the Society for 1835-36 ; A memoir of Isaiah Thomas, by Samuel M. Burnside ; A synopsis of the Indian tribes of North America, by Albert Gallatin ; An historical account of the doings and sufferings of the Christian Indians of New England, by Daniel Gookin ; A description of a leaden plate or medal found near the mouth of the Muskingum River, in Ohio, by De Witt Clinton ; A description of the ruins of Copan in Central America, by Juan Galindo ; A letter from Adam Clarke to Peter S. Duponceau ; Obituary notice of Christopher C. Baldwin, by John Davis ; Catalogue of the members of the Society. (117 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archreologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. in. Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. cxxxviii, 378. Plates. Contents : Advertisement ; Records of the company of the Massachusetts Bay, to the embarkation of Winthrop and his associates for New England ; The diaries of John Hull, mint-master and treasurer of the colony of Massachusetts Bay ; Memoir of Thomas Lindall Winthrop, by George Folsom ; Memoir of John Davis, by Thomas Kinnicutt ; Officers and Members of the Society, 1856; Index. (118 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archreologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. iv. Boston, 1860. 8vo, pp. viii, 355. (1). Illustrations. Folded map. Contents : Advertisement ; Officers ; Original documents from the state-paper office, London, and the British Museum, illustrating the history of Sir Walter Raleigh s first American colony, and the colony at Jamestown ; "A discourse of Virginia," by Edward Maria Wingfield ;- New England s rarities discovered, by John Josselyn ; Narrative of a voyage to Spitzbergen in 1613, at the charge of the Fellowship of English Merchants for the discovery of new trades, commonly called the Muscovy Company ; Appendix : Life of Sir Ralph Lane, by E. E. Hale ; Notice of Samuel Jennison, by Stephen Salisbury: Index. (113 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archreologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, Vols. v-vi. Albany, 1874. Two vols., 8vo. Vol. i, pp. Ixxxvii, 423. Plate. Portrait. Vol. n, pp. viii, 666, 47. Contents : The history of printing in America, with a biography of printers, and an account of newspapers. By Isaiah Thomas. Second edition, with the author s correctio* * and additions, and a catalogue of American publications previous to th- Kvn!ution of 1776. Published under the supervision of a special committee 01 he Society. (12O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archreologia Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society. Vol. vn. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 460. Contents : Note-book kept by Thomas Lechford, lawyer in Boston, from June 27, 1638, to July 29, 1041. Edited by Edward Everett Hale, jr. (121 H, Doc, 923, 59-1, vol 2 3 34 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report presented at the Annual Meeting, October, 1821. By Rejoice Newton and Samuel Jennison. Worcester, 1821. 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Second edition, Cambridge, 1868. pp. 2 (1). (122 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. By-laws, October 24, 1831. [Worcester, 1831.] 32mo, pp. 7. No title-page (123 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society at their Annual Meeting October 23, 1855, in relation to the Character and Services of their late Librarian, Christopher C. Baldwin, esq. By William Lincoln. Worcester, 1835. 8vo, pp. 19. (12 4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A catalogue of the books in the library of the Society. Worcester, 1837. 8vo, issued by letters, paged independently as follows : pp. 8, 21, 52, 51, 22, 41, 18, 20, 30, 4, 8, 7, 20, 52, 15, 6, 45, 3, 20, 42, 22, 12, 5, 39, 2, 1, 5. (125 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Circular letter to governors of the States, asking for State documents. Worcester, 1838. (126 4to, pp. 2. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of the officers and members, May, 1839. Worcester, 1839. 8vo, pp. 15 (1). Usually found with the fifty-third semi-annual report, in one pamphlet. (127 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Fifty-third semi-annual report of the council of the Society, May 29, 1839 ; with the report of the librarian. Worcester, 1839. 8vo, pp. 16, 15 (1), 3 (1). Contains also the " Catalogue of the officers and members, May, 1839," with a separate title-page. Following the catalogue is an abstract from annual reports of the council, treasurer, and librarian, October 23, 1839. (128 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at their Semi annual Meeting, May 31, 1843. Worcester, 1843. 8vo, pp. 11. (12 9 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at their Thirty- first Annual Meeting, October 23, 1843. Worcester, 1843. 8vo, pp. 16. ( 13O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at their Meeting, October 23, 1849. Cambridge, 1850. 8vo, pp. 32. Contains a memoir of Albert Gallatin, pp. 16-32. (131 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at Meetings of the Society in Boston, May 29, and in Worcester, October 23, 1850. Worcester, [1850]. 8vo, pp. 18. ( 132 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at Meetings of the Society in Boston. April 30, 1851, in Worcester, October 23, 1851, and in Boston, April 28, 1852. Worcester, [1852]. 8vo, pp. 44. (133 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedinr meeting of the Society in Worcester, October 23, 1852. Worcester i 8vo, pp. 33 (1). Three plates. (134 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 35 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at Meetings of the Society in in Boston, April 27, 1853, and in Worcester, October 24, 1853. Worcester, [1853]. 8vo, pp. 35. ( 13 - AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Meeting of the Society in Boston, April 2(3, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8vo, pp. 47. ( i3<; AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Meeting of the Society in Worcester, October 23, 1854. Boston, 1854. 8vo, pp. 29. (137 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notice of the life and character of Hon. John Davis, read before the Society, on the 2(jth of April, 1854, by Thomas Kin- uicutt. Boston, 1854. Svo, pp. 26. (138 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of the officers and members, Octo ber, 1855. Boston, 1855. Svo, pp. 20. (139 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Meeting of the Society in Boston, April 25, 1855. Boston, 1855. Svo, pp. 36. (14O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Meeting of the Society in Worcester, October 22, 1855. [With a list of Officers and Members.] Bos ton, 1855. Svo, pp. 54. (141 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at Meetings of the Society in Boston, April 30, 185(>, and Worcester, October 21, 1856. Boston, 1850. Svo, pp. 67. (142 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of Thomas Linda 11 Winthrop, second president of the Society. By George Folsom. Boston, 1857. Svo, pp. 317-343. Reprinted from the Transactions. (143 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 29, 1857. Boston, 1857. Svo, pp. 36. (144 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1857. Boston, 1857. Svo, pp. 51. (145 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 28, 3858. Boston, 1858. Svo, pp. 32. (146 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21. 1858. Boston, 1858. Svo, pp. 38. (147 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society in Boston, April 27, 1859. Boston, 1859. Svo, pp. 32. (148 36 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annu.il Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. 35. (149 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at a special meet ing held in Worcester, February 10, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. 30. On the occasion of the death of W. H. Prescott. (ISO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 25, I860. Boston, 1800. 8vo, pp. 47. Contains a report regarding " The original drawings of the habits, towns, customs of the West Indians, and of the plants, birds, fishes, &c., found in Greenland, Virginia, Guiana, &c., by Mr. John White, who was a painter and accompanied Sir Walter Ralegh in his voyage. With a list of the drawings. (151 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 22, 18(30. Boston, 1860. 8vo, pp. 50. Contains a report upon the American coins and tokens in the cabinet of the Society, prepared by Nathaniel Paine. (152 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Meeting of the Society in Boston. April 24, 1801. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. 42. (153 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. G2. Pages 43-62 contain "An essay on the time of making the statues of [Michael Angelo s] Christ and Moses." Read before the Council of the Society September 30, 1861, and before the Society October 21, 1861, by Stephen Salisbury. (154 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Meeting of the Society in Boston, April 30, 1862. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 53. Pages 45-53 contain a paper entitled " The name of California," by E. E. Hale. (155 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Meeting of the Society in Worcester, October 21, 1862. Boston, 1862. Svo, pp. 40. (156 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society in Boston, April 29, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. 63. Pages 40-63 contain " Indications of ancient customs, suggested by certain cranial forms," by Daniel Wilson. (157 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1863. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. 72. Pages 33-72 contain the address of Dr. William Jenks in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Society. (158 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 7, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. 06. Woodcuts. Pages 59-66 contain " Remarks on a Latin inscription lately found at Castine, in the State of Maine," by Charles Folsom. (159 AMEBICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 37 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 18G4. Boston, 18G4. 8vo, pp. 80. Pages 52-58 contain " Some notes on Roanoke Island and James River," by Edward E. Hale, followed by remarks by Charles Deane, pp. 50-80." (16O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at a Special Meeting, January 17, 18(55, in reference to the death of their former presi dent, Edward Everett. Boston, 18G5. 8vo, pp. 29. Reprinted in "A memorial of Edward Everett, from the city of Boston," pp. 239-267. Boston, 1865. (161 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 2G, 1805. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 07. (162 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1865. Cambridge, 180(5. 8vo, pp. 71. (163 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Special Meeting of the Society, March 16, 18GG, and at the Semi-annual Meeting in Boston, April 25, 1866. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 117. Plate. Diagram. The report of the council by Nathaniel Paine is largely taken up with an historical sketch of currency. (164 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at a Special Meeting, March 16, 1866. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 18. On the death of Jared Sparks. (165 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 20, 1866, and at the special meeting held in Worcester, November 15, 1866. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 48. Pages 41-48 contain "Tribute to the Rev. William Jenks, D. P." (166 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston April 24, 1867. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 131. Pages 38-50 contain " Remarks of Edward E. Hale on Mr. Bergenroth s let ter." Pages 51-131, " Recoi ds of the council for New England." edited by Charles Peane. (167 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1867. Worcester, 1867. 8vo, pp. 91. (16S AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society in Boston, April 29, 18G8. Worcester, 1868. 8vo, pp. 82. Pages 4550 contain Catalogue of " Indian Relics ; " pp. 51-79, Report of John R. Bartlett, as a Pelegate to the International Archaeological Congress at Antwerp ; pp. 8082 contain "The author of the relation of Captain New port s discoveries in Virginia. " (169 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Special Meeting of the Society held in Worcester June 2, 1868, to take notice of the death of their senior vice-president, Hon. Levi Lincoln. Worcester, 1868. 8vo, pp. 29. (170 38 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1868. Worcester, 18G9. Svo, pp. 62. (171. AMERICAN "ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 28, 1809. Worcester, 1869. Svo, pp. 79. Two folded plates. Tages 53-79 contain "Ancient tumuli in Georgia," by Charles C. Jones, jr. (172 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1869. Worcester, 1869. Svo. pp. 53. (ITS AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 27, 1870. Worcester, 1870. Svo, pp. 52. (174 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1870. Worcester, 1870. Svo, pp. 68. (175 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held at Boston. April 26. 1871. Worcester, 1871. Svo, pp. 55. (176 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1871. Worcester, 1872. Svo, pp. 66. Map. The report of the Council, by E. E. Hale, treats of the history of discovery in the Pacific. (177 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 23, 1872. Worcester, 1872. Svo, pp. 85. Map. Tages 65-82 contain a paper " On the likelihood of an admixture of Japanese blood on our northwest coast," by Horace Davis ; pp. 83-85, " The cosmogony of Dante and Columbus," by Edward E. Hale. (178 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1872. Worcester, 1873. Svo, pp. 53. Tages 43-53 contain " The Star-Spangled Banner and national songs," by Ste phen Salisbury. (179 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 30, 1873. Worcester, 1873. Svo, pp. 92. Plate. (ISO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held at Worcester, October 21, 1873. Worcester, 1874. 8vo, pp. 154. Map. The Report of the Council, by J. Hammond Trumbull, is mainly devoted to an account of the origin and early progress of Indian missions in New England. Pp. 45-62 contain " Books and tracts in the Indian language, or designed for the use of the Indians, printed at Cambridge and Boston, 1653-1721," by J. Ham mond Trumbull ; pp. 83-92, " Early maps in Munich," by Edward E. Hale ; pp. 93-96, " Note on Robert Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and his Arcano del Mare ; " pp. 97-99, " Remarks of E. C. Smyth on some of the connections, by marriage, of Columbus ; " pp. 101-112, " Memorandum as. to the discovery of the Bay of San Francisco," by John T. Doyle, with introductory remarks by John D. Washburn ; pp. 113-154, " Memorial of Governor Endecott," by Stephen Salisbury. (181 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 39 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 29, 1874. Worcester, 1874. 8vo, pp. 67. Pages 59-67 contain " The great awakening," by Isaac Smucker. (182 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1874. Worcester, 1875. 8vo, pp. 50. (183 Report of the Council, by Benjamin F. Thomas, with remarks upon the legal and political issues of the Rebellion. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 28, 1875. Worcester, 1875. 8vo, pp. 89. The Report of the Council, lay Stephen Salisbury (pp. 2107), discusses Schliemann s discoveries. (184 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting held at Worcester, October 21, 1875. Worcester, 187G. 8vo, pp. 78. Folded map. Pages 49-63 contain " Records of the Council for New England," by Charles Deane ; pp. 65-78, " The criminal laws of Massachusetts," substance of the remarks of Judge Aldrich. (185 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 20, 1876. Worcester, 1870. 8vo, pp. 104. The Report of the Council, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. (pp. 19-61), concerns the Maya antiquities of Yucatan ; pp. 89-104 contain " Historical and biblio graphical notes on the laws of New Hampshire," by Albert II. Hoyt. (186 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 187C. Worcester, 1870. 8vo, pp. 75. (187 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at a Special Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, March 20, 1877, to take notice of the death of their associate, Hon. Emory Washburn, LI.. D. Worcester, 1877. 8vo, pp. 18. (1S8 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 25, 1877. Worcester, 1877. Svo, pp. 119. Photographs. Heliotypes. Pages 57-63 contain The Copper Age in Wisconsin, by James Davie Butler ; pp. 64-69, The Davenport Tablets, by R. J. Farquharson ; pp. 70-119, Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan, the discovery of a statue called Chac Mool, and the com munications of Dr. Augustus Le Plongeon concerning explorations in the Yucatan Peninsula, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. (1.89 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 22, 1877. Worcester, 187S. Svo, pp. 112 (1). The Report of the Council, by Charles Deane (pp. 12-77) treats of the "Con vention of Saratoga." (19O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 24, 1878. Worcester, 1878. Svo, pp. 110. Two plans. Pages 38-42 contain Remarks on the Death of Rev. Dr. Sweetser, by Rev. Dr. Robbing ; pp. 43-64, Massachusetts and Maine, their Union and Separation, by P. Emory Aldrich ; pp. 65-69, On the Decrease of the Relative Number of Col lege-Educated Men in Massachusetts during the Present Century, by Edward Hitchcock ; pp. 71-89, Terra-Cotta Figure from Isla Mujeres, Northeast Coast of Yucatan, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. ; pp. 91-110, The Mexican Calendar Stone, by Philipp J. J. Valentini, translated by Stephen Salisbury, jr. (191 40 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1878. Worcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. 131. Illustrated. Ileliotypes. Portrait. Pages 65-75 contain Archaeological Communication on Yucatan, by Augustus Le Plongeon ; pp. 77-106, Notes on Yucatan, by Alice D. Le Plongeon ; pp. 116 126, Reinterment of Isaiah Thomas, LL. D., Founder of the Society ; pp. 126- 131, Reception of Governor John Winthrop at Salem, June 12, 1630, a Sequel to the Memorial of Governor John Endicott, in Proceedings of Society, October 21, 1873, by Stephen Salisbury. (192 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 30, 1879. Worcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. 120. Illustrated. Portrait. Pages 63-69 contain Proceedings at the Presentation of a Portrait of Samuel F. Haven, LL. 1)., librarian of the Society since April, 1838 ; pp. 71-79, A Day at Mount Vernon in 1797, by Hamilton B. Staples ; pp. 81112, Mexican Copper Tools, by Philipp J. J. Yalentini, from the German, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. ; pp. 113117, Letter from Dr. Augustus Le Plongeon [on the Maya language, etc.], (193 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Society held in Worcester, October 21, 1879. AVorcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. 117. Illustrated. Pages 71-117 contain the Katunes of Maya history, by Philipp J. J. Yalentini, translated from the German by Stephen Salisbury, jr. (194 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Semi-annual Meeting of the Society held in Boston, April 28, 1880. Worcester, 1880. 8vo, pp. 91, (2). Illustrated. Pages 53-58 contain Remarks of Dr. Charles Deane on the Late Vice-President Lenox ; pp. 59-91, The Landa Alphabet, a Spanish Fabrication, by Philipp J. J. Yalentini. The two pages at the end are inserted, having been omitted uninten tionally when the number was printed. (195 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. New series, Vol. i, October, 1880-October, 1881. Worcester, 1882. 8vo, pp. xiii, 485. Illustrated. Portrait. Contents : Prefatory note ; Officers from 1812 to 1881, and members, January 1, 1881 ; Officers elected October, 1880 ; Annual meeting, October 21, 1880 ; Pro ceedings at the meeting ; Report of the Council, by Stephen Salisbury ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; Report of the treasurer ; Personal rec ollections of Baron Yisconti, by R. C. Winthrop ; Mexican paper, by Ph. J. J. Yalentini ; Notes on the bibliography of Yucatan and Central America, by Ad. F. Bandelier. Semiannual meeting, April 27, 1881 : Proceedings at the meeting ; Report of the Council, by Nathaniel Paine ; List of orderly books and kindred records in the library of the Society ; Report on the library ; Donors and dona tions ; Report of the treasurer ; The centennial of the Massachusetts constitu tion, by Alexander II. Bullock ; Coronado s discovery of the seven cities, by Ed ward E. Hale ; Mayapan and Maya inscriptions, by Augustus Le Plongeon ; Two Mexican Chalchihuites, the Humboldt celt and the Leyden plate, by Philipp J. J. Yalentini. Annual meeting October 21, 1881 : Proceedings ; Report of the Coun cil, by E. E. Hale ; Report on the library ; Donors and donations ; Report of the treasurer ; Action of the Council on the death of Samuel F. Haven ; Origin of the names of the States of the Union, by Hamilton B. Staples ; Humerus found at Concord, Mass., letter from Edward S. Hoar ; President Garfield s New Eng land ancestry, by George F. Hoar ; Tithingmen, by Herbert B. Adams ; What is the true site of " The seven cities of Cibola," visited by Coronado in 1540, by Henry W. Haynes ; The testimony of Fabyan s Chronicle to Hakluyt s account of the Cabots, by George Dexter; English officers in America, by E. E. Hale; Report on by-laws ; By-laws adopted, October 21, 1881 ; Rules and regulations for the government of the library; Errata; Index. (196 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 41 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. New series, Vol. n, April, 1882- April, 1883. Worcester, 1883. Svo, pp. viii, 383. Illustrated. Folded map. Contents : Part 1. Prefatory note ; Semiannual meeting, April 26, 1882 ; Pro ceedings ; Report of the Council, by Egbert C. Smyth ; Appendix to Report of the Council [on the catacombs of Rome] ; Report on the library ; Donors and dona tions ; Report of the treasurer ; Robert Boyle, by Charles O. Thompson ; Note upon the perforated Indian humerus found at Concord, Mass., by Henry W. Ilaynes ; Note by committee of publication ; Notes on Mitla, by Louis II. Ayme. Part 2. Annual meeting, October 21, 1882 ; Report of the Council, by George F. Hoar ; Report on the library ; Donors and donations ; A visit to Palos and Rabida, by Edward E. Hale ; Notes on the history of witchcraft in Massachu setts, by George II. Moore ; The Olmecas and the Tultecas, by Philipp J. J. Val- entini ; An ancient document of the house of Washington, by Edward G. Porter ; Notes on copper implements from Mexico, by Frederick W. Putnam. Part 3. Semiannual meeting, April 25, 1883; Proceedings; Report of the Council, -by John D. Washburn ; Report on the library ; Donors and donations ; Report of the treasurer ; Action of the Council on the death of Isaac Davis ; Gleanings from the sources of the history of the second parish, Worcester, Mass., by Samuel S. Green ; The journey of Moncacht Ape, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Iron from the Ohio mounds, a review of the statements and misconceptions of two writers of over sixty years ago, by Frederick W. Putnam ; Notes upon ancient soapstone quarries, worked for the manufacture of cooking utensils, by Henry W. Haynes ; Index to Vol. n. (197 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. New series, Vol. in, October, 1883-April, 1885. Worcester, 1885. 8vo, pp. viii, 532. Illustrated. Plate. Portrait. Contents : Note ; Annual meeting, October 21, 1883 ; Proceedings ; Report of the Council, by George Bancroft, Stephen Salisbury ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; Report of the treasurer ; Semiannual meeting, April 30, 1884 ; Proceedings ; Report of the Council, by P. Emory Aldrich ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; Report of the treasurer ; The province laws, by Hamilton B. Staples ; The stone implements of Asia, by Heinrich Fischer ; Memoir of C. II. Berendt, by D. G. Brinton ; Action of the Council, August 28, 1884, on the death of President Salisbury ; Annual meeting, October 21, 1884 ; Proceedings ; Notices of the death of President Salisbury ; Memorial by Andrew P. Peabody ; Letter from George Bancroft ; Action of Massachusetts Historical Society ; Action of New England Historic Genealogical Society ; Report of the Council, by J. Hammond Trumbull, Samuel S. Green ; Report of the treas urer ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; Notes on copper im plements of America, by Henry W. Haynes ; Semiannual meeting, April 20, 1885 ; Report of the Council, by George F. Hoar ; Report of the treasurer ; Re port of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; Authorship of the Federalist, by Henry Cabot Lodge ; The history of Connecticut as illustrated by the names of her towns, by Franklin B. Dexter ; Semi-lunar and crescent-shaped tools, by Ph. J. J. Yalentini ; French fabrications, or blunders in American linguistics, by Henry W. Haynes ; Notices of deceased members : Ellis Ames, by Thomas L. Nelson ; Edward Jarvis, by Samuel S. Green ; William Barry, by William F. Poole ; Porter C. Bliss, by ,T. Evarts Greene ; Samuel C. Damon, by Ebenezer Cutler; George H. Preble, by Nathaniel Paine ; Charles O. Thompson, by P. Emory Aldrich ; Officers elected, October, 1884 ; List of members, May 1, 1885 ; Index to Vol. in. (198 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. New series, Vol. iv, October, 1885-April, 1887. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. viii, 39G. Contents : Proceedings, October 21, 1885 : Lechford notebook ; Ohio mounds ; Report of the Council ; The fallacies of history, by A. P. Peabody ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations. Proceedings, April 28, 1886 ; Central American jades, by F. W. Putnam ; Report of the Coun cil ; Voluntary system in the maintenance of ministers in the colonies of Massa chusetts Bay and Plymouth, by Samuel S. Green; Report of the treasurer; Re port of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; English sources of American dia lect, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Proceedings, October 21, 1886; The 42 AMEEICAN HISTOKICAL ASSOCIATION. slave trade ; Orderly books ; The Franklin Papers ; Report of the Council ; The connection of Massachusetts with slavery and the slave trade, by Charles Deane ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; Arch aeological research in Yucatan, by Edward II. Thompson. Proceedings, April 27, 1887 ; Cypres ; Earl Percy letters ; Sketch of Hon. John Davis ; Colony of Nox, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Report of the Council ; The great charitable trusts of England, by C. A. Chase ; Pliny Earl Chase, by Samuel S. Green ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the librarian ; Donors and donations ; The Roxbury Latin School, by J. Evarts Greene ; Selections from letters received by David Daggett, 1786-1802, by Franklin B. Dexter ; Explorations in Yucatan, by Edward H. Thompson; Index. (199 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. New Series, Vol. v, October, 1887-October, 1888. Worcester, 1889. 8vo, pp. viii (2), 508. Contents : The Roxbury Latin School, by Henry W. Haynes ; Ruined building at Labna, Y T ucatan ; Report of the Council [with obituary notices of Ben. Perley Poore, Elias Nason, Charles Rau, and Spencer Fullerton Baird] ; Estimates of population in the American colonies, by Franklin B. Dexter : Report of the treas- urer; Report of the librarian; Donors and donations; King Philip s war, with special reference to the attack on Brookfield in August, 1675, by Grindall Rey nolds ; Wheeler s defeat, 1675 where? by Lucius R. Paige; The early African slave trade in New England, by William B. Weeden ; The first scholarship at Harvard College, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Roger Williams, freeman of Massachusetts, by Reuben A. Guild ; The Roxbury Latin School, by J. Evarts Greene. Proceedings, April 25, 1888 : Remarks of Hamilton B. Staples and Edward Everett Hale on the presentation of the sword of Fitz-John Winthrop ; Ruins at Kich-Moo and Chun-Kat-Cin ; Report of the Council ; Early books and libraries, by Stephen Salisbury ; Report of the treusurer ; Report of the libra rian ; Donors and donations ; Notes on the bibliography of witchcraft in Massa chusetts, by George H. Moore ; Photography as an aid to local history, by George E. Francis ; Monetary unification, by Robert Noxon Toppan ; The Cambridge Press, by Andrew McF. Davis ; The legislative history of the ordinance of 1787, by John M. Merriam. Proceedings, October, 1888 : Action of the Council : Death of Joseph Sargent, M. D. ; Report of the Council ; Naval history of the Revolution, by Edward E. Hale ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the libra rian ; Donors and donations ; The case of Bathsheba Spooner, by Samuel Swett Green ; Hopkinsianism, by Andrew P. Peabody ; La Salle s monument at Rouen, by Hamilton B. Staples ; The site of the first college building at Cambridge, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; The Alabama stone, by Henry W. Haynes ; Index. (2OO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series, Vol. vi, April, 1889-April, 1890. Worcester, 1890. 8vo, pp. viii, 375, ix. Plates. Contents : Report of the Council, by P. Emory Aldrich ; Christian religion and the common law, by P. Emory Aldrich ; Illustrated Americana, by James F. Hunnewell ; The bay of San Francisco, by J. T. Doyle ; Nephrite and jadeite, by L. P. Kinnicutt ; Report of the Council ; The Farmer s Weekly Museum, by A.. P. Peabody ; The navigation laws, by Edward Channing ; The Peabody Museum in Cambridge, by F. W. Putnam ; Cotton Mather and his slaves, by Henry W. Haynes ; Robert College, Constantinople, by Cyrus Hamlin ; Death of Charles Deane ; List of members ; Foundation of the Swiss Republic, by J. D. Wash- burn ; The Aborigines of Australia, by E. G. Porter ; The early college buildings at Cambridge, by A. McFarland Davis ; Cranium from Progreso, Yucatan, by Franz Boas ; Copies of Maya pottery and implements, by Stephen Salisbury ; Index. (2O1 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series, Vol. vii, October, 1890-October, 1891. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. xv, 454. Contents : The northern boundary of Massachusetts in its relations to New Hampshire, by Samuel A. Green ; Reminiscences of Dr. John Park, by Edward H. Hall; A forgotten patriot [John Whitcomb], by Henry S. Nourse ; Boy life in a Massachusetts country town thirty years ago, by G. Stanley Hall ; Finan cial embarrassments of the New England ministers in the last century [on AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 43 Jeremy Belknap], by C. C. Smith; A singular ancient work [at Foster s, Warren County Ohio], by F. W. Putnam; Action of the Council: Death of George Ban croft ; Government in Canada and the United States compared, by George F. Hoar ; George Bancroft, by Samuel Swett Green ; Dr. Schliemann and the archaeological value of his discoveries, by Thomas Chase ; The Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg, by Herbert B. Adams ; Paper on ecstasy and trance, by G. Stanley Hall ; The French Canadians in New England, by Egbert C. Smyth ; Illustrated Americana of the Revolution, by James P. Hunnewell ; Historic burial places of Boston and vicinity, by John M. Merriam ; The Galapagos Islands, by George Baur ; William Lincoln, by Charles A. Chase ; Index. (2O2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series, Vol. vin, April, 1892- April, 1893. Worcester, 1893. Svo, pp. xxi, 481. Contents : Letter of John Davenport to the First Church, Roxbury, 1004 ; The history of the earth in libraries and museums, by G. E. Ellis ; Some Rhode Island contributions to the intellectual life of the last century, by W. E. Foster ; Thomas Coram in Boston and Taunton, by Hamilton Andrews Hill ; Swiss pact of 1291, by J. D. Washburn ; The landfall of Columbus at San Salvador, by Phil- ipp J. J. Valentini ; The results of Columbus s discovery, by E. E. Hale ; The world of commerce in 1492, by William B. Weeden ; The ancient structures of Yucatan not communal dwellings, by Edward H. Thompson ; Yucatan at the time of its discovery, by Edward H. Thompson ; The Lady Mowlson scholarship at Cambridge, by Andrew McF. Davis ; Rutherford Birchard Hayes, by George F. Hoar ; The Santa Fe trade, its route and character, by J. Evarts Greene ; The British public record office and the materials in it for early American history, by W. Noel Sainsbury ; Memoir of Major-General Thomas Harrison, by Charles H. Firth ; Index. (2O3 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series, Vol. ix, October, 1893-October, 1894. Worcester, 1895. Svo, pp. (3), 495. Folded map. Contents: Wheeler s defeat, 1675 where? by S. A. Green; Remarks concern ing John Davis, by George F. Hoar ; Necrology George Chandler ; Charles Col- cock Jones, jr., John James Bell ; Eligio Ancona, by F. B. Dexter ; On some so cial distinctions at Harvard and Yale before the Revolution, by F. B. Dexter ; Edmund Burke, his services as agent of the Province of New York, by C. Steb- bins ; The archives of Harvard College, by Justin Winsor ; Necrology Francis Parkman, Charles H. Bell, George W. Childs, Isaac Smucker, William F. Poole, Andres Aznar Perez ; On the history of American college text-books and tench- ing of logic, ethics, psychology, and allied subjects, by G. Stanley Hall ; On the past in the present in Asia, by John Bellows ; The new found journal of Charles Floyd, a sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark, by James Davie Butler ; Con cord [Mass.], by J. McK. Merriam; Aborigines of the West Indies, by F. A. Ober ; Eliot s Bible and the Ojibway language, by J. A. Gilfillan ; Address of the citizens of Westmoreland, Va., to President Adams, July 11, 1798, with his re ply ; Quality the prevailing element in representation [in New England], by W. B. Weeden. Obituaries : William Dwight Whitney, by S. E. Baldwin : Grindall Reynolds, by G. F. Hoar. The rival claimants for North America, 1497-1755, by Justin Winsor ; Analysis of the pictorial text inscribed on two Palenque tablets, by P. J. J. Valentini ; The political duel between Nicholas, the Czar of Russia, and Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, the great English ambassador, by Cyrus Ham- lin ; Memorial of George E. Ellis ; of Peleg Emory Aldrich ; Index. 2O4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series. Vol. x. April, 1895-Oct, 1895, inclusive. Worcester, 1895. Svo, pp. vi (2), 442. Contents : Proceedings at the semiannual meeting, Apr. 24, 1895 ; Remarks upon the Scotch-Irish, by G. Stanley Hall, Edward L. Pierce, and others ; Re port of the council : Obituaries Robert Charles Winthrop, by Charles C. Smith ; Peleg Emory Aldrich, by Frank I . Goulding ; Seiior Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta and George Olcott, by Stephen Salisbury ; William Noel Sainsbury, by Hubert Hall. The Scotch-Irish in America, by Samuel S. Green, with a bibliographical note ; Report of the librarian, Edmund M. Barton ; The law of adultery and ignominious punishments, with especial reference to the penalty of wearing a letter affixed to the clothing, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Map of Chequam- 44 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. egon bay, Lake Superior; The story of Chequamegon bay, by Reuben Gold Thwaites ; The food of certain American Indians and their methods of preparing it, by Lucien Carr ; Palenque, by Edward II. Thompson; Proceedings at the annual meeting, October 23, 1895 ; Report of the council : Obituaries Hamilton Andrews Hill, by Edward G. Porter; John Fletcher Williams, by J. Evarts Greene ; James Jackson, by Stephen Salisbury. Some early writings of Jona than Edwards, 1714-1726, by Egbert C. Smyth, with two facsimiles; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the librarian ; A list of early American imprints in the library of the Society, 1640-1700, prepared by Nathaniel Paine ; The liter ature of witchcraft in New England, by Justin Winsor ; Construction of new communities and States in the northwest, by Cushman K. Davis ; The battle of Bunker Hill from a strategic point of view, by Charles Francis Adams ; Analysis of the pictorial text inscribed on two Palenque tablets, by Philipp J. J. Valen- tini ; Ancient tombs of Palenque, by Edward II. Thompson ; Index. (2O5 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, Proceedings. New series. Vol. xi, April, 1890-April, 1897. Worcester, 1898. Svo, vi (2), 537 pp. Contents : Proceedings ; Report of the council ; Memorial notices of Joseph Jones and William Whitney Rice, by C. A. Chase; Our dealings with the Indians, by J. Evarts Greene ; Report of the librarian ; Givers and gifts ; Notes on early American literature, by James F. Hunnewell ; Legislation and litigation con nected with the Land Bank of 1740, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; History of explorations in the Mississippi valley, by Stephen D. Peet, with maps ; Account of the laying of the memorial stone of the Robinson Memorial Church at Gains borough, England, by Charles Augustus Chase ; Account of a European trip, by Geo. F. Hoar ; Memorial notices of Ernst Curtius ; Lucius Robinson Paige ; Twenty unsettled miles in the Northeast Boundary, by Thomas Corwin Menden- hall ; A map of Passamaquoddy Bay showing proposed boundary ; Reports ; Let ter of Wilberforce Eames on a copy of " The Association " or nonimportation agreement of 1774 ; The " new philosophy," against which students at Yale col lege were warned in 1714, by Egbert C. Smyth ; Remarks to C. P. Bowditch in regard to the Bellingham deed, 1700 ; Report of the council with obituary notices of Benjamin Apthorp Gould, F. A. Walker ; Some great trusts in the L T nited States, by Charles A. Chase ; The permanence of the Greek type, by Edwin A. Grosvenor ; The General Court and quarrels between individuals aris ing from the Land Bank, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Dr. Saugrain s relation of his voyage down the Ohio river from Pittsburgh to the Falls in 1788, by Eugene F. Bliss ; Dress and ornaments of certain American Indians, by Lucien Carr; Early American Broadsides, 1680-1800, prepared by Nathaniel Paine; Index. (12(K AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series. Vol. xn. Octo ber, 1897-October, 1898. Worcester, Mass., 1898. Svo, pp. viii, 478. Contents : Proceedings of annual meeting, October 21, 1897 ; Report of the coun cil, by F. B. Dexter ; Obituary notices of James Hammond Trumbull, by the council, by President Salisbury, by Geo. F. Hoar, by Samuel Swett Green, by Nathaniel Paine ; An historical study of the powers and duties of the presidency in Yale college, by Franklin B. Dexter ; Reports of the treasurer and librarian ; Givers and gifts; Early New England Catechisms, 1590-1798, by Wilberforce Eames; The early political uses of "the word convention, by J. Franklin Jameson; Edward Lillie Pierce, by George F. Hoar ; Proceedings of the semi-annual meeting, April 27, 189S ; Report of the council ; Obituaries : Gardiner Greene Hubbard, by George F. Hoar ; Ebenezer Cutler, by Daniel Merriman ; Justin Win sor, by J. L. Whitney ; Thomas Leverett Nelson, by Rockwood Hoar ; A famous fete [given by Joseph Bonaparte at his chateau of Morfontaine, 3d Oct., 1880], extracts from a diary of William Vans Murray, by George F. Hoar ; The genesis and evolution of the Turkish massacre of Armenian subjects, by Cyrus Hamlin ; John Winthrop, junior, by Frederick John Kingsbury ; Proceedings of the an nual meeting, Oct. 21, 1898 : Remarks by Vice-President Hoar in communi cating copies of two visiting lists of Roger Sherman for the First and Second Congress and also a list of the Senate in the First Congress; Remarks, by Nathaniel Paine concerning the title of an Indian Primer, 1669, taken from the prospectus of a reprint by John Small of Edinburgh, also giving some titles for the List of Early American Broadsides, 1743-95; Report of the council, by E.- E. Hale : Notice of J. Hammond Trumbull s dictionaries of the language of the AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 45 Massachusetts Indians, by E. E. Hale ; Note en the printed literature of the Massachusetts Indians ; Initiations into adolescence, by G. Stanley Hall ; Mrs. Mary Rowlandson s removes, 1675-6, map, by II. S. Nourse ; The Massachu setts Bay currency, 1690-1750 The plates, by Andrew McFarland Davis; A flag episode, 1775, by Thomas C. Mendenhall ; Rufus Putnam, and his pioneer life in the northwest, by Sidney Crawford ; Index. (2O7 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series, Vol. xiu. April, 1899-April, 1900. Worcester, 1901. 8vo, pp. 538. Contents : Memoirs of Lewis Henry Boutell, Edward Gay Mason, Philipp Johann Joseph Valentini ; The development of the American people, by William B. Weeden ; The Boston meetings of the American Antiquarian Society, by Chas. A. Chase ; Report of the librarian, by Edmund M. Barton ; Certain addi tional notes touching upon the subjects of ignominious punishments and of the Massachusetts currency, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; What caused the de portation of the Acadians ? by James* P. Baxter ; Remarks upon "American jurisdiction of the Bishop of London in colonial times," by various members of the society ; Original deeds, accounts, and correspondence relating to the Tantiusque black lead mine in the vicinity of Sturbridge, 1644-1776, presented to the Society by Robert C. Winthrop ; Memoirs of W. S. Perry, O. C. Marsh, Reuben A. Guild, William S. Barton, Charles M. Lamson, Robert Clarke; The writing of history, by James P. Baxter ; Reports of officers ; The American juris diction of the Bishop of London in colonial times, by Simeon E. Baldwin ; Copy of the original patent of April 28, 1634, Patent roll, no. 2650 ; Draft in English, of Patent of April 28, 1634 ; Extract from the instructions to Gov. Shirley, in 1741. Several great libraries, by James Frothingham Ilunnewell ; Andros records, by Robert N. Toppan ; The Forest of Dean, by John Bellows ; The Craigie House, Cambridge, during its occupancy by Andrew Craigie and his widow, by Samuel Swett Green ; A philanthropist of the last century identified as a Boston man, Francis Green (Philocophus), by Alexander Graham Bell; William Paine, by George E. Francis ; Some facts about John and Sebastian Cabot, by George Parker Winship ; Some notes on Isaiah Thomas and his Worcester imprints, by Charles L. Nichols ; The Mascoutins, by Lucien Carr ; Andros s proclamation money, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Necrology ; Index. (20S AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series, Vol. xiv. October, 1900, October, 1901. Worcester, Mass., 1902. 8vo, pp. vi, 520. Contents : Proceedings ; Subscription in 1793 that the State capital be moved to Worcester, with remarks by Geo. F. Hoar ; Necrology : John Nicholas Brown, William Crowninshield Endicott, Cyrus Hamlin, Samuel Jennison, John Elbridge Hudson, Charles Jeremy Hoadly ; The Boston Massacre, by Samuel A. Green ; Reports of officers ; Student customs, by G. Stanley Hall ; Mrs. Lucretia (Chandler) Bancroft s letter to her daughter, Mrs. Gherardi, with intro duction by Horace Davis ; Historical notes on the letter, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Remarks by Geo. F. Hoar on some laud purchased of John Hancock by Stephen Salisbury, sr. ; Remarks by Edward Everett Hale on the Dictionary of the Natick Language, by J. II. Trumbull ; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis on the value of the estate of John Chandler, American Loyalist ; Japanese circular in behalf of the Perry monument in Japan, presented by Geo. F. Hoar ; Necrology : Mandell Creightou, Edward Elbridge Salisbury ; Land titles of the society, by Charles A. Chase ; Report of the librarian : Pros pectus of the Literary Exchange, 1810, issued by John Howard Payne : Adver tisement of an electrical exhibition at Faneuil Hall, from the Boston Evening Post, April 24, 1751 ; Manteo and Jack Straw, by William T. Forbes : The Province Snow, " Prince of Orange," by Waldo Lincoln, with appendices, A. Extracts from Massachusetts archives and records of the Court and Council, July, 1740-4 ; Muster rolls of the Snow Prince of Orange, 1740-2. B. Extracts from Boston newspapers, 1740-5 ; Copy of a letter from Increase Mather to Joseph Parsons, 1705 ; Necrology : Cushman Kellogg Davis, Robert Noxon Top- pan ; Charles Allen of Worcester, by George F. Hoar ; Reminiscences of John Fiske, by Samuel Swett Green ; The Confederacy and the Transvaal, by Charles Francis Adams ; England of the time of the War of Independence, by John Bel lows ; Archaeological and ethnological research in the United States, by Frederic W. Putnam ; " The Sale of Tantiusques," an early mining venture in Massa chusetts, by George F. Haynes ; Index. (2O9 46 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series. Vol. xv. April, 1902-April, 1903. Worcester, 1904. Svo, pp. vi, 472. Contents : Proceedings ; Report of the Council ; Mary Griffin and her creed, by Egbert C. Smyth ; Report of the librarian ; Greek archaeology, by Austin S. Garver ; A bit of unpublished correspondence between Henry D. Thoreau and Isaac T. Hecker, by E. Harlow Russell ; The King Alfred Millennial, by Edwin D. Mead ; Gosnold at Cuttyhunk, by Edward Everett Hale ; Brewster auto graph in Wisconsin, by James D. Butler ; Remarks on Shays s Rebellion, by Charles Francis Adams ; Three commonwealths Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island their early development, by William B. Weeden ; A few notes on the Shays Rebellion, by John Noble ; The Connecticut compromise, by George F. Hoar ; The painted rocks of Lake Chelan, by William D. Lyman ; Special meeting of the Council; Copy of the Fragment on Mummies (Sir Thomas Browne s Works) ; Obituary ; Some letters, etc., of John Hancock and Thomas dishing, by Allen C. Thomas ; " The fund at Boston in New England," by Andrew McFarland Davis ; The navigation of the Connecticut river, by W. De Loss Love; Bibliography; Did Sir Thomas Browne write "Fragment on Mummies?" by Samuel Swett Green ; Portrait of John Bellows ; Index. (21O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings. New series. Vol. xvi. Octo ber, 1903-October, 1904. Worcester, Mass., 1905. Svo, pp. vi, (2), 408. Contents : Proceedings at the annual meeting ; Report of the council ; Some notes upon the genesis of the power loom in Worcester county, by Henry S. Nourse ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the librarian ; The land bank mort gages in Worcester county, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; The contributions of the American Indian to civilization, by Alexander F. Chamberlain ; Edward Woodville Knight Errant, by Roger B. Merriam ; Special meeting of the council on the death of Henry S. Nourse ; Proceedings at the semi-annual meeting ; Report of the Council ; Obituary Henry Stedman Nourse ; The commercial primacy of the United States, by Edmund A. Engler ; Algonquian language and literature report by the committee of publication, by Edward E. Hale ; The attempted suicide of a Massachusetts town (Pelham), by George H. Haynes ; Certain great monuments, by James F. Hunnewell ; Andrew Haswell Green a sketch of his ancestry, life, and work, by Samuel Swett Green ; Myths and superstitions of the Oregon Indians, by William D. Lyman ; Special meetings of the Council on the deaths of Egbert Coffin Smyth and George F. Hoar ; Proceedings at the annual meeting ; Report of the council ; Aboriginal languages of North America, by Edward E. Hale ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of the librarian ; The development of democratic ideas in the Puritan army in 1647, by Calvin Stebbins ; Will of Thomas Hore, of Bristol, 1466 : His oaken chest, by George F. Hoar and J. Henry Lea; Index. (211-213 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the serni-annual meeting held in Boston, April 26, 1905. New series. Vol. xvn, part i. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1905. 8vo, pp. 131. Contents : Proceedings at the meeting ; Report of the Council ; Emergent treasury-supply in Massachusetts in early days, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; A scheme for the conquest of Canada in 1746, by Victor Hugo Paltsits ; Jeremy Taylor and religious liberty in the English church, by Daniel Merriman ; An ancient instance of municipal ownership, by Samuel Utley ; In re The will of Thomas Hore. (214 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting held in Worcester October 21, 1905. Worcester, 1906. 8vo, pp. 133-262. Contents : Proceedings ; Labor organizations in ancient and mediaeval times, by C. C. Wright ; George F. Hoar, by E. E. Hale ; List of speeches and addresses of George F. Hoar ; A notice of Yucatan and its water supply, by David Casares ; The Jackson and Van Buren Papers, by William MacDonald ; A page of Ameri can history (war with natives in 1847, in Yucatan), by Edward H. Thompson; Henry Hitchcock. (214a AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 47 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A discourse of Virginia. By Edward Maria Wiugfield, first president of the Colony. Now first printed from the original manuscript in the Lambeth Library. Edited, with notes and an introduc tion, by Charles Deane. Boston, 1860. 8vo, pp. 45. Large paper. One hundred copies. (215 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Narrative of a voyage to Spitsbergen in the year 1013, etc. With an introduction and notes, by Samuel F. Haven. Boston, 1860. 8vo, pp. 74. Map. Fifty copies. Reprinted from Arcliceologia, Vol. iv. (216 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. New England s rarities discovered. By John Josselyn, gent. AVith an introduction and notes, by Edward Tuckernian. Worcester, 1860. 8vo, pp. 134. Reprinted from Transactions. (217 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks and resolutions commemorative of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, by the Society at their first meeting after his death. Worcester, 1864. 8vo, pp. 16. The remarks were by George Livermore. Reprinted from Proceedings. (218 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks on a Latin inscription lately found at Castine, in the State of Maine. [By Charles Folsom. Worcester, 1864.] 8vo, pp. 8. . Diagram. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 18(34. (219 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks on the Popham celebration of the Maine Historical Society. Read before the American Antiquarian Society, April 26, 1865. By S. F. Haven. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from Proceedings. (22O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks on the early paper currency of Massachusetts. Read before the Society, April 25, 1866. By Nathaniel Paine. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 66. Tlates. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (221 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Circular in regard to the publications of the Society. Worcester, 1867. 8vo, pp. 3. (222 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Records of the Council for New England. [Edited by Charles Deane.] Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1867. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 83. The Massachusetts Historical Society s copy has four pages inserted, the first three being numbered 48 2 , 48 3 , 48 4 , the last containing errata. They contain portions of the record only discovered in 1875, and which are necessarily omitted in the original issue. There were also copies issued consisting of the pages 53-105, taken from the Proceedings, with a leaf having a half title. (223 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Records of the Council for New England. [Edited by Charles Deane.] Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 10 (16), 11-83. No title-page. (224 48 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks on Sebastian Cabot s Mappe-Monde. By Charles Deane. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society. Cam bridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. (2), 8. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (225 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Records of the Council for New England. [Edited by Charles Deane. J Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. (2), 53-131. No title-page. (22G AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of Indian relics. By William A. Smith and Stephen Salisbury, jr. Worcester, 1868. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (227 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Indian relics. [Report of Committee upon the Collection of Indian Relics.] [Worcester, 1868.] 8vo, pp. 3-8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (228 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. List of members elected from October, 1855, to October, 1868. [Worcester, 1868.] Svo, pp. 3. (229 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian So ciety, at a special meeting, held at Worcester, June 2, 1868, to take notice of the death of their senior vice-president, Hon. Levi Lincoln. Worcester, 1868. 8vo, pp. 29. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (23O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A report on the prehistoric man and his asso ciates, made to the Society. Read at its semi-annual meeting, April 29, 1868, by John Russell Bartlett. Worcester, 1868. 8vo, pi 31. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (231 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report presented at the annual meeting of the Society, October, 1821. Second edition. [Cambridge, 1868.] 8vo, pp. 2 (1). Two hundred copies of second edition. Report made by Rejoice Newton and Samuel Jennison. (232 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Ancient tumuli in Georgia. By C. C. Jones, jr. Worcester, 1869. 8vo, pp. 29. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (233 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memorandum of local histories in the library of the Society. [Worcester, 1869.] 8vo, pp. 15. No title-page. The Boston Public Library has large paper copy in which the alternate pages are blank for additions. (234 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the Council, made April 23, 1869. Worcester, 1869. Svo, pp. 30. (235 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the Council, made April 27, 1870. Worcester, 1870. 8vo, pp. 29. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (236 AMEKICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 49 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. On the likelihood of an admixture of Japan ese blood on our northwest const. Record of Japanese vessels driven upon the northwest coast of America and its outlying islands. Head before the Society at their April meeting. By Horace Davis. Worcester, 1872 8vo, pp. 22. Map. Reprinted from the Proceed iiiya. (>< AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A brief notice of the library and cabinet of the Society, from the report of the Council, presented April 30, 1873. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1873. Svo, pp. 59. Plates. One hundred and fifty copies printed. (*>3- AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An essay on the Star-Spangled Banner and national songs. By Stephen Salisbury. Read before the Society, October 21, 1872. Worcester, 1873. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the ProcecdiiKjs. (2:J7 Same [second edition], with additional notes and songs. Worcester, 1873. Svo, pp. 24. One hundred copies. (38 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Early maps of America; and a note on Rob ert Dudley and the Ammo del Mare. Read before the Society. October 21, 1873, by Edward E. Hale. Worcester, 1874. Svo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (i>j w AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The history of printing in America, with a biography of printers and an account of newspapers. In two volumes. By Isaiah Thomas. Second edition. With the author s corrections and additions and a catalogue of American publications previous to the Revolu tion of 1770. Published under the supervision of a special committee of the Society. Albany. 1874. Svo, Vol. i, pp. Ixxxvi, 423; Vol. n. pp. viii, <;>;, 47. Portrait. Folded plate. Also form Vols. v and vr of the Arclia olo</ia Americana. The catalogue of pre- Revolutionary publications was compiled hy S. F. Ihnen. C24o AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. List of the publications of the Society, with prices. [Worcester], 1874. Svo, pp. 2. (i , 4l AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Mathers and the witchcraft delusions. By Samuel F. Haven. Worcester, 1874. Svo, pp. 14. Fifty copies reprinted from the I mci-cdiiif/x. t UZ AMKKICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of Isaiah Thomas, by bis grandson. Benjamin Franklin Thomas. Boston, 1S74. Svo, pp. 73. Portrait. (Z42-i AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memorandum as to the discovery of the bay of San Francisco. By John T. Doyle. With introductory remarks by John I). Washburn. Read before the Society at their annual meeting. October 21, 1873. Worcester, 1874. Svo. pp. 14. Reprinted from the ProceetWif/s. (24CJ H. Doc;. 923, 59-1, vol 2 4 50 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A memorial of Governor John Endecott. Read before the American Antiquarian Society, October 21, 1873. By Stephen Salisbury. Worcester, 1874. 8vo, pp. 44. One hundred copies reprinted from Transactions., No. 61, pp. 113-154. (244 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Origin and early progress of Indian missions in New England, with a list of books in the Indian language, printed at Cambridge and Boston, 1653-1721. From the report of the Council of the Society. By J. Hammond Trumbull. Worcester, for private distribution, 1874. 8vo, pp. 50. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (245 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the Librarian, S. F. Haven [April 29, 1874]. [Worcester, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 14. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (246 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Address to the members of the Society pro nounced in King s Chapel, Boston, on their fourth anniversary, October*23, 1816. By William Bentley. Worcester, [1875]. 8vo, pp. 26. Printed for the first time from the manuscript. (247 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of publications in what is now the United States, prior to the Revolution of 1775-76. By Samuel F. Haven. [Worcester, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 358. No title-page. This is a reprint of the Catalogue printed in Vol. n of Thomas s History of Printing. (248-249 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Records of the Council for New England; some newly discovered portions of the records, with remarks on the adverse fortunes of the Council. By Charles Deane. Worcester, 1875. 8vo, pp. 15. ( 25O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Troy and Homer. Remarks on the discover ies of Dr. Heinrich Schliemann in the Troad. Part of the report of the Council of the Society presented April 2, 1875, by Stephen Salisbury, presi dent of the Society. Worcester, 1875. 8vo, pp. 50. Two hundred and fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (251 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An account of the Society, with a list of its publications. Prepared for the International Exhibition of 1876. By Na thaniel Paine. Worcester, 1876. Svo, pp. 30. Photographs. Pages 26-30 contain list of officers elected October, 1875 ; members, January, 1876. Some copies have only 26 pp., omitting the lists. (252 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The criminal laws of Massachusetts. Sub stance of remarks of Judge [P. E.] Aldrich. Worcester, 1876. 8vo, pp. 16. One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (253 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. List of officers and members, January 1, 1876. Worcester, 1876. 8vo, pp. 7. (354 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 51 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes, historical and bibliographical, on the laws of New Hampshire. By Albert II. Hoyt. Worcester, INTO. 8vo, pp. 19. One hundred copies reprinted from the Procccdinyn. (iirr AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Portraits and busts in tbo possession of the Society and other associations in Worcester, Massachusetts. Reprinted from the "Historical and Genealogical Register" for January, 1870. By Nathaniel Paine. Boston, 1876. Svo, pp. 7. Portrait. (25<> AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An account of the Society. Prepared for the International Exhibition, 1870. [By Nathaniel Paine.] | Worcester, 1S70.J Svo, pp. 28. No title-page. (257 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications of the Society. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1870. Svo, pp. 15. Thirty copies printed. (2.W AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the Council of the Society, made October 21, 1875. By Samuel A. Green. Worcester, 1870. Svo, pp. 19. One hundred and fifty copies reprinted from the J rucccdinijN. (2*>1> AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the librarian. | With remarks on libraries and library buildings, and on archaeological investigations. By S. F. Haven.] Worcester, 1876. Svo, pp. 39-71. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (2<O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Mayas, the sources of their history. Dr. Le Plongeon in Yucatan ; his account of discoveries. By Stephen Salis bury, jr. Worcester, 1877. Svo, pp. 103. Map. Three plates. Three hundred copies reprinted from the I rocccdiii /x. (il<>l AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. [Notice of Alexander von Ilumboldt and his services to American archaeology. By S. F. Haven. Worcester, 1877. | Svo, pp. 10. No title-page. Reprinted from ,the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the Council of the Society, at the semi-annual meeting, April 25, 1877, by John P. Washburn. Worcester, 1870. Svo, pp. 32. With remarks on early poets and poetry of New England. Reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. [Report of the librarian. October 22. 1877, with remarks on Ilumboldt and American archeology. By Samuel F. Haven. Worcester, 1878.] Svo, pp. 10. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne and the Con vention of Saratoga, one hundred years ago. A paper read before the Society on the 22d of October, 1877. By Charles Deane. Worcester. 1878. Svo, pp. 71. < 2GG 52 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Massachusetts and Maine, their union and separation. A paper read before the Society, April 24, 1878, by P. Emory Aldrich. Worcester, 1878. Svo, pp. 24. One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (2G7 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. On the decrease of the relative number of college-educated men in Massachusetts during the present century. By Edward Hitchcock. [Worcester, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 5. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (268-2GD AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Antiquarian papers. Memorial of Governor John Endecott ; reception of Governor John Winthrop at Salem, June 12, 1630, a sequel of the memorial. Presentation of the portrait of President Salisbury to the Society, October 21, 1878. Removal of the tomb of Isaiah Thomas, founder of the Society. Worcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. (2), 78. Portraits. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Contents : Memorial of Governor John Endecott, hy Stephen Salisbury ; Re ception of Governor John Winthrop at Salem, July 12, 1630 ; A sequel of the memorial of Governor John Endecott, hy Stephen Salisbury ; Report of Samuel A. Green in behalf of the committee to procure a portrait of the president of the Society, with remarks by George E. Ellis, George F. IToar, and response of Pres ident Salisbury ; Removal of the tomb of Isaiah Thomas, founder of the Society, June 24, 1878 [with addresses by Charles B. Pratt, Stephen Salisbury, and John I). Baldwin] ; Note on concluding ceremonies. (27O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A day at Mount Vernon in 1797, a paper read before the Society, April 80, 1879, by Hamilton B. Staples. Worcester, 1879. Svo. pp. 13. One hundred and fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (271 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. List of books received by the Society, from the sale of the first part of the Brinley library ; to which is added a cata logue of the Mather publications previously in the Society s library. Com piled by Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. ;8), T>7. Twenty-five copies. Some copies only 54 pages. Pages r>r>-57 contain addenda giving list of some of the more important works purchased at the sale of the second part of the Brinley library. (272 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Mexican Calendar Stone. By Philipp J. J. Valentin!, translated by Stephen Salisbury, jr. [Worcester,] 1879. Svo, pp. 2?). Plate. Twenty-five copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (273 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Mexican Calendar Stone. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. (From the German.) Terra-cotta tigure from Isla Mujeres, northeast coast of Yucatan. Archaeological communication on Yucatan, by Augustus Le Plongeon. Notes on Yucatan, by Alice D. Le Plongeon. Com piled and arranged by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Worcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. 98. Illustrated. Plates. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (274 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mexican copper tools ; the use of copper by the Mexicans before the conquest. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. From the German, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Worcester, 1879. 8vo, pp. 41. Illustrated. Fifty copies printed; (275 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings on the presentation of a portrait of Samuel F. Haven, librarian of the Society since April, 1S<5S. I Worcester, 1879.] Sv<>, pp. 7. No title-page. One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Ratlines of Maya history. A chapter in the early chronology of Central America. P,y Philipp J. J. Yalentini. Translated by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Worcester, 1880. Svo, pp. GO. Illustrated. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Landa Alphabet; a Spanish fabrication. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. Worcester, 1880. Svo, pp. 35. Ililustrated. Reprinted from the Proceeding*. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mexican copper tools: the use of copper by the Mexicans before the conquests and the Katunes of chapter in the early history of Central America, with special reference to the Pio Perez manuscript. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. Translated from the German, by Stephen Salisbury, jr. Worcester, : Svo, pp. 102. Illustrated. Reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the Council, October 21, 1S70, remarks upon Mexico, its history, and government. Worcester, 1880. Svo, pp. 35. One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceed AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the. librarian, Samuel F. I made April 28, 1880. Worcester, 1880. Svo, pp. 8. (2S1 Fifty copies. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. By-laws, adopted October 21, 1 coster, 1881. Svo, pp. 7. No title-page. (2Si , Reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The centennial of the Massachusett tution. By Alexander II. Bullock. Prepared at the request of tl of the Society, and read April 27, 1881. Worcester, : 8vo, pp. 56. rjjs .j Reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. From the record of proceedings at the semi-annual meeting. April 27, 1881. [Semi-aimual repo, Council.] Worcester, 1881. the Counc,,, Apr,, ,7, 1881. ** ,,,,,* ,. resignation of Samuel F. Haven, lihrarinn. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Lint of orderly books and kindred rec ; the library of the Society. [Compiled by Nathaniel Paine.] 1881.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. ( ., S5 Fifty copies reprinted from tho Proceedi AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mayaptm and Maya inscriptions. tus Le Plongeon. Worcester, 18$ Svo, pp. 30. Illustrations. (2SCJ Reprinted from the Proceedings. 54 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mexican paper: An article of tribute; its manufacture, varieties, employment, and uses. Compiled from pictorial and written records. By Ph. J. J. Valentin!. Worcester, 1881. Svo, pp. 26. Illustrated. One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (287 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes on the bibliography of Yucatan and Central America; comprising Yucatan, Chiapas, Guatemala (the ruins of Palenque, Ocosingo, and Copan), and Oaxaca (ruins of Mitla). A list of some of the writers on this subject from the sixteenth century to the present time. By Ad. F. Bandelier. Worcester, 1881. Svo, pp. 39. One hundred and fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (288 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Officers of the Society, from its incorporation in 1812 to January, 1881 ; with a list of the members, January, 1881. [Com piled by Nathaniel Paine.] Worcester, 1881. Svo, pp. 11. (289 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Personal recollections of Baron Pietro Ercole Visconti. By Robert C. Winthrop. Worcester, 1881. 8vo. pp. S. Twenty-five copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (29O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The report of the Council of the Society, made April 27, 1881, with remarks upon the Revolutionary orderly books in possession of the Society. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1881. Svo. pp. 47. Thirty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (291 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Tithingmen. By Herbert B. Adams. Wor cester, 1881. Svo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (292 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Two Mexican Chalchihuites, the Humboldt Celt, and the Leyden plate. By Ph. J. J. Valentini. Worcester, 1881. Svo, pi). 24. Illustrated. (393 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Extracts from the Report of the Council, April 27, 1881, being remarks upon the resignation of Samuel F. Haven, librarian. Worcester, 1882. Svo, pp. 5. Portrait. One hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (294 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memorial of Samuel Foster Haven, librarian of the Society. Worcester, 1882. Svo, pp. 24 (1). Portrait. Two hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (295 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes on Mitla, Oaxaca, Mexico, with plans and measurements of the ruins. By Louis II. Ayme. Worcester, 1882. Svo, pp. 21. Illustrated. One hundred and fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (296 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Origin of the names of the States of the Union. By Hamilton B. Staples. A paper read at the meeting of the So ciety, October 21, 1881, and published in its Proceedings. Worcester, 1882. Svo, pp. 25. One slip of errata. Five hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (297 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 55 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. President Garfield s New England ancestry. By George F. Hoar. Worcester, 1882. 8vo, pp. 16. Illustrations. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (298 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Recent excavations in ancient Christian cemeteries. By Egbert C. Smyth. Worcester, 1882. 8vo, pp. 30. Illustrations. Seventy-five copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (299 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Robert Boyle, a study in biography. Paper read at the semi-annual meeting of the Society, April 2<5, 1882. By Charles O. Thompson. Worcester, 1882. 8vo, pp. 28. Slip with erratum. Thirty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (3OO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Abstract of an account of recent archaeolog ical excursions in Wisconsin and Ohio, given at the meeting of the Society, October 22, 1883. [By F. W. Putnam.] [Worcester, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 16. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O1 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An ancient document of the house of Wash ington (temp, circa A. D. 1200). A communication read at the meeting of the Society, October 21, 1882. By Edward G. Porter. Worcester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 6. Plate. Seventy-five copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bibliography of the Society. Compiled by Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 26. Woodcut. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O3 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Gleanings from the sources of the history of the Second Parish, Worcester, Mass. By Samuel S. Green. Worcester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 22. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Iron from the Ohio mounds ; a review of the statements and misconceptions of two writers of over sixty years ago. By F. W. Putnam. [Boston, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 15. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Writers : S. P. Hildreth and Caleb Atwater. (3O5 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The journey of Moncacht-Ape, an Indian of the Yazoo tribe, across the continent, about the year 1700. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. n. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes upon the ancient soapstone quarries, worked for the manufacture of cooking utensils. By Henry W. Hayues. 8vo, pp. 2. Reprint. April, 1883. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes on copper implements from Mexico. By F. W. Putnam. Worcester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 12. No title-page. Two hundred and twenty-five copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (308 56 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes on the history of witchcraft in Massa chusetts, with illustrative documents. By George II. Moore. Worcester, 1883. Svo, pp. 32. This is the first of five tracts issued in a controversy hetween A. C. Goodell, jr., and Dr. George II. Moore, relative to an an alleged act of 1711 for revers ing the attainders of the witches. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O9 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Olmecas and the Tultecas. A study in early Mexican ethnology and history. Philipp .1. .T. Yalentini. Translated from the German by Stephen Salisbury, jr. With a map and two cuts. Worcester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 42. Folded map. One hundred and fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (31O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A partial index to the Proceedings of the Society, from its foundation in 1812 to 1880. By Stephen Salisbury, jr. To which is added a table of contents of all the publications and reprints of the Society to April, 1883. with prices of such as are now held by the Society. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1883. Svo, pp. xx, SO. (311 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Saxon tithingmen in America. Read before the Society, October 21, 1881, by Herbert B. Adams. Baltimore, 1883. Svo. pp. (2), 23. Reprinted. Forms No. 4 of Tin- Jolins Hopkins University Studies in His- (312 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of Dr. Karl Hermann Berendt By D. G. Brinton. Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 8. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (313 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes on titbing-men and the ballot in Mas sachusetts. By George II. Moore. Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Proceed ings. (314 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. On stone implements in Asia. By Heinrich Fischer. Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 20. Illustrated. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (315 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Origin of New England towns, their powers and duties. By P. Emory Aldrich. Extract from the report of the Council, April, 1884. Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 1G. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (31 G AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The province laws of Massachusetts. A paper read before the Society, April 30, 1884, by Hamilton B. Staples. Worcester, 1884. ^ Svo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (317 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The relations between Hamilton and Wash ington. Report of the Council, October 22, 1883. [By George Bancroft] Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (318 AMEKTCAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 57 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. [Remarks upon the antiquity of man in America, based upon objects lately received at the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology.] [Worcester, 3884.] Reprinted, with slight changes and addition of note, from Proceeding of th! Society, April 30, 1884, pp. 9i\ 93. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. List of officers and members, October, 188 i. [Worcester, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. First essays at banking and the first paper money in New England. From the report of the Council of the Society, presented October 21, 1884. By J. Hammond Trumbull. Worcester, 8vo, PP. 40. (vsi-JM* AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Action of the Council of the American Anti quarian Society on the death of Stephen Salisbury, president. Memoria address by Andrew P. Peabody. Kead at the annual meeting, October *J 1884. Tributes from other sources. Worcester, 18X5. 8vo, pp. 43. Portrait. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Biographical notice of Charles Oliver Thomp son. By P." Emory Aldrich. Worcester, 1885. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April. 1 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Biographical notice of Itear-Admiral George II. Preble. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 8vo, pp. 8. rt"J Reprinted from the Proceedings, April. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The history of Connecticut, as illustrated by the names of her towns. A paper by Franklin P, Dexter. Woi 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Necrology ending April 1, 1885. Worcester, 1885. 8vo. pp. 27. (337 Reprint. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Note-book kept by Thomas Lechford, lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts Bay, from -Tune L>,, [Edited by Edward Everett Hale, jr.] Cambridge, Large 8vo, pp. xxviii, 400. /.>o Also published as Vol. vn of the Transactions of the Soc.ety. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The obligations of New England to 1 county of Kent. A paper read before the Society as a part ot the repoi of the Council, April 29, 1885, by George F. Hoar. Worcest (32O 8vo, pp. 30. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Officer* elected October, May 1, 1885. Boston. 1885. ( iitlO 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Semi-lunar and crescent-shaped special reference to those of Mexico. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. Woi ter, 1885. 8vo, pp. 28. Illus. (331 Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 58 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archaeological research in Yucatan. By Ed ward H. Thompson. Worcester, 1886. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1886. (332 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The connection of Massachusetts with slavery and the slave trade. Read at the annual meeting of the Society, October 21, 188G, by Charles Deane. Worcester, 1886. 8vo, pp. 34. (333 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks on Central American jades. By Frederick W. Putnam. Worcester, 1886. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 188(5. (334 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The use of the voluntary system in the main tenance of ministers in the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay during the earlier years of their existence. By Samuel Swett Green. The historical portion of the report of the Council of the Society, presented April 28, 1886. Worcester, 1886. 8vo, pp. 42. (335 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The colony of Nox, from Proceedings of the Society, April 27, 1887. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 7. (336 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Estimates of population in the American col onies. By Franklin B. Dexter. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1887. (337 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Explorations at Labna, Yucatan. By Ed ward H. Thompson. April, 1887. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (338 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A list of Mather publications added to the library of the American Antiquarian Society, from April, 1880, to April, 1887. By Edmund Barton. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (339 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Pliny Earle Chase. A memoir prepared for the Society, April 27, 1887, by Samuel S. Green. [Worcester, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 8. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (34O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the treasurer, April 1, 1887. 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. (341 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Roxbury Latin School, an outline of its history. By J. Evarts Greene. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1887. (342 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Selections from letters received by David Daggett, 1786-1802. Read at the semi-annual meeting of the Society, April 27, 1887, by Franklin B. Dexter. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 12. (343 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 59 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some great charitable trusts of Great Britain. By Charles A. Chase. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 50. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1887. (344 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bibliographical notes on witchcraft in Mas sachusetts. By George H. Moore, LL. D., superintendent of the Lenox Library. Read before the Society, April 25, 1888. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 31. (45 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Cambridge Press. By Andrew McFar- land Davis. From Proceedings of the Society, April 25, 1888. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 9 (1). (34<J AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Early books and libraries. By Stephen Salisbury. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 35. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 188S. ( .147 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Extracts from letters 011 explorations in Yucatan. By Edward H. Thompson. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1888. (34S AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The first scholarship at Harvard College. From Proceedings of the Society, October 21, 1887. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 13. (349 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. King Philip s War ; with special reference to the attack on Brookfield in August, 1675. From Proceedings of the Society, October 21, 1887. By Grindall Reynolds. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 21. (50 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The legislative history of the Ordinance of 1787. By John M. Merriam, A. M. Presented at the semi-annual meeting of the Society, April 25, 1888. Worcester, 1888. Svo, pp. 42. ( 351 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Monetary unification. By Robert N. Toppan. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1888. (353 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Portal at Labna, Yucatan. By Edward H. Thompson. Worcester, 1888. Svo, pp. 4. Plate. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1887. (353 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society in the matter of the Winthrop sword, at the semi-annual meeting in Boston, April 25, 1888. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 13. < 354 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Roger Williams, freeman of Massachusetts. From Proceedings of the Society, October 21, 1887. By Reuben A. Guild. Worcester, 1888. Svo, pp. 8. (355-35G 60 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Bathsheba Spooner : incidental remarks made at the annual meeting of the Society, held in Worcester, October 22, 1888. By Samuel Swett Green, A. M. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Wor cester, 1889. Svo, pp. o. (357 -AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Christian religion and the common law. By P. Emory Aldrich. Worcester, 1889. Svo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the I roccedinys for April, 1880. (353 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Correspondence between Roger Sherman and Samuel Hopkins. By Andrew P. Peabody. Worcester, 1889. Svo, pp. 27. Reprinted from (he Proceedings for October, 1888. (359 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Nephrite and Jadeite. By Leonard P. Kin- nicutt. Worcester, 1889. Svo, pp. 1). Reprinted from the Proceed !>:(,* for April, 1889. (3OO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The site of the first college building at Cam bridge. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1889. Svo, pp. 20. Plans. Reprinted from the Proceeding* of October 22, 1888. (361 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Cranium from Progroso. Yucatan. By Franz Boas. Worcester, 1890. Svo. pp. 10. Reprint from the Proceedings, April. IXOO. (362 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The early college buildings at Cambridge From Proceedings of the Society, April ::<>, 1890. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester. 1890. Svo, pp. 2!). (363 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Illustrated Americana, 1498-1889. Articles read before the Society by James F. Ilnnnewell. Small 4 to, pp. . 57. Plate. * of (364 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. List of members. January 1, 1890. Worces- ter, 1 890. 8V PP " 1L (365 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The navigation laws, by Edward Channing hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings, October 23, 1889 of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, 1890. Svo. pp. 22 (366 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY The Peabody Museum of American Arclire- Sthnology, in Cambridge. By Frederick W. Putnam. Worces- t(?l* J_O*JO. Svo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1880. ( 367 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report of the council of the Society (with an article on.) The Farmer s Weekly Museum. By Andrew P. Peabody Worcester, 1890. * Svo, pp. 31. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1889. (368 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 61 AMKKICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Robert College, Constantinople. By Cyrus Haiulin. From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 23, 1889. Worcester, 1890. 8vo, pp. 10. (3 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The aborigines of Australia. A paper read before the Society, April 30, 1890. By Edward G. .Porter. Worcester, 1890. 8vo, pp. 22. Three plates. (. J7O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Necrology of the Society. By Samuel A. Green. 8vo, pp. G. Reprinted from Proceedings; October, ISOO. Martin P.rower Anderson, Guil- lermo Kawson, James Valentine Campbell. (JS71 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Charles Devens, Henry M. Dexter, Edward I. Thomas. Extract from the Report of the Council, read to the Society, April 29, 1891. By George E. Hoar. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. 17. ( a7a AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Dr. Schlieinann and the archaeological value of his discoveries. By Thomas Chase. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, April 20, 1801. (- 573 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A forgotten patriot, (Jen. John Whetcomb. By Henry S. Nourse. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. ir>. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, ISOO. (. 574 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. George Bancroft. By Samuel Swett Green. From Proceedings of the Society, April 2!), 18 ( .1. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. 22. ( ;s7r> AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Government in Canada and the United States compared. By George F. Hoar. From Proceedings .of the Society. April 29, 1891. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. 23. ( :17 AMKKICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The northern boundary of Massachusetts in its relations to New Hampshire. A part of the Council s report made to the American Antiquarian Society at Worcester. October 21, 1890. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. 24. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, IS .io. (,:577 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Reminiscences of Dr. John Park. By Ed ward II. Hall. Worcester, 1891. 8vo, pp. 27. Reprinted from Proceeding, October, is .M). AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Index to the Proceedings of the Society. New series, Vol. vn, October, ISDO-October, 1891. With by-laws of the Society and rules and regulations of the library. 8vo, pp. 7. (:57 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The French-Canadians in New England. By Egbert C. Smyth. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceeding* for October, 1801. 62 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Galapagos Islands. By George Baur. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1891. (381 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Hamilton Barclay Staples. By r. Emory Aldrich. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from Proceedings for October, 1891. (382 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Historic burial-places of Boston and vicinity. By John M. Merriam. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. 39. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1891. (383 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The history of the earth in libraries and mu seums. By George E. Ellis. Worcester, 1892. SA O, pp. 47. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1892. (384 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Illustrated Americana of the Revolution. By James F. Huunewell. 8vo, large paper, pp. (2), 51. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, for April, 1889, 1890, October, 1891. (385 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The landfall of Columbus at San Salvador. By Philipp J. J. Valentin!. Worcester, 1892. Svo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1892. (386 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Necrology of the American Antiquarian So ciety, prepared by Nathaniel Paine, for the semi-annual meeting, April, 1892. [Worcester? 1892?] 8vo, pp. 11. Dom Pedro II de Alcantara, John George Metcalf, John Edwin Mason, Charles Babcock Salisbury. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1892. (387 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Results of Columbus s discovery. By Ed ward E. Hale. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. 25. Reprinted from the Proceedings,, October, 1892. (388 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some Rhode Island contributions to the intel lectual life of the last century [with special reference to the influence of George Berkeley]. By William Eaton Foster. Worcester, Mass., 1892. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April 27, 1892. (389 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Thomas Coram in Boston and Taunton ; a paper read before the American Antiquarian Society Boston, 27 April, 1892. By Hamilton Andrews Hill. Worcester, Mass., 1892. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings,, April, 1892. (39O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. William Lincoln. By Charles A. Chase. Worcester, 1892. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1891. . (391 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 63 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The ancient structures of Yucatan not com munal dwellings ; and Yucatan at the time of its discovery. By Edward II. Thompson. Worcester, 1893. 8vo, pp. 14. Plates. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October 21, 1892. (392 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The British Public Record Office and the material in it for early American history. By W. Noel Saiusbury. Wor cester, 1893. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1893. (393 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Lady Mowlson scholarship at Cambridge. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1893. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October 21, 1892. (394 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The life of Thomas Harrison, major-general in the army of the Commonwealth of England, and one of the judges of King Charles I. By Charles H. Firth. Worcester, 1893. 8vo, pp. 77. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, April 26, 1893. (395 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks of Nathaniel Paine on reproducing early newspapers. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from Proceedings, April, 1893. (396 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Santa Fe trade; its route and its char acter. By J. Evarts Greene. Worcester, 1893. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1893. (397 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Wheeler s defeat, 1(375. Where? At Mem- ininiisset meadow. A paper read before the Society, October 21, 1893. By Samuel Abbott Green. [Boston, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 4. Folded map. No title-page. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1893. (398 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The world of commerce in 1492. By William Babcock Weeden. Worcester, Mass., 1893. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October 21, 1892. (399 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Aborigines of the West Indies. By Fred erick A. Ober. Worcester, Mass., 1894. 8vo, pp. 46. " From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the semi-annual meeting, held in Boston, April 25, 1894." (4OO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The archives of Harvard College. By Justin Winsor, librarian of Harvard College. Worcester, 1894. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April 25, 1894. (4O1 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Concord. By John M. Merriain. Worcester, 1894. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1894. (4O2 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Edmund Burke ; his services as agent of the province of New York. By Calvin Stebbins. Worcester, 1894. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1893. (4O3 64 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The new found journal of Charles Floyd, a sergeant under Captains Lewis and Clark. By James Davie Butler. Worcester, Mass., 1894. 8vo, pp. 30. " From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the semi-annual meeting, held in Boston, April 25, 1894." Published from a manuscript in the collection of the Wisconsin State His torical Society. The journal extends from May 14 to August 17, 1804. (4<>1 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. On some sccial distinctions at Harvard ami Yale before the Revolution. By Franklin Bowditch Dexter. Worcester 1894. Svo, pp. 28. Reprinted from Proceedings, October 21, 1803. (4O5 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The past in the present in Asia. By John Bellows. Worcester, 1894. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1893. (4O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Analysis of the pictorial text inscribed on two Palenque tablets. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. Worcester, 1895. 8vo. pp. 24. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1894. (4O7 ANTIQUARIAN. SOCIETY. The food of certain American Indians and their methods of preparing it. By Lucien Carr. AYorcester, 1895. Svo, pp. 38. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1895. (4O3 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Hamilton Andrews Hill, LL. U., 1827-1895. By Edward G. Porter, n. p., n. d. Svo. pp. (j. Reprinted from the Proceedings,, October, 1895. (4Of) AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Law of adultery and ignominious punish ments. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1895. Svo. pp. , !2. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1895. (41O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A list of early American imprints, 1040- 1700, belonging to the library of the American Antiqunrian Society. With an introduction and notes, by Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1890. Svo, pp. 80. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1895. (411 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Quality the prevailing element in repre sentation. | in New England]. By William B. Weeden. Worcester, 1895. Svo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1894. (412 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The rival claimants for North America, 1497- 1755. By Justin AVinsor. Worcester, 1895. Svo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October 24, 1894. (41 ? AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Scotch-Irish in America. By Samuel 5wett Green. A paper read as the report of the Council of the American Antiquarian Society, at the semi-annual meeting. April 24, 1895, with corre spondence called out by the paper. Worcester, Mass., 1895. 8vo, pp. 59. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1895. (414 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 65 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some early writings of Jonathan Edwards, 1714-1726. By Egbert C. Smyth. Worcester, 189(5. 8vo, pp. 39. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1895. (415 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Analysis of the pictorial text inscribed on two Palenque tablets. By Philipp J. J. Valentini. Worcester, 189G. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1895. (41 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Ancient tombs of Palenque. By Edward H. Thompson. Worcester, 189G. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1895. (417 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. History of explorations in the Mississippi valley. By Stephen D. Peet Worcester, 1896. 8vo, pp. 35. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1896. (418 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Legislation and litigation connected with the Land Bank of 1740. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, Mass., 1896. 8vo, pp. 40. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1896. (419 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The literature of witchcraft in New England. By Justin Wiusor. Worcester, 1896. 8vo, pp. 25. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1895. (42O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Lucius Robinson Paige. Memorial sketch. [By Albert H. Hoyt] Worcester, 1897. 12mo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings at the October meeting, 1896. (421 AMHRICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes on early American literature. By James F. Hunnewell. Worcester, 1896. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1896. (422 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Our dealings with the Indians. By J. Evarts Greene. Worcester, 1896. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1896. (42:; AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY . Benjamin Apthorp Gould. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, Mass., 1897. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1897. (424 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Dr. Saugrain s Relation of his voyage down the Ohio river from Pittsburgh to the Falls in 1788. By Eugene F. Bliss. Worcester, 3897. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1897. (42.1 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Dress and ornaments of certain America n Indians. By Lucien Carr. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. 76. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1897. (42O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The General Court and Land Bank Litigants. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1897. (427 II. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 5 66 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A list of early American broadsides, 1680- 1800, belonging to the library of the American Antiquarian Society. With an introduction and notes. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. 64. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1897. (428-429 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of Francis Amasa Walker. By Henry W. Haynes. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1897. (43O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The permanence of the Greek type. By Ed win A. Grosvenor. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. L O. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1897. (431 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some great trusts in the United States. By Charles A. Chase. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1897. (432 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Twenty unsettled miles in the northeast boundary. By Thomas C. Mendenhall. Worcester, 1897. 8vo, pp. 25. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1896. (433 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Bradford manuscript. Account of the part taken by the American Antiquarian Society in the return of the Brad ford manuscript to America. Worcester, 1898. 8vo, pp. 108, 5 port. (incl. front.) (434 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Early New England catechisms. A biblio graphical account of some catechisms published before the year 1800, for use in New England. Read, in part, before the American Antiquarian Society, at its annual meeting in Worcester, October 21, 1897, by Wilber- force Eanies. Worcester, Mass., 1898. * 4to, iv, [5\]-lll pp. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1897. (435 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An historical study of the powers and duties of the presidency in Yale college. By Franklin B. Dexter. Worcester, 1898. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1897. (436 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. James Hammond Truiubull. By Franklin B. Dexter. Worcester, 1898. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1897. (437 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. John Winthrop, Junior, Governor of Con necticut, 1657. By Frederick J. Kingsbury. Worcester, 1898. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1898. (438 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Justin Winsor. By James L. Whitney. Worcester, 1898. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1898. (439 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A flag episode. By Thomas C. Mendenhall. Worcester, 1899. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from Proceedings, October, 1898. First flag of the Union ever displayed in a foreign port was made and hoisted to the masthead by Captain Thomas Mendenhall, on the brig " Nancy," 1775, at St. Thomas. (440 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 67 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Certain additional notes touching upon the subjects of ignominious punishments and of the Massachusetts currency. By Andrew McFarland Davis . . . Worcester, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. 9. From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the semi-annual meeting, April 26, 1899. (441 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Initiations into adolescence. By G. Stanley Hall. Worcester, 1899. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1898. (442 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Massachusetts Bay Currency, 3t>90-1750. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1898. (443 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mrs. Mary Rowlandsoii s removes. By Henry S. Nourse. Worcester, 1899. 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1898. (444 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Rufus Putnam and his pioneer life in the Northwest. By Sidney Crawford. Worcester, 1899. 8vo, pp. 26. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1898. (445 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. What caused the deportation of the Aca- dians? By James P. Baxter. Worcester, 1899. 8vo, pp. 29. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1899. (446 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The American jurisdiction of the Bishop of London in Colonial times. By Simeon E. Baldwin. Worcester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 179-221. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1899. (447 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Andros s Proclamation Money. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 11. From the Proceedings at the semi-annual meeting, April 25, 1900. (448 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Boston massacre, March 5, 1770 ; a part of the Council s report made to the American Antiquarian Society at its annual meeting in Worcester, October 24, 1900. By Samuel A[bbott] Green. Worcester, Mass., C. Hamilton, 1900. 8vo, pp. 16. (449 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Craigie house, Cambridge, during its occupancy by Andrew Craigie and his widow. By Samuel Swett Green. From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the semi-annual meeting, April 25, 1900. Worcester, Mass., 1900. 4to, pp. 43. (45O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Forest of Dean. By John Bellows. Worcester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1899. (451 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Mascoutins. By Lucien Carr. Worces ter, 1900. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1900. (453 68 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of John Elbridge Hudson. By Francis Blake. Worcester, 1900. Svo, pp. 7. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings at the annual meeting, Oct. 24, 1900. (453 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of John Nicholas Brown. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceed ings., October, 1900. (454 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Notes of the life and character of Dr. Wil liam Pa-ine. By George E. Francis. Worcester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1900. (455 AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A philanthropist of the last century identified as a Boston man Francis Green. By Alexander Graham Bell. Worces ter, 1900. Svo, pp. 13. Reprinted from Proceedings at the semi-annual meeting, April 25, 1900. (451J AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Reuhen Aldridge Guild, A. M., LL. I)., Librarian of Brown University. By Win. C. Poland. Revised by Georgi- ana Guild. Worcester, 1900. Svo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1899. (457 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Several great libraries. By James F. Ilun- newell. Worcester, 1900. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1899. (458 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some facts about John and Sebastian Cabot By George P. Winship. Worcester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1900. (459 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some notes on Isaiah Thomas and his Worcester imprints. By Charles L. Nichols. Worcester, 1900. Svo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1900. (46O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The writing of history. By James P. Baxter. Worcester, 1900. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1899. (4<M AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Confederacy and the Transvaal ; a people s obligation to Robert E. Lee, by Charles Francis Adams; a paper read before the American Antiquarian Society, at its annual meeting in Worcester, Massachusetts, Wednesday, October 30th, 1901. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 25 [1]. At head of title: 1865-3900. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1901. (462 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY . Diary of Christopher Columbus Baldwin, librarian of the American Antiquarian Society 1829-1835. Worcester, Mass., Pub. by the Society, 1901. Svo, pp. xx, [5]-380. front, (port.) 1 pi. " The Council of the society, on October 20, 1899, authorized the Committee of publication to print the diary. The work of editing has been done by one of their number, Nathaniel Paine." AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 69 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mrs. Lucretia (Chandler) Bancroft. A let ter to her daughter, Mrs. Gherardi, with introduction by Horace Davis, and historical notes by Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1901. 8vo, pp. 37. front, (port.) From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the annual meeting. October 24, 1900. ( 4O4 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Province Snow, " Prince of Orange." By Waldo Lincoln. From Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the semi-annual meeting, April 2, 1901. Worcester, Mass., 1901. 8vo, pp. 57. (465 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Roll of membership, with a list of officers, June, 1901. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1901. 8vo, pp. xx. (46 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Student customs. By G. Stanley Hall. Worcester, 1901. 8vo, pp. 44. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1900. (407 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Archaeological and ethnological research in the United States : a brief summary for 1901, by F. W. Putnam. Reprinted from Vol. xiv, Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October meeting, 1901. Worcester, Mass., 1902. 8vo, 1 p. 1., 461-470 pp. (46S AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A bit of unpublished correspondence between Henry D. Thoreau and Isaac T. Hecker. By E. Harlow Russell. Wor cester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1902. (469 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Brew r ster autograph in Wisconsin. By James D. Butler. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1902. (4*7O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Charles Allen of Worcester. By George F. Hoar. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 56. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, October meeting, 1901. (471 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Gosnold at Cuttyhunk. By Edward E. Hale. Hale. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1902. (473 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Greek archaeology. By Austin S. Garver. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1902. (473 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Land titles of the American Antiquarian Society. By Charles A. Chase. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1901. (474 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Mary Griffin and her creed. By Egbert C. Smyth. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1902. (475 70 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The millennial of Alfred the Great By Edwin D. Mead. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Anti quarian Society, April, 1902. [n. p., 1902?] 8vo, pp. 30. (476 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Reminiscences of John Fiske ; by Samuel Swett Green. From the Proceedings of the meeting of the American Anti quarian Society, held October 30, 1901. Worcester, Mass., 1902. 8vo, pp. 10. (477 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Robert Noxon Toppan. By Henry H. Edes. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1901. (478 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. " The Tale of Tantiusque ; " Early mining venture in Massachusetts. By George H. Haynes. Worcester, 1902. 8vo, pp. 29. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1901. (479 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Aristotle s musical problems. Edited by J. C. Vollgraff and F. A. Gevaert. Papers presented by James Green. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1903. (48O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Connecticut compromise. By George F. Hoar. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1902. (481 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Did Sir Thomas Browne write " Fragment on Mummies?" By Samuel S. Green. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1903. (482 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A few notes on the Shays rebellion. By John Noble. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, October 21, 1902. Worcester, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 35. (483 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Fund at Boston in New England. By Andrew McFarland Davis . . . Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, April 29, 1903. (484 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The power loom. Its genesis in Worcester county. By Henry Stedman Nourse. Worcester, Mass., 1904. Svo, pp. 29. From Proceedings of the Society, at the annual meeting held in Worcester, October 21, 1903. (485 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Medical education in Boston and New York in 1827. By Samuel S. and John Green. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1902. (486 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The navigation of the Connecticut river. By W. De Loss Love. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 59. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1903. (487 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 71 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Remarks on the manuscripts in the library of the American Antiquarian Society. By Nathaniel Paine, A. M.. Wor cester, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 31. " From the Report of the council, presented April 29, 1903." (488 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some letters and papers of John Hancock, etc. By Allen C. Thomas. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1903. (489 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Three commonwealths, Massachusetts. Con necticut, Rhode Island; Their early development. By William B. Weeden. Worcester, 1903. 8vo, pp. 37. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1902. (49O AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Andrew Haswell Green ; A sketch, by Samuel Swett Green. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the semi-annual meeting of the Society, April 27, 1904. (491 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The attempted suicide of a Massachusetts town, [Pelhain]. By George H. Haynes. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from Proceedings, April, 1904. (492 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Henry Stedman Nourse. By E. Harlow Russell. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1903. (493 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Certain great monuments. By James F. Hunnewell. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1904. (494 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The commercial primacy of the United States. By Edmund A. Engler. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings for April, 1904. (495 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Contributions of the American Indian to civilization. By Alexander F. Chamberlain. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1903. (496 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Edward Woodville, Knight Errant; study of the relations of England and Spain in the latter part of the 15th century. By Roger B. Merriman. Worcester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1903. (497 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Contents of the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, 1880-1903, comp. by Nathaniel Paine, A. M. With a list of the reprints of special papers, etc., 1883-1904. Worcester, 1905. 8vo, pp. v, [7]-37. Continues the " Partial index to the Proceedings . . . 1812 to 1880," published by the society in 1883. ( 49S AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The development of democratic ideas in the Puritan army in 1647. By Calvin Stebbins. Worcester, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 31. From Proceedings of the Society, October 21, 1904. (499 72 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Emergent treasury supply in Massachusetts in early days. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Worcester, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 34. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April 26, 1905. (5OO AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Henry Hitchcock. By John Green. [Wor cester, Mass., 1905.1 Svo. pp. 10. Cover-title. Read before the American Antiquarian Society, October 21, 1905. (5OOa AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Kendall Adams. By James Davie Butler. Worcester, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April 26, 1905. (5OOb AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual reports, 1854-1863. 8vo. Printed in annual reports of the American Baptist Publication Society, Phila- delphia, 1854-1863. (5O1 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The philosophy of history, and the Baptist element in history. Address by C. Billings Smith. Svo. (5O2 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the eleventh anniver sary of the Society, held in Philadelphia, May 23, 1864. Philadelphia, 1864. 8vo, pp. 16. Reports for previous years are printed in the annual reports of the Baptist Publication Society. (5O3 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eleventh annual report, 1864. Phila delphia, 1864. Svo, pp. 16. (5O4 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early Baptists of Virginia. An address delivered in New York, before the American Baptist Historical So ciety, May 10, 1856. By Robt. Boyle C. Howell. Philadelphia, 1857. Svo, pp. 120. (5O5 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American Baptist preaching of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Address delivered in Boston, before the Society, May 12, 1857, at its fourth anniversary. By Silas Bailey. Philadelphia, 1858. 8vo, pp. 46 (2). Contains the constitution and a list of officers. The address is reprinted in the " Memorial volume of Silas Bailey." Lafay ette, Ind., 1876. (5O6 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical vindications : A discourse on the province and uses of Baptist history, delivered before the Backus Historical Society at Newton, Mass., June 23, 1857. Repeated before the American Baptist Historical Society, at New York, May 14, 1859, with ap pendixes, by S. S. Cutting. Boston, 1859. 12mo, pp. 224. (5O7 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The place of Baptists in Protestant Christendom. An address before the American Baptist Historical Society, in Providence, May 30, 1862. By George R. Bliss. Philadelphia, 1862. 8vo, pp. 20. (508 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 73 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Serampore mission and the mis sionaries. An address delivered before the Baptist church in Pittsfield, January 8, 1860. By the Hon. Edward A. Newton. Pittsfield, 1862. 8vo, pp. .30. Published by the Society: (5O9 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Unitarian apostasy and the rela tions of the Baptists thereto. Address before the Society at its eleventh anniversary, by D. C. Eddy. Philadelphia, 1864. 12mo, pp. 39. (51O AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the seventeenth anni versary of the Society, . . . May 23, 1870. Philadelphia, 1S70. 8vo. (51Oa AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seventeenth annual report, 1870. Philadelphia. Svo, pp. 14 (1). (511 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular about the objects of tlie Society. May, 1866. 12mo, pp. 4. (512 Same, August, 1866. 12mo, pp. 4. AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the books and manu scripts in the library of the Society. August, 1874. [Philadelphia, 1874.] Svo, pp. 108, 40. (513 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Twenty-third anniversary of the Soci ety, held in the Second Baptist Church, Philadelphia, May 29, 1876. Phila delphia, 1876. Svo, pp. 15. (514 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Baptist Historical Society. By Howard Malcolm. From the Baptist Quarterly. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 8. *"No title-page. (515 AMERICAN BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of information, character, constitution, etc. Sept., 1897. Philadelphia [1897]. Svo, pp. 14. (516 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. New York City. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, Yols. i, ir. New York, 1845- 1848. Svo, 2 vols. Contents : Vol. i. Notes on the semicivilized nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America, by Albert Gallatin ; An account of ancient remains in Tennes see, by Gerard Troost ; Observations respecting the Grave Creek mound in western Virginia, by Henry R. Schoolcraft ; On the recent discoveries of Him- yaritic inscriptions and the attempts made to decipher them, by W. W. Turner ; Account of the Punico-Libyan monument at Dugga, and the remains of an an cient structure at Bless, near the site of ancient Carthage, by Frederick Cather- wood. New York, 1845. pp. xiv (2), 401. Plates. (517 Vol. II. Hale s Indians of Northwest America, and vocabularies of North America, with an introduction, by Albert Gallatin; Observations on the aborig inal monuments of the Mississippi Valley, by E. G. Squler ; View of the ancient geography of the Arctic regions of America, from accounts contained in ojd northern MSS., by C. C. Rafn ; Account of a craniological collection, by S. G. Morton ; Sketch of the Polynesian language, by Theodore Dwight ; Grammatical sketch of the language spoken by the Indians of the Mosquito Shore, by A. 1 Cotheal ; Present position of the Chinese Empire, by S. Wells Williams ; Sketch of the Mpongwes and their language, by Theodore Dwight ; Progress of eth nology, by John R. Bartlett. New York, 1848. pp. clxxxviii, 298, 151. (518 74 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. Ill, Pt. i. 1851. 8vo, pp. 202. Contents given on back of the Society s Bulletin. Contents : Observations on the Creek and Cherokee Indians, by William Bart- ram ; Observations on the archaeology and ethnology of Nicaragua, with some account of the present condition of the Indians of that republic, also four new vocabularies of languages spoken by the aborigines, hitherto unrecorded, by E. G. Squier ; The Rio Wanks and the Mosco or Mosquito Indians A letter from Don Juan Francisco Trias ; A Choctaw tradition, by C. C. Copeland ; The ab origines of the Isthmus of Panama, by Berthold Sheeman ; Cuban antiquities ; a brief description of some relics found in the Island of Cuba, by Andres Poey. Vol. in, Pt. i of the Transactions was the last one published and is rare, most of the copies having been destroyed by fire in 1851. (519 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Observations on the aboriginal monuments of the Mississippi Valley ; the character of the ancient earthworks, and the structure, contents, and purposes of the mounds ; with notices of the minor remains of ancient art. With illustrations. By E. G. Squier. From the second volume of the Transactions of the Society. New York, 1847. 8vo, pp. 79. Folded map. (52O AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin of the American Ethnological So ciety. V. i. [Sept. 1860- Jan. 1861] New York, The Society, 1860-61. 8vo, pp. 72, 1 pi. Issued in conformity with a resolution of the society adopted Dec. 1860. Previous to this date at least two pamphlets had appeared containing proceed ings of the society : the first, with title " Report on the huacals, or ancient graveyards of Chiriqui . . . by J. K. Merritt," including Bulletin for April 17, May 8, 1860 (14 p.); the second, with title "Bulletin of the American ethnological Society," including proceedings for May 22, 1860 (8 p.) Bulletin of the proceedings of the American ethnological society . . . 1861 & 1862. [New York, 1863?] 8vo, pp. 16. [With its Bulletin. New York, 1860-61. v. 1] Caption title. Bulletin of proceedings for Jan.-March 1863 is included in a pamphlet pub lished by the society, entitled : Officers of the society, 1863. No more published. (521 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. . . . Officers of the society, 1863. Origin and objects of the society. [New York, 1863?] 8vo, pp. 16. Caption title. Includes " Bulletin of the proceedings of the ... society. Jan.-March 1863." (522 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. . . . Officers in 1869 . . . Origin and ob jects of the society. [New York, 1869] 8vo, pp. 4. Caption title. Includes biographical notice of Dr. Carl Hermann Berendt. (52:5 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York City. [Previous to 1871 called American Geographical and Statistical Society.] AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. New York, 1852. 8vo, pp. 12. Same. [With] List of members, with the report of the committee proposing the by-laws, November, 1861, and subsequent amendments, 1862. New York. 1862. 8vo, pp. (2), 31. (524 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 75 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, v. 1-2; 1852-5G. New York, 1852-57. 8vo, 2 vols. Maps, diagr. No more published. Not to be confused with the Bulletins which from 1859-1900 formed the annual volumes of the " Journal " of the society, and since 1901 form the annual volumes of the Bulletin (formerly Journal)." (525 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin of the Society Vol. i for the year 1852. New York, 1852. 8vo, pp. 79 (1). Map. Contents : Origin of the Society ; Officers, trustees ; By-Laws ; Transactions ; Memoir on the geography, history, productions, and trade of Paraguay, by Edward A. Hopkins ; Discoveries in South Africa, letter from Rev. David Liv ingston ; A sketch of the trade of the eastern ports of Turkey, in the Black Sea, by J. Danesi ; Memorial to the Secretary of the Navy, on the subject of a survey of the Rio de La Plata and its tributaries ; Gen. Mosquera and New Granada ; Method of geographical observation, by W. F. Hamilton ; Compara tive agricultural statistics of the Ignited States, communicated by R. S. Fisher. (526 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin of the Society. January, 1853. Vol. i, No. 2. New York, 1853. 8vo, pp. 81-104 (1). Map. Contents : Transactions of the Society ; Paper on "Access to an open polar sea along a North American meridian," by E. K. Kane ; Officers and trustees. (527 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin of the Society, Vol. i, Part in, for the year 1854. New York, 1854. 8vo, pp. 102 (1). Maps. Contents : Transactions of the Society : Annual address, by M. F. Maury ; Boundary betwaen the United States and Mexico, by Wm. H. Emory ; A descrip tion of Natal, by H. A. Wilder ; Interoceanic communications across the Isthmus of Panama, or " Darien," by Geo. B. Watts ; Railroad to the Pacific, by Henry V. Poor ; Charter of the Society, 1854 ; Officers and trustees. (528 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Access to an open Polar Sea, in connection with the search after Sir John Franklin and his com panions. By Elisha K. Kane, M. D. Read before the Society, December 14, 1852. New York, 1853. 8vo, pp. 24. Folded map. (529 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin of the Society, Vol. n, for the year 185G. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 273 (14). Contents : Transactions of the Society : Memorial of the Society to the legis lature of the state of New York on the subject of the next census ; Report of the committee on foreign correspondence and exchange. Papers read before the Society : The annual address, being a Paper upon the Gulf Stream, by A. D. Bache ; Topography and history of the state of New York, by Horatio Seymour ; The post-office in the United States and England, by Pliny Miles ; The agricul tural features of the census of the United States for 1850, by Geo. E. Waring, jun. ; The Japanese Gulf Stream, by Lieut. Bent, IT. S. N. ; The common school system of the state of New York, by S. S. Randall ; Topographical survey of New Jersey, by Egbert L. Yiele ; The electric telegraph, its influence and geo graphical distributions, by Marshall Lefferts ; Proceedings in honor of the mem ory of Elisha Kent Kane ; Members of the Society. ("*< AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Report. American Geo graphical and Statistical Society. Regular monthly meeting, March, 1854. Capt. Walter M. Gibson on the East Indian Archipelago; a description of its wild races of men. New York, 1854. 8vo, pp. 36. < 531 76 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. The New York Harbor and the improvements necessary, and the removal of the dangers at Hell Gate. A paper read before the Society, May 15, 1856. By D. E. Wheeler. New York, 1856. 8vo, pp. 20. Folded chart. (532 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Paper on the Kuro-Siwo, or Japan stream. Read before the Society, by Silas Bent, January 24, 1856. New York, [1856?]. 8vo, pp. 8. Map. (5.33 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. A paper read before the Society, March 6, 1856. By M. C. Perry. New York, 1856. 8vo, pp. 31. On the enlargement of geographical science. (534 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Statenientof the objects & organization of the American Geographical and Statistical Society ; with a copy of its charter, by-laws, &c. New York, 1856. 8vo, pp. 21, [2]. Same. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. [15]. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. . . . Annual report of the council and officers, with appendix. For the year ending third December, 1857. [New York] 1858. 8vo, pp. 50, 1 1. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. Compiled by E. R. Straznicky. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 32. (537. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Report and memorial on Syrian exploration. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 28. (53S AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Report of the joint special committees of the Chamber of Commerce and American Geographical and Statistical Society on the extension of the decimal system to weights and measures of the United States. 1857. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 22. (53J) AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Address on the Northwest, before the Society, December 2, 1858. By I. I. Stevens. Washington, 1858. 8vo, pp. 56. (540 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the coun cil and officers, with appendix, for year ending December, 1857. New York, 1858. 8vo, pp. 50 (1). (541 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. The geography and re sources of Arizona and Sonora. An address before the Society, by Syl vester Mowry, February 3, 1859. Washington, 1859. 8vo, pp. 47. Same. New edition, with an appendix. San Francisco, 1863 8vo, pp. (6), 124, (2). Map. (542 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 77 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Statistical view of Ameri can agriculture, its home resources and foreign markets, with suggestions for the schedules of the Federal census in I860. Address before the Society. By John Jay. New York, 1859. 12mo, pp. 81. (543 AMKRICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Journal, v. 1-32; [1859]- 1900. New York, 1859- [1900]. Svo. 32 v. illus., plates, ports., maps, plans, tab., diagrs. " From 1859 to 1900 the Bulletins of each year, when hound, were called the Journal."- Letter of librarian of the Society (May, 1904). Vol. 1 is in 10 numbers ; v. 2 in 2 pts., each with title ; Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. Vol. 2, pt. 1, published 1860 ; pt. 2, 1870. The publication of the Journal was suspended in the interval between the two parts. Vols. 3-9 (1872-77) of this set were issued as New York state documents, printed at Albany. " Bibliography of geographical works published in the United States in 1898 " : v. 31, p. 299-313. The Journal is continued from v. 33, 1901, under title " Bulletin." In vols. 124, only articles relating to America are noticed. (544 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. I. New York, 1859. Svo, pp. vn (1), 310. Contents : Northwest America, by Isaac I. Stevens ; Mountains of North Carolina; The proposed new territories: Colona (?), Laramie, Nevada, and Arizona ; Canals in the TJ. S. in operation ; Railroads in the U. S., completed and progressing ; Orography of the western portion of the continent of North Amer ica, by Thomas Antisell ; The Colorado expedition ; American agriculture, by John Jay ; Statistics of American states ; Arizona and Sonora, by Sylvester Mowry ; On the manner of taking a census, by Franklin B. Hough ; The value of geography to the scholar, the merchant, and the philanthropist, by Joseph P. Thompson ; Geology of New Jersey, by J. II. Cook ; Railroads of Maine & New Hampshire, statistics ; California, Oregon, Washington, by T. Dwight Hunt ; The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, by John McLeod Murphy ; Statistics of Guano ; Connection of the Northmen with the east, by Charles C. Rafn ; New York state census, 1855, by Franklin B. Hough ; Ilumboldt Commemoration ; The expedition in search for Sir John Franklin, by Capt. F. L. McClintock ; South Carolina, her natural resources and agricultural products, by Oscar M. Lieber ; Geography and resources of Nebraska, reduced from G. K. Warren s , " Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota " ; Lake Superior copper region, statis tics ; North American fisheries, by Abraham Gesner ; Benevolent societies among the laboring classes, by James Wynne ; General Index. (545 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. n. New York, 1860, 1870. Svo, pp. xxxii, 148, cxxxiii, 112. In two parts. Contents : The progress of marine geography, by D. W. Fiske ; Geographical notice of the coast survey operations during the year 1859, by Alexander D. Bache ; Some account of the Lake of Yojoa or Taulebe", in Honduras, by E. G. Squier ; Carl Ritter, by Arnold H. Guyot ; Benevolent societies among the la boring classes, by James Wynne ; Geographical and statistical literature ; Transactions of the Society, 1868-70 ; Annual address, by Charles P. Daly ; Review of events of the year and recent explorations and theories for reach "ng the North Pole ; Address on Arctic exploration, by I. I. Hayes ; Communication from Captain Silas Bent upon the routes to be pursued by expeditions to the North Pole ; The Northmen in America, by B. F. De Costa ; On the geology of Brazil, by Ch. F. Hartt ; Volcanoes and earthquakes, by T. Sterry Hunt. (546 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. m. 1873. [Albany], 1873. Svo, pp. viii, 415. < Contents : Officers, members, charter, etc. ; Transactions ; Annual address by Daniel C. Gilman : The last ten years of geographical work in this country ; Physical geography of the northwestern boundary of the United States, by 78 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. George Gibbs ; Yukon River region, Alaska, by Charles W. Raymond ; Explora tions in the Rockj r Mountains and the high peaks of Colorado, by W. H. Brewer ; Geographical discoveries in the Arctic regions, by C. F. Hall ; Observations on the geography and archaeology of Peru, by E. G. Squier ; The new route of commerce by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, by Simon Stevens ; Contributions to the physical geography of the Mississippi River, by Edward Fontaine ; Report of the reception by the Society of Captain Hall and his officers previous to their departure for the Arctic regions. (547 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 1873. Vol. iv. [Albany], 1874. 8vo, pp. (viii) 468. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Transactions for 1872 ; Annual address, by Charles P. Daly : The geographical work of the world in 1872 ; Geographical work in the United States during 1871 annual address, by Daniel C. Gilman ; History and authority of the Verrazano map, with a reduced copy of same, by J. Car son Brevoort ; Physical geography of the northwestern boundary of the United States, by George Gibbs ; Northwestern North America : its resources and its inhabitants, by J. T. Rothrock ; On the paleography of North America, by T. Sterry Hunt. (548 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 1874. Vol. v. [Albany], 1874. 8vo, pp. viii, 272. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Transactions for 1873 ; Annual address, by Charles P. Daly : The geographical work of the world in 1873 ; The wonders of the Yellowstone, by John Gibbon ; The Isthmus of Darien and the Valley of the Atrato considered with reference to the practicability of an interoceanic canal, by Fred. Collins ; The ruins to be found in New Mexico, by James H. Simpson ; The Indian territory and its inhabitants, by E. C. Boudinot ; Causes of mild temperature of our interior and westerly northern latitudes, by W. Milnor Roberts ; Survey of a portion of the Mexican Gulf coast, by F. II. Baker ; Ex plorations in the Aleutian Islands and their vicinity, by Wm. H. Dall ; Work of the United States Hydrographic Office in 1873, by R. H. Wyman ; Explorations among the ruins of Pachacamac, Peru, by John Schumacher ; The prehistoric inhabitants of the Mississippi the mound builders, by D. A. Robertson. (54J> AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 1874. Vol. vi. [Albany], 1876. 8vo, pp. (8), 334. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Transactions, 1874 ; Annual address, by Charles P. Daly : Geographical work of the world for 1873 ; Proceedings at the Arctic meeting in relation to the voyage of the Polaris ; Memorial meeting on the death of David Livingstone ; The great west and the scenery of our national parks, by F. V. Hayden ; Western exploration, by George M. Wheeler ; Explorations of the Territories, by E. H. Ruffner ; The new state of Colorado, by Alvan S. SouHi- worth. (55O AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 1875. Vol. vii. [Albany], 1878. 8vo, pp. viii, 396. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Annual report of the council ; Annual address, by Charles I*. Daly : Geographical work of the world in 1875 ; Geographical distri bution of fish in the United States, by Robert B. Roosevelt ; Village Indians of New Mexico, by Ernest Ingersoll ; Physical geography and topographical features of the state of New York, by Egbert L. Viele ; Report of the Hydrographic Com mission of Peru, on the Amazon River ; Communication of Frederick Collins, U. S. N., upon his exploration and survey for a ship canal across the Isthmus of Darien. (551 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. 1876. Vol. vm. [Albany], 1878. 8vo, pp. (8), 311. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Transactions, 1876 ; Annual address, by Charles P. Daly : The geographical work of the world in 1876 ; Geographical distribution of the ancient Central American civilization, by C. II. Berendt ; Surveys and reconnoissances from 1870 to 1875 for a ship canal across the American Isthmus, by Daniel Ammen ; Discussion upon a proposed interoceanic canal through Nica- raugua remarks by T. Bailey Myers ; A discourse on the philosophy of the North American Indians, by J. W. Powell ; The river Mackenzie, by A. J. Russell, (552 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 79 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal, Vol. ix. 1X77. Albany, 1870. 8vo, pp. (8), 158. Contents : Officers, charter, by-hiws, etc. ; The volcanoes of the Pacific coast of the United States, by S. F. Emmons ; Some geographical features of Cali fornia, by J. A. Johnson ; A synopsis of a paper upon "A summer s exploration in the Sierra Nevada," by A. II. Conkling ; Practical hints for Arctic travel ing, by John Rae. (553 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal, Vol. x. 1878. New York [1879.] 8vo, pp. Ixii, 298. Contents : Officers, charter, by-laws, etc. ; Transactions of the Society, 1878 ; Annual address, by Charles P. Daly : Geographical work of the world in 1877 ; Interoceanic ship canal across the American Isthmus, by Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. ; Journey along the west coast of South America, by Jas. Dougias ; Method of approaching New York harbor by sounding proposed by Lieut. Tru- delle, F. N., translated by Lieut. T. B. M. Mason, U. S. N. ; Arctic meeting : Plan for exploration of the Arctic regions, by H. W. Howgate Addresses by Charles P. Daly, Lord Dufferin, Bayard Taylor, William Cullen Bryant, and Isaac I. Hayes. (554 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal, Vol. xi. 1879. New York. [1881.] 8vo, pp. liv, 368. Contents : Officers, charter, by-laws, etc. ; Transactions, 1870 ; The early his tory of cartography, or What we know of maps and map making before the time of Mercator, by Charles P. Daly ; Modern oceanic highways, by A. A. Hayes, jr. ; Interoceanic ship canal discussion : The proposed interoceanSc ship canal across Nicaragua, by Daniel Ammen ; Letters from Frederick M. Kelley, Nathan Appleton, and Walter W. Evans ; Addresses by Charles P. Daly, A. G. Menocal, and John Bogart ; Proceedings in the Canal Congress at Paris, May 23, and in the Fourth Commission, May 2G, 1879 ; Address by A. G. Menocal on the Nicaragua route ; Address by Sidney F. Shelbourne on the San Bias route ; Address by II. H. Hall on the Tehuantepec route ; Estimates for a ship canal railroad, &c., across the Isthmus of Panama, by Henry Tracy ; Table of dis tances, by Jesse Young ; Statement of Thos. O. Selfridge, U. S. N., regarding his surveys on the Isthmus of Darien ; Objections to the Tehuantepec route, by Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. (555 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xn. 1880. New York. 8vo, pp. liii, 296. Contents : List of officers, charter, by-laws, etc. ; Transactions, 1880 ; An nual address by Charles P. Daly ; Geographical work of the world in 1878 and 1879 ; Letter of Lieut. Schwatka, commanding Franklin search party ; The bad lands of Wyoming, by John B. McMaster ; A journey around the world, by Benjamin R. Curtis ; Arctic exploration, by B. F. De Costa ; Arctic meeting for the reception of Lieut. Schwatka and his associates of the Franklin search party of 1878-80. (556 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xm. 1881. New York. 8vo, pp. Ivi, 219. Contents : Officers, charter, by-laws, etc. ; Translations, 1881. Recent inves tigations of the Gulf Stream by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic steamer Blake, by John R. Bartlett ; Chile, its geography, people, and institutions, by James Doug las, jr. ; The waterways of New York, by Isaac I. Hayes. (557 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xiv. 1882. New York. 8vo, pp. Ivi, 306. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Transactions, 1882 ; The Gulf Stream additional data from the investigations of the Coast and Geodetic steamer Blake, by J. R. Bartlett; The exploration of the river. Beni, by E. R. Heath; The fron tiers of the United States, by Egbert L. Viele ; The east and west boundary line between the United States and Mexico, by Egbert L. Yiele. (558 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xv. 1883. New York. 8vo, pp. l, 380. Contents : List of officers, charter, etc. ; Tranactions, 1883 ; The origin of the name of America, from the National History of the Peruvians, by T. H. Lambert ; The Philippine Islands : their physical characters, customs of the 80 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. people, products, earthquake phenomena, and savage trihes, by Samuel Kneeland ; Winter grazing in the Rocky Mountains, by Benjamin Alvord ; Mexico : her physical geography and resources, by Alfred R. Conkling. (559 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xvi. 1884. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixvii, 382. Contents : Officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1884 ; The growing power of the republic of Chile, by Albert G. Browne ; Memorials and footprints of Co lumbus, by James Grant Wilson ; A remarkable globe map of the sixteenth cen tury, by A. E. Nordenskiold ; A journey in Cumberland Sound and on the west shore of Davis strait in 1883 and 1884, by Franz Boas ; Arctic meeting at Chick- ering Hall, Nov. 21, 1884 ; Reception of Lieut. A. W. Greely, U. S. A., and his surviving companies in the Arctic ; Exploration of the Yukon river in 1883, by Frederick Schwatka. (56O AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xvn. 1885. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixxv, 342. Contents : List of officers, charter, etc. ; Tranactions, 1885 ; Paper on the nomenclature of cities and towns in the United States, by David Dudley Field ; How the settlement of North America has affected its wild animals, by Ernest Ingersoll ; John Cabot s land fall, site of Norumbega, by E. N. Horsford ; His torical and geographical features of the Rocky Mountain railroads, by James Douglas. (561 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. XVIH. 188t>. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixvi, 374. Contents : List of officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1886 ; Mountaineering in British Columbia, by Ernest Ingersoll ; The Nicaragua canal, by II. C. Taylor ; Hudson Bay Company, 10701870, by George E. Ellis ; Florida and the West Indies, by F. A. Ober ; Over the Mexican plateau in a diligence, by A. S. Packard ; Some of the geographical features of southeastern Alaska, by William Libbey, jr. ; The origin of the name America, by Geo. C. Hurlburt ; An cient habitations of the southwest, by James Stevenson. (562 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xix. 1887. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixv, 448. Contents : Officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1887 ; Oceanic islands : their physical and biological relations, by Alfred Russel Wallace ; New Mexico : its geographical scenes and peoples, by Clarence Pullen ; The great walled river (Colorado river), by F. S. Dellenbaugh ; Census and reservations of the Kwa- kiutl nation, by Franz Boas ; A year among the Esquimo, by Fr. Boas ; Notes on the physical geography of Labrador, by A. S. Packard. (563 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xx. 1888. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixvii; 558 (1). Contents : Officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1888 ; Annual address by Chas. P. Daly ; Recent geographical work of the world ; Ancient cities of Amer ica, by F. A- Ober ; Commercial geography of the American interoceanic canal, by C. II. Stockton ; The City of Mexico, by Clarence Pullen ; The origin of the name America, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; W T ho first saw the Labrador coast? by A. S. Pack ard ; The geographical evolution of Labrador, by A. S. Packard ; A summer s cruise to northern Labrador, by A. S. Packard ; The Portuguese in the track of Columbus, by P. J. J. Valentini ; Lake Mistassini, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; The prob lem of interoceanic communication by way of the American Isthmus, by Anthony de Gogorza. (564 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxi. 1899. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixxvii, 671. Contents : Officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1889 ; The Portuguese in the track of Columbus, by P. J. J. Valentini ; The Rio San Juan de Nicaragua, by R. E. Peary ; The Hawaiian Islands, by Titus Munson Coan ; The Great Basin, by W. II. Brewer ; Para and the Amazons, by Wm. B. Ogden ; Problem of inter oceanic communication by way of the American Isthmus, by Anthony de Go gorza ; Geographical notes; Washington letter, (565 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 81 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxn. 1890. New York. 8vo, pp. Ixxiii, 666. Contents : Officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1890 ; Canada, the land of waterways, by Watson Griffin ; Some notes on the upper Amazon, by Courtenay De Kalb ; Condition and prospects of Brazil, by G. W. Chamberlain ; Geograph ical notes, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; Washington letter. (566 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxm. 1891. New York, [1891.] 8vo, pp. cxiii, 665. Contents : List of officers, charter, etc. ; Transactions, 1891 ; The Great Ama zon : personal investigations on the river and its upper valley, by Courtenay De Kalb ; Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, by H. C. Hovey ; Dr. John Rae s Arctic explorations letter from John Rae ; Native copper of Michigan, by E. B. Ilins- dale ; Markham s Life of Sir John Franklin a letter from John Rae ; A. Garcia Cubas on Mexico, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; The Colorado desert and its recent flood ing, by B. A. Cecil Stephens ; Report of explorations in northern Mexico, by Carl Lumholtz ; Santo Domingo city, by Nathan Appleton ; Winsor s Columbus, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; Cliff dwellings of the Mesa Verde, by W. R. Birdsall ; Geo graphical notes ; Washington letter. (567 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxiv. 1892. New York, [1892]. 8vo, pp. Ixxiii, 638. Contents : List of officers, etc. ; Transactions, 1892 ; Exploration on Grand River, Labrador, by Austin Cary ; U. S. atlas sheets and census bulletins (to June 80, 1890), by J. II. Hickox ; Americus Vespucius, by Elial F. Hall; Elisee Reclus on the United States, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; The Rio de La Plata : its basin, geography and inhabitants, by Thomas Morong ; The Vinland voyages, by Charles Sprague Smith ; The language of the Mosquito shore, by Wm. D. Farrington ; Harrisse s Discovery of North America, by Geo. C. Hurlbut ; Geo graphical notes ; Washington letter. (568 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxv. 1893. New York, [1893]. 8vo, pp. Ixxvii, 609. Portraits. Maps. Contains the following papers : Have we a portrait of Columbus ? by C. P. Daly ; Northern Mexico, by Carl Lumholtz ; The misfortunes of an obelisk, by A. A. Julian ; The finger lakes of New York, by A. P. Brigham ; Honduras, by E. W. Perry ; Nicaragua : Studies on the Mosquito shore in 1892, by C. De Kalb ; The wild peoples of farther India, by C. W. Rosset ; Geographic names of Angola, West Africa, by H. Chatelain ; The geographical and architectural monuments of mediaeval Europe, by E. L. Viele ; Life in the wilds of Central Africa, by E. J. Glave ; Greece and modern Athens, by Annie S. Peck ; Bantu notes and vocabularies, by H. Chatelain. (569 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxvi. 1894. New York, [1894]. 8vo, pp. xlix (31), 582. Maps. Contains the following papers : The social and political development of the South American people, by C. De Kalb; Mexico, a Central American State, by M. Romero ; Bantu notes and vocabularies, by II. Chatelain ; The Japanese life and customs, by K. R. M. Hirai ; The sacred symbols and numbers of aboriginal America in ancient and modern times, by F. Parry ; A bibliography of the Mosquito coast of Nicaragua, by C. De Kalb ; The American cave-dwellers, by C. Lumholtz ; Fur seals and the Bering Sea arbitration, by J. Stanley Brown ; The Cape York ironstone, by R. E. Peary ; The condition of woman in ancient Egypt, by Lysander Dickerman. (57O AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxvu. 1895. New York, [1895]. 8vo, pp. (6), 442. Map. Contains the following papers : The mapping of New York State, by Henry Gannett ; Reports of a conference on geography, by Israel C. Russell ; The U. S. Geological Survey in 1894, by Marcus Baker ; A journey up the Yukon river, by Israel C. Russell ; The composite origin of topographic forms, by Albert Perry Brigham : Stampede Pass, Cascade Range, Washington, by Virgil G. Bogue ; The Coast Desert of Peru, by Alfred F. Sears ; Indian Territory, by Henry Gannett ; H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 6 82 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The development of the geological atlas of the United States, by Bailey Willis ; The American Association ; Topography and scenery of Northern India, by Her bert M. Wilson ; Greenland Scientific Expedition ; The North Greenland Scien tific Expedition. (571 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxvm. 188(5. New York, [ 189G] . 8vo, pp. (6), 467. Maps. Contains the following papers : Geographical notes in Alaska, by W. II. Dall ; Work in North Greenland in 1894 and 1895, by R. E. Peary ; The internal slave trade in Africa ; The physical geography of New York State, by R. S. Tarr ; The Alaskan boundary, by Marcus Baker ; Geography from Nature, by R. E. Dodge ; Mountaineering in Alaska, by Israel C. Russell ; The Indians of British Columbia, by Franz Boas ; A Graphic History of the United States, by Henry Gannett ; The topographic work of the U. S. Geological Survey in 1895, by Henry Gannett ; Mexico, by M. Romero, Mexican Minister at Washington ; The utmost waters of the Missouri River, by J. V. Brewer. (572 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxix. 1897. New York. [ 1897]. 8vo, pp. (6), 494. Contains the following papers : The influence of geographic environment, by Cosmos Mindeleff ; Geographical work in Canada, 1896, by George M. Dawson ; The physical geography of New York State, by Ralph S. Tarr ; The consolida tion of the Iroquois Confederacy, or What happened on the St. Lawrence be tween the times of Cartier and Champlain, by James Douglas ; Economic importance of geological and physical conditions in tropical America, by Francis C. Nicholas ; Settlement of the Mexico-Guatemala boundary question, by M. Romero ; Recent foreign surveys under the direction of the U. S. Ilydrographic Office, by G. W. Littlehales ; The Sette Comuni ; Teutonic survival on Italian soil, by W. D. McCrackan ; Mountain structures of Pennsylvania, by A. P. Chitteuden ; The administration of the forests of the public domain, by Henry Gannett ; Notes on some dangerous rocks off the Gulf of Darien, by Francis C. Nicholas ; Omitlan, a prehistoric city in Mexico, by William Niven : Topog raphy of Mexico, by Herbert M. Wilson ; The prehistoric ruins of the Rio Tula- rosa, by U. Francis Duff ; Explorations in the Cape Regions of Baja California, by Gustav Eisen ; Mr. Blaine and the boundary question between Mexico and Guatemala, by M. Romero ; Recent survey of Jiquilisco Bay and El Triunfo, the New Port of Salvador, by G. W. Littlehales ; The true route of Coronado s march, by F. S. Dellenbaugh ; Mr. Peary s plan and Capt. Sverdrup. (573 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxx. 1898. New York, [1898]. 8vo, pp. (8), 480. Illustrated. Contains the following papers : Relations of irrigation to geography, by Herbert M. Wilson ; From Cairo to Beni-Hassan, by D. Cady Eaton ; Physical geography of New York State, by Ralph S. Tarr ; Frobisher Bay revisited, by Russell W. Porter ; Origin of the cliff dwellings, by Cosmos Mindeleff ; Recent advances in geographic knowledge accomplished by the U. S. Hydrographic Office, by G. W. Littlehales ; Copper river as a route to the Yukon Basin, by C. Willard Hayes ; Some observations on prisons in Vladivostok and Sahkalin, by Benjamin Howard ; Geography of the Laurentian Basin, by Israel C. Russell ; United States Mid-Pacific supply station (Oahu island), by G. W. Littlehales; Geographic conditions that make great commercial centres, by A. F. Sears; The rivers of New York, by Ralph S. Tarr ; Exploration of Aboriginal architecture in the United States, by Cosmos Mindeleff. (574 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxxi. 1899. New York, [1899]. 8vo, pp. (6), 525. Maps. Contains the following papers : Physical geography of New York State, by R. S. Tarr ; Hawaiian ethnography, by Titus Munson Coan ; Notes on meteor ology, by Robert De C. Ward ; The ruined city of Copan, by George Byron Gordon ; Population and environment in western Massachusetts, by Roland B. Dixon ; A new mountain aneroid barometer, by E. Whymper ; The timber line, by Henry Gannett ; The navy as a motor in geographical and commercial progress, by G. W. Littlehales ; The influence of climate on governments, by Robert De C. Ward ; Notes on oceanography, by William Libbey ; The Gran ites of Carbon County, Montana : A division and glacier field of the Snowy Range, by James P. Kimball ; The development of the Hanse towns in relation to their geographical environment, by Ellen C. Semple ; Mr. Lang s theory of primitive monotheism, by Roland B. Dixon ; Bibliography of geographical works AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 3 published in the United States in 1898, by J. M. Boutwell ; The Harriman Alaska expedition, by Henry Gannett ; Palestine as illustrating geological and geographical controls, by Reginald A. Daly. (575 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. xxxii. 1900. New York, [1900 J. 8vo, pp. ii, (1) 528. Maps. Contains the following papers : Physical geography of New York State, by R. S. Tarr ; The five civilized tribes, Indian Territory, by C. II. Fitch ; Pales tine as illustrating geological and geographical controls, by Reginald A! Daly ; A dictionary of topographic forms, by Herbert M. Wilson; The Alaska bound ary line, by T. C. Mendenhall ; The climate of New York, by E. T. Turner ; The Philippine Islands and their people, by J. G. Schurman ; Peloponnesiaii journeys, by Clarence H. Young; Relics of the Nares expedition recovered by Mr. Peary ; The Sundal drainage system in Central Norway, by R. L. Barrett ; Porto Rico : its topography and aspects, by Herbert M. Wilson ; Tropical hurricanes, by F. J. B. Cordeiro ; The territory of Anadyr, from the Russian of E. Olssuf jev, translated by E. Bondy ; Results of the Cuban census, by Henry Gannett ; Madagascar, by W. H. Hunt ; The heaths and hollows of Holland, by Wm. Elliot Griffls ; Korea s geographical significance, by Homer B. Hulbert ; The census of Porto Rico, by Henry Gannett ; British Honduras, by W. L. Avery ; Through the silk and tea districts of Kiang-Nan and Che-Kiang province, by Emil S. Fischer ; Geographical relief maps, their use and manufac ture, by C. Mindeleff; Explorations in the central part of Baja California, by Gustav Eisen ; The Lapps of Sweden, by E. D. Winslow ; Explorations in the rubber districts of Bolivia, by H. Arnous de Riviere ; The northwestern bound ary between the United States and Canada, by Richard U. Goode ; The science of the tides, by Alexander Brownlie ; The population of the United States, by Henry Gannett. (57<; AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. Vol. xxxm. 1901. New York, [1901]. 8vo, pp. 490. Contains the following papers : Norse discoveries in America, by Juul Dies- erud ; The siege of Peking : its causes and consequences, by W. A. P. Martin ; Akarnania and Aeotolia, by Rufus B. Richardson ; Captain Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, 1819-1821, by F. A. Cook ; St. Christopher, West Indies, by W. II. Alexander ; Notes on climatology, by Robert De C. Ward ; Physiographic notes, by Ralph S. Tarr ; Cerros, or Cedros island, by Gustav Eisen ; The Coosa river, by Frederick G. Bromberg ; Notes on the recent progress of irrigation in the United States, by Albert Perry Brigham ; Topographic notes on the Ural mountains, by Chester W. Purington ; Conditions requisite to our success in the Philippine Islands, by G. F. Becker ; Mountain passes, a study in anthropo- geography, by Ellen C. Semple ; Map notices, by Henry Gannett ; Notes on Geo graphical education, by R. E. Dodge ; Notes on climatology, by Robert De C. Ward; A little-known colony (Belize), by W. L. Avery; The Tananarive observ atory, by W. H. Hunt ; The flora of St. Christopher, by W. II. Alexander ; Ber muda, by J. Maxwell Green and C. L. Bristol ; Certain persistent errors in geog raphy, by Henry Gannett ; Recent censuses of population, by Henry Gannett ; Topographic forms of the United States, by Herbert M. Wilson ; Fetishism, a government, by Robert Hamill Nassau ; The solution of the problem of the tidal bore, by Alexander Brownlie ; Geographical notes from the year-book of the department of Agriculture for 1900, by Albert Perry Brigham ; Fiords, by Geo. D. Hubbard ; Some economic aspects of the heat and drought of July, 1901, in the United States, by Robert De C. Ward ; The population of the United States, by sex, nativity, and race, by Henry Gannett ; On the origin of fiords, by G. I). Hubbard ; Peary s progress to the pole, by H. L. Bridgman ; Census results, by Henry Gannett ; Notes on American forests and forestry, by Albert Perry Brigham. (577 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. Vol. xxxiv. 1902. New York, [1902]. 8vo, pp. 476. Maps. Contents: Recent work of the U. S. Geological Survey in Alaska, by F. C. Schrader ; The tides in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, by Alexander Brownlie ; Geology and water resources of Nez Perce county, Idaho ; The preglacial course of the middle portion of the Genesee river, by R. H. Whitbeck ; The physio graphic divisions of Kansas, by George I. Adams; The geography of Cuba, by T. Wayland Vaughan and A. C. Spencer ; The Isthmian canal, by Arthur 1 . Davis ; Note on the tidal bore, by J. V. V. Booraem ; Manufactures of the United States, by Henry Gannett; Topography and the distribution of our 84 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. population, by W. F. Willcox ; Maps and map making, by J. R. Torbert ; The forest people of British Guiana, by James Rodway ; The ruined Pueblo in New Mexico discovered by Vargas in 1692, by J. Walter Fewkes ; Notes on the flora of the West Indies, with special reference to the Island of St. Kitts, by W. H. Alexander ; Census statistics of agriculture, by Henry Gannett ; The essential needs of modern navigation, by G. W. Littlehales ; The railroad to Mecca ; The valley of the Upper Euphrates and its people, by Ellsworth Huntington ; The Uganda railroad ; The Mississippi river from Cape Girardeau to the head of the passes, by Robert Marshall Brown ; Varieties of tides, by Alexander Brownlie ; Porto Rico, its climate and resources, by W. II. Alexander ; Trans continental railroads in Australia ; Life amid desert conditions, by Richard E. Dodge ; The population of China in 1902. (578 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. Vol. xxxv. 1903. New York, [1903]. 8vo, pp. iv, (1), 596. Plates. Maps. Contains the following papers : The Syrians of Persia and Eastern Turkey, by William A. Shedd ; The Mississippi river from Cape Girardeau to the head of the passes, by Robert Marshall Brown ; Varieties of tides, by Alexander Brown- lie ; The Panama canal, by George S. Morison ; Co-operative topographic survey of New York ; The cattle industry in the United States ; The most northern railroad ; Geographical record ; Improvements to navigation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Wm. P. Anderson ; Forest reserve in the southern Appalachians ; Earthquake and volcanic centers in the Philippines ; The boundary between Chile and Argentina ; Physiographic notes, by R. S. Tarr ; The Huichol Indians of Mexico, by Carl Lumholtz ; M. Froidevaux s Paris letter ; Spiritual beings in West Africa : their classes and functions, by "Robert Hamill Nassau ; Culebra island, by A. C. Haeselbarth ; The economic geography of the Argentine Re public, by J. Russell Smith ; The northwest passage and the circumnavigation of America, by Andrew J. Stone ; Geography and international boundaries, by Israel C. Russell ; Hydrologic and hydrographic surveys of the United States ; Comparison of distances by the Isthmian canal and other routes, by Emory R. Johnson ; Cornell summer school of geology and geography ; The geographical record ; The Languages of Mexico, by Carl Lumholtz ; Geography in the Uni versity of Chicago ; Obituary : Paul Du Chaillu ; Notes during a journey in Guatemala, March-December, 1892, by Gustav Eisen ; The climate of the Philip pines, by Walter S. Tower ; Topographic surveys of New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Ohio ; The new port of Vera Cruz ; The earthquake and volcanic eruption in Guatemala in 1902, by Gustav Eisen ; The climate of South America, by Robert De C. Ward ; Guayaquil and Quito railway, by F. W. Bennett ; Notes on the U. S. Geological Survey ; Mr. Peary s expedition to the Arctic ; Sheets of the U. S. atlas, by Henry Gannett ; Latitude and longitude of Chengtu-fu ; Two years in Argentine as the consulting engineer of national public works, by E. L. Corthell ; The city of rocks, by U. Francis Duff ; The island of Guam ; Topo graphic survey of the United States ; The Panama canal in its commercial aspects, by Emory R. Johnson ; Explorations of the Russian hydrographic expe dition in the Arctic ocean in 1902 ; Alaskan cables and telegraphs ; Report of R. E. Peary on work in the Arctic, 1898-1902 ; Human bones found near Galveston a letter; Obituary: Rear-Admiral Bancroft Gherardi. (579 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. Vol. xxxvi. 1904. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, (1), 805. Contains : The questions settled by the award of the Alaskan Boundary Tri bunal, by Robert Lansing ; River surveys in the United States ; Base maps of the United States ; Martin Waldseemuller and the early Lusitano-Germanic cartography of the New World, by E. L. Stevenson ; Annual report of the Coast and Geodetic Survey for 1903 ; The projected new barge canal, New York, by Thomas W. Symons ; Aboriginal pottery of the eastern United States ; Round Mt. McKinley, by Frederick A. Cook ; The influence of geographic environment on the lower St. Lawrence, by Ellen Churchill Semple ; The Pan-American Rail way ; The Hudson River described by W. M. Davis ; The Eighth International Geographic Congress ; Notes on topographic surveys in Alaska ; Good roads in the United States, by A. P. Brigham ; Topographic surveys in the Western United States ; Transactions of the Society. (58O AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Carl Ritter. An address to the American Geographical and Statistical Society. By A. H. Guyot. Princeton, 1860. 8vo, pp. 25-63. (581 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 85 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Charter, by-laws, and list of members of the Society, March, 1860. New York, 1860. 8vo, pp. 31. (582 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The polar exploring expedition. A special meeting of the American Geographical and Statistical Society, held March 22, 1860. New York, 1860. 8vo, pp. 30. Map. Treats of the proposed expedition to the Arctic regions by Dr. I. I. Hayes. (583 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Progress of statistics; read before the American Geographical and "statistical Society, at the annual meeting in New York, Dec. 1, 1859. By Jos. C. G. Kennedy. New York, 1861. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 29. (584 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Prospects of the Atlantic telegraph. Paper read before the Society May 1, 1862. By Cyrus W. Field. [New York, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 14 (1). (585 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. [Report of the select com mittee appointed to devise a system of taxation, and in connection there with a financial plan, which shall be adapted to the present state of public affairs.] [New York, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 29. Running title : The finances and revenues of the United States. (586 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1862-1863. New York, 1862-1863. 8vo, pp. 117. Maps. Contains the following papers : On the flow of the Mississippi river, by John Banvard ; Abstract of a paper on some Arctic discoveries, and the remains of Frobisher s expedition, by C. F. Hall ; " On the Sea of Galilee," by John Ban vard ; Western equatorial Africa, by Albert Bushnell ; Remarks upon the present condition and prospects of the Suez canal, by J. P. Thompson ; On the past and future topography of the United States, by R. P. Stevens ; The physique of different nationalities as ascertained by inspection of government recruits, by William II. Thomson ; The production of gold and silver through out the world, especially in the new territories of the United States, by J. Smith Romans. (586a AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Session 1863-64. New York, 1863-64. 8vo, pp. 174. Contains the following papers : The geography, topography and resources of the northwestern territories of the United States, by John Mullan ; On the proposed Pacific Railroad, by Henry V. Poor ; On the statistics of counterfeit ing, defects in our paper currency, by W. L. Ormsby, jr. ; Central Asia, by Bayard Taylor ; Description of a voyage of three hundred and fifty miles up the Pearl or Canton river in China, by W. P. Jones ; Siam, by George B. Bacon ; On the production and consumption of cotton, by Fred A. Conkling. (587 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Objects and plans of the Society. [New York, 1864 (?).] 8vo, pp. 5 (1). (588 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Course of lectures on the currency, resources, and indebtedness of the United States, delivered before the Society. Lecture II. On cotton. By Edward Atkinson, esq., of Boston, Mass. Delivered December 14, 1865. [New York, 1865.] 8vo, pp. (1), 34-55. 86 AMEKlCAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. The resources of the Union. Lecture read December, 1805, before the Society. By H. C. Carey. Phila delphia, 1806.^ 8vo, pp. 26. (59O AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL SOCIETY. Charter, by-laws and list of members of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. Revised December 9, 1869. New York, 1870. 8vo, pp. (2) 34. (591 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Annual address by Chief Justice Daly, the president, before the American Geographical Society. Delivered February 17th, 1873. Subject: The geographical work of the world in 1872. New York, 1878. 8vo, pp. GO. Reprinted from : Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York, 1873. v. 4, p. 63-118. (593 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Address of Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler . . . December 23, 1874, before the American Geographical Society. [New York? 1874?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 10. On geographical surveys west of the 100th meridian. (593 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. By-laws and list of fellows, honorary and corresponding members of the Society. Revised January 19, 1874. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. 20. (594 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Memorial bulletin of the Society, April 23, 1874. The life and services of Dr. David Livingstone. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. 47. (595 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Address at the annual meeting of the Ameri can Geographical Society, held February 25, 1875, by Chief Justice Daly. Subject : The geographical work of the world for 1874, Comprising Phys ical phenomena of the year. Scientific expeditions and their results. Ex plorations of the far West. Arctic discoveries. African discoveries. An cient inhabitants of North America. Researches in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Australasia. New York, Printed for the Society, 1875. 8vo, 40 pp. Reprinted from : Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York, 1874, v. 6, p. 53-92. (596 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The topography and physical resources of the state of New York. An address delievered by Egbert L[udovickus] Viele before the American Geographical Society, April 29, 1875, New York [1875]. 8vo, 23 pp. Cover-title. (597 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the centers of ancient civiliza tion in Central America and their geographical distribution. Address read before the Society, July 10, 1870, by C. Hermann Berendt. New York, 1876. 8vo, pp. 14. Folded map. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Society. (598 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The discovery of the ancient city of Noruin- bega. A communication to the president and council of the American Geo graphical Society at their special session in Watertown, November 21, 1889. By Eben Norton Horsford. One volume, with 1 portrait and 21 photographic copies of maps, landscapes, views, original charts, etc. Edition, 750 copies ; two editions. Stereotyped. (599 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. .87 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The problem of the Northmen. A letter to Judge Daly, the president of the American Geographical Society, on the opinion of Justin Winsor that " Though Scandinavians may have reached the shores of Labrador, the soil of the United States has not one vestige of their presence." By Eben Norton Horsford. Cambridge, 1889. One volume, 5 original maps, 3 photographic facsimiles of maps, 4 photo graphic views. Edition, 1,000 copies. Electrotyped. Second edition. (CUM) AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Nicaragua Canal. By H. C. Taylor. New York, 1891. 8vo, pp. 32. (G01 AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Hereford map and the legend of St. Brandan. A lecture delivered before the American Geographical Society, March 14, 1892, by Robert I). Benedict. [New York, 1892] 8vo, 45 pp.. 3 pi. (1 double). Caption title. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society. Vol. xxiv, 1892, no. 3. (OO2 AMERIC Ay -IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, ,1/ff.s.s. AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American-Irish Historical Society: What it is and what its purposes are. Boston, Mass., 1897. pp. 12. (003 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American-Irish Historical Society: What it is and what its purposes are; Together with the names of the officers and a list of the members. Boston, Mass., 1898. pp. 32. (604 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Irish schoolmasters in the American colonies, lf>40-1775, with a continuation of the subject during and after the war of the revolution, by John C. Linehan . . . and Thomas Hamilton Murray . . . Washington, D. C., The American-Irish Historical Society, 1898. 8vo, 1 p. 1., 31 pp. (<>" AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY . The Irish Washingtons at home and abroad, together with some mention of the ancestry of the American pater patrhp. By George Washington, of Dublin, Ireland, and Thomas Hamilton Murray, Boston, Mass. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 44. Portraits. Dedicated to the American-Irish Historical Society.* (O<5 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Journal of the American-Irish His torical Society. Edited by Thomas Hamilton Murray and Thomas Bona- venture Lawler. Vol. i. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 136. Contents : The American-Irish Historical Society Organization, purpose, members, etc. ; Proceedings ; John Sullivan and the capture of the powder at Newcastle, by John C. Linehan ; The Irishman ethnologically considered, by Joseph Smith ; The need of an organization such as the American-Irish Histor ical Society, and its scope, by Dennis Harvey Sheahan ; American history as it is falsified, by Joseph Smith ; Officers ; Members ; Index. (O7 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Journal. Vol. IT. Edited by Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 258. Contents : History of the Society ; Officers ; Chronological record ; Proceed ings, 1809 ; Letter from Edward A. Moseley, the retiring president-general ; Irish emigration during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by Thomas 88 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Addis Emmet ; Some pre-Revolutionary Irishmen, by John C. Linehan ; The Irish element in the second Massachusetts volunteers in the recent war (with Spain), by John J. McCoy; The "Scotch-Irish" and the "Anglo-Saxon" falla cies, by James Jeffrey Roche ; The work of the Society, by Thomas J. Gargan ; Russia the friend of the republic, by Joseph Smith ; The "Anglo-Saxon " shibbo leth condemned, by William McAdoo ; The Irish pioneers of Texas, by John C. Linehan ; Early Irish settlers in Kentucky, by Edward Fitzpatrick ; The Irish pioneers and founders of Peterborough, New Hampshire, by James F. Brennan ; Sketch of an early Irish settlement in Rhode Island, by Thomas Hamilton Mur ray ; An early Irishman of Waterbury, Conn., by Martin Scully ; Some Irish settlers in Virginia, by Joseph T. Lawless ; The Whistlers, a family illustrious in war and peace, by Joseph Smith ; David Hamilton, a soldier of the American Revolution, by Daniel M. O Driscoll ; The Irish chapter in the history of Brown University, by Thomas Hamilton Murray ; Brigadier-General Thomas W. Sweeny, U. S. A. a biographical sketch, 1820-1892, by William Montgomery Sweeny ; Papers read before the Society or contributed for publication ; Membership roll ; The dead of the Society ; General index ; Analytical index. (6O8 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Journal. Vol. in. Edited by Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, 3900. 8vo, pp. 241. Portraits. Contents : Officers ; Review of the year ; Proceedings of the Society, 1900 ; Rev. James MacSparran, Irishman, scholar, preacher, and philosopher, 1680- 1757, by Thomas Hamilton Murray ; Men of Irish blood who have attained dis tinction in American journalism, by Michael E. Hennessy ; Irish pioneers and builders of Kentucky, by John C. Linehan ; Rev. James Caldwell, a patriot of the American Revolution, by James L. O Neill ; The Irish in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and Tennessee, by Patrick Walsh ; Hugh Cargill, a friend of liberty, by Thomas F. O Malley ; The Irish settlers of Pelham, Mass., by Mary Lessey Linehan ; Thomas Fawcett, Irish Quaker, American pioneer, by Thomas Plunkett ; Early New Hampshire Irish, some pre-Revolutionary Den nises, Corneliuses, Patricks, and Michaels, by John C. Linehan ; Matthew Wat son, an Irish settler of Barrington, R. L, 1722, by Thomas Hamilton Murray ; The field, scope and opportunity of the American-Irish Historical Society, by Dennis Harvey Sheahan ; The United States torpedo-boat O Brien, compiled from the daily papers ; The Society s field in California, by James Connolly ; The historical place of Irishmen in California, a circular issued by the Knights of St. Patrick, San Francisco ; Publications of the Society ; Chronology of the Society ; Necrology ; Membership roll ; General index ; Analytical index. (6O AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Journal of the American-Irish His torical Society, by Thomas Hamilton Murray. Vol. iv. Boston, Mass., 1904. 8vo, pp. 195. Contents : Officers ; Chronology of the Society ; Early Irish settlers in Vir ginia, by John C. Linehan ; The Irish pioneers of the Connecticut Valley, by Edward A. Hall ; Some voices from ye olden time, by Thomas Hamilton Mur ray ; Irish immigration to the United States since 1790, by Edward O Meagher Condon ; The first Irish in Illinois, by P. T. Barry ; The Irish vanguard of Rhode Island, by Thomas Hamilton Murray ; A list of historical papers and addresses, prepared by members of the Society or by friends of the organiza tion ; Books and pamphlets issued by the Society ; Alphabetical list of those who have contributed papers to the Society, or who have made addresses at meetings held under its auspices ; Presidents-General of the Society ; Member ship roll of the Society ; General information regarding the Society ; A general index ; Analytical index. (61O AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. v. Edited by Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 212. Portrait. Contents : Officers ; Proceedings, 1905 ; Patriotic pilgrimage to Lexington, Mass. Interesting observance by the Society of the anniversary of the Battle of April 19, 1775 ; Goody Glover, an Irish victim of the Witch craze, Boston, Mass.. 1688, by Harold Dijon ; Capt. Daniel Neill, an artillery officer of the Revolu tion, by J. Madison Drake ; Richard Dexter, one of Boston s Irish pioneers, by AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 89 Thomas Hamilton Murray ; The New Hampshire Kellys, hy John C. Linehan : Some early celebrations of St. Patrick s day in New York city, 1762-1788, by John D. Crimmins ; William I rendergast, a pioneer of Chautauqua county, N. Y., by Helen Prendergast ; Master John Sullivan, of Somersworth and Berwick, and his family, by John Scales ; Martin Murphy, sr., an Irish pioneer of Califor nia, by Marcella A. Fitzgerald ; Historical notes of interest, by Thomas Hamil ton Murray ; Memoir of Mathew Carey, by Henry Carey Baird ; Review of tho year : Leading events in the career of the Society for 1005, or of special interest to the members ; Necrology ; Membership roll ; General information regarding the Society; Good words for Vol. iv of the Journal ; Index. (611 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The " Scotch-Irish " Shibboleth analyzed and rejected, with some reference to the present "Anglo-Saxon " comedy. By Joseph Smith. Washington, D. C., 1898. 8vo, pp. 29. (612 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Irish at Bunker Hill: A list of American patriots bearing Irish names who fought against the British in the action of the seYenteenth of June, 1775. By Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, Mass., 1900. (eis AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Recorder. Bulletin of the American- Irish Historical Society. [Issued each month.] Boston. 8vo. CONTENTS. Vol. i, No. 1, September, 1901. pp. 8. A word at the start; Extracts from the archives ; Regarding members of the Society ; Irish in the Plymouth Colony, by T. H. M[urray] ; Officers for 1901. Vol. I, No. 2. October, 1901. pp. 8. President Roosevelt ; Regarding mem bers of the Society ; Extracts from the archives ; Thomas Casey, of Ireland and Rhode Island, 1636-1719, by T. H. M[urray] ; Officers for 1901. Vol. i, No. 3. November, 1901. pp. 8. A point made clear (concerning Ed ward Brick or Breck, and son Robert, "of Galway, in Ireland") ; Extracts from the archives; In old Portsmouth, N. H. ; Officers for 1901. Vol. i, No. 4. December, 1901. pp. 8. De Roo s great work (History of America before Columbus); Extracts from the archives; The story of Miss [Elephell] Fitzgerald, by T. H. Mfurray] ; Supplies arrive from Ireland, [1631]; More Portsmouth (N. H.), marriages, 1752-1760; In the Connecticut colony, by James H. O Donnell. Vol. i, No. 5. January, 1902. pp. 8. Two members honored (Patrick A. Collins and John H. H. McNamee) ; Extracts from the archives ; From Boston s town records, 1715 to 1764, by T. II. M[urray] ; Some Connecticut pioneers. Vol. i, No. 6. February, 1902. Vol. i, No. 7. March, 1902. pp. 8. From the Treasurer-General ; Extracts from the archives; A glance at the vanguard (List of early Massachusetts pioneers bearing Irish names), by T. H. M[urray] ; Surrounded by old ocean (Haley s Island of the Isles of Shoals) ; Irish pork and butter imported ; The re-interment of Gen. Richard Montgomery- Vol. i, No. 8, April, 1902. pp. 8. Hugh Gaine, Irishman, publisher ; Ex tracts from the archives ; Shipload of servants from Cork extracts concerning early Irish people in Pennsylvania from " Redemptioners and Indentured Serv ants in the Colony and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," by Karl Frederick Geiser; Ethan Allen and the Irish; He comes of heroic stock (Rev. Ellery C. Butler); Martin Rourk, of Durham, Maine: Made a voyage in 1736 (Capt. Samuel Waterhouse) ; Origin of a Virginia name (Newport News). (614 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Celebration of the 124th anniversary of the Battle of Rhode Island . . . Friday, August 29th, 1902. [Providence?] 1902. 8vo, pp. 39. Portrait. (Ol AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gen. John Sullivan and the battle of Rhode Island. A sketch of the former and a description of the latter. By Thomas Hamilton Murray. [Providence, R. I., 1902.] 8vo, pp. 32. 90 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Irish Scots and the " Scotch-Irish^: an historical and ethnological monograph, with some reference to Scotia Major and Scotia Minor ; to which is added a chapter on " How the Irish came as builders of the nation. By John C. Linehan . . . Concord, N. H., The American-Irish historical society, 1902. 8vo, pp. 138, incl. front, (port.). Originally pub. in the Granite monthly, Concord, N. H., .Tan.-March, 1888. The chapter on " How the Irish came " is based upon articles contributed to the Boston pilot, 1890, etc., and the Boston Sunday globe, Mar. 17, 1895. " Supplementary facts and comment " : p. [83]-128. (617 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Irish in Old Albany, N. Y., with special mention of Jan Andriessen, " De lersman Van Dublingh." By Franklin M. Danaher. Paper read before the American-Irish Historical Society at the annual meeting of the latter in New York City, Jan. 10, 1003. Boston, Mass., 1003. 8vo, pp. 44. (618 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Irish Rhode Islanders in the American Revolution. With some mention of those serving in the regiments of Elliott, Lippitt, Topham, Crary, Angell, Olney, Greene, and other noted commanders. By Thomas Hamilton Murray. Providence, R. I., 1003. 8vo, pp. 90. (61J) AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Irish Vanguard of Rhode Island. By Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, Mass., 1004. Svo, pp. 27. Reprinted from Vol. iv, Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society. (62O AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The O Briens of Machias, Me., Patriots of the American Revolution : their services to the cause of liberty. A paper read before the Society at its annual gathering in New York City, January 2, 1004, by Andrew M. Sherman, together with a Sketch of the Clan O Brien, by Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, 1004. Svo, pp. 87. (621 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some voices from ye olden time: his torical notes relating to the Irish element in early American life. By Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston, Mass., 1004. Svo, pp. 27. Reprinted from Vol. iv, Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society. (622 AMERICAN - IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Book of information regarding the Society. By Thomas Hamilton Murray. Boston and New York. Pub lished by the Society. 1005. 24mo, pp. 27 (2). (623 AMERICAN-IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Echoes from out the past, or Historical Notes relating to Irish Pioneers in America. By Thomas Hamilton Mur ray. Boston. Mass., 1005. Svo, pp. 37. Reprinted from Vol. V, Journal of the American-Irish Historical Society. (623 i AMERICAN- IRISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address to the Society by Rear-Admiral John McGowan. U. S. N. (retired), president-general. Washington, D. C., 1006. Svo, pp. 8. (623?> AMEMCAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 91 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington, D. C. AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 1. [Baltimore], 1893. 8vo, pp. (6), 143. Contents : Papers presented at the first scientific meeting, held at Philadel phia, December 15, 1892 : Address of the president, Oscar S. Straus ; The set tlement of the Jews in Georgia, by C. C. Jones, jr. ; Mickve Israel Congrega tion of Philadelphia, by Sabato Morals ; Some unpublished material relating to Dr. Jacob Lunibrozo, of Maryland, by J. II. Hollander ; Beginnings of New York Jewish history, by M. J. Kohler ; Notes on the Jews of Philadelphia, by M. Jastrow, jr. ; The first publication of a Jewish character printed in Philadel phia [a Thanksgiving sermon, by D. II. Franckel], by M. Jastrow, jr. ; Jews men tioned in the Journal of the Continental Congress, by Herbert Friedenwald ; A landmark [memorial stone of Benjamin Bueno de Mesquita], by N. Taylor Phil lips ; An act allowing naturalization of Jews in the colofties, by S. W. Rosendale ; Jewish beginnings in Kentucky, by L. N. Dembitz ; A document concerning the Franks family, by S. W. Rosendale ; Jews in the American plantations between 1600-1700, by Cyrus Adler ; Americana at the Anglo-Jewish Exhibition, by C. Adler; A political document of the year 1800 [letter of Benjamin Nones], by C. Adler ; The settlement of Jews in Canada, by A. C. Joseph ; Notes ; Joseph Simon of Lancaster, Pa. ; Gifts to the Society ; Index ; Constitution ; List of Members. (24 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 2. Baltimore, 1894. 8vo, pp. (6), 207. Contents : Chiefly papers presented at the second annual meeting, held at New York, December 27 and 28, 1893 : Address of the president, Oscar S. Straus ; A Sketch of Hayni Salomon, from an unpublished MS. in the Papers of Jared Sparks, by II. B. Adams ; On the History of the Jews of Chicago, by B. Fels- enthal ; The Jewish Congregation in Surinam, by B. Felsenthal ; A sermon by Moses Mendelssohn, printed in Philadelphia one hundred and thirty years ago, by B. Felsenthal ; The civil status of the Jews in Maryland, 1634-1776, by J. II. Hollander ; Family history of David Mendez Machado, by N. Taylor Phillips ; Note concerning David Hays and Esther Etting, his wife, and Michael Hays and Reuben Etting, by S. Solis-Cohen ; The colonization of America by the Jews, by M. Kayserling ; Phases of Jewish life in New York before 1800, by M. J. Kohler ; The Lopez and Rivera families of Newport, by M. J. Kohler ; A letter of Jonas Phillips to the Federal Convention, by II. Friedenwald ; Jacob Isaacs and his method of converting salt water into fresh water, by II. Friedenwald : Memorials presented to the Continental Congress, by II. Friedenwald ; Columbus in Jewish literature, by R. J. II. Gottheil ; Settlement of the Jews in Texas, by H. Cohen ; Aaron Levy, by I. II. Rosenbach and A. S. W. Rosenbach ; Documents from the Public Record Office (London) : Memorials of the Jews about their taxes, presented to the governor-in-chief of Jamaica, 1700; The governor and council s answer to the Baron de Belmont ; Jews in Jamaica, by C. Gross. Memoir of John Moss, by Lucien Moss ; Notes : The exact date of the trial of Jacob Lumbrozo, by J. H. Hollander ; Jonas Phillips, by M. J. Kohler ; Gifts to the Mickve Israel Congregation, by A. S. Wolf Rosenbach ; Jewish soldiers in the Colonial Period, by C. Adler ; Necrology : Isaac Minis, C. C. Jones ; Gifts ; Index ; Members. (2.% AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 3. Baltimore. 1805. 8vo, pp. (8) 173, (2-. Contents : Papers presented at the third annual meeting, December 26 and 27, 1894 ; Address of the president, Oscar S. Straus ; Some further references to Haym Salomon, by J. H. Hollander ; The earliest rabbis and Jewish writers of America, by M. Kayserling ; The American Jew as soldier and patriot, by S. Wolf ; Points in the first chapter of New York Jewish history, by A. M. Dyer ; An early ownership of real estate in Albany by a Jewish trader, by S. Rosendale; Phases of Jewish life in New York before 1800, by M. J. Kohler ; Correspondence between Washington and Jewish citizens, by L. Abraham ; The relations of Jews to our national movements, by L. Abraham ; Early Jewish literature in America, by Geo. A. Kohut ; Notes ; Index. (2fl 92 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 4. Baltimore, 1896. 8vo, pp. (6), 243. Contents : Papers presented at the third annual meeting, held at Washington, December 26 and 27, 1894 ; Chronological sketch of the history of the Jews in Surinam, by B. Felsenthal and R. Gottheil ; The Jews in Texas : Jacob de Cor dova, Mrs. L. R. Randall, Joseph Osterman, Moritz Koppel, Arthur S. Wolff, by R. Cohen ; The Jews of Richmond, by J. Ezekiel ; Trial of Jorge de Almeida by the Inquisition in Mexico, by C. Adler ; Incidents illustrative of American Jew ish patriotism, by M. J. Kohler ; Jewish martyrs of the Inquisition in South America, by G. A. Kohut ; The Levy and Seixas families of Newport and New York, by N. Taylor Phillips ; A biographical account of Ephraim Hart and his son, Joel Hart, by G. N. Hart ; Notes by M. J. Kohler. Letters of Madison and Jefferson to Jews ; Jewish settlement in Barlmdoes ; Necrology ; Alexander Kohut, Jesse Seligman ; Gifts to the Society : Members ; Index. (O27 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 5. Baltimore, 1897. 8vo, pp. vii, 234. Portrait. Contents : Address by Oscar S. Straus ; Documents relating to the career of Colonel Isaac Franks, by Morris Jastrow ; Some cases in Pennsylvania wherein rights claimed by Jews are affected, by John Samuel ; Henry Castro, pioneer and colonist, by Henry Cohen ; Material for the history of the Jews in the British West Indies, by Herbert Friedenwald ; The naturalization of Jews in the American colonies under the act of 1740, by J. II. Hollander; Who was the first rabbi of Surinam ? by George Alexander Kohut ; Isaac Aboab, the first Jewish author in America, by M. Kayserling ; The .lews and the American anti-slavery movement, by Max. J. Kohler ; Documents relative to Major David S. Franks while aide-de-camp to General Arnold, by Abraham S. Wolf Rosenbach ; Notes on the first settlement of Jews in Pennsylvania, 1655-1703, by A. S. W. Rosenbach ; "Appeals from colonial courts to the king in council," by Harold D. Hazeltine; Obituary notices of Jews of Philadelphia and New York, 1728-1791, from the files of the Pennsylvania Gazette ; Necrology : Lucien Moss ; Hermann Bien ; List of gifts and exchanges ; Index. (< 2S AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 6. Baltimore, 1897. 8vo, pp. xi, 180. Contents : Address upon American Jews and their history, by Oscar S. Straus. Delivered before the National Council of Jewish Women ; Address upon the work of the society, by Cyrus Adler ; A memorial sent by German Jews to the President of the Continental Congress, by M. Kayserling ; Documents- relating to the attempted departure of the Jews from Surinam in 1675, by J. H. Hol lander ; A modern Maccabean, by Henry Cohen ; Notice of Jacob Mordecai, founder, and proprietor from 180g to 1818, of the Warrenton (N. C.) Female Seminary, by Gratz Mordecai ; Some newspaper advertisements of the eighteenth century, by Herbert Friedenwald ; The Jews in Newport, by Max Kohler ; Civil status of the Jews in colonial New York, by Max J. Kohler ; The oldest tomb stone-inscriptions of Philadelphia and Richmond, by George Alexander Kohut ; A literary autobiography of Mordecai Manuel Noah, with an introduction, by George Alexander Kohut ; The congregation Shearith Israel. An historical re view, by N. Taylor Phillips ; Growth of Jewish population in the United States, by David Sulzberger ; Notes : Extracts from the Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, with Annals of the College History, vol. u, by Franklin Bowditch Dexter relating to persons of Jewish descent : Portraits of Jews engraved by St. Mem in ; A subscription list of the year 1773, by George Alexander Kohut ; Jewish soldiers : Notes taken from an article in the Ameri can Jews Annual for 5650 (1890), by A. E. Frankland, entitled "Fragments of History ; " Jews in Arkansas in 1830, by George Alexander Kohut ; Americana at the Anglo- Jewish Exhibition. [Publications, i, 109-10.] Items extracted from the Catalogue of the Anglo-Jewish historical exhibition, 1887 ; Gifts and exchanges; Index. (62O AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 7. Baltimore, 1899. Svo, pp. vii, 134. Contents: Process (or Trial) of Gabriel De Granada (13 years old), observer of the Law of Moses, 1642 to 1645. Translated from the original by David Fergusson. Edited with notes by Cyrus Adler. Index. (630 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 93 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 8. Baltimore, 1900. Svo, pp. xi, 168. Contents : Address upon the Jews in history, by Oscar S. Straus ; Asser Levy. A noted Jewish Burgher of New Amsterdam, by Leon Iliihner ; Site of the first synagogue of the congregation Shearith Israel of New York, with two maps, by Albion Morris Dyer ; The Jewish pioneers of the Ohio valley, by David Philipson ; A brave frontiersman, by Henry Cohen ; Some early American Zionists projects, by Max J. Kohler ; Ezra Stiles and the Jews, by W. Willner ; Notes on Myer Hart and other Jews of Easton, Pennsylvania, by Gustavus N. Hart ; Some references to early Jewish cemeteries in New York City, by Elvira N. Solis ; Persecution of the Jews in 1840, by Jacob Ezekiel ; Necrology : Sabato Morais ; Louis Schnabel ; Jacob Sulzberger ; Index. (631 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 9, Baltimore, 1901. 8vo, pp. xv, 190. Plate. Maps. Contents : Address of the president, by Cyrus Adler ; A plea for an American Jewish historical exhibition, by Joseph Jacobs ; Fray Joseph Diaz Pimienta. alias Abraham Diaz Pimienta, and the Auto-De-Fe held at Seville, July 25, 1720, by Richard Gottheil ; The Early Jewish settlement at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by Henry Necarsulmer ; Jews and the American anti-slavery movement, n^ by Max J. Kohler ; Isaac Levy s claim to property in Georgia, by Herbert Friedenwald ; The history of the first Russian-American Jewish congregation The Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, by J. D. Eisenstein ; Whence came the first Jewish settlers of New York ? by Leon Hfthner ; The German-Jewish migration to America, by - Max J. Kohler ; Francis Salvador, A prominent patriot of the Revolutionary War, by Leon Hiihner ; Notes on the history of the earliest German Jewish con gregation in America, by Henry Berkowitz ; Contributions to the history of the Jews in Surinam, by Richard Gottheil ; Notes : Dr. David Nassy in Surinam, by Richard Gottheil ; Privileges granted by the British government to the Jews in Surinam, 1665 ; Enterprise of the early Jewish settlers at Newport, Rhode Islands ; Judaica-Americana. Selected from the De Castro collection of books and antiquities ; Jacob Franks. Information obtained from the Collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Necrology : Charles P. Daly ; Jacob Ezekiel ; Jacob Balz ; William S. Rayner ; Moses Coit Tyler; Index. (632 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 10. 1902. Balti more. 1902. 8vo, pp. xiii, 202. Portrait. Contents : Address of the president ; Reference to Jews in the Diary of Ezra Stiles, by Morris Jastrow, jr. ; A method of determining the Jewish population of large cities in the United States, by George E. Barnett ; Jewish activity in American colonial commerce, by Max J. Kohler ; The Jews of Georgia in Colonial times, by Henry Hiihner ; The Cincinnati community in 1825, by David Philip- son ; New light on the career of Colonel David S. Franks, by Oscar S. Straus ; Sampson Simson, by Myer S. Isaacs ; The Damascus Affair of 1840 and the Jews of America, by Joseph Jacobs ; Solomon Heydenfeldt : A Jewish Jurist of Alabama and California, by Albert M. Friedenberg ; The Jews in Curagao. According to documents from the archives of the State of New York, by G. Herbert Cone ; Notes : Luis De Santangel and Columbus ; Jews in the American revolution, by Herbert Friedenwald ; Some notes on the career of Colonel David S. Franks ; Military record of Isaac Franks, by Leon Hiihner ; Necrol ogy ; Index. (633 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 11. 1903. Balti more, 1903. 8vo, pp. xiii, 238. Contents : Papers presented at the eleventh annual meeting : Address of the president, Cyrus Adler ; Switzerland and the American Jews, by Sol. M. Stroock ; Phases in the history of religious liberty in America, with special reference to the Jews, by Max J. Kohler ; The Jews in New England (other than Rhode Island) prior to 1800, by Leon Hiihner; The Jews and the American Sunday laws, by Albert M. Friedenberg ; The Jews of Chicago, by H. Eliassof ; New % matter relating to Mordecai M. Noah, by G. Herbert Cone ; Note on Isaac % Gomez and Lewis Moses Gomez, from an old family record, by Elvira N. Solis ; Report of the committee on collections of the American Jewish Historical 94 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Society ; Items relating to the history of the Jews of New York, by N. Taylor Phillips ; The trial of Francisco Maldonado De Silva, by George Alexander Kohut ; Notes : The Franks family as British army contractors ; Rebecca Franks as a writer ; Daniel Webster and the Jews. Necrology : Gratz Mordecai, Samuel Venstrahlen, Leonard Lewishon, Adolph Moses, Asher I. Myers, Aaron Frieden- wald, Abraham Pereira Mendes. Index. (634 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 12. [Baltimore] 1904. 8vo, pp. xiii, 205. Contents : List of officers ; The twelfth annual meeting ; Address of the presi dent, Cyrus Adler ; The Inquisition in Peru, by Elkan Nathan Adler ; The Jews of South Carolina from the earliest settlement to the end of the American Revo lution, by Leon Iliihner ; Judah 1*. Benjamin, statesman and jurist, by Max J. Kohler ; Calendar of American Jewish cases, by Albert M. Friedenberg ; The Jews in Boston till 1875, by Joseph Lebowitch ; A history of the Jews of Mobile, by Alfred G. Moses ; A Jewish army chaplain, by Myer S. Isaacs ; The develop ment of Jewish casuistic literature in America, by J. D. Eisenstein ; Jewish heretics in the Philippines in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, by George Alexander Kohut ; Outline of a plan to gather statistics concerning the Jews of the United States, by \Vm. B. Hackenburg ; Note on Sunday laws, by Albert M. Friedenberg; Edward Woolf, musician and author, by I. S. Isaacs; Necrology; Index. (635 Publications. No. 14, published in 1906, contains the following note : " The appearance of Publication No. 13 has been delayed . . . ; No. 14, being ready, is therefore distributed in advance of it. It will soon be followed by No. 13, containing the proceedings of the thirteenth annual meeting of the Society." AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of organization. Abstract from the minutes. 1892. [Baltimore], The Society, 1892. 8vo, pp. 20. (636 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Jews of Georgia in colonial times, by Leon Hiilmer . . . From the Publications of the American Jewish His torical Society, no. 10, 1902. [Baltimore, 1902.] 8vo, cover-title, pp. [65] -95. (637 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Judah P. Benjamin : statesman and jurist by Max J. Kohler . . . Baltimore [1905?]. 8vo, cover-title, pp. [63] -85. " Reprinted from the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, no. 12." (638 AMERICAN NEGRO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Pa. THE AMERICAN NEGRO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, and its officers. H. Harrison Wayman. In Colored American Magazine, Vol. 6 (Feb., 1903) : pp. 287-294. Boston, Mass. (No publications.) (639 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCH&OLOGICAL SOCIETY. l?ew York City. AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Adopted April 6, 1858. New York, 1858. 16mo. (640 Same. Adopted September, 1858. New York, 1858. 16mo, 8 pp. (64Oa AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Adopted Septem ber, 1858. New York, 1858. 32mo, pp. 8. ( em- 641 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY. 95 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by laws. New York, 1864. 8vo. ( ; 42 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Articles of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws. New York, 18(55. 8vo. ( i4 jj AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCH/EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. American Journal of Numismatics and bulletin of American numismatic and archaeological socie ties Vol. I-XL. New York, 1806-1900. 8vo, 40 vols. (644 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Articles of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws. New York, 1878. 8vo, pp. 19. ;4.-> AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. On some coins of the Castellan! collection. A paper read before the Society, January 1,1, 1878. By Gaston L. Feuardent [New York], 1878. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from American Journal of Numismatics. (646 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twentieth annual meeting, March 10, 1878. With the annual address of the president, Charles E. Anthon. New York, 1878. Large 8vo, pp. 8. Contains President Charles E. Anthon s annual address : A morning in the numismatic alcove of the Astor Library. (647 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twenty-first annual meeting, March 18, 1879. New York, 1879. Large 8vo. pp. 28. Contains president s annual address ; On some Frank sepultures of the sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries, by Henri de Morgan ; The masculo-feminine demiurgos of the Egyptians, by Gaston L. Feuardent. (648 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twenty-second annual meeting, March 10, 1880. New York, 1880. Large 8vo. pp. 24. Contains president s annual address ; Schleswig-Ilolstein medal, by W. T. R. Marvin ; Government as an art educator, by Gaston L. Feuardent. (649 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twenty-third annual meeting, March 15, 1881. New York, 1881. Large 8vo. pp. 27. Contains president s annual address ; On obelisks, by Gaston L. Feuardent ; Some ancient coins, by Gaston L. Feuardent. (65O AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twenty-fourth annual meeting, March 28, 1882. New York, 1882. Large 8vo. pp. 27. Contains president s annual address ; Correspondence with the British Museum relating to Gaston L. Feuardent. (651 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twenty-fifth annual meeting, March 20, 1883. New York, 1883. Large 8vo, pp. 36. <652 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at its twenty-sixth annual meeting, March 18, 1884. With lists of founders, in corporators, officers, and members. New York, 1884. Large 8vo, pp. 39. Contains : " Portraits on the later bronze," " The ways of some cataloguers," by F. M. Bird ; Moneta, by Patterson Du Bois ; " Henry Jernegan s silver cis tern," by R. S. Ely ; " The small stone graves in White County, Tenn.," by John B. Lillard. (653 96 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the twenty-seventh annual meeting, March 17th, 1885. With lists of founders, incorporators, officers, and members. New York, 1885. Large 8vo, pp. 29. Proceedings at the annual meetings, 27th-34th. Only papers relating to American history noticed. (654 AMERICAN. NUMISMATIC AND ARCH/EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the twenty-eighth annual meeting, March 16th, 1886. With lists of founders, incorporators, officers, and members. Also papers read before the Society. New York, 1886. Large 8vo, pp. 56. Contains : Fractional currency, by Henry Russell Drowne. (655 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the twenty-ninth annual meeting, March 15th, 1887. With lists of founders, incorporators, officers, and members. Also papers read before the Society, 1885-1886. New York, 1887. Large 8vo, pp. 5G. Contains : Some historic tokens of the city of New York, by Frank W. Doughty ; Reminiscences of some old New York die-sinkers, hy Andrew C. Za- hriskie ; British war medals relating to America, by James Oliver. (656 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the thirtieth to thirty-fourth annual meetings, 1888 to 1892, together with the History of the Society, by William R. Weeks, and lists of founders, incor porators, officers, and members. Also papers read before the Society, 1886- 1892. New York, 1892. Large 8vo, pp. 16, 17, 12, 12, 15, 50, 42. Contains : Echoes from the wheels of the Broadway omnibus, by Andrew C. Zabriskie ; Stone idols of New Mexico, by L. Bradford Prince ; Numismatic gleanings from the meadows, roads, and beaches of our Atlantic coast, by Charles Pryer ; Jottings from my note-book, by Charles Pryer ; Coin and cur rency, by Charles W. Darling. (657 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the thirty-fifth annual meeting, March 20, 1893, and list of officers and mem bers. Also papers read before the Society, 1892-1893. New York, 1893. Large 8vo, pp. 43. Contains : The colonial Jersey coinage, from an historical standpoint, by Francis B. Lee. (658 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the thirty-sixth, seventh, and eighth annual meetings, and list of officers and members. Also papers read before the Society, 1893-1896. New York, 1897. Large 8vo, pp. 110. Contains : Some new light on the Washington season medals, by Daniel Parish, jr. ; The insignia of the patriotic hereditary societies of the United States, by Bauman Lowe Belden ; Paper money and counterfeiting in the colony of New Jersey, by Francis Bagley Lee. (659 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the thirty- ninth annual meeting, March 15th, 1897, and list of officers and members; also papers read before the Society, 1896-1897. New York, 1897. Large 8vo, pp7 54. Contains : The Legion of Honor, by J. Sanford Saltus ; Modern renaissance of the medallic art, by Walter Tonnele. (66O AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the fortieth annual meeting, March 21st, 1898, and list of officers and members ; also papers read before the Society, 1897-1898. New York, 1898. Large 8vo, pp. 63. Contains : United States history as illustrated by its political medals, by Andrew C. Zabriskie ; History of the Grant monument medal, (661 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCH^OLOGICAL SOCIETY. 97 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the forty- first annual meeting, March 20th, 1899, and list of officers and members ; also papers read before the Society, 1898-1899. New York, 1899. Large 8vo, pp. 67. Contains : The old historic buildings of Westchester county, by Charles Pryer : Flags and insignia of the Confederate States of America, by J. Sanford Saltus ; Acknowledgments of the Grant monument medal from foreign rulers. (f><2 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the forty-second annual meeting, March 19th, 1900, and list of officers and members ; also papers read before the Society, 1899-1900. New York, 1900. Large 8vo, pp. 56. (G6tt AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK CITY. Proceedings at the forty-third annual meeting, March 18th, 1901, and list of officers and members; also papers read before the Society, 1900-1901. New York, 1901. Large 8vo, pp. 72. Contents : President s annual address ; The medallic history of Abraham Lincoln, by Andrew C. Zabriskie ; Presentation of loving cup to Edward Groh, by Henry Russell Drowne ; Insignia of American military societies since the war of 1812, by Bauman Lowe Belden ; Early Greek history, as illustrated by its coins, by Charles Pryer ; A counterfeit Pitt medal, by Edward Groh ; A rare medal, by Edward Groh. (664 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK CITY. Proceedings at the forty-fourth annual meeting, January 20th, 1902, and list of officers and members ; also papers read before the Society, 1901-1902. New York, 1902. Large 8vo, pp. 57. Contents : President s annual address ; The preservation of the antiquities of the southwest, by L. Bradford Prince ; Department badges of the Grand Army of the Republic, by Bauman Lowe Belden ; Kufic glass weights and bottle stamps, by J. B. Nies ; International congress of numismatists, Paris, June, 1900, by George F. Kunz. (665 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK CITY. Proceedings at the forty-fifth annual meeting. January 19, 1903, and list of officers and members, 1903. New York, 1903. Large 8vo, pp. 28. (666 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK CITY. Proceedings at the forty-sixth annual meeting, January 18, 1904, and list of officers and members ; also papers read before the Society, 1903. New York, 1904. Large 8vo, pp. 69. Contents : President s annual address ; Various methods of making a medal, by Victor D. Brenner ; Gleanings of a summer in the east : Palestine and Crete, by John P. Peters ; American insignia, by Bauman Lowe Belden ; The "Dauphin s Grave" and Louis XVII medals, by J. S&nford Saltus. (667 Proceedings . . . 47th annual meeting, Jan. 1<>, 190-j . . . New York, 1905. Large 8vo, pp. 28. Portrait. AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Carrara medals, with notices of the dukes of Padua, whose effigies they bear, by W. T. K. Marvin. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 8. 2 plates. Reprinted, with some additions and a few slight changes, from the American Journal of Numismatics. AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCH/EOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The medals of the Masonic fraternity described and illustrated. Boston, 1880. Large 8vo. 17 plates. Reprinted from the American Journal of Numismatics. (669 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 7 98 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. American Numismatic and Archaeological Society of New York. The bronze crabs of the obelisk. [A paper read before the Society, January 15, 1881, by G. L. Feuardent] New York. 8vo, pp. 7. (67O AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Remarks upon a coin of Sicyon, by Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the American Journal of Numismatics for January, 1882. (671 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the books in the library of the Society, with a subject index to the important arti cles in the American Journal of Numismatics, and other periodicals to the end of 1882. New York, 1883. 8vo, pp. (2), 31. (672 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [Quarter centennial meet ing.] Proceedings of the Society at its twenty-fifth annual meeting, Tues day, March 20, 1883, with lists of founders, incorporators, officers, and members. New York, 1883. 8vo, pp. 36. (673 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Moneta : A study. Read before the Society, March, 1884. By Patterson Du Bois. [New York], 1884. 8vo, pp. 8. (674 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Counterfeit half pence current in the American colonies, and their issue from the mints of Connecti cut and Vermont. Address by Wyllis Betts before the Society. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 17. Illustrated. (675 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the coinage of the Mexican revolutionary General Morelos. Based upon an important find. Read before the Society, June 2, 1886. By Lyman Haynes, law libra rian. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 18. (676 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Contributions of alchemy to numismatics. By Henry Carrington Bolton. Read before the Society, December 5, 1889. Author s edition. New York, 1890. Square 8vo, pp. 44. 3 plates. One hundred and seventy-five copies. Reprinted from the American Journal of Numismatics. (677 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Evidences of man in the drift. A description of certain a rchaeo logical objects recently discovered in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Read before the Society, March 28, 1892, by Francis Worcester Doughty. New York, 1892. 8vo, pp. 18. (6"8 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. History of the American Numismatic and Archaeological Society . . . with lists of founders, incor porators, officers, and members, by W. R. Weeks . . . New York [The So ciety], 1892. 4to, pp. 50. illus., pi. (In American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, New York. Proceedings. New York, 1892. 30th-34th meeting. 1882-92.) (679 AMERICAN NUMISMATIC AND ARCH.EOLOSICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Committee on medals, January 18th, 1904. New York, 1904. 4to, pp. 13. (680 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 99 AMERICA* PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vols. i-vi. 1709-1809. New series, Vols. i-xxi, 1818-1905. Philadelphia. 1771-1905. 4to. A second edition of Vol. i, 1769, was published in 1789. Vol. vi was reprinted in 1809. (681 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Experiments and observations on the min eral waters of Philadelphia, Abington, and Bristol, in the province of Penn sylvania. Read June 18, 1773, before the Society. By Benjamin Rush. Philadelphia, 1773. 8vo, pp. 30. (682 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An oration, delivered February 4, 1774, be fore the Society. Containing an enquiry into the natural history of medi cine among the Indians in North America, and a comparative view of their diseases and remedies with those of civilized nations. Together with an appendix, containing proof and illustrations. By Benjamin Rush. Phila delphia [1774]. Svo, pp. 118. (683 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Oration, March 1(5, 1780, Before the Society. By Timothy Matlack. Philadelphia, 1780. 4 to, pp. L 7. (684 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Anniversary oration. May 21 [1782], be fore the Society. By Thomas Bond. Philadelphia [1782]. Svo. pp. 34. (685 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An oration delivered before the Society, the 27th of February, 1780, containing an inquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. By Benjamin Rush. Philadel phia, 1780. 8vo, pp. (6), 40. Same, second edition, Philadelphia, printed ; London, reprinted 1786. Svo, pp. (8). 71. (686 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Papers relative to certain American an tiquities. By Winthrop Sargent, and by Benjamin Smith Barton. Phila delphia, 1796. 4to, pp. iv, 39. 2 plates. From Vol. iv of the Transactions of the Society. (687 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An eulogium. intended to perpetuate the memory of David Rittenhouse. late president of the American Philosophical Society, delivered before the Society in the First Presbyterian Church, Phil adelphia, the 17th December, 1790. By Benjamin Rush. Philadelphia [1796]. Svo, pp. 46. (688 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Laws and regulations. Philadelphia, 1814. Svo, pp. 36. (689 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An account of the history, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighbouring States. Communicated to the historical and literary com mittee of the Society by the Rev. John Heckewelder, and published by the committee. Philadelphia, 1818. 8vo, pp. (2), iv, 348. (9O 100 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the historical and literary committee. Vols. i, n, in (pt. 1). Philadelphia, 1819-1843. 8vo, 3 vols. Contents : Vol. i. List of the officers and members of the historical committee ; Constitution of the historical committee ; Literary notice ; Report of the commit tee to the Philosophical Society ; Corresponding secretary s report to the com mittee on the languages of the American Indians ; List of MS. donations, concerning the Indians and their languages ; An account of the history, man ners, and customs of the Indian natives who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighbouring States, by John Ileckewelder ; Correspondence between Mr. Ileckewelder and Mr. Duponceau, on the languages of the American Indians ; Words, phrases, and short dialogues in the language of the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians. 1819. pp. 7, 464 (1). Vol. ii. A dissertation on the nature and character of the Chinese system of writing, by I . S. Duponceau ; A vocabulary of the- Cochin Chinese language, by Joseph Morrone, with notes, by M. De La Palaen, and a Cochin Chinese and Latin dictionary. Vol. in, part 1. List of the members of the historical and literary committee ; List of the presidents of the Society; Historical sketch of . Continental paper money by Samuel Breck ; The social and intellectual state of the colony of Penn sylvania prior to the year 1743, by Job R. Tyson ; Biographical notice of Edward Livingston, by Henry D. Gilpin ; On the effects of secluded and gloomy impris onment on individuals of the African variety of mankind in the production of disease, by Benjamin H. Coates. pp. iv, (2), 99. (G91 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Report made to the historical and literary committee of* the Society, by their corresponding secretary, stating his progress in the investigation committed to him, of the general character and forms of the languages of the American Indians, by P. S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1819. 8vo, pp. 34. (692 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the early history of Pennsyl vania ; being an annual oration before the Society, June G, 1821. By Peter S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1821. 8vo, pp. 38. (693 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Discourse concerning the influence of Amer ica on the mind ; being the annual oration before the Society, October 10, 1823. By C. J. Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1823. 8vo, pp. 67. (694 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library. Philadelphia, 1824. 8vo, pp. xv, 290. (695 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Communication on the improvement of government ; read before the Society, October 1, 1824. By C. J. Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1824. 8vo, pp. 24. (696 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Eulogium in commemoration of Hon. Wil liam Tilghman, delivered before the Society, October 11, 1827. By P. S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1827. 8vo, pp. 46. (697 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Eulogium on Thomas Jefferson, before the Society, April 11, 1827. By Nicholas Biddle. Philadelphia, 1827. 8vo, pp. 5 5. (698 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Laws and regulations adopted, June 21, 1833. Philadelphia, 1833. 8vo, pp. 46 (1). (699 AMEEICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 101 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memorial -of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Historical Society of Philadelphia, recommending the publication of certain ancient records ; and the report of a committee of the House of Representatives ui>on the same subject. Harrisburg, 1830. Svo, pp. 8. (7OO AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Second report of the joint committee on Meteorology, of the American Philosophical Society and Franklin Institute. [By James P. Espy.] Philadelphia. 183G. 8vo, pp. 8 (1). (7O1 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Xecrological notice of Dr. Philip Syng Physick, delivered before the Society, May 4, 1838. Philadelphia, 1838. 8vo, pp. 32. (7O2 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An inquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. Delivered before the Society. 27th of Feb ruary, 1786. By Benjamin Rush. Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo, pp. 28. (70S AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vols. i-xr.iv. 1838-1905. Philadelphia, 1840-1905. 8vo, 44 vols. Vol. xxn is in four parts. Part 3 consists of " Early proceedings of the Society, compiled by [Henry Phillips, jr.]. From the manuscript minutes of its meetings from 1744 to 1838." Philadelphia. 1MS4. pp. iii. 87."). Two photo graphs. (7O4 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Biographical notice of Edward Livingston. Read before the Society. By Henry D. Gilpin. Philadelphia, 1843. . 8vo, pp. 20. (7O5 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Society on the 25th May, 1843 ; with a discourse by Dr. Patterson on the origin, progress, and labors of the Society, followed by the proceedings at a special meeting on the 2<5th. 27th, 29th, and 30th May, in further cele bration of the occasion, with abstracts of scientific papers then read, etc. Philadelphia, 1843. Svo, pp. 232. Also printed as Vol. in of the Proceedings. (7OO AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. p]arly history of the Society. A discourse at the celebration of its hundredth anniversary. By Robert M. Patterson. With the introductory address of the President. Philadelphia, 1843. Svo, pp. (2), 30. (7O7 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. On the effects of secluded and gloomy im prisonment on individuals of the African variety of mankind in the pro duction of disease. By Benjamin II. Coates. Read at the centennial anni versary of the Society, May 29, 1843. Philadelphia. 1843. 8vo, pp. 15. (70S AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The social and intellectual state of the colony of Pennsylvania prior to the year 1743. Read before the Society, 29th May, 1843, in commemoration of its hundredth anniversary. By Job R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1843. 8vo, pp. 23. (70.S AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of Continental paper money. By Samuel Breck. Philadelphia, 1843. 8vo, pp. 40. Same reprinted. Philadelphia, 1863. Svo, pp. 34. First issued in the Transactions. Fifty copies were puhlished on large paper. (70J> 102 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL S6ciEiY. Public discourse in commemoration of Peter S. Du Ponceau, before the [Society] on the 25th of October, 1844. By R. Dunglison. Philadelphia, 1844. 8vo, pp. 44. (710 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Laws and regulations, as finally amended and adopted, December 16, 1859. Together with the charter of the Society and a list of its members. Philadelphia, I860. 8vo, pp. 80. Contains list of the members from 1769 to 1860. (711 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Obituary notice of II. D. Gilpin. Read before the Society [by C. J. Ingersoll], September 21, I860. [Philadelphia, I860.] 8vo, pp. 16. (712 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library. Philadelphia, 1861. 8vo, pp. 1.000. (713 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . On the stone implements of the Indians of North America, with a classification and description of the methods of mak ing them. By Franklin Peale. Read before the Society. June 21, 1861. [Philadelphia, 1861.] 8vo, pp. 8. (714 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. [Copy of the opinion of the Supreme Court in the case of the city of Philadelphia against the Society, claiming taxes for the property of the Society.] Philadelphia, 1862. 8vo. pp. 11. No title-page. (715 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . Catalogue of the American Philosophical Society library. Philadelphia. 1863-84. Svo. 4 pts. in 1 v. (2 1., pp. 1390). By J. 1*. Lesley, librarian. (716 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the trial by jury. Read before the Society, May 1. 1863. [By Eli K. Price.] Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo, pp. 24. (717 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . Discourse on the family as an element of government. Read before the Society, January, 18(54. [By Eli K. Price.] Philadelphia, 1864. 8vo, pp. HO. (7i 8 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . An obituary notice of Dr. William Darling ton. Read before the Society, February 11), 1864. By T. P. James. [Phil adelphia. 1864.] 8vo, pp. 12. No title-page. Title on cover : Biographical sketch of Dr. Wil liam Darlington. (719 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . List of members [to January, 1865]. [Phil adelphia, 1865.] Svo. pp. 56. No title-page. (72O AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . List of the surviving members [etc.], Janu ary 1, 1865. [Philadelphia. 1865.] Svo, pp. 6. No title-page. (721 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . Laws and regulations. Philadelphia, 1866. Svo. (722 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . Contributions to a grammar of the Mus- kokee language. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia. 1870. 8vo, pp. 301-309. From the Proceedings. (72:5 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 103 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Grammar of the Choctaw language. By the Rev. Cyrus Byington. Edited from the original MSS. in the library of the Society. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1870. 8vo, pp. 56. ( 724 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An obituary notice of Franklin Peale. Read before the Society by Robert Patterson. In Mason s Coin and Stamp Collectors Magazine, Vol. v, pp. 37, 38 ; 59, 60 ; 76, 77; 90, 91; 101, 102; 118, 119. (Philadelphia, 1871.) (725 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Obituary notice of John F. Frazer. Read before the Society, April 4, 1873. By John L. Le Conte. [Philadelphia, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 183-190. (726 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Descriptive list of medals struck to com memorate the battle of Waterloo. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, December 6, 1878. [Philadelphia, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 78-83. No title-page. (727 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. List of the surviving members. [Read January 18, 1878.] Philadelphia, 1878. 8vo, pp. 22. Half title on cover. (728 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Notes upon the collection of coins and medals now upon exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, February 7, 1879. [Philadelphia, 1879.] 8vo, pp. 15. (729 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Additional notes upon the collection of coins and medals now upon exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, October 3, 1879. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo, pp. 19. No title-page. (73O AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An account of two maps of America pub lished respectively in the years 1550 and 1555. By Henry Phillips, jr., A. M. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, March 19, 1880.) [Phil adelphia, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 3. Caption title. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1880, v. 19. Relates to maps published in Minister s Cosmographia universalis. Basle, 1550, and in Grynaeus Novus orhis, Basle, 1555. (731 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. List of the members [to 18801. [Phila delphia, 1880.1 8vo, pp. 72 (1). No title-page (732 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Some recent discoveries of stone imple ments in Africa and Asia. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Soci ety, May 21, 1880. [Philadelphia, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. From the Proceedings. (733 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Certain old almanacs published in Phila delphia between 1705 and 1744. By H. Phillips, jr. [Read before the Society, February 18, 1881.] [Philadelphia, 1881.] 8vo, pp. 7. (734 104 AMKRTCAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of S. S. Haldeman. By D. G. Brinton. Read before the Society, February 4, 1881. [Philadelphia, 1881.] 8vo, pp. 6. (735 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The names of the gods in Kiche myths, Central America. By Daniel G. Brinton. Read before the Society, Novem ber 4, 1881. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 37. (736 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Register of papers published in the Trans actions and Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Compiled by Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 56. (737 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Obituary notice of Ralph Waldo Emerson. By Charles G. Ames. Read before the Society, November 3, 1882. [Phila delphia, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 498-503. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (738 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. A brief account of the more important public collections of American archaeology in the United States. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, May 4, 1883. [New York, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 9. (739 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Notes from the Codex Ramirez, with a translation. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, October 19, 1883. [Philadelphia, 1883.] Svo, pp. 36. Map. No title-page. (74O AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Biographical notice of Henry M. Phillips. By Richard Vaux. Read before the Society, December 19, 1884. Philadel phia, 1884. Svo, pp. 72-78. (741 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Trap dykes in the archsean rocks of south eastern Pennsylvania. By Persifor Frazer. Read before the Society, Octo ber 17, 1881. [Philadelphia, 1884. ] 8vo ? pp. 691-694. -Title on cover only. (742 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. A great trap dyke across southeastern Pennsylvania. By H. Carvill Lewis. Read before the Society, May 15, 1885. [Philadelphia, 1885.] 8vo, pp. (1) 438-456. Folded map. (743 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. List of surviving members. Presented March 5, 1886. [Philadelphia, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 12. Title on cover. (744 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The conception of love in some American languages. By Daniel G. Brinton. Read before the Society, November 5, 1886. Philadelphia, 1886. 8vo, pp. 546-561. (745 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the Mangue, an extinct dialect formerly spoken in Nicaragua. By Daniel G. Brinton. Read before the Society. November 20, 1885. Philadelphia, 1886. 8vo, pp. 22. (74 6 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. On the ikonomatic method of phonetic writ ing, with special reference to American archaeology. By Daniel G. Brinton. Read before the Society, October 1, 1886. Philadelphia, 1886. Svo, pp. 14. Illustrated. (747 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. 105 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Comparative vocabulary of Algonquin dia lects. From Heckewelder s manuscripts, in the collections of the American Philosophical Society. Printed for Wellesley College library, by 10. X. Ilorsford. Cambridge, 1887. 4to, pp. 7. (74S AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Critical remarks on the editions of Diego de Landa s writings. By Daniel G. Brinton. Read before the Society, January 7, 1887. [Philadelphia, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. From the Proceedings. (749 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. On an ancient human footprint from Nica ragua. By Daniel G. Brinton, M. D. Head before the Society, November 18, 1887. [Philadelphia, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 437-444. Plate. From the Proceedings. Title on cover. (75O AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. On the so-called Alagiiilac language <-f Guatemala. By Daniel G. Brinton, M. D. Read before the Society, Novem ber 4, 1887. [Philadelphia, 1887.] 8vb, pp. (1), 366-477. From the Proceedings. (751 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. "Were the Toltecs an historic nationality? . By Daniel G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1887. 8vo, pp. 15. (752 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. First contribution to the study of folklore of Philadelphia and its vicinity. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, March Ifi, 1888. Philadelphia, _1 888. 8vo, pp. 159-170. (753 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The language of palaeolithic man. By Daniel G. Brinton. Read before the Society, October 5, 1888. Philadel phia, 1888. 8vo, pp. 16. . (754 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. An account of the Congo Independent State. By H. Phillips, jr. Read before the Society, November 2, 1888, and February 1, 1889. [Philadelphia, 1889.] 8vo, pp. (18). Maps and woodcuts. (755 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The literary labors of Benjamin Franklin. An address delivered before the Society at the commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the decease of the illustrious founder and first president, April 17, 1890. By G. Brown Goode. Philadelphia, 1890. 8vo, pp. 21. (75O AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Daniel Ragnes Goodwin, D. D. By J. V. Merrick. Read before the Society. November 7, 1890. [Phila delphia, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The career of Benjamin Franklin. A paper read before the Society. Philadelphia. May 25, 1893, at the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its formation in that city. By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D., Boston. Philadelphia, 1893. 8vo, pp. 14. ( 758 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. A vocabulary of the Nanticoke dialect. Read before the American Philosophical Society, November 3, 1893. By D. G. Brinton. [Philadelphia, 1893.] 8vo, pp. (9). Reprinted from Proceedings, Vol. xxxi. * (759 106 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, tertiary tipulidae, with special reference to those of Florissant, Colorado. A paper presented to the American Philosophical Society, on the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its foundation, May 22-26, 1893. By Samuel H. Scudder. [Philadelphia, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 83. 9 plates. Reprinted from Proceedings, Vol. xxxn. (76O AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Hon. Thomas H. Dudley. By William John Potts. A paper read before the Society, April 19, 1895. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. xxxiv, 1895. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo, pp. 36. (761 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Brinton memorial meeting: report of the memorial meeting held January sixteenth, nineteen hundred, under the auspices of the American Philosophical Society, by twenty-six learned societies in honor of the late Daniel Garrison Brinton, M. D. Philadelphia, 1900. 8vo, pp. 07. port. Addresses by A. II. Smyth and W J McGee ; and a bibliography of Dr. Brinton (pp. 42-67) by S. Culin. (762 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Calendar of the correspondence relating to the American revolution of Brigadier-General George Weedon, Hon. Rich ard Henry Lee, Hon. Arthur Lee, and Major-General Nathanael Greene, in the library of the American Philosophical Society. Prepared under the direction of the Committee on historical manuscripts. Philadelphia, 1900. 8vo, pp. vii. 255. Compiled by Emma Repplier. (763 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Franklin s bagatelles. J[oseph] G[eorge] Rosengarten, editor . . . [Philadelphia? 1901.] fol., pp. 61. Selections from the Franklin papers, with remarks by the editor. Reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, v. 40. no. 166, July 30. 1901. (764 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY . . . Fundamental laws and regulations (adopted 1769), charter (granted 1780) laws and rules of administration and order (as amended March 7, 1902). Philadelphia, 1902. 8vo, 51, [1] pp. (-65 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Valley Forge orderly book of General George Weedon of the continental army under command of Gen 1 . George Washington, in the campaign of 1777-8, describing the events of the battles of Brandywine. Warren tavern, Germantown, and Whitemarsh, and of the camps at Xeshaminy, Wilmington, Pennypacker s Mills, Skippack, White- marsh, and Valley Forge. New York, 1902. 8vo, 3 p. 1., pp. 323. front., plans. Published under the auspices of the American Philosophical Society. (7O6 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, The American Philosophical Society, 1743- 1903; address by J. G. Rosengarten at the annual dinner of the society, April 3, 1903 . . . Philadelphia, 1903. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, July, 1903. 6 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. 107 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The Earl of Crawford s MS. history in the library of the American Philosophical Society. By Joseph G. Rosengarten. (Head December 18, 1903.) [Philadelphia, 1903.] 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from Proceedings American Philosophical Society, Vol. xin, No. 174. Notice of the inedited MS. memoirs of the Earl of Crawford, including: Account of some campaigns of the British army from 1G89 to 1712, Journal of a campaign under Prince Eugene on the Upper Rhine, Miscellaneous papers ; Journal of voyage from the Thames to Russia, and of Campaigning with the Russian army, 1738-9 ; Journal of a campaign with the Russian army against Turkey, 1739. (7 S AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The " Franklin papers " in the American Philosophical Society. By J. G. Rosengarten. [Philadelphia, 1903.] 8vo, cover-title pp. [165] -170. Reprinted from Proceedings, American Philosophical Society. Vol. XLII, No. 173. (769 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Documents relating to the purchase and exploration of Louisiana, i. The limits and bounds of Louisiana. By Thomas Jefferson, n. The exploration of the Red, the Black, and the Washita rivers. By William Dunbar. Printed from the original manu scripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of the society s Committee on historical documents. Boston and New York, 1904. 8vo, 2 p. 1., 45, 189, 70 pp., 1 1. 2 ports., fold. map. (77O AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. New York City. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers of the American Society of Church History. Vol. i. Report and papers of the first annual meeting, held in the city of Washington, December 28, 1888. Edited by Rev. Samuel Macanley Jackson, M. A., secretary. New York. 1889. 8 vo, pp. xxx (2), 271. Contents : Organization of the Society ; Constitution ; First annual meeting ; Letters from the honorary members : The progress of religious freedom, as shown in the history cf toleration acts, by Philip Schaff ; Indulgences in Spain, by Henry Charles Lea ; A crisis in the Middle Ages, by James Clement Moffat ; Melanchthon s " Synergism," by Frank Hugh Foster ; Some notes on syncretism in the Christian theology of the second and third centuries, by Hugh McDonald Scott ; The influence of the Golden Legend on pre-Reformation culture history, by Ernest Gushing Richardson ; Notes on the New Testament canon of Euse- bius, by Arthur Cushman McGiffert ; A note on the need of a complete mission ary history in English, by Samuel Macauley Jackson ; List of members ; Index. (771 AMERICAN SOCIETY or CHURCH HISTORY. Papers of the American Society of Church History. Vol. n. New York, 1890. 8vo, pp. XX (2), 104. Contents : Constitution ; Second annual meeting ; Some remarks on the Alogi, by G. P. Fisher ; The Camisard uprising of the French Protestants, by II. M. Baird ; Parochial libraries of the colonial period, by J. F. Hurst ; Dante s the ology, by Philip Schaff ; The corruption of Christianity through paganism during the first two centuries, by Abraham II. Lewis : Some relics of early Presbyterianism in Maryland; by J. W. Mcllvain ; List of members. (772 108 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMKKICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers. Vol. in. Reports and paper* of third annual meeting, December 30, 31, 1890. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. New York, 1891. 8vo, pp. xiii, 251. Contents : The Renaissance, the revival of learning and art in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, by Philip Schaff ; The historical geography of the Chris tian church, by Henry W. Hulbert ; The Anabaptists of the sixteenth century, by H. S. Burrage ; The vicissitudes of the doctrine of the Lord s supper in the English church, by J. W. Richard ; Villegaignon, founder and destroyer of the first Hugenot settlement in the New World, by T. E. V. Smith ; Report on a proposed series of denominational histories, to be published under the auspices of the American Society of Church History, by Albert Henry Newman ; The place of church history in the college course of study, by Henry M. MacCracken ; List of members of the Society. (77 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers. Vol. iv. Report and papers of the fourth annual meeting, December 29 and 30, 1891. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. New York, 1892. 8vo, pp. Iviii, 235. Contents : Works of interest to the student of church bistory which appeared in 1891 ; The religious motives of Christopher Columbus, by William Kendall Gillett : The "heads of agreement" and the union of Congregationalists and. Presbyterians based on them in London, 1691, by Williston Walker ; Christian Unity, or the Kingdom of Heaven, by Thomas Davidson ; The bulls distributing America, by John Jordan ; The confessional history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, by John Nicum ; Christian thought in architecture, by Barr Ferree ; The friendship of Calvin and Melanchthou, by Philip Schaff ; Recent researches concerning mediaeval sects, by Albert Henry Newman ; List of members of the Society. (774, 775 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers. Vol. v. Report and papers of the fifth annual meeting, held in the city of Washington, December 27 and 28, 1892. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson, M. A. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. Ixii, 143. Contents : Bibliography of works of interest to the student of church history which have appeared in 1892, compiled by the secretary ; St. Thomas of Canter bury, by Philip Schaff; The absolution formula of the Templars, by Henry Charles Lea ; The services of the Mathers in New England religious develop ment, by Williston Walker; Holland and religious freedom, by Rev. Talbot Wil son Chambers ; The Italian Renaissance of to-day, by Rev. George Robert White Scott; List of members; Index. (77O AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers, Vol. vi. Reports and papers of the sixth annual meeting, December 27 and 28, 1893. Edited by Rev. Samuel Macauley Jackson, M. A. New York, 1894. 8vo, pp. xxx, 224. Contents : The Schaff memorial meeting, December 27, 1893 ; Dr. Schaff as a Bible student and a reviser, by T. W. Chambers ; Dr. Schaff as uniting Teutonic and Anglo-Saxon scholarship, by J. F. Hurst ; Dr. Schaff and the Lutheran Church, by H. E. Jacobs ; Dr. Schaff and the Episcopal Church, by C. C. Tiffany : Dr. Schaff and the Roman Catholic Church, by T. J. Shahan ; Dr. Schaff as a literary worker, by E. C. Richardson ; Tribute from Joseph Henry Allen ; Life and work of Bishop Francis Asbury, by Asbury Lowry ; Benjamin Schmolck. by J. E. Rankin ; Life and work of S. Thomas Aquinas, by Thomas O Gorman ; The Gospel of Peter, by A. C. McGiffert ; Faust and the Clementine recognitions, by E. C. Richardson ; The contest for religious liberty in Massachusetts, by H. S. Burrage, D. D. ; The doctrine of apostolic succession in the Church of England, by H. C. Tedder ; Prayers for the dead, by G. F. Williams ; List of members ; Index. (777 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers. Vol. VH. Reports and papers of the seventh annual meeting, held in the city of Washington, D. C., AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. 109 December 27 and 28, 1894. Edited by Rev. Samuel Macaulay Jackson, M. A., secretary. New York, 1895. 8vo, pp. ccxlviii, 65. Contents : Works of interest to the student of church history published in 1893, a bibliography compiled by the secretary ; Dr. Schaff as an historian, by G. P. Fisher ; Some elements in the making of the United States, by C. II. Small; Judge Samuel Sewall (1652-1730), a typical Massachusetts Puritan, by J. L. Ewell ; List of members. (778 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Papers. Vol. vm. Reports and papers of the eighth and ninth annual meetings, December 2<> and 27, 1805, and December 29 and 30, 189(3. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. New York, 1897. Svo, pp. xxxi, 323. Contents : Constitution of the Society ; Eighth annual meeting ; Ninth annual meeting ; A brief sketch of the united synod of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, by Thomas Cary Johnson ; The teachings of Antonio Rosmini and the censures passed upon them by ecclesiastical authority, by Henry Clay Sheldon ; The ecclesiastical situation in New England prior to the Revolution, by Joseph Henry Allen ; The Amsterdam correspondence, by Edward T. Corwin ; John Eliot, the Puritan missionary to the Indians, by Ezra Hoyt Byington ; The Labadist colony in Maryland, by Bartlett Burleigh James ; AA esley as a churchman, by John Alfred Faulkner ; The attitude of the western church towards the study of the Latin classics in the early middle ages, by Dana Carelton Munro ; The development of the appellate jurisdiction of the Roman see, by Joseph Cullen Ayer ; Hincmar : an introduction to the study of the Revolution in the organization of the church in the ninth century, by Guy Carelton Lee ; The attitude of the Society of Friends toward slavery in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, particularly in relation to its own mem bers, by Allen Clapp Thomas; List of members: Index. (779 NOTE. The American Society of Church History, organized March 23, 1888, was, on December 31, 1896, constituted the Church History Section of the American Historical Association. The publications of the Society from 1880 to 1807. comprising eight vol umes of " Papers," edited by Rev. Samuel Macauley Jackson. M. A., secretary, have been transferred to the American Historical Association, and this series of Papers is dis continued. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Indulgences in Spain. By Henry Charles Lea. New York, 188U- 8vo, pp. 42. Reprinted from Papers of the American Society of Church History, Vol. I, pp. 120-171. (78O AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. Secretary s report of the organization of the Society. New York, March 23, 1888. 8vo, pp. 11. Contains constitution and list of members. (781 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The " Heads of agreement," and the union of Congregationalists and Presbyterians based on them in London. By Williston Walker. A paper read before the Society, December 29 and 30, 1891. [New York, 1891.] 8vo, pp. (2), 29-52. Reprinted from the Papers of the Society. (782 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The place of church history in the col lege course of study. A paper read before the American Society of Church History in Washington, D. C., December 31, 1890. By Henry Mitchell MacCracken. New York, 1891. Svo, pp. (25). (783 110 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. i. The religious forces of the United States. By H. K. Carroll, LL. D. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. Ixii, 449. (784 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. n. A history of the Baptist churches in the United States. By A. H. Newman, D. D., LL. D. New York, 1894. Svo, pp. xv, 513. ( 7S5 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. in. A history of the Congregational churches in the United States. By Williston Walker. New York, 1894. 8vo, pp. xiii, 451. (786 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. iv. A history of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. By Henry Eyster Jacobs. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. xvi, 539. (787 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. v. A history of Methodists in the United States. By J. M. Buckley. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. xix, 714. (788 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. vi. History of the Presbyterian churches in the United States. By Robert E. Thompson. New York, 1895. Svo, pp. xxx i, 424. (789 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. vii. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. By Charles C. Tiffany. New York, 1895. 8vo, pp. xiv, 593. (79O AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. vin. A history of the Reformed Church, Dutch ; the Reformed Church, German, and the Moravian Church in the United States. By E. T. Corwin, D. D., Prof. J. II. Dobbs, D. D., and Prof. J. T. Hamilton. New York, 1895. Svo, pp. xvi, 525. (791 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. ix. A history of the Roman Catholic Church iu the United States. By Thomas O Gorman. New York, 1895. Svo, pp. xviii, 515. (793 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. x. A history of the Unitarians and the Universalists in the United States. By Joseph Henry Allen, D. D., and Richard Eddy, D. D. New York, 1894. Svo, pp. ix, (3), 516. (793 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. xi. A history of the Methodist Church South, the United Presbyterian Church, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the Presbyterian Church South, in the United States. By Prof. Gross Alexander, D. D. ; James B. Scouller, D. D. ; Prof. R. V. Foster, D. D.. and Prof. T. C. Johnson, D. D. New York, 1894. Svo, pp. xii, 4S7. (794 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. xn. A history of the Disciples of Christ, the Society of Friends, the United Brethren in Christ, and the Evangelical Association. By B. B. Tyler, D. D. ; Prof. A. C. Thomas, M. A. ; R. H. Thomas, M, D. ; D. Berger, AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Ill D. D., and Rev. S. P. Spring, and Bibliography of American church history, by Samuel Macauley Jackson, D. D., LL. D. New York, 1894. 8vo, pp. x, 519. (795 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. The American Church History Series. Vol. xin. A history of American Christianity. By Leonard Woolsey Bacon. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. x, 429. (79 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CHURCH HISTORY. John Eliot, the Puritan Missionary to the Indians. A paper read before the American Society of Church History, at its ninth annual meeting, Dec. 30th, 189(3. By Ezra Hoyt Byington. Reprinted from the Papers, Vol. viii. (797 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Boston, Mass. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Constitution and by-laws. With a list of officers, fellows, and members, and an address. Boston, 1840. 8vo, pp. 24. (798 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Constitution and by-laws. With a list of officers, fellows, and members, and an address. Boston, 1844. 8vo, pp. 24. (799 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Collections of the American Statistical Association. Vol. I. Boston, 1847. 8vo. pp. x. 596. Statistics of towns in Massachusetts ; Heights, latitudes, and longitudes of eminences ; Statistics of population ; Statistics of taxation in Massachusetts. By J. B. Felt. Issued in three parts ; published in 1843, 1845, and 1847, respec tively. Part I of Vol. ii of the Collections; comprising Memoir of the life and char acter of George Cheyne Shattuck, by Edward Jarvis, pp. 1-7 ; Statistics of comb making in Leominster, 1852, by C. C. Field, M. D., pp. 8-16 ; Memoir of American discoveries, colonization, commerce, and fishery, from Newfoundland to Florida, both inclusive, down to 1630, by Joseph B. Felt, LL. I)., pp. 17-134 ; The financial revulsion of 1857, by Samuel II. Walley, pp. 135-160; Letters on the money crisis of 1857, by Nathan Appleton, pp. 161-175 ; The connection of occupation with longevity, by Edward Jarvis, p. 176; The increase of human life, by Edward Jarvis, pp. 177-231, was printed in sheets, but never printed as a volume, as the sheets were burned in 1872 at the printing office where they were stored. The following were printed separately from the same forms as the above, but independently paged : Dr. Jarvis s " Memoir of Dr. Shattuck " and Walley s "Financial revulsion." Dr. Jarvis s "Increase of human life" was issued with a paper cover in pamphlet form with the paging of the Collections, and 1,000 copies were printed by the New England Mutual Life Insurance Com pany with independent paging and a title-page. The Massachusetts Historical Society possesses a copy of the sheets of pp. 1-136, the Boston Athenaeum of pp. 1-176, and the Boston Public Library of pp. 1-16, 176-231, of this unpub lished volume. These probably constitute all that was saved of the same. (8OO AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. The financial revulsion of 1857. An address delivered before the Association, February 10, 1858. By Samuel Hurd Walley. Boston, 1858. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from Vol. n of Collection.*. (SOI AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. The increase of human life. Read before the Association. By Edward Jarvis, M. D., president of the Association. Reprinted from the Atlantic Monthly for the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. (2) , 55. Also printed as pp. 177-231 of the second volume of the Collections of the Association. (SOS 112 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. The history of paper money in the prov ince of Massachusetts before the Revolution, with an account of the land bank and the silver bank. Read before the Association, May 1874. By E. H. Derby. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 16. (803 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Constitution and by-laws, with a list of officers, fellows, and members, January, 1881. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 13. (H04 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Boston s trade and commerce for forty years, 1844-1884. By Hamilton Andrews Hill, A. M. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 20. (SO5 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Memorial of Edward Jarvis, M. D. By Robert W. Wood. Boston, 18*85. 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. (SO6 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications of the American Statistical Association. New series, Vol. i. Boston, 1888-1890. One vol., Svo, pp. 492. Illustrated. NOTE. The publications are issued in numbers under the title " Quarterly Publications." The volume when made up has a title-page with the title " Publications." Contents: (1) Statistics of water power employed in manufacturing in the United States, by George F. Swain, 44 pp. ; (2, 3) Park areas and open spaces in American and European cities, by E. R. L. Gould ; Key to the publications of the U. S. Census, 1790-1887, with occasional reference to other statistical works, by Edward Clark Lunt, 45-125 pp. ; (4) Life insurance in the United States, by Walter C. Wright ; Review of Reports of bureaus of labor statistics for 1887, by Richmond Mayo Smith ; Index to Reports of bureaus of labor statistics for 1887 ; Sanitary reports of Dr. Lucy M. Hall and Dwight Porter ; Pidgin s prac tical statistics ; The census act for 1890 ; Census of deaf mutes ; Abstract of report of A. Graham Bell ; Extension of the metric system, vr, 127-181 pp. ; (5) Notes on the statistical determination of the causes of poverty, by Amos G. War ner ; Statistics of divorce in the United States and Europe, by Samuel W. Dike ; Fox s regimental losses in the American civil war, by Francis A. Walker ; Smith s statistics and economics, by Henry C. Adams ; Oilman s profit sharing, by Davis R. Dewey ; State handbook, Dakota, Alabama, Texas ; Anthropological records ; Swank s iron and steel report for 1888 ; Uniform railway statistics, by Henry C. Adams; Statistics of the American Navy, 1889, vi, 183-240 pp.; (6) American railroad statistics, by Arthur T. itadley ; Statistics of municipal finance, by Henry B. Gardner ; Newsholme s vital statistics, by John S. Billings ; Manual of Ameri can waterworks, by George F. Swain; Chronicle fire tobies [etc.], (6), 241-298 pp. ; (7) Prison statistics for the United States for 1888, by Roland P. Falkner ; An account of the collections of the American Statistical Association, by Samuol A. Green ; Galton s statistical methods, by John Dewey ; Insurance records [etc.], (4), 299-348 pp.; (8) Finance statistics of the American common wealths, by Edwin R. A. Seligman ; Divorce in France, by Benjamin F. Keller ; Relief of the poor in Germany, by A. G. Warner; Prison statistics [etc.], iv, 349-492 pp. (8O7 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. n. 1890-91. Bos ton, 1891. Svo, pp. v (6), 470. Contents : No. 9. Mortgage statistics, by George K. Holmes. Reviews and notices : An annual census of manufactures, by S. N. D. North. * * * Mis cellany : Statistics of Christian names in early times ; Census of the electrical industry ; Mortgages in foreign countries. No. 10. The study of statistics in Italian universities, by C. D. Wright ; Statistics of private corporations, by R. P. Falkner. Reviews and notices : English labor statistics, by D. R. Dewey ; Memo randa on the fall in rates of interest, by W. C. Wright ; Election statistics of Massachusetts, by W. S. Allen. Miscellany : Study of statistics in colleges, by F. A. Walker ; The fire losses in the United States during 1889. Nos. 11, 12.- Statistics of the colored race in the United States, by F. A. Walker ; How to make statistics popular, by C. F. Pidgin ; The study of retail prices in Boston and vicinity, by W. F. Cook. Reviews and notices : Labor statistics, by F. R. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. 113 Hathaway ; The United States census bulletins. * * * No. 13. The growth of cities in Massachusetts, by II. G. Wadlin ; Rate of natural increase of popula tion in the United States, by II. Hollerith ; .The first census of Massachusetts, by S. A. Green ; The commercial death rate, by A. C. Stevens ; Parliamentary elec tions in Japan, by T. MacNair. Reviews and notices : Reports of bureaus of labor statistics, by F. R. Hathaway ; Notes on President Walker s article on sta tistics of the colored race, by II. A. Newton ; The birth rate in Europe during the last twenty ye"ars, by G. N. Calkins. * * * No. 14. A basis for statistics of cost of production, by C. I). Wright; A formula for predicting the population of the United States, by H. S. Pritchett ; Weight and longevity, by T. B. Macau- lay ; Some results of sanitary legislation in England since 1875, by G. N. Calk ins ; Reviews and notices. No. 15. The Eleventh census, by R. P. Porter ; Criminal statistics, by R. P. Falkner. Reviews and notices : Suicide in the European armies, by F. P. Emery ; Movement of population in France for 1890, by G. N. Calkins ; Statistical yearbooks and annuals, by I). R. Dewey ; Statistics of German cities, by R. P. Falkuer ; French statistical album, by W. Z. Ripley ; Preliminary report of the census of the United Kingdom, No. 16. The census enumeration in Prussia, by C. C. Plehn ; A plea for the average, by G. K. Holmes. Reviews and notices : Reports of health and vital statistics, by G. N. Calkins ; Statistics of pauperism in Hartford, by A. G. Warner ; Comparison of movement of population in Prussia and France, by F. C. Norton ; Suicides in Prussia and Italy, by F. C. Holmes : Anthropometric statistics, by R. Waterman, jr. ; The census of Austria, by F. Walker ; The census of Berlin ; A French labor bureau ; Bibliographical note on statistics of immigration, by S. Cushman ; Statistics of vaccination ; Semiannual census of criminals in Minnesota ; Statistical articles in magazines and journals, by W. Z. Ripley [etc.]. (808 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. in, 1892-93. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. vi (4), 614. Contents : No. 17. Statistics of crime in Massachusetts, by F. G. Pettigrove ; Development of statistics of religions, by M. Fournier de Flaix, translated by Alice R. Jackson ; Net profits of manufacturing industries in Massachusetts, by F. B. Hawley ; Classification of trade statistics, by F. C. Hicks ; Proposed sta tistical legislation, by R. P. Falkner. Reviews and notices : Studies in Jewish statistics, by C. A. Currier ; The wool book ; Divorce statistics in the United States ; Causes of poverty, by G. N. Calkins ; Statistical articles in German peri odicals and journals, by V. Rosewater, C. F. A. Currier. Nos. 18, 19. A statis tical inquiry concerning domestic service, by Lucy M. Salmon ; The theory and practice of price statistics, by R. P. Falkner; Statistics of suicides in New Eng land, by D. R. Dewey ; Semiannual census of paupers in Minnesota, by II. H. Hart ; Reviews and notices : A statistical study of illegitimacy, by C. F. A. Cur rier ; Mortgage indebtedness in Europe, by G. K. Holmes; Statistics of divorce in France, by G. N. Calkins ; Anthropometry ; A university course in statistics ; Statistics of prisoners, 1890 ; Convention of commissioners of bureaus of labor statistics; Net profit of manufacturing industries in Massachusetts, by W. F. Draper ; International statistical comparisons. No. 20. The establishment of an imperial commission for labor statistics in Germany, by C. C. Plehn ; French statistical publications, by C. D. Hazen : Sketch of life of Robert W. Wood, M. D., by J. W. Dean. Reviews and notices : Earnings of women in Michigan, by L. M. Salmon ; Effect of occupation on health, by S. W. Abbott ; Influence of occupations upon mortality, by W. Z. Ripley ; Fertility of marriages in Prussia according to the religious creeds of the contracting parties, by G. N. Calkins : The French population, by W. Z. Ripley ; The geographical distri bution of sexes, by G. N. Calkins ; Effect of parents age on vitality of chil dren, by G. N. Calkins ; The fall of the rate of interest and its influence on provident institutions, by F. Walker ; Limitations of statistics, by S. F. Weston ; Suicides in the Austrian army in the years 1873-1890; Ten years growth of the city of London, by C. F. A. Currier ; Work of the Statistical Seminary at the University of Vienna, by V. Rosewater ; Local public records of Massachusetts, by G. N. Calkins ; The criminal statistics of Buenos Ayres, by L. P. Lane ; The average length of life in TVjinoe, by G. N. Calkins: Note from Francis Galton on the subject of distr ion: Registration report of Massachusetts; Necessity of revision of the class?. uj;tii,ii and nomenclature employed in the vital statistics of Massachusetts, by S. W. Ai.hott. Nos. 21, 22. Observations on the measure of change, by C. H. Cool y ; <Vst statistics of public electric lighting, by V. Rese ll. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol ! 114 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. water ; Immigration and foreign-born population, by R. Mayo-Smith ; The value of percentile grades, by L. Gulick ; Reviews and notices. No. 23. Murders in Massachusetts, by Waldo M. Cook ; Classification of occupations in the census, translation of report made by M. Bertillon ; Growth of cities in the United States during 1880-1890, by Carl Boyd ; The vital statistics of an Apache Indian community. No. 24. Papers read at sessions of the International Statistical Institute, Chicago, September, 1893 : Statistical data for the study of the assimi lation of races and nationalities in the United States, by R. Mayo-Smith ; Report of an international mortality standard, or mortality index, by J. Korosi ; Char acter and volume of the money of the United States, by M. L. Muhleman : Fluc tuations in the secured circulation of the national banks and their relations to the prices and investment values of bonds, by C. A. Conant ; Currency reform in Austria-Hungary, by J. Mandello ; Comparative statistics of primary education, by E. Levasseur ; Results of recent investigations on prices in the United States, by F. W. Taussig; Geographical concentration an historic feature of American agriculture, by John Hyde ; The course of wages in the United States since 1840, by C. D. Wright ; Some recent results in railway statistics in the United States, by H. C. Adams : The condition and needs of statistics of marriage and divorce, by S. W. Dike ; Railway statistics as applicable to earnings of passen ger trains, by M. Riebenack ; Comparability of trade statistics of various coun tries, by A. E. Bateman ; Geographical distribution of the population of the United States, by H. Gannett ; A preliminary report on anthropometry in the United States, by E. M. Hartwell ; Remarks on the theory of anthropometry, by F. Boas; On the application to individual school children of the mean values derived from anthropological measurements by the generalizing method, by W. T. Porter ; Anthropometric statistics of Amherst College, by E. Hitchcock ; An anthropometrical study of the effect of gymnastic training on American women, by C. J. Embuske ; Railway freight-traffic statistics. (8O9 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. iv. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 387. Contents : Nos. 25, 26. The marriage rate in Michigan, 1870-1890, by W. F. Wilier ; The classification of occupations lor census purposes, by II. Gannett ; Nativity and occupation of members of the Massachusetts legislature, by F. II. Newland ; The sex relation in suicide, by F. L. Hoffman ; The growth of St. Louis children, by W. T. Porter ; The population of Paris : Female mortuary experience of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, by M. M. Dawson. * * No. 27. The causes of poverty further considered, by A. G. Warner ; Congress of hygiene and demography, by R. P. Falkner. Nos. 28, 29. Computa tion of the value of the wealth in existence, by G. K. Holmes ; Effects of free sur- rended and loan privileges in life insurance, by M. M. Dawson : Was the count of population in 1890 reasonably correct? by H. Gannett; Some recent contri butions to the literature of vital statistics, by 3. N. Calkins; The distribution of our urban population, by M. B. Hammond ; Foreign parentage and foreign born, by L. W. Hatch ; A proposed summary of the vital statistics of New England ; Statistics of infectious diseases, by S. W. Abbott ; Mortality in Aus tralia, by M. M. Dawson. No. 30. Receipts and expenditures of certain wage- earners in the garment trades, by M. I. Eaton ; The negro in the West Indies, by F. L. Hoffman ; Hull House, maps and papers, by E. G. Bajch : Labor sta tistics, etc. No. 31. Almshouse women, by M. R. Smith ; Ohio building and loan associations, by S. II. Wilder; Labor statistics; Foreign statistical annuals, by D. R. Dewey ; Vital statistics, by S. W. Abbott. No. 32. Accidents in fac tories and elsewhere, by K. P. Woods ; The marriage rate in Massachusetts, by F. S. Grum ; The international statistical institute, by R. I . Falkner : Reviews and notices. (81O AM ERICA N STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. v. 1896-1897. Bos ton, 1897. 8vo, pp. vi, 389. Contents : No. 33. Real estate values in Boston, by Henry Whitmore ; Ethnic influences in vital statistics, by W. Z. Ripley ; Mayo-Smith s Soci ology and statistics, by Davis R. Dew^ : Crrduates of colleges for women, by M. K. Conyngton ; Year books and , inii.-iis; State censuses; Labor sta tistics ; Criminal statistics of Englanc ud s family budgets, by A. G. Warner; Educational statistics: Italian : emigration : Permanent census bureau. No. 34. Railway competition i problem in statistics, by H. T. Newcomb ; Mortality in twenty-three \i,>.> nsetts cities, by Charles E. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. 115 Burnap; Note on methods of estimating population, by C. L. Wilbur; Massa chusetts electric lighting plants, by J. R. Commons; Inquiries concerning poverty, by M. K. Conyngton ; Railway statistics ; Labor statistics ; Circula tion of money, by Anita Corbert ; Vital and health statistics ; Anthro- pometric statistics of Italy, by William Z. Ripley ; Notes on demography ; Trade, industry, and finance. No. 35. Round numbers in wages and prices, by Edward D. Jones ; Hoffman s statistical study of the negro, by Miles Menander Uawson ; Infant morftility in Prussia, by Gary N. Calkins ; Inebriety and suicide, by A. T. Hosmer ; The gain and loss exhibit of insurance companies, by Miles Menander Dawson ; Notes on vital statistics, by Cressy L. Wilbur ; Middle class expenditure ; Sociological statistics of New York City, by Harry I). Hunt ; Study of statistics ; Registration of causes of death, by John B. Martin. No. 37. Remarks of President Walker at Washington ; Vital statistics of the twelfth United States census, by Cressy L. Wilbur ; The vital statistics of the census, by William A. King; General Francis A. Walker obituary; Statistics in Hungary, by Roland P. Falkner ; Bertillon s treatise, by Davis R. Dewey ; Australasian statistics, by Roland P. Falkner ; Muhleman s monetary system, by Davis R. Dewey ; Statistics of poverty ; Report of the secretary of the Amer ican Statistical Association ; Sauerbeck s price index ; Commercial statistics, by Max. L. Samuel and Yves Gtiyot ; United States civil service ; Growth of British population compared with that of Germany ; Trade of United Kingdom during 1896 ; Statistics of vaccination. No. 38. Francis Amasa Walker, address by Carroll D. Wright ; Bibliography of the writings and reported addresses of Francis A. Walker. No. 39. Some characteristics of farm and home proprie tors, by George K. Holmes ; A trial bibliography of the writings of Johann Peter Siissmilch, 1707-17G7, by W. F. Willcox and F. S. Crum ; Medical sta tistics of the negro, by Frederick L. Hoffman ; Mulhall s statistics, by Roland P. Falkner; New York Bureau of Municipal Statistics; Boston Department of Statistics ; Memorials ; Municipal statistical offices, by Edward M. Hartwell. No. 40. Farm ownership and tenancy in the United States, by Edward Atkin son and L. G. Powers ; Vital statistics of the American Public Health Associa tion ; The International Statistical Institute; An inquiry into poverty; Vital statistics ; Physical and mental condition of school children in London, by Harry D. Hunt ; Physical and mental condition of school children in Switzer land, by Davis R. Dewey; Family food budgets; Migration of negroes, by Walter C. Wright ; The Russian census ; U. S. Department of Labor : Announcement of investigations; German income tax statistics, by II. D. Hunt ; Length of resi dence of population in Massachusetts, from the Census, vol. 2; Tenure of office in business corporations; Statistics of street railways; Index numbers in cor rection of export statistics; Defects in export statistics; Relation of recruiting to population, by F. S. Crum ; Fall in the rate of interest : Municipal electric lighting; The agricultural population of France; State and Federal statistics of sheep; Insanity in England. Publications of the Statistical Association. (811 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. vi. 1898-1899. Bos ton, 1899. Svo, pp. vi, 398. Contents: No. 41. Obstacles to accurate statistics, by James II. Blodgett ; Uniformity in census returns, by Joseph de Korosi ; Cost of production of corn and oats in Illinois in 1896, by Nathan A. Weston : Migration of colored popu lation, by Frederick J. Brown ; Natality in Massachusetts : Statistics of infirmities in New Zealand ; Proportion of the sexes ; Vital statistics of West Indies, by Cressy L. Wilbur; Mortality of negroes; Operation of poll tax in Iowa, Athletics and scholarship ; Ages of students entering college ; The pro duction and consumption of alcoholic beverages ; Comparative criminal sta tistics ; Statistics of trade unions ; Sauerbeck s price index. No. 42. Concentra tion in pig iron and coal production, by E. W. Parker ; The annual statistics of manufactures in Massachusetts, by Horace G. Wadlin ; The workman in Berlin, by Alice Rinehart Callaway ; Gold in actual circulation, by L. J. Gage ; Import and export valuations, by F. C. Chappell ; Statement of death rates. No. 43. Compar ative statistics of railroad rates, by Henry II. Swain, and remarks by Henry C. Adams, Arthur T. Hadley, Emory R. Johnson, H. T. Newcomb, C. E. Prevey ; Comparative statistics of railroad service under different kinds of control, by C. E. Prevey ; Divorces granted in Michigan during 1897, by Cressy L. Wilbur : Classification of causes of death; Birth rate in England, by IT. J. Gerling; Birth rate in France, by II. J. Gerling. No. 44. Considerations ill gathering forestry statistics, by B. B. Fernow ; Library of the association ; Deaths in 116 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. childbirth ; Note on the Treasury estimates for 1900, by Worthington C. Ford ; Notes on vital statistics, by E. Janssens ; Labor inquires ; Educational sta tistics ; Finance and commerce. No. 45. Contributions to the study of wage statistics, by Charles J. Bullock ; A year of state deficits, by Worthington C. Ford ; Census of 1900 : Vital statistics of the War with Spain, from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal ; A study in immigration, by Reuben G. Thwaites. No. 46. The growth of the population of Boston, by Frederick A. Bushee ; Wage statistics in theory and practice, by Roland P. Falkner ; A comparative study of the statistics of agriculture of the tenth and eleventh census, by N. T. Stone. No. 47. Notes on map making and graphic representation, by W. Z. Ripley ; The Portuguese population in the United States, by Frederick L. Hoff man ; Report on uniform financial school reports ; Memorandum of efforts to determine the area and population of the Philippine Islands, by W. F. Willcox : Notes concerning the rates of interest in California, by Carl C. Plehn ; Mar riages of the deaf, by Samuel W. Abbott. No. 48. Development of the plan for a census of the world, by John Howard Dynes ; Monthly bulletin of the statistics department of Boston, by H. H. Cook ; Trade of United States, by Worthington C. Ford ; Natality, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Statistics of immigration, by Prescott F. Hall; Pauper family histories; Danish statistics, by A. G. Keller; Study of charity statistics ; Massachusetts life table, by S. W. Abbott ; Notes on vital statistics, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Statistics examination ; Record of births, mar riages, and deaths; Constitution of the association; Publications. (812 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. vn. 1900-1901. Bos ton, 1901. 8vo, pp. 466. Contents : Nos. 49-50. Statistics of college and non-college women, by Mary Roberts Smith ; The compartive accuracy of different forms of quinquennial age groups, by Allyn A. Young ; Aids in the use of government publications, by Lucius Page Lane ; The Pauper abstract of Massachusetts, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Round numbers, by C. E. A. Winslow ; The fatality of certain diseases ; Danish labor statistics, by A. G. Kellar. No. 51. The registration laws in the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and New Plymouth, by Robert Rene Kuczynski ; Tramps and wayfarers report of Mass. Association of Relief Officers ; Race problems in Cuba, by William Z. Ripley ; Education of women, by Alice Upton Pearmain ; Monthly bulletin of the statistics department of Boston ; Statistics of Institu tions, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Census of Cuba ; English census taking, by E. H. D. ; Italian immigration; International statistics; Argentine statistics, by F. S. Crum ; Bulletins of Labor Bureaus; Census Bulletins; Boards of Trade; General remarks of the gunshot wounds of 1898 and 1899. No. 52. Advertising in the United States, by Sidney A. Sherman ; The practical use of vital statistics, by Frederick L. Hoffman; Classification cf causes of death, by C. E. A. Winslow; Employers liability, by Miles Menander Dawson ; Vital statistics of the army, by C. E. A. Winslow ; A mathematical analysis of the curve of deaths at different ages, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Michigan vital statistics ; Census of Hawaii ; School attendance in Rhode Island ; Statistics of "housing accommodation ; Inaccuracy of trade statistics. No. 53. Industrial consolidations in the United States, by Luther Conant, jr. ; The enumeration of children, by Allyn A. Young ; Func tional health of women, by Mary Roberts Smith ; Monthly bulletin of the sta tistics department of Boston ; Economic statistics ; Statistics of pauperism ; The ratio of physicians to the population. No. 54. Some statistics of recidi vism among misdemeanants in Boston, by John Koren ; The 58th registration report of Massachusetts, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Notes on vital statistics by C. E. A. Winslow ; Statistics of Berlin. No. 55. The statistical work of Siissmilch, by F. S. Crum. No. 56. Permanent census office ; Notes on foreign censuses, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Notes on vital statistics of American cities, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Statistics of diseases, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Cost of home- cooked and purchased food, by Ava M. Stoddard ; A study of municipal growth, by F. S. Crum ; Early congressional documents ; Constitution of the Associa tion. (813 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. New series. Vol. vm, 1902-1903. Boston, 1908. 8vo, pp. iv, 422. Contents : No. 57. Notes on the fraternal beneficiary corporations doing busi ness in Massachusetts, by Francis B. Forbes ; Notes on the census ; The preserva- AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. H7 tion of the printed records by the nation, by L. T. Lane; Municipal statistical bulletins, by E. H. Davis; The upper million of England s industrial army, by C. II. Davis. No. 58. What is the centre of an area, or the centre of a population? by John F. Hayford ; Element of labor in railway expenditure, by Andrew L. Ilorst ; Notes on vital statistics, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Statistics of diseases, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Recent sanitary reports, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Mortality statistics of Italy, by S. W. Abbott. No. 59. A statistical study of the fatality of typhoid fever at different seasons, by C. E. A. Winslow. No. 60. The vital statistics of the census of 1000, by Frederick L. Hoffman. No. Gl. The negroes of St. Louis, by Lilian Brandt ; Notes on recent progress in vital sta tistics in the United States, by Cressy L. Wilbur; Statistics of small-pox and vaccination, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Recent sanitary reports, by C. E. A. Winslow ; The Jews in Prussia and Germany, by E. II. Davis ; Two important government catalogues, by L. I*. Lane ; Census of Rosario ; Inquiry in regard to tuberculosis ; Reports of institutions, by A. M. S. ; Statistical yearbook of Germany ; The movement in prices in Germany, by E. E. Agger ; Studies in illegitimacy, by E. E. Ager. No. 62. A statistical study of patients admitted at the Connecticut Hospital for Insane from the years 1868 to 1901, by Rollin H. Burn. Nos. 63, 64. Urban and rural New England, by William B. Bailey ; Notes on vital sta tistics, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Recent studies of infant mortality, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Census wage inquiry ; Note on statistics of prostitution in Cuba, by W. F. W T illcox ; Juvenile lawbreakers in Boston, by Joseph Lee ; Atlas of insur ance, by F. S. Crum ; A mortality investigation, by D. P. Fackler ; Mercantile wages and salaries, by A. B. W. ; Statistics of insanity, by John Koren ; A city factory district, by C. W. Doten. (814 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Publications. Volume ix. Nos. G5-72. 1904-1905. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. v, 356. Contents : The decrease of consumption in New England, by S. W. Abbott ; Index numbers of prices ; The negro as a peasant farmer, by Katharine Coman ; Census statistics of special classes, by John Koren ; Reviews and notes ; Life- tables, by S. W. Abbott ; Austrian census of occupations, by H. Fehlinger ; Social progress, by C. W. Doten ; Municipal statistical bureaus in Germany, by II. Fehlinger ; Divorce, by C. W. Doten ; The bread and meat of the world, by Yves Guyot ; Reviews and miscellany : Decline in birth rate and mortality of infants, by F. S. Crnm ; Statistics of the deaf and dumb in Germany, by John Koren ; Recent sanitary reports, by C. E. A. Winslow ; Statistics of tuberculosis, by F. S. Crum ; The negroes of Columbia, Mo., by W. F. Willcox ; The Austrian industrial census, 1902, by II. Fehlinger; Tenement house report, by Roswell F. Phelps; German trade statistics, by David L. Wing; Wage statistics; Bulletins of the census office ; Preservation of census schedules ; Samuel W. Abbott ; Bu reau of statistics of Department of Agriculture ; Recent railway accidents in the United States, by Carroll W. Doten ; Negroes in the United States, by Charles E. Edgerton ; Inheritance in man, by Alice Upton Pearmain ; The Massachusetts census of 1905, by Charles F. Pidgin ; A sociological investigation (The soci ology of a New York city block), by Roswell F. Phelps ; A German family budget, by George B. Mangold ; Methods of measuring the concentration of wealth, by M. O. Lorenz ; Homicide in New Hampshire, by Harry G. Nutt ; The birth rate in New Hampshire, by Allyn A. Young ; Growth of the New York state census. by .1. H. Middleton ; Results of the practical abolition of capital punishment in Belgium, by Maynard Shipley. Reviews : Valuation of Railways, by C. W. Doten ; Measurement of concentration of wealth, by George K. Holmes ; Family desertion, by Roswell F. Phelps ; Methods of presenting statistics of wages, by W. C. Mitchell ; Poverty s death-rate, by I. M. Rubinow ; Comment on the method of measuring concentration of wealth, by G. 1*. Watkins ; Children of decedents in Michigan, by Cressy L. Wilbur. (815-S2O AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Statistics of comb making in Leominster, 1852. By Caleb C. Field, M. D., with an introduction by Samuel A. Green, M. D. Worcester, 1893. 8vo, pp. 141. Forty copies. (821 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. An account of the collections of the Asso ciation. By the Hon. Samuel A. Green, M. D. [Boston, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Collections. (822 118 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. History of the progress and population of the United States, from 1790 to 1870. By Edward Jarvis, M. D. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. IOC (82:5 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Financial connection of the use of spirits and wine with the people of Concord, Mass. By Edward Jarvis, M. D. Boston, 1883. 8vo. (824 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Statistics of water power employed in manufacturing in the United States. By George F. Swain. Boston. 1888. Svo, pp. 44. Map. Plan. Reprinted from Publications of the American .Statistical Association, new series, No. 1. (825 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. First annual report of the Executive Committee, with accompanying papers, 1879-80. Presented at the annual meeting, May 15, 1880. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo, pp. 103. Illustrated. Plates. Contents : Study of houses of the American aborigines with a scheme of exploration of the ruins in New Mexico and elsewhere, by Lewis H. Morgan ; Ancient walls on Monte Leone, in the province of Grosseto, Italy, by W. J. Still- man ; Archaeological notes on Greek shores, part 1, by J. T. Clarke. (826 ARCH.EOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Second annual report, 1880-81. Pre sented May 21, 1881. Cambridge, 1881. Svo, pp. 40. Plates: (827 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Third annual report of the Executive Committee, and first annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1881-82. Presented May 20, 1882. Cam bridge, 1882. Svo, pp. r,0. (828 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Fourth annual report of the Executive Committee, and second annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1882-83. Presented May 19, 1883. Cambridge, 1883. Svo, pp. . r i6. (829 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Fifth annual report of the Executive Committee, and third annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1883-84. Presented May 17, 1884. Cambridge, 1884. Svo, pp. 118. Map. The appendix contains reports of A. F. Bandelier on his investigations in New Mexico during 1883-84. (SSO ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Sixth annual report, 1884-85. Pre sented May 9, 1885. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 47. (831 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Seventh annual report, 1885-8G. Pre sented May 8, 1886. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 48. (832 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Eighth annual report, 1886-87. Pre sented May 14, 1887. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 48. ( 833 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. 1 10 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Ninth annual report, 1887-88. Adopted May 12, 1888. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo, pp. 62. (834 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Tenth annual report, 1888-89. Adopted May 11, 1889, with appendices on the recent progress of archaeology. By Alfred Emerson, Henry W. Haynes, and Ad. F. Bandelier. Cambridge, 1889. 8vo, pp. 108. Emerson s report is on classical archaeology, Haynes s is on American archae ology, and Bandelier s on archaeological work in Arizona and New Mexico, 1888-89. (835 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Eleventh annual report, 1889-90. Adopted May 10, 1890. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 71. (83O ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Twelfth annual report, 1890-91. Adopted at the annual meeting of the council of the Institute, New York, May 9, 1891. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 68. (836 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. American series, No. i. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. (3), 133 (2). Eight plates. Contents : Historical introduction to studies among the sedentary Indians of New Mexico ; Report on the ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos, by A. F. Bandelier. (837 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. American series, No. 11. Boston, 1894. Svo, pp. x, 326. Illustrated ; 26 plates. Contents : Report of an archselogical tour in Mexico in 1881, by A. F. Ban delier. (838 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. American series. HI. Final report of, investigations among the Indians of the Southwestern United States, carried on mainly in the years from 1880 to 1885. Part i. By A. F. Bandelier. Cambridge, 1890. Svo, pp. vi (2), 323. Folded map. Photograph. (839 ARCH,EOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers. American series, iv. Final report of investigations among the Indians of the southwestern United States, carried on mainly in the years from 1880 to 1885. Part 2. By A. F. Bandelier. Cambridge, 1892. Svo, pp. vi- (2), 591. Folded plans. Plates. Investigations of the ruins in New Mexico and northern Arizona. (84O ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. American series, No. v. Boston, 1S90. 8vo, pp. v (3), 206. Folded map. Contents : Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expedition ; Contribution to the History of the Southwestern Portion of the United States, by A. F. Ban delier ; Sketch of the Knowledge which the Spaniards in Mexico possessed of the Countries north of the Province of New Galicia, previous to the return of Cabeza de Vaca, in 1536 ; Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, ami the Importance of his Wanderings from the Mexican Gulf to the Slope of the Pacific for Spanish Explorations toward New Mexico and Arizona ; Spanish Efforts to Penetrate to the North of Sinaloa, between 1536 and 1539; Fray Marcos of Nizza ; The Expe dition of Pedro de Villazur from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to the Platte River, in 1720. (841 120 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. i, 1882-83. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. vii, 262, 9. Contents : Inscriptions of Assos, edited by J. R. S. Sterrett ; Inscriptions of Tralleis, edited by J. R. S. Sterrett ; The Theater of Dionysus, by J. R. Wheeler ; The Olympieion at Athens, by Louis Bevier ; The Erechtheion at Athens, by H. N. Fowler; The battle of Salamis, by W. W. Goodwin; [Account of the] American School of Classical Studies at Athens. (842 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School of Clasical Studies at Athens. Vol. 11, 1883-4. An epigraphical journey in Asia Minor [during the summer of 1884]. By J. R. Sitlington Sterrett Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. vii, 344. Two maps in pocket. (843 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. in. Boston, 1888. Contents : Wolfe expedition to Asia Minor, by J. R. S. Sterrett. (844 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. iv. Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. vi (4), 277. Photographs. Folded plates. Contents : The Theater of Thoricus, by Walter Miller ; The Theater of Thori- cus, by W. L. dishing ; On Greek versification in inscriptions, by F. D. Allen ; The Athenian Pnyx, by J. M. Crow, with a survey and notes, by J. T. Clarke ; Notes on Attic vocalism, by J. McKeen Lewis. (845 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. v. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. viii. 814. Plates. Contains no material on American history. (S4G ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the American School of Classical studies at Athens. Vol. vi, 1890-1897. Boston. Mass., 1897. Svo, pp. viii, 446. Plates. Contains no material on American history. (847 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. First annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. [Boston, 1882.1 Svo, pp. 18. (848 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Second annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1882-83. Boston, 1883. Svo, pp. 15. (849 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Third annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1883-84. Boston, 1884. Svo, pp. 20. (S5O ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Fourth annual report of the Committee on the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1884-85. Cam bridge, 1885. Svo, pp. 30. (851 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Fifth and sixth annual reports of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1885-1887. Svo, pp. 115. (852 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. 121 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Seventh annual report of the Manag ing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1887-88. With the reports of the annual directors. Cambridge, 1889. 8vo, pp. 115. 5 plates. Map. Pages 47-98 contain a report on the identification of the site of the Attic dome of Icaria, with a detailed statement of what has hitherto been known of Icaria and the Icarians, by Augustus C. Merriam. (853 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Eighth annual report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1888-89. With the reports of Charles Waldstein and Frank B. Tarbell. Cambridge, 1889. 8vo, pp. 53. Plan. (854 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Ninth annual report, of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1889-90. With the reports of Charles Waldstein and S. Stanhope Orris. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 49. (855 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Tenth annual report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1890-91. With the reports of Charles Waldstein and Kufus B. Richardson. Cam bridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 47. (S5C5 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Eleventh annual report of the Man aging Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1891-92. With the reports of Charles Waldstein and William C. Poland. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 70. (857 ARCII/EOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Twelfth annual report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1892-93. With the reports of Frank B. Tarbell, Charles Waldstein, and James R. Wheeler. Cambridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 62. Folded plate. (858 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Thirteenth annual report of the Man aging Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1893-94. With the reports of Rufus B. Richardson and Charles Waldstein. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 84. (859 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Fourteenth annual report of the Man aging Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1894-95. With the reports of Rufus B. Richardson, Charles Waldstein, and Thomas Dwight Goodall. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 90. (860 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. Classical series. No. 1. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. viii, 215. Plates, maps. Contents : Report on the investigations at Assos, 1881, by J. T. Clarke : Ap pendix, Inscriptions from Assos and Lesbos, and papers, by W. C. Lawton and J. S. Diller. 122 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. Classical series. No. n. . . . Report on the investigations at Assos, 1882, 1883, pt. i. By Joseph Thatcher Clarke. With an appendix. New York, 1898. 8vo, xvi, 376 pp. Illus. (incl. plans) 4 pi. (862 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Papers of the Institute. Classical series. No. 3. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 32. Folded map. Contents: Telegraphing among the Ancients, by Augustus C. Merriam. (863 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin of the School of Classical ^ Studies at Athens. No. 1. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. (2), 29. Contents : Report of William W. Goodwin, director in 1882-83. (864 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin of the School of Classical Studies at Athens. No. 2. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. (2), 32. Contents : Memoirs of Lewis R. Packard, director in 1883-84, with the reso lutions of the committee and a report on the school for 1883-84. (865 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin of the School of Classical Studies at Athens, iv. Report of John Williams White, Ph. D., professor in Harvard University, professor of the Greek language and literature at the school in 1893-94. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 52. (866 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin No. 1, January, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 40. Illustrated. Contents: The work of the Institute in 1882, by C. E. Norton; Report by A. F. Bandelier on investigations in New Mexico in 1888; Note on a terra-cotta figurine from Cyprus [etc.], by T. W. Ludlow. (867 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts. Vols. i-xi. 1885-1896. Eleven vols., 8vo. Plates. Official organ of the Institute. Onlj- articles relating to America are noticed below. Vol. i. Baltimore, 1885. pp. vii, 489. Contains: The first American classical archaeologist (J. J. Middleton), by Charles Eliot Norton ; The aboriginal relics called " sinkers " or " plummets," by W. H. Henshaw ; Excavation of a mound in Tennessee, by Cyrus Thomas ; Memorandum on the mounds at Satsuma and Enterprise, Florida, by W. H. Dall. Vol. ii. Baltimore, 1886. pp. vii (1), 521. Contains : No American articles. Vol. in. Baltimore, 1887. pp. vii (1), 531. Contains : The mound builders of Manitoba, by A. McCharles ; The Boston cubit (cubit measure of the xvni dynasty in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), by H. G. Wood ; The Old-Fort earthworks of Greenup county, Kentucky, by T. H. Lewis. Vol. iv. Boston, 1888. pp. ix (1), 550. Contains : The relation of the Journal to American archseology, by the edi tors. Vol. v. Boston, 1889. pp. ix (1), 534. Vol. vi. Boston, 1890. pp. xi (1), 612. Vol. vii. Boston, 1891. pp. ix (1), 578. Vol. vin. Princeton, 1893. pp. xi (1), 631. Vol. ix. Princeton, 1894. pp. viii, 614. Vol. x. Princeton, 1895. pp. viii, 586. Plates. Vol. xi. Princeton, 1896. pp. iv, 613. Plates. (868 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. 123 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. American Journal of Archaeology. The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. Second Series. Vol. i. Nos. 1-6. 1897. Norwood, Mass. 8vo, pp. xii, 580. 27 plates. Same. Second series. Vol. n. 1898. 8vo, pp. xix, 529. 12 plates. Same. Second series. Vol. in. 1899. 8vo, pp. xx, 713. Same. Second series. Vol. iv. 1900. 8vo, pp. xxi, 559. Contains: Prog ress of American Archaeology during the past ten years, by Henry W. Haynes. Supplement to Vol. iv, 1900 : Annual Reports, 1899-1900, Archaeological In stitute of America, American School at Athens, American School in Rome, American School in Palestine, pp. xi, 162. Same. Second series. Vol. v. 1901. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 489. Supplement to Vol. v. 1901. pp. 182. Contains : Annual Reports, 1900- 1901, Archaeological Institute of America, American School at Athens, Ameri can School in Rome, American School in Palestine. Same. Second series. Vol. vi. 1902. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 502. Contains: Some problems in North American Archaeology, by Franz Boas. Supplement to Vol. vi, 1902. pp. xv, 202. Annual Reports, 1901-1902, Archaeological Institute of America, American School at Athens, American School in Rome, American School in Palestine. Same. Second series. Vol. vn. 1903. 8vo, pp. xxii, 503. Supplement to Vol. vn. Contains : Annual Reports, 1902-1903, Archaeological Institute of America, American School at Athens, American School in Rome, American School in Palestine, pp. 162. Same. Second series. Vol. vm. 1904. Svo, pp. xxv, 507. Supplement to Vol. vm. Contains: Annual Reports, 1903-1904, Archaeological Institute of America, American School at Athens, American School in Rome, American School in Palestine, pp. 187, (1). (S69-S7O ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin i. First annual report of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome (1895-1896) ; pp. 24. Bulletin ii. Appendix to annual reports, 1896-1897 : Arch.-ieological Institute of America, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, American School of Classical Studies in Rome; pp. 25-156. Bound with American Journal of Archaeology, new series. Vol. i, 1897. (871 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin. Appendix to annual reports, 1897-1898: Archaeological Institute of America, American School of Class ical Studies at Athens, American School of Classical Studies in Rome. pp. 146. Bound with American Journal of Archaeology, new series, Vol. n, 1898. (872 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Bulletin. Appendix to annual reports. 1898-1899: Archaeological Institute of America, American School of Class ical Studies ^ Athens, American School of Classical Studies in Rome. pp. 122, xiii. Bound with American Journal of Archoeology, second series, vol. 3, 1899. (873 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Preliminary report of an archaeological journey made through Asia Minor during the summer of 1884, by J. R. S. Svo, 1 p. 1., 45 pp. Published by the "American school of classical studies at Athens ; " the complete report of the journey of 1884 forms v. 2 of the li Papers " of that school. (874 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. A Doric shaft and base found at Assos By J. T. Clarke. Baltimore, 1886. 8vo, pp. 21. Illustrated. (875 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. First, second, and third annual reports of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1881-1884. Reprinted. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 30. (876 124 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Letter of Edward C. Cabot, president of the Boston Society of Architects, to the president of the Archaeological Institute, and his reply, concerning the work at Assos and the contribution of the Boston Society of Architects toward the cost of printing the report of the Assos expedition. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 6. (877 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. A proto-Ionic capital from the site of Neandreia. By J. T. Clarke. Baltimore, 1880. 8vo, pp. 35. Illustrated. (878 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Report on the Wolfe Expedition to Babylonia, 1884-85. By William Hayes Ward. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 33. (879 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Notes on Oriental antiquities. [No. 1.] By William Hayes Ward. Baltimore, 1887. 8vo, pp. 19. Illustrated. Same. [No. 2.1 Baltimore, 1888. pp. 14, 2 plates. (879 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Gargara, Larnponia, and Pionia, towns of the Troad. By J. T. Clarke. Baltimore, 1888. 8vo, pp. 31. Illustrated. (881 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA. Regulations, officers, and list of mem bers. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 14. (882 ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA WISCONSIN SOCIETY. Report at the first annual meeting, held at Madison, Wis., May 2, 1890. Madison, 1890. 8vo, pp. 24 (4). Addresses by Prof. James Davie Butler, LL. D., on A day at Delphi, and by Prof. Charles Edwin Bennett, on the Work and aims of the Institute. (883 GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. GERMAN AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Americana Germanica. Quarterly. Vol. iv. Nos. 1-4. 1901-1902. Editor: Marion Dexter Learned. Pub lishers: The German American Historical Society, New York. 4to, pp. xvii, 349. Contents : Tagebuch des Capt. Wiederholt vom 7 October 1776 Bis 7 Decem ber 1780, by M. D. Learned and C. Gi-osse ; Three Swabian journalists and the American Revolution, by John A. Walz ; German literature fn England before 1790, by John Louis Haney ; Die Vereinigung Alter Deutscher Studenten in Amerika, by L. Viereck ; The German American Historical Society ; American Ethnographical Survey ; Dr. Karl Follen Ein Lebensbild aus aufgeregten Zeiten in zwei Welttheilen, by II. A. Rattermann ; G. II. C. Egerstorff s first stay in England and his translation of Klopstock s Messiah, by F. H. Wilkens ; Studies in Pennsylvania German family names, by Oscar Kulms ; Der Commers alter deutscher Studenten in Amerika zu Ehren des Prinzen Heinrich in New York, by Karl Beck. Americana-Germanica. A quarterly devoted to the comparative study of the literary, linguistic, and other cultural relations of Germany and America. Editor : Marion Dexter Learned. Vols. i-iu were published by the University of Pennsylvania. With Vol. iv it became the official organ of the German American Historical Society. (884 GERMAN AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. German American Annals. Continu ation of the Quarterly Americana Germanica. New series, Vol. i, 1903. Nos. 1-12. Old series, Vol. v. Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 755. Contents : The A merican ethnographical survey The Conestoga expedition, 1902 ; Benj. Herr s journal, 1830 ; German day in New York ; German achievement GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 125 in America, by C. J. Hexamer ; Der nationalbund und die Deutschamerikaner, by Adolph Timrn ; Annual report of the board of directors of the Germanic Museum Association, presented at the annual meeting of the association, Dec. 1, 1902 ; An old German midwife s record, 1791-1815, edited by M. I). Learned and C. F. Brede ; Waldeck s diary of the Revolution, 1776-1780, edited by M. D. Learned and Rudolph Cronau ; Die auf dem boden des Deutschen uni- versitatslebens sich entwkkelnde Amerikanische freundschaft, von Carl Beck; Industries of Pennsylvania after the adoption of the federal constitution, with special reference to Lancaster and York counties,- by G. D. Luetscher ; Original articles published in "Americana-Germanica," Yols. i-iv ; Three Swabian jour nalists and the American revolution, by John A. Walz ; Emerson s opinion of Goethe, by S. H. Goodnight; In sachen Arno Holz ; An English criticism of Schiller s "Robbers," published in 1792; Ferdinand Kiirnbergers Roman "Der Amerikamiide," dessen quellen und verhiiltnis zu Lenaus Amerikareise, by George A. Mulfinger ; The Swedes in Philadelphia to-day, by E. G. Hoffsten : Protokoll der Yierten Konvention des Deutsch-Amcrikanischen Zentral-Bundes von Pennsylvanien ; Monolingualism the bane of this country, by II. M. Ferren ; Eduard Miihl, ein Deutsch - Amerikanischer Kiimpe fiir Freiheit u_nd Menschenrechte, charakter-skizze von Adolf Falbisaner ; Denkschrift ; Zum Stiftungsfest der Yereinigung Alter Deutscher Studenten in Amerika, von Albert J. W. Kern ; Wie es kam dass ich in Amerika Schulmeister Wurde ; The life and works of Friedrich Schiller, by Daniel B. Shumway ; Baltimore Siinger- fest ; Herder memorial day; German American Historical societies; Protokoll der Zweiten Konvention des Deutsch-Amerikanischen National-Bundes der Yer Staaten von Amerika ; Mittheilungen des Deutsch-Amerikanischen National- Bundes ; Fiir personliche Freiheit-gegen Prohibitions-Derschiirfung ; Die deutsch- amerikanische Schulfrage auf der zweiten National-Konvention ; Die lyrik der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Lehrertage ; Einige Berichtigungen, by H. A. Ratter- mann ; Mittheilungen des Deutsch-Amerikanischen National-Bundes. (885 GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. German-American Annals. New series, Yol. 2. Old series, Yol. G. Nos. 1-12. 1904. Published by the Society, Philadelphia. 4to, pp. ii, 756. Contents : The dedication of Germanic Museum of Harvard Universtiy official report ; Waldecks Tagebuch (continuation) ; Mittheilungen des Deutsch-Ameri kanischen National-Bundes Ernil Dapprich ; German-American records, by Dorothea Nath ; Heidelberg und Studententhum Yon Karl Beck ; Constitution and by-laws of the German-American Historical Society ; Johann Jakob Astor und die Astor Bibliothek, by Albert J. W. Kern ; Herder Memorial day, Dec. 18, 1903 ; Herder als Ilistoriker und Philosoph, von Julius Goebel ; Herder und Hogarth, von Richard Riethmiiller ; Die Pseudo-Fnabhlingigkeits Erkliirung von Mecklenburg Co., Nord-Carolina, von H. A. Ratterman ; Der Einfluss deutscher Universitatsideale auf Amerika, von A. R. Hohlfeld ; The Harmony Society : a chapter in German-American culture history, by John A. Bole ; Zwei unbe- kannte Briefe von Pastorius, von Julius Goebel ; Herder and America, by M. D. Learned ; George Friedrich Seidensticker, von C. F. Huch f Der letzte Toast, von Hermann Faber ; Franz Lieber, von H. A. Rattermann ; Begriissungsworte beim Commers der Yereinigung alter deutscher Studenten in Amerika am 8 October, 1904 ; Deutsch Amerikanische Annalen. (88 GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. German-American Annals. New series, Yol. 3. Old series, Yol. 7: Philadelphia. 1905. 8vo, pp. 558. Contents : Franz Lieber, von II. A. Ratterman ; Zur Geschichte der Scheltnamen "Dutchman" and "Dutch," by Julius Goebel; Reviews; Deutsche Schachspieler in Philadelphia, von C. F. Huch ; The influence of Solomon Gessner upon English literature, by Bertha Reed ; Friedrich Schiller in America, by Ellwood Comly Parry ; Schiller number : Centenary of Schiller s death ; Address of Dr. C. J. Hexamer, at laying of corner stone of German theatre, July 4, 1905 ; Diarium einer Reise von Bethlehem, Pa., nach Bethabara, N. C. ; List of translations of German prose, and list of articles on German countries, American magazines, 1811-18 50, by Edward Z. Davis ; Frankfurt and Cassel in Goethe s time, from an unpublished letter of Johann Matthias Dreyer to Job. Wilh. L. Gleim ; Dritte Konvention des Deutsch-Amerikanischen National-Bundes der ver. Staaten von Amerika. (887 126 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Americana-Germanica. New series. Translations of German poetry in American magazines, 1741-1810, together with translations of other Teutonic poetry and original poems referring to the German countries, [by] Edward Ziegler Davis . . . Philadelphia, Americana-Germanica press, 1905. 8vo, pp. ix, 229. (888 HISTORICAL CLUB OF THE AMERICAN [PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL] CHURCH. HISTORICAL CLUB OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH. Facsimiles of church documents. Papers issued by the Historical Club of the American Church, 1874-1879. Privately printed [New York, 1879]. 8vo, pp. 188. Edited by William Stevens Perry and Charles Reuben Hale. (889 HISTORICAL CLUB OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH. Report of the Council, December 31, 1871, and appeals for subscriptions. Sheet. (89O NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Washington, J). C. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vols. I and ii. Washington, 1888-1890. 8vo. Illustrated. Vol. i, pp. ii, 335. Vol. n, pp. vlii, 339. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Introductory address by Gardiner G. Ilubbard ; Geographic Methods in Geologic Investigation, by W. M. Davis ; Classification of Geographic Forms in Genesis, by W. J. McGee. The Great Storms of March 11 to 14, 1888, by A. W. Greely. The Survey of the Coast, by H. G. Ogden. The Survey and Map of Massachusetts, by H. Gannett. Proceedings ; Africa, its Past and Future, by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; Geography of the Land, by H. G. Ogden ; Geography of the Sea, by Geo. L. Dyer ; Geography of the Air, by A. W. Greely ; Geography of Life, by C. H. Merriam. Reports ; The Rivers and Valleys of Pennsylvania, by W. M. Davis ; Topographic Models, by Cosmos Mindeleff. Minutes ; Irriga tion in California, by W. H. Hall; Round About Asheville, by Bailey Willis; A Trip to Panama and Darien, by Richard U. Goode ; Across Nicaragua with Tran sit and Machete, by R. E. Peary. (891 Vol. ii. On the Telegraphic Determinations of Longitude by the Bureau of Navigation, by J. A. Norris. Reports; The Rivers of Northern New Jersey, by W. M. Davis ; A Critical Review of Bering s first Expedition, 1725-1730, by William H. Dall ; Supplementary Note on the Alleged Observation of a Lunar Eclipse by Bering in 1728-29, by Marcus Baker; The Arctic Cruise of the I . S. S. Thetis in the Summer and Autumn of 1889, by Charles H. Stockton ; The Law of Storms, considered with Special Reference to the North Atlantic, by Everett Hayden ; The Irrigation Problem in Montana, by II. M. Wilson ; Korea and the Koreans, by .1. B. Bernadou ; the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain, by Josiah Pierce; Geographic Nomenclature, by H. G. Ogden [etc.] ; Rules for the Orthography of Geographic Names, by G. Herrle ; Minutes ; Exploration of Alaska in 1890; Mount St. Elias Expedition; List of Members; Index. (892 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. in. 1891. Washington, D. C., 1892. 8vo, pp. 261, xxxv. Illus. Contents : South America : Annual address by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; The geography of the land, by Herbert G. Ogden ; Geography of the air, by A. W. Greely ; An expedition to Mount St. Elias, Alaska, by Israel C. Russell ; The cartography and observations of Bering s first voyage, by A. W. Greely ; The height and position of Mount St, Elias, by Israel C. Russell ; The heart of Africa, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. 127 by E. C. Hore ; Report of committee on exploration in Alaska ; Notes ; La carte de France, dite de 1 Etat Major, par M. J. Collet ; Polar regions ; Tha crossing of Thibet; Statistics of railways In United States. Index to Vol. in. (893 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. iv. 1892. Washington. 1893. Svo, pp. xxiv, 215. Illustrated. Contents : The evolution of commerce : Annual address by the president, Gardiner G. Hubbard ; Studies of Muir Glacier, Alaska, by Harry Fielding Reid; Notes on the geology of the vicinity of Muir glacier, by II. I . Cushing ; Notes on some eruptive rocks from Alaska, by George H. Williams ; Microscopical ex amination of wood from the buried forest, Muir Inlet, by Francis II. Herrick ; List of plants collected near Muir Glacier, by W. W. Rowlee ; Geography of the air, by A. W. Greely ; The mother maps of the United States, by Henry Gan nett ; An expedition through the Yukon district, by C. W. Hayes ; The North American deserts, by Johannes Walther ; The Alaskan boundary survey : Intro duction, by T. C. Mendenhall ; The boundary south of Fort Yukon, by ,T. E. McGrath ; The boundary north of Fort Yukon, by J. Henry Turner ; Collinson s Arctic journey, by A. W. Greely ; Notes : Topographic survey of Canada ; Lieut. Peary s crossing of northern Greenland. Index to Vol. iv. (894 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. v. 1893. Washington, 1894. Svo, pp. 256. Illustrated. Contents : Discoverers of America, annual address by the president, Gardiner G. Hubbard ; The movements of our population, by Henry Gannett ; Rainfall types of the United States, by A. W. Greely ; The natural bridge of Virginia, by C. D. Walcott ; The geographical position and height of Mount Saint Elias. by T. C. Mendenhall ; The improvement of geographical teaching, by W. M. Davis ; An undiscovered island off the northern coast of Alaska, by Marcus Baker ; by E. P. Heredeen ; by A. W. Greely. The geologist at Blue Mountain, Maryland, by C. D. Walcott ; The great populous centers of the world, by A. W. Greely ; Our youngest volcano, by J. S. Diller ; Proceedings of the International Geographic Conference in Chicago, July 27-28, 1893 ; Relations of air and water to temperature nnd life, by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; The relation of geography to history, by Francis W. Parker ; Norway and the Vikings, by Magnus Andersen ; Geographic instruction in the public schools, by W. B. Powell ; The relations of geology to physiography in our educational system, by T. C. Chamberlin ; The relations of the gulf stream and the Labrador current, by William Libbey, jr. ; The arid regions of the United States, by F. II. Newell ; Recent explorations in Alaska, by Eliza R. Scidmore ; The caravels of Columbus, by Victor M. Concas ; In the wake of Columbus, by Frederic A. Ober ; Recent disclosures concerning pre-Columbian voyages to America in the archives of the Vatican, by William Eleroy Curtis ; Early voyages on the northwestern coast of America, by George Davidson. (895 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. vi. 1894-1895. Washington. D. C., 1895. Svo, pp. 291, Ixxxiii. Illustrated. Contents : Geographic process of civilization, by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; Shaw- angunk Mountain, by N. H. Darton ; Weather making, ancient and modern, by Mark W. Harrington, with a list of references on the artificial production of rainfall ; Geomorphology of the southern Appalachians, by C. Willard Hayes and Marius R. Campbell ; The battle of the forest, by B. E. Fernow ; Surveys and maps of the District of Columbia, by Marcus Baker; The first landfall of Columbus, by Jacques W. Redway ; Japan, by D. W. Stevens; Geography of the air, by A. W. Greely ; Sir Francis Drake s anchorage, by Edward L. Berthoud ; Note on the height of Mount Saint Elias, by Israel C. Russell; Geographic notes, by Cyrus C. Babb ; Laws of temperature control of the geographic dis tribution of terrestrial animals and plants, by C. Hart Merriam ; Oregon, its history, geography and resources, by John H. Mitchell ; List of members. (896 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. vn. 1896. Washington, 1896. 8vo, pp. 412. Illustrated. Contents : Russia in Europe, by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; The Arctic cruise of the U. S. revenue cutter " Bear," by Sheldon Jackson ; Venezuela, her govern- 128 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. rnent, people, and boundary, by William E. Curtis ; The Panama canal route, by Robert T. Hill ; The Tehuantepec ship railway, by Elmer L. Corthell ; The present state of the Nicaragua canal, by A. W. Greely ; Explorations of the Bureau of American Ethnology in 1895, by W J McGee ; The valley of the Orinoco, by T. H. Gignilliat ; The so-called " Jeanette Relics," by William H. Ball ; Nansen s Polar Expedition, by A. W. Greely ; The submarine cables of the world, by Gustave Herrle ; Peter Cooper and submarine telegraphy ; The jlusso-American telegraph project of 1864- 67, by William H. Dall ; The survey and subdivision of Indian Territory, by Henry Gannett ; " Free Burghs " in the United States, by James H. Blodgett ; Seriland, by W J McGee and Willard I). Johnson ; The Olympic country, by S. C. Gilman ; The discovery of Glacier Bay, Alaska, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore : Hydrography in the United States, by Frederick H. Newell ; Recent triangulation in the Cascades, by S. S. Gannett ; The altitude of Mount Adams, Washington, by Edgar McClure ; Africa since 188S, with special reference to South Africa and Abyssinia, by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; Fundamental geographic relation of the three Americas, by Robert T. Hill ; The Kansas river, by Arthur I*. Davis ; The Seine, the Meuse and the Moselle, by Wil liam M. Davis ; Across the Gulf by rail to Key West, by Jefferson B. Browne ; A geographical description of the British Islands, by W. M. Davis ; The Mexican cen sus ; The work of the U. S. Board on geographic names, by Henry Gannett ; A journey in Ecuador, by Mark B. Kerr ; The aberration of sound as illustrated by the Berkeley powder explosion, by Robert H. Chapman ; Geographic history of the Piedmont Plateau, by W J McGee; Spottswood s expedition of 1716, by William - N. Thornton ; Jefferson as a geographer, by A. W. Greely ; Albemarle in Revolu tionary days, by G. Brown Goode ; The recent earthquake wave on the coast of Japan, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore ; Descriptive topographic terms of Spanish America, by Robert T. Hill ; The Weather Bureau river and flood sys tem, by Willis L. Moore ; Charles Francis Hall and Jones Sound ; Mineral pro ductions in the U. S. ; Reports of sealing schooners from Tuscarora Deep, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore ; California, by Geo. C. Perkins ; The economic aspects of soil erosion, by N. S. Shaler ; The Nansen polar expedition, by Ernest A. Man ; Ice-cliffs on the Kowak river, by J. C. Cantwell ; The Witwatersrand and the revolt of the Uitlanders, by George F. Becker ; The geography of the south ern peninsula of the United States, by John N. MacGonigle ; The sage plains of Oregon, by Frederick V. Coville ; Statistics of railways in the United States; Geographic work in Peru. (897 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. vin. 1897. Washington, 1897. 8vo, pp. vi, 373. Illustrated. Contents The Gold Coast, Ashanti, and Kumassi, by George K. French ; All around the Bay of Passamaquoddy, by Albert S. Gatschet ; Return of the Hourst Niger Expedition, by Ernest De Sasseville ; Crater Lake, Oregon, by J. S. Diller; The utilization of the public lands, by Emory F. Best; The Mazamas, by J. S. Diller ; Storms and weather forecasts, by Willis L. Moore ; Rubber forests of Nicaragua and Sierra Leone, by A. W. Greely ; Recent explora tions in equatorial Africa, by E. De Sasseville ; A summer voyage to the Arc tics, by G. R. Putnam ; The area and the drainage basin of Lake Superior, by Mark W. Harrington ; The Siberian transcontinental railroad, by A. W. Greely ; A winter voyage through the Straits of Magellan, by R. W. Meade ; Costa Rica, by Senor Ricardo Villafranca ; Applied physiography in So. Caro lina, by L. C. Glenn : Sheik Said, by Ernest De Sasseville ; The effects of geo graphic environment in the development of civilization in primitive man. by Gardiner G. Hubbard ; The national forest reserves, by Frederick H. Newell ; The Venezuela Boundary Commission and its work, by Marcus Baker ; The forests and deserts of Arizona, by B. E. Fernow ; Mount St. Helens, by Chas. P. Elliott ; Modification of the Great Lakes by earth movement, by G. K. Gilbert ; The great unmapped areas on the earth s surface awaiting the explorer and geographer, by J. Scott Keltic ; The compass in modern navigation, by G. W. Littlehales ; The enchanted Mesa, by F. W. Hodge ; Geographical research in the United States, by Gardiner G. Hubbard and Marcus Baker ; The geographic work of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, by T. C. Mendenhall and Otto H. Tittmann ; U. S. daily atmospheric survey, by Willis L. Moore ; Patagonia, by J. B. Hatcher ; The Sushitna river, Alaska, by W. A. Dickey ; A winter weather record from the Klondike region, by E. W. Nelson ; The Washington Acqueduct and Cabin John Bridge, by D. D. Gaillard ; Pollution of the Potomac river, by F. H. Newell ; The delta of the Mississippi river, by E. L. Corthell ; The annexation fever, by Henry Gannett; Index. (898 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. 129 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. ix. 1898. Washington, 1898. 8vo, pp. 525. Illustrated. Contents : Three weeks in Hubbard Bay, West Greenland, by Robert Stein ; The Samoan cocoanut, compiled by A. W. Greely ; The modern Mississippi prob lem, by W J McGee ; Our foreign trade ; Gardiner Greene Hubbard address by Tennis S. Hamlin ; Gardiner Greene Hubbard memorial meeting, Washington, Jan. 21, 1898 ; Dwellings of the Saga-time in Iceland, Greenland and Vineland, by Cornelia Horsford ; Two hundred miles up the Kuskokwim, by Charles Hal- lock ; The Mt. St. Elias expedition of Prince Luigi Amadeo of Savoy, 1897 ; The origin of French-Canadians, abstract of paper by B. Suite ; The height of Mt. Rainier, by Richard U. Goode ; Geographic work of the Bureau of Ethnology ; A relic of the Lewis and Clarke Expedition, by Cyrus C. Babb ; Geographic names in West Greenland, by Ralph S. Tarr ; The northwest passes to the Yukon, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore ; Overland routes to the Klondike, by Hauilin Garland ; The future of the Yukon gold fields, by Wm. H. Dall ; Notes on the wild fowl and game animals of Alaska, by E. W. Nelson ; Climatic con ditions of Alaska, by A. W. Greely ; A Yukon pioneer, Mike Lebarge, by Wm. H. Dall ; Alaska and its mineral resources, by S. F. Emmons ; The civil government of Alaska, by Geo. C. Perkins ; Some of the conditions and possibilities of agriculture in Alaska, by Walter H. Evans ; Cuba, by Robert T. Hill ; Origin of West India bird life, by Frank M. Chapman ; Trade of the United States with Cuba, by John Hyde; Captain Charles Sigsbee, U. S. N, by Henry Gannett; The Philippine Islands, by F. F. Hilder ; Notes on some primitive Philippine tribes, by Dean C. Worcester ; Commerce of the Philippine Islands, by John Hyde; The disposition of the Philippines, by Charles E. Howe; American geographic education, by W J McGee ; Origin of the physical feature of the United States, by G. K. Gilbert; Geographic development of the District of Columbia, by W J McGee ; Historical development of the national capital, by Marcus Baker ; Geographic work of the general government, by Henry Gan nett ; The geologic atlas of the U. S. ; The topographic atlas of the U. S. ; Papagueria, by W J McGee ; Gomez and the New York Gulf, by L. D. Scisco ; Wellman pojar Expedition ; The growth of the United States, by W J McGee ; Bitter Root forest reserve, by Richard U. Goode ; Atlantic estuarine tides, by M. S. W. Jefferson ; The forest conditions of the state of Washington, by Henry Gannett ; Lake Chelan, by Henry Gannett ; Frederic W. Putnam, by John Hyde ; Mesa Verde, by F. H. Newell ; The geospheres, by W J McGee ; Sumatra s west coast, by David G. Fairchild ; What is the tide of the open Atlantic? by M. S. W. Jefferson ; Proposed collection of forestry statistics ; The five civilized tribes and the survey of Indian Territory, by C. H. Fitch ; Cloud scenery of the high plains, by Willard D. Johnson ; Atlantic coast tides, by Mark S. W. Jeffer son ; Alexander Graham Bell on Japan. (899 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. x. 1899. Washington, 1899. 8vo, pp. viii, 533. Contents : The Stikine river in 1898, by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore ; The West Indian hurricane of September 10-11, 1898, by E. B. Garriott ; Colonial systems of the world, by O. P. Austin ; Journey across the great pygmy forest of Central Africa, by Albert B. Lloyd ; The economic condition of the Philippines, by Max L. Tornow ; Manila and the Philippines, by A. Falkner von Sonnenburg ; The original territory of the United States, by David J. Hill ; Porto Rico, by Robert T. Hill ; Sources of the Saskatchewan, by Walter D. Wilcox ; Explora tion in the Canadian Rockies ; How long a whale may carry a harpoon, by Wm. H. Dall ; Shipbuilding in the United Kingdom in 1898 ; The red wood forest of the Pacific coast, by Henry Gannett ; Is climatic aridity impending on the Pacific slope? The testimony of the forest, by J. B. Leiberg ; Theater of military operations in Luzon map ; National growth and national character, by W J McGee ; Samoa : Navigator s islands, by Commander II. Webster ; The commercial importance of Samoa, by O. P. Austin ; The Harriman Alaska expedition in cooperation with the Washington Academy of Sciences, by G. H. Grosvenor ; Proposed meteorological station in Iceland ; The Belgian antarctic expedition ; Physiography of the Nicaragua canal route, by C. Willard Hayes map; Nicaragua and the Isthmian routes, by A. P. Davis; The Wellman polar expedition, by J. Howard Gore ; Explorations in Alaska ; Meteorology in the Philippines ; South polar regions map ; Shishaldin as a field for exploration, H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 9 130 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by Joseph Stanley-Brown ; Magnetic work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, by L. A. Bauer ; Deep-sea exploring expedition of the steamer "Albatross," by Hugh M. Smith ; The proposed American interoceanic canal in its commercial aspects, by Joseph Nimmo, jr. ; The interoceanic canal, by Emory R. Johnson ; Plans for reaching the south pole, by Gilbert H. Grosvenor ; The commercial development of Japan, by O. P. Austin ; The bad lands of South Dakota, by N. II. Darton ; The West Indian hurricane of August 7-14, 1899, by E. B. Garriott ; The inter national cloud work of the weather bureau, by Frank II. Bigelow ; Life on a Yukon trail, by Alfred Pearce Dennis ; Tides of Chesapeake Bay, by E. D. Preston ; The relation of forests and forest fires, by Gifford Pinchot ; Variations in lake levels and atmospheric precipitation, by Alfred J. Henry ; Calculations of population in June, 1900, by Henry Farquhar ; The Alaskan boundary, by John W. Foster ; The rational element in geography, by Win. M. Davis ; Map of the seat of war in Africa ; The Wellman polar expedition, by Walter Well- man ; The Harriman Alaska expedition, by Henry Gannett ; The meteorological observations of the second Wellman expedition, by Evelyn B. Baldwin ; Index. (900 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. xi. 1900. Washington. 1900. 8vo, pp. viii, 486. Illustrated. Contents : The Philippine Islands and their environment, by John Barrett ; The Cape Nome gold district, by F. C. Schrader ; The Idaho and Montana boundary line, by Richard U. Goode ; The Copper river delta, by E. D. Preston ; Our new possessions and the interest they are exciting, by O. P. Austin ; The total eclipse of the sun, May 28, 1900, by F. H. Bigelow ; The census of 1900, by F. H. Wines ; Some geographic features of southern Patagonia, by J. B. Hatcher : Kite work of the Weather Bureau, by H. C. Frankenfield ; British South Africa and the Transvaal, by F. F. Hilder ; The history and geographic distribution of Bubonic Plague, by George M. Sternberg ; Ice cliffs on White River,. Yukon Territory, by Martin W. Gorman ; A hunting trip to northern Greenland, by Fullerton Merrill ; A canal from the Atlantic to the Medi terranean ; Diseases of the Philippines ; The Anglo- Venezuela^ boundary dis pute, by Marcus Baker ; Korea the hermit nation, by II. Webster ; An as sumed inconstancy in the level of Lake Nicaragua ; A question of the per manency of the Nicaragua canal, by C. Willard Hayes ; The Isthmian Canal Commission ; International arbitration and its possibilities ; Helping naviga tion ; Railway construction and improvements ; Work in the Arctic and Ant arctic ; The growth of Russia, by Edwin A. Grosvenor ; Influence of geographical conditions on military operations in South Africa, by W. A. Simpson ; Apper ception in geography, by M: E. Kelton ; Ice cliffs on White River, Yukon Terri tory, by C. W. Willard Hayes and Alfred H. Brooks ; A German route to India, by Gilbert II. Grosvenor ; The Cuban Census ; The road to Bolivia, by William E. Curtis ; The colonial expansion of France, by Jean C. Bracq ; The prevention of hail storms by the use of cannon ; The U. S. Signal Corps in Porto Rico ; The revolt of the Ashantis ; The expansion of England, by Edwin D. Mead ; The road to Bolivia, by William E. Curtis ; The Chinese " Boxers," by Llewellyn James Davies ; Outline map of the far East ; The Tsung-Li-Yamen, by E. R. Scidmore ; Map of the Chinese Empire, Japan, and the Russian-Manchurian Railway ; Problems in China, by James M. Hubbard ; China and her people, by Harrie Webster ; The National Geographic Society s Eclipse Expedition to Nor folk, Va., by Marcus Baker ; The scientific work of the expedition, by Simou Newcomb ; Railways, rivers, and strategic towns in Manchuria ; The first Ameri can census of Porto Rico ; The Colorado desert, by David P. Barrows ; The Chinese Paradox, by Harvey Maitland Watts ; Colonial government in Borneo, by James M. Hubbard ; The water supply for the Nicaragua canal, by Arthur P. Davis ; Mrs. Bishop s " The Yangtze Valley and Beyond," by Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore ; Forest reserves of the United States ; The lessons of Galveston, by W J McGee ; The West Indian hurricane of Sept. 1-12, 1900, by E. B. Garriott ; Hunan the closed province of China, by Wm. Barclay Parsons ; Through the heart of Africa ; Nansen s " Farthest North " eclipsed ; The Samoan Islands, by Edwin V. Morgan ; The Manila Observatory, by Jose Algue ; The limited water supply of the avid region, by Frederick H. Newell ; Hurricanes on the coast of Texas, by A. W. Greely ; Africa the largest game preserve in the world, by John B. Torbert ; The Wyoming fossil fields expedition of July, 1899, by Wilbur C. Knight ; Gold in the Philippines, by F. F. Ililder ; The teaching of physical geography in elementary schools, by Richard E. Dodge ; Geography at the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. 131 British Association for the Advancement of Science ; Decisions of the U. S. Board on geographic names; Some significant facts concerning the foreign trade of Great Britain. (9O1 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. xii. 1901. Washington, 1901. 8vo, pp. vii, 452. Illustrated. Contents : The influence of submarine cables upon military and naval suprem acy, by George O. Squier ; The Indian tribes of Southern Patagonia, Tierra Del Fuego, and the adjoining islands, by J. B. Hatcher ; Location of the boundary between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, by Arthur P. Davis ; The Nicaragua Canal ; The Tsangpo, by James Mascarene Ilubbard ; Recent contributions to our knowl edge of the earth s shape and size by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, by C. A. Schott ; Explorations in Central East Africa ; An around-the-world-Ameri- can exposition, by O. 1*. Austin ; The causes that led up to the Siege of Pekin, by W. A. P. Martin ; Singan the present capital of the Chinese Empire ; The midnight sun in the Klondike, by Alice Rollins Crane ; Japan and China some comparisons, by Harrie Webster ; Abyssinia the country and people, by Oscar T. Crosby ; The old Yuma trail, by W J McGee ; The sea fogs of San Francisco ; Geographic facts from the report of the Taft Philippine Commission ; The Philippine exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition, by D. O. Noble Hoffmann ; Advances in geographic knowledge during the nineteenth century, by A. W. Greely ; Mexico of to-day, by Senor Dr. Don Juan N. Navarro ; The Latin- American constitutions and revolutions, by John W. Foster ; The general geog raphy of Alaska, by Henry Gannett ; China, her history and development, by John Barrett; The dikes of Holland, by Gerard II. Matthes ; The link relations of southwestern Asia, by Talcott Williams ; The Indian village of Baum ; Oil fields of Texas and California ; The Seri Indians ; Asia, the cradle of humanity, by W J McGee ; The old post-road from Tiflis to Erivan, by Esther Lancraft Hovey ; Siberia, by Edwin A. Grosvenor ; German geographers and German geog raphy, by Martha Krug Genthe ; The drift of floating bottles in the Pacific Ocean, by James Page ; The British Antarctic Expedition ; Urban population in the United States ; Peary s work in 1900 and 1001 ; The Weather Bureau, by Willis L. Moore ; Boundaries of territorial acquisitions ; The German South Polar Expedition, by, Georg Kollm ; The sex, nativity, and color of the people of the United States ; A remarkable salt deposit ; Sven Hedin s explorations in Central Asia ; Recent discoveries in Egypt ; Kodiak, not Kadiak ; Origin of the name " Cape Nome ; " Diary of a voyage from San Francisco to Tahiti and return, 1901, by S. P. Langley ; The lost boundary of Texas, by Marcus Baker ; Ice caves and frozen wells, by W J McGee ; Western progress in China ; Index. (9O2 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. xni. 1902. Washington, 1902. 8vo, xii, pp. 478. Illustrated. Contents : Map of the Philippines ; The new Mexico, by John W. Foster ; Com merce of Mexico and the United States, by O. P. Austin ; Argentine-Chile boundary dispute ; A trip through Siberia, by Ebenezer J. Hill ; The teaching of geography, by Ralph S. Tarr ; The latest route proposed for the Isthmian Canal, the Mandingo route ; The possibilities of Alaska, by C. C. Georgeson ; Sari- chef s atlas, 1826, by Marcus Baker ; Magnetic survey of the United States, by L. A. Bauer ; Sven Hedin in Tibet ; American progress in Cuba ; Cuban rail ways, by Albert G. Robinson ; The storm of February 25-28, 1902, by Alfred J. Henry ; Agriculture in Alaska, by Henry Gannett ; Recent French Explora tions in Africa, by Charles Rabot ; Proposed surveys in Alaska in 1902, by Alfred II. Brooks ; Ocean currents, by James Page ; Recent explorations in the Canadian Rockies, by Walter D. Wilcox ; A great African lake, by Sir Henry M. Stanley ; Coal resources of Alaska ; The National Geographic Society expedi tion to Martinique and St. Vincent ; The explosion of Krakatoa, by Sir Robert Ball ; Volcanoes ; The magnetic disturbance caused by the eruption of Mount Pelee ; The National Geographic Society expedition to the West Indies; Vol canic Islands of the West Indies ; Lafcadeo Ilearn on the Island and people of Martinique ; Report by Robert T. Hill on the volcanic eruptions in the West Indies ; The recent volcanic eruptions in the West Indies, by Israel C. Russell ; Volcanic rocks of Martinique and St. Vincent: collected by Messrs. Hill and Russell ; Chemical discussion of analyses of volcanic ejecta from Martinique and St. Vincent, by W. F. Ilillebrand ; Reports of vessels as to the range of 132 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. volcanic dust, compiled by James Page ; Problems of the Pacific the commerce of the great ocean, by O. P. Austin ; Shortening time across the continent, by Henry Herbert McClure ; Field work of the U. S. Geological Survey for season, 1902 ; Problems of the Pacific the great ocean in world growth, by W J McGee ; New Zealand, by Henry Demarest Lloyd ; Our northern Rockies, by R. H. Chapman ; Limiting width of Meander Belts, by M. S. W. Jefferson ; Peary s work in 1901-1902 ; John Wesley Powell biographical sketch ; The course of the retail coal trade, by David T. Day ; Submerged valleys in San- dusky Bay, by E. L. Mosely ; Place names in the United States ; Among the great Himalayan glaciers ; Volcanic eruptions on Martinique and St. Vincent, by Israel C. Russell ; The copyright of a map or chart, by William Alexander Miller ; The eruptions of La Soufriere, St. Vincent, in May, 1902, by Edmund Otis Hovey ; Sverdrup s work in the Arctics ; Volcanic disturbances in Guate mala ; Explorations around Mt. McKinley ; Index. (9O3 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The National Geographic Magazine. Vol. xiv. 1903. Washington, 1903. 8vo, pp. xii, 482, 75. Illustrated. Contents : The work of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, by O. H. Titt- mann ; Jade, by S. E. Easter ; Some notes on Venezuela ; An introduction to physical geography ; Dr. Sven Hedin biographical sketch.; Peary on the North Pole ; Plan for climbing Mount McKinley, by Alfred II. Brooks and D. L. Reaburn ; What the U. S. government does to promote agriculture ; Pilot chart of the North Atlantic Ocean for February, 1903 ; The Great Turk and his lost provinces, by William E. Curtis ; The work of the U. S. Hydrographic Office, by W. H. H. Southerland ; Why Great Salt Lake has fallen, by L. II. Murdock ; The Canadian boundary, by John W. Foster ; Mountains of Unimak Island, Alaska, by Ferdinand Westdahl ; Opening of the Alaskan Territory, by Harring ton Emerson ; The forests of Canada ; Work in the far south ; Theories of volcanic action ; Reindeer in Alaska, by Gilbert II. Grosvenor ; Henequen the Yucatan fiber, by E. H. Thompson ; The eruption of the Soufriere of St. Vin cent, 1812 (from the Evening News, June 30, 1812); "The United States Land and Waters," by Cyrus C. Adams ; The conquest of bubonic plague in the Philippines ; Improvements in the city of Manila ; American development of the Philippines ; The British South Polar Expedition ; The tetrahedral prin ciple in kite structure, by Alexander Graham Bell ; The Ziegler Polar Expedi tion ; The United States, its soils and their products, by II. W. Wiley ; Big things of the West, by Charles F. Holder : Paul Du Chaillu biographical sketch ; The Weather Bureau and the recent floods, by H. C. Frankenfield ; The United States : her industries, by O. P. Austin ; The introduction of the mango into the U. S. ; Rainfall and the level of Lake Erie, by E. L. Moseley ; The United States : her mineral resources, by C. Kirchhoff ; Expedition into Texas of Fernando Del Bosque, translated from an old Spanish manuscript, by Betty B. Brewster ; The hardy catalpa ; Explorations in Tibet ; Gardening in northern Alaska, by Middleton Smith ; The geographical distribution of insanity in the United States, by William A. White ; Peary and the North Pole ; The influence of forestry upon the lumber industry of the United Spates, by Overton W. Price; The Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, by W. C. Mendenhall ; Rubber plantations in Mexico and Central America ; The Ziegler Polar Expedition ; The Mining Bureau of the Philippine Islands, by Charles H. Burritt ; Record ascents in the Himalayas ; The new cone of Mont Pelee ; The value of Arctic exploration, by Robert E. Peary ; Surveying the Philippine Islands, by George R. Putnam ; Muir Glacier, by C. L. Andrews ; The grape-growing industry in the United States; Precious stones; Nntps on PfmaipH and f!olmnhin. Index. (9O4 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. National Geographic Magazine. Vol. xv. 1904. 8vo, pp. 515, xv. Illustrated. Contents : Map showing Alaskan boundary decision ; The Alaskan boundary tribunal, with map, by John W. Foster ; The reclamation of the west, by F. H. Newell ; The U. S. weather bureau, by James Wilson ; Marcus Baker, by Wm. H. Dall ; Controlling, sand dunes in the United States, by A. S. Hitchcock : Timberlines. by Israel C. Russell ; The republic of Panama, by Wm. II. Burr ; Eighth international geographic congress, Washington, 1904 ; The Philippine weather service ; Some facts about Korea ; The beet-sugar industry, illustrated ; War map of Manchuria and Korea ; The Philippine islands and their people, by Henry Gannett ; Russian development of Manchuria, by Henry B. Miller ; Manchuria and Korea ; Lumbering in Manchuria ; Travels in Arabia and along NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. 133 \ the Persian Gulf, by David G. Fab-child ; The American deserts ; Consul Skin ner s mission to Abyssinia ; The sailing ship and the Panama canal, by James Page; The new home of the Society; Map of Alaska ; The bureau of fisheries how the rich fisheries of the T nited States are protected and new fishing grounds discovered and created, by P.arton W. Evermann ; The geography of Alaska, by Alfred II. Brooks; Termination land the end of the Antarctic continent discovered by the American Wilkes, by Edwin Swift Balch ; Lessons from Japan; Inoculating the ground; The Crosby expedition to Thibet; The work of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, by Clarence R. Edwards; Some indications of land in the vicinity of the north pole, by It. A. Harris; Notes on Manchuria, by Henry B. Miller ; The red ant versus the boll weevil ; Governing the Philip- . pine islands, by Clarence R. Edwards; Forecasting the weather; Notes on Thibet ; General announcement eighth International Geographic Congress, Wash ington, 1004 ; Peru its resources, development, and future, by Alfredo Alvarez Calderon ; Agriculture in Japan, by U. S. Consul-General Bellows ; Lake Clark, a little known Alaskan lake, by Wilfred II. Osgood ; The geographical pivot of history ; A winter expedition into southwestern Mexico, by E. W. Nelson ; Building the Alaskan telegraph line, by William Mitchell ; The fisheries of Japan, by Hugh M. Smith ; What the V. S. Geological Survey has done in 25 years ; Colossal natural bridges of Utah ; Address by Robert E. Peary on the assembling of the eighth international geographic congress in Washington ; Some early geographers of the United States, by C. M. Chester ; Recent progress in the execution of a map of the world on the uniform scale of 1 : 1,000,000, by Albrecht Penck ; Methods of exploration in Africa, by A. St. II. Gibbons ; The special telegraphic time signal from the naval observatory ia honor of the eighth International Geographic Congress ; Resolutions adopted by the congress; Some early geographers of the United States, by C. M. Chester; The new English province of Northern Nigeria ; Scientific work of Mount weather meteorological research observatory, by Frank II. Bigelow ; Some facts about Japan ; The glaciers of Alaska ; Government assistance in handling forest lands ; China, by John W. Foster; A doubtful island of the Pacific, by James D. Hague; The United States government telegraph and cable lines, with maps ; A bird city in Hawaii ; Index to volume xv. (9O5 For Vol. xvi, see Appendix. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. National Geographic Monographs. Vol. i. New York, 1895. Contents : 1, General Physiographic Processes, by J. W. Powell ; 2, General Physiographic Features, by J. W. Powell ; 3, Physiographic Regions of the United States, by J. W. Powell ; 4, Present and Extinct Lakes of Nevada, by I. C. Russell ; 5, Beaches and Tidal Marshes of the Atlantic Coast, by N. S. Shaler ; 0, The Northern Appalachians, by Bailey Willis; 7, Niagara Falls and their History, by G. K. Gilbert ; 8, Mount Shasta, by J. S. Diller ; f). The Physical Geography of Southern New England, by W. M. Davis; 10, The Southern Appalachians, by C. W. Hayes. (!>O6 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. . . . The physiography of the United States; ten monographs . . . [etc.] 1S9<>. 8vo, pp. v, 345. Illus., maps. First issued in 10 parts in 1895 under the title: National geographic mono graphs, prepared under the auspices of the National geographic society. Given above. <!>O7 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Topographic models. By Cosmos Mimleleff . . . [Washington, 1888] Cover-title, pp. 16, 2 pi. 8vo. Lecture delivered before the " National Geographic Society " at Washington, October 5th, 1888. Published in the "National Geographic Magazine," vol. 1, no. 3. (!>O8 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The rivers and valleys of Pennsylvania. Lec ture delivered before the National Geographic Society at Washington, Febru ary 8, 1889, by W. M. Davis. Washington, 1889. 8vo, pp. 71. Map and woodcuts. (9O9 [NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY.] Directory of scientific societies of Washing ton, comprising the Anthropological, Biological, Chemical, Entomological, 134 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Geological, National geographic, and Philosophical societies. 1889-1898. [1st-] 10th year of publication . . . Published by the joint commission. [Washington, 1889-98] Svjo, 10 v. in 1. Each issue contains brief historical sketches of the societies ahove mentioned, and lists of members. The issue for 1898 has title : " Supplement to Directory of scientific societies of Washington for 1897, corrected and brought down to February 7, 1898. Tenth year of publication." It contains only the changes in officers and mem bership since 1897. Continued as Directory of the Washington academy of sciences. (91O UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A T e?r York City. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter and by-laws. Incorpo rated January, 1885. New York, 1885. Svo. pp. 14 (1). (911 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the first public meeting held by the Society, May 14, 1885. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 32. Contains address by Gen/ C. P. Stone upon early Catholic explorations in America, and an address by J. G. Shea upon Catholics and Catholicity in the days of the American Revolution. (912 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the third public and first annual meeting of the Society, February 11, 188G. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 29. Contains paper by Edmond Mallet, " The origin of the Oregon mission." (913 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. United States Catholic Histor ical Magazine. Published under the auspices of the United States Catholic Historical Society. New York. Published quarterly. Vol. i. 1887. 8vo, pp. vii, 45G. Contents : The United States Catholic Historical Society ; The origin of the Oregon mission, by Edmond Mallet ; Brief sketch of the Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo, diocese of Philadelphia, by Marc F. Vallette ; Account of the Voyage of the Ursulinesx to New. Orleans in 1727, translated by John Gilmary Shea ; Historical sketch of the ancient parish of St. Mary s, Lancaster, Pa., by S. M. Sener ; Catholic relics of early days ; A description of Maryland, extracted from a poem entitled " Carmen Seculare " addressed to Lord Baltimore in 1732 by Mr. Lewis ; Birthplace of Father Joseph Greaton ; Sketch by Dr. Brute for a work to be called " Catholic America ;" project of a history by Charles I. "White ; Letter of Lawrence Graessel, 1793, first selected as Coadjutor to Bishop Carroll, translated by Charles G. Herbermann ; Some early Catholic grammar schools, by Wm. P. Treacy ; Decreta Concilii Provincialis, Oregonensis I, 1848 ; Catholic and anti-catholic items in American colonial papers extracts from " The Maryland Gazette ;" Conversion of John Richard, related by himself ; The small-pox among the Indians at and near Fort Michimillimakinak in 1757, by Edward Jacker ; Meetings of the Society ; Notes and queries ; Notices of recent publications ; A dark chapter in the Catholic history of Maryland, by Edward I. Devitt ; Commodore John Barry, by William Seton ; The first epic of our country by the poet Conquistador of New Mexico, Gaspar De Villagra, by John Gilmary Shea ; Catholic action on the death of Washington, contributed by John Gilmary Shea ; Letter from Charles Carroll of Carrollton to General Washing ton, 1775; Form of matrimonial investigations (Diligencias De Solteria) in Florida, translated from the original Spanish documents ; Notes on the tombs of Cardinal Cheverus, Bishop Dubourg, and Bishop David, by J. M. Finotti ; Addi tional historical notes in reference to St. Mary s at Lancaster, by S. M. Sener: Diocese of Quebec in the XVIIth century, note by Bishop Brute ; Early Lazarist missions and missionaries, by Stephen Vincent Ryan ; Father Henry Nouvel, the pioneer missionary of lower Michigan, by Edward Jacker ; St. Genevieve UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 135 Academy and Rt. Rev. Louis Wm. Dubourg, Bishop of Louisiana, by Firmin A. Rozier ; Rev. James Maxwell, missionary at St. Genevieve, by Firman A. Rozier ; Statutes relating to Florida, in the Diocesan Synod, held by His Majesty s command, by the Rt. Rev. John Garcia De Palacios, Bishop of Cuba, in June, 1684 ; St. James the first church in Brooklyn, N. Y. papers communicated by John Loughlin ; Appointment of Charles Carroll, Sr., to the Council in Mary land in 1777 ; Sketch of the Mission of St. Malachy s, Doe Run, Chester Co., Pa., by James Nash ; Chronology of Catholicity in Massachusetts, by J. M. Fiuotti ; Catholic and anti-catholic items in New York colonial papers ; The martvrs of the Colorado, 1781, and the identification of the place where they died ; The oldest Catholic city of the west Detroit and its founder, by Richard R. Elliott ; Brief sketch of Catholicity in the coal regions of Pennsylvania, by Marc F. Vallette ; Father George Fenwick, by J. Fairfax McLaughlin ; Marquette, verses commemorating his death, May 18, 1675, by Oscar W. Collet ; Statutes of the diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas, issued by Rt. Rev. Luis Ignatius Penalver y Cardenas in 1795 ; Index to Vol. i. (914 Vol. ir. 1888. 8vo, pp. vi, 342, 83. Contents : Pope-Day in America, by John Gilmary Shea ; The, Acadians before their dispersion, by H. R. Casgrain ; How Father Hanging s deed of St. Mary s Church property came to be recorded, by Bishop Egan ; Notes on Parkman s "Conspiracy of Pontiac," by Oscar W. Collet; Some Lancaster Catholics and other historical notes, by S. M. Sener ; The origin of the mission to the Flat- head Indians, by Edmond Mallet; Sir John James of Crishall, Essex, the bene factor of the Pennsylvania missions, by John Gilmary Shea ; Catholic and anti- Catholic items from New York papers, 1765-1778; Meetings of the Soltety ; Notes and queries ; Notices of recent publications ; History of the Catholic Church in Monroe city and county. Mich., by Camillas P. Maes ; Christopher Davenport the brother of New Haven s founder a Franciscan friar, by T. J. Shahan ; Columbus and the men of Palos, by John Gilmary Shea ; Major Clement Gosselin, U. S. A., by Edmond Mallet ; La Gardeur de St. Pierre, by Edmond Mallet ; Father Peter Milet s captivity among the Oneida Indians, 1689- 1694 ; Catholic and anti-Catholic items from New York and Pennsylvania papers, 1775-1782 ; Summary on the Catholic religion in the English colonies in America, from the Italian in the Propaganda Archives communicated by Charles A. Vissani ; Adventures of a Jesuit lay brother who set sail for Mary land in 1657 ; Further notes on Pope-Day, by T. J. Shahan ; Letter of Rt. Rev. John Carroll, to Sam. Dexter, Secretary of War, on the Indian missions, 1800 ; First Diocesan Synod of Baltimore ; A memoir of the life and labors of Amadeus Rappe, first Bishop of Cleveland, by G. F. Ilouck ; Historical sketch of John Thayer, Boston s first native-born priest, by Arthur T. Connolly ; Early Catholics in Connecticut, by Thomas J. Shahan ; The beginnings of the Capuchin Mission in Louisiana ; Robert Walsh, by Henry C. Walsh ; Notes on old churches near Washington ; To the Hon ble, The Upper House of Assembly of the Province of Maryland the petition of sundry Ro. Catholics on behalf of them selves and others of the same communion residing in the province aforesaid, 1756; General description of the metropolitan province of Baltimore in the United States of North America, translated from a Latin manuscript of Arch bishop Marechal, prepared in 1821-2 ; The Catholic laity s directory to the church service, with an almanac for the year 1817. Index. History of Ancient Vinland, or part of North America, by Thormod Torfason, translated by Charles G. Herbermann. (Has separate title page.) (915 Vol. in. 1890. 8vo, pp. vi, 441. Plate. Contents : Early history of the Redemptorists in the United States, 1832- 1850, by Charles Warren Currier ; A priest ambassador to the United States Jose Correa Da Sarra ; The Catholic Church in Connecticut the first priest in the commonwealth, by Thomas J. Shahan ; Sketch of Father Louis Andre, an early Wisconsin missionary, by A. E. Jones ; The first chapel of the Jesuits in New Orleans ; History of the old Catholic Chapel at Priest s Ford, in Harford county, Md., by G. W. Andrew ; Permission to beg in Canada, for the church in Albany, in 1797 ; History of the establishment of the Carmelites in Maryland ; The plundering of St. Inigoes, St. Mary s county, Maryland ; The destruction of New Mexico settlements and missions, and the reconquest of the country, by Silvestre Velez de Escalante ; Pastoral letter of V. Rev. Patrick Walsh, adminis trator of the diocese of New Orleans, 1805 ; Catholic bibliography ; Meeting of the Society; Notes and queries and replies; Book notices; Why is Canada not a part of the United States? by John Gilmary Shea; Christopher Talbot, book seller, Philadelphia (1797) ; Rev. Francis A. Matignon, first pastor of the 136 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Church of the Holy Cross, Boston, Mass., by Arthur J. Connolly ; Diocesan synods and statutes (concluded) ; Rev. Demetrius A. Gallitzin, "The pastor of the Alleghanies," by Charles Constantine Pise ; Statistics of St. Anne s Church, Detroit, 1703-1800 ; Illinois, Osage and Otoptata chiefs in Paris, in 1725 ; German missions in eastern Pennslyvania, by Marc F. Vallette ; The centennial monument of St. Mary s Church, Monroe, Michigan ; The pioneer French in the valley of the Ohio, by A. A. Lambing; Maryland Catholics in penal days (1759) ; Petition sent by the committee of the Roman Catholics of Newcastle to tb.3 convention chosen to form a constitution for the new state of Maine, 1819 ; Dongan s charter of the city of New York, by John Gilmary Shea ; Liberty and property or the beauty of Maryland displayed, being a brief and candid search and inquiry into her charter, fundamental laws and constitution, by a lover of his country (written the latter part of the 17th century) ; The genesis of the early history of Detroit, by Richard R. Elliott ; Letters relating to the destruc tion of the Ursuline convent, Charlestown, Mass, 1834 ; Illinois and Miami vocabulary and the Lord s Prayer; The diocese of Brooklyn, by Marc F. Vallette; Was there a Jesuit college at Kaskaskia in the days of the French?; Condition of St. Peter s Church, New York, in 1800 ; Gonzalo De Mendoza s " Historia De Las Cosas Mas Notables, Ritos y Costumbres Del Gran Reyno De La China/ and its place in Americana and New Mexicana ; Points from the ecclesiastical history of Cattaraugus county, N. Y. ; Reminiscences of North Carolina, by James Cardinal Gibbons ; The Surratt case, by J. A. Walter ; Don Juan De Onate, founder of New Mexico; Letters of William Peaseley and his wife on Maryland affairs, 1642 ; Marin De La Margue, by Edmond Mallet ; Corre- ^ spondence between Henry Clark Bowen Green, M. D., and Very Rev. William Taylor, 1824-25 ; Papers relating to the French settlement at Gallipolis ; Philippe Thomas De Joncaire, by Edmond Mallet ; Indian mythology, by E. Jacker; Archbishops and bishops. of the United States whose episcopates have reached or exceeded twenty-five years ; Index. (91O UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. United States Catholic His torical Magazine. Published under the auspices of the United States Catholic Historical Society. Quarterly. Vol. iv. [No. 1.] January, 1891- 1892. New York, 1891-92. Cover reads Vol. iv, No. xin. 8vo, pp. 112. Contents : Cornelius Heeney, by John M. Kiely ; A Catholic priest in Con gress, sketch of Gabriel Richard, by Thomas A. E. Weadock ; The diocese of Brooklyn, by Marc F. Vallette ; Eloquent letter of Daniel Dougherty on the Columbus centenary ; Letters of Bishop England to Wm. Gaston, 1821 ; Letters of John Connolly, second bishop of New York, 1810-1816 ; The Society s tribute to John Gilmary Shea ; Early Catholic affairs in rtica, N. Y., by F. P. Mc- Farland ; Catholic losses in America, by John Gilmary Shea ; Sketch of Catho licity in Chicago, by Mary Josephine Onahan ; Will of Father Gallitzin, 1840 ; An old mission revived (among the Oneida Indians) ; Where did Columbus acquire his knowledge of books?; Meetings of the Society; Ignorance of our history; Notes : Letter of Joseph Story on Harvard s conferring the degree of doctor of laws on William Gaston, 1826 ; The Church in Savannah early in this century ; Queries ; Reply ; Book notices. (917 Vol. iv [No. 2] has not been found. (918 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL MAGAZINE. Vol iv. [No. 3.] July, 1891- 1892. New York, 1891-92. 8vo, pp. [2251-336. Cover reads Vol. iv, No*.xv. Contents : Charles O Conor, some incidents of his life, from his private papers ; The bursting of Pierre Margry s La Salle bubble a review, by John Gilmary Shea ; Pictures of missionary life in Charles county, Maryland, by George A. Mulry ; The Jesuit manuscript Account book of the Huron Mission of Detroit, 1733-1751, translated and annotated by Richard R. Elliott ; Long fellow s Hiawatha the arrival of the missionary, by M. F. Vallette ; Meeting of the Society, May 28, 1893 ; Notes and queries ; Goshenhoppen mission ; Ham- tramck ; " General " Jackson ; Huron language in print and manuscript in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. (919 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 137 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Additional historical notes in reference to St. Mary s at Lancaster. By S[amuel] M[iller] Sener. [Lan- 1 caster, Pa.?] 1887. 8vo, pp. 5. Reprinted from U. S. Catholic Historical Magazine, 1887. (92O UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of the ancient parish of St. Mary s Lancaster, Pa. By S[amuel] M[iller] Sener. [Lan caster, Pa.?] 3887. Svo, pp. 12. pi. [Sener, S. M. Historical pamphlets, no. 4.] Reprinted from U. S. Catholic Historical Magazine, 1887. (921 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Very Rev. Bernard Keenan, v. G. Sketch of one of the pioneer priests of Pennsylvania. By S[amuel] M filler] Sener. [Lancaster, Pa.?] 1887. 8vo, pp. 10. port. [Sener, S. M. Historical pamphlets, no. 6.] Reprinted from U. S. Catholic Historical Magazine. (922 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pope day in America. By John Gilmary Shea. [New York, 1888.] Svo, pp. 7. Read before the Society January 10, 1888. Reprinted from the United States Catholic Historical Magazine. (923 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Why is Canada not a part of the United States? Read before the Society, November 25, 1889, by John Gil mary Shea. [New York, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the United States Catholic Historical Magazine. (924 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Christopher Columbus. Address by Frederick R. Coudert before the Catholic Club and the U. S. Catholic Historical Society. Carnegie hall, October 11, 1892. [New York. 1892.] 8vo, pp. 51. (925 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbus memorial volume. Published by the joint committee of the Catholic Club and the United States Catholic Historical Society. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. xiii, (8), 193. Portraits. Plates. (926 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Records and Studies. Vol. i. [1899-1900.] New York, 1900. 8vo, pp. 423. Portraits. Contents : Salutatory ; The silver jubilee of Archbishop Corrigan ; Register of the clergy laboring in the archdiocese of New York from early missionary times till 1885, by Michael Augustine Corrigan ; An unpublished letter of Father Jogues, 1636, with facsimile ; Cardinal McCloskey, by John M. Farley ; Unpublished letters of Father Anthony Kohlmann, 180810, with a short account of his life; A French emigre colony in the United States (1789-1793), by Charles George Herbermann ; The earliest baptismal register of St. Peter s church, New York, by James H. McGean ; Brief sketch of the life of the Rev. Gregory Bryan Pardow (1829-1838) ; The society of St. Raphael and the Leo house, by Joseph Schaefer and" Chas. G. Herbermann ; Dr. John Gilmary Shea, by Marc F. Vallette ; Enoch Louis Lowe, by Andrew E. Eichmann ; Record of historical literature ; Archbishop Hughes and the draft riots, by Thomas F. Meehan ; The beginnings of the hierarchy in the United States, by Thomas J. Campbell ; The Rt. Rev. John Dubois, third bishop of New York, by Chas. G. Herbermann ; St. Peter s church, New York, its corporations and its property The old trustee system, by James IT. McGean ; A Protestant judge of a hundred years ago (Yeates), by Charles W. Sloane ; The Catholic cemeteries of New York, by Michael Augustine Corrigan ; Necrology of Father John Larkin ; Joseph W. Carroll, by Thomas F. Meehan; The Emmet family, by C. G. II [er- bermann.j (927 138 AMERICAN" HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Records and Studies. Vol. ii. 1900-1901. New York. 1901. 8vo, pp. 4, 510. Contents : Cardinal McCloskey, by John M. Farley ; Register of the clergy laboring in the archdiocese of New York from early missionary times to 1885, by Michael Augustine Corrigan ; The foundation of the Dominican province in the United States, by A. I. du P. Coleman ; Story of our portrait of Bishop Concanen, by James M. S. Lynch ; Letter of F. J. M. Lombardi, giving an account of Bishop Concanen s death, by James M. S. Lynch ; An historical sketch of the relations of church and state in New York, by Edward J. McGuire ; Letters and papers from the Annales de 1 Association de la Propa gation de la Foi. translated by John E. Cahalan ; The pioneer priest of the Alleghanies, the Rev. Lewis Sibourd facsimiles of documents; The earliest baptismal register of St. Peter s church, New York city, by James H. McGean ; Father Louis Fouiu biographical sketch ; Pioneer times in Brooklyn, by Thomas F. Meehan ; Bishop Laughlin as a citizen, by Thos. F. Meehan ; Petition of the German Roman Catholics of the city of New York to Bishop Carroll of Baltimore for a German pastor, March 2, 1808 ; Oration on the death of General George Washington, addressed to the Catholic Congregation of St. Mary s Church of Albany, by the Rev. Matthew O Brien, Feb. 22, 1800 ; Provincial corps of Ro man Catholic volunteers, by Charles William Sloane ; Library of the Society ; Contents of U. S. Catholic Historical Magazine, Vol. i, 1887 ; Donations of books ; Record of historical literature ; Minutes of the annual meeting ; Rt. Rev. Winand Michael Wigger, third bishop of Newark, by Charles G. Herber- mann ; The conversion of Col. Dodge, by J. M. S. Lynch ; Gleanings from early Catholic journals, communicated by James H. O Donnell ; Rev. Charles Constan- tine Pise, by Rev. H. A. Brann ; the Papal flag in New York harbor, 1757-8, by Denis P. O Neill ; Rev. James Neill, 1798-1838, by R. L. Burtsell ; Constitu tional freedom of religion, by Peter Condon ; Some schools in old New York, by Thomas F. Meehan ; America before Columbus, by C. G. Herbermann ; His tory of the diocese of Hartford, by A. I. du P. Coleman. (928 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical records and studies. Vol. in. Ft. 1. January, 1903. New York, 1903. 8vo, pp. 259. Contents : Archbishop Corrigan ; The first map bearing the name America, by Charles George Herbermann ; The globe of Pope Marcellus II and its rela tion to the voyage of Verrazano, with notes on the discovery of the Hudson, by Benjamin F. De Costa ; A year with the Army of the Potomac, diary of Father Tissot ; St. John s college, Fordham in 1859, by Thomas J. Campbell ; Constitutional freedom of religion and the revivals of religious intolerance, by Peter Condon ; New York s first Catholic newspaper, by Thomas F. Meehan ; The diary of Dr. Stiles, by James H. O Donnell ; Extracts from early records of St. Peter s Church, New York City The building of the first cathedral of New York, by James H. McGean ; Monsignor Bedini s visit to the United States. The official correspondence, by Peter Condon ; Rev. Anthony Cauvin, founder of the church of " Our Lady of Grace " of Hoboken, by Peter Condon ; Letters and papers from the Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, no. xix, Jan., 1830. Translated by John E. Cahalan : v. Monseigneur Portier s account of his trip from Pensacola to St. Augustine (continuation). The Northmen in America; Gleanings from early Catholic journals, communicated by James H. O Donnell : Rev. Dr. Reze s missionary visit to Michigan, 1830 ; The Catholic Church in Paterson, N. J., 1830 ; Liberation of Spanish and Indian slaves by Governor Dongan. by D. P. O Neill ; The earliest baptismal register of St. Peter s church, New York city, by James H. McGean ; A list of publications relating to Charles Carroll of Carrollton (1737-1832), by Agnes C. Storer ; Joseph Thoron, by Edward J. McGuiro. (929 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Records and Studies. Vol. in. Part H. December, 1904. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. 261-526. Contents: Pius X; The first bishop of Albany (John McCloskey), by John M. Farley ; The tithes for the crusades in Greenland, 1276-1282 A contribution to the ecclesiastical history of the No rthmen in America, by Joseph Fischer ; Register of the clergy laboring in the archdiocese of New York from early mis sionary times to 1S85, by Michael Augustire Corrigan; The Waldseemiiller map of 1507, by Charles George Herbermann ; Frederic R. Coudert, by Paul Fuller ; ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 139 The earliest Jesuit missionary explorers in Florida, Maryland, and Maine, by Joseph M. Woods ; The first charity concert for the catholic orphans in New York, by Thomas F. Meehan ; The history of the Marquette statue, presented to Statuary Hall, in the Capitol, by the State of Wisconsin ; Andrew Parmen- tier, horticulturist, and his daughter, Madame Bayer, by Thomas F. Meehan ; Patrick Farrelly, by Henry A. P.rann ; The first American pilgrimage to Rome, by Benjamin J. Keiley ; The earliest baptismal register of St. Peter s Church, New York city, by James II. McGean ; Officers ; Proceedings ; Members. (030 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Monograph series, i. Unpub lished letters of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and of his father, Charles Carroll of Doughoregan. Comp. and ed. with a memoir by Thomas Meagher Field. New York, 1002. 8vo, 1 p. 1., 250 pp., fron., port., facsim., geneal. tab. (931 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Monograph series, n. Three quarters of a century. (1807 to 1882.) A retrospect. Written from docu ments and memory in 1882 and the following years. By Augustus J. Thebaud. Vol. in. Forty years in the United States of America (1839- 1885) by Augustus J. Thebaud, with a biographical sketch by Thomas J. Campbell, edited by Charles George Herberuiann. New York, 190-4. 8vo, pp. 363, (3). (932 UNITED STATES CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Monograph series, HI. Histor ical sketch of St. Joseph s Provincial Seminary, Troy, N. Y. By Henry Gabriels, D. D. With an introduction: i. Life of Bishop Henry Gabriels. ii. Early New York seminaries, by Charles George Herbermann. And an epilogue by Thomas F. Myhan. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. 188. Plate. Portraits. (933 B. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. / ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tuscaloosa, Ala. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution, July 9, 1850. Tuscaloosa, ^850. 8vo, pp. 12. (934 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions at the First Annual Meeting, July 14, 1851. Tuscaloosa, 1852. 8vo, pp. 55. Contents : Proceedings ; Report of the executive committee, by J. II. Foster ; Address of the President, Alexander Bowie ; Report on statistics of Tuska- loosa, by M. Tuomey and W. Moody ; Memoir on the cotton plant, by Isaac Croom. (935 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions at the Annual Meeting, July 9 and 10, 1855. Tuscaloosa, 1855. 8vo, pp. 65. Contents : Abstract of the minutes of the meeting ; The Claims and Charac teristics of Alabama History, address by A. B. Meek. (936 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual address before the Society at Tusca loosa, July 13, 1858. By N. L. W bitfield. Published by order of the execu tive committee. Tuscaloosa, 1858. 8vo, pp. 19. The true nature and purpose of history. (937 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tuskaloosa, the Origin of its Name, its His tory, etc. A paper read before the Society by Thomas Maxwell, July 1, 1876. Tuskaloosa, 187G. 8vo, pp. 86. Map. (938 140 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Alabama Historical Reporter. Published under the auspices of the Society. Vol. i. Nos. 1-10. Oct., 1879-July, 1880. Vol. ii. Nos. 1-12, Dec., 1883-Nov., 1884. Vol. in. Nos. 1-7. Jan.-July, 1885. Tuscaloosa, 1879-1885. Twenty-nine numbers. 8vo. (939 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular. [Tuscaloosa, 1879.] Svo, pp. 4. Shows officers for years 1878-79. (94O ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Session of the Alabama legislature, 1847-48. A paper prepared for the Society, by J. L. M. Curry, LL. D. Washington, 1892. 8vo, pp. 15. (941 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Importance and growth of genealogical work in the South. By James Oscar Prude. Delivered before the Society on June 18, 1895, at Tuscaloosa. Tuscaloosa [1895]. 8vo, pp. 29. Portrait of author. (942 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Vol. 1. of the Transactions, which will comprise all of the previous issues, as well as unpublished manuscript matter from date of organization, 1850 to 1897, will be published as soon as necessary material can be properly compiled." Cf. Administrative circular. No. 8, p. 5. (943 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions 1897-98. Vol. n. Tuscaloosa, Alabama : Printed for the society 1899. 8vo, pp. 204. Contents : Officers ; Act to incorporate the society ; Proceedings of the annual meeting, June 21, 1898 ; The Genesis of public education in Alabama, by William F. Perry ; Early times in the vicinity of the present city of Montgomery, by William Stokes Wyman ; Forty-fourth Alabama regiment, by James Jackson Garrett ; Early roads of Alabama, by Peter Joseph Hamilton ; Surrender of Weatherford, by William Gates Orr ; Columbian Institute, by Levin Vinson Rosser ; Circular of Pelham Institute, 1873 ; Joseph G. Baldwin, by Thomas Badger Wetmore ; Clement Claiborne Clay, by Virginia Clay-Clopton ; Statistics of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the diocese of Alabama, by Richard Hooker Cobbs and Walter C. Whitaker ; The Alabama-Mississippi boundary, by John Hollis Bankhead ; Creek war incidents, by Henry Sale Halbert ; Sessions of the General assembly of Alabama, 1818-1897, by Thomas McAdory Owen ; Sketch of Pettus Brigade, by Edmund Winston Pettus ; Alabama river boats burned or sunk from 1865 to 1894 ; Statistics of the counties of Alabama, by Thomas M. Owen ; Topographical notes and observations on the Alabama River, August, 1814, by Major Howell Tatum, edited by Peter J. Hamil ton and Thomas M. Owen ; The work of William Henry Fowler as superin- endent of army records, 1863-65, by Thomas M. Owen ; Index. (944 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol in. 1898-99. Tuscaloosa, 1899. Svo, pp. 251. Contents : Pt. i. Proceedings of the annual meeting, June 19, 1899 ; Necrology, by Thomas M. Owen ; The work of the South in building the United States, by W. R. Garrett ; Relics and antiquities, by Mrs. W. E. Sorsby, C. A. Lanier, W. C. Richardson, and Thomas M. Owen ; Choctaw Indian names in Alabama and Mississippi, by II. S. Halbert: General and staff officers from Alabama in the war, 1861-65 ; French exploration from Mobile, by 1*. J. Hamilton ; The treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, by A. W. Dillard ; A geographical sketch of the Ala bama territory, by Justus Wyman ; Governor William Wyatt Bibb, by C. E. Jones ; Wilcox s brigade, by C. M. WSlcox ; Diary of Richard Breckenridge, 1816 ; The visit of President James Monroe to Alabama territory, June 1, 1819 ; Early history of Monroe county, Alabama ; The Creek Indian War of 1836, by John A. Campbell ; Burr s conspiracy ; Tales of personal adyenture recollections of incidents in the War between the States, by John W. Du Bose ; Letters from George Strother Gaines relating to events in South Alabama, 1805-1814. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 141 Pt. n. Proceedings and papers of the Spanish Evacuation Centennial, May 6, 1899 ; Address of welcome by B. D. Turner ; Reminiscences, by Iluriosco Austin ; Reminiscences of Old St. Stephens, by Mary Welsh ; St. Stephens, Spanish fort and American town, by I*. J. Hamilton. (945 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. 1899-1903. Vol. iv. Mont gomery, 1904. * 8vo, pp. 639. Portrait. Contents : Constitution ; Officers ; Part i Proceedings of the semicentennial meeting of the Society, June 18, 1900, and historical papers : Necrology, by Thomas M. Owen ; The building of the State, by William Columbus Ward ; Was Mobile Bay the Bay of Spiritu Santo? by Peter Joseph Hamilton; The uses of bibliography, by Joel Campbell I)u Bose ; ^Indian massacres in Butler county, ir. 1818 by Charles Edward Crenshaw ; Semicentennial ode, by Warfield Creath Richardson ; The Alabama Historical Society reminiscences of fifty years, by Joshua H. Foster, Walter Guild, James M. Van Hoose, and John Snow ; Dr. Basil Manly, the founder of the Society, by Thomas M. Owen ; The mission of Francis Scott Key to Alabama in 1833, by Thomas Chalmers McCorvey ; The Buford expedition to Kansas, by Walter Lynwood Fleming ; The Indians of Marshall county, Alabama, by Oliver Day Street ; Bishop Richard Hooker Wil- mer, by Walter C. Whitaker ; Notes on Alabama mounds and antiquities, by Thomas M. Owen. Part n Proceedings of the annual meeting, June 3, 1901, and historical papers : Necrology, by Thomas M. Owen ; Address on the presen tation of crosses of honor to Confederate veterans by the R. E. Rodes chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, by Tennent Lomax ; The ideal university, by Joel Campbell I)u Bose ; Henry W. Hilliard, by Toccoa Cozart ; A sketch oi! Judge Anderson Crenshaw, by Charles Edward Crenshaw ; What will be the final estimate of Yancey?, by George Petrie ; Recollections of the Alabama Demo cratic State Convention of 1860, by Sutton S. Scott ; The French grant in Ala bama, a history of the founding of Demopolis, by Gains Whitfield, jr. ; Benjamin Fitzpatrick and the vice-presidency, by Shepherd II. Roberts ; The history of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Alabama prior to 1826, by James H. B. Hall ; Notes on the records of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Alabama, by Thomas M. Owen. Part in Proceedings of the annual meeting, June 14, 1902, and historical papers : Necrology, by Thomas M. O^en ; Thomas Hill Watts, a statesman of the old regime, by Emma Beall Culver ; Descendants ot John Purifoy who were Confederate soldiers, by Francis Marion Purifoy ; John Murray Forbes s horseback trip to Alabama in 1831, by Thomas Semmes Forbes; The military operations of General John T. Croxton in West Alabama, 1865, by Thomas P. Clinton ; William F. Samford, statesman and man of letters, by George Petrie ; Dr. William Leroy Broun, by Charles Coleman Thach ; The con servative party in Alabama, 1848-1860, by J. E. D. Yonge ; Revolutionary sol diers buried in Alabama, by Mrs. P. H. Mell. Part iv Proceedings of the annual meeting, Dec. 22, 1903, and historical papers : Necrology, by Thomas M. Owen ; Personal reminiscences of Colonel Albert James Pickett, by Michael Leonard Wuods ; Proceedings of the celebrations of the anniversary of the ad mission of the State of Alabama into the Union, Dec. 14, 1899-Dec. 14, 1903 ; Index. (946 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Administrative Circulars. 1898-1901. 8vo, Nos. 1-11. No. 1. Announcement 1898-99. pp. 4. No. 2. Prospectus. Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, 1850- 1897. pp. 3. No. 3. Appeal to the press of the State, p. 1. No. 4. I. General information ; II. Personal and press endorsements ; III. List of members, pp. 15. No. 5. Spanish Evacuation Anniversary ; Annual meeting, 1899 ; Alabama in the war between the States ; Library and collections ; and membership, pp. 2. No. 6. Treasurer s statement. No. 7. Statement of work proposed by the [Alabama History] Commission, Tentative outline of the report, Act of the General Assembly, etc. pp. 4. No. 8. General information respecting the Society ; The removal of head quarters to Birmingham ; A statement as to its future plans and prospects, pp. 7. No. 9. Importance of the establishment of a Department of Archives and History, pp. 2. 142 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. No. 10. Message of Governor William J. Samford urging the importance of the establishment of a Department of Archives and History, pp. 3. No. 11. Officers, 1904 ; General information ; and Constitution. 8vo, pp. 4. (947 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. i. Report of the Alabama History Commission to the Governor of Alabama, December 1, 1900. Edited by Thomas McAdory Owen. Vol. i. Montgom ery, 1901. 8vo, pp. 447. Contents : Part i. An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents per taining to Alabama in official repositories beyond the State. Part n. An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents in official repositories within the state of Alabama. Part in. An account of manuscripts, papers, and docu ments in private hands. Pt. iv. War records of Alabama. Pt. v. Aboriginal and Indian remains in Alabama. (948 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 2. The building of the State. By William Columbus Ward. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 53-72. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (949 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 3. Was Mobile Bay the bay of Spiritu Santo? By Peter J. Hamilton. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 73-93. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (95O ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 4. Semi-centennial ode. By War- field Creath Richardson. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 103-106. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (951 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 5. Dr. Basil Manly, the founder of the Alabama Historical Society. By Thomas McAdory Owen. Montgomery, Alabama, 1904. 8vo, pp. 125-140. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (952 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 6. The mission of Francis Scott Key to Alabama in 1833. By Thomas Chalmers McCorvey. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 141-165. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (953 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 7. The Buford expedition to Kan sas. By Walker Lynwood Fleming. Montgomery, Alabama, 1904. 8vo, pp. 167-192. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (954 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 8. The Indians of Marshall County, Alabama. By Oliver Day Street. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 193-210. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (955 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 9. Bishop Richard Hooker Wilrner. By Walter C. Whitaker. Montgomery, 1904. Svo, pp. 211-234. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (956 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 10. Notes on Alabama mounds and antiquities. By Thomas McAdory Owen. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 235-241. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (957 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 11. The ideal university. By Joel Campbell Du Bose. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo. pp. 269-276. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (958 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 143 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 12. Henry W. Hilliard. By Miss Toccoa Cozart. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 277-299. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (959 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 13. A sketch of Judge Anderson Crenshaw. By Chas. Edward Crenshaw. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 301-305. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (96O ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 14. What will be the final estimate of Yancey? By George Petrie. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 307-312. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (961 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 15. Recollections of the Alabama Democratic state convention of 1860. By Sutton S. Scott. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 313-320. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (962 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 16. The French grant in Alabama. A history of the founding of Deinopolis. By Gaius Whitfield, jr. Mont gomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 321-355. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (963 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 17. Benjamin Fitzpatrick and the vice-presidency. By Shepherd H. Roberts. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 357-364. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (964 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Reprint No. 18. History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Alabama prior to 1826. By James H. B. Hall. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 365-394. From the Tranactions, Vol. iv. (965 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 19. Thomas Hill Watts, a states man of the old regime. By Emma Beall Culver. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 415-439. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (966 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 20. The descendants of John Purifoy, who were Confederate soldiers. By Francis Marion Purifoy. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 441-444. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (967 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 21. John Murray Forbes s horse back trip to Alabama in 1831. By Thomas Seinnies Forbes. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 445-448. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (968 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint No. 22. The military operations of Gen. John T. Croxton in West Alabama, 1865. By Thomas P. Clinton. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 449-463. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (969 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint. No. 23. William F. Samford, states man and man of letters. By George Petrie. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 465-485. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (97O 144 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint. No. 24. Dr. William Leroy Broun. By Charles Coleman Thach. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 487-499. From the Transactions, Vol. iv. (971 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint. No. 25. The Conservative party in Alabama, 1848-1860. By J. E. D. Yonge. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 501-526. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (972 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint. No. 26. Revolutionary soldiers buried in Alabama. By Mrs. Patrick Hues Mell. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 527-572. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (973 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint. No. 27. Personal reminiscences of Col. Albert James Pickett By M. L. Woods. Montgomery, 1904. 8vo, pp. 597-611. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (974 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reprint. No. 28. Alabama day. Proceedings of the celebrations of the anniversary of the admission of the State of Ala bama into the Union, Dec. 14, 1899-Dec. 14, 1903. Founded by Mrs. Idyl King Sorsby, Dec. 14, 1899. Montgomery, Ala., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 613-619. From the Transactions, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. (975 ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Alabama Polytechnic Institute Historical Pa pers. First series. Studies in Southern and Alabama History. Papers by members of the Historical Seminary, Alabama Polytechnic Institute George Petrie, Ph. D., Professor. [From the Transactions of the Alabama His torical Society, 1899-1903, Vol. iv. Reprint No. 29.] Montgomery, Ala bama, 1904. 8vo, pp. 189. Contents : William Leroy Broun, by C. C. Thach ; The Buford Expedition to Kansas, by W. L. Fleming ; Benjamin Fitzpatrick and the Vice-Presidency, by S. H. Roberts ; Henry W. Hilliard, by Toccoa Cozart ; Thomas Hill Watts, by E. B. Culver ; The French grant in Alabama, by Gains Whitehead, jr. ; The conservative party in Alabama, 1848-1860, by J. E. D. Yonge ; What will be the final estimate of Yancey ? by George Petrie ; William F. Samford, by George Petrie. (976 < ALABAMA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Birmingham, Ala. ALABAMA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Baptists of Alabama from the time of their first occupation of Alabama in 1808 until 1894, being a detailed record of denominational events in the State during the stirring period of eighty-six years, and furnishing biographical sketches of those who have been conspicuous in the annals of the denomination ; besides much other incidental matter relative to the secular history of Alabama. By B. F. Riley. Issued under the auspices of the Alabama Baptist Histor ical Society. Birmingham, 1895. 8vo, pp. 481. Illustrated. (977 CON ECU H HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CONECUH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Conecuh County, Alabama. Em bracing a detailed record of events from the earliest period to the present; biographical sketches of those who have been most conspicuous in the annals of the county ; a complete list of the officials of Conecuh, besides much ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 145 valuable information relative to the internal resources of the county. By Rev. B. F. Riley. Columbus, Ga., 1881. 12mo, pp. xi, [131-233. Written at the request of the Conecuh Historical Society. (978 IBERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mobile, Ala. IIJERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the proceedings at the meeting, July 14, 1902, in the Gulf States Historical Magazine, Vol. i, p. 154. (979 TENNESSEE VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Huntsville, Ala. TENNESSEE VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular No. 1. Call for the organiza tion of a Society for the Study and Preservation of the History and An tiquities of the Tennessee Valley. TENNESSEE VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular No. 2. Preliminary announce ment, 1902 ; Constitution and roll of members. 8vo, pp. 4. (98O TENNESSEE VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular No. 3. The Tennessee Val ley Historical Society. [Announcement of the second annual meeting] [Huntsville, Alabama], 1903. P. l. (981 ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ARIZONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, Constitution, and By-Laws. Incorpo rated and organized November, 1864. Prescott, 1864. 12mo, pp. 16. (982 ARIZONA PIONEER SOCIETY. ARIZONA PIONEER SOCIETY. The American pioneer. An oration delivered at Prescott, Arizona, July 4, 18(36, before the Arizona Pioneer Society, by Richard Cunningham McCormick. Prescott [Ariz.], 1866. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 8. In double columns. (983 PIONEER HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ARIZONA. PIONEER HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ARIZONA. The history of Arizona from the earliest times known to the people of Europe to 1903, by Sidney R. De Long. Written under the auspices of the Pioneer Historical Society of Arizona. San Francisco, 1905. 8vo, pp. 199. (984 . ARKANSAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ARKANSAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. "At the request of the Association the General Assembly, by an act of April 27, 1905, created the Arkansas History Commission, and made it their duty to direct and supervise the printing of the first volume of publications of said Association." Cf. Iowa Journal of History and Politics. January, 1906. p. 161. (85 H. Doc! 923, 59-1, vol 2 -- 10 146 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. Little Rock, Ark. (986 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF. THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. Proceedings of the legislature and of the Historical Society of the State of Arkansas, and the Eclectic Society, of Little Rock, Ark., fixing the pronunciation of the name Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark., for the Eclectic Society, 1881. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 16. Cover-title. (987 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. San Francisco, CaJ. CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Noticias de la Nueva California, escritas por el Rev. Padre Fr. Francisco Palou. [1776-1783.] California Historical Society s publication. San Francisco, 1874. Four vols., 8vo. Photographs. One hundred copies printed. Edited, with an introduction, by John T. Doyle. (988 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reglamento General para el Gobierno de la Provincia de Californias, aprobado per S. M. en el Real orden de Octubre de 1781. (989 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers of the California Historical Society. Vol. i, parts 1, 2. San Francisco, 1887. 8vo, Vol. I, pt. 1, pp. xv, 94 ; Vol. i, pt. 2, pp. v, 3-432. Pt. i : Officers, members ; Introductory ; The Local Units of History, by Martin Kellogg ; Data of Mexican and United States History, by Bernard Moses ; History of the Pious Fund of California, by John T. Doyle ; The First Phase of the Conquest of California, by William Carey Jones. Pt. n : A History of the College of California, by S. H. Willey, D. D. (99O CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A History of the College of California. By Samuel Hopkins Willey, D. D. San Francisco : S. Carson & Co., 1887. 8vo, pp. (5), 432. Reprinted from Papers of the California Historical Society, Vol. i, pt. 2. (991 CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Identification of Sir Francis Drake s Anchor age on the coast of California in the year 1579. By Prof. George Davidson, Ph. D. California Historical Society publication. Read before the Society March 12, 1889. San Francisco, 1890. 8vo, pp. 58. Fifteen folded plates. (992 CALIFORNIA HISTORIC-GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. San Francisco, Col. Founded 1898 as California Genealogical Society ; present name afterwards adopted. CALIFORNIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The California Register. Vol. i, No. 1. April, 1900. San Francisco, 1900. 8vo, pp. 32. Contents : Chart The Bay State and the Old Dominion, some allied families, by Mrs. Selden S. Wright ; Holmes family of Rhode Island and New Jersey, by Hulda H. B. Brown; Some of the Hughes family, by May Stansbury Mansfield; Pearl family, by Zoeth S. Eldredge : Thomas Pope of Plymouth, and his descendants, by O^erton C. Pope; Peet family, by Janett R. Dorr. (993 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. 147 CALIFORNIA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Spanish archives of -California. Paper read before the Society, July 13, 1901. By Zoeth S. Eldredge. San Fran cisco, 1901. [Publication n.] (994 CALIFORNIA HISTORIC-GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Publication No. in. San Fran cisco, 1902. 8vo, pp. 86. Contents : Edward Stephens Clark, by William E. Loy ; The Spanish press of California (1833-1844), by Robert E. Cowan; The Boston Nation, by Zoeth S. Eldredge ; The utility of a pedigree, by Stephen S. Ilerrick ; Meles of Hawaii, by H. B. Phillips ; A California pioneer, Jose Francisco de Ortega", by Zoeth S. Elduedge; Thomas Pope of Plymouth and his descendants, by Overton Choules Pope; Notes on the Millikan family, by Millard F. Hudson ; -A few of the descendants of John Wilgus, by Edgar Hobart ; Geo. Hull and some of his descendants, by Clinton T. Hull ; Contributions to the library ; Index of persons. (095 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. San Francisco, Cat. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Transactions and Proceedings. Vols. i-m. San Francisco, 1881-1892. 8vo, 3 vols. (996 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. The magnetic pole. By Th. E. Slevin. Read before the Geographical society of the Pacific, Dec. 20th, 1881. San Francisco, 1882. 8vo, pp. 12, [4]. Diagr. (997 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. The Mexican calendar or solar stone: a lecture delivered before the Academy of Sciences and the Geographical Society of the Pacific . . . 19th and 27th of November, 1883. By Eusebius J. Molera. San Francisco, 1883. Svo, cover-title, pp. 15. Illus., fold. pi. (998 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Kosinos. Vol. i, Nos. 1-4. San Fran cisco, 1887. 8vo. Discontinued. (999 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Publications. The Discovery of Huni- boldt Bay, California. By George Davidson. San Francisco, 1891. 8vo, pp. 16. (1000 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles, Cal. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, Vol. i. (Annual publications of 1884-86- 87-88-89-90-91.) Published by the Society. Los Angeles, Cal. dooi HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Constitution, Standing Rules, and List of Officers and Members, with the inaugural address of the president [J. J. Warner]. Hartford, Conn., 1884. 8vo, pp. 18. Publications, Vol. i, No. 1. (1OO2 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles, January, 1880. [Annual Publication, Vol. i, No. 2.] 8vo, pp. 43. Contents : Officers ; Remarks of President Mansfield ; Inaugural address of President Kinley ; California in the eighteenth century, by J. Adam ; The glacial period, by Ira More ; Trap-door spiders, by Miss Monks ; North Ameri can lakes, by Isaac Kinley. (10O3 148 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Historical Society of Southern California. Los Angeles, 1887. [Constitution and Papers.] San Fran cisco, 1888. 8vo, pp. 54 (1). Contents : Constitution and By-Laws ; Organization ; President More s Ad dress ; Rain, Hail, and Snow, by Henry D. Barrows ; Estivation of Californian mason spiders, by Sarah I . Monks ; Some Wonders of Idaho, by E. W. Jones ; A Sketch of some of the Earliest Kentucky Pioneers of Los Angeles, by Stephen C. Foster ; A brief Bibliographical Sketch of the " Recopilacion de Indias," or Spanish India Code, and other collections of Spanish laws relating to the Indies, compiled during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, by George Butler Griffin ; Reminiscences : My First procession in Los Angeles, March 16, 1847, by Stephen C. Foster ; Curator s report. Forms Publications, Vol. i, Part 3. (1OO4 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication, 1888-89. [Vol. i, Part 4.] Los Angeles, Cal., 1889. 8vo, pp. 54 (1). Contents: Presidents and years of service; Officers [etc.], 1889; Deceased members ; Retiring address of ex-President II. D. Barrows, January 14, 1889 ; Inaugural address of President E. W. Jones, February 4, 1889 ; A Letter of Sebastian Viscaino, by George Butler Griffin ; An Historical Sketch of the Movement for a Political Separation of the two Californias, Northern and South ern, under both the Spanish and American regimes, by Dr. J. P. Widney ; His tory of the Movements for the Division of Los Angeles County, by Prof. J. M. Guinn ; The United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Magnetic Observatory at Los Angeles, Cal., by Prof. R. E. Ilolter ; Comparison of Rain Gauges in Los Angeles, by Sergt. George E. Franklin ; An Historical Sketch of T. J. F. Jaeger, by B. A. Stephens ; What a member of the Society saw in Egypt, Alexandrian Antiquities, the Pyramids, the Canal, etc., by Jose Adam ; Some Observations on the words " Cachupin " and " Criollo," by George Butler Griffin ; Officers reports for 1888. (1OO5 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. [Publications of the] Historical Society of Southern California, 1890. [Vol. i, Part 5.] Los Angeles, 1890. 8vo, pp. 51. Contents : Officers and Committees ; Addresses of President ; The Story of St. Vedalia, by Albert F. Kercheval ; The Great Real Estate Boom of 1887, by J. M. Guinn ; History of the Catholic Church in Los Angeles County, by Jose Adam ; From St. Louis to San Francisco in 1850, by J. E. Clark ; Excep tional Years, by J. M. Guinn ; The twin Relics of Barbarism, by J. A. Wills ; Reports on Meteorology, by J. M. Guinn ; Reports. (1O06 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Animal Publication, 1891. [Vol. i, Part 0.] Los Angeles, 1891. 8vo, pp. 45. Contents : Officers, committees, members ; Address of retiring president, J. M. Guinn ; Inaugural address of President George Butler Griffin ; Annual reports of officers and committees. (1OO7 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Publications. Vol. 11, Part 1. Documents from the Sutro collection. Translated, annotated, and edited by George Butler Griffin, president of the Society. Printed for the Society. Los Angeles, 1891. 8vo, pp. iv, 213. Contents : Letters of Fray Andres de Aguirre, giving an account of some rich islands inhabited by civilized people, discovered by a Portuguese trader in 1584-85. Vol. n, Part 2, never issued. (1OO8 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California. Vol. HI. (Annual Publications of 1893- 94-95-96.) Published by the Society. Los Angeles, Cal. (looo HTSTOKICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 149 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication. [Vol. HI, Parti. I 1893. Los Angeles, 1893. 8vo, pp. 88. Contents : Inaugural address of E. W. Jones, president ; Early Gold Discover ies in Southern California, by J. M. Guinn ; Historical Notes of Old Landmarks, by W. F. Edgar; The Los Angeles River, its History and Ownership, by C. P. Dorland ; The Destruction of the Catholic Mission on the Colorado, by Rev. J. Adam ; Life to-day in the Pala Mission Station, by Frank J. Polley ; Siege and Capture of Los Angeles, September, 1846, by J. M. Guinn ; Reminiscences of Los Angeles in the 50s and early 60s, by H. D. Barrows ; Los Angeles in the later 60s and early 70s, by J. M. Guinn ; Recollections of Los Angeles, 1875 to 1885, by John Mansfield ; Leaves from the History of the last Decade, 1880 to 1890, by Edwin Baxter; Pasadena, the Crown of the Valley, by J. C. Carr. (1O1O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication, 1904. [Vol. in, Part 2.] Los Angeles, 1894. 8vo, pp. 87. Contents : Inaugural address of President C. P. Dorland ; Conchological researches in San Pedro Bay and vicinity, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; Cali fornia fifty years ago, by J. M. Guinn ; Chinese massacre at Los Angeles in 1871, by C. I . Dorland ; The Owens valley earthquake of 1872, by C. Mulhol- land ; California in the thirties, by II. D. Barrows ; Recollections of the old court house and its buildings, by H . D. Barrows ; Americans at the battle of Cahuenga, by Frank J. Polley ; Pio Pico, a biographical sketch of the last Mexican governor of Alta California, by Henry D. Barrows ; Historical debris, by J. M. Guinn ; Overland to Los Angeles, by the Salt Lake route in 1849, by Walter Van Dyke. (1O11 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication. [Vol. HI. Part 3.] 1895. Los Angeles. 1895. 8vo, pp. 62. Contents : Officers of the Society, 1895-96 ; Inaugural address of President Edwin Baxter ; Origin of the Society, by N. Levering ; Recollections of Capt. Alex. Bell and the Bell Block, by H. D. Barrows ; A history of University Town, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; Memorial sketch of Col J. J. Warner, by H. D. Barrows ; From Arizona to California in the early 70 s, by P. W. Dooner ; Ship building at San Gabriel, by F. J. Polley ; The plan of old Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; The recent origin of man, by Stephen Bowers ; Date of the first discovery of gold in California, by I. L. Given ; Report of the Publication Committee ; Report of the Secretary ; Report of the Treasurer ; Report of the Curator. (1O12 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication, 1896. [Vol. HI, Part 4.] Los Angeles, 1897. (Imprint on cover reads 1896, that on title-page, 1897.) 8vo, pp. 77. Contents : Officers of the Society, 1896-97 ; Inaugural address of President Frank J. Polley ; Old time schools and schoolmasters of Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; Governor Caspar de Portola, by H. D. Barrows ; Michael White, the pioneer, by H. D. Barrows ; Renegade Indians of San Gabriel, by Frank J. Polley ; Don Antonio Maria Lugo ; A defense of the missionary establishments of Alta California, by J. Adams ; A two thousand mile stage ride, by H. D. Barrows ; Capt. Jedediah S. Smith, the pathfinder of the Sierras, by J. M. Guinn ; Memorial sketch of General John Mansfield, by H. D. Barrows ; Value of a historical society, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; Historic houses of Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; Capture of Monterey, October 19, 1842, by J. M. Guinn; Report of the Publication Committee; Report of officers. (1O13 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California. Vol. iv. (Annual Publications of 1897- 98-99.) Published by the Society. Los Angeles, Cal. (1014 150 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the So ciety and Pioneer Register. 1807. Vol. iv. Part i. Los Angeles, 1898. 8vo, pp. 90. Contents : Officers of the Society, 1897-08 ; Inaugural address of President J. D. Moody ; A pioneer of Sacramento Valley, John Reid Wolfskill, by H. D. Barrows ; Early postal service of California, by J. M. Guinn ; Dr. William P. Edgar, by II. D. Barrows ; Echoes from the American revolution, by J. D. Moody ; The old Pueblo archives, by J. M. Guinn ; Don David W. Alexander, by H. D. Barrows ; Los Angeles in the adobe age, by J. M. Guinn ; Two notable pioneers, J. J. Ayers and Geo. Hansen, by H. D. Barrows ; Isla de Los Muertos, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; The foundering of the steamship Central America, by H. D. Barrows ; Pioneer school superintendents of Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; Reports. Pioneer Register : Officers of the " Pioneers of Los Angeles County ;" Historical sketch of the organization ; Constitution ; By-Laws ; Members. (1O15 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the So ciety and Pioneer Register. Los Angeles, 1898. Vol. iv, Part n. Los Angeles, 1899. 8vo, pp. [101]-189, (1). Portrait. Contents : Fifteen years of local history, by J. M. Guinn ; Hugo Reid and his Indian wife, by Laura Evertsen King; The story of a native Californian, by H. D. Barrows ; Pacific coast discoveries, by Albert E. Yerex ; Some famous gold rushes, by J. M. Guinn ; Notes on, the Mission San Gabriel, by J. Adam ; Some African folk lore, by J. D. Moody ; Capitan and Tin-Tin, types of Mission Indians, by Laura Evertsen King ; Old Fort Moore, by J. M. Guinn ; Pioneer schools and their teachers, by Laura Evertsen King ; Gov. Felipe de Nere, by H. D. Barrows ; Rare old books in the bishop s library, by J. Adam ; How a woman s wit saved California, by J. D. Moody ; El Estado Libre de Alta Cali fornia, by J. M. Guinn ; Committtee reports. * Pioneer Register : Officers and committees, 1898-99 ; Ex-Mayor John G. Nichols, by H. D. Barrows ; Stephen C. Foster, by H. D. Barrows ; John Strother Griffin, by H. D. Barrows ; Henry C. Wiley, by J. F. Burns ; Horace Hiller, by II. D. Barrows ; William Blackstone Abernethy ; Members, elected since Feb. 1, 1888. (1O16 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the So ciety and Pioneer Register, 1899. Vol. iv, Part HI. Los Angeles, 1900. 8vo, pp. 197-292. Contents : Officers of the Historical Society, 1899-1900 ; Abel Stearns, by H. D. Barrows ; A visit to the Grand Canyon, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; Muy Ilustre Ayuntamiento, by J. M. Guinn ; Don Ygnacio Del Valle, by H. D. Bar rows ; Early club life in Los Angeles, by Jane E. Collier ; In the old Pueblo days, by J. M. Guinn ; The Pius Fund, by Rev. Father Adam ; Alfred Robin son, by H. D. Barrows ; Value of a historical society, by Walter It. Bacon ; Juan Bandini, by II. D. Barrows ; The story of a plaza, by J. M. Guinn ; Early gov ernors of Alta California, by H. D. Barrows ; Battle of Dominguez ranch, by J. M. Guinn ; Reports of officers. Pioneer Register : Officers and committees, 1899-1900 ; Constitution and by-laws ; Biographical sketches ; Membership roll. (1O17 HISTORICAL SOCIETY or SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and of the-Pioneers of Los Angeles County. Vol. v. (Annual Publications of 1900-1901-1902.) Published by the So ciety. Los Angeles, Cal. (ioi7a HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the So ciety and Pioneer Register. 1900. Vol. v. Part i. Los Angeles, 1901. Svo, pp. 98. Portraits. Contents : Officers of the Historical Society, 1900-1901 ; The stores of Los Angeles in 1850, by Laura Evertsen King ; Some aboriginal alphabets a study, pts. 1 and 2, by J. D. Moody ; To California via Panama in the early 60s, by J. M. Guinn ; Olden time holiday festivities, by W. H. Workman ; Mexican governors of California, by H. D. Barrows ; Fifty years of California politics, by Walter R. Bacon ; Side lights on old Los Angeles, by Mary E. Mooney; Los Angeles postmasters, (1850 to 1900), by H. D. Barrows; Historic seaports of Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; La Estrella, the pkmeer newspaper of Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; Don Antonio F. Coronel, by H. D. Barrows ; HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. 151 Reports. Pioneer Register of the Society of Pioneers of Los Angeles county : Officers and committees, 1900-1901; Constitution and by-laws; Biographical sketches. (1018 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the So ciety and Pioneer Register, 1901. Vol. v. Part ir. Los Angeles, Cal., 1002. 8vo, pp. [101]-214. Plate. Contents : Historical Society Papers Officers of the Historical Society, 1901- 1902 ; Pioneer physicians of Los Angeles, by II. D. Barrows ; The old Round House, by George W. Hazard ; Passing of the old Pueblo, by J. M. Guinn ; Marine biological laboratory at San Pedro, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; Early clericals of Los Angeles, by II. I). Barrows ; The original Father Junipero, by F. J. Polley ; Camel caravans of the American deserts, by J. M. Guinn ; Dilatory settlement of California, by Walter R. Bacon. Pioneer Register : Offi cers and committees of the Society of Pioneers of Los Angeles County ; Consti tution and by-laws ; Inaugural address of President II. D. Barrows ; The Pony Express, by J. M. Guinn ; Overland to California in 1850, by J. M. Stewart ; Early days in Washoe, by Alfred James; Biographical sketches; Membership roll. (1O19 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual publication of the His torical Society of Southern California and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County, 1902. Part in. Vol. v. Los Angeles, 1903. 8vo, pp. [211]-318. Contents : Historical Society Papers Officers of the Historical Society, 1902- 1903 ; Early art in California, by W. L. .Tudson ; Poetry of the Argonauts, by J. M. Guinn ; Ethical value of social organizations, by Mrs. M. Burton William son ; Some medicinal and edible plants of southern California, by Laura Evert- sen King ; Andrew A. Boyle, by H. D. Barrows ; El Caiion Perdido, by J. M. Guinn ; Some old letters : Dr. John Marsh to Don Abel Stearns, 1837 ; Hon. Stephen C. Foster to Gen. B. Riley, 1849. The Palomares family of California, by H. D. Barrows ; Sister Scholastica, by Wm. II. Workman. Pioneer Society Papers Officers and committees of the Society of Pioneers of Los Angeles County ; Constitution and by-laws ; My first procession in Los Angeles, March 16, 1847, by Stephen C. Foster ; Some eccentric characters of early Los Angeles, by J. M. Guinn ; Angel pioneers, by Jesse Yarnell ; Trip to California via Nicaragua, by J. M. Stewart ; Wm. Wolfskin, the pioneer, by H. D. Barrows ; Pioneer ads and advertisers, by J. M. Guinn ; Biographical sketches of deceased pioneers. (1O2O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the So ciety and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County, 1903. Vol. vi, Part i. Los Angeles, Cal., 1904. 8vo, pp. 105. Portrait. Plates. Contents : Officers of the Society ; A flag staff and flag for Fort Moore ; Fort Moore, by J. M. Guinn ; Captain Benjamin Daviess Moore, by M. J. Moore ; Histcry of Santa Catalina Island, by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson ; Governors of California, by II. D. Barrows ; The renunciation of Chona, by Laura Evertsen King; Two decades of local history, by J. M. Guinn; Letter from Col. John C. Fremont to the Secretary of War, 1847 ; Yuma Indian depredations and the Glanton War, by J. M. Guinn ; Depredations by the Yumas : Declarations taken in relation to the massacre of Dr. Lincoln and his party on the Colorado river deposition of William Carr ; Origin of the trouble between the Yumas and Glanton deposition of Jeremiah Hill. Pioneers of Los Angeles county : Officers of the Society ; Constitution and by-laws ; " In the days of 49," by J. M. Guinn ; An exciting episode of the early 60s, by H. D. Barrows ; Los Angeles pioneers of 1836, by Stephen C. Foster ; The myth of Gold Lake, by J. M. Guinn; Biographical sketches of deceased pioneers; Roll of members. (1O21 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Annual Publication of the His torical Society of California and of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County, 1904. Vol. vi, Part n. Los Angeles, Cal., 1905. 8vo, pp. [105]-197. Portraits. Contents : Historical Society Papers In memory of Marcus Baker, by Robt. E. C. Stearns ; Down in Panama, by J. M. Guinn ; Sequoyah, J. P. Moody ; A notable manifesto, by H. D. Barrows ; Pinacate, by Laura Evertsen King ; 152 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Pioneer Society Papers : Officers of the Pioneers of Los Angeles County, 1904-1905 ; Constitution and by-laws ; Reports ; Los Angeles the old and the new, by L. T. Fisher ; Some historic fads and fakes, by .7. M. Guinn ; Some of my Indian experiences, by J. W. Gillette ; Rain and rainmakers, by J. M. Guinn ; Biographical sketches of deceased pioneers; Roll of members. (1O22 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. The Warm and Cold Ages of the Earth in the Northern Latitudes. By J. J. Warner. Read before the Society, May, 1884. Hartford, Conn., 1884. 8vo, pp. 16. (1O23 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. In memory of Marcus Baker. By Robt. E. C. Stearns. From the Annual Report of the Society for 1904. N. p. ; n. d. 8vo, pp. 4. Portrait. (1O24 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. San Francisco, Cal. SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and By-Laws of the Society of California Pioneers. San Francisco, 1850. 16mo, pp. 10. (1O25 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Admission of California into the Union, September 9, 1853. Oration by W. Van Voorhies. San Francisco, 1853. 8vo, pp. 13. (1O26 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, organized August, 1850. Constitution revised, July, 1853. San Francisco, 1853. 8vo, pp. 12. (1O27 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Admission of California into the Union, 1854. Oration by E. J. C. Kewen ; Poem by F. Soule. San Francisco, 1854. 8vo, pp. 24. (1O28 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. The Annals of San Francisco, containing a gurnmary history of the first discovery, settlement, progress, and present condition of California. By Frank Soule, J. H. Gihon, and J. Nisbet. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 824. Folded map. Dedicated to the Society of California Pioneers. (1O29 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Oration delivered before the Society at the Fifth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union. By George P. Johnson. Ode by Edmund Pillet. September 10, 1855. 8vo, pp. 16, (2). (1O3O SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Oration delivered before the Society at their celebration of the Seventh Anniversary of the Admission of the State of California into the Union, by T. W. Freelon. Ode by Edward Pollock. September 9, 1857. San Francisco, 1857. 8vo, pp. (2), 24. (1O31 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Oration delivered before the Society at their celebration of the Eighth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union. By Fred. P. Tracy. Poem by Edward Pollock. September 9, 1858. San Francisco, 1859. 8vo, pp. 15. (1O32 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Oration delivered before the Society at their celebration of the Ninth Anniversary of the Admission of California into SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. 153 the Union. By Willard B. Farwell. Poeni by John R. Ridge. September 9, 1859. San Francisco, 1859. 8vo, pp. 20. (1O33 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Address on the History of California, from the discovery of the country co the year 3849, delivered before the Society at their celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union. By Edmund Randolph. San Francisco, 1860. Svo, pp. 72. Two maps. (1O34 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, as revised and adopted June, 1858 [with list of members]. San Francisco. 1861. Svo, pp. 35. (1035 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Ceremonies at the laying of the corner stone of the new Pioneer Hall, July 7, 1862. Oration by Willard B. Farwell. Poem by Miss Eliza A. Pittsinger. [Address delivered before the Society at their celebration of the Twelfth Anniversary of .the Admission of Cali fornia into the Union, September 9, 1862, by E. II. Washburn, with the Slitter resolutions.] San Francisco, 1862. 8vo, pp. 26, (1). The bracketed portion is comprised in pages 17-26. (1O36 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Inaugural Ceremonies at the Opening of the new Pioneer Hall, January 8, 1863. Inaugural address by O. P. Sutton ; oration by E. Lies. San Francisco, 1863. Svo, pp. 27. (1037 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Transaction of the Society of California Pioneers, January 1 to May 7, 1863. Part i, Vol. n. San Francisco, 1863. Svo, pp. 101. Contents : Officers ; Constitution ; By-Laws ; Members ; Inauguration of the new Hall, January 8, 1863 ; Inauguration address by O. J. Sutton ; Oration by Eugene Lies ; Transactions. (1O38 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Fourteenth Anniversary of the Society. Ora tion by Rev. Henry W. Bellows. Poem by Frank Bret Harte. Sail Fran cisco, 1864. Svo. pp. 31. (1O39 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Fifteenth Anniversary of the Society. Ora tion by Horatio Stebbins. Poem by James F. Bowman. San Francisco, 1865. Svo, pp. 16. (1040 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA. PIONEERS. Annual Report of President P. B. Cornwall, for 1865-66. San Francisco, 1866. Svo, pp. 4. (1041 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and By-Laws, as revised and adopted October, 1866, with list of members. San Francisco, 1866. Svo, pp. 77. (1043 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Sixteenth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union. Oration by J. W. Dwinelle. San Francisco, 1866. Svo, pp. 34. (1043 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Seventeenth Anniversary of the Corporate Society of California Pioneers. Oration by William H. Clark. Poem by Charles Warren Stoddard. San Francisco, 1867. Svo, pp. 23. < 1044 154 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Eighteenth Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by E. D. Wheeler. Poem by Ira D. Colbrith. San Fran cisco, 1868. Svo, pp. 20. (1O45 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and By-Daws, as revised and adopted April, 1869. With list of members. San Francisco, 1869. ll>mo, pp. 79. (1O46 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Nineteenth Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by John S. Hittell. San Francisco, 1869. 8vo, pp. 21. (1O47 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Report of the Committee of the Board of Directors on the state of the Society, January 1, 1861. San Francisco, 1869. 8vo, pp. 15. (1048 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twentieth Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by Dansing B. Mizner. Poem by Thomas G. Spear. San Francisco, 1870. 8vo, pp. 25. (1O49 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-first Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by E. W. McKinstry. Poem by William H. Rhodes. San Francisco, 1871. Svo, pp. 27. (1O5O SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-second Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by John Quincy Adams. Poem by Charles H. Chamber lain. San Francisco, 1872. 8vo, pp. 31. (1O51 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-third Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by Joseph W. Winans. Poem by J. C. Severance. San Francisco, 1873. Svo, pp. 31. (1052 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution, By-Laws, and List of Mem bers since its organization, as revised August, 1874. San Francisco, 1874. 12mo, pp. 115. (1O53 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-fourth Anniversary of the Cor porate Society. Oration by J. D. B. Stillman. Poem by Mrs. James Neall. San Francisco, 1874. 8 vo, pp. 47. Pages 35-44 contain " List of passenger arrivals at the port of San Fran cisco for 1849." (1O54 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by Oliver M. Wozencraft. Poem by Edwin Ruthven Campbell. San Francisco, 1875. 8vo, pp. 20. (1O55 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-sixth Anniversary of the Corporate Society. Oration by W T illiam J. Shaw. Poem by Frank Soule. Address by George T. Bromley. San Francisco, 1876. 8vo, pp. 34. (1056 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Twenty-seventh Anni versary of the Admission of California into the Union by the Society at San Jose, September 8, 1877. San Francisco, 1877. Svo, pp. 23. Oration by Lawrence Archer. Poem by Anne Fitzgerald. (1O57 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. 155 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Report of the Committee of the Board of Directors on the financial condition of the Society, March 1, 1878. San Francisco, 1878. 8vo, pp. 32. (1O58 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twenty-eighth Anniversary of the Corporate. Society. Oration by Charles E. Travers. Poem by Daniel O Connell. San Francisco, 1878. 8vo, pp. 22. (1O59 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution, By-Laws, and List of Members since its organization, as revised May, 1881. Organized August, 1850. San Francisco, 1881. 12mo, pp. 91. (1O6O SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Oration at the Thirty-first Anniversary of the Society, by Augustus C. Taylor. San Francisco, 1881. 12mo, pp. 13. (1O61 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Thirty-second Anniversary of the Society. Oration by Alfred Wheeler. Poem by Miss Grace A. Welsh. Pastoral by Dr. Washington Ayer. San Francisco, 1882. 8vo, pp. 34. (1O62 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Thirty-third Anniversary of the Society. [September 10, 1883.] Prayer by Rev. J. A. Benton. Letter of General Sherman. Oration by S. W. Holladay. Poem by Wash ington Ayer, M. D. Officers of the Society. Names of Members of the Con stitutional Convention of 1849. San Francisco, 188,3. 8vo, pp. 25. (1063 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Poem by Washington Ayer, M. D., delivered at the Thirty-third Anniversary of the Society, celebrated at Monterey, September 10, 1883. [San Francisco, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 19. Illustrated. (1O64 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Report of the Special Committee on proposed improvements of the Society s lot on Fourth street. Presented January 7, 1884. San Francisco, 1884. 8vo, pp. 14. (1065 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Thirty-fourth Anniversary of the Society. Procession and commemorative ceremonies upon the occasion of laying the corner stone of the new Pioneer Hall, September 9, 1884. San Francisco, 1884. 8vo, pp. 58. (1066 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Corporate Society, September 9, 1885. Prayer by Rev. Albert Wil liams. Introductory by John Nightingale, president. Address by John S. Hittell. Poem by H. B. Livingston. San Francisco, 1885. 8vo, pp. 42. (1067 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and By-Laws. Organized Au gust, 1850. Incorporated January 21, 1863. Reincorporated February 19, 1884. San Francisco, 1885. 32mo, pp. 34 (1). ; (1O68 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Anniver saries of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Corporate Society of California Pioneers, September 9, 1886, and September 9, 1887. Order of exercises, September 9, 1887 : Prayer by Rev. Joseph A. Benton ; 156 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. poem by Col. G. Douglas Brewerton ; oration by Hon. Thomas H. Laine. Published by order of the Society. [San Francisco], 1887. 8vo, pp. 49. Title on cover : Celebrations of the Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh Anniver saries of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, held at Saucelito, Marin County, September 9, 1886, and at Camp Taylor, Marin County, September 9, 1887. (1O69 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Thirty-eighth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, September 9, 1850, by the Corporate Society of California Pioneers, September 10, 1888. Order of exercises: Opening address by A. M. Ebbets, president; oration by Robert H. Taylor; poem by Rev. Joseph A. Benton. [San Francisco], 1888. 8vo, pp. 30. (1O7O SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution, By-Laws, and List of Members of the Society since its organization, as revised June, 1888. Organized August, 1850. San Francisco, 1888. 12mo, pp. 158. Frontispiece. (1O71 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration of the Thirty-ninth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, September 9, 1850, by the Corporate Society of California Pioneers, Monday, September 9, 1889. Order of exercises : Oration by Maj. E. A. Sherman ; poe"m by Rev. C. L. Miel. [San Francisco], 1889. 8vo, pp. 28. (1O72 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-second anniversary of the admission of California into the Union by the Corporate Society of California Pioneers, September 9, 1892. Order of exercises : prayer by Rev. John Gray ; oration by John S. Hittell ; poem by Washington Ayer. San Francisco, 1892. Svo, pp. 15. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-second Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union by the Society of California Pioneers, held at El Campo, Marin County, September 9, 1892. (1O73 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-third Anniversary of the Society of California Pioneers, September 9, 1893. * * * Order of exercises : Ad dress by the President, C. V. S. Gibbs ; prayer by Rev. S. H. Willey ; ora tion by Niles Searles ; poem by Frank Soule. Published by order of the Society, 1893. Svo, pp. 19. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-third Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union by the Society of California Pioneers, held at El Campo, Marin County, September 9, 1898. San Francisco, 1893. (1O74 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-fourth Anniversary of the Society of California Pioneers, September 30, 1894. * * * Order of exercises: Ad dress by the President, Christian Reis ; Chairman of literary exercises, C. J. King; prayer by Rev. S. H. Willey; oration by W. H. L. Barnes; poem by Joaquin Miller. 1894. 8vo, pp. 18. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-fourth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, held at Pioneer Hall, September 10, 1894. (1O75 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Society of California Pioneers, September 9, 1895. . . . Order of exercises: Address by the President, H. N. Tilden ; Chairman of literary exercises, C. J. King ; Prayer by S. H. Willey ; Oration by H. E. Highton ; Poem by Washington Ayer. Published by order of the Society. 1895. Svo, pp. 24. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, held at Pioneer Hall, September 9, 1895. (1OTO SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. 157 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-sixth Anniversary of the Society of California Pioneers, September 9, 1896. . . . Order of exercises: Introduc tion by the President, Elliot M. Root ; Prayer by Rev. S. II. Willey ; Oration by Samuel M. Shortridge; Poem by C. D. Cleveland. Published by order of the Society. 1896. 8vo, pp. 15. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-sixth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, held at El Campo, Marin County, September 9th, 1896. (1O77 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-seventh Anniversary of the Society of California Pioneers, September 9th, 1897. . . . Order of exercises : In troduction by the President, John H. Jewett ; Prayer by Rev. S. H. Willey ; Oration by N. P. Chipman ; Poem by Washington Ayer. Published by order of the Society. 1897. 8vo, pp. 31. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-seventh Anniversary of the Admis sion of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, held at El Campo, Marin County, September 9th, 1897. (1O78 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Forty-eighth Anniversary Celebration by the Society of California Pioneers, September 9, 1898. . . . Order of exer cises : Introduction by the President, Aylett R. Cotton ; Prayer by Rev. S. II. Willey ; Oration by Frank Soule. Published by order of the Society. 1898. 8vo, pp. 17. Title on cover : Celebration of the Forty-eighth Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, held at El Campo, Marin County, September 9, 1898. (1O7O SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Celebration by the Society of California Pioneers held at Pioneer Hall, Saturday, September 8th, 1900, and the Society s further participation in the ceremonies of the 10th and llth of September following held under the auspices of the Native Sons of the Golden West in commemoration of the semi-centennial anniversary of the admission of California into the Union, September 9th, 1850. San Fran cisco, 1900. 8vo, pp. 24. (1080 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Fifty-first anniversary of the Society of Cali fornia Pioneers, September 9, 1901. Published by order of the Society. 1901. 8vo, pp. 15. Title on cover : Celebration of the Fifty-first Anniversary of the Admission of California into the Union, by the Society of California Pioneers, at Pioneer Hall, Monday, September 9th, 1901. (1O81 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Annual report of the Board of Directors. San Francisco, July 1st, 1892. 8vo, pp. 19. (182 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Annual report of the officers of the Society. San Francisco, July 1st, 1893. 8vo, pp. 26. (183 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution, by-laws, and annual report of the officers of the Society. San Francisco, July 1st, 1894. 8vo, pp. 26, 23. (1084 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Annual report of the officers. San Francisco, July 1st, 1895. 8vo, pp. 19. Same. July 1st, 1896. 8vo, pp. 22. Same. July 1st, 1897. 8vo, pp. 22. Same. July 1st, 1898. 8vo, pp. 23. Same. July 1st, 1899. 8vo, pp. 21. 158 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Same. July 1st, 1900. 8vo, pp. 21. Same. July 1st, 1901. 8vo, pp. 24. Same. July 1st, 1902. 8vo, pp. 22. Same. July 1st, 1903. 8vo, pp. 21. Same. July 1st, 1904. 8vo, pp. 20. Same. July 1st, 1905. 8vo, pp. 20. (1O85 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. The pioneers of 49. A history of the excur sion of the Society of California pioneers of New England, from Boston to the leading cities of the golden State, April 10-May 17, 1890. With remi niscences and descriptions by Nicholas Ball. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. xv, 288. Front., illus., pi., port. (1O86 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Marshall s gold discovery; a lecture (the fourth of the sixth annual course of Lick lectures) by John S. Hittell, delivered before the Society of California Pioneers . . . San Francisco, on the 24th of Jan., 1893, the 45th anniversary of the discovery. San Fran cisco. 1893. 8vo, pp. 20. (1087 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Constitution and by-laws of the Society of California Pioneers, as revised June, 1894. Organized August, 1850. San Francisco, 1894. 8vo, pp. 2(i. [With its Annual report. San Francisco, 1894.] (1O88 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. George Bancroft and his service to Cali fornia. By T. H. Hittell. 1893. (1O89 SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Proceedings in reference to the histories of II. II. Bancroft. San Francisco, 1894. 8vo. (1O9O THE SOCIETY OF CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Report of the historical committee, made at the regular monthly meeting, April 1st, 1901. Refuting certain slanderous and false statements made from time to time against the pioneer men and women of California by preachers of several religious denominations. San Francisco. 1901. 8vo, pp. 20. (1O91 SOCIETY OF FIRST STEAMSHIP PIONEERS. San Francisco, Cal. SOCIETY OF FIRST STEAMSHIP PIONEERS . . . Festival in celebration of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Arrival of the Steamer California at San Francisco, February 28, 1849, given by the Society, February 28, 1874. San Francisco, 1874. (1092 SOCIETY OF FIRST STEAMSHIP PIONEERS. First Steamship Pioneers. Edited by a committee of the Association. San Francisco, 1874. 4to, pp. viii, 393. Biographical sketches with photographs. (1O93 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Berkeley, Cal. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS. American archaeology and ethnology. Volume i, with 30 plates and maps. Frederic Ward Putnam, editor. Berkeley, 1903-1904. 4to, pp. 378. Vol. i. No. 1. Life and culture of the Hupa, by Pliny Earle Goddard. Sep tember, 1903. pp. 88. Plates. No. 2. Hupa texts, by Pliny Earle Goddard. March, 1904. pp. 89-368. Index. (1094 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 159 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATIONS. American archaeology and ethnology. A ol. ir, No. 1. The exploration of the Potter Creek Cave. By William T. Sin clair. April, 1904. pp. 27. Plates. No. 2. The languages of the coast of California south of San Francisco. By A. L. Kroeber. June, 1904. pp. 72. No. 3. Types of Indian Culture in California. By A. L. Kroeber. June, 1904. pp. 22. No. 4. Basket designs of the Indians of northwestern California. By A. L. Kroeber. January, 1905. pp. 60. Plates. Vol. in. The morphology of the Hupa language. By Pliny Earle Goddard. (In Press.) (1095 STATE HISTORICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF COLORADO. Denver, Colo. STATE HISTORICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF COLORADO. Report of the State Historical and Natural History Society of Colorado, with Articles of Incorporation and a list of its property, January, 1889. Denver, 1889. 8vo, pp. 19. (1O9O STATE HISTORICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF COLORADO. The history, constitution, and by-laws of the Department of natural history of the State Historical and Natural History Society. Denver, Colorado, 1897. 8vo, pp. 16. (1O97 STATE HISTORICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF COLORADO. Biennial report, 1902-1904. Denver, Colorado, 1905. 8vo, pp. 17. (1O98 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hartford, Conn. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of Incorporation and the Constitution of the Society, with an address to the public. Hartford, 1825. 8vo, pp. 14 (1). (1O99 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Charter of Incorporation and By-Laws, together with a list of officers, and an address to the public. Hartford, 1839. 8vo, p. (1) (11OO CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anni versary of the Adoption of the First Constitution of Connecticut, April 21, 1840, under the direction of a committee of the Society. "Thomas, E. S., Reminiscences," Vol. 11, pp. 263-294. Hartford, 1840. (11O1 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the Society. By Henry Bar nard. American Quarterly Register, Vol. xm, pp. 284-292. Boston, 1841. (11O2 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Notices of Connecticut ; published under the auspices of the Connecticut Historical Society. Nos. 1, 2. Hart ford, 1842. Two pamphlets. 12mo. No. 1. Hartford in 1640, by William S. Porter, pp. 12. No. 2. Hartford and West Hartford, by William S. Porter, pp. 13-48. (11O3 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the early Constitutional His tory of Connecticut, before the Society, May 17, 1843. By Leonard Bacon. Hartford, 1843. Svo, pp. 24. (11O4 160 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Discourse before the Society and the Citizens of Hartford on the 20th of December, 1843. By Thomas Day. Hartford, 1841. 8vo, pp. 36. (11O5 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Correspondence and Miscellanies of the Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL. D., formerly Governor of Connecticut. With an eulogy pronounced before the Connecticut Historical Society, at New Haven, May 27, 1846. By William W. Andrews. New York, 1847. 12mo, pp. 328. The eulogy occupies pp. 14-54. The work is dedicated to the Society. (11O6 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Indians of Connecticut from the earliest known period to 1850. By John W. De Forest. Published with the sanction of the Society. Hartford, 1851. 8vo, pp. xxvi, 509. Folded map. Reprinted in 1852 and 1853. Same. Albany, 1871, pp. xxvi, 509. Folded map. (11O7 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A letter from the Rev. Thomas Hooker, of Hartford, in answer to the complaints of Gov. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, against Connecticut. From the first volume of the Collections. Hartford, 1859. 8vo, pp. 18. (11O8 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. Yols. i, n. Hartford, 1860, 1870. 8vo, pp. (Vol. I) xii, (4), 332; (Vol. n) (4), 380. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Charters ; By-Laws ; List of officers, 1859-60 ; Rev. Thomas Hooker s letter to Governor Winthrop, 1638 ; Abstracts of two sermons, by T. Hooker, 1638-39 ; Trial of Ezekiel Cheever before New Haven Church, 1649 ; Letter from Governor Winthrop respecting the charter of Connecticut, 1662 ; The people s right to election, by G. Bulkeley, 1689 ; Their Majesties Colony of Connecticut vindicated, 1694 ; Roger Wolcott s journal at the siege of Louisbourg, 1745 ; Con necticut officers at Louisbourg ; Papers relating to the Ticonderoga expedition, 1775 ; Major French s journal, 1776 ; Col. D. Putnam s letter relative to the bat tle of Bunker Hill, 1825 ; The public seal of Connecticut, by C. J. Hoadly ; Cor respondence with the British Government, 17551758. Vol. n. Officers ; On the composition of Algonkin geographical names, by J. Hammond Trumbull ; Papers relating to the controversy in the church in Hart ford, 1656-1659 ; Correspondence of Silas Deane, Delegate to the Congress of Philadelphia, 1774-1776. (11OJ) CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol in. Hartford : Published for the Society, 1895. 8vo, pp. (8), 340. Contents : Officers, 1874 ; Preface ; Some helps for the Indians ; A catechism, by the Rev. Abraham Pierson, reprinted from the original edition, Cambridge, 1658, with an introduction, by J. Hammond Trumbull ; Will and Doom, or the miseries of Connecticut by and under an usurped and arbitrary power, written by Gershom Bulkeley, 1692, with an introduction and notes, by Charles J. Hoadly ; Extracts of letters to Rev. Thomas Prince, containing historical notices of sun dry towns [in Connecticut] ; A memoir for the history of Connecticut, by Roger Wolcott, 1759 ; Index. The third volume of the collections was prepared for publication in 1875, but a fire at the printer s, in April, 1875, destroyed the entire edition, with the excep tion of one hundred copies of Pierson s Helps, which had been separately printed and delivered, and one set of the sheets of Bulkeley s Will and Doom, which was in the editor s hands. The present issue is made up of the same material that the first was to have contained, with the addition of Wolcott s Memoir. The nates to Bulkeley s Will and Doom have undergone some changes in this edition. (111O CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 161 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. iv. Hartford, 1892. 8vo, pp. (4), xxxi, 9-417. Contents: The Talcott papers; Correspondence and documents (chiefly official) during Joseph Talcott s governorship of the colony of Connecticut, 1724-1741. Edited by Mary Kingsbury Talcott. Vol. i, 1724-1736: Sketch of Governor Talcott. Index. (1111 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. v. Hartford : Published by the Society, 1896. 8vo, pp. xiii, 517. Contents: The Talcott Papers; Correspondence and documents (chiefly offi cial) during Joseph Talcott s governorship of the colony of Connecticut 1724-41. Edited by Mary Kingsbury Talcott. Vol. u. 1737-41. A map of the Moheagan Sachems hereditary country ; Uncas genealogy. Index. NOTE. Contains numerous documents regarding the Moheagan Indians, lands and suits ; Mason s claim to Moheagan lands ; The interstate estates law ; Winthrop r.s. Lechmere ; Colonial currency and coinage ; Boundary disputes with Rhode Island ; The sugar act : Navigation laws ; Vernon s expedition against Carthagena 1739-41; Expedition against Cuba in 1740; Narragansett country; Ministerial lands ; Reports of English board of truce in the affairs of the colony of Connecticut, etc. (1112 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vi. Hartford: Published by the Society. 1897, Svo. pp. ix, 410. Plate. Contents : Hartford town votes. Vol. r, 1635-1710 ; Name Index ; Subject Index. (1113 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vir. Hartford: Published by the Society, 1899. 8vo, pp. viii, 385. Contents : Orderly book and journals kept by Connecticut men while taking part in the American Revolution, 1775-1778 : Orderly book at siege of Boston of ( apt. William Coit, of New London, April 23 to August 7, 1775, with sketch of Capt. Coit, by I . II. Woodward ; Washington s commission to Capt. Coit for naval service; Journal of Ensign Nathaniel Morgan, April 21 to December 11, 1775. items of the siege from the Roxbury side ; Journal of Simeon Lyman, of Sharon, Aug. 10 to Dec. 28, 1775; A concise journal or .minutes of the principal movements toward St. John s of the siege and surrender of the forts there in 1775, expedition against Canada, by Benjamin Trumbull ; Journal of the campaign at New York, 1776-7, by Benjamin Trumbull; Roll of Benjamin Trumbull s company. 1777 ; Journal of Oliver Boardman. of Middletown, 1777, Burgoyne s surrender; Journal of Bnyze Wells, of Farmington, May, 1775- February. 1777, at the Northward and in Canada; Journal of Joseph Joslin, jr., of South Killingly, a teamster in the Continental service, March, 1777- August, 1778. Index. (1114 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vm. Hartford, 1901. 8vo, pp. xiii, 375. Contents : Officers of the Society ; Rolls and lists of Connecticut men in the Revolution; Lexington Alarm List; Continental regiments 1775-1776; Con necticut line, 1777-1783; State troops, 1775-1777; Militia regiments, 1776- 1782; Naval record; Pensioners; Index. (1115 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY.. Collections. Vol. ix. Hartford, 1903. Rolls of Connecticut men in the French and Indian War, 1755-1762. Vol. i, 1755- 1757. [Edited by Albert C. Bates.] 8vo, pp. x, 354. (111 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. x. Rolls of Connecticut men in the French and Indian War, 1755-1762. Vol. 11, 1758-1762. Ap pendixes, 1755-1764. Hartford, 1905. 8vo, pp. xvi, 472. (1117 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rei>ort of a committee of the Society on a plan for enlarging the Society s building and establishing its connection H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 11 162 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. with the Watkinson library of reference. Presented April 15, 1862, and printed by order of the Society. Hartford, 1862. 8vo, pp. 12. (1118 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Origin of the Expedition against Ticon- deroga in 1775. A paper read before the Society, January 5, 1869, by J. H. Trumbull. Hartford, 1869. Svo, pp. 15. Fifty copies. Reprinted from the Hartford Daily Courant, January 9, 1869. (1119 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Composition of Indian Geographical Names, illustrated from the Algonkin languages. By J. Hammond Trum bull. From the Society s Collections, Vol. u. Hartford, 1870. 8vo, pp. 51 (3). (112O CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some help for the Indians : a catechism in the language of the Quiripi Indians of New Haven Colony, by the Rev. Abraham Pierson. Reprinted from the original edition, Cambridge, 1658, with an introduction by J. Hammond Trumbull. Hartford, 1873. 8vo, pp. 11 (1), 67. From the Collections, Vol. in. (1121 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indian names of places, etc., in and on the borders of Connecticut, with interpretations of some of them. By J. Ham mond Trumbull. Hartford, 1881. 8vo, pp. 11 (1), 93. An article in the Collections on The Composition of Indian Geographical Names formed the basis of this publication. (1122 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Thomas Robbins, D. D., 1796-1854. Printed for his nephew. Owned by the Connecticut Historical Society. In two volumes. Edited and annotated by Increase N. Tarbox. Boston, 1886-87. Svo, Vol. I, pp. vn, (1), 1052; Vol. n, pp. i, (2), 1131. Portraits. (1123 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Birthday of the State of Connecticut. Cele bration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the State of Connecticut, by the Connecticut Historical Society and the towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, Thursday. January 24, A. D. 1889. Hartford, Conn. : Published by the Society. 1889. 8vo, pp. 98. Pages 26-53 contain the historical address by Rev. Joseph II. Twitchell. (1124 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The British flag, its origin and history ; incidents in its use in America. A paper read before the Connecticut His torical Society, June 7, 1881, by Jonathan F. Morris. Reprinted from the Hartford Daily Courant, June 8, 1881. Hartford, 1889. 8vo, pp. 24. (1125 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical documents and notes. Genesis and development of the Society, and associated institutions in the Wads- worth Athena?um. Published by the Society. Hartford, 1889. 8vo, pp. 114, (1). Contents: Notice; The Hartford Library Company; The Hartford Young Men s Institute ; The Connecticut Historical Society ; The Wadsworth Athe naeum ; The Watkinson Library ; The Connecticut Society of Natural History ; The Art Society of Hartford ; Report of the Joint Committees of Wadsworth Athenaeum, the Connecticut Historical Society, the Hartford Library Asso ciation, and the trustees of the Watkinson Library. Addenda : the Hartford Library Company ; the Hartford Library Association ; Bibliography of the Society, by Frank B. Gay ; Officers and members of the Society, 1825-1889. (1126 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 163 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Up Neck " in 1825. By Gordon W. Rus sell, M. D. Hartford, 1890. 8vo, pp. 145. Illustrated. Folded plans. Read in part before the Society. (1127 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and reports presented to the Society at the animal meeting, May 23, 1893, with a list of officers and members; also, a list of donations for the year. Hartford, 1893. 8vo, pp. 49. (1128 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the Society. Reports and papers presented at the annual meeting, May 22, 1894; also a list of officers and members, and donations for the year. Hartford. 1894. 8vo, pp. 62. Reports published annually 1895-1905. 11 pphs. Pages 23-38 of the Report for 1895 contain a list of " Connecticut local histories in the Connecticut His torical Society and Watkinson Library." (112J) CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1737-1847. Diary of Rev. Daniel Wads- worth, seventh pastor of the First Church of Christ in Hartford. With notes by its fourteenth pastor [George Leon Walker]. Hartford, 1894. 8vo, pp. 149. From Ms. belonging to the Society. (113O CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of family genealogies in the library. Corrected to Aug. 31, 1901. Hartford, 1901. 8vo. pp. 30. (1131-1142 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL XOV1KTY. Bridffeport, Conn. [In 1899 united with Bridgeport Scientific Society under the name Bridgeport Scientific and Historical Society.] FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Articles of Association, By-Laws, List of Members, and First Anniversary Meeting, April 14, 1882. Bridgeport, 1882. 8vo, pp. 38. (1143 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Biographical Sketch of Roger Minott Sherman, the eminent Connecticut Jurist, 1773-1845. By William A. Beers. Delivered before the Society, November 28, 1882. Bridgeport, 1882. 8vo, pp. 48. (1144 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch from the Life of Rev. James Beebee, soldier and preacher, who. from May 8, 1747, to September 8, 1785, was pastor of the Church of Christ at North Stratford (now Trumbull, Connecticut), written by R. C. Ambler. Added. Mr. Beebee s address to the people in 1758, when they departed with him to Fort George to fight the Indians and the French. Read before the Society, September 8, 1882. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 32. (1145 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief History of the Bridgeport Bank, with personal sketches of the first president and some of the early directors. It being a paper read before the Society, November 14, 1884, by the presi- dent, R. B. Lancey. [Bridgeport], 1884. 8vo, pp. 15. (114 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, List of Members, and Fourth Anniversary Meeting. April 10, 1885. [With Ap pendix.] 8vo, pp. 27. 7. The Appendix consists of " History of the Porter property." Taper read by R. B. Lancey, June 12, 1885. (1147 164 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of the old town of Strat ford and the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut. By Samuel Orcutt. Parts 1, 2. Published under the auspices of the Fairfield County Historical So ciety. 1886. 8vo, pp. viii (2), 1, 393. Plates, portraits. (1148 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report, 1891-92. [Bridgeport.] 1892. &vo. Plate. Table. (1149 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports for 1893-5. Bridgeport, Conn., 1895. 8vo, pp. 100, Ixxii. Contents : Officers of the society ; Opening of the Barnum Institute of Science and History : Addresses by Curtis Thompson, Beverley E. Warner, Mr. Holden, Rowland B. Lacey, G. L. Porter. Reports ; A sketch from the life of Rev. James Beebee, by Richard C. Ambler ; Revolutionary incident read before the Fairfield County Historical Society, by Mrs. Edwi R. Ives ; Mary Silliman chapter, D. A. R. ; A complete copy of the inscriptions found on the monuments, headstones, &c., in the oldest cemetery in Norwalk, Conn., by David H. Van Hoosear. (115O FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports and Papers. 1896-1897. 8vo, pp. xxxvi, 107. Contents: Officers; Lincoln anniversary and historical address by Curtis Thompson, March 10th, 1896 ; Annual meeting, fifteenth anniversary, April 29, 1897 : Wyoming or Connecticut s East India Co., two lectures delivered before the Society by Henry T. Blake ; Names and dates from the Old Burying Ground, Green Farms, Conn., from the earliest date to 1897 ; Index to the Greens Farm burying ground ; Inscriptions from the Osborn-Gregory family burying ground, Weston, Conn.; Inscriptions from the (Private) "Den" Burying Ground Weston, Conn. (1151 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of Rev. Blackleach Barrett and related Stratford families. By M. D. Raymond. Published by the Society. [1893.] 12mo. pp. 44, 8. (1152 LITCHFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. LITCHFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Introductory ad dress, April 9, 1856, before the Society, on the occasion of completing its organization. By G. H. Hollister. Hartford, 1850. 8vo, pp. 24. (1153 MATTATUCK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watertmry. Conn. MATTATUCK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Footprints of the Red Man in the Naugatuck Valley. A lecture, January 27, 1879, under the auspices of the Society, by Joseph Anderson. First published in Waterlury American, February 7, 1879-, and republished with additions by Rev. Samuel Orcutt in his " History of the old town of Derby, Conn." (1154 MIDDLESEX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Middletoicn, Conn. MIDDLESEX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Middletown, Conn. Charter, By-laws, and Officers. Middletown, Conn., 1901. 8vo, pp. 13. (1155 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 165 NEW HAVfly COLONY HIXTOKICAL MH IETY. Haven, Conn. NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers of the New Haven Colony His torical Society. Vol. i. New Haven. Printed for the Society. 18(5"). 8vo, pp. 170, iv, 192. Contents : Organization of the Society ; Officers ; Members ; The New Haven Colony, by II. White ; Civil Government in New Haven Colony, by L. Bacon ; History of the Cutler Lot, by II. White; History of Trinity Church, New Haven, by F. Croswell ; History of Long Wharf in New Haven, by T. R. Trowbridge ; The Parsonage of " The Blue Meeting House," by E. E. Beardsley ; The Governor Gilbert Lot, by E. L. Cleaveland ; Notice of the Early Pomologists in New Haven. by N. A. Bacon ; Correspondence between President Jefferson and Abraham Bishop, Collector of New Haven ; Bishop Berkeley s Gifts to Yale College, by P. C. Gilman ; Historical Account of Connecticut Currency, etc., by II. Bronson. ( 1 1 .-, ; NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers of the New Haven Colony His torical Society. Vol. 11. New Haven, 1877. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 388. Contents: Officers; Members; Constitution; Address of the president, [E. E.] Beardsley ; Early History of Southold, Long Island, by E. Whitaker ; Invasion of New Haven by the British Troops, July 5, 1779, by C. Goodrich ; The Poetry and Poets of Connecticut, by R. W. Wright ; Memoranda respecting Whalley and Goffe, by F. B. Pexter ; Remarks on Mr. Dexter s paper respecting Whalley and Goffe, by T. R. Trowbridge; Historical Sketch of Stephen Goodyear, Deputy Gov ernor of the New Haven Colony, 1643-1658, as derived from " The Old Colony Records ; " Ancient Houses of New Haven, by T. R. Trowbridge, jr. ; Sketch of the Life and Writings of John Davenport, by F. B. Dexter ; Medical History and Biography, by II. Bronson. (1157 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society. Vol. in. New Haven, 1882. 8vo, pp. vii, Gi O. Contents : Officers ; Members ; The founding of Yale College, by F. B. .Dexter ; The New Haven convention of 1778, by S. E. Baldwin ; Old Connecticut, by F. J. Kingsbury ; History of the ancient maritime interests of New Haven, by T. R. Trowbridge, jr. ; The Mohegan land controversy, by E. E. Beardsley ; Governor Elihu Yale, by F. B. Dexter; Branford annals, by E. C. Baldwin; The boundary line between Connecticut and New York, by S. E. Baldwin ; Chapters on the early government of Connecticut, by II. Bronson ; The eccle siastical constitution of Yale College, by S. E. Baldwin ; The early relations between New Netherland and New England, by F. B. Dexter; Inscriptions on tombstones .in New Haven, prior to 1800, edited by F. B. Dexter. Index to Vols. i-ni.C (115S NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society. Vol. iv. New Haven, 1888. 8vo, pp. viii, 456. Contents : Prefatory note ; Officers, 1887-88 ; Members ; The diary of Ebenezer Townsend, jr., the supercargo of the sealing ship Xeptune on her voyage to the South Pacific and Canton, with a preface by Thomas R. Trowbridge, jr. ; New Haven in 1784, by Fraukiln Bowditch Dexter; Connecticut boroughs, by Calvin H. Carter; The family of Nathaniel Eaton, of Cambridge, Mass., by Daniel C. Eaton ; A young man s journal of a hundred years ago [at Yale College] ; New Haven s adventure on the Delaware Bay, by Rev. Epher Whitaker, D. P. ; Per sonal reminiscences of the Revolutionary war. by the late Thomas Painter, of West Haven; Yale graduates in western Massachusetts, by Rev. Alpheus C. Hodges; Branford annals, 1700-1800, by Rev. Elijah C. Baldwin: The captives of the Amistad, by Simeon E. Baldwin ; The trading house on the Paugasset, by Rev. William G. Andrews ; The past and future of this Society, being the annual address of the president for 18x6. by Simeon E. Baldwin; Inscriptions on tombstones in Guilford, erected prior to 1800; Index. (1J59 166 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. v. New Haven, 1894. 8vo, pp. xci (1), 309. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Proceedings at the public opening, September 28, 1893, of the Society building erected by Henry F. English ; Address, by the president ; Com memorative address, by Horace Day ; Historical sketch, by T. It. Trowbridge ; List of officers [and] members, 1893; Inscriptions on Milford tombstones; Sketch of Philip Marett, by S. E. Baldwin ; Recollections of New Haven between 1825 and 1837, by Gardner Morse; Sketch of Eli Whitney, by W. P. Blake; Mrs. Eaton s trial (1644), from the records of the First Church, by Newman Smyth ; Extracts from the journal of Joel Root, supercargo of the ship Huron, from New Haven around the world, September, 1802, to October, 1806 ; New Haven bells, by J. S. Hotchkiss ; The three constitutions of Connecticut, by S. E. Baldwin ; President Clap and his writings, by F. B. Dexter ; Early history of Long Island Sound and its approaches, by Charles Hervey Townshend ; Index. (1160 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. vi. New Haven, Conn., 1900. 8vo, pp. xviii, 422. Portrait. Plates. Contents : Officers of the Society ; Members ; Charter ; Constitution ; By-laws ; Biographical sketch of the life and writings of Henry Bronson, by Stephen G. Hubbard ; Early Woodbridge, by Sylvanus P. Marvin ; Letters of Col. Nathan Whiting written from camp during the French and Indian war, by Lemuel Aiken Welles ; The Quinnipiack Indians and their reservation, by Charles Her vey Townshend ; The oldest general view of New Haven, 1786, by Dwight E. Bowers; A review of the history of the epidemic of yellow fever in New Haven in 1794, by Frederick H. Hoadley ; The authorship of the Quatre Lettres D un Bourgeois L e New-Haven Sur L Unite De La Legislation, published in Maz- zei s " Recherches historiques et politiques stir les Etats-Unis de 1 Amerique Septrionale," by Simeon E. Baldwin ; The encounter between Roger Griswold and Matthew Lyon in 1798, by Orville H. Platt ; The first public library in New Haven, by Franklin B. Dexter; Negro governors, by OrvSlle II. Platt; Dixwell papers, 1676-90, edited by Franklin B. Dexter ; Supplement to Guilford tombstone inscriptions in Vol. iv ; Inscriptions on tombstones in Madison erected prior to 1800; Index. (1161 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Historical Account of Connecti cut Currency, Continental Money, and the Finances of the Revolution. By Henry Bronson. Read November 30, 1803, and afterward. [New Haven, 1865.] 8vo, pp. iv, 192. Forms part of Vol. I of the Papers, but paged independently. (1162 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A continuation of the Maritime His tory of Connecticut, by Capt. James W. Goodrich, delivered before the Society, December 31, I860. [New Haven, l8G<>.] 8vo. pp. 40. No title-page; title on cover. (1163 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The historical Status of the Negro in Connecticut. A paper read before the Society by William C. Fowler. Historical Magazine, 3d series, Vol. m, January, 1874, pp. 1218 ; February, 1874, pp. 81-85; March, 1874, pp. 148-153. (1164 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Constitution and By-Laws. Offi cers of the Society for the year beginning November 29, 1875. New Haven, 1875. 12mo, pp. 10. No title-page. (1165 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mr. William Diodate (of New Haven, from 1717 to 1751), and his Italian Ancestry. Read before the Society, June 28, 1875, by Edward E. Salisbury. Taken from the Society s archives, by permission, for private circulation, and printed, after revision, in April, 187f,. [New Haven], 1876. 8vo, large paper, pp. 39. Folded sheet. Plate. Some copies Lave inserted " Supplement to the Diodate genealogy," reprinted from the Neiv Ev gland Historical and Genealogical Register, pp. 2. (1166 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 167 XT-.W HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the Life and Writings of John Davenport. By Franklin B. Dexter. Read February 1, 1875. New Haven, 1875. Svo, pp. 205-238. Reprinted from Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society, Vol. 11. (1167 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ancient Houses of New Haven. By T. R. Trowbridge, jr. New Haven, 187G. 8vo, pp. 175-204. Reprinted from the Papers of the Society. (11G8 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoranda concerning Edward Whalley and William Cioffe. By Franklin B. Dexter. New Haven, 1870. Svo, pp. 32. From the Papers of the yew Haven Colony Historical Society, Vol. n. (1169 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Ecclesiastical Constitution of Yale College. By Simeon E. Baldwin. Read April 25, 1881. New Haven, 1882. Svo, pp. 405-442. No title-page. From advance sneets of Vol. in, Papers of the yew Haven Colony Historical Society. (117O NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Founding of Yale College. By Franklin B. Dexter. New Haven, 1882. Svo, pp. 31. No title-page. From Vol. in, Papers of the ~New Haven Colony Historical Society. (1171 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Governor Elihu Yale. By Franklin B. Dexter. New Haven, 1882. Svo, pp. 227-248. No title-page. Half title on cover. From Vol. in, Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society. (1172 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Ancient Maritime Interests of New Haven, Conn. By T. R. Trowbridge, jr. New Haven, 1882. Svo, pp. 85-205. Fifty copies reprinted on large paper, from Papers of the yew Haven Colony Historical Society. (1173 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inscriptions on Tombstones in New Haven, erected prior to 1800. By Franklin B. Dexter. New Haven, 1882. Svo, pp. 475-014. No title-page. Hnlf title on cover. Reprinted from Vol. in, Papers of the IVnr Huren Colony Historical Society. (1174 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Mohegan Land Controversy. By E. Edwards Beardsley. Read February 25th, 1878. New Haven, 1882. 8vo, pp. 205-225. No title-page. Reprinted from Vol. in, Papers of the Xr/r Haven Colony Historical Society. (1175 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Old Connecticut. By Frederick J. Kingsbury. New Haven, 1882. 8vo, pp. (2), 63-84. Reprinted from Vol. in, Papers of the yew Haven Colony Historical Society. (1176 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Family of Nathaniel Eaton, of Cambridge, Massachusetts. By Daniel C. Eaton. Read April 22, 1884. New Haven, 1884. Svo, pp. 185-192. Cover title and half title. Reprinted from Papers of the Xeic Haven Colony Historical Society. (1177 168 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Objects of Interest Belonging to the Society, Rooms 2, 3, and 4, Old State House, New Haven. New Haven, 1885. 8vo, pp. 57. (1178 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New Haven in 1784. A paper read before the Society January 21. 1884, by Franklin Bowditch Dexter. In "The Hundredth Anniversary of the City of New Haven " t [etc.]. New Haven, 1885. pp. 40-94. (1179 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Yale Graduates in Western Massa chusetts. By Alpheus C. Hodges, pastor of the Congregational Church, Buckland, Massachusetts. Printed by permission from the fourth volume of the Papers of the Society. New Haven, 188(3. 8vo, pp. 253-291. (118O NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings in Commemoration of the Settlement of the Town of New Haven, April 25, 1888. New Haven, 1888. 8vo, pp. 68, (1). Title on cover, 1638 : Founder s day, 1888. Contains an oration by Henry T. Blake. (1181 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inscriptions on tombstones in Mil- ford, Conn., erected prior to 1800, together with a few of aged persons who died after that date. Transcribed and annotated by Nathan G. Pond. [From advance sheets of Vol. v, Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society]. New Haven, Printed for the Society, 1889. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 69. Plate. Title vignette. (1182 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Brief Memorial of Philip Marett. Read by Simeon E. Baldwin before the Society, September 22, 1890. New Haven, 1890. 4to, pp. 19. Portrait. (1183 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Peace Conference of 1861 at Washington, I). C., by William Warner Hopkins, jr. Read before the Rhode Island Historical Society and the New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1889-90. Providence, 1891. 8vo, pp. 27, large paper. (1184 NEW HAVEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Public Opening of the New Haven Colony Historical Society Building, erected by Henry F. English. New Haven, 1894. 8vo, pp. 91. Photographs. Reprinted from Vol. v of the Collections of the Society. (1185 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronicles of New Haven Green, from 1638 to 1862. A series of papers read before the Society. By Henry T. Blake. New Haven, 1898. 8vo, pp. 280. Maps and illustrations. (118U NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports presented at the annual meet ing November 18, 1901, with some changes recorded to March, 1902 ; also the charter, constitution, and by-laws, a list of officers and members. New Haven, 1902. 8vo, pp. 32. (1186rt NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports presented at the annual meeting November 17, 1902 ; also the charter, constitution, and by-laws, a list of officers and members. New Haven, 1903. 8vo, pp. 32. (1187 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 169 NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports presented at the annual meeting November 1(>, 11)03; also the Charter, Constitution, and By-laws, a list of officers and members. New Haven, 1904. 8vo, pp. 32. (118S NEW HAVEN COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports presented at the annual meeting November 21, 1904; also a list of officers and members. New Haven, 1905. 8vo, pp. 24. (1180 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New London, Conn. NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Officers, November, 1871. New London, 1871. 12mo, pp. 7. Same [New London], 1874. 12mo, pp. 7. (119O NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Meeting, with Secretary s Report, November 29, 1880. New London, 1880. 16mo, pp. 12. Same, November 28, 1881. New London, 1881. IGmo, pp. 12. Same, November 30, 1882. New London, 1882. 16mo, pp. 1C. (1191 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Memorial of the Rev. Edward Woolsey Bacon. Read before the Society, by Rev. Charles J. Hill, Septem ber 11, 1888. Published by the Society. New London, 1888. Svo, pp. 12. (1192 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A History of the Statue erected to Commemorate the heroic Achievement of Maj. John Mason and his com rades, with an account of the unveiling ceremonies. Compiled by Thomas S. Collier, secretary of the Society. [New London], 1889. 8vo, pp. 62. Plate. The oration was by Isaac H. Bromley. (1193 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Memorial of Rev. Thomas Leffing- well Shipman. Read before the Society, by Rev. YV. B. Clarke, December 11, 1888. Published by the Society. New London, 1889. Svo, pp. 21. (1194 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers of the Society. Part 1, Vol. i. New London, 1890. 8vo, pp. 128. Contents : Preface ; Officers ; Annual meeting, September (>, 1889 ; List of members ; An act incorporating the Society ; By-Laws ; Historical Sketch of the Society ; Officers, 1871-1890 ; Members, 1871-1890 ; Memoir of Hon. La Fayette 5. Foster, by John T. Wait ; Frances Mainwaring Caulkins, by T. S. Collier ; A Partial Bibliography of the Writings of Frances M. Caulkins, by T. S. Collier : Poems of Local Scenes and Incidents, by same ; Memoir and Bibliography of Ashbel Woodward, M. I). : Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Leffingwell Shipman, by F. B. Shipman; Memoir of the Hon. William H. Starr, by Maria F. Starr: Memoir of Hon. William II. Potter, by S. S. Thresher; Description of the Pub lic Library at New London, by George P. Lathrop ; New London and the War of 1812, Address by Rev. Edward W. Bacon : Memoir of Capt. Richard Law. by F. M. Caulkins. (1195 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 2, Vol. i. New London, 1890. pp. (4) 58. Portrait. Contents: List of officers, 1891 ; Annual meeting, September 6, 1890; Address of Hon. La Fayette S. Foster, in Old Fort Griswold, (iroton Heights, September 6, 1880 ; In pace : In memoriam of the men who fell in the massacre in Fort. 170 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Griswold, September 6, 1781 ; Evidences of glacial action in southeastern Con necticut, by David A. Wells ; The Hon. Henry P. Haven, a brief biography ; Revo lutionary naval officers from Connecticut ; List of members of the Society, Sep tember 6, 1891. (1196 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 3, Vol. i. New Haven, 1891. 8vo, pp. (4) 52. Contents : Officers, 1892 ; Annual meeting, September, 1891 ; The first organized church in New London County, by Richard A. Wheeler ; The tradition of Micah Rood, by P. II. Woodward : Early printing in New England, by T. S. Collier ; A copy of a curious old affirmation, Boston, 1716. (1197 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 4, Vol. i. New London, 1893. 8vo, pp. (4) 109. Woodcuts. Contents: The Revolutionary privateers of Connecticut, with an account of the State cruisers, and a short history of the Continental naval cruisers, built, in the State, with lists -of officers and crews, by Thomas S. Collier ; An account of the old houses of New London, by James Lawrence Chew ; Report of annual meeting, September G, 1892, with a list of officers and members. (1198 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 5, Vol. i. New London, 1894. 8vo, pp. (4) 60. Portrait. Contents : Gurdon Saltonstall, scholar, preacher, statesman, by S. L. Blake ; Orders drawn by the selectmen of New London, January 18, 1764-August 3, 1766: Memoirs of George Washington, from the Universal Magazine, 1781; Anecdotes of General Putnam, from the Universal Mayazine, 1781 ; Report of annual meeting, 1893; Officers; Members. (1199 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 1, Vol. n. New London, 1895. 8vo, pp. 110. Contents : Early whaling industry in New London, by C. A. Williams ; Rem iniscences of the monthly meetings of the Congregational ministers of New Lon don County and vicinity, by John Avery ; Famous old taverns of New London, by James Lawrence Chew ; Fact and reminiscence, by James Lawrence Chew ; Report of the annual meeting of the Society, September 6, 1894, with list of officers and members. (12OO NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 2, Vol. n. New London, 1896. 8vo, pp. (6) 115-182. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Historical sketch of the schools of New London, by Benjamin Stark ; New London Society for Trade and Commerce, by N. S. Perkins ; The Preston Separate Church, by A. A. Browning. (12O1 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 3, Vol. n. New London, 1897. 8vo, pp. 187-359. Contents : Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of New London, May 5 and 6, 1896, compiled and edited by S. Leroy Blake. Addresses by C. A. Russell, O. H. Platt, William II. Law, T. M. Waller, S. L. Blake, J. R. Hawley, Geo. W. Smith. Joseph Trumbull, the first commissary-general of the continental army, by Jonathan Trumbull ; Report of the annual meeting of the Society, Sept. 1, 1896. with a list of officers and members. (12O2 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 4, Vol. n. New London, Conn., 1901. 8vo, pp. 367-426. Portrait. Contents : Memoir of Charles Augustus Williams, by John McGinley ; Memoir of Benjamin Stark, by John McGinley ; Memoir of John T. Wait, by Jonathan Trumbull ; Memoir of Elisha Turner, from the Hartford Courant ; Benjamin Fletcher and his reception in Hartford in 1693, by Jonathan Trumbull; Reports of the annual and other meetings ; List of officers ; List of members. (12O3 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. 171 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records and Papers. Part 5, Vol. n. New London, 1904. 8vo, pp. 431-528. Portraits. Plate. Contents: Jonathan Trumbull, governor of Connecticut, 1769-1784, by Jona than Trumbull; Griswold, Conn., by Daniel L. Phillips; Colonel Clark, of Lebanon, by Mary Clarke Iluntington ; A letter to my great-great grandmother, Mistress Dorothy Lay, sometime of Saybrook, in His Majesty George IPs colony of Connecticut in New England, by Celeste E. Bush ; Memories A paper by Rich ard A. Wheeler ; Memoir of John Avery, by Amos A. Browning ; Memoir of Samuel George Willard, by Abby G* Willard : Presentation of portrait of Lafay ette S. Foster, first president of the Society : Address by Jonathan Trumbull ; Acceptance by E. E. Rogers. Captain Stevens Rogers, by Richard B. Wall ; Reports of the annual and board meetings from Nov. 20, 1901, to Sept. 1, 1903, with a list of officers, committees and members. (12O4 Part i } Vol. in,, published in 1906. NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Vol. i. Diary of Joshua Ilempsteacl, of New London, Connecticut, covering a period of forty-seven years from September, 1711, to November, 1758, containing valuable genea logical data relating to many New London families, references to the colonial wars, to the shipping and other matters of interest pertaining to the town and the times with an account of a journey made by the writer from New London to Maryland. New London, Conn., 1001. 8vo, pp. xii, 750. (12O5 NEW LONDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Occasional publications, v. 1. The stone records of Groton, by Frances Manwaring Caulkins ; ed. by Emily S. Gilman. Norwich, Conn., 1903. 8vo, 2 p. L, pp. 7-90. Illus. (2 maps) 8 pi. (12OG TOLLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TOLLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Early History of Tolland. An address delivered before the Society, at Tolland. Conn., on the 22d of August and 27th of September, 1801. By Loren P. Waldo. Hartford. 1861. 8vo, pp. 148. (1207 DIC J^ HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Wilmington, Del. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting of the Society, 31st May, 1864, with the constitution and by-laws. Wilming ton, 1864. 8vo, pp. 10. Contains address by ,T. Ross Snowden on the Early History of the Settle ments on the Delaware. (12OS HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. First Annual Discourse delivered before the Society. By J. M. Read, jr. Wilmington, 1864. 8vo. (12OO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. An historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his friends, relatives, and early life, his connection with the Mus covy Company and discovery of Delaware Bay. By John Meredith Read, jr. Albany, 1866. 8vo. pp. vi, 209. Plate. Consists of an amplification of "A discourse delivered at Wilmington, before the Historical Society of Delaware on its first anniversary," with preliminary matter, notes, etc. Also reprinted in an abridged form by the Clarendon His torical Society, London, 1883. (121O 172 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. The Revolutionary soldiers of Delaware. Paper read by Willis G. Whiteley before the Delaware legislature. Wil mington, 1875. Svo, pp. 55. Prepared for and read before the Society. (1211 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. " Inter folia fructus." A historical inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his friends, relatives, and early life, his connec tion with the Muscovy Company and discovery of Delaware Bay. Abridged from the work of John Meredith Rend, jr., and edited by Edmund Goldsmid. [London]. Clarendon Historical Society, 1883. Sm. 4to, pp. 88. Clarendon Historical Society s reprints, series 1. (1212 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Some leaves from the early history of Dela ware and Maryland. Read before the Society, September 24, 1868, by W. J. Read. Wilmington, 18(18. 8vo, pp. 7. (1213 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. The life and military services of the late Brig. Gen. Thomas A. Smyth. By W. D. Maull. Wilmington, 1870. 8vo, pp. 50. Portrait. Read at a meeting of the Society convened for that purpose. (1214 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Catalogue of the Society, wrth its history. constitution, and by-laws, and list of members. Wilmington, 1871. 8vo, pp. 23. Portrait. (1215 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. A sketch of the life of Oliver Evans, a re markable mechanic and inventor, by Rev. George A. Latimer. rector of Calvary P. E. Church, Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, [1872V]. Svo, pp. 10. Prepared in compliance with a resolution of the Historical Society of I>ela ware, and was read at its annual meeting on the 10th of October, 1872. Reprinted from Harkncss s Magazine. (121G HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. A history of New Sweden ; or, the Settle ments on the River Delaware. By Israel Acrelius. Translated from the Swedish, with an introduction and notes, by William M. Reynolds. Pub lished under the joint auspices of the Historical Societies of Pennsylvania and Delaware. Philadelphia, 1874. 8vo, pp. (1) 17-468. Folded map. Portrait. Forms Vol. xi of Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Pages 459468 are taken up with a list of subscribers to the publication fund of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. (1217 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Historical and Biographical Papers. Vols. i-in. First published separately under title " Papers of the Historical Society of Delaware." Vol. i. Contains Nos. i-vin, 1879-1888. No. ix is published separately. Vol. u. Contains Nos. x-xvm, 1895-1897. Vol. in. Contains Nos. xix-xxxm, 3897-1901. Contents given below. (1218 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, i. Memorial address on the life and character of William Hall. By Daniel M. Bates. Wilmington, 1870. Svo, pp. 60. Portrait. (121J> HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, ii. Address on the history of the boundaries of the State of Dela ware. By John W. Houston. Wilmington, 1879. Svo, pp. lOt. (122O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. 173 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, in. Some account of William Usselinx and Peter Minuit, two indi viduals who were instrumental in establishing the first permanent colony in Delaware. By Joseph J. Mickley. Wilmington, 1881. 8vo, pp. 27. (1221 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, iv. Memoir of John M. Clayton. By Joseph P. Comegys. Wilming ton, 1882. 8vo, pp. 307. Portrait. (1222 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, v. History of the First Regiment, Delaware Volunteers. By William P. Seville. Wilmington, 1884. 8vo, pp. 163. (1223 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, vi. Minutes of the Council of the Delaware State from 1776 to 1792. Wilmington, 1888. Svo, pp. (1) xi (1), 9-27. (1224 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, vii. Ancient families of Bohemia Manor ; their homes and their graves. By Rev. Charles Payson Mallery. Wilmington. 1888. 8vo, pp. 73. Chapters on Augustine Herman, his sons, and descendants. The Sluyter and Bouchelle families ; the Bayard family ; James Bayard s descendents ; Dr. J. A. Bayard s children. (1225 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware. MIL Diary of Capt. Thomas Rodney, 1770-77, with an introduc tion. By Caesar A. Rodney. Wilmington, 1888. Svo, pp. 53. (1226 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, ix. The records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) church. Wilmington, Del., from 1(597-1773. Tr. from the original Swedish by Horace Burr, with an abstract of the English records from 1773 to 1810. [Wilmington] 1890. 8vo, pp. 772. front. (1227 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, x. Memoir of Brigadier-General John Dagworthy of the Revolu tionary War. By George W. Marshall, 1895. Svo, pp. 26. (122S HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xi. Crane Hook Church. Predecessor of the old Swedes Church at Wilmington, Delaware. By Pennock Pusey. Wilmington. 1895. Svo, pp. 28. ( 1229 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xii. Memoir of Commodore Thomas Macdonough. By Lewis C. Vandegrift. Wilmington, 1895. Svo. pp. 14. (1230 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware. XIIL A history of the Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati from its organization to the present time. To which is appended a brief account of the Delaware regiments in the War of the Revolution. Also personal memoirs of officers, rolls of same, oration before the Delaware Cincinnati on the death of Washington, etc. By Henry Hobart Bellas. Wilmington, 1895. 8vo, pp. 112. Portraits. Facsimiles. (1231 174 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xiv. The Revolutionary Soldiers of Delaware. By William G. Whiteley. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware. February 11, 1875, an d also before the General Assembly of Delaware, February 15, 1875. Wilmington, 1896. 8vo, pp. 78. (1233 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xv. A journal of the Southern Expedition, 1780-1783. By William Seymour. Wilmington. 189(3. 8vo, pp. 42. (1233 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xvi. Personal recollections of Captain Enoch Anderson, an officer of the Delaware Regiments in the Revolutionary War. With notes by Henry Hobart Bellas. Wilmington, 1896. 8vo, pp. 61. Portraits. (1234 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xvn. The Colonial and State Judiciary of Delaware. By Ignatius C. Grubb. Wilmington, 1897. 8vo, pp. 70. (1235 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers of the Historical Society of Dela ware, xviu. A paper on Commodore Thomas Macdonough, United States Navy. By his grandson, Rodney Macdonough. Wilmington, 1897. 8vo, pp. i- L . (1236 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xix. Delaware Doctors. By Thomas C. Stellwagen. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, February, 1896. Wilmington, 1897. 8vo, pp. 19. (1237 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xx. Old Delaware clock-makers. By Henry C. Conrad. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware. December 3, 1897. Wilmington, 1898. Svo, pp. 34, pi., port. (1238 HISTORICAL SOCIETY CF DELAWARE. IV.pers. xxi. Leonard Eugene Wales. A memoir. By Samuel Rodmond Smith. Read before the Historical So ciety of Delaware, September 20, 1897. Wilmington, 1898. 8vo, pp. 16. Front, (port.). (1239 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxn. Jacob Alricks and his nephew. Peter Alricks. By Edward A. Price. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, January 17, 1898. Wilmington, 1898. 8vo, pp. 60. (124O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxm. Memoir of Nathaniel B. Smithers, by William T. Smithers. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, November 21, 1898. Wilmington. The Historical Society of Delaware, 1899. 8vo, pp. 39. Front, (port.). Also issued in the society s " Historical and biographical papers, v. 3. (1241 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxiv. William Penn and his province. By Manlove Hayes. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware. December 2, 1898. Wilmington, The Historical Society of Dela ware, 1899. 8vo, pp. 51. Also issued in the society s " Historical and biographical papers," y. 3. (1242 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. 175 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxv. Dedication of the Crane Hook church monument, October IT, 1890. Under the auspices of the His torical Society of Delaware. Wilmington, The Historical Society of Dela ware, 1800. 8vo, pp. 37. Also issued in the society s " Historical and biographical papers," v. 3. (1243 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxvi. Gunning Bedford, junior. By Henry C. Conrad. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, March 20, 1800. Wilmington, The Historical Society of Delaware, 1000. Svo, pp. 13. Front, (port.) 4 pi. Also issued in the society s " Historical and biographical papers," v. 3. (1244 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxvu. John Fisher. By Henry C. Conrad. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, March 20, 1800. Wilmington, 1000. Svo, pp. 17. Front, (port.) (1245 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxvm. Brief memoirs of Horace Burr, M. D., Rev. Charles E. Murray, D. D., and Henry R. Bringhurst, de ceased members of the society. By Pennock Pusey. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, December 22, 1800. Wilmington, 1000. 8vo, pp. 22. 3 port. (124O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxix. The life and character of Richard Bassett. By Hon. Robert E. Pattison. Read before the His torical Society of Delaware, November 10, 1000. Wilmington, 1000. Svo, pp. 19. Front, (port.) (1247 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxx. The life and character of John Dickinson. By Robert H. Richards, esq. Read before the His torical Society of Delaware, May 21, 1000. Wilmington, 1001. Svo, pp. 26. Front, (port.) pi. (1248 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxi. Letters of James Ashe- ton Bayard, 1802-1814. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, by Henry C. Conrad. March 18, 1001. Wilmington, 1001. Svo, pp. 44. 2 port. Letters to Caesar A. Rodney. The originals are in the New York public library, and are here reprinted from its " Bulletin," v. 4, pp. 228-248. (124O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxii. Biographical sketches of prominent Delawareans. By Rev. Samuel W. Thomas. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, April 15, 1001. Wilmington, 1001. Svo, pp. 18. (125O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxx in. The bombardment of Lewes by the British, April 6 and 7, 1813. By William M. Marine. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, February 18, 1001. Wilmington, 1001. Svo, pp. 41. Front., pi., port. (1251 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxiv. The life and character of Edward W. Gilpin. By Hon. Charles B. Lore. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware. Jan. 20, 1002. Wilmington, 1002. Svo, pp. 17. Front., pi., port. (1252 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxv. Proceedings at the un veiling of the monument at Cooch s Bridge, Tuesday afternoon. Septem ber 3rd, 1001. Erected by the patriotic societies and citizens of Delaware, marking the. spot where the stars and stripes were first unfurled in battle, September 3rd, 1777. Published by the Historical Society of Delaware. Wilmington, 1002. Svo, pp. 76. Tlate. Portraits. (1253 176 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxvi. The life and character of George P. Fisher. By Charles B. Lore. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, Feb. 17, 1902. Wilmington, 1902. 8vo, pp. 16. Front., pi., port. (1254 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxvu. Benjamin Ferris. Pro ceedings of the meeting of the Historical Society of Delaware, held on the evening of May 19, 1902. to commemorate the eminent services rendered to the State by Benjamin Ferris, the author of " Early settlements on the Delaware." Wilmington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 40. 2 pi., 2 port. (incl. front.). (1255 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxvui. History of Lewes, Dela ware. By Pennock Pusey. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, Nov. 17, 1902. Wilmington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 35. o pi. (incl. front.). (1256 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers, xxxix. Pennock Pnsey. A mem oir of Pennock Pnsey. late historiographer of the Historical Society of Delaware, by Hon. diaries B. Lore. Also " Recollections of the corner of Market and Tenth streets, in the city of Wilmington," a paper prepared by Pennock Pnsey at the request of the Society, and read before it June 19th. 1899. Wilmington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 31. 2 pi., 3 port. (incl. front.). (1257 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers. XL. Samuel White and his father, Judge Thomas While. An almost forgotten senator ; and his father who was a follower of Asbury in the early days of Methodism. By Henry C. Conrad. Read before the Society Sept. 21, 1903. Wilmington, 1903. 8vo, pp. 13. 3 pi.. 2 port. (incl. front.). (1258 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers. XLI. The Clayton family. By Henry F. Hepburn. Read before the Historical Society of Delaware, Feb. 15, 1904. Wilmington, The Historical Society of Delaware, 1904. Svo, pp. 41. Front., plates, ports. (1259 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers. XLII. Records of the Welsh Tract Baptist Meeting, Pencader Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware, 1701 to 1828. In two parts. Part. i. Copied from the original records in the possession of the Meeting officials. Wilmington, 1904. 8vo, pp. 88. Plate. Same. Part n. Wilmington, 1904. Svo, pp. 149. Plate. (126O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Papers. XLIII. Fort Casimir. The starting point in the history of New Castle, in the State of Delaware. Its location and history, 1651-1671. By Alexander B. Cooper. Read before the Society Feb. 20, 1905. Wilmington, 1905. Svo, pp. 39. Plates. 2 maps. (1261 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DELAWARE. Year-Book of the Historical Society of Dela ware, 1901. Wilmington, Delaware. Svo, pp. 46. Plate. (1262 I^ISTRICT OF COI/CnVIBIA. [For American Historical Association, American Historical Society, and National Geographic Society, see National Associations.] COLUMBIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington, D. C. COLUMBIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-Laws, etc. August, 1833. Washington. 1833. Svo. Same. Washington, 1838. (1263 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 177 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington, D. C. COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. i. 1805-97. 8vo, pp. xii, 242. Contents : Organization and proceedings for 1894-95 ; Inaugural address by J. M. Toner ; The methods and aims of historical inquiry, by A. It. Spofford ; Memorial of James Clarke Welling ; Unwelcome visitors to Washington, August 24, 1814, by M. I. Weller and James Ewell ; The military and private secre taries of George Washington, by Mary S. Beall ; Eighty years of the public schools of Washington, 1805 to 1885, by J. Ormond Wilson ; In memoriam, Kate Field, 1840-1896; Joseph Meredith Toner, 1825-1896; Washington in the Forbes expedition of 1758, by Joseph Meredith Toner ; The boundary monuments of the District of Columbia, by Marcus Baker ; List of officers and members with proceedings from Feb. 18, 1895, to Feb. 1, 1897, and index to V61. I. (1264 COLUMBIA HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. 2. Washington, 1899. 8vo, pp. 318. Illustrated. Contents ; Constitution ; Communications made to the Society ; Proceedings of the Society; The L Enfant memorials; Something about L Knfant and his personal affairs, by Wilhelmus B. Bryan ; Maj. Pierre Charles L Enfant, the unhonored and unrewarded engineer, by James Dudley Morgan ; A sketch of the life of Major Andrew Ellicott, by Sally Kennedy Alexander; Reminiscences of the mayors of Washington, by James G. Berret ; The life and labors of Peter Force, mayor of Washington, by Ainswortb R. Spofford ; Robert Brent, first mayor of Washington city, by Jnmes Dudley Morgan : Four mayors of the city of Washington, by Michael I. Weller : Daniel Rapine, James II. Blake, Benjamin G. Orr, Samuel N. Smallwood ; Observations on the development of the nation s capital, by Tallmadge A. Lambert; Cabin John Bridge, by William T. S. Curtis; The office of surveyor of the District of Columbia, by Henry B. Looker ; Index. ( 1265 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. 8. Washington, 1900. 8vo, pp. 366. Contents : Officers and members ; Reports ; Necrology. ; Report on the bibli ography of the District of Columbia, by W. B. Bryan ; Dolly Madison, by J. Madison Cutts ; Old-time places and people in Washington, by Jeannie Tree Rives ; Early history of Daguerreotypy in the city of Washington, by Samuel C. Busey ; Reminiscences of Washington as recalled by a descendant of the Ingle family, by Virginia Campbell Moore ; Efforts to obtain a code of laws for the District of Columbia, by Walter S. Cox ; The removal of the Government to Washington, by John Ball Osborne ; The District of Columbia s part in the early history of the telegraph, by Edward L. Morse ; The presidential journey in 1800 from the old to the new seat of government, by II. T. Taggart ; Orphan s court and register of wills, by William Henry Tennis ; The local aspect of slavery in the District of Columbia, by Walter C. Clephane ; The board of public works, by Franklin T. Howe ; Homes of the local government, by William Tindall ; Dr. Thomas Miller and his times, by Virginia Miller; The centennial of the permanent seat of the government of the United States, by Samuel C. Busey ; Discussion as to the date of the establishment of the seat of government at Washington, by M. F. Morris ; Report of the Committee of the society upon the removal of the government to Washington, presented by A. R. Spofford; Index. (1266 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. 4. Washington, D. C 1 ., 1901. 8vo, pp. 248. Illustrated. Contents : Proceedings ; Reports ; Issues of the District of Columbia press in 1800- 01- 02, by A. P. C. Griffin ; The origin of the parking system of this city, by William Tindall ; Some old family letters, by J. Henley Smith ; Augustus Brevoort Woodward a citizen of two cities, by Charles Moore; The United States capitol in 1800, by Glenn Brown ; The defenses of Washington General Early s advance on the capital and the battle of Fort Stevens. July 11 and 12, 1864, by William V. Cox ; Origin of the building regulations, by Appleton P. Clark. Jr. ; The first president s interest in Washington ;is told by himself, by John Ball Osborne ; The navy-yard section during the life of the Rev. William Ryland, by Madison Davis ; Thomas Law, Washington s first rich man. by George Alfred Townsend ; Index. (1267 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 12 178 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. 5. Washington, D. C., 1902. 8vo, pp. 329. Illustrated. Contents : Proceedings ; Reports ; Memorandum of sympathy and sorrow on the death of Queen Victoria ; In memoriam Dr. Samuel Clagett Busey ; Old families and houses Greenleaf s Point, by Jeannie Tree Rives ; Early theatres in Washington city, by A. I. Mudd ; Richard Forrest and his times, 1795-1830, by Kate Kearney Henry ; The centennial of the first inauguration of a presi dent at the permanent seat of government, by Samuel Clagett Busey ; Remarks of John B. Gordon, embracing a communication from Judge James II. Embry in the Senate, March 3, 1897, on the centennial of the retirement of President Washington from public life and the congress of that era ; Equestrian statuary in Washington, by S. II. Kauffman ; Walter Jones and his times, by Fanny Lee Jones ; Old houses on C street and those who lived there, by Douglass Zevely ; Early botanical activity in the District of Columbia, by Frederick V. Coville ; Washington as I first knew it, 1825-1855, by Byron Sunderlnnd ; James Greenleaf, by Allen C. Clark ; Ninth and F streets and thereabout, by Henry E. Davis ; A history of the office of justice of the peace in the District of Columbia, by Charles S. Bundy ; Life and times of William Cranch, judge of the District circuit court, 1801-1855, by William F. Carne ; Index. (1268 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. G. Washington. D. C., 1903. 8vo, pp. 290. Illustrated. Contents : The making of a plan for Washington city, by Glenn Brown ; The making of a plan for the city of Washington, by Charles Moore ; Recollections of a Washington newspaper correspondent, by Francis A. Richardson; Washing ton in literature, by Ainsworth R. Spofford ; The beginnings of government in the District, by W. B. Bryan ; Remarks of James Dudley Morgan, M. I)., before the society, March 10, 1902, in exhibiting a unique picture of Duddington, the residence of Daniel Carroll ; Remarks of. John B. Lamer, when exhibiting an old photograph of the southeast corner of 14th & F streets ; Old residences and family history of the city hall neighborhood, by Douglass Zevely ; The Bradley family and the times in which they lived, by Charles S. Bradley ; A history of the city post-office, by Madison Davis ; The seal of the Columbia Historical Society, by Elizabeth Bryant Johnston ; The theatres of Washington, from 1835 to 1850, by Aloysius Mudd; Officers; Members; Reports; Index. (1269 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records, Vol. 7. Washington, D. C.. 1904. 8vo, pp. 290. Illustrated. Contents : Historic Fort Washington on the Potomac, by James Dudley Morgan ; Early history of the Washington Library Company and other local libraries, by W. Dawson Johnston ; John Barnes, a forgotten philanthropist of Georgetown, by Cordelia Jackson ; The life and times of Pontius D. Stelle, by Maud Burr Morris ; Washington s houses on Capitol Hill, by Henry B. Looker ; Hotels ( f Washington prior to 1814, by W. B. Bryan ; Why the city went west ward ; L Enfant s idea as to how the Capitol building should face, by J. Dudley Morgan ; The plan of the city and its expected growth, by Glenn Brown ; Devel opment of the eastern section and the policy of the landowners, by Allen C. Clark ; The central section cf the city, by W. B. Bryan ; Old residences and family history in the City Hall neighborhood, by Douglass Zevely ; The first master of ceremonies of the White House, by John H. McCormick ; Houses of bricks imported from England, by George Alfred Townsend ; The lyric element in American history, by Ainsworth R. Spofford ; Street nomenclature of Wash ington city, by Alexander B. Ilagner ; List of offi< ers, committees, and members; Proceedings of the society, 1903 ; Principal local events of the year 1903 ; Index. (1270 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. Vol. 8. Washington, 1905. 8vo, pp. iv, 209. Illustrated. Contents : The financial institutions of Washington city in its early days, by Charles E. Howe ; The beginnings of the Presbyterian church in the District of Columbia, by W. B. Bryan ; Early Methodism in the District of Columbia, by W. M. Ferguson ; Jefferson and the newspapers, by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Reprints : Observations on the River Potomack. the country adjacent, and the city of Washington, New York, 1793, by Tobias Lear ; Enquiries into the neces sity or expediency of assuming exclusive legislation over the District of Colum bia (anonymous, probable date of publication, 1800); Prefatory note; Some data concerning Thomas Law and the Washington Canal Company ; Observations COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 179 on the intended canal in Washington city, 1804, by Thomas Law. Appendix : Officers ; Committees ; List of members ; Communications made to the Society during 11)04 ; Proceedings : In memoriam Marcus Baker : Minute, by W. B. Bryan ; Tribute to Marcus Baker, by W .T Mc(Jee : Tribute to Marcus Baker, by John Joy Edson ; Annual reports ; Principal local events during 1004; Necrol ogy ; Index. (1271 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bibliography of the District of Columbia, being a list of books, maps, and newspapers, including articles in magazines and other publications to 1898. Prepared for the Columbia Historical Society, by Wilhelmus Bogart Bryan. Washington, 1900. 8vo, 3 p. 1., pp. 211. (1272 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of the Washington city post-office. From 1795-1903. By Madison Davis. Lancaster, Pa. [1903]. 8vo, pp. 80. pi., port., plan. Paper read before the Columbia Historical Society of Washington, I). C., May 12, 1902. (1273 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Objects, Publications, Officers, and Members of the Columbia Historical Society, 1903. 16mo, pp. 15. (1274 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic Fort Washington. Read before the Columbia Historical Society. [By] James Dudley Morgan. Washington, D. C., 1904. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 19. pi., 2 port., 2 maps, facsim. " Reprinted from the records of the Columbia Historical Society." (1275 COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Houses of bricks imported from England. By George Alfred Townsend. (Read before the Society November 9, 1903.) [Washington, D. C., 1904.] 8vo, pp. 195-210. Caption title. Reprinted from the Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Vol. vn, 1904. (127G DEUTSCHE HISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DEN DISTRICT COLUMBIA. Washington, D. C. DEUTSCHE HISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR DEN DISTRICT COLUMBIA. Berichte. 1. Jahrgang. 1. Heft. 1. Geschaftliches. 2. Die ersten Deutschen im nachmaligen District Columbia. Yon Dr. Christian Strack. Washington, D. C., 1905. 8vo, pp. 55. (1277 DEUTSCHE HISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAB r. Die ersten Deutsche im nachmaligen District Columbia. Von Dr. Christian Strack. I. Teil. Sonderabdruck aus den Berichten der Deutschen Historischen Gesellschaft fiir den District Columbia. 1. Jahrgang. 1. Heft. Washington, D. C., 1905. 8vo, pp. 19-55. (1278 SOCIETY OF THE OLDEST INHABITANTS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. OLDEST INHABITANTS ASSOCIATION. An address on the life and character of John Carroll Brent, delivered by John B. Blake before the Society, April .">. 1876. Washington, 187<5. 8vo, pp. 12. (127J) OLDEST INHABITANTS ASSOCIATION. Washington sixty years ago. Paper by Lambert Tree, read before the Association, 7th April, 1880. [Philadelphia, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 6. Title on cover. (128O 180 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Washington, D. C. SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. I. Washington, D. C., 1897. Svo, pp. 390. Contents : Historical sketch of the association ; On the promotion of his torical studies in the south, by Stephen B. Weeks ; The planter of the old south, by Richard Malcolm Johnston ; Two southern magazines, by Edward Ingle ; Colonel David Crockett, of Tennessee, by Marcus J. Wright ; Bibliography of the statute law of the southern states Parts I in by Theodore Lee Cole; John Owen s journal of his removal from Virginia to Alabama in 1818 ; Ex tracts from Bishop Spangenberg s journal of travels in North Carolina ; Bryant Lester, of Lunenberg co., Va., and his descendants, by Thomas McAdory Owen ; John Brown s raid, by Andrew Hunter ; A bibliography of John Brown, by Thomas Featherstonhaugh ; Thomas Lamar, of the province of Maryland, and a part of his descendants, by William Ilarmong Lamar ; Iluck s defeat, or -the battle of Williamson s plantation, S. C., July 12, 1780, by Marcus J. Wright ; A question of fact Thomas Pinckney vs. J. B. McMaster, by C. C. Pinckney ; Journal of the siege of Savannah in 1779, by Gen. Prevost, command ing the town ; A bibliography of William Gilmore Simms, by A. S. Salley, Jr. ; Book notes; Notes and queries; Index. (1281 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. 11. Washington, D. C., 1898. Svo, pp. 390. Contents : Report of second annual meeting, by Colyer Meriwether ; Unpub lished letters of Andrew Jackson, 1793-1820 ; Some account of the transfer * of the territory of Louisiana from France to the United States, by Marcus J. Wright; The society of the Cincinnati in the southern states, by Charles L Davis; The dismemberment of Virginia, by William Baird ; Anti-slavery senti ment in the south, with unpublished letters from John Stuart Mill and Mrs. Stowe. by Stephen B. Weeks ; Journal of a voyage to Charlestown, in So. Carolina, by Pelatiah Webster in 17Gr>, edited by T. P. Harrison; William Strother, of Virginia, and his descendants, by Thomas McAdory Owen ; Richard Winn, by J. L. M. Curry ; Maryland s greatest politician Cecilius Calvert s career as an index to the history of the Palatinate, by Edward Ingle; Christopher Gadsden, by E. I. Renick ; Virginia women and the civil war, by B. W. Arnold ; Early southern institutions, by Peter J. Hamilton ; Document Commission of Button Gwinett as president and commander in chief of the state of Georgia : Literary estimate and bibliography of Richard Malcolm Johnston, by Edmund Clarence Stedman and Stephen B. Weeks ; Sir Richard Everard, baronet, governor of the colony of North Carolina, 172,"-1731, and his descend ants in Virginia, by Marshall De Lancey Haywood ; Mount Vernon, Alabama, by T. II. Ball ; Monroe s poverty, by Thomas M. Owen ; Social affairs in 17GO letter from Sally Fou ze, February 2G, 1760; Book notes; Notes and queries; Index. (1282 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. HI. Washington, D. C., 1899. 8vo, pp. 384. Contents : The mound-builders of central Florida, by Thomas Featherston haugh ; Edward Moseley, a North Carolina colonial patriot and statesman, by James Franklin Shinn ; Jacob Ammonet, of Virginia, and a part of his descend ants, by Clifton Wood Bransford ; Some difficulties cf a Texas empresario, by Lester G. Bugbee ; The Texan expedition against Mier, 1842 : Petition of Gen. Thos. J. Green ; The personnel of the North Carolina convention of 1788, by J. B. Cheshire, Jr. ; A confederate incident, by J. L. M. Curry ; Documents (giving insight into the trials and difficulties under which our patriot fore fathers labored) : Report of the third annual meeting of the association, by Colyer Meriwether; Sidney Lanier, his life and writings by George S. Wills; Nullification resolutions of 1828, submitted by A. S. Salley, Jr.; The Renick family of Virginia, by E. I. Renick; Henry Tiinrod : Literary estimate and bibliography, by Henry E. Shepherd and A. S. Salley, Jr. ; John Brown s men : The lives of those killed at Harper s Ferry, with a supplementary bibliography SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. 181 of John Brown, by Thomas Featherstonhaugh ; History of the Salisbury, N. C., confederate prison, by A. W. Mangum ; Book notes ; Notes and queries ; Index. (1283 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. iv. Washington, D. C., 1900. 8vo, pp. 525. Contents : Washington and the Constitution, by ,T. L. M. Curry ; Andrew R. Govan, by A. S. Salley, Jr. ; The Revolutionary war in North Carolina, by John Hodges Drake ; Why the Confederacy had no supreme court, by Bradley T. Johnson ; John V. Wright ; J. A. Orr ; L. Q. Washington ; The Texas frontier, 1820-1825, by Lester G. Bugbee ; Documents ; A Baptist appeal : From the pastor of the " First Baptist Church " in Alexandria to President Lincoln ; Report of the fourth annual meeting of the association ; The purchase of Louisiana and how it was brought about, by Daniel R. Goodloe : The journal of Thomas Nicholson, 1746-1771; Anecdotes of General Winfleld Scott; Congressman Stoke s plan for investigation of public archives ; The Southern planter of the fifties, by Louisa Preston Looney ; Letter from a revolutionary officer, Philip Slaughter, January 5, 1847 ; A brief outline of Governor Richard Bennett, by I. T. Tichenor ; Light on the negro problem a review ; Lee and the confed eracy, by Peter J. Hamilton ; The battle of King s mountain, written by William Martin, in 1843, from accounts of eyewitnesses ; The society of the Cincinnati in Virginia, by John Cropper ; Some colonial ancestors of Johns Hopkins, by Miles White, Jr. ; Southern frontier life in revolutionary days narrative of William Martin, from the Draper MS. collections in the Wisconsin State his torical society library ; Notes on John Wright Stanly, of Newbern, No. Carolina, by John D. Whitford ; The Highlanders in America; Index. (12S4 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. v. Washington, D. C., 1901. 8vo, pp. 565. Contents : The history of the confederate treasury, by Ernest A. Smith ; The South in the olden time, by J. M. L. Curry ; Edward Ireland Renick, by Gaillard Hunt ; The report of the fifth annual meeting of the Society, by Colyer Meri- wether ; A sketch of William Vans Murray, by Clement Sulivane; The Calhoun letters a review, by J. L. M. Curry ; A sketch of the life of General John Peter Muhlenberg, by Marcus J. Wright ; Introduction to the genealogy of the descend ants of Judge Paul Carrington and his wife Priscilla (nee) Sims, by J. B. Killebrew ; William Lyne Wilson, by William H. Wilson; President Davis s last c flk-ial meeting, by Mrs. M. E. Robertson ; The Kinsey family supplementary data on the ancestors of Johns Hopkins ; On the history of slavery ; John A. Broadus a review, by J. L. M. Curry ; Was Texas included in the Louisiana purchase, by John R. Ficklen ; Map published, 1762 ; Henry Baker and some of his descendants, by Miles White, .jr. ; The lost colony of Roanoke ; The organiza tion of the Texas revolution, by Eugene C. Barker ; An example Canada s work for history; Herbert Baxter Adams (1850-1001): His work for southern his tory ; The struggle of the confederacy, by J. L. M. Curry ; Book reviews ; Notes and queries; Index. (1285 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. vi. Washington, D. C., 1902. 8vo, pp. 562. Contents : The Virginia literary museum, by John Walter Wayland ; William Lyne Wilson two tributes, by Hilary A. Herbert and Oscar S. Straus; Discov ery of Lake Suppernong (Phelps), North Carolina, with notes by George P. Collins ; Letters from Joseph Martin to Patrick Henry, July, 1789-Jan., 1790 ; Documents on the Texas revolution ; The. American negro : an answer, by W. II. Councill ; Report of the sixth annual meeting, by Colyer Meriwether ; Journal of Charles Porterfield, from March 3, 1776, to July 23, 1776, while a prisoner of war in Quebec; Southern political views, 1865 John II. Reagan s letter to President Johnson ; A bibliography of the women writers of South Carolina, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; The bi-centenary of the French settlement of the southwest Hamilton ; An early decision on imperialism, by David Y. Thomas ; Early Quaker records in Virginia, 1763 ; William Murrell, an old-time merchant in South Caro lina, by Kate Furman ; The Spaniards in the south and south west, by Stephen B. Weeks ; Diary of a march from El Paso to San Antonio, 1849 ; An account of the organization and operations of the post-office department of the Confederate 182 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. States of America, 1861 to 1865, by John H. Reagan ; North Carolina in the Civil war ; Development of historical work in Mississippi ; A valuable book on Louisiana " Le commerce de 1 Amerique par Marseille, ou explication des lettres-patentes du roi pour le commerce qu il se fait de Marseille aux isles Francaises de 1 Amerique. Ponnees au mois de Fevrier 1719. Par un Citaden. Ornee des cartes et de figures en taille douce, Leiden, 1782 ;" General Sumter and his neighbors, by Kate Furman ; Calhoun and secession letter from Calhoun to Collin S. Tarpley, July 0, 1849 ; William Barrett Travis, the hero of the Alamo documents relating to his adventure at Anahuac ; Reasons against trial of Jefferson Davis letter from John II. Reagan ; A southern sulky ride in 1837, from North Carolina to Alabama journal of Wm. II. Wills; Conditions in North Carolina in 1783 from John Sit [John Sitgreaves]. Two recent books on slavery : Anti-slavery in America, from the introduction of African slaves to the prohibition of the slave trade, 1619-1808, by Mary Stoughton Locke ; A his tory of slavery in Virginia, by James Curtis Ballagh ; Reviews and notices ; Notes and queries; Index. (1286 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. vn. Washington. I"). C., 1903. 8vo, pp. 546. Contents : General Joseph Martin, by John Redd, with accompanying docu ments ; A southern sulky ride in 1837, journal of Wm. II. Wills ; Early Quaker records in Virginia ; Documentary progress of Texas revolutionary sentiment as seen in Columbia, by E. C. Barker ; Two southern historical commissions, Ala bama and Mississippi ; Report of the seventh annual meeting of the association, by Colyer Meriwether ; Publication of the confederate rosters by the federal government ; Calhoun as seen by his political friends : letters of Duff Green. Dixon H. Lewis, Richard K. Cralle during the period from 1831 to 1848, edited by Frederick W. Moore; The Duane letters, 1761-1777; The capture of St. Mary s, Georgia, by Admiral Cockburn letter from Thomas Harvey Miller, 1815; The prescript of Ku Klux Klan, by Walter L. Fleming ; A southern traveler s diary in 1840, by Wm. H. Wills ; The expansion of the old southwest, by S. B. Weeks; Confederate naval books and others; Index. (1287 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. vni. 1904. Washington, D. C., 1904. 8vo, pp. 532. Contents : Pioneer municipalities in Texas revolution Mina and San Felipe documents, 1835 ; A southern traveler s diary, 1840, by William H. Wills ; The University of Henrico, by John S. Flory ; The Duane letters, 1774-1781 ; Re construction documents ; Reviews ; Notes and news : Home life in Alabama during the civil war, by Walter L. Fleming ; Texas revolution documents ; The Quaker Janneys of Cheshire and their progenitors, by Miles White, jr. ; Lewis Jones, of Roxbury and Watertown, Massachusetts, 1640-1684, and some of his descendants in the south, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Journal of William Calhoun, 1762-9, annotated by A. S. Salley, jr. ; The journal of James Auld, 1765-1770 ; Long s priority in the discovery of anasthesia, by C. II. Andrews ; The word " Tote," by Thos. L. Brown ; Documents on Albemarle sound and Raleigh inlet, 1789 ; Orders of Virginia Assembly of Dec. 8, 1769 ; Vice-president Andrew Johnson, by David M. De Witt ; Gen. Joseph Martin and the Cherokees docu ments, 1778 ; Some recent race problem literature, by Alfred Holt Stone ; The National Era an abolition document letter from Gamaliel Bailey, 1858 ; The memoirs of James Murray Mason, Confederate commissioner to England, by Walter L. Fleming; Index. (1288 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. ix. Washington. D. C., 1905. 8vo, pp. 449. Contents : Vice President Andrew Johnson, by D. M. De Witt ; President Andrew Johnson and Senator James Rood Doolittle, by Duane Mowry ; Joseph Martin and the Cherokees- documents ; Benedict Arnold s family, by M. J. Wright ; Mexican War documents ; American negro academy, by W. L. Fleming ; Reviews ; Notes and news ; The first clash in the Texas revolution, the taking of Anahuac by Travis documents, 1835; McHenry letters, 1796-1817; Letter of Rear-Admiral Samuel Philipps Lee to Senator James Rood Doolittle, 1865 ; Account of the death of Alexander Gaston letter from Wm Gaston ; Biograph ical sketches : Hugh S Thompson ; Francis White ; Doolittle correspondence, Admiral Paulding s letters; Lenoir s Revolutionary company, by Mrs. P. II. FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 183 Mell : Elizabeth Marshall Martin, letters, 1780 ; Lafayette s company in Vir ginia, April-Oct, 1781, by Marcus J. Wright; Selections from the Doolittle correspondence, contributed by Duane Mowry ; The making of the Confederate constitution, by A. L. Hull ; French refugees to New Orleans in 1809 (with documents), by Luis M. Perez; McHenry papers, communicated by Bernard C. Steiner ; Whiting diary, by W. H. C. Whiting ; Revolutionary politics : Duane letters; Negro colonization, from Doolittle correspondence. (1289-1293 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Christopher Gadsden. By E. I. Renick. Harrisburg, Pa.. 1898. 8vo, pp. [1], [242] -255. From Publication of Southern History Association, July, 1898. (1294 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. Index to names of persons and churches in Bishop Meade s Old churches, ministers, and families of Virginia. By J. M. Toner. Kev. by Hugh A. Morrison. Washington, D. C., The Associa tion, 1898. 8vo, pp. G3. (Southern History Association. Publications. Supp. to V. n, No. 4. Extra V. i.) (1295 SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. The Texas frontier, 1820-1825, by Lester G. Bugbee. Harrisburg, Pa., 1900. 8vo, pp. [2], 103-121. " From Publications of Southern History Association, March, 1900." (129G SOUTHERN HISTORY ASSOCIATION. The history of the Confederate treasury. By Ernest Ashton Smith. Harrisburg, 1901. 8vo, 1 p. L, pp. 126. From publications of the Southern History Association for January, March, May, 1901. (1296 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FLORIDA. St. Augustine, Fla. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FLORIDA. Historical Society of Florida. Organized in 185G. [Officers; Constitution; By-Laws. Honorary Members elected July, 1850; Members elected July, 1856.] St. Augustine, 185G. 32mo, pp. 9, (2). (1297 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF FLORIDA. The Early History of Florida. An intro ductory lecture, delivered by George It. Fairbanks, before the Florida His torical Society, April 15, 1857. With an appendix containing the consti tution, organization, and list of members of the Society. St. Augustine, 1857. (1298 FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jacksonville, Flo. FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Account of the organization of the Society, Nov. 20, 1902, in The Gulf States Historical Magazine, Vol. i, p. 379. (1299 FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Scope and purpose of the Florida Historical Society ; Constitution and by-laws ; Charter members. No date. 8vo, pp. (4). Cover-title. (13OO FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, READING ROOM, ,1X7) HISTORICAL ASSO CIATION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, READING ROOM, AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA. Constitution and By-laws, Organization, and List of Contributors, thus far for its founding and support, June 1st, 1877. Albany, N. Y., 1877. 8vo, pp. 11 (2). (1301 184 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OKOROI.A.. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Savannah, Ga. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. i. Savannah, 1840. 8vo, pp. xii, 307, (I). Contents : Introduction. Oration before the Society at the celebration of their first anniversary, February 12, 1S40, by W. Law ; New and accurate account of the provinces of South Carolina and Georgia [by J. Oglethorpe], London, 1733; A voyage to Georgia, 1735, by F. Moore, London, 1744 ; An impartial inquiry into the state and utility of the province of Georgia [by B. Martyn], London, 1741 ; Reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia, with regard to the trade of Great Britain [etc.], with some account of the country, and the design of the - trustees [by B. Martyn], London, 1733; Sketch of the life of Gen. James Ogle- thorpe, by Thomas Spalding. (13O2 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. ii. Savannah, 1842. 8vo, pp. (6) 336. Contents: Introduction. Discourse before the Society at their second anni versary, February 12, 1841, by W. B. Stevens; A new voyage to Georgia, by a young gentleman, 2d ed., London, 1737 ; A state of the province of Georgia, attested upon oath in the court of Savannah, November 10, 1740 [by William Stephens], London, 1740; A brief account of the causes that have retarded the progress of the colony of Georgia [by Thomas Stephens], London, 1743; A true and historical narrative of the colony of Georgia, by I . Tailfer, H. Anderson, D. Douglas, Charleston, 1741 ; An account showing progress of the colony of Geor gia from its establishment [by B Martyn], London, 1741. Appendix: Account of the Society ; Constitution ; By-Laws ; Act of incorporation ; Officers. Members. 1842. (1303 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. in. part 1. Savannah. 1848. 8vo, pp. 88. Contents: Introduction; [Biographical .sketch of Benjamin Hawkins]; The Creek confederacy [by W. B. Hodgson] ; A sketch of the Creek country, in 1798 and 1790 [by B. Hawkins]. Appendix: Indian treaties, 1773-1796. No other part of this volume was issued. The Society published no more col lections until 1873, when the publication was resumed with the designation of Vol. in, disregarding this first part. (13O4 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. in. Savannah, 1873. 8vo, pp. vi, 428. Contents : Preface ; Letters from General Oglethorpe to the trustees of the colony, October, 1735, to August, 1744 ; Report of Governor Sir James Wright to Lord Dartmouth on the condition of the colony, September 20, 1773 ; Letters from Governor Sir James Wright to the Earl of Dartmouth and Lord George Germain, secretaries of state for America, August 24, 1774, to February 16, 1782. Appendix : Casimir Pulaski, address before the Society by C. C. Jones, jr., upon the celebration of its thirty-second anniversary, February 13, 1871 ; address before the Society by R. D. Arnold, July 24, 1871. (13O5 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Georgia Historical Society. Vol. iv. Savannah, 1878. 8vo,- pp. 263. 04. Illus. Plans. Contents : The dead towns of Georgia, by Charles C. Jones, jr. Itinerant ob servations in America. Reprinted from the London Magazine, 1745-46. (13O6 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 185 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. v. Published by the Savannah Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution as a contribution to Georgia history. Savannah. Ga., 1 ( .H>1. Pt. i, pp. xiv, 139. Contents : Proceedings of the Georgia Provincial congress ; Proceedings of the Georgia Council of safety, 3d November, 1775, to Pel). 17th, 1777 : Account of the siege of Savannah, from a British source. Pt. n, pp. 223. Contents : Order book of Samuel Elbert, Colonel and Brigadier-General in the Continental army, October, 1770, to November, J778; Letter book of Governor Samuel Elbert, from January, 1785, to November, 1785. (13O7 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vi. The letters of lion. James Habersham, 1756-1776. Savannah, Ga., 1904. 8vo, pp. 245, vii. Portrait. (13O8 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Society, Feb ruary 12, 1840. By William Law. Savannah, 1S40. 8vo, pp. 43. On the early settlements and history of Georgia. (13O9 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical memorials of James Oglethorpe, founder of the colony of Georgia. By Thaddeus Mason Harris. Boston, 1841. 8vo, pp. xxii, 424. Portrait. Folded map. Dedicated to the Society. (131O GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical lecture on Sergeant Jasper before the Society, 1841. By Robert M. Charlton. 8vo. (1311 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse before the Society, February 12. 1841. By William Bacon Stevens. Savannah, 1841. 8vo, pp. 40. On the events of the Revolution in Georgia. (1312 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse on the qualifications and duties of an historian, delivered before the Society on its fourth anniversary, February 13. 1843. By Mitchell King. Savannah : Published by a resolution of the Society, 1843. 8vo, pp. 23. (1313 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A lecture delivered before the Society, March 7, 1843. By John Elliott Ward. Savannah. 1S43. 8vo, pp. 22. (1314 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A lecture delivered before the Society at the Uni tarian Church, Tuesday evening. March 14, 1843. By William A. Car- ruthers, M. D. Savannah, 1843. 8vo, pp. 3G. (1315 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A high civilization, the moral duty of Georgians. A discourse before the Society, February 12, 1844. By Stephen Elliott, jr. Savannah, 1814. 8vo, pp. 21. (131G GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lecture before the Society, February 20, and March 4, 1844, on the subject of education. By Samuel K. Ta Image. Savannah, 1844. 8vo, pp. 24. (1317 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Society on the occasion of its sixth anniversary, February 12, 1845. By Alonzo Church. Savannah, 184;"). 8vo, pp. 34, 0. (1318 186 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The romance of life. A historical lecture before the Society on the 14th of January, 1845. By Robert M. Charlton. Savan nah, 1845. 8vo, pp. 10. (1319 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of Georgia, from its first discovery by Europeans to the adoption of the present constitution in 1798. By William Bacon Stevens. 2 vols. New York, 1847, 1859. Two vols., 8vo. Plates. Plan. Map. Prepared at the request of the Society and published under its auspices. Pecuniary aid was rendered by the Society for the publication of the second volume. (132O GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of meeting, January 7, 1855. Broadside. (1321 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address delivered before the Society on its nineteenth anniversary, February 12, 1858. By Jolm E. Ward. Savannah, 1858. 8vo, pp. 24. (1322 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indian remains in southern Georgia. Address before the Society on its twentieth anniversary, February 12, 1859. By Charles C. Jones, jr. Savannah, 1859. 8vo, pp. 25. (1323 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution, by-laws, and list of members. Savannah, 1859. 8vo, pp. 15. (1324 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A reply to a resolution of the Society, read before the Society at its anniversary meeting, February 12, 1806. By Stephen Elliott. Savannah, 1866. 8vo, pp. 13. (1325 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eulogy on the life and character of Stephen Elliott. By Solomon Cohen. Written and published at the request of the Society. Savannah, 18G7. 8vo, pp. 18. (1326 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution, by-laws, and list of members. Savannah, 1871. 8vo, pp. 27. (132T GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wilde s Summer Rose; or, the Lament of the Captive. An authentic account of the origin, mystery, and explanation of R. II. Wilde s alleged plagiarism. By Anthony Barclay, and with his per mission published by the Society. Savannah, 1871. 8vo, pp. 70. (1328 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Casimir Pulaski. An address delivered before the Society by Charles C. Jones, jr., upon the occasion of the celebration of its thirty-second anniversary, February 13, 1871. Savannah, 1873. 8vo, pp. 28. Large paper. (1329 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, resolutions, and communications, commemorative of Edward J. Hardin, attorney for the city of Savannah and president of the Society, who died April 19, 1873. [Savannah], 1873. 8vo, pp. 31. (133O GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The siege of Savannah in 1779, as described in two contemporaneous journals of French officers in the fleet of Count d Estaing. Albany, 1874. 4to, pp. 77. Folded map. Edited by Charles C. Jones, jr., and dedicated to the Georgia Historical Society. (1331 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 187 GKOKUIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the dedication of Hodgson Hall, by the Society, on occasion of its thirty-seventh anniversary, February 14, 1870. Savannah, 1876. 8vo, pp. 29. Photograph. (1332 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sergeant William Jasper. An address delivered before the Georgia Historical Society, in Savannah, Ga., on the 3d of Janu ary, 187G. By Charles C. Jones, jr. [Albany.] Printed for the Society, 1876. 8vo, pp. 36. Same. Albany, .T. Munsell, 1876. 8vo, pp. 30. (1333 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gettysburg. By Lafayette McLaws. [Read be fore the Society.] Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. vn. pp. 04-00. Richmond, 1879. ( 1334 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of service with the first volunteer regiment of Georgia, Charleston Harbor, in 1863. An address before the Society, March 3, 1879. By Charles H. Olmstead. Savannah, 1879. 8vo, pp. 15. (1335 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of service in Charleston Harbor in 1863. By Charles H. Olmstead. Read before the Society. March 3. 1S79. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. 11, pp. 118-125, 158-171. Richmond, [1883]. (1336 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hernando De Soto. The adventures encountered and the route pursued by the Adelantado during his inarch through the territory embraced within the present limits of Georgia. By Charles C- Jones, jr. Read before the Society. Savannah, 1880. 8vo, pp. 42 (1). Portrait. (1337 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Anniversary address before the Society on the 14th of February, 1881. By Charles C. Jones, jr. [Savannah], 1881. 8vo, pp. 40. Title on cover reads: "The Georgia Historical Society; its founders, patrons, and friends." (1338 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution, by-laws, and list of members. Sa vannah, 1883. 8vo, pp. 31 (l). (133!) GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A suggestion as to the origin of the plan of Savannah. Remarks by William Harden before the Society, September 7. 1885. [Savannah, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (134O GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and services of the Hon. Maj. (Jen. Samuel Elbert, of Georgia. By Charles C. Jones, jr. An address before the Society, at Savannah, on the 6th of December, 1886. Printed for the Society. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 48. (1341 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief sketch of the life and writings of Sidney Lanier. By Charles N. West. An address delivered before the Society on the 5th of December, 1887. Printed for the Society. Savannah, 1888. 8vo, pp. 25. (1343 GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and times of William Harris Crawford, of Georgia. An address delivered by Charles X. West, A. M.. before the Society, May 2, 1892. [Savannah], 1892. 8vo, pp. 45. (1343 188 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Memoirs of Georgia ; containing historical accounts of the State s civil, military, industrial, and professional interests, and personal sketches of many of its people. Atlanta, Ga., The Southern Historical Association, 1895. 2 v. 4 to. Tort. (1344 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Memoirs of Florida : embracing a general history of the province, territory and state ; and special chapters devoted to finances and banking, the bench and bar, medical profession, railways and navigation, and industrial interests. By Rowland II. Kerick. Edited by Francis P. Fleming. Atlanta, Ga., The Southern Historical Association, 1902. 4 to, 2 vols. (1344a ILLINOIS. ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. Proceedings at the first session of the Antiquarian and Historical Society of Illinois in December, 1827, with an address. Edwardsville, 1828. 12mo, pp. 22. (1345 ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. Address before the Society at its annual meeting, December, 1828, by James Hall. Vandalia, 1829. 12mo, pp. 20. Proceedings on pp. 18-20. (1346 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Chicago Historical Society ; its origin, pres ent condition, plans, and necessities. [Chicago], n. d. 4to sheet, pp. 2. No title-page. (1347 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the Historical So ciety of Chicago. Chicago, 1850. 12mo, pp. 14 (1). (1348 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of lion. Daniel P. Cook. Read before the Society, June 9, 1857, by William II. Brown. Chicago, 1857. 8vo, pp. 30. (1349 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, constitution, and by-laws, with a list of officers, etc. Chicago, 1858. 8vo, pp. 31. Some copies have 23, (3) pp. (135O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the first exhibition of statuary, paintings, etc., opened May 9, in Barch s Building, corner Wabash avenue and Lake street, 1859. Chicago, 1859. 8vo. Mrs. I). Hager writes : " I have heard, but not seen it in the records, that this exhibition of fine arts was got up by members of the Historical Society for its benefit." (1351 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biennial report to the Governor of Illinois. Springfield (111.), 1863. 8vo, pp. 13 (1). (1352 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical sketch, of the early movement in Illinois for the legalization of slavery. Read at the annual meeting of the Society, December 5, 1804, by William H. Brown. Chicago, 1805. 8vo, pp. 44. Reprinted in 1876. (1353 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 189 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual meeting, November 19th, 18(58. Addresses by J. Young Scammon, president, and Isaac N. Arnold. Chicago, 1808. 8vo, pp. 32. I. N. Arnold spoke on the early history of Chicago. (1354 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Illinois from 1778 to 1833; and Life and times of Xinian Edwards. By Ninian W. Edwards. Springfield, 1870. 8vo, pp. 540, iii. Written at request of the Society. (1355 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The last of the Illinois, and a sketch of the Pottawatomies. Read before the Society, December 13, 1870, by John Dean Caton. Chicago, 1870. 8vo, pp. 36. (135 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The last of the Illinois, and a sketch of the Pottawatomies. Read before the Society, December 13, 1870, by John D. Caton. Chicago, 1870. 12mo, pp. 30. Fergus Historical Series, No. 3, pp. 1-30. (1357 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, Constitution, and By-Laws, with a list of officers and members. Chicago, 1871. 8vo, pp. 23. (135S CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical Sketch of the early Movement in Illinois for the legalization of Slavery. Read at the annual meeting of the Society, December 5, 1864, by William H. Brown. Chicago, 1870. 12mo, pp. 30 (1). Fergus Historical Series, No. 4. (135J> CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses delivered at the annual meeting of the Society, November 19, 1808, by J. Young Scammon and Isaac X. Arnold : Incidents in the lives of President Lincoln and Major Anderson in the Black Hawk war, Luther Haven, George Manierre, and other early settlers in Chicago. With a sketch of Col. John II. Kinzio. by Juliette A. Kinzie, read before the Society July 17, 1877. Sketches of Billy Caldwell and Shabonee, by William Hickling and G. S. Hubbard, and the " Winnebago Scare," by H. W. Beckwith. Chicago, 1877. 12mo, pp. 52. Fergus Historical Series, No. 10. (136O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago Historical Society, November 19, 1808. Introductory address, by J. Young Scammon. Address by Isaac N. Arnold, giving a history of the Society and its acquisitions up to that time, with incidents in the lives of Abraham Lincoln and Major Anderson ; also of Luther Haven, George Manierre, and other early settlers of Chicago. Chicago, 1877. 8vo, pp. 31. (1361 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular about objects of the Society. January, 1878. Sheet. (132 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical Sketch of the late Gen. B. J. Sweet. History of Camp Douglas. A paper read before the Society June 18, 1878, by William Bross. Chicago, 1878. 8vo, pp. 28. Plan. (13O3 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical Memoir of the Hon. George Ma nierre, delivered before the Society April 1C, 1878, by Thomas Hoyne. [Chicago, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 48. Portrait. (13O4 190 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Father Marquette at Mackinaw and Chicago. A paper read before the Society, October 15, 1868, by Henry H. Hurlbut. Chicago, 1878. 8vo, pp. 16. (1365 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reynolds History of Illinois. My Own Times: Embracing also the History of my Life. By John Reynolds, late governor of Illinois. Chicago, 1879. 8vo, pp. xx, 395. Portrait. The author was governor of Illinois from 1830 to 1834, and published this work in 1850. The original edition having become scarce, it was reprinted as above by the Historical Society. (1366 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Imprisonment in Li buy and Escape by Tun nel. By Charles Warrington Earle. Waukegan, III., 1879. 8vo, pp. 21. Read before the Chicago Historical Society, May 23, 1879. (1367 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kaskaskia, 111., Parish Records, 1696-1834. By E. G. Mason. Chicago, 1879. 8vo, pp. 22. From the Chicago Times. (1363 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago and the sources of her past and future growth. ,A paper read before the Society, January 20, 1880, by Willia-m Bross. Chicago, 1880. 8vo, pp. 18. (1369 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Recollections of Early Illinois and Her Noted Men. Read before the Society, March 16, 1880, by Joseph Gillespie. Chi cago, 1880. 12mo, pp. 50 (1). Fergus Historical Series, No. 18. (137O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Society in Southern Illinois. A lecture read before the Society, October 19, 1880, by Robert W. Patterson. Chi cago, 1881. 8vo, pp. 34. Same, in Fergus Historical Series, No. 14, pp. 103-131. (1371 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief History of the Society, together with constitution and by-laws, and list of officers and members. Chicago, 1881. 8vo, pp. 31. (1373 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The earliest religious history of Chicago. By Jeremiah Porter, its first resident pastor. An address read before the So ciety in 1859. [Chicago, 1881.] 12mo. Fergus Historical Scries, No. 14, pp. 1-80. (1373 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Chicago. Fort Dearborn. An address delivered at the unveiling of the memorial tablet to mark the site of the . Blockhouse, May 21, 1881, under the auspices of the Society, to which have been added notes and an appendix. By John Wentworth. Chicago, 1881. 12mo, pp. 104 (20). Fergus Historical Series, No. 16. (1374 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century. [Three pa pers read before the Society.] Kaskaskia and its parish records; Old Fort Chartres; and Col. John Todd s record book. By Edward G. Mason. Chicago, 1881. 12mo, pp. (2) 68. Fergus Historical Series, No. 12. (1375 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Recollections of Public Men. A paper read be fore the Society, November 15, 1881, by William F. De Wolf. Chicago. 1881. 8vo, pp. 16. Second edition, 1882. (1376 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 191 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William B. Ogden, and early days in Chicago. A paper read before the Society, December 20, 1881 (on the presentation by Mrs. Ogden of a portrait of her late husband, painted by George P. A. Healy), by Isaac N. Arnold. Chicago, 1881. 8vo, pp. (2), 40. Printed also, in 1882, in Fergus Historical Series. (1377 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Historical Chicago past, present, and future." Address of Emery A. Storrs, for the benefit of the Society. Delivered at Central Music Hall, December 15, 1882, Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, presiding. Chicago, 1882. Large 8vo, pp. 20. (1378 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William B. Ogden and early days in Chicago. A paper read before the Society, December 20, 1881, by Isaac X. Arnold. Chicago, 1882. 12mo, pp. 40. Fergus Historical Series, No. 17, pp. 1-40. Published also independently of the series. (137O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago Historical Society Collections. Vol. i. Chicago, 1882. Svo, pp. (2), 402. Contents: History of the English. settlement in Edwards County, 111., founded in 1817 and 1818, by Morris Birkbeck and George Flower. With preface and foot-notes, by E. B. Washburne. ( 138O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago Historical Society Collections. Vol. n. Chicago, 1884. Svo, pp. 134. Portrait. Contents: Biographical sketch of Enoch Long, an Illinois pioneer. By Harvey Reid. (1381 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago Historical Society Collections. Vol. in. Chicago, 1884. 8vo, pp. 8, xxviii, 17-633. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents: The Edwards papers; being a portion of the collection of the letters, papers, and manuscripts of Ninian Edwards. I klited by E. B. Wash burne. (1382 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago Historical Society Collections. Vol. iv. Chicago, 1890. Svo, pp. xxv, 521. Portraits. Contents : Early Chicago and Illinois, edited and annotated by Edward G. Mason; Inscription; Papers; Officers, 1880; Members; Gurdon S. Ilub- bard, a settler of Chicago in 1818, by Grant Goodrich ; Isaac N. Arnold, a settler of Chicago in 1836, by E. B. Washburne : Mark Skinner, by E. W. Blatchford ; Elihu B. Washburne, by George W. Smith ; Tribute of William II. Bradley ; Philo Carpenter, a settler of Chicago in 1832, by Henry L. Hammond ; Samuel Stone, by Mrs. William Barry ; Sketch of Pierre Menard, by E. G. Mason; The first lieutenant-governor of Illinois, by Henry S. Baker; Pierre Menard papers ; Noel Le Vasseur, by Stephen R. Moore ; Lists of early Illinois citizens, introduction by E. G. Mason : Heads of families in Kaskaskia in or before 1783; Inhabitants of Prairie du Rocher and St. Philips in 1783; Heads of families in Cahokia and Us environs in 1783 ; Heads of families at Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher, etc., 1783 ; Liste des habitans resident aux Kaskas- kias en 1700; Captain Piggofs company. April 26, 1700 ; Roll of Captain Saucier s company August I, 1700; Captain Dubuque s company, August 1. 1700; Roll of militia of Kaskaskia. August 1. 1700; Roll of militia of Prairie du Rocher, August 1, 1700; General returns of St. Clalr County militia. August 1, 1700. John Rice Jones, a brief sketch of the life and public career of the first ; ticing lawyer in Illinois, by W. A. Burt Jones: Rice Jones, by W. A. Burt : John Todd s Record book ; John Todd Papers ; British Illinois : Philippe de Ro* heblave, sketch by E. G. Mason; Rocheblave papers; Court of Inquiry at Fort Chnrtres, by John Moses; Index. (1383 192 AMERICAN- HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Congressional Reminiscences: Adams, Benton, Calhoun, Clay, and Webster. An address, March 1<J, 1882, before the So ciety, with notes and an appendix, by Chicago s first Congressman, John Wentworth. Chicago, 1882. 12mo, pp. 101. Fergus Historical Series, No. 24. (1384 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of Edward Coles, second governor of Illinois, and of the slavery struggle of 1823-1884. Prepared for the Society by E. B. Washburne. Chicago, 1882. 8vo, pp. 253. Portrait. Facsimiles. (1385 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-Laws, together with list of officers and members. Chicago, 1883. 8vo, pp. 27. Same, corrected edition, pp. 28. (1386 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Illinois Railroads. A paper read before the Society, February 20, 1883, by Win. K. Ackerman. Notes by John Went worth. Also, an appendix, with the Breese-Douglas correspondence on the inception and origin of the Illinois Central Railroad, and the origin of names of stations on the Illinois Central Railroad. Chicago, 1884. 8vo, pp. 174. (1387 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago Historical Society s Proceedings. De cember 18, 1883. Chicago, 18,84. Svo, pp. (4) 5G. Two portraits. Contents : The Dearborns : A discourse commemorative of the eightieth anni versary of the occupation of Fort Dearhorn, and the first settlement at Chicago. Read, December 18, 1883, by Daniel Goodwin, jr. With remarks of John Went worth, .1. Young Scammon, E. B. Washburne, and I. N. Arnold. (1388 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dearborns: A discourse commemorative of the eightieth anniversary of the occupation of Fort Dearborn, and the first settlement at Chicago. Read before the Society, December 18, 1883, by Daniel Goodwin, jr. With remarks of John Wentworth, J. Young Scammon, E. B. Washburne, and I. N. Arnold. Chicago, 1884. 8vo, pp. (4), 56. Two portraits. Title on cover reads: "The Dearborns. By Daniel Goodwin, jr. Chicago His torical Society s Proceedings." (1389 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Illinois and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution cf the United States. A paper read before the Society, Janu ary, 15, 1884, by William Bross. Chicago, 1884. 8vo, pp. 8. (139O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In Memoriam. Memorial addresses commemo rative of the lives and characters of Hon. Isaac X. Arnold, late president, and Hon. Thomas Hoyne, late vice-president, of the Society. Delivered before the Society, October 21, 1884, by E. B. Washburne, Thomas Drum- mond. and Van II. Higgins, in respect of Mr. Arnold ; John Wentworth, in respect of Mr. Hoyne. Chicago, 1884. Svo, pp. 43. (1391 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Theater; its early days in Chicago. A paper read before the Society, February 19, 1884, by J. II. McVicker. Chicago, 1884. 8vo, pp. 88. (1392 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charles Hammond and his relations to Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams; or constitutional limitations and the contest for freedom of speech and the press. An address before the Society, May 20, 1884, by William Henry Smith. Chicago, 1885. 8vo, pp. 72. (1393 CHICAfO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 193 CHICAGO HISTORICAL Socp.ry. In Memoriam : Isaac Newton Arnold, November 30, 1813, to April 24, 1884; Arthur Mason Arnold, May 13, 1858, to April 2<>, 1873. Chicago, 1885. 8vo, pp. 115. Portrait, pp. 36-72 contain the proceedings of the Society. (1394 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In Memoriam: John S. Wright. An address delivered before the Society, July 21, 1885, by Augustine W. Wright. Chi cago, 1885. Svo, pp. 40. (1395 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Samuel de Champlain : a brief sketch of the eminent navigator and discoverer. Read before the Society, October 20, 1885, by Henry II. Hurlbut. A portrait of the great explorer, painted by Miss Harriet P. Hurlbut, was on this occasion presented in her name to the Society. Chicago, 1885. Svo, pp. 19. (1 396 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-Laws of the Society, to gether with list of officers and members, 1885-86. Chicago, 1SSG. Svo, pp. 27 (1). (1397 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports of quarterly meetings, January, 1889- Nov., 1902. Chicago, 1889-1902. Svo. Issued in leaflets paged continuously to form a volume. (1398 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of special meeting, January 17, 1899. Svo, pp. 179-202. [Memorial meeting to commemorate Henry William King.] (1399 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of special meeting, April 3, 1900. Svo, pp. 253-272. Contents : Father Marquette, by Franklin MacVeagh ; Marquette at Michilli- mackinac, by Edward Osgood Brown. (14OO CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of special meeting, April 2(5, 1900. Svo, pp. 27*3-297. Contents: Illinois, by Adlai E. Stevenson. (14O1 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ceremonies at the unveiling of the bron/e me morial group of the Chicago massacre of 1812. Chicago. Printed for the Chicago Historical Soc., 1893. Svo, pp. 23. Front. (14O2 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In memory of Robert C. Winthrop. By Daniel Goodwin. Delivered before the Chicago Literary Club, November 20, 1888. and the Chicago Historical Society, November 20, 1894. Chicago, 1894. Svo, pp. 64. Folded plan. (14O3 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Officers, members, constitution, by-laws. Chi cago, 1894. Svo, pp. 22. (1404 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, Constitution, By-Laws; Roll of mem bership, 1901 ; List of officers and members, 1901. Svo, pp. 58, xvi. (14O5 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, Constitution, By-Laws ; Membership list ; Annual report. 1903. Syo, pp. 54. (14O6 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eleazer Williams not the dauphin of France; a lecture read before the Chicago Historical Society December 4, 1902, by William Ward Wight. Chicago, 1903. Svo, 2 p. 1., 35, [1] pp. Front, (port.) (Fergus historical series, no. 35.) (1407 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 13 194 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, Constitution, J / Laws ; Membership list. 1904. 8vo, pp. 155-256. Plate. Same, 1905, pp. 290-370. Illus. (14O8 CHICAGO HISTORICAL, SOCIETY. In memoriam. John Nelson Jewett, LL. D., president of the Chicago Historical Society, 1899-1904. Memorial meeting in the lecture hall of the Chicago Historical Society, February 29th, 1904. [Chicago? 1904.] 8vo, 2 p. 1., pp. 7-37. (14O9 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Attitude of the Chicago Common Council toward the Fugitive Slave Law. By Charles W. Mann. Read before the Society, Jan. 29, 1903. Title taken from the Annual Report, 1904-5, p. 193. (141O CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The disputed boundary line between Illinois and Wisconsin. An address by William Rodebaugh before the Society, May 19, 1904. Title taken from the Annual Report, 1904-5, p. 193. (1411 CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early days of Peoria and Chicago. By David McCulloch. An address before the Society, Jan. 19, 1904. Title taken from the Annual Report, 1904-5, p. 193. (1412 EVANSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Evanston. 111 EVANSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual meeting, January 24, 1901. 8vo, pp. (4). (1413 EVANSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report, 3d. 1902. Chicago, 1902. 8vo, pp. 10, 2. Portrait. (1413o EVANSTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Our Indian predecessors the first Evans- tonians. A paper read before the society by Frank R. Grover, November 2nd, 1901. Evanston, 111.. [1901]. 8vo, pp. 28, [2]. At head of title: Evanston Historical Society. (1414 FRANKLIN SOCIETY. Chicago, III. FRANKLIN SOCIETY. Publications of the Franklin Society. Vols. i and n. Chicago, 1869-70. 4to. Contents : No. 1. The Printer, by J. W. Sheahan, pp. 20. No. 2. Early News papers in Illinois, by H. R. Boss, pp. 48. (1415 GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ILLINOIS. Chicago. 111. DEUTSCH-AMERIKANISCHE HISTORISCHE GESELLSCHAFT VON ILLINOIS. Deutsch- Amerikanische Geschichtsblatter. Vierteljahrsschrift. Heransg. von der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Historischen Gesellschaft von Illinois. Vols. i-v. Chicago, 111., 1901-1905. 5 vols. 8vo. (1416 GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pioneer leaders. Read before the German-American Historical Society of Illinois, at Chicago, Feb. 12, 1901. By Ernest Bruncken. [n. p., 1901?] 4to, [4] pp. Caption title. (1417 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 195 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF JOLIKT. Joliet, III. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF JOLIET. Forty years ago : A contribution to the early history of Joliet and Will County. Two lectures before the Society, by George H. Woodruff, December 7, 1873, and March 24, 1874. Joliet, 1874. 8vo, pp. (2) 108. (1418 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUJNCY, ILLINOIS. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUINCY, ILLINOIS. Officers, members, constitution, by laws. Organized 1896. Incorporated 1896. Quincy, Illinois, 1901. 16mo, pp. 15, (1). (1419 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First annual meeting to be held at the Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois, January 5 and 6. 1900. Program. " (1420 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the Illinois State His torical Society for the year 1900. Springfield, 111., 1900. 8vo, pp. 55. (Publication No. 4 of the Illinois State Historical Library.) Contents : History, organization, and objects of the Society ; Journal of pro ceedings ; President s address, by Hiram W. Beckwith ; The worth of a state historical society, by Richard Edwards ; The field for archaeological research in Illinois, by J. F. Snyder ; Local historical societies their field of work and their relation to the state society, by J. H. Burnham ; Congressional remi niscences, by James M. Ruggles ; Recollections of Stephen A. Douglas, by George M. McConnell ; Historical materials in the State Historical Library at Springfield, by George N. Black. (1421 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the Illinois State His torical Society for the year 1901. Springfield, 111.. 1901. 8vo, pp. 122. (Publication No. 6 of the Illinois State Historical Library.) Contents: Constitution; Officers; Proceedings, etc.; The organization of the Illinois State Historical Society, by J. F. Snyder; Annual address before the Society, by Reuben Gold Thwaites : The objects of the German-American His torical Society, by William Vocke ; The influence of government land grants for educational purposes upon the educational system of the state, by Jonathan Baldwin Turner ; Old Peoria, by David McCulloch ; Slavery in Illinois, by Ethan A. Snively ; Early reminiscences, by A. W. French ; The oldest civil record in the west, by J. Nick Perrin ; Illinois during the Revolution, by Laura D. Fcssenden ; In memoriam, John M. Palmer, by Euclid B. Rogers ; General John A. McClernand, by Alfred Orendorff ; The life and services of General James M. Ruggles, by P. L. Diffenbacher ; The Wood River massacre, by Volney P. Richmond ; The Stuart-Bennett duel, the first duel fought in Illinois, at Belleville, in St. Clair county, Feb. 8, 1810, by James Affleck ; John Russel, of Bluffdale, Illinois, by S. G. Russell ; An incident in the early history of Morgan county, Illinois, by John Yaple ; Stephen A. Douglas, some old letters by, and relating to, the distinguished statesman, by Joseph Wallace; The Black Hawk War, an account of the discovery of the graves of the men who fell in the " Battle of Stillman s Run " on May 14, 1862, by R. W. Newlands ; Index. (1422 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions for 1902. Springfield, 1902. 8vo, pp. 246. Illustrated. (Publication No. 7 of the Illinois State Historical Library.) * Contents: Officers, members; Reports; Historical Department of Illinois statistics and suggestions, by J. F. Snyder : Addresses by C. W. Barnes and H. W. Beckwith; The sources and results of law in Illinois, by John N. Jewett ; The organization and history of Illinois college, by Edward P. Kirby ; Rev. Peter Cartwright, by M. H. Chamberlin ; Early religious methods and leaders in Illi nois, by W. F. Short ; The first Irish in Illinois, by P. T. Barry ; Illinois and its 196 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. people, by George Murray McConnell ; Some facts in the judicial history of Illinois, by J. O. Cunningham ; The Bishop Hill colony, by Hiram Bigelow ; Major John T. Stuart, by C. C. Brown ; The state s internal improvement venture of 18378, by Bernard Stuve ; Kaskaskia road and trails, with a map, by Frank Moore ; The French in Illinois, by .1. Nick Perrin ; Saukenuk, by Julia Mills Dunn ; Illinois ancestry among the Daughters of the American Revo lution, by Katharine C. Sparks ; Richard Yates s services to Illinois as war governor, by Wm. Jayne ; Destruction of the Fox Indians in 1730 by the French and their allies, with maps, by John F. Steward; In memoriam, Mary Nash Stuart ; Life and character of Isaac Funk, by L. H. Herrick ; Stillman s defeat, by Frank E. Stevens ; The site of Fort Cre"vecoeur, by Ada Greenwood MacLaughlin ; Copies of Paris documents, 173031 (relating to Illinois), pro cured by J. F. Steward ; Narrative of the capture of William Biggs by the Kickapoo Indians in 1788, written by himself; Index. (1423 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions for the year 1903. Fourth animal meeting of the Society, Jan. 27 and 28, 1903. Springfield, 1904. 8vo, pp. ix, 376. Illustrated. (Publication No. 8 of the State Historical Library.) Contents : Officers, members, committees ; Transactions ; Address of welcome, W. A. Northcott ; Response of J. F. Snyder ; Constitutional conventions and constitutions of Illinois, by Adlai E. Stevenson ; The mines of Jo Daviess county, by William Spensley ; Old Fort Massac, by Mrs. Mathew T. Scott ; Men and manners of the early days in Illinois, by A. W. French ; Sectional forces in the history of Illinois, by Evarts B. Greene ; Decisive events in the building of Illinois, by Wm. H. Collins ; Edward Coles, second governor of Illinois, by Mrs. S. P. Wheeler ; Fort De Chartres its origin, growth, and decline, by Joseph Wallace ; A few notes for an industrial history of Illinois, by Ethelbert Stewart ; Necrologist s report ; Prairie du Rocher church records, 1743-1745, with trans lation by C. J. Eschmann ; Travels in Illinois in 1819, by Ferdinand Ernst ; The army led by Col. George Rogers Clark in his conquest of the Illinois, 1778-9; Notes by J. F. Snyder; An early Illinois newspaper (Illinois Herald), extracts from its files, by J. H. Burnham ; Forgotten statesmen of Illinois John McLean, Thomas Sloo, Charles Slade ; The attorneys-general of Illinois, by Mason H. Newell ; Lincoln in Rushville, 1832 to 1858, by Howard F. Dyson ; Early history of the drug trade of Chicago, compiled from the records of the Chicago veteran druggists association, by Albert E. Ebert ; Jean Gabriel Cerre a sketch, by Walter B. Douglas ; Report of the committee on historic places in Illinois ; Action of the Illinois members of the society of Daughters of the American Revolution in relation to the purchase by the state of the site of old Fort Massac ; Report of the trustees of the Illinois state historical library, 1901-1902 ; Index. (1424 For Transactions, 1904. Springfield, 1904, see Appendix. ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The field for archaeological research in Illinois ; a paper read hefore the Illinois State Historical Society at its first annual meeting in Peoria, Illinois, January 5-6, 1900, by J. F. Snyder, M. D. Springfield, 111., 1900. 8vo, pp. 13. Cover-title. (1425 MCLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bloomington, III. MCLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Transactions. Vol. i. Bloomington, 111. Published for the Society, 1899. 8vo, pp. 539. Illustrated. Contents : Inaugural address of Judge John M. Scott ; Soldiers of the War of the Revolution buried in McLean county ; Soldiers of the War of 1812 buried in McLean county ; McLean county in the Black Hawk War, 1832, by Ezra M. Prince ; Co. B, fourth regiment, Illinois Volunteers, in the War with Mexico, by Ezra M. Prince ; McLean county in the War of the Rebellion ; War with Spain ; Officers of the circuit court of McLean county ; County government of McLean county ; Seventy-fifth anniversary of the Blooming Grove Settlement ; Sketches of old settlers ; Street names in Bloomington their historical significance, by J. H. Burnham; Reminiscences of the war (Rebel lion), by John McNulta ; Litta, an American singer a sketch of Marie Eu genia von Eisner, by John M. Scott; Biographies; Index. (1426 McLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ILLINOIS. 197 MCLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. n. Bloornington, 111., 1903. 8vo, pp. 695. Illustrated. Contents : Constitution ; Officers ; Members ; Work of the society ; School record of McLean County : Mrs. Delilah Mullin-Evans, first school-teacher ; Sub scription and semi-subscription schools, by J. H. Burnham ; Education in McLean county, by Richard Edwards ; School lands and school funds, by Ezra M. Prince ; History of public schools of Bloomington, by Sarah Raymond Fitzwilliam and E. L. Boyer ; The normal school district, by Enoch A. Fritter ; The Heyworth school district, by F. H. Hill ; The Kickapoo Union school district, by Joseph B. Weaver ; Early schools in Money Creek, by W. R. Bishop ; Colfax school, by P. T. Douglas ; Early schools of Empire township, by Thomas L. Buck ; Schools of Lexington, by D. F. Trimmer ; Early schools of Funk s Grove, by Lafayette Funk ; History of St. Joseph s Academy and St. Mary s College High School ; History of Parochial school of German Evangelical Lutheran Church ; History of Parochial school of St. Mary s Parish ; Educational convention of 1853, by John H. Burnham ; The Illinois Wesleyan University, by Edgar M. Smith ; Early days at Normal, by J. H. Burnham ; How the Normal was located, by J. H. Burnham ; A sketch of the Illinois Normal University, by C. L. Capen ; Illinois Soldiers Orphans Home, by Harvey C. De Motte ; McLean county school districts renumbered statistics by John S. Wren ; History of the panta- graph, by Edward J. Lewis ; History of Withers Public Library, by Caroline F. Kimball ; The McLean memorial, Dec. 6, 1898 ; Roads of McLean county a half century ago, by Geo. W. Gastman ; Evolution of the jail of McLean county, by Ezra M. Prince; Game birds and animals of McLean county, by M. W. Packard ; Col. Harvey Hogg, by William M. Baldwin ; Early nurseries, by John H. Burnham ; Groves of McLean county, by G. W. Minier ; The natural groves, by Peter Folsom ; Sniping, by W. Packard ; Leonard Swett biographical sketch ; , Hamilton Spencer, by his son, Henry D. Spencer ; Address by Hon. Lawrence Weldon on Hamilton Spencer; A sketch of Robert E. Williams, by Adlai E. Stevenson ; Two loyal Kentucky women during the war of the Rebellion, by Louisa Jackman ; The charge of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, by Thaddeus B. Packard ; Bloomington, 1853 to 1856 extracts from the diary of Isaac L. Ken- yon, with reminiscences by Mary P. Hoover ; Daniel Wilkins, by Mary P. Hoover ; Trees of Bloomington and vicinity, by J. H. Burnham ; Sketch of the life of Captain A. M. Stringfield, by A. E. Stewart ; Early camp meetings ; Pioneer settlers of Funk s Grove, by Lafayette Funk ; The Stubblefields a biographical sketch, by Isaac N. Wright ; Life and character of Isaac Funk, by L. H. Kerrick ; Cassandra Sharp Funk, by Clara Funk Humphreys ; Bloomington s fiftieth anniversary : Address by James S. Ewing A citizen of no mean city ; Bloom ington, Illinois, by William Bach; Biographies; Index. (1427 MCLEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. in. Meeting of May 29, 1900, commemorative of the Convention of May 29, 1856, that organized the Republican Party in the state of Illinois. Edited by Ezra M. Prince. Bloomington, Illinois, 1900. 8vo, pp. 184. Illustrated. Contents : Preface ; Table of contents ; Newspaper accounts of the meeting ; Introductory, by Ezra M. Prince ; Address of welcome, by Joseph W. Fifer ; The Editorial Convention, February 22, 1856, by Paul Selby ; Republican state con vention, October, 1854, by Paul Selby ; The Germans and the German Press, by William Vocke ; Lovejoy, the Abolitionists, and Republican Party, by Benj. F. Shaw ; Address, by James M. Ruggles ; Lincoln and the Campaign of 1856, by Thomas J. Henderson ; Lincoln and the Anti-Know-Nothing Resolutions, by Geo. Schneider ; Abraham Lincoln, by John G. Nicolay ; The Whigs and Whig leaders of Illinois, by Isaac L. Morrison ; Address of Gen. John M. Palmer ; Biographical sketch of Governor Bissell, by Frank M. Elliot ; Official account of convention ; Telegrams ; Unofficial account of convention ; The " Lost Speech " of Abraham Lincoln at the Convention of 1856; Index. (1428 198 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY. Sprinfffleld, III. OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY. History of the early settlers of Sangamon County, Illinois. "Centennial record." By John Carroll Power and Sarah A. (Harris) Power. Under the auspices of the Old Settlers Society. Spring field, 111., 1876. 8vo, pp. 797. Front. Port. Map. (1429 PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF" WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Oration of G. D. A. Parks, to the Pioneer Association of Will County. August 2, 1882, being the anniver sary of the battle of Bad Axe, with the introductory remarks of G. H. Woodruff, president of the Association. Joliet, 1882. 8vo, pp. 14. (143O PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF WILL COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Sixth annual -reunion of the Will County Pioneer Association, September 1, 1886, being the semicenten nial of the organization of Will County, 1836-1886. Joliet, 1886. 8vo, pp. 12. Contents : Addresses of George H. Woodruff and Judge G. D. A. Parks, with poem by Egbert Phelps and A. F. Kercheval. (1431 THE SWEDISH-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chicago, III. The Swedish- American Historical Society was organized at % meeting held in the rooms of the Chicago Historical Society the 22d of July. 1905. At this meeting a constitution was adopted and a council elected. The Council organized, by the election of officers and committees, at a meeting held the 29th of August. (I4i TRI-STATE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, AND IOWA. TRI-STATE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, AND IOWA. Report of the organization and first reunion of the Tri-State Old Settlers Associa tion of Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, held October 2, 1884, at Keokuk, Iowa. Keokuk, 1384. 8vo, pp. (2) 68. % (1432 TRI-STATE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, AND IOWA. Report of the second reunion, held September 30, 1885, in Keokuk, Iowa. Keokuk, [1884]. 8vo, pp. 112. (1433 TRI-STATE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, AND IOWA. Report of the third reunion, held October 13, 1886, in Keokuk, Iowa. Keokuk, 1887. 8vo, pp. 89. (1434 TRI-STATE OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS, MISSOURI, AND IOWA. Report of the fourth reunion, held August 30, 1887, in Keokuk, Iowa. Keokuk, 1887. 8vo, pp. 84. (1435 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 199 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Urbana, 111. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. The University Studies. Vol. i. Nos. 1-10. Urbana. 8vo. Vol i, No. 1. May, 1900. pp. 58. Abraham Lincoln : The evolution of his literary style. By Daniel Kilham Dodge. Vol. i, No. 2. April, 1901. pp. 18 [61-76]. The decline of the commerce of the port of New York. By Richard Price Morgan. Vol. i, No. 3. May, 1902. pp. 59 [79-135]. A statistical study of Illinois High Schools. By Frederick Gordon Bonser. Vol. i, No. 4. June, 1902. pp. 45 [139-181]. The genesis of the Grand Re monstrance from Parliament to King Charles I. By Henry Lawrence School- craft. Vol. i, No. 5. April, 1903. pp. 26 [185-208]. The artificial method for determining the ease and the rapidity of the digestion of meats. By Harry Sands Grindley and Timothy Mojonnier. (143 Vol. i, No. 6. March, 1904. pp. 81 [213-289]. Illinois railway legislation and commission control since 1870. By Joseph Hinckley Gordon. With an introduction by M. B. Hammond. Vol. i. No. 7. pp. 44. The coals of Illinois ; Their composition and analysis. by S. W. Parr. (1437 Vol. i, No. 8. pp. 53. The granger movement in Illinois. By A. E. Paine. Urbana, 1904. Vol. i, No. 9. pp. 58. The Illinois constitutional convention of 1862. By O. M. Dickerson. Urbana, 1905. Vol. i, No. 10. pp. 79. The progress of labor organization among women. By B. M. Herron. Urbana, 1905. (1438 CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jeffersonville, Ind. CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, adopted August 7, 1903. 12mo, pp. [4]. (1439 CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Clark County Historical Society. 12mo, pp. [6]. No date. (144O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF VI GO, INDIANA. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF VIGO, INDIANA. The anniversary lecture, pronounced before the Historical Society of the County of Vigo, Ind., on the 14th of March, 1844, by Robert B. Croes. Cincinnati, 1845. 8vo, pp. 23. (1441 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indianapolis, Ind. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Facsimile of Secret Instructions of Patrick Henry to " Lieut. Col. George Rogers Clark." Dated Williamsburgh, January 2, 1778. pp. 2 MS. No title-page. (1442 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Indiana His torical Society, in the hall of the house of representatives, at its annual meeting, on Saturday, llth Dec., by Andrew Wylie, D. I)., president of Indiana College. Published by request of the Society. Indianapolis: A. F. Morrison, printer, 1831. 8vo, pp. 26. The above is a rather rambling address on the uses of history nothing local, or even in reference to America. (1443 200 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Abstract from the Constitution and Proceedings of a Meeting, December 11, 1830, including the act of incorporation, and a circular from the corresponding secretary, January, 1831.] Indianapolis, 1831. 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. (1444 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lecture before the Society on The Early History of Indianapolis, etc. By Nathaniel Bolton. Indianapolis, 1853. 8vo. pp. 20. (1445 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indiana Historical Society Pamphlets. No. 1. Indianapolis, 1886. 8vo, pp. 25. Contents: The Laws and Courts of Northwest and Indiana Territories. By Daniel Waite Howe. (1446 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indiana Historical Society Pamphlets. No. 2. Indianapolis, 188G. 8vo, pp. 20. Contents : Life and Services of John B. Dillon. By Gen. John Coburn. With a sketch by Judge Horace P. Biddle. (1447 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY; Indiana Historical Society Pamphlets. No. 3. Indianapolis, 1887. 8vo, pp. 25. Contents : The Acquisition of Louisiana. By Judge Thomas M. Cooley. 1887. (1448 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indiana Historical Society Pamphlets. No. 4. Indianapolis, 1888. 8vo, pp. 32. Contents : Loughery s Defeat and Pigeon Roost Massacre, with introductory sketch. By Charles Martindale. (1449 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indiana Historical Society Pamphlets. No. 5. Indianapolis, 1890. 8vo, pp. 91. Contents : A Descriptive Catalogue of the Official Publications of the Territory and State of Indiana from 1800 to 1800. Including references to the laws estab lishing the various State offices and institutions, and an index to official reports. By Daniel Waite Howe. (145O INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. i. [Nos. 1-9.] Indianapolis, 1897. 8vo, pp. 381. CONTENTS. I" It is the object of this volume to preserve all of the publications that appeared prior to 1886. Vol. n contains those since 1886."] No. 1. Proceedings of the Society, 1830-1886. No. 2. Northwest Territory : Letter of Nathan Dane concerning the ordinance of 1787 and Patrick Henry s secret letter of instruction to George Rogers Clark. No. 3. The uses of history, by Andrew Wylie. No. 4. The national decline of the Miami Indians, by John B. Dillon. No. 5. Early history of Indianapolis and Central Indiana, by Nathaniel Bolton. No. 6. Joseph G. Marshall, by John L. Campbell. No. 7. Judge John Law, by Charles Denby. No. 8. Archaeology, by E. T. Cox. No. 9. The early settlement of the Miami country, by Ezra Ferris. General Index. Index of names. (1451 NORTHERN INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 201 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. n. [Nos. 1 to 12.] Indian apolis, 1895. 8vo, pp. iii, 559. CONTENTS. No. 1. The laws and courts of Northwest and Indiana Territories, by Daniel Waite Howe. pp. 1-35. No. 2. Life and services of John B. Dillon, by John Coburn, with a sketch by Horace P. Biddle. pp. 37-62. No. 3. The acquisition of Louisiana, by Thomas M. Cooley. pp. 63-03. No. 4. Loughery s defeat and Pigeon Roost massacre, with introductory sketch, by Charles Martindale. pp. 95-134. No. 5. A descriptive catalogue of the official publications of the Territory and State of Indiana, from 1800 to 1890, by Daniel Waite Howe. pp. 135-230. No. 6. The rank of Charles Osborn as an anti-slavery pioneer, by George W. Julian, pp. 231-267. No. 7. The man in history, an oration for the Columbian year, by J. C. Ridpatb. pp. 269-316. No. 8. Ouiatanon, a study in Indiana history, by Oscar J. Craig, pp. 317- 348. No. 9. Reminiscences of a journey to Indianapolis in the year 1836, by Judge C. P. Ferguson. Life of Ziba Foote, by Samuel Morrison, pp. 349-373. No. 10. " Old settlers," by Robert B. Duncan, pp. 375-402. No. 11. Documents relating to the French settlements on the Wabash, by Jacob Piatt Dunn. pp. 403-442. No. 12. Slavery petitions and papers, by Jacob Piatt Dunn. pp. 443-524. Index, pp. 531-559. (1452 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. in. Nos. 1-5. 1895-1903. Indianapolis. 8vo, pp. 358, xliii. CONTENTS. No. 1, 1895. A history of early Indianapolis masonry and of Center Lodge. By Will E. English, pp. 1-38. No. 2, 1897. Sieur De Vincennes, the founder of Indiana s oldest town. By Edmond Mallet, pp. 39-62. No. 3, 1900. Executive journal of Indiana territory, 1800-1816. Edited and annotated by WMlliam Wesley Woollen, Daniel Wait Howe, and Jacob Piatt Dunn. pp. 65-252, xliii. No. 4, 1902. The mission to the Ouabache. By Jacob Piatt Dunn. pp. 255-330. Contains facsimile of letter of Sieur De Vincennes, 1733. No. 5, 1903. Fifty years in pharmacy. By George W. Sloan, pp. 333-358. (1458-1455 NORTHERN INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. South Bend, Indiana. NORTHERN INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication No. 1. The St. Joseph- Kankakee portage. Its location and use by Marquette, La Salle, and the French voyageurs. By George A. Baker. South Bend, Ind., The Society, 1899. 8vo, pp. [3]-48. Illus. Map. Read before the Society July 6, 1897. (145 NORTHERN INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication No. 2. The glacial phe nomena as exhibited in Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan and the resulting waterways. By Hugh T. Montgomery. South Bend, Indiana. June 1, 1899. 8vo, pp. 20. (1457 202 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NORTHERN INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication No. 3. The Indiana Supreme Court. With some account of the courts preceding it. Au his torical sketch. By Timothy E. Howard. South Bend, Indiana. March 1, 1900. 8vo, pp. 25. (1458 OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF LAKE COUNTY, IND. OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF LAKE COUNTY, IND. Lake County, Indiana, 1884: an account of the semi-centennial celebration of Lake County, September 3 and 4, with historical papers and other interesting records prepared for this volume. T. H. Ball, editor and publisher for the Old Settlers Asso ciation of Lake County. Crown Point, Ind., 1884. 12mo, pp. 487. Illustrated. (1459 VINCENNES HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. VINCENNES HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Address delivered before the Society, February 22, 1839. by Judge Law. Louisville, Kentucky, 1839. 8vo, pp. 48. Folded map. On the Colonial History of Vincennes. Reprinted with notes and illustrations in 1858, as below. (146O VINCENNES HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The Colonial History of Vincennes, under the French, British, and American Governments, from its first settlement to the Territorial administration of William Henry Harri son, being an address by Judge Law. before the Vincennes Historical and , Antiquarian Society, February 22, 1839, with additional notes and illustra tions. Vincennes, 1858. 8vo, pp. viii, 156 (1). (1461 WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA, HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Richmond, Ind. WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA, HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. i. No. 1. The naming of Indiana. By Cyrus W. Hodgin. Richmond, Indiana, 1903. 8vo, pp. 16. (1462 HAWK EYE PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF DES MOINES COUNTY. HAWK EYE PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF DBS MOINES COUNTY. Constitution ; witli a full report of the proceedings of its first annual festival, June 2, 1858. Burlington, 1858. 8vo, pp. 54. (1463 HAWK EYE PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF DES MOINES COUNTY. Constitution; ap pended a list of members, giving the date of the first settlement of each in Iowa. Compiled by E. C. Blackmar. Burlington, 1882. 8vo, pp. 15. (1464 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LINN COUNTY \IOWA]. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LINN COUNTY (Iowa). Senator Lewis Fields Linn. By E. R. Burkhalter. A paper read before the Society September 22, 1904. Title taken from Iowa Journal of History, 1904, p. 616. (1465 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN IOWA. 203 , HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF LINN COUNTY. Proceedings. Edited by Albert N. Har- bert. Volume i, 1904-5. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1905. 12mo, pp. 176. Contents : Constitution and by-laws ; Officers ; Members ; Proceedings ; Re ports ; A contribution to the history of Cornell College, by William Harmon Norton ; Lewis Fields Linn, by Edward Read Burkhalter ; Early steamboating on the Cedar, by Barthinius L. Wick ; Reminiscences of the First Constitu tional Convention of Iowa, by Samuel Wallace Durham ; Nils C. Boye, first Nor wegian settler in Linn county, by Barthinius L. Wick ; Early history of Western College, by Jessie Abner Runkle ; Memorial addresses ; Biographical sketches. (1465u LOUISA COUNTY, IOWA, PIONEER SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. LOUISA COUNTY, IOWA, PIONEER SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Constitution and By- Laws. Iowa City, 1860. 8vo. (1466 LOUISA COUNTY, IOWA, PIONEER SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Proceedings at Third Annual Festival. Iowa City, 1861. 8vo. (1467 MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wintcrset, Iowa. MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. During the winter of 1904-5 the Society had 500 copies of its constitution and by-laws printed. Cf. Iowa Journal of History and Politics, July, 1005, p. 492. (1468 OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY OF MUSCATINE COUNTY, IOWA. OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY OF MUSCATINE COUNTY, IOWA. Old Settlers anniversary, September 8, 1886 ; Picnic and excursion to the mouth of Pine Creek ; List of the excursionists ; Speeches, etc. Muscatine, 1886. 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Contains address by the president, Rev. Joseph P. Walton. (1469 OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY OF MUSCATINE COUNTY, IOWA. Old Settlers reunion. The pioneers picnic at Cherry Bluff, August 31, 1887. [Muscatine, Iowa], 1887. 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Contains the address of rhe president, Rev. Joseph P. Walton, and the other proceedings. ( 147O OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY OF MUSCATINE COUNTY, IOWA. Old Settlers celebration of Iowa s semi-centennial, held July 4, 1888, in Muscatine. Muscatine, Iowa, 1888. 8vo, pp. 6. (1471 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Des Moines, Iowa. PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. A brief history of the organiza tion, and proceedings, of the Reunions of 1886 and 1899. Des Monies, 1890. 8vo, pp. 44. (1472 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Proceedings and Papers of .the Second Reunion of the Pioneer Law-Makers of Iowa, February 27-29, 1890. 8vo, pp. 45-167. (1473 204 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Reunion of 1892. Des Moines, 1893. 8vo, pp. 171. Portrait. (1474 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Reunion of 1894. Des Moines, 1894. 8vo, pp. 164. Portraits. (1475 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Proceedings. Reunion of 1896. Des Moines, 1897. 8vo, pp. 66. (1476 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Reunion of 1898. Sixth biennial session. Des Moines, 1898. 8vo, pp. 184. Portraits. Contains : A glimpse of the personnel of the House of 1864 and the Senate of 1866, by Edward II. Stiles ; The constitutional convention of 1857, by Lewis Todhunter ; The Spirit Lake relief expedition of 1857, by John F. Buncombe ; Recollections of pioneers days in Iowa, by S. A. Moore ; The Iowa frontier during the rebellion, by R. A. Smith ; Surviving officers of the territorial and State governments from 1838 to 1858, by B. F. Gue ; The Iowa Board of Educa tion, by T. B. Perry. (1477 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Reunion of 1900. Seventh bien nial session. Des Moines, 1900. 8vo, pp. 102. Contains : Territorial legislature of 1838, by Theo. S. Parvin ; Progressive Iowa, by A. B. F. Hildreth. (1478 PIONEER LAW-MAKERS ASSOCIATION OF IOWA. Reunion of 1902, held at Des Moines, Feb. 12 and 13, 1902. Eighth biennial session. Published by authority of the State of Iowa. Des Moines, 1902. 8vo, pp. 131. Portrait. Plate. Contains : Recollections of the Seventh General Assembly, by B. F. Gue ; Removal of State capital to Des Moines, by Isaac Brandt. (1479 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Constitution, adopted at Iowa City, Feb. 7, 1857. By-laws adopted April 7, 1869. Iowa City, 1869. 12mo, pp. 16. (148O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. First Annual Report for 1857. Des Moines, Iowa, 1857. 8vo, pp. 8. Second Biennial Report. * * * Des Moines, 1860. 8vo, pp. 13. Third Biennial Report. * * * Des Moines, 1862. 8vo, pp. 12. Fourth Biennial Report. * * * Des Moines, 1864. 8vo, pp. 9. Fifth Biennial Report. * * * Des Moines, 1866. 8vo, pp. 15. Sixth Biennial Report. * * * Des Moines, 1868. 8vo, pp. 30. Pages 1924 contain index to the Annals from its commencement, January, 1863. Seventh Biennial Report, * * * for period ending December 1, 1869. Des Moines, 1871. 8vo, pp. 14. Eighth Biennial Report, * * * for period ending December 1, 1871. Des Moines, 1872. 8vo, pp. 24. Ninth Biennial Report, * * * for period ending November 2, 1873. Des Moines, 1873. 8vo, pp. 19. Tenth Biennial Report, * * * November 15, 1875. Des Moines, 1875. 8vo, pp. 50. Pages 35-50 contain " The Philosophy of the History of the Lou isiana Purchase," and address before the Society, June 29, 1874, by Henry Clay Dean. Eleventh Biennial Report * * * 1877. Des Moines, 1877. 8vo, pp. 9. Twelfth Biennial Report * * * 1879. Des Moines, 1880. 8vo, pp. 13. Thirteenth Biennial Report * * * 1881. Des Moines, 1882. 8vo, pp. 51. Includes reprints of first annual report, and second, third, and fourth biennial reports. Fourteenth Biennial Report * * * 1883. Des Moines, 1883. 8vo, pp. 52. Fifteenth Biennial Report * * * 1885. Des Moines, 1885. 8vo, pp. 14. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 205 Sixteenth Biennial Report * * * 1887. Des Moines, 1887. 8vo, pp. 16. Seventeenth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the Society to the Governor of the State, 1889. Des Moines, 1889, 8vo, pp. 28. Eighteenth Biennial Report * * * 1891. Des Moines, 1891. 8vo, pp. 23. Nineteenth Biennial Report * * * 1892. Des Moines, 189.3. 8vo, pp. 7. Twentieth Biennial Report * * * 1895. Des Moines, 1895. 8vo, pp. 14. Twenty-first Biennial Report, 1897. Des Moines, Iowa, 1897. 8vo, pp. 13. Twenty-second Biennial Report, 1899. Des Moines, Iowa, 1899. 8vo, pp. 12. Twenty-third Biennial Report, 1901. Des Moines, Iowa, 1901. 8vo, pp. 12. Twenty-fourth Biennial Report, 1903. Des Moines, Iowa, 1903. 8vo, pp. 30. Contained also in Iowa documents, 1904, vol. 3. (14S1-149G STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. A historical quarterly, v. [1]-12, 1863-74; new ser., v. 1-3, 1882-84; 3d ser., v. 1-vi. Apr., 1893- Jiin., 1905. Iowa City [etc.], 1863-1905. 8vo, illus., plates, ports., maps, facsims. The first series was published in Davenport with the exception of nos. 1-4 (v. [1]) and 9-12 (v. [3]), which were published in Iowa City; the new series was published in Iowa City ; the third series in Des Moines by the Historical department of Iowa. " The first series of the Annals of Iowa * * * published by the State Historical Society, was edited respectively by S. S. Howe, T. S. Parvin, Freder ick Lloyd, and S. W. Huff. * * * The second series * * * Wrts chiefly the work of S. S. Howe, by whom it was privately published. * * * The third series * * * issued from the Historical department of Iowa must ever be regarded as a monument to the foresight * * * of its founder and editor, the Hon. Charles Aldrich." Iowa Journal of History and Politics, v. 1, p. 83. (1497 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Annals of the State Historical Society of Iowa. 1863. Nos. 1-4. [Vol. i.] Iowa City, 1863. 8vo, pp. 192. Contents : Introductory article ; History of Scott county, Iowa, by Willard Barrows ; Sketch of George L. Davenport, by the editor ; History of the regi mental flag of the first Iowa Volunteer Infantry, by Allen Broonihall ; Memoir of Antoine Le Claire, esquire, of Davenport, Iowa, by the editor ; Wa-kon-shuts- kee s scalping knife, by Eliphalet Price. (1498 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. n. 1864. Nos. v-vm. 8vo, pp. 193-384. No. vi, April, 1864, is missing. Contents : Personal sketch of Hiram Price, of Davenport, Iowa, by Samuel Storrs Howe ; Sketch of Col. D. S. Wilson, of the sixth reg t of Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, by S. S. Howe ; Biographical sketch of Brigadier-General Benjamin Stone Roberts, by S. S. Howe ; History of Scott county, Iowa, by Willard Bar rows ; Iowa newspapers, 1864, by T. S. Parvin ; History of Davis county, Iowa, by Hosea B. Horn ; History of Marshall county ; History of the Congregational Church of Dubuque, by John C. Holbrook ; Address delivered before the Hawk- eye Pioneer Association of Des Moines county, Iowa, June 2d, 1858, by Charles Mason ; Numismatic collection of Alfred Sanders ; Great seal of Iowa, by E. W. Eastman; A biographical sketch of Captain Hosea B. Horn, of Bloomfield, by S. S. Howe; Constitution of the Society of First Settlers of Muscatine County, Iowa; History of the first Presbyterian Church of Muscatine, Iowa, by E. L. Belden. (1499 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. in. 1865. Nos. IX-XII. 8vo, pp. 385-576. Contents : Biographical sketch of Samuel A. Rice, by L. D. Ingersoll ; History of Davis county, by Hosea B. Horn ; Constitution of the Pioneer Settlers Asso ciation of Scott county ; Proceedings of the State Historical Society ; Sketch of Iowa territory, 1838-40 ; History of the Iowa state orphan asylum ; Sketches of the Sac and Fox Indians, and the early settlement of Wapello county, by Uriah Biggs ; Sketch of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft ; Iowa territorial legislature, by T. S. Parvin ; Sketch of James L. Langworthy ; Dubuque in early times, by Eliphalet Price ; A sermon on the history of the First Congregational Church of Lyons, Iowa, by Geo. F. Magoun ; Sketches from the history of Polk county, Iowa, by H. B. Turrell ; The trial and execution of Patrick O Conner at the Dubuque mines in the summer of 1834, by Eliphalet Price. (150O 206 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. iv. 1866. 8vo, pp. 577-768. Contents : History of Davis county, by Hosea B. Horn ; Wakon Decorah, by Eliphalet Price ; First re-union festival of the Early Settlers Association of Dubuque county ; The army of the southwest, and the first campaign in Arkan sas, by Sam l Prentis Curtis ; The first election held in the county of Clay ton, by Eliphalet Price ; John Brown among the Pedee Quakers, by Frederick Lloyd ; John Q. Wilds, by James P. C. Poulton ; The origin and interpretation of the names of the rivers and streams of Clayton county, by Eliphalet Price ; The southern boundary of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; Memoir of Marcellus Monroe Crocker. (15O1 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. v. 1867. 8vo, pp. 769-972. Contents : The army of the south-west, and the first campaign in Arkansas, by Samuel Prentis Curtis ; Southern boundary of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; The origin and interpretation of the names of the rivers and streams of Clayton county, by Eliphalet Price ; Sketch of Francis Jay Herron ; Some characteristic features in the history of southwestern Iowa, by Charles A. White ; Icaria ; Recollections of the early settlement of Lee county, by Isaac R. Campbell ; Sketches of history and incidents connected with the settlement of Wapello county, from 1843 to 1859, inclusive, by G. D. R. Boyd ; The eighth regiment Iowa infantry and its colonel, James L. Geddes, at Spanish Fort, Alabama, by Sanford W. Huff ; State educational institutions of Iowa; Index to the Annals, from its commencement, January, 1863. (15O2 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. vi. 1868. Daven port. 8vo, pp. 352. Contents : The army of the south-west, and the first campaign in Arkansas, by Sam l Prentis Curtis ; The early history of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; Indian mounds, by Charles A. White ; History of Johnson county, Iowa, by F. M. Irish; Sketches of history and incidents connected with the settlement of Wapello county, from 1843 to 1859, inclusive, by G. D. R. Boyd ; Sketches and incidents relating to. the settlement of Louisa county, by Wm. L. Toole ; Inci dents of prison life in 1862, by E. M. Van Duzee ; Of the origin, antiquity, and object of the mounds of the Mississippi, by Eliphalet Price ; Battle at Athens, Missouri, by G. C. Beaman ; Recollections of the early settlement of Lee county, by J. C. Parrott ; The twenty-second Iowa infantry at Vicksburg, by Joseph E. Griffith ; Sketch of James M. Tuttle, by Sanford W. Huff ; Laws relating to the Society ; Madison county, by Henry J. Cummings ; History of Mahaska county, with its cities and towns, by W. A. Hunter. (15O3 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. vn. 1869. Daven port. 8vo, pp. 407. Contents : Index ; The army of the south-west, and of the first campaign in Arkansas, by Samuel Prentis Curtis ; The early history of Iowa, by Charles Ne gus ; Histoi y of Mahaska county, by W. A. Hunter ; History of Jackson county, collated by F. Snyder ; The first newspaper and printing press in Iowa from the Dubuque Herald; Medical department of the Iowa State University, by S. W. Huff ; A trip to the Great Red Pipestone Quarry, by C. A. White ; Hum mer s bell, by Sanford W. Huff ; History of Washington county, by Irving A. Keck ; In memoriam, D. Franklin Wells : Iowa developments and resources, by Samuel Merrill ; Annual meeting of the Society ; Peter Justice a chapter from the unwritten history of Cedar county, by Wm. H. Tuthill ; The Indian tribes of the west, their language, religion and traditions, by Isaac Galland ; The pioneers of Marion county, by William M. Donnel ; History of Webster county, by William Williams ; Rise and progress of business education in Iowa, by J. Schrock ; Recollection of the early settlement of N. W. Iowa, by N. Levering ; A sketch of Clark county, Iowa, by P. S. Parks ; North and south railroads in Iowa, by C. W. Irish ; The war and abolition in Missouri, by Samuel Prentis Curtis, (J5O4 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 207 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. 1870-1871. [Vote, vin and ix. 1 Davenport, 1871. 8vo, pp. (4), 713. Vol. vin, pp. 392. Contents : The early history of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; History of Linn county, by F. Snyder : The maniac of the border (Donald McMullen), by Eliphalet Price ; Recollection of the early settlement of northwestern Iowa, by N. Levering ; Pioneers of Marion county, by Win.. M. Donnel ; Robert Lucas, the first governor of Iowa ; Report of campaign against Major General Sterling Price in October and November, 1864 ; Proceedings of the annual meeting ; The Woodbridge sell, a chapter from the unpublished history of Cedar county, by Wm. H. Tuthill ; Early days in Keokuk, by Hawkins Taylor ; The Des Moines rapids of the Mississippi river, and its improvements, by J. E. Griffith ; General James A. Williamson, by L. D. Ingersoll : The Garry Owen vote, by Wm. H. Tuthill ; History of Louisa county, by William L. Toole ; Squatters and specu lators at the first land sales, by Hawkins Taylor ; Scenes in the early history of Iowa, the conquest of Sodom, by Eliphalet Price ; Recollections of thirty- four years ago, by Hawkins Taylor ; The Musquakas of Tama county, by John Doe ; History of Marshall county, by Nettie Sanford ; Sketch of General John Edwards. (15O5 Vol. ix, pp. 393-713. Contents : The early history of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; History of Marshall county, by Nettie Sanford : Pioneers of Marion county, by Wm. M. Donnel ; "The Big Bottom" or "North Bend" of the Iowa river, by N. Zeller ; Col. John A. Garrett, by A. K. Campbell ; Musical conventions, by H. S. Perkins ; Before and after the territorial organization of Iowa, by Hawkins Taylor ; Recollections of the early settlement of North-western Iowa, by N. Levering ; Lynch law at the Dubuque mines, by Eliphalet Price; Report of the campaign against Major General Sterling Price, in October and November, 1864 ; Arwin s set tlement, by Wm. L. Toole; Sketch of Charles Negus ; Notes on the early history of Pottawattamie county, by D. C. Bloomer ; The magnesian limestone of Iowa as a building stone, by J. E. Griffith : Memorial of G. I). A. Hebard ; Sketch of Governor John Chambers ; Reminiscences of twenty-seven years ago, by Edmund Booth; A sketch of the life .of Rev. Henry F. Scholte. by William M. Donnel; Law ministers of the olden time, by Hawkins Taylor ; The early bar of Lee county (from the Daily Constitution, Keokuk) ; The first democratic legisla tive caucus in the state of Iowa, by Lysander W. Babbitt; The importance of the Mississippi river to the state of Iowa and the northwest, by J. E. Griffith ; Early education of Iowa mutes, by E. Booth ; A politician of the primary days (S. C. Hastings), by Hawkins Taylor. (15O6 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. 1872-1873. [Vols. x and xi.] Davenport, 1873. 8vo, pp. iv, 634. Vol. x, pp. 320. Contents : Index to volumes x and XT ; Philip Viele biographical sketch, by D. F. Miller ; The early history of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; Early men and early days recalled, by Hawkins Taylor ; Recollections of the early settlement of northwestern Iowa, by N. Levering ; Notes on the history of Pottawattamie county, by D. C. Bloomer ; Sketch of Franklin county, by Nettie Sanford ; Memorial speech, by James Grant, at the fifteenth annual festival of the Scott County Pioneer Settlers Association ; The Iowa State Normal Academy of Music, at Iowa City; Early times in Iowa, by Charles Negus: History of Musca- tine, by Suel Foster ; Serranus Clinton Hastings, by James Parton ; The first democratic legislative caucus in the state of Iowa, by Lysander W. Babbitt ; Biographical sketch of Theodore S. Parvin, General Jesse B. Brown, by Hawkins Taylor ; Incidents relating to the early settlement of Marion county, by William M. Donnell ; Early historical sketch of Iowa ; John M. Perry, by P. M. Cassady ; Old Settlers Association of Cedar county. (15O7 Vol xi, 8vo, pp. 321-634. Contents : The early history of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; Notes on the history of Pottawattamie county, by D. C. Bloomer; Recollections of the early settle ment of northwestern Iowa, by N. Levering; Incidents connected with, the early settlement of Marion county, by W. M. Donnel ; Iowa : her resources and attrac tions ; Pioneer Association of Van Buren county ; Cedar county Old Settlers 208 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. meeting and festival ; Origin of our Missouri war (1839) in a land grab, by Suel Foster ; The ancestry and youth of Governor Grimes, by William Salter ; A mysterious disappearance and timely discovery (Melancthon Knight), by Hawkins Taylor ; The river of the mounds, by Charles Negus ; An address commemo rative of the two hundredth anniversary of the discovery of Iowa by Marquette and Joliet, by William Salter ; Early settlement of Marion county, by Wm. M. Donnel ; Sketch of James Grant; Sketch of Samuel J. Kirkwood. (15O8 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. Vol. xn. 1874. 8vo, pp. 320. Contents : Early history of Iowa, by Charles Negus ; Memoir of Madison Young, by P. M. Casady ; Sketch of D. C. Bloomer, by John H. Keatley ; Ana- mosa origin of its name, by E. Booth ; Notes on the history of Pottawattamie county, by D. C. Bloomer ; Report of campaign against Major General Sterling Price, in October and November, 1864; Biographical sketch of Amos Dean; The philosophy of the history of the Louisiana purchase, by Henry Clay Dean ; Biographical sketch of William Edward Miller ; The river of the mounds, by Charles Negus. (15O9 ANNALS OF IOWA. New series. Vol. i. 1882. Edited and published by Samuel Storrs Howe. 8vo, pp. 134, iv. Portraits. Contents : A memoir of Indian names in Iowa, with their significance, by S. S. Howe ; Indian mounds- questionable antiquity ; Unwritten history of Bloom- ington (now Muscatine) in early days, by J. P. Walton; Early settlers, where and how they lived before 1840, by J. P. Walton ; Memoir of William G. Coop, by A. R. Fulton ; Injurious insects of 1881, by Alice B. Walton ; Index to vol. i. (151O Vol. ii. 1883. 8vo, pp. 128. Contents : Dispensation of the Holy Spirit, with historical recollections of the first presbytery in Iowa, by S. S. Howe ; Southwestern Iowa Fremont county, descriptive and historical, by A. R. Fulton ; Incidents in the early settlement of Mills county, by A. R. Fulton ; Early journalism in Iowa, by A. R. Fulton. (1511 Vol. in. 1884. 8vo, pp. 124. Contents : Early schools in Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; " Baneemyism," some inci dents in the early settlement of Monona county, by A. R. Fulton ; Early school legislation in Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; Van Buren county, some notes of its early history, by A. R. Fulton ; Iowa and Andersonville, by B. F. Gue ; Women in Iowa, by Jennie McGowen. (1512 Nos. 15101512 were not published by the society but are entered here to preserve the continuity of the series. HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT OF IOWA. Annals of Iowa. An Historical Quarterly. Published by the Historical Department of Iowa. Third Series. Vol. i. 1893-1S95. Des Monies. 8vo, pp. 682. Portraits. Contents : Recollections of Iowa men and affairs, by Hiram Price ; The twenty-fourth Iowa volunteers, from Muscatine to Winchester, by Th/id. L. Smith ; The search for a shilling true story of territorial days, by Allie M. Letts ; Life and death of Theodore Guelich, by B. F. Gue ; Gen. Nathaniel B. Baker, by B. F. Gue ; The charge on Battery Robinet, by Cyrus C. Carpenter ; Lost in a snow storm, by William Larrabee ; A pioneer of territorial times reminiscences of Kishkekosh county, by B. F. Gue ; The chain of title to Iowa, Notable deaths ; Major-General G. M. Dodge, by Cyrus C. Carpenter ; Who wrote the poem " There is no death " letter from J. L. McCreery ; Chief Justice Caleb Baldwin, by George G. Wright; Anent the constitution of Iowa; The Iowa dog law of 1862 ; Justice Samuel Freeman Miller, by Henry Strong ; The work of the Wisconsin Historical Society, by Reuben Gold Thwaites ; The State bank of Iowa, by Hiram Price ; Geological map of Iowa, by Charles R. Keyes; History of the Bahama Expedition, by C. C. Nutting; The outgoing and incoming governors, Horace Boies and Frank D. Jackson ; Senator James B. Howell, by Sam. M. Clark ; The Des Moines river land grant, by C. H. Gatch ; Lauman s charge at Jackson, by Geo. W. Crosley ; A great historical mono graph, History of the Amana Society or Community of true inspiration, by Wm. Rufus Perkins review by J. L. Pickard ; The great blizzard of 1856, by Jno. M. Brainard ; An Indian treaty and its negotiation, by Alfred Hebard ; ANNALS OP IOWA. 209 Recollections of C. F. Clarkson ; Zimri Streeter " Old Black Hawk," by Peter Melendy : Governor John Chambers, by W. Penn Clarke ; The twenty-fourth Iowa volunteers, from Winchester to Davenport, by Chas. L. Longley ; Rev. Samuel Clarke, the pioneer Methodist clergyman of southeastern Iowa, by Sam! M. Clark ; The genesis of a national lyric, " The Cumberland ;" James W. Grimes, Governor and Senator, by Cyrus C. Carpenter; "The Iowa Band" of 1843, by Geo. F. Magoun ; Pike s explorations ; Fifty-two years in Iowa, by W. P. Howe; Study of the character and life work of James W. Grimes, by Cyrus C. Carpenter ; Removing the battle flags ; The public services of Hiram Price, by B. F. Gue ; Fort Armstrong, by Maria Peck ; Letters of William Clark and Nathaniel Pryor, by Elliott Cones, 1807 ; The sad war experiences of two Iowa brothers, by. II. I. Smith ; The southern boundary of Iowa, by Frank E. Landers ; The border war between Iowa and Missouri, on the boundary question, by Alfred Hebard ; The rush to arms in 1861, by W. S. Moore ; Editorial department ; Index. (1513 ANNALS OF IOWA. Third series. Vol. n. 1895-1897. 8vo, pp. 664. Portraits. Published by the Historical Department of Iowa. Contents : Major-General John M. Corse, by William Salter ; Historico- geographical notes on the Mississippi river, from Cass Lake to Lake Itasca, by Elliott Coues ; General Samuel A. Rice at Jenkins Ferry, by John F. Lacey ; The Twenty-fourth Iowa volunteers, from Winchester to Davenport, by Chas L. Longley ; Keokuk s first village in Iowa, by J. P. Walton ; Destruction of Iowa lakes ; Early recollections of Keokuk county, by J. D. Haworth ; The Spirit Lake and Okoboji monument ; New publications ; Notable deaths ; General Joseph M. Street, by Wm. B. Street : Major William Williams, by Cyrus C. Carpenter ; The Yewell portrait of Charles Mason ; Indian tribes in Iowa before 1846, by J. L. Pickard ; Attorney-General Remley on the destruction of Iowa lakes ; The naming of Iowa counties, by 1 . M. Casady ; Captain Thomas Drummond, by Charles Aldrich ; Recollections of early territorial days, by Alfred Hebard ; The quarrel between Gov. Lucas and Secretary Conway, by T. S. Parvin ; A statesman and philanthropist, James F. Wilson ; A character istic order of General Scott ; A pro-slavery letter, by John C. Calhoun ; Josiah Bushnell Grinnell, by L. F. Parker ; Opening an Iowa county, by John M. Brainard ; Sergeant Charles Floyd, by George W. Wakefield ; A primitive capitol building; The first white man in Iowa, by M. M. Ham; An epoch in the history of American science, by Charles R. Keyes ; Samuel Storrs Howe, by Frederick Lloyd ; Statutory adoption of the common law in the west and herein of its introduction into Iowa ; General Ed. Wright, by Charles Aldrich ; Van Caldwell, by George G. Wright ; The old capitol at Belmont, by J. L. Pickard ; The first things in Iowa, by L. F. Andrews ; General Robert Lucas, by T. S. Parvin ; How men feel in battle recollections of a private at Champion Hills, by S. H. M. Byers ; Black Hawk, by Mrs. W. F. Peck; The word " Iowa " what it means, by L. F. Andrews ; Visit of Abraham Lincoln to Iowa ; Mrs. Ann E. Harlan late wife of ex-Senator James Harlan, sketch of her work for the soldiers ; Historical address in commemoration of the fiftieth anni versary of the adoption of the State constitution of Iowa, by Wm. Salter ; Elijah Sells, by John M. Davis ; An Iowa fugitive-slave law, in the Supreme Court, July, 1839 ; Mrs. Ada North, librarian ; The old blockhouse in Council Bluffs, by D. C. Bloomer ; Recollections of Judge Francis Springer ; The Mormons in Iowa, by D. C. Bloomer ; Government surveying in early Iowa, by Ira Cook ; Margaret McDonald Stanton, by Dora Sayles Osborn ; Celebration of the semi centennial of the State at Burlington, Oct. 1-8, 1896, by William Salter ; Ap prehended Indian troubles, unpublished letter of Gov. J. W. Grimes, Jan. 3, 1855 ; Slavery in Iowa territory, by A. W. Harlan ; Facsimile of a letter by Admiral Farragut, Jany. 4, 1863; The Indian chief Wapello ; Editorial depart ment ; Index. (1514 ANNALS OF IOWA. Third series. Vol. in. 1897-1899. Des Monies. 8vo, pp. 672. Illustrated. Published by the Historical Department of Iowa. Contents : Pleistocene Iowa, by Samuel Calvin ; The battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, by A. J. Barkley ; A historic reunion of the surviving members of the Constitutional Convention of 1857 : Addresses by George G. Wright and Francis Springer ; The honorable Alfred Hebard, by William Salter ; An Iowa missionary patriarch, Asa Turner, by George F. Magoun ; History of lead and zinc mining in Iowa, by Arthur G. Leonard : The Reunion of 1882 of the Iowa Constitutional Convention ; Facsimile reproduction of Abraham Lincoln s accept- H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 14 210 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ance of his second election as President of the United States ; Notable deaths ; The Grinnell cyclone of June 17, 1882, by S. II. Herrick ; Plan of Ft. Madison, 1808 ; Fort Madison, an article prepared at the War Department, Washington ; The geological surveys of Iowa, by Charles R. Keyes ; Some points in Indian history, by D. M. Browning ; Indians claim damages for a road through their territory, speeches by Indian chiefs and the Gov. of Iowa ; Apprehended Indian troubles, unpublished letter, by Gov. James W. Grimes, 3d Dec., 1855 ; Pres. Grant s Des Moines address ; New light on early history, by S. B. Evans ; How Burlington became the second capital of Wisconsin territory and the first capital of Iowa territory ; An act to regulate blacks and mulattoes in the territory of Iowa ; Genesis of the Iowa homestead law ; Primitive man of Iowa and how he lived, by Charles H. Robinson ; President Grant s Des Moines ad dress, by L. F. Parker, with a facsimile reproduction ; Reuben Noble, by T. H. Studebaker ; The Iowa Board of Education, by T. B. Perry ; Unpublished mes sage by Gov. Lucas ; Mahaska county s first school, by Mrs. T. G. Phillips ; Letters of Henry Dodge to Gen. George W. Jones, 1832-1858, edited by Wm. Salter ; Organizing the county of Iowa ; An echo from Spirit Lake ; Pella a bit of Holland in America, by Cyrenus Cole; Samuel Murdock, by Marion Murdock ; Recollections of slave days, by S. II. M. Byers ; The ownership of Aerolites, a decision by the Iowa Supreme Court ; A chapter of pioneer history, by Cyrus C. Carpenter ; The burial of a war chief, by Horace M. Rebok ; Fac simile of a military order of Gen. Washington, March 9th, 1778; Some letters by Gov. Kirkwood, 1861 ; Institutional beginnings in a western state, by Jesse Macy ; Fort Des Moines (No. 1), Iowa, article prepared at the War Dept. ; Reminiscences of Gen. James C. Parrott, by Mary R. Whitcomb; The battle of Pleasant Hill, by Wm. T. Shaw ; Major-General Frederick Steele, by John F. Lacey ; Another chapter of pioneer history, by Samuel W. Durham ; The early schools and teachers of Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; Dr. Sylvester Grinnell Matson, by Charles Aldrich ; The case of Mr. Lorin(g) Wheeler, by Benja min F. Shambaugh ; John Brown s last visit to Tabor, by J. E. Todd ; Darwin Robert Merritt, by H. E. Deemer ; Col. William T. Shaw, biographical sketch ; The Spirit Lake expedition, by C. C. Carpenter, John F. Duncombe, Charles B. Richards, John N. Maxwell, Frank R. Mason, Michael Sweeney, W. K. Laughlin, Charles Aldrich, Sarah W. Collins, Abbie Gardner Sharp, and Harry Hoover ; Des Moines river and origin of the name, by Charles R. Keyes ; Rt. Rev. Mathias Loras, D. D., first bishop of Dubuque, by B. C. Lenehan ; A chapter of Indian history, by Ida M. Street ; Judge Henry B. Hendershott, by Edward H. Stiles ; Iowa s treasury deficit in the light of the constitutional debates, by Frank I. Harriott ; The origin of the name Iowa, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; Editorial department ; Index. (1515 ANNALS OF IOWA. Third series. Vol. iv. 1899-1901. Des Moines. 8vo, pp. 665. Illustrated. Published by the Historical Department of Iowa. Contents : Historical sketch of the State .University of Iowa, by J. L. Pick- ard ; The death of Black Hawk, by Willard Barrows ; Notable deaths ; Iowa Historical Building laying of corner-stone, April 17, 1899 ; Addresses by A. B. F. Hildreth, James Harlan, John A. Kasson, Theodore S. Parvin, Charles Aldrich; The Iowa fugitive slave case, by George Frazee ; To the citizens of the mining country [a hand-bill from the letters and papers of Gen. George W. Jones] ; What glaciers have done for Iowa, by Samuel Calvin ; Fort Des Moines, No. 2, an article prepared at the War Department, Washington ; The early homes and home-makers of Iowa, by Charles A. White ; The Tama county Indians, by A. D. Bicknell ; Clark Dunham, by George Frazee ; Life of the pioneer farmer, by W. S. Fultz; William B. Allison and the presidency in 1888, by Geo. F. Hoar ; The Iowa forts ; A letter by Jefferson Davis, 1882 ; The fight for the new capitol, by John A. Kasson ; The Quakers in Iowa, by D. C. Mott ; Mrs. Annie W T ittenmyer sketch of her life and work ; Fort Sanford, Iowa historical sketch ; Joseph Evan Griffith, by Frederick Lloyd ; Inaugurating the Grant monument, by Grenville M. Dodge ; Lincoln-Grimes correspondence ; The genesis of the Board of Control ; Iowa in the War with Mexico ; History of steamboating on the Des Moines river, from 1837 to 1862, by Tacitus Hussey ; An Iowa scientist (Frank Leverett) and his work, by Charles R. Keyes; Death of Presi dent Lincoln, an address by F. W. Palmer, April 16, 1865 ; Recollections of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, by Wm. Alexander Hammond ; The grasshopper inva sion, by Cyrus C. Carpenter ; Fort Atkinson, Iowa, by Wm. H. Carter ; The Des Moines river in 1721 ; Mrs. John F. Dillon memoir prepared by her husband her life and letters ; Visit of Abraham Lincoln to Council Bluffs ; A historical ANNALS OF IOWA. 211 proclamation, by Gov. James A. Mount, of Indiana ; History of a claim in Jones county in 1838 ; The assassination of Abraham Lincoln ; Gen. Nathaniel Lyon ; Judge George G. Wright, by B. F. Gue ; Stephen Whicher, by George Meason Whicher; Reminiscences, by Ira Cook; A celebrated Ind an treaty, the " Blackhawk Purchase ; " Fort Dodge, Iowa, an article prepared at the War Depart., Washington ; Judge George G. Wright ; George Wilson : first terri torial adjutant of the militia of Iowa, by his son, George Wilson ; Gen. G. M. Dodge s historical address at the Camp Fire of the Crocker Brigade, Sept. 27, 1900 ; Charles Mason Iowa s first jurist, by Emlin M Clain ; Nicolas Perrot, first commercial traveler on the upper Mississippi, by W T m. Salter ; An address in commemoration of the meeting of the first legislative assembly of the terri tory of Iowa, Nov. 12, 1838, by Wm. Salter ; Usury in early Iowa legislation ; Editorial department; Index. (1516 ANNALS OF IOWA. Third series. Vol. v. Des Moines, 1901-1903. 8vo, pp. 661. Illustrated. Published by the Historical Department of Iowa. Contents : Early banking in Iowa, by Hoyt Sherman ; The tragedy of Okoboji, by Harris Hoover ; The old prairie slough, by Charles Aldrich ; Gen. A. K. Eaton, by Willard L. Eaton ; Old channels of the Mississippi in southeastern Iowa, by Frank Leverett ; Nebraska " Wild-Cat " banks, an experiment in finance in the west before the civil war ; The Racoon river agency in 1844, by Benj. A. Spaulding ; Charles Larpenteur, fur trader on the upper Missouri, 18331872; A southern bird in central Iowa, by Carl Fritz Henning ; Editorial department : Four letters from the correspondence of Gen. Joseph M. Street, from James Monroe, Henry Clay, and John Grimsley ; Letters of our territorial governors ; Notable deaths. The battle of Athens, Missouri, by Cyrus Bussey ; The state bank of Iowa, by Hoyt Sherman ; Pioneer editors of northeastern Iowa, by A. K. Bailey ; Regulation of trade and morals by Iowa town councils prior to 1858, by Frank I. Herriott ; Hardships of pioneers in northwestern Iowa, by W. II. Ingham ; The battleship Iowa, by Robley D. Evans ; Editorial depart ment : Dedication of the Floyd monument ; The old state bank of Iowa ; Graves of Revolutionary soldiers in Iowa ; The battle of Athens, Mo. Reminiscences of Charles Mason, by George H. Yewell ; The expansion of the republic west of the Mississippi, by John A. Kasson ; Theodore S. Parvin, by Charles Aldrich ; Robert S. Finkbine and his associates in the erection of the Iowa capitol, by Peter A. Dey ; Rev. Willis Hervey Harris, by Charles A. White ; Editorial depart ment : Charles Mason and George II. Yewell : Transportation in war times ; " Red Dog " money another word ; Discovery of mineral coal in America. Colo nel William II. Kinsman, by Grenville M. Dodge; Iowa at Vicksburg and the Vicksburg national military park, by J. K. P. Thompson ; The preservation of Iowa s public documents, by Frank I. Ilerriott ; Editorial department : Colonel Kinsman ; Characteristic letter by Gov. Kirkwood, 1860. The mines of Spain, by Oliver I . Shiras ; Governor Samuel Merrill, by William II. Fleming; Chapters in Iowa s financial history, by Frank I. Herriott ; Betterment of our public highways, by Charles R. Keyes ; Sixty-three years of home history ; Audubon on the western border of Iowa in 1843 from his journal ; Editorial department : Lauman s charge at Jackson ; The origin of board of control reform ; Economic aspects of work in pure science. The flood of 1851, by Tacitus Hussey ; Breaking prairie, by L. S. Coffin ; Council bluffs in 1852, by Thomas J. Bunn ; Indian affairs in Iowa territory, 1839-43 ; Our Indians from N. Y. Sun, June 12, 1901 ; Edito rial Department : Two historic portraits James Harlan and Francis Springer ; John N. Dewey and Schuyler R. Ingham ; Estimates of Judge Springer ; L T nveiI- ing the Kinsman monument. The Iowa northern border brigade of 1862-3, by William II. Ingham ; Iowa s first law giver, by Eugene F. Ware ; The coming of Bishop Loras, by John Ireland ; lOditorial department : Concerning Governor Chambers. Safety appliances on the railroads, by L. S. Coffin ; Col. John Henry Gear, by William H. Fleming ; The eastern border of Iowa in 1823, edited by William Salter ; My boyhood recollections of the Sac and Fox Indians, by Charles A. White ; Editorial department : L. S. Coffin s great reforms ; The portrait of Dr. William Salter ; Generals Dodge and Williamson ; Judge Dillon s law publications. Index. (1517 ANNALS OF IOWA. Third series. Vol. vr. Nos. 1-12. Des Moines, 1903-1905. Svo, pp. 656. Portraits. Published by the Historical Department of Iowa. Contents : Coming into Iowa in 1837, by George C. Duffield ; An Iowa fugitive slave case 1850, reported by George Frazee ; The transfusion of political ideas and institutions in Iowa, by F. I. Herriott ; County historical societies, by 212 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Warren S. Dungan ; Pioneer protection from horse thieves, by James E. Parker ; Confiscations during and after the Civil War ; Editorial department ; New pub lications ; Notable deaths ; Indians of Iowa, by Charles A. Clark ; The Icarian community, by Charles Gray ; Very Rev. J. A. M. Pelamourgues, by J. F. Kemp- ker ; Another Iowa bone bed, by F. E. L. Beal ; General Robert Lucas ; The eastern border of Iowa as seen by Edward Tanner in 1818 ; Publicity in our local finance, by F. I. Herriott ; The Ottumwa water case ; An old newspaper (The Providence (R. I.) Gazette, April 4, 1801) ; Scott County Exhibit, 1839; The county judge system ; Gen. James A. Williamson, by G. M. Dodge ; Iowa in unorganized territory of the United States, August 10, 1821-June 28, 1834, by William Salter ; An Iowa settler s homestead, by George C. Duffield ; Original survey of the C., B_ & 0- R- R- line, by Alfred Hebard ; Philip M. Crapo ; A reminiscence of the last battle of the Red River Expedition, by Wm. G. Donnan ; Iowa in the territory of Missouri, 1812-1821, by William Salter ; Frontier church going 1837, by George C. Duffield ; Vital statistics, by Josiah Forrest Kennedy ; An Iowa pioneer (Father Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli) ; John Plumbe, originator of the Pacific Railroad, by John King ; Use of block-houses during the Civil War, by Grenville M. Dodge ; The origin, growth and development of the Board of Control System in Iowa, by L. G. Kinne ; Abner Kneeland : his relations to early Iowa history, by Mary R. Whitcomb ; A second chapter of Indian history, by Ida M. Street ; Recollections of early times in Iowa, by C. L. Lucas ; Edi torial department : The founder of Salubria ; Iowa s experiment in government. Copy of a letter from Robert E. Lee to his son, 1861. The Louisiana purchase in correspondence of the time, by William Salter; Enoch W T orthen Eastman, by W. J. Moir ; Frontier mills, by George C. Duffield; Pioneer perils an adventure on the Cedar river at Cedar Rapids a half century ago, by W. W. Walker ; Col. Edward Hatch s great charge at Farmington, Mississippi, by Charles C. Horton ; A pioneer settlement in Madison county, by W. S. Wilkinson ; Transplanting Iowa s laws to Oregon, by F. I. Herriott ; Recollections of early Iowa, by James Hilton ; Death of Benjamin F. One. Unveiling of memorial tablet of Revolu tionary soldiers in the art gallery of the State Historical Department ; Notable deaths ; General Fitz Henry Warren, by Edward II. Stiles ; Legislation in Iowa prior to 1858, by F. I. Herriott; The Iowa corals, by T. E. Savage; Pioneer perils : The Cedar River gang broken up Mrs. John Weare and the wounded outlaw chief an incident of the forties, by W. W. Walker; Gen. Fitz Henry Warren ; President Johnson s accusers and the " salary grab " of 1873. The recently extinct and vanishing animals of Iowa, by Herbert Osborn ; Fort Dodge soldiers in the East, by George L. Cruikshank ; The earliest settlers of Linn county, by John J. Daniels ; The battle of Athens, Missouri, by D. C. Beaman ; Iowa at Annapolis and West Point, compiled by Alice M. Steele ; Voting with the soldiers in 1864, by Charles Aldrich ; Ada E. North, by Johnson Brigham. Index. (1518 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record, published quar terly by the State Historical Society of Iowa. Vols. i-xvm. 1885-1902. Iowa city, 1887-1902. 8vo, 18 vols. Portraits. Plates. Continuation of the Annals of Iowa. (1518 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record. Vols. i, n, and in. 1885-86-87. Iowa City, Iowa, 1887. 8vo, pp. viii, 576. Contents : Vol. i. Introductory, by J. L. Pickard ; Iowa, by C. W. Irish ; Iowa meteorites, by N. R. Leonard ; Muster-roll of a company of Iowa volunteer in fantry commanded by Captain James M. Morgan, 1846; Officers and enlisted men, Co. K, 15th U. S. Infantry, 1847 ; Officers and enlisted men, Co. I, 1st Dragoons, 1835-6 ; Synopsis of proceedings of board of curators, State Historical Society ; Donations ; Obituary notices ; Enoch Worthen Eastman, by T. S. Par- vin ; Louisiana purchase, by J. L. Pickard ; Movements of the glaciers of the ice period in Iowa and vicinity, by C. W. Irish ; Studies from the census, by C. M. Hobby ; The weather, past and present, by an old settler ; The fifth legislature recalled ; Indian character due to climate ; WMlliam W. Belknap ; Fragments of geological history Johnson county, by S. Calvin ; Unitarianism in Iowa, by O. Clute ; Letter to Col. Proctor, of the British Army, from his wife, 1812 ; Grant s Des Moines speech and its history, by L. F. Parker ; Recollections of Crocker s Iowa brigade ; Ansel Briggs ; Pioneers, old settlers and new, of Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; Recollections of the past, by N. Levering ; A chapter of STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 213 war history (engagement at Bolivar, Tenn., 1862). Vol. n. Iowa and Missouri boundary report of the commissioner appointed by the President to ascertain and mark the boundary, 1839 ; Keokuk, by T. S. Parvin ; State University of Iowa, by J. L. Pickard ; Recollections of the past, by N. Levering ; Some re markable meteors and meteoric falls, by C. W. Irish ; Donations ; Obituary ; W. W. Chapman, first delegate in congress from the territory of Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; A heroine of the Revolution : Nancy Ann Hunter, by William Salter ; The Iowa and Missouri boundary line ; Pioneer lawmakers ; In memoriam Henry Felkner, by Jno. P. Irish ; A free public library, by D. C. Bloomer ; Hon. T. S. Parvin s address at the bar reunion at Des Moines, June 8th, 1886 ; Henry Dodge, governor of Wisconsin territory, fifty years ago ; Locating the Government wagon road from Niobrara, Nebraska, to Virginia city, Montana ; Letters of a war governor Samuel J. Kirkwood ; Cornelius Cadle, by A. B. Robbins ; Fort Donelson the second Iowa infantry, by L. F. Parker ; Judge Mason and the half-breed tract, by Hawkins Taylor ; The mound builders of the Mississippi valley, by Samuel Murdock ; Iowa in 1822. Vol. in. Augustus C. Dodge, by William Salter ; Locating the Government wagon road from Niobrara, Nebraska, to Virginia city, Montana, by N. Levering ; Letters of a war governor Samuel J. Kirkwood ; George W. Jones, by F. B. Wilkie ; Address of Judge T. S. Wilson at the opening of the Supreme Court room Early reminiscences of the bench and bar ; Gen. James Wilson ; Unitarianism in Iowa, by O. Clute ; Geography and early American history, by B. A. Hins- dale; Early Methodism in Iowa, by G. W. Brindell ; Christian W. Slagle, by James F. Wilson ; The battle of luka, by S. H. M. Byers ; Genoa Indian School, by Josephine C. Mayo ; Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathias Loras, pioneer bishop in Iowa, by John F. Kempker ; Gen. Samuel R. Curtis, by Hawkins Taylor ; The Spirit Lake stockade, by N. Levering. (1519 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record. Vols. iv, v, and vi. 1888-89-90. Iowa City, Iowa, 1890. 8vo, pp. vii, 576. Contents : Vol. iv. James Clarke, third governor of the territory of Iowa, by William Salter; The Spirit Lake stockade, by N. Levering; The first priests in Iowa, by John F. Kempker ; Pioneer women, by Ella E. Gordon ; Prehistoric races, by Samuel Murdock; Names of Iowa counties, by [C. C. Childs?] ; Donations ; New publications ; Notes ; Leonard Whitney, by O. Clute ; Iowa and the draft (Civil War), by N. H. Brainerd ; Address of John H. Gear be fore the fourth reunion of the Tri-State Old Settlers Association ; Catholicity in Shelby county, Iowa, by John F. Kempker ; The capitals and capitols of Iowa, by H. W. Lathrop ; The burning of Columbia, S. C., by W. H. Goodrell ; The First Iowa at Wilson s Creek ; General Leonard F. Ross ; An old settler s address Jas. H. Matheny. Vol. v. James Lee ; Who taught the first school in Iowa, and when and where? by T. S. Parvin; Cooperative Christianity; Memorial sermon on the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Congre gational Church in Burlington, by Wm. Salter ; A tribute to the 16th Iowa, by Gilbert B. Pray ; Governor Buren R. Sherman, by F. Lloyd ; The Iowa school system, by T. S. Parvin ; April 30th, 1789-1889 ; The March to the sea, December, 1864 from " Iowa in War Times," by S. H. M. Byers ; The Church of George Washington, by William Stevens Perry ; The observance in Iowa City of the centennial anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington, first president of the United States ; Mr. Justice Miller s article on the state of Iowa, in Harper s Magazine, July, 1889 ; Henry Dodge, governor of the original territory of Wisconsin, by William Salter; War anecdotes of 1812, by N. Lev ering ; Out West in the forties, by S. H. M. Byers ; Crocker s brigade in war and peace, by G. B. Pray. Vol. vi. Dr. Berryman Jennings, Iowa-Oregon, by T. S. Parvin ; Henry Dodge, II, in the Black Hawk War, 1832, by William Salter ; The late ex-Governor Nelson Dewey, of Wisconsin ; Anecdotes of early days in Iowa, by N. Levering; Thomas Hughes, by T. S. Parvin; Henry Dodge, III, Major U. S. Mounted Rangers, 1832-3, by William Salter ; Ten days in the Rebel army, by S. H. M. Byers ; General William Thompson ; The first territorial legislature of Iowa, by Hawkins Taylor ; The first United States Dragoons, by J. C. Parrott ; Col. Samuel Cushing Trowbridge ; Early explorations in Iowa, by Albert Miller Lea ; Bushwhacking in Missouri, by N. Levering ; George W. McCrary, by O. Clute ; Letters of a war governor Samuel J. Kirkwood ; Report on Indians, by Frederick Lloyd, U. S. Army. (152O 214 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record. Vols. vii, VIIT, and ix. 1891-92-93. Iowa City, Iowa, 1893. 8vo, pp. viii, 576. Contents : Vol. vn. Col. William Patterson, by Samuel M. Clark ; The name of Hamilton county, by Charles Aldrich ; Bushwhacking in Missouri, by N. Levering; The Spirit Lake Expedition 1857, by Charles B. Richards; Gov ernor Kirkwood s first meeting with President Lincoln, by S. J. Kirkwood ; Letters of a war governor, S. J. Kirkwood : The territorial seal of Iowa ; Old Settlers Reunion poem, by Abel Beach ; Austin Adams ; Address delivered at the dedication of (Jen. N. B. Baker s monument at the cemetery in Des Moines, by S. .1. Kirkwood A letter of Judge Samuel F. Miller on his appoint ment to the United States Supreme Court ; The State Teachers Association in the Civil War correspondence of C. C. Nestlerode and Samuel J. Kirkwood ; Justice Samuel F. Miller, by O. Clute ; Captain Charles B. Richards, by Charles Aldrich ; Henry Dodge, Colonel IT. S. Dragoons, 1833-6, by William Salter ; The opening chapter in " The life and times of Gov. Kirkwood," now being written by H. W. Lathrop ; The Amana Society reprinted from the Marengo Republican ; Ralph P. Lowe ; Clara A. Dodge, by William Salter ; The making of Iowa, by James W. McDill ; Iowa pioneer trails to California, by C. W. Irish ; Scenes in early Iowa, reprinted from the Burlington Post. Vol. viii. Elias H. Williams, 1819-1891, by James O. Crosby ; Albert Miller Lea auto biographical sketch ; The loyal governors at Altoona in 1862, by S. J. Kirk wood ; How the Iowa legislature celebrated the capture of Fort Donelson, by Charles Aldrich; History of a flag (Second Iowa Volunteer Infantry flag), by H. W. Lathrop ; The Indian and the first settler, by J. P. Walton ; Judge James M. Love; Henry Dodge, IV, Colonel U. S. Dragoons, 1833-6, by William Salter ; Some early judicial officers and districts, by P. M. Casady ; Glimpses of early Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; Dr. Enos Lowe, by T. S. Parvin ; Recollections of the Rev. John Johns, of Webster county, by Charles Aldrich ; Men who made Iowa, by Hawkins Taylor ; Indian names ; James W. Grimes, third governor of the State of Iowa, by William Salter; The Tally W T ar a chapter in the Life and Times of Gov. Kirkwood, now being written by II. W. Lathrop ; Recollec tions of Indian life on Old Man s Creek in 1840, by Jacob Ricord ; A historical banquet, (given by the people of Burlington to Governor Lucas Sept. 4, 1838), by T. S. Parvin ; War memories, by the editor of the Record. Vol. ix. General Alexander Chambers ; Early journalism in Iowa, the founding of the Hamilton Freeman at Webster City, in 1857, by Charles Aldrich ; An important manuscript the constitution and records of the Claim Association of Johnson County, by Benj. F. Shambaugh ; Mrs. Charles Aldrich, by Agnes Briggs Olm- stead ; A public dinner in territorial days (given to Gov. Dodge at Fort Madison, 1837-8), by Hawkins Taylor; Pioneer life in Muscatine county, by J. P. Walton: Rev. Launcelot Graham Bell, first Presbyterian minister, Iowa, 1836-68, by T. S. Parvin ; The Cardiff giant deception, from the advance sheets of Gov. Gue s forthcoming history of Iowa ; Indian treaties ; John Abbot Parvin, by T. S. Parvin ; Judge Edward Johnstone, by Geo. G. Wright ; St. Anthony s Church, Davenport, Iowa, by John F. Kempker ; The naming of Lee county, by H. W. Lathrop ; Report of exercises at the unveiling of the portrait of Samuel J. Kirkwood at the state capitol in Des Moines, June 20, 1893 ; Some tornadoes in Iowa, by C. W. Irish ; Pioneer days in Plymouth county, by W. L. Clark ; Charles Mason ; Railroad legislation in Iowa, by Peter A. Dey ; Early recollec tions of Iowa city, by Samuel Murdock ; Review of the Society. (1521 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record. Vols. x, xi, and xii. 1894-95-96. Iowa City, 189G. 8vo, pp. viii, 576. Contents : Vol. x. A Blackhawk veteran and an Iowa pioneer, by J. W. Rich ; Some fragments of Iowa history, gathered from the records of Congress, by Elizabeth II. Avery ; The late Gov. Wm. M. Stone, by H. W. Lathrop ; A retrospect of the last fifty years in Iowa, by John Flournoy Henry ; Saved by a candle a tale of pioneer days in Iowa ; Lucinda Humphrey Hay, by Emma Humphrey Haddock ; Other fragments of Iowa history, by J. L. Pickard ; The western border of Iowa in 1804 and 1806, by William Salter ; A new Iowa book Life and times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa s war governor, by H. W. Lathrop ; Wilds of Western Iowa a poem by W. Avery Richards ; Iowa at the World s Fair ; Early Iowa politics ; William G. Hammond ; The Monitor and the Merrimac, by Mrs. Isadore Baker ; The eastern border of Iowa in 1805-6, by William Salter ; Some pioneer preachers of Iowa, by Chas. W. Irish ; Wilds STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 215 of western Iowa a poem by W. Avery Richards ; The Sioux Indian war, by Solomon R. Foot ; Samuel Jordan Kirk wood tributes ; The sage of the west a poem ; Iowa and the navy during the war of the rebellion, by W. H. Michael. Vol. xr. Thomas S. Wilson, by T. S. Farvin ; The Russell expedition ; The Zuni Indians and their schools, by F. H. Lauderdale ; Iowa s Drouth 1894 a poem, by W. Avery Richards; Dubuque in early times, by Eliphalet Price; In memoriam G. R. Irish ; War memories ; Amos Dean, first president of the State University of Iowa, by Amos H. Dean ; Alumni of the State University of Iowa in public life, by James A. Rohback ; The Battle Flags of Iowa-^a poem, by S. H. M. Byers ; Edwin Coppoc, from " Sketches of John Brown and his men," contributed to the Salem (Ohio) Era; Lyman Parsons, by T. J. Dow; The Iowa delegation in the republican national convention in 1860 ; Early Methodism, in northwest Iowa, by W. Avery Richards ; W. Avery Richards, by G. W. L. Brown ; Things remembered, by Charles Aldrich ; The Indians of Tama county extracts from the Iowa Health Bulletin ; Silas Totten, by Sam l N. Watson ; The landscapes of early Iowa, by T. II. McBride ; Early instructions in physics in Iowa, by Francis E. Nipher ; Historical sketch of the United States Military Academy, by C. B. Vogdes ; The Roll Call a poem by S. H. M. Byers ; Address of ex-senator James Harlan at the laying of the corner stone of the Iowa Soldiers and Sailors Monument ; Early settlement of Cedar Rapids, by Geo. R. Carroll. Vol. xn. Hon. Joseph Williams, by T. S. Parvin ; Judge Wright s last lecture before the law class The Pioneer Bar of Iowa ; The "Old Stone Building," by II. G. Plum; The Old and the New Capitol Building; Apenzell, Pure democracy and pastoral life in Inner Rhoden : A Swiss Study, by Irving B. Richman ; State historical . society of Iowa its work and its need ; George Grover Wright tributes ; A winter night on the open prairie, by Charles Aldrich ; Origin of the name of Iowa, by Samuel Murdock ; The Sergeant Floyd memorial ; Cedars of Lake West Okoboji in winter a poem by W. Avery Richards ; Recollections of early Iowa men, by M. W. Blair ; Judge Williams as a poet ; War memories ; Tho constitutional convention of 1857 ; Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, by N. Levering ; S. F. Lathrop obituary ; Dates of cer tain wars, campaigns, expeditions, events, etc. ; State boundary disputes, by J. L. Pickard ; Samuel Storrs Howe, by Frederick Lloyd ; "Anna C. Ingham " a poem by Mrs. Isadore Baker ; Freeman McClelland ; Walter Terrell, by G. R. Irish ; Early days in Cerro Gordo county, by Enoch Wiltfong ; United States coinage, by J. L. Pickard ; Some pioneer preachers of Iowa, by C. W. Irish ; International hymn, by George Huntington ; The wives of the Brigade address at the reunion of Croker s Iowa Brigade, by Mrs. Mortimer A. Higley. (1522 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record. Vols. xm, x-iv, and xv. 1897-98-99. Iowa City, Iowa, 1899. 8vo, pp. vii, 576. Portraits. Contents : Vol. xru. John James Dyer, first judge of the United States Dis trict Court for -Iowa, by T. S. Parvin ; Charles Shepherd, by Hiram Heaton ; State boundary disputes ; Semicentennial celebration ; Early steamboating on the Iowa river, by H. W. Lathrop ; Deaths : Edward Nathaniel Worden. Negro cadets at West Point ; James M. Elson, by A. N. Ilarbert ; Some Iowa bank history, by H. W. Lathrop ; Building the first schoolhouse, by T. II. Macbride ; The first home of the university, by J. L. Pickard ; Volney D. Douglass, by Hiram Heaton ; Letter from Wm. Saltei correcting statements in the Historical Record concerning graves of Revolutionary soldiers in Iowa and presidential visits to Iowa ; Iowa poesy : Sonnets and other verse, by Mrs. Isadore Baker ; Hawkins Taylor ; Indian hunters ; Deaths : Lemuel B. Patterson ; Charles Beardsley ; Notes : Historical sketch of the " Old Hospital ; " Lemuel B. Patter son, by J. L. Pickard ; Levi Robinson, by A. E. Swisher ; The wives of the Legioneers, by Mrs. Mortimer A. Higley ; An account book of Jesse Berry, 1840- 1841, by Frank E. Horack ; The Cyclone (Pomeroy, Iowa, July 6th, 1893; a poem), by W. . Avery Richards; The pioneer railroad of Iowa; Iowa Masonic Library (reprinted from the Freemason s Repository, for June, 1897) ; Deaths: Frank H. Brede ; Fabian Brydolf; Err Thornton; Samuel Murdock; Conduce H. Gatch ; Notes : The selection of music for the " Star Spangled Banner ; " A memory of Jeannette Robertson Iligley, by Amanda Lowman Bartholomew ; Address at the banquet of the society of the army of the Tennessee, in St. Louis, Nov. 19, 1896, by Mrs. , Mortimer A. Iligley; "The Hard Times" of 58- 60, or reminiscences of southeastern Iowa, by James B. Macbride ; A soldier saint (Lyman Steadwell, private in the Civil War), by Hiram Ileaton ; An old cemetery, The earliest burying ground in Linn County, by B. L. Wick ; A new 216 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. book of Iowa History ; History of O Brien County, by D. A. W. Perkins. Vol. xiv. Austin Corbin, by A. N. Harbert ; A picturesque character (Wm. Ross, first postmaster and first clerk of the court in Burlington), by Hiram Heaton; The "American " sermon, Preached in St. Paul s Cathedral, London, July 4th, 1897, by William Stevens Perry, Bishop of Iowa (reprinted from the Iowa Church man) ; The song of Iowa, by S. H. M. Byers ; Documentary material relating to the history of Iowa, edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; War memories ; Recol lections of some Iowa pioneers, by B. P. Gue ; Pioneer schools of the northwest, by J. L. Pickard ; A notable wedding anniversary Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Peak, of Monticello, Christmas Day, 1839. Deaths : William Thomp son ; Sara Abbott Woods Perry ; In memory of Agnes McCully Parvin, by Ellen M. Rich ; Tama Indians and the scare of 1864, by Ruth Irish Preston ; A page from an itinerant s life ; The Battle ship Iowa, by A. N. Harbert ; Old settlers of Grinnell, Reprinted from the Grinnell Herald ; Iowa A semicentennial Ode, by Robert Safely ; Eloquence of Congressman R. G. Cousins, of Iowa ; A big bowlder (converted into building stones for a church at Waterloo), Reprinted from the New York Churchman, Nov. 27, 1897 ; Deaths : David H. Gile ; W. O. Richards ; H. M. McCully ; Henry Dodge The last thirty years of his life, 1838-67 ; From the standpoint of a pioneer, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; The Fort Defiance hospital and the Navajo Indians, by Florence E. Winslow ; Death of a pioneer school-teacher at Amana (Gotlieb Scheuner), by Barthinius L. Wick; Deaths: William Stevens Perry; Stephen Dewey Lyman ; Cyrus C. Carpenter; Thomas S. Mahan ; Milton B. Cochran ; Notes : sketch of the late Stephen B. Gardner ; The Iowa as a defender, with sketches of her commanders, by A. N. Har bert ; The Nicaragua canal, by Cornelius Cadle ; The foxmders of Iowa College, by Leonard F. Parker ; John Huff, the first white settler of Jefferson County, by H. Heaton ; Pioneer family letters, From Henry Dodge to his daughter, January 6th and March 4th, 1835. Deaths : Robert Lyon ; Ezekiel Clark. Vol. xv. Cap tain James E. Bennett, Biographical sketch ; State University of Iowa and the Civil War, by Ellen M. Rich ; Iowa College in the war, by James L. Hill ; Sketch of the life of Dr. Elizabeth Hess, by Rose Ankeuy Lewis ; Deaths : Charles A. Schaeffer ; Moses J. Morsman ; Alexander McMillan ; Francis Springer ; Wil- mot H. Dickinson ; Charles Ashmead Schaeffer, by John Springer ; Constitutional amendments in the commonwealth of Iowa, by Frank E. Horack ; Jefferson County pioneers, by H. Heaton ; Obituary : Frederick Lloyd ; D. N. Richardson, by B. F. Tillinghast ; Rev. C. C. Towusend, organizer of the* first Episcopal society in Johnson county, Iowa, by Charles W. Irish ; Dr. Frederick Lloyd ; The Flag of the University company, by Frank E. Horack ; The history of the Uni versity of Iowa, by J. L. Pickard ; Notes : Alden Burrill Robbins, by Ephraim Adams ; Dr. Frederick Lloyd An addition to his military record, by Cornelius Cadle ; Dubuque in territorial days ; The Old Northwest The beginning of our colonial system, by B. A. Hinsdale ; Notes on the early church history of Iowa City, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; Biographical sketch of Mrs. Katiquah Eberle ; The State University of Iowa Inaugural programme. (1523 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa Historical Record. Vols. xvi, XVH, and xvin. 1900-1902. Iowa City, 1902. 8vo, pp. vi, 602. Contents : Vol. xvi. Thomas Hart Benton, Jr., by T. S. Parvin ; Keokuk in territorial days compiled from the history of Lee county Western historical company, Chicago, 1879 ; The earliest Scandinavian settlement in Iowa, by B. L. Wick3 ; Iowa history from 1699 to 1821 a history of governments, by Benja min F. Shambaugh ; James Harvey Rothrock, by W. R. Boyd ; Documents relat ing to Governor Lucas, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; Pioneers of Muscatine, by Irving B. Richman ; A midland pioneer woman, by Elizabeth Lord Condit ; The first lowan, by B. L. Wick ; Review of " Fragments of the debates of the Iowa constitutional conventions of 1844 and 1846, along with press comments and other materials on the constitutions of 1844 and 1846," compiled and edited by Benj. F. Shambaugh ; Jefferson county pioneers, by Hiram Heaton ; John Chase Bennett, by Mrs. E. V. Bennett; Dubuque in 1820, August 7th, by Henry R. Schoolcraft ; Early Iowa reminiscences, by B. F. Gue ; A soldier s letters from the field, 1862-5, by Captain C. A. Lucas, 24th Iowa volunteers ; The Indian s Plea ; The eastern border of Iowa in 1817, by William Salter ; Recent publications in Iowa history ; Josiah L. Pickard, by F. W. Bicknell. Vol. xvn. Mortimer A. Higley, by W T . R. Boyd ; Reminiscences of Mrs. Char lotte O. Van Cleve, by J. L. Pickard ; James B. Edmonds, by Peter A. Dey ; The early courts of Iowa the county court the circuit court, by A. D. Bick- STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 217 nell ; Samuel Mercer Clark two character sketches, by Geo. D. Perkins and G. Walter Barr ; The last of the Mus-Qua-Kies, by Horace M. Rebok ; Theodore Sutton Parvin, by John Springer ; Picturesque points in the history of the Mississippi valley, by J. L. Pickard ; Robert S. Finkbine and his associates, by Peter A. Dey ; The Floyd monument, by E. W. Caldwell ; A letter relative to the disinterment of the remains of Sergeant Floyd, by N. Levering. Vol. xvm. Nathan Hoyt Brainerd, by Frances Louise Rogers ; Early social and religious experiments in Iowa, by Dwight C. McCarty ; Sylvanus Johnson, by John Springer ; An Iowa Indian scene " Savage " ethics and " savage " domes ticity, by J. W. Rich : Copy of the journal of the proceedings of the com missioners to locate the seat of government, May Ist-Nov. 15th, 1839 ; John Henry Gear, by Peter A. Dey ; William Miller Beardshear, by Isaac A. Loos ; John F. Duncombe, by Peter A. Dey ; Mrs. Louisa K. Hughes, by J. L. Pickard. (1524 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa City ; a contribution to the early history of Iowa. Iowa City, State Historical Society of Iowa. 1893. 8vo, pp. viii, 116. Plan. Issued under the auspices of the State Historical Society of Iowa. (1525 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Iowa historical lectures ; delivered before the society, 1892. Iowa City, 1893. 8vo, pp. (4), 92. Map. Contents : Prehistoric Iowa, by Samuel Calvin ; Iowa Indians, by J. L. Pick ard ; " The Louisiana Purchase," by C. M. Hobby ; The introduction of the common law into Iowa, by Emlin McClain. (152O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Amish Mennonites. A sketch of their origin and of their settlement in Iowa, with their creed in an appendix. By Barthinius L. Wick. Iowa City: published by the State Historical Society, 1894. 8vo, pp. 60. (1527 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Constitution and records of the Claim Association of Johnson County, Iowa, with introduction and notes, by Ben jamin F. Shambaugh, A. M. Published by the State Historical Society of Iowa. Iowa City, 1894. 8vo, pp. xix. 196. (1528 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Historical lectures upon early leaders in the professions in the Territory of Iowa. Delivered at Iowa City, 1894. Iowa City : Published by the Society, 1894. 8vo, pp. 135. Contents : Early medical practitioners, by William Watson ; Teachers in Iowa before 1858, by Leonard F. Parke ; The early bar of Iowa, by Theodore S. Parvin; The early clergy of Iowa, by J. L. Pickard. (1529 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Documentary material relating to the his tory of Iowa. Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Published by the Society. Iowa City, Iowa. Vol. i consists of Nos. 1-8. Nos. 1-2 published in 1895 ; Nos. 3-7, pub lished in 1896 ; No. 8, published in 1897 ; and contains the Title-Page and Table of Contents for Vol. i. Vol. ii consists of numbers 10-16. " The several numbers included in this volume were published as follows: Numbers 9, 10, 11, and 12, by the State University of Iowa in 1897-98 ; and Numbers 13, 14, 15, and 16, by the State Historical Society of Iowa in 1900." Contents follow. (153O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Documentary material relating to the his tory of Iowa. Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Vol. I. Nos. 1-8. Iowa City, 1895-1897. 8vo, pp. x, 287. Contents : General introduction ; Introduction to number 1 ; The acquisition of Louisiana by the United States ; Louisiana divided into two territories ; Laws enacted by the governor and judges of the territory of Indiana for the district of Louisiana ; The territory of Louisiana ; The territory of Missouri ; The common law adopted as a rule of decision ; The Missouri compromise ; 218 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The territory of the Northwest ; The common law ; The territory of Indiana ; The territory of Michigan ; The legislative powers of the governor and judges of the territory of Michigan ; The statutes of the English parliament repealed ; The territory west of the Mississippi river attached to and made a part of the territory of Michigan ; The territory of Wisconsin ; Of the nature of the act of Congress organizing the territory of Wisconsin ; The territory of Iowa ; The admission of Iowa into the Union ; Propositions for a constitutional conven tion ; The constitution of 1844 ; The convention of 1846 ; The constitution of 1846 ; The convention of 1857 ; The constitution of 1857 ; The amendments of 1868 ; Acts relating to propositions to amend the constitution ; The amend ment of 1880; The prohibitory amendment (1882) ; The amendments of 1884; Votes on the proposition " Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend the same?" The ratification of amendments to the constitution of the United States. (1531 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Documentary material relating to the his tory of Iowa. Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Vol. n. Nos. 9-16. Iowa City, 1897-1900. 8vo, pp. ix, 288. Numbers 9, 10, 11, 12 of Vol. 11 were published by the State University of. Iowa. With number 13 the publication of the series was resumed by the State Historical Society. Contents : Local government in the territory of the Northwest ; Local govern ment in the territory of Indiana, 1800-1805; Local government in the terri tory of Michigan, 1805-1816, 1816-1821, 1822-1825, 1826-1828, 1829-1834; Appendix : An act to regulate the internal government and police of the several dictricts in the territory of Michigan (1810). (1532 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Documentary material relating to the his tory of Iowa. Edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Vol. in. Local Gov ernment. Iowa City, [1901]. 8vo, pp. 325. Contents : Local government in the territory of Wisconsin ; Local government in the territory of Iowa, 1838-40, 1840-41, 1841-42 ; The recommendations of the governor of the territory of Michigan ; Appointments for the counties of Du Buque and Demoine ; Miscellaneous letters ; Petitions and recommendations ; Documents addressed to the governor ; Nominations by the governor ; Miscella neous petitions. (1533 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Fragments of the debates of the Iowa Con stitutional conventions of 1844 and 1846, along with press comments and other materials on the constitutions of 1844 and 1846. Comp. and edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. * * * Iowa City, Iowa. Published by the State Historical Society of Iowa, 1900. 8vo, iv pp., 1 1., pp. 415. (1534 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The constitution of the state of Iowa, with an historical introduction by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Published by the State Historical Society of Iowa, 1902. 8vo, pp. 105. (1535 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Early social and religious experiments in Iowa, by Dwight G. McCarty. Reprinted from the Iowa Historical Record for the National society of Colonial Dames resident in Iowa. Iowa City. The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1902. 8vo, 2 p. 1., pp. 31. (1536 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Vol. i. 1903. Published quarterly by the State Historical Society of Iowa. Iowa City, 1903. 4to, pp. vii, 587. Contents : Joliet and Marquette in Iowa, by Laenas Gifford Weld ; The polit ical value of. state constitutional history, by Francis Newton Thorpe ; Historico- Anthropological possibilities in Iowa, by Duren J. II. Ward ; A general survey of the literature of Iowa history, by Johnson Brigham ; A brief history of the State Historical Society of Iowa, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; State history in STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 219 the public High Schools, by Edmund J. James ; The regulation of primary elec tions by law, by James J. Crossley ; The league of Iowa municipalities, by Frank E. Horack ; The Hampton Roads conference, by Joseph W. Rich ; The Wis consin Gerrymanders of 1891, 1892, by Francis Newton Thorpe ; Anthropological instruction in Iowa, by Duren J. H. Ward ; Letters by Mrs. James W. Grimes, Washington, 1861-6-; Congressional districting in Iowa, by Paul S. Peirce ; A bibliography of Iowa state publications for 1900 and 1901, by Margaret Budington ; Chief Justice Marshall as a constructive statesman, by Emlin McClain ; Problems in the administration of Iowa, by Harold M. Bowman ; The development of party organization in Iowa, by John W. Gannaway ; Local tradition, by Johnson Brigham ; Some publications ; Notes and comments ; Index. (1537 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Vol. ii. 1904. Iowa City. 1904. 4to, pp. vii, 674. Contents : The first elections under the Constitution, by Charles Oscar Paullin ; Some Iowa mounds an anthropological survey, by Duren J. II. Ward; The origin and history of the Iowa idea, by George Evan Roberts ; Shelby county a sociological study, by John J. Louis ; The Iowa Daughters of the American Revolution, by Caroline Clifford Burbank ; The American Political Science Association, by Paul S. Reinsch ; A brief history of the Amana Society, 1714-1900, by Charles Fred Noe ; The Iowa Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, by Elbridge Drew Hadley ; The league of Wisconsin municipalities, by Samuel Edwin Sparling ; Shelby county A sociological study, by John J. Louis ; The constitution of Colorado, by Elmer Herbert Meyer ; Daniel Webster, by Horace E. Deemer ; First yearly meeting of the Iowa Anthropological Asso ciation, by Duren J. H. Ward ; Maps illustrative of the boundary history of Iowa, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh ; Some phases of corporate regulation in the territory of Iowa, by Frank Edward Horack ; The National University of Agriculture, by Jesse Macy ; A bibliography of Iowa state publications for 1898 and 1899, by Margaret Budington ; The negro and slavery in early Iowa, by Louis Pelzer ; Some phases of corporate regulation in the state of Iowa, by Frank Edward Horack ; Assembly districting and apportionment in Iowa, by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Index. (1538 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Vol. in. 1905. Iowa City, 1905. 4to, pp. vii, 694. Contents : The genesis of popular sovereignty, by Allen Johnson ; The problem of the mounds, by Duren J. II. Ward : Civil service reform in American munici palities, by Charles Noble Gregory ; The Scandinavian factor in the American population, by George T. Flom ; The teaching of history in the south, by Alcee Fortier; A bibliography of Iowa state publications for 1902 and 1903, by Margaret Budington; Some publications; Notes and comments; The roads and highways to territorial Iowa, by Jacob Van der Zee ; The history of the office of Governor in Wisconsin, by James D. Barnett ; The repeal of the Granger law in Iowa, by Charles Aldrich ; The work of American historical societies, by Henry E. Bourne ; Recent amendments to the constitution of Iowa, by Frank E. Horack ; The coming of the Norwegians to Iowa, by George T. Flom ; The bribery of Alexander W. McGregor, by John C. Parish ; Illinois as a constitu ency in 1850, by Allen Johnson ; Second yearly meeting of the Iowa Anthro pological Association, by Duren J. H. Ward ; The real party forces, by John W. Gannaway ; Penal reforms, by G. S. Robinson ; Child labor legislation in Iowa, by Isaac A. Loos ; The early Swedish immigration to Iowa, by George T. Flom ; Chart of presidential elections in the United States ; Index to Vol. in. (1539-1542 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Historico-anthropological possibilities in Iowa. By Duren J. H. Ward. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 32. Reprinted from the January, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1543 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Joliet and Marquette in Iowa. By Laenas GifCord Weld. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 16. Reprinted from the January, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1544 220 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The political value of state constitutional history. By Francis Newton Thorpe. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 31. Reprinted from the January, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1545 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Hampton Roads conference. By Joseph W. Rich. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 24. Reprinted from the April, 1003, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1540 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. State history in the public high schools. By Edmund J. James. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 14 Reprinted from the April, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1547 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Anthropological instruction in Iowa. By Duren J. H. Ward. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 29. Reprinted from the July, 19Q3, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1548 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Bibliography of Iowa State publications for 1900 and 1901, by Margaret Budington. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 44. Reprinted from the July, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1549 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Congressional districting in Iowa. By Paul S. Peirce. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 23. Maps. Reprinted from the July, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1550 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The Wisconsin gerrymanders of 1891 and 1892. A chapter in State constitutional history, by Francis Newton Thorpe. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 39. Reprinted from the July, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1551 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Chief Justice Marshall as a constructive statesman. By Emlin McClain. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 42. Reprinted from the October, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1552 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The development of party organization in Iowa. By John W. Gannaway. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 34. Reprinted from the October, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1553 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Local tradition. By Johnson Brigham. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 6. Reprinted from the October, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1554 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Problems in the administration of Iowa. By Harold M. Bowman. Iowa City. 4to, pp. 28. Reprinted from the October, 1903, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1555 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. 221 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. A Bureau of historical research in connec tion with the Carnegie institution, by Andrew C. McLaughlin. Iowa City, Iowa, State Historical Society, 1904. 4to. Cover-title, p. [3]. Reprinted from the April, 1904, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1556 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Shelby county, by John J. Louis. Iowa City, Iowa [1904?] 4to, 2 p. 1., pp. [3]-59. Reprinted from Vol. if, numbers 1 and 2 of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1556a STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Some Iowa mounds, an anthropological survey, by Duren J. H. Ward. [Iowa City, 1904.] 4 to, pp. 36. Maps. Reprinted from the January, 1904, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1556b STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The problem of the mounds, by Duren J. H. Ward. [Iowa City, 1905.] 4 to, pp. 23. Reprinted from the January, 1905, number of the Iowa Journal of History and Politics. (1556c STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. The messages and proclamations of the governors of Iowa, compiled and edited by Benjamin F. Shambaugh. Pub lished by the State Historical Society of Iowa. In 7 vols. Iowa City, Iowa. 8vo. Vol. I. . 1903. pp. 487. , This volume contains the messages and proclamations of Governors Henry Dodge, 1836-1838; Robert Lncas, 1838-1840; John Chambers, 1841-1845; James Clarke, 1845-1846 ; Ansel Briggs, 1846-1850 ; Stephen Hempstead, 1850-1854. (1557 Vol. n. 1903. pp. 524. This volume contains the messages and proclamations of Governors James Wilson Grimes, 1854-1858 ; Ralph Phillips Lowe, 1858-1860 ; Samuel Jordan Kirkwood, 1860-1863. (1558 Vol. in. 1903. pp. 472. This volume contains the messages and proclamations ef Governors William Milo Stone, 1864-1868; Samuel Merrill, 1868-1872. (1559 Vol. iv. 1903. pp. 382. This volume contains the messages and proclamations of Governors Cyrus Clay Carpenter, 1872-1876 ; Samuel Jordan Kirkwood, 1876-1877 ; Joshua Giddings Newbold, 1877-1878. (156O Vol. v. 1904. pp. 425. This volume contains the messages and proclamations of Governors John Henry Gear, 1878-1882; Burer. Robinson Sherman, 1882-1886. (1561 Vol. vi. 1904. pp. 429. This volume contains the messages and proclamations of Governors William Larrabee, 1886-1890; Horace Boies, 1890-1894. (1562 Vol. vn. 1905. 8vo, pp. 480. This volume contains the messages and proclamations of Frank Darr Jackson (1894-1896), Francis Marion Drake (1896-1898), and Leslie Mortimer Shaw (1898-1902). (1563 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Bulletin of information. No. 1. April, 1904. Provisions for membership in the State Historical Society of Iowa. Iowa City, April, 1904. 8vo, pp. [4]. (1564 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Bulletin of information. No. 2. May, 1904. An Iowa program for study clubs recommended by the State His torical Society of Iowa. Iowa City, May, 1904. 8vo, pp. 11 ; [1]. (1565 222 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA. Bulletin of information. No. 3. July, 1904. Suggestions to public libraries and local historical societies relative to collecting and preserving materials of local history. Iowa City, July, 1904. 8vo, pp. 8. (156G STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Iowa City. STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Publications. Historical monograph, No. 1. His tory of the Aniana Society, or Community of True Inspiration. By William Rufus Perkins and Barthinius L. Wick. Iowa City, 1891. 8vo, pp. vi, (2), 94. (1567 STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Publications. Historical monograph, No. 2. His tory of the Trappist abbey of New Melleray, in Dubuque County, Iowa. By William Rufus Perkins, A. M. Iowa City, 1892. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 79. (1568 STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Studies in sociology, economics, politics, and his tory. Vol. i. Iowa City, Iowa, 1899. (Iowa University. Bulletin. New series, Nos. 1-2.) Svo, pp. 296. Contents : Vol. i. Studies in the Politics of Aristotle and the Republic of Plato. By I. A. Loos. (1560 STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Studies in sociology, economics, politics, and his tory. Vol. 2. No. 1. * * * The early history of banking in Iowa, by Fred. D. Merritt. * * * Iowa City, Iowa, 1900. 8vo, pp. viii, 150. Bibliography: p. [149]-150. (157O STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. Iowa University. Studies in sociology, economics, politics, and history. Vol. n, No. 2. * * * The political ideas of modern Japan; by Karl Kiyoshi Kawakami, A. M. Iowa City, 1903. 8vo. pp. xvi, 1 1., 208. (1571 STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. The State University of Iowa. Studies in Soci ology, Economics, Politics, and History. Vol. in. No. 1. * * * The Freedinen s Bureau : a chapter in the history of reconstruction. By Paul Skeels Peirce. * * * Iowa City. la., 1904. 8vo, p. 1., pp. vii, 200. At head of title : Bulletin of the State University of Iowa, new series, No. 74. March. 1904. Bibliography: p. [175]-186. "List of Congressional documents used v : p. [187] 191. (1572 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Topeka, Kans. KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A list of the collections of the Society. With an account of the organization of the Society, and an explanation of its objects. Topeka, [1877]. 8vo, pp. 18. Title on cover. (1573 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First Biennial Report. Submitted Janu ary 21, 1879. Topeka, 1879. Svo, pp. 63. (1574 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 223 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual meeting at the Senate chamber. Minutes of the fourth annual meeting, January 20, 1880. [Topeka, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (1575 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proposition for a union of the miscel laneous hooks of the Kansas State Library with those of the Society. 1881. Svo. (1576 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. First and Second Biennial Reports, with a statement of the collections of the Society from its organi zation, in 1875, to January, 1881. Yols. i and n. Topeka, 1881. 8vo, pp. 328. Illustrated. Contents : Letter of W. L. Garrison, March 25, 1879 ; Address of Governor Charles Robinson [on Territorial Governors of Kansas] ; Kansas as a factor, by S. S. Prouty ; The governors of Kansas, by Governor A. H. Reeder ; Por trait of ex-Governor Charles Robinson ; In memoriam : Richard Baxter Taylor ; Kansas newspaper history ; * * * Eli Thayer ; New England Emigrant Aid Company; The Hyatt manuscripts [concerning Kansas, 1854-1857]; * * * First settlement of Geneva, by E. Fisk ; Wyandotte constitutional convention, by B. F. Simpson ; Capture of the latan flag, by F. M. Tracy ; Indian raid items; Kansas postal history, by E. J. Dallas; Early military posts [etc.], in Kansas ; Kansas Indian mission, by W. W. Cone ; The Kansas Indians, by S. H. Long. (1577 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, embracing the Third and Fourth Biennial Reports, 1883-1885, together with copies from early Kansas Territorial records, and other historical papers. Also the proceedings of the Kansas Quarter-Centennial Celebration, January 29, 1886. Vol. in. Topeka, 1886. 8vo, pp. 519. Contents : Address of T. D. Thacher, president of the Leavenworth Constitu tional Convention ; Third Biennial Report ; Address of Hon. F. P. Baker, presi dent : " The Kansas Legislature in 1862 ; " War and other State bonds of Kan sas ; Articles of impeachment of State officers, 1862 ; Compilation of the laws of Kansas, 1862 ; Fourth Biennial Report ; Biography of Governor Andrew H. Reeder ; Biography of Governor Wilson Shannon ; Address of ex-Governor F. P. Stanton, September 2, 1884 ; Address by ex-Governor James W. Denver, Sep tember 3, 1884 ; Kansas Quarter-Centennial, 1861-1886. (1578 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, embracing the Fifth and Sixth Biennial Reports, 1886, 1888, together with copies of official papers during a portion of the administration of Governor Wilson Shannon, 1856, and the executive minutes of Governor John W. Geary during his adminis tration, beginning September 9, 1856, and ending March 10, 1857. Compiled by F. G. Adams, secretary. Vol. iv. Topeka, 1890. 8vo, pp. 819. Contents : President Wilder s address. January 17. 1888 ; Personal reminis cences and Kansas emigration, 1855, by Isaac T. Goodnow ; Address of Samuel A. Kingman ; Origin of Kansas names, by W. H. Carruth ; The pioneer press of Kansas, by Charles F. Scott ; Colonization of the Upper Arkansas Valley, in Kansas, by H. N. Lester ; The Society, by J. W. Butterfield : Kansas, her history [etc.], by C. Borin ; Pioneers of Kansas, by J. F. Legate; Discoverer of Kansas [Lieutenant Dutisne], by J. P. Jones; Southwest Kansas, by J. S. Painter; The Swedes in Kansas, by C. A. Swensson ; The country west of Topeka prior to 1865, by J. Humphrey ; Survey of Kansas Indian lands, by J. C. McCoy ; The rescue of Dr. John W. Doy, by J. B. Abbott; No Man s Land, by II. B. Kelly; Alvar Nunez de Cabega de Vaca, by Joel Moody : Kansas History, by W. A. Phillips ; Kansas, as seen in the Indian Territory, by Percival G. Lowe ; Governor John A. Martin, by Benjamin F. Simpson ; Governor Geary s adminis tration. Index. ( 1 57Sa KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1889-96, together with ad dresses at annual meetings ; copies of official papers and executive minutes during the administrations of Governors Robert J. Walker, James W. 224 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Denver, and Samuel Medary, and of Acting Governors Daniel Woodson, Fred, P. Stanton, James W. Denver, Hugh S. Walsh, and George M. Beebe, 1857-60 ; and including some papers of dates 1855 and 1856, edited by F. G. Adams. Vol. v. Topeka, 1896. 8vo, pp. 695. Contents : List of officers and members ; Account of meetings : John G. Whit- tier ; Autograph copy of the " Kansas Emigrant s Song ; " Lucy Larcom : Auto graph copy of " Call to Kansas ; " The convention epoch in Kansas history, by Richard Cordley ; The presidential campaign of 1856 the Fremont campaign, by Cyrus K. Holliday ; History and historical composition, by James S. Emery ; School lands on the Osage Reservation, by Peter McVicar ; Squatter courts in Kansas, by W. II. T. Wakefield ; Reminiscences of early times in Kansas, by Mrs. Lois H. Walker ;" The " Boy s " Story : reminiscences of 1855, by C. H. Dickson ; Trails in Southern Kansas, by J. R. Mead ; Address of President P. G. Lowe : some of his experiences in Kansas ; Col. William A. Phillips, by T. Dwight Thacber ; Memorial discourse on the life and character of William A. Phillips, by William Bishop ; Other obituary remarks on Col. Wm. A. Phillips, by Clifford C. Baker, E. B. Cowgill, Daniel R. Anthony, J. B. McAfee, John Speer, James F. Legate ; Timothy Dwight Thacher, biography compiled from various sources ; On the battle of Wilson Creek, by Albert R. Greene ; The romance of Kansas his tory, by Oscar E. Olin ; Incidents of the pioneer days, by John Speer ; Memoir of Prof. Isaac Goodnow, by Hugh D. Fisher ; Solon Otis Thacher, by Richard Cordley ; The early settlers of Kansas, their trials , privations, hardships, and sufferings, by Edmund N. Mori-ill ; Robert P. Flenniken, by B. F. Flenniken ; Documentary history of Kansas : Biographical sketches published in Col. D. Stewart Elliott s Coffeyville " Journal " : Secretary and Acting Governor Daniel Woodson, Robert John Walker, Frederick P. Stanton, James W. Denver, Hugh Sleight Walsh, Samuel Medary, George M. Beebe ; Gov. Reeder s administration ; Gov. Shannon s administration ; Gov. Geary s administration ; Gov. Walker s administration ; Gov. Denver s administration ; Gov. Medary s administration ; General Index; Chronological Index. (1579 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1897-1900, together with addresses at annual meetings, memorials, and miscellaneous papers. Also, A catalog of Kansas constitutions, and territorial and state, documents in the Historical Society Library. Edited by Geo. W. Martin. Vol. vi. To peka, 1900. 8vo. pp. 507. Contents : Officers, members ; The nineteenth Kansas Cavalry, by Horace L. Moore ; Memorial on Jamies M. Harvey, by L. R. Elliott ; The passengers on the " Welcome," by E. B. Cowgill ; Accuracy in history, by John Speer ; The begin nings of the University of Kansas, by F. H. Snow ; Reminiscences of September 14, 1856, Invasion of the 2700, by Brinton W. Woodward; Memorial on Timothy Dwight Thacher; New England emigrant aid company as an invest ment society, by William H. Carruth ; The first provisional constitution of Kansas, by William E. Connelley ; History of normal school work in Kansas, by Albert R. Taylor ; The Kansas Soldiers Monument Association, by W. F. Cloud ; Some Pueblo ruins in Scott county, Kansas, by S. W. Williston and H. T. Martin ; Kansas in the Spanish-American war, by W. L. Brown ; The twentieth Kansas regiment in the Philippines, by Wilder S. Metcalf ; The twenty-second Kansas regiment, by A. M. Harvey ; Organization and service of the twenty-third Kansas regiment, by James Beck ; A Filipino battle flag, by J. R. Whisner ; The neutral lands, by Eugene F. Ware ; Memorial on Franklin G. Adams ; Biographical sketch of Franklin G. Adams ; The nationalization "of freedom, and the historical place of Kansas therein, by Richard J. Hinton ; Biography the basis of history : Biographical sketches of prominent Kansas men recently deceased ; Value of local history and the importance of preserving it, by William E. Connelley ; Topeka and her constitution, by Charles Robinson ; The burning of Osceola, Mo., by Lane, and the Quantrill massacre contrasted, by John Speer ; Organization of the republican party, by E. O. Learnard ; The Lawrence raid, by H. E. Palmer ; Pike of Pike s Peak, by Noble L. Prentis ; The story of Kansas, by Daniel W. Wilder ; James Montgomery, by E. S. W. Drought : The Indians agree to abandon Kansas, by T. A. McNeal ; The battle of Aricka- ree, by Winfield Freeman ; The first Kansas railway, by Charles S. Gleed \ KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 225 Claims for losses of Kansas settlers during the troubles of 1855 and 1856, by William Hutchinson ; Marais Des Cygnes tragedy, by Ed. R. Smith ; Pens that made Kansas free, by Richard J. Hinton ; Part n. Catalog: Constitutions; Kansas territory ; Kansas state ; The real Quivira, by W. E. Richey ; General Index. (1580 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, together with addresses at annual meetings, memorials, and miscellaneous papers, edited by Geo. W. Martin. Vol. vii. 1901-1902. Topeka, 1902. 8vo, pp. 619. Contents : Constitution ; Transactions ; The passing of slavery in western Missouri, by John G. Haskell ; Wardens of the marches, by John Madden ; Personal reminiscences of frontier life in southwest Kansas, by R. M. Wright; Historic sketch of the gypsum, cement, and plaster industry in Kansas, by Erasmus Haworth ; Southwestern Kansas, by T. A. McNeal ; Expositions in the history and development of states and peoples, by Mary E. Frost ; Recol lections of Fort Riley, by Percival G. Lowe ; The genesis of a state s metropolis, by Frank II. Betton ; Lorenzo I). Lewelling, by W. J. Costigan ; The discovery and development of natural gas in Kansas, by Charles F. Scott ; Captain Henry Kuhn, by C. E. Foote ; The sources of the constitution of Kansas, by Rosa M. Perdue ; Quarter-century celebration addresses by John Francis, Samuel A. Kingman ; Historical societies in the United States, by Daniel W. Wilder ; An incident of the war in 1862, by John Francis ; The Kansas State Agricultural College, by J. D. Walters ; Mother Bickerdyke, by Julia A. Chase ; Reminis cences of northwest Kansas, by G. Webb Bertram ; In at the birth, and - , by E. C. Manning; Horticulture in Kansas, by Cora Wellhouse Bullard ; Early life of Quantrill in Kansas, by W. A. Johnson ; Slavery in Kansas, by C. E. Cory ; The lead and zinc field of Kansas, by Irene G . Stone ; Kansas and the flag dedication of a monument marking the site of Pike s Pawnee village : J. C. Price s address ; From Quirira to Kansas, by Henry F. Mason ; Lest we forget, by Margaret Hill McCarter ; Pike a typical American soldier, by John C. Carpenter ; Congratulatory address, by Katharine S. Lewis ; Footsteps of liberty, by Noah L. Bowman ; The Anglo-Saxon and his conquests, by F. Dumont Smith ; The progress of women, by Helen Kimber ; Where was the Pawnee republic?, by Elias Branson Cowgill ; The old road and Pike s Pawnee village, by Charles S. Scott ; Survey of the northern boundary line of Kansas, by C. W. Johnson ; Settlement of the Friends in Kansas, by William H. Coffin ; The territorial and military combine at Fort Riley, by Geo. W. Martin ; Sketches of Kansas pioneer experience, by William Hutchinson ; Noble L. Prentis, by F. L. Vandegrift ; Among the sovereign squats, by Theodosius Botkin : Early day post-offices in Kansas, by E. J. Dallas ; The Lecompton party which located Denver, by Ely Moore ; The legislative war of 1898, inside, outside, and back again, by J. Ware Butter-field ; Travel by stage in the early days, by Henry Tisdale ; Sketch of E. L. Ackley ; Capt. Charles A. Ilamelton, by John. II. Rice ; Reminiscences of Kansas, by Andrew J. Mead ; An Indian fight on the Solomon, by D. S. Rees ; Origin of county names ; Origin of city names ; Col. Richard J. Hinton ; Patriotism and education in the Methodist church, by John Speer ; John Hutchinson in memoriam ; The college of Emporia, Andrew Carnegie, and John Byars Anderson, by Geo. W. Martin ; The events of 1856 : The twenty- first of May, by R. G. Elliott ; Capture of Fort Saunders, Aug. 15, 1856, by O. I . Kennedy ; The capture of Titus, Aug. 16, by William Crutchfield ; Battle of Hickory Point, by Charles W. Smith. Lincoln in Kansas ; Ernest Valeton Boissiere, by George A. Huron ; The Kansas State Historical Society, by Geo. W. Martin; General index. (1581 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1903-1904; Together with addresses at annual meetings, miscellaneous papers, and a roster of Kansas for fifty years. Edited by Geo. W. Martin. Vol. vm. Topeka, 1904. 8vo, pp. ix, 594. Illus. Contents : United States land offices in Kansas, by Albert R. Greene ; The story of the Seventh Kansas, by S. M. Fox ; Sherman county and the H. U. A., by E. E. Blackman ; Massacre of Confederates by Osage Indians in 1863, by W. L. Bartles ; Along the trail, by John Madden ; Indian reservations in Kansas and the extinguishment of their title, by Anna II. Abel ; Black Kettle s last raid 1868, by Hill P. Wilson ; Secretary s annual report ; Historical work in Osage county, by Charles R. Green ; A famous old crossing on tne Suntu Fe H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2- 15 226 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. trail, by Geo. P. Morehouse ; Business then and now, by James C. Horton ; The fourth Kansas militia in the Price raid, by William T. McClure ; Early 1 Spanish explorations and Indian implements in Kansas, by W. E. Richey ; Reminiscences of the Yeager Raid, 1863, by D. Hubbard ; The Wichita Indians in Kansas, by James R. Mead : The Pottawatomie Massacre, by S. J. Shively ; The Osage ceded lands, by C. E. Cory ; Reminiscences of James C. Horton ; Along the Kaw trail, by Geo. P. Morehouse ; An attempted rescue of John Brown from Charlestown, Va., jail, by O. E. Morse; Taking the census and other incidents in 1855, by James R. McClure ; The Friends establishment in Kansas territory, by Wilson Hobbs ; Kansas at Chickamauga and Chattanooga; With John Brown in Kansas, by August Bondi ; The great seal of Kansas, by Robert Hay ; A state flower ; Emigration to Kansas in 1856, by Robert Morrow ; John A. Anderson a character sketch, by Geo. W. Martin ; Quantrill and the Morgan-Walker tragedy, by John J. Lutz ; The capitals of Kansas, by Franklin G. Adams ; The eleventh Kansas regiment at Platte Bridge, by S. H. Fairchild ; The Big Springs Conven tion, by R. G. Elliott ; In memoriam Otis Berthonde Gunn ; A Kansas pioneer merchant, by Geo. W. Martin; Railroad grading among Indians, by A. Roenigk ; A defense by Samuel D. Lecompte ; A Kansas soldier s escape from Camp Ford, Texas, by Geo. W. Martin ; Autobiography of F. B. Sanborn ; Reminiscences of Frederick Chouteau ; Isle au Vache, by George J. Remsburg ; The battle of the Spurs and John Brown s exit from Kansas, by L. L. Kienie ; The establishment of counties in Kansas, by Helen G. Gill ; High waters in Kansas from the diary of Jotham Meeker, 1844, and other manuscripts; The Kansas Indians in Shawnee county after 1855, by Fannie E. Cole ; Recollections of early times in Kansas territory, from the standpoint of a regular cavalryman, by Robert M. Peck; A roster of Kansas for fifty years; General index. (1582 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society at its annual meeting, January 18. 1881. By ex-Governor Robinson. Cutting from The Daily Journal, Topeka, January 26, 1881. (1583 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Objects of collection desired by the Society. Circular. (1584 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Third Biennial Report, presented January 16, 1883. Topeka, 1883. 8vo, pp. 98. (1585 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List, by counties, of newspapers and periodicals published in Kansas, March 1, 1884. Compiled by F. G. Adams. Topeka, 1884. 8vo, pp. 23. (1586 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fourth Biennial Report, presented Janu ary 20, 1885. Topeka, 1885. 8vo, pp. 87. Contains address by Floyd P. Baker, " The Kansas legislature in 1862. (1587 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Directors of the Society, presented at its eleventh annual meeting, January 18, 1887. Topeka, 1887. 8vo, pp. 109. (1588 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List, by counties, of the newspapers and periodicals published in Kansas, January 1. 1889. Compiled by F. G. Adams, secretary of the Society. Topeka, 1889. 8vo, pp. 38. (1589 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lights and shadows of Kansas history. Annual address by William A. Phillips. Magazine of Western History, Vol. xn, May, 1890, pp. 6-15. New York, 1890. (1590 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sixth Biennial Report for the period com mencing January 19, 1887, and ending November 20, 1888. Topeka, 1889. 8vo, pp. 128. (1591 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 227 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seventh Biennial Report, November 21, 1888-November 18, 1890. Topeka, 1891. Svo, pp. 124. (1592 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eighth Biennial Report, November 18, 1890-November 15, 1892. Topeka, 1892. Svo, pp. 134 (1). (159S KA.NSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbian history of education in Kansas. An account of the public-school system, an explanation of its practical oper ations, a review of its auxiliary teachers associations, sketches of the several public educational institutions, local histories of the schools by counties and cities, and a brief outline of the work accomplished in private and denominational schools. With illustrations. Compiled by Kansas edu cators and published under the auspices of the Kansas State Historical Society, for the Columbian Exposition, 1893. Topeka, 1892. Svo, pp. vii (1), 231. Portraits. (1594 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A directory of the Kansas Historical Ex hibit in the Kansas State Building at the World s Columbian Exposition. Exhibited by the State Historical Society. Topeka, 1893. Svo, pp. 36. (1595 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Abstract of the Ninth Biennial Report of the Kansas State Historical Society for the two years ending November 1, 1894. Contains a list of Kansas newspapers. Topeka, 1894. Svo, pp. 24. (159<> KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ninth biennial report of the Board of Directors for the period commencing November 1(5, 1892, and ending Novem ber 20, 1894. Also Proceedings of the meetings, 1895. Topeka, 1895. Svo, pp. 174. Contains : A list of the newspapers and periodicals published in Kansas June 1, 1S95. (1597 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tenth biennial report, November 20, 1894- November 17, 1896. Topeka, 189(5. Svo, pp. 184. Contains a list of Kansas newspapers and periodicals. (1598 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eleventh biennial report, November 1, 1896, to November 1, 1898. Topeka, 1898. Svo, pp. 186. Contains : A list of newspapers and periodicals published in Kansas, December 1, 1898. (1599 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address of John Speer, on Accuracy in history, delivered before the twenty-second annual meeting of the Society at Topeka, January 18, 1898. Topeka, 1898. Svo, pp. 24. (16OO KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The collection of history. Circular by Eugene F. Ware, President. Topeka, Kansas, 1899. Svo, pp. 6. (Kioi KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalog of the Kansas territorial and state documents in the library of the State Historical Society. 1854-1898. Topeka, 1900. 8vo, pp. 93. On cover: Prepared by Miss Zu Adams. (1GO2 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Twelfth biennial report of the Board of Directors for the period November 1, 1898, to November 1, 1900. Topeka, 1900. Svo, pp. US (1). (1603 228 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Directors for the fractional period November 1, 1900, to June 30, 1902. Including proceedings twenty-seventh annual meeting, held December 2, 1902 ; also list of newspapers to December 1, 1902. Topeka, 1902. 8vo, pp. 101. (1603a KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual meeting, Topeka, January 10, 1900. Containing also report of secretary and revised list of Kansas newspapers up to February 15, 1900. Topeka, 1900. 8vo, pp. -48. (16O4 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the secretary for the year ending January 21, 1902. 8vo, pp. 7. (16O5 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Story of the Seventh Kansas. [By Simeon M. Fox.] [ Topeka V 1902?] 8vo, pp. 3G [1]. An address made before the 27th annual meeting of the Kansas State His torical Society, Dec. L , 190:2. (16O KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fourteenth biennial report of the Board of Directors for the biennial period July 1, 1902, to June 30, 1904. Including proceedings twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth annual meetings, held Decem ber 1, 1903, and December 0, 1904 ; also list of Kansas books and newspapers up to December 1, 1904. Topeka, 1904. 8vo, pp. vii, 147. (1607 MARSHALL COUNTY (KANSAS) PIONEER ASSOCIATION. MARSHALL COUNTY (KANSAS) PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Primitive northern Kan sas. Address before the association, September 11, 1880, by F. G. Adams. Atchison, 1880. 8vo. (16O8 BOYLE COUNTY (KENTUCKY) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Danville, Ky. BOYLE COUNTY (KENTUCKY) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Genesis of a pioneer Commonwealth. LBy Thomas E. Pickett] Maysville, Ky., [1885]. 8vo, pp. 10. No title-page. The above account is in the form of a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Boyle County Historical Society, in response to an invitation to attend the Society s celebration of the centennial anniversary of the " first delegate con vention " of Kentucky, assembled at Danville in 1785, (160!) FILSON CLUB. Louisville, Ky. FJLSON CLUB. John Filson, the first historian of Kentucky. An account of his life and writings, principally from original sources. Prepared for the Fil son Club, and read at its meeting June 26, 1884, by Reuben T. Durrett. Louisville, 1884. 4to, pp. 132. Portraits. This is the first of a series of publications to be made by the Filson Club, *an association organized for the purpose of collecting and preserving historical matter relating to the early history of the central West, and especially to Ken tucky. (161O FILSON CLUB. 229 FILSON CLUB. The Wilderness Road ; a description of the routes of travel by which the pioneers and early settlers first came to Kentucky. Prepared for the Filson Club, by Thomas Speed. Louisville, Ky., 1880. 4 to, pp. 75. Title on cover : " Filson Club Publications, number two. The Wilderness Road. By Thomas Speed." (1611 FILSON CLUB. The pioneer Press of Kentucky, from the printing of the first paper west of the Alleghanies, August 11, 1787, to the establishment of the daily press, in 1830. By William Henry Perrin. Written for the Filson Club, and read at its August meeting, 1887, being the centennial year of Kentucky journalism. [Louisville], 1888. 4to, pp. 93. Portraits ; facsimile. Pages 90-93 contain a memorial paper on Richard Henry Collins, historian, and editor of the Maysville Eagle. (1612 FILSON CLUB. Life and Times of Judge Caleb Wallace, some time a .justice of the court of appeals of Kentucky. By W. H. Whitsitt. Louisville, 1888. 4to, pp. 6, (1), 151. Filson Club Publications, No. 4. (1(113 FILSON CLUB. An Historical Sketch of St. Paul s Church, Louisville. Ky. Pre pared for the semi-centennial celebration, October (5, 1880, by Reuben T. Dur- rett. Published under the auspices of the Filson Club. Louisville. 1880. Small 4to, pp. xv, 75. Portraits, wood cuts. Filson Club Publications, No. 5. (1614 FILSON CLUB,- The political Beginnings of Kentucky. By John Mason Brown. Louisville, 1880. 8vo, pp. 263. Portraits. Filson Club Publications, No. G. (1615 FILSON CLUB. Two papers, namely, " Money," read before the Filson Club. Louisville, March 4, 1800, and "Washington," from the New York Inde pendent, April 25, 1880. By Cassius M. Clay. [New York, 1800.] 8vo, pp. 16. (1616 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 7. The centenary of Kentucky. Proceedings at the celebration by the Filson Club, Wednesday, June 1. 1802. of the one hundredth anniversary of the admission of Kentucky as an independent State into the Federal Union. Louisville, 1802. 4to, pp. 200. Portraits. Contains address by Reuben T. Durrett, " The State of Kentucky : Its dis covery, settlement, autonomy, and progress for a hundred years." (1617 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 8. The centenary of Louisville. A paper read before the Southern Historical Association, Saturday, May 1st, 1880, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the be ginning of the city of Louisville as an incorporated town, under an act of the legislature of Virginia. By Reuben T. Durrett. Louisville, 1803. 4to, pp. 200. Three portraits. (161S FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 0. The political club, Danville. Ky., 1780-1700; being an account of an early Kentucky society, from the original papers recently found. By Thomas Speed. Louisville, 1804. 4to, pp. 12, 167. (1610 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 10. The Life and Writings of Rafinesque. By Richard E. Call. Louisville, Ky., 1805. 4to, pp. 214. (1620 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 11. Transylvania University: its origin, rise, decline, and fall. Prepared for the Filson Club, by Robert Peter. Louisville, 180G. 4 to, pp. 202. Portrait. (1621 230 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. FICSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 12. Bryant s station and the memorial proceedings held on its site under the auspices of the Lexington Chapter, D. A. R., August the 18th, 1896, in honor of its heroic mothers and daughters. Prepared for publication by Reuben T. Durrett. Louisville, Kentucky, 1899. 4to, pp. vii, 277. Plates. Portraits. (1622 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 13. First explorations of Ken tucky. Doctor Thomas Walker s journal of an exploration of Kentucky in 1750, being the first record of ji white man s visit to the interior of that territory; now first published entire, with notes and biographical sketch, also Colonel Christopher Gist s journal of a tour through Ohio and Ken tucky in 1751, with notes and sketch by J. Stoddard Johnston, Louisville, Kentucky. 1898. 4to, pp. xix, 222. Portraits. (1623 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 14. The Clay family. Part first The mother of Henry Clay, by Zachary F. Smith ; Part second The gene alogy of the Clays, by Mary Rogers Clay. Louisville, Kentucky, 1899. 4to, pp. vi, 252. Portraits. (1623a FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 15. The Battle of Tippecanoe. Read before the Filson Club, November 1, 1897. By Alfred Pirtle. Louis ville, Kentucky, 1900. 4to, pp. xix, 158. Portrait. (1624 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No, 16. Boonesborough. Its founding, pioneer struggles, Indian experiences. Transylvania days, and Revolution ary annals. With full historical notes and appendix by George W. Ranck. Louisville, Kentucky, 1901. 4to, pp. xi, (1), 2S6. Illustrated. (162,% FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications. No. 17. The old masters of the Bine- grass, Jouett, Bush, Grimes, Frazier, Morgan, Hart. By Samuel Woodson Price. Louisville, Kentucky, 1902. 4to, pp. xvii, 181. Illustrated. (1626 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 18. The Battle of the Thames in which Kentuckians defeated the British, French, and Indians, October 5, 1813. With a list of the officers and privates who won the victory. By Bennett H. Young. Louisville, Kentucky, 1903. 4to. pp. 274. Portraits. Appendix contains : Oliver Hazard Perry and the Kentuckians who helped to win the Battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1813 ; Roll of field, staff, company officers, and privates, Kentucky Volunteers, in the War of 1812. (1627 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 19. The battle of New Orleans, including the previous engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians, and the Spanish which led to the final conflict on the 8th of January, 1815. By Zachary F. Smith. Louisville, Kentucky, 1904. 4to, pp. xv, (1), 209. Illustrated. Appendix contains : List of Kentuckians in the battle of New Orleans ; Roll of field and staff, Slaughter s regiment, Kentucky detached militia, War of 1812, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Gabriel Slaughter ; Roll of field and staff, Davis s regiment, Kentucky detached militia, War of 1812, commanded by Lieut-Col. Presley Gray. - (1628 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 20. The history of the medical de partment of Transylvania University. By Robert Peter. Prepared for publication by his daughter, Johanna Peter. Louisville, Kentucky, 1905. 4to, pp. xi (1), 193. Illustrated. (1629 KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 231 FILSON CLUB. Filson Club Publications, No. 21. Lopez s expeditions to Cuba, 1850 and 1851. By Anderson C. Quisenberry. Read before the Club April 3, 1905. Louisville, Kentucky, 1906. 4to, pp. 172. Illustrated. (163O KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Louisville, and Frankfort. KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation and constitution and by laws ; organized March, 1838, at Louisville. Louisville, 1838. 12mo, pp. 12. (1631 KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial from the Society, in relation to a geological survey of Kentucky. [1847.] 8vo, pp. 13. No title page. (1G32 KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular containing list of officers and charter members and an appeal to the public, signed by G. W. Ranck, curator. [1873.] Sheet. ( 1633 KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting. February 11, 1880. Frankfort, 1880. Svo. ( 1634 The society was reorganized in 1878. KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the Dedication of the Hall of the Society in the State Capitol, June 7, 18(>9-1881. Frankfort. 1881. 8vo, pp. 12. The date 1869 should be 1769. as it is given on the half title on the first page, that date representing the arrival of Findlay s expedition in Kentucky. (1635 KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An oration, delivered on the occasion of the centennial commemoration of the battle of the Blue Licks, August 19, 1882, by John Mason Brown. Published under the auspices of the Society. Frankfort, 1882. 8vo, pp. 55. Folded map. (1636 KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some account of the Society. By E. Jarvis. American Quarterly Register, Vol. xv, pp. 72-77. (1637 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Frankfort, Ky. KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reports. From its reorganization, Oct. G, 1890, to Oct. 4, 1902. Louisville, 1902. 8vo, pp. 21. (163S KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. [Vol. i. No. i, January, 1903.] January, 1903. Louisville, 1903. 8vo, pp. 83. Portraits. Contents: Officers ; A nesv light on Daniel Boone s ancestry, by Jennie C. Morton ; Kentucky s first railroad, which was the first one west of the Alleghany mountains, by Ed. Porter Thompson ; Address of the vice-president, John A. Steele ; The seal of Kentucky ; Copy of a letter from Gen. Benj. Logan to Gov ernor Isaac Shelby, 1793; Counties in Kentucky and origin of their names f The Kentucky river and its islands ; Department of genealogy : Averill, Bibb. Crockett, Dudley. Reunion of the Alves tribe ; Reports from the Society from its reorganization, October 6, 1896, to October 4, 1902. (163O KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. [Vol. i, No. n, May, 1903.] Louisville, 1903. Svo, pp. 89. Illustrated. Contents : Governor Isaac Shelby, bis history and portrait with chapter of General Evan Shelby s credentials in the colonial wars ; John L. Audubon, by Wm. L. Alves ; The attack on Spanish gunboats at Cardenas, Chapman Todd ; 232 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Historical sketches of banners used by Kentucky troops during the Spanish war, 1899 ; The migration of trade centers, by Robert E. Jones ; Historical informa tion and how obtained ; Romance of Mary Ball the love story of the mother of Washington ; The first school taught in Kentucky, from a Louisville newspaper, 1878 ; Department of genealogy and history : Edmonsons James, by Sarah E. James Chesney ; Fall, by Elizabeth Fall Taylor. Governor James Garrard ; Governor Christopher Greenup ; Necrology; Reports of the Society. (164O KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. September, 1903. Vol. i, No. in. Louisville, 1903. 8vo, pp. 111. Illus. Contents : Biographical sketch of Charles S. Scott, by Pattie Burnley, with supplemental extracts from history ; Brief sketch of Governor George Madison and of Governor Gabriel Slaughter, by Jennie C. Morton ; The blockade of southern Cuba, by Chapman Coleman Todd ; Lost Island a tradition of a floating island, poem by Jennie C. Morton ; Biographical sketch of Theodore O Hara, by Jennie C. Morton ; Department of history and genealogy : Johnson and Arnold families ; Strother family ; The Keiths ; History of the Lee family ; Report of the meeting of the Society, 6th of June, 1903. (1641 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. January, 1904. Vol. 2, No. iv. Louisville, 1904. 8vo, pp. 115. Illus. Contents : Biographical sketch of Governor John Adair, by Jennie C. Morton ; Biographical sketch of Governor Joseph Desha ; Biographical sketch of Governor Thomas Metcalfe, by Jennie C. Morton ; Lieutenant-Governors of Kentucky from 1792 to 1903; Roll of Quirk s Scouts, C. S. A., January, 1863; The Ball Inter national Union; The convention of the D. A. R. in Owensboro, Ky., Oct. 29-31, 1903; Colonel Richard Calloway, [by Jennie C. Morton]; Department of his tory and genealogy : The Steeles and Rennicks, Rowans, Huestons, and Todds, by Mary Willis Woodson ; Colonel B. G. Slaughter, sketch of his life by Jennie C. Morton, also the Slaughter genealogy, by a descendant ; Report from the Society. (1642 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Register. May, 1904. Vol. 2, No. v. Louisville, 1904. 8vo, pp. 86. Illus. Contents: The old capitol, by George C. Downing; Governor John Breathitt, by Jennie C. Morton ; Washington, first county seat of Mason county, by Lucy Coleman Lee ; The Governor s mansion on High and Clinton Streets, by Jennie C. Morton ; Genealogical and Historical department : The Slaughter family, by W. A. Slaughter ; Payne genealogy ; The Williams and Hutchcraft genealogy and history ; Clippings of historical people and events ; Reports from the Society. (1643 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Register. Vol. n, No. G. September, 1904. Louisville, Ky., 1904. 8vo, pp. 102. Illus. Contents : Officers and committees ; Governor James Clark, by Jennie C. Morton ; Governor Charles A. Wickliffe, by Jennie C. Morton ; General Forrest s account of Emma Sansom s heroism at Gadsden ; Genealogical and Historical Department : Bacon, Hardins, Jennings, Boone. Paragraphs and clippings of general information and current history Lost state of Franklin, by C. H. Todd; Report of the Society, annual meeting, June 7, 1904; Necrology. (1644 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. Vol. 3, No. vn. January, 1905. Louisville, 1905. 8vo, pp. 96. Portraits. Contents : Officers ; Robert P. Letcher sketch of his life, by Jennie C. Morton ; William Owsley, by Jennie C. Morton ; A Gymkhana in Harrodsburgh over 100 years ago, by Jno. F. B. Lillard ; List of auditors of the state of Ken tucky, 1792-1905 ; Names of the historic families of Kentucky ; Unveiling cere monies of the monument erected by the state of Michigan in honor of the brave Kentuckians and others who lost their lives in the defense of this country in the Battle and Massacre of River Raisin, on January 22 and 23d, 1813, Monroe, Michigan, September 1, 1904. Department of genealogy and history : McKamies, Steeles, Williams; Clippings and paragraphs of current history; Inquiries and answers; Report of the secretary. (1644i LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 233 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. Vol. 3, No. vm. May, 1905. Louisville, Ky., 1905. 8vo, pp. 115, (1). Contents : Governor John J. Crittenden, by Jennie C. Morton ; The home of Governor Crittenden, Frankfort ; Michigan s tribute to Kentucky : Monument erected in honor of Kentucky heroes who fell at the Battle of River Raisin, Jan. 22-23, 1813; The new capitol site; Clippings and paragraphs of current history ; "Across the Plains," 1852, by John Montgomery ; " Ingleside," a pioneer home of Franklin County, by <}. C. Downing; Department of history and genealogy : Taylor, Morris, Harrison, Irvine, Major ; Names of the historic families of Kentucky; Report of the Society. (1645 KENTUCKY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register. September, 1905. Vol. 3, No. ix. Louisville, Ky., 1905. 8vo, pp. 103. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers ; Sketch of Governor John L. Helm, by Jennie C. Morton ; Sketch of Governor John J. Crittenden, concluded ; Copy of an original letter of John Breckenridge to his friend, Joseph Cabell in Buckingham, Virginia, 1793 ; Kentucky s first immigrants, by Wm. Crowe ; The early courts of Ken tucky, by Chapman C. Todd ; Something about Col. Dick Johnson s Indian school in Scott County, Ky., 1833-40 ; Sketch of the life of Sophia Fox Sea, by Jennie C. Morton ; Names of the historic families of Kentucky, from historic records ; Clippings and paragraphs of current history ; Department of history and genealogy ; Report from the Society. (164O LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LOUISVILLE BRANCH. Louisville, Ky. LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cheatham s story of Spring Hill. Read before the Association, 1881, by B. F. Cheatlmm. Southern Bironae, Vol. in, pp. 337-34G. (1647 LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Recollections of Libby Prison. By J. L. Burrows. Read before the Association. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. xi, pp. 83-02. Richmond, [1883]. (1648 LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Battle of .Tohnsonville. By John W. Morton. Read before the Association. Southern Historical Roddy Papers, Vol. x, pp. 471-4S8. Richmond [1882]. (164J LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The descent of Gen. Robert Edward Lee from King Robert the Bruce of Scotland. By William Winston Fon taine. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. ix. pp. 103-200. Read before the Louisville Branch March 20, 1881. (165O LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kenesaw Mountain. By S. G. French. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. ix, pp. r>or-f>ll. Richmond, 1881. Read before the Society. (16.11 LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some reminiscences of the second of April 18r>5. By II. W. Bruce. Read before the Louisville Branch of the Southern Historical Society. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. ix, pp. 2OO-211. Richmond, 1881. (1652 LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of Hood s Tennessee Campaign. By W. O. Dodd. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. ix, pp. 518-H24. Richmond, 1881. ( 1653 234 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The lost opportunity at Spring Hill, Teun. General [B. F.] Cheathani s reply to General Hood. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. ix, pp. 524-541. Richmond, 1881. Read before the Society. (1654 LOUISVILLE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Defence of Vicksburg in 1862. The battle of Baton Rouge. By John B. Pirtle. Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. vni, pp. 324-332. Richmond, 1880. Read before the Society. (1655 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. (NEW ORLEANS.} LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Account of the Society ; Constitution ; List of Members. French s Historical Collections of Louisiana, part 2, pp. 115. Philadelphia, 1850. (1656 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws of the Louisiana Historical Society. Incorporated January 10, 1860. Baton Rouge, 1860. 12mo, pp. 12. (1657 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular from George W. Cable, corresponding secretary, September 1, 1877. New Orleans, 1877. Sheet. (1658 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Historical Society of Louisiana, January 13, 1836. By Henry A. Billiard. New Orleans, 1836. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted in French s Historical Collections of Louisiana, part 1, pp. 123. New York, 1846. (1659 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections of Louisiana. Compiled by B. F. French. Parts 2, 3. Philadelphia, New York, 1850-51. Two vols., 8vo. Map. These two volumes are dedicated to the Society ; the whole series comprises seven volumes, but these are the only ones connected with the Society. (166!) LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Louisiana Historical So ciety, New Orleans, La. Vol. i, Part i, 1895. New Orleans, 1895. 8vo, pp. 35. Contents : Report of Prof. Alcee Fortier, as chairman of committee on work and archives; Address of President Fortier at annual meeting; Report of John R. Ficklen, secretary and treasurer ; Oration of Dr. B. M. Palmer : The tribunal of history : List of officers and members. (1661 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. i, Part 11, 1895. New Orleans, 1895. 8vo, pp. 49, facsimile of Andrew Jackson letter. Contents : Resolutions on the death of Charles Gayarre ; Old Colonial Papers, by Alcee Fortier; A Relic of the Confederacy, by Thomas J. Semmes ; The West Florida Resolution, by Henry L. Favrot ; A Letter from Gen. Andrew Jackson (January 7, 1815), by William II. Seymour; An Old Manuscript, reviewed by Grace King. (1662 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. i, Part HI, 1896. New Orleans, 3896. 8vo, pp. 42. Contents : List of Members ; Minutes of the Secretary ; Sketch of Pierre Margry, by Gustave Devron ; The West Florida Revolution, by H. L. Favrot; The Capture of Fort Charlotte, by William Beer ; The Defenses of New Orleans in 1797; Letter of Gen. Andrew Jackson (May 19, 1821) ; Publications received. (1663 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. i, Part iv, 1896. 8vo, pp. 39. Plates. Contents : Meetings of the Society ; The mounds of Louisiana, i, by George E. Beyer; Facsimile of the Moniteur de la Louisiane, 1794. (1664 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 235 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. n, Part i, 1897. New Orleans, 1898. 8vo, pp. 47. Plates. Contents : Extracts from the minutes of the Society ; The mounds of Louisiana, by George E. Beyer ; Two original and newly found documents of the departure, shipwreck, and death of Aubry, the last French governor of Louisiana, by Gustavus Devron ; The climate of New Orleans, from the weather bureau record of past twenty-seven years 1871-1897 ; Statement of the sugar crop made in Louisiana in 1896-07 from the Louisiana sugar report ; Cotton crop of the United States and Louisiana 1896-97 from the secretary s report of the New Orleans cotton exchange. (1665 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. n. Part 2, 1898. 8vo, pp. 43. Contents : Meetings of the society ; Letter of Governor Miro to the Commis sioners of the state of Georgia and remarks thereon, by G. Cusachs ; Investi gation of some shell mounds in Calcasieu Parish, by Geo. E. Beyer ; Ancient basket work from A very s Island, by George E. Beyer ; The northwestern boundary of Louisiana, with special reference to the French cession of 1803, by John K. Ficklen. (1666 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. n, Part in, 1900. 8vo, pp. 88. Contents : Transactions of the society, 1899-1900 ; The Cathedral Archives, by James S. Zacharie ; Mound investigations at Lemar, La., by Geo. E. Beyer ; New Orleans " Its old streets and places," by James S. Zacharie. (1667 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. n. Part 4, December. 1901. New Orleans, 1902. 8vo, pp. 46. Contents : Notice of the death of Gustave Devron, by Alcee Fortier ; Cen tennial of the Louisiana Purchase ; Synopsis of the business transacted in the meetings 1900-01; The State Seal, by Henry L. Favrot ; The Louisiana Ursulines, by Henry Renshaw ; Traite de la Compagnie des Indes avec Les TIrsulines. (1668 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. in, Part i. New Orleans, 1902. 8vo, pp. 23. Reception of President William McKinley at the Cabildo, New Orleans, May 2nd, 1901. (1669 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. in. Part n. Centennial celebration of the Louisiana Transfer, December, 1003. Compiled by Alcoe Fortier, with the assistance of James M. Augustin. New Orleans, 1904. 8vo, pp. 119. Illus. Part in given in Appendix. (167O LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the exhibit . . . opened Febru ary 20th, 1900, at the Fisk free public library in New Orleans, La. New Orleans, 1900. 8vo, pp. [16]. (1671 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Official souvenir programme of the transfer of Louisiana from France to the United States. Commemoration by the Louisiana Historical Society at New Orleans, La., December 18th, 19th, and 20th, 1903. Historical and statistical data of Louisiana and New Orleans . . . Ed. and pub. by James M. Augustin . . . by authority of the Louisi ana Historical Society. [New Orleans] [1903?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 34, 1 1., [61 p. incl., ports. At head of title: 1803. 1903. 2d ed. Appended is an account, omitted from the 1st edition, of the colo nial ball and the historical banquet held in connection with the celebration. (1672 236 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Synopsis of the history of Louisiana, from the founding of the colony to the end of the year 1791. By the Chevalier Guy Soniat du Fossat, officer in the French army, who came to New Orleans in 1751 and was the founder of the American branch of the family of Soniat du Fossat. Tr. from the French, at the request, and by the resolution of the Louisiana Historical Society, by one of its members, Charles T. Soniat, esq., a descendant of the chevalier * * * . [New Orleans? 1903.] Svo, pp. 43. (1673 BLUEHILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BLUEHILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketches of Bluehill, Me. By R. G. F. Candage. Printed for the society. Ellsworth, Me., 1905. Svo, pp. 83. (16730 GORGES SOCIETY. Portland, He. GORGES SOCIETY. George Cleeve, of Casco Bay, 1630-1GG7, with collateral docu ments. By James Phinney Baxter. Printed for the Society. Portland, 1885. [Gorges Society Publications. 1.] Small 4to, pp. 339 (1). Illustrated. Portraits. (1674 GORGES SOCIETY. New England s Vindication. By Henry Gardiner. Edited, with notes, by Charles Edward Banks. London, 1060. Printed for the So ciety. Portland, 1884. [Gorges Society Publications. 2.] Small 4 to, pp. 83 (1). Facsimile of original title-page. (1675 GORGES SOCIETY. Notice of the Society s first publication, " New England s Vindication," with constitution, rules, and regulations. Portland, 1884. Small 4to. pp. 7. No title page. (1676 GORGES SOCIETY. Hosier s relation of Waymouth s voyage to the coast of Maine, 1005, with an introduction and notes. By Henry S. Burrage. Printed for the Gorges Society. Portland, Me.. 1887. [Gorges Society Publica tions. 3.] Small 4to, pp. xi, 176. Two folded maps. Folded plate. Two portraits. Pages 30-77 contain a survey of the literature. (1677 GORGES SOCIETY. The Sagadahoc Colony, comprising the relation of a voyage into New England (Lambeth MSS.), with an introduction and notes. By the Rev. Henry O. Thayer, A. M. Printed for the Gorges Society. Port land, Me., 1892. [Gorges Society Publications. 4.] Small 4to, pp. xi, 278. Plates. Maps. Portrait. (1678 GORGES SOCIETY. Christopher Levett, of York, the pioneer colonist in Casco Bay. By James Phinney Baxter. Printed for the Gorges Society. Portland, 1893. (Gorges Society Publications. 5.) Small 4to, pp. xii, 46G. Illustrated. Maps. (1679 HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ELIOT, MAINE. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ELIOT, MAINE. Exercises in commemoration of Major Charles Frost on the two hundredth anniversary of his massacre by the Indians, Sunday. July the fourth, 1697. [Eliot, 1897?] 4to, pp. 46. (1680 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MAINE. 237 KENNEBEC NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. KENNEBEC NATURAL HISTORY AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The site of Fort Saint George, erected by Captain George Poplumi, in 1007. By W. Scott Hill. * * * Read before the [Kennebec Natural History and Antiquarian] Society July 23, 1891. Reprinted from the Kennebec journal. [Augusta, Me., 1891?] 8vo, pp. 4. (1681 KNOX COUNTY (MAINE) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rockland, Me. KNOX COUNTY (MAINE) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Knox County Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Vol. i, Nos. 1-10. Nov., 1895-Aug., 1890. 8vo, pp. 190. In leaflets paged continuously to form a volume. The Mount Desert widow Genealogy of the Gamble family, by Greenleaf and Jonathan 1*. Cilley forms the greater part of Vol. i. (1O82 LINCOLN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wiscussct, Me. LINCOLN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Jacob Bailey. His character and works. By Charles E. Allen. Read before the Lincoln County Historical Society, November 13, 1895. Printed by the Society, 1895. 8vo, pp. 16. (16S LINCOLN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pemaquid, its genesis, discovery, name, and colonial relations to New England. By Rufus King Sewall. Read before the Lincoln County Historical Society, May 22, 1890. [n. p.] Printed by the Society, 1890. 8vo, pp. 21. Cover-title. (1684 MAINE GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Auyiusta, Me. MAINE GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Maine Genealogist and Biographer. A quarterly journal. Published under the direction of the Society. Vols. i-in. Augusta, 1875-1878. Three vols., 8vo. (1685 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Portland, Me. MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. City Document. The siege and capture of Fort Loyall ; destruction of Falmouth. May 20. 1090 (O. S. ). A paper read before the Society, June 2, 1885, by John T. Hull. Printed by order of city council of Portland. Portland, 1885. 8vo, pp. 110. Folded map. (1686 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. By-laws of the Maine Genealogical Society, Portland, Me. Adopted April 10, 1889. Portland, 1889. 16mo, pp. 12. (1687 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. By-laws. Portland, 1893, 16mo. (1088 238 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Probate Records of Lincoln County, Me. 1760 to 1800. Compiled and edited for the Maine Genealogical Society, by William D. Patterson, Wiscasset, Me. Portland, Me., 1895. Svo, pp. 21, (5), 308, 53. Issued in 21 parts, beginning November 15, 1893, and ending November, 1895. (1689 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thirteenth annual report for the year 1896. Reports of the directors and officers presented at the annual meeting, January 9, 1897. Also by-laws, list of officers and members, and of dona tions for the year. Portland, Me., 1897. 8vo, pp. 45. (1690 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Publishments, marrjages. births,- and deaths from the earlier records of Gorham, Maine. Compiled by Marquis F. King. Portland, Maine, Genealogical Society, 1897. Svo, pp. 12 [206]. Illus. (1691 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Baptisms and admission from the records of First Church in Falmouth. now Portland, Maine. With appendix of his torical notes. Compiled by Marquis F. King. * * * Portland, Me., Maine Genealogical Society, 1898. Svo, 2 p. 1., pp. 219. Front., illus. (ind. plans) pi., 2 facsim. Printed on one side of leaf only. Reprint from Portland Evening Express. (1692 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Reports of the directors and officers presented at the annual meetings, January 20, 1904, and January 18, 1905. Memorials of Marquis Fayette King, Albion K. P. Meserve, M. D., and Joseph Porter Thompson : also, by-laws ; list of officers and members, and list of family histories in the library. Portland, 1905. 8vo, pp. 56, 15. (1693 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. York Deeds. Book xn, Part i. 1903. 8vo, pp. 8, folios 1-190. Index, pp. 114. Contents: Preface; Errata; York Deeds, March, 1726-October, 1727. Index of grantors, grantees, etc. Vols. i-xi published by the Historical Society. (1694 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. York Deeds. Book xn, Part n. Maine Genea logical Society, 1904. 8vo, pp. (8), folios 190-376, pp. 113. Contents: Preface; Errata; York deeds, October 25, 1727-March 5, 1728. Indexes of grantors, grantees, etc. (1695 MAINE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. York Deeds. Book xin. Maine Genealogical Society. 1904. 8vo, pp. 839, 169, folios 1-280. Contents : Preface ; Errata ; York Deeds, Feb. 12, 1728-Nov. 25, 1730 ; In dexes of grantors, grantees, etc. (1696 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Portland, Me. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. I. Portland, 1831. 8vo, pp. (8), viii, 416. (Reprinted in 1865, with corrections and additions. William Willis, editor, pp. 566.) Contents : Introductory Remarks ; Act of Incorporation ; By-laws and Regula tions ; History of Portland from its first Settlement, with notices of the neigh boring towns, and of the changes of government in Maine, by William ^Yillis. Part 1 ; An Account of Limerick, by Charles Freeman ; An Account of Wells, by Jeremiah Hubbard and Jonathan Greenleaf ; Extracts from Records in the MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 239 County of York; Depositions of George Cleeves, George Lewis [etc.1, relating to the doings of Capt. Robert Nash on the coast of Maine in 1645 ; The submission of the inhabitants of Black Point, Blue Point, and Falmouth, to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, July, 1658 ; Petition of Edward Godfrey to the General Court of Massachusetts in 1654 ; Petition from the inhabitants of Maine to Oliver Cromwell, 1656 ; Letter from Edward Rishworth to Governor Endicott, 1656 ; A letter on the affairs of New England, 1663 or 1664 ; A petition from the in habitants of Maine to Charles II, about 1680; Governor Lincoln s MSS. papers: Remarks on the Indian languages; Account of the Catholic Missions in Maine. Letters written while on an expedition across the State of Maine to attack Quebec in 1775, by Colonel Arnold, with a journal of a tour from the St. Law rence to the Kennebec, supposed to have been made by Colonel Montresor, about 1760; A journal of the expedition to Quebec in 1775, compiled by William Allen. (1697 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. n. Portland. 1847. 8vo, pp. vi, 303, 1. Contents : Preface ; Discourse before the Society at its annual meeting. Sep tember 6, 1846, by George Folsom. A briefe narration of the originall under takings of the advancement of plantations into the parts of America, especially shewing the beginning, progress, and continuance of that of New England, written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, London, 1658 ; A voyage into New England, begun in 1623 and ended in 1624, performed by Christopher Levett, London, 1628 ; Annals of Bakerstown, Poland, and Minot, by William Ladd ; The Narragansett Townships, by Charles Coffin ; An account of New Gloucester, by J. Parsons ; History of North Yarmouth, by Edward Russell ; History of Bath, by Joseph Sewall ; An account of an ancient settlement on Sheepscot River, by Samuel Johnson ; Account of Pemaquid, by Judge Gorton ; Exertions of the O Brien family, of Machias, in the American Revolution ; Shay s Rebellion : Letter from Rufus Putnam ; Notice of the late William Ladd, by William Willis ; Deed from Ferdinando Gorges to John Usher, of the Province of Maine ; Deed of the same premises from John Usher to Massachusetts Bay, March 15, 1678 ; Opinion of Richard West, esq., of the King s right to the woods of the Province of Maine, 1718; History of the Kennebec Purchase, by Robert H. Gardiner; By-laws and Regulations of the Society; Members; Officers. (1698 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. in. Portland, 1853. 8vo, pp. xvi, 447. Folded map. Contents : By-laws and Regulations ; Members ; Officers, 1852 ; Note to the History of Scarborough, by J. W. Thornton ; The History of Scarborough from 1633 to 1783, by William J. Southgate ; History of Bunker Hill Monument, by Prof. A. S. Packard, of Bowdoin College ; A Contribution to the History of Bath, by the Rev. William S. Bartlet ; Extract from " the second book of the first decade of the Historic of Travaile into Virginia Britannia, entreating of the first discoveries of the country, etc., as also of the northern colonie, seated upon the river Sachadehoc, transported at the charge of Sir John Popham, * * * gathered by William Strachey," with an introduction by William S. Bartlet ; Some account of the early settlements at Sagadahoc on the Andros- coggin River, with a suggestion that the exploration by Popham s colony was up the Androscoggin River, and not the Kennebec, by John McKeen ; Richard Wharton s patent to land [at Pejepscot] on the Androscoggin, 1686 [etc.] ; Petition of Richard Fry, of Boston, to Governor Belcher and the general assem bly of Massachusetts [in regard to mills at Falmouth] ; Letter of B. Franklin, April 13, 1785 ; Papers relating to Indian troubles in Maine, 1702-1704 : A memorial relating to the Kennebec Indians, by Samuel Sewall, 1721 ; John Gyle s statement of the number of Indians in each tribe in 1726 ; Indian treaties at Georgetown, 1717, Falmouth, 1726 and 1727. (1699 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. iv. Portland, 1856. 8vo, pp. xv, 405, (8). Contemts : By-laws and regulations ; Members ; Introductory address, Febru ary 2, 1855, by William \Villis ; Sandy River Settlements, by William Allen ; Jones s eddy, by Robert H. Gardiner ; Letter from General Washington to General Knox, with remarks on American manufactures, by Augustus C. Rob- bins; A discourse delivered before the Society, at Brunswick, August 2, 1854, 240 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by George Burgess, D. D. ; The language of the Abnaquies, or Eastern Indians, by William Willis; Indian treaties: 1785, at Deerfield, Mass.; 1749, at Fal- mouth, Me. ; 1752, at St. George s Fort, Me. ; Appendix to language of the Abnaquies, by C. E. Potter ; Memorial of Kittery, 1751 ; Ancient settlement of Sheepscot, by Rev. David Cushman ; Memoir and journals of Paul Coffin : Memoir by Cyrus Woodman ; Journal of a tour to Connecticut River, 1760 ; Tour to Rhode Island, 1761 ; Ride to Piggwacket, 1768 ; Tour to Hanover, N. H., 1795 ; Missionary tour in Maine, my travels and labors for two months, with an account of Sandy River, 1796; Missionary tours in 1797, 1798, 1800; Letter from Bridget Phillips to Edward Rishworth, recorder for the Province of Maine, 1684. (17OO MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. v. Portland, 1857. 8vo, pp. Ixviii, vii, 450. Content^ : Members and officers ; Inaugural address, by William Willis, con taining biographical notices of former presidents : Judge Mellen, Stephen Long fellow, Governor Parris, Rev. William Allen, Rev. Dr. Nichols ; Early churches and ministers in Maine and aged ministers ; and notice of Robert II. Gardiner. Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in Maine, known as Cornwall County when under the colony of New York, compiled from official records in the office of the secretary of state, at Albany, N. Y., by Franklin B. Hough ; Ancient Pemaquid, an historical review, by J. Wingate Thornton ; Remarks on the voyage of George Waymouth to the coast of Maine, 1605, by John McKeen ; A letter from George Popham, president of the Sagadahoc colony, to King James I, December 13, 1607, with introductory remarks by the editor ; Journal of the voyage of Governor Thomas Pownall from Boston to Penobscot River, May, 1759, copied from the original manuscript in the office of the secretary of the Common wealth, Boston, with notes by J. Williamson ; Answer of the agents of Massa chusetts to the complaints of Sir Edmund Andros, 1688; Some account of the German settlement in Waldoborough, by Rev. Mr. Starman, and a biographical sketch of Mr. Starman, by Nathaniel Gorton ; The Lithgow family ; English defi nitions of Indian terms, for Paul Dudley s papers ; Mortality in Augusta, Me., 1852-1855 ; Letter from Jacob Bailey, in 1775, describing the destruction of Falmouth, Me. (17O1 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. vi. Portland, 1859. 8vo, pp. xxiv, (2), 435. Contents : By-laws, August, 1859 ; Officers and members ; The Scotch-Irish Immigration to Maine, and Presbyterianism in New England : Address, January 27, 1858, by William Willis ; The early lawyers of Lincoln and Kennebec counties, by Frederic Allen ; Memoir of Benjamin Vaughan, M. D., LL. D., by Robert Hallowell Gardiner ; Albert Gallatin : Autobiography, 1798 ; Castine, and the old coins found there, by Joseph Williamson ; Remarks on coins found at Portland in 1849, and Richmond s Island in 1855, with a general notice of coins and coinage, by William Willis ; Memoir of the Rev. John Murray, first minister of the church in Boothbay, by Rev. A. G. Vermilye ; The early history of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Maine, by the Rev. Edward Ballard, A. M. ; The Abnaki Indians, communicated by Eugene Vetromile, S. J., with a brief memoir of Professor Vetromile, by Rev. Edward Ballard ; The Abenaki Indians, their treaties of 1713 and 1717, and a vocabulary, with an his torical introduction, by Frederic Kidder ; The Indians of Hudson s Bay, and their language, selected from Umfreville s " Present State of Hudson s Bay," by William Willis; Extracts from a memoir of M. de La Mothe Cadillac, 1692, concerning Acadia and New England, from the archives of Paris, translated and communication by James Robb. Places in Maine ; Boston and vicinity. The voyage of Capt. George Weymouth to the coast of Maine in 1605 : An attempt to show that the islands on which he landed, and the river which he explored, were the St. George s of the present day, by George Prince ; Weymouth s voyage : extracts from a paper read at a meeting of the Society, in June, 1859, by David Cushman ; Translation of General Waldo s circular, 1753, relating to Broad Bay [ Waldoborough], with an introduction by John L. Locke : Governor Pownall s certificate of taking possession of the Penobscot, with an introduc tory note by Joseph Williamson ; French neutrals in Maine, with a preliminary note, by Joseph Williamson ; Oyster-shell deposits in Damariscotta, by P. A. Chadbourne ; Proceedings of the Society for the year 1859, with obituary notices MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 241 of deceased members, by William \Yillis: Joseph Dane, Hon. Nathaniel Gorton, Solomon Thayer, and Dr. Ichabod Nichols ; A eulogy on Parker Cleaveland, LL. D., by Lemuel Woods, D. D. (17(12 MAI.XK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. vi r. Bath, 187(. 8vo, pp. viii, 493, 2$. Contents: The ancient Penobscot, or Panawanskek, by John E. Godfrey; The Pilgrims at Penobscct, by John K. Godfrey ; Jean Vincent, Baron de Saint Cas- tine, by John E. Godfrey ; " Castine the younger," by John E. Godfrey ; Bashaba and the Tarratines, by John E. Godfrey ; Note to " The Ancient Penobscot ; " Garrison Houses, York County, by Edward Emerson Bourne ; Journal of the Attack of the Rebels on His Majesty s Ships and Troops, commencing 24th July, 1770, at Majebiguiduce, in Penobscot Bay, from the Nova Scotia Gazette, Sep tember 14, 1770 ; Pemaquid in its Relations to our Colonial History : an address at Fort Popharu, August, 1S74, by Eranklin B. Hough ; Materials for a History of Fort Halifax, being copies and abridgments of documents in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston, made by Joseph Williamson ; The proposed Province of New Ireland, by Joseph Williamson ; Slavery in Maine, by Joseph Williamson; Condition of the Religious Denominations of Maine at the close of the Revolution, copied by Joseph Williamson ; Notices of the Powell Family, and extracts from manuscripts of T. D. Powell ; Origin of Article VIII, Literature, in the Constitution of Maine, by S. P. Benson; Coasting Voyages in the Gulf of Maine, made in 1604, 1605, and 1606, by Samuel Champlain, a papei read February 18, 1875, by John Marshall Brown; Now and Then, by the late William Allen, of Norridgewock, read January, 1868 ; Popham s Town of Fort St. George, by Rufus K. Sewall ; Memoir of Col. Ben jamin Burton, by Joseph Williamson ; Acadia and its Aborigines, communicated January 16, 1862, by Eugene Yetromile ; Bingham Land, by William Allen ; Proceedings of the Society, with biographical sketches of deceased members: Notice of Robert P. Dunlap, by Gecrge E. Adams ; John W. Ellingwocd, D. D., by John O. Fiske, D. D. ; John Merrick, by D. R. Goodwin ; Robert Hallowell Gardiner, by George Burgess, D. IX ; George Burgess, D. I)., by F. Gardner, I). D. ; George Evans, tfy R. II. Gardiner ; William Willis, by A. S. Packard, D. D. ; Cyrus Eaton, by David Q. Cushman ; Catalogue of the past and present members, resident and corresponding, of the Society, Brunswick, 1874, 28 pp. (17O3 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. vni. Portland, 1881. 8vo, pp. viii, 511. Portrait. Contents : Preface ; The Northeastern Boundary, 1 ead May 15, 1879, by Israel Washburn, jr. ; Col. Arthur Noble, of Georgetown: his military services at Cape Breton and Nova Scotia, and his death at Minas, by William Goold ; Educational institutions in Maine while a district in Massachusetts, by J. T. Champlin, I). I). ; The Pemaquid country under the Stuarts, by II. W. Richardson ; Fort Halifax : its projectors, builders, and garrison, by William Goold; Col. William Vaughan, of Matinicus and Damarascotta, by William Goold; Norumbega, by John E. Godfrey ; Memoirs and biographical sketches : Reuel Williams, by John A. Poor ; Edward Kmerson Bourne, LL. D., 1797-1873, by Edwin B. Smith; Hon. Ether Shepley, LL. D., by Israel Washburn, jr. ; George T. Davis, by George F. Talbbt ; Hon. Edward Kent, LL. D., by John E. Godfrey ; Rev. Leonard Woods, I). D., LL. D. : A discourse by Charles Carroll Everett, I). D. (17O4 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Vol. ix. Portland, 1887. Svo, pp. (12), 393. Portrait. Contents: Sir William Phips, by William Goold ; Brig. Gen. Samuel Waldo. 1606-1759, by Joseph Williamson ; Claude de La Tour, by John Edwards God frey ; John Peirce, " Clothworker of London," and the Plymouth patent of 1621, by John Johnston ; The Sheepscot Farms, by Alexander Johnston ; William Hatchings, the last surviving Revolutionary pensioner in New England, by Joseph Williamson ; Gen. John Chandler, of Monmouth, Maine, with extracts from his autobiography, by George Foster Talbot ; The White Hills of New Hampshire, by Edward Henry El well ; The territorial history of Bangor and vicinity, by Albert Ware Paine; Memoir of Nathan Clifford, by James Ware Bradbury ; Grammatical sketch of the ancient Abnaki, outlined in the diction- H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 16 242 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ary of Fr. Sebastian Rale, S. J., part i; The Abnaki noun, by Michael Charles O Brien ; Edward Godfrey : his life, letters, and public services, 1584-1664, by Charles Edward Banks ; Index of names and places. [NOTE. Continued by the Collections and Proceedings as begun in 1890. See title in chronological order in this catalogue. The plan followed in the publica tion of the different series of this book is well calculated to confuse. After issuing four volumes of the " Documentary History of Maine," which was desig nated as the " second series of the collections," the society began issuing its publications in quarterly numbers with the title " Collections and Proceedings," MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. x. Portland, 1891. 8vo, pp. 312. Consists of index to the collections, Vol. i-ix. (17O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and proceedings of the Maine Historical Society. Second series, Vol i. Quarterly parts. January, April, July, October. 1890. Published for the Society. Portland, 1890. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 476. Portraits. Contents : January, 1890. General Henry Knox, a memoir, by Joseph William son ; Bibliographical memoranda relating to General Knox, read November 16. 1881, by Joseph Williamson ; The French treaty of 1778, recognizing the Inde pendence of the United States how the good news came to Falmouth, read Juno 10, 1887, by William Goold ; Rev. William Screven, read December 21, 1883, by Rev. Henry S. Burrage, D. D. ; The four judges of North Yarmouth, read May 20, 1886, by Rev. Amasa Loring ; John F. Godfrey, read May 28, 1885, by Albert Ware Paine ; The mission of the Assumption on the River Kennebec, 1646-1652, read May 15, 1879, by John Marshall Brown ; Proceedings, February, July, 1881 ; Vote authorizing this publication ; Resident members ; Historical memoranda. April, 1890. Cyrus Woodman, by George F. Emery ; William Gorges adminis tration of 1630 to 1637, by Charles Edward Banks ; A topographical surmise, locating the houses of Gorges and Godfrey at York, Me., by W. M. Sargent; Enoch Lincoln, by Edward II. Elwell ; Capital trials in Maine before the Separa tion, by Joseph Williamson : The Enterprise and Boxer, by Fritz II. Jordan ; John G. Deane, a sketch of his life, with a recapitulation of his services in establish ing the northeastern boundary of Maine, by Llewllyn Deane ; Proceedings, May 25, 1881-December 23, 1882 ; Historical memoranda : Machias in the War of 1812 ; A chapter from the Deane genealogy ; Historical notes and queries : The corporate limits of the city of Georgeana and the town of York ; Point Ingleby ; An alleged deed by President Danforth to trustees of the town of York. July, 1890. James Shepherd Pike, by G. F. Talbot ; The problem of Ham mond s fort, by II. O. Thayer ; Robert Ilallowell Gardiner, by Asa Dalton ; The professional tours of John Adams in Maine, by Joseph Williamson ; Rev. Eugene Vetromile, by II. W. Bryant; Farly history of Dresden, by C. E. Allen; Histor ical memoranda ; Traces of Talleyrand in Maine ; Capt. A. Treble s company, 1703 ; Book notices. October, 1890. James Tift Champlin, by Henry S. Burrage ; The campaign against the Pequakets [Lovewell s fight], by James Phinney Baxter; The British .occupation of Penobscot during the Revolution, by Joseph Williamson ; Madam Wood, the first Maine writer of fiction her residence in Portland in the early part of the century, by William Goold ; Ashur Ware : a biographical sketch, by George F. Talbot ; Proceedings of the Society, December 23, 1882, and celebra tion of eighty-fourth birthday of Alpheus Spring Packard. (17O7 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and proceedings. Second series, Vol. ii. Portland. 1891. 8vo, pp. iv, (4), 476. Portraits. Contents : The capture of the Margarctta, the first naval battle of the Revolu tion, by George F. Talbot ; John Johnston Carruthers, D. D., by Ephraim Cham- berlin Cummings ; The voice of Maine as heard in the genesis of our nationality, by George F. Emery ; Proceedings, 1883-1886 ; Description of the Society s seal ; Life and letters of Israel Wa?hburn, jr. ; Letters of Joseph Wheaton [on the capture of the Margaretta] ; Historical review of literature in Maine, by J. Williamson ; Brunswick convention of 1816, by W. Allen ; Gosnold s voyage ; Letter from Peleg W T adsworth [on the Penobscot expedition of 1779] ; James Loring Child, by J. W. Bradbury ; Longfellow birthday celebration ; Longfellow as the author of Evangeline, by J. Williamson ; Poets corner, Westminster Abbey, by J. W. Symonds ; American literature in England, by H. L. Chapman ; The debt of Portland to the memory of Longfellow, by G. F. Talbot; Persons MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 243 (axed ill north parish of Kittery, 1788, by W. B. Lapham ; Resident members of tho Society, April 1, 1891 ; Captain Herrick s journal, 17~)7, scouting party be t ween -the Androscoggin and Kennebec rivers; Wayinouth s voyage to the coast of Maine in 100.1, by II. S. Bun-age; Traces of the Northmen, by J. Williamson; The beginnings of Maine, by J. P. Baxter; Memoir of Judge David Sewall, LL. !>., by E. 1 . Burnham ; The Sewall family of New England, by Rufus K. Sewall ; The division of the 12,000 acres among the patentees at Agamenticus, by NY. M. Sargent ; Proclamation of Alexander Milliken regarding territory be tween the Penobscot and St. Croix rivers; A Moravian colony in Maine; Biographical data and letters of David Sewall, LL. I). ; John Appleton, by G. F. Emery; A lost manuscript [Mowat s Relation], by J. Williamson; William Alien, by C. F. Allen ; Bibliographic memorandum of the laws of Maine, by J. II. Drummond ; Sir John Moore at Castine during the Revolution, by J. Williamson ; Extracts from the letters of the Jesuit missionary in Maine, Father P. Biard ; Order given at Fort Charles at Pemaquid, 1088 ; The Frye family, by W. B. Lapham ; Commissioners proceedings at Mount Desert, 1808 ; Index. (170S MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Second series, Vol. in. Portland, 1S92. 8vo, pp. iv., (4), 487. Portraits. - Contents : Edward II. Elwell, by Samuel T. Pickard ; The Abnakis and their ethnic relations, by James 1*. Baxter ; Sketches of the lives of early Maine min isters, by W. 1). Williamson : Richard Gibson, William Thompson, George Bur- dett, Joseph Hull, Robert Jordan, Thomas Jenner, John Wheelwright ; Sketch of the life of General La Fayette and his visit to Maine; Field day, 1891, settle ments on the Kennebec, etc. ; Births from Ilallowell records, by W. B. Lapham ; Revolution petitions, in Massachusetts archives ; William M. Sargent, by Cha: "e ., E. Banks ; History of the duel between Jonathan Cilley and William J. Graves, by Horatio King ; William Barrows, John Tripp, by Percival Bonney ; Military operations at Pemaquid, in the second war with Great Britain, by Henry S. Bur- rage ; Joseph Dane, by Edward P. Burnham ; Proceedings, 1887 ; Dr. Nathaniel T. True, by W. B. Lapham ; Ancient Augusta, by Henry W. Wheeler ; Reminis cences of a great enterprise [journal of J. A. Poor describing his journey to Montreal, begun February 5, 1845, in connection with the proposed construction of the Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad] ; Rev. Robert Rutherford, by J. II. Drummond; The manuscripts of William I). Williamson, by Joseph Williamson; Land titles in Monument Square, Portland, by L. B. Chapman ; Diary of the Rev. Joseph Moody, of York, 1720-1724 ; Kittery family records, by W. B. Lapham ; Historic hints toward a university for Maine, by E. C. Cummings ; Some Hugue not and other early settlers on the Kennebec in the present town of Dresden, by C. E. Allen ; The conduct of Paul Revere in the Penobscot expedition, by J. Williamson; The Plymouth trading house of Penobscot : Where was it? by S. A. Drake ; Louis Annance, by J. F. Sprague ; Notes concerning ancient Augusta at Small Point, by II. O. Thayer ; Index. (17O9 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Second series, Vol. iv. Portland, 1893. 8vo, pp. iv, (1), 470. Portraits. Folded plan. Contents : Columbian quadricentennial ; Columbus, by p]]izabeth Covazza ; Three suggestive maps, by J. I*. Baxter ; A memorable voyage, by B. L. Whitman ; The character of Columbus, by George F. Talbot ; Some of the portraits of Columbus, by II. S. Bui-rage; Where is Columbus buried? by J. Williamson; Joel Barlow and the Columbiad, by II. L. Chapman ; Sketches of the lives of early Maine min isters, by W. D. Williamson: John Brock, Shubael Dummer, Seth Fletcher, Ben jamin Blackman, Joseph Emerson, Robert Paine, John Buss, George Burroughs, Percival Greene, John Newmarch, Benjamin Woodbridge, John Hancock, Samuel Emery, Samuel Moody, John Wade, Joshua Moody, Jeremiah Wise, Matthew Short, Joseph Baxter, John Eveleth, John Rogers, William Thompson, Samuel Jeffords, Thomas Smith, A. R. Cutter, Samuel Willard, Benjamin Allen, W. Mc- Lanathan, N. Loring, J. Ilovey. James Stuart Holmes, by J. F. Sprague; Port land banks, by W. E. Gould ; Ilallowell records- -Births ; Proceedings, 1888-1891 ; Fort Pentagoet and the French occupation of Castine, by G. A. Wheeler ; The beginnings of Waterville College, by II. S. Bun-age ; The mission of Father Rasles, by E. C. Cummings ; Christopher Levett, the first owner of the soil of Portland, by J. P. Baxter ; Fordyce Barker, by G. P. Talbot ; The transient town of Cork, by II. O. Thayer ; Our State christening, its name, by G. F. Emery ; 244 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Augustus Gardner Lebroke, by J. F. Sprague : The Small family in America, by L. W. Small ; Field day, 1893 ; Kittery Point and Portsmouth ; Marriages by Rev. John Tripp, of Hebron, Me., 1791-1847. Index. (171O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Vol. v. Portland, 1894. 8vo, pp. 478. Portraits. Illustrations. Contents : Samuel Freeman, his life and services, by William Freeman ; The military journal of Col. Ichabod Goodwin [at Boston and Winter Hill, April 15, 1778-June 24, 1778] ; Governor Christopher Gore and his visit to Maine, by William Goold ; Father Biard s Relation of 1616 and St. Sauveur, by E. C. Cum- mings. Sketches of the lives of early Maine ministers, by W r . I). .Williamson : Rev. Joseph Moody, John Tuche, Samuel Chandler, Moses Morrill, John Wight, Robert Dunlap, Richard Elvins, Robert Rutherford, Josiah Chase, Alexander Boyd, Daniel Little, Solomon Lombard, Isaac Lyman, Samuel Fayrweather. Births from Ilallowell records, communication by W. B. Lapham ; Plan for the fprmation of country societies, by J. 1*. Baxter ; Historic homes of Kittery, by M. A. Safford ; Fort Richmond, Me., by II. O. Thayer ; Capuchin and Jesuit Fathers at Pentagoet, by E. C. Cummings ; Nathaniel Phillips Relation, 1668, "A true Relation of passages and actions in the Province of Maine, in respect of the subverting of His Majestie s Established Government by the Generall Court of the Mathechusetts in New England ;" Proceedings of the Society, February 21, 1891-April 11, 1892; Lot M. Morrill, sketch of his life and public services, by George F. Talbot; Some added facts concerning Rev. William Screven, by H. S. Burrage ; A refuge for Marie Antoinette in Maine, by Rufus K. Sewall ; Studies of families surnamed Cowell, Door (Do re or Dorr), and Chamberlain, of Lebanon, Me., by George W. Chamberlain ; Letters from John Allan to Massa chusetts Council [on Indian affairs, 1779] ; William Berry Lapham, by C. E. Nash ; Mogg-Heigon, his life, his death, and its sequel, by Horatio Might ; The story of the Presurnpscot, Charles S. Fobes ; Destruction of Fahnouth in 1775, and the responsibility therefor, by C. E. Banks ; Letter from Peleg Wadsworth to Massachusetts Council, August 19, 1779 [on the evacuation of Magabig- waduce]. (1711 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Vol. vi. Portland, 1895. 8vo, pp. iv, (4), 486. Portraits. Contents : Gen. David Cobb, of Gouldsborough, by Joseph W. Porter ; Some old papers recently found in the stone tower of the First Parish Church of Portland, by John Carroll Perkins ; Block and garrison houses of ancient Falmouth, by Leonard B. Chapman (p. 37) ; First mention of Pemaquid in history, by Henry S. Burrage (p. 53) ; Beginnings at Pemaquid, by Henry O. Thayer (p. 62) ; Sketches of the lives of early Maine ministers, by W. D. Williamson ; Ilallowell records, communicated by W. B. Lapham (p. 94) ; Book notice: Myrand Sir W. Phips ; Proceedings, June 10, 1892, to September 10, 1892 ; Address on Rasle s settlement at Norridgewock, by Charles F. Allen ; The first Maine bishop [Joshua Soule, D. D.], by C. F. Allen; Machias in the Revolution, by Charles H. Pope ; John Fairbanks, his journal on the privateer Wasp, 1782 ; The Rasles dictionary, by E. C. Cummings ; Cape Porpoise, old and new, by H. F. Knight ; Marriages solemnized by Oliver Wood, esquire, of Lincoln County, 1786-1789 ; Portland privateers in the war of 1812, by D. O. Davis ; Sketches of the lives of early Maine ministers, by W. D. Williamson ; Benjamin Stevens, Ephraim Clark, Gideon Richardson. Samuel Langdon, John Morse, Jacob Foster, Elisha Eaton, John Wiswell, Moses Hemmenway, Nathan Ward, John Miller, Peter T. Smith, Thomas Pierce, John Fairfield, I aul Coffin, Edward Brooks, Isaac Hasey, Jonah Winship, Samuel Foxcroft, Samuel Deane, Ezekiel Emerson, John Mur ray, Matthew Merriam, Ebenezer Williams, Josiah Thatcher, Thomas Brown, Silas Moody; Hallowell records; The St. Croix commission, 1796-1798, by H. S. Burrage; White s Bridge [Windham], by S. T. Dole; Mogg Heigon, by II. Hight ; Reminiscences of Rev. Dr. Edward Payson, by C. Hamlin ; Brigadier- General Wadsworth s deposition, court of inquiry, Penobscot expedition ; Letter of Col. Henry Jackson, 1779 ; (Jen. William Whipple, by M. A. Safford ; Temper ance and the drink question in the old time, by G. F. Talbot ; Charter rights of Massachusetts in Maine in the early part of the eighteenth century, by H. S. Bur- rage ; The settlement of Scarborough, by A. F. Moulton. (1712 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 245 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Second series. Vol. vn. Portland, 1890. Svo, pp. iv, (1), 488. Plate. Portrait. Contents : The ancient defenses of Portland, by Peter Leary, jr. ; Col. Thomas Goldthwait was he a tory? by R % Goldthwaite Carter; Sketches of the lives of early Maine ministers, by William D. Williamson : Tristam Oilman, James Lyon, Francis Winter, Alpheus Spring, Alexander McLean, John Urquhart, Thomas Moore, Jacob Bailey, Thomas Lancaster, William Fessenden, John Thomson, Thurston Whiting, Benjamin Chadwick, Charles Turner, Nathaniel Webster, John Adams, David .Tewett, Caleb Jewett, Samuel Perley, John Strickland, Nathaniel Whitaker. Peter Powers, Samuel Nash. Tlui story of New Sweden, by Win. Wid- gery "-Wioraas, jr. : History of Col. Edmund Phinney s 31st regiment of foot the first regiment raised in the county of Cumberland in the Revolutionary war, by Nathan Goold ; Hallowell records, communicated by W. B. Lapham ; Proceed ings ; Field day, September 12, 1805 ; John Lovewell and the Pequakets, by James P. Baxter ; Addresses by George if. Barrows, A. F. Lewis. Rev. Jacob Bailey, missionary of the Church of England on Kennebec river, 1760-79, his character and work, by Charles E. Allen ; The John Rogers families in Plymouth and vicinity, by Josiah H. Drummond ; Martin Pring, by Joseph Williamson ; Origin of Democratic institutions in New England, by Edward II. Elwell ; Rail road reminiscences, by James W. Bradbury ; The mast industry of old Falmouth, by Leonard B. Chapman ; Ancient Naguamqueeg, by Samuel T. Dole ; Thomas Chute, the first settler of Windham, Maine, and his descendants, by William . Goold^ The Simancas map of 1610, by Henry S. Bui-rage ; Settlements in Maine after the Penobscot expedition, from the Massachusetts archives; Letter of John Allan to Massachusetts council, 1780; Index. (171.S MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Second series. Vol. viii. Portland, 1897. 8vo, pp. (1), 487. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Richard Cutts, by Henry S. Burrage ; Col. Thomas Goldthwait was he a tory ? by R. Goldthwaite Carter ; Bearing of Capt. John Mason s titles upon Maine history, by Wm. M. Sargent; Falmouth Neck in the Revolution, by Nathan Goold ; The Rogers family of Georgetown, by Josiah H. Drummond ; Field day excursioe ; Proceedings ; Reminiscences of bench and bar, by George F. Emery ; Otis Russell Johnson, by Brown Thurston ; Hallowell records, com municated by W. B. Lapham ; Capt. Daniel Tucker in the Revolution- -an auto biographical sketch, with prefatory remarks by E. C. Cummings ; Gamt>o, old and new, by Samuel T. Dole ; Records of the proprietors of New Gloucester and reminiscences of some of the early settlers, by John W. Penney ; Early ministry on the Kennebec, by Henry O. Thayer ; Stephen Manchester, the slayer of the Indian chief Polin, at New Marblehead, now Windham, Maine, in 1756, and a soldier of the Revolution, with his ancestry, by Nathan Goold ; Thomas Davee, by John Francis Sprague ; John Cabot and his discoveries, by James P. Baxter ; The dawn of western discovery, by .T. William Black ; The cartography of the period, by Henry S. Burrage; The landfall of Cabot and the extent of his dis coveries, by William Macdonald ; The value and significance of Cabot s dis coveries to the world, by John S. Sewall ; Index. (1714 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Second series. Vol. ix. Portland, 1898. 8vo, pi:, v, 496. Portraits. Contents : John Chamberlain, the Indian fighter at Pigwacket, by George W. Chamberlain ; Some letters of Richard Cutts, Mar. 23, 1796-Aug. 10, 1813, by Henry S. Burrage ; Col. Edmund Phinney s 18th continental regiment. One year s service, commencing January 1, 177G, by Nathan Goold ; Hallowell Records, communicated by the late Dr. W. B. Lapham ; Ministry on the Ken nebec, by Henry O. Thayer ; Martha s Vineyard and the Province of Maine. An unwritten chapter in territorial jurisdiction under Gorges, by Charles Edward Banks ; John Taber and son, of Portland, and their paper money, by William Goold ; Abstracts relating to the Revolutionary War From the Diaries of the Rev. Isaac Hasey, First Settled Minister of the First Parish of Lebanon, Maine (1765-1812), transcribed by George W. Chamberlain; A me morial of Father Rale, by Joseph Williamson ; Albion Keith Parris, by his grandson, Albion Keith Parris ; How Maine became a State, by L. F. Schmecke- bier ; A soldier of three wars Nathan Noble, of New Boston, now Gray, Maine, by Nathan Goold ; Little Falls, A chapter of local history, by Samuel 246 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. T. Dole-; Letter from Judge Sullivan concerning the eastern boundary of Maine, Boston, 20th October, 1796, communicated by Joseph Williamson ; Colonel Nathaniel Sparhawk, of Kittery, by Henry S. Burrage ; The Cumber land and Oxford canal, by Samuel T. Dole ; Family of Beath, compiled by Kate Graupner Stone ; History of the Cumberland county buildings in Portland, by William Goold ; The Burial Place* of Captain Henry Mowat, by Charles E. Banks ; Annual Field Day, 1897, by Moses A. Safford ; William Goold, by Nathan Goold ; Joseph Goldthwait, The Barrack master of Boston, by Robert Goldthwaite Carter; The Baptist Church in Kittery, by Henry S. Burrage; Early schools in New Marblehead, now Windham, by Samuel T. Dole ; Ephraim Chamberlain Cummings A memorial, by George Foster Talbot ; Record of births and deaths in Hartland, compiled by James O. Bradbury ; Rev. Caleb Bradley on the Madawaska War, by Leonard B. Chapman ; Muster-roll of Captain Oliver Hunt s company, Gorham, Maine, May 5, 1705 ; Annual Field Day, 1898; Index. (1715 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections and Proceedings. Second series. Vol. x. Portland, 1899. 8vo, pp. (7), 498. Illustrated. Map. Contents : The old Thornton Academy, by George Addison Emery ; Colonel Jonathan Mitchell s Cumberland county regiment Bagaduce expedition, 1779, by Nathan Goold ; A page of Indian history : The Wiscasset tragedy, by Henry O. Thayer ; Hallowell records, communicated by W. B. Lapham ; Proceedings ; Captain William Ladd, the apostle of peace, by John William Penney ; The Rogers family of Georgetown, No. II, by Jcsiah II. Drummon<f^^The meeting house war in New Marblehead, by Samuel T. Dole; The Indian s administration of justice- the sequel to the Wiscasset tragedy, by Henry O. Thayer; William Pitt Fessenden, by Richard Webb ; Ministry on the Kennebec Period of the In dian wars, by Henry O. Thayer ; The first occupancy by Europeans of Saccarappa Falls on the Presumpscot river, now Westbrook, by Leonard B. Chapman ; Capt. Johnson Moulton s company, the first to leave the district of Maine in the Revo lution, by Nathan Goold ; Extracts from the old records of Windham, by Samuel T. Dole ; At the mouth of the Kennebec during the Revolution, deposition of Win. Wyman, 1850 ; Col. James Scamman s 30th regiment of foot, 1775, by Nathan Goold ; Capt. John Wilson and some military matters in Maine in the war of 181215, by Henry S. Burrage ; Peleg Tallman, sailor of the Revolution, master mariner and member of Congress, by Walter II. Sturtevant ; Index. 9 " In accordance with a vote of the Society at the annual meeting in Bruns wick the publication of papers read before the Society will be discontinued for the present, and, commencing with the January number of the Quarterly, the publication of Mary Frances Farnham s Documents relating to the territorial history of Maine will be commenced." Series resumed with "Collections, Third series, Vol. i, 1904." (1716 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series. Vol. i. Portland, 1904. 8vo, pp. iv (1), 483. Illus. Contents : In commemoration of the millenary anniversary of the death of King Alfred the Great, November 1, 1901 ; Opening address, by James Phinney Baxter ; The life and character of King Alfred, by J. William Black ; Alfred a writer and a patron of learning, by Henry L. Chapman ; The Anglo-Saxon con stitution and laws in the time of Alfred the Great, by Albert II. Savage ; Alfred the Great as a Christian, by Asa Dalton ; Richmond s Island, by James Phinney Baxter ; Rev. Josiah Winship, by Henry O. Thayer ; The Plymouth colonists in Maine, by Henry S. Burrage ; The proposed province of New Ireland, by Joseph Williamson; James W. Bradbury, by George F. Emery; Major-General Hiram G. Berry, by Charles P. Mattocks ; Presentation of Rufus Mclntire s sword, by Philip W. Mclntyre ; The capture of the "Caleb dishing," by Clarence Hale; Rev. Freeman Parker and the church in Dresden, by Charles E. Allen ; Church and state in New England, by Augustus F. Moulton ; The occasion of the expulsion of the Acadians in 1755, by Henry S. Burrage ; Rev. Thomas Smith, D. D., and his first parish of Falmouth, New Portland, by John Carroll Perkins ; Wind- ham s colored patriot, by Samuel T. Dole; James Sullivan, by Horace II. Bur- bank ; A proposed new arrangement of New England in 1704, communicated by Joseph Williamson ; Paul Little, Esq., by Samuel T. Dole ; The attitude of Maine in the Northeastern boundary controversy, by Henry S. Burrage ; Public career of Thomas B. Reed, by Richard Webb ; Extracts from the early records of the First Church in New Marblehead (now Windham, Maine), by Samuel T. Dole ; Early recollections of the Cumberland and Oxford Canal, by S. B. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 247 Cloudman ; The last tragedy of the Indian Wars : the Preble Massacre at the Kennebec, by Henry O. Thayer ; General Samuel Thompson, of Brunswick and Topsham, Maine, by Nathan Goold ; Index. (1717 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Sec ond series. Vol. i. Documentary history of the State of Maine. Edited by William Willis. Vol. i. Containing a history of the discovery of Maine. By J. G. Kohl. With an appendix on the voyages of the Cabots, by M. D Avezac. Published by the Society, aided by appropriations from the State. Portland, 1869. 8vo, pp. (2) viii (2), 9-535. Twenty-two maps. (1718 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Sec ond series. [Vol. 11.] Documentary history of the State of Maine. Vol. n. Containing a Discourse on Western Planting, written in the year 1584, by Richard Hakluyt, with a preface and an introduction by Leonard Woods, LL. D. Edited, with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deaue. Cambridge, 1877. Svo, pp. Ixi (4), 253. Facsimiles. (1719 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Sec ond series. [Vol. in.] Documentary history of the State of Maine. Vol. in. Containing the Trelawny Papers, edited and illustrated with historical notes and an appendix, by James Phinney Baxter. Published by the Maine Historical Society, aided by appropriations from the State. Portland, 1884. 8vo, pp. xxxi, (1), 520. Illustrated. Folded maps and plans. Facsimiles. Contents : Memoir of Robert Trelawny ; The Trelawny Pedigree ; Autographs. The Trelawny Papers : Patent to Robert Trelawny and others, December 1, 1631 ; Patent to Thomas Cammack, November 1, 1631 ; Power of Attorney to John Winter and Thomas Pomeroy, January 18, 1631 ; Correspondence, etc., 1632- 1809. Appendix : Will of Robert Trelawny, senior, June 30, 1627 ; Robert Tre- lawny s first Will, October 26, 1640 ; Robert Trelawny s last Will, August 27, 1643 ; Sir Jonathan Trelawny ; The Song of the Western Men ; John Winter to Robert Trelawny, April, 1634, May 5, 1634 ; John Winter s Seal ; Charges on Newfoundland Fish ; Pedigree of Sir Ferdinando Gorges ; The Great Seal of the Council for New England ; Accounts of Jordan and Ridgeway ; Will of Robert Jordan. [NOTE. The territory covered by the Trelawny patent was in the neighbor hood of Cape Elizabeth, Casco Neck, and Richmond Island.] (172O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Sec ond series. [Vol. iv.] Documentary history of the State of Maine. Vol. iv. Containing the Baxter manuscripts. Edited, by James Phinney Baxter, A. M. Portland, 1889. Svo, pp. xvi, 506. [NOTE. A new series of the publications of the Society was begun in 1890, under the title " Collections and Proceedings, second series," the title of which is given in chronological order above. 1 (1721 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series. [Vol. v.] Docu mentary history of the State of Maine. Vol. v. Containing the Baxter Manuscripts. Edited by James Phinney Baxter. Portland, 1897. 8vo, pp. xvi, 556. (1722 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series. [Vol. vi.] Docu mentary history of the State of Maine. Vol vi. Containing the Baxter Manuscripts. Edited by James Phinney Baxter. Portland, 1900. 8vo, pp. xvi, 526. (172S MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series. [Vol. vn.] Docu mentary History of the State of Maine. Vol. vn. Containing the Farnham Papers. 1603-1G88. Compiled by * * * Mary Frances Farnham. Pub- 248 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. lislied by the Maine Historical Society, aided by appropriations fcom the State. Portland, 1901. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 401. " To bring together in chronological sequence documents that elucidate the leading facts both in territorial development and the changes of government from 1603 to the present time, is the purpose of this compendium." Pref. (1724 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series. [Vol. vin.l Docu mentary History of the State of Maine. Vol. MIL Containing The Farn- hani Papers. 1698-1871. Compiled by Mary Frances Farnham. Portland, 1902. 8vo, pp. ix, 383. (1725 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse before the Society at its annual meet ing, September 6, 1846. By George Folsom. Portland, 1847. 8vo, pp. 80. On the early discovery and settlement of Maine. (172G MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society at Bow- do in College, on the annual commencement, September 5, 1849, by Robert C. Winthrop. Boston, 1849. 8vo, pp. 68. Some copies have 63 pages, omitting the appendix. Reissued as follows : Life and services of James Bowdoin, by Robert C. Win throp. Second edition, with additions. Boston, 1876. 8vo, pp. (1), 50. (1727 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Bunker Hill Monument. By Prof. [A. S.] Packard. Portland, 1853. 8vo, pp. 33. Reprinted from Collections. (1728 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Society August 2, 1854. By George Burgess. Portland, 1854. 8vo, pp. 25. (1729 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Introductory address before the Society, Febru ary 2, 1855. By William Willis. Portland, 1856. 8vo, pp. 28. (173O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The memoir and journals of Rev. Paul Coffin, D. D. By Cyrus Woodman. Portland, 1855. 8vo. pp. 181 (1). Portrait. Published under the auspices of the Society. (1731 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers relating to Pemaquid and parts adjacent in the present State of Maine, known as Cornwall County, when under the colony of New York. Compiled from official records in the office of the secretary of state, at Albany, N. Y., by Franklin B. Hough. Albany, 1856. 8vo, pp. vii, 136. Undertaken at the request of the Society. (1732 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society, March 5, 1857, containing biographical notices of the former presidents of the Society. By William Willis. Portland, 1857. 8vo, pp. 54. (1733 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ancient Pemaquid : an historical review. Pre pared at the request of the Society for its Collections, by J. Wingate Thorn ton. Portland, 1857. 8vo, pp. (4), 9-178. Seal. Facsimiles, Twenty-two copies printed. (1734 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A catalogue of original documents in the English archives relating to the early history of the State of Maine. [Collected by H. G. Somerby. Edited by George Folsom.] New York, 1858. Large 8vo, pp. (4), 137. (1735 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 249 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the McKinstry family, with a pre liminary essay on the Scotch-Irish immigrations to America. By William Willis. Boston, 1858. 8vo, pp. 28. Same. Second edition. Corrected and enlarged. Portland, 1866. 46 pp. 8vo. Based upon a paper published in the Collections. (173<J MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Abenaki Indians: their treaties of 1713 and 1717, and a vocabulary ; with a historical introduction. By Frederic Kidder. Portland, 1859. 8vo, pp. 25. Facsimiles. Reprinted from the Collections. (1787 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Castine ; and the old coins found there. By Joseph Williamson. Portland, 1859. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Collections. (1738 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address on the Life and Character of Parker Cleaveland. Delivered January 19, 1859, before the Society, by Leonard Woods. Portland, 1859. 8vo, pp. 61. Same. Second edition. Brunswick, 1860. 80 pp. Portrait. 8vo. Published by vote of the Trustees of Bowdoin College and of the Society. (1739 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. English Colonization in America. A vindication of the claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges as the father of English coloniza tion in America. By John A. Poor. Delivered before the historical socie ties of Maine and New York. New York, 1862. 8vo, pp. 144. Usually bound as part of the " Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration." The paper as now printed contains several paragraphs omitted for want of time in the address before the New York Historical Society. (174O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Merrick. Prepared for the Soci ety. By D. II. Goodwin. [Portland.] 1862. 8vo, pp. 39, (1). (1741 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Colonial Schemes of Popham and Gorges. Speech of John Wingate Thornton, at the Fort Popham celebration, August 29, 1862, under the auspices of the Society. Boston, 1868. 8vo, pp. 20. (1743 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Documentary History of Maine. Proceedings of the legislature of Maine for procuring copies of original papers, in the British state-paper office, not heretofore published, in regard to the early history of Maine. [Augusta, 1863.1 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Contains the memorial of the Society to the legislature. (1743 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The First Colonization of New England. An ad dress delivered at the erection of a monumental stone in the walls of Fort Popham, August 29, 1862, commemorative of the planting of the Popham colony on the peninsula of Sabino, August 19 [O. S.I, 1607, establishing the title of England to the continent. By John A. Poor. New York, 1863. 8vo, pp. 58. Usually bound with " Memorial Volume of the Popharn Celebration." (1744 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Reuel Williams, prepared for the So ciety, by John A. Poor. Head at a special meeting of the Society, February, 1863. [Portland,] 1864. 8vo, pp. 66. Portrait. . (1745 250 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial Volume of the Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862, commemorative of the planting of the Popham colony on the peninsula of Sabino, August 19 [O. S.], 1(507, establishing the title of England to the continent. Published under the direction of Edward Bal- lard, secretary of the executive committee of the celebration. Portland, 1868. 8vo, pp. xiv, (2), 9-368. Two maps. Facsimiles. Woodcuts. Bound with this is " English Colonization in America. A vindication of the claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges as the father of English colonization in Amer ica. By John A. Poor. (Delivered before the historical societies of Maine and New York.) New York, 1862." pp. 144, 8vo. (174O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address on the character of the colony founded by George Popham, at the mouth of the Kennebec River, August 19 [O. S.], 1607. Delivered in Bath, on the two hundred and fifty-seventh anniver sary of that event. By Hon. Edward E. Bourne. Delivered and published at the request of the committee on the commemoration. Portland, 1864. 8vo, pp. 60. (1747 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Responsibilities of the Founders of Republics. An address on the peninsula of Sabino, on the two hundred and fifty-eighth anniversary of the planting of the Popham colony, August 29, 1865. By Hon. James W. Patterson. Delivered and published at the request of the committee on the commemoration. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 38. (1748 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address before the Society, January 27. 1858, on the Scotch-Irish immigration to Maine and Presbyterianism in New England; with the McKinstry genealogy. By William Willis. Portland, 1866. 8vo, pp. 46. Title taken from Willis s Bibliography. (1749 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Maine Historical Society. By William Willis, Historical Magazine, January, 1868, second set-., A T ol. in, pp. 13-17. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the discovery of the east coast of North America, particularly the coast of Maine; from the Northmen in 990, to the charter of Gilbert in 1574. Illustrated by copies of the earliest maps and charts. By J. G. Kohl. Portland, 1869. 8vo, pp. 535. First issued as Vol. i of the second series of the Collections. (175O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jamestown of Pemaquid ; a poem. By Maria W. Hackleton. Read on the site of Fort Frederic, on the reception of the com mittee of the Society by the citizens of Bristol, August 26, 1869. Published under direction of the Society. New York, 18(59. 12mo, pp. 40. (1751 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Northmen in Maine; a critical examination of views expressed in connection with the subject, by Dr. J. G. Kohl, in Volume i of the new series of the Maine Historical Society. To which are added criticisms on other portions of the work, and a chapter on the dis covery of Massachusetts Bay. By B. F. De Costa. Albany, 1870. 8vo, pp. (1), 146. (1752 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The burning of Falmouth (now Portland), by Cap tain Mowatt, in 1775. By William Goold. Prepared at the request of the Society, and read before it February 19, 1873. Reprinted from New Eng land Historical afhd Genealogical Register. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. 16. (175iJ MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 251 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the past and present Members of the Society. Brunswick, 1874. 8vo, pp. 25. (1754 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Coasting Voyages in the Gulf of Maine, made in 1604-5 and G, by Samuel Champlain. A paper read at the meeting of the Society, February 18, 1875. By John Marshall Brown. Bath, 1875. 8vo, pp. 24. (1755 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early papermills of New 7 England. By William Goold. Read at a meeting of the Society, February 19, 1874. [Boston,] 1875. 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Cover-title. (1756 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse concerning western planting, written in the year 1584. By Richard Ilakluyt, now first printed from a contem porary manuscript. With a preface and introduction by Leonard Woods. Edited, with notes in the appendix, by Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1877. Svo, pp. Ixi. (3), 253. Facsimiles. A separate issue of second series, Vol. n, of the Collections. (1757 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The discovery of North America by John Cabot. A first chapter in the history of North America. By Frederic Kidder. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 15. Illustrated. Read before the Society, February 17, 1874. (1758 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leonard Woods. A discourse, by Charles Carroll Everett, before Bowdoin College and the Society, July 9, 1879. Brunswick, 1879. Svo, pp. 34. (1759 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter. December, 1881. Sheet. Relative to procuring copies of all printed productions of citizens of Maine. (176O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Col. Arthur Noble. Fort Halifax. Col. William Vaughan. Papers read before the Society, by W. Goold. Portland. 1881. 8vo, pp. (1), 107-313. Portrait. (1761 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Northeastern Boundary- By Israel Wash- burn, Read before the Society, May 15, 1879. Portland, 1881. 8vo, pp. 100, (1). Reprinted from Collections, Vol. vin. (1762 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Seventy-fifth birthday. Proceedings of the Society, February 27, 1882. Portland [1882]. 8vo, pp. 171. Portrait. (-176:$ MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Laus Laureati. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. February 27, 1882. Read before the Society at their celebration of the poet s seventy-fifth birthday. By James P. Baxter. Portland, 1882. 8vo, pp. 8. (1764 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Longfellow s Birthday. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society. [From the Portland Advertiser, February 28, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. (1765 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Song. Adapted from Auld Lang Syne. Sung at the celebration, by the Society, of the eighty-fourth birthday of Professor Alpheus S. Packard, December 23, 18S2. Small sheet. (1766 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Chute. By William Goold. 8vo, pp. 12. Read before the Society, Dec. 23, 1882. (1767 252 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Trelawny papers. Edited and illustrated, with historical notes and an appendix by James Phinney Baxter. Port land, 1884. 8vo, large paper, pp. xxxi, (1), 520. Plates. Facsimiles. Edition of 50 copies on large paper, being a reprint of the Collections, second series. (1768 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. James Shepherd Pike. A biographical sketch. Read before the Society, December 22, 1885, by George Foster Talbot. Portland, 1885. 8vo, pp. 40. (179 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of John G. Deane, and brief mention of his connection with the northeastern boundary of Maine, copied by permission from the records of the Maine Historical Society; also memo randa about members of the family, old residents of the city of Ellsworth, Me., etc. Prepared by and printed for his sou, Llewellyn Deane, June, 1885. for private use. Washington, D. C., 1887. 8vo, pp. 70. Folded map. Pages 1-25 contain biographical sketch which was read before the Society, January 8, 1885. (177O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brigadier General Samuel Waldo. By Joseph Wil liamson. Read before the Society, March 30, 1870. Portland, 1887. Small 4to, pp. (2), 19. Portrait. Facsimile. Reprinted from Collections, Vol. ix. (1771 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maine Wills. 1640-1760. Compiled and edited with notes, by William M. Sargent. Portland, 1887. 8vo, pp. xii, 953. . Published under the auspices of the Society, with financial support from the State. These wills are copied from the York County records, and comprise all those recorded from the earliest period down to 1700, when York County was divided into separate counties. Until then the county of York had embraced the entire Province of Maine. (1772 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, on the occasion of a complimentary dinner to James Ware Bradbury, LL. D., president of the Society, on his eighty-fifth birthday, June 10, 1887. Port land, 1887. SmaH 4to, pp. (1), 56. (1773 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William Hutchings, the last pensioner of the Revolution in Maine. By Joseph Williamson. Reprinted from Vol. ix, Collections Maine Historical Society. Portland, 1887. 8vo, pp. (2), 7. (1774 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. York deeds. Books I-VT. [1642-1703.] Port land 1887-1890. Six vols. 8vo. Published under the auspices of the Maine Historical Society, and edited by H. W. Richardson. The copies of the deeds were made by W. M. Sargent. The introduction by the editor consists of an historical sketch of the land titles of Maine. Contents: Book 1. Preface ; Introduction, by H. W. Richardson; Deeds, 1642-1666. 2. Introduction [by W. M. Sargent]; John Mason s royal charter, 1635; Grant from Gorges to Mason, 1635; Deeds, 1666-1676. 3. Preface [by H. W. Richardson]; Deeds, 1676-1684. 4. Preface, by H. W. Richardson; Register s certificate; Errata; York deeds, 1684-1700; Index. 5. Preface; Register s certificate; Errata: York deeds; 1680-1699. 6. Preface; Register s certificate; Errata; York deeds, 1687-1703; Index. (1775 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 253 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. York deeds. Book vn. Portland, 1892. 8vo, pp. 7, (3), fol. 1-267, pp. 198. Contents : Preface ; Errata ; Register s certificate ; York deeds, May 29, 1704, to July 7, 1713 ; Index of grantors, grantees, other persons, places. " Covers a period of the resettlement of Casco Bay and many of the convey ances during that time were of lands in that vicinity." (1776 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. York deeds. Book vm. Portland, 1892. 8vo, pp. 6, (4), fol. 1-268. pp. 186. Contents : Preface ; Register s certificate : Errata ; York deeds, July 7, 1713, to January 7, 1717 ; Indexes of grants, grantors, grantees, etc. (1777 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. York deeds. Book ix. Portland, 1894. 8vo, pp. 6, (4), fol. 1-275. Contents: Preface ; York "deeds, January, 1717 -January 6, 1719-20; In dexes of grantors, grantees, etc. (1778 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. York deeds. Book x. Portland, 1894. 8v6, pp. 6 (2), fol. 1-275, pp. 1-193. Contents: Preface; Errata; York deeds, January 19, 1719-20-March 26, 1722; Indexes of grants, grantors, etc. (1779 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. York deeds. Book XL. Portland, 1896. 8vo, pp. (8), folios 1-272, pp. 229. Contents : Preface; Errata; York deeds, April, 1722-February, 1726; In dex of grantors, grantees, etc. Vols. xn and xiu are published by the Maine (Jenealogical Society. (178O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedicatory exercises of the Baxter Building, to the use of the Portland Public Library and Maine Historical Society, Thurs day, February 21, 1889. Illustrated with photogravures. Auburn, Me. : Lakeside Press, Printers and Binders. 1889. 8vo, pp. 35 (1). (1781 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life and character of Hon. Amos Tuck. Read before the Maine Historical Society, December, 1888. [Port land, Me., 1889.] 8vo, pp. 314. Portraits. Facsimiles. (1782 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bibliographic memorandum of the laws of Maine. By Josiah II. Drummond. Accepted at a meeting of the Society, May 9, 1891. Portland, 1891. 8vo, pp. 12. Half title. Reprinted from the Collections. (17SIJ MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbus day. [Columbian quadricentennial, Portland, Me., October 20, 1892. Portland, Me., 1892.] 8vo, pp. 61. Portraits and maps. Reprinted from Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Vol. iv. (178rt MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A biographical sketch of Rev. Sylvanus Boardman. By Rev. George Bullen, D. D. Read, * * * with omissions, before the Maine Historical Society, December 7, 1893. Portland, 1894. 8vo, pp. 24. (1784 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Col. Thomas (Joldthwait Was he a Tory? By R. Goldthwaite Carter, U. S. A. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Dec. 19, 1895. [Portland.] 8vo, pp. 100. Portrait. (1785 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A bibliography of the State of Maine from the earliest period to 1891. By Joseph Williamson * * * In two volumes. Portland, 1890. 8vo, 2 v. " Comp. under the auspices of the Maine Historical Society." (178G 254 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Colonel Edmund Phiimey s 31wt regi ment of foot. By Nathan Gookl. Portland, Me., 1890. 8vo, pp. 54. At head of title : Maine Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Reprinted from Collections and Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society. 2d series, v. 7. I 1 7S7 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Chamberlain, the Indian fighter at Pigwacket. Prepared by George W. Chamberlain. Weymouth, Mass., 1898. 8vo, pp. 14. Cover-title. Reprinted from the Quarterly of the Maine Historical Society for January, 1898, with additions. i I 7ss MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of William and Xabby T. Goold, of Windham, Maine. By Nathan Goold. Portland, 1898. 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Maine Historical Society s Quarterly. (1789 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Colonel Edmund Phinney s eighteenth continental regiment. Twelve months service in 177G, with complete muster rolls of the companies. By Nathan Goold. Portland, Me., 1898. 8vo, pp. 62. Reprinted from the Maine Historical Society s Quarterly. ( 1 79O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Col. James Scamman s Thirtieth regi ment of foot, eight months service men of 1775 from York County, with a full account of their movements during the battle of Bunker Hill and com plete muster rolls of the companies, by Nathan Goold, Portland, Me., 1899. 8vo, pp. (1), 66. i 17!) I MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Colonel Jonathan Mitchell s Cumber land county regiment of the Bagaduce expedition, 1779, with biographical sketches of the commissioned officers and pay rolls of the companies, by Nathan Goold. Reprinted from the Maine Historical Society s Quar terly. Portland, Me.. 1899. Svo. 1 p. 1., pp. 60. Front, (map) pi. (1792 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Plymouth colonists in Maine. By Rev. Henry S. Bun-age, D. D. I Portland?, Me., 1898?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 31. Read before the Maine Historical Society, Nov. 16, 1899. (1793 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Colonel James Scamman s 30th regiment of foot, 1775. Also Captain Johnson Moulton s company. By Nathan Goold. Port land, Me., 1900. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 66, 8. At head of title: Maine Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Two papers, read before the Maine Historical Society March 31, 1899, and January 26, 1899, respectively. 1st paper also published in 1899 under title: History of Col. James Scam man s Thirtieth regiment of foot. * * * (1794 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In commemoration of the millenary anniversary of the death of King Alfred the Great, November 12, 1901. [n. p., 1901V] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 65. Contents : Baxter, J. P. Opening address. Black, J. W. The life and char acter of King Alfred. Chapman, II. L. Alfred a writer and a patron of learn ing. Savage, A. R. The Anglo-Saxon constitution and laws in the time of Alfred the Great. Dalton, A. Alfred the Great as a Christian. (1795 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The depredation at Pemaquid in August, H5SO. and events that led up to it, by -Victor Hugo Paltsits. Portland, Me . 1905. 8vo, pp. 15, [1 ]. "Read before the Maine Historical Society, January 18, 1900." (1796 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 255 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tercentenary of De Mont s settlement at St. C roix Island, June 25. 1904. Portland. 1905. 8vo, p. (6), .78. Plates. Portraits. Maps. (17JM> MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tercentenary of Martin Pring s first voyage to the coast of Maine, 1003-1003. [Portland, Me., Maine Historical Society, 1905V] Hvo, pp. [12], 73. Plates. Papers read at the celebration held by the Maine Historical Society, Novem ber, 10, 1903. MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Waymouth tercentenary; an account of the cele bration of the landing of George Waymouth on the coast of Maine. [Port land, Me., Maine Historical Society, 1905V] 8vo, pp. 53. Plates.* Portraits. Celebration held at St. George s Harbor and Thoinaston, Maine, July 0, 1905. (179c MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, November 1(5, 1899, to December 19, 1901. Portland, 1902. 8vo, pp. 51. Contains : The skeleton in armor found on Campbell s Island, and A contribu tion to the history of the old Kennebec river forts, by Joseph Williamson ; James Ware Bradbury, by Henry S. Bui-rage. (1797 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, January 80, 1902, to November 20, 1902. Portland, 1903. 8vo, pp. 26. (Contains only reports, etc. No special papers.) (179S MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, January 2, 1903, to November 19, 1903. Portland, 1904. 8vo, pp. 24. (1799 MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, January 20, 1904, to June 25, 1904. Portland, 1904. 8vo, pp. 24. Same. Jan. 26, 1905, to Nov. 23, 1905. Portland. 8vo. pp. 25. (18OO OLD YORK HISTORICAL AND IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. York, Me. OLD YORK HISTORICAL AND IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Agamenticus, Bristol, Gor- geana, York. An oration delivered by James Phinney Baxter, President of the Maine Historical Society, in York, Maine, on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the town, together with a brief history of York and a descriptive account of the celebration of this anniversary, with a complete index, names, and historic events, August 5, 1902. Published by the Society, 1904. 8vo, pp. 136. Plates. Portraits. (1SO1 PEJEPSCOT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brnnsicick, Me. PEJEPSCOT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Pejepscot Historical Society, A 7 ol. i. Part i. Brunswick, 1889. 8vo, pp. viii, 66. Contents : Account of Society ; Early movements to separate the District of Maine from Massachusetts, and the Brunswick convention of 1816, by Henry L. Chapman ; Brunswick at the time of its incorporation, by Henry W. Wheeler ; 256 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Reminiscences of a former resident of New Meadows, written in 1S43 ; Thomas Crowell. by Summer L. Holbrook ; James Cary, by Ira P. Booker ; Brunswick wharf, by Henry W. Wheeler. (1SO3 PEJEPSCOT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Vol. i, Part n. Celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Brunswick. June 13, 1889. Brunswick, Maine. Published by the Pejep- scot Historical Society, 1889. 8vo, pp. 92. IIlus. (18O3 YORK INSTITUTE. 8 a co, Me. YORK INSTITUTE. Constitution and By-laws of the York Institute. Located at Saco, Me. Established March, 1800. Biddeford, I860. 8vo, pp. 7. Inserted are a blank form of subscription and a circular. (18O4 YORK INSTITUTE. Act of Incorporation, Constitution, and By-laws. Estab lished March, 1800. Incorporated 1807. Biddeford, 1807. 8vo, pp. 8. (18O5 YORK INSTITUTE. Publications of York Institute, Vol. i, Nos. 1, 2. Saco 1884. Two pamphlets, 8vo. Contents : 1. York Institute : something of its past, present, and future, by B. Redford Melcher, pp. 24. 2. Industrial education in public schools, by E. P. Small, pp. 10. This society is devoted to the collection of historical and scientific information connected with York County. (18OO ANNE ARL XDEL COLXTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annapolis, Md. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Handbook of the city of Annapolis and the United States Naval Academy. Prepared and published by the Society. Annapolis, 1888. 8vo, pp. 99. (18O7 FREDERICK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Frederick, Md. FREDERICK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First settlements of Germans in Mary land. A paper read by Edward T. Schultz before the Frederick County Historical Society, January 17th, 1890, and before the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, March 17th, 1890. To which items of historical interest referring to Frederick city and county are added. (Pub lished by request.) Frederick, Md., 1890. 8vo, 60 numb. 1. Illus. (incl. map). Printed on one side of leaf only. (18O8 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF BALTIMORE. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF BALTIMORE. The Bahama Islands. Edited by George Burbank Shattuck. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 630. Plates. Maps. Contains also: History of the Bahama Islands, with a special study of the abolition of slavery in the colony. By James Martin Wright. Baltimore, 1905. 8vo, pp. [419] -583. (1800 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MARYLAND. 257 HARFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bel Air, Md. HARFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution niul By-laws of the Society, with sketch of its history, list of members, contributors, etc. Incorporated 188(>. Baltimore, 1880. 8vo. pp. .37. Contents: The Antiquary ; Motto; Officers and standing committees; Intro duction ; Sketch of the history of the Society ; Constitution and By-laws ; Titles of papers read before the Society, with the names of their authors ; Plan for genealogical records; Members. (ISlo HARFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the old Catholic Chapel at Priest s Ford, in Harford County, Md. Read before the Society, October 2<>, 1880, by G. W. Andrew, M. D. United States Catholic Historical Magazine, Vol. nr, pp. 41-64. (1811 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF HARFORD COUNTY, MARYLAND. Bel Air, Md. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF HARFORD COUNTY, MARYLAND. Year Book, 1800. Bel Air, Md., 1800. 8vo, pp. 25. (ISia JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Baltimore, Md. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Vol. i, Xos. 1-12. Local Institutions. Baltimore, 1882. 8vo. CONTENTS. No. 1. An introduction to American institutional history written for this series. By Edward A. Freeman, pp. 39. No. 2. The Germanic origin of New England towns. Read before the Har vard Historical Society, May 9, 1881. By Herbert B. Adams. With notes on cooperation in university work. pp. 57. No. 3. Local government in Illinois. By Albert Shaw. Reprints from the Fortniyht lji Review; and Local government in Pennsylvania. By E. R. L. Gould, pp. 57. No. 4. Saxon tithing-men in America. Read before the American Antiqua rian Society, October 21, 1881. By Herbert B. Adams, pp. 2. !. No. 5. Local government in Michigan and the Northwest. Read before the American Social Science Association, September 7, 1X82. By Edward W. Bemis. pp. 25. No. 6. Parish institutions of Maryland. By Edward Ingle, pp. 48. No. 7. Old Maryland manors. With the records of a court-leet and a court- baron. By John Johnson, pp. 38. No. 8. Norman constables in America. By Herbert B. Adams, pp. 38. Nos. 9 and 10. Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem. From the his torical collections of the Essex Institute. By Herbert B. Adams, pp. 81. No. 11. The genesis of a New England State (Connecticut). By Alexander Johnston, pp. 29. No. 12. Local government and free schools in South Carolina. By B. James Ramage. pp. 40. Index. (1S13 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 17 258 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert P>. Adams, editor. Vol. n, Nos. 1-12. Insti tutions and Economics. Baltimore, 1884. 8vo, pp. (4), 629. CONTKNTS. Nos. 1 and 2. Methods of historical study. By Herbert B. Adams. January and February, 1884. pp. 136, (1). Diagram. No. 3. The past and present of political economy. By Richard T. Ely. March, 1884. pp. 64. No. 4. Samuel Adatns, the man of the town meeting. By James K. Hosmer. April, 1884. pp. GO. Nos. 5 and 6. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. By Henry Carter Adams, May and June, 1884. pp. 7 ). No. 7. Institutional beginnings in a Western State [Iowa]. By Jesse Marry. July, 1884. pp. 38. Nos. 8 and 9. Indian money as a factor in New England civilization. By William B. Weeden. August and September, 1884. pp. 51. No. 10. Town and county government in the English colonies of North Amer ica. The Toppan prize essay for 1883. By Edward Channiug. October, lss4. pp. 57. No. 11. Rudimentary society among boys. By John Johnson. November, 1884. pp. 56. No. 11*. Land laws of mining districts. By Charles Howard Shinn. Decem ber, 1884. pp. 69. (1814 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert P>. Adams, editor. Vol. HI, Nos. 1-32. Maryland, Virginia, and Washington. Baltimore, 1885. Svo, pp. (4), 596. CONTENTS. No. 1. Mainland s influence upon land cessions to the United States, with minor papers on George Washington s interest in Western lands, the Potomac Company, and a national university. By Herbert B. Adams. January, 1885. pp. 102. Nos. 2 and 3. Local institutions of Virginia. By Edward Ingle. February and March, 1885. pp. 127. No. 4. Recent American socialism. By Richard T. Ely. April, 1885. pp. 74. Nos. 5, 6, and 7. Local institutions of Maryland. By Lewis W. Wilhelm. May, June, and July, 1885. pp. 129. No. 8. The influence of the proprietors in founding the State of New Jersey. By Austin Scott. August, 1885. . pp. 26. Nos. 9 and 10. American constitutions. The relations of the three depart ments as adjusted by a century. By Horace Davis. September and October, 1885. pp. 70. Nos. 11 and 12. The city of Washington ; its origin and administration. By John Addison Porter. November and December, 1885. pp. 66. (IS15 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Vol. iv, Nos. 1-10. State and Municipal Governments. Baltimore, 1886. Svo, pp. (3), 610. CONTENTS. No. 1. Dutch village communities on the Hudson River. By Irving Elting. January, 1886. pp. 68. No. 2. Town government in Rhode Island. By William E. Foster. February, 1886. pp. 36. No. 3. The Narragansett planters: a study of causes. By Edward Channiug. March, 1886. pp. 23. No. 4. Pennsylvania boroughs. By William 1 . Holcomb. April, 1886. pp. 51. No. 5. An introduction to the study of the constitutional and political history of the States. By J. Franklin Jameson. May, 1886. pp. 29. No. 6. A Puritan colony in Maryland. By Daniel It. Randall. June, 1886. pp. 47. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. 259 Nos. 7, 8, and 9. History of the land question in the United States. By Sho- suke Sato. July, August, September, 188(5. pp. (2), v, 181. No. 10. The town and city government of New Haven. By Charles II. Lever- more. October, 1886. pp. 103. Nos. 11 and 12. The land system of the New England colonies. By Melville Egleston. November and December, 188(5. pp. (1), 06. (18 Hi JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. History of the Land Question in the United States. By Shosuke Sato. Baltimore, 1880. 8vo, pp. v, 181. Reprinted from Johns Hopkins I liircrsitij titmlU s, Vol. iv, Xos. 7, 8, and 9. (1817 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Vol. v. Xos. 1-12. Municipal Government, History, and Politics. Baltimore, 1887. 8vo, pp. (4), 559. CONTENTS. Nos. 1 and 2. City government of Philadelphia. By P^dward I . Allison and Boies Penrose. No. 3. The city government of Boston. By James M. Bugbee. No. 4. The city government of St. Louis. By Marshall S. Snow. Nos. 5 and G. Local government in Canada. An historical study. By John George Bourinot. No. 7. The effect of the war of 1812 upon the consolidation of the Union. I5y Nicholas Murray Butler. No. 8. Notes on the literature of charities. By Herbert B. Adams. No. 9. The predictions of Hamilton and l)e Tocqueville. By James Bryce. No. 10. The study of history in England and Scotland. By Paul Fredericq. Authorized translation from the French, by Henrietta Leonard. No. 11. Seminary libraries and university extension. By Herbert B. Adams. No. 12. European schools of history and politics. By Andrew 1). White. Index. (1818 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Vol. vi, Nos. l-ll . History of Cooperation in the United States. Baltimore, 1888. 8vo, pp. 540. CONTENTS. Nos. 1 and 2. Cooperation in New England. By Edward W. Bemis. No. 3. Cooperation in the Middle States. By Edward W. Bemis. Nos. 4, 5, 0. Cooperation in the Northwest. By Albert Shaw. Nos. 7, 8. Three phases of cooperation in the West. By Amos (}. Warner. Nos. 9, 10. Cooperation on the Pacific Coast. By Charles Howard Shinn. Nos. 11, 12. Cooperation in Maryland and the South. By Daniel II. Randall. Index. (181!> JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Vol. VII. Nos. 1-1 Social Science. Municipal and Federal Government. Baltimore, 1880. 8vo, pp. 628. CONTENTS. No. 1. Arnold Toynbee. By F. C. Montague. With an account of the work of Toynbee Hall, In East London, by Philip Lyttleton (iell. Nos. 2-3. The establishment of municipal government in San Francisco. By Bernard Moses. No. 4. Municipal history of New Orleans. By William W. Howe. Nos. 5, 6. English culture in Virginia, a study of the Gilmer letters, and an account of the English professors obtained by Jefferson for the University of Virginia. By William P. Trent. Nos. 7, 8, 9. The river towns of Connecticut, Wetherstield, Hartford, and Windsor. By Charles M. Andrews. Nos. 10, 11, and "12. Federal government in Canada. By John G. Bourinot. Index. (1820 260 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Vol. VIII. Nos. 1-12. History, Politics, Education. Baltimore, 1890. 8vo, pp. (4), 625. CONTENTS. Nos. 1, 2. The beginnings of American nationality. The Constitutional rela tions between the Continental Congress and the Colonies and States from 1776 to 17S9. By Albion W. Small. January and February, 1890. No. 3. Local government in Wisconsin. By David E. Spencer. March, 1890. No. 3a. Notes supplementary. The Enoch Pratt Free Library. By Lewis H. Steiner. No. 4. Spanish colonization in the Northwest. By Frank W. Blackmar. April. 1890. No. 5. Notes supplementary, No. 3. Early Presbyterianism in Maryland. By J. W. Mcllvain. pp. 33. No. 6. The study of history in Germany and France. By Paul Fredericq. Translation by Henrietta Leonard. May and June, 1890. pp. 118. Nos. 7, 8, and 9. Notes on the progress of the colored people of Maryland since the war. By Jeffrey R. Brackett. July-September, 1890. pp. 96. No. 10. The study of history in Holland and Belgium. By Paul Fredericq. Translation by Henrietta Leonard. October, 1890. pp. 62. Notes supplementary. No. 4. The educational aspect of the United States National Museum. By Otis T. Mason. Nos. 11 and 12. Seminary notes on recent historical literature. By Dr. II. B. Adams, Dr. J. M. Vincent, Dr. W. B. Scaife, and others. November, December, 1890. Index to eighth volume, pp. 105. (1821 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. ix. Baltimore, 1891. 8vo, pp. (6), 634. Contents : Government and administration of the United States, by W. W. Willoughby and W. F. Willoughby ; The history of university education in Maryland, by B. C. Steiner; The Johns Hopkins University (1876-1891), by Daniel C. Gilman ; The Communes of Lombardy from the VI to the X century, by W. K. Williams ; Public lands and agrarian laws of the Roman Republic, by Andrew Stephenson ; Constitutional development of Japan (1853-1881), by Toyokichi lyenaga : A history of Liberia, by J. H. T. McPherson ; The character and influence of the Indian trade in Wisconsin, by F. J. Turner. (1822 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in History and Political Science. Vol. x. Baltimore. 1892. Svo, pp. iv, 626. Contents: The Bishop Hill colony, a religious communistic settlement in Henry County, 111., by Michael A. Mikkelsen ; Church and state in New England, by Paul E. Lauer ; Church and state in early Maryland, by George Petrie ; The religious development in the province of North Carolina, by Stephen Beau regard Weeks : Maryland s attitude in the struggle for Canada, by J. William Black ; Quakers in Pennsylvania, by Albert C. Applegarth : Columbus and his discovery of America, by Herbert B. Adams and Henry Wood ; Causes of the American Revolution, by James A. Woodburn. (1823 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xi. Labor, slavery, and self-government Bal timore. 1893. Svo, pp. (2), 570. Contents : The social condition of labor, by E. R. L. Gould ; The world s repre sentative assemblies of to-day, by Edmund K. Alden ; The negro in the District of Columbia, by Edward Ingle ; Church and state in North Carolina, by Stephen B. Weeks ; The condition of the Western farmer as illustrated by the economic his tory of a Nebraska township, by A. F. Bentley ; History of slavery in Connecti cut, by B. C. Steiner : Local government in the South and the Southwest, by E. W. Bemis and others ; Popular election of United States Senators, by J. Haynes. (1824 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. 261 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies. Vol. xii. Institutional and economic history. Baltimore, 181)4. Svo, pp. (4), 626. Contents : The Cincinnati Southern Railway, a study in municipal activity, by J. II. Hollander ; A memorial of Lucius S. Merriam ; The constitutional begin nings of North Carolina (1663-1729), by John Spencer Bassett; The struggle of Protestant dissenters for religious toleration in Virginia, by II. R. Mcllwaine ; The Carolina pirates and colonial commerce (1670-1740), by S. C. Ilughson ; Representation and suffrage in Massachusetts (1620-1691), by G. II. Ilaynes ; English institutions and the American Indian, by J. A. James ; The interna tional beginnings of the Congo Free State, by J. S. Reeves. (1825 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xui. South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia. Baltimore, 1S0.1. 8vo, pp. iv, 601. Contents: Government of the Colony of South Carolina, by E. L. Whitney; The early Relations between Maryland and Virginia, by J. II. Latane ; The Rise and Development of the Bicameral System in America, by T. F. Moran ; White Servitude in the Colony of Virginia, by J. C. Ballagh ; The Genesis of Califor nia s first Constitution (1846-49), by R. D. Hunt; Benjamin Franklin as an Economist, by W. A. Wetzel ; The 1 rovisional Government of Maryland (1774- 1777), by J. A. Silver; Government and Religion of the Virginia Indians, by S. R. Hendren. (182G JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xiv. Baltimore, Slavery, and Constitutional History. Baltimore, 1896. Svo, pp. 588. Contents : Constitutional history of Hawaii, by Henry E. Chambers ; City government of Baltimore, by Thaddeus P. Thomas ; Colonial origins of New England senates, by F. L. Riley ; Slavery and servitude in the colony of North Carolina, by John S. Bassett ; Representation in Virginia, by J. A. C. Chandler ; The history of taxation in Connecticut (1636-1776), by F. R. Jones; Slavery in New Jersey, by II. S. Cooley ; Causes of the Maryland Revolution of 1689^ by F. E. Sparks; Index. (1827 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xv. American Economic History. Baltimore, 1897. 8vo, pp. 614. Contents : History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894, by B. W. Arnold, jr. ; The street railway system of Philadelphia its history and present condition, by Frederic W. Spehs; Daniel Raymond, an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United States, by Charles P. Neill ; The economic history of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, 1827-1853, by Milton Reizenstein ; South American trade of Baltimore, by Frank R. Rutter ; State tax commissions in the United States, by James Wilkinson Chapman, jr. ; Tendencies in American economic thought, by Sidney Sherwood. (1S2S Jonxs HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xvi. Anglo-American Relations and Southern History. Baltimore, 1898. 8vo, pp. 623. Contents : The neutrality of the American lakes and Anglo-American rela tions, by James Morton Callahan ; West Florida and its relation to the historical - cartography of the United States, by Henry E. Chambers; Antislavery leaders of No. Carolina, by John Spencer Bassett : Life and administration of Sir Robert Eden, by Bernard C. Steiner ; The transition of North Carolina from colony to commonwealth, by Enoch Walter Sikes ; Jared Sparks and Alexis de Tocqueville, by Herbert B. Adams. (1829 262 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xvn. Economic history Maryland and the South. Baltimore, 1809. 8vo, pp. 596. Contents : History of state banking in Maryland, by Alfred C. Bryan ; His tory of the Know Nothing party in Maryland, by Lawrence P. Schmeckebier ; The Labadist colony in Maryland, by Bartlett B. James ; Slavery in the state of North Carolina, by John Spencer Bassett ; The early development of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal project, by George Washington Ward ; Public educa tional work in Baltimore, by Herbert B. Adams. (183O JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xvm. Taxation in Southern States, Church and Education. Baltimore. 1900. 8vo, pp. 581. Contents : Studies in State taxation, with particular reference to the south ern states, by graduates and students of Johns Hopkins University, edited by J. II. Hollander ; The colonial executive prior to the restoration, by Percy Lewis Kaye ; Constitution and admission of Iowa into the union, by James Alton James ; The church and popular education, by Herbert B. Adams ; The struggle for religious freedom in A irginia : The Baptists, by William Taylor Thorn. (18307 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xix. Diplomatic and Constitutional history. Baltimore, 1901. Svo, pp. (in), 045. Contents: America in the Pacific and Far East, by F. M. Callahan ; State activities in relation to labor in the United States, by W. F. Willoughby ; History of suffrage in Virginia, by J. A. C. Chandler ; Maryland Constitution of 18(54, by W. S. Myers : Life of Commissary James Blair, founder of William and Mary College, by D. E. Motley ; Governor Hicks of Maryland and the Civil Warj by G. L. P. Radcliffe; Index. (1S31 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xx. Colonial and Economic History. Balti more, 1902. 8vo, pp. 632. Contents : Western Maryland in the Revolution, by Bernard C. Steiner ; State banking in the United States since the passage of the national bank act, by Geo. E. Barnett : Internal improvements in Alabama, by William E. Martin ; Trust companies in the United States, by George Cator ; The Maryland consti tution of 1851, by James Warner Harry; The political activities of Philip Freneau, by Samuel E. Forman ; Continental opinion regarding a proposed middle European tariff -union, by George M. Fisk. (1832 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xxi. Indiana, North Carolina and Maryland. Baltimore, 1903. Svo, pp. 575. Contents : The Wabash trade route in the development of the old Northwest, by Elbert Jay Benton : Internal improvements in North Carolina previous to 1860, by Charles C. Weaver: The history of Japanese paper currency (1868- 1890), by Masayoshi Takaki ; Economics and politics in Maryland, 1720-1750, and the public services of Daniel Dulany the elder, by St. George L. Sioussat : The beginnings of Maryland, 1631-1639, by Bernard C. Steiner ; The English statutes in Maryland, by St. George L. Sioussat. (1833 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series XXH, Nos. 1-2. A trial bibliography of Ameri can trade-union publications, prepared by the Economic Seminary of the Johns Hopkins University. Edited by Geo. E. Barnett. Baltimore, 1904. 8vo, 2 p. 1., pp. 7-112. (1834 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. 263 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series xxn. Xos. ; ( >-4. White servitude in Maryland. 1(134-1820. By Eugene Irving McCormac. Baltimore. 1004. 8vo, pp. 112. (1835 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series XXH, \<>. .". Switzerland at the beginning of the sixteenth century. By John Martin Vincent. Baltimore. 1004. 8vo, pp. 01. "This study was originally written as an introduction to the biography of Zwingli by Professor Samuel Mar-auley Jackson, in his series of Heroes of the Reformation. " Pref. note. Bibliography: pp. r50]-<;i. (1S3< Jonxs HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series xxn, Xos. (5-7-8. The political history of Virginia during the Reconstruction. By Hamilton James Eckenrode. Bal timore. Published monthly June-JulyAugust, 1004. Svo, pp. 12S. Contains: Notes supplementary to the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science: Lay sermons, by Amos (iriswold Warner, with a biographical sketch by (leorge Elliott Howard. Baltimore. 1004. Svo, pp. TO. (1837 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Scr. xxn, Nos 0-10. The foreign commerce of Japan since the restoration, 18(50-1000. By Yukimasa Hattori. Baltimore. 1004. Svo, pp. 70. Diagrs. (1S3S JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series xxn, Xos. 11-12. Descriptions of Maryland. By Bernard C. Steiner. Baltimore, November December, 1004. Svo, pp. 04. (1839 Series xxn, Nos 1-12, form Vol. xxn of the Studies, as follows : Johns Hopkins Fniversity Studies in Historical and Political Science. Vol. xxn. Social and Industrial History. Baltimore, 1004. Svo, pp. iv, 658. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series xxni, Xos. 1-2. The early period of recon struction in South Carolina. By John Porter Ilollis * * * Baltimore, 1005. Svo, pp. 120, 1 1. (1840 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Series xxni, Xos. ,>-4. State government in Mary land, 1777-1781. By Beverly W. Bond, jr. Baltimore, 1005. Svo, pp. 118. " List of manuscripts :" p. [117J-11S. (1841 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, editor. Extra Vol. i. The Re public of Xew Haven; a history of municipal evolution. By Charles H. Levermore. Baltimore, 1X8(5. Svo, pp. vii, 5-342. Plate. (1842 .Tonxs HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in Historical and Political Science. Her bert B. Adams, editor. Extra Vol. n. Philadelphia, 1(581-1887. A history of municipal development. By Edward P. Allinson, A. M., and Boies Pen- rose, A. M. Baltimore, 1887. Svo, pp. liii, 302. (1843 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. in. Baltimore and the Nineteenth of April, 1801. A study of the War. By George William Brown. Baltimore, 1887. Svo, pp. 176. Plan. 264 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. iv. An introduction to the local constitu tional history of the United States. By George E. Howard. Baltimore, 1889. 8vo, pp. xv, 526. Contents: V. i. Development of the township, hundred, and shire. (1845 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. v. Local constitutional history of the United States, hy George E. Howard. Vol. n. In preparation. (1846 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. vi. The Negro in Maryland. A study of the institution of slavery. By Jeffrey R. Brackett. Baltimore, 1889. Svo, pp. (4), 1 OS. (1847 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. vn. The Supreme Court of the United States. Its history and influence in our constitutional system. By Westel W. Willoughhy. Baltimore, 1890. Svo. pp. (4), 124. (1848 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. vni. The intercourse between the United States and Japan. An historical sketch. By Inazo (Ota) Nitohe. Balti more, 1891. 8vo, pp. ix, 108. (1849 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. ix. State and federal government in Switzerland. By John Martin Vincent. Baltimore, 1891. 8vo. pp. viii, (1), 247. (185O JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. x. Spanish institutions of the South west. By Frank W. Blackmar. Baltimore, 1891. 8vo. pp. xxv, (1), 353. Map. Illustrations. (1851 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xi. An introduction to the study of the Constitution. A study showing the play of physical and social factors in the creation of institutional law. By Morris M. Cohen. Baltimore, 1892. Svo. pp. xi, 235. (1852 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. XH. The old English manor. A study in English economic history. By Charles McLean Andrews. Baltimore, 1892. , Svo, pp. xi, 291. (1853 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xm. America ; its geographical history, 1492-1892. Six lectures delivered to graduate students of the Johns Hop kins University, with a supplement entitled, Was the Rio del Espiritu Santo of the Spanish geographers the Mississippi? By Walter B. Scaife. Balti more, 1892. Svo, pp. (12), 170. Ten maps. (1854 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xiv. Florentine life during the Renais sance. By Walter B. Scaife. Baltimore, 1893. Svo, pp. viii, 248. (1855 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. 265 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xv. Southern Quakers and slavery : a study in institutional history. By Stephen B. Weeks. Baltimore, 1896. 8vo, pp. xiv, 400. Fold. map. Bibliography: pp. [345]-362. (1856 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY". Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xvi. Contemporary American opinion of the French revolution. By Charles Downer Hazen. Baltimore, 1897. 8vo, 1 p. L, pp. x, 315. Bibliography: pp. [300J-307. (1857 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xvn. Industrial experiments in the British colonies of North America. By Eleanor Louisa Lord. Baltimore, 1898. 8vo, pp. viii, 154. (1858 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xvm. State aid to higher education ; a series of addresses delivered at the Johns Hopkins University. Balti more, 1898. 8vo, 3 p. 1., pp. 09. Contents : State aid to higher education. An address by President Charles K. Adams. Statistics on State aid to higher education. By St. George L. Sioussat. (Supplementary to President Adams address). The State universities of the West. An address by President James B. Angell. A city university. An ad dress by President Seth Low. The encouragement of higher education. An address by Professor Herbert B. Adams. (1859 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xix. Irrigation in Utah. By Charles Hillmann Brough. Baltimore, 1898. 8vo, pp. xv, 212. Front. Plates. (I860 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xx. The financial history of Baltimore. By J[acob] H[arry] Hollander. Baltimore, 1899. 8vo, pp. xvi, 397. (1861 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xxi. Cuba and international relations; a historical study in American diplomacy. By James Morton Callalmn. Baltimore, 1899. 8vo. pp. 503. (1862 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political- Science. Extra Vol. XXH. The American workman. By Efmile] Levasseur. Translation by T. S. Adams. Edited by T. Marburg. Baltimore, 1900. 8vo, pp. xx, 517. (1863 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xxm. Herbert B. Adams, tributes of friends, with a bibliography of the Department of history, politics, and economics of the Johns Hopkins University, 187(>-1901. Baltimore, 1902. 8vo, pp. 100. Front. (port.). Contents : Herbert B. Adams : a biographical sketch, by .T. M. Vincent. The life and services of Herbert Baxter Adams, by K. T. Ely. Other tributes : by D. C. Gilman [and] B. .T. Ramage. Resolutions : American historical associa tion, Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins University Historical and Political Science Association. Bibliography of the Ueimv-tuient of history, politics, and econo nics, 1876-1901. (1864 266 AMERICAN HTSTORTCAL ASSOCIATION. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studios in Historical and Political Science. I-Cxtra Vol. xxiv. A history of slavery in Virginia, by James Curtis Ballagh. Baltimore, 1902. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. viii, 100. Bibliography: pp. 149-154. (1865 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. xxv. The finances and administration of Providence, by Howard Kemble Stokes, Ph. D. Baltimore, 1903. Svo, 1 p. 1.. pp. vii, 4(54. Diagrs. (1866 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Bibliographia hopkinsiensis, 1876-1891. Part 1. Baltimore, 1892. 8vo. Contents : 1. Philology. This bibliography " is intended to include the important publications of pres ent and former members of the academic staff during the period of their con nection with the university : also a full bibliography of present and former fellows and graduates." Editorial note. (1867 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. (BALTIMORE.) MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution, by-laws, charter, circular, and members of the Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore: John Murphy, 1844. Svo, pp. 10, (1). (1868 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First Discourse before the Maryland Histor ical Society. Delivered on June 20, 1844. By Charles F. Mayer, A. M. Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1844. Svo, pp. 32. (1869 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore. Made by John P. Kennedy before the Maryland Historical Society, December 9, 1845, being the second annual address to the Association. Baltimore : John Murphy, 1845. Svo, pp. 50. (187O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, dur ing his visit to Canada in 1770, as one of the Commissioners from Congress, with a memoir and notes, by Brantz Mayer. Baltimore: John Murphy, 1845. Svo. pp. S4. Reprinted in 1870. (1871 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Benjamin Banneker, read before the Maryland Historical Society at the monthly meeting. May 1, 1845, by John H. B. Latrobe, esq. Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1845. Svo, pp. 10. (1872 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report of the President, 1845-46. Published in the Western Continent, February, 1S40. (1873 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the Life and Character of Sir Walter Raleigh. Delivered by J. Morrison Harris before the Maryland Historical Society. May 19, 1840, being the third annual address to the Association. Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1840. Svo, pp. 71. (1874 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of the early Christian Mis sions among the Indians of Maryland. Read before the Maryland His- . toHcp! Society on the 8th of January, 1840, by B. U. Campbell. The Western Continent, March 28, 1846. The United States Catholic Magazine, Vol. vn, pp. 520-535, 581-580. Balti more, 1848. < 1 srr MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 267 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Review of " Lord Baltimore and the Maryland Charter. Discourse on the life and character of George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore, made by John P. Kennedy before the Society, being the second annual address to that Association." The United States Catholic Magazine, Vol. v, pp. 193-220. Baltimore, ]84G. (Mr. Kennedy s reply to this review. Vol. v, pp. 349-376.) <IS7<> MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Maj. Samuel Ringgold. United States Army. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, April 1, 1847, by James Wynne, M. D. Baltimore : John Murphy, 1847. 8vo, pp. 16. (1877 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A relation of the colony of Lord Baron of Baltimore, in Maryland, New Virginia; a narrative of the first voyage to Maryland, by the Rev. Father Andrew White, and sundry reports from Rev. Fathers Andrew White, John Altham, John Brock, and other Jesuit Fathers of the colony to the Superior General at Rome, copied from the archives of the Jesuits College at Rome by the late Rev. William McSherry, of Georgetown College, and presented by the college to the Maryland His torical Society. Translated by N. C. Brooks, A. M., member of the Society. Baltimore, 1847. 8vo, pp. 47. (1S78 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, engravings, etc.. at the picture gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. First annual exhibi tion, 1848. Baltimore: John I). Toy [1848]. Svo, pp. 12. (187 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Literature and Art : . A discourse by Brant/ Mayer, delivered at the dedication of the Baltimore Athenaeum, October 23, 1848. Baltimore: John Murphy, 1848. 8vo, pp. 52. Delivered before the Historical Society, the Library Company, and the Mer cantile Library Association, and published at the request of the joint committee of the Association. (1SSO MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Colonial History. An address made by Thomas Donaldson, esq., before the Maryland Historical Society, Balti more, March 20, 1840, being the fourth annual address to that Association. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1840. 8vo, pp. 28. U881 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, engravings, etc., at the picture gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Second annual exhibi tion, 1840. Baltimore: John I). Toy [18401. 8vo, pp. 15. (18S2 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A narrative of events which occurred in Balti- . more Town during the Revolutionary War. To which are appended various documents and letters, the greater part of which have never been heretofore published. By Robert Purviance. Baltimore, 1840. 12mo, pp. (3), 231. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, January, 1847. (1S8S MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A paper upon California. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, by J. Morrison Harris, March |1J, 184!). Bal timore: John D. Toy, 1840. 8vo, pp. 32. (1884 M \RYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The seat of Government of the United States. A review of the discussion in Congress and elsewhere on the site and plans of the Federal city, with a sketch of its present position and prospects. Read (in part) before the New York and Maryland Historical Societies. 268 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Also, a Dotice of the Smithsonian Institution. By Joseph Bradley Var- nuiu, jr. New York: Press of Hunt s Merchants Magazine, 1848. 8vo, pp. 69. Folded plan. Same. With remarks on monumental structures and the Smithsonian Institu tion. Second edition, with an alphabetical index. Washington : R. Farnham 1854. 8vo, pp. 121. Folded plan. (1885 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the President of the Mary land Historical Society, and of its Committee on the Gallery of Fine Arts. 1850. Baltimore: John I). Toy, [1850]. Svo, pp. 21. (1886 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, engravings, etc., at the Picture Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Third annual exhibi tion, 1850. Baltimore: John 1). Toy, [1850]. Svo, pp. 12. (1887 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The origin and growth of civil liberty in Mary land. A discourse delivered by George Win. Brown before the Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore, April 12, 1850, being the fifth annual address to that association. Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1850. Svo, pp. 40. (1888 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorials of Columbus [and Martin Behaim and his globe at Nuremberg]. Read to the Maryland Historical Society by Robert Dodge. April 3, 1851. Baltimore: [John D. Toy], 1851. Svo, pp. 28. (1889 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the early currency in Maryland and Virginia. A memoir read before the Society, Thursday, February 6, 1851. By Sebastian F. Streeter. The Bankers Magazine, August, 1851, new series, Vol. \, pp. 85-90. Boston, 1851. (Revised and republished in 1858.) (189O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Sketch of the Life and Services of Gen. Otho Holland Williams. Read before the Maryland Historical Society on Thursday evening, March 6, 1851. By Osmond Tiffany. Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1851. Svo, pp. 31. (1891 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tah-gah-jute ; or Logan and Captain Michael Cresap. A discourse by Brantz Mayer. Delivered in Baltimore before the Maryland Historical Society on its sixth anniversary, 9 May, 1851. [Balti more: John Murphy & Co., 1851.] 8vo, pp. 86. Erratum, one line. This paper, enlarged and in some parts revised and recast, was published with the following title : " Tah-gah-jute ; or Logan and Cresap, an historical essay. By Brantz Mayer." Albany, 1867. Svo, pp. x, 204. (1892 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maryland Two Hundred Years Ago. A dis course by S. F. Streeter. Delivered in Baltimore before the Maryland Historical Society on its seventh anniversary celebration, May 20. IS iii. [Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1852.] 8vo, pp. 76. (1893 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baltimore; or Long Time Ago. By W[illiam] B. Bfuchanan]. 1853. Baltimore: Murphy & Co., [1853]. Svo, pp. 24. A poem dedicated and presented to the Society. (1894 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, engravings, etc., at the Picture Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Fourth Exhibition, 1853. Baltimore: John D. Toy, [1853]. Svo, pp. 15. (1895 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 269 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. African Slave Trade in Jamaica, and com parative Treatment of slaves. [By Moses Sheppard.J Read before the Maryland Historical Society, October [5], 1854. [Baltimore:] John D. Toy, [1854]. 8vo, pp. 14. (189<i MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report of the President of the Mary land Historical Society, and list of its members. 1854. Baltimore : John D. Toy, [1854]. 8vo, pp. 16. (1897 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Manuscripts, Maps, Medals, Coins, Statuary, Portraits, and Pictures ; and an account of the Library of the Maryland Historical Society. Made in 1854, under the direction of the library committee and the president, by Lewis Mayer, assistant librarian. Baltimore : John D. Toy, 1854. Svo, pp. 49, (2). (1898 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue raisonne of the Towson collections of coins belonging to the Maryland Historical Society. [Washington, D. C.I 8vo, pp. 41. No title-page. " Described and arranged by D. E. Groux, Wash ington, D. C." (1899 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Origin and Causes of Democracy in America: A discourse by George W. Burnap. Delivered in Baltimore, before thy Maryland Historical Society, on its eighth anniversary celebration, Decem ber 20, 1853. [Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1854.] Svo, pp. 29. (19OO MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Sketch of the Life of Benjamin Banneker, from notes taken in 1836. [By Mrs. Martha Kllicott Tyson.] Read by J. Saurin Norris, before the Maryland Historical Society, October 5, 1854. [Baltimore:] John D. Toy, [1854]. Svo, pp. 20. (1901 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Martin Behaim. the German astronomer and cosmographer of the times of Columbus; being the tenth [ninth} annual discourse before the Maryland Historical Society, on January 25, 1855. By John G. Morris, D. D. Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1855. Svo, pp. 48. (1902 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An appeal for the establishment of a free library in the city of Baltimore. Baltimore : John D. Toy, 1&56. Svo, pp. 11. This is signed " in behalf of the Maryland Historical Society " by its library committee, and it is followed by " the foregoing appeal of the Maryland Histor ical Society," etc., signed by sundry prominent citizens, who commend it. (19O. J MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of Paintings, Engravings, etc., at the Picture Gallery of the Artists Association, and of the Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore : John D. Toy, 1856. Svo, pp. 1G. (19OJ- MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter from George Peabody, esq., to the trus tees for the establishment of an institute in the city of Baltimore. Balti more, 1857. Svo, pp. 27. (I9or> MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Fall of the Susquehannocks. A chapter from the Indian History of Maryland. Read before the Maryland His torical Society, by S. F. Streeter, esq. Historical Magazine, Vol. v, No. 1, March, 1857, pp. [65] -73. (19OO MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter from George Peabody, esq., to the trus tees for the establishment of an institute in the city of Baltimore. Balti more, 1857. 8vo, pp. 27. (1907 270 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Animal report of the President of the Mary land Historical Society, with the Constitution and By-Laws, 1858. Balti more : John Murphy & Co., [1858]. 8vo, pp. 28. (1908 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of Paintings, Engravings, etc., at the Picture Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Sixth annual exhi- bition, 1858. Baltimore: John I). Toy, [1858]. Syo, pp. 13. (1909 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Baron de Kalb. Read at the meet ing of the Maryland Historical Society, January 7, 1858. By J. Spear Smith. Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1858. 8vo, pp. 36. (191O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the early currency in Maryland and Virginia. Read before the Historical Society of Maryland. Revised. By S. F. Streeter. Historical Mayazinc, Vol. n, pp. 42-44. New York, 1858. (1911 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A paper upon the Origin of the Japan Expedi tion. Read 7th of May, 1857, before the Maryland Historical Society, by George Lynn-Lachlan Davis. Now published by permission of the presi dent, with only a few slight alterations. Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1860. 8vo, pp. 14. (1912 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Report of the Committee on Organization. [Baltimore, 18(50.] 8vo, pp. 14. No title-pa.i?e. Refers to the I eabody Institute, and the Society, to which Mr. Peabody com mitted, in certain event, the care of the I eabody Institute. (1913 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY . The Early Friends (or Quakers) in Maryland. -Head :it the meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, March 6, 1802, by J. Saurin Norris. Baltimore: John 1). Toy, [1802]. 8vo. pp. 30. (1914 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Thomas Bacon, 1745-1768, Incumbent of St. Peter s, Talbot County, and All Saints , Frederick County, Md. By Rev. Ethan Allen, D. D. American Quarterly Church Review, Vol. xvn, pp. 430451. New York, 1865. (1915 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Maryland Historical Society and the Pea- botly Institute Trustees. A report from a special committee of the Society, read and adopted at the Society s monthly meeting, March [April] 5, 1866. [By Brantz Mayer.] Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., I860. Svo, pp. 15. (1910 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Sketch of the History, Plan of Organization, and Operations of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. By Lewis H. Steiner. Read before the Maryland Historical Society, February 1, 1866.. Phila delphia : J. B. Rodgers, 1866. 8vo, pp. 13. (1917 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Who were the Early Settlers of Maryland? A paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, at its meeting held Thursday evening, October 5, 1865. By the Rev. Ethan Allen, D. D. Baltimore, 1866. Svo, pp. 18. (1918 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Annual Address, delivered before the Mary land Historical Society, on the evening of December 17, 1866. By Hon. William F. Giles. Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1867. Svo, pp. 29. Second edition, Baltimore, 1867, pp. 30. (1919 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 271 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-laws of the Maryland His torical Society, with the list of officers, honorary, corresponding, and active members, 18G7. Baltimore: William K. Boyle [1807]. 8vo, pp. 24. (1920 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 1. History. Possessions, and Prospects of the Society. Inaugural discourse of Brant/ Mayer as president of the Society, March 7, 1S<;7, |with| list of publications of the Society, 20th June, 1844, to 1st June, 18i>7. Baltimore, 1807. Svo, pp. 36. (1921 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. U. The First Com mander of Kent Island. By Sebastian F. Streeter. Baltimore, 18<>8. Svo, pp. 44. (1922 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. >. The Maryland His torical Society. In Memory of George Peabody. January, 1870. Balti more, 1870. Svo, pp. 33. (1923 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Fund Publication, No. 4. A Brief Account of the Settlement of Ellicott s Mills, with fragments of history therewith con nected. Written at the request of Evan T. Ellicott, by Martha E. Tyson, .Baltimore, 18(J5. Read before the Society, November ^, 1870. Baltimore, 1871. Svo, pp. 63. (1924 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 5. A Lost Chapter in the History of the Steamboat. By J. II. B. Latrobe. Baltimore, March, 1871. Svo, pp. 44. (1925 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 0. The First Steam boat Voyage on the Western Waters. By J. II. B. Latrobe. Baltimore, October, 1871. Svo, pp. 32. (192<i MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 7. Kelatio itineris in Marylandiam. Declaratio colonise Domini Baronis de Baltimore. Excepta ex diversi.s litteris missionariorum ab anno \i\l\~) ad annum 1<>. >8. Narra tive of a voyage to Maryland by Father Andrew White, S. J. Extracts from different letters of missionaries, from the year 10^5 to the year 1G77. Edited by E. A. Dalrymple. Baltimore, 1874. Svo, pp. iv, (2), 9-128. (1927 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 8. The Lords Baltimore. By John G. Morris. Baltimore, 1874. Svo, pp. 61. (1928 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 0. Papers relating to the early history of Maryland. By Sebastian F. Streeter. Baltimore, Jan uary, 3870. Svo, pp. 315. Contains : The First Assembly ; Journal of the Proceedings ; Alphabetical list of members ; Biographical notices of members ; The First Commissioners or Councillors ; The First Catholic Secretary ; The First MarYiage License ; The First Will ; Letter of Capt. Thomas Young to Sir Toby Matthew, from James- Town, Va., July 13, 1634 ; A brief relation of a voyage lately made by me, Capt. Thomas Young, since my departure from Virginia upon a discovery [on the Delaware]. (1929 272 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 10. A Sketch of the Life of Dr. James McHenry, aide-de-camp and private secretary of General Washington, aide-de-camp of Marquis de Lafayette, Secretary of War from 1796 to 1800. A paper read before the Society, November 13, 1876. By Frederick J. Brown. Baltimore, 1877. Svo, pp. 44. (1930 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 11. Maryland s influ ence in founding a national Commonwealth, or the history of the accession of public lands by the old Confederation. A paper read before the Society, April 9, 1877. By Herbert B. Adams. Baltimore, 1877. 8vo, pp. (1), 123. Embracing two minor papers on Washington s land speculations, and Wash ington s public spirit in opening a channel of trade between the East and the West. (1931 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 12. Wenlock Christi- son, and the early Friends in Talbot County, Maryland. A paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, March 9, 1874. By Samuel A. Har rison. Baltimore, 1878. Svo, pp. 76. (1932 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 13. The expedition of Lafayette against Arnold. A paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, January 14, 1878. By John Austin Stevens. Baltimore, 1878. 8vo, pp. 36. (1933 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 14. A memoir of the Hon. William Hindman. A paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, March 10, 1879. By Samuel A. Harrison. Baltimore, 1880. Svo, pp. 59. (1934 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 15. A character of the Province of Maryland. By George Alsop, 1666. Baltimore, 1880. Svo, pp. 125. A reprint of "A character of the Province of Maryland, described in four dis tinct parts, by George Alsop ; a new edition, with an introduction and copious notes, by John Gilmary Shea, New York, 1869," forming Vol. v of Goivan s Bibli- otJieca Americana. (1935 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 16. Proceedings of the Society in connection with the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Baltimore, October 12, 1880. Svo, pp. 123. (193G MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 17. The Founding of Washington City, with some considerations on the origin of cities and loca tion of national capitals. An address read before the Society, May 12, 1879. By Ainsworth R. Spofford. Baltimore, 1881. 8vo, pp. 62. (193T MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 18. The foundation of Maryland and the origin of the act concerning Religion of April 21, 1649. Prep ired for and partly read before the Society, by Bradley T. Johnson. Baltimore, 1883. Svo, pp. (2), 210, (1). (1938 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY.- Fund Publication, No. 19. Captain Richard Ingle, the Maryland " Pirate and Rebel," 1642-1653. A paper read before the Society, May 12, 1884, by Edward Ingle. Baltimore, 1884. Svo, pp. 53. (1939 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 20. Sir George Calvert, baron of Baltimore. A paper read before the Society, April 14, 1884. by Lewis W. Wilhelm. Baltimore, 1884. Svo, pp. 172. (194O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 273 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund. Publication, No. 21. Maryland in Li beria. A history of the colony planted by the Maryland State Colonization Society under the auspices of the State of Maryland, U. S., at Cape Palnias, on the southwest coast of Africa, 1833-1853. A paper read before the Society, March 9, 1885, by John II. B. Latrobe, president of the Society. Baltimore, 1885. 8vo, pp. 138. Two folded sheets of facsimiles. (1941 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 22. The Archives of Maryland as illustrating the Spirit of the Times of the early Colonists. A paper read before the Society, January 25, 1880, by Henry Stockbridge. Baltimore, 1886. 8vo, pp. (4), 87. (1942 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 23. The Great Seal of Maryland. A paper read before the Society, December 14, 1885, by Clayton C. Hall. Baltimore, 1886. 8vo, pp. 52. (1943 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 24. I. Luther Martin : the "Federal bull-dog," by Henry P. Goddard. II. A sketch of the Life and Character of Nathaniel Ramsey, by W. F. Brand, D. D. Baltimore, 1887. 8vo, pp. 60. (1944 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 25. The National Medals of the United States. A paper read before the Society, March 14, 1887, by Richard McSherry. Baltimore, 1887. 8vo, pp. 47. (1945 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 26. A memoir of John Leeds Bozman, the first historian of Maryland. A paper read before the Society, May 9, 1887. By Samuel A. Harrison, M. D. Baltimore, 1888. 8vo, pp. 09. (194O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 27. President Lincoln and the Chicago Memorial on Emancipation. A paper read before the So ciety, December 13, 1887. By Rev. W. W. Pattou, D. D., LL. D., President of Howard University. Baltimore, 1888. 8vo, pp. 30. (1947 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 28. The Calvert Papers, number one, with an account of their recovery and presentation to the Society, December 10, 1888. Together with a calendar of the Papers recov ered and selections from the Papers. Baltimore, 1889. 8vo, pp. 334. Coat of arms. (1948 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 29. Report of a Com mittee on the Western Boundary of Maryland. A paper read before the Society, December 9, 1889. Baltimore, 1890. 8vo, pp. 45. (1949 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 30. The dismember ment of Maryland. An historical and critical essay. Prepared for and partly read before the Society, January 10, 1889, by G. W. Archer, M. D. Baltimore, 1890. 135 pp. Also, A Maryland Manor. A paper read before the Society, March 11, 1889. By Gen. James Grant Wilson. Baltimore, 1890. 37 pp. (1950 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 31. Maryland, Inde pendence, and the Confederation. By William [Isaac] Hull. Baltimore, IS .n. Also, a reminiscence of the troublous times of April, 1861, based upon H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 18 274 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. interviews with the authorities at Washington touching the movement of troops through Baltimore. A paper read hefore the Society, March 9, 1891. By Hon. J. Morrison Harris. Baltimore, 1891. 8vo, pp. 60, 25. (195Oa MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 32. Lafayette s second expedition to Virginia in 1781. A paper read before the Society, June 14, 1886. By E. M. Allen. Baltimore, 1891. 8vo, pp. 50. (11)51 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 33. Maryland and North Carolina in the campaign of 1780-1781, with a preliminary notice of the earlier battles of the Revolution, in which the troops of the two*States won distinction. A paper read before the Society, November 14, 1892, by Edward Graham Davis. Baltimore, 1893. 8vo, pp. 100. Two plates. Plan. Contains an account of the Guilford battle monument. The occasion of the address was the erection of a monument at (Juilford Court-House by the Society in memory of Maryland soldiers. i UJo^ MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund publication, No. 34. The Calvert Papers. Number two. Selections from correspondence. Baltimore, 1894. 8vo, pp. xiv, 263. 1 1953 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund publication, No. 35. The Calvert Papers. (Number three.) A Briefe Relation of the Voyage unto Maryland, and other papers. 1899. 8vo, pp. 58. (1954 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication. No. 30. Early Maryland poetry. The works of Ebenezer Cook, Gent., Laurent of Maryland, with an appendix containing the Mousetrap, edited by Bernard C. Steiner. 1901. 8vo, pp. 252. (1955 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fund Publication, No. 37. Rev. Thomas Bray : his life and selected works relating tc Maryland. Edited by Ber nard C. Steiner. 1901. 8vo, pp. 252. (1956 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Memoir of. John II. Alexander, LL. D. By William Pinkney, D. D. Read before the Maryland Historical Society on Thursday evening. May 2, 1807. [Baltimore: John Murphy, 1807.] 8vo, pp. 31, (1). (1957 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Jared Sparks, LL. I). By Brant/ Mayer. Prepared at the request of the Society, and read before its annual meeting on Thursday evening, February 7, 1807. [Baltimore: John Mur phy, 1807.] 8vo, pp. 36. Portrait. il95s MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Catalogue of Paintings at the Picture Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Seventh exhibition, 1808. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1808. Svo, pp. 8. < l!^!* MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of Paintings at the Picture Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Free exhibition, 1874. Baltimore: Win. K. Boyle & Son, 1874. Svo, pp. 3. (I960 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of Paintings at the Picture Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Free exhibition, 1875. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1875. 8vo, pp. 4. Title on cover. (1961 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 275 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Descriptive catalogue of Statuary on exhibi tion at the Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society, Athemeum Building, Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 1875. 8vo, pp. 23. (19<>2 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Descriptive catalogue of Statuary and Paint ings on exhibition at the Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society, Athemeum Building, Baltimore. Baltimore : John Murphy & Co., 187(5. 8vo, pp. 28. Same. 1883. 8vo, pp. 31. (1 ?><>:? MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, during his visit to Canada in 177(3 as one of the Commissioners from Con gress ; with a memoir and notes. By Brantz Mayer. Baltimore : John Murphy, May, 187G. 8vo, pp. 110. Portraits of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Samuel Chase, Archbishop John Carroll, and Benjamin Franklin. (An edition of twelve copies on large paper, quarto, was also printed.) This volume is a reprint of the fourth publication of the Society, made in 1845. It was reissued in this style for the 4th of July, 1876, as "The Mary land Historical Society s Centennial Memorial," and as such deposited with the Commissioners of the International Exhibition at Philadelphia. The Society s tribute is now placed in the library of the Department of State, at Washington, in pcrvctuam rci tcstimonium. (1J)(>4 MARY-LAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Maryland Historical So ciety, 1844-1878.- [Baltimore, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. (UMtB MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, constitution, and by-laws of the Mary land Historical Society, with the list of olh cers, honorary, corresponding, and active members, and a catalogue of the Society s publications, 1844- 1878. Baltimore : Printed by John Murphy & Co., 1878. Svo, pp. 42. (1JMJG MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Descriptive Catalogue of Statuary and Paint ings on exhibition at the Gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. Balti more : Printed by John Murphy & Co., 1879. 8vo, pp. 30. Second edition, 1879, pp. 32. (IJH>7 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Richard Dobbs Spaight, of North Carolina. By John II. Wheeler. Baltimore, 1880. 8vo, pp. (2), 29. Coat of arms. This is given in the " Catalogue of the second portion of the library of J. Thomas Scharf " as one of the publications of the Maryland Historical Society, but it has nothing to indicate it. < 1JH5S MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Newspapers in the Society. Communicated by John W. M. Lee, Librarian and Curator. Baltimore, 1881. 4to, pp. 4. No title-page. (1JM>}> MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Sketch of the Life of Thomas Donaldson. By George William Brown. Baltimore: Cushing & Bailey, 1881. 8vo, pp. 40. Large paper. Read before the Maryland Historical Society. (1!>7O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular, 1882. Sheet. (1!>71 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. Calendar and Report by the Publication Committee. [Baltimore, 1883.] Large Svo, pp. liv. (1O72 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. i.] Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, January, 1637/38-September, 1664. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1883. 4to, pp. Iviii, 563. (1973 276 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. n.] Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April, 1000-June, 1070. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1884. 4to, pp. xvi, 585. (11)74 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. m.] Proceed ings of the Council of Maryland, 1030-1007. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1885. 4to, pp. xiv, 586. l 1075 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. iv.] Judicial and testamentary business of the Provincial Court, H;:57-l<550. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1887. 4to, pp. viii, 509. I IJ)7 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY-. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. v.] Proceedings of the Council of Maryland. 10(57-1087/88. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1887. 4to, pp. ix, 592. (1077 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. vi.J Corre spondence of Governor Horatio Sharpe, Vol. i (1750-1757). Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1888. 4to, pp. 580. i IJ7S MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY". Archives of Maryland. [Vol. VIL] Proceed ings and Acts of the General Assembly, October, 1078-November, los:5. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor, Baltimore, 1889. 4 to, pp. (10), 3-647. (1J>79 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. vni.] Proceed ings of the Council of Maryland, 1087-88-1 <>!):*. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1800. 4 to, pp. ix, 587. (li)8O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. ix.] Corre spondence of Governor Horatio Sharpe. Vol. n, 1757-1701. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1890. 4to, pp. x, 580. The period covered by this volume was signalized by the capture of Crown Point and Ticonderoga, the surrender of Quebec in September, 1759, followed In 1760 by the reduction of Montreal and the establishment of British rule over Canada. The internal affairs of Maryland during this period were characterized by factious efforts on the part of the lower house, with the piu-po.se of discred iting the proprietary government in England, to the end that the government should fall to the Crown by revocation of the charter. iiJS]| MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. x.] Judicial and testamentary business of the Provincial Court, 1049-50/1657. Pub lished by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1891. 4to, pp. viii, 586. " The present volume, being the second of the Provincial Court series, con tinues the record without any manifest break down to 1658. The rule of the commissioners and Parliament, after the battle on the Severn and surrender of Stone, is marked by proceedings against the Catholics, several of whom made MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 277 confession of their faith in open court, and are fined, ostensibly on the ground of complicity with Governor Stone in his endeavors to hold the province for the Proprietary." (losa MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. XL] Journal of the Maryland Convention, July 2<>-August 14, 1775. Journal and Corre spondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 2J), 1775-July 0, 1770. Baltimore, 1892. 4 to, pp. ix, (3), 585. " The period covered by this volume is one of peculiar interest, including as it does, Maryland s transformation from a dependent province to a sovereign State." (1988 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. XIL] Journal and correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety. July 7-December . VI, 1770. Published by authority of the State under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1808. 4 to, pp. vii, (Ii), 505. (1984 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arrives of Maryland. [Vol. XTIL] Proceed ings and acts of the General Assembly of Maryland. April. 1084-June, 1G92. Published by authority of the State under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1894. Large 8vo, pp. (G), 57.3. " The present volume continues the proceedings and acts of the assembly from April, 10K4, to June, 1092. The continuity is broken by the revolutionary out break of 1G89, no journal of the Association s assembly having been preserved. To fill this gap to some extent we have inserted copies of documents preserved in the Public Record Office, London, but for fuller details the council records must be consulted. This revolutionary assembly, which handed over the province to the King, was succeeded by one elected under the new order of things, and presided over by Lionel Copley, the first royal governor, which, among other fundamental changes, repealed all existing statutes in mass, and promulgated a new code, which is here given in full." Parton. Pages 228-247 contain " Papers relating to the Association s assembly, 1089." (1985 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. | Vol. xiv.] Corre spondence of Governor Horatio Sharpe. Vol. in. 1701-1771. Published by authority of the State under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1895. 4to, pp. x, 588. (1986 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [ Vol. xv.] Proceed ings of the Council of Maryland, 1071-1(581. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 189G. 4to, pp. xv, 434. (1987 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland. [Vol. XVL] Journal and correspondence of the Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777. Journal and correspondence of the State Council. March 20, 1777-March 28. 1778. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1897, 4to, pp. ix, 591. (1988 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. XVTT]. Proceed ings of the Council of Maryland, 1G81-1GS5/G. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1898. 4to, pp. xi, 507. (1989 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland | Vol. X\IIT|. Muster rolls and other records of service of Maryland troops in the American 278 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. revolution, 1775-1783. Pub. by authority of the State, under the direc tion of the Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore, Md., 1900. 4to, 1 p. 1., pp. 730. (199O MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xixl. Proceed ings and acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, September, 1093-June, 1097. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Mary land Historical Society. Wliliam Hand Browne, Editor. Baltimore, 1S .)!>. 4to, pp. 009 (2). i 1991 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xxl. Proceedings of the council of Maryland, 1093-1090/7. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, Editor. Baltimore, 1900. 4 to, pp. 013. (1992 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xxil. Journal and correspondence of the council of Maryland, April 1, 1778-October 26, 1779. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1901. 4to, pp. viii, 004. (1993 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xxn]. Proceed ings and acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, March, 1697/8- July, 1099. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1902. 4to. pp. viii. 500 (1). (1994 ?!ARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xxm]. Proceed ings of the Council of Maryland, 1090/7-1098. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, editor. Baltimore, 1903. 4to. pp. viii, 574. (1995 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xxiv]. Proceed ings and acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, April 20, 1700-May 3. 1704. Published by authority of the State, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society. William Hand Browne, Editor. Baltimore, 1904. 4to, pp. xi, 441. (1990 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archives of Maryland [Vol. xxv]. Proceed ings of the Council of Maryland, 1098-1731. William Hand Brown, editor. Baltimore, 1905. 4to, pp. xi, 032. (1997 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Margaret Brent ; the first woman in America to claim the right to vote in a legislative body. By Hon. John L. Thomas. Read before the Society, December 10, 1883. Bath Telegram, December 22, 1883. (1998 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maryland s influence upon land cessions to the United States, with minor papers on George Washington s interest in West ern lands, the Potomac Company, and a National University. By Herbert B. Adams. Baltimore: N. Murray, 1885. 8vo, pp. 102. (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, third series, No. 1.) A republication in a revised form of a paper published by the Maryland His torical Society, under the title " Maryland s Influence in Founding a National Commonwealth." Pages 97-102 contain "Origin of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad." (1999 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report of the Officers and Committees for 1884-85. To which is added the charter, constitution, and by-laws, list MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 279 of officers and members, and a catalogue of the Society s publications, 1884-85. Baltimore: ,T. Murphy & Co., 1885. 8vo, pp. 74. (2OOO MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society in commemoration of the late Hon. John II. B. Latrobe, for twenty years president of the Society. Meetings held September 12 and October 12, 1801. [Baltimore, 1891.] Svo, pp. 41. (2OO1 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Maryland Manor. A paper read before the Maryland Historical Society, March 11, 1889, by Gen. James Grant Wilson. Baltimore, 1890. Svo, pp. 37. (2002 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Correction of nn error in the published " Pro ceedings of the Maryland Historical Society in commemoration of the late John II. B. Latrobe."] Baltimore, 1892. Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. (2OO3 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Correction of an error in the published " Pro ceedings of the Maryland Historical Society in commemoration of the late John II. B. Latrobe." [Baltimore, 1892.] Svo, pp. 4. (2004 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, statuary, etc., at the art gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. 1893. Svo, pp. 20. (20O5 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Maryland Historical So ciety. 1894. Svo, pp. 10. (2006 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address by the Hon. J. Morrison Harris upon the fiftieth anniversary .of the Society, and a Memorial of the Hon. Severn Teackle AVallis. Baltimore, 1890. Svo, pp. 29, 26. (20O7 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, statuary, etc., .at the art gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. 189r>. Svo, pp . 20. (2008 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the Maryland Historical Society. 189G. 8vo, pp. 11. (2OO9 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Maryland Historical So ciety in commemoration of the late Hon. Severn Teackle Wall is, president of the society * * * Meetings held April 12th and May 14th, 1894. (In Harris, J fames"! M. Address * * * delivered March 12th, 1894. [Baltimore, 189G.] Svo, pp. 26. (2010 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report of the officers and committees for 1897-1898, to which is added the charter, constitution, and by-laws, list of officers and members, and a catalogue of the Society s publications, 1844-1898. Svo, pp. 45. (2O11 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the officers and committees for 1898-1899, to which is added the list of officers and members and a cata logue of the Society s publications, 1844-1899. Svo, pp. 30. (2012 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the officers and committees for 18 i i .M o. to which is added the list of officers and members and a cata logue of the Society s publications, 1844-1900. 8vo. pp. 55. (2013 280 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for the year 19nl. Baltimore, 1902. 8vo, pp. 32. Contains a catalogue of the Society s publications, 1844-1902. (2O14 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution of the Maryland Historical So ciety. 1901. 8vo, pp. 25. ( 2015 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Descriptive catalogue of paintings and statu ary at the art gallery of the Maryland Historical Society. 1901. Svo, pp. 20. ( .>0i6 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of puhlications. 1901. 8vo. pp. 0. (2017 MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for the year 1902. Baltimore, J903. Svo, pp. 37. I 20 IS VXD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for the year 1903. Baltimore, Svo, pp. 50. In memoriam Hon. Albert Ritchie. (2O19 ,AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of paintings, statuary, etc., Art gal- of the Maryland Historical Society. * * * Baltimore, 1904. Svo. pp. 20. ( ., 020 M) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for the year 1904. Baltimore, 1 . ~* >.">. Svo, pp. 37. (2021 TY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERM AX K IX MARYLAXD ^ELLKCHAFT FUR DIE GESCHICHTE DER DEITWHEX IX MAIfY- . (>. M<1. r FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. First Annml Re- Der erste Jahres Bericht. Baltimore, 1887. 8vo, pp. 24. The German text is given first, followed by the report in English. (2O22 1 FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Second Annual He- port, with the papers read at its sessions, 1887-88. Baltimore, 1888, 8vo. pp. 75. Printed in German, followed by English. The papers are: Jonathan Hagar, the founder of Ilagerstown, by Basil Sollers ; The Redemptioners and the Ger man Society of Maryland, an historical sketch, read by Louis P. Hennighausen, nth of January, 1888; The Zion Church of the city of Baltimore, compiled ;ind read by Rev. H. Schieb, February, 1888 Jin German]. (2O23 Y FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Third Annual Re- t. 1 SSS-S9. [ Baltimore, 1889. ] Svo. pp. 59. Contains : List of members ; Synopsis of Prof. O. Seidensticker s address : Johann Lederer s Book of Travels in Virginia [etc.] in 1G69 and 1070; Die Pro- testanten-Kloster der Siebentager in Pennsylvanien, v. Stamp ; Die Kevolte der Deutschen gegen die Regierung in Maryland, v. L. P. Hennighausen. (2O24 v FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Fourth Annual Re- ) t, 1889-90. [ Baltimore, 1 890. ] 8vo, pp. 39. Contains : Ausziige aus den Archiven des Staates Maryland, vorgelesen von L. P. ITennighausen ; Sketcli of Dr. SeyfFarth. read December 9, 1889, by John G. Morris; The First German Settlement in North America [Germantown], by Louis P. Hennighausen; An incident in the history of the Germans in Mary land, translated by John G. Morris. (2O2"5 SOCIETY FOR HISTORY OF GERMANS IN MARYLAND. 281 SorlKTY FOB THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS TN MARYLAND. Fifth AlllllUll Report, 1890-91. [Baltimore, 1891.] 8vo, pp. 00. Contents : Memoranda in reference to early German emigration to Maryland, by F. P. Mayer ; Gottlieb Mittelbergers Reise nach Pennsylvanien, von M. D. Learned ; Early Western settlements, by L. P. Hennighausen ; The German day in Baltimore, October 6, 1890 ; Die ersten deutschen Sekten in Amerika, von L. P. Hennighausen ; The Diffenderfers and Frieses (2O2G Tin; SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Sixth Annual Report 1891-1892. [Baltimore, 1892.1 8vo, pp. 02. Contents : Early German settlements in AYestern Maryland, by L. P. Hennig- bausen ; Die ersten deutschen Sekten in Amerika, von L. P. Hennighausen ; German-American families in Maryland, by C. F. Raddatz ; Die Anfiinge der deutschen Kultur in Amerika, von M. D. Learned ; Balti mores Deutsch-Ameri- kaner in Handel und Industrie, von E. F. Leyh ; In Memoriam : I,. II. Steiner ; ,T. A. Schriver ; Christopher Lipps ; Herman von Kapf ; Frederick Polmyer : J. II. Smith. (2027 SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Seventh Annual Re port, 1892-9.*}. [Baltimore, 189. }.] 8vo, pp. 83. Portraits. Contents : The first German immigrants to North America, by Louis P. Hen nighausen ; Denkschrift iiber Henry L. Yesler, Griinder d. Stadt Seattle, by A. E. Schade ; Louis Ferdinand Fix, Vortrag des Ilerrn I. Loewenthal ; Reminis cences of the political life of the German-Americans in Baltimore during 1850 1860, by L. P. Hennighausen ; Geschichte d. Deutschen in Amerika, von II. Schonfeld ; In Memoriam: Friedrich Raine, Ernest Iloen. (2O2S SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Eighth, ninth,* and tenth annual reports, 1894-189(5. Baltimore. 8vo, pp. 130, 24. Contents : The German in Baltimore, by .1. G. Morris ; Pastor Joseph Rieger, ein Pionier der deutschen evengelischen .Kirche, von Pastor Ed. Iluber ; General Washington and the German-Americans, by L. P. Ilennighausen ; Christopher Saur and his first German Bibie, by J. G. Morris ; List of books relating to the Germans in America, by .1. G. Morris ; In memoriam John Gottlieb Morris, by B. Sadtler ; The German-American Turner lyric, by M. D. Learned; In me moriam Heinrich A. Schroder, by Ed. F. Leyh ; List of books contained in the library of the Society for the History of Germans in Maryland, alphabetically arranged according to subjects and authors. 180G. (2O2J) SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Eleventh and twelfth annual reports, together with Reminiscences of the German- Americans in Baltimore during the years 1850-18(50, by L. I*. Hennighausen; and a His tory of the German element in Virginia, by Herrmann Schuricht, 1897-1898. Baltimore. 8vo, pp. xiv, 18, 1GO, viii. (2O3O SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Thirteenth and fourteenth annual reports, and a History of the German Element in Vir ginia, Vol. ii, by Herrmann Schuricht. Baltimore, 1900. 8vo, pp. xviii, i*. {0, v. (2O.11 SOCIETY i OR THE HISTORY; OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. Fifteenth annual report, 1900/1901. 8vo, pp. GO. Contents : The German element in Maryland up to the year 1700, by J. A. Woishaar ; Abraham Lincoln or Linkhorn, an argument, by L. P. Hennighausen : Rev. Benjamin Sadtler obituary ; Edward F. Leyh obituary, by L. P. Hennig- hausen ; Supplementary list of books in our library, 1001. (2O32 So( IKTY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. First Settlements of Germans in Maryland. A paper read by Edward T. Schultx before the Frederick County Historical Society, January 17th, 189(5, and before the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, March 17th, 1890. 282 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOCIETY FOR HISTORY OF GERMANS IN MARYLAND Continued. To winch items of historical interest referring to Frederick city and county are added. (Published hy request.) Frederick, Md., 1896. 8vo, GO numb. 1. Illus. (inch map). (2O33 SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. List of hooks con tained in the library of the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland. Alphabetically arranged according to subjects and authors. 189(5. [Baltimore, 1890.] Svo, pp. 24. [\V-ith-H* Oth-lOth annual reports. 1891/2-90. Baltimore, 1892-90.1 (2034 SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF THE GERMANS IN MARYLAND. History of the German element in Virginia, by Herrmann Schuricht. Contributed by the author as a corresponding member of, and published by the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland. Baltimore, 1900. Svo, 2 v. in 1. 1 port. Vols. 1-2 have also special title-pages, dated, respectively, 1898 and 1900. Originally published as appendices to the annual reports of the Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, v. 1 with the llth-12th reports for 1897-98, and v. 2 with the 13th-14th reports for 1899-1900. (2O35 AMESBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OR AMESBURY IMPROVEMENT HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Amesbury, AMESBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY (Amesbury Improvement Historical Associa tion). Transactions. Vol. i. January, 1901. Consists of four publications, issued separately. (1) Right of petition, 1654, by Fred "W. Merrill. A paper read before the Amesbury Improvement Historical Association, April 5, 1900. [Hampton] 1900. Svo, pp. 7. (2) Salisbury s earliest settlers, by John Q. Evans. A paper read at a meeting of the Town Improvement Society, June 17, 1890. Amesbury, 1S96. Svo, pp. 12. (3) The Plains of 200 years ago, by John Q. Evans. A paper read at a meeting of the Town Improvement Society, June 17, 1897. Amesbury, 1897. Svo, pp. 8. (4) The Salisbury commoners, by 1 . A. True. A paper read at a meeting of the Town Improvement Society, June 17, 1S96. Amesbury, 1896. Svo, pp. 12. (2036 AMHERST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Amlicrst, Mass. AMHERST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic homes of Amherst, by Alice M. Walker. Published under the auspices of the Amherst Historical Society. Amherst, Mass., 1905. 12mo, 4 p. 1., pp. 100, front., plates, ports. Contents: Old Strong house; The Bridgman tavern on the Bay road; Early Amherst doctors ; Mark s meadow ; The old Hubbard tavern at the plumtrees ; President Hitchcock s house. (2O37 BACKUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Newton, Mass. BACKUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A History of New England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. By Isaac Backus. Second edition, with notes, by David Weston. Vols. I-H. New ton, Mass. : Published by the Society, 1871. 8vo, 2 vols. (2038 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MASSACHUSETTS. 283 BACKUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Baptists defended. A review of Henry M. Dexter s account of the visit to William Witter, in "As to Roger Williams." Paper read by Henry M. King at the semi-annual meeting of the Society, Boston, December 8, 1870, and published by vote of the Society. Boston, 1880. 12mo, pp. 40. (2o:iJ> BAY STAT/J HISTORICAL LEAOl E. Boston, ,l/(/.v.v. BAY STATE HISTORICAL LEAGUE. Co-operation among local historical societies. A paper read before the League, Boston, Mass., February LTt, 100.">. By Charles II. Woodbury. Waltham, Mass., 1005. pp. 14. I2O4O BEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Flag of the minute men, April 10. 17ir>. By A. E. Brown. [Boston,] 1804. sq. 12mo. I2O41 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. PitixficU, Max*. BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Four papers of the Society. [Pittsfield,] 188G. 8vo, pp. (8), 13.">. Contents : Officers ; Constitution ; Prefatory note ; Berkshire Geology, by J. D. Dana ; The Western Boundary of Massachusetts, by F. L. Pope ; Judicial History of Berkshire, by Henry W. Taft ; The Early Roads and Settlements of Berkshire, west of Stockbridge and Sheffield, by II. F. Keith. (2O42 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. The Western Boundary of Massachusetts : A study of Indian and Colonial history, by Franklin Leonard Pope. Pittsfield, 1880. 8vo, pp. Gl, (1). Folded map. Reprinted from the Papers of the Society. (2O43 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Book of Berkshire. Papers by its Historical and Scientific Society. Pittsfield, 1880. 8vo, pp. 108. . Contents : The early botany of Berkshire, by Rev. A. B. Whipple ; Prof. Albert Hopkins, by President John Bascom ; Sketches of the early ministers of Windsor, by John L. T. Phillips ; Early settlements in Cheshire, by J. M. Barker. (2O44 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Book of Berkshire. Papers by its Historical and Scientific Society. Pittsfield, Mass, 1800. 8vo, pp. [109]-246. Contents : Medicine in Berkshire, by A. M. Smith ; The Protestant Episcopal Church in Berkshire, by Joseph Hooper ; A sketch of the Samuel Phillips family, by Levi Beebe ; The Indian mission in Stockbridge, by E. W. B. Canning. (2044tt BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Berkshire Book. Papers by its Historical and Scientific Society. Pittsfield, Mass., 1891. 8vo, pp. [GL [2471-319. Contents : Berkshire at Bennington, by A. L. Perry ; Recollections of Elder Lelahd, byMrs. F. F. Petitcler ; The history, methods, and purposes of the Berkshire Athenaeum, by Harlan H. Ballard ; Air currents, by Levi Beebe ; Col. John Brown, by E. W T . B. Canning. (2O44f> 284 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Berkshire book: by its His torical and Scientific Society. Vol. i. Pittsfield, 1892. 8vo, pp. vi (2), 135, 319, vii. Contents : Berkshire Geology, by J. D. Dana ; The Western Boundary of Massachusetts, by Franklin Leonard Pope ; Judicial History of Berkshire, by H. W. Taft ; The Early Roads and Settlements of Berkshire County, by II. P. Keith ; The Early Botany of Berkshire, by A. B. Whipple ; Prof. Albert Hop kins, by John Bascom ; -Sketches of the Early History of Windsor, by J. L. T. Phillips ; Early Settlements in Cheshire, by J. N. Barker ; Medicine in Berkshire, by A. M. Smith ; The Protestant Episcopal Church in Berkshire, by Joseph Hooper; A Sketch of the Samuel Phillips Family, by Levi Beebe ; The Indian Mission in Stockbridge, by E. W. B. Cannings ; Berkshire at Bennington, by A. L. Perry; Recollections of Elder Leland, by Mrs. F. F. Petitcler ; The History, Methods, and Purposes of the Berkshire Athenreum, by II. H. Ballard ; Air Cur rents, by Levi Beebe: Col. John Brown. (2O45 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Collections. Pittsfield, 1804. 8vo, pp. (4), 138. Contents : Jonathan Edwards, by John Bascom ; Glass Manufacture in Berk shire, by William G. Harding; Indian Land Grants in Stockbridge, by E. W. B. Canning; Arnold s Expedition to Quebec, by W. E. Collins; Sandisfield: its Past and Present, by Aaron W. Field ; The Battle of Bennington, by H. D. Hall. (2O46 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Collections. 1894-1897. Pitts- field, Mass. 1894-1897. 8vo, pp. 138, 92, 181, 312. Contents : Jonathan Edwards, by John Bascom ; Glass manufacture in Berk shire, by William G. Harding; Indian land grants in Stockbridge; Arnold s ex pedition to Quebec, by W. E. Collins; Sandisfield, its past and present, by Aaron W. Field ; The battle of Bennington, by Henry D. Hall ; History of paper making in Berkshire county, by Byron Weston ; The Louisiana purchase, by L. E. Munson : An account of a portion of the Allen family, by Thomas Allen ; Origin of the name "Berkshire," by Arthur Lawrence; History of Episcopal church in Berkshire county, by S. I*. Parker; Deacon Alexander Hyde, by L. S. Rowland; Monograph concerning Alexander Hyde, Esq., by E. W. B. Canning; Mark Hopkins, teacher, by Leverett Wilson Spring: Gov. George N. Briggs, by A. B. Whipple; Amos Eaton, by Harlan H. Ballard; Reprint of first circular of the Rensselaer school, 1826; The Dedham Eatons, by Daniel C. Eaton; Joseph White, second president of the Berkshire Historical and Scientific Soci ety, by Keyes Danforth ; Paper on the 150th anniversary of granting the charter of the town of Lanesborough, Mass., by Charles J. Palmer ; Geological history of Balance rock, Lanesborough, by A. B. Whipple. (2O47 BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Collections. Pittsfield, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. 88. Contents : Origin of the name of Pittsfield, by J. E. A. Smith ; Social life and customs of the early citizens of Berkshire, by Alexander Hyde ; David Ingersoll, Jr., a Great Barrington loyalist of the Revolution, by Charles J. Taylor; Rev. John Todd, by Rollin II. Cooke. (2O4S BERKSHIRE HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. Collections. Pittsfield, Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. 91-188. Contents : The Sedgwicks of Berkshire, by H. D. Sedgwick ; The birds of Berk shire county, Massachusetts, by Walter Faxon and Ralph Hoffmann ; Mark Hop kins, by John Bascom. (2O49 BEVERLY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Beverly, Mass. BEVERLY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws of the Society. Annual report of the Council, 1894-95. (2O5O BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. 285 BEVKRLY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Council reports, 1896-98. (2051 BKVKKLY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society on occasion of presen tation of tablet commemorating the minute-men of Beverly. By Charles Frederic Smith. New York, 1890. 12mo, pp. 28. Plate. (2O52 BKXKULY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of autograph letters and autographs in the Charles William Galloupe, "Sen., Room. [Boston 1, 1898. 321110, pp. 90. ( 205, J BOSTON ANTIQUARIAN CLUB. Boston, Mass. BOSTON ANTIQUARIAN CLUB. Reply to Francis Brinley on the Claims of John P. Bigelow as Founder of the Boston Public Library. By Timothy Bigelow. Read before the Club, May 11, 1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 50. (2054 BOSION ANTIQUARIAN CLUB. William Cooper, the Town Clerk of Boston: a paper read at the meeting of the Club, April 12, 1881, by Frederick Tucker- nian. Amherst, 1885. 8vo, pp. 7. (2O55 BOSTON NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. BOSTON NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Address of Winslow Lewis on resigning the presidency of the Society, January 5, 1865. New York, 1866. 121110, pp. 13. (205J BOSTON NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. -Constitution and by-laws. Boston, 1867. Square 8vo, pp. 12. (2O57 BOSTON NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Boston, 1871. Square 8vo, pp. 15. (2O5S BOSTON NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Constitution, by-laws, charter, and list of mem bers. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 15. (2059 BOTTOM AX SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the r.nnual meeting, January 10, 1882. Boston. 8vo, pp. 8. Plate. Recently printed for the first time to complete the series. (2<M>O BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 9, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 27. Plate (2O1 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 8. 1884. Boston, 1884. . 8vo, pp. 54. Plate. (2O2 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 13, 1885. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 90. Plates. (2O63 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 12, 1886. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 55. Plate. (2O64 286 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 11, 1887. Portrait. Two plates. Proceedings at the annual (2065 meeting, January 10. 1888. Two plates. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 8, 1889. (207 14, 1S!)0. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 13, 1891. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Boston, 1887. Svo, pp. 71. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. 55. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 48. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Boston, 1890. Svo, pp. 46. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY . Boston, 1891. Svo. pp. 72. Contains an account of the Leffingwell autographs purchased by the Society, and incidentally gives historical reminiscences .of the Old State House. The pamphlet also includes photogravures of the three water-color views of Huston, taken hy Capt. Richard Byron about 1764. (2O69 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY . Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 12, 1892. Boston, 1892. Svo, pp. 60. (SO7O BOSTONIAN SOCIETY . Proceedings, January 10, 1893. Boston, 1893. Svo, pp. 64. Contains President s address, reports of committees, officers, etc., and an ab stract of Judge Mellen Chamberlain s address on James Otis and the writs of assistance. (2O71 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings, January 9, 1894. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 68. Photograph. Pages 24-35 contain address delivered by Thomas Handasyd Perkins at the laying of the corner stone of the Merchants Exchange, State street, August 2, 1841, in which he gave his own reminiscences of " Sixty years ago." (2O72 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY . Proceedings, January 8, 1895. Boston, 1895. Svo, pp. 76. Photograph of the wharves of Boston in 1820. Pages 29-47- contain list of pictures of vessels exhibited in 1894. (2O73 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 14, 1896. Boston, 189G. Svo, pp. 70. Contents : President s annual address ; Reports ; Reminiscences of old Boston anonymous ; Officers ; Members ; By-laws. (2O74 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting. January 12, 1897. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 54. Contents : President s annual address ; Reports ; Words coined in Boston, by C. W. Ernst; Officers; Members; By-laws. (2O75 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 11, 1898. Boston, 1898. Svo, pp. 82. Contents : Reports of officers and committees ; Boston and transportation, by C. W. Ernst ; Thomas Hancock, proprietor of the Hancock Mansion, in Bea con street, by Carlton A. Staples ; The old Franklin Street Church and its first pastors, by J. P. Bodflsh ; Officers ; Members ; By-laws. (2O76 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 10, 1899. Boston, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. 97. Contents : President s annual address ; Reports, etc. ; The defence of Bos ton in the war of 1812, by Walter Kendall Watkins ; Bibliography of the war of 1812 ; Roster of officers of Massachusetts militia engaged in the defence of Boston in the autumn of 1814. (2O77 BOSTON I AN SOCIETY. 287 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Prix-codings at the annual mooting, January 9, 1900. Boston, 1000. 8vo, pp. 72. Plate. Contents : President Curtis Guild s address Recollections of a Boston schoolboy; Reports ;, Words coined in Boston, by C. \V. Ernst ; Officers; Mem bers ; By-laws. (2O78 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 8, 1901. Boston, Mass., 1901. 8vo, pp. G7. Plate. Contents: Annual address of the president, Curtis Guild ; Reports; Boston ships, past and present, by R. G. F. Candage ; Officers; Members; By-laws. (207J> BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 14, 1902. Boston, 1902. Svo, pp. 67. Plate. Contents : President s annual address ; Reports of committees, officers, etc. ; The diary of William Read, a Boston physician, April, isr>l : I. The rendition of Thomas Sims; II. The great storm; III. The reception to Daniel Webster; IV. The election of Charles Sumner as senator. (2OSO BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 13, 1903. Boston, 1903. Svo, pp. 79. Plate. Contents : President s annual address ; Reports of committees, officers, etc. ; The life and activities of John Read, of Boston, K>7!)-174iX (2OS1 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, Jan. 12, 1904. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 88. Map. Contents : Reports of committees, officers, and members ; Charter and by-laws ; Recollections of Boston merchants in the eigh teen-forties, by Aaron Sargent ; Psalms, tune-books, and-music of the forefathers, by Ernest Newton Bagg ; Map of Boston harbor, 1689. (2O82 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 10, 1905. Boston, 1905. Svo, pp. 94. Plate. Map. Contents: President s annual address; Reports; Boston one hundred years ago, by Walter Kendall Watkins ; A plan of Boston, 179(5; Colonial and Revo lutionary social life, by John Ilowland Crandon ; Officers and members; By laws of the Society. (2J>s;j BOSTON i AN SOCIETY. Abel Bowon, engraver. A sketch prepared for the Bos- tonian Society, by W. II. Whitmore. Boston, 1884. Svo, pp. 32. Illustrated. Portrait. A photograph of Bowen, and twelve woodcuts by him printed from the original blocks are inserted. (2OS4 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. New Chapter in the History of the Concord Fight : (iroton Minutemen at the North Bridge, April 19, 1775. [Road before the Society, April 14, 1885.] Appendix: (1) Towns engaged in the fighting and move ments, losses, etc. (2) Monuments, memorials, etc., erected to commemo rate the events of the day. By William W. Whoildon. Boston, 1885. Svo, pp. 32. Inserted engraving of old North Bridge. (2O.s:> BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. The Province Laws. Their value, and the progress of the new edition. By Daniel T. V. Huntoon. Boston, 1885. Svo, pp. 24. (208G BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Prytaneum Bostoniense. Notes on the history of the old State House, formerly known as the Town House in Boston the Court- House in Boston the Province Court-House, the State House, and the City Hall. By George H. Moore. Read before the Society May 12, 1885. Bos ton, 1885. Svo, pp. 31. (2O87 288 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. New chapter in the Concord fight : Groton Mimitemeii at the North Bridge, April 19, 1775. [Paper by William W. Wheildon, rend af n meeting of the Bostonian Society, April 14, 1885.1 Groton, 1880. [Groton Historical Series, No. 10.] 8vo, pp. 3-10. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Collections of the Bostonian Society. Vol. i. Nos. 1, L . .",. Boston, 1880-1888. 8vo, pp. 74. Contents: Vol. i, No. 1. William Blaxton, read by Thomas Coffin Amory. No vember !), 1880. Boston, 1880. pp. 25. No. 2. Abel Bovven, by William Henry Whitmore, Boston, 1887. pp. (2), 29-56. [Consists of a reproduction of the Copperplates and woodcuts engraved by Bowen and used by him in his Picture of Boston and other publications, with explanatory notes. Kight full- page copperplates; 12 full-page woodcuts; 3 heliotype portraits; 7 woodcuts in the text.] Vol. i, No. 3. Changes of values in real estate in Boston the past one hundred years. Read by Alexander S. Porter, April 13, 1886. Boston, 1888. pp. (2), 57-74, 8vo. Contains a woodcut of Curtis House, Jamaica Plain. (2O89 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. The Old Boston Taverns and Tavern Clubs. By Samuel Adams Drake. Boston, 1880. 12mo, pp. 70. " Of what is now included in the following pages, a portion was read by me to the Bostonian Society several years ago, but not printed." (Preface.) i 2090 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. The Old State House defended from unfounded Attacks upon its Integrity. Being a reply to Dr. G. II. Moore s second paper, read before the Bostonian Society, February 9, 1886. By William H. Whitmore. Boston, 188G. 8vo, pp. 8. Addressed to the members of the Society. (2O91 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Provincial Pictures by Brush and Pen: an address deliv ered before the Bostonian Society, in the Council Chamber of the old State House, Boston, May 11, 1880. By Daniel Goodwin, jr. Chicago: Fergus Printing Company. 1880. 8vo, pp. 84. Plate. Portraits. (2O92 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Prytaneum Bostoniense. Notes on the History of the Old State House. By George II. Moore. Second paper. Read before the So ciety, February 9, 1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 80. (2093 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Prytaneum Bostoniense. Examination of Mr. William H. Whitmore s old State House Memorial and Reply to his Appendix X. By George H. Moore. Second edition, with additions. Boston : Cupples, Up- bam & Co. 1887. 8vo, pp. 30 (1). Pages 25-39 contain, with a separate title-page, The Old State House De fended from Unfounded Attacks upon its Integrity. Being a reply to the third appendix to Dr. George H. Moore s second paper, read before Bostonian Society, February 9, 1886, by William H. Whitmore, with footnotes. Boston, 1886. Re printed, New York, 1887. (2O94 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society. [Special meeting, May 24, 1877.] Eulogy on Samuel Miller Quincy, by Samuel Arthur Bent, May 24, 1887. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 27. Portrait. (2O95 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. [ Letter accompanying] Portrait of John Paul Jones, pre sented to the Bostonian Society, November 12, 1889. By B. F. Stevens. [Boston, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 8. BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. 289 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. The Province Seal of New Hampshire under William and Mary, 1692-1694. A paper read before the Society, June 12, 1888, by James Ridge Stamvood. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 28. (2O97 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Isaac Hull and American frigate " Constitution." Letter accompanying picture presented to the Bostonian Society February 11, 1890, by Benjamin Franklin Stevens. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 22. (2O98 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. John Hancock and his Times. Read before " The Bos tonian Society," in the old State House, by the Secretary, William Clarence Bui-rage, June 13, 1880. Published by the John Hancock Mutual Life In surance Company, of Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 18. Nine plates (2O99 BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Collections of the Society in the Me morial Halls of the Old State House, Boston, February 1, 1893. Prepared by Samuel Arthur Bent, Clerk of the Society. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. (2), 91. (21OO BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Colburn collection of portraits and auto graphs. Boston, The Bostonian society, 1901. 8vo, 2 p. 1., pp. 124. Front, (port.). (21O1 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Brookline, Mas*. BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications. First series, num bers 1 to 10. Issued in 1895 and 1896. With a list of subscribers and Complete Index. Brookline, Mass., 1897. Svo, pp. 185. (21O2 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 1. A letter from Rebecca Boylston to Edmund Boylston, March 5, 1810. Svo, pp. 6. (21O3 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 2. The Sharpe papers in the Brookline public library. 8vo, pp. 7-14. (21O4 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No, 3. Brookline in the Revolution. By Margaret Elizabeth May. 8vo, pp. 15-34. (2105 i BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 4. Papers of the White family of Brookline, 1650-1807. 8vo, pp. 37-53. (21O6 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 5. Roxbury Church records relating to Brookline. Reprinted from Vol. vi of the reports of the Record Commissioners of Boston, second edition, Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. [55]-57. Printed in Jan.. 1896. (21O7 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 6. Early no tices of local events. 8vo, pp. [59]-64. Printed in April, 1896. (21O8 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 7. Letter from Brigadier-General Edward A. Wild to the Brookline War Committee, Nov. 26, 1861. 8vo, pp. [65]-68. Printed in May, 1896. (21O9 RROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 8. First Parish Church records of baptisms, marriages, and deaths, for 100 years, 1718-1817. 8vo, pp. [69]-135. (211O H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 19 290 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. P.KOOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 9. The history of the Lyceum movement in Brookline. By Grace Elizabeth Mathews. 8vo, pp. [137]-142. Printed in July, 1896. (2111 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications, No. 10. Brookline in the Civil War. By Katheriue Robinson Briggs. 8vo, pp. [143]-158. Printed in December, 1896. Index, pp. [159]-172. (2112 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Publications. Second series numbers 11 to 20. Issued in 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900. With index. Brookline, Mass., 1900. 8vfc, pp. 179. (2113 No. 11. Three glimpses of Brookline, in 1700, 1800, and 1900. By Marion L. Sharp- 8vo, pp. 15. Printed in September, 1897. (2114 No. 12. Major Thompson s deposition. Being a spirited protest to the General Court by a Brookline patriot of 1775 against the forcible quartering of soldiers in his domicile. 8vo, pp. [17]-20. Printed in Jan., 1898. (2115 No. 13. The Brookline Town Meeting. By Charles W. Kellogg, jr. 8vo, pp. 21-34. Printed in October, 1897. (2116 No. 14. The Devotion family of Brookline. By Susan Vining Gross. 8vo, pp. 35-46. Printed in April, 1898. (2117 No. 15. Extracts from the account book of John Goddard, of Brookline. Svo, pp. 47-53. Printed in July, 1898. (2117o No. 16. More early notices of local events. Collected by Ellen Chase. Svo, pp. 55-64. Printed in March, 1899. (2118 No. 17. Town papers, 1774-1822. Selected and communicated to the Society by Edward W. Baker. Svo, pp. 67-74. (2119 No. 18. Brookline in the Anti-Slavery movement. By Harold Parker Wil liams. Svo, pp. 75-88. Printed in October, .1899. (2120 Nos. 19-20. Some works relating to Brookline, Massachusetts, from its settle ment to the year 1900. By Charles Knowles Bolton. Svo, pp. 89-179. Printed in January, 1900. (2121 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Some works relating to Brook- line, Massachusetts, from its settlement to the year 1900. With notes and corrections. By Charles Knowles Bolton. Brookline, 1900. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society. Svo, pp. 91-117. (2122 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brookline, Mass. BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the [1st] annual meeting, January 28, 1902. Brookline, Mass., 1902. 8vo, pp. 47. Plate. Contents: President s annual address; The*Devotion family, by Walter K. Watkins ; Reports : Officers and committees ; Members : By-laws. (2123 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the [2nd] annual meeting, January 28, 1903. Brookline, 1903. Svo, pp. 58, v. Contents: President s address: The Goddard bouse, built about 1730: its owners and occupants, by Julia Goddard; The Sewall house, by Charles H. Stearns. (2124 BROOKLINE HISTORIAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at the annual meet ing. January 27, 1904. Brookline, Mass., 1904. Svo, pp. 56, v. Plates. Contents : President s annual address ; Brookline Volunteer Fire Department, by Edward W. Baker ; Reports of officers, etc. ; Additions to Library ; Charter of incorporation ; List of members ; Officers and committees ; By-laws. (2125 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 291 BKOOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 1. Jeremy Gridley. Paper road before the Society, October 22, 1902. By R. G. F. Gandage. Brook- line, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 32. (212G BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 2. Elbanan Winchester, by John Emory Hoar ; Recollections of Brookline, by Mary W. Poor ; Brook- line village, 1865 to 1902, from notes by Martin Kingman. Brookline, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 48. (2127 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 3, [pt. 1]. John White, of Muddy River, and descendants of his youngest son, Benjamin. A paper read before the society April 22, 1903, and April 27, 1904, by Charles F. White. Brookline, Mass., The Society, 1904. 8vo, pp. 38, pi., port., map, geneal. tab. (2128 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 3, [pt. 2]. The Centennial of Blue Hill Academy. A paper by R. G. F. Candage. Read at the meeting of the society, Dec. 23, 1903. [Brookliue, Mass.] The Society, 1904. 8vo, pp. 15. Caption title. (2129 CAXTOy HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canton, Mass. CANTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Did John Eliot preach at Ponkapog? Paper read before the Society, May (5, 1878, by D. T. V. Huntooii. Broadside. (213O THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Mass. THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. By-laws. With the certificate of incorporation and lists of officers and members. Boston, 1893. 8vo. pp. 17. (2131 Tin; COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Historical work in Massachusetts. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 57. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society, Vol. I. (2132 THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. Vol. i. Transac tions, 1892-1894. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. xx, 525. Facsimiles. Portraits. CONTENTS. * Part 1. Introductory note ; Transactions, 1892 : Council ; Members ; Histor ical work in Massachusetts, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Beverly and the set tlement at Bass River, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; John Saffln and slave Adam, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Palatine Light and the Shipwreck of the Palatines, by H. II. Edes ; Daniel Denison, by D. D. Slade ; Remarks on the Antinomians and Quak ers, by A. C. Goodell, jr. The Lady Mowlson scholarship, by W. W. Goodwin ; Minutes of the Bristol Convention, 1774, by A. C. Goodell, jr., and E. G. Porter ; Corporations in the days of the Colonies, by Andrew McF. Davis, with remarks by A. C. Goodell, jr. The right to coin under the Colonial charters, by R. N. Toppan ; The Psalmodies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, by S. Lothrop Thorndike ; Draft by Major Shaw of the Institution of the Cincinnati, with facsimile, and remarks by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Minutes of the Bristol Convention, 1775 ; Memoir of Frederick Lothrop Ames, by Leverett Saltonstall. A frontier 292 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. family (Wheelwright), by Edmund M. Wheelwright; Memoir of Francis Parkman, by Edward Wheelwright ; The pedigree of Ann Radcliffe, Lady Mowl- son, by A. McF. Davis ; Commission to Charles de La Tour as Lieutenant- General of Acadia, 1631 ; John Saffin s tomb and family, by A. C. Goodell, jr ; The family of John Kind, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Andrew and Peter Fanueil, and Peter Baynton and his Sutton lands, by H. H. Edes ; Document pertaining to English contributions for the sufferers by the battle of Lexington ; The Massa chusetts election sermons, by Lindsay Swift ; Index. (2133 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. " Vol. n, reserved for the Commissions and Instructions of the Royal Governors of the Province of Massachusetts Bay." Cf. Preface to Vol. in. Not yet printed. (2134 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. Vol. in. Transactions, 1895-1897. Boston, 1900. 8vo. pp. xxiv, 577. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Officers ; Members ; Transactions ; Provincial banks : land and silver, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; The religious situation in the Ameri can colonies before the Revolution, by Joseph Henry Allen ; Remarks by William G. Weld in communicating two papers pertaining to the Land Bank of 1740 text of these documents ; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Notes on the trial and punishment of crimes in the court of assistants in the time of the col ony, and in the superior court of judicature in the first years of the province, by John Noble ; Remarks by Henry H. Edes in presenting some volumes of the Bromley maps of Boston ; Captain John Quelch, the pirate, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks upon the death of Leverett Saltonstall, by Philip Howes Sears, Ed ward Griffin Porter, George Silsbee Hale, Henry Herbert Edes, Henry Williams; The site of Governor Winthrop s house in Boston, by Frederick Lewis Gay ; Paper on Sir Thomas Mowlson, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Bibliography of the historical publications of the New England states, by Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin ; Reports ; Copy of an indictment of two negroes, -in 1742, for attempting to fight a duel on Boston Common ; Robert Sedgwick, by Henry Dwight Sedgwick ; Remarks by Charles Sedgwick Rackemann ; Remarks by Henry H. Edes in commu nicating a letter of the Rev. Samuel Gary, 1806 ; New England plants seen by the earliest colonists, by George Lincoln Goodale ; Certificate of Gov. Shirley s Prot estantism, 1746 ; Remarks by the president upon the death of Martin Brimmer, Edward Wigglesworth, Daniel Denison Slade ; Remarks by George Silsbee Hale, William Watson Goodwin, Abner Cheney Goodell, jr., Henry Ernest Woods, Ed ward Wheelwright, John Lowell, Charles Montraville Green ; Paper by Abner Cheney Goodell, jr., describing the Massachusetts House Journals, 1644-1657 ; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis in communicating an anonymous letter to Governor Shirley threatening to burn his house : Remarks by Abner C. Goodell, jr., in communicating a proclamation by Gov. Hancock in 1783 ; Notes on the libel suit of Knowles v. Douglass in the superior court of judicature, 1748 and 1749; Correspondence between Secretary Willard and Commodore Knowles, 1747; Copy of a petition of Martin Brimmer and five French Protestants to be ad mitted to citizenship in the province, 1730 ; The suit of Frost v. Leighton, 1734, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Decision of the supreme judicial court of Massa chusetts affecting the Old South Society in Boston, 1876 ; Paper by Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin respecting a hitherto unknown daughter of Benjamin Franklin ; Remarks by the President in referring to the death of William Gordon Weld and Governor Russell ; Reports ; Resolutions on the death of Benjamin Apthorp Gould : Remarks by James Bradley Thayer, Philip Howes Sears, Seth Carlo Chand^r, Darwin Erastus Ware, Samuel L. Thorndike, Ed ward Wheelwright, George Lincoln Goodale, Samuel Wells, George S. Hale, William Watson, Henry H. Edes. Remarks upon the death of Francis Amasa Walker, by John Lowell ; Remarks by George S. Hale ; The early court files of Suffolk county, by John Noble, with remarks by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Memoir of William Gordon Weld, by Joseph Henry Allen ; Memoir of Martin Brimmer, by George Silsbee Hale ; Memoir of John Forrester Andrew, by Edmund March Wheelwright ; Inaugural address of Edward Wheelwright ; Correspondence between John G. Bourinot and Henry H. Edes concerning the name and ante cedents of Pierre Boucher de la Broquerie ; Three letters written by an Ameri can loyalist (Martin Gay) and his wife, 1775-1788, by Edward Wheelwright; Harvard commencement programme of 1732, by Andrew McFarland Davis; The failure to establish an hereditary political aristocracy in the colonies, by Robert N. Toppan ; An unpublished letter of President Dunster to a committee of the COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 293 General Court, in 1653, concerning the affairs of Harvard college, with re marks by II. II. Edes, and Andrew McFarland Davis ; The use at American colleges of the word Campus, by Albert Matthews ; Tribute to Darwin Erastus Ware, by James Bradley Thayer, John Noble ; A trial in 1685 for frequenting the college contrary to law, by John Noble ; Memoir of Benjamin Apthorp Gould, by Samuel Lothrop Thorndike ; Tribute to John Lowell ; Index. (2135 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. No. iv. Not published. (2136 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. Vol. v. Transactions, 181)7, 1898. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. xix, 402. Portraits, Facsimiles. Contents : Address by the president, Edward Wheelwright ; The records and files of the Superiour Court of Judicature, and of the. Supreme Judicial Court their history and places of deposit, by John Noble ; Reports ; Memoir of Darwin Erastus Ware, by James B. Thayer ; Tribute to Judge Lowell, by S. Lothrop Thorndike ; Tribute to George S. Hale, by Philip II. Sears ; Tribute to Judge Lowell, by John Noble ; Remarks by Edward Griffin Porter describing a visit to New England in 1897 of Lieut. Gen. George Digby Barker, C. B., and the diary of his grandfather, Lieut. John Barker, 17741776 ; Letter on the doings of the Boston Tea Party from Dr. Franklin to Thomas Cushing and others, 1774, with remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Communication by John Noble of original papers relating to the trial of Capt. Thomas Preston and the soldiers concerned in the riot of the fifth of March, 1.770, and his remarks thereon ; Letter of Cotton Mather, 1714-15, with remarks by II. II. Edes ; Extract from the minute book of the trial of Captain Preston ; Memoir of William Eustis Russell, by Charles C. Everett ; A Connecticut land bank, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Letter from Abner C. Goodell, jr., communicating a copy of a royal commission to the bishop of London, 1730, authorizing him to exercise certain Episcopal functions in America ; Fragment of the original journal of the Massachusetts House of Deputies, 1649, with remarks by Abner C. Goodell, jr., and John Noble ; Notes on Vol. in of the printed copy of the Massachusetts Colony Rec ords, by William P. Upham ; John Davis, of York, and his Thanksgiving procla mation of 1681, by Henry H. Edes ; Tribute to Francis Vergnies Balch, by Ed ward Wheelwright, Charles S. Rackemann, Moses Williams, John Noble, H. II. Edes. Henry Pelham, the half-brother of John Singleton Copley, by Denison Rogers Slade ; Letter of Lord Lyndhurst, 1797 ; Copley s picture of the death of Major Pierson, by Edward G. Porter ; Remarks by Henry Williams on the Charter Oak and the Connecticut Charter ; Early letter of Washington, 1755 ; Memorandum by Constance Gary Harrison ; Remarks by II. II. Edes on Wash ington s attachment for Sally Gary ; Hired man and help, by Albert Matthews ; Some Massachusetts tories, by John Noble, with remarks by Edward G. Porter; Tribute to Joseph Henry Allen, by Archibald M. Howe, II. II. Edes; The Land Bank of 1740, the Silver Bank, and the Essex County Land Bank, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; The commission of Brig. Gen. Joseph Dwight as Judge Advocate during the siege of Louisburg, and a letter of Mrs. Elizabeth Montague to Mrs. Mercy Warren, 1795, by Charles S. Rackemann ; A list of the Harvard College theses of 1063, with remarks by Henry II. Edes ; Note on the use at Harvard, before 1781, of letters at the end of the dedication of the com mencement programme : the mysterious letters interpreted, remarks by John Noble, Abner C. Goodell, Henry Williams, George Lyman Kittredge. Reports Memoir of Leverett Saltonstall, by Joseph II. Choate ; Concerning the Quakers and the charge of immodesty brought against them, by Henry A. Parker ; Ac count of school stock given to the Grammar school in Hartford, by the trustees under the will of Gov. Edward Hopkins, 1650 ; Charges for printing Eliot s Indian books original letter from Hezekiah Usher to the commissioners for the United Colonies, 1664 ; A hue and cry, by John Noble. Index. (2137 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. Vol. vi. Transactions. 1899, 1900. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. xix, 534. Contents : Council of the Society ; Members ; Transactions, 1899 ; Recogni zance of Paul Blanchard, 1776, charged with fraudulently altering bills of the state of Massachusetts, and exhibition ot some of the bills, by John Noble ; The New London Company United for Trade and Commerce, by Andrew McFarland Davis; Land controversies in Maine, 1769-1772, by John Noble; Note on the Indian Sagamore Samoset, by Albert Matthews ; Photographic copy of a letter 294 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of Washington to Gen. Jonathan Warner, 1777, with remarks hy Edward Wheel wright ; Two letters from James Lovell, 1778, and one from Samuel Adams, 1777, by Denison R. Slade ; Note on James Lovell, by Albert Matthews ; Com- munication by Robert Noxon Toppan on an important error in Secretary Raw- son s record of the adjournment of the General Court, in May, 16SO ; Remarks by Charles K. Bolton on the arrest of John Colman, 1720; Notes, by Henry II. Edes, on John Colman, James Gooch, Jeremiah Belknap ; Communication by John Noble, of extracts from the Records of the Court of Assistants, 1673-1692, Remarks by Abner C. Goodell ; Memoir of George Martin Lane, by William Wat son Goodwin ; Tribute to Henry Parker Quincy, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; by Bishop Lawrence; The places of worship of the Sandemanians in Boston, by Henry II. Edes, with maps showing location ; Note on Benjamin Davis, the loyal ist, Note on Isaac. Winslow, senior and junior ; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis on the Sandemanians ; Communication by Frederick Lewis Gay, of a Peti tion to the Provincial Congress, complaining of the quality of the food furnished to the army, 1775 ; The topographical terms " interval " and " intervale." by Albert Matthews ; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes of contemporary verses and an epitaph acrostic in memory of Professor McKean ; The currency and pro vincial politics, by Andrew McFarland Davis; Remarks by H. H. Edes in com municating a collection of letters and papers relating to the early history of Yale University ; Historical societies in Massachusetts, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Memoir of Daniel Denison Slade, by Edward Wheelwright ; Reports ; Joseph Boucher De Niverville, by Albert Matthews ; An Old Harvard Commencement pro gramme, 1730, by John Noble ; Note on Boston-Light ; A few notes touching Stran gers Courts in the colony, by John Noble ; Memoir of Joseph Henry Allen, by Charles Carroll Everett ; Communication by Worthington C. Ford of letters of Governor Shirley and William Bollan to the Lords of Trade, respecting the disre gard in New England of the Navigation Laws, 1743 ; Remarks by Andrew McFar land Davis ; The Purgatory River of Colorado, by Albert Matthews ; Remarks by Henry II. Edes in communicating a letter of Edmund Quincy to his daughter Dorothy, afterwards wife of John Hancock, 1773 ; Note on Lydia Hancock ; The case of Maria in the Court of Assistants, in 1681, by John Noble, with remarks by Albert Matthews ; Tribute to Edward Griffin Porter, by Edward Wheel \v right ; Announcement of the formation of the Order of the Descendants of Colonial Gov ernors prior to 1750 ; Colonial America, by Worthington C. Ford ; Notes on the proposed abolition of slavery in Virginia in 1785, by Albert Matthews ; Remarks on the death of Edward John Phelps, by Edward Wheelwright ; Paper by Henry H. Edes on Chief Justice Martin Howard ; " Previous Legislation " a corrective for colonial troubles, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Remarks by Robert Noxon Toppan when exhibiting a volume containing a sermon, preached in St. Peter s, by Carvajal, in 1492 ; Remarks by Henry II. Edes in communicating a file of letters of James Martineau to Joseph Henry Allen, 1853-1898 ; Index. (2138 THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. Vol. vn. Transac tions, 1900-1902. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. xix, 454. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Transactions ; Captain Thomas Preston and the Boston Massacre, by Albert Matthews; Remarks by the President on an Episode connected with the Battle of Lexington ; Special meeting, 28 May, 1900 tribute to President Edward Wheelwright ; Annual meeting, November, 1900 Report of the council, Report of the treasurer ; Memoir of Edward Griffin Porter, by Samuel Swett Green ; Tribute to Charles Carroll Eeverett, by S. Lothrop Thorndike ; Com munication, by Frederic Lewis Gay, of letters of Governor John Winthrop and of the Reverend Edmund Browne ; Remarks by Thomas Minns in presenting photographs of buildings and places in Holland; Remarks by Henry Herbert Edes in exhibiting a Commission to Samuel Porter, dated 13 August, 1702; Tributes to Roger Wolcott ; Communication by Denison Rogers Slade of a Document relating to the Attleborough Iron Works, dated 13 April, 1745 ; Paper by Albert Matthews on Brother Jonathan ; Communication by Worthington Chauncey Ford of a Diary and Letters of George Washington, written in 1785 ; Communication by Charles Knowles Bolton of an Elegy on the Death of George Washington ; Remarks by Henry Herbert Edes in exhibiting a copy of Titan s New Almanack for the Year of Christian Account 1729 Notes by Henry Winchester Cunningham ; Note on William Sanford, by Henry W. Cun ningham ; Tributes to Henry Williams ; Communication by Worthington Chauncey Ford of Letters of Catharine Macaulay, William Bollan, and Thomas COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 295 Pownall, relating to the Boston Massacre ; Communication by Henry W. Cunningham of Letters of Joshua Bates and Jared Sparks ; Remarks by Henry H. Edes in communicating a letter of Miss Fanny Searle describing an ex cursion on the Middlesex Canal in 1817 ; Tribute to Robert Noxon Toppan ; Reports ; Paper by Albert Matthews on Indian Summer ; Remarks by Henry Winchester Cunningham in communicating a Journal of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Vose, written during the Expedition against Canada, from 26 April, to 2 July, 1776 ; Memoir cf Robert Noxon Toppan, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Taper by Albert Matthews on Bounties for Scalps ; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis in exhibiting a Table of Silver Rates from 1706 to 1750; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis in exhibiting a Table of Rates of Silver from 1730 to 1747 ; Paper by Robert Noxon Toppan on Edward Rawson ; Trib utes to James Bradley Thayer ; Paper by Henry Herbert Edes on the Degree of LL. D. conferred on Professor John Winthrop by Harvard College in 1773 ; Remarks by Albert Matthews on the Degree of LL. D. conferred on George Washington by Harvard College in 1776 ; Paper by Denison Rogers Slade on the Portraits of Montcalm ; Remai ks by William Coolidge Lane on Two Jour nals written by Governor Henry Hamilton ; Memoir of Charles Carroll Everett, by Ephraim Emerton ; Communication by Worthington Chauncey Ford of a Diary of George Washington, kept at Mount Vernon, from 1 January to 30 April, 1786 ; Communication by Samuel Lothrop Thorndike of a paper on Andrew Craigie, of Cambridge, written by John Holmes ; Index. (For Vol. viir, Transactions, 1902-1904, published in 1906, see Appendix.) (2139 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Historical work in Massachusetts. By Andrew McFarland Davis. (Reprinted from the Publications of the Colo nial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. i.) Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 57. (2143 THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Corporations in the days of the Colony. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 34. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society, Vol i. (214O COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Memoir of Francis Parkman. By Ed mund Wheelwright. Cambridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 49. With portrait. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society, Vol. I. (160 copies.) (2141 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Memoir of Frederick Lothrop Ames. By Leverett Saltonstall. Boston : Printed for private distribution. 1894. 8vo, pp. 9. With portrait. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society, Vol. i. (100 copies.) (2142 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Bibliography of the historical publica tions issued by the New England States. By Appleton Prentiss Clark Griffin. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 47. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (2144 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Provincial banks : land and silver. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 40. Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. in. (2145 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Criminal trials in the Court of Assist ants and Superior Court of Judicature, 1630-1700. By John Noble. Cam bridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (214G COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The libel suit of Knowles vs. Douglass, 1748 and 1749. By John Noble. Cambridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 31. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (2147 296 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The Massachusetts election sermons; an essay in descriptive bibliography. By Lindsay Swift. Cambridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 68. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society, Vol. i. (2147a COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Memoir of John Forrester Andrew. By Edmund March Wheelwright. Cambridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 26. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (2148 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Martin Gay. Three letters written by an American loyalist and his wife, 1775-1788. With notes by Edward Wheelwright. Cambridge, 1898. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (2149 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Recent visit of Gen. Barker, and diary of Lieut. Barker during the siege of Boston. By Edward G. Porter. Cam bridge, 1898. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vi. (215O COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The currency and provincial politics, By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1900. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. vi. (2151 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. " Previous legislation," a corrective for colonial troubles. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. vi. (2153 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The terms Hired Man and Help. By Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 34. [Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. v.] (2153 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The use at American colleges of the word " campus." By Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (2154 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The Indian Sagamore Saruoset. By Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1901. Svo, pp. 15. Reorinted from the Publications, Vol. vi. (2155 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Memoir of Edward Griffin Porter. By Samuel Swett Green. Reprinted from the publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. vi. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 10. Front, (port.). (2156 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The topographical terms " Interval " and " Intervale." By Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vi. (2157 COLONIA^ SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Brother Jonathan, by Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 34. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vn. (2158 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Joseph Boucher de Niverville. By Al bert Matthews. Cambridge, 1902. Svo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vi. (2159 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 297 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Memoir of Robert Noxon Toppan, by Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1002. 8vo, pp. 13. Front, (port.). Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. vir. (21GO COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Tribute of the Colonial Society of Massa chusetts to James Bradley Thayer. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 20. (2161 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Notes on the proposed abolition of slavery in Virginia in 1785. By Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vi. (2162 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. A bibliography of the Massachusetts House journals, 1715-177(3, by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Cambridge, 1905. 8vo, 3 p. 1., pp. [3]-87. Keprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. iv. (2163 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Curious features of some of the early notes or bills used as a circulating medium in Massachusetts. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1905. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. x. (2164 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS, Journal of Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Yose, April- July, 1776 ; ed. by Henry Winchester Cunningham. Cam bridge, 1905. 8vo, pp. 20. Front., double map. Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. vn. (2165 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Joyce Junior. By Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1905. Large 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vin. (2166 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The limitations of prices in Massachu setts, 1776-1779. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge. 1905. Large 8vo. pp. 20. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. x. (2167 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The word Palatine in America, by Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 1905. 8vo, pp. 24. Reprinted from the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. vin. (2168 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. The word Park in the United States. Albert Matthews. Cambridge, 190(>. 8vo, pp. 373-309. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. vnr. (2169 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Concord, Mass. CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. [List of officers; By-laws.] [Concord, 1SSG.] 8vo, pp. (4). No title-page. (217O 298 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 1. Preliminaries of Concord fight. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by George Tolman. [Concord, Mass.] The Concord Antiquarian Society [1901?]. Svo, 1 p. 1., pp. 28. Front. (2171 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 2. The Concord minute men. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, March 4, 1901, by George Tolman. [Concord. Mass.] The Society [1901?]. 8vo, pp. 27. Front, (2172 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 3. Wright s Tavern. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by George Tolman. [Concord, Mass.] [1901?]. 8vo, pp. 26. Front. (2173 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 4. Concord and the tele graph. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society. January C5, 1902. By Alfred Munroe. [Concord, Mass.] [1902]. 8vo, pp. 22. Front, (port.)- An account of the fnventions of Harrison Gray Dyar. "Fostcript by the secretary," George Tolman. pp. 13-22. (2174 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 5. Story of an old house. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by the Hon. John S. Keyes. [Concord, Mass.] The Concord Antiquarian Society [1902?]. 8vo, pp. 17. Front. (2175 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 0. John Jack, the slave, and Daniel Bliss, the Tory. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by George Tolman. [Concord, Mass.] [1902?] 8vo, pp. 21. Front. (2176 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 7. The plantation at Mus- ketequid. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by Albert E. Wood. C. E. [Concord, Mass.] [1902?] 8vo, pp. 26. Front, (fold. map). (2177 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 8. Events of April nine teenth. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by George Tolman. [Concord, Mass.] [1902?] 8vo, pp. 36. 1 pi. (2178 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 9. How our great-grand fathers lived. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by Albert E. Wood, C. E. [Concord, Mass.] [1902?] 8vo, pp. 25. Front. (2179 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications, No. 10. Indian relics in Concord. Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by Adams Tolman. [Con cord, Mass.] [1902?] 8vo, pp. 26. Front. (2180 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Publications. No. 11. " Graves and worms and epitaphs." Read before the Concord Antiquarian Society, by George Tol man. [Concord, Mass.] [1902?] 8vo, pp. 30. Front. (2181 CONCORD ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Celebration of the two hundred sixty-ninth birthday of Concord by the Antiquarian Society of that town, September the twelfth, 1904; report of the eighteenth anniversary of the Concord Anti quarian Society, with address by Mr. P. K. Walcott, together with a list of members of the Society. [Boston] Printed for the Society, [1904]. 8vo, pp. 30. (2182 DEDHAM HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. 299 CONNECTICUT VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Springfield, Mass. CONNECTICUT VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Proceedings, 1876-1881. Springfield, 1881. 8vo, pp. xi, 325. Portrait. Contents : Prefatory Note ; Officers of the Society, 1881-82 ; List of Members ; Articles of Association ; By-Laws ; Introductory Address, by the President, Henry Morris ; The Breck Controversy in the First Parish in Springfield, in 1735, by Mason A. Green ; Salmon and Shad in the Connecticut River, by Alfred Booth ; The Old Springfield Fire Department, by Joseph K. Newell ; The Old Main Street Jail and the House of Correction in Springfield, by Henry Morris Dr. Stephen Williams, by John W. Harding ; Elizur Holyoke, by Henry Morris Springfield in the Insurrection of 1786 (Shays s Rebellion), by William L. Smith Review of Peters s History of Connecticut, by Charles Hammond ; Early naviga tion of the Connecticut River the First Steamboat, by T. M. Dewey ; The Old Pynchon Fort and its Builders, by Henry Morris ; Count Rumford and his Early Life, by Everett A. Thompson ; Dartmouth College and the State of New Connecticut, 1776-1782, by John L. Rice; Slavery in the Connecticut Valley, by Henry Morris ; Ryefield ; or, a Town in the Connecticut Valley at the Com mencement of the Nineteenth Century, by Mrs. William Rice ; Letter of Stephen Williams, D. D., to his children, 1760 ; Miles Morgan, by Henry Morris ; Minne- tona, or the Indian Gift, an Historical Poem, by William S. Shurtleff ; Bicen tennial Address, 1836, by Oliver B. Morris (originally delivered in the First Church in Springfield, May 25, 1836, on the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of the Town). (2183 CONNECTICUT VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Proceedings, 1882-1903. Vol. ii. Springfield, 1904. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 309. Contents : Prefatory note ; Officers ; Members ; Rev. Robert Breck contro versy, by E. II. Byington ; William Pynchon, the founder of Springfield, by E. H. Byington ; History of township number nine, formerly called Murrayfield, more lately Chester, by A. M. Copeland ; Leaves from the records of an old parish, by Ernest N. Bagg ; The Pocumtuck confederacy, by George Sheldon ; The Stockbridge Indians, by J. W. Harding ; Springfield in olden times, by Henry M. Burt ; Fire department of the city of Springfield, by A. P. Leshure ; Judge Shurtleff as a soldier, by Russell II. Conwell ; Judge Shurtleff as a lawyer, by A. M. Copeland ; The early physicians of Hampden county, by Marshall Calkins ; The Irish pioneers of the Connecticut Valley, by Edward A. Hall ; The early dentists of Hampden county, by Andrew J. Flanagan ; William Pynchon, by Lillian Palmer Powers ; Historical relations of Springfield and Westfield, by J. C. Greenough ; The American Indian, by Benjamin D. Hahn ; Springfield during the Revolution, by Henry A. Booth. (2184 DANVERS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Danvers, Mass. DANVERS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Old Anti-Slavery Days. Proceedings of the commemorative meeting held by the Danvers Historical Society, at the Town Hall, Danvers, April 26, 1893, with introduction, letters, and sketches. Danvers, 1893. 8vo, pp. xxvii, 151. Photograph. Plate. (2185 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DedJiam, Mass. DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Plan of Dedham Village, Mass., 1636-1876. With description of the grants of lots to the original owners, transcribed from the town records ; the plan showing approximately the situation of the original 300 AMERICAK HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. grants with relation to the present village. Published by the Dedhani His torical Society, 1883. 8vo, pp. 15, (1). Plan. (2186 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham, England. A paper read at the monthly meeting of the Society, December 7, 1887. By Rev. William F. Cheney. [Dedham, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 4. (2187 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Epitaphs in the old burial place, Dedham, Mass. Copied and arranged by Rev. Carlos Slafter, A. M. Published by the Ded ham Historical Society, 1888. Svo, pp. 53. Woodcut. (2188 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual reports of the Society, 1889, with by-laws and list of members. Dedham, 1889. Svo, pp. 14, (1). View. (2189 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual reports of the Society, 1890, with by-laws and list of members. Dedham, 1890. Svo, pp. 7. (2190 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual reports, 1891. Dedham, 1891. 8vo, pp. 8. (2191 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY-. Annual reports, 1892. Dedham, 1892. 8vo, pp. 7 (1). (2192 Same. 1893. Svo, pp. 8. (2192a DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Northerly part of ancient line between Dedham and Dorchester. By Charles Francis Jenney. Read before the Society, November 7, 1889. Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register. Vol. i. 1890. [Dedham, 1890.] Svo, pp. 15. Two maps. (2193 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paul s Bridge. By Charles F. Jenney. [Ded ham, 1890.] Svo, pp. 7. Woodcut. (2194 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Published by the Society. Vol. i. Dedham, 1890. 8vo, pp. iv, 120. Illustrated. Vols. i xiv, edited, and many articles written, by Julius H. Tuttle. Contents : Prospectus ; Brief sketch of the Society ; Publications ; Diary of Nathaniel Ames ; Incidents in the history of West Dedham, by Calvin S. Locke ; The Fisher family, by Horace N. Fisher ; The penal institutions of Dedham, by John W. Worthington ; Sheriffs of County of Norfolk ; Gleanings from newspaper literature, by H. T. Boyd ; Dedham in the Rebellion, by Joseph H. Lathrop ; Bib liography of Dedham, by G. W. Humphrey ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Northerly part of ancient line between Dedham and Dorchester, by Charles Fran cis Jenney ; Extracts from the Ames Diary, by Sarah B. "Baker ; Dover records, by Charles H. Smith ; The Hawes family, by Gilbert R. Hawes ; Pen pictures of old times, [by John Cox] ; Needham epitaphs, with notes, by Charles C. Greenwood : Abigail Ellis ; Annual meeting ; Notes ; The old Townsend house in Needham, by George K. Clarke ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; The old chestnut trees, Dedham, by G. W. Humphrey ; Births, marriages and deaths, Franklin, Mass., by H. E. Ruggles ; Stagecoaching in old times, by H. Guild ; Obituary ; Paul s Bridge, by C. F. Jenney ; The Pillar of liberty ; Recollections of the old Dedham branch railroad, by G. F. Fisher ; Caryl family, by C. S. Locke; Thayer family, by J. H. Burdakin. (2195 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dedham Historical Register. Vol. n. Ded ham, 1891. Svo, pp. (6), 166. Illustrated. Contents : The birds of Dedham, by J. R. Wakefleld ; Schools and teachers of Dedham, by C. Slafter ; The brute enemies of the early settlers, by A. J. Hewins ; Needham epitaphs, by C. C. Greenwood ; Diary of Nathaniel Ames ; Franklin [Mass.] records, by H. E. Ruggles; Dedham in the Rebellion, by J. H. Lathrop; DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 301 Dover [Mass.] records, by C. H. Smith; Proceedings; Madame Knight s journal, by E. Worthington ; Hon. George II. Kulm, by G. K. Clarke ; John Cox, by II. O Ilildreth; A pen picture of old times; Annual report, 1891; Mrs. Sally Cole, by II. O. Ilildreth ; Vine Rock bridge in Dedham, by II. T. Boyd ; A tomb in the old burying ground, by F. L. Gay; Clerks of the first parish in Needham, by G. K. Clarke ; The Colburn family of West Dedham ; Dover in the Revolution, by F. Smith; Matilda W. Vose ; The old school and court-house, by H. Guild; Domestic utensils and furniture used in Dedham since 1635, by R. M. Ferguson ; Lusher wills, by F. L. Gay ; Boston and Providence Railroad ; The treasurers of the first parish in Needham, by G. K. Clarke ; The Dedham covenant ; Notes and queries ; New publications. (219<> DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dedham Historical Register. Vol. in. Dedham, 1892. 8vo, pp. (6), 205. Illustrated. Contents : Indian missions in Massachusetts, by M. S. Locke ; Schools and teachers of Dedham, by C. Slafter ; Early times in Dedham, by M. A. Smith ; Diary of Nathaniel Ames ; Dover, Mass., in the Revolution, by F. Smith ; Frank lin (Mass.) records, by II. E. Ruggles ; Dedham in the Rebellion, by .1. II. Lathrop ; First parish in Needham records, by G. K. Clarke ; The editor of by gone days, by II. T. Boyd ; Dover records, by C. II. Smith ; Needham epitaphs, by C. C. Greenwood ; John Eliot ; Ezekiel Holliman ; Samuel Dexter, by C. A. Staples ; First parish in Needham, deacons, by G. K. Clarke ; Warren Colburn ; Annual Report of the Society, 1892 ; Dedham town government, by M. A. Smith ; The Checkering family, by F. Smith ; John Hunting, by T. D. Huntting ; High street, Dedham, by D. G. Hill ; Extracts from Richards diary, 1801-1844, by M. A. Smith ; Michael Metcalf s freedom, 1618 ; Isaac Colburn ; The Dedham institutions for savings, by D. G. Hill ; Extracts from the Sewall diary, by F. L. (Jay ; The Fisher family, by P. A. Fisher ; Notes and Queries. (2197 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dedham Historical Register. Vol. iv. Ded ham, 1893. 8vo, pp. (6), 187. Illustrated. Contents : The first court-house, 1793, by Erastus Worthington ; The stone court-house, 1827, by J. II. Cobb ; The court-house extension, 1S62, by J. II. Cobb ; Schools and teachers of Dedham, by C. Slafter ; The Fisher family, by P. A. Fisher ; Needham epitaphs, by C. C. Greenwood ; Diary of Nathaniel Ames, by S. B. Baker ; First parish in Needham, records, by G. K. Clarke ; Quaker persecutions in Dedham, by F. L. Gay ; Dedham in the Rebellion, by J. II. Lathrop ; The Whiting family, by C. L. Alden ; Folklore, from early Ded ham records ; The Checkering family, by F. Smith ; Dover records, by C. II. Smith ; Some graduates of Harvard College, by A. B. Page ; The stone mill and water privileges, 1862, by C. Guild ; Franklin records, by II. E. Ruggles ; An nual report of the Society, 1893 ; The Richards diary, by M. A. Smith ; Wren- tham records ; The powder house, Dedham ; Daniel Whiting, by F. Smith ; Members of the Society ; H. O. Hildreth, by E. Worthington ; The Lewis family, by F. L. Gay ; Descendants of Ensign Thomas Fuller, by F. H. Fuller ; Barnabas Metcalf and his descendants, by F. J. Metcalf ; Notes on the Woodcock family, by II. R. Guild ; Deaths ; Notes and queries. (2198 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dedham Historical Register. Vol. v. Ded ham, 1894. 8vo, pp. (6), 187. Illustrated. Contents : The Dexter clock, 1763 ; Schools and teachers of Dedham, con tinued ; The Lewis family, continued ; Dedham in the Rebellion, continued ; The Metcalf family, continued ; The Fisher family, continued ; Dover records, continued ; The Fuller family, continued ; Connecticut Corner, Dedham, before 1810, by Calvin Guild ; Needham branch of the Tolman family, by A. M. Pick- ford ; The English Church in Dedham hnd Stoughton, by W. F. Cheney ; A brief sketch of Warren Colburn, by G. A. Gordon ; The Ames diary, continued ; Needham epitaphs, continued; Sara Metcalf, by Martin Metcair ; The early days of the Dedharn branch railroad, by II. T. Boyd : Robert Record s arithme tic, 1630, by M. A. Smith ; Annual report, 1894 ; Dedham Village in 1807, by D. P. Wight ; The Dexter house during the siege of Boston, by E. Worthington ; The Fisher Ames esta te. (2199 302 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. vi. Dedbam, 1895. 8vo, pp. (6), 153. Illustrated. Contents : Address by the Rev. Carlos Slafter on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the free public school in. Dedham ; Henry Deengaine, by F. Howe, jr. ; Horace Mann ; The Ames diary, continued ; The Foster family of Salem and Attleboro, Mass., by II. R. Guild ; Tolman family, continued ; Ded ham in the Rebellion, continued ; Memorial Hall, by J. H. Lathrop ; Ann Eaton ; Wrentham births ; John Endicott, 1764-1857 ; Schools and teachers of Dedham, continued ; Nathaniel and Samuel Colburn, by D. G. Hill ; Fisher family, con tinued ; The maternal ancestry of Capt. Joseph Guild, by H. R. Guild ; Joseph Carrel ; Annual report, 1895 ; Stoughtoniana, by F. S. Pratt and C. S. Locke ; Dedham as a postal center, by C. W. Ernst ; Rachel, the wife of Elder John Pond, by E. D. Harris ; Hannah Adams ; West Roxbury Schoolhouse, 1767 ; Old sawmill and gristmill on Mother Brook ; Moses and Aaron Lewis, by G. H. Lewis ; The Mann family, by A. M. Pickford ; The Puritan road, by C. W. Ernst ; Sarah Richards Lawrence ; The Smith family, of Barrington, R. I., by II. R. Guild. (22OO DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. vn, 1896. Dedham, Mass., 189G. Svo, pp. 162. Illustrated. Contents : Widow Mary Draper, by Erastus Worthington ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; The Skelton family, of Woburn, Dedham, Billerica, etc., 1629-1800, by H. R. Guild ; Dedham mail coaches, by C. W. Ernst ; Moses and Aaron Lewis, by George II. Lewis ; Dedham in the rebellion, by Joseph Henry Lathrop ; Wrentham Births ; Dedham branch of the Mann family, compiled by Anna Maria Pickford ; Extracts from the Ames diary, 1795-6 ; The will of Esther Hunting, deceased, 1676, copied by John E. Alden ; The Fisher family, by Philip Adsit Fisher ; Laban Lewis genealogy ; Dedham marriages, 1844-1890; The Avery school, named in honor of William A very ; Captain Joseph. Guild, by Mrs. George F. Fisher ; Revelations of genealogy, by Lyman Partridge ; Carriages before 1776, by C. W. Ernst ; Births in Stoughton- ham (now Sharon), 1763-73, by William R. Mann; The will of Elder John Hunting, from the original in Suffolk county probate ; Annual report, 1896 ; Hannah Adams, by Olive M. Tilden ; Reminiscences of the old Draper House, by Dora Riley ; Powder horn of Captain Lewis Colburn, by E. F. Calder ; Wil liam Pitt, the patron of the American colonies, by Carlos Slafter ; The Aaron Smith puzzle, by George Kuhn Clarke ; Homestead of Thomas Wight, 1637-52 ; Index. (22O1 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. vm, 1897. Dedham, Mass., 1897. 8vo, pp. 144. Portraits. Plates. Map. Contents : The old Fairbanks house, by Alvin Lincoln Jones ; Schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter (continued from vol. 7, page 108) ; David Addison Baker; Revelations of genealogy (Partridge family), by Lyman Part ridge (continued from vol. 7, page 151) ; Revolutionary muster rolls (Dedham soldiers); An old store; Stephen Cleverly & Comp. ; The Fisher family, 57- 71, by Philip Adsit Fisher (continued from vol. 7, page 156) ; Extracts from the Ames diary, May, 1797 -July, 1798, by Edna Frances Calder (continued from vol. 7, page 146) ; Births in Stoughtonham (now Sharon), by William R. Mann (continued from vol. 7, page 154) ; Rev. Thomas Balch, by A. A. Folsom ; Map: Clapboard-Trees Parish, Dedham, March 20, 1818 ; The new town of Westwood, incorporated April 2, 1897, by Benjamin Fisher; Who was Asahel Smith? by John Eaton Alden ; Frederic Taf t, of T xbridge, Mass., by Howard Redwood Guild; George H. Kuhn, by George Kuhn Clarke: Siege of Louisburg (cannon ball from) ; Annual report, 1897 ; Calvin Guild ; Medfield soldiers in the Revo lution, by W. S. Tilden ; John Golding, by Isadora Bonney Whitmore ; Fifty- fourth regiment Mass. Infantry, by Erastus Worthington : Extracts from a journal of Hon. George H. Kuhn, 1831 ; Early homes of Joseph and Mary Baxter (Medfield, Mass.), by Willard Harwood ; Mary Fairbanks of Dedham, by Howard Redwood Guild ; Robbins family, Dedham and Walpole, Mass.. Winthrop and Phillips, Maine, by Archie Lee Talbot ; Needham epitaphs, with notes, by Charles Curtis Greenwood (continued from vol. 5, page 137) ; Andrew Dexter, by S. N. Dexter North; Index. (2202 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SCfcCIETY. 303 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. ix, 1898. Decllmm, Mass., 1898. 8vo, pp. 130. Illustrated. Contents : The frigate Constitution and the Avery oak, by Erastus Worthing- ton ; John Rice of Dedham, by E. F. Everett ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; The Aaron Smith puzzle, by George Kuhn Clarke ; Extracts from the letters of the Rev. William Clark to William Winthrop, Esq., 1803 ; Needham epitaphs, with notes, by Charles Curtis Greenwood ; The Fisher family, by Philip Adsit Fisher ; Extracts from the Ames diary, 1798-9, by Edna Frances Calder ; Births in Stoughtonham (now Sharon), by William R. Mann; Revolutionary muster rolls ; Erastus Worthington, by Frederick D. Ely ; Con troversy over Dedham s grant to the Natick Indians, with map, by Frank Smith ; Indian deeds of Dedham ; Old road from Dedham to Providence and New York ; Annual report, 1898 ; Fisher Ames an address at the dedication of the new Ames schoolhouse, June 17, 1898, accepting a portrait of Fisher Ames, by Winslow Warren ; The legend of Tubwreck brook, by W. S. Tilden ; The old training ground, at Dedham ; Old Medfield superstitions, by W. S. Tilden ; Epitaphs, West Medway, by H. N. Hixon ; Index. (22O3 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. x, 1899. Dedham, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. 138. Contents : Elijah Howe, Jr. ; Sketch of Eleazar Smith, the inventor, by W. S. Tilden ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; The Fisher family, by Philip Adsit Fisher ; Manuscript of Rev. Josiah Flynt, of Braintree and Dorchester, 1653-80 ; Extracts from the Ames Diary, 1799-1800, by Edna Frances Calder ; Epitaphs from the old burying ground, West Medway, copied by Herbert N. Hixon ; Dedham in the rebellion letters relating to the soldiers ; Births in Stoughtonham (now Sharon), 1811-1855, by W. R. Mann; Address at the unveiling of the tablet placed on the Church Green, June 17, 1898, by the commonwealth of Massachusetts, by Don Gleason Hill ; The old Townsend House in Needham, by George Kuhn Clarke ; Indians in Medfield, by W. S. Tilden ; Epitaphs from a graveyard in Weston, with notes, by George Kuhn Clarke ; Benjamin Bussey autobiography and genealogical sketch ; Public lands in Maine folio broadside giving some idea of the method of settlement of Maine lands; Foster family, additions by Howard Redwood Guild; Ancestors~of Alice Tolman (Pickford) Brockway in the colonial and revolutionary wars, by Mrs. A. M. Pickford ; The Paul homestead in Dedham, by Edward Crane Paul ; Index. (22O4 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. xi, 1900. Dedham, Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. 143. Illustrated. Contents : The Great, or Long Causeway ; The value of antiquarian studies, by Calvin S. Locke ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; Extracts from the Ames diary, 1800-1802, by Edna Frances Calder ; The Fisher family, by Philip Adsit Fisher ; Epitaphs from the Old Burying Ground, West Medway, copied by Herbert N. Hixon ; Births in Stoughtonham (now Sharon)., 1855-7, by William R. Mann ; Timothy Whiting genealogy, by T. S. Lazell : The spirit of the wood lands a reminiscence ; Poem by N. G. Guild ; Ezekiel Robbins, 1694-1772, by Dana W. Robbins ; Walter Allen s descendants in Ded ham, by Allen H. Bent ; Needham branch of the Tolman family, by Anna M. (Tolman) Pickford ; Dedham petition, 1834 ; Marriages from the records of Stoughtonham (now Sharon), 1742-65, by William R. Mann; The Eaton family of Dedham, and Powder House Rock, by John Eaton Alden ; Contributions to an Ellis genealogy, by Benjamin P. Holbrook ; Schools in Needham, by G. K. Clarke ; The Benjamin Allen place, by W. S. Tilden ; Baptist beginnings of Mill village, by J. F. Packard ; The recantation of Eliphalet Pond, 1774, by Alfred B. Page ; Needham Notes among papers of the late Charles C. Green wood ; " Names of persons who have died in Needham at 90 years of age and and upwards ; " Index. (22O5 DEDHAM HISTORICAL "SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. xii, 1901. Dedham, Mass., 1901. 8vo, pp. 143. Portraits. Contents : Hon. Waldo Colburn tribute ; The first Baptist meetinghouse in Mill village, by J. F. Packard ; Camp of the French Army, Dedham, 1782, J by Albert A. Folsom ; The Eaton family of Dedham, and Powder House RockX \ 304 AMERICA^ HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by John Eaton Alden ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; Marriages from the records of Stoughtonham (now Sharon), 1798-1832, by William R. Mann ; Inscriptions from the old graveyard, corner of Main and Kendall streets, Walpole, Mass., by Thomas A. Dickinson ; Schools in Needham, by G. K. Clarke ; Extracts from the Ames diary, . 1802-3, by Edna Frances Calder ; Rev. Alvan Lamson biographical sketch ; Joseph Belcher, The first minister of Walpole, Mass., by Alfred B. Page ; Captain William Stevens, a Dedham soldier, 1776-1783, by Albert A. Folsom ; Dedham and Needham, com municated by George K. Clarke ; An unknown portrait bequeathed to the Society by Hannah Shuttleworth, March, 1886 ; Baptisms recorded by the ministers, or clerks, of the church in the west precinct of Needham, 1789-1849, communicated by George Kuhn Clarke ; Descendants of Captain John Alden, of Boston, by John E. Alden ; Genealogy of a branch of the Chandler family, by Mrs. A. M. Pickford ; Mrs. Mary (Richards) Tyler genealogy; Whiting family, Wrentham and Medway branch, by James F. Magee ; Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company ; Index. (22O6 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham Historical Register. Vol. xin, 1902. Dedham, Mass. : Published by the Society, 1902. 8vo. pp. 127. Illustrated. Portraits. Contents : Joseph Belcher, minister of the first church and parish in Dedham, 1692-1723 ; Some additions to the Fisher genealogy, by J. E. Fisher ; Whiting family, Wrentham and Medway branch, by James F. Magee, jr. ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; Marriages from the records of Stoughtonham (now Sharon), 1834-1857; Extracts from the Ames diary, 1804-1806, by Edna Frances Calder ; Genealogy of a branch of the Chandler family, by Mrs. A. M. Pickford ; Inscriptions from the old graveyard, corner of Main and Kendall streets, Walpole, Mass., by Thomas A. Dickinson ; Atkins tomb, Needham, by George K. Clarke; Dedham, England, by Oscar Fay Adams; War diary kept by Amasa Guild, in 1861, together with an account of its loss and return, contributed by Mr. Guild ; The landing place on Charles river, Dedham village, by Don Gleason Hill ; The mule and the army wagon in the civil war, by Amasa Guild; Deaths in Stoughtonham (now Sharon), 17471808, by William R. Mann ; French troops in Dedham, by A. A. Folsom ; The old Whiting mills on Mother Brook ; The eighteenth Massachusetts regiment volun teer infantry in the rebellion, by Amasa Guild ; Additional contributions to an Ellis genealogy, by Theodore S. Lazell ; Baptisms, west precinct, Needham, 1849- 1861, by G. K. Clarke ; Index. (22O7 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dedham Historical Register. Vol. xiv, 1903. Dedham, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. (4), 136. Illustrated. Contents : View near the Elder s Causeway ; The Eighteenth Massachusetts Regiment Volunteer Infantry in the Rebellion, together with some personal reminiscences, by Amasa Guild ; Schools and teachers in Needham, by George Kuhn Clarke ; The Aldis family in America, 1640-1800, compiled by Frederick H. Whitin ; The schools and teachers of Dedham, by Carlos Slafter ; Ralph Shepard and some of his descendants, by Alice T. Brockway ; Deaths in Stoughtonham (now Sharon), commencing with the minutes from the diary of the Revd. Philip Curtis, giving the names of the number who have died in the six years past, by William R. Mann ; Extracts from the Ames diary, 18067, by Edna Frances Calder ; Genealogy of a branch of the Chandler family, by Mrs. A. M. Pickford; Dedham village in 1795 with map; Dedham village ,in 1817, with map ; A few words about Sharon, by Eugene Tappan ; Mendon Massacre Monument, by John Eaton Alden ; Needham branch of the Tolman family, by Anna M. (Tolman) Pickford ; Index. (22O8 Discontinued. DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Samuel Dexter, 1726-1810. A paper read before the Society, February 3, 1892. By Carlton Albert Staples. Dedham, 1892. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from Dedham Historical Register for April, 1892. (22O9 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Ensign Thomas Fuller, of Ded ham. By Francis H. Fuller. [Dedham], 1893. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from Dedham Historical Register for October, 1893. (2210 DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 305 DKDIIAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some graduates of Harvard College. By Alfred Baylies Page. L Dedham, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register for January, 1893. (2211 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Views in Dedham, Mass. Fourth edition. [With an introduction by Julius H. Tuttle.] The Dedham Historical Society, 1893. 8vo, pp. (7). Twenty-four views, obi, 12mo. (2212 DEDHAM PIISTORICAL SOCIETY. Needham branch of the Tolman family. By Anna Maria (Tolman) Pickford. Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register, Yols. v and vi, for 1894 and 1895. Dedham, 1894. 8vo, pp. (2) 29. Portrait. (2213 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Epitaphs from the old burying ground, Needham, Mass. With notes by Chas. Curtis Greenwood. Reprinted from the Ded- Jiain Historical Register. Dedham, Mass., 1898. 8vo, pp. 70. (2214 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Epitaphs from a graveyard in Weston, with notes, by George Kuhn Clarke. 8vo, pp. 5. Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register (x, 65-70) for April, 1899. (2215 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Eaton family of Dedham and Powder House Rock. By John Eaton Alden. With genealogical data collected by Daniel Cady Eaton. Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register. Dedham Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. 67. Illus. (22KJ DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Aldis family of Dedham, Wrentham, Rox- bury, and Franklin, Mass., 1640-1800. By Frederick H Whitin. 1905. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprint from the Register, Yol. xiv. (For other reprints see Appendix.) (2217 DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dorchester, Mass. DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Nos. 1-3. Boston : D. Clapp, 1844-1850. Three volumes. 12mo. Contents: (1) Memoirs of Roger Clap, 1630. 1844. Reprinted 1854. (2) Annals of the town of Dorchester, by J. Blake, 1846. (3) Journal of Richard Mather, 1635. His life and death, 1670. Boston, 1850. (221S DORCHESTER ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the town of Dorchester, Mass. By a Committee of the Society. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. xii, 672. An account of the authors of the serial portions of this history was given by W. B. Trask in the yew England Historical and Genealogical Register, October, 1890, and also at the same time in pamphlet form. (2219 DORCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The centennial anniversary of the birth of Edward Everett, celebrated by the Dorchester Historical Society, April llth, 1894. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 100. Plate. Seal. The oration was delivered by Rev. James De Normandie. (222O DORCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dorchester Day, June 25th, 1904, * * * commemorating the. settlement of Dorchester, June, 1630. [Programmes. Boston, 1904.] :; circulars. Plate. (2221 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 20 306 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. DOVER HISTORICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Dover, Mass. DOVER HISTORICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Old home day in the town of Dover. August 19th, 1903. Natick, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 55. Historical address by Frank Smith, pp. 15-36. (2222 ESSEX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Salem, Mass. ESSEX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Incorporated June 11, 1821. Petition for incorpo ration, act of incorporation, and constitution. [Salem, 1821.] 12mo, pp. 8. (2223 ESSEX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution. [Salem, n. d.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (2224 ESSEX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse pronounced at the request of the So ciety, on the 18th of Sept., 1828, in commemoration of the first settlement of Salem, Mass. By Joseph Story. Published at the request of the So ciety. Boston, 1828. 8vo, pp. 90. (2225 ESSEX INSTITUTE. [Formerly Essex Historical Society.] ESSEX INSTITUTE. Constitution. [Salem], [1848?] 8vo, pp. 4. (2226 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Proceedings and communications. 1848-1868. Salem, 1806- 1870. Six volumes. 8vo. Discontinued. The proceedings for succeeding years appear in the Bulletin. The communications from 1848 to 1864 were incorporated in the Proceedings. From 1864 to 1870 they were issued quarterly, with independent title-pages and paging. (2227 ESSEX INSTITUTE. List of infusorial objects found chiefly in the neighborhood of Salem, Massachusetts, with a sketch of progress of this branch of natural history. By Thomas Cole. Salem, 1853. 8vo, pp. 18. (2228 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Victoria Regia, or the Great Water Lily of America. By J. F. Allen. 1854. Royal folio. Six colored plates. (2229 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Act of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws of the Essex Institute, incorporated February, 1848, with a catalogue of the officers and members. Salem, 1855. 8vo, pp. 24. (2230 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Act of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws, with a cata logue of officers and members. Salem, 1855. 12mo, pp. 24. (2231 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Account of Leslie s Retreat at the North Bridge, in Salem, on Sunday, Feb y 26, 1775. By Charles M. Endicott. Salem, 1856. 8vo, pp. 47. From the Proceedings of the Institute. (2232 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An account of the newspapers and other periodicals pub lished in Salem, from 1768 to 1856. By Gilbert L. Streeter. Salem, 1856. 8vo, pp. 33. From the Proceedings of the Institute. (2233 ESSEX INSTITUTE. , 307 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A brief sketch of a lecture [by D. A. White], before the Essex Institute, May 12, 1856, respecting the founders of Salem and the First Church. Salem, 1850. 8vo, pp. 14. (2234 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Covenant of the First Church. By D. A. White. [Salem, 1856.] 8vo, pp. 356-364. No title page. (2235 ESSEX INSTITUTE. On the Egg Tooth of Snake and Lizards. By D. F. Wein- land. [Salem, 1856.] 8vo, pp. 28-32. Plate. (2236 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An account of the life, character, etc., of the Rev. Samuel Parris, of Salem Village, and of his connection with the witchcraft delusion of 1692. Read before the Institute November 14, 1856. By S. P. Fowler. Salem, 1857. 8vo, pp. (2) 20. (2237 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Catalogue of members of the late- English High School of Salem, Mass., from the class entering July 7, 1827, to the class which gradu ated from the Salem Classical and High School, January 28, 1857, inclusive; embracing an account of the school, by each of the principal teachers ; an account of the late festival and reunion ; the constitution of the " Salem English High School Association," etc. Embellished with a lithographic, view of the old schoolhouse, and the likenesses of the principal teachers. Salem, 1857. 8vo, pp. 56. (2238 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Proceedings upon the dedication of Plummer Hall at Salem, October 6, 1857, including Rev. Mr. Hoppin s address and Judge White s memoir of the Plummer family. Salem, 1858. 8vo, pp. 97. (2239 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. i. Salem, 1859. Small 4 to, pp. (4) 206. Contents : Introduction ; Abstracts from wills, inventories, &c., on file in the office of clerk of courts, Salem, 1640-1664, copied by Ira J. Patch; Materials for the history of the Ingersoll family in Salem; A Revolutionary letter; Narra tive of the piracy of the ship Friendship, of Salem, on the west coast of Suma tra, 1831, by Charles M. Endicott ; Extracts from the first book of births, mar riages, and deaths of the city of Salem, copied by Ira J. Patch ; Extracts from the records Kept by the Rev. John Fiske during his ministry at Salem, Wenham. an.1 Chelmsford ; Minutes for a genealogy of George Jacobs, senior, of Salem village, who suffered the utmost penalty of the law during the witchcraft tragedy, 1692, by C. M. Endicott ; Biographical sketches of Rev. Joseph Green, Rev. Peter Clark, and Rev. Benjamin Wadsworth, ministers of Salem village (now Danvers Centre), by Samuel P. Fowler; Old scraps General court in Salem in 1774 ; Some remarks on the commerce of Salem from 1626 to 1740, with a sketch of Philip English, a merchant in Salem from about 1670 to about 1733-4, by George F. Chever ; The " Old Planters " of Salem who were settled here before the arrival of Governor Endicott, in 1828, by George D. Phippen ; Letter of Benjamin Goodhue, member of Congress, to Ellas Haskett Derby, of Salem city of New York in 1787; Privateer Junius Brutus; Expedition to Rhode Island in 1778 ; The Very family ; Notes on American currency, by M. A. Stickney ; The Endicott house in Salem ; Index of names. (224O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. n. Salem, 1860. Small 4to, pp. (4), 310. Contents : Introduction ; Historical notices of Salem scenery, by G. L. Streeter ; Abstracts from wills, inventories, &c., on file in the office of clerk of courts, Salem, 1664-1679, copied by Ira J. Patch ; The prosecution of Philip English and his wife for witchcraft, by George F. Chever ; The Very family, by Jones Very ; The old planters house, by C. M. Endicott ; Extracts from the first book of births, marriages, and deaths of the city of Salem, copied by Ira J. Patch ; Motes on American currency, by Matthew A. Stickney ; An account of 308 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the trial of George Jacobs for witchcraft, by Lincoln R. Stone ; An account of the private armed vessels belonging to Salem, Mass., during the War of 1812, prepared by Wm. Leavitt ; Extracts copied from interleaved almanacs of James Jeffrey, of Salem, 1727-1749, by George A. Ward ; Records of the overseers of the poor of Danvers, 1767 and 1768, with notes, by S. P. Fowler ; Rev. John Higginson s advice to his children, called his dying testimony ; Materials for a genealogy of the Dean family in Salem ; History of the Salem and Danvers aque duct, by C. M. Endicott ; The Hopkins family in Rhode Island, to which Stephen Hopkins, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, belonged, by C. C. Bearnan ; Report of the committee on the authenticity of the first church, built in 1634 ; An order to warn soldiers, Salem, 1703 ; Copy of a circular letter in the handwriting of Col. Pickering, 1775 ; A biographical notice of the officers of probate for Essex county, from the commencement of the colony to the present time, by A. C. Goodell ; First voyage to Japan, by J. F. Allen; Paper on a spared record of the Salem custom house, by David Roberts ; Me morials of Nathaniel Ward, librarian of Harvard College, who died October 13, 1768, compiled by B. F. Browne ; Copy of an autograph letter of Gen l Washing ton to Anthony White, 1775 ; Abstracts of old deeds ; New England genealogy, by C. M. Endicott ; Notice of the Curwen house and its occupants, by George R. Curwen ; Extracts from a journal kept by Samuel Gardner, 1759 ; A list of subscribers toward the bell in St. Peter s church in Salem, 1741 ; Price of commodities in Salem market, 1775 ; A genealogical table of the sovereigns of France; Index. (2241 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. in. Salem, 1861. Small 4to, pp. (4), 298. Contents : A biographical notice of the officers of probate for Essex county, from the commencement of the colony to the present time, by A. C. Goodell ; Extracts from the first book of births, marriages, and deaths of the city of Salem, copied by Ira J. Patch ; The prosecution of Philip English and his wife for witchcraft, by George F. Chever ; Genealogy of the Nichols family, by Andrew Nichols ; Notes on American currency, by M. A. Stickney ; Notice of Alonzo Lewis, by A. C. Goodell ; History of the Essex Lodge of Free Masons, by Wil liam Leavitt ; Abstracts from wills, inventories, &c., on file in the office of clerk of courts, Salem, Mass., copied by Ira J. Patch ; Craft s journal of the siege of Boston, with notes by S. P. Fowler ; Genealogy of the Holyoke family, by An drew Nichols ; Massacre at Fort William Henry, 1757, by M. A. Stickney ; Ex tracts from Gibson dough s journal, compiled by B. F. Browne ; Genealogy of the Derby family, by Perley Derby ; A biographical sketch of Thomas Maule, of Salem, together with a review of the history of the early Antinomians of New England, by A. C. Goodell ; The Branch or Howard St. church, by C. C. Bea rnan ; Index of names. (2242 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. iv. Salem, 1862. Small 4to, pp. iv, 289. Contents : An account of Salem common, and the levelling of the same in 1802, with short notices of the subscribers, by Benjamin F. Browne ; A copy of the first book of births, &c., of the town of Rowley, with notes, communicated by M. A. Stickney ; Abstracts from wills, inventories, &c., on file in the office of clerk of courts, Salem, Mass., copied by Ira F. Patch ; Lecture on piracy, par ticularly of William Kidd, by Joseph B. Felt ; The prosecution of Ann Pudeator, for witchcraft, 1692, by Geo. F. Chever ; Extracts from the first book of births, marriages, and deaths of the city of Salem, copied by Ira J. Patch ; Extracts from old account books kept by Mr. Whipple, of Hamilton, Mass., 1725-1738; A letter from the 1st church in Salem to the two churches in Andover, and the church in Methuen, 1734; Curwin, Russell, Andrew, by G. R. C[urwin] ; Copy from original book of grants, Salem, by Perley Derby ; A biographical notice of the officers of probate for Essex county, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; The " Old Planters " of Massachusetts, by George D. Phippen ; A brief review of the history of the Puritans and the Separatists from the Church of England, in which the difference between the Nonconformists of Massachusetts Bay and the Separatists of Plymouth Colony is discussed, by A. C. Goodell ; Historical, statistical, and biographical notices of Rockport, by Joseph B. Felt ; Obituary notice of William Balch, by Jacob W. Reed ; Historical sketch of the philo sophical library at Salem, with notes, by Henry Wheatland ; The will of Anne Bradstreet, the second wife of Gov. Simon Bradstreet, with notes ; A memorial discourse on William Symmes, by N. W. Hazen ; Historical notices of Ipswich and Hamilton, by Joseph B. Felt ; David Merritt ; Journal of Capt. Samuel Page ESSEX INSTITUTE. 309 in the campaign of 1779, with notes, hy Samuel P. Fowler ; Additions and corrections to a biographical notice of the officers of probate for Essex county, by A. C. Goodell ; Index of names. (2243 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Yol v. Salem, 1803. Small 4to, pp. iv, 289. Contents : Journal o* Capt. Samuel Page, in the campaign of 1779, with notes, by S. P. Fowler ; A copy of the first book of births of the town of Rowley, with notes, by M. A. Stickney ; A list of deaths in Beverly (1734-1765), made by Col. Robert Hale ; Additional notice of Benjamin Gerrish and of the old Ger- rish House, by Benjamin F. Browne ; Notes on American currency, by M. A. Stickney ; Materials for a genealogy of the Higginson family, compiled by Henry Wheatland ; Abstracts from wills, inventories, &c., on file in the office of clerk of courts, Salem, Mass., copied by Ira J. Patch ; A memoir of Gen. John Glover, of Marblehead, by William 1*. Upham ; Who was the first governor of Massachusetts?, by Joseph B. Felt; Rantoul genealogy, &c., by Robert S. Rantoul ; Wreck of the schooner Nancy, in 1752 ; Topsfield boundary in 1091 ; Notes on the Gray family ; A copy of the first book of burialls, of the town of Rowley, with notes, by M. A. Stickney ; Copy of a letter from General John Glover to John Hancock, 1779 ; Record of marriages, births, and deaths in the town of Lynn, Vol. n, communicated by Ira J. Patch ; The Fort Popham celebra tion [by A. C. Goodell] ; Some notes upon Mr. Rantoul s reminiscences, by Ben jamin F. Browne ; Materials for a genealogy of the Ward family, by G. R. Cur- wen ; Copy from original book of grants of Salem, with notes by B. F. Browne ; Church records of Lynnfield ; Historical sketch of the forts on Salem Neck, by Joseph B. Felt ; Essex county probate files ; Hale s memoranda ; Index of names. (2244 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. vi. Salem, 18G4. Small 4to, pp. (iv), 274. Contents : Memoir of Daniel A. White, by George W. Briggs ; Robert Rantoul s reminiscences ; A copy of the first book of marriages of the town of Rowley, with notes communicated by M. A. Stickney ; Account of the formation of the Essex Historical Society, by G. A. Ward ; Extracts from the records of two aqueduct corporations in Salem and Danvers, communicated by II. Wheatland ; Hale memoranda ; Gleanings from the town records of Wenham ; President Munrce in Salem, by B. F. Browne ; Record of births and deaths in the town of Lynn, Vol. n, communicated by Ira J. Patch ; Some account of houses and other buildings in Salem, from a manuscript of the late Col. Benjamin Pickman, com municated by George B. Loring, with notes ; Gleanings from the records of the church at Ipswich hamlet ; From the burying ground in Hamilton ; Ipswich town records ; Copy of a letter written by Jonathan Archer, from Mill prison, England, Sept. 25, 1778 ; Obituary notices ; Materials for a history of ship build ing in Salem, by William Leavitt ; Some notes on Wenham pond, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Notice of Rev. Asa Dunbar ; Notice of Jonathan Gardner ; Objections to Mr. Champney s settlement, 1729, by Robert Hale; Sketch of the Rev. Na thaniel Ward, of Ipswich, by Stephen II. Phillips ; Copy from the original book of grants of Salem, communicated by Perley Derby ; Craft s journal of the siege of Louisburg, communicated by Wm. I . Upham ; Memorial of the Washington Rangers ; Baptisms of the first church of Salem, communicated by Henry Wheat- land ; Memoir of Capt. William Nichols, of Newburyport, by George D. Wildes ; Confession and declaration of faith of Colonel John Higginson, communicated by B. F. Browne ; Materials for a genealogy of the Lang family, communicated by David Perkins ; Copy of the will of John Perkins (the elder), communicated by David Perkins ; Baptisms by Rev. Benj. Prescott, of Salem middle precinct, now South Danvers, communicated by Henry Wheatland ; Index of names. (22i: ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. vn. Salem, 1865. Small 4to, pp. iv, 287. Contents : Records of births and deaths in the town of Lynn, Vol. n, com municated by Ira J. Patch ; Baptisms of the first church in Salem, communi cated by Henry Wheatland ; Essex county court records, communicated by A. C. Goodell ; Cleaveland s historical discourse : Dummer Academy Dea. Benj. Cole- man Master Moody and his " Manners School ;" Salem and Charlestown, com municated by T. B. Wyman, jr. ; Materials for a history of the Ropes family, collated by E. S. Waters ; Ipswich Choate Bridge ; Provincial words killick, killock, kelleck road, rood, or rode ; Pavement of Essex street, Salem, com municated by Geo. B. Loring ; Lothrop vs. Norman, 1659, communicated by Ira 310 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. J. Tatch ; Baptisms by Rev. Messrs. Prescott and Holt, of Salem, middle pre cinct (now South Danvers), 1727-171)4, communicated by Henry AYheatland ; Memoir of George Atkinson Ward, by Chas. W. Upham ; Jersey families Le Blanc or Blank ; Papers relating to the North Church in Salem ; Slavery in Essex county ; The narrative of Major Thompson Maxwell, communicated by R. S. Rantoul ; Final report of the committee *>n the authenticity of th e tradi tion of the First Church, built in 1634 ; Seal of the court of county commis sioners ; Higginson papers, communicated by B. F. Browne : Letter of Samuel Sewall, Jan. 27th, 1780, communicated by W. I*. Upham ; Dellehonde family, from manuscripts in the possession of Timothy Ropes ; Materials for the history of ship building in Salem, by William Leavitt ; Rev. Stillman Barden a sketch, by Mrs. P. A. Hannaford ; Old schools and school teachers of Salem, communi cated by Jona. Tucker ; Methuen in the Revolution, communicated by Joseph Moulton ; Bray family of Salem, genealogical notes ; Upton family, by Matthew A. Stickney ; Obituary notices ; Letter of Ferdinando Gorges, 1G70, relating to his claim to the province of Maine ; Index of names. (2246 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. viu. 18(36. Salem, 18(58. Small 4to, pp. iv, 267. Contents : The municipal seal of Salem ; Baptisms of the First Church in Salem ; Papers relating to the witchcraft trials in Essex county, communicated by James Kimball ; Papers relating to a suit, A. D. 1664, between John Picker ing and the owners of the "New Mill" (now City Mills), in Salem, communi cated by W. P. Upham ; Almanacs and their authors, by Matthew A. Stickney ; Notices of Elder John Browne and some of his descendants, communicated by B. F. Browne ; Materials for a history of the Ropes family, collated by E. S. Waters; Essex county court records, communicated by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; A history of the Salem and Danvers Association for the detection of thieves and robbers, communicated by Henry Whipple ; Notes on the Hull family, by E. S. Waters ; Editorial notes on "Almanacs and their authors ; " Bray family of Salem, by E. S. Waters ; A letter by Rev. John Higginson to the county court, 1670 ; Biographical sketch and diary of Rev. Joseph Green, of Salem village. 1700-1715, by Samuel P. Fowler ; Opinion in re Winthrop vs. Endicott, by a Boston lawyer ; Notice of some of the descendants of Joseph Pope, of Salem, by H. Wheatland ; Some notes on Chipman Hill, by R. S. R[antoul] ; The cod in Massachusetts history, by R. S. Rantoul ; Materials for a genealogy of the Becket family, of Salem ; Collation of geographical names in the Algonkin language, by N. T. True ; William Fiske, of Wenham, Massachusetts, with an account of the line of his descendants through his grandson Theophilus, by Alfred Poor ; Browne family, by William P. Upham ; A journey to the west in 1817, notes of travel by a Salem mechanic on his way to Ohio fifty years ago selected from his journal, by James Kimball ; An account of the dwelling houses of Francis Higginson, Samuel Skelton, Roger Williams, and Hugh Peters, communicated by William P. Upham ; Index of names. (2247 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. ix. Second series, Vol. i. Salem, 1869. 8vo, pp. 242, 132. In two parts. Contents : Part I. Town records of Salem, 1634-1659, communicated by Wm. P. Upham; Index. Part n. Memoir of Francis Peabody, by Charles W. Upham; Early New England papers, from the British public archives, communicated by A. C. Goodell, jr. 1. James Cudworth to Dr. Stoughton, Dec., 1634. 2. Ex tract from a letter from Sir William Phips to Mr. Blathwayt, Oct. 12, 1692, and a memorandum by Blathwayt. 3. Order in council respecting the trials for witchcraft in New England, Jan. 26, 1692-3. 4. Letter from Queen Mary to Governor Phips respecting the trials for witchcraft. List of deaths recorded by Rev. John Prince, pastor of the First Church. Salem, 1781-1836. communi cated by William B. Upton ; Materials for a history of the Ropes family, col lated by E. S. W[aters] ; Index. (2248 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. x. Second series, Vol. n. Salem, 1870. 8vo, pp. 104, 107, 108. Portrait. In three parts. Part i. Salem, 1869. pp. 104. Contents : Memoir of Daniel P. King, by Charles W. Upham ; The port of Salem, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Diary of Rev. Joseph Green, of Salem village, 1706-1714, communicated by S. P. Fowler. Part n. Salem, 1869. pp. 107. ESSEX INSTITUTE. 311 Contents : The Hutchinson family, or the descendants of Barnard Hutchinson, of Cowham, England, communicated by Perley Derby. Part in. Salem, 1870. pp. 108. Contents : The first cruise of the U. S. Frigate Essex, under command of Capt. Edward Preble. With a short account of her origin and subsequent career until captured by the British, in 1814, and her ultimate fate, prepared by George Henry Preble. (2249 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xi. Salem, 1872. 8vo, pp. (4), 324. Contents : Address at the semi-centennial anniversary of the formation of the Essex Historical Society, by A. C. Goodell ; Some notes on old modes of travel, by R. S. Rantoul ; Gleanings from files of the court of general sessions of the peace, by James Kimball ; Memoir of Asahel Huntington, by O. P. Lord ; Ancestry and posterity of Zaccheus Gould, by B. A. Gould ; Perkins family of Ipswich, by G. A. Perkins ; Notices of the ancestry of Mrs. Susannah Ingersoll ; Memorandum referring to the evacuation of Boston by the British troops in 1776 ; The closing history of the Branch or Howard Street Church in Salem, by C. C. Beaman ; Extracts from the diary of Lieut. John Pres ton, of Salem village, by S. P. Fowler ; The Chipman lineage, by R. Manning Chipman ; Index. (225O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xn. Salem, 1874. 8vo, pp. (4), 306. Contents : Memoir of H. C. Perkins, by Samuel J. Spalding ; Biographical sketch of Joanna Quiner, by P. A. Hanaford ; Inscriptions from the burial- grounds of Marblehead, Mass., collected by Perley Derby ; The Northend family, by W. D. Northend ; The journal of the Rev. John Cleaveland, by N. Cleave- land ; On the early days and rapid growth of California, by Alfred Peabody ; An early California voyage, by J. H. Eagleston ; A journal of the Rev. Daniel Shute, D. D., chaplain in the expedition to Canada in 1758, communicated by James Kimball ; Memoir of John Lewis Russell, by E. B. Willson ; The one hundredth anniversary of the destruction of tea in Boston Harbor, communi cated by James Kimball ; The Thomas almanacs, by James H. Fitts ; Letters from David Livingstone, written in 1856 ; Some remarks upon the "Life of John Rogers " by Joseph L. Chester, by C. H. Dall ; William Rogers petition to be appointed administrator of the estate" of his grandfather, Thomas Scott, 1694, communicated by H. F. Waters ; Index. (2251 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xm. Salem, 1877. 8vo, pp. (4), 323. Contents : The centennial anniversary of the Provincial Legislature in Salem, Oct. 5, 1774, an address by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; The journal of Rev. John Cleaveland, edited by his grandson, Nehemiah Cleaveland ; A notice of the Peele family ; Inscriptions from the Charter Street burial-ground, Salem, Mass., collected by Perley Derby ; Memoir of Benjamin Frederick Browne ; The name of Perkins as found on the Essex county records ; Orderly book of the regi ment of artillery raised for the defence of the town of Boston in 1776, com municated by James Kimball ; Gleanings from the records of the county of Essex, communicated by James Kimball ; Papers relating to the Rev. Samuel Skelton, communicated by W. P. Upham ; Extracts from letters written at the time of the occupation of Boston by the British, 17756, communicated by W. P. Upham ; Early records of the town of Rowley, Mass., communicated by George B. Blodgette ; The Dean family in Salem, by Edward Stanley Waters ; Index of names. (2252 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xiv. Salem, 1878. 8vo, pp. (4), ii, 307. Contents : History of stenography, by Wm. P. Upham ; Copy of the records of deaths of the First Church in Rowley, Mass., communicated by George B. Blodgette ; Orderly book of the regiment of artillery raised for the defence of the town of Boston in 1776, communicated by James Kimball ; Notice of the Southward family in Salem, by William Leavitt ; Almanacs and their authors, communicated by Matthew A. Stickney ; Parish list of deaths begun 1785, re corded by Rev. William Bentley, of the East Church, Salem ; Dismissions from the First Church in Rowley, Mass., communicated by George B. Blodgette ; The exploration of the Merrimack river, in 1638, by order of the General Court of Massachusetts, with a plan of the same, communicated by James Kimball ; Revolutionary and other documents, communicated by F. H. Wade ; Pierce, 312 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Pearce, etc., queries by F. C. Pierce ; Deacon Richard Prince, of Salem, and some of his descendants, by James A. Emmerton ; Memoranda entered by William Thomas, father of Robert B. Thomas, author of the Farmer s Almanac ; Obituary notices ; Index. (2253 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xv. 1878. Salem, 1879. 8vo, pp. 332. Portrait. Contents : Notice of the Perkin s Arms in England, communicated by Aug. T. Perkins ; Record of deaths from gravestones in Rowley, including all before 1800, communicated by George B. Blodgette ; Memorial of John Clarke Lee, by E. B. Willson ; Copy of a fragment of an account book kept by Gibson dough,- 1773-80, communicated by William G. Barton ; Notes and extracts from the records of the First Church of Salem, 1629-1736. communicated by James A. Emmerton ; Parish list of deaths begun 1785, recorded by Rev. William Bentley, of the East Church, Salem, communicated by Ira J. Patch ; An account of the commemoration, by the Essex Institute, of the fifth half-century of the landing of John Endicott in Salem, Sept. 18, 1878. Index of names. (2254 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xvi. Salem, 1879. 8vo, pp. iv, 328. Contents: The first glass factory where? by James Kimball ; Notes and extracts from the " Records of the First Chui;ch " of Salem, 1629 to 1736, com municated by James A. Emmerton ; Parish list of deaths, begun 1785, recorded by Rev. William Bentley, of the East Church, Salem ; Some old estates, by E. Stanley Waters; Records of the first church at Salisbury, Mass., 1687-1754, communicated by Wm. P. Upham ; Inscriptions from the old Fail-field burial ground in Wenham, communicated by Wellington Pool, 1878 ; The first book of the intentions of marriage of the city of Lynn, copied by John T. Moulton ; Biographical notice of James Upton, communicated by R. C. Mills ; Genealogical notes : Ashby, Blaney, Bowel s, Blythe, Chapman, Cook, Derby, Dynn, Haskett, Eastie or Estes, Flint, by Edward Stanley Waters ; Notes on the Richardson and Russell families, by James Kimball ; Children and grandchildren of William and Dorothy King of Salem, by Wm. P. Upham ; Notice of portrait of Wash ington, by Charles Henry Hart ; Historical sketch of the Salem Female Em ployment Society, by Lucy P. Johnson ; Webb family, by E. S. Waters ; Baptisms at church in Salem village, now North Parish, Danvers, communicated by Henry Wheatland. The Gedney and Clarke families of Salem, Mass., by Henry F. Waters ; Index of names. (2255 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xvn. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. iv, 350. Contents : Gleanings from the English records about New England families, communicated by James A. Emmerton and Henry F. Waters; Index. Reminis cences of distinguished men of Essex county, by Nathan Crosby ; Genealogical notes Ward family, by E. S. Waters ; " Leslie s retreat," communicated by E. S. Waters ; An account of the commemoration by the Essex Institute of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of John Winthrop at Salem Address, by Robert S. Rantoul. Tribute to the memory of William Bentley, D. D., by Stanley Waters ; A genealogical account of Henry Silsbee, and some of his descendants, by James A. Emmerton; Index of names; Memoir of Lewis N. Tappan ; Special providences written by Rev. George Curwen of Salem, in 1714. Matthias Corwin of Southold, L. I. his parentage and his relationship to George Corwin of Salem, by Henry F. Waters. Index of names. (2256 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xviu. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. iv, 316. Contents : The Newhall family of Lynn ; Baptisms at Church in Salem vil lage, now North Parish, Danvers, communicated by Henry Wheatland ; Jonathan Fabens and some of his descendants, by George A. Perkins ; Parish list of deaths begun 1785, recorded by Rev. William Bentley, of the East Church, Salem ; The journal of Dr. Caleb Rea, written during the expedition against Ticonderoga in 1758, edited by his great grandson, F. M. Ray ; A notice of James Kimball, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Early memorials of the dead, by Sidney Perley ; Memoir of Benjamin Peirce, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Sketches of Saugus, by E. P. Robinson ; A circular letter for establishing a county lyceum, 1829 ; Notes and queries ; Index of names. (2257 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 313 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xix. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. iv, 315. Contents : A sketch of the first religions society in Lynnfield, by Eben Par sons ; Parish list of deaths begun 1785, recorded by William Bentley, D. D., of the East Church, Salem, Mass. ; The Newhall family ; Diaries kept by Lemuel Wood, of Boxford, communicated by Sidney Perley : A journal of the Canada expedition, 1759. The Beverly shore, by Robert Rantoul ; A notice of Saugus Seminary, by E. P. Robinson ; The Fisher plantation of Cape Anne, by Herbert B. Adams ; Extracts from the town records of Wenham, Mass., communicated by Wellington Pool ; Marriages in Salem, by Rev. Daniel Hopkins, 1779-1814 ; Essex county and the Indians, by Robert Rantoul ; Origin of Salem plantation, by Herbert B. Adams ; Allotments of land in Salem to men, women, and maids, by Herbert B. Adams ; A field day at Dummer Academy, July 12, 1882 ; The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, by George A. Perkins ; The Essex junto The long embargo and the great Topsfield caucus of 1808, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Common fields in Salem, by Herbert B. Adams ; The family of William Town- send, of Boston, by Henry F. Waters ; The early settlers of Rowley, Mass., including all who were here before 1662, with a few generations of their de scendants, by George B. Blodgette ; Index of names. (2258 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xx. Salem, 1883. 8vo, pp. iv, 311. Contents : A note on the authenticity of the portraits of Gov. Endecott, by Robert S. Rantoul ; The Perkins family, by George A. Perkins : Sketch of the family of Thomas Townsend, of Lynn, by Henry F. Waters ; Joseph Townsend, of Boston ; A few English notes relating to the name of Townsend ; Salem meadows, woodland, and town neck, by Herbert B. Adams ; Early settlers of Rowley, including all those who were here before 1662, with a few generations of their descendants, communicated by Geo. B. Blodgette ; A notice of Charles Davis, librarian of the Essex Institute, 1865-1868 ; A postscript to the article on Gov. Endecott s portraits ; Extracts from the town records of Wenham, Mass. ; James Osborne Safford, a sketch by Robert S. Rantoul ; Augustus Story, a memorial paper, by Charles T. Brooks ; Lemuel Wood s journal ; Dr. Bentley s East Parish deaths some notes and corrections, by J. A. Emmerton ; Inscriptions from gravestones in the old burying ground in Wenham, copied by Wellington Pool ; Memoir of Oliver Carlton, by Leverett Saltonstall ; Inscrip tions from the old burying ground, Lynn, Mass., copied by John T. Moulton ; Index of names. (2259 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxi. Salem, 1884. 8vo, pp. iv, 309. Contents : Memorial of Charles T. Brooks, by E. B. Willson ; His life at Newport, by Charles W. Wendte ; Genealogical notes respecting Henry Brooks and some of his descendants, by Luke Brooks ; Inscriptions from the old burying ground, Lynn, Mass. ; The Perkins family, by George A. Perkins ; Lemuel Wood s journal ; Early settlers of Rowley, Mass., by Geo. B. Blodgette ; Me morial of John Bertram, by Edward S. Atwood ; The commission of the captain of a Salem privateer, in the Revolutionary War, by E. P. Crowell ; Records of the first church at Salisbury, Mass., 17521805, communicated by Win. P. Upham ; Records of the fifth parish of Gloucester, now Rockport, communi cated by Calvin W. Pool ; Life and character of Sir William Pepperrell, by Luther Dame ; A short historical sketch of Annisquam parish, by James S. Jewett ; Early recollections of the upper portion of Essex street, by Oliver Thayer ; Some material for a history of the name and family of Rentoul Rintoul Rantoul, compiled by Robert S. Rantoul ; Index of names. (226O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxn. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. iv, 307. Contents : Early settlers of Rowley ; Inscriptions from the Old Burying Ground, Lynn ; Thoreau, Flagg, and Burroughs, by W. G. Barton ; The second Congregational Church in Marblehead, by Stephen P. Hathaway ; The family of John Perkins of Ipswich, by George A. Perkins ; Records of the fifth parish of Gloucester, now Rockport ; Salem baptisms ; Topfield in the Revolution, by J. II. Gould ; The Conant family ; Index. (226Oa 314 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxm. Salem, 1886. 8vo, pp. iv, 318. Contents : Salem baptisms ; Address before the Essex bar association, by Wm. D. Nortbend ; Members of the Essex bar; Inscriptions from the old burying ground, Lynn ; The Perkins family ; Early settlers of Rowley, by Geo. B. Blodgette ; A sketch of the musical societies of Salem, by George M. Whipple ; Account of the Rebecca Nurse Monument, communicated by Wm. P. Upham ; Roger Derby, by Richard II. Derby ; Two historical letters from Augustus T. Perkins (giving some Perkins genealogy) ; Index of names. (2261 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxiv. Salem, 1888. Svo, pp. iv, 319. Contents : A contribution to the history of the ancient family of Woodbury, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Early settlers of Rowley, by George B. Blodgette ; Half- mile stone, Wenham ; Inscriptions from the Old Burying Ground, Wenham ; Negro slavery in Massachusetts, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Inscriptions from the old burying ground in Dodge s Row (North Beverly), copied by Wellington Pool ; Sketch of Mrs. William Jarvis, of Weathersfield, Vt., by Mrs. Mary Pep- perrell Sparhawk Jarvis Cutts, edited by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard ; An " Epicedium," composed in 1752, by Rev. John C. Cleaveland, of Chebacco (now Essex), in Ipswich, Mass., by E. P. Crowell ; Inscriptions from the old bury ing ground at Lynnfield centre, copied by John T. Moulton ; Pay roll of Capt. Jno. Dodge s company of guards, 1778 ; Salem military company names of the volunteer artillery corps ; Gleanings relative to the family of Adam Hawkes, one of the early settlers of the third plantation of Massachusetts, by Nathan M. Hawkes ; Early records of the church in Topsfield, communicated by John H. Gould ; Genealogy of the Allen family of Manchester, Mass., from the earliest settlement to the year 1886, by John Price ; Our new domain ; A history of Methodism in Salem, by James F. Almy ; Notes and queries ; Index of names. (2262 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxv. Salem, 1888. Svo, pp. iv, 317. Plate. Contents : A sketch of Tristam Dalton, by Eben F. Stone ; Materials for a genealogy of the Sparhawk family in New England, compiled by Cecil Hamp den Cutts Howard ; Genealogy of the Allen family of Manchester, Mass., from the earliest settlement to the year 1886, by John Price; Inscriptions from the old burying ground at Saugus Centre, copied by John T. Moulton ; An account of the yacht " Cleopatra s Barge," by Benjamin W. Crowninshield ; The Govr. Endecott estate ; Notes : Was Governor Endecott s house the first place of worship? The settlement of Beverly; The authenticity of the Roger Wil liams house ; The part taken by Essex county in the organization and settle ment of the northwest territory ; A record of interments in the old or western burying ground in Lynn, Mass., made by Benjamin H. Jacob, copied from the original record by John T. Moulton ; Semihistorical rambles among the eighteenth century places along the Saugus river, by Nathan M. Hawkes; Mining and quarrying and smelting of ores in Boxford, by Sidney Perley ; A strange epistle of a century ago (from Willm. Fairfield, at Cayenne, to his mother, Rebecca Fairfield, Salem) ; Index of names. (2263 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxvi. Salem, 1889. 8vo, pp. iii (1), 316. Portraits. Contents : Address delivered before the Essex Bar Association and the Essex Institute, by Eben F. Stone ; The Sparhawk family, by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard ; Materials for genealogies of certain families of Clarks, early settled in Essex county, communicated by George K. Clarke ; Interments in Old or Western burying ground in Lynn ; Samuel P. Fowler ; Reminiscences of the Revolution ; Prison letters and sea journal of Caleb Foote, born 1750, died 1787, compiled by Caleb Foote; Dwellings of Boxford, by Sidney Perley; History of the Salem Light Infantry, by George M. Whipple ; Index of names. (2264 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxvu. Salem, 1890. 8vo, pp. iii, 237. Contents : Sketch of John Albion Andrew, by Eben F. Stone ; A supplement to the Allen family, collected by A. A. Galloupe, and connected by John Price with the genealogy in Vols. 24 and 25 ; Inscriptions in Old or Western Bury ing Ground in Lynn ; The dwellings of Boxford, by Sidney Perley ; Reminis cences of Capt. James Barr, of Salem, Mass., by James Barr Curwen ; Some ESSEX INSTITUTE. 315 materials for a genealogy of the Prince family, of Danvers, by Eben Putnam ; Report of committee relating to Acadians settling in the Province, 31 Jan., 1765 ; The first church in Salem ; Essex Institute, obituary notices of members, May, 1889-May, 1890 ; A rough subject index to the publications of the Essex Institute; Proceedings, Vols. 1-6; Bulletin, Vols. 1-22; Historical Collections, vols. 1-27, by Gardner M. Jones ; Index of names. (2265 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxvm. Salem, 1891. 8vo, pp. iii, 221. Contents : The -dwellings of Boxford, by Sidney Perley ; Genealogical glean ings in England : Extracts from marriage licenses granted by the Bishop of London, 1598 to 1639, by Henry F. Waters; The Sparhawk family, by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard ; An account of the first centennial of the settlement of Salem ; Suffolk early files, communicated by William P. Upham ; Copy from an account book of privateer brig " Sturdy Beggar " ; Petition for a new town pump, 1794; Extract from Essex county records, 1709 (in regard to the de struction of the house of Richard Saltonstall) ; Index of names. (2260 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxix. Salem, 1892. 8vo, pp. iii, 224. Contents : The dwellings of Boxford, by Sidney Perley ; Were the Salem witches guiltless? By Barrett Wendell; Genealogical record of the Houlton or Holton family of Danvers, by Eben Putnam ; Revolutionary letters ; Soldiers in the French war from Essex County, 1755-1761 ; Militia officers, Essex County, 1761-1771 ; Danvers tax list, 1775 ; Index. (22G7 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections, Vol. xxx. Salem, 1893. 8vo, pp. iii, 232. Contents : Columbus day in Salem, by W. A. Mowry ; The building of Essex bridge, Salem ; James Robinson Newhall, by N. M. Hawkes ; Roll of Caleb Lowe s Company, belonging to Danvers, April 19, 1775 ; Memorial of Henry Wheatland ; Index. (22G8 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections, Vol. xxxi. Salem, 1894-9"). 8vo, pp. iii, 267, Contents; Baptismal records of the church in Topsfield, 1727-1779; Salem and the Conkling family ; The Pepperell portraits, C. H. C. Howard ; * * * A historic ball room, by R. S. Rantoul ; List of Salem vessels insured by Timo thy Orm, John Nutting, jr., and John Higginson, December, 1757, to December, 1758 ; Lady Deborah Moody, by Mrs. H. W. Edwards ; Some localities about Salem, by H. M. Brooks ; Edmund B. Willson, by R. S. Rantoul ; Notes on the ancestry of " Rear-Admiral " Thomas Graves, by Eben Putnam ; Notes on the Pillsburys of Leek, England, by E. A. Getchell and Eben Putnam ; Index. (22GJ) ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxn. Saleni, 1896. 8vo, pp. iii, 274. Plate. Contents : Some claims of Salem on the notice of the country, by Robert S. Rantoul; How many men had Leslie at North Bridge? a note appended to the foregoing ; Baptismal records of the church in Topsfield, from the beginning of the ministry of the Rev. Daniel Breck, Nov. 17, 1779, until the dismissal, May 5, 1841, of the Rev. James F. McEwen ; Salem before the Revolution, by Gilbert L. Streeter ; The seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Essex His torical Society, address by Robert S. Rantoul ; A short account of the descend ants of William Haskell, of Gloucester, Mass., by Ulysses G. Haskell ; Early fisheries in the Merrimac ; Trouble between the Merrimac towns and New Hampshire, 1718 ; Browne Hill [formerly called Long Hill and Leach s Hill] and some history connected with it, by Ezra D. Hines ; Index. (227O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxm. Salem, Mass., 1898. 8vo, pp. iii, 315. Plate. Map. Contents: The first cotton mill in America (Beverly, Mass.), by Robert S. Rantoul ; Way from Salem ferry towards Ipswich [a petition from selectmen of Beverly for the preservation of this way, Dec. y e 30th, 1698] ; The early homes of the Puritans, by Thomas Franklin Waters ; A muster roll of Wenham men who marched for Lexington ; Salem Neck and Winter Island, a story of a walk around Salem Neck and Winter Island, noting points of interest and ancient nomenclature of the natural features, by William Lewis Welch ; The story of Winter Island and Salem Neck, by G. L. Streeter ; Record of deaths in Topsfield, 1658-1800, by Geo. Frs. Dow; A lost letter of Col. Timothy Pickering (con cerning the passage of the tariff), Salem, Oct. 20, 1820, from the records of 316 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the Essex Agricultural Society ; Charles S. Osgood, librarian of the Essex Insti tute, 1888-1897 (an obituary) ; Topsfield and Rowley village men who took the oath of allegiance and fidelity, 1678, by Sidney Perley ; Topsfield bill of estate, made between 1723 and 1725 ; Some old Ipswich houses, by Thomas Franklin Waters ; Arnold s march from Cambridge to Quebec, by Ezra Dodge Hines ; List of vessels employed in foreign trade, belonging to the district of Salem and Beverly, in 1820 ; Index. (2271 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxiv. Salem, 1898. 8vo, pp. iii, 270. Plates. Portraits. Map. Contents : An address in memory of Thomas Franklin Hunt, by Edwin C. Bolles ; Museums in Boston ; Extracts from " Text Books " of Dea. Joseph Sec- combe, 175677 ; Subscription to the relief of Rev. James Diman, 1748 ; The brig Mexican, of Salem, captured by pirates, and her escape, by Edward 0. Battis ; The floating bridge at Lynn, on the Salem and Boston turnpike, by C. J. II. Woodbury ; Early records of Rowley, Mass. ; First book of records of the First Church in Lynnfield, by Eben. Parsons; Some personal recollections of Robert Rantoul, junior, by Charles Levi Woodbury ; David Larcum : deed of sale for negro; Did Winthrop land at Manchester?, map; Henry Mason Brooks, a memoir, by Edward S. Morse ; First petition to the legislature for separating Beverly from Salem, May 9, 1659 ; Index. (2272 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxv. Salem, 1899. 8vo, pp. (4), 350. Portraits. Contents : Biographical notes Nathaniel Silsbee ; Muster roll of Capt. Theo dore Morgan s company ; Parsons and the Constitutional Convention of 1788, by Eben F. Stone: Early church records of Rowley, Mass., by George B. Blodgette ; Joshua Coffin papers ; Reminiscences of Henry M. Brooks, by Gilbert L. Streeter ; Federalist broadside, March 16, 1812 ; Beverly First Church records, by William P. Upham ; John Woodbury and some of his descendants, a paper found among the manuscripts of the late Perley Derby; A forgotten horror (smallpox); Index. (2273 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxvi. Salem, Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. iv, 370. Portraits. Plates. Contents : The cruise of the Quero: How we carried the news [of Concord and Lexington] to the king, May, 1775, by Robert S. Rantoul ; John Wood- bury and some of his descendants, a paper found among the manuscripts of the late Perley Derby, concluded from Vol. xxxv ; Boxford town records, 1685-1706, copied by Sidney Perley in 1880 ; Call for political convention to be held at Ipswich, April 25, 1776 (broadside) ; Salem social life in the early nine teenth century, familiar letters written between 1812 and 1831 from friends in Salem to a Salem school girl removed to Ohio ; An East India House permit, Sept. 20, 1798; Exchange of prisoners in 1813; Isaac Esty, of Topsfield, and some of his descendants, by Gay Estey Bangs : Beverly First Church records, 1698-1772 (continued from Vol. xxxv). copied by William P. Upham; Salem commoners records, 1713-1739, copied by Geo. Francis Dow ; Some historic streets and colonial houses of Salem, by Gilbert L. Streeter : Essex St., Federal St., Gredney court, Sewall St., English St., Becket St., Turner St. ; A contem porary letter written from Fort Sewall, in Marblehead, to the Gurnet Fort, near Plymouth, detailing the "Sandy Bay Surprise" of September 5, 1814. with other matters ; The voting rights of freedmen in 1658, A petition from some of the inhabitants of Ipswich ; The will of George Rea Curwen, born July 4, 1823 died March 17, 1900 ; A letter from Andrew Dunlnp, Boston, Nov. 2G, 1828 ; Bands and band music in Salem, by Thomas Carroll ; Marine notes from a news book kept in Salem, Mass., 1812-1815, at the office of the Essex Insurance Company, Nathaniel Bowditch, president, copied by George L. Peabody ; Diary of Joseph Green, of Salem village, 171415, Extracts made by George Francis Dow ; James Jeffry s journal for the year 1724, copied by Alice G. Waters ; Index. (2274 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxvu. Salem, 1901. 8vo, pp. iv, 466. Plates. Portraits. Contents : An account of the private armed ship "America," of Salem, with appendix and five plates, by B. B. Crowninshield ; List of vessels owned wholly or in part by Timothy Orne, junior, of Salem, 1740-1758; Thomas Gardner, planter, and some of his descendants, by Frank A. Gardner ; Salem commoners records, 1713-1739, by George Francis Dow; Some personal, reminiscences of the poet Whittier, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Marine notes from a news book kept i in ESSEX INSTITUTE. 317 Salem, Mass., 1812-1815, at the office of the Essex Insurance Company, copied by George L. Peabody ; Chief justice Samuel Sewall, by Cecil H. C. Howard ; Beverly First Church records, 1667-1707, by Wm. P. Upham ; Captain William Driver and his flag " Old Glory," 1862, by Robert S. Rantoul ; The Pepperrells in America, by Cecil II. C. Howard ; Salem commoners records, 1713-1739, by George Francis Dow ; Francis Lyford, of Boston and Exeter, and some of his descendants, by William Lewis Welch ; What Washington thought of a third term, by Robert S. Rantoul ; Index. (2275 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxvni. Salem, 1902. Svo, pp. iii, 437. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents : Hugh Peter, preacher, patriot, philanthropist ; fourth pastor of the First Church in Salem ; A mosaic, by Eleanor Bradley Peters. Muster roll of Capt. William Norwood s company, 4th company of Gloucester, 1764 ; Revolu tionary letter written by Maj. Stephen Abbot ; Enlistments in the Revolutionary army a letter from John Hancock, 1775 ; Francis Lyford, of Boston and Exeter, and some of his descendants, by William Lewis Welch ; Thomas Gardner, planter, and some of his descendants, by Frank A. Gardner; Reproduction of a letter written by Hugh Peter ; Marine notes from a news book kept in Salem, Mass., 18121815, at the office of the Essex Insurance Company, copied by George L. Peabody ; The Pepperrells in America, by Cecil II. C. Howard ; Beverly First Church records, by William P. Upham ; Facsimile of the Fishermen s Peti tion of 1659 ; Misery Islands, and what has happened there : Salem commoners records, 1713-1739, by George Francis Dow ; The affair at the North Bridge, Salem, February 26, 1775; Index. (227G ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxix. Salem, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. iv, 424. Contents : The fire clubs of Salem, by William D. Dennis ; The old North Ferry and Dixy s horse-boat ; Thomas Gardner, planter, and some of his descend ants, by Frank A. Gardner ; Salem Commoners Records, 1713-1739, by George Francis Dow ; The Pepperrells in America, by Cecil Harnpden Cutts Howard ; The Pickman silver, deposited with the Essex Institute, Dec., 1902 ; Salem and Boston custom house records of the pre-revolutionary period ; Military associa tion at Haverhill, 1798, from Essex Institute manuscript collections; Ship reg isters of the district of Salem and Beverly, 1789-1900, by A. Frank Hitchings, with additional notes by Stephen Willard Phillips ; Report of the committee on the authenticity of the first meeting house in Salem ; Evidence relative to the authenticity of the "First Church" (so-called) in Salem, by Sidney Perley ; Marine notes from a news book kept in Salem, 18121815, at the office of the Essex Insurance Company, Nathaniel Bowditch, president ; Revolutionary letters written by Col. Timothy Pickering ; Seven letters written by Manasseh Cutler, while representing the Essex district in Congress, 1803-5, to his friend Deacon Francis Low, of Hamilton ; Beverly First Church records, by William P. Upham ; English notes about early settlers in New England ; Index. (2277 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. XL. Salem, 1904. 8vo, pp. iv, 449. Illus. Contents : The Nathaniel Ropes estate ; A letter from Thomas Spencer who introduced the Salem Gibraltar, addressed on his return to England, to his friend Dr. Abel Lawrence Peirson, M. D., of Salem, 1838 ; Notes on the report as to the authenticity of the first meeting-house in Salem, by Wm. P. Upham ; Letter from Tim. Pickering, Junr., 77 ; Thomas Gardner, planter, and some of his descendants, by Frank A. Gardner ; Ship registers of the District of Salem and Beverly, 1789-1900, by A. Frank Hitchings. with additional notes by Stephen Willard Phillips; The Pepperrells in America, by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard ; The A very family, of Greenland, N. II., by William II. Manning ; A Revolutionary letter written by Col. Timothy Pickering to his brother, 1777 ; A chart of the private signals used by forty-eight commercial houses of Salem and Beverly ; Salem town records, Town meetings, Vol. n, 16591680 ; Beverly first church records, copied by William P. Upham ; English notes about early settlers in New England, by Lothrop Withington ; The date of the founding of Salem, a letter addressed to the governor of Massachusetts, by Robert S. ifan- toul ; Essex county estates administered in Suffolk county prior to 1701 ab stracts from papers on file and recorded in Suffolk county registry of probate, by Eugene Tappan ; A sketch of General Frederick W. Lander, by his brother, Judge Edward Lander ; Index. (2278 318 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical Collections. Vol. XLI, 1905. Salem, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 448, iv. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Proceedings of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Nathaniel Hawthorne : Opening remarks, hy Robert S. Rantoul ; Introductory address, by Joseph N. Peterson ; Address of Samuel M. Crothers ; Address by Joseph W. Symonds ; Address by Edward W. Emerson ; An account of the first reunion of the descendants of Major William and John Hathorne, held at Salem, Mass., June 23, 1904 ; A list of souvenirs of Nathaniel Hawthorne exhibited at the Essex Institute in connection with the Centennial ; Autograph letters and manuscripts ; Hawthorne relics ; Salem town records Town meet ings, Vol. u, 1659-1680; Ship registers of the district of Salem and Beverly, 1789-1900, communicated by A. Frank Hitchings, with additional notes by Stephen Willard Phillips ; Personal sketches of early inhabitants of Georgetown, Mass., by Ellen W. Spofford ; Essex county estates administered in Suffolk county prior to 1701 ; Essex county notarial records, 1697-1768 ; Beverly First Church Records, copied by William P. TJpham ; Revolutionary letter from Thomas Smith, Forton Prison, 1780 ; Stores on the north side of Essex Street, Salem, between Court and North streets, in 1818 ; The Pepperrells in America, by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard ; A biographical sketch of Rev. William Bent- ley, from the historical address by Joseph G. Waters, prepared for the cele bration of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the East Church, observed Nov. 8, 1868 ; An address on Rev. William Bentley, by Marguerite Dalrymple ; Plan of arrangements at the funeral of Dr. Bentley, Jan. 3, 1820; Bibliography of Rev. William . Bentley, compiled by Alice G. Waters; English notes about early settlers in New England, communicated by Lothrop Withing- ton (including " Gleanings," by Henry Fitz Gilbert Waters, not before printed) ; The Society of Friends at Lynn, Mass., with some account of their laws and social customs, by Sallie H. Hacker ; Letter from General Denison, relating to the Indians crossing Merrimack river, March 19, 1676; Military committees report, March 29, 1676, with particulars of garrisons in Essex county towns ; Essex county notarial records, 1697-1768 ; Index. (2280 ESSEX INSTITUTE. History of the Salem and Danvers Aqueduct. By C. M. Endicott. Salem, I860. 8vo, pp. 16. (2281 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the ripening of certain varieties of pears. Remarks on ripening summer and autumn pears. By James Upton. Salem [I860]. 8vo, pp. 429-434. No title-page. (2282 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Weal-Reaf. A record of the Essex Institute Fair at Salem, September 4, 5, G, 7, 8. With supplementary numbers, September 10, 11, I860. [Salem], 1860. 4to, pp. 60. (2283 ESSEX INSTITUTE. New England Congregationalism in its origin and purity; illustrated by the foundation and early records of the First Church in Salem, and various discussions pertaining to the subject. By D. A. White. Salem, 1861. Svo, pp. (1), 11, (1), 319. "The whole work * * * is presented to [the] Society that they may distribute and dispose of the public copies in such manner as they may see fit." Preface. (2284 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the birds found at Norway, Oxford County, Me. By A. E. Verrill. [Salem, 1862.] Svo, pp. 25. (2285 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A list of the butterflies of New England. By S. H. Scudder. [Salem, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 161-179. No title-page. (2286 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A Memorial Discourse on William Symmes, esq. Delivered at Andover and North Andover in the winter of 1859-60, by N. W. Hazen. [Salem, 1862.] Svo, pp. 193-217. No title-page. ESSEX INSTITUTE. 319 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report on the Army Worm, Lcucania unipuncta Haw. By Carleton A. Shurtleff. [Salem, 1802.] 8vo, pp. 8. From Proceedings of Essex Institute, Vol. nr. (228S ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of General John Glover, of Marblehead. By Wil liam P. Uptiam. Salem, 18(33. Svo, pp. 61. Portrait. (2289 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of Daniel Appleton White, by George W. Briggs. Prepared by request of this Institute, and read January 11, 18G4. From the Historical Collections. Salem, 1864. Small 4to, pp. (2), 47. (229O ESSEX INSTITUTE. On the sodalite at Salem, Mass. By David M. Balch. [Sa lem, 18G4.] 8vo, pp. 3-6. No title-page. (2291 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An historical Notice of the Essex Institute. Act of incor poration, constitution, and by-laws, and a list of officers and members. Salem, 1865. 8vo, pp. 44. (2292 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the habits of some species of bumble bees, and on the leaf-cutting bee. By F. W. Putnam. The bumble bees of New England and their parasites [etc.]. By A. S. Packard, jr. Salem, [1865]. 8vo, pp. 98-140. Plate. From the Proceedings of the Institute, Vol. iv. (2293 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Publications of the Institute, from 1848 to 1865. Salem, 1865. Svo, pp. 8, (1). (2294 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Naturalist s Directory. Parts 1, 2. Salem : Published by the Essex Institute, 1865-66. 8vo, pp. 31, 4, 84, 16. The second part, which is arranged systematically under subjects, followed by an alphabetical index, comprises the matter of the first part, which is alpha betical only, and therefore the second part is practically a new edition of the directory, not a continuation. (2295 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report of the Committee of the Institute on the First Church of the Pilgrims. Rendered June 19, 1865. [Salem, 1865.] Svo, pp. S. (2296 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A journey to the West in 1817. Notes of travel by a Salem mechanic on his way to the Ohio fifty years ago. Selected from his journal by [his son] James Kimball. [Salem, 1866.] Svo, pp. 226-250. No title-page. (2297 ESSEX INSTITUTE. List of birds observed near Hamilton, Canada West. By Thomas Mcllwraith. [Salem, 1866.] Svo, pp. 79-06. No title-page. (2298 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Observations on polyzoa, sub-order phylactohemata, with nine plates, by Alpheus Hyatt. Salem. From Proceedings of the Institute, Vols. iv and v. 1866-1868. 8vo, pp. iv, 103, (9). (2299 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Prodrome ,of a monograph of the pinnipedes. By Theodore Gill. Salem, 1866. 8vo, pp. 13. (23OO ESSEX INSTITUTE. Researches and experiments upon silk from spiders, and upon their reproduction. By Raymond Maria de Termeyer, a Spaniard. Translated from the Italian. Review by Burt G. Wilder. Communications of the Essex Institute, Vol. v, 1866-67. [Salem, 1867.] 8vo, pp. 51-79. (23O1 320 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notice of some of the descendants of Joseph Pope, of Salem. By Henry Wheatland. [Salem, 1867.] Svo, pp. 14. (2302 ESSEX INSTITUTE. On the phalanges of the United States. By H. C. Wood. [Salem, 1867.] Svo, pp. 10-40. Woodcuts. No title-page. (23O3 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the birds in North America contained in the Museum of the Essex Institute; with which is incorporated a list of the hirds of New England. With brief, critical, and field notes. By Elliott Coues. [Salem, 1868.] Svo. (2304 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Collection of geographical names in the Algonkin language. [Salem, 1868.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Extracted from the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. vin, No. 3. (2305 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Description of Mexican ants noticed in. the American Natur alist, April, 1868. By Edward Norton. [Salem, 1868.] Svo, pp. 10. Woodcuts. No title-page. (2306 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Flora of the Hawaiian Islands. By Horace Mann. [Salem, 1868.] Svo. From the Communications of the Essex Institute, Vol. v. pp. 113-144; 161-192; 233-24S. Vol. vi, pp. 105-112. No title-page. (2307 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A list of the birds of New England. By Elliott Coues. Salem, 1868. Svo, pp. 71. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings. (2308 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of Francis Peabody, president of the Essex Insti tute. By C. W. Upham. Salem, Mass. : Essex Institute Press, 1868. Svo, pp. SO. (2309 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notice of a foray of a colony of Formica Sanguined Latr. upon a colony of a black species of Formica, for the purpose of making slaves of the latter. By J. A. Allen. Salem, 1868. Svo, pp. 14-16. No title-page. (2310 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Town records of Salem, October 1, 1634. to November 7. H ."). [Edited by W. P. Upham.] From the Historical Collections. Salem. 18(18. Svo, pp. 242. (2311 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of Daniel I*. King, read at a meeting of the Essex Institute, April 19, 1869. By C. W. Upham. Salem, Mass. : Essex Insti tute Press, 1869. Svo, pp. 51. Portrait. (2312 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The first cruise of the United States frigate Essex, with a short account of her origin and . subsequent career until captured by the British in 1814, and her ultimate fate. Prepared by Capt. George Henry Preble. From Essex Institute Historical Collections, Vol. x. Salem, 1870. Svo, pp. (1), 108. Plate. (2313 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Hutchinson family: or the descendants of Barnard Hutchinson. of Cowlam, England. Compiled by Perley Derby. Salem, 1870. Svo, pp. 107. (2314 ESSEX INSTITUTE. To-day: A paper printed during the fair of the Institute and Oratorio Society, at Salem, from October 31 to November 4, 1870. I Salem. 1870.] 4to, pp. 3 (40). (2315 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 321 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Commemoration of the semi-centennial anniversary of the historical department of the Institute, Friday, April 21, 1871. [Pro gramme.] [Salem, 1871.1 8vo, pp. 4. (331G ESSEX INSTITUTE. First church in Salem, 1(334. 24mo, pp. 32. Reprint of reports of a committee appointed in 1859 to investigate the au thenticity of the traditions relating to the first church, etc. (2317 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Hon. Asahel Huntington. Memorial address delivered he- fore the Essex Institute, Tuesday evening. September 5, 1871. By Otis P. Lord. Reprinted from the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. Salem, 1871. Svo, pp. 81-114. (2318 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the hirds of Minnesota. By T. M. Trippie. [Salem, 1871.] Svo, pp. 113-119. Xo title-page. (2319 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Synopsis of the primary subdivisions of the cetaceans. By Theodore Gill. [Salem, 1871.] Svo, pp. 121-126. No title-page. (232O ESSEX INSTITUTE. The ancestry and posterity of Zaccheus Gould, of Topsfield. A condensed abstract of the family records. By B. A. Gould. From the Historical Collections of the Institute. Salem, 1872. Svo, pp. 109. (2321 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Chipman lineage, particularly as in Essex County, Mass. By II. Manning Chipman. *Froni the Historical Collections of the Institute. Salem, 1872. 8vo, pp. 52. * (2322 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A record of births, baptisms, publishment, marriages, and deaths in the Perkins family of Ipswich. By G. A. Perkins, Salem. Printed at the Salem Press. 1872. 8vo, pp. 16. (2323 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Ancient and modern theories of light, heat, and color. By S. M. Allen. [Salem, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. (2324 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Check list of the ferns of North America, north of Mexico. By John Robinson. Salem, 1873. 8vo, pp. 11. (2325 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Description of a carved stone, representing a cetacean, found at Seabrook, N. H. By F. W. Putnam. From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. v, June, 1873. [Salem, Mass., 1873.] Svo, pp. 4. Illus. Caption title. .(232G ESSEX INSTITUTE. Description of a stone knife found at Kingston, N. H. By F. W. Putnam. From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. v, July, 1873, p. 125. [Salem, Mass.], 1873. Svo, 1 1. Illus. (2327 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Descriptions of a few stone knives found in Essex county, Massachusetts. By F. W. Putnam. From the Bulletin of the Essex Insti tute, Vol. v, April and May, 1873. [Salem, Mass., 1873?] Svo, cover-title, pp. [80]-86. Illus. An abstract of a verbal communication at a meeting of the Essex Institute. (2328 ESSEX INSTITUTE. In memory of Henry Coit Perkins, Newburyport, Mass. [Memoir by Samuel J. Spalding.] [Salem.] 1873. 8vo, pp. (4), 34. (2329 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 21 322 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the bird fauna of the Salt Lake Valley and the adjacent portion of the Wahsatch Mountains. By Robert Ridgway. [Salem, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 168-173. (233O ESSEX INSTITUTE. On some new forms of American birds. By S. F. Baird and Robert Ridgway. [Salem, 1873.] Svo. pp. 197-201. No title-page. (2331 ESSEX INSTITUTE. On the generic affinities of the New England chitons. By P. P. Carpenter. [Salem, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 152-155. (2332 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A partial catalogue of the birds of Grand Menan, New Brunswick. By H. Herrick. Salem : Printed at the Salem Press. 1873. Svo, pp. 16. (2333 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Proceedings of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Insti tute, March 5, 1873. Salem, 1873. Svo, pp. 35. From the Bulletin. (2334 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Account of an early California voyage. By John N. Eagles- ton. Salem, 1874. 8vo, pp. (2), 25-32. (2335 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Address delivered before the Institute, October 5, 1874, at the centennial anniversary of the meeting of the Provincial assembly in Salem, October 5, 1774. By A. C. Goodell, jr. Salem, 1874. Svo. pp. 52. (2336 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Birds of Colorado. By Robert Ridgway. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. v. [Salem, 1874.] Svo. pp. (1), 174-195. (2337 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Birds of northeastern Illinois. By E. W. Nelson. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. vin. [Salem, 1874.] Svo, pp. (1), 90-155. (2338 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Early days and rapid growth of California. By Alfred Pea- body. Salem, 1874. Svo, pp. 32. (2339 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A Journal of the Rev. Daniel Shute, Chaplain in the Expe dition to Canada in 1758. Communicated by James Kimball. [Salem, 1874.] Svo, pp. 20. No title-page. (234O ESSEX INSTITUTE. List of birds observed at various localities contiguous to the Central Pacific Railroad from Sacramento City, California, to Salt Lake Valley, Utah. By Robert Ridgway. [Salem, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 40. (2341 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoirs of John Lewis Russell. By E. B. Willson, Salem, 1874. 8vo, pp. 16. (2342 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Northend Family. By W. D. Northend. [Salem, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 71-84. No title-page. (2343 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Mammals of portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. By Joel A. Allen. [Salem. 1874.] Svo, pp. 43-66. No title-page. (2344 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Destruction of Tea in Boston Harbor, with a sketch of William Russell, of Boston, one of the "tea destroyers." By James Kimball. [Salem, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 45. (2345 .ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Thomas Almanacs. By James H, Pitts. [Salem, 1874.] Svo, pp. 28. (2346 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 323 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Addenda to Ferns of Essex County. By John Robinson. Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. vn, October, 1875. Svo, pp. 147, 148. (2346a ESSEX INSTITUTE. Catalogue of antique articles on Exhibition at Pluiumer Hall. [Salem, 1875.] 12mo, pp. 18. (2347 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Catalogue of Paintings, Bronzes, etc., exhibited by the Insti tute at Pluminer Hall, November, 1875. Salem, 1875. Svo, pp. 16. (2348 ESSEX INSTITUTE. First Art Exhibition. March, 1875. Catalogue. [Salem, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 7. (2349 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Indian Ridge [Andover, Mass.] and its Continuations. -By G. T. Wright. [Salem, 1875^J Svo, pp. 165-168. No title-page. (235O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of Benjamin Frederick Browne. Read February 15, 1875. By [Salem, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 81-88. No title-page. (2351 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The name of Perkins, as found in the Essex County Records. [By A. T. Perkins.] [Salem, 1875.] Svo, pp. 90-105. (2352 ESSEX INSTITUTE. By-laws adopted March, 1876. [Salem,] 1876. Svo, pp. 8. (2353* ESSEX INSTITUTE. Letters written at the time of the occupation of Boston by the British, 1775-76. Communicated by William P. Upham. From the Historical Collections of the Institute, Vol. xm. Salem, 1876. 8vo, pp. (1), 153-240. (2354 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Orderly Book of the Regiment of Artillery raised for the Defence of the Town of Boston, commanded by Col. Thomas Crafts, from June, 1777, to December, 1778. Also called the " Massachusetts State s Train." Communicated by James Kimbnll. From the Historical Collec tions, Vol. xm. Salem, 1876. 8vo, pp. (1), 115-207. (2355 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Papers relating to the Rev. Samuel Skelton. By W. P. Upham. [Salem, 1876.] 8vo, pp. (2), 143-152. (2356 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Priced catalogue of the Publications o f the Society. Salem, 1876. Svo, pp. 8. (2357 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A Brief History of the Art of Stenography, with a proposed new system of Phonetic Shorthand, by William I*. Upham. Salem, 1877. 8vo, pp. viii, (1), 12. (2358 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Contributions to the Myology of Tachyglossa Hystrix, Echidna Hystrix [auct.]. By J. W. Fewkes. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. ix. [Salem, 1877.] 8vo, pp. (1), 111-137. Two plates. (2359 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Early Records of the town of Rowley, Mass. Communi cated by George B. Blodgette. [Salem, 1877.] Svo, pp. 253-262. (236O ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Exploration of the Merrimack River, in 1638, by order of the General Court of Massachusetts, with a plan of the same. Com municated by James Kimball. Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xiv, No. 3. July, 1877. [Salem, 1877. J Svo, pp. 153-171. (2361 324 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. List of Birds Collected near Santarem, Brazil. By J. A. Allen. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. vm. [Salem, 1877.] 8vo, pp. (1), 78-83. (2362 ESSEX INSTITUTE. [Celebration of Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Governor J. Endicott, 1878.] Circulars. (2363 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Copy of the Record of Deaths of the First Church in Rowley, Mass. [1696-1777.] By George B. Blodgette. [Salem, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 42. (2364 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Dismissions f.roni the First Church in Rowley, Mass. By George B. Blodgette. [Salem, 1878.] Svo, pp. 149-152. No title-page. (2365 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A List of the Birds of the Hudson Highlands. By Edgar A. Means. [Salem, 1878-1881.] Svo, pp. 113. (2366 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A List of the Birds of Massachusetts, with annotations. By J. A. Allen. [Salem, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 37. (2367 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memorial of John Clarke Lee, by E. B. Willson. From the Essex Institute Historical .Collections, Vol. xv. Salem, 1878. 8vo, pp. 30. (2368 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on Pacific Coast Crustacea. By W. N. Lockington. [Boston, 1878.] Svo, pp. 159-165. No title-page. From the Bulletin, Vol. x, Nos. 10, 11, 12. (236!) ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Hirudinei observed in Michigan. By Abrani Sage. [Salem, 1878.] Svo, pp. 73-76. (237O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notice of an interesting Relic of Mexican Sculpture. By F. W. Putnam." [Salem, 1878.] Svo, pp. (2), 2. (2371 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notice of the Perkins Arms in England. Extracts from a letter from Mansfield Parkyns, esq.. of London, to W. H. Turner, esq., of Oxford. Communicated by Aug. T. Perkins, esq. Historical Collection of the Essex Institute, Vol. xv, Nos. 1 and 2. With coats of arms, etc. Svo, pp. 13. Plate. (2371a ESSEX INSTITUTE. Ode on the Anniversary of the Fifth Half Century of the Landing of Gov. John Endicott. By W. W. Story. Delivered before the Institute, September 18, 1878. Salem, 1878. Small 4to, pp. 29. (2372 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Pine: Its Life and Importance in Essex County. By John Robinson. [Salem, 1878.] 8vo. pp. 11. , (2373 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Address at the Commemoration of the Landing of John Endicott. before the Institute, September 18, 1878. By W. C. Endicott. Salem, 1879. Svo, pp. 38. (2374 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Biographical Notice of James Upton. By R. C. Mills. [Salem, 1879.] Svo, pp. 10. (2375 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Enharmonic Keyboard of Prof. Henry Ward Poole. By Theodore M. Osborne. From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. XL [Salem, 1879.] Svo, pp. (1), 109-122. (2376 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 325 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Fifth Half Century of the Landing of John Endicott at Salem, Mass. Commemorative exercises by the Essex Institute, September 18, 1878. Salem, 1879. 8vo, pp. vii, 229. Portrait. Pages 212-223 contain " Historical Events of Salem." Hon. William C. Endicott delivered the oration, C. T. Brooks offered a poem, and W. W. Story an ode. (2377 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A list of the Fishes of Essex County, including those of Massachusetts Bay, according to the Latest Results of the Work of the United States Fish Commission. By G. Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean. Salem, 1879. Svo, pp. (1), 38. (2378 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical sketch of Salem, 1626-1879. By Charles S. Os- good and H. M. Batchelder. Salem : Essex Institute, 1879. Large Svo, pp. viii, 280. Illustrated. Portrait. (2379 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes and extracts from the " Records of the First Church in Salem, 1629 to 1736." Communicated by James A. Eminerton. Salem, 1879. Svo, pp. 28. (238O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the native and extensively introduced plants of I^ssex County, Mass. By John Robinson. Salem, 1879. Svo, pp. 38. Photograph. (2381 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notice of a portrait of Washington. By C. H. Hart. [Salem, 1879.] 8vo, pp. (2), 161-165. (2382 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Priced catalogue of the publications of the Society. Salem, 1879. Svo, pp. 5. (2383 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Record of deaths from gravestones in Rowley, including all before the year, 1680. By G. B. Blodgette. [Salem, 1879.] 8vo, pp. 43-63. No title-page. (2384 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Record of marriage intentions of the city of Lynn [1703- 1746]. Copied by John T. Moulton. Salem, 1879. Svo, pp. 20. From the Historical Collections, Vol. xvr. (2385 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Records of First Church at Salisbury, Mass. 1687-1754. Communicated by William P. Upham. [Salem, 1879.] 8vo, pp. 47. (23SG ESSEX INSTITUTE. The solar eclipse of 1878. A lecture before the Institute. By Winslow Upton. [Salem, 1879.] Svo, pp. (2), 10. (2387- ESSEX INSTITUTE. Baptisms at church in Salem village, now North parish, Danvers. Communicated by Henry Wheatland. [From the Essex Institute Historical Collections, Vol. xvi.] Salem, 1880. Svo, pp. 47. (2388 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Children of William and Dorothy King," of Salem. By H. F. Waters. From the Historical Collections of the institute, Vol. xvi. Salem, 1880. Svo, pp. 8. (238O ESSEX INTSITUTE. The fifth half century of the arrival of John Winthrop at Salem, Mass. Commemorative exercises by the Essex Institute, June 22, 1880. Salem, 1880. Svo, pp. 64. The address was by R. S. Rantoul. (239O 326 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. The flora of Essex County, Mass. By J. Robinson. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. 200. (2391 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Gedney and Clarke families of Salem, Mass. Compiled by H. F. Waters. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xvi. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. 52. (2392 ESSEX INTSITUTE. A genealogical account of Henry Silsbee and some of his .descendants. By James A. Emmerton. Salem. 1880. 8vo, pp. 71. (2393 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Genealogical notes of the Webb family. By E. S. Waters. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. 24. (2394 ESSEX INSTITUTE. [General programme for the season of 1880-81. Salem, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. (2395 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Gleanings from English records about New England families. Communicated by J. A. Emmerton and H. F. Waters. From Historical Col lections, Essex Institute. Vol. xvn. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. (1), 147. Four folded sheets. (2390 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The gradual dispersion of certain mollusks in New England. By E. S. Morse. [Salem, 1880. J 8vo, pp. 8. (2397 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Historical sketch of the Salem Female Employment Society. By Lucy P. Johnson. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. 8. (239S ESSEX INSTITUTE. Indians of Califronia, by F. W. Putnam. The former Indians of southern California, as bearing on the origin of the red man in America, by F. W. Putnam. [Salem, 1880.1 8vo, pp. 4-6. Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. xn. 1880. (2399 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An informal talk on architectural and art topics. By E. A. Silsher. Salem, 1880. Svo, pp. 22. (2400 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Richardson and Russell families. By James Kimball. Salem. 1880. Svo, pp. 39. (2401 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Reminiscences of the distinguished men of Essex County. By Nathan Crosby. Salem, 1880. Svo, pp. 29. (2402 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Field meeting at the Willows, Salem Neck, June 22, 1880. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. xn. Salem. 1881. Svo, pp. 15. (2403 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Journal of Dr. Caleb Rea. Written during the expedi tion against Ticonderoga, in 1758. Edited by his great-grandson, F. M. Ray. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. 69. ( 2404 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The life and services to literature of Jones Very. A me morial meeting. December 14, 1880. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. 35. ( 2405 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of Benjamin Peirce. By Robert S. Rantoul. From Historical Collections, Vol. XVIIT. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. 16. (2406 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the forest trees of Essex, Clinton, and Franklin counties, N. Y. [Salem, 1881.] 8vo, pp. 15. No title-page. (2407 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 327 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The parentage of Matthias Corwin, of Southold, L. I., and his relationship to George Corwin, of Salem, Mass. By Henry F. Waters. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. 19. From Historical Collections of Essex Institute, Vol. xvn. (24O8 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Some of the descendants of Jonathan Fabens, of Marblehead. By George A. Perkins. From Historical Collections, Vol. xvm. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. 26. (2409 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Diaries of Lemuel Wood, of Boxf ord ; with an introduction and notes. By Sidney Perley. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. 66. On the Canadian Expedition of 1759-60. (241O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Extracts from the town records of Wenham, Mass., copied for publication, by Wellington Pool. [Salem, 1882. > 8vo, pp. 11. (2411 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A field day at Dummer Academy, July 12, 1882. [Salem, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 20. (2412 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The family of John Perkins, of Ipswich. Part 1. Descend ants of Quartermaster John Perkins. By George A. Perkins. From the Historical Collections. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. vi, 174. (2413 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from gravestones in the old burying ground in Wenham. "Copied by Wellington Pool, August, 1882. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. 28. No title-page. (2414 ESSEX INSTITUTE". Inscriptions from the old burying ground in Dodge s Row (North Beverly). Copied by Wellington Pool. From the Historical Collec tions, Vol. xxiv. [Salem, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 14. No title-page. (2415 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Newhall family, of Lynn, Mass. Part 1. By H. F. Waters. From Historical Collections of the Institute, Vols. xvm and xix. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. (1) 109. (2416 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notice of James Kimball. By Robert S. Rantoul. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. 13. (2417 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Opening of a newly discovered shellheap at Ipswich. By John Robinson. [Salem, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. (2418 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Plummer Hall. Its libraries, its collections, its historical associations. [Salem. 1882.] 16mo, pp. iv, 58. (2419 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Record of the parish list of deaths, 1785-1819. By William Bentley, D. D., pastor of the East Church, Salem. [Edited by Ira J. Patch.] Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. (2), 177. (2420 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Salem commons and commoners : or, the economic begin nings of Massachusetts. Parts 1-C. Salem, 1882. 8vo, pp. 81. Contents: (1) The fisher plantation of Cape Ann. (2) Origin of Salem Plantation. (3) Allotments of land in Salem to men, women, and maids. (4) Common fields in Salem. (5) Salem meadows, woodland, and town neck. (6) The great pastures of Salem. Also published in Johns Hopkins University Studies, as " Village communi ties of Cape Ann and Salem." (2421 328 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Augustus Story. A memorial paper read before the Insti tute, May 14, 1883. By Charles T. Brooks. [Salem, 1883.] 8vo, pp. (1), 23. (2422 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memoir of Oliver Carlton. By L. Saltonstall. [With a genealogy.] Salem, 1883. 8vo, pp. 11. (2423 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A Note on the Authenticity of the Portraits of Governor Endicott. By R. S. Rantoul. [Salem, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 19. (2424 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Flora of South Georgetown. By Charlotte N. S. Homer. [Salem, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title page. (2425 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Townsend Family. By H. F. Waters. [Salem, 1883.] Svo, pp. 43. (2426 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A notice of Charles Davis, Librarian of the Essex Institute, 1865-1868. By R. S. Rantoul. [Salem, 1883.] Svo, pp. 8. (2427 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Weeds of Essex County. By John II. Sears. [Salem, 1883.] Svo, pp. 12. No title-page. (242S ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report of the annual meeting. May 21, 1883. From the Bulletin, Vol. xv, Nos. 4, 5, 6. [Salem, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 35. No title-page. Half title. (2429 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report of the annual meeting. May 19, 1884. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 26. Half title. (243 ) ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report of the annual meeting, May 18, 1885. [Salem, 1885.] Svo, pp. 29. (2431 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Report of the annual meeting, May 17, 1886. [Salem, 1886.] Svo, pp. 36. (2432 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Botany in Essex County. A paper read before the Institute at Topsfield, June 18, 1884, the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Essex County Natural History Society. By John Robinson. [Salem, 1884.] Svo, pp. 13. (2433 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Brooks Memorial. Communications on the death of Charles T. Brooks, of Newport, R. I. By E. B. Willson, C. W. Wendte, R. S. Ran toul, and W. P. Andrews. Read at meetings of the Institute, June 18 and December 17, 1883. [Salem, 1884.] Svo, pp. 37. (2434 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Commission of the Captain- [Samuel Crowell] of a Salem Privateer in the Revolutionary War. By E. P. Crowell. [Salem, 1884.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. (2435 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Geology and Mineralogy in Essex County, Mass. By B. F. McDaniel. [Salem, 1884.] Svo, pp. 8. No title-page. (2436 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Life and Character of Sir William Pepperell. By Luther t Dame. Read at the meeting in Newbury, August 28, 1884. [Salem, 1884.] Svo, pp. 16. (2437 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Memorial of John Bertram. By E. S. Atwood. [Salem, 1884.] Svo, pp. (2), 16. (2438 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 329 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Condition of Zoology, fifty years ago and to-day ; in connection with the growth of the Essex Institute. By E. S. Morse. Salem, 1884. 8vo, pp. (2) 9. (2439 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the flora of South Georgetown. By Mrs. Char lotte N. S. Horner. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (244O ESSEX INSTITUTE. A pen-ramble in Linebrook. By M. V. B. Perley. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 10. No title-page. (2441 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Pigeons and the Pigeon Fancy. By William G. Barton. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 23. No title-page. (2442 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Priced Catalogue of the Publications of the Society. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 8. (2442a ESSEX INSTITUTE. Records of the Fifth Parish of Gloucester, now Rockport. Communicated by Calvin W. Pool. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 67. No title-page. (2443 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Records of the First Church at Salisbury, Mass., 1752-1805. Communicated by William P. Upham. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 23. (2444 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Selish Myths. By W. J. Hoffman. Washington, 1884. 8vo, pp. 20. (2445 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Weeds of Essex County. By John H. Sears. [Salem, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 12, xiv. No title-page. (24445 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An account of the cutting through of Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina, September 7, 1846. Also, through which inlet did the English adventurers of 1684 enter the sounds of North Carolina, and some changes in the coast line since their time. By William L. Welch. Reprinted from Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. xvn, Nos. 1, 2, 3. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. 13. (2447 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Address before the Essex Bar Association, December 8, 1885. By W. D. Northend. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. 59. Contains a list of members of the Essex bar, 1770-1885. (2448 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Ancient and modern methods of arrow release. By Edward S. Morse. [Salem, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 56. Cover-title. (2449 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Early Recollections of the upper portion of Essex street. By Oliver Thayer. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. 16. (2450 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Hugo Reid s Account of the Indians of Los Angeles County, Cal. With notes and illustrations. By W. J. Hoffman. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. (2), 33. Plate. (2451 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Remarks upon chipped stone implements. By Frederic Ward Putnam. Salem, Mass., 1885. 8vo, pp. 8, 9 pi. From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. xv, 1883. (2452 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Second Congregational Church in Marblehead. By Stephen P. Hathaway, jr. Read at the Essex Liberal Conference, June 17, 1885. [Salem, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 22. Cover-title. (2453 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Some material for a history of the name and family of Ren- toulRintoul Rantoul. Compiled by Robert S. Rantoul. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. (2), 28. Portrait. (2454 330 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Thoreau, Flagg, and Burroughs. An essay read at a meet ing of the Institute, March 16, 1885. By W. G. Barton. [Salem, 1885.] Svo, pp. 28. No title-page. (2455 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Account of the Rebecca Nurse Monument. By William P. Upham. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. Vol. xxin. Salem, 188G. Svo, pp. 41. Illustrated. (2456 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The Climatology of the United States. By Frank R. Kim- ball. [Salem, 1886.] Svo, pp. 38. (2457 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Dermatochelys Coriacea : Trunk Back or Leathery Turtle. By J. H. Sears. [Salem, 1886.] Svo, pp. 8. No title-page. (2458 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Eighteenth century baptisms in Salem, Mass., hitherto un published. Copied from the original records, and alphabetically arranged by James A. Emmertou. Salem, 1886. Svo, pp. (1), 126. (2459 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Indian Games ; an historical research. By Andrew McFar- land Davis. Salem, 1886. Svo, pp. 58. (2460 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from the Old Burying Ground, Lynn, Mass. Copied by John T. Moulton. Salem, 1886. 8vo, pp. (2), 128. (2461 ESSEX INSTITUTE. List of native and introduced plants observed in flower in the vicinity of Salem during the spring of 1886, on or before May 1. By J. H. Sears. [Salem, 1886.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. (2462 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A sketch of the musical societies of Salem. By George M. Whipple. [Salem, 1886.] Svo, pp. 30. Half title on cover. (2463 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Supplement to the priced catalogue of the publications of the Institute. July, 1886. Sheet. (2464 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A contribution to the history of the ancient family of Wood- bury. Communicated by Robert S. Rantoul. [Salem, 1887.] Svo, pp. 42. Tortrait. Title on cover. (2465 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Conventionalism in ancient American art. By F. W. Put nam. Salem, 1887. Svo, pp. (2), 155-157. Seven folded plates. (2466 ESSEX 1 NSTITUTE. The development of Crangon vulgaris. Second paper. With plates 1 and 2. By J. S. Kingsley. [Salem, 1887.] Svo, pp. 99-152. No title-page. (2467 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Early record of the church in Topsfield. Communicated by John H. Gould. From the Collections of the Institute, Vol. xxiv. [Salem, 1887.] Svo, pp. 27. (2468 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Early settlers of Rowley, Mass., including all who were here before 1662, with a few generations of their descendants. Communicated by George B. Blodgette. Salem, 1887. Svo, pp. (2), 239. (2469 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A few additional notes concerning Indian games. By An drew McFarland Davis. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. xvin. Salem, 1887. Svo, pp. 23. (2470 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 331 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from the old burying ground in Dodge s row (North Beverly). Copied by Wellington Pool, August 18, 1882. [Salern, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 14. No title-page. (2471 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from the old burying ground at Lynnfield Cen tre. Copied by John T. Moulton. Salem, 1887. 8vo, pp. 11. (2472 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from the gravestones in the old burying ground in Wenham. Copied by Wellington Pool. Salem, 1887. 8vo, pp. 28. (2473 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Letters concerning the Perkins family. Salem, 1887. 8vo, pp. 28. Contains " Notice of the Perkins arms in England," " Two historical letters," by Augustus T. Perkins, and " Notes on the Perkins pedigree," by William H. Whitmore. The last is from the England historical and genealogical reg., Vol. XII, p. 294. (2474 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Negro Slavery in Massachusetts. By Robert Rantoul, sr. Salem, 1887. 8vo, pp. 30. From the Historical Collections of the Institute, Vol. xxiv. (2475 ESSEX INSTITUTE. On West Indian iguanida?, and on West Indian scincidae, in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass. By Samuel Garman. 8vo, pp. 29. Title on cover. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. xix, 1887. (2476 ESSEX INSTITUTE. On West Indian reptiles and batrachians in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass. By Samuel Garman. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 24. From the Bulletin of the Institute, Vol. xix, 1887. (2477 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Pay roll of Capt. Jno. Dodge s company of guards, found among the papers of Enos Gallop, 1834. [Salem, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 4. From Collections, Vol. xxiv, pp. 157-160. (2478 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A pen-ramble in Linebrook. By M. V. B. Perley. Salem, 1887. 8vo, pp. 10. (2479 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Sketch of Mrs. William Jarvis, of Weathersfield, Vt. By Mrs. Mary Pepperell Sparhawk Jarvis Cutts. Edited by her grandson, Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard. Salem, 1887. 8vo, pp. (2), 33. From the Historical Collections of the Institute, Vol. xxiv. Parts 1 and 2. (2480 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An account of the field meeting at Montserrat, September 7, 1887, with some light on the vexed question of the origin of the name Beverly. Salem, 1888. 8vo, pp. (2), 35. From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute, Vol. xx, 1888. (2481 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An Andean medal. By Samuel Garman. 8vo, pp. 4. Title on cover. From the Bulletin, Vol. xx, 1888. [Salem, 1888.] (2482 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The batrachia of Kalms " En resa til Norra America." By Samuel Garman. [Salem. 1888.] 8vo, pp. 11. Cover title. (248S ESSEX INSTITUTE. Genealogy of the Allen family, of Manchester, Mass., from the earliest settlement to 1886. By John Price. Salem, 1888. 8vo, pp. 47, 14. (2484 332 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Gleanings relative to the family of Adam Hawkes, one of the early settlers of the third plantation of Massachusetts Bay. Contributed by Nathan M. Hawkes. [Salem, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 20. No title-page. From the Historical Collection*, Vol. xxiv. (2485 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A History of Methodism in Salem, Mass. By James F. Almy. Salem, 1888. 8vo, pp. 33. <248<; ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from the old burying ground at Lynnfield Cen tre. Copied by John T. Moulton. [Salem, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 11. (2487 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Inscriptions from the old burying ground at Saugus Centre. Copied by John T. Moulton. [From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxv.] [Salem? 1888?] 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 24. (2488 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A Sketch of Tristram Dalton. By Eben F. Stone. [Salem. 1888.] 8vo, pp. 20. (2489 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An account of the yacht Cleopatra s Barge, built at Salem in 1816- From the Historical Collections of the Institute. By Benjamin W. Crowninshield. With appendix and plates. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. (2), 38. (2490 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Charter and by-laws of the Institute, with a list of its officers and members. Salem, 1889. 8vo, pp. 26. (2491 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Choate dishing Rantoul. An address delivered before the Essex bar on the opening of the new court-house at Salem, February 2, 1889. By Hon. Eben F. Stone. Reprinted from the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxvi. With plates. t Salem, 1889. 8vo, pp. (2), 50. Three portraits. (2492 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Endecott wills, inventories, and matters connected with the estate of Governor John Endecott. * * * [By Robert Samuel Rantoul.] Salem, Mass., 1889. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from Historical Collections Essex Institute, Vol. xxv, 1888. (2493 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The glacial phenoemna of North America and their relation to the question of man s antiquity in the valley of the Delaware. Abstract. [Salem, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 8. . (2494 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Materials for genealogies of certain families of Clarks, early settled in Essex County. Communicated by George K. Clarke. 8vo, pp. 10. From the Historical Collections, Vol. xxvi, 1889. (2495 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The part taken by Essex County in the organization and set tlement of the Northwest Territory. Reprinted from Historical Collec tions of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxv, 1888. Salem, 1889. 8vo, pp. 72. (2496 ESSEX INSITUTE. Reminiscences of the Revolution. Prison letters and sea journal of Caleb Foot, born 1750, died 1787. Compiled by his grandson and namesake, Caleb Foote. [Salem, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 33. From the Collections. (2497 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 333 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Semi-historical rambles among the eighteenth-century places along Saugus River. By Nathan M. Hawkes. From the Historical Collec tions of the Essex Institute. Vol. xxv. Salem, 1889. 8vo, pp. 35. (2408 ESSEX INSTITUTE. History of the Salem Light Infantry from 1805 to 1890. By George M. Whipple. Essex Institute. Salem, 1890. 8vo, pp. (4), 148. (24O9 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Our Trees. A popular account of the trees in the streets and gardens of Salem, and of the natural trees of Essex County, Mass., with the location of trees, and historical and hotanical notes. By John Kobinson. Published by the Institute. Salem, 1891. 8vo, pp. (4), 120. (2500 , ESSEX INSTITUTE. Some material for a genealogy of the Prince family, of Danvers. By Eben Putnam. [Salem, 1891.] 8vo, pp. 11. (2501 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A rough subject index to the publications : Proceedings, Vols. i-vi; Bulletin, Vols. i-xxn ; Historical Collections, Vols. i-xxvn. By Gardner M. Jones. [Salem, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 29. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxvii. (25O2 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Genealogical gleanings in England. By Henry F. Waters. Extracts from marriage licenses granted by the bishop of London, 1598 to 1639. Salem, 1892. Svo. pp. 2, 107. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxvin, Nos. 2 and 3. (25O3 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Materials for a genealogy of the Sparhawk family in New England. Comp. by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard. Salem, 1892. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 113. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. (25O4 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Soldiers in the French war from Essex County, 1755-1761. Militia officers, Essex County, Mass.. 1761-1771. Danvers tax list, 1775, district covered by Amos Trask, collector. By Eben Putnam. [Salem, 1892.] 8vo, pp. l.~). From the Collections, Vol. xxix. 1892. (25O5 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Were the Salem witches guiltless? By Barrett Wendell. Salem, 1892. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute. (25O6 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Why the old town house was built, and some things which have been talked of within its walls since. By Nathan M. Hawkes. Salem, [1892]. Svo, pp. 13. Woodcut. Title on the cover. (25O7 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The dwellings of Boxford. By Sidney Perley. Salem. 1893. Svo, pp. 275. 111. (2508 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Town histories and genealogies in the Library of the Insti tute, January, 1893. Salem, 1893. 32mo, pp. 30. (2500 ESSEX INSTITUTE. James Robinson Newhall, printer, lawyer, judge, and his torian. A memorial address by Nathan M. Hawkes, delivered before the Lynn Press Association at Lynn, Mass., upon the anniversary of Benjamin Franklin s birthday, January 17, 1894. [Salem, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 22. Title on cover. Reprinted from the Collections, Vol. xxx. (251O 334. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. A partial catalogue of the publications of the Institute. Salem, 1894. 12mo, pp. 28. (2511 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Salem and the Conkling family. By Frank J. Conkling. [Salem, 1894?] 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 11. " From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxxi." (2513 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Books on China in the library of the Essex Institute. Salem, Mass., 1895. 4to, 2 p. 1., pp. 10. (Its Special catalogue. No. 1.) (2513 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Notes on the Pillsburys of Leek, county Stafford, England. By Emily A. Getchell and Eben Putnam. [Salem, Mass., 1895.] 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 24. Fold, geneal. tab. [From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxxi. 1895.] (2514 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Visitor s guide to Salem. Salem, 1895. 16mo, pp. 215. Ills, and map. (2515 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Baptismal record of the church in Topsfield, November 17, 1779-May 5, 1841. Communicated by Geo. Frs. Dow. [Salem, 1896.] Svo, pp. 19. From the Historical Collections, Vol. xxxn. (2516 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A short account of the descendants of William Haskell, of Gloucester, Mass. By Ulysses B. Haskell. 8vo, pp. 133-195. From the Historical Collections, Vol. xxxn, 1896 (2517 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An address in commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniver sary of the founding of the Essex Historical Society, delivered before the Essex Institute, at Academy Hall, Salem, September 18, 1896. By Robert S. Rantoul. Salem, 1897. 8vo, pp. 99-132. Illus. [From the Historical Collections, Vol. xxxu.] (2518 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The first cotton mill in America. By Robert S. Rantoul. An address before the Beverly Historical Society at the 225th anniversary of the founding of the town. Salem, 1897. 8vo, pp. 43. From the Historical Collections, Vol. xxxnr. (2519 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The story of the First Meeting House, built in 1634-5 by the First Church. Salem, 1897. Svo, pp. 31. Plans. Fac-simile. (2520 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Topsfield deaths from 1658-1800, compiled from town, church, and county court records. By Geo. Frs. Dow. Salem, Mass., 1897. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 129-181. " From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxxnr, 1897." (2521 ESSEX INSTITUTE. A walk around Salem Neck and Winter Island. A paper read before the Essex Institute, January 4, 1897. By William Lewis Welch. Salem, 1897. 8vo, pp. 81-104. From the Collections, Vol. xxxm, 1897. (2522 ESSEX INSTITUTE. First book of records of the First Church in Lynnfield ; con tinued from Historical Collections, Essex Institute, Vol. v, page 228. * * * By Eben Parsons. [From the Historical Collections of Essex Institute, Vol. xxxiv, 1898.] Salern, Mass., 1898. Svo, 1 p. l.. pp. 117-193. A copy of pp. 6-61 of the original MS., containing records for 1733-1824. (2523 ESSEX INSTITUTE. 335 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Annual report for the year ending May 15, 1899, with the Charter and By-laws of the Society. Salem, 1899. 8vo, pp. 60. (2524 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Joshua Coffin Papers. Newhury, Mass. Selection from the Manuscript Collection of the Essex Institute. No date. 8vo, pp. 71. From the Historical Collections, Vol. xxxv. (2525 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Issac Esty, of Topsfield, and some of his descendants. By Gay Esty Bangs. [Salem. 1899?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 12. From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxxvi. (2526 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Annual report for the year ending May 7, 1900, with lists of officers and committees. Salem, 1900. 8vo, pp. 46. (2527 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The cruise of the " Quero ; " how we carried the news to the king; a neglected chapter in local history, by Robert S. Rantoul. [From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxxvi, 1900.] [Salem, Mass. , 1900?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 30. Illus. 2 port. Facsim. " Reproduced from the Century illustrated monthly magazine for September, 1899, with considerable additions and changes." (2528 ESSEX INSTITUTE. John Woodbury and some of his descendants. A paper found among the manuscripts of the late Perley Derby. [Salem? Mass., 1900?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 24. " From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vols. 35 and 36." (2529 ESSEX INSTITUTE. An account of the private armed ship "America " of Salem. By B. B. Crowninshield. [From the Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, Vol. xxxvu.J [Salem, Mass., 1901.] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 76, 6 pi. Tort. (253O ESSEX INSTITUTE. Some personal reminiscences of the poet Whittier. By Rob ert S. Rantoul. [Salem, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 129-144. Portrait. Facsimile. From the Historical Collections of the Institute, Vol. xxxvir. Cover-title. (2531 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Annual report for the year ending May 5. 1902, with list of officers and committees. Salem, 1902. 8vo, pp. 45. (2532 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Francis Lyford, of Boston and Exeter, and some of his descendants ; by William Lewis Welch. Salem, printed for the Essex Institute, 1902. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 88. From the Historical Collections of the Essex In&titute, Vols. xxxvn and XXXVIII. (2533 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Annual report for the year ending May 4, 1903, with list of officers and committees. Salem, 1903. 8vo, pp. 50. (2534 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The records of the Salem Commoners, 1713-1739, copied by George Francis Dow. [From the Historical Collections of the Essex Insti tute, Vols. xxxvi-xxxix. Salem, Mass., printed for the Essex Institute, 1903. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 180. (2535 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vital records of Marblehead. Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Vol. i Births. Salem, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 564. Vol. n Marriages and deaths. Salem, 1904. 8vo, pp. 708. (2536 336 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vital records of Manchester, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Salem, The Essex Institute, 1903. 8vo, pp. 296. Published under the provisions of chapter 470 of the Acts of 1902 of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. (2537 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Annual reix>rt for the year ending May 2, 1904, with list of officers and committees. Salem, 1904. 8vo, pp. 51. Plate. The Nathaniel Ropes Mansion. (2538 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The diary of William Bentley, D. D., pastor of the East Church, Salem, Massachusetts. Volume i. April, 1784-December, 1792. Salem, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. xlii, 456. Plates. Portraits. Facsimile (2538o FITCH BURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. FITCHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Fitchhurg Historical So ciety, and papers relating to the history of the town, read hy some of the members. Vol. i. Fitchburg, 1895. 8vo, pp. 271. Contents : Officers, 1895 ; Constitution ; Proceedings, February 16, 1892-July 4, 1894 ; The early days of railroads in Fitchburg, by Henry A. Willis ; Early history of the fire service of Fitchburg, by J. F. D. Garfield ; Postal communica tion, past and present, by F. A. Currier ; The post-offices and postmasters of Fitchburg, by F. A. Currier; Fitchburg s response to the Lexington alarm, by J. F. D. Garfield ; Lunenburg and Leominster in the Revolution, by J. F. D. Garfield ; Capt. Thomas Cowdin s journal, May 25-June 2, 1784, by Charles Fosdick ; "The Album, or Panacea for Ennui" fa magazine of 1831], by A. P. Mason ; Pioneer printers of Fitchburg, by J. F. D. Garfield ; The " Old Rogers Bible," by G. M. Bodge ; Capt. Ebenezer Bridge, by J. F. D. Garfield ; The Fitchburg Philosophical Society, by E. Bailey ; The Fitchburg Athenaeum, 1852- 1859,^ by A. P. Mason ; The fugitive slave law and its workings, by M. E. Crocker ; Dedication of the Fitch memorial tablet at Ashley ; Address, by Ezra 5. Stearns ; Papers relating to the capture of John Fitch and defense of the frontier. (2539 Vol. ii, 1897. 8vo, pp. 315. Contents : Officers ; By-laws ; Proceedings ; The birth of Fitchburg its first settlers and their homes, by Henry A. Willis ; Tavern days and the old taverns of Fitchburg, by Frederick A. Currier; Stage coach days and stage coach ways, by Frederick A. Currier ; The first half-century of high schools in Fitchburg, 1830-1880, by Henry A. Goodrich ; School affairs in Fitchburg fifty years ago, by Atherton P. Mason ; A dame school in Fitchburg sixty years ago, by Louise H. Wellman ; An interlude of church discipline in Fitchburg, by Walter F. Greenman ; Fitchburg pioneers in Kansas, by Henry A. Goodrich ; Index. (2539a Vol. in, 1902. 8vo, pp. 335. Contents : Officers ; Proceedings ; Captain Thomas Cowdin, by Ada L. Howard ; Asa Thurston, the pioneer missionary, by Ebenezer Bailey ; The division of Worcester county, by Henry A. Willis : Rev. George Trask, the "Anti-tobacco Apostle," by Atherton P. Mason ; The verse writers of Fitchburg, past and present, by Henry A. Goodrich : Geological features of Fitchburg, by E. Adams Hartwell ; The old stores of Fitchburg, by Frederick A. Currier ; Inscriptions from the burial grounds of Lunenburg, Mass.; Index. (2540 FITCHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fitchburg s response to the Lexington alarm. Lunenburg and Leominster in the Revolution. By J. F. D. Garfield. Fitchburg, 1895. 8vo, pp. 12 (2), 13-24. Pages (2) 13-24 consist of "Lunenburg and Leominster in the War of the Revolution." A paper read at a meeting of the Society, May 16, 1892, with separate title-page. (2541 HARVARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 337 FITCHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pioneer printers of Fitchburg. A paper read at a meeting of the Society, November 20, 1893. By J. F. D. Garfield. Fitchburg, 1895. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. (2542 FITCHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of Capt. Ebenezer Bridge, the leader of the Fitchburg minute-men. A paper read at a meeting of the Society, February 19, 1894. By J. F. D. Garfield. Fitchburg, 1895. 8vo, pp. 15. (2543 GROTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Groton, Mass. GROTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Officers and by-laws. Incorporated 1894. [Ayer, 1894.1 16mo, pp. (2), 8. Title on cover. (2544 Same, with slight change, 1904. GROTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Groton Public Library. A paper read before the Groton Historical Society in 1898. By Mary T. Shumway. Revised, 1905. [Boston, 1905.] 16mo, pp. 15. Plate. (2545 HARVARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cambridge, Mass. HARVARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Outline of a course of nine lectures on the cam paigns of the civil war. [Cambridge.] No date. 8vo, pp. 12. (2546 HARVARD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Germanic origin of New England towns. Read before the Society, May 9, 1881. By Herbert B. Adams. With notes on cooperation in university work. Baltimore, 1882. 8vo, pp. 57. Johns Hopkins T University Studies in Historical and Political Science, No. 2. (2547 HARVARD HISTORICAL SOCITEY. The Southern question, past and present. An address delivered before the Society, March 12, 1890. By R. P. Hallowell. Boston, 1890. Small 8vo, pp. 34. (2548 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Cambridge, Mass. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 1. The suppression of the African slave-trade to the United States of America 1638-1870. By W. E. Burghardt Du Bois. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. xi, 335. Appendices : a. A chronological conspectus of colonial and state legislation restricting the African slave-trade, 1641-1787. b. A chronological conspectus of state, national, and international legislation, 1788-1871. c. Typical cases of vessels engaged in the American slave-trade, 1619-1864. d. Bibliography (pp. 299-325). (254 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 2. The contest over the ratification of the Federal Constitution in the State of Massachusetts. By Samuel Bannister Harding. New York, 1896. 8vo, 4 p. 1., pp. 194. Appendices : a. Letter of " Cornelius." b. Letters of "A Republican Fed eralist." c. Bibliographical note. d. List of authorities cited (pp. 180-184). (2550 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 22 338 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 3. A critical study of nullification in South Carolina. By David Franklin Houston. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. ix, 169. Bibliography of nullification : pp. 156-160. (2551 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 4. Nominations for elective office in the United States. By Frederick \V. Dallinger. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. xiv, 290. Bibliography : pp. 221-224. (2552 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 5. A bibliography of British municipal history, including guilds and parliamentary representa tion. By Charles Gross. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. xxxiv, 461. (2553 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 6. The Liberty and Free Soil parties in the Northwest. By Theodore Clarke Smith. 1897. Svo, pp. xi, 351. Maps. (2554 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 7. The provincial governor in the English colonies of North America. By Evarts Boutell Greene. New York, 1898. Svo. pp. x, 292. Appendix C : Authorities cited, pp. 271-278. (2555 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 8. The County Pala tine of Durham, a study in constitutional history. By Gaillard Thomas Lapsley. 1900. Svo, pp. xi, 380. (255 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 9. The Anglican epis copate and the American colonies, by Arthur Lyon Cross * * * New York, 1902. Svo, pp. ix, 368. "A list of special works : " pp. 350-357. (2557 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 10. The administra tion of the American Revolutionary Army. By Louis Clinton Hatch, Ph. D. New York, 1904. Svo. pp. viii, 229. (2558 HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Harvard Historical Studies. Vol. 11. The civil service and patronage. By Carl Russell Fish. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. xi, (1), 280. (2559 HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF OLD NEWBURY, MA 88 A CHUSETT8. Neicburyport. Mass. HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF OLD NEWRURY. An oration before the Society, September 11. 1878, commemorative of the settlement of Newbury, A. D. 1635. By G. D. Wildes. New York, 1878. 8vo, pp. 27. (2560 HISTORICAL SOCIETY or OLD NEWBURY. Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Newbury, June 10, 1885. New bury port. 1885. Svo, pp. 150. Pages 36-67 contain the Historical Address of Samuel Colcord Bartlett, D. D. (2561 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. 339 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OLD NEWBURY. Two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of Newbury. Brief biographical sketches. By Robert Noxon Tappan. Newburyport, 1S85. 12mo, pp. 134. (2562 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. Watertown, Mass. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. By-laws of the Historical Society of Watertown. With a list of the past and present officers and members of the Society. Incorporated 1891. Watertown, 1S93. 12mo, pp. 15. (2563 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. Watertown records, comprising the first and second books of town proceedings, with the land grants and posses sions ; also the Proprietors book and the first book and supplement of births, deaths, and marriages. Prepared for publication by the Historical Society. Watertown, 1894. 8vo, pp. vi, 161, 190, 81. Three folded plans. Facsimiles. (2564 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. Watertown records, comprising the third book of town proceedings and the second book of births, marriages, and deaths to end of 1737; also plan and register of burials in Arlington Street burying ground. Prepared for publication by the Historical So ciety. Watertown, Mass., 1900. Svo, pp. 367, 120, 8. (2565 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WATERTOWN. Watertown records, comprising the fourth book of town proceedings and the second book of births, marriages, and deaths from 1738 to 1822. Prepared for publication by the Historical So ciety. Boston [1904?]. Svo, pp. 331, 267. (2566 HISTORICAL, NATURAL HISTORY, AND LIBRARY SOCIETY. South Natick, Mass. HISTORICAL, NATURAL HISTORY, AND LIBRARY SOCIETY. A review of the first fourteen years of the Society. With the field-day proceedings of 1881- 82-83. South Natick, 1884. Svo, pp. 126. Contents : Officers ; Review of the first fourteen years of the Society, by A. P. Cheney ; First field day, by J. P. Sheafe, jr. ; Homes of early white settlers, by E. Perry ; The Indian burying grounds, the old cemetery, the old meeting houses, l;y J. P. Sheafe, jr. ; The old Eliakim Morrill tavern, by S. B. Noyes ; Merchants block, by W. Edwards; The Ebenezer Newell house, by A. P. Cheney; Samuel Lawton, by E. Perry ; The Carver house and family, by M. P. Richards ; The Pratt house, by A. P. Cheney ; Joshua Brand ; Badger place, by J. P. Sheafe, jr. ; The Hezekiah Broad or Cook house, by A. P. Cheney ; Rev. Oliver Peabody estate, by E. Perry ; The Bacon house, by H. Mann ; S. B. Sawin, by J. Parmenter ; The Elijah Esty place, by E. Perry ; Thomas Sawin and his de scendants, by II. Mann ; The Eliot oak ; The villages of the praying Indians ; An ancient document, by E. C. Morse ; David Morse place and Pelatiah Morse place, by II. Mann ; B. P. Cheney place, by J. P. Sheafe, jr. ; The Dana home stead, by S. D. Hosmer ; The Kimball place, by II. L. Morse ; The Welles man sion, by A. P. Cheney ; Dr. Isaac Morrill place, by S. B. Noyes ; " Wellesley," the country seat of H. II. Hunnewell ; Newport Green, by II? Mann ; Aaron Smith and the Indian mill, by II. Mann. (2567 HISTORICAL, NATURAL HISTORY, AND LIBRARY SOCIETY. Proceedings at the re union of the descendants of John Eliot, " the apostle to the Indians," at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 15th, 1875. Second meeting at South Natick, Mass., July 3d, 1901 ; and the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the found- 340 AMERICAN ^HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ing of South Natick by John Eliot and his praying Indians, July 4th, 1901. [South Natick, Mass., The Society, 1901.] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 114, 4 pi. (1 fold.). (2568 HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hyde, Park, Mass. HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Eliot and the Indian Village at Natick. By Erastus Worthington. [Read before the Society, October 1, 1890.] Hyde Park, 1890. Svo, pp. (2), 10. (2509-70 HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Hyde Park Historical Record. Vol. i, 1891-92. Hyde Park, 1892. 8vo, pp. 79. Portraits. Contents : A brief sketch of the Society ; Zenas Allen ; Pemaquid and Monhe- gan, by C. L. Woodbury ; The Butler School, by F. B. Rich : Hyde Park births, 1868-1870, by E. C. Jenney; Henry Grew; Matilda Whiting Vose, by C. F. Jenney ; A reminiscence of Gordon II. Nott, by O. T. Gray ; Proceedings ; Necrology : A. A. Page ; W. T. Hart. Martin Luther Whitcher, by C. L. Stur- tevant ; The streets of Hyde Park, by G. L. Richardson ; Legal reminiscences, by E. Davis ; Benjamin Franklin Radford ; A Revolutionary hero, Lemuel Trescott : Opposition of Milton to incorporation of Hyde Park; John Ellery Piper, by P. B. Davis ; Reminiscences of twenty years ago, by C. G. Chick ; Index. . (2571 HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Hyde Park Historical Record. Vol. n, 1892-93. Hyde Park, 1893. Svo, pp. 80. Portraits. Contents : William J. Stuart ; Geological formation of Hyde Park, by Ella F. Boyd ; Mrs. Martha Foster Clough, by C. F. Gerry ; Hyde Park births, 1870-72 ; Dr. Horatio Leseur, by J. K. Knight ; The old Sumner homestead, by Anna II. Weld ; Teachers in the Keadville School ; Ida Lewis Benton, by C. G. Chick ; W. I-I. II. Andrews, by C. G. Chick ; The striped pig ; John Bleackie, by John Scott ; Lyman Hall, by G. L. Richardson ; Extracts from reports of the school com mittee of Dorchester relating to schools in Hyde Park; Index. (2572 HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Hyde Park Historical Record. Vol. in, No. 1, April, 1903. Hyde Park, Mass. 8vo, pp. 96. Illustrations. Contents : Hyde Park Public Library, by Henry B. Miner ; Hyde Park High School, by Charles G. Chick ; Young Men s Christian Association, by William A. Mowry ; Stephen Brewer Balkam, by William A. Mowry ; John S. Bleakie ; Wallace Dean Lovell, Benjamin F. Radford, and Albert G. Worden, by Charles G. Chick ; Proceedings ; History of Stony Brook in Hyde Park and Boston, by George L. Richardson; The Trescott family, by Charles F. Jenney; Franklin Stone, by Elma A. Stone ; Hyde Park streets and street names, by Frank B. Rich ; Vital statistics of Hyde Park, by Edwin C. Jenney. Vol. in complete in one number. (2573 HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hyde Park Historical Record. Vol. iv, 1904. Hyde Park, Mass. Svo, pp. 128. Contents: Officers ; Theodore Dwight Weld, 1803-1895 address of William TJoyd Garrison, jr. ; Addresses of Henry B. Carrington, Cordelia A. Payson. Wilbur H. Powers, Francis W. Darling, Edward S. Hathaway, Charles G. Chick. General II. B. Carrington s tribute to Whittier ; John Eliot and the Indian village at Natick, by Erastus Worthingtcn ; Going west in 1820, including extracts from the journal of Jacob Richardson, jr., by George L. Richardson ; A Hyde Iterk memorial, 18S8 ; Henry A. Rich obituary ; Dedication of Camp Meigs, July 4, 1903 : " True Independence," by H. B. Carrington ; Address by Augustus S. Lovett. A review of the proceedings of the Society since 1892. John Badger Bachelder in memoriam : Historical field day, by Charles F. Jenney ; Vital Statistics, 1873-4, prepared by C. Jenney. Index to Vol. in and iv. (2574 (For Vol. v, see Appendix.) IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 341. HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief sketch of the life of James Read. By James Read Chadwick. A paper read before the Society, April 19, 1905. Privately printed. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 34. Illus. (2573 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ipsicicli, Mass. IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, i. The oration by Rev. Wash ington Choate and the poern by Rev. Edgar F. Davis, on the 200th anni versary of the resistance to the Andros Tax, 1887. Salein, 1894. 8vo, pp. 30. (2570 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, u. The President s address and other proceedings at the dedication of their new room, Feb. 3, 1896. Ips wich, 1896. 8vo, pp. 8. (2577 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Society, in and iv. Exer cises at the unveiling of the Memorial Tablets at South Common, Ipswich, July 29, 1896, and the report of the annual meeting of the Society, Dec. 7, 1896. Ipswich, 1897. 12mo, pp. 19, 9. (2578 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, v. The early homes of the Puritans and some old Ipswich houses, with proceedings at the annual meeting, 1897. (2579 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, vi. Exercises at the dedication of the Ancient House, with a history of the House and proceedings at the annual meeting, 1898. Out of print, but the history of the house is re printed in No. x. (258O IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, vn. A sketch of the life of John Winthrop, the younger, founder of Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 1633, by Thomas Franklin Waters. [Cambridge] printed for the Society, 1899. 8vo, pp. vi, 3 1., pp. 77. Front, (port.)- 6 facsim. Prefatory note by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. With portrait and valuable reproductions of ancient documents and auto graphs. (2581 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, vm. " The development of our town government," and " Common lands and commonage." By T. Frank Waters, with the Proceedings at the annual meeting, December 4, 1899. Salem, 1900. 8vo, pp. 29. Plate. (2582 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, ix. A history of the old Argilla road in Ipswich, Massachusetts. By T. Frank Waters. Salem, 1900. 8vo, pp. 43. (2583 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, x. The Hotel Cluny of a New England village, by Sylvester Baxter, and An Old Ipswich House, by W. H. Downes. Salem, 1901. 8vo, pp. 53. Contains also The history of the house, by Thomas Franklin Waters ; Pro ceedings at the annual meeting, Dec. 3, 1900. (2584 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, xi. The meetinghouse green and a study of houses and lands in that vicinity, with proceedings at the an- nual meeting, Dec. 2, 1901. Salem, 1902. 8vo, pp. 52. Plate. (2585 342 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Ipswich Historical Society, xn. Thomas Dudley and Simon and Ann Bradstreet. A study of house-lots to determine the location of their homes and the exercises at the dedication of tablets, July 31, 1902. Proceedings at the annual meeting, Dec. 1, 1902. Salem, Mass., 1903. Svo. pp. .">4. (25SG IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, xm. Fine thread, lace, and hosiery in Ipswich, by Jesse Fewkes, and Ipswich mills and factories, by T. Frank Waters. Proceedings at the annual meeting. December 7, 1903. Salem, 1904. 8vo, pp. 48. Illus. (2587 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, xiv. The simple cobler of Agga- wam. By Rev. Nathaniel Ward. A reprint of the 4th edition, published in 1G47, with fac-siiniles of title-page, preface, and headlines, and the exact text, and an essay, Nathaniel Ward and the simple cobler, by Thomas Franklin Waters. Proceedings at the annual meeting, December 5. 1904. Salem, 1905. Svo, pp. 132. (25S8 IPSWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Part i. Historical. A history of the town from 1633 to 1700, containing the let ters of Major Samuel App leton, lists of soldiers in the Indian wars, records and depositions of the Usurpation period, and facsimiles of ancient docu ments, bearing many autographs of the early settlers. Part 11. Houses and lands. An account of the original grants of house lots and the successive owners of lands and houses, to the present time, illustrated with diagrams, ancient maps, and photographs of many ancient houses. With seven ap pendices. By Thomas Franklin Waters. Ipswich, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 6, 586. Illus. (2589 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lexington, Mass. LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular asking aid toward the purchase of Sandhain s painting of the battle of Lexington. 4to, pp. 4. No title-page. (2590 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address at a dinner given by the Society, November 5, 1889, on the 100th anniversary of Washington s visit to Lex ington. By Rev. Edward G. Porter. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 10. (2591 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and papers relating to the history of the town, read by some of the members. Vol. i. Lexington, 1890. Svo, pp. Ixxxii, 9-141. Woodcuts. Contents : Proceedings, 1886-1889 ; Washington s visit to Lexington, Nov. 5, 1789, by C. A. Staples ; Origin of the name " Lexington," by A. E. Scott; A sketch of the history of Lexington Common, by C. A. Staples; Robert Munroe, by G. W. Sampson ; Captain John Parker, by Elizabeth S. Parker ; A few words for our grandmothers of 1775, by Elizabeth W. Harrington ; Matthew Bridge, by Harry W. Davis ; Reminiscences of a participant in the occurrences of April 19, 1775, by George O. Smith ; Amos Locke, by Herbert G. Locke ; The old taverns of Lexington, by Edward P. Bliss ; Lexington Academy, by A. E. Scott ; Lexington Normal School, by Rebecca Viles ; A sketch of the life and character of the. late William Eustis, by G. W. Porter, D. D. ; Col. Francis Faulk ner and the battle of Lexington, by Cyrus Hamlin, D. D. ; Lexington in 1775 and in 1861, by W. Sampson. Appendix : The second meeting house in Lexington, erected by the town in 1714 ; Some facts relating to the third meeting house ii Lexington, built by the town in 1794 ; Members. (2592 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 343 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of Lexington Historical Society and papers relating to the history of the town. Vol. n. Lexington, Massa chusetts, 1000. 8vo, pp. 214, xxxvi. Contents : The first English proprietors of the site of Lexington village, by C. A. Staples ; Lexington sixty years ago, by Albert W. Bryant ; Elias Phinney, by James P. Munroe ; Military organizations of Lexington, by A. \V. Bryant ; Kite End, by A. Bradford Smith ; Sketch of the life of Solomon Brown, by G. W. Brown ; Some account of Lieut. John Munroe, his family and his farm, by C. A. Staples ; History of the Stone Building, by A. B. Smith ; Early schools and schoolmasters, by C. A. Staples ; Reminiscences of the fur industry, by Geo. O. Smith ; The milk business and milk men of earlier days, by Geo. O. Smith ; Work of Lexington women in the War of the Rebellion, by Mary E. Hudson ; Proceedings ; Members ; Necrology ; Index. (2593 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society ana Papers relating to the history of the town presented at some of its meetings.* Vol. in. Lexington, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 183, xxvi. Portrait. Contents : Sketch of the life of Thomas Hancock, a native of Lexington, by C. A. Staples ; Dr. Stillman Spaulding, by Ralph E. Lane ; The parish of Cam bridge Farms, by C. A. Staples ; Charles Follen, by James P. Munroe ; Origin of the Lexington and West Cambridge Branch Railroad, by George Y. Wellington ; Some Memories of the Lexington Centennial, by Mary E. Hudson ; Recollections of the third meeting house in Lexington, erected 1794, by Francis Brown : The epitaphs in the burying-grounds at Lexington, Mass., by Francis H. Brown ; The Concord turnpike, by A. Bradford Smith ; Early days of the Lexington High School, by Mary E. Hudson ; Clock-making in Lexington, by Elizabeth W. Har rington ; How the Hancock-Clarke house was saved, by C. A. Staples : The Munroe tavern, by Albert W. Bryant ; Charles A. Wellington extracts from the minutes, meeting Feb. 12, 1901 ; George O. Smith extracts from the minutes, meeting Feb. 9, 1904 ; Rev. Carlton A. Staples, by Charles Francis Carter ; Pro ceedings ; Gifts ; Membership ; Necrology ; Index. (2594 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. My grandfather, Col. Francis Faulkner, and my uncle, Francis Faulkner, jr.. in the battle of Lexington. Read before the Lexington Historical Society. May, 188<>. By Rev. Cyrus Hamlin, D. D., LL. D. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 16. Two plates. (2595 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lexington. A handbook of its points of inter- ent, historical and picturesque. Published under the direction of the Lex ington Historical Society. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 75. Illus. Maps. (2596 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Imperialism " and " The Tracks of Our Fore fathers." By Charles Francis Adams. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 37. Read before the Society, Dec. 20, 1898. (2597 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Opening of the War of the Revolution. 19th of April, 1775. A brief narrative of the principal transactions of that day. By Jonas Clarke. Lexington, Mass., 1901. 12mo, pp. 15. (2598 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Guide book to Hancock-Clarke house, Lexing ton, Massachusetts. 1903. pp. 20. Illus. Same. [Arlington, 1902.] 16mo, pp. 34. Illus. (2599 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lexington epitaphs. A copy of epitaphs in the old burying-grounds of Lexington, Massachusetts. Compiled by Fran cis H. Brown. [Lexington, Mass.] 1905. 8vo, pp. 167, (1). Plans. (2GOO-1 344 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LITTLETON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Littleton, Mass. LITTLETON (MASS.) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. No. 1, 1894-5. Little ton, Massachusetts, 189G. Svo, pp. 186. Plate. Contents : Records of the Society ; By-laws ; Members ; The garrison house at Nashoba, by Frank Bigelow Priest ; Letter from Charles Stearns, giving an account of certain* historic landmarks at Nashoba; John Eliot- the apostle to the Indians, by Isaac Francis Porter ; Littleton landmarks in proprietors deeds, by George Augustus Sanderson ; An incident of King Philip s war con nected with this place, by Herbert Joseph Harwood ; The error on the Shattuck monument, by Edward Frost ; History of Littleton schools, by Albert Francis Conant ; The work of historical societies, by Julius Herbert Tuttle ; The Littleton Lyceum, by William J. Cloues ; Joel Proctor, an obituary, by Edward Frost ; What ought the town to do for the better preservation of its records? by Edward Frost ; The Indians of Nashobah, by Herbert Joseph Harwood ; Trees of Littleton, by Frank Bigelow Priest ; Our great elm, by Edward Frost ; Correspondence upon the meaning of the Indian name Nashobah ; Reminis cences of the Civil War, by Daniel C. Fletcher ; Epitaphs from the old burying ground at Littleton Common, copied and arranged by Geo. A. Sanderson and Herbert J. Harwood ; Index. (2602 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lynn, Mass. LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Register, for the year 1897. Lynn, Mass., 1898. Svo, pp. 39. Portraits. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; Copy of the call for a preliminary meeting ; Organization of the Society ; By-laws ; Reports of officers ; Necrology ; List of members. (26O3 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Register, for the year 1898. Lynn, Mass., 1899. Svo, pp. 50. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; By-laws ; Reports of officers and committees ; Necrology ; List of members ; The evolution of the town from the parish, by Nathan Mortimer Hawkes. (26O4 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register, for the year 1899. Lynn, Mass., 1900. Svo, pp. 44. II his. Contents : Officers ; By-laws ; The meeting-house of the second church in Lynn, by Nathan Mortimer Hawkes ; Reports of officers and committees ; Ne crology ; List of members. (26 5 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Register, for the year 1900. Lynn, Mass., 1901. 8vo, pp. 54. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; By-laws ; The Flagg-Gray house, by Nathan Mortimer Hawkes ; Reports of officers and committees ; Necrologies ; List of members. (2606 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Register, for the year 1901. Lynn, Mass., 1902. 8vo, pp. 66.. Plate. Portrait. Contains : Officers ; Committees ; By-laws ; The Meeting-House of the Third Parish in Lynn, or of the " Society of the Proprietors of the new Meeting house in the western end of the town of Lynn," by Nathan Mortimer Hawkes : Annual reports ; Necrologies ; The established church of Massachusetts, by Henry T. Lummus ; Members of the Society. (2607 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Register, for the year 1902. Lynn, Mass., 1903. Svo, pp. 74. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; By-laws ; Reports of officers and committees ; Necrologies ; A chapter in the story of the iron works, by Nathan M. Hawkes ; List of members. (260S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 345 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Register, for the year 1903. Lynn, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 82. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; By-laws ; The first Methodist Meeting House, built in 1812, by Howard Mudge Newhall ; Reports ; Necrologies ; Members. (2609 LYNN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philip Augustus Chase : A memorial sketch of the first president of the Society. By C. J. H. Woodbury, 1904. Large 8vo, pp. 14. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register. (261O MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Marblehead, Mass. MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Organized May 9, 1898. Incorporated March 15, 1902. [Charter, by-laws, and historical sketch of the Society.] Marble- head, Mass., 1905. 24mo, pp. 13. (2G11 MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General John Glover and his Marblehead regiment in the Revolutionary war; a paper read before the Marblehead Historical Society, May 14, 1903, by Nathan P. Sanborn. [Marblehead, Mass.] The Society, 1903. 16mo, pp. 50. Portrait (2612 MARBLEHEAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Fountain inn. By Nathan P. Sanborn. 1905. 16mo, pp. 43. (2613 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proposal of Joseph Belknap and Alex ander Young for printing a weekly paper, to be entitled the American Apollo, containing the publications of the Historical Society [etc.]. Bos ton, 1791. 8vo, pp. 4, (1). Reprinted in 1879. (2614 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter of the Society [from Jeremy Belknap, secretary]. [Boston, 1791.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. On the objects of the Society. Reprinted from Collections, first series, Vol. n. (2615 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse, intended to commemorate the Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus ; delivered at the re quest of the Society, on the 23d of October, 1792, being the completion of the third century since that event. Added, four dissertations. By Jeremy Belknap. Boston, 1792. Svo, pp. 132. (2616 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The^^merican Apollo, containing the publications of the Historical Society [etc.], Vol. i, Nos. 1-39. Boston, 1792. Svo. See note under Collections.. (2617 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections of the Indians in New England. By Daniel Gookin, gentleman. Boston, 1792. Svo, pp. 89. Reprinted from Collections, first series, Vol. i. (2618 346 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. i. Boston, 1792. Re printed 1806 and 1859. 8vo, pp. (4), 288. ["The first publications of the Society appeared January 6, 1792, in the American Apollo, a weekly magazine beginning at that time. They were printed in connection with the magazine during thirty-nine weeks, and comprised usually a signature of eight pages, which could be separated from the rest of the pamphlets, and was called part 1 of each number. The first 208 pages of Vol. i of the Collections were published in this way ; and the remainder, con sisting of 80 pages, came out in monthly parts in September, October, Novem ber, and December, 1792. The second and third volumes were continued in monthly parts, but the fourth and fifth were issued in quarterly parts." Samuel A. Green. All the volumes of the first and second series and Vol. I of the third have been reprinted. The dates of the original editions and of the reprints are, respectively, as follows : Vol. i, printed in 1792, reprinted in 1806 and in 1859 ; Vol. IT, printed in 1793, reprinted in 1810 ; Vol. in, printed in 1794, reprinted in 1810 ; Vol. iv, printed in 1795, reprinted in 1835 ; Vol. v, printed in 1798, reprinted in 1816 and 1835; Vol. vi, printed in 1800, reprinted in 1846; Vol. vn, printed in 1801. reprinted in 1846; Vol. vm, printed in 1802, reprinted in 1856; Vol. ix, printed in 1804, reprinted in 1857 ; Vol. x, printed in 1809, reprinted in 1857 ; second series, Vol. i, printed in 1814, reprinted in 1838 ; second series, Vol. n, printed in 1814, reprinted in 1846 ; second series, Vol. in, printed in 1815, reprinted in 1846; second series, Vol. iv, printed in 1816, reprinted in 1846; second series, Vol. v, printed in 1815, reprinted in 1848 ; second series, Vol. vi, printed in 1815, reprinted in 1848 (these last two comprising Hubbard s History of New England) ; second series, Vol. vn, printed in- 1818, reprinted in 1826; second series, Vol. vm, printed in 1819, reprinted in 1826; second series, Vol. ix, printec" in 1822, reprinted in 1832; second series, Vol. x, printed in 1823, reprinted in 1843; third series, Vol. i, printed in 1825, reprinted in 1846.] Contents : Vol. i : Constitution of the Society ; Introductory Address ; Letters relating to the Expedition against Cape Breton : A Topographical Description of the Dutch Colony of Surinam, by George H. Apthorp ; Observations on the British Colonies on the Continent of America, Weare ; Account of the Examina tion of Dr. Benjamin Church, 1775 ; Letter on the Dark Day, May 19, 1780, by S. Tenney ; Letter from ihe Town Clerk of Dorchester, 1792 [on early history of Dorchester] ; Extracts from the Records of the Province of Maine ; Letter from Cotton Mather in 1718 to Lord Barrington, a Character of the Inhabitants of New England ; A General Description of the County of Middlesex, by J. Winthrop : Letter of an English Merchant, upon the Expedition to Louisburg, 1775 ; Account of General Montgomery s Burial ; A Topographical Description of the Town of Worcester, by T. Paine [and others] ; NewEngland s Planta tion, written 1629, by F. Higgeson ; W. Morell s Poem on New England^ Fabu- lo1iis N Tra4H"Ioris~and Customs of the Indians of Martha s Vineyard, by Thomas Cooper ; Inscription Copied from a Gravestone at Gay Head ; Historical Collec tions of the Indians in New England, by Daniel Gookin ; A Short Account of Daniel Gookin ; Indian names of Places within or near the County of Barn- stable, by J. Freeman ; Account of the Coast of Labrador, by Sir Francis Bernard ; A Topographical Description of Concord, 1792, by W. Jones ; New England s First Fruits, in Respect to the progress of learning in the College of Cambridge, 1643 ; A Topographical Description of Georgetown ; Account of the First Settlement of Boston, by Samuel Mather, 1784 ; Indian Places in Truro, by J. Damon ; An Historical Account of the Settlement of Brookfield, by N. Fiske ; A Description of Brookfield. by N. Fiske ; Letter from Roger Williams to Major Mason, 1670 [on the relations between R. W. and Plymouth Colony] ; Letter from a Gentleman Upon his Return from Niagara, 1792 ; Errata. (2610 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. n. Boston, 1793. Re printed 1810. 8vo, pp. (4), 246. Contents : Collections for 1793 ; Circular Letter ; A Topographical Description of Duxborough ; Communications from the Town Clerk of Dorchester [N. Clap] ; Ponkapog Plantation ; Epitaph ; Letter from Cotton Mather to Dr. John Wood ward [on a Tide and Storm of Uncommon Circumstances], 1723 ; Letter from John Winthrop, 1717 [on Storms in Connecticut] ; Account of the First Appearance of the Aurora Borealis in New England in 1716, by Thomas Prince ; A letter giving an Account of a wonderful Meteor [Aurora Borealis] that appeared in New Eng- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 347 land December 11, 1719 ; An account of a Recent Discovery of Seven Islands in the Pacific, by Joseph Ingraham ; Letter from N. Tracy on the Posterity of Daniel Gookin ; Original Orders of General Burgoyne to Colonel Baum, with a Brief Description of the Battle of Bennington ; Account of Northfield, by J. Hubbard, 1792 ; Letter from John Col man, giving an Account of the Hearing before the Privy Council, on the Complaint of Governor Shute Against the House of Repre sentatives of Massachusetts Bay ; An Account of the Death of Charles I ; Letter from King Philip to Governor Prince ; An Historical Journal of the American War, 1765-1783, by T. Pemberton. (262O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. in. Boston, 1794. Re printed 1810. 8vo, pp. (4), 304. Contents : Collections for 1794 ; Description of Middleborough, by N. Bennet ; Bill of Mortality in Hartford, 1783-1793, with Remarks on the History of the Town, by Noah Webster, jr. ; Topographical Description of York [Maine], by D. Sewall ; Appendix Relative to Agamenticus, by J. Belknap ; A Topographical Description of Barnstable, by J. Mellen, jr. ; Description of Holliston ; Extract from a Journal of a Gentleman Belonging to the Army of General St. Clair ; Gov ernor Bradford s Letter Book ; A Descriptive and Historical Account of New England in Verse, from a Manuscript of William Bradford; A Topographical Description of the County of Prince George, Va., 1793, by J. J. Spooner ; Remarks on Webster s Calculations on Lives, by J. Mellen, jr., with Mr. Webster s Reply ; Miscellaneous Remarks and Observations on Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Cape Breton ; Road from Halifax to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1792 ; Governors of Nova Scotia from 1720; The Atherine ; Account of the Burning of Fail-field, in July, 1779, by Andrew Eliot ; Governor Shirley s Letter to the Board of Trade respecting Fort Dummer, 1748 ; Two original letters from Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Gushing, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts [on the Reception of the Petition to the King, regarding the Trade Regulations] ; A Topographical Description of Wellfleet, by L. Whitman ; Letters from Increase and Cotton Mather to Governor Dudley. 1707-8 ; Letter from Governor Dudley to Increase and Cotton Mather, 1707-8 ; Extract from Cotton Mather s Private Diary; A Topographical Description of Wells [Maine], by Nathaniel Wells; A Topographical Description of Topsham [Maine], by Jonathan Ellis; A Topo graphical Description of Machias [Maine], by John Cooper ; An Historical Account of Middleborough, by Isaac Backus ; A Topographical Description of Nantucket, by W. Folger, jr. ; A Short Journal of the First Settlement on the Island of Nan- tucket, by Zaccheus Macy ; Births, Marriages, and Deaths in Nantucket, 1789- 1792 ; Progress of the Whale Fishery at Nantucket ; Letters to Benjamin Frank lin from Granville Sharp, on the subject of American Bishops ; A Topographical Description of Raynham, by P. Fobes ; The family of Leonard ; Iron Ore, by I. Backus ; Letters from Rev. John Eliot, of Roxbury, to Hon. Robert Boyle, 1670- 1688 ; Biographical and Topographical Anecdotes respecting Sandwich and Marsh- pee, by Gideon Hawley ; List of the Governors and Commanders in Chief of Massachusetts and Plymouth ; A Topographical Description of Truro, 1794 ; A Key Into the Language of America [Indians of New England], by Roger Wil liams ; A Topographical Description of the Plantations on Sebago Pond ; A Topo graphical and Historical Description of Boston, 1794, by T. Pemberton ; A List of Writers who were Citizens of Boston, with the Time of their Decease. (2621 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. iv. Boston, 1795. Re printed 1835. 8vo, pp. v, 298. Contents : Collections for 1795 ; Act of Incorporation, Laws, etc., of the So ciety, 1794 ; A Topographical Description of Ilopkinton, by Dr. J. Stimson ; Topo graphical Description of Thomaston ; Proceedings of two Conventions, held at Portland, to Consider the Expediency of a Separate Government in the District of Maine ; Account of Wellfleet and Cape Cod Harbor, by L. Whitman ; Account of an Uncommon Frost, May 17, 1794, by N. Thayer ; Description of Marlborough, by Asa Packard ; Letter from Rev. Gideon Ilawley, of Marshpee, containing an Account, of his Services among the Indians of Massachusetts and New York, and a Narrative of his Journey to Ouohoghwage, 1794 ; Answers to Queries respecting Western Indians, by J. T. Kirkland ; Letter from Dr. William Clarke to Dr. Franklin, 1754 [in regard to French and Indian troubles] ; Letter from Dr. William Clarke to an American Gentleman in London, 1748 ; Dr. Belknap s letter to Dr. Kippis [concerning action of Continental Congress in regard to Captain Cook] ; Letter from Dr. William Clarke to Benjamin Franklin, 1755 ; Topograph- 348 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ical Description of Exeter, N. H., by Samuel Tenney ; Observations on the South ern Indians, by Dr. Ramsey ; Observations and Conjectures on the Antiquities of America, by Jacob Bailey, with remarks by J. T. Kirkland ; An Account of the Church of Christ in Plymouth, by John Cotton ; Observations on the Climate, Soil, and Value of the Eastern Counties of Maine, by Gen, B. Lincoln ; Letter from Gen. B. Lincoln, on the Religious State of the Eastern Counties of Maine, 1790 ; Extracts of two Letters from Charles Thomson, Secretary of Congress during the Revolution, relative to Dr. Kippis s Misrepresentations ; Letter from William Bentley, 1795 ; An Inquiry into the Right of the Aboriginal Natives to the Lands in America, and the Titles derived from them, written in 1724 by Rev. John Bulkley ; A Sketch of the History of Guilford, Conn., by Rev. Thomas Ruggles ; Letter from J. Belknap concerning Fire Engines, Fires, and Buildings in Boston, 1725 ; Queries respecting the Slavery and Emancipation of Negroes in Massachusetts, answered by J. Belknap ; References to the Topographical and Historical Description of Boston, published in Vol. in of the Collections; Burials and Baptisms in Boston, 1701-1774 ; " Observations made by the Curious on New England about 1673 ; " Letter sent from Dublin to Provost Dunster in 1655 ; Account of the First Century Lecture held at Salem ; Answers of the General Court of Connecticut to Certain Queries of the Lords of the Committee of Col onies, 1680 ; Account of the Earthquake at Port Royal in 1692 ; An Account of Some Effects of the Great Earthquake in 1755, by John Mellen ; Topographical Description of New Bedford ; The Discovery and Description of the Islands called Marquesas, in the South Pacific, with Account of Adjacent Islands, discovered by Capt. Joseph Ingraham ; Observations on the Islands of Juan Fernandez, Mas- safuero, and St. Ambrose, by Bernard Magee ; Account of the Discovery of a Group of Islands in the North Pacific Ocean, by Capt. James Magee ; A Brief Account of the Agency of John Winthrop, 1662, in Obtaining a Charter for Con necticut, by Roger Wolcott. (2622 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. v. Boston, 1798. Re printed 1816 and 1835. 8vo, pp. (2) 290. Contents : Answer of Dr. Kippis respecting an error in his Life of Captain Cook ; Observations on the Indians, containing an Answer to some Remarks of Dr. Ramsey, by General Lincoln ; Report on the Oneida and Mohekunuh Indians in 1796 ; Historical and Characteristic Traits of the Indians, and those of Natick in Particular, by Stephen Badger; Law Cases, 17953797; An Account of the Great Fire in Boston in 1711, by Cotton Mather ; Memorabilia of Yar mouth, by T. Alden, jr. ; Account of the Witchcraft Delusion in New England, 1692, by Thomas Brattle ; Vocabulary of the Narragansett Language ; Letter from Paul Revere on Events of 1774, 1775 ; Letters from Governor Shute to Ralle, the Jesuit, 1718 ; Letters from Col. J. Dwight and Col Oliver Partridge to Governor Shirley, 1754; Law Case; An Account of the Present State and Government of Virginia, 1696-1698 ( ?) ; Settlement and Antiquities of Windsor, in Connecticut, by D. McClure ; An Abstract of the Laws of New England, 1641 ; An Address to the Reader, by William Aspinwall ; Letter from His Majesty s Commissioners to Governor Prince, written at Rhode Island, in 1664 ; Articles of Agreement between the Court of New Plymouth and Awasuncks, the Squaw Sachem of Saconet, 1671 ; Dartmouth Indians Engagement, September 4, 1671 ; Letter from Awasuncks to Governor Prince, 1671 ; Letter of Governor Prince, 1671 ; Letter from Jeremiah Dummer to Dr. Benjamin Colman, 1714 ; Letter from Rev. Daniel Neal to Rev. Benjamin Colman, 1718 ; Letter from Dr. Watts to Dr. C. Mather, concerning Neal s History of New England, Feoruary, 1719- 20; The Importance of Cape Breton to the British Nation, by Robert Auch- muty ; Account of the Smallpox, 1721 ; A Narrative of the Newspapers Printed in New England ; A Brief Account of the Several Settlements and Governments about Narraganset Bay, by Francis Brinley ; Charles the Second s Letter to the Governor and Magistrates of Rhode Island, 1678-1679 ; Address of the Governor and General Assembly of Rhode Island to Charles II ; Letter of the Commissioners of the United Colonies of New England respecting Mount Hope, 1679 ; A True and Brief Account of the Right to Lands in the Narraganset Country, 1680 ; Charles the Second s Commission to Edward Cranfield and Others to Examine into the Claims and Titles to the Narraganset Country ; Summons to Persons Claiming Rights in the Narraganset Country ; Report of the Commissions on the Claims to the Narraganset Country, 1683 ; James II s Commission for a Council for Massachusetts Bay, Narraganset Country, etc. ; Proceedings of a Court in the Narraganset Country, 1686 ; Paukatuck River MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 349 the Boundary between Connecticut and Rhode Island, 1663 ; Act of the Assem bly of Rhode Island, in favor of Humphrey Atherton, 1672 ; Description and History of Newton, by Jonathan Homer ; Natural History of the Slug-worm, by W. P. Teck ; Members. (2623 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vi. Boston, 1800. Re printed 1846. 8vo, pp. xxii, 288. Contents : Collections for 1799 : Life and Character of Rev. Dr. John Clarke, by J. Belknap ; Life of J. Belknap ; Remarks made during a Residence at Stabroek, Rio Demerary, in 1798, by Thomas Pierronet ; Specimen of the Moun taineer, or Sheshatapooshshoish Skoffle, and Micmac Languages ; Gen. John Winslow s Letter, Relative to his Conduct on the Ticonderoga Expedition in 1756 ; Secretary Willard s Letter relative to the failure of the Crown Point Expedition, 1756 ; Letter from W. Bollan, Agent for the Colony of Massa chusetts Bay, 1759 ; Memorandum of Particulars Showing the Exhausted State of Massachusetts Province, [1759] ; A Brief State of the Province of Quebec, 1787 ; Continuation of the Narrative of Newspapers published in New England, from 1704 to the Revolution ; Letters of J. Dummer, .1711 ; Letter of James Cudworth to Governor Winslow. declining his appointment to a military com mand, 1673-1675 ; Letter from John Easton to Governor Winslow, 1675 ; Letter from Nathaniel Thomas, on the expedition against Philip, 1675 ; Letter of Sec retary Rawson on the proceedings in the Sound, 1675 ; Letter of John Leverett, 1676 ; Letters on King Philip s War ; Edward Randolph s letter relative to pro ceedings at Piscataqua, 1679 ; Answer of King Philip to the Governor of New Plymouth ; Edward Rawson s letter soliciting aid for the college at Cambridge, 1671-72 ; Letter of instructions from the Massachusetts General Court to William Bollan, their agent at the Court of Great Britain, 1756 : Letter of Leonard Hoar, 1661 ; Memoirs for the continuation of the history of the troubles of the New-English colonies from the Indians, 1726. by B. Colman ; Letter from Paul Mascarene to Governor Shirley on the government of Acadia, 1748 ; Petition of William Bollan to the Duke of Bedford, relative to French encroachments, 1748 ; Letters of Washington and others, on Dinwiddie s expedition against the French on the Monongahala, 1754 ; List of the Presi dents of the Colony of Rhode Island, 1647-1789 ; Letter from Governor Jay on the Brothertown Indians, 1799 ; Letter on the propriety and expediency of an appropriate national name designatory of citizens of the United States ; Letter of Jonathan Trunibull, August 21, 1779 [on the Revolution] ; Pe tition of the Earl of Stirling praying to be in possession of some lands called the county of Canada, 1760 ; Letters relative to a reimbursement from Parliament for the expense of supporting the French neutrals from Nova Scotia : Letter relative to the duty on molasses, 1763-64 ; Letters, etc., on King Philip s War ; A description of Salem, by W. Bentley. (2624 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vii. Boston, 1801. Reprinted 1840. 8vo, pp. viii, 280. Contents : Collections for 1800 : Remarks on a " History of Salem ;" History of Cambridge, by Abiel Holmes ; A review of the military operations in North America, from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia, in 1753, to the surrender of Oswego, August 17, 1756 ; A description of Wiscasset, by Alden Bradford ; Marshe s Journal of the treaty held with the Six Nations at Lancaster, June, 1744 ; List of the public offices in the Province of Maryland ; Plan of union of the British American Colonies, 1754 ; Connecticut s reasons against the plan; Petitions respecting Bishops, 1713: Account of the trade of Newfoundland. 1799; Number of British subjects in the Colonies, 1755; A bill for better regulating of charter and proprietary governments in America ; Dedications to the Rev. John Eliot s Indian version of the Old and New Testa ments ; Sir Thomas Temple s apology for coinage in Massachusetts ; Queries and answers relative to the present state and condition of Connecticut, 1774 ; Some account of the severe drought in 1749 ; Grand jury bill against Mary Osgood. 1692 ; Biographical notice of Rev. James Noyes ; A description and historical account of the Isles of Shoals ; Ecclesiastical history of Massachusetts. (2625 350 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vm. Boston, 1802. Reprinted 1856. 8vo, pp. (4), 284. Contents : Remarks upon the History of Salem ; Historical account of John Eliot ; Governor Dudley s letter to the Countess of Lincoln, 1631 ; Historical sketch of Col. Ephraim Williams, and of Williams College ; Topographical and historical account of Marblehead ; Bill of mortality of Middleborough, 1779 to 1801 ; Biographical notices of Marston Watson ; Sketch of the life and character of Thomas Brattle ; Notice of Ezekiel Price ; Character of G. R. Minot ; Descrip tion of the eastern coast of the county of Barnstahle ; Description of Sandwich ; Note on Falmouth ; Description of Dennis ; Note on the south parts of Yar mouth, Barnstable, and Harwich; Description of Chatham; Description and his tory of Eastham ; Description of Orleans; Note on Wei 1 fleet ; Description of Provincetown ; State of the cod and whale fisheries in Massachusetts, 1763 ; Mourt s Journal of a plantation settled at Plymouth, 1621 ; Edward Winslow s relation of things remarkable in Plymouth, 1623 ; Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Thacher. (2620 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. ix. Boston, 1804. Reprinted 1857. 8vo, pp. (4), 283, (1). Contents : Ecclesiastical history of Massachusetts ; Settlement of the first churches ; Account of ministers who were fixed in Salem, Charlestown, Dorches ter, Boston, Watertown, and Roxbury ; Controversy with Roger Williams and Mrs. Hutchinson ; Synod in 1637. and state of religion to 1647 ; Memoir and poem of Parmenius ; Memoir of the Mohegans, and of Uncas, their ancient sachem, by A. Holmes ; Language of the Moheagans ; Extract from an Indian history ; Journal of the siege of York, in Virginia, by a chaplain of the American Army ; Memoirs of Ebenezer Grant Marsh ; Topographical description of Catskill, N. Y., 1803, by Clark Brown ; Topographical description of Newtown, N. Y., 1803, by Clark Brown ; Topographical description of Brimfield, by Clark Brown ; Descrip tion and history of Waterford (Me.), by L. Ripley ; Chronological and topo graphical account of Dorchester, by T. M. Harris ; Notes on Compton, R. I., 1803 ; Biographical memoir of William Fisk, by James Winthrop ; The history of the Penobscott Indians, by James Sullivan ; Account of earthquakes in New Hampshire, by Timothy Alden, jr. ; Bill of mortality for Middleborough, 1802 and 1803, by I. Thompson; Bill of mortality for Portsmouth, N. II., 1801-1803; Extracts from a journal kept on board ship Atahitalpa, on a voyage from Boston to the northwest c~ast and the Sandwich Islands ; Conversation between Increase Mather and King William, 1689 ; Observation upon the natural production of iron ores, and some account of the iron manufacture in the county of Plymouth, by James Thacher ; An account of a conference between the late Mr. Grenville and the several colony agents in 1764, previous to the passage of the stamp act ; Extract from the history of the New England colonies concerning the charter of AVilliam and Mary ; On smallpox inoculation, by Increase Mather ; Extracts from a letter by a London merchant to his friend in Virginia. (2G27 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. x. Boston, 1809. Re printed 1857. 8vo, pp. (iv), 314. Contents : Ecclesiastical history of Massachusetts, continued : Account of the New England platform ; Of the attempts made to convert the natives, and the state of religion from 1648, during the Commonwealth in Great Britain ; An account of the several religious societies in Portsmouth, N. H., to 1805, by T. Alden, jr.; A topographical description of Brewster, 1806, by 3. Simpkins;. An account of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1760, by Alexander Grant ; Account of Stow-, by J. Gardner ; Account of Westborough, by E. Parkman, 1767 ; Memoir of Sudbury, 1767, by I. Loring ; Account of Harvard, by J. Wheeler; Note on Maryborough, 1767, by A. Smith ; Memoir of Maryborough Association, by N. Stone ; Notes with extracts respecting Ruggles s History of Guilford ; Memoir of the Pequots, by E. Stiles ; Number of Nyhantic Indians ; Indians on Con necticut River ; Account of the Montauk Indians, by S. Occum ; Memoir of Block Island, 1762, by E. Stiles ; An account of the Indians in and about Stratford, Conn., by E. Birdsey ; An account of the Potenummecut Indians, 1762 ; An account of the Mashpee Indians, 1762 ; Monymoyk Indians ; Saconet Indians; Eastern Indians; Indians in Acadia. 1760; Number of Indians in Connecticut, 1774 ; Number of Indians in Rhode Island, 1774 ; An account of MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 351 the several nations of Southern Indians, 1768, by E. Potter ; List of the nations of Indians at Niagara, 1764 ; Estimate of the Indian nations employed by the British in the Revolutionary War ; Number of Delaware Indians, 1794 ; An account of Indian churches in New England, 1673, by John Eliot ; Account of an Indian visitation, 1698, by G. Rawson and S. Danforth ; List of Indians at Natick, 1749; Numbers in the Norridgwok and Mohawk language; Account of defeat of Indians at Wrentham, by J. Mann ; Letter relating to the Indian school at Stockbridge, by J. Edwards ; Sketch of eminent men in New England, 1768, by Charles Chauncy ; Sketch of eminent ministers in New England, by J. Barnard ; Life of President Charles Chauncy, by C. Chauncy ; Memoirs of E. Tyng ; Memoirs of William Tyng, by T. Alden, jr. ; * * * Bills of mor tality for Middleborough, 1805, 1806, by I. Thomas ; Memoir of Andrew Eliot ; Memoir of Thomas Pemberton ; Resident members ; General table of contents of the ten volumes ; Chronological table ; General index ; Index of authors ; Laws of the Society. (2G28 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. i. Bos ton, 1814. Reprinted 1838. 8vo, pp. xxxi (4), 260. Contents : Discourse before the Society, December 22, 1813, at their com memoration of the first landing of c.ur ancestors at Plymouth, 1620, by John Davis ; Act of incorporation, etc. ; Bacon and Ingram s rebellion ; Account of fires in Boston and other towns in Massachusetts, 17011800 ; Letter respect ing mounds, by A. Bradford ; Progress of medical science in Massachusetts, by Josiah Bartlett ; A brief review of the state of religious liberty in the colony of New York, 1773 ; Account of the dissenting interest in the Middle States, 1759, by E. Spencer ; Biographical memoir of Rev. Charles Morton ; Notice of Shrewsbury, by J. Sumner ; Biography of Rev. John Lothropp, by John Lathrop ; Topographical description of Need ham ; Topographical and historical sketch of Lunenburgh ; Note on Attleborough, by II. Weld ; Letter of Richard Henry Lee, 1781 ; Remarks on the cultivation of the oak, by B. Lincoln ; Ecclesiastical history of Massachusetts, continued : Account of the third synod in Boston, 1662 ; Of the proceedings cf the government with regard to the Baptists and Quakers ; Memoir toward a character of Rev. John Eliot ; * * * Bio graphical memoir of James Sullivan ; Memoir of Rev. William Emerson. (2(>2!> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. n. Bob- ton, 1814. Reprinted 1846. 8vo, pp. (4), 242. Contents : Report on the Western Indians, by J. F. Schermerhorn ; His torical sketch of the Society for propagating the gospel among the Indians in North America ; Wonder-working Providence of Sion s Saviour in New Eng land, by Edward Johnson ; Notice of Edward Johnson, by J. Chickering ; Ex tract from " The life and errors of John Dunton ; " On his residence in Massa chusetts, 1686 ; Letter concerning Tristan d Acunha, by B. F. Seaver ; Some original papers respecting the Episcopal controversy in Connecticut, 1722 ; Historical sketch of Brookline ; Births, deaths, etc., in Billerica, 1654-1704 ; Historical sketch of Charlestown, by J. Bartlett ; Brief history of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company ; * * * On Episcopacy in the colonies, 1760-61, by A. Eliot ; Statistics of New Haven, 1774, New London, 1774 ; Account of the first Congress, 1774, by the Connecticut delegates ; A circum stantial account of the affair of April 19, 1775 ; Journal of Arnold s expedition to Quebec, 1775, by R. J. Meigs ; A sketch of Amherst, N. IL, by J. Farmer ; Letter from the general association of Congregational ministers in Connecticut to the clergymen in Boston, with answers, 1774 [on sufferings in Boston from the Port Bill]; Extracts from President Stiles s literary diary, 1773; Letter from Sir Edward Andros to Governor Dudley, 1686 ; Bills of mortality for Middleborough, 1805-1813, by J. Thompson ; Letter from Governor Dudley to Rev. Cotton Mather, 1706; Letter from general court of Massachusetts Bay to Dr. John Owen, 1663 ; Indian names of White Hills and Piscataqua River, by T. Alden ; A particular of necessaries to provide to go to Virginia, 1626 ; Account of the Loganian library in Philadelphia, by Ebenezer Hazard ; Notice respecting the author of "A brief view of the state of religious liberty in New York, 1773," Rev. John Rodgers ; Memoirs of the late Rev. J. S. Buckminster, by James Savage ; Correction of an error in Hutchinson [on New England money] ; Circular letter of the Society, 1813; Prospectus of Hubbard s History of New England ; Donations. (2G3O 352 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series. Vol. in. Bos ton, 1815. Reprinted 1846. 8vo, pp. (4), 296. Contents: A description of Mashpee, 1802; State of the Indians in Mashpee i 1767; Notes on New Bedford, 1807; Notes on Nantucket, 1807; A description of Dukes County, 1807; Slaves in Massachusetts, 1754; Note on Lancaster, N. H., 1814; A geographical sketch of Bath, N. H., 1814, hy D. Sutherland; Note on Plymouth, N. H., 1814 ; Note on New Holderness, N. H., 1814 ; Note on Wolfeborough, N. II., 1814 ; Note on Middletown, N. H., 1814 ; Johnson s Wonder-working Providence of Sion s Saviour, continued ; Notes on Plymouth, Mass. ; Description of Kingston ; Rise and progress of the bass and mackerel fishery at Cape Cod ; Recantation of confessors of witchcraft ; Criticism on the Landing of the Fathers, a picture hy Henry Sargent ; Notices of the Life of Benjamin Lincoln ; Expedition against Canada, 1690, by Thomas Savage ; A topographical and historical description of Waltham ; Note on the historical sketch of Brookline ; Note on Jamaica, 1793, by Harris ; Letters respecting Hubbard s History ; Deaths in King s Chapel Society, 1747-1775, 1788-1814. (2631 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. iv. Bos ton, 1816. Reprinted 1846. 8vo, pp. iv, 308. Contents : Wonder-working Providence of Sion s Saviour, in New England, continued ; Anecdote of the soldiers of Arnold, by W. Eustis ; A topographical description and historical account of Sudbury ; A topographical description and historical account of East Sudbury ; Anecdote of King Philip s gun-lock, by John Lathrop ; A paper relating to Harvard College, 1707 ; Remarks on Mr. Schermer- horn s report concerning the Western Indians, 1815 ; Account of earthquakes in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine, by T. Alden, 1804-1807 ; Bill of mortality for Amherst, N. II., 1805-1815, by J. Farmer ; Catalogue of ministers in New Hampshire, 1767 ; History of free schools in Plymouth colony and in the town of Plymouth, 1815 ; Progress of vaccination in America ; Russian voyage of discovery, 1815 ; Paper money ; A barque built at Plymouth, 1641 ; Memoir of Joshua Scottow ; Nonconformist s oath ; New England s Jonas cast up at London, 1647 ; An historical sketch of Haverhill ; A topographical and his torical sketch of Freeport, Me., by R. Nason ; A topographical and historical sketch of Saco, Me., by J. Cogswell ; Historical sketch of North Hampton, N. H., by J. French; Historical sketch of Tyngsborough, by N. Lawrence; Letter to Governor John Winthrop, by W. White ; Note on an ancient manuscript, ascer tained to l)e a part of Governor Winthrop s journal ; Deposition of John Odlin, respecting Blackstone s sale ; General Gage s instructions of 22d February, 1775 ; also an account of the transactions of the British troops, April 18 and 19, 1775 ; History and description of Scituate, 1815 ; Topography and history of Rochester, 1815 ; History and description of Plympton, 1815 ; Description of Carver, 1815 ; Notes on Halifax ; History of Plympton [Carver and a part of Halifax, inclusive] ; Topography and history of Wareham, 1815 ; Original paper respecting the Episcopal controversy in Connecticut, 1722 ; Addenda to pre ceding articles on towns in the county of Plymouth. (2632 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. v; Hub- bard s History of New England. Part 1. Events from the discovery to 1641 ; A general history of New England, from the discovery to 1680, by the Rev. William Hubbard, minister of Ipswich, Mass. Cambridge, 1815. Re printed 1848. 8vo, pp. (2), vi, (8), 7-304. (2633 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. vi ; Hub- bard s History of New England. Part 2. Events from 1635 to 1650. Cam bridge, Mass., 1815. Reprinted 1848. 8vo, pp. (2), 305-676. (2634 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. VH. Boston, 1818. Reprinted 1826. 8vo, pp. (4), 300. Contents : Continuation of Johnson s Wonder-working Providence ; A sum mary notice of the first settlements made by white people in Tennessee ; Note on MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 353 the county of Hillsborough, N. II., by John Farmer ; Letter from B. Franklin, 1759, on inoculation for smallpox in Boston ; Rhode Island State papers ; Depo sition of R. Williams. 1682 ; Form of government, 1638 ; Laws, 1647 ; Letter from O. Cromwell, 1635 ; Letter of commissions on Narragansett ; General assembly on the Quakers, 1657 ; * * * Number of inhabitants of Rhode Island, 1730-1801 ; History and description of Abington, 1816 ; Sketch of Walpole, N. H., by A. Bellows ; Apology of John Pratt ; Note on Ezekiel Cheever, by W. Lyon ; Anniversary of the landing of the forefathers ; Boston bill cf mortality, 1815-1817 ; Boston votes, 1635 ; Description of Bridgewater, 1818 ; Biographical notice of Peter Whitney ; Account of the Prince Library ; * * * Annals of New England, by Thomas Prince, Vol. n, Nos. 1-3. (23:> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. VIH. Boston, 1819. Reprinted 1826. 8vo, pp. iv, 332. Contents : Johnson s Wonder-working Providence of Sion s Saviour in New England, 1645-1651 ; Bill of mortality of Boston, 1817 ; Letter of Sir Richard Saltonstall to Governor Winthrop, of Connecticut, 1636 ; Order of march at the funeral of Governor Leverett ; List of the provincials who were killed, wounded, and missing in the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775 ; Danforth papers ; Letters from general court of Massachusetts to Charles II, 1662 : Let ter from R. Boyle to Governor Endicott, 1665 ; Letter from Charles II to Governor Endicott, 1662 ; Address of Nichols and the other commissioners of the King to general court, 1665 ; Commissioners reply ; * * * Secretary Rawson s letter about Harvard College, 1665 ; Same on construction of the charter for Massachusetts ; Reply of general court respecting the regicides Whalley and Goffe ; Petition of Samuel Gorton and others, of Warwick, 1664-65 ; Reply of Secretary Rawson on trade of Massachusetts, 1665 ; Answer of the general court to the commissioners as to the power and form of civil govern ment ; The oath of allegiance, prayer book, etc. ; * * * Proposal of com missioners to amend province laws, 1665 ; Brief narrative of the negotiations between the general court and the commissioners, 166465 ; * * * Petition of citizens of Boston to the general court respecting the charter, 1665 ; A de scription of Mount Catardin, 1804, by C. Turner ; Letter from Matthew Crad- dock to Capt. John Endicott, 1629 ; A brief history of the Pequot war, by John Mason ; Original account of Braddock s defeat, 1755, by R. Orme ; Life and character of Rev. Joseph McKean ; An account of Plainfield, by J. Porter ; Note on New London, N. H., by J. Farmer ; Churches and ministers in New Hamp shire, by J. Farmer ; Andros s administration ; Letters on the origin and progress of attempts for the abolition of slavery in Pennsylvania, 1819 ; Letter of Roger Williams, 1682 ; Estimates of Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1764 ; The new life of Virginia, 1612 ; Pincheon papers ; Biographical memoir of Father Rasles ; Eastern Indians, letter to the governor, 1721 ; * * * Letter of Professor Ebeling to President Stiles, 1794 ; * * * Life and character of Caleb Gan nett ; Memoir of William Tudor ; Opinion of court about Maiden church, 1651. (263 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. ix. Boston, 1822. Reprinted 1832. 8vo, pp. (4), 312, liv, 367-372. Contents : A brief relation of the discovery of New England, 1607-1622 ; Mourt s relation or journal of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation at Plymouth, 1622 ; Winslow s Good newes from New England, 1624 ; A perfect description of Virginia, 1649 ; Statistical account of the town of Middlebury, Vt., by F. Hall ; Donations to Boston during the siege ; Historical account of Providence, R. I., by Stephen Hopkins ; Number of dwelling houses, stores, and public buildings in Boston, 1789; The Massachusetts [Indian] lan guage, by John Pickering; The Indian grammar begun, by John Eliot, 1666; Notes on Eliot s Indian grammar, by P. S. Du Ponceau ; Sketches of ministers and churches in New Harrrpshire, continued. (2637 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Second series, Vol. x. Boston, 1823. Reprinted 1843. 8vo, pp. iv, 399. Contents : Memoir of Hon. Joshua Thomas ; Detection of Witchcraft, by E. Turell ; Representatives of the town of Boston in the general court before the Revolution ; Topographical description of Rochester, by A. Holmes ; Letter from H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 23 354 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Dr. I. Watts to a friend in New England, May 8, 1734 ; Some account of Cum- mington, by Jacob Porter ; Notices by Ezra S. Goodwin, of Sandwich, of the effects in that vicinity of the storm of September 23, 1815 ; Churches and minis ters in New Hampshire ; Notes on Duxbury, by A. Bradford ; A descriptive and historical account of Boscawen, N. H., by J. Farmer ; Biographical notice of Hon. James Winthrop ; Dr. Edwards s observations on the Mohegan languages ; Obitu ary notice of William Dandridge Peck; Memoirs of William Blackstone, an early planter of Boston; What is the meaning of the aboriginal phrase Shawmut? Notes on the springs of Boston; Instances of longevity in New Hampshire; Uutchinson papers ; Members of the Society ; General table of contents of the ten volumes of the second series ; Index of authors ; Chronological table ; General index ; Officers of the society. (2638 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. i. Bos ton, 1825. Reprinted 1846. 8vo, pp. iv, 299. Contents: Hutchinson papers ; Account of Boston, December 17, 1742; Churches and ministers in New Hampshire ; Instances of longevity in New Hampshire ; Seven letters of Roger Williams ; Two letters of Hugh Peters ; Let ter of William Hooke to John Winthrop ; Letter of John Maidston to John Winthrop ; Plymouth Company accounts ; Memoir of Gamaliel Bradford ; A brief history of the Narraganset country ; Letter of John Haynes to John Win throp ; Memorial of Jeremiah Dummer on the French possessions on the river of Canada ; Letters of Henry Jacie to John Winthrop, jr. ; Address of con dolence to Governor Talcott, of Connecticut, on the death of his wife ; Charles- town church affairs, 1678 ; Memoir of William Jones Spooler ; Branch Bank of the United States at Boston, 1825 ; Boston bills of mortality, 1818-1824 ; Mem bers of the Society. (2639 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. 11. Cain- bridge, 1830. 8vo, pp. (4), 368. Three plates. Contents : Memoir of the French Protestants settled at Oxford, 1686, by A. Holmes ; History and description of Cohasset, by J. Flint ; New England s Sala mander discovered, by E. Winslow, 1647 ; Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian language, by Josiah Cotton ; Account of Plymouth Colony records ; Address of the ministers of Boston to the Duke of Newcastle, 1737 ; Memoir of the Narragansett Townships, by J. Farmer ; Biographical notice of Dudley Atkins Tyng, by John Lowell ; Instances of longevity in New Hampshire ; Bill of mortality for Amherst, N. II., 1815, by J. Farmer ; Churches and minis ters in New Hampshire ; MS. journals of the Long, Little, etc., Parliaments, by James Bowdoin. (2640 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. in. Cam bridge, 1833. 8vo, pp. (4), 408. Folded map. Contents : Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New England or anywhere, by John Smith ; Plain dealing : or newes from New England, by Thomas Lechford, 1642 ; Instructions from Massachusetts to John Winthrop, first gov ernor of Connecticut, to treat with the Pequots, 1636; Leift Lion Gardener, his relation of the Pequot warres ; Relation of the Indian plott, 1642 ; Settlement of Connecticut ; Letter from Rev. J. Davenport and Governor Eaton, 1638-39 ; Letter to Sir Edmund Andros, by John Talcott, 1687 ; Salem witchcraft ; Ex tracts from the records of the church in Danvers, 1691-92, 1693-94 ; Vocabulary of words in the language of the Passamaquoddy Indians ; Churches and minis ters in New Hampshire, continued; Memoir of Christopher Gore; Intrusion of the Rhode Island people upon the Indian lands, 1669 : An account of two voyages to New England, by John Josselyn, 1670 ; Chronological observations of America [by John Josselyn], 1673; Note to Lechford s "Plain Dealing." (2641 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. iv. Cam bridge, Mass., 1834. Svo, pp. v, (2), 336. Contents : Tracts relating to the attempts to convert to Christianity the Indians of New England : The day-breaking, if not the sun-rising, of the Gospel with the Indians in New England, 1647 ; Clear sunshine of the Gospel, by Thomas Shepard ; The glorious progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 355 New England, by E. Winslow ; The light appearing more and more toward the perfect day, by Henry Whitfleld ; Strength out of weakness, by Henry Whitfleld ; Tears of repentance : or a further narrative of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, by J. Eliot and E. Mayhew ; A late and further manifestation of the progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New England, by -7. Eliot ; A list of representatives in the general court of Massachusetts, 1689 to 1G92, by .T. Farmer ; Churches and ministers in New Hampshire, continued ; Description of some of the medals struck in relation to important events in North America, by Jajnes Mease ; General abstracts of the bills of mortality for Boston, 1825-1832. (2642 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. v. Bos ton, 1836. 8vo, pp. 300. Folded plate. Contents : Journal of the proceedings of the Congress held at Albany in 1754 ; Journal of the treaty held at Albany in August, 1775, with the Six Nations by the commissioners of the Twelve United Colonies ; Journal of Christopher Gist, who accompanied George Washington on his first visit to the French commander on the Ohio, 1753 ; Journal of a treaty held in 1703, with tjie Indian tribes northwest of the Ohio ; Autobiography of the Rev. John Barnard, of Marblehead, 1766 ; Repeal of the clause in the act of the assembly of Rhode Island excepting Roman Catholics from the privileges of freemen ; Memoir of Rev. John Allyn, by C. Francis ; Memoir of Samuel Davis ; Memoir of the Rev. James Freeman, D. D., by F. W. P. Greenwood ; Memoir of Rev. John Prince, LL. D., by Charles W. Upham ; Memoir of Rev. Ezra Shaw Goodwin ; Letter from Col. George Morgan to General Washington, inclosing the Lord s Prayer in Shawanese ; Bills of mortality for Boston, 1833-1835. (264. 5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. vi. Bos ton, 1837. 8vo, (4), 300. Contents : Capt. John Underbill s history of the Pequot war, entitled Newes from America, 1638 ; A trve relation of the late battell fought in New England between the English and the Pequot salvages, 1638, by P. Vincent; Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges s description of New England ; A briefe narration, etc., 1658 ; A description of New England, or the observations and discoveries of Capt. John Smith, London, 1616; An account of the captivity of Hugh Gibson among the Delaware Indians, 1756-1759 ; History of the French and Indian wars, by Rev. Samuel Niles ; Letter from Juan Galindo, transmitting his chorographical description of Costa Rica and Central America ; Letter from E. Mattoon on the wound received by General Lincoln at Saratoga, 1777 ; Bills of mortality for Boston, 1836 ; Description of American medals, by J. F. Fisher. (2644 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. VH. Boston, 1838. 8vo, pp. 304 Contents : An account of the Society, by W. Jenks : "A word to Boston," by Governor William Bradford ; Our forefathers song, 1630 ; Model of Christian charity, by John Winthrop ; History of the post-office in Boston and New Eng land ; Papers relative to the rival chiefs D Aulney and La Tour, governors of Nova Scotia; Papers relating to Whalley and Goffe ; Instructions to Edward Randolph ; Commission to Sir Edmund Andros ; Papers relative to the period of usurpation in New England : Orders for sending Sir Edmund Andros to England ; Episcopal minister s address to King William ; Iligginson letters, 1692-1699 ; Colonel Quarry s memorial to the Lords Commissioners on the state of the American colonies, 1703 ; Memoir of Isaac Allerton, by Leonard Bacon ; Memo randa on Beverly, by R. Rantoul ; Memoir of the Rev. John Hale ; Memoir of the Rev. Abiel Holmes. D. D., by W. Jenks : Old American coins, by J. Mease ; Bill of mortality for Boston, 1837; List of portraits in the hall of the Society; Letter from J. Davis, respecting Isaac Allerton. (2645 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. vm. Boston, 1843. Svo. pp. 348. Contents : Extract from the history of the Catholic sovereigns, Ferdinand and Isabella, by Andres Bernaldez ; Documents relating to Capt. Bartholomew Gos- nold s voyage to America, 1602; Archer s account of Gosnold s voyage; Brere- ton s account of Gosnold s voyage : A brief and true relation of the discovery 356 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of the north part of Virginia, by J. M. Brereton, 1602 ; Tracts appended to Brereton ; A true relation of the voyage made, 1605, by Capt. George Way- mouth in the discovery of the land of Virginia, by James Rosier ; A voyage into New England, begun in 1623 and ended in 1624, performed by Christopher Levett, 1628; Remarks on the early laws of Massachusetts Bay, with the code adopted in 1641, and called the Body of Liberties, now first printed by F. C. Gray ; Order in Council of 20th July, 1677, on the Gorges claim ; Gleanings for New England history, by James Savage (2G46 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. ix. Bos ton, 1846. 8vo, pp. (4), 301, (3). Contents : Memoir of James Grahame, by Josiah Quincy ; Memoirs of the Pil grims at Leyden, by George Sumner ; Memoir of Gamaliel Bradford, by C. Fran- ciT ; Notice of Orono, a chief at Penobscot, by W. D. Williamson; Indian tribes in New England, by W 7 . D. Williamson ; Queen Anne s instructions to Governor Dudley in 1702 ; Notice of the life of Leverett Saltonstall ; The Christian Com monwealth, by John Eliot ; A discourse pronounced before the Society, October 31, 1844, on the completion of fifty years from its incorporation, by John G. Palfrey"; The New England confederacy of 1643, by John Quincy Adams ; Memoir of James Bowdoin ; The Winthrop papers; Officers of the Society. (2G47 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Third series, Vol. x, Bos ton. 1849. Svo, pp. (4), 360. Contents : The Winthrop papers ; .More gleanings for New England history, by James Savage ; Suffolk emigrants genealogical notices of various persons and families who in the reign of Charles the First emigrated to New England from the county of Suffolk, by Joseph Hunter ; Lion Gardiner, by Alexander Gardiner ; Memoir of Hon. John Davis, LL. D., by Convers Francis ; Memoir of Hon. John Pickering, LL. D., by W T . II. Prescott ; Memoir of William Lincoln, by Joseph Willard ; General table of contents of the third series; Index of authors; Chro nological table ; General index to the third series ; Officers of the Society ; Mem bers, 1849. (2648 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series, Vol. i. Bos ton, 1852. Svo, pp. xxi, 295. Contents : Complete list of the members of the Society in the order of their election ; Memoir of Rev. William Adams and Rev. Eliphalet Adams, by F. M. Caulkins ; Collections concerning the early history of the founders of New Plym outh, by Rev. Joseph Hunter ; Biographical notice of Philip Vincent, by Rev. Joseph Hunter ; More gleanings for New England history, by James Savage ; Wadsworth s journal of treaty with the Five Nations at Albany, 1694 ; Memoir of Rev. John Robinson, by Robert Ashton ; A manumission to a manuduQtion, by John Robinson, 1615; Good news from New England, 1648; Strachey s ac count, by W 7 . S. Bartlet ; The second book of the first decade of the historie of travaile into Virginia, entreating * * * of the first colonie upon the Island of Roanoak, as also of the northern colonie. upon the River Sachadehoc, trans ported 1585, at the charge of Sir John Popham, gathered by William Strachey ; Extract from the autobiography of Sir Symonds D Ewes (concerning New Eng land), 1648; Letter of Prest. Dunster, 1648; Letter from Rev. Samuel Pan- forth, 1720; A journal kept during the time yt Boston shut up in 1775-76, by Timothy Newell ; Memoir of John Pierce, D. D., by Charles Lowell. !2G4f MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series, Vol. 11. Bos ton, 1854. Svo, pp. xv, (2), 307, (1). Contents : 111 newes from New England, by John Clark, of Rhode Island, 1652: Letter from certain ministers and others of New England to Cromwell, upon his application to persons here to settle in Ireland ; Letter from W T illiam Bradford to John Winthrop, 1645 ; Letter from Emanuel Downing, 1620 ; Supposed letter from Cotton Mather ; Memoir of Rev. T. M. Harris, by N. L. Frothingham ; The first Plymouth patent ; Letters from Dr. William Douglass, of Boston, to Cad- wallader Golden, of New York, 1720, 1735, 1736; The Dunster papers; Corre spondence relating to a memoir of Hon. John Quincy Adams ; Memoir of Thomas L. W inthrop ; Memorials of the W T hites, by L. Shattuck ; The Leverett papers : Detail of the patent of Beauchamp and Leverett ; Instructions to Sedgwick and MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 357 Leverett by Oliver Cromwell, 1653, 1656 ; The Dudley papers ; Correspondence between Rev. Thomas Prince and Rev. Charles Chauncy ; David Trumbull to Jeremy Belknap ; Memoir of Rev. Alexander Young, by Chandler Robbins ; Ex emplification of the judgment for vacating the charter of the Massachusetts Bay ; Orders in council, 1660-61, 1692-98, Governor Bradstreet to Sir Lionel Jenkins; Increase Mather to Earl of Nottingham ; Letter of Governor Joseph Dudley. (2650 .MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series. Vol. in. Boston, 1850. 8vo, pp. xix, (1), 476, (1). Contents : Officers ; Members ; Memoir of Samuel Appleton, by S. K. Lothrop ; History of Plymouth plantation, by William Bradford, now first printed from the original manuscript, edited by Charles Deane ; Passengers of the Mayflower; Commission for regulating plantations ; Verses in memory of Mrs. Alice Brad ford. (2G51 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series, Vol. iv. Bos ton, 1858. Svo, pp. xxiii, 514. Contents: Correspondence in 1774 and 1775 between a committee of the town of Boston and contributors of donations for the relief of sufferers by the Boston port bill ; A narrative of the planting of the Massachusetts colony in 1628, pub lished by old planters, 1694 ; The extinction of slavery in Massachusetts, by Emory Washburn ; Letters of Thomas Gushing, from 1767 to 1775 ; Queries of George Chalmers, with answers of General Gage, in relation to Braddock s expe dition, the stamp act, and Gage s administration of the government of Massa chusetts Bay ; Destruction of tea in the harbor of Boston, December 13, 1773 ; Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren, 1774 ; Letter from Joseph Hawley to Thomas Gushing, 1775 ; Letters from Andrew Eliot to Thomas Hollis, 1766- 1771 ; Notice of the Sieur d Aulnay, of Acadie, by W. Jenks ; Petition of Roger Williams to the general court of Massachusetts ; A declaration of the affairs of the English people that first inhabited New England, by Phinehas Pratt; A rela tion of the troubles which have happened in New England, by reason of the Indians, by Increase Mather [extract] ; Memoir of Nathaniel Morton Davis, by N. Mitchell ; Memoir of Abbott Lawrence, by N. Appleton ; Memoir of William Parsons Lunt, by Nathaniel L. Frothingham. (2652 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series, Vol. v. Bos ton, 1861. 8vo, pp. xvi (3), 600. The Hinckley papers; A summary historical narrative of the wars England with the Erench and Indians, by Samuel Nilos. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series. Vol. vi P.> ton, 1868. 8vo, pp. xiv, 602. Eight plates. The Winthrop papers. Part 1. 654 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series. Vol. vir. Bos ton, 1865. 8vo, pp. xiv (2), 602. Eleven plates. The Winthrop papers. Part 2. (2655 MASSACHUSETTS .HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series. Vol. vin. Boston, 1868. Svo, pp. xvi (2), 736. The Mather papers. (2656 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series, Vol. ix. Bos ton, 1871. 8vo, pp. xv (5), 488 (2). The Aspinwall papers. Part 1. (2657 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fourth series, Vol. x. Bos ton, 1871. 8vo, pp. x (2), 489-990. The Aspinwall papers. Part 2. Gontents and index of Vols. i-x of the Fourth series of the Collections. (2658 358 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fifth series, Vol. i. Bos ton, 1871. 8vo, pp. xliv (2), 527. Facsimiles of autographs and signatures and seals. Fifteen plates. Members of the Society. The Winthrop papers. Tart 3. <2<>5i> ; Collections. Fifth series, Bos- , MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ton, 1877. 8vo, pp. xvii (5), 500. The Belknap papers ; Correspondence between Jeremy Belknap and Ebenezer Hazard. Part 1. I206O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fifth series, Vol. in. Bos ton, 1877. 8vo, pp. (6), 461. The Belknap papers ; Correspondence between Jeremy Belknap and Ebenezer Hazard. Part 2. Letters and documents relating to slavery in Massachusetts; Negro petitions for freedom ; Brief of Levi Lincoln in the slave case tried, 1781. i2U;i MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fifth series, Vol. TV. Bog ton, 1878. 8vo, pp. xii (4), 530. Centennial volume ; Heath papers ; Winthrop papers ; Warren papers. (2662 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fifth series, Vol. v. Boston, 1878. 8vo. pp. x. (40), 532. Portrait. Diary of Samuel Sewall. Vol. i, 1674-1700. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. 1870. 8vo, pp. ii, iv. 131, (2), 462. A memorial on the present deplorable state of New England, 1707 ; A modest inquiry into the grounds and occasions of a late pamphlet intituled A memorial of the present deplorable state of New England, 1707 ; The deplorable state of New England by reason of a covetous and treacherous governor, 1708; Diary of Samuel Sewall, 1700-1714. (2<;<!4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fifth series, Vol. VIL Boston, Fifth series, Vol. vi. (2063 Boston. Fifth series, Vol. vm. Bos- Fifth series. Vol. ix. 8vo, pp. (4), 572. Diary of Samuel Sewall, 1714-1729. ..^XOO^HUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, ton, 1882. 8vo, pp. xviii, 596. The Winthrop papers. Part 4. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. 1885. 8vo. pp. xvii, 546. The Trumbull papers. Vol. i. Miscellaneous letters of William Samuel John son to the governors of Connecticut ; Letters of Col. Jedediah Iluntington. (2667 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Fifth series, Vol. x. 1888. 8vo, pp. vi, (4), 543. The Trumbull papers. Vol. ir. Trumbull and Washington letters, and general index to the Fifth series of the Collections. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. i. 1886. 8vo, pp. xxxi, (5), 424. List of Members : Letter-book of Samuel Sewall. Vol. i, 1687-1712. (2669 (2666 Boston, Boston, Contents (2668 Boston, MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 359 .SSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. n. Boston, Svo. pp. ix. (3), : .77. Facsimile. Letter-book of Samuel Sevvall. Vol. II, 1712-1729. -,,:, ,s HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series. Vol. m. Boston, L889. 8vo no xiii 579 Portrait. Winthrop papers. Part 5. Correspondence of Fit. John Winthrop. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. iv. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. xviii, <US. Contents : Officers ; Members ; The Belknap papers. Part 3. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. v. Boston, 1892. 8vo. pp. xxi, r,29. Facsimiles of signatures to letters contained in the voli Contents- The Winthrop papers. Part (5. Correspondence of Wait Win throp: Correspondence of John Winthrop; Brief iu appeal of John Winthrop to the Privy Council. MASSACIII.-SKTTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. vi. ton, 1S1KJ. pp. xxii. .">.".-". Contents: The Belcher papers. Part 1, 1731-1733. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. VH. Bos ton. 1SD4. 8vo, pp. xviii. 577. Portrait. Contents : The Belcher papers. Fart 2, 1733-1743. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIET- Collections. Sixth er>* Vol. vm. Bos ton, 1896. Svo, pp. xix, (1), 580. Portrait of Timothy Pickering. Contents: Officers and members, 1805; Historical index to the Pickering papers. (2676 MVSSACHUSI:TTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series, Vol. ix. Bos ton, 1897. Svo. pp. xix. 501. Contents: Officers and members ; The Bowdoin and Temple papers; Index. (2677 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Sixth series. Vol. x. Bos ton, 18!) .. 8vo, pp. xvi, 729. Map. Slesre of Loulslmrs. 1745. Contents : Officers and members ; The Pepperrell papers ; Index to the sixth series of the Collections. (2678 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Seventh series, Vol. i. Bos ton, 1 <)<!<>. Svo. pp. xxxvii. :>S9. Portrait of Thomas Jefferson. Contents: Officers and members; The Jefferson papers; Index. (2679 MVSSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Seventh series, Vol. n. Bos ton, 1lMr_>. 8vo, pp. xvi. 491. Contents: Officers and members; The Trumbull papers, Part in ; Index. (26SO MASSAC IIUSKTTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Seventh series, Vol. in. Piston. I .Mi-J. Svo. pp. xvi. 400. Contents: Officers and members; The Trumbull papers, Part iv ; Index. (2681 360 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Seventh series, Vol. TV. Boston. 1004. Nv<>. pj>. xxi. :;r>4. Portrait. Plan to illustrate R,-\vr. - s m-count of tlu Penoltscot Expedition. Contents: The Heath papers, Part n ; Index. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Seventh series, Vol. v. Boston, 1005. Svo, pp. xiv, 419. Contents: The Heath papers, Part in. ( MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Historical Journal of the America] War, 17(15-1784. By Thomas Pemberton. Boston, 170:;. SVO, pp. (1), 41 L l l. Reprinted from the c< t ll>;-tionK. first series, Vol. n. (2684 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, the laws and the circular letter of the Society, with an appendix. Boston, 1704. Svo, pp. 14. Reprinted from Collections, first series, Vol. iv, pp. 1-14. (2685 MASSACHI SETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Historical Journal of the American War. Extracted from the publications of the Massachusetts Historical Society. [By Thomas IVmberton. J Boston, 1705. SVO, pp. (L l, 20<;. Reprinted from Collections, first series. Vol. n. (2686 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of books in the library. Bos ton, 179C. Svo, pp. 40. (2ST MASSACHI SETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DC.- ription and History of Newton, in the county of Middlesex. By Jonathan Homer. [Boston, 1798.] P", i..|.;. _. . X<, f. : , . . page. Reprinted from Collections, first series. Vol. v. (2688 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Cambridge. By Abiel Holmes. Boston, 1801. Svo. pp. (2) 67. Reprinted from the Collections, first series, Vol. vn. (2689 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A description of the eastern coast of the county of Barnstable, from -Cape Cod, or Race Point, in latitude 42 5 , to Cape Malabar, or the Sandy Point of Chatham, in latitude 41 33 , pointing out the spots on which the trustees of the Humane Society have erected huts. By a member of the- Humane Society [James Freeman]. Boston, 1802. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Collections, first series. Vol. vm. (26DO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notes on Compton. a township in New port county, State of Rhode Island, September, 1803. By William Emerson. From the Collections, first series. Vol. ix, pp. 199-200. <2<!><>a MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronological and topographical account of Dorchester. By Rev. T. M. Harris. [Boston, 1804.] Svo, pp. ,">5. Reprinted from the Collc -fiona, first scries. Vol. ix. (2691 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Moheagan Indians. Written in MiMVCIV. By A. Holmes. [Boston, 1804.] Svo, pp. 27. Reprinted from the Collections, first series. Vol. ix. (2692 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Memoir of Stephen Parmenius. of Bnda ; with a Latin poem composed by him in MDLXXXIII, and now first translated into English. [By Abiel Holmes.] 1804. sv, pp. 19. [No title-page.] Reprinted from Collections, first series, Vol. ix. (2(>:$ MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 361 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the several religious soci eties in Portsmouth. X. II.. from their first establishment, and of the min isters of each, to the first of January, 1803. By Timothy Alden, jr. Bos ton, 1808. 8vo, pp. 4i>. Reprinted from the Collections, first series, Vol. x. (2694 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of Edward Tyng, esquire, of Boston, and of William Tyng, esquire, of Gorham. By T. Alden, jr. Bos ton, 1808. Svo, pp. 8. Reprinted from Collections, first series. Vol. x. (2695 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the books, pamphlets, news papers, maps, charts, manuscripts, etc., in the library of the Society. Bos ton, 1811. 8vo, pp. vi, (1), 06. (2G96 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, by-laws, catalogue of members, and circular letter of the Society ; with a list of articles on which the Society wish for information [etc.]. Boston, 1813. Svo, pp. 26. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. i. (2697 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical memoir of Rev. Joh Lothrop. By the Rev. John Lathrop, D. D. Boston, 1813. r 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from Collections, second series. Vol. i, pp. 163-178. (269 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir towards a character of Rev. Joh-. Eliot, S. T. D., prepared for the Massachusetts Historical Society and pul lished in their Collections. By one of the members [Joseph McKean i Boston, 1813. Svo, pp. 40. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. i. (261 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bacon s Rebellion. [Boston, 1813.] 8vo, pp. 56. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. i. A second edition, edited by Charles Dearie, with notes, was published in t Frocee<lin</s for August, 1866, and also separately in 1867. (27- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Order of services XXII December, MDCCCXIII, at King s Chapel, Boston, in commemoration of the landing ol the forefathers. [Boston, 1813.] 8vo, pp. 4. (27" I MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse before the Society, Decembi T 2*2, 1813. At their anniversary commemoration of the first landing of our ancestors at Plymouth, in 1020. By John Davis. Boston, 1814. Svo, pp. 31. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. i. (27O2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. [Circular asking for subscriptions to the Collections.] [Boston], 1814. Sheet reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. u. (27O3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical sketch of Charlestown, in the county of Middlesex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts. By Josiah Bartlett. Boston, 1814. 8vo, pp. 24. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. n. Reprinted in 1880. (27O4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ilubbard s History of New England. ^ [Circular relative to subscriptions for proposed publication.] Cambridge, 1814. Sheet. (2705 362 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A general history of New England, from the discovery to 1680. By the Rev. William Hubbard, minister, of Ipswich, Mass. Cambridge, 1815. Svo, pp. vi (8) 7-G76. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vols. v, vi. Another edition was published in 1848, edited by W. T. Harris. (27O6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notices of the life of Benjamin Lincoln. [By John T. Kirkland.] [Boston, 1815.] 8vo, pp. 23. No title-page. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. in. (27O7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical sketch of Haverhill, in the county of Essex. With biographical notices. [By Leverett Saltonstall.] Boston, 1810. 8vo, pp. (1) 56 (1). From Collections, second series, Vol. iv. (27O8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annals of New England. By Thomas Prince. Vol. n, No. l-[3]. Boston, 1818. 8vo, pp. (2) 96 (1). From Collections, second series, Vol. vn. An edition of the Annals complete was published in 1826 by Nathan Hale; a third edition of thirty copies, by Samuel G. Drake, was published in 1852. (27O9 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. William Tudor. [By William Tudor, jr.] [Boston, 1819.] Svo. pp. 41. [No title-page.] Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. vin. (2710 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life and character of Caleb Gannett. [By Abiel Holmes.] [Boston, 1819.] Svo, pp. 9. [No title-page.] Reprinted from the Collections, second series, Vol. vm. (2711 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical sketch of Amherst, in the county of Hillsborough, in New Hampshire. From the first settlement to the present period. Amherst, 1820. Svo, pp. 35. Reprinted from the Collections, second series, Vol. n, for 1814. Sabin notes an edition of 1816. (2712 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter of the Society, respectfully addressed, in 1794, by J. Belknap. then corresponding secretary, to every gentleman of science in America. [Boston, 1822.] 4to, pp. 3. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. I. (2713 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Grammar of the Massachusetts Indian Language. By John Eliot. A new edition : with notes and observations, by Peter S. Du Ponceau, LL. D., and an introduction and supplementary ob servations, by John Pickering. As published in the Massachusetts His torical Collections. Boston, 1822. Svo, pp. 28, 3-66, Ivi. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. ix. (2714 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Obituary notice of Prof. [W. D.] Peck. [By D. A. Tyng.] [Boston, 1822.] 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from Collections, second series, Vol. x. (2715 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians. By Jonathan Edwards, D. D. A new edition : with notes, by^Jolm Pickering, as published in the Massachusetts Historical Col lections. Boston, 1823. Svo, pp. 82. Reprinted from the Collections, second series, Vol. x. An edition was published in 1843. (2716 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 363 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the French Protestants, who settled at Oxford, in Massachusetts, A. D. MDCLXXXVI ; with a sketch of the entire history of the Protestants of France. By Abiel Holmes. Cam bridge, 1826. 8vo, pp. iv, 84. Memoir presented to the Society, and afterwards published in Collections, third series, Vol. n. (2717 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vocabulary of the Massachusetts (or Natick) Indian language. By Josiah Cotton. Cambridge, 1829. 8vo, pp. 112. Reprinted from the Collections, third series, Vol. n. Some copies have original pagination, 147-257. (2718 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical notice of the late Hon. Dudley Atkins Tyng. By John Lowell. [Boston, 183Q.] 8vo, pp. 17. From the Collections, third series, Vol. u. (2711> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular asking for aid in the purchase of a building. [Boston, 1832.] 8vo, sheet. (272O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Laws and regulations. Revised and re ported by the standing committee, pursuant to a vote of the Society, April 25, 1833. Cambridge, 1833. Svo, pp. 8. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. iv. (2721 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. John Allyn, D. D. By Convers Francis. [Boston, 1836.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from Collections., third series, Vol. v. (2722 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A briefe narration of the originall under takings of the advancement of plantations into the parts of America. Especially showing the beginning, progress, and continuance of that of New England. Written by the Right Worshipfull Sir Ferdinando Gorges. Lon don, 1658. Reprinted, Boston, 1837. Svo, pp. 45-73. Reprinted from Collections,, third series, Vol. vi, pp. 45-73. (2723 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of Amherst, in the county of Hillsborough, N. II., from its first settlement to 1837. By John Farmer. Second edition. Concord, N. H., 1837. 8vo, pp. 52. Reprinted from Collections for 1814. (2724 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of portraits in the hall of the So ciety. [Boston, 1838.] Svo, pp. 285-291. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. vn. (2725 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical account of Massachusetts cur rency. By Joseph B. Felt. Boston, 1839. Svo, pp. 259. " Enlargement of two lectures delivered at the request of the Massachusetts Historical Society." (272G MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. John Lowell. [By John Lowell.] Svo, pp. 160-169. No title-page. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. n, April, 1840.] (2727 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gleanings for New England history. By James Savage. [Boston, 1843.] 8vo, pp. 106. No title-page. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. vin. (S7S8 364 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New England Confederacy of MDCXLIII. Discourse before the Society, May 29, 1843, in celebration of the second centennial anniversary of that event. By John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1843. 8vo, pp. 47. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. ix. (2729 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the early laws of Massa chusetts Bay ; with the code adopted in the year 1641, and called the Body of Liberties, now first printed. By Francis C. Gray. Boston, 1843. 8vo, pp. 49. Reprinted from the Collections, third series, Vol vin. (273O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Jenks family. Copy of a letter to Alonzo Lewis, intended for use in preparing the second edition of his his tory of that town. By William Jenks. [Boston, 1844.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Communicated to the Society, September 26, 18-44, and in July, 1855, printed in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, from which it was reprinted. (2731 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rules adopted April, 1844. Sheet. (2732 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of James Grahame, LL. D., author of the History of the United States. Originally prepared for the Collections. By Josiah Quincy. Boston, 1845. 8vo, pp. 51. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. ix. (2733 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Ley den. By George Simmer. Cambridge, 1845. 8vo, pp. 35. Lithograph. From the Collections, third series, Vol. ix. (2734 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Gamaliel Bradford, M. D. By Convers Francis. [Boston, 1846.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. (2735 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notice of the life of Hon. Leverett Salton- stnll. [By Benjamin Merrill.] [Boston, 1846.] Svo, pp. 0. No title-page. Reprinted from the Collections, third series, Vol. ix. (273 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A general history of New England from the discovery to MDCLXXX. By the Rev. William Hubbard, minister of Ipswich, Mass. Second edition collated with the original MS. [Edited by William T. Harris.] Boston, 1848. Svo, pp. vi, (14), xvii, 7-708. (2737 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. John Davis, LL. D. First published in the Collections of the Society. By Convers Francis, D. D. Cambridge, 1848. Svo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Collections. (2738 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. John Pickering, LL. D. First published in the Collections. By W. H. Prescott. Cambridge, 1848. Svo, pp. 27. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. x. (2739 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Lincoln. First pub lished in the Collections of the Society. By Joseph Willard. Cambridge, 1848. 8vo, pp. 13. (2740 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 365 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. William Adams, of Dedbam, and of Rev. Eliphalet Adams, of New London, Conn. By Miss F. M. Caulkins. Cambridge, 1849. 8vo, pp. 5-49. Reprinted from Collections, fourth series, Vol. i. (2741 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Pierce, D. D. Communi cated by Charles Lowell. [Boston, 1852.] 8vo, pp. 277-295. Reprinted from Collections, fourth series, Vol. i. (2743 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation and by-laws. [ Bos ton.] 1858. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from Collections, fourth series. Vol. 11. (2743 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter asking for cooperation in the collection and preservation oi copies of all the Journals of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts which were printed from 1715 to 1780. Boston, 1854. Sheet. (2744 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first Plymouth patent ; granted June 1, 1621. Now first printed from the original manuscript. Edited by Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1854. 8vo, pp. 16, large paper. One hundred copies. Reprinted from Collections, fourth series, A r ol. n. Four copies were printed on vellum, which Mr. Winsor says was the earliest instance of hook printing on that material in the United States. One copy was printed on old paper. The vellum copies were given to friends by Mr. Deane : one to James Lenox, one to Edvv. A. Crowninshield (sold at the Menzies sale for $51), one to George Liver- more (Libbie sale, $31), and one was retained by Mr. Deane. (2745 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris, D. D. By Nathaniel L. Frothingham. From the Collections of the Society, fourth series, Vol. n. Cambridge, 1854. 8vo, pp. 28. (274<J MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris. By N. L. Frothingham. From the Collections of the Society, fourth series, Vol. n. Cambridge, 1855. 8vo, pp. 28. (2747 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorials of the Whites. [Read by Lemuel Shattuck before the Society, October 31, 1850. ] 8vo, pp. 215-220. No title-page. From the Collections, fourth series, Vol. u, 1854. (274S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society [at the annual meeting], April 12, 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from Proceedings, Vol. in, April, 1855. (2749 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the private library of Thomas Dowse, presented to the Society, July 30, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo, pp. (2), 214. Twenty-five copies printed for private distribution. Same. Boston. 1870. 8vo, pp. (2), 214. A few remaining copies of the same sheets, with a new title-page. (275O MASSACHUSETTS ^HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Plymouth Plantation. By William Bradford, the second governor of the colony. Edited, with notes, by Charles Deane. Now first printed from the original manuscript, for the Society. Boston, 1856. 8vo, pp. xix (1), 470. Fifty copies reprinted from Collections, fourth series, Vol. in. (2751 366 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, prepared for the Society, by Nathan Appleton. Boston, 185(5. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from Proceedings, Vol. in, and Collections, fourth series, Vol. iv. (2 752 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Washington chair, presented to the Society by Benjamin R. Winthrop. [Boston, 1856.] 8vo. pp. 7. Plate. Reprinted from Proceedings, November, 1856. 275J5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, with the additional acts and by-laws. Boston, 1857. 8vo. pp. 19. Reprinted from Collections, fourth series, Vol. iv. (2754 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bibliographical essay on Governor Hutcli- inson s historical publications. By Charles Deane. Boston, 1857. Square IGmo. pp. 39. Fifty copies printed. Reprinted from Proceedings, Vol. in. (2755 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the proceedings at the annual meeting of the Society. Address of R. ( 1 . Winthrop, and the remarks of E. Everett, with a description of the Dowse library. Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from Proceedings, April, 1857. (27*56 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A declaration of the affairs of the Eng lish people that first inhabited New England. By Phinehas Pratt. Edited, with notes, by Richard Frothingham. jr. Boston, 1858. 8vo, pp. 20. One hundred copies reprinted from the Collections, fourth series, Vol. iv. (2757 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Parsons Lnnt, D. I)., by N. L. Frothingham. [Boston, 1858.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Collections, fourth series, Vol. iv. Same. Boston, 1858. 12mo. pp. 1(>. (2758 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial [to the legislature against allowing the adoption of the name of New England Historical and Genea logical Society by the Historic-Genealogical Society]. February 8, 1858. [Boston, 1858.] 4 to, pp. 3. Reprinted from Proceedings, Fehruary. 1858. (2759 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Speech of Josiah Quincy, delivered in February, 1858, before the committee of the Massachusetts legislature, to whom was referred the petition of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, for a change of their corporate name, and the remonstrance of the Massachusetts Historical Society. [Boston. 1858.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from Proceedings, March, 1S58. (276O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the treasurer, year ending April, 1859-April. 1877. [Boston, 1859-1877.] 8vo, 19 sheets. Same. April, 1878-March 31, 1885. [Boston, 1878-1885.] 7 pphs. 8vo. Same, March, 1889-March, 1890, March, 1898, March, 1905-March, 1906. 5 pphs. 8vo. All but 1875 reprinted from Proceedings. (2701 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Naturalization in the American cplonios. with more particular reference to Massachusetts. Paper read before the Society at the July meeting, 1859. By Joseph Willard. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from Proceedings, July, 1859, (2762 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 367 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society in respect to the memory of William Hick ling Prescott, February 1, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. 53. Reprinted from Proceedings, February, 1850. (27<>3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1858-18(50. Selected from the records. Specimen. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. (1), 21. (274 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library of the Society. Boston, 1859, 1860. 8vo, 2 vols. (27<J5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dowse Library. Proceedings of the Society relating to the donations from Thomas Dowse; with the eulogy by Edward Everett. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. v, 80. Portraits. Plate. Reprinted from Proceedings, Vol. in. (27G( MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eulogy on Thomas Dowse, pronounced before the Society, 9th Dec., 1858. By Edward Everett. With the intro ductory address by R. C. Winthrop, and an appendix. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. 82. Portraits. Reprinted from Proceedings, December, 1858. (27<7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paper read before the Society, January, 1859. By C. H. Warren. [Boston, 1859.] 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from Proceedings, January, 1859. " In regard to the origin of the uniform of the Continental Army." (276S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. 1701-190-4. Vols. i-xx. Second series, Vols. I-XVIH. Boston, 1859-1905. 8vo, 38 vols. Vol. i, comprising the years 1791-1835, and Vol. n, 1835-1855, were issued in 1879 and 1880, respectively. Vol. in, 1855-1858, published in 1859. (2769 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Massachusetts His torical Society. Vol. i. 1791-1835. Boston, 1879. 8vo, pp. li, 581. Portraits. Plates. Facsimiles. Contents : Introduction : "A selection from the Society s records, giving a connected history of its origin and early transactions ; " Members ; Officers ; Lists of books for the historical library ; List of books which Dr. Jeremy Belknap proposes to sell to the Society ; Facsimile of handwriting of George R. Minot, 1799 ; Facsimile of the handwriting of James Sullivan, 1794 ; Plan ot the Ton tine Crescent in Boston, 1794 ; Laws and regulations of the Society, 1794 ; Fac simile of the handwritkig of Jeremy Belknap, 1797 ; Facsimile of handwriting of Peter Thacher, 1795; Notice of Peleg Coffin; Communication "To the So cieties for the Improvement of Arts and Manufactures in the United States of America from the Earl of Buchan," 1805 ; Account of the capture of the ship " Hope," by Captain Mugford, June, 1776 ; Facsimile of the handwriting of James Freeman ; Facsimile of the handwriting of Dr. John Eliot ; Facsimile of the handwriting of William Baylies. 1815 ; Notice of John Williams ; Facsimile of handwriting of William Tudor, 1799 ; Memoir of Caleb Strong, by Henry Cabot Lodge; Memoir of Eben Parsons, by S. K. Lothrop ; Notice of Rev. Wil liam Bentley, by C. C. Smith ; Notice of Josiah Bartlett, by Richard Frothing- ham ; Facsimile of handwriting of James Winthrop, 1795 ; Notice of Rev. Stephen Palmer, by Henry M. Dexter ; Memoir of James Perkins, by C. C. Perkins ; Notice of Isaac Rand, by S. A. Green ; Notice of Rev. John Bradford, by Wm. Newell ; Notice of William Winthrop, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Notice of David Sewall, by Charles Deane ; Notice of William Smith Shaw, by Charles C. Smith ; Memoir of John Adams, by C. F. Adams ; Memoir of Joseph Allen, by S. F. Haven ; Notice of Rev. John Mellen, by William Newell ; Notice of Aaron Dexter, by C. C. Smith ; Notice of William Tudor, jr., by C. C. Smith ; Notice of Elisha Clap, by J. M. Robbins ; Memoir of Isaiah Thomas, by George Dexter ; Notice of Dr. Redford Worcester, by Charles Deane ; Report of a committee, 179(5, to consider the resolve of the Legislature concerning the publication of a map of the Commonwealth by the Historical Society ; Memorial to the General 368 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Court, conformable to the above report, drawn up by a vote of the Society, 1~96; " Extract from a manuscript Oration, delivered at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1800, which corrects an error in the life of Cushman, * * * and is a Defence of the Plymouth Settlers against the Charge of Enthusiasm. By Judge Davis." Index. (2770 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, Vol. ir. 1835-1855. Bos ton, 1880. 8vo, pp. ix, (1), 700. Portraits. Contents : Proceedings at the annual and monthly meetings ; Memoir of Nathan Dane, by A. P. Peabody ; Copy of the grant from Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Richard Edgecombe, 1637 ; Memoir of William Sullivan, by Thos. C. Amory ; Memoir of John Lowell, by his grandson, John Lowell ; Memoir of Thomas Wallcut, by Robert F. Wallcut ; Memoir of Joseph Coolidge, by R. C. Winthrop ; Notice of Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood, by C. C. Smith ; Notice of Rev. Jonathan Homer, by H. M. Dexter; Notice of Rev. Henry Ware, by C. C. Smith; Notice of Samuel Pickering Gardner, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Copy of a letter from Elisha Hutchinson, 1693 ; Notice of Benjamin Merrill, by Henry Wheat- land ; Notice of Rev. Samuel Ripley, by C. G. Ripley ; Memoir of John Quincy Adams, by C. F. Adams ; Notice of Benjamin R. Nichols, by Henry W T heatland ; Report on the Ilutchinson papers; By-laws of the Society ; Notice of Daniel Web ster, by R. C. Winthrop ; Copy of the patent to Beauchamp and Leverett from the Council for New England, March 13, 1629 ; Notice of Nahum Mitchell, by Ellis Ames ; Notice of James C. Merrill, by Leverett Saltonstall ; Notice of Simon Greenleaf, by George Dexter ; Appendix ; Account of the Portrait of John Rogers, the martyr ; Index. (2771 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 3.] 1855-1858. Bos ton, 1859. 8vo, pp. xi. (1), 412. Portraits. Plate. Facsim. Contents: Officers and members; Proceedings at. the annual meeting, April 12, 1855 ; Report of the committee on the Appleton fund ; Memoir of Samuel Appleton, by Samuel K. Lothrop ; Recovery of Bradford s manuscript "History of Plymouth." by Charles Deane ; Proceedings of monthly meetings ; Historical Trust Fund : Frederic Tudor s letter on the ice trade ; Jas. Savage on Goffe, the regicide ; Memoir of Abbott Lawrence, by Nathan Appleton ; Proceedings, annual meeting, April 24, 1856 ; Gift of Thomas Dowse s Library ; Decease of Thomas Dowse; Gift of a chair relic of Washington, by B. R. Winthrop; Hutchinson s historical publications, by Charles Deane ; Resolution on the death of Elisha Kent Kane ; The Dowse Library, by R. C. Winthrop ; Remarks by Edward Everett on presenting a rare English manuscript containing memo randa relating to the Franklin family in England ; Franklin s autograph letter to James Bowdoin, governor of Massachusetts, 1787 ; Coins found on Richmond Island, by William Willis; Extinction of slavery in Massachusetts, by Emory Washburn ; Memoir of William Parsons Lunt, by Nathaniel L. Froth- ingham ; Candlestick from the " Bonhomme Richard," by Henry Lunt; Intro duction of cotton into the United States letters from Wm. W. Parrott, J. A. Winthrop, Thomas Spaulding ; Reminiscences of Braddock s campaign, by Emory Washburn ; By-laws of the Society ; Trading-house on the Manomet river, by John Bachelder ; Subscription list for the relief of " distressed inhabit ants of Boston," 1774 ; Memorial to the Legislature remonstrating against a petition of the " Historic-Genealogical Society " for a change of name to " The New England Historical and Genealogical Society;" Extracts from an unpub lished memoir of Governor Brooks relating to an interview between Colonel Brooks and Captain Bancroft ; " Notes relative to the campaign against General Burgoyne," by J. M. Hughes, aid-de-camp to General Gates manuscript ; Re port on the Belknap donation, by Charles Deane ; Portrait of .Tosiah Quincy, presented to the Society by Chandler Robbins ; Original papers relating to the history of the Town House of Boston ; Speech of Josiah Quincy before the committee of the Massachusetts Legislature to whom was referred the petition of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society and the remonstrance of the Massachusetts Historical Society ; Proceedings commemorative of Thomas Dowse, Dec. 9, 1858 : Introductory address, by Robert C. W T inthrop ; Eulogy, by Edward Everett. Index. (2772 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 369 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 4.] 1858-1860. Bos ton, I860. 8vo, pp. xi, (1), 465. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members : Proceedings ; Letter with {he portrait of Sir Richard Saltonstall, from Leverett Saltonstall ; Report of standing com mittee ; Reports of officers; Report of Joseph Willard on a manuscript entitled " Some account of the Dudleys in Massachusetts," by George Adlard, in which Cotton Mather s more particular account of Governor Dudley is brought to light ; Battle of Lexington, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Letter of Benjamin Frank lin to Edmund Burke, 1775 ; Letter from Edmund Quincy to John Hancock, 1776; Letter from Edmund Quincy to Madam Lydia Hancock, 1776; Notice of Edmund Quincy ; Gorget of Washington description by Josiah Quincy ; Extract from the diary of Josiah Quincy relative to the attack on Gov. Hutch- inson s house ; Remarks of Robert C. Winthrop on the assumption of the com mand of the American Army of 1775 by General Washington ; Reminiscences of the Vassal family, by L. R. Paige ; Henry Knox as an engineer letter to his wife, 1775 ; Remarks on the appointment of Washington to the command of the army, by C. F. Adams; Remarks on the Battle of Bunker Hill, by G. E. Ellis ; Journal of a tour to the camp at Cambridge, Oct.. 1775, by ,1. Belknap ; Discourse on the character of Washington, by Edward Everett ; Original plan for the Society ; "An interpretation of the title, " Knight of the Golden Melice," given to Sir Christopher Gardiner in Winthrop s " History of New England," by R. C. Winthrop ; Letter from Eben Hazard containing information respecting the expedition to Fenobscot in 1770 ; Several original letters from General Washington to Dr. Belknap, and one from Lord Lyttleton, dated London, March 29, 1766; Paper upon the subject of Washington s dress, and the origin of the uniform of the Revolutionary army, by Ch. II. Warren ; Transfer of the colony charter of 1628 from England to Massachusetts, by Emory Washburn ; Meeting in memory of Wm. II. Prescott ; Edward Everett s remarks on Henry Hallam ; Letter from Governor Hutchinson to Lord Dartmouth, 1773 ; Extracts from an original diary by Thomas Newell, Boston, 1773, 1774 ; An anonymous letter- dated London, March 4, 1775 ; Letter from Robert Walsh, Paris, 12th November, 1858 ; Reports of officers and committees ; Copy of a printed document entitled " Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the oaths of allegiance and supremacy ; and declaration." Communication from William II. Gardiner, an executor of the will of Wm. H. Prescott ; Letter from J. Lothrop Motley, written at the moment of his receiving intelligence of the death of Mr. Prescott ; Letter from Sir Robert Carr, Boston, Dec. 5, 1665 ; Wilson s " Conquest of Mexico," by Geo. Ticknor ; The donation to the Society of the manuscript collection of Major-General William Heath, covering the entire period of the Revolutionary War; Copy of documents in the first volume of the Heath papers; Decease of Baron Alexander Von Humboldt ; Commission to revenue officers at Boston in the early part of the reign of George III ; Copy of a proposition by Sylvester Gardiner to build an inoculating hospital, 1761 ; Return of the Prince Library ; Naturalization in the American colonies, with more particular reference to Massachusetts, by Joseph Wiliard ; Tribute to Rufus Choate, by P. W. Chandler ; Letter to John Lowell, LL. D., Philadelphia. 1783 ; Letter of William Ellery, March 27, 1775 ; Copy of a printed circular addressed to the " Gentlemen Selectmen of Stoughtonham," by the selectmen of Boston, dated Sept. 14, 1768 ; Explanation of the circumstances under which the circular was prepared, by Ellis Ames; Tributes to Washington Irving, by Henry W. Longfellow, Edward Everett, Thomas Aspinwall, C. C. Felton, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and George Sumner; Remarks of Edward Everett in announcing the death of Henry D. Gilpin ; Copy of a manuscript entitled " The manner of the late Commencement (Harvard College), expressed in a letter sent over from the Governour and diverse of the Ministers ; their own words these," 1642. "A Copie of the Questions given and maintained by the Commencers in their publick Acts. Printed in Cambridge in New-England, and reprinted here verbatim, as follow- eth : ." Index. (2773 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 5.] 1860-1862. Bos ton, 1862. 8vo, pp. xi, (1), 530. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Original papers from the collection of John A. Lowell ; Reports ; Original documents relating to the witchcraft trials; .Letter from Jonathan Brewster, 18th June, 1636; Tribute to H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2- 24 370 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the memory of Sylvester Judd, by Lucius Robinson Paige ; Letter of William Bradford, D. M. M. General, to Colonel Richard Varick, 1778; The "Preston s" journal to Boston Harbor, 1775 ; An account of six folio account-books which had once belonged to Harvard College, by L. R. Paige ; Certain legal documents relating to the case of Phillips vs. Savage, heard on appeal from the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in 1737, before the Judicial Committee of his Majesty in Council ; Report of " Report of a Constitution, or Form of Government, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts," by Charles Deane ; Paper entitled "A Note of the Names of the Principal Undertakers for the Plantation of the Mattachusetts Bay, in New England, that are themselves gonne over with theire Wives and Children," with remarks upon it by Jas. Savage ; Copy of "A Propper Ballad," called the " Sommons to New England," to the Tune of " The Towns man s Capp ;" Accurate editions of the Bible-letter signed by a committee of the Congregational ministers of Massachusetts, 1790 ; Extracts from a manu script history of New England, written by Jos. Bennett in 1740 ; Letter of John Winthrop, 1632 ; Valuable historical papers communicated by R. C. Winthrop entitled : Narrative concerning the settlement of New England 1630 ; The Peti tion of Edward Winslow to [the Lords of the Council, while he was a prisoner in the Fleet, in London, 1634] ; "A relation concerning some occurrences in NCM- England." Letter from Luther Parks presenting a helmet claimed to have been the property of Sir Lawrence Washington ; Letter from General Lafayette to Colonel Joseph Yose, 1781; Stewards of Harvard College, by L. R. Paige; Har vard dinners, by L. R. Paige ; The case of Phillips vs.* Savage, report of the committee to whom were referred the arguments of Sir Dudley Rider and Sir John Strange on the case ; Remarks on the deaths of Lemuel Shaw and Daniel Appleton White, by Theophilus Parsons, C. C. Felton, and James Walker ; Letter from Thomas Jefferson to his father, 1801 ; Annual reports ; A letter from Brigadier-General Oliver Prescott, dated Groton, July 28, 1778 ; Remarks by Charles Deane relating to the decease and historical attainments of J. F. Wat son ; Tribute to Daniel Dewey Barnard, by Edward Everett ; Copy of an original letter describing the destitute condition of the troops of the Revolutionary Army, with remarks by Thomas II. Webb ; Tribute to Nathan Appleton, by R. C. Win throp ; Communication from William Barry announcing the recovery of the original narrative of the expedition to Quebec, via the Penobscot River in 1710; Letters of Governors Bowdoin and Pownall, 1769-1784 ; Memoir of Nathan Appleton, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Letter of John Adams, 1792 ; Letter of Oliver Cromwell, 1655 ; Remarks by Charles Deane in announcing the death of Joseph Hunter ; Report on exchange of prisoners during the American Revolution ; Correspondence between General Lafayette and Governor James Bowdoin ; A narrative, by Captain Philip Besom, of his adventures as a privateersman in the War of the Revolution ; Autograph-letters of Governor Hutchinson ; Letter of Rev. Thomas Prince, 1736 ; Memoir of Samuel Hoar, by Wm. Minot ; Secession emblems from John A. Dix ; Letter from Robert Boyle giving an account of the presentation of a copy of John Eliot s Indian Bible to Charles II; Paper, by O. W. Holmes, commenting upon and illustrating a manuscript written by an eminent physician in England, being a collection of " receipts to cure various disorders ;" The so-called " Narragausett Patent," by Chas. Deane ; Tributes to the memory of Luther V. Bell ; Tribute to the memory of Rev. John Codman and Rev. .Charles Lowell, by William Jenks ; Letter of Samuel Osgood to S. Higginson, 1784; Letter of John Bacon to Samuel Philips, 1785; The Rogers genealogy and the Candler MS., by Joseph Lemuel Chester ; Memoir of Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch, by S. K. Lothrop ; Index. (2774 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 6.] 1862-1863. Bos ton, 1863. 8vo, pp. xi, (1), 503. Contents : Officers ; Members ; Proceedings ; Communication from the Historic- Genealogical Society, relating to the naming of streets and towns ; Reports of officers and committees ; Thomas C. Amory s report on the names of streets : The Narragansett Patent, by Thomas Aspinwall ; The Great Seal of New Eng land used by Governor Andros, by John Appleton ; An historical research re specting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, as soldiers, by George Livermoie ; The will of Edmand Reade, 1603, by Charles Deane ; Letters of the Revolutionary War, strikingly applicable to tl present time, by Thomas H. Webb ; Memoir of Daniel Appleton White, by Jai Walker ; Paper by Wm. Brigham on the authorship of the Introductory Essay, published with the third edition of Wood s " New England s Prospect ;" MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 371 count-books of treasurers of Harvard College from 1669 to 1752 ; Letter from General St. Clair to Governor Bowdoin, dated " Camp at Mons Creek, July 28, 1777," about five miles below Fort Edward ; Letter of Samuel Dexter to Gov ernor Bowdoin, Jan. 26, 1779; Indian necropolis in West Medford, Mass., dis covered Oct. 21, 1862, by C. Brooks ; A plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the United States, by General Knox, by Joseph Willard ; The light shed upon Cotton Mather s " Magnalia" by his diary, by Charles Deane ; Re marks on Nathan Hale, by R. C. Winthrop and lOdward Everett ; Massachusetts provincial currency, by R. C. Winthrop ; Facsimile of a paper-note of the Prov ince of Massachusetts Bay, issued on the 10th of December, 1690 ; Memoir of William Appleton, by Chandler Robbins ; William Vassall no factionist, by Thomas Aspinwall ; Letter from William Palfrey to John Wilkes, of London, on the Boston Massacre [1770] ; Letter from Thomas Hutchinson to Lord Hills- borough, 1770, on the Boston Massacre; Facsimile of a letter of King Charles II, 1660, with remarks by R. C. Winthrop ; Index. (2775 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 7.] 1863-1861. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. xi, (2), 508. Portraits. Plate. Map. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Remarks upon the death of Con- vers Francis, by F. H. Hedge and George E. Ellis ; Reports ; Memoir of Luther V. Bell, by George E. Ellis ; Letter of Sir Jeffery Amherst, 1759 ; Memoir of Charles Mason, by A. P. Peabody ; Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati ; Letter of Josiah Quincy, 1775 ; Letter of John Winthrop, 1775 ; Letter of Saml. Cooper, 1775 ; Almanacs in the reign of Queen Anne, by John Appleton ; Extracts from an orderly book of the Revolutionary Army, by Charles Eliot Norton ; Letter of General Washington, 1777 ; Remarks upon the death of John .1. Crittenden, of Kentucky, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Remarks on the question " Whether Washing ton was a. Marshall of France," by Thos. II. Webb, and by Henry W. Torrey ; Description of an instrument executed by Louis, Duke of Orleans, dated July 2, 1405, by William Appleton ; Memorial of Gettysburg ; " The Selling of Joseph," an anti-slavery tract written by Chief-Justice Samuel Sewall, 1700 ; Poem by the negro slave, Phillis Wheatley, on the capture of (ieneral Charles Lee by the British ; Death of Lord Lyndhurst, remarks by Robert C. Wiuthror) ; Re marks upon the death of Wm. Sturgis, by R. C. Winthrop ; Dr. Ephraim Eliot s account of the physicians of Boston during the Revolutionary War ; Diary of Ezekiel Price, 1775-6; Letter of Count De Marbois, 1782; Letters of PhiJlis Wheatley, the negro-slave poet of Boston, 1772-4 ; Journal of Colonel William Goffe, 1660; Was Washington a Marshal of France? by -Tared Sparks and Thos. II. Webb; Letters of Rev. William Gordon, 1770-1784; Death of Frederic Tudor, by R. C. Winthrop ; Somerset s case, and the extinction of villenage and slavery in England, by Emory Washburn ; " Journal de Castorland," by [John] Appleton ; Communication of W. H. Whitmore relating to the author ship of a paper entitled " Reasons to be considered for justifying the Under takers of the intended Plantation in New England ; " An order of the Privy Council to investigate the charges of William Morton against John Tinker, 1664, by John Appleton ; Annual reports ; Maps of Boston, by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff ; Shakspeare commemoration, by R. C. Winthrop ; Letter of James Lloyd to Samuel Breck. of Philadelphia, 1817 ; Remarks upon the death of Josiah Quincy, by R. C. Winthrop, George E. Ellis, Edward Everett, and Richard H. Dana; Personal memoranda, by [R. B.] Forbes, relating to maritime affairs since 1811; Letter of Peter Fanueil, 1738; Memoir of William Sturgis, by Charles G. Loring ; Ancient maps of Boston, by John Appleton ; Letters of Josiah Winslow, 1676-1680 ; Speeches of Joseph Dudley delivered at the time he was inaugurating his brief administration as President of New England in 1686, with remarks by Charles Deane ; Remarks by Amos, E. Lawrence on the financial history of nations engaged in protracted wars ; Index. (2776 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 8.] 1864-1865. Host on. 1X66. 8vo. pp. xvi, 510. Portrait. Facsimile. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Catalogues of Harvard Uni versity, by John Langdon Sibley : Governor James Bowdoin s papers, 1768, 1774 ; Portrait of Sebastian Cabot, by John Appleton ; Tribute to Edward Ever ett special meeting of the Society ; Letter of Andrew Jackson, 1833 ; Letter of James Sullivan to Tobias Lear, 1789 ; Letter of Christopher Gore to Tobias Lear, 1789 ; Professor C, C. Rafn, by Thos. H. Webb ; Letter of B. Schwartz to 372 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Henry Johnson, Lima, 1724 ; Letter of Nathaniel Appleton to Joseph Sewall, 1697 ; Letter of Rev. John J. Zubly, 1773 ; Dr. Stiles s account of Rev. Samuel Lee, of Bristol, and his church, 1769 ; Letter of Michael Joy to Jonathan Ho mero, Aug. 20, 1824 ; Letter of Edmund Gibson, Bishop of London ; Letter of Ste phen Longfellow to Thomas Hubbard, 1770 ; Letter of John Adams to Ezra Stiles, 1788 ; Memoir of Convers Francis, by William Newell ; Remarks by R. C. Win- throp on the death of President Lincoln ; Annual reports ; List of officers ; Anec dotes of Edward Everett, by Charles Brooks ; Remarks of R. C. Winthrop and O. W. Holmes on the Dante commemoration ; Remarks on the death of Joseph Willard, by R. C. Winthrop, Emory Washburn, Charles Brooks. Judge Gray, and William Brigham ; The origin and sources of the Bill of Rights declared in the Constitution of Massachusetts, by Emory Washburn ; Letters of John Andrews of Boston, 1772-1776 ; Papers of Sir John Eliot ; Letter of John Hampden to Sir John Eliot, 1629 ; Instructions of White of Dorchester for the plantation of New England ; Remarks on a letter of Columbus to Santangel, by Charles Deane ; Paper on longevity, by Joseph Palmer ; Remarks on the death of George Liver- more, by R. C. WinthrojX Charles Deane, and others ; Letter of John Wilkes to John Hancock, May lo, 1783 ; Proposals for printing Phillis Peters s poems and letters, 17^7L; Remarks on the small size of ships used in crossing the Atlantic, 1492-1626, by Charles Deane; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death of J. E. Worcester ; Letter of the Massachusetts House of Representatives to Dr. Franklin, 1771 ; Letter of J. II. Trumbull, Sept. 20, 1865 ; Letter of S. Alofsen on the Society " Doctrina et Amicitia ; " Letter of John F. Eliot on the portrait of Dr. John Eliot ; Index. (2777 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 9. | 1866-1867. Bos ton, 1867. 8vo, pp. xvi, 524. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Letter of Rufus King to Gov ernor Bowdoin, 1786 ; Letter of Rufus King to Elbridge Gerry, 1786 ; The origin, organization, and influence of the towns of New England, by Joel Parker ; Letters of the Marquis of Buckingham to Sir John Temple ; Memoir of Josiah Quincy, by James Walker ; Commemoration of Jared Sparks ; Reports of officers and committees ; Letter from Hugh Blair Grigsby ; Paper on the early painters and engravers of New England, by W. II. Whitmore ; Crolnwellian Settlement of Ireland; Yeas and nays on Gen. Conway s motion, 1782 ;. Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death of General Winfleld Scott; Letter of Gen. Scott, 1862; Paper on the rank of students in Harvard College, by William G. Brooks; Letter of Wm. C. Todd en Fort Venango ; Rev. John Wheelwright s Fast-day sermon, January, 1636 ; Memoir of Joseph Willard, by Charles Brooks ; History of Bacon s and Ingram s Rebellion ; Deposition relating to the sword of Warren ; Paper on the device of the seal of the United States, by William Barton ; Peabody Museum of American Archaeology, remarks by James Walker, Edward E. Hale ; Remarks upon the death of William Jenks, by R. C. Winthrop and Chandler Robbins ; Letter of J. Hammond Trumbull on the Indian name " Shaw*mit ; " Vindication of the memory of General John Sullivan, by Thomas C. Amory ; The Peabody donation ; Last will of Captain John Smith, 1631 ; Paper on George Herbert and John Cotton, by Robert C. Waterson ; Seal of the " Council for New England," by Charles Deane; Letter of General Washington to Jonathan Williams, 1795; Journal of the expedition from New London to Woodstock, 1699 ; Destruction of Deerfield in 1704; Announcement of the accession of Queen Anne; Lines from Nicholas Noyes to Cotton Mather ; News letters written by John Campbell, 1703 ; Rescript from Queen Anne disallowing an act of the colony of Connecticut, en titled " Hereticks ; " Speeches at the inauguration of John Leverett as President of Harvard College, 1708 ; Index. (277* MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 10.] 1867-1869. Bos ton, 1869. Svo, pp. xiii, (3), 519. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Reports ; Agreement of Uncas and the Colony of Connecticut, 1681 ; Letter of Hugh Peter to Governor Win throp ; Letter of Hugh Blair Grigsby to Charles Deane ; Paper by John Appleton on the Alleged portrait of the Rev. John Wilson, with some notices of other early portraits ; Sketch of the life and judicial labors of Chief Justice Shaw, by Benjamin F. Thomas ; Tribute to Charles G. Loring, by John C. Gray ; Letter from John Adams to Professor John Gorham, 1817 ; The seals of Massachusetts, by Thomas C. Amory; Memoir of William Jenks, by George W. Blagden ; Letter MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 373 of John Lathrop, D. D., to Judge Davis, 1809 ; Report on the " Hutchinson Papers ; " The origin of the name of Flint s Pond, by William Brigham ; Letter from the President, Robert C. Winthrop ; Reports of officers and committees ; List of the principal manuscripts belonging to the Society ; Memoir of Joseph Story, by George S. Hillard ; Letters of John Adams and General Nathaniel Greene ; Memoir of Jared Sparks, by George E. Ellis ; Communication from Charles Deane on Dr.. Belknap s list of manuscripts in the Cabinet of the His torical Society, in 1792, with the list ; Memoranda by Samuel Haugh, in an almanac by Samuel T. Danforth for 1649 ; Printed table appended to the almanac of Danforth ; Letter reported to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1777 respecting freeing the negroes, and remarks of Charles Deane thereon ; Address of the President, R. C. Winthrop, on his return from Europe ; Tribute to Dean Milman, by J. Lothrop Motley; Letter of Henry Newman to Sec. Dela- faye, 15 Nov., 1725 ; Memoir of Cornelius Conway Felton, by G. S. Hillard ; Paper by Ellis Ames on the Qualification for voting in the Province Charter ; Colonial papers copied from the Public Archives in London ; Letters from Charles J. Iloadly and Hugh Blair Grigsby ; Communication from Franklin B. Dexter on a Harvard College monitor s bill ; Memoir of George Livermore, by Charles Deane ; Letter of Nathan Dane to Daniel Webster, 1830 ; Report of the Com mittee on memorials of the antiquities of Boston ; Letter of General Schuyler to Ezra L Hommedieu, 1780 ; Index. (27TJ> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 11.] 18(59-1870. Bos ton, 1871. 8vo, pp. xviii, 534. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Letter from J. Hammond Trumbull ; Journal of a tour to Connecticut autumn of 1789, written by Samuel Davis ; Reports of officers and committees : Memoir of Levi Lincoln, by Emory Washburn ; Remarks on Cornell University ; Biographical sketch of Isaac P. Davis, by George T. Davis ; Letter of Brantz Mayer describing a valu able collection of Colonial and Continental currency, made by Joshua P. Cohen ; Letter from Hugh Blair Grigsby ; Copy of a letter from the Marquis de Mont- calm to Mons. de Mole, first President in the Parliament of Paris ; Corre spondence between Francis Parkman and the Marquis of Montcalm ; Letters from J. Vernon to Joseph Williamson, Hague, 1(571/2 ; Letter from Commodore John Rodgers, describing the capture of the "Atlanta;" An alphabetical list of the Sons of Liberty who dined at Liberty Tree, Dorchester, Aug. 14, 1769 ; Communication from W. H. Whitmore relative to Rev. John Hutchinson, of England ; Letter of Father Gabriel Druillettes to John Winthrop, Jr. ; " Cardiff Giant " controversy ; Paper on " The forms used in issuing letters-patent by the Crown of England," by Charles Deane ; Remarks on the same by Jcel Parker ; Letter from Thomas Carlyle ; List of the papers presented by H. A. S. D. Dudley; Proclamation for a General Embargo, in 1711, by Gov. Joseph Dudley ; The life of Mr. Thomas Dudley, several times Governor of Massachu setts Colony, in New England, by Cotton Mather ; Letter written 21st June, 1775, relating to the Battle of Bunker Hill ; Letter from Henry E. Pierrepont ; Remarks by the President on the deaths of Gulian C. Verplanck and Nathaniel C. Frothingham ; Account of Capt. F. Lahrbush ; List of officers elected ; Re ports ; Letter from William Alexander Hyrne to William Tilghman, 1776 ; Letter from J. Francis Fisher furnishing some annotations on the Hyrne let ter ; Memoir of Alvan Lamson, by Andrew I*. Peabody ; Memoir of Charles G. Loring, by Theophilus Parsons ; Paper on " Medals and coins relating to America," by W. S. Appleton ; Letter relating to the Battle of Lexington ; " Orig inal Bank Circular, 1809 ; " Letters relating to the death of William Pynchon ; Paper by George T. Davis on the " St. Regis Bell ; " Remarks by R. C. Win throp on announcing the death of W T inthrop Sargent ; Memorial to George Pea- body in Westminster Abbey ; Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Edmund Quincy ; An early paper of Daniel Webster on the Acquisition of the Floridas ; Lines to the inhabitants of Boston when confined therein by General Gage ; Communication by R. C. Winthrop on the Ilutchinson Papers ; Letter from Daniel Clark to John Winthrop, Jr., on the receipt of the Connecticut Charter, 1662 ; Letter from Rev. R. C. Waterston ; Tributes to John P. Kennedy ; An act for the preservation of ancient town records ; Memoir of Nathaniel L. Frothingham, by Frederic H. Hedge ; Anecdote of Governcr Brooks, by John C. Gray ; Extracts from Paul Revere s day-book ; List of Protesters against the Solemn League and Covenant, and Addressers to Governor Hutchinson ; Com munication from Charles Deane respecting Governor Bradford s Dialogue ; 374 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Copy of the Dialogue ; Verses by Governor Bradford ; Letter from Hugh B. Grigsby ; Letter of Major Abraham Eustis, giving an account of the capture of York, now Toronto ; Letter from George H. Chapman, containing an ac count of the Fenwick family^ List of donors ; Index. (2780 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 12.] 1871-1873. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. xviii,. 508. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Bibliography of the Society, by S. A. Green ; Draft of instructions from the Town of Boston to their repre sentatives to the General Court, in 1772 ; Tribute to David Sears and George Ticknor ; Address of Dewi Brown, a Cherokee Indian ; Letter from Thomas Perkins to Joseph Palmer, 1785, giving an account of the early manufacture of salt in Kentucky ; Letter of S. Stevens, giving an account of the encounter between Selfridge and Austin in State Street, 1806 ; Correspondence between William Penn and Governor Fitz-.Tohn Winthrop ; Address to Governor Hutch- inson, 1774 ; Solemn League and Covenant ; Protest against the Solemn League and Covenant ; Proclamation by Governor Gage, June 29, 1774 ; Let ters of Benjamin Franklin ; Letters from George Washington to Lund Wash ington, 1776-9; Tribute x to Winthrop Sargent by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Extracts from a diary < f Nathaniel Cutting, while visiting Boston in 1792 ; Extract from a letter of James Warren, relating to the Battle of Bunker Hill ; Reports of officers and committees ; " God s controversy with New England." written at the time of the great drought, 1662, by MiHisu-l Wigglesworth : Mr. Wigglesworth s letter to the Church at Maiden, 1G58 ; Letter from Sir John Stanhope to Secretary Davison, relating to Elder Brew- ster s appointment as postmaster of Scrooby ; Explanation of the letter, by Charles Deane ; Extracts from the Hutchinson Papers ; Letters to Gen. Arte mus Ward; Letter f r( m Henry M. Dexter; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop on the building and the finances of the Society ; Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Gideon Granger, 1800 ; Address by R. C. Winthrop on the occasion of the cen tennial anniversary of the birthday of Sir Walter Scott ; Remarks by Ralph Waldo Emerson ; Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes and William Cullen Bry ant ; Resolves passed at Mecklenberg, N. C., 30th May, 1775 ; Association agreed to in the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, 3d of June, 177.1 ; KP marks by R. C. Winthrop on the Chicago Fire ; Letter from Hugh Blair Grigsby ; Letter from the Rev. William Barry, of Chicago ; Memoranda con cerning the decease of Gov. Matthew Cradock ; Letter of Peter Edes, relating to the Boston Tea Party ; Letter from H. II. Edes, giving an account of mem bers of the family and some historical information ; Letter from Henry M. Dexter, suggesting some corrections of George Sumner s " Memoirs of the Pil grims at Leyden ; " Recantations of Marblehead citizens, 1775; Proclamation of General Burgoyne, 1777 ; Extracts from the diary of Lieut. Paul Lunt. 1775 ; Letters of Sir John Temple to the Earl, of Hillsborough and others, re lating to Castle Island ; Reports <;f officers and committees ; Correspondence between Samuel Adams and James Bowdoin ; Extracts from letters of Thomas L. Winthrop, relating to Governor Wiuthrop s journal ; Governor Winthrop s " Conclusions ; " Letter from Henry Vane, the younger, to his father, 1635 ; Oath taken by Andrew Oliver against enforcing the Stamp Act ; Extracts from a sermon of Rev. James Allin, of Brookline, on the 29th of October, 1727 ; Official letters relating to the transportation of some " Moose Deer " from Fisher s Island to England, for Queen Anne ; Communication from Charles Deane, on Washing ton s headquarters at Cambridge; Letter from Eliza S. Quincy on the same sub ject ; Manuscript, dated 1776, containing a plan for the defeat of the Spanish power in America; Tributes to Francis Lieber ; Paper by. William H. Whitmore, on the origin of the name of the town of Lexington, Mass. ; Letter from Capt. Hector M Neill to Samuel Adams ; Letters from Paul Jones to Capt. M Neill ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the great fire in Boston ; Account of the execu tion of Mary, Queen of Scots, taken from the common-place book of Adam Win throp ; List of articles bequeathed to the Society, by Wm. H. Sumner ; Tributes to Charles Folsom ; Horatio Gates Somersby and William H. Seward, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Tribute to William H. Seward, by Charles Francis Adams ; Letter from John G. Palfrey on the death of Charles Folsom ; Tribute to Charles Folsom, by S. K. Lothrop ; Memoir of John Singleton Copley, by Augus tus T. Perkins ; Tributes to J. Franci^ Fisher ; Letter from Joseph S. Fay, on the origin of names prevailing on Vineyard Sound ; Letter from Earl of Warwick to Hugh Peter ; Gov. Winthrop on baptism ; Communication by Charles MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 375 Deane on Roger Williams and the Massachusetts Charter ; Selections from the letter-book of Chief Justice Samuel Sewall ; Communication by R. C. Waters- ton on Boston schools ; On the origin of the names of towns in Massachusetts, by W. II. Whitmore ; Some manuscript news-letters of early date ; Communi cation by Charles Deane on Smith s " New England s Trials ; " Tributes to James Savage, by R. C. Winthrop and Charles Deane ; Letter of Chief Justice Taney ; " New England s Trials," by Capt. John Smith ; Index. (2781 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 13.] 1873-1875. Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. xviii, 495. Portraits. Plates. Map. Facsimile page of John Adams diary relative to the Destruction of tea in Boston. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Remarks by the President, R. C. Winthrop ; Reports of officers and committees ; Letter from Hugh Blair Grigsby ; Memoir of Charles Folsom, by Theophilus Parsons ; Remarks on Negro Election Day, by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff ; Lines addressed by I. II. to Dr. Sloane ; Extracts from the will of Ephraim Leonard, 1783 ; Remarks of Ellis Ames on Daniel Leonard ; Letters to Gardiner Greene ; Remarks by T. C. Amory on Human Longevity ; Extract from the records of the town of Bridge- water ; Tribute to Bishop Wilberforce, by R. C. Winthrop ; Letter from Hugh Blair Grigsby ; Tribute to Henry Black, by R. C. Winthrop ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on a Manuscript copy of the speech of Sir Walter Raleigh on the scaffold ; Decree of the King in Phillips vs. Savage ; The London Gazette for February 9, 1684 ; Reasons for the indictment of the Duke of York ; Letters of Dr. John Woodward, 1721 ; The Incorporation of Newton, by Lucius R. Paige ; The tenure of lands in New England, by Emory Washburn ; Notice of John Gough Nichols, by W. H. Whitmore ; Letter of John Lowell to General Lincoln, 1782; Legal opinion of Judge Lowell for. Governor Bowdoiu ; Memoranda of Sir Joseph Williamson ; Memoir of John Stetson Barry, by Charles C. Smith ; By-laws of the Society ; Special meeting 100th anniversary of the Destruction of Tea in Boston Harbor : Remarks by R. C. Winthrop, Richard Frothingham, and Robert C. W r aterston, with some letters written at the time and describing the " Tea-Party ; " Lines by Mrs. R. C. Waterston on " A Family Picture ; " "A Ballad of the Boston Tea Party," by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Letter of Samuel Adams to James Warren, 1774 ; Letter from, W T illiam T. Davis ; List of articles of historical interest exhibited at the meeting ; Report of the Arbitrator with regard to the Hutchinson Papers ; Oaths of Allegiance ; Letter of John Allyn to Governor John Winthrop, 1675 ; Letter of Thomas Danforth to Gov. Winthrop, 1672j^Letters of St. John Be Crevecoeur, 1786-8 ; Com munication from Charles W. Tuttle with regard to the family of Edward Ran dolph ; Letter of Col. John Brooks, 1778 ; Letter of Wm. II. Prescott ; Extracts from the Winthrop papers ; Letter from Paul Revere to his wife ; Memoir of William Minot, by R. C. Winthrop ; Tributes by R. C. Winthrop to Millard Fillmore and Charles Sumner ; Reports ; Memoir of William Brigham, by Chand ler Robbins ; Letter of Louis Agassiz ; Description of the Washington medals, by W. S. Appleton ; Minutes of^Chief-Justice Gushing in the case of the Common wealth vs. Jennison, 1781 ; Note by Chief Justice Gray ; Paper by Charles Deane on Judge Lowell and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights ; Letter of Samuel Danforth, 1670 ; Letter of Thomas II. Benton, 1828 ; Communication from Charles Deane relative to Jasper Danckaerts and the Indian Bible ; Com munication from C. W. Tuttle relative to a statement in Belknap s " History of New Hampshire ;" Remarks of O. W. Holmes on Scaligerana ; Tributes to Charles II. Warren and Jeffries W T yman ; Letter from R. C. Winthrop relative to the Keppel portrait of Washington ; Letter from R. B. Forbes relating to the log of the schooner "Midas;" Extracts from the English State papers; Tribute to Benjamin R. Curtis ; Letters from R. C. Winthrop ; Paper by R. II. Major on the Voyages of the Venetian brothers Zeno ; Remarks by Ellis Ames on a Declara tion of certain persons of Bridgewater in 1776 ; Remarks by W. S. Appleton on the portrait of Washington ; Letter from M. Luzerne to M. de Vergennes, 1781 ; Memoir of N. B. Shurtleff, by Charles C. Smith ; Tributes to Rev. James W T alker ; The Payne and Gore families, liy W. H. Whitmore ; Tribute to Charles Sprague, by R. C. Waterston ; Biographical sketch of Cyrus Eaton, by John L. Sibley ; Paper by Emory Washburn on the Effects of the Decree in Chancery vacating the Colony Charter ; Index. (2783 376 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 14.] 1875-1876. Boston, 1876. 8vo, pp. xvi, 431. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Memoir of Jeffries Wyman, by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Reports ; Letter of Mrs. John Winthrop, of Cambridge, written soon after the Battle of Lexington ; " Grandmother s Story of Bunker Hill," by O. W. Holmes; Dr. Belknap s house at Lover, N. H., by Chas. W. Tuttle ; Memoir of Charles Sprague, by Edmund Quincy ; Remarks by R. Froth- ingham on the Battle of Bunker Hill ; Judge Prescott s account of the Battle of Bunker Hill ; Letters of James Warren illustrating the battle ; Letter of Samuel B. Webb, 1775 ; Diary of Lieutenant-Colonel Experience Storrs ; Ex tracts from an orderly-book, supposed to be Capt. Chester s, 1775 ; Letter of General Jones [17751 ; Extracts from Dr. Belknap s note-books; Letters of Dr. Belknap and Eben. Haza^d\1780; Letter from Hugh Blair Grigsby relative to Horace Binney ; Copy of a paper drawn up by Wm. Thompson, in 1774, and signed by others declining to serve as jurors in the Superior Court of which Peter Oliver was Chief- Justice ; Memoir of Joseph B. Felt, by Henry M. Dexter ; Journal of the Rev. John Pike, 1678-1709; Remarks by Ellis Ames on the Thomas estate at Marshfield. Letter of President Jefferson to Baron Ilum- boldt, 1811. Caricatures relating to the Revolution; Memoir of Joel Parker, by Emory Washburn ; Letter of Jonathan Sewall, 1777 ; Deposition of Anne Pollard, of Boston, 1711 ; Tributes to John Henry Clifford ; Tribute to Earl Stanhope, by R. C. Winthrop ; Letter from Thomas Robins giving an account of the grave of Whalley, the regicide; Letter from Samuel Sewall to John Winthrop, 1725-6; Laws of Harvard College in 1655. Invitation to attend the funeral of Sir William Phipps, 1604-5 ; Some particulars respecting the family of Major John Andre, by Joseph L. Chester-? Remarks by Charles Deane on a memorandum book of President Leverett of Harvard College ; Dudley Code of Laws for Har vard College; Special meeting to celebrate the anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston : Remarks by R. C. Winthrop and Samuel C. Cobb ; General Bur- goyne in Boston, by George E. Ellis ; Manufacture of gunpowder in America, by C. C. Smith ; Sale of a negro boy in Boston, 1775 ; Remarks by Richard Frothingham on submitting papers relating to the Siege of Boston ; Letters illus trating the Siege of Boston ; Diary o Samuel Bixby, 1775-6 ; The Old Elm ofc Boston Common, by R. C. Waterston ; Letter of Ellis Gray, of Boston, 1774; Reports of officers and the Council ; Copies of two papers of 1787 ; Colonel Trurnbtill s Journal of the Siege of Yorktown ; Abstract of papers from the Public Record Office in London ; Paper by Charles Deane on an Indenture of David Thomson and others, 1622 ; Memoir of Theron Metcalf, by George S. Hale : Index. (2783 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 15.] 1876-1877. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. xvi,, 441. Porti-aits. Plates. Facsimile. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Memoir of Jean Frederic de Waldeck, by S. A. Green ; Letters of Franklin and John Winthrop, 1770 ; Trans lation of Count Circourfs Conclusions Historiques ; Memoir of Col. William Henshaw, by Emory Washburn. Orderly-book of Col. William Henshaw ; " Paul Revere s Signal," communicated by .Charles Deane ; Letter from John Lee Wat son relative to Paul Revere s signal ; Memoir of Charles Wentworth Upham, by George E. Ellis ; Scarcity of salt in the Revolutionary War, by C. C. Smith ; Sketch of the life of Rev. Samuel Henley, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Notice of Olympia Morata, by R. C. Winthrop ; Act of incorporation of the Society ; Ex tract from Thomas Boynton s journal relating to the Battle of Bunker Hill; The seal of ttie Historical Society, by Charles Deane ; Remarks by R. C. Win throp on. the death of Emory Washburn ; Letter from William Winthrop to John Fox, 1560 ; Letter relating to Whalley, the regicide ; Reports ; Tributes to Edmund Quincy and John Lothrop Motley ; Unpublished letter of Washington ; Tributes to George T. Davis ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death of M. Thiers ; Remarks by Thomas C. Amory on a correspondence between Gov ernor Sullivan and Timothy Pickering ; Letter of A. M. Harrison giving the his tory of a portrait bearing the name of " M. Standish ; " Extract from the journal of Governor Hutchinson ; Diary of Thomas Newell, for 1773 to the end of 1774 ; Memoir of John Appleton, by Charles Deane ; Memoir of Gov. Clifford, by R. C. Winthrop; Letter from Theodore Dwight relating to the Journal of Madam Knight ; Extracts from the journal of C. J. Stratford ; List of the biographers of the signers of the Declaration of Independence ; List of donors to the library ; Index. (2784 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 377 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 16.] 1878. Boston, 1879. 8vo, pp. xvi, 509. Portraits. Facsimile. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Letter from .T. Hammond Trumbull giving the meaning and derivation of the Indian name of Groton, Mass. ; Journal of Father Flynt s journey to Portsmouth, 1754 ; Deficiencies in Hubbard s History, by F. E. Oliver ; Remarks by William Everett on the death of the King of Italy ; Memoir of Benjamin Robbins Curtis, by Chandler Rob- bins ; Prefatory note to Hubbard s History, by Charles Deane ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the controversy respecting the Hutchinson letters ; Whence came the papers sent by Franklin to Gushing in his letter of Dec. 2, 1772? by George Bancroft ; Tutor Sever s argument before the Council of Massachu setts, 1723, advocating the right of Harvard instructors to a place in the Cor poration ; Narrative of Jolley Allen, a merchant in Boston, 1755 to 1776, with remarks by C. C. Smith; Journal of Dr. Benjamin Bullivant, communicated by II. W. Foote ; Letter from Richard Henry Lee, 1776 ; Letter of Edward Wins- low, 1644 ; Memoir of George Bemis, by E. R. Hoar ; Memoir of James Savage, by George S. Hillard ; Remarks by Samuel F. Haven on a fragment of Rev. Dr. McClure s diary relating to the battle of Lexington ; Letter from an aged Bostonian, written in 1779 ; Reports of officers and committees ; Remarks by George Dexter in communicating a letter of Governor Pownall to Rev. Dr. Cooper ; Letter from George Thacher, 1820 ; Letter of Andrew Eliot to his son, 1775 ; Tribute to William Cullen Bryant, by R. C. Waterston ; Paper on " Old Planters " about Boston Harbor, by C. F. Adams, jr. ; Remarks by R. C. Win throp on Royal Society letters; Correspondence of the Founders of the Royal Society with Governor Winthrop of Connecticut ; Letter of Gov. Hutchinson, 1775 ; Communication from Charles Deane on a MS. journal of the President and Council of New Hampshire ; Records of the President and Council of New Hampshire, 16791680 ; Remarks by George Dexter in communicating some letters of Andrew Eliot, D. D., Boston, 1775 ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death- of Benjamin Franklin Thomas; Tributes to Judge Thomas, by E. E. Hale, E. R. Hoar, and Charles W. Tuttle ; Address of Barnas Sears; Letters of Columbus and Yespuccius, communicated by George Dexter ; Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, 1775-6 ; Publication of the " Sewall Diary ; " Letter of Paul Revere to Dr. Belknap, giving some facts and anecdotes prior to the Battle of Lexington ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith on the Records of the Washington Benevolent Society ; Remarks by Charles W. Tuttle on the name " Pascataqua ; " Tribute to J. G. Kohl, by Charles Deane ; Communication by A. T. Perkins on the pictures by Blackburn and Smibert ; Letter from Captain C. P. Patterson ; Agreement of Peqout Indians with the Commissioners of the United Colonies, 1654 (with facsimile) ; Memoir of John Lothrop Motley, by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Addenda to Blackburn and Smibert portraits ; Index. (2785 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. [Vol. 17.] 1870-1880. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. xviii, 504. Portraits. Facsimiles. Maps. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Remarks by the President, R. C. Winthrop, on the death of W. G. Brooks, Caleb Cushing and Leonard Wood ; Tributes to Caleb Cushing, by Geo. B. Emerson and Charles W. Tuttle ; Tribute to W. G. Brooks, by R. C. Waterston; Letter from Rev. John Eliot to President Quincy ; Remarks by Charles Deane on the Memorial Stone of the Fort on Castle Island ; Memoir of Emory Washburn, by A. I*. Peabody ; Tributes to Jacob Bigelow and George S. Hillard ; Captain Parker s orderly book, winter of 1779-80 ; Indian deed of Boston, 1685 ; Letter from Col. Albert II. Hoyt ; Paper on the Hessian flags, by E. E. Hale ; Remarks by Charles F. Adams on the death of Robert M. Mason ; Reports of the Council and officers ; Letter from Rev. William Jenks to Dr. John Eliot, 1809 ; Remarks by D. A. Goddard on the Battle of Bennington ; W T arrant for the arrest of Sarah Jones ; Addi tional notes on portraits by Blackburn and Smibert, by A. T. Perkins ; Memoir of William G. Brooks, by Charles C. Smith ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the Grenville Winthrop collection of autographs ; Paper by Charles W. Tuttle on the Fox Point Massacre, 1690 ; Letters from President John T. Kirkland to President Josiah Quincy, 1809, 1810 ; Report on the Bacon papers ; Manuscript maps exhibited by Justin Winsor ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the Salem Church and on Boston graveyards ; Remarks by George Dexter on the death of 378 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. J. A. Moerenhout ; Report on the Holmes Tapers ; Communication by Thomas C. Amory on the Siege of Newport in 1778 ; Letter from Charles Deane con cerning funeral sermons ; Journal of Thomas Wallcut, 1790, communicated by George Dexter ; Journal of Charles Turner, jr., 1802 ; List of the South Latin School class, 1773 ; New Hampshire in 1689-90, by Charles W. Tuttle ; Fac simile of Form of Government of New Hampshire, 1689 ; Letter from E. S. Quincy, with account of William Clark, Boston merchant in early days ; Or derly book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, 1775-6; Paper on Washington s birth place, by Charles C. Perkins ; Journal of William Parkman, 1758 ; Letters of John Eliot, the Apostle ; Records of an Association of Ministers in Cornwall, England, 1655-9 ; Records of the Cambridge Association of Ministers, 1690- 1704 ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death of E. P>. Bigelow ; Extracts from the letters of Samuel Sweat, Revolutionary soldier ; Letters of Captain W. G. Evelyn, with remarks by R. C. Winthrop ; Remarks by C. W. Tuttle on the Vice-Admiralty Court for America ; Memorial in aid of the Yorktown monument ; Remarks by Charles Deane, with letter from Samuel F. Haven, on the Diary of David Hall ; The London Remembrancia ; Memoir of Joseph Hun ter, by Charles Deane ; Tribute to Count de Circourt, by R. C. Winthrop ; Petition to the General Court in regard to ancient burial grounds ; Paper on Major John Pitcairn, by Charles Hudson; Tributes to Richard Frothingham ; Diary of Dudley Woodbridge, 1728: The inf.uence of English Universities in the development of New England, by Franklin B. Dexter ; Ancient Indian deed, 1709; Memoir of Edward A. Crowninshield, by Charles Deane; Letters of Joseph Dennie, 1797, communicated by Robert C. Winthrop; Old map of Boston, 1797; Petition of Roger Conant, with remarks by Charles Deane; Facsimile of the petition of Roger Conant ; Memoir of Lorenzo Sabine, by E. E. Hale; Memoir of Jacob Bigelow, by George E. Ellis; Index. (2786 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. xvm. 1880-1881. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. xx, 483. Portraits. Plate. Facsimiles. Contents: Officers and members; Proceedings; Dairy kept by Edward Taylor on his voyage from England to this country, in 1668 ; Letter of Professor Eras mus Rask to Henry Wheaton on the subject of the discovery of America by the Northmen ; Act of the General Court for the preservation of ancient burial grounds ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the Channing Centennial, with a letter of Dr. Channing s ; Reports of the Council and officers ; Memoir of John G. King, by W. P. Upham ; Memoir of John A. Andrew, by P. W. Chandler , Remarks by Justin Winsor on Price s View of Boston ; Dairy kep t by Lieutenant-Colonel EJfl-during the Revolutionary War, communicated by George B. Chase ; Remarks by William Everett on the proposed statue cf Leif ; Remarks by Charles Deane on the same ; The Sagadahoc Colony, with preface and .notes by B. F. De Costa, communicated by Charles Deane ; Paper on " Subjects for Master s degree in Harvard College from 1655 to 1791," by Edward J. Young; Warrant issued by Governor Hancock in 1781, communicated by Ellis Ames ; Memoir of Lemuel Shattuck, by Charles Hudson ; Memoir of Thomas G. Cary, by J. Elliot Cabot ; Memoir of Joseph E. Worcester, by William Newell ; Memoir of Rev. Charles Brooks, by Solomon inincoln ; Memoir of Sylvester Judd, by Charles Deane ; Me moir of George Sumner, by Robert C. Waterston ; Memoir of Rev. Edmund H. Sears, by Chandler Robbins ; Letter of the Rev. Rufus Ellis on the English homes of some of the progenitors of the Commonwealth ; Letters and " Narrative " of Edward Randolph, communicated by Charles Deane ; Letter of President Josiah Quincy on supposed portrait of the Rev. John Wilson ; List of refugees from Boston in 1776, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of Nathan Hale, by Samuel K. Lothrop ; Memoir of George R. Russell, by Theodore Lyman ; Memoir of William II. Sumner, by Alonzo H. Quint ; Paper by Robert C. Winthrop on the Founders of the Massachusetts Colony and the English Church ; Memoir of Robert M. Mason, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Remarks by F. E. Oliver on early views of Harvard College ; The Erastus B. Bigelow Fund ; Tribute to Thomas Carlyle, by Ralph Waldo Emerson ; Tribute to J. Lewis Diman, by George E. Ellis and by Edward J. Young ; Communication from Ellis Ames on the Garrison Mob in Boston, Oct. 21, 1835 ; Remarks by Henry Lee on the Clark and Hutchinson houses ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop on the deaths of John C. Gray and George B. Emerson; Paper by George E. Eilis on Mr. Whittier s poem, The King s Missive; Remarks by Fitch Edward Oliver on the Mather Family Bible; Paper by Ellis Ames on the Expedition against Carthagena ; Celebration of Rus sian victories in Boston in 1813, and Discourse read by Dr. Freeman, com- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 379 municated by Henry W. Foote ; Letter of John G. Whittier on the King s Mis sive : Letter of George E. Ellis on the same; Paper by Henry W. Haynes on the Society s motto ; Reports of the Council and officers ; Remarks by the President on the deaths of Charles Hudson, Hugh Blair Grigsby, and John Gorham Pal frey ; Catalogue of the library given to King s Chapel, Boston, by William III, communicated by II. W. Foote; Remarks by Charles Deane on the solution of the spurious edition of Johnson s Wonder Working Providence ; Death of General Poor in the American Revolution ; Paper by Robert C. Winthrop on the Portrait of John Ilampden at Washington ; Index. (2787 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. xix. 1881-1882. Bos ton 1882. Svo, pp. xx, 484. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop and resolutions passed on the attack upon President Garfield ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the deaths of Charles W. Tuttle, Seth Ames, and Samuel F. Haven ; Remarks on the death of Dean Stanley, by Phillips Brooks ; Remarks on the death of C. W. Tuttle, by Winslow Warren ; Extracts from the familiar corre spondence of Elijah II. Mills, communicated by H. C. Lodge ; Remarks on a por trait and bust of Lafayette, by II. C. Winthrop ; Memoranda on the early life of Seth Ames, by John L. Sibley ; Deposit of Dr. Charles T. Jackson s medals and decorations ; Action of the Society on the death of President Garfield ; Re-marks by Charles Deane on the manuscript of Bradford s History ; Diary and , letter of General David Cobb, 1781, communicated by Samuel C. Cobb ; Letters of Governor Ilutchinson and picture of his home ; Paper on the first voyage under Sir Humphrey Gilbert s Patent of 1578, by George Dexter ; Paper on the ancestry of President Garfield, by Edward G. Porter ; Remarks by Lucius R. Paige on Nicholas Dantorth ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on announcing the deaths of Wm. Newell and John A. Lowell ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the ease with which matters, even recent, are forgotten ; Letter from Chief Justice M. R. Waite ; Letter of Judge Davis on Price s View of Boston, communicated by Justin Winsor ; Paper on the manuscript of Governor Bradford s History, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death of Solomon Lincoln ; The Gilman manuscripts, given by Rev. George M. Folsom through Charles Deane ; Letters of Governor Hutchinson from the Public Record Office, London ; Record book of the Suffolk Bar, 1770-1805, communicated by Ge<^":? Dexter; Letter of Mrs. George Whitefield, 1746, presented by Josiah P. Quincy ; Revised by-laws of the Society ; Deaths of Leonard Bacon, Richard H. Dana, and Delano A. Goddard, announced by R. C. Winthrop ; Tributes to R. H. Dana by O. W. Holmes, C. F. Adams, jr., and William Everett ; Tributes to D. A. Goddard, by Charles C. Smith and Edward E. Hale ; Diary of Samuel Quincy, kept in Lon don, 1776, communicated by Josiah P. Quincy ; Memoir of Joseph Palmer, by George Dexter ; Letters of the Rev. Dr. W. Walter, and extract from the records of St. George and St. Patrick s, Shelburne, communicated by George E. Ellis ; Letter from the Pennsylvania Historical Society on the purchase of the Franklin Papers ; Remarks by George S. Hale on the Iroquois Confederacy ; Remarks on the portraits of Colonel Benjamin Church^ and Charles Churchill, by Charles Deane ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on a portrait of Washington by Trumbull ; Indictment against two judges of the Supreme Judicial Court for travelling on the Lord s Day, 1702, communicated by Ellis Ames ; Paper on the duel between General Poor and Major Porter in the Revolution, by Ellis Ames ; Memoir of Rev. George Punchard, by Henry M. Dexter ; Tributes to Henry W. Longfellow, by George E. Ellis, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Charles E. Norton ; Remarks by George E. Ellis on the death of Zachariah Allen; Letter of John C. Calhoun, 1828, presented by Thomas AY. Iligginson ; Remarks by George B. Chase on Webster s libel suit against Mayor Lyman : Reports of the Council, etc. ; Trib utes to Ralph Waldo Emerson, by George E. Ellis and Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Extracts from the letters of Charles Darwin to Charles E. Norton ; Memoir of Thaddeus William Harris, by Edwarfr D. Harris ; Major Lyman s statement of the libel suit brought by Daniel Webster ; Remarks by George E. Ellis on the death of Joseph L. Chester ; Remarks by George E. Ellis on a visit to the John Carter Brown Library ; Remarks on Joseph L. Chester, by Wm. S. Appleton. Edward G. Porter, and George B. Chase ; Memoir of Thomas H. Webb, by Josiah P. Quincy ; Memoir of George S. HSllard, by Francis W. Palfrey ; Memorial verses on George S. Ilillard, by W. W. Story ; Tribute to Chandler Robbins, by Charles Deane ; Papers relating to the portrait of Robert C. Winthrop given to the United States Government ; Letters of Henry Wheaton, 1805-6, com- 380 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. municated by George Dexter ; Extracts from the diary of Paul Litchfield, 1775, communicated by George Dexter ; Memoir of Solomon Lincoln, by Justin Win- sor ; Photograph of the Cabot Map, with remarks by Charles Deane ; Remarks by James Freeman Clarke on a visit to Nazing, England ; Short sketch of the Society, by Charles C. Smith ; Dr. Belknap s journal of his Tour to Oneida, 1796, communicated by George Dexter ; Memoir of Charles H. Warren, by Winslow Warren ; Memoir of Erastus B. Bigelow, by Delano A. Goddard ; Memoir of Delano A. Goddard, by Charles C. Smith ; Index. (2788 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. xx. 1882-1883. Bos ton, 1884. Svo, pp. xx, 449. Portraits. Maps. Facsimiles. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings ; Minutes of the Tea Meet ings in 1773, and other papers relating to the town of Boston, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop, jr., on William Win- throp ; Account by Edward Everett Hale of his visit to Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England ; Description of the Cradock House in Medford, by Thomas C. Amory ; Original notes of Mr. Webster s speech at Marshfield, presented by Charles C. Smith ; Letter of Sir Provo Wallis, communicated by George Henry Preble ; Death of Mr. Old Tenor, 1750, communicated by Charles Deane; Remarks by Mellen Chamberlain on Paper Money in the Province; Memoir of Seth Ames, by E. Rockwood Hoar ; Remai-ks by Robert C. Winthrop on pro curing a copy of the map of Sebastian Cabot and on Sir Walter Raleigh ; Letter of Governor Winthrop, 1634 ; Papers of Oxenbridge Thacher, presented by E. S. Quincy ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop on the Raleigh Volume of Draw ings ; Account of Sir Christopher Gardiner, by Charles Francis Adams, jr. ; Paper on the Expedition under Sullivan in 1779, by Thomas C. Amory ; Re marks of R. C. Winthrop, suggested by his recent tour of England and France ; Farrer s map of Virginia, communicated by Justin Winsor ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop, announcing the decease of Paul A. Chadbourne and Nathaniel Thayer ; Tributes to Nathaniel Thayer, by George E. Ellis and. Andrew P. Peabody ; History of Hardwick, presented by Lucius R. Paige ; Early portrait painters in Boston, by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; Paper by Abner C. Goodell, jr., on the murder of Captain Codman ; Paper by Abner C. Goodell, jr., on the Provincial seals used in Massachusetts ; Communication from Charles Fran- c;s Adams, jr., on the printing of old manuscripts ; Remarks by R. C. Wiii- tnrop in regard to an account of Dorothea Scott ; Will of George Smith, 1596, communicated by Charles Deane ; Reports of the Council and officers ; Re marks by R. C. Winthrop on presenting an autograph page of Irving and a let ter of William Ellery ; The printing of old manuscripts, by Henry M. Dexter ; Burial-ground inscriptions, prepared by Samuel A. Green ; Charges against Samuel Adams, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; The character of Samuel Adams, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Memorials of Count Rumford, exhibited by George E. Ellis ; The word " Ra th," discussed by Thomas W. Higginson ; Some his torical tracts described by Justin Winsor ; Memoir of George B. Emerson, by Robert C. Waterston ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop, announcing the death of Laboulaye ; Resolution offered by George E. Ellis, in regard to the com memoration of Martin Luther ; Communication by Lucius R. Paige respecting Marmaduke Johnson ; Announcement of the publication of Hutchinson s Diary ; Battle between Boston and Berceau, by Ellis Ames ; Paper relating to the White Kennett Library, by Charles Deane ; The trials of witches in Mas sachusetts, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Letter of Peleg W. Chandler about the Witch-trials ; The impeachment of Judge Pickering, by Andrew P. Peabody ; Colonial State papers, communicated by Charles Deane; Letter from Daniel Webster ; A communication on the proposed statue of John Harvard, by George E. Ellis ; Map of Rhode Island, showing the English and American lines during the siege of Newport ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop on the death of Gustavus Vasa Fox ; Remarks by Edward J. Young in reference to the celebration of the birth of Martin Luther ; The Greuze portrait of Franklin, communicated by W. W. Greenough ; Letters of John Adams, presented by Charles Francis Adams, jr. ; Address by Robert C. Winthrop at the four hundredth anniver sary of the birth of Luther ; Luther and his work, by Frederic H. Hedge ; Memoir of George Ticknor, by W. W. Greenough ; Communication from Peleg W. Chandler in regard to the Witchcraft Trials; Map of the Cprolina coast, 1662, described by John T. Hassam ; Memoir of the Rev. Chandler Robbins, by Charles C. Smith ; Index. (2789 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 381 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Index to the first twenty volumes of the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1791-1883. Boston, 1887. Svo, pp. v, (2), 521. (27JM) MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. i, second series, 1884- 1885. Boston, 1885. Svo, pp. xxii, 447. Portraits. Contents : Officers ; Members ; Proceedings ; Remarks by the President, Robert C. Winthrop, transmitting a relic of Mumbet to the Society, and announcing the death of Henri Martin and George Dexter ; Tributes to George Dexter, by Winslow Warren, Henry W. Foote and Charles C. Smith ; Poem by Chief Justice Sewall, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; American patriotism on the sea, by Arthur B. Ellis; Origin of the American flag, by George H. Preble ; Remarks by the president on presenting various gifts to the cabinet and library ; Memorial tribute to Miss Eliza S. Quincy, by Josiah P. Quincy ; Remarks respecting Mum Pet, by Edward J. Young; Description of Peter Faneuil, and Notes on the earliest teaching of medicine in Massachusetts, by Samuel A. Green ; Clinton s secret journal, by Thomas C. Amory ; The witch- trials in Salem in 1692 further considered, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Memoir of the Rev. William Newell, D. D., by James Freeman Clarke ; Letter from David Cobb, 1786, contributed by Samuel C. Cobb ; History of witchcraft in Massa chusetts and the Act of 1711, discussed by George II. Moore; Rejoinder to the foregoing, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Correspondence of John Haynes and Fitz- John Winthrop, communicated by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; Memoir of Horatio G. Somerby, by William S. Appleton ; Eulogy on M. Mignet, and notice of Dr. Langdon-Elwyn, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Abstract of Marshall s diary, by Charles F. Adams, jr. ; Diary of Governor Hutchinson, and Edward Everett s connec tion therewith, by William Everett ; The publication of Governor Ilutchinson s " Conversation with the King," by Charles Deane ; Reports of the council and officers ; Charles Robinson and John Brown delineated, by Amos A. Lawrence ; Statue of John Harvard, by George E. Ellis ; Deed of Mrs. Ann Ilibbins, pre sented by Josiah P. Quincy ; Documents relating to the expeditions of Captain Samuel Argall, 1613, communicated by Charles Deane; The title "Colony" and " Province " as applied to Massachusetts, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks by the president, Robert C. Winthrop, explaining the unofficial mission to Europe which was Offered to himself and others in 1S61 ; Early map of eastern Massachusetts with marginal notes by Governor Winthrop, exhibited and described by Mellen Chamberlain ; Governor Winthrop s chart of 1630, by William I*. Fpham ; John Brown, of Osawatomie. by James Freeman Clarke; Statue of John Harvard, by Charles Deane ; Commission for the trial of Mamoosin, 1703, an Indian, submitted by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop in acknowledgment of gifts, and Tribute to Stephen Salisbury ; The " Hungry March," by Samuel A. Green ; Samuel Maverick s Account of New England in 1630, contributed by John T. Hassam ; Price s Yiew of Boston, in the British Museum, by Charles C. Smith ; Military companies in Boston before the Revolutionary War, communicated by Edward J. Young ; Remarks by George E. Ellis, announcing the death of Ellis Ames, and a new volume by Francis Parkman, and transmitting a Washington plate to the Society ; In scriptions on the monument to Nathaniel Sylvester, and on the base of the statue of John Harvard, by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; The character and services of Alexandre Yattemare, by Josiah I . Quincy ; The alleged signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Groton during Shays s Rebellion, by Samuel A. Green ; The abode of John Hull and Samuel Sewall, by Estes Howe, introduced by Arthur E. Ellis; Memoir of George Dexter, by Charles C. Smith ; Instructions of the town of Maiden to their representative in the General Court of Massachusetts in 1776, com municated by George S. Hale; Letter from Sir William Phips and other papers relating to witchcraft, including questions to ministers and their answers, con tributed by Abner C. Goodeil. jr. ; Announcement of a volume of Trumbull papers, by Charles Deane ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop in regard to the commemoration of the fourth centennial of the discovery of America by Columbus ; Samuel Maverick s Palisade House of 1630, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Tributes to George W. Blagden, D. D., by Andrew I*. Peabody and Lucius R. Paige; The naval battle between the "Chesapeake" and the "Shannon" described by Captain Nathaniel Spooner ; Remarks concerning the battle, by 382 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. George H. Preble : Memoir of Richard Frothingham, by Charles Deaae ; Memoir of Samuel F. Haven, by Charles Deane ; Memoir of Charles Wesley Tuttle, by Edmund F. Shafter ; Index. (2791 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. n, second series, 1885- 1886. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. xxii, 553. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers and Members ; Proceedings ; Tributes to Admiral George Henry Treble ; Diary of Jonathan Mason, on a trip to Savannah in the winter of 1804-1805 ; Gottingen University in 1828, by the Rev. William Barry, com municated by Lucius R. Paige ; Paper relating to Indians kidnapped from Maine in 1605, by Charles Deane ; Verses by Chief Justice Sewall, with remarks by Samuel A. Green ; The legality of the Salem Court for Witch-trials in 1692, discussed by George H. Moore, A. C. Goodell, jr., and Wm. Everett ; John Eliot s description of New England in 1650 ; Memoir of Nathaniel Thayer, by George E. Ellis ; Reports of officers and committees ; Remarks on assuming the Presidency of the Society, by George E. Ellis ; Remarks of the retiring president, Robert C. Winthrop ; Memoir of Stephen Salisbury, by John D. Wash- burn ; Appearances of the Aurora Borealis in New England during the last century, by Samuel A. Green ; Cent Society the supposed germ of the Massa chusetts Bible Society ; Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson, by James Freeman Clarke ; John Harvard and Emmanuel College, by George E. Ellis ; AVhitwell letters, 1770 ; The Old Province House, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Memoir of George Henry Preble, by Andrew P. Peabody ; Remarks by George E. Ellis announcing the death of James Murray Robbins and describing Dedham in England ; Thomas H. Perkins and the Monument to Washington, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Letters relating to the murder committed by William Beadle, Wethersfleld, Conn. ; Documents respecting the Atherton Company, referred to by Edward Channing ; Tribute to John Langdon Sibley ; Letter to Governor John Winthrop from Henry Boade, 1648 ; Extract from a letter relating to the burning of the " Castle " in Boston Harbor, March, 1776 ; The name " Colum bia." by George II. Moore ; The Bedford Flag, by Henry F. Jenks ; Will of John Langdon Sibley ; Letters of Lord Cutts to Col. Joseph Dudley, 1693-1700, communicated by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; The Bedford Flag, by Wm. S. Appleton ; Communication on the Embankment at Stony Brook, by Justin Winsor ; The Continental Army, by Justin Winsor ; Tributes to Francis E. Parker ; Photo graph of Daniel Webster presented by Robert C. Winthrop ; The Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of Boston, by George II. Moore ; The Continental Army, by Henry B. Carrington ; yThe manuscripts of Francis Parkman, by George E. Ellis; Winslow papers, 17601702, communicated by Charles Deane; Letter from the Council of the Virginia Company to the Corporation of Old Plymouth, communicated by Charles Deane ; The " exploded " coats of arms in Guillim s " Heraldry." by Edward Bangs ; Account of the first American Em bassy to Japan in 1853, communicated by George E. Ellis ; Catalogue of por traits and busts of Daniel Webster, compiled by James Dana ; Journal of Ebenezer Wild during the expedition to Quebec, under Arnold ; Journal kept by Henry Dearborn, covering the same period ; Narrative of the Insurrection in St. Domingo, and of a voyage from Port au Prince to Boston in 1793, by Samuel G. Perkins, communicated, with notes, by Charles C. Perkins ; Reports of officers and committees ; Memoir of David Sears, by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; Memoir of the Rev. William S. Bartlet, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Journal of William McKendry during the campaign of General Sullivan against the Indians of New York in 1779, and other diaries of the same expedition submitted by Justin Winsor ; Maps of Boston Harbor, by Justin Winsor ; The removal of the remains of William Blackstone, described by Edward G. Porter ; Covenant protesting against the Boston Port Bill, and Dr. Belknap s reasons for not subscribing it, contributed by Charles Deane ; Memoir of John Langdon Sibley, by Andrew P. Peabcdy ; Index. (2792 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. in, Second series, 1886-1887. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. xxii. 487. Portraits. Plate. Facsimiles. Contents : Officers and members ; Virginia records, copied by Edward D. Neill ; The establishment cf a National Portrait Gallery urged by Robert C. Winthrop ; Letters of Dr. Joseph Priestley, 1798-1800; Extract from the manuscript journal of the Rev. John Pierce, 1795, communicated, with notes, by Charles C. Smith ; Former social meetings of the Society recalled by R. C. Winthrop ; Tributes to MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 383 Samuel K. Lothrop, Amos A. Lawrence, and Charl es C. Perkins ; Report concern ing the Winslow papers, by Winslow Warren ; Tables of emigration of loyalists from the Southern states, contributed by Edward Channing ; Memoir of John Welles, by Andrew P. Peabody ; Journal of Henry Dearborn from July, 1776, to December, 1777; Will of Peregrine White, 1704, with facsimile; Memoir of John J. Babson, by Charles C. Smith ; Announcement of the death of Charles Francis Adams ; Tributes to Charles Francis Adams ; List of historical documents given to the Society by Francis Parkman ; Stubb s lectures on Mediaeval and modern history, criticised by Wm. Everett ; Memoir of Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, by Andrew P. Peabody ; Report on the alleged Sharpless portraits of Washington, by Francis Parkman : The Non-Conformist s Oath, letters of Richard Leader, 1648_1660, and Winthrop papers, communicated by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; Authorship of the pretended letters of Montcalm, by Justin Winsor ; Memoir of James M. Robbins, by Roger Wolcott ; Reminiscences of a night passed in the Library of Harvard College, by Robert C. Winthrop ; German manuscript sources for the history of the Revolutionary War, by Edward J. Lowell ; Memoir of Charles C. Perkins, by Samuel Eliot ; Memoir of Francis E. Parker, by Edward Bangs ; Remarks by George E. Ellis on the early history of Roger Williams ; Letters from Roger and Robert Williams to John Winthrop, Jr., w.ith observa tions by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. : Communication respecting the place of Love- well s fight with the Indians, the landfall of Sir Francis Drake, and the auto graphs and library of Elder Brewster, by Justin Winsor ; Letter from Abigail Adams after the death of Washington ; Reports of the officers and committees ; Memoir of Rev. Nicholas Hoppin, by Fitch Edward Oliver; Memoir of Lucius Manlius Sargent, by Edward J. Lowell ; Remarks by George E. Ellis on the pro posed memorial to Crispus Attucks and others, killed on the 5th of March, 1770 ; The personal appearance of Colonel William Prescott, described by Samuel A. Green ; Bill of sale of a negro girl in Worcester in 1769 ; Memoir of Alexander H. Bullock, by Charles Devens ; Account of the Wyoming Massacre in 1778, by Andrew McF. Davis, and other documents, contributed by Justin Winsor ; History of a medallion found when digging the foundation of the bridge over the Chat ham-Dover railway ; The settlement of the Northeastern boundary, discussed by Justin Winsor ; Letter relating to the boundary between Canada and the United States, 1784 ; Communications respecting the Declaration of Independence and the journals of the Continental Congress, from Charles J. Hoadly, presented with other matters, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Citations from the Boston News letter, commented upon by Henry W. llaynes ; Records of the Old Colony Club, communicated by William W. Goodwin, with an historical statement and notes ; Index. (2TJKJ MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. iv, second series, 1887-1889. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. xxii, 461. Portraits. Plates. Map. Contents : Officers and members ; Letter of J. G. Seume, a Hessian, recounting his adventures ; Notes on Hubbard s Map of New England, by Charles Deane ; Memoir of John C. Gray, by John C. Ropes ; Memoir of Charles Hudson, by Edward G. Porter ; Memoir of John C. Phillips, by Edward G. Porter ; Career of Elihu B. Washburne, by R. C. Winthrop ; Figures recommended to be placed around the statue to Lafayette in Washington, by R. C. Winthrop ; The alleged early discovery of America by the Northmen, by Henry W. Haynes ; Acknowl edgment to Francis Parkman for his recent gifts of manuscripts ; Colonel and Mrs. James Swan, by James Freeman Clarke ; New England s interest in the Fisheries in 1781, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Apocryphal Runic inscriptions, by Henry W. Haynes; Letter of John Quincy Adams, 1792 ;" Letters relating to thn Congregational Churches of Nova Scotia in 1770, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; The Rev. William Morrell s tract on New England in 1625, by Charles Deane ; Judge Sewall s Latin epigrams, by William Everett ; Journal of the Committee of Correspondence in 1773, communicated by Mellen Chamberlain ; Discovery of papers relating to French-American history belonging to General de Levis, announced by Francis Parkman ; Detailed statement regarding the Levis Papers, by Justin Winsor ; The custom of " driving a pin or nail," illus trated by Henry W. Haynes ; Cataloguing the Society s manuscripts, by Justin Winsor ; Reports : Changes in the By-laws recommended : Diary of a journey by President Josiah Quincy in 1801 ; The population of Groton at different times, and the Provincial Census of 1765, by Samuel A. Green ; Portraits of American patriots by Simitiere in 1783, by Edward Bangs ; Remarks by George E. Ellis on the death of Henry Morris and James Freeman Clarke ; Tribute to 384 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. James Freeman Clarke, by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Report of Col. Robert Quary in 170S, communicated by Charles C. Smith ; Parchment deed of 1674, presented by Samuel A. Green ; Letter from Oliver Prescott relating to Shays s Rebellion ; Report of the trial of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson before the Church in Boston, March, 1638, with an account of the manuscript by President Stiles ; Letter of Jeremiah Dummer in 1716; Writing Schools in Boston in 1755; Memoir of Williams Latham, by Arthur Lord : Ilubbard s Map of New England, by Samuel A. Green ; Papers of Dr. Belknap, from Charles Deane ; Letter from Commodore Rodgers to Secretary Crowninshield in 1815 ; Memoir of Henry Morris, by Arthur L. Perry ; The Old Ship of 1626, by Charles Deane ; The custom of " driving a pin or nail," further illustrated by II. W. Haynes ; By laws of the Society ; Unpublished letter of Gen. Zachary Taylor, by R. C. Win- throp ; Royal memorials and emblems in use in the Colonies before the Revolu tion, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Letter from the Fellows of Harvard College to Gov. John Winthrop, the younger, in 1671 ; Sylvester letters, 1653-1683, by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; Erection and destruction of the statue of King George III in the city of New York, by Roger Wolcott ; Extracts from the Rev. William Brinsmead s Note-book, 1682-1695, by Samuel A. Green ; Letter of Gov ernor Bowdoin to Benjamin Franklin, communicated by R. C. Winthrop, together with his reminiscences of a visit to Paine Wingate ; Catlin s painting of the Constitutional Convention of Virgina, by A. C. Goodell, jr., and R. C. Winthrop; Tribute to Henry A. Whitney, by George B. Chase ; Letter of the Rev. Joseph Lord in 1733 ; Note-book of Robert Keayne, 1643, and the trial of Mrs. Ann Hibbens, by Samuel A. Green ; Origin of a quotation used by Daniel Webster, by Henry W. Haynes ; Memoir of James Freeman Clarke, by Andrew P. Peabody ; The name Foy, once given to Marblehead, by Samuel A. Green ; Reports ; The New York Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of Washington, by George E. Ellis ; Remarks on same, by R. C. Winthrop ; Some Indian names, by Samuel A. Green ; Tributes to Peleg W. Chandler and Henry W. Foote ; Journal of Sergeant David Holden, of Groton, in 1760, communicated by Samuel A. Green; Ordinances of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, and the 250th anniversary of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Memoir of William Amory, by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Index. (2794 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. v, 1889-1890. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. xviii, 505. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers and members ; Remarks on an Elegy on John Woodmancy, by Samuel A. Green ; Facsimile of the Elegy ; Remarks on the completion of a half century of his membership of the Society, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Letter of George W. Erving and an account of the diplomatic services of Mr. Erving, by J. L. M. Curry, communicated by Robert C. Winthrop ; Notes on the will of William Mullins, by Henry M. Dexter ; Catalogue of Elder Brewster s library, communicated by Henry M. Dexter ; List of some briefs in appeal causes, 1736- 1758, by Paul Leicester Ford ; Remarks, communicating some unpublished let ters and veises, by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. ; Remarks on the term Spanish Main, by George S. Hale ; Minutes about Indian captives, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; The death of Charles Deane : Remarks by George E. Ellis, Robert C. Winthrop, and others ; Remarks on the death of R. B. Forbes and Francis W. Palfrey, by George E. Ellis and others ; Remarks on the Narrative and Critical History of America, by George E. Ellis ; Paper on the Last Royal Veto, by William Everett ; Remarks by Wm. S. Appleton on presenting Part first of the Second Year of the "Annuaire de la Faculte des Lettres de Lyon ; " Origin of the name of the town of Becket, by Samuel A. Green ; Some notes on the Harvard Commencements, 18031848, from the journal of Rev. Dr. John Pierce, communicated by Charles C. Smith ; The New Historical School, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Remarks on the anniversary of the formation of the Society, by George E. Ellis ; List of Winthrop papers given to the State Library of Connecticut and to other libraries, communicated by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Remarks on the early editions of the first letter of Columbus, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks communicating tributes to the memory of Francis C. Gray, by R. C. Winthrop ; Some account of the sale of the Aspinwall-Barlow Library, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Paper on the origin of towns in Massachusetts, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks on the use of prayers at funerals in Massachusetts, by Samuel A. Green ; The historical character of the Norse sagas, by Henry W. Haynes ; Memoir of Thomas C. Amory, by Augustus T. Perkins ; Augustin Du- pre and his work for America, by Wm. S. Appleton ; Journal of Captain Samuel MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 385 Jenks, 1760, communicated by Henry F. Jenks ; Description of the Battle of Lexington, by Lieutenant Mackenzie, British officer ; Paper on the relations between Harvard College and the First Church in Cambridge, by Albert Bush- nell Hart ; Remarks on a plan of the Battle of Lake George, by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks on portraits of Washington, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks on the arms of Charles Chauncy, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Remarks on the visit of Sieur de Courtemanche to Boston, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Memoir of Henry A. Whit ney, by Edward Bangs ; Remarks on the completion of Palfrey s History of New England, by George E. Ellis ; Deed from Thomas Danforth to the town of York, Maine, 1684, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; Samuel Sewall and Sir John Beaumont upon the " Tragedy of Black-Friers," Oct. 26, 1623, by Henry W. Haynes ; Reports of officers and committees ; Memoir of George Tyler Bigelow, by George B. Chase ; Index. (2795 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. vi, 1890-91. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. xx, 538. Portraits. Photographs. Facsimiles of " White Hills " map. Contents : Remarks on Thomas Lyon, his family, and connections, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Papers relating to Captain Thomas Lawrence s company, 1758, by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks by W. S. Appleton on a Columbus pamphlet and a portrait of Washington ; Indian hemp, by H. W. Haynes ; English exiles in Amsterdam, 1597-1625, by H. M. Dexter; John Dickinson, by G. E. Ellis; Jeremiah Morrow and Samuel F. Vinton, by R. C. Winthrop ; Journal of Ebe- nezer Wild, 1776-1781 ; Letters of Louis de Masquerelle and Bernard M. Lamarquisie, 1789-1797 ; Letter of Lafayette, April 12, 1782 ; Remarks on a file of the Boston News-Letter, with notes by Judge Sewall, by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks on the death of Henry M. Dexter ; Remarks on Otis s argument against the writs of assistance, by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of Robert B. Forbes, by L. Saltonstall ; Bibliography of the Society s publications, by S. A. Green ; Letter of William Coffin, jr., 1746 ; Daniel Leonard, by M. Chamberlain ; Letter from Justin Winsor on the Winthrop map of New England ; Memoir of Richard II. Dana, by C. F. Adams ; Centennial commemoration of the Society ; Remarks on the death of Charles Devens ; of George Bancroft ; The inscriptions on Cabot s Mappe-Monde, by C. C. Smith ; Subscription paper for a public dinner on the two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of Boston, by S. A. Green ; Remarks on the death of Samuel C. Cobb ; Papers relating to the building of Fort Dummer, by E. C. Smyth ; Copy of the first letter of Columbus, communi cated by W. W. Goodwin ; Remarks on Aristotle s treatise on the constitution of Athens, by W. W. Goodwin ; Memorandum of Samuel Sewall, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Letter of Francis Parkman, accompanying a gift of historical manuscripts ; Remarks on an anonymous Indian tract, " The Day-Breaking," by S. A. Green ; Record of marriage of John Hancock and Dorothy Quincy ; The authorship of Massachusettensis and of the preface to Wood s New Eng land s Prospect, by M. Chamberlain ; Letter of Anne Higginson, and one of Thomas Hooker ; Muster roll for the Canada expedition of 1760 ; Memorial of Capt. Charles Cochrane, by M. Chamberlain ; Memoir of Rev. James Walker, by O. B. Frothingham ; Paper on the Loyal petitions of 1666, by W. S. Appleton; Church discipline in colonial New England, by C. F. Adams ; Paper on the New England Cpurant, by S. A. Green ; Index. (379t MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. VH, 1891-2. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. xx, 487. Portraits : Charles Deane, Thomas Aspinwall, Francis W. Palfrey, Henry M. Dexter, Charles Devens, Samuel C. Cobb, Augustus T. Perkins ; Photogravure : Section of Waters-Winthrop map ; Facsimile of a deed of Governor Winthrop. Contents : Preface ; Officers, 1892 ; Members ; Proceedings of the Society from October, 1891, to June, 1892 ; Remarks on the death of James Russell Lowell, by George E. Ellis, Charles Francis Adams, E. R. Hoar, and H. E. Scudder ; Paper on Horace Walpole on America, by R. C. Winthrop ; Remarks, in communicating a Latin letter of Samuel Winthrop to John Winthrop, 1645, and a fragment of an anonymous letter, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Account of visits to Dartmoor prison, and to Peter O. Hutchinson, by Edward L. Pierce ; Description of three Dutch medals of 1782 relating to the United States, by S. R. Thayer ; The site of the Wessagusset [Weymouth] settlement, by C. F. Adams; Memoir of Col. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 25 386 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Thomas Aspinwall, by Charles C. Smith ; Memoir of Francis Winthrop Palfrey, by John C. Ropes ; Memoir of Charles Deane, LL. D., by Justin Winsor ; Memoir of Henry Martyn Dexter, D. D., LL. D., by John E. Sanford ; Memoir of Charles Devens, LL. D., by John C. Ropes ; List of memoirs in the Collections of the Society, by Samuel A. Green ; Governor Winthrop s estate, by Mellen Chamber lain ; Diary of Lawrence Hammond, of Charlestown and Boston, 1687-88-1691, with remarks by Samuel A. Green ; The genesis of the Massachusetts town, and the development of town-meeting government, by Charles Francis Adams, with letter from Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks by Mellen Chamberlain and Dr. Edward Channing ; Diary of a journey from Charlottesville, Va., to the junction of the Ohio and the Wabash rivers in 1836, by Lucian Minor ; Remarks on Cop ley s portrait of Paul Revere, by George B. Chase ; Remarks by Robert C. Win throp upon Thomas Adams, who impersonated Charles II in Connecticut in 1652 ; The results in Europe of Cartier s explorations, 1542-1603, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks of Dr. Samuel A. Green upon two recent gifts to the Society ; Memoir of Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb, by James M. Bugbee ; Remarks on the death of John G. Shea and George W. Cullum ; Remarks on the Waters-Winthrop map, by Samuel A. Green ; Diary of Ezra Stiles of a journey on horseback from New Haven to Philadelphia in 1754. * * * A few more words about Leif Ericson and Norse sagas, by Henry W. Haynes ; Remarks in communicating some extracts from unpublished letters of Jedediah Huntington and Joshua Ilunt- ington on events in Boston preceding the evacuation in 1776, by Roger W T olcott ; Remarks on the formation of boards of selectmen, by L. R. Paige ; Remarks on Fitch s map of the Northwest Territory, 1785, by Justin Winsor ; Reports of officers ; Diary of Eli Forbes, of Brookfield, 1762 ; Diary of Rev. Benjamin Board- man during part of the siege of Boston, July 31 November 12, 1775 ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green on presenting a letter written by John Tully in 1694; Remarks on the voyage of Capt. Robert Gray in the ship Columbia, 1792, by E. G. Porter ; Remarks on the death of Edward A. Freeman, by William Everett ; Memoir of Augustus T. Perkins, by William H. Whitmore ; Remarks on the historical writings of Francis Parkman, by George E. Ellis ; Letter of Lieut. John Whiting from Orangetown, September 29, 1780, reciting the treason of Arnold and capture of Andre, with remarks by S. F. McCleary ; Remarks in presenting a rare copy of a sermon by Samuel Davies, by Samuel A. Green : Letter of Robert Johnson, Boston, May 21, 1801 ; Remarks on the publication of the W 7 inthrop papers, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Index. (2797 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. vin, 1892-1894. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. xx, 581. Portraits : Robert C. Waterston, Henry W. Longfellow, Henry W. Foote, Fitch E. Oliver, Francis Parkman. Facsimilies of the Maiollo map ; Facsimile of Rufus Putnam s map of a part of Worcester County. Contents : Preface ; Officers, 1894 ; Members ; Proceedings, October, 1892- March, 1894 ; Remarks on the discovery of the fifth satellite of Jupiter, by R. 0. Winthrop ; Diary of John Winthrop, jr., on a journey from Boston to Connecti cut and return, November 11, 1645-December 5, 1645, with remarks by R. C. Winthrop, jr., and some papers relating to the iron works at Braintree ; The , Spanish discovery of America, by Charles Francis Adams ; Remarks of Samuel , A. Green on facsimile reproductions of single numbers of early newspapers ; Remarks on the death of Fitch Edward Oliver ; Remarks in communicating some original letters from the Bowdoin papers, by R. C. W 7 inthrop, jr. ; Instructions to Daniel Henchman, commander-in-chief of the forces raised against the In dians, 1676, by W. P. Upham ; The anticipations of Cartier s voyages, 1492-1534, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks on the death of Phillips Brooks ; Remarks in com municating the instructions for Joseph Dudley as governor of New Hampshire, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Remarks on the transfer of the Massachusetts charter, by Mellen Chamberlain; Remarks on the Diary of Ebenezer Miller, of Quincy, 1777-1799, by Charles Francis Adams; Hugh Peter in literature, by W. S. Appleton ; Remarks on the Talcott papers and the Winthrop-Lechmere case, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Remarks by R. C. Winthrop, jr., in communicating some original letters ; Remarks on a portrait of Increase Mather, by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of Henry W. Longfellow, by Horace E. Scudder ; The Indian name " Nonacoicus," by Samuel A. Green ; Paper by Leverett Saltonstall in com municating a letter signed Richard Saltonstall, 1631 ; Diary of Samuel Sewall, and Diary of Samuel Sewall, jr. ; Chart of Boston harbor, 1688-89 (?), by A. C. Goodell, jr., also remarks on the case of W T illiam Rous and others, 1706 ; Memoirs of Rev. Henry W. Foote, by Winslow W T arren ; Lines on the removal of Rev, MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 387 Horace Holley ; Paper on the proper designation of Harvard College or Harvard University, by George S. Hale ; Remarks of Hamilton A. Hill on the significance of certain initials on one of the corner stones of the Old South meeting house ; Remarks on the censorship of the press in Massachusetts, hy A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks on the death of Abbott Lawrence and Edwin L. Bynner ; The literary services of Jared Sparks ; Remarks on Rufus Putnam s map of a part of Worces ter County, 1785, by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks on the recovery of the seals attached to the first Plymouth patent, by Arthur Lord ; Memoir of R. C. Water- ston, by J. P. Quincy ; Remarks on the death of Francis Parkman ; The World s Fair at Chicago, by C. F. Adams ; The formation and growth of the Society s Library, by Samuel A. Green ; Letters from Increase Mather to Anthony Wood ; Special meeting on the death of Francis Parkman ; Remarks on some original papers relating to Rev. John Wheelwright, and on Massachusetts, its historians and its history, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Letters from Emmanuel Downing to Sir John Coke ; Remarks on two elegies by Benjamin Tompson, by Samuel A. Green ; Tribute to Henry W. Torrey ; Remarks on Massachusetts and its history, by C. F. Adams ; Remarks on the alleged ill treatment of Captain Fenton s wife and daughter, by Samuel A. Green ; Translation of several letters from Pero Menen- dez de Aviles to the King of Spain, written from August 13, 1565, to January 30, 1566, giving a report of his expedition for the conquest and settlement of Florida ; Remarks in communicating an original letter from New England, written in 1631, by R. C. Wiuthrop, jr. ; Memoir of Fitch Edward Oliver, by E. F. Slafter ; Remarks on the character of Emmanuel Downing, by R. C. Win throp, jr. ; Copies of original records relating to John Wheelwright ; Memoir of Francis Parkman, by O. B. Frothingham ; Index. (2798 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. ix, 1894-95. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. xviii, 570. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents : Officers and members ; Remarks of Samuel A. Green in communicat ing some verses relating to the events of 1775, and a letter from John Winslow ; Verses of Samuel Sewall " Upon the drying of that ancient river, the River Mer- rymak ; " " Connecticut s flood, or Merrymak s ebb," 1719-20 ; Letter of Jonathan Belcher to William Brattle, 1747-48 ; Findings of the Grand Jury of Middlesex County, from May 15, 1753, to March 15, 1754 ; A journal from August 5 to December 13, 1775, kept by Lieut. Jabez Fitch, jr., of Harwich, at the siege of Boston ; Remarks of Samuel A. Green in communicating a list of the junior mem bers of the Society ; Documents from the Suffolk court files relating to Harvard College, 1672-1677 ; Frederick Fraley, by H. A. Hill ; Remarks of Mellen Cham berlain with regard to a contribution in aid of the people of South Carolina and Georgia, 1781 ; Remarks on a rare French play, " La Bohemienne," by E. G. Porter ; Some notes on the anniversary meetings of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, Alpha of Massachusetts, 1803-1848, by John Pierce; Sketch of President Kirk- land, by John Pierce ; Remarks on the death of Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Remarks by S. A. Green in presenting some rare German prints of New York and Quebec ; Memoir of Edward L. Bynner, by Barnett Wendell ; The earliest printed sources of New England history, by Justin Winsor ; MS. plans of Dunstable and neigh borhood, by J. Danforth ; Memoirs of Henry W. Torrey, by W. W. Goodwin ; Re marks on the death of Robert C. Winthrop ; On the death of George E. Ellis ; Letter from Ebenezer R. Hoar, presenting a lock of the hair of President Lincoln ; Michael Wigglesworth and the Day of Doom, by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of Henry Wheatland, by William P. Upham ; Death of Ebenezer R. Hoar ; Remarks by Henry F. Jenks in communicating some original letters by Isaac Watts ; Early American imprints belonging to the Society, by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of Edward J. Lowell, by A. Lawrence Lowell ; Index. (271)9 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. x, 1895, 1890. Boston, 1896. Svo, pp. xx, 616. Portraits. Contents : Extracts from the will of George E. Ellis ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop, jr., with regard to the bequests of Dr. Ellis ; Remarks by Charles F. Adams on deaths among the members ; Remarks by William S. Apple- ton in presenting a roll of members of the United States Senate for the first century ; Remarks by Edward L. Pierce, in communicating some extracts from the diary of John Rowe, 1764-1779 ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, in commu nicating copies of papers relating to Samuel Skelton ; Paper on the American Prisoners of Dartmoor, by Edward L. Pierce ; Reports of officers and commit- 388 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tees ; Remarks by John Lowell on the death of Leverett Saltonstall ; Remarks by Samuel E. Herrick on the death of Hamilton A. Hill ; Remarks on the death of Leverett Saltonstall, by Octavius B. Frothingham, Winslow Warren, Charles R. Codman ; Remarks on the death of Hamilton A. Hill, by Edward L. Pierce, Gamaliel Bradford ; Report of the committee on the bequests of George E. Ellis ; Notice of W. Noel Sainsbury, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Remarks by John T. Hassam, in communicating a list of confiscated estates in Boston at the time of the Revolution ; Remarks by Henry F. Jenks, in communicating a letter of Mrs. Lucy Downing, May 14, 1678 ; Remarks by Edward G. Porter, in com municating an account of some memorial tablets at Acton ; Letter from Cap tain Nathaniel Saltonstall to Gov. Leverett, Ilaverhill, May 16, 1675 ; Some notes on the dates of Early Commencements at Harvard College, by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of George E. Ellis, by Octavius B. Frothingham ; Alleged facts as to the Puritans, by Morton Dexter ; Paper on Benjamin Tompson, with bibliographical notes en his literary works, by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks by A. C. Goodell, jr., in communicating a list of the Attorneys-General and Solicitors-General of Massachusetts from 1686-1771 ; Remarks by the Presi dent on the death of William W. Story; On the purchase of the Fenway lot; On the sale of the Tremont street estate ; Letters of Rev. George Whitefield, communicated by Henry F. Jenks ; Remarks by John T. Hassam, in communi cating some manuscripts of Henry Dunster ; Memoir of Edward Bangs, J)y John Lowell; Remarks by the President on the membership of the society; Paper on the earliest printed books connected with the aborigines of New England, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks by John T. Hassam, in communicating some unpublished letters of William Hilton, 1633 and 1637 ; Remarks on the death of Octavius B. Frothingham, by Edward J. Young and James Ford Rhodes ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, in communicating an unpublished elegy by Benjamin Tompson ; Remarks by William Everett on the connection of the Adams family w r ith Braintree and Quincy ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams, in communicating a collection of unpublished letters from John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith on two anniversaries at Plymouth ; Tribute to Robert C. Winthrop, by the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund ; Remarks by Henry Lee, in presenting some let ters of Jonathan Sewall ; Letters of George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards, communicated by Henry F. Jenks ; Paper on McClellan s Peninsular Campaign, by James F. Rhodes ; Remarks on the same subject by John C. Ropes ; Remarks by the President in announcing the deaths of William S. Shurtleff, Martin Brim mer, and William G. Russell ; Remarks by GeoJge S. Merriam on the death of William S. Shurtleff ; by William W. Goodwin, on the death of William G. Rus sell by Charles W. Eliot, on the death of Martin Brimmer ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith, in communicating some letters of Mrs. Mehetabel Higginson, May, 1775 -May, 1783 ; Remarks by Mellen Chamberlain, in communicating some extracts from the diary of Samuel Ilolten, 1778 ; Observations on the names of certain villages in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, by Samuel A. Green; Tributes to Benjamin M. Watson, by William W. Goodwin and Edward Everett Hale ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, in communicating some papers relating to Mather Byles, jr. ; Paper by Edward L. Pierce, on Recollections as a source of history ; Autobiographical letter of William Chamberlin, March 2d, 181*7. com municated by Albert B. Hart ; Further extracts from General Chamberlin s manuscripts, communicated by Mellen Chamberlain ; Memoir of Octavius B. Frothingham, by Josiah P. Quincy ; Paper by Samuel A. Green, on an Early Book-Catalogue printed in Boston (1693) ; Remarks by A. C. Goodell, jr., on a manuscript index to the Early Colony Laws ; Paper by Edward G. Porter, on the Demolition of the McLean Asylum; Reports of officers and committees; Address of the President ; Memoir of Martin Brimmer, by Samuel Eliot ; Index. (2800 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. xi, 189(5-97. Boston, 1897. 8vo. pp. xx, 469. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop, jr., in communicating some un published documents from the Winthrop Papers ; Remarks by Justin Winsor with regard to some Pickering Papers ; Paper by William II. Whitmore, on a manu script Index to the Early Colonial Laws ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith, on the authorship of the inscriptions on the Beacon Hill Monument ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, on a rare volume by Rev. John Higginson ; Memoir of Andrew P. Peabody, by Edward J. Young ; Memoir of Oliver Wendell Holmes, by John MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 389 T. Morse, jr. ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, in announcing a gift to the library from Mrs. John L. Sibley ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, on a manuscript note book kept by Rev. John Barnard, August 10, 1701, to January 21, 1770; Memoir of James Russell Lowell, by A. Lawrence Lowell ; Remarks by the President on the death of Lucius R. Paige ; On the lease of the society s build ing : On the importance of the issues involved in the Presidential election ; Remarks by Henry W. Haynes, on the death of Ernst Curtius ; Sketch of the Lillie family, by Edward L. Pierce; Memoir of Rufus Choate, by Clement Hugh Hill ; The Cabot Controversies, by Justin Winsor ; Remarks by Barrett Wendell on the Law of Civilization and Decay ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith in com municating a letter from James Bowdoin to George Erving, Aug. 12, 1788; Remarks by Samuel A. Greea on the bibliography of Symmes s Sermon on Lovewell s Fight ; Remarks by William P. Upham on some old manuscripts belonging to the society and on the site of Governor Winthrop s house ; Memoir of Hamilton A. Hill, by Samuel E. Herrick ; Remarks by C. F. Adams on the Preservation of the Frigate " Constitution ; " Remarks by Samuel A. Green on a manuscript copy of the Laws of Harvard College and on a rare volume by Benjamin Woodbridge ; Petition to Congress for the preservation of the Frigate " Constitution : " Tributes to Henry L. Pierce, by William Everett and Winslow Warren ; Tributes to Francis A. Walker, by A. Lawrence Lowell and John C. Ropes ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green on the Otis Papers ; Paper on Youth and Revolutions, by William R. Thayer ; Memoir of William S. Shurtleff, by George S. Merriam ; Remarks by the treasurer en the sale of the Tremont Street estate ; Paper by Samuel A. Green on the Early History of Printing in New England ; Remarks on the anniversary of the birth of Philip Melanchthon, by Samuel E. Herrick and Alexander V. G. Allen ; Tribute to George O. Shat- tuck, by James B. Thayer ; Letter from Charles Francis Adams on the Italian Archives ; Paper by William S. Appleton on the Whigs of Massachusetts ; Paper by Edward G. Porter on the Morse Tablet at Rome ; Remarks by Mellen Chamberlain on the Temple and Bowdoin Papers ; Paper by Justin Win sor on the manuscript of Bradford s History of Plymouth Plantation ; Letter of James Abercrombie, Boston, May 2d, 1775, communicated by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith on the history of the Trement Street estate ; Reports of officers and committees ; Memoir of Leverett Saltonstall, by Charles R. Codman ; Remarks by A. C. Goodell, jr., on the Authority of Parliament ; Paper by James Winsor on Baptista Agnese and American Cartog raphy in the sixteenth century ; Memoir of Henry L. Pierce, by James M. Bugbee ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams on the sale of the Tremont street estate ; Tribute to John Lowell, by Thornton K. Lothrop ; Remai-ks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a Diary kept by Dudley Bradstreet at the Siege of Louisburg ; Letter of Barlow Trecothick and other London mer chants, Feby. 28th, 1766, communicated by Charles C. Smith ; Special meeting, July, 1897 ; Report of the committee on a new building ; Vote authorizing its erection ; Index. (28O1 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. xii, second series. 1897-1899. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. xx, 521. Portraits. Plate. Facsimile. Contents : Legacy of John Lowell ; The Cabot celebration at Halifax, by Edward G. Porter ; Remarks by T. W. Higginson on the death of George S. Hale ; Remarks by James F. Rhodes on the death of Edward L. Pierce ; Re marks on the death of Theodore Lyman, by Thornton K. Lothrop and George B. Chase; Sketch of the origin, purpose, and results of the Franklin Fund in the City of Boston, by Samuel F. McCleary ; Remarks on the death of Justin Winsor, by Samuel A. Green, Charles W. Eliot, Mellen Chamberlain, Charles C. Smith, Albert B. Hart ; Account of a collection of papers among the Suffolk Court Files relating to the Canada Expedition of 1747, by William P. Upham ; Remarks by Abner C. Goodell, Jr., in communicating a copy of the commission from Queen Anne granting the office of Attorney-General of Massachusetts to Paul Dudley ; Introductory address by the president on the incidents of the year ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green on early commencements at Harvard Col lege ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a diary of Amos Farns- worth, April 19, 1775, to Dec. 2, 1776 ; A Muster roll of Capt. Henry Farwell s Compy. of Minute Men in Colo. Wm. Prescott s Regt. who march d from Groton ye 19th of April, 1775 ; A Muster Roll of the Company under the Comand of Captain Ilenery Farwell in Colenol Will Prescott s Reg n . to the first of August, 1775 ; Remarks by William R. Livermore, in exhibiting an atlas of the his- 390 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. torical geography of Europe from 1500 B. C. to 1100 A. D. ; Memoir of John Amory Lowell, by Charles C. Smith ; Memoir of Amos Adams Lawrence, hy William Lawrence ; Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., in communicating a loyalist description of leading members of the Revolutionary party in Boston, London, 18 April, 1775, and some letters from the Bowdoin papers, June 4, 1785, to Nov. 8, 1703 ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating four unpublished letters by Dr. Isaac Watts, June 1st, 1738, to Novr. loth, 1742; Remarks by Charles F. Adams on the harsh treatment of the American Loyalists ; Remarks by William S. Appleton on the antebellum Senators of the United States, and in communicating a letter of George Washington to Jonathan Boucher, May 5th, 1772 ; Remarks by Charles F. Adams on the art and literary treasures of England owned by private individuals ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith on the manuscript treasures and the publications of the society ; Ap pointment of an historical manuscripts committee ; Remarks by Charles F. Adams on the publication of new editions of Bradford s History of Plymouth Planta tion and Winthrop s History of New England ; Reports of officers and com mittees ; Remarks by Winslow Warren on the Customs records of Boston ; Presentation by Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., of an original letter of Governor Bradford, with an abstract of Governor Winthrop s answer indorsed on it in his own hand ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a letter from Rev. Dudley Bradstreet to Gov. Joseph Dudley, July, 1706 ; Sketches of cruises in the Revolutionary War by Cornelius Marchant, communicated by Josiah P. Quincy ; Remarks by Charles F. Adams on the Penobscot Expedition of 1779 ; Ac count of the Early Suffolk Recorders, 1639-1735, communicated by John T. Hassam ; Remarks by Gamaliel Bradford in communicating some verses on an action with four French privateers in 1800 ; Memoir of Benjamin Marston Watson, by Edward Everett Hale ; Report on the publication of new editions of Bradford s History of Plymouth and Winthrop s History of New England; Report on an Historical Manuscripts Committee ; Remarks by T. Jefferson Coolidge in presenting a large collection of Jefferson papers ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a supplementary list of Early American Imprints ; Remarks by Charles F. Adams in communicating a letter from John Quincy Adams in relation to the Graves-Cilley Duel ; Remarks on the proposed new editions of Bradford s History of Plymouth and Winthrop s History of New England, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Charles Francis Adams ; Horace E. Scudder ; Albert B. Hart ; Remarks on the death of Samuel Eliot, by Edmund F. Slafter, Edward E. Hale; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating some extracts from a Note-Book of Rev. John Fiske ; Remarks by Edward J. Young in presenting the journal and extracts from the correspondence of Colonel Charles B. Fox ; Letter addressed to Colo. George Watson from Edwd. Bacon. Barnstable, April 21st, 1775, communicated by William W. Goodwin; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating an account of James Lurvey, of Gloucester ; Remarks by John F. Jameson on the manuscripts of John C. Calhoun ; Remarks on the death of Henry Lee, by Charles Francis Adams, Charles W. Eliot ; Remarks by Uriel H. Crocker on William Aspinwall and the Book of Possessions ; Remarks on the Cuban Situation in 1825, by James Schouler ; Remarks by William W. Goodwin on the American Colony at the University of Gottingen ; Remarks on the death of Clement Hugh Hill, by Charles Francis Adams, Thornton K. Lothrop, George B. Chase ; Remarks by A. C. Goodell in presenting the original draught of an Address to the People of the United States, 1845 ; Paper by Andrew McFarland Davis on an anonymous pamphlet by Governor Hutchinson ; Memoir of Justin Winsor, by Horace E. Scudder; Memoir of George S. Hale, by Arthur B. Ellis; Index. i lisoa MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. xni, 1899, 1900. Boston, 1900. 8vo., pp. xvii, 473. Portraits. Plate. Map. Fac-simile. Contents : First meeting in the new building, March, 1899 ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green ; The Bahama Islands : Notes on an early attempt at col onization, by John T. Hassam ; Remarks upon the presentation of a docu ment throwing light upon the domestic condition of Boston soon after its settlement, by R. C. Winthrop, jr. ; Reports of officers ; Address by C. F. Adams on historians and historical societies ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in announc ing the death of Manning F. Force ; Remarks by Egbert C. Smyth, in com municating a letter by Major Timothy Dwight, Northampton, December 30, 1771 ; Brief account of a book of copies kept by Rev. Edward Taylor, of Westfield, from 1671 to 1729, by William P. Upham ; Memoir of Clement Hugh MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 391 Hill, by Charles C. Smith ; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis, on a copy of a bill of public credit issued in 1690 ; Remarks by Abner C. Goodell on the same subject ; Remarks by C. F. Adams on a curious misstatement by Voltaire with regard to Massachusetts and the Quakers ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green on the bequest of books to the library by Justin Winsor ; Remarks on the death of Chief Justice Field, by James M. Barker ; Tribute to William W. Greenough. by Henry W. Ilaynes ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, on two early Boston im- prin~Esr"i67f> ; Paper by C. F. Adams on the Laird rams : Memoir of Charles Francis Adams, by his son, Charles Francis Adams ; Tributes to John Codman Ropes, by Charles Francis Adams, Solomon Lincoln, John C. Gray, George B. Chase ; Remarks by Robert N. Toppan, in communicating a copy of the Records of the Council of Massachusetts, under Joseph Dudley ; Remarks by Abner C. Goodell, on the life and papers of Edmund Randolph ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, in communicating a manuscript account of a Church Council at Groton, 1712 ; Memoir of Francis A. Walker, by Francis C. Lowell ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith, on a volume of autographs given to the society by Francis B. Win- throp, and in communicating two letters from the Jefferson Papers, Nov. 20, 1818, and Nov. 11, 1818 ; Senatorial biography, by William S. Appleton ; Occult methods of protecting the currency : Sewall s mnemonic lines and their inter pretation, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Remarks by Abner C. Goodell, in com municating some original documents from the Winthrop Papers ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a diary kept by Increase Mather, 1 m., 25 d., 1675, to May 1, 1687; Remarks by Albert Bushnell Hart, in reference to the Chase manuscripts in his possession ; Remarks by John Noble, in communicating some letters of the Provincial Period from the Suffolk Court Files, May 22, 1752, to Sept. 10, 1765 ; Sir Edward Pakenham and the Battle of New Orleans, by Charles Francis Adams ; Remarks by Barrett Wendell in presenting a copy of the New Testament in the Dieri Tongue ; Remarks on the deaths of Charles F. Dunbar and Edward G. Porter, by Samuel A. Green, Charles W. Eliot, Winslow Warren, and Abner C. Goodell ; An error in the Resolution of Congress admitting Missouri into the Union, by Lucien Carr ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith, in com municating from the Winthrop papers two letters by Lord Clarendon, 28 Apr., 1664, and March y e 30th, 1665 ; List of donors to the Library ; Index. (28O3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. xiv. 1900, 1901. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. xx, 502. Portraits. Contents : Remarks by William S. Appleton on some Memorials of the Colum bian Order ; John Brown and the destruction of slavery, by Leverett W. Spring ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating some extracts from the Diary of John Marshall, 1697-1709 ; Paper by John T. Ilassam on Registers of Deeds for the County of Suffolk, 1735-1900 ; Memoir of Samuel Eliot, by Henry W. Haynes ; Reports of officers and committees ; Officers elected ; Remarks by Wil liam S. Appleton, on the Publications and Cabinet of the Society ; Remarks by Henry F. Jenks, in communicating a list of Bost^rti mechanics in 1814 ; Memoir of William G. Russell, by Winslow Warren; Remarks by "Charles C. Smith on the Waterston Bequests; Tribute to William C. Endicott, by Thornton K. Lothrop ; Remarks by James De Normandie on some alleged Diabolical Per formances near Portsmouth ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green on the Recovery of a volume of rare tracts relating to George Whitefield ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams on Washington s assuming the command of the American Army ; Memoir of John Lowell, by Thornton K. Lothrop ; Tributes to Edwards A. Park, by Alexander McKenzie and Morton Dexter ; Remarks by Winslow Warren in presenting some relics of General John Brooks ; Paper by Charles Francis Adams on some College Examinations, giving some accounts ~of them written by John Adams, 1751, and Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, 1821 ; Remarks by Archibald Cary Coolidge on the Randolph Gathering at Tuckahoe, Virginia, April, 1900 ; Re marks by Edward Channing on the Randolph Gathering and in presenting a copy of Venable s Narrative ; Remarks by William P. Upham in communicating some unpublished letters from Edward Taylor s book of copies ; Memoir of Charles Franklin Dunbar, by Edward H. Hall ; Memoir of John C. Ropes, com municated by John C. Gray ; Report of the treasurer on the cost of the new building ; Remarks by the President on some contemporary events of historical importance, and in announcing the deaths of members ; Tribute to William H. Whitmore, by William S. Appleton ; Tributes to Mellen Chamberlain, by George B. Chase and Henry W. Ilaynes ; Tribute to John Nicholas Brown, by J. F. Jameson ; Tribute to Jacob D. Cox, by James F. Rhodes ; Early Houses near 392 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Massachusetts Bay, by James F. Hunnewell ; Memoir of Benjamin F. Thomas, by Richard Olney ; Some recent impressions of England, by James F. Rhodes ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith, in communicating a large number of unpublished letters from Chief Justice Marshall, Mar. 20th, 1826-Dec. 3rd, 1834 ; Memoir of George O. Shattuck, by O. W. Holmes ; Remarks by the President on the deaths of Charles F. Hoadly and William Wirt Henry, and on a letter of Andrew Jackson to Andrew J. Crawford ; Remarks by William S. Appleton in com municating a letter of James Downing to Governor Winthrop, March th 12 [1636-7] ; John Elwyn, of Portsmouth, by James De Normandie ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, in presenting an index to some of the duties of a constable, 1657, written by John Richards ; Remarks by the President in announcing the deaths of Roger Wolcott and Moses Coit Tyler ; Tribute to Roger Wolcott, by Francis C. Lowell ; Tribute to Moses Coit Tyler, by Barrett Wendell ; Letter of Thomas Jefferson to General James Breckenridge, July 8, [18] 19, communicated by Winslow Warren ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith in communicating some un published letters of Daniel Webster, Chancellor Kent, and Mr. Justice Story ; Re marks on Coat Armor, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Remarks by Abner C. Goodell on Coat Armor and Heraldic Emblems ; The Limits of Reliable Memory, fiy Josiah P. Quincy ; Memoir of Edwards A. Park, by Alexander McKenzie ; Memoir of William W. Greenough. by Barrett Wendell ; List of donors to the library ; Index. (28O4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. xv. 1901-1902. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. xviii, 554. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents : List of officers and members ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green announcing the death of William M. Evarts ; The manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards, by Franklin B. Dexter ; Jonathan Edwards at Portsmouth, N. II., by James De Normandie ; Annual meeting, April, 1901 ; Reports of the council, treasurer, auditing committee, librarian, cabinet-keeper, committee to examine the library and cabinet ; Officer? elected ; Remarks by the president on the election of honorary members; Memoir of Edward G. Porter, by Morton Dexter; May meeting: Remarks by the President in announcing the deaths of William Stubbs and Samuel F. McCleary ; Tribute to Samuel F. McCleary, by Charles C. Smith; Remarks on the return of the Bradford manuscript, by Geo. F. Hoar; Dreams as factors in history, by Josiah P. Quincy ; Letter by Talleyrand con cerning Pinckney and Marshall ; Letter by Pinckney, Marshall, and Gerry, Paris, December 20th, 1797, concerning America ; Letter by Jared Sparks, Cambridge, Feb. 27th, 1846, concerning America, communicated by Henry F. Jenks ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, on President Lincoln s speech at Gettysburg ; Memoir of William II. Whitmore, by William S. Appleton ; Remarks on the death of Robert N. Toppan, by Charles Francis Adams ; Andrew McFarland Davis ; Edmund F. Slafter. Recollections of William Stubbs, by Melville M. Bigelow ; Remarks by Worthington C. Ford, in communicating a collection of letters from Joseph Jones to Jan^s Madison, 1788-1802 : Heraldry in America, by William S. Appleton ; Memoir of Augustus Lowell, by Thornton K. Lothrop ; Remarks on recent deaths of members, the assassination of President McKinley, and on the friendly feeling of Great Britain toward the United States, by Charles Francis Adams ; Tribute to John Fiske, by James Schouler ; Tribute to Herbert B. Adams, by James F. Rhodes ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith in communicating a further selection from the Story papers, given to the Society by Mr. Waldo Story : Letters from Charles P. Sumner to Joseph Story, Boston, 27 June, 1815 ; Edward Everett to Joseph Story, Charlestown, 8 July, 1831; 11 Novr., 1831; House of Representatives, 19 May, 1832 ; Charlestown, 27th Octr., 1832 ; 3 Novr., 1832 ; D. Webster to Judge Story, Octr. 29, 1832 ; Undated memorandum in the handwriting of Mr. Webster, addressed " Hon. Ed. Everett, Charlestown ; " Charles Sumner to Joseph Story, 4 Court st., March 25, 37 ; Ship Albany (in the English Channel), Dec. 25th, 1837, Paris, Jan. 6th, 37 [1838] (my birth-day) ; Joseph Story to John H. Ashmun, Washington, Feby. 24, 1831 ; Joseph Story to James J. Wilkinson, esq., Temple, London, Cambridge, near Boston, U. States of America, May 27, 1833; August 26, 1834; Deer. 29, 1835; Deer. 26, 1836; Deer. 30, 1841 ; July 27, 1843. Remarks on the commemoration of the found ing of the University of Glasgow, by Morton Dexter ; Remarks on the feel ing of England toward the United States, by Winslow Warren ; Remarks on circumstances which might have changed the course of history, by Geo. F. Hoar : The relation of Levi Lincoln to the judgeship made vacant by the death of Judge Cushing, Sept. 13, 18 1 0, who was succeeded by Joseph Story; The MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 393 relation of the second Levi Lincoln to Mr. Webster s seat in the Senate 1827- 1833 ; The relation of Gov. Bullock to the appointment to the English mission held by James Russell Lowell. Memoir of Lucius Robinson Paige, by Henry F. Jenks ; Memoir of Samuel Foster McCleary, by James M. Bugbee ; Who burned Columbia? by James Ford Rhodes; Remarks on same subject, by Henry S. Nourse ; Remarks by Winslow Warren in communicating four letters from Daniel Webster : three letters to Charles II. Warren, Boston, July 12, 1840, N. York, Aug. 15, 1840, Sept. 19, 1852 ; A letter of introduction of Charles II. Warren and Benjn. R. Curtis to James Lyons or I. H. McFarlane, of Richmond, Va. ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating two unpublished narra tives of the expedition of Sir William Phips against Canada in 1690: The narrative of Mr. John Wise, Minister of God s Word at Chebacco ; The second paper unsigned and its author unknown. Remarks on the bicentennial anni versary of Yale University, by Morton Dexter ; Remarks on the presentation of a bust of William Wetmore Story, by Charles Francis Adams ; Remarks upon the new work of Andrew McFarland Davis upon banking and currency in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, by Gamaliel Bradford ; Paper by Worthing- ton C. Ford, on the conflict between the Governor and Council of Massachusetts on the death of Queen Anne, 1714-1715 ;- A letter written by Jas. Craik to Andrew Craigie, Esqr., Apy. Genl., August, 1780, relating to the condition of the army, communicated by Nathaniel Paine ; Letter to Samuel A. Green from Horace J. Smith containing the family legend in reference to the persons portrayed in West s picture of William Penn s treaty with the Indians ; Letter from Albert Bushnell Hart requesting the appointment of a committee of advice and conference to aid him in his work, The American Nation, A History ; Tribute to William W. Story, by Charles Eliot Norton ; Letter from J. Wilder, giving some traditional accounts of the suppression of Shays s Rebellion, com municated by Edward Everett Hale ; The genesis of the Monroe Doctrine, by Worthington C. Ford ; John Quincy Adams and Martial Law, by Charles Francis Adams ; Memoir of Robert Noxon Toppan, by Andrew McFarlard Davis ; Tribute to Horace E. Scudder, by Thomas W. Higginson ; Tribute .to Lord Dufferin, by T. Jefferson Coolidge ; The decline of oratory, by Josiah P. Quincy; What should our national holidays commemorate? by William R. Thayer ; Tribute to John Ward Dean, by William S. Appleton ; Shorthand notes of Jonathan Edwards, by William P. Upham ; A description of a manu script volume of Sewall papers given to the library by Louisa Nott Perkins and Frances Jane Brewer, by Samuel A. Green ; Memoir of William C. Endicott. by Charles Francis Adams ; List of donors to the library ; Index. (28O5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, Vol. xvi. 1902. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. xviii, 556. Portraits. Contents : Remarks by Charles Francis Adams in announcing the deaths of James B. Thayer, TJriel H. Crocker, and Samuel R. Gardiner ; Tributes to Samuel R. Gardiner, by James F. Rhodes ; by Edward Channing ; Tributes to James Bradley Thayer, by John C. Gray ; by S. Lothrop Thorndike ; Announcement by Barrett Wendell of the gift of papers which record certain details of the local history in Massachusetts ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a copy of the will of Mrs. Charlotte A. L. Sibley ; Paper on the Registers of Probate for the County of Suffolk, Massachusetts, 1639-1799, by John T. Hassam ; Re ports of the council, treasurer, auditing committee, librarian, cabinet-keeper, committee on the library and cabinet ; Officers elected ; Remarks on the death of James B. Thayer, by Melville M. Bigelow ; The historical conception of the "United States constitution and union, by Daniel II. Chamberlain ; Remarks relative to the preceding paper, by Gamaliel Bradford ; Some early religious matters at the Piscataqua, by James De Normandie ; The condition of naval affairs in Boston at the breaking out of the war with Great Britain in 1812, by James F. Ilunnewell ; A series of letters from James Parker to Benjamin Franklin, 17471770, indicating the nature of the profession of printing in the colonies ; Also letters to Benjamin Franklin from Samuel F. Parker, July 7, 1770 ; from Mary Parker, October 6th, 1770 ; from Jenny Bedford. February 2, 1773 ; Accounts between Parker and Franklin, Nov. 15, 1763, presented by Worthington C. Ford. Tributes to George Bigelow Chase, by Charles Francis Adams ; by Charles C. Smith ; by Daniel II. Chamberlain ; Remarks on historic evolution in Massachusetts, by Gamaliel Bradford ; Remarks on Gosnold s voy age, by William W. Crapo ; Tributes to Horace Gray and Charles G. Loring, by Charles Francis Adams ; by Solomon Lincoln ; by Thornton K. Lothrop ; Tribute 394 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. to Joseph ,T. Howard, by William S. Appleton ; Resume of " Norges Indskrifter med de yngre Runer, Udgivne for Det norske Kildeskriftfond ; Hoenen-Runerne fra Ringerike : Kristiania, 1902," by Sophus Bugge ; Remarks upon Cotton s " Moses, his judicials," by Worthington C. Ford ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith in communicating some extracts from the correspondence of Richard Lech- mere, 1774 ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams in communicating a diary of John Quincy Adams while a law student in Newburyport, August 9th, 1787- December 5th, 1789 ; Some extracts from an autobiography (giving some personal recollections of life in Boston about the middle of the last century and of his later experiences in Europe), by T. Jefferson Coolidge ; Remarks on the Cardiff Giant, by Samuel A. Green ; Remarks on some rare books in short-hand, by William P. Upham ; Taper on Rev. John Higginson, of Salem, by Simeon E. Baldwin ; A glance at suicide as dealt with in the Colony and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, by John Noble ; Remarks by Grenville H. Norcross in communicating some letters of John Quincy Adams, to his brother, T. B. Adams, 12 October, 1803; to Lewis Tappan, of New York, 27 Feby., 1837; Memoir of Lincoln Flagg Brigham, by Solomon Lincoln ; List of donors to the library ; Index. (2SO6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series. Vol. xvn. 1903. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. xviii, 548. Portraits. Map. Contents : List of officers and members ; Prehistoric Bunker s Hill, by James F. Hunnewell ; Civilization and savagery, by G. Stanley Hall ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green in communicating a further list of Early American Imprints; List of titles, 1668-1700; Announcement of the death of James Elliot Cabot, by the President ; Papers relating to the Thompsons and Cogswells of New England (1658-61), by Franklin B. Sanborn ; Some notes on Sir William Pepperrell, by James De Normandie ; " ? Tis Forty Years Since," an account of visits to Charleston, S. C., by Charles Francis Adams ; The constitutional ethics of secession, by Charles Francis Adams ; Memoir of George Bigelow Chase, by Charles Francis Adams ; Announcement of the death of Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry, by Samuel A. Green ; An Account of Washington s taking command of the army, as found, in a letter written by an eye witness ; Hymns in ecclesiastical history, by James De Normandie ; Memoir of Horace E. Scud- der, by Alexander V. G. Allen ; Announcement of the death of John Davis Wash- burn, by Samuel A. Green ; Tribute to James Elliot Cabot, by Charles Eliot Norton ; The members of the Pilgrim Company in Leyden, by Morton Dexter ; The Merchants Notes of 1733, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Report of the council ; Publications by members ; Report of the treasurer ; Report of cabinet and library committee ; Election of officers ; Tribute to John Wilson, by Henry G. Denny ; Tribute to John T. Hassam, by Henry F. Jenks ; Tribute to William Sumner Appleton^, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Report on the recent Congress of Historical Sciences, in Rome, by William R. Thayer ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams on the Battle of Marathon ; Remarks by William W. Goodwin on the same subject; Remarka^y Charles E. Norton in communicating some letters to and from Richard Price, 1767-1790 ; Remarks by William W. Goodwin on the Landing of the Pilgrims; Remarks by Edward Channing on the same subject; Paper by the president on the battle of Salarnis ; Remarks by William W. Good win on the same subject ; Remarks by Charles C. Smith in communicating some letters of Benjamin Vaughan, 1782-3 ; Paper by C. F. Adams on an alleged interview between Queen Yictoria and the American Minister to Great Britain during the Civil war; The condition of the southern states, by Albert B. Hart; Letters communicated by Worthington C. Ford on the ratification of the con stitution of the United States by Virginia, 1787-8 ; Memoir of John D. Wash- burn, by Henry S. Nourse ; Memoir of W illiam S. Appleton, by Charles C. Smith; List of donors to the library ; Index. (2807 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series, vol. xvni. 1903, 1904. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. xx, 488. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members ; Proceedings Nov. 1903-Dec. 1904 ; Remarks by the President in announcing the deaths of Wm. E. H. Lecky, Theodor Mommsen, George H. Monroe, and Edward McCrady ; Tribute to George H. Monroe, by F. B. Sanborn ; Tributes to Edward McCrady, by A. B. Hart and D. H. Chamberlain; Tribute to W. E. H. Lecky, by James F. Rhodes; Tribute to Theodor Mommsen, by Carl Schurz ; The Massachusetts Convention of 1853, by Jarnes Schouler ; The Louisiana Purchase, by Josiah P. Quincy ; Remarks by MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 395 the President in announcing the death of Henry S. Nourse ; The prospectus of Blackwell s Bank, 1687, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Another Bunker s Hill, by James F. Hunnewell ; Paul Revere s portrait of Washington, by Charles H. Hart ; Memoir of Roger Wolcott, by Wm. Lawrence ; Memoir of Edward Everett, by Wm. Everett ; Memorial to Congress for the preservation of the Frigate Constitution ; Paper by the President (Charles Francis Adams) on Queen Vic toria and our Civil W T ar ; Memoir of Horace Gray, by George F. Hoar ; Corre spondence relative to the Frigate Constitution ; Biographical sketch of Rev. Samuel Langdon, by Franklin B. Sanborn ; Remarks by James F. Rhodes on the meeting of the American Historical Association at New Orleans ; Remarks by James F. Hunnewell on the Pelhara Club portraits ; Remarks by Samuel S. Shaw in communicating letters of Henry Phillips and Thomas Hutchinson ; The landing of the Hessians, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Tributes to Sir Leslie Stephen, by Charles E. Norton, Charles Francis Adams ; Remarks by Charles E. Norton, in communicating some unpublished letters of Rev. Samuel Locke and other documents ; Remarks by the President in announcing the death of Egbert C. Smyth ; Reports ; Memoir of Henry S. Nourse, by Samuel S. Shaw ; Tribute to Egbert C. Smyth, by Alexander McKenzie ; Remarks by Josiah P. Quincy, in communicating some letters of Anna Cabot Lowell ; Remarks by Franklin B. Sanborn in communicating a letter from Capt. Nathaniel Folsom ; Remarks by Samuel A. Green, descriptive of the Boston Magazine ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams on the attempt to preserve the Frigate Constitution ; Remarks by Edward E. Hale on the manuscripts in the Library of Congress ; Some notes from an old parish record book, by James De Normandie ; Alex ander Hamilton s notes on the Federal Convention of 1787, by Worthington C. Ford ; Memoir of Edward L. Pierce, by James F. Rhodes ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams on the tercentenary celebrations in Nova Scotia and New Bruns wick and in announcing the deaths of E. Winchester Donald, Henry W. Taft, George F. Hoar, and John Foster Kirk ; Tribute to E. Winchester Donald, by A. V. G. Allen ; Tribute to George F. Hoar, by Henry Cabot Lodge ; Tribute to Henry W. Taft, by James M. Barker ; Somes notes concerning John Norman, engraver, by Charles H. Hart ; Memoir of Edmund Quincy, by Josiah P. Quincy ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams in announcing the death of John S. Bray- ton ; Tribute to John S. Brayton, by Wm. W. Crapo ; Biographical sketch of Geneial John Thomas, by Arthur Lord ; The numbers in the Confederate army, 1861-1865, by Thomas L. Livermore ; Remarks by Charles K. Bolton in commu nicating an autobiography of Joseph C. Dyer ; Memoir of Paul A. Chadbourne, by James M. Barker ; Remarks by Charles Francis Adams in announcing the death of Samuel E. Herrick ; Tribute to Samuel E. Herrick, by Alexander Mc Kenzie ; The Calhoun, Jackson and Van Buren papers, by James Schouler ; Negro suffrage and reconstruction, by James F. Rhodes ; Joseph Eliot, minister of Guilford, Conn., 1664-1694, by Samuel A. Green ; Index. (28O8 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the committee appointed to consider and report what measures should be taken by the Society in re spect to publishing papers read and proceedings at meetings. Boston, 18(30. 4to, pp. 2. (2SO9 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letters from a committee, asking for aid in the collection of works illustrating the history of the civil war. Boston, 1861. P. 1, sheet. (2810 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers discussing the comparative merits of Prescott s and Wilson s Histories, pro and con, as laid before the Society, by George Ticknor, Prescott s proposed biographer; also, three letters of Prescott, commending Wilson s historical research. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (2811 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Nathan Appleton, LL. D. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By Robert C. Winthrop. With an introduction and appendix. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. (4), 79. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1861. (2812 396 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of a committee appointed by the Society on exchanges of prisoners during the American Revolutionary War. Presented December 19, 1861. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. 26. From Proceedings, December, 1861. (2813 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Read before the Society, August 14, 1862. By George Livermore. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 14, (2), 236. Pages 217236 contain supplementary note and index, to be added to the first edition of "An Historical Research, by George Livermore." Reprinted from Proceedings, August, 1862. The supplementary note was published separately without title-page or date. Fifty copies were issued on large paper. Five editions of the work without the supplementary notes were published, as follows: Second edition, Boston, A. Wil- liams & Co., 1862, 8vo, pp. xviii, (2), 184. Third edition, published for the Now England Loyal Publication Society, 1863. Fourth edition, Boston, A. Williams & Co., 1863, 8vo, pp. xviii, (2), 184. Fifth edition, same imprint and number of pages. Also as below (next title). (2814 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical research respecting the opinions of the founders of the Republic on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers. Read before the Society, August 14, 1863. By George Livermore. Fifth edition. Boston, 1863. 4to, pp. xviii, (2), 184, large paper. Fifty copies on large paper. (2815 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medical directions written for Governor Winthrop, by Ed: Stafford, of London, in 1043. With notes, by O. W. Holmes. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, February, 1862. (2816 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By S. K. Lothrop. Boston, 1862. Svo, pp. 15. Portrait. From Proceedings, March, 1862. (2817 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Samuel Hoar ; prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Massachusetts Historical Society. By William Minot. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 8. From Proceedings, January, 1862. (2817a MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of the printed maps of Boston. By Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. Boston, February, 1863. 8vo, pp. 8. From Proceedings, June, 1862, and April, 1864. (2818 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Charles Mason, D. D. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By A. P. Peabody. With an appendix. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. 39. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, May, 1863. (2810 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Daniel Appleton White. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By J. Walker. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. 71. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, September, 1862. (2820 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Luther V. Bell, M. D., LL. D.. prepared by vote of the Society. By G. E. Ellis. Boston, 1863. Svo, pp. 75. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, April, 1863. (2821 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 397 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. William Appleton. Pre pared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By Chandler Robbins. With an appendix. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. G4. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, February, 1863. (2822 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the United States, by General Knox. Read before the Society, with remarks, by J. Willard. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. 42. Reprinted from Proceedings, December, 1862. (2823 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCITEY. Remarks on the Narragansett patent. Read before the Society, June, 1862, by Thomas Aspinwall. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. 41. Same. Second edition. Providence, 1865. 8vo, pp. 40. Reprinted from Proceedings, June, 1862. (2824 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Extinction of villenage and slavery in England ; with Somerset s case. Paper read before the Society by Emory Washburn. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from Proceedings, February, 1864. (2825 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Journal de Castorland." By John Ap pleton. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from Proceedings, February, 1864. (2826 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Phillis Wheatley, the negro slave poet of Boston. [By Charles Deane.] Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from Proceedings, November, 1863. (2827 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. William Sturgis. Pre pared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By C. G. Loring. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. (2), 64. Reprinted from Proceedings, August, 1864. (2828 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Remarks of R. C. Winthrop upon the death of Benjamin Silliman and of C. C. Rafn. December 8, 1864.] [Bos ton, 1864.] 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from Proceedings, December, 1864. (2829 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute of the Society to the memory of Josiah Quincy, July 14, 1864. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from Proceedings, .Tub , 1864. (2S3O-1 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notices of the triennial and annual cata logues of Harvard University : with a reprint of the catalogues of 1674, 16SL 1 , and 1700. By J. L. Sibley. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. (4), 67. Reprinted from Proceedings, October, 1864. One hundred and fifty copies separately printed. Thirty additional on large paper. (2832 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Society. [Boston, 4to, pp. 4. List of the chief publications for sale. (2833 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute of the Society to the memory of Edward Everett, January 30, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 90. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, January, 1865. (2834 398 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the character of the late Edward Everett, made at a meeting of the Society, January 30, 1865. By George Ticknor. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. Large paper. Reprinted from Proceedings, January, 1865. (2835 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Convers Francis, D. D. By William Newell. Reprinted from the Proceedings. [March, 1865.] Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 23. (2836 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of John Andrews, 1772-1776. Compiled and edited from the original MSS., with introduction, by Win- throp Sargent. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, July, 1865. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 100. (2837 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Origin and sources of the Bill of Rights, declared in the Constitution of Massachusetts. By Emory Washburn. Re printed from the Proceedings. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo, pp. 22. (2838 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute of the Society to the memory of George Livermore. Boston, 1866. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from Proceedings, September, 1865. (2839 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Communication respecting the seal of the "Council for New England," By Charles Deane. [Boston, 1867.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from Proceedings, March, 1867. (2840 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gen. John Sullivan. A Vindication of his Character as a Soldier and a Patriot. By Thomas C. Amory. Morris- ania, N. Y., 1867. 8vo, pp. (4), 52. Based on an article in the Proceedings for 1866-67. (2841 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The History of Bacon s and Ingram s Rebellion in Virginia in 1675 and 1676. [Anon.] [Edited by Charles Deane.] Boston, 1867. 8vo, pp. 50. Reprinted from Proceedings, August, 1866. First edition entitled "Bacon s Rebellion." (2842 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The last will and testament of Capt. John Smith; with some additional memoranda relating to him. [By Charles Deane.] Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Janu ary, 1867. Cambridge, 1867. Small 8vo, pp. (2), 7. Facsimile. Fifty copies. (2843 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Joseph Willard. [By Charles Brooks.] Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 25. Reprinted from Proceedings, August, 1867. (2844 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Josiah Quincy. By James Walker. From the Proceedings for 1866-67. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 76. Portrait. From Proceedings, March, 1866. (2845 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notes concerning Peter Pelham, the earliest artist resident in New England, and his successors prior to the Revolution. Reprinted, with additions, from the Proceedings of the So ciety for 1866-67. By W. H. Whitmore. Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 31. From Proceedings, May, 1866. (2846 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 399 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Origin, Organization, and Influence of the Towns of New England. A paper read before the Society, December 14, 1865, by Joel Parker. Printed in the Proceedings for 1866-67. Cam bridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 54. From Proceedings, January, 1866. . (284T MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sermon preached at Boston, in New England, upon a fast day, the nineteenth of January, 1636. By John Wheel wright. Reprinted from the Proceedings for 1866-67. - Cambridge, 1867. 8vo, pp. 22. Twenty-five copies. Prefatory note by Charles Deane. From Proceedings, August, 1866. (2848 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sermon preached at Boston, in New England, upon a fast day, the xvi. [xix] of January, 1636. By John Wheel wright. From manuscripts in the possession of the Society, first published in the Historical Magazine for April, 1867. Morrisania, N. Y., 1867. 8vo, pp. 28, v, iii. Introductory note by H. B. Dawson. Also large paper copy. From Proceedings, August, 1866. (2849 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hosier s narrative of Waymouth s voy age to the coast of Maine in 1605, complete. With remarks by George Prince, showing the river explored to have been the Georges River ; to gether with a map of the same and the adjacent islands. Reprint from the Collections of the Society. Bath [Me.], 1860. 8vo, pp. 45. Reprinted from Collections, third series, Vol. vm. (285O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. From the Proceedings. [October 8, 1868.] Sheet relative to the gift of a bust of George Peabody. (2851 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harvard College monitor s bill. Commu nication addressed to Mr. J. L. Sibley from F. B. Dexter, of Yale College. [Boston, 1868.] 8vo, pp. 6. From Proceedings, December, 1868. (2852 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Joseph Story, LL. I). By G. S. Hillard. Reprinted from the Proceedings for 1867-69 [April, 1868]. Boston, 1868. 8vo, pp. 32. (2853 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life and judicial labors of Chief Justice Shaw. By B. F. Thomas. Reprinted from the Proceedings for 1867-69 [September, 1867]. Boston, 1868. 8vo, pp. 32. (2854 JASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to Henry Hart Milman, D. D. By R. C. Winthrop and J. I,. Motley. From the Proceedings of the Society [October 8, 1868]. [Boston, 1868.] 8vo, pp. 4. (2855 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I. The aims and purposes of the founders of Massachusetts. II. Their treatment of intruders and dissentients. Two lectures of a course by members of the Society, before the Lowell Institute, January 8 and January 12, 1869. By George E. Ellis. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 100. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869. (2856 IASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The colony of New Plymouth and its re lation to Massachusetts : A lecture of a course by members of the Society, January 19, 1869. By William Brigham. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 27. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869. (2857 400 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Education in Massachusetts : Early legis lation and history : A lecture of a course by members of the Society, Febru ary 16, 1869. By George B. Emerson. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869. (2858 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The First Charter and the Early re ligious Legislation of Massachusetts : Lecture in a course on the early his tory of Massachusetts, by members of the Society, delivered February 9, 1869. By Joel Parker. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 85. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869. (2859 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Grants under the Great Council for New England : A lecture of a course by members of the Society. January 15, 1869. By Samuel F. Haven. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869. (286O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Introductory lecture to the course on the Early History of Massachusetts, by members of the Society, at the Lowell Institute. Delivered January 5, 1869. By Robert C. Winthrop. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 27. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures. (2861 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lectures delivered in a course before the Lowell Institute, by members of the Society, on subjects relating to the early history of Massachusetts. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. viii, 498. (2862 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Medical Profession in Massachu setts : Lecture of a course by members of the Society, before the Lowell Institute, January 28, 1869. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 45. From Lowell Lectures, 1869, pp. 257-301. (2863 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Livermore. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo, pp. 60. Reprinted from Proceedings, January, 1869. (2864 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Jaied Sparks, LL. D. By George E. Ellis. Reprinted from the Proceedings for May, 1868. Cam bridge, 1869. 8vo, pp. 102. Portrait. (2865 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of lion. Levi Lincoln. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By Emory Washburn. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo, pp. 39. Portrait. Large paper. From Proceedings, April, 1869. (2866 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Puritan Politics in England and New England : A lecture of a course by members of the Society, February 12, 1869. By Edward E. Hale. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from Loicell Lectures, 1869, pp. 441-462. (2867 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Regicides sheltered in New England : A lecture of a course by members of the Society, Feb. 5, 1869. By Chandler Robbins. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869, pp. 319-354. (286* MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 401 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Slavery as it once Prevailed in Massa chusetts: A lecture for the Society at the Lowell Institute, January 22, 1869. By Emory Washburn. Boston, 18C9. 8vo, pp. 35. Reprinted from Lowell Lectures, 1869, pp. 191-225. (28f> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Description of a Selection of Coins and Medals Relating to America, exhibited to the Society, April 28, 1870. By William S. Appleton. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo, pp. 16. From Proceedings, April, 1870. (287O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Dialogue, or Third Conference between Some Young Men Born in New England, and Some Ancient Men which came out of Holland and old England, concerning the Church and Govern ment Thereof. By William Bradford. Edited, with a preface and notes, by Charles Deaue. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. xii, 78. Facsimile. Reprinted from Proceedings, October, 1870. (2871 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Forms in issuing Letters Patent by the Crown of England, with remarks on the Massachusetts charter of the 4th of March, 1628-9. Paper read before the Society, 21st Dec., 1869. By Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo, pp. 24. Fifty copies. From Proceedings, December, 1869. (2872 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter written from San Francisco, Cal., to the Society ; by R. C. Waterston. Cambridge, 1870 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings,, September, 1870. (2873 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life of Thomas Dudley, several times Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts. Written, as is supposed, by Cotton Mather. Edited by Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo, pp. 20. One hundred copies. From Proceedings, January, 1870 (2S73a MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Greely Loring; pre pared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. By Theophilus Parsons. Cambridge, 1870. " 8vo, pp. 31. No title-page. From Proceedings, April, 1870. (2874 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Nathaniel Langdon Frothing- hain, D. D. By Frederic H. Hedge. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Sep tember, 1870, with appendix. Boston, 1870. Svo, pp. 20. Portrait. (2875 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The St. Regis bell. [By G. T. Davis.] Boston, 1870. Svo, pp. 311-321. No title-page. From Proceedings, May, 1870. (2876 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to the Memory of Hon. John Pendleton Kennedy. September 8, 1870. [Boston, 1870.] 8vo, pp. 16. From the Proceedings. (2877 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bibliography of the Society. By Samuel A. Green. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Prc.ccetlinys, January, 1871. (2878 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 26 402 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Building and the Finances of the Society. Remarks of the President. [R. C. Winthrop.] July 13, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, July, 1871. (2879 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Death of Matthew Cradock. By Charles Deane. [Boston, 1871.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. From Proceedings, November, 1871. (288O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter of Sir John Stanhope to Secretary Davison, concerning Elder Brewster. Read before the Society, May, 1871^ By Charles Deane. [Boston. 1871.] Svo. pp. 8. From Proceedings, May, 1871. (2881 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Lucy Downing, 1626-1674. With a preface containing some account of her distinguished son, Sir George Downing, bart. [R. C. Winthrop.] [Boston, 1871.] Svo, pp. xliv, (1), (53. Reprinted from the Collections, fifth series, Vol. i. (2882 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes of the Society to the memory of Hon. David Sears and George Ticknor, LL. D. February 9, 1871. Boston, 1871. Svo. pp. 24. From Proceedings, February, 1871. (2883 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paul Lunt s diary. May-December, 1775. Edited by S. A. Green. Boston, 1872. Svo, pp. 19. From Proceedings, February, 1872. (2884 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to Walter Scott, on the one hun dredth anniversary of his birthday, by the Society, August 15, 1871. Boston, 1872. Svo. pp. 17. From Proceedings, August, 1871. (2885 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, with the additional acts and by-laws, with a list of officers and resident members. Boston, 1873. Svo, pp. 21. From Proceedings, December, 1873. (2886 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular from the librarian offering the publications for sale. May 20, 1873. Svo, 1 p. (2887 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The confession and execution of Sir Walter Raleigh. Address, September 11, 1873, by R. C. Winthrop. [Bos ton, 1873.] Svo, pp. 16. Half title. No title-page. From Proceedings, September, 1873. (2888- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An essay on the origin of the names of towns in Massachusetts settled prior to 1775. Prefixed an essay on the name of the town of Lexington. By W. H. W T hitmore. Reprinted from the Proceedings for 1872-73. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. (2), 37. From Proceedings, February, 1873. (2889 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from chapter 1 of the by-laws of the Society. [Boston, 1873.] 4to. Sheet. (2S9O* MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 403 ASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gen. Washington s headquarters in Cam bridge. Paper read before the Society in Sept., 1872. By Charles Deane. Fifty copies. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. 9. (2891 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New England s trials written by Capt. John Smith. Reprint of the rare first edition of 1620. With a prefatory note by Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1873. 8vo, pp. 10, (22). Fifty copies from Proceedings, 1871-1873. (2892 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Proposed] By-laws. [October, 1873.] [Boston, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 12. Same. [November, 1873.] Boston, 1873. pp. 12. (2893 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early history of the public schools of Boston. By Robert C. Waterston. No imprint. Folio. 1 p. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1873. (2893a MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Roger W 7 illianis and the Massachusetts charter. Paper read before the Society by Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1873. 8vo, pp. 19. From Proceedings, February, 1873. (2894 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life and a list of some of the works of John Singleton Copley. Prepared for the Society, by A. T. Perkins. Cambridge, 1873. 8vo, pp. 13. From Proceedings, January, 1873. (2895 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute of the Society to the memory of their late senior member and former president, the Hon. James Savage, LL. D., March 13, 1873. Boston, 1873. Svo, pp. 23. From Proceedings, March, 1873. (2896 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Agassiz. By Robert C. Winthrop. Bos ton, 1874. Svo, pp. 6. No title-page. Thirty-six copies printed from Proceedings. (2897 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The case of Nathaniel Jennison, for at tempting to hold a negro as a slave in Massachusetts, in 1781. From the minutes of Chief Justice Gushing, with references to contemporaneous records. Communicated to the Society [by Chief Justice Horace Gray, jr.], April 16, 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, April, 1874. (2898 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Judge Lowell and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights. Paper read before the Society, April 16, 1874. By Charles Deane. Boston, 1874. Svo, pp. 9. From Proceedings, April, 1874. Originally published with only 8 pages. Page 9 was inserted and also appeared as a leaflet. (2899 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. William Minot. By R. C. Winthrop. [Boston, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Twelve copies reprinted from Proceedings. (29OO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of a special meeting of the Society, December 16, 1873; being the one hundredth anniversary of the destruction of the tea in Boston Harbor. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 70. 404 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The genenlogy of the families of Payne and Gore. [By William H. Whitmore.] Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 30. From Proceedings, January, 1875. (29O2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Sprague. Prepared for the Proceedings of the Society. By PJdmund Quincy. Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 17. Portrait. From Proceedings, May, 1875. (29O3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks upon the life and writings of Charles Sprague. By R. C. Waterston. Before the Society, February 11, 1875. Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. From Proceedings, February, 1875. (2904 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Voyages of the Venetian brothers Zeno to the Northern seas in the fourteenth century. By R. H. Major. [Com municated by Charles Deane.] Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 19. Folded map. From Proceedings, October, 1874. (29O5-2910 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The battle-field of Bunker Hill : with a relation of the action by William Prescott, and illustrative documents. Paper communicated to the Society, June 10, 1875, with additions. By Richard Frothingham. Boston, 1876. 8vo, pp. 46. Two plates. From Proceedings, June, 1875. (2911 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A copy of the laws of Harvard College, 1655. With an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1876. 8vo, pp. 11. From Proceedings, February, 1876. (2912 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General Burgoyne in Boston. By George E. Ellis. 8vo, pp. 233-247. No title-page. [From Proceedings, Mar., 1876.] (2913 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A heliotype of Washington s autograph address to the officers of the American Army, at Newburg, N. Y., March 15, 1783. Together with letters of Col. Timothy Pickering, Governor John Brooks, Judge Dudley A. Tyng, and William A. Hayes, printed from the originals authenticating the autograph, or describing the scene at the deliv ery of the address. [Boston.] Published by the Society. 1876. fol., pp. 8, (10). (2914- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Illustrations of the siege of Boston. By Richard Frothingham. Privately printed. Boston, 1876. 8vo, pp. 40. From Proceedings, Marcb, 1876. (2915 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of a tour to the White Mountains in July, 1874, by Jeremy Belknap, D. D. Accompanied with a map. Printed from the original manuscript, with a pref?/;jry note by the editor [Charles Deane]. Boston, 1876. Svo, pp. 21. Reprinted from Collections, fifth series, Vol. n. (291fi MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of the Rev. John Pike, of Dover N. H. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by A. H. Quint. Reprinted from the Proceedings. [September, 1875.] Cambridge, 1876. 8vo, pp. 40. (29H MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Theron Metcalf. Pre pared for the Proceedings of the Society. By George S. Hale. Boston, 187(5 Svo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, May, 1876, (291* MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 405 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Joel Parker, LL. D. By Emory Washburn. Cambridge, 1870. 8vo, pp. (2), 8. Portrait. From Proceedings, Vol. xiv. (2919 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notes on a recently discovered indenture relating to David Thomson, of Piscataqua and Massachusetts Bay in New England. By Charles Deane. With a copy of the indenture. Cambridge, 1870. Svo, pp. 34, (L). Folded sheet. Facsimile. One hundred copies. Reprinted from Proceedings, May, 1876. (292O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notice of Jean Frederic de Waldeck. Read before the Society, October, 1876. By Samuel A. Green. [Boston, 1870.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. From Proceedings, Octoher, 187G. (2921 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Officers elected April 20, 1876. [Boston, 1870]. 8vo, pp. xi-xvi. From Proceedings, Vol. xiv [1875 76] . Similar lists with members printed in 1884, 1886, 1887, and 1904, from the Proceedings. (2922 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paul Revere s Signal : The true Story of the Signal Lanterns in Christ Church, Boston. By John Lee Watson. With remarks on laying Dr. Watson s communication before the Society, November 9, 1870. By Charles Deane. [Boston, 1870.] 8vo, pp. 163-177. No title-page. Title on cover. Same. Cambridge, 1877. Svo, pp. 16. Same. New York, 1880. Svo, pp. 32, illustrated. From Proceedings, November, 1876. (2923 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings October meeting, 1870. [Boston, 1870.] Svo, pp. 8. (2924 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. .Rules, Orders, and Statutes of Harvard College instituted by the President and Council of New England, 23d July, 1680. Presented at a meeting of the Society in March, 1870 ; with remarks by the Secretary [Charles Deane]. Cambridge, 1870. Svo, pp. 9. From Proceedings, March, 1876. (2925 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Story of the Old Elm on Boston Common. [By R. C. Waterston.] Boston, 1870. Svo, pp. 23. Woodcut. From Proceedings, March, 1876. (2926 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. France and the United States. Histor ical Review, by the Count Adolphe de Circourt. [Introduction by Robert C. Winthrop.l Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 55. From Proceedings, October, 1876. (2927 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters and documents relating to Slavery in Massachusetts. Edited, with a Preface and Notes, by Charles Deane. Reprinted from the Collections [fifth series, Vol. HI] of the Society. Cambridge, 1877. Svo, pp. (2), 375-442. Twenty-five copies. (292S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Wentworth Upham. By George E. Ellis. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1870. Cambridge, 1877. Svo, pp. 43. Portrait. (2929 406 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Appleton, M. D. By Charles Deane. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 365-367. No title-page. Reprinted from Proceedings, October, 1877. (293O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. John H. Clifford, LL. D., prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society, by R. C. Winthrop. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 30. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1877. (2931 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Orderly Book of Col. William Hen- shaw, of the American Army, April 20-Sept. 20, 1775. With a Memoir by Emory- Washburn, and Notes by C. C. Smith. Reprinted from the Proceed ings for October, 187G. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. xiv, 86. Portrait. (2932 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute of the Society to the Memory of Edmund Quincy and John Lothrop Motley. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1877. (2933 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of a Part of the Sufferings and Losses of Jolley Allen, a Refugee, March, 1776. With a Preface and Notes, by C. C. Smith. Reprinted from the Proceedings for February, 1878. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 35. (2934 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Argument of Tutor Nicholas Sever, read before the Licutenant-Governor and Council, 23d August, 1723, in support of his claim to a seat in the corporation of Harvard College; with an intro duction by G. Dexter. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo, pp. 23. Fifty copies. Reprinted from Proceedings, February, 1878. (2935 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Correspondence of Hartlib, Haak, Olden burg, and others of the founders of the Royal Society, with Governor Win throp, of Connecticut. 1661-1672. With an introduction and notes, by R. C. Winthrop. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1878. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 49. (2936 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of New England from 1620 to 1680. By William Hubbard. [Boston, 1878.] 8vo, pp. xv, 14, 664-676. With a prefatory note by Charles Deane. Consists of the portions of Hubbard s History which were missing prior to 1878, and which are lacking in the Society s editions. (2937 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIEIY. Letters from George Washington to General William Heath. 1775-1780. Boston, 1878. Svo, pp. (2), 285. Portrait. Taken bodily from the Collections [fifth series, Vol. ivl, and published with out authorization of the Society. (2938 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Andrew Eliot, D. D., to his sons, Samuel and John. [Compiled by George Dexter.] [Boston, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 29. Fifteen copies. From the Proceedings, September, 1878. (2939 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Christopher Columbus and Americus Vespucci us. With an introduction, by G. Dexter. Boston, 1878. Svo, pp. 22. Facsimile. From Proceedings, October, 1878. (294O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 407 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Benjamin Robbins Cur tis, LL. D., prepared agreeably to a resolution of tbe Society. By Chandler Robbins. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 26. Portrait. From Proceedings, January, 1878. (2941 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Bern is, prepared agree ably to a resolution of the Society. By E. R. Hoar. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 7. From Proceedings, March, 1S78. (21)42 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. James Savage. LL. I )., late President of tbe Society. Prepared, agreeably to a resolution of tbe Society, by G. S. Hi Hard. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 39. From Proceedings, March, 1878. (2948 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records of tbe President and Council of New Hampshire, from January 1, 1679-80, to Dec. 22, 1080. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by Charles Deane. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 20. Facsimile. From Proceedings, September, 1878. Fifty copies. (2944 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some extracts from the Orderly Book of Colonel Israel Hutchinson, of the American Army, March iM-.Tuly 8, 177<>. With an introduction by Lucius R. Paige, and notes by Charles C. Smith. Reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1878. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 32. Thirty copies printed. (2945 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to William Cullen Bryant. By Robert C. Waterston, at a meeting of the Society, June 13, 1878. With an Appendix. Boston, 1878. Svo, pp. 53, (1). Also large paper edition. From Proceedings. (294G MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tutor Henry Flynt s Journey from Cam bridge to Portsmouth in 1754. Written by David Sewall, who accompanied him. Edited, with notes, by Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1878. 8vo, pp. 9. Fifty copies. From Proceedings, January, 1878. The title of the paper is Father Flynt s Journey. (2947 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Lothrop Motley. A Memoir. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, 1879. 8vo, pp. vii, 278. Enlarged from Proceedings, December, 1878. (2948 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Thomas Wallcut, in 1790. With notes, by G. Dexter. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo, pp. 42. From Proceedings, October, 1879. (2949 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Caleb Strong, United States Senator and Governor of Massachusetts, 1745-1818. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo, pp. 29. From Proceedings, Vol. i. (295O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Emory Washburn, LL. D. By A. P. Peabody. Reprinted from the Proceedings [January], 1879. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo, pp. 14. Portrait. (2951 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Josi;Tli Bartlett, LL. D. By Richard Frothingham. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, Vol. i, pp. 323-330. (2952 408 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. William Sullivan, pre pared for Early Diary of Massachusetts Historical Proceedings. By Thomas C. Amory. Cambridge, 1879. 8vo, pp. 13. Prom Proceedings, Vol. n, pp. 150-160. (295,1 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William G. Brooks. Life and Character. By R. C. Waterston. [Boston, 1879.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. From Proceedings. (2954 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Rev. Edward Taylor. Re printed from the Proceedings for April. 1S80. [Boston, 1880.] Svo, pp. 18. No title-page. (2955 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Influence of the English Universities in the Development of New England. By F. B. Dexter. Cambridge, 1880. Svo, pp. 17. Two folded sheets. From Proceedings, February, 1880. (2950 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter of Erasmus Rask to Henry Wheaton. Reprinted from the Proceed inr/ft of the Society for April. 1880. [Boston, 1880.] Svo, pp. 18-22. (295T MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [The life and character of Major Pit- cairn, by Charles Hudson.] [Cambridge, 1880.1 8vo, pp. 315-320. No title-page. [Reprinted from the Proceedings.] (2958 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Augustus Crownin- shield. By Charles Deane. [Boston, 1880.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. From Proceedings, February, 1880. (2959 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Hamilton Sears. By Chandler Robbins. [Boston, 1880.] Svo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, September, 1880. (2960 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Sumner. Prepared at the request of the Society. By R. C. Waterston. Cambridge, 1880. Svo, pp. 37. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. xvm (1880-81), pp. 1S9-223. (2961 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. John Glen King. By William P. Upham. Svo, pp. 37-40. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1880. (2962 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Jacob Bigelow. By George E. Ellis. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo, pp. 105. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1880. (2963 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Albion Andrew. LL. D. By P. W. Chandler. Cambridge. 3880. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1880. <29(>4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Lemuel Shattuck. By Charles Hudson. [1880.] Svo, pp. 155-165. [Reprinted from the Proceedings.] (2965 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New Hampshire without provincial gov ernment. 108f)-1690. An historical sketch. By C. W. Tuttle. Cam bridge, 1880. Svo. pp. 13. Folded plate. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings for October, 1879. (2966 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 409 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Relation of a Voyage to Sagadahoc, now first printed from the original manuscript in the Lambeth Palace Li brary. Edited, with Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by B. F. DeCosta. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo, pp. 43. Facsimile. Reprinted from Proceedings, May, 1880. (29O7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Subjects for Master s degree in Harvard College. 1G65-1791. Translated and arranged, with an introduction and notes, by E. J. Young. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo. pp. 38. Reprinted from the Proceeding*, June, 1880. (29S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to the memory of Count Adolphe <!< Circourt. By It. C. Winthrop. [Boston, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Title on cover. Privately printed from the Proceedings. (2969 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws. [Proposed, 1881.1 [Boston, 1881.] 8vo, pp. 11. Printed in the Proceedings, Vol. x, and afterwards reprinted as No. 2980 below. (297O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Concerning President Garfield s Ancestry. A communication from E. G. Porter. Read at the October [1881] meeting of the Society. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1881. (2971 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [The course pursued by some of the founders of the Massachusetts Colony toward the Church of England. By Robert C. Winthrop.] [1881.] 8vo, pp. 288-301. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1881. (2972 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the Russian victories, given in King s Chapel, March 25, 1813. By James Freeman, and a catalogue of the library given by King William III to King s Chapel in 1698. With intro ductory remarks by H. W. Foote. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March and May, 1881. (2973 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The First Voyage under Sir Humphrey Gilbert s patent of 1578. By G. Dexter. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1881. (2974 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Governor Bradford s manuscript history of Plymouth plantation, and its transmission to our times. By Justin \Yinsor. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 18. Private edition, 75 copies. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1881. (2975 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Robert M. Mason. Prepared agreeably to a resolution of the Society. [By R. C. Winthrop. jr.] Cam bridge, 1881. 8vo. pp. 24. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. xvm (1880-81). (2976 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The portraits of John Hampden, in the Executive Mansion at Washington, and of Lafayette, in the Hall of the Ilnuse of Representatives of the United States. By R. C. Winthrop. Bos ton, 1881. 8vo, pp. 17. Privately reprinted from the Proceedings, June 9 and September 8, 1881. (2977 410 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Professor .7. Lewis Diman, D. D. A me morial tribute by Edward J. Young. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1881. (2978 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Selections from the letters of E. II. Mills. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 44. Reprinted from the Proceedings, September, 1881. (2979 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, with the additional acts and by-laws ; with a list of officers and resident members. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1881. (2980 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Daniel Webster s Libel Suit against Mayor Theodore Lyman. Remarks by George B. Chase. [Boston, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 281-284, 323, 324. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (2981 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of a Tour from Boston to Gneida, June, 1T9G. By Jeremy Belknap, in company with Dr. Morse. With notes by G. Dexter. [Cambridge, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 32. Fifty copies reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1882. (2982 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Henry Wheaton, 1805-06. [Cambridge, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 19. Fifty copies. Reprinted from the Proceedings, September, 1882. (2983 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Delano A. Goddard. By C. C. Smith. Cambridge, 1882. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1892. (2984 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. George S. Hillard, LL. D. By F. W. Palfrey. [Boston, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 339-348. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1882. (2985 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Thaddeus William Harris. By E. D. Harris. Cambridge, 1882. 8vo, pp. 14. Two folded sheets. Reprinted from Vol. xix of the Proceedings, May, 1882. (2986 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Porter-Poor Duel. By Ellis Ames. [Boston, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1882. (2987 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Suffolk County Bar Book. 1770-1805. With introduction and notes, by G. Dexter. Cambridge, 1882. Svo, pp. 40. Facsimile. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1881. (2988 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson, by the Society. Boston, 1882. 4 to, pp. 62. With portraits. Reprinted from Proceedings, xix, 266-278, 298-310. (2989 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Account of the Seals of the Judicial Courts of the Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay: 1680-1780. By Abner Cheney Goodell, jr. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo, pp. 16. Two plates. Reprinted, with slight alterations, from the Proceedings. (2990 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 411 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Account of the Seals of the Judicial Courts of the Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay: 1080-1780. By A. C. Goodell, jr. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 14. Two plates. Reprinted, with slight alterations, from the Proceedings, March, 1883. One hundred copies in this form were reprinted from the New England Historical Genealogical Register, Octoher, 1883, and at the same time 100 copies with "only 12 pp. were printed. (2991 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Account of a part of Sufferings and Losses of Jolley Allen, a Native of London. With preface and notes, by Frances Mary Stoddard. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massa chusetts Historical Society for February, 1878. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 52. (2992 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An Account of the White Kennett Li brary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By Charles Deane. Read before the Society, June, 1883. [Cambridge, 1883.1 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1883. (2993 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Cabinet of the Society. [Boston, 1883.] Embodied in the catalogue of paintings. 8vo, pp. 24. (2994 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Commemoration of the four hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Martin Luther, by the Society, November 10, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 39. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1883. (2995 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inscriptions on the bronze tablets re cently placed on the gates of the older burial grounds, in Boston, Massa chusetts. Prepared by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1883. (2996 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Harvard. Extracts from the re marks of the Rev. George E. Ellis at the meeting of the Society for October, 1883. [Cambridge, 1883.] 8vo, pp. (2). Appended i4 Circular asking for aid toward researches in regard to Harvard." (2997 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Ticknor. By William W. Greenough. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1883.] Cam bridge, 1883. 8vo, pp. 11. (2998 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Monthly meeting of the Society, Decem ber 14, 1882. [Address by R. C. Winthrop.] [Boston, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1882. (2999 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Monthly meeting, February 8, 1883. [Boston, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. From the Proceedings. Contains address by Robert C. Winthrop, giving ac count of his travels in Europe. (3OOO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A short account of the Society. [By C. C. Smith.] [Boston, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October. 1882. Second edition, published in December, 1893. 8vo, pp. 3. (3OO1 412 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sir Christopher Gardiner, knight ; an his torical monograph. By C. F. Adams, jr. From Vol. xx of the Proceedings, i With additions. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo, pp. 36. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1883. (3OO2 ! MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The trial and execution, for petit treason, of Mark and Phillis, slaves of Capt. John Codman, who murdered their mas ter at Charlestown, Mass., in 1755; for which the man was hanged and gibbeted, and the woman was burned to death. Including also some account of other punishments by burning in Massachusetts. By Abner Cheney Goodell, jr. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo, pp. 39. Two hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1883. (30 3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American patriotism on the sea. By A. B. Ellis. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1884. (3OO4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Letter from Estes Howe to Charles Den ne relative to the abode of John Hull, and Samuel Sewall. Communi cated by Arthur B. Ellis, November 13, 1884.1 [Cambridge. 1884.] 8vo, pp. 312-326. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O05 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Copy of a short poem by Chief Justice Samuel Sewall. Written January 1, 1701. Communicated with a note, by Samuel A. Green. 8vo, p. 1. No title-page. [From the Proceedings, Jan., 1884.] (300G MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Daniel Sullivan s visits, May and June, 1781, to Gen. John Sullivan, in Philadelphia, to explain declarations in Sir Henry Clinton s secret journal. By Thomas C. Amory. Reprinted from a paper read to the Society, March. 1884. With additional comments. Cam bridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1884. (3OO7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Further notes on the history of witch craft in Massachusetts, containing additional evidence of the passage of the act of 1711 for reversing the attainders of the witches ; also affirming the legality of the special court of oyer and terminer of 1092 ; with a heliotypi 1 plate of the act of 1711, as printed in 1713, and an appendix of documents, , etc. By A. C. Goodell, jr. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 52. Reprinted, with slight alterations, from the Proceedings of the Society, Juno. 1883. (3008 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Groton during Shays s rebellion. By S. A. Green. [Boston, 1884.] Groton historical series, No. 3. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1884. (3OOJ) MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. Chandler Bobbins, D. D. By C. C. Smith. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 19. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1883. (3010 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Barrell Emerson. By R. C. Waterston. Presented at the meeting of the Society, May 10, 1883. With a supplement. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 124 (2). Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1883. (3O11 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 413 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notes on a copy of Dr. William Doug lass s Almanack for 1743, touching the subject of medicine in Massachusetts before his time. By Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1884. (3O12 .MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notice of M. [Francois] Mignet. [By R. C. Winthrop.] [Boston, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 9. [No title-page.] Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1884. (3O13 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reasons for concluding that the act of 1711, reversing the attainders of the persons convicted of witchcraft in Massachusetts in 1092, became a law. Being a reply to supplementary notes, etc., by George H. Moore, LL. D. By A. C. Goodell, jr. Cambridge. 1884. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1884. (3O14 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Supplementary notes on witchcraft in Massachusetts ; a critical examination of the alleged law of 1711 for re versing the attainders of the witches of 1692. By G. II. Moore. Cambridge, 1884. Svo, pp. 25. Folded sheet. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March 13, 1884. (3O15 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to the memory of George Dexter, late recording secretary of the Society. January 10, 1884. Cambridge, 1884. Svo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1884. (3O16 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY". Alexandra Vattemare : his services in connection with the Boston City Library. By Josiah Phillips Quincy. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from Proceedings, November, 1884. (3O17 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The authentication of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. By Mellen Chamberlain. Cambridge, 1885. Svo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Proceed ings, November, 1884. (3O18 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY . A briefe description of New England and the several towns therein, together with the present government thereof. [From a manuscript written in 1660 by Samuel Maverick, and recently dis covered in the British Museum by H. F. Waters ; communicated to the Society by John T. Hassnm.] [Boston, 1885.] Printed in the Proceedings, October, 1884, and reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register (xxxix, 33-48) for January, 1885. 3O19 Svo, pp. 2S. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the paintings, engravings, busts, and miscellaneous articles belonging to the cabinet of the Society. Boston, 1885. Svo, pp. (3), 14. {. (3O20 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular asking for subscriptions for the purpose of procuring a portrait of R. C. Winthrop. April 17, 1885. 8vo, sheet. (3O21 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A difference of opinion concerning the reasons why Katharine Winthrop refused to marry Chief Justice Sewall. [By R. C. Winthrop, jr.] Boston, 1885. Svo, pp. 25. Title on cover is "A few words in defence of an elderly lady." Read before the Society, but excluded from the Proceedings. (3O22 414 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from a diary kept by Jonathan Mason of a journey from Boston to Savannah in 1804. [With notes, by C. H. Hill.] Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1885. (3O23 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Final notes on witchcraft in Massa chusetts : a summary vindication of the laws and liberties concerning at tainders, with corruption of blood, escheats, forfeitures for crime, and par don of offenders, in reply to the " Reasons," etc., of Abner C. Goodell, jr. By George H. Moore. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 120. Read in part before the New York Historical Society, and in part before the Massachusetts Historical Society, March 12, 1885 ; but not printed in the ]>,<,- ceedings. (3O24 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Wesley Tuttle. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 0. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1885. (3O25 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Dexter. By C. C. Smith. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, November, 1884: (3O26 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Nathaniel Thayer. By G. E, Ellis. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 51. Illustrated. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, second series, Vol. n. (3<;27 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Richard Frothing- ham, LL. D. By Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 17. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1885. (3028 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Samuel F. Haven, LL. D. By Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. Reprinted from Proceedings, February, 1885. (3O29 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Stephen Salisbury. By John D. Washburn. Worcester, Mass., 1885. 8vo, pp t 18. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O30 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the early appearance of the Northern lights in New England. By Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1885. (3O31 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Samuel Maverick s Palisade House of 1630. By Mellen Chamberlain. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 10.. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1885. (3032 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Arnold s Expedition against Quebec, 1775- 76. The diary of Ebenezer Wild, with a list of such diaries. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 12. Seventy-five copies privately reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1886. " From a manuscript presented to Harvard College library in 1850. A journal nearly identical with this was published by the same editor in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1852, as the journal of Joseph Ware, of Needham, Mass. Later evidence shows that neither Ebenezer Wild nor Joseph Ware, of Needham, were in Arnold s army, and that the original of MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 415 these two journals was most probably written by Ebenezer Tolman. For dis cussion of the question of authorship, see Justin H. Smith s Arnold s march from Cambridge to Quebec, 1903, pp. 44-51." MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Captain Henry Dearborn in the Quebec Expedition, 1775. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 33. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1886.] (3O34 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of John Lord Cutts to Colonel Joseph Dudley, then Lieutenant-Governor of the Isle of Wight, afterwards Governor of Massachusetts. 1693-1700. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 31. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O35 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Original crayon of Daniel Webster. [By Robert C. Winthrop.] [1886.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1886.] (3O3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Members of the Massachusetts Historical Society, in the order of their election. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. ix xxxi, v. No title-page. From the Collections, sixth series, Vol. i. (3O37 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of David Sears. Prepared agree ably to a resolution of the Society, by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 31. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1886. (3O3H MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. John J. Babson. By Charles C. Smith. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, November, 1886. (3O39 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Langdon Sibley. By Andrew P. Peabody. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 23. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1886. (3O4O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. William Stoodley Bartlet. By Edmund F. Slafter. Privately printed. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society. (3O41 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of the Insurrection in Santo Domingo. By Samuel G. Perkins. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 88. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1886. (3O42 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1779. Sullivan s Expedition against the Indians of New York. A letter from Andrew McFarland Davis to Justin Winsor, with the journal of William McKendry. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 45. One hundred copies, privately printed from the Proceedings of the Massachu setts Historical Society, 188. (3::43 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Handasyd Perkins and the Mon ument to Washington. Remarks of Robert C. Winthrop at a meeting of the Society. November 12, 1885. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 8. From the Proceedings. (3O44 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Two brief papers : Being The Abandoned Boston; The Extent of the Continental Line of the Revolutionary Army Misconceived. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1886. 8vo, pp. 10. Privately reprinted, seventy-five copies, from the Proceedings, second series, Vol. ii. (3045 416 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Will of John Langdon Sibley, of Cam bridge. 8vo, pp. 8. No imprint. Reprint from the Proceedings, January, 1886. (3045 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Cartographical History of the North eastern Boundary controversy between the United States and Great Britain. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 24. Privately reprinted, seventy-five copies, from the Proceedings of the Society October, 1887. (3040 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Elder William Brewster, of the " May flower ; " his books and autographs, with other notes. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 17. Seventy-five copies, reprinted from the Proceedings. (3047 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Index to the first twenty volumes of the Proceedings of the Society. 1791-1883. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. v, (2), 521. (3:48 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Henry Dearborn, 1770-1783. Edited by Mellen Chamberlain. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 34. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1886. (3049 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Alexander II. Bullock. By Charles Devens. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 22. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1887. (3O50 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Callahan Perkins. By Samuel Eliot. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 26. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O51 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, D. D., LL. D. By Andrew P. Peabody. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1886. (3O52 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Francis Edward Parker. By Edward Bangs. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O53 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. Nicholas Hoppin, D. D. By Fitch Edward Oliver, M. D. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 14. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O54 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Note on the Spurious Letters of Moiit- calm, 1759. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1887. 8vo, pp. 6. From the Proceedings, January, 1887. (3055 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks of Dr. James Freeman Clarke on presenting an Atlas of Maps of the Wars of the French Republic, and giving an Account of the former Owner, Madam Swan. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 46-48. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3056 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Remarks on Mrs. Rockwood s Recollec tions of Colonel Prescott] By Samuel A. Green, June, 1887. Sheet. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3057 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 417 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Sharpies Pictures. Elaborate Re joinder to Major Walter s Plea. His Evidence reviewed in detail by the Historical Society Committee. What he must show. [By A. C. Goodell, jr.] [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 17. No title-page. Reprinted from the Boston Post, February 2, 1887. (3O58 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes of the Massachusetts Historical Society to Francis E. Parker. Edited by Robert C. Winthorp, jr. Cam bridge : Privately printed. 1887. 8vo, pp. 72. Portrait. Mostly reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O59 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws. Proposed By-laws. [Boston, 1888.] Signed by R. C. Winthrop, jr. 8vo, pp. (3). (3O6O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Catalogue of the Paintings belonging to the Society. [By F. E. Oliver.] [Boston, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 29. (3061 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Congregational Churches in Nova Scotia. By Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1888. (3O62 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The French War Papers of the Marechal de Levis. described by the Abbe Casgrain. With Comments, by Francis Parkman and Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo, pp. 11. Fifty copies privately reprinted from the Proceedings, April 12, 1888. (3O63 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hubbard s Map of New England, en graved probably by John Foster, the first printer of Boston. Remarks made before the Society, November 8, 1888, by Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. With a facsimile of the map. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Supplement. Hubbard s Map of New England [with the "White Hills" mapj. 8vo, pp. 11, 12. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings for June, 1890. (3O<>4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John C. Phillips. By Rev. Edward G. Porter. With the remarks of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, and other tributes. Cambridge, 18S8. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. Privately printed from the Proceedings. (3OC>5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Charles Hudson. By Edward G. Porter. [Boston, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 28-32. Half title. From the Proceedings. (3O66 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Population of Groton at different Times, with some Notes on the Provincial Census of 1705. A Paper read before the Society, on May 10, 1888, and now reprinted from the Proceed- in;/.^. By Samuel Abbott Green. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo, pp. 8. (3OG7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records of the Old Colony Club, 1769- 177^.. Boston. 1888. 8vo, pp. [1], 382-444. Facsimile. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1887. (3O68 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 27 418 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on Ilubbard s Map of New England. By Charles Deane. Cambridge, 1888. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1887. (3O<9 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Committee on By-laws, with a Reprint of the Existing By-laws, May 10, 1888. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. 16. No title-pnge. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (. iO7O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A report of the trial of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson before the Church in Boston, March, 1038. Communicated by Franklin Bowditch Dexter to the Society, October 11, 1888. 8vo, pp. 35. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O71 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Act of Incorporation, with the addi tional Acts and By-laws of tlia Society; and a List of Officers and Resident Members. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O72 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal kept by Sergeant David Holden. of Groton, Massachusetts, during the latter part of the French and Indian War. February 20-November 29, 17GO. With Notes and an Introduction. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. Cambridge, 1889. Svo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Printed later in his "Three Military Diaries," Groton, 1001. i :iO73 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of some Briefs in Appeal Causes which relate to America, tried before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals of Prize Causes of His Majesty s Privy Council, 173G-1758. By Paul Leices ter Ford. Brooklyn, X. Y., 1889. Svo, pp. 20. Printed in the alternate blank pages. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O74 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maverick s account of New England. Re marks by Samuel A. Green, April 11, 1889 [on the word " Foy " and Mar- blehead]. 8vo, p. 1. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O7i> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of James Freeman Clarke. By Andrew P. Peabody. Cambridge, 1889. Svo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (SO7(5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Note-book kept by Capt. Robert Keayne an Early Settler of Boston. Remarks made before the Society, March 14. 1889. By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. Cambridge, 1889. Svo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, second series, Vol. iv. C1077 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Note-book kept by the Rev. Willian Briusmead, the first minister of Marlborough, Mass. Remarks made befon the Society, February 14, 1889. By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. Cam bridge, 1889. Svo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, second series, Vol. iv. (307 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on a Manuscript Volume con taining certain Minutes of the Massachusetts General Court [about Indiai captives]. 1749, 1750. By Samuel Abbott Green. Boston, 1889. Svo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (307i MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 419 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on Benjamin Tompson s Elegy on John Woodmaucy and Ezekiel Cheerer. By Samuel Abbott Green. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 2, (2). No title-page. Folded sheet containing facsimile of broad side. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O8O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Royal Arms and other Royal Emblems and Memorials in use in the Colonies before the American Revolution. A paper read before the Society, January 10, 1889. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A. M. Boston. Privately printed, 1889. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Proceedings, second series, Vol. iv. (3O81 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some Indian Names. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green.] [Boston, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 3. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 188!). (3O82 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Tribute to the Memory of Charles . Deane, by the Massachusetts Historical Society at a special meeting, De cember 3, 1889. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 31. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3OS3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Aspinwall Barlow Library. By Mellen Chamberlain. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O84 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Augustine Dupre, and his Work for America. Remarks made before the Society, March 13, 1890. By William S. Appleton. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O85 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Blodget s Plan of the Battle on the Shores of Lake George, 8 September, 1755. Remarks made before the So ciety, March 13, 1890. By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. With a facsimile of the map. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 6. Folded map. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O86 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Capt. Samuel Jenks, during the French and Indian War, 17150. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 47. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1890. (3O87 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diplomatic Services of George William Erving, by J. L. M. Curry, LL. D. Communicated to the Society, with an introduction, by Robert C. Winthrop. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1889. (3O88 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Elder Brewster s Library, as Interpreted from the Meagre Record at Plymouth. A paper contributed to the Society. By Henry M. Dexter. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 51. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1889. (3O89 IASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. English Exiles in Amsterdam, 1597-lGL o. A paper contributed to the Society. By Henry M. Dexter. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 25. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1890. (3O9O 420 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harvard College and the First Church in Cambridge. [By Albert Buslmell Hart.] [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 21. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings,, 1890. Same 4to, pp. 6 [3 columns to a page]. No title-page. (3091 MASSACHUSETTS HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. James Otis s Argument against the Writs of Assistance, 1761. Remarks read before the Society, December 11, 1890. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, second series, Vol. vi. (3092 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Massachusetts Historical Society: En largement and Enrichment of its Library. Being a report of the Committee appointed to Examine the Library and Cabinet, read at the Annual Meeting of the Society on the 10th day of April, 1890. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, chairman of the committee. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1890. (3093 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Tyler Bigelow, some time chief justice of Massachusetts. By George B. Chase. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 38. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3094 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Henry Austin Whitney. By Edward Bangs. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 10. - Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, March, 1890. ( 3O95 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Thomas Coffin Amory. By Augustus T. Perkins. [ Boston, 1890. ] Svo, pp. 6. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3096 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notice of Jeremiah Morrow and Samuel F. Vinton, of Ohio, with a correction of some errors. By Robert C. Win- throp. Boston, 1890. Svo, pp. 0. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceed ings. (3097 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers relating to Capt. Thomas Law rence s Company, raised in Groton, Massachusetts, during the French and Indian War, 1758. Remarks made before the Society, May 8, 1890. By Samuel Abbott Green. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings, second seiies, Vol. vi. (3098 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks concerning a letter of Lafayette to Washington, made before the Society, November 13, 1890. By Edward J. Young. Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3O99 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY . [Remarks on a Deed of Land given by President Thomas Danforth to the Trustees of the Town of York, July U6. 1684, and on Robert Keayne s Notebook, by Samuel A. Green.] [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 5. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3100 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY*. Remarks on an early file of the Boston News-Letter [In the library of the New York Historical Society], made be fore the Society, November 13, 1890. With a letter by Thomas Jefferson. By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3101 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 421 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the new historical school. By Mellen Chamberlain. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1800. (31O2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tbe town of Becket. By Samuel A. Green. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (31O3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cabot s Mappe-Monde. [Remarks in communicating from the Papers of the late Charles Deaiie, copies of the Spanish and Latin Inscriptions on Cabot s Mappe-Monde, now in the Na tional Library at Paris, with a translation of them into English.] By Charles C. Smith. [Cambridge, 1891.] 8vo, pp. 305-339. Title on cover. Twenty copies printed for private distribution. From the Proceedings, February. 1801. (31O4-31O5 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Centennial Bibliography of the Massa chusetts Historical Society, 1891. With an Appendix. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. (2), f>6. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (31.OG MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charles Deaiie. LL. D., Vice-President Massachusetts Historical Society. A Memoir. By Justin Winsor. Cam bridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 47. Portrait. Privately printed from the Proceedings. (31O7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Governor Winthrop s estate. By Mellen Chamberlain. Presented at a stated meeting of the Society, held December 10, 1891. 8vo, pp. 127-143. No title page. Reprinted from the Proceeding*. (31 OS MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Horace Walpole on America. By Robert C. Winthrop. | Read before the Society October 8. 1891. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (31OO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Journal of Ebenezer Wild (1770- 1781), who served as Corporal, Sergeant, Ensign, and Lieutenant in the War of the Revolution. Edited by James M. Bugbee. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo. pp. 85. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1800. (311 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of memoirs printed in the Collcc- tianx of the Massachusetts Historical Society. [By Samuel A. Greeij. ] [Cambridge.] 1891. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3111 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Loyal Petitions of 1G66. Remarks of William S. Appleton before the Society. June 11, 1891. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3112 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Robert Bennet Forbes as prepared by Leverett Saltonstall and recorded with the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, December, 1800. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3113 422 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Henry Martyn Dexter. By John E. Sanford. 8vo, pp. 90-103. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings for November, 1891. (3113a MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Capt. Charles Cochran, n British Officer in the Revolutionary War, 1774-1781. By Mellen Chamber lain. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1891. (3114 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New England Courant and its young publisher, Benjamin Franklin, 1721-172(5. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green, June 11. 1801.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3115 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers relating to the companies of Cap tain Thomas Farrington and Captain Samuel Tarbell, both raised in Groton, Massachusetts, during the French and Indian war. [By Samuel Abbott Green.] [Cambridge, 1891.] 8vo, pp. 7. Caption title. Remarks before the Massachusetts Historical Society, May 14, 1891. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, 1891, 2d ser., v. 0. (3116 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Remarks by Edward G. Porter in pre senting a photographic copy of a page of the church record kept at Fair- field, Connecticut, containing the marriage of John Hancock and Dorothy Quincy, August 28, 1775.] 8vo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1891. (3117 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Remarks by Egbert C. Smyth in present ing a number of original papers relating to the construction and first occu pancy of Fort Dummer, and to a conference with the Scatacook Indians held there.] 8vo, pp. 359-381. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March and May, 1891. (3118 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The site of the Wessagusset settlement of 1622 at Weymouth, Massachusetts. By Charles Francis Adams. C.-mi- bridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1891. (3110 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some phases of sexual morality and church discipline in colonial New England. By Charles Francis Adams, jr. Cambridge, 1891. 8vo, pp. 43. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, June. 1891. (3120 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some Remarks on the Authorship of a Tract usually attributed to John Eliot, the Indian Apostle. [ By Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1891.] 8vo, pp- 4. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3121 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bequests from Dr. Buckminster Brown and Col. William W. Clapp, 1892. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1892.] Svo, pp. 3. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1892. (3122 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 423 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbus and the discovery of America. By Charles Francis Adams, George E. Ellis, Gamaliel Bradford, Alexander McKenzie, and Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1892. Svo. pp. 31. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1892. (3123 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbus and the Spanish discovery of America : A study in historical perspective. By Charles Francis Adams. Cambridge, 1892. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted "from the Proceedings, November, 1892.- (3124 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary kept by Capt. Lawrence Hammond, of Charlestown, Mass., 1677-1G94. With Notes and an Introduction, by Samuel A. Green, M. D. Cambridge, 1892. Svo, pp. 31. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3125 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Ezra Stiles. [Remarks by Ed ward G. Porter.] [1892.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3120 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Facsimiles of old newspapers. [-Re marks by Samuel A. Green. Dec. 8, 1892.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Same, second edition, same pages. (3127 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL, SOCIETY. A few remarks on the origin of New England towns. By Edward Channing. Cambridge, 1892. Svo, pp. 24. [Reprinted, one hundred copies, from the Proceedings for January, 1872.] (3128 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General Washington. Prediction made concerning him in 1755. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cam bridge, 1892.] Svo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Proceedings, .Tune, 1S92. (3129 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The genesis of the Massachusetts town, and the development of town-meeting government. By C. F. Adams, A. C. Goodell, jr., Mellen Chamberlain, and Edward Channing. Cambridge, 1892. 8vo, pp. 94. Reprinted from the Procec<Jings of thr Massachusetts Historical Society, Jan uary, 1892. (313O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Tulley s almanacs. [By Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1892.] Svo, pp. 3. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1892. (3131-3132 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Agustus Thorndike Perkins. By William II. Whitmore. Cambridge, 1892. Svo, pp. 14. Portrait. . Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3133 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Samuel Crocker Cobb. By James M. Bugbee. Cambridge, 1892. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1892. (3134 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The results in Europe of Cartier s ex plorations. 1542-1603. By Justin Winsor, LL. D. Cambridge, 1892. Svo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February. 1S92. (3135 424 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The ship " Columbia " and the Columbia River. [Remarks by Edward G. Porter. Cambridge, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1892. (3136 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some Remarks on the Waters-Winthrop May. [By Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 4. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1892. (3137 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William Nutting. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. (Si 38 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American Philosophical Society and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Remarks by Samuel A. Green, June 8, 1893. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1892. (3139 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Anticipations of Cartier s Voyages, 1492-1534. By Justin Winsor, LL. D. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 14. Two maps. The maps are reproductions of the American sections of the Maiollo map, 1527. One hundred copies, privately reprinted from the Proceedings. (3140 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Funeral Elegies. A paper presented at a meeting of the Society, December 14, 1893. By Samuel A. Green. [Boston, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3141 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. R. C. Waterston. By J. P. Quincy. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1893. (3142 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Origin and Growth of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. A paper presented at a meeting of the Society, November 9, 1893. By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 35. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3143 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on an original portrait of the Rev. Increase Mather, D. D., and on some of the engravings taken from it. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for March, 1893. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 10. (3144 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on Nonacoicus, the Indian name of Major Willard s farm at Groton, Mass. [By Samuel A. Green.] May 11, 1893. Cambridge, 1893. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3145 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the bequests of the Rev. Robert C. Waterston and on an original portrait of Franklin. [By Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1893. (3146 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The ravages of book-worms. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green. M. D.] [Cambridge, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1893. (3147 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 425 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Talcott papers. Remarks by Mellen Chamberlain, at the meeting of the Society, March 9, 1893. [Cambridge, 1893.1 8vo, pp. (19). Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1893. (3148 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Certain grants of land made in the year 1G84, now within the limits of Nashua, N. II. By Samuel Afhbott] Green. [Cambridge, 1894.J 8vo, pp. 5. Caption title. Remarks made at a meeting of the Massachusei "s Historical Society, Nov. 8, 1894 ; reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society. (3149 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Doggerel ballads and some social dis tinctions at Harvard College. [By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D. ] [Cam bridge, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1894. (315O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The earliest printed sources of New England history, 1G02-1629. By Justin Winsor. Reprinted. 100 copies, from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. November, 1894. Cambridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 14. (3151 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Francis Parkman : A sketch. By O. B. Frothingham. Written for the Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston. 1894. 8vo, pp. 45. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1894. (3152 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harvard College in early times, 1672- 1(577. | By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1894.1 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1894. (3153 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Fitch Edward Oliver, M. 1). By Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, I). D. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January. 1894. (3154 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Henry Warren Torrey, LL. I). P.y William W. Goodwin. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massa chusetts Historical Society, November, 1894. Cambridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 15. (3155 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oliver Wendell Holmes. [Remarks by Henry Lee.l [Cambridge, 1894.1 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Octoher, 1894. 3156 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Refutation of the alleged illtreatment of Captain Fenton s wife and daughter. [By Samuel A. Green, M. I).] [Cambridge, 1894.1 8vo, pp. 4. Half title. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1894. (3157 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks by Rev. Edward G. Porter on Scribe s La Bohemienne, ou I Amerique en 1775. Drame historique. [Cam bridge, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 108, 109. No title-page. (3158 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks concerning long terms of mem bership in the Massachusetts Historical Society. [By Samuel Abbott Groru.] [Cambridge, 1894.1 8vo, pp. 5. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1894. (3159 426 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on an agreement among cer tain members of the General Court in 17SG, relating to the importation of foreign goods, and also on four views in Boston made during the Revolu tion. [By Samuel A. Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Half title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1894. 3160 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on some rare German prints of New York and Quebec, and on contributions in the year 1781 by the churches of Massachusetts to the distressed inhabitants of South Carolina and Georgia. [By Samuel Abbott Green, M. D.] [Cambridge, 1894.] 8vo, pp 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1894. (3161 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes of the Massachusetts Historical Society to Francis Parkman, at a special meeting. Nov. 21. 1893. Cam bridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3162 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to the memory of Robert C. Winthrop, by the Massachusetts Historical Society. December 13, 1894. Boston. Published by the Society, 1894. 8vo, pp. 40, (1). Cil6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A century of the Senate of the United States. Prepared by William S. Appleton. [Cambridge, 180.1.] 8vo. pp. 9-11. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1895. (3164 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Benjamin Tompson. A graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1002, and the earliest native American ]>oet, with some bibliographical notes en his literary works. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green.] June 13, 1895. 8vo, pp. 25. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3165 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The confiscated estates of Boston Loyal ists. By John T. Hassam. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo. pp. 27. Reprinted from the Proceedings for May, 1895. (3160 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The diary of John Rowe, a Boston mer chant, 17(54-1779. A paper read by Edward L. Pierce before the Society, March 14, 1895. Cambridge, 1895. Svo, pp. 108. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Printed later with some slight changes in " Letters and Diary of John Ro\v>." (Boston.) (1903.) MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dunster Papers. By John T. Cambridge, 1895, 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from Proceedings for October. 1895. (316S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ebenezer R. Hoar. [Remarks by Henry Lee.] [Cambridge, 1895.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1895. (3169 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hilton letters. Remarks by John T. Hassam. [Cambridge, 1895.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1895. (317O MASSACHUSETTS HISTOEICAL SOCIETY. 427 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A list of commencement clays <it Harvard College, 1042-1700. Remarks by Samuel A. Green. May 9, 1895. 8vo, pp. 11, (1). No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Page 13, from Proceedings, November, 189,1, also addition of I page from Proceedings, December, 1897. (8171 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A list of early American imprints belong ing to the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. With an intro duction and notes, by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 137. Facsim. Titles arranged chronologically, 1643-1700; transcribed line for line, with descriptive and bibliographical notes. " Two hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, February, 1895." Supplementary lists were published in 1898, 1899, and 1903. (3172 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Bangs. By John Lowell. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 6. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October. 1895. (SI 73 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Jackson Lowell. By A. Lawrence Lowell. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1895. (3174 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George E. Ellis. By O. B. Frothingham. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 51. Reprinted from the Proceedings for May, 1895. (3175 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of Henry Wheatland, M. D. By William I*. Upham. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for January, 1895. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 27. Portrait. (317G MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial stones dedicated by the town of Acton, April 19, 1895. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massa chusetts Historical Society.] Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 7. Communicated to the Society, May 9, 1905. by Edward G. Porter. (3177 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Michael Wigglesworth, the earliest poet among Harvard graduates, with some bibliographical notes on his Day of doom. By Samuel Abbott Green. [Cambridge, 1895.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1895. (S1.7S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORJCAL SOCIETY. The New England Indians: A biblio graphical Survey, 1030-1700. By Justin Winsor. Reprinted, 100 copies from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, November, 1895. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 35. (317J> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Samuel Skelton, the first minister of Salem, Mass. [By Samflel A. Green.] [Cambridge, 1895.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Caption title only. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1895. (318O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to Octavius Brooks Erothingham. By Edward James Young. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1895. (31S1 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes of the Bar and of the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth to the memory of Ebenexer Rock wood 428 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Hoar. Together with the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society on February 14, 1895. Cambridge, 1895. 8vo, pp. 94. Portrait. Privately printed. (3182 MASSACHUSETTS HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to the memory of Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, by the Massachusetts Historical Society, February 14, 1895. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 35 Reprinted from the Proceedings. Same appears as pp. 55-94 of " Tributes of the Bar." Cambridge, 1895. (3183 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to the memory of George E. Ellis, by the Massachusetts Historical Society, January 10, 1895. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3184 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Andrew P. Peabody, D. D., LL. D. A memoir. By Edward J. Young. Prepared for the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge, 1890. 8vo, pp. 28. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (318H MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Cabot controversies, and the right of England to North America. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1896. 8vo. pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1896. (3186 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The demolition of the McLean Asylum at Somerville. With an account of its original buildings. By Edward G. Porter. Cambridge, 1896. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April. 1896. 3187 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Langdon Sibley, Librarian of Har vard College. Remarks by Samuel A. Green. June 11, 1896. 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceeding*. (3188 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of James Russell Lowell, LL. D. By A. Lawrence Lowell. Cambridge, 189(5. 8vo, pp. 75-102. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June. 1896. (3189 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Martin Brimmer. By Samuel Eliot. Cambridge, 1896. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1896.] Same, a later issue without portrait. (3190 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Octavius Brooks Frothinglmm. By J. P. Quincy. Cambridge, 1896. 8vo, pp. 35. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1896. (3191 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Memorial to Congress, calling attention: to certain facts connected with the United States Frigate " Constitution. Dec. 26, 1896.] 4to, pp. [3]. (3192 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Recollections as a source of history. -A paper read by Edward L. Pierce before the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, March 12, 1896. Cambridge, 1896. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (319I J MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 429 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on a copy of the old laws of Harvard College and on some matters connected with that institution. By Samuel A. Green. [Cambridge, 189G.] 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1896. (311)4 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on an early hook-catalogue printed in Boston ; with other bibliographical matter. By Samuel A. Green. April 9, 189(3. [Cambridge, 1896.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1896, and printed later iu the appendix of No. 3227, below. (3195 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the names of Townsend Har bor, Massachusetts, and of Mason Harbor and Punstable Harbor, New Hampshire. By Samuel A. Green. [Cambridge, 1896.] 8vo, pp. 3. Caption title. Presented at a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Feb. 13, 1896. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (319ft MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on some early editions of the Rev. Thomas Symmes s sermon at Bradford, Mass., May 16, 1725, on Love- well s fight at Pigwacket, Maine. [Cambridge, 1896.] 8vo, pp. 4. Caption title. Presented by Dr. S. A. Green before a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Nov. 12, 1896. Reprinted from the Proceeding*. <3197 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. John Barnard, of Marblehead. Remarks by Samuel A. Green, June 11, 1896. 8vo, -pp 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3198 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Mather Byles, jr., D. D., of Boston. Remarks by Samuel A. Green, March 12, 1896. 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3199 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to Martin Brimmer. By Charles W. Eliot. February 13, 1896. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (32OO MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to the memory of the Hon. Rob ert C. Winthrop. By the trustees of the Pea body Education Fund at their annual meeting in New York, September 25, 1895. Communicated to the Massachusetts Historical Society by Samuel A. Green. 1896. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. (32O1 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The act of incorporation, with the addi tional acts and by-laws of the Massachusetts Historical Society; and a list of officers and resident members, August, 1897. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 27. Reprinted from the Proceedings for December, 1888, and June, 1889. (H2O2 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baptista Agnese and American Car tography in the Sixteenth Century. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 16. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1897.] (32O3 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A British account of the Battle of Lex ington ; and the last meeting in the Dowse library at No. 30 Tremont St., Boston. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1897.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1897, (32O4 430 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary kept by Lieut. Dudley Bradstreet. of Groton, Mass.. during tbe siege of Louisburg. April, 1745-January, 1740. With notes and an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1897. Svo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for 1897. (3205 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of officers and members. January, 1791-September, 1897. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 22. Same, another edition with slight changes, same imprint. (32O6 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Henry Lillie Pierce. By James M. Bugbee. Cambridge, 1897". 8vo, pp. 27. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1897. (32O7 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Leverett Saltonstall. By Charles Russell Codman. Cambridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 32. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1897. (3208 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Robert C. Winthrop. Pre pared for the Society by Robert C. Winthrop, jr. Boston, 1897. Svo, pp. 358. Portraits. Same, second edition, with slight corrections, same pagination, and same imprint. (320J) MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philip Melanchthon. An address before the Massachusetts Historical Society, on the occasion of the four hundredth anniversary of his birth. By Alexander V. G. Allen. Cambridge, 1897. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1897. (321O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the early history of printing in New England. By Samuel A. Green. 1897. Svo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1897, and printed later in the appendix of No. 3227, below. (3211 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the Otis papers in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society. By Samuel A. Green. 1897. Svo, pp. 8. Cover-title. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1897. (3212 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks suggested by a tablet at Rome commemorative of S. F. B. Morse. By Edward G. Porter. Cambridge, 1S!T. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1897. (3213 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Cabot proceedings at the Halifax meeting of the Royal Society of Canada, June 21-25, 1897. By Edward G. Porter. Cambridge, 1897. Svo, pp. 10. Presented at the October meeting of the Society and reprinted from the Proceedings. (3214 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the Franklin Fund of the city of Boston. By Samuel F. McCleary. Cambridge, 1897. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Oct. 14, 1897. (3215 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Surrender of the Bradford Manu script. By Justin Winsor. Cambridge, 1897. Svo, pp. 8. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1897.] (3216 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 431 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to George O. Shattuck. [By James B. Thayer.] [1897.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings., March, 1S07. (3217 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Whigs of Massachusetts. By Wil liam S. Appleton. Read before the Massachusetts Historical Society at the meeting of March 11, 1897, and reprinted from the Proceedings. Cambridge, 1897. Svo, pp. 7. (. {218 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary kept by Lieut. Amos Farnsworth, of Groton, Mass., during a part of the Revolutionary War. April 1775- May, 1779. With notes and an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cam bridge, 1898. Svo, pp. 36. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January. 1898. (321!) MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early recorders and registers of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Massachusetts, 1(539-1785. By John Tyler Has- sam. Cambridge, 1898. 8vo, pp. 52. Facsim. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for May, 1898. Printed later in Suffolk Deeds, Vol. x. 1SO!>. (322O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from the note-book of the Rev. John Fiske, 1637-1675. With an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cam bridge, 1898. Svo, pp. 24. Reprinted from the Proceeding*, October, 1898. (3221 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Four letters of Dr. Isaac Watts. [By Samuel A. Green.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. [Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1898.] (3222 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. James Lurvey, of Gloucester, Mass. A patriot of the Revolution. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1898.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. f Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1898. (3223 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Benjamin Marston Watson. By Edward Everett Hale. Cambridge, 1898. Svo, pp. 8. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1898. (3224 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Amory Lowell. By Charles C. Smith. Cambridge, 1898. Svo, pp. 22. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1898. (3225 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A supplementary list of early American imprints belonging to the library <;f the Massachusetts Historical Society. With dates of two early commencements at Cambridge. By Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1898. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, June, 1898. (322G MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A second supplementary list of early American imprints. By Samuel A. Green. With notes and an appendix. [With title index to the first and second supplements.] Cambridge, 1899. 8vo, pp. 70. Reprinted from the Proceedings for January, 1899. The appendix contains a reprint of nos. 3195 and 3211, given above ; and pages 18-23 of the pamphlet contain no. 3229, given below. (3227 432 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Bahama Islands. Notes on an early attempt at colonization. By John T. Hassam. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo, pp. 59. Map. Reprinted from the Proceedings for March, 1899. (3228 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Mexican printers. A letter from George Parker Winship. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January 12, 1899. (8229 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An eccleciastical council held at Groton. Massachusetts, April 15, 1712. Remarks by Samuel A. Green, November 9, 1899. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. i 323O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first Boston Imprint. Remarks by Samuel A. Green, Oct. 12, 1899. [Cambridge, 1899.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (8231 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. George S. Hale, A. M. A memoir pre pared for the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, by Arthur B. Ellis. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo. pp. 20. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceeding*, February, 1899. i 3232 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historians and historical societies. An address at the opening of the Fenway building of the Massachusetts His torical Society, April 13, 1899, by Charles Francis Adams. Cambridge. 1899. 8vo, pp. 41. Reprinted from the Proceedings. Same, new edition, with slight changes and same imprint. ( 3233 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Justin Winsor. A memoir prepared for the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. By Horace E. Scudder. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo, pp. 32. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1899. ( 3233a MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Clement Hugh Hill. By Charles C. Smith. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1899. (3234 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Justin Winsor. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green, June 8, 1899, on his bequest of his works to the Society.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3235 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the character of Samuel Eliot, LL. D.. made at a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, October 13, 1898. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter. Cambridge. 1899. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Proceedings. < (3236 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks upon the death of Walbridge Abner Field, late Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court. By Mr. Justice Barker. Read at the meeting of the Society, October 12, 1899. Cambridge, 1899. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3237 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 433 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A search for a pamphlet by Governor Hutchinson. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1899. Svo, pp. 29. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1890. (328S MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary by Increase Mather, March, 1675- December. 1676, together with extracts from another diary by him, 1674- 1687. With an introduction and notes by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 54. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1899, and January, 19OO. < :{U:> .MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early houses near Massachusetts Kay. By James F. Hunnewell. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 19<K. i H24O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An error in the resolution of Congress admitting Missouri into the Union. By Lucien Carr. Cambridge, 1900. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1900. < J5241 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from John Marshall s Diary, January, 1689-December, 1711. With an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 24. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1900. (8242 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Codman Hopes, LL. D. A memoir by his friend and classmate Joseph May. No imprint. Svo, pp. 28, Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1900. Printed later in "A Memoir of the life of John Codman Ropes." (Boston, privately printed, 1901.) (8248 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Benjamin F. Thomas, LL. D. By Richard Olney. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 9. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1900. 8244 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Francis A. Walker, LL. D. By Francis C. Lowell. Cambridge, 1900. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1S99. (8245 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORIAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Otis Shattuck. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 24. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1900. With an appendix containing remarks by James B. Thayer, March, 1S97, and remarks before the Suffolk Bar, May 29, 1897. <824<> IASSAI -HUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Lowell, LL. D. By Thornton K. Lothrop. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 14. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1900. Same, second edition, with same imprint. Svo, pp. !<;. (8247 IASSACIIUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Samuel Eliot, LL. I). By Henry W. Hayiies. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 24. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1900. (8248 IASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William G. Russell. By Winslow Warren. Cambridge, 1900. Svo, pp. 11. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1900. (824J> H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 28 434 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Occult methods of protecting the cur rency. Sewall s mnemonic lines and their interpretation. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1900. 8vo, pp. (1), 315-327. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1899. : , jr,( MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Registers of deeds for the county of Suf folk, Massachusetts. 1735-1900. By John T. Ilassam. Cambridge, 1900. 8vo, pp. 75. Continuation of the author s Early recorders and registers of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Mass. 1639-1735. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for March, 1900, and printed later in Suffolk Deeds, Vol. xi, Boston, 1900. (3251 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute of Dr. Samuel A. Green to Charles F. Dunbar and Edward G. Porter. 1900. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-pase. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1900. i 3252 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to Mellen Chamberlain. By George B. Chase. Prepared for the Massachusetts Historical Society at its first meeting after his death. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1900. (. {Ho. ? MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Coat-armor. A paper read before tin Society at its stated meeting, February 14, 1901. By Edmund F. Shifter. Boston. 1901. 8vo. pp. 11. Reprinted from the Proceedings. i 3251 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dreams as factors in history. By Jo- siah Phillips Quincy. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1901. (3255 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Joseph Jones to James Madi son, 1788-1802. Edited by Worthington C. Ford. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 48. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1901. i 3256 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The limits of reliable memory. By Jo- siah Phillips Quiney. Cambridge, 19(>1. 8vo, pp. 10. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1901. (3257 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The manuscripts of Jonathan Edwards. By Franklin Bowditch Dexter. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1901. i 325s MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Augustus Lowell. By Thorn ton K. Lothrop. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1901. (325!> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Prof. Edwards Amasa Park. By Alexander McKcnzie. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1901. (326O 3261 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Samuel Foster McCleary. By James M. Bugbee. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, October, 1901. (3262 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 435 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Henry Whitmore. By William S. Appleton. Cambridge [Mass.], 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. Front, (port.). Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1901. Bibliography, pp. 12-16. (3263 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William W T hitvvell Green- ough. By Barrett Wendell. Cambridge, 1901. 8vo, pp. 17. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1901. (3264 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. President Lincoln s speech at Gettys burg, November 19, 1803. By Samuel Abbott Green. [Cambridge, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 3. Remarks by Dr. Green at a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, May 9, 1901 ; reprinted from the Proceedings. Caption title. (3265 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Robert N. Toppan, A. M. Remarks made at the stated meeting of the Society, June 13, 1901, on Mr. Toppan s work in the Prince Society. By Edmund F. Shifter. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 4, Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3266 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the short-hand writings of Jonathan Edwards. By William I*. Upham. Reprinted from the Pro ceedings of the Society, February, 1902. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 11. Illustrated. (3267 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief description of the towns in New England, A. D. 1650; read before the Society, January 9, 1902. With an introduction by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 8. (3268 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Governor and Council of His Majes ty s Province of the Massachusetts Bay, 1 714-1715. By Worthington Chauncey Ford. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 37. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1901. (3269 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The historical conception of the United States Constitution and Union. By D. II. Chamberlain. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 25. Reprinted from the Proceedings for May, 1902. (327O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Horace Gray, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, 18(54-1873 ; Chief Justice, 1873-1881 ; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 1881-1902. Tributes of Charles Francis Adams and Solomon Lincoln before the Massa chusetts Historical Society, October 9, 1902. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3271 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Cotton s Moses, his judicials and abstract of the laws of New England. By Worthington Chauncey Ford. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1902. (3272 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Quincy Adams, his connection with the Monroe doctrine (1823), by Worthington Chauncey Ford, and with emancipation under martial law (1819-1842), by Charles Francis Adams. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 113. Reprinted from the Proceedings.. January, 1902. (3273 436 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters from James Parker, printer, to Benjamin Franklin, 1741-1773. Edited by Wortliiiigton C. Ford. Cam bridge, 1002. 8vo, pp. 48. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1902. (3274 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Lincoln Flagg Brigbam, LL. D. By Solomon Lincoln. 8vo, pp. 535-538. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1901*. (3275 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Robert Noxon Toppan. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1901 . (327(> MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William C. Endicott, LL. D. Communicated by Charles Francis Adams, February 13, 1902. Cambridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 20. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3277 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Registers of probate for tbe county of Suffolk, Massachusetts. 1G39-1799. By John T. Hassam, A. M, Cam bridge, 1902. 8vo, pp. 107. Half-title : Suffolk registers of probate. Reprinted from the Proceedings, March, 1902. (3278 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Two narratives of the expedition against Quebec,. A. D. lt>90, under Sir William Phips. The one by Rev. John Wise, of Ipswich, Mass., and the other by an unknown writer. With an intro duction by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1902. Svo, pp. 42. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1901. (327J) MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The federal constitution in Virginia. 1787-1788. Collected by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. G3. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, October, 1903. Letters from Edvv. Carrington, Joseph Jones, and others, to Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Brig. Gen. Russell. (3280 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A glance sit suicide as dealt with in the colony and in the province of Massachusetts Bay. By John Noble. Cain- bridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 19O2. (32S1-3282 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letters to and from Richard Price, D. D. F. R. S., 17G7-1790. Cambridge, 1903. Svo, pp. 119. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, May 1903. (328: MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Louisiana Purchase and the appen to posterity. By Josiah Phillips Quincy. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1908. (.328- MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Massachusetts Convention of 1853 By James Schouler. 8vo, pp. 19. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1903." (328f MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 437 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Bigelow Chase, A. M. Communicated by Charles Francis Adams. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 1.1. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1903. (328< MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Sunnier Appleton. By Charles C. Smith. Cambridge. 1903. 8vo, pp. 20. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceeding, October, 1903. (3287 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, calling attention to certain facts con nected with the United States frigate Constitution. Boston, December 30, 1903. 4 to, pp. [4]. (3288 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The merchants notes of 1733. By An drew McFarland Davis. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 27. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1903. (3289 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paul Revere s portrait of Washington. By Charles Henry Hart. 8vo, pp. 4. No. d., n. p. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1903. (329O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Prehistoric Bunker Hill. [By James F. Ilunnewell.] [1903.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1903. (3291 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tlve relations between lower and higher races. By G. Stanley Hall. 8vo, pp. 10. No title-pase. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1903. (32912 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the character of William Sunnier Appieton, A. M., made at a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, May 14, 1903. By the Rev. Edmund F. Shifter. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3293 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the life of Rev. John Hig- ginson, 1 01 0-1 708. Read before the Society, Dec. 11, 1902, by Simeon F,. Baldwin. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 477-521. Reprinted from the Proceedings, 1902. (3294 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A third supplementary list of early American imprints. With notes, by Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1903. 8vo, pp. 67. Two hundred copies reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, January, 1903. (3295 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Alexander Hamilton s notes in the Fed eral convention of 1787. Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. [Re printed from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, June, 1904.1 Cambridge, 1904. 8vo, pp. 17. (329G MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Horace Gray. Memoir by George Fris- bie Hoar. [Cambridge. 1904.1 8vo, pp. 35. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1904. (3297 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Joseph Eliot, minister of Guilford. Conn., 10t>4-l()94, Author of a Letter to his Brother, Benjamin Eliot, of Roxbury, 438 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Mass., a student in Harvard College. [Remarks by Samuel A. Green.] [Cambridge, 1904.] 8vo, pp. 4. (3298 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Landing of the Hessians, 1V76. A paper read at the meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, February 11, 1904. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3299 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edmund Quincy. By Josiah Phillips Quincy. Cambridge, 1904. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1904. (3300 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward L. Pierce. By James Ford Rhodes. Cambridge, 1904. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1904. (33O1-3302 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. President Langdon, of Harvard College, 1723-1797. 8vo, pp. 41. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, February, 1904. (3303 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The prospectus of Blackwell s bank, 1687. By Andrew McFarland Davis. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, December, 1903.] Cambridge, 1904. Svo, pp. 21. (3304 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the Boston Magazine, the Geographical gazetteer of Massachusetts, and John Norman, engraver. By Samuel A. Green. [Cambridge, 1904.] Svo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Proceedings, May, 1904. (3305 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. E. Winchester Donald, D. D. [Re marks by Alexander V. G. Allen, at a meeting of the Society, Oct. 13, 1904.] [Cambridge, 1904.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (3305c MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Samuel E. Herrick, D. D. [Re marks by Alexander McKenzie.] [Cambridge, 1904.] 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings, December, 1904. (330C MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some notes concerning John Norman engraver (died June 8, 1817, Aet. 69). By Charles Henry Hart. Cam bridge, 1904. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1904. (330 , MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Abraham Bishop, of Connecticut, and hi: writings. By Franklin B. Dexter. Cambridge, 1905. Svo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society, March, 1905. (330* MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The case of Samuel Shrimpton. B: Worthington Chauncey Ford. Cambridge, 1905. Svo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1905. (330J MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The character and history of the Book o Sports, 1618-1643. A paper read at a meeting of the Society, on Feb. 9 1905. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1905. Svo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (331< MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 439 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Edward Savage, Painter and engraver, and his unfinished copper-plate of " The Congress voting independence." A paper read before the Massachusetts Historical Society, January 12, 1905, By Charles Henry Hart. With a chronological catalogue of his engraved work. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 21. (3311 Reprinted from the Proceedings. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George Frisbie Hoar. Pre pared for the Society, by Nathaniel Paine and G. Stanley Hall. Boston, - 1905. Svo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April, 1905. (3312 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on John Foster, the earliest engraver in New England. By Samuel A. Green. Cambridge, 1905. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1905. (3313 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some phases of the Civil War. An ap preciation and criticism of Mr. James Ford Rhodes s fifth volume. By Charles Francis Adams. Cambridge, 1905. Svo, pp. 46. Reprinted from the Proceedings, October, 1905. (3314 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tributes of the Bar and of the Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth to the memory of Walbridge Abner Field, together with memoirs read before the Massachusetts Historical Society. Cambridge, 1905. Pp. 07. Portrait. Contents : The Bar of the Commonwealth : Addresses of Alexander S. Wheeler, .Tames R. Dunbar, Solomon Lincoln, Moorfield Storey, Herbert Parker, Charles T. Gallagher. Supreme Judicial Court of the Commonwealth : Addresses of Attorney General Knowlton ; Resolutions ; Response of Chief Justice Holmes. Resolutions. The Massachusetts Historical Society ; Remarks by Mr. Justice Barker : Memoir by John Noble. Privately printed. (3315 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington oak at Mount Vernon. Re marks made by Samuel A. Green before the Society, May 11, 1905. [Cam bridge, 1905.] Svo, pp. 3. (3310 MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hertford, Mass. MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " On the banks of the Mystic ; " an historic fes tival under the auspices of the Medford Historical Society and the personal direction of Margaret McLaren Eager. * * * Medford opera house, October 14th to 20th, 189G. * * * [Boston, 1890?! Svo, pp. [24]. Illus., port. (3317 MKDIORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. I. 1898. Medford, Mass. Svo, pp. iv, 148. Illustrated. Contents: The schools and schoolmasters of colonial days in Medford, by Benj. F. Morrison ; Sketch of the Medford Historical Society, with a list of officers and members ; The Medford blacksmith of 1775, by R. J. P. Goodwin ; Sarah Bradlee Fulton chapter, D. A. R., by Eliza M. Gill ; The importance of preserving early history, by Mellen Chamberlain ; Historic sites of Medford ; Literal copy of births, deaths, and marriages in Medford from earliest records, by Ella S. Ilinckley ; The Middlesex canal, by Lorin L. Dame ; Sarah Bradlee Fulton, by Helen T. Wild ; William Gushing Wait biographical sketch ; Ship building in Medford, by James A. Hervey ; Some notes on the history of Med ford from 1801 to 1851, by Thomas S. Harlpw ; Index to births, deaths, and mar- 440 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. riages published in Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of Register ; Conveyance Cradock to Dawstin [Suffolk Deeds I, p. II]. The early physicians of Medford, by Charles, M. Green ; Maps of Medford at different periods, by William dishing Wait ; | Governor Cradock s plantation, by Walter H. Gushing. (3318, MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. n. 1899. 8vo, pp. iv, 175. Illustrated. Contents: Bridges in Medford, by John H. Hooper; Medford in the War of! the Revolution, by Helen T. Wild ; Map of Medford ; The roads of old Medford, j by John H. Hooper ; Births, deaths, and marriages from early records, by Ella S. Hinckley ; The evolution of the Medford Public Library, by Mary E. Sargent ; , Officers and committees; Early ministers of Medford, by Henry C. De Long; The Royall House loan exhibition, Apr., 1809; The work of local historical j societies, by E. A. Start ; Some unpublished school reports, 183639 ; " Maria i Del Occidente," paper, by Caroline E. Swift ; Deacon Samuel Train, by Horace ; D. Hall ; The Governor Brooks monument ; Early names of Medford s streets. (3319: MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. HI. 1900. 8vo, pp. iv, 156. Illustrated. Contents : The development of the public school of Medford, by Charles H. Morss ; Treasurer s report of the town of Medford, 17291734; Medford and the Stamp Act ; Medford and the tea tax ; The Second Congregational and Mystic churches, by Charles Cummings ; The highway or canal through Labor in Vain point, by John H. Hooper ; A business man of long ago, by Helen T. Wild ; Lydia Maria Child, by Anna I). Hallowell ; Slavery in Medford, by Wal ter II. dishing ; Dedication of memorial tablet to Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton, by Helen T. Wild ; The Cutter family and its connection with a tide mill in Med ford, by Wm. R. Cutter; The Royall house and farm, by John H. Hooper; William Henry Whitmore,~by Geo. A. Cordon. (3320 MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. iv. 1901. 8vo, pp. iv, 110. Illustrated. Contents : " The Ford at Mistick," by John II. Hooper ; Incidents and reminis cences of the fire department of Medford, by Samuel G. Jepson ; An early scourge in Medford, by Stafford Hammond; Some unpublished school reports; First Universalist society in Medford, by Parker R. Litchfield ; Strangers in Medford, by Helen T. Wild ; Membership list ; Maj r : Jou a : Wade s real estate divided, by Helen T. Wild ; Eleazer Boynton, by Charles H. Loomis ; Reminis cences of an earlier Medford, by James A. Harvey ; Elezur Wright and the Middlesex Fells, by Ellen M. Wright ; Contract for rebuilding Cradock bridge, 1829 ; Medford assembly, or dancing-class, organized Nov., 1808, by Helen T. Wild; Old Ship street, by Fred. H. C. Woolley ; Civic feast in Mediord, held to commemorate the success of the French people in their fight for liberty, 1793; An old account book [kept by Aaron Blanchard, 1815 to 1848 1, by Helen T. Wild; Letter from John Brooks to Dudley Hall, June 15, 1811; The McKinley Memorial Service, by C. H. Loomis. (3321 MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. v. Medford,, 1902. 8vo, pp. iv, 96. Contents : Mrs. Jane Turell, by Myra Brayton Morss ; " Current Events," 1724-1734 extracts from the town records of Medford, by Helen T. Wild; Forgotten industries and enterprises, by Moses W. Mann ; Obituaries; Grace Church, Medford an historical monograph, by Benjamin Pratt Ilollis ; Obitu aries ; Lawyers of Medford, by Herbert A. Weitz ; The home of the Historical society ; The identity of the Cradock house ; The Lawrence Light Guard, by Helen Tilden Wild : The " Town House," from the Town Records ; Medford square, 1835 to 1850. (3322 MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. vi. Medford, 1903. 8vo, pp. iv, 98. Contents : The Lawrence Light Guard, by Helen T. Wild ; The tradition of the old weaver s clock, by John Albree, jr. ; Mystic river above the bridge, 1835- 1850 ; Ancestry of Aaron Blanchard, periwigmaker ; Obituaries ; Lorin Low Dame, 1838-1903, by Charles II. Morss; Medford in 1S47, by Charles Cum mings; Genealogy of Gilbert Blanchard, grocer, and his wife, Mary Blanchard; The Baptist Church of Medford, by Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer ; The days of hand engines, by Charles Cummings ; Great fire in Medford, from the Daily Chrono- M KT 1 1 C ! . N HISTORICAL SOCIETY . type, Nov. I l . IsnO; Snv.nyers in Medford (continued from vol. 4); " Ovn- the hill to the p.orhouse," by Helen T. Wild; John Pierpont, by Henry C. I>e Long; Main street, Ls: ,r, -is.io ; A package of old*letters, extracts from letters written by Simon Tufts to Benjamin Hall, jr., 1789-1802. (3323 HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. vn. 1904. Medford, Mass. 8vo, pp. iv, 96. Portrait. Plates. Map. Contents: An eighteenth century enterprise (The Middlesex canal), by Moses Whitcher Mann ; To\vn records, Vol. I, page 1 ; Strangers in Medford (eighteenth century) : History told by names of streets, by Helen T. Wild; Susanna Rowsun, by Mary E. Sargent; Medford Square, 1682-1715; A town meeting, 1847, by Cttarles Cummings; K<>v. Elijah Horr, D. D., by Charles II. Loom is ; Officers of the Society for year ending March, 1905 ; Some old Medford houses and estates, by John II. Hooper ; A Fast-day hymn, 1764; Boarding school Joseph Wyman, Columbian Centincl, 1795; Petition of Belinda, servant of Isaac Royall, 1783; Jonathan and Nathaniel Wade; Society notes; Meeting-house ^brook and the second meeting-house, by F. II. C. Wool ley ; Andrew Hall, esq. his widow s dower set off; Expedition to Goldsboro, N. C., 1862 (by Silas P. Wild, a cor poral of Co. V, r.ih Mass. Infantry), edited by Emma Wild Goodwin; Richard Price Ilalknvell. by Henry C. Delong. (3324 HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medford Historical Register. Vol. vm. 1905. Medford, Mass. 8vo, pp. iv, 306. Illustrated. Contents: The taverns of Medford, by John H. Hooper; A soldier s letter, 177(5 ; Strangers in Medford ; New Hampshire soldiers in Medford, by Eliza M. (Jill : Samuel dishing, by Elisba B. Curtis; Church records 1713-1721, Medford Amicable Singing Society ; Genealogy of the Francis family. 1647-1903, by Charles S. Young; High Street about 1820; Gustavus Fisher Guild; The loyalists of Medford. by Grace L. Sargent ; The Whitmores of Medford and some "f their descendants, by Alice C. Ayres ; The W T est End school-house, by Moses Whitchei .Mann; Records of the Revolutionary War City archives; "Full of Years," by Helen T. Wild; Papers and addresses, Medford Historical Society, 1904-5; West Medford in 1S70, by Moses Whitcher Mann ; Captain Isaac Hall, by Hall Gleason ; The two hundred sevent.v-tifth anniversary of Medford. (3325 MKinVAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mad ir a it. .!/(/**. AY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the celebration of Old Home Day, Wednesday, August third, nineteen hundred and four. Together with an account of the Rev. Jacob Ide Memorial in connection therewith. Pub lished by the Society. 1004. Svo. pp. 49. Illustrated. (332G Jl/A/.Y/JO.V JIlxTOlfH AL HOCIKTY. IN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the first meeting of the Mendon Historical Society, in Town Hall, Mendon. Massachusetts, on Tuesday, Feb. IS, 1S1MJ. with Constitution, Addresses, and Hymn. Milford, 1897. 8TO, pp. 4H. (3327 METHI i:\ HISTORICAL Mctliucu, Mi !HT:N HISTORICAL SOCFKTY. Ye catalog of epitaphs from ye old burying ground (:ii Meeting-house hill in Methuen, Massachusetts. Published 1>\ the Mctlmen Historical Society. Edited by Charles W. Mann. Methuen. 1*!7. pp. 116- (3328 442 AMKIIIi \.\ HIS r <.v -OCIAT1ON. i. MKTIH K.\ HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication No 1. . pp. in. Contents : Opening address by President Joseph Sidney Howe ; Music of other days in Methuen, by Lix/ie U. Currier. (3329 MKTHCI N HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication No. 2. Tlie Merrimack Valley. An address delivered May i:tth. JSlKJ, before the Metbuen Historical So ciety. P,y Robert II. r re\vksbury. | Methuen. Mass., 1S1MJ. | Xvo, i)j). 2.1. Caption ii! ! (3330 MKTHCKX HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. The growth of Metbuen. A paper read, before the Metbuen Historical Society. Py Joseph S. Howe. [Methuen, Mass., 1898.] 12mo. pp. l.~>. (On cover: M.Mhuen Historical Society. Publication.) Caption title. (3331 .Mi mix HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early niannl aclnuers in Metbuen. A paper read before the Mot linen Historical Society by Daniel W. Tenney. [Me thuen, Mass.. 1000 v| r_ mo, pp. 12. (On cover: Methuen Historical Society. Publication.) Caption tin*-. (3332 MILITARY HISTORICAL HOf IKT} o/ M .4 NX .\( 1 IH " The MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OK MASSACHI S.KTTS. Papers rend before th rifty in 1876-1880. Vols. i. 11. Boston. 1X81, 188(5. Two volumes. CUXTKXTS. Vol. i. Peninsular campaign of General McClellan in 1802 : General McClel- lan s plans for the campaign of lst;_ , and the alleged interference of the Gov ernment with them, by John (\ Ropes, read November 13, 1870; The siege of Yorktown. by .T. C. Palfrey. read .lanuary 14, 1878; The. period which elapsed between the fall of Yorktown and the beginning of the seven days battles, by Francis W. Palirey. read March S. I.8SO ; The seven days battles to Malver,n Hill, by F. W. Palfrey, r, ad hecember 11. INTO; The battle of Malvern Hill, by F. \V. Palfi-ey. -n-ad May 14, 1877 : Comments on the Peninsular campaign, by C. A. Whittier. read May 13, 1S78. Huston, 1881. 8vo, pp. xviii, 249. Three folded maps. Vol. ii. The Virginia campaign of General Pope in 1S02; The character (ieneral Halleck s administration in the summer of 1802, by S. M. Quincy ; campaign of General Pope in Virginia, its objects and general plan : First part, to the 19th of August, 1S02, by C. X. Ilorton ; Second part, to the 28th of August. 1862; Third part, to the end of the campaign, by John C. Ropes; The 27th day of August, 1862 [being chapter 7 of the history of the campaign of the Army of Virginia], by G. II. Gordon; The battle of Chantilly, by C. F. Walcott ; A revisit to the fields of Manassas and Chantilly, by C. F. Walcott; Strength of the forces under Pope and Lee, by William Allan ; appended note by J. c. Ropes; The case of Fitz-John Porter, by S. M. Weld; The duct of General McClellan during his stay at Alexandria in August, 1862 ; nature and extent of his command, and his alleged neglect to support the a of General Pope, by S. M. Weld ; Review of the reports, Colonel Haven General Weld, on the conduct of General McClellan at Alexandria, Au 1862 ; and on the case of Fitz-John Porter, by Theodore Lyman ; The con of Generals McClellan and Halleck in August, 1862; and the case of Fitz-J Porter, by T. L. Livermore ; The hearing in the case of Fitz-John Porter. J. C. Ropes. Huston, 1880. pp. xiv, (2), 304. Nine folded maps. ( MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACIIUSKTTS. Papers, Vol. i. Revised enlarged. Campaigns in Virginia. ISUl-oli. Edited by Theodore F. Dwi Boston, 1895. *vo, pp. 71, (1). : * !. 5 folded maps. Contents: Preface; Officers; M-embers ; List of Reports and Papers rend fore the Society, 1876-l8!>r> ; Hooks Cited in (his Volume; Patterson s Shea MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. 443 doah Campaign, by T. L. Livermore ; The Peninsular Campaign : General Mc- Clellan s Plans for the Campaign of 1862, by John C. Hopes; The Siege of Yorktown, by J. C. Palfrey ; The Period which elapsed between the Fall of Yorktown and the beginning of the Seven Days Battles, by F. W. Palfrey ; The Seven Days Battles to Malvern Hill, by F. W. Palfrey ; The Battle of Malvern Hill, by F. W. Palfrey ; Comments on the Peninsular Campaign of General McClellan, by C. A. Whittier ; Operations in the Shenandoah Yalley from Win chester to Port Republic, March 1 to June 0, 1862, by J. F. Huntington ; Index. MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Papers, Yol. TI. The Yir ginia Campaign of 1802 under General Pope. Edited by Theodore F. Dwight. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. xxi, (1), 541. 9 maps. Contents : List of Books Cited ; General Halleck s Military Administration in the summer of 1862, by S. M. Quincy ; The Campaign of General Pope in Yirginia : To the 19th of August, 1862, by C. P. Horton ; to the 28th of August, 1862, by J. C. Ropes ; to the end of the Campaign, by ,T. C. Ropes ; The Twenty- seventh day of August, 1862 (being chapter vn, of the History of the Campaign of the Army of Virginia, from Cedar Mountain to Alexandria), by G. II. Gor don ; The Battle of Chantilly, by C. F. Walcott ; Strength of the Forces under Pope and Lee, by W. Allan ; The Case of Fitz-John Porter, by S. M. Weld ; The Conduct of General McClellan During His Stay at Alexandria in August, 1862, by C. F. Haven, jr. ; The same subject, by S. M. Weld ; Review of the Reports of Colonel Haven and General Weld on the Conduct of McClellan at Alexandria, by T. Lyman ; The Conduct of Generals McClellan and Halleck in August, 1862 ; and the case of Fitz-John Porter, by T. L. Livermore ; The Hearing in the Case of Fitz-John Porter, by J. C. Ropes ; The Battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862, by G. L. Andrews ; Index ; Officers ; Members ; List of Reports and Papers. 1876-1895. (3335 MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Papers. Yol. HI. Cam paigns hi Yirginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, 1802-1803. Boston, 1908. 8vo, pp. 509. Map. Contents : Battle of Antietam, by Francis W. Palfrey ; Antietam campaign, by George B. Davis ; Strategy of the campaign of Sharpsburg or Antietam, by William Allan ; The military situation in northern Yirginia, Nov. 1-14, 1862, by William F. Smith ; Fredericksburg, by William Allan ; The battle of Chan- cellorsville, by James F. Huntington ; The romances of Chancellorsville, by Theodore A. Dodge ; Meade at Chancellorsville, by Alexander S. Webb ; The battle of Marye s Heights and Salem Church, by John Bigelow, jr. ; The left attack (Ewell s), Gettysburg, by Edward N. Whittier; Pickett s charge at Gettysburg, by William R. Driver; Gettysburg (report of committee), by Greely S. Curtis ; The cause of the confederate failure at Gettysburg, by Greely S. Curtis ; The strategy of the Gettysburg campaign, l;y George B. Davis; The strategy of the Gettysburg campaign, by William Allan; From Get tysburg to Williamsport, by George B. Davis ; The Bristoe and Mine Run cam paigns, by George B. Davis; Index. (333(> MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Papers. Yolume iv. The \Yilderness Campaign, May-June. 18(54. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. vi, (4), 471. Maps. Contents: Opening of the Campaign of 1864, by Charles II. Porter; Lee s wrestle with Grant in the Wilderness, by Henry Alexander White ; On the use fulness of the maps furnished to the Staff of the Army of Potomac previous to the Campaign of May, 1864, by Theodore Lyman ; Notes and recollections of the opening of the Campaign of 1864, by McIIenry Howard; Battle of the Wilderness, by William W. Swan ; Addenda to the paper by Brevet Lieutenant- Colonel Swan on the Battle of the Wilderness, by Theodore Lyman ; The sixth corps in the Wilderness, by Hazard Stevens ; The operations of the Army of the Potomac, May 7-11, 1864, by Charles Lawrence Pen-son ; The capture of the Salient, May 12, 1864, by Francis Channing Barlow ; Review of General Barlow s paper on the Capture of the Salient, by Lewis A. Grant ; The capture of the Salient at Spottsylvania May 12, 1864, by William R. Driver; The operations of the Army of the Potomac, May 13-June 2, 1864, by William P. Shreve ; The Battle of Cold Harbor, by Charles II. Porter ; The Battle of Cold Harbor, by John C. Ropes; Grant s Campaign in Yirginia in 1864, by John C. Ropes; Grant s Campaign against Lee, by Thomas L. Livermore; Index. Yol. v, published in 1906. Vols. vn-ix not yet published. (3337 444 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Papers. Vol. x. Critical Sketches of some of the Federal and Confederate Commanders. Edited by Theodore F. Dwight Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. x, 348. Contents : List of Books Cited ; General Beauregard, by J. C. Ropes ; General : Grant by T. A. Dodge ; General Hancock, by F. A. Walker ; General Humphreys, by .T. II. Wilson; General McClellan, by .1. C. Ropes; General Sherman, by J. C. . Ropes; General Stuart, by J. C. Ropes; General Thomas, by II. Stone; General Thomas in the Record, by T. L. Livermore ; The War as we See it Now, by J. C. Ropes ; Index ; Officers ; Members ; List of Reports and Papers, 1876-1895. MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Papers. Vol. XL Naval actions, and operations against Cuba and Porto Rico, 1598-1815. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 205, 3 p. 1. Contents: An account of some past military and naval operations directed against Cuba and Porto Rico, 1505-1762, by C. II. Stockton ; The naval side of the Revolutionary War, by C. F. Goodrich ; The Constitution at Tripoli, by I. N. Hollis; The battle at Trafalgar, by A. T. Mahan : The fight between the j Constitution and the Java, by .1. C. Soley ; The Chesapeake and the Shannon, by .1. G. Eaton; Perry s victory on Lake Erie, by .1. G. Eaton; The last ex ploit of Old Ironsides, or The action between the Constitution and the Cyane and Levant, by .1. G. Eaton. (333t> MILITARY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MASSACHUSETTS. Papers. Vol. XIL Naval actions and history, 1799-1898. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 398, 3 p. 1. Contents: The old navy, by G. E. Belknap ; The home squadron in the win ter of 1860-61, by G. E. Belknap ; The story of the Cumberland, by T. O. Self- ridge, jr. ; The story of the Monitor, by S. B. Luce : Reminiscent of the siege of Charleston, by G. E. Belknap ; The battle of Mobile Bay, by F. A. Parker ; The naval brigade, by .T. C. Soley ; Personal reminiscences of the war, 1861- 1865, by W. G. Saltonstall ; Samoa and the hurricane of March, 1889, by L. A. Kimberly ; The battle of Manila Bay, by A. Walker. (334O NANTUCKET HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nanturket, jl NANTUCKET HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-laws of the Nantncket Historical Association. Incorporated July 9, 1S94. Nantncket, 1894. 32mo, pp. 19. (3341 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bulletin No. 1. Vol. 1. Quakerism on Nantncket since 1800, by Henry Barnard Worth. [Nantucket, Mass.] Nantucket Historical Association, 189<>. 8vo, pp. 38. (3342 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. [Bulletin"! No. 2. Vol. 1. Timothy White papers, 1725-1755, with an historical introduction by Myron Samuel Dud ley. Nantucket, Mass., 1898. 8vo, pp. 96. i 3343 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bulletin No. 1. Vol. 2. Nantucket lands and land owners. By Henry Barnard Worth. Nantucket Historical Asso ciation, 1901. 8vo, pp. 51. (This work comprises a series of chapters which treat in topical form the history of Nantucket as found in the public records.) (3344 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bulletin No. 2. Vol. 2. Nantucket lands and land owners. By Henry Barnard Worth. 1902. 8vo, pp. 53-110. [The settlers, their homes and government. Map.] (3345 NEW ENGLAND CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 445 XANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bulletin No. .">. Vol. 2. Xantucket lands and land owners. By Henry Barnard Worth. 1902. 8vo, pp. 111-182. [The Indians of Nautucket.] (334 XANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bulletin Xo. 1. Vol. 3. Xantucket His torical Association, 1903. 8vo, pp. 44. A Century of Free Masonry in Nantucket, by Alexander Starbuck. (3347 .\ A. \ TUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the sixth annual meeting at Xantucket, Mass., July 19, 1900. 8vo, pp. 1<>. Contents : President s address ; Recollections as a source of history, by Myron S. Dudley : The vision of Capt. Charles Barnard, a whale fisher of Nan- tucket, Nov. 21. 1772, by W. D. Ballenger ; Letter of Seward Beard, a friend and a descendant of the Macys, also of other Nantucket families ; Letter of Jonathan Belcher to George Bunker of Nantucket. (334S .\\XTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the seventh annual meet ing at Xantucket, Mass, July 24, 1901. 8vo, pp. 23. List of Nantucket men who served under John Paul Jones during the Revolu tionary War; Old letters and old friends. (3349 XANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the e ghth annual meeting of the Association, July 15, 1902. 8vo, pp. 27. Nantucket s newspapers, by Alexander Starbuck. (335O XANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the ninth annual meeting, July 21, 1903. 8vo, pp. 23. Contains: Development of schools in Nantucket, by Kmily Weeks. (3351 XANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting; July 21, 1904. 8vo, pp. 32. Contains: Karly houses at Nantucket, by Henry B. Worth; The humor of Nantucket; The Pacific Bank, by Albert <i. Brock. (3352 XANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings. Eleventh annual meeting. July 18, 1905. Waltham, Mass., 1905. 8vo. pp. (52, (1). Portrait. Contents: Proceedings; Constitution; Reports; President s address (by Alex ander Starbuck) ; An ancient farmer s letters from Nantacket ; List of members. (3353 XEW EXGLAM) CATHOLIC HIXTOKICAL XOCIKTY. NEW ENGLAND CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First Report. Boston, 1901. Svo, pp. 0. [Publications. No. 1.] (3354 XE\V ENGLAND CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early Irish Catholic schools of Lowell, Massachusetts, 1835-1852, hy Louis S. Walsh. Boston. 1901. 8vo, pp. 20. Publications. No. 2. (3355 NEW ENGLAND CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Acadians of Madawaska, Maine. By Charles W. Collins. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 60. Publications. No. 3. (3356 XEW ENGLAND CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pilgrim, Puritan, and Papist in Massachusetts. By Helena Xordhoff Gargan. Read at the annual meeting of the Society. June "5. 1902. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 33. Publications. No. 4. (3357 446 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW ENGLAND CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial volume of the one hundredth anniversary celebration of the dedication of the Church of the Holy Cross, Boston. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 137, 1 1., [4] p. Illustrated (incl. ports.). At head of title : 1803 September 1903. Added t.-p., illustrated. (IW58 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, lioxton, Mass. | Titles marked with letter R are reprinted from Neio-Enyland Historical and Genealogical Register.} NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. i. Boston, 1847. Published Quarterly. 8vo, pp. viii, 3!)!), (1), 10. Contents : Memoir of John Farmer ; Genealogical memoir of the Farmer family, by Samuel G. Drake ; Memoir of graduates of Harvard college, com mencing with 1670, by John Farmer; Complete list of Congregational ministers in the eastern part of Rockingham county, N. H., from its settlement to the present time, together with notes on the ministers and churches, by Jonathan French ; Foreign missionaries from Norwich, Ct. ; The passengers of the May Flower in 1620, by Nathaniel Bradstreet Shurtleff ; Major Pendleton s letter to the " Honored Governor and Counsell for the Matacusets at Boston, 13 of Au gust, 1676 ; " Capt. Miles Standish s inventory of books ; Notices of the courts of judicature and of the bar of the county of Merrimack, New Hampshire, by Stephen Colby Badger ; Biographical notices of deceased physicians in Massa chusetts, by Ebenezer Alden ; Fx tract from a letter of Hon. William Crunch, of Washington, D. C. ; Letter from Rev. John Walrond, of Ottery, Eng., to Rev. William Waldron, Minister of Boston, 1725-6; Form of a family register; Genealogies : Chase family ; Dudley family. Instances of longevity in Belfast, Me.; Decease of the Fathers of New England, 1630-65; Governor Bradstreet; Sketches of alumni at the different colleges in New England : William Cranch, of Washington, D. C. ; Ebenezer Adams, of Hanover, N. H. ; >ames Savage, of Boston ; Levi Woodbury, of Portsmouth, N. II. ; Samuel S. Wilde, of Boston ; Nathaniel Wright, of Cincinnati ; William D. Williamson, of Bangor. Governor Hinckley s verses on the death of his second consort ; Biographical notices of physicians in Kingston, N. II. ; Register of births in Dedham, 1635-9 ; AnnP versary of the New England Society of Cincinnati, O. ; Notices of new publica tions ; Memoir of Samuel Sewall ; Letter of the first Chief-Justice Sewall to his son, Samuel Sewall, Esq., of Brookline, giving an account of his family, 1720; Col. Gookin s letter to Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, of Hampton, N. H., 1710 ; History of the Pilgrim Society, with a brief account of the early settlement of Plymouth colony ; Passengers of the Golden Hind, 1577, by Samuel G. Drake ; "A lyst of the pasingers Abord the Speedwell of London, Robert Lock, Master, Bound for New England." "An Examination of the Quakers Before [The] Court of Assistants, 8 September, 1656." A complete list of the ministers of Boston, 1630 to 1842, by James C. Odiorne ; A list of names found among the first settlers of New England, by S. G. Drake ; Capital offences in Massachusetts ; Reasons for genealogical investigations ; The names of the proprietors of New Haven, Ct., in the year 1685 ; Memoir of Enoch Parsons, Esq., of Hartford, Ct. ; Genealogies : Cotton family, Butler family, Minot family. Sketches of alumni of New England colleges ; Ethan Smith, of Boylston, Ms. ; Asa Rand, of Peter borough, N. Y. ; Oliver Wendell, of Boston ; Jonathan Law, Gov. of Connecticut. Dr. Watts s letter of condolence to Madam Sewall, 1728 ; List of ancient names in Boston and vicinity, by John Farmer ; Marriages and deaths in N. E. or among persons of New England origin ; Memoir of Governor Endecott (abstract from memoir by Charles M. Endicott) ; Original covenant of the first church in Salem ; Heraldry ; Ratification of the federal constitution by Massachusetts, from the Massachusetts Gazette of Feb. 8th, 1788 ; Notice to the tradesmen, 1788 ; Letter of Chief Justice Sargeant, of Massachusetts ; Genealogies : Wolcott family, Parsons family. Ancient bible in possession of Widow Lucy Waters, of Sharon, Ms. ; Biographical notices of physicians in Rochester, N. H. ; Sketches NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 447 of alumni of N. E. colleges : Nathan Weston, of Augusta, Me. ; Naphtali Shaw, of Bradford, Vt. ; Nahum Mitchell, of Plymouth ; Advice of a dying father to his son, 1716, Rev. William Brattle, of Cambridge, to his son ; Time of the arrival in New England of certain ministers ; Genealogies and their moral ; First settlers of Rhode Island, by John Farmer ; Memoir of Governor Ilutchin- son ; Col. Carrigain s letter respecting the Endecott rock ; First settlement of Norwich, Ct. ; Patent of the town of Norwich, A. I). 1685 ; Letter of Lieut.- Gov. William Stoughton, of Massachusetts, to Gov. Samuel Allen, of New Hamp shire, 1698 ; Genealogies : Endicott family, Huntington family, Henri Gachet, Gookin family, Foster family. Illustrations of genealogy, by Lemuel Shattuck ; Arms of the Farmer family ; Memoir of Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, by Emory Washburn ; Memoir of Albert G. Upham, M. 1). ; On the wearing of the hair, from sermons supposed to have been preached by Michael Wigglesworth ; The burial-place at " Old Town," Newbury, Ms., by Elias Nason ; Scotch prisoners sent to Massachusetts in 1652, by order of the English Government ; Index of subjects ; Index of names. (835J) NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. n. 1848. Boston, 1848. 8vo, pp. viii, 417. Contents: General Index ; Memoir of the Rev. Increase Mather; The roll of Battle Abbey ; First settlers of New Hampshire ; The celebrated glossary of Sir Henry Spelman ; Petition of Sarah Gosse |7 April, 1640]; Memorandum concerning Abraham Browne, of Boston, by Charles Browne ; List of early set tlers of Reading and South Reading, Mass., from 1640 to 1700 ; Letter of Ezra Badlam, 1777 ; Ipswich proceedings, 1648 ; Early records of Roxbury ; Remarkable superstitions ; How the Jews were treated in early times in Eng land, from Stow s History of England ; Some accounts of the Peters family ; The first settlers of Barnstable, Ms. ; Some old local laws and other regulations ; The old graveyard in Middletown, Ct. ; Records of Boston ; Capen family record ; Genealogy of the Dearborn family, by E. B. Dearborn ; John Foster Williams, by Ebenezer Fox ; Abstracts of the earliest wills upon record in the county of Suf folk, Ms. ; Massachusetts archives; Passengers for New England, 1638; A relic of antiquity The "Old House" in Deerfield ; Passengers for Virginia, 1635 ; Monu ment to the memory of the Indians (Farmington, Conn.) ; Life of Sir Henry Vane, 1612-1662 ; The importance of preserving original MSS. ; Dummer s letter to Sewall, 1720 ; A liberal bequest property of Martha C. Hall to the First Parish of Boston, 1847 ; Copy of a letter sent to Gov. Dudley, giving a list of Quakers in Lynn, 1703 ; Destruction of Schenectady a letter in the hand writing of Samuel Sewall, but signed by Gov. Bradstreet, 16 g ; God s prom ise to his plantation note on sermon by John Cotton ; The Peabody family, by C. M. Endicott ; Individual and family names, by William Cogswell ; James Graham, Marquis of Montrose ; The Gookin family; Early Ipswich families; Historical sketches of Belcherton, Ms. ; Incidents on board the Mayflower, 1620 ; John Bowles, Esq. obituary, 1737 ; Letter from Rev. Samuel Whiting, of Lynn, to Rev. Increase Mather, of Boston, 1677 ; Obituary George James Sprague ; Proclamation for a Thanksgiving, 1676; Old settlers of New Hamp shire, by Wm. Willis ; Indian wars copy of a letter from Noah Wright, 1745, also journal kept by him, 1746-7 ; Luther Waite, Esq., by L. R. Thayer ; Passengers for Virginia, 1635 ; Epitaphs taken from the old burying-ground in Cambridge, Ms. ; Massachusetts archives note on the collection of manuscript copies of French documents relating to colonial and provincial history of New England ; Notes on the will of Richard Hills; Notice of Roger Conant ; Bradford s letter to Winthrop, 1631 ; The Irish donation in 1676, communicated by Charles Deane ; First settlers of Ilingham, by Andrew II. Ward ; Notice of Edward B"reck ; Notice of Thomas Ilollis, with letter written by same, 1710 ; Passengers for Virginia, 1635 ; Notice of Rev. James Fitch, first pastor of the church of Say- brook ; Woburn burying-ground inscriptions on the grave stones ; A tragedy of the sea attack upon Lieut. Til ton by Indians ; Narrative poem on the attack upon Tilton, by Indians ; Notices of the Cutts family ; Biographical account of Dr. John Pomeroy, Burlington, Vt., by Samuel W. Thayer ; Genealogical and historical memovr of the Otis family, by Horatio N. Otis ; Notes on the Josselyn family of Massachusetts, by T. W. Harris ; Letter of Eleazer Wheelock, 1766, by Charles Deane ; Stage-coach and railway statistics, by Fred S. Pease, 1848 ; Meet ing of the Kilburn family, 1848 ; A genealogical memoir of the Coffin family, by N. W. Coffin; Heralds college; Heralds visitations, by H. G. Somerby ; Principal events in the life of the Indian chief Brant ; The Checkley family ; Some ac- 448 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. coi.ut of Deacon John Butler, of Pelham, N. II., and of his descendants, by Caleb Butler; Letter of John Wollcott, 1639, communicated by George Gibbs ; The Willet family; Deaths in Andover, 1650 to 1700; Epitaphs at the Norj| Burial-Ground, Dorchester ; Lower Biddeford burying-ground ; Epitaphs from Copse Hill burying-ground, Boston ; Capture of a pirate vessel, 1689 ; Genealogy of Chester Ashley ; Descendants of Rev. Edward Taylor, of Westfleld, Mass ; Gov. Endicott s pear tree letter from C. M. Endicott, 1848; Inscriptions from the burying-ground in Norwich, Ct. ; Passengers for New England, 1671 ; Index of names and titles. (3360 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. in. 1849. Boston, 1849. 8vo, pp. vi. 419. Portraits. Contents : Memoirs of Sir Martin Frobisher, 1536 to 1594 ; Indian war papers, 1675-89, by Charles W. Parsons ; Explanation of term, Indian summer ; The Pease family, by Frederick S. Pease; Deaths in Wrentham, 1673 to 1704; The Wyman family, by T. B. Wyman ; Records of Boston, by David Pulsifer ; Notices concerning the early " freemen " in New England ; Woburn burying-ground, by N. Wyman ; Biographical sketches of the early physicians of Marietta, Ohio, by S. P. Hildreth ; Original settlers of Salisbury, Massachusetts, communicated by Mr. Thornton ; Principal events in the life of the Indian chief Brant ; Marriages in the town of Andover, Ms., from 1647 to 1700 ; Ancient deeds in Woodbury, Conn., copied by William Cothren ; Early records of Weymouth, by Cyrus Or- cutt ; Some account of Deacon John Butler of Pelham, N. H., and of his de scendants, by Caleb Butler; Abstracts of the earliest wills upon record in the county of Suffolk; Refugees in London, 1775; First settlers of Barnstable, by David Ilamblen ; Description of James the first ; List of Freemen, 1630-1691, by Lucius R. Paige ; Additional note on the Josselyn family ; Memoir of Rev. Ben jamin Column ; Will of Brian Pendleton, 1677 ; Inscriptions at Allyn s Point, the terminus of the Worcester and Norwich Railroad ; Inscriptions from the burying-grounds in Salem, Mass. ; Letter to Rev. Mr. Adams, 1737 : Some ma terials towards a genealogy of the family of the name of Rolfe ; Early records of Bra inford, now Branford, Ct., from materials furnished by Charles M. Taintor; Pedigree of the Taintor family ; Will of Riard Haffeeld, 1638 ; The Tully family of Saybrook, Ct., collected from manuscripts, by Samuel II. Parsons ; Archives of Connecticut, by Wm. S. Porter ; Register of deaths in Northampton from its settlement in 1653 to 1700, by Samuel W. Lee ; Ancient wills in Middlesex, 1649-1665, by Wm. F. Stone; Indian deed to John Stone, 1656; Obituary on Rev. Daniel Baker, from the Boston Weekly News-Letter, May 20, 1731 ; Pas sengers for Virginia, 1635, by H. G. Somerby ; Rev. Joseph Farrar ; Notice of Edward Rawson, secretary of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1650-1686; The New England primer ; Sketches of the early history of the town of Middle- borough, in the county of Plymouth ; Memoir of Charles Frost, by Usher Par sons ; Instructions of the town of Maiden to their representative in the Massa chusetts General Court, passed May 27th, 1776 ; Genealogical notices of the descendants of Secretary Rawson ; Epitaphs from the burying-ground on Copp s Hill, Boston ; The Peabody family ; Rev. Samuel Brown of Abington, by Cyrus Orcutt ; The Deane family, by William Reed Deane ; Names of persons who took the oath of fidelity in the year 1652. Index of names and titles. (3361 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. iv. 1850. Boston, 1850. 8vo, pp. viii. 9-388. Portraits. Contents : Memoir of Oliver Wolcott, by George Gibbs ; Physicians of Ipswich, by A. Hammatt ; Letter from Rev. Thomas Mayhew, [16] 78; Records of S;iy- brook, Ct., by Sylvester Nash ; First ancestor of the Chipmans in N. England, by R. M. Chipman ; Epitaph on Stephen Farrar ; More freemen, 1678 ; Old French war letters, 1745-1760; In memory of William French; Extracts from old town records of Dover, N. H., communicated by George T. Wentworth ; Abstract of the first wills in the probate office, Plymouth, by Justin Winsor ; Epitaphs from S. Berwick, &c., by John S. H. Fogg; A genealogy of the Bradford family, by G. M. Fessenden ; Abstracts of the earliest wills upon record in the county of Suffolk ; Early records of Boston, copied by David Pulsifer ; Early rec ords of Weymouth, by Cyrus Orcutt ; Passengers for Virginia, ^635, by H. G. Somerby ; From Greenwich, Ct., town records, communicated by Hora tio N. Otis ; The Howe family ; Some inscriptions from the Maiden burying- ground, by Thomas Waterman ; Note concerning the descendants of Dolor Davis ; NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 449 Memorials of the Revolution, prepared by Samuel H. Riddel ; Past events ; Notices of the Greene family, by Wendell Phillips ; A new genealogical diction ary, by Edward Armstrong; Anti-tea combination, 1768; Paddy and Greenough family document, 1678 ; Rev. Daniel Gookin of Sherburne ; Early records of Wrentham, Ms., copied by G. W. Messinger ; Important ante revolutionary let ters, communicated by George Gibbs ; A funerall song dedicated to y e memory of M r Nath 11 Clarke, 1705; The Meigs family; Epitaph on Stephen Farrar ; Notes on the Cotton family, by Jedediah Herrick ; Answer to the genealogical problem in the Register, Vol. in, p. 344 ; John Carver, first governor of the colony of New Plymouth, by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff ; Inscription from the stone of Thomas Saffin at Stepney, Eng. ; Genealogical notice of the descendants of Eleazer Davenport, by Henry Davenport ; Notes on the Addington family, by a descendant ; Genealogical notice of the family of Elder Thomas Leverett, by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff; Diploma of the crest of Lancelot Manfeld, 1563, com municated by William Tyler ; Genealogy of the Otis family, by Horatio N. Otis ; Inscriptions from the old burial-ground in Dorchester, 1638-1699, by W. B. Trask ; The Cutler family Harvard graduates; Extracts from the register books of Austerfied in Yorkshire, 1561-1631, by II. G. Somerby ; Extracts from the Candler manuscript in the British Museum, by H. G. Somerby ; Rev. Nathaniel Gookin of Cambridge, by J. Wingate Thornton ; Eldest daughter of Peregrine White ; Notice of Samuel Gorton, by Charles Deane ; Letter from the Hon. John Saffin, of Boston, 1687 ; The Gilbert family, by J. Wingate Thornton ; Epitaph of Elihu Yale ; Extracts from Dover town records, by Alonzo Hall Quint ; Notes to declaration of ruling Elder John Chipman, by Richard M. Chipman ; Plymouth colony rates, communicated by Nathl. B. Shurtleff; Earliest inscriptions from Plymouth burying-ground ; List of those able to bear arms in the colony of New Plymouth in 1643, by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff; Letter from Peter Faneuil, 1739, communicated by W. II. Montague; Epitaph of William Camden, the antiquary, from Westminster Abbey ; Early records of Middleborough, by Cyrus Orcutt ; Letter from John Corbin to Ralph Sprague, 1651 ; Monument of Sir William Phipps in London ; Genealogical memoir of the descendants of Edward Wins- low, Governor of Plymouth Colony from " Genealogical memoir of the de scendants of Susanna, successively wife of William White and Edward Winslow," by Lemuel Shattuck ; Letter from John Hancock to Henry Quincy, 1779 ; Johnson, Willard and Sheafe, by Joseph Willard ; Marshfield inscriptions~trom the burial-ground on the hill, by M. A. Thomas ; Notes on the Wentworth family ; Extract from the records of the Pilgrim Society, Plymouth ; Additional notice of Eleazer and Richard Davenport, by Henry Davenport ; Graduates of Harvard college born in Dedham, 1692-1845 ; Genealogical notice of Samuel Wright, of Springfield, by Joseph W. Wright ; Genealogical items relative to Gloucester, by Joseph B. Felt ; First celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, by the Old Colony Club, 1769 ; Index of names and titles. (3362 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-Eiiglaud Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. v. 1851. Boston, 1851. 8vo, pp. viii, 486. Portraits. Contents : Memoir of Hugh Peters, by Joseph B. Felt ; Stoddard s journal of a negotiation between the Marquis de Vandreuil, Governor General of Canada, and John Stoddard and John Williams, messengers commissioned by His Ex cellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Captain General of Canada and Governor of Her Majesty s government of the Massachusetts, 1713-14, with notes by Sylvester Judd ; Ancestors of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, of Newport, and their children, by Sylvester Judd ; Old burying-ground at Peekskill, N. Y. ; Graduates of Harvard originating from Salem, 1642-1849 ; Colman papers, 1699-1714-15 ; Passengers for Virginia, 1635, by H. G. Somerby ; Records of Windsor, Ct. ; Inscriptions from the old grave-yard of the first parish in York, Me., by John S. H. Fogg ; Memoir of the Stebbins family, by Daniel Stebbins ; An account of the Varnum family from their first coming to America from England, by Isaac Childs ; In habitants of Springfield who took the oath of allegiance, 1678 ; First settlers of Rochester, Mass.,*and their families, by David Hamblen ; Copy of a letter from Wm. Pepperrell, Esq., 1745 ; Inscriptions from the old burial ground in Dorchester, 1700-1750, by W. B. Trask ; Genealogical items relative to Lynn, by Joseph B. Felt ; Early records of Boston, by David Pulsifer ; Genealogical memoir of the family of & ev. Nathaniel Rogers, by a descendant ; Family of Iluntington copy of a letter from Joseph Huntington to his brother, Eliphalet H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 29 450 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Huntington ; Mss. relating to New England in the State Paper Office ; The Frost family, by a descendant of Joseph Frost ; Middlesex statistics, 1680, by Lucius R. Paige ; Bonner family record, by R. R. Hinman ; Charlestown burying-ground, by Thomas Waterman ; The Otis genealogy, by Horatio N. Otis ; Memoir of Hugh Peters, by Joseph B. Felt; Abstracts of the earliest wills upon record in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Early records of Boston ; Vaughan and Shannon fam ilies, by Thomas Shannon ; List of freemen of Winsor, Ct., 1669 ; Will of John Green, of Warwick, R. I., 1658 ; Saybrook records ; Emigrants in vessels, " Bound to Virginia," and memorial of William Clarke, of Watertown and Woborn, com municated by John G. Locke; Waltham graveyard epitaphs previous to 1720; Note on the Varnum family ; Abstracts of the earliest wills in the probate office, Plymouth, by Justin Winsor ; Witchcraft in Hingham, 1708-9 ; A declaration of the inhabitants of Scarborough, 1663 ; Memoir of Major-General Artemas Ward, by Andrew Henshaw Ward ; Memoir of Hugh Peters, by Joseph B. Felt ; Ancient family letters, addressed to Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, 1654, 1662 ; The Ricker fam ily, by G. W. Ricker ; Payne family record, &c., 1580-1636 ; Gleanings in the early history of Maine and New Hampshire [from Mr. Thornton] ; The Shap- leigh family ; Family of Stoughton ; Memoir of the Stebbins family, by Daniel Stebbins ; Brooks of Cheshire, Ct., by Elihu Yale ; Deposition concerning Walter Barefoote, 1676; Original letters from Roger Hill, 1690, Bellomont, [16]99; Some memoirs of the Rev. Thomas Prince ; Old Dorchester recovery of some materials for its history ; Genealogical memoir of the Leonard family, by Wil liam Reed Deane ; Early letters of John Adams ; Who were the Wentworths of Punkapaugue? ; Memoir of Hugh Peters, by Joseph B. Felt; Genealogical items relating to the early settlers of Dover, N. II., by Alonzo H. Quint; Index of names. (3363 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. vi. 1852. Boston, 1852. 8vo, pp. vi, 402. Portraits. Contents : Memoir of the Rev. Cotton Mather, with a genealogy of the family of Mather, by Samuel G. Drake; Customs of New England, by Joseph B. Felt; Genealogical items relating to the early settlers of Dover, N. II., by Alonzo H. Quint ; Rev. Samuel Man, first minister of Wrentham, Mass. his advice to his children who were to enter into the married state, written in 1704 ; First settlers of Eastham, Mass., by David Ilamblin ; William and John Crowne, by Samuel Jennison ; The Swett family ; Will of Major Andre, 1777 ; Ipswich grammar school, by Abraham Hammatt ; Samuel Sewal s diary, 1685-1698 ; Captain Kidd, by Joseph B. Felt; Material towards a history of Billerica, by Frederic Kidder; A list of Canada prisoners, 1695, by Frederic Kidder ; Abstracts of the earliest wills upon record in the county of Suffolk, Ms. ; Abstracts of the earliest wills in the probate office, Plymouth, by Justin Winsor ; Memoir of the Rev. Francis Higginson, by Joseph B. Felt ; John Shepard, by John Daggett ; Expedition against Quebec, 1775 journal kept by Joseph Ware, of Needham, with a short genealogy of the Ware family, by W. B. Trask ; Gates of Yarmouth, Ms. ; Met calf family, by Luther Metcalf Harris; Alice Craft who were her parents?; in scriptions from the old burial ground in Dorchester, Ms., by W. B. Trask ; Early records of Boston, by David Pulsifer ; Subscribers to Prince s chronology ; Briei memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Oaths of freemen, allegiance, &c.. in old Norfolk county, 1668-78, by Alonzo II. Quint ; Early settlers of Esses and old Norfolk, by Joshua Coffin ; An address to the members of the Society by Wm. Jenks ; The Hampton Brown family, by Asa W. Brown ; Historical ^reminiscences, by Jeremiah Smith Boies ; Material towards a history of Ashby petition of John Fitch to the general court, in 1749, by Frederic Kidder; Letter from Rev. Arthur Brown, Portsmouth, 1741 ; A record of marriages, births, and deaths in Westfield prior to 1700 ; Pearce, of Gloucester, Mass. ; Ancestry of th( Jones family, Stockbridge, Mass., by Electa F. Jones ; The Wentworth family A genealogical memoir of the Doolittle family ; Early voyagers to Newfoundlam and Cape Breton, 1536 ; A petition from Rev. John Eliot against selling Indians for slaves ; Memoir of the Farrar- family ; Early Maiden records from countj returns at Cambridge, by Francis G. Flagg ; Material toward the history ol Hull Hull petition presented 3 March, 1675 ; Marriages from the early record* of Marshfield, by M. A. Thomas ; The Johonnot family, by Andrew Johonnot Petition of Peterborough for defence in 1750, communicated by Frederic Kidder Petition of Ipswich, Canada (now Winchendon, Ms.), 1755; The Dutch house ol Good Hope at Hartford, by Sylvester Judd ; Petition of Capt. William Traske t( the general court in 1661 ; Index of names. (336-1 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 451 NEVV-ENOI.A.M) HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. vn. 1853. Boston, 1853. 8vo, pp. viii, 388. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Memoir of Benjamin Tierce ; The discovery of America by the Northmen, hy Charles C. Rafn ; Memoir of the Lindall family, by John A. Vinton ; Inscriptions from the most ancient burial ground in South Reading (MS.) ; A list of freemen, from Middlesex county court records; Ab stracts of wills of the early settlers of New England, by W. B. Trask ; Will of Thomas Appleton, 1504; Pedigree of the Adams family, originally located at Braintree, Mass., by William Downing Bruce ; The farm of David Henshaw ; Genealogical items relating to the early settlers of Dover, N. II., by Alonzo II. Quint ; Copy of the diary of Noahdiah Russell, tutor at Harvard college, 1682 ; The adventures of Capt. Lovewell, by Frederic Kidder ; Marblehead town meeting petition, 1673-4 ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Early affairs of Marblehead, 1673 ; Materials for the history of Ipswich ; Ipswich burying-ground inscriptions ; First settlers of Chatham, Mass., by David Hamblen ; Early settlers of Essex and old Norfolk ; Burial inscriptions, Milton, Mass. ; Philip s war in Maine Major Waldron s letter to the governor of Massachusetts, 1675 ; New publications ; Marriages and deaths ; Correction for the Paine pedigree, by Caroline Whiting ; An address delivered to the members of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, by William Whit ing, president ; Material for the history of Groton a copy of an ancient deed ; Early records of New Hampshire families ; Brief notice of the Honorable Orin Fowler, with a sketch of the pedigree of the family, by Horatio N. Otis ; De scendants of Richard Smith, of Ipswich, by William Smith ; Inscriptions from the old graveyard in Wells, Maine, by John S. II. Fogg ; First town incorporated in Maine, by Wm. Fogg ; On changes in surnames ; Letter from Jabez Delano, of Dartmouth, 1727 ; Memoir of Gen. John Sullivan ; Groton in 1675 docu ment ; The Johonnot family, by Andrew Johonnot ; Pedigree of the family of Boylston, by Thomas B. Wyman, Jr. ; Materials for the history of Salem ; Early records of Boston, copied by David Pulsifer ; Abstracts of the earliest wills in the probate office, Plymouth, by Justin Winsor ; A record of births, deaths, and marriages on Nantucket, beginning in 1662 ; Names of the early planters of Wrentham, by Abner Morse ; Blanchard s journal, 1725 from the Mass, archives ; Memoir of Rev. Edward Turner, with a pedigree, by T. Larkin Turner ; Original letters to Gov. Bellingham from the Mass, archives ; Ma terials for the history of Lynn documents, 1661 ; Expenses of ancient func tionaries, by Joshua Coffin ; Biography of General John Stark ; New England chronology ; A narrative of New England s deliverances, by Thomas Cobbet ; Letter of Gov. Wentworth on Indian affairs, 1725 ; Notes on the iron mines in Salisbury, Ct., collected by the Rev. Mr. Crosman, 1805 ; Wadsworth monu ment ; Will of Edward Dillingham, 1666 ; An elegy upon the death of the Rev. Mr. John Iligginson, pastor of the Church of Christ in Salem, who dyed December 9th, 1708, by Nicholas Noyes ; Researches among funeral sermons and other tracts for the recovery of biographical and genealogical materials ; Naming of Lake Dunmore, by J. M. Weeks ; Paul Wentworth and his family extracts from Norwich records ; Early settlers in Morris county, N. J. ; Indian affairs letter to Gov. John Leverett [1676?] ; Letters from old England from Massachusetts archives ; A few facts in the early history of the town of Marshfield ; First settlers of Eastham, by David Hamblen ; New England and the west letter from Ephraim Cutler, 1850 ; Indian deed of Medfield, 1685 ; Will of George Fairbanks, of Yorkshire, Eng., 1650 ; Early settlers of Salisbury, Mass., arranged into families, by Asa W. Brown ; Notes on the Danforth family, by AVillinm Thaddeus Harris; Will of Elizabeth Woodbury, 1689; Massachusetts courts of election, 1629-1686; Material for the history of Hull documents, 1641, 3 ; Materials for the history of Newbury from the Ipswich records ; Adams and Boylston genealogy, by John A. Vinton ; Capt. Hardy s journal, 1787, (Shays Rebellion) ; Index of names. (3365 NW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. vin. 1854. Boston, 1854. 8vo, pp. viii, 388. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Notice of Samuel Appleton, Esq. ; New England chronology, 1684-90 ; Abstract of the will of Daniel Denison, by Augustus D. Rogers ; The Cradbck family, by Francis Brinley ; Researches among funeral sermons and other tracts for the recovery at biographical and genealogical 452 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. materials ; Early records of Boston ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s sub scribers ; Early settlers of Essex and old Norfolk ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on file in the county of Suffolk, Mass., by \Vm. B. Trask ; Genealogical items relating to the early settlers of Dover, N. H., by Alonzo H. Quint ; Will of Gregory Stone, of Cambridge ; Materials for a history of Newbury ; Danvers inscriptions ; Inscriptions copied from tombstones in the old burying ground at Portland, Me. ; Pedigree of Waldron ; Early settlers of Salisbury, Mass., arranged into families, by Asa W. Brown ; Notices of publications ; Marriages and deaths ; Memoir of Governor Increase Sumner, by W. H. Sumner ; Gene alogy of the Sumner family, by William B. Trask ; New England, Orders in council from 1630 to 1641 ; Will of Elder John Stone, 1683 ; John Dane s nar rative, 1682 ; Pedigree of Dane ; Michael Barstow s will, 1674 ; Original mem bers of the first church in Milford, Ct. : Letter of Thomas Thacher, 1676 ; An antiquity discovered in the valley of the Merrimack ; Huntington genealogical items ; Reminiscences by Gen. Wm. H. Sumner ; Deaths and burials from the early records of Marshfield, Mass. ; Capt. Joshua Eddy, by Zacheriah Eddy ; State paper office papers of Barbadoes ; Pedigree of Walter ; Notices of the Walter family, by C. Frederick Adams, Jr. ; Memorandum from Barnstable county, Cape Cod ; Indian deed of Great Barrington, &c. ; Birth, marriages, and deaths of Provincetown, Mass., copied from the first book of records; Pedigree of Frye, with notes; Evacuation of Boston, 1776, by an eye witness; Johnson family ; Petition of New Hampshire settlers, 1689 ; Early marriages in Bradford, Mass. ; Indian War papers Indian war in Maine, 1675 Letter of Lieut. Ingersol ; West Roxbury inscriptions ; The Wentworths in Canton their ancestry ; Pedigree of Bridges ; Fragments of the Rollins family, by J. R. Rollins ; Memoir of Isaac Allerton, by Henry W. Cushman ; Indian children put to service, 1676, by Joseph Willard ; Newbury troubles; Adams family bible; Old colony inscriptions, Lakeville ; Depositions about Penobscot, &c., 1663 ; Copy of a letter from certain people of Marblehead to the county court at Ipswich, 1674 ; Great earthquake in Lisbon, 1755 ; Memoir of Peter Chardon Brooks ; The will of Joseph Hills ; Pedigree of Bradstreet ; Descendants of Gov. Bradstreet, by John Dean and Dean Dudley ; Bradstreet s journal, 1664- 1683; Petition of Mary, the wife of Francis Hooke, about Noddle s Island, 1687; A family record of the descendants of John Spofford and Elizabeth, his wife, who came from England and settled at Rowley, in 1638, by Jeremiah Spofford ; The Dutch invasion letter of Richard Smith, of Narraganset, 1673 ; Humphry. Randall, and Hunt, 1688 ; The Johnson family, by Pishey Thompson ; Case of Richard Chasmore, 1656-7 ; Genealogy of the Bangs family, by Dean Dudley ; The Massachusetts colony records, by William Jenks ; Letter from Rev. Andrew Eliot to Daniel Parker, 31 July, 1775 ; Descendants of Franklin, by William Duane ; Mavericke and Bradstreet notes ; Index of names. (336G NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. ix. 1855. Boston, 1855. 8vo, pp. viii, 388. Portrait. Contents : General index ; Origin of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society ; Memoir of Peter Chardon Brooks ; Will of Henry Lunt, of Newbury, 1662 ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record in the county of Suffolk, Mass., by Wm. B. Trask ; Gen. William Hull, by Sam l C. Clarke ; Bradstreet s journal, Ig64_83 reprint ; Origin of Mendou and the name of Medway, by Abner Morse ; The Carpenter family, by A. B. Carpenter ; Porter family ; Genealogical items relating to the early settlers of Dover, N. H., by Alonzo H. Quint ; Brief me moirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Letter of Rev. John Waddington ; A family record of the descendants of John Spofford, and Elizabeth, his wife, who came from England and settled at Rowley in 1638, by Jeremiah Spofford; Re searches among funeral sermons, and other tracts, for the recovery of biograph ical and genealogical materials; Affray at Kennebec, 1634 document; Peti tions against imposts, 1668 ; Facts relative to the Pease family, by Fred. Pease ; Pedigree of Deane ; Notices of publications ; Marriages and deaths ; French account of the Battle of Minas, 1747, translated from the report to the French government, by E. B. O Callaghan ; English account of the Battle of Minas; The deposition of John Legg, of Marblehead, 1709; Descendants of Gov. Bradstreet, by John Dean and Dean Dudley ; Notes on the Craddock family, by W. H. Whitmore ; Mathew Cradock s will, 1640 ; Abstract of the will of Robert Adams, of Newbury, 1680 ; Descendants of Alice Bradford, by William Allen ; Peter Talbot and his descendants, by Caroline Whiting ; Letter from Rev. John Eliot, 1664; The disposal of the estate of Francis Whitmore, of Cambridge, in NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 453 New England, 1685 ; Pedigree of Davenport ; Letter of Rev. John Davenport, 1639 ; Quincy inscriptions ; Death of Mr. Joseph Barnard by the Indians, in 1695 copy of a letter from Col. John Pynchon ; Will of Richard Ingersoll, 1644-5 ; Notice of Edward Ball ; Webster family, by A. W. Brown ; Border Indian massacres in Massachusetts, from 1703 to 1746 records ; Rev. John Cotton, of Hampton obituary, 1710; Early records of Boston; Scituate grave yard ; Early settlers of Portsmouth, N. H., by John Wentworth ; Genealogy of the descendants of Lawrence Litchfleld, by Abner Morse ; Our ancestors ; or, places to search for title deeds ; A copy of a letter to Alonzo Lewis, relative to the Jenks family, intended for use in preparing the second edition of his his tory of Lynn, Mass. ; Deposition concerning the Indian deed of Exeter, N. II., 1063 ; Descendants of Alice Bradford ; Corrections for the Brown family, of Hampton and some additions, by A. W. Brown ; Letter of John White to " The Honorable Her Majesty s Justices assembled in generall Session of the peace Att Salem," 1711 ; Discovery of Gov. Bradford s manauscript history from the Boston Transcript ; A history of the Bale-he family, by Wm. F. Balch ; Mas- carene family papers ; Gov. Cradock s bequest to the poor of St. Swithen s parish (London); Four depositions relating to Thompson s island, 1650; Genealogy of the Hobbs family, by George Hobbs ; Passengers of the Mary and John, 1634 ; First centennial celebration at Salem ; The first president of Har vard College ; Extracts from letters of Judge Sewall to Gov. Winthrop, of Conn., 1705-6 ; Pedigree of Foote ; Scituate and Barnstable church records, 1634-1653 ; Letters of Chief Justice Sewall ; The Sumner family, by Wm. H. Sumner ; Ma terial for a history of Hillsboro county, N. H. ; Will of John Bibbell, 1653 ; Petition of Rachel Whitmore ; The name of Folger, by George Wood ; Ham mond genealogical items ; Plymouth colony records ; Synopsis of the inscrip tions in the old Maiden burying ground ; The Eliot bureau, by S. B. Swett and Wm. II. Sumner ; A tour of Connecticut river, through the colony of Massa chusetts, from Wells, 1760 ; York, Me., inscriptions ; Genealogy of the Haynes family, by Guy C. Haynes ; The Hancock family ; Fragment of a letter from one upon the Canada expedition, 1690 ; The college ferula verses, by Samuel Bailey ; List of baptisms in the church in New Haven, Conn., during the min istry of John Davenport, 1639-1666 ; Quarterly obituary ; Index of names. (3367 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. x. 185G. Boston, 1856. 8vo, pp. x, 379. Portraits. Contents : General index to the ten volumes ; Paper by William Jenks ; In scriptions from the Jamaica Plain burial ground in West Roxbury, Mass. ; Philipse, of Philipsburgh ; Researches among funeral sermons and other tracts for the recovery of biographical and genealogical materials ; Will of Ann Towne. 1629 ; Scituate and Barnstable church records ; Note on the Swan family, by William Whitmore ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Med- field s contribution to Harvard college, 1678 ; Inscriptions in Portsmouth bury ing ground ; Inscriptions from Freetown, Mass. ; Inscriptions copied from the burying ground at Kingston, Mass. ; Inscriptions copied from the old graveyard at South Berwick, Maine; Memoir of the family of Amory ; Indian (Philip s) war letter ; Petition of the Salem troop for commissioned officers in 1678 ; Early records of Boston; An account of the Temple family, by W. II. Whitmore; Notes on the Bowdoin family ; William Cushing s will, 1492 ; Stoddard, Bowes, and Hancock pedigree ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Descendants of Matthew Adams ; Quarterly obituary ; President Charles Chauncy and his ancestors and descendants, by William Chauncey Fowler ; The Stowes of London ; Col. J. Upham and the attack on Groton, Conn., by J. L. Sibley ; Harlackenden Bowes ; Pedigree of Dudley ; Gov. Thomas Dudley and his descendants ; Mascarene family papers ; The Bangs family ; Pease ancestry, by Frederick S. Pease ; Blacklead mine at Sturbridge ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Maiden ; Material for the history of the town of Gray, Me. petition to the General Court in 1735 ; Will of Peter Bulkely, 1658 ; Phineas Rice, by Andrew II. Ward ; Seekonk inscriptions ; The New Eng land Primer and notes on the descendants of William Sargent ; Materials for the history of Groton, Mass., by Samuel A. Green ; Marriages and deaths ; Thomas Ilandasyd Perkins, by Thomas G. Gary ; Some notices of the family of Perkins in America ; A branch of the Allen family in New England ; Pedigree of Uncas, by C. J. Hoadly ; Almanac memoranda of the Stone family, of Water- town ; Note on the Cradock family, by W. II. Whitmore ; Early records of Maiden ; Holmes letter of direction ; Materials for the history of Groton, Mass., 454 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by Samuel A. Green ; Votes passed by the inhabitants of Marlborough at a town meeting, March 29, 1770 ; President Charles Chauncy, his ancestors and descend ants, by William Chauncy Fowler ; The Sanborn family, by Nathan Sanborn ; Extract from Dedham records, 1656 ; Huntington, by Frederick S. Pease ; Copy of a letter sent by Capt. William Jackson to Mr. Samuel Maverick, in 1640; Memoir of the Honorable Abbott Lawrence ; Pedigree of Curwen ; Foxcroft family record, by Bickford Pulsifer, Jr. ; Rawlins, of Boston, &c., by John R. Rollins ; Journals of Joseph Holt, of Wilton, N. H., in the Canada expedition of 1758; Hawley s memorial, 1725; Petition of the town of Manchester, -1685-86 ; Original letters of Dr. Charles Chauncy, 1722-54 ; Rodgers Bayai d family record ; Discovery of Gov. Bradford s history ; The Eliot, Lane, and Jessop families; Salem village difficulties, 1694; Memorandum of the Copp family; Index of names. i 33<S NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XL 1857. Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. iv, 380. Portraits. Contents : General index ; General Washington letter from George W. P. Custis ; Origin and genealogy of the American Hildreths, by Richard Hildreth ; Letter of the Duke of Sussex to the late Thomas Robbins ; General William Hull, by William Ilyslop Sumner ; Franklin family, by William Bache ; Ancient burial ground at New London, Conn., by Frances Manwaring Caulkins ; Henry Joce- lyn the sequel ; Family letter, by Edmund Qunicy, 1781 ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Charter of Narraganset to Massachusetts, by Joseph B. Felt ; Bowdoin family, by Francis Brinley ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Maiden ; The Gross family ; The Farrar family ; Descendants of Robert Adams, by Joshua Coffin ; Memoir of Captain John Fillmore, by Ashbel Woodward ; Nicholas Easton, by Asa W. Brown ; Vicissitudes of an epitaph; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers; A love affair of Benedict Arnold; Estate of Philip Fowler, senior; Inscriptions from Hampton, N. H. ; Dignitaries of- 1759 letter of Gideon Lyman ; Epi taphs from the old burying ground on the bank of the river, Middletown, Conn. ; Notices of publications ; Marriages and deaths ; President John Adams ; Chief Justice Bradshaw inscription ; Lane family papers, 1651-75 ; The descend ants of John and Elinor Whitney, of Watertown, Mass. ; Letter of Benedict Arnold, 1778 ; Dr. Benjamin Church letter to a ministerial officer in Boston, 1775 ; Lines on Gen. Gage ; Gen. Burgoyne s account of the Battle of Bunker s Hill ; Danvers church records, 1689-96 ; Revolutionary letters, from William T. Miller; Letter from John Minot to Secretary Willard 1734; Memoir of Captain John Fillmore, with a genealogy of the Fillmore fffmily, by Ashbel Woodward ; President Charles Chauncy, his ancestors and descendants, by William Chauncey Fowler; Notes on the Quincy pedigree; Dunck, Brewster, Price, Petersfield, by C. J. Hoadly ; New England and New Jersey, by S. H. Congar ; Notes for the history of Maiden genealogy of the Wades, by William B. Shedd ; Letter of Edmund Quincy to his daughter Dolly, 1775 ; Letter from Gen. Wm. H. Sumner ; A camp song of 1775 ; Thomas Jefferson ; The last will and testament of John Paybody, 1667 ; Rebellion against the church of Rome not so modern as the burnings at Smithfield ; Early records of Boston ; Ancient application of Boston for a city charter ; The fur trade on Connecticut river in the seventeenth century, by Sylvester Judd ; Duke s county court papers, 1712-1748 ; A genealogical memoir of the descendants of Ambrose Fowler, of Windsor, Ct. ; Inscriptions over the graves on French Island, Canton river; Inscriptions on the graves on Dane s island, Canton river, near Whampoa ; Copy of the will of Capt.. William Traske, of Salem, 1666; List of pedigrees contained in Wm. Paver s consolidated visitations of Yorkshire, 1584, 1012, and 1665 ; Shelton of Connecticut ; First book East Haddam land records ; Ancient funeral charges, 1580 ; Book notices ; A monument to the memory of the Pilgrims; Iron works in New England letter of Jonathan Leonard, 1826; Account of a plan for civilizing the North American Indians, by Samuel A. Green; Inscriptions from the burying ground in Braintree ; Molone family; Extract from a sermon by Rev. Caleb Davis Bradlee after the death of Isaac Tufts of Somerville; The will of William Teffe, 1646; Notes on the Perkins pedigree, by W T . II. Whitmore ; Ebenezer Frost s petition, 1773 ; Records of Farmington, in Connecticut, 1652 ; Records from the Lee family bible ; Some historical facts relating to Joseph Belcher; Revolutionary poetry Tea ships; Notes on the Gary family, by R. R. Hinman ; Coleman family, by Joshua Coffin; A list of American genealogies, by W. H. Whitmore; Genealogy of a branch of the King family ; Index of names. (3369 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 455 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xn. Boston, 1858. 8vo, pp. iv, 379. Contents: General Index; Notes on the Indian wars in New England; Lex ington, Concord, and Weston documents ; Letter from S. Severance, 1775 ; The Eliot bureau ; Newark one hundred years ago ; Blount of Tennessee, by C. Johnson ; Copy of a document in the handwriting of Tristram Coffyn, 1660 ; Church records of Farmington in Connecticut ; Inscriptions from the burying ground in Braintree, now Quincy ; First book East Haddam land records ; Ab stract from the earliest wills on record in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; An cient grave yard at Lebanon, Conn., by Ashbel Woodward ; Rev. Samuel Parris from the records of Stowe, 1697 ; Mr. Joseph Boyse ; Crooker family, by Marcia A. Thomas; Robert Auchmuty, senior (from the Norfolk county journal) ; Confiscated estates (from the Norfolk county journal, 1857) ; Waller of Vir ginia ; Francis Brinley- an account taken of his books, 1713 ; Perkins family of Hampton, N. II., by Asa W. Brown ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Maiden ; Book notices ; Marriages and deaths ; The Dearborn monument ; Address by the president of the Society, Samuel G. Drake; Letter of John Hancock, 1777; Early records of Boston ; Jansen, Wendell, Quincy, Flint, Orne, etc., by A. S. Orne ; Reminiscences relating to General Warren and Bunker Hill, by William II. Sumner ; Reminiscences of Canaan, Litchfield Co., Conn. ; Sermons by Rev. Samuel Parris, of Salem village, 1689-1694 ; Cold Friday and Saturday, Jan. 18 and 19, 1857 ; The Coleman family, by William C. Folger ; Abstract of the will of Andrew Osborne, of London, 1614 ; Deed from the proprietors to Peter Folger of half a share of land on Nantucket, 1663 ; John Endicott What office did he sustain from Sept. 6, 1628, to April 30, 1629?, by J. B. Felt; Extracts from the ledger of Deacon John Pearson, of Rowley, 1672-92 ; The descendants of Peter Hill, of York Co., Me., with some incidents relating to the French and Indian wars, by Usher Parsons; Rev. Thomas Waterman; Biographical mate rials collected from funeral sermons, by Pliny II. White ; A brief sketch of the family of Rev. Thomas Wells, first minister of Amesbury, Mass., by D. W. Hoyt ; Townsmen of Dartmouth, Mass., 1686 ; Births, marriages, and deaths from " Original distribution of the town of Hartford among the settlers, 1639 ; " Letter of the Rev. Jona. Parsons, of Newburyport, 1769 ; Letter of Gen. Warren, 1775 ; Officers and members ; Memoir of the late Sir John Burke, by his son, Sir John Bernard Burke ; Family meeting of Kelloggs, 1857 ; Genealogical items of the Kellogg family, by D. O. Kellogg ; Inscriptions from the burying ground in Hull, Mass. ; A branch of the Whitney family, by L. M. Harris ; The family of Paddock, by Z. Eddy ; Pedigree of the Odin family ; Reminis cence of Gen. Warren ; Genealogy of the McKinstry family, with a preliminary essay on the Scotch-Irish immigrations to America, by William Willis; Early settlers of Westerly, Rhode Island, by J. D. Champlin ; Danvers church records ; Notes on the Lombard family ; Narrative of Col. John Allan ; Genealogical gleanings ; Sanborn genealogical history, by Dyer H. Sauborn ; Pedigree of the Leverett family ; Heraldry in America, by W. H. Whitmore ; Will of John Fford, of Morristown, Morris Co., N. J., 1721 ; Williams family, by D. W. Hoyt ; Original letter of the Rev. Jonathan Parsons, 1749-50; Mode of proceeding in the settlement of estates in the early period of Rhode Island s history, from the records and files in the office at Warwick ; Inscriptions in the old cemetery in Stoneharn, Ms. ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths, copied from the diary of the Rev. Benjamin Fessenden, 1722-32 ; Will of John Paybody, 1667 ; Harvey family, by F. M. Ilubbard ; Maiden document, 1672 ; Letter of John Hancock, 1778; Old people in Maine, 1850, by William Willis; Will of Moses Tyler, 1725; Long-lost pre-Revolutionary British song, The Watery God; Genealogical memoir of the family of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, of Ipswich, Masg. ; 1636, by Augustus D. Rogers ; Extract from a letter from Gen. Henry Bur- beck, New London, 1848, addressed to Col. Samuel Swett ; Ancient marriage contract, 1683 ; Epitaphs in the old burying-ground in North Dennis ; Epitaph of Rev. Eliphalet Adams, 1753 ; Gov. Thomas Dudley s library ; Letter of Gen eral Washington, 1777, to Brig r . Gen 1 . Potter; Petition of John Smith, 1656; Index of names. (337O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xm. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. iv, 387. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Memoir of Sir John Bernard Burke, Ulster King of Arms, by William Tyler; A list of American genealogies, by W. H. Whitmore; 456 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Petition for the protection of township No. 4, by James Lawrence Bass ; Ab stracts from the earliest wills on record in the county of Suffolk, Mass., by William B. Trask ; Hall family, by W. IT. Whltmore ; The Belknap family, by W. E. Warren ; Extracts from the proprietors records of East Iladdam, Ct., 1688-1717 ; Military defences in Hampshire county, 1743-4 ; Ancient burial- ground at Stonington, Conn., by J. D. Champlin, jr. ; Extracts from Rev. Ben jamin Fessenden s manuscript, 1730; Nathaniel Tyler, by William Tyler; Fragments concerning the Jones family, by J. Gardner White ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Early settlers of Block Island, R. I., by J. D. Champlin, jr. ; Genealogy of the McKinstry family, with a preliminary essay on the Scotch-Irish immigrations to America, by William Willis; John Green ; Hartford records of the 17th and 18th centuries ; Aurora borealis in 1649 ; Danvers church records ; Church records of Farmington, Conn. ; Genea logical memoir of the family of Rev. Nathaniel Rogers, of Ipswich, Mass., 1636, by Augustus I). Rogers; Births, marriages, and deaths in Maiden, 1735-50; Will of George Denison 1693 ; Book notices ; The family of Bright, of Suffolk, Eng. ; Reminiscences of La Fayette s visit to Boston Gov. Eustis Gov Brooks and others, by W. II. Sumner ; The Griffin family of Hampton, Conn., by George Chandler; Origin of the name of Point Shirley [From the Boston News-Letter, Sept. 13, 1753]; Genealogical gleanings, by W. II. Whitmore ; The Osgood family in New England, by C. M. Endicott ; Tileston, by J. Gardner White; Pedigree of Chute or Chewte, by D. Dudley ; East Iladdam, Ct.. records ; Bos ton ministers a ballad written in 1774 ; List of Capt. Samuel Gallup s com pany, 1690; Hastings family of Pennsylvania, by Powell Stackbouse ; Gleanings concerning the Scammon family ; Henry Kingsbury and his descendants, by John Ward Dean ; Pedigree of Miner ; Heraldry in America ; Fort Pownall and Brigadier Waldo, by John L. Sibley ; Extractfrom the account book of John Gay, of Sharon, Ct., 1764, transcribed by D. W. Patterson ; The Congrega tional church and its pastors in Hampton, Conn., 1723-1858 ; Zeller family; Speech of Dr. Usher Parsons at the celebration of the 43th anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie ; Witchcraft in Maine ; Bond of Charles Hilton, 1671 ; Sir Humphrey Gilbert s last letters ; Receipt for clothing, 1775 ; Bradstreet documents ; Sale of slave Mercury, 1667 ; The Savoy ; Letters of Brig. General Jedediah Preble to his friend Col. John Waite, 1776-7 ; Lines on the death of Rev. Zechariah Symmes, written about 1671 ; The Hinckley family, by George W. Messinger ; Death of Mrs. Anna (Whitaker) Heyward, 1764; Boston records; Rev. Robert Jordan, by W. II. Whitmore ; Robert Turner s letter to William Penn, 1685 ; The Norton family ; Letter of Edmund Quincy to his daughter, Mrs. Hancock, 1776; Everett family in New England; Will of Joshua Uncas, 1675 ; Letter of Thomas Deane to Joseph Dudley, 1683-4 ; Births, marriages, and deaths from " Records of Town of Hartford, 1685-1709 " ; Brastow geneal ogy, by George W. Messinger ; Marriages in Taunton, 1684-1713 ; Extracts from the diary of Rev. Jonathan Pierpont, 1682-1707 ; Petition of some " Falsely called Brownists," 1592; Free grammar school in Boston, 171112; Original proprietors of Sudbury, Mass., 1640 ; Notice of "A catalogue of original docu ments in the English archives relating to the early history of Maine." by William Willis ; Officers, committees, members ; Memoir of William Pynchon, by Charles Stearns ; Letters relative to the Pepper and Pepperrell families, 1743_4 ; Copy of a letter from Rev. Joseph Lord to Judge Samuel Sewall, 1706; Advertisement for a slave, Crispus Attucks, in 1750 ; Purchase s patent of lands in Maine, 1687-8 ; Extracts from the diary of Rev. Samuel Dexter, of Ded- ham, 1720-22 ; Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, by Joshua Coffin ; Brief memoir of Rev. Andrew Le Mercier ; Benjamin Marston, by Frederic Kidder ; Man or Mann genealogy, containing a memoir of Rev. Samuel Man, by George W. Messinger ; Letter of John Hancock from London, 1760; Extracts from the letter-book of William Hill, of Cape Fear, N. C., 1774-5; Copy of a letter from Samuel Part ridge to Gov. Joseph Dudley 1704-5 ; Chadbourne genealogy, by Thomas Chadbourne ; Rev. John Robinson, of Leyden, by George Sumner ; Medfie memorial, 1664, by Charles H. Morse; Gookin s. history of New England; H ! torical notices and genealogy of the Fuller family ; Longevity of the X England Guards; Deed of Capt. John Summerset, 1641 ; Historical Intelligenc Index of names. i. J. t.. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xiv. Boston, I860. 8vo, pp. iv, 390. Portraits. Contents : Sketch of the life of Henry Bond, by Joseph Palmer ; Building and occupancy of Fort Pownall, by Richard Pike ; Letter from Hopestill Clap NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 457 to Rev. Nathl. Clap, of Newport, R. I., 172G ; The Thatcher family, by Horatio N. Otis ; Judge Sewall s Cape Cod and Martha s Vineyard memoranda, 1702 ; Pedigree of Joselyne, by S. G. Drake; Notes respecting the descendants of Isaac Robinson, son of Rev. John Robinson, of Leyden, by Amos Otis; Docu ments relative to Red Lion wharf, Boston, 1691-1722 ; Letter of Edmund Quincy to Genl. Hancock, 1778 ; Early settlers of Westerly, Rhode Island, by J. D. Champlin, jr. ; Preston family, by Aaron Sargent ; Nichols Genealogy, by Aaron Sargent ; Smith family of Pennsylvania ; Deposition of James Babbidge, of North Yarmouth, Me., 1730 ; Roger Williams, Gorton, Blackstone, Angel, Harris, Newman, and others, by J. L. Sibley ; General Charles Lee ; Diary of Rev. Samuel Dexter, of Dedham, 1722-52; The Delameter family, by Reuben II. H. Walworth ; The petition for Groton plantation, 1G55 ; Inscriptions from the old burial ground, Roxbury, Mass. ; Capt. Russell s company, 1762 ; Genea logical notes, by W. Greenough White ; Flint genealogy, by J. Lawrence Bass ; Pedigree of Elizabeth (St. John) Whiting, by Clifford Stanly Sims; Letter from John Clap, of Sudbury, to Rev. Nathl. Clap, of Newport, R. I., 1717 ; Record of the births, marriages, and deaths of the first proprietors of lands in Middletown, Ct. ; Stedman family, by George Chandler ; Willard family items ; Philip Massinger, by George W. Messinger ; Letter from Noah Clap to Rev. Nathaniel Clap, 1743 ; Book notices ; Historical intelligence ; Notes and queries ; Members ; Sketch of Lemuel Shattuck ; Letter relative to Petaquomp- scott purchase in Rhode Island, 1666 ; Letter on Revolutionary matters, 1775 ; Letter of James Cudworth, of Scituate, 1634 ; Journal of Rev. Manassah Cutler, 1788; Perkins family of Connecticut, by Fred B. Perkins; Letters relative to the battle of Bennington, 1777 ; Peter Saxton, by R. C. Ingraham ; Genealogical items of the Kellogg family, by D. O. Kellogg; Letter to Ebenezer Clapp, 1746; Letter from Barton De Castine, the younger, 1725 ; Lines on the death of Rev. Peter Hobart, 1678 ; Letter from Rev. Thomas Prince, of Boston, to Rev. Nathaniel Clap, of Newport, R. I., 1727-8; Records of Falmouth (now Port land), Maine; Recollections by Mary Turell, Boston, 1821; First meeting house in Boston ; Extracts from letters relative to Methodists, 174047 ; Births in Hopkinton, Mass., from the records, by Rev. Elias Nason, 172057 ; Some recollections of Washington s visit to Boston, by William II. Sumner ; A letter of love in a " Minister s Wooing" a century and a third ago; Letter from Noah Clap to Rev. Nathaniel Clap, of Newport, R. I., 1733 ; Minutes relative to the Bradford family, by Reuben II. Walworth ; Waltham Revolutionary Army papers; Crossing the water, by W. II. Whitmore ; Letter to Mary Carpenter, 1664, with introduction by Frederic Kidder ; The Hatch family, by Jarvis Maltiah Hatch ; Colonial post-office documents, 1758 ; Natives of America who were scholars of Dugard ; The earthquake of 1727 ; Genealogy of the Everett family, by Edward F. Everett ; The Eliot tomb at Roxbury ; The Harlow family, by Theodore P. Adams ; Will of Gov. Richard Bellingham, 1672 ; Diary of Rev. E. Parkman, of Westboro , 1744 ; Capt. John Bonner ; Genealogical notes on the Kirtland family in the United States, by F. W. Chapman ; Deed of John Wright to Tristam Coffin, 1655 ; Documents relating to the proposed county of Hancock, 1775 ; Tolman genealogy ; Notes on ante-Revolutionary currency and politics, by Andrew H. Ward ; Mrs. Skinner and the massacre at Wyoming; Certificate to Andrew Peters, 1698-0; Massachusetts stamp act, 1755; List of persons in captivity, 1755-8; Letter from Rev. Thomas Clap to Rev. Nathaniel Clap, of Newport, R. I., 1725 ; The founders of New England ; Comission to Archbishop Laud and others to govern New England, 1634 ; Com mission to Sir Ferdinando Gorges as governor of New England, 1637 ; Emigrants for St. Christophers and the Barbadoes, 1634-5 ; Adams genealogy, by Aaron Sargent; Letter of Josiah Franklin, 1706; Index of names. (337S NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xv. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. x, 374. Plate. Contents : General index to the volumes xi-xv, 1857-1861 ; Col. Thomas Knowlton, by Ashbel Woodward ; Mary Chilton ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Kt. ; The oldest burial ground in Boxford, Mass. ; Amsden family, by Andrew II. Ward ; Religious excitement one hundred and odd years ago ; Letter of John Coe, 1708 ; Daniel Cushing s record, 1633-7 ; Emigrants in the Hercules of Sandwich, 1634 ; Items from the city records at Leyden, 1611-21; Petition of Peleg Stevens, 1758; Notes on the Indian Wars in New I^ngland, chapters vi-x ; Journal of Rev. Manasseh Cutler, 1788 ; Extracts from the record of Daniel Warner, who died in 1754 ; Questions 458 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION". concerning William Earle, by Hezekiah Earle ; Materials for the history of Braintree from the muster rolls of the " Old French War," a part of the Massa chusetts archives ; Early settlers of Plainfield, Conn. ; Walker family memoranda ; Letters from Joseph Frye and I. Handfield, 1754 and 1755 ; Genealogical glean ings, by W. II. Whitmore ; Thomas Rumsey, alias Hailes testimony of Theo- der Atkinson and wife ; Letter of Edmund Quincy, 178.3 ; Letter from Rev. Supply Clap of Wohurn, Mass., to Rev. Nathl. Clap of Newport, R. I., 1742; Early settlers of Westerly, R. I. ; Letter from Rev. Joshua Gee of Boston, to Rev. Nathaniel Clap of Newport, R. I., 1742-3 ; Baptisms from Rehoboth church records, 1694-1709 ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record in the county of Suffolk, Mass.; Sketch of the Chipman family, by R. Manning Chip- man ; Sheldon family ; Book notices ; Obituary ; A bibliographical essay on the early collections of voyages to America, by Wm. Willis ; Percival and Ellen Green, who came to America in 1635 ; Notes on the Blake family, by John H. Blake : Neglected biography Magelhaens ; Rev. William Tompson, by Frederick Chase ; Mason family, by Reuben H. Walworth ; Long Island early affairs ; Boston records ; A muster role of Capt. John Goffe, 1746 ; Indian deed of Springfield, 1636; Passengers to Virginia, 1635; Deposition of Henry Leonard in 1655 ; Will of John Gardner of Nantucket, 1705 ; Epitaphs in the old burying- place in Middletown ; Gubernatorial reminiscences ; Robert Cushman s sermon, delivered in 1621 ; Ancient record of deaths at Portsmouth, N. II. ; Indian deed of lands in Middleborough, 1686 ; Miscellaneous extracts from old records ; Let ter of John Cogswell, 1653 ; Letter of Dyar Throop, 1776 ; Key to the Battle of Bunker s Hill ; Diary of Jeremiah Bumstead of Boston, 1722-1727 ; Nicholas Clap and his descendants, from MS. of Ebenezer Clap ; A brief sketch of the early branch of the Pain family, settled at Freetown, Ms., by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Gilbert Hall s family, by Royal R. Hinman ; Records of the Greenwood family; Letter of Gen. Burgoyne, 1777; Records of Wethersfield, Conn.; Ancient tax list of the town of Rowley ; The Dodge family ; Charlotte Sanders Cushman ; Notes on the Kent family ; Mitchell Collins ; Major Andre monu ment to his memory in Westminster Abbey ; Minutes respecting the Choate family, by John A. Boutelle ; Ohio University lands ; Capt. Enos Stone s journal, 1777 ; Privateer Gen. Stark, 1780 ; First settler of Rhode Island, by Samuel G. Drake ; Letter from Benjamin Colman to his daughter, Mrs. Jane Turell, 1727 ; Harlakenden family, by Isaac J. Greenwood, jr. ; Will of John Cordoner of Bos ton, 1691 ; Records of the descendants of John Edgerly of Durham, N. H. ; Monu mental inscriptions of John Chandler of Woodstock, Ct., and his descendants of the name; Chapin family; Index of names. (3373 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xvi. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 4, 397. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Sketch of Nathan Appleton ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Records of Wethersfield, Conn. ; Indian deed of Eastham, Mass., 1692 ; Letter from Thomas Osburue to George Little, 1682 ; Revolutionary journal of Daniel Gookin 1779 ; Extracts from the diary of Robert Galley of Charlestown, Mass., 1699-1765 ; Parker genealogy, by Francis J. Parker ; Charges of the town of Hull for beacon, watch house, etc., March 9, 1673-4 ; Boston records ; Depositions of Phillip Long and Samuel Younglove, 1658 and 1668 ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record and on the files in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Letter from John Walley, jr., 1744 ; Petition to the General Court of Massachusetts relative to the war, 1675-6 ; Abstracts from interleaved almanacs for the years 1724 and 1732, in the handwriting of Samuel Sewall, jr. ; Abstracts of the earliest wills from the records and files at East Cam bridge, Mass., in the county of Middlesex, prepared by W. B. Trask ; Marriages, births, and deaths in Dorchester, 1648-1683; Brattleborough, Vt., inscriptions; Testimony of Deputy Gov. Samuel Symonds in relation to the estate of Mr. Vincent, 1665 ; Petition of Boston inhabitants in 1696, that the law relating to building with brick be repealed ; Samuel Waters and Robert Sanders s testi mony, 1683 ; Marriages and deaths ; Historical intelligence ; Book notices ; Mem bers ; Memoir of Sir Walter Ralegh ; An address delivered by the president, Winslow Lewis ; Extracts from the diary of Robert Galley of Charlestown, Mass., 1699-1765 ; The Tozer family ; Records of Wethersfield, Conn. ; Orders of Gov. Lawrence of Nova Scotia in relation to the French neutrals, 1756 ; Grantees of Narragansett townships ; Vote of the General Court of Massachusetts to have a book called " Unitie Our Dutie " printed and distributed ; Soldiers from Dor chester in the Canada expedition of 1690, with a list of settlers or grantees to NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 459 the town of Ashburnham, Mass. ; Licence to Capt. John Underbill to repair to Boston 1639 ; Will of Gov. Haynes, 1646 ; Letter from Michael Hillegas, con tinental treasurer of the U. S., 1781 ; Richard Thurston s memorandum kept at Rowley of the deaths of his near relations, 1720-70 ; Earthquake in New England, 1755; The family and ancestors of Thomas Palmer of Boston; Genealogy from the camp at Port Royal, S. C. ; Letter from a nonagenarian, Grant Thorburn, 1862 ; Current events, 1862 ; Where Baron Steuben was buried ; Records copied from an ancient family bible of Anthony Thomas in Marshfield, Mass. ; A brief history of the Society, by J. II. Sheppard ; List of members of the old church, Topsfleld, 1684-1751; The old French war, 1758; Patriotic instructions to the delegate to the General Court from Lexington, 1772 ; Will of Leonard Chester, 1637 ; Genealogical sketch of the descendants of Reinold and Matthew Marvin, who came to New England in 1635, by T. R. Marvin ; Some account of Dr. Nathaniel Ames, the almanac-maker and his family ; The old burial places in Exeter, N. II. ; The Rev. John Walley ; The Folger family, by William Coleman Folger; Michael Metcalfe, by John George Metcalf ; Officers ; Diamond wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Raymond ; Memoir of Daniel Messinger of Boston, by John Ward Dean ; Genealogy of the Messinger family, by George W. Messinger; Will of Gen. John Bradstreet, 1774; An attendant on Goffe and Whalley ; Records of Falmouth (now Portland), Me.; David McLane, an Amer ican executed for high treason at Quebec in 1797, by John Gilmary Shea ; Mar riages, births, and deaths at Taunton, in the 17th century, from the Proprie tors records ; Massachusetts certificate of indebtedness, 1780 ; Genealogy of the Kingsburys of Dedham, Mass., by John Ward Dean ; Epitaphs of Nathaniel Thurston and his six wives ; Will of Thomas Olcott, 1653 ; Fenelon and his connection with America, by Caleb Davis Bradlee ; The naming of Vermont ; Three memorable days for America ; A letter from Cotton Mather respecting the deed of certain Indians to John Wheelwright and others, 1708 ; Lancaster records, 1651-1674 ; Scotch-Irish families in Chester county, Pa. Blair and Smith ; Necrology of Harvard graduates ; Rev. Nathaniel Ward s dedication to Lord Bacon, 1618; Wills of Richard Fitch, of Boston, 1645; Index of names. (3374 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical mid Genealogical Register. Vol. xvn. Boston, 1863. 8vo, pp. iv, 387. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Brief memoir of Dr. Winslow Lewis, by John II. Sheppard ; Yarmouth letters, 1676-7, 1686 reprinted from the Yarmouth Reg ister, 1847 ; Brief sketches of the officers who were in the Battle of Lake Erie, by Usher Parsons; Records of Falmouth (now Portland), Me.; Marriages, births, and deaths at Taunton, Mass., in the seventeenth century ; New probate forms in Massachusetts ; Mason family, by Reuben II. Walworth ; The Rogers gene alogy and the Candler manuscript, by J. L. Chester ; Carter genealogy, by Aaron Sargent ; Letters of William Ellery on the opposition to the union, 1789- 90 ; Letter of Silas Deane to John Hancock, 1778 ; The Vassalls of New England, by Edward Doubleday Harris ; Gov. John Carver, by John A. Howland ; The Per kins family of Connecticut, by William E. Warren ; William Wentworth the emigrant settler, by John Wentwor-th ; Lancaster records, 17th and 18th centu ries ; Marriages and deaths ; Meetings of the Society ; Historical intelligence ; Current events ; Book notices ; Memoir of Elkanah Watson, by Wm. Reed Deane ; Sketch of the family of Field, by Osgood Field ; Rev. Michael Wigglesworth, his memoir autobiography, letters, and library ; Rear Admirals in the United States Navy ; Memorial to the town of Boston, 1746 ; A sketch of the early members of the Hoar family at Middleborough, Mass., by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Abstracts of the earliest wills from the records and files at East Cambridge, in the county of Middlesex ; Genealogy of the Winslow family, by John II. Sheppard ; Genealogy of the Lewis family, by John II. Sheppard ; Genealogy of the Greenough family, by John II. Sheppnrd ; Sudbury records, 17th century ; Memoir of Samuel Gard ner Drake, by John Sheppard ; Annual address of the president, Winslow Lewis ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Genealogical gleanings, by W. II. Whitmore ; Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, and his brother, the mis sionary in America, by John Gilmary Shea ; The Washington family, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Americans admitted to the Middle Temple, 1760-83 ; Sherburne Sloper Brewster Knight Langdon Lear, by John Wentworth ; Records of Wethersfield, Conn., 17th and 18th centuries ; Letter of Thomas Jefferson to M. Dumas, 1790 ; Lane family papers, 1653 ; Hon. Sylvanus Bourn obituary ; The preservation of manuscripts, by Edward Wm. Hooker ; Sketch of William Apple- 460 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ton, by John H. Sheppard ; Letter of Gov. Belcher, of Mass., to Col. Sherburne, 1731 ; The Ayres and Ayer families, by W. II. Whitmore ; Anti-catholic declara tion of the N. II. General Assembly, 1698 ; Eliazer Isbel s will, 1677 ; Copy of Pedigree of Dumaresq Seigneurs of La Haute, St. Gorge, Samares. Vincheles De Bas, and Des Augres ; Dumaresq family, from original documents ; Reminiscences of James Dumaresq; Rogers family wills, 1618, 1636; The dark day of 1780; Brief memoir of Andrew Henshaw Ward, by William B. Trask ; Extracts from the diary of Rev. Samuel Chandler while colleague of Rev. John White, of Gloucester, 1755-6 ; Index of names. (3375 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xvm. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. iv, 409. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index ; Some remarks on the life and character of Gen. David Cobb, delivered at the Taunton Lyceum, July 2d, 1830, by Francis Baylies; Testimony of Samuel Gage, 1663 ; The true date of the birth and death of Elder Brewster, by Henry M. Dexter; Biographical sketch of Doctor Jonathan Potts. with extracts from his correspondence, 1776-80 ; An account of the discovery of an ancient ship on the eastern shore of Cape Cod. by Amos Otis ; Sudbury records, 17th century ; William Wentworth, the emigrant settler, by John Went- worth ; Records of Wethersfleld, Conn. ; Newcomb family queries ; Horatio Greenough, the designer of Bunker Hill monument, by Samuel Swett ; Pratt and Trerice, by William S. Appleton ; Letter from Wm. Peake to John Hull. Kill ; Depositions of Joshua Scottow, James Everill, & Richard Knight, of Boston, 1682 ; Letter from Rev. Seth Shove, of Simsbury, Conn., to Capt. Samuel Sewall, of Boston, 1692 ; Petition of George Davie to the General Court in Massachusetts, 1676 ; Sketch of proceedings in relation to building the first meeting house, Ipswich, called Chebacco parish, now Essex, Mass. ; A journal of proceedings to Martha s Vineyard, Oct. 2-15, 1712 ; Petition to the General Court from Ames- bury, Mass., in relation to a military officer, 1680; Copy of a commission to Capt. David Henshaw, of Leicester, and of the company roll of his command, 1776 ; Bill of sale of a negro servant in Boston, 1724 ; Abstract of the will of Eliezer Hudson, of Newbury, Mass., 1727; Testimony of Thomas Stanton, 16(52; Genealogical waifs, by Joseph Lemuel Chester ; Records of Springfield, Mass.. 17th century ; Will of Benjamin Whitmore, 1696 ; Rev. Deodate Lawson ; Hisrory of the Register, by John Ward Dean ; Marriages and deaths ; Obituaries ; Cur rent events ; Thomas Cheever s scholars, Rumney Marsh, now Chelsea, 1709-10 ; Book notices; A church of the first Congregational (Unitarian) Society in Quincy, built in 1732, by Frederick A. Whitney ; Lake family, by Wm. II. Whit more ; Deposition of Mary Roe 1664 ; Annual address by the president, Winslow Lewis ; Extracts from the Doop-Boek, or baptismal register, of the reformed protestant Dutch church of Schenectady, N. Y., 1694 ; Potter family records, 1695- 1704 ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record and on the files in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Spear family record ; Statements of Grace Higiman and others in relation to being taken captive by the Indians, 1689 ; Testimony of Moses Eyers, of Dorchester (1688), who was taken captive by the Indians; Boston records ; Will of Herbert Pelham, Esq., 1672 ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers, by Wm. H. Whitmore ; Letter from Daniel Gookin to Gov. Dudley, 1686 ; Synopsis of inscriptions in the old Maiden burying ground ; Notes on the Winthrop family and its English connections, viz : the families of Forth, Clopton, Tyndale, and Fones, by W. H. Whitmore ; Tickers or Vickery family, by W. II. Whitmore ; Gale family, by George Gale ; Proceedings of the Society ; Memoir of Nahum Mitchell, author of the history of Bridgewater, by William Allen ; Origin of Woodstock, Conn., and names of first planters, by Ab- ner Morse ; Reminiscences by an elderly lady of Salem ; New brick church. Boston list of persons connected therewith, 17221775 ; Early marriages in Newport, R. I., from Friends record ; A list of American genealogies, by W. H. Whitmore ; Rogers, Sparhawk, and Crane, by William S. Appleton ; One branch of a family of Adams, by W. S. Appleton ; Sampson Mason, the baptist and dragoon in Oliver Cromwell s army, by Ira M. Barton ; Sketch of the Weaver family, of Swanzey, Mass., by Ebenezer Weaver Peirce ; The English ancestry of the Field family, by W. H. Whitmore ; Second company of Massachusetts artillery, 1779 ; Woodruff and Clark families ; Dane and Deane families, of Con cord, Mass. ; Genealogical gleanings, by W. H. Whitmore; Report of the standing committee on heraldry ; Pedigree of Rev. John Oxenbridge, of Boston ; Epitaph of Rev. John Ward, of Haverhill, Eng. ; Early marriages in Bradford, Mass., 1728-70 ; Marriages at Scituate, Mass., prior to 1700 ; Researches among funeral NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 461 sermons ; Sweetser and Wigglesworth ; A list of Americans who died on board the prison ship at St. Lucia, 1781 ; The author of Massachusettensis ; Biograph ical sketch of Henry W. Cushman, by George T. Davis ; The Herald s visitations from Vicissitudes of Families, by Sir Bernard Burke ; Levering family, by Thomas B. Wyman, jr. ; The Barnaby or Barneby family, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Watson genealogy, by William R. Deane ; One, two, and three penny bills issued in 1722 ; Rev. William Hubbard, the historian; Memoir of John Barstow, 17911864, by Alexis Caswell ; Index of names. (3376 Ni:\\ -ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xix. Boston, 1865. Svo, pp. iv, 394. Tortraits. Contents : General index ; Memoir of John Collins Warren ; A brief genealogy of the Hutchinson family, by W. II. Whitmore ; Letter from Paul Dudley to John Chamberlayne, 1721-22 ; Early marriages in Bradford, Mass. ; Last survivor of the massacre at Wyoming, Lucy Gore ; Monumental inscriptions at St. John, New Brunswick ; Extracts from the records at Woodbridge, N. J., 16701720 ; Boston records ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record and on the files in the county of Suffolk, Mass. ; Inscriptions Wigglesworth and Deane ; dishing family, by John Perkins Cushing ; Muster roll of Concord minute men ; Signers of the Declaration of Independence ; Sketch of the Rounseville family, of Free town, Mass., by p]benezer W. Peirce ; Abstracts from the earliest deeds on record in the county of Suffolk ; Braintree troubles in 1683 ; Declaration of Deputy Governor Samuel Symonds ; A memorial stone in Warwick, Mass. ; Names from an early book of records in Charlestown, Mass., 1593 ; Genealogical gleanings, by W. II. Whitmore ; Extracts from the diary of Mary Fleet, Boston, 1755-1803 ; Records of Springfield, Mass., 17th century ; William Wentworth, the emigrant settler and his grandchildren, by John Wentworth ; Extracts from the Dook-Boek, or baptismal register, of the reformed protestant Dutch church of Schenectady, N. Y., 1707-12; A note from John Gove, of Charlestown, 1655 ; A list of the Americans committed to old Mill Prison since the American war ; Notes on the Waldo family ; Marriages and deaths ; Obituaries ; Proceed ings ; Book notices ; Memoir of James F. Baldwin, by Usher Parsons ; Oliver family, by W. II. Whitmore ; Deed of confirmation of lands in Rowley, 1650 ; Baldwin- Bruen ; Samuel Brackenbury ; Annual address of the president, W T ins- low Lewis ; Thompson Iloughton Earthquake at Port Royal, 1692 ; Brief me moirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Family of Nathaniel Sparhawk, of Cambridge, 15601734 ; Ancestry of Dorothy Merriam ; Letters of Gov. Jonathan Belcher to Capt. Benjamin Larrabee, 1731-40 ; Hansard Knollys and his letter of public assurance, 1639 ; Petition of the native Americans residing in London to his Majesty George III, in 1774 ; Letter from John Hancock to Dorothy ()uincy, 1775 ; Pepperrell manuscripts, 1704-45 ; Letter from Ezekiel Hopkins to Joseph Olney, 1777; Memoir of Gideon F. Thayer, by Thomas Cushing; Ex tracts from the early probate records of Bristol county, with notes from the registry of deeds and town records, 1687-1757 ; Extracts from sermons by Cotton Mather ; Antill family records ; The first bank in Boston, 1714 ; Ancient paper-hangings in Dorchester, Mass. ; Centennial and other celebrations ; Me moir of John Brooks, Governor of Massachusetts, by Charles Brooks ; Mar riages in the north parish of Bridgewater (now North Bridgewater), from Jan. 1, 1742, to Jan., 1780, by Rev. John Porter ; Notices of the ministers of the reformed protestant Dutch church of Schenectady, N. Y. ; Letter from Gen. John Glover, of Marblehead, to Capt. Richard Cowell, 1780 ; Family of Badcock, of Milton, by Wm. S. Appleton ; Early marriages and births at Scituate, Mass. ; Pepperell manuscripts, 17419 ; New brick church, Boston list of persons con nected therewith, 1722-1775 ; Earl of Bellomont, 1636-1701 ; Items from an interleaved copy of Ames s almanac for 1746, belonging to Rev. John Cushing; Records of Wethersfield, Conn. ; The common lands in Lunenburg, Mass., 1731 ; Extracts from sermons by Cotton Mather; Descendants of Rev. Thomas Jenner, by Wm. S. Appleton ; Brief notice of Richard Southgate and his family ; A journal kept by John Leach, during his confinement by the British in Boston gaol, in 1775 ; Will of Rev. Thomas Morse, of Foxearth, County of Essex, Eng land, 1596 ; Master Sullivan, of Berwick his ancestors and descendants ; Bos ton Committee of Correspondence, 1772 ; Deposition of John Deverick, 1666 : Newbury blockhouses, 1704 ; Statements of John Leach in regard to his prop erty in Boston destroyed by the British in 1775-6 ; Strang or Strange family, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Items from an interleaved Boston almanac for 1778, being a diary of Ezekiel Price ; Reminiscences connected with the war of 1812 ; Letter 462 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. from John Leach, 1776 ; Reminiscences and genealogy of the Vanghan family, by John II. Sheppard ; Notes on the Lincoln families of Massachusetts, with some account of the family of Abraham Lincoln, by Solomon Lincoln ; A letter of directions to his father s birthplace, by John Holmes, of Haddam, Conn., 1725 ; Index of names. (3377 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xx. Boston, 186(5. 8vo, pp. iv, 397. Portraits. Plan. Contents : General index ; Pepperrell genealogy, by Usher Parsons ; Record of the Willis family, from an old bible ; An estimate of the inhabitants, English and Indian, in the North American Colonies, also their extent in miles, 1726, from the Wendell papers ; Gov. Shirley s letter to the chiefs of the six nations of Indians, 1746, from the original MS., furnished by the Wendell family; Ex tracts from the diary of Mr. John Tileston, 1775 ; Heirs to estates in England ; Extract from the earliest church record in Walpole, Mass. ; Records of Wethers- field, Conn., 17th & 18th centuries ; Volunteers enlisted in the continental army during winter of 1775-6, from the town of Scituate, Mass. ; Quaint inscriptions on old English tombstones ; A contribution to the history of the family of Osgood, by Osgood Field ; An old advertisement of land, 1760 ; Dr. Jabez Up- ham, 17GO ; New England Merchants Memorial to the London Board of Trade from the Wendell papers ; Indian treaty instructions, 1752 ; Genealogical glean ings, by W. II. Whitmore ; A curious bilingual epitaph, 1776 ; Strachey s dedica tion to "Divine Laws," &c., 1611; A list of the General Officers of the Revo lutionary Army, prepared by Jeremiah Colburn ; A valuable antiquarian al manac, ranging over a space of 15 centuries; Boston records, 17th century; Rate bill for the north parish of Lebanon (now Columbia), Conn., for the year 1741 ; A brief memoir of Rev. Giles Firmin, by John Ward Dean ; The Freemans the Eastham branch of the Sandwich family Major John Free man, by Josiah Paine ; Posterity of William Warner, one of the early settlers of Ipswich, Mass., by Edward Warner ; An original letter from Thomas Jeff erson, 1776; Resolves of a convention holden at South Kingston, R. I., April 1, 1784; Current events; Centennial and other celebrations; Marriages and deaths ; Necrology ; Book notices ; Memoir of General Nathaniel Lyon, by Ashbel Woodward ; Extracts from the Charlestown records, 1633-48 ; The reported embarkation of Cromwell and his friends for New England accounts from various sources, collected by John Ward Dean ; Public worship in the church at Hopkinton (Mass.) in the old colonial times; Two letters of Hon. John Stoddard, of Northampton, 1730, 1747 ; Wadsworth monument date of Sudbury fight, by George S. Boutwell ; Depositions from the files of Suffolk. 1648-60; Births, marriages, and deaths from the files of Suffolk county; Valedictory address of Winslow Lewis, president of the Society ; Did the widow of John Robinson emigrate to America? by H. M. Dexter; A voyage to the river St. Lawrence, 1597 ; An ancient writ, 1685 ; Memoranda written by Rev. Joseph Baxter, of Medfield ; Antique epitaphs from the graveyard at Vernon, Vermont: Second precinct of Brookfield, tax list, about 1750; The life and public services of the late Hon. William Jarvis, by Hampden Cutts; The Clarkes of Rhode Island items from an old family bible ; Extract from a letter of a New England minister, written in 1645 ; The posterity of William Davis, of Freetown, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Extracts from the Doop-Boek, or baptismal register of the reformed Protestant Dutch church of Schenectady, N. Y., 1712-17; Genealogy of the Valentine family, by Ebenezer W. Peirce; The West New Jersey Society, 1773 from the Wendell papers ; Andrew Foster, of Andover, and his descendants, by Edward Jacob Forster ; Preservation of Indian names, by Frederick Kidder ; Will of William Curtis, 1669; A bond from Philip to Isaac Curtis, 1669 ; Order respecting the militia, 1754 from the Wendell papers; Records of town of Hartford, 1709 to 1716; Narrative of Hendrick, an Indian sachem, 1746 from the Wendell papers ; Abstracts from the earliest wills on record and on the files in the county of Suffolk, Mass., by William B. Trask ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers ; Genealogy of the Capen family, by Edward F. Everett; Will of Rev. Richard Mather, 1661 ; Ward s Magnet originally published in 1637, by John H. Sheppard ; Memoir of John Phillips, first mayor of the city of Boston ; In debtedness of the English to the Indian languages of America, by Elias Nason ; Conditions of success in genealogical investigations extract from a paper by William Chauncey Fowler ; Researches among funeral sermons and .other tracts for the recovery of biographical and genealogical materials ; First Amer- NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 463 ican-built vessels in the British navy, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Record of bap tisms (1715-1747) from 1st vol. of records of the church at " Rumneymarsh," (No. Chelsea) ; New England, by John Ward Dean ; Wallingford genealogy, by H. H. Clements ; Births, marriages, and deaths from the records of the ancient town of Dartmouth, Mass., 17th and 18th centuries ; Report on the Sudbury fight, April, 1676, by the Committee ; The Freemans the Eastham branch of the Sandwich family Major John Freeman, by Josiah Paine ; The Ilutchinson family of England and New England and its connection with the Marburys and Drydens, by Joseph Lemuel Chester ; Notes and memoranda relating to persons of the name of Towne, by William B. Towne ; Index of names. (3378 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxi. Boston, 18G7. Svo. pp. iv, 399. Portraits. Plate. Contents : General index ; Daniel Webster, by Elias Nason ; Notes and memo randa relating to persons of the name of Towne, by William B. Towne ; Zecha- riah I addock ; Appeal for assistance in building a Presbyterian meeting house in Philadelphia, 1749-50; A preliminary investigation of the alleged ancestry of George Washington, exposing a serious error in the existing pedigree, by Joseph L. Chester ; Economy and simplicity in high places in olden times - expense accounts, 1651 ; Bibliography of the local history of Massachusetts, by Jeremiah Colburn ; Journal of the Rev. Joseph Baxter, of Medfield, missionary to the eastern Indians in 1717 ; The Peirce family, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; The posterity of William Davis, of Freetown, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Current events ; Centennial and other celebrations ; Soldiers monuments ; Notes and queries ; Marriages and deaths ; Proceedings of the Society ; Book notices ; Memoir of Marshall Pinckney Wilder, by John H. Sheppard ; Annual address of the president, John A. Andrew ; Copy of a manuscript of Jonathan Blake, relating to the early history of Warwick, Mass., 1735 ; Extracts from the Doop-Boek, or baptismal register of the reformed Protestant Dutch church of Schenectady, N. Y., 1717-20; The Tuttle family -of New Hampshire, by Charles W. Tuttle; Lieutenant s commission from Gen. Abercromby to Andrew McMillan, 1758 ; Family record of Benjamin Greenleaf, of Newburyport, from a bible in pos session of D. C. Colesworthy ; Dorchester (Mass.) town records, with notes by W. B. Trask ; The Whittemore family of Hitchin, in the county of Hertford, England, by E. S. Whittemore ; Sparhawk Rogers Stoughton Cooper, by Wm. S. Appleton ; John Goyte ; Grant family, by John Ward Dean; Memoir of Solomon Piper, by Wm. P. Tilden ; Commission of Sir William Pepperrell as lieutenant-general, 1757 ; English ancestry of the Winslow family, by Wm. S. Appleton ; The Pequot land reservation, Groton, Ct. document 172?; Inscriptions upon gravestones in the old cemetery at Orleans, Mass. ; Talcott and Mott families, by S. V. Talcott; The barque Warwick, 1630-1636; Mar riages in the town of Bridgewater previous to its division ; Genealogy of the Eastman family, by Lucius R. Eastman ; Cudworth and Stoughton, by John AVard Dean; Ancestry of early settlers in New England, by Wm. S. Appleton; Major-General Horatio Gates, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Hugh Browne, of Salem ; Births, marriages, and deaths, from the records of the ancient town. of Dart mouth, Mass. ; The first settlers of Lyndeboro , N. II., from the document which begins the MS. records of that town, 1736; Sketch of the life and character of Ebenezer Lane, by Alfred Newton ; Letter from William Blair Townsend, 1768 ; Relationship of the Combination settlers at Exeter, N. II., in 1639, by John Wentworth ; English localities of American emigrants ; General St. Glair s defeat letter from Jas. Wilkinson, 1791 ; Descendants of Walter Hastings, of Hardwick, Mass., by Mrs. L. N. II. Buckminster ; Thomas Gyles and his neighbors, 1669-1689, by John A. Vinton ; Rev. John Wheelwright, by Joseph L. Chester ; Index of names. (3379 XKW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxii. Boston, 1868. 8vo, pp. iv, 500. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Memoir of Nathaniel Curtis ; An original letter from Benjamin Franklin to S. C. Johonnot, 1782 ; Remonstrance from Col. Jonathan Ward s regiment, in 1775, against secret enemies; An early New England mar riage dower, with notes on the lineage of Richard Scott, of Providence, by Martin B. Scott; An attempt to trace the English ancestry of Commodore Bainbridge ; Joseph Adams, of Newington, N. II., by Charles W. Tuttle ; Church records of Newington, N. IL, 1716-36 ; Hints to genealogists, derived from 464 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. English local nomenclature, by W. Worthington Fowler ; Will of John Ward, of Ipswich, 1652 ; Bibliography of the local history of Massachusetts, by Jere miah Colburn ; Grisell Gurney, by John G. Metcalf ; Spectacle island, in Boston harbor record of sale, 1684, with note by Ledyard Bill; Dorchester (Mass.) town records, with notes by W. B. Trask ; Unsigned letter from Edward Wig- glesworth to Thomas Hollis, of London, 1731 ; Preparations for defence in the New Hampshire grants, by Edmund F. Slafter ; The command at the battle of Bunker Hill, as shown in the statement of Thompson Maxwell ; Thomas Paine, of Eastham, and posterity, by Josiah Paine; Ancient houses in Massachusetts; Births, marriages, and deaths, from the records of the ancient town of Dart mouth, Mass. ; Genealogy of the Fitts or Fitz family, by James H. Fitts ; An ancient inquest in New Hampshire, 1655 ; Ordination rock near Tamworth, X. H. ; Peirce family, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Current events; Notes and queries; Soldiers monuments ; Centennial and other celebrations ; Marriages and deaths ; Necrology of the Society ; Proceedings ; Book notices ; A sketch of the life of Joshua Henshaw, with brief notices of other members of the Henshaw family, compiled by Albert II. Hoyt ; Names of some of the officers and men in the Louisburg expedition ; A genealogical memoir of the Wentworth family of Eng land, from its Saxon origin in the eleventh century to the emigration of one of its representatives to New England about 1636, by J. L. Chester ; Cheney family, by A. M. Haines ; Major Thomas Leonard, by Wm. II. Deane ; Notes on the Axtell family, by Wm. S. Appleton ; Addresses of Marshall P. Wilder, presi dent of the Society ; Merriam family and connections, by Wm. S. Appleton ; The first free school in Massachusetts supported by a tax extract from town records of Dedham, 1644 ; Notes upon the Field family, by Osgood Field ; Felde or Feild, of East Ardsley, in the West Riding of Yorkshire from original official documents ; Pedigree of George Willis, governor of Connecticut, by Wm. Worth ington Fowler ; Records of the town of Hartford, Ct. ; Memoir of William Hickling Prescott, historian of Spain, Mexico, and Peru, by Charles H. Hart; Abstracts of ancient English wills in the name of Lunt ; Poem on the fall of the Wilton, N. H., meeting-house, 1773, by Nathaniel Allen ; Genealogy of the Hutchinsons of Salem, by Joseph L. Chester ; Reasons for the regulation of the use of coat-armor in the United States, including a plan for taxing the employment of such insignia, by W. H. Whitmore ; Milton (Mass.) church rec ords, 1678-1754 ; Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Thos. Bradford ; Letter from Benjamin Franklin to Geo. Whitefield, 1756 ; Narragansett grantees, with note by Cyrus Woodman ; Roll of Capt. Nathaniel Webb s co. in the fourth Connecticut regiment Revolutionary war Col. John Durkee, commanding; Men of Lancaster lost at the reduction of Montreal, 1755; Sketch of the life of Robert Hooper, by John H. Sheppard ; Puffer family, by Wm. S. Appleton ; Letter from Benj. Corbyn to Thomas Fuller, 1677 ; Letter from Mary Bulkley to Peter Bulkley. 1739 ; Pedigree of Greenwood, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Abra ham Preble, the common ancester of all of the name in America, by Geo. Henry Preble ; Address by William H. Tuthill, of Tipton, Iowa, at a family meeting of the descendants of John Tuthill; Salisbury (Mass.) men enlisted for the expedition against Crown Point, in the companies of Capt. Caleb Cush- ing and Capt. Wm. True ; Letter from Woodbnry Langdon in regard to the seizure of arms and powder at Fort William and Mary, Dec. 14, 1774 ; Gene alogy of the Chester family, by Edward Strong ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Woodbridge, N. J., early part of 18th century; Search warrant for the appre hension of Major Generals Goffe and Whalley, 1661 ; Memoir of the life and character of Stephen Minot Weld, by Robert M. Morse, Jr. ; Inscriptions or gravestones in North Mansfield, Conn. ; Old houses in Essex county, Mass., bj Jacob W. Reed ; Fletcher genealogy, by Edward H. Fletcher ; Vessels of wai built at Portsmouth, N. H., 1690-1868, by Geo. Henry Preble; Letter froff Joshua Henshaw, Jr., of Boston, to William Heshaw, of Leicester, 1768 Brigadier General Jedidiah Preble, 1707-1784, by Geo. Henry Preble ; Memoii of Jacob Wendell, of Portsmouth, N. H., by Elias Nason ; Historical papers communicated by C. K. Williams : Rehoboth Attleborough, 1695 ; Protest bj selectmen of Wrentham against a proposed division of that town, 1726 ; Sub scription paper for a social library in Bradford, Mass., 1765-1780; Contribu tions to a history of Greenland, N. H., by A. M. Haines : A list of Greenlam parish rate, 17 14; Troops for defence in 1722; A list of the province rat< in 1723 for the parish of Greenland ; Lt. Col. Runels s orders to Capt. Parsons ? company, on duty at Charlestown, Mass., 1781. Isaac Stelle to Thomas Fayer weather, 1753 ; Brayan Rosseter s petition to the General Assembly of Connec ticut, 1664, with a note by H. H. Edes ; Index of names. (! , NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 465 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxm. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. iv, 504. Portraits. Contents: John Albion Andrew, by Samuel Burnbam ; Milton (Mass.) church records 1678-1754 ; Documents relating to the colonial history of Connecticut with notes, by H. H. Edes ; Upham genealogy, by a descendant of the Upham family ; Early shipbuilding in Massachusetts, by George Henry Preble ; Records of the town of Hartford, Ct., early part of 18th century ; The privateer General - Sullivan records of the proprietors, communicated by Charles H. Bell ; Bibli ography of the local history of Massachusetts, by Jeremiah Colburn ; Births, marriages, and deaths in 1775 from the Pennsylvania Magazine, 1775 ; Memoir of Chandler Eastman Potter, by N. Bonton ; The charter of Norwich, Vermont, with brief historical notes, by Edmund F. Slafter ; A sketch of the British Museum, by John II. Sheppard ; Hints to genealogists, derived from English local nomenclature, by William W. Fowler; Necrology of New England colleges, 1867-8 ; Marriages and deaths ; Necrology of the Society ; Proceedings ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; A pedigree of Appleton, signed by Thomas Apple- ton, 1577 ; William Bentley Fowle, by Elias Nason ; Epitaphs from the older half of " Burying Hill," Weymouth, Mass., by John J. Lond ; Antiquity of the name of Scott, by Martin B. Scott ; Rev. Joseph or Josse Glover, by John W. Dean ; Address by the president, Marshall P. Wilder ; Descendants of Samuel Haines ; Papers relating to the Ilaines family, by Andrew M. Haines ; Docu ments relating to the colonial history of Connecticut with notes, by H. H. Edes; Marriages by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 1713-1730; Origin of signers of the early Exeter combination, by John Wentworth ; The first record-book of the first church in Charlestown, Mass., communicated by James F. Hunnewell ; Summary of voyages to the northern Atlantic coast of America in the 16th century, by William Willis ; Col. Nathaniel Meserve, by Charles W. Tuttle ; Descendants of Robert Waterman, of Marshfield, Mass. v in the line of his son Thomas, by Thomas Waterman ; Letter of Governor Eustis, 1776, with notes, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Biographical notice of Samuel D. Bell, by Charles H. Bell ; The Whitgift-Bradbury "family, by John M. Bradbury; Six memorial inscriptions of Englishmen buried in the chapel once occupied by the Scottish church in Leyden, with notes, by Henry M. Dexter ; A record of births, marriages, and deaths in Portsmouth, N. H., from 1706 to 1742; The Rogers family of Newport, R. I., and Middletown, Conn., by Enos Johnson, jr. ; Seizure of arms and pow der at Fort William and Mary, the finale of the provincial government in New Hampshire letters of Gov. Wentworth, 1774-5 ; Hereditary ability, by W. H. Whitmore ; Elder John Strong and his descendants, by Edward Strong ; A record of marriages, deaths, &c., as made by the Rev. Hugh Adams, of Durham, N. H. ; The Bulkeley pedigree, by H. A. Brainbridge ; Gregorys of Leicestershire and Nottingham, England, and of Connecticut, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Major-General Daniel Denison, by Daniel Denison Slade ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers, by W. H. Whitmore ; Calvin Fletcher, a biographical sketch, by William B. Trask ; Frances Manwaring Caulkins, a biographical sketch, by Henry P. Haven ; The Spooner family, by Thomas Spooner ; The Usher family, by W. II. Whitmore ; Emery Amory ; Philip Welsch, of Ipswich, Ms., and his descendants, by William Prescott ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Lyme, Conn., communicated by F. W. Clapham ; Church records of Newington, N. H., 1736-40 ; The first record-book of the first church in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1669- 1713 ; Letters from Joshua Heashaw, jr., of Boston, to William Henshaw, of Leicester, Mass., 1766-68; Documents relating to the colonial history of Con necticut with notes, by H. H. Edes; Index of names. (K381 XK\V-K\<;I.AND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxiv. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. iv, 451. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Joseph Barlow Felt, by J. B. F. Osgood ; Action of Deerfield, N. II., in 1776, on the question of armed resistance to the crown, documents communicated by E. Worthen James ; The first record-book of the first church in Charlestown, Mass. : A record of births, marriages, and deaths In Portsmouth, N. II., from 1706 to 1742; Extracts from letters of Gov. Belcher, with n note, by John Ward Dean ; Deposition of Col. William Lithgow in 1767, concerning the country of the Kennebec, with a note by John Ward Denn ; Church records of Rev. Hugh Adams, principally a*t Oyster River parish (now H. Doc. 923 ? 59-1, vol 2 30 466 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Durham, N. H.) ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Lyme, Conn., 1664-1786; Local law in Connecticut historically considered, by William Chauncey Fowler ; Milton (Mass.) church records, 1678-1754 ; Extracts from Capt. Francis Goelet s journal relative to Boston, Salem, and Marblehead, etc., 1746-1750, with notes; The Sherman family, by David Sherman ; Bibliography of the local history of Massachusetts, by Jeremiah Colburn ; Notes and queries ; Necrology of the So ciety ; Proceedings ; Book notices; Henry Matson Waite, by John Turner Wait; Wild horses in Maine, by John Johnston ; Letters of Cotton Mather, Samuel Sewall, John Callender, Adam Winthrop, and others, 1675-1785 ; Coffin family, by S. J. Macy, N. W. Coffin, and W. S. Appleton ; Origin of the Merriams and other families of Concord, Mass., by Wm. S. Appleton ; Address of the president, Marshall P. Wilder ; Necrology of New England colleges, 1868-9 ; Constitution and by-laws ; Discourse of Edmund F. Slafter at the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Society s incorporation ; Thomas Sherwin, by John D. Philbrick ; The Preble family, by Geo. Henry Treble ; The Squamscott patent, 1629, together with other papers relating thereto ; Letter from Solomon Stoddard to Gov. Dudley, 1703 ; Commissions from royal governors of Massachusetts, 1742, 1765 ; An American shrine (Charlestown, Mass.), by James F. Hunnewell ; Instructions to Matthew Gary about bringing prisoners from Canada, information obtained by him in Quebec, and lists of the prisoners redeemed and left in Canada, 1695 ; Unpublished letters of Judge Sewall, John Adams, &c., 1717-1818 ; Josiah Barker and his connection with shipbuilding in Massachusetts, by H. H. Edes ; Stephen Bryant and his descendants, by John A. Boutelle ; Documents relating to the colonial history of Connecticut with notes, by II. H. Edes ; David L. Swain, by Fisk P. Brewer ; The Revolution in New Hampshire ; A letter from John Cotton, Boston, May 31, 1626 ; A record of births, marriages, and deaths In Portsmouth, N. II., 1706-1742; Thomas Shepard s election sermon, in 1638; Louisbourg soldiers, by Charles Hudson ; The witchcraft delusion of 1692 by Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, from an unpublished manuscript in the Massachusetts archives, communicated, with notes, by Wm. F. Poole ; The Hassam family, by John T. Hassam ; Papers relating to the Haines family, 1606 ; Index of names. (3382 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxv. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. vii, 413. Portraits. Contents: William Plumer, senior, by Albert H. Hoyt ; Filip or Zekill Curtis?, by John George Metcalf ; Letters of John White and Thomas Jefferson, ] 734-5, 1805 ; More passengers for New England, 1635 ; Notes on early ship-building in Massachusetts, by George Henry Preble ; Thomas Bird, of Dorchester, and some of his descendants, by William B. Trask ; Bibliography of the local his tory of Massachusetts, by Jeremiah Cclburn ; A home of the olden time, by T. C. Amory ; Giles Firmin additional facts, by John Ward Dean ; Marriages in Dover, New Hampshire 1767-87 ; Early settlers in Exeter, N. H. division of lands, with note by John Wentworth ; First record-book ^of the first church in Charlestown, Mass., 1674-1763 ; Fosters of Charlestown, Mass., by E. J. Forster and W. S. Appleton ; Documents relating to the colonial history of Connecticut, with notes, by H. H. Edes ; " The war of the regulators " in North Carolina, 1768-71, by A. M. Waddell ; Notes and queries; Necrology; Book notices; William Pitt Fessenden, by Geo. Henry Preble; A record of births, marriages, and deaths in Portsmouth, N. H., from 1706 to 1742 ; Judges of probate, county of Middlesex, Mass., 1692-1871, by W. A. Richardson ; Abraham Shurt and John Earthy, by John Johnston ; The standard of the Three County Troop, by W. H. Whitmore ; Land titles at Pemaquid the Boardman claim, 1796, by John Johns ton ; Ralph Allen, of Newport, R. I., and some of his descendants who settled in New Jersey, by Clifford Stanley Sims; Lucas family, by J. R. Lucas; Na thaniel Baldwin and one line of his descendants, by Byron A. Baldwin : The Isles of Shoals in the year 1653, by Charles W. Tuttle ; The Le Baron family, by Martha H. Le Baron Goddard ; The Bromfields, by Daniel Denison Slade : Papers relating to the Haines family, by A. M. Haines ; Field-officers of the Massachusetts continental line of the Revolutionary army, by Francis S. Drake Reminiscences of Lucius Manlius Sargent, by John H. Sheppard ; Old Cambridge and new, by T. C. Amory ; Queen s Chapel, now St. John s Church, Portsmouth N. II. Rev. Arthur Brown invited to become rector, 1735; Families of Weii and Wyer in Newv England, particularly of Charlestown, Mass., by Wm. S Appleton ; Louisbourg soldiers, by Charles Hudson ; Surrender of Cornwall!* accounts of the reception of the news, taken from " Wraxall s Historical Memoirs NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 467 of my own Time ; " Commodore James Armstrong, U. S. N., by Geo. Henry Preble ; Local law in Massachusetts, historically considered, by William Chauncey Fowler ; Church records of Newington, N. II., 1740-3 ; The Pennington family, of Connecticut and New Jersey, by A. C. M. Pennington ; The future of Ameri can history, by Charles II. Bell ; Browne family letters, 1743-59, with note, by W. II. Whitmore : The Winslow family, by Lucius R. Paige ; Descendants of Jonas Deane, of Scituate, Mass., by W. R. Deane and J. W. Dean ; Reminiscences of an octogenarian Daniel Webster, Judge Story, Jeremiah Mason, Judge Jere miah Smith, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Harrison Gray Otis, by Francis Bassett ; Thomas Lake and John Lake letter of John Bishop to Increase Mather, [16]77; William Vaughan and William Tufts, Jr., at Louisbourg, 1745, by John Langdon Sibley ; Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, by J. Wingate Thornton ; Memoir of David Reed, by William H. Reed ; William Duane and the Philadel phia Aurora letter from Wm. Duane to Rev. Mr. Bentley, 1805 ; Index of names. (3383 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxvi. Boston, 1872. Svo, pp. viii, 463. Portraits. Contents : Benjamin Parker Richardson, by Dorus Clarke ; Edward Oxnard genealogy and extracts from his journals, 1775-8, by Edward S. Moseley ; Wig- glesworth s elegy on the Rev. Benjamin Bunker, of Maiden ; Gov. Barefoote s will, 1688 ; Memoir of Oliver Wolcott, Sen., governor of Connecticut, 1796-7 ; Eliot s New-England biographical dictionary letter of John Eliot to Wm. Bentley, 1810 ; Notes on early ship-building in Massachusetts, by Geo. Henry Preble ; Correspondence relating to early printing in Virginia, 180910 ; The Bromfleld family, by Daniel Denison Slade ; Christopher Kilby, of Boston, by Charles W. Tuttle ; Record-book of the first church in Charlestown ; Local law in Massa chusetts, historically considered, by William Chauncey Fowler ; Descendants of Richard Lee, of Virginia, by C. F. Lee, Jr., and Joseph Packard, Jr. ; The Wins- low family, by Lucius R. Paige ; The Page family, by William Prescott ; Notes and queries ; Necrology ; Proceedings ; Book notices ; Marriages and deaths ; Commodore Samuel Tucker, by John II. Sheppard ; Atkinson Academy, by William C. Todd ; Rutland county insurrection 1786, by Frederick W. Holland ; The New-Hampshire Gazette, the oldest newspaper in America, by Frank W. Miller ; The new Masonic Temple, by John II. Sheppard ; The fight at Diamond Island, by B. F. De Costa ; Correspondence relative to " The History of Massa chusetts Bay " between its author, Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, and Rev. Ezra Stiles, 1764-7 ; Proceedings of the annual meeting : Address of the president, Marshall 1 . Wilder ; The family of Ralph Smyth, of Ilingham, Mass., by Thomas Smyth ; Benjamin Franklin Mason, by Philip Battell ; Deed from Thomas Wiggin to Richard Waldern and Thomas Lake of a portion of the Squamscot patent, 1658 ; Journal of Daniel Lane, a private soldier at the siege of Quebec, in 1754, with a brief account of the writer, by William B. Lapham ; Salem loyalists unpublished letters, 1777-88, with note by John J. Latting ; Early history of Georgia and Sir Alexander Cuming s embassy to the Cherokees, by Samuel G. Drake ; Pedigree of Baldwin ; Notes on the ancestry of Sylvester Baldwin, by Charles C. Baldwin; Seaver family, by Wm. B. Trask ; Extracts from the Presbyterian Church records of Westerly, R. I., 1750 to about 1769, with note by Benjamin Parke ; The Great Seal of Virginia, by Sherwin McRae ; John Alfred Poor, of Portland, Me., by Charles W. Tuttle ; A record of births, marriages, and deaths in Portsmouth, N. IL, from 1706 to 1742 ; Gorges and Harding, by John Ward Dean ; Marriages in Hamilton, Mass., by Rev. Samuel Wigglesworth, 1714-1733 ; Ham family in Dover, N. IL, by John R. Ham ; Family of Thomas Foster, by Lucius R. Paige; Who was Thomas Pelham?, by Wm. H. Whitmore ; Genealogical gleanings, by W r . II. Whitmore ; Our English ancestors, by T. C. Amory ; Boston ministers, by John Ward Dean ; Memoir of John Evans, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, by Edward D. Neill with some letters from Wm. Penn to John Evans, 1704-8 ; Salem loyalists Mrs. Mehitable Higginson, by John J. Latting ; Letter from the Rev. Jacob Crown- inshield to the Rev. Dr. Bentley, 1803 ; Index of names. (3384 VKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxvu. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. vii, 463. Portraits. Contents : General index ; Memoir of William Willis, by Alpheus S. Packard ; A record of births, marriages, and deaths in Portsmouth, N. H., from 1706 to 1742; Letters and journal of Col. John May, of Boston (1779-1788), with notes by Richard S. Edes ; Passages in the life of Priscilla (Thomas) Hobart ; 468 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Nehemiah Bourne, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Family record of John Appleton and Elizabeth (Rogers) Appleton, of Ipswich, Mass. ; Richard Cranch and his family, by Nathaniel C. Peabo dy ; Samuel Johnson, of Connecticut, by George D. Johnson ; Freeholders of Rowley, 1677 ; Graduates of Middlebury College who married in Middlebury, Vt., 1804-1868 ; Sable Island, by George Henry Treble ; Witchcraft papers, 1692 ; Names of John Haskins s company of militia, 1773 ; Petition of the Connecticut soldiers in the Revolutionary army to Jona than Trumbull, governor of Connecticut ; Inscriptions from grave-stones in Seabrook, N. H. ; Hampton Falls and the Rev. Paine Wingate, by J. Wingate Thornton ; Early settlers of Stratford, Conn. ; Letter missive from the town of Canterbury, N. II., to the fourth church in Hampton, N. H., 1756 ; Seals of the city of Richmond, Va., by Thomas H. Wynne ; The Lippitt family, of Rhode Island, by Daniel Beckwith ; Plymouth Shermans, by David Sherman ; The Crane family, by Jonathan Crane ; Hayes family, of Connecticut and New Jersey, by A. C. M. Pennington ; Hutchinson and Sandford families, by Elliot Sandford ; Notes and queries; Necrology; Societies and their proceedings; Book notices; Joseph May (1760-1841), by Samuel May; Officers who were in the Battle of Bunker s (Breed s) Hill, from original papers in the possession of the compiler; Harvard college public exhibition in 1795; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers, by W. H. Whitmore ; William Claiborne, by Stephen M. Allen ; Genealogical notes and errata, by Caroline II. Dall ; Record-book of the First Church in Charlestown, 1682-91 ; Gleanings, by W. II. Whitmore ; Will of Francis Champernoun, 1686 ; John Baldwin, of Stonington, and some other John Baldwins of the early colony times, by J. D. Baldwin ; Expedition to Cape Breton journal of Adonijah Bidwell, chaplain of the fleet, 1745 ; Manasseh Cutler, the man who purchased Iowa, by Wm. F. Poole ; Extracts from the Presbyterian church records of Westerly, R. I., 1752; Flanders family, by William Prescott ; Descendants of William Lane, by Ed mund F. Lane ; Address of Marshall P. Wilder, President of the Society ; Thomas Bradbury Chandler (1726-1790), by Albert H. Hoyt ; U. S. Navy and Naval Academy Registers, a source of biographical and genealogical informa tion, by Geo. Henry Preble ; Notes on the Belcher family, by W. II. Whitmore; Letters of Dr. Franklin, Mrs. Jane Mecom, Josiah Flagg, Richard Bache, &c., with an account of their history, by Benjamin A. G. Fuller ; Rules of Dr. Franklin s Junto, 1784; The burning of Falmouth (now Portland), Maine, by a British squadron in 1775, by Wm. Goold ; The Shapleigh, Stileman, Martyn Cutts, Trueworthy, and Jose families, of New Hampshire and Maine, by J. Hamilton Shapleigh ; Journal of Capt. Eleazer Melvin s company, Shirley s ex pedition, 1754 Letter from John Barber in Shirley s expedition of 17.">."> and Muster roll of Capt. Paul Brigham s company, 1775-77 ; Russell Phillips, by Mrs. M. W. Russell ; Marston family, of Salem, Mass., by John L. Watson ; Dunster and Wade families, by L. R. Paige ; Biographical sketch of John H. Sheppard, by John Ward Dean ; Poetical prognostics, by Abram E. Cutler ; Selections from Dr. W. Bentley s correspondence, comprising letters from James Freeman, Jeremy Belknap, James Winthrop, Levi Lincoln, John Smith, Samuel L. Mitchell, Joseph B. Varnum, Wm. Bentley, and others, 1788-1808; Records of Hull, Mass., 1658-1702 ; Dalton and Batcheller pedigree, by W. H. Whitmore ; Sketch of some of the losses to the department of literature and the fine arts occasioned by the great fire in Boston, of 1872, by A. T. Perkins; Return of killed, wounded, captured, and missing at the battle of Camden, August, 1780; The town of Hollis, N. H., by Samuel T. Worcester; The Chevalier De Ternay, by Sidney Everett; List of Capt. Charles Morris s com pany, 1747 ; Index of names. (3385 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxvin. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. viii, 500. Portraits. Woodcut. Contents : Memoir of Edward Emerson Bourne, by Edwin B. Smith ; Williair Coddington and Richard Bellingham, once citizens of Boston, Eng., by David King ; Agreement for the rearrangement of the Massachusetts line of the army. 1783 Three historic flags and three September victories, by Geo. Henry Preble; The Swedes on the Delaware and their intercourse with New-England, by Frederic Kid der ; Letter of Henry Cruger to John Hancock, 1783 ; Early history of Ilollis, N. H. from its settlement to the building of the second meeting-house, by Sumuel T Worcester ; Mandamus councillors, 1774 ; Journal of a survey of Bridgeton Me., in 1766, by Solomon Wood ; Records of Hull, Mass., births, 1692-1718 The Douglas family of Massachusetts and Maine, by J. Lufkin Douglas NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 469 Francis Champernowne, by Charles W. Tuttle ; Notes and queries ; Necrology ; Societies and their proceedings ; Book notices ; Memoir of Edmund P. Tileston, by Edward Ilolden ; Marriages in the county of York, Me., 1G86-99 ; Record book of the first church in Charlestown, 1G91-5 ; Boston, England, and John Cotton in 1621, by G. B. Blenkin ; The Pilgrim fathers of Nazing, by W. Winters ; A genealogical sketch of the Eliot family, of Roxwell, Co. Essex ; Will of Solo mon Grant, 1755 ; Will of Robert Cutt, 1674 ; Marriages in Dover, N. II., from 1767 to 1787, by Jeremy Belknap ; English captives in Canada, by Wil liam S. Appleton ; Letters of Gov. Thomas Seymour and Thomas Eyre in time of Queen Anne, by John J. Latting ; Transfer of Erin, by Thomas C. Amory ; Early bells of Massachusetts, by Elbridge II. Goss ; The Daniell family, by Moses Grant Daniell ; Family of William Sawyer, of Newbury, by W. S. Apple- ton ; Letter of Gen. Washington to Gov. Trumbull, on the death of his father, 1785 ; Memoir of William Whiting ; Genealogical gleanings, by W. II. Whit- more, James Wetmore or Whitmore, Kimball family ; Letters of Capt. Cornelius Iliggins, of Connecticut, and pay-roll of his men,. 1776 ; History of the IT. S. steamer Merrimack, by Charles II. Davis ; Voyage of Edward Brawnde in 161G to Kennebec and Cape Cod, also, letter of Capt. John Smith, about 1606; Greenland, N. II., Early ministerial records, by Wm. P. Haines ; Gov. Spots- wood s letters relating to Virginia ; Officers of American troops stationed near Boston, June, 1775, by William John Potts ; The garrison houses of York, Maine, by Geo. Henry Preble ; Nantucket in the Revolution, by Alexander Starbuck ; Commission of Jeremiah Halsey, 1775 ; Prices of staple commodities in 1745 ; Address of the President, Marshall P. Wilder ; Notes on early Ameri can history : Thomas Jones, captain of the " May Flower " and other vessels, by Edward D. Neill ; Richard Frobisher, builder of the " Deliverance," 1610. Memoir of Joshua Winslow Peirce, by Thomas F. Davies ; Hampton Falls, N. II., tax-payers in 1709, by Benjamin F. Brown ; More passengers to New England, 1679, by Henry F. Waters ; The traditionary story of the attack upon Hadley and the appearance of Gen. Goffe, Sept. 1, 1675 : has it any foundation in fact? by George Sheldon; The Hornet s shipping list, 1813; Genealogy of the descendants of John Lee, by Samuel Lee ; A new system of denoting relationship, by W. H. Whitmore; Materials for the history of Wis- casset, Maine, by William B. Trask ; Massachusetts soldiers at Halifax in 1759 ; Portraits of New Hampshire governors, judges, senators, &c., by B. F. Prescott ; Pepperrell papers, with sketches of Lt. Gen. James St. Clair and Sir Charles Knowles, by Albert II. Hoyt ; Index of names. (3386 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxix. Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. v, 513. Portraits. Contents : Memoir ef George Bruce Upton, by Walter Allen ; Diary of Dr. Ezra Green, surgeon during the cruise of the continental ship of war Ranger, 1777-8 ; The Wilcox family, by W. H. Whitmore ; Greenland, N. II. early ministerial records, by William P. Haines ; Pedigree of Gorges ; The Gorges family, by Frederick Brown ; Nantucket in the Revolution, by Alexander Star- buck ; Marriages in West Springfield, 1774-96 ; Letter of Richard Price to President Stiles, Yale College, 1783 ; Judges of Probate, county of Middlesex, Mass., by William A. Richardson ; Children of William Walton, of Marblehead, 1627-1644 ; Record-book of the first church in Charlestown, 1698-1706 ; The old English church in Canton, Mass., by D. T. V. Huntoon ; Transfer of Erin, by Thomas C. Amory; The Townshend family, by Charles H. Townsend ; Brook- field minute-men, 1774 ; Destruction of the town of Y r ork from the papers of David Sewall ; Notes and queries ; Necrology ; Societies and their proceedings ; Book-notices ; M. Guizot, by Dorus Clarke ; Letter of William Cushing, 1793 ; Munson or Monson, by Richard Henry Greene ; Brooks family of Woburn, Mass., by Benjamin Cutter ; Early paper mills of New England, by William Goold ; The Bennet family of Ipswich, by John M. Bradbury ; Ezra Green, Surgeon on board the Ranger under John Paul Jones, by Geo. Henry Preble ; The first minister of Mendon, Mass., by John G. Metcalf ; Address of the President, Marshall 1*. Wilder ; Timothy Farrar, by Samuel Lee ; Edward Gibbon and Thomas Jefferson, by Abram E. Cutter ; Letter from Gov. Edward Winslow to Gov. John Winthrop in 1644, in relation to early matters in Connecticut ; Por traits and busts in the possession of Brown University, and of the Providence Athenaeum, by David W. Hoyt ; The names " Maine " and " New Hampshire," by C. W. Tuttle ; A contribution to dramatic history Occasional epilogue to the comedy of the poor gentleman as performed at Castine, 1815 ; Letter 470 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of R. Smith and Christopher Gadsden, 1768 ; Slavery always excluded from Vermont, hy Hiland Hall ; Will of John Bigg, 1640, annotated by W. II. Whit- more ; Baptisms in Dover, N. II., 1717-1766, copy of the Rev. Jonathan Cush- ing s record of baptisms ; The Alger family of Maine, by Arthur M. Alger ; Daniel Feirce, of Newbury, Mass., 1638-1677, and his descendants, by Albert II. Hoyt ; Deed of a part of Swampscott, by Ralph and Elizabeth King to William Browne, 1684 ; Early settlers of West Springfield, from the parish records of the First Congregational Church ; Notes on American history, by Edward D. Neill : Richard West, Lord Chancellor of Ireland ; George Ruggle. author of some early publications upon the Virginia colony ; Maryland colonist s legacy to Glasgow University ; Robert Dinwiddie, governor of Virginia, 1753-1757. Record of the Marcy family, by Oliver Marcy ; The centennial anniversary of the Provincial legislature in Salem, Oct. 5, 1774, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; An oration on the one hundredth anniversary of the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, by Richard II. Dana, jr. ; An oration on the one hundredth anniversary of " Concord Fight," April 19, 1775, by George William Curtis ; An oration on the one hundredth anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, by Charles Devens, jr. ; An oration on the one hundredth anniversary of Washing ton s taking command of the Continental army, July 3, 1775, by Andrew P. Peabody ; An oration on the one hundredth anniversary of the meeting of the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774, by Henry Armitt Brown ; Proceedings at centennial commemorations, 1874-5, in Philadelphia, Salem, Lexington, Concord, Boston, Cambridge. Index of names. (3387 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxx. Boston, 187G. 8vo, pp. vii, 497. Portraits. Contents : Memoir of William A. Buckingham, by Noah Porter ; Letter of William Penn from Philadelphia in 1683 to John Aubrey, the antiquary ; Papers relating to the Acadians, 1755-6 ; Letters of Edward Randolph, 1684-5 ; Por traits and busts in possession of the American Antiquarian Society and of other associations in Worcester, Mass., by Nathaniel Paine ; The Reverend Josse Glover extracts from the communication of J. Hammond Trumbull ; Descend ants of Benjamin Hammond, by Philip Battell ; Descendants of Philip and John Langdon of Boston, by Arthur M. Alger ; Will of Mary Newmarch, 1743 ; Passengers to America, 1712 ; A few words additional relative to Col. John May, of Boston, and his journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and 1789, by Richard S. Edes ; Early settlers of West Springfield, from the records of the First Congregational Church ; Births, marriages, and deaths, from the records of the ancient town of Dartmouth, Mass. ; A letter of Col. Ethan Allen, 1781 ; Church records of the Rev. Hugh Adams, principally at Oyster River parish (now Durham), N. II., 1719-23; The Furness pedigree, by Caroline H. Dall ; Instructions for emigrants from Essex county, Mass., to South Carolina, 1097 ; The Willoughby family of New England, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Abstracts of the earliest wills on record, or on the files in the county of Suffolk, Massa chusetts, by William B. Trask ; Letters from the Gerrish manuscripts, 1752; Genealogy of the Fo(r)ster family, descendants of Reginald Fo(r)ster, of Ips wich, Mass., by E. J. Forster ; Notes and queries ; Necrology ; Societies and their proceedings ; Book notices ; The Lowndes family of South Carolina a genealogical sketch, by George B. Chase ; Address of the president, Marshall P. Wilder; Journal of a Yankee privateersman in prison in England, 1777-1779; Record book of the First Church in Charlestown, 1706-12 ; Brief history of the Register, by Albert H. Hoyt; Extracts from the diary of the late William D. Williamson, of Bangor, Maine, while a member of the 17th Congress of the United States ; The proprietors of the Sudbury, Canada, grant, 1741 ; Marriages in West Springfield, 1774-96 ; Documents relating to the expedition to Port Royal, 1710; The Folsom family, by Nathaniel S. Folsom and Jacob Chapman; Speech of Sir William Berkeley to the Virginia Assembly, 1651 ; Samuel Adams, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Hollis, New Hampshire, in the war of the Revolution, by Samuel T. Worcesteer ; Washington s letter on the appointment of John Parke assistant quartermaster, 1775, with note by Edward D. Neill ; Letters of Capt. Thomas Mighill, of Rowley, Mass., 1776 ; Letters of signers of the Declaration of Independence, military men, and others, during the Revolutionary war : Knox s diary during his Ticonderoga expedition, 1775-6 ; Did the American colonists desire independence? letter of John Jay and John Adams to George A. Otis; Biographical sketch of Joseph P. Martin, of Prospect, Maine, a Revolutionary soldier, by Joseph Williamson; Documents and letters by actors in the Ameri- NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 471 can Revolution from the collection of Jeremiah Colburn ; Sketch of Col. John Allan of Maine, by George II. Allan ; Letter of Capt. John Treble to Col. John Allan, 178[0] ; Major-General Henry Knox a letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Chas. Stewart Daveis ; General Stark s horse lost at Bennington, by James D. Butler ; Boston town meeting for granting leave to erect Faneuil Hall, 1740 ; Letter of Samuel Paine upon affairs at Boston in October, 1775, by Nathaniel Paine ; Donations to the people of Boston suffering under the port-bill, 17747, by Albert H. Hoyt ; Record of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, In spection, and Safety, May to November, 1776 ; Charles W. Moore, by William W. Wheildon ; The Fields of New Jersey, by Osgood Field ; Notes on American history, by Edward I). Neill ; English maids for Virginia planters ; The May flower people ; Transportation of homeless London children ; Ships arriving at Jamestown, from the settlement of Virginia until the revocation of the charter of London company. Gleanings, by W. H. Whitmore ; Capt. John Ayres ; Far- rars and Brewers of Essex county, Mass.; John Brewer of Ipswich; Deaths in Stratham, N. II., commencing Aug. 20, 1741, from the record kept by Dea. Samuel Lane ; The second foot-company of Newbury, Mass., 1710-11 ; Memo randa from the Rev. William Cooper s interleaved almanacs, 171525 ; Samuel Allen of Windsor, Ct., and some of his descendants, by Willard S. Allen ; Bap tisms in Dover, N. II., 1717-1766; Abstracts of the earliest wills in the county of Middlesex, prepared by Wm. Blake Trask ; Ancestry of Admiral Porter, by Joseph W. Porter ; Index. (3388 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxi. Boston, 1877. 8vo, pp. vii, 468. Portraits. Contents : Sketch of the life of Millard Fillmore, by George W. Hosmer ; The probable parentage of Rev. Hugh and Messrs. John and Matthew Adams, by a descendant of Matthew Adams ; A Yankee privateersman in prison in England, 1777-1779, diary of Timothy Connor, with notes, by William Richard Cutter ; Notes on American History, by Edward D. Neill ; The Virginia lotteries, Virginia slaveholders, 1625 ; Hollis, New Hampshire, in the war of the Revolution, by Samuel T. Worcester ; The Star-Spangled Banner, autograph copies, additional verses, &c., by Geo. Henry Preble ; Record of the Boston Committee of Cor respondence, Inspection, and Safety, May to November, 1776 ; Services of New Hampshire during the heroic age of the republic, by Elias Hasket Derby ; Memo randa from the Rev. William Cooper s interleaved almanacs, 1728-1730 ; Seals from the Jeffries collection of manuscripts ; Document from the Gerrish manu scriptsPardon, by Gov. Cranfield, 1683 ; Marriages solemnized in Pembroke, Mass., by the Rev. Thomas Smith, 1755-1787, communicated by H. H. Edes ; The slave trade in Massachusetts document, 1681 ; Records of Hull, Mass., 1718-1724, com. by Willard S. Allen ; Record-book of the First Church in Charlestown, 1712-1721 ; Thomas Hale, the glover, of Newbury, Mass., 1635, and his descendants, by Robert S. Hale ; Letter of the Secret Committee of Congress to Silas Deane, in France, August 7, 1776 ; Descendants of John Alger, of Boston, by Arthur M. Alger ; Abstracts of the earliest wills on record, or on the files in the county of Suffolk, Massachusetts, by Wm. B. Trask ; List of innholders and retailers of spirits in Boston, 1714 ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their pro ceedings ; Necrology of the Society ; Book notices ; Memoir of Isaac Chapman Bates, by Hamilton Andrews Hill ; A study of the Virginia census of 1624, by Edward D. Neill ; Some account of the life and times of the Rev. Peter Bulkeley, by Anna Maria Fay ; Letter of Mrs. Susan Redington concerning the estate of her brother, Rev. Joseph Waite, of Sproughton, England, 1676-7 ; New Hampshire manuscripts (1694), com. by John S. H. Fogg; Ancestry of Stephen Arnold Doug las, by Charles H. James Douglas; Sir Charles Wager and Capt. John Hull, by Osgood Field ; Some of the descendants of William Hilton, by John T. Hassam ; Churches in Harwinton and Southington, Ct., by Jehiel Chester Hart ; Letter of Washington to Knox, April 1, 1789 ; Genealogy of the Cressey family, descend ants of Mighill Cressey, of Salem and Ipswich, Mass., by George Brainard Blod- gette ; Barristers at law in Massachusetts, by Arthur M. Alger ; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Lyme, Conn. ; Alexis Caswell, by William Galmmell ; An autobiographical memoir of William Rotch (covering the period ofj 1775-1 794} The powder-mill in Can ton, by D. T. V. Huntoon ; Documents ^reTating to immigrants from Jersey; Barnstable family names, by G. T. Ridlon ; Marriages in West Springfield, Mass., 1774-96 ; The Indian attack upon " Casco " in 1676, by John S. II. Fogg ; Thomas Newcomb s account book, 1735-38 ; The Gayer family, by William C. Folger ; 472 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Town rates of Newton and Billerica, Mass., by Walter Lloyd Jeffries ; Docu ments relating to Col. John Ilumphreys s farm at Lynn, 1701 ; Passengers and vessels that have arrived in America, 16301712 ; Documents relative to the Dalliber family; Baptisms in Dover, N. II., from 1767 to 1787, by Rev. Jeremy Belknap ; Longmeadow, Mass., families, by Willard S. Allen ; Will of Robert Fitt, 1663; Genealogical waifs, communicated by Joseph Lemuel Chester; Sketch of John Merrill Bradbury, by John Ward Dean ; Papers in case of Guy vs. King, 1658-1663 ; Battle of Lexington, with personal recollections of men engaged in it, by A. B. Muzzey ; The Gates family, by Benjamin A. G. Fuller ; Could General Putnam command at Bunker Hill?, by Francis J. Parker; English wills, com. by William S. Appleton ; Notes on Mr. Waters s article relating to immigrants from Jersey, by J. Bertrand Payen-Payne ; Genealogy of the Anthonys of New England, by John Gould Anthony ; A page from the history of the Wilders, by Moses II. Wilder ; The Waite family, of Boston, Mass., by Henry E. Waite ; The angel Goffe again, by George Sheldon ; Index of name s. (3389 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxu. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. vii, 456. Portraits. Contents : Sketch of the life of William B. Towne, by John Ward Dean ; Births, marriages, and deaths from the records of the ancient town of Dart mouth, Mass., 1709-1715; Penhallow papers Indian affairs; Memoir of the Penhallow family, by Pearce W. Penhallow ; Aa autobiographical memoir of William Rotch ; Prison ships and the " Old Mill Prison," Plymouth, England, 1777 ; Record of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety, May to Nov., 1776; Deaths in Stratham, N. II., commencing 1741; Will of Nowell Hilton, probated 17 Sept., 1689, at Doctors Commons, London; Deed to Thomas Cammock from Gorges and Mason, 1634 ; John Grenaway, abstracts of deeds (1650) from John Grenaway to his children; Letter of Paul Richard to Jacob Wendell, 1746 ; Record-book of the First Church in Charlestown, 1722-1731; Longmeadow (Mass.) families, by Willard S. Allen; A Yankee privateersman in prison in England, 1777-1779, diary of Timothy Connor; Papers relating to the estate of John Solart, of Wanham, 1680 ; Gosuold and Pring, 1602-3, by B. F. De Costa ; Taxes under Gov. Andros, by Walter Lloyd Jeffries ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Lyme, Conn. ; Notes and queries ; So cieties and their proceedings ; Necrology of the Socitey ; Book notices ; Memorial of Nathan Cooley Keep ; Letter of the Rev. Experience Mayhew, 1758 ; Notes on John Adams, of Nova Scotia and Boston ; Church records of Rev. Hugh Adams, principally at Oyster River parish (now Durham) N. II., 1723-1727; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting; The Perrin family, by William B. Lapham ; Abstracts of early deeds on record at Boston, in the registry of deeds for the county of Suffolk, by John T. Hassam ; The Waite family of Maiden, Mass., by Deloraine-Pendre Corey ; Abstracts of the earliest wills on record, or on the flies in the county of Suffolk, Massachusetts, by William B. Trask ; Genealogy of the Eustis family, by Henry Lawrence Eustis ; Supple ment to the Diodati genealogy, by Edward E. Salisbury ; Biographical sketch of Henry Wilson, by Elias Nason ; Account of the Stamp-Act riot, 1765, in a letter from Joshua Henshaw, of Boston ; Record from the Leonard family bible ; Robert Campbell and his descendants, by Henry F. Douglas ; Genealogy of the Woodbridge family, by Mary K, Talcott ; Walter Bryent s Winnepesaukee journal, 1747 ; Inventory of the estate of Thaddeus McCarty, 1732 ; Pedigree of the family of Haynes, of Copford Hall, Co. Essex, England, by A. M. Haines; Descendants of Edward Shepard, mariner, Cambridge, Mass., 1639, by James Shepard, Naman Sheppard, and A. E. B. Shepherd ; Newtown, Ct., families ; Parkers, of America, by Wm. S. Appleton ; A relic of Cromwell ; Memoirs of Nathaniel Greene, by Charles Carleton Coffin ; The family of Whittemore and Whitmore, by Ebenezer Stowell Whittemore ; Discovery of North America by John Cabot in 1497, by Frederic Kidder ; Edward Palmer, projector of the first school of fine arts in North America, by Edward D. Neill ; Descendants of Capt. John Whipple, of Providence, R. I., by David Jillson ; Passengers and vessels that have arrived in America the voyage of the Jonathan, 1639 ; Search for the northwest passage British sailors and sea-life of the early part of the seven teenth century, by Abram E. Cutter ; Marriages of New England people in Philadelphia, 1777-1801, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Index of names. (339O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 473 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxm. Boston, 1879. Svo, pp. xi, 4(38. Portraits. Contents : Sketch of the life of William II. Y. Hackett, by Frank W. llackett ; Indenture of Lois, an Indian apprentice, 1751 ; William Clark s genealogical state ment, 1731 ; The origin of the names of Whitmore and Whittemore, by W. II. Whitmore ; Record of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety, May to Nov., 1776 ; The Davenport family, by Bennett F. Davenport ; Record of the Rev. Seaborn Cotton, of Hampton, N. II., com., by John S. II. Fogg; American prisoners at Forton Prison, England, 1777-1779 ; The name of Upham in England, by F. K. Upham ; John Gay, of Dedham, Massachusetts, arid some of his descendants, by Frederick Lewis Gay ; Memoranda concerning the Newgate family,, by Charles Hervey Townsend ; Petition of Jane Armitage, of Lynn, 1643 ; Rev. John Eliot s records of the First Church in Roxbury, Mass. ; Eng lish ancestry of the Toppan or Tappan family of Newbury, by Herbert Tappan ; Longmeadow (Mass.) families, by Willard S. Allen; Pre-historic copper imple ments, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Church records of the Rev. Hugh Adams, prin cipally at Oyster River Parish (now Durham), N. II., 1727-8; William John son and his descendants, by G. W. Johnson; Notes on the Dover (N. H.) combination of 1640, by A. H. Quint ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology of the Society ; Book notices ; Evert Augustus Duyck- inck, by Samuel Osgood ; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting. Taxes under Gov. Andros, by Walter Lloyd Jeffries ; Ezekiel Cheever and some of his descendants, by John T. Hassam ; Record-book of the First Church in Charlestown, 1734-1743 ; Groton s petition, 1656 ; Genealogical studies in New England, by Elias S. Hawley ; Notes on persons connected with America, from wills of Marshalls in the prerogative court of Canterbury, England, by George W. Marshall ; Ludwell genealogy, by Cassius F. Lee, jr. ; Distribution of Jonathan Alden s estate, 1703; Family circle of Mrs. Ursula (Wolcott) Griswold ; A review of William Clarke s genealogical statement, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; The Hazen family, four American generations, by Henry Allen Hazen ; Memoir of John Wingate Thornton, by Thomas C. Arnory ; Herbert Pelham, his ancestors and descendants, by Joseph Lemuel Chester ; Stephen Hopkins, of the Mayflower, by B. F. De Costa ; Complaint against William Rotch and others, 1779 ; Passengers and vessels that have arrived in America, 1680; Robert Ashley, by Lucius M. Boltwood ; The Vernon family and arms, by Harrison Ellery ; The boundary line of New Hampshire and Massachusetts journal of Richard Hazzen, surveyor, 1741; Gill family records; The records of the First Church in Charlestown, Mass., references to where they are printed in the Register, by James F. Hunnewell ; Description of the New England His toric Genealogical Society s house, by Edmund F. Slafter ; Letter of Sir William Pepperrell, 1744 ; Letter of Rev. Peter Thacher, 1720 ; Memoir of Winthrop Chandler, by George Chandler ; Diary of John Thomas, surgeon in Winslow s expedition of 1755 against the Arcadians ; Thomas Paine, interesting personal incidents regarding him, by J. Fletcher Williams ; The Castle Tavern in Boston, by John T. Hassam ; Swan family, by William B. Lapham ; Letters of Charles Lidget to Francis Foxcroft, 1690-91 ; Family of John Adams of Ply mouth ; List of papers read before the Society, 1845-1860, whteh have been printed, prepared by John Ward Dean; Deed of land (1664) in what is now Harrison Square and vicinity, Dorchester, Mass. ; Commencement at Harvard College, 1642-1700, by John Ward Dean ; Early history of the Society, by Edmund B. Dearborn ; Early records of the Arnold family, by Edwin Hubbard ; Somerby s genealogy of the Arnold family, 1870 ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Lyme, Conn. ; Index of names. (3391 XI:\V-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCITEY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxiv. Boston, 1880. Svo, pp. vii, 445. Portraits. Contents : Sketch of the life of Amos Lawrence, by Solon W. Bush ; Record of the Boston Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety, May to Nov., 1776; Nicholas Apsall, by Augustine Jones; Longmeadow (Mass.) families, by Willard S. Allen ; The Whittingham genealogy and William Clarke s statement, by Caroline H. Dall ; Births, marriages, and deaths in Lyme, Conn. ; The King s Arms tavern in Boston, with some -suggestions on the proper mode of indexing the public records, by John T. Ilassam ; The Tappan (or Toppan) gen ealogy, by Herbert Tappan ; Letter of the Rev. Thomas Prince concerning his 474 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. father s estate, 1738; William Johnson and his descendants, by G. W. Johnson; A genealogical letter from John Quincy Adams, 1840 ; The genealogy of Thomas Williams, of New Hartford, Oneida county, N. Y., by George Huntington Williams; Letters of Charles Lidget and Francis Foxcroft, 1692; Marriages in 1715, by the Rev. Benjamin Colman, of Boston ; Rev. Samuel Danforth s records of the First Church in Roxbury, Mass., 1649-74 ; Mission of Penhallow and Atkinson, in 1703, to the Penobscot Indians, by William F. Goodwin ; Marriages in Boston, Mass., from the original certificates of the clergymen officiating, 1701-42 ; Account books of the First Church in Charlestown, by James F. Hun- newell ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology of the Society ; Book notices ; Rev. John Adams Vinton, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Bristol records (Church of Christ), 1687-1728, by George T. Paine; Address of Marshall P. Wilder, at the annual meeting; Who is a gentleman, by John D. Champ! in, Jr. ; How to write town histories, by Charles Hudson ; A genealogy of the family of Mulford, by William Remsen Mulford ; Portraits of New Hamp shire governors and others, by Benjamin F. Prescott ; Seals in the collection of Mellen Chamberlain; Letter from the Earl of Bellomont, [16]98; Early records of New Hampshire families, by Alonzo II. Quint ; A sketch of the Ilowlands, by L. M. Ilowland ; Letter of Walter Barnesley, of London, to William Pitkiu, of Hartford, 1667s Descendants of Gov. Benedict Arnold through his great- grandson, Gen. Benedict Arnold ; Births, marriages, and deaths from the records of the ancient town of Dartmouth, Mass., by James B. Congdon ; Biographical sketch of Joel Munsell, by George R. Howell ; Genealogy of the Windsor family of Munsell, by .Frank Munsell; Gray and Coytmore, by William S. Appleton ; The petition of William Horsham, 1684, by John T. Hassam ; Taxes under Gov. Andros, by Walter Lloyd Jeffries; Marriage certificate of John Tucker, 1688; The Cumberland cruiser, by B. F. De Costa ; Capt. Hugh Mason s gravestones, by Benjamin Osgood Peirce ; The Edgerly family, by James A. Edgerly ; The great Boston fire of 1760, extract from " Green & Russell s Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser," 1760; Hallowell and its library, by Samuel L. Boardman; John Churchill, of Portland, Connecticut, and his descendants, by Frank F. Starr ; The respectful petition of the Christian Society of Friends, called Quakers, presented to the National Assembly of France, 1791 ; Schools in the last century, by Joseph Williamson ; Record of the Rev. John Colton, of Hamp ton, N. II. ; Indenture of apprenticeship, 1747 ; Henry Knox, by Francis S. Drake ; Seth Warner, by Walter Harriman ; Capt. Cogan s expedition to Pig- wacket, 1722; Letters of Sir William Pepperrell, 1743, 1757; First settlers of Bluehill, Maine, from a MS. account of that town prepared by the Rev. Jona than Fisher in 1827 ; Bell family bible, by J. Gardner White ; Number of births in Newbury, Mass., 1639 to 1715; The Slocum genealogy, by Charles E. Slocum; Dedham and Stoughton, petitions, 1792 ; Diaries of Samuel Thompson, Woburn. Mass., by William R. Cutter; The Youngman family, by David Youngman; Census of Bristol, in Plymouth Colony, now in Rhode Island, 1689 ; Index of names. (3392 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Society Register. Vol. xxxv. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. x, 419. Portraits. Facsimile. Contents: Sketch of John Howe Peyton, by J. T. L. Preston; The Rev. John Eliot s record of church members, Roxbury, Mass. ; Longmeadow (Mass.) families, by Willard S. Allen ; Diary of Paul Dudley, 1740 ; Births, marriages, and deaths, from the records of the ancient town of Dartmouth, Mass., by James B. Congdon ; Taxes under Gov. Andros Town rate of Topsfield, 1G87, 1688 ; Lt. John Bryant, of Plymouth, by \Villiam B. Lapham ; Quincy family letters, 1777, 1778 ; Extracts from the early records of Gorgeana, the first in corporated city in America, by Samuel L. Boardman ; The Youngman family, by John C. J. Brown ; Cabo De Baxos : or, the place of Cape Cod in the old cartology, by B. F. De Costa ; The descent of Margaret Locke, third wife of Deputy Governor Francis Willoughby, by Joseph L. Chester ; Letters of Gov. William Shirley and Col. Jeremiah Moulton, 1744 ; The Atherton family in England, by John C. J. Brown ; Grantees of meadow lands in Dorchester, by William B. Trask ; Genealogy of Lieut. Abel Wright, of Springfield, Mass., by Stephen Wright ; Letters written during the Revolution from Robert Morris and Francis Lightfoot Lee ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology of the Society ; Book notices ; Jonathan Brown Bright, by Thomas Hill ; Censures on Harvard College in 1672, by William B. Trask ; Taxes under Gov. Andros; Declaration in behalf of John Chipman, 1651-2; Address of NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 475 Marshall I*. Wilder at the annual meeting ; Virginia documents The Peyton family, by John Lewis Peyton ; Zabdiel and John Boylston, by Charles W. Parsons ; Witchcraft in Springfield, Mass., documents, 1651 ; Correspondence of Gen. Benedict Arnold, 1779-1797 ; Who was the first minister of Mendon, by George F. Clark ; Documents concerning Philip English, 1724-5 ; Bowdoin papers, 1682-1686, by Stanley Waters; Mr. William Diodate (of New Haven, from 1717 to 1751) and his Italian ancestry, by Edward E. Salisbury; Rev. Samue! Cutler, by James M. Gray ; Sudbury documents, 1(576 ; Letter of Jean Mascarene, 1687, to his attorney, M. Devie, written from the prison of the Hotel de Ville ; Marriages in West Springfield, Mass., 1774-1796; Major Robert Pike s land in Salisbury document, 1693 ; Thomas Sharp s letter from Eng land, 1632, by William B. Trask ; Letters of Nicholas Moorey, of Freetown, Mass., 1719, 1722; The Harrison family; Letters patent of denization com., by John T. Hassam ; John and Samuel Browne s application to the Massachu setts company, 1629, by Wm. B. Trask ; Injury to William Good by the witch craft delusion, 1692 ; The family of Dummer, by Joseph Lemuel Chester ; Was Gov. Leverett a knight?; Memoranda by Joseph Farwell, of Groton, 1710- 1775 ; Belief in astrology in New England, by John D. Champlin, Jr. ; Ebenezer Alden, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Letter of Mrs. Alice Daniell, of Salem, to Gov. John Winthrop at Boston, by William B. Trask ; Early history of Brookfield, Mass., by Henry E. Waite ; Three years on board the Kearsarge, 1861-1864 extracts from a diary of Charles A. Poole ; Roger Garde, by Charles E. Banks ; The building of Harvard Hall, by William B. Trask ; Robert Bronson and some of his descendants, by Robert II. Eddy ; The Ossipee townships deposi tion of Anna Dyer, 1781 ; Thomas Hale, of Newbury, Mass., 1637, his English origin and connections, by Robert S. Hale ; The name and armorial bearings of the Coffin family, by John Coffin Jones Brown ; Index of names. (8393 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxvi. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. viii, 439. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Rear Admiral Henry Knox Thatcher, U. S. Navy, by Geo. Henry Preble ; Rev. Peter Thacher s record of marriages at Milton, 1686-1709 ; Chap ters in the early history of Groton, Massachusetts, by Samuel Abbott Green ; Lt. John Montresor s journal of an expedition in 1760 across Maine from Quebec; Rev. Thomas Welde s letter, 1643, by William B. Trask; The Dover settlement and the Ililtons, by John T. Hassam ; Braintree records, 1643-1657, by Samuel A. Bates ; The Sabin family of America, by Anson Titus, Jr. ; Mar riages in West Springfield, Mass., 1774-1796 ; Rev. Thomas Welde s " Inno- cency Cleared," by G. D. Scull ; Deed of Gov. Bellingham to the Rev. John Davenport, 1669, of estate afterwards the property of the First Church, Bos ton, by William B. Trask; Captain John Gerrish s account book, 1686-7, by Frank W. Hackett ; Longmeadow (Mass.) families, by Willard S. Allen; Letter from Roger Williams, 1656; Notes and queries; Societies and their proceedings; Necrology ; Book notices ; Rev. Samuel Osgood, by James Osborne Wright ; Ad dress of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting ; William Coddington re sistance by him and others in Lincolnshire to the Royal Loan, 16267 ; Henry and John Rolfe, of Newbury and Salisbury, and their children, by Henry Rolfe ; History and causes of the incorrect latitudes as recorded in the journals of the early writers, navigators, and explorers relating to the Atlantic coast of North America, 1535-1740, by Edmund F. Slafter ; The Society for pro moting and propagating the Gospel in New England, by G. D. Scull ; Some account of the early Streeters of Massachusetts, by Edward Doubleday Harris ; Constables, by Herbert B. Adams ; Rev. Samuel Parris s record of deaths at Salem village during his ministry, 1688-1695 ; Will of John Blackleach, of Wethersfield, Conn., 1671, by William B. Trask ; Taxes under Gov. Andros ; Sketch of events incident to the settlement of the province of New Nether- land, by James Rindge Stanwood ; The direct ancestry of the late Jacob Wen dell, of Portsmouth, N. II., by James Rindge Stanwood ; The genealogy of Ezekiel Williams, of New Hartford, Oneida county, N. Y., by Thomas W. Seward ; Letters of the Rev. John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians, 1651, 1652 ; Braintree records, by Samuel A. Bates ; Codenham, Codnam, Codman, by Arthur Amory Codman ; Bartholomew and Richard Cheever and some of their descendants, by John T. Hassam ; Wentworths at Bermuda, by John Wentworth ; Memorial of Col. John Trull Heard, by John Theodore Heard ; English ballads about New England, by G. D. Scull ; Walpole, Massachusetts, family names in the assessment rolls from 1761 to 1778, by James A. Dupee ; 476 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Descendants of Daniel Stone, of Dorchester, Mass., by Waterman Stone ; John Browne of the Old Colony, 1634-1662, by George M. Browne ; Documents Of the Society for promoting and propagating the Gospel in New England, by G. D. Scull ; The burial-place .of General Waldo, by Joseph Williamson ; Belling- ham sketch, by Charles Hervey Townshend ; The Hayes family of Windsor and Granby, Ct., by Charles W. Hayes ; Letters of Col. John Thomas, 1759 ; Extracts from the Gerrish papers, by Frank W. Hackett ; Letter of Thaddeus Mason, 1775; The Alcock family of Maine, by Charles E. Banks; Petition of Jeremiah Mather, 1681, by William B. Trask ; Col. Allan s interview with Indian chiefs at .Washington, 1801 (from his journal) ; The Rev. Thomas Weld, by Thomas W. Davids ; Index of names. (3394 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxvu. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. vi, 436. Portraits. Contents : Peter Thatcher, of Cleveland, Ohio, by Samuel Briggs ; Bristol rec ords, by James P. Lane, 1741-1775; Lieut. Diederick Brehm, by G. D. Scull; Braintree records, by Samuel A. Bates ; The Wyllys family of Connecticut, by Mary K. Talcott ; William Sabin, the patriarch Was he a Huguenot, by A. W. Savery ; Marriages in West Springfield, Mass., 1774-1796 ; Coat of arms of Maine, by Joseph Williamson ; Inscriptions in Copp s Hill burial ground on newly discovered gravestones, by Edward McDonald ; Early bells of Massachu setts addenda, by Elbridge II. Goss ; Records of marriages by Nathaniel Thwing, Justice of the Peace, Lincoln Co., Mass, (now Maine), 1777-1816; Daniel Henshaw s list of his acquaintances in Boston, who died after his re moval, 1748, by Harriet E. Henshaw ; Letter of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward to the Rev. Mr. Sancroft, 1628 ; Letters to the Rev. William Sancroft, D. D., by Sir Nathaniel Rich and Archbishop Laud, 1633, 1634, com. by G. D. Scull ; Soldiers in King Philip s War, by George M. Bodge ; Wright family of Woburn, Mass., by William R. Cutter ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceed ings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; William Cogswell, D. D., by Increase N. Tar- box ; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting ; Patterson family, by John R. Rollins ; Edward Randolph, by G. I). Scull ; The forgery in the Adams pedigree ; Will of James Haines or Hindes, of Southold, Iong Island, N. Y., 1652 ; Passengers and vessels that have arrived in America, 1673, by Henry F. Waters ; The Bacons of Virginia and their English ancestry, by Charles Hervey Townshend ; Names of captives at Lancaster, 1676, by Henry S. Nourse ; Stephen Whitney . Phoenix, by Jacob Bailey Moore ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Huguenot the origin and meaning of the name, by George Lunt ; Widow Ann Messant, alias Godfrey, by Charles E. Banks : Portraits of New Hampshire public men and others, by Benjamin F. Prescott; The Garfleld family in England, by William P. W. Phillimore; Marriages recorded in Warwick, R. I., in book of marriages No. 1, 1664-1700; Peter Brown and John Brown, of Duxbury, by F. B. Sanborn ; Descendants of Thomas Deane, of Boston and Salisbury, Mass., and Hampton, N. II., by John- Ward Dean ; Register plan for genealogical records ; Partial copy of records of the town of Winchester, N. II., 1765-1799, by John L. Alexander ; The name and family of Broughton, by Henry E. Waite ; Nathan Strong, D. D., by Increase N. Tarbox ; Deed of John Smith to Robert Pearse, of Dorchester, about 1650, by William B. Trask; Provincial seals in Massachusetts, by Abner C. Goodell. Jr.; The Gibson family of Cambridge, by Frederick Clifton Pierce ; Letters to and from Edward Winslow, 1651-53 ; Letters of Mesheck Weare, ^chairman of the New Hampshire Committee of Safety, 1776, 1777 ; Baptisms in Dover, N. FL, 1717-1766; Index of names. (3395 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxvni. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. viii, 476. Portraits. Contents : Joseph Lemuel Chester, by John Ward Dean ; Edward Winslow, by G. D. Scull ; Rev. Peter Thacher s record of marriages at Milton, Mass., 1709-1727; The family of Gov. Theophilus Eaton, by Franklin B. Dexter; Partial copy of records of the town of Winchester, N. H., by John L. Alex ander ; Soldiers in King Philip s War, by George M. Bodge; Longmeadow (Mass.) families, by Willard S. Allen; The Bonython family of Maine, by Charles E. Banks; Ten generations in New England, by Henry E. Waite; Early papers p.t Portsmouth, New Hampshire, copied by Frank W. Hackett; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters; The Dole family, by NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 477 George T. Dole ; New England gleanings ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; Rev. Edwin Hubbell Chapin, by Anson Titus ; The facilities for genealogical research in the registries of probate in Boston and London, by John T. Hassam ; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting; Memoir of Edmund Quincy (1681-1738), of Bra in tree, Massachusetts Bay, by Eliza Susan Quincy ; Report of investigations concerning the family of Baldwin, of Aston Clinton, Co. Bucks, by Joseph L. Chester ; Ezekiel Cheever and some of his descendants, by John T. Hassam ; The " Quo Warranto " of 1635, by G. D. Scull ; Memoir of the Rev. Dorus Clarke, by Henry A. Hazen ; Books in the English Plantation Office treating of New Eng land, by G. D. Scull ; Braintree records, by Samuel A. Bates ; Ancient iron works in Taunton, by J. W. D. Hall ; Church records of Farmington, Conn., by Julius Gay ; Thomas Philbrick and family, 1583-1883, by Jacob Chapman ; The Greenleaf ancestry, by William S. Appleton ; Thomas Robbins, by Increase N. Tarbox ; The Wing family, by William H. Whitmore ; Historical notes and letters relating to early New England, by G. D. Scull ; The supposed decay of families, by Edward Jarvis ; Wickaboag? or Winnimisset? Which was the place of Capt. Wheeler s defeat in 1675, by Lucius R. Paige; A brief notice of the Underwood families of Massachusetts, by Lucien M. Underwood ; Some of the descendants of William Johnson, of Charlestown, Mass., by Charles Sweet Johnson; Paul Wentworth (counsellor), The Wentworths in Barbadoes, by John Wentworth ; Index of names. (3396 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxxix. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. vii, 425. Portraits. Map. Contents : Moses Brown ; Letter of Experience Mayhew, 1722, on the Indian language, by John S. II. Fogg ; Kendall family, of Woburn, Mass., by WMlliam R. Cutter ; Pretended letter of the Rev. Dr. Increase Mather ; New England gleanings ; Society for promoting and propagating the Gospel in New England letters of William Steele and Edward Cludd, 1652-3 ; Partial records of the town of Winchester, N. II., by John M. Alexander ; The great storm, 1635, by Charles Edward Banks; Maverick s description of New England (1660), by Henry F. Waters ; Church records of Farmington, Conn., 1758-94, by Julius Gay ; Reuben Rawson Dodge, by John Ward Dean ; Records in the Rawson bible ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Letter of Cotton Mather to Henry Newman, Sec y of Society for Prop, of the Gospel, 1717 ; Soldiers in King Philip s War, by George M. Bodge; Notes and queries; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; William Phillips and William Phillips, father and son, 1722-1827, by Hamilton Andrews Hill; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting ; Early inhabitants of Barbadoes, by Sam. Briggs ; Cabo De Arenas : or the place of Sandy Hook in the old cartology, by B. F. I)e Costa ; The Society for the propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Rev. Thomas Welde ; Memoir of Edward Jarvis, by Andrew P. Peabody ; Descendants of the Rev. Daniel Rogers, of Littleton, Mass., by John Ward Dean ; Thomas Pierce, of Dorchester, and wife Mary, by William B. Trask ; Leonard Weeks, of Portsmouth, and some of his descendants, by Jacob Chapman ; The Sambornes of England and America, by V. C. Sanborn ; Deed of land in Virginia, 1667 ; Will of Alice Hayne, 1620, of Semley, England ; Hugh Peters and the royal medals, by G. D. Scull ; John Harvard and his ancestry, by Henry F. Waters; William S. Robinson ("War- rington"), by Harriet II. Robinson; Captain Richard Bouython petition of his sons-in-law, 1672 with biographical notes on the document, by Charles E. Banks ; New England Royalls, by Ed\v. Doubledny Harris ; Court records of the province of Maine, by Charles Edward Banks ; ^he Eliot family, by W. Winters ; Documents relating to Hugh Peters, 1643-1660 ; Index of names. (3397 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XL. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. xi, 436. Portraits. Plate. Maps. Contents : Memoir of William A. Whitehead ; The Pote family, by Isaac Bassett Choate ; Genealogy of the Andrews family, by George Andrews ; Notes and documents concerning Hugh Peters, by G. D. Scull ; Church records of Farmington, Conn., by Julius Gay ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Suggestions and inquiries respecting the ancestry of Col. William Willoughby, by Mrs. Edward Elbridge Salisbury ; Partial copy of records of 478 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the town of Winchester, N. H., by John L. Alexander ; The Wiswall family of America, by Anson Titus; New England gleanings; Relation concerning the estate of New England about 1634, with introduction and notes, by Charles Edward Banks ; Soldiers in King Philip s War, by George M. Bodge ; The Indian names of Boston and their meaning, by E. N. Horsford ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Book notices ; Memoir of Ashbel Woodward, by P. H. Woodward ; A suggestion as to Henry Jacob, by Edward D. Neill ; Address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting ; Descendants of Josiah and Catherine (Hartwell) Upton, by William II. Upton ; Papers in Egerton Ms. 2395, by Henry P. Waters ; John Harvard, by John T. Hassam ; Newbury and the Bartlett family, by John Coffin Jones Brown ; Brief notices of the early American engravers, by Richard C. Lichtenstein ; Peter Oliver, last chief justice of the Superior Court of Judicature of the province of Massachusetts Bay, by Thomas Weston, Jr. ; Early matters relating to the town and first church of Dorchester, by William Blake Trask ; Some doubts concerning the Seal s pedigree, by Samuel Pearce May ; Extracts from the parish register of Ardeley, Co. Hertford, England, 15461701 ; The Wrights of Northampton, Mass., by William K. Wright ; Henry Josselyn, the first and only royal chief magistrate of Maine, by William M. Sargent ; Nathaniel Eaton, the first prin cipal of Harvard, by Edward D. Neill ; Early New England and New York heraldic book plates, by Richard C. Lichtenstein ; Bythewood family of South Carolina, from a stray bible record ; Excerpts from the Hitchcock genealogy, by II. G. Cleveland ; The name " Columbia," by Albert II. Hoyt ; John Harvard and his ancestry, part second, by Henry F. Waters ; Lord Timothy Dexter, by William Cleaves Todd ; Index of names. (3398 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLI. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. vi, 440. Portraits. Contents : Memoir of inland Hall, by Henry D. Hall ; Genealogy of Robert Ware, of Dedham, Mass., by Emma F. Ware ; The record of David Hill s family, by E. D. Harris ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Ezekiel Cheever, additional notes, by John T. Hassam ; Rev. John Allen, or Allin, the first minister of Dedham, by William F. Allen ; Soldiers in King Philip s war, by George M. Bodge ; New England gleanings ; The iron works at Taunton, in Plymouth colony, by Walter K. Watkins ; The Prings of Awliscombe, Devon shire, Eng., by B. F. De Costa ; Baptisms in Dover, N. II., 1717-1766 copy of the Rev. Jonathan Cushing s record, now a part of the records of the First Church ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; Memoir of Frederic Kidder, by John Ward Dean ; Posthumous address of Marshall P. Wilder at the annual meeting ; Excerpta from a Suffolk parish account book, by John James Raven ; The lineage of President Abraham Lincoln traced from Samuel Lincoln, by Samuel Schackford ; John Rogers the younger, of Chelmsford, Essex ; Three generations of the Butterworth family, by J. O. Austin ; The Agawame plantation, by William Root Bliss ; Manning Leonard, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Groton documents, 1688-9, 1701, by Samuel A. Green; An old landmark of Boston (No. 27 Somerset St.), by William Thorn ton Parker ; The Odlin family, by John Taylor Perry ; Ancient iron works of Taunton, by John W. D. Hall ; Pedigree of Ward, of Suffolk and America, by J. J. Muskett ; The descendants of Edmund Weston, of Duxbury, Mass., for five generations, by Thomas Weston, jr. ; Early southern heraldic book plates, by Richard C. Lichtenstein ; Bloss genealogy, by James O. Bloss ; Harvard college alumni who have held the oflicial positions named ; Discovery of impor tant documents relating to the history of New Hampshire ; Woodbridge and Jordan, of Barbados ; Memoir of Charles Adams, jr., by J. II. Temple ; A tentative pedigree of the Littleton family of Virginia, by Robert Patterson Robins ; The Savery families of America, by A. W. Savary ; Diary of Rev. Samuel Cooper, of Boston. 1753-4 ; American graduates in medicine at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, to 1809, by Horace Edwin Hayden : The genealogy of Robert Ware, of Dedham, Mass. additions and corrections, by Emma F. Ware ; Index of names. (3399 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLII. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. vii, 432. Portraits. Contents : Charles Wesley Tuttle, by John Ward Dean ; John Tarbox, of Lynn, and his descendants, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Remarks on Mr. Waters s English researches, by Abner C. Goodell, jr. ; Genealogy of Thomas Pope, of NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 479 Plymouth, by Franklin Leonard Pope ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Rev. Aaron Cleveland, by Benjamin Rand ; Memoranda of all the inscriptions in the old burying ground at Colchester, Conn., with some notes from the town records, by Frank E. Randall ; Col. Chester s plan of general genealogical research ; Yale University alumni who have held official positions, by Richard II. Greene ; Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s sub scribers, by William Ward -Wight ; Soldiers in King Philip s war, by George M. Bodge ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; Memoir of Amasa Walker, by Francis A. Walker ; James Lane, of North Yarmouth, Me., and his descendants, by James P. Lane ; Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, Boston, 1717-1700, transcribed by Anson Titus ; List of the American graduates in medicine in the University of Edinburgh, from 1705 to 18G6, with their theses, by Samuel Lewis ; Letter of Dr. James Thacher concerning the Newburgh letters, 1825 ; Chart of Cape Cod, communi cated by Charles Hervey Townshend ; American prisoners taken at the battle of Bunker Hill, by Samuel A. Green ; Wentworth genealogy the hitherto un known councillor Paul, by John Wentworth ; Instruction in psalmody in Boston before 1750, by William Lee; Marshall Pinckney Wilder, by Hamilton Andrews Hill ; Descendants of John Roberts, of Simsbury, Ct, and Bloomfield, Ct., by Lester A. Roberts ; Thurston, cf Newbury, by Ariel S. Thurston ; Rev. Nehe- miah Rogers s dedication to John Ilaines, 1632, by A. M. Haines ; List of names of some of the residents of Boston in 1751 ; Thomas Barrett, of Brain- tree, William Barrett, of Cambridge, and their early descendants, by Joseph Ilartwell Barrett ; Rev. John Allin, of Dedham, by William F. Allen ; Thomas Gilbert, of Springfield, and his immediate descendants, some new facts, by J. II. Temple ; Church at East Fairleigh, Kent, in which Dolor Davis was married, by Horace Davis ; Letters of Hugh Hall to Benning Wentworth, 1717- 19, by John Wentworth ; The true site of the great house in Charlestown, built 1629-30, by James F. Ilunnewell ; Will of Henry Biley, 1633 ; Israel Ward An drews, by John Eaton ; The Marietta Colony of 1788, by Israel W. Andrews ; Alumni of William and Mary College who have held official position, by Richard H. Greene ; Place index to the Register, Vols. 1-41 ; The tradition of Micah Rood, by P. II. Woodward ; The rendezvous of the Dorchester Church-Colony, by Charles II. Pope; Index of names. (34OO NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLIII. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 510. Portraits. Map. Contents : Memoir of the Rev. Elias Nason, by William Blake Trask ; Portraits of New Hampshire public men and others, by Benjamin F. Prescott ; The Pom- eroys of Northampton, Mass., by William K. Wright ; Memoranda of all the in scriptions in the old burying ground at Colchester, Conn., with some notes from the town records, by Frank E. Randall ; Alumni of the College of New Jersey who have held official position, by Richard II. Greene ; Autobiography of Alvan Clark ; Petition of Bartholomew Gedney and others in relation to Salem fishing ketches (after Sept. 18, 1689) ; Innholders in Boston, 1714 ; Will and inventory of Foulke Waldron, of Coventry, Warwickshire, England, 1671, also abstracts of other wills, by John B. Newcomb ; Soldiers in King Philip s war, by George M. Bodge ; The Trotts of Dorchester and Boston, by Edward Doubleday Harris ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters; Notes and queries; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; John Farwell Ander son, by George Madison Bodge ; Thomas Cornwallis and the early Maryland colonists, by IMward D. Neill ; Letters of Nathaniel Noyes to William Henshaw, 1774-1775, by Harriet E. Henshaw ; Extracts from Howard s notarial records, 1670, by William Blake Trask ; Impressments at Wareham, Mass., 1741 to 1748 ; Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania who have held official positions, by Richard II. Greene ; Thacher family, by Samuel Pearce May ; Harvard College alumni who have received the honorary degrees named, by William A. Rich ardson ; Witchcraft in New Hampshire in 1656, by John S. II. Fogg ; Lithobolia, or the stone-throwing devil, by John Ward Dean ; Billeting of soldiers under Major Seth Pomeroy, 1747 ; Billeting of Massachusetts forces, 1759 ; Anderson pedigree, by George M. Bodge ; Report of the committee on the revision of the constitution, and by-laws of the Society ; Ira Ballou Peck, by John Ward Dean ; Northrup genealogy, by A. Judd Northrupp ; Extract from English parish reg isters relating to King and Ilaines families, by Rufus King; Will and inventory of George Walderne, of Alcester, Eng., grandfather of Richard Waldron, of Dover, N. II., 1588 ; Genealogy of Richard Baker, by Edmund J. Baker ; Columbia Col- 480 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. lege alumni who have held official positions, by Richard H. Greene ; Ellery fam ily, by Mary K. Talcott ; Letters of Roger Williams, 1629 ; The Hassam family, additional notes, by John T. Ilassam ; Memoir of Cyrus Woodman, by Charles Deane ; Proposal for a president of Harvard College in 1671 ; Rev. William Screven, by William G. Whilden ; Some of the descendants of Philip Towle, of Hampton, N. II., by Mrs. A. E. T. Lindsay ; Garrison in the west regiment of Middlesex, 1692 ; Alumni of Brown University who have held official positions, by Richard H. Greene ; The ancestry of Washington, by Henry F. Waters ; Clapp family, by -J. Henry Lea ; John Gibbon in 1659, a guest of Richard Lee, of Virginia, by Edward D. Neill ; Index of subjects ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (34O1 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLIV. Boston, 1890. 8vO, pp. 472. Portraits. Contents : Increase Niles Tarbox, by Henry Martyn Dexter ; Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others relative to Indian affairs in Maine, 1722-1726 ; The Butterfields of Middlesex, by Geo. A. Gordon ; Deaths in Milton, Mass., 1774-1790, by Daniel T. V. Huntoon ; Axtells of America, by William S. Apple- ton ; Thomds Cooper, of Boston, and his descendants, by Frederick Tuckerman ; Soldiers in King Philip s war, by George M. Bodge ; Emigrants to St. John, N. B., 1793 ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Commission of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart., 1757, as Lieut. General ; The early charitable organizations of Boston, by Edward Winslow ; Lee, of Virginia, genealogical notes proving the error of the previously accepted pedigree, by J. Henry Lea ; The Elliots, of Kittery, Me., and South Carolina ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their pro ceedings ; Necrology ; Bock notices ; Samuel Turell Armstrong memoir, by John Ward Dean; Inscriptions from the burial, grounds in the old town of Danvers ; Simon Ferdinando and John Walker in Maine, 1579-1580, by B. F. De Costa; Col. John Jones, of Dedham, and his paternal ancestors in America, by Amos Perry ; Mary Watkins : a discolored history of witchcraft cleansed by modern research, by Walter K. Watkins ; Ethan Allen s language at Ticonderoga, by William C. Todd : Letters of actors in the Revolutionary War ; Rev. Nicholas Street and his descendants, by Henry A. Street ; Journal of Capt. Nathaniel Knight, senr., 1762 ; Petition of the inhabitants of Kennebec river for pro tection, 1755 ; Henry B. Dawson, by John A. Todd ; Knapp s life of Timothy Dexter, by William C. Todd; The Bank(e)s family, of Maine, by Charles Edward Banks ; Record book of the sextons of the First Presbyterian Church of Eliza- bethtowu, Essex county (now Elizabeth, Union county), New Jersey, 1766-80; Inscriptions from the burial grounds in the old town of Danvers, by Samuel P. Fowler ; Nicholas Browne, of Reading, and some of his descendants, by Harriet H. Robinson; Positions held by alumni, by Richard II. Greene; Allertons of New England and Virginia, by Isaac J. Greenwood; Contents of the box placed in the corner-stone of the Massachusetts state house extension ; William Henry Montague, by John Ward Dean ; Berwick, Maine, and Nova Scotia Ham- iltons, by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton ; List of subscriptions to the en gagement of 1651, by John James Raven ; Lieut. William French and his descend ants, by John M. French ; Inquest on Michael Johnson, alias Crispus Attucks, by John S. H. Fogg ; Index of subjects ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (34O2 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLV. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 386, 151. Portraits. Contents : Samuel Baker Rindge, by Francis J. Parker ; Extracts from the Bishop s transcript of the registers of parishes of Bedford county, England, 1602-1625 ; Record of marriages solemnized in the east parish of Bridgewater, Mass., from March 4, 1725, to August 3, 1803 ; The pre-Columbian voyages of the Welsh to America, by B. F. De Costa; Church records of Preston, Conn., 1774-1801 ; Letter of Samuel Adams to the town of Boston, March 13, 1769, on his action as tax collector ; Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others, relative to Indian affairs in Maine, 1723-4 ; The Blake family in England, by Francis E. Blake ; Hugh Maxwell, patriot and soldier of the Revolution, by Edward P. Guild ; The Saffin family, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Record book of the sextons of the First Presbyterian Church of Elizabethtown, Essex county (now Elizabeth, Union county), New Jersey, 1781-1799; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; The Duke of Hamilton and Brandon s power NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 481 of attorney, 172G, with note, by Albert A. Folsom ; Soldiers in King Philip s war, by George M. Bodge ; John Lakin s deed, 1653, by Samuel A. Green ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; William Fletcher Weld, memoir ; Champadore in New England, 160S, by I>. F. De Costa ; Woodhull entries from the parish register of Mollington, Oxford county, Eng land, 1570-1709 ; Memoir of Henry Austin Whitney, by Joseph Cutler Whitney ; Positive pedigrees and authorized arms; or An attempt at a list of settlers named in Savage s Genealogical Dictionary of New England, whose ancestors are recorded in the Heraldic Visitations of England, and whose descendants are probably living in the United States of America, by William S. Appleton ; Title and history of the Henry Vassall estate, Cambridge, Mass., by Samuel Batch- elder ; Letter relating to the Boston port bill, 1774 ; Wills of the American ancestors of General George Washington, by Joseph M. Toner ; Deposition of Thomas Pound, the pirate, 1689 ; John Smith of Milford, New Haven Colony, 1640, and his descendants to the fifth generation, by Robert A. Smith ; Commis sion of General David Cobb as special justice of the Court of Common Pleas of Massachusetts, 1784 ; Letter from Robert Treat Paine to General David Cobb, 1775 ; More about the Wheelwright deed, by Charles H. Bell ; Frederick Billings, by Henry Allen Hazen ; A remarkable military life (Major Thompson Maxwell), by William Willder Wheildon ; Capt. John Elliott, of Boston, Mass., 1722, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Muster roll of Capt. Thomas Willington s company, 1778 ; Letter from John Hulott, of Barbados, to George Little of Newbury, Mass., 1659 ; Will of Charles Hoare, of Gloucester, 1638, with note by George F. Hoar ; Kittery documents, 1706-1756 ; Ancestors of Gyles Merrill, by Samuel Merrill ; Index of subjects ; Index of names ; Index of places ; Rolls of membership of the Society, 1844-1890. (34O3 NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLVI. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. vii, 518. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; The Rev. Joseph Sewall, his youth and early manhood, by Hamilton Andrews Hill ; Intentions of marriage, Lincoln Co., Maine ; Records of the Episcopal Church at Stoughton, Mass., 1791-1816 ; Let ter of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew to Richard Clarke, 1765 ; Memoir of William Hunter Odell, by Rufus King ; Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others relative to Indian affairs in Maine, 1724-5 ; List of battles and casualties of Massachusetts regiments during the War of the Rebellion, by T. W. Higginson and Florence Wyman Jaques ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Record of marriages solemnized in the east parish of Bridgewater, Mass., from March 4, 1725, to August 3, 1803 ; The Rev. Stephen Bachiler, by Charles E. Batchelder ; Lee of Virginia, by I. Henry Lea ; The old Morton and Taylor estates in Dorchester, by David Clapp ; Notes and queries ; Societies and their proceedings ; Necrology ; Book notices ; Gen. Henry Jackson, by John Ward Dean; Was Cotton Mather a Fellow of the Royal Society? by N. Dar nell Davis ; English ancestry of the Higginson family, by Thomas W. Higgin son ; A list of the settlers in St. George s river, Medumcook, and Broadbay ; Original documents relating to Boston, Mass. ; Statistics of the Connecticut election sermons, 1674-1830 ; Autobiography of Major-General Daniel Denison ; The Starkeys of New England, by Emily W. Leavitt ; Descendants of George Lawrence, by Emily W. Leavitt ; Original documents, 1677 to 1761, by Wm. John Potts ; Pratt and Trerice, by William S. Appleton ; Extracts from letters of William Rotch, 1792, by Frederick C. Sanford ; John Plummer Ilealey, by John Ward Dean ; Otis family of Montreal, Canada, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; The Gill lineage, by James D. Butler ; Petition of Palmer Goulding, 1741, who claimed skill in curing rattlesnake s bites ; Henry Crane of Dorchester, Mass., and some of his descendants, by Emily Wilder Leavitt ; The first church founded by New England people in King s county. Nova Scotia, by A. W. II. Eaton ; The exhibitions of Harvard College prior to 1800, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Will of Henry Poole, 1643 ; The Friends in Brentwood, N. II., by Benjamin A. Dean; Parentage of Rev. Nicholas Street, of New, Haven, Ct., by J. Henry Lea; Memoir of Samuel Page Fowler, by John Ward Dean ; Pedigree of Denison, by J. L. Glascock, jr. ; The Hartford treaty with the Narragansets and the Fenwick letters, by Charles Hervey Townsend ; Alsop and Harlakenden, by Charles C. Baldwin ; The King family of Su ffold, Connecticut, by Edmund James Cleveland ; The Gerrymander, by John Ward Dean ; The Dodge family of Essex county, Mass., H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 31 482 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by Joseph Thompson Dodge ; The Pemberton family, by Walter K. Watkins ; List of members of the Society elected since 3 December, 1890 ; Index of names ; Index of places. (34O4 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLVII. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. 593. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Nathaniel Foster Safford, by George M. Bodge ; Deaths in Stratham, N. II. ; Lee, of Virginia, by W. B. Lee ; The Dolbeares, of Boston, by Edward Doubleday Harris ; New Jersey Cavalry, etc., in the United States Army, 1794, by E. J. Cleveland ; Letters of Thomas Westbrook and others, relative to Indian affairs in Maine ; Abstracts of the wills of the Mather family proved in the consistory court at Chester from 1573 to 1650, by J. Paul Rylands ; The Weaver family of New York City, etc., by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Certificates of head rights fh the county court of Lower Norfolk, Va., by J. Henry Lea ; Descendants of Walter Haynes and Peter Noyes, of Sudbury, Mass., by Frederic Haynes Newell ; The widow of David Thomson, by Frank W. Hackett ; Henry Crane, of Dorchester, Mass., and some of his descendants, by Emily Wilder Leavitt ; The Snow genealogy, by M. L. T. Alden ; Hope Allen, of Boston, by Orrin P. Allen ; Notes and queries : Cor.yngham and Peyton, by H. E. Hayden ; Wood, by G. H. Williams ; Ventris, Ventrus, Ventrous, by II. E. Hayden ; Hoi- brook, by E. I). Harris ; * * * Alden items, by C. L. Alden ; Mythical estates in England, by W. Everett ; Necrology ; Book notices ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; William Hull, by Samuel C. Clarke ; Edward Johnson, by C. E. Banks ; Columbus Day, by C. II. Townsend ; Descendants of Jonathan Gillet, of .Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn., by S. C. Gillette ; The origin and ancestry of Rev. Thomas Hooker, by Edward Hooker ; The origin of certain names ending in " man, by Arthur A. Codman ; Some notes on Smith s History on the Virginia Company of London and the managers thereof, by Alexander Brown ; * * * The Simancas map, by B. F. De Costa ; Societies and their proceedings ; * * * Rev. Thomas Ricker Lambert, D. D., by J. Ward Dean ; Gen. Nathaniel Peabody, by W. C. Todd ; Inscriptions in the old Protestant Graveyard at St. Augustine, Fla., by B. F. Leeds ; Will of Mrs. Mar garet Hawtayne, daughter of Lawrence Washington, by G. H. Hawtayne ; Letter of Robert Washington, 1775 ; The Aspinwall family of Muddy River, now Brookline, Mass., by E. A. Bowen : Parentage of Rev. Nicholas Street, of New Haven, Conn., by J. Henry Lea ; Batchelder wills ; Thomas French, of Guilford, Conn., by B. C. Steiner ; Frenches, of Ipswich, by A. D. Weld French ; Robert Williams, of Roxbury ; * * * Memoir of Jeremiah Colburn, A. M., by J. Ward Dean ; Thomas Venner, the Boston wine-cooper and Fifth-monarchy man, by C. E. Banks ; Griffith Bowen, of Boston, by Edward Augustus Bowen ; A con tribution to the early history of Stonington, Conn., by G. A. Gordon ; Petition to Congress in 1819 to have the laws printed in the Hampden Patriot, published at Springfield, Mass. ; John Mousall, of Woburn, by W. R. Cutter ; Dover, N. H., 1776, by W. C. Ford ; Remick genealogy, by Oliver P. Remick ; Obituary of the Rev. Thomas Hubbard, 1773; Index of persons; Index of places. (34O5 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. 1894. Vol. XLVIII. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. viii, 579. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Memoir of Hon. Levi Woodbury, LL. D., by Charles Levi Woodbury; Inscriptions at Norfolk, Va., by E. W. James; Noyes inscription and memoranda, by James Atkins Noyes ; Excise on bread in Boston in 1734, by Jeremiah Colburn ; The swords of Washington, by Thornton A. Wash ington ; Deaths in Stratham, N. II. continued ; Letters of Col. Thomas West- brook and others, relative to Indian affairs in Maine ; British officers serving in America, 1754-1774, by W. C. Ford; Descendants of John Briant, sr., of Scituate, Mass., by Percy Bryant ; Inscriptions in the old Protestant graveyard at St. Augustine, Fla., by B. F. Leeds ; The ancient line Feilde, of Charlestown, by G. A. Gordon ; The Kellogg families, of Colchester, Conn., by J. II. Perrin ; A fresh note on the New England Primer, by B. F. De Costa ; The Kirtland or Kirkland family, by V. C. Sanborn ; The Snow genealogy, by Mrs. C. L. Alden; Necrology; Book notices; Genealogical gleanings in England, by H. F. Waters; Memoir of David Clapp, by W. B. Trask ; Gov. Simon Bradstreet s ancestry, by Isaac J. Greenwood; Rev. Stephen Peabody and wife, of Atkinson, by W. C. Todd; Memoranda by Robert Foster, of Kingston, Mass.,, by C. E. Briggs ; Rev. William Adams, of Madison Square Church, New York City, with his Adams and Brad ford lines of descent, by Emily Wilder Leavitt ; Connection of the family of NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 483 Edison, the inventor, with Digby, Nova Scotia, by A. W. Savary ; Martin s or Martha s? What is the proper nomenclature of the Vineyard? by C. E. Banks; Some descendants of the Rev. John Robinson, of Leyden, Holland, by A. S. Thurston ; The Maverick family, by I. J. Greenwood ; * * * George Cheyne Shattuck, by C. D. Bradlee ; The Bent family, by A. II. Bent ; Probate forms of Massachusetts ; Letter of Jonathan Alden, of Marshfield, 1722, by C. L. Alden ; Family of John Savage, Middletown, Conn., 1652, by J. F. Savage ; Three letters written by Governor Leverett in 1G75 ; Aged residents of Stonington, Ct., in 1893, by Harriet A. Stanton ; Abstracts of early wills on record, or on file in the county cf Suffolk, Mass., by W. K. Watkins ; President Lincoln s ancestry, by J. H. Barrett ; Morton s New English Canaan, by B. F. De Costa ; Matthew Field, of London, mercer his family and arms, by Osgood Field ; Rev. John Codraan, D. D. ; Descendants of Daniel Morrison, of Newburj r , Mass., by L. A. Morrison ; Marriages in Gloucester, 1729 ; Dorothy Stanton, by Edward Doubleday Harris ; Burials at Warren and Barrington, R. I. ; Lakin family, by Samuel A. Green ; Diary of Rev. William Holmes, of Chilmark, Martha s Vineyard, 1689-1746 ; William Hack and his descendants, by Christopher A. Hack ; Letter of William Stevens, 1795, a seaman impressed by the British ; Letter of Paul Jones, 1777 ; * * * Index of persons; Index of places. (34O6 NKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. XLIX. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. ix, 576. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Memoir of the Hon. Charles H. Bell, by Ed mund F. Slafter ; The grasshopper in Boston, by Daniel W. Baker ; Some deeds of the Mather family of West Leigh, Lancashire, 1609 to 1632, by J. Paul Rylands ; The archives of Harvard University, by William Garrott Brown ; Family of William Cornwall, by Edward E. Cornwall ; Old York county (Me.) records, by Geo. A. Gordon ; British officers serving in America, 1754-1774, by Worthington C. Ford ; Harvard University College presidents and the election of Messrs. Quincy and Eliot, by Win. A. Richardson ; Shawe register of bap tisms, by M. F. King ; The English ancestors of John Bent, of Sudbury, by E. C. Felton ; Belknap, by A. A. Codman ; Probate courts of Massachusetts, by George White ; The Snow genealogy, by Mrs. Charles L. Alden ; Necrology of the society ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Sketch of the life of Hon. John Chandler ; Colonel Job Cushing, by Geo. A. Gordon ; Rose (Dunster) Hills, by William S. Hills; Contributions to a Trumbull gene alogy, by J. Henry Lea ; Some Dorchester matters, by Robert Thaxter Swan ; Capt. John Thomas, of Braintree, Mass., by Joseph W. Porter ; Portraits in New Hampshire of public men and others, by Benjamin F. Prescott ; A needed correction in the pedigree of the Cotton family as given by Mr. Savage, Mr. Sibley, and some others, by Henry Williams ; Letters of Col. Thomas West- brook and others rela-tive to Indian affairs in Maine, by William Blake Trask ; The town history, by Anson Titus ; More notes on the English Garfields, by W. P. W. Phillimore; Capt. William Meacharn at Bunker Hill, by E. S. Will cox ; Muster roll of Capt. John King s company, August 1, 1775 ; Descendants of Benjamin Clarke and Miriam Kilby ; Frederick Lothrop Ames, by Edmund B. Wilson ; Chief Justice of the United States, or Chief Justice of the Su preme Court of the United States?, by William A. Richardson; Births in Med- way, Mass., 1714-1744, by E. O. Jameson ; Letter written by Rev. James Noyes to Hon. Samuel Sewall, 1694, by Samuel B. Doggett ; Baptisms in the Second Church of Christ in Pembroke, Mass., 1748 to 1803; Daniel Ravenal, of South Carolina ; Material relating to the Essex family of Haynes, by A. M. Haines ; On the Saybrook branch of the family of Deputy Governor William Jones, of New Haven, Conn., by Edwin A. Hill ; Ancestry of William Stone, Governor of Mary land, 1648-1655, by Elliot Stone; United States Pensioners, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Essex, SS., Probate Office, Dec. 31, 1836; Bingham genealogy, by Theodore A. Bingham ; Inscriptions on gravestones in the burial-ground at Long- meadow, Mass., by Oliver B. Stebbins ; Families in Fressingfleld, Eng., 1836, wish ing to emigrate to America, by John J. Raven ; General Edward Augustus Wild, by Bradford Kingman ; Diary of Rev. William Homes, of Chilmark, Martha s Vineyard, 1689-1746, by Charles Edward Banks ; Letters of Elbridge Gerry, 1784-1801, contributed by W. C. Ford ; Descendants of Robert Dennis, of Portsmouth, R. L, by Otis M. Humphrey ; Morse, Everett, Jones, Avery. by Edward F. Everett ; Book notices ; Notes and queries ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (3407 484 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. L. Boston, 1896. 8vo, pp. xix, 612. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Index of genealogies and pedigrees in the reg isters Vols. 1 to 50, by William Wight ; William Stoughton, Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts, by John Ward Dean ; Letter of Alexander McDougall, 1779 ; Dis trict of Pepperrellborough, Maine, marriage intentions and marriages, 1768-1775, by Francis E. Blake ; Letter of Major John Shapleigh, 1781 ; James Barrett s re turns of men mustered into service, 1778, by Francis E. Blake; Letter of Patrick Henry, 1776 ; Dorchester, Mass., intentions of marriages, 1744-1748 ; Letter of Gen. Artemas Ward, 1775 ; Letters of Elbridge Gerry, 1801-4 ; Radcliffe pedigree, by Henry II. Edes ; Barnstable Gorhams, the old house in which they lived and their services in the Colonial Wars, by Frank W. Sprague ; An account of part of the family of Abraham Perkins, of Hampton, N. II., who lived in Ply mouth county, Mass., by Joseph W. Porter ; Facsimile of a letter written to Sir William Pepperrell by Jno. Gorham, 1745 ; Will of William Larrabee, of Maiden, Mass., Feb. 12, 1691-2, with inventory of his estate; Inscribed powder-horns, by Samuel A. Green ; Contribution to Wyman genealogy, by Morrill Wyman, ji. ; Balthazar Willix, by Frank W. Hackett ; Inscriptions at Santa Cruz, Cali fornia, 1891, by Frank Leeds ; Letter of Richard O. Bryen to Abijah Crane, 1790, by John C. Clapp ; The De Lotbinieres a bit of Canadian romance and history, by I. J. Greenwood ; Eben Parsons and Fatherland Farm, by Susan E. P. Forbes : Remembrance made by Sir Nathaniel Bacon, by Charles Hervey Townshend ; Ezekiel Rogers, Roger Williams, and Jane Whalley ; Dorchester, Mass., warnings from the town, from original papers, 17251745 ; Necrology of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, by Ezra Hoyt Byington ; Gen ealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; Alexander Hamilton Bul lock- biographical sketch ; Diary of Rev. William Homes, of Chilmark, Martha s Vineyard, 1689-1746; The fort at Great Island (New Castle, New Hampshire), by Frank W. Hackett ; Abstract of a Dorchester deed 1753, by Edward S. Holden ; Early statements relative to the early life of Roger Williams, com piled by John Ward Dean ; Family of George Stocking, by Edward E. Cornwall ; Baptisms in the second Church of Christ in Pembroke, Mass., from 1748 to 1803, by Mrs. Elroy M. A very ; Alphabetical list of partners in the Land Bank of 1740, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Miscellaneous Revolutionary pay rolls, by Francis E. Blake ; Thomas Weston and his family, extracts from the Records of the Provincial Court of Maryland, Liber, W. R. C. No. 1 ; Ensign William Hilton, of York, Me., by John T. Hassam ; Muster roll of Capt. Thomas Cart- wright s company, 1777 ; Comee-Comey family, by Allen H. Bent ; Shapleigh and Treworgie, by Charles F. Hazeltine ; Charles Carleton Coffin, by George M. Adams ; The Hussey ancestry of the poet Whittier, by Alonzo H. Quint ; A piece of family silver and a Boston silversmith of 1712, by Edward S. Holden ; A manuscript genealogy made by the Rev. "Samuel Smallwood, who died in Weston, Oct. 5, 1782 ; Letter of Thomas Weld, Dunstable Land, 1683/4, by Samuel B. Dog- gett ; Thomas Jefferson and James Thomson Callender, with their letters, by Worthington Chauncey Ford ; Inscriptions in the old Protestant graveyard at St. Augustine, Florida, by B. Frank Leeds ; Lists of soldiers of Xewbnry, Ames- bury. Bradford, and vicinity and other military documents, 16861746 ; Allen Converse, of Woburn, Mass., and descendants, by William R. Cutter ; Billeting roll of Captain Lawrence s company, 1758; Read families of Western (Warren) and Sudbury, Mass., by Joseph Williamson ; Will of Capt. Robert Slyle, of Mary land, 1670, with notes, by Anson Titus ; Clifford Stanley Sims, by William Nel son ; Gen. T. L. Casey, by Sylvanus Hayward ; autobiography of Nathan Read, who died at Belfast, Maine, Jan. 20, 1849 ; Record of the Bowditch family, by Joseph Williamson ; Bermuda during the American Revolution, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Records of New Castle, N. H., by Ezra S. Stearns ; Dorothy May and her relations, by Charles Hervey Townshend ; Sir Nathaniel Bacon, Kt, Sir Roger Townshend, Kt., Bart., and their chaplain, Rev. Samuel Whiting, afterwards of Lynn, Mass., by Chas. Hervey Townshend ; James Barrett s returns of men mustered into service, 1777-1778; Was John Kettell killed by the Indians?, by George F. Clark ; Marriages performed by Daniel Wetherell in New London county, Conn., 1667-1670, by Frank Farnsworth Starr; Will of Alexander Sel kirk, 1720, by Henry F. Waters; The Brunswick Stanwoods, by Ellen Dimlap Hopkins. (340S NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 485 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LI. Boston. 1897. Svo, pp. x, 575. Portraits. Contents: Index of subjects; Daniel Denison Slade, by Charles R. Eastman;, List of principal writings of I). I). Slade; Thomas Jefferson and James Thomson Callender letters contributed by Worthington C. Ford ; The government of Harvard College, by William A. Richardson ; Miller, Cook, Clark, Hall, Crosby, and Smith; by William R. Cutter; Col. Jabez Hatch, his ancestry and descend ants, by Allen II. Bent ; Wagon master s returns, 1782-1783, by Francis E. Blake; Portsmouth, N. II., inhabitants, 1711, by Ceo. A. Gordon; Eldredge genealogy, by Zoeth S. Eldredge; Marriages in Xantucket, 1717-1777, by Otis G. Hammond ; The first Sambornes of Hampton, N. II., by V. C. Sanborn ; " Samuel Lynde, Esq., his deed of a lap of land, now called Bowdoin Square, deed dated 1700, by Samuel B. Doggett; Sir Richard Saltonstall s letter to Gov. John Win- throp, Jr., of Connecticut, 1630, by Lucy Hall Greenlaw ; Gerrish family bible record, by Lucy Hall Greenlaw; A local scandal (Watertown, [16] 66). by Samuel A. Green ; Necrology of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, by Geo. M. Adams ; Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters : Charles Stewart Daveis, by David G. Haskins ; The will of Alexander Selkirk. 1720, with a facsimile; Vassall, by Francis Olcott Allen; Roll of Capt. Jonathan Howard s company of Bridgewater, Mass., 1754, with other papers ; John Curtis, of Roxbury, Mass., and his family, by Howard Redwood Guild : Langley of Newport, R. I., by Isaac .1. Greenwood ; Nathaniel Woodward, of Boston, and some of his descendants, by Theron Royal Woodward ; The English ancestry of the families of Batt and Byley of Salisbury, Mass., by J. Henry Lea ; Deaths in Sturbridge, Mass., 1770-1786, by Eben P. Bassett ; Shaw family, Middleborough, Mass., Winthrop, Me., by Archie Lee Talbot ; Inscriptions at Edgartown, Martha s Vineyard, Mass., by Harriet M. Pease ; Contribution to a Gorton genealogy, by Elliot Stone; Memoir of Willia.m Putnam Kuhn, by George Kuhn Clarke; Snow genealogy, by Mrs. Charles L. Aiden ; Richard Williams, of Taunton, and his connection with the Cromwell family, by Josiah II. Drummond ; Allen family, by Francis Olcott Allen ; The Ilolden family of Cranbook, Kent, England, by Edward S. Ilolden ; Cornell family, by Charles B. Curtis ; Marriages and bap tisms in Raynham, Mass., 1782-1700, by Francis E. Blake ; Thomas Bond biographical sketch ; The first two settlers in Stow, Mass., and their fate, by Abraham G. R. Hale; Abstracts of English wills, by Lothrop Withington ; Tufts genealogy earlier generations, by Larkin T. Tufts and Edward C. Booth ; Gene alogical nomenclature, by B. Pickman Mann ; Chelmsford marriages, 1656-1676, by Emily W. Leav tt ; Ancestry of Rev. John Sherman and Capt. John Sherman, by a descendant of Capt. John Sherman; Sherman pedigree; Descendants of Robert Herbert, of Salem and Beverly, Mass., by Harvey Hebard and Ralph I). Smyth; Letter of Nathaniel Harrington, Jr., in 1781, to his father, communi cated by Eliza M. Gill ; Ancestry of Amos Otis, Esq., of Yarmouth Port, Mass., by Frank William Sprague ; Matthew Marvin and his second wife, widow Alice Bonton, by William T. R. Marvin ; Albany and New York families, genealogies from old Dutch Bibles, by George Douglas Miller ; Family record of the Freeze, Spoor, and allied families, from an old Dutch bible, by Frederic II. Curtiss ; Elias Stileman, by Ezra S. Stearns; Pedigree of Manning and allied families, by Henry F. Waters ; Sketch of the life of Levi Lincoln, Lieutenant-Governor of Massachusetts ; Alden genealogy, by Mrs. Charles L. Alden ; Will of William Deane, of Southchard, Somerset, England, 1634, by William Dean ; Will of William Cogan, of Southchard, England, 1654, by William Dean ; Sketch of the life of John Foster, Esq., of Boston, by William R. Cutter; First book of Rayn ham records, 1735-1757, from a copy in the possessioon of the society ; Jacob Kuhn and his descendants, by George Kuhn Clarke; Jacob and Hannah (Law rence) Schieffelin, of New York, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Henry Andrews, of Taunton, by Josiah II. Drummond ; Marriages by Rev. Samuel Perley while minister at Hampton, N. IL, and other places, 1767-1782, by Henry O. Trayer ; Contribution to the history of Londonderry, N. IL, by Ezra S. Stearns ; Arthur Savage, a loyalist, by Augusta Isabella Appleton ; Thomas Hutchinson, the last colonial governor of Massachusetts, by Harriet Emily Tuell : The Moore families of Londonderry, N. II. , by Ezra S Stearns ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (34OJ> 486 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LII. Boston, 1898. Svo, pp. xxx, 551. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents : Albert Boyd Otis, by Joseph Williamson ; Brief memoirs and no tices of Prince s subscribers, compiled by Emma F. Ware; Briggs family mili tary records, by Theron Royal Woodward ; Henry Andrews, of Taunton, and the Calves Pasture, by Almon D. Hodges, Jr. ; Was Anna West a daughter of Robert Saunderson?, by John E. Alden ; The Clogston family of New Hampshire, by Watson II. Harwood ; Genealogical notes from Martha s Vineyard, by Charles E. Banks ; The Rev. Morgan Jones and the Welsh Indians of Virginia, by Isaac .T. Greenwood ; Was John Kettell an early settler of Stow?, by George F.Clark; Descendants of John and Benjamin Dunning of Stratford, Conn. ; Gleanings from parish registers of Ilessett, England, and vicinity, by Charles Hervey Towns- hend : The English ancestry of the families of Batt and Byley of Salisbury, Mass.. by J. Henry Lea ; Ancestry of Phebe Pierce, of Woburn, by William R. Cutting and Arthur G. Loring ; Alden genealogy, by Mrs. Charles L. Alden; Letters of Jonathan Boucher to George Washington, contributed by Worthiugton C. Ford : Benefactions to Harvard College located in Chelsea, Mass., by Walter K. Watkins ; Abstracts of English wills, by Lothrop Withington ; Gen. Francis A. Walker, by Silvanus Ilayward ; Moore genealogy, by John S. Sargent ; The names of the first men slain by the Indians in the King Philip s War, by David II. Brown ; Bells in New England, by John James Raven ; Bullet taken from the body of Gen. Warren, who was killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill, by Frederic W. Parke ; Necrology of the New England Historic Genealogical So ciety ; Rev. Caleb Davis Bradlee, by Alfred Manchester : Deed of Daniel Col lins to James Bird, 1696. by John T. Hassam : Capowack Is it the correct Indian name of Martha s Vineyard? by Charles E. Banks; A copy of the records of the Rev. Thomas White, the first pastor of the church in Bolton, Conn., 1725-30, bj r Mary K. Talcott ; Additions to positive predigrees and authorized arms of New England, printed in register for July, 1891, by William S. Apple- ton ; Col. John Gorham s " Wast Book " facsimiles, with notes by Frank William Sprague : lion. Levi Lincoln, senior, and his connection with the ex tinction of slavery in Massachusetts, by Samuel May ; Capt. Hopestill Foster, of Dorchester, Mass., and some of his descendants, by William II. Whitmore; Letter of Thomas Mayhew to Gov. Edmund Andros, 1675 ; Bnvnstable families, by Amos Otis; Mowry : a unique family monument, by William A. Mowry ; Four generations of the Waldo family in America, by Waldo Lincoln ; Petition of Desire Gorham to settle the estate of her husband. 1675 ; Oopy of a record of deaths kept by the Rev. Samuel Kingsbury, minister of the gospel at Edgar- town. Mass., 1761-1772, with notes by Harriet M. Pease; Sketch of the life of John Gardner White, by Francis Beach White ; Rev. Lucius Robinson Paige, by Alphonso Everett White ; Boston prisoners in the American Revolution, by Victor II. Paltsits ; Philip Gereardy, of New Amsterdam, landlord of the city tavern, and his Rhode Island descendants, by Charles Knowles Bolton ; Mate rial from the Raynham (Norfolk. England) records, by Charles Ilervey Towns- bend: The descendants of Lieutenant William Seward. of Guilford, Conn.; by Ralph D. Smyth ; Record of marriages in western Massachusetts, 1795 to 1823, by George Sheldon ; An account of Doctor William Snelling, who came to New England in 1647 ; also of his nephew, John Snelling. who probably accom panied him. with a brief notice of some of the latter s descendants, by Samuel Snelling: Samuel Skelton. M. A., first minister of the first church at Salem, Mass., by E. C. Felton ; Gorham families of Yarmouth, by William Proud Davis; Will of Samuel Mather, 1671; Rev. Luther Farnham. by John Ward Dean; John White, of Watertown and Brookline. and some of his descendants, by Thomas J. Lothrop ; South Hampton (N. II.) church records, by Geo. A. Gordon ; An early governor of New Somersetshire, by Frederick W. Todd ; The early Bushnells, by William T. R. Marvin; Fenno family, by Allen H. Bent; Bond family records, from Bible published 1815 ; Abraham Cruttenden. of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; A plantation on Prince George s Creek, Cape Fear. North Carolina, by Samuel B. Doggett : Edwin Hubbard, by Fannie Wilder Brown : Captain Johannes Sanderse Glen, by Zoeth S. Eldredge ; Notes and queries; Will of Thomas Hobson, of Cambridge, Eng.. 1630, by Henry F. Waters ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (341O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 487 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LIII. Boston. 1899. 8vo, pp. ix, 5-2. Portraits. Contents : Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters ; The Elwell family in America, by Jacob Thomas Elwell ; Needham, Massachusetts books, pamphlets, and newspapers that contain historical and genealogical matter relative to the town of Needham, by George Kuhn Clarke ; Noyes pedi gree, by James Atkins Noyes ; Captain William Traske, of Salem, Massachusetts, by William B. Trask ; Descendants of Edward and John Lee, of G nil ford, Conn., by Ralph D. Smyth ; First book of Raynham records, 17.38-1753 ; Notes concerning Roger Williams, by Almon D. Hodges ; Samuel Skelton, M. A., first minister of the first church at Salem, Mass., by E. C. Felton ; Damages caused by British and American troops in Dorchester, Mass., in February. 1770. by Augustus Parker ; Ancient burial-grounds of Long Island, N. Y., by Edw. Doubleday Harris ; Pedigree of Yale, by Chas. Hervey Townshend ; Some facts about Richard Tucker, the first settler of Machegonne (Portland). Maine, by Charles Edward Banks ; Reverend John Norton, of Middletowu, by Zoeth S. Eldredge ; The ancestry of the Hoar family in America a compilation from collections made by the Honorable George Frisbie Hoar, by Henry S. Nourse ; Deaths at Edgartown, Mass., 1780-1785, with notes, by Harriet M. Pease ; Early generations of the Brewster family, by Lucy Hall Greenlaw ; Saltonstall Gurdon Sedley Knyvet, by William Everett ; Will of Daniel Oxenbridge, with note by Lothrop Withington ; Albany and New York families, Ilansen genealogy from an old Dutch Bible owned by Joanna Ilansen Yan Rensselaer, translated by John Y. L. Pruyn ; March genealogy earlier generations, by Ellen Gates March ; William Adams Richardson, by Frank W. Ilackett ; South Hampton (N. II.) church records, 1743-1800; The British raid on Dorchester Neck, February, 1776, by Francis E. Blake ; A few facts in regard to the parentage and birth of the Rev. John Robinson, of Duxbury, Mass., by Mrs. Justus Street Ilotchkiss ; The New England ancestry of Lyman J. Gage, secretary of the Treasury in President McKinley s Cabinet, by Arthur E. Gage : John Gorham and Martha Cobb, their ancestors and their descendants, by Frank William Sprague ; Francis Bushnell, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by R. D. Smyth ; Adams pedigree, by James Atkins Noyes ; The first wife of Governor Willys, of Connecticut, and her family, by a descendant ; Henry Thayer Drowne, by Henry K. Drowne ; The Axtcll family in America, first five generations, by S. J. Axtell ; The Blynman party, by W. Farnind Felch ; Records relating to the Goddard and Frost families, by Austin II olden ; Necrology of the Society ; Hon. John Cummings, by William R. Cutter; English wills, by Wm. S. Apple ton ; Letters of Jonathan Boucher to George Washington, 1771-3 ; John Fow ler, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by R. D. Smyth ; Sowams, the home of Massasoit : where was it?, by Virginia Baker; Captain Edmond Blood, of Albany, N. Y., by J. Paul Rylands ; John Fuller, of Ipswich, Mass., 1634, by Edward F. Everett ; Grants of land for services in Indian wars, by George Sheldon ; Dea. Simon Stone, of Watertown, Mass., and some of his descendants, by David II. Brown ; The younger President Edwards after Lexington, 1775, by Benjamin Angler Dean ; Dr. John F. Pratt, by Charles Edward Banks ; Sketch of the life of Leonard Thompson, by William R. Cutter ; Mr. John Oulton, merchant, by Anson Titus ; Genealogy of the descendants of Thomas White, of Weymouth, Mass., by Joseph Whitcomb Porter ; Inscriptions at Great Barrington, Mass., by L. HaRbrouck von Sahler ; Barrett family record, by Francis E. Blake ; Lieut. John Skinner, of the Continental Army, by Zoeth Skinner Eldredge ; The descendants of John Parrnelee, by R. I). Smyth ; Gene alogical notes on old Orient epitaphs, by Lucy D. Akerly ; Barker pedigree, by James Atkins Noyes ; Abstracts of English wills, by Lothrop Withington ; A copy of the records of the Rev. Thomas White, the first pastor of the church in Bolton, Conn., by Mary K. Talcott : Gaylord family, by Helen E. Keep ; Notes and queries ; Proceedings of the New England Historic Genealogical Society; Recent publications presented to the Society; Index of persons; Index of places. (3411 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LIV. Boston, 1900. Svo, pp. 462, ccxvii. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Samuel Johnson, by Edward G. Porter ; First book of Raynham records; New Haven (Conn.) Potters, 1(539, by James Shepard ; Wil liam Martin, Esq., representative from North Yarmouth to the General Court 488 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of Massachusetts, 1792-5, by Edward Payson Payson ; Letters of Jonathan Boucher to George Washington, contributed by Worthington C. Ford ; Rev. Richard Blinman of Marshfield, Gloucester, and New London, by Isaac J. Green wood ; A list of the first class of settlers (of Chester, Lunenburg county, N. S.). with their families, by Emily W. Leavitt ; Nicholas Munger, of Guilford (Conn.), and his descendants, by R. D. Smyth ; Records of the original district of Carlisle, Mass., by Robert T. Swan ; Ancient burial-grounds of Long Island, N. Y., by Edw. Doubleday Harris ; Wills of the Shermans of Yaxley in Suffolk, England, by a des cendant of Capt. John Sherman ; Inscriptions at Great Barrington, Mass., by L. Hasbrouck von Sahler ; Orderly book of Sergeant Josiah Perry, 1759-1760 ; Notes on Usher genealogy, by Rollin Usher Tyler ; Records of the church in Boltoii, Conn., 1763-79, by Mary K. Talcott ; Watertown fidelity men, by Ruth W. Hoag ; Extracts from the diary of Moses Paine, of Truro, Mass., 1716-7, by Josiah Paine ; John Gallop of Taunton, Mass., by Almon D. Hodges ; Wellington s abstracts of English wills, 1569-1648; Muster roll of Capt. Joseph Pray s company, 1718; Notes on the Gillpatrick family, by Eliza M. Gill ; Manuscript record of Joseph Bryant ; George Rogers Howell, by William Herrick Griffith ; Hunnewell. by James Frothingham Hunnewell ; Governor Richard Vines some new facts concerning his personal history, by Charles Edward Banks; Descendants of Leonard Hoar, by Frank P. Wheeler ; The Stockbridge Indians during the Revolution, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; Notes on the Providence line of the Gorham family, by Georgiana Guild ; Edward Benton of Guilford (Conn.) and his descendants, by R. D. Smyth; Seal of the county of Dukes County, Mass. (Martha s Vineyard), by Charles Edward Banks ; Alden genealogy, by Mrs. Charles L. Alden ; Notes from Coventry, by Walter Kendall Watkins ; Diary of Capt. Asa Foster, of Andover, Mass., concerning operations of the British army in the French and Indian War, 1758, by Arthur B. Calef ; Genealogical gleanings among the English archives, by J. Henry Lea ; Records of the First church of Rockingham, Ver mont, from its organization, Oct. 27, 1773, to Sept. 25, 1839; Passing into his tory poem in memory of Edward Griffin Porter, by Henry C. Graves ; Hasey- Green, by Deloraine P. Corey ; Notes concerning Roger Williams, by Almon D. Hodges ; Dorchester Christian names, by William B. Trask ; Hon. Amos Perry, by Clarence Saunders Brigham ; Kingsbury and Gage, by Arthur E. Gage; Weetamoe : A New England Queen of the seventeeth century, by Virginia Baker ; Washington-Mitchell letters, 1780, communicated by Worthington C. Ford; The descendants of Thomas Norton of Guilforo Conn., by R. D. Smyth ; " The two Peaches " of Marblehead, by Robert Westly Peach ; The Traske family in England, by William Blake Trask ; Military services of the Osborne family, by William H. Osborne; Dunton family, by Zoeth S. Eldredge ; John Hammond of Lavenham, Suffolk, England, by F. S. Hammond ; Ancestry of Lydia Strength- field, by Harry A. Pitman ; Emery of Huguenot blood, by Geo. F. Emery ; The Lowell Pedigree, by Edward Wheelwright; Peter Mallory, New Haven, Conn., 1644, and some of his descendants, by James Chepard ; Bristol parish registers ; Thomas Peter of Saybrook and Mylor, by Eleanor B. Peters ; The parents of Rev. Richard Mather, by Wm. Ferguson Irvine; Edward Strong Moseley, by William C. Todd ; George Clark, sr. and jr., of Milford, Conn., and their descendants, by R. D. Smyth ; Descendants of Nahum Parker, of Kittery, Maine, by William K. Cutter and Arthur G. Loring ; Letter from Rev. Alexander Garden, Mar. 20th, 1742-3 ; Church records at Stoneham, Mass., 1729-45/6, by C. E. Beals ; Lewis Allen of Watertown farms and his descendants, by Allen H. Bent ; WoodbrSdge record, by D. P. Penhallow ; Francis Nash, of Braintree, by Joseph W. Porter ; Hastings family records, by William H. Davis ; Defences of houses in Maine, 1720-2, copied by John S. II. Fogg from the original docu ment ; Will of Alderman Humphrey Ilooke of Bristol, England, by Howard Wil liams Lloyd ; Richard Skinner of Marblehead and his bible some material for a Skinner genealogy, by Elizabeth Ellery Dana ; George Keith s letter, from the manuscript of Charles II. Morse ; American doctorates at Gottingen, by James Davie Butler ; Two letters from Daniel Wilcox, jr. ; A Revolutionary soldier, written in 1775 and 1776; A sketch of the life of the Rev d Habijah Weld, of Attleboro, Mass., from the manuscripts of David Jillson ; Remonstrance of Freeholders of Kittery to the General Court, 1784 ; Notes on the Curtis family, by Charles B. Curtis; Notes and queries; Recent publications presented to the society ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (3412 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 489 XKNV-KNGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LV. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 524. rortraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Supplement to April number ; Officers and com mittees ; Proceedings ; Reports ; Necrology for 1900 ; Memoirs of deceased mem bers ; Memoir of the Reverend Edward Griffin Porter, by Myron Samuel Dudley ; The children of Robert White, of Messing, Co. Essex, England, who settled in Hart ford and Windsor, by a descendant ; Joseph Hand, of East Guilford (now Madi son), Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth; Records of the church in Bolton, Conn., 1779-1812, by Mary K. Talcott ; Rev. Michael Wigglesworth, by Deloraine P. Corey ; First book of Raynham records ; Hope Rogers, by James Swift Rogers ; Osgood Carleton, by Anson Titus ; Diary of Jeremiah Weare, Jr., of York, Me., transcribed by Samuel G. Webber ; Records of the first church of Rockingham, Vermont, by Thomas Bellows Peck; Rolls of artificers and laborers at Louisburg, by Erancis Everett Blake ; Richard War ren of the Mayflower and some of his descendants, by Mrs. Washington A. Roebling ; Sturtevant family record, by Charles H. Browning ; The Moore families of Litchfield and Merrimac, N. II., by Ezra S. Stearns ; Roll of Captain Topham s company, 1775 ; Ancient burial -grounds of Long Island, N. Y., by Edw. Doubleday Harris ; Alexander Williams, by George M. Adams ; Genea logical gleanings among the English archives, by .1. Henry Lea ; John Elbridge Hudson, by George Yasmer Leverett ; Boston tax list, 1687 ; Church records at Stoneham, Mass., by \Vilton Francis Bucknam ; Notes from the Rev. Samuel Cooper s interleaved almanacs of 1764 and 1769, by Frederick Tuckerman ; Dr. Bryan (or Bray) Rossiter, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by R. D. Smyth ; Interpretation of Woodward s and Saffery s map of 1642, or the earliest bay path, by Levi Badger Chase; Mansfield (Mass.) Revolutionary Records ; Marriages by Samuel Mott, Justice of the Peace, of Preston, Conn., by Frank Palmer ; John Whitehead, of New Haven and Branford, Conn., by James Shepard ; Viall family record, by Julian Potter ; Some ancient Dun- stable history, by Ezra S. Stearns ; Olney Arnold, by Henry B. Metcalf ; Early New England Fullers, by Francis H. Fuller ; Cutting Noyes, of Newbury, Mass., and his descendants, by H. Wallace Noyes ; Early Easthampton wills, by Orville B. Ackerly ; Some Guilford, Conn., settlers and their relationship, or the Sheafe family in England and New England, by Walter K. Watkins ; Rev. Henry Allen Hazen, by Ezra Hoyt Byington ; Kittery (Maine) tax lists, 1756, 1758, and 1770; Jonathan Murray, of Guilford (Conn.), and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Marriages recorded by the ministers of the first church in Needham, Massachusetts, 1738-1811, by George Kuhn Clarke; Robert Smith, of Boxford, by Ethel Stanwood Bolton ; Some Jefferson correspondence, 1784- 1787, communicated by Worthington C. Ford ; Bourn-Bailey Bible records, by Henry L. Clapp ; The descendants of Dea. Zachary Fitch, of Reading, by Ezra S. Stearns ; Hon. James Barrett, by Russell Smith Taft ; Some early New York settlers from New England, by Walter Kendall Watkins ; Andrew Cun ningham, of Boston, and some of his descendants, by Henry Winchester Cun ningham ; Berwick (Maine) marriages, by Everett S. Stackpole ; John Daniell, of Mendon, Mass., and some of his descendants, by Marion A. Kendall ; Cap tain William Traske and some of his descendants, by William Blake Trask ; Edward Elbridge Salisbury, by Mary Perkins Quincy ; First settlers of Jackson, Me., by Joseph Williamson ; Wallingford (Conn.) Johnsons, by Frederick C. Johnson ; Gleanings from Massachusetts archives, by Francis Everett Blake ; Charles Levi Woodbury, by Josiah P. Tucker ; Fullers of Redenhall, England, by Fraffcis H. Fuller ; Proceedings of the New England Historic Genealogical Society ; Notes and queries; Index of persons; Index of places. (3413 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LVL Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 418. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Edwards Amasa Park, by George Robert White Scott ; Two cen turies of churches and pastors in Nantucket, Mass., by Myron S. Dudley ; Charles Allen and some of his descendants, by Frank W. Allen ; Needham mar riages, 1720-1798, communicated by George K. Clarke ; The descendants of Dea. Zachary Fitch, of Reading, by Ezra S. Stearns; A loyalist (Isaac Winslow) in the siege of Boston, by Erving Winslow ; Some Jefferson correspondence, com municated by Worthington C. Ford; Mr. Thomas Robinson, of Guilford (Conn.), and his descendants ; The Edwards family of Wenham, prior to 1715, by William Stowell Mills ; Church records at Stoneham, Mass., 1786-1832 ; William Henry 490 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Whitmore, by Geo. A. Gordon ; Captain William Traske and some of his descend ants, by William Blake Trask ; List of Capt. Timothy Hamant s (Mass.) company, 1762 ; Gorhams of Hardwick, Mass., by Henry S. Gorham ; Diary of John Pres ton, of Danvers, 17441760 ; Roll of Ipswich, Mass., minute men, 1775, com municated by Helen F. Kimball ; Genealogical gleanings from English archives, by J. Henry Lea ; Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, by Geo. Moulton Adams ; Notes from the diary of Elisha Fish, 1785-1804, by George T. Fish ; The New Haven and Wallingford (Conn.) Johnsons, by James Shepard ; Births recorded by th Rev. Jonathan Townsend, A. M., minister of the first church in Needham, 1749- 1762 ; Dorothy Stanton, by R. A. Wheeler ; The Bartlett families of Guilford Conn., by R. D. Smyth ; Records of the church in Bolton, Conn., communicat.ee by Mary K. Talcott ; James Fyfe, of Berlin, Mass., and his descendants ; Ilenr; Barnard, LL. D., by Samuel Hart ; Our English parent towns Sudbury, by Osca Fay Adams ; John Wallace, of Londonderry, N. II., by Kzra S. Stearns ; Th< Scotch ancestry of Maj.-Gen. Sir David Ochterloney, Bart., a native of Boston in New England, by Walter Kendall Watkins ; A branch of the Patch family by William Stowell Mills ; Proceedings of the Society, by Geo. A. Gordon John Ward Dean, by Deloraine Pendre Cory; The Charlestown (Mass.) Mil Pond, by Ira C. Hersey ; The Bennetts of Lancaster, Mass., by Ethel Stanwooc Bolton ; Records of the First Church of Rockingham, Vermont, compiled bj Thomas Bellows Peck ; George Grave, or Graves, and his descendants, by R. D Smyth ; Deaths recorded by the Rev. Jonathan Townsend, A. M., minister o the first church in Needham, 1749-1762 ; Our English parent towns Brain tree (with Bocking), by Oscar Fay Adams; Samuel Blakesley, of New Haven, Conn., and his descendants, by James Shepard ; Notes on the Sanford family of Portsmouth, R. I., by Almon D. Hodges ; Supplementary notes on the John son family, from the Mss. of Ralph D. Smyth ; Edward Ingersoll Browne, by Edwin Hale Abbot ; A branch of the Cass family, by William Stowell ; Mar riages from the almanac diary, 1761-1764, of Rev. Samuel Chandler, of Glou cester, Mass. ; Moses Kimball, by Charles A. Cummings ; Dr. Benjamin Gott s library, by Horace Davis ; The early Kilhams, by William Stowell Mills ; John Stephens, of Guilford (Conn.), and his descendants, by R. D. Smyth; Notes from the Warren, R. I., probate records, by Virginia Baker; Williams bible records, by Charles S. Goodspeed ; Michael Bacon and his descendants, by Leon Brooks Bacon; Our English parent towns Chelmsford, by Oscar Fay Adams; The Sherborn Brecks, by Allen H. Bent ; Historical sketch of the first church of Rockingham, Vt., by Thomas Bellows Peck ; Notes and queries ; Supplement to April number : Proceedings at annual meeting, 8 January, 1902 ; Address of the president ; Reports of officers and committees ; Memoirs of the Society ; Index of pei-sons; Index of places. (3414 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LVIT. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. 424, cxxxix. Portraits. Contents : Russell Smith Taft, by Wendell P. Stafford ; The Greene family, of Plymouth Colony, by Richard Henry Greene ; Baptisms recorded by the ministers of the first church in Needham, 1720-1821, by George Kuhn Clarke; John Peck- ham, of Newport, R. I., and some of his descendants, by Stephen Farnum Peck- ham ; Ezekiel Cheever, by John T. Hassam ; John Partridge, of Medfield, Mass., and his descendants, by George Homer Partridge; Our English parent towns; Barnstable, by Oscar Fay Adams, with notes by Walter Kendall Watkins ; Cap tain William Traske and some of his descendants, by William Blake Traske; Inscriptions from the cemetery at Shirley Centre, Mass., from 1754 to 1850; Emmanuel Williams, of Taunton, Mass., and some of his descendants, by John Oliver Williams ; Records of the second church of Scituate, now the First Uni tarian Church of Norwell, Mass., 1645-1734 ; Luke Hill, of Windsor, Conn., and John Hill, of Guilford, Conn., and their descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Gene alogical gleanings among the English archives, by J. Henry Lea ; Andrew Dew ing and some of his descendants, by Benjamin Franklin Dewing ; George Robert White Scott, by Alexander Stevenson Twombly ; The Bradleys, of New Haven and Guilford (Conn.), by Ralph D. Smyth; Walpole, Mass., warnings; Bap tisms recorded by the ministers of the First church in Needham, 1720-1849 ; Lawful money, 1778 and 1779, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; The town guild, by Isaac Bassett Choate ; Our English parent towns- Framingham, by Oscar Fay Adams ; Samuel Williams, of Groton, Conn., and some of his descendants, by John Oliver Williams ; Eltweed Pomeroy, of Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn., and four generations of his descendants, by William Woodbridge Rodman: Capitulation of Louisburg, 1745, by Otis G. Hammond ; Proceedings of the NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 491 New England Historic Genealogical society ; The Pre-Revolutionary Boston cus tom-house records, by A. W. Savary ; .Tosiah Hayden Drummond, by Marquis Fayette King ; Richard Warren, of the Mayflower, and some of his descendants, by Mrs. Washington A. Roebling ; Notes on the family of John Hill, of Guil- ford, Conn., by Edwin A. Hill ; Richard and Henry Bristow, or Bristol, of Guilford and New Haven, Conn., and their descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Gravestone inscriptions at the Isles of Shoals, to the year, 1850 ; Boston " Banks " 1681-1740 Those who were interested in them, by Andrew Mc- Farland Davis ; Baptismal records of the Congregational Church of Hinsdale, Mass., to the year 1850 ; Some early emigrants from Herts, England, by Walter Kendall Watkins ; Some descendants of John Moore, of Sudbury, Mass., f>y Ethel Stanwood Bolton ; The Gorham family in Connecticut and Vermont, by Frank William Sprague ; Green family memoranda, by William Coolidge Lane Michael Bacon, of Dedham his probable ancestry, by Eliza Buckingham Bacon New England colonists from Rattlesden, Co. Suffolk, England, by J. G. Bartlett John Crosman, of Taunton, by M. F. King ; Hon. Joseph Williamson, by William Cross Williamson ; Samuel Walker, of Woburn, Mass., and some of his descend ants, by Arthur G. Loring and William R. Cutter ; Graveyard inscriptions at Eas t Neck, Waterford, Conn. ; New Hampshire notes 1735 Those who agreed not to receive them, by Andrew McFarland Davis ; Facsimile of will of John Beebe, 1650 ; Thomas Burgis, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Colonel William Crowne and his family, by William II. Davis ; Bap tisms from the records of the first church of Barre, Mass., 1767-1831, the births not being en town records; Notes and queries. Supplement to April num ber: Proceedings at annual meeting, 14 January, 1903; Address of the Presi dent ; Reports ; Memoirs of the Society ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (3415 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LVIII. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 412, clxxxviii. Portraits. Plates. Contents : John Tyler Hassam, by Albert Matthews ; An account of marriages, by Rev. .Tosiah Badcock, Andover, N. H., 1782-1828 ; George Holmes, of Roxbury, Mass., and some of his descendants, by G. Arthur Gray ; Deaths in Hampton, N. II., 1727-1755 ; Charles Caldwell, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Chase bible records ; Thomas Wright and Benjamin Wright, of Guil ford, Conn., and some descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth; Hawke (now Danville), N. II., church records kept by Rev. John Page, 1764-1788 ; The Brooks family of Woburn, Mass., by William R. Cutter and Arthur G. Loring ; Baptisms from the records of the first church of Barre, Mass., 1767-1831 ; Christ church bells, Boston, Mass., by Arthur II. Nichols ; William Luddington, of Maiden, Mass., and East Haven, Conn., and his descendants, by James Shepard ; Records of the second church of Scituate, now the first Unitarian church of Norwell, Mass. ; Proceed ings of the Society ; Notes and queries ; John Joseph May, by Almon Danforth Hodges, jr. ; Hearsey bible records, by Louis Y. Schermerhorn ; The descendants of Clement Topliff, of Dorchester, Mass., by George Francis Topliff ; Soldiers in the French and Indian war, 1758, by George Allen Dary ; The early bells of Paul Revere, by Arthur II. Nichols ; John Hill, of Dorchester, Mass., and his descendants, by J. Gardner Bartlett ; Some descendants of John Moore, of Sudbury, Mass., by Ethel Stanwood Bolton ; Edward Frisbie. of Brandford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Research in England, by J. Henry Lea ; Records of the church in Vernon, Conn., 1762-1824 ; William Sumner Appleton, by W. T. R. Marvin ; Henry Sherburne, of Portsmouth, N. II., and some of his descendants, by Edward Raymond Sherburne ; A list of Revo lutionary soldiers, by F. S. Hammond ; Historical sketch of Newington, N. H., 1713-1810, by Myron Samuel Dudley; Descendants of Richard Clarke, of Rowley, Mass., in the line of Timothy Clark, of Rockingham, Vt., by Thomas B. Peck ; Baptisms from the records of the first church of Holden, Mass., 1743-1822 ; John Ilodgkin of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Samuel Ilodgkins or Ilotchkiss, of New Haven, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; The Cotton family, of Portsmouth, N. II., by Frank Ethridge Cotton ; Records of the fourth church in Guilford, Conn., 1743-1788 ; Four Bos ton families Holbrook, Yendell, Vail, Whitman, by Victor Channing Sanborn ; The Treat memorial brass in Pitminster church, England ; Newton Talbot, by Hosea Starr Ballou ; Belcher bible records, by Charles F. Read ; Medfield, Mass., gravestone records to 1850 ; English records of the King family of Suffield, Conn., by Cameron H. King ; Thomas Blatchley or Blachley and his descendants, 492 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by Ralph D. Smyth ; The descendants of John Russell, of Dartmouth, Mass., by Barrett Beard Russell ; Some descendants of Digory Sargent, of Boston and Worcester, by Henry Ernest Woods ; Notes and queries ; Supplement to the April number, 1904. Proceedings of the New England Historic Genealogical Society at the annual meeting, 13 January, 1904, with memoirs of deceased members, 1903. Index of persons; Index of places. (3410 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. LIX. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 424, clxxxii. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Rev. Egbert Coffin Smyth, by Edward Young Hincks ; Revolu tionary soldiers from Tolland Co., Conn. ; The descendants of John Russell, of Dartmouth, Mass., by Barrett Beard Russell; Deane family bible records; The Cotton family of Portsmouth, N. II., by Frank Ethridge Cotton; William Cleaves Todd, by Samuel Collins Beane ; John Sheather, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph I). Smyth ; John Hobson, or Hopson, of Guil ford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Research in England, by J. Henry Lea ; John Sherburne, of Portsmouth, N. H., and some of his de scendants, by Edward Raymond Sherburne ; Records of the Fourth Church in Guilford, Conn., 1743-1788; The Wilmot family, of New Haven, Conn., by Donald Lines Jacobus ; Records of the Second Church of Scituate, now the First Unitarian Church of Norwell, Mass., communicated by Wilford Jacob Litchfield ; Captain Edward Johnson, of Woburn, Mass., and some of his de scendants, by Edward Francis Johnson ; Records of the First Church at Brain- tree. Mass. ; Jabez Gorham, of Plymouth, Mass., and his descendants, by Frank W. Sprague ; Records of the church in Vernon, Conn., 1762-1824, com municated by Mary K. Talcott ; Genealogical gleanings among the English archives, by J. Henry Lea; Proceedings of the Society; Notes and queries; Book notices ; Hon. George Frisbie Hoar, by E. Harlow Russell ; Thomas Clark, of Milford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Alexander Chalker, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Captain John Mason not governor of Portsmouth, England, by Frank Warren Hackett ; Doane family bible records ; Rev. Carlton Albert Staples, by Charles Jason Staples ; Notes on the family of Henry Bristol, by Donald Lines Jacobus ; The naming of Hull, Massachusetts, by Albert Matthews ; Sailors in the Louisburg Expedition of 1745, communicated by Alice L. \Vestgate ; Records of the Con gregational Church of Chilmark, Mass., 1787-1820, communicated by Wm. J. Rotch ; Deaths at Edgartown, Mass., 1793-1827, communicated by Harriet M. Pease ; Hon. Marquis Fayette King, by Nathan Goold ; The Stimpson family, of Charlestown, Mass., by Charles Collyer Whittier ; Hobby family bible records ; Thomas Kirkham, of Wethersfield, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth; The South Meeting-House, Boston (1669-1729), by Mary Farwell Ayer ; Humphrey Spinning, of Guilford, Conn., and Elizabeth, N. J., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; Marriage records of the Rev. Jere miah Shaw, of Moultonborough, N. H., 1779-1833 ; Thomas Trowbridge and Elizabeth Marshall, by Emory McClintock ; Jeremy Adams, of Hartford, Conn., and some of his descendants, by Arthur Adams ; English ancestry of Henry Adams, of Braintree, by Hiram Francis Fairbanks ; Hon. Lucius Manlius Bolt- wood, by George Sheldon ; Diary of Sergeant John Burrell, 1759-1760 ; The descendants of Captain Richard Olmstead, of Fairfield, Conn., by Frederick Stam Hammond ; John Walstone, of Guilford, Conn., and his descendants, by Ralph D. Smyth ; William Thorpe, of New Haven, Conn., and some of his descendants, by Sheldon B. Thorpe ; The Shermans of Yaxley, in Suffolk, Eng land, by Thomas T. Sherman ; Supplement to the April number, 1905, of the Register : Proceedings of the Society at the annual meeting, 11 January, 1905, with memoirs of deceased members, 1904 ; Index of persons ; Index of places. (3417 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief memoir of Gen. David Cobb, of the Revolutionary Army. [Boston.] 8vo, pp. 8. Portrait. (3418 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution. Sheet. No date. (3419 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. On the multiplied metamor phoses of Surnames in our Country. By S. Swett. Boston. Slip from The Register. (3420 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 493 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Circular [No. 1]. 1845. 4to, pp. 3. Same, 2nd ed., 1847. Sheet. (3421 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Circular No. 2 of the Society. April, 184G. [Boston, 1840.] 8vo, pp. 15. (3422 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, circular No. 3. June, 1847. [Boston, 1847.] 8vo, pp. 16. (3423 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Circular to Corresponding Members. 1847. Sheet. (3423a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Circular, Constitution and By- Laws. 1847. 4 to, pp. 3. (3423b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Checkley family. By S. G. Drake. [Boston, 1848.] 8vo, pp. 6. (3424 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Brief memoirs of John and Walter Deane, two of the first settlers of Taunton, Mass., and of the early generations of their descendants ; preceded by some remarks on the origin of the name, with incidental notices of other Deans in England and America. By William Reed Deane. Boston, 1849. Svo, pp. 16. R. (3425 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of Charles Frost. By Usher Parsons. [Boston, 1849.] Svo, pp. 15. No title-page. R. (3426 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Family of Solomon Piper, of Dublin, N. I-I. [By Solomon Piper.] Boston, 1849. 8vo , pp. 20. (3427 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Genealogical Memoir of the Family of Elder Thomas Leverett, of Boston. By Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. Boston, 1850. Svo, pp. 20. Portrait. R. (3428 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Genealogical Memoir of the Gilbert Family, in both Old and New England. By J. Wingate Thornton. Boston, 1850. Svo, pp. 23. R. Fifty copies. (3429 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of William Bradford, Second Governor of New Plymouth, in New England. Principally collected by Guy M. Fessenden. Boston, 1850. Svo, pp. 27. R. (3430 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some notices of Samuel Gor ton, one of the first settlers of Warwick, R. I., during his residence at Plymouth, Portsmouth, and Providence, chiefly derived from early manu scripts ; with a brief introductory memoir. By Charles Deane. Boston, 1850. 4to, pp. 41. R. Twenty-five copies. (3431 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Genealogical Memoir of the family of Richard Otis, and collaterally of the Families of Baker, Varney [etc]. Prepared and arranged by Horatio N. Otis. Boston, 1851. Svo, pp. (2), 48. R. (3433 494 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Genealogica, Memoir of the Leonard Family; containing a full account of the first three generations of the family of James Leonard, who was an early settler of Taunton, Ms., with incidental notices of later descendants. By William R. Deane. Bos ton, 1851. 8vo, pp. 23, (1). R. (3433 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Cotton Mather, with a Genealogy of the Family of Mather. By Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1851. 8vo. pp. (1), 10. Two portraits. II. (3434 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Memoir, or Defence of Hugh Peters. By Joseph B. Felt. Boston, 1851. 8vo, pp. 67. Portrait. R. (3435 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Recovery of some materials for the early history of Dorchester, general and particular. Prepared for the Register. By Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1851. 8vo, pp. 20. Seal. R. (343G NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some memoirs of the life and writings of the Rev. Thomas Prince, together with a pedigree of his family. By Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1851. 8vo, pp. 12. Two portraits. Appended "Subscribers names," pp. 13, (1). (3437 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An address to the members of the Society, delivered March 1, 1852, by William Jenks. Boston, 1852. 8vo, pp. 18. (3438 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Expedition against Quebec. Journal kept by Joseph Ware, of Needham, Mass., with a short genealogy of the Ware family, by W. B. Trask. [Boston, 1852.] 8vo, pp. 17. R. (3439 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Francis Higginson. By Joseph B. Felt. Boston, 1852. 8vo, pp. (2), 23. R. (344) NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered to the members of the Historic Genealogical Society, by William Whiting, presi dent, January 12, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8vo, pp. 16. (3441 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The adventures of Capt. Love- well. By Frederic Kidder. 8vo, pp. 10. No title-page. (Reprinted from the Register for January, 1853.) (3441a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Appendix. Notice of Major Zephania Leonard. LBy W. R. Deane.] From the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register January, 1853. Boston, 1853. 8vo, pp. 21-23. (3442 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Farrar family. By a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society [Timothy Farrar]. [Boston. 1853.] 8vo, pp. 45. R. (3443 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Declaration of remarkable Providences in the Course of my Life. By John Dane, of Ipswich. 1682. In which is added a pedigree of the Dane family and a few notes. By n. member of the Society [John Ward Dean]. Boston, 1854. 8vo, pp. 16. (3444 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 495 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Increase Sunnier, Governor of Massachusetts. By William II. Sunnier. Together with a genealogy of the Sunnier family. Boston, 1854. 8vo, pp. 70. Portrait. (3445 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A review of Winthrop s journal, as edited and published by James Savage. Prepared for and published in the Register, October, 1853, and January, 1854. By the editor of that peri odical [S. G. Drake]. Boston, 1854. 8vo, pp. 23. Four portraits. Portraits not found in all copies. (3446 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A glance at private libraries. By Luther Farnham. Boston, -1855. 8vo, pp. 70. (Read before the Society, Oct., 1853, and published by vote of the Society.) ( 3446a XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Eliot Bureau. [By W. H. Sunnier.] [Boston, 1855.] 8vo, pp. 329-334. No title page. R. (3447 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notice of William Thaddeus Harris. Prepared for and published in the January number of the New- England Historical and Genealogical Register for 1855. [By Francis J. Child.] Boston, 1855. Sq. IGrao, .pp. 14. (3448 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An account of the Temple Fam ily, with notes and pedigrees of the family of Bowdoin. Reprinted from the Register, with corrections and additions. By W. H. Whitmore. [Boston, 1856.] 8vo, pp. 15. (3449 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Sanborn Fam ily. By Nathan Sanborn, M. D. From the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. July and October, 1856. Boston, 1856. 8vo, pp. 21. (3450 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Review of " The Pilgrims of Boston and their descendants, with an introduction by Edward Everett. By Thomas Bridgman." By W. II. Whitmore. [Boston, 1856. J 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (3451 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief account of the Quincy family, of Boston, Mass. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1857. With additions and corrections. [By W. H. Whitmore.] Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. 7. (34512 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief account of the Descend ants of John and Elinor Whitney, of Watertown, Mass. [By H. A. Whit ney.] Reprinted, with additions, from the Register for April and July, 1857. Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. 26. (3453 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoranda Relating to the Lane, Reyner, and Whipple families. Yorkshire and Massachusetts. By W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1857. 8vo, pp. 24. Folded sheet. R. (3454 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Address delivered at annual meeting of the Society, January 20, 1858. By Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1858. 8vo, pp. 20. (3455 496 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A branch of the Whitney family. [By L. M. Harris.] [Boston, 1858.] Svo, pp. 7. (3456. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and By-laws. Circular No. 4. January, 1858. [Boston, 1858.] Svo, pp. 8. (3457 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Family meeting of the descend ants of Charles Kellogg, of Kelloggsville, N. Y., with some genealogical items of the Kellogg family. [By D. O. Kellogg.] Boston, 1858. Svo, pp. (1), 8. R. (345S NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historic- Genealogical Society to the members of the General Court of Massachusetts, being a counter remonstrance of said Society to a remonstrance or " Me morial of the Massachusetts Historical Society," against the petition of the former for a change in its corporate name. Boston, 1858. Svo, pp. 8. Signed Francis Brinley. Same, second edition. Boston, 1858. Svo, pp. 8. (3459 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A paper on New England archi tecture, read before the Society September 4, 1858. By N. H. Chamberlain. Boston, 1858. Svo, pp. 30. (34GO NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Pedigree of the Odin family. Reprinted from the Register, July, 1858. [By G. C. Odiorne?] [Boston, 1858.] Svo, pp. 4. (3461 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Speech of Josiah Quincy, de livered in February, 1858, before the committee of the Massachusetts legis lature, to whom was referred the petition of the Society for a change of their corporate name, and the remonstrance of the Massachusetts Historical Society. [ Boston, 1858. ] Svo, pp. 8. No title-page. (3462 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society, in the hall of the house of representatives of Massachusetts, September 13, 1859. The hundredth anniversary of the death of Maj. General James Wolfe, with passages omitted in the delivery, and illustrated notes and documents. By Lorenzo Sabine. Boston, 1859. Svo, pp. 100. (3463 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A defence of Col. Timothy Pickering against Bancroft s History. By S. Swett. [Boston, 1859.] 12mo, pp. 12. R. (3464 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A genealogy of the Norton family, with miscellaneous notes. [By W. H. Whitmore.] [Boston, 1859.] Svo, pp. 10. R. (3465 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Officers and committees of the Society from its formation to May, 1859. Compiled by John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1859.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. (3466 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Review of] Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1855-1858. [By S. G. Drake.] [Bos ton, 1859..] 8vp, pp. 3. < 346T NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 497 NKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Southern library. A state ment read before the Society, Wednesday, October 5, 1859, from notes of a recent journey in the South. [Boston, 1859.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Relates to the library of A. A. Smets, Savannah. Ga. (3468 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Historical notices of Thomas Fuller and his descendants, with a genealogy of the Fuller family. By a descendant. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1859. Boston, 1859. 8vo, pp. 16. (3469 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogies of the families and descendants of the early settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts. With illus trations, maps, and notes. By H. Bond. Second edition. With a memoir of the author, by H. G. Jones. Two volumes in one. Boston : Published by the Society. 1860. 8vo, pp. 1094. (347O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Everett fam ily. By Edward F. Everett. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo, pp. 7. (3471 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Mrs. Skinner and the massacre at Wyoming. Communicated to the Register, by D. Williams Paterson. [Boston, I860.] 12mo, pp. 399-402. No title-page. R. (3472 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Perkins family of Connecticut. By Fred B. Perkins. [Boston, I860.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. R. (3473 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Result of some researches among the British archives for information relative to the founders of New England. Originally collected for and published in the New-England His torical and Genealogical Register, now corrected and enlarged. By S. G. Drake. Boston, 1860. 4to, pp. 143. Maps. Two plates. Same. Second edition. Boston, 1862, 4to, pp. xii, 148. Same. Third edition. Boston, 1865, 4to, pp. xxi. 148. Plates. (3474 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some recollections of Washing ton s visit to Boston. By William II. Sunnier. [Boston, I860.] 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3475 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Further traces of the ancient Northmen in America, with geological evidences of the location of their Vineland. By Abner Morse. Read before the Society, and published at their request. Boston, 1861. 12mo, pp. 20. R. (3476 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Col. Thomas Knowl- ton, of Ashford, Conn. By Ashbel Woodward. Boston, 1861. 8vo, pp. (1), 16. Two plates. R. (3477 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society at its annual meeting, January 1, 1862, by Winslow Lewis, president. Boston, 1862. 8vo, pp. 12. (3478 NKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief history of the Society, read at the monthly meeting, May 7, 1862, by J. H. Sheppard. Albany, 1862. 8vo, pp. 17. (3479 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 32 498 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief memoir of Sir Walter Raleigh, prepared for and published in the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1862, and now reprinted with additions. By S. G. Drake. Boston, 1862. 4 to, pp. 35. (348O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Brief sketches of the officers who were in the battle of Lake Erie. By Usher Parsons. Albany, 1862. 8vo, pp. (2), 13. li. (3481 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Henry Kingsbury and his de scendants. By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. K. (3482 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Bartholomew Brown, read at a meeting of the Society, February 5, 1862, by Ebenezer Alden. [Boston, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 8. (3483 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Obituaries of deceased mem bers, 1862. By William B. Trask. [Boston, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 40. No title-page. (3484 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Officers of the Society for 1862-1886. Four sheets. (3485 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Prospectus of the 16th volume of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, for the year 1862. 1 sheet. (3845a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of Nathan Appleton, LL. D. By John H. Sheppard. [Boston, 1862.] Svo, pp. 12. R. (3486 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Vassalls of New England and their immediate descendants. A genealogical and biographical sketch compiled from church and town records. By Edward Doubleday Harris. Albany, 1862. Svo, pp. 26. R. (3487 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A genealogical sketch of the family of Field, of the West Riding of Yorkshire, Eng., and of Flushing and Newtown, in Long Island, New York. With a tabular pedigree. By Osgood Field. Albany, 1863. 8vo, pp. 9. Folded plate. (3488 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered at the annual meeting of the Society, January 7, 1863. By Winslow Lewis, presi dent. Boston, 1863. Svo, pp. 17, (1). Contains also list of officers. (3489 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Jona than Potts, director-general of the hospitals of the northern and middle departments in the war of the Revolution, with extracts from his corre spondence. By Edward D. Neill. Albany, 1863. Svo, pp. 18. R. (349O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief history of the New- England Historical and Genealogical Register, being the preface to the seventeenth volume of that work. By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1863.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. (3491 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief memoir of Andrew Henshaw Ward. By William B. Trask. Albany, 1863. Svo, pp. 11. Portraits. R. (3492 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 499 XEW- ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Brief memoir of \Vinslo\v Lewis. By John II. Sheppard. Albany, 18(33. 8vo, pp. 33, (1). Portrait. R. (3493 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Messinger family, compiled by George W. Messinger. Albany, 1863. 8vo, pp. 14. R. (3494 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Samuel G. Drake, author of the Book of the Indians, History of Boston, etc. By John H. Sheppard. Albany, 1863. Small 4to, pp. 3(3. Portrait. R. (3495 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Officers for the year 1863. Annual meeting, 1863. [Boston, 1863.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. R. Same. 1864. [Boston, 1864.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3496 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Percival and Ellen Green. [By Samuel A. Green.] [Boston, 1863.] 8vo, pp. 5. No title-page. R. (3497 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the family of Dumaresq, to which are added reminiscences of James Dumaresq, and an appendix of documents. [Albany, 1863.] 8vo, pp. 22 (1). Reprinted in part from the Reyister. (349S NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Michael Wigglesworth, author of the " Day of Doom." By John Ward Dean. To which is appended a fragment of his autobiography, some of his letters, and a catalogue of his library. Albany, 1863. 8vo, pp. 20. A second edition with considerable additional matter was published in 1871. ( 3499 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Vickers or Vickery family. [By George R. Vickery. Boston, 1863.] 8vo, pp. 5. No title-page. Appended Lombard family. (35 O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An account of the discovery of an ancient ship on the eastern shore of Cape Cod. By Amos Otis. Albany, 1864. Svo, pp. 10. Two plates. R. (35Ot NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Annual address of the presi dent of the Society, delivered January 6, 1864. By Winslow Lewis. Albany, 1864. 8vo, pp. 0. R. (3502 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A biographical sketch of Elkanah Watson, founder of agricultural societies in America, and the pro jector of canal communication in Xew York State, with a brief genealogy of the Watson family, early settled in Plymouth Colony. By Win. R. Deane. Albany, 1864. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. Woodcut. (35O3 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief memoir of John Bar- stow, of Providence, R. I. By Alexander Caswell. Albany, 1864. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. R. (35O4 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Epitaph of Rev. John Ward, of Haverhill, Eng. [By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1864.] Svo, pp. 2. No title-page. R. (35O5 500 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Extract from the Doop-boek, or Baptismal Register of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Sche- nectady, N. Y. [By Jonathan Pearson.] Albany, 1804. Svo, pp. 14. R. (3506 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Gale Family. By George Gale. [Boston, 1864.] Svo, pp. 9. No title-page. K. (35O7 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An Historical Sketch of the Old Church, Quincy, Mass. By Frederic A. Whitney. Albany, 18G4. 8vo, pp. IT. Woodcut. R. (35:. 8 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the Winthrop Family and its English Connections before its Emigration to New England. By William II. Whitmore. Reprinted with additions from the Register for April, 1804. Albany, 1864. Svo, pp. 6 (4). R. (3509 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. One Branch of a Family of Adams. By William S. Appleton. [Boston, 1864.] One page. No title-page. R. (351O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Original Planning and Con struction of Bunker Hill Monument. By S. Swett. With engravings. Albany, 1864. Svo, pp. 9. R. (3511 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some remarks on the Life and Character of Gen. David Cobb, delivered at the Taunton Lyceum, July 2, 1830. By Francis Baylies. Albany, 1864. Svo, pp. 18. Portrait. R. (3512 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Tercentenary celebration of the birth of Shakespeare, by the Society, April 23, 1864. Boston, 1864. Svo. pp. 71. Twenty-five copies large paper. Two hundred and seventy-five small paper. (3513 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Tercentenary celebration of the birth of Shakespeare. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1864. [Bos ton, 1864.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. Consists of proceedings of the meeting, with poem by J. II. Sheppard. (3514 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC .GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Will of Herbert Pelham, Esq., 1672. Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1864. (3515 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An address before the Society at the annual meeting, January 4, 1865. By Winslow Lewis, president. To which is added a report of the proceedings. Boston, 1865. Svo. pp. 20. (3516 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief genealogy of the descendants of William Hutchinson and Thomas Oliver. Reprinted, with additions, from the Regivter for 1865. By W. H. Whitmore. Boston. is<r. Svo, pp. 38, large paper. (3517 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Thos. Jeimer. Communicated by William S. Appleton. [Boston, 1865.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. (3518 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, before the Society, May 3, 1865. By Elias Nason. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 28. (3519 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 501 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Family of Badcock, of Milton, Mass. By William S. Appleton. [Boston, 1805.] 8vo, pp. 5. No title-page. R. (352O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Family of Nathaniel Sparhawk, of Cambridge. [By William S. Appleton. 1 [Boston, 1865.] 8vo, pp. 2, (1). No title-page. R. (3521 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A journal kept by John Leach during his confinement by the British, in Boston gaol, in 1775. Communi cated to the Register by Edward Jacob Forster. [Boston, 1865.] 8vo, pp. 11. No title-page. (3522 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Gideon F. Thayer. Communicated by Thomas dishing to the "New-England Historical and Gene alogical Register for April, 1865. [Boston, 18(55.] 8vo, pp. 8. Portraits. No title-page. (3523 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Brooks, gov ernor of the State of Massachusetts. Communicated by Charles Brooks to the Neic-England Historical and Genealogical Register. [Boston, 1865.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Portrait. Title on cover. (3524 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the Lincoln Families of Massachusetts, with some account of the Family of Abraham Lincoln. By Solomon Lincoln. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3525 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notice of the Shakspeare ter centenary. Communicated by William Reed Deane to the Register for April, 1865. 8vo, pp. 2. (352 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of the Vaughan family, and more particularly of Benjamin Vaughan. Read before the Society, August 2, 1865. By John II. Sheppard. With a few additions, a genealogy, and notes. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 40. (3527 \EW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Tribute to the memory of Edward Everett, by the Society, January 17 and February 1, 1865. Boston, 1865. 8vo, pp. 97. Portrait. Illustrated. (352S \EW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1865-1905. Bos ton, 1865-1905. 8vo, 59 pamphlets. Namely : An address before the Society at the annual meeting, January 4, 1865, by Winslow Lewis, M. D., president of the Society. To which is added a report of the proceedings, pp. 20. Valedictory address on retiring from the office of president of the Society, February 7, 1866, by Winslow Lewis, M. D. Appended proceedings, pp. 23. An address at the annual meeting, January 2, 1867, by John A. Andrew, LL. I)., president of the Society. To which is added a report of the proceedings at said meeting, pp. 11, (1). Address of Marshall I*. Wilder, president of the Society, at the annual meet ing, January 1, 1868, and at a special meeting, January 1C. To which are appended reports of the proceedings at these meetings, pp. 15, (1). Address of Marshall I*. Wilder, president of the Society, at the annual meet ing, January 6, 1869. To which is appended a report of. the proceedings at that meeting, pp. 10, (2). Address of Marshall P. Wilder, president of the Society, at the annual meet ing, January 5, 1870. To which is appended a report of the proceedings at that meeting, a list of life members, and the constitution and by-laws of the Society, pp. 26, (2). 502 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Address of Marshall P. Wilder, president of the Society, at the annual meeting, January 4, 1871. To which are appended the proceedings at that meeting and a list of the honorary and life members, pp. 36. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 3, 1872. pp. PS. Address of Marshall P. Wilder, president of the Society, and the other pro ceedings at the annual meeting, January 1, 1873. Boston, 1873. pp. 44. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 7, 1874. Boston, 1874. pp. 48. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 6, 1875. Boston, 1875. pp. 52. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 5, 1876. Boston, 1876. pp. 68. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 3, 1877. With lists of present members, and of officers from 1845 to 1877. Boston, 1877. pp. 64. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 2, 1878. Boston, 1878. pp. 46. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 1, 1870. Boston, 1879. pp. 45. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 7, 1880. Boston, 1880. pp. 47. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 5, 1881. Boston, 1881. pp. 56. Pages 27-36 contain E. F. Slafter s report on the Knox manuscripts. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 4, 1882. Boston, 1882. pp. 46. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 3, 1883. Boston, 1883. pp. 48. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 2, 1884. Boston, 1884. pp. 42. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 7, 1885. Boston, 1885. pp. 47. Pages 20-25 contain report on governors chairs, by E. F. Slafter. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 6, 1886. Boston, 1886. pp. 43. During presidency of Mr. Wilder, 1868-1886, the Proceedings were issued in two forms one with regular cover and one "Address of the lion. Marshall P. Wilder, president of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society and other proceedings at the annual meeting." Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 5, 1887. Boston, 1887. pp. 48. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 4, 1888. Boston, 1888. pp. 40. roceedings at the annual meeting, January 2, 1880. Boston, 1889. pp. 62. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 1, 1890. Boston, 1890. pp. 39. roceedings at the annual meeting, January 7, 1801. Boston, 1801. pp. 38. roceedings at the annual meeting, January 6, 1892. Boston, 1892. pp. 58. roceedings at the annual meeting, January 4, 1893. Boston, 1893. pp. 48. roceedings at the annual meeting, January 3, 1894. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 46, 15. The last 15 pages contain the by-laws, 1894. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 2, 1895. Boston, 1895. pp. 47. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 1, 1896, with memoirs of deceased members. Boston, 1896. pp. 166, (1). Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 6, 1807, with memoirs of deceased members. Boston, 1897. pp. 128, (1). Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 5, 1808, with memoirs of deceased members, and -list of members, April 1, 1898. Boston, 1808. pp. 146, (1). Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 11, 1809. With the charter and by-laws of the Society and rules and orders of the council. Boston, 1899. pp. 72. (3529 NFW -ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplementary number, 1900. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 10, 1900, with memoirs of deceased members. 1898-1899. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. cl, (1). (353O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplement to April number, 1901. Proceed ings at the annual meeting, January 9, 1901, with memoirs of deceased members, 1900. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. xcvi, (1). (3531 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplement to April number, 1902. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 8, 1902, with memoirs of deceased members, 1901. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. Ixxvii (1). (3532 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplement to April number, 1903. Proceedings NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 503 at the annual meeting, January 14, 1908, with memoirs of deceased mem bers, 1902. Boston, 1908. 8vo, pp. Ixix (1). (3533 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplement to April number, 1904. Proceedings of the Society at the annual meeting, January 13, 1904, with memoirs of deceased members, 1903. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. oxiv (1). (3534 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplement to April number, 1905. Proceed ings of the Society at the annual meeting, January 11, 1905, with memoirs of deceased members, 1904. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. cvii (1). (3535 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Biographical sketch of Hon. Elijah Hay ward.] [Boston, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. (3536 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Ezekiel Whitman. By John H. Sheppard. [Boston, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. R. (3536a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief memoir of Giles Fir- min, one of the ejected ministers of 1662. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1866. 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3537 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Hon. Ezekiel Whitman, LL. D. By I. II. S. 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, I860. (3537a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Conditions of success in genea logical investigations, illustrated in the character of Nathaniel Chauncey. A paper read before the Society, March 2, 1866, by William Chauncey Fowler. Boston, 1866. 8vo, pp. 28. (3538 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Joshua Coffin. Communicated for the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1866, by Elias Nason. [Boston, 1866.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. (3539 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A list of the general officers of the Revolutionary army, appointed by the Continental Congress, from June 17, 1775, to the close of the war, September 30, 1783. Prepared by Jere miah Colburn. [Boston, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 12. R. (3540 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The posterity of William War ner, one of the early settlers of Ipswich, Mass. Communicated for the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, by Edward Warner. [Boston, 1866.] Svo, pp. 10. No title-page. (3541 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Report on the Sudbury fight, April, 1676. Read at the October meeting of the Society, 1866, and re printed from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. [By Frederic Kidder and A. B. Underwood. Boston, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 12. No title-page. Title on cover. (3542 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Story of the embarkation of Cromwell and his friends for New England. [By John Ward Dean.] Boston, 1866. Svo, pp. 11. R. (3543 504 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Valedictory address on retiring from the office of president of the Society. Delivered February 7, 1866, by Winslow Lewis. [With proceedings of the Society.] Boston, 1866. 8vo, pp. 23. R. (3544 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Wads worth monument. Date of Sudbury fight. Communicated to the New-England Historical and Gene alogical Register for April, 1866, by George S. Boutwell. Boston, 1866. 8vo, pp. 11. (3545 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ward s magnet, or heavenly attractions. Communicated to the Register for July, 1866, by John H. Shep- pard. [Boston, 1866.] Svo, pp. 6. No title-page. (3546 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Will of Rev. Richard Mather. Transcribed from the record, in Suffolk probate office, Vol. vi, by William B. Trask, and communicated to the Register for July, 1866. [Boston, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. (3547 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society at the annual meeting, January 2, 1867. By John A. Andrew, LL. D. To which is added a report of the proceedings at said meeting. Boston, 1867. Svo, pp. 11, (1). (3548 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Eastman family for the first four generations. Compiled by Lucius Root Eastman. Boston, 18(57. Svo. pp. 11. R. (3549 NE\V-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Journal of several visits to the Indians on the Kemiefoec River, by the Rev. Joseph Baxter, of Medfielcl. Mass. 1717. With notes, by Elias Nason. Boston, 1867. 8vo, pp. 18. R. (355O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Marshall P. Wilder. By John H. Sheppard. Boston, 1867. 8vo. pp. (1), 54. Portrait. R. (3551 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY . Memoir of Samuel Blake. Communicated by William B. Trask. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1867. (3552 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY . The Peirce family of the Old Colony. Communicated for the Register by Ebenezer W. Peirce. [Boston, 1867.] Svo, pp. (7). No title-page. (3553 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY . [Wilder family. Genealogy. By John H. Sheppard.] [Boston, 1867.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3554 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Addresses of Marshall P. Wilder, president of the Society, at the annual meeting, January 1, 1868, and at a special meeting, January 16. To which are appended reports of the proceedings at those meetings. Boston, 1868. 8vo, pp. 15, (1). Same. [Second edition.] Boston, 1868. Svo, pp. 14, (2). R. (3555 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Address at the family meeting of the descendants of John Tuthill. one of the original settlers of Southold, N. Y., held at New Suffolk, L. I., August 28, 1867. By Hon. William H. TUt- hill. Boston, 1868. Reprinted from the Register for July, 186a 8vo, pp. 317-334. (3555a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 505 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Leonard Ches ter, of Blaby, England, and Wethersfield, Conn. Boston, 1868. 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3556 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Discourse before the Society, April 2, 1808, on the life and character of John Albion Andrew, with pro ceedings and appendix. By Elias Nason. Boston, 1808. 8vo, pp. 76. .Portrait. R. (3557 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An early New England mar riage dower, with notes on the lineage of Richard Scott, of Providence. By Martin B. Scott. Boston, 1808. 8vo, pp. 0. R. (3558 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical sketch of the first three generations of Prebles in America : with an account of Abraham Preble, the emigrant, their common ancestor, and of his grandson, Brig. Gen. Jedediah Preble, and his descendants. By George Henry Preble. Boston, 1808. 8vo, pp. (4), 336. Portraits. Plate. Reprinted in small part from the Register. (3559 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A Genealogy of the Hutchin- son family of Yorkshire, and of the American branch of the family descended from Richard Hutchinson, of Salem, Mass. By Joseph Lemuel Chester. Boston, 1808. 4to, pp. 33. Plate. Reprinted from the Register for July. 1868 (3559a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Maj. Thomas Leonard. By William R. Deane. [Boston, 1808.] 8vo, pp. 25-28. R. (356O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Nathaniel Curtis. [By N. Curtis.] Boston, 1808. 8vo, pp. 14. Portrait. R. (3561 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Robert Hooper. By John H. Sheppard. Boston, 1-808. 8vo, pp. 10. Portrait. R. (3562 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Stephen Minot Weld. By Robert M. Morse, jr. Boston, 1808. 8vo, pp. 11. R. (3563 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Hickling Prescott, historian of Spain, Mexico, and Peru. By Charles H. Hart. Boston, 1808. 8vo, pp. 13. Portrait. R. (3564 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Address of Marshall P. Wilder, president of the Society, at the annual meeting, January 0, 1809. To which is appended a report of the proceedings at that meeting. Boston, 1809. 8vo, pp. 10, (2). (3565 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The assassination plot in New York in 1770. A letter of William Eustis, surgeon in the Revolutionary army and late governor of Massachusetts. With notes. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1809. 8vo, pp. 6. R. (3566 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief genealogy of the Usher family of New England. By W. H. Whitmore. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register for Oct. 1, 1809. Boston, 1809. 8vo, pp. (1), 11. (3567 506 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The charter of Norwich, Ver mont, and names of the original proprietors, with brief historical notes. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3568 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Printed under the supervision of the committee for revising the constitu tion, pursuant to a vote of the Society, January 0, 1869. [Boston, 1869.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. ( 3569 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. D Amerie, Emery, Amory. [By J. Wingate Thornton.] Boston, 1869. 8vo. pp. 16. R. (3570 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The early records of the town of Dorchester, Mass. Transcribed with explanatory notes, by William Blake Trask. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from the Ref/istcr for April, July, October, 1867, and January, 1868. (3570o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early shipbuilding in Massa chusetts. By George Henry Treble. Nos. 1-5. [Boston, 1869-1872.] 8vo, pp. 50. No title-page. R. The last four papers are entitled " Notes on early shipbuilding." (3571 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Hon. John Albion Andrew. By Samuel Burnham. [Boston, 1869.] 8vo, pp. 15. No title-page. Title on cover. R. (3572 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Maj. Gen. Daniel Denison. Communicated to the Register for July, 1869, by Daniel Denison Slade. [Boston, 1869.] 8vo, pp. 24. R. (3573 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Calvin Fletcher, of Indianapolis. Ind. By William B. Trask. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 25. Portrait. (3574 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Necrology of New-England colleges, for the academic year ending in 1868. Compiled by Albert Har rison Hoyt. Reprinted from the ~Sew -En gland Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1869. [Boston, 1869.] 8vo, pp. 12. (3575 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Original papers relating to Samuel Haines and his descendants. Edited by Andrew Mack Haines. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 34. R. (3576 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Statement of the treasurer for the year ending December 31, 1868. Boston. 1869. 8vo, pp. (4). Same, December 31, 1869. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. (4). (3577 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the British Mu seum. By John H. Sheppard. Boston, 1869. 4to, pp. 14. Illustrated. Diagr. Reprinted from the Xeiv-England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1869. (3578 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Milton, Mass., Church Records, 1678-1754. 4to, pp. 41. Reprinted from the Register for 1868, 1869 and 1870. (357So NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Discourse before the Society, March 18, 1870, on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its in- NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 507 corporation. By Edmund F. Shifter. With proceedings and appendix. Boston. 1870. 8vo, pp. 59. (3579 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from the journal of Capt. Francis Goelet, merchant, relating to Boston, Salem, Marblehead, etc. 174G-1750. With notes by Albert II. IToyt. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3580 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A genealogical memoir of the descendants of Capt. William Fowler, of New Haven, Conn. Reprinted, with additions, from Memoirs of James Fowler, and from the Xeit -Enghind Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1857. Milwaukee, 1870. Svo, pp. 42. (3581 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the early genera tions of the Coffin family in New England. [By Sylvanus J. Macy. Anno tated by Nathaniel W. Coffin and by William S. Appleton.l Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. 17. R. (3582 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Hassam family. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1870. Svo, pp. 10. R. (3583 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Hassam family. De scendants of William Hilton. Ezekiel Cheever, and some of his descend ants. Boston taverns, with some suggestions on the proper mode of index ing the public records. Notes and queries concerning the Hassam and Hilton families. Early Suffolk deeds. Boston, 1870-1881. 8vo, pp. (2), 10, 18, 64, 14, 12, 17. Consists of various papers from the Register, with general title of "Anti quarian and Genealogical Papers." Reprinted. (3584 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Local law in Connecticut, his torically considered. By William Chauncey Fowler. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. 22. R. Same. Prepared from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, with additions. Albany, 1872. Svo, pp. 104. (3585 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of David L. Swain. By Fisk P. Brewer. Boston. 1870. 8vo, pp. S. Portrait. R. (3586 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. No. 2. Necrology of New- England Colleges, for the academic year ending in 1869. Compiled by Albert Harrison Hoyt, A. M. 4to, pp. 14-31. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1870. (3586a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Plan for genealogical records. [By J. W. Dean.] [Boston, 1870.] Svo, pp. 2. No title-page. R. (3587 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the life of Hon. Henry Matson Waite, late chief justice of Connecticut. By John Turner Wait. Boston, 1870. Svo, pp. 8. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1870. (3587o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The witchcraft delusion of 1692, by Governor Thomas Hutchinson. From an unpublished manuscript (an early draft of his history of Massachusetts) in the Massachusetts archives. With notes, by William Frederick Poole. Boston, 1870. 4to, pp. 43. R. (3588 508 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Bibliography of the local his tory of Massachusetts. By Jeremiah Colburn. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. (4), 119, large paper. R. (3589 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Bird family. A genealogy of Thomas Bird, of Dorchester, Mass., and some of his descendants. By William Blake Trask. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 40. R. (3590 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Discourse delivered before the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, March 18, 1871, on the occasion of the dedication of the Society s house. By Charles H. Bell, A. M. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 23. CWJlOu NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Family of Foster, of Charles- town, Mass. Reprinted from the yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1871. [Boston, 1871.] 8vo, pp. 6. (3591 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Financial statement, for the year ending December 31, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo. pp. 4. (35910 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Michael Wig glesworth, author of the " Day of Doom." By John Ward Dean. Second edition. Albany, 1871. 8vo, pp. 160. The first edition was published in 1863. This issue has an appendix con- taing a brief autobiography, a collation of the different editions of Wiggles- worth s poems, and a catalogue of his library. (3592 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Plumer, senior. By Albert H. Hoyt. Boston, 1871. 8vo. pp. 1-2. R. (3593 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY-. A memorial of Josiah Barker, of Charlestown, Mass. By Harry Herbert Edes. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 25. One hundred copies. R. (3594 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Nathaniel Baldwin and one line of his descendants. By Byron A. Baldwin. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 7. R. (3595 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Necrology. (Joshua Stetson.) By Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. 4 to, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted, on large paper, from the Register for April, 1871. (3595a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on early shipbuilding in Massachusetts. Communicated to the Register by George Henry Preble. Nos. 2-5. [Boston, 1871-72.] No. 1 called " Early shipbuilding in Massachusetts." Boston, 1869. R. (3596 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Old Cambridge and new. By Thomas C. Amory. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 45. R. (3597 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Paper on the life and services of Myles Standish. [By Stephen M. Allen.] [Boston, 1871.] Broadside. (3598 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of Daniel Web ster, Joseph Story, Jeremiah Mason, Jeremiah Smith, Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, and Harrison Gray Otis. By an octogenarian [Francis Bassett], Reprinted from the Register for October, 1871. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3599 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 509 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of Lucius Man- lius Sargent, with an appendix containing a genealogy of his family, and other matters. By John H. Sheppard. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 51. Portrait. R. (36OO NL\Y-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Pitt Fessenden : A memoir prepared for the ~N eic-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1871, by George Henry Preble. Reprinted for private distribu tion, with additions. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. (3601 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of John Evans, deputy governor of Pennsylvania, with letters from the proprietor, William Penn, now first printed. By the Rev. Edward D. Neill. Boston, 1872. 4to, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1872. (36Ola NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Brief sketch of Commodore Samuel Tucker and Description of the new Masonic Temple. Boston. By John H. Sheppard, A. M. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1872. (36O1?> NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Bromfields. By Daniel Denison Slade. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. (1) 19: Fifty copies. R. (3GO2 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Christopher Kilby : A memoir prepared for the New-Enf/laud Historical ami Genealogical Register for January, 1872, by Charles W. Tuttle. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. 11. (36O3 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early history of Georgia, em bracing the embassy of Sir Alexander Cuming to the country of the Chero- kees in 1730. With a map of the Cherokee country, from a draft made by the Indians. A paper read in substance before the Society, February, 1872, by Samuel G. Drake. Boston, 1872. 8vo, small 4to, pp. 20. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register. (36O4 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Edward Oxnard. A sketch of his life and extracts from his diary. By Edward S. Moseley. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. (1) 21. Plate. Fifty copies. It. (36O5 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The fight at Diamond Island, Lake George. By B. F. De Costa. Reprinted, with additions, from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. New York, 1872. 8vo, pp. 11. Large paper. Two hundred copies. i ::<;<>; NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. History of the New-Hampshire Gazette, the oldest newspaper in America, 1756-1872. By Frank W. Miller. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. 12 ; 2 folded sheets. Woodcuts. One hundred copies. R. (36O7 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A home of the olden time. I Vassall house]. By Thomas C. Amory. Boston. 1872. 8vo, pp. 27. R. (36OS NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Local law in Connecticut, his torically considered. By William Chauncey Fowler. Prepared from the \cir-Kmt1and Historical and Genealogical Register, with additions. Albany, 1872. 8vo, pp. 104. R. The first edition was issued in 1870. (36OO 510 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the ancestry of Syl vester Baldwin. By Charles C. Baldwin. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. 15. R. (3610 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Our English ancestors. By Thomas C. Amory. Boston, 1872. 8vo, pp. 34 (1). R. (3611 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Claiborne. [Paper read before the Society, December 4, 1872, by Stephen M. Allen.] [Boston, 1872.] 8vo, pp. 11. No title-page. Title on cover: " Claiborne s Rebellion." (3612 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Aiulre\v Eliot, of Beverly, Mass., and his descendants. [By W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3613 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Dalton and Batcheller pedi gree. From Xcic-Etigland Historical and Genealogical Register, October, 1873. By W. II. Whitmore. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. 6. (3614 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical notes and errata. [Communicated by Mrs. Caroline H. Dali for the Xeic-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1873. Boston, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 7. R. (3615 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Letters and journal of Col. John May, of Boston, born in Pomfret, November 24, 1748, died in Boston, July 13, 1812. By the Rev. Richard S. Edes. Boston, 1873. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1873. 8vo, pp. 11. (3615o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Losses to literature and the fine arts by the great fire in Boston. Prepared for the Society by Augustus Thorndike Perkins. Boston. 1873. Small 4to, pp. 10. One hundred and fifty copies. R. (3616 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Col. Joseph May, 1760-1841. By Samuel May. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. R. (361T NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of the Marstons of Salem, with a brief genealogy of some of their descendants. [By John L; Watson.] Boston, 1873. Svo, pp. (2), 48. Two hundred copies. R. (3618 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Record of the descendants of Andrew Belcher. By W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. (1). 8. R. (3619 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Russell-Phillips. A note upon title "Phillips" in appendix to "Bond s Genealogies of Watertown," [By M. W. R.] 4to, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1873. (3619o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of John H. Sheppard. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1873. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. One hundred copies. R. (3620 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Thomas Bradbury Chandler, rector of St. John s Church, Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 1751-1790. By Albert Harrison Hoyt. Boston, 1873. Svo, pp. 14. Portrait. Fifty copies. R. (36S1 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 511 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Daniell family. A gen ealogy of Robert Daniell and some of his descendants. By Moses Grant Da u i ell. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 39, (1). One hundred copies. R. (3622 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early bills of Massachusetts. By Elbridge H. Goss. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 34. One hundred and fifty copies. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register. (3623 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early history of Hollis, X. H. By Samuel T. Worcester. [Boston. 1874. J 8vo, pp. (1), 23. No title-page. Title on cover. (3624 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The garrison houses of York, Me. By George Henry Preble. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 8. Woodcut. Fifty copies. R. (3625 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the descendants of John Lee. Communicated to the Historical and Geneological Register for October, 1874, by the Rev. Samuel Lee. 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1874. (3625a XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Edmund Pitt Tileston. By Edward Holden. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 8. Portrait. One hundred copies. Large paper. R. (3626 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Emerson Bourne, LL. D., 1797-1873. By Edwin B. Smith. Reprinted, with addi tions, from the Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 20. Portrait. (3627 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Joshua Winslow Peirce. By the Rev. Thomas F. Davies, D. D. Boston, 1874. Printed for private distribution. 4to, pp. 16. Portrait. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register for October, 1874. (3627a XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. William Whiting, LL. D. Boston, for private distribution, 1874. 50 copies. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1874. (3627b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Nantucket in the Revolution. Communicated by Alexander Starbuck to the Register for July, 1874. [Bos ton, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 29. No title-page. (3628 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Narrative remarks, expository notes, and historical criticisms on the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, and incidentally on the Massachusetts Historical Society. [By Samuel G. Drake.] Albany, 1874. Small 4to, pp. 50. (3629 VEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Pepperrell papers, with sketches of Lieut. Gen. the Honorable James St. Clair and Admiral Sir Charles Knowles. By Albert H. Hoyt. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 23. Large paper. Reprinted, with revisions and additions, from the Register for October, 1874. (363O XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The pilgrim fathers of Nazing. Communicated by W. Winters, esq., of Waltham Abbey, Essex, England, for the Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1874. 8vo, pp. 5 + [2]. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1874. (363Oa 512 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Portraits of governors, judges, senators, and other public men of New Hampshire, secured to the State, to Dartmouth College, Phillips Exeter Academy, and the State Normal School, by Benjamin F. Prescott, secretary of state, 1872-1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 8. Fifty copies. R. (3631 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Swedes on the Delaware and their intercourse with New England. By Frederic Kidder. With heliotype facsimiles. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 13. One hundred and twenty-five copies. R. (3632 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. System of denoting relation ships. By William H. Whitmore. [Boston, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 3. R. (3633 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Three historic flags and three September victories. A paper read before the Society, July 9, 1873. By Geo. Henry Preble. Boston, 1874. Svo, pp. 31. Three plates. Flags and victories of the " Bon homme Richard ; " " Enterprise," and Fort McHenry. (3634 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The traditionary story of the attack on Hadley, Mass., September 1, 1675, and the alleged appearance of General Goffe. the regicide. By George Sheldon. Reprinted from the His torical and Genealogical Register for October, 1874. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 15. R. (3635 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Address delivered at Cam bridge, on the hundredth anniversary of Washington s taking command of the continental army, July 3, 1875. By Andrew P. Peabody. Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1875. (3635c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Bennet family of Ipswich, Mass. By John M. Bradbury. Boston, 1875. Svo, pp. 8. Fifty copies. R. (3636 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Centennial orations commemo rative of the opening events of the American Revolution. With other pro ceedings. 1874-1875. Boston, 1875. 8vo, 2 p. 1., pp. 176 Front, (port.). Addresses * * * reprinted from the Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1875. Contents : Address on the anniversary of the meeting of the Provincial legis lature in Salem, Oct. 5, 1774, by A. C. Goodell ; Oration on the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, by R. II. Dana ; Oration on the anniversary of the fight in Concord, by G. W. Curtis ; Oration on the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, by C. Devens ; Oration on the anniversary of Washington s taking command of the Continental army, by A. P. Peabody ; Oration on the anni versary of the meeting of the first Continental congress in Philadelphia, by A. H. Brown ; Proceedings at centennial commemorations, 1874-75. (3637 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Daniel Peirce, of Newbury. Massachusetts. 1638-1677, the founder of the Peirce family of Newbury. and Portsmouth. N. H. By Albert H. Hoyt. Reprinted, with additions and corrections, from the Register. Boston, 1875. Svo, pp. 11. (3638 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Ezra Green, M. D.. surgeon on board the Continental ship-of-war " Ranger" under John Paul Jones, from November 1, 1777, to September 27. 1778. Born in 1746; died in 1847. With historical notes and a biography, by Geo. Henry Preble and Walter C. Green. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register, Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 31. Portrait. (3630 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 513 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early paper mills of New England. By William Goold. Read at a- meeting of the Maine Historical Society, February 19, 1874, and communicated to the Historical and Genea logical Register for April, 1875. [Boston, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. (364O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Edward Gibbon and Thomas Jefferson. Communicated to the Register for July, 1875, by Abram E. Cutter. [Boston, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. R. (3641 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The life and writings of M. Guizot. Read before the Society, and published in the Register for April, 1875. By Dorus Clarke. Boston, 1875. Svo, pp. 11. Portrait. (3642 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Timothy Farrar. By Samuel Lee. With a sketch of Sarah Farrar, by A. P. Peabody. Boston, 1875. Small 4to, pp. 28. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register. (3643 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Pedigree of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. By Frederick Brown. Boston, 1875. pp. 10, (1). R. January, 1875. (3644 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Portraits and busts in the possession of Brown University and of the Providence Athenaeum. Com municated by David W. Hoyt to the New-England Historical and Genea logical Register for July, 1875. [Boston, 1875.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. (3645 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. (Ralph Dunning Smith.) By the Hon. Lewis H. Steiner, M. D. Leaflet, 2 pp. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1875. (3645a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Record of the Marcy Family. Communicated by Prof. Oliver Marcy, LL. D. 4to, pp. 8. No title-page. [Reprinted from the Register for July, 1875.] (3645ft NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Wilcox family. By W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1875. Svo, pp. (1), 8. R. (3646 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Will of John Bigg. From a copy furnished by E. W. N. Starr, of Middletown, Conn., and annotated by W. H. Whitmore. 4to. pp. 10. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1875. (3646a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. American Independence. Did the Colonists desire it? Letters of John Jay and John Adams. Letters and documents of other actors in the American Revolution. Compiled by Jere miah Colburn. Boston, 1876. Svo, pp. 18. R. (3647 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Autograph copies of the " Star Spangled Banner," additional verses, etc. A paper prepared for the New- Kiigland Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1877. By Geo. Henry Preble. Boston, 1876. 8vo, pp. 7. Facsimile. One hundred copies. R. (3648 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 33 514 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Brief history of the Xcw- Engldnd Historical and Genealogical Register, being the report of the com mittee on publication, submitted at the annual meeting of the Society, Jan uary 5, 1870. Revised and enlarged. Reprinted from the Society s Pro ceedings for January, 1870. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. 12. (3649 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. 8. (3649 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Benjamin Hammond. Communicated by Philip Battell. 4to. pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1876. (36496 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of the first John Folsom, through Dea. John. Lieut. Peter, and Ephraim Folsom. Boston. 1876. 8vo, pp. 29. R. (3650 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Donations to the people of Boston suffering under the port-bill. By Albert H. Hoyt. Svo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1876. (3650a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. George Williams Pratt. By Samuel H. Russell. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register for April, 1876. (3650?) NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Letter of Samuel Paine, of Worcester, Mass., upon affairs in Boston, October, 1775. Communicated by Nathaniel Paine. [Boston. 1870.] Svo, pp. 7. No title-page. R. (3651 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Portraits and busts in posses sion of the American Antiquarian Society and other associations in Wor cester, Mass., by Nathaniel Paine. Boston, 1870. 8vo, pp. 7. Portrait. One hundred copies. R. (3652 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of Col. John Allan, of Maine. By George H. Allan. [Boston, 1870.] Svo, pp. 8. No title-page. R. (3653 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Willoughby family of New England. By Isaac J. Greenwood. New York, 1870. Svo, pp. 15. R. (3654 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The battle of Lexington, with personal recollections of men engaged in it. By A. B. Muzzey^ Boston, 1877. Svo, pp. 19. R. (3655 NEW -ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Anthonys of New England. Communicated by John Gould Anthony. Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1877. (3655 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Cressey family, descendants of Mighill Cressey [Mighel Cresse] of Salem and Ipswich, Mass. By George Brainard Blodgette, A. M. Boston, 1877. 4to, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1877. (3655b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 515 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A list of members of the New- England Historic Genealogical Society, January, 1877, with the officers and committees from the organization of the Society. Boston, 1877. Svo, pp. 32. (3655c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Alexis Caswell, ex- president of Brown University. By William Gammell. Boston, 1877. Svo, pp. 12. Portrait. R. (3656 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A memorial sketch of Isaac Chapman Bates. By Hamilton Andrews Hill, A. M. Boston, 1877. 4to, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register for April. 1877. (3657 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Services of New Hampshire in the Revolution. A paper read before the Society, December 2, 1874. By Elias Hasket Derby. [Boston. 1877.] 8vo, pp. 15. R. January, 1877. (3658 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of John Merrill Bradbury. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1877. Svo, pp. 16. Portrait. (3659 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some of the descendants of William Hilton. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1877. Svo, pp. 18. Facsimile. R. (366O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Hale, the glover, of Newbury, Mass. (1C35), and his descendants. By Robert S. Hale. Bos ton. 1877. Svo, pp. 19. R. (3661 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Waite family, of Boston, Mass. By Henry E. Waite. [Boston, 1877.1 Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3662 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The discovery of North Amer ica by John Cabot. A first chapter in the history of North America. By Frederic Kidder. Read before the Maine Historical Society, February 17, 1874. Boston, 1878. Svo, pp. 15. Illustrated. R. (3663 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Woodbridge family. By Miss Mary K. Talcott. 4to, pp.7. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1878. (3663a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Grenaway. Abstracts of deeds (1650) from John Grenaway to his children. Suffolk deeds, book first, pages 199-202. Communicated to the Register for January, 1878. By William B. Trask. [Boston, 1878.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3664 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of several deceased members of the Society, published at the charge of the Towne Memorial Fund. To which is prefixed a memoir of the founder of the fund. With portraits. Boston, 1878. Svo, pp. 191. Contents : Memoir of the founder of the fund, William B. Towne, by John Ward Dean ; William B. Fowle, by Elias Nason ; Chandler E. Potter, by Na thaniel Bouton ; Samuel D. Bell, by Charles II. Bell ; Calvin Fletcher, by Wil liam B. Trask ; Frances M. Caulkins, by Henry P. Haven ; Joseph B. Felt, by Joseph B. F. Osgooc! ; Thomas Sherwin, by John D. Philbrick ; David Lowry Swain, by Fisk P. Brewer ; Lucius Manlius Sargent, by John H. Sheppard. (3665 516 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Nathan Cooley Keep. From the Neic-England Historical and Genealogical, Register for April, 1878. [Boston, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 6. Portrait. No title-page. (3666 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Robert Campbell and his descendants. By Henry F. Douglas. 4to, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1878. (3G66a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Search for the Northwest passage. British sailors and sea life of the early part of the seventeenth century. By Abram E. Cutter. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 11. R. (3667 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of William Blanchard Towne, founder of the Towne memorial fund of the Society. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. R. (3668 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, The Waite family of Maiden. By Deloraine P. Corey. Maiden, 1878. 8vo. pp. 11. R. (3660 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Dawes and his ride with Paul Revere. An essay read before the Society, June 7, 1876; to which is appended a genealogy of the Dawes family. By Henry W. Hol land. Boston, 1878. 8vo, pp. x, 128. Portraits. Folded sheet. R. One hundred copies. (3670 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The boundary line between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Journal of Richard Hazzen, the sur veyor, 1741. [Communicated by Henry A. Hazen.] [Boston, 1879.] 8vo, pp. 11. Title on cover. R. July, 1879. (3671 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Diary of John Thomas, sur geon in Winslow s expedition of 1755 against the Acadians. Communicated by Frank Moore, Esq., of New York City, to the Register for October, 1879. Boston, 1879? 4to, pp. 16. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1879. (3671a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Evert Augustus Duyckinck ; his life, writings, and influence. A memoir by Samuel Osgood. Boston, 1879. 8vo. pp. 16. Portrait. R. (3672 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ezekiel Cheever and some of his descendants. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1879. 8vo. pp. iv, 64. Facsimile. Same. Part second. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 26. R. (3673 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A genealogy of the family of Samuel Stebbins and Hannah Stebbins, his wife, from the year 1707 to the year 1771. With their names, time of their births, marriages, and deaths of those that are deceased. Hartford, 1771. [Reprinted, Boston, 1879.] Small 4to, pp. 31. Folded sheet. The preceding is an exact copy of a work believed to be the first American genealogy, and is so rare that only two perfect copies exist. We have added a name index and a tabular pedigree, and have printed only one hundred copies. Library Committee of the Society. (3674 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 517 [NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY.] A genealogical statement of the Clarke family of Boston, Mass., 1731 ; with review of the same. By Isaac J. Greenwood. New York, For private distribution, 1879. 4to, pp. 8. Contents : William Clark s genealogical statement, 17-31. Communicated by Frederick Lewis Gay to the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1879. A review of William Clarke s genealogical statement. Com municated by Isaac J. Greenwood * * * to the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1879. (3675 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Hazen family. Four American generations. By Henry Allen Hazen. [Boston, 1879.] Reprinted from the Register for July, 1879. (367<; NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Herbert Pelhain, his ancestors and descendants. By Joseph Lemuel Chester, LL. D. 4to, pp. 11. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1879. (3G76a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Gay, of Dedham, Mass., and some of his descendants. By F. L. Gay. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1879. Boston, 1879. 8vo, pp. 15. (3677 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Wingate Thornton, with a list of his publications. By Thomas C. Amory. Boston, 1879. Svo, pp. 20. Portrait. R. (3678 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notices of recent publications. By John Ward Dean. [April, 1876-October, 1879.] Boston, 1879. Svo, Nos. 12. R. Succeeded by the New England Bibliopolist. See No. 8707. (367J) NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Prehistoric copper implements. An open letter to the Historical Society of Wisconsin. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1879. 8vo, pp. 15. R. (368O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. " Saying the Catechism " sev enty-five years ago, and the historical results. Address before the Society. December 4, 1878. By Dorus Clarke. Boston, 1879. 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. R. (3681 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Vernon Family and Arms. Communicated by Harrison Ellery. [Boston, 1879.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. R. (3681a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial biographies. Towne memorial fund. Vols. i-vi. 1845-1871. Boston, 1880-1905. Svo, 6 vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i : Introduction, by Henry A. Ilazen ; William Durkee Williamson, by Joseph Williamson ; Benjamin Shurtleff, by Hiram S. Shurtleff ; Job Durfee, by Thomas Durfee ; Luther Wait, by Abraham I). Wait ; Samuel John Carr, by John Ward Dean ; James Kent, LL. D., by James Kent ; Timothy Pitkin, by Thomas C. Pitkin ; Samuel Hubbard, by Elizabeth Greene Buck ; John Quincy Adams, by Charles Francis Adams ; Merritt Caldwell, by William II. Allen ; Nathaniel Morton Davis, by Charles Deane ; Harrison Gray Otis, by Augustus T. Perkins ; Benjamin Franklin Thompson, by Henry Onderdonk, jr. ; Lot Edward Brewster, by Daniel T. V. Huntoon ; Theodore Lyman, jr., by Theodore Lyman ; Daniel Gil bert, by Daniel D. Gilbert; Albert Gallatin, by Henry Adams; John Pierce, by William B. Trask ; Theodore Cushing, by William T. Cushing ; Samuel Turell Armstrong, by Uriel Crocker ; William Cogswell, D. D., by Ephraim O. Jameson ; Joseph Sewall, by Samuel E. Sewall ; Daniel Putnam King, by Benjamin C. Per kins ; Daniel Pinckney Parker, by John Ward Dean ; William Ely, by Increase N. Tarbox ; William Pitt Greenwood, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; William Savage, by 518 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Mary J. Cooper ; Henry Alexander Scammel Dearborn, by Charles K. Dillaway ; Lewis Bradford, by Bradford Kingman ; Levi Woodbury, by Charles Levi Woodbury ; William Ingalls, by William Ingalls ; Ebenezer Turell Andrews, by F. W. Andrews ; Israel Putnam Proctor, by John W. Proctor ; Oliver Alden Tay lor, by Jeremiah Taylor ; Henry Clay, by Robert C. Winthrop ; James Luce Kingsley, by William L. Kingsley ; Henry Holton Fuller, by Henry II. Fuller ; James Whitcomb, by Ben. Perley Poore ; Daniel Webster, by Charles II. Bell ; Daniel Drake, by Charles D. Drake ; Ralph Haskins, by David Greene Haskins, jr. ; David Henshaw, by Andrew Henshaw Ward ; Amos Lawrence, by William M. Cornell, pp. 533. i :t<;s: Vol. ii : Introduction, by Daniel T. V. Huntoon; Harrison Gray Otis Colby, by Arthur M. Alger ; Charles Kilborn Williams, by Samuel Williams ; Daniel Green- leaf, by Richard C. Greenleaf ; Robert Gould Shaw, by Francis George Shaw ; Sam uel Appleton, by William C. Bates ; Nahum Mitchell, by Arthur M. Alger ; Jacob Bailey Moore, by Nathan Crosby ; Nathaniel Sawyer, by Patrick Mallon ; James Cushing Merrill, by James W. Preston ; Mahlou Dickerson, by Edmund D. Ilal- sey ; Simon Greenleaf, by Simon Greenleaf Croswell ; Charles Ew r er, by Samuel H. Riddel ; Josiah Adams, by Josiah H. Temple ; George Cheyne Shattuck, by George C. Shattuck ; John Davis, by Samuel F. Haven ; Shubael Bartlett, by David E. Bartlett ; Alfred Hawkins, by Increase N. Tarbox ; James Athearn Jones, by Richard L. Pease ; Leonard Moody Parker, by Seth Chandler ; Stephen Fales, by Albert H. Hoyt ; Samuel Church, by Gideon II. Hollister ; William Plumer, by Andrew P. Peabody ; Moses Plimpton, by Charles S. Lincoln ; Caleb Butler, by Francis Brooks ; Frederick Hobbs, by Joseph Granger ; Artemas Simonds, by Alvan Simonds ; William Thaddeus Harris, by Edward Doubleday Harris ; John Howland, by Edwin M. Stone ; James Delap Farnsworth, by Claudius B. Farnsworth : Peter Folger Ewer, by Ferdinand C. Ewer ; Isaac P. Davis, by John Ward Dean ; Thomas Day, by Thomas M. Day ; Frederick Turell Gray, by Lewis G. Pray ; Elisha Fuller, by Nathaniel Paine ; Nathaniel Goodwin, by Henry Barnard ; Samuel Sumner Wilde, by J. Gardner White ; Stephen West Williams, by Helen M. Huntington ; Robert Adams, by Edward S. Moseley ; Abbott Lawrence, by Hamilton Andrews Hill ; William Cranch, by Christopher Pearse Cranch ; Gorham Brooks, by Octavius B. Frothingham ; Mark Doolittle, by George A. Oviatt ; Charles Warner Cady, by Albemarle Cady ; David Hamblen, by Wil liam B. Trask ; Nicholas Dean, by Henry W. Bellows, pp. 533. (.3683 Vol. in: Introduction, by Albert H. Hoyt; Stephen Dodd, by Daniel W. Havens ; John Collins Warren, by Howard I*. Arnold ; Andrew Randall, by Arthur M. Alger ; Andrew Ferdinando Ward, by Elijah L. Sage ; Thomas Rob- bins, by Increase N. Tarbox ; James Ward, by Roswell P. Ward ; Samuel Hoar, by George F. Hoar ; Thomas Scott Pearson, by Samuel W. Boardman ; Hermann Ernst Ludewig, by Henry C. Murphy ; Jonathan French, by Joseph Dow ; Charles Frederick Adams, jr.. by Joseph Palmer ; John Frederick Schrbeder. by J. Gardner White; William Fiske Stone, by Amos Stone; John Lauris Blake, by John L. Blake ; Caleb Bates, oy Solomon Lincoln ; George Sparhawk, by Frances C. Sparhawk ; Freeman Hunt, by Freeman Hunt, A. B. ; John Mason Peck, by Jeremiah Chaplin ; George Minot, by Harriet M. Pitman ; Isaac Parker, by Francis J. Parker ; Job Roberts Tyson, by Carroll S. Tyson ; Elam Smalley, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Eleazer Williams, by Daniel T. V. Huntoon ; Charles Mayo, by William B. Trask; Otis Wilbor, by Annie M. Wilbor ; Lemuel Shattuck, by John Ward Dean ; William Hickling Prescott, by Roger Wolcott ; William Wil liams Mather, by Ivers J. Austin ; Amos Atwell Tillinghast, by Emily F. Pratt ; John Richards, by Henry A. Hazen ; Joshua Sidney Henshaw, by Jane Henshaw; Henry Bond, by Jonathan B. Bright ; Francis William Brinley, by Edward L. Brinley ; .Rufus Choate, by John B. D. Cogswell ; Payne Kenyon Kilbourne. by Ralph Wood Kenyon: George Washington Burnap, by Nathaniel II. Morrison; Washington Irving, by Charles Dudley Warner ; Gardner Breman Perry, by Samuel J. Spalding ; John Frost by Joseph Palmer ; Index, by Oliver B. Steb- bins. pp. 534. (3684 Vol. iv : Introduction, by John Ward Dean ; Gustavus Swan, by George M. Parsons ; Frank Vose, by Asa Redington ; Samuel Jennison, by Samuel F. Haven ; William Edwards Mayhew, by Nathan II. Chamberlain ; Benjamin Viuton French, by Marshall P. Wilder ; Charles Stearns, by Charles W. Stearns ; Thomas Sergeant, by Thomas S> Perry ; Ralph Sanger, by George P. Sanger ; Ansel Phelps, jr., by Charles Fhelps ; Elisha Thayer, by Arthur Thayer ; Jona than Phillips, by Hamilton Andrews Hill ; Andrew Johonnot, by John Ward Dean ; Jeffrey Richardson, jr., by John Ward Dean ; Frederick Palmer Tracy, by Ralph W. Allen ; Charles Lowell, by Mary Lowell Putnam ; Nicholas Murray, NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 519 LL. I)., by Nicholas Murray, A. B. ; John Wakefield Francis, by Horatio R. Storer ; Samuel Fulton Clark, by George F. Clark ; Lemuel Shaw, Early and Domestic Life, by Samuel S. Shaw ; Professional and Judicial Life, by 1 . Emory Aldrich ; Daniel Appleton White, by Henry W. Foote ; John McLean, by Manning F. Force; Joseph Hunter, by Henry M. Dexter: Nathan Appletou, by Daniel T. V. Huntoon ; Aaron Clark, by Joseph Palmer ; George Nixon Briggs, by Joseph E. A. Smith ; William Hyslop Sumner, by Oliver B. Stebbins ; John Hubbard Wilkins, by James Reed ; Jonathan Marsh, by Edwin W. Marsh ; Richard Sullivan, by Thomas C. Amory ; Pynson Blake, by Francis E. Blake ; John Tyler, by Robert A. Brock ; Matthew Schropp Henry ; George Herriot Tucker, by William Blake Trask ; Cornelius Conway Felton, by Andrew P. Peabody ; William Meade, by Philip Slaughter; Index, by Oliver B. Stebbins. (3685 Vol. v : Introduction ; Rev. John Wheeler, I). D., by Ezra Hoyt Byington ; Rev. George Washington Bethune, D. D., by Elias Nason ; Alexander Augustus Smets, by Charles Colcock Jones, jr. ; George Eddy Henshaw, by Clarence Eddy ; John Frederic Dunning, by William B. Trask ; Israel Keech Tefft, by Charles Colcock Jones, jr.; Mr. Two Stickney, by Matthew A. Stickney ; Lloyd Glover, by Herman C. Goodwin ; Jarvis Malatiah Hatch, by Hiram F. Hatch ; Edward Augustus Newton, by Elizabeth S. Newton ; Samuel Breck, by Charles Breck ; Rev. Stillman Pratt, by Stillmnn B. Pratt; Pishey Thompson, by Frank Harrison Hill ; Ephraim Groves Ware, by William B. Trask ; James Madison Porter, by Charles Henry Hart ; Rev. Edward Robinson, D. D., by Mary Augusta Robinson ; Rev. Richard Pike, by Joseph Williamson ; William Shaw Russell, by Bradford Kingman ; William Foster, by Francis Apthorp Foster ; George Long Duyckinck. by William Allen Butler ; Rev. Convers Francis, D. I)., by Rev. Thomas Hill, D. D. ; William Darlington, M. D., LL. D., by John Smith Futhey ; Charles Turell, by John Ward Dean ; Noah Martin, M. I)., by Elizabeth A. Martin ; Daniel Henshaw, by Henry Williams ; Samuel Prescott Hildreth, by John Eaton ; Beriah Botfield, by John Ward Dean ; Luther Bradish, LL. D., by Frank E. Bradish ; Thomas Simes Dennett, by W. B. Trask ; John Singleton Copley, Baron Lynd- hurst, by Richard S. Charnock ; Joseph Hockey, by Joseph Williamson ; Henry Wyles Cushman, by John Farwell Moors ; Charles Hanley Cleaveland, M. D., by Edmund J. Cleveland ; Charles Moses Endicott, by Eben Putnam ; Rev. Henry Steele Clarke, D. D., by Matthew Newkirk, D. D. ; Andrew Henshaw Ward, by Clarence S. Ward ; Sir Louis Hypolite Lafontaine, by John Reade ; Ebenezer Meriam, by Almon Danforth Hedges, jr. ; William Jackson Davis, by Henry B. Dawson ; Gideon French Thayer, by Thomas Gushing; John Barstow, by Alexis Caswell ; Alexandre Vattemore, by William E. Foster ; William Davis Tickuor, by Howard M. Ticknor ; Rev. Benjamin Huntoon, by Henry F. Jenks ; Thomas Chadbourne, M. D., by Samuel C. Eastman ; Charles Edward Griswold, by John Gardner White ; John Newton Turner, by John Emory Hoar ; Joseph Colston Hornblower, LL. D., by William Nelson ; William Martin Wilson, by William B. Trask ; Index. Svo, pp. 507. (3<>SG Vol. vi : Introduction ; Joshua Coffin, A. M., by Rev. Samuel Jones Spalding, D. D. ; Hon. Josiah Quincy, LI;. D., by Charles Pelham Greenough, A. B., LL. B. ; Rev. Alvan Lamson, D. D.. by Rev. Artemas Bowers Muzzey, D. D. ; Sebastian Ferris Streeter, A. M., by Hon. Lewis Henry Steiner, M. D., Litt, D., LL. D. ; Hon. Albert Smith White, A. M.. by Joseph Farrand Tuttle. D. D., LL. D. ; Hon. Elijah Hayward, A. B., by Daniel Thomas Vose Huntoon ; Robert" Mayo, M. D., by Alexander Brown, D. C. L., LL. D. ; Carl Christian Rafn, F. S. A., F. R. G. S., R. S. N. A., by Rasmus Bjorn Anderson, LL. D. ; Elisha Copeland, by Elisha G. Copeland ; Bowen Buckman, by William Richard Cutter, A. M. ; Benjamin Silli- man, M. D., LL. D., by Prof. James Mason Hoppin, D. D. ; Rev. Levi Wash-burn Leonard, I). D., by Rev. George Faber Clark ; John Lawrence Fox, A. B., M. D., by Charles E. Fox ; Hon. Edward Everett, D. C. L., LL. D., by W T illiam Richard Cutter, A. M. ; Hon. Laban Morey Wheaton, A. M.. by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Luther Metcalf Harris, A. M., M. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; William Bentley Fowle ; Nathaniel Chauncey, A. M., by Charles Chauncey, A. B. ; Moses Potter; Hon. Charles William Bradley, LL. D., by Dr. Lucius A. Thomas; John Seaver Howard, by Christopher Amory Hack ; Hon. Nathaniel Briggs Bor- den ; William Bowes Bradford, by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf, D. D., by Rev. John Adams Vinton, A. M. ; George Henry Brown ; Hon. John Reynolds, by Almon Danforth Hodges, jr., A. M. ; Joseph Willard, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Rev. Abner Morse, A. M., by Hon. Elijah Adams Morse ; Isaac Osgood, by Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D. ; Jacob Wendell, by Rev. Elias Nason, A. M. ; Hon. William Baylies, LL. D. ; George Adams, by 520 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Theodore Parker Adams, A. B. ; Jacob Quincy Kettelle, A. B., by Frederick Walter Kettelle ; Hon. Samuel Ames, LL. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Rev. Alfred Louis Baury, D. D. ; Col. James Duncan Graham, U. S. A., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; John Hooper, by William Blake Trask. A. M. ; Rev. Martin Moore, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Jared Sparks, LL. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Hon. Matthew Harvey, LL. D. ; Benjamin Leeds ; Hon. Abel Gushing, A. B., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Calvin Fletcher ; Rev. William Smith Porter, A. M., by Julius Gay, A. M. ; Hon. Ebenezer Lane, LL. I)., by Homer Goodwin, esq. ; Hon. James Humphrey, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Hon. Lewis Cass, LL. 1)., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Edward Bush ; Rev. Nathan Munroe, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Hon. Ezekiel Whitman, LL. D. ; Capt. Robert Townsend, by Gen. Frederick Townsend ; Hon. Charles Augustus Dewey, LL. D., by Maria N. Dewey ; John Stanwood Pulsifer, by John Ward Dean, A. M. ; Hon. Stephen Fairbanks, by Charles F. Fairbanks ; Hon. Charles Hazen Peaslee, A. M., by Frank Warren Hackett, A. M. ; Hon. Ballard Smith, by W T illiam Blake Trask, A. M. ; Solomon Piper, by William Taggard Piper, A. M., Ph. D. ; Theodore Dwight, A. M., by Eleanor Ferris and Rossiter Worthicgton Raymond, Ph. D. ; Col. Samuel Swett, by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Rev. William Jenks, D. D., LL. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; John Spear Smith, by Col. Robert Carter Smith ; Hon. Salma Hale ; Benjamin Pomeroy, by his son, Benjamin Pomeroy ; Robert Lemon, F. S. A. ; Wllkins Updike, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Samuel Blake, by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Israel Thorndike, by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; Frederick Salmon Pease, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. David Dudley Field, D. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Daniel Draper, by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; Lucius Manlius Sargent, A. M. ; Hon. John Alsop King, by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; James Crosby, F. S. A. ; Hon. William Turner Coggeshall ; James Warham Crooks, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Jonathan Peirce, by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; David Bryant, by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Hon. Charles Greeley Loring, LL. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Henry Rice, by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Hon. John Albion Andrew, LL. D., by Rev. Elias Nason, A. M. ; Hon. Isaac McConihe, LL. D., by Mary McConihe ; Hon. Reuben Hyde Walworth, LL. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; William Powell Mason, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Stephen Minot Weld, A. M., by William Richard Cutter, A. M. ; Rev. Henry Har- baugh, D. D., by William Blake Tras,k, A. M. ; Albert Gorton Greene, A. B., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Charles Coffin Jewett, A. M., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Amos Dean. LL. D., by William Blake Trask, A. M. ; Rev. Samuel Sewall, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. Robert Hooper, A. M., by John Hannibal Sheppard, A. M. ; Rev. Joel Harvey Linsley, D. D. ; Langford Whipple Loring, by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; Kilby Page, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. Israel Warburton Putnam, D. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Matthew Newkirk ; Rev. George Rapall Noyes, D. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. William Allen, D. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Eli French, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. Samuel Dana Bell, LL. D. ; Hon. Chandler Eastman Potter, A. B. ; Paul Willard, jr., A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. William Rudolph Smith, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. David Lowry Swain, LL. D. ; Royal Ralph Hinman, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. William Read Staples, LL. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Dudley Hall, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. Thomas Prentiss Allen, A. B., by George Kuhn Clarke, LL. B. ; Rev. Charles Edward Leverett, A. M., by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; George Wolff Fahnestock, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; George Jenckes Fiske, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Usher Parsons, M. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; John Wright Warren, M. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Major William Rogers, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Col. Albigence Waldo Putnam, A. B., by Anson Nelson ; Rev. John Orr, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Thomas McCulloch Hayes, A. B., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Joseph Richardson, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; David Thomas Valentine, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. George Folsom, LL. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Henry James Prentiss, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. Pliny Holton White, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Joshua Victor Hopkins Clark, A. .M.. by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. Thomas Tolman, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; William Winthrop, A. B., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; John Goodwin Locke, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Thomas Sherwin : Joshua Statson, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; William Sherman Leland, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. John Davis Sweet, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Charles Dexter Cleveland, LL. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Nathaniel Wheeler Coffin, NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 521 by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. Joseph Barlow Felt, LL. D. ; Hon. Levi Reed, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; George 1 eabody, D. C. L., LL. D., by William Richard Cutter, A. M. ; Rev. Joseph Addison Copp, D. D., by Rev. L\orus Clarke, D. D. ; Jacob Whittemore Reed, by Mrs. Helen Abby Dutton ; Hon. Nathaniel Gookin Upharn, LL. D., by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. ; Hon. Johnson Gard ner, M. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. Fhineas Washington Leland, M. D., by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. ; Rev. Romeo Elton, D. D., by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. ; Hon. Peter Thacher Washburn, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; William Willis, LL. D., by Prof. Alpheus Spring Packard, D. D. ; Hon. George Washington Messenger, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Eliakim Littell, by John Hannibal Sheppard, A. M. ; Winthrop Sargent, A. M., LL. B., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Samuel Hazard, by John Ward Dean, A. M. ; Joseph Gay Eaton Lamed, A. M., by John Ward Dean, A. M. ; William Chauncey, A. M., by Rev. Samuel Cutler ; Jeremiah Peabody Jewett, M. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Gen. Asa Rowland, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. Ephraim Abbott, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; John Clark, A. M., by Charles Wesley Tut tle, Ph. D. ; Appleton Howe, A. M., M. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Hon. Ezekial Bacon, A. B., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; William Whitwell ; Samuel Hall, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Benjamin Parker Richardson, by Rev. Dorus Clarke. D. D. ; Rev. Ebenezer Burgess/ D. D., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; James Read, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Rev. Albert Barnes, A. B., by William Richard Cutter, A. M. ; Buckingham Smith, LL. B., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Benjamin Drake, A. B., M. D., by Rev. Samuel Cutler ; Hon. David Sears. A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; James Warren Sever, A. M., by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. ; Henry Harrod, F. S. A., by Rev. Augustus Jessopp, D. D. ; Charles Henry Woodwell, by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. ; Gen. Thomas Edward Chickering, by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; Samuel Holden Parsons, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Joseph Palmer, A. M., M D., by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. ; Oliver Bliss Morris, A. M., by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Elmer Townsend, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Samuel Tymms, F. S. A., by Rev. John James Raven, D. D., F. S. A. ; and Emerson, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Henry Oxnard Preble, by Rev. Dorus Clarke, D. D. ; Wil liam Reed Deane, by John Ward Dean, A. M. ; William Paver, by Rev. Increase Niles Tarbox, D. D. ; Henry Longueville Mansel, D. D., LL. D. : Edwin Forster Adams, by Rev. George Moulton Adams, D. D. ; John Alfred Poor, A. M.. by Charles Wesley Tuttle, Ph. D. (3687 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Joel Munsell. By George R. Howell. To which is appended a genealogy of the Munsell family, by Frank Munsell. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. R. <3<>87a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A biographical sketch of Robert Gould Shaw. [1776-1853.] Prepared for the Society. [Boston]. 1880. 8vo, pp. 34. Large paper. (3688 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Boston taverns, with some sug gestions on the proper mode of indexing the public records. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 14. R. (3689 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A genealogy of the family of Mulford. By W. R. Mulford. Boston, 1880. 12mo, pp. 80. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1880. (369O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Gray and Coytmore. Two English wills, printed for W. S. Appleton. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 7. R. (3691 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Hallowell and its library. By Samuel L. Boardman. (Boston, 1880?) 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1880. (3691a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Henry Clay. By Robert C. Winthrop. Prepared at the request of the Society, and privately reprinted from their forthcoming volume of memoirs. Cambridge, 1880. 8vo, pp. (2), 39. (3692 522 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Newspapers and newspaper writers in New England, 1787-1815. Read before the Society, February 4, 1880. *By Delano A. Goddard. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 39. (3693 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes and queries concerning the Hassam and Hilton families. By John T. Hassam, A. M. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Register for 1877, 1879, 1880. (3693a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings on the twenty-fifth day of October, 1880, commemorative of the organization of the government of Massachusetts under the constitution on the twenty-fifth day of October, 1780, together with the proceedings at the State House and at the City Hall on the same day. Boston, 1880. Svo, pp. G7. Woodcut. (3694 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Review of] Gleanings from English records about New England families. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1880. (3694a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Cabo de Baxos ; or, the place of Cape Cod in the old cartology. With notes on the neighboring coasts. Revised from the yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register, Janu ary, 1881. By B. F. De Costa. New York, 1881. 8vo, pp. 13. Map. (3695 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The family of Badcock of Mas sachusetts. By W. S. Appleton. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 11. Corrected and enlarged from the Register. (3696 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The family of Dummer, by Joseph Lemuel Chester. Communicated by Edward E. Salisbury. From the Register for July and October, 1881. 8vo, pp. 29. (3697 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of Lieut. Abel Wright, of Springfield, Mass. By Rev. Stephen Wright. 8vo, pp. 16. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1881. (3697o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Grantees of meadow lands in Dorchester. Communicated by William B. Trask. [Boston, 1881.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. R. (3698 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Index to Suffolk wills. [Bos ton. 1881.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (3699 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Knox manuscripts: being the substance of a report made at the annual meeting of the Society Jan uary 5, 1881, on the arrangement and binding of the manuscripts presented to the Society by the late Rear-Admiral Henry K. Thacher, with practical observations on the proper disposition of old manuscript letters and other documents. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 12. (3700 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Daniel Webster. By Charles Henry Bell. Prepared at the request of the Society, and pri vately reprinted from their forthcoming volume of Memoirs. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 20. (3701 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Job Durfee, late chief justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island. By Thomas Durfee. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 523 Prepared at the request of the Society, and privately printed from their volume of Memoirs. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 25. (37O3 XEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Ralph Haskins. By David Greene Haskins, jr. Prepared at the request of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, and privately reprinted from their volume of Memoirs. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 20. (370.M NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Samuel Hubbard. By Elizabeth Greene Buck. Prepared at the request of the Society, and privately printed from their volume of Memoirs. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 18. (37O4 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Theodore Lyman, jr. By Theodore Lyman. Prepared at the request of the Society, and privately reprinted from their volume of Memoirs. Cambridge, 1881. 8vo, pp. 32. (3705 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial. Ebenezer Alden. [Boston. 1881.] 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. Contains Commemorative sketch, by Increase N. Tarbox ; Address at the funeral service, by John C. Labaree ; Remarks, by Alpheus Hardy. Reprinted in part from the Register. (37O6 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New England Bibliopolist. or notices of books on American history, biography, genealogy, etc. Edited by John Ward Dean. Vols. i-xi, 1880-1901. Boston, 1881-1901. Reprint of book notices in the \ew-EngJand Historical and Genealogical Register. A continuation of No. 3679. Discontinued April, 1901. (37O7 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Report of its heraldic com mittee on the question: Was John Leverett a knight? Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 22. R. (37OS NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the Hon. John Howe Peyton, of Staunton, Va. By Col. J. T. L. Preston. Boston, 1881. 4to, pp. 14. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1881. (37OSo NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Hale, of Xewbury. M.-iss., 1037. His English origin and connections. By Robert S. Hale. [Boston. 1881.] 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. R. (37O5) NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Bartholomew and Richard Cheever and some of their descendants. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 11. R. (3710 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constables. By Herbert B. Adams. [Boston, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 38. No title-page. R. (3711 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Dover settlement and the Hiltons. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 9. R. (3712 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The family of Puffer, of Massa chusetts. By W. S. Appleton. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 9. R. (3713 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Henry Knox Thacher, Rear- Admiral, U. S. Navy. By Geo. Henry Preble. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 20. Portrait. Seventy-five copies. (3714 524 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. History and causes of the in correct latitudes as recorded in the journals of the early writers, navigators, and explorers relating to the Atlantic Coast of North America. 1535-1740. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 20. Woodcuts. R. (3715 II NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Collins Warren, M. D. By Howard Payson Arnold. Prepared at the request of the Society, and privately reprinted from their volume of Memoirs. Cambridge, 1882. 8vo, pp. 74. (3716 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY . The Messinger family in Europe and America. By George Washington Messinger. With a memoir of Hon. Daniel Messinger of Boston by John Ward Dean, A. M. Lowell, Mass., 1882. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1882. (3716o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some account of the early Streeters of Massachusetts. By Edward Doubleday Harris. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1882. (3717 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Two chapters in the early his tory of Groton, Mass. By Samuel Abbott Green. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3718 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Coddington. Re sistance by him and others in Lincolnshire to the Royal Loan, 162G-7. Communicated by David King to the Register, and Reprinted from the number for April, 1882. 8vo, pp. 6. (3719 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Index to necrology. [Regis ter, 1871 to 1882, Vols. xxv to xxxvi.] 8vo, pp. iii, (1). Reprinted from the Register for October, 1882. ( .372O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An account of the seals of the judicial courts of the colony and provinces of the Massachusetts Bay, 1680- 1780. By. A. C. Goodell. jr. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 12. This paper first appeared in the proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for March 8, 1883, and was republished in the yew England Historical- Genealogical Register, October, 1883, from whence 100 copies were struck off. There were two other editions with 14 and 16 pages, respectively. (3721 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Thomas Deane. of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. By John Ward Dean. Boston. 1883. 8vo. pp. 12. R. (3722 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Specimen of the Register Plan for arranging genealogies.] Descendants of Thomas Deane of Boston and Salisbury, IJ:.3S., and Hampton, N. H. By John Ward Dean, A. M. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1883. (3722 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Garfield family in Eng land. By William P. W. Phillimore. M. A.. B. C. L. Boston, 1883. 4to, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1S83. (3722ft NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 525 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical Gleanings in England. Nos. 1-25. By Henry F. Waters. [Boston, 1883-1889.] 8vo, pp. 376. R. Also published in three parts, viz : Vol. i, part 1, pp. 131, 1885. Vol. i, part 2, pp. xii, 116-264. 1888. Vol. i, part 3. pp. (4), 237-346, 1889. " There was no reprint from type for April, 1888. It would have been No. 24. The reprint for July, 1889, is numbered 25 to correspond with reprint from plates." [Signed, John T. Hassam.] (3723 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward. By John Ward Dean, A. M. Appendix XVII. Letter of the Rev. Nathaniel Ward to the Rev. Mr. Sancroft and Letters to the Rev. William Bancroft, D. D., by Sir Nathaniel Rich and Archbishop Laud. Communi cated by G. D. Scull. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1883. (3723a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial sketches of Stephen Whitney Phoenix. By Jacob Bailey Moore and Henry Thayer Browne. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 6, 7. Portrait. R. Contents : Stephen Whitney Phcenix. Notice read before the New York His torical Society, December 6, 1881, by Jacob Bailey Moore. Stephen Whitney Phoenix. Read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, July 3, 1883. (3724 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Norman constables in Amer ica. Read before the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, Febru ary 1, 1882. By Herbert B. Adams. Baltimore, 1883. 8vo, pp. 38. [From Johns Hopkins University Studies. No. 8.] (3725 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Register of marriages in Mil ton. Mass. From the Diary of Rev. Peter Thacher, 1G8G-1727. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. (2), 7. R. (372G NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A sketch relating to the name and family of Broughton. By Henry E. Waite. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 7, [1]. Cover-title. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1883. (3727 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Who identified Bradford s man uscript. By John Ward Dean. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the A ejc England Bibliopolist for January, 1883. (3727a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The facilities for genealogical research in the registries of probate in Boston and London. [By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 4. R. . (3728 [NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY.] Edwin Hubbell Chapin. [By Anson Titus.] 8vo, pp. 13. [Reprinted from the Register for April, 1884.] (3729 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Investigations concerning the family of Baldwin, of Aston Clinton, Bucks. By Joseph Lemuel Chester. [Boston, 1884.] 8vo. pp. 28. R. April, July, and October, 1884. (373O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Col. Joseph L. Chester. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 24. Front, (port.). Reprinted from the yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1884. 526 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Appendix : Col. Chester s manuscripts ; Works of Col. Chester ; Col. Chester s contributions to the Register ; Col. Chester s contributions to other periodicals ; Memoirs and biographical sketches of Col. Chester ; Letters used as authorities, besides those cited, pp. 21-24. (3731 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Observations on the Indian language, by Experience May hew, preacher of the Gospel to the Indians of Martha s Vineyard, in New England, in 1722. Now published from the original MS., by John S. H. Fogg. Boston, 1884. Small 4to, pp. 12. (3732 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some of the descendants of William Johnson, of Charlestown, Mass. By Charles Sweet Johnson. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1884. (3733 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Supposed decay of families in New-England disproved by the experience of the people of Concord, Mass. By Edward Jarvis. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 12. R. (3734 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ten generations in New Eng land [Waite family]. By Henry E. Waite. Boston, 1884. Chart + , pp. 2, bound 8vo. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1884. (3734a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Philbrick and family, 1583-1883. [By the Rev. Jacob Chapman. Boston, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3735 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Robbing. A biograph ical sketch. Reprinted from Vol. in of the Memorial Biographies of the Society, by Increase N. Tarbox. To which is added the funeral address, by Henry Barnard. Cambridge, 1884. 8vo, pp. 23. Portrait. (3736 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A biographical sketch of James Spear Loring. By John Ward Dean. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1885. (3736 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A briefe discription of New England and the sever-all townes therein together with the present govern ment thereof. [From a manuscript written in 1660 by Samuel Maverick, and recently discovered in the British Museum by Henry F. Waters, A. B.] (With a preface by John Ward Dean.) 1885. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1885. . (37366 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORICAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Chairs of New England gov ernors. Being a report made at the annual meeting of the Society, Jan uary 7, 1885, on the acquisition of memorial chairs which had belonged to distinguished governors of the several New England States, to occupy the dais of the public hall of the Society. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 8. (3737 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Daniel Rogers, of Littleton, Mass. [Boston, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 8. R. (373* NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Eliot family. By W. Winters. 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1885. (3738f NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 527 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical Gleanings in Eng land. By Henry F. Waters. Vol. i, part first. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. iv, 131. R. Same: Vol. i, part second. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. xii, 116-264. Vol. i, part third, pp. (4). 237-346. Boston, 1889. (3739 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Harvard and his An cestry. By H. F. Waters. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 24. Preface by J. T. Hassam. R. (374O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Leonard Weeks, of Portsmouth, and some of his Descendants. By Jacob Chapman. [Boston, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 10. No title-page. R. (3741 NEW -ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Life and exploits of Robert Rogers, the Ranger. A paper read before the Society, November 5, 1884. P.y Joseph B. Walker. Boston. 1885. 8vo, pp. (1), 15. (3742 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Jarvis, M. D. By Rev. Andrew P. Peabody. Boston, 1885. 4to, pp. 10. Front, (port.) Reprinted from the Xew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1885. "A list of writings of Dr. Edward Jarvis : " pp. 710. (3743 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the life of the Rt. Rev. William Meade, D. D., bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Virginia, By Philip Slaughter, D. D. With a list of Bishop Meade s publications. 3rd ed. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 51. Reprinted from Vol. iv of " Memorial Biographies." Same. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 55. (3743a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Richard Sulli van, by Thomas C. Amory. Reprinted from Vol. iv of the Memorial Biog raphies of the Society. Cambridge, 1885. 8vo, pp. 27. (3744 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. New-England Historic Genea logical Society. Methodical search of the English records by Henry F. Waters. List of subscribers September 1, 1885. Revised monthly. [Bos ton, 1885.] 4to, pp. 7. No title-page. (3745 X EW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New England Royalls. By Edward Doubleday Harris. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 27. Folded sheet. A reprint, with additions, of an article in the If Hi inter. (3746 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The printing of the Massachu setts and Plymouth Records, and Mr. Pulsifer s connection with it. By John Ward Dean. [Boston. 1885.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3747 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Researches in England. Sub scribers for the methodical search of the English records now in progress under the auspices of the Society, through its agent, Henry F. Waters. List on May 1, 1885. [Boston, 1885.] 4to, pp. (4). No title-page. (3748 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Phillips and William Phillips. Father and son. 1722-1827. By Hamilton Andrews Hill. [Bos ton, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 14. Portrait. R. (374J) 528 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of George Mountford. By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 4. R. (3750 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Franch; Merrill Bartlett. By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Necrology of the Society, in the Historical and Genea logical Register for October, 1886. (3751 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORICAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. British stamp for America. 1765. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 2. Facsimile. No title-page. R. (3752 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Josiah and Catherine Upton, of Charlemont, Mass. By William H. Upton. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 11. R. (3753 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early matters relating to the town and first church of Dorchester, Mass. By William Blake Trask. Bos ton, 1886. Svo, pp. 12.. (3754 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early New England and New York heraldic plates. By Richard C. Lichtenstein. Reprinted, with addi tions, from the Register for April, 1886. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 8. (3755 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Excerpts from the Hitchcock genealogy. By H. G. Cleveland. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1886. (3750 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from the parish Reg ister of Ardeley, Co. Hertford, England [Family of Sir Henry Chauncy and others]. By George W. Marshall, LL. D., F. S. A. Svo, pp. 7. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1886. (3756o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Andrews Family. By Lieut. George Andrews, U. S. A. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1886. (37566 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. George Hayward Allan. By Increase N. Tarbox, D. D. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, broadside. Reprinted from the Necrology of the New-England Historic Genealogical So ciety, in the Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1886. (3757 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Indian names of Boston and their meaning. By Eben Norton Horsford. Read before the Society. November 4. 1885. Cambridge, 1886. 4to, pp. 26. Maps. Large paper. (3758 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Harvard. Communicated by John T. Hassam. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 1. No title-page. R. (3759 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of Ashbel Woodward. M. D., of Franklin, Conn. By P. H. Woodward. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 8. Portrait. R. April, 1886. (376<i NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The name " Columbia." By Al bert H. Hoyt. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted, with a few verbal changes, from the Register for July, 1886- (3761 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 529 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Narragansett Fort Fight, December 19, 1675. By George M. Bodge. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 21. Woodcut. Map. R. (3762 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Papers in Egerton MS. 2395. By Henry F. Waters. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3763 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Peter Oliver, the last chief justice of the superior court of judicature of the province of Massachusetts Bay. A sketch by Thomas Weston, jr. Read before the New-England His toric Genealogical Society, September, 1885, and before the Bostonian So ciety, November, 1885. Boston, 1886. Small 4to, pp. 36. Portrait. R. July and October, 1886. (3764 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Rainborowe family. Gleanings by H. F. Waters. With annotations by I. J. Greenwood. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 16. R. April, 1886. Fifty copies, privately printed. (3765 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some doubts concerning the Sears pedigree. By Samuel Pearce May. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 10. Large paper. R. July, 1886. (3766 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Timothy Dexter, known as - " Lord Timothy Dexter," of Newburyport, Mass. An inquiry into his life and true character. By William Cleaves Todd. Reprinted from the yew- England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1886. Boston. 1886. Svo, pp. 13. (3767 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A true relation concerning the estate of New England as it was presented to His Ma tie . From three copies of a manuscript written about 1634, found in the British Museum and transcribed by Henry F. Waters, with notes by Charles E. Banks. [Boston, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 15, (1). R. (3768 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Wiswall family of Amer ica. Four generations. By Anson Titus. [Boston, 1886.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. R. (3769 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Charles Woolley. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. (3). R. January, 3887. (377O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of John Bostwick Moreau, esq., the originator of the " Bradford Club." By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 4. R. July, 1887. (3771 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Bloss Genealogy. By James O. Bloss. (Boston) printed for private circulation, 1887. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register for July, 1887. (3771a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The descendants of Edmund Wrston, of Duxbury, Massachusetts, for five generations. By Thomas Weston, jr. Boston, 1887. Svo, pp. 32. R. (3772 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 34 530 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The descendants of Robert Ware, of Dedham, Mass. By Emma F. Ware. Boston : Press of D. Clapp & Son. 1887. 8vo, pp. (1), 38. Facsimile. R. January, 1887. Also additions and cor rections. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 39-47. (3773 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Early southern heraldic book plates. By Richard C. Lichtenstein. Reprinted from the Neiv-Enyland Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1887. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. (3774 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALCGICAL SOCIETY. Ezekiel Cheever. Additional notes. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 6. R. January, 1887. (3775 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Harvard College alumni who have held the official positions named. By William A. Richardson. [Bos ton, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. R. July, 1887. (3776 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Life and public services of Gen. John Woleott Phelps. A sketch read before the New-England Historic Genealogical Society by Cecil Hampden Cutts Howard, December 1, 1886. Brattleboro, Vt, 1887. Square 16mo, pp. 58. (3777 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The lineage of President Abra ham Lincoln. By Samuel Shack ford. [Boston, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 7. R. April, 1887. (3778 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Littleton family, of Vir ginia. [A tentative pedigree of the Littleton family, of Virginia. By Robert Patterson Robins.] Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 7. R. October, 1887. (3779 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Manning Leonard. By the Rev. Increase N. Tarbox, D. D. 8vo, pp. 7. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1887. (3779a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Hiland Hall, LL. D. By Henry D. Hall, esq. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 17. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1887, with additions. (.37796 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Odlin Family. Descend ants of John Odlin, of Boston, in the Line of his Grandson, the Rev. John Odlin, of Exeter, N. H. By John Taylor Perry, A. M. 8vo, pp. 8, [1]. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1887. (3779c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Posthumous address of the Hon. Marshall P. Wilder, LL. D., president of the Society. Read January 5, 1887, at the annual meeting following his death, with the other proceed ings on that occasion. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 48. ( 378 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Queries Missing records. By John T. Hassam. Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1887. (37800 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Rogers Family of the County of Essex, England, and Essex County, Massachusetts. By Henry F. Waters, A. M. Chart. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1887. (37805 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 531 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Savery Families of America (Savory and Savary). By A. W. Savary, M. A. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1887. (378Oc NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Frederic Kidder. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. R. (3781 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Alumni of William and Mary College who have held official position. By Richard H. Greene, A. M. 8vo, pp. 11-14. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1888. (3781a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. American prisoners taken at the battle of Bunker Hill. By the Hon. Samuel A. Green, M. D. [Boston, 1888.] One sheet. No title-page. Reprinted from the Neir-England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1888. (3782 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Mrs. Martha Wright McFadden. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1888. (3782a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of the Rev. John Bathhurst Deane, author of The Worship of the Serpent. 8vo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Necrology in the Register for April, 1888. (3783 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Church at East Fairleigh, Kent, in which Dolor Davis was married. By Horace Davis. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1888. (3784 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of John Roberts, of Simsbury, Conn., and Bloomfield, Conn. By Lester A. Roberts. [Bos ton, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 7. R. July, 1888. (3785 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical gleanings in Eng land. By Henry F. Waters. Vol. i (part second). Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. xii, 116-264. Photograph. (37SG NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of Thomas Pope (1608-1683) and some of his descendants. By Franklin Leonard Pope. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. 22. R. (3787 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. James Lane, of North Yar mouth, Me., and his descendants. By Rev. James P. Lane. [Boston, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 12. R. (3788 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Hugh Hall to Ben- ning Wentworth. Communicated by the Hon. John Wentworth, LL. D. 8vo, pp. 8. No iitle-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1888. (3788a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A list of the works of John Ward Dean, A. M. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1888. (3788*) NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Marriages of Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, A. M. Boston, 1717-1769. Transcribed by Rev. Anson Titus, Amesbury, Mass. [Boston, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. R. April and July, 1888. (3789 532 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles W. Tuttle, A. M., Ph. D., author of " Capt. John Mason, the founder of New Hamp shire." By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. 21. Portrait. R. January, 1888. (3790 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Amasa Walker, LL. D. By Francis A. Walker. Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. 14. Portrait. R. April, 1888. (3791 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Israel Ward An drews, D. D. ; LL. D. By John Eaton, LL. D. With a Paper by Dr. Andrews on the Marietta Colony of 1788, read before the New-England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1888. Printed for private distribu tion. Svo, pp. 20. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1888. (3791a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Marshall P. Wilder, Ph. D., LL. D. By Hamilton Andrews Hill. Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. 15. Portrait. R. July, 1888. (3792 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoranda of all the inscrip tions in the Old Burying Ground at Colchester, Conn., with some notes from the Town Records. By Frank E. Randall, Esq. 8vo, pp. 40. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1888. (3792a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A memorial address on the late Marshall Pinckney Wilder, president of the Society. By the Rev. Andrew P. Peabody, D. D., LL. D. Delivered before the Society, January 18, 1888. Boston, 1888. 8vo, pp. 29. Portrait. (3793 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Place index to the New-Eng land Historical and Genealogical Register, Vols. I-XLI. Being an alpha betical list of places concerning which historical or other matter is found in these volumes. Boston (privately printed), 1888. Svo, pp. 20. R. October, 1888. (3794 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on Mr. Waters s English Researches. [By A. C. Goodell, jr.] Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. 7. R. Title on cover, " Mr. Watei-s s English Researches." (3795 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Aaron Cleveland. By Benjamin Rand. Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. 12. R. January, 1888. (3796 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Nehemiah Rogers s Dedi cation to John Haines, 1632. By A. M. Haines, Esq. Svo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1888. (3796a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Barrett, of Braintree, William Barrett, of Cambridge, and their early descendants. By Joseph Hartwell Barrett, A. M. [Boston, 1888.] Svo, pp. 8. R. July, 1888. (3797 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Wentworth Genealogy, the hitherto unknown Counsellor Paul. By John Wentworth, LL. D. [Bos ton,] 1888. 8vo, pp. 4. R. (3798 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Report of the committee on tbe revision of the constitution and by-laws. [May 2, 1888.] [Boston, 1888.] Svo, pp. 6. (3799 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 533 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Alamni of the College of New Jersey who have held official position. By Richard H. Greene, A. M. 8vo, pp. 17-22. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1889. (3799 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An examination of the English ancestry of George Washington, setting forth the evidence to connect him with the Washingtons of Sulgrave and Brington. By Henry F. Waters. Boston : Printed for the Society, 1889. 8vo, pp. 53. (38OO NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from English parish registers relating to King and Haines families. By Rufus King. [Boston,] 1889. 8vo, pp. 4. R. (38O1 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical gleanings in Eng land. Vol. i, part third. By Henry F. Waters. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. (4), 237-346. (38O2 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical gleanings in Eng land, xxni. By Henry F. Waters. Reprinted from the Register for Jan uary, 1889. 8vo, pp. 316-328. (38O3 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Harvard College Alumni who have received the Honorary Degrees named. By the Hon. William A. Richardson, LL. I). 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1889. (38O3a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Nathaniel Noyes to William Henshaw, 1774-1775. Communicated by Harriet E. Henshaw. 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1889. (38O3& NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lithobolia, or the Stone-throw ing Devil. By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 3. R. April, 1889. (38O4 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rev. Elias Nason, A. M. By William Blake Trask, A. M. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 36. Portrait. R. January, 1889. (3SO5 XI;\V-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of John Farwell An derson. By Rev. George M. Bodge, A. M. Boston, printed for private dis tribution, 1889. 8vo, pp. 19. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1889. (38O5a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Northrup Genealogy. By Hon. A. Judd Northrup. 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1889. (38O5b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Cornwallis and Early Maryland Colonists. By Edward D. Neill, D. D. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1889. (38O5c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Tilden.] By C. T. Phillips. Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1889. (3SO5d NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Trotts of Dorchester and Boston. By Edward Doubleday Harris. Boston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 4. Folded plan. R. (3SO6 534 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Allertons of New England and Virginia. By Isaac J. Greenwood. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 7. R. (38O7 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ancient Norumbega, or the Voyages of Simon Ferdinando and John Walker to the Penobscot River, 1579-80. By B. F. De Costa. Albany, 1890. 8vo, pp. 12. Revised from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, April, 1890. (3808 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Authors of the History of Dorchester, Massachusetts. [By a committee of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. Boston, 1859.] Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1890. Consists of statement by William B. Trask concerning the authorship of the different sections of the History. (38O9 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Banks family, of Maine. By Charles Edward Banks. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3810 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Butterfields of Middle sex. By.George A.. Gordon, A. M. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 11. R. (3811 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Extracts relating to the origin of the American Navy, compiled by Henry E. Waite. [1775-1815.] Pub lished by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. (2), 34. Plates. (3812 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of Richard Baker, born in England, died in Dorchester, Mass., October 25, 1689. Compiled by Edmund J. Baker. Boston, 1890. Svo, pp. 40. R. July, 1889. (3813 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Henry B. Dawson ; his life and contributions to American History. A paper read before the Tarrytown Historical Society at their rooms, Music Hall, May 20, 1890. By Rev. John A. Todd. A. M., D. D. Reprinted from the Tarrytown Historical Society, Boston, 1890. Portrait. Svo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1890. (3813a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Col. John Jones of Dedham and his paternal ancestors in America. By his grandson, Amos Perry, LL. D. Svo, pp. 12. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1890. (3813b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Knapp s Life of Timothy Dex ter. By William C. Todd, A. M. Svo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1890. (3813C NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lee of Virginia. Genealogical notes proving the error of previously accepted pedigree. By J. Henry Lea. [Boston, 1890.] Svo, pp. 11. Reprint. (3814. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lieut. William French and his descendants. By John M. French, M. D. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. S. R. < 3815 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Henry Montague. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 14. Front, (port.). Reprinted from the Register for October, 1890. (3816 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 535 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Nicholas Street and his descendants. By Henry A. Street. [Boston, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 3. R. (3817 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Official Positions held by Alumni of Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, University of Pennsylvania, and by the men educated at William and Mary College, with a Comparative Statement. By Richard H. Greene. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 41. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1888. (3817a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sexton s record book of Eliza beth, N. J. 1760-1800. Boston, 1890. Svo, pp. 20. R. July, 1890. (3818 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Increase Niles Tarbox. By Henry Martyn Dexter. Boston, 1890. 4to, pp. 22. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1890. (381Sa NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some of the descendants of Philip Towle, of Hampton, N. H. By Mrs. A. E. T. Lindsay. [Boston, 1890.] Svo, pp. 8. R. (3819 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Cooper, of Boston, and his descendants. By Frederick Tuckerman, of Amherst, Mass. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1890. Boston, 1890. Svo, pp. 11. (382O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of G. D. Scull, author of " The Evelyns in America," and other works. By William John Potts and John Ward Dean. Svo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Necrology in the Register for October, 1891. (3821 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Capt. John Elliott, of Boston, Mass., 1722. Communicated by Isaac J. Greenwood, A. M. Svo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1891. (3821a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Extracts from English parish registers and genealogical memoranda relating to the family of De Wahul ; also written : Wadhelle, Wahulle, Wodhul, Woodhull, Wodell, Odell, Odle, etc. By Rufus King. Boston, 1891. Svo, pp. 7-12. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1891. (3821& NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The freeman s oath, the first issue of the New Engand press. By John Ward Dean. Svo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1891. (3821c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Henry Austin Whitney, A. M., a memoir. By Joseph Cutler Whitney. Boston, 1891. Svo, pp. 19. Portrait. Revised and reprinted with additions from the Register for July, 1891. (3821rf NK\\ ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Lakin s deed. Com municated by the Hon. Samuel A. Green, M. D., of Boston. [Boston, 1891. | Svo, pp. 3. R. January, 1891. (3822 NKXV-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Smith, of Milford, New Haven Colony, 1640; and his descendants to the fifth generation. Com piled by Robert Atwater Smith. [New Haven, 1891?] 8vo, pp. 222-228. Reprinted from the Register, July, 1891. (3823 536 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Letter relating to the Boston Port Bill. Communicated by Frederick Tuckerman. Leaflet, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1891. (3823a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Frederick Billings, LL. D. By the Rev. Henry Allen Hazen, D. D. Boston, 1891. 4to, pp. 12. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1891. (3823b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Samuel Baker Rindge. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 8. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1891. (3823c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Myvyrian archaeology : the pre-Columbian voyages of the Welsh to America. By B. F. De Costa. Al bany, 1891. Svo, pp. 12. Revised and reprinted from the Register, January, 1891. (3824 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Pilgrim fathers in Hol land. A paper read before the Society, March 4, 1891. By William C. Winslow. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 24. (3825 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Positive pedigrees and author ized arms of New England. By William S. Appleton. Boston, 1891. Svo, pp. 10. R. July, 1891. (3826 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Review of] The Goodwins of Hartford, Connecticut Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1891. (3826a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rolls of membership, 1844- 1890. Boston, 1891. Svo. The same. 1844-1891. Boston, 1892. Svo. (3827 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Saffin family. By Isaac J. Greenwood, A. M. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1891. (3827 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Soldiers in King Philip s War. Containing lists of the soldiers of Massachusetts Colony who served in the Indian war of 1675-1677. With sketches of the principal officers and copies of ancient documents and records relating to the war. By George M. Bodge. Boston, 1891. Svo, pp. xxiv, 369 (1>. R. (382S NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some descendants of William Sawyer, of Newbury, Mass. By W. S. Appleton. Boston, 1891. Svo, pp. 11. A new edition, enlarged and corrected, of an article in the Register for April, 1876. (3829 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. " Title and history of the Henry Vassall estate," Cambridge, Mass. By the late Samuel Batchelder. Svo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1891. (3829a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The voyage of Pierre Angi- baut, known as Champdore, captain in the marine of New France, made to the coast of Maine, 1608. By Benjamin F. De Costa, D. D. Albany, 1891. Svo, pp. 7. (3830 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 537 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Will of Charles Hoare of Gloucester, England, with notes by George F. Hoar. Boston, 1891. 4to, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1891. (3S3Oa NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Wills of the American ances tors of Gen. George Washington in the line of the original owner and the inheritors of Mount Vernon. From original documents and probate records. Edited by Joseph M. Toner, M. D. Boston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 9. Plate. R. July, 1891. (3831 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. An answer to the introductory note published in the Proceedings of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society for 1891-92. By Ezra Hoyt Byingtou. [Boston, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 13. (3832 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Autobiography of Maj. Gen. Daniel Denison. By Daniel Denison. [Edited] by D. D. Slade. Boston, 1892. Large 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1892. (3833 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. (Miss Elizabeth Withington). 1 sheet. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1892. (3833a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The family of Merriam, of Massachusetts. By William Sumuer Appleton. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. (2), 15. Corrected and enlarged from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1868, and April, 1870. (3834 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The King family of Suffield, Conn. By Edmund James Cleveland. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 7. R. (3835 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. History of the Gerrymander. By John Ward Dean, A. M. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. xi. Maps and woodcuts. (3836 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. List of battles and casualties of Massachusetts troops during the War of the Rebellion. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Florence Wyman Jaques. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1892. (3837 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Samuel Page Fow ler. By John Ward Dean. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1892. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 9. (3838 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. William Hun ter Odell. By Rufus King, Esq. 8vo, pp. 13-15. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1892. (3838 NEW-ENGLAND HIISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Old Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester, Mass. By David Clapp. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1892. (383S& NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Pemberton family. By Walter K. Watkins. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 9. (3839 538 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. President s address to the Council of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 14 January, 1889. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 36. Review of the history of the Society. By Abner C. Goodell, jr. (3839o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Rev. Joseph Sewall ; his youth and early manhood. By Hamilton Andrews Hill. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. R. (3840 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rolls of membership of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1844-1891. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. xiv, 155. (384Oo NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Starkeys of New England, and the descendants of George Lawrence. By Emily Wilder Leavitt. Bos ton, 1892. 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3841 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Statistics of the Connecticut Election Sermons 1674 to 1830. From the manuscripts of the Hon. Ralph D. Smyth, of Guilford, Conn. Edited by Bernard C. Steiner, Ph. D., his grandson. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1892. (3842 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Weaver family, of New York City. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1893. Svo, pp. (2), 13. Portraits. Plate. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1893. (3843 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Will-registers of the preroga tive court of Canterbury, 1384-1840. Boston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from Waters s genealogical gleanings in the Register, July, 1892. (3844 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Daniel C. Colesworthy. By John Ward Dean. [Boston, 1893.] 8vo, pp. [3]. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1893. (3845 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY". Descendants of Jonathan Gillet, of Dorchester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn. By the late Salmon Cone Gillette. Arranged and enlarged by the Rev. Henry Clay Alvord. Boston, 1893, 8vo, pp. 11. (3846 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Dolbeares of Boston. By Edward Doubleday Harris. [Boston, 1893?] Svo, pp. 4. Caption title. Reprinted from New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for Jan uary, 1893. (3847 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Remick Fam ily. By Oliver Philbrick Remick. Boston, 1893. Svo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1893. (3847a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Henry Crane, of Milton, Mass., 1654, and some of his descendants. Compiled by Albert Crane. Boston, 1893. Svo. pp. 26. Folded sheet. Reprinted with additions. (3848 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 539 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lee of Virginia. By W. B. Lee, esq. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1893. (3848a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Gen. William Hull. By Samuel Curtis Clarke. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. 24. Reprinted from the Register for April and July, 1893. (3849 Ni \\-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Jeremiah Collmrn. By John Ward Dean. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. R. (385O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Nathaniel Foster Safforcl. By George M. Bodge. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1893, with additions and correc tions. (3851 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Vennor, the Boston Wine-cooper and Fifth-monarchy man. By Charles Edward Banks, M. D. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. 6. Plate. R. (3852 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Weaver family, of New York City. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1893. 8vo, pp. 13. Portraits. Facsimiles. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1893. (3853 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Ancient Line Fielde of of Charlestown. By A. Gordon, A. M. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1894. (3853a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Bent family. Four gen erations in America. By Allen II. Bent. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 10. R. (3854 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief sketch of the life of Prof. George Cheyne Shattuck, II . A., 1831. By Caleb Davis Bradlee, D. D. Boston, privately printed, 1894. 8vo, pp. G. Portrait. R. (3855 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. British officers serving in America. 1754-1774. Comp. from the " army lists " by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Boston, 1894. 8vo, 108 numl). 1. Reprinted from the Xew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for 1894. (385 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the first two hundred volumes purchased by the trustees of the Kidder fund for the New- England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 12. (3857 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Family of John Savage, of Mid- dletown, Conn., 1C52. By James Francis Savage. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 25, (1). R. (3858 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Kirkland or Kirtland family. By V. C. Sanborn. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 5. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1894. (3859 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lakin family. By Hon. Sam uel A. Green, M. D. [Boston, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1894. (386O 540 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of David Clapp. By William B. Trask. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 26. Portrait. R. (3861 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Hon. Levi Wood- bury, LL. D. By Charles Levi Woodbury. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 10. (3802 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Review of] Notes on the Surnames of Francus, Franceis, French, etc., in Scotland, with an account of the Frenches of Thornydykes. Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1894. (3862o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Noyes inscription and memo randa. By James Atkins Noyes. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 4. R. (3863 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 3, 1894 ; with the by-laws of the society. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 46, (2), 15. (3864 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on the Maverick family and ancestry of Governor Simon Bradstreet. By Isaac J. Green-, wood. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 8. R. (3S65 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. John Wheeler, D. D., 1798-1862. President of the University of Vermont, 1833-1848. A bio graphical sketch. By Rev. Ezra H. Byington, D. D. Cambridge, 1894. 8vo, pp. 20. One hundred copies reprinted from Vol. v of the Memorial Biographies of the Society. (3866 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Stephen Peabody and* wife, of Atkinson, N. H. By William C. Todd, A. M. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 13. R. (3867 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. William Adams, of Madi son Square Church, New York City, with his Adams and Bradford lines of descent. By Emily Wilder Leavitt. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 11. R. (3868 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The swords of Washington. By Col. Thornton A. Washington. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1894, pp. 21-27. (3869 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Hack and his de scendants. By Christopher A. Hack. Boston, 1894. 8vo. pp. (4?). (3870 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. W T ills of the English Pynchons, 1528 to 1654, and of William Pynchon, 1662. Founder of Springfield, Mass. Boston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 23. R. (3871 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to a Trumbull Genealogy from Gleanings in English Fields. By J. Henry Lea. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 27. Reprinted from the Register, 1895. (3871a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Material relating to the Essex family, of Haynes. By A. M. Haines. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1895. (3872 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 541 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Henry Bell, LL. D. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, D. D. Boston. Privately printed. 1895. 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. R. (3873 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. Edward Robinson, D. D., LL. D. By Mary Augusta Robinson. Reprinted, by per mission, from the fifth volume of Memorial Biographies of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society. Cambridge, 1895. Svo, pp. 11. (3874 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A needed correction in the pedigree of the Cotton family as given by Mr. Savage, Mr. Libby, and some others. [By Henry Williams.] [Boston, 1895.] Svo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1895. Title on cover. (3875 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Oration delivered before the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, April 19, 1895, to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary. By Charles Carleton Coffin, A. M., with addresses by William Claflin, LL. D., the President; George F. Hoar, LL. D., and Curtis Guild, and a poem by Oliver B. Stebbins. Boston, 181)5. 8vo, pp. 42. Running title : New-England Historic Genealogical Society. Fiftieth Anni versary Oration. (387G NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 2, 1895. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 47. (3877 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 1, 1896, with memoirs of deceased members. Boston, 1896. Svo, pp. 166, (1). Plate. (3878 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 6, 1897, with memoirs of deceased members. Boston, 1897. Svo, pp. 128, (1). (3879 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 5, 1898, with memoirs of deceased members and list of members April 1, 1898. Boston, 1898. Svo, pp. 146, (1). (388O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 11, 1899, with the charter and by-laws of the Society and the rules and orders of the council. Boston, 1899. Svo, pp. 72. (3881 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. New-England Historical and Genealogical Register. Supplementary number, 1900. Proceedings of the Society at the annual meeting, January 10, 1900, with memoirs of deceased members, 1898-1899. Boston, 1900. Svo, pp. cl, (1). (3882 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The town history. By Alison Titus. Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1895. (3S82o NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Will of Mary Cooper of Lon don, Eng., 1699. Communicated by Prof. Frederick Tuckerman. Svo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1895. (38S2& 542 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Bermuda during the American Revolution. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1896. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1896. (3882c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of David Pulsifer, A. M. By John Ward Dean. Svo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Necrology of the Society, in the Register for January, 1896. (3883 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Col. Jabez Hatch, of Boston, his ancestry and his descendants. By Allen H. Bent. Boston, 1896. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1897. (3884 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Howland Holmes, M. D. Svo, pp. 1 % Reprinted from the Register for January, 1896. (3885 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Index to genealogies and pedi grees in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register for fifty years from January, 1847, Vol. i, to October, 1896, Vol. L. Comp. by William W. Wright. Boston, 1896. 8vo, pp. xi. Reprinted from the Register. (3886 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Kellogg families of Colchester. By James H. Perrin. Boston, 1896. 8vo. pp. 60-64. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1894. (3887 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Register plan for arranging genealogies. An account of part of the family of Abraham Perkins of Hampton, N. H., who lived in Plymouth County, Mass. By Hon. Joseph W. Porter. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1896. (3887a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the A. D. Weld French heraldic collection in the New England Historic Genealogical So ciety s library, with extracts from the proceedings of the Society relating to the same, and a sketch of the life of Aaron Davis Weld French. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 17. Memoir by Charles E. Hurd ; Catalog by Frederick Williard Parke. (3888 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Daniel Denison Slade. By Charles 11. Eastman. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted with additions, from the Register, Vol. LI, January, 1897. (3889 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. English ancestry of the families of Batt and Byley. By J. Henry Lea. Boston, 1897. Svo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Register. (3890 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The first two settlers in Stow, Mass. [John Kettell, and - - Boon], and treir fate. Remarks on the article in the Register for October. By Abraham G. R. Hale. [Reprinted from the Register for July, 1897, pp. 294-297.] (3891 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIECY. Genealogical nomenclature. By B. Pickman Mann. Leaflet. [Reprinted from the Register for July, 1897.] (3892 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 543 NEW-ENGLAND PIisxoRic GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Jacob and Hannah (Lawrence) Scheiffelin, of New York. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register, October, 1897. (3893 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Jacob Kuhn and his descend ants. By George Kuhn Clarke. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Register, October, 1897. (3894 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Langley, of Newport, R. I. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 168-169. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1897. (3895 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. A local scandal [Grotou, 1666], By Hon. Samuel A. Green, LL. D. Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1897. (3895a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of William Putnam Kuhn. By George Kuhn Clarke. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1897. (3896 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the Manning family of Co. Kent, England. With additional notes on the Waters, Proctor and Whitfield families. Chart. By Henry F. Waters, A. M. Boston, 1897. Printed for private distribution. 8vo, pp. 35. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1897. (3896a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Pedigree of Manning and allied families. By Henry F. Waters, A. M. [Boston, 1897.] 8vo, broadside. Reprinted from the Register, 1897, Vol. LI. (3897 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Richard Williams, of Taunton, and his connection with the Cromwell family. [Edited by Josiah H. Drummond. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1897.] 8vo, pp. 4. (3898 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Snow genealogy. By Mrs. Charles L. Alden. Svo, pp. 18. Reprinted, with additions, from the Register for 1893, 1894, 1895, and 1897. (3898a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Jefferson and James Thompson Callender, 1798-1802. Edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. 8vo, pp. 45. Reprinted from the Register, 1896-7. (3899 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Tufts genealogy. Earlier gen erations. By Larkin T. Tufts and Edward C. Booth. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register, July, 1897. (39OO NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Wills of William Deane and William Cogan. Communicated by William Dean. [Boston, 1897.] 8vo, pp. 4. Caption title. Reprinted from the Netv-England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1897. (39O1 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Additions to positive pedi grees and authorized arms of New England, printed in the Register for July, 1891. By William S. Appleton. Boston, 1898. Broadside. [Register reprint.] (39OS 544 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Albert Boyd Otis. By Joseph Williamson. [Boston, 1898.] 8vo, pp. 4. Front, (port.). Caption title. Reprinted from JV ew -England Historical and Genealogical Register for Janu ary, 1898. (39O3 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ancestry of Phebe Pierce, of Woburn. By William R. Cutter and Arthur G. Loring. Reprinted from the Register, January, 1898, pp. 52-53. (39O4 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Bells in New England. By John James Raven. 8vo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Register, January, 1898. (3905 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of John Gardner White. By Francis Beach White. 1898. 8vo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1898. (3906 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Rev. Luther Farnham, A. M. By John W T ard Dean. Portrait. . 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1898. (3906a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Brief memoirs and notices of Prince s subscribers. [Alexander Middleton.] Compiled by Emma F. Ware. Reprinted from the Register, January, 1898, pp. 13-14. (3907 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Col. John Gorham s " Wast Book. ? Facsimiles. With notes by Frank W T illiam Sprague. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. IT). Reprinted from the Register. (3908 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Deed of Daniel Collins to James Bird. 1696. Communicated by John T. Hassam. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1898, pp. 167-168. (3909 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Hopestill Fos ter, of Dorchester, Mass., son of Richard Foster, of Biddenton, Co. Kent, and his wife, Patience Biggs (Widow Foster), the immigrant in 1635. By William H. Whitmore. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted [with additions] from the Register for April, 1898. (3910 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Fenno family. By Allen H. Bent. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1898. (3911 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Four generations of the Waldo family in America. By Waldo Lincoln. Boston, 1898. 8vo. pp. 21. [Reprinted from the Register. J (3912 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Henry Andrews, of Taunton, and the Calves Pasture. By Almon D. Hodges, Jr. Boston, 1898. [Reprinted from the Register for January, 1898, pp. 16-23.] (3913 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Index to testators in Waters ^ Genealogical gleanings in England, in the New-England Historical and Gen ealogical Register. Vols. XXXVII-LIT. By William S. Appleton. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register t October, 1898. (3914 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 545 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John White, of Watertown and Brook line, and some of his descendants. By Thomas J. Lothrop. Bos ton, 1898. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1898. (3915 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the New- England Historic Genealogical Society, April 1, 1898. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 34. (3916 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Mowry family monument, near Woonsocket, K. I. Erected by Hon. Arlon Mowry. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 14. Plates and portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1898, with additions. (391a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Philip Gereardy, of New Am sterdam, landlord of the city tavern, and his Rhode Island descendants. By Charles Knowles Bolton. [Boston? 1898?] 8vo, pp. 6. Caption title. Reprinted from the yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1898. (3917 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Rev. Morgan Jones and the Welsh Indians of Virginia. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 11. [Reprinted from the Register.] (3918 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rolls of membership of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, corrected to July 1, 1898, by George Kuhn Clarke. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 39. (3919 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Was Anna West a daughter of Robert Saunderson? By John E. Alden. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 2. [Reprinted from the Registci .] (392O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Was John Kettell an early settler of Stow? By George F. Clarke. Boston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 2. [Reprinted from the Register.] (3921 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY.. Adams Pedigree. By James Atkins Noyes, Ph. B., A. B. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 7. Plate. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1899. (3921 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Axtell Family in America. First Five Generations. By S. J. Axtell. 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1899. (3U21& NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Barker Pedigree. By James Atkins Noyes, Ph. B., A. B. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1899. (3921c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Blynman Party. By Wni. Farrand Felch. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1899. (3922 N EW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Captain Edmond Blood, of Albany, N. Y. By J. Paul Ry lands. [Boston, 1899.] 8vo, pp. 3. Caption title. Notes to the above article by Walter k. Watkins, esq., of Chelsea, Mass., p. 3. Reprinted from the \ew-England Historical and. Genealogical Register for July, 1899. (3923 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 35 546 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Fuller, of Ipswich, Mass., 1634. By Edward F. Everett. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1890. (3921 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The First Wife of Governor Willys of Connecticut, and her family. By a descendant. 8vo, pp. 8. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, ISO!). (3924r/ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Review of] Genealogy of the Samborne or Sanborn Family. Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1800. (39246 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Hoar Family in America and its English Ancestry. A compilation from Collections made by the Hon. George Frisbie Hoar. By Henry Stedman Nourse. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 0(1, [1]. Reprinted from the Register for January. April, and July, 1809. (3924t NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, t. Jameson. Slip. Reprinted from the Registtr for October. 1809. ( 3924 / NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Dr. John F. Pratt. By Charles Edward Banks, M. I). 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1890. i 3924r NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Gorham and Martha < <>bl> their Ancestors and their Descendants. Communicated by Frank William Sprague. Broadside. Reprinted from the ItcfjMcr for April, 1S09. (3924/ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Letters of Jonathan Boucher to George Washington. Collected and edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899. 8vo, pp. 53. One hundred copies. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register, 1898. (3924?/ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. March Genealogy Earlier Gen erations. By Ellen Gates March. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1809. (3924/< NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Capt. William Traske, of Salem. Mass., K>28-HHj<;. By William Blake Trask. Boston. 1899. 8vo, pp. IS. Reprinted from the Register for January. 1899. (392~> NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New England Ancestry of Lyman J. Gage, Secretary of the Treasury in President McKinley s Cabinet. By Arthur E. Gage. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1899. i 392.V/ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes concerning Roger Wil liams. By Almon D. Hodges, jr. Boston. 1899. 8vo, pp. 0. Reprinted from the Register for January. 1899. (392 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Noyes pedigree. By James Atkins Noyes. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1809. (3927 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 547 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Records Relating to the God- dard and Frost Families. Communicated by Austin Holden, M. D. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1809. (3927 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Simon and Joan (Clarke) Stone, of Watertown, Mass., and three generations of their descendants. By David II. Brown. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1899. (3928 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Sowams. the Home of Mas- sasoit : Where was it? By Virginia Baker. Boston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1899. (3928a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. American doctorates at Gottin- gen. By James Davie Butler. Broadside. Reprinted from the Rei?ister for October, 1900. 392S& NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Leonard Hoar. By Frank P. Wheeler. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register for April, 19OO. (3929 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Descendants of Nahum Parker, of Kittery, Maine. Communicated by William R. Cutter and- Arthur G. Lor ing. 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1900. (3929a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Capt. Asa Foster, of Andover. Mass., concerning operations of the British army in the French and Indian War, 1758. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1900. (393O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Dorchester Christian names. By William B. Trask. 8vo, pp. [1]. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1900. (3931 NKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. [Mrs. Elvira Arinenius (Wright) Williams.] Broadside. Reprinted from the Register for January. 1900. (3931 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical gleanings con tributory to a history of the family of Penn. By J. Henry Lea. Boston, 1890-1900. 8vo, pp. xvii-xxxvii ; iii-xv ; xxxiv-xlvi. Reprinted from the Register, July, 1900. (3932 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. George Rogers Howell. By William Herrick Griffith. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1900. (3933 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Gorham family in Rhode Island. Notes on the Providence line, by Georgiana Guild. Bristol branch, by Henry S. Gorham. Boston, 1900. 8vo. pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1900. (3934 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Hunnewell. By James Froth- ingham Hunnewell. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Register, April, 1900. (3935 548 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW -ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Gallop, of Taunton, Mass. By Almon D. Hodges, jr. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register, Vol. 54, pp. 89-91. (3936 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lewis Allen, of Watertown Farms (Weston), Mass., 1665, and bis descendants, including the Walpole and Lancaster Aliens. By Allen H. Bent. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 33. (The first three generations of this genealogy are reprinted from the Register for October, 1900.) (3937 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Amos Perry. Obituary sketch by C. S. Brigham. Proceedings of memorial meeting October 3, 1899. Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1900. 8vo., pp. 16. Port. Reprinted from the Xew-England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1900. (3938 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Richard Bliuman, of Marshfleld, Gloucester, and New London. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Bos ton, 1900. 8vo, pp. 3. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1900. (3939 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Richard Skinner, of Marble- head, and his Bible. Some materials for a Skinner genealogy. By Eliza beth Ellery Dana. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1900. (3940 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Stockbridge Indians dur ing the American Revolution. By Isaac J. Greenwood. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 2. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1900. (3941 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Traske family in England. By William Blake Trask. Boston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1900. (3941^ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ancestry of Capt. Timothy Prout, of Boston, Mass. By J. Henry Lea. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 14. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1901. (3942 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Andrew Cunningham, of Boston. and some of his descendants. A brief genealogy by Henry Winchester (Am- ningliaiii. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Register, Vol. LV. (3943 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The children of Robert White of Messing, Co. Essex, England, who settled in Hartford and Windsor. [By Charles A. White.] Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1901. (3943</ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical gleanings in England, by Henry F. Waters. Boston, New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1901. 8vo. 2 vols. Front., pi., port., facsim., tab. (3944 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Hope Rogers a*nd his descend ants. Compiled by James S. Rogers. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1901. (39444 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 549 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Interpretation of Woodward s and Saffery s map of 1642, or the earliest Bay Path. By Levi Badger Chase. Boston, 1901. 4to, pp. 9. Map. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1901. (3945 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Whitehead, of New Haven and Branford, Conn. By James Shepard. Boston. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1901. (394 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Charles Frederic Farlow. Boston, 1901. 4to, pp. 5. 111. [Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society.] (3947 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Edward Elbridge Salisbury. By Mary Perkins Quincy. Boston, 1901. 4to, pp. 9. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1901. (3947,/ NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. Edward Griffin Porter, A. M., president of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society. By Myron Samuel Dudley. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. Front, (port.) Reprinted from New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, January, 1901. "The published works of the Reverend Edward Griffin I orter : " pp. 14-16. ( 394S NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Rev. Henry Allen Hazen. By Ezra Hoyt Byington. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 12. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1901. (3949 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Mowry family monument near Woonsocket, R. I. Erected by Hon. Arlon Mowry. By William Augustus Mowry. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. Front., pi., port. [With his Supplement to the Descendants of Nathaniel Mowry of Rhode Island. Boston, 1900. | Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register foV April, 1898, with additions. (395O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes from Rev. Samuel Cooper s interleaved almanacs, of 1764 and 1709. Edited by Frederick Tuekerman. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1901. (3951 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Richard Warren of the May flower and some of his descendants. By Mrs. Washington A. Roebling of Trenton, N. J. Boston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 39. Reprinted from the Register Vol. 55, with additions. (3952 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Charlestown Mill Pond. By Ira C. Hersey. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1902. (3953 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Churches and Pastors of Nan- tucket, Mass., from the first settlement to the present time. Uf>9rl902. By Rev. Myron Samuel Dudley. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 21. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1902, with additions. (3954 /)/)0 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Fitch Genealogy. A record of six generations of the descendants cf Pea. Zachary Fitch of Reading, Mass. By Ezra S. Stearns. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Register, Vols. 55 and 56. (3954a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Gorhams of Hardwick, Mass. By Henry S. Gorharn. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 8. Facsimile. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1902. (3955 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Ezra Hoyt Bying- ton. By George Moulton Adams. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 10. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1902. (3955a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Moses Kimball. By Charles A. Cummings. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 10. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1902. (3955b NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of John Ward Dean, A. M. By Deloraine Pendre Corey. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 17. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1902. (3955c NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New Haven and Walling- ford (Conn.) Johnsons. By James Shepard, New Britain, Conn. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 11. Reprinted for the author from the Xew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1902. (3956 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Samuel Blakesley, of New Haven, Conn., and his descendants. By James Shepard. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1902. (3957 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Michael Bacon and his de scendants. By Leon Brooks Bacon, of New York City. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. i:i. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1902. (3957n NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New Haven (Conn.) Pot ters, 1689. By James Shepard. Boston. 1902. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for January, 1900. (3958 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Professor Park, of Andover. By George Rohert White Scott. Boston. 8vo, pp. 10. Portraits. Reprinted from yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for Janu ary, 1902. (3959 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Records of the First Church of Rookingham, Vermont, from its organization. October 27, 1773, to Sep tember 25, 1839. Copied by Thomas Bellows Peck, with an historical in troduction. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. xi. GO. Reprinted from the Register, vols. 54-56. 1900-1902. (3960 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Sherborn and Gardner, Mass., Brecks, descendants of John Breck and his son Thomas, of Sherborn, 1656, with notes upon the name in Great Britain. By Allen H. Bent Bos ton, 1902. 8vo, pp. 16. Reprinted from the Reyister for October, 1902, with additions. (3960a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 551 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some Jefferson correspond ence, 1775-1787. Edited by Worthington Cluuinoey Ford. Boston, 1902. Svo, pp. 17. Reprinted from yew-England Historical and Genealogical Regitser, 1901-1902. Letters from Francis Ilopkinson, James Currie, John Page, William Flem ing, and others to Thomas Jefferson. (3961 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Boston " banks," 1681-1740. Those who were interested in them. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Bos ton. 1903. Svo, pp. 10. Reprinted from yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1903. (3962 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. By-laws of the New-England Historic Genealogical Society with the act of incorporation and the addi tional acts. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. 14. (3962,7 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Eltweed Pomeroy, of Dor chester, Mass., and Windsor, Conn., and four generations of his descend ants. Boston, 1903. Svo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the yew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1903. (3963 NKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Ezekiel Cheever. The Cheever MSS. and letters. By John T. Hassam. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from y cw-England Historical and Genealogical Register for Janu ary, 1903. " Written to prove the unauthenticity of the Cheever MSS. in the Boston Athenaeum." (396-i NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Gorham family in Con necticut and Vermont. By Frank William Sprague. Boston, 1903. Svo, pp. 6. Reprinted from yeir -England Historical and Genealogical Register for July, 1903. (3965 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Greene Family, of Ply mouth Colony. By Richard Henry Greene. Boston, 1903. Svo, pp. 11. Reprinted from the Register for January. 1903, with additions. (3965,z NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Lawful money, 1778 and 1779. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Boston, 190.,. Svo, pp. 7. Reprinted from yeic-England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1903. (3966 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Joseph Williamson. By William Cross Williamson. Boston, 1903. Svo, pp. 9. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for October. 1903. (3966-r NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Membership, 1903. Boston, 1903. Svo. pp. 39. (3966b XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. New Hampshire notes, 1735. Those who agreed not to receive them. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Boston, 1903. Svo, pp. r>. Reprinted from Regisler for October, 1903. (3967 552 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Richardsons, of West Mill, Herts. England, and Woburn, in New England. By Walter Kendall Wat- kins. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. 6. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1903. (3967 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Samuel Walker, of Woburn, Mass., and some of his descendants. By Arthur G. Loring and William R. Cutter. Boston. 1903. 8vo, pp. 0. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1903. (3968 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Abstracts of wills in the Pre rogative court of Canterbury, at Somerset house, London, England. Reg ister Soame, 1620. Edited by J. Henry Lea. Boston, Mass., New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1904. Svo, pp. xi, 1 1., 607. (39G9 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Brooks Family, of Wo burn, Mass. By William R. Cutter and Arthur G. Loring. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Register for January & April, 1904. (3969a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Capt. William Trask and some of his descendants. By William Blake Trask. assisted by M. B. Fairbanks. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 33. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register, vols. 55, 56, and 57, with exception of a " Note " by Miss Fairbanks. (397O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Christ Church Bells, Boston, Mass. By Arthur H. Nichols. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 11. 111. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1904. (3970a NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The descendants of John Rus sell, of Dartmouth, Mass. By Barrett Beard Russell. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Register, vols. 57 nnd 58. (3971 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Four Boston Families. Hoi- brook, Yendell, Vail, Whitman. By Victor Chaiining Sanborn. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 7. Illus. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1904. (3971f NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of Newing- ton, New Hampshire. By Myron Samuel Dudley. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1904. (3972 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Jabez Gorham, of Plymouth, Mass., and his descendants. By Frank W. Sprague. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogieal Register, Jan uary, 1905. (3973 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Joseph May. By Almon Danforth Hodges, jr. Boston, 1904. Svo, pp. 7. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1904. (3973? NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Hill, of Dorchester, Mass., and his descendants. By J. Gardner Bartlett. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1904. (3974 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Hill, of Dorchester, Mass., and five generations of his descendants. Also ancestral lines of some fam ilies intermarried with his descendants, and Colonial and Revolutionary NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 553 records pertaining to them. Also an account of the Hill family of Pounds- ford, Somersetshire, England. Compiled and edited by J. Gardner Bart- lett. Boston: Printed for private circulation by Lew C. Hill, 1904. 8vo, pp. 97. Reprinted from the Register for April and July, 1904, with additions. (8975 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. John Tyler Hassam. By Albert Matthews. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 5. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1904. (3975u NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Egbert Coffin Smyth. By Edward Young Hincks. Boston, 1904. 4to, pp. 12. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1905. (397 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Partridge genealogy. Descend ants of John Partridge of Medfield, Mass. By George Homer Partridge. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 46. Illus. Reprinted from the Register, vol. 57, with additions. (397tta NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some descendants of Digory Sargent. By Henry Ernest Woods. Boston. New-England Historic Genea logical Society, 1904. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from ^lew-England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1904. (3977 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some descendants of Henry and John Sherburne, of Portsmouth, N. H. By Edward Raymond Sher- burne. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from the Register, vols. 58 and 59. (3978 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Some descendants of John Moore, of Sudbury, Mass. By Ethel Stanwood Bolton. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 22. Reprint from the Register, vols. 57 and 58. (3978<i NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Wilinot family, of New Haven, Conn. By Donald Lines Jacobus. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 9. Reprinted from the Register, January, 1905. (8979 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Luddington, of Mai den, Mass., and East Haven, Conn., and his descendants. By James Shep- ard. Boston, 1904. Large 8vo, pp. 13. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1904. (398O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Sumner Appleton. By William Theophilus Rogers Marvin. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 10. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1904. (398O NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Captain Edward Johnson of Woburn, Massachusetts, and some of his descendants. By Edward Francis Johnson. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 53. Reprinted from the Register, vol. 59. with additions. (398Ob NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Cotton family of Ports mouth, N. H. By Frank Etheridge Cotton. Boston. 1905. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Register for January and April. 1905. (3981 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. George Frisbie Hoar (182fi- 1904). By E. Ilarlow Russell. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1905. (3982 554 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Jeremy Adams, of Hartford, Conn., and some of his descendants. By Arthur Adams. Boston. 1905. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1905. (3983 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Marquis Fayette King. By Hon. George Sheldon. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 15. Front, (port.) Reprinted from the Register for October, 1905. Ancestry of Hon. L. M. Boltwood : pp. 4-8. (3984 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Marquis Fayette King. By Nathan Goold. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 7. Portrait. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1905. (3985 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The naming of Hull, Massa chusetts. By Albert Matthews. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. ll . Reprinted from the Register for April, 1905. (3i)8(i NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Librarian and report of the Corresponding Secretary for the year 1905. 8vo, pp. 14. (3986 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Research in England. An es say to aid the student. By J. Henry Lea. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 37. Reprinted from the Register, vols. 58 and 59. (3987 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Carlton Albert Staples. By Charles Jason Staples. Boston. 1905. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1905. (3988 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Richard Clarke of Rowley, Massachusetts, and his descendants in the line of Timothy Clark of Rock- ingham, Vt., 1038-1904. With an account of the family reunion held in Rochester, Vermont, August 30, 1904. By Thomas Bellows Peck. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 93. Portraits. Illus. Reprinted from the Register for July, 1904, with additions. <3988i NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The South Meeting-House, Boston. (IGi 59-1 729.) By Mary Farwell Ayer. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 0. Illustrations. Section of a map of Boston, 1728, showing the South Meeting-House. Reprinted from the Register for July. 1905. (3989 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Cleaves Todd. By Samuel Collins Beane. n. p. ; n. d. 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1905. (3990 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Consolidated index to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vols. 1-50. Part i of Vol. I containing an index of persons, Aacige to Bigland. (Other parts to follow bimonthly.) (October, 1905.) 8vo, pp. 96. See No. 401 7a. (3991 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of the towns of Massachusetts. Edited by Henry Ernest Woods. Published by the Society at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund. Boston, 1902-1905. The vital records of some other Massachusetts towns not included in this series are issued, uniform in edition, style, and hinding with these, by Franklin Pierce Rice, in the " Systematic history fund " series, published by him at Worcester and also by the Essex Institute at Salem, Mass. (3992 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. XKW-EXGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Alford, Mas sachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, 11)02. 8vo, pp. *- . (3993 XKW-ENGLAND HISTOBIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Arlington, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1904. Svo, pp. 102. An alphabetic- index to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions and other sources. (3994 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Becket, Massa chusetts, to the year 1350. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 11)03. 8vo, pp. 08. (3995 .NK\V-ENGLAN HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Bedford, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903. 8vo, pp. 142. (399 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Bellinghmn. Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1904. 8vo, pp. 222. An alphabetical index to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions, and other sources. (3997 XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Chilmark, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1904. Svo, pp. 06. An alphabetical index to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions, and other sources. (3998 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Edgartown. Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1908. 8vo, pp. 270. Alphabetical indexes to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions, and other sources. (3999 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Gill, Massa chusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1904. Svo, pp. 07. < looo XKW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Great Barring- ton, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1904. Svo, pp. 80. (-1001 FEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Hinsdale, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, 11)02. 8vo, pp. 08. (4002 556 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Lee, Massa chusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903. 8vo, pp. 239. (4003 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Medfield, Mas sachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England His toric Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903. 8vo, pp. 243. ( 4004 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Medway, Mas sachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England His toric Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1905. 8vo, pp. 345. (4O05 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Montgomery, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. GO. (4OO NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of New Brain- tree. Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-Eng land Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 19<>4. 8vo, pp. 163. (4OO7 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Newton, Massa chusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the Society, 1905. 8vo, pp. 521. (4OO8 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Norton, Massa chusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 100<{. 8vo, pp. 405. Alphabetical indexes to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions, and other sources. (4009 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Palmer, Massa chusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 242. (4O10 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Pelham, Mas sachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 177. (4O11 NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Peru, Massa chusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 112. (4012 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Sudbury, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903. 8vo, pp. 332. (4013 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Tyringhain. Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Geneological Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1903. 8vo, pp. 108. (4014 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Walpole, Mas sachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 210. (4015 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Waltham, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 557 Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 3004. 8vo, pp. 298. An alphabetic index to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions, and other sources. (401 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Washington, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston, published by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, at the charge of the Eddy town-record fund, 1904. 8vo, pp. 57. (4017 NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEOLOGICAL COCIETY. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Index of persons. Volumes 1-50. A-G. Boston, 1906. 8vo. pp. xi, 493. In five parts, issued separately, I October] 1905-1906. (4O17a NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston. NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Nos. 1, 2. Bos ton, 1859, 1861. 8vo, 2 vols. CONTENTS. No. 1. Introduction of Methodism into Boston. A discourse at the forma tion of the Society, February 28, 1859. By S. W. Coggeshall. 1859, pp. 53. No. 2. History of the North Russell Street Methodist Episcopal Church and Sabbath school ; with a brief account of St. John s Church at the Odeon. Edited by D. S. King. 1861. 8vo, pp. 99. (4O18 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bo8ton, Mass. (A different society from the foref/ouiy.) NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the first annual meeting, January 17, 1881. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 24. (4018u NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the second an nual meeting, January 16, 1882. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. 32. (4019 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the third an nual meeting, January 15, 1883. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. 31. (4020 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the fourth an nual meeting, January 21, 1884. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 32. Contains annual address of Rev. Daniel Dorchester on " Methodism in New England; the struggle of its introduction and its growth." (4O21 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at the fifth annual meeting, January 19, 1885. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 36. Contains reports of officers and the annual address by W. R. Clark, " Three reasons why we should recount the history of Methodism." (4O22 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the sixth an nual meeting, January 18, 1886. Boston, 1886. 8vo, pp. 33. Contains address of Stephen L. Baldwin on " Lessons from a century <;f Methodist history." (4O23 558 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the seventh annual meeting. January 17, 1887. Boston, 1888. Svo, pp. 46. Contains address of Marcus L). Buell on " Pastoral leadership." (4O24 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the eighth an nual meeting, January 10, 1888. Boston. 1888. 8vo, pp. 30. Pages 5-18 contain annual address by Rev. George 8. Chadbourne, 1). D., " The uses and benefits of a Methodist historical society." (4O25 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the ninth an nual meeting, January 21. 1889. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 22, (1). (4026 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the eleventh annual meeting. January 19. 1891. Boston, 1891. Svo, pp. 28. Pages 5-10 contain annual address by Rev. Charles S. Rogers, D. I)., " The obligation of the Methodism of today to the Methodism of yesterday, with special reference to New England." Proceedings at the tenth and twelfth annual meetings have never been printed. [Note from W. S. Allen to Massachusetts Historical Society, July, 1893.] (4027 NEW ENGLAND METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the thirteenth annual meeting, January 10, 189. i. Boston, 1893. Svo, pp. 35. Contains : The New England Annual Conference versus slavery and caste, by Charles W. Wilder. (4O28 NEW EXGLAM) NUMISMATIC AM) ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Boxton, NEW ENGLAND NUMISMATIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The early coins of America, and the laws governing their issue. Comprising also descriptions of the Washington pieces, the Anglo-American tokens, many pieces of un known origin of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the first patterns of the United States mint. By Sylvester S. Crosby. Boston, 1875. Svo, pp. v, (0), v. 11-38. Plates. This work was published in parts, the earlier numbers being issued by the New England Numismatic and Archa?ological Society. (4029 NORTH BROOKFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nortli Brookfichl. J/.v.s. NORTH BROOKFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of North Brookfield, Mass. Preceded by an account of Old Quabaug. Indian and English occupation, 1647-1070 ; Brookfield records, 1080-1783. By J. II. Temple. With a genea logical register. North Brookfield, 1887. 8vo, pp. 824. Illustrations. Portraits. Published under the auspices of the Society. (4O30 OLD BRIDGEWATER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OLD BRIDGEWATER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution of the Old Bridgewater Historical Society of Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, and Brockton. Organized April 19, 1894. Taunton, 1898. 24mo, pp. 11. (4O31 OLD BRIDGEWATER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Old Bridgewater, Mass., a classic town, whose early learned ministers were moulders of New England character. An address delivered by George A. Jackson before the Society June 25, 1904. Published by Edward Alden. 1905. 8vo, pp. [10]. (4032 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 559 OLD coz/ovr HISTORICAL SOCIETY. I ll HIltOH, MUSS. OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Papers read before the Society. Nos. 1-4. ITauiiton. 1879-1881).] 8vo, Nos. 4. CONTENTS. No. 1. Papers read during 1878; Prefatory notes; Officers of the society; Historical sketch of the Society, by Rev. S. II. Emery ; Biographical sketch of Samuel White, by Arthur M. Alger ; The Pilgrims and Puritans, or Plymouth and the Massachusetts Bay, by Rev. Increase N. Tarbox, I). I). ; The value of a historical society, by Thomas ( . Sproat ; Members. 1879. pp. 70. (4O33 No. 2. Papers read April 7, 1870, and January 12, 1880 ; The Province of Massachusetts Bay in the seventeenth century, with a sketch of Capt. Thomas Coram, founder of the Foundling Hospital in London, by Charles A. Reed ; Was Elizabeth Pool the first purchaser of the territory and foundress of Taunton? by Henry Williams (with documentary appendix). 1880. pp. 113. (4O33i No. 3. Officers ; Constitution ; Minutes of proceedings ; Mortimer Blake ; Obit uary paper of the historiographer ; Taunton north purchase, by Mortimer Blake ; Historical sketch of Taunton, England, by Charles F. Brigham ; Algonquin, or Indian terms as applied to places and things, by Dr. P. W. Leland ; Description of the MS. dictionary of the Bible in the Indian language in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society, by C. II. Brigham ; The origirul owners and early settlers of Freetown and Assonet, by Ebenezer W. Peirce ; Ancient iron works in Taunton, by J. W. D. Hall. 1885. pp. 162. Portraits. (4O3.3b No. 4. Early voyages to America, by James Phiuney Baxter, and other his torical papers read before the Society ; Reminiscences of the ancient iron works and Leonard mansions of Taunton, by Elisha Clarke Leonard ; Indian massa cres in Taunton, by Ebenezer W. Peirce : Reminiscences of Shays insurrection, by J. W. D. Hall ; King Philip s gift to James Leonard, a paper by Elisha Clarke Leonard ; Dighton writing rock, by J. W. D. Hall ; Obituary record. 1880. pp. 10.">. Portraits. (4O33c OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. No. 5. Article on corporations, by Prof. John Ordronaux. LL. D., of New York City, and other interesting papers read before the Society. Published by Old Colony Historical Society. Taunton, 1895. 8vo, pp. (4), 177. Portraits. Contents : On corporations as leading factors in the progress of civilization, by John Ordronaux ; Characteristics of the Pilgrims of the Old Colony, by Na thaniel Morton ; The Continental Congress in Rehoboth, by A. C. Goodell, jr. ; Historical sketch of Middleborough and Taunton precinct, by J. F. Montgomery ; Cohannet alewives and the ancient gristmill at the Falls on Mill River, by J. M. Cushman ; Report of committee on Dighton rock ; Report upon the Baylies papers, by C. A. Reed ; Necrology ; Taunton Green one hundred years ago, by J. W. D. Hall ; Members. (4O34 OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. No. 0. Taunton, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. (3), 176. Portraits. Contents : A memoir of Leonice Marston Sampson Moulton, by John Ordro naux ; Williams memorial meeting and reception of the descendants of Richard Williams and his wife, Francis Dighton Williams, at Historical Hall, October 30th, 1806 : Address by Samuel Hopkins Emery, by John P. Forbes, by Josiah II. Drummond ; The memorial tablet on Taunton Green from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, dedicated Oct. 15th, 1807, by the Old Colony Historical So ciety and Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution of Taunton ; The early Hathaways of Taunton, by Mary E. N. Hathaway ; Some of the descendents of James Burt, of Taunton, 1622-1680, collected by Dora Hurt Tetlow and arranged by Franklin Pratt ; Necrology ; Membership ; Index to the necrology. (4035 3LD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. | Proceedings of the quarterly meetings, July 20, 1891-January 10, 1894. Taunton. 1891-1894. | No title-page. Issued in leaflets of four pages. The Proceedings of July and October, 1800, and January, 1801, were published as extras of the Taunton Daily Gazette. (4O3G 560 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address of S. Hopkins Emery, vice-president, with account of proceedings of the annual meeting, January, 1886. Bristol County Republican, extra, January 22, 188G. Two cols., fol. (4O37 OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Proceedings, April 4, July 11, 1887.] Taunton Daily Gazette, extra. Two broadsides. (4O38 OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early voyages to America. By James Phin- ney Baxter, A. M. Read before the Society. Taunton, 1889. 8vo, pp. 49. Private edition from Collections, No. 4. (4O39 OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Celebration of the semi-centennial anniver sary of the founding of the Old Colony Historical Society of Massachusetts. Commemorative oration, delivered at Taunton, Massachusetts, May 4, 1903. By John Ordronaux. Published by the Old Colony Historical Society. Taunton, Massachusetts, 1903. 8vo, pp. 44. (4040 OLD COLONY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gov. Marcus Morton. An address delivered at the annual meeting of the Society on Jan. 13, 1905, by N. W. Littlefield. Taunton, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 26. (4041 OLD DARTMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Xcw Bedford, Mass. OLD DARTiMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches. Nos. 1-10. 1903, 1904, 1905. 8vo. CONTENTS. No. 1. Being the proceedings of the First General meeting of the Society, New Bedford, on June 30, 1903, and containing the following papers: [a] "Gosnold and his colony at Cuttyhunk," by Annie Russell Wall, [b] "The modern settlement of Cuttyhunk," by Elizabeth Watson, [c] "The Gosnold memorial shaft and something of the geology of Cuttyhunk," by Walton Ricket- son. pp. 11. No. 2. Being the proceedings of the fall meeting of the Society, held at Pad- anaram (South Dartmouth), on September 30, 1903, and containing the follow ing papers: [a] "Dartmouth traditions," by Wm. W. Crapo. [b] "Landmarks of Russell s Mills," by Myra B. Howland. [c] "Traditions of Padanaram," by L. A. Littlefleld. [d] "The salt industry of Padanaram," by Ellis L. Howland. pp. 16. (4042 No. 3. Being the proceedings of the winter meeting of the Society, * * * New Bedford, Mass., on December 29, 1903, and containing the following papers : [a] " Peleg Slocum of Dartmouth and his wife Mary Holder," by William A. Wing, [b] " Ten ancient homes," by Henry B. Worth, [c] " The King Philip war in Dartmouth," by Thomas R. Rodman, pp. 15. (4043 No. 4. The Gosnold Memorial. Being a full account of the proceedings at the dedication of the Gosnold Memorial at Cuttyhunk, Tuesday, September 1st, 1903. pp. 16. (4044 No. 5. Being the proceeedings of the annual meeting of the Society * * *, New Bedford, Mass., on March 31, 1904, and containing the following reports: Report of the directors, by Ellis L. Howland ; Report of the treasurer, by Lloyd S. Swain ; Report of the museum section, by Annie Seabury Wood ; Report of the historical research section, by Henry B. Worth ; Report of the educational section, by William E. Sargent ; Report of the publication section, by Ellis L. Howland ; Miscellaneous business ; By-laws of the Society, pp. 12. (4045 No. 6. Being the proceedings of the summer meeting of the Society * * *, Fairhaven, on June 29, 1904, and containing the following papers : Fifty years on the Fairhaven School Board, by Job C. Tripp ; The town of Fairhaven in four wars, by George H. Tripp. pp. 15. (4O4G No. 7. Being the proceedings of the September meeting of the Society * * *, at Acushnet, September 24, 1904, and containing the following papers : Past OLD PLANTERS SOCIETY. 561 industries of upper Acushnet river, by Mrs. Daniel T. Devoll. Old Acushnet, by Mrs. Clement N. Swift. Resolutions on the death of Hon. Charles S. Randall, pp. 16. (4047 No. 8. Being the proceedings of the December meeting of the Society, * * * December 15, 1904, and containing the following papers: Benjamin Crane and Old Dartmouth surveys, by Alexander McL. Goodspeed. Friends here and here away [Rowlands], by Mrs. Mary Jane Ilowland Taber. pp. 25. (4O48 No. 9. Being the proceedings of the Second Annual meeting of the Old Dart mouth Historical Society, New Bedford, on March 17, 1905, and containing the following reports : Report of the directors Elizabeth Watson ; Report of the treasurer Lloyd S. Swain ; Report of the Museum section Annie Seabury Wood ; Report of the Historical Research section Henry B. Worth ; Report of the Publication section Elizabeth Watson, pp. 10. f4O4 No. 10. Being the proceedings of the meeting of the Society, Smith Mills, July 1, 1905, and containing the following papers and also an account of the Pilgrimage of the Old South Historical Society to Old Dartmouth. Historical associations in North Dartmouth, by Edward T. Tucker ; Historical glimpses of Dartmouth schools, by Job S. Oidley. pp. 20. (4O5O No. 11. Being the proceedings of the fall meeting of the Society * * * South Dartmouth. September 14, 1905, and also an account of the dedication of the Fearing Memorial, Fairhaven. A day in Dartmouth, England, by A. II. Swift, pp. 13. (4O51 No. 12. Being the proceedings of the winter meeting * * * December 8, 1905, and containing the following paper: Friends here and hereaway [How- lands], by Mary Jane Ilowland Taber. pp. 17. (4O52 OLD DARTMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Benjamin Crane and Old Dartmouth sur veys. A paper read before the Society Dec. 15, 1904, by Alexander McL. Goodspeed. New Bedford, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 73. Illustrated. (4O5.T OLD FOLKS AfWOCIATIOX, OF CHARLEMONT, MA8N. OLD FOLKS ASSOCIATION OF CHARLEMONT, MASS. Sketch of the origin and growth of the Association. Compiled by a committee consisting of K. W. Field, Kate T. Clark, and E. C. Hawks. Greenfield, Mass., 1883. 8vo, pp. 65. (4:;54 OLD PLA \TERN SOCIETY. OLD PLANTERS SOCIETY. The alliance between Pilgrim and Puritan in Massa chusetts. An address delivered before the Old Planters Society, by Thomas Wentworth Iligginson, June 9th, 1900. To which is added an account of the formation of the Society, a statement of its objects, the constitution and by-laws, list of officers and members. Salem, Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. 23. (4::55 OLD PLANTERS SOCIETY. New England. An address delivered before the society at Salem, Mass., April 7, 1903. By James Phinney Baxter, n. p. [1903]. Large 8vo, pp. 22. The subject with which this address specially deals is the government of her American colonies by England. (4O5O H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 36 562 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Lowell, Mass. OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contributions. Vol. i. Lowell, 1873-1879. 8vo, pp. xii, 413. Contents : President s address, May 3, 1869 ; Three letters of Samuel Batch- elder ; The first census of Lowell ; The Hamilton Manufacturing Company ; First manufacture of the power loom drilling ; Reminiscenses of John Waugh, by Theo dore Edson ; School district No. 5 and my connection with it, by Joshua Merrill ; Biography of Benjamin Green, by Rev. Lewis Green ; Carpet-weaving and the Lowell Manufacturing Company, by Samuel Fay ; Reminiscences of Joel Lewis, by Joshua Merrill ; Life and character of Hon. Joseph Locke, by J. A. Knowles ; Autobiography of Daniel Knapp<; Francis Cabot Lowell, by Alfred Gilman ; Kirk Boott, by Theodore Edson ; William Livingston, by Josiah B. French ; General Jackson in Lowell, by Z. E. Stone ; The mayors of Lowell ; Patrick T. Jackson, by J. A. Lowell ; Lowell and Newburyport, by T. B. Lawson ; Lowell and Harvard College, by John O. Green; History of an old firm [G. II. Carleton], -by Charles Hovey ; Moses Hale, an early manufacturer of wool, etc., in East Chelmsford, by Alfred Gilman ; A fragment written in 1843, by T. Edson ; Early recollections of an old resident, by J. B. French ; Memoir of S. L. Dana, by J. O. Green ; The fam ilies living in East Chelmsford, or Chelmsford Neck, in 1802, by Z. E. Stone ; Three letters of Samuel Lawrence : on John Brown, Milton D. Whipple, on the purchase of the outlets of the New Hampshire lakes, the main sources of the Merrimack, in 1845 ; Lowell and the Monadnocks, by Ephraim Brown ; Early history of textile fabrics, by T. B. Lawson ; Early navigation of the Merrimack, by A. C. Yarnum ; The Willard family, and Memoir of Augusta Willard Dana, by H. Wood ; Remi niscences and recollections of Lowell since 1831, by George Hedrick ; Past, pres ent, and future of Lowell, by Charles Hovey ; The semicentennial history of the Lowell institution for savings, by G. J. Carney. (4057 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contributions. Vol. n. Lowell, 1883. 8vo, pp. (2), 461. Portrait. Contents : Sketch of the life of Kirk Boott, by Alfred Gilman ; Reminiscences of the Lowell High School, by James S. Russell ; Capt. G. V. Fox in the war of the rebellion, by Alfred Gilman ; Cruise of the monitor Lehigh, by Charles Cow- ley ; Sketch of the life of Edward St. Loe Livermore, by C. L. Abbott; The Wyman farm and its owners, by Charles Hovey ; Biography of John Dummer, by James S. Russell ; Sketch of the life of John Amory Lowell ; George Thomp son in Lowell, by Z. E. Stone ; Insurance in Lowell, by J. K. Fellows ; Early trade and traders of Lowell, by Charles Hovey ; Foreign colonies of Lowell, by Charles Cowley ; Glass-making in the Merrimack basin, by Ephraim Brown; The Melvin suits, by John P. Robinson ; The Merrimack River, its sources, affluents, etc., by Alfred Gilman ; List of members ; John Clark, by John W. Smith ; Biographical sketch of Thomas Ordway, by James K. Fellows ; The newspaper press of Lowell, by Alfred Gilman ; The drama in Lowell, with a short sketch of the life of Perry Fuller, by II. M. Ordway ; Elisha Glidden, by John A. Knowles ; History of Central bridge, by Alfred Gilman ; Reminisce nces of the early physicians of Lowell and vicinity, by D. N. Patterson ; Members of the Massachusetts Medical Society in Lowell, from 1822 to 1883, by John O. Green. (4O58 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contributions. Vol. in. Lowell, 1884. Svo, pp. (2), 443. Contents : Sketch of the life of Benjamin Pierce, by Joshua Merrill ; Organ ized charities of Lowell, by Charles Hovey ; Present population of Lowell, by Nathan Allen ; Resolutions adopted August 8, 1883, as a tribute of respect to the memory of Rev. Theodore Edson ; Sketch of the life of Ezra Worthen, by W. R Bagnall ; The first Burns celebration in Lowell, by H. M. Ordway ; The dedication and first ringing of the chime of bells in the tower of St. Anne s church, by Benjamin Walker : Paul Moody, by W. R. Bagnall : The president s addresses; Rev. John Eliot (Apostle to the Indians), Passaconaway, Wanna- lancet, and Capt. Samuel Mosely, by Alfred Gilman ; Reminiscences of the high OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 563 school, by C. C. Chase ; Health of Lowell, by Nathan Allen ; Consecration of St. Anne s church, March 16, 1825, by J. O. Green ; Rev. Amos Blanchard, D. D., by D. N. Patterson ; Samuel Batchelder, by W. R. Bagnall ; Autobiography of Dr. John O. Green ; Experiments in sericulture and in India rubber manufacture at Montvale, by Charles Cowley ; Great freshets in Merrimack River, by Jamea B. Francis ; The discount banks of Lowell, by Charles Hovey ; The freshet of 1831, by Alfred Gilman ; The Middlesex Canal ; History of St. Anne s church, by Charles Hovey ; Kirk Boott and his experience in the British army, by James B. Francis ; Life and works of George W. Whistler, by George L. Vose ; Memoirs of Thomas and John Nesmith, by C. C. Chase ; Sketch of John A. Knowles, by J. K. Fellows ; Address before the G. A. R., by Rev. A. St. John Chambre; Life of Homer Bartlett, by J. S. Russell; Lowell in .1826, by A. B. Wright. (4059 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contributions. Vol. iv. Lowell, 1888-1891. 8vo, pp. 415. Portrait. Contents : How Pawtucket bridge was built and owned, by James S. Russell ; Harriet Livermore, by C. C. Chase ; A local musical society of 1824, by Solon W. Stevens ; A Chelmsford girl of two hundred years ago, by Ephraim Brown ; Rev. Owen Street, D. D., a memorial discourse, by Rev. J. M. Greene ; Geo logical explorations, by Rev. Owen Street ; History of the Lowell grammar schools, by Alfred Gilman ; Kirk Boott, a letter from Dr. John O. Green to Rev. Theodore Edson ; Annual report of President C. C. Chase ; Lives of postmasters, by C. C. Chase ; Reminiscences of an ex-postmaster, by Alfred Gilman ; Life and character of Nathan Allen, by Dr. D. N. Patterson ; Autobiography of Alvan Clark, with an introductory letter by W. A. Richardson ; Reminiscences of Warren Colburn ; The American Venice, some account of the rivers, canals, and bridges of Lowell, by James Bayles ; Memento of Charles Hovey, by James S. Russell ; Memoir of Rev. Theodore Edson, by E. M. Edson ; The early schools of Chelmsford, by H. S. Perkins ; Early recollections of Lowell, by Benjamin Walker ; A memoir of Mrs. J. E. Locke, by Grace Le Baron Upham ; The Lowell cemetery, by James S. Russell ; President s report, May 7, 1890 ; Letter from W. A. Richardson ; Brief biographical notices of the prominent citizens of Lowell, 1826-1836, by C. C. Chase; Capt. John Ford, by C. C. Chase; Lowell Island, by Alfred Gilman ; Residences on Nesmith street, by J. S. Rus sell ; Vice-President s report ; Sketch of Lucy E. Penhallow, by J. S. Russell ; Memoir of Horatio Wood, by his son. (4O6O )L RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contributions. Vol. v. Lowell. 1894. 8vo. pp. (6), 302. Portrait. Contents : Memoir of Hon. J. G. Abbott, by C. Cowley ; The early settlers of that part of Chelmsford now Lowell, by Henry S. Perham ; " The early grants of land in the wildernesse north of the Merrimack," by G. A. Gordon ; My schools and teachers in Lowell sixty years ago, by V. Lincoln ; Annual report ; St. Luke s church, Lowell, by James S. Russell ; The introduction of the telegraph, the tele phone, and the daguerreotype into Lowell, by Z. E. Stone ; Benjamin Franklin Shaw, by R. H. Shaw ; Masonic events in the early days of Lowell ; Life and works of James B. Francis, by W. E. Worthen ; Annual report, 1893 ; Memoir of Dr. Gilman Kimball, by I). N. Patterson ; Rev. Theodore Edson, by Rev. Edward Cowley ; Personal reminiscences of Lowell fifty years ago, by Paul Hill ; Lowell in the navy during the war, by C. Cowley ; The Pawtucket Falls as a factor in determining so much of the northern boundary of Massachusetts as lies between the Merrimack and Connecticut rivers, by Samuel A. Green ; The Old Residents Historical Association : its origin and history for twenty-five years, by Z. E. Stone; Members, January 1, 1894; Death record, 1868-1894; [Contents] of Vois. i -vi ; Index to Vol. v. (4O61 ( LD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contributions. Vol. vi. Lowell, Mass., 1904. 8vo, pp. 490. Plates. Portraits. Contents: Annual addresses and reports by the president; Concord and Lex ington, April 19, 1775 the crisis, the dates, the bridge, the men, by Ephraim Brown ; Our local geology, by Harriette Rea ; Before the power loom the earliest cotton and woolen industries at East Chelmsford and vicinity and their promoters, by Z. E. Stone ; Public monuments of Lowell, by Charles Cow- ley ; Biographical sketch of the life of Cleveland J. Cheney, by James Francis ; 564 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Biographical sketch of the life of Benjamin Walker, by Solon W. Stevens ; The Wamesit purchase, by Henry S. Perham ; Seth Pooler, by James S. Russell ; Hapgood Wright, his life and business career, by Benjamin Walker ; Lowell s once popular newspaper, Vox Populi, 18411896, its rise, progress, and decline, with biographical sketches of those who were prominently connected with it, by Z. E. Stone; Robert Court, by Charles Cowley ; John Eliot s work at Wamesit, by Charles Cowley; The folks at the neck (now Lowell) in ye Olden Time, by Henry S. Perham ; Historical sketch of the Middlesex Mechanics Asso ciation, by Frederick Lawton ; The last of the sachems of the Merrimac river Indians, by Charles Cowley ; Zina E. Stone, by Alfred P. Sawyer ; Report of committee on by-laws ; By-laws of the Lowell Historical Society ; Table of con tents, Vols i-vi, being the entire series ; A list of illustrations, Vols. i-vi ; Index. "The present volume completes the series." Vol. vi, p. 470. The Association was succeeded by the Lowell Historical Society. (4O<>2 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The semicentennial history of the Lowell institution for savings. By G. J. Carney. Read May 8, 1879. Lowell, 1870. Svo, pp. 25. (4063 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Edward St. Loe Livermore. By C. L. A[bbott]. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 17. Portrait. Printed from a paper written by request for "The Old Residents Historical Society of Lowell." (404 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Discourse to the Old Residents, Feb ruary 9, 1882. Subject : Parks and progress, and Rogers family. By Robert Boodey Caverley. Lowell, 1882. 12mo, pp. 27. (4O65 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Great freshets in the Merrimack River. By James B. Francis. Read before the Association, November 6, 1885. Lowell, 1885. 8vo, pp. 17. Half title. (4O66 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Lowell. Remembrances and historical facts. By A. B. Wright. Boston, 1887. 8vo, pp. 34. " Lowell in 1826," as here printed, was adopted by " The Old Residents Historical Association of Lowell." This paper is the thirtieth of Vol. in. in the order of their publication, and appears here separated from the others for the personal use of the author. (4O67 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Memoir of Horatio Wood, for twenty- four years minister-at-large in Lowell. [Read before the Association Au gust 4, 1891.] By his son. Lowell, 1891. 8vo, pp. 31. Portrait. (4O68 OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Memoir of the Hon. Josiah Gardner Abbott, LL. D., read before the Association. By Charles Cowley, LL. D. Boston, 1892. Svo, pp. 92. (406!) OLD RESIDENTS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The boundary line between Massachu setts and New Hampshire, from the Merrimack River to the Connecticut. A paper read before the Association on December 21, 1893, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the formation of the Society. By Hon. Samuel Abbott Green. Lowell, 1894. Svo, pp. 30. (4070 PILGRIM SOCIETY. 565 PEA BODY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pcabody, Mtt88. PEABODY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [First annual report.] [May 12, 1896-April 19th, 1897.] 8vo, pp. [4]. Second annual report. [1897-1898.] 8vo, pp. [41. Third annual report. [1898-99.] 8vo, pp. [4]. Fifth annual report. [1900-1901.] 8vo, pp. [4]. Sixth annual report. [1901-1902.] 8vo. pp. [4]. Seventh annual report. [1902-1903.] 8vo, pp. [4]. Ninth annual report. 1905. 8vo, pp. 9, (4O71 I TLGRIM SOCIETY. Plymouth, J/ax.s-. PILGRIM SOCIETY. Festival December 22, 1820. [Psalm, hymn, and ode.] Broadside. (4O72 PILGRIM SOCIETY. A discourse delivered at Plymouth December 22, 1820. In commemoration of the first settlement of New England. By Daniel Webster. [First edition.] Boston, 1821. 8vo, pp. 104. Same. Fourth edition. Boston, 1826. 8vo, pp. 60. (4O73 PILGRIM SOCIETY. The constitutional articles of the Pilgrim Society. Incor porated February 24, 1820. Plymouth, 3823. 12mo, pp. 12. (4074 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Song for the anniversary of the Society, celebrated at Plym outh December 22, 1824. Sheet. (4075 PILGRIM SOCIETY. An oration delivered at Plymouth December 22, 1824. By Edward Everett. Boston, 1825. 8vo, pp. 73. (407 PILGRIM SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Pilgrim Society, at Plym outh, on the 22d day of December, 1829. By William Sullivan. Published at the request of the Society. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp-. 60. (4077 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Great principles associated with Plymouth Rock. Address before the Society December 22, 1834. By (Jeorge W. Blagden. Boston, 1835. 8vo, pp. 30. (4O7S PILGRIM SOCIETY. Address before the Society, December 22, 1835. By Peleg Sprague. Boston, 1830. 8vo, pp. 32. (4079 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Constitution, as amended May, 183(1; with a list of members. Plymouth, 1840. 12mo, pp. (2), 8. (4080 PILGRIM SOCIETY. History of the Pilgrim Society; with a brief account of the early settlement of Plymouth Colony. New-England Historical and Oenealoqical Register, Vol. i, April, 1847, pp 114-125. (4081 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Report on the expediency of celebrating in future the landing of the Pilgrims on the 21st day of December, instead of the 22d day of that: month, by a committee of the Society. Boston, 1850. 8vo, pp. 12. (4082 566 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PILGRIM SOCIETY. Speech of Allen C. Spooner, esq., before the Society, at Plym outh, December 22, 1851, in reply to the toast, " The faith of the Pilgrims : May it be our pillar of fire, to guide us alike in the day of prosperity and the night of trial." Boston, [1852]. 8vo, pp. 8. (4083 PILGRIM SOCIETY. An account of the Pilgrim celebration, at Plymouth, August 1, 1853, containing a list of the decorations in the town and correct copies of the speeches made at the dinner table. Revised by the Pilgrim Society. Boston, 1853. 8vo, pp. 182. (4084 PILGRIM SOCIETY. A finger-point from Plymouth Rock. Remarks at the Plym outh festival on the 1st of August, 1853, in commemoration of the embarka tion of the Pilgrims. By Charles Sunnier. Boston, 1853. 8vo, pp. 11. (4O85 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Illustrated Pilgrim memorial. 1860. Boston, 1860. 8vo. pp. 50. Illustrated. Kame. 1861, pp. 48. Same. 1863, pp. 48. Same. 1866, pp. 48. Same. 1880, pp. 55. (4O8 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Order of exercises, two hundred and fiftieth anniversary celebration of the Landing of the Pilgrims, in the Church of the First Parish, December 21, 1870. Broadside. (4O87 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Oration on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, December 21, 1870. By Robert C. Winthrop, LL. D. Boston, 1871. 8vo, pp. 87. Large and small paper editions. (4O88 PILGRIM SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Cabinet and Pictures in Pilgrim Hall, Ply mouth, 1883. [Plymouth, 1883.] 8vo, pp. 80. (4O89 PILGRIM SOCIETY. The proceedings at the celebration by the Pilgrim Society, at Plymouth, August 1, 1880, of the completion of the National Monument to the Pilgrims. Plymouth, 1889. Svo, pp. 176. Plates. (4O9O PILGRIM SOCIETY. The proceedings at the celebration by the Pilgrim Society, at Plymouth, December 21, 1895, of the 275th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims. Plymouth, 1896. Svo, pp. 76, (1). (4O91 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL AftftOCIATlOy. Decrfleld, Mass. POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. Constitution. 1870. 4to, pp. 2. No title-page. (4092 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. Catalogue of the relics and curiosi ties in Memorial Hall, Deerfield, Mass. Collected by the Association. Deerfield, 1886. 8vo, pp. 108. (4O93 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. Story of the Old Willard House of Deerfield, Mass. Written for and read at the eighteenth annual meeting of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Feb. 22, 1887. By Cath arine B. Yale. Boston, 1887. 4to, pp. (2), 24. Plates. Illustrated. (4O94 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. 567 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. What befell Stephen Williams in his captivity. With an appendix. Printed from the original by the Asso ciation. Edited by George Sheldon. Deerfield, 1889. 8vo, pp. 35. (4095 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. History and Proceedings of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association. 1870-1879. Vol. i. Deerfield, Mass., 1890. 8vo, pp. 510. Contents : Preliminary steps and organization of the Association ; Field meet ing at Turner s Falls, 1870 ; Annual meeting, 1871 ; Eunice Williams, by C. Alice Baker; [W. Starr] of the Revolution of 76, by Eliza A. Starr; Field meeting, 1871 ; Monument to Moses Rice ; Address by Col. R. H. Leavitt ; Response by the president, George Sheldon ; Historical paper, by Abby Maxwell ; Stories, anecdotes, and legends, collected and written down by Deacon Phinehas Field Third annual meeting, 1872 ; Biographical sketches of the settlers at Pocun-tuck before I hilip s war, by George Sheldon ; Settlement of Deerfield, by C. Alice Baker ; Field meeting, 1872, and dedication of a monument to Nathaniel Dickinson, at Northfield, Mass., September 12, 1872 ; Address by Phinehas Field ; Address of President George Sheldon ; Settlement of Northfield, by J. H. Temple ; Historical sketch of Vernon, by A. H. Washburn ; Narrative of John Stebbins, of Vernon, Vt. : Fourth annual meeting, 1873 ; The Bar s fight, by Eliza A. Starr ; Fourth field meeting, 1873, at Sunderland, Mass. ; Address of Henry W. Taft, on settlement of Sunderland ; Fifth annual meeting, 1874 ; The tra ditionary story of the attack upon Hadley and the appearance of General Goffe, September 1, 1675, by George Sheldon ; Field meeting, 1874, in commemoration of the centennial of the incorporation of the town of Leverett, September 10, 1874 ; Address of welcome, by Rev. A. F. Clark ; * * * Settlement of Leverett, by Rev. J. P. Watson ; Brief history of the Congregational Church of Leverett, by Rev. David Eastman ; History of the Baptist Church in North Leverett, by Rev. B. Newton ; Sixth annual meeting, 1875 ; Recollections of the Old Indian house, by N. Hitchcock ; Sixth field meeting ; Two hundredth anni versary of the Bloody Brook massacre at South Deerfield, September 17, 1875 ; Address of welcome, by George Sheldon ; Oration, by George B. Loring ; Poem, by William Everett ; Seventh annual meeting, 1876 ; The captive s (Sarah Cole- man s) shoe, by J. F. Moors ; Field meeting and bicentennial celebration of the Falls fight, on the battlefield, May 31, 1876 ; Address, by G. L. Barton ; President Sheldon s response; Address, by J. F. Moors; Rev. Hope Atherton s deliverance ; Annual meeting, 1877 ; Ministers and meeting houses of ye olden time, by C. Alice Baker ; Sounding brass : story of the old brass kettle, by Elizabeth W. Champney ; Ninth annual meeting, 1878 ; History of the founding of Deerfield Academy, by Geoi-ge Sheldon ; Ensign John Sheldon, by C. Alice Baker ; History of memorial hall, by George Sheldon ; Tenth annual meeting, 1879; Historical sketch of Christina Otis, by C. Alice Baker; Some facts relating to the early history of Dartmouth College, by C. C. Conant ; Greenfield and its first church, by Francis M. Thompson ; Slavery in Massachusetts, by Phinehas Field ; Members of the Association, 1870-1879 ; Index. (4O96 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. History and Proceedings. 1880- 1889. Vol. ii. Deerfield, Mass. Published by the Association, 1898. 8vo., pp. 521. Contents : Annual and field meetings, 1880-1889 ; Morality, learning, and reli gion, in Massachusetts in olden times, by Edgar Buckingham ; Gossip about the Pocumtuck gun, by George Sheldon ; Poem by Cornelia Allen Smith ; Field meeting, 1880 ; Dedication of Memorial Hall ; Report ; Poem by Cornelia Allen Smith ; Dedicatory address, by John F. Moors ; Song by John B. Green ; New England settlers in western New York, by William Westwood Wright ; Poem by J. D. Canning; Sketch of Col. John Hawkes, of Deerfield, Mass., 1707-1784, by John Stebbins Lee ; Ode by George B. Bartlett ; The Dorrellites, by Francis M. Thompson ; Heredity, as illustrated in the history of the Connecticut Valley churches, by W. S. Hawks ; The Tablinum Miss C. Alice Baker ; Some account of John WMlliams, first pastor of Deerfield, by Allen Hazen ; The flower of Essex, by Abbie E. Snow; The route of the French and Indian army that sacked Deer- field, Feb. 29th, 1703-4 [O.S.I on their return march to Canada with the cap tives, by Samuel Carter; Field meeting: Dedication of a memorial stone on the spot where Mrs. Eunice Williams was slain by her Indian captor, March 1, 1703--4 ; 568 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Ode by E. W. B. Canning ; Dedicatory address, by Allen Hazen ; Acceptance of trust, by George Sheldon ; Mrs. Eunice Williams, by John F. Moors ; Poem by L. J. B. Lincoln ; Memorial stones, by Daniel Denison Slade ; The civilizations bordering respectively upon the St. Lawrence and the Connecticut rivers, by J. W. Harding ; An old shoe revamped, by George B. Bartlett ; Adolphus P. Carter, by Samuel Carter ; Silas Wright, recollections of a New York statesman, by W. W. Wright; The spectre of Memorial Hall (poem), by Lutber J. B. Lincoln ; Field meeting 1886 ; Report ; The legend of Ashfleld, by O. Stanley Hall ; Rev. Jonathan Ashley ; cr, The Christian Ministry a hundred years ago, by Edgar Buckingham ; A visit to Ridgeway, New York, in 1834, by Nathaniel Hitchcock ; The wheel of fate, poem, by George B. Bartlett ; The Willard House ; Anecdotes, by L. W. Eels ; Field meeting, 1887, at Colrain : Address of welcome, by Lorenzo Griswold ; Response of George Sheldon ; The Scotch-Irish, by Samuel O. Lamb ; Elihu Iloyt, a country legislator of the olden time, by Freeman C. Griswold ; My hunt for the Deerfield captives, by C. Alice Baker ; Poem by Mrs. L. W. Eels ; The settlement of Erving, by Augustus Coolidge ; The settlement of the town of Whately, by James M. Crafts ; The Pocumtuck confederacy, by George Sheldon; Two captives [John Rising, Abigail Nims], A romance of real life, by C. Alice Baker ; Deerfield captives, a poem, by Isabelle Williams ; Two hundred and twelfth anniversary of the Indian attack on Hatfield ; Address of welcome ; The Indian massacre of Sept. 10, 1(577. at Ilatfield. by Thaddeus Graves; Response by George Sheldon ; Historical address : Indian Massacre of Sept. 19, 1677; Narrative of Quentin Stockwell, a Deerfield captive, by Silas G. Hubbard ; Ilatfield s hero, 1077, by Margaret Miller; Letter of Samuel D. Partridge, by C. K. Morton ; Report of the address of Bishop Frederick Huntington ; The squaw sachem of 1632, poem, by George Bradford Bartlett ; Remarks of Joseph L. Partridge, of Rev. R. M. Woods ; Address of William H. Allis ; Collection of antiquities, arranged by C. M. Barton and John H. Sanderson ; Genealogy of some Hatfield families : Waite, Dickinson, Bardwell, Graves, by James M. Crafts ; Some official correspondence in relation to the Waite and Jennings ransom of captives, from the Bradford club papers ; Location of the house of those who suffered by the massacre of Sept. 19 ; Index. (4O97 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. History and Proceedings of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association. 1890-1898. Vol. in. Published by the Association, 1901. 8vo, pp. iv, 563. Contents : Proceedings of the annual meetings, 1890-1898 ; Autobiography and journal, by Joseph Goodhue ; Field meeting, 1890 at Shelburne Falls ; Shelburne s Revolutionary soldiers ; Martin Severance, by George Sheldon ; Poem by Fred eric Allison Tupper ; History of Franklin Academy, by H. A. Pratt ; Memoir of Joseph White, by R. Crawford; Gen. James S. Whitney, by Samuel O. Lamb; Poem by George B. Bartlett ; Thankful Stebbins, an unredeemed captive, by C. Alice Baker ; Bibliographical sketches of Deerfield, by Lucretia W. Eels ; Field meeting at Bernardston, 1891 ; Settlement of Bernardston, by Lucy Cutler Kel logg ; Old time traffic and travel on the Connecticut, by George Sheldon ; Field meeting, 1892, at Charlemont : Poem by Henry C. Hayden ; To the Historic Oak of Charlemont, by Lyman Whiting ; Some reminiscences of Charlemont history, by Helen A. Hawks; The source of the free school, by Herbert C. Parsons; Field meeting. 1893 : (Jill s centennial celebration ; Sweet Vale of Pocumtuck, by Cornelia A. Smith ; Historical address by Francis Walker, 2d, at Gill s cen tennial celebration ; Historical paper, by C. Alice Baker ; The hearthstone, by Catherine B. Yale ; The old Deerfield cannon, by George Sheldon ; Biographical sketch of Gen. Iloyt, by Mrs. L. W. Eels; Field meeting, 1894, at Greenfield: Greenfield s first meetinghouse its site marked by a monument ; Dedicatory address, by George Sheldon ; Recollections of the old meetinghouse, by Charles C. Corss ; Address by Francis M. Thompson ; Thoughts on walking through land owned once by my forefathers, by Helen A. Hawks ; Connecticut river, Quin- nehtuk, the Indians called it, by Mary E. Miller ; A poem, by George B. Barlett ; Some phases of our New England institutions, by Franklin G. Fessenden ; Field meeting, 1895, at Montague Centre : Address by Robert P. Clapp ; The advent, the return, and the report of Lo the poor Indian, by Seymour Rockwell ; The W T illiams Bible, by C.Alice Baker; The story of a York family ( Rish worth), by C. Alice Baker ; Poem for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the P. V. M. Association, by Mrs. L. W. Eels ; Public spirit, by G. Glenn Atkins ; Stories of a New England village, by Julia D. Whiting ; Field meeting, 1896, at Brattleboro, Vt. ; Report on Fort Dummer s site ; Address of welcome, by H. D. Holton ; Response, by PRINCE SOCIETY. 569 George Sheldon; Address by G. Leon Walker; Poem, by Jennie Stebbins Smith; Fort Sartwell, by M. I. Reed ; Poem, by Josiah I). Canning ; Dr. Slade and the old Indian house door, by P. Vorhees Finch ; Sanguinaria, by Francis S. Allen ; Address by John E. Ilussell ; The New England confederacy of 1643 and other unions of the American colonies, by Fayette Smith ; Major John Burke, the founder of Bernardston, by Lucy C. Kellogg; Field meeting, 1897, at North- fleld : Address by George Sheldon ; Report of the committee on memorial stones, by N. P. Wood ; Historical address, by George F. Piper ; Ode to Washington, by Jonathan A. Saxton ; Tis sixty years hence, the passing of the stall-fed ox and the farm boy, by George Sheldon ; History of the First Congregational Parish of Sunderland, by John M. Smith ; Field meeting, 1898, at Colrain : Ad dress of welcome, by Lorenzo Griswold ; Reply, by Francis M. Thompson ; Col- rain s early days, by Charles H. McClellan ; The American citizen soldier, old and new, by Herbert C. Parsons ; Officers ; Index. (4O98 (For Vol. IV see Appendix.) POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. 212th anniversary of the Indian attack on Hatfield, and field-day of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Asso ciation, at Hatfield, Massachusetts, Thursday, Sept. 19th, 1889. Northamp ton, Mass., 1890. 8vo, pp. 95, [1], Compiled by C. M. Barton and D. W. Wells. (4O99 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. Tis Sixty Years Since. The passing of the stall-fed Ox and the farm hoy. Py George Sheldon. 8vo, pp. 13. Read at the annual meeting, February 22, 1898. (41OO PRINCE SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. PRINCE SOCIETY. A collection of original papers relative to the history of Massachusetts Bay. [Anon.] By Thomas Hutchinson. Boston, 1769. Reprinted under the title: "Hutchinson Papers." Albany, 1865. Small 4to, " 150 copies and 10 copies on large paper." 2 vols. Edited with notes and prefatory matter, by W. H. Whitmore and W. S. Apple- ton. (41O1 PRINCE SOCIETY. Wood s New England s Prospect. Boston, 1865. Small 4to, " 150 copies and 20 copies on large paper," pp. xxxi, 131. Map. Edited by Charles Deane. Consists of reprint of the London (1634) edition, with the preface to the Boston edition of 1764, which is ascribed to Nathaniel Rogers. (41O2 PRINCE SOCIETY. Letters written from New England, A. D. 1686. By John Dunton. In which are described his voyages by sea, his travels on land, and the characters of his friends and acquaintances. Now first published from the original manuscript, in the Bodleian Library. With notes and an appendix, by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1867. Small 4to, "150 copies; also 20 copies on large paper, 40 copies unnum bered," pp. xxiv, 340. The appendix contains account of the Blue Anchor Tavern ; Inventory of the Estate of Michael Perry, bookseller, 1700 ; List of the inhabitants of Boston, 1687. (4103 PRINCE SOCIETY. The Andros tracts ; being a collection of pamphlets and official papers issued during the period between the overthrow of the Andros gov ernment and the establishment of the second charter of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the original editions and manuscripts. With notes and a memoir of Sir Edmund Andros, by W. H. Whitmore, editor. Boston, 1868- 1874. Small 4to, " 150 copies, also 2O copies on large paper, 40 copies unnum bered." Three vols. Portraits. 570 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CONTENTS. Vol. I. Memoir; Introduction; Account of the late revolution in New Eng land, together with the Declaration of the inhabitants of Boston, 1689, by N. Byfield ; An impartial account of the state of New England, by J. Palmer, 1690 ; The revolution in New England justified, by E. R[awson ?] and S. S[ewall?], 1691 ; Narrative of the proceedings of Sir Edmund Androsse and his complices, by several gentlemen who were of his council, 1691 ; Charges against Andros and others, from Massachusetts archives ; Information of what entertainment Sir Edmund Androsse and the rest of the gentlemen committed to our charge had at the castle upon Castle Island, 1668 ; Petition of the inhabitants of Maine ; Brief discourse concerning the ceremony of laying the hand on the Bible in swearing, by S. Willard, 1689 ; Further quaeries upon the present state of the New-English Affairs. 1868. pp. liv, 214, (1). (41O4 Vol. ii. Increase Mather; Introduction; narrative of the miseries of New England [prepared by Increase Mather], 1688; the present state of New- English affairs [letters from Increase Mather], 1689; a vindication of New England (prepared chiefly by I. Mather), 1689; Petition of the inhabitants of Charlestown, 1689 ; The people s right to election, by G. Bulkeley, 1689 ; New England vindicated [by I. Mather], 1689; answer of the Massachusetts agents to Randolph, 1690 ; Short discourse against restoring the charters, 1689 ; Brief relation of the state of New England [by I. Mather], 1689; Report of the proceedings against Andros, before the privy council, 1690 ; An account of the revolution in New England, by A. B., 1689 ; New England s faction discovered by C. D., 1690; Reasons for the confirmation of the charters [by I. Mather], 1690 ; Humble address of the publicans of New England, 1691 ; Account of the agents of New England, 1691 ; I. Mather s address to the inhabitants, prefixed to his sermon before the General Court, 1693 ; Letter of the London ministers, 1691 ; I. Mather s reply to Calef, 1701 ; Cotton Mather s political fables; List of members of Prince Society. 1869. pp. xxxiv, 345, (1). (41O5 Vol. in. Introduction; Considerations against the charter; Abstract of laws of New England, 1689 ; Report by Andros of his administration, 1690 ; Original documents ; Papers relating to Andros s administration ; Reprint of a part of Cotton Mather s memoirs of Increase Mather ; An appeal to the men of New England, 1689; Papers relating to Edward Randolph; The Prince Society. 1874. pp. xv, 257. (41O6 PRINCE SOCIETY. Increase Mather, the agent of Massachusetts colony in Eng land for the concession of a charter. By W. H. Whitmore. Reprinted from the "Andros tracts." Boston, 1869. Small, 4to, pp. 24. (41O7 PRINCE SOCIETY. Sir William Alexander and American colonization, including the royal charters ; a tract on colonization : a patent of the county of Canada and of Long Island ; and the roll of the knights baronets of New Scotland ; with annotations and a memoir. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A. M. Boston, 1873. Small 4to, " 150 copies, 10 copies on large paper," pp. vii, 283. Portrait and folded map. (4108 PRINCE SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, etc. Boston, 1874. 8vo, pp. 12. (41O9 PRINCE COCIETY. Genealogy of the families of Payne and Gore. Compiled by W. H. Whitmore. Boston, 1875. Small 4to, pp. 30. Portrait. (411O PRINCE SOCIETY. John Wheelwright. His writings, including his fastday ser mon, 1637, and his Mercurius Americanus, 1645: With a paper upon the genuineness of the Indian deed of 1629, and a memoir, by Charles H. Bell. Boston, 1876. Small 4to, " 200 copies and 10 copies on large paper," pp. viii, 253. Fac similes. (4111 PRINCE SOCIETY. Voyages of the Northmen to America. Including extracts from Icelandic sagas, relating to western voyages by Northmen in the tenth and eleventh centuries, in an English translation, by North Ludlow Beamish. With a synopsis of the historical evidence and the opinion of PRINCE SOCIETY. 571 Professor Rafn as to the places visited ly the Scandinavians on the coast of America. Edited, with an introduction, by Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1877. Small 4to, " 200 copies and 10 copies on large paper," pp. 162. Maps. Pages 127-140 contain a bibliography. (4112 PRTNCE SOCIETY. Voyages of Samuel de Champlain. Translated by Charles Pomeroy Otis. With historical illustrations and memoir by Edmund F. Slafter. Vols. i-in. Heliotype copies of 20 maps. Boston, 1878-1882. Small 4to, 3 vols. Portrait. 250 copies. Contents: (i) 1567-1635. (n) 1604-1610. (in) 1611-1618. Vol. i contains a translation of Champlain s voyage, published at Paris, 1604. Vol. ii consists of translation of the Paris (1613) edition of the voyages. Vol. in contains translations of the third and fourth voyages and of the Paris (1619) edition of the voyages from 1615-1618. (4113 PRINCE SOCIETY. The Prince Society. Act of incorporation, constitution, offi cers, list of members, and publications of the society. Boston, 1882. 8vo, pp. [14]. Half-title. . (4114 PRINCE SOCIETY. The New English Canaan of Thomas Morton. With intro ductory matter and notes, by Charles Francis Adams, jr. Boston, 1883. Small 4to, 250 copies, pp. vi, 381. (4115 PRINCE SOCIETY. The Prince Society, its purpose and work. By Edmund F. Slafter. Boston, 1884. 8vo, pp. 8. (411G PRINCE SOCIETY. Sir Walter Raleigh and his colony in America. Including the charter of Queen Elizabeth in his favor, March 25, 1584, with letters, discourses, and narratives of the voyages made to America at his charges, and descriptions of the country, commodities, and inhabitants. With his torical illustrations, and a memoir by Increase X. Tarbox. Boston, 1884. Small 4to, pp. (7), 320. Two portraits. 250 copies. (4117 PRINCE SOCIETY. Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson ; being an account of his travels and experiences among the North American Indians, from 1052 to 1684. Transcribed from original manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. With historical illustrations and an introduction, by Gideon D. Scull. Boston, 1885. Small 4to, pp. vi, (1), 385. 250 copies. (4118 PRINCE SOCIETY. Capt. John Mason, the founder of New Hampshire. Includ ing his tract on Newfoundland, 1020; the American charters in \vhich he was a grantee ; with letters and other historical documents. Together with a memoir, by Charles Wesley Tuttle. Edited, with historical illustrations, by John Ward Dean. Boston, 1887. Small 4to, pp. xii (1), 492. 250 copies. Woodcut. Folded map. Folded sheet. Facsimiles. Contents : Preface ; Memoir of Capt. John Mason ; The family of Capt. John Mason ; Mason s patent of Mariana, by Charles Levi Woodbury ; Mason s plan tations on the Piscataqua ; Introduction to Mason s " P>riefe discourse ; " A brief e discourse of the New-found-land, by J. Mason ; The charters of Mason ; Early English works on Newfoundland ; Letters and documents ; The royal charter to Mason and other documents ; Will of Mason ; Memorial to Mason, at Portsmouth, England : The Prince Society ; Officers ; Members of the Society : Index. (4119 PRINCE SOCIETY. Publications. [Vol. 18-20.] Sir Ferdinando Gorges and his province of Maine. Including the Brief relation, the Brief narration, his defence, the charter granted to him. his will, and his letters. Edited, with a memoir and historical illustrations, by James Phinney Baxter, A. M. Boston, the Prince Society. 1890. 8vo, 3v. 2 front., pi., 2 fold, maps, fold, facsim. 250 copies. 572 AMERICAN HISTORICAL, ASSOCIATION. CONTENTS. v.l. Preface; Memoir of Sir Ferdinand Gorges. [Council for New England.] A briefe relation of the discovery and plantation of New England. * * * London, J. Haviland for W. Bladen, 1622. (412O v. 2. A briefe narration of the original! undertakings of the advancement of plantations in to the parts of America * * * by * * * Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges * * * London, E. Brudenell, for N. Brook, 1658 ; A breefe answer to certayne false, slanderous, and idle objections made agaynst S r . Ferd. Gorges * * * June 14 tn , 1601 ; Charter of the province of Maine, granted to Sir Ferdinando Gorges April 3, 1639 ; Will of Sir Ferdinando Gorges ; Gene alogical notes on the family of Gorges ; The literary work of Ferdinando Gorges ; Sketch of Thomas Gorges ; Will of Thomas Gorges ; Documents relating to the proceedings taken by Ferdinando Gorges, esq., for the recovery of the province of Maine; The letters of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, 1595-1596. (4121 v. 3. Letters and other papers, 1596-1646; Commission of Ferdinando Gorges to Francis Champernoun, Henry Josselyn. et al., June 21 st . 1664. (4122 PRINCE SOCIETY. Antinomianism in the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1636-1638. Including the Short Story and other documents. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Boston : Published by the Prince Society. 1894. Small 4to, pp. 415. 250 copies. Contents: The Antinomian controversy, by Charles Francis Adams, -jr. ; A Short Story of the rise, reign, and ruine of the Antinomians, Familists, Liber tines that infected the churches of New England, [by Thomas Weldel ; The examination of Mrs. Ann Hutchinson at the court at Newtown, 1637 ; A report of the trial of Mrs. Ann Hutchinson before the church in Boston, March. 1638 ; The way of Congregational churches cleared, by John Cotton ; Robert Keayne, of Boston, in New England, his Book, 1639 ; Index. Appended is the Wheelwright deed of 1629, by Charles H. Bell, pp. 3 ; Prince Society act of incorporation ; Constitution ; Officers ; Members. (4123 PRINCE SOCIETY. Publications. [22-23.] John Checkley ; or the evolution of religious, tolerance in Massachusetts Bay, including Mr. Checkley s contro versial writings ; his letters and other papers ; his presentment on the charge of a libel for publishing a book ; his speech at his trial ; The Hon. John Read s plea in arrest of judgment ; and a bibliography of the great con troversy on episcopacy by the ministers of the standing order and the clergy of the Church of England. 1719-1774. With historical illustrations and a memoir by Edmund F. Slafter. In two volumes. Boston, 1897. Small 4to. Vol. i, pp. 288; Vol. 11, pp. 320. 250 copies. (4124 PRINCE SOCIETY. Publications. [2428.] Edward Randolph; including his letters and official papers from the New ?]ngland, Middle, and Southern Colonies in America, with other documents relating chiefly to the vacating of the royal charter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 1676-1703. With historical illustrations and a memoir, by Robert Noxon Toppan. In five volumes. Boston. 1898, 1899. Small 4to. Vol. i, pp. 328 ; Vol. u, pp. 337, 1898. Vol. in, pp. 365 ; Vol. iv, pp. 326; Vol. v, pp. 336, 1899. 250 copies. (4125 PRINCE SOCIETY. Publications. [29.] Sir Humfrey Gylberte and his enterprise of colonization in America. Including his discourse to prove a northwest passage to Cataia ; his letters patent from Queen Elizabeth ; Captain Ed ward Haies narrative ; and other important papers and letters, together with annotations and a memoir by the Rev. Carlos Slafter. Boston, Prince Society, 1903. Small 4to., pp. xiv, 335. Front, (port.) pi. (4126 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 573 QUABOAG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brookficld, Mass. QUABOAG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address on the early history of old Brookfield, Mass., his native town, by the Rev. T. L. Chamberlain, D. IX, of New York, at the invitation and under the auspices of the West Brookfield Branch of the Quaboag Historical Society, and remarks by his brother, the Hon. D. H. Chamberlain, of New York, at the after-dinner exercises. Brooklyn, 1895. 8vo, pp. 36. (4127 QUABOAG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of its organization and work, 1894 to 1899. By Robert Batcheller. Delivered Dec. 19, 1899, at Brookfield at a meeting of the Society. Spencer, Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. 35. (4128 Ql INABAIG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Southbridge, J7.s. QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. Southbridge as a Poll Parish. By W. J. Litchfield. Read before the Historical Society, Feb. 28, 1901. 12mo, pp. 12. (412J> QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. Nos. 2. .">. 4. The Southbridge of our ancestors, its homes and its people. By Lucius E. Ammidown. 12mo, pp. 13-28, 29-44, 45-57. (413O QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 5. Old houses in Stur- bridge. By Charles V. Corey. Read before the Quinabaug Historical So ciety, Nov. 26, 1900. 12mo, pp. 59-08. (4131 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. . Early Indian trails through Tantitisque. By Levi B. Chase. Read before the Worcester So ciety of Antiquity, April 2, 1895, and reprinted from the " Proceedings " of that Society. 12mo, pp. 69-84. (4132 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 7. Interpretation of Woodward s and Saffery s Map of 1(542, or the earliest bay path. By Levi B. Chase. [Reprinted from New England Historical and Genealogical Register for April, 1901.] With additions. 12mo, pp. 85-98. (4133 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i, No. S. The settlement of Dudley. By Samuel Morris Conant. Paper read before the Quinabaug Historical Society, Oct. 29, 1900. 12mo, pp. 99-106. (4131 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 9. The Indians of this locality. By Mrs. Geo. K. Dresser. Paper read before the Quinabaug His torical Society, Feb. 26, 1900. 12mo. pp. 107-120. (4135 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 10. Southbridge in Civil War. By George W. Corey. Read before the Society, March 25, 1901. 12mo, pp. 121-130. (413*1 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 11. The Marcy family, by Mrs. Calvin D. Paige. Read before the Society, March , tt. 1902. 12mo, pp. 131-140. (4137 574 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 12. Joseph Smith, James D?neson. first settlers of Sturbridge and Southbridge. Joseph Smith, by Charles W. Weld ; James Deneson, by Levi B. Chase, Read before the So ciety, Nov. 25, 1901. 12mo, pp. 147-158. (4138 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 13. " The Tale of Tan- tiusques." The Sturbridge lead mine. By George H. Haynes. Read before the Society, June 21, 1902. 12mo, pp. 159-181. ,41 3J> QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Yol.i, No. 14. Col. Ebenezer Crafts, his ancestry and some of his descendants, by John M. Cochran. Read in part before the Society, Nov. 26, 1900. 12mo, pp. 183-190. (4140 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. !.">. Capt. Ralph Whee- lock, of Sturbridge. His ancestry and some of his descendants. By Henry J. Clarke. Read in part before the Society, June 29, 1903. 12mo, pp. 191-200. (4141 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 1G. Charlton in the civil war. By William II. King. Read before the Society, Jan. 25, 1904. 12mo, pp. 201-204. (4142 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i, No. 17. The Mason family in connection with the early history of Sturbridge and Southbridge. By George Mason Whitaker. Read mostly before the Historical Society, Oct. 30, 1899. 12mo, pp. 205-214. (4148 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 18. The Old Stone Monument on the Durfee farm in Dudley. Contributed by William Peun Eddy. Part one. 12mo, pp. 215-228. Vol. i, No. 19 Ha me. Part two. 12mo, pp. 229-240. (4144 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflets. Vol. i. No. 20. Rattlesnake Hill Trail in Dudley and how it became a white man s highway. Contributed by William Penn Eddy. 12mo, pp. 241-256. (4145 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Third annual calendar, 1901-1902. Fourth annual calendar, 1902-1903. Fifth annual calendar, 1903-1904. Sixth an nual calendar, 1904-1905. (4146 QUINABAUG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Southbridge, Mass.. 1900. 32mo, pp. 32. (4147 REHOBOTH A XT1QI A R1A X SOCIETY. Rehoboth, REHOBOTH ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Historic Rehoboth : record of the dedication of Goff Memorial Hall, May 10, 1880. Fully illustrated. [Printed at Attle- boro, Mass., 1886.] 8vo, pp. 130. Portraits. (4148 REHOBOTH ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 250th anniversary of the settlement of Rehoboth, 1644-1894. (4149 SOMERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 575 ROXBl RY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rod bur y, ROXBUBY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual dinner, 3d-5th, 7th-9th, llth, 12th. Roxbury, 1894-1903. 12mo. Portraits. Illustrations. The Roxbury Military Historical Society was reorganized in 1901 as the Roxbury Historical Society. (415O ROXBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Roxbury Historical Society, organized as the Roxbury Military Historical Society, December 9, 1891, reorganized as the Roxbury Historical Society, April 10, 1901, incorporated May 15. 1901. Charter, by-laws, and list rf officers and members, 1903. Boston, 1903. 8vo, pp. IT). (4151 RUMFORD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RUMFORD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Rumford Historical Association, Woburn, Mass., incorporated, 1877. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 12. Contains constitution, by-laws, and list of members. (4152 SHARON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sharon, Mass. SHARON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 1. April, 1904. Boston, 1904. 8vo, pp. 36. Contents : Annals of Sharon, Massachusetts, by Jeremiah Gould, 1830 ; A surveyor s song, 1730; Origin of the Society; By-laws; ( barter; Record of meetings ; Historical scrap book, being made by the Society ; Membership. (4153 SHARON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 2. April, 1905. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. 47. Plate. Contents : Reprint of a pamphlet containing an address delivered by Deborah Sampson Gannett, in 1802, with an introduction to the reprint, by Eugene Tap- pan. Historical Society gatherings: Miscellaneous notes; Officers of the So ciety : List of members. (4154 SHARON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered in 1802 in various towns in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York, by Mrs. Deborah Sampson Gannett, of Sharon, Massachusetts, a soldier of the American Revolution. Reprinted by the Sharon Historical Society, with an introduction by Eugene Tappan, corresponding secretary of the Society. Boston, 1905. 8vo, pp. xi, 20. Front. (port.) Contains reprint of original title-page, Dedham, 1802. (4155 SOMERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sonieri illc, Mass. SOMKRVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ye olden times at the foot of Prospect Hill: handbook of the historic festival in Somerville, Massachusetts, November 28, 29, 30, December 1, 2, 3, MDCCCXCVIII. Somerville, Mass., 1898. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 7-96. Front. Illustrations. 3 pi. . (415({ SOMERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 1. History of Somerville journalism. By Barbara Galpin. With a list of members, officers, and committees of the Somerville Historical Society. June, 1901. 8vo, pp. 31. (4157 576 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOMERMLI.K HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic Leaves. \o\. i. (Nos. 1-4. April, 1902, to January, 1903. Somerville, Mass. 8vo. Illustrations. No. 1, April, 1902, pp. 39. Officers, 1902-3 ; Elbridge Streeter Brooks, bio graphical sketch and memorial exercises ; The Tufts family in Somerville, by Edward C. Booth ; The Somerville directory, containing the names of the heads of families, their occupations, and dwelling houses, with a list of the town public officers, 1851 ; Neighborhood sketch No. 1 (Curtis street), by Jenette Teele ; Military record of Captain Martin Binney. No. 2, July, 1902, pp. 39. Officers, 1902-1903; The old Medford turnpike, by John F. Ayer ; The Tufts family in Somerville, by Edward C. Booth ; Charles Hicks Saunders, by Charles I). Elliot ; Isaac Story, by Charles D. Elliot ; Somer ville directory (1851) ; Military sketch No. 2, by Edmund II. Gooding (Civil war ) . No. 3, October, 1902, pp. 30. Officers, 1902-3 ; The Stinted Common, by Charles D. Elliot ; Somerville as I have known it, by Amelia H. Wood ; Neigh borhood sketch No. 2, the Winter Hill Road in 1842, by Aaron Sargent ; Edward Brackett, by Martin Binney; Somerville directory (1851). No. 4, January, 1903, pp. 42. Officers, 1902-1903 ; The work of five years, 1899-1903 ; Ten Hills farm, with anecdotes and reminiscences, by Alida G. Sellers ; Somerville soldiers in the Rebellion, by Edwin C. Bennett ; Table of contents ; Index. (4158 SOMERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic Leaves. Vol. IT. April, 1903, to January, 1904. Published by the Society, Somerville, Mass. 8vo, pp. 110. Illustrations. Nos. 1-4. Contents : Literary men and women of Somerville, by David Lee Maulsby ; The Mallett family, by Florence E. Carr ; Charlestown school in the 17th cen tury, by Frank Mortimer Hawes ; William and George W. Ayres ; Neighborhood sketch No. 6, Medford and Walnut streets, by John E. Ayer ; Historical sketch of the old Middlesex canal, by Herbert Pierce Yeaton ; Charlestown schools in the 18th century, by Frank Mortimer Hawes : The Prospect Hill Park celebra tion ; Israel Putnam and Prospect Hill, by A. P. Putnam; Obituary notices: Austin Belknap, Horace Carr White, M. Agnes Hunt, Mary M. McKay. Index. (4150 SOMERVILLK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic Leaves. Vol. in. April, 1904, to January. 1905. Published by the Somerville Historical Society. Somer ville, Mass. Vol. in, No. 1. April, 1904. 8vo, pp. 24. Contents : Historical sketch of the old Middlesex canal, by Herbert Pierce Yeaton ; Charlestown schools in the 18th century, by Frank Mortimer Hawes ; Albert Clifford Tufts, by Edward C. Booth ; Neighborhood sketch No. 7 Winter Hill, by Harriet A. Adams. Vol. in, No. 2. July, 1904. pp. [25]-48. Plate. Contents : John Winthrop, by Charles D. Elliot ; John S. Edgerly and his home on Winter Hill, by Helen M. Despeaux ; Charlestown schools within the peninsula Revolutionary period, by Frank Mortimer Hawes. Vol. in, No. 3. October, 1904. pp. [49]-71, (1). Portrait. Contents : Thomas Brigham, the Puritan an original settler, by William E. Brigham ; The teaching of local history in the public schools, by John S. Emer son ; Charlestown schools Revolutionary period, by Frank Mortimer Hawes; Quincy Adams Vinal, by Charles D. Elliot. Vol. in, No. 4. January, 1905. pp. [731-100. Plate. Contents : Gregory Stone and some of his descendants, by Sara A. Stone ; The schools of Charlestown beyond the neck Revolutionary period, by Frank Mortimer Hawes; Index to Vol. HI. (4160 SOMERVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic Leaves. Vol. iv. Nos. 1 and 2. Vol. iv, No. 1. April, 1905. 8vo. pp. 23, (1). Contents : Elmer Hewitt Capen, by David L. Maulsby ; The flora of Somer ville, by Louise A. Vinal ; Charlestown schools without the peninsula Revo lutionary period, by Frank Mortimer Ilawes ; The old Royall House, Medford, by Charles D. Elliot ; Officers of the Society. Vol. iv, No. 2. July, 1905. Svo. pp. [251-47, (1). Contents: Personal experience of a Union veteran, by Levi Lindley Hawes; Charlestown schools after 1793, by Frank Mortimer Hawes; Neighborhood sketch number 8 Washington and Prospect streets, by Joseph II. Clark ; Officers. (4161 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 577 STOUGHTOX HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Stouahton, Mass. STOUGHTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Stoughton Historical So ciety, April 19, 1899, at the dedication of the memorial stone marking the location of the first house built in Stoughton. Stoughton, 1900. 8vo, pp. 31. (4163 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tops field, Mass. TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. i. 1895. Tops- field, Mass. 1895. Contents : Constitution ; List of members ; Reports ; Introductory remarks at the first regular meeting of the society, by Justin Allen ; Anne Bradstreet Her life and works, by Metta Bradstreet ; The burning of Rea Tavern, Tops- field, October, 1836 ; Topsfield Minute Men at the Battle of Lexington ; Wil liam Towne, his daughters, and the witchcraft delusions, by Abbie W. Towne ; The settlement of Topsfield, by Geo. P. Dow : Topsfield Warren Blues Old time Massachusetts Independent Infantry, by Benjamin .1. Balch ; The trial of Elizabeth Porter Bradstreet for the crime of arson, by Mrs. Theodore W. Haven ; A sketch of Dr. Nehemiah Cleaveland, by Charles J. Peabody ; Francis Peabody s Grist Mill, by John H. Towne ; Baptismal records of the church in Topsfield, 1727-1779, communicated by Geo. Frs. Dow. (4168 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. n. 1896. Tops- field, Mass., 1896. 8vo, pp. xii, 113, 19. Portrait. Plate. Contents : Officers ; Reports ; Necrology ; The early records of the town of Topsfield, Massachusetts, 1639-1684, transcribed by Geo. Frs. Dow ; The How- letts and Clarks, two old Topsfield families, by Marietta Clark ; Funeral elegy on John Foster, by Joseph Capen, 1681 ; The cradle of the Averill family, by S. Gertrude Bradstreet ; Charles II. Holmes, lawyer and poet, by Franklin Balch ; Poems by Charles H. Holmes ; The McKenzie family in Topsfield. by Alfred Mc Kenzie ; Baptismal records of the church in Topsfield, from the beginning of the ministry of the Rev. Daniel Breck, November 17, 1779, until the dismissal, May 5, 1841, of the Rev. James F. McEwen, communicated by Geo. Frs. Dow. (4164 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. in. 1897. Tops- field, Mass. 1897. 8vo, pp. 179. Portrait. Contents : Newspaper items relating to Topsfield, Aug. 14, 1770-Nov. 21, 1800, copied by Geo. Frs. Dow ; A historical sketch of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Topsfield, by Clarissa Glazier; The life and work of Rev. Anson Mc- Loud, by Helen E. Peabody; Topsfield and- Rowley village men who took the oath of allegiance and fidelity, Jan., 1677, and Dec., 1678, by Sidney Perley ; Topsfield Bill of Estate, made between 1723 and 1725 ; Early records of the town of Topsfield, May 16, 1684-Oct. 21, 1698, transcribed by Geo. Frs. Dow ; Record of deaths in Topsfield, 1658-1800, compiled from the town and church records and returns made to the county court, by Geo. Frs. Dow ; Letters from a gold hunter, California journals and correspondence of David Lake, of Tops- field, 1852-1855, edited by Geo. Frs. Dow ; The Hewlett mills, with some account of the Hobbs family in Topsfield, by Marietta Clark ; The treason of Lieut. John Gould, by Francis A. Poole. (4165 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. iv. 1898. Tops- HH<1. Mass. 1898. 8vo. pp. viii, 148. Contents: Necrology; History of the Topsfield Academy, 1828-1860, by M. V. B. Perley: The literary exercises at the reunion of the teachers and students of the academy, held Aug. 1 L>, 1897, edited by George Francis Dow; Address by H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 37 578 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Jefferson K. Cole ; Oration by John Wright Perkins ; Ode by Eugene Tappan ; Beauty, a poem, by George Conant ; Reminiscent address, by Geo. L. Gleason ; Addresses, by Israel W. Andrews, George Conant, Alfred Noon ; Sentiment, by Eugene Tappan ; Letters received ; A biographical sketch of Dr. Royal A. Mer- riam, by Justin Allen ; The meeting house on the common ; Hotel for Sale, ad vertisement from Salem Gazette, May 28, 1835. (4166 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. \ 7 . 1899. Tops- field, Mass. 1899. 8vo, pp. 152. Portrait. Plates. Contents : Isaac Cummings, of Topsfield, Mass., and some of his descendants, arranged from data collected by Marietta Clark, Abbie W. Towne, W. F. Cum mings, and Geo. Francis Dow ; Boxford town records, 1685-1706 ; Isaac Esty, of Topsfield, and some of his descendants, by Gay Esty Bangs ; South side cemetery inscriptions, copied by George Warren Towne ; Capt. Nehemiah Her- rick s Revolutionary service, with historical notes ; Cummings burying ground inscriptions, copied by George Clinton Donaldson ; Newspaper items relating to Topsfield, copied from the files of Salem newspapers by Geo. Francis Dow ; Court records relating to Topsfield, 1642-57 Salem Quarterly Court, copied by George Francis Dow. (4167 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. vi. 1900. [The celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Topsfield, Massachusetts, August 1G-17, 1900.] Topsfield, Mass., 1900. 8vo, pp. vi, 156. Front. Plates.. Ports. Cover dated : 1901. Contents : Topsfield 250th anniversary celebration : Religious service ; Ser monThe influence of the church on the life of the town, by A. \V. Moore; The celebration ; Address, by George II. Perkins ; Address of welcome, by Bax ter P. Pike; Oration, by William H. Moody; Historical address, by George Francis Dow ; The after-dinner exercises : Addresses by Henry Cabot Lodge, John L. Bates, David M. Little, George A. Schofield, Charles J. Peabody, Robert S. Rantoul, Francis A. Poole, John J. B. Adams, Albert A. Conaut, Augustus P. Gardner, William II. Moody, George von L. Meyer, Francis II. Appleton. Edwin O. Foster. Some account of Topsfield, Maine ; A sketch of Topsfield parish, Essex co., England, by H. B. Barnes ; Toppesfield, England, from histories and antiquities of the county of Essex (England), by Philip Morant, Chelmsford, 1816; Three Topsfield ministers: some account of Daniel Breck, Asahel Huntington, and Rodney Gove Dennis (from contributions to the ecclesiastical history of Essex county, Mass. Boston, 1865). Notes on Rev. Joseph Cummings, by Eliza Philbrick ; Abstracts from Suffolk deeds, relating to early settlers in Topsfield; Celebration at Topsfield, July 4, 1826. [From the Salem Register, July 13, 1826.] Vital statistics of Topsfield for the year 1900. (4168 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. vn. Topsfield, Mass., 1901. Svo, pp. 144. Plan. Contents : Plan of Topsfield village in 1800 ; Pine Grove Cemetery inscrip tions, 1717-1849, copied by George Francis Dow ; Nathaniel Peabody. A biographical sketch, from Farmer and Moore s historical collections, Vol. in. Concord, N. II., 1824. Topsfield in 1828 from Spofford s Gazetteer, Newbury- port, 1828; Topsfield in 1836 from Newhall s Essex Memorial, Salem, 1836; Delinquent tax-payers in 1663 ; The United States direct tax of 1798, as assessed on Topsfield, copied by Harriet S. Tapley ; The seating in the Meeting- House, 1762 and 1771 ; The Old Oak at Topsfield, by John Robinson ; " Lower Cemetery " inscriptions, 1833-1900, copied by George Francis Dow ; Topsfield village in 1800, by Sidney Perley ; Vital statistics of Topsfield for the year 1001. (4169-4170 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. vin. 1902. Tops- field, Mass., 1902. 8vo, pp. 132. Plates. Contents : Topsfield houses and buildings, by John II. Towne ; Fires in Tops- field, compiled by John II. Towne ; Asahel Smith of Topsfield, with some account of the Smith family, by Joseph F. Smith, Jr. ; The Boardman family in Tops- WATERTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 579 field, by H. Rosa Towne ; Vital statistics of Topsfield for the year 1902; Chronology of events in Topsfield in 1902 ; Buildings constructed during the year 1902. (4171 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. ix. 1903-4. Tops- field, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 258. Contents : Vital records of Topsfield, to the end of the year 1849. (4172 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. x. 1905. Topsfield, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 152. Plates. Contents : The register of baptisms, marriages, and burials at St. Margaret s, Toppesfield, England, 1559-1650, transcribed by II. B. Barnes ; An elegy on the death of Benjamin Kimball, of Topsfield, who died Aug. 19, 1775, by John Cleaveland ; Smith family letters ; Reminiscences of Rev. Asahel Iluntington, by Humphrey Gould ; Letter from John Peabody, jr., in 1811 ; Revolutionary war records ; The Peabody-Batchelder-Young House on North Street, Topsfield, by John II. Towne ; The Boyd-Peabody-Waters House on Salem Street, Topsfield, by John H. Towne ; A patriotic song said to have been composed by Seth Pea- body ; Inscriptions from the Lake burying-ground ; Francis Peabody s will and inventory of his estate, 1698 ; Newspaper items relating to Topsfield, copied from the files of the Salem newspapers, by George Francis Dow ; Vital statis tics for the year 1903 ; Vital statistics for 1904 ; Index to Topsfield Historical Collections, Volumes i-x. (4173 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Isaac Cummings, of Topsfield, Mass., and some of his descendants. By Marietta Clark and others. Topsfield, Mass., 1899. 8vo, pp. 39. Portrait. Plate. (4174 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Asahel Smith, of Topsfield, Mass., with some account of the Smith family. By Joseph F. Smith, jr. Topsfield, 1902. 8vo, pp. 87-101. Illustrations. From Collections, Vol. vm. (4175 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Topsfield, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Topsfield, 1903. 8vo, pp. 258. Compiled by George Francis Dow. (4176 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Middleton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Topsfield, Mass., 1904. Svo, pp. 143. Compiled by George Francis Dow. An alphabetic index to the manuscript records of the town, supplemented by information from church registers, cemetery inscriptions, and other sources. (4177 TOPSFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vital records of Boxford, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Topsfield, Mass., 1905. Svo, pp. 274. (4178 WATERTOWN HISTORIC A L SOCIETY. Watertown, Mavs. WATERTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watertown. The wears, the south side, Morse field. By Charles S. Ensign. [A paper read before the Historical Society of Watertown, April, 1890.] Newspaper cuttings. (41 7f> WATERTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watertown records. Comprising the first and second books of town proceedings with the lands, grants, and posses sions, also the proprietors book and the first book and supplement of births, deaths, and marriages. Prepared for publication by the Historical Society. Watertown, Mass., 1894. 8vo, pp. vi, 1 1., pp. 81, 161, 199. Front. Maps. Facsimile. (418Q 580 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WATERTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watertown Records. Comprising the third book of town proceedings and the second book of births, marriages, and deaths, to the end of 1737, also * * * register of burials in Arlington Street Burying Ground. Prepared for publication by the Historical So ciety. Watertown, Mass., 1900. (4181 WATERTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watertown Records. Comprising the fourth book of town proceedings and the second book of births, marriages, and deaths, from 1738 to 1822. Prepared for publication by the Historical Society. Boston, 1904. (4182 WEBSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. WEBSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Webster Centennial. Proceedings of the Web ster Historical Society, at Marshfield, Mass., October 12. 1882. With an account of other celebrations on the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Daniel Webster. Edited by Thomas Harrison Cummings. Boston, 1883. 8vo, pp. (2), ii, (3), 272. Portrait. Illustrations. (4183 WEBSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Adams, the statesman of the American Revolution. Address before the Webster Historical Society, at its annual meeting in Boston, January 18, 1884. By Mellen Chamberlain. Boston, 1884. Svo, pp. 85. (4184 WESTBOROUGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Westborouyli, Mass. WESTBOROUGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws. Incorporated 1889. [Westbor- ough? 1889.] 16mo, pp. 3. (4185 WESTBOROUGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The diary of Rev. Ebenezer Parkman, of Westborough, Mass., for the months of February, March, April, October, and November, 1737, November and December of 1778, and the years of 1779 and 1780. Edited by Harriette M. Forbes. Westborough, Mass., 1899. Square Svo, pp. 327. Illustrations. Plate. (4180 WEY MOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wei/mouth, Mass. WEYMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications. No. 1.] The original journal of General Solomon Lovell, kept during the Peuobscot expedition, 1779, with a sketch of his life by Gilbert Nash. Together with the Proceedings of the Society for 1879-80. Boston, 1881. Svo, pp. 127. 2 plates. Map. A sketch of the history and proceedings of the society: pp. [5]-10. Robert Lovell genealogy: pp. [109]-116. WEYMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications. No. 2.] Historical sketch of the town of Weymouth, Massachusetts, from 1622 to 1884. Compiled by Gilbert Nash. Published by the town of Weymouth, under the auspices of the Weymouth Historical Society. Boston, 1885. Svo, pp. x, 346. The larger portion of the text was originally published in Dunne II. Hurd s Historv of Norfolk County, Massachusetts, published at Philadelphia, 1884. (4188 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. 581 WEYMOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publication. No. 3.] Wessagusset and Wey- mouth, an historical address by Charles Francis Adams, jr., delivered at Weymouth, July 4, 1874, on the occasion of the celebration of the two hun dred and fiftieth anniversary of the permanent settlement of the town. Weymouth in its first twenty years, a paper by Gilbert Nash, November 1, 1882. Weymouth thirty years later, a paper read by Charles Francis Adams, September 23, 1904. Published by the Society. 8vo, pp. 164. (4189 WKY MOUTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Weymouth in its first twenty years. With some facts and queries concerning its first church and ministers. By Gil bert Nash. [Read at November (1883) meeting of the Society.] Weij- mouth Gazette supplement February 23, 1883. Broadside. (419O WINCHESTER HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Winchester, Mass. WINCHESTER HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The Winchester Record, Vols. i, n, in. No. 1, January, 1885- January, 1887. Winchester, 1885-1887. Nothing published after Vol. m. No. 1, January, 1887. (4191 WINCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. July 4th, 1800. 250th anniversary of the first white settlement within the territory of Winchester. Boston, 1800? 4to, pp. 32. Illustrated. (4192 WINCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the life of James A. Woodbury. Written for the Winchester Historical Society, Winchester, Massachusetts. by Lora A. (Woodbury) Underbill. Winchester, Mass., 1003. 8vo, pp. [20]. Illustrations (incl. port.) (419:5 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Worcester, Mass. WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Normal schools and their origin. A paper read at a regular meeting of the Society, June 5, 1877. By Samuel E. Staples. Worcester, 1877. 8vo, pp. 8. Woodcut. Fifty copies printed. (4194 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Bennington. The battles of 1777. Centen nial celebration, 1877. Paper read before the Society, December 4, 1877, by Albert Tyler. With copious notes. Worcester, 1878. 8vo, pp. 46. (4195 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Charles Hudson. In memoriam. Paper read at meeting of the Society, May 17, 1881. By II. M. Smith. Worcester. 1881. Svo, pp. 43. (419C WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vols. i-x. Worcester. 1881- 1891. 8vo, 10 vols. Vol. i. Proceedings from January 24. 187."), to March 6, 1877, pp. (6) 71 ; Constitution, pp. 7 ; Proceeding s for 1877, pp. 42 ; Inscriptions from the old burial grounds in Worcester, Mass., from 1727-1850, pp. iv, 160 ; Proceedings for 1878, pp. 114. (4197 Vol. ii. Early records of Worcester, books 1, 2. 1722-1753, pp. 142, 145 ; Proceedings for 1879-80, pp. 154, 88. (4198 Vol. in. Records of the proprietors of Worcester, Mass. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. 1881. pp. 336. (4199 Vol. iv. Worcester town records from 1753 to 1783. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. 1882. pp. 472. (42OO 582 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. v. Proceedings for 1881, pp. 167 ; Records of the court of general ses sions of the peace for the county of Worcester, from 1731 to 1737. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. 1883. pp. 197 ; Proceedings for 1882, pp. 160. Portraits. (4201 Vol. vi. Proceedings for 1883 : Address, E. B. Crane ; Rev. George Allen, by F. P. Rice ; Charles W. Rice, by Henry M. Smith ; Nelson Ryan Scott, by II. L. Shumway ; Geography and history of Maine, by A. P. Marble ; Joseph Nyc Bates, by C. Otis Goodwin ; Holmes Ammidown, by Clark Jillson ; Excursion to Lancaster ; Biographical sketch and extracts from the journal of Rev. Timothy Dickinson, by T. A. Dickinson ; Hon. John Denison Baldwin, by S. E. Staples : Reports ; Return of the state of Capt. Ebenezer Newell s Co., Brookfield, 1777. 1884, pp. 136. Proceedings for 1884 : Clarendon Harris, by Clark Jillson ; The Worcester County Musical Association, by Samuel E. Staples ; The manufacture of lumber, by E. B. Crane ; An episode of Worcester history, by Nathaniel Paine ; * * * Incidents of the first and second settlements of Worcester, by F. E. Blake ; Random recollections of Worcester, 1839-1843, by Nathaniel Paine ; Excursion to the Brookfields ; F. G. Sanborn, by T. A. Dickinson ; John Brown, by Alfred S. Roe; Jeremiah Stiles, jr., by F. G. Stiles; Hon. Francis Thaxter Blackmer, by Charles R. Johnson ; Reports, 1885, pp. 243 ; Proceedings at the tenth anniversary of the Society, January 27, 1885 ; Address by Rev. Carlton A. Staples; Banquet; Record of members. 1885. pp. 100. (4202 Vol. vit. Proceedings for 1885 ; Some Worcester matters, 1689-1743, by F. E. Blake ; Rutland and the Indian troubles, 1723-1730, by Francis E. Blake ; Sev enth annual field day to Mendon, June 17, 1885 ; Visit to Millbury ; Manning Leonard, by Clark Jillson ; Worcester Main street sixty-three years ago, by II. H. Chamberlin ; David Oliver Woodman, by Thomas A. Dickinson ; The ruined city of Labua. 1886. pp. 160. Woodcut. Proceedings, 1886 : The New England Emigrant Aid Company, by Eli Thayer ; The Amistad captives, by J. A. How- land ; Asa Waters, 2d, and the Sutton and Millbury armory, by John C. Crane; Records of the Worcester County anti-slavery society, by J. A. Howland ; Field day in Rutland ; Memoir of the Putnam family, by Rufus Putnam ; Early paper mills in Massachusetts, especially Worcester County, by E. B. Crane; The late Hon. Charles Adams, jr., by II. M. Smith. 1887. pp. 168. Portrait. Woodcut. The Abolitionists vindicated in a review of Eli Thayer s paper on the New England Emigrant Aid Company, by Oliver Johnson. 1887. pp. 29. Proceedings, 1887: The Rawson family, by E. B. Crane; Indians and Europeans, by V. W. Cutler; Rev. John Nelson, D. D., by A. II. Coolidge ; Asa Ilolman Waters, by J. C. Crane ; The Puritans of Massachusetts Bay, by A. P. Marvin ; Some Meriams, and their connection with other families, by Rufus N. Meriam ; The Anglican church in the colonies, by Henry L. Parker; Isaac Newton Met- calf, by S. E. Staples. 1888. pp. 238. (42O3 Vol. via. Worcester town records, 1784-1800. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. 1890. pp. 411. Comprises Nos. 28-30 of the Publication*. (42O4 Vol. ix. Proceedings, 1888 : Reminiscences of Cambridge and Harvard College, by S. D. Hosmer ; Peter Whitney, and his history of Worcester County, by J. C. Crane ; The beginnings of Methodism in Worcester, by Alfred S. Roe ; Field day at Lexington, by George Maynard ; The early history of schools and school books, by Rufus N. Meriam; The early militia system of Massachusetts, by Ellery B. Crane; Dorothea Lynde Dix, by Alfred S. Roe. pp. 173. Pro ceedings, 1889 : Military operations at Castine, Me., by George F. Clark ; The burning of the Ursuline convent, by Ephraim Tucker; Reminiscences [Worces ter], by Elbridge Boyden ; The Worcester district in Congress, from 17S9 to 1857, by Franklin I . Rice; How we got to the front [Civil war, 1861-1S65], by F. G. Stiles ; Necrology for 1889. pp. 160. Proceedings, 1890 : Rev. A. P. Marvin, by A. E. P. Perkins; Old Worcester, by N. Paine; The Dudley or Pegan Indians, by J. E. Lynch; The naming of city streets, by S. D. Ilosmer ; Visit to Concord ; Guillermo Rawson, by E. B. Crane ; Record publication, by F. P. Rice ; Adin Ballou, by C. A. Staples. Necrology, pp. 178. Portraits. (4205 Vol. x. Worcester town records, 1801-1816. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. 1890. pp. 383. (420C WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xi, [parts 1-3, with index]. Worcester, 1893. Svo, pp. 382. Contents : Worcester town records, 1817-1832. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. (420 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. 583 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xn. Worcester, 1894. 8vo, pp. 527. Contents : Worcester births, marriages, and deaths. Compiled by Franklin P. Rice. Part 1 Births, 1714-1848. Part n Marriages, 1747-1848. Part in Deaths, 1826-1848. (42O7-42O8 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xin. Worcester, 1894. Svo, pp. (2), 500. Contents : Proceedings for 1891 : President s annual address ; The rival chiefs of Acadia [d Aulney and La Tour], by G. F. Clark; Lucy Keyes, the lost child, by A. P. Marble; John and Thomas Totman (and their descendants), by Rufus N. Meriam ; Field day in Medfield, address by A. A. Lovell ; A few of the homes of Medfleld, and what their [Indian] names signify, by James Ilewins ; [Early ministers of Medfield], by W. W. Ilayward ; Remarks on record publication, by F. I . Rice ; Opening of Salisbury Hall, with addresses ; Department reports ; Antiquities of Costa Rica, by George Maynard ; Obituaries for 1891 ; Benson John Lossing, by Nathaniel Paine ; Worcester, 1892 ; Proceedings for 1892 ; President s annual address ; Universal language, by Fred L. Hutchins ; The early ministry of Mendon, Mass., by G. F. Clark ; John Jack, the slave, and Daniel Bliss, the Tory, by George Tolman ; Some account of the Harding Bible, bj T Levi B. Chase ; My academic recollections of the Rev. Thomas Hill, by Rufus N. Meriam ; The days of the New England primer, by Anson Titus ; George Wil liam Curtis and his antecedents, by Henry H. Chamberlin ; Sketch of the six volumes entitled "Archives do Museu nacional," presented to the society, by George Maynard ; Obituaries for 1892 ; Proceedings for 1893 ; President s in augural address ; An ancient road and reminiscences of some Worcester families, by C. C. Denny ; Farm life in colonial New P^ngland, by Arthur P. Rugg ; The territory and boundaries of Massachusetts, by Thomas G. Kent ; Two Indian chiefs [of Westborough], by II. M. Forbes; Samuel Elbridge Ilildreth, by Alfred S. Roe ; Department reports ; Jonathan Holman, a Revolutionary colonel, by John C. Crane. (42O9 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xiv. Worcester, Mass., 1897. Svo, pp. 3,89. Portraits. Plates. Map. Contents ^Proceedings of the Society for the year 1894 : Worcester, 1895 : Annual address of the president ; Memorial of George Sumner ; Field-day at Uxbridge ; Tribute to Clark Jillson, by Henry L. Shumway, Benjamin L. Dodge, Franklin P. Rice, autobiographical sketch ; Presentation of an Indian mortar and remarks concerning it, by John C. Crane ; Treasurer s report ; Librarian s report ; Gifts to the library and museum ; Department reports : Military his tory of Worcester ; Proceedings for the year 1895. Worcester, 1896: Annual address of the president ; Upon the death of Samuel Dana Hosrner ; of Phinehas Ball ; Early Indian trails, by Levi B. Chase ; The new constitution of the society ; Field-day at Groton ; Major Gen. Caleb Burbank, an early paper maker, by John C. Crane ; The life and ministry of Joseph Willard, by Geo. F. Clarke ; Reports of the treasurer and librarian ; Gifts to the library ; De partment reports; A pay Abstract of a Regiment of Militia in the county of Worcester, commanded by Col. Jon. a Holman, Esq. 1 , For Service dun at Provi dence in the State of Rho. Island in the Month of December, 1776, and Janu ary, 1777; Roster of officers of the 2d regt., 2d brigade, 7th div., Militia, 1796; Local history ; Obituaries. Proceedings of the Society for the year 1896 : Annual address of the president ; Memorial resolutions ; Annual field-day at Deerfield, Mass. ; Capt. Isaac Davis, the first officer killed in the revolutionary war, by Geo. F. Clark; Twenty years of Harvard street (1876-1896), by A. S. Roe; Recollections of Front Street, Worcester, in the thirties, by F. G. Stiles ; Ad journed meeting commemorative of Forefathers day : Address by the president ; Address on William Brewster, by J. B. Knox ; Scientific men of the first four centuries since the discovery of America, by T. C. Mendenhall ; The moral sense then and now, by J. J. Putnam ; On the adventures of the Pilgrims, by F. G. Stiles; Reports of the treasurer and librarian; Department reports Index. (4214) WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xv. Worcester 1895. 8vo, pp. 430. Contents: Worcester Town Records, 1833-1848. Edited by Franklin P. Rice. With the editor s valedictory. General Index. (4211 584 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xvi. 1897-1899. Worces ter, Mass., 1S98-1900. Svo, pp. 108, 576. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Bulletin of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, Nos. 1 to 14, inclu sive, 1897-8-9 ; Proceedings of the Society for the year 1897, Worcester, 1898: Inaugural address hy the president, F. L. Ilutchins ; The Worcester post- office and its occupants, by II. II. Chamberlin ; The last of the Narragansetts, by Nathan B. Lewis; The banner (presented to the Washingtonian engine com pany in 1844), by Albert Tyler: Recollections of Mechanic street, from 1830 to 1840, by F. G. Stiles ; George Fisher Daniels, by John C. Crane ; Field day at Acton, by George Maynard ; The Nipmucks and their country, by John C. Crane ; Report of the excursion to Metropolitan water basin, by George May nard ; Forefathers day: Addresses by F. L. Ilutchins and W. S. B. Hopkins; Annual reports ; Letters of James B. Mower, 1824, prefaced by an account of the writer, by Mandeville Mower ; Local events of the year ; List of a Brook- field company in the Revolution ; A list of historical, biographical, genealogical, and other papers ; burial ground inscriptions ; proprietary, town, and court records; births, marriages, and deaths contained in the first fifteen volumes of collections of the Society, by Franklin I . Rice ; Proceedings of the Society for the year 1898, Worcester, Mass., 1899 : President s annual address for 1898 ; The Boston and Worcester turnpike and the bridge, by Henry II. Cham berlin ; Worcester county cattle shows, by Henry II. Chamberlin ; First Catholic cemetery, by Richard O Flynn ; Memorial of Cyrus G. Wood (with portrait), by A. S. Roe; Shoddy and its products, by Daniel Kent; Pilgrim fathers, by Mrs. Daniel Kent ; Field-day at Plymouth, by George Maynard ; Stow and John Gate s diary, 1755-89, by George F. Clark ; Worcester county musical association, by Samuel E. Staples; The loan collection, illustrated, with cata logue; Memorial of Sullivan Forehand (with portrait), by E. B. Crane; An nual reports. Proceedings of the Society for the year 1899, Worcester, Mass., 1900 : President s address 1899 ; Albert Curtis, by C. G. Washburn ; List of working committees ; Worcester tax-list of 1789 ; Eliot Winship Crafts, by Georgia Tyler Kent; An ancient bear-trap, by Albert G. Mann: Flintlock or matchlock, by George Sheldon ; Literature, by Alfred Waites ; Letter of Timo. Paine, 1700; Worcester a century ago, by Margaret Moore Boland ; List of voters in Worcester in 1799 ; Field day at Salem, by George Maynard ; " The Beginnings of the Second Parish " in Worcester with remarks, by James H. Bancroft ; Exchange street sixty years ago, by F. G. Stiles ; ^use or flintlocks which? by John C. Crane: Wheeler s surprise, 1675 where? by D. II. Cham berlain ; Resolution on the death of Eli Thayer ; Annual reports ; Recollections of Central and Thomas streets, by F. G. Stiles ; Extracts from old letters relating to local history, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis ; Index to. (4212 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xvn. 1900-1901. Wor cester, Mass., 1901. Svo, pp. 668. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Proceedings for 1900 ; President s address ; Memorial to Samuel May; An undistinguished citizen (Col. John Hazeltine), by Mrs. C. Van I). Chenoweth ; Twenty-fifth anniversary of the establishment of the society : Addresses by Ellery B. Crane, J. H. Walker, Carlton A. Staples, Thomas C. Mendenhall, Georgia A. Bacon, Charles G. Washburn, Stephen Salisbury ; The flintlock used in Philip s war, by George Sheldon ; Recollections of School street in the thirties and early forties of 1800, by F. G. Stiles ; Recollections of old Market street sixty and more years ago, by F. G. Stiles, 1899 ; Memorial to Rev. George Faber Clark ; Ruf us Alexander Grider, by Thos. A. Dickinson ; Document relating to the Chandler farm on Main street, written by George Jacques, 1864 ; Biographical accounts of William Swinton Bennet Hopkins and John Carter Otis ; Old Lincoln street, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis ; A story of three old houses, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis ; The Merrifield fire of 1854, by James H. Bancroft ; Causes of the war in South Africa, by James Green ; Sketch of E. J. Rockwood, by Thos. A. Dickinson ; Second field day at Lexington, by George Maynard ; Reuben Rawson Dodge, by Benjamin J. Dodge ; Report of exercises at the second court house of Worcester county afterwards the Trum- bull mansion, on June 30, 1900 ; The architecture of the second court house, by Stephen C. Earle ; The Society of Antiquity, by Ellery B. Crane; The society s committee on marking historic spots, by Daniel Seagrave ; The history of the second court house and the early bar, by Benjamin Thomas Hill ; The second parish in the second court house, by Samuel Swett Green ; The Trumbull man- WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. 585 sion and its occupants, by Mary Louisa Trumbull Cogswell ; Old laws and new, by William T. Forbes ; The diary of Rev. Silas Bigelow. the first minister of Paxton, Mass., 1758-17(51 ; Report of the George Bancroft memorial commictee. with a brief account of the formal exercises, Oct. 3, 1900 ; Stephen Salisbury s address ; James G. Wilson s address ; Edward Everett Hale s address ; Address of Rufus B. Dodge, jr.; Annual reports; Index; Proceedings of the Society for 1901: President s annual address; Sketch of Elisha Dewey Buffinglon ; History of the central exchange from 1804 to 1890, by .Tames II. Bancroft ; Francis Alexander, by B. A. Leonard ; An overland trip to California in the year 1860, by Ellery B. Crane; Gold, its distribution, identification, and metallurgy, by George M. Rice ; Old Worcester, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis ; My flower garden, by Alfred S. Roe ; Wheeler s surprise the cul-de-sac, by George Sheldon ; Field day at Marblehead, by George Maynard ; Early Worcester fam ilies, 1616-1843 ; The beginnings of the Boston and Worcester railroad, by Benjamin Thomas Hill ; Querns, by Richard O Flynn ; The Boston and Worcester turnpike, by Ellery B. Crane; Sketch of James Lawrence Estey ; An early Wor cester family (Clapp), by Mrs.- Oliver Clapp ; Worcester artillery roll, 1825; A sketch of the Worcester light infantry, 1803-1902, by Frederick Green Stiles ; Worcester branch railroad, by James II. Bancroft ; Report of the committee on local history and genealogy; Annual reports; Index. (4213 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xvni. 1902. Worcester, Mass., 1902. 8vo, pp. 275. Portrait. Contents: Proceedings of the Society, Vol. xvm, Worcester, 1902: Presi dent s annual address ; Field inspection roll of Capt. Grout s company of foot, 1811; Sketch of Mrs. David H. Manning; Manchester street fire, by James H. Bancroft ; A brief account of manners and customs in the New England colonies before the Revolution, by Jeanie Lea Southwick ; Old Worcester, by Mrs. E. O. I . Sturgis; Sketch of Samuel Elias Staples, by Franklin P. Rice; Report of the exhibition of antique musical instruments, with catalogue and programmes of the concerts, and names of the several committees ; Stone family ; The Huguenots, by Annie J. Ward ; Field day at Quincy, by George Maynard ; Parker family ; His tory of the Jo Bill road, by Ellery B." Crane ; A trip to Colorado 92, by George M. Rice ; Excursion to the Metropolitan water basin, by George Maynard ; The Nathan Patch house and north end of Main street, by Charles A. Chase ; Old Lincoln street The Daniel Henchman farm, by Charles A. Chase; Department reports; General index to Vol. xvni. (4214 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xix. Worcester, Mass., 1903. 8vo, pp. 416. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Proceedings for the year 1903, Vol. xix, Worcester, 1903 : Presi dent s annual address ; Champlain s voyages and the founding of Quebec and Montreal, by Ellery B. Crane ; School-day reminiscences, by Nathaniel Paine ; List of members; Old time taverns of Worcester, by Emma F. Waite ; Remin iscences of Thomas street schools and school-house 60 years and more ago, by Henry M. Wheeler ; The old Pine Meadow road and it s forgotten bridge, by Arthur J. Marble ; A sketch of the Chandler family in Worcester, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis ; Diary of a revolutionary soldier, Ichabod Corbett, of Mendon, Mass. ; Ancestry of Jchabod Corbett ; The Flagg family in Worcester ; Annual field day at New London and Groton, by George Maynard ; Letters by Christopher C. Baldwin and Rev. Warren Burton, 1834; Manual of arms, 1638; Concerning schools for girls in Worcester in former days, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis : Be ginnings of New England, by Ellery B. Crane; The Rice family; Exercises held on Oct. 7, 1903, in placing a boulder to indicate the location of the first home of Major Jonas Rice : Addresses by Lyman A. Ely, Charles E. Burbank, George M. Rice, William T. Forbes ; Poem, by George Maynard ; Address, by John C. Crane ; The Rice Boulder, poem, by Mrs. A. II. Hinman ; Copies of some old documents belonging to the Rice family, throwing some light upon the life of the early settlers of Worcester ; A New England house one hundred years ago, by Henry M. Wheeler ; Solomon Parsons a memorial sketch, by George May nard ; Department reports ; General indt : to Vol. xix. (4215 586 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Collections. Vol. xx. Proceedings for the year 1904. Worcester, Mass., 1904-1906. 8vo. No. 1, Vol. xx, pp. 70. Contents : Officers for 1904 ; Committees ; Proceedings ; Industrial conditions in the South before the war, by Edward Thomas ; A visit to the English haunts of the Pilgrims, by Carrie A. Ilildreth ; Genealogical matters relating to the Parsons family, of Worcester and Leicester, Mass., compiled by George Maynard ; Captain Timothy Parker. No. 2, Vol. xx, pp. 71-142. Contents: Proceedings, 391st meeting, March 1. 1904; Early roads in Wor cester, by Henry M. Wheeler ; Proceedings, 392nd meeting, April 5, 1904 ; A sketch of the children of Dr. William Paine, by Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis. No. 3, Vol. xx, pp. 143-190. Contents : Proceedings, 393rd meeting. May 3, 1904 ; Ode to the prairie End of five years experience of the author upon Grand Prairie, Illinois, by Thomas C. Rice; Proceedings, 394th meeting, Tune 7, 1904; Origin and use of post- roads in New England, by Lyman A. Ely. No. 4, Vol. xx, 1905, 8vo, pp. 191-218. Contents : Proceedings, 395th meeting, July 5, 1905 ; Report of the annual field-day excursion to Brooklyn and Putnam s Wolf-den ; General Israel Putnam, paper prepared by F. S. Luther. No. 5, Vol. xx, 1905, 8vo, pp. 219-252. Contents : Proceedings, 396th meeting ; The treatment of the Indians by the colonists, by Ellery B. Crane ; Proceedings, 397th meeting ; Boston when Ben Franklin was a boy, by Anson Titus. No. 6, Vol. xx, 1906, 8vo, pp. 253-298. Contents : Proceedings, 398th meeting ; Memorial of William Henry Bartlett, by Alfred S. Roe; Memorial sketch of Rev. Carlton Albert Staples, by Ellery B. Crane ; Report of the treasurer ; General index to Vol. xx. (4210 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. A sketch of the life of Maj. Ezra Beaman, together with documents of public interest. By Albert A. Lovell. Worces ter, 1882. 8vo, pp. (3), 20. (4217 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Reminiscences of George Allen, OL Worces ter. With a biographical sketch and notes by Franklin P. Rice. Worces ter, 1883. 16vo, pp. 127. Portrait. Large paper. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. Reprinted in part from the Collections. (4218 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. An episode of Worcester history. Read before the society, April 1, 1884. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1884. 8vo, pp. 9. (4219 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Incidents of the first and second settle ments of Worcester. [Paper read before the Society, May 6, 1884.] By Francis E. Blake. Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 33. Title on cover is "Worcester s Bicentennial: 1684-1884. The early settle ments of Worcester." (422O WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Memorial of Holmes Ammidown. By Clark Jillson. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for 1883. Wor cester, 1884. Svo, pp. 8. Portrait. (4221 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Memorial of John Denison Baldwin, min ister, legislator, and journalist. By Samuel E. Staples. Worcester, 1884. Svo, pp. 14. Portrait. Cover has seal of the Society. (4222 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. 587 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Random recollections of Worcester, Mass., 1839-1843. Being remarks at a meeting of the Society, June 3, 1884. By Nathaniel Paine. Worcester, 1885. 8vo, pp. 46, (1). Illustrated. From Proceedings for 1884. (4223 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Medals : Report of the department of relics, coins, and curiosities, presented at a meeting of the Society, October 6, 1885. By J. Chauncey Lyford. Worcester, 188(5. 8vo, pp. 12. (4224 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Rutland and the Indian troubles of 1723- 1730. By Francis E. Blake. Worcester. 188(1 8vo, pp. 53. Plate. Map. Read before the Society, April 7, 1885. (422."> WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Worcester Main street sixty-three years ago. By Henry II. Chamberlin. Worcester, 1886. 8vo, pp. 24. Reprinted from Proceedings. (422G WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Asa Holman Waters : a paper read before the Worcester Society of Antiquity, May 3, 1887. By John C. Crane. Worcester, Mass., F. P. Rice, 1887. 8vo, pp. 15. Front, (port.) (4227 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. The New England Emigrant Aid Company and its influence, through the Kansas contest, upon national history. By Eli Thayer. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 48. Abstract of two lectures given before the Society in March. 188(1 (422S WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. The Abolitionists vindicated in a review of Eli Thay-er s paper on the New England Emigrant Aid Company. By Oliver Johnson. Worcester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 28. Read before the Society, May 10, 1887. (4229 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Some Meriams and their connection with other families. By Rufus N. Meriam. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Worcester Society of Antiquity for 1887. Worcester, 1888. 8vo, pp. 5-52. (423O WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Peter Whitney and his history of Worcester County. By John C. Crane. Worcester, 1889. 8vo, pp. 25. Portrait of Peter Whitney. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, 1888. (4231 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Reminiscences of Cambridge, and Harvard College. By Rev. S. I). Ilosmer. Worcester. 1880. Svo, pp. 12. (4232 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Jonathan Ilolman, a Revolutionary Colonel. A paper read before the Society December 5, 1803. By John C. Crane. Worcester, 1894. 8vo, pp. 10. Portrait. (4233 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Major Gen. Burbank. an early paper maker. By John C. Crane. Worcester, Mass.. 1X00. Svo, cover-title, pp. 15. Port. From the Proceedings of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, 1895. (4234 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY, rapt. Isaac Davis. By George F. Clarke. 8vo, pp. 11. Read before the Society Sept. 1, 1896. (4235 588 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. A list of historical, biographical, genealog ical, and other papers ; burial ground inscriptions ; proprietary, town, and court records; births, marriages, and deaths, contained in the first fifteen volumes of Collections of the Worcester Society of Antiquity. Prepared by Franklin I . Rice, December, 1807. Worcester, 1808? 8vo, pp. 4. With Worcester Society of Antiquity. Collections. Worcester, Mass., 1805. Vol. 15. Caption title. (423; WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Membership, January 1, 1808. 12 mo, pp. 8. (4237 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Bulletin of the Worcester Society of An tiquity. Worcester, Mass. Numbers 1 to 14. inclusive, as indexed with Vol. xvi of Proceedings 1807-8-0. Worcester, Mass., 1800. 8vo, cover-title, pp. 108. With its Proceeding*. Worcester, Mass., 1808-1900. Vol. 16, 1807-00. No more published under this title, although the Proceedings, published monthly, January, 1000-February, 1001 (forming No. 1-8 of Proceedings, Vol. 17) may be considered as a continuation. After the latter date the Bulletin was announced to be discontinued (of. Proceedings, Vol. 17, No. 0. Notice) and the Society resumed its earlier method of publishing Proceedings at irregular inter vals. (4238 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. Samuel Elias Staples. 1822-1902. Founder and first president of the Worcester society of antiquity, Worcester, Massa chusetts. Worcester, 1002? 8vo, pp. 1<>. Front, (port.) Memorial sketch * * * read at a special meeting .of the Worcester Society of Antiquity * * * April 29th, 1002, by Franklin P. Rice. (4239 WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. A sketch of the Chandler family in Wpr- cester, Mass. By Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis. Worcester, 1003. 8vo, pp. 37. From the Proceedings. Privately printed. (424O WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY. A sketch of the children of Dr. William Paine (Esther Orne Paine, Harriet Paine, William Fitz Paine), and Fred eric William Paine, the public-spirited citizen. 1774-18GO. By Mrs. E. 0. P. Sturgis. [Worcester, Mass.j n. d. 8vo, pp. 16. From the Proceedings. (4241 CA88 COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Detroit, Mich. CASS COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Old times. Reminiscences of the early days of Michigan. Address before the Association, June 21, 1870. By J. W. Bagley. Detroit, 187<>. 8vo. (4242 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Detroit. Mich. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Constitution and by-laws of the Historical Society of Michigan, incorporated June 2H, 1828. Detroit, 1829, 8vo, pp. 32. (4243 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. A discourse delivered at the first meeting of the Historical Society of Michigan. September 18, 1820. Published at their request. By Lewis Cass. Detroit, 1830. 8vo, pp. 52. On early settlements in Michigan. (4244 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. 589 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Discourse on the anni versa ry of the His torical Society of Michigan, June 4, 1830. By H. R. Schoolcraft. Detroit, 1830. 8vo, pp. 44. On the Indian tribes of the Upper Lakes. (4245 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical and scientific sketches of Michi gan, comprising a series of discourses delivered before the Society, and other interesting Papers relative to the Territory. Detroit, 1834. 12mo, pp. 215. Discourses by Lewis Cass, Henry R. Schoolcraft, Henry Whiting, and John Biddle. Also, Natural History. Extracts from a lecture delivered before the Detroit Lyceum by Henry R. Schoolcraft. Remarks on the supposed tides and periodical rise and fall of the North American lakes, by Plenry Whiting. (4246 H-OUGHTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MINING INSTITUTE. HOUGHTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MINING INSTITUTE. Articles of association ; and address by the Rev. Father Jacker ; also, inaugural address of J. H. Foster, May 11, 1866. Is. P. [1866?]. 8vo. (4247 HOUGHTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MINING INSTITUTE. Indian mythology. By E[dward| Jacker. Houghton? Mich., 18 . 8vo, pp. (2). Caption title. At head of title: Houghton County Historical Society and Mining Institute. (4248 OLD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION OF THE GRAM) RIVER VALLEY. Grand Rapids, Midi. OLD RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION OF THE GRAND RIVER VALLEY. Memorials of the Grand River Valley. By Franklin Everett. Chicago, 1878. Svo, pp. x, 545, 74. Portrait. " This work was prosecuted under the auspices of the Old Residents Associa tion of the Grand River Valley." Prefatory note. (4249 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Detroit, Mich. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Circular, act, constitution, by laws, and list of officers, organized April 22, 1874. Lansing, 1874. 16mo, pp. 14. (4250 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. General circular. February 28, 1876. [Lansing, 1876.] Svo, pp. 3. No title-page. (4251 I IOXEEB AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Farewell address of the presi dent, Jonathan Shearer. January 30, 1877. Broadside. (4252 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pionoer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan, together with reports of county, town, and district pioneer societies. Vol. i. Lansing, 1877. 8vo, pp. viii, 554. Second edition published in 19OO. Only the leading articles in Vols. i-xrv are noticed. Contains: Origin and progress of the Michigan school system, by John D. Pierce ; Internal improvements in Michigan, by O. C. Cornstock ; Incidents in the Black Hawk War, by Edwin Jerome; On the practicability of building a ship canal across the peninsula, by Henry A. Shaw. (4253 590 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society, etc. Vol. 2. Detroit, 1880. 8vo, pp. vii, 680. Second edition, Lansing, 1901. Contains : The Mound Builders in Michigan, by Henry Gillman ; Early French settlements in Michigan, by James V. Campbell ; Early banks and banking in Michigan, by Alpheus Felch ; On the recent discovery of the grave of Pere Mar- quette, by George Duffield ; Sketch of the early history of Methodism in the southwest part of Michigan, by S. N. Griffith; Michigan s record in the war with Mexico, by Isaac I). Toll. (4254 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society, etc. Vol. HI. Lansing, 1881. 8vo, pp. is, (3), 712. Contains: The Northwest during the Revolution, by C. I. V\ alker ; Members of the Constitutional Conventions of 1835 and 1850, by II. G. Wells : Mound- builders in Michigan, by II. H. Riley ; Climate of Detroit, by Bela Hubbard : Detroit, in 1796 ; Governors and judges of Michigan, by J. V. Campball ; Jour ney from Montreal to Chicago in 1818, by G. S. Hubbard ; Administration of Indian justice, by G. S. Hubbard ; Law and the legal profession, by II. G. Wells ; Indian Missions, by Martin Heydenburk ; Old church and mission house at Mackinac, by Martin Heydenburk ; The mound-builders in Michigan, by Henry Gillman; The Episcopal Church in Michigan, by C. C. Trowbridge ; History of Methodism in Detroit, by J. M. Arnold ; The Upper Peninsula, by Alex. Campbell. (4255 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society, etc. Vol. iv. Lansing, 1883. 8vo, pp. viii, (1), 593. Portraits. Contains: Discovery and development of the salt interest in the Saginaw valley, by Wm. L. Webber ; First trip by steam to Lake Superior, by Lewis Marvill ; Old French traditions, by Carrie W. Hamlin : A sketch of the marine of Lake Erie previous to the year 1829, by Francis A. Dewey ; Sketches of a pioneer ministry, by Jeremiah Porter ; Detroit half a century ago Post and Tribune ; The Michigan Thirteenth Narrative of the campaign at Stevenson, Alabama, 1862. (4256 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society, etc. Vol. v. Lansing, 1884. 8vo, pp. vii, 614. Contains : The growth and progress of Michigan, by T. W. Ferry ; The first president of the University, by Henry M. Utley ; History of the old branches of the University, by A. D. P. Van Buren ; Kaskaskia, by E. S. Mason ; Early settlement of -southwestern Michigan, by A. B. Copley ; A history of the Black Hawk War, by Henry Little ; The Wild Cat banking system of Michigan, by II. M. Utley. (4257 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society, etc. Vol. vi. Lansing, 1884. 8vo, pp. vii, 571. Contains: History of the press of Michigan, by T. S. Applegate ; The abolish ment of death penalty, by II. II. Bingham ; The Michigan State Agricultural College, by Theophilus Abbot ; History of Hillsdale College, by John C. Patterson. (4258 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer Society, etc. Vol. vn. Lansing, 1886. 8vo, pp. x, 709. Portrait. Contains : History of the land grants for education in Michigan, by Geo. W. Knight ; Education in Michigan during the territorial period, by Lucy M. Salmon ; Federal land grants for internal improvements in the state of Michigan, by A. N. Bliss; The "Patriot War;" Sketch of early pioneer life, by Sherman Stevens; History of the "Michigan Farmer," by J. C. Holmes; Congregation alism in Michigan, by P. R. Hurd ; Michigan soldiers in Mexico, by Isaac D. Toll ; Traveling on the Great Lakes when Detroit was young, by H. Massey ; A certificate made by Chippewa chiefs, signers of the treaty of 1819, by E. S. Williams. (4259 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Pioneer and Historical Society of the State of Michigan ; together with PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. 591 reports of county, town, and district pioneer societies. Vol. vni. Lansing, 1886. Svo, pp. xiv, 714. Contains : Locating the state capitol at Lansing, by Enos Goodrich ; Removal of the state capitol from Detroit, by A. L. Williams ; Lake Superior country, by John II. Forster ; Iron region of Lake Superior, by Peter White ; Probate judges of Lenawee county, by Norman Geddes ; Early history of Woodstock, by Or- samus Lamb ; Pioneer ministers of Washtenaw county, by Lorenzo Davis ; Copies and translations of papers in the possession of the Historical Society, at Detroit. (426O PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Pioneer Collections. Report of the Society, etc. Vol. ix. Lansing, 1886. Svo. pp. xii. 605. Contains : The Haldimand Papers ; Numerous papers relating to the pioneers and pioneer life of Michigan. (4261 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Collec tions and Researches made by the Pioneer and Historical Society of the State of Michigan. Vol. x. Lansing, 1888. Svo, pp. vi, (2), 700. Portrait. Contains : The political campaign of 1840, by A. D. P. Van Buren ; A quarter of a century of teaching, by A. D. P. Van Buren ; The old Moravian mission at Mount Clemens, by Henry A. Ford ; Watertown thirty years ago, by Enos Good rich ; Indian reminiscences of Calhoun and Kalamazoo counties ; The Hal dimand papers. 1762-1782. (426S PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Col lections and Researches made by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society including reports of officers and papers read at the annual meeting of 1887. Vol. xi. Lansing, 1888. Svo, pp. viii, 687. Contains: The Ordinance of 1787, by Cyrus G. Luce; The Constitution of the United States, by Daniel I*. Markey ; Disputed questions in the early history of Michigan, by Edward W. Peck ; Recollections of early explorations on Lake Superior, by Philo M. Everett ; Life in the copper mines of Lake Superior, by John H. Forster ; The Michigan and Ohio boundary line, by Frank E. Robson ; How Lansing became the capital, by Frank E. Robson ; History of military reservation at Fort Gratiot, by William L. Bancroft : The Calhoun and Kala mazoo county bars, by A. D. I*. Van Buren ; The Haldimand Papers, 1782- 1790. (4263 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Col lections and researches made by the Society. Vol. xn. Lansing, 1888. 8vo, pp. vii, (1) , 711. Portrait. Contains : Copies of papers on file in the Dominion Archives at Ottawa, per taining to the years 1788-1799 ; The Michigan State Historical Society, by J. C. Holmes ; Copies of papers in possession of the Historical Society at Detroit. 4264 PIONEEB AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Col lections and Researches made by the Society, including reports of officers and papers read at the annual meeting of 1888. Vol. xm. Lansing, 1889. 8vo, pp. vii, 6r>5. Portrait. Contains : A history of asylums for the insane in Michigan, by Henry M. Hurd ; Historical associations connected with Wyandotte and vicinity, by E. P. Christian ; Incidents in the early history of the Saginaw Valley, by Albert Mil ler ; Our temperance conflict, by A. D. P. Van Buren; Early church organiza tions and preachers in the Saginaw and Flint districts ; The Roman Catholics in Detroit. (4265 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Col lections and Researches made by the Society, including reports of officers and papers read at the annual meeting of 1889. Vol. xiv. Lansing, 1890. Svo, pp. viii, 720. Contains : The history of the settlement of Silver Islet, by John H. Forster ; Sketches of the northwest, by E. H. Day ; The Pottawattomies, by A. B. Copley ; 592 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Pioneer days in Kalamazoo and Van Buren, by Edwin S. Smith ; The log school- house era in Michigan, by A. I). I . Van Buren ; Michigan under the first and under the second Harrison, by J. Wilkie Moore ; History of the town of Com merce, by Jas. M. Hoyt ; Recollections of Nankin, by Melvin D. Osband ; The Willow Run settlement, by J. M. McMath ; How the last French claim to a Michigan farm was extinguished, by D. L. Crossman ; Early French occupation of Michigan, by D. L. Crossman ; General index. (4266 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical collections. Col lections and researches made by the Michigan Pioneer and Historical So ciety. Vol. xv. Lansing, 1889. 8vo, pp. iv, 751. Contains : " Copies on file in the Dominion archives at Ottawa, Canada, per taining to the relations of the British Government with the United States dur ing the period of the war of 1812." " Now for the first time are brought together in print the official reports and correspondence of the British officers in command on the Canadian frontier and in Michigan ; and * * * that portion of the British official story of the first two years of the war, which forms a page in the annals of Michigan, to gether with such parts thereof relating to Upper Canada as were found insep arable therefrom." (4267 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xvi. Lansing, 1890. 8vo, pp. iv, 746. Contains : " Copies of papers on file in the Dominion archives at Ottawa, Canada, pertaining to the relations of the British Government with the United States during and subsequent to the period of the war of 1812 ; Treaty of peace and subsequent relations, 1815-1819." The documents are selected, as they concern Michigan and the surrounding territory, including Indian treaties, restitution of the military posts, trade matters, etc. (4268 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. XVH. Lansing, 1892. 8vo, pp. ix, 732. Pages 565-671 contain " Expedition to Detroit, 1793 ; the Quakers, the United States Commissioners, and the proposed treaty of peace with the North western Indian tribes. Contemporary accounts of the tour to Detroit, the sojourn in that vicinity, and the return to Philadelphia, by Jacob Lindley, Joseph Moore, and Oliver Paxson." (4269 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xvni. Lansing, 1892. 8vo, pp. ix, 733. Portrait. Contains the usual reports, with papers. Among the more important are: War times in the copper mines, by J. H. Forster ; The press of Michigan, by S. B. McCracken ; The Old Academy and Seminary, the classic schools of our pioneer days, by A. D. P. Van Buren ; Co-education in the University of Michi gan, by Mrs. L. H. Stone. (4270 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xix. Lansing, 1892. 8vo, pp. iv, (1), 697. " This volume is devoted to copies from -the Canadian archives relating to the upper country and upper posts, and especially to Detroit, Michilimackinac, and St. Joseph, and covers a period from 1721 to near the close of the Revolution ary war." They are arranged as follows : Reports on American colonies, 1721- 1762, giving the official account of the French and British contention in the Indian country, with the treatment of the Indians ; The military dispatches, 1760-1764 ; The Bouquet papers, 1759-1765 ; The Haldimand papers, 1773- 1781. < 4271 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xx. Lansing, 1892. 8vo, pp. (6), 698. " Devoted to copies of original documents from the Canadian archives o Ottawa, relating to Michigan and its environs." Contents: The Haldimand papers, 1782-1789, "covering the period of < closing of the Revolutionary war, and the establishing of peace, and the evacua- PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. 593 tion of some of the military posts ; " Papers relating to Indian affairs, 1761- 1800, containing correspondence relative to the Indian war, etc, (4272 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xxi. Lansing, 185)4. 8vo. pp. viii. 73G. " This volume contains the proceedings of the annual meeting of 1892 and the papers contributed for that meeting, among which is a reprint of Marquette s journal of his first visit to the Mississippi. * * * A valuable contribution to the history of Detroit and vicinity will be found in the article upon the Patriot War and the Siege of Detroit." (4273 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xxn. Lansing 1894. 8vo, pp. viii, 710, (1). " This volume contains the proceedings of the annual meeting of 1893 and the papers read at the meeting, together with other historical papers." Among the more important are : Early Frenca missions on the Saginaw, by Fred Carlisle ; Railroad history of Michigan, by .1. F. Joy ; Battle and massacre at Frenchtown, 1813, by T." 1*. Dudley ; Fifty years of growth in Michigan, by B. M. Cutcheon. (4274 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Col lections and researches made by the Society. Vol. xxm. Lansing, 1895. 8vo, pp. (6), 70G. Contains copies of papers on file in the Dominion archives at Ottawa, Canada, pertaining to Michigan. (4275 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Historical Collections. Vol. xxiv. Lansing, 1895. 8vo, pp. (6), 718. Continues the contents of the above. (4276 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Collec tions and researches made by the Society. Vol. xxv. Lansing, 189(3. 8vo, pp. [v], 720. Illustrated. Contents: Copies of papers on file in the Dominion Archives at Ottawa, Canada, pertaining to Michigan, as found in the Colonial Office records* 1794- 1823. Haldimand papers : Gen. Frederick Ilaldimand to Brig. Gen. II. Watson Powell, 1781. Miscellaneous papers British Museum, 1784, 1785. Index. (4277 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Collec tions, etc. Vol. xxvi. Lansing, 189(3. 8vo, pp. vi. 713. Contents : Minutes of the annual meeting, 1894 ; Reports of secretaries and treasurer ; Report of memorial committee : Allegan county- Don C. Henderson ; Barry county Daniel Striker ; Bay county Andrew C. Maxwell ; Berrien county. Branch county Harvey Ilaynes ; Calhoun county John F. Hinman ; Cass county Geo. T. Shaffer ; Clinton county Ralph Watson ; Eaton county Esek Pray ; Genesee county Josiah W. Begole ; Ingham county C. B. Stebbins ; Ionia county Albert F. Morehouse ; Kalamazoo county Henry Bishop ; Kent county Wm. N. Cook ; Lenawee county Scovel C. Stacy ; Livingston county Albert Tooley ; Macomb county Geo. II. Cannon ; Muskegon county Henry II. Holt ; Oakland county, Oceana county Enoch T. Mugford ; Saginaw county Charles W. Grant ; St. Clair county Helen W. Farrand ; St. Joseph county Hiram Draper ; Shiawassee county Alonzo H. Owens ; Tuscola county Wil liam A. Ileartt ; Wayne county J. Wilkie Moore. Report of the committee on the death of Albert Miller ; Memoir of Judge Albert Miller ; A tribute to the memory of Albert Miller a poem, by R. C. Crawford : Life and labors of Isaac Marston, by H. II. Hatch ; Some reasons why so many men are out of employ ment ; Early history of Johnstown, Barry county, by Henry P. Cherry ; Across Michigan territory sixty years ago, by Enos Goodrich : Reminiscences of pioneer days in Hastings, by Mrs. A. M. Hayes ; Our German immigrations, by Andrew Ten Brook ; Some reminiscences of early times in Brooklyn, Michigan, by Joseph M. Griswold ; Early pioneer life in Oakland county, by John M. Norton ; Early history of the village of Addison, by Charles A. Parker ; Captain Alpheus. White, H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vpl 2 38 594 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. or Detroit during the thirties, by Richard R. Elliott ; Muskegon pioneer rem nants, by Albert Baxter ; The Indians of Michigan and the cession of their lands to the United States by treaties, by Alpheus Felch ; Map ; History of Michigan s portrait of General Lafayette ; Yankee Lewis s famous hostelry in the wilderness, by George H. White ; Yankee springs a poem, by George Torrey ; Minutes of annual meeting, 1895 ; Reports of officers ; Report of memorial commits ; Rise of our university, by Andrew Ten Brook ; Indian session of 1810, made by the treaty of Saginaw, by William L. Webber ; Life and labors of Bishop Baraga, by Chrysostom Verwyst ; A sketch of early history the first owners of Wash ington township, Macomb county, by Ceo, II. Cannon ; Judge Robert Thomas Elliott, Detroit, by Richard R. Elliott ; Early settlement of Holland, by G. Van Schelven ; A pioneer s greeting poem, by Enos Goodrich ; Pioneer memories, by Enos Goodrich ; Reminiscences of seventy years in Michigan, by R. C. Crawford ; Ode to Michigan, by R. C. Crawford ; The international boundary line of Michi gan (with maps), by Annah May Soule ; Early influence of Oakland county in the history of Michigan, by John M. Norton ; A sketch of the pioneer life of John Cannon, by his daughters; The pioneer a poem, by Win. I. Williams; Some of the beginnings of Lansing, by Alvin Rolfe ; The old log house, by L. D. Watkins ; Alexis St. Martin, of Mackinaw, the subject of an important discovery in physiology, by Geo. II. White; General index. (4278 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Col lections, etc. Vol. xxvn. Lansing, 1897. 8vo, pp. vi, 738. Contents : Facsimile of Gov. Felch s last letter ; Minutes of the annual meet ing, 1896 ; Report of the secretaries and treasurer ; Report of the memorial com mittee : Allegan county, Barry county Daniel Striker, Branch county Harvey Haynes, Calhoun county John F. Ilinman, Cass county, Clinton county Ralph Watson, Eaton county Esek Pray, Emmet county Isaac D. Toll, Genesee county Goodenough TOwnsend, Ingham county C. B. Stebbins, Ionia county Albert F. Morehouse, Jackson county Josiah B. Frost, Kalamazoo county Henry Bishop, Kent county Wm. N. Cook, Lena wee county Benjamin L. Bax ter, Macomb county Geo. II. Cannon, Monroe county John Davis, Muskegon county Henry II. Holt, Oakland county, Saginaw county Charles W. Grant Shiawassee county Alonzo II. Owens, St. Clair county Helen W. Farrand, St. Joseph county Calvin II. Starr, Tuscola county Wm. A. Ileartt ; Life and labors of Col. Michael Shoemaker, by Edward W. Barber; Life .and labors of Thomas D. Gilbert, by Charles Chandler ; Ceremonies at the unveiling of the Thomas D. Gilbert Memorial ; Michigan as a territory and some of its inhab itants, by F. Warner Wing; The Ontonagon boulder in the National Museum, by Charles Moore ; Recollections of the Barry county bar forty-four years ago, by James A. Sweeze.v ; Early history of Ray township, Macomb county, by George H. Cannon ; Reminiscences of early days in Coldwater and vicinity, by Harvey Haynes; Early history of Michigan, by William W. Warner; The public domain, its surveys and surveyors, by C. S. Woodard ; Sketch of the settlement and growth of Isabella county, by J. E. Day; Sketch of Peter Naw-Gaw-Nee, a celebrated Indian of the Isabella county reservation, by J. E. Day ; Early recol lections of the Indians about Gull Prairie, by Frank Little ; Indian funeral scene, by M. D. Chatterton; The Michigan-Indiana Boundary, by Annah May Soule;- The southern and western boundaries of Michigan, by Anna May Soule; Maps; Verdict for Michigan, how the upper peninsula became a part of Michigan, by L. G. Stuart ; Life of Senator Lucius Lyon, by George W. Thayer ; Letters of Lucius Lyon, 1822-1845 ; The Gladwin manuscripts, 1762-1774 together with an introduction and an historical sketch of the conspiracy of Pontiac, by Charles Moore; General index. ( 4ii7f> MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Col lections and researches, etc. Vol. XXVIH. Lansing, 1900. 8vp, pp. vii, 706. Contents: Annual meeting, June 2 and 3, 1897; Reports of officers; Report of Memorial committee : Barry county Daniel Striker, Branch county Harvey Haynes, Calhoun county -John F. Hinman, Clinton county Ralph Watson, Eaton county Esek Pray, Genesee county Goodenough Townsend, Huron county E. M. Stevens, Ingham county C. B. Stebbins, Ionia county Albert F. Morehouse. Jackson county Josiah B. Frost, Kalamazoo county Henry Bishop, Kent county Wm. N. Cook, Lenawee county Benjamin L. Baxter, Livingstou PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. 595 county A. Tooley, Macomb county George II. Cannon, Marquette county Peter White, Monroe county John Davis, Muskegon county II. II. Holt, Oak land county John M. Norton, Saginaw county C. W. Grant, Shiawassee county A. II. Owens, St. ( lair county Helen W. Farrand, St. Joseph county C. H. Starr, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. Life and character of Alpheus Felch, by Claudius B. Grant ; A brief sketch of the life of Capt. Joseph Marsac, by O. A. Marsac ; Early schools and pioneer life, by J. M. Norton ; Reminis cences of Port Huron, by C. M. Stockton ; A bit of history of Otsego county, by C. F. Davis ; Pioneer history of Champion Hill, by Mary Marshall ; A brief description and history of the township of Weldon ; Pioneer history of Blaine township ; Trials of pioneer business men, by Enos Goodrich ; History of the extinct village of Bertrand ; The Moravians in Michigan Something about the settlement of the old Moravian community, yclept " New Gnaudenhutten," by Mary Bush ; Reminiscences and scenes of backwoods and pioneer life, by A. M. Beardsley ; Sin Bin Nim a reminiscence of the murder of Kincaid Weis- ner, by Thos. Kriowlen ; The journey of Ionia s first settlers, by Prudence Tower ; Destruction of the forests of southern Michigan, by L. I>. Watkins ; History of the pioneer church of Nankin, Wayne county, by M. I). Osband ; A sketch of pioneer life among the Indians, by Catherine Calkins Brunson ; De troit in the year 18.32, by C. M. Burton ; Early Lansing from the recollec tions of Mrs. Sarah E. Dart ; Fort St. Joseph the mission, trading post and fort, located about one mile south of Niles, Michigan, by L. II. Beeson ; The old mission church of Mackinac Island, by Meade C. Williams ; The Vermont- ville colony : Its genesis and history, with personal sketches of the colonists, by Edward W. Barber ; Part n : Annual meeting June 1 and 2, 1898 ; President s address ; Report of the corresponding secretary and treasurer ; Report of me morial committee ; Life and character of Daniel Striker, by Clement Smith ; A pioneer centenarian of St. Joseph county, by Isaac I). Toll ; Daniel B. Harring ton, Port Huron s greatest pioneer, by O Brien Atkinson ; Early days iu old Washtenaw county, by C. B. Seymour ; Reminiscence of pioneer life in Oakland county, by Sarah E. Soper ; Ludington and Pere Marquette s grave, by R. II. Elsworth ; The great financial convulsion of 1893-4, by L. D. Watkins; The St. Joes, by R. C. Kedzie ; A sketch of Grand Portage Indian reservation, by Geo. H. Cannon; Notes of early history of Bruce township, Macomb county, by Geo. H. Cannon ; The passing of the pioneers, by Edward W. Barber ; The days of fife and drum, by Charles Moore ; Evolution of religion, morals and legislation in this country during the past century, by D. C. Walker ; What the government is doing in relation to the publication of the war records of the soldiers of the revolution, by M. D. Osband ; Pioneer and aborigine, by Calvin J. Thorpe : the republican party the true history of its birth, by Albert Williams ; Brief history of Saginaw county, by Wm. II. Sweet ; A pioneer s predictions the late John Westren s prescience of our iron mines ; The epidemic of 1848 in Shiawassee county, by Andrew Huggins ; Exchange bank of Shiawassee, by Andrew Hug- gins ; George S. Granger A biographical sketch, by O Brien J. Atkinson ; The early mission at Sault Ste. Marie, by A. Bingham ; The dying pirate a legend of Millington, written by Enos Goodrich ; An account of the rapid rise and sudden fall of Port Sheldon; Story of the Baw.Beese Indians, by A. I). I . Van Buren ; Reminiscences, by N. M. Thomas: History of the Tecumseh Press, by Benjamin L. Baxter; History of the Grand river Baptist Association of Green ville, by Albert F. Morehouse ; History of Crystal Lake township. Benzie county, by N. A. Parker ; Olden times in Detroit From an old letter copy book (1774) in possession of Ephraim S. Williams; Address before the Wash tenaw county pioneer society, June 12, 1895, by Julia Dexter Stannard ; The Pioneer Farmer s club of Michigan, by L. I). Watkins ; Settlement of the township of Bridgewater and vicinity, Washtenaw county, by L. D. Watkins ; Livingston county pioneer association : Some unpublished history of the first Detroit newspaper, by C. M. Burton ; Our grandmothers, together with a sketch of Caroline Baker Chalker and Abbie Kimball Beech, by Alice Cooper Kellogg; Our nation s progress, by John M. Norton ; Detroit in 1837 what the city s oldest directory discloses; Pioneering a poem by Mrs. Harrison Hutchins ; The long time ago, by Wm. A. Lewis; The invasion of the Saginaw valley (a legend as told by an Indian) ; William Austin Burt, by Wm. Burt ; The Detroit and Lake Superior copper co. s smelting works; Xavig.-ition vs. banking, by E. D. Burr ; The Fosters of Otsego, Allegan co., by A. R. Foster ; General Index. (428O 596 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Col lections and researches, etc. Vol. xxix. Lansing, Mich., 1901. Svo, pp. viii, 7G4. Portraits. Map. Contents : Remarks upon the aims, objects, and purposes of the society, by C. G. Luce ; Reports of officers ; Report of Memorial Committee ; * * * Pioneers of St. Clair county, by Jane M. Kinney ; An early visitor at Mirquette s grave, by R. H. Elsworth ; Port Huron s name early history of the place, by C. H. Norton ; Revolutionary Days, or Detroit in 1796, by Silas Farmer ; Domestic supply of sugar for Michigan, by R. C. Kedzie ; Ninth annual pioneer picnic of Cass county, from the Cassopolis Vigilant, June 2, 1882 ; The Selkirk settle ment, by Chas. Johnson ; Early Detroit, by C. M. Burton ; Fort Pontchartrain Du Detroit 1701 to 1710 under Cadillac, by C. M. Burton ; Cadillac, by Alfred Russell ; A tale of two cities [Poweting], Dedicated to Thomas D. Gilbert and to the Old Residents association of the Grand river valley, by Angie Ringham Gilbert ; Devil s Kitchen, Mackinaw Island. A poem by Angie Bingham Gilbert ; Beginnings in Eaton county : its earliest settlements and settlers, by Edward W. Barber ; Memorial of George H. Greene ; Theodatus Timothy Lyon, by Chas. W. Garfield ; Sketch of the life of General John R. Williams, by F. R. Williams ; Hon. William L. Webber- a sketch of his career ; First Yankee family at Grand Rapids, by Albert Baxter ; The weather bureau, by C. Frederick Schneider ; The Great Lakes. Interesting data concerning them : Michigan s relation to them ; Growth of traffic on them, by Edward W. Barber ; Recollections of pioneer and professional life in Michigan, by R. C. Kedzie ; Souvenir of William Kedzie ; The story of emancipation, by Edward W. Barber ; Log cabin times and log cabin people, by B. M. Cutcheon ; The past and present, by Edward W. Barber ; Augustus Brevoort Woodward, by C. M. Burton ; Michigan birds that nest in open meadows, by L. Whitney Watkins ; Early days in Duluth, by William Witter Spalding ; The Michigan Indians, by Melville D. Osband ; The pioneer and his work, by Melville D. Osband. General Index. (4281 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. xxx, published in 1906, " takes the place of the original number left for the General Index." For contents see Appendix. (4282 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxi. Lansing, Mich., 1902. Svo, pp. viii, 649. Portraits. Contents : Minutes of the annual meeting, June 5 and 6, 1901 ; Report of the secretaries and treasurer ; Memorial report Barry, Calhoun, Cass, Emmet, Ingham, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kent, Lenawee, Macomb, Montcalm, Oakland, St. Clair, St. Joseph, Tuscola, and Washtenaw counties ; History of Benzie county by historians of each township : By N. A. Parker ; Township history of Almira, by C. S. Linkletter ; A history of the early settlement of the township of Ben- zonia and the founding of Grand Tranverse college, by William A. Betts ; Early History of Gillmore and South Frankfort, by John S. Perry ; A birds-eye history of the township of Homestead, by Camden Johnson ; History of Inland ; Joy- field township, by Wm. A. Joy ; History of the township of Platte, by M. E. Thurston ; Oakland County Its bench and bar prior to 1840, by Aug. C. Bald win ; Biographical sketch of Judge Augustus C. Baldwin ; Recollections and lessons of pioneer boyhood, by Edward W. Barber ; The new state capitol ; The^ great conspiracy A chapter from the early history of Michigan railroading, showing the desperate and destructive opposition to the Michigan Central, by John Gilbert : The antiquities of Michigan, their value and impending loss, by Harlan L Smith ; Papers and orderly book of Brigadier General James Win chester, 1st Sept., 1812-llth Jan., 1813 ; The Black Hawk War, papers of John R. Williams, collected and arranged by C. M. Burton ; Anthony Wayne and the Battle of Fallen Timbers, by C. M. Burton ; Map to illustrate the historic grounds of the Maumee valley and vicinity, Oct., 1888 ; Detroit sixty years ago, by Thomas W. Palmer : The beginnings of territorial government in Michigan Manuscripts in the Department of State at Washington, Aug., 1805-May, 1808, compiled, with an introduction, by Charles Moore: Index. (4283 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Vol. xxxii. Lansing, Michigan. 1903. 8vo, pp. xiii, 662. Illustrated. Contents : History of the Grand Traverse region, by M. L. Leach ; A short history of the Beaver Islands ; A Moses of the Mormons, Strang s city of refuge MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. 597 and bis kingdom on an island, by Henry E. Legler ; The Beaver Island prophet, the trial in 1851 of "King" Strang, by Cieo. C. Bates; Pioneer life in southern Michigan in the thirties, by W. J. Beal ; Four papers on the early history of Shiawassee county, by Lucius E. Gould ; The historic Johnston family of the " Soo," by C. II. Chapman ; The early flora and fauna of Michigan, by Charles S. Wheeler ; The early history of the state board of health of Michigan, by R. C. Kedzie ; The Selkirk reservation, by James W. Humphrey ; A prehistoric fort at Climax, by F. Hodgman ; From New England to Lake Superior (1854), by O. W. Robinson ; The province of Michilimackinac, by John R. Bailey ; The Jesuits in Michigan, by John E. Day ; East Tennessee campaign and siege of Knoxville, by Byron M. Cutcheon ; Reminiscences of the Michigan legislature of 1871, by Lewis M. Miller ; The twin peninsulas, a poem, by Hannah F. Taylor ; Hillsdale college, Hillsdale, Michigan, by S. W. Norton ; Scientific uses for Michi gan folk-lore, by Harlan I. Smith ; Certain shamanistic ceremonies among the Ojibwas, by Harlan I. Smith ; Ferry service between Detroit and Windsor, by Friend I almer ; Extracts from the diary of John Askin, 1812-1814 ; War of 1812 Williams papers ; Woodbridge papers ; Report of memorial committee. General Index. (4284 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Index to the Reports and Collec tions. Vols. i-xv. 1874-1890. Lansing, Mich., 1904. 8vo, pp. 612. (4284 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Tenth annual meeting, June 13 and 14, 1883. Svo, pp. 4, 1883. No title-page. (4285 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Tenth anniversary of the So ciety, June 4 and 5, 1884. Sheet. (4286 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. 1874-1885. Eleventh annual meeting, June 17 and 18, 1885. Sheet. (4287 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. The Diocese of Detroit ; what it was; what it is. By Rev. Frank A. O Brien. A paper read at the an nual meeting of the Society, June 8, 1886. Detroit, 1886. (4288 [PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN.] Early history of Michigan, with biographies of State officers, members of Congress, judges, and legis lators. By Stephen D. Bingham. Lansing, 1888. Svo, pp. 745. (4289 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN. Manual. History, act of in corporation, constitution, by-laws, and list of officers and members. Lansing, 1893. 16mo, pp. 37. (4290 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Le pere juste," Right Reverend Mnnsignor Joos, V. G. A paper read before the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society at its thirtieth annual session, in the Senate chamber, Lansing, June 2, 1904, by Father O Brien. Nazareth, Mich. [1904]. Svo, pp. 48. Front, (port.). (4291 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Publications. Volume i. Contain ing six numbers. Contents : No. 1. May, 1893. Svo, pp. 143. Organization of the association : State bank issues in Michigan a retrospect of legislation, by Thomas M. Cooley ; A sketch of the origin, establishment, and workings of the national banking system, with special reference to issues, by Dwight B. Waldo; Federal taxation of state bank issues, by Thomas M. Cooley ; Bank note circulation, by Theodore C. Sherwood ; President s address, Edward Cahill ; Should United States senators be elected by the people? T. E. Bark worth Discussion, by A. C. McLaughlin, E. V. Robinson, B. A. Ilinsdale, II. C. Adams, D. B. 598 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Waldo. The interstate commerce act- its purpose, practical operation, par tial failure, and reason, with suggestions for improving it, by E. W. Med- daugh ; The interstate commerce act from the shippers standpoint, by James T. Shaw ; Discussion of the interstate commerce act, T. G. Craig, H. C. Adams. [Vol. i.] No. 2. May, 1894. pp. 139. Penological hints, by L. C. Storrs ; Dissatisfaction with the senate, by Alfred Russell ; Sugges tions for a system of taxation, by Henry C. Adams ; Discussion, The rela tion of the church to political and social science, by A. Gaylord Slocum ; The province of agricultural colleges, by L. G. Gorton ; Corporations in Michigan, by Alfred Russell; Publicity and corporate abuses, by Henry C. Adams; Emi nent domain, its growth and limitations, by T. E. Barkworth ; Alien suffrage, by Henry A. Chaney. No. 3. December, 1894. pp. 75. Uniform legislation by the several states, by S. M. Cutcheon ; Census bulletin No. 48 of 1891, by Alfred Russell; A national reserve for the exigency of war, by J. Sumner Rogers; Competition and organization, by Charles II. Cooley ; Corporations in the light of history, by John P. Davis ; Suggestions for amendment of the laws governing corporations in the state of Michigan, by Jay P. Lee. No. 4. April, 1895. pp. 77. Legal education : its relation to the people and the state, by II. B. Ilutchins ; Local self-government, so called, as it is found in the constitution of Michigan, by Otto Kirchner ; Social Evolution, by Benjamin Kidd a critical review, William Prall ; Incongruity of the divorce laws in the United States a legal tangle, by John C. Richberg. No. 5. July, 1895. pp. 36. British rule in Central America, or a sketch of Mosquito history, by Ira D. Travis. No. 6. December, 1895. pp. 59. City government in Michigan : Some remarks upon the government of municipalities suggested by the experience, growth, and development of the city of Grand Rapids, by John W. Champlin ; City govern ment in Kalamnzoo, by Dallas Boudeman ; City government in Jackson, by W. II. Withington ; City government in Saginaw, by Wm. L. Webber ; City gov ernment in Detroit, by Charles A. Kent. (425)2 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. n. 1890 and 1897. Contents : No. 1. Do we want an elastic currency? By F. M. Taylor, pp. 28. No. 2. The southern and western boundaries of Michigan, by Anna May Soule. pp. 71, (2). No. 3. The real Monroe doctrine, by B. A. Hinsdale ; The United States and the peace of the world, by Edward Cahill. pp. 45. No. 4. Municipal government in Europe, by Richard Hudson ; State supervision of cities, by John II. Grant, pp. 51. No. 5. The discoverers of Lake Superior, by Charles Moore, pp. 13. No. 6. Agricultural depression in the United States, by W. A. Coutts. pp. 90. No. 7. Industrial prosperity and the means for bringing it about (President s address), by John W. Champlin; Labor in relation to the pro duction of wealth, by Wm. L. Webber, pp. 34. No. 8. The binding effect of the Ordinance of 1787, by Walter C. Haight. pp. (50. No. 9. The relation of corporations to the state, by William L. Webber, pp. 15. (429:5 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. in. [Nos. 1-8], [1898-99]. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 8vo. Map. Contents: No. 1. March, 1898. pp. 56. The history of suffrage in Michigan, by Mary Joice Adams. No. 2. April, 1898. pp. 24. The popular initiativo and referendum, by C. M. Barnes. No. 3. June, 1898. pp. 27. Indeterminate sentence, by Levi L. Barbour. No. 4. December, 1898. pp. 17. The pine industry in Michigan, by Arthur J. Hill and John Bertram. No. 5. January, 1899. pp. 15. The development of the copper industry of northern Michigan, by J. N. Wright. No. 6. January, 1899. pp. 19. The mining industry of northern Michigan, by Peter White. No. 7. March, 1899. pp. 40. Agriculture in Michigan, a sketch by Romanzo Adams. [No. 8.1 pp. ix, 312. The history of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, by Ira Dudley Travis; Bibliography. (4204 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. iv. [1900-1902.] [Nos. 1-6.] Ann Arbor, Michigan. 8vo. Contents: No. 1. July, 1900. pp. 48. An historical sketch of internal ir provements in Michigan, 1836-1846, by Hannah Emily Keith. No. 2. Novem ber, 1900. pp. 11. The salt industry in Michigan, by S. G. Higgins. No. 3. December, 1900. pp. 159, (1). Methods of keeping the public money of tl United States, by John Burton Phillips. No. 4. June, 1901. pp. 70. Taxa tion in Michigan and elsewhere : The importance of good tax laws, by Harvey H. MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. 599 Hollister ; The purpose and working of the Michigan State tax commission, by Milo D. Campbell ; The state taxation of inter-state properties, by Edwin R. A. Seligman ; A separation of state and local finances, by Horace M. Oren ; Some history of the struggle in Illinois to realize equality in taxation, by Harvey B. Hurd ; Remarks on the general problem of tax reform, by Edwin R. A. Seligman : Michigan railroad appraisal Valuation of physical properties, by Mortimer E. Cooley ; Valuation of the non-physical element in railways, by Henry C. Adams. No. 5. January, 1902. pp. 20. The Iowa board of control : A centralized sys tem of administration for state institutions, by Harold M. Bowman. No. 6. July, 1902. pp. 159. The social problems of the farmer, papers read before the joint meeting of the Michigan Political Science Association arid the Michi gan Farmers Institutes, Feb. 25th and 26th, 1902 : The economic value of in dustrial education, by J. L. Suyder ; Higher education and the people, by Henry C. Adams ; Discussion of the preceding papers, by II. R. Pattengill ; The de crease of rural population in the southern peninsula of Michigan, by Charles H. Cooley ; Changes demanded in the educational system of rural communities, by L. D. Harvey ; The rural school problem in Michigan, by Delos Fall ; The origin and development of forest work in the United States, by George B. Sudworth ; The forestry problem In Michigan, by E. A. Wildey ; Discussion of the forestry question, by C 1 . A. Davis ; Needs and possibilities of organization among farmers, by Geo. B. Ilorton ; The church as a center of rural organiza tion, by Graham Taylor ; Discussion of the preceding papers, by Kenyon L. Butterfield ; The dependence of agriculture upon transportation, by E. A. Prouty ; The agricultural department and its relation to the farmer, by James Wilson ; Agriculture and the home market, by E. D. Jones ; Canada, what she has done for the farmer by organization, by George C. Creelman ; Resolutions. (42J)f MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Studies in Michigan History. Pub lications. Vol. v. No. 1. September, 1002. The territorial tax legisla tion of Michigan. By Margaret A. Schaffuer. Svo. pp. 40. Bibliography, pp. 44-46. (429CJ MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. v. No. 2. June, 190,3. Convention of educators and business men for the discussion of higher commercial education held under the auspices of the Michigan Political Science Association February fifth, sixth, and seventh, nineteen hundred and three. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arbor, 1003. 8vo, pp. 229. Contents r Opening remarks of Arthur Hill ; Address of welcome from the President of the University of Michigan, James B. Angell ; The problem of commercial education, by Edmund J. James ; The place of commercial studies in the college or university curriculum, by William A. Scott ; Remarks concerning the Amos Tuck School of Dartmouth College, by II. S. Person ; Secondary schools of commerce and their relations to higher institutions, by Cbeesman A. Herrick ; Higher commercial education and the business community, by Edward D. Jones ; What can a university contribute to preparation for business life? The reply of the manufacturer, by David M. Parry ; of the transporter, by Edwin H. Abbott ; of the wholesale dealer, by A. C. Bartlett ; of the corporation lawyer, by James B. Dill. The functions of technical science in education for business and the professions, by R. H. Thurston ; Discussion of Dr. Thurston s paper, by Henry S. Carhart ; Training needed for consular service, by George M. Fisk ; Essential elements in the education of a T T . S. consular officer, by James C. Monaghan ; Discussion of technical questions relative to the organization of higher commercial education with universities and colleges. (4297 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIKNCK ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. v. No. 3. September, 1003. Juvenile offenders in the city of Detroit, with sugges tions for the establishment of a juvenile court and probation system. By Richard A. Bolt. Ann Arbor, 1003. Svo, pp. 04. (4298 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Publications. Vol. v. No. 4. March, 1004. Papers and discussions on municipal problems in Michigan at the joint convention of the Michigan Political Science Association and 500 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the League of Michigan Municipalities, February 11-12, 1904. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1904. 8vo, pp. viii, 204. Contains : Suggestions for and against municipal ownership of public utilities, by C. A. Kent ; The enforcement of the criminal laws of the state in cities and villages, by Claudius B. (Jrant; The legislature and local bills, by David E. Heineman ; Municipal home rule : city charters framed by municipal conventions, by Delos F. Wilcox ; Merit in municipal administration, by Sherman D. Callen- dar ; Uniform municipal accounting, by Charles C. Brown ; Direct primary elec tions, by Charles C. Simons ; Public works in Detroit, by W. II. Maybury ; Sani tary sewers in small cities, by E. R. Nellis ; Tar-Macadam pavements, by James W. Inches ; The water supply of cities, by V. C. Vaughan ; Some requisites of a good city charter, by Elvin Swarthout. (4299 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Papers and addresses on primary reform read at the annual meeting of the Michigan Political Science As sociation. Ann Arbor, 1905. 8vo, pp. 140. (On cover : Publications of the Michigan Political Science Association. Vol. vi. No. 1.) Appendix : References to the primary election laws of the several States, pp. 144-149. Contents : Direct primaries in Kent County, R. W. Butterfield ; Forty years of direct primaries, E. L. Hempstead ; Direct primaries in Minnesota, J. A. Fairlie, D. F. Simpson, W. A. Schaper, and F. M. Anderson ; The new primary law in Wisconsin, H. L. Smith ; The New York primary law, II. A. Bull ; The Bronson primary law in Ohio, A. H. Tuttle ; The Chicago primary system, Dr. C. E. Merriam ; Constitutional limitations on primary election legislation, F. R. Mechem. (4300 MICHIGAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. Programme for the joint meeting of the Michigan Political Science Association and the League of Michigan Municipalities on Municipal Problems, to be held at Ann Arbor February 11 and 12, 1901. 12mo, pp. [4]. (4301 MIXXE8OTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i-vi. St. Paul, Minn. Published by the Society. 1860-1891. 8vo, 6 vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Republication of the original parts issued in 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1856; Preface; Sketch of the Society; Charter; Officers; French voyageurs to Minnesota during the seventeenth century, address by E. D. Neill, January 1, 1850 ; Description of Minnesota, by II. II. Sibley, 1850 ; Our field of historical research : Address of A. Ramsey, January 13. 1851 ; Organization of Minnesota Territory, speech of II. II. Sibley before the Committee on Elections of the [U. S.] House of Representatives, December 22, 1848; Early courts of Minne sota, by A. Goodrich ; Early schools of Minnesota, by D. A. J. Baker ; Religious movements in Minnesota, by C. Hobart ; The Dakota language, by S. R. Ki,W : Memoir 011 the history and physical geography of Minnesota, by H. R. School- craft ; Letter from W. W. Mather, 1851 ; Letter of Mesnard, written on the eve of embarkation for Lake Superior, 1654 ; St. Louis River, by T. M. Fuller- ton ; Ancient mounds and monuments : Iowa Indians and mounds, by G. H. Pond ; Stone heaps at Red Wing, by J. F. Aiton ; Mounds of Minnesota Valley, by S. R. Riggs ; Schoolcraft s exploring tour of 1832, by W. T. Boutwell ; Battle of Lake Pokeguma, by E. D. Neill ; Memoir of Jean N. Nicollet, by H. H. Sib ley : A sketch of Joseph Renville, by E. D. Neill ; Department of Hudson s Bay, by G. A. Belcourt ; Obituary of James M. Goodhue, by E. D. Neill ; Dakota land and Dakota, life, by E. D. Neill; Wbo were the first men? by T. S. Wil liamson ; Louis Hennepin, the Franciscan, first explorer of the Upper Missis sippi River; Sienr Du Luth, explorer between Mille Lacs and Lake Superior; Le Sueur, The explorer of the Minnesota River ; D Iberville, an abstract of his MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 601 memorial on the country of the Mississippi ; The Fox and Ojibway war ; Capt. Jonathan Carver, and his explorations ; /. M. Pike s explorations in Minnesota, 1805 1SOG ; Who discovered Itasca Lake? letter of W. Morrison; Early days at Fort Snelling; Running the gauntlet, a thrilling incident of early days at Fort Snelling ; Reminiscences, historical and personal annual address, by II. H. Sihley, February 1, 1856 ; Chronological index ; General index. 1872. pp. 519. Portrait. (43O2 Vol. ii [part 1]. Collections, 18GO ; Voyage in a six-oared skiff to the Falls of St. Anthony in 1817, by S. II. Long, with introductory note by E. D. Neill. Philadelphia, I860. pp. 87 (1). Vol. ii [part 2]. Collections, 1864; Officers; Introductory; Early French forts and footprints of the valley of the Upper Mississippi, by E. D. Neill ; Oc currences in and around Fort Snelling from 1819 to 1840, by E. D. Neill ; His tory of the Dakotas, J. W. Lynd s manuscripts. St. Paul, 1865. pp. 62. Vol. ii [part 31. Collections, 1867; Officers; Report of committee on publica tion ; Annual report of the secretary, January 21, 1867 ; Mineral regions of Lake Superior, as known from their first discovery to 1865, by H. M. Rice ; Constantine Beltrami, by A. J. Hill ; Historical notes of the United States land office, by H. M. Rice ; The geography of Perrot, so far as it relates to Minnesota, by A. J. Hill ; Dakota superstitions, by G. II. Pond. St. Paul, 1867. op. 62. Vol. n [part 4]. The Carver centenary; an account of the celebration by the Society of. the one hundredth anniversary of the council and treaty of Capt. J. Carver with the Naudowessies on May 1, 1767 ; held May 1, 1867. St. Paul, 1867. pp. 23. Portrait. Vol. ii [part 5]. Charter, constitution, and by-laws. St. Paul, 1868. pp. 11. Vol. n reprinted in 1889. 8vo, pp. 294. ( 13O3 Vol. in. Preface ; Organization of the Society ; Relation of M. Penicaut ; Introductory note, by E. D. Neill, translated by A. J. Hill ; Bibliography of Minnesota, by J. F. Williams; A reminiscence of Fort Snelliug, by C. O. Van Cleve ; Narrative of I aul Mazakootemane, translated by S. R. Riggs ; Memoir of H. A. Swift, by J. F. Williams ; Sketch of John Other Day. by H. II. Sibley ; A coincidence, by C. O. Van Cleve ; Memoir of J. W. Lynd, by S. R. Riggs ; The Dakota mission, by S. R. Riggs ; Indian warfare in Minnesota, by S. W. Pond; Fort Snelling, Colonel Leavenworth s expedition to establish it in 1819, by T. Forsyth ; Memoir of J. B. Faribault, by II. II. Sibley ; Memoir of M. Scott, by J. F. Williams ; Napehshneedoota, the first male convert to Christianity, by T. S. Williamson ; Memoir of H. L. Dousman, by H. H. Sibley ; Memoir of Joseph R. Brown ; Memoir of Cyrus Aldrich, by J. F. Williams ; Memoir of Lucian Galtier, by J. Ireland ; Memoir of 1). Olrnstead, by J. F. Williams : Reminiscences of the early days of Minnesota, by II. II. Sibley ; The Sioux or Dakotas, by T. S. Williamson ; Memoir of S. Y. McMasters, by E. S. Goodrich ; Tributes to the memory of John Mattocks, by several of his associates ; Life and public services of W. A. Gorman ; Lake Superior, its history, etc. ; Annual ad dress, January 24, 1879, by J. H. Baker ; Memorial notices of G. H. Pond ; In memory of T. S. Williamson, by S. R. Riggs ; The Ink-pa-du-ta massacre of 1857, a paper read December 8, 1879, by C. E. Flandrau ; Index. St. Paul, 1880. pp. viii, 433. Portrait. (43O4 Vol. iv. History of the city of St. I aul and of the county of Ramsey, Minne sota, by J. F. Williams. St. I aul, 1876. pp. 475. Portraits. Woodcut. (4305 Vol. v. Memoir of W. W. Warren, by J. F. Williams ; History of the Ojibways, based upon traditions and oral statements, by W. W. Warren : History of the Ojibways and their connection with fur traders, based upon official and other records, by E. D. Neill ; Officers of the society ; Members ; Index. St. Paul, 1885. pp. 535. Portraits. (43OO Vol. vi. St. Paul, 1894. 8vo, pp. iv, 55(5. [part 1.] The sources of the Mississippi, their discoverers, real and pretended ; A report by Hon. James H. Baker, read before the Society February 8, 1887. pp. 3-28. Vol. vi [part 2]. The Hennepin bicentenary celebration by the Society of the two hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the Falls of St. Anthony in 1680, by Father Louis Hennepin ; Early Days at Red River settlement and Fort Snelling; Reminiscences of Mrs. Ann Adams, 1821-1829; Protestant missions in the Northwest, by Stephen R. Riggs ; Autobiography of Mnj. Lawrence Talia- ferro ; Henry Hastings Sibley, a memoir, by J. Fletcher Williams: Mounds in Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, by A. J. Hill. St. Paul, 1887-1891. pp. 29-319. (4307 602 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. vi [part 3]. Columbian address, by IT. W. Cbilds, October 21, 1892; Reminiscences of Fort Snelling, by J. A. Bliss (335) ; Mrs. J. E. De Camp Sweet s narrative of her captivity in the Sioux outbreak of 1862 (354) ; A Sioux story of the war (382) ; Incidents of the threatened outbreak of Hole-in- the-Day and other Ojibways at the time of the Sioux massacre of 1862, by G. W. Sweet (401); Dakota scalp dances, by T. S. Williamson; Earliest schools in Minnesota Valley, by T. S. Williamson (410) ; Traditions of Sioux Indians, by W. H. Forbes (413) ; Death of Gabriel Franchere, by B. P. A very ; First settle ment on Red River of the North, 1812, by E. T. Ayers (421) ; Frederick Ayer, teacher and missionary to the Ojibway Indians, 1829 to 1850; Story of Nancy McClure ; Story of Mary Schwandt ; Autobiography and reminiscences of Phi lander Prescott ; Recollections of James M. Goodhue, by J. II. Stevens ; An interesting historical document ; Complete list of the names of all the soldiers on the pension rolls of the United States in 1813. 8vo, pp. iv, 321-556. (43O8 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL, SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vn. The Mississippi River and its source. A narrative and critical history of the discovery of the river and its headwaters, accompanied by the results of detailed hydrographic and topographic surveys. By J. V. B rower. With an appendix by Alfred J. Hill. Illustrated. Minneapolis, 1893. 8vo, pp. xv, 360. Folded maps. < 4:$O9 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vm. St. Paul, 1898. 8vo, pp. xii, 542. Illustrations. Contents : The international boundary between Lake Superior and the Lake of the Woods, by Ulysses Sherman Grant ; The settlement and development of the Red River valley, by Warren Upham ; The discovery and development of the iron ores of Minnesota, by N. II. Winchell ; Map of northern Minnesota : The origin and growth of the Minnesota Historical Society, by Alex. Ramsey ; Open ing of the Red River of the North to commerce and civilization, by Russell Blakeley ; Last days of Wisconsin territory and early days of Minnesota. l>\ Henry L. Moss ; Lawyers and courts of Minnesota prior to and during its terri torial period, by Charles E. Flandrau ; Homes and habitations of the Historical Society, by Charles E. Mayo ; The historical value of newspapers, by J. B. Chaney ; The U. S. Government publications, by I). L. Kingsbury ; The first organized government of Dakota, by Samuel Albright; How Minnesota became a state, by Thomas F. Moran ; Minnesota s northern boundary, hy Alexander N. Winchell; The question of the sources of the Mississippi river, by E. Levasscur: The source of the Mississippi, by N. II. Winchell ; Prehistoric man at the head waters of the Mississippi river, by .1. V. Brower ; Charter members of the his torical society and its work in 1896, by Alex. Ramsey ; History of agriculture in Minnesota, by James J. Hill ; History of mining and quarrying in Minnesota, by Warren Upham ; History of the discovery of the Mississippi river and the advent of commerce in Minnesota, by Russell Blakeley ; Reminiscences of the early days of the Society, by William II. Kelley : Fort Snelling from its founda tion to the present time, by Richard W. Johnson ; Sully s expedition against tln v Sioux in 1864, by David L. Kingsbury ; State building in the west, by Charles E. Flandrau ; Obituaries ; Index. (431O MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. ix. St. Paul. Minnesota. 1901. 8vo, pp. xiii, 694. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Contents : History of transportation in Minnesota, by James II. Baker ; How we won the San Juan Archipelago, by Edwin C. Mason ; The Ojibways in Minne sota, by Joseph A. Gilfillan ; Civilization and Christianization of the Ojibways in Minnesota, by Henry B. Whipple ; Biographic notes of old settlers, by Henry L. Moss : Henry Jackson ; Jacob W. Bass ; William H. Forbes ; James M. Boal ; Dr. John J. Dewey ; William R. Marshall ; David Olmsted ; Morton S. Wilkinson ; Jeremiah Russell ; Sylvanus Trask ; Joseph W. Freber ; James S. Norris : Lorenzo A. Babcock ; Gideon H. Pond ; David B. Loomis ; Parsons K. Johnson ; Benjamin W. Brunson ; Henry N. Setzer ; Mahlon Black ; Miss Harriet E. Bishop ; Early trade and traders in St. Paul, by Charles D. Elfelt ; Early polit ical history of Minnesota, by Charles D. Gilfillan ; Beginnings of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota and the early missions of Park Place, St. Paul, by M. N- Gilbert ; Reminiscences of Minnesota during the territorial period, by Charles E. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 603 Flandrau ; Hennepin as discoverer and author, by Samuel M. Davis ; History of Duluth and of St. Louis county to the year 1870, by John R. Carey ; The early settlement and history of Redwood county, by Orlando B. Turrell ; History of lumbering in the St. Croix valley, with biographic sketches, by William H. C. Folsom ; History of pioneer lumbering on the upper Mississippi and its tribu taries, with biographic sketches, by Daniel Stanchfield ; Recollections of the city and people of St. Paul, 1843-1898, by August L. Larpenteur ; Captivity among the Sioux, August 18 to September 26, 1862, by Mrs. N. D. White; Narrations of a friendly Sioux, by Snana, the rescuer of Mary Schwandt ; The Sioux Outbreak in the year 1862, with notes of missionary work among the Sioux, by Rev. Moses N. Adams ; The Louisiana purchase and preceding Span ish intrigues for dismemberment of the union, by Nathaniel Pitt Langford ; Some legacies of the ordinance of 1787, by James Oscar Pierce ; The dual origin of Minnesota, by Samuel M. Davis ; Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the society, Wednesday, November 15, 1899 ; Invocation, by Robert Forbes ; Greeting, by John Lind, Governor of Minnesota ; Response by Alexander Ramsey ; Organization and growth of the society, by William G. Le Due; The library, museum, and portrait collection of the Minnesota His torical Society, by Nathaniel Pitt Langford ; Recollections of persons and events in the history of Minnesota, by Henry B. Whipple ; Progress of Minnesota dur ing the half century, by Charles E. Flandreau ; Address, by John S. Pillsbury ; Education in the United States and in Minnesota during the past fifty years, by Cyrus Northrop ; Progress of the United States during the half century, by Cushman K. Davis ; Minnesota in the National Congress during these fifty years, by John B. Sanborn ; The work of the Minnesota Historical Society through fifty years in preserving Minnesota history, and its duty to the future, by William P. Clough ; Obituaries: Elias Franklin Drake; Henry Mower Rice ; Charles Edwin Mayo ; Russell Blakeley ; Other deceased members of this society, 1898-1901 : Franklin G. Adams ; Levi Atwood ; William M. Btishnell ; Alexander II. Cathcart ; Robert Clarke ; Elliott Coues ; Charles 1 . Daly ; Wil liam Dawson ; Samuel S. Eaton, William II. Egle ; Charles D. Elfelt ; Mahlon N. Gilbert ; William Wirt Henry ; Charles J. Hoadly ; John R. Jones ; AVilliam H. Kelley ; Patrick H. Kelly ; John Jay Lane ; Edward Gay Mason ; Frank Blackwell Mayer : Delos A. Monfort ; Amos Perry ; John Thomas Scharf ; Isaac Staples ; George C. Stone ; William S. Stryker ; George W. Sweet ; Charles L. Willis ; John v C. Wise. Index. (4311 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. x. Part i. St. Paul, Minn. February, 1905. 8vo, pp. xv, 448. Portraits. Contents : History of wheat raising in the Red River Valley, by George N. Lamphere ; History of flour manufacture in Minnesota, by George D. Rogers ; The early government land survey in Minnesota west of the Mississippi River, by Thomas Simpson; Sketches of the history of Hutchinson, by William W. Pendergast ; Early steainboating on the Minnesota and Red Rivers, by Edwin Bell ; The treaty of Traverse des Sioux in 18;">1, under Governor Alexander Ramsey, with notes of the former treaty there in 1841, under Governor James D. Doty, of Wisconsin, by Thomas Hughes; History of steainboating on the Min nesota River, by Thomas Hughes ; Missionary work at Red Wing, 1849 to 1852, by Joseph W. Hancock ; History of Fort Ripley, 1849 to 1859, based on the diary of Rev. Solon W. Manney, I). D., chaplain of the post from 1851 to 1859, by George C. Tanner ; Early Episcopal churches and missions in Minnesota, by George C. Tanner ; The Chapel of St. Paul and the beginnings of the Catholic Church in Minnesota, by Ambrose McNulty ; Minnesota journalism in the terri torial period, by Daniel S. B. Johnston : History of education in Minnesota, by David L. Kiehle ; History of the St. Paul and Sioux City railroad, 1864-1881, by Judson W. Bishop ; Sketches of the early history of real estate in St. Paul, by Henry S. Fairchild ; The first railroad in Minnesota, by William Crooks. Vol x. Part ii. February, 1905. 8vo, pp. vii (1), 449-938. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Groseilliers and Radisson, the first white men in Minnesota, 1655- 56 and 1659-60, and their discovery of the upper Mississippi River, by Warren Upham ; A Sioux narrative of the outbreak in 1862 and of Sibley s expedition in 1863, by Gabriel Renville, with a biographical sketch of the author, by Samuel J. Brown ; The work of the second State legislature, 1859-60, by John S. San- born ; The old government mills at the Falls of St. Anthony, by Edward A. Bromley ; Lumbering and steainboating on the St. Croix river, by Edward W. 604 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Durant ; Minnesota s eastern, southern, and western boundaries, by Alexander N. Winchell ; Memorial addresses in honor of Bishop Henry Benjamin Whipple at the monthly council meeting of the Society, October 14, 1901 ; The work of Bishop Whipple in missions for the Indians, by Charles E. Flanclrau ; Bishop Whipple and the schools at Faribault, by George C. Tanner ; Bishop Whipple. as a citizen of Minnesota, by Greenleaf Clark ; Bishop Whipple as a mediator for the rights of the Indians in treaties, by John B. Sanborn ; The work of Bishop Whipple for the Episcopal Church, by William C. Pope ; Memorial addresses in honor of Alexander Ramsey, at meetings of the Society, September 3 and 14, 1903 ; Memorial addresses in honor of Charles E. Flandrau, November 9, 1903 : The life and character of Judge Flandrau, by Greenleaf Clark ; Judge Flandrau in the defense of New I T lm during the Sioux outbreak of 1862, by Salmon A. Buell ; Judge Flandrau as a citizen and jurist, by William H. Lightner. Me morial addresses in honor of John B. Sanborn, October 10, 1904 : The life and work of General Sanborn, by Henry AV. Childs ; William Holcome, by Mrs. An drew E. Kilpatrick ; Moses Sherburne, by Simeon Mills Hayes; Deceased mem bers of the Society, 1901-1904 ; Index of authors and principal subjects of Vols. i-x ; Personal index of Vols. i-ix ; Index of Vol. x. (4312 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. xi. Itasca State Park. An illustrated history. By J. V. Brower. St. Paul, Minnesota, 1904. 8vo, pp. 285. (4313 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Materials for the future history of Minnesota; being a report of the Minnesota Historical Society to the Legislative as sembly, in accordance with a joint resolution. St. Paul, 1850. 8vo, pp. 141, 17. Front., pi., port. Minnesota Historical Society. Annals. 1856. Largely reprinted in Vol. i of the Collections of the Society. Appended is the Address delivered before the Society February 1st, 1856. By II. II. Sibley. ( 4:U4 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Carver centenary : an account of the cele bration, by the Minnesota Historical Society, of the one hundredth anni versary of the council and treaty of Capt. Jonathan Carver with the Naudowessies, on May 1, 1707. Held May 1, 1807. St. Paul, 1807. 8vo, pp. 23. Front, (port.) (4315 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, constitution, and by-laws. St. Paul, 1808. 8vo, pp. 11. (4316 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report [s] for 1807-1878. St. Paul, 1808-1879. 8vo, 12 pamphlets. (4317 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biennial report to the legislature, sessions of 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893. St. Paul, 1881-1893. 8vo, 7 pamphlets. (4318 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eighth biennial report to the legislature of Minnesota, session of 1895. St. Paul, Minn., 1895. 8vo, pp. 20. (4319 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ninth biennial report to the legislature of Minnesota, session of 1897. St. Paul, Minn., 1897. Svo, pp. 43. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tenth biennial report to the legislature of Minnesota, session of 1899. St. Paul, Minn., 1899. Svo, pp. 36. (4320 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bibliography of Minnesota. From the Minne sota historical collections, Vol. HI, part 1. By J. Fletcher Williams. St. Paul, 1870. 8vo. pp. 65. Fifty copies separately printed. (4321 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular. January 28, 1871. St. Paul, 1871. Svo, pp. [4J. (4322 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 605 .MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular, January 20, 1878. LSt. Paul], 1878. Sheet. (4323 .MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society from its organiza tion, November 15, 1849, to the admission of the State, May 11, 1858. St. Paul, 1878. 8vo, pp. 21. (4324 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, by-laws, roll of officers and members. St. Paul, 1879. Svo, pp. 16. (4325 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the department of American history, April, May, 1879. Minneapolis, 1879. Svo, pp. 34. Contents : Life among the Sioux at Lake Calhoun, by (iideon II. Pond ; Battle of Lake Pokeguma, by Edmund F. Ely ; Memoir of Cecil Calvert, baron of Balti more, proprietor of Maryland ; Cartology of Lake Superior ; Stone implements of the aborigines, by E. S. Stebbins ; Missionaries of the American Board of Foreign Missions among the Indians of Minnesota, 1831-1840. (4326 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the department of American history for October, 1879. Minneapolis, 1879. Svo, pp. (4), 77-115. Pages 81-115 contain reminiscences of the campaign against Vicksburg, by J. P. Sanborn. (4327 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the department of American history. April-December, 1879. Minneapolis, 1879. 8vo, pp. 148. Embraces the two preceding pamphlets. (4328 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ancient quartz workers and their quarries in Minnesota. By Frances E. Babbitt. Read at the meeting of the Society in February, 1880. American Antiquarian,, Vol. in, pp. 1823. (4329 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Hennepin Bicentenary. Account of the celebration by the Society of the two hundredth anniversary of the discovery of the Falls of St. Anthony by Louis Heunepin. St. Paul, 1880. Svo, pp. (6). (4330 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter from J. Fletcher Williams, St. Paul, March 16, 1881. Sheet. (4331 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Department of American history. Light thrown by the Jesuits upon hitherto obscure points of early American history. Read by E. D. Neill. [St. Paul. n. d.J Svo, pp. (0). (4332 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Department of American history. The writ ings of Louis Hennepin. By E. D. Xeill. Prepared for the monthly meeting of the department of American history, September (J, 1880. St. Paul, 1880. Svo, pp. 10. (4333 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The sources of the Mississippi, their discov eries, real and pretended. A report by Hon. James II. Baker. Read before the Society, February 8, 1887. St. Paul, 1887. Svo, pp. 28. (4334 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library of the Minnesota His torical Society. St. Paul, 1888. 8vo, 2 vols. (4335 MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Groseilliers and Radisson. The first white men in Minnesota. By Warren Upham. Reprinted from Historical Col lections of the Society, Vol. x, pt. 2. 1905. Svo, pp. iv, 146. (4336 606 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketches of the early history of real estate in St. Paul, By Henry S. Fairchild. From the Collections, Vol. x, 1905. 8vo, pp. 27. Portrait. (4337 MINNESOTA VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Morton, Minn. MINNESOTA VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketches, historical and descriptive, of the monuments and tablets erected by the Minnesota Valley Historical So ciety in Renville and Redwood counties. Minnesota. To preserve the sites of certain incidents and in honor of the devotion and important services of some of the characters, Whites and Indians, connected with the Indian out break of 1802. Morton, Minn., 1902. 8vo, pp. 70, incl. illus., port. (4338 OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Minneapolis, M in n. OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Address at the annual meet ing, by E. D. Neill, February 22, 1872 Ion the history of Heunepin County], Published by Evening News, Minneapolis. [1872.] 8vo, pp. 12. Contains also proceedings. (4339 OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF HENNEPIN COUNTY. Sketch of the organization, objects, and membership of the Old Settlers Association ; with an account of its excursion to the Red River of the North, October 25 and 20, 1871. St. Paul, 1872. 12mo, pp. L 9. (434O RAMSEY COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. St. Paul Minn. RAMSEY COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Address delivered before the Ramsey County Pioneer Association. May 11, 1880, by Charles E. Flandrau. The twenty-eighth anniversary of the admission of the State of Minnesota into the Union. St. Paul, 1880. Svo, pp. 39. (4341 RAMSEY COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Constitution, officers, list of residents in Ramsey County in 1857, etc. St. Paul, 1880. Svo, pp. 14. (4342 WIN ON A COUNTY OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Winona, Minn. WINONA COUNTY OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Winona (We-no-nah) and its enviions on the Mississippi in ancient and modern days, by Lafayette Houghton Bunnell. Winona, Minn., 1897. 12mo, pp. 694. Illustrations. Maps. Written for and under the auspices of the association. (4343 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 607 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jackson, Miss. MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and other documents in relation to the State Historical Society of Mississippi. Jackson, 1859. 8vo, pp. 15. (4344 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. i. Oxford, Miss., 1898. 8vo, pp. 106, (4). Contents : Mississippi s " Backwoods Poet," by Dabney Lipscomb ; Mississippi as a field for the student of literature, by W. L. Weber ; Suffrage in Mississippi, by R. H. Thompson ; Spanish policy in Mississippi after the Treaty of San Lorenzo, by Franklin L. Riley ; Time and place relations in history, with some Louisiana and Mississippi applications, by II. E. Chambers ; The study and teach ing of history, by Herbert B. Adams ; Some facts concerning the settlement and early history of Mississippi, by R. W. Jones ; Prehistoric jasper ornaments in Mississippi, by R. B. Fulton ; Suggestions to frocal historians, by Franklin L. Riley ; Some inaccuracies in Claiborne s history in regard to Tecumseh, by H. S. Halbert ; "Did Jones county secede?" by Alexander L. Bondurant ; Index. (4344a MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. n. Oxford, Miss., 1899. 8vo, pp. 234, (15). Contents : Officers for 1899 ; The historical element in recent southern litera ture, by C. Alphonso Smith ; Irwin Russell First fruits of the southern ro mantic movement, by W. L. Weber ; William Ward, a Mississippi poet entitled to distinction, by Dabney Lipscomb; Sherwood Bonner her life and place in the literature of the south, by Alexander L. Bondurant ; The Daughter of the Confederacy her life, character, and writings, by Chiles Clifton Ferrell ; Sir William Dunbar the pioneer scientist of Mississippi, by Franklin L. Riley ; History of taxation in Mississippi, by Charles Hillman Brough ; Territorial growth of Mississippi, by J. M. White ; The early slave laws of Mississippi, by Alfred II. Stone ; Federal courts, judges, attorneys, and marshals in Mississippi, 1798-1898, by Thomas McAdory Owen ; Running Mississippi s south line, by Peter J. Hamilton ; Elizabeth Female Academy the mother of female colleges, by Chas. B. Galloway ; Early history of Jefferson college, by J. K. Morrison ; The rise and fall of negro rule in Mississippi, by Dunbar Rowland ; Glimpses of the past, by Helen I). Bell; Historic Adams county, by Gerard Brandon; The historical opportunity of Mississippi, by R. W. Jones ; Nanih Waiya, the sacred mound of the Choctaws, by II. S. Halbert ; Index. (4345 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. in. Oxford, Mississippi, 1900. 8vo, pp. 380. Contents : Officers ; Constitution and by-laws ; Report of proceedings of the third annual meeting ; The campaign of Vicksburg. Miss., in 1863 from April 15th to and including the Battle of Champion Hills, or Baker s Creek, May 16th, 1863, by Stephen D. Lee; Siege of Vicksburg, by Stephen I). Lee; The Black and Tan convention, by J. L. Powers ; Plantation life in Mississippi before the war, by Dunbar Rowland ; Private letters of Mrs. Humphreys, written immediately before and after the ejection of her husband from the executive mansion, by Lizzie George Henderson ; Importance of the local history of the Civil War, by Josie Frazee Cappleman ; William C. Falkner, novelist, by Alexander L. Bondu rant ; James I). Lynch, of Mississippi, by Dabney Lipscomb ; Bishop Otey as pro visional bishop of Mississippi, by Arthur Howard Noll ; Richard Curtis in the country of the Natchez, by Chas. II. Otken ; The making of a state, by Mary V. Duval ; Location of the boundaries of Mississippi, by Franklin L. Riley ; Report of Sir William Dunbar to the Spanish government at the conclusion of his serv ices in locating and surveying the thirty-first degree of latitude ; A historical outline of the geological and agricultural survey of the state of Mississippi, by E. W. Hilgard ; History of the application of science to industry in Mississippi, by A. M. Muckenfuss ; William Charles Cole Claiborne, Governor of Mississippi territory and first governor of Louisiana : how he solved America s first problem of expansion, by Henry E. Chambers; Transition from Spanish to American 1 rule in Mississippi, by Franklin L. Riley ; Grenada and neighboring towns in the 30 s, by L. Lake ; The history of banking in Mississippi, by Charles Hillman 608 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Brough ; Origin and location of the Mississippi A. & M. college, by J. M. White ; Funeral customs of the Mississippi Choctaws, by H. S. Halbert ; Danville s map of East Mississippi, by II. S. Halbert ; Index. (4346 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. iv. Oxford, Mississippi, 1901. 8vo, pp. 506. Map. \ Contents: Officers; Report of the annual meeting, April 18-19, 1901, by Franklin L. Riley ; The campaign of Generals Grant and Sherman against Vicks- burg in December, 1862, and January 1st and 2nd, 1863. known as the " Chick- asaw Bayou Campaign," by Stephen I). Lee ; Sherman s Meridian expedition from Vicksburg to Meridian, Feb. 3 to Mar. 6, 1868, by Stephen I). Lee ; The capture of Holly Springs, Mississippi, Dec. 20, 1862, by J. G. Deupree ; The battle and retreat from Corinth, by James Gordon ; The work of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, by Mrs. Albert G. Weems ; Local incidents of the War between the states, by Josie Frazee Cappleman ; The first struggle over secession in Mississippi, by James Wilford Garner ; Recollections of reconstruc tion in east and southeast Mississippi, by W. II. Hardy ; The legal status of slaves in Mississippi before the war, by W. W. Magruder ; Mississippi s constitu tion and statutes in reference to freedmen, and their alleged relation to the re construction acts and war amendments, by Alfred Holt Stone ; Origin and loca tion of Millsaps College, by W. B. Murrah ; Lorenzo Dow in Mississippi, by Chas. B. Galloway ; Early beginnings of Baptists in Mississippi, by Z. T. Leavell; The importance of archaeology, by Peter J. Hamilton ; The Choctaw creation legend, by II. S. Halbert ; The last Indian council on Noxubee river, by H. S. Halbert ; The real Philip Nolan, by Edward Everett Hale ; Letter from George Foindexter to Felix Huston, 1834; The history of a county (Hinds), by Helen D. Bell ; Recollections of pioneer life in Mississippi, by Mary J. W T elsh ; Political and parliamentary orators and oratory of Mississippi, by Dunbar Rowland ; The Chevalier Bayard of Mississippi : Edward Cary Walthall, by Mary Virginia Duval ; Life of John A. Quitman, by Rosalie Q. Duncan ; T. A. S. Adams, poet, educator, and pulpit orator, by Dabney Lipscomb ; The influence of the Missis sippi river upon the early settlement of its valley, by" Richard Brownrigg Haugh ton ; The Mississippi panic of 1813, by John A. Watkins ; Planters and Union Bank Bonds, by J. A. P. Campbell ; Index. (4347 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. v. Edited by Franklin L. Riley. Report of the Mississippi Historical Commission. Oxford, Miss., 1902. 8vo, pp. 394. Contents : Act creating the Mississippi Historical Commission ; Administra tive report to the governor ; An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents pertaining to Mississippi in public repositories beyond the state : Foreign archives, by Peter J. Hamilton ; Federal archives, by Thomas M. Owen ; State archives, by Franklin L. Riley ; Libraries and societies, by James M. White. An account of manuscripts, papers, and documents in public repositories within the state : State officers, by Franklin L. Riley ; County offices, by James M. White and Franklin L. Riley ; Municipal officers, by James M. White and Franklin L. Riley ; Federal offices, by Franklin L. Riley ; Educational institu tions : Church organizations ; Professional, literary, and industrial organizations, by James M. White ; Benevolent and miscellaneous associations ; Libraries and societies, by James M. White and Franklin L. Riley. An account of manu scripts, papers, and documents in private hands : Papers of prominent Missis- sippians, by James M. W T hite ; Private collectors and students, by Franklin L. Riley ; Newspapers, by James M. White ; War records, by Franklin -L. Riley. Aboriginal and Indian history : Published accounts of prehistoric remains, by H. S. Halbert and A. J. Brown ; Small Indian tribes of Mississippi, by H. S. Halbert. Points and places of historic interest in Mississippi : Extinct towns and villages of Mississippi, by Franklin L. Riley ; Battlefields and other his toric places. Index. (434S MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. vi. Oxford, Miss., 1902. 8vo, pp. 567. Maps. Plate. Contents : Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting, by Franklin L. Riley ; Report of the secretary and treasurer ; Battle of Brice s Cross Roads, or Tishomingo Creek. June 2nd to 12th, 1864, by Stephen D. Lee; The Battle of Tupelo, or Harrisburg, July 14th, 1863, by Stephen D. Lee; The Clinton Riot, by Charles Hillman Brough ; The conference of October 15th, 1875, be- MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 609 tween General George and Governor Ames, by Frank Johnston ; Mississippi s first constitution and its makers, by Dunbar Rowland ; A sketch of the Mississippi secession convention of 1861 its membership and work, by Thomas H. Woods ; The causes and events that led to the calling of the constitutional convention of 1890, by S. S. Calhoon ; Penitentiary reform in Mississippi, by J. H. Jones ; History of the measures submitted to the committee on elective franchise, apportionment, and elections in the constitutional convention of 1890, by J. S. McNeilly ; Suffrage and reconstruction in Mississippi, by Frank Johnston ; Some historic homes of Mississippi, by Mrs. N. D. Deupree ; Early times in Wayne county, by Jesse M. Wilkins ; Industrial Mississippi in the light of the twelfth census, by A. M. Muckenfuss ; The Mississippi river and the efforts to confine it in its channel, by Wm. Dunbar Jenkins ; Origin of the Pacific railroads, and especially of the Southern Pacific, by Edward Mayes ; The origin of certain place names in the state of Mississippi, by Henry Gan nett ; The Catholic Church in Mississippi during colonial times, by B. J. Bek- kers ; Robert J. Walker, by George F. Leftwich ; Story of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit, by H. S. Halbert ; The Yowanne, or Hiowanni Indians, by Peter J. Hamilton ; Location and description of the Emmaus Mission, by John H. Evans ; ...>- Bernard Romans map of 1772, by H. S. Halbert ; Antiquities of Newton county, Mississippi, by A. J. Brown ; Route of De Soto s expedition from Talie- pacana to Huhasene, by T. H. Lewis ; Report of the director of archives and history, by Dunbar Rowland ; Index. (4349 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. vn. Oxford, Miss., 1903. 8vo, pp. 531. Contents : Officers ; Proceedings ; Address of welcome, by John Sharpe Wil liams ; The rank and file at Vicksburg, by J. H. Jones ; A Mississippi brigade in the last days of the confederacy, by J. S. McNeilly ; Yazoo county in the civil war, by Robert Bowman ; Johnson s division in the battle of Franklin, by Stephen D. Lee ; Reminiscences of service with the first Mississippi cavalry, by J. G. Deupree ; Makeshifts of the war between the states, by Mary J. Welsh ; Reconstruction in Yazoo county, by Robert Bowman ; Col. Felix Labauve, by Paul H. Saunders ; Greenwood Le Flore, by Mrs. N. D. Deupree ; Thomas Griffin, A boanerges of the early southwest, by Charles B. Galloway ; Lafayette Rupert Hamberlin dramatic reader and poet, by P. II. Eager ; Recollections of recon struction in east and southeast Mississippi, by W. H. Hardy ; Life of Col. J. F. H. Claiborne, by Franklin L. Riley ; The senatorial career of J. Z. George, by James W. Garner ; Cotton Gin Port and Games Trace, by George J. Left wich ; The cholera in 1849, by William Dunbar Jenkins; Historic Clinton, by Charles Hillman Brough ; La Cache, by Ira M. Boswell ; Some historic homes of Mississippi, by Mrs. N. D. Deupree ; Choctaw mission station in Jasper county, by A. J. Brown ; Lowndes county, its antiquities and pioneer settlers, by William A. Love; Mingo Moshulitubbee s prairie village, by William A. Love; The chroniclers of De Soto s expedition, by T. II. Lewis ; Origin of Mashulaville, by H. S. Halbert ; British West Florida, by Peter J. Hamilton ; The Mississippi floods, by John W. Monette ; Navigation and commerce on the Mississippi, by J. W. Monette : Index. , (435O MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. vm. Oxford, Miss., 1904. 8vo, pp. 606. Contents : Proceedings of the seventh annual meeting ; Alleged secession of Jones county, by Goode Montgomery ; Index to campaigns, battles, and skir mishes in Mississippi from 1861 to 1865, by Stephen D. Lee; A sketch of the career of Company B, Armistead s cavalry regiment, by R. C. Beckett ; Details of important work by two confederate telegraph operators, etc., by Stephen D. Lee ; The Hampton Roads conference, by Frank Johnston ; Some unpublished letters of Burton N. Harrison, by J. E. Walmsley ; Confederate cemeteries and monuments in Mississippi, by R. W. Jones ; The Confederate Orphans Home of Mississippi, by Mary J. Welsh ; Recollections of reconstruction in east and southeast Mississippi, by W. H. Hardy ; Reconstruction in Wilkinson county, by J. II. Jones ; Some effects of military reconstruction in Monroe county, by R. C. Beckett ; Life of James T. Harrison, by J. A. Orr ; The public services of Sen ator James Z. George, by Frank Johnston ; The Ante-bellum Historical Society of Mississippi, by Z. T. Leavell ; Mississippi s primary election law, by E. F. Noel; A note on Mississippi s population, 1850-1860, by Edward Ingle; The cotton oil industry, by W. D. Shue ; The state of Louisiana versus the state of Mississippi, by Monroe McClurg ; Cartography of Mississippi in the 16th cen- H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 39 610 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tury, by William Beer ; Choctaw land claims, by F. L. Riley ; The removal of the Mississippi Choctaws, by J. W. Wade ; Early history and archaeology of Yazoo county, by Robert Bowman ; Autobiography of Gideon Lincecum ; Choc- taw traditions about their settlement in Mississippi and the origin of their mounds, by Gideon Lincecum ; Chickasaw traditions, customs, etc., by Henry Warren ; Some Chickasaw chiefs and prominent men, by Harry Warren ; Mis sions, missionaries, frontier characters and schools, by Harry Warren. (4351 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A historical outline of the geological and agri cultural survey of the State of Mississippi. By Eugene W. Hilgard. L Ox ford, Miss., 189-.] 8vo, pp. 207234, cover-title. Reprinted from the Publications, Vol. in. (435 la MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Secretary and Treasurer, 1898- 1902. By Franklin B. Riley. 8vo, pp. 12. (4352 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Political and Parliamentary Orators and Oratory of Mississippi. By Dunbar Rowland. Reprinted from Vol. iv of the Publications of the Society. Harrisburg, Pa. 8vo, pp. 400. (4353 MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The real Philip Nolan. A communication ad dressed to the Secretary of the Mississippi Historical Society, by the Rev. Edward Everett Hale, April 17, 1901. Reprinted from the Publications of the Society, Vol. iv. 8vo, pp. 281-329. (4354 MISSISSIPPI STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the battle of Harrisburg, [Mississippi]. By Stephen D. Lee. 8vo, pp. 15. Presented to the Society, January 9, 1902. ( MSB MISSISSIPPI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life of Col. J. F. H. Claiborne. By Dr. Frank lin L. Riley. [Oxford, Miss., 1903.] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 217-244. Front, (port) " Bibliographical note : " pp. 243-244. , At head of title : Reprinted from Publications of Mississippi Historical Society. Vol. vn. (435ti MISSOURI. FRANKLIN SOCIETY OF ST. LOUIS. FRANKLIN SOCIETY OF ST. Louis. Address delivered before the Society on its first anniversary, January 7, 1836. By W. G. Eliot. St. Louis, [1836]. 8vo, pp. 27. (4357 LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lexington, Mo. LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Battle of Lexington, fought in and around the city of Lexington, Missouri, on September 18th, 19th, and 20th, 1861, by forces under command of Colonel James A. Mulligan, U. S. A., and General Sterling Price, M. S. G. The official records of both parties to the conflict; to which is added memoirs of participants. [Lexington, Mo.] Printed for the Lexington Historical Society, 1903. 8vo, pp. 68. Front., illus. (incl. ports., map) pi., fold. plan. " Recollections of the battle, by Col. R. T. Van Horn : " pp. [5]-10. " Recollections of the battle, by Capt. Joseph A. Wilson : " pp. 10-16. (435J- MISSOURI HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 611 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. St. Louis, Mo. MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kaskaskia, the ancient. Read before the Society by D. J. Doherty, February 15, 1872. (Cut from St. Louis Republican, February 19, 1872.) (4359 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. St. Louis, 18G7. 8vo, pp. 10. Same, 1875. 8vo, pp. 40. (436O MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter from committee on publication, Septem ber 1, 1880. [With list of members.] [St. Louis, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 2. (4361 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorandum of O. W. Collet, keeper of museum. July, 1880. [St. Louis, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 2. With list of members. (4362 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Collections. Vol. i. Nos. 1-15. 1880-1899.] [St. Louis, 1880-1899.] 8vo. Published separately as given below. (4363 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. i. The campaign in Missouri and the battle of Wilson s Creek, 1861. A paper read before the Missouri Historical Society of St. Louis, March, 1880, by Col. William M. Wherry. St. Louis, 1880. 8vo, pp. 18. Caption title. (4364 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Nos. n and in. j[1880?] 8vo, pp. 22. Contains : Recollections of a septuagenarian, A paper read before the So ciety, March, 1880, by Wm. Waldo ; Archaeological explorations in Cole Co., Mo., A paper read before the Society, June 17, 1880, by N[icholas] De Wyl ; Pre historic remains in Missouri, A paper read before the Society, June 17, 1880, by G. C. Broadhead. (4365 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. iv. Amended charter and by-laws. 1880. Founded A. D. 1866. St. Louis, 1880. 16mo, pp. 27. (4366 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 5. Proceedings April 21, 1881. Samuel Gaty, of St. Louis. St. Louis, 1881. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 20. Front, (port.) Caption title. Contents : Address of J. F. Darby on the occasion of the presentation of a portrait of Samuel Gaty to the society ; Address of A. Todd on the reception of the Gaty portrait; Biographical sketch of Samuel Gaty. (4367 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 6. Notes on the archaeology of Missouri. A paper read before the Missouri Historical Society, by F. F. Hilder. St. Louis, 1881. 8vo, pp. 17 incl. pi. Caption title. (4368 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. No. 7. Missouri Historical So ciety, St. Louis. Annual address of the president, Geo. E. Leighton, Jan. 1>, 1883. St. Louis, 1883. 8vo, pp. 23. Caption title. (4369 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications. No. vin.] Historical Societies in their relation to local historical interest. An address delivered before the Society, September 19, 1883. By C. F. Robertson. St. Louis, 1883. 8vo, pp. 16. (4370 (512 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications. No. ix.] The American revolution and tbe acquisition of the valley of the Mississippi. A paper read before the Missouri Historical Society, April 15th, 1884. By Charles Franklin Robertson. St. Louis, 1884. Svo, pp. 27. (4, 571 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications. No. x.] Attempts to separate the West from the American union. By C. F. Robertson. St. Louis, 1885. Svo, pp. GO. Front, (fold, map) port. Called Publication No. 8 on title-page, but afterwards re-numbered as No. 10 of vol. 1 of the Collections of the Society, t-f. list in the Collections, vol. 2, No. 1. Another edition issued, St. Louis, 1885. (4372 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Collections. Vol. i. No. 11.] President s ad dress, constitution and by-laws and list of members. June 1, 1894. [St. Louis. 181)4.] 8vo, pp. 31. M. S. Snow. President. (4373 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Collections. Vol. i.] No. 12. 1. Newspapers and newspaper people of three decades. By William Hyde. 2. Territorial revenue system of Missouri. By Frederick C. Hicks. List of members .-uul contributors. St. Louis, 1896. 8vo, pp. 50. (4374 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Collections. Vol. i.] No. 13. "The Louisiana purchase: extent of territory acquired by said purchase." By. Col. James O. Broadhead. St. Louis. 1897. Svo, pp. 42. Read before the Society Feb. 10, 1897. i 1375 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Collections. Vol. i.] No. 14. The beginnings of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the archdiocese of St. Louis, 1704-1776. By Rev. J. J. Conway, S. J. St. Louis, 1897. 8vo. pp. 40. Illus. (incl. port., map). Cover-title : Catholic church, St. Louis. Read before tiie Society March 11, 1897. ( 4376 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Collections. Vol. i.] No. 15. Historical loan exhibition report. Constitution and by-laws Members and contributors. St. Louis, 1899. Svo, pp. 32. Front, (port.). (4377 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. n. Nos. 14. January, 19oo- March, 1905. St. Louis. No. 1. Jan.. 1900. Svo, pp. 62. Contents: Missouri Historical and Philosophical Society, 1844-1851. l\v William J. Seever ; New Year s day in the olden time of St. Louis, by Wilson Primm ; Missouri s German immigration, by E. I). Kargau ; "Kit" Carson. by Wm. F. Switzler ; With Schoolcraft through Missouri, in 1818, by Levi Pettibone ; Memoir of Edward Bates, by Charles Gibson ; Colonial and terri torial documents. No. 2. April, 1903. Svo, pp. 76. Contents : Early recollections of Missouri, by Thomas Shackelford ; Letter of Governor Claiborne F. Jackson, 1801, by C. F. Jackson; The administration of Governor B. Gratz Brown, 1871-1873, by Frederick N. Judson ; Henry R. Schoolcraft, by Meade C. Williams ; Jean Gabriel Cerre a sketch. (4378 No. 3. St. Louis, 1903. Svo, pp. 13. Personal recollections of General Grant. A paper read before the Society, Oct. 15th, 1903, by William Taussi.^. (4370 No. 4. March, 1905. Svo, pp. 48. A history of Battery "A" of St. Louis: with an account of the early artillery companies from which it is descended. Bead before the Society, Feb. 11, 1904, by Valentine Mott Porter. (43-SO HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OP MISSOURI. . 613 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI. Columbia, Mo. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY or MISSOURI. Two Missouri historians (Col. James Peekham and Col. Thomas Lowndes Snend). A paper read before the So ciety at its first annual meeting, Dec. 5, 1901. [By H. E. Robinson.] Mary- ville, Mo., 1902. Svo, pp. 20. Illustrated. (4381 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI. The Society Proceedings of first annual meeting have not been published. Note from the Secretary in Proceedings of second meeting, 1903. (4382 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI. Proceedings at its second annual meet ing, held January 22, 1903, at Columbia. Palmyra, Mo., 1903. Svo, pp. 83. Contents : Proceedings ; Papers : The boundaries of the Louisiana Purchase, by Perry S. Rader ; Early history of railroads in Missouri, by W. J. Thornton ; Historical societies and social progress, by W. H. Lighty ; Personal recollections of some of Missouri s eminent statesmen and lawyers, by Charles P. Johnson : Thomas II. Benton ; Samuel T. Glover; General Frank P. Blair, jr. (4383 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI. First biennial report of the executive committee for the two years ending December 31, 1902. Columbia, Mo., 1903. Svo. pp. 50. (4384 2nd biennial report published in 1905. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MISSOURI. A catalogue of publications by Missouri authors and periodicals of Missouri of 1903 in World s Fair Exhibit in Missouri building. Compiled by F. A. Sampson. Secretary of State His torical Society of Missouri. Columbia, Mo., 1904. 4to, pp. 47. (4385 MISSOURI HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. St. Louis, Mo. MISSOURI HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Annals of the Missouri His torical and Philosophical Society. No. 1. [1845-48.1 Jefferson City, 1848. Svo, pp. 29. Contents : History of the Society ; Act of incorporation ; Constitution ; Pro ceedings and reports ; Members. No " papers." (4386 MISSOURI HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memorial on the subject of a geological survey of the state, to the General Assembly of Missouri. Jefferson City, 1849. Svo, pp. 13. [Appendix House Journal, 1st session, 15th assembly, 1848.] Urges specially the reclamation of the country affected by the New Madrid earthquake of 1811. {4386a MISSOURI HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Japan and the expedition thereto of the United States. Discourse before the Society, December 22, 1852. Svo, pp. 34. (4387 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF SAINT LOUIS. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF SAINT Louis. Nineteenth annual reunion. * * * December twenty-first, 1903. Svo, pp. G8. Contains : New England education from the standpoint of an Oriental, by Wong Kai Kah ; Puritan and Cavalier, by John M. Allen ; The Yankee and the Louisiana Purchase, by Walter B. Stevens ; The Celtic invasion of New England, by William Marion Reedy. (4388 514 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ST. LOUIS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. St. Louis, Mo. ST. Louis HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the St. Louis His torical Society December 10, 1868, and repeated by request before the Mer cantile Library Association January 21, 1809, upon the thermometric gate ways to the pole, surface currents of the ocean, and the influence of the latter upon the climate of the world. By Silas Bent. St. Louis, 1809. Rvo, pp. (2), 29. Folded map. (4389 ST. Louis HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the Historical So ciety of St. Louis. St. Louis, 1875. 8vo. (439O SOUTHERN HISTORICAL AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF ST. LOT IS. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL AND BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF ST. Louis. The war in Missouri. From Springfield to Neosho. [By Richard H. Musser.] (In Southern Bivouac. New series, Vol. i, pp. 678-685, 745-752.) Taper read before the Association. (4391 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI. Studies. Social Science Series. Vol. i. The clothing industry in New York. By Jesse Eliphalet Pope. Published by the Uni versity of Missouri. September, 1905. 4 to, pp. xx, 339. (4392 HISTORICAL SOCIETY 7 OF MONTANA. Helena, Mont. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. [Circular relative to objects and wants of the Society, with list of officers, 1874.] [Helena, 1874.] 8vo, pp. (1). No title-page. (4393 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana ; with its transactions, act of incorporation, constitution and ordi nances, officers and members. Vol. i. Helena, Mont., 1876. 8vo, pp. 357. Portrait. Contents : Officers ; Members ; Incorporation ; Transactions, 1865-1875 ; A memoir of Tames Stuart, a pioneer of Montana, by Granville Stuart ; Adventure on the Upper Missouri, 1872-73, by James Stuart ; Early life of Malcolm Clarke, by C. O. Van Cleve ; Lewis and Clarke s expedition ; A trip up the South Snake River in 1863, by W. W. De Lacy; Sir George Gore s expedition (1854-1856), by F. G. Heldt; The Yellowstone expedition of 1863, by J. Stuart, with notes by S. T. Hauser ; The upper Missouri, by T. P. Roberts ; The Yellowstone * expedition of 1874, by A. M. Quivey ; Geological notes on northern and central Montana, by O. C. Morston ; Earliest discovery of the Rocky Mountains, via the Missouri River, by Sieur de La Verendrye and his sons ; Steamboat arrivals at Fort Benton, Mont., and vicinity, 1859-1874 ; List of officers of the Territory of Montana to 1876, by W. W. Johnson ; List of all persons who were in what is now Montana during the winter of 1862-63 ; List of citizens at Fort Benton, 1862-03 : List of persons in Missoula County, 1862-63 ; Mountains of the United States. (4394 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. 615 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Contributions to the Society ; with its trans actions, act of incorporation, constitution, ordinances, officers and members. Vol. n. Helena, Montana, 1890. Svo, pp. 409. Portrait. Contents : Transactions, 18811895 ; Centennial address on Montana, by W. A. Clark ; The territory of Montana, Bozeman Pass, by Peter Koch ; Journal of James H. Bradley : The Sioux campaign of 1876 under the command of General John Gibbon ; Diary of Matthew Carroll, master in charge of trans portation for Gibbon s expedition against the Sioux Indians, 1876 ; Walter W. de Lacy, a brief biography, by W. F. Wheeler ; Diary of James Fergus relative to the Fisk emigration party of 1862, and early mining life at Bannock, 1863; Sketch of Malcolm Clarke, by Helen P. Clarke ; Journal of S. G. Fisher, chief of scouts to Gen. O. O. Howard during the campaign against the Nez Perce Indians, 1877 ; The capture of Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Indians, by H. Romeyn ; Life at Muscleshell in 1869 and 1870, by Peter Koch ; Account of the attempts to build a town at the mouth of the Musselshell river, by James H. Bradley ; General Alfred Sully s expedition of 1864 : battle with the com bined tribes of Sioux Indians among the Bad Lands of the Little Missouri, by Nicholas Hilger ; Gen. Sully s expedition of 1864 against the Sioux, by Nathaniel Pope ; James Gemmell, by William F. Wheeler ; A trip from the Dalles of the Columbia, Oregon, to Fort Owen, Bitter Root Valley, Montana, in the spring of 1858, by Charles W. Frush ; Diary of James Harkness : St. Louis to Fort Benton by the Missouri river and to the Deer Lodge Valley and return in 1862 ; Francis Lyman Worden, by Wilbur F. Sanders ; Members and officers of the legislative assemblies of the Territory of Montana, by James U. Sanders. Index. (4395 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Contributions to the Society. With its trans actions, officers and members. Vol. in. Helena, Montana, 1900. 8vo, pp. 375. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Officers ; Transactions, 1895-1900 ; In memoriam, Charles Rumley, by C. Hedges ; In memoriam, W. H. Wheeler, by C. Hedges ; A trading expe dition among the Indians in 1858 from Fort Walla Walla to the Blackfoot country and return, by W r m. T. Hamilton ; Journal of Henry Edgar, 1863 ; Dis covery of Alder Gulch, by Peter Ronan ; Journal of the tour through the Yellowstone National Park in August and September, 1877, by Andrew J. Weikert ; Bonneville and Bridger, by Wm. S. Brackett ; Affairs at Fort Benton from 1831 to 1869, from Lieut. Bradley s journal ; Biographical sketch of Hezekiah L. Hosmer, first Chief Justice of the territory of Montana, revised by his son, J. H. Hosmer ; Journal of N. H. Webster from Colorado Territory to Idaho Territory, 1863 ; Biographical sketch of Hon. Sidney Edgerton, first territorial governor, by Martha Edgerton Plassmann ; Gov. Edgerton s first message to the legislative assembly of the territory of Montana ; Steamboat arrivals at Fort Benton and vicinity, 1875-1888; List of officers of the terri tory of Montana ; Index. (4396 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Contributions to the Society. With its transactions, officers, and members. Vol. iv. Helena, Montana, 1903. 8vo, pp. 326. Illustrations. Contents : Officers ; Transactions ; In memoriam Henry Sibley Wheeler ; The state flower of Montana Bitter Root ; Laying the corner-stone of the capitol : Address of J. K. Toole ; Special communication of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Montana ; Address of Past Grand Master Wilbur F. Sanders. The Dedication Ceremonies : Montana s capitol, by E. B. Kennedy ; The work of the capitol commission, by A. D. Peck ; Response and acceptance, by Geo. N. Hays ; Montana, her past, present, and future, by W. A. Clark ; Legislative department, by Paris Gibson ; Executive department, by Robert B. Smith ; Judicial department, by Theo. Brantly ; Pioneers of Montana, by W. F. San ders. Reminiscences of pioneer life, by Mrs. Geo. F. Cowan ; Biographical sketch of Mrs. James Fergus, by Mrs. S. C. Gilpatrick ; Pioneer women of Gallatin county, by, Martha Skidmore ; Historical sketch of Louis R. Maillet ; Biographical sketch of W. H. Parkison ; Sketch of the life of Armistead Hughes Mitchell ; The life and character of William H. Clagett, by W. W. Dixon ; Cus- ter s last battle on the little Big Horn, by William S. Brackett ; A new story of Custer s last battle, told by the messenger boy who survived, Daniel A. Kanipe ; Recent newspaper items concerning the battle ; Members and officers ; Index. (4397 516 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Contributions to the Society. With its transactions, officers, and members. Vol. v. Helena, 1904. 8vo, pp. 467. Illustrations. Contents : Louisiana purchase : Treaty between the United States of America and the French republic ; The Louisiana purchase and our title west of the Rocky Mountains, by Binger Hermann ; An act to provide for celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the purchase of the Louisiana territory ; Procla mation by the President of the United States, William McKinley ; Address at the dedication exercises of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, by Thos. H. Carter ; Address at the opening of the Exposition, by Thos. II. Carter. Mon tana at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition : World s Fair bill, May 26, 1903 ; Montana commission ; Dedication exercises, Montana state building. Governor Green Clay Smith, 1866-1868, by James E. Callaway ; Governor Green Clay Smith s message, 1866 ; Second message, 1867 ; Biographical sketch of Green Clay Smith, by Preston H. Leslie ; Green Clay Smith, the preacher, by A. C. Davison ; The first school in Montana, by Lucia D. Park ; The pioneer public school of Montana, by Sarah R. Herndou ; Pioneer life in Montana, by Lyman E. Munson ; Charge of Chief Justice Hosmer to the Grand Jury of the first judicial district, 1864 ; Same, 1866 ; The first newspaper of Montana, by Henry N. Blake ; Reminiscences of an editor, by James H. Mills ; Early history of the Episcopal church in Montana, by Daniel S. Tuttle ; Our majority, by Walter M. Jordan ; The Folsom-Cook exploration of the upper Yellowstone in the year 1869, by David E. Folsom, with a preface by Nathaniel P. Langford ; Journal of Cornelius Hedges, a member of the Washburn expedition of 1870 ; Thirty- seven days of peril, by T. C. Everts ; Ceremonies at the unveiling of the tablet in memory of Spanish-American war veterans . Remarks by Wm. L. Hill ; by Governor Toole. In memoriam, Anita Dolores Rosecrans, by Lily Rosecrans Toole; Index. (4398 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. [Circular giving an account of the Society and its purposes.] [Helena, Mont., 1878.] 8vo, pp. 7. (4399 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Catalogue of the library. Also the report of the librarian for the years 1891-92, being the first biennial report and catalogue ever published by the State or Society. In two parts. Prepared by Wm. F. Wheeler. Helena, Montana, 1892. 8vo, pp. 128. (4400 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Second biennial report of the librarian, 1893-94. Butte, Mont., 1895. 8vo, pp. 20. (4401 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTANA. Third biennial report of the librarian, 1895- 96. Helena [1896]. 8vo, pp. 30. (4402 Same, 4th-7th. Helena, Mont, 1897-1904. SOCIETY OF MONTANA PIONEERS. Helena, Mont. SOCIETY OF MONTANA PIONEERS. Register. Vol. i. Edited by James U. San ders, secretary. 1899. 8vo, pp. 262. Contents : Constitution, members and officers, with portraits and maps. Historical sketch of Montana. The several counties and their pioneers. Gen eral Index. (4403 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lincoln, Nebr. NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The discovery of Nebraska. Read before the Society April 16, 1880. By James W. Savage. Omaha, 1880. 8vo, pp. 42. (4404 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 617 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions and reports. Vols. I-V. Lincoln, 1885-1893. Svo, 5 vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Organization and proceedings, 1878-1883 ; List of county histories ; Pioneer reminiscences ; Historical recollections in and about Otoe County ; Historical letters of De Smet ; First white child born in Nebraska ; W. Hamil ton on traditional origin of Omahas and other tribes ; R. W. Furnas on the same ; Historical data about Washington County ; Relics in possession of the Society ; First female suffragist movement in Nebraska ; Autobiography of W. Hamilton ; Hamilton on derivation of Indian names ; H. Fontenelle on deriva tion of Indian names ; History of Omaha Indians, by II. Fontenelle ; Anecdotes relating to the " White cow " or " White buffalo," by R. W. Furnas ; Biograph ical. Appendix : Annual address of R. W. Furnas, 1880 ; The philosophy of emigration, by J. M. Woolw&rth ; Admission of Nebraska into the Union, by C. H. Gere ; Gold at Pike s Peak, by A. L. Child ; The discovery of Nebraska, by J. W. Savage ; The place of history in modern education, by G. E. Howard ; The organic act to aid the society ; Constitution and by-laws ; Officers, 1885 ; List of active members. 1885. pp. 233, (1). (44O5 Vol. ir. The relation of history to the study and practice of law, by H. H. Wilson ; Sketches from Territorial history, by A. G. Warner ; The capital ques tion in Nebraska, and the location of the seat of government at Lincoln, by C. H. Gere ; How the Kansas-Nebraska boundary line was established, by H. D. Johnson ; Slavery in Nebraska, by E. P: Rich ; John Brown in Richardson County, by A. R. Keim ; A visit to Nebraska in 1G62, by J. W. Savage ; Forty years among the Indians and on the eastern borders of Nebraska, by S. Allis ; Notes on the early military history of Nebraska, by E. S. Dudley ; History of the Powder River Indian expedition of 1865, by H. E. Palmer; History of Cass County, by A. L. Child ; History of Dodge County, by L. J. Abbott ; History of Washington County, by Perry Selden ; History of Sarpy County, by S. D. Bangs ; Sketch of the First Congregational church of Fremont, by I. E. Heaton ; Early Fremont, by E. H. Barnard ; Historical and Political Science Association of the University of Nebraska, by S. D. Cox; The discovery of gold in Colorado, by J. S. Morton ; On the establishment of an arboreal bureau, by J. S. Morton ; Biographical notices: E. H. Rogers, by S. Maxwell [etc.]; Proceedings; Index. 1887. pp. viii, 383. (44O6 Vol. in. American State legislatures, by Albert Watkins ; Political science in American State universities, by A. G. W T arner ; History and art, by S. W. Moore ; Salem witchcraft, by J. S. Kingsley ; History of education in Omaha, by Mrs. M. B. Newton ; The christening of the Platte, by J. W T . Savage ; Develop ment of the free soil idea in the United States, by W. II. Eller ; The beginning of Lincoln and Lancaster County," by W. W. Cox ; Early times and pioneers, by J. S. Morton ; The Fort Pierre expedition, by G. L. Miller ; The military camps on the Big Sioux River in 1855, by G. L. Miller ; Reminiscences of a teacher among the Nebraska Indians, 1843-1855, by L. W. Colby ; Early settlers en route, by Clark Irwin ; An introduction to the history of higher education in Nebraska, and a brief account of the University of Nebraska, by II. W. Cald- well ; Associated sermons, by Willard Scott ; Congregational college history in Nebraska, Doane College, by Willard Scott; Fontenelle College, by Mrs. R. Gaylord ; Thirty-three years ago through Nebraska in 1853, by J. A. MacMurphy ; The Pawnee Indian war, 1859, by R. W. Hazen ; Early days in Nebraska ; Reminiscences of early days in Nebraska, by D. C. Beam; Correspondence; Proceedings. Fremont, Nebr., 1892. pp. vi, 342. (44O7 Vol iv. Contents: From Nebraska City to Salt Creek in 1855, by J. S. Mor ton ; Old Fort Atkinson, by W. H. Eller ; The Indian troubles and the battle of Wounded Knee, by W. F. Kelly ; O. P. Mason, by J. II. Broady ; Judge James W. Savage, by C. A. Baldwin ; Byron Reed, by W. D. Beckett ; Thomas B. Cuming, by J. M. Woolworth ; Reminiscences of early days in Nebraska, by M. F. Platt ; The romantic history of a man well known to Nebraskans [Lucien Fontenelle] ; Old Fort Calhoun ; Arbor Day : Progress of the tree-planting movement ; What causes Indian mounds, by A. D. Jones ; The first postmaster of Omaha, by A. D. Jones ; Supreme judges of Nebraska, by W. M. Smith. Historical papers. 1892. pp. 336. (4408 Vol. v. Contents : Records and their conservation, by J. Sterling Morton ; The Lincoln Public Library, 1875-1892, by Mrs. S. B. Pound ; The Arickari conquest of 1823, by W. H. Eller ; Some Frenchmen of early days on the Missouri River,* by J. A. MacMurphy ; Reminiscences of early days in Nebraska, by W. W. Cox ; Admission of Nebraska as a State, by James M. Woolworth ; Nebraska silver 618 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. anniversary : The admission of Nebraska into the Union, by T. M. Marquette ; * * * Early life in Nebraska, by S. P. Merrill ; The political and constitu tional development of Nebraska, by V. Rosewater ; The settlement of Kearney County, by Joel Hull ; Proceedings of the Society ; Reports ; List of members. 1893. pp. 295. (44OJ) NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and collections. Second series. Vol. i, Lincoln, 1804-95. 8vo, pp. 264. Contents : Part of the making of a great State, by John A. MacAlurphy ; The life of Governor Burt, by Clyde B. Aitchison ; Reminiscences of early days, by B. J. Johnson. Early Nebraska currency, by Henry W. Yates ; Municipal govern ment in Nebraska, by V. Rosewater ; The " Soldiers free homestead colony," by S. C. Bassett ; The effect of early legislation upon the courts of Nebraska, by T. M. Marquette. Wanagi olowan kin .(the ghost songs of the Dakotas), by L. W. Colby ; Reminiscences of the third judicial district, 1857-1861, by E. Wakeley ; Freighting across the plains in 185G, by M. II. Sydenham ; Necrology; John Miller Taggart, by Mrs. Jeannette M. White. Some financial fallacies among the pioneers of Nebraska, by J. Sterling Morton ; Proceedings 1893-1895 ; Reports ; Officers ; Members ; Constitution and by-laws ; Index to Vol. iv. (441O-4413 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and collections. Second series. Vol. n. Lincoln, 1898. 8vo, pp. 307. Contents : The Poncas, by Jay Amos Barrett ; A brief sketch of the life of Cap tain P. S. Real, by William Murphy ; Bellevue its past and present, by J. Q. Goss ; Edward Morin, by I. A. Fort ; Travels in Nebraska in 1866, by J. P. Dunlap ; The cost of local government then (1855) and now, by J. Sterling Morton ; Underground railroad "in Nebraska, by Alice A. Minick ; Biographical sketch of Major W. W. Denuison, by I. A. Fort ; President s communication, 1897, by J. Sterling Morton ; The first territorial legislature of Nebraska, by II. P. Bennet ; Biography of B. B. Thompson, by John C. Thompson ; Legislators of 1855 ; biographical fragments, by J. A. Barrett ; The results of the pioneer ses.- sion from a legal point of view, by M. B. Reese ; Nebraska women in 1855, by Harriet S. MacMurphy ; The true story of the death of Sitting Bull, by E. G. Fetchet ; Proceedings at the nineteenth annual meeting ; Index. Publications of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Vol. vi, 1898. (4414 NEBRASKA STATE- HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and collections. Vol. in. Second series. The Provisional Government of Nebraska Territory and the journals of William Walker, Provisional Governor of Nebraska Terri tory, edited by William E. Connelley. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1899. 8vo, pp. ix, 423. Portraits. Contents : The Wyandots ; The Walker family ; The provisional government of Nebraska territory ; Documents relating to the provisional government of Nebraska territory ; A brief sketch of Abelard Guthrie ; The journals of Wil liam Walker, First and Second Books. (4415 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and Collections. Vol. iv. Second series. Forty Years of Nebraska. At home and in Congress. By Thomas Weston Tipton. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1902. 8vo, pp. viii, 570. Portraits. Special Publication. Contains short accounts of eight territorial governors, six delegates in congress, ten state governors, eight United States senators, and eighteen members of the house of representatives. (4416 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and collections. Vol. v. Second series. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1902. 8vo, pp. 381. Portrait. Contents : Territorial journalism, by J. Sterling Morton ; Newspapers and newspaper men of the territorial period, by George L. Miller ; Pioneer journal ism, by D. W. Carpenter ; Communication of Hadley D. Johnson, relating some reminiscences of the early days in Nebraska; Reminiscences of territorial days, by F. Renner ; My first trip to Omaha, 1862, by W. W. Cox ; Judge Elmer S. Dundy, by Edwin S. Towl ; The Nebraska constitution some of its original and peculiar features, by Charles Sumner Lobingier ; History of the incarcera- TERRITORIAL PIONEER ASSOCIATION. 619 tion of the Lincoln city council, 1887, by A. J. Sawyer ; A Nebraska episode of the Wyoming cattle war, by A. E. Sheldon ; Recollections of Omaha, 1855-61, by C. Irvine ; Death of Logan Fontanelle, by T. II. Tibbies ; Reminiscences of the Crusade in Nebraska, by Harriet W. Leighton ; Along the overland trail in Nebraska in 1852, by Gilbert L. Cole ; Thomas Weston Tipton, by It. W. Furnas ; Algernon Sidney Paddock, by W. E. Annin ; The Farmers Alliance in Nebraska, something of its origin, growth, and influence, by J. M. Thompson ; History of the first state capitol, by Thomas Malloy ; Early history of Jeffer son county overland route, by W. W. Watson ; The Indian Massacre of 1860 from a St. Joseph, Mo., newspaper of that time ; Bull-Whacking days, by George P. Marvin ; The Pawnee War of 1859, by John M. Thayer ; Early days in the Indian country, by Major C. Anderson ; Freighting to Lenver, 1864, by T. K. Tyson ; Freighting and staging in early days, by William Fulton ; Freighting in the 60s, by Herman Robert Lyon ; The Plains war in 1865, by C. B. Hadley ; Overland freighting from Nebraska city, by D. P Rolfe ; From Meridian to Fort Kearney, 1870, by A. J. Croft ; Freighting reminiscences, by Porter Maddox ; Freighting Denver and Black Hills, by II. T. Clarke ; Early freighting and Claims Club days in Nebraska, by Eugene Munn ; The building of the first capitol and insane hospital at Lincoln removal of archives, by Franklin Ball ; The Underground Railroad in Nebraska, by J. E. Rastall ; Pro ceedings of twenty-first annual meeting; . List of members; Index. (4417 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A visit to Nebraska in 1662. Communi cated to the Society by J. W. Savage. Boston, 1885. 8vo, pp. 25. Treats of Penalosa s supposititious journey of 1662. (4418 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the secretary, George E. How ard, January 13, 1891. Lincoln, 1891. 8vo, pp. 7. (4419 NEBRASKA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Twenty-fourth annual meeting, January 14, 15, 1902. [Programme.] 8vo, pp. [4]. (442O TERRITORIAL PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Verdon, Nebr. TERRITORIAL PIONEER ASSOCIATION. The Pioneer Record. Official organ of the Territorial Pioneer Association. Verdon, Nebr. Vol. i, No. 1, was an advertising supplement to the Verdon Vedette announc ing the pioneer reunion. (Letter from the secretary, Mar. 7, 1904, bound in Vol. iv, No. 2, in L. C.) From Nov., 1893-May, 1896 (Vol. i. No. 2- Vol. in), issued quarterly. Beginning with July, 1897 (Vol. iv, No. 1), issued monthly. Ceased publication with August, 1897. Vol. i, No. 2. Verdon, November, 1893. 12mo, pp. [8]. Contents : Pioneer pointers ; State Historical Society ; The pioneers are going ; Falls City s new school building; Editorial; Old neighbors (who settled in Richardson county before 1860). Vol. i, No. 3. Verdon, February, 1894. 12mo, pp. [8-20]. Contents : Pioneer pointers ; Early recollections ; My first experience in a Nebraska Church, by J. Allen Cook ; Annual reports of the officers of the Rich ardson County Pioneer Society ; History of school districts of Richardson county ; Early politics ; Church history ; The first marriage in Richardson county. Vol. i, No. 4. May, 1894. 12mo, pp. [20] -33. Contents : Editorial notes ; History of District 99 ; Pioneer pointers ; History of school district No. 77, by II. B. Kleeberger ; Richardson County s first school bell ; Isaac Durand ; School district history, No. 16, by Ora Marsh ; Rem iniscences, by J. Sterling Morton, of his first visit to Richardson county, 1855. (4421 Vol. n, No. 1. August, 1894. 12mo, pp. 15. Contents : Pioneer pointers ; History of district 27, by Ermina Danner ; First paper in Nebraska ; Editorial notes ; History of district 47, by Carrie Crouch ; W. H. Mark, sec y Pioneer Society ; History of district 84, by Walter B. Ahern ; Humboldt newspapers; History of district 31, by G. E. Jones; A. B. Foutch, pres. Pioneer Society. 620 AMERICAK HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. II, No. 2. November, 1894. 12mo, pp. [171-28. Contents : Editorial notes ; Pioneer pointers ; The tragedy of 59 ; The Pioneers ; Our women ; History of school district No. 50, by Mary Wiltse. Vol. n, No. 3. February, 1895. 12mo, pp. [29]-4Q. Contents : Pioneer pointers ; Paw-Paw militia ; The Tree Planter State ; Editorial notes ; Necrology. Vol. n, No. 4. May, 1895. 12mo, pp. [41]-66. Contents: Pioneer pointers; Editorial notes; History of district No. 42, by Boyd Unkefer ; Equality before the law ; Nemaha precinct, by Rosa Whitmer ; The old soldiers and sailors of Richardson county ; Necrology. (4422 Vol. in, No. 1. August, 1895. 12mo, pp. 16. Contents : Might-have-been cities ; Pioneer children, by Mrs. John F. Cornell ; Editorial notes ; Early times in Nebraska, by P. B. Ruch ; Necrology. Vol. in, No. 2. November, 1895. 12mo, pp. [17]-28. Contents : Might-have-been cities ; Early times in Nebraska, by P. B. Ruch ; Pioneer day at the state fair ; Forty years ago, poem by Milton H. Mable ; Necrology. Vol. in, No. 3. February, 1896. 8vo, pp. [33]-48. Contents : Historic places, by F. A. Harrison ; Might-have-been cities ; Early times in Nebraska the school question, by I . B. Ruch ; Pioneer poem ; State Historical Society; Necrology. Vol. in, No. 4. May, 1896. 8vo, pp. [49]-72. Contents : The first homesteader, Daniel Freeman ; First election in Nemaha county ; The first survey at Omaha, by Alfred D. Jones ; The legislature of 1855 ; Nebraska territorial pioneers, March 31, 1896 ; The first territorial legis lature, 1855, by Jay Amos Barrett ; The half breed tract ; Necrology. (4423 Vol. iv, No. 1. July, 1897. 8vo, pp. 32. Contents : Historical papers : Early reminiscences in Jefferson county, by Marcia Babcock ; The State Historical Society, by Jay Amos Barrett ; Gen. E. A. Carr s spirited campaign, by W. F. Cody ; A relic of pioneer days, Kearney overland coach ; Pioneers from beginning to present time, by Rev. Father Fitz gerald ; Biographical Robert W. Furnas ; Necrology. Vol. iv, No. 2. August, 1897. 8vo, pp. [33] -78. Contents : Historical papers : The Indian raid on the Little Blue in 1863, by C. W. Wells ; First 4th of July celebration in Nebraska, by Alfred D. Jones ; A legend of Table Rock ; Biographical : Old Settlers of Humboldt ; Napoleon B. Giddings, Nebraska s first territorial delegate to Congress ; Alvin Saunders ; Isaac S. Hascall; Christian Bobst ; William Stolley. Table Rock notes, by M. H. Marble; Necrology. (4424 DOVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dover, N. H. DOVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. i. Dover, 1894. 8vo, pp. (6), 305. Contents : Births and marriages, 1693-1838, Dover records ; Early records of New Hampshire families ; Marriages by Rev. John Pike, 1686-1709 ; Baptisms of Rev. Jonathan Cushing, 1717-1766 ; Records of First church ; Baptisms by Rev. Dr. Jeremy Belknap, 1767-1786 ; Marriages by Rev. Dr. Jeremy Belknap, 1767-1776 ; Marriages by Rev. Joseph W. Clary, 1812-1829 ; Marriages by Rev. Hubbard Winslow, 1829-1831; Deaths, 1773-1791, records of Nathaniel Cooper; Deaths, 1792-1802, records of Deacon Benjamin Pierce; Members of First church, 1718-1850; Baptisms by Rev. Robert Gray, 1787-1800; Marriages, 1835-1850, records of St. John s Methodist Episcopal church ; Marriages, 1839- 1850 ; Records of St. Thomas s Episcopal church ; Marriages, 1829-1850, records of First Unitarian Society ; Marriages, 1843-1850, records of St. Mary s Catholic church ; Index. ( 4425 DOVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Landmarks in Ancient Dover, New Hampshire. By Mary P. Thompson. Durham, N. H., 1892. 8vo, pp. 284. Map. ( 4426 MANCHESTER HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 621 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Manchester, N. H. MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Collections. Vol. i. 1896-1900. [Man chester, N. II., 1897-1900.] Svo, pp. 312. Portraits. Contents : Articles of Association ; Constitution ; Reminiscences of Manches ter, 1S41 to 1896, by David L. Perkins ; New Hampshire Men at Louisburg and Bunker Hill, by William H. Morrison ; Captain John Moore s Company (Battle of Bunker Hill), by George C. Gilmore ; Boating on the Merrimack, by George Waldo Browne ; The Derryfield Social Library, by William H. Huse ; Castle William and Mary, by John G. Crawford ; New Hampshire branch of the Society of Cincinnati, by John C. French ; Grace Fletcher, by John C. French ; Author of " The Sweet By and By ; " Old Derryfield and young Man chester, by David L. Perkins ; Manchester Semi-Centennial, by H. W. East man and Fred W. Lamb; New Hampshire election sermons, 1784-1861, by S. C. Gould ; Hon. Samuel Blodget, the pioneer of progress in New England, by George Waldo Browne; Indians of New Hampshire (Etymology of their language), by John G. Crawford; The Manter Mills, by William H. Huse; The home life of Maj. Gen. John Stark, by Henry W. Herrick ; Stark as soldier and citizen, by Henry W. Herrick; Bibliography of Major-General John Stark, compiled by S. C. Gould ; Proclamation money, by John G. Crawford ; Man chester Fire Department, by Fred W. Lamb ; Col. John Goffe, by Gordon Wood- bury ; Joseph Henry Stickney, by Henry W. Herrick ; Sketches of deceased members, by Francis B. Eaton, John C. French : Herbert W. Eastman, Moody Currier, David L. Perkins, Andrew Bunton ; Index. (4427 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Collections. In two parts. Part i, His toric quarterly. Part H, Contributions to history of Derryfield. Vol. u. 1900-1901. Manchester, N. H., 1901. 8vo, pp. 112, xxviii, 128. Contents : Part i. Historic quarterly : Tyng township proprietors records, acts, grants, and historical notes relating to the early settlement of Man chester, N. II., by George Waldo Browne ; Colonel Joseph Blanchard ; Captain William Tyng ; Early settlement of Kelley s Falls, by William E. Moore ; Chand ler Eastman Potter, by Joe H. Potter ; John Fowler Trow, the founder of the Nashua Telegraph, by Henry W. Herrick ; Historic quarterly supplement ; Officers of the Manchester Historic Association ; List of members ; Proceedings ; Situation in the Merrimack Valley, 1740 to 1750 ; The Woodranger tales ; William Ellery Moore, by Francis B. Eaton ; Allen Newcomb Clapp, by Henry W. Herrick ; Resolutions on the death of Fred. G. Hartshorn ; Historic notes relating to this city and state, by Fred W. Lamb. Part n. Contributions to the history of Derryfield, New Hampshire. Topography and landscape as modi fied by torrents from melting ice-fields, together with some account of early floods and other local evidences of a glacial epoch. By William E. Moore, Part i. Some special local features as produced by torrents from melting ice fields, together with a further account of early floods and other allied evidences of a glacial epoch, Part n. The local flora and fauna, Part in. Indians and early settlements, Part iv. Occupation and settlements, Part v. (4428 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. The Historic Quarterly. Vol. in. Nos. 1 to 4. 1902. Manchester, N. H. 8vo, pp. vii, 120. Contents : General James Wilson, by James F. Briggs ; Old Bridge Street pound, by Orrin II. Leavitt ; Sketch of Dunbarton, by Ella Mills ; Asiatic cholera in Manchester, by George C. Gilmore ; Rock Rimmon, by William Ellery Moore; Narrative of James Johnson, by G. Waldo Browne; Early recol lections of Manchester, by Joseph Kidder ; Water Supply of Manchester, by William B. Blake ; Story of a private soldier in the Revolution, by John Foster ; The two James Rogers, by Josiah II. Drummond ; Josiah H. Drummond, by G. Waldo Browne ; Derryfield in the Revolution, by G. Waldo Browne ; Major John Webster, by Sebastian S. Griffin. (1428a 622 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. The Historic Quarterly. Containing the contributions of the Manchester Historic Association and miscella neous matter of local and general interest. Vol. in. Nos. 5 to 8. Jan.- Dec., 1903. Manchester, N. H. 8vo, pp. 121-216, Iv-lxxiii, 7. Portraits. Plates. Contents : The story of Lake Massabesic, by Francis B. Eaton ; George W. Morrison, by Joseph W. Fellows ; Then and Now, by J. Trask Plumer ; The old times muster, by J. Trask Plumer ; Gen. John Stark s home farm, by Roland Rowell ; Smallpox epidemic in Manchester, by Clarence M. Platts ; Manchester as a village, by William E. Moore ; Memoirs of the Association, 1903: William II. Elliott; Gilman Clough ; George \V. Weeks; William T. Evans ; Dennis M. Bradley, D. D., by J. B. Delany ; Index. Title-page and contents for the collections, Vol. in. 1902-1903. (44286 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Collections. Vol. vm. Early records of the town of Derryfield, now Manchester, N. H., 1751-1782, a complete and exact transcript of the records of the clerks as written in the old Derryfield book, No. 1, pages 28-317 comprising volume i of. the printed records of the town. Edited, with introduction, notes, and index, by George Waldo Browne. Manchester, N. H., 1905. 8vo, pp. 395. Illustrations. Map. " Vols. 4 to 7 inclusive of the Collections have not been printed yet, but will be in the near future." (4428c MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Contributions to the history of Derryfield, New Hampshire. By William Ellery Moore. Read before the Manchester Historic Association, [n. p.] [189G-97.J Svo, pp. 128. Contents : Part i. Topography and landscape as modified by torrents from melting ice-fields. Part n. Some special local features as produced by torrents from melting ice-fields. Part in. The local flora and fauna. Part iv. Indians and early settlements. Part v. Occupation and settlements. (4429 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Proprietors records of Tyng Township, 1735-1741, with notes and sketches by George Waldo Browne. Manchester [N. H.], 1901. Svo, pp. iv, [2], 88. Front., illus. Also published in the Collections of the Manchester Historic Association, Vol. n. (443O MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Sketch of Duubarton, New Hampshire. By Ella Mills. Manchester, N. H., 1902. Svo, pp. 20. (4431 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Sketch of General James Wilson, of New Hampshire. By James F. Briggs. Manchester, N. H., 1902. Svo, pp. 26. Portrait. (4432 MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Gen. John Stark s home farm. By Roland Rowell. A paper read before the Manchester Historic Association, October 7, 1903. Manchester, 1904. 8vo, pp. 22. Contains genealogical notes. (4432a MANCHESTER HISTORIC ASSOCIATION. Papers read by J. Trask Plumer, before the Manchester Historic Association. Manchester, 1904. Svo, pp. 26. Contents : Then and now ; The old times muster. (4433 NASHUA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nashua, N. H. NA.SHUA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bicentennial of Dunstable, 1873. Address of S. T. Worcester before the Society, October 27, 1873. Nashua [1873]. Svo, pp. 38. (4434 NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 623 NASHUA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old and new ; or the public schools of New Hampshire and Ohio. An address before the Society, February 13, 1871. By S. T. Worcester. Nashua, 1871. 8vo, pp. 20. (4435 NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. (First called New Hampshire Philomathic and Antiquarian Society.) Contoocook, N. H. NEW HAMPSHIRE PHILOMATHIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Constitution adopted November 19, 1873, with a list of active and honorary members. Bristol [N. H.], 1874. 8vo, pp. 16. (4436 NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Circular No. 15. Contoocook, N. H. 8vo. No title-page. (4437 NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Address on. New Hampshire and Ver mont ; their unions, secessions, and disunions. Delivered before the Society July 15, 1879. By Clark Jillson. Worcester, 1882. 8vo, pp. (2), 40. (4438 NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Collections. Nos. 1-4. Contoocook, 1874-1879. 8vo. CONTENTS. No. 1. Who invented the American steamboat? A statement of the evidence that the first American steamboat, propelled by means of paddle wheels, was invented, constructed, and successfully operated on the Connecticut. River about 1792 by Capt. Samuel Morey, of Orford, N. II., and that Robert Fulton saw the boat in operation. By William A. Mowry. Read before the Society October 22, 1874. Contoocook, 1874. pp. 28. A blank leaf for pp. 5, G. No. 2. The Shurtleff manuscript, No. 153, being a narrative of certain events which transpired in Canada during the invasion of that province by the Ameri can Army in 1775. Written by a Mrs. Walker, whose husband was imprisoned for raising men to assist Ethan Allen in his disastrous attack on Montreal on the 25th of September. Printed from the original, with notes and an introduc tion, by Rev. Silas Ketchum. List of members. Contoocook, 1876. pp. (29) -60. Title on cover : "A diary of the invasion of Canada, 1775." No. 3. A list of the centenarians of New Hampshire who have deceased since 1705, with sketches of many of them. Compiled from various sources. By Daniel F. Secomb. Contoocook, 1877. pp. (61) -89, (1). No. 4. Address at the annual meeting, July 15, 1879. By Rev. Silas Ketchum, president. Officers, 1878-79. Contoocook, 1879. 8vo, pp. (91)-105. (4439 NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Constitution adopted November 19, 1873. Amended July 20, 1875, with a list of honorary members. Bristol, N. H., 1875. 8vo, pp. 15. Same. Contoocook, 1880. 8vo, pp. 16. (444O NEW HAMPSHIRE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Annual address and eulogy upon Rev. Silas Ketchum before the Society July 20, 1880. By L. W. Cogswell. Con toocook, 1881. 8vo, pp. 16, (1). (4441 624 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW HAMPSHIRE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Dover, A 7 . H. NEW HAMPSHIRE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New Hampshire Genealogical Record. An illustrated quarterly magazine devoted to genealogy, history, and biography. Official organ of the New Hampshire Genealogical Society. Vol. i July, 1903-April, 1904. Dover, N. H., 1904. 8vo, pp. 221. Plate. Contents : Genealogical records of Portsmouth : Strawberry Bank land grants and deeds ; Subscription lists, 1658 & 1666, 1671 ; Gravestone inscriptions in Point of Graves cemetery. Genealogical records of New Castle : Town tax, 1720 (Island Side list) ; Births, marriages, and deaths. The New Hampshire Genealogical Society; Notes and queries; Genealogical records of Rye: Births, marriages, and deaths. Friends records, Dover, N. H., monthly meeting marriages, 1701- 1843 ; By-laws of the Society ; Genealogical records of Durham : Births, marriages, and deaths; Book notices; Devon and Cornwall Record Society; New Jersey s indebtedness to New Hampshire, by O. B. Leonard ; Dover tax rate, 1648 ; Genealogical records of Stratham : Births, marriages, and deaths ; Index of persons. (4442 NEW HAMPSHIRE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New Hampshire Genealogical Record. Vol. H. July, 1904-April, 1905 Dover, N. H., 1905. 8vo, pp. 224. Plate. Map. Contents : David Thompson s indenture, 1622 ; Inscriptions on gravestone of Ezra Green, Dover, N. H. ; Stratham genealogical records births, mar riages, and deaths; Portsmouth genealogical records gravestone inscriptions in Point of Graves cemetery; Portsmouth land grants and surveys, 1653-6; Friends records, Dover, N. H. : Monthly Meeting ; New Castle genealogical tea ords births, marriages, and deaths ; Kingston First Church Records, 1725- 1737 ; Hampton town records baptisms, 1635-41 ; births, 1654-74. Grave stone inscriptions, N. II. signers of the Declaration of Independence; Ports mouth town officers, 1652-1840 ; Hampton town records, births, 1667-1674 ; Kingston First Church records admissions, 1725-1737, deaths, 1725-1737; Rye genealogical records ; Members of the Society ; Newington church records, 1716-1753 ; American Revolutionary Naval service The Continental frigate Raleigh ; Index of persons. (4443 NEW HAMPSHIRE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New Hampshire Genealogical Record. Vol. in. No. 1. July, 1905. Dover, N. H., 1905. 8vo, pp. 48. Plate. Contents : Newington church records marriages, 1753-1782 ; Strathara genealogical records ; American Revolutionary Naval service The Continental frigate Raleigh ; Friends records, Dover, N. H., Monthly meeting ; Kingston. First church records deaths, 1735-6; marriages, 1737-1751/2; Piscataqua Pioneers. (4444 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Concord, N. H. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Act of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws. Concord, 1823. 8vo. pp. 21, (2). NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i-x. Concord, 1824- 1889. Manchester, 1893. 8vo. Ten vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Sketch of the formation of the Society ; Memoir of the Hon. Samuel Penhallow, by Nathaniel Adams ; History of the wars of New England with the Eastern Indians, by Samuel Penhallow ; Original letter : S. Penhallow to Cotton Mather, February 27, 1698-99; N. Weare to Maj. Robert Pike, 1689-90; Ad dress to Queen Anne, 1707 ; Lieutenant-Governor Wentworth s commission, 1717 Papers relating to Fort Dummer ; Indian deeds to Wheelwright and others, 1638 ; NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 625 List of the Congregational ministers in Hillsborough County, 1685-1823 ; His torical sketch of Concord, N. II., by Jacob B. Moore ; Note on the Penacook In dians, by John Farmer ; Answers to Ihe queries sent from the Lords of trade and plantation [concerning the Province of New Hampshire] ; Census of New Hamp shire, 1775 ; Topographical description of Enfield, N. II. ; Account of the great whirlwind in New Hampshiie, September 9, 1821 ; Newspaper extraordinary, 1689 ; The present state of the New English affairs, extract from a letter from I. Mather ; Witchcraft in New Hampshire, 1656 ; Letter from Oliver Cromwell to Rev. John Cotton, 1051 ; The last will and testament of Myles Standish, 1655 ; Powers delegated to Lieutenant-Governor Cranfield May 9, 1682 ; Deposi tion of John Foullsam, 1684 ; Order respecting currency in New Hampshire, 16S3 ; R. Mason s deposition, 1684 ; Order in council relative to William Vaughan and N. Weare, 1685 ; Articles of complaint against Cranfield, 1685 ; Affidavits respecting Sir Edmond Androsse, 1690 ; Table to bring old tenor into lawful money, 1750 ; Lieutenant-Governor Dunbar s queries to his council, 1733 ; Deposition of Elizabeth Miles, 1754 ; Register of New Hampshire for 1768 ; Bill of mortality for Rochester, N. II., 1776-1822 ; Original letters relating to Dr. Belknap s History of New Hampshire, 1791 ; Topographical and historical sketch of Bedford, N. H., by A. Foster and P. I . Wood bury ; Documents relating to the history of New Hampshire ; Indian deed to Wheelwright, 1629, with re marks on its authenticity, by Governor Plumer ; Grant of New Hampshire to John Mason ; Grant from council of Plymouth to John Mason ; Grant of New Hampshire and Massonia to John Mason ; Extract from will of J. Mason ; Agreement of the settlers at Exeter, N. II., 1639 ; Agreement of the inhabitants upon Piscataqua River for government ; Vote of the British Parliament duties on imports and exports to and from New England, 1642 ; * * * Resolve concerning Quakers, 1665 ; Petition of Robert Mason and others lands in New Hampshire and Maine; Reports upon Mason s title to New Hampshire, 1660; Petition of Robert Mason, 1660 ; Option of Chief Justice Jones upon Mason s claim, 1679. Concord, 1824. pp. 336. (4446 Vol. ii. W 7 heeler s narrative of an expedition into the Nipmuck country and to Quaboag, 1675 ; Instances of longevity in New Hampshire ; Instances of longevity in Pelham, 1798-1824 ; Committee of safety in New Hampshire, 1776-1784 ; Bio graphical sketch of Maj. Richard Waldron ; Notice of Rev. Lemuel Wadsworth, by E. Hill ; Attack of the Indians at Walpole in 1755 ; Journal of convention at Dracut, November, 1776 ; Letter from President Weare to Messrs. Langdon and Peabody, Delegates to Congress, 1779 ; Same to Colonel Pea body ; Annals of Keene, 17341790, by Salma Hale ; Communication on the Wheelwright deed ; Original letters relating to the War of Independence ; Unpublished letters of Washington [to New Hampshire authorities] ; Deposition of Barefoote, Mason, etc., 1683 ; Employment of Mohawk and Seneca Indians, 1684 ; Orders of Gover nor Cranfield, 1684 ; Letter of Rev. Seaborn Cotton to council of New Hampshire, 1685 ; List of the civil government of Massachusetts from 1630 to 1641, and of Massachusetts, Maine, and New Hampshire to 1680, by J. Farmer; Extract from the records of the house of deputies of Massachusetts, 1654 ; Memoir of Nathaniel A. Haven, jr. ; Indian treaties : Fort William Henry, 1693 ; Ports mouth, 1702 and 1703 ; Letter from Governor Dudley, 1713 ; Treaty at Pisca taqua, 1713 ; at Georgetown, 1717 ; at Boston, 1725 ; at Casco, 1727 ; Indian articles of peace, July 25, 1727 ; Governor Wentworth s message, 1747 ; Treaty at Falmouth, 1749 ; Submission of, 1698 ; An historical sketch of the northern boundary of New Hampshire ; Memoir of James Freeman Dana. Concord, 1827. pp. (4), 300. (4447 Vol. in. Constitution; Members; Memoir of Samuel Dana, by C. H. Atherton ; Memoir of Wyseman Clagett, by C. H. Atherton ; Settlers of Somersworth, 1650- 1700 ; Journal of Rev. John Pike, of Dover, N. II., 1678-1709 ; Recollections in. the history of Northwood, N. H. ; Original papers : Return of commissioners about the beaver trade, 1657 ; * * * Account of people distressed by the war in Massachusetts colony, taken January 22, 1676-77 ; Sketches of the grad uates of Dartmouth College from the foundation of that institution in 1769, by John Farmer ; An account of the insurrection in New Hampshire in 1786 ; Let ter from Cotton Mather [relative to Bridget and Jane Moulton] ; Address before the Society June 11, 1828, by Salma Hale ; Uring s notice of New England, 1709 ; Instances of longevity in Canterbury, N. H. ; Provincial taxes in New Hamp shire, 1753-1766 ; An address before the Society, June 8, 1831, by Charles H. Atherton [on probate law in New Hampshire] ; Historical sketches of Warner, H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 40 626 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. N. H., by M. Long ; Memorial of Rev. Federal Burt, by Jonathan French ; Pena- cook papers, 1659-1668 ; Account of the storm and avalanches at the White Mountains in 1826, by J. B. Moore ; A plan for providing materials for history ; Sketches of the graduates of Dartmouth College from the foundation in 1769, by John Farmer ; Memoir of the Hon. Abel Parker, by Jacob B. Moore ; Reflections on the destruction of the Willey family in the White Mountains, by T. C. Up- ham ; Letter of Rev. Joshua Moodey to John Cotton, 1776 ; * * * Sketch of Capt. John Pickering, of Portsmouth; Life and character of Oliver Peabody. Concord, 1832. pp. 304. This volume was reprinted at Manchester in 1870. (4448 Vol. iv. Anniversary discourse, June 12, 1833 [History of education in New Hampshire], by Rev. Nathaniel Bouton ; Memorials of the graduates of Harvard University, 1642-1646, by John Farmer ; Oaths taken by the civil, military, and ecclesiastical officers in New Hampshire on the accession of George II, 1727; Directions for the study of English history, by Richard Farmer ; Great earth quake of 1727, giving some account as it was at Hampton, by N. Gookin ; Let ters from Governor Belcher to Secretary Waldron, 1742; Annals of Chariest <>\vn. N. H., by Rev. J. Crosby ; Extracts from the records of the convention of Con gregational ministers in New Hampshire ; Constitutions of New Hampshire, 1776, 1779, 1781, 1783, 1792; Sketches of the history of Canterbury, N. II.. by Rev. W. Patrick ; Account of an inscription on a rock at Weare, by P. Carrigain ; Abner Clough s journal of the march of Capt. D. Ladd to protect the inhabitants of Rumford and the adjacent towns against the Indians, 1746 ; Capt. J. Goffe s letter to Governor Wentworth, 1746 ; Brief notices of Antrim, N. H., by Rev. J. M. Whiton ; Governor Thomas Dudley s letter to the Countess of Lincoln. 1631 ; Journey of Governor Shuts from Boston to Portsmouth, 1716 ; Speech of the Earl of Bellomont, August 7, 1699 ; Petition of persons of Rumford, Canter bury, and Contoocook, 1748; Memoir of Rev. Dr. Nathan Parker, by Samuel E. Coues ; Sketches of the graduates of Dartmouth College, by John Farmer, con tinued ; Letter from Rev. T. Fessenden [giving sketch of Walpole, N. H.], 1790; Memoir of Hon. David Barker, by Rev. Isaac Willey ; Constitution ; Members, etc. Concord, 1834. pp. 302. i 1 44J> Vol. v. Remarks and documents relating to the preservation and keeping of the public archives, by Richard Bartlett ; Cold Friday, 19th of January, 1810; Historical sketch of Amherst, N. II., by John Farmer ; Sketches of the civil and ecclesiastical history of Durham, by Rev. Federal Burt ; A sketch of New Ip swich, N. II., civil, literary, and ecclesiastical, by Rev. Charles Walker ; Memoir of Hanserd Knollys, by Rev. J. Newton Brown ; Historical sketch of Hampstead, N. H., by John Kelly ; Journal of Capt. Phineas Stevens to and from Canada, 1749; Petition of the inhabitants of Nutfield, afterwards Londonderry, 1719; Journal of Capt. Eleazer Melvin in the wilderness toward Crown Point. 1748; Biographical notice of Dr. William Cogswell ; Memoir of Nathaniel Folsom, by C. P. Bradley ; Samuel Livermore, by C. P. Bradley ; Manners and customs of olden times ; An account of the several provinces in North America, 17.").") ; List of counsellors of New Hampshire from 1680 to 1837, by John Farmer ; Genealog ical notice of the Wentworths of New Hampshire ; Sketch of John Wentworth, jr.; Sketch of Meshech Weare, by Paine Wingate ; Attempt to establish a play house in New Hampshire at Portsmouth, 1762 ; Mortality in Kingston, N. H.. 1725 to 1832,- by Rev. Ora Pearson ; Petition of the inhabitants of Souhegan- West, now Amherst, 1747 ; Letter of Colonel Hinsdale to Governor Wentwortb, 1755 ; Letters relating to Mrs. Jemima How ; Rate of silver per -ounce in New Hampshire, 1700-1750 ; Letter of Governor Wentworth, 1777 ; Meteorological tables for Concord, 1828-1836, by John Farmer; Address, June 9, 1836, by Daniel Oliver, M. D. ; Alphabetical list of the resident members of the Society. Concord, 1837. pp. 307, (1). i 1 4. o Vol. vi. Death of Rev. W. Cogswell; An account of the Society, by Nathaniel Bouton ; Memoir of John Farmer, by Jacob B. Moore ; Letters of Dr. Franklin to his sister, 1770-1788 ; History of Atkinson, N. H., by Rev. William Cogs well ; Colonel Badger s muster roll in 1776 ; Governor Wentworth s order for raising men in 1759 ; Governor Dunbar s commission, 1731 ; Address of Rev. Charles Burroughs, D. D., on the preservation of documents as the materials of history; Bradley monument, erected [at Concord, N. H.] August 22, 1827; Memoir of Hon. Joseph Badger, by Joseph Badger ; Governor Pownall s letter to Sir William Pepperell ; Address of Hon. Levi Woodbury before the Society, June, 1845 ; Dartmouth College statistics, 1801-1850 ; Instructions to command ers of privateers in 1776 ; * * * An address of Hon. Jeremiah Smith, NEW HAMPSHIKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 627 delivered at the celebration of the second centennial of the settlement of Exeter, July 4, 1888; Memoir of Samuel Abbot, of Wilton, N. H., by C. H. Atherton ; Instructions of Governor Wentworth, 1724 ; Historical sketch of Croydon, by L. P. Cooper : Currency in New Hampshire, 1(588 ; Mortality in Concord, 1825-1849 ; Mortality in Gilmanton, 1825-1850 ; Two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of New Hampshire [at Portsmouth], 1823; Poem by O. W. B. Peabody ; * * * New Hampshire State Society of the Society of the Cincinnati ; Rev. James Macgregor ; Journal of the march of General Poor s brigade, from Soldier s Fortune, on the western expedition, May 17, 1779, by Daniel Livermore [Sullivan s expedition] ; Vote of council and assembly appointing a committee to repair to Grafton County, January, 1777 ; Portrait of John Farmer. Concord, 1850. pp. 336. (4451 Vol. vii. Edited by Nathaniel Bouton : Records of the New Hampshire com mittee of safety, 1775-1784 ; Facts relating to the early history of Chester, N. H., 1720-1784, collected by Charles Bell ; The valley of the Merrimack, by J. B. Walker ; Report on the alterations in the channel of Merrimack River, by William Prescott. Concord, 1863. pp. xxviii, 442. (4452 Vol. vin. Province records and court papers from 1680 to 1692; Notices of provincial councilors and other articles relative to the early history of the State, edited by Nathaniel Bouton : Brief notices of some of the early coun cilors, by Samuel D. Bell : John Cutt, William Vaughan, John Gilman, Richard Waldron, Samuel Dalton, Richard Waldron, jr., Nathaniel Fryer, John Hinckes, Robert Wadleigh, Peter Coffin, Richard Martyn, Thomas Daniel, Christopher Hussey, Elias Stileman, Job Clements, Anthony Nutter, Robert Elliot, Francis Champernoon, Henry Green, Nathaniel Weare ; Unsettled state of the province of New Hampshire, 1689-1692 ; Massacre at Do\;er, 1689, by Mrs. Christina Baker ; Character of the Penacooks, by Rev. Edward Ballard ; Indian mode of applying names ; Indian names connected with the valley of the Merrimack, by Rev. E. Ballard ; Ancient deed, 1659 ; * * * Present state of New English affairs [by I. Mather] ; Index ; Members. Concord, 1866. pp. xvi, 484. (4453 Vol. ix. Record of the transactions of the annual convention of ministers in the Province of New Hampshire, 1747 to 1788 ; Correspondence between Eleazar Wheelock and others of Dartmouth College, and John Phillips, 1765 to 1787 ; Diaries of Rev. Timothy Walker, edited and annotated by J. B. Walker ; Records of the 15th Regiment, N. H. Militia, 1774 ; Orderly book of Capt. Daniel Livermore s Company, 1780 ; Records of commissioners of New Hamp shire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, at a convention held in Providence, December 25, 1776 ; Records of commissioners of same states, and including New York and New Jersey in convention at New Haven in January, 1778 ; Records of commissioners of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Con necticut at a convention held in Boston, August, 1780 ; Case of Councilor Peter Livius rs. Governor John Wentworth ; Orderly book of Adjutant Silvanus Reed, of Lt. Col. Peabody s regiment in Rhode Island, 1778; Report of commissioners on war accounts of New Hampshire against the United States, 1791 ; Schedule of service performed in the Revolutionary War, by New Hampshire troops ; An old time bill of lading, 1718. Concord, 1889. pp. 440. (4454 Vol. i, parts 1-3 of the Proceedings issued in pamphlet form were desig nated as parts i in of Vol. ix of the Collections. The plan of making the Pro ceedings a part of the Collections was abandoned and the Collections and Proceedings issued in independent series. See 4455. Vol. x. A list of documents in the Public Record Office in London, England, relating to the Province of New Hampshire. * * * With notes and indexes. Albert Stillman Batchellor, editor. Manchester, N. H., 1893. pp. 557. (4454a NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, Vol. i, 1872-1888. Concord [1888?] 8vo, pp. (2), 477. In four parts as follows : Vol. ix [Part 1]. Proceedings of the Society, 1872-73. including the semi centennial exercises, May 22, 1873 ; By-laws ; Members ; Proceedings ; Semi centennial dedicatory address, by Joseph B. Walker ; Prayer by Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, D. D. ; Ode, by George Kent ; * * * Address of Charles H. Bell, May 22, 1873, being the semicentennial anniversary of the foundation of the Society, and the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of New Hampshire; New Hampshire, a poem, by Edna Dean Proctor. 1S74. pp. 84. 628 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. [Part 2.] Proceedings, 1874-75, together with the report of the committee in defense of Gen. John Sullivan. 1875. pp. (2), 85-104. [Part 3.] Proceedings, 1876-1884 ; Gen. James Reed, sketch of his life, by Amos J. Blake [Lorenzo Sabine, by C. H. Bell] ; Hon. Nahum Parker; Report of the majority of the committee on the name " Kearsarge," by John M. Shirley ; Annual address, June 12, 1878, by John T. Perry ; Annual address, June 13, 1883, by John M. Shirley, on the early jurisprudence of New Hampshire. 1885. pp. (2), 105-338. Vol. i [part 4]. Proceedings, 1884-1888: Address of Charles W. Tuttle on the two hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the royal provincial government of New Hampshire ; New Hampshire soldiers at the battle of Bun ker Hill, by S. T. Worcester ; Name-changing, by E. Aiken ; Address, October 27, 1887, by President Sargent ; Penacook House and the old-time taverns of the State, by-J. B. Walker; Mills and manufacturing on the Contoocook and neighboring streams, by John Kimball ; The old methods of transportation, by Lyman D. Stevens ; Memoir of Timothy Upham, by President Sargent ; Review of the early records of New Castle, N. H., by John Albee ; Index to the genea logical and biographical sketches, prepared by the "late Governor William Plumer ; Officers ; Index. Concord, 1888. pp. (2), 339-477. (4455 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, Vol. n. 1888-1895. 8vo, pp. 498. In four parts as follows : Vol. ii, part 1, June, 1888, to January, 1889 ; Centennial anniversary of the ratification by New Hampshire of the Federal Constitution ; Address by James W. Patterson. 1889. pp. 64. Proceedings. Vol. n, part 2, June, 1889, to January, 1891. pp. (2), 65-205. No title-page. The discovery of America by the Northmen, in the tenth and eleventh cen turies, by Edmund F. Slafter, D. D. ; The offering of Lunenburg, Mass., to Cheshire County, by Ezra S. Stearns ; New Hampshire under the Federal Con stitution, by I. W. Hammond (p. 107) ; An exploit in King William s war, 1697; Hannah Dustan, by Charles R. Corning ; The Bradley massacre, by H. G. Sar gent ; Annual address [on New Hampshire town governments, as typified by Hampton], by J. J. Bell (183) ; List of members. 1891. Vol. n, part 3, January, 1891, to June, 1894. pp. (2), 209-349. Portraits. Title-page. Hon. Charles II. Bell ; Tendencies toward socialism, by Samuel C. Eastman ; The early history of the town of Claremont, by O. F. R. Waite ; New Hamp shire and Vermont : an historical study, by II. A. Hazen ; Col. Joseph B. Whipple, by C. B. Jordan ; Address of J. J. Bell [on New Hampshire history] ; History of Hillsborough, by A. Hadley. 1894. Vol. n, part 4, June, 1894, to June, 1895. pp. 351-498. Contents : Our northern boundary. The provisional government of the In dian stream territory, 1832-35 ; New Hampshire s military occupation of the territory north of the 45th degree of north latitude and west of the Connecticut river and lakes, in aid of the civil authorities of the state, and as against Canada, 1835-36, by Edgar Aldrich ; President Hadley s address ; Dr. John Wheelock, by Samuel Colcord Bartlett ; Necrology, by Eli E. Graves : Isaac K. Gage, Daniel F. Secomb, Benjamin F. Prescott. Officers and members. Acts and resolves of the legislature in favor of the Society ; Deed of Bradley monu ment lot ; Warranty deeds of Merrimack County Bank ; Agreement of Lorenzo Sabine s heirs to carry into effect the codicil to his last will, 1878; General index; Index of names. (445<> NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. in. June, 1895, to June, 1899. Concord, 1902. 8vo, pp. viii, 534. Contents : New Hampshire in the fourth decade of the passing century, by Amos Hadley ; Major Daniel Livermore, 1748-1799, by Joseph B. Walker ; Bio graphical sketch of the Thornton family, by Mr. Woodbury ; The life, character, and public services of Governor William Plumer, by Albert S. Wait ; Necrology ; Index to Sullivan papers in possession of the Society ; Revised constitution of the Society, prepared by Joseph B. Walker; The affair of the Cedars and the service of Colonel Timothy Bedel in the war of the Revolution, by Edgar Aldrich ; Reminiscent of service in the home squadron, 1S59-61, by George E. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 629 Belknap ; The controversy between the proprietors of Bow and those of Penny Cook, 1727-1780, by Joseph B. Walker; William Whipple, signer of the Declara tion of Independence, by Arthur Little; The Right Rev. William Bell White Howe, son of New Hampshire, and sometime Bishop of South Carolina, by Lucius Waterman ; General John Stark : his genius and achievements as factors in the accomplishment of American independence, by Frank B. Sanborn ; The life and character of John Paul Jones, by George E. Belknap ; General Enoch Poor, t>y Samuel Collins Beane ; Maj. Gen. John G. Foster, son of New Hampshire, soldier of the republic, by Frank G. Noyes ; General index ; Index of names. (4457 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. iv. Part i. June, 1899, to June, 1902. Concord, 1903. 8vo, pp. 177. Portraits. Contents : The capture of Fort William and Mary, December 14 and 15, 1774, by Charles L. Parsons ; The life and character of Bishop Carlton Chase, by W. W. Niles ; Nathan Lord, by John K. Lord ; Necrology ; The Scotch-Irish and Irish Presbyterian settlers of New Hampshire, by Gordon Woodbury. (4458 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. iv. Part n. June, 1902, to June, 1903. Concord, 1904. 8vo, pp. 282. Contents : Master John Sullivan, of Somersworth and Berwick, and his family, by John Scales ; The life and character of the late Methodist Bishop Osman Cleander Baker, by D. C. Knowles ; The life and public services of John Dudley, of Raymond, by E. J. Burnham ; Gen. Nathaniel Folsom, by Henry M. Baker; Necrology. (4459 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. iv. Part in. June, 1903, to June, 1904. Concord, 1905. 8vo, pp. [283] -368. Contents : Eighty-first annual meeting, with reports ; Maj. Benjamin Whit- comb, ranger and partisan leader in the Revolution, by George F. Morris ; Address on the life and character of Amos A. Parker, by Amos J. Blake ; New Hampshire in the struggle for Independence, by Henry M. Baker ; Proceedings ; Necrology. (44OO NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annals of the town of Keene, from its first settlement in 1734, to the year 1790. By Salma Hale. Concord, 1826. 8vo, pp. 69. First published in the Collections of the Society. Same, with corrections, additions, and a continuation, from 1790 to 1815. Keene, 1851. 8vo, pp. 120. Folded plan. (4461 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society at their annual meeting, June 8, 1831. By Charles H. Atherton. Concord, 1831. 8vo, pp. 20. On land tenure and common law in New Hampshire. (4462 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketches of the town of Warner, N. H. By Moses Long. Concord, 1832. 8vo, pp. 26. (4463 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, with the names of members and officers. Concord, 1833. 24mo, pp. 18. (4464 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history of education in New Hamp shire. Discourse before the Society at their annual meeting, June 12, 1833, by Nathaniel Bouton. Concord, 1833. 8vo, pp. 36. (4465 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the preservation of docu ments as the materials of history ; delivered before the Society at the cele bration of their anniversary, June 14, 1843, by Charles Burroughs. Con cord. [1843.] 8vo, pp. 29. (4466 630 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the Society. By Rev. Nathaniel Bouton, D. D. Concord, 1850. 8vo. (446T NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical and statistical sketch of Croydon, from its incorporation to the year 1852. containing much local information which must be highly interesting to every inhabitant of the town. By John Cooper. Concord [N. H.]. Printed by Tripp & Osgoocl, 1852. 8vo, pp. 52. First published in 1850, in Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society, pp. 212-242, under name of Lemuel P. Cooper. (4408 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history .of the wars of New England with the Eastern Indians, or a narrative of their continued perfidy and cruelty, from the 10th of August, 1703, to the peace renewed, loth of July, 1713, and from the 25th of July, 1722, to their submission, 15th of Decem ber, 1725, which was ratified August 5, 172(3. By Samuel Penhallow. Cincinnati : Reprinted from the Boston edition of J726, with a memoir and notes, for W. Dodge, by J. Harpell, 1859, Small 4to, pp. 129. Reprinted from the Collections. (4469 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Facts relating to the early history of Chester. N. H. Collected by Charles Bell. Concord^ Published for the Society, 1863. 8vo, pp. 70. Reprinted from the Collections, Vol. VH. * (4470 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report on the alterations in the chan nel of Merrimack River. [By William Prescott] Read before the New Hampshire Historical Society at its annual meeting in June, 1853. [Con cord, N. H., 1863.] 8vo, pp. 10. Fold. map. (4471 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Sketch of the life and character of Matthew Harvey. Read before the Society, June 13, 1866. By William L. Foster. Concord, 1867. 8vo, pp. 20. (4472 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular about naming United States vessels, July 1, 1869. By N. Bouton. Broadside. (4473 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, with a list of members. Concord, 1870. 24mo, pp. 32. (4474 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketches of the town of War ner, N. H. Concord, 1832. Reprinted 1870. 8vo, pp. 26. (4475 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Nathaniel Gookin Uphain. Read at the annual meeting, June 1, 1871. By D. J. Noyes. [Concord, 1871.] 8vo, pp. 58. (4476 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address of C. H. Bell before the So ciety May 22, 1873; being the semicentennial of the anniversary of the foundation of the Society, and the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of New Hampshire. Concord, 1874. 8vo, pp. 22. (4477 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 631 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1872-73, including the semicentennial exercises, May 22, 1873. Concord, 1874. 8vo, pp. 84. Forms No. 1 of Vol. ix of the Collections. Same, 1874-75, together with report of the committee in defense of Gen. John Sullivan. Concord, 1875. 8vo, pp. 85-104. Forms No. 2 or Vol. ix of the Collections. (4478 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General Sullivan not a pensioner of Luzerne (minister of France at Philadelphia, 1778-1783). With the re port of the New Hampshire Historical Society, vindicating him from the charge made by George Bancroft. 2d ed. Boston, 1875. 8vo, pp. 73. (4479 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The credibility of history. Annual ad dress before the Society, June 12, 1878. By John T. Perry. Cincinnati, 1878. 8vo, pp. 10. (448O NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The original sources of historical knowl edge ; a plea for their preservation. By Silas Ketchum. Windsor (Conn.), 1879. 8vo, pp. 28. One hundred and twenty-five copies for private distribution. Some of the statements and illustrations, and most of the recommendations, contained in this essay were used in an address by the writer before the Ne\v Hampshire Historical Society, June 13th, 1887. (4481 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The relation of the fisheries to the dis covery and settlement of North America. Delivered before the Society, June, 1880. By Charles Levi Woodbury. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp 26. (4482 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An exploit in King William s war, 1697 ; Hannah Dustin. Address delivered before the Society, February 10, 1890, by Charles R. Corning. Concord, 1890. 8vo, pp. 39. (4483 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The discovery of America by the North men, 985-1015. A discourse delivered before the Society, April 24, 1888. By the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, D. D. Concord, 1891. 8vo, pp. 24. (4484 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Handbook of the Society for the year commencing June 14, 1893. Published by order of the Society. Concord, 1893. 16mo, pp. 16. (4485 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical essay. Col. Joseph Whipple. Paper written by Hon. Chester B. Jordan, of Lancaster, for the New Hamp shire Historical Society. Concord, 1894. 8vo, pp. 34. (4486 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hillsborough. Address at Hillsborough Bridge on the field day of the New Hampshire Historical Society, October 3, 1893. By Amos Hadley, Ph. D. Concord, 1894. 8vo, pp. 17. Large paper. (4487 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New Hampshire and Vermont. An his torical study. By Rev. Henry A. Hazen, D. D., of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the New Hampshire Historical Society. Concord, N. H., 1894. 8vo, pp. 15. (4488 632 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address before the Society on the Life and Service of Major Daniel Liverrnore, of Concord, N. H. By Joseph B. Walker. Concord, 1897. 8vo, pp. 14. [Reprinted from the Proceedings."] (4489 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Manual * * * revised * * * 1897. Concord, 1898. 24mo, pp. 23. (4490 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General Enoch Poor. By Samuel Col lins Beane. Given before the Society, April 12, 1899. 8vo, pp. 37. (4491 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Manual. * * * Latest revision. Concord, 1900. 24mo, pp. 2G. (4492 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The capture of Fort William and Mary, December 14 and 15, 1774; by Prof. Charles L. Parsons. [Concord, N. H., 1903.] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 30, incl. facsim. Reprinted from Proceedings, 1903, Vol. iv, Part i. (4493 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General Nathaniel Folsom ; an address delivered April 8, 1903, before the New Hampshire Historical Society by Henry M. Baker. [Concord, N. H., 1903.1 8vo, co-ver-title, pp. 15. (4494 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New Hampshire covenant of 1774; a paper read before the New Hampshire Historical Society, April 8, 1903, and reprinted from the Granite Monthly of October, 1903, by Joseph B. Walker. Concord, N. H., 1903. Svo, pp. 12, incl. facsim. In double columns. (4495 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New Hampshire s five Provincial Con gresses, July 21, 1774- January 5, 1776. A paper read in part at a meeting of the Society January 11, 1905, with an appendix containing brief notices of persons mentioned therein, by Joseph B. Walker. Concord, N. H., 1905. 8vo, pp. 75. Wood cut. (4496 NEW HAMPSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New Hampshire in the struggle for inde pendence. Address delivered before the Society February 10, 1904. By Henry M. Baker. Concord, 1905. 8vo, pp. 27. (4497 THE PHILOMATHIC CLUB. THE PHILOMATHIC CLUB. An outline history of its operations from its organi zation, November 19, 1859, to its transformation into the New Hampshire Antiquarian Society, November 19, 1873. The whole hunted up, gotten together, disarranged, and typographically composed by the Rev. Silas Ketchum, secretary. Bristol. Fifty copies, privately printed by George Crowell Ketchum, March 25, 1875. 8vo, pp. 270. Seven inserted leaves. Has second title-page : An exposition of the Philomathic Club, etc. (4498 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 633 TSTE W .JERSEY. CAM DEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Camden, N. J. CAMDEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some account of Camden s rise and growth. By Howard M. Cooper. Read before the Society, June 13, 1899. Camden, N. J., 1899. 16mo, pp. 23. (4499 HVNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Flemington, N. J. HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the copper mining enter prise near Flemington, New Jersey. By Elias Vosseller. Flemington, N. J., 1891. 32mo, pp. 21, [1J. Paper read before the Society. (45OO HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Hunterdon County Historical Society. By Elias Vosseller. Flemington, N. J., 1894. 32mo, pp. [14]. (45O1 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws of the Hunterdon County Historical Society. Flemington, N. J., 1900. 8vo, pp. 12. (45OS HUXTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tucca-Ramma-Hacking, by E. Vos seller. Read before the Society, July 21, 1900. In the Jerseyman, Vol. vn, No. 2, pp. 912. Reprinted as Hunterdon historical series, No. 5. (45O3 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Flemington Academy. By James A. Kline. Read before the Hunterdon County Historical Society September 7, 1901. In the Jerseyman, Vol. vn, No. 3, pp. 17-19. (45O4 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An interesting find of two parchments relating to early New Jersey, by Elias Vosseller, Read before the Society, September 7, 1901. In the Jerseyman, Vol. vn, No. 4, pp. 3133. (45O5 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Captain David Schamp, of Read- mgton. By Oscar M. Voorhees. Read before the Society at its semi annual meeting at Ringoes, N. J., September 7, 1901. In the Jerseyman, Vol. vn, No. 4, November, 1901. * (45O6 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual meeting, January 11, 1902. In the Jerseyman, Vol. vin, No. 1, p. 8. (45O7 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual meeting, January 10, 1903. In the Jerseyman, Vol. ix, No. 1, p. 7. (45O8 IlrxTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Semiannual meeting, Oct. 17, 1903. In the Jerseyman, Vol. ix, No. 4, p. 40. (45O9 HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual meeting, January 9, 1904. In the Jerseyman, Vol. x, No. 1, p. 6. (451O HUNTERDON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial on the death of -Rev. George Scudder Mott, by John L. Connet. Read at the annual meeting of the Society, January 11, 1902. In the Jerseyman, Vol. vin, No. 1, pp. 1-4. (4511 634 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. M ON MOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. New Jersey. MONMOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Red Bank ; paper read before the Momnouth County, N. J., Historical Association, July 26, 1900, wherein is given a true account of the gallant defence of Fort Mercer by Colonel Christopher Greene and his band of 400 patriots, against an assault of 2,000 Hessians under Count Donop, on October 22, 1777. By Alfred M. Heston. AVitb a portrait of Colonel Greene, never before published, a view of the old Whitall house at Red Bank, and a photograph of the monument. Printed by request. [Atlantic City?, N. J., 1900?] 8vo, pp. 24. Illus. (incl. port.) Double map. (4512 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. Neir Brunswick, N. J. NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. Proceedings of the fifth anniversary of the New Brunswick Historical Club, December 10th, 1875. 8vo, pp. 20. (4513 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. The Huguenots on the Hackensack. A paper read before the Huguenot Society of America, in New York, April 13, 1885 ; before the New Jersey Historical Society, at Trenton, January 2C>, 188(5: before the New Brunswick Historical Club, February 18, issi;. and in the North Reformed Church of Schraalenburg. N. J.. February 19, 188G. By David D. Demarest. New Brunswick, N. J., 188G. Svo, pp. 24. (4514 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. Publications i. December 18. 1787. Adop tion of the Constitution of the United States by New Jersey. Commemora tive exercises by the New Brunswick Historical Club, Kirkpatrick Chapel, Rutgers College, December 1C. 1887. With an appendix. [Ne\v Brunswick, N. J., 1887.] Svo. pp. 47. Pages 10-32 contain address by Austin Scott on " The share of New Jersey in founding the American Constitution." (4515 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. Publications, 2. Rutgers (Queen s) Col lege and medical degrees. A paper read before the New Brunswick His torical Club by David D. Demarest, 21 December, 1893, and 18 January, 1894. Svo, pp. 56. (4516 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. A Jersey woman of the eighteenth cen tury. By John Bodine Thompson. (Read before the New Brunswick Historical Club March 1(3, 1893.) Svo, pp. 8. (4517 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. In memory of Rev. David D. Demarest, * * * president of the * * * Club, from 1870 to 1898. Memorial meeting held November 17, 1898. New Brunswick, N. J., 1899. Svo, pp. 37. Front, (port.). (4518 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL CLUB. Commanders of New Brunswick s navy in the war of the Revolution. By John P. Wall. Reprinted from the Minutes of the New Brunswick Historical Club, meeting of January 19, 1905. Svo, pp. 6. ( 4519 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 635 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF ORANGE, NEW JERSEY. Orange, N. J. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF ORANGE, N. J. Constitution and by-laws. Third edition. December, 1871. New York, 1871. 32mo, pp. 28 (2). ( 452 O NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF ORANGE, N. J. Constitution and by-laws. Fourth edition December, 1872. New York, 1872. 32mo, pp. 26, (2). Same. Fifth edition December, 1873. New York, 1873. 32mo, pp. 19. Same. Sixth edition December, 1874. New York, 1874. 32mo, pp. 20, (2). Same. Seventh edition December, 1875. New York, 1875. 32mo, pp. 24, (2). Same. Eighth edition December, 1870. New York. 1870. 32mo, pp. 17, (3). Same. Ninth edition December, 1877. New York, 1877. 32mo, pp. 21, (3). Same. Tenth edition December, 1878. New York, 1878. 32mo, pp. 22, (2). (4521 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF ORANGE, N. J. Korea and her relations to China, Japan, and the United States. Paper read before the Society, November 15, 1883. By Everett Frazar. Orange, 1884. 8vo, pp. 52. (4522 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF ORANGE, N, J. Twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, 1870-1895. Orange, N. J.. 1895. 8vo, pp. 49. Cover-title reads : Quarter-Century of the New England Society of Orange, N. J., May (12) 15, 1895. Contains : The birth of the New England Society, by Wendell Phillips Gar rison ; Puritan Politics, by Albert Bushnell Hart ; New England, poem, by Frederic Lawrence Knowles ; Officers of the Society, 1870-1895; Necrology. (4523 NEW JERSEY JIISTORICAL SOCIETY. Neicark, X. J. , XEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, with the circular of the executive committee. Newark, 1818. Svo, pp. 10. Same. Newark, 1840. Svo. Same. Revised edition. Newark, 1848. Svo, pp. 10. Same. Revised edition. Newark, 1854. Svo, pp. 10. Same. Amended May 19, 1870. Newark, 1870. Svo, pp. 24. Same. Amended May 15, 1890. Newark, 1890. Svo, pp. 13. (4524 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. I-VIT. Newark. 1846- 1872. Vols. 1-3 were printed at New York for the Society. Svo. 7 vols. Maps. Portraits. Plates. CONTENTS. Vol. i. East Jersey under the proprietary governments, by W. A. Whitehead. With an appendix containing " The model of the government of East New-Jersey, in America," by George Scot, reprinted from the original edition of 1085* 1840. pp. viii, (2), 341. (4525 Vol. ii. The life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, with selections from his correspondence, by W. A. Duer. 1847. pp. xv, (1), 272. Portrait. (452G Vol. in. The provincial courts of New Jersey, with sketches of the bejich and bar. Discourse, by R. S. Field. 1849. pp. xi, (1), 311. (4527 Vol. iv. The papers of Lewis Morris, governor of the province of New Jer sey, from 1738 to 1740. 1852. pp. xxxii, 330. Portrait. (4528 Vol. v. An analytical index to the colonial documents of New Jersey, in the state-paper offices of England, compiled by H. Stevens. Edited, with notes and references, by W. A. Whitehead. 1858. pp. xxix, (2), 504. (4529 636 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. vr. Records of the town of Newark, N. J., from its settlement in 16GG to its incorporation as a city in 1830. 1864. pp. x, 291. Folded plan. (453O Vol. vi. Supplement. Proceedings commemorative of the settlement of New ark, on its two hundredth anniversary, May 17, 18GG. pp. 182. i ir:jt Vol. vn. The constitution and government of the province and State of New Jersey, with biographical sketches of the governors from 1776 to 1845, and reminiscences of the bench and bar, during more than half a century, by L. Q. C. Elmer. 1872. pp. (2), viii, 495. 1 4.132 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. vm. Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Founding of the New Jersey Historical Society at New ark, May 16, 1895. Newark, 1900. Svo, pp. vii, (1) 223. Illustrations. Contents : Preliminary ; Fifty years of historical work in New Jersey, by William Nelson : Part i. How the way was prepared ; Part n. Organization of the New Jersey Historical Society ; Part in. The Society s library and publica tions ; Part iv. The Society s publications ; Part v. Other work of the Society ; Notes ; Bibliography of the Society ; A highway of the nation ; An address de livered on the occasion of the presentation to Benjamin Harrison, Ex-President of the United States, of the New Jersey Historical Society s gold medal commem orative of the centennial of the establishment of the federal government, and of the inauguration, April 30, 1789, of George Washington as the first President of the United States, by Austin Scott, with the response of General Harrison. The course of American history, by Woodrow Wilson. Index to bibiography of the Society. General Index. i4r,:w NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The goodly heritage of Jersey men. The first annual address before the Society, January 15, 1846. By G. W. Doane. Burlington, 1846. Svo, pp. 32. Same. Second edition. Burlington, 1848. Svo, pp. 32. (4534 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vols. i-x; Second series. Vols. i-xn. Newark, 1847-1894. Svo, 22 vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Proceedings, 1845-4G : Discourse, May 7, 1845, by Charles King [on New Jersey colonial history]; Address, September 4, 1845, by Samuel Miller, D. D. ; Three letters from Governor William Franklin to his father, Dr. Frank lin, 1767-1769 ; An account of a journey in the Southern States in 1781. by Abel Thomas ; An account of the capture and death of the refugee John Bacon, by G. F. Fort ; The discovery and settlement of Monmouth, N. J., by A. A. Marcellus ; Proceedings of the committees of Freehold and Shrewsbury on the opening of the Revolution. 1847. pp. (4), 203. (4535 Vol. ii. Proceedings, 1846-47 : Proceedings of the government of New York, December, 1675, to December, 1678, in relation to the settlement and jurisdiction of Maj. John Fenwick in West Jersey ; Journal of Lieut. William Barton during Sullivan s expedition against the Indians in 1779 ; Extracts from the journal of Ebenezer Elmer during the same expedition ; Second annual address, by J. C. Hornblower ; Diary of events in Charleston, S. C., from March 20 to April 20, 1780, during the siege by the British, by Samuel Baldwin ; Journal of an ex- _ pedition to Canada in 1776, by Ebenezer Elmer ; Letter from Richard Stockton to Robert Ogden about public affairs, 1765. 1848. pp. (2), 198. <4r:.W5 Vol. in. Proceedings, 1848-49 : Letter from James Logan, June, 1719, relative to the dividing line of East and West Jersey ; Journal of Ebenezer Elmer con tinued ; Letter from David Ogden, February 20, 1767, to the claimants under- Indian purchases ; Memoir of Rev. James Caldwell, by Nicholas Murray. D. D. ; Diary of Jacob Spicer, 1757, of Cape May County ; Brief account of the Swedish Mission in Raccoon and Penn s Neck, by Nicholas Collin. D. I). ; Biographical sketch of Governor William Franklin, by William A. Whitehead ; Letter from Governor Franklin to his father, December 24, 1774 ; Journal of Maj. William Gould during an expedition into Pennsylvania, 1794 (whisky insurrection). 1849. pp. (4), 201. (4537 Vol. iv. Proceedings, 1849-50 : Memoir of Governor Lewis Morris, by Robert Davidson, D. D. ; Census of Northampton, N. J., 1709 : List of judges, clerks, sheriffs, surrogates, and attorneys of Salem County, N. J. ; Memoir of John Fen- wicke, by Robert G. Johnson ; Letters from William Strahan describing trial of NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 637 John Wilkes ; State of religion in the provinces of East and West Jersey in 1700 ; The battle of Monmouth Court House, by Charles King; Letters on the suspen sion of hostilities between the United States and Great Britain, 1783 ; Letter from Rev. U. Ogden, missionary to Sussex County, 1771 ; Lease from Elizabeth Carteret to the Twelve Proprietors for East Jersey ; The aborigines of New Jersey, by Archer Gifford. 1850. pp. (4), 200. (4538 Vol. v. Proceedings, 185051 : Letter of Major-General Steuben to officers of the New Jersey line, July 19, 1783 ; Tables of the sittings of the Provincial assemblies, and names of members ; Orders of Generals Schuyler and Sullivan to Col. J. Dayton, 1770, directing him to proceed to Johnstown, N. Y., for the pur pose of capturing Sir John Johnson ; The robbery of the treasury of East Jer sey in 1768, and contemporaneous events, by W. A. Whitehead ; The Hollanders in New Jersey, by Abraham Messier, D. D. ; The American Union, and the perils to which it has been exposed, by J. P. Bradley ; Letters of Joseph Sherwood, agent for the Province of New Jersey in Great Britain, 1761 to 1766 : Selections from the correspondence of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, major-general during the Revolution. 1851. pp. (4), 200. (4539 Vol. vr. Proceedings, 1851-1853 : Letter from Robert Morris, 1781 ; Journal of Andrew Bell during the march of British army through New Jersey in 1778 ; An inquiry into the location of Mount Ployden, the seat of the Raritan King, by George C. Schaack ; Review of the trial of Rev. William Tennent for perjury in 1742, by Richard S. Field ; Selections from correspondence of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling; The use and benefits of historical societies, by T. Frelinghuy- sen ; * * * Letter on the site of Fort Nassau, by E. Armstrong ; The Penn sylvania insurrection of 1794, by James Carnahan, D. I). ; Report on the site of Fort Nassau ; The discovery of America by the Northmen, by C. C. Rafn ; The history and location of Fort Nassau upon the Delaware, by Edward Armstrong. 1853. pp. (4), 212. (4540 Vol. vii. Proceedings, 1853-1855 : Letter of " Pierwin, ye Sachem of Pau," relative to " Cooks of dozens," in the first volume of the collections ; Biograph ical sketch of Gen. William Winds, by J. F. Tuttle ; Selections from corre spondence of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, continued ; Proceedings on death of James G. King ; The iron state : its natural position, " power and wealth," by Jacob W. Miller ; Dairy of Joseph Clark, attached to the Continental Army, May, 1778, to November, 1779 ; Letter from Rev. Samuel Hopkins to Rev. Dr. Bellamy, July 20, 1758, describing battle of Ticonderoga. 1855. pp. (4), 151. (4541 Vol. vui. Proceedings, 1856-1859 : Drawings and papers of Robert Fulton in the possession of the Society ; Account of the establishment at Morristown of the first [Morris] academy, library, and printing press ; Extracts from manu scripts of Samuel Smith [on history of New Jersey] ; Field and staff officers of New Jersey regiments in the Revolution ; Appointment of Nathaniel Jones as chief justice in 1759, by W. A. Whitehead ; Journal of Capt. David Ford, during expedition into Pennsylvania in 1794 [whisky insurrection] ; Proposals of Colonel Mawhood to militia of Salem County, N. J., in 1778 ; Female suffrage in New Jersey, by W. A. Whitehead ; A brief history of the boundary disputes between New York and New Jersey, by J. Parker; Staten Island, part of New Jersey ; Journal of Lieut. Isaac Bangs, 1776 ; Northern boundary line, the cir cumstances leading to the establishment in 1769 of the northern boundary line between New Jersey and New York, by W. A. Whitehead. 1859. pp. (4), 192. Map. (4542 Vol. ix. Proceedings, 1860-1864 : Transcripts of S. Smith, continued ; Mar riages of Friends in Philadelphia, 1682-1714 ; Origin of the name " Pavonia," by S. Alofsen ; Memoir of Samuel J. Smith, with some reminiscences of Bur lington, by J. J. Smith ; Project by W. Pinhorne to raise money by paper bills in New Jersey, 1716 ; Extracts from the minutes of the New Jersey supreme court, 1765 ; The battles of Trenton and Princeton, by C. C. Haven ; Memo randa relating to Dr. Franklin s administration of the colonial post-office ; Memoir of Mrs. Abigail Stafford and her times, by S. S. Stafford ; Proprietors order respecting " Perth Towue," 1683 ; Affairs of New York and New Jersey under the joint governors, by C. Colden ; Steamboat controversy between New York and New Jersey, from 1811 to 1824, by J. D. Ward; Scandinavian settle ments in New Jersey ; Journal of Captain Dayton on an expedition to Detroit in 1764 [with other papers]. 1864. pp. (4), 214. (4543 Vol. x. Proceedings, 1865-66 : Address on the life and character of the Hon. Joseph C. Hornblower, by R. S. Field ; Sketch of the McWhorter family in New Jersey, by G, C, McWhorter ; Description of an ancient brass tobacco box, by 638 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. S. Alofsen ; Instructions of freeholders of Hunterdon to the representatives of the county, 1771 ; Papers on the eastern boundary of New Jersey, by W. A. Whitehead ; The derivation of " Neversink," by A. Taylor ; Letter to Benjamin Franklin from the house of assembly of New Jersey, December 7, 1769 : Tor- trait of Aaron Burr in the possession of the Society, by David A. Hayes ; Objec tions of New Jersey to the Articles of Confederation, June 23, 1778 ; Report of the commissioners of the States at Annapolis, September 14, 1786 ; Members of the Society. 3867. pp. (4), 195. Map. (4544 Second series, Vol. i, 1867-1869 : Pedigree of Governor Carteret ; Staten Island and the New Jersey boundary ; Regimental returns, Haddonfield, Burden- town, Morristown, December, 1776, and January, 1777 ; Inscriptions on tomb stones near Freehold ; * * * Notes on the State of New Jersey, 1776, by John Rutherford ; Inscriptions on tombstones at Ringwood ; Grant from Berke ley and Carteret to the people of Woodbridge and Samuel Moors, 1672 ; Life and character of James Parker, by R. S. Field ; Reyiew of some of the circum stances connected with the settlement of Elizabeth, N. J., by W. A. Whitehead ; Commercial projects of New Jersey during the Confederation, 1791-1796, by J. Rutherford. 1869. pp. (4), 188. i ir,4r, Second series, Vol. n, 1870-1872: Early history of Morris County, by J. F. Tuttle ; Sketch of Rev. Barnabas King, by J. F. Tuttle ; Obituary notice of Daniel V. McLean ; Memoir of Andrew Kirkpatrick, by J. G. Wilson ; Memoir of R. S. Field, by A. Q. Keasbey ; History of the first constitution of New Jer sey, by L. Q. C. Elmer ; Letter from Morgan L. Smith on David G. Burnett ; The New Jersey church of Warren County, Ohio, by A. D. Schenck ; Why New Jersey is called a foreign country ; Communication from C. C. Haven upon the United States flag ; The flag of " Le Bon Homme Richard," by S. S. Smith ; Memoir of the life and character of John Rutherford, by R. S. Swords ; Circumstances attending the election of William Pennington, of New Jersey, as Speaker of the Thirty-sixth Congress, by J. T. Nixon. 1872. pp. (4), 226. (454 Second series, Vol. in, 1872-1874 : Monmouth County during the provincial era, by Joel Parker ; Old Fort or Block House at Trenton, by C. Megill ; Pas sage from the journals of Manasseh Cutler, referring to New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, and Ohio in 1787-88 ; Sketch of Jabez Campfield, surgeon in the Revolu tion, by E. D. Halsey ; Original documents deposited by Mrs. Rutherford ; Diary of Jabez Campbell during Sullivan s expedition, 1779; Report on the rec ords of Bergen County, by W. Nelson ; Letters from Richard Stockton to John Rutherford, Senators from New Jersey in 1798. 1874. pp. (4), 196. 1 4o47 Second series, Vol. iv. Proceedings, 1875-1877 : Origin and signification of geo graphical names in Monmouth and Ocean counties, by Edwin Salter ; An inter esting memento of Major Andre, by William Nelson ; Fragmentary history of the New Jersey Indians, by Samuel Allinson ; Life and character of Hon. William L. Dayton, by Joseph P. Bradley ; Biographical sketch of Captain William Colfax. by William Nelson ; Letter of Lewis Morris to the people of Elizabethtown, July 13, 1698 ; Memoir of Col. Philip Johnson, by W. S. Stryker ; Memoir of John De Hart, by B. W. Throckmorton ; Memoir of Richard Stockton, by W. A. White head. 1877. pp. (4), 204. (4548 Second series, Vol. v, 1877-1879 : Centennial celebrations in the State ; Life and public services of John Cleves Symmes, by C. H. Winfield ; First century of Hunterdon County, by G. S. Mott ; Letter of Mrs. Governor Franklin, February 5, 1776 ; Resting place of the remains of Columbus, by W. A. Whitehead : Me morial of Col. John Bayard, by J. G. Wilson ; Letter from Robert Gilchrist ; Letter on Brotherton Indian lands in Burlington County, by R. Gilchrist ; Names of families of Little Egg Harbor of whom the genealogy has been pub lished ; The bones of Columbus, by R. S. Swords ; Memoir of Joseph Henry, by J. C. Moffat. 1879. pp. (4), 208. i l. ,4!> Second series, Vol. vi, 1879-1881 : Memoir of Rev. R. K. Rodgers, by Rev. George Sheldon ; Character and employments of the early settlers on the sea- coast of New Jersey, by A. H. Brown ; Letter from archbishop of Santo Do mingo, relating to the remains of Columbus ; Origin of the pension laws ; Ac count of two maps of America, published in 1550 and 1555, by Henry Phillips, jr. ; Letter on the old forest that once stood in the marsh between Newark and New Brunswick ; Hibernia furnace and the surrounding country in the Revolu tionary war, by J. F. Tuttle. 1881. pp. (4), 182. (4550 Second series, Vol. vn, 1882-83 : The bicentennial of the purchase of East New Jersey by the proprietors, by A. Q. Keasbey ; Memoir of Capt. Eliakim Lit- tell, of Essex County, N. J., by S. Littell ; Memoir of Brig. Gen. Anthony Walton White, by Anna W. M. W T oodhull ; Taxes and money in New Jersey before the NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 639 Revolution, by R. Wayne Parker ; Josiah Hornblower and the first steam engine in America, by W. Nelson ; Sketch of the life of Gen. William Irvine, by G. W. Howell ; Memoir of the Gardiner family of West Jersey, by S. Littell. 1883. pp. (4), 276. Portrait. (4551 Second series, Vol. vm. Proceedings, 1884-85 : Sketch of the life of L. Q. C. Elmer, by William E. Potter ; Memorial of Samuel Allinson, " the philanthropist of New Jersey," by John F. Hageman ; The strategic relations of New Jersey to the war for American independence, by II. B. Carrington ; Sketch of the life and character of William A. Whitehead, by S. I. Prime ; Judge Bayard, of New Jer sey, and his London diary of 1795-96, by J. G. Wilson. 1885. pp. (4), 226. (4552 Second series, Vol. ix. Proceedings, 1886-87 : Life, character, and services of Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, LL. I)., by J. F. Ilageman ; Jonathan Pitney, fifty years of progress in South Jersey, by Allen II. Brown ; A historical sketch of Miss Jennie McCrea, by Henry Race ; Marcus Lawrence Ward, by F. W. Ricord ; The early cities of New Jersey, by Austin Scott ; The founding of Puterson, by W. Nelson ; Contributions to the early history of the Reformed Church of Second River, by Aaron Lloyd ; Historic Old Tennent, by R. C. Ilallock ; Sketch of the Schooley family, by B. White; Life of Col. Oliver Spencer. 1887. pp. (4), 260, xi, two portraits and map. (4353 Second series, Vol. x. Proceedings, 188889 : The Hessians in New Jersey, by A. D. Mellick, jr. ; Joel Parker, " The war governor of New Jersey, by J. S. Yard ; The first minister of Orange, N. J., [Jedidiah Buckingham] 1718, by Stephen Wickes ; Martha J. Lamb, the historian, by Mrs. F. II. Pierson ; Our French allies in the Revolution, by J. C. Pumpelly ; Report on the centennial of the Federal Government. 1800. pp. (4), 208. (4554 Second series, Vol. xi. Proceedings, January 28, 1800 ; Report of execu tive committee, with list of officers, 1845-1890; Rev. Samuel McClintock Ilamill, D. D., a memoir, by Rev. Samuel M. Studdiford, D. D. ; John T. Nixon, memoir, by A. Q. Keasbey ; George H. Cook, memoir, by James Neilson ; Proceedings, May 15, 1890 ; Dr. Stephen Wickes, a memoir, by Joseph Parrish, M. D. ; Augus tine Ilerrman, Bohemian, 16051686, by James Grant Wilson ; Proceedings, January 27, 1891 ; Mahlon Dickerson, industrial pioneer and old-time patriot, by J. C. Pumpelly ; Contributions to Hunterdon County history, by Henry Race, M. D. ; Proceedings, May 21, 1891 ; Memoir of Joseph Parrish, M. I)., by Samuel II. Pennington, M. D. ; Greenland in New Jersey. A historical sketch of the Moravian settlement in Sussex County, 1768 to 1808, by Henry Race, M. D. 1892. 8vo, pp. (4), 205, xiv. Portraits. (4555 Second series, Vol. xn. Autobiography of Col. Aaron Ogden, of Elizabeth- town ; Sir George Carteret, lord proprietor of New Jersey, with a notice of the isle of Jersey, and a brief sketch of Lord Jchn Berkley, by William Nelson ; The early days of the Newark Academy ; Abraham Coles, by F. W. Ricord ; Mr. Justice Bradley, of the United States Supreme Court, by Cortlandt Parker ; The Rev. Jacob Green, of Hanover, N. J., by Joseph F. Tuttle. pp. (4), 250. Por trait. Newark, 1894. (455O NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Second series. Vol. xm. 189-4- 1895. Paterson, 1899. 8vo, pp. ix, 418. Contents : Report of executive committee ; Necrology ; Report on centennial medal ; Extension of Society s charter ; Notes, queries, and replies ; Some unpub lished Revolutionary manuscripts ; List of Freeholders of the county of Essex, 1755 ; Books relating to the history of New Jersey, published in 1892-1893 ; Extracts from Trinity Church records, Newark, 17461815 ; Subscribers to the centennial medal ; Samuel Spicer and his descendants, with some notices of the early settlements of Camden and Cape May counties, by John R. Stevenson; The great seal of New Jersey, by Francis Bazley Lee ; Report of the executive committee, arrangements for the Society s Semi-centennial ; List of the free holders of Middlesex, about 1750 ; Memoir of George A. Halsey, by William T. Hunt ; Will Maxwell, of New Jersey, brigadier general in the Revolution, by J. H. Griffith ; Report of the committee on colonial and revolutionary docu ments ; Books relating to New Jersey history and biography, published in 1894", Some records of the French in Elizabethtown, by Emeline G. Pierson ; Pro ceedings at Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Society : Fifty years of historical work in New Jersey, address by William Nelson, with bibliography of the Society ; A highway of the nation, address by Austin Scott, in presenting gold centennial medal to ex-President Benjamin Harrison ; Response by ex-President Harrison ; The course of American history, by Woodrow Wilson. (4557 640 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Third series. Vol. I. 1896. Paterson, N. J., 1899. 8vo, pp. v, 215. Contents : Proceedings of the Society, January 28, 1896 ; Original documents relating to Bergen, New Jersey, translated by B. Fernow, from the Dutch manu scripts in the possession of C. L. D. Washburn, Washington, D. C. ; Obituary notices from the " Centinel of Freedom," Newark, N. J., 17961810 ; Selections from Correspondence laid before the society, January 28, 1896 : Bowne-Mott family records ; From the Bradford (England) Historical and Antiquarian So ciety ; Shelley s Newark ancestry. Notes, queries, and replies ; Necrology ; An ethnologist s view of history, by Daniel G. Brinton ; Proceedings, May 21, 1896; Donors of books and pamphlets ; Notes, queries, and replies ; Necrology ; List of the freeholders of Middlesex county, N. J., December 14th, 1752 ; Summons for a special session of the legislature in 1794 ; Burlington city vs. Burlington Township a petition to the legislature ; The search for the lost writings of the Rev. Jacob Green, of Hanover, Morris county, by Joseph F. Tuttle ; The vale dictory address delivered at Princeton college, Sept. 24, 1783, in the presence of General Washington and the Continental Congress, by Ashbel Green ; The province line between East Jersey and West Jersey, and the measurements taken to establish the same, by John Clement ; Books and pamphlets relating to New Jersey history and biography, published in 18951896 ; Papers relating to the Springfield and Newark Turnpike, 1806-1830 ; Lyons Farms Baptist Church records, 17691794 ; Register of baptisms, births, marriages, member ship in the Dutch Reformed Church at Second River, New Jersey ; Index. (4558 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Third series. Vol. n. 1897. Paterson, 1901. Svo, pp. v, 234. Contents : Proceedings of the Society, January 26, 1897 ; Necrology ; Donors to the library ; Notes, queries, and replies ; Edward Antill and some of his descend ants, by William Nelson ; Lyons Farms Baptist Church records, 1794-1801 ; Register of baptisms, births, marriages, membership in the Dutch Reformed Church at Second River (Belleville), New Jersey; Piscataway register of births, 1675-1717; Proceedings, May 20, 1897; Notes on the Burnet family, by Thomas T. Kinney ; Sources of Revolutionary history, by William Nelson ; Lee s conduct at the Battle of Monmouth, by Wm. S. Stryker ; Subscriptions for the erection of a schoolhouse at Perth Amboy, 1773 ; Col. John Bpyard, a colonial soldier and statesman, by James Grant Wilson ; Joseph Woodruff, Junior, by Francis E. Woodruff ; Hunterdon county tombstone inscriptions ; Proceedings, October 27, 1897 ; Books and pamphlets relating to New Jersey history and biography, published in 1897 ; The Piscataway Town Book ; Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, 1897 ; Index. (4559 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Third series. Vol. in. No. 1. Paterson, N. J., September 1, 1902. 8vo, pp. 96. Map. Contents : Piscataway register of births ; Mr. John Gosmer, by Francis E. Woodruff ; Col. Cornelius Ludlow, by Arthur E. Cooper ; The site of the first government house of New Jersey, by Ernest L. Meyer ; Edmund Drake Halsey, by Theodore Frelinghuysen Chambers ; Some unpublished Revolutionary manu scripts : Petition of Walter Cortis, in Haddonfield jail, 1777; Petition of Isaac Ogden, George Walts and Arent Kingsland, prisoners in Morristown jail, 1777; List of State prisoners in the Morristown Gaol, 1777 ; Petition of prisoners ir Morristown jail ; Letter of General Philemon Dickinson, of Trenton, to the New Jersey Council of Safety, 1778 ; Memoranda of evidence against Tories, 1776 ; Petition of Capt. Jacob Arnold, regarding the non-payment of Capt. Thomas Kinney s troop, 1778. Vol. in, No. 2, published in April, 1906. (4560 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Smithson s bequest. Prof. Henry s exposi tion, before the New Jersey Historical Society at its meeting in Princeton on Wednesday, September 27th, by invitation from the executive com mittee. [n. p., 1847.] 8vo, pp. 8. [With Smithsonian Institution. Report of the organization com mittee. Washington, 1847.] Caption title. . (456J NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 641 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of William Franklin, hy William A. Whitehead. Read before the Society September 27, 1848. New ark, 1848. 8vo, pp. 23. (4562 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The robbery of the treasury of East Jersey in 1768, and contemporaneous events. A paper read before the Society September 12, 1850. By William A. Whitehead. [Newark, 1850.] 8vo, pp. 17. (4563 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A historical sketch of the First Presbyterian church in the city of New Brunswick. Read before the Historical Society of New Jersey, September 8, 1852, by Robert Davidson, D. D., pastor of said church. New Brunswick, N. J., 1852. 8vo, pp. 52. Portrait. (4564 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Gen. William Winds, of Morris County, N. J., by Joseph F. Tuttle. Read before the Society, May 19, 1853. Newark, 1853. 8vo, pp. 25. (4565 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history and location of Fort Nassau upon the Delaware. Paper read before the Society, January 20, 3853, by Edward Armstrong. Newark, 1853. 8vo, pp. 21. (4566 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society, January 19, 1854, by Jacob W. Miller. Newark, 1854. The iron state it s natural position, power, and wealth. (4567 8vo, pp. 16. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The iron state. Its natural position, power, and wealth. Address before the Society at its ninth annual meeting, Janu ary 19, 1854. By Jacob W. Miller. Newark, 1854. 8vo, pp. 16. (4568 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of an expedition made in the autumn of 1794, with a detachment of New Jersey troops, into western Pennsyl vania, to aid in suppressing the " whisky rebellion." By Capt. David Ford. Communicated by Franklin S. [B.] Hough. [Newark, 1856.] 8vo, pp. 14. No title-page. From the Proceedings. (4569 N T E\V JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Northern boundary line. The circumstances leading to the establishment, in 1769, of the northern boundary line be tween New Jersey and New York. Paper read before the Society, May 19, 1859, by William A. Whitehead. [Newark, 1859?] 8vo, pp. 30. Map. (457O NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief memoir of one of New Jersey s neg lected sons, Samuel J. Smith, "A lost poet ; " with some reminiscences of Burlington. By John Jay Smith. [Newark, I860.] 8vo, pp. 18. (4571 S T E\V JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on the life and character of the Hon. Joseph C. Hornblower, by R. S. Field. Read before the Society, January 16, 1865. Newark, 1865. 8vo, pp. 23. (4572 VEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The eastern boundary of New Jersey. A review of a paper read before the Historical Society of New York, by J. Cochrane, on the waters of New Jersey, and a rejoinder to the reply of " a member of the New York Historical Society." By W. A. Whitehead. Reprinted at request of New Jersey Historical Society. Newark, 1866. 8vo, pp. 70. Folded map. (4573 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 41 642 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings commemorative of the settle ment of Newark, N. J., on its two hundredth anniversary, May 17, 1866. Newark, 1866. 8vo, pp. 182. Plate. Also forms supplement to Vol. vi of the Collections. Contents : Historical memoir of the circumstances leading to and connected with the settlement of Newark, May, 1666, by W. A. Whitehead ; Lyrical poem, by Thomas Ward ; Oration, by William B. Kinney ; Genealogical notices of the first settlers of Newark, by S. H. Congar : Notes ; Appendix : Preliminary and attendant circumstances ; Synopsis of letters received ; Proceedings of the city authorities. (4574 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philip Kearny : soldier and patriot. Ad dress before the Society, January 17, 1867, by C. Parker. Newark, 1868. Svo, pp. 49. (4575 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on the life and character of James Parker, late president of the Society. By Richard S. Field. Read before the Society, January 21, 1869. Newark, 1869. Svo, pp. 32. (4576 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Review of some of the circumstances con nected with the settlement of Elizabeth, N. J. By William A. Whitehead. Read before the Society May 20/1869. Newark, 1869. Svo, pp. 24. (4577 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early history of Morris County, N. J. By J. F. Tuttle. Read before the Society May 20, 1869. Newark, 1870. Svo, pp. 39. (4578 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the constitution of New Jersey, adopted in 1776, and of the government under it. By L. Q. C. Elmer. Read before the Society May 19, 1870. [Newark, 1870.] Svo, pp. 20. (4579 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of the Hon. Richard S. Field, late president of the Society. By Anthony Q. Keasbey. Read before the So ciety January 19, 1871. [Newark, 1871.] Svo, pp. 23. (4580 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The constitution and government of the province and State of New Jersey, with biographical sketches of the gov ernors from 1776 to 1845. And reminiscences of the bench and bar during more than half a century. By L. Q. C. Elmer. Newark, 1872. . Svo, pp. viii, 495. (4581 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir on the life and character of John Rutherford. Read before the Society January, 1872. By R. S. Swords. Newark, 1872. 8vo, pp. 8. (4582 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Diary of Dr. Jabez Campfield, surgeon in " Spencer s Regiment," while attached to Sullivan s expedition against the Indians, May 23-Oct. 2, 1779. From the original, presented to the Society by Edmund D. Halsey. [Newark, 1873.] Svo, pp. 115-136. (4583 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An interesting memento of Major Andre. Read January, 1875, by W[illiam] Nelson. Newark, 1875. Svo, pp. 27-29. (-4584 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of the life and character of William L. Dayton. By J. P. Bradley. Prepared in conformity with a resolution of the Society. Newark, 1875. Svo, pp. 50. ( 4585 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 643 NE\V JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of William Colfax, cap tain of Washington s bodyguard. By William Nelson. Read before the Society, Jan. 10th, 187G. [Newark.] 8vo, pp. 145-152. (458 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life and public services of John Cleves Symmes. Read before the Society, May 17, 1877, by C. II. Winfield. [Newark, 1877.] 8vo, pp. 24. (4587 NEW JERSEY- HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Richard Stockton, by William A. Whitehead. Read before the Society, January 18, 1877. [New ark, 1877.] Svo, pp. 5. (No title-page.) (4588 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of Col. John Bayard, by Jas. Grant Wilson. Read before the Society at Newark, May 1C, 1878. [New ark.] 8vo, pp. 139-160. (4589 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first century of Ilunterdon County, N. J. By G. S. Mott. Read January 17, 1878. Flemington, N. J., 1878. Svo, pp. 54. (45JH> NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Circular of the Executive Committee, an nouncing the death of Adolphus Peiiniugton Young, and giving a sketch of his life and character. Newark, 1879.] Svo, pp. 2. (4591 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Professor Joseph Henry. By James C. Moffatt. Read before the Society, January 23, 1879. [Newark, 1879. 1 Svo, pp. 191-203. (4592 XEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Documents relating to the colonial history of the State of New Jersey. Edited by W. A. Whitehead [and others]. Vols. i-xxv. 1031-177(3. Newark and Paterson. 1880-190o\ Svo, 25 volumes. The general title is "Archives of the State of New Jersey." CONTENTS. Vol. i. 1631-1687. Newark, 1880. pp. xxiii, 556. (4593 Vol. ii. 1687-1703. Newark, 1881. pp. xxi, 559. (4594 Vol. in. Administrations of Lords Cornbury and Lovelace, and of Lieutenant- Governor Ingoldsby, 1703-1709. 1881. pp. xiii, 512. (4595 Vol. iv. Administrations of Governor Robert Hunter and President Lewis Morris, 1709-1720. 1882. pp. xv, 464. (459G Vol. v. Administrations of Governor Burnet, Governor Montgomerie, Presi dent Lewis Morris, Governor Cosby, President Anderson, and President Hamil ton, 1720-1737. 1882. pp. xvi, 520. (4597 Vol. vi. Administrations of Governor Lewis Morris, President John Hamil ton, and President John Reading, 1738-1747. 1882. pp. xvi, 482. (4598 Vol. vn. Part of administration of Governor Jonathan Belcher, 1747-1751. 1883. pp. xvi, 663. (4599 Vol. vin. Completing the administration of Governor Jonathan Belcher, 1751- 1757. 1885. pp. xix (3), 299 (3), 285. (46OO Vol. ix. Administrations of President John Reading, Lieutenant-Governor Thomas Pownall, Governor Francis Bernard, Governor Thomas Boone, Governor Josiah Hardy, and part of the administration of Governor William Franklin, 1757-1767. 1885. pp. xxi, 656. (46O1 Vol. x. Administration of Governor William Franklin, 1767-1776. 1886. pp. xx, 748. (4GO2 General Index to the Documents * * * First series, in ten volumes. Pre pared by F. W. Ricord. Newark, 1888. Svo, pp. (4), 198. (46O2a Vol. xi. Some account of American newspapers, particularly of the eighteenth century, and libraries in which they may be found. 1. Alabama, Maryland. 644 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ii. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey. Vol. i. 1704- 1739. Paterson, N. J., 1894. 8vo, pp. cxxvi (4), 623. (46O3 Vol. xn. I. Some account of American newspapers [etc.]. 2. Massachusetts, ii. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey. Vol. n. 1740- 1750. Paterson, 1895. pp. (10) cxxvii-cclxviii (4), 729. (46O4 Vol. xiii. Journal of the governor and council. Vol. i. 1682-1714. 1890. pp. xi, 580. Facsimile. (4005 Vol. xiv. Journal of the governor and council. Vol. n. 1715-1738. 1890. pp. ix, 567. Vol. ix-xiv were edited by Frederick W. Ricord and William Nelson. < -4606 Vol. xv. Journal of the governor and council. Vol. m. 1738-1748. 1891. pp. vii, (1), 656. K507 Vol. XM. Journal of the governor and council. Vol. iv. 1748-1755. 1MH. pp. (2), 596. (4608- Vol. xvn. Journal of the governor and council. Vol. v. 1756-1768. ls:)i . pp. (2), 53S. <4609 Vol. xvni. Journal of the governor and council. Vol. vi. 1769-1775. 1893. pp. (2), 581. <4610 Vol. xix. i. Some account of early American newspapers, and libraries in which they may be found. Part in. Michigan New Hampshire, n. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey, 1751-1755. 1897. SVH. pp. Ixxviii, (2), 614. (4611 Vol. xx. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey, 17.~.t; 1761. 1898. pp. xii, 704. (4612 Vol. xxi. Calendar of records in the office of the Secretary of State, 1064- 1703. 1899. pp. xii, 770. (4613 Vol. xxit. Marriage records, 1665-1800. With an historical introduction on the early marriage laws of New Jersey, and the precedents on which they were founded, by William Nelson. 1900. pp. cxxvi, 678. (4614 Vol. XMII. Calendar of New Jersey wills. Vol. i. 1670-1730. Edited, with an introductory note on the early testamentary laws and customs of New Jersey, by William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., 1901. 8vo,.pp. Ixxxix, 662. (4615 Vol. xxiv. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey. Vol. v. 1762-1765. Paterson, N. J., 1902. 8vo. pp. xi. 745. (4616 Vol. xxv. Extracts from American newspapers relating to New Jersey. Vol. vi. 1766-1767. Paterson, N. J. 1903. 8vo, pp. xii, 568. (4616o NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Second series, Vol. i. Documents relating to the Revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey, Vol. i. Extracts ftoiu American newspapers, Vol. i, 1776-1777. Edited by William S. Stryker. Trenton, N. J., 1901. 8vo, pp. vi, 5-614. Prepared and edited by authority of the State, at the request of the New Jersey Historical Society and under the direction of a committee of the Society. The general title is "Archives of the State of New Jersey." Second series. (46i: NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Second series, Vol. n. Documents relating to the Revolutionary history of the State of New Jersey r Vol. n. Extract from American newspapers, Vol. n, 1778. Edited by Francis B. Lee Trenton, 1903. 8vo, pp. vii, (1), 648. (4<31% NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The massacre near Old Tappan. By W. S Stryker. Read before the Society, January 23, 1879. Trenton, 1882. 8vo, pp. 12. (461! NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Brig. Gen. Anthony Walton White of the Continental Army. Compiled by Anna M. W. Woodhull. of Free hold, N. J. Presented to the Society May 18, 1882. 8vo, pp. 11. Portrait. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Capture of the Block House at Toms Rivei N. J.. March 24, 1782. Read at the Memorial service at Toms River. Ma; 30, 1883. By William S. Stryker. Trenton, 1883. 8vo, pp. 32. (463 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 645 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Circular communicating resolution adopted by the Society, January 22, 1883, favoring the erection of monuments to commemorate the battles of the Revolution. Newark, 1883.] 8vo, p. 1. (4622 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Josiah Hornblower and the first steam en gine in America, with some notices of the Schuyler copper mines at Second River, N. J., and a genealogy of the Hornblower family. Read before the Society May 17, 1883. By William Nelson. Newark, 1883. 8vo, pp. (2), 80. (4623 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Samuel Allinson, " The Philan thropist of New Jersey." By John F. Hageman. Read before the Society at Newark. May 14, 1884. [Newark, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 21. (4624 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. General Maxwell s brigade of the New Jer sey continental line in the expedition against the Indians in 1779. By W. S. Stryker. Read before the Society January 17, 1884. Trenton, 1885. 8vo, pp. 66. (4625 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old barracks at Trenton, N. J. Read before the Society January 20, 1881. By William S. Stryker. Trenton, 1885. 8vo, pp. 14. (4626 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life and character of William A. Whitehead, by Samuel Irenams Prime. Read before the Society May 21. 1885. [Newark 1885.] 8vo, pp. 22. Portrait. (4627 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The strategic relations of New Jersey to the war for American independence. By Henry B. Carrington, LL. D. Read before the Society January 15, 1885. Newark, N. J., 1885. 8vo, pp. (2) 29. (4628 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A historical sketch of Jane McCrea. By Henry Race. Read before the Society May 20, 1886. [Newark, N. J., 1886.] 8vo, pp. 14. (4629 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jonathan Pitney, M. D. Fifty years of prog ress on the coast of New Jersey. Prepared at the request of the Society and read May 20, 1886. By Allen H. Brown. Newark, N. J., 1886. 8vo, pp. 14. (4634) NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life, character, and services of Frederick T. Frelinglmysen, of New Jersey, late Secretary of State in President Arthur s cabinet. By John F. Hageman. Read before the Society May 20, 1886. Newark, 1886. 8vo, pp. 31. Portrait. (463Oo NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some notices of Governor Joseph Bloomfield. Read January 26, 1886, by William Nelson. Newark, 1886. 8vo, pp. 3. Edition, fifty copies. (4631 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The founding of Paterson as the intended manufacturing metropolis of the United States. By William Nelson. A paper read before the Society May 19, 1887. Newark, 1887. 8vo, pp. 17. (4632 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Hessians in New Jersey ; just a little in their favor. By A. D. Mellick, jr. Read before the Society January 24, 1888. [Newark, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 22. (4633 646 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, the historian. By Mrs. Frederick H. Pierson. Read before the Society September 28, 1888. [New York, 1888.] Small 4to, pp. 4. (4634 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Joel Parker : " The War Governor of New Jersey." A biographical sketch. By James S. Yard. [Read before the Society May 17, 1888.] Freehold, 1889. 8vo, pp. 39. Portrait. (4635 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John T. Nixon. Memoir prepared and read by A. Q. Keasbey before the Society January 28, 1890. [Newark, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 13. (4636 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of George H. Cook, State Geologist of New Jersey, director of the agricultural experiment station of New Jer sey, professor of geology and agriculture in Rutgers College. By James Neilson. Newark, 1890. Svo, pp. 15- Portrait. (4637 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. Samuel McClintock Hamill. Memoir prepared and read by Samuel M. Studdiford before the Society January 28, 1890. [Newark, 1890.] Svo, pp. 12. Portrait. (4638 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Greenland in New Jersey. A historical sketch of the Moravian settlement in Sussex county, 17(58 to 1808. By Henry Race. Read before the Society, May 21, 1891. [Newark, 1891.1 Svo, pp. 11. (4639 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mahlon Dickerson, industrial pioneer and old-time patriot. By Josiah C. Pumpelly. Read before the Society, Jan uary 27, 1891. Paterson, 1891. Svo, pp. 26. (4-640 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Joseph Parrish, M. D., of Bur lington, N. J. By Samuel H. Pennington. Read before the Society, May 21, 1891. Newark, 1891. Svo, pp. 23. (4641 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rutgers College. New Brunswick, N. J. Ad dresses commemorative of George Hammell Cook, professor of geology and agriculture; delivered before the trustees, faculty, alumni, students, and friends of the college, June 17, 1890. With a biographical sketch read before the New Jersey Historical Society at Trenton, Januarv 28, 1890. Newark, N. J., 1891. Svo, pp. 53. Portrait. (4642 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to Hunterdon County History. By Henry Race. [Read before the Society, January 27, 1891.] Newark, 1892. Svo, pp. 7. (464R NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American newspaper files, 1704-1800, and where they may be found. Preliminary list, for additions and corrections. By William Nelson. Paterson, 1893. Svo, pp. 6. (4644 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Autobiography of Col. Aaron Ogden, of Eliza- bethtown. An original document written for his children. Paterson, 1893. Svo, pp. 19. - [Some unpublished letters of Col. Ogden, 1785-1830, with biographical notes, etc. pp. 19-33.] (4645 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early days of the Academy at Newark. Extracts from old newspapers, gleaned by William Nelson. Newark, 1893. Svo, pp. 8. (464(5 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 647 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, George Eyre, his ancestors and his descend ants. By Franklin Eyre. Paterson, 1893. 8vo, pp. 4. [Reprinted from N. J. Archives, Vol. xi, pp. 495-6, note.] (4647 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Indians of New Jersey : their origin and development ; manners and customs, language, religion, and government. With some notes of Indian place names. By William Nelson. Paterson, 1894. 8vo, pp. (2) 168. (4648 .\K\V JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Joseph Coerten Hornblower. 1777-1864. Chief justice of New Jersey, 1832-184G. A biographical sketch. By Wil liam Nelson. Cambridge, Mass., 1894. 8vo, pp. 29. Portrait. (464O Xi.\v JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketches of the New Jersey Historical So ciety, by Alonzo Church. Published by the Society, Newark, 1894. 8vo, pp. 40. Some account of the library, portraits, and curios ; Newark s beginnings. (465O XKW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Members of the New Jersey Assembly, 1754. Biographical sketches. Paterson, 1895. 8vo, pp. 24. [Reprinted, with additions and corrections, from N. .T. Archives, Vol. xix.] (4651 XKW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Clifford Stanley Sims : soldier, statesman, jurist. A biographical sketch. By William Nelson. Boston, 1890. 8vo, pp. 10. Portrait. ( 46.12 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An ethnologist s view of history. An address before the Society, January 28, 1896. By Daniel G. Brinton. Philadelphia. 1896. 8vo, pp. 24. (4653 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Original documents relating to the life and administrations of William Burnet, Governor of New York and New Jer sey, 1720-1728, and of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, 1728-1729. Compiled by William Nelson. Paterson, 1897. 8vo, pp. (6), 217. (4654 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some records of the French in Elizabeth- town. By Emeline G. Pierson. Read before tlTe Society, January 22, 1895. Paterson, 1897. 8vo, pp. 10. (4655 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William Maxwell, of New Jersey. Brigadier- General in the Revolution. By J. II. Griffith. Read before the Society, May 7, 1894. Paterson, 1897. 8vo, pp. 15. (4656 NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifty years of historical work in New Jer sey. An address delivered before the New Jersey Historical Society at its semicentennial celebration, at Newark, May 16, 1895. By William Nelson. With a bibliography of the Society. Paterson, N. J., 1898. 8vo, 5 pi., pp. 183. Front., port. Bibliography: pp. [151J-165. Reprinted, with additions, from Proceedings of New Jersey Historical Society, 1894-95, Vol. xin. (4657 648 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PATERSON HISTORY CLUB. J atcrson, X. J. PATERSON HISTORY CLUB. Gen. William Scudder Stryker. A memorial tribute. By William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., 1901. 8vo, pp. 8. Front, (port.). Reprinted (with some additions) from the New York Genealogical and Bio graphical record for January, 1901. (4658 PATERSON HISTORY CLUB. Church records in New Jersey. Notices of the character, extent, and condition of the original records of about one hun dred and fifty of the older churches and Friends Meetings ; with other data. By William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., 1904. 4to, pp. 32. Reprinted from the journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Vol. n. (4659 PATERSON HISTORY CLUB. Contributions towards a Nelson genealogy. Part i. By William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., 1904. 4 to, pp. 57. Contents: Part i. Some Neilsons of Scotland. (4GGO PATERSON HISTORY CLUB. Personal names of Indians of New Jersey: beinic a list of six hundred and fifty such names, gleaned mostly from Indian deeds of the seventeenth century. By William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., 1904. 8vo, pp. 83. (4661 PRINCETON HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION?. Princeton, N. J. PRINCETON HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Philip* Vickers Fithian, journal and letters, 1767-1774, student at Princeton College, 1770-72, tutor at Noniini Hall in Virginia, 1773-74 ; edited for the Princeton Historical Association by John Rogers Williams. Princeton, N. J., 1900. 8vo, pp. xxi, 1 1., pp. 320. Front. Plates. Portrait. Map. Part n, 1774-76, in preparation (Nov. 15, 1904). (4662 PRINCETON HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The poems of Philip Freneau, poet of the American Revolution. Edited for the Princeton Historical Association, by Fred Lewis Pattee. Princeton, N. J. 8vo. 2 volumes. Vol. i. 1902. pp. cxii, 294. Contains: Life of Philip Freneau; Early poems, 1768-1775. (4663 Vol. n. 1903. pp. x, 407. Contains: The first poetic period, 1775-1781. (4664 Vol. in to be published in 1907. (4664 SALEM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Salem, JY". J. SALEM COCJNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A short history of the glass manufacture in Salem County, N. J. Read before the Society by R. M. Acton. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. ix. pp. 343-346. Philadelphia, 1885. (4665 SALEM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Instituted November 11, 1884. With the names of the first members and officers. Salem, N. J., 1886. 32mo, pp. 12. (4666 VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 649 SALEM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of John Jacob Sinnickson, M. D. Sketches of local usages of olden times. By Edward S. Sharpe, M. D. Salem, 1890. 8vo. (4667 SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION OF WEST NEW JERSEY. Camden, N. J. SURVEYORS ASSOCIATION OF WEST NEW JERSEY. Proceedings, constitution, by laws, list of members, etc. With historical and biographical sketches relating to New Jersey. Camden, 1880. 8vo, pp. 468. (4668 VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Vine! and, N. J. VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Report, October 9th, 1894. Vineland, N. J., 1895. 12mo, pp. [10]. Annual report, October 8, 1895. Yineland, N. ,T., 1895. 8vo, pp. [14]. Annual report for the year ending October 13, 1896. List of officers and members, also donations for the year. 8vo, pp. [15]. Annual report for the year ending October 12, 1897. List of officers and members, also donations for the year. 12mo, pp. 14. Annual report for the year ending October 11, 1898. List of officers and members and donations for the year. 12mo, pp. 13. Annual report for the year ending October 10, 1899. List of officers and members and donations for the .year. 12mo, pp. 15. Annual report for the year ending October 9, 1900. Officers, members, dona tions, and resolutions. 8vo, pp. [16]. Annual report for the year ending October 8, 1901. Proceed-ngs, officers, members, and donations. Yineland, N. J. 8vo, pp. [15], Annual report, October 14, 1902, to October 13, 1903. Yineland, N. J., 1903. 8vo, pp. 16. Annual report for the year ending October 11, 1905 [1904]. With a brief history of the Society. Yineland, N. J., 1T904. 8vo, pp. 20. Annual report from October 13th, 1904, to October 10th, 1905. Also memorial and resolutions, with addresses in commemoration of the late Professor Marcius Willson, delivered at the annual meeting of the Society, October 10th, 1905. Vineland, New Jersey, 1905. 8vo, pp. 33, (1). Contains : Memorial addresses by Edwin C. Bidwell ; by L. Newcomb ; by W. M. Gilbert. (4669-7O YINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Memorial addresses on the life and character of John S. Shepard, delivered at the regular monthly meeting of the Society, February 8, 1899. Yineland, N. J., 1900. 8vo, pp. 25. (4671 VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The birth of a new science, a lecture on the life and labors of Louis Pasteur, read before the Yineland Historical and Antiquarian Society, Dec. 10, 1902, by Dr. E. C. Bidwell, President. [Vineland, 1902?] 8vo, pp. 21. (4672 VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The early physicians of Yine land, N. J. Compiled. Published by the Yineland Historical and Antiqua rian Society, 1903. [Vineland, 1903.] 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. [5]-26. (467JJ Contents : R. M. Chase, W. D. Cook, II. W. Cansdell, Franklin Lane. E. C. Bidwell, E. R. Tuller, Wm. Taylor, John Ingram, C. R. Wiley, and Charles Brewer. 650 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The founder s own story of the founding of Vineland, New Jersey. By Charles K. Landis. Published by the Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society. [Vineland, N. J.] 1903. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. [7]-22. Front, (port). (4674 MEXICO. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO. Santa Fe, N. Mex. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO. Anniversary address before the Society at Santa Fe, December 31. 1860. By Kirby Benedict. Santa Fe, [I860]. 8vo, pp. 20. (4G75 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO. Inaugural address, by W. G. Ritch, Feb ruary 21, 1881. Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1881. 16mo, pP- 27. On the objects and purposes of this Society, with summary view of the his tory of the Territory. (4<>76 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO. Address of A. F. Bandelier, delivered in " The Palace," Santa l\\ N. Mex.. April 28. 1882. Santa Fe, 1882. 8vo, pp. 8. Running title, " Kin and clan." On the Indian races of New Mexico. (4<!77 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO. The stone idols of New Mexico. Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1896. 8vo. (4678 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW MEXICO. The Stone Lions of Cochiti. By L. Brad ford Prince. Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1903. 8vo, pp. 21. (479 YORK. v ALBANY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Albany, N. Y. ALBANY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Albany Quarterly. Edited by J. R. Willson and S. M. Willson. Under the patronage of the Albany Historical Society. Nos. 1-6. Albany, 1832-33. 8vo. Six numbers. Running through the 6 numbers which I have seen is a " History of the Re formed Presbyterian Church," by James R. Willson, as follows : Pages 1-4S, in No. 1 ; 49-96, in No. 2 ; 97-144, in No. 3 ; 145-192. in No. 4 ; 193-240, in No. 5 ; 241-288, in No. 6. (4680 .ALBANY HISTORICAL AND ART SOCIETY. Albany, N. Y. ALBANY HISTORICAL AND ART SOCIETY. Register. 3 March, 1899. Albany, N. Y. 4to, pp. 46. Contents : Officers ; Birth of the Society ; Opening of the Society s Build ings, 3 March, 1898 ; Constitution ; Proceedings, Reports, etc. (4681 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Albany, N. Y. ALBANY INSTITUTE. Alcohol: is it a food? By Willis G. Tucker, M. D. Al bany, N. Y. Extracted from the transactions of the Albany Institute. Al bany, 1877. 8vo, pp. 22. (4682 ALBANY INSTITUTE. 651 ALBANY INSTITUTE. List of officers. New York, 1880. ALBANY INSTITUTE. Transactions. Yols. i-xn. Albany, 1830-1887. 8vo. Twelve vols. Only the historical and local articles are noticed. CONTENTS. . Vol. i. Officers, 182S ; Table of variations of the magnetic needle ; On the luminous appearance of the ocean, by Thomas R. Ingalls ; On the geographical botany of the United States, by L. C. Beck ; On some modifications of the elec tromagnetic apparatus, by Joseph Henry ; Notes on Mr. Pickering s vocabulary of words and phrases supposed to be peculiar to the United States, by T. R. Beck ; On the uvularia grandiflora as a remedy for the bite of the rattlesnake, by J. G. Tracy ; An examination of the question whether the climate of the val ley of the Mississippi, under similar parallels of latitude, is warmer than that of the Atlantic coast, by L. C. Beck ; Observations on the geological features of the south side of the Ontario Valley, by J. Geddes ; Statistical notes. 1830. 8vo, pp. vi, (1), 250, (1), 74. (4683 Vol. ii. Abstracts of meteorological observations at Albany, by T. R. Beck ; The solar eclipse of July, 1832, and the longitude of Albany, by Stephen Alex ander ; Annual address, April 3, 1833, by Amos Dean ; * * * Astronomical observations at Berlin, Md. (February 13, 1831), by S. Alexander; Annual ad dress, April 19, 1836, by D. D. Barnard ; * * * An account of the burning of Schenectady in 1090, by G. W. Carpenter ; Eulogium on Simeon De Witt, by T. R. Beck ; Geological features of the Post-Tertiary formation of Albany and vicinity, by James Eights. 1833-1852. pp. viii, 353 (1). (4684 Vol. in. Catalogue of the Institute library, prepared by George Wood. 1855. pp. (8), 454. (4685 Vol. iv. New species of fossils from carboniferous limestones of Indiana and Illinois, by J. Hall ; New organic remains from northeastern Kansas, by P. B. Meek and P. V. Hayden ; Account of the premiums awarded by law in New York for the encouragement of household manufactures of woolen cloths, 1809-1814, by P. B. Hough ; Petroleum, its history and properties, by 1). Murray ; Observa tions on the design and import of medals, by II. A. Homes ; New species of fos sils from a locality of the Niagara group in Indiana, by J. Hall ; A plan for a park for Albany, by D. Murray ; Proceedings of the Institute, 1858 to 1863. 1858-1864. pp. viii, 323. (4686 Vol. v. History of the bills of credit, or paper money, issued by New York from 1709 to 1786, by J. II. Hickcox ; History of the census of New York, by F. B. Hough ; Notices of Peter Penet and of his operations among the Oneida Indians, by F. B. Hough. 1867. pp. (6), 337. Plates. (4687 Vol. vi. The flora of the Adirondacks, by G. T. Stevens ; Narrative of a bear hunt in the Adirondacks, by Verplanck Colvin ; California and the northwest coast one hundred years since, by Henry A. Homes ; Manual of the Institute, by Daniel J. Pratt. 1870. pp. iv, 381, (1). (468S Vol. vu. Annual address, by Orlando Meads ; The Palatine emigration to Eng land in 1709, by II. A. Homes ; The Island of Tehuantepec, Mexico, by T. Skeel ; Report on the water supply of Albany. 1872. pp. iv, 351. Folded plates. (4689 Vol. viii. Officers; Chief Justice Taney, by Isaac Edwards; The water supply of Albany, by P. Hogan ; Notice of Peter Hasenclever, an early iron manufac- tuier, by II. A. Homes; The Mohawk and Hudson River Railroad, by J. Munsell. 1876. pp. iv, (2), 307. (469O Vol. ix. The winter fauna of Mount Marcy, by Verplanck Colvin ; Men and things in Albany two centuries ago, and the origin of the Dutch and English churches, by J. Munsell ; The first visit of an American ship to Japan, by G. R. Ho well. 1S79. pp. vii, 366. Plates. (4691 Vol. x. Officers ; The Utica slate and related formations, by C. D. Walcott ; Fossils of the Utica slate, by C. I). Walcott ; Industrial and material progress illustrated in the history of Albany, by I). Murray ; An account of the manu scripts of Henry Dearborn as Massachusetts commissioner in 1838 and 1839, for the sale of the Seneca Indian lands, by II. A. Homes; Proposed erection of local historical monuments ; The correct arms of the State of New York, by H. A. Homes; American English, by G. M. Tucker. 1883. pp. iv, (2), 375, (3). Plates. (4692 Vol. xi. Officers; Shakespearian criticism, by Irving Browne; Life in the Arc tic, by II. Macdona ; The Albany Institute, by G. W. Clinton ; Appendix to same, by H. A. Homes ; The open Polar sea, by G. II. Howell ; London stone, by E. J. 652 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Miller ; Bibliomania, by Irving Browne ; Literary property and international copyright, by II. E. Smith ; The Albany Lancaster school, by T. V. Van Hensen ; Heraldry in England and America, by G. R. Howell ; Memorial minute on death of Orlando Meads, by L. Kip ; Arendt Van Curler, founder of Schenectady, by W. E. Griffis ; The variation of the needle in northern New York, by V. Colvin ; The Greek theory of the State, by E. North ; On the correspondence of Governor D. D. Tompkins, lately acquired by the State, by H. A. Homes ; The " Dreamers " of the Columbia River Valley in Washington Territory, by J. W. MacMurray ; The expedition of the Alert to Hudson s Strait and Bay in 1885, by J. Me Naughton ; Commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of the publica tion of Newton s Principia, by V. Colvin ; Evidence of the French discoveries in New York previous to the colonization by the Dutch, by G. R. Howell ; What made the Institute possible, by L. Kip ; Catalogue of members. 1887. pp. iv, (2), 336. (4693 Vol. xn. Contents : In memoriam Henry Augustus Homes, by G. W. Kirch- wey ; The Talmud, by Max Schlesinger ; Profit sharing, by Frederick G. Mather ; The first constitution of New York, by S. N. D. North ; The West India Com pany and the Walloons, by Ernest J. Miller ; Some views connected with the question of coast defense, by V. Colvin ; Edible wild fruits of New York, by C. H. Peck; Our retrospect (work of the Albany Institute), by Leonard Kip; The first battle of Lake Champlain. Has current history correctly located its site? by George F. Bixby ; The liquor question, by Eugene Burlingame ; A last word about Christian Science, mind cure, and allied methods of treatment, by Selwyn A. Russell ; Mountain meteorological stations and an inspection of Pikes Peak in its winter season, by John I*. Finley ; Paper currency, by S. W. Rowell ; The insects of the past year and progress in insect studies, by J. A. Lintner; The globe of 1513, and the progress of geographical discovery and map making from the time of Columbus to 1600, by George Rogers Howell ; Weeds, by Charles H. Peck ; The standard of value, by Chauncey P. Williams ; Magnetic observations at and near Albany, N. Y., between the years 1686 and 1892, by V. Colvin; Index. Albany, 1893. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 296, (1). (4694 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Anniversary discourse before the Albany Institute, April 23, 1830. By Benjamin Franklin Butler. Albany. 1830. 8vo, pp. 88. (4695 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Address delivered before tbe Institute, April 3, 1833. By Ainos Dean. Albany, 1833. 8vo, pp. 22. (4696 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Eulogium on the life and services of Simeon De Witt, surveyor-general of the State of New York, chancellor of the University, etc. By T. Romeyn Beck. Delivered before the Institute. April 23, 1835. Albany, 1835. 8vo, pp. 29. (4697 ALBANY INSTITUTE. An address delivered before the Institute on the 19th of April, 1836, being the occasion of the annual address before that Society. By Daniel D. Barnard. Albany, 1836. 8vo, pp. 43. (4698 ALBANY INSTITUTE. A discourse on the life, services, and character of Stephen Van Rensselaer ; delivered before the Institute April 15, 1839. By Daniel D. Barnard. With an historical sketch of the colony and manor of Rensse- laerswyck. Albany, 1839. 8vo, pp. 144. (4699 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Proposals for publishing from original manuscripts a series of volumes relating to American history, to be entitled " The His torical Series of the Albany Institute." [Albany, 1856.] Small 4to, pp. (3). (4700 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Biographical notice of Peter Wraxall, secretary of Indian affairs for the province of New York, and of the first provincial congress, held in Albany in 1754 [etc.]. Communicated to the Albany Institute, April 16, 1866, and May 31, 1870. By Daniel J. Pratt. [Albany, 1866.] Svo, pp. G, (1). No title-page. Title on cover. From the Transactions. (-4701 ALBANY INSTITUTE. 653 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Proceedings of the Institute from March, 1865, to June 20, 1882. Vols. i, ii ; in, parts 1 and 2. Albany, 1873-1882. 8vo, 3 vols. Illustrated. Vol. i, 1865-1872; Vol. n, 1872-1877; Vol. in, 1877-1882. Proceedings from 18581865, published in Transactions, Vols. iv and vi. (47O2 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Field meeting on the steamer Granite State, September 10, 1874. [Albany, 1874.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (47O3 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Supplement to the calculus of operations. By John Pater- son. Read before the Institute, November 3, 1874. [Albany, 1874.] 8vo. pp. 8. No title-page. (47O4 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Annual address before the Institute, delivered May 25, 1871. By Orlando Meadfe. Albany, 1871. 8vo, pp. 36. (47O5 ALBANY INSTITUTE. On certain new phenomena in chemistry. Read before the Institute, January 2, 1872. By Verplanck Colvin. [Albany, 1872. J 8vo, pp. 16. (47O6 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Report of the third class in the third department (general literature). By Leonard Kip. Read March 21, 1871. [Albany, 1872.] 8vo, pp. 17. A notice of books, English and American, published in 1870. (47O6a ALBANY INSTITUTE. The water supply of Constantinople. By Henry A. Homes. Read before the Institute, June 4, 1872. [Albany, 1872.] 8vo, pp. 18. No title-page. Reprinted from the Transactions. (47O7 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Chief Justice Taney, a sketch and a criticism. By Isaac Edwards. Read before the Institute, January 7, 1873. [Albany, 1873.] 8vo, pp. 19. No title-page. (47O8 ALBANY INSTITUTE. The black spruce. By Charles H. Peck. Read before the Institute, May 4, 1875. [Albany, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 21. (4709 ALBANY INSTITUTE. The Hudson River overslagh, and Coeynians bouwery. [Address before the Institute, June 16, 1875, by Joel Munsell.] [Albany, 1875.] 12mo, pp. 8. Woodcuts. (471O ALBANY INSTITUTE. Notice of Peter Hasenclever, an iron manufacturer of 1764-1769. By Henry A. Homes, LL. D. Read before the Institute, April 7, 1874. Albany, 1875. 8vo, pp. (2), 8. (4711 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Field meetings of the Albany Institute, 1870-1875. Al bany, 1876. 8vo. Illustrated. This volume contains only the proceedings for 1873-1875. Proceedings of first eleven field metings, 1870-1872, are contained in "Vol. i of Proceedings of the Institute. (4712 ALBANY INSTITUTE. The solar theory of myths. By John De Witt Warner. Albany, 1876. 8vo, pp. 19. Read before the Institute, December 7, 1875. From the Transactions. (4713 ALBANY INSTITUTE. The winter fauna of Mt. Marcy. By Verplanck Colvin. Read before the Institute, January 4, 1876. [Albany, 1876.] 8vo, pp. 16. No title-page. (4714 654 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ALBANY INSTITUTE. The correct arms of the State of New York, as established by law since March 16, 1778. An historical essay read before the Institute, December 2, 1879. By Henry A. Homes. Albany, 1880. 8vo, pp. 49, (i). Plate. (4715 ALBANY INSTITUTE. An account of the manuscripts of General Dearborn as Massachusetts commissioner in 1838 and 1839, for the sale of the Seneca Indian lands in New York. Read before the Institute, October 12, 1880. Albany, 1881. 8vo, pp. 11. (4716 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Bibliomania. A paper read before the Institute, October 24, 1882. By Irving Browne. [Albany, 1882.] 8vo, pp. (2), 16. (4716o ALBANY INSTITUTE. Second paper on the correct arms of the State of New York, as established by law since March 10, 1778. Read before the Insti tute, May 24, 1881. By H. A. Homes. Albany, 1882. 8vo, pp. 21. Plates. (4717 ALBANY INSTITUTE. American English. By Gilbert M. Tucker. A paper read before the Institute, June 0, 1882, with revision and additions. From Transaction* of the Institute, Vol. x. Albany, 1883. 8vo, pp. 333-360. (4718 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Address before the Institute, March 18, 1884, on the Adi rondack wilderness. By Leniion Thomson. Albany, 1884. 8vo. (4719 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Arendt Van Curler, first superintendent of Rensselaerwick, founder of Schenectady and of the Dutch policy of peace with the Iroquois [sic]. By William Elliott Griftis, D. D. A paper read before the Institute, November 18, 1884. [Albany, 1884.] 8vo, pp. 1- . (4720 ALBANY INSTITUTE. The first battle of Lake Champlain. [Has current history correctly located its site?] A paper read before the Albany Institute, No vember 5, 1889. By George F. Bixby. Albany, 1893. 8vo, pp. (2), 15. Maps and plates. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Albany Institute, xii, 122-136. On the cover is a portrait of Samuel de Champlain. (4721 ALBANY INSTITUTE. Some pre-Columbian discoveries of America. By George Rogers Howell. Read before the Albany Institute, June, 1893. [Albany, N. Y.? 1893?] 8vo, pp. 25. Second paper " Later pre-Columbian discoveries of America. Irish, North men, Welsh, Italian, and French ;" read before the Albany Institute, October, 1893 : pp. 14-25. (4722 ALBANY INSTITUTE. The origin and meaning of English and Dutch surnames of New York State families. By George Rogers Howell. Read before the Albany Institute, May 15, 1894. [Albany? 1894?] 8vo, cover-title, pp. 13. (472:? ALBANY INSTITUTE. Annual address of Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane, de livered before the Albany Institute, May 25th, 1895. 8vo, pp. 8. (4724 In 1900 the Albany Institute joined with the Albany Historical and Art Society, forming the Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society. BRADFORD CLUB. Neic York City. BRADFORD CLUB. The army correspondence of Col. John Laurens in 1777-78. With a memoir, by W. G. Sirnrns. New York, 1867. 8vo, pp. 250. Portrait. ( 4725 BUFFALO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 655 BRADFORD CLUB. Journal of the expedition to Quebec in 1775, under the com mand of Col. B. Arnold. By J. Melvin. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 30. (4726 BRADFORD CLUB. Diary of Washington from the 1st day of October, 1781), to the 10th day of March, 1790. New York, 1858. 8vo, pp. 89, ii. (4727 BRADFORD CLUB. Papers concerning the attack upon Hatfleld and Deerfield by a party of Indians from Canada, September 19. 1077. [Edited by F. B. Hough.] New York, 1859. 8vo, pp. 82. Portrait. Map. Plates. (4728 BRADFORD CLUE. The Croakers. By Joseph Rodman Drake and Fitz Greene Ha Heck. New York, 1860. 8vo, pp. viii, 191. Portraits. (4729 BRADFORD CLUB. Memorial of John Allen. [By E. A. Duyckinck.] Printed for the Bradford Club. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. (2) 39. (4730 BRADFORD CLUB. The operations of the French fleet under Count de Grasse, in 1781-82, as described in two contemporaneous journals. [Edited by J. G. Shea.] New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. 216. (4731 BRADFORD CLUB. Anthology of New Netherland ; or, Translations from the early Dutch poets of New York, with memoirs of their lives. By Henry C. Murphy. New York, 1865. 8vo, pp. 209. Portrait. Facsimile. Woodcut. (4732 BRADFORD CLUB. Narratives of the career of Hernando De Soto in the Conquest of Florida. Translated by Buckingham Smith. New York, 1866. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 324. Portrait. Map. (4733 BRADFORD CLUB. The northern invasion of October. 1780. A series of papers relating to the expeditions from Canada under S ir John Johnson and others against the frontiers of New York, which were supposed to have connection with Arnold s treason. With introduction and notes by F. B. Hough. New York, 1866. 8vo, pp. 224. Plate. Map. (4734 BROOKLYN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brooklyn, A r . Y. BROOKLYN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records. No. 1. April, 1901. Pub lished by the Society, 1901. 8vo, pp. 64. Contents : Officers ; Members ; The Brooklyn Catholic Historical Society ; Early Catholic explorers and Catholic foundations of Long Island and vicinity, by Marc F. Vallette ; Register of the clergy of the diocese of Brooklyn, New York ; Beginning of the Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Society, by Joseph W. Car roll ; Church of the Most Holy Trinity from a manuscript of John Gilmary Shea; Notes on three early Augustinian missionaries in Brooklyn, by Thomas C. Middleton. (4735 BUFFALO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo, N. y. BUFFALO GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Organized May 11, 1899. Circular, 24mo, [pp. 4]. (4736 656 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo, A T . Y. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American express in its relations to the city of Buffalo. Paper prepared for the Society, June, 1863, by H. Wells. Albany, 1863. 8vo, pp. 20. (4737 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo in 1836 and 1862. A paper read before the Society, February 6, 1863. By Guy H. Salisbury. [Buffalo, 1863.] 8vo, pp. 18-36. No title-page. (4738 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo in 1836 and 1862. A paper read before the Society, February 6, 1863. By Guy H, Salisbury. In Buffalo City Directory, 1863, pp. 9-36. Buffalo, 1863. (4739 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. To which is added a list of the officers and members. Buffalo, 1863. 8vo, pp. 7, "(2). (4740 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Enlargement of the locks on the Erie Canal. A paper read before the Society, December 28, 1863. By E. S. Prosser. Buffalo, 1863. 8vo. (4741 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Buffalo public schools. An ad dress by Oliver G. Steele, before the Society, January 23, 1863. Buffalo. 1863. 8vo, pp. 24. 14742 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old ferry at the Black Rock. Paper read before the (Buffalo) Historical Club. (A branch of the Society.) Decem ber 14, 1863. By C. D. Norton. [Buffalo, 1863.] 12mo, pp. 19. Later published in Vol. i of the Publications. (4743 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The boundary line between the British prov inces and the United States : A paper read before the Society, February 1, 1864. By William A. Bird. Buffalo, 1864. 8vo, pp. 8. (4744 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY . The history of our lake commerce. A paper read before the Society, January 4, 1864. By E. P. Dorr. In Buffalo City Directory, 1864, pp. 19-32. Buffalo, 1864. (4745 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The manufacture of iron in Buffalo. Paper read before the Society, January 25, 1864. By J. Wilkeson. Buffalo, 1864. 8vo, pp. 8. (4746 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The physiognomy of Buffalo. Annual address before the Society, January 13, 1864. By G. W. Hosmer. [Buffalo, 1864?] 8vo, pp. 9. (4747 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo city sewerage and sanitary science. A paper read before the Historical Society Club, January 3, 1866. By Oliver G. Steele. [Buffalo, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 9-40. No title-page. (4748 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The city of Ararat; its corner stone, Mordecai M. Noah. Read before the Buffalo Historical Society Club. March 5, 1866. By Lewis F. Allen. In Buffalo City Directory, 1867 } pp. 25-37. Buffalo, 1867. (4749 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 657 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Niagara frontier. Sketches of its early history and Indian, French, and English local names. By Orsamus H. Marshall. Read February 27, 1865. [Buffalo, 1866.] 8vo, pp. 46. Reprinted in 1881. (475O BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Origin and history of the measures that led to the construction of the Erie Canal. By George Geddes. Syracuse, 1866. 12mo, pp. 21. Written at the request of the Society. (4751 BUFFALO HISTORICAL CLUB. Origin of "the Erie Canal : embracing a synopsis of essays of Jesse Hawley, published in 1807. A paper read before the Club, February 21, 1866. By Merwin S. Hawley. [Buffalo: Privately printed, 1866.] Svo, pp. 44. (4752 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The grain elevators of Buffalo. A paper read before the Buffalo Historical Society Club, March 13, 1865. By Joseph Dart In Buffalo City Directory, 1867, pp. 17-24. Buffalo, 1867. (4753 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life and character of the late Henry Daw. Read before the Society, February 6, 1865. By Henry W. Rogers. In Buffalo City Directory, 1865, pp. 21-28. (4754 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of the late Harvey Putnam. Prepared by request, and read by James O. Putnam before the Club of the Society, February 18, 1868. Buffalo, 1868. 8vo, pp. 18. (4755 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of the Chemung Valley. By T. Apoleon Cheney. [Read before the Society March 12, 1868.] Watkins, N. Y., 1868. 12mo, pp. 59. (4756 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Certificate of incorporation and constitution and by-laws, as amended January 12, 1867. Buffalo, 1868. 8vo, pp. 19. (4757 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Geology of Buffalo. Read before the Society March 15, 1869. By G. E. Hayes. Buffalo, 1869. Svo, pp. 42. (4758 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Circular giving objects and a list of officers. 1870.] 4to, pp. 2. (4759 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The late Commissioner Stephen Champlin. A paper read by Judge Clinton before the Society, December 5, 1870. [Buffalo, 1870.] Svo, pp. 7. (476O BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting of January . 11, 1871 ; with the addresses of the presidents for the years 1869 and 1870; and list of corresponding and honorary members. Buffalo, 1871. Svo, pp. 20. (4761 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief sketch of the first monitor and its in ventor. A paper read before the Society January 5, 1874. By Eben P. Dorr. Buffalo, 1874. Svo, pp. 51. (4762 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 42 658 AMERICAN HISTORICAL, ASSOCIATION. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Samuel F. Pratt, with some account of the early history of the Pratt family. A paper, read before the Society March 10, 1873. By William P. Letchworth: Buffalo, 1874. 8vo, pp. 211. Illustrations. Portraits. (476 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Certificate of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws. With amendments to 1875. Added an account of its organization, list of officers, committees, and members, and a brief statement of its collections and transactions. Incorporated January, 1863. [Buffalo, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 32. (4764 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life and public services of Oliver Forward. Read before the Society January 25, 1875. By J[amesj Sheldon. [Buffalo, 1875.] 8vo, pp. 8. (4765 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first visit of De la Salle to the Senecas, made in 1669. Read before the Society March 16, 1874. By Orsamus H. Marshall. [Buffalo, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 45. (4766 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo cemeteries. By W. Hodge. Read before the Society February 4, 1879. Buffalo, 1879. 8vo. (4767 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The building and voyage of the Griffon in 1679. By O. H. Marshall. [Buffalo, 1879.] 8vo, pp. 253-288. Title on cover. Map. Read before the Society February 3, 1863, and revised and enlarged in 1879. (4768 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Die Deutschen Buffalo s. Ein Vortrag, gehalten vor der Buffalo historischen Gesellschaft, am 27 April, 1880, von Ismar S. Ellison. Buffalo, 1880. Svo, pp. 23. (4768 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications [and Transactions]. Vols. B-III Buffalo, 1879-1885. Svo. three vols. Vol. in called Transactions. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Officers; Inaugural address of Millard Fillmore, July 1, 1862; Th< origin of the name of Buffalo, by W. Ketchum : Correspondence on the above The last of the Kah-Kwahs (poem), by David Gray; Buffalo cemeteries, b; William Hodge ; Ode, at the Forest Lawn dedication, by John C. Lord ; Th< brave s rest, or the old Seneca Mission cemetery, by W. C. Bryant ; The ol< Black Rock ferry, by C. D. Norton ; Preachers, pedagogues, and poets o Buffalo in 1825, by John C. Lord, D. D. ; Origin and progress of the Buffal Historical Society, by O. G. Steele ; Buffalo in 1825, by S. Ball ; Early remin iscences of Buffalo, by J. L. Barton ; The trial and execution of the thre Thayers, by N. Wilgus ; The village of Buffalo during the war of 1812, b W. Dorsheimer ; An ancient wreck and stockade, by E. H. Stewart and O. H Marshall ; Major Norris s journal of Sullivan s expedition, 1779 ; The buildin and voyage of the Griffon in 1679, by O. II. Marshall ; A history of tb Israelites in Buffalo, by S. Falk ; The founding of Ararat on Grand Island, b M. M. Noah by Lewis F. Allen ; Orlando Allen, by W. C. Bryant ; Life an public services of Oliver Forward, by James Sheldon ; The grain elevators c Buffalo, by J. Dart ; The Buffalo common schools, by O. G. Steele ; The firs schoolhouse in Buffalo, by C. Johnson. 1879. pp. xxviii, 436. Illustrations. (477 Vol. ii. Officers Physiognomy of Buffalo, by G. W. Hosmer ; Early transport; tion. New York State, by W. A. Bird; Extracts from the Vanderkemp papers The Germans of Buffalo, by I. S. Ellison ; Oliver G. Steele, by G. W. Hosmer The Inland Lock Navigation Company ; Joseph Eliicott, by E. Evans ; The pre; of Erie County, by G. H. Salisbury ; Red Jacket and his portrait, by O. < Steele ; Erie Canal papers, by M. S. Hawley and others ; The battle of Grac BUFFALO HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. 659 Island, by N. Wilgus ; Fifty years ago, by J. Sheldon ; Millard Fillmore ; Death of Job Hoisington, poem, by A. Turner ; The Niagara frontier, by O. H. Mar shall, 1880. pp. xxvi, 429. Portrait. (4771 Vol. in. Transactions ; Red Jacket, containing an account of the ceremonies observed, and the addresses delivered, on the occasion of the reinterment of Red Jacket and his compatriots, in- Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, October 9, 1884 ; also, historical papers relating to the Iroquois, by Horatio Hale, Ely S. Parker, and others. 1885. 8vo, pp. 117. Illustrated. Portrait. (4773 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. iv. Buffalo, N. Y., 1896. 8vo, pp. x, 448. Illustrated. Contents : Reminiscences of the Boundary Survey between the United States and British Provinces, by William A. Bird ; Capt. Brant and the Old King the tragedy of Wyoming, by William Clement Bryant ; The adventures and enterprises of Elijah D. Efner, manuscript dated Jan. 21, 1865 an autobio graphical memoir ; Buffalo s first mayor, Dr. Ebenezer Johnson, by F. M. Ingle- hart ; Samuel Wilkeson, by John C. Lord ; " The Harbor-Maker of Buffalo "- reminiscences of Samuel Wilkeson, by Samuel A. Bigelow ; The early firm of Juba Storrs & company, by Albert Bigelow ; The journeys and journals of an early Buffalo merchant, John Lay, by Frank H. Severance ; The National Free Soil Convention of 48, held in Buffalo, by John Hubbell ; Development of con stitutional law in New York state, and the Constitutional Convention of 1894, by Henry Wayland Hill ; An address commemorative of George W. Clinton, by David F. Day ; Forgotten people : The flint workers, by Wm. R. Harris ; First appearance, in 1832, of cholera in Buffalo, with incidental notices of the late Roswell W. Haskins, by Lewis F. Allen ; Roswell Willson Haskins, by Lauren- tius G. Sellstedt ; Nathan Kelsey Hall, by James O. Putnam ; The postal service of the United States in connection with the local history of Buffalo, by N. K. Hall and Thomas Blossom ; The speculative craze of 36, by Guy II. Salisbury ; Random notes on the authors of Buffalo, by Frank H. Severance ; The first Buffalo book " Public Speeches," by Judge Erastus Granger and Red Jacket, 1812, with a facsimile reproduction ; The Indian show of Storrs & co., extract from mss. of the Rev. Albert Bigelow ; Records of the " Board of Trade " regi ment ; The Dr. Jos. C. Greene collection ; Index. (4773 .BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. v. Buffalo, N. Y., 1902. 8vo. pp. xi, 535. Illustrated. Contents : Officers of the society ; The achievements of Capt. John Montresor on the Niagara, by Frank H. Severance ; Papers relating to the War of 1812 on the Niagara frontier : i. Firing the first shot, reminiscences of Archer Gal loway ; . ii. Militia service of 18131814 correspondence and general orders of Maj. Gen. Amos Hall ; in. Two dramatic incidents from an unpublished ms. history -of pioneer days in the town of Eden, N. Y., by Asa .Warren; iv. A hero of Fort Erie letters relating to the military service of Patrick McDonogh ; v. The sortie from Fort Erie, by William A. Bird ; vi. A war-time letter-book extracts from the correspondence of Jonas Harrison, 1812. A Niagara Falls tourist of the year 1817 journal of Capt. Richard Langslow ; Historical writings of Judge Samuel Wilkeson, prefaced with a biographical sketch, by Samuel Wilkeson, jr. ; Recollections of the west and the first build ing of Buffalo harbor ; Early trade routes adventures and recollections of a pioneer trader, by James Sloan ; History of Buffalo harbor, its construction and improvement during the 19th century, by Thomas W. Symons and John C. Quintus ; Early days on the Lakes, with an account of the cholera visitation of 1832, from ms. records of Capt. Augustus Walker ; The wreck of the Walk- in-the- Water, by Mary A. W. Palmer ; How Niagara was made free, by Thomas V. Welch ; The Buffalo library prior to the free library movement, by J. N. Larned ; The Buffalo free library movement, by Henry L. Elmendorf ; The new home of the Historical society, by F. H. Severance;. The Niagara frontier land marks association : Report on historic sites. Contributions towards a bibliography of the Niagara region; The Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837-38; Index. (4774 HJFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. vi. Buffalo, N. Y., 1903. 8vo, pp. xiii, 675. Portraits. Contents : From Lake Erie to Morocco : The diplomatic controversy occa sioned by the visit of a vessel from the Great Lakes, with a Buffalo captain, to Mediterranean Ports, in 1859, by George V. Brown ; Historical Papers by Henry R. Rowland : Navy Island and the First Successors to the Griffon ; The Niagara Portage and its First Attempted Settlement under British Rule ; A Br tish 660 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Privateer in the American Revolution ; Robert Hamilton, the Founder of Queens- ton ; The Old Oneadea Council House and its Last Council Fire ; The Seneca Mission at Buffalo Creek. Narratives of Early Mission Work on the Niagara Frontier and Buffalo Creek : The Quakers among the Senecas, by Frank H. Severance ; Jacob Lindley s journal, 1797 his account of his " Religious Visit to the Friends in Canada, and to Indians on Buffalo Creek ; Rev. David Bacon s visits to Buffalo in 1800 and 1801, by D. M. Cooper; Letters of the Rev erend Elkanah Holmes from Fort Niagara in 1800; Visit of Rev. Lemuel ( ovell to Western New York and Canada in the Fall of 1803 ; Visit of Gerard T. Hopkins A Quaker Ambassador to the Indians who visited Buffalo in 1804; Visit of Rev. Joseph Avery From the original manuscript in possession of his great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. II. B. Dow, Rochester, N. Y. ; Visit of Rev. Roswell Burrows in 1806 ; A Teacher among the Senecas : Narrative of Rev. Jabez Backus Hyde, 1811-1820; Narrative of Esther Rutgers Low, 1819-1K20; Journals of the Rev. Thompson S. Harris, Missionary to the Senecas, 1821-1828 ; Register of the Seneca Mission Church, 1823-1848. The Life of Horatio Jones, by George II. Harris; Sarah Whitmore s Captivity in 1782, by Sarah E. Gunn; Notes on the Ancestry and Descendants of Horatio Jones ; The Story of Captain Jasper Parrish From his own notes, compiled by his son, Stephen Parrish. and others ; Personal Recollections of Captains Jones and Parrish, by Orlando Allen ; Appendices : Bibliography of the Niagara region Buffalo Imprints be fore 1850 ; Proceedings of the Society : Dedication of Building ; Annual meet ing, 1903 ; George S. Hazard Memorial ; Wilson S. Bissell Memorial ; James 0. Putnam Memorial Meeting. List of members of the Society ; Index. (4775 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. vn. Buffalo, N. Y., 1904. 8vo, pp. xiii, 535. Plate. Contents : A bundle of Thomas Jefferson s letters, now first published, edited by Frank H. Severance ; Journals of Henry A. S. Dearborn a record of councils with the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians at Buffalo and Cattaraugus in the years 1838 and 1839, now first published ; Narratives and journals of pioneer surveyors of western New York and adjacent tracts in Pennsylvania and Ohio : r. Life of Augustus Porter, by Charles Mulford Robinson ; 11. Narrative of early years in the life of Judge Augustus Porter, written by himself in 1848; in. Letters by Augustus Porter, 1797-1818; iv. Judah Colt s narrative experiences as pioneer surveyor in western New York and as agent for the Pennsylvania Popu lation Company, 17891808 ; v. Notes of Joseph Landon, a surveyor who reached Buffalo Creek in 1796 and settled here in 1806 ; vi. Journal of a survey of the south shore of Lake Erie, made in 1789 ; Narrative of the life and adventures of Matthew Bunn in an expedition against the North-Western Indians in the years 1791-5 ; The story of David Ramsay, trapper, smuggler, and Indian slayer on the shores of Lake Erie and the Niagara. Appendix A. Proceedings of the Society : President s address ; Secretary s report ; Life and public services of John Hay, by George Alfred Stringer ; The Statue of David ; The Mar) Norton Thompson tablet ; Obituary notes. Appendix B. A few bibliographica data relating to the Niagara region. Appendix C. Membership of the Society Publications; Index. (477f BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. vin. Edited by Frank H Severance. Buffalo, N. Y., 1905. 8vo, pp. xiv, 578. Plates. Facsimiles. Contents : Officers ; Relations of the United States to the Canadian Rebellioi of 1837-1838, by Orrin Edward Tiffany ; History of the abolition of railroac grade crossings in the city of Buffalo, by Robert Borthwick Adam; The Dobbins papers Introduction, Career of Capt. Daniel Dobbins, by Frank H. Severance Early days on the Lakes, and episodes of the War of 1812, written by Captaii William W. Dobbins, from the papers and reminiscences of his father, Capt Daniel Dobbins, in command of the Ohio, in Perry s squadron ; Life of Stephei Champlin, by George W. Clinton ; What became of Perry s fleet, by Frank II Severance ; Episode of the Adams and Caledonia, by George D. Emerson : Ex ploits of John Dickson, by Mrs. James Hoskinson ; Narrative of Samuel Blakes lee, a defender of Buffalo in the War of 1812 ; Social life in Buffalo in the 30 : and 40 s, by Martha Fitch Poole. Appendix A. Proceedings of the Society Forty-third annual meeting; Unveiling of the painting, "The sailing of th Griffon," address by Peter A. Porter; Marking the grave of Do-ne-ho-geh-weh Writings of General Ely Spencer Parker extracts from his letters, and ai autobiographical memoir of historical interest. Appendix B. Hunter lodges ii 1837-1838. Appendix C. Membership of the Society; Publications; Index. (477: BUFFALO HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. 661 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Niagara frontier, embracing sketches of its early history, and Indian, French, and English local names. Read before the Society February 27, 1865. By Orsamus H. Marshall. Buffalo, 1881. 8vo, pp. 37. Reprinted for private circulation from the publications of the Society. (4778 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1832-1882. Semicentennial celebration of the city of Buffalo. Address of E. C. Sprague before the Society July 3, 1882. Celebration of July 4 in connection with laying of corner stone of soldiers and sailors monument. Published under the direction of the Society. [Buffalo,] 1882. 8vo, pp. 59. Two portraits. Plates. (4779 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers concerning early navigation of the Great Lakes. I. Recollections of Capt. David Wilkeson. II. The pioneer Lake Erie steamboats Walk-in-the-Water and Superior. By William Hodge. Buffalo, 1883. 8vo, pp. 44. (478O BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Niagara s emancipation. Remarks of Luther R. Marsh, November 3, 1885, before the Society, on reporting to it as one of its committee appointed to attend the opening ceremonies at the inaugura tion of the Niagara Reservation, July 35, 1885. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 18, (4781 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Buffalo fifty years ago. A paper read before the Society April 27, 1886. Written by Lucy Williams Hawes. Buffalo, 1886. 8vo, pp. 10. (4782 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the board of managers, January 12, 1886, and the Society proceedings, with an appendix containing a report of the proceedings at Niagara Falls July 15, 1885, dedicating the New York State reservation, or " Free Niagara," to the world. Buffalo, 1886. 8vo, pp. 78. Two folded maps. Two plates. Contains oration by Hon. James C. Carter. (4783 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. To the residents of the city of Buffalo and its vicinity. Objects of collection desired by the Society. Buffalo, 1886. 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Circular. (4784 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The building and voyage of the Griffon in 1670. (By O. H. Marshall.) (In his historical writings, pp. 73-121. Albany, 1887.) Originally read before the Society February 3, 1863. Afterwards revised and enlarged and published among the Collections. (4785 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first visit of De la Salle to the Senecas, nuule in 1669. (By O. H. Marshall. In hi it historical writings, pp. 186- 235. Albany, 1887.) Read before the Society March 16, 1874. (4786 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Niagara frontier, embracing sketches of its early history, and Indian, French, and p]nglish local names. [By O. H. Marshall.] (In his historical writings, pp. 275-320. Albany, 1887.) Read before the Society February 27, 186. r >. (4787 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Captain Brant and the Old King [Sayen- queraghta] : the tragedy of Wyoming. A paper read before the Society April 1, 1889. By William Clement Bryant. Buffalo, 1889. 8vo, pp. 25. (4788 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. David Gray ; some reflections on his work and life. Address before the Society, February 4, 1889. By J. F. Gluck. [Buffalo, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 32. (4789 662 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Animal report of the Board of Managers, Janu ary 14th, 1890, and the Society proceedings. Buffalo, 1890. 8vo, pp. 75, (1). (471)) Same, 1885-1889, Buffalo, 1885-1890. BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address commemorative of George W. Clin ton, delivered before the Buffalo Historical Society, March 24, 1890, by David F. Day. Buffalo, 1890. 8vo, pp. 29. (4791 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the Board of Managers, Janu ary 13th, 1891, and the Society proceedings. Buffalo, 1891. 8vo, pp. GO, (1). (4792 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the Board of Managers, Janu ary 12th, 1892, and the Society proceedings. Buffalo, 1892. .8vo, pp. 66. Plate. (4793 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Society, January 9, 1894, and the Society proceedings. 8vo, pp. 86. (4794 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the Board of Managers of the Society for the year 1894 and the Society Proceedings at the annual meeting, January, 1895. Buffalo, 1895. 8vo, pp. 70. Annual report of the board of managers for the year 1895 and the Proceedings at the annual meeting, January, 1896. 189G. 8vo, pp. 64. Annual report of the board of managers for the year 1896 and the Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 12, 1897. 1897. 8vo, pp. 64. Annual report of the board of managers for the year 1897 and the Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 11, 1898. 1898. 8vo, pp. 60. Annual report of the board of managers for the year 1898 and the Proceedings at the annual meeting, January 10, 1899. 1899. 8vo, pp. 103, (1). Contains besides the usual reports, etc. : Exercises of " Grand Army Even ing "- remarks by Charles D. Zacher and Albert I). Shaw; An hour with Presi dent Fillmore and his friends ; Mr. Fillmore in his citizen and public relations, by James O. Putnam. (4795 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions towards a bibliography of the Niagara region. Pamphlets and books printed in Buffalo prior to 1850. Being an appendix to Vol. vi. Buffalo Historical Society publications. [By F. II. Severance.] Buffalo, N. Y., 1903. 8vo, pp. [58]. Facsimiles. (In Buffalo Historical Society. Publications. Buffalo, 1903. Vol. vi, pp. [547J-605.) The second of a proposed series of " Contributions " to appear in the Buffalo Historical Society publications. The introduction contains a few titles supple menting the first list ("The Upper Canada rebellion of 1837-38") which appeared in Vol. v, 1902. Running title : Early Buffalo imprints. (4796-7 BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The relations of the United States to the Ca nadian rebellion of 1837-1838, by Orrin Edward Tiffany. [Ann Arbor?, Mich.l 1905. 8vo, pp. 123. On cover : Reprinted from the Buffalo Historical Society Publications, Vol. VIII. Bibliography: pp. 115-118. (479H CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Auburn, N. Y. CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First annual meeting, with constitution and by-laws. February 12, 1878. Auburn, 1878. 8vo, pp. 24. (4T99 CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Nos. 1-11. Auburn, N. Y., 1879-1894. CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 663 CONTENTS. No. 1. The journal of John L. Hardenbergh in Sullivan s campaign against the Western Indians. With introduction, notes, and maps, by John S. Clark ; also a biographical sketch by Charles Hawley. 1879. 8vo, pp. 94. No. 2. Fourth and fifth annual addresses, by Charles Hawley ; Historical sketch of Friends in Cayuga County, by E. Howland ; Inventors and inventions of Ca yuga County, by C. Wheeler, jr. ; Supplement to Inventors and inventions, by D. M. Osborne. 1882. 8vo, pp. 186. Illustrated. No. 3. Early chapters of Seneca history : Jesuit missions in Sonnontouan, 1656-1684 ; with annual addresses, 1883-84, by Charles Hawley, D. D. 1884. pp. 152. Map. No. 4. Ninth annual address ; Proceedings of the Society in regard to the death of the Rev. Charles Hawley, D. D., with memorial address and appendix ; Constitution and by-laws, and officers and members. 1887. pp. (2), 103. No. 5. Tenth annual address, by William II. Seward ; Sewers, ancient and modern, by Cyrenus Wheeler, jr. ; " Hobbies," and some we have ridden in 1886, by William H. Seward. 1887. pp. 125. No. 6. Certificate of incorporation ; By-laws ; Officers and members ; Extract from the minutes of the annual meeting, 1888 ; Culture and manufacture of wool in Cayuga County, by William Hayden ; Memoir of David Thomas, by J. J. Thomas; Biography of William Bostwick, by Henry H. Bostwick ; Recollections of my early life in Auburn, by Mrs. Deborah Bronson ; Reminiscences of my early life in Auburn, by Mrs. S. Benton Hunt ; Cayuga Joint Stock Company of 1849, by W. A. Ogden ; Biography of General Fleming, by C. M. Baker ; The burning of the St. James, with some account of the early taverns of Auburn and vicinity, by B. B. Snow. 1888. pp. 197. No. 7. Twelfth annual address ; also the following papers : Early days and col lege life of the late William H. Seward [by William H. Seward] ; History of the press of Cayuga County from 1789 to 1877 [by Elliot G. Storks] ; Early modes of travel and transportation [by J. Lewis Grant] ; Recollections of Auburn [by Michael S. Myers] ; Sketch of Roswell Franklin, the pioneer settler of Cayuga Count y [by Charles Hawley J ; Sketch of the life of Governor Throop [by Mrs. E. T. Throop Martin] ; Sullivan s expedition and the* Cayugas [by D. Warren Adams] ; The late C. H. Merrin.an [by James R. Cox] ; Biographical sketches of Joseph I., and John Richardson [by Frank W. Richardson]. 1889. 8vo, pp. 238. No. 8. Record of current events, 1877-78, by B. B. Snow. 1890. pp. 200. No. 9. Record of current events, 1879-1890, by B. B. Snow. 1891. pp. 226. No. 10. Officers and committees, 1893. The beginnings of the Republican party in Cayuga County. By John W. O Brien. 1893. pp. 57. No. 11. Record of current events, 1890-1894. 1894. pp. 198. (48O:> CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society at its annual meeting, February 10, 1880, by C. Hawley. [Auburn, 1880.] 12mo, pp. 4. (48O1 (< \>IGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The inventors and inventions of Cayuga County, N. Y., by Cyrenus Wheeler, jr., with a supplement by David M. Osborne. Read before the Cayuga County Historical Society, at Auburn, X. Y., December 21, 1880, and forming a part of their publications, " No. 2. Auburn. N. Y., 1882. 8vo, pp. 102, incl. illus., pi., port. (48O2 CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sixth and seventh annual addresses 1883 -and 1884 before the Cayuga Co. Historical Society. By Charles Ilawley. Reprinted from the Collections of C. C. H. S., No. 3. Auburn, N. Y., 1884. 8vo, pp. 47. (48O3 ( AVIGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society, by D. W. Adams, April 14, 1885. Auburn, 1885. 8vo, pp. 28. (4804 COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sayenqueraghta, King of the Senecas, by George S. Conover (Hywesans), Geneva, Ontario County, N. Y. Sup plement, November, 1880. [Geneva, 1886.1 8vo, pp. 3. Continuation of paper read before the Society May 28, 1885. (48O5 664 AMEKICAN HISTOKICAL ASSOCIATION. CAYUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Manual of the Society, 1876-1893. Au burn, 1893. 8vo, pp. 30. (4806 CHAUTAUQUA SOCIETY OF HISTORY AND NATURAL SCIENCE. Jamestown, N. Y. CHAUTAUQUA SOCIETY OF HISTORY AND NATURAL SCIENCE. The Six Nations. Address before the Society at its seini-annual meeting in Jamestown, January 29, 1885. By Daniel Sherman. Cleveland, 1885. 8vo, pp. 23. (4807 CHAUTAUQUA SOCIETY OF HISTORY AND NATURAL SCIENCES. The old portage road, by H. C. Taylor, M. D. Read before the Chautauqua County Society of History and Natural Sciences, at Greenhurst, on Chautauqua Lake, Sep tember 24, 1890. Published in The Fredonia Censor, January, 1891. [Fre- donia, N. Y.? 1891?] Svo, 1 p. 1., pp. 25. Cover-title. (4808 CHAUTAUQUA SOCIETY OF HISTORY AND NATURAL SCIENCES. The universe, or, The secrets of the sun and stars. By Henry Raymond Rogers. Read before the Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Sciences, August 28, 1898. Buffalo, 1898. 12ruo, pp. 31. Illustrated. (4809 N CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK CITY. CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. Syllabus of a course on i. The English period, u. The revolutionary period. [New York?] 1896. 8vo, pp. 17. (4810 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. City History Leaflets. First series. No. 1. [1897.] 12mo, pp. 8. Contents : An early excise law ; On the currency in New Amsterdam. (4811 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. Historic New York; being the first [and second] series of the Half mqon papers. New York and London, 1897-99. Svo. 2 v. Plates. Maps. Monographs also separately issued, as original publications in (24) monthly parts. CONTENTS. First series : Edited by Maud W. Goodwin, Alice C. Royce, and Ruth Putnam. (1) Fort Amsterdam in the days of the Dutch, by M. W. Goodwin; (2) The Stadt buys of New Amsterdam, by Alice M. Earle ; (3) The early history of Wall street, 1653-1789, by O. G. Villard ; (4) Annetje Jans farm, by R. Put nam ; (5) The city chest of New Amsterdam, by E. D. Durand ; (6-7) Old wells and water-courses of the island of Manhattan, by G. E. Hill and G. E. Waring, jr.; (8) Old Greenwich, by Elizabeth Bisland ; (9) The fourteen miles round, by A. B. Mason and Mary M. Mason; (10) King s college, now Columbia uni versity, by J. B. Pine; (11) The Bowery, by E. R. Hewitt and Mary A. Hewitt; (12) Governor s Island, by Blanche W. Bellamy ; Index. Second series : Edited by M. W. Goodwin, A. C. Royce, R. Putnam, and Eva P. Brownell. (1) Slavery in New York, by E. V. Morgan; (2) Tammany hall, by T. Williams; (3) Old prisons and punishments, by Elizabeth D. Lewis; (4) The New York press and its makers in the eighteenth century, by Charlotte M. Martin and B. E. Martin; (5) Bowling Green, by S. Trask ; (6) New Amster dam family names and their origin, by B. Fernow ; (7) Old taverns and posting inns, by Elisabeth B. Cutting; (8) The doctor in old New York, by F. H. Bos- worth; (9) Early schools and schoolmasters of New Amsterdam, by Emma Van Vechten ; (10) The battle of Harlem Heights, by W. R. Shepherd; (11) Breuck- elen, by H. Putnam; (12) The "neutral ground," by C. Pryer ; Index. (4812 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. 665 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. Annual report, 1897-98. 8vo, pp. 22. Executive Committee. 24mo, pp. (4). (4813 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. [Officers, membership, meetings, publica tions.] 8vo, pp. [2]. No date. (4814 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. [Illustrations, reproduced from historical works. New York, 1899?] 45 pi. incl. 9 ports., plan. Letter-press at foot of page. (4815 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. Teacher s handbook of the City History Club of New York. [New York, 1899.] 8vo, pp. 24. (4816 CITY HISTORY CLUB OF NEW YORK. Free lectures to the people: syllabus of a general lecture and a course of three lectures on the history and develop ment of the city of New York. [New York, 1903?] 8vo, pp. 80. At head of title : Department of education, the city of New York. (4817 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. New York City. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Edited by the University Faculty of Political Science of Columbia College. Vol. i. New York, 1891-92. 8vo, pp. (4), 396. Sixteen Plans. No. 1. The divorce problem, a study in statistics. By W. F. Willcox. 1891. pp. 74. No. 2. The history of tariff administration in the United States. By John Dean Goss. pp. 75-163, (89). No. 3. The history of municipal ownership of land on Manhattan Island. By George Ashton Black. 1891. pp. 164-247. No. 4. The financial history of Massachusetts, from the organization of the Massachusetts Bay Company to the American Revolution. By Charles H. J. Douglas. 1892. pp. 248-391. (4818 A second edition was published in 1897. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. n. \w York. 1892-93. 8vo, pp. (6), 502. No. 1. The economics of the Russian village. By Isaac A. Hourwich. pp. 182. No. 2. Bankruptcy, a study in comparative legislation. By S. Whitney Dunis- comb, jr. pp. 167. No. 3. Special assessments, a study in municipal finance. By Victor Rose- water, pp. 152. (4819 COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. in. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. (6), 463. No. 1. History of elections in the American colonies. By Cortlandt F. Bishop, pp. 297. No. 2. The commercial policy of England toward the American colonies. By George Louis Bell. pp. 167. (482O COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Edited by the University Faculty of Political Science of Columbia College. Vol. iv. New York, 1893. No. 1. The financial history of Virginia, 1609-1776. By William Zebina Rip- ley, 1893. 8vo, pp. 170. No. 2. The inheritance tax. By Max West, 1893. pp. 171-310, (140). (4821 666 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Edited by the Faculty of Political Science. Vol. v. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. 498. No. 1. pp. 132. Double taxation in the United States, by Francis Walker. No. 2. pp. 185, (1). The separation of governmental powers, by William Bowdy. No. 3. pp. 180. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio, by Delos F. Wilcox. (4S22 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. vi. History of proprietary government in Pennsylvania. By William Robert Shepherd. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. 601. (4823 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. vii. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. 512. No. 1. pp. 281. History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth government in Massachusetts, by Harry A. Cushing. No. 2. pp. 230. Speculation on the stock and produce exchanges of the United States, by Henry Crosby Emery. < 4S24 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. vin. New York, 1896-1898. 8vo, pp. 551. No. 1. 1896. pp. 142. The struggle between President Johnson and con gress over reconstruction, by Charles Ernest Chadsey. No. 2. 1897. pp. 78. Recent centralizing tendencies in state educational administration, by William Clarence Webster. No. 3. 1897. pp. 163. The abolition of privateering and the declai-ation of Paris, by Francis R. Stark. No. 4. 1898. pp. 167. Public administration in Massachusetts the rela tion of central to local activity, by Robert Harvey Whitten. (4825 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. ix. New York, 1897-1898. 8vo, pp. 617. No. 1. 1897. pp. 286. The English local government of to-day, a study of the relations of central and local government, by Milo Roy Maltbie. No. 2. 1898. pp. 113. German wage theories, a history of their develop ment, by James W. Crook. No. 3. 1898. pp. 207. The centralization of administration in New York state, by John Archibald Fairlie. (4826 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. x. New York, 1898-1899. 8vo, pp. 500. No. 1. 1898. pp. 118. Sympathetic strikes and sympathetic lockouts, by Fred. S. Hall. No. 2. 1898. pp. 220. Rhode Island and the formation of the union, by Frank Green Bates. No. 3. 1899. pp. 162. Centralized administration of liquor laws in the American commonwealths, by Clement Moore Lacey Sites. i 4S27 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xi. The growth of cities in the nineteenth century. A study in statistics, by Adna Ferrin Weber. New York, 1899. 8vo, pp. xvi, 495. i 4S28 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xii. New York, 1899-1900. . 8vo, pp. 586. No. 1. 1899. pp. 125. History and functions of central labor unions, by W T illiam Maxwell Burke. No. 2. 1900. pp. 91. Colonial immigration laws, by Emberson Edward Proper. No. 3. 1900. pp. 135. History of military pension legislation in the United States, by William Henry Glasson. No. 4. 1900. pp. 232. History of the theory of sovereignty since Rousseau, by Charles E. Merriam, jr. (4829 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. 667 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xiu. New York, 1901. 8vo, pp. 570. No. 1. 1900. pp. 197. The legal property relations of married parties a study in comparative legislation, by Isidor Loeb. No. 2. 1901. pp. 259. Political nativism in New York state, by Louis Dow Scisco. No. 3. 1901. pp. 112. The Reconstruction of Georgia, by Edwin C. Woolley. (483O COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xiv. New York, 1902. 8vo, pp. 576. No. 1. 1901. pp. 281. Loyalisrn in New York during the American Revo lution, by Alexander Clarence Flick. No. 2. 1901. pp. 142. The economic theory of risk and insurance, by Allan II. Willett. No. 3. 1902. pp. 152. The eastern question : A study in diplomacy, by Stephen Pierce Hayden Duggan. (4331 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xv. New York, 1902. 8vo, pp. 427. Contents : Crime in its relation to social progress, by Arthur Cleveland Hall. (4832 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xvi. New York, 1902-1903. 8vo, pp. 547. No. 1. 1902. pp. 164. The past and present of commerce in Japan, by Yetaro Kinosita. No. 2. 1902. pp. 206. The employment of women in the clothing trade, by Mabel Ilurd Willett. No. 3. 1903. pp. 177. The centralization of administration in Ohio, by Samuel P. Orth. (4833 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xvii. New York, 1903. 8vo, pp. 635. No. 1. 1903. pp. 336. Centralizing tendencies in the administration of Indiana, by William A. Rawles. No. 2. 1903. pp. 229. Principles of justice in taxation, by Stephen F. West on. (4834 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. XVIIT. New York, 1903. Svo, pp. 753, (1). No. 1. 1903. pp. 224. The administration of Iowa, by Harold Martin Bow man. No. 2. 1903. pp. 214. Turgot. and the six edicts, by Robert P. Shepherd. No. 3. 1903. pp. 316. Hanover and Prussia, 1795-1803, by Guy Stanton Ford. (4835 COUMIUA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xix. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. 588. No. 1. 1903. pp. 258. Josiah Tucker, economist : A study in the history of economics, by Walter Ernest Clark. No. 2. 1904. pp. 194, (1). History and criticism of the labor theory of value in English political economy. By Albert C. Whitaker. No. 3. 1905. pp. 134. Trade unions and the law in New York: A study of- some legal phases of >abor organizations. By George Gorham Groat. (4836 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xx. No. 1. The office of justice of the peace in England in its origin and devel opment. By Charles Austin Beard. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. 184. (4837 668 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xx. No. 2. A history of military government in newly acquired territory of the United States. By David Yancey Thomas. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. 334. (4838 The above two are bound in one volume. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxi No. 1. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. 255. Treaties: their making and enforcement. By Samuel B. Crandall. (4839 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxi. No. 2. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. 133. The sociology of a New York city block. By Thomas Jesse Jones. (484O COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxi. No. 3. Pre-Malthusian doctrines of population : A study in the history of economic theory. By Charles Emil Stangeland. New York, 1904. 8vo, pp. 356. (4841 The above three are bound in one volume. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxii. The historic development of the poor law of Connecticut. By Edward Warren Capen. 8vo, pp. 520. (4842 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxin. No. 1. The economics of land tenure in Georgia. By Enoch Marvin Banks. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. 142. (4843 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxin. No. 2. Mistake in contract : A study in comparative jurisprudence. By Edwin C. McKeag. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. 132. (4843fl COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxiii. No. 3. Combination in the mining industry : A study of concentra tion in Lake Superior iron ore production. By Henry Raymond Mussey. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. 167. (4843b COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. xxiii. No. 4. The English craft gilds and the government : An examination of the accepted theory regarding the decay of the craft gilds. By Stella Kramer. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. 152. The above four are bound in one volume, with title-page as follows : Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Edited by the faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. Volume Twenty-third. New York, 1905. (4843C DEUTRCHE GE8ELL8CHAFT DER KTADT NEW YORK. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER STADT NEW YORK. Charter and by-laws of the German Society of the City of New York, with a list of members. New York, 1808. 12mo, pp. 24. (4844 GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. 669 ]>KI TSCHK GESELLSCHAFT ER STADT NEW YORK. In der neuen Heimath; ge- schichtliche Mittheiluiigen iiber die deutschen Einwanderer in alien Theilen der Union, hrsg. von Anton Eickhoff. New York, 1884. 4to, 1 p. 1., pp. vi, 1 1., pp 398, 1 1., pp. 164. Anhang : Die Deutsche Gesellschaft der Stadt New York. (4845 ])Kt TSCHE GESELLSCHAFT DER STADT NEW YORK. Bericht iiber das Festessen zur feier des 118-jahrigen bestehens der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Stadt New York am 8. inarz 1902 im hotel Waldorf-Astoria, New York. [New York, 1902.] 8vo, pp. 46, [8], Incl. facsim. (4846 DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHABT? DER STADT NEW YORK. Leitfaden fiir deutsche Einwan derer nach den Vereinigteu Staateu von Amerika. New York [Die Gesell schaft, 1903]. 8vo, pp. 160. Illus. (incl. port., plan). At head of title : Deutsche Gesellschaft der Stadt New York. Preface signed : L. Viereck. (4847 THE FURMAN CLUB. Brooklyn, N. Y. FURMAN CLUB. Sketch of the first settlement of the several towns on Long Island, with their political condition to the end of the American Revolution, by Silas Wood; with a biographical memoir and additions, by Alden Spooner, and portrait and photographs of dwellings. Brooklyn, 1865. 4to, pp. xxi, 206. (4848 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. Syracuse, N. Y. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. Bulletin. No. 1. November, 1901. Early records of the First Presbyterian church of Syracuse, N. Y. From the date of establishment in 1826 to the end of the first pastorate in 1850, embracing a record of marriages and baptisms by the Rev. John Watson Adams, D. D., the first minister, and a list of members, etc. Edited by A. J. Northrup. Syracuse, 1902. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 53. (4849 GENESEE COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Batavia, N. Y. GENESEE COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. History of its organization, list of officers and members, and the annual address, June 11, 1878, by Norman Seymour. Batavia, 1879. 8vo, pp. 44. (485O GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. GERMAN-AMERICAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Sources of history. A jmp>r read before the Society and the Pioneer Verein of Philadelphia. By J. C. Rosengarten. Philadelphia, 1892. 8vo, pp. 32. (4851 670 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Schohark , N. Y. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Brief sketch of the first settlement of the county of Schoharie by the Germans: being an an swer to a circular letter addressed to the author by " The Historical and Philosophical Society of New York." By John M. Brown. Schoharie, 1823. 8vo, pp. 23. (4852 HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF ST. JOHN S COLLEGE. Fordhain, N. Y. HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF ST. JOHN S COLLEGE. The sure thread in the laby rinth of history. A lecture delivered before the Historical Association of St. John s College, Fordharn, N. Y., March 2(3, 18G7, by Aug. J. Thebaud. New York, 18(57. 8vo, pp. 40. (4853 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEWBURGH BAY AND THE HIGHLANDS. Xewburyh, N. Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEWBURGH BAY AND THE HIGHLANDS. First annual meeting, with addresses by Erastus Brooks, Colonel Dawson, and others. Held at Newburgh, February 22, 1884. Newburgh, 1884. Svo, pp. 20. [Publication, No. 1.] (4854 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEWBURGH BAY AND THE HIGHLANDS. [Publication, No. ii. 1894.] Newburgh, N. Y., 1894. Svo, pp. 60 ( 1 ) . Contents : Officers ; List of papers read before the Society ; Provincial and Revolutionary military organizations, by E. M. Ruttenber ; Did Washington re fuse a crown? by J. T. Headley < p. 8) ; Fishkill in the Revolution (p. 27). by J. Hervey Cook ; The Huguenots of Ulster County [the early settlement of New Paltz], by Ralph Lefevre (p. 41) ; The peace celebration at Temple Hill in 1783, by M. S. Boyd, Newburgh. i l.sns HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEWBURGH BAY AND THE HIGHLANDS. Historical Papers. Newburgh, N. Y., 189(. [No. in.] 1896. Containing a list of papers read before the Society since 1894, also a record of baptisms, marriages, and deaths entered by Rev. John Close in the Session Book of the Presbyterian Church of the village of New Windsor, and papers by Rev. John Forsyth, Rev. R. Emery, and Mary D. Craig. Also a copy of the minute book of the organization of the first fire company in Newburgh. (4856 [No. iv.] Unveiling of the statue of George Clinton, Newburgh, N. Y., Octo ber 6th, 1896. Svo, pp. 49. (4857 [No. v.] 1898. A record of the inscriptions in the old town burying ground of Newburgh, N. Y. [Compiled by Rufus Emery.] Svo, pp. 180. Plates. (4858 No. vi. 1900. Articles of incorporation, officers, etc. ; Papers read since 1896; Record of baptisms, Bethlehem Church, 1775-1824; Our old brass bands, by Charles Estabrook ; Colonel Thomas De Kay, a pioneer of Western Orange county, by David Barclay; Our grandmother in literature [Jane Turrell, etc.], by Adelaide Skeel ; Account of the unveiling of the tablet on the site of the old Palatine Church, May 30, 1899, by Cornelia W. Rankin ; Major Patrick Mac- (Jregorie, by Adelaide Skeel and David Barclay, pp. 62 (1). (4859 No. vn. 1900. The centennial celebration, May 8th, 1900; The queen city a poem, by Wm. Livingston; Map of the township 01 Washington, 1790; New burgh in 1790 ; Act of incorporation of the village of Newburgh, 1800 ; The board of trustees of Newburgh, with biographical sketches of the presidents, pp. 78, (4860 HOLLAND CLUB. 671 No. vin. 1901. Record of baptisms and marriages, Newburgh, N. Y., circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1789 to 1835; The ideal commonwealth, by Edward McGlynn ; Balmville, from its first settlement to 1860, by David Bar clay ; The valley of the Moodna in history, by E. M. Ruttenber ; Charles Esta- brook minute of respect. (4861. No. ix. 1902. Inscriptions on gravestones in New Windsor cemetery ; in Patton cemetery : in St. David s cemetery ; in Balmville cemetery. Lauchlin Campbell, of Campbell Hall, and his family, by David Barclay ; Tjerck Classen De Witt and some of his descendants, by William Walsh ; Visit to Shawangunk s ancient Indian fort, by E. M. Ruttenber; Obituary record Thomas Benton Brooks, Charles L. C. Kerr, Charles Caldwell, James I. Logan, Wilbur II. Weston. pp. 64. (4862 No. x. 1903. Annual meeting; Inscriptions in the Gardnertown M. E. Church cemetery ; Inscriptions in the Bond family burying ground ; The King s highway, by E. M. Ruttenber ; The ancient Newburgh family of Cornelius Wood, by Albert G. Barratt ; Obituary record MacLeod Rogers, pp. 50. (4863 No. xi. 1904. Annual meeting ; Wawayanda vs. Cheesek-ook, by Chas. H. Weygant ; Historic homes in Orange county, by E. M. Ruttenber ; Tom Quick and Claudius Smith, by Theo. D. Schoonmaker ; Genl. John A. Hathorn, by Ferdi nand V. Sanford ; Obituary record John Schoonmaker, Samuel C. Mills, pp. 98, (1). (4864 No. xii. 1905. Annual meeting; The New Paltz patent and its bound marks, by E. M. Ruttenber ; The Gedney family, by Albert G. Barratt ; Inscrip tion in Bethlehem cemetery, by J. N. Weed ; Obituary record. (4864a HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEWBURGH BAY AND THE HIGHLANDS. George Clinton some of his colonial, revolutionary, and post-revolutionary services. An ad dress by Ralph Earl Prime, delivered before the Historical Society of New burgh Bay and the Highlands, March 24, 1903. 8vo, pp. 45. (4865 HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SCHEXECTADY, N. Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY, SCHENECTADY, N. Y. The Historical Record, devoted to the promotion of historical research and to the diffusion of useful knowl edge. Edited by the Historical Society, Schenectady, N. Y. Vol. i. Nos. 1-4. 4 to. Vol. i. No. I. January. 1872. pp. 24. Contents : The value of historical study ; James Caw ; * * * Centennial historical discourse, delivered October 15th, 1871, by A. A. Bookstaver ; The Mohawk country ; Educational reform. (4866 Vol. i. No. ii. February, 1872. pp. [25J-48. Contents : First celebration of independence in Schenectady ; Early supersti tion : Onedaw, or the Burning of Schenectady a poem ; The Mohawk country II ; Will of Robert and Elsie Sanders, 1673 ; Samuel De Champlain ; The second Reformed Church at Scotia ; Glenville. (4867 Vol. i! No. in. March, 1872. pp. [49]-64. Contents: The Mohawk country III; The mayors of Schenectady; Onedaw, or the Burning of Schenectady (cont.) ; Political history of Schenectady County; Arnold s treason ; Pioneers of American discovery ; Glenville town book. (4868 Vol. i. No. iv. April, 1872. pp. [65J-80. Contents : The Mohawk country IV ; Political history of Schenectady County II ; Groot, by Jonathan Pearson ; Onedaw, or the Burning of Sche nectady, by James Caw; Pioneers of American discovery II; Watkins Glen, by C. L. Van Allen ; Glenville town book. (4869 HOLLAM) CLUB. New York City. HOLLAND CLUB. The conduct of General Washington respecting the confine ment of Captain Asgill placed in ,its true point of light, by David Hum- 672 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. phreys. With a preface and appendix. New York. Printed for the Hol land Club, 1859. 8vo, pp. 25. (4870 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. New York See also A r o-s. in Appendix: HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. The Holland Society of New York. Constitu tion, by-laws, officers, and members. June, 1885. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 26. The object of the Society is " to collect and preserve information respecting the early history and settlement of the city and State of New York by the Dutch," etc. (4871 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Catalogue of the works of M. Grotius and of books belonging to him, presented to the Society by its president, Robert B. Roosevelt. [New York, 1890.] Svo, pp. 28. (4872 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Collections. 1-3. New York, printed for the Society, 1891-1896. By an error in printing, Vols. I-H were issued as Vol. i, pt. 1, and Vol. i. pt. 2, respectively. Given below. (4873 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Collections. Vol. i, parts 1, 2. [New York], 1891. Large Svo. CONTENTS. Vol. i, part 1. Records of the Reformed Dutch churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, N. J., with the registers of members, marriages, baptisms, and the consistories to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Being the records in possession of the church of Hackensack. 1891. pp. xxiii (1), 349. Vol. i, part 2. Records of the Reformed Dutch churches of Hackensack and Schraalenburgh, N. J., with registers of members, marriages, baptisms, and the consistories to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Being records in pos session of the (South) church of Schraalenburgh, N. J. 1891. pp. (4), 386 (1). Photograph. (4874 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Collections. Vol. in. Records of the Re formed Dutch Church of New Paltz, N. Y. Containing an account of the organization of the church and the registers of consistories, members, mar riages, and baptisms. New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. viii, 269. Copied and translated by D. Versteeg. (4875 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book, 1888-89. Edited by the secretary. [New York, 1891.] pp. 1-48, 21, 49-268. Folded plates. Contains : Narrative of the visit of the Society to the Netherlands, by S. T. Viele and J. H. Suydam ; The Pilgrim Fathers exhioition of documents relating to Dutch settlements in North America ; Jesse De Forest, founder of New Amsterdam ; The De Vries portrait of Washington. (4876 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book, for the two years 1892 and 1893, Prepared by the secretary. New York. 4to, pp. xxii, 244. Portraits. Plate. Contains : Account of the sixth annual meeting, 1891 ; The Friesland medals ; Report of the committee on records of the old Dutch churches in America ; Sev enth annual dinner of the Society ; Seventh annual meeting ; Sketch of Au gustus Van Wyck ; Public school pioneering in New York and Massachusetts, by Andrew S. Draper ; Dutch West India Company manuscripts ; Eighth annual dinner ; List of members. (4877 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. 673 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year Book. 1894. Prepared by the secre tary. New York. 4to, pp. xxiii, (5), 250. Illustrations. Contains : Officers and trustees ; Proceedings ; Sketch of the Van Speyk s career, by D. Versteeg ; Official documents pertaining to the appointment of the President of the Holland Society as a knight of the order of Orange-Nassau ; In memoriam ; List of members. , (4S7S HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1895. Prepared by the secre tary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xxix, 184. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Officers and trustees ; Tenth annual dinner ; Tenth annual Society meeting; Where our flag was first saluted; Who founded New York?; The Beggars Medal, badge of the Holland Society of New York, adopted March 30, 1887 ; Articles of incorporation ; Constitution ; By-laws ; List of members ; In memoriam. (4879 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1896. Prepared by the secre tary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xxix, 241. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Officers and trustees ; Eleventh annual banquet ; Eleventh annual meeting ; In memoriam ; Early immigrants to New Netherland ; Settlers in Rensselaerswyck, from 1630 to 1646, compiled from the books of monthly wages and other mss., from O Callaghan s " History of New Netherland," pp. 430-441 ; Passenger . lists 1657 to 1664, from " Documentary History of New York," Vol. in, pp. 52-63 ; Oath of Allegiance, Kings Co., 1687 ; House owners, New York, 1674 ; List of members of the Dutch Church in New York city, 1686 ; Dutch aliases, from the baptismal records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York city, 1639 to 1756, by S. S. Purple ; Additions to the library ; Con stitution and by-laws ; List of members. (4S8O HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1897. Prepared by the secre tary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xxxi, 240. Portraits. * Contents : Officers and trustees ; Ode to Holland, by Charles S. Vedder ; Twelfth annual banquet ; Twelfth annual meeting ; In memoriam ; Additions to the library ; Acknowledgments of receipt of resolutions by President Kruger and General Joubert ; The study of Dutch ; Names of Dutch settlers in Esopus ; The first book of records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn : Members, 1660-1702 ; Marriages, 1660-1696 ; Baptisms, 1660-1710. Constitution and by-laws ; Badge of the Society ; Members. (4881 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1898. Prepared by the secre tary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xxxiii, 251. Contents : Officers and trustees ; National hymn of the Netherlands, original Dutch and English translation; Thirteenth annual banquet; Mijn (Ons) Vaderland, by J. Watts De Peyster ; Flatbush Dutch Church records : Marriages, 1677-1757 ; Baptisms, 1677-1754. South Afrikander and Englishman, by D. Versteeg ; Delfshaven and records of the Pilgrim fathers ; Thirteenth annual meeting; In memoriam; Additions to the library; Transcript of church records in possession of the Society ; Constitution ; By-laws ; Queen Wilhelmina ; List of members. (4882 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year Book. 1899. Prepared by the secretary. [New York.] 4to, pp. 299. Contains : The seizure of New Netherland by the English ; Record ef burials in the Dutch Church, N. Y. ; The Dutch East Indies, or Insulinde, by D. Versteeg. (4883 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1900. Prepared by the secretary. [New York.] %4to, pp. xiii, 254. Portraits. Contents : Officers and trustees ; Fifteenth annual banquet ; Fifteenth annual meeting; In memoriam; The Dutchman, by Edward J. Wheeler; How the Dutch preserved the freedom in body and mind, of middle Europe, in 1639, by J. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 43 674 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Watts De Peyster ; The Holland Society tablet on the site of the old fort at New Amsterdam ; Dutch records in the City Clerk s office, New York ; Extracts from Dutch documents, bound in a book labelled " Original records of burgomasters and orphan masters," " surrogates." Register of notary Salomon La Chair ; Register of notary Walewyn Van der Veen ; Schepen s register ; Powers of attor ney, acknowledgements, indentures of apprentices, inventories, etc. Auto graphs in early New York city records ; Index to Dutch records ; Sympathy with the Boers ; England recedes from the " Recessional " poem, by C. S. Vedder ; Constitution ; By-laws ; The Society s badge ; Members. (4884 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1901. Prepared by the secretary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xv, 219. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Officers and trustees ; The Holland Society and Columbia University ; Sixteenth annual banquet ; Address to Queen Wilhelmina ; Marriage of Queen Wilhelmina ; To the bride Queen, Wilhelmina. by Leonard Charles Van Noppen ; Sixteenth annual meeting ; In memoriam ; Oranje Boven ; Dutch words, phrases, etc., by Wm. H. Carpenter ; The Holland Society of Ceylon ; Dutch records in the City Clerk s office, New York ; Grants of lands from the Indians and the Dutch West India Company, and miscellaneous transactions ; Conveyances of land in the city of New Amsterdam ; Index of grantees, 1654-1672 ; Index of grantors, 1654-1672 : Mortgages of land in the city of New Amsterdam ; Index of mortgagors, 1654-1660, 1664-1675 ; Index of mortgagees, 1654-1660, 1664- 1675. Volume labelled index of apprenticeship, inventories, deeds, etc., 1651- 1656 ; Index to Dutch records ; Constitution ; By-laws ; The Society s badge ; List of members. (4885 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1902. Prepared by the secretary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xiv. 179. Portraits. Plate. Contents: Officers and trustees; Passengers to New Netherland, 1654-1664; Index" to list of passengers: Seventeenth annual banquet; In memoriam; Con stitution; By-laws; Society s badge; List of members. (4886 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1903. Prepared by the secretary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xiv, 305. Portraits. Contents : Officers and trustees ; Some early records of the Lutheran Church, New York ; Index to names in the baptismal and marriage registers ; Eighteenth annual banquet ; The city of New Amsterdam, by Dingman Versteeg ; Eight eenth annual meeting; The oldest charter of New York, by R. B. Roosevelt; In memoriam ; Constitution and by-laws ; The Society s badge ; List of members. (4887 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year-book. 1904. Prepared by the secretary. [New York.] 4to, pp. xxi, 326. Portraits. Plates. Map. Contents : Officers and trustees ; Plan of the city of Albany ; Names of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ at New Albany, at the end of the year 1683, and afterward ; Marriage record, commenced in the year 1683 ; Baptismal record of Albany, begun in the year 1683; Index. Nineteenth annual banquet; Additions to the library and collections for 1903-1904 ; Nineteenth annual meeting ; In memoriam ; Constitution ; By-laws ; Badge of the Society ; List of members. (4888 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year Book. 1905. Prepared by the Secre tary, Henry L. Bogert. [New York.] 4to, pp. xxi, 342. Portraits. Plates. Contains : Illustrations in previous volumes ; Officers and trustees. Records of the R. D. Church of Albany; Marriages and baptisms, 1700 to 1725, with index; Twentieth annual banquet; Twentieth annual dinner; In memoriam; Constitution ; By-laws ; List of members. (4889 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Constitution, by-laws, officers, and members. April, 1894. New York, 1894. 12mo, pp. 73. (4890 THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 675 THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. New York City. HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Constitution and by-laws. Organized April 12, 1883. New York, 1883. 32mo, pp. 18. (4891 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Proceedings. Vols. i, II. May 29, 1883, to April 13, 1891. New York, 1884-1891. 8vo. Two vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i, No. 1. May 29th. 1883, to June 2nd, 1884. Origin and formation of the Society ; Public meeting, November 15, 1883 ; Discourse of J. T. Quintard ; Some traits of Huguenot character, by H. M. Baird ; Address by T. E. Vermilye ; Anniversary meeting, April 17, 1884 ; Public meeting, April 24, 1884 ; Address by T. W. Chambers ; " The mingling of the Huguenots and Dutch in early New York," by A. G. Vermilye ; The Huguenots of South Carolina and their churches, by C. S. Vedder ; Official arms of the Society ; Names of the Huguenot refugees who emigrated to South Carolina, by T. Gaillard. No. 2. June 2nd, 1884, to April 20th, 1888. The Huguenots on the Hackensack, by D. D. Demarest ; The first three generations of the Des Marest family in this country ; Proceed ings at New Rochelle, N. Y. ; St. Bartholomew s day, its causes and results, by C. M. Du Puy ; Address by C. S. Vedder ; Huguenot settlement at Oxford, Mass., by P. B. Olney ; The Edict of Nantes, by John Jay. New York, 1884- 1889. pp. 56, 101. Vol. ii. April 20th, 1888, to April 13th, 1891. The Huguenot Society of America and Columbia College, by John Jay ; The Huguenots of the " Desert," by Henry M. Baird ; The career and times of Nicholas Bayard, by Martha J. Lamb ; The historic celebration of the Vaudois ; Philip Freneau, the Huguenot patriot-poet of the Revolution, and his poetry, by Edward F. De Lancey ; History of the Edict of Nantes, by Philip Schaff ; Waifs and strays of American history, by Edward Wakefield ; The Bayard family of America, and Judge Bayard s London diary of 1795-96, by James Grant Wilson ; The retribution of Louis XIV, by James W. Gerard; Minutes of proceedings. 1891. pp. (4), 188. (4893 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Proceedings, April 27th, 1891, to May 23d, 1894. Vol. ii continued. New York, June, 1894. 8vo, pp. [189]-321. Cover-title reads : " Bulletin of the Huguenot Society of America, Vol ume n." Contents : Minutes of meetings and reports of committees ; The Huguenots and the beggars, by Paul Van Dyke ; The Huguenots of L 7 lster county, by J. G. Van Slyke ; The Emblematic flower and distinguishing color of the Huguenots, by Mrs. James M. Lawton ; President s address ; The Huguenot Society of Ger many ; Elias Boudinot : Reminiscences of the American Revolution, by W. Wallace Atterbnry ; Genealogical notes on the Boudinot family ; The family of Priuli, also called Prioli, Priolo, Prioleau, by Edward M. Gallaudet. (4893 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Proceedings. October 10, 1894, to April 13, 1896. Vol. in. Part 1, New York, 1896. 8vo, pp. 149. Portrait. Contents : Minutes ; Sketch of John Jay, by A. G. Vermilye ; Recovery of re ligious liberty by the Huguenots, By Henry M. Baird ; The Huguenots of old Boston, by M. C. Julien ; The Huguenot patentees of New Faltz, by J. LeFevre ; Huguenots of France, by Robert Favre ; Huguenot element in Pennsylvania, by J. B. Laux ; Extracts from a sketch of Daniel Ravenel, by W. Ashmead Courtenay ; First home of the Huguenots in North America, by J. II. Edwards ; The Huguenots of Rhode Island, by R. II. Tilley. (4894 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Proceedings, May 12, 1896, to April 13, 1902. Vol. in. Part ii. New York, 1903. 8vo, pp. 308. Contents : Minutes of meetings and reports of committees ; St. Bartholomew s Day, its causes and results, by Charles M. Dupuy ; Elias Neau, the confessor 676 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. and catechist of negro and Indian slaves, by Charles A. Brings ; The Huguenots in South Africa, by Anna M. Cummings ; Description of the set of Huguenot medals presented to the society on February 28, 1899, by their donor, Judge A. T. Clearwater; The Duvalls of Maryland, by Mary Rebecca Duval ; The Huguenot martyrs of Meaux, commonly called the Fourteen of Meaux, by Richard L. Maury ; Aymar of New York, by Benjamin Aymar. Appendix Other Aymar families ; Index to Aymar genealogies ; The Despard Family, by Richard Despard Dodge ; Notes on some Huguenot families : Vin cent, Magny (Many), Aymar, Erouard (Haiway), and others, by Edward Stanley Waters ; Notes on Huguenots in South Africa ; Index to Vol. m, Part i ; Index to Vol. m, Part n. (4895 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Proceedings, May 6th, 1902, to April 29th, 1904. Vol. iv. New York, 1904. 4to, pp. 87. Contents : Abstracts of the minutes of committee and annual meetings, 1902- 1904 ; List of officers ; List of members ; Family names of Huguenot refugees to America, represented in the membership of the Society, with names of mem bers claiming descent through the several ancestral lines ; The Huguenot Church lot and its neighbors, by Wm. S. Pelletreau ; The martyrs of Salies, by Ida L. H. Layard ; Appendix Pieces justificatives ; A short sketch of two South Carolina Huguenots of the fourth generation (John and Theodore Halliard), by Theodore Gaillard Thomas. (4S9G HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Statement and appeal. April 17, 1880. Cir cular. 4to, pp. 4. Appeal for aid to publish first volume of projected " Collections on the his-" tory of the Huguenots m America." (4S97 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA Collections of thei Huguenot Society of America. Vol. i. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. Ixxxviii, 431, xlii. Illustrated. Contents : Officers of the Society, 1886 ; Registers of the births, marriages, and deaths of the " Eglise franchise a. la Nouvelle York " from 1688 to 1804, edited by Alfred V. Wittmeyer ; and historical documents relating to the French Protestants in New York during the same period. 1886. (4898 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Commemoration of the bicentenary of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, October 22d, 1885, at New York. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 86. " Historical oration on the Edict of Nantes and its recall," by Henry M. Baird. pp. 14-41. (4899 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. The Huguenots on the Hackensack. A paper read before the Huguenot Society of America in the French church du Saint-Esprit, New York, April 13, 1885; before the New Jersey Historical Society, at Trenton, January 20, 1886; before the New Brunswick His torical Club, February 18, 1886, and in the North Reformed Church of Schraalenberg, N. J., February 19, 1886. - By David D. Demarest. New Brunswick, N. J., 1886. - 8vo, pp. 24. (4900 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Catalogue of the books, pamphlets, and manu scripts belonging to the Huguenot Society of America deposited in the library of Columbia College. With an introduction by the library commit tee of the Society. Compiled by Elizabeth G. Baldwin. New York, 1890. 8vo, pp. x, 107. (4901 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Philip Freneau, the Huguenot patriot-poet of the Revolution, and his poetry. By E. F. De Lancey. New York, 1891. Large 8vo, pp. 21. ^ (4902 JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 677 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. The Huguenots of old Boston. An address before the Huguenot Society in America, April 30, 1895. By Matthew Cantine Julien. [N. Y., 1895.] 8vo, pp. 21, (1). (4903 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Constitution, by-laws as revised January 7, 1901. List of members, &c. [New York? 1901.] 4to, 2 p. 1., pp. ix, 36. (49O4 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Aymar, of New York. By Benjamin Ay mar. New York, 1903. 8vo, pp. 65. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. in, Part 2. (49O5 JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Watertown, N. Y. JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1886-87. Watertown, 1887. 8vo, pp. 183, (1). Portraits. Map. Contents : Officers ; Constitution ; The Celebration at Sackets Harbor ; On some of the circumstances which led to the war of 1812, by R. Fisk ; Sackets Harbor and the war of 1812, by O. B. Willcox ; Present peace and some of its responsibilities, by A. D. Shaw ; Presentation of old battle ground, by W. B. Camp ; Inaugural address, by B. Brockway ; Joseph Mullin ; Mounds at Perch Lake, by I). S. Marvin ; Paper on " Early Rutland," by M. Eames ; Champion (N. Y. ) historical reminiscences, by P. F. Hubbard ; Historical reminiscences, by W. Fayel ; The aborigines, by W. M. Beauchamp ; Moses Eames ; Local and economical geology, by D. MSnthorn ; Reminiscences of Adams, by E. J. Clark ; Early history of Adams, by W. W. Wright ; Jason Fairbanks ; Rainfall for forty-one years, by M. Eames; Members; Incorporation. (49(W JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. n. 1891. Water- town, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 61. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; Annual meeting, Jan. 13, 1891 ; Annual address, by Charles W. Darling ; Historical address delivered at the unveiling of the monument " To the Unknown Dead " of the War of 1812 at Sackets Har bor, Decoration Day, 1888, by Col. Walter B. Camp ; Memorial of Dr. Samuel Guthrie, by W. B. Camp ; Sandy Creek Mound, by D. S. Marvin ; Black River, original channel, etc., by D. S. Marvin ; Necrology ; List of donations ; " Battle field," Sackets Harbor : letters, etc., concerning the monument. (49O7 JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. in. 1895. Water- town, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 18. Illustrated. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; Inaugural address : Men who save the records, the Historical Society, by Walter B. Camp; Details in the discovea-y of chloroform, by Ossian Guthrie : Recollections of a nonagenarian, by Capt. Britell Minor ; The battle of Big Sandy, by T. W. Haight ; The battle of Sandy Creek, and the carrying of the cables for the Superior ; additional stories and tradi tions, collected by Nat Frame ; Reforesting since the glacial epoch, by D. S. Marvin ; Swinestone, by D. S. Marvin ; Interesting Pot-hole find, by D. S. Mar vin ; Gas and oil wells, by D. S. Marvin ; Indian villages in Jefferson county, by Henry Woodworth ; Early Watertown, by Beaman Brockway ; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sherman, by D. S. Marvin ; Necrology. List of donations. (49OS JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. iv. 1896. Water- town, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 10. Contents : Ice crushes in a cave and causes a lateral moraine at Watertown, N. Y. paper by the Committee upon Science ; List of donations ; List of mem bers. (4909 678 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. JUNIOR PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER A\l) MONROE COUNTY. Rochester, N. Y. JUNIOR PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER AND MONROE COUNTY. No. 1. Historical collections of the Association. An address delivered by Ferdinand De W. Ward before the Association at its annual gathering and festival, October 20, 1859, and redelivered by request, before the Association and citizens of Rochester, December 12, 1859. Rochester, 18GO. Svo, pp. 48. Giving historical sketch of the first half century of Rochester. (491O KINGS COUNTY GENEALOGICAL CLUB. Brooklyn, N. Y. KINGS COUNTY GENEALOGICAL CLUB. Collections. Vol. i, Nos. 1-6. Brooklyn, 1882-1894. 8vo, pp. 90. CONTEXTS. 1. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemetery of Reformed Dutch Church, New Utrecht, Long Island, pp. 15. 2. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemetery of Reformed Dutch Church. Flat lands, Long Island, and private cemeteries adjacent, pp. 17-29. 3. Inscriptions on tombstones in cemetery of Reformed Dutch Church, Graves- end, Long Island, and private cemeteries adjacent, pp. 31-44. 4. Inscriptions on tombstones in old Bushwick graveyard. Brooklyn bap tismal records from 1600. New York, 188S. Svo, pp. 45-00. Contents : Tombstone inscriptions in the burial ground of the old Buslm ick church (Brooklyn, N. Y.), copied August, 1880, by George Sparrow. Baptisms in the Reformed Dutch Church of Brooklyn, as translated by the late T. G. Bergen. 5 and 0. Brooklyn baptismal records, from 1079 to end of 1719. Marriages from October, 1000, to June, 1090. New York, 1894. Svo, pp. 01-90. (4911 LIVINGSTON ( 1 OU.\TY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genexco, N. Y. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution, by-laws, and certificate of incorporation. Mount Morris, N. Y., 1877. 12mo, pp. 14. (4912 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL .SOCIETY. Second annual meeting, January 8, 1878. Annual address, by B. F. Angel. Also history of organization, con stitution, by-laws, and certificate of corporation. Dansville, 1878. Svo, pp. 36. (4913 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Third annual meeting, January 14. 1879. Annual address: The judges and lawyers of Livingston County. By L. B. Proctor. Dansville, 1879. Svo, pp. 26. (4914 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fourth annual meeting, January 13. 1880. [Annual address: The recent discoveries in history. By W. M. White.] Dansville, 1880. Svo, pp. 25. (4915 LIVINGSTON COUJSTTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifth annual meeting, January 11. 1881. [Annual address: The nature and kinds of historic evidence. By Rev. Lloyd Windsor, D. D.] Dansville, 1881. Svo, pp. 15. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTOKICAL SOCIETY. 679 (4918 Eighth annual meeting, January 8, Ninth annual meeting (4919 January 13, Tenth aniiua Eleventh annua (4920 meeting, January 12, (4921 I meeting, January 11, (4922 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sixth annual meeting, January 10, 1882. Dansville. 1882. 8vo, pp. 28. (4917 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seventh annual meeting, January 9, 1883. Dansville, 1883. 8vo, pp. 20. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1884. Dansville, 1884. 8vo, pp. 39. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1885. Dansville, 1885. 8vo, pp. 30. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1886. Dansville, 1886. 8vo, pp. 36. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1887. 8vo, pp. 40. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The sixteenth annual meeting, Janu ary 12, 1892. Mount Morris, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 38. Address by the president, O. I). Lake ; The origin of the prehistoric American races, by J. W. Sanborn ; Town reports Conesus, by Wm. P. Boyd ; Portage, by C. D. Bennett ; York, by A. D. Newton ; Memorials of deceased members : Loren .T. Ames, by Norman Seymour ; John Hugh McNaughton, by A. J. Abbott. (4923 The seventeenth annual meeting, January 17, 1893. Dansville, N. Y., 1893. 8vo, pp. 14. Contents : President Hamilton s address ; The value of history, by John M. Milne ; Town reports Caledonia ; North Dansville, by Mrs. E. A. Brown ; York. Memorials Ezra W. Clark, by Matilda W. Clark; Daniel E. Dyer, by H. K. Cooper ; Richard Johnson, by A. T. Norton ; E. B. Walsworth, by II. D. Kings- bury ; Henry Clay Sedgwick, by T. M. Schlick ; Norman Seymour. (4924 Eighteenth annual meeting, Tuesday, January 10. 1S94. Dansville, N. Y., 1894. 8vo, pp. 48. Addresses by II. F. Darnell and the President of the Society ; The key to universal history, by II. P. V. Bogue ; Town reports Avon, Conesus, by S. E. Hitchcock ; Groveland, by Jerome A. Lake ; York volunteers in the War of 1812. Memorials Joel C. Bennett, Archibald H. McLean, Charles Oliver Beach, Charles L. Bingham. (4925 Nineteenth annual meeting, January 15, 189,">. Dansville, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 55. President Fielder s address ; The treaty of Big Tree, by W. II. Samson ; Modern solution of old problems, by George Rogers Howell ; Memorials B. F. Angel, John A. Yanderlip, James W. Jones, Margaret Hutchinson Stilwell. (4926 Proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting, February 18, 1896. Nunda, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 46. President Sauders s address ; The log cabin of this society and those of the early pioneers, by John Rorbach. Memorial William M. White, by A. O. Bunnell. (4927 Proceedings of the twenty-first annual meeting, January 19, 1897. Nunda, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 110. Madison and the constitution, by Adelbert Moot ; History of the Geneseo State Normal School, by John Rorbach. Memorials A. J. Willard, James C. Jackson, Emerson Johnson, James Marshall, Isaac Hampton. (4928 Proceedings of the twenty-second annual meeting, January 24, 1898. Nunda, N. Y., 1899. 8vo, pp. 42. Memorials Myron Holley Mills, by L. B. Proctor ; George Hyland. (4929 Proceedings, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth annual meetings, 1899- 1900. Geneseo, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 61. Address by Herbert Wadsworth ; Address by Wm. P. Spratling ; An old docu ment, 1811 Subscription for opening Canaseraga River. Memorials W. W. Wheeler, Carroll H. Cocher, Daniel McPherson, Bradford Perez Richmond, John 680 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Olp, Charles Jones, George R. Howell, Nelson Janes, S. T. Seward, O. D. Lake, John Rorbach, C. D. Bennett. (493O Twenty-sixth annual meeting, August 20, 1901. Dansville, N. Y., 1902. 8vo, pp. 55. Caledonia, by Wm. Hamilton ; Livonia, by H. D. Kingsbury ; Law, by George B. Adams ; Agriculture at home, by II. R. M Nair ; Blacksmithiug, by F. W. Mate ; Surveying, by John Young ; Dental progress, by J. W. Cowan ; Progress of the suffrage movement in 1900 in western New York, by Harriet M. Mills. Memorials Elias II. Davis, Wm. H. Stevens, Levi Parsons, Franklin B. Francis, Ira Patch in, Benjamin Coy, J. II. Prettijohn, Shelby Baker, C. H. Young, W. W. Mason, J. R. M Pherson, B. F. Dow, L. B. Proctor, Charles Shepard, Matthew McCartney, W. T. Spinning, John Hyland. (4931 Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual meeting, October 18, 1902. Nunda, N. Y., 1903. 8vo, pp. 40. A view into history, by E. I). Graber ; William A. Miller, by S. E. Hitchcock. (4932 Twenty-eighth annual meeting, January 19, 1904. Geneseo, N. Y., 1904. 8vo, pp. 60. Address by E. W. Sears ; Address by Max Landsberg ; Report of historical committee by its chairman, by L. R. Doty. Memorials F. M. Perine, F. B. Pierson, F. J. Bonner, A. B. Cooley, F. H. Lauderdale, E. J. Whiting. (4933 For twenty-ninth annual meeting see Appendix. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. President s address, by B. F. Angel. Secretary s report, by N. Seymour. Historical paper, by F. De W. Ward. Geneseo, N. Y., 1882. 8vo, pp. 45. Pages 10-45 are occupied with The ecclesiastical history of Livingston County, N. Y., from the earliest reliable date to January 1, 1882, by F. De W. Ward. This article has a separate title-page. The president s address and the secretary s report have been published sepa rately, forming one of the regular publications of the Society. (4934 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of the treaty of Big Tree, and an account of the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the making of the treaty, held at Geneseo, N. Y., September 15, 1897. [Dans ville, N. Y.] Livingston County Historical Society [1899?]. 8vo, pp. 103. Front. Plates. Portraits. Map. Cover-title : Treaty of Big Tree centennial. (4935 LOXG ISLAM) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Brooklyn, N. Y. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Long Island. By W. Alfred Jones, A. M., librarian of Columbia College. Read before the Long Island Historical Society, November 5, 1863. New York, 18G3. Svo, pp. 23. (4936 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws and certificate of incorporation. Brooklyn, 1863. Svo, pp. 36. . (4937 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The certificate of incorporation and by-laws. Brooklyn, 1863. 8vo, pp. 21. (4938 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First to sixth annual reports, 1864-1869. Brooklyn, 1864-1869. Svo. Six pamphlets. (4939 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fourteenth annual report, presented May, 1877. With a list of members, January, 1878. Brooklyn, 1878. Svo, pp. 39. There were no reports presented between 1869 and 1877. (4940 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 681 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifteenth annual report, presented May, 1878. Brooklyn, 1878. 8vo, pp. 19. (4941 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report for the years 1878-1881. Presented May 10, 1881. Brooklyn, 1881. 8vo, pp. 55. (4942 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the nineteenth and twentieth annual meetings, May 0, 1882, and May 15, 1883, with the | nineteenth and twentieth annual] reports of the directors and a list of members. Brook lyn, 1882-83. 8vo. Two pamphlets. (4943 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour to several of the American colonies in 1679-80, by Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter, of Wiewerd, in Friesland. Translated and edited by Henry C. Murphy. Brooklyn, 1867. 8vo, pp. xlvii, 440, viii. Plates. Reprint of Vol. i of the memoirs. (4944 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs. Vols. i-iv. Brooklyn, 1867- 1889. 8vo. Four vols. . CONTENTS. Vol. i. Journal of a voyage to New York and a tour in several of the Ameri can colonies in 1679-80, by Jasper Bankers and Peter Sluyter, of Wiewerd, in Friesland. Translated and edited by H. C. Murphy. 1867. pp. xlvii, 440, viii. 12 plateg. Vol. 11. The battle of Long Island, with connected preceding events, and subsequent American retreat. Introductory narrative by T. W. Field. With authentic documents. 1869. pp. xiii, ix, 549. Folded maps. Vol. in. The campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. Including a new and circumstantial account of the battle of Long Island and the loss of New York, with a review of events to the close of the year. Maps, portraits, and original documents. By Henry P. Johnston. "1878. pp. viii, 300, 209. Vol. iv. George Washington and Mount Vernon. Brooklyn, 1889. 8vo, pp. xcii, 352. Portrait. Contains : George Washington and Mount Vernon. A collection of Washington s unpublished agricultural and personal letters. Ed ited, with historical and genealogical introduction, by Moncure Daniel Conway. There is inserted in the beginning of each of the volumes a list of officers of the Society, with statements relative to the publications of the Society. (4945 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History and its sources. Address read before the Society at the annual meeting, May 7, 1808, by J. C. Brevoort. Brooklyn, 1868. 8vo, pp. 23. Facsimile. (4946 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of the principal illustrated books in the library of the Society. Brooklyn, 1868. 8vo. (4947 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Louis XVII and Eleazer Williams. Were they the same person? By Francis Vinton. Read before the Society Octo ber 23, 1863. Reprinted from Putnam s Magazine for the Society, 1868. [Brooklyn], 1868. 8vo, pp. 331-340. (4948 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Explorations in Jerusalem, July, 1869. Circular sheet. (4949 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Medical department of the Society. An ac count of its formation, with a catalogue of the books. Brooklyn, 1870. 8vo, pp. 32. (495O 682 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Military lessons taught by the war. Address before the Society, February 23, 1869. By H. W. Slocuin. New York, 1869. 8vo, pp. 20. (4951 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular, February 17, 1874. By George Hannah, librarian. Broadside. (4952 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early history of Suffolk County, Long Island. Paper read before the Society November 16, 1865. Brooklyn, 1866. By II. Nicoll. 1 2ux>, pp. 18. (4953 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members, with the by-laws and a sketch of the institution. Brooklyn, 1875. Svo, pp. 27. (4954 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members, with a sketch of the insti tution. Brooklyn, 1876. Svo, pp. (1), 24. (4955 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of recent additions to the library of the Society, being an appendix to the report of the directors, presented May 10, 1881. Brooklyn, 1881. 8vo, pp. 132. (4956 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dutch and the Iroquois. Suggestions as to the importance of their friendship in the great struggle of the eight eenth century for the possession of the continent. Being a paper read be fore the Society, February 21, 1882. By Charles II. Hall. New York, 1882. Svo. pp. 55. (4957 LQNG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Officers, 1884-85. Long Island Historical Society. Its objects and work, with history of members. | Brooklyn, 1884.] Svo. pp. 24. No title-page. (4958 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Long Island Historical Society. In memory of Hon. James Carson Brevoort. Brooklyn, 1888. Svo, pp. (2), 5. 1 495 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society in memory of Hon. James Carson Brevoort, Mrs. Urania Battell Humphrey, Hon. John Greenwood, and Alfred Smith Barnes. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1888. Svo, pp. 15. (4960 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [History, by-laws, and list of members.] Brooklyn [1891]. Small 4to, pp. 44. Woodcut. (4961 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Sketch of its history, by-laws, officers, and members.] Brooklyn [1891]. 12mo, pp. 44. i 4SMW LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library of the Society. 1863-1893. Brooklyn, 1893. Svo, pp. (6), 801. (4963 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Henry Ward Beecher. An address delivered before the Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, Monday evening, March 8, 1897. By James B. Pond. [Brooklyn? 1897?] Svo, pp. 53. Cover-title. (4964 LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Officers, directors, councilors, membership, report, recent additions, by-laws, list of members, publications.] No place. [1903?] 12mo, pp. 56. (4965 NEW CONFEDERACY OF THE IROQUOIS. 683 MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oneida, N. Y. MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Incorporated. March 20, 1900. Charter, constitution, and by-laws. Oneida, N. Y., 1900. 12ino, pp. 18. (4966 MINISINK VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Port Jervis, N. Y. MINISINK VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Hathorn. By Rev. A. A. Haines. An address delivered before the Society. In New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. xx, October, 1889, pp. 169-171. New York, 1889. (4967 MINISINK VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of Deerpark, in Orange County, N. Y. By Peter E. Gumaer. With portrait of the author and cut of house in which he lived. Published by the Minisink Valley Historical Society, 1890. 12mo, pp. 204 (2). (496S MINISINK VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1690-1890. Bicentennial celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the settlement of the Minisink Valley, held under the auspices of the Society at Candebec Park, Cuddebackville, Orange County, N. Y., July 22, 1890. Port Jervis, N. Y., [1890]. Small 4to, pp. 28 (1). See also Appendix. (4969 MONTGOMERY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Amsterdam, N. I . MONTGOMERY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Yearbook. Charter, Constitution, By-laws, List of members, etc. [Amsterdam, N. Y.?] 1904. 24mo, pp. :u. See also Appendix. (49TO MONUMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CAPTURE OF ANDRE. Tarri/tou-n, N. Y. MONUMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE CAPTURE OF ANDRE. Centennial souvenir of the Association, Tarrytown, September 23, 1880. Prepared under the auspices of the Association by N. C. Husted. [New York, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 167. Illustrated. Portraits. (4971 NEW CONFEDERACY OF THE IROQUOIS. Rochester, N. Y . NEW CONFEDERACY OF THE IROQUOIS. An address delivered before the Was-ah Ho-de-no-son-ne ; or, the New Confederacy of the Iroquois, by Henry R. Schoolcraft, at its third annual council, August 14, 1846. Also, Genunde- wah, a poem, by W. H. C. Hosmer, a member, pronounced on the same occasion. Published by the Confederacy. Rochester, 1846. 8vo, pp. 48. (4972 684 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW CONFEDERACY OF THE IROQUOIS. Letters on the Iroquois. By Skenandoah. (In the Olden Time, edited by N. B. Craig, Vol. n, pp. 08-87, 117-139, 288- 307. Pittsburg, 1848. Reprinted 1876.) Many parts of the following letters were read in 1844-45 and 1846 before the " Councils of the New Confederacy of the Iroquois," and to the establishment of that historical institution the research, by which the facts were accumulated, is chiefly to be attributed. The institution referred to is founded upon the ancient confederacy of the Five Nations, and its symbolic council fires are kindled upon the ancient territories of the Mohawks, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. The design is " to gather the fragments of the history, the institu tions, and the government of our Indian predecessors." Introduction. (4973 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. By-laws, officers, and mem bers. Proceedings at tbe first annual meeting, December 7, and at the first annual festival, December 21, 1880. Brooklyn, [1881]. 8vo, pp. 74 (1). (4974 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the second annual meeting and .second annual festival. Officers, directors, members [etc.], and by-laws. Brooklyn, 1882. 8vo, pp. 72, (1). (4975 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the third annual meeting and third annual festival. Officers [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1883. 8vo, pp. 68, (1). (4976 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the fourth an nual meeting and fourth annual festival, including a paper read before the Society, November 4, 1882, by Noah Porter, on " The New England meeting house," and a paper read November 13, 1883, by C. E. Pratt, on " The old district schoolhouse." Officers [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1884. 8vo, pp. 108 (1). (4977 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the fifth an nual meeting and fifth annual festival, including a paper read November 19, 1884, by J. W. Chadwick, on " Witches in Salem and elsewhere," and a lec ture delivered at the Friends Institute, London, on the 18th of January, 1866, by Benjamin Scott, on " The Pilgrim Fathers neither Puritans nor persecutors;" Officers [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1885. 8vo, pp. 114 (1). (4978 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the sixth an nual meeting and sixth annual festival, including a paper read before the Society, February 4, 1886, by W. P. Sheffield, on " The Soldiers and Sailors of New England." Officers, directors, council members, standing commit tees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn, 1886. 8vo, pp. 104 (1). (4979 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the seventh annual meeting and seventh annual dinner. Officers, directors, council mem bers, standing committees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn, 1887. 8vo, pp. 74, (1). (4979a NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the eighth annual meeting and ninth annual festival, including an address delivered before the Society February 9, 1888, by John L. Swift, on " Miles Standish." Officers [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1888. 8vo, pp. 82, (1). (4979& NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the ninth annual meeting and ninth annual festival, including an address delivered NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 685 before the Society March 21, 1888, by Robert D. Benedict, entitled, " Two hundred and fifty years ago." Officers [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1889. 8vo, pp. 88, (1). (498O NEW I^NGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the tenth an nual meeting arid tenth annual festival. Officers, directors, council mem bers, standing committees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn, 1890. 8vo, pp. 66, (1). (4981 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITI OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the eleventh annual meeting and eleventh annual festival. Officers, directors, council, members, standing committees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn, 1891. 8vo, pp. 83, (1). . (4982 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the twelfth annual meeting and twelfth annual festival. Officers, directors, council, members, standing committees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn, 1892. 8vo, pp. 85, (1). (4983 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. Proceedings at the thirteenth annual meeting and thirteenth annual festival of the Society. Officers, directors, council, members, standing committees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn, 1893. 8vo, pp. 95, (1). (4984 Proceedings at the fourteenth annual meeting and fourteenth annual festival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1894. 8vo, pp. 91, (1). (4985 Proceedings at the fifteenth annual meeting and fifteenth annual festival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1895. 8vo, pp. 103, (1). Contains : An address by Homer B. Sprague, The Pilgrim fathers and the foundation of civil government. (498G Proceedings at the sixteen ih annual meeting and sixteenth annual festival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1896. 8vo, pp. 108, (1). (4987 Proceedings at the seventeenth annual meeting and seventeenth annual festi val. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1897. 8vo. pp. 90, (1). (4988 Proceedings at the eighteenth annual meeting and eighteenth annual festival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1898. 4to, pp. 76, (1). (4989 Proceedings at the nineteenth annual meeting and nineteenth annual festival of the Society. Officers, directors, council, members, standing committees, and by-laws of the Society. Brooklyn. 1899. 4to, pp. 100, (1). (499O Proceedings at the twentieth annual meeting and twentieth annual festival. Officers [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1900. 4to. pp. 94, (1). (4991 Proceedings at the twenty-first annual meeting and twenty-first annual fes tival. Officers, [etc.], Brooklyn, 1901. 4to, pp. 77, (1). (4992 Proceedings at the twenty-second annual meeting and twentj -second annual festival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1902. 4to, pp. 82, (1). (4O92a Proceedings at the twenty-third annual meeting and twenty-third annual festival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1903. 4to, pp. 80. (4993 Proceedings at the twenty-fifth annual meeting and twenty-fifth annual fes tival. Officers, [etc.]. Brooklyn, 1905. 4to, pp. 83. (4993a XE W ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THK CITY OF NEW YORK. NKW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Constitution and by-laws, May, 1834. New York, 1834. 8vo, pp. 23. (4994 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Address before the Society, on Forefathers Day, December 22, 1838. By Leonard Bacon. New York, 1839. 8vo, pp. 47. (4995 XKW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. An address delivered before the New England Society in the City of New York, December 23, 1839. By Robert Charles Winthrop. Boston, New York, 1840. 8vo, pp. 60. (4996 686 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. A discourse delivered before the New England Society in the City of New York, December 22, 1847. By Jonathan Prescott Hall. New York, 1848. Svo, pp. 77. (4997 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The fathers of New Eng land Oration before the Society, December 21, 1849, and published at. their request By Horace Bushnell. New York, 1850. Svo, pp. 44. (4998 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Dinner of the Society, with the speeches of Messrs. Grinnell, Bellows, J. Prescott Hall, Webster, Bulwer, Bethune, Draper, and J. Watson Webb, together with letters from distin guished individuals. New York, 1851. Svo, pp. 02. (4999 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Speech of Mr. Webster at the celebration of the New York New England Society, December 23, 1850. Washington, 1851. Svo, pp. 13. (5OOO NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. A discourse before the New England Society in the City of New- York, December 22, 1851. By George Stillman Hillard. Published by the Society. New-York, 1852. Svo, pp. 31. (5OO1 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY* OF NEW YORK. Report of the annual din ner, at the Astor House, December 23, 1851. New York, 1852. Svo, pp. 45. (5002 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Heritage of the Pilgrims. Oration before the Society, * * * the two hundred and thirty-fourth anniversary of the landing at Plymouth. By W. M. Evarts.. New York, 1853. Svo, pp. 44. (5OO3 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Oration delivered before the New England Society in the City of New York, by Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., at their semi-centennial anniversary, December 22, 1855. [n. p., 1856?] Svo, pp. 46. (5004 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The Pilgrims of Plymouth : a poem delivered before the New-England Society in the City of New York, at their semi-centennial anniversary, December 22, 1855. By John Pierpont. Boston, 1850. Svo, pp. 30. (5OO5 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Semi-centennial celebration of the Society, December, 1855. Oration, by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Poem, by John Pierpont, and a report of the festival. New York, 1856. Svo, pp. 116. (5006 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Anniversary celebrations. Fifty-eighth to one hundredth, inclusive, 1863-1905. New York, 1864-1905. The early numbers are Svo, the 85th-100th, 4to. Each volume contains : Officers ; Reports ; Charter ; By-laws ; and Members, besides the speeches at the celebrations. (5OO7 The eightieth anniversary celebration, December 22, 1885, contains : Reprint of Daniel Webster s last speech before the Society, December 23, 1850. (5OO8 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Unveiling of the Pilgrim statue, by the New England Society in the City of New York, at Central Park, June 6, 1885. [New York, 1885?] Svo, pp. 33. Oration, by G. W. Curtis : pp. 16-33. (5O09 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 687 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The New England Society Orations ; addresses, sermons, and poems delivered before the New England Society in the City of New York, 1820-1885, collected and edited by Cephas Brainerd and Eveline Warner Brainerd ; published for the Society. New York, 1901. 8vo. - vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Hopkins, W. R., Beginnings of the New England Society of New York, 1884 ; Spring, G., A tribute to New England, 1820 ; Remarks on the charges made by the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D. D., against the religion and morals of the people of Boston and its vicinity, 1821 ; Romeyn, J. B., The duty and reward of honouring God, 1821 ; Whelpley, P. M., " The memory of the just is blessed," 1822 ; Knapp, S. L., Address, 1829 ; Bacon, L., Address, 1838 ; Winthrop. R. C., Address, 1839; Hadduck, C. B., The elements of national greatness, 1841 ; Cheever, G. B., The elements of national greatness, 1842 ; Choate, R., The age of the Pilgrims the heroic period of our history, 1843 ; Webster, D., The landing at Plymouth, 1843; Marsh, G. P., Address, 1844; Upham, C. W., The spirit of the day and its lessons, 1846. Vol. ii. Hall, J. P., Discourse, 1847 ; Bushnell, II., The founders, great in their unconsciousness, 1849 ; Webster, D., The constitution and the union, 1850 ; Hillard, G. S., The past and the future, 1851 ; Adams, W., Address, 1852 ; Hopkins, M., The central principle, 1853 ; Evarts, W. M., The heritage of the Pilgrims, 1854 ; Holmes, O. W., Oration, 1855 ; Pierpont, J., The Pil grims of Plymouth, 1855 ; Storrs, R. S., The Puritan scheme of national growth, 1857 ; Emerson, R. W., Oration and response, 1870 ; Curtis, G. W., Oration, 1885. (5O1O NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. ~New York Citii. NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. Vol. i, No. 1. [New York, 1869.] 8vo, pp. 8. Succeeded by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5O11 \K\V YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. By-laws, certificate of incorporation, and officers. New York, 1869. 8vo, pp. 16. (5O12 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. A discourse on the life and services of Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, delivered before the Numis matic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, May 5, 1870, by Charles Henry Hart. New York, 1870. 4to, pp. 20. Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, October, 1870. (5013 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. A form for genealogical records. [New York, 1870.] 4to. Two leaves. (5O14 .SEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Devoted to the interests of American genealogy and biography. Issued quarterly. Vols. i-xxxvi, 1870-1905. Published for the Society. New York [1870] -1905. 8vo. Thirty-six volumes. Contents given below. (5O1R XEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. i. 1870. New York City, [1870]. 8vo, pp. (4) 52. Contents : The annual meeting, Jan. 5th, 1870 ; Our Society proceedings ; Memorial of John Taylor, reformer ; Genealogy of Philip Schuyler ; New York marriage licenses, 1702-3 ; The " Tangier " Smith records ; Notes on books ; 688 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Queries ; Plan of genealogical work, by Charles B. Moore ; Genealogy of the Swords family ; Will of Philip Pieterse Schuyler, 1683, the progenitor of the family in this country, and his wife Margaret Van Slechtenhorst ; The Wood- hull achievement, by Beverly R. Betts ; David Pieterse Schuyler, of Albany ; Pedigration notation of pedigrees, by David Parsons Holton ; Ten Eyck family records, 1678-1793 ; Obituary Asa Howland ; Gulian Crommelin Verplanck, by Charles Henry Hart. (5O16 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. n. 1871. New York City, [1871]. 8vo, pp. xiv, 208. Contents : Index to subjects ; Index to names ; Biography of Ezra L Hom- medieu, by C. B. Moore ; The Latting family, by John J. Latting ; Contribu tions to the history of the ancient Dutch families of New York, by Jonathan Pearson : Schermerhooren; Rutgers, Rip Van Dam, Bancker, Oothout, Les- pinarde, Teller of Albany and New York, Staats, Schuyler, Van Shaick, Van Der Poel ; New York marriage licenses, 1703-6 ; Notes on the graveyards of Long Island, by H. R. Stiles ; Original letters, contributed by T. Bailey Myers ; Tax list of New York city in the year 1676 ; New York wills, 1686-94 ; Pro ceedings ; Notes on books ; Notes and queries ; Biography of Baron De Zeng, by Edward F. De Lancey ; Anniversary address by Henry R. Stiles ; The Rock well family genealogy, with notes by D. Williams Patterson ; Will of Mat thias Van Dyck, 1749 ; Traces of American lineage in England, by Wm. In- graham Kip ; Ancestry of Richard Montgomery, by Thomas H. Montgomery ; The Gelston family, descendants of Hugh Gelston, of Southampton, L. I., by Benjamin W. Dwight ; New York marriage licenses, 1692-1701 ; Ulster county papers A lyst of patents granted from ye 5th December, 1666, to the 8th Sep tember, 1709, to sundry persons in the county of Ulster, in the province of New York ; Agreement relative to the working of a lead mine in Rochester town ship, 1730 ; Dutchess county paper Poll list for Poughkeepsie precinct, April 29, 1783 ; Vail family, by C. B. Moore ; Benedict Arnold, by T. Bailey Myers ; New York militia of 1776; Sketch of Francis B. Cutting, by Chas. B. Moore; The Scott family, descendants of Richard Scott, of Providence, R. I., by Martin B. Scott ; L Estrange from a document written apparently in the close of the last century, communicated by Charles W. Baird ; Helps for New York genealogists, by Henry II. Stiles ; Family types, by David Parsons Holton ; New York marriage licenses supplementary list, for the years 1756 and 1758; Aged persons of the town of Sangerfield, by Martin H. Stafford. (5O17 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. HI. 1872. New York City, [1872]. 8vo, pp. xii, 200. Contents : Index to subjects ; Index to names ; In memoriam, John S. Gautier, by Henry R. Stiles ; The American family of Woodhull, compiled by Anna M. Woodhull, arranged by H. R. Stiles : The heraldry of St. Paul s Chapel, New York, by Beverley R. Betts ; Notes on the Lawrence pedigree, by W T . R. Whit- more ; The Bartow pedigree; Extracts from the Landon manuscript, 1782-4; The Humphreys family, by Fred. Humphreys; The Wright family of Oyster Bay, L. I., by John J. Latting ; Marriage records of the Society of Friends in the town of Harrison, N. Y., by Charles W. Baird ; New York marriages, from the Friends records of Philadelphia, 1686-1763, by Wm. John Potts; The Society s proceedings; Notes and queries; John Chambers, one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the Province of New York, by E. B. O Callaghan ; A short and general account of the Booge family ; Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln records in Pennsylvania, by William John Potts ; A list of the freeholders of Schenectady, before the grant of Gov. Dongan ; Address by David Parsons Holton, third anniversary of the Society ; Contributions to the history of ancient Dutch families of Albany, by Jonathan Pearson : Cuyier, Douw, Gansevoort, Lansing. Public records of England, contained in the record house in London, by Charles A. Cole; New York marriage licenses, 1693-1702, contributed by E. B. O Callaghan ; French war letter, 1760 ; Obituary ; A brief sketch of the life and character of W T illiam A. Reynolds, by Benjamin W. Dwight ; Slosson genealogy, by D. Williams Patterson ; The Lawrence pedigree, by Watson E. Lawrence ; Genealogical notation, by David Parsons Holton ; List of American families whose genealogies are being investigated, either in whole or in part, with a view to publication ; English and Dutch intermarriages, by Chas. B. Moore ; Slosson genealogy, by D. Williams Patterson ; St. Paul s Chapel, New York inscriptions ; Records of the Society of Friends of the city of New York NEW YOKK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 689 and vicinity, from 1640 to 1800, by Abraham S. Underbill ; Ancient wills, con tributed by E. B. O Callaghan ; Pedigree of Jones, from B. W. Dwight s Strong genealogy. (5O18 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. iv. 1873. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 208. Contents : Index to subjects ; James Kent, autobiographical sketch ; Groot family of Albany and Schenectady, by Jonathan Pearson ; English and Dutch intermarriages, by Charles B. Moore ; Early family history, by Martin H. Staf ford ; First stone house in Albany, by E. B. O Callaghan ; The Bowne family, of Gravesend, L. I., and Monmouth county, N. J., by J. T. Bowne ; Books and manuscripts : helps for Pennsylvania genealogists, by William John Potts ; New York marriage licenses, 1691-3, from Vol. iv of Records of Wills, Surrogate s office, N. Y. ; Records of the Society of Friends of the city of New York and vicinity, from 1640 to 1800, by Abraham S. Underbill ; Pedigree of Jones ; Marriage agreement between Dirck Janse Woertman and Annetie Aukes, 1691 ; Proceedings of the Society ; Notes and queries ; Biography and reminiscences of Selah B. Strong, by Charles B. Moore ; The American family of Woodhull, Second collection, compiled by Anna M. Woodhull, arranged by H. R. Stiles ; Anniversary address by Charles B. Moore ; The Cuyler records, by Edward F. De Lancey ; The will of " Johannes Cuyler " of Albany ; The family registers of his son " Cornelius Cuyler " and his grandson " Philip Cuyler " and other family memoranda. Notes for a memoir of James Kent, formerly Chancellor of the state of New York, by John J. Latting ; Records of the First Presby terian Church of the city of New York Baptisms ; Obituaries ; Memoir of thz Rev. Dr. Harry Munro, the last rector of St. Peter s Church, Albany, under the English Crown, by Edward F. De Lancey ; The descendants of Rev. Benjamin Woolsey, of Dosoris (Glen Cove), L. I., by Benjamin W. Dwight ; Notes, bio graphical and genealogical, of the Golden family, and of some of its collateral branches in America, by Edwin R. Purple ; Genealogy of the first printer in the middle colonies of British. America, William Bradford, by Samuel S. Purple; Long Island (N. Y.) families in Chester co., Penna., by George Cope; Marriage records, Gravesend, L. L, 1664-1702; Index to names. (5O19 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. v. 1874. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 204. Portrait. Contents : Index to subjects ; Biographical sketches old New York families, by E. B. O Callaghan : Lancaster Syines, Myndert Schuyler, John Barbarie, Thomas Noell. The descendants of Frederick Augustus, Baron De Zeng, by Philip Mark De Zeng ; The descendants of the Rev. Benjamin Woolsey, of Dosoris, L. L, by Benjamin W. Dwight ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York Book of baptisms, or register of the children and adult persons who were baptized in this church of New Yorke since the 25 Sept., 16o9. Yol. i. Records of the First Presbyterian Church of the city of New York Births and baptisms, 17591764 ; Records of the Society of Friends of the city of New York and vicinity, from 1640 to 1800 ; Notes on books ; Announcements ; Notes and queries ; Proceedings ; Heraldry and Genealogy, by Beverley R. Betts. The Schuyler family, by Joel Munsell ; Original family records of Loockermans, Bayard, Van Cortlandt, Van Rensselaer, and Schuyler, by Ed ward F. De Lancey ; Bibliography of the United States relating to military collective biography, by R. S. Guernsey ; Genealogical and biographical sketch of the late James W. Gerard, by James W. Gerard, jr. ; Colonel Philip Van Cort landt and the New York continentals, by Helen L. Beck Parmelee ; The Rev. Thomas DeWitt a biographical and genealogical sketch, by Charles B. Moore ; Original family records, Van Cortlandt, of Lower Yonkers, N. Y., and Jami son and Johnston, of New York and New Jersey, by Edward F. De Lancey ; New York marriage licenses, 1686-88 ; Inscriptions relating chiefly to New York families in the south, by William John Potts ; Brig. Gen. Oliver De Lan cey and his death and burial a correction, by Edward F. De Lancey. Index to names. (5O2O XEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. vi. 1875. New York. 8vo, pp. 206, iv. Contents : Biographical and genealogical sketch of David Prevoost, of New Amsterdam, and some of his descendants, by Edwin R. Purple ; Last additions H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 44 690 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. to the history of the Woolsey family, by Benjamin W. Dwight. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York marriages, 1639-1675 ; bap tisms, 1658-64 ; Records of the First Presbyterian Church of the city of New York, 1764-6. Notes on books; Notes and queries; Obituaries; Rev.. John Jones, first minister of Fail-field, Conn., 1644-1664, by John J. Latting ; Brief notes of the early history of the Dewey family in America, by Benjamin W. Dwight ; Original family records, Cruger, by Edward F. De Lancey ; Records of the Society of Friends of the city of New York and vicinity, by Abraham S. Underbill ; Inscriptions from the churchyard in Orient, Suffolk County, Long Island, N. Y., communicated by Rufus King ; Lieut. Colonel Samuel Ward, of the Revolutionary War, by John Ward ; The life and character of Henry Eglinton Montgomery, by James E. Montgomery ; Original family records Onderdonk, by Edward F. De Lancey ; The Fields of Flushing, by Osgood Field; Index to names; Index to subjects. (5O21 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. MI. 1876. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 187. Contents : John Ledyard, the traveller, a biographical sketch, by Charles B. Moore ; The family of Ledyard, descendants of John Ledyard, in two genera tions, by John A. Stevens ; Hartford and Groton tombstones illustrative of genealogical sketch of family of Ledyard, by John A. Stevens ; Original family records, Morris of Morrisania, Westchester co., New York, by Edward F. De Lancey ; Inscriptions from tombstones in the parish churchyard at Jamaica, L. I., by Beverley R. Betts ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1664-1671 ; marriages, 1676-85 ; Records of the first Presbyterian Church of the city of New York births and baptisms, 1766-9; Records of the Society of Friends of the city of New York and vicinity deaths ; Notes and queries ; Obituaries ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York, by E. R. Purple : Stille, Woertendyk, Somerendyk, Van Shaick, Siecken, Dey, Dye, Brevoort, Grevenraet, De Riemer, Zyperus. Dela- field, and Ilallett families, by Maturin L. Delafield ; Biographical sketch of Capt. Bryan Newton, the military officer of Peter Stuyvesant, by Charles B. Moore ; Original family records Jay, by Edward F. DeLancey ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York : Wouterszen-Breestede, Adriaen Pieterszen Van Alcmaer, Santvoort, Eckerson, Sammans, Stridles, Wan- shaer, Tymens-Van Der Veen ; Early settlers of Hackensack, N. J., by James W. Quackenbush ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York City : Leisler ; The Monfoort family, by Teunis G. Bergen ; Petition of the es tablished Church of England in New Rochelle, Westchester co., N. Y ., 1760; Account of monies due some of the inhabitants of Long Island from American prisoners of war (Revolution;, while on parole, as the same appears by their several promissory notes; Index to names. (5O22 NEW YORK, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. vm. 1877. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 188. Contents : Index to subjects ; Biographical sketch of the Rev. William Buell Sprague, by Charles B. Moore; Long Island (N. Y.) families in Chester co., Penna., by George Cope ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York, by Edwin R. Purple : Loockermans, Varick, Kip ; Records of the First Presbyterian Church of the city of New York births and baptisms, 1769- 71 ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1672-7 marriages, 1685-8 ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Harlem, N. Y. marriages, 1816-36 ; Notes and queries : Nestell family ; Services of Ger- rit H. Van Wageaen in the Revolutionary war and opinion of the Court of Chan cery upon his claims, as expressed Nov. 10, 1832 ; Notes on books ; Governor Sam uel Ward, of Rhode Island, by John Ward ; The Martense family, by T. G. Bergen ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York, by Edwin R. Purple : Kip ; Proceedings of the Society ; Obituaries ; Genealogical and bio graphical notice of John Rogers, the martyr, by Charles B. Moore ; Further additions to Dewey family history, by Benjamin W. Dwight ; Family records their importance and value, by William F. Holcombe ; The genealogy of the Rogers family, by Charles B. Moore ; Original records of the Schuyler family; Records of Rahway and Plainfield [N. J.] monthly meeting of Friends (formerly held at Amboy and Woodbridge), from 1687-1825, by Hugh D. Vaile; Westchester co., N. Y., marriage records, by Charles W. Baird. (5O23 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 691 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. ix. 1878. New York. 8vo, pp. 4, 196. Contents : Index to subjects ; Biographical sketch of the Rev. Robert Bolton, by Beverley R. Betts ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York, by Edwin R. Purple : Meyer, Myer, Myers, Meir ; Records of tho First Presbyterian Church of the city of New York- births and baptisms, 1771 3 ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1697-81 ; Records of Railway and Plainfield [N. J.] monthly meeting of Friends (formerly held at Amboy and Woodbridge) from 1687 to 1825; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York Church members list since the year 1649 ; Notes and queries ; Notes on books ; Biographical sketch of Francis Harrison, by E. B. O Callaghan ; Ancient families of New York, by Edwin R. Purple : Van Dyck, Varleth, Varlet, Yarleet, Verlet, Verleth ; The Yredenburgh family, by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; Contributions to the history of the Stagg family, by Wm. Nichol Puffer ; Proceedings of the Society ; Obitu aries ; Life and its record in this generation, by Samuel Osgood ; Contributions to the history of the early settlers of Kings county, N. Y., by T. G. Bergen Adam Brouwer ; The Holland family of New Y T ork, by Isaac J. Greenwood ; The Veghte family, by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; Records of St. George s Church, Hempstead, L. I. baptisms, 1725-36, by Benjamin D. Hicks ; Notes concerning Henry Brockholst, 1711-1806, by Wm. Nelson. (5O24 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. x. 1879. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 193. Contents : The early history of Ilempstead, L. I., by Charles B. Moore ; Records of St. George s Church, Hempstead baptisms, 1737-59 ; Records of Rahway and Plainfield [N. J.], monthly meeting of Friends (formerly held at Amboy and Woodbridge) ^births, communicated by Hugh D. Vail ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1682-88 ; Smith family of New York, by Thomas H. Montgomery ; Contributions to the history of the ancient families of New York, by Edwin R. Purple : Varleth, Varlet, Var- leet, Verlet, Verleth ; Records of the First Presbyterian Church of the city of New York births and baptisms, 1773-5; Notes and queries; Notes on books: Evert A. Duyckinck a memorial sketch (with portrait), by William Allen Butler ; Shipwrights, fishermen, passengers from England, by Charles B. Moore ; Contributions to the history of the early settlers of Kings county, N. Y .- Me morials of Francoys D Bruynne, by Tennis G. Bergen ; The Van Wagenen family, by Gerrit II. Van Wagenen ; In memoriam, a biographical sketch of Edwin R. Purple, by Charles B. Moore ; Proceedings of the Society ; Contributions to the history of the early settlers of Kings co., N. Y., by Teunis G. Bergen Van Duyn family ; Genealogical fragments, by J. J. Latting Sinclair ; Obituary ; Index to names. (5O25 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. XL 1880. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 190. Contents : Index to subjects ; Sketch of the life of Rev. John Moore of New- town, by Charles B. Moore ; Genealogical fragments, by .1. J. Latting : Feake ; Abstracts of Brookhaven (L. I.) wills, on record in the surrogate s office at New Y ork, by Joseph II. Petty ; Records of the First Presbyterian Church of the city of New York births and baptisms. 1775-1783 ; Records of the Re formed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1688-91 ; Records of Rahway and Plainfield [N. J. ] monthly meetings of Friends (formerly held at Amboy and Woodbridge)- births; Records of St. George s Church, Ilempstead, L. I., baptisms, 1760-1771 ; Notes and queries ; Notes on books ; A memorial sketch of Joel Munsell, by John J. Latting ; Contributions to the history of the early settlers of Kings county, N. Y ., by Teunis G. Bergen : Duryea family ; Genealogical fragments, by John J. Latting : Feake ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York marriages, 1692-1702 ; Records of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches of the city of New York marriages, 1756 to ; Commodore Hull and the Constitution, by James Grant Wilson; Jay and Livingston pedigree, by Elizabeth Clarkson Jay ; Genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Seymour of Hartford, Ct.. 1705-1767, by Mary K. Tal- cott ; Records of St. George s Church. Ilempstead, L. L, from June 5, 1725 marriages ; Obituary ; Genealogical and biographical sketch of Capt. John Sea- 692 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. man, of Hempstead, L. I., by Charles B. Moore ; Clarkson and Rutherford pedi gree, by Elizabeth Clarkson Jay ; Contributions to the history of the early set tlers of Kings county, N. Y., by Teunis G. Bergen : The Terhune family ; Index to names. (5O26 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL, AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xn. 1881. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 211. Contents : Index to subjects ; Rev. William Adams in memoriam, by Eben- ezer I*. Rogers ; Genealogy of Rev. William Adams, as deduced from Henry Adams of Braintree, Mass., by J. .1. Latting ; The descendants of James Alex ander, by Elizabeth Clarkson Jay ; The Kip families of Kingston, Ulster Co., and Rhinebeck, Dutchess Co., N. Y., by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; Records of the first and second Presbyterian Churches of the city of New York marriages, 1756 to ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York marriages, 1702-18 ; Records of St. George s Church, Hempstead, L. I., from June 5, 1725 marriages; Abstracts of Brookhaven (L. I.) wills, on record in the surrogate s office at New York, by Joseph H. Petty ; Notes and queries. ; Notes on books ; Race in genealogy and the Chinese emigration, by Thomas J. Rush ; The Titus family in America, by Anson Titus, jr. ; Obituary ; Reminis cences of the early life of Elihu Burritt, by William II. Lee ; A brief memoir of the life and writings of Teunis G. Bergen, of New Utrecht, by Samuel S. Purple; Introductory sketch to the history of the Clinton family, by Charles B. Moore ; Index to names. (5O27 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xm. 1882. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 211. Contents : Index to subjects ; Introductory sketch of the Clinton family, of New York, by Charles B. Moore ; The Pruyn family American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn, jr. ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York marriages, 1718-26; The Kierstede families of Ulster Co., N. Y., compiled from the church records of Kingston, N. Y., by G. H. Van Wagenen ; The Provost family in America, by Evelyn Bartow ; Records of. the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1691-6 ; The last ancestral homes of the Wallabout, by William R. Mulford ; Records of the First and Sec ond Presbyterian Churches of the city of New York marriages, 1756 to ; Notes and queries ; Obituary ; Gov. William Beach Lawrence, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; The English ancestry of the Beers family, by Evelyn Bartow ; Births and marriages, Bedford, N. Y., by Charles W. Baird ; Records of St. George s Church, Hempstead, L. I., from June 5, 1727 marriages; Notes on books; Reminiscences of Lincoln and of Congress during the Rebellion, by Isaac N. Arnold ; Thomas Stevenson and his descendants, by John R. Stevenson ; Turner family in America Edward Turner and his descendants, by Frank F. Starr and John V. L. Pruyn, jr.; Sketch of the Clinton family, by Charles B. Moore; Youngs, Palgrave, Norton, and Petty ; Biographical sketch of Joseph Lemuel Chester, by John J. Latting ; Something about fish, fisheries, and fishermen in New York in the seventeenth century, by Thomas Henry Edsall ; Index to names. i .">O28 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xiv. 1883. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 192. Contents : Index to subjects ; Memoir of Henry C. Murphy, by Henry R. Stiles : Pruyn family American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn, jr. ; Records of the Reformed DuWh Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1696-1702; Records of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches of the city of New York marriages, 1756 to ; Records of St. George s Church, Hempstead, L. I., from June 5, 1725 marriages ; Notes and queries ; Revolutionary pensioners New York state ; Notes on books ; Obituary ; The Christopher Youngs family, by Charles B. Moore ; Pieter Johan Van Berckel, first minister plenipotentiary to the United States from Holland, by William Hall ; Family records : Liv ingston of Livingston Manor, Columbia county, N. Y., by John J. Latting: Abstracts of Brookhaven (L. I.) wills on record in the surrogate s office at New Y ork, by Joseph H. Petty ; Van Brugh genealogical notes, by A. D. Schenck ; A memorial sketch of David Parsons Holton, by Henry R. Stiles: A list of early immigrants to New Netherland, alphabetically arranged, with additions and corrections, from the manuscripts of the late Teunis G. Bergen, by Van Brunt Bergen, (5029 NEW YOKK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 693 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xv. 1884. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 202. Contents : Index of subjects ; James Fenimore Cooper, his ancestry and writings, by William Remsen Mulford ; Notes on the Livingston family the antiquity and origin of the surname of Livingston, by E. Brockholst Living ston ; Pruyn family American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn, Jr. ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1702-1706 ; Records of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches of the city of New York marriages, 1756 to ; A list of early immigrants to New Netherland, alphabetically arranged, with additions and corrections, from the manuscripts of Tennis G. Bergen, by Van Brunt Bergen ; Notes and queries ; Floyd epi taphs at Setauket, L. I. ; Hunt s Point cemetery, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Notes on books ; Obituary ; Deputy-Governor John Berry of New Jersey and his family, by Thomas Henry Edsall ; The Moore family of Southhold, L. I., by Charles B. Moore ; Records of St. George s Church, Hempstead, L. I., from June 5, 1725, to - , marriages ; Biography of Colonel Richard Nicolls, deputy governor of New York, etc., by Edward Holland Nicol ; Genealogical sketch of the Hart and Hooker families of New England, by Alrnira Hart Lin coln Phelps ; Copy of letters to and from .James Alexander, surveyor general of East and West Jersey, etc., 1716-1721, by Elizabeth Clarkson Jay ; Sketch of John Stevens, of Perth Amboy, of New York city, and of Hunterdon co., N. J. [ancestor of the Hoboken family of Stevens], by Richard F. Stevens; Rogers lineage, by Benjamin W. Dwight ; Willis family of Long Island, by Benjamin D. Hicks ; Obituary ; Index to names in Vol. xv ; Index to names in Vol. xiv. (5O3O NE\V YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xvi. 1885. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 195. Contents : Index of subjects ; Memoir of William Betts, by William Alfred Jones ; The ancestry of Ann Campbell, wife of John Stevens, of Perth Amboy, N. J., and of New York, by Richard F. Stevens ; Rogers lineage, by Benjamin W. Dwight; Early settlers of Ulster county, N. Y., compiled by G. II. Van Wagenen ; Elting family ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1707-11 ; Records of the First and Second Presbyte rian Churches of the city of New York marriages, 1756 to ; Fassouer, or Fassaur, family record, by Charles W. Baird ; Notes and queries ; Notes on books; Obituary; Colonel John Bayard (1738-1807) and the Bayard family of America, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Gravesend, L. L, old and new, by A. P. Stockwell ; The Crawford family of Orange county, N. Y., by Charles B. Moore ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York marriages, 1726-31; Brookhaven (L. I.) epitaphs, by William Kelby ; Record of a branch of the Beekman family in New York, New Jersey, and Illinois, by George C. Beekman ; Inscriptions from tombstones in a cemetery at Rye, Westchester^ Co., N. Y., by G. II. Van Wagenen ; Early settlers of Monmouth county, N. *J. Laurence, by Edwin Salter ; The arms of the state of New York and how they have been altered, by Beverley R. Betts ; Genealogical record of Ten Broeck family in New Jersey, by George C. Beekman ; Records of the Society of Friends of Westbury, L. L, by Benjamin D. Hicks ; Index to names. (5O31 Ni:\v YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xvn. 1886. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 288. Contents : Index to subjects ; Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, by Thomas C. Amory ; Recent discoveries in early English history of traces of the Dwight family, by Professor Theodore W. Dwight, of Columbia College Law School, by Benjamin W. Dwight ; The lordship and manor of Gardiner s Island, observations from" book and from aged persons concerning the selling of this island, et cetera, by John Lyon Gardiner ; Some descendants of Robert and Anne Drummond, of New York, by William Hall ; Genealogical history, by Von II. Schramm ; Ancient New York tombstones; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1711-1715 ; The arms and seals of New York a defence, by Henry A. Homes ; Records of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches in the city of New York births and baptisms, 1784-5; Notes and queries; Notes on books ; Obituary ; Cornelius and William H. Vanderbilt, by William H. 694 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bogart ; Address of Gen. Wilson, president of the Society ; The Rutgers family of New York, by Ernest H. Crosby ; Memorial sketch of Franklin B. Hough, by Henry R. Stiles ; Four Primes, by Edward Irenaeus Stevenson ; Pruyn family American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn, Jr.; Henry Thayer Drowne, by Henry R. Stiles; Records of the Society of Friends of Westbury, L. I., by Benjamin D. Hicks ; Biographical sketch of Gerlando Marsiglia ; Pedigree of the Elwes family, by William Hall ; The Drummonds of Prestonpans, Scotland ; John Dela- field, the Englishman, by William Hall ; The De Witt family of Ulster county, New York, by Thomas G. Evans; Brookhaven (L. I.) epitaphs, by William Kelby ; Early settlers of Ulster county, by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; Abraham and Jean Hasbrouck ; Index to names. (5O3SJ NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xviu. 1887. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 192. Contents : Index, of subjects ; Samuel Provoost, first bishop of New York, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; The De Witt family of Ulster county, N. Y., by Thomas G. Evans ; America Heraldica a review, by [Beverley R. Betts] ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1715-1720; English ancestry of the Leonard family, by O. B. Leonard ; Marriages at St. Mary Le Strand, London, from A. D. 1605, by James Greenstreet ; Baptisms in the Westbrook family, copied from the original records of the Reformed Dutch Church at Machackemech (Deer Park) Ulster county, N. Y., by W. H. Nearpass ; Notes and queries ; Notes on books ; Laws of 1683 old records and old politics, by Charles B. Moore ; President Wilson s annual address ; Mary Buckingham, by Edward Hooker ; Some remarks on the arms of Livingston of New York, by Brockholst Livingston ; Genealogical sketch of the family of Enoch Crosby, by William S. Pelletreau ; General Lucas Van Beverhoudt, by William Hall ; Good man notes, by W. Hall ; Sir William Pepperrell, by Everett P. Wheeler ; The Eigenbrodts of New York, by Beverley R. Betts ; The gravestone of Mary Willet, by Edward Hooker ; The agreement between Joseph Ormiston and James Alex ander, 1716, by Elizabeth Clarkson Jay ; George Sears Greene ; Patent to Samuel Bayard, 1697, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Obituary ; The first century of Columbia College, by W. Alfred Jones ; Notes on the descent of Sir Peter Warren and Sir William Johnson, by Charles H. Browning ; Philip Freneau, contributed and partly written by William Hall ; Records of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches in the city of New York births and baptisms, 1785-6 ; Will of James Alexander, 1745 ; Index of names. (5O33 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xix. 1888. New York. Svo, pp. iv, 193. Contents : Index of subjects ; Notes on the arms of the state of New York, by Beverley R. Betts ; The register book for the parish of Jamaica, kept by Rev. Thomas Poyer, rector from 1710 to 1732 ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1720-1724 ; Edward F. De Laucey, , second president of the Society ; The Schoonmaker family of Ulster co.. N. Y., by Thomas G. Evans ; Mary Alexander s will, 1756 ; Notes and queries ; Obit uary ; Book notices ; Some records of the Beekman family, by James R. Gibson, Jr. ; Records of the First and Second Presbyterian Churches in the city of New York births and baptisms, 1786; Henry R. Stiles, first president of the Society ; The Johnsons of New York, by William Allen Johnson ; The Ten Broeck family of Ulster Co., N. Y., by Cornelius Van Gaasbeek, Jr. ; Col. Marinus Willett ; President Wilson s annual address ; Weddings at St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, from 16X)6 to 1625, by John V. L. Pruyn ; The Gallaudets of New Rochelle, N. Y., by Horace Edwin Hayden ; Jhe Berghs of New York, by Beverley R. Betts ; A mess account kept at Valley Forge and during Genl. Sullivan s Indian expedition, from 1778 to 1780, by Tjerck Beekman, lieutenant in the Second New York Continental regimer , by James R. Gibson, Jr. : The Oliver family of New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, by Horace Edwin Hayden ; Earliest Trinity Church marriages, 1746-1748, by Edwin Salter ; The Rev. James Lyons and his church at Setauket ; Joiiet of New Jersey, by William Hall ; William Thorne and some of his descendants, by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton ; The arms of the state of New York, by George R. Howell ; Betts of Guilford, Conn. ; Index o names. (5034 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 695 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xx. 1889. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 202. Photogravure. Contents : Index of subjects ; The Oliver family, of New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania, by Horace Edwin Hayden ; Francis Marschalck Kip ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1724-1728 ; Gouverneur Morris, by Anne Cary Morris ; The Bruyn family, of Ulster county, N. Y., by Thomas G. Evans; Huguenot settlers and land owners in Monmouth^ county, New Jersey, by Edwin Salter ; Records of the First and Second Presby-* terian Churches in the city of New York births and baptisms, 1786-7 ; A por tion of a journal of Cornelia, daughter of Governor George Clinton [1787], by James R. Gibson, jr. ; Notes and queries ; Obituaries ; Book notices ; Sketch of Bishop Samuel Seabury, by William Jones Seabury ; The lineage of Alexander Hamilton, by Pierce Stevens Hamilton ; Names of streets in New York city, by William Alfred Jones ; Records of the family of Noyes, by Samuel Yictor Con stant ; Old burial grounds in Westchester Co., N. Y., by Thomas II. Edsall ; William Thome and some of his descendants, by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton ; The loan exhibition ; Early settlers of Ulster Co., N. Y., by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen The Elmendorf family ; The archives of the state of New York, by Berthold Fernow ; The Ten Broeck family, by Henry Brace ; Cornelius Henry De Lamater, by James W. Gibson, jr. ; Weddings at St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, from 1606 to 1625, by John V. L. Pruyn ; Judge Samuel Prentiss, of Vermont, a model senator and statesman, by Edmund S. F. Arnold ; John Hathoru, by A. A. Haines ; Early settlers of Ulster Co., N. Y. the Masten family, by Gerrit H. Yan Wagenen ; James Riker, by James R. Gibson, jr. ; Index of names. (5O35 NEW YOR?: GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxi. 1890. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 203. Contents : Index of subjects ; Marshall S. Bidwell, a memoir historical and biographical, by Edward F. De Lancey ; Pruyn family American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn ; Bayard epitaphs from All Saints Church, Southampton, England, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1728-1731 ; John Hart, " The Signer," by John R. Stevenson ; Tyson and Steele family records, by James Loder Raymond ; Original records of the families of Herbert and Morgan, by Mrs. De Witt C. Mather; The east in New York city; Notes and queries; Obituary; Book notices ; Historical sketch of Fishkill and its ancient church, by Francis M. Kip ; Early settlers of Ulster co., N. Y., The Heermans family, by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; The Schuremans of New Rochelle, by Richard Wynkoop ; Brookhaven (L. I.) epitaphs, by William Kelby ; Inscriptions from the Dyck- man burial ground, by Thomas H. Edsall ; The Crispell family of Ulster county, N. Y., by Thomas G. Evans ; Kingston church records ; Weddings at St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, from 1606 to 1625, by John V. L. Pruyn ; Proceedings of the Society ; An address on the life and character of Major-General John Paterson, of the Revolutionary army, and the Paterson family, to which he be longed, by William Henry Lee ; Copy of inscriptions in the graveyard at Mor gan Manor, South Amboy, New Jersey, by Mrs. De Witt Clinton Mather ; Early settlers of Ulster co. The Van Wagenen family, by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; Strang, by Richard Wynkoop ; Biographical sketch of Charles Washington Baird ; Capt. Alexander Forbes and his descendants, by Edmund Janes Cleve land ; The negro plot of 1712, by Roswell Randall Hoes ; Early settlers of Ulster co. The Vredenburgh family, by Gerrit H. Van Wagenen ; Two old New York houses, by Woolsey Rogers Hopkins ; Genealogical data gathered from Albany county and New York city records, by B. Fernow ; Two Quebec graves, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Memorial of New York loyalists, some time about 1782, by Benjamin Rand ; The De Witt family of Ulster co., by Thomas G. Evans ; Index of names. (5O3G NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxn. 1891. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 210. Contents : Augustine Herrman ; The De Witt family, of Ulster county, New York, by Thomas G. Evans ; The Dexter family ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1731-6 ; Pruyn family, American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn ; Mahlon Dickerson, of New Jersey, industrial 696 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. pioneer and old-time patriot, by Josiah C. Pumpelly ; The family of Thompson, of the county of Suffolk, New York, by Frederick Uiodati-Thompson ; "A Buck eye Cane," by Daniel Webster ; Weddings at St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, from 1616 to 16:25; Notes and queries; Obituaries; Book notices; A list of members ; General R. Montgomery and his detractors, by J. M. Le Moine ; Archibald Thomson and Jacoba Schuurman, and their descendants, by Richard Wynkoop ; The Grossman family, by J. J. Latting and W. N. Howard ; New Jersey s Revolutionary flotilla-men in New York s waters, by Philip Randall Voorhees ; The Count of Paris, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; John Jordan Latting ; Proceedings of the Society ; Extracts from the family Bible of William Du Vail ; J. J. Astor and his American ancestry, by Morgan Dix ; Extracts from the early and original records of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, of London, by Roswell Randall Hoes ; Two letters from George Washing ton Princeton, 1783, and Mount Vernon, 1786 ; Sketch of James De Peyster Ogden, by W. Abbatt ; Early settlers of Ulster county, N. Y. The Van Wagenen family ; Proceedings of the Society ; Explorations of the North American coast previous to the voyage of Henry Hudson ; Stephen Thorne, the loyalist, and his descendants, by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton ; Jasper Griffin, of South- old, N. Y., and some of his descendants, by Edmund J. Cleveland. Index of names. ( 5O37 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxm. 1892. New York. 8vo, pp. iv, 230. Contents : Index of subjects ; Judge Bayard s London diary of 1795-96, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Astor American ancestry, by Richard H. Greene ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1736-40; Zabriskie notes, by Richard Wynkoop ; The Duyckinck family, by W. C. Duyckinck ; The Domesday book, by Edward Waketield ; Weddings at St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, from 1616 to 1625, by John V. L. Pruyn ; Notes and queries ; Obituary ; Book notices ; A short sketch of the character and life of John Paul Jones, by Josiah C. Pumpelly ; A biographical sketch of Christopher Flannagan, his eldest son and grandson, by Edmund Abdy Hurry ; Early settlers of Ulster co. the Van Wagene:: family ; William Paterson, U. S. Senator, Governor of N. J., Justice U. S. Supreme Court, by William Paterson ; Pro ceedings of the Society ; Obituaries ; Major Azariah Egleston of the Revolution ary Army, by Thomas Egleston ; The Franklin family from the autobiography of Mary Robinson Hunter ; Cruger and Haseli, by Bentley D. Hasell ; The Diodati tomb in the Church of S. Giovanni, by Frederick Diodati Thompson ; Translation of an original letter from Johan De Witt to the Council of the Admiralty of Zeeland residing at Micldelburgh, 1665 ; The Gardiner family and the lordship and manor of Gardiner s Island, by David Gardiner ; Jonathan Inslee Coddington ; The Schuermans of New Jersey, by Richard Wynkoop ; Fishkill inscriptions; Index of names. (5O38 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxiv. 1893. New York. 4to, pp. iv, 209. Contents : Index of subjects ; Paulding, Irving, Halleck, Cooper, Bryant, and other New York authors, by James Grant Wilson ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1740-4 ; Fishkill inscrip tions ; Weddings at St. Mary, Whitechapel, London, 1615 to 1625 ; The Fairfax families of America ; Genealogy of the Ver Planck family, by William Gordon Ver Planck ; Notes and queries ; Proceedings of the Society ; Obituaries ; Book notices ; The Huguenot builders of New Jersey, by Josiah Collins Pumpelly ; The Crommelin family in Europe and America, by Eliza Fenno Richards; Rec ords of St. George s Church, Hempstead, L. I., from June 5, 1725 marriages, by Benjamin D. Hicks ; Brief extracts from wills, etc., of Bucks county, Penn., in the county offices at Doylestown, by William John Potts ; A return of pris oners in the Provost jail, May 11, 1778, by John Schuyler ; Long Island (N. Y.) marriages and deaths from the " Suffolk Gazette," by Rufus King, 1804-8 ; Abstracts of Brookhaven (L. I.) wills on record in the surrogate s office at New York, by Joseph H. Petty ; Antoine L Espenard, the French Huguenot, of New Rochelle, and some of his descendants, by Charles W. Darling ; Peter Alricks, of the Amsterdam colony, by George Hannah ; The Schuermaus of New York, by Richard Wynkoop ; Gerrit H. Van Wagenen, by Beverley R. Betts ; Original patent of Saghtekoos manour, or Appletree Neck Wicke, the ancient Thompsofl NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 697 estate, Islip, Long Island, granted by King William III, June 2, 1697 ; Pro ceedings of the Society ; Notes : Turner family, by J. V. L. Pruyu ; A brief memoir of Abram I)u Bois, witb pedigree, by Samuel S. Purple ; Van and Von, some facts about Dutch names which are not generally understood, by Susanna Matthes ; Genealogical notes on the Quackenbos family, by Richard Wynkoop ; In the days of 1813 letter of Marie Antoinette Nichols, of New York, to Mrs. James A. Bayard, of Washington ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in East Hampton, L. I., from 1696 to 1746, recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Hunt- ting marriages ; Index of names. (5O39 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxv. 1894. New York. 4to, pp. iv, 209. Contents : Index of subjects ; Subject-index, Vols. i-xxiv ; Hamilton Fish, by Asa Bird Gardiner ; Long Island (N. Y.) marriages and deaths from the " Suffolk Gazette ; " Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1744-8 ; Genealogical notes on the Quackenbos family, by Richard Wynkoop ; Genealogy : its aims and its utility, by Josiah Collins Pumpelly ; Dominie Laurentius Van Gasbeek aad his descendants, by Cornelius H. Van Gasbeek, jr. ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in East Hampton, L. I., from 1696 to 1746, recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Huntting bap tisms ; Proceedings ; Obituaries ; Notes and queries : Eliot ; Book notices ; De scent of Major-General Gershom Mott of New Jersey, by Kate A. Mott ; The ancestry of Grace Kaye, wife of Sir Richard Saltonstall, by A. H. Mickle Salton- stall ; Ten Brook family Bible, by Victor II. Paltsits ; The Schuermans of New York, by Richard Wynkoop ; Staten Island marriages, 1752-56, by G. R. Howell ; Provoost family, by Isaac Myer ; Biographical sketch of Charles B. Moore, by Epher Whitaker ; King s (now Columbia) College and its earliest alumni, 1758- 67, by Richard H. Greene ; Inscriptions on tombstones in private burying ground, at foot of Sixty-sixth street, East River, on the Schermerhorn place ; Sunol s statue of Columbus unveiled ; Colonel William Stevens Smith, by Marcius D. Raymond ; Evidences of the derivation of the Ruggles families of England and America from that of Ruggeley of Staffordshire, by Henry Stoddard Ruggles ; The Bermuda Islands and their connection with New York, by Joseph Outer- bridge Brown ; Vermont (Basin Harbor) graveyard inscriptions ; A letter from Col. John Bradstreet to Sir Jeffrey Amherst in 1762, by John Schuyler ; Parish register of St. Dunstan in the East, London, England, 1605-1625 marriages, by James Greenstreet ; Index of names. (5O4O XKW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxvi. 1895. New York. 4to, pp. vi, 239. Contents : Index of subjects ; Joseph Jauncey Outerbridge Brown ; King s (now Columbia) College and its earliest alumni, 1768-74, by Richard H. Greene; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1748-1752; Hauxhurst and Ruddock families, by Elliot Stone; Parish register of St. Dunstan in the East, London, England, 1605-1625 marriages, by James Greenstreet ; Edward Conyers, the American patriot : his lineal male ancestry and some of his descendants, by C. Crozat Converse ; Captain Joseph Aspin- wall, by Edward Augustus Bowen ; The English ancestry of the Herbert family, by Edith Herbert Mather ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in East Hampton, L. L, from 1696 to 1746, recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Huntting baptisms ; Proceedings of the Society ; Notes and queries ; Obituary ; Book notices ; Governor William Beach Lawrence, by Isaac Lawrence ; Roll and muster of the 8th company of foot in the first New York regiment, com manded by Col. Goose Van Shaick, Revolutionary War, with explanations ; " Die Kerke op de Millstone." Some records of the French and Indian war, by Henry H. Vail ; Some inscriptions taken from the " Old Jackson Family " grave yard at Jerusalem, Long Island ; The De Trieux (or Truax) family, by J. W. De Forest ; Thomas C. Cornell, by A. B. Cornell ; The founders of Southold, Long Island, by Epher Whitaker ; Reuben Hyde Walworth, by Ellen Hardin \Valworth; Some Columbia county (N. Y.) graveyards, by Robert Thompson Van Deusen ; Aert Willemszen and his descendants, by Robert B. Miller ; Cath arine Elizabeth Van Cortlandt, by Mary L. D. Ferris ; Memoir of Henry E. Pierrepont, by Henry R. Stiles ; The ancestry of John Hart, of Hopewell, N. J., signer of the Declaration of Independence, by Frederic W. Bailey ; Wendover family, by Robert Thompson Van Deusen ; Early marriages among the Puritans, 698 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by M. E. Dwight ; Notes on the Webb family, by Benjamin Webb ; Van Bor- sum-Hendricks, tbe first church marriage in New York, with a genealogy of the Van Borsum family, by William Gordon Ver Planck : Index of names. i ."O41 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxvii. 1896. New York. 4to, pp. vi, 252. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index of subjects ; The family of Thompson of the county of Suffolk, New York, by Frederick Diodati Thompson ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York Baptisms, 1752-6; King s (now Co lumbia) College and its earliest alumni, by Richard H. Greene; Genealogy of the family named Brasier, Brasher, Breser, Bresart, Bradejor ; Graveyard inscriptions 1. From an old cemetery at Stuyvesant, Columbia county, N. Y. 2. " Old Town Yard," Newburgh, N. Y. ; 3. Tombstone inscriptions on Graham family burying-ground at Wallkill, Ulster Co., on farm of Hampton Brown; Marriages at St. Saviour s, Southwark, 1605-1625 ; Van Borsum-IIendricks, the first church marriage in New York, with a genealogy of the Van Borsum family, by William Gordon Ver Planck ; Obituaries ; Notes and queries ; Book notices : Incidents in the early history of Berkshire county, Mass., and the Pumpelly, Pixley, Paterson, and Avery families, by J. C. Pumpelly ; Descend ants of Simon Stone, of Watertown, Massachusetts, by H. L. Merserau ; Genealogical notes of the Dunham family, New England, by Oliver B. Leonard ; Wodhull entries from the parish register of Thenford, Northamptonshire. Eng land ; Col. Benjamin Aycrigg, by C. A. Hand ; Family Bible records of Joseph Birdsall Smith, New York City, transcribed by James Loder Raymond : Gov ernor Edward Winslow : his part and place in Plymouth colony, by Win. Copley Winslow ; The Decker family Bible record, transcribed from the Dutch by M. I. Young; James Miller and his descendants, by Robert B. Miller; Jacques Caudebec, of Orange county, New York, and some of his descendants, by Holdridge Ozro Collins ; Conkling, Conckline, Conkelyne, Conklin, of East Hampton, L. I., by H. L. Merserau; Pruyn family, American branch; Notes: The wife of "Jno. Tilley, " Mayflower " passenger ; The ancestry of Marinus Willett ; Antecedents of the Welles family, by Charles Stuart Welles ; An cestry of John Drake, of Windsor, Ct., by M. E. Dwight ; The Van Houten family of Bergen, New Jersey, by Charles L. Demarest Washburn ; The Du Bois family of Ulster county, N. Y., by Holdridge Ozro Collins ; Mersereau family genealogy, by Henry L. Mersereau ; An old diary, Fort Montgomery, June 10th, 1777, Philip Du Bois Bevier s Book, contributed by Martha F. Young; Graveyard inscriptions: Index to names. (5042 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxvm. 1897. New York. 4to, pp. vi, 286. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Browns of Fordham, by Robert Brown Miller ; The Van Wart house, by M. D. Raymond ; The Van Houten family of Bergen, N. J., by Charles L. Demarest Washburn ; The Du Bois family of Ulster county, N. Y., by Hold ridge Ozro Collins ; Merserau family genealogy, by Henry Lawrence Merserau A partial record of the Landons of Southold, by Lucy Dubois Akerly ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York Baptisms, 1756-64 : Marriages at St. Saviour s, Southwark, from 1605-1625 ; Howell genealogical items, by Geo. R. Howell ; Beekman family of New Jersey, by George C. Beek man ; Tombstone inscriptions : At Christ Church, Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co. N. J. ; At Yellow Meeting House (Baptist) burial ground, near Imlaystown Monmouth County, N. J. Notes and queries ; Obituary ; Book notices ; Captaii James Clark, of Bunker Hill renown : his ancestors and descendants, by Mar\ Clarke Huntington ; The Lyon family, of Windham county, Connecticut, b} Eugene F. McPike ; The Digby new grant, by Thomas Henry Edsall ; Persons naturalized in New Jersey between 1702 and 1776, by John R. Stevenson : Rev John Bishop, of the Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies, 1640-1695, bj Nathaniel Holmes Bishop ; Record of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in Eas Hampton, L. I., from 1696 to 1746 Recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Huntting baptisms, 1720-22 ; Cossart items collected in Holland, by Edmund J. James Letter from Aaron Burr to Col. Rutgers, 1802; Martin Van Buren, with ; sketch of the Van Buren family in America, by Frank J. Conkling ; Col. Jobi Gorham s " Wast Book " and the Gorham family ; Genealogy of the Bell family 1 by John Valentine Hecker ; The Beekman or Beeckman family in New York am New Jersey, by Gansevoort Irwin Allen ; The Blauvelt family in America, b; NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 699 David Cole ; Mickle of Long Island, by A. II. Mickle Saltonstall ; The Stites family, by Edmund J. James ; The Middletons of Twickenham, co. Middlesex, Eng., and of the province of Carolina, America (from family manuscripts), by Charlotte Manigault Taylor Akerly ; The daughters of Degory Priest, by E. S. At wood ; " Fighting Parson Allen," by Mrs. II. M. Plunkett ; New York s first mayor, by Daniel II. Carpenter ; Five generations of the Ruggles lineage, by Henry Stoddard Ruggles ; Isaac Van Deusen and Van Deusen manor : an out line, by Louis Hasbrouck Sahler ; Index of names. (5O43 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxix. 1898. New York. 4to, pp. v, 283. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index of subjects ; The Lithgow family, by Ellen Dunlop Hopkins ; Genealogical items relating to the Halley and McPike families, by Eugene F. McPike ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in East Hampton, L. I., from 1696 to 1746, recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Huntting Baptisms : Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1764-73; Pioneer planters of Piscataway, N. J., during the first half century of their settlement, 16661716, by O. B. Leonard ; Inscriptions on some of the head stones of the Van Deusen family in the Van Deusen manor and Mahaiwe cemeteries, at Great Barrington, Massachusetts, by Louis Hasbrouck Sahler ; Col. John Gorham s " Wast Book," a facsimile, with notes by Frank William Sprague ; Proceedings of the Society ; Notes and queries ; Obituaries ; Book notices ; Bell family genealogy, by John Valentine Hecker ; Pruyn family American branch, by John V. L. Pruyn ; Gorham and Norton, by Anson Titus ; Memorandum of family of Lewis Morris Ashneld ; The Stites and James gene alogy, by Edmund J. James ; The Lyon family of Windham county, Connecticut, by Eugene F. McPike ; The Guest family, by Eugene F. McPike ; Genealogy of David Fail-field of Woodstock, Conn. ; Dumont and allied families, by Eugene F. McPike ; Groesbeck family list of births and baptisms recorded in book of the Dutch church, Old Schaghticoke, N. Y., 1766-1855; John Rudderow and his descendants, by Jno. R. Stevenson ; Cossart items collected in Holland, by Edmund J. James ; Proudfit genealogy, by Harriet M. Williams ; The Tuthill family of Tharston, Norfolk Co., England, and Southold, Suffolk Co., New York, from papers of W. II. Tuthill and other sources, contributed by Lucy D. Akerly ; Bill of sale of a negro slave in New Jersey in colonial days, 1771, by John R. Stevenson ; Dr. Edmund Halley s will, 1736 ; Marriages at St. Saviour s Southwalk, 1605-1625, transcribed by James Greeristreet ; A brief account of the ancestry and descendants of William Bedlow Crosby, of New York, and of Harriet Ashton Clarkson, his wife, by Ernest II. Crosby ; The Parker family of New Jersey, by James Parker ; Descendants of Richard Swan, by Harriet Swan Cadle ; Denton family ; William Webb of the Continental frigate " Trumbull "- statement of his son, Rev. Abner Webb; Index of names. (5U44 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxx. 1899. New York. 4to, pp. v, 301. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Lion Gardiner attacked by Pequot Indians near Say Brooke fort, February 22, 1637, by Frederick D. Thompson; Islip, Northamptonshire, Eng land, by Frederick D. Thompson ; A brief account of the ancestry and descend ants of William Bedlow Crosby, of New York, and of Harriet Ashton Clark- son, his wife, by Ernest H. Crosby ; Descendants of Richard Swan, by Harriet Swan Cadle ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church, in the city of New York Baptisms, 1773-89; The Fai ker family of New Jersey, by James Parker; Dumont family, by Eugene F. McPike ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in East Hampton, L. L, from 1696 to 1746 recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Huntting baptisms ; " Fighting Parson Allen," by Mrs. H. M. Plunkett ; The early generations of the Van Deusen family in America, by Louis Hasbrouck Von Sahler ; John Holt printer and postmaster, by Victor II. Paltsits ; Van Etten family of Ulster and Orange counties, N. Y., by Holdridge O. Collins ; William Greene, of Barnstable, by R. H. Greene ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Pro ceedings ; Geo. Sears Greene, by R. H. Greene ; A branch of the Beekmans, or Beeckmans, in New Jersey and Michigan, by George C. Beekman ; The Fitz- Randolphs of New Jersey contemporary with the American Revolution, by Oliver B. Leonard ; Levi Holden, an officer of Washington s life guard, by Edward F. Holden Sutton ; West Jersey settlers, by Berthold Fernow ; Early settlers of Southold, Long Island, by Rufus King ; William Denning, by Rodney Macdonough ; James Parker, printer to the King s most excellent majesty for the province Nova- 700 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Caesaria, or New Jersey, by Samuel Eugene Parker ; The family of Reichel, by George Valentine Reichel ; Philemon Dickerson and some of his race, by Theo dore M. Banta ; America* colonial governors, by J. Le Baron Willard ; Cor nelius Vanderbilt, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; The Smiths of Nassau John Smith, Rock, by Martha Bockee Flint ; Rev. James Ashton and other prominent Rhode Island baptists among the first settlers of Monmouth county, New Jersey, by Margarita Lansing Hawley ; Erving, by J. V. L. Pruyn ; Revolutionary dis charges, Onondaga, N. Y. ; Onondaga county records, by L. I). Scisco ; The Wooster family, by Holdridge O. Collins ; Index of names ; Index of subjects. (5O45 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxxi. 1900. New York. 4to, pp. v, 294. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index of subjects ; Gunning Bedford, jr., signer of the Constitu tion, by Samuel Eugene Parker ; Baxter families, genealogy and notes, by James W. T. Scott ; The " King " family in England, by George A. Morrison, jr. ; Butler s rangers, by A. H. Van Deusen ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1789-97 ; St. Peter s in the Fields, Droit-* wich ; Onondaga county records--1784-9, by L. D. Scisco ; The Wooster family, by Holdridge O. Collins ; Mary Deurcani, wife of Lion Gardiner, by Frederick^ Diodati Thompson ; Erving, Irving, by J. V. L. Pruyn ; Copy of the family record in the Bible of William Bedlow ; Hoes family baptisms from early church records of New York State and western Massachusetts, by L. Hasbrouck von Sahler ; The early generations of the Van Deusen family in America, by L. Hasbrouck von Sahler ; Notes and queries ; Obituary ; Book notices ; Proceed ings ; A brief account of the family of Richard Browne of Southold on the Island of Nassau or Long Island, N. -Y., by Lucy D. Akerly ; The King family . in England, by George A. Morrison, jr. ; Baxter families, genealogy and notes, by James W. T. Scott ; Onondaga county records, 1784-9 ; Records of the Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y. ; Records of the corporation of Zion in New Germantown in West Jersey births and baptisms, 1771-80; Inscriptions on gravestones in the Youngs family burial-grounds at Oyster Bay Cove, Long Island ; Inscriptions taken from the old cemetery at Huntington, Suffolk Co., L. I., 1701-1850 ; Samuel Burhans. jr. ; William Alfred Jones, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; The Roosa family of Ulster and Dutchess counties, N. Y., by Holdridge O. Collins; Notes on the settlement of the Boquet valley in Elizabethtown, N. Y., written by Asa Post in 1804 ; The Corey family of South ampton and Southold, Long Island, written also Core, Cory. Corry, Corrie, etc., by Lucy D. Akerly ; Old graveyard inscriptions from Columbia and Rensselaer counties, New York, by L. Hasbrouck von Sahler; Index of names. (5O46 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxxn. 1901. New York. 8vo, pp. v, 289. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index of subjects ; Samuel Smith Purple ; The Fields of Stock- bridge and New York a distinguished family of ancient and noble ancestry, by L. Hasbrouck von Sahler ; Records of Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., the first church in town with some places adjacent marriages, 1795- 1806, baptisms, 1752-1789 ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in the city of New York baptisms, 1797-1800 ; Onondaga county records-^1 789-90 ; The Corey family of Southampton and Southold, Long Island, N. Y., written also Core, Cory, Corry, Corrie, etc., by Lucy D. Akerly ; Records of the corporation of Zion in New Germantown in West Jersey births and baptisms, 1780-6; Sepulchral stones of Staten Island, by Stuart C. Wade; George Bancroft, by James Grant Wilson ; Inscriptions on gravestones, taken from the old cemetery at Huntington, Suffolk Co., L. I., 1701-1850; Bible records Underbill, Husted; The family of Dupuis, De Puy, Depew, etc., by Frank J. Conkling ; Editorial; Obituary ; Proceedings ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; William Scudder Stryker, by William Nelson; Descendants of William Chadsey, by J. Chadsey ; Records of the King family of Southold, Suffolk county, New York, by Rufus King ; The records of Philippi, now Southeast, Putnam co., N. Y., by H. Calkins, jr. ; Two distinguished members of the Sedgwick family Robert and Theodore, by L. Hasbrouck von Sahler ; Some of the descendants of David and Reliance (Hopkins) Crosby of Harwich, Mass., and Southeast, Putnam co., N. Y.. by Sarah Louise Kimball ; The public career of Robert Livingston, by Walter L Fleming ; Wiekharn-Paine, by Lucy D. Akerly ; Hawxhurst family, by Robert B. NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 701 Miller ; The church of East Philippi, by Emma J. Foster ; A contribution to a genealogy of the family of John Booth of Shelter Island. N. Y., by Lucy D. Akerly ; Index of names. (5O47 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxxm. 1902. New York. 4to, pp. v, 283. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index of subjects ; Samuel Edward Stiles ; Journal of Capt. Nathaniel Dwight, of Belchertown, Mass., during the Crown Point expedition, 1755 ; The Westfall family, by Holdridge O. Collins ; The Dwights of Stock- bridge, by L. Ilasbrouck von Sahler ; Onondaga county records 17923 ; The church of East Philippi inscriptions in Sear s burying ground, Southeast, N. Y. ; Hauxhurst family, by Robert B. Miller ; Records of the corporation of Zion in New Germantown in West Jersey births and baptisms, 1786-93 ; The Freer family of New Paltz, N. Y., by George A. Morrison, Jr. ; Public records in New Jersey concerning the Beekman family, by Geo. C. Beekman ; Marriage records of Amenia, N. Y., 1759-85, by Wm. A. Eardeley ; The Lefferts- Haughwout family, by Lefferd M. A. Haughwout ; Records from the Mapes Bible in possession of E. L. Brown, of Calverton, L. I. ; Editorial ; Obituaries ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Plan of Fort William Henry after Cap. Nath l Dwight s dimensions ; William and Dorothy King, of Salem, Mass., and three generations of their Long Island descendants, by Lucy D. Akerly ; Memoir of Clarence King, by Rufus King ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in Easthampton, L. I., from 1696 to 1746, recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Hunt- ting ; The Westfall family, by Holdridge O. Collins ; Inscriptions on grave stones : Inscriptions taken from the old cemetery at Huntington, Suffolk Co., L. I., 1701-1850, by John II. Jones ; Daniel Whitehead and some of his descendants, by C. B. Curtis ; Willett record, by Daniel II. Carpenter ; Hub- bard, Brush, Concklyne, by Alfred L. Becker ; Records of the Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., the first church in town with some places adjacent, 1776-1809 ; Ephraim Kirby, first superior court judge of what is now Alabama, by Thomas McAdory Owen ; Abraham Bininger, by John B. Pine ; The Lefferts-Haughwout family, by L. M. A. Haughwout ; Edward Ful ler and his descendants, by Homer W. Brainard ; Catalogue of the Samuel Bur- hans, Jr., collection of books, pamphlets, and manuscripts ; Reminiscences of the Very Rev. Dean Hoffman, by Francis T. Russell ; Washington s genealogical table, by Melatiah Everett Dwight ; John Fuller, of Redenhall, England, and his descendants in New England, by Francis II. Fuller ; Muster rolls of dis charged officers and disbanded soldiers and loyalists taken in the county of Annapolis between the 18th and 29th days of June, 1784 ; Some Annandale Johnstons in America, by A. W. Savary ; Index of names. (5O48 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxxiv. 1903. New York. 8vo, pp. vi, 337. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Index of subjects ; General Egbert L. Viele, by Herman Knicker bocker Viele ; Records of marriages, baptisms, and deaths in Easthampton, L. I., from 1696 to 1746, Recorded by Rev. Nathaniel Huntting ; The Freer family of New Paltz, N. Y., by George A. Morrison, Jr. ; Edward Fuller and his descendants, by Homer W. Brainard ; The de Sille family of Holland, by Cath arine T. R. Mathews ; Inscriptions on gravestones taken from the Rumson bury- ing-ground, Shrewsbury, N. J. ; Some Annandale Johnstons in America, by A. W. Savary ; Muster rolls of discharged officers and disbanded soldiers and loyalists taken in the county of Annapolis between the 18th and 29th days of June, 1784 ; Onondaga county records 1795 ; Records of the Church of Christ in Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y. ; Dr. O Callaghan s notes on Whitehead s East Jersey, contributed by L. Nelson Nichols; Dr. Edmond Halley (1656-1742) : his ancestry and descendants, by Eugene F. McPike ; Records of the Corporation of Zion in Germantown in West Jersey by Ben van D. Fisher ; West Philippi or old Gilead church, by Emma J. Foster ; Editorial ; Obituary ; Book notices ; Ileber Regi nald Bishop, by Mary C. Bishop ; The old Morris house, afterwards the Jumel manskm : its history and traditions, by Josiah Collins Pumpelly ; John Wrens- hall, Julia Dent, and Ulysses S. Grant, by Josiah II. Shinn ; Odell book-plate ; Records of Dutchess county, N. Y., families, by Alfred II. Becker ; Muster roll of disbanded officers, discharged and disbanded soldiers and loyalists mustered at Digby, the 29th day of May, 1784 ; An exact copy of the records of the Con gregational church of Greenfield, Saratoga Co., New York, by H. Calkins, Jr. ; Asa Fitch and his ancestry, by Abbie M. Fitch-Andrews ; The old white church 702 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. in Salem, N. Y., by Asa Fitch ; Notes on the origin and early history of the Dumont family, by Eugene F. McPike ; John De Witt, grand pensionary of Hol land, by William Walsh ; A list of settlers on Staten Island, by A. J. F. van Laer ; Anthony Bleecker, by Melatiah E. Dwight ; The Waring family ; South ampton [Eng.], by Oscar Fay Adams; Record from the Bible of Rufus Foster, of Southampton town, Suffolk Co., N. Y., with notes by Lucy D. Akerly ; New York gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Right to bear arms, by Henry Stoddard Ruggles ; Index to names in Vol. xxxiv. (5O49 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The New York Genea logical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxxv. 1904. New York. 8vo, pp. 336, vii. Portraits. Contents : William Earle Dodge, by Josiah C. Pumpelly ; John Hance and some of his descendants, by William White Hance ; Bible records, by Helen Reynolds; Onondaga county records, 1800-1827, by L. D. Scisco ; Records of the church of Christ, in Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y. ; The Freer family, of New Paltz, N. Y., by George Austin Morrison, Jr. ; An exact copy of the records of the Congregational church of Greenfield, Saratoga Co., New York, 1794-1814; A branch of the Van Brunt family in Monrnouth county, N. J., by George C. Beekman ; New Brunswick loyalists of the War of the American Revolution, by D. R. Jack ; The origin of the name, Storm Van Der Zee, by A. L. Becker ; David Cole, by Melatiah E. Dwight ; Edward Fuller and his descendants, by Homer W. Brainard ; Inscriptions from the old Baptist burying ground, CarmeJ, N. Y. ; Amenia, N. Y., church records, 17491785 ; Obituaries ; Van Vlierden family ; Andrew Haswell Green, by Richard Henry Greene ; Southwold, the English home of Rev. John Yonges, of Southold, Long Island, N. Y., by Lucy Dubois Akerly ; The laying of two genealogical ghosts, viz : Patience Thacher, daughter of Rev. Thomas Thacher. of Weymouth and Boston, Mass., and William Kemp, 2d, son of William Kemp, 1st, of Duxbury, Mass., by John R. Totten ; New York gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Society proceedings ; William C. Whitney, by James Grant Wilson ; Family record of Solomon Drowne, by Henry R. Drowne ; Wemple genealogy, by William Barent Wemple, Jr. ; The Hurry family, of Great Yarmouth, Eug. ; Tombstone inscrip tions in the old Lancaster cemetery, Seneca Co., N. Y., by Wm. Austin Macey ; Will of Cornelis Van Bursum, 1680 ; William Frederick Holcombe a triology of appreciation, by Henry Reed Stiles ; An unpublished letter of President Monroe, 1792 ; John Young, of Eastham, Mass., and some of his descendants, by Mrs. George Wilson Smith; A genealogical chart of 1677 [De Succa], by H. Calkins, Jr.; Index of names; Index of subjects. (5O50 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. Vol. xxxvi. 1905. New York. Svo, pp. vi, 362. Portraits. Contents : Index of subjects ; Samuel Putnam Avery, by Theodore L. De Vinne; The De Riemer family, A. D. 1640( ?)-1903, by W. E. De Rierner ; Amenia, N. Y. church records, contributed by Melatiah E. Dwight ; John Hance and some of his descendants, by William White Hance ; New York gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; New Brunswick Loyalists of the American Revolution, communicated, by D. R. Jack ; Edward Fuller and his descendants, by Homer W. Brainard ; Early Hortons of Westchester Co., New York, compiled by Edson Salisbury Jones ; Wemple genealogy, by William Barent Wemple, Jr. ; John Young, of Eastham, Mass., and some of his descendants, by Mrs. George Wilson Smith, enlarged and arranged by Homer W. Brainard ; Anne Mott, by Hopper Striker Mott ; Obituary ; Proceedings ; Book notices ; Louis Palma Di Cesnola, by George H. Story ; The Throope family and the Scrope tradition, by Winchester Fitch ; Anne Mott, by Hopper Striker Mott ; The ancestry of Garrett Clopper, by Harry Gordon Botsford ; History of the Schermerhorn family, by Walter Lispenard Suydam ; President Edward F. De Lancey, by Jas. Grant Wilson ; Records of the Reformed Dutch Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y., 1696-1721 ; Vital records from the MSS. land libers of Greenwich, Conn., contributed by Lucy D. Akerly ; Account of the Griffen family, of Flush ing, L. L, by Zeno T. Griffen ; Bible record of Johannes Lott ; The English ancestry of Richard More of the Mayflower, by Edwin A. Hill ; Who was Philip White? by William White Hance ; The King family in England, by George Av.stin Morrison, jr. ; President Thomas Griei- Evans, by Alphonso Trurnpbour Clear- water ; Capt. Israel Thomas, a Revolutionary army soldier, and some of his descendants, by Zeno Thomas Griffen ; The descendants of William and Eliza beth Mott, of Great Neck, L. L, by Edward Doubleday Harris; Tombstone NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 703 inscriptions (from cemetery at Rahway, N. J., on St. George Avenue, formerly the cemetery of the old Presbyterian Church ) , copied by George W. Thomas ; Index of names. (5O5t N T EW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The New York Genea logical and Biographical Record. Subject- -Index. Vols. i-xxiv. Com piled by Theodore M. Banta. New York [n. d.]. 4to, pp. [5]. (5O52 N EW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The olden time in New York. By a member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. I. New York society in olden time. II. Traces of American lineage. New York, 1872. 8vo, pp. 64. Illustrated. The second article first appeared in the New York Genealogical and Biograph ical Record. (5O53 SEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bradford family. Genea logical memorials of William Bradford, the printer. By Samuel S. Pur ple. New York, 1873. 4to, pp. 8. Plate. Fifty copies. From New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5O54 VEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical notes of the Golden family in America. By Edwin R. Purple. New York, 1873. 4to, pp. 24. Fifty copies. From New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5O55 S EW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences. By David Parsons Holtoii. Read before the Society May 27, 1874. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. 29 (3). No title-page. Last three pages are devoted to " Genealogical notation." (5O5O SEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Schuyler family. By Joel Munsell. [New York], 1874. 8vo, pp. 11. Illustrated. Edition, thirty copies. Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5O57 X EVV YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Genealogical notes on the Provoost family, of New York. By Edwin R. Purple. New York, 1875. 4to, pp. 32. Portrait. One hundred copies. From New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (505S NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Lieut. Col. Samuel Ward, First Rhode Island Regiment, Army of the American Revo lution ; with a genealogy of the Ward family. By John Ward. New York, 1875. 4to, pp. 20. Portrait. From the Neiv York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (54)59 VEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY Genealogical notes re lating to Lieutenant-Governor Jacob Leisler and his family connections in New York. By Edwin R. Purple. New York, 1877. 4to, pp. 24. Seventy-five copies. Reprinted, with additions, from New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (3<MiO N I:\V YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Life and its record in this general ion. An anniversary address before the Society. April 11, 1878. By Samuel Osgood. New York, 1878. 8vo, pp. (2) 17. ( 5061 704 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. A short biographical sketch of J. V. L. Pruyii. [By J. V. L. Pruyn, jr.] Reprinted from New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. xiv, No. 2. New York, 1883. NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Col. John Bayard (1738- 1807) and the Bayard family of America. Anniversary address before the Society, February 27, 1885. By J. G. Wilson. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 24. (5063 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The life of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, baronet, his English and American ancestors. By Thomas C. Amory. Boston, 1880. 8vo, pp. 141. Portrait. Reprinted from yew York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5O64 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The Rutgers family of New York. By Ernest S. Crosby. Reprinted from the yew York Gene alogical and Biographical Record, April, 1886. With portrait of Colonel Rutgers. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 14. (5O65 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Samuel Provoost, first bishop of New York. An address delivered before the Society. By J. G. Wilson. New York. 1887. Large 8vo, pp. 15. One hundred copies printed. (5O66 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Some records of the Beekinan family. By James R. Gibson, jr. [New York], 1888. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from Xeic York Genealogical and Biographical Record, April, 1888. (5067 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. Marriages from 11 De cember, 1639, to 26 August, 1801. Edited with an introduction, by Samuel S. Purple. With illustrations. New York. 1890. 4to, pp. xii, 9-351. Added title-page : Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. i. < SO08 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. Baptisms from 25 De cember, 1639, to 27 December, 1730. Edited by Thomas Grier Evans. With portrait of Samuel Smith Purple. New York, 1901. 4to, pp. 664, (3). Added title-page : Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. n. (5O69 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York. Baptisms from 1 Jan uary, 1731. to 29 December, 1800. Edited by Tobias Alexander Wright With portrait of Samuel Burhans, jr. New York, 1902. 4to. pp. 634. Added title-page : Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographies Society, Vol. in. (507( NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Biographical notice o Major Azariah Egleston of the Revolutionary Army, by Thomas Egleston New York, 1892. 4to, pp. 31. Front, (port.) 2 plates. Facsimile. Extract from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, July, 1891 (5O7: NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 705 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Presentation of Suiiol s bronze statue of Christopher Columbus, the Mall, Central Park, New York, Saturday, May 12, 1894. New York, 1894. 4to, pp. 30. Illustrated. 2 plates (incl. front.) The statue was erected by private subscriptions through the efforts of General James Grant Wilson. A committee of the New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Society had charge of the unveiling ceremonies. (5O72 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Address delivered before the Genealogical and Biographical Society of the City of New York, April 12, 1895. Edward Hawes, the emigrant, and some of his descendants. By Gilbert Ray Hawes, esq. [New York, 1895.] 4to, pp. 28. Portrait. (5O73 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. 1869-1894. Twenty-fifth anniversary of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Feb ruary 27, 1894. With by-laws and roll of members. Printed for the So ciety. New York, 1895. Large 8vo, pp. xi, 81. Portraits. Woodcuts. (5O74 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Gov. Edward Winslow : bis part and place in Plymouth colony. By William Copley Winslow. 8vo, pp. 11. Portraits. Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, July, 1806. (5075 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Reports of officers, list of members, act of incorporation, and by-laws. New York, 1898. 8vo, pp. 34. (5O7G NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. A brief memorial of the Rev. Beverley Robinson Betts, 1827-1899. By James Grant Wilson. With portrait. New York, 1900. Privately printed. 8vo, pp. 121. Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5O77 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. In memoriam. Samuel Smith Purple, M. D. [New York, 1901.] 8vo. Portrait. Reprinted from the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, January, 1901. (5078 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Gen. William Scudder Stryker. A memorial tribute. By William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., The Paterson History Club, 1901. 8vo, pp. 8. Front, (port.) Reprinted (with some additions) from the New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Record, for January, 1901. One hundred copies printed. (5O79 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY-. Officers, committees, by laws, members. New York, 1900. 12mo, pp. 56. Same. 1902. 12mo, pp. 43. (5OSO NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The journal of Captain Nathaniel Dwight, of Belchertown, Mass., during the Crown Point Expe dition, 1775. New York, 1902. Printed by Tobias A. Wright. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the New Yor.k Genealogical and Biographical Record. (5OS1 NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. The De Riemer family, A. D. 1640 (V)-1903. by W. E. De Riemer. New York, 1905. 4to, pp. 47. Incl. front, (port.) Reprinted from New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, with addi tions. (5O82 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 45 706 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New York City. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Instituted the 10th of December, 1804. New York, 1805. 8vo, pp. 15. (5O83 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address to the Public, February 12, 1805. 4 to, pp. 4. (5O84 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address to the Public, September 15, 1809. Broadside. (5O85 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse designed to commemorate the dis covery of New York by Henry Hudson ; delivered before the Society, September 4, 1809, being the completion of the second century since that event. By Samuel Miller, D. D. New York, 1810. 8vo, pp. 28. (5O86 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First celebration of the festival of St. Nicholas by the Society, December 0. 1810. Broadside. (5O87 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Anniversary discourse before the Society, December 6, 1811. By De Witt Clinton. New York, 1812. 8vo, pp. 81 (1 ). (5O88 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Yols. i-v ; second series, Yols. i-iv. New York, 1811-1859. Svo. CONTEXTS. Vol. i. Collections for 1809: Constitution; Discourse, designed to commemo rate the discovery of New York by Henry Hudson, September 4, 1809, by Samuel Miller; Diuers voyages and northerne discoueries of Henry Hvdson, 1607; A second voyage of Henry Hudson, 1608 ; The third voyage of Henry Hudson, 1609; An abstract of the journal of Henry Hudson, 1610; Documents concerning the early history of New York, from Hazard s " Historical Collections ; " Laws established by James, Duke of York, for the government of New York in 1664. New York, 1811. pp. vi, 428. (5O89 Vol. ii. Collections for 1814: Preface; Memorial to the legislature; Mem bers ; Officers ; A discourse on the benefits of civil history, before the Society, December 6, 1810, by Hugh Williamson ; A discourse before the Society at their anniversary meeting, December 6, 1811, by De Witt Clinton [on the Indians of New York] ; A discourse before the Society, December 6, 1812, by Gouver- neur Morris ["on some prominent historical facts and circumstances which distinguish our State"] ; A discourse before the Society, December 6, 1813, embracing a concise and comprehensive account of the writings which illustrate the botanical history of North and South America, by Samuel L. Mitchill ; An account of De La Salle s last expedition and discoveries in North America [on the Mississippi], by H. Tonti ; An extract of a translation of the history of New Sweed Land in America, by Thomas Companius Holm, 1703 ; Catalogue of the books, tracts, newspapers, maps, charts, views, portraits, and manu scripts in the library of the Society. New York, December 22, 1813. New York, 1814. pp. (4), xxii, (2). 23-358; (4), 139. 1 5O9O Vol. in. Collections for 1821: Members; Officers; Inaugural discourse by Gouverneur Morris, September 4, 1816 ; Anniversary discourse before the So ciety, December 7, 1818, by Gulian C. Verplanck ; A biographical memoir of Hugh Williamson, November 1, 1819, by David Hosack ; A discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes of North America, December 20, 1819, by Samuel Farmar Jarvis ; An inaugural address, second Tuesday of February, 1820, by David Hosack ; An anniversary discourse, December 28, 1820, by Henry Wheaton [on the history of the science of public or International law] ; Notes on a pamphlet entitled "A discourse before the New York Historical Society. De cember 6, 1811," by Samuel Jones; An extract from the records in the Council Chamber, relative te the dispute between the government of New Netherlands and the. I>ord Proprietary of Maryland, concerning the title, Q the Dutch to the NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 707 territories on the Delaware, 1656-1668 ; Description of some of the medals struck in relation to important events in North America, before and since the Declaration of Independence, by James Mease. 1821. pp. 404. Portrait. (5091 Vol. iv. (1826.) Continuation of Smith s History of New York. 1826. pp. (8), 308. Reprinted in 1829 as A ol. v of the Collections. (5O9S Vol. iv. (1829.) History of the late province of New York from its discovery to the appointment of Governor Colden, in 1762. By the late Hon. William Smith. Vol. I. 1829. pV xvi, 320. Pages ix-xvi contain memoir of William Smith, by his son. This is a revised edition of Smith s History as published at London, 1757. (5O93 Vol. v. New York : 1830. The history of the province of New York, from its discovery to the appointment of Governor Colden. Vol. ir. 1829. pp. (6), 308. ( 5O94 This is a reprint of Vol. iv (1826) of the Collections. The object of the reprinting of this continuation was to supply a complete edition of Smith s History, which was done by reprinting the original work as Vol. i and the con tinuation as Vol. it (iv and v of the Collections). (5O95 Second series, Vol. i. Anniversary discourse, by James Kent, December 6, 1828 [on the domestic history of the State (New York)] ; Voyage of Verazzano along the coast of North America, 1524, translated by J. G. Cogswell ; Indian tradition of the first arrival of the Dutch at Manhattan Island ; A history of the New Netherlands, by Sir N. C. Lambrechtsen, translated by F. A. Van der Kemp ; Description of the New Netherlands, by A. Van der Donck, translated by J. Johnson ; Extracts from the voyages of David Pieterzen de Vries, trans lated by G. Troost ; Extracts from the New World, or a description of the West Indies, by John de Laet, translated by G. Folsom ; Extract from the journal of the Half-Moon, Henry Hudson, master, to the coast of America in 1609, by Robert Juet ; Expedition of Capt. Samuel Argall to the French settlements in Acadia and Manhattan Island, 1613, by George Folsom ; Letter of Thomas Der- mer, describing his passage from Maine to Virginia, 1619 ; Correspondence be tween the colonies of New Netherlands and New Plymouth, 1627 ; The charter of liberties, 1629 ; A catalogue of the members of the Dutch church, with the names of the streets of New York, 1686 ; New Sweden, or the Swedish settle ments on the Delaware, by I. Acrelius ; Report of Andreas Hudde [on the Swedes on the Delaware], 1645; Governor Rising s official report concerning the invasion of the Swedish colony in Nova Svecia, by the Dutch, 1655 ; The directors-general or governors of New Netherlands, by G. Folsom ; Historical sketch of the New York Historical Society, by G. Folsom ; Officers of the So ciety, 1805-1841; Members; Index. New York, 1841. pp. 486 (1). Folded map. Portrait. Plate. (5O96 Second series, Vol. n. Officers ; Outline of the constitutional history of New York, an anniversary discourse, November 19, 1847, by Benjamin Franklin But ler ; Memoir read December 31, 1816 [on names of places in Dutch New York], by E. Benson ; Narrative of the expedition of the Marquis De Nonville against the Senecas, in 1687, translated from the French, with notes, by O. H. Marshall ; Correspondence between Lieutenant-Governor Cadwallader Colden and William Smith, jr., the historian, respecting certain alleged errors in the history of New York ; Letter from Edmund Burke, respecting the effect of the Quebec bill upon the boundary of New York ; Remarks upon the British expedition to Danbury, Conn., in 1777, by E. D. Whittlesey ; New York in 1692 ; Letter from Charles Lodwick ; The representation of New Netherland, concerning its location, pro ductiveness, and poor condition, translated from the Dutch [of A. Van der Donck] ; New Netherlands in 1627 ; Letter from I. de Rasieres, translated by J. Romeyn Brodhead ; Memoir of the early colonization of New Netherland, by John Romeyn Brodhead ; Hudson s voyage in 1609, Extract from " Verhael von de eerste Schip-vaert der Hollandische * * * door t Way-Gat by Noorden, * * * na Cathay ende China, voor Joost Hartgers," translated by J. R. Brod head ; Extract from De Laet and Aitzema, relating to New Netherland ; History of the New York Chamber of Commerce, with notices of some of its distinguished members, by Charles King ; Table of the killed and wounded in the war of 1812, compiled by William Jay ; Memoir of Theophilus Eaton, the first governor of the colony of New Haven, by Jacob Bailey Moore. 1849. pp. vi, (2), 493. (5097 Second series, Vol. in, part 1. Voyages from Holland to America, 1612-1644, by D. P. De Vries, translated by H. C. Murphy : Short sketch of the Mohawk Indians in New Netherland, etc., by J. Megapolensis, jr. ; translation revised, 708 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. with an introduction by J. R. Brodhead ; The Jogues papers, translated and ar ranged by J. G. Shea ; Extracts from Castell s Discoverie of America, 1644 ; Broad advice to the united Netherland provinces, translated from the Dutch, by H. C. Murphy ; Extract from Wagenaar s Beschryving van Amsterdam, relating to the colony of New Amstel (Newcastle), translated by J. R. Brodhead; The seven articles from the church of Leyden, 1(317, communicated by George Ban croft ; Journal of an embassy from Canada to the united colonies of New Eng land, in 1650, by Father Gabriel Druillettes, translated by J. G. Shea ; Proceed ings of the first assembly of Virginia, 1619, communicated, with an introductory note, by George Bancroft. 1857. pp. iv (4), 358 (1). The second part of this volume, which was to have contained " The Duke of York s charters of liberties and privileges to the inhabitants of New York, anno 1683," was never published. (5O98 Second series, Vol. iv. Catalogue of the Library of the Society. 1859. 8vo, pp. viii, 653. (5O99 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse before the Society at their anniver sary meeting, December 6, 1812. By Gouverneur Morris. New York, 1813. Svo, pp. 40. (5100 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the books, tracts, newspapers, maps, charts, views, portraits, and manuscripts in the library. New York, 1813. Svo, pp. (2) , 2, 9-139. (5101 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of the Society to the legislature of New York. New York, 1814. Svo, pp. 11. (5ioa NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A catalogue of the resident and honorary mem bers of the Society. New York, 1814. Svo, pp. 12 (2). (5103 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inaugural discourse before the Society, by Gou verneur Morris, September 4. .1810 ; the two hundred and sixth anniversary of the discovery of New York by Hudson. New York, 181(5. 8vo, pp. 24. (5104 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1816. By Egbert Benson. Jamaica, 1810. 12mo. pp. 72. ( 5105 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir read before the Society, December 31, 1810. By Egbert Benson. New York, 1817. Svo, pp. 72. On names of places in New Netherlands. Same. Second edition, with notes. Jamaica, 1825. 12mo, pp. 127. (5106 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir read before the Historical Society of the State of New York, December 31, 1810. By Egbert Benson. Reprinted from a copy with the author s last corrections. New York, 1848. Svo, pp. 72. (5 107 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of the Mineralogical Committee, March 11. 1817. 4to, pp. 2. (5108 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular. American zoology and geology. New York, March 11, 1817. 4to, PP. 2. ( 5109 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report on botany and vegetable physiology read at a meeting of the Society, April 8, 1817. Broadside. (5110 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of Committee on Botany, April 8, 1817. 4to sheet, one page. (5111 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 709 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Directions to be observed in collecting and preserving plants, April 8, 1817. Broadside. (5112 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter of the Committee for collect ing manuscripts and scarce books. New York, March, 1817. 4to sheet, one page. (5113 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An anniversary discourse before the Society, December 7, 1818. By Gulian C. Verplanck. New York, 1818. 8vo, pp. (2), 121. (5114 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of the introduction and use of Scutellaria Lateriflora (Scullcap) as a remedy for preventing and curing hydrophobia, occasioned by the bite of rabid animals ; with cases. By Lynian Spalding, M. D. Read before the Society, September 14, 1819. New York, 1819. 8vo, pp. 30. (5115 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A biographical memoir of Hugh Williamson. Delivered on the 1st of November, 1819, at the request of the Society. By David Hosack. New York, 1820. 8vo, pp. 91. Same. New York, 1821. 8vo, pp. 78. (5116 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse on the religion of the Indian tribes of North America. Delivered before the New York Historical Society, December 20, 1819. By Samuel Farmer Jarvis. New York, 1820. 8vo, pp. Ill, including tab. Includes a comparison of the etymology of the Onondaga, Mohawk, and Lenape or Delaware languages with that of the Hebrew : pp. 71-88. (5117 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inaugural address before the Society, February 2, 1820. By D. Hosack. New York, 1820. 8vo. pp. 14. (5118 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proces verbal of the ceremony of installation of president [David Hosack] of the Society as it will be performed Febru ary 8, 1820. [By G. C. Verplanck.] New York, 1820. 8vo, pp. 18. Evidently a burlesque. Reprinted 1804. pp. 1H (2). Thirty-five copies. (5119 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An anniversary discourse before the New York Historical Society, December 7, 1818. By Gulian C. Verplanck. New York, 1821. 8vo, pp. 100. (5120 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An anniversary discourse before the Society, December 28, 1820. By Plenry Wheaton. New York, 1821. 8vo, pp. 49. (5121 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A biographical memoir of Samuel Bard, M. D., LL. D. With a critique upon his writings. Read before the Society, August 14, 1821. By Henry William Ducachet, M. D. 8vo, pp. 27. From the 4th volume of the American Recorder, October, 1821. Phila delphia. (5122 NE\V YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Anniversary discourse before the Society, December 6, 1823, by W. Sampson, showing the origin, progress, antiqui ties, curiosities, and nature of the common law. New York, 1824. 8vo, pp. 68. ^5123 710 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir read before the Society, December 31, 1816. By Egbert Benson. Second edition, with notes. Jamaica, 1825. 12mo, pp. 127. Same. Reprinted from a copy, with the author s last corrections. New York, 1848. 8vo, pp. 72. (5124 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial to the legislature of the State of New York. List of officers and members. New York, 1827. 8vo, pp. 32. (5125 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An anniversary discourse before the Society, December 13, 1827. By Joseph Blunt. New York, 1828. 8vo, pp. 52. (512O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An anniversary discourse before the Society. December 0. 1828. By James Kent. New York, 1829. 8vo, pp. 40. (5127 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular addressed to the members by the Treasurer, October, 1828. 4to sheet, one page. (5128 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. New York, 1829. 8vo, pp. 15. (5120 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The origin and nature of the representative institutions of the United States; an anniversary discourse, before the Society, on the 19th of April, 1832. By William Beach Lawrence. New York, 1832. 8vo, pp. 44. (513O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue, with history of the Society. New York, 1838. (5131 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The battle of Long-Island : a lecture, delivered before the New York Historical Society, February 7, 1839. By Samuel Ward, jr. New- York, 1839. 8vo, pp. 22. Fold. map. (5132 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. New York, 1839. 8vo, pp. 23. (5133 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society, 1839. [By Joseph Blunt! (In his speeches, reviews, reports, etc. pp. 151-195. New York, 1843.) (5134 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The jubilee of the Constitution. A discourse delivered at the request of the Society on the 30th of April, 1839, being the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, the 30th of April, 1789. By John Quincy Adams. New York, 1839. 8vo, pp. 136. Tlate. (5135 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lecture on the life and military services of Gen. James Clinton. Read before the Society February, 1839. By William W. Campbell. New York, 1839. 8vo, pp. 23. (513fi NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of officers. 1839. (5137 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of books, manuscripts, maps, etc., added to the library since January 10, 1839. New York, 1840. 8vo, pp. 32. (5138 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The infancy of the Union." A discourse de livered before the Society December 19, 1839. By William B. Reed. Phila delphia, 1840. 8vo, pp. 50, (2). (5139 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 711 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A description of New Netherlands (as the same are at the present time) ; comprehending the fruitfulness and natural advantages of the country and the desirable opportunities which it presents, within itself and from abroad, for the subsistence of man ; which are not surpassed elsewhere. * * * With a dialogue between a Netherland patriot and a New Netherlander on the advantages of the country. Writ ten by Adrian Van cler Donck. [Translated by J. Johnson.] The second edition, with a map of the country. At Amsterdam, published by Evert Nieuwenhof, bookseller, A. D. 1650. New York. Reprinted, 1841. From the Collections, No. 2. (514O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inaugural address of the Hon. Albert Gallatin on taking the chair as president of the Society, February 7, 1843. New York, 1843. 8vo, pp. 21, (1). (5141 Ni:w YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memoir on the Northeastern boundary, in connection with Mr. Jay s map, by Albert Gallatin; together with a speech on the same subject, by Daniel Webster, delivered at a special meeting of the Society, April 15, 1843. Illustrated by a copy of the " Jay map." New York, 1843. 8vo, pp. (2), 74. (5142 Xi:w YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. New York, 1844. 8vo, pp. 33. (5143 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address before the Society at its fortieth anniversary, November 20, 1844, by John Romeyn Brodhead. With an account of the subsequent proceedings at the dinner. New York, 1844. 8vo, pp. 107. (5144 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1843-1849. New York, 1844-1849. 8vo. Seven volumes. CONTENTS. 1843. Notice of a military journal of the French and Indian war, by H. R. Schoolcraft ; The progress of ethnology, by J. R. Bartlett ; Paper on the " dis tinctive character of the people of New York," by C. F. Hoffman ; Proceedings on the decease of Colonel Trumbull. 1844. pp. 154. (5145 1844. New Netherland, by [Thomas] De Witt: Ancient Indian stocks of North America, east of the Mississippi, by II. R. Schoolcraft; Some passages in the life of Governor Tompkins, by John W. Edmonds; The romance of Ameri can history (poem), by T. Ward. 1845. pp. 213. (5146 1845. Sketches of biographical writers and their works of the State of New York, by William L. Stone ; The Indian names of Long Island, by B. F. Thomp son ; Historical considerations on the siege and defence of Fort Stanwix, in 1776, by II. R. Schoolcraft ; The direct agency of the English Government in the employment of the Indians in the Revolutionary war, by W. W. Campbell ; Memoir of Samuel Osgood, by Osgood Field ; Observations respecting the two ancient maps*of New Netherland, found in the royal archives at the Hague in 1841, by J. R. Brodhead. New York, 184G. pp. 220. (5147 1846. Memoir of the French and Indian expedition against New York, which surprised and burned Schenectady, February 9, 1689-00, by M. Van Rensselaer ; Notices of some antique earthen vessels found in the low tumuli of Florida [etc.], by II. R. Schoolcraft; Observations to show that the Grand Turk Island, and not San Salvador, was the first spot on which Columbus landed in the New World, by George Gibbs ; The progress of geography and ethnology, by J. R. Bartlett. 1847. pp. 214. Two plates. (514S 1847. History of the Federal seat of government, by J. B. Varnum ; " Defeat of General St. Clair in 1791," by C. R. Gilman ; "Early European colonies on the Delaware," by J. W. Beekman ; " The battle of Ticonderoga, 1758," by B. F. Thompson ; Jesuit relations and discoveries, and other occurrences in Canada and the northern and western States, 1632-1672, by E. B. O Callaghan. 1847 .PP. (8), 174. (514 9 712 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 1848. " On the sources of some of the early settlements in the State of New York," by [Thomas] De Witt ; " On proposed amendments to the Constitution of the United States, with original unpublished letters from distinguished states men," by J. H. Raymond ; Translation of a letter of I. de Rasiere, in 1627, giv ing an account of New Netherland ; Notes from " Wassenaer s Historische Ver- hael " on New Netherlands ; Fenelon among the Iroquois," by Robert Green- how. (.Greenhow s paper was issued as a supplement.) 1849. pp. viii, 5-209. (5150 1849. Report upon the aboriginal monuments of western New York, by E. G. Squier ; Notes for a memoir of Peter Minuit, by G. H. Moore ; Champlain in the Onondaga Valley, by O. II. Marshall ; The ancient architecture of America, by R. C. Long; Our Dutch progenitors, by .1. W. Knevels ; History of religious mis sions, by .1. W. Reekinan ; Reminiscences of Albert Gallatin, by J. R. Bartlett. 1849. pp. 298. Plates. Beginning with 1847 the Proceedings were issued quarterly, in paper covers under the editorship of G. II. Moore. (5151 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Debate in the Society on " Columbia " as the new name of this country, instead of "America," May 15, 1845. New York, 1845. Svo. (5152 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the aboriginal names and geograph ical terminology of the State of New York. Part 1. Valley of the Hudsoii. Made to the Society, by the committee appointed to prepare a map, etc.. and read at the stated meeting of the Society, February, 1844. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Published from the Society s Proceedings for 1844. New York, 1845. Svo, pp. 43. The imprint reads in some copies " Printed for the Society ; in others " Printed for the Author." (5153 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the committee of the Society on a national name, March 31, 1845. [New York, 1845.] Svo, pp. 8. No title-page. (5154 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Revised March, 1840. New York, 1846. Svo, pp. 47. (5155 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Society, at its forty-first anniversary, November 20, 1845. By Alexander W. Bradford. New York, 1840. 8vo, pp. 31. (5156 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical considerations on the siege and defense of Fort Stanwix in 1777. Read before the Society, June 19, 1845. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. New York, 1840. Svo, pp. 29. (5157 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Incentives to the study of the ancient period of American history. An address delivered before the Society, at its forty- second anniversary, November 17, 1840. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. N>\v York, 1847. Svo, pp. 38. (5158 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jesuit Relations of discoveries and other oc currences in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union. 1632-1072. By E. B. O Callaghan. From the Proceedings of the Society, November, 1847. New York, 1847. Svo, pp. 22. (5159 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notices of some antique earthen vessels, found in the low tumuli of Florida and in the caves and burial places of the In dian tribes north of those latitudes. Read at the monthly meeting of the NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 713 New York Historical Society, June, 184G, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. New York, 1847. 8vo, pp. 15. Plates. (516O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The progress of ethnology ; an account of recent archaeological, philological, and geographical researches in various parts of the globe, tending to elucidate the physical history of man. By J. R. Bartlett. New York, 1847. 8vo, pp. 151. " The substance of this memoir was read before the New York Historical So ciety, and a portion before the American Ethnological Society." (5161 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Anniversary discourse, November 19, 1847. By Benjamin Franklin Butler. Outline of the constitutional history of New York. New York, 1848. 8vo, pp. 11-75. (5162 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the Executive Committee for the year 1847. New York, 1848. 8vo, pp. 15. (5163 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of Committee for procuring funds for the erection of a building, October 30, 1848. 4to, pp. 3. (5164 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical and mythological traditions of the Algonquins, with a translation of the " Walum-Olum," or bark record of the Linni-Lenape. Read before the Society June 5, 1848. 8vo, pp. 23. In American Review, February, 1849. (5165 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir read before the Society December 31, 1816. By E. Benson. Reprinted from a copy with the author s last correc tions. New York, 1848. 8vo, pp. 72. The first edition was published in 1816 (reprinted 1817), and a second edition in 1825. (5166 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Narrative of the expedition of the Marquis de Nonville against the Senecas in 1687. Translated from the French, with an introductory notice and notes, by Orsamus H. Marshall. New York, 1848. 8vo, pp. 48. Two maps. Reprinted from Collections. (5167 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The ancient architecture of America. Dis course before the Society April 3, 1849. By R. Gary Long. New York, 1849. 8vo, pp. 37. Nine plates. (5168 XKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the New York Chamber of Com merce, with notices of some of its most distinguished members. An anni versary discourse delivered before the Society November 21, 1848. By Charles King. New York, 1849. 8vo, pp. GO. (5169 XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. By-laws of the committee or trustees of the building fund, 1850. New York, 1850. 8vo, pp. 8. (517O XKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Antiquities of the State of New York. Illus trated by 14 quarto plates and 80 engravings on wood. By E. G. Squier. Buffalo, 1851. 8vo, pp. 343. " The investigations, the results of which are embodied in the following pages, were undertaken in the autumn of 1848 under the joint auspices of the His torical Society of New York and the Smithsonian Institution. They were orig inally published in the second volume of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge." (Preface.) (5171 714 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter to the trustees of the building fund of the Society. New York, 1851. 8vo, pp. 21. (5172 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society, Feb ruary 23, 1852, by Daniel Webster. New York, 1852. 8vo, pp. 57. (5173 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. English colonization in America. A vindica tion of the claims of Sir Ferdinando Gorges as the father of English colo nization in America. By J. A. Poor. Delivered before the historical socie ties of Maine and New York. New York, 1852. 8vo, pp. 144. (5174 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Mecklenburg declaration of ^dependence. A lecture by Francis L. Hawks, delivered before the Society, at Metro politan Hall, December 16, 1852. Woodcut. Folded plate of facsimiles. In Revolutionary History of North Carolina, pp. 43-98. Raleigh, 1853. Compiled by W. D. Cooke. (5175 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society, by Edward Ever ett ; with an introduction by J. R. Ingersoll. London, 1853. 8vo, pp. 40. Sketch of the history of the discovery and colonization of America, and of immigration to the United States. (5176 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. British invasion of North Carolina, in 1780 and 1781. A lecture by William A. Graham, delivered before the Society, in January, 1853. Woodcut. In Revolutionary History of North Carolina. Compiled by W. D. Cooke. pp. 147-209. Raleigh, 1853. (5177 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Second edition, with amendments. New York, 1853. 8vo, pp. 22. (5178 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The City of New York : Its growth, destinies, and duties. A lecture delivered before the Society, January 6, 1853. By John A. Dix. New York, 1853. 8vo, pp. 23. (5179 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cotton. A paper on the growth, trade, and manufacture of cotton. Read before the Society, March 2, 1852. By J. G. Dudley. New York, 1853. Svo, pp. 96. (5180 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The discovery and colonization of America, and immigration to the United States. A lecture delivered before the So ciety, on the 1st of June, 1853, by Edward Everett. Boston, 1853. 8vo, pp. 32. (5181 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society, October, 1853. Ruins of Tenampua, Honduras, Central America. [Letter from E. G. Squier, communicated by Prof. W. W. Turner, of Washington.] [New York, 1853.] 12mo, pp. 8. (5182 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter. September 12, 1854. New York, 1854. 4to sheet, one page. (5183 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The necessity, the reality, and the promise of the progress of the human race. Oration before the Society, November 20. 1854, by George Bancroft. New York, 1854. Svo, pp. 5-37. (5184 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 715 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Semicentennial celebration. Fiftieth anni versary of the founding of the Society, November 20, 1854. New York, 1854. 8vo, pp. 96. (5185 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The seven articles from the Church of Leyclen, 1617. With an introductory letter by G. Bancroft. [New York, 1856.] 8vo, pp. 10. From the Collections of the Society, second series, Vol. in. (5186 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Narrative of a captivity among the Mohawk Indians, a description of New Netherland in 1642 13, and other papers. By Isaac Jogues. With a memoir of the author by J. G. Shea. New York, 1856. 8vo, pp. 69. Same, New York, 1857. 8vo. pp. 69. "Reprinted from the Collections of the Society. (5187 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A paper on the history and prospects of inter- oceanic communication by the American isthmus. Read by Lieut. I. C. [G.] Strain before the Society, June 17, 1856. New York, 1856. 8vo, pp. 27. (5188 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dutch at the north pole and the Dutch in Maine. A paper read before the Society March 3, 1857. By J. Watts De Peyster. New York, 1857. Svo, pp. 80. (5189 \EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter, January, 1857. [Erection of building.] 4to sheet, one page. (519O XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New York during the last half century ; a discourse in commemoration of the fifty-third anniversary of the Society and of the dedication of their new edifce (November 17, 1857.) By John W. Francis. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 232. (5191 \EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society at the dedication of the library, November 3, 1857. New York, 1857. 8vo, pp. 27. (5192 VEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Washington chair, presented to the Society by Benjamin Robert Winthrop, 1857. New York. [1857]. 8vo, pp. 10. Woodcut. (5193 XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Old New York ; or, reminiscences of the past sixty years. Being an enlarged and revised edition of the anniversary dis course delivered before the Society (November 17, 1857). By John W. Francis. New York, 1858. 8vo, pp. 384. (5194 N T EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proofs considered of the early settlement of Acadie by the Dutch, being an appendix to The Dutch in Maine. [By John Watts De Peyster.] [New York, 1858.] 8vo, pp. 19. (5195 VEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of printed books in the library of the New York Historical Society. New York, 1859. 8vo, pp. viii, 653. This was intended to form Vol. iv of the second series of the Collections. (5196 N EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Henry Cruger, the colleague of Edmund Burke in the British Parliament. A paper read before the Society January 4, 1859. By Henry C. Van Schaack. New York, 1859. Svo, pp. 67. (5197 716 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society on the announce ment of the death of W. H. Prescott, February, 1859. [New York, 1859.] 8vo, pp. (2), 16. (5198 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. - The Sons of Liberty in New York. A papei read before the Society May 3, 1859. By Henry B. Dawson. [New York,] 1859. 8vo, pp. 118. (5198 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of Committee on purchase of tht Egyptian Museum, May 14, 1859. 12mo, pp. 2. (520 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the life, character, and genius ol Washington Irving. Delivered before the Society on the 3d of April, 1860 By W. C. Bryant. New York, 1860. 8vo, pp. 46. (5201 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Mr. Lee s plan March 29, 1777." The trea son of Charles Lee, major-general, second in command in the Americar Army of the Revolution. By George H. Moore. Read before the Society June 22, 1858. New York, 1860. 8vo, pp. xii, 115, (1). Two portraits. Two folded sheets. (520S NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular. Purchase of the Egyptian collection January 24, 1860. Single sheet, one page. (52<K MEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the committee on the fin* arts, January, 1862. [New York, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 8. (520 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art o the Society. New York, 1862. 8vo, pp. 72, 39. (520,- NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter and by-laws. Revised January, 1858 with a list of members. New York, 1862. 8vo, pp. 73, (1). (520 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Declaration of independence by the colony o Massachusetts Bay, May 1, 1776. [Morrisania, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 12. Title on cover. Consists of " Letter from H. B. Dawson," with certified copy of the act o May 1, 1776. (320 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse on the life, character, and policy o Count Cavour, delivered in the hall of the Society, February 20, 1862. B; Yincenzo Botta. New York, 1862. 8vo, pp. 108. (520 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mr. Bancroft s letter on the exchange of pri^ oners during the American war of independence. February 14, 1862. [Ne\ York, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 7, (4). (520 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY . The New York negro plot of 1741. A pape read before the Society May 6, 1862. By John Gilmary Shea. In Manual of the Corporation of the City of Neiv York, 1870, pp. 764-771. (521 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Old New York. Read before the Societ February 4, 1862, by Benjamin Robert Winthrop. New York, 1862. 8vo, pp. 6. In Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York, 1862, pp. 686-694. (521 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 717 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sulla vita, natura e politica del Conte di Cavour, diseorso di Vincenzo Botta nella Sala della Societa storica di Nuova-York il 20 febbraio 1862. Versione dall inglese [di Stanislao Gatti]. Napoli, 1862. 8vo, pp. 98. (5212 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Treachery in Texas, the secession of Texas, and the arrest of the United States officers and soldiers serving in Texas. Read before the Society, June 25, 1861. By J. T. Sprague. New York, 18G2. 8vo, pp. 109-142. (5213 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address delivered at the celebration by the Society, May 20, 1863, of the two hundredth anniversary of the birthday of William Bradford, who introduced the art of printing into the middle col onies of British America, by John William Wallace. Published, with an introductory note, in pursuance of a resolution of the Society. Albany, 1863. 8vo, pp- 11-4- (5214 XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The assault on Stony Point by Gen. Anthony Wayne, July 10. 1770. Prepared for the Society and read April 1, 1862. With ma]), facsimiles, and illustrative notes. By II. B. Dawson. Mor- risania, 1863. Large 8vo, pp. viii, 156. (5215 VKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of committee on purchase of Audu- bon s original drawings of " The Birds of America." April 14, 1863. Single sheet. (5216 \ EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life, writings, and character of Edward Robinson, D. D. Read before the Society, February 3 and March 24, 1863. By Henry B. Smith and Roswell D. Hitchcock. New York, 1863. 12mo, pp. 100. (5217 SEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the Indian tribes of British North America and the northwest coast. Communicated to Geo. Gibbs, by Alex. C. Anderson, and read before the New York Historical Society, November, 1862. [New York. 1863.] 8vo, pp. [73] -81. No title-page. (5218 SEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of Abimelech Cordy and other cele brated writers of New York (thirty-five copies printed), 1864; proces verbal of the ceremony of installation of the president of the New York Historical Society. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. 2. A burlesque on the Society. (5219 >EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The beginning of America. A discourse be fore the Society on its fifty-ninth anniversary, November 17, 1863, by Erastus C. Benedict. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. 64. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. (522O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular to members. 1864. [New York, 1864. J 8vo, pp. (4), 11, (1). (5221 SEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Commemoration of the conquest of New r Xetherland on its two hundredth anniversary, by the Society. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. 87. Map. Pages 5-58 are taken up with " Oration on the conquest of New Netherland, before the Society, the 12th of October, 1864. By John Romeyn Brodhead," with separate title-page. (5222, 718 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An inquiry into the authenticity of documents concerning a discovery in North America claimed to have been made by Verrazzano. Read before the Society October 4, 1804. By Buckingham Smith. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. 31. Map. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. (5223 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of officers. Revised, 1864. (5224 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oration on the conquest of New Netherland. Delivered before the Society. By J. R. Brodhead. New York, 1864. 8vo, pp. 54. Map. (5225 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proces verbal of the ceremony of installation of president of the New York Historical Society, as it will be performed February 8, 1820. New York, 1820. Reprinted 1864. 8vo, pp. 13, (2). Thirty-five copies. (5226 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rules of the Executive committee. * * * Established 1864. [New York, 1864.] Svo, pp. 7. (5227 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. When was the drama introduced in America"; An historical inquiry anterior to Dunlap s History of the American theatre. Read before the Society November 3, 1863. By C. P. Daly. New York 1864. Svo, pp. 11. (522 NEW T YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address before the Society on its sixtieth .anniversary, November 22, 1864. By Frederic De Peyster. New York 1865. Svo, pp. (4), 76. Portrait. On the early political history of New York. (5221 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Rip Van Dam, by Frederic D( Peyster. New York. 1865. Svo, pp. 26. Two portraits. Read before the Society, November 4, 1862. (523( NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society on the death o Luther Bradish, president. October, 1863. New York, 1865. Svo, pp. 24, (2). Portrait. (5231 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The annual discourse before the Society on thi 20th of December, 1859. By George Folsom. Yentnor [?], 1866. Svo, pp. 48. (523: NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of ar of the Society, 1866. New York, 1866. Svo. pp. viii, 72, 61, (1). (523; NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Revised Januarj 1858. With the amendments and a list of members. New York, 1866. Svo, pp. 38. (523 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The moral and intellectual influence of li braries upon social progress. An address before the Society on its sixtj first anniversary, November 21, 1865. By Frederic De Peyster. New Yorl- 1866. Svo, pp. 96. Large paper. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. North American rock-writing, and other at riginal modes of recording and transmitting thought. By Thomas Ewbant Morrisania, 1866. Svo, pp. (3), 49. Read before the Society March 6, 1866, and published in the Historical Mo sine for August, September, and October, 1866. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 719 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Resident members of the Society. March, I860. LNew York, 1866. J 8vo, pp. 16. (5237 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The government of Sir Edmond Andros over New England in 1688 and 1689. Read before the Society December 4, 1866. By J. R. Brodhead. Morrisania, N. Y., 1867. 8vo, pp. 40. (5238 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New York in the nineteenth century. A dis course delivered before the Society on its sixty-second anniversary, Novem ber 20, 1866. By Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D. New York, 1867. 8vo, pp. 127. (5239 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History and its philosophy. The address at the sixty-third anniversary of the Society, December 19, 1867. By C. S. Henry. New York, 1868. 8vo, pp. 16. (524O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i-xxxi. For the years 1868-1898. Publication fund series. New York, 1868-1899. 8vo. Thirty-one vols. CONTENTS. Vol. i. 1868. Officers, 1868 ; The continuation of Chalmer s Political annals ; Letters on Smith s History of New York, by Cadwallader Colden ; Documents relating to the administration of Jacob Leisler ; Index ; The publication fund. 1868. pp. xviii, (2), 458. (5241 Vol. n. 1869. Officers, 1870; The Clarendon papers; Tracts relating to New York ; The destruction of Schenectady ; Arguments offered to the lords commis sioners for trade and plantation relating to some acts of assembly passed at New York, in America, 1701 ; Miscellaneous documents ; Letter of Cadwallader Colden on Smith s History, July 5, 1759 ; Documents concerning Plowden s New Albion ; Notes and observations on the town of East Hampton, at the east end of Long Island, written by John Lyon Gardiner, 1798 ; Notes and memorandums concerning Gardiner s Island, written in May, 1798, by John Lyon Gardiner ; Copy of James Farrett s grant to Lyon Gardiner ; Note, witchcraft in New York ; Collection of evidence in vindication of the terri torial rights and jurisdiction of the State of New York against the claims of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and the people of the Grants, commonly called Vermonters ; Index; Publication fund. 1876. pp. xiv, (2), 560. (5242 Vol. in. 1870. Officers, 1871 ; State of the evidence and argument in support of the territorial rights and jurisdiction of New York against the government of New Hampshire, by James Duane ; Old New York and Trinity church ; Extracts from various newspapers, 1730-1785 ; Some remarks on the memorial and remonstrance of Trinity church, etc., 1785 ; Extracts from various news papers, 1785-1790 ; A good conversation, a sermon preached at New York, January 19, 1706, by Francis Makemie ; Index; Publication fund. 1871. pp. xii, (2), 488. (5243 Vol. iv. 1871. Officers, 1872 ; The Lee papers, Vol. i, 1754-1776 ; Publication fund. 1872. pp. (10), 494. (5244 Vol. v. 1872. Officers, 1873 ; The Lee papers, Vol. n, 1776-1778 ; Publication fund. 1873. pp. (8), 494. (5245 Vol. vi. 1873. Officers, 1874; The Lee papers, Vol. in, 1778-1782; Publica tion fund. 1874. pp. (10), 494. (5246 Vol. vn. Officers of the Society, 1875 ; Executive committee ; Final note ; The Lee papers, Vol. iv,, 1782-1811 ; Memoir of General Lee, by Isaac Lang- worthy, 1787 ; Memoir of General Lee, by Sir Henry Bunbury, bart., 1838 ; Life of Charles Lee, by Jared Sparks ; The treason of Charles Lee, by George H. Moore; Indexes. New York, 1875. 8vo, pp. viii, (4), 500. (5247 Vol. vin. 1875. Officers, 1876; Official letters of Maj. Gen. James Pattison, as commandant of the royal artillery in America [and] as commandant of the city of New York, 1779-80; Letters to Gen. Lewis Morris, 1775-1782; Index; Publication fund. 1876. pp. x, 33, (4), 553. (5248 Vol. ix. 1876. Officers, 1877 ; Introduction ; The Colden letter books, Vol. i, 1760-1765 ; Publication fund. 1887. pp. x, (2), 495. (5249 720 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. x. 1877. Officers, 1878; The Golden letter books, Vol. n, 1765-1775; Publication fund. 1878. pp. (8), 531. (5250 Vol. xi. 1878. Officers, 1875) ; Revolutionary papers, Vol. i : The papers of Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress, 1765-1816 : Cor respondence ; Debates in the Congress of the Confederation, July 22 to September 20, 1782; "Joseph Reed s narrative;" Letters of Colonel Armand (marquis de la Rouerie), 1777-1791; Letters to Robert Morris, 1775-1782; Publication fund. 1879. pp. xiv, (2), 503. (5251 Vol. xn. 1870. Officers, 1880 ; Revolutionary papers, Vol. 11 : The trial of Major-General Schuyler, October, 1778 ; The trial of Major-General Howe, December, 1781 ; Transactions as commissary for embarking foreign troops in the English service from Germany, 1776-1777, by Charles Rainsford ; Publica tion fund. 1880. pp. (10), 559. (5252 Vol. xni. 1880. Officers, 1881 ; Revolutionary and miscellaneous papers, Vol. in : Proceedings of a general court-martial for the trial of Major-General St. Clair, August 25, 1778; Journal of the most remarkable occurrences in Quebec, from the 14th of November, 1775, to the 7th of May, 1776, by an officer of the garrison ; The case of William Atwood, esq., 1703 ; A sermon preached in Trinity Church, in New York, May 12, 1709, at the funeral of John, Lord Lovelace, by William Vesey ; Rev. John Sharpe s " Proposals for erecting a school, library, and chapel at New York," 1712-13 ; The first minister of the Reformed Protes tant Dutch Church in America, letter of Domine Jonas Michaelius to Domine Adrianus Smoutius, dated at Manhattan, 11 August, 1628, translated from the Dutch, with a preface and notes, by Henry C. Murphy ; Court of lieutenancy, 1686-1696; Index to Revolutionary and miscellaneous papers, Vols. i-iu. 1881. pp. xiii, (3), 489. Folded map. (5252a Vol. xiv. 1881. Officers, 1882 ; The Montresor journals, edited and annotated by G. D. Scull ; Family of Montresor ; Journals of Col. James Montresor, 1757- 1759 ; Journals of Capt. John Montresor, 1757-78 ; Appendix ; Index. 1882. pp. xiv, 578. Portrait. Folded map. Plan. (5253 Vol. xv. 1882. Officers, 1883 ; Introduction ; Biographical sketch of Lieutenant Von Krafft, with a prefatory note, by Thomas II. Edsall ; Journal of Lieut. John Charles Philip von Krafft, of the regiment Von Bose, 1776-1784 ; Letter book of Capt. Alexander McDonald, of the royal highland emigrants, 1775-1779 ; Index. 1883. pp. xii, (4), 515. Four folded plates. i r>254 Vol. xvi. 1883. Officers, 1884; Executive committee; Prefatory note; The Kemble papers, Vol. i, 17731789 ; Journals of Lieut. Col. Stephen Kemble, 1773- 1789 ; Order books of Lieut. Col. Stephen Kemble, adjutant-general and deputy adjutant-general to the British forces in America, 1775-1778 ; Gen. Sir William Howe s orders, 1775-8 ; Gen. Sir Henry Clinton s orders, 1778 ; Orders by Maj. Gen. Daniel Jones, commanding His Majesty s troops on New York Island and posts defending. New York, 1884. 8vo, pp. xi, (5), 666. Portrait. (5255 Vol. xvn. 1884. Officers, 1885; Executive committee; Prefatory note; The Kemble papers, Vol. n, 1780-81 ; Journals of Lieut. Col. Stephen Kemble, brigadier-general in command of the expedition to Nicaragua, 1780-81 ; Orders of Brig. Gen. Stephen Kemble, expedition to Nicaragua, 1780-81 ; Documents and correspondence; Expedition to the Spanish Main and Nicaragua, 1779-1781; Index to Kemble papers. New York, 1885 [1890]. 8vo, pp. xxiii, 472. Folded map. (5256 Vol. xvin. 1885. Officers, 1886; Executive committee; The burghers of New Amsterdam and the freemen of New York, 1675-1866 ; The burgher right of New Amsterdam; Roll of freemen of New York City, 1675-1866; Indentures of apprenticeship, 1694-1708. New York, 1886 [1891]. pp. xiii, (3), 678. (5257 Vol. xix. 1886. Officers ; Biographical notice of Silas Deane, by Charles Isham ; The Deane papers, Vol. i, 1774-1777. New York, 1887 [1892]. pp. xiv, (2), 496. (52570 Vol. xx. 1887. Officers, 1888; The Deane papers, Vol. n, 1777-78. New York, 1888 [1892]. pp. (6), 499. (5258 Vol. xxi. 1888. The Deane papers, Vol. in, 1778-79. New York, 1889 [1894]. pp. (8), 490. (5259 Vol. xxn. 1889. The Deane papers, Vol. iv, 1779-81. New York, 1890 [1895]. pp. (8), 561. (5260 Vol. xxiii. 1890. The Deane papers, Vol. v, 1782-1790. New York, 1891. pp.692. (5261 Vol. xxiv. 1891. Muster rolls of New York provincial troops, 1755-1764. New York, 1892. pp. 621. (5262 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 721 Vol. xxv. 1892. Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate s office, city of New York. Vol. i, 1665-1707. New York, 1893. pp. 520. (5263 Vol. xxvi. 1893. Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate s office, city of New York. Vol. n, 1708-1728. With appendix and miscellaneous documents. New York, 1894. pp. 525. (5264 Vol. xxvri. 1894. Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate s office, city of New York. Vol. in, 1730-1744. With appendix and miscellaneous documents. New York, 1895. pp. 501. (5265 Vol. xxvin. 1895. Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate s office, city of New York. Vol. iv, 1744-1753. With letters of administration granted, 1745- 1753. New York, 1896. pp. 559. (5266 Vol. xxix. 1896. Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate s office, city of New York. Vol. v, 1754-1760. With letters of administration granted, 1753- 1760. New York, 1897. pp. 496. (5267 Vol. xxx. 1897. Abstracts of wills on file in the surrogate s office, city of New York. Vol. vi, 1760-1766. With letters of administration granted, 1760- 1766. Index. New York, 1898. pp. (10), 517. (5268 Vol. xxxi. 1898. Abstracts of wills, etc., Vol. vn. June 6, 1766-November 29, 1771. With letters of administration, Jan. 6, 1767-Jan. 11, 1773. New York, 1898. pp. 553. (5268 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter. Museum of history, antiqui ties, and art in the Central Park. [New York, 1868.] 4to, pp. 3. (5269 XE\V YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The De Peyster Collection. Catalogue of books in the library of the Society, presented by John Watts De Peyster. Part i. January, 1808. New York, 1868. Svo, pp. 24. (5270 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fitz Greene Halleck. A memorial. By F. S. Cozzens. Read before the Society January 6, 1868. New York, 1868. 8vo, pp. 32. (5271 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A narrative of events at Lake George, from the early colonial times to the close of the Revolution. By B. F. De Costa. New York, 1868. Svo, pp. 74. Large paper. Contains the substance of a paper read before the Society. (5272 S ENV YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art of the Society, 1869. New York, 1869. 8vo, pp. viii, 72, 61, (1). (5273 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic progress and American democracy. An address delivered before the Society at their sixty-fourth anniversary, December 16, 1868. By John Lothrop Motley. New York, 1869. 8vo, pp. (4), 74. (5274 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some notices of the life and writings of Fitz Greene Halleck. Read before the Society February 3, 1869. By W. C. Bryant. New York, 1869. 8vo, pp. 43. (5275 EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some recollections of the late Antoine Pierre Berryer. A paper read before the Society on February 16, 1869. By John Bigelow. [New York], 1869. Svo, pp. (2), 36. (5276 EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Beaumarchais, the merchant. Letters of Theveneau de Francey, 1778-1780. By John Bigelow. New York, 1870. 8vo, pp. 16. Paper was partly read before the New York Historical Society, April 5, 1870. (5277 i w YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse on the life, character, and writ- H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 46 722 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ings of Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. Delivered before the Society May IT, 1870. By William Cullen Bryant New York, 1870. 8vo, pp. 60. (5278 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society on the announce ment of the death of Thomas J. Bryan, June, 1870. New York, 1870. 8vo, pp. 10. (5279 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Recent additions to the Bryan collection. [New York, 1870.] 8vo, pp. 2. (528O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1871. New York, 1871. 8vo, pp. iv, 72, 68. (5281 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Hawks-Niblo collection. Catalogue of books in the library of the Rev. Francis L. Hawks * * * presented to the New York Historical Society by William Niblo. New York, 1871. 8vo, [pp. 120]. (In Duyckinck, E. A. A memorial of Francis L. Hawks. * * * New York, 1871. pp. [47J-166.) (5282 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Francis L. Hawks. By E. A. Duyckinck. Read before the Society May 7, 1807. With an appendix of proceedings. New York, 1871. Svo, pp. 166. (5283 NEW YORK HISTORIC VL SOCIETY. The struggle for neutrality in America. An address delivered before the Society, at their sixty-sixth anniversary, December 13, 1870. By Charles Francis Adams. New York, 1871. Svo, pp. 52. (52S4 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of Alexander Anderson, M. D., the first engraver on wood in America. Read before the Society October 5, 1870. By Benson J. Lossing. New York, 1872. Large Svo, pp. (6) 107. Illustrations, 23 plates, 38 woodcuts. Portraits. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of Henry Theodore Tuckerman. By Evert A. Duyckinck. Read before the Society January 2, 1872. With an appendix of proceedings. New York, 1872. 8vo, pp. 15. Portrait. (528t! NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Incident in the war of the United States witl Mexico, illustrating the services of Win. Maxwell Wood, surgeon U. S. X. in effecting the acquisition of California. By Geo. Gumming McWhorter Read before the New York Historical Society. [New York?], [1872?]. 8vo, pp. 9, [1]. Cover-title. (528: NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of John David Wolfe. Read befor the Society June 4, 1872. By E. A. Duyckinck. New York, 1872. 8vo, pp. 22. <528> NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Why the early inhabitants of Vermont d claimed the jurisdiction of New York and established an independent gov eminent. An address delivered before the Society December 4, 1860. B; Hiland Hall. Bennington, 1872. Svo, pp. 16. Reprinted in 1884. (528 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of ar of the Society, 1873. New York, 1873. Svo, pp. viii, 72, 72. Woodcuts. (529 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Revised January 1858. With the amendments and a list of members. New York, 1873. 8vo, pp. 39. (529 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 723 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of George Gibbs. By John Austin Stevens, jr. Read before tbe Society October 7, 1873. With a notice of proceedings. New York, 1873. 8vo, pp. 18. (5203 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society at the celebration of its sixty-ninth anniversary, January 6, 1874. By Frederic De Peyster. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. 36. On "William III as a reformer." (5293 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1874. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. iv, 72, 75. (5294 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of Rev. T. De Witt. By T. E. Verm i lye. Read before the Society October 6, 1874. With a notice of pro ceedings. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. 28. (5295 NKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old streets of New York under the Dutch. Paper read before the Society June 2, 1874. By J. W. Gerard. New York, 1874. 8vo, pp. 65. Same, New York, 1875, 8vo, pp. 52. (5296 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Revised January, 1858. With the amendments and a list of members. New York, 1875. 8vo, pp. 39. (5297 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early American spirit and the genesis of it. Address before the Society at the celebration of its seventieth anniver sary, April 15, 1875. By Richard S. Storrs. New York, 1875. 8vo, pp. (2) 74. This paper was republished iu 1878, with another on " The Declaration of Independence, and the effects of it." (529S NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maj. Gen. George II. Thomas. The annual address delivered before the Society January 5, 1875. By John Watts De Peyster. New York, 1875. 8vo, pp. 24. (5299 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old Stadt Huys of New Amsterdam. Paper read before the Society June 15th, 1875. By James W. Gerard. New- York, 1875. 8vo, pp. 59. (53OO NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Thomas Crawford and art in America. Ad dress before the Society, upon the reception of Crawford s statue of the Indian, presented by Frederic De Peyster, April 6, 1875. By Samuel Osgood, LL. D. New York, 1875. 8vo, pp. 40. (5301 NKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The battle of Harlem Plains. Oration, Sep tember 1C, 1876. By John Jay. New York, 1876. 8vo, pp. 84. Forms part of work entered below, entitled " The Commemoration of the Battle of Harlem Plains." (53O2 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A biographical sketch of Robert R. Livingston. Read before the Society, October 6, 1876, by Frederic De Peyster. New York, 1876. 8vo, pp. 38. Portrait. (53O3 724 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Commemoration of the battle of Harlem Plains on its one hundredth anniversary, by the Society. New York, 1876. 8vo, pp. 08. Plan. Pages 1-38 contain, with an independent title-page : " The Battle of Harlem Plains ; oration, September 16, 1876, by John Jay." Pages 39-84 contain docu mentary matter relating to the same. Pages 85-98, the proceedings of the Society in commemoration. (53O4 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Expedition of the Sieur De Champlain against the Onondagoes in 1(515. Comprising an inquiry into the route of the ex pedition and the location of the Iroquois fort which it besieged. Communi cated to the Society Oct. 5, 1875, by Orsamus H. Marshall. New York, 1876. 8vo, pp. 18. This edition was suppressed and was followed by a new edition published in Magazine of American History, January, 1877. With title-page. 8vo, pp. 15. Map. New York, 1877. (53O5 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Huguenot element among the Dutch. By. Ashbel G. Vermilye. Read before the Society October 6, 1876. Schenectady [1876]. Svo, pp. 23. (5306 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nashville, the decisive battle of the Rebellion. [Address before the Society, January 4, 1876. By J. W. De Peyster.] [New York, 1876.] 8vo, pp. 14. (5307 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New York delegates to the Continental Congress. By John Austin Stevens. Read before the Society May 2. 1S70. In the Galaxy, August, 1876. (53O8 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Progress of New York in a century. 1776- 1876. By John Austin Stevens. An address delivered before the New York Historical Society. December 7, 1875. New York, Printed for the Society, 1876. 8vo, pp. 66. (53O9 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society at the celebration of its seventy-second anniversary, December 19, 1876. By Frederic De Peyster. New York, 1877. 8vo, pp. 44. Portraits. On " Representative men of the English revolution." (5310 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1877. New York, 1877. Svo, pp. iv, 73, 78. (5311 i NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Commemoration of the one hundredth anni versary of the adoption of the constitution of the State of New York. [April 20, 1777.] Address by Charles O Conor, May 8, 1877. New York, 1877. Svo, pp. 40. (5312 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The capture of Mount Washington, November 16th, 1776, the result of treason. By Edward F. De Lancey. New York, 1877. Svo, pp. 32. Front. Maps. Read before the New York Historical Society, December 5th, 1876. (5313 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history of liberty : a paper read before the Society, February 6, 1866. By J. F. Aiken. With selected notes. New York. 1877. Svo, pp. 163. (5314 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 725 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Maj. Gen. Philip Schuyler and the Burgoyne campaign in the summer of 1771. The annual address, January 2, 1877, hefore the Society. By J. W. De Peyster. New York, 1877. 8vo, pp. 26. (5315 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The uniforms of the American army. By Asa Bird Gardiner. Read before the Society, November 7, 1870. Published in the Magazine of American History, August, 1877. New York, 1877. Svo, pp. 401-492, (1). (5316 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The globe of Vlpius, 1542. Reprint, 1878. [New York.] 32mo, pp. 8. (5317 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and administration of Richard, Earl of Bellomont, governor of the provinces of New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire from 1007 to 1701. An address before the Society at the celebration of its seventy-fifth anniversary, November 18, 1879. By Fred eric De Peyster. New York, 1870. 8vo, pp. (8), 59, (1), xvii. Facsimile. Portraits. (5318 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life, character, and writings of William Cullen Bryant. A commemorative address before the Society, at the Acad emy of Music, December .30, 1878. By George William Curtis. New York, 1879. 8vo, pp. 64. (5319 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of New York during the Revolutionary war. By T. Jones. Edited by E. F. De Lancey ; with notes, contemporary documents, maps, and portraits. New York, 1879. 8vo. Two volumes. Printed for the Society. (532O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial sketch of the life and literary labors of Evert Augustus Duyckinck. Read before the Society 7th January, 1879. By W. A. Butler. New York, 1879. 8vo, pp. 14. . (5321 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lady Deborah Moody. A discourse delivered before the Society, May, 1880. By James W. Gerard. Published, by per mission of the author, by F. B. Patterson. New York, 1880. 8vo, pp. 40. (5322 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sir John Johnson, the first American-born baronet. An address delivered before the Society, January 0, 1880. By J. W. De Peyster. New York, 1880. 8vo, pp. 24. " This contains the only trustworthy particulars of the battle of Oriskany, and a reprint, from the Proccedinus of tJie A 7 cw Jersey Historical Society, of a Diary," Vol. n, pp. 115-122, 127, 128. (5323 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The battle or affair of King s Mountain, Satur day. October 7, 1780. Being the address delivered at the annual meeting of the Society, 4th of January, 1881. By Maj. Gen. J. Watts De Peyster. New York, [1881]. Svo, pp. 8. Half title. (5324 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Revised January. 1858. With the amendments and a list of members. New York, 1881. Svo, pp. 24. (5325 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New York Continental Line of the army of the revolution. By Asa Bird Gardiner. Read before the Society. In Magazine of American History, December, 1881. New York, 1881. 8vo, pp. 401-419. (5326 726 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Ni:w YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial sketch of Frederic De Peyster, late president of the Society. Read October 3, 1882. [By Hamilton Fish.] Reprinted from the Magazine of American History, November, 1882. New York, 1882. 4to, pp. 769-773. Portrait. (5327 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1883. New York, 1883. Svo, pp. iv, 73, 95. (5328 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The impress of nationalities upon the city of New York. A paper read before the New York Historical Society by James W. Gerard (May, 1883). New York, 1883. 8vo, pp. 31*. (5329 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial sketches of Stephen Whitney Phoenix. By Jacob B. Moore and Henry T. Browne. Read before the Society, December 0, 1881, and before the Rhode Island Historical Society, July 3, 1883. Boston, 1883. Svo, pp. 6, 7. Portrait. (533O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The peace negotiations of 1782 and 1783. An address before the New York Historical Society, November 27, 1883. By John Jay. New York, 1884. Svo, pp. 239. Map. (5331 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Resident members of the Society, March, 1884. [New York, 1884.] Svo, pp. 15. (5332 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Why the early inhabitants of Vermont dis claimed the jurisdiction of New York and established an independent gov ernment. An address delivered before the Society December 4, 18GO. By Hiland Hall. Bennington, Vt., 1872, and reprinted 1884. Svo, pp. 15, (1). (5333 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Resolves, at meeting, March 4, 1884, on the death of Miss Eliza Susan Quincy. Broadside. (5334 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on The Alphabet The Vehicle of His tory, before the Society at its eighty-first anniversary, November 17, 1885. By Luther Marsh. New York, [1885]. Svo, pp. 32. (5335 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1885. New York, 1885. Svo, pp. vii, 73, 95. (5336 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular requesting subscriptions for the new building, December 15, 1885. 4 to, pp. 3. (5337 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early New York post-office. Ebenezer Hazard, postmaster and postmaster-general. By Ashbel G. Vermilye. Read before the Society December 2, 1884. In Magazine of American His tory, February, 1885. New York, 1885. Svo, pp. 113-130. (5338 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Niagara s emancipation. Remarks of Luther Marsh, November 3, 1885, before the Society, on reporting to it, as one of its committee appointed to attend the opening ceremonies at the inaugura tion of the Niagara reservation, July 15, 1883. New York, 1885. Svo, pp. 18. (5339 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 727 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the joint committee on the centennial celebration of the evacuation of New York by the British, Monday, Novem ber 26, 1883. With an historical introduction, by John Austin Stevens. New York, 1885. 4to, pp. 201. The Society had a principal part in the celebration, and was represented on the joint committee. (534O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The romantic school in American archaeology. By Adolph F. Bandelier. Read before the Society February 3, 1885. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 14. (5341 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first epic of our country. By the poet conquistador of New Mexico, Captain Caspar De Villagra. By John Gilmary Shea. Read before the Society, March 2, 188G. [New York, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 16. (5342 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY". Governor Thomas Pownall, Colonial states man. By Robert Ludlow Fowler. Read before the Society, October 5, 1886. [New York, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 20. Portrait. (5343 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leading incidents in the life of Henry Clay; his patriotism, statesmanship, and eloquence. An address by Erastus Brooks before the New York Historical Society, April 6, 1886, and before the Pennsylvania Historical Society, May 14, 1886. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 32. (5344 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial notice of John B. Moreau. By Benson J. Lossing. Read before the Society, May 4, 1886. [New York, 1886.] 12mo, pp. 12. (5345 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report on the gift to the Society of a copy of " State Trials of England " which originally belonged to Sir William John son, March 2, 1886. 8vo, pp. 4. (5346 XFAV YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Resident members of the Society, May, 1886. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. ir>. (5347 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The opening, the use, and the future of our domain on this continent. An address before the Society on its eighty- second anniversary, November 16, 1886. By George E. Ellis, D. D., LL. D. New York, 1887. 8vo, pp. 34. (534S XK\V YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1887. New York, 1887. Svo, pp. vii, 73, 95. (5349 Xi:\\ YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The framing of the Federal Constitution and the causes leading thereto. An address delivered before the Society on its eighty-third anniversary, Tuesday, November 15, 1887. By Hon. John Alsop King. New York, 1888. 8vo, pp. 40. (535O XKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The land politics of the United States. A paper read before the Society, Tuesday, May 1,1888. By James C. Welling. New York, 1888. 8vo, pp. 40. (5351 728 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial to the Governor, the Senate, and the Assembly of the state of New York. Centennial anniversary of the adop tion by the state of New York of the Constitution of the United States, March 6, 1888. 4to, pp. 2. (5352 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some recollections of the late Edouard Labou- laye. By John Bigelow. [New York, 1888.] 12mo, pp. (2), 81. "A portion of these Recollections was read before the New York Historical Society, November 20, 1888. (535,3 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The City of New York in the year of Washing ton s inauguration. 1789. By Thomas E. V. Smith. New York, 1889. Svo, pp. 244. Map. Read in part before the Society. (5354 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Frontenac and Miles Standish in the North west. A paper read before the Society, December 4, 1888. By Edward S. Isham. New York, 1889. 8vo, pp. 39. (5355 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Kembles of New York and New Jersey. [New York, 1889.] 8vo, pp. vii-xxiii. Portrait. Reprint of the prefatory note of Vol. xvn, Collections of the Society. (5356 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The progress of American independence. A paper read before the New York Historical Society, April 2, 1889. By the Hon. George S. Boutwell. New York, 1889. Svo, pp. 31. (5357 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The uses of history. An address delivered be fore the New York Historical Society on its eighty-fifth anniversary, Thurs day, November 21, 1889, by the Rev. John Hall, D. D. New York, printed for the Society, 1889. 8vo, pp. 27. (5358 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The coaches of colonial New York. A paper read on the evening of March 4, 1890, before the Society. By George W. W. Houghton. New York, 1890 8vo, pp. 31. (5359 NEW Y^ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Connecticut federalism, or aristocratic politics in a social democracy. An address delivered before the Society on its eighty-sixth anniversary, Tuesday, November 18, 1890. By James C. Wel ling, LL. D. New York, 1890. 8vo, pp. 43. (5360 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Suum Cuique. John Dickinson, the author of the declaration on taking up arms in 1775. By George H. Moore, LL. D. With a facsimile from the original draft. New York, 1890. Svo, pp. 53 (2), (8). Read before the New York Historical Society, June 6, 1882. (5361 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collegium Regale Novi Eboraci. The origin and the early history of Columbia College. By George H. Moore, LL. D. Read before the Society April 5, 1887. New York, 1890. Svo, pp. 46. (5362 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Myvyrian archaeology. The pre-Columbian voyages of the Welsh to America. By B. F. De Costa. Read before the Society, April, 1890. Reprint, Albany, 1891. Svo, pp. 12. (5363 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter of committee on publications, February 23, 1891. [New York, 1891.] Svo, pp. 3. (5364 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 729 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A monograph on the founding of Jersey City. By Charles II. Winfield. Read before the Society June 2, 1891. New York, 1891. 8vo, pp. 97. Portraits. Plates. (5364a NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Resident members of the Society, January, 1892. [New York, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 15. (5365 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New York in 1850 and in 1890. A political study. An address delivered before the Society on its eighty-seventh anni versary, Tuesday, November 17, 1891, by the Hon. Seth Low, LL. D. New York, 1892. 8vo, pp. 32. (5366 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Appeal to the members and to the citizens of New York, January 19, 1892. [New York, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 2. (5367 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. King George s personal policy in England. How it forced his -subjects in America, against their wishes, into a suc cessful revolution. By Edward F. De Lancey. Read before the Society April 5, 1892. [Reprint, New York, 1892. J 8vo, pp. 431-448. (5368 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbian celebration of 1792. The first in the United States. An address before the Society October 4, 1892. By Edward F. De Lancey. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. 18. Portraits. Plates. Reprint. (5369 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1893. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. vii, 73, 98. (537O NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Political parties and their places of meeting in New York City. By Thomas E. V. Smith. Read before the Society, February 7, 1893. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. 30. (5371 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The siege of Cuantla, the Bunker Hill of Mexico. An address before the Society, April 4, 1893. By Walter S. Logan. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. 27. (5372 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letter of committee on the two hun dredth anniversary of the introduction of the printing press in New York, April 5. 1893. [New York, 1893.] 4 to, pp. 3. (5373 XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Anneke Jans Bogardus and her farm. By James W. Gerard. Read before the Society, May 0, 1879. In Harper s New Monthly, May, 1885. New York, 1885. 8vo, pp. 836-849. (5374 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Manor of Philipsburgh. A paper read be fore the New York Historical Society, by T. Astley Atkins, June 5, 1894. Yonkers, 1894. Published by the Yonkers Historical and Library Asso ciation. 8vo, pp. 23. (5375 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hopoghan Hackingh, Hoboken, a pleasure re sort for old New York. By Charles H. Winfield. In two parts. Part n. Read before the Society, December 4, 1894. [New York, 1895.] 4to, pp. 80. Facsimile of Indian deed, July 12, 1630, and 8 plates. (5376 730 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws of the Society. Re vised May, 1895. New York, 1895. 8vo, pp. 24. (5377 NEW Y r ORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The patriot clergy and the New York city chaplains in the War of the Revolution. An address before the Society, by Rev. A. G. Vermilye, D. D., Board of Publication of the Reformed Church in America. 1895. New York, 1895. 8vo, pp. 28. (5378 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William Atwood, chief-justice of the colony of New York, 1701-1702. By Charles P. Daly, LL. D. Read before the Society, May 1, 1894. In the Green Bag, March-May, 1895, with additions. (5379 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cabot and the transmission of English power in North America. An address delivered before the New York Historical Society on its ninety-second anniversary, Wednesday, November 18, 1896, by Justin Winsor, LL. D. New York, printed for the Society; 1896. 8vo, pp. 38. (5380 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The establishment of public parks in the city of New York. By Gherardi Davis. Read before the New York Historical Society, April G, 1897. [New York, 1897.] 12mo, pp. 46, (1). (5381 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the Society, January, 1898. [New York, 1898.] 8vo, pp. 14. (5382 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Palisades. By Ashbel G. Vermilye, D. D. Read before the Society, October 5, 1897. 8vo, pp. 335-350. Reprint. (5383 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of William Kelby, Librarian of the New York Historical Society. By John Austin Stevens. Read before the Society, November 1, 1898. New York, 1898. 8vo, pp. 40. (5384 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the Society, February, 1900. 8vo, pp. 14. (5385 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journalism in New York in 1800. A paper read before the Society, April 3, 1900. By Francis W. Halsey. In the Journalist, New York, April 7, 1900. (538c: NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old and the new century. An address delivered before the New York Historical Society on its ninety-sixth anni versary, Tuesday, November 20, 1900. By Marvin R. Vincent. New York 1900. 8vo, pp. 45. 5387 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of John Alsop King, eighteenth presi dent of the New York Historical Society. By Eugene A. Hoffman. Keac before the Society, February 5, 1901. New York, 1901. 8vo, pp. 26. ( NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Appendix to catalogue of gallery of art, 1894- 1901. [New York, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 3. (538! NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular letters building committee, April 1 and November 4, 1901. 4to. Plates. (539- NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Colonial homes in the Bronx. By Randal Camfort. Read before the Society, November 6, 1901. In Bronx Boroug Record, October 21, 1901. < 539 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 731 XKW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter of committee on membership, November 21, 1901. 4to, pp. 3. Plates. (5392 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Before and after the treaty of Washington. The American Civil War and the war in the Transvaal. An address before the Society on its ninety-seventh anniversary, November 19, 1901. By Charles Francis Adams. New York, 1902. 8vo, pp. 141. (5393 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Pintard, founder of the New York His torical Society. An address before the Society, December 3, 1901. By James Grant Wilson. New York, 1902. 8vo, pp. 37. Portrait. (5394 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the Society, February, 1902. New York, 1902. Svo, pp. 15. (5395 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter of committee on publications, February 15, 1902. Svo, pp. 3. (539G XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Communication to the members of the Society, from the building committee, February 15, 1902. Oblong 4to, pp. 13. Plates. (5397 XEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address commemorative of Eugene Augustus Hoffman. By William It. Huntington, D. D. Read before the Society, December 2, 1902. New York, 1903. Svo, pp. 28. Portrait. (5398 S EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the Society, February, 1903. Svo, pp. 15. (5399 KEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the museum and gallery of art, 1903. New York, 1903. Svo, pp. vii, 73, 102. (54OO \"F,W YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The genius of the Cosmopolitan City, by Hamilton W. Mabie. (An address delivered on its ninety-ninth anniver sary. Nov. 17, 1903.) Also the proceedings of the anniversary. New York, 1904. Svo, pp. 42. (5401 S EW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The genius of the Cosmopolitan City, by executive committee. New York, 1904. Svo, pp. 67. Plates. (54O2 SEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Banquet of the Society, November 22, 1904, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of its founding. Menu, toasts, committee, views of homes of the Society. New York, 1904. Svo. pp. 14. (5403 SEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Letter of committee on anniversary medal, January 3, 1905. Svo, pp. 2. Plate. (54O4 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New York Historical Society. 1804-1904. By Robert Hendre Kelby, Librarian of the Society. New York, 1905. Svo, pp. (8), 160. Portraits. Bibliography, pp. 135-160. (54O5 732 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. New York City. NEW YORK LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. i. Xev York, 1815. (540< LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. An introductory discours< delivered before the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York. 01 the 4th of May, 1814, by DeWitt Clinton. New York, 1815. 4to, pp. 160, [1]. (540 LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Circular letter of tb Literary and Philosophical Society of New York ; on the subject of a sta tistical account of the State of New York. New York, 1815. 24mo, pp. 8, 2. (540 NEW YORK NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. , New York City. NEW YORK NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. New York, 1864. 16mo. January 23, 1864, eleven gentlemen met at the house of Robert Hewitt, Jr 32 West 21st Street, New Yqrk, and organized a society to be known as " Tt New York Numismatic Society." At a meeting of " The American Numismatic and Archaeological Society. held February, 1864, in the Society Library, University Place, a committ* (appointed at the meeting February 5 to confer with a committee of " The Ne York Numismatic Society") reported that no arrangement could be effected 1 unite the two societies. The opposition society had excellent leaders, and began its existence with a larger number of members, but it soon failed 1 hold meetings and went to pieces. Its minutes do not show any meetings he after April 16, 1864. July 31, 1866, " The New York Numismatic Society was dissolved, and its effects turned over to " The American Numismatic ar Archaeological Society. Cf. History of The American Numismatic and Archi ological Society, by William R. Weeks, pp. 8-9. (540 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CalchccU, N. Y. NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Constitution and by-laws, wil proceedings of the second annual meeting, [Vol. i.] [Albany.] Publislu by the New York State Historical Association, 1901. 8vo, pp. 79. Portraits. Contents : Proceedings ; Report of secretary ; Introductory address by t president, James A. Roberts ; King Hendrick, by William L. Stone ; Sir Willia Johnson, by Hugh Hastings ; Colonel Ephriam Williams, by James Aust Holden ; Battle of Lake George and Baron Dieskau, 1755, by Ellen Hardin AY; worth ; Major-General Phinehas Lyman, by William O. Stearns ; A century struggle for the rights of man, by John Bach McMaster. (54 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the third annu meeting, with constitution and by-laws and list of members. [Vol n [Albany.] Published by the New York State Historical Association, 1902. 8vo, pp. 74. Portrait. Facsimile. Contents : Officers ; Annual meeting : Secretary s report ; Fort Ticonderoj by Frank B. Wickes ; Ethan Allen, by Ernest Melville; Lord Howe, by Geor A. Ingalls ; Legend of Duncan Campbell, by Robert O. Bascom ; Montcalm, Andrew V. V. Raymond ; The evolution of American free government, by Ellis Stevens. (64 * ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 733 N T E\V YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the fourth animal meeting, with constitution and by-laws and list of members. [Vol. m.J [Albany.] Published by the Association, 1903. 8vo, pp. 88. Contents : Horatio Gates, by J. II. Brandow ; Benedict Arnold, by G. M. Ingalsbe; Some "It s" in the Burgoyne campaign, by F. W. Halsey ; Baroness De Riedesel, by Mrs. Donald McLean ; Where we got our government, by George C. Eggleston. (5412 NKW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting, with constitution and by-laws and list of members. [Vol. iv.] [Albany.] Published by the Association, 1904. 8vo, pp. 106. Contents : The Iroquois confederacy, by Sherman Williams ; Nicholas Iler- kimer, by Eugene W. Lyttle ; Father Jogues, by John W. Dolan ; Sir William Johnson, by Jeremiah Keck ; A monument for the battlefield of Walloomsac, by William Olin Stillman ; The President s address, by James A. Roberts ; France and the American Revolution, by James Breck Perkins. For Vol. v, see Appendix. (5413 NORTHERN NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mattsburg, N. Y. NORTHERN NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Pittsburgh, N. Y., from its first settlement to January 1, 187C>. Plattsburgh, 1877. 8vo, pp. 83. " In the year 1871 a series of articles were prepared by Peter S. Palmer and published in the Plattsburgh Republican under the name of Northern New York Historical Society papers. Paper one of that series, which referred principally to the village of Plattsburgh, is reproduced in the following pages." (5414 OLD DOMINION SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. )LD DOMINION SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. First celebration of the anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607. George \V. Summers, orator. New York, 1860. 8vo, pp. 109. (5415 OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Oswego County, N. Y. >I.D SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Oswego County fifty years ago. Address delivered by R. H. Tyler, before the Old Settlers Association, at Mexico, August 21, 1879. 1880. Fulton, New York. 8vo, pp. 18. (5415a ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Utica, N. Y. NEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Nos. 1-14. Utica, 1879-1889. CONTENTS. N<>. 1. Memorial of the celebration of the centennial of the battle of Oriskany 1877. Address by Ellis II. Roberts. . (54^0 No. 2. Historical fallacies regarding colonial New York. Address January 14, 1879, by Douglas Campbell. 1879. pp. 32. (5417 734 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. No. 3. Men, events, lawyers, politics, and politicians of early Rome [New York], by D. E. Wager. 1879. pp. 47. (5418 No. 4. Articles of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, officers, and members, with annual report for 1878, and account of the collections of the Society, 1879. pp. 39. (5419 No. 5. Second annual address, by W. Tracy, January 13, 1880, on early history of Oneida County. 1880. pp. 34. (542O No. 6. Transactions, with the annual addresses and reports for 1881. pp. 191. Portrait. (5421 No. 7. Semicentennial of the city of Utica, and supper of Half-Century Club. 1882. (5422 No. 8. A long-lost point in history. An address, delivered before the Society, Utica, N. Y., by L. W. Ledyard, esq., of Cazenovia, N. Y. January 9, 1883. * * * Ftica, N. Y., 1883. 8vo, pp. 16. Relates to the " long in-doubt loca tion of the Indian encampment and fort that was the objective point in the expedition of the French invader Champlain, in 1615," which is believed to be located in Madison County, 9 miles northeast of Cazenovia, N. Y. (5423 No. 9. Col. John Brown ; his services in the Revolutionary war ; Battle of Stone Arabia, by Garret L. Roof, D. D. An address before the Society, April 28, 1884. Utica, 1884. pp. 24. (5424 No. 10. Transactions of the Society, 1881-1884, containing the Whitestown centennial ; Whitesboro s golden age ; Wagner reinterment ; Old Fort Schuyler celebration, and dedication of the Oriskany monument. Utica, 1885. pp. 228. (5425 No. 11. Transactions, 1885-86. Utica, 1886. pp. (1), 147. Contains: Early Protestant missions among the Iroquois, by A. G. Hopkins ; The streets of Utica, by L. M. Taylor ; The Utica waterworks, by T. Hopper ; Forts Stanwix and Bull, and other forts at Rome, by D. E. Wager ; Memorial of S. Wells Wil liams, by T. W. Seward ; The Utica high school, by M. M. Bagg ; List of the birds of Oneida County, by W. L. Ralph and Egbert Bagg. (5426 No. 12. Constitution and by-laws, with the articles of incorporation ; List of officers, members, and donors, and a catalogue of papers read and the publica tions of the Society. 1887. 8vo, pp. 29, (2). (5427 No. 13. The historic difference of English and continental civilization, by W. T. Gibson. 1888. (5428 No. 14. Transactions, 1887-89, New Hartford centennial. 1889. pp. 200. See 5468. No. 15, et seq., entered separately below. (5429 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library of the Society. Utica, 1890. 8vo, pp. (2), 127. Forms No. 15 of the Publications. (5430 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Col. Marinus Willett. The hero of Mohawk Val ley. An address before the Oneida Historical Society. By Daniel E. Wager. Utica, N. Y., 1891. 8vo, pp. 50. Forms No. 16 of the Publications. (5431 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 17. Transactions, 1889-92, No. 5. Utica, 1892. 8vo, pp. 200. Contents : Geographical names as monuments of history, John A. Dix ; Iro quois and the colony of New York, by W. M. Beauchamp ; Early Welsh settlen of Oneida County, by E. W. Jones ; Fail-field Medical College ; Chapter in glacia history, Silas Wright; Prehistoric remains in Sweden, by Thomas R. Colling Sangerfield history, by A. O. Osborn ; Laying of historical stone of T ticf Y. M. C. Association ; John Seymour. (543S ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 18. Transactions, 1892-1894 No. 6. Utica, 1894. 8vo, pp. 207, (2). Contents : Officers ; Committees ; List of publications of the society ; Tb< Dutch our allies in the Revolution, by William ElHot Griffis, D. D. ; The unre sponsive roll call at tattoo, by Luther R. Marsh ; [Reminiscences of deceased residents of Utica] ; Watauga and Franklin, by Rev. Oliver Addison Kingsbury The city in the Roman constitution, by Benjamin S. Terry ; The Madog tra ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 735 dition, by Benjamin F. Lewis ; The mystery of the Muller mansion, by R. J. Hubbard ; Reminiscences of the I tica Literary Club, and its earliest members, by A. G. Vermilye; The New York Indians, .by Elliot Danforth. (5433 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1895-97. Munson-Williams memo rial, No. 7. Utica, N. Y., 1897. 8vo, pp. 105, (1). Portraits. Plate. Forms Publications, No. 19. Contents : Officers ; Publications ; Addresses and papers read before the So ciety, 1878-185)7 ; Munson-Williams Memorial : Addresses by James S. Sherman, George Dolbeare Dimon, A. C. Coxe, Chancellor Upson. Articles of incorpora tion ; Constitution ; By-laws ; Members. (5434 O.NKIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1898. Muiisou-Williams memorial, No. 8. Utica, N. Y., 1898. 8vo, pp. 48. Portrait. Forms No. 20 of the Publications. Contents : Officers ; The Mohawks, an enquiry into their origin, migrations, and influence upon the white settlers, by S. L. Frey ; Notes on Arendt Van Corlaer s journal of 1634, by S. L. Frey. (5435 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, No. 9. Munson-Williams Memorial. Utica, 1903. 8vo, pp. xviii, 135. Portrait. Plates. Includes Nos. 21-30 of the Publications. Contents : Mission of the Society ; Addresses and papers read before the So ciety, Oct. 29, 1878-Jan. 13, 1903 ; Memorial address, dedication of the Sey mour monument, by George L. Miller ; The federal era in American history, by E. P. Powell ; New England in New York, by Stephen Ilolden ; Political and social life in Washington during the administration of President Monroe, by Robert J. Hubbard ; The Philippine problem in the light of American inter national policy, by E. Y\ T . Iluffcut ; The migration of trade centres, by Robert E. Jones ; Recollections of Lincoln and Grant, by James Grant Wilson ; The social and political influence of some inventions of the nineteenth century, by Edmund Wetmore ; Abraham Lincoln, by Thomas L. James. Also published separately as below. (543<> ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Year Book, No. 10. 1905. Munson- Williams Me morial. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 168. Portraits. Plates. Includes Nos. 31-35 of the Publications. Contents: Officers, committees; Mission of the Oneida Historical Society; Publications of the Society ; Addresses and papers read before the Society ; Battle flags carried and taken by the Oneida county regiments during the War of the Rebellion; The genius of Anglo-Saxon law and institutions contrasted with the Latin civilization of imperialism, by William T. Gibson ; The Mohawk Valley, a channel of civilization, by A. L. Byron-Curtiss ; Colonization and civil government in the tropics, by Samuel L. Parrish ; Recollections of the Oneida bar, by Henry J. Cookinham ; Life sketches, prepared at the request of the Society, as an appendix to the foregoing address ; McKinley and the Spanish war, by Stewart L. Wood ford ; Biographical sketches; Life members. (5437 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 22. Memorial address at the dedication of the Seymour monument. Sept. 22, 1899. By George L. Miller, pp. 14. (5438 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 23. The Federal Era in Amer ican History. By E. P. Powell. 1897. pp. 19. (5439 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 24. New England in New York. By Stephen Ilolden. 1895. pp. 14. (544O ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 25. Political and social life in Washington during the administration of President Monroe. By Robert J. Hubbard. 1895. pp. 18. (5441 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 26. The Philippine problem in the light of American international policy. By E. W. Iluffcut. pp. 20. (5442 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 27. The migration of trade cen ters. By Robert E. Jones. 1900. pp. 15. (5443 736 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 28. Recollections of Lincoln and Grant. By James Grant Wilson. 1900. pp. 4. ir.444 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 29. The social and political in fluence of some inventions of the 19th century. By Edmund Wetmore. 1 ! M < . pp. 17. " " ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 30. Abraham Lincoln. By Thomas L. James. 1901. pp. <>. (544 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 31. The genius of the Anglo- Saxon law. Address before the Society at its March meeting, 1888. By W. T. Gibson, pp. 20. < 544 7 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 32. The Mohawk Valley a chan nel of civilization. By A. L. Byron-Curtiss. Paper read before the Society, April 17, 1903. pp. 20. (5448 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 33. Colonization and civil gov ernment in the tropics. By Samuel L. Parrish. Paper read before the Society, October 12, 1903. pp. 31. <"->-* ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 34. Recollections of the Oneida co. bar, by Henry J. Cookinham. Appendix Life sketches. Delivered be fore the Society, December 14, 1903. pp. 24, 38. ."4so ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, No. 35. McKinley and the Spanish War. By Stewart L. Woodford, former Minister to Spain. Paper read be fore the Society, May 9, 1904. pp. 5. <s-*5i ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Battle of Oriskany ; its place in history. An ad dress at the centennial celebration, August (J, 1877. By Ellis H. Roberts. Utica, 1877. 8vo, pp. 66. The celebration was under the auspices of the Society. Forms No. 1 of its . Publications. < r, tr,2 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical fallacies regarding colonial New York. An address delivered before the Society, at its annual meeting, January 14, 1879. By Douglas Campbell. New York, 1879. 8vo. pp. (2), 32. Forms No. 2 of the Publications of the Society. \r,ir>:: ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Paris Memorial. Reinterment of Col. Isaac Paris. Utica, 1880. 8vo, pp. 32. Published under the auspices of the Society. Consists of addresses by Charles W. Hutchinson, Lorenzo Rouse, Edward North, and Theodore W. Dwight. (5454 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Continental Congress : Some of its actors and their doings, with the results thereof. Address at annual meeting of the Society. By W T m. J. Bacon. Utica, 1881. 8vo, pp. 26. <-~* ~5 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Pompey (N. Y.) stone, with, an inscription and date of A. D. 1520. An address before the Oneida Historical Society, on the llth of November, 1879. By Henry A. Homes. Utica, N. Y., 1881. Svo, pp. 15. (5456 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Semicentennial of the city of Utica, March 1, 1882. and the first annual supper of the Half-Century Club, March 2, 1882. Published by the Society. Utica, N. Y., 1882. Svo, pp. 196. Forms No. 7 of Publications of the Society (5457 ONETDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 737 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Col. John Brown. His services in the Revolution-- ary war. Battle of Stone Arabia. Address before the Society, April 28, 1884. By Garret L. Roof. Utica, [1884]. Svo, pp. 26. Forms No. 9 of the Publications of the Society. (5458 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Cayuga County National Bank. Delivered before the Society, April 14, 1885. By D. W. Adams. Auburn, N. Y., 1885. 8vo, pp. 28. (5459 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oration at the dedication of the site of the Fort Schuyler monument (under the auspices of the Oueida Historical Society), July 4, 1883. By Isaac S. Hartley. Utica, 1885. 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. (546O OM:IDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1881-1884, containing the Whites- town centennial, Whitesboro s golden age, Wagner reinterment, Old Fort Schuyler celebration, and dedication of the Oriskany monument. Utica, 1885. 8vo, pp. 228. Constitutes No. 10 of the Publications. (5461 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Early Protestant missions among the Iroquois. Address of Prof. A. G. Hopkins [at the] annual meeting of the Society, January 12, 1886. Utica Morn-ing Herald and Daily Gazette, January 13, 1886. (5462 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Utica water-works. A paper read before the Society, January, 1880, by Thomas Hopper. [Utica, 188(5.] Svo, pp. 20. (5463 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, with articles of incor poration, list of officers, etc., and a catalogue of the papers read and the publications of the Society. Utica, 1887. PP.29 (1). Forms No. 12 of the Publications. (5464 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The genius of Anglo-Saxon law and history com pared with the civilization of Latin imperialism. An address before the Society, by the editor of the Church Eclectic [Rev. J. II. Dubbs, D. D.]. Published by request of the Society. Utica, 1888. 8vo, pp. 19. (5465 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The insurrection and conquest of the Tuskeroras. T y Edward Cantwoll. Read before the Society, December 18, 3888. In Magazine of Western History, Vol. x, pp. 152-163. (5466 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Utici high school. Read before the Society. By M. M. Bagg. Utica, 1888. Svo, pp. 10. (5467 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the Society at Utica. New Hart ford centennial, and addresses before the society. 1887-1889. Utica, N. Y., 1889. Svo, pp. 200. Portraits. Forms No. 14 of Publications of the Society. Contents: Officers; Standing committees; The New Hartford centennial; His torical sketch, by C. D. Prescott ; Early history of Freemasonry in this locality, by Rees G. Williams ; Gen. Oliver Collins, by Charles D. Adams ; President Dwight in New Hartford, 1799, by J. F. Seymour ; Doubleday family ; Lyon and Shays families; The Dakin family: New Hartford s manufactures, by James Harris; Early history and reminiscences, by H. Hurlbut ; The old Presbyterian Church, by E. H. Payson ; Family of Jedediah Sanger ; Inhabitants of New Hartford in 1790 ; Is local history worth studying? by Prof. Francis M. Burdick : The geology of Oueida County, by Rev. A. P. Brignam ; The origin and early life H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 47 .SS AMKKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of Mu> New York lrH|iiois, by Rev. \V. M. Ileauchnmp ; The Illeecker-Street rinrrh I tica. by Thomas W. Seward ; Ancient I tica, Ity I rof. Ueorue ( . S.iv. \p- Ilotany and lioiiinisis in tliis vicinity. by 1 M 1 . .1. \ . I lalerer ; Amendments t. tj,,. const itution : I nl)lic:il ions of the Society; Addresses lelore the Society -in<-,. January 1. issj; Members. iss .t. :.;. ;s ONKIDA 1 1 ISTOKM :\i. SOCIKTY. M:mn;is Willed. Conclusion of .Judge ]>anil \-] Wager s history. Head before the Society | 1 >ecember US, IS .H)]. | I ; iea. 1S M. | Svo. pp. (. {). l- roin / /// lhrnl<l. l)<rMiilMr JO, 1Sf)O. i.-.|i| O.NKIDA HISTOKICAI, SociKTV. I hc oloiiial no\vs|);ip>r pnss. drscrilicd ly < <!.. nd Willi.-iin L. Stonr. A coniiMiiniciition from President Roberts, etc. Ke|"int from I tirti ll<nil<L Oetoher 1S, 1S .M). |rti-!i|, 1MM). s\-o, pp. :?. NO titU -pau - iri7o ONEIDA HISTOKICAI, SOCIKTY. (Jeneral Herkinier. The proposal tt> ivmove his remains to Oriskany. H tiea. 1S1M.| Svo, shoct. From I ticn- lltrtilil. April s, Is .M. i. lTI O.NKIDA HISTOKKAL SOCIKTY. Oiieida s historians. A valuable address by ll m. 1 >. 10. Waiter. K( i priiit from I tica J)<tili/ Hcrahl, Novemher -.">. isil. Svo. pp. I. !. No title -pK . (TI72 ONEIDA HISTOKICAI, SOCIKTY. Itenjamin Fletcher, Colonial (Jovernor of ilio Province of New York, . Will August, KMrj. to l. ith April, HK)S: A I... graphical skotch or address to be read before the Oneida County ( N. V Historical So<-iety. by ,1. Watts De Peyster. Charles II. Ludwitf, print- r. New York. Tin* nddivss proprr o<inals 1 J pa^cs octavo small pica, not leaded; notes < x- planatory or just Iticatory equal to K>; pau< s octavo pica, not leaded. Thirty copies printed for private circulation. It was the intention of the author to reduce this mass of most valuable nor.-s and researches into 11 complete properly digested biography, but failure of health prevented. (517:1 ONKIDA HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. The twelfth and last lecture. Close of the series before tli* Society. |Tennyson, by A. S. Hoyt.| | Ttica, IS .n.J Svo. sheet. Slip from the rtirn Otwrrrr. March L l, is-.H. (5171 ONKIDA HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. A chapter in glacial history; with illustrative notes from central New York. By A. P. Hri^ham. [Ttica, 1H!)i!.] svo, pp. 1:1. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Society. (517." ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. The Indians of New York. By Hon. Elliot Dan forth. Delivered before the Society May S, 1SJM. | I tica, N. Y., 1X1)4.1 Svo, pp. fill. (5I7 ONKIDA HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. Catalogue of the library of the Oneida IIistoric:il Society at I tica. Ttica, N. Y., ISJMi. Svo, 1 p. 1., pp. 127. (5477 ONEIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual address delivered by William Cary Sangcr. [Reprint from the I tica Mornin;/ Ilrmltl, January 1 J, 1S98.] Svo, pp. 4. State Pride and Patriotism. (547s ONKIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Presentation of the battle flags o f the Oneid:i County regiments to the Oneida Historical Society. [Utica, 1898.] Svo.^pp. 00. Plates. Portraits. Cover-title. (547J ONONDAdA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OMIPA HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. Charter, constitution, and by-laws of tin- < Mieida Historical Society at I tica. OMicers, committees, and members. Founded 1S75; incorporated 1S7S. Munson-NVilliams memorial. [ I tica. N. Y. |. 1 .* !. svo, pp. .">;. Front. <ris< DA HISTORICAL SO<IKIY.| Keport of the proceedings in connection with tlie inoiminent erected by Ma.j. (Jen. Daniel Bntterticld. I". S. V.. at Fred rricksburjr. Va.. in honor of the Fifth C -irps, Army of the Totomac. and presentation of a tablet by the 1 Jth N. Y. Regiment Association to thv- Oneida Historical Society, I tica, New York. | n. p.. 11MHVI sv<>. pp. ."> . Front.. - pi. ">1S1 ONKIDA HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. [Account of the Society.] H ticaV ! .<_>. | SVn, pp. [2]. 0\(>M)A<;.\ JIlHTOlflCMj .1N.SOC/ 1770Y. ONONUAOA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. I Its ollicers. history, chart* !*, by-laws. members, donations, and relics. | Syracns* . lx;.~i. I Jmo, pp. L 4. i.-.ISH o\o.M>A(iA HISTORICAL Sen IKTY. Fnlo.iiy on Fdward Kvorett before the Society. By T. T. Davis. Syracuse, 1S<;.">. ONONDACA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The press of Onondaira. A lecture deliv ered before the Ononda^a Historical Association, by Charles K. Fitch. Syracuse. 1S<;S. svo, pp. 1C. .vis.% O\OM)A(;A HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ()nondaj;a s sohliers of the revolution. Official n>conls. compiled by Frank II. Chase. Syracuse, N. Y.. The Onondaira His- torical Association, 1S .K"i. Svo, pp. 47, [11. irISt ONONDACJA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Local history leaflets. Nos. l- J J. January, iuary. 1JMV4. svo. Nos. 120, U J h:iv* titlo Historical I^.-itliMs. No. 1. January, 1SO>. Local historians .!. V. II. Clark and .T. W. Adams. Trllnitp by W. M. H.Miu-ham.v pp. (41. (S4S7 No. _ . I Vbrunry, 1SO<>. Hart ram s travrls. A trip through tlio onomla^a country in 174:i. pp. [41. i.-.iss No. :?. February, 1S!)<. First school house erected and used in the village of Syracuse. Reminiscences by M. W. Hanchett. pp. 1*1. ( *Vl.sj No. 4. March, 1SJM5. Old time M. I. s. practitioners of medicine who rode the ciiM-uit in the early days, by John Van Duyn. pp. [S|. irl!M> No. ". May, 1S!M5. OnondaKa ^oolo^y. Comprehensive accoiuit of the under lying formations. I?y John I >. .Wilson, pp. [4|. i .* IJH No. <;. May, 1SJH5. Onondai;a, 174<; < >7, Sir William Johnson s several visits here. Ononda^a Lake. pp. [41. ( .M2 No. 7. May. iXJMi. T he formative period some intellectual and moral In tluences in the history of Onoudapi county. Hy A. J. Northrup. pp. [s]. i .MM:: No. S. May, IS .H.. The OnondaK ns. Hy W. M. Heaueliamp. P!>. [4]. (.%4l No. t>. June. 1S.M. Col. Comfort Tyler. The special theme of 1 ioneer Iay Observance by tho Historical Association. pp. |S|. i.MII.% No. 1O. August, iSOft. Two centuries a.uo. Frontenac s expedition Into the Onondana country in 1(\ M\. Hy W. M. Heauchamp. pp. [."..] i.MJM; No. 11. November, 1SJM5. Karly botanists. The l..n- visit of Frederick Pursh in 1807. Hy W. M. Heauehamp. pp. |.%1. i ." IJ>7 No. lli. December, 1SJ)<>. Karly interments. French burials here in the seventeenth century. How the Ononda^as mourned, pp. |4). i ." |}>s No. i;j. January, 1S07. In old Onouda^ti valley. Richard U. Shu-urn s vain- 740 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. able history of its schools and churches. Brief biographies of the m^n who were forward in Onondaga s noblest work. pp. [12]. (5498a No. 14. July, 1897. A missionary journal. Rev. Thomas Robbins in Skane- ateles and Marcellus in 1802. pp. [4]. (5499 No. 15. July, 1897. Historic find. Records of the first M. E. church. Min utes of the meetings held by the trustees from 1833-1858. pp. [4]. (5499a No. 1C. October, 1897. Syracuse, village and city. History of the half century of its cityhood. By Carroll E. Smith, pp. [16]. .-^M No. * 17. November, 1897. Onondaga in the Revolution. Some errors in current history corrected by W. M. Beauchamp. pp. [4]. (55O1 No. 18. January, 1898. Year s historic work. Annual meeting of the Asso ciation. pp. [4]. < 5502 No. 19. April, 1898. A distinguished Syracusan. Recollections of fifty years ago _Ioid Syracuse and Chief Judge Charles Andrews, by Daniel Pratt Ba! -in. Seventy years ago, by N. Gilbert, pp. [4]. (55O2a No. *19a. January, 1899. Silas Franklin Smith, 1812-1898. By Carroll ! Smith, pp. 11. ( 5503 No "0 January, 1899. Education and educators. By Mary E. Wieting. " pp. 14. No 21 November, 1900. Ephraim Webster. By George B. Spalding. pp. 20. (6696 No January, 1904. Carroll E. Smith. By Charles E. Fitch, pp. 18. i .VMM; ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Local history leaflets. Second series. Nos. 1-2. No. 1. March, 1903. Chronological index of Onondaga history in the docu mentary history of the state of New York. By Franklin H. Chase, pp. [5]. No. 2. April, 1903. The early missions in the Onondaga country. By John J. Wynne, pp. [8]. ( 5507 OSWEGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Os-wcffo, N. Y. OSWEGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First publication. [Oswego, N. Y.] 1899. Svo, pp. 37 (2). PI. Contents: [Vol. i.] Officers of the Society; An historical sketch, by G. T Clark Old Fort Oswego tablet ;. Constitution and by-laws ; List of members Necrology. (55 * OSWEGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publication, [No. 2.] Oswego, N. Y. History <> the various projects, reports, discussions, and estimates for reaching th< Great Lakes from tidewater. 1768-1901. By Win. Pierson Judson. [Os wego? N. Y., 1901.] 8vo, pp. 22. Fold. map. Cover-title: History of the various projects, reports, discussions, and mates of canal routes across the State of New York. On cover: seal of Oswego Historical Society (printed). Another issue hi on cover mounted label bearing seal. PILGRIM RECORD SOCIETY. Neiv York City. PILGRIM RCCORD SOCIETY. Extracts from the by-laws. Fourth anniversar; Officers and members, etc. [New York, 1880.] Svo, pp. 4. PILGRIM RECORD SOCIETY. Forefathers day. [By D. P. Holton. New Yor ] , (55, Svo, pp. 4. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 741 PIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. Syracuse, N. 3\ PIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL NEW YORK. Organization September 7, 1809. Address of Thomas G. Alvord, etc. Syracuse. 8vo, pp. 13. Newspaper slips. (5511 PIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL NEW YORK, j Address before the Central New York Pioneer Association at its fifth annual meeting, September 17, 1873. By L. R, Marsh. [Syracuse, 1873?] 12mo, pp. 22. (5512 PIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL NEW YOR. Seventh annual address before the Association, by William Barnes, September 16, 1875. Albany, 1875. 8vo, pp. .37. Account of the early history of central New York. An appendix contains statistical tables showing the population, according to the official censuses, of the six counties embraced in the Pioneers Association. The counties are Cayuga, Cortland, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and Madison. (5513 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Neiv York City. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " The Protestant Episcopal His torical Society." [Proceedings at a meeting called to consider the propriety of farming the Society, June 19, 1850. Hartford, 1850.] 8vo, pp. 7. (5514 PBOTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the executive committee " of the Society. Trenton, 1850. 8vo, pp. 12. (5515 I UOTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the first annual meeting, held at the Stuyvesant Institute, New York, June 25, 1851. New York, 1851. 8vo, pp. (2), 29. (5516 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections, Yols. i, n. New York, 1851-53. 8vo. Two volumes. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Officers; Keith and Talbot, Letters, 1703-1704 : Journal of travels from New Hampshire to Caratuck, by George Keith, London, 1706 ; History of the church at Burlington, N. J., by J. Bass ; Nonjuring episcopate in the United States, by Rev. B. Franklin ; State of the church, 1730-1740, by Dr. Bray ; List of persons licensed to the plantations by the bishops of London, from 1745 ; List of parishes in South and North Carolina, Pennsylvania. New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and New England, where divine service was performed ac cording to the rules of the Church of England in 1724 ; Mr. Whitlield s letter against the missionaries, 1740; Efforts to obtain the episcopate before the Revo lution ; Thoughts upon the present state of the Church of England in America, 17(U ; Letter from the archbishop of Canterbury to Dr. W. Smith, of Pennsyl vania, 1766 ; Virginia memorial touching the glebes ; Address on the sale of the glebes, 1795 ; Letter to the bishop of London, 1703 ; Account of Mr, Blair s mission to North Carolina, 1703. New York, 1851. Tp. xlii, 187. (5517 Vol. ii. The frontier missionary ; A memoir of the life of vhe Rev. Jacob Bailey, A. M., missionary nt Pownalborough, Me., Cornwallis and Annapolis, Nova Scotia ; with illustrations, notes, and an appendix. By William S. Bart- lett, D. D. With a preface by George Burgess. New York, 1853. 8vo, pp. xvii, 365. Portrait. (5518 742 AMKRICAX HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. /, xoc//; / } . A or//r\/cr, A. > . ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The title of the Phelps :IIM! (Jorham piii-clu*. Hy II. I,. Ostfood. Rochester, 1,X!H. Svo, ]>|). :{.{. Maps. Read before the Society April 5, lsx<>. i.V-,u ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SociKTV. Publications. Vol. i. Rochester. 1X!H. svo. pp. ii_><; (i). Contents: Notes on flu- aboriginal terminology of the (lonesoo country hv <!. II. Harris; History of the title of the 1 helps and (Jorham purc-hais*; Throe episodes iu (lie history of the (Jenesee valley, by ( ,. Moss; The open M .i of the Cenesee country. by .1. M. I arker ; I he (Jeuesee River and western N,.\V York, by H. K. Rochester; History of the public schools of Rochester, by S \ Kills; Music in Rochester, by H. I). Wilklns : Memorial sketches: H. K. I , k II. II. O Keilly, C. I>ewey, A. W. Kiley, II. II. Sibley, J. L. Anjrle ; Offlc, ,- members, etc. <r..V o Ho( HKSTKR HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. IMihlications. No. 11. Sketch of the pnbli,- .Mild privrite life of Samuel Miles Hoi)kins, of S.-ileni. Connecticut, written ,\ himsrlf. .-mil left as a token of affection to his children. Together with reminiscences hy his children, and a Kenealo^y of the Hopkins family. Rochester, X. V., The Society, 1S!>S. svo, pp. i v , r.<;. n |. (^.vj, KoniKSTKii HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. The simple for Monroe County. Hy ITowanl I.. Os^ood. Read before the Society May l. i, 1,SJ) J. (Rochester, 1S01>. | Svo, pp. (4 i. No title-pa^* 1 . < r."^^ Ro< HKSTKR HISIORICAL SOCIETY. Rochester: its founders and its founding Hy Howard L. Os^ ood. Read before the Society April i:t, 1SJ)4. IHocln- ter. 1S!>4.1 svo, jp. (St. N(, title-pae. (.".Si!:: Roc HKSTKR HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. Some earlier public amusements of Rochester. Read before the Society by (J. M. Klwood, 1SJL Rochester, 1804. Svo, pp. L (>! . I.VilM KOCKLAM) COr\TY JIIHTOltH AL AM) I- OKKHTKY MM IKTY. , \. V. ROCKLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL AND FORESTRY SOCIETY. Arnold, the American traitor; Andre, the Itritish spy; Waship^ton, the defender of constitutional liberty, the Father of his Country, the commander-in chief of the American Army. Address before the Society, February !>_>, 1X,X1. by Krastus Itrooks. Redelivered in New Haven, by request of the New Haven Colony Historical Society, March IS, 1SS1. New York, 1SS1. Svo, pp. :U. Woodcut. (.*.;!.> R(M KLA.M) COINTY HISTORICAL AM) FORESTRY SOCIETY. Constitution and by laws. Revised and amended March _ <;, 1SS4. Nyack, N. V.. 1HS4. svo, pp. 1:1. (.->r>a N.I/AV \ /cy/o/v.tx ,soc//;y> OF Tin: CITY or \i : :\v YOKK. \cir York C/7//. SAINT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF THE CITY 01 NEW YORK. New York as it was during the latter part of the last century. Anniversary address before the So ciety, December 1, 1S4S. liy \V. A. IHier. New York, 1S4!>. 8vo, pp. 4S. (RR27 SENECA FALLS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 743 SUNT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Charter, Constitution, By- Laws, and List of Members of the Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York. New York, 1889. liimo, pp. 70. Nfii/ir for 181)1. . pp. 7". Xante for lS!)r. pp. 84. Name for 181M). pp. ! {. Nf/WM for r.Mtl. pp. 9;i. (552S SMNT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Report of Committee on the certificate of membership. New York, l.X Ki. 8vo, pp. 20. <552 SAINT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Record of the Dinner (iiven in Honor of tiie Officers of II. N. M. Frigate " Van SfKMjk," 8 May, ISJKt. Published by the Society. Hvo, pp. 00. (553O SMNT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Remarks of the Hon. Thomas B. Reed at the Anniversary Dinner of the St. Nicholas Society, December (Ith. 1JMH. llinio, pp. 4. (5531 SMNT NICHOLAS SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW \~ORK. Genealogical Record. Printed by order of the Society, 1!M)5. New York. 8vo, pp. :?:{r.. (iives the pedigree of each member of the Society and biography of ancestor. (5532 SCHOHARIE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Scholiarie, .Y. 1*. SCHOHARIE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Schoharie, \. Y., 188!). (5533 Sc HOHAKIE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Old Schoharie. By E. Danforth. Albany, 18iKi. 8vo. ( 5533<i NE\ECA FALLS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seneca Fall*, Y. Y. SK.NECA FALLS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. One hundredth anniversary of the Town of Juiiius |N. Y.I. LSlW-liMKt. Historical p:i|>ers read befor- the Seneca Falls Historical Society. [ n. d., n. p.] 8vo. pp. 7(5. (5534 > : KNECA FALLS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Centennial Anniversary of Seneca Conntv and Auxiliary Papers published by the Society. Second animal. 1!MM. Svo. pp. SO. Contents: Seneca county, by IHedrieh Willers ; The Karly Ileformed (Church, by K. H. Van Arsdale : Preservation of private and public records, by William Austin Macy ; Judiciary of the county of Seneca, by John K. Richardson ; Our pradecesvon in Sen*>ca county tlie Sachem-O-ja >renht and the Caynga Indians. by Fred Teller: the Seneca Falls Fire Department, by I ryce \V. Bailey: Seneca County in the War of ISl J. by 1 . E. Smith: Samuel Harris and his son John Harris, Fred Teller; The first Congregational church, by Edwin Medden ; The streets of Seneca Falls, by Janet Cowing; The tirst Baptist church, by S. M. Newlaud. (5535 744 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOCIETY OF OLD BROOKLYNITES. Brooklyn N. Y. SOCIETY OF OLD BROOKLYNITES. Proceedings in relation to the Bartholdi statue of " Liberty Enlightening the World ; " address to the French delegation, and report of the committee. Brooklyn, 1886. 8vo, pp. 8. (5536 SOCIETY OF OLD BROOKLYNITES. By-laws adopted October 6, 1887. Brooklyn, 1888. 8vo, pp. 28. Contains a brief history, together with the laws that govern the Society. List of officers ; certificate of incorporation ; by-laws ; members. (5537 SOCIETY OF OLD BROOKLYNITES. 1888. A Christmas reminder. Being the names of about 8,000 persons, a small portion of the number confined on board the British prison ships during the war of the Revolution. With the compli ments of the Society. Brooklyn, 1888. 8vo, pp. 61. (5538 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rirerhcad, Long Island, A". Y. SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Constitution, etc.] pp. (8). No title-page. No date. (5539 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Officers, constitution and by-laws.] River head, 1886. Leaflet, pp. (4). i rr>40 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Suffolk County Historical Society October 1, 1889, by Hon. P. H. Hedges. Sag Harbor, 1889. 8vo, pp. 14. On the claim of Southold to priority of settlement over Southampton. (5541 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of articles received for preservation by the Suffolk County Historical Society during the year 1895, together with the names of its contributors. [Riverhead. N. Y., 1895.] 8vo, pp. 14. (5542 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers received for preservation, July- September, 1896. Leaflet, 1 page. (5543 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Year Book. 1896-1903. Riverhead, N. Y.. 1897-1904. Year Book. 1890. Svo, pp. 20, (1). Contents : Officers ; Members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1896. Year Book, 1897. Svo, pp. 40, (1). Riverhead. 1898. Contents : Officers, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1897; The. value of local history, by Richard C. McCormick. Year Book. 1898. Riverhead, 1899. Svo, pp. 30, (1). Contents : Officers : Members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during 1898. Year Book, 1899. Riverhead, 1900. Svo, pp. 50, (2). Contents ; Officers, members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1899 ; Suffolk County s last half century, by Epher Whitaker. Year Book, 1900. Riverhead, 1901. Svo, pp. 42, (1). Contents ; Officers, members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1900 ; Makers of modern America, by St. Clair McKelway. ULSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 745 Year Book, 1901. Riverhead, 1902. 8vo, pp. 30, (1). Contents ; Officers, members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1901 ; The French as foemen and friends, by Wil liam Force Whitaker. Year Book, 1902. Riverhead, 1903. Svo, pp. 37, (2). Contents ; Officers, members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1902 ; Colonization and civil government In the tropics, by Samuel L. Parrish. Year Book, 1903. Riverhead, 1904. Svo, pp. 32, (3). Contents ; Officers, members, etc. ; Names of contributors and list of articles contributed during the year 1903. Year Book, 1904. Riverhead, 1905. Svo. pp. 25 (3). Contents : Officers, members, etc. No papers. (5544 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Leaflet, No. 1. In memoriam members, by Epher Whitaker. September, 1900. (5545 SUFFOLK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Colonization and civil government in the tropics. Address delivered by Samuel L. Parrish at the annual meeting of the Suffolk County Historical Society held at Riverhead, New York, Feb ruary 17, 1903. [New York? 1903.] Svo, pp. 39. Cover-title. (554G TARRYTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tarrytoirn, A. Y. TARRYTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington at Tarry town. A paper read before the Tarrytown Historical Society, by Mareius D. Raymond. * * * l> -cember 10, 1890. Tarrytown, N. Y., 1893. 4 to, pp. 28. Portrait. (5547 TA.RRYTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. David Williams and the capture of Andre. A paper read before the Tarrytown Historical Society, by Mareius D. Ray mond, January 15, 1903. [Tarrytown? N. Y.. 1903.] Svo, pp. [22]. Illustrations (including portrait). 2 plates. See also No. 3813o. (5548 ULSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kingston, A". Y. ULSTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. i. Parts 1-3. Kingston, lSfiO-1862. Svo, pp. 260. Contents : Constitution ; Proceedings ; Address of A. Bruyn Ilasbronck, LL. D. ; An account of the settlement of New Paltz by the Huguenots, by E. El ting*-; Notes and documents relating to the early history of Kingston, Hurley, and Marbletown, by .1. R. Brodhead ; Letters ; Petition of Rochester for protec tion against the Indians, 1778 ; Treaty between Col. Richard Nicolls, governor of New York, and the Esopus Indians, 1665 ; Proclamation of Georpce Clinton s election, 1777 ; Bill of sale of a negro boy in 1707 ; Inscription in thp F rst Dutch churchyard at Kingston; Historical sketch of Hurley, by J. V. Has brouck ; Notes upon the Esopus Indians and their language, by N. W. Jones ; Esopus treaty, 166r> ; Ulster County sheriffs ; Colonial statutes referring to I lstcr; Clinton papers; An account of the British expedition above the High- lauds of the Hudson, and of the events connected with the burning of Kingston in 1777, by G. W. Pratt; History of the Huguenot Church and settlement at New raltz, by C. H. Stitt ; The Ulster regiment in the " Great Rebellion," by W. Lounsbury ; Origin and meaning of the word Shawangunk, by C. Scott ; The Indian forts of 1663, by C. Scott ; Proceedings in memory of Col. G. W. Pratt. (5549 746 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. W.\Tl-:itLOO IJHIt.MfY .1\/> IIISTOItH M, HOC IKTY. WATERLOO LTIIRARY AND HISTORICAL So< IKTY. Address of (loo. S. Conover. | t <>. fore the Waterloo Lihrary and Historical Society, :it the Academy of MIKJ,. Waterloo. Decemlwr , 1M7!>. [Waterloo, N. Y., 1H7 .V| Hvo. pj). 11 . Caption title. Title of the address : Kchocs of Seneca Lake : or Ueminlscences of a renioti- narlan [ ! | | . r. John Widner|. ( rr..%o WATKRT.(M) LlllRARY AM) HISTORICAL SoCIKTY. The centennial cclehra tloil of C,.||. oral Sullivan s campaign against the Iioijuois. in 177!>. Held at Water!. *,. September :t, 1S7!>. Trepared hy I>ie<lrich Willers, Jr. l refixe<l a ske ch of the Society, hy S. II. (Jridley. | Waterl<M>, N. Y.I, 1XHO. Hvo. |>p. KM ;{.";. Illustrations. title reads: " Seneca County centennial of Sullivan s expedition." V, T ATKRIXM) LIIIKAKV AND HISTORIC .\i. So< IKTY. Th( hirthplaco of Sa-tfo-.vo-wiiHia. or the Iiulian Ked Jacket. The ^reat orator of the Senecas, with a f \v incidents of his life, liy (Jeorj;e S. Conover. I uhlishcd hy the Socieiv. Waterloo, N. Y.. 1SS4. White I ldhix. \. Y. WESTCIIESTKR COIMY HISTORICAL SOCIKTY. Catalogue of tho otticers and meiu- hers, 1S74. llinio. p|>. 4. Constitution and By Laws. Hvo, pp. s. No date. i r,r,r, : WEST-CHESTER ( orxrv HISTORICAL SOCIETY, rnx-eedin^s of May 1, 18ST). Hvo. pp. !. Tlir HnnniiHitlt / /TA<.S newspaper slips. 1HHO. (5.%.%! WKSTCIIESTER C OTXTY HISTORICAL SOCIP:TY. Adriaen van der Donck \nn oarly settler in Westchester County and nia^istrat<> of New Amsterdam. 1(14 1 !(.">. { |. An address delivere<l he fore the Westchester Comity Historical Society at White Plains. N. Y., Novemher J, 1SSS. Hy Tliomas Astlcy Atkins. Yonkers. 1SSS. HVO. pp. IT,. (nnnr. WESTCHESTER COTXTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The relation of rreshyterianism to the Revolutionary sentiment in the province of New York. An address de livered hefore the Westchester County Historical Society, Octohor US. l.S!X Hy A. R. Macouhrey. | n. p. |, 1SJH. Lar^e Hvo. pp. 40. (RRWi WKSTCIIESTER COIMY HISTORICAL So( IETY. The lM>rouirh town of Westchester An address delivered hy Ford ham Morris, on the liSth day of Octoher, 1S1MI. hefore the Westchester County Historical Society in the court house, at White Plains. N. Y. [White Plains, N. Y., IS MiV) Svo. 1 p. 1.. pp. liL . (BB57 WESTCHESTER COIXTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some of the Ix giiiniiig* of West Chester County history. A paper read hefore the Westchester County His torical Society, at the annual meeting at White Plains, on the JSth <>f <)<-toher. ISS l. hy Kx-(iovernor Alon/o H. Cornell, with notes. [White Plains V| 1X.H>. 4to. pp. . {H. including illustrations. Portraits. Maps. (555S WESTCIIESTER COTNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sir Kdmund Andros. Hy Henry Fer Alison. M. A. Westchester County Historical Society, October US, 1H92. Hvo, pp. |:il!J. (5559 YONKERS HISTORICAL AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 747 \VKSTCIIESTER COI-NTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Incidents of the revolution in Westehester preceding the l>;ittle of White Plains." Address delivered at the annual meeting of the Society at White Plains, October % JX, l.X!7. Ky Frederick Wendell Jackson, esq. [White Plains? 1X07. | Mvo. p|). . 14. Cover-title. At head of title: Westchester County Historical Society, (5SCJO WKSTCIIESTER COI-NTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Poverty and patriotism of the Neutral (Jrounds. A paj>cr read before the Westchester County Historical Society upon the one hundred and twenty-third anniversary of the battle of White Plains. Ky .T. C. L. Hamilton. Klmsford. New York. 1.m Svo. pp. W. Portrait of Alexander Hamilton. Pinto. Appendix contains : Pay book of the State Company of Artillery, commanded by Alexander Hamilton; Knrollment of Captain (Jabriel Ke<|n:i\v s Company of tbe Sontli Hattalion of tlie first Uej;lment of Westciiester County Militia; Assessment of tbe nper part of tbe manor of IMillipsburnh for raising the sum of 1) pounds for defraying the pnhlick and necessary charges of the count}* of Westchester, tb , r day of Noveml>er, l~l\ 2. V.r/ /v X fOrVY V HISTORICAL N I nni Yun, \. Y. YATES COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Certificate of incorimrHtion of Yates County Histori<-al SM-iety, together with an address by John L. Lewis, jr. Published at Penn Yan, N. Y., in 1800. ll mo. pp. about 24. (SS62 YOMiKRS HISTORICAL A\D LIBRARY ASfiOCI .-I77O.V. VONKERS HISTORICAL AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Indian wars and the uprising of ItifM. Yonkers de|K)pulate<l. A pajn r read before the Association. March IS. 1SJ)2. Ky T. Astley Atkins. Yonkers, ISirj. Mvo, pp. 14. i.VMK! VONKERS HISTORICAL AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. The manor of Philipsbur^h. A paiH>r read Itefore the New York Historical Society. Hy T. Astley Atkins. * * * June, ftth, 1SJU. | Yonkers, N. Y.I 1X!U. 8vo, pp. 2 .\. ( .VM4 VONKERS HISTORICAL AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Kulletin. Vol. i. No. 1, April, 1 ).->. Yonkers. Svo. pp. 10. ^<^NKERs HISTORICAL AND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. First re<-ord book of the "Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow." organized in 1M7. and now the First KeforiiKMl Church of Tarrytown. N. Y. An original translation of its brief historical matter, and a copy * * * of every * * * name, of its four registers of members, ronsistorymen. baptisms, and marriages, from its organization to 17111. Yonkers. N. Y.. I .MM. 4to, pp. vil, 2 1., pp. *jr,i, l l. Plates. Fai similes. .-,.-.<;; 748 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ALBEMARLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ALBEMARLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Men and times of early Albemarle. By J. H. Wheeler. [Elizabeth City, N. C., 1877.1 8vo, pp. 17. A lecture before the Albemarle Historical Society, with introduction by George W. Brooks. Reprinted in his reminiscences. Columbus, Ohio, 1884. (5567 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRINITY COLLEGE. Durham, N. C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRINITY COLLEGE. An annual publication of historical papers. Reconstruction and state biography. Published by the Historical Society of Trinity College, Durham, N. C. Series i. 1897. 8vo, pp. 85. Portrait. Contents : Fort Hamby on the Yadkin, by Robt. L. Flowers ; The origin and development of the Ku Klux Clan, by Sanders Dent ; Raleigh s new fort in Virginia 1585, by Edward Graham Daves ; Edward Graham Daves, by John S. Bassett ; Francis Lister Hawks, by Sanders Dent ; A Ku Klux raid and what came of it, by W. H. Pegram ; The North Carolina Manumission Society, by C. C. Weaver ; John S. Cairnes, ornithologist, by W. K. Boyd ; Book notices, by John S. Bassett. (5568 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRINITY COLLEGE. An annual publication of historical papers. Legal and biographical studies. Series H. 1898. 8vo, pp. 05. Contents : The assassination of John Walter Stephens, by Luther M. Carlton : The case of the State vs. Will, by John S. Bassett ; William J. Yates, by Zeb. F. Curtis ; What I know about " Schocco " Jones, by R. B. Creecy ; Dennis Heartt, by W. K. Boyd ; Land holding in colonial North Carolina, by John S. Bassett ; Running the blockade from Confederate ports, by John S. Bassett ; The legal regulation of public morals, etc., by B. F. Carpenter; Bart. F. Moore on seces sion and reconstruction, by J. P. Gibbons ; The life and character of Jacob Thompson, by J. F. Bivins. (5569 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRINITY COLLEGE. An annual publication of historical papers. Governor W. W. Holden and Revolutionary documents. Series m. 1899. 8vo, pp. 130. Contents : John Joseph Brnner, by R. L. Flowers ; Diary of a Confederate refugee [D. W. Bagley], by J. H. Sharpe ; Robert Henry s narrative fas respects the transactions of Cornwallis crossing Cowan s Ford, on Catawba River, the 1st of February, 1781]; King s Mountain Expedition, by David Vance and Robert Henry ; Historic points on the Cape Fear, by F. T. Willis ; William W. Holden, by W. K. Boyd Part i. 1818-1855; Part n, Secession and peace move ment ; Parts m and iv, Reconstruction and the Canby Constitution ; Part v. Suppression of the Ku Klux. i 557O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRINITY COLLEGE. An annual publication of historical papers. Series iv. 1900. 8vo, pp. 01. Contents : North Carolina Methodism and slavery, by J. S. Bassett ; Court system of North Carolina before the Revolution, by S. A. Stewart; William H. Branson, by Jno. C. Kilgo ; A saner citizenship, by Judge Henry G. Connor ; The congressional career of Thos. L. Clingman, by John S. Bassett; De Graffen reid and the Swiss and 1 alatine settlement of New Berne, N. C. ; Nathaniel Macon in national legislation ; Book notices. (5571 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TRINITY COLLEGE. An annual publication of historical papers. Series v. 1905. 8vo, pp. 70 Contents : The philosophy of human history, by T. F. Marr, D. D. ; The adoption of the Federal Constitution by North Carolina, by J. A. Best; Ad HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON. 749 valorem slave taxation, by W. K. Boyd ; Samuel Johnston in Revolutionary times, by T. Murray Allen ; The contribution of the Trinity archive to history, by J. S. Bassett ; Bill Arp, by D. W. Newsorn ; Some new material relating to the Mecklenberg Resolutions May 31, 1775, by J. S. Bassett. (5572 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh, N. C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Introductory ad dress, June 5, 1844, by L. Sillim.m Ives. Raleigh, 1844. 8vo, pp. 18. (5573 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. First report, 1845. Hillsborough, 1845. Svo, pp. 8. (5574 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. British invasion of North Carolina in 1770. A lecture, by David L. Swain, delivered before the Society, April 1, 1853. Woodcut. In Revolutionary History of North Carolina. Compiled by W. I). Cooke. pp. 99-145. Raleigh, 1853. (5575 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. British invasion of North Carolina in 1770. Lecture before the Society, April 1, 1853, by D. L. Swain, n. p., n. d. Svo, pp. 24. (5576 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Revolutionary his tory of North Carolina in three lectures, by Francis L. Hawks, David L. Swain, William A. Graham. To which is prefixed a preliminary sketch of the battle of the Alamance. Compiled by William D. Cooke. Illustrated by Darley and Lossing. Raleigh, 1853. 12mo. pp. 236. Dedicated to the Society, and contains an address delivered before the Society. Contents: Preface; Introduction; Battle of the Alamance and \var of the regulation, by Francis L. Hawks; The Mecklenburg declaration of independence, a lecture, by Francis L. Hawks, delivered before the New York Historical So ciety, December 16, 1852; British invasion of North Carolina in 1776, a lecture, by David L. Swain, delivered before the Historical Society of the University of North Carolina, April 1, 1853; British invasion of North Carolina in 1780 and 1781, a lecture, by William A. Graham, delivered before the New York Historical Society in January, 1853 ; Appendix. (5577 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Address before the Society June 6, 1855. By Rig\tt Rev. Bishop Atkinson. Raleigh, 1855. Svo, pp. 32. (5578 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNIVERSITY W NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina: her past, present, and future. Address, June 8, 1870. By J. H. Wheeler. Raleigh, 1870. Svo, pp. 32. Published at the request of the SocieVv. (5579 HISTORICAL SOCIETY O\^ WILMINGTON. Wilmington, N\C. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON. A studyi in colonial history, a lecture de livered before the Historical Society of Wellington, November 26, 1879. By George Davis. Wilmington, 1879. Svo, pp. 34. "An examination of the work of Hawksj with reference to the Cary Rebel lion and the career of John Porter and f dward Moseley, in which the harsh judgment of the historian is well answered," (S. B. Weeks.) (558O 750 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. II/STOHH AL A\l> HUIEXTIFW SOCIETY OF W1LMI\UTOX. HISTORICAL AM) SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON. Sketch of Msij. (it ll. \[ n \ } . ere Howe, of the American Revolution, delivered March KHh, by Join, D. Bellamy. jr., esq. Published by order of the Society. Wilmington, X. r 1SX2. Svo, pp. I 1 :;. Lecture No. |1J. The Historical and Scientific Socit-u ,,f Wilmington, N. ( . > (rrM HISTORICAL AM) SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF WILMINGTON. Lectlll O No. 2. All CssiV on the nebiil.-ir hypothesis. Head April 5, 1882. By S. Martin. Publish, ti by order of tlie Society. Wilmington, 1882. svo, pp. 11. (5r,M2 MECKLEMfl KG CE\TE\\IAL A\l> MOXUM tiXTAL AtitiOCIATlO\. ry, .V. C. MF.rKLK.Niu KG .MoNTMKNTAL ASSOCIATION. Memorial to the general assembly of the State of North Carolina | for an act of incorporation |. n. p.. [1S4H|. Svo. pp. 7. Written by J. II. Wheeler, the historian of the State of North Carolina. I ao-s (> and 7 contain account of the meeting held August i>4, .1841 , for purpose ,.f organization. (.%rs:{ MK( KLKNHl KG CKMKNNIAL AND MoNTMF.NTAL ASSOCIATION. The address of tilt IIoiM)rable Win. A. (iraham on the MtM kltMihiii-^ declaration of independent of the L oth of May. 177."). Delivered at Charlotte on the 4th day of Febru ary, 1X7."), by request of the citixens of Mecklenburg County. With accom panying documents, including those published by order of the legislature of North Carolina in 1S. {1. Published by order of the central committee of the Centennial and Monumental Association. New York, 1875. IGmo, pp. ir>7. (55s UECKLEMl I lf(f HISTORIC. \ L SOCIETY. Mecklenburg, .V. C. MKCKI.FNHI-RG HISTORICAL So( IKTY. The lives and characters of the signers of the Mecklenburg declaration of independence of the 2()th of May, 177">. By .1. II. Wheeler. Charlotte. 1S75. 8vo, pp. 1. " Delivered May 24, 1H75, at the request of the Society, and published by its order from the type set up for newspaper report." (55r> MECKLFNIU-KG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society. By D. II. Hill. In S o nthcm llixttiricul s or*Vf// Papers, Vol. i, pp. :WJ-. M)S. Hichmoud, I87. On the soldiers and statesmen furnished by the South. (55H MECKLENIM-RG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before th Society, 187(5, on the South in war and politics. From Charlotte, N. C., Home. April 17, 187<>. (5587 MECKLENBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Why North Carolinians believe in the Meck lenburg Declaration of Independence of May 2()th, 177"). Second edition. revised and yularged. By G. W. Graham and A. Graham. Charlotte, N. C., 1895. 8vo, pp. 43. (6588 NORTH CAROLINA LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 751 \UlfTII CAROLINA ItAI T/ST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. II cmlcrxttn, \. C. NOKTII CAROLINA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. North Carolina Baptist His torical Papers. Vol. i. October, 18iM>, to July, 1S97. I Nos. 1-4.1 Hender son. X. C. Sv<>, pp. -08. Portrait. Contents: Life and Laliors of Samuel Wa .t, I >. !>.. by .Tno. B. Brewer; His tory of the Meherrin Church, by S. .1. Wheeler ; The colonial i>eriod of N. C. Baptist history, by N. B. Cobb; Rev. William Koyall. by K. P. Hobgood ; " Jer- sev Settlement," by Henry Sheets; The North Carolina Baptist Benevolent Society; Meherrin Church; Notes and comments; Book table. The Baptists in North Carolina, by .T. I>. Ilufham ; John Milton and the Baptists, by Thomas Hume; Work of North Carolina Baptist Churches for IS .MJ, by John E. White; Life and Work of James S. Purefoy, by Chas. E. Taylor ; Some reminiscences of the Baptist Church in Raleigh fifty years ago, by Richard II. Lewis. C5N1 NOKTH CAROLINA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. North Carolina Baptist His torical Pai>ers. Vol. n. October, 1897, to July, 1808. [Quarterly.) Hen derson, N. C. 8vo, pp. -58. Portraits. Plates. Contents: The Baptists in North Carolina, by J. I). Ilufham ; Bear Marsh Church, by John T. Albritton ; Notes, queries, and criticisms; Thomas Jeffer son not an atheist his letter to the Chowan Association, by John E. White; Shubael Stearns, by Ch. E. Taylor; Thomas Meredith, by Ch. E. Taylor; Wil liam B. Worrell, by C. E. Taylor; A short account of the rise and progress of the Church at Brown s Meeting-House; Crocker s and Hay wood s Meeting house; Sketch of the life of Rev. George Matthias Thompson, by Pulaski Cowper ; The Baptists in the forks of the Yadkin, by J. T. Alderman. i. . jm NOKTH CAROLINA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. North Carolina Baptist His torical Papers. January, 1899. [Vol. in. No. I.] Henderson. 8vo, pp. 60, (1). Portrait. Contents: The Baptists In North Carolina, Part n, third paper, by J. I>. Ilufham; The Greene family of Watauga, by G. W. Greene ; Abbott ; Creek Church, by Henry Sheets ; Warren County marriage bonds ; Letter from Hnmphrey Posey, 1833; Notes, queries, and criticisms. (5591 NORTH CAROLIXA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address l>efore the Society [on early settlements in North Carolina 1. By J. M. Atkinson. 1. In \orth Carolina Unircratty Matjazini ,^1S5. pp. :isfi-403. (5592 WORTH CAROLINA LITERARY A\l) HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Raleigh, A . C. NORTH CAROLINA LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Five points in the record of North Carolina In the great war of 18<>l-5. Report of the committee apixjinted by the North Carolina Literary and Historical Society 1904. Goldsboro, N. C., 1904. 8vo, pp. 79, including maps, plans. 4 double plans. " Printed and Issued by the North Carolina Historical Commission." Contents: Report of committee; Hale, K. J.. " First at Bethel ; " Montgomery, W. A., "Farthest at Gettysburg;" Bond, W. R., Longst reefs assault at Gettys burg; Avery, A. C., "Farthest at Chickamauga ; " London. H. A.. "Last at Appomattox ; " Holt, E. J., The last capture of guns ; Ashe. S. A., Numl^r of troops furnished by North Carolina and number of killed and wounded. (5593 752 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, NORTH CAROLINA BRANCH. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Our living and our dead, devoted to North Carolina her past, present, and her future. Official organ North Carolina Branch Southern Historical Society. Vols. i-m; rv. No. 1. September, 1874-March. 1876. Raleigh, N. C., [1875-76]. 8vo. Four volumes. Monthly. (5594 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Publications. James Sprunt Historical Mono graphs. No. 1. Personnel of the Convention of 1861. By Joim Gilchrist McCormick. Legislation of the Convention of 1861. By Kemp Plummer Battle. Chapel Hill, N. C., 1900. 8vo, pp. 144. (5595 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Publications. James Sprunt Historical Mono graphs. No. 2. The Congressional career of Nathaniel Macon, by E. M. Wilson * * * followed by letters of Mr. Macon and W. P. Mangum, with notes by K. P. Battle. Chapel Hill, N. C., 1900. 8vo : 2 p. 1., pp. 115. [1]. (5596 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. James Sprunt Historical Monographs. No. 3. Letters of Nathaniel Macon, John Steele, and William Barry Grove, with sketches and notes by Kemp P. Battle, LL. D. Chapel Hill. N. C., [1902]. Svo, pp. 122, 1 1. Includes short sketches of each of the writers, and also of James Hogg. (,"597 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. James Sprunt Historical Monographs. No. 4. Letters and documents relating to the early history of the lower Cape Fear, with introduction and notes by Kemp P. Battle. Chapel Hill [N. C.] 1903. Svo, pp. 135 [1] II. At head of title : The University record, No. 24. Contents: 1. Extracts from the papers of the De Rosset family, of Wilming ton. 2. Extracts from the Journal of the Board of commissioners of Wilming ton, with an introduction by Captain Samuel A. Ashe. 3. Journal of Joshua Potts in regard to the location of Smithville (Southport). 4. Letter of Captain Samuel Ashe. 5. Journal of General Joseph G. Swift. 6. Extracts from an oration by Colonel James G. Burr. I 559S UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. James Sprunt Historical Monographs. No. 5. Minntts of the Kehukey Association (Baptist). With letter of Joel Battle Fort, and with introduction and notes by Kemp Plummer Battle, LL. D. [Chapel Hill, N. C.] 1904. Svo, pp. 32. (5599 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. James Sprunt Historical Monographs. No. 6. Diary of a geological tour by Dr. Elisha Mitchell in 1827 and 1828, with introduction and notes by Dr. Kemp P. Battle, LL. D. Chapel Hill [N. C.], 1905. 8vo, pp. 73, [1]. Letters written during vacation tours in western North Carolina. (560C NORTH STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NORTH DAKOTA. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NORTH DAKOTA. [Articles of incorporation, by laws, members, etc.] Grand Forks. November, 1903, 8vo, pp. (8). (560] CUYAHOGA COUNTY PIONEEK ASSOCIATION. 753 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NORTH DAKOTA. Report of the Society to the Governor of North Dakota. Bismark, X. D., 1905. 8vo, pp. 23. (5603 OHIO. BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. BATTLE OF LAKE ERIE MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. Account of the organization and proceedings of the Association, and the celebration of the forty-fifth anniversary of the battle of Lake Erie, September 10, 1858. Sandusky, 1858. Svo, pp. 49. (500 3 CINCINNATI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cincinnati, Ohio. CINCINNATI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annals (part 1) published by order of the Society. Cincinnati, 1845. Svo, pp. 20. Contains constitution and by-laws, and an address by I). K. Este at first meet ing, January 15, 1845. (5<>O4 CINCINNATI PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Cincinnati, Oliio. CIVIXNATI PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Cincinnati Pioneer. Nos. 1-5, September, 1873-July, 1875. Edited and published by J. D. Caldwell, secretary of the Association. Cincinnati, 1873-1875. Svo. Five pamphlets. CONTENTS. No. 1. View of Cincinnati in 1810 ; History of Cincinnati Pioneer Associa- tion; Constitution and by-laws; Officers, etc.; Members, pp. 30. No. 2. Reunion of pioneers of the Miami Valley, September 10, 1873 ; Anni versary of Perry s victory ; Address by Joseph Cox. pp. 31. No. 3. Proceedings, April 7, 1874, eighty-sixth anniversary of settlement of territory northwest of the Ohio River; Historical sketch; Addresses, pp. 50. No. 4. Celebration of 4th of July, 1874 ; Proceedings ; Historical memoranda, by J. D. Caldwell; Historical address of William Allen; Eighty-seventh anni versary ; Settlement of Ohio. pp. 32. No. 5. Excursion to Chillicothe, May 28, 1875 ; The pioneers of Ohio, by A. R Stuart ; Historical memoranda as to first settlement of Chillicothe. pp. 37. (5005 * INCINNATI PIONEER ASSOCIATION. When and by whom was Cincinnati founded V Address to the Association, April 7, 1882, by Kufus King. [Cin cinnati, 1882.] Svo, pp. 16. (50 CUYAHOGA COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. ; VAIIOGA COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Address before the Association at North Solon, September 5, 1877, by W. W. Andrews. Cleveland, 1877. 8vo - (5G07 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 48 754 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. DEUTSCHER PIONIER-VEREIN. Cincinnati, Ohio. DEUTSCHEN PIONIER-VEREIN. Der Deutsche Pionier. Erinnerungen aus dem pionier-leben der Deutschen in Amerika * * * 1. 18. jahg. ; marz; 1869-1887. Cincinnati, Ohio. [18G9-87.] 8vo, 18 vols. Illustrated, Plates. Portraits. Maps. Facsimiles. Monthly, 1869-March 1885 ; quarterly, 1885-87. Supplements issued with the numbers for May, 1869, May, 1870, and June, 1871. From 1869-February, 1876, title reads : Der Deutsche Pionier. Eine monats- schrift fur erinnerungen aus dem deutschen pionier-leben in dem Vereinigten Staaten. " Hrsg. vom Deutschen Pionier- Verein [von Cincinnati, Ohio]." * Editors : March, 1870-February, 1871, G. Briihl ; March, 1871-February. 1872, E. H. Makk; March, 1872-April, 1873, Karl Riimelin ; May, 1873-Feb- ruary, 1874, Karl Knortz ; March, 1874-March, 1885, II. A. Rattermann ; 1885-87, Hermann Hensel. (5GO7a DEUTSCHER PIONIER-VEREIN. The German soldier in the wars of the United States. An address read before the Pionier- Verein, by J. G. Rosengarten, [Reprinted from the United States Magazine.] Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo, pp. 49. (5607& DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTIES OF MEDINA. SUMMIT, AND WAYNE. Wadsicorth, Ohio. DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications.] [Nos. 1-3.] Wadsworth, 1877- 78. No. 1. First report, containing constitution and an account of the organiza tion of the Society. With " Man, his origin in geological times," by E. Brown, and other papers. 1877. pp. 16. No. 2. Second report, containing account of the meeting in Akron, March 14, 1878, " The modern evidence of prehistoric man in the copper region of Lake Superior," by H. Reed (etc.). 1878. pp. 32. No. 3. Curious stones from the stone age, by P. P. Cherry. 1878. pp. 8. (5608 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND. Cleveland, Ohio. EABLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND. The corporate birth and growth of the city of Cleveland. An address to the Early Settlers Association of Cleveland, delivered July 22, 1884. By T. O. Griswold. Cleveland [1884]. 8vo, pp. 287-318. Forms Tract No. 62 of the Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society. (56O9 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Cleveland, Ohio. EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. i. Cleve land, 1880. 12mo, pp. 148. (5MO EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. 755 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. 11. Cleve land, 1881. 12mo, pp. 93. (5611 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. in. Cleve land, 1882. 12mo, pp. 87. (5612 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. iv. Cleve land, 1883. 12mo, pp. 95. (5613 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. v. Cleve land, 1884. 12mo, pp. 120. (5614 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. vi. Cleve land, 1885. 12mo, pp. 90. " The first six numbers constitute Vol. 1." (5615 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. vn. Cleve land, 1886. 12mo, pp. 104. (5616 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. vm. Cleve land, 1887. 12mo, pp. 196. (5617 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. ix. Cleve land, 1888. 12mo, pp. 197-323. Contents : The Early Settlers anniversary, July 22, 1888 : Addresses, by Harvey Rice, Darius Cadwell ; Unveiling of the statue in honor of Moses Cleaveland, founder of Cleveland : Addresses by Harvey Rice, S. E. Adams, S. A. Lane. Recollections of Rocky River, by C. G. Calkins ; Maria Baldwin ; The early fire department of Cleveland, by George F. Marshall ; My mother a sketch, by Mrs. James M Crosky ; Loss of an open boat between Rocky river and Black river, April, 1808, by Q. F. Atkins: The great sleigh-ride of 1856, by Schuyler R. Oviatt. Obituaries ; Members ; Constitution. (5618 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. x. 1889. 12mo, pp. 295-408. Contents : Report of the anniversary, 1889 : Addresses by Samuel Bissell, W. S. Kerruish, D. W. Gage, Lester Taylor ; Pioneer life in Ohio, by S. A. Bronson ; Rocky R" T cr sketches, by C. G. Calkins ; A letter from an early set tler ; A memorable voyage off for the West in 1850 ; Obituaries ; List of mem bers ; Constitution. (5619 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. xi. 1890. 12mo, pp. 385-499. Contents : Report of the anniversary, July 22. 1890 ; Daniel R. Tilden, a eulogy by W. S. Kerruish ; A sketch of pioneer life, by Isham A. Morgan ; Something about the members who have recently left us, by George F. Marshall ; Obituaries ; Sketches of pioneer life in Cuyahoga county, by John D. Taylor ; List of members; Constitution. (562O EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, No. xii. 1891. 12mo, pp. 505-622. Contents : Report of the anniversary, July 22, 1891 ; Addresses by Harvey Rice, Lester Taylor ; Some reminiscences, by Samuel E. Adams ; A rapid transit through Europe, by George F. Marshall ; Obituaries ; List of members ; Consti tution ; Index. (5621 Nos. vn-xii constitute Vol. ir. EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals, Vol. HI, Nos. 1-6. 1892-1897. Cleveland, Ohio. 8vo, pp. 1012. Contents : No. I, 1892. Officers ; Early Settlers anniversary, July 22, 1892 ; Some fugitive reflections on the death of early settlers of Cuyahoga county, by 756 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Samuel E. Adams : Harvey Rice and the common school law of Ohio, by F. T. Wallace; Obituaries: Moses Cleaveland. some old and original manuscripts; Sixty years ago, by Milo II. Hickox;-List of members; Constitution. ( 5<>22 Vol. in. No. ii. 1803. Contents : Early Settlers anniversary, July 22, 1893 addresses by the Presi dent, John C. Covert, George P. Marshall, Virgil P. Kline, J. J. Elwell, Lothrop Cooley ; Obituary notices ; List of members : Constitution. ( 5628 Vol. in. No. in. 1804. Contents : Early Settlers anniversary, July 23. 1804 addresses by George F. Marshall. Henry C. White ; Obituary notices : Perry s Victory, the battle on Lake Erie, by the surgeon of the fleet ; Nearly a century, remarkable his tory of the Euclid Baptist Church ; Men and mention, by Geo. F. Marshall ; Some early history, by A. J. Williams ; List of members ; Constitution. (5624 Vol. in. No. iv. 1805. Contents: Early Settlers anniversary. July 22. 1805; Sketches of deceased members : Recollections cf a pioneer printer, by Eber I). Howe ; Cleveland mili tary : Early recollections of Cleveland, by Nathaniel A. Stimson ; Some early history: List of members; Constitution. (5625 Vol. in. No. v. 1XJM>. Contents: Early Settlers anniversary. July 20. 1806; Sketches of deceased members ; The city of Cleveland sixty years ago. by James D. Cleveland ; Cleve land Centennial, poem by Mrs. II. E. G. Arey : Cleveland reminiscences, by O. J. Hodge ; George B. Merwin, by John M. Buckingham : An old landmark. " Colo nial House," erected in 1837; S. Hart s contract with Lorenzo Carter, 1707; Derivation of title to lands on Western Reserve, by N. B. Dare ; Early periods of portions of Cuyahoga county, by N. B. Dare: The mouth of the Cuyahoga river, by N. B. Dare : Case s Ark : List of members : Constitution. i 5O2G Vol. in, No. vi. 1807. Contents : Early Settlers anniversary. July 22, 1807 ; The pioneer press of Cleveland, by John C. Covert : Development of the postal service, by John G. Ilntchins; Sketches of deceased members: Indians and indictments, by A. J. Willi-ims; The big gun on the square, by A. J. Williams; The postal service, by S. C. Ilickox : Cahoon family reunion, by II. M. Addison : Recollection of men and things, by Henry C. Hawkins; List cf members; Index to Vol. in. ( 5G27 EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Annals. Vol. iv, Xos. 1-0. 181)9-1903. Cleveland, Ohio. 8vo, pp. 606, (8). Vol. iv, No. 1. 1899. Contents: Officers; Early Settlers Association, July 22, 1898 annual meet ing; Early recollections of Cleveland, by John C. Reeve; Early churches in Cleveland, by C. G. Calkins ; Sketches of deceased members ; List of members. Vol. iv, No. ii. (5G28 Contents: Early Settlers Association, July 22, 1890 annual meeting: Sketches of deceased members. ( "<-*> Vol. iv, No. in. 1900. Contents : Early Settlers Association, July 21, 1900 annual meeting, with addresses, by Edwin T. Hamilton, R. T. Lyon, H. C. Gray, S. D. Dodge, Lathrop Cooley. Sketches of deceased members; List of members. (5630 Vol. iv, No. iv. 1901. Contents: Early Settlers Association, July 22, 1901 annual meeting; The Mormon episode at Kirtland, by James II. Kennedy; "The Gentleman from Ohio," by William A. Babcock ; Sketches of deceased members ; Constitution ; List of members. (5631 Vol. iv, No. v. 1902. Contents: Early Settlers Association, September 10, 1902 annual meeting; Items in the early history of Cleveland, by Schuyler C. Oviatt ; The pioneer mothers of Cleveland, by Gertrude Van Rensselaer Wickham ; Sketches of deceased members; List of members. (5632 Vol. iv, No. vi. 1003. Contents : Early Settlers Association, September 10, 1903 annual meeting ; Early settlers, hy Alexander Hadden ; Old times, by Abraham Teachout ; T Moravians, by P. H. Kaiser ; The German pioneers, by Geo. B. Solders ; Hungary and its emigration, hy Louis Perczel ; The sons of Erin, by W. J. Gleason : Sketches of deceased members ; Constitution ; List of members ; Contents o this number ; General Index, 1898-1903. (5633 Vol. v, No. i. 1904. pp. iii, (1). Contains proceedings, reports, etc. FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 757 FIRE LA~XD8 HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Noncalk, Ohio. FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer, June, 1858-July, 1878. Vols. i-xin. Sandusky, Cleveland, and Norwalk, 1858-78. Svo. Nothing was published between July, -1878, and June, 1882. For Contents, see Appendix. (5634 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Fire Lands Pioneer. New series. Vols. i-xiv. 1882-1902. Norwalk, Ohio. 8vo. Illustrated. Vol. i. 1882. pp. 1G6 (2). Contents : Proceedings, 1878-1881 ; The mystery of Atlantis, by S. A. Wild- man ; Second historical period of the Fire Lands, by Clark Waggoner ; The in fluence of the jurisprudence and judicial courts of the Fire Lands in the educa tion of its population, by ,T. K. Osborn ; The four pioneers Walter F. Stone, Wm. G. Lane, Joseph M. Root, and Cooper K. Watson, by I. F. Mack ; Meth odism in the Fire Lands, from 1811 to 1881, by M. M. Hester ; A romance of the great rebellion, by T. A. Burr ; A lost chapter in the early history of Huron county ; Reminiscences early pioneer movements ; Reminiscences of the war of 1812, by Charles Whittlesey ; The Alert Club, by Mrs. II. S. Mitchell ; Legend of Fort A very, by I. M. Gillett ; Biographies and memoirs; Constitution. (5G35 Vol. ii. 1884. pp. 127, (1). Contents : Record of proceedings ; Battle of Lake Erie, by John R. Osborn ; Oliver Hazard Perry and his associate heroes, by C. II. Stewart; Our country, by F. R. Loomis ; The old Norwalk Academy, by Charles II. Stewart; The old bank building an interesting reminiscence of Norwalk history, by John Gar diner ; Our poineer fathers and mothers, by I. M. Gillett ; Farly historical inci dents, by Clark Waggoner; Biographies and memoirs. (5<J3< Vol. in. 188G. pp. 127. Contents: Record of proceedings; Pioneer life as it was and is, by C. II. Stewart; Our work in history, by .1. Nelson Lewis; The pioneer physician, by John C. Sanders ; The old chimney coiner, by I. M. Gillett ; Some compensa tions of the poineer life and the perpetual necessity of the pioneer spirit, by J. M. Seymour ; Early historical incidents, by Clark Waggoner ; Legendary ac count of the first camp meeting held upon the Firelands, by I. M. Gillett; A Fitchville centenarian, Collins A. Brown ; Almost a centenarian, Martin Kel logg ; The army record of soldiers from Peru, Ohio, enlisted for the war of the Rebellion, by C. Woodruff; Biographies and memoirs. (5G37 Vol. iv. 1888. pp. 128. Contents : Record of proceedings ; A Bronson centenarian, Martin Kellogg, by F. R. Loomis Account of the celebration of his birthday with the speeches; Time s changes, by I. M. Gillett; Olden times along the old state road, by I. M. Gillett ; The old and the new a contrast between 1822 and 1887, by T. C. Mc- Gee ; Biographies and memoirs. (5<>3S Vol. v. 1888. pp. 128. Contents : Record of proceedings ; Underground railroad reminiscences, by II. F. Paden ; The underground railroad of the Firelands, by Rush R. Sloane : The Ohio fugitive slave law, by G. T. Stewart ; Some experiences in abolition times, by Chauncey Woodruff ; Thomas Holland Boston, by Rush R. Sloane ; A centenarian, Daniel Barlitt ; " Le Griffin," the first full rigged vessel that sailed the Great Lakes, by F. G. Lockwood ; Taken by Commodore Perry ; Alex- nnder Odren, warrior and pioneer ; Sandusky in 1882 ; Biographies and mem oirs ; Pioneer life in Huron county, by Frank I). Read. (563?) Vol. vi. 1891. pp. 100. Contents: Record of proceedings; Our railroad history, by G. T. Stewart; The Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland railroad, by L. D. Strutton ; Richard Brewer, 103 years old, by Hudson Tuttle ; The early itinerancy, by J. II. Pitezel ; Study of history in Ohio, by C 1 . C. Baldwin; History of the old state road, by I. M. Gillett ; Norwalk origin of the name, by C. II. Gallup ; Early memories of life on the Firelands, by J. II. Pitezel ; History of the Presbyterian society of Milan ; Biographies and memoirs ; Index, new series, Vols. i-vi. (5G4O Vol. vn. 1894. pp. 100. Contents: Record of proceedings; Our centenarians, by G. T. Stewart; A sketch of prison life at Andersonville, by Win. B. Woolverton ; Pioneer days, 758 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by Mrs. V. Harrington ; In memoriam of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, by G. T. Stewart ; The Norwalk Light Guards ; Our famous old state road, by I. M. Gillett ; The ordinance of 1787, by L. C. Laylin ; Pioneer steps of lib erty, by G. T. Stewart ; The four-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America, by P. N. Schuyler ; Isaac T. Reynolds, by Hudson Tuttle ; Old grants of land, by Jeremiah Allyn ; Our first military expedition, by I. M. Gillett ; Biographies and memoirs. (5641 Vol. \ni. 1895. pp. 160. Contents : Record of proceedings ; Fajnous artists of the Firelands, No. 1. Frank II. Tompkins ; Burial of the missionary s wife, a legend of the Firelands, by I. M. Gillett; Church history: Methodist Episcopal Church, Norwalk; St. Paul s Episcopal Church ; Lyme township and the Lyme Congregational Church ; The old church farewell, 1888, by I. M. Gillett ; Biographies and memoirs. (5642 Vol. ix. 1800. pp. 162, (3). Contents : Record of proceedings ; Address, before the Society, by James M. Richardson ; Reminiscences, by Jane A. Carpenter ; The pioneer and civilization, by. J. M. Seymour ; The eighty-seventh anniversary of the settlement of Huron county, by I. M. Gillette ; Early history of the churches of Erie county, by Rush R. Sloane ; Recollections of northern Ohio, by M. A. Kennan ; Nor walk four centuries of retrospect, by Caleb Hathaway Gallup ; The cyclone of 1890 ; Obituaries ; Life members. (5643 Vol. x. 1897. pp. 157. Contents : Record of proceedings ; Philip, the Ottawa, by J. M. Seymour ; 1812-1897, Benjamin Newcomb ; Obituaries; Contents. (5644 Vol. xi. 1898. pp. 163-363. Contents : Record of proceedings ; Miscellaneous papers relating to Firelands history ; Forty-one interesting and valuable letters and papers selected from the Benedict, Underbill, and Cole papers and public records ; Obituaries ; Life members. (5645 Vol. xn. 1900. pp. [365]-574, (3). Contents : Record of proceedings ; Early Methodism in Ohio its beginning and growth in Sandusky, by Rush R. Sloane ; Lyme Congregational Church, by II. C. Barnard ; Pioneer men and women of Ohio, by A. G. Baughman ; The Northwest territory, by F. E. Weeks ; History of Clarksfield township, by F. E. Weeks ; Early efforts at internal improvements on the Firelands The Vermillion and Ashland railroad, by J. O. Cunningham ; William Wells, the hero of the massacre of Chicago in 1812, by J. O. Cunningham ; An ancient letter, 1818 journeying by raft and boat in early days ; Old record Norwalk P. E. Church, 1821 ; Changed town plat of Norwalk ; Firelands Memorial Building; The old "Columbus and Sandusky" turnpike, by Rush R. Sloane; Early authors of the Firelands, by G. T. Stewart; Citizens well, No. 1. Nor walk, Ohio; Obituaries; Life members. (5646 Vol. xiii. 1900. pp. [581]-783. Contents : Record of proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting ; Pioneer boyhood on the Firelands, by J. O. Cunningham ; Pioneer girlhood on the Fire- lands, by Mary B. Ingham ; Pioneer gatherings, by A. J. Baughman ; Proceed ing of the meeting, Oct. 3, 1900 ; War of the Rebellion how financed, by Jay Cooke ; Address of Gen. John Beatty ; Richland County Historical Society; Lorain County Historical Society ; Historical sketch of the life and work of " Johnny Appleseed," by A. J. Baughman ; The birthplace of Edison, (Milan) dreams of her fallen greatness, by Theresa Thorndale ; Erie county sixty-three years, by Rush R. Sloane; The Bloomingville Bank, by Rush R. Sloane; First governor of the District of Columbia, Henry D. Cooke; Battle of Lake Erie; When Ohio was admitted, by Rush R. Sloane; Obituaries; Major General Henry W. Lawton the martyr hero of the Firelands, by F. E. Weeks. (5647 Vol. xiv. 1902. 8vo, pp. 785-984, (3). Contents : Officers ; Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual meeting : Address by Rush R. Sloane ; The surrender of Detroit, by C. E. Pennywell ; Report of proceedings of the forty-sixth annual meeting: President Sloane s address; Tecumseh, by E. O. Randall; W T hittlesey papers (relating to the War of 1812) ; Address on Lafayette, by Rush R. Sloane ; The Perkins Methodist Episcopal Church, by W. H. Oswalt; Obituaries; Life members. (5648 FIRELANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Abstract of verbal discourse upon the mounds and mound-builders of Ohio. Delivered before the Society, at Monroeville, Ohio, March 15, 18G5. By C. Whittlesey. Norwalk [1865]. 12mo, pp. 8. (5649 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. 759 FRANKLIN COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Columbus, Ohio. FRANKLIN COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Historical sketch relating to the orig inal boundaries and early times of Franklin County. Prepared for the As sociation and delivered by J. Sullivant, June 3, 1871. Columbus, 1871. 8vo, pp. 10. (565O GEAUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cleveland, Ohio. GEAUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discovery and ownership of the North western Territory. Address before the Historical Society of Geauga County, September 10, 1873. By James A. Garfield. Cleveland, 1874. 8vo, pp. 12. Forms Tract No. 20 of the Western Reserve Historical Society. (5G51 GEAUGA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1798. Pioneer and general history of Geauga County, with sketches of some of the pioneers and prominent men. [Burton? O.] Historical Society of Geauga County, 1880. 8vo, 7 p. L, pp. [9]-822. (5G52 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TALLMADGE. TaUmadgc, Ohio. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TALLMADGE. Asaph Whittlesey, late of Tallmadge ; Vesta Hart Whittlesey, and Susan Whittlesey, nee Fitch. [Address before the Society, October (>, 18G8, by L. V. Bierce.] Cleveland. 1872. 8vo, pp. 14. (5G53 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Cincinnati, Ohio. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Discourse on the history and general character of the State of Ohio, before the Society, by T. Walker. Columbus, 1838. Svo, pp. 27. (5654 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Discourse on the aborigines of the valley of the Ohio. By W. II. Harrison. Cincinnati, 1839. 8vo, pp. 51. Forms Vol. r, part 2, of the Transactions. Reprinted, Cincinnati, 1872, and Chicago, 1883. Same, Boston, 1840. Svo, pp. -47. (5G55 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Transactions. Vol. i, parts 1, 2. Columbus, 1838. Cincinnati, 1839. [Reprinted 1872.] CONTENTS. Vol. i, part 1. Journal of the Society ; Act of incorporation, etc. ; Address by Benjamin Tappan ; Address by J. II. James ; A brief history of the floods in the Ohio River, 1772-1832, by S. P. Hildreth ; Settlement of Dayton, by J. W. Van Cleve ; Description of Washington County; Topography, statistics, and history of Oxford and the Miami University, by J. McBride ; Ancient fortifications in Butler County, by J. McBride. 1838. Reprinted 1872. 12mo, pp. viii, 131. Vol. i, part 2. Letters relative to early settlement of the Northwestern Terri tory, by J. Burnet ; Annual discourse, by Timothy Walker ; A discourse on the aborigines of the valley of the Ohio, by W. II. Harrison ; Discourse, by J. II. Per- 760 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. kins ; Essay on the origin and progress of political communities, by J. T. Worth- ington ; Fragment of the early history of Ohio, by Arius Nye. 1889. Reprinted 1872. 12mo, pp. 334. (3U5ti HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual address before the Society, December 25, 1835, on education, by J. H. James. Columbus, 1838. Svo. (557 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Discourse relating to the expedition of Lord Dunmore against the Indian towns upon the Scioto in 1774. Before the Society, January, 1840, by C. Whittlesey. Cleveland, 1842. Svo, pp. 33. (5O58 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Notes on the early settlement of the Northwestern Territory. By Jacob Burnet. Cincinnati, 1847. Svo, pp. 501. Published under the auspices of the Society. (5G59 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Pioneer history; being an account of the first examinations of the Ohio Valley and the early settle ment of the Northwest Territory. By S. P. Hildreth. Cincinnati, 1848. Svo, pp. 525, xiii. Map. Published under the superintendence of the Society, and the publishers ad vertisement calls it the first volume of the Transactions of the Society. (566O HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Facts and conditions of prog ress in the Northwest. Being the annual discourse for 1850 before the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, delivered April 8, the sixty- third anniversary of the first settlement of the State. By William D. Gal lagher. With an appendix, containing a sketch of the history of the So ciety and other matter. Cincinnati, 1850. Svo, pp. 85. Title on cover, " Progress in the Northwest." (.">(>(>! HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Biographical and historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio, with narratives of incidents and occurrences in 1775. By S. P. Hildreth. Cincinnati, 1852. Svo, pp. 539. Illustrations. " This is the second volume of the early history of Ohio, prepared by Dr. Ilil- dreth and published under the auspices of the Ohio Historical Society." Preface by E. D. Mansfield, president of the Society. i :><><;2 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. [Publications.] New series, Vols. I-IH. [Cincinnati, 1873-85.] Svo, 3 vols. The preface to Vol. I states that "the old series was interrupted in is.~4 [1852?] and never renewed." The "old" or first series was apparently com posed of the following publications: [Vol. i] Hildreth, S. I ., Pioneer history, Cincinnati [etc.], 1848 (in publishers advertisement called the first volume of the Transactions of the Historical Society of Cincinnati). [Vol. n] Hildreth, S. P., Biographical and historical memoirs of the early pioneer settlers of Ohio, Cincinnati, 1852 (called, in the preface, " the second volume of the early his tory of Ohio, prepared by Dr. Hildreth * * * and published Under the auspices of the Ohio Historical Society.") Contents of the new series : Vol. i. Journal and letters of Col. John May, of Boston, relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and 89. 1873. Vols. ii in. Diary of David Zeisberger, a Moravian missionary among the In dians of Ohio. 1885. < "* HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Journal and letters of Col. John May, of Boston, relative to two journeys to the Ohio country in 1788 and 1789. With a biographical sketch, by R. S. Edes, and illustrative notes, by W. M. Darlington. Published for the Society. Cincinnati, 1873. Svo, pp. 160. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. 761 HISTORICAL, AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Diary of David Zeisberger, a Moravian missionary among the Indians of Ohio. Translated from the original German manuscript and edited by Eugene F. Bliss. Cincinnati, 1885. Svo. Two volumes. (56fi5 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual report for the year ending December 7, 1874, together with the constitution, by-laws, and list of members. Cincinnati, 1874. . 8vo, pp. 31. .-,<;<;<; HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual reports for the years 1874-75 and 1875-70, together with lists of officers and of members. Cin cinnati. 1870. 8vo, pp. 10. (5CS66a HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio. Py M. F. Force, [Paper read before the Society.] Cin cinnati. 1879. 8vo, pp. 40. (5GG7 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual report, 1883. Cin cinnati, 1883. pp. 2. Broadside. (5668 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual report for the year ending December 7, 1885. Cincinnati, 1885. 8vo, pp. 18. (5669 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual reports. 188G-1893. ( Mncinnati, 1880-1893. 8vo, 8 pamphlets. Sec No. 5077. (5661>o HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Discourse on the aborigines of the Ohio Valley. Prepared at the request of the Society, by W. II. Har rison. Reprinted from the Transactions of the Society, Vol. i, part 2. Cincinnati, 1839. With note and an appendix. Chicago, 1883. Svo, pp. 52. [Fergus Historical Series, No. 26.] (567O HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Address of M. F. Force, president of the Society, on the opening of the new rooms of the Society, October 15, 1885. Cincinnati, 1885. 12mo, pp. 8. Sketch of organization, publications, growth, and present condition of the Society. (5671 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Diary of David Zeisberger, 51 Moravian missionary among the Indians of Ohio. Translated from the original German manuscript and edited by Eugene F. Bliss. Cincinnati. 1885. Svo. Two volumes. (5672 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. History of the Society. By W. II. Tenable. In Magazine of Western History, Vol. in. pp. 499-500. Cleveland, 1886. (567. J IISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Catalogue of the Torrence papers. Cincinnati, 1887. 8vo, pp. 21. (5674 IISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF Oino. In memoriam Elizabeth Haven Appleton, October 10, 1815. November 15, 1890. By Eugene F. Bliss. Cincinnati, 1891. Svo, pp. 21. (5675 762 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Partial list of books upon Ohio in the library of the Society. Cincinnati, 1893. 8vo, pp. 108. (567G HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual report for 1894. Cincinnati, 1894. 8vo, pp. 16. (5676a HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Annual Reports. Cincinnati. 1895. 8vo, pp. 18. 1896. 8vo, pp. 21. 1897. 8vo, pp. 19. 1898-9. 8vo, pp. 30. 1900. 8vo, pp. 19. 1901. 8vo, pp. 21. 1902. 8vo, pp. 20. 1903. 8vo, pp. 18. 1904. Svo, pp. 20. 1905. Cincinnati, 1906. Svo, pp. 23. (5677 LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Newark, Ohio. LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Pioneer pamphlets, Nos. 1-9. Newark, 1869-1874. 8vo. Eight pamphlets. CONTENTS. No. .1. Historical sketches of the Presbyterian churches in Licking County. By Henry M. Hervey. 1869. pp. 20. No. 2. History of the Welsh settlements in Licking County. By Isaac Smucker. 1869. pp. 22. No. 3. An account of the celebration of American independence, at Clay Lick, by the Licking County pioneers; with an address by Dr. Coulter on early times in the Clay Lick settlement. Also historical sketches of the townships of Licking, Bowling Green, Franklin, Hopewell, etc. By I. Smucker. 1869. pp. 35. No. 4. Historical sketches of the Disciple churches in Licking County. By Jacob Winter. 1869. pp. 7. Nos. 5 and 6. Notes of the early history of Union Township. By Samuel Park. American antiquities ; read before a joint meeting of the pioneer asso ciation of the counties of Franklin, Muskingum, and Licking, at Pataskala, July 4, 1870. By Samuel Park. Terre Haute, 1870. pp. 56. No. 7. Our pioneers. Being biographical sketches of Capt. Elias Hughes [etc.] ; with brief notices of the pioneers of 1801 and 1802, by I. Smucker. ^ Also a paper on the pioneer women of the West, by Mrs. C. Springer. 1872. i pp. 33. No. 8. Our early times. Historical sketch of St. Albans Township. By J. M. Scott. 1873. pp. 11. No. 9. Licking County s gallant soldiers, who died in defense of our glorious Union. 1874. pp. 29. (5678- LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. An account of the celebration of American independence, at Clay Lick, by the Licking County pioneers ; with an address, by Dr. Coulter, on early times in the Clay Lick settle ment. Also historical sketches of the townships of Licking, Bowling Green. Franklin, and Hopewell, etc. ; being pioneer papers Nos. 47, 48, 49, 50, and 51. By I. Smucker. Newark, Ohio, 18(39. 12mo, pp. 35. (5679 LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Historical sketches of the Presbyterian churches (O. S.) in Licking County, Ohio; being the substance of papers read before the Association. By H. M. Hervey. Newark, 1869. 12mo, pp. 20. (56SO MAHONING VALLEY PIONEER SOCIETY. 763 LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. History of the Disciples Church in Licking County, Ohio. By J. Winter. Newark, Ohio, 1869. 12mo, pp. 7. Pioneer paper No. 53 of the Licking County Pioneer Association. (5681 LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. History of the Welsh settlements in Licking County, Ohio ; the characteristics of our Welsh pioneers ; their church history, with biographical sketches of our leading Welshmen. Read at pioneer meeting, April 7, 1869. By I. Smucker. Newark, Ohio [18G9]. 8vo, pp. 22. (5682 LICKING COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. American antiquities. Read before a joint meeting of the pioneer associations of the counties of Franklin, Mus- kingum, and Licking, at their celebration of the national anniversary, at Pataskala, Ohio, July 4, 1870. By Samuel Park. Terre Haute, 1870. 8vo, pp. 22. Also forms one of the series of Pioneer pamphlets. (5683 LOGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Westfall, Ohio. LOGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American Pioneer. A monthly periodical, devoted to the objects of the Logan Historical Society. Edited and pub lished by John S. Williams. Vols. i and n. January, 1842-October, 1843. Vol. i, Chillicothe, 1842; Vol. 11, Cincinnati, 1843. 8vo. Two volumes. Vol. i twice reprinted at Cincinnati, 1842 and 1844, respectively. The Logan Historical Society was first organized on July 28, 1841, at West- fall, Pickaway County, Ohio, and flourished two or three years, and then was suffered to fall into oblivion. Thomson, Bibliography of Ohio. (5684 MAD RIVER VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MAD RIVER VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Inaugural address of the Association, delivered at its organization, May 2, 1870, by A. II. Bassett. In Firelands Pioneer, Vol. x, pp. 80-98. Sandusky, 1870. (5685 MAD RIVER VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Mad River Valley Pioneer, Vol. i, No. 1, May, 1870. Springfield, Ohio, 1870. 8vo, pp. 4. Contains inaugural address, May 2, 1870, by A. H. Bassett. No more was published. (5686 MAHONING VALLEY PIONEER SOCIETY. Cleveland, Ohio. MAHONING VALLEY PIONEER SOCIETY. Geographical history of Ohio. Address at the annual reunion of the pioneers of the Mahoniug Valley, September 10, 1880, by C. C. Baldwin. [Cleveland], 1880. 16mo, pp. 19. (5687 MAHONING VALLEY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. The underground railway. Address delivered before the Association by John Hutching. In Western Magazine of History. Vol. \, pp. 672-682. (5688 MAHONING VALLEY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. The geographical history of Ohio. An address delivered at the annual reunion of the pioneers of the Mahoning Valley at Youngstown, September 10, 1880, by C. C. Baldwin. Reprinted from the Magazine of Western History. Cleveland [1884]. 8vo, pp. (2), 321-332. Forms Western Historical Society Tract, No. 63. (5688a 764 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MAHONING VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Youngstown, Ohio. MAHONING VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical collections of the Mahoning Valley, containing an account of the pioneer reunions ; with a selection of facts, traditions, biographical sketches, anecdotes, etc., relating to the sale and settlement of the lands belonging to the Connecticut Land Company, and history and reminiscences, both general and local. Vol. i. Youngs- town, 1870. 8vo, pp. 524. Contains : Outline history of Mahoning Valley, hy IT. B. Eldred ; Indian tribes, hy the same ; Indian titles to the Connecticut Western Reserve extin guished, hy J. Perkins ; History of Connecticut Land Company, hy ,T. Perkins; Sketch of the early days of Warren, Ohio, by L. M. Iddings ; Bloomfield Town ship, Trumbull County, by G. A. Robertson ; History of Kinsman, Trumbull County, by II. B. Eldred ; Historical sketches of townships of Bazetta, Mesopo tamia, Howland, Newton, Brookfield, Vienna, Gustavus, Poland, Milton, Jack son, Lordstown, Boardman, Champion, Green, Coitsville, Greene. (5689 MAUMEE VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Toledo, Ohio. MAUMEE VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Transactions at annual meeting, February 22. 1877. Toledo, 1877. 8vo, pp. 75. " Publications of the Society were irregular and infrequent until 1897, when a regular series was begun under title : Addresses, memorials, and sketches pub lished by the Maumee Valley Pioneer Association." (5690 MAUMEE VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Maumee Valley and pioneers. Paper by E. C. Bliven at the annual meeting of the Association at Perrysburg, Ohio, September 10, 1880. n. p., [1880]. 8vo, pp. 43. (5691 MAUMEE VALLEY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Addresses, memorials, and sketches pub lished by the Maumee Valley Pioneer Association to be delivered at the reunion at the Old Court House, Maumee, September 10th, 1897. Toledo, Ohio, 1897. 8vo, pp. ill. <569i! Same, Sept. 10, 1898. Toledo, 1898. pp. 116, ix. Fame, Aug. 30. 1899. Toledo, 1899. pp. 192. Some, Aug. 16, 1900. Toledo, 1900. pp. 222. Same, Aug. 15, 1901. Defiance, Ohio, 1901. pp. 136. (5693 MAUMEE VALLEY PIONEER AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Prospectus of the Mau mee Valley Pioneer and Historical Association. Toledo, Ohio, 1905. 12mo, pp. 23, including illustrations. Portraits. Cover-title. ir>U)4 " This Society is an outgrowth of the preceding, which continues to exist, but only as a social organization." MAUMEE VALLEY HISTORICAL AND MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION. Toledo, Ohio. MAUMEE VALLEY HISTORICAL AND MONUMENTAL ASSOCIATION. Oration of ( as- sius Marcellus Clay, at Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie, on the 10th of September, 1891, the anniversary of the capture of the British fleet by Oliver Hazard Perry. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 19. (5695 OHIO CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY. 765 NEW ENGLAND SOCIFJTY OF CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, Ohio. NKW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. Catalogue of books in the library of the New England Society of Cincinnati, November, 1847. Cincinnati, 1847. 8vo, pp. 32. (5696 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. Second annual repcrt of the board of directors, January 5, 1847. Cincinnati, 1847. 8vo, pp. 16. (5697 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. Third annual report of the board of directors, January 4, 1848. Cincinnati, 1848. 8vo, pp. 7, (1). (5698 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CINCINNATI. Oration before the Society on the anni versary of the landing of the Pilgrims, December 22, 1847. Cincinnati, 1848. 8vo, pp. 32. (5699 OHIO CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY. Oberlin. Ohio. OHIO CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. i. Containing the papers origi nally published as Vols. i to v, 1889-1894. The entire list of papers, 1889-1899, are now bound, the ten volumes in two, with an index at the close of the second volume. Oherlin, Io99? (57OO OHIO CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY. Papers. Vols i-v. Oberl in, 1890-1894. 4to. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Reports and papers of the first annual meeting, held at Ashtabula, May 6, 1890 ; edited by Frank Hugh Foster ; The field and work of a local church history society, by F. H. Foster ; Early ecclesiastical history of the Western Reserve, by W. E. Barton ; The Mormon sojourn in Ohio, by D. I,. Leonard ; The Bible Christian Church and its relations to Congregationalism, particu larly in Ohio, by F. M. Whitlock ; The history of the first religious society of Marietta, by C. E. Dickinson. 1890. pp. x, (2), 103. Vol. n. Reports and papers of the second annual meeting, May 19, 1891 ; The Oberlin Ojibway mission, by F. II. Foster ; The history of the First Congrega tional Church of Cleveland, by H. M. Tenney ; Moravian missions upon Ohio soil, by D. L. Leonard. 1892. pp. vii (2), 58. Vol. nr. Third annual meeting, May 10, 1892; Ohio Sunday-school history, by C. N. Ford ; History of the First Congregational Church of Wellington, Ohio, by W. E. Barton; The origin of the "Disciples of Christ," by E. R. Atwater ; History of the American Young Men s Christian Association, by L. L. Doggett ; History of the Marietta Conference, by A. T. Nye ; Forms of church records, by Heman Ely. 1892. 8vo, pp. viii, 119. Vol. iv. Edited by Delavan L. Leonard; May 9, 1893; The exodus of stu dents from Lane Seminary to Oberlin in 1834, by Sidney Strong; History of the First Congregational Church of Toledo, by W. W. Williams ; History of Plymouth Rock Conference, by E. O. Mead ; History of the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church of Cleveland ; List of members. 1893. pp. v, 61. Vol. v. 1894. pp. 96. Contents : Fifth annual meeting ; Early Congregationalism on the Western Reserve, by J. H. Fairchild ; History of Congregationalism in central Ohio, by Benjamin Talbot ; The " Kentucky Revival," 1799-1805 (with especial refer ence to its effect upon Christianity in Ohio), by D. L. Leonard; History of the Congregational Church of Medina (1819-94), by J. R. Nichols; List of mem bers. (570X 766 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OHIO CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. n. Containing the papers origi nally published as Vols. vi to x, 1895-1899. The entire list of papers, 1889-1899, are now bound, the ten volumes in two, with an index at the close of the second volume. Oberlin, 1899. Vol. vi. 1895. pp. v, 90. Contents: Sixth annual meeting; A stormy epoch, 1825-50, by Mrs. L. A. M. Bosworth ; History of the Central North Conference, by a Committee, F. M. Whitlock, registrar, chairman ; History of the Burton Congregational Church, by E. O. Mead ; Douglas Putnam, by N. J. Morrison ; Rev. Manasseh Cutler, by C. E. Dickinson. (57O2 Vol. vn. 1896. pp. vi, 200. Contents : Seventh annual meeting; The principles of Congregationalism, bj W. G. Ballantine; The history of Congregationalism until 1800, by F. H. Fos ter ; The early history of Congregationalism in Ohio, by C. E. Dickinson ; The history of the Congregational Association of Ohio, by James Brand ; The home missionary work of Congregationalism, by William Kincaid ; The foreign mis sionary work of Congregationalism, by D. L. Leonard ; The contribution of Con gregationalism to theology, by Washington Gladden ; The contribution of Con gregationalism to civic and public affairs, by Williston Walker ; The future of Congregationalism, by H. M. Ladd ; Addresses by representatives of other state bodies: Illinois, by E. F. Williams; Wisconsin, by E. D. Eaton; Michigan, by W. H. Warren. " Reminiscences," by R. G. McClelland, C. H. Small, Frank Foster, E. O. Mead, S. I*. Fay, Addison Kingsbury, G. B. Wright, Albert Bowers. (5703 Vol. vni. 1897. pp. viii, 112. Contents : Eighth annual meeting ; A century of Congregationalism in Cleve land, by J. G. Fraser ; History of the First Congregational Church of Columbus, by Mrs. Abram Brown ; History of Puritan Conference, by J. W. Seward ; Early annals of the Oberlin Church, by D. L. Leonard. (5704 Vol. ix. 1898. pp. vii, (1), 79. Contents : Ninth annual meeting ; Reproduction of the records of the Ecclesi astical Convention of New Connecticut ; Commentary on the records of the Ec clesiastical Convention, by J. G. Fraser ; History of the Congregational Church of Hudson, by C. H. Small ; History of the Vine Street Congregational Church of Cincinnati, by M. E. Thalheimer ; Come-outerism in Ohio, by C. E. Dickinson; Chronological list of the Congregational Churches of Ohio, with notes, by the Editor, D. L. Leonard. (5705 Vol. x. 1899. pp. viii, 108. Contents : Tenth annual meeting ; Summary of the Society s work for ten years, by the Secretary ; Our church necrology in Ohio, 1800-1899, by D. L. Leonard ; The Underground railroad in Ohio, by E. O. Mead ; History of Miami Conference, 1855-1899, by J. Taft ; History of the Austinburg Church, 1801- 1899, by Mrs. A. O. Fuller; History of Paddy s Run Church, 1803-1899, by C. A. Gleason ; General Index to Vols. i to x. (5706 OHIO CHURCH HISTORY SOCIETY. Constitution. 24mo, pp. [4]. The ninth annual meeting, May 17, 1898. Program. 24mo, 1 leaf. The eighth annual meeting, May 18, 1897. Program. 24mo, 1 leaf. (5707 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Columbus, Ohio. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Circular addressed to the teachers of Ohio, August, 1887.] [Columbus, 1887.] 8vo. Two volumes, pp. 4. No title-page. (5708 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular of information, No. 1, 1887. [Columbus, 1887.] 8vo, pp. (4). No title-page. (5709 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The ordinance of July 13, 1787, for the government of the territory northwest of the river Ohio. A paper re,-id before the Society February 23, 1887, by Hon. William P. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 767 Cutler. With an appendix, containing valuable historical facts. Marietta, Ohio [1887]. 8vo, pp. 48. (5710 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The identification of the Society of the Cincinnati with the first authorized settlement of the North west Territory at Marietta, Ohio, April 7, 1788. By Mrs. L. A. Alderman. A paper read for the occasion of the celebration of the hundredth anniver sary of the settlement of Marietta and the founding of the State of Ohio. Marietta, Ohio, [1888.] 8vo, pp. 26. (5711 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Marietta centennial number * * * June, 1888 * * * Columbus [O.] Pub. for the So ciety by A. H. Smythe [1888]. 8vo, pp. 251, 7 plates, 3 portraits (including front.) Plan. Facsimile. Cover-title. Forms No. 1 of Vol. n of the quarterly. (5712 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. [Quarterly.] Vol. i. June, 1887-March, 1888. Columbus, 1888. Republished in 1893. 8vo, pp. 403, (1). "A complete reprint edition of Vols. 1-13 was issued 1904-05." Vol. i. The beginnings of the colonial system of the United States, by I. W. Andrews; The ordinance of July 13, 1787, by W. P. Cutler; Origin of the Ohio Company ; Henry B. Curtis, by A. R. Mclntyre ; Importance of the study of archaeology in Ohio ; The proper method of exploring an earthwork ; Aboriginal history of Butler County, by ,T. P. McLean ; Bibliography of the earthworks of Ohio, by Mrs. C. Thomas ; The Society and the Quarterly, by A. A. Graham ; Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Organization, etc. ; Salmon P. Chase, by N. S. Townshend ; Blennerhasset, by E. O. Randall ; First circumnavi gation of the earth, by B. A. Hinsdale : The archaeological exhibit for the Ohio centennial, by M. C. Read ; Archaeological directory of Ohio, by A. A. Graham ; The relation of the glacial period to archaeology in Ohio, by G. F. Wright ; The serpent mound saved, by F. W. Putnam ; Bibliography of the earthworks of Ohio, continued ; Literary periodicals of the Ohio Valley, by W. H. Amenable ; The Western land policy of the British Government from 1763 to 1775, by B. A. Hinsdale ; Some early travelers and annalists of the Ohio Valley, by W. H. Ven- able ; Pioneer days in central Ohio, by II. B. Curtis; Letter from J. McDonald to W. D. Gallagher ; Pre-glacial man in Ohio, by G. F. Wright ; Fort Hill, Ohio, by II. W. Overman ; Ancient work near Oxford, Ohio, by R. W. McFarland ; Services of the Ohio Company in defending the United States frontier, 1788, by W. P. Cutler ; Legislation in the Northwest Territory, by A. A. Graham ; Pyra mids and buried cities in the land of the Montezumas, by F. B. Ward ; The his tory and prospects of the Society, by F. C. Sessions ; Report on the present condi tion of mounds and earthworks of Ohio, by G. F. Wright ; Earthworks of Franklin County, Ohio; William D. Gallagher, by W. II. Venable ; Proceedings of the Society; Reports; Members. 1888. pp. 403, (1). (5713 3nio STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archa?ological and Historical Publications. Vol n. Columbus, 1889. Republished in 1893. 8vo, pp. (4), 582. Vol. n. The centennial celebration at Marietta, April 7, 1888 ; Oration by George F. Hoar ; The German Pioneers, by Bernard Peters ; Oration of John Randolph Tucker ; Addresses of George B. Loring, E. E. Hale, H. M. Storrs, etc. ; Address of Joseph Cox: The building of the State; Why is Ohio called the Buckeye State? by W. M. Farrar ; Commodore Abraham Whipple, by David Fisher ; A familiar talk about Monarchists and Jacobins, by W. H. Smith ; The triumph of liberty, poem, by R. K. Shaw ; John Gray, Washington s last soldier, poem, by Private Dalzell ; The memorial structure at Marietta ; Israel Ward Andrews, by W. P. Cutler; Three important documents relating to Western land cessions; Maryland declaration of 1778; Virginia remonstrance, 1779; The Connecticut cession, 1780, by B. A. Hinsdale ; The first church organization in the oldest settlement [Marietta] in the Northwest Territory, by C. E. Dick inson ; William D. Gallagher, by W. H. Venable ; Early history of the Repub- 768 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. lican party in Ohio, by H. B. Carrington ; Proceedings ; The Ohio boundary, or the Erie war, by L. G. Addison ; The right of discovery, by B. A. Ilinsdale; Some popular errors in regard to mound builders and Indians, by G. Fowke ; The preservation of documents, by A. A. Graham ; Nullification in Ohio, by D. J. Ryan ; A documentary history of Ohio, by A. A. Graham ; Some recollections of historic travel over New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio, 1840-1847, by H. Howe ; The sale of the Western Reserve, by B. A. Hinsdale ; Down South before the war, a ramble in New Orleans in 1858, by W. H. Tenable ; The manu facture and use of aboriginal stone implements, by G. Fowke ; A detailed ac count of mound opening, by W. K. Moorehead and C. Cowen ; The department of history and archaeology in the Ohio centennial ; Annual address of F. C. Sessions; Proceedings; Reports, etc. Columbus, [1889]. pp. (4), 582. Por trait. (5714 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1790-1890. The Cen tennial Anniversary of the City of Gallipolis, Ohio, October 16-19, 1890. Publications. Vol. in. Columbus. Ohio, 1891, Svo, pp. vi, 326. Illustrations. Contents : Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary Opening address by Horace R. Bradbury ; A century and its lessons, by N. J. Morrison ; Major John Burnham and his company, by E. C. Dawes ; The French settlement and settlers of Gallipolis, by John L. Vance ; Contemporary description of Ohio in liss. by [M. Cutler] ; The Sciota Company and its purchase, by Daniel J. Ryan ; The early judiciary, early laws and bar of Ohio, by D. K. Watson ; Remarks of Gov ernor James E. Campbell : Rio Grande College, by J. M. Davis, president ; The educational lessons of this hour, by H. A. Thompson ; Migrations and their les sons, by Washington Gladden ; The philosophy of Methodist success, by David II. Moore ; The Presbyterians of Ohio, by Sylvester F. Scovel ; Sermon, by Rev. John Moncure. Proceedings, reports, etc., of the fifth and sixth annual meetings of the Society and accompanying papers : The pioneer physicians of the Muskingum Valley, by Edmund C. Brush; The Moravian massacre, by William M. Fanar ; Military posts, forts, and battle fields within the State of Ohio, by Albert A. Graham ; Fort Ancient, by Warren K. Moorehead. Articles of Incorporation, Synopsis of by-laws and list of members, from date of organization until Febru ary 19, 1891. (5715 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archreologicnl and Historical Publications. Vol. TV. Published in 1895. Columbus. Svo, pp. vii, (1), 481. Illustrations. Map. Contents : Map of Fort Ancient ; The beginning of the Ohio company and the Scioto purchase, by E. C. Dawes ; An early abolition colony and its founder. by A. A. Graham; The underground railroad in Ohio, by Wilbur II. Siebert : Boundary line between Ohio and Virginia introductory ; Argument concern ing boundary line between Ohio and Virginia, by Samuel F. Vinton ; Boundary line between Ohio and Indiana, and- between Ohio and Michigan, special reports of T. C. Mendenhall and A. A. Graham ; The Ohio-Michigan boundary line dispute, by Tod B. Galloway; Samuel Finley Vinton, by Madelene Vinton Dahlgren ; Samuel Galloway, by Washington Gladden ; Leo Lesquereux, by Edward Orton ; Francis Charles Sessions, by Washington Gladden ; Henn Howe, the historian, by Joseph P. Smith ; Rutherford Birchard Hayes, by Washington Gladden ; A description of Fort Ancient, by Warren King Moore head ; Proceedings, reports, etc., of the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth annual meetings of the Society and accompanying papers ; Sketches of life members (571C OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. v. Columbus, 1897. Svo, pp. xiii, 350. Illustrations. Contents . From charter to constitution, Being a collection of documents pertaining to the territory of the Northwest and the state of Ohio, from th( charters of James I., to and including the first constitution of Ohio, and the state papers relating to its admission to the Union, by Daniel J. Ryan ; Report of field work carried on in the Muskingum, Scioto, and Ohio valleys during the season of 1896, by Warren King Moorehead ; Eleventh annual report ol the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the year Feb., 189 96 ; Twelfth annual report ; The evolution of Ohio counties, by J. F. Lanin.^ Map of the state of Ohio, 1804.* ( 57i: OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 769 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio A rchreo logical and Historical Publications. [Quarterly.! Vol. vi. Columbus, 1898. 8vo, pp. xiii. 4<>3. Illustrations. Contents : History of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society ; Con tents of volumes issued ; Col. William Crawford, by James II. Anderson ; The history of popular education on the Western Reserve, by B. A. Hinsdale ; Frank- linton an historical address, by John Beatty ; The Ohio Indians, by E. L. Taylor ; The Vathfinders of Jefftrson county, compiled by W. H. Hunter ; Report of the celebration of the centennial of the erection of Jefferson county and founding of Steubenville ; Thirteenth annual report of the society. Addresses before the Ohio State Archaeological Society ; Address by Roeliffi Brinkerhoff ; By G. P. Wright; By Professor Orton ; By Professor Canfield. (5718 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. [Quarterly.] Vol. vn. Columbus, 1890. 8vo. pp. (4), 366. Illustrations. Contents : The Indian tribes of Ohio historically considered, by Warren King Moorehead ; Report of field work in various portions of Ohio, by W. K. Moore- head ; Centennial anniversary of General Wayne s Treaty of Greenville, Aug. 3, 189.") : Addresses by Governor McKinley, Samuel F. Hunt, W. J. Gilmore, Samuel II. Doyle. The Western Reserve, by F. E. Hutchins ; 14th annual report of the Society ; The Gnadenhuetten centennial, Sept. 29, 1798 ; The Rev. John Hecke- welder, by Wm. H. Rice ; An outing on the Congo a visit to the site of Dun- more s treaty with the Shawnee s 1774, by William H. Safford. (5719 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. [Quarterly.] Vol. viu. Columbus, Ohio, 1900. 8vo, pp. (8), 488. Illustrations. Contents : Map showing subdivisions of land owned by the Society of Sepa ratists of Zoar in Lawrence, Sandy, and Fail-field townships, Ohio ; The Sepa ratist Society of Zoar, by E. O. Randall ; Copies of " The Nugitna," the Zoarite paper ; Hon. David Tod, by George B. Wright ; The Pathfinders of Jefferson county, Ohio, (Supplementary to vol. vi of the Publications), by W. II. Hunter; Map of Indian thoroughfares of Ohio ; The Indian thoroughfares of Ohio, by Archer Butler Hulbert ; The Arkansas traveller, by Thomas Wilson ; Re port of field work, by W. C. Mills ; Fifteenth annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society ; St. Glair s defeat, an address delivered by Samuel F. Hunt on the centennial of the defeat of General Arthur St. Clair ; John Fitch, inventor of steamboats, by Mira Clarke Parsons ; Professor Ed ward Orton, memorial address by Washington Gladden ; The Northwest Ter ritory, by Benjamin William Arnett ; Narrative of the capture of Abel Janney by the Indians in 1782, from the diary of Abel Janney ; William Eves Moore biographical sketch ; Forts Loramie and Pickawillany, by R. W. McFarland. (5720 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. ix. Columbus, [1901]. 8vo, pp. 533. Illustrations. Vol. ix consists of the material issued in quarterly form, as Quarterlies [Vol. ix] Nos. 1-4, July, 1900-April, 1901. Contents : Monuments to historical Indian chiefs, by Edward Livingston Taylor ; The society of Shakers Rise, progress and extinction of the society at Cleveland, Ohio, by J. P. Maclean ; Ancient correspondence from Samuel Linton, Waynesville, O., to Abel Saterthwaite, Philadelphia, 1804. The opening scenes of the Rebellion, by S. K. Donavin ; Comments, notes, and reviews, by K. O. Randall : Dewey in Ohio, The Boers in Ohio, Vatralsky s tribute to MacGahan. The Coxey movement in Ohio, by Osman C. Hooper ; Consul Wilshire r.uttei-field historian, by W. H. Hunter; Ohio railroads, by R. S. Kayler ; Stone graves in Brown county, Ohio, by Gerard Fowke ; The debt of the west to Washington, by Archer Butler Hulbert ; General Anthony Wayne and the battle of " Fallen Timbers," by Samuel F. Hunt ; John Fitch, Inventor of steam boats, by Mira Clarke Parsons; The origin, description, and service of Fort Winchester, by Charles E. Slocum ; When did Ohio become a sovereign state?, by Rush R. Sloane : State sovereignty, by Jean Dick Cheetham ; " Johnny Appleseed " John Chapman his memory honored with a monument at Mansfield, O. ; Hudson centennial celebration, June 5, 1900 : Address by H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 49 770 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Ebenezer Bushnell ; The Pioneer, by Elizabeth Shaw ; Addresses by Julius Whiting, Judge Marvin, John Gould, Clay Herrick, J. G. Fraser, James II. McKee, Mary A. O. Clark, Josiah Strong, C. F. Seese. David Hudson, and Heman Oviatt, by E. O. Randall ; John Brown, by E. O. Randall ; John Sherman a characterization, by E. O. R. ; Sixteenth annual report of the society ; The old national road the historic highway of America, by Archer Butler Hulbert; Fishhooks found at the Baum village site, by W. C. Mills. (5721 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. x. Columbus, [1902]. 8vo, pp. vui, 503. Illustrations. Vol. x includes the Quarterlies of the Society previously published as Vol. x, Nos. 1-4, July, 1901-April, 1002. Contents : Monument on the site of Fort Washington ceremonies at the unveiling : Address of General Cowen. Rev. L. B. Gurley, by N. B. C. Love ; The battle of Lake Erie, by Mrs. John T. Mack; Fremont in history, by Julia M. Haynes ; Pre-historic earthworks of Richland county, by A. J. Baughman ; Sixteenth annual meeting, with reports ; Editorialana : " Land Bill " Allen ; The northwest under three flags ; Blennerhasset redivivus. Ohio day at Pan- American Exposition, July 18, 1901 : Ohio the first child of the northwest, by Charles W. Baker ; Addresses by Emmett Thompkins, Marcus A. Ilanna. Colonel Thomas Cresap, by Mary Louise Cresap Stevenson ; Introduction of Methodism in Ohio, by I. F. King; The Firelands Historical Society, by Rush R. Sloane, 1857-1901; Ohio the site of the Garden of Eden, the theory of Landon West; President William McKinley ; Genealogy of William McKinley, by A. Stapleton ; The Shaker community of Warren county, by J. P. Mac Lean ; The pioneer poet lawyer (Andrew Ceffinberry), by N. B. C. Love; The siege of Fort Meigs, by H. W. Compton ; John A. Bingham, by J. B. Foraker ; Thomas Morris, by James B. Swing; Lake county and its founder, by William Stowell Mills; The Revolutionary soldier in the valley of the Little Miami, by William Albert Gallo way ; St. Glair s defeat, by Frazer E. Wilson ; Mound builders fort within Toledo s limits, by S. S. Knabenshue ; Ohio in early history and during the Revolution, by E. O. Randall; The Firelands grant, by Clarence D. Layiin ; Excavations of the Adena mound, by William C. Mills; Some errors corrected: Fort Miami ; Fort Industry ; Fort Winchester ; The site of General Arthur St. Clair s defeat in 1791; The Great Seal of Ohio, by S. S. Knabenshue; Tablet on Serpent Mound ; Bonaparte almost a Buckeye. Members of the Society. i . ,722 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. XL Including Index for Vols. i-xi, inclusive- Columbus, 1903. 8vo, pp. 486. Illustrations. The eleventh volume of the publications includes the quarterlies previously published as [Vol. xi] Nos. i and 11 for July and October, respectively, for 1902, and the Supplement to Volume xr comprising a complete index for Vols. i to XT, inclusive. This Vol. xi therefore as to its reading matter consists solely of the two quarterlies above mentioned. Contents : Monuments to historical Indian chiefs, by Edward Livingston Taylor; St. Clair s defeat, 1791, by Frazer Ells Wilson; Ohio s birth struggle, by Wm. T. M Clintock ; Account of the seventeenth annual meeting of the Society ; First battle of the American Revolution, by W. Ilfllunter ; Ohio s part in the American Revolution, by E. O. Randall : Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village, 1813-24, by J. P. Maclean ; Archaeological history of Ohio, from the June number of Records of the Fast ; The Mound Builders of Ohio, by S. S. Knabenshue ; Ohio researches into archaeology, by F. B. Sanborn ; Memorial to Thomas Wilson, by W. C. Mills ; Editorialana ; The Dunmore war, by E. O. Ran dall ; The Lebanon Centennial oration of William H. Venable ; Shaker mission to the Shawnee Indians, by J. P. MacLean ; The Chillicothes, by R. W. McFar- land ; Ulysses S. Grant a characterization sketch, by John Beatty ; Painted skeletons, by Wm. C. Mills ; Indian land cessions in Ohio, by S. S. Knabenshue ; Index for Vols. i-xi. (5723 O^io STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. xn. 1903. Columbus, 1903. 8vo, pp. viii, 478. Illustrations. The twelfth volume of the publications includes the Quarterlies previously published as Vol. xn, Nos 1-4, January- October, 1903. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. . 771 Contents: Centennial celebration of the adoption of Ohio s first Constitution; A century of statehood, address by George K. Nash ; The Wyandot Chief, Leather Lips, by Wm. M. Curry ; Ancient works at Marietta, Ohio, by J. P. Mac-Lean ; Clark s conquest of the Northwest, by E. O. Randall ; The Old River Bridge, by James Ball Naylor ; Sieur De La Salle, French explorer, by Charles E. Slocum ; An address delivered before the General Assembly of Ohio, Feb. 6, 1852, by Louis Kossuth ; Forts Miami and Fort. Industry, by Charles E. Slocum ; Old Fort Industry, by S. S. Knabenshue ; The Treaty of Greenville, 1795 ; The " Divide," The watershed of Richland County, by A. J. Baughman ; Gen. Joseph Kerr, by Wm. E. Gilmore ; The towns called Chillicothe ; Centennial Ode ; Editorialana ; Eighteenth annual meeting ; " Refugees to and from Canada and the Refugee Tract," by Edward Livingston Taylor ; The Kentucky Revival and its influence on the Miami Valley, by J. P. MacLean ; with a bibliography ; Influence of Pennsylvania on Ohio, by W. II. Hunter ^ Greatness of Ohio, by D. K. Watson; Are the Hopewell copper objects prehistoric? by Warren K. Moorehead ; Thomas Worthington, by Frank Theodore Cole ; George Croghan, by Charles Richard Williams ; Pontiac s conspiracy, by E. O. Randall ; Index. (5724 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. xm. Columbus, Ohio, 1904. 8vo, pp. vi, 587. Illustrations. Consists of the Quarterly, Vol. xm, Nos. 1-4, January-October, 1904. Contents : Simon Kenton, by R. W. M Farland ; John Brough, by Osman Castle Hooper ; Historic Worthington, by Mira Clarke Parsons ; The Bellville gold region, by A. G. Baughman ; Governors of Ohio, 1803-1903, by Jean Dick Cheetham ; The Richland County historical society ; Who were the mound build ers?, by J. P. Mac Lean; History of Fort Hamilton, by W. C. Miller; Commer cial versus scientific collecting a plea for "Art for Art s sake," by Warren K. Moorehead ; Proceedings of the Society ; Alfred R. Mclntire ; William Trimble McClintick ; Exploration of the Gartner mound and village site, by William C. Mills ; The Sandusky river, by Lucy Elliot Keeler ; The Louisiana purchase, by E. O. Randall ; Daniel Boon, by \Villiam A. Galloway ; The Ludlow line, by R. W. McFarland ; Simon Kenton supplementary note, by R. W. McFarland ; Asa S. Bushnell, by J. W. Atwood ; Zane s Trace, by Clement L. Martzolff ; The first newspaper of the northwest territory, by C. B. Galbreath ; O. K., by J. Warren Keifer ; Marcus A. Hanna, by Charles N. W. Dick; Nineteenth An nual meeting of the Soc., June 3, 1904 ; Augustus Newton Whiting, by Frank Theodore Cole ; Origin, rise, progress, and decline of the Whitewater Commu nity of Shakers, located in Hamilton county, Ohio, by J. P. Mac Lean ; The Black Hand, by John D. II. M Kinley ; The construction of the Ohio canals, by George White Dial ; Kenton s gauntlet at Chillicothe, by T. J. Brown ; The Taylor-Livingston centenary in Franklin county ; Song writers of Ohio, by C. B. Galbreath ; Ohio in the Spanish and Philippine War, by Thomas M. Anderson ; An unknown grave, by John James Piatt ; Editorialana; Index. (oTSo >mo STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. Vol. xiv. Columbus, 1905. 8vo, pp. vi, 491. Contents : The Shandon Centennial address by Albert Shaw ; Horace Mann and Antioch College, by George Allen Hubbell ; Homes of the mound builders, by William Jackson Armstrong ; The campaigns of the Revolution in the Ohio Valley, by Juliette Sessions ; Bentley s Lake, by A. J. Baughman ; Song writers of Ohio Alexander Coffman Ross ; Editorialana ; Ohio day at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition ; Harrison Tarhe peace conference, by E. L. Taylor ; Tarhe The Crane, by Emil Schlup-; The conquest of the Indian, by Benjamin R. Cowen ; The Ordinance of 1787, by W. E. Gilmore; Indian boundary line, by \V. S. Hanna ; A station on the " underground railroad," by Florence Bed ford Wright ; Robert White Mc"Farland, by Frank S. Brooks ; Song writers of Ohio, by C. B. Galbreath; William Allen Trimble, by Mary McArthur Thompson Tuttle ; Caleb Atwater, by Clement L. Martzolff; Origin of Ohio place names, by Maria Ewing Martin ; Tarhe the Wyandot chief and the Harrison-Tarhe peace conference, by Charles E. Slocum ; Colonel John O Bannon, by Nelson W. Kvans ; A rock with a history [boulder in Jackson township]; 20th meeting of the Society, June 2, 1905, Proceedings ; Water highways and carrying places, by E. L. Taylor ; The underground railroad, by S. S. Knabenshue ; Powder magazine at Fort Hamilton, by William C. Miller; Navigation on the Mus- 772 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. kingum, by Irven Travis ; Darnell s leap for life ; Farewell Song of the Wyan- dot Indians, by James Rankins ; The Indian mound, Miamisburg, Ohio ; Early Cincinnati, by Joseph Wilby ; Index. (5726 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oration delivered by Hon. George F. Hoar, of Massachusetts, April 7, 1888, at the celebration of the centennial of the founding of the Northwest at Marietta, Ohio. Co lumbus, Ohio. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1888. Svo, pp. 36. (5727 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seventh annual report, for the year 1891. Norwalk, Ohio, 1892. 8vo, pp. It). (5728 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eighth annual report, for the year 1892. Norwalk, Ohio, 1893. 8vo, pp. 28. (5729 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ninth annual report, for the year 1893. Norwalk, 1894. 8vo, pp. lli. (57:50 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tenth annual report, from February 19, 94, to February 19, 95. Columbus, 1895. 8vo, pp. 16, (2). (5731 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Archaeologist ; an illustrated monthly magazine, devoted to archaeology, ethnology, history, etc. Vol. HI. Columbus, Ohio, 1895. Official organ of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society in 1895. Contents : Archaeology of St. John s, Florida ; Polished stone hatchets, by Thomas Wilson ; Monthly report of the Society ; Collection of the Society ; An Indian mound on Canandaigua Lake, by A. L. Benedict ; Officers of the Society ; The underground railroad in Ohio, by Wilbur II. Siebert ; A group of Illinois mounds, by J. F. Snyder ; Aboriginal remains on Manhattan Island, by W. L. Calver ; A description of Fort Ancient, by Warren King Moorehead ; Muskingum Valley pottery, by Willard H. Davis ; Notes on the Eskimo at the World s Columbian Exposition, by Harlan I. Smith ; Early bibles of America, by W. C. Winslow ; The cliff-dwellings of the Lower Verde Valley, northern Arizona, by Sharlot M. Hall ; Aboriginal village sites of New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, by Francis Jordan, jr. ; Grooved stone axes, by Thomas Wilson ; A list of words from the Sumo Indian language, by J. Craw ford ; Stone cutting implements, by Thomas Wilson ; The first discovered city of Cibola, by F. W. Hodge ; The Bocootawanaukes or the fire nation, by Wm. Wallace Tooker ; Aboriginal handicraft in stone, by Gerard Fowke ; The archfp ology ef Nicaragua, by J. Crawford ; The first discovered city of Cibola, by F. W. Hodge ; The Ohio-Michigan boundary line dispute, by Tod B. Galloway ; Aborig inal use of Adobes; The uses of stone. implements, by Gerard Fowke; A prelim inary exploration of Ohio caves, by Warren King Moorehead. (5732 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archaeological history ol Ohio; the Mound builders and later Indians. By Gerard Fowke. Colum bus, Ohio, 1902. Svo, pp. xvi, 760. Illus. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Dunmore war. B} E. O. Randall. Columbus, Ohio, 1902. 8vo, pp. 33, including maps. Reprinted from the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly foi October, 1902. ( 573t OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The judiciary of Ohio 1803-1903. A paper prepared by Moses M. Granger. At the request of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the centennial anniver sary at Chillicothe, Ohio, May 20 and 21, 1903. [Zanesville, Ohio, 1903.] 8vo, pp. 55. A list of Ohio judges, pp. [30^55, OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 773 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Centennial syllabus. For the use of schools in preparing for the celebration of the centennial of Ohio as a State. Columbus, 1903. 8vo, pp. 64. (5735 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ohio Centennial Anni versary Celebration at Chillicothe, May 20-21, 1903, under the Auspices of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Complete proceed ings. Edited by E. 6. Randall. Columbus, 1903. Svo, pp. xxix, 730. Illustrated. Contents : Editor s preface History of the Centennial. Centennial celebra tion of the adoption of Ohio s first constitution : The first constitution, what influenced its adoption and its influence on Ohio, by Daniel J. Ryan ; Unveiling of a medallion to Governor Edward Tiffin, with speeches by Archibald Mayo and Horatio Claypool. Centennial celebration of Ohio s admission into the Union : Opening address, by George K. Nash ; The history of the Northwest Territory to the Marietta Settlement, by Judson Harmon ; History of the Northwest Territory from Marietta Settlement to organization of the state, by Martin R. Andrews ; Organization and admission of Ohio into the Union and the Great Seal of the state, by Rush R. Sloane ; Ohio in the American Revolution, by E. O. Randall ; The military history of Ohio, including the War of 1812, by Thomas McArthur Anderson; The military history "of Ohio from the War of 1812, including the Civil and Spanish Wars, by J. Warren Keifer ; Ohio in the navy, by Murat Halstead ; The governors of Ohio under the first constitution, by David Meade Massie ; The governors of Ohio under the second constitution, by James E. Campbell ; Ohio in the Senate of the United States, by J. B. Foraker ; Ohio in the House of Representatives, by Charles II. Grosvenor ; The Ohio Judiciary, by Moses M. Granger ; Industrial progress of Ohio, by Marcus A. Hanna ; The public schools of Ohio, by Lewis D. Bonebrake ; Universities of Ohio, by W. O. Thompson ; Ohio in the care of her unfortunate classes, by R. Brinkerhoff ; The Ohio presidents, by Thomas Ewing, jr. ; Ethnological history of Ohio, by B. R. Cowen ; The part taken by women in the history and development of Ohio, by Mrs. James R. Hopley ; The press of Ohio, by S. S. Knabenschue ; Ohio literary men and women, by W. II. Venable ; Religious influences in Ohio, by Bishop C. C. McCabe ; Address of Charles Foster ; Address of Bishop B. W. Arnett ; The Ohio century, by Austin Matlack Courtenay ; Personal sketches of the speakers ; Index. (573G OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of George Rogers Clark s conquest of the Illinois and the Wabash towns, 1778 and 1779, by Consul Wilshire Butterfleld. Published under the auspices of the Ohio State Archa?ological and Historical Society. Columbus, Ohio, 1904. 8vo, pp. xix, 815, incl. front. Portrait. First published in 190.3. (5737 OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Sandusky River: its geography, history, and traditions. By Lucy Elliot Keeler. Columbus, Ohio, 1904. Svo, pp. 58, front, (map). Reprinted from the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications. (573.8 ino STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Ohio canals. Their construction, cost, use, and partial abandonment. Published ly the Society. Columbus, Ohio, 1905. Svo, pp. viii, 181. Map. Prepared by, C. C. Huntington and C. P. McClelland. ( 5739 >HIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Serpent mound, Adams County, Ohio. Mystery of the mound and history of the serpent. Various theories of the effigy mounds and the mound builders. By E. O. Randall. Columbus, Ohio [1905]. Svo, pp. 125. Illustrated. (574O 774 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONVENTION. OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONVENTION. Minutes of the Convention held in Mansfield September 1, 2, 1875. Columbus, 1875. 8vo. (5741 "OLD NORTHWEST" GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Col unit us, Ohio. " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the " Old Northwest " Genealogical Society. With a list of members at date. Incorporated May 24, 1897. January, 1898. Columbus, Ohio, 1S98. 8vo, pp. 7. (5742 " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly. 1898. Vol. i. Columbus, Ohio, 1898. 8vo, pp. vi, 210. Portraits. Contents: Micajah Terrell Williams, by Elizabeth Williams Perry; Mjnu mental inscriptions within the church and churchyard of St. John s, Worthing- ton, Ohio : Ancestry and descendants of Matthew McKelvey and his wife, Nancy Adams, by John McKelvey ; A list of English surnames in the United States with especial reference to those found in the Old Northwest territory, by Horace W. Whayman ; Marriage record, Franklin county, 1803-1815 ; Editorial ; Notes and queries; Proceedings; Memoir of Israel Hopkins Harris, by Charles F. Mosher ; The settlement of Worthington, by Harriet Griswold Burr ; The Ilug- gles ancestry of Benjamin Ruggles, U. S. senator from Ohio, 1815-1833, by Henry S. Ruggles ; Notes on the families of Bond, Metiers, Paul, and Pengelly, of Columbus, Ohio, by Wm. Geo. Pengelly ; Monumental inscriptions remaining in two disused graveyards in Columbus, by W. G. Pengelly ; English parish registers a list of those printed as separate works, by Horace W. Whayman; A list of parishes and missions of the American church (within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan), possessing records of bap tisms, marriages, and burials, by H. W. Whayman ; Copy of a letter of Gen. George Washington, 1797 ; Extracts from the note book of Benjamin Barber, of Windsor, Conn., 17 1J- 1778; Notes on the family of Ward, of Columbus, for merly of Great Yarmouth, England, by Harry Parker Ward; Extracts from registers : Bixley, Norfolk, England, by Rev. Charles Robertson Manning ; A list of " Ward " wills in the probate registry at Ipswich, England, by Vincent Bur- rough Redstone; Notes on the Pemberton family, ancestors of Emilius Oviatt Randall, by Evelyn Rich ; A list of pedigrees printed in the Visitation of Eng land and Wales; The parish register of St. John s church, Worthington, Ohio, by II. W. Whayman ; A completed list of books relating to genealogy and her aldry in the Ohio state library, by Horace W. Whayman ; A biographical sketch of Jonathan Jennings, first governor of Indiana, by David F. Davies ; Evidences of the name, arms, and descent of Pengelly, by II. W. Whayman and J. H. Rowe ; Extracts from registers : St. Kiverne, Co. Cornwall, England, by W. A. Diggens; Old Northwest book plates, with notes genealogical and biographical, by H. W. Whayman ; A list of parishes of the Roman Catholic church (within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin), possessing records of baptisms, marriages, and burials, by H. W. Whayman ; Notes on the Colton ancestry of Walter R. Colton, by W. R. Colton ; A list o.f pedigrees in the Visitations of Suffolk, 1561, 1577, and 1612, by Mary E. Rath-Merrill; A list of Scottish surnames in the United States, with especial reference to those found in the Old Northwest territory, by H. W. Whayman; Index of names; Index of places. (5743 "OLD NORTHWEST" GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The "Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly. 1899. Vol. u. Columbus, Ohio, 1899. 8vo, pp. vi, 186. Illustrations. Contents : A biographical sketch of Gen. Catharinus Putnam Buckingham, by Sarah Buckingham Sloane ; Wayman, alias Whayman, a list of wills and administrations preserved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, England, 1389-1794 ; Co-operative genealogical research, by Wm. G. Pengelly ; Some Delaware county, Ohio, pioneers, by Virgil D. Allen ; Some notes on the Colton ancestry of Walter R. Colton, by W. R. Colton; The parish register of St. " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 775 John s church, Worthington, Ohio, 183344 ; Monumental inscriptions from an old graveyard in Mantua, Portage county, Ohio ; Lilly wills in England, 1604 IG. JG ; Notes armorial, relating to the Hardy families, by Edward A. Gorman ; Biographical sketch of Richard Pengelly ; A list of pedigrees printed in " The visitation of Ireland ; " Marriage record, Franklin county, Ohio, 18141830 ; A complete list of newspapers in the Ohio state library, by Horace W. Whay- man ; Parish register of St. Luke s church, Marietta, Ohio ; Editorials ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Proceedings ; John Gordon, by Archibald Alexander Edward Taylor ; Notes on the Stone family, ancestors of D. E. Phillips, com piled from local New England histories and family records, by D. E. Phillips ; The west as a field for historical study, by Frederick J. Turner ; Early New Connecticut marriages, by Ilarley Barnes ; Pride of ancestry, oy Archibald A. E. Taylor ; Shall Americans assume badges?; A biographical sketch of Hamilton Stow, by Henry Garlick ; A Hst of pedigrees printed in the " Visita tion of England and Wales ; " Biographical sketch of Sir Thomas Pengelly, by W. W. Webb ; Marion Augusta Buckingham, by M. Josephine Tilton ; A list of pedigrees in the visitations of Suffolk, 1561, 1577, and 1612 ; Co-operative genealogy, by II. W. Whayman : Pengelly, Acland, Whayman ; A list of pedi grees in the Visitation of London, 1568, by Joseph Rushton ; A list of pedigrees in the Visitation of the county of Leicester, 1610, by E. A. Gorman ; Memo randa relating to the Phillips and Mowry families, by G. W. Phillips; The Moores of Blendon township, Franklin county, Ohio, and their ancestry, by Virgil D. Allen ; Notes on the Whiting ancestry of Walter R. Colton, by W. R. Colton ; Have Americans any right to coats-of-arms?, by New Englander ; Pedigrees of Warde, Ward, from the Visitation of London, 1633, 1634, and 1635 ; Table of the annual assay office letters, used in the marking of plate, from the earliest period to the present time, by Octavius Morgan ; A list of pedigrees in the Visitation of the county of Cornwall, 1620, by W. G. Pengelly ; of Cumberland, 1615, by E. A. Gorman ; of Rutland, 1618 and 1619, by E. A. Gorman ; of Cambridge, 1575 and 1619, by E. A. Gorman ; Monumental inscrip tions from Hartford and Kinsman, Trumbull county, Ohio, by Helen E. Keep. (5744 OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. 1900. Vol. in. Columbus, Ohio, 1900. 8vo, pp. vi, 222. Illustrations. Contents : Index of subjects : Edward Orton, by Samuel C. Derby ; Some notes on my ancestry, by Walter Raymond Colton ; Some historical notes, by Walter R. Colton; Gleason, Glezen, Gleeson, by Frank T. Cole; Monumental inscriptions within the old Methodist cemetery and city burial plat in Lancas ter, Ohio ; Monumental inscriptions at Greenlawn cemetery, Chillicothe, Ohio ; Marriage record, Franklin county, 1814-1830; La Serre evidence; Editorial; Notes and queries ; Proceedings ; General Nathaniel Massie, by David Meade Massie ; Thomas Lee Brent, by Alexander W. Mackenzie ; Records of the Friends monthly meeting, Oblong and Nine Partners, N. Y., by William A. Eardeley ; The parish register of St. Luke s church, Marietta, Ohio ; English county rec ords, by Horace W. Whayman ; Elmer Wiard Woodruff, by Samuel Carroll Derby; Monumental inscriptions from the old grave-yard at Mantua Center, Portage county, Ohio ; Marriage record, Washington county, Ohio, 1789- 1822 ; Philander Chase, the pioneer, missionary, and educator, by Frederic Cook Morehouse, with additions by Horace W. Whayman ; U. S. land patents located in Franklin county, Ohio ; Land records, by Horace W. Whayman ; Books in the public library of Minneapolis, Minn., pertaining to genealogy and heraldry, by Charles F. La Serre ; Index of names ; Index of places. (5745 OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. 1901. Vol. iv. Columbus, Ohio, 1901. 8vo, pp. v, 163. Portraits. Contents : Ebenezer Buckingham, a biographical sketch, compiled by one of his descendants ; Gleason, Glezen, Gleeson Records 1707-1767, by Frank T. Cole; Marriage record, Washington county, Ohio, July 9, 1789-April 25, 1822 ; Inscriptions from the Old Cemetery at Cambridge, Guernsey County, Ohio ; Pedigrees in the visitations of the counties of Cumberland and Rutland, Eng., by Edward A. Gorman ; Evidences of the Frisby-Frisbie Families ; Marriage record, Franklin county, Ohio, December 14, 1814-June 15, 1830; List of members ; Jackson Kemper First Bishop of Wisconsin, by Frederic 776 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Cook Morehouse ; Notes on the family of La Serre, by Horace \V. Whayman ; Fragmenta Genealogica ; Notes on the Stone family of Maryland ; American Church Plate, by Horace W. Whayman ; Lists of pedigrees in the visitations of Essex; Register of marriages, Putnam Presbyterian Church, 1841-1898; Official reports of the society for 1900 ; William Henry Egle a sketch taken from the National Cyclopedia of American Biography, Vol. vui ; Gustavus Scott Franklin ; The genealogical value of wills Where to look for wills in England, by W. P. Phillimore ; Burke Aaron Ilinsdale, by Samuel Carroll Derby ; William Henry Clay Mitchell, compiled from data furnished by Mrs. Alviso Laud ; Declaration of British subjects in Detroit, Michigan, communi cated by Helen Elizabeth Keep ; La Serre Evidences, contributed by Charles F. La Serre ; A list of pedigrees in the visitations of the county of Hertford, 1572 and 1634, compiled by Lucius C. Herrick ; Monumental Inscriptions from Rosse Chapel cemetery, Gambier, Knox Co., O. ; Fragmenta Genealogica ; Wayrnay (Whayman); Accessions to the society s library; Notes and queries; Book notices ; List of members ; Index ; Constitution and By-Laws. (5746 " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. 1902. Vol. v. Columbus, Ohio, 1902. pp. v, 171. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Villers, Villiers, Villiers-Stuart, by Horace W. Whayman ; Ridg- way Family of Burlington County, N. 3., and Columbus, Ohio, by C. A. Ridg- way ; The relation of genealogy to history A synopsis of an address delivered before the Old Northwest Genealogical Society, by Horace W. Whayrnan ; The genealogical value of wills Where to look for wills in England, by Walter Rye; Monumental inscriptions from Rosse Chapel Cemetery, Gambier, Knox Co., 0., by Edward A. Gorman; A list of pedigrees in the visitations of Oxford, l.~r>G, 1574 and 1034 ; Marriage Record, Washington county, Ohio, Jrly 9, 1789-April 25, 1822 ; Thomas Worthington, by Frank Theodore Cole ; Ridgway family of Pennsylvania and Winfield, Iowa, by Jennie L. Ridgway ; Burials in Cove Ceme tery, East Iladdam, Connecticut ; Burials in the Western Methodist Graveyard, Chillicothe, Ohio ; Lucius Bliss Wing, by Samuel Carroll Derby ; Mackenzie of Garloch (Gairloch) Gleason family, by Frank T. Cole; Monumental inscriptions in the old cemetery of Rutland, Mass., by David Everett Phillips ; Burials in the old cemetery at Cambridge, Guernsey county, Ohio ; Descendants of Capt. William Fowler, by Daniel W. Fowler ; Notes and queries ; Books in preparation ; Book notices; Accessions to the society s library; Index. (5747 " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. 1903. Vol. vi. Columbus, Ohio, 1903. 8vo, pp. 212. Contents : Thomas Worthington, by Frank Theodore Cole ; Extracts from Manchester, Eng. church records, by Clarence M. Burton ; First settlement of Blendon township, Franklin Co., Ohio, by II. Warren Phelps ; Notes and queries ; Bock notices ; Proceedings of the Society ; Burials in the Bow.lle graveyard, South Union township, Ohio ; Official reports of the Society for 1902; Lucius Carroll Herrick, by Louise Herrick Abbott and Nellie Ilerrick Wright; In memoriam Archibald Alexander Edward Taylor; Senator Joseph Kerr, by William A. Taylor; A letter from "the lost senator," (Joseph Ken 1 ). 1813 ; Report of James Kilbourne, agent for the Scioto company ; The Con necticut reserve, by Horace L. Moore ; Record of marriages in Ross county. Ohio, 1803 ; Monument inscriptions in the Lutheran graveyard, Iluntington township, Ross county, Ohio, and in the Shanton graveyard, Deerfield town ship, Ohio ; Heraldry ; List of members ; Worthington, Ohio 1803-1903 ; Au tobiography of Col. James Kilbourne of Worthington, Ohio ; Mr. Kilbourn s congressional career ; The Coiumbus post-office ; Address of James Kilbourn to President Monroe, 1817 ; Mr. Kilbourn and the General Assembly of 1823-24 ; Mr. Kilbourn and the General Assembly of 1838; A fragment, remarks on re ligious subjects, bj 7 James Kilbourn ; Maxims in domestic economy, by James Kilbourn ; St. John s church ; Muster roll for battalion muster at Worthington, 1808 ; The Worthington female seminary, by Louise Wright ; Worthington Col lege. Reformed medical department, by Harvey W. Felter ; Worthington gene alogies : Griswold, Burr, Thompson, Andrews, Bristol, Hart-Gilbert, Brown, Case, Kilbourne, Pinney, Buttles; Will of William Loving of Amherst county. Va., 1791; Heraldry; Early inscriptions from Oberlin, Ohio, Index of names; Index of places. (5748 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 777 OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. 1904. Vol. vii. Columbus, Ohio, 1904. 8vo, pp. iv, 319. Illustrations. Contents : General George Bohan Wright, by Frank Theodore Cole ; Edward Hooker, Commander, II. S. Navy, by L. J. Hooker; Where Jonathan Creek, a branch of the Muskingum river, got its name, by Warren Vincent Sprague ; The first settlement of Plain township, Franklin county, Ohio, by II. Warren Phelps ; Inscriptions from Plain township ; Inscriptions from Walnut Grove cemetery, in Worthington, Franklin co., Ohio ; The Methodist Episcopal Church of Worthington, Ohio, by Louise Heath Wright ; The Presbyterian church of Worthington, Ohio, by Julia L. Nelson ; A Connecticut fragment Woodruff, by E. W. Tuller ; Heraldry, by A. W. Mackenzie ; Right to bear arms, by Henry Stoddard Ruggles ; Some historical bookplates, by Zella Allen Dixson ; Ohio s quota cf Loomis soldiers cf the war of 1861-65, by Elisha S. Loomis ; A fragment of New Jersey genealogy Blue family, by Charles Butler ; Genealo gies Case, Topping, Morrison ; Letter written by Caroline Hall, daughter of Alpheus Hall and grand-daughter of Capt. John Hall, 1834 ; Notes and queries ; Proceedings of the Society ; William Trimble McClintick, by Frank T. Cole ; Augustus Newtcn Whiting, by Frank Theodore Cole ; Keziah Hamlin Brooks, 1804-1904, by Herbert Brooks ; Jacob Thomas Mills, M. D., by Frank Theodore Cole ; Brief history of the Ohio central normal school at Worthington, Ohio, by John Ogden ; Personal recollections of the war of 1812 Ilillsboro, Ohio, as it appeared in 1840, by R. T. Trimble; Will of John Phelps, 1722; Military warrant issued by John Phelps, 3756; An old-time mansion, No. 66 East Broad street, Columbus, by Henry T. Chittenden ; Land warrants issued to Virginia soldiers, by Nelson W. Evans ; List of some of the soldiers of Virginia in the war of the Revolution who received depreciation pay under the laws of Vir ginia and whose descendants are in southern Ohio ; Marriage record, Franklin county, Ohio, Vol. ir, Dec. 14, 1814-June 15, 1830; Record of marriage licenses issued in Pickaway county, 1810 ; Inscriptions from the Sprague burying ground, opposite Coal Run, Washington county, Ohio ; Some early Ger man settlers in Germantown, Pa., and their descendants in the Old Northwest territory, by Horace W. Whayman ; Official reports of the Society ; Asa Smith Bushnell, by George Wells Knight ; James Thomas Anderson, Lieut., U. S. A., by James H. Anderson ; Hugh Williamson, by William Trimble McClintick ; Captain James Duncan s diary of the siege of Yorktown ; Reminiscences of early Green Bay, Wisconsin, by Stephen D. Peet ; Pinney genealogy, by Weltha M. Pinney ; Marriage records, Jackson county, Ohio, 18161826 ; Marriage rec ords, Marion county, Ohio, 1824-1826 ; Inscriptions from the old Gallipolis cemetery ; Inscriptions from the old cemetery in Hamden, Vinton county, Ohio ; Some historic records copied from the Franklin county commissioners record books, Nos. 1 and 2, by H. Warren Phelps ; Wisconsin s quota of Loomis soldiers, war of 1861-65 ; Accessions to the Society s library ; Some reminiscences gen eral and medical, by Starling Loving ; Autobiography of G. F. Wittich, of Circleville, Ohio; Two Ohio educators Rev. Jonathan Going, ilev. Timothy Robinson Cressey, by Frank B. Cressey ; Copy of a letter from Thomas Hey \vard, jr., a signer of the Declaration of Independence from South Carolina ; The Peace memorial tablet [Columbus] address, by Mrs. Edward Orton, jr.; Notes on the descendants of James McPike (17517-1825), by Eugene Fairfield McPike ; The Paine graveyard, Jackson county, Ohio, by D. W. Williams ; Gravestone inscriptions in old southeast burying ground, Bainbridge, Ohio; Inscriptions from the Postle graveyard, Rome, Ohio ; Inscriptions from an old burying ground one mile north of Millfield, Ohio ; Marriage records, Jackson county, Ohio, 18211825 ; Index of names ; Index of places ; Index of sub jects. (5749 OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. Vol. vm, No. 1. January, 1905. Whole No. 29. Columbus, Ohio, 1905. 8vo, pp. 72. Portraits. Contents : Carlisle, by Randolph Churchill ; Colonel John McDonald, by J. B. F. Morgan ; Ferson, by James F. Sackett ; Kewauuee, Wisconsin a historical sketch, by George W. Wing; Letters written by Col. George Mackenzie, with a short account of his descendants, by Alexander W. Mackenzie; Connection of tha Channel Islands and America, by Edith F. Carey ; La Serre evidences ; How Japan keeps her records, by Zella Allen Dixson ; Muster roll of Capt. M. C. 778 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Lilley s company of Ohio volunteers, June, 1861 ; Marion, Ohio, notes historical and genealogical, by Horace W. Whayman ; Friends marriage records Miami monthly meeting, 18041828, by W. R. Kersey ; Marriage record, Franklin county, Ohio, 1814-1830 ; Inscriptions from the old cemetery at Canal Win chester, Franklin county, Ohio. ( 5750 " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. Vol. vin, No. 2. April, 1905. Columbus, Ohio, 1905. 8vo, pp. 73-160. Illustrations. Contents : Hunter genealogy ; Rev. Roger Searle, of Connecticut and Ohio, by James Shepard ; David W. Brooks (1828-1890), by Herbert Brooks; History of Starling Medical College, by Starling Loving ; Old-time music of Columbus, by Peletiah W. Huntington ; Genealogical gleanings Beatty family, by William Gurley Beatty ; The race and name, Scotch-Irish, by F. L. Eddy ; Roster, 1843, Fourth company, first brigade, thirteenth division of the Ohio militia ; Her aldry ; Record of marriages in Ross county, Ohio, 1804-6 ; Inscriptions r ron> the cemetery at Groveport, Franklin county, Ohio ; Notes and queries ; Book notices. ( 5751 OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. Vol. vin, No. 3. July, 1905. 8vo, pp. 161-235. Facsimile. Contents : The historic setting of Granville, by Francis Wayland Shepardson ; by William Judkins ; William Henry Jennings, by Horace W. Whayman ; Col onel Frederick Clifton Pierce, by Edward A. Claypool ; Romance of Ann Arbor, with historical notes of the War of 1812-14, by John A. Trimble ; Autobiography of G. F. Wittich ; Old parish records within the diocese of Ohio, by Horace W. Whayman ; English home towns of early emigrants Kelvedon, county Essex, by Horace W. Whayman ; Marion, Ohio the parish register of St. Paul s Parish, by H. W. Wliayman ; Inscriptions from the Blendon W T est Pioneer Cemetery ; Letter of William Bradford, eldest son of Governor William Bradford, of Plymouth Colony, written in 1676 facsimile ; Record of marriage licenses issued in Pickaway county, 1813 ; Notes and queries ; Book notices. (5752 " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The " Old Northwest " Genealogical Quarterly. Granville Centennial. Vol. vm, No. 4. October, 1905. Colum bus, Ohio, 1905. 8vo, pp. 235-435. Plates. Portrait. Contents : The historic setting of Granville, by Francis Wayland Shepardson ; Granville in 1832, by Kate Shepard Hines ; Rev. Jacob Little, by C. L. Work; The Presbyterian Church of Granville, by C. L. Work ; The records of the Baptist Church of Christ, in Granville and St. Albans, constituted at St. Al- bans, 1819, by Horace W. Whayman ; Rev. John Stevens, by George E. Stevens ; Deacon Lemuel Rose, by Helen A. Rose ; St. Luke s Parish, Granville, by H. W. Whayman ; Freemasonry in Licking county Granville, by H. W. Whayman ; Granville Female College, by Harriet I. Whiting; Early days of Granville Female Seminary, now Shepardson College, by George D. Shepardson ; Denison in Granville history, by Augustine S. Carman ; Granville s indebtedness to Jere miah Hall, by N. S. Burton ; Extracts from the minutes of the Presbyterian Church of Granville ; The Methodist Church of Granville, by II. W. Whayman ; William Gavit, a sailor of the Revolution, by H. W. W T hayman ; Granville s sol dier dead ; A Granville armorial ; Gravestone inscriptions in the Old Burying Ground, Granville, transcribed by C. W. Bryant ; Inscriptions from Maple Grove Cemetery, copied by Grace H. Rose ; Inscriptions Welsh Hill cemetery, tran scribed by Ethel and Nellie Evans ; Inscriptions Philipps cemetery, transcribed by E. and N. Evans ; College cemetery, transcribed by Grace H. Rose. (57513 " OLD NORTHWEST " GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the " Old Northwest " Genealogical Society. With a complete list of members. Columbus, 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. [With The "Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly. Vol. iv.] (5754 EICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 779 OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY HISTORIC A L SOCIETY. WaterviUe, Ohio. OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First annual meeting, January 12, 1886. Publication No. 1. WaterviUe, 1880. Svo, pp. 16. Contains an address by L. H. McFadden on Museums. (5755 PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF ATHENS COUNTY. PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF ATHENS COUNTY. Memorial and history of the Western Library Association of Ames Township, Athens County, Ohio. Published by the Association. 1882. 8vo, pp. 25. (5756 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PICKAWAY COUNTY. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PICKAWAY COUNTY. Address before the Society. By Alfred Williams. Published by request of the Society. Circle- ville, 1873. Svo, pp. 14. * (5757 PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Dayton, Ohio. PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Annual meeting held at Dayton, Ohio, May 16, 1874. In the Cincinnati Pioneer, No. 3, April, 1874. pp. 44-50. (575S PIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF THE WESTERN RESERVE. Cleveland, Ohio. PIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF THE WESTERN RESERVE. The pioneers of Ohio. An address delivered before the Pioneers Association of the Western Reserve, at Burgess s Grove, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, August 27, 1879. By John Hay. Cleveland, 1879. 16mo, pp. 20. (5759 RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL AND PIONEER SOCIETY. Mansfield, Ohio. RICHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL AND PIONEER SOCIETY. Pioneer days in central Ohio. An address delivered at Mansfield, Ohio, September 15, 1885, before the Society. By Henry B. Curtis. In Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly. Vol. i, December, 1887. pp. 243-254. (5760 HIGHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mansfield, Ohio. HIGHLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mansfield, Ohio. " The Society has just issued a pamphlet containing the proceedings of the Society beginning with its first annual meeting, Saturday, June 10. 1899, and closing with the proceedings of its last annual meeting, June 7, 1905." 8vo - (5761 780 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SENECA COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. SENECA COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Address of Abel Rawson before the Society, November 6, 1869. Tiffin, Ohio. 8vo, pp. 12. (5762 STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. (Sometimes called State Archaeological Association.) STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. The sources of information as to the prehistoric condition of America. By Stephen D. Peet. Read before the Society at Newark, Ohio, September, 1876. In American Antiquarian. Vol. n, pp. 33-48. Cleveland, 1879. (5763 STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF OHIO. Description of an engraved stone found near Berlin, Jackson County, Ohio. Read before the Archaeological Association at Cincinnati, September 5, 1877. By Jno. E. Sylvester. In American Antiquarian. Vol. i, pp. 73-75. Cleveland, 1879. (5763a STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Early Indian migration in Ohio. By C. C. Baldwin. Read before the Society in September, 1878. In American Antiquarian. Vol. i, pp. 227-239. Cleveland, 1879. (5764 STATE ARCH.ELOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. The Delaware Indians in Ohio. Tlie location of their villages at the time of the Revolutionary war. By Stephen D. Peet. Read before the State Archaeological Association of Ohio, Septem ber, 1878. In American Antiquarian. "Vol. n, pp. 132-144. Cleveland, 1879. (5765 STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Report of M. C. Reid, on the inscribed stone of the Grave Creek mound, read at the meeting of the Society held at Wooster, Ohio, September 25, 1878. In American Antiquarian. Vol. i, pp. 139-149. Cleveland, 1879. (5766 WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Marietta, Ohio. WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. The ninety-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Ohio, at Marietta. Historical address by George B. Loring, and other addresses, April 7, 1883. Marietta, 1883. Svo, pp. 70. (5767 WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. The coming centennial. April 7, 188G. Exercises at Marietta, Ohio, April 7, 188G, connected with the cele bration of the ninety-eighth anniversary of the settlement of Ohio and the Northwest Territory. Marietta, Ohio, [1886]. 8vo, pp. 20. (5768 WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Centennial circular. [1887.] 8vo, pp. 3. Blank form. (57(51) WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Provisional programme recom mended for the centennial commemoration of the first authorized settlement in the territory of the Northwest under the Ordinance of 1787. [Marietta, 1887.] Svo, pp. 4. Circular. (5770 WASHINGTON COUNTY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the com mittees having charge of relics at the centennial celebration, April 7, 1888, commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the first settlement, author ized by Congress, of the Northwest Territory at Marietta, Ohio. Compiled and arranged by Mrs. L. A. Alderman. Svo, pp. 47. (ST71 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 781 WESTERN METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cincinnati, Ohio. WESTERN METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the board of man agers, with account of origin of the Society, etc. Cincinnati, 1839. 12mo. (5773 WESTERN OHIO PIONEER ASSOCIATION. WESTERN OHIO PIONEER ASSOCIATION. History of Champaign and Logan conn- ties. By Joshua Antrim. Bellefontaine, 1872. 8vo, pp. 460. Photographs. The author was requested by the Association to prepare this history, and the Society indorsed it when completed, but it is copyrighted by the author. (5773 WESTERN OHIO PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Proceedings at New Carlisle, September 23, 1876, and address by W. Mills. Springfield, Ohio, 1877. .8vo, pp. 18. (J5773a WESTERN RESERVE AND NORTHERN OHIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. (Now called Western Reserve Historical Society.) Cleveland, Ohio. NOTE. Whittlesey s Early hist, of Cleveland. Cleveland, 1867. Published privately ; had the patronage of the Society. WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Antiquity of the name of Scott, with brief historical notes. Paper read before the Society, by M. B. Scott. Boston, 1869. 8vo, pp. 15. (5774 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Capt. William Trent, from Logstown to Pickawillany, 1752; now published for the first time, from a copy in the archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society, together with letters of Governor Robert Dinwiddie, an historical notice of the Miami confederacy of Indians ; a sketch of the English post at Pickawillany, with a short biography of Captain Trent. Edited by A. T. Goodman, secretary Western Reserve Historical Society. Cincinnati, 1871. 8vo, pp. 117. (5775 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications] Vol. I. Tracts. Nos. l-3t\ Cleveland, [1870] -1877. 8vo. No. 1. Battle at Frenchtown, Mich., January, 1813. By T. P. Dudley, pp. 4. No. 2. Judges of the supreme court of Ohio under the first constitution, 1803- 1852. By A. T. Goodman. 1871. pp. 8. No. 3. Papers relating to the war of 1812. By E. T. Whittlesey. 1870. pp. 4. No. 4. First white child in Ohio. By A. T. Goodman. 1871. pp. 7. No. 5. Ancient earth forts of the Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio. By Charles Whit tlesey. 1871. pp. 40. Nine plates. No. 6. Papers relating to the first white settlers in Ohio. By A. T. Goodman. 1871. pp. 8. No. 7. War of 1812. Papers of E. Whittlesey. No. 2. 1871. pn. 5-7. No. 8. Indian affairs around Detroit in 1706. Papers of General Cass. 1871. pp. 6. No. 0. Archaeological frauds: Inscriptions attributed to the mound builders. By C. Whittlesey. 1872. pp. 4. No. 1 ). Annual meeting of the Society, May, 1872. Memorial notice of A. T. Goodman. 1872. pp. 4. No. 11. Ancient rock inscriptions in Ohio, an ancient burial mound, Ilardin County. [By C. Whittlesey. 1 1872. pp. 16. Two folded plates. No. 12. War of 1812. Papers of E. Whittlesey. No. 3. 1872. pp. 3. No. 13. Papers relating to the expeditions of Colonel Bradstreet and Colonel Bouquet, 1764. No. 1. 1873. pp. 6. 782 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. No. 14. Same. No. 2. 1873. pp. 6. No. 15. Correspondence of Major Tod, war of 1812 ; History of Northfleld. By A. M. Searles. 1873. pp. 8. No. 16. List of publications of the Society; Annual report, 1873; Origin of the State of Ohio. 1873. pp. 5. No. 17. Correspondence of Major Tod, war of 1812. No. 2. 1873. pp. 5. No. 18. War correspondence. Northern frontier. 1812. No. 6. 1873. pp. 4. No. 19. Same. No. 7. 1873. pp. 4. No. 20. Discovery and ownership of the Northwestern Territory and settle ment of the Western Reserve. Address, by J. A. Garfleld. 1874. pp. 12. No. 21. Sixth annual meeting, May, 1874. pp. 3. No. 22. Battle of Frenchtown, by T. P. Dudley ; Maj. Isaac Craig on Lake Erie, 1782; White men as scalpers; Thomas Hutchins, geographer general of the United States. 1874. pp. 8. No. 23. Relics of the mound builders, by C. C. Baldwin, 1874 ; Campaigns of 1813 on the Ohio frontier; Sortie at Fort Meigs, May, 1813, by T. Christian. 1876. pp. 7. No. 24. Recent donations by W. P. Fogg, with his description and remarks on cuneiform inscriptions. 1874. .pp. 4. No. 25. Early maps of Ohio and the West, by C. C. Baldwin. 1875. pp. 25. No. 26. Seventh annual meeting, May 11, 1875. pp. 4. No. 27. Notice of historical and pioneer societies in Ohio, by C. C. Baldwin. 1875. pp. 8. No. 28. War of 1812. Papers, No. 8. 1875. pp. 4. No. 29. Tradition of Brady, the Indian hunter. 1875. pp. 6. No. 30. Early settlement of Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, by Leonard Case. 1876. pp. 34. No. 31. Annual meeting, May, 1876. pp. 4. No. 32. Western Reserve ; Origin of title, by Charles Whittlesey. 1876. pp. 6. No. 33. Archaeological frauds, by Charles Whittlesey. 1876. pp. 7. No. 34. The Margry papers, Vol. i, by C. C. Baldwin. 1876. pp. 7. No. 35. A centennial lawsuit, [Vigo claim] by C. C. Baldwin. 1876. pp. 3. No. 36. Memoranda and notes, by the late Alfred T. Goodman : Bison or buffalo in Ohio; Statement of George Sanderson on war of 1812; Maj. Amos Stoddard. General Harrison at Cleveland, 1812. 1877. pp. 4. Nos. 1-36, with title-page and index, constitute Vol. i of the Publications. (5776 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications.] Vol. n. Tracts 37-72. Cleveland, Ohio, 1888. 8vo, pp. (4), xix, (3), 504. Illustrations. Portrait. Index, pp. i-xix. No. 37. Ninth annual meeting, May, 1877. pp. 7. No. 38. Discovery of the Ohio River by Robert Cavelier de la Salle, 1669-70, by Charles Whittlesey. pp. 9-15. No. 39. Autograph letters, pp. 17-24. No. 40. The Iroquojs in Ohio, by C. C. Baldwin ; First United States land surveys, 1786. pp. 25-931. No. 41. Ancient earthworks, northern Ohio, by Charles Whittlesey; Indian records, pp. 33-39. No. 42. Rock inscriptions in the United States ; Ancient alphabets of Asia, by C. Whittlesey. 1878. pp. 41-55. No. 43. Proceedings, 1878. Biographical sketches: J. P. Kirtland ; W. G. Lane ; R. W. Taylor ; H. B. Tuttle. pp. 57-61. No. 44. The Grave Creek inscribed stone, by Charles Whittlesey. 1879. pp. 65-68. No. 45. Numismatics. Facts in regard to early American coins, by IT. N. Johnson, pp. 69-74. No. 46. Revolutionary correspondence of 1777 : Washington and Putnam let ters ; Ludington s reports, pp. 75-80. No. 47. Early Indian migration in Ohio, by C. C. Baldwin. 1878. pp. 81-95. No. 48. Annual meeting, 1878. pp. 97-100. No. 49. Report on the girdled road; Major Wilkins s disaster, 1763; Diary of Capt. James Bonner, war of 1812. pp. 101-104. No. 50. Indian narrative of Judge Hugh Welch, of Green Springs, Seneca, and Sanduskie counties ; Wyandot missions in 1806-1807, by Q. F. Atkins, pp. 105-113, WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 783 No. 51. General Wadsworth s division, war of 1812, by C. Whittlesey. pp. 115-123. No. 52. Relics of aboriginal art and their ethnological value, pp. 125-128. No. 53. Inscribed stones, Licking County, Ohio, by C. Whittlesey. 1881. pp. 129-133. No. 54. Thirteenth annual meeting, May 10, 1881. pp. 135-150. No. 55 The State of Ohio : Sources of her strength, by C. Whittlesey. 1881. pp. 151-158. No. 56. Ancient burial cists in northeastern Ohio, by Cornelius Baldwin. 1882. pp. 150-165. No. 57. Fourteenth annual meeting, May 0, 1882. pp. 167182. No. 58. Biography of Ephraim Kirby, by T. Garlick. 1883. pp. 183-186. No. 59. Ohio surveys, by C. Whittlesey. 1883. pp. 187-191. No. 60. The glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, by <"}. Frederick Wright. 1884. pp. 193-278. No. 61. Surveys of the public lands in Ohio, by C. Whittlesey 1884 pp 279-286. No. 62. The corporate birth and growth of Cleveland, by S. O. Griswold. pp. 287-318. No. 63^ The geographical history of Ohio, by C 1 . C. Baldwin, pp. 319-332. No. 64. Map and description of northeastern Ohio, by John Heckev/elder, 1796. 1884. pp. 333-340. No. 65. Seventeenth annual meeting, May, 1884. pp. 341-360. No. 66. Colonel Bradstreet s misfortunes on Lake Erie in 1764. 1886. pp. 361-363. No. 67. Nineteenth annual meeting. May, 1886. pp. 364-403. No. 68. Memorial of Col. Charles Whittlesey, by C. C. Baldwin. Bibliography, pp. 404-437. No. 69. The origin and development of the almanack, by Sam Brig<>>> pp 435-477. No. 70. The Preglacial course of Rocky River, Ohio, by I) T Gould pn 470_400. No. 71. First United States land surveys, 1786, by C. Whittlesey pp 491-495. No. 72. The battle of the Peninsula, September 29, 1812, by C. W T hittlesey. pp. 497-504. (577 *- WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications.] Vol. in. Tracts 73-84. Cleveland, Ohio, 1892. 8vo, pp. (8), xi, 379. Index, pp. i-xi. No. 73. Archaeology of Ohio, by M. C. Read. No. 74. History of the Western Reserve Historical Society, by D. W. Man chester. No. 75. Discovery of paleolithic implements at Newcomerstown, Ohio, by W. C. Mills and G. F. Wright. No. 76. Ancient earthworks of Ohio, by F. W. Putnam. No. 77. Manuscript of Solomon Spaulding and the Boot of Mormon by J. H. Fairchild. No. 78. Twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Society, June 19, 1891 : Address of ex-President R. B. Hayes ; Report of D. W. Manchester, secretary ; Address on " The new methods in history," by C. C. Baldwin. No. 79. Case School of Applied Science : Biographical sketches of the founder and his kinsmen Leonard Case, sr., 1786-1864; William Case, 1818-1862; Leonard Case, jr., 1820-1880, by James I). Cleveland. 1891. No. 80. History of man in Ohio, by C. C. Baldwin. No. 81. The Ohio Railroad that famous structure on stilts, by C. P. Leland. No. 82. The development of Cleveland s harbor, by J. H. Sargent. No. 83. The early history of borain County, by W. W. Boynton. No. 84. Traces of ice age in the flora of Cuyahoga Valley, by E. W. (Maypole. (5778 U ESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 85. Charter and reorganiza tion of the Society, 1801-92. Purchase of the Society s building. Patrons, life members, and corresponding members, 1894. Cleveland, 1895. 8vo, pp. 1-22. Plate. (5779 784 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 80, in Vol. iv. Farm life in central Ohio sixty years ago. By Martin Welker. [Reprinted from previous publication in 1892, with additions.] 1895. 8vo, pp. [22] -87. Illustrated. (5783 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 87, in Vol. iv. The under ground railroad. By James II. Fairchild. [An address delivered before the Society, January 24, 1895.] 1S95. Svo, pp. 91-121. (57SI WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 88, in Vol. iv. Memorial of Charles Candee Baldwin, LL. D., late president of the Western Reserve His torical Society. By G. Frederick Wright. Cleveland, 1896. Svo, 1 p. 1., pp. [1251-173. Front, (portrait). (5782 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 89, in Vol. iv. Journal ol! Michael Walters, a member of the expedition against Sandusky in tho year 1782. Edited by J. P. Mac-Lean. Cleveland, 1899. 8vo, pp. [175]-188. (5783 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tract No. 90, in Vol. iv. The archae ological collection of the Western Reserve Historical Society. By J. P. MacLean. Published for the Society. Cleveland, 1901. Svo, pp. [1911-272. Illustrated. (5784 W T ESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of Capt. Jonathan Heart on the march with his company from Connecticut to Fort Pitt, in Pitlsburg, Pa., from the 7th of September to the 12th of October, 1785, inclusive. To which is added the Dickinson-Harmar correspondence of 1784-85. The whole illustrated with notes and preceded by a biographical sketch of Cap tain Heart by Consul Willshire Butterfleld. Albany, 1885. Small 4to, pp. xv, 94. Printed from the original in the possession of the Society. (5785 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archaeology cf Ohio. By M. C. Read. Cleveland [1888.] Svo, pp. 119. Plates. (3786 [WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications.] History of Bi iile s dis coveries and explorations, 1010-1G2G ; being a narrative of the discovery, by Stephen Brule, of lakes Huron, Ontario, and Superior ; and of his explo rations * * * of Pennsylvania and western New York, also if the province of Ontario, Canada. By Consul Willshire Butterfield. Cleveland, Ohio, 1898. 8vo, pp. xii, 1 1., pp. 184, 1 1. Plates. Portrait. Maps. (5787 WHITEWATER AND MIAMI VALLEY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. WHITEWATER AND MIAMI VALLEY PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Pioneer life at North Bend. Address by J. Scott Harrison, delivered before the Whitewater and Miami Valley Pioneer Association at Cleves, Ohio, September 8, 1866. Cin cinnati, 1867. Svo, pp. 16. < 578S WILLIAMS, DEFIANCE, AND PAULDING COUNTIES OLD SETTLM* ASSOCIATION. WILLIAMS, DEFIANCE, AND PAULDING COUNTIES OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Address at the annual meeting held at Hicksville September 11, 1S7S. By A. P. Edgerton. Hicksville, 1878, 8vo, pp. 41. OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 785 OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oklahoma City. OKLAHOMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Review of inception and progress; accessions and donors, historic papers. Perry, Oklahoma, 1905. 16mo, pp. [4], 85. Opening of Oklahoma, by Sidney Clarke, pp. 18-26 ; The Free Homes Bill, by D. T. Flynn, pp. 27-29. The Society has also published Biennial Reports . . . 1897-8 1903-4. (579O OREGON. OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Portland, Oregon. OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Articles of incorporation, by-laws, prospectus, and officers. Portland, Oreg., 1899. IGmo, pp. 23. (5791 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sources of the history of Oregon. Vol. i, Parts 3 to 0, inclusive. The correspondence and journals of Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth, 1831-6. A record of two expeditions for the occupation of the Oregon country, with maps, introduction, and index. Continuation of the contributions of the Department of Economics and History of the Uni versity of Oregon by the Oregon Historical Society. Edited by F. G. Young. Eugene, Oregon, 1899. 8vo, pp. xix, 262. 2 maps. (5794 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, including the meeting for organiza tion held December IT, 1898, The quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors, and the first annual meeting of the members of the Society, held December 1C, 1899. Salem, Oregon, 1900. 8vo, pp. 97. Contains : Beginnings in Oregon, by Silas B. Smith. (5795 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, including the quarterly meetings of the Board of Directors, and the second annual meeting of the members of the Society, held December 15, 1900. Salem, Oregon, 1901. 8vo, pp. 121. Contains : From New York to Oregon, via the Isthmus of Panama, in 1851, by Elizabeth M. Wilson ; The young homeseeker, by John Minto. (579<> OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings . . . third annual meeting . . . Decem ber 21, 1901. 8vo, pp. 170. Contains: The Oregon pioneer, by D. W. Craig. (57960 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. i. 1900. Salem, Oregon. [1900.] 8vo, pp. iv, 408. Contents : The genesis of political authority and of a commonwealth govern ment, by James R. Robertson ; The process of selection in Oregon pioneer settle ment, by Thomas Condon ; Nathaniel J. Wyeth s Oregon expeditions, from " In historic mansions and highways around Boston ; " Reminiscences of F. X. Matthieu, by II. S. Lyman ; Documents : Correspondence of John McLoughlin, Nathaniel J. Wyeth, S. R. Thurston, and R. C. Winthrop, pertaining to claim of Dr. McLoughlin at the falls of the Willamette the site of Oregon City ; The Oregon question, by Joseph R. Wilson ; Our public land system and its relation to education in the United States, by Frances F. Victor ; Glimpses of life in early Oregon, by Mrs. William Markland Molson ; Not Majoram the Spanish word " Oregano " not the original of Oregon, by II. W. Scott ; Reminiscences of Louis Labonte, by II. S. Lyman ; Dr. Elliott Cones, by Frances F. Victor ; Docu ment a narrative of events in early Oregon ascribed to Dr. John McLoughlin ; Reminiscences of Hugh Cosgrove, by II. S. Lyman ; Reminiscences of Wm. M. Case, by II. S. Lyman ; The number and condition of the native race in Oregon H. Doc. 923. 59-1 . vol 2 - 50 786 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. when first seen by white men, by John Minto ; Indian names, by H. S. Lyman ; Oregon articles reprinted from a file of the N. Y. Tribune, 1842 ; Letter by William riumer, senator from N. H. ; The Oregon trail, by F. G. Yonng ; A day with the cow column in 1843, by Jesse Applegate ; Col. George B. Curroy s tribute to the ox whip ; The camp fires of the pioneers a poem by Sam L. Simpson ; Pilgrims of the plains, by Joaquin Miller ; Pioneers of the Pacific, by Joaquin Miller ; Documents : The Oregon emigrants, 1843. Index. (5797 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. n. 1901. Salem, Oregon. [1901.] 8vo, pp. iv, 432. Contents : Political history of Oregon from 1853 to 1865, by Geo. H. Williams ; Flotsam and Jetsam of the Pacific the Owyhee, the Sultana, and the May Dacre, by Frances Fuller Victor ; An historical survey of public education in Eugene, Oregon, by Joseph Schafer ; The Aurora community, by II. S. Lyman ; Formation and administration .of the provisional government, by II. W. Scott ; Reminiscences of experiences on the Oregon trail in 1844, by John Minto ; Notes, by William M. Case, supplementary to his " Reminiscences," published in the Sept. quarterly, Vol. i ; Mrs. Fannie Clayton s account of Indian troubles in California in 1840, by H. S. Lyman ; Documentary : Excerpts from the New Orleans " Picayune " between issues of January 3, 1843, and April 27, 1844, in clusive ; Suggestions for a congress of industry and commerce as- a means to realize the central idea of the Lewis and Clark Centennial ; Primitive customs and religious beliefs of the Indians of the Pacific northwest coast, by Silas B. Smith ; Reminiscences of Alanson Ilinman, by James R. Robertson ; Items from the Nez Perces Indians, by II. S. Lyman ; Reminiscences of Clement Adams Brad bury, 1846, by II. S. Lyman ; Political history of Oregon from 1865 to 1876, by Wm. D. Fenton ; Incidents in the organization of the provisional government, by T. T. Geer ; Hall J. Kelley one of the fathers of Oregon, by Frances Fuller Victor ; An Oregon literature, by II. S. Lyman ; The Lewis and Clark expedition in American history, by F. G. Young; Index. (579S OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. in. 1902. Salem, Oregon. [1902.1 8vo, pp. v, 434. Contents : The social evolution of Oregon, by James R. Robertson ; Political history of Oregon from 1865 to 1876, by Wm. D. Fenton ; History of the Barlow Road, by Mary S. Barlow ; Across the continent seventy years ago compiled from the papers of John Ball, by Kate N. B. Powers ; Political history of Oregon from 1876 to 1895, inclusive, by M. C. George ; The first Oregon cavalry, by Frances Fuller Victor ; Recollections of Horace Holden, by II. S. Lyman ; Sheep husbandry in Oregon, by John Minto ; The origin and history of the Willamette woolen factory, by L. E. Pratt ; The American fur trade in the far west, by Frances Fuller Victor ; The Oregon Central Railroad, by Joseph Gaston ; History of the press of Oregon, 1839-1850, by George H. Himes ; The archives of Oregon, by F. G. Young ; Documents Oregon meeting in Iowa Kentucky me morial Letter of Tallmadge B. Wood Letters of Peter II. Burnett ; Historian of the northwest (Frances Fuller Victor), by William A. Morris. ir.7!J> OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. iv. 1903. Salem, Oregon. [100:5.] 8vo, pp. v, 409. Contents : The Lewis and Clark Centennial the occasion and its observance, by F. G. Young ; The educational history of Astoria, Oregon, by Alfred A. Cleve land ; An object lesson in paternalism, by T. W. Davenport ; Glimpses of early days in Oregon, by Charlotte Molfett Cartwright ; The upper Calapooia, by Geo. O. Goodall ; Documents : Arrival of emigrant company No. 1 ; Letters of Tall madge B. Wood, 1846 and 1847. Oregon and its share in the civil war, by Robert Treat Platt ; The great west and the two easts, by Henry E. Reed ; Social and economic history of Astoria, by Alfred A. Cleveland ; A pioneer cap tain of industry [J. Watt] by James R. Robertson ; Documents : Two Whitman sources ; Relating to the Oregon emigration movement, 1842-3 ; Experiences of the emigration of 1843 ; Letters descriptive of Oregon country and its earlier conditions. History of the preparation of the first code of Oregon, by James K. Kelly ; A pioneer railroad builder : Dorsey S. Baker, by Miles C. Moore ; From Walla Walla to San Francisco, by John Mullan ; Indian wars of Southern Ore gon, by William M. Colvig ; Minto s Pass : its history and an Indian tradition, by John Minto; Reminiscences (secured by H. S. Lyman) Anson Sterling Cone, Rebeka Hopkins, Anna Tremewan, Louis Labonte s recollections of men. Early schools in Lane county, by Jos. H. Sharp ; The Montures on French Prairie, by S. A, Clarke ; Documents : Oregon material taken from a file of an Independence OKEGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 787 (Mo.) and Weston (Mo.) paper for 1844 and 1845; also some minor extracts from other papers in that vicinity. The origin and authorship of the Bancroft Pacific States publications : A history of a history, by William Alfred Morris ; IMoneer papers of Puget Sound, by Clarence B. Bagley : In memoriam of Wil- lard II. Kees ; Short biography of Joseph Holman ; Documents : Letter of Smith, Sublette and Jackson, 1830, on fur trade and treaty of 1818 ; Migration to and settlement of Oregon. (58OO OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. v. 1904. Salem, Oregon, 1904. 8vo, pp. v, 412. Contents : " The Mercer immigration : " two cargoes of maidens for the Sound country, by Clarence B. Bagley ; The evolution of Spokane and Stevens counties, by Thomas W. Prosch ; Extract from T. W. Davenport s " Recollections oL an Indian agent ;" Antecedents of the Oregon pioneers and the light these throw on their motives, by John Minto ; Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer, by Peter II. Burnett; Beginnings of Oregon exploration and early settlement at the mouth of the Columbia river, by II. W. Scott ; A brief history of the Oregon steam navigation company, by P. W. Gillette ; The beginnings of Lane county, by W. B. Dillard ; Transplanting Iowa s laws to Oregon, by F. I. Herriott ; Documents : A Brimfield heroine Mrs. Tabitha Brown ; Botanists of the Ore gon country, by Ansel F. Ilemenway ; Literary remains of David Douglas, bota nist of the Oregon country : Reprint of his " Sketch of a journey to the north western part of the continent of North America during the years 1824-25-26-27," with editorial prefatory notes and " a brief memoir of the life of David Douglas," by W. Hooker ; Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer, by Peter II. Burnett; The judiciary of Oregon, by Charles E. Wolverton ; The lessons of history and evolution, by T. W. Davenport ; Sketch of a journey to northwestern parts of the continent of North American during the years 1824-25-26-27 by David Douglas ; Index. (5SO1 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. vi, No. 1. March, 1905. 8vo, pp. 107. Contents : The higher significance in the Lewis and Clark expedition, by F. G. Young ; The story of Lewis and Clark s journals, by Reuben Gold Thwaites ; Dr. John Scouler s journal of a voyage to N. W. America (1824- 1826) ; Sketch of a journey to the northwestern parts of the continent of North America during the years 1824~ 25- 26- 27, by David Douglas ; Reviews. (58O2 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. vi, No. 2. June, 1905. 8vo, pp. 109-236. Contents : Origin of Pacific University, by James R. Robertson ; The political beginning of Washington territory, by Thomas W. Prosch ; Dr. John Scouler s journal of a voyage to N. W. America (1824- 25- 26) ; Sketch of a journey to the northwestern parts of the continent of North America during the years 1824 25 26 27, with comment on the results of Douglas first visit and letters of Douglas giving plans and preparations for a second visit to the Columbia, by David Douglas; Reviews; Accessions. (58O3 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. vi, No. 3. September, 1905. 8vo, pp. 237-342. Contents : The unity of history, by II. W. Scott ; Aspects of Oregon history before 1840, by Edward Gaylord Bourne ; Dr. John Scouler s journal of a voyage to N. W. America ; Second journey to the northwestern parts of the continent of North America, 1829- 34, by David Douglas ; The historical con ference at the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition ; First report of the con ference of state and local historical societies at the Chicago meeting of the American Historical Association; Reviews; Accessions. (58O4 OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Quarterly. Vol. vi, No. 4. December, 1905. 8vo, pp. 343-463. Contents : The winning of the Oregon country, by William D. Fenton ; Notes on the colonization of Oregon, by Joseph Schafer ; Meriwether Lewis, by Andrew T. Lewis ; Functions of the Oregon Historical Society, by F. C. Young ; Washington activities in history, by Clarence B. Bagley ; Sketch of a second journey to the northwestern parts of the continent of North America and to the Sandwich Islands, 1820-1834, by David Douglas, (58O4 788 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Salem, Or eg. OKEGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Constitution and quotations from the register of the Association, with the annual address of S. F. Chadwick, remarks of L. F. Grover, at reunion, June, 1874, and other matters of interest Salem, 1875. 8vo, pp. 96. Nos. 58065818 are issued in bound volumes, with General Index, pp. 10. Contains : The pioneer settlers of Oregon ; The Oregon question, by L. P. Grover ; History of the provisional government of Oregon, by J. Q. Thornton. (58O5 OEEGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the third annual reunion, and the annual address by Matthew P. Dearly, with the addresses of J. W. Nesmith, G. P. Holman, and G. L. Curry, November 11, 1873, and a biog raphy of Joseph L. Meek. Salem, 1876. 8vo, pp. 88. (5806 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the fourth annual reunion of the Oregon Pioneer Association for 1870; and the annual address delivered by 11. P. Boise, together with the occasional address by John Minto ; Poem by E. Eberhardt, and an article written by Jesse Applegate. Salem, Oregon, 1877. 8vo, pp. 65, (3). Contains : A day with the cow column in 1843, by Jesse Applegate. (5807 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the fifth annual reunion for 1877 ; and the annual address delivered by Elwood Evans, together with a poem by Francis Henry, the occasional address by Stephen Staats, a poem by Sam l L. Simpson, obituary notices of members who have died the past year, and the names of members of the Association. Salem, Oregon, 1878. 8vo, pp. 98. (5808 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the sixth annual reunion for 1878; and the annual address delivered by Win. Strong, together with the occasional address by J. Quinn Thornton, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1879. 8vo, pp. 95. (5809 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the seventh annual reunion for 1879 ; and the annual address delivered by Willard H. Rees, together with the occasional address by R. C. Geer, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1880. 8vo, pp. 63. (5810 Contains : A reminiscence a recollection of the Rogue River war of 1853, by J. W. Nesmith. (5811 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the eighth annual reunion for 1880 ; and the annual address delivered by J. W. Nesmith, together with the occasional address by G. H. Atkinson, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1881. 8vo, pp. 64. Contains : The attack at the Cascades in 1856, an account of an ex-soldier of the defense at the middle block house ; Copy of a document found among the private papers of the late Dr. John McLoughlin (relating to the Oregon country, 1824-1842*. (5812 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the ninth annual reunion of the Association for 1881 ; and the annual address delivered by W. C. John son, together with the occasional address by Medorum Crawford, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1882, 8vo, pp. 80. OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. 789 Contains : Journal of a voyage from Fort Vancouver, Columbia River, to York Factory, Hudson s Bay, 1841, by George T. Allan ; A gallop tbrough the Willamette, by Geo. T. Allan ; Reminiscences of Fort Vancouver on Columbia River, as it stood in 1832, and some account of the Hudson Bay Company s farm there at that period ; their mode of trade with the Indians, and personal recol lections of Doctor John McLoughlin and others, by a then resideat of that place. (5813 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the tenth annual reunion of the Oregon Pioneer Association for 1882; and the annual address delivered by James K. Kelly, together with the occasional address by F. A. Chenoweth, remarks by Mrs. A. S. Duniway, and an historical letter by J. Quinn Thorn ton, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1883. Svo, pp. 90. (5814 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the eleventh annual reunion for 1883 and the annual address by W. Lair Hill, together with opening ad dress by J. W. Nesinith, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1884. 8vo, pp. 29, (1). (5815 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twelfth annual reunion for 1884, and the annual address by II. Y. Thompson, together with address by F. O. McCown, and other matters of interest. Salem, 1885. 8vo, pp. 43. Contains : Letter from W. Fraser Tolniie, contribution to the story of pioneer days and of pioneers. (5810 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the thirteenth annual reunion of the Association, for 1885, the occasional address by K. L. Eastham, and the annual address by Geo. H. Williams, with other matters of interest. Salem, 1880. Svo, pp. 44. (581T OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the fourteenth annual reunion, for 188(3. Annual address by John Kelsay, and the occasional address by M. C. George, with other matters of interest. Portland, 1887. 8vo, pp. 109. (1). Portraits. General Index; Alphabetical Index, pp. 10. (5818 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the fifteenth annual reunion, for 1887. Annual address by Rev. T. I). Driver -and the occasional address by George B. Currey, with other matters of interest Portland, 1887. Svo, pp. 104, (1). Portrait. Contains: A brief account of the experiences of a pioneer of 1843, by John Arthur. (581J) OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the sixteenth annual reunion, for 1888, containing the annual address by Rev. Thomas Condon, and the occasional address by E. L. Applegate, with biographical sketches and other matters of interest. Portland, 1889. 8vo, pp. 1.19, (1). Portrait. Contains : The camp fires of the pioneers a poem by Sam L. Simpson ; The pioneers being a review of the period leading up to the formation ot tho Oregon Pioneer Association, and a synopsis of its transactions since that time; Annual address before Indian War Veterans, by T. D. Driver ; Mrs. Myra F. Eells ; Crossing the plains in 1S44, diary of Rev. Edward Evans Parrish ; "The Good Old Doctor, Doctor John McLoughlin " Presentation of his por trait to the state by the Association, \\ith address of John Minto and response by Governor Sylvester Pennoyer ; Constitution of the Association ; Reports. (5820 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the seventeenth annual reunion, for 1889, containing the annual address, by Orange Jacobs, and the occa sional address, by James K. Kelly, with biographical sketches, and other matters of interest. Portland, 1890. 8vo, pp. 104. 790 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Contains : Journal of Myra F. Eells, kept while passing through the United States and over the Rocky Mountains in the spring and summer of 1S38 ; Wil- liam Van Buskirk, 1789-1859 ; Additional light on the Whitman matter, by W. C. McKay ; The pioneer printing press of the Pacific coast. (5821 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the eighteenth annual reunion, for 1890, containing the annual address, hy II. W. Scott, and the occasional address, by Robert A. Miller, with biographical sketches, and other matters of historical interest. Portland, 1802. 8vo, pp. SO. Portraits. (5822 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the nineteenth annual reunion, for 1891, containing the annual address, by Lydell Baker, and the occa sional address, by. Geo. II. Burnett, with biographical sketches, and other matters of historical interest. Portland, 1898. 8vo. pp. 192. Contains : A journey across the plains in 183G, journal of Mrs. Marcus Whit man ; Dr. Whitman s bill and his letter to the Secretary of War, 1843; Letters written by Mrs. Whitman from Oregon to her relatives in New York, 1836-43; The schooner "Star," an account of her construction and voyage to California. (5823 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twentieth annual reunion. Not printed. OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-first annual reunion, for 1893, containing the annual address by N. L. Butler and the occasional address by Seymour W. Condon, with biographical sketches and other matters of historical interest. (1893-1900.) Portland, 1894. 8vo, pp. 219. Contents: Letters from Marcus Whitman and wife, 1839-1847. (5824 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty -second annual re union for 1894, containing the annual address by Thomas H. Tongue, and the occasional address, by Fred V. Holman, with biographical sketches and other matters of historic interest. Portland, 1895. 8vo, pp. 73. Contents: Woman s part in the drama of the northwest, by Eva Emery Dye; Reminiscences by Mrs. W. W. Buck. (5825 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-third annual re union for 1895, containing the annual address, by William Galloway, and the occasional address, by T. T. Geer, with biographical sketches and other matters of historic interest. Portland, 1895. 8vo, pp. 113. Contents: Women in pioneer times, by Mrs. Robert A. Miller; Reminis cences of Oregon pioneers, by M. S. Barlow ; Crossing the plains in 1845, by Miriam A. Tuller ; Crossing the plains in 1852, hy Joe. H. Sharp ; Brief sketch of John Sharp, by Joe. H. Sharp ; First mining law in Oregon, by E. J. North- cutt ; Reminiscences of the early settlement of the Williamette valley, by P. V. Crawford ; Martha A. Noltner, by Belle J. Sellwood ; The first girl to reach Gray s Harbor [Mary A. B. McKee]. (5827 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-fourth annual re union for 189G, containing the annual address, by Geo. II. Williams, and the occasional address, by Mrs. W, F. Ply male ; with biographical sketches and other matters of historic interest. Portland, 1897. 8vo, pp. 130. Contents : News of the treaty of 1846 : how it reached Oregon, by B. Wistar Morris ; The Cascades massacre, by Robert Williams ; First emigrants to Oregon, the " Peoria Party," 1839, by Robert Shortess ; Reminiscences by T. M. Rams- dell, a pioneer of 1844; The W hitman massacre, by J. Q. A." Young ; The last day at Waiilatpue, by Mrs. E. M. Wilson ; List of all present at W r aiilatpue at time of the massacre, by Geo. H. Himes. (5827 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. 791 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-fifth annual reunion for 1897, containing the annual address, by John R. McBride, and the occasional address, by John Burnett ; with biographical sketches and other matters of historic interest. Portland, 1898. 8vo, pp. 152. Contents : Pioneer women of Clatsop county, by Mrs. Owens-Adair ; A mid night flight a reminiscence of the war of 1856, by II. C. Coe ; Constitution. (5828 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty sixth annual re union for 1898, containing the annual address, by P. S. Knight, and the occasional address, by H. K. Hines, and other matters of historic interest. Portland, 1899. 8vo, pp. 86. Contents : Annual address of W. D. Fenton, delivered at Dayton, Oregon, June 2, 1897. (5829 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-seventh annual re union for 1899, containing the annual address, by James A. Waymire, and the occasional address, by diaries E. Wolverton, and other matters of historic interest. Portland, 1900. 8vo, pp. 69. (583O OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-eighth annual re union for 1900, containing the annual address, by J. C. Moreland, and the occasional address, by Cyrus H. Walker, and other matters of historic interest Portland, 1901. 8vo, pp. 82. Contents : Address at the public reception of Native Sons at the Marquam Grand Op/ra House, June 13, 1900, by T. T. Geer ; Pioneer women of Clatsop county, by Mrs. Owens Adair ; Sarah Davison Adair, pioneer of 1843, by her daughter, Dr. Owens-Adair. (5831 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the twenty-ninth annual re union of the Association, 1901. Portland, 1902. 8vo, pp. 61. Contents: Annual address, by Raleigh Stott, 185O; Native races of Old Oregon, by Charles V. Galloway. (5832 For Transactions, 30th-33d annual reunions, see Appendix. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Astoria, Orcg. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Address to the people of Oregon [on the subject of the erection of a monument to the memory of the late Dr. Marcus Whitman]. 1874. Sheet. (5833 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Proceedings, fourth, fifth and sixth, tenth, and eleventh annual meetings, 1875, 187G, 1877, 1881, 1882. Astoria, 1875-1882. 8vo. Five pamphlets. (5834 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Centennial paper. The American colonist in Oregon. Address before the Society, February 22, 1870. By G. H. Atkinson. [Astoria, 1876.] 8vo, pp. 8. (5835 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Proceedings. Fourth annual ad dress, reports of officers, etc. Astoria, 1875. 8vo, pp. 27. One folded sheet. (5836 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Fifth annual report, proceedings, annual address, narrative of the winter trip of Dr. Marcus Whitman across 792 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and other documents of the Society. Astoria, 1876. 8vo, pp. 15. (5837 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Proceedings. Sixth annual ad dress; February 22, 1877. Reports of Whitman monument fund committee, obituaries of pioneers, etc. Astoria, 1877. Svo, pp. 12, (5). (5838 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Annual meeting, February 22, 1881. [Astoria, 1881.] Svo, pp. 5. No title-page. (5839 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OREGON. Annual meeting, May 11, 1882. Proceedings. [Astoria, 1882.] Svo, pp. 12. No title-page. (584O UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Oregon. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Bulletin of the University of Oregon. Historical series. Vol. i, No. 1. Semi-centennial history of Oregon. Mileposts in the develop ment of Oregon, and characteristics of Oregon as an American common wealth, by Horace S. Lyman. With a supplement : A world movement and a national movement that had important relations to the making of Oregon, by F. G. Young. Eugene, Oregon, October, 1898. Svo, pp. 22. (5841 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Bulletin of the University of Oregon. Historical series. Vol. i, No. 2. Semi-centennial history of Oregon. Exploration northwest ward, by F. G. Young. Also, The Hudson s Bay Company regime in the Oregon country, by Eva Emery Dye. Eugene, Oregon, November, 1898. Svo, pp. 32. (5842 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Pa. AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Yols. i-xv. 1884-1904. Philadelphia, 1887-1904. Svo, 15 volumes. Vol. i. Charter; By-laws; Reports, etc.; Members; Importance of Catholic historical studies, by T. C. Middleton ; Origin of historical societies, by Robert Setou ; The Sisters of Jesus and Mary, by F. X. Reuss ; William Penn, the friend of Catholics, by M. I. .T. Griffin ; French refugee Trappists in the United States, by L. F. Flick ; Catholicity in the three lower counties, or the planting of the church in Delaware, by C. II. A. Esling ; An account of Catho licity in the public institutions of Boston, by J. J. Brie ; A memoir of Rev. Michael Hurley, by T. Westcott ; The Ursuline nuns in America, by F]. M. Vogel ; List of baptisms registered at St. Joseph s church, Philadelphia, 1758- 1775, by F. X. Reuss; Registers of St. Augustine s church, Philadelphia: St. Peter s church, Wilmington, Del.; Old St. Peter s church, Baltimore; St. Pat rick s church, Baltimore. 1887. pp. 387, (1). (5S4S Vol. it. Sketch of the Abenaquis mission, by J. J. Brie; The early registers of the Catholic church in Pennsylvania, by P. S. P. Connor; Rev. Louis Earth, by J. C. Foin ; The centenary of the adoption of the Constitution, by Rev. Dr. Ilorstmann ; Thomas Fitz-Simons, Pennsylvania s Catholic signer of the Con stitution, by M. I. J. Griffin ; Catholic choirs and choir music in Philadelphia, by M. H. Cross; Catholicity in southeastern (Lee County) Iowa, by J. F. Keinp- ker; Sketches of Catholicity in Texas, by C. Jaillet ; Father Louis della Vagna, by H. F. Mclntosh ; The origin of the Flathead mission, by E. Mallet ; History of the church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, Boston, by C. W. Currier ; List AMERICAN CATHOLIC HIST. SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 793 of baptisms of St. Joseph s church, Philadelphia, 1776-1781 ; Father Farmer s marriage register, 1758-1786, preserved at St. Joseph s church, Philadelphia, 175S-1786; Father Schneider s Goshenhoppen registers, 1761-1764; The Esling genealogy ; The Sehner family ; Kelly-IIendry families ; Reports, etc. 1889. pp. 406. (5844 Vol. in. The American Catholic Historical Society and Catholic Reference Library, by L. F. Flick ; The Flathead Indians, by J. O Connor ; The pioneer of religion and the first church in Omaha, by T. J. Fitzmorris ; Historical sketch of early Catholicity and the first church in Cleveland, by G. F. Ilouck ; Sports man s hall, by V. Huber ; Biographical sketch of B. Wimmar, D. D. ; George Meade, by II. W. Meade ; Thomas Lloyd, reporter of the first House of Repre sentatives, by M. I. J. Griffin ; The ride of the Royal Wraith, by C. II. A. Esling; Catholic choir music in Philadelphia, by T. C. Middleton ; St. Mary s graveyard, Philadelphia ; Goshenhoppen registers, 1765-1785, by T. C. Middleton ; Paschal confessions and communions at Loretto, Pa., 1810-1813. Index. 1891 pp. 440. (5845 Vol. iv. The Gallitzin memorandum book, edited by T. C. Middleton ; Bap tisms at St. Joseph s church, Philadelphia ; History of the church in Niagara, Canada, by P. J. Harold ; St. Peter s church, Columbia, Pa., by F. X. Reuss ; Early history of Allegheny county, Pa., by A. A. Lambing; List of Catholic periodicals in the United States, by T. C. Middleton; Minute book of St. Mary s church, Philadelphia, by L. F. Flick. 1893. pp. (4), 510, (1). (5S4C Vol. v. Annual address of L. F. Flick ; Memoir of Rev. Patrick Reilly ; Inter ments in St. Mary s burying ground, Philadelphia, from 17S8 to 1800; Certain churches in the West, by E. J. Nolan ; Brief sketch of the life of Eusebio Guite- ras ; A rough essay at a geographical description of the Province of Sonora ; Biographical sketch of James Campbell, by J. M. Campbell ; The Catholic church at Lancaster, Pa., by S. M. Sener ; Pew registers of St. Mary s church, Phila delphia, 1787-1791, by T. C. Middleton; The Papago Indians and their church, by L. F. Flick ; Philadelphia s first nun, by S. T. Smith. 1894. pp. 564. (5847 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. vr. [Philadelphia] 1895. 8vo, pp. 518. Contents : The Acadians in Philadelphia, by Eleanor C. Donnelly ; Annual address of the president, Lawrence F. Flick ; Report of the executive board ; Diurnal of the Rt. Rev. John England, 1820-3 ; John and Elizabeth Tatham, of Burlington, N. J., 1681-1700, by Thomas C. Middleton ; The planting of the faith in America, by E. I. DevStt ; Commodore Barry (poem), by Margaret M. Ilalvey ; William Gaston, the first student of Georgetown college, by J. Fairfax M Laughlin ; German Roman Catholic Central Society of the United States, by Alfred Steckel ; History of St. Patrick s church, Carlisle, Penn., by II. G. Ganss ; Gallitzin s Guest (poem), by Eleanor C. Donnelly; A Philadelphia sub scription list of about 1795 ; Historical notes of St. Ann s church and mission, Philadelphia (1845-1895), by Martin I. J. Griffin; Some forgotten records of Prince Demetrius Gallitzin, by Herman J. Ileuser ; Some reminiscences con nected with St. Mary s churchyard, Philadelphia, by Joseph Willcox ; Index. (5848 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY or PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. vii. [Philadelphia] :896. 8vo, pp. 523. Illustrated. Contents: Catholic pioneer [K. Rawson] of Lansingburgh, N. Y. (1767- 1842), by Thomas C. Middleton; Biography of Rev. Patrick Kenny, A. D. 1763- 1840, by Joseph Willcox ; The Catholic church in Yonkers-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., by Marion J. Brunowe ; Extracts from the diary of Rev. Patrick Kenny, March 25, 1805, to November 11, 1813, edited by Martin I. J. Griffin ; The first Catholic fourth of July, by Eleanor C. Donnelly ; The establishment of the first vicariate of America, A. D. 1493, with original document from the Vatican archives, by Herman J. Ileuser ; The history of Commodore John Barry, 1745-1803, by Martin I. J. Griffin; The Catholic church in Wisconsin, by Alfred Steckel; Papers relating to the church in America, from the portfolios of the Irish col lege at Rome, introductory by II. T. Henry ; The Catholic mission at Concord, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, by Joseph Willcox; Sketch of Mary Brackett Willcox, of ivy Mills, Pa., 1796-1866, from original documents, by Sara Trainer Smith ; Diurnal of John England, first bishop of Charleston, S. C., 1820-1823 ; Index. (5849 794 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. vui. [Philadelphia] 1897. 8vo, pp. 551. Illustrations. Portraits. Contents: Annual address of the president, Lawrence F. Flick; Report of the executive board ; The Catholic church in Wisconsin, by Alfred Steckel ; The ; Willcox paper mill (Ivy Mills), 1729-1866, by Joseph Willcox ; The history of I Commodore John Barry, A. D. 1745-1803, by Martin I. J. Griffin, edited by Francis T. Furey ; Papers relating to the church in America, from the port folios of the Irish college at Rome ; List of members of the Society ; Goshen- hoppen registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, deaths, etc. (third series), 1787-1800, translated and annotated by Thomas C. Middleton ; Historical pic ture gallery ; Some recollections of Rev. Patrick Rafferty, missionary of the diocese of Philadelphia, 1791-1821-1863, by Francis X. Reuss ; Notes on Satterlee military hospital, West Philadelphia, from 1862 until its close in 1865, from the journal kept at the hospital by a sister of charity, edited by Sara Trainer Smith; Index. i TS5o AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. ix. Philadelphia, 1898. 8vo,.pp. 519, 56. Illustrations. Portraits. Contents : Papers relating to the church in America, from the portfolios of the Irish college at Rome; A sketch of the life of the Rev. Joseph Ignatius Balfe. by Francis X. Reuss; Extracts from the diary of Rev. Patrick Kenay, 1816-19, by Martin I. J. Griffin ; Further selections from the diary of the same missionary, 1826-8, by Joseph Willcox ; Biographical sketch of Rev. Peter Henry Lemke, 1796-1882, by Lawrence F. Flick ; The Sir John James fund, by Martin I. J. Griffin ; Catholic chronicles of Lancaster county, Pa. (St. Peter s church), by Francis X. Reuss; A memoir of Samuel Steman Haldeman, by Horace L. Haldeman, with an Appendix by Francis X. Reuss ; A sketch of Catholicity in the city of Pittsburg, by A. A. Lambing; Outlines of history St. Charles church, Grand Coteau, La., by C. M. Widman ; Selections from the correspondence of Mathew Carey, with preface by Lawrence F. Flick ; America in the Consistorial Congregation s "Acta," researches in the Vatican archives; Some notes in the life of Charles Ignatius Hamilton Carter, by Francis X. Reuss: Jottings on the Kenrick family, by John McCall ; Index. (5851 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. x. Philadelphia, 1899. Svo, pp. 508. Illustrations. Portraits. Contents : America in the Cousistorial Congregation s "Acta," researches made in the Vatican archives ; An early Catholic settlement, St. James of Car thage, New York, 1785-1818-1898, by Thomas C. Middleton ; A short sketch of old St. Gregory s church and parish in (West) Philadelphia, 1849-1872, by Francis X. Reuss ; Passionist foundations in the United States, 1852-1894, by Edmund Hill; Selections from the" correspondence of the deceased Mathew Carey, 1804-17 ; Annual address of the president, II. T. Henry ; Some southern cities (New Orleans) about 1750 (from an unpublished French manuscript written in 1751-53), prepared by Conrad M. Widman; An alleged popish plot 1 in Pennsylvania, 1756-7 ; Mathias James OTonway, 1766-1842, by Lawrence F. Flick ; Some credits and debits relating to St. Mary s church, Philadelphia 1787 to 1789, compiled by Thomas C. Middletou ; The first missionaries in tli( New World, [Juan Perez] by Ambrose Sanning; Captain John Smith, Frederic!. Co., Md., of the Revolution, and some of his ancestors, by Francis" F. Smith Sketch of the life of George H. Miles, by Thomas W. Kenny ; Historical pictun gallery ; Index. (5852 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. xi Philadelphia, 1900. 8vo, pp. 552. Illustrations. Portraits. Contents : President s address, by Walter George Smith ; Mathias Jarne; O Conway, 1766-1842, by Lawrence F. Flick ; Roger Brooke Taney, b; Mary Florence Taney; Goshenhoppen registers of baptisms (18011807) ; Mar riages (1801-1819) and deaths (1801-1818), translated and annotated, b; Thomas C. Middleton ; Selections from the correspondence of the decease< Mathew Carey, 1807-14 ; Annual report of the executive board ; By paths o history ; St. Gregory the Great, by H. T. Henry ; Memoir of James Zillios D. D., by Francis X. Reuss; Properties of the Jesuits in Pennsylvania, 1730- AMERICAN CATHOLIC HIST. SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 795 1830, by Thomas Hughes ; History of St. Anne s church of Philadelphia, by Stella A. Segrest ; America in the Consistorial Congregation s Acta researches made in the Vatican archives ; Original documents relating to the civil war (1863-1867), furnished by Francis X. Reuss Extracts from the letters of Rev. F. Benausse to the military authorities of the U. S. A. and the C. S. A. during the civil war ; Letters bearing upon the foundation of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in America, translated from the original documents by the Sisters of the Notre Dame of Cincinnati ; Letter of Sister Rose White to Rev. Mr. De Barthe, 1815 ; The original sources of history, by II. T. Henry ; Sketch of the life of Philip Francis Scanlan (1794-1880), by Mary Angela Spellissy ; Diary of Archbishop Marechal, 1818-1825 ; By-paths of history : Facts and infer ences, by II. T. Henry ; Historical picture gallery. General index. (5S5J* AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. xn. Philadelphia, 1901. 8vo, pp. 545. Illustrations. Contents : President s address, by Walter George Smith ; Some memoirs of Our Lady s Shrine at Chestnut Hill, 1855-1900, with reminiscences of still earlier days, by Thomas C. Middleton ; fhe records of the parish of St. Francis Xavier at Post Vincennes, Ind., 1749^-1773, translated from the French by Edmond J. 1 . Schmitt ; Reminiscences of Sister M. Teresa White ; By-paths of history Old times in the colonies, by II. T. Henry ; Selections from the cor respondence of Mathew Carey 1813-1818 ; Short history of the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico, sent (in 1874) to General C. Ewing by J. B. Lamy ; One of Philadelphia s soldiers (Patrick McDonogh) in the war of 1812, by Isabel M. O Reilly ; Two letters from John Cheverus to Jean Marie Maximilien De Vernou, 1823 ; Pierre Gibault, priest and patriot of the northwest in the eighteenth cen tury, by Pauline Lancaster Peyton ; Historical picture gallery ; Index. (5S54 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. XIIL Philadelphia, 1902. 8vo, pp. 540. Illustrations. Contents : President s address, by Samuel Castner, jr. ; Two Philippine atlases, by Thomas C. Middleton ; Some quaint wills of early Catholic settlers in Mary land, from the archives of the Riggs library, Georgetown ; Some who have gone before us biographical sketches ; Index of historical pamphlets in the library of St. Charles s seminary, Overbrook, Pa. ; One of Philadelphia s soldiers in the Mexican war; A life sketch of John P. J. O Brien, 1818-1850, by Isabel M. O Reilly ; Sacramental registers of marriages and baptisms at St. Augustine s church, Philadelphia, translated with notes, by Thomas C. Middletou ; First house of the Sisters of the Visitation at Kaskaskin, Illinois, A. D. 1833, remin iscences of Mary Josephine Barber; Reminiscences of John Elder, one of the pioneer settlers of Prince Gallitzin s district, by Lawrence F. Flick ; Reminis cences of Luke Maguire, of St. Augustine s, Cambria Co., taken in 1879 ; Last will and testament of Louis Charles De Blanc, of New Orleans, 1825, trans lated from the original by J. W. for the society ; Selections from the cor respondence of Mathew Carey, 1818-1830 ; Sketch of the life of William Augus tine Newland, last of the old-time Philadelphia Catholic organists, 1813-1891, by Francis X. Reuss ; A missionary bishop s (Mgr. Brute) reminiscences of a troubulous boyhood, gathered by Eleanor C. Donnelly ; A brief history of the confraternity of St. Gabriel, founded March, 1890, by T. II., with a preface by H. T. Henry ; Selections from the correspondence of the late Mark Anthony Frenaye, 1834 to 1856 ; Extracts from a diary kept during the yellow fever plague in Philadelphia in 1798 ; Historical picture gallery ; Index. (5855 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. xiv. Philadelphia, 1903. 8vo, pp. 533, (1). Contents : President s address, by Henry T. Drumgoole ; The Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood, by Lydia S. Flintham ; Reports, etc. ; Life Sketch of Don Manuel Gonzalez, 1767-1838, by Leonora Gonzalez ; Catholic chronicles of Penn sylvania Rev. Sylvester Eagle, 1828-1866, by Francis X. Reuss ; Selections from the correspondence of Mark Anthony Frenaye, 1831-1856; Sketch of the Abbe Joseph Francis Correa de Serra, 1750-1824, by Martin I. J. Griffin ; Letters concerning some missions of the Mississippi valley, 1818-1827 ; The Church and science in the Dark Ages, by James J. Walsh ; Notes on Henry Major, 1819?- 1873, by Martin I. J. Griffin [Pius IX and the Confederacy] ; Notes on the life of William Edmonds Homer, 1793-1853, by Joseph W r alsh and Charles Houston 796 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Goudiss; Cheverus letters, 1814-1823, with introduction by Isabel M. O Reilly; Biographical notes on Joseph O Dwyer, by James J. Walsh ; Index. (5S55a AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Records. Vol. xv. Philadelphia, 1904. Svo, pp. 511, (1). Illustrations. Contents : President s address, by Henry T. Drumgoole ; Audubon, the nat uralist, by James J. Walsh ; Annual report ; Boston s first Catholic church, some letters of Rev. Dr. Matignon, of Boston, to Bishop John Carroll, 1798- 1801, gathered by Edward T. Devitt ; The Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M., -a Philadelphia foundation of A. D. 1833, compiled by Lydia S. Flintham ; A Canadian patriot priest of the XVIIIth century, Father Lotbiniere, by Martin I. J. Griffin; Some friendly letters (1814 to 1823) from Cardinal Cheverus, first Bishop of Boston, with introduction and notes by Isabel M. O Reilly ; Christopher Talbot, the first Catholic publisher in the U. S., by Martin I. J. Griffin ; Franciscan tertiaries first established in the United States at Phila delphia, by Lydia S. Flintham ; Sacramental registers at St. Joseph s Church, Philadelphia, of the XVIIIth century; "The Children s Catholic Magazine," of N. Y., 1838-1839, by Martin I. J. Griffin ; The Catholic Church and popular feeling in South America, by James J. Walsh ; Cheverus in France (second series of letters), 1823-1836; A southern teaching order, the Sisters of Mercy of Charleston ; Layton correspondence, 1830-1878 ; Reminiscences of an old-time journalist Patrick Dona hoe, of Boston ; John Delevau Bryant, by James J. Walsh and Joseph Walsh ; Pastoral visitation of Bishop Plessis, of Quebec, [to N. E. and N. Y.] 1815, extracts from his journal, by Lionel Lindsay; His torical sketches of some of the pioneer Catholics of Philadelphia and vicinity, by Joseph Willcox. For Vol. xvi, see Appendix. (5856 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Catholicity in the three lower counties, or the planting of the church in Delaware. Read by Charles II. A. Esling before the Society. Newspaper sheet from the Wilmington Every Evening of June 23, 24, 25, 188G. (5857 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The French refugee Trappists in the United States. Read before the Society on February 23, 1886. By Lawrence Francis Flick. Philadelphia, 188G. Svo, pp. 33. (5858 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. William Perm, the friend of Catholics. By Martin I. J. Griffin. Read before the Friends Evening Hour Club, of Germantown, December 7, 1885, and before the American Catholic Historical Society, on February 1, 188G. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 9. (5859 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Catholicity in the three lower counties, or the planting of the church in Delaware. Read before the Society, March 23, 188G, by Charles II. A. Esling. Philadelphia, 1887. Svo, pp. 117-160. Ciseo AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Quarterly Bulletin. Vol. i. Xos. 1-4. January-December, 1892. Philadelphia, 1892. 4 to. i5.s<;i AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Report of the execu tive board. December 19, 1893. Philadelphia, 1893. Svo, pp. 7-1. Addition to the library; list of members. <.rS2 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Commodore John Barry. By M. I. J. Griffin. Philadelphia, 1897. Svo, pp. vi, 261, xiv. Portrait. Plates. Facsimiles. (586H BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 797 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Doylestown, Pa. BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Southampton Baptist Church, Bucks County, Pa. Read before the Society, July 22, 1884. By W. W. H. Davis. Doylestown, 1884. 12mo, pp. 14. Edition, 75 copies. (5864 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Red Lion Inn, Bensalem Township, Bucks County, Pa. Abstract of a paper prepared by William J. Buck, and read at the meeting of the Bucks County Historical Society, July 17, 1888. In Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xn, pp. 359-361. Philadelphia, 1888. (5865 BUCKS COUNTY EIISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to American History. No. 1. Tools of the nation maker. A descriptive catalogue of objects in the Mu seum of the Historical Society of Bucks County, Penna. Collected and arranged by Henry C. Mercer. Doylestown, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp. 87. (5866 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to American History. No. 2. The survival of the mediaeval art of illuminative writing among Pennsyl vania Germans. By Henry C. Mercer. [Philadelphia, 1897.] 8vo, pp. [423J-432. Front. Illustrations. 3 pi. Cover-title. (On cover: Contributions to American History, by the Bucks County Historical Society No. 2.) Reprinted from Proceedings American Philosophical Society, Vol. xxxvi. No. 156. (5867 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to American History. No. 3. The decorated stove plates of Durham. By Henry C. Mercer. [Doyles town? 1897?] Svo, pp. (4). (5868 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to American History. No. 4. Light and fire making, with forty-five illustrations explaining the rubbing of fire from wood, the striking of flint and steel, and some of the lamps, candles, torches and lanterns of the American pioneer, by Henry C. Mercer. Philadelphia, 1898. 8vo, pp. 20 [1]. Illustrations. (On cover: Contributions to American His tory, by the Bucks County Historical Society. No. 4.) (5S69 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Scotch-Irish Families, some of the early settlers in Bucks county. By Warren S. Ely. A paper read before the Society at its midsummer meeting, August 9th, 1898. [n. p.] [1898?] 8vo, pp. 8. Caption title. (5S7O BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Contributions to American History. No. 6. The decorated stove plates of the Pennsylvania Germans. By Henry C. Mercer. Doylestown, 1899. Svo, 1 p. 1., pp. 26. Illustrations. (On cover: Contributions to American History, by the Bucks County Historical Society. No. 6.) (5871 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Kenderdine family, early residents of Horsham ; sketch of members of family in Montgomery and Bucks coun ties. By Thaddeus Kenderdine. Read at the May meeting of the Society May 27, 1902. (5S72 BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. D. K. Turner. Tribute to memory of prominent Bucks countian. By S. F. Hotchkin, Read at spring meeting of the Society, May 27 [1902]. 4to, pp. [4]. (5S73 798 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BUCKS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An old hostelry. The taverns of olden times. By Warren S. Ely. Read at October meeting of the Society. [No place. No date.] 4 to, pp. [4]. (5874 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. West CJtcstcr, Pa. CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter and by-laws of the Chester County Historical Society, with list of officers for 1893. [West Chester. Pa., 1893.] 8vo, pp. 8. (5875 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter and by-laws of the Chester County Historical Society, with list of officers for 1895. [West Chester, Pa., 1895.] 8vo, pp. 9. (5876 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lafayette at Brandywine, containing the proceedings at the dedication of the memorial shaft erected to mark toe place where Lafayette was wounded in the battle of Brandywine, with sup plementary paper on Lafayette and the historians, by Charlton T. Lewis. Also evidence as to the place where Lafayette was wounded ; accounts of his visits in 1780 and 1825; names of contributors; members of the Chester County Historical Society, etc. West Chester, Pa., The Chester County Historical Society, 189(5. 8vo, pp. 102. 3 pi. (including front.) 9 portraits. Fold. plan. 5877 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bulletins. 1898. Svo. pp. 0, 12, 7, 0, 23. Contents : Officers for 1898-0 ; Proceedings of a meeting held November 18, 1897 : The old Indian fort on the Brandywine, by Alfred Sharpless ; Colonial legislation, by Isabel Darlington. A history of railroading in Chester county, by Alfred Sharpless : The Welsh settlers in Chester County and their descend ants, by Thomas Allen Glenn ; The supposed Earl of Anglesea, by Samuel R. Shipley ; Diary of Benjamin Hunt, 1799-1812 ; A brief genealogy of the Hunts of Westtown. (5878 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bulletins. 1899-1900. Svo, pp. 74. Contents : Officers for 1900-1 ; George Washington in Chester county, by Joseph S. Walton ; Selections from a poem " The Brandywine," by John Ilussell Hayes ; Ye olden times in Chester county, by Alfred Sharpless ; Proceedings ; Some social and domestic customs of the last century, by William W. Polk; Moses Marshall, by William T. Sharpless ; History of Mason and Dixon s line, by George Morris Philips ; Some of the early history of West Chester, Pa., by Gilbert Cope; The taverns at West Chester; Thomas Cheyney, by Gilbert Cope; The American flag and the battle of Brandywine report of the committee on the Baptism of the American Flag in battle and matters of interest generally relating to the history of the battle of Brandywine. (5879 CHESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bulletins. 1902-3. Svo, pp. 51. Contents: Officers for 1902-3; Some annals of the Buffington family, by Gilbert Cope; Chester county Quakers during the Revolution, by Gilbert Cope; Thomas McKean, a distinguished son of Chester county, by Smith Burnham. (5880 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees, members, etc. 1896. [Philadelphia, 1897.] 12mo, pp. 47, (5881 DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 799 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Bulletin. No. 1. Colonial legislation in Pennsylvania, 1700-1712. A paper read by request before the Society, March 15, 1897, by Henry Budd. Philadelphia, 1897. 8vo, pp. 31. (5882 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Blue Anchor Tavern. Being a report inside to the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, November 9, 1896. By Thomas Allen Glenn. Philadelphia, 1897. Svo, pp. 0. Front. (5883 SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees, members, etc., 1897. 12mo, pp. 47. (5884 COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The American Weekly Mercury. Phila delphia. Kepuhlished in facsimile by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1898, 1905. 3 vols. " The American Weekly Mercury was the first newspaper published in the middle colonies, and fourth, in order of time, in America. The first number was issued at Philadelphia December 22, 1719, by Andrew Bradford, its founder." Contents: Vol. T. December 22, 1719-December 13, 1720. Vol. n. December 20, 1720-December 26, 1721, iii, 1721-1722. (5885 "OLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Charter, constitution, by-laws, officers, committees, members, etc., 1902. Philadelphia. 4to, pp. 151. (5886 OLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Records of the court of New Castle on Delaware, 1076-1681. Published by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. 4to, pp. iii, 543. Front, (portrait). (5887 DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Harrisbiu-fj, Pa. )AUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Read before the Historical Society. Peter Bezaillon, the first settler of Dauphin County. [By A. Boyd Hamil ton.] [Harrisbnrg, 1872.] 8vo, pp. 5. In Contributions to the History of Dauphin County, No. 2. (5888 )AUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fort Hunter, Susquehanna Township. Dauphin County, Pa. [Letter from A. Boyd Hamilton to the Society, May, 1872.] Hard sburg, 1872. Svo, pp. 14. In Contributions to tJic History of Dauphin County, No. 1. pp. 1-14. [NOTE. The Contributions to the History of Dauphin County is a volume made up of various papers ; some of them independently paged, apparently re printed from some serial publication.] (5889 >AUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Reminiscences of various members of the bar of Dauphin County. By George W. Harris. Read before the Society, 1873. [ITarrisburg, 1873.] Svo, pp. 34. In Contributions to the History of Dauphin County, No. 2.. (589O >AUPHIX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses delivered before the Society, in the State capitol, Harrisburg, July 4, 187G. [Harrisburg, 187(5.] 8vo, pp. 85. Contents : Ecclesiastical history of Dauphin County, by Thomas II. Robinson ; The Revolutionary soldiers of Dauphin County, by A. Boyd Hamilton; Historical review of Dauphin County, by William H. Egle, (5891 800 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ceremonies and historical addresses fn commemoration of the centenary of independence. Harrisburg, July 4, 1876. Under the auspices of the Society. [Harrisburg, 1876.] 8vo, pp. 32. (5892 DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Centennial. The settlement, forma tion, and progress of Dauphin County, Pa., from 1785 to 1876. Prepared under the direction of the commissioners of said county. By George H. Morgan. Harrisburg, Pa., 1877. Svo, pp. 239. A committee of the Society superintended the publication of Centennial state ment respecting the settlement and progress of the county, and " carefully exam ined and read the work," etc. (5893 DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dixons, of Dixons Ford; with "The soldier s tale." A story of the people of Derry in 1776. By William Darby. [Edited by W. H. Egle.] Harrisburg, 1878. 4to, pp. 21. (5894 DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of old Hanover Church. By Thomas H. Robinson. With a notice of the church at Cone- wago. By A. Boyd Hamilton. [Harrisburg], 1878. Svo, pp. 59. Hamilton s article has separate title : " The Conewago congregation of Pres- hyterians, Londonderry Township, 1730-1796." (5895 DAUPHIN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1785-1885. Centennial memorial of the erection of the county of Dauphin and the founding of the city of Harrisburg. Edited by William Henry Egle. Harrisburg, 1886. Svo, pp. 397. Illustrated. Published under the auspices of the Society. (5896* HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DAUPHIN COUNTY. Transactions. Vol. I. 1903. Har risburg, Penn., 1903. Svo, pp. 310. Consists of four pamphlets issued separately, as follows : Charter and by-laws of the Historical Society of Dauphin County, together with a list of the members, 1S69-1903. Harrisburg, Penn., 1903. Svo, pp. 24. Transactions of the Society. Vol. i. Part i. November, 1903. pp. 25-142. Contents : Abstracts of the minutes of the Society, 1869-1903. By James M. Lamberton ; Memorial Adam Boyd Hamilton, first president, by William Henry Egle ; Memorial William Henry Egle, second president, by Theodore B. Klein. [Transactions. Vol. i, Part n.] pp. 143-209. Contents : John Wiggins Simonton, by Robert Snodgrass ; Thirty-fourth anni versary meeting: Introductory address by James M. Lamberton; Old-time militia training, by George Bucher Ayres ; Memories and incidents of the Lan-j casterian school, by Theodore B. Klein ; Personal recollections of Harrisburg i fifty years ago, by John P. Keller ; Abstract of minutes, 1903-1904 ; SimonJ Girty, by Harvey B. Bashore ; The improvement of the Susquehanna river, by j Theodore B. Klein ; Report to the Governor by John Hall on the completion of j the Conewago canal, 1797. Transactions. Vol. I, Part in. August, 1905. Svo, pp. 209-310. Contents : Proceedings ; Reports ; Fort Washington in 1863, by Samuel W. t Pennypacker ; A journey from Harris Ferry to Shamokin in 1747, by John | W. Jordan; Memoirs of Joshua Gilpin, by Thomas Lynch Montgomery; Thirty- j sixth anniversary meeting: Address by Marlin E. Olmsted ; A review by Theo- J dore B. Klein. Reminiscences 1854-1864, by Thomas H. Robinson. (5897"| HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DAUPHIN COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA. Transactions. Vol. n. 1885-1903. Consists of Centennial memorial of the erection of the -a county of Dauphin and the founding of the city of Harrisburg. Harrisburg, | 1886. Svo, pp. 397. (5898 i] DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT VON PENNSYLVANIEN. 801 DELAWARE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chester, Pa. DELAWARE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, from its organization, September 16, 1895, to December 5, 1901. Vol. i. Chester, Pa., 1902. 8vo, pp. vii, 269. Contents : Proceedings ; Jeremiah Carter and his descendants, by Joseph Vance ; Old St. Paul s graveyard, by William S. Johnson ; Dr. Paul Jackson and his class, by J. L. Forwood ; Peter Alricks and his descendants ; A prisoner of war extracts from the diary of Gen. Nichols, captured during Arnold s expedition against Quebec ; John Larkin, Jr., by Henry L. Broomall ; Items gath ered from old school records, by Isaac X. Lloyd; A martyred king (Charles I), by W. S. Johnson ; Sandy Flash, the notorious freebooter of Chester county, by Wm. A. Williams ; Chester street nomenclature, by II. G. Ashmead ; Some of the men whom Delaware county has given to the world ; William Lewis, by Wm. B. Broomall; The patron saint of the American revolution [Tamanend], by Mrs. Philip II. Mowry ; The present, the child of the past, by Garnett Pendleton ; Story of the West house, by A. Lewis Smith ; Benjamin West, by Joseph Vance ; Delaware county in history, by John F. Lewis ; Samuel Edwards and the old court house at Chester, by John B. Hinkson ; The boundary line between the counties of Delaware and Chester, by Howard L. Cheyney ; The Indian policy of Colona Pennsylvania, by Joseph S. Walton ; Caleb Pusey and his time, by Rachel I*. Ley ; The early manufactures and manufacturers of Delaware county, by Samuel A. Crozer ; The Dutch and the Swedish colonies on the Delaware, by Gregory B. Keen ; John P. Crozer, by Henry G. Weston ; Some incidents in the life and times of Frederick J. Hinkson, by D. M. Johnson ; The man in leather stockings, being a sketch of Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury, who in 1703 visited Chester, by H. G. Ashmead ; Campaigning in the Philippines, by Samuel A. Price ; John Baker Hinkson, by W. Shaler Johnson ; Some noted trials in early colonial days, by II. G. Ashmead ; A biographical account of the life of Philip Miles Frame, by Lewis Palmer ; Genealogy of the Frame family, by Lewis Palmer ; Some ghosts and haunted places in Delaware county, by II. G. Ashmead ; Index. (5899 DELAWARE SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. DELAWARE SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. First Year Book, 1901. Edited by Norris is. Barratt. Wilmington, Dei. 8vo, pp. 90. (59OO DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT VON PENNSYLVANIEN. Philadelphia. DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT VON PENNSYLVANIEN. Geschichte der Deutschen Ge- sellschaft von Pennsylvanien. Von der Zeit der Griindung, 1704 bis zum jahre 1876. Festgabe zum Jubeljahre der Republik. Oswald Seidensticker. Verfasst auf Veranlassung der Deutschen Gesellschaft * * * Philadel phia, 1876. 8vo, pp. 336. (5901 DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT VON PENNSYLVANIEN. Hundertjahrige Feier der Incor poration der Deutschen Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien. (20. September, 1781.) Gehalten in der St. George s Halle, Philadelphia, am n. October, 1881. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo, pp. 36. (5902-4 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 51 802 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. FRANKLIN CLUB. Philadelphia, Pa. FRANKLIN CLUB. A journal of the expedition to Quebec in the year 1775, under the command of Col. Benedict Arnold. By James Melvin, a private in Cap tain Dearborn s company. New York, 1857. Svo, pp. 30. (59O5 FRIENDS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA. FRIENDS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA. Sketch of the life and character of John Fenwick, by John Clement. Published by the Association. Philadelphia, 1875. Svo, pp. 95. (59OG FRIENDS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA. Some chapters in the his tory of the Friendly Association, for regaining and preserving peace with the Indians by pacific measures. By Samuel Parrish. Philadelphia, 1877. Svo, pp. 131. (5907 GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY. Philadelphia, Pa. GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY. Our Ancestors, a genealogical and biographical magazine, edited by M. A. De L. Van Horn. Vol. i, Nos. 1, 2. July, October, 1882. Philadelphia, 1882. Svo, pp. 95, (1). Portrait. Contents : Henry Richard Linderman ; The Burton family of Bucks County ; The old Princeton cemetery ; The George Gray family of 1091-92, by Frederick Jones ; The descendants of Cornelius Van Home ; Low Dutch Reformed Church at Churchville, by J. D. Van Home ; Marriage records of St. Mary s Church, Burlington, N. J. ; The Hollinsheads ; The Duche family, by G. Leland ; The Van Buskirk family, by II. B. Sinks ; Early settlers of Bucks County ; William Penn ; Old Presbyterian churches of Philadelphia ; Six Mile Run Church. (59O8 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY. Philadelphia, Pa. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY. Publications. Vol. i, No. 1. January, 1895. Miscellany No. 1. Philadelphia [1895]. Svo, pp. 40. Contents : The sailing of the ship Submission in 1682, with a true copy of the vessel s log ; Inscriptions on some ancient tombstones formerly in the burial ground of the First Presbyterian Church, on Bank street ; John Hart, governor of Maryland from 1714 to 1720 ; Some data concerning the taking of wolves in New Castle County in 1676, and a reprint of the taxables of that year ; Notices of the justices of New Castle and others connected with foregoing list. (5909 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. First annual report; together with the several addresses delivered at the meeting held on November 30th, 1892. Philadelphia, 1893. Svo, pp. 55. Contents : Address of the president, Edward Shippen ; Address of Howard M. Jenkins ; Officers ; Members. (5910 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 803 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publications. Vol. i. Nos. 1-4. January, 1895-December, 1898. Philadelphia. 4to, pp. 357. Contents : The sailing of the ship " Submission " in the year 1682, with a true copy of the vessel s log, by L. Taylor Dickson ; Inscriptions on some tomb stones formerly in the burial ground of the first ^Presbyterian church on Bank street ; John Hart, governor of Maryland from 1714 to 1720 ; Some data con cerning the taking of wolves in New Castle county in 1676, and a reprint of the taxables of that year, by L. Taylor Dickson and P. S. P. Conner ; Notices of the justices of New Castle and others connected with the foregoing list, by L. ! Taylor Dickson ; Philadelphia wills, 1682-1692 ; Officers of the society ; List of members ; Third annual report ; Address of Edward Shippen, M. I)., U. S. N. ; Fourth annual report ; Minute of the Society on the death of James Mifflin ; A plea for the study of genealogy, by Frederick D. Stone; First and second annual reports (reprints); In memoriam, Thomas M. Cleeman ; Fifth annual report, 1897; Sixth annual report, 1898; Landholders of Philadelphia county. 1734; Divorces granted by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1787-1801 ; Genesis of the board of health and vital statistics in Pennsylvania ; Bucks county wills, 1684-1693 ; Earliest burial records of the Phila. board of health, 1803-06 ; Early minutes of Philadelphia monthly meeting, 1682-86 ; Obituary of L. Taylor Dickrson ; Index to Vol. i. (5911 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publications. Vol. n, Nos. 1-3. June, 1000- June, 1903. Philadelphia. 4to, pp. 444. Contents: Wills proved at Philadelphia, 1692-1697; Earliest records of the burials in Philadelphia from the board of health, 1807 ; Marriage certificates beginning with 1681 ; Seventh annual report, March 6, 1899 ; Eighth annual report, March 5, 1900 ; Minutes of the Philadelphia monthly meeting of Friends. 1686-1690 ; The Elfreth necrology ; Ninth annual report. March 4th, 1901 ; Tentli annual report, March 3d. 1902; Memorial of Franklin 1 latt ; Register of St. Mary s Church, Burlington, N. J. ; Inscriptions in St. Paul s church and church yard, Philadelphia ; Inscriptions in churchyard of the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia; Eleventh annual report; List of officers; List of members; In dex of names. Nothing published between June, 1903, and January. 1906. (5912-3 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Pa. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. .A journey to the Grand Falls of Lab rador. By Henry G. Bryant. [Philadelphia, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 50. Front. Plate. Fold. map. No title-page. Reprint from Geographical Society of Philadelphia. Bulletin No. 2. (5914 GEOGRAPHICAL CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA. Bulletins. Vol. i. January, 1893-June, 1895. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo, pp. v, 215. (Name varies, 1893-96, Geographical Club of Philadelphia ; 1897, Geograph ical Society of Philadelphia.) Contents : Mountain exploration, by Edwin Swift Balch ; A journey to the Grand Falls of Labrador, by Henry G. Bryant ; The progress of discovery and the lands of promise to the explorer, by Angelo Ileilprin ; Preliminary report on the Arctic expedition of 1893-94, by Robert E. Peary ; The Peary auxiliary expedition of 1894, by Henry G. Bryant, with supplemental reports, by T. C Chamberlin and Axel Ohlin. (5915 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Bulletins. Vol. n. Mav 1896- Deceuiber, 1900. Philadelphia, 1896-1900. 8vo, pp. v, 145, (1). Contents : Venezuela s territorial claims, by Joseph B. Austin ; Notes on the Schomburgk line and the Guayana boundary, by Angelo Ileilprin; A proposed system of drift casks to determine the direction of the circumpolar currents, 804 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. and The drift of the Jeannette, by Geo. W. Melville ; The names of the larger geographical features of North America, by Israel C. Russell ; Letter of Robert T. I otts, a pioneer trapper, annotated by Elliott Coues ; The Nicaragua cana! and its geographical and geological relations, by Angelo Heilprin ; The Lynn canal and Taiya inlet, Alaska, by George Davidson ; The lake systems of southern I atagonia, by J. B. Hatcher. (501C GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Bulletins. Vol. in. January, 1901- April, 1903. Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. ii, L 44. Contents : The shrinkage of Lake Nicaragua, The water supply of Lake Nica ragua, by Angelo Heilprin ; An excursion in Bosnia, Hercegovina, and Dal- matia, by W. M. Davis ; Report of the Brown-Harvard expedition to Nachvak, Labrador, in the year 1900, by E. B. Delabarre ; The stream contest along the Blue Ridge, by W. M. Davis. (5917 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Charter, by-laws, list of members. May, 1899. Philadelphia, 1899. Svo, pp. 1 9. (5918 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ADAMS COUNTY, PA. Lancaster, Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ADAMS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. The story of the crea tion of Adams County, Pennsylvania, and of the selection of Gettysburg as its seat of justice. An address before the Historical Society of Adams County, on its first anniversary, May 6, 1889. Lancaster, Pa., 1889. Svo, pp. 50. Front, (map). (5919 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. Gettysburg, Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. The Swedish Church in America. Discourse before the Historical Society of the American Lutheran Church, May 18, 1848. By W. M. lieynolds. Gettysburg, 1849. Svo, pp. 40. < 5 20 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, Lancaster, Pa.. May 7, 18G2. By M. L. Stoever. Gettysburg, 1864. Svo, pp. 30. I51)al HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. The German colony and the Lutheran Church in Maine. An address delivered before the His torical Society of the Lutheran Church at its meeting in Washington, D. C., May 14, 1869. [By Rev. Dr. Henry N. Pohlman.]. Published by request of the Society. Gettysburg, 1869. Svo. pp. 24. 5 32 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. The German colony and Lutheran Church in Maine. By Henry X. Pohlman, D. D., Albany. N. Y. An address delivered before the Historical Society of the Lutheran Church at its meeting in Washington, D. C,, May 14, 1869, and published by request of the Society. In the Evangelical Quarterly Revieic, Vol. xx, pp. 440-462. Gettysburg. l*r,n. (5923 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH. Catalogue of books, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc., in the library of the Lutheran Historical So ciety, 1877. Gettysburg, 1877. Svo, P p. 44. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 805 HISTORICAL SOCIETT OF BERKS COUNTY. Reading, Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BERKS COUNTY. The place of the Ringgold Light Artil lery, of Reading, among the first five companies from Pennsylvania which marched to the defense of Washington, April, 1861. Paper read before the Society, June 14, 1870. [By W. M. Hiester.] Reading, Pa., 1870. 8vo, pp. 16. (5925 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BERKS COUNTY. Transactions. Vol. i, embracing papers contributed to the Society, 1898-1904. Reading, Pa., 1904. 8vo. Portraits. Contents : Constitution ; By-laws ; Officers and committees, 1905 ; Members. pp. 22, (1). Papers read before the Society: [Xo. 1.] The place of the Ringgold Light Artillery of Reading among the first five companies from Pennsylvania which marched to the defense of Washington, April, 1861. Read before the Society, June 14, 1870, by William M. Hiester. Printed by order of the- Society, 1870. Reprinted 1904. pp. 13. (592<> [No. 2.] The Indian tribes of Pennsylvania. A paper read by D. B. Bremner before the Society, September 13, 1898. pp. 8. (5927 [No. 3.] "Historical Society of Berks County." An address delivered be fore the County Teachers Institute, Reading, Pa., October 25, 1898, by Louis Richards. [n. p., 189-.] 8vo, pp. [4]. No title-page. (5928 [No. 4.] The present condition and special needs of the Society. An address delivered before the Society, March 14, 1899. By A. G. Green, pp. [4]. (5929 [No. 5.] In memoriam, Richard Hall Jones. Read before the Society, March 14, 1899, by T. C. Zimmerman, pp. [3]. (593O [No. 6.] In memoriam, .Henry May Keim. Paper submitted to the Society, April 11, 1899, by Isaac Iliester. pp. [2]. (5931 [No. 7.] The Welsh of Cumru township. By Benjamin F. Owen. An ad dress delivered before the Historical Society of Berks County, Pa., September 12, 1899. [n. p., 1899?] 8vo, pp. [6]. (5932 [No. 8.] In memoriam, George Brown Eckert. Historical sketch delivered before the Society, October 10, 1899, by T. C. Zimmerman, pp. [2]. (5933 [No. 9.] In memoriam, Daniel Ermentrout. Historical sketch delivered be fore the Society, November 14, 1899, by Thos. C. Zimmerman, pp. [6]. (5934 [No. 10.] Historical sketch of church on Oley Hills. An address delivered before the Society, November 14, 1899, by Rev. J. W. Early, pp. [7]. (5935 [No. 11.] Washington s visits to Berks county and funeral ceremonies in Reading. An address delivered before the Society, December 12, 1899, by Louis Richards, pp [4]. (5030 [No. 12.] The influence of Washington. Address before the " Historical So ciety of Berks." By Richmond L. Jones. [n. p., 1900.] pp. [6]. Cover-title. (5937 [No. 13.] Susanna Cox : her crime and its expiation. A paper read before the Society, March 13. 1900, by Louis Richards. 3901. pp. 18. (5937 [No. 14.] Some letters of the Revolution. A paper read before the Society. May 8, 1900, by Rev. George C. Heckman. pp. [4]. (5938 [No. 15.] Historical sketch of the Bright family. By Albert Gallatin Green. Prepared at the request of the Historical Society of Berks County, and read before that body Tuesday, November 13, 1900 * * * Reading, Pa., 1900. pp. 27, [3]. Cover-title. Author s name nppenrs in caption title. (5939 [No. 16]. President Van Buren s visit to Reading in 1839. Address before the Society, December 11, 1900, by Thos. C. Zimmerman, pp. [4]. (594O [No. 17.] In memoriam, Sadosa S. St evens. Historical sketch delivered before the Society, December 11, 1900. By Thos. C. Zimmerman, pp. [4]. (5941 [No. 18.] "A Century of Reading." Compiled by ( has. W. Gerhart. A paper read before the Society, January 8, 1901, by Thomas C. Zimmerman, pp. 24. [No. 19.] The oldest churches of Berks county. A paper read before the Society, March 12, 1901. By J. W. Early, pp. 11. (5943 806 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. [No. 20.] Reading s inns of long ago. An address delivered before the Society, May 14, 1901. By Alfred S. Jones, pp. [8]. (5944 [No. 21.] Old time school teachers. An address delivered before the Society, November 12, 1901. By A. S. Jones, pp. 12. (5945 [No. 22.] Berks county banking institutions. A paper read before the Society, January 14, 1902, by Charles II. Schaeffer. pp. 18. (5946 [No. 23.] Observance of the -Sesqui-Centennial of the county of Berks, Penn sylvania, by the Historical Society of Berks county, March 11, 1902 ; The Rending of fifty years ago, by Henry M. Dechert ; The church history of Berks county, by J. W. Early ; Education in Berks county before the Revolution, by N. C. Schaeffer ; Political and social history of the county, by G. A. Endlich ; Historical address, by Louis Richards, pp. 39. (51)47 [No. 24.] In memcriam, Rev. George C. Heckmaii. Historical sketch deliv ered before the Societj, April 8, 1902, by Thos. C. Zimmerman, pp. [4]. (5948 [No. 2o.] In momoriam, Albert Gallatin Green. Historical sketch delivered before the Society, September 9, 1!>02, by Louis Richards, pp. [6]. (5949 [No. 26.] A bit of early school history. An address delivered before the Society, September 9, 1902, by J. W. Early, pp. [3J. ( r,<)5O [No. 27.] In memoriam, David B. Brunner. Paper read before the Society, January 12, 1904, by Levi W. Mengel. pp. [4]. (5951 [No. 28.] In memoriam, Daniel W. Stehman. Paper read before the Society, March 8, 1904, by Henry B. Hagy. pp. [3]. (5952 [No. 29.] In memoriam, Jesse G. Hawley. Paper read before the Society. May 10, 1904, by John D. Missimer. pp. [8]. (5953 [No. 30.] Pilgrimage to Morgantown, June 7, 1904, and historical sketch of Morgantown, by D. Heber Plank, pp. [16]. (5954 [No. 31.] In memoriam, William Murray Weidman, M. D. By J. W. Early, pp. [4]. (5954o [No. 32.] The Raudenbush iron ore mine. A paper written and read to the Society, December 13, 1904, by John O. K. Robarts. pp. 5. (5955 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BERKS COUNTY. Appeal to descendants of early settlers for historical documents, [n. p., 1898.] 8vo, pp. [4]. No title page. (5956 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BERKS COUNTY. Constitution and by-laws of the His torical Society of Berks County. Instituted July 9, 1809. Incorporated December 13, 18G9. Reorganized March S, 1898. Reading, Pa., 1898. 16mo, pp. 18. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BRADFORD COUNTY. Athens, Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BRADFORD COUNTY. Proceedings of the Society, May 4, 1870, with constitution and by-laws. 1870. Broadside. (557 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF BRADFORD COUNTY. Remarks of Ezra P. Allen before the Society at Txnvanda, Pa., December 9, 1872, on the mammoth and mastodon and the age in which they lived. Athens, Pa., 1879. Svo, pp. 13. (5958 HISTORICAL SOCIETY 7 OF MONTGOMERY 7 COUNTY. Norristoicii, Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Historical sketches. A collection of papers prepared for the Historical Society of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Vol. i. Norristown, Pa., 1895. 8vo. pp. 416, (2). Illustrations. Contents : Theodore W. Bean, by William McDermott ; Whitemarsh, by Wil liam A. Yeakle; The story of Lydia Dsu-rah, by Margaret D. Rex; Banks and banking, by William McDermott ; Norriton township, by David Schrack ; The Society of Friends, by Hiram Corson ; Local history, by William J. Buck ; The THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 807 Swedes, by George W. llolstein ; Men of Montgomery county in state and na tional legislation, by A. B. Longaker ; Something about Lower Merion, by Margaret B. Harvey ; History of the first troop of cavalry of Montgomery county, Pa., by Hiram C. Hoover ; Second troop, Montgomery county cavalry, by William II. Holstein ; Clock and watch makers of Montgomery County, by M. Auge ; Yesterday s sunset, by William McDermott ; The redemptioners, by Lewis II. Harley ; Women of Montgomery county in war times, by Anna M. Hol stein; Sketch of Montgomery county, by Matthias Sheeleigh ; Christ (Swedes ) Church, Upper Merion, by A. A. Marple ; Norriton Presbyterian Church, and collateral gleanings of the early settlers, by Charles Collins; [Charles Fortman], by W. J. Buck ; Fries rebellion, by Lewis R. Harley ; A British capture, by Wil liam J. Buck ; Fourth and fifth battalions, Pennsylvania militia, 1777-1780, by Jones Detwiler ; The Thompson family and the Jeffiersonville Inn ; Old " Har- riton," near Bryn Mawr, by Samuel Gordon Smyth ; An old map of Norristown ; General index. (5959 Vol. ii. 1900. Svo, pp. xv, 386. Illustrations. Contents : The abolitionists of Montgomery county and the work done by them in favor of giving freedom to the slaves of the southern states, by Hiram Cor- son ; Battle of the Crooked Billet, by W. W. H. Davis ; Peter Legaux, a noted Frenchman who settled at Spring Mill in 1786, by S. Gordon Smyth ; Some reminiscences of Norristown, by William McDermott ; John James Audubon, by D. L. Crater ; Franconia and Lower Salford stories, by Abraham II. Cassel ; Washington at Pennebecker s Mills, by Henry W. Kratz ; The lost church at Whitemarsh, by Jones Detwiler ; Whitemarsh Reformed Congregation in the Holland archives, by Henry S. Dotterer ; Washington s headquarters at James Morris house, in Whitpain, by Morris J. Lewis ; Fort Washington s historic environs, by Charles S. Mann ; The battle of Edge Hill, by William J. Buck ; Charles Thomson, patriot and scholar, by Lewis R. Harley ; Montgomery county s influence in the struggle for nominating conventions, by Joseph S. Walton ; La fayette s retreat from Barren Hill, by Levi Streeper ; Lafayette a eulogy at the dedication of the monument at Barren Hill, May 21, 1898, by F. G. Hobson ; Lafayette at Barren Hill, by I. C. Williams ; The Henry Rittenhouse farm, by W. H. Reed ; First troop of Montgomery county cavalry, by Jones Detwiler ; Address of John S. Wise before the Society at Valley Forge, August 16, 1888 ; Valley Forge camp ground, by Ellwood Roberts ; Gove Mitchell, by Henry R. Mitchell ; The flag on " Round Top," Gettysburg, by Anna M. llolstein ; Mont gomery County, a poem, by Matthias Sheeleigh ; A song of the Perkiomen, by Thomas C. Zimmerman; The monuments; Membership; General index. (59O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Whitemarsh Reformed Congrega tion in the Holland archives. Read before the Historical Society of Mont gomery County, at Fort Washington, Pa., September 23, 1897. [No place.] 8vo, pp. 7. (5961 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Phil a del phi a. Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Suggestions regarding the production of a correct geographical and historical map of Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia], n. d. 8vo, pp. 7. No title-page. (59(>2 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Circular letter from Edward Armstrong, recording secretary of the Society, as to a genealogical history of Pennsyl vania. [Philadelphia], n. d. Ho, pp. 3. No title-page. (59(53 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Circalar lottt-r from committee on In dian proper names of Pennsylvania. Sheet. (59G4 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A treatise on Mason and Dixon s line. A memoir on the controversy between William Penn and Lord Baltimore respecting the boundaries of Pennsylvania and Maryland. By James Dun- lop. Read at a meeting of the council of the Society, November 10, 1825. 808 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. In Olden Time. Edited by N. B. Craig. Vol. i, pp. 530-548. Pittsburg, 1846. Reprinted 1876. (.1JMI5 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoirs. Vols. i-xiv. Philadelphia, 1826-1895. Svo. Fourteen volumes. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Advertisement ; Constitution ; Officers and standing committees ; Mem bers ; Circular ; An inaugural discourse, on the 5th of November, 1825, by William Rawle ; A memoir on the locality of the great treaty between William Penn and the Indian natives in 1682, by Roberts Vaux ; Notes on the provin cial literature of Pennsylvania, by Thomas I. Wharton ; A memoir on the con troversy between William Penn and Lord Baltimore respecting the boundaries of Pennsylvania and Maryland, by James Dunlop ; Original letters of William Penn, with his will and codicil, and papers relating to them ; Papers relative to the valedictory address of President Washington ; A vindication of Ilccke- welder s History of the Indian nations, by William Rawle ; An account of the first settlement of the townships of Buckingham and Solebury, by John Watson, 1804 ; A brief account of the discovery of anthracite coal on the Lehigh, by Thomas C. James ; Some extracts from papers in the office of the secretary of the Corrfmonwealth, at Harrisburg [etc.], transcribed by R. Conyngham ; Con tributions to the medical history of Pennsylvania, by Caspar Morris ; Notices of negro slavery as connected with Pennsylvania, by Edward Bettle ; Notices of the life and character of Robert Proud, by Charles W. Thomson ; Original letters of William Penn ; A biographical sketch of Sir William Keith ; Members newly elected; List of contents. 1826. pp. 432 (2). Issued in two parts, with independent title-pages, but with continuous paging for the entire volume. i Same. Being a republication. Edited by Edward Armstrong. With editorial notes and appendix. 1864. pp. xx, 13-40."). < . D6G Contents in addition to the original issue: Advertisement to the first edition; Editorial note; Sketch of the Historical Society, [by B. II. Coates] ; Officers for 1864 ; Constitution, 1864 ; Biographical sketch of William Rawle ; Origin of the name of Cape Ilenlopen ; Extract from the original book of Mason and Dixon s field notes ; Copy of an original will of William Penn ; Coal tonnage of the Lehigh region, 1820-1863; History of the act of 1780 for the gradual abolishment of slavery in Pennsylvania; Biographical sketch of George Bryan, author of the act of 1780; Notices of the early acts of assembly on the subject of slaves; Notices of Sir William Keith, Dr. Thomas Graeme and Mrs. Fergusson ; Appendix; List of pilgrims of the Welcome; Biographical sketch of James Dunlop; Bio graphical sketch of Edward Bettle; Poems, by Robert Proud. (5J>67 Vol. n, part 1. Anniversary discourse delivered before the Society on January 1, 1827, by Roberts Vaux; Communication from Roberts Vaux on the subject of two mednls struck in Philadelphia, 1757 ; A narrative of an embassy to the Western Indians, from the original manuscript of Hendrick Aupaumut, with prefatory remarks by B. II. Coates; An account of the settlement of the Dunkers at Ephrata, in Lancaster County, Pa., by Redmond Conyngham, added a short history of that religious society, by Christian Endress ; History of the intro duction of anthracite coal into Philadelphia, by Erskine Hazard, and a letter from Jesse Fell, of Wilkesbarre, on the discovery and first use of anthracite in the valley of Wyoming ; Sketches of the history of Byberry, in the county of Philadelphia, with biographical notices of some of the first settlers and other inhabitants of the neighborhood, by Isaac Comly ; An historical anecdote of John Harris, sr., who was the first person of European origin that settled on the spot where now stands the town of Harrisburg, Pa., by Samuel Breck ; In structions by William Penn, in the year 1681, to his commissioners for settling the colony, transcribed by Joshua F. Fisher ; A list of the instructions, letters, etc., from Thomas and Richard Penn, proprietaries and governors of Pennsyl vania, to James Hamilton, by Joshua F. Fisher ; Letters of William Penn to Charles II and to the Earl of Sunderland, from authenticated copies obtained in London, by John R. Coates. 1827. pp. 247. 1 5JMMS Vol. n, part 2. Advertisement; Notice of the life of Samuel Powel Griffitts, by B. II. Coates ; Narrative of Sir William Keith s coming to the government of Pennsylvania, with his conduct in it, written in 1726. with some introductory observations, by Joshua F. Fisher ; Report of the committee appointed to exam ine the minute book of the Society for Political Inquiries ; Some account of the THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 809 early poets and poetry of Pennsylvania, by Joshua F. Fisher ; Sketch of the life of Thomas MifTlin, by William Ilawle ; An examination of the various charges brought by historians against William Penn, by J. R. Tyson ; Memorials of country towns and places in Pennsylvania, as drawn up by J. F. Watson ; Speech of William Penn, addressed to the provincial council of Pennsylvania, April 1, 1700 ; Col. Robert Quarry s information against the government of Penn sylvania with William Penu s answer thereto ; Minutes of a conference held by William Markham, lieutenant-governor of Pennsylvania, with several Delaware and Susquehauna Indians, July 6, 1694 ; Officers for 1830 ; Members elected since January, 1827; Honorary members; L st of contents. 1830. pp. 221. (5969 Vol. in. part 1. A short description of the province of New Sweden, now called by the English Pennsylvania, in America, compiled from the relations and writings of persons worthy of credit, and adorned with maps and plates, by Thomas Campanius Holm, translated from the Swedish with notes by Peter S. Du Ponceau ; The history of the University of Pennsylvania, from its origin to 1827, by George B. Wood ; Inedited letters of William Penn, copied in London from the originals in the possession of John Penn, read at various meetings of the Society during 1833, by J. F. Fisher. 1834. pp. (2), vi, 5-292. Maps. (5070 Vol. in. part 2. Annual discourse before the Society on the 28th of April, 1834, on the origin of the Indian population of America, by P>. II. Coates ; A discourse before the Society, April 9, 1830, on the private life and domestic habits of Wil liam Penn, by J. Francis Fisher; Memoir of Thomas C. James, by Job It. Tyson; The Indian treaty for the lands now the site of Philadelphia and the adjacent country, by John F. Watson ; A memoir on the history of the treaty made by William Penn with the Indians under the elm tree at Shackamaxon in 1682, by Peter S. Du Ponceau and J. Francis Fisher ; William Penn s letter to the inhab itants of Pennsylvania previous to his departure from England for this country ; Petitions of the Indians to Governor Markham, 1681 ; Report of the committee on the Indian portraits; A memoir of part of the life of William Penn, by Mr. Law- ton ; Fragments of an apology for himself, by William Penn ; Officers and mem bers. 1836. pp. iv, 248. (5971 Vol. iv, part 1. Officers; An inaugural discourse, June 3, 1837, by Peter S. Dn Ponceau ; A memoir of William Rawle, by T. I. Wharton, with a letter from Peter S. Du Ponceau, containing his recollections of Mr. Rawle s life and charac ter ; Description of a specimen of engraving by the aboriginal inhabitants of North America, with a notice of some incidents in the history of the early settlers on the west branch of the Susquehanna River, by Walter R. Johnson ; Memoir of Roberts Vaux, by Thomas M Kean Pettit ; An examination of Beau- champ Plantagenet s description of the province of New Albion, by John Pening- ton ; Inedited letters of William Penn, read at various meetings of the Society, by J. Francis Fisher. 1840. pp. viii, (2), 7-212, (1). (5972 Vol. iv, part 2. Discourse delivered February 21, 1842, on the colonial history of the Eastern and some of the Southern States, by Job R. Tyson ; Remarks and general observations on Mercer County, Pa., by B. Stokely ; A particular geo graphical description of the lately discovered province of Pennsylvania, by Fran cis Daniel Pastorius, translated from the original German, by Lewis II. Weiss; The Society s circular, January, 184") ; Incidents in the early history of Crawford County, Pa., by Alfred Huidekoper ; Letter from J. S. McCalmont, of Franklin, Venango County, Pa. ; Letter from Lyman Robinson, of Wattsburg, Erie County, Pa.; Description of Economy, Beaver County, Pa., by R. L. Baker; Notes respect ing the Indians of Lancaster County, Pa., by William Parker Foulke ; Constitu tion of the Society; Catalogue of papers relating to Pennsylvania and Delaware, deposited at the state paper office, London ; List of the officers and contributing members of the Society. 1850. pp. 391. (5973 Vol. v. The history of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1755, under Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock. Edited from the original manuscripts, by Win throp Sargent. 1855. pp. 423. Plates. Portraits. (5974 Vol. vi. Contributions to American history, 1858; Some account of the Society of the Cincinnati, by Alexander Johnston ; Journal of the general meeting of the Cincinnati in 1784, by Winthi op Sargent ; The insurrection of 1794 in the western counties of Pennsylvania, by Townsend Ward ; Presentation to the Society of the belt of wampum delivered by the Indians to William Penn at the great treaty under the elm tree in 1682 ; The Acadian exiles, or French neutrals, in Pennsylvania, by William B. Reed ; The case of Major Andre, with a review of the statement of it in Lord Mahon s History of England, by Charles J. Biddle ; Index. 1858. pp. (7), 429. Folded plate. (5975 810 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. vn. The record of the court at Upland, in Pennsylvania, 1676 to 1681, and a military journal kept by Maj. E. Denny, 1781 to 1795. 1860. pp. 498, (8). Plates. Portrait. (597G Contains also introduction to the record of Upland, by Edward Armstrong; Memoir of Maj. Ebenezer Denny, by William H. Denny ; Letters of Josiah liar- mar and others, 1784-1797 ; Vocabulary of words in use with the Delaware and Shawnee Indians; List of subscribers to the publication fund of the Society. (5977 Vol. vin. Minutes of the committee of defence of Philadelphia, 1814-15. 1867. pp. 428. (5978 Vols. ix and x. Correspondence between William Penn and James Logan, sec retary of the province of Pennsylvania, and others, 1700-1750, from the original letters in possession of the Logan family, with notes by Deborah Logan. Edited, with additional notes, by Edward Armstrong. Vols. i, 11. 1870-1872. Two volumes. Portrait. Vol. ix, pp. lix, 380. Vol. x, pp. vii, 449. (5979 Vol. xi. A history of New Sweden, or the settlements on the River Delaware, by Israel Acrelius ; translated from the Swedish, with an introduction and notes, by William M. Reynolds. 1874. pp. 1, 17-468. Plate. Folded map. Portrait. (5980 Vol. xn. History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhab ited Pennsylvania and the neighboring States, by John Ileckewelder. New and revised edition, with an introduction and notes, by William C. Reichel. 1876. pp. 465. Portrait. (5981 Vol. xin. The life and times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808. Prepared at the request of the Society, by Charles J. Stille, LL. D., Philadelphia, 1891. Svo, pp. (2>, xi, 9-4:>7. Portrait. (5982 Also published independently. Vol. xiv. The writings of John Dickinson. Vol. i. Political writings. 1764- 1774. Edited at the request of the Society, by Paul Leicester Ford. Philadel phia, 1895. Svo, pp. xxii, 501. Plate. (5983 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Discourse before the Society on New Year s Day, 1827. By Roberts Vaux. Philadelphia, 1827. Svo, pp. 51. (5984 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Annual discourse before the Society, November 10, 1828. By T. M K. Pettit. Philadelphia, 1828. Svo, pp. 38. (5984o HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Annual discourse delivered before the Society, October 24, 1831. By Job R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1831. Svo, pp. 52. (5984ft HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Constitution and circular. 1832. (5985 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Annual discourse, by Peter- AlcCall, No vember 29, 1832. Philadelphia, 1833. Svo, pp. 48. (5986 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Annual discourse before the Society on the 28th of April, 1834, on the origin of the Indian population of America. By B. H. Coates. Philadelphia, 1834. Svo, pp. 63, (1). (5987 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A short description of the Province of New Sweden, now called, by the English, Pennsylvania, in America. Com piled from the relations and writings of persons worthy of credit, and adorned with maps and plates. By Thomas Campanius Holm. Translated from the Swedish for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. With notes. By Peter S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1834. Svo, pp. 166, vi, v-xi. (.WS8 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A memoir on the history of the cele brated treaty made by William Penn with the Indians under the elm tree at Shackamaxon in 1682. By Peter S. Du Ponceau and J. Francis Fisher. Philadelphia, 1836. Svo, pp. 63. Prepared at the request of the Society. 89 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 811 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. An inaugural discourse, on the 3d of June, 1837, before the Society. By Peter S. Du Ponceau. Philadelphia, 1837. 8vo, pp. 5-31. (591)0 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Scraps, osteologic and archaeological, read before the council of the Society. By J. Penington. Philadelphia, 1841. 8vo, pp. 16. (5991 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Discourse delivered before the His torical Society of Pennsylvania, February 21, 1842, on the colonial history of the Eastern and some of the Southern States. By Job R. Tyson, Phila delphia, 1842. 8vo, pp. 64. (5992 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Discourse on the two hundredth anni versary of the birth of William Penn, delivered on the 24th of October, 1844, before the Society, by Job R. Tyson. Philadelphia, 1845. 8vo, pp. 40. (5993 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A brief description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the places thereunto adjoining, together with the manner of its situation, fertility of the soil [etc.]. Also some directions and advice to such as shall go thither [etc.]. Likewise a brief relation of the customs of the Indians there. By Daniel Denton. London, 1670. Edited by John Penington. [Philadelphia.] Press of the Society. 1845. 8vo, pp. 10. Issued with Bulletin No. 1. (5994 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Bulletin. Vol. i. 1845-1847. (Thir teen numbers.) Philadelphia, 1848. 8vo. Thirteen pamphlets. Variously paged. The half title is Proceedings of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS- -No. 1. Proceedings, February 3, 7, 1845 ; A brief description of New York, for merly called New Netherlands. By Daniel Denton. pp. iv, 7, 10. -No. 2. Proceedings, March 24-May 26, 1845; Colonel McLane s visit to Wash ington, 1814. pp. 22. No. 3. Proceedings, June 23-August 4, 1845 ; Remarks upon traditions, etc.. of the Indians of North America, by John Ettwein. pp. 25-44. No. 4. Proceedings, September 22-November 24, 1845 ; Papers read by W. B. Reed [viz, letters from Robert Morris to John Hancock, written in 1770]. pp. 45-63. ^ No. 5. Proceedings, December 22, 1845-February 23, 1840 ; The journal of Isaac Senter, on a secret expedition against Quebec under the command of Col. Benedict Arnold, in September, 1775. pp. 05-09, 1-40. ^ No. 6. Proceedings, March 23-May 25, 1840 ; Minutes of the committee of safety of Northumberland County, Pa., February 8, 1770-April 17, 1777. pp. 71-99. "* No. 7. Proceedings, June 23, 1840 ; Some account of the British army, under the command of General Howe, and of the battle of Brandy wine, September 11, 1777, and of the adventures of that day, which came to the knowledge and ob servation of Joseph Townsend. pp. 103, 104, ii, 33. Folded plan. No. 8. Proceedings, September 28-November 23, 1840 ; Papers relative to the battle of Brandywine. pp. 105-111 ; (1), xxxv-03. Illustrations. No. 9. Proceedings, February 1, 1840; Constitution as amended to February, 1847; Members, pp. 113-123. No. 10. Proceedings, December 28, 1840-February 23, 1847 ; Letters from John Clark, jr., to General Washington, written during the occupation of Phila delphia by the British army. pp. 113-115, 36. No. 11. Proceedings, March 22-May 19, 1847; Memorandum of the names and significations which the " Lenni Lenape," otherwise called " the Delawares." had 812 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. given to rivers, streams, places, etc., within Pennsylvania [etc.]. By Maurice C. Jones, pp. 117-135. No. 12. Proceedings, September 27, 1847. [Continuation of article by M. C. Jones.] pp. 137-154. No. 13. Proceedings, October 25-November 1, 1847 ; A true relation of the flourishing State of Pennsylvania [poem]. By John Holmes, pp. 157-180. (5095 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings. Vol. i, No. 1, March, 1845. [Philadelphia, 1845.] 8vo, pp. 7. See Bulletin. (5096 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The journal of Isaac Senter, physician and surgeon to the troops detached from the American Army encamped at Cambridge, Mass., on a secret expedition against Quebec, under the com mand of Col. Benedict Arnold, in September, 1775. Philadelphia, 1846. Svo, pp. 40. Issued with Bulletin No. 5. (5997 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Papers of the Society relative to the battle of Brandywine, supplementary to and illustrative of " The account of the battle by Joseph Townsend." Philadelphia, 1846. Svo, pp. 35-03. Plate. Issued with Bulletin No. 8. (5098 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Some account of the British army under the command of General Howe, and of the battle of Brandywine, on the mem orable September 11. 1777, and the adventures of that day. which came to the knowledge and observation of Joseph Townsend. Accompanied by a notice of the life of Joseph Townsend and an historical sketch of the battle. Philadelphia, 184(5. 8vo, pp. ii, 33. Folded map. Issued with llullctin No. 7. (5O99 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Letters from Maj. John Clark, jr., to General Washington. Written during the occupation of Philadelphia by the British army. [Philadelphia, 1847.] Svo, pp. 36. No title-page. Issued with Bulletin No. 10. (OOOO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Life of John Heckewelder. By E. Rondthaler. Edited by B. II. Coates. Philadelphia, 1847. Svo, pp. 149. Portrait. Dedicated to the Society. (6OO1 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Address before the Society, January 28, 1848, on the occasion of opening the hall in the Athenreum. By William B. Reed. Philadelphia, 1848. 8vo, pp. 51. (0002 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Catalogue of the library of the Society. Part 1. History, biography, and manuscripts. Philadelphia, 1849. Svo, pp. 30. (6003 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Canada and the Continental Congress, delivered before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, as their annual address, on the 31st of January, 1850. By William Duane. Philadel phia, 1850. Svo, pp. 20. (60O4 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Mormons. A discourse before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, March 26, 1850. By Thomas L. Kane. Philadelphia, 1850. Svo, pp. 84. Same [second edition]. Philadelphia, 1850. Svo, pp. 92. (6OO5 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 813 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. An address delivered at Chester, before the Society, on the 8th of November, 1851, by Edward Armstrong, in celebra tion of the one hundred sixty-ninth anniversary of the landing of William Penn at that place. Philadelphia, 1852. 8vo, pp. 36. (G006 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Calvert and Penn, or the growth of civil and religious liberty in America, as disclosed in the planting of Mary land and Pennsylvania. A discourse, by Brantz Mayer. Delivered before the Society, April 8, 1852. [Baltimore, 1852.] 8vo, pp. 50. (6007 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Address delivered before the Society, at the celebration of the one hundred and seventieth anniversary of the landing of Penn, on the first constitution and government of the State of Pennsylvania. By Robert T. Conrad. Philadelphia, 1853. 8vo, pp. 82. With an account of the proceedings at the dinner, November 8, 1852 - (GOO8 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Collections. Vol. i. Philadelphia, 1853. pp. (2), ii, 426. Contents: Copy of a family register of Conrad Weiser, translated by II. H. Muhleuberg; Narrative of a journey by Conrad Weiser from Tulpehocken to Onondaga, 1737 ; Journal of the proceedings of Conrad Weiser in his journey to Ohio, 1748 ; The first experiments of Fitch and Fulton in steam navigation, by Rembrandt Peale ; Letter from James Logan to the Society of Friends, on the subject of their opposition to all means of defense of the colony, 1741 ; Accounts of the overseers of the poor, Philadelphia, 1758-59 ; Proclamations by the pro vincial governors and councils of Pennsylvania, 1703-1760 ; Early history of Juniata County, by A. Banks ; Sermon preached on the battle of Brandywine, 1777, by .T. Trout ; March of the Paxton boys against Philadelphia. 1764, by II. M. Muhlenberg; Reception of the stamp act in Philadelphia; Derivation of the name of the village of the Trappe ; Presentation of the freedom of the city of New York to Andrew Hamilton ; An essay upon Indian affairs, by C. Thom son ; State of the Indian nations in 1750 ; Biographical memoir of Charles Thomson, by ,T. F. Watson ; Minutes of the proceedings of the officers of the Pennsylvania Regiment, between 1761 and 1774 in relation to their obtaining a grant of land upon the west branch of the Susquehanna ; Letter from Mrs. Deborah Logan to Maj. Alexander Garden : Notices of the papers in Charles Thomson s possession, 1824-25, by .1. F. Watson ; Robert Morris s application to Friends for pecuniary relief for the Southern war, 17S1 ; Papers relative to a forced loan from the provincial treasurer ; An account of Robert Morris s drafts on Benjamin Franklin ; Notes on the private character of General Washington ; Extracts from letters of John Adams ; Muhlenberg s journals of 1776 and 1777, relating to military events ; The history of Mooreland, by W. .1. Buck ; Journal of the campaign to Amboy and other parts of the Jerseys, by B. Loxley ; The discovery of America by the Northmen ; Indian utensils and implements, by W. .1. Buck ; Extracts from court records held in Germantown, 1601 to 1707 ; Letter on slavery, by S. Hart ; Selections from the Logan papers ; Journal of William Feltman, 1781-82, embracing the siege of Yorktown and the Southern campaign ; Observations on the statement of facts [concerning] the trials for the Western [whisky] insurrection, by J. B. Gibson ; Chester s mother, by W. Darlington ; Obituary notices of Pennsylvanians ; Memoranda on a tout- through a part of North America, by R. Hare; Local superstitions, by W. J. Buck ; Proposal for altering the eastern front of the city of Philadelphia, to prevent a recurrence of malignant disorders ; George Whitefield, by S. Breck ; An account of Huntingdon County, by J. Adams ; Thomas Godfrey, the inventor of the quadrant, by J. F. Watson. (6OOO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings and speeches at the dinner in celebration of the landing of William Penn by the Society on the 8th of December, 1852. Philadelphia, 1853. 8vo, pp. 42. This pamphlet is a reissue of the appendix to the address of R. T. Conrad. The date should be November instead of December. (601O 814 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The history of Mason and Dixon s line; contained in an address, delivered by John H. B. Latrobe, before the So ciety, November 8, 1854. [Philadelphia, 1855.] 8vo, pp. 52. Facsimiles. Plate. (6O11 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Circular in regard to its objects. Jan uary 1, 1855. [Philadelphia, 1855.] 8vo, pp. 7. (GO12 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The history of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under Maj. Gen. Edward Braddock. Edited by Winthrop Sargent. Philadelphia, 1855. Svo, pp. 423. Portrait. Also issued with an extra title as Memoirs, Vol. v. (6O13 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The history of Mason and Dixon s line; contained in an address by J. H. B. Latrobe before the Society, November 8, 1854. [Philadelphia], 1855. 8vo, pp. 52. (6014 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Chanibersburg in the colony and the Revolution. A sketch. By Lewis H. Garrard. Philadelphia, 1856. 8vo, pp. v, GO. Preceded by list of officers, constitution, list of publications of the Society. (6015 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Circular. Report of committee on auxiliary county societies. January 28, 1856. [Philadelphia, 1856.] 4 to, pp. 3. No title-page. (6O16 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Constitution. Philadelphia, 1856. 8vo, pp. 16. (6017 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. History of the ordinance of 1787. By Edward Coles. Read before the Society June 9, 1856. [Philadelphia], 1856. Svo, pp. (1), 33. . (6018 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publications. [Circular relative to the publication.] July 10, 1854. 4to, pp. 3. Same, January 28, 1856. 4to, pp. 3. (6019 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The right use of history. An anniver sary discourse delivered before the Society. By William Parker Foulke. [Philadelphia], 1856. 8vo, pp. 44. (6020 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A journal of the general meeting of the Cincinnati, in 1784. By Maj. Winthrop Sargent, a delegate from Massa chusetts. Edited by Winthrop Sargent, and first printed in the Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for 1858. Thirty-nine copies printed. Philadelphia, 1859. 8vo, pp. 59. (6021 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Military journal of Maj. Ebenezer Denny, an officer in the Revolutionary and Indian wars. With an intro ductory memoir. By William H. Denny. Philadelphia, 1859. Svo, pp. 288. Portrait. From Vol. vn of the Memoirs. (6022 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The record of the court at Upland, in Pennsylvania, 1676 to 1681. Philadelphia, 1860. 8vo, pp. 10-303. Plate. A small edition printed separately for the editor, Edward Armstrong. (6023 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 815 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A memoir of John Fanning Watson, the annalist of Philadelphia and New York. Prepared hy request of the So ciety, and read February 11, 1861. By Benjamin Dorr. Philadelphia, 1861. 8vo, pp. 88. (O024 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. [Account of the Society, its objects, etc. Officers for 1863, resident members, constitution. Philadelphia. 1863.1 8vo, pp. 16. No title-page. (6O25 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoir of the late Samuel Breck, vice- president of the Society. Read before the Society, by Joseph R. Ingersoll. January 12, 1863. Philadelphia, 1863. Svo, pp. 40, 10. Same, second edition. Philadelphia. 1863. Svo, pp. 56. ((iO2G HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Report of the committee of the Histor ical Society of Pennsylvania, of their visit to New York May 20, 1863, at the celebration of the two hundredth birthday of William Bradford, who introduced the art of printing into the middle colonies of British America. Read June 8, 1863. By Horatio Gates Jones, chairman. AVith the reso lutions then adopted. Philadelphia, 1863. 8vo, pp. 14. ( GO27 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania * * * being a republication. Edited by E. Armstrong. Philadelphia, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1864. With additions to contents of original edition. 4to, pp. xx, 13-495. (GO28 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Annual report of Samuel Leiper Taylor, librarian of the Society, for the year 1864. Philadelphia. 1865. 8vo, pp. 15. (GO2J) HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. An appeal to the citizens of Pennsyl vania on behalf of the Society. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo, pp. 8. (6O3O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. [Resolutions, April 24, 1865, on the death of President Lincoln. Philadelphia, 1865.] 8vo, pp. 4. (GO31 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Transactions of the Society. Heraldry as adapted to the United States. By Charles J. Lukens. [Philadelphia, 1868.] 4to, pp. 3. No title-page. (GO32 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Address delivered at the annual meeting of the Society, February 9, 1869. By Horatio Gates Jones. Published, with introductory note, in pursuance of a resolution of the Society. Philadel phia, 1869. 8vo, pp. 36. Facsimile. Title on cover reads : "Andrew Bradford, founder of the newspaper press in the Middle States of America." (6O33 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Circular [on origin, objects, etc., of the Society]. Philadelphia [1869]. Broadside. (GO34 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Eulogium on the life and character of the late Joseph Reed Ingersoll, president of the Society. By David Paul Brown. Delivered September 28, 1869. Published in pursuance of a reso lution of the Society. Philadelphia, 1869. Svo, pp. 40. ^6035 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Bradford prayer book. Some account of " The book of common prayer," printed A. D. 1710, by William Bradford, 816 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. under the auspices of Trinity Church, New York. Privately printed for Horatio Gates Jones. Philadelphia, 1870. Svo, pp. 10. Consists of a correspondence between the president of the Society and Mr. Jones. (GO36 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A discourse delivered before the Society, October 27, 1870, commemorative of the Rev. Benjamin Dorr, by John William Wallace. Philadelphia, 1870. Svo, pp. 64. (6O37 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Catalogue of the paintings and other objects of interest belonging to the Society. Philadelphia. 1872. 8vo, pp. 68 (5). (OO3S HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Discourse pronounced on the inaugura tion of the new hall, March 11, 1872, of the Society, by John William Wal lace, parts omitted in the delivery being here inserted. Philadelphia, 1872. Svo, pp. 66. (6O39 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Spanish Conquest of New Mexico.- By W. W. H. Davis. Philadelphia (?), 1872. Svo, pp. 41. A small edition printed for the author. (6O4O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The history of the consolidation of the city of Philadelphia. By Eli K. Price. Philadelphia, 1873. 12mo, pp. 140. Prepared in accordance with a request of the Society. (6O41 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The life, character, and writings of Francis Lieber. Discourse before the Society, January 13, 1873. By M. Russell Thayer. Philadelphia, 1873. 8vo, pp. 50. (6O4J5 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoir of George Chambers, of Cham- bersburg. By J. McDowell Sharpe. Philadelphia, 1873. 8vo, pp. 37. (6O43 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings on the presentation of the Perm papers and address of Craig Biddle. [March 10, 1873.] Philadel phia. 1873. Svo, pp. 38. (6O44 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1824-1874. Fiftieth anniversary. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, December 2, 1874. [Philadelphia, 1874.] Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. Contains minutes of meeting, 1824. Bill of fare. Toasts. (6045 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings of a meeting of the bar of Philadelphia relative to the death of Charles J. Biddle; and a memoir of the deceased. By John Cadwallader. Read before the Society. Philadel phia, 1874. Svo, pp. 64. (6O46 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Address of Nathaniel Burt, February 12, 1875, on the Washington mansion in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1875. Svo, pp. 35. Folded sheet. (GO47 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Historical map of Pennsylvania, show ing the. Indian names of streams, and villages, and paths of travel ; the sites of old forts and battlefields ; the successive purchases from the Indians ; and the names and dates of counties and county towns : with tables of forts and proprietary manors. Edited by P. W. Sheafer and others. Philadelphia, 1875. Svo, pp. 26. Folded map. (6048 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 817 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. An address of welcome from the librarians of Philadelphia to the Congress of Librarians of the United States, assembled October 4, 1876, in the hall of the Society. By John William Wallace. Philadelphia, 1870. Svo, pp. 11. (6O49 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Early accounts of petroleum in the United States. By W. J. Buck. Read before the Society, March 13, 1876. Titusville, 1876. Svo, pp. 12. (6O5O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publication fund of the Historical So ciety of Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia, 1876.] Svo, pp. 14. (6O51 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Thomas Fitzsimmons. By Henry Flanders. [Address before the Society, 1876. Philadelphia, 1876.] Svo, pp. (0). (GO52 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoir of the life and services of Col. John Nixon, prepared at the request of the committee on the restoration of Independence Hall for " The national centennial commemoration " of July 2, 1776, and presented at the meeting in Independence Chamber, July 1, 1876. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1877. Svo, pp. (19). Reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (6O5J5 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Robert Morris, the financier of the American revolution. A sketch. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1877. Svo, pp. (15). Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (6O54 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Table of contents of Vols. i and n of Papers relating to, or formerly the property of Colonel William Bradford, of Philadelphia. Now in the possession of the Historical Society of Penn sylvania. Philadelphia, 1878. Svo, pp. 35. (6O55 IISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vols. i-xxix. Philadelphia. Publication fund of the Society. 1877-1905. Svo. Twenty-nine vols. Portraits. Plates. Issued quarterly. Contents given below. (CJO56 TISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. i. Philadelphia, publication fund of the Society, 1877. Svo, pp. vii, (1), 510. Portraits. Contents : The diary of Robert Morton. Kept in Philadelphia while that city was occupied by the British army in 1777 ; The Hessians in Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1778 ; A German officer s impression of our city. From the correspondence of Professor Schlozer, of Gottingen. Pittsburg and Uniontown, Pennsylvania, in 1782-83, Letters from Bphraim Douglass to Gen. James Irvine ; Edward Whalley, the regicide, by Robert Patterson Robins ; Baron Stiegel, by Jos. Henry Dubbs ; John Hancock, by Charles Francis Adams ; Patrick Henry, by William Wirt Henry ; Henry Wisner, by Henry W. Bellows ; Charles Humphreys, by A. A. Humphreys ; Francis Dana, by Richard H. Dana, jr. ; Silas Deane, by Charles J. Hoadley ; Edward Biddle, by Craig Biddle ; Memorial notice of the Rev. William C. Reichel, by John W. Jordan ; Memorial notice of Rev. William M. Reynolds, D. D. ; Descendants of Dr. William Shippen, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Journal of William Black, 1744, Secretary of the commissioners appointed to treat with Iroquois or Six Nations of Indians, in reference to the lands west of the Allegheny mountains ; Occupation of New York city by the British, 1776 : Extracts from the diary of the Mora vian congregation ; The Swedish settlements on the Delaware ; Christina, queen H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 52 818 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of the Swedes, the Goths, and the Vends. Presentation of her portrait to the So ciety ; Notes on the Iroquois and Delaware Indians: Communications, from Con rad Weiser in 174649 ; An unwritten chapter in the history of the siege of Bos ton : contributions of the Friends of Philadelphia for the relief of the Boston sufferers in 1775-76 ; Death of Major Anthony Morris, Jr., described in a letter written on the battle-field, near Princeton, by Jonathan Potts, annotated by Edward D. Neill : General Artemus Ward, by Robert C. Winthrop ; Major Gen eral John Armstrong, by William M. Darlington ; Colonel John Nixon, by Charles Henry Hart; Chief Justice William Allen, by Edward F. De Lancey ; Dr. Wil liam Shippen, the elder, by Thomas Raich ; Joseph Montgomery, by Win. H. Egle; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, burials, 1709-1760, contributed by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Meeting of the descendants of Col. Thomas White, at St. George s church, Spesutise and Sophia s dairy, near Perrymansville, Harford county, Maryland, June 7, 1877, by William White Bronson ; Washington s en campment on the Neshaminy, by William J. Buck ; Map of British camp at Trudruffrin from the 18th to the 21st of September, 1777, with the attack made by Major General Grey against the rebels near White Horse Tavern on the 20th of September, drawn by an officer on the spot ; The massacre of Paoli, by J. Smith Futhey ; The Wharton family, by Anne H. Wharton ; Welsh emigration to Pennsylvania, an old charter party, 1697-8 ; Robert Morris, by Mrs. Armine Nixon Hart; Francis Lightfoot Lee, by Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain); General James Potter, of the Pennsylvania militia, by A. Boyd Hamilton ; Wil liam Penn, by Wayne MacVeagh ; The battle of Germantown, by Alfred C. Lambdin ; Unpublished papers relating to the battle of Germantown ; Colonel Thomas White, of Maryland, by William White Wiltbank ; Samuel Adams, by George A. Simmons ; Jonathan Elmer, by L. Q. C. Elmer ; Abraham Clark, by E. P. Buffett ; Isaac Norris, by George W. Norris ; Proceedings ; Officers ; Index. (6057 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. n. Philadelphia, 1878. 8vo, pp. v, 509. Portraits. Contents : Charles Armand Tufin, Marquis de la Rouerie, Brigadier-General in the Continental Army of the American Revolution, by Townsend W T ard ; A Pennsylvania loyalist s interview with George III, extract from the MS. diary of Samuel Shoemaker ; Journal of William Black, 1774, secretary of the commis sion to treat with the Iroquois or Six Nations of Indians in reference to lands west of the Allegheny Mts., edited by R. Alonzo Brock ; The Wharton family, by Anne H. Wharton ; Rev. Jacob Duche, the first chaplain of Congress, by Edward Duffield Neill; Samuel John Atlee, by S. W. Pennypacker ; Major- General Nathanael Greene, by George Washington Greene ; Memorial notice of John McAllister, Jr., by Charles M. Morris ; Memorial notice of Stephen Taylor, by Townsend Ward ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia burials 1709-1760, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Notes and queries : Champlain s expedition into west ern New York in 1615 and the recent identification of the fort by John S. Clark ; Mennonite emigration to Pennsylvania friendly relations between the , Mennonites in Holland and those in Pennsylvania, translated from the Dutch , of J. G. De Hoop Scheffer, with notes by S. W. Pennypacker ; The battle of Monmouth letters of Alexander Hamilton and Gen. William Irvine describing the engagement ; Western Pennsylvania in 1760 a journal of a march from Fort Pitt to Venango, and from thence to Presq Isle; Proposition to make Bethlehem, Penna., the seat of government in 1780, correspondence between Lewis Weiss, of Philadelphia, and John Ettwein, of Bethlehem ; Mary White- Mrs. Robert Morris, by Charles Henry Hart; Sketch of the life of Gouverneur Morris, by Catharine Keppele Meredith ; Memoir of General Sullivan, by Thomas C. Amory ; Early Swedish records extracts from parish records of Gloria Dei Church, Philadelphia ; William Penn s travels in Holland and Germany in 1677, by Oswald Seidensticker ; Military operations near Philadelphia in the campaign of 1777-8, described in a^ letter from Thomas Paine to Dr. Franklin; Notes on the stamp act in New v ork and Virginia, by Charles R. Hildeburn: An early record of Pittsburgh, 1760; Thomas Fitzsimons, by Henry Flanders: Francis Hopkinson, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; The descendants of Joran Kyn the founder of Upland, by Gregory B. Keen : Welsh settlers of Pencader, Dela ware ; General John Philip De Haas ; Major William Jackson, Secretary of the Federal Convention, by Charles Willing Littell ; Reminiscences of the firsl railroad over the Allegheny Mountain, by Solomon W. Roberts ; Computatioi of time and changes of style in the calendar, by Spencer Bonsall ; Notes 01 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 819 the Iroquois and Delaware Indians, communications from Conrad Weiser to Christopher Saur, 1746-1749, compiled l>y Abraham Cassell, translated by Helen Bell ; Early days of the Revolution in Philadelphia, Charles Thomson s account of the opposition to the Boston Port Bill ; Spangenberg s notes of travel to Onondaga in 1745, by John W. Jordan ; William Ellery, signer of the Declaration of Independence, by Thomas Wentworth Iligginson ; Nathaniel Folsom, by Charles II. Bell ; Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, by Edwin F. Hal- field ; Memorial notice of Joseph J. Mickley, by William H. Ruddiman ; The campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn; Report of the council; Officers; Index. (OO58 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. in. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo, pp. iv, 500. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Biographical sketch of Daniel Dulany, by John II. B. Latrobe ; Military and political affairs in the middle colonies in 1755 the effect of Braddock s defeat and of Johnson s victory over Dieskau ; Party dissensions in Maryland and Pennsylvania, by Daniel Dulany ; John Talbot, the first bishop in North America, by George Morgan Hills; Spangenberg s notes of travel to Onondaga in 1745, by John W. Jordan ; Computation of time and changes of style in the calendar, by Spencer Bonsall ; Madame Montour, by John G. Freeze ; The descendants of Joran Kyn, the founder of Upland, by Gregory B. Keen ; The constitutional convention of 1776 biographical sketches of its members, by Wm. II. Egle ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia burials, 1709-1760, by Charles R. Ilildeburn ; Proceedings of the Society ; Notes and queries ; Moll Pitcher, by C. I*. Wing ; Bathsheba Bowers, by William John Potts ; Brigadier- General Henry Bonquet, by George Harrison Fisher ; Maryland gossip in 1755 - postscript to Daniel Dulany s letter in Vol. m, p. 31, of this magazine; A walk to Darby, by Townsend Ward ; Sullivan s expedition to Staten Island in 1777 extract from the diary of Captain Andrew Lee, by Stewart Pearce ; Eliphalet Dyer, by J. Hammond Trumbull ; Edmund Pendleton of Virginia, by David II. Strother ; Henry Middleton, president of the first Continental Congress, by Constance Fenimore Woolson ; Josiah Quincy, senior, by Eliza Susan Quincy ; Christopher Gadsden, by George Stillman Hillard ; Nathaniel Scudder, by Wil liam S. Stryker ; Elias Boudinot, by Helen Boudinot Stryker ; Notes on sundry calendars, by Alexander Wilcocks ; Inns in the olden times -from John Hill Martin s History of Chester ; the Washington and Franklin pews in Christ Church ; Benjamin Rush to James Searle, Yorktown, 1778 ; Franklin and Hut- ton ; Doctor John Cochran, director-general of the hospitals of the United States, 1781, by Walter L. C. Biddle ; The founding of New Sweden, 1637- 1642, by C. T. Odhner, translated by G. B. Keen ; John Penn s journal of a visit to Reading, Ilarrisburg, Carlisle and Lancaster in 1788 ; Memorials of Col. Jehu Eyre, contributed and edited by Peter I). Keyser ; William Burnet, by Joseph P. Bradley ; Arthur Middleton, by Samuel Adams Drake ; Cyrus Griffin, last president of the Continental Congress, by Cornelia Frances Taylor ; Journals of the Sullivan Expedition, 1779, by David Craft ; Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1760 and 1761 ; Taxables living within the jurisdiction of New Castle Court in Nov., 1677 ; Nationality of Robert Fulton ; Philadelphia society one hundred years ago, or the reign of continental money, by Frederick D. Stone ; Richard Dobbs Spaight, of North Carolina, by John II. Wheeler ; William Paterson, delegate to the Continental Congress from New Jersey, 1780-81, by Abraham Messier ; Major-General Joseph Spencer, by Benjamin Silliman ; The third Swedish expe dition to New Sweden, 1641 ; The remains of Christopher Columbus ; Dr. Barnabas Binney to Dr. Solomon Drowne, 1778 ; Lancaster firemen in 1766 ; Officers ; Index. (6O59 IISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. iv. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 532, xviii. Portraits. Plates. Contents : The settlement of Germantown and the causes which led to it, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; South Second street and its associations, by Townsend Ward ; Capture of Major Andre, by Henry Lee ; The Episcopal Church in Read ing, Pa., by Henry May Keim ; Robert Smith, by Joseph S. Harris ; The con stitutional convention of 1776, biographical sketches of its members, by Wm. H. Egle ; The descendants of Joran Kyn, the founder of Upland, by Gregory B. Keen ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, by Charles R. Hildebrun burials, 1709-1760 ; Meetings of the Society ; Notes and queries : The farm of the Conestoga Indians, 1770 ; Pittsburgh memorial ; Washington on the west bank 820 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. \ of the Delaware, 1776, by W. W. II. Davis ; North Second street and its asso ciations, by Townsend Ward ; Some letters and an abstract of letters from Pennsylvania, containing the state and improvement of that province, 1691 ; General Abner Lacock, U. S. senator from Pennsylvania from 1813 to 1819; The Jones family of Bethlehem township, by J. II. Dubbs ; The Montours, by Wm. M. Darlington; Pittsburgh affairs in 1781 letter from Ephraim Douglas; Autobiographical notes by Simon Snyder ; Ashe s defeat, Briar Creek, Ga., 1779 ; Eleazer Oswald to the National Convention, 1793 ; A sketch of the life of General Andrew Porter, by William A. Porter ; John Ap Thomas and his friends, a contribution to the early history of Merion, near Philadelphia, by James J. Levick ; Information and direction to such persons as are inclined to America, more especially those related to the province of Pennsylvania ; De scendants of the Rev. William Smith, first Provost of the College of Phila delphia ; Benedict Arnold at Saratoga ; Second street and Second street road and their associations, by Townsend Ward ; Early printing in Philadelphia The Friends Press, Interregnum of the Bradfords, by John William Wallace; A letter from Dr. More with passages out of several letters from persons of good credit, relating to the state and improvement of the province of Penn- silvania, 1687 ; A sketch of General Thomas Proctor, with some account of the First Pennsylvania Artillery in the Revolution, by Benjamin M. Nead ; An old Welsh pedigree a sequel to John Ap Thomas and his friends, by James J. Levick ; Exports of merchandise the produce of Pennsylvania, etc., from Philadelphia, 1759 to 1763 ; Exports of merchandise of foreign produce from Philadelphia, 1759 to 1763; Officers; Index. (6O60 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. v. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. iv, 510, xix. Plates. Contents : The Germantown road and its associations, by Townsend Ward ; Extracts from the journal of Miss Sarah Eve, written while living near the city of Philadelphia in 1772-3, by Eva Eve Jones ; The articles, settlement and offices of the Free Society of Traders in Pennsylvania, 1682 ; Light thrown by the. Jesuits upon hitherto obscure points of early Maryland history, by Edward D. Neill ; Fragments of a journal kept by Samuel Foulke, of Bucks county, while a member of the Colonial Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1762-3-4, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Travels through Berks county in 1783, by John D. Schoepf, surgeon of the German auxiliary troops in the service of England, 1776-83 ; James Trimble, first deputy secretary of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by Mrs. Paul Graff ; The descendants of Joran Kyn, the founder of Upland, by Gregory B. Keen ; A reminiscence of Doctor Charles Nesbit, of Dickinson College, by James Duncan ; Proceedings of the Society ; Orginal letters and documents : Letters of Maj. John Armstrong, jr., to his father, Gen. John Armstrong, 1781 ; Braddock s will, 1754 ; Dr. Solomon Drowne to Sally Drowne, 1774-5 ; Dr. Solo mon Drowne to Solomon Drowne, sr., 1774 ; Dr. Solomon Drowne to Quarter master William Drowne, 1775-6 ; Notes and queries : First effort to organize the Church of England in West Jersey ; The courts of Pennsylvania in the sev enteenth century, by Lawrence Lewis, jr. ; Sir Edmund Plowden, Lord Earl Palatinate, Governor and Captain-General of New Albion in North America, by Edward D. Neill ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, burials, 1709-1760, by Charles R. Ilildeburn ; Letters of Francis Makemie and Daniel Neal, 1707, 1740 ; Letters from John Cochran to Dr. Binney, 1781 ; Letter of Gen. An thony Wayne, 1778 ; New Jersey and Pennsylvania, boundary, 1669 ; Notes and queries : The burial place of Andrew Doz ; Extracts from the papers of General William Irvine, by William A. Irvine; A noteworthy book Der Blutige Schau- platz oder Martyres Spiegel, 1748, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; The Yorktov campaign journal of Captain John Davis, of the Pennsylvania line ; Willif Penn, his interests and influence in West New Jersey, by John Clement ; Int esting letter from Delaware county in 1725 ; Letter of John Penn to Thonu Willing, 1755 ; Letters of Franklin to the Committee of Correspondence of th< Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1766 ; Marriages performed by Rev. David Jones, 1786-1816 ; Note on letter of Edward Jones to John Ap Thomas in Vol. iv, No. 3, of this magazine ; The nature of the connection between the Penn family and Edmund Physick, by Philip S. Physick Conner ; Description of the Mauch Chunk railway, 1829 ; Journal of Captain John Montresor, July 1, 1777, to July 1, 1778, chief engineer of the British Army, including accounts of the expedition of Lord and Sir William Howe up the Chesapeake, the battle of Brandywine, and from the occupation to the evacuation of Philadelphia, with the reduction of THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 821 Mud Fort or Fort Mifflin, edited by G. D. Scull ; Matthew Irvine, M. D., by John Blair Linn ; Sir Edmund Plowden in the fleet, by Edward D. Neill ; James Wharton. junr., first governor of Pennsylvania under the constitution of 76, by Anne II. Wharton ; William Findley, of Westmoreland, Pa. an autobiograph ical letter; Schwenkfelder marriages in Pennsylvania, 1735-1804; The attack on Fort W T ilson, Oct. 4, 1779 ; Sullivan s expedition of 1778 Letter from Col. Ben.iamin Eyre; King s Mountain and its heroes, 1780; The Indian treaty at Fort Pitt in 1776 ; Report of finance committee ; Officers ; Index. (6O61 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. vi. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo, pp. vi, 516, xix. Portraits. Plates. Contents : The Germantown road and its associations, by Townsend Ward ; Benjamin Hornor Coates, by James J. Levick ; Journal of Captain John Mon- tresor, July 1, 1777, to July 1, 1778, chief engineer of the British army, in cluding accounts of the expedition of Lord and Sir Wm. Howe up the Chesa peake, the battle of Brandywine, and from the occupation to the evacuation of Philadelphia, with the reduction of Mud Fort or Fort Mifflin, edited by G. D. Scull ; The German almanac of Christopher Sauer, by Abraham II. Cassel ; A sketch of some of the descendants of Owen Richards, who emigrated to Penn sylvania previous to 1718, by Louis Richards ; Fenwick s proposal for planting liis colony of New Csesaria or New Jersey ; Thomas Wharton, junr., first gov ernor of Pennsylvania under the constitution of 76, by Anne II. Wharton ; The descendants of Jb ran Kyn, the founder of Upland, by Gregory B. Keen ; Original letters and documents : Robert Morris to John Nicholson, 1797 ; Dr. ^ Benjamin Rush to Griffith Evans, 1796, to John Nicholson, 1793 ; Battle of Long Island ; Dauphin county, Pa., in 1789 ; A letter from the Merchants Com mittee of New York to the Merchants Committee in this place (Philadelphia), dated New York, July 10, 1770, with the answer. Notes and queries : The St. Clair papers, The life and public services of Arthur St. Clair, soldier of the Revolutionary war, etc. ; William W r atson, first settler of Nottingham township, N. J. ; The history of paper making ; A German s information regarding the officers of the Continental army, 1781 ; Local self-government in Pennsylvania, by E. R. L. Gould ; A vindication of William Penn, by Philip Ford, and other papers relating to the settlement of Pennsylvania, by Frederick D. Stone ; George Smith, by James J. Levick ; Penn s treaty with the Indians, did it take place in 1682 or 1683?, by Frederick D. Stone; Records of Christ Church, Phil adelphia burials, 1709-1760 ; Letters, etc., from the papers of Governor Wil liam Plumer and of William Plumer, jr. ; Rev. John Brandmiller, the Moravian printer; Medical indenture of B. II. Coates (1814); Rev. Abel Morgan, by Horatio Gates Jones ; Collection of various pieces concerning Pennsylvania, printed in 1684, translated by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; Griffith Evans, by Townsend Ward ; Pittsburgh in 1761 a return of the numbers of houses, of the names of the owners, and number of men, women, and children in each house at Fort Pitt, April 14, 1761 ; Letters of Henry Clay to William Plumer, jr., 1828-9 ; Extracts from the journal of William Plumer, jr. ; Thomas Tilgh- man s letters to Mr. Wilmot, 1774 ; Charles Gookin ; Governor John Blackwell, of Pennsylvania, to William Penn, 1689 ; Edward Penington to Thomas Wharton, jr., 1778 ; Revolutionary intelligence, received by Wm. Knox from France, 1777 ; List of \Vm. Penn s letters relating to the settlement of Penn sylvania ; Where the first protest against slavery in America was signed, by William Kite; James Logan on defensive war, or Pennsylvania politics in 1741 ; Pennsylvania and Maryland boundaries ; Bi-centennial anniversary of the land ing of William Penn dinner of the Historical Society ; Letter of Peter Minuit proposing the founding of the colony of New Sweden, translated from the original Dutch by G. B. Keen ; The first book printed south of Massachusetts not Leeds s Temple of Wisdom, but William Penn s Excellent Privilege of Lib erty and Property, a lost work by the founder of Pennsylvania, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; In what building did the first legislative assembly of the province of Pennsylvania sit? by John Hill Martin; Christ Church parsonage; George Fox s journal, by Joseph Smith : Officers ; Index. (GO62 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. vii. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo, pp. iv, 515, xix. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. Contents : The Butler family of the Pennsylvania line, by John Blair Linn ; Biography of General Richard Butler, by Simon Gratz ; Edward Shippen, chief- justice of Pennsylvania, by Lawrence Lewis, jr. ; The name Gwynedd in Welsh 822 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. history, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Report of the court-martial for the trial of the Hessian officers captured by Washington at Trenton, Dec. 26, 1776, translated from a German copy ; Sir Edmund Plowden s patent for New Albion, with introductory note by G. B. Keen; Jeremiah Langhorne, by William J. Buck; Augustine Herman and John Thompson, by Townsend Ward ; The descendants of Joran Kyn, the founder of Upland, by Gregory B. Keen ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia burials, 1709-1760, by Charles R. Ilildeburn ; Notes and queries : Returns of inhabitants and lands owned and improved in por- . tions of Philadelphia county in 1684 ; Letter from Richard Peters to Thomas Fitzsimmons, 1790 ; Catharine Tennent, genealogical notes ; Richards, Evans, Boone note by Howard M. Jenkins ; Some account of the origin of the naval asylum at Philadelphia, by Edward Shippen ; The judiciary of Alleghany county, by J. W. F. White ; British views of American trade and manufactures during the Revolution, by William John Potts; McMaster s history of the people of the United States ; Lappawinzo and Tishcohan, chiefs of the Lenni Lenape, by William J. Buck ; An account of the seditious false Konigsmark in New Sweden, translated from the Swedish, by G. B. Keen ; Letter from William Penn to James Logan, 1704 ; Correspondence between Thomas Laurence, provincial councillor of Pennsylvania, and mayor of Philadelphia, and George and Robert Charles, 174652; George Inman s narrative of the American Revolution; Friends in Burlington, by Amelia Mott Gummere ; C. T. Odhner s account of Willem Usselincx and the South, Ship, and West India companies of Sweden, translated by G. B. Keen ; The report of Governor Johan Printz, of New Sweden, for 1647 and the reply of Count Alex Oxenstjerna, chancellor of Sweden translated from the Swedish by G. B. Keen ; A journal of the southern expe dition, 1780-1788, by William Seymour; Daniel B. Smith, by James J . Levick ; Biographical notice of Doctor Daniel Coxe, of London, 1640-1730, by G. D. Scull ; Note on Charles Varlo and New Albion ; The history of the colony of New Sweden, by Carl K. S. Sprinchorn, translated by Gregory B. Keen ; Indian land and its fair-play settlers, 1773-1785, by John Blair Linn; Biographical memoir of James Hollyday, by George T. Hollyday ; William Penn, by Theodore McFadden ; A journal of a campaign from Philadelphia to Paulus Hook, 1776, by Algernon Roberts ; Tombstones in Christ Church ; William Penn and his charter, by G. D. Scull ; Dr. Daniel Coxe s possessions in West New Jersey, by John Clement ; The Chevalier family of Philadelphia ; Two letters from Anthony Wayne, 1778, 1795; Letter from Robert Morris to Edward Tilghman, 1789; The duel between Brockholst Livingston and James Jones, by Wm. Kelby ; Guest Morris Powell, genealogical notes ; Officers ; Index. (4JO63 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. vm. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, pp. 471, xliv. Portraits. Plates. Contents : London Bridge, Burlington, New Jersey ; Friends in Burlington by Amelia Mott Gummere ; The history of the colony of New Sweden, by Car K. S. Sprinchorn, translated by Gregory B. Keen ; Matthew Wilson, D. D., o Lewes, Delaware, by Edward D. Neill ; Early furnaces and forges of Berk county, Pennsylvania, by Morton L. Montgomery ; The first tax list for Phila delphia county, 1693, with introductory note by Wm. Brooke Rawle ; Notes am queries : Tradition concerning Columbus ; The eighth Swedish expedition to Nev Sweden, 1649; Visit of the Rev. Dr. Manasseh Cutler to William Hamilton a the Woodlands, 1803; Letters from Dr. Samuel Kennedy to his wife in 1776 Letter of Col. Richard Butler to Gen. William Irvine, 1781 ; Samuel Powell Daniel Hyacinth Mary Lienard De Beaujeu, commandant of Fort Du Quesn and of the French forces in the battle of July 9, 1755, by John Gilmary Shea The Welsh settlement at Gwynedd, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Inauguration of th new hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania ; Restoration of the Schuy! kill gun to " The State in Schuylkill," April 23d, 1884 ; Samuel Humphreys, b Hampton L. Carson ; Notes : Letters of Lieut. Col. William Harcourt in 17 John Vining, 1770 ; Letter from Theophilus Bradbury, member of Congress frc Massachusetts, 1795 ; Bishop Augustus Gottlieb Spangenberg, by John W. Jc dan ; Journal of Sergeant William Young, written during the Jersey carapai in the winter of 1776-7 ; The Governor s Mill and the Globe Mills, Philadelpl by Samuel II. Needles ; General Sir Frederick Haldimand in Pennsylvania, G. D. Scull ; An account of the battle of Princeton, from the Pennsylvani Evening Post, Jan. 16, 1777 ; Franklin county one hundred years ago, a settler experience told in a letter written by Alexander Thomson in 1773, by T. W. Wylie ; A partial list of the families who arrived at Philadelphia between 16^- THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 823 and 1087, with the dates of their arrival ; Original letters and documents : Correspondence between Gov. Priutz and Gov. Winthrop ; Letters from Wm. Findley, of Westmoreland county, Pa., to William Plumer, Gov. of New Hamp shire, 1811-15. Notes : Heraldic hints concerning the colonial governors of Pennsylvania ; The origin and nature of Wampum ; Portraits of some of the descendants of William Penn, and memorials of him in the possession of the Earl of Ranfurly, by W. M. Conway ; Benedict Arnold s regimental memorandum book written while at Ticonderoga and Crown Point in 177;") ; General Joseph Reed s narrative of the movements of the American army in the neighborhood of Trenton in the winter of 1776-77 ; The family of Deborah Franklin, by John M. Cowell ; The Pennsylvania Assembly in" 1761-2, a memorandum kept by Samuel Foulke ; A history of the upper Germantown burying-ground, by Peter P. Keyser ; Franklin and the Stamp Act letter from London, 1765 ; Notes : Some thing about bells, by J. W. Jordan ; Unpublished letter of William Penn ; Books taken from Pr. Franklin s library by Major Andre ; Tory poetry ; A curious New Jersey document of 1707 ; Proceedings ; Officers ; Index ; A commemorative ad dress on John William Wallace, by Henry Flanders ; Wallace genealogy. (6064 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. ix. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo, pp. iv, 515. Portrait. Plates. Contents : Sir John St. Clair, quarter-master general in America, 1755 to 1767, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; American languages and why we should study them, by Paniel G. Brinton ; Upton, a lost town of old Gloucester county, West New Jersey, by John Clement ; History of the Baptists in Pelaware, by Morgan Edwards introductory note by Horatio Gates Jones ; Pennsylvania two hun dred years ago Reprint of a pamphlet issued in 1685, entitled "A Further Ac count of Pennsylvania," by William I enn ; Inscriptions in the upper Germantown burying-ground, by Peter P. Keyser ; Farewell to Pittsburg and the mountains, 1818, by John Wrenshall, annotated by Isaac Craig; Revolutionary services of Captain John Markland ; Notes and queries : The Moravian church in Lebanon county, by John W. Jordan ; Extracts from the correspondence of Charles Willson Peale relative to the establishment of the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1805-8 ; Virginia Carolorum : the colony during the days of Charles the First and Second, by Edward P. Neill ; Gloucester city, by John Clement ; Piary of James Allen, Esq., of Philadelphia, counsellor-at-law. 1770-1778 ; The United States through English spectacles in 1702-1794, letters from Edward Thornton to Sir James Bland Burges ; A partial list of the families who resided in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, prior to 1687, with the dates of their arrival ; Chandler genealogy, notes by Gilbert Cope ; Outlaws of the Poan family of Bucks county, by E. P. Buckman ; Washington s account of Braddock s defeat letter to Gov. Pinwiddie, 1755 ; The boundary dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania, by Walter B. Scaife ; General Lafayette s visi-t to Pittsburgh in 1825 from the Pittsburgh Mercury and the Pittsburgh Gazette, 1725 ; Journal of Miss Sally Wis- ter, 1777-1778 ; Historical notes, by Benjamin Smith Barton (made on board the ship Apollo in 1780, in a voyage to England* ; Charles Read by John Meredith Read ; A short history of the glass manufacture in Salem county. New Jersey, by R. M. Acton; Marriages at Chesterfield, N. J., 1685-1730, certificates recorded in the minutes of the Chesterfield (N. J.) monthly meeting; Three generations of the Clymer family ; The route between Bethlehem, Pa., and Fairfield, Canada, 1801 ; Who led " The Forlorn Hope " at Stony Point note ; The " Fall " of the year ; Religious tests in provincial Pennsylvania, by Charles J. Stille ; An old ferry and an old post road, by John Clement ; Townsend Ward obituary ; The Pela ware regiment in the Revolution, narrative of the services of the Pelaware regi ment with Captain McKennan during the Revolutionary war, by C. P. Bennett ; A copy of the address and petition delivered to George the Third by four of the principal people called Quakers in March, 1775 ; Philadelphia during its occu pation by the British ; The attempt to rob the Philadelphia bank, 1821 ; American politics in 1796 letter from Lord Lyndhurst (John Singleton Copley, jr.) ; The footways on Market Street, Philadelphia, in 1764 an original paper in the Society s collection ; Proceedings of the Society ; Officers ; Index. (6O65 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. x. Philadelphia, 1886. 8vo, pp. iv, 508. Portraits. Plate. Facsimiles. Contents: Col. Lambert Cadwalader, a sketch, by William Henry Rawle ; Early printing in the middle colonies, by George Pana Boardman ; Extracts 824 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. from the letters of Samuel Cooper, 177778, by John W. Jordan ; A visit to Voltaire from the unpublished journal of Dr. John Morgan, 1764 ; Journal of Miss Sally Wister ; The early government of Philadelphia and the Blue Anchor Tavern landing, by Edward P. Allinson and Boies Penrose evidence of organized government of Philadelphia prior to the charter of 1701 ; Bi-centennial anni versary of the introduction of printing into the middle colonies ; Correspondence between William Strahan and David Hall, 1763-1777 ; Genealogical sketch of General W. S. Hancock, by Howard M. Jenkins ; The Williams family, from a Bible in possession of Mrs. Deborah M. Cresswell ; Notes and queries : Social life in Philadelphia in 1762 ; Killbuck Island, Pittsburgh petition of William Henry Killbuck to Gov. Thomas McKean, 1805 ; Husband-Price-Haines fam ilies ; Notes of travel of William Henry, John Heckewelder, John Rothrock, and Christiam Clewell to Gnadenhuetten on the Muskingum in the early sum mer of 1797, edited by John W. Jordan ; Before Quebec, 1776 letter of Samuel Hodgkinson ; Christopher White, by Barclay White ; Narrative of the journey of the Schwenkfelders to Pennsylvania, 1733 ; Additional facts concerning Sir Edmund Plowden, by Edward D. Neill ; Amusements and politics in Phila delphia, 1794, letter from Ezekiel Forman, contributed by Wm. J. Potts; Ex tracts from the letter-book of James Claypoole, 1681-4 ; Contemporaneous ac count of the battle of Trenton; A summer jaunt in 1773, journal of a tour from Philadelphia to Bethlehem, contributed by George Morgan Hills ; Some notes on Mattinneconk, or Burlington Island, by William Nelson ; Notes : Cap tain Thomas Webb, the Methodist, 1777-8 ; German emigration to the American colonies, its cause and the distribution of the emigrants, Parts i and n, by Andrew D. Mellick, jr.; The first newspaper published in Harrisburg, Pa.; St. Thomas Church of Alexandria, Hunterdon county, N. J., by Henry Kace ; Engagements at Trenton and Princeton, January 2 and 3, 1777, contemporaneous writing; An Englishman s opinion of the Bostonians in 1774; The attitude of the Quakers in the Provincial wars, introduction and notes by Charles J. Stille ; Thoughts on the situation of the inhabitants of the frontier, by James Tilghman (written in 1772) ; Letter of William Ellery, 1776; An index to the obituary notices published in the "Pennsylvania Gazette" from 1728-1791, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Notes : Letter from Rev. Richard Peters to Rev. William Smith, first provost of the College of Philadelphia, 1763 ; Letter of Washington, Cambridge, 1775; Letter of Thomas dishing, 1777; Andrew Allen. by Charles P. Keith ; William Whipple s notes of a journey from Philadelphia to New Hampshire, in the summer of 1777 ; Thomas Whaley, of Virginia, and Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, by Robert Patterson Robins ; The Lan caster Assembly of 1780, by D. McN. Stauffer ; Occupation of New York city by the British extracts from the diary of the Moravian congregation in the city of New York, 1775-1783, excepting 1778 ; The Federal Constitution of 1787 sketches of the members of the Pennsylvania convention, by William Henry Egle ; Notes : A letter of Benjamin Furly, 1702 ; Penn estates in Penn sylvania, 1779 ; A description of the colors of the associators of Pennsylvania, 1747 ; Uniforms of the Philadelphia associators in 1775 ; Mary Becket, by Thomas Stewardson ; Proceedings ; Officers ; Index. (6066 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xi. Philadelphia, 1887. 8vo, pp. iv, 526. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Beaumarchais and " The Lost Million," a chapter of the secret history of the American Revolution, by Charles J. Stille ; William Penn and the Society of Friends at Reading, by Mrs. M. A. Faber ; Colonel James Coultas, high sheriff of Philadelphia, 1755-1758, by Robert Patterson Robins; Records of the lower Dublin or Pennypack Baptist Church, births, 1689-1743 ; The Prin cipio company a historical sketch of the first iron-workers in Maryland, by Wm. G. Whitely ; The Federal Constitution of 1787 sketches of the member" of the Pennsylvania convention, by Wm. Henry Egle ; M. W. Baldwin s " Old Ironsides; " Where the Constitutional Convention met, by John Bach McMaster ; The siege of Fort Mifflin from the United States Magazine for May. 177!>: Philadelphia society in 1804 diary of Jonathan Mason, of Boston ; General Braddock s campaign letter of William Johnston, an officer attached to tlie expedition against Fort Du Quesne ; Correspondence between William Strahan and David Hall, 1763-1777 ; Battle of Germantown from a British account, cou tributed by William J. Potts; Letter of Gen. Anthony Wayne to Col. Sharp Delaney, 1778 ; Notes and queries : Letter of William Tilghman to Jasper Yeates, 1814 ; Obituary notices, Pennsylvania Gazette, 1764-6 ; Formation of the Clay THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 825 party of 1832 ; Letter to the Rev. Andrew Morton from the Wardens and Vestry of St. Thomas s Church, township Kingwood, New Jersey (some time before 17G8) ; Andrew Elliot, Lieutenant-Governor of the province of New York, by Eugene Devereux ; Unpublished minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsyl vania, 1692 ; A leaf from the Green Mountains, by B. Fernow ; List of portraits of Benjamin Franklin ; Free Society of Traders in Pennsylvania Subscriptions, 1682 ; Return of the Pennsylvania troops in the service of the United States commanded by Josiah Harmar, L eutenant-Colonel commanding, 1787 from the original MSS., with notes by John P. Nicholson ; Letters of Silas Deane, 1776- 8; Old records of the Foulke, Skirm, Taylor, Coalman, Wooley, ind Gaskill families; Notes: Obituary notices Pennsylvania Gazette, 1729-1760 ; Letters of William Redwood to William Ellery, Philadelphia, 1773-4 ; Recovery of a colonial document after two hundred years, A letter from the Governor and Council of New York, 1687 ; Philadelphia society before the Revolution, extracts from the letters of Alexander Mackraby to Sir Philip Francis, [1767]-1770; Extracts from Washington s diary, kept while attending the Constitutional Convention of 1787; Records of the Hall family of Bristol, Pennsylvania; Diary of William Ellery, of Rhode Island, Oct. 20 to Nov. 15, 1777 ; Contem porary account of the battle of Germantown ; Extracts from original letters relating to the war of Independence and Cornwallis s capitulation at Yorktown, by Eugene Devereux ; Letter of John Paul Jones, Nantes, 1777 ; A memoir of General Henry Miller, by Henry Miller Watts; Notes: The Erie triangle and northwestern Pennsylvania land titles ; Petition of the inhabitants of the township of Alexandria, Hunterdon co., N. J., to William Franklin, governor of the province of New Jersey ; Johann Matthias Kramer ; Comte I)e Broglie, tli3 proposed stadtholder of America, by Charles J. St lle ; Michael Hillegas, first treasurer of the United States, by William Henry Egle ; The Mount Vernon Con vention, by Kate Mason Rowland ; Letter of General Nathaniel Greene, 1781 ; The hermits of the Wissahickon, by Oswald Seidensticker ; Essay of an Onon- daga grammar, or a short introduction to learn the Onondaga Maqua tongue, by David Zeisberger ; Letters of George M. Dallas, (18)46-59; Narrative of John Heckewelder s journey to the Wabash in 1792 ; Diary of William Ellery, of Rhode Island, June 28- July 23, 1778 ; William Penn s plans for a union of the colonies, 8th February, 1696-7 ; Records of the Hill family of Massachu setts, by Charles Austin Robinson ; Notes : Letter of John Cox to Wm. Richards, of New Jersey, 1789 ; Letters to William Henry, of Lancaster, Pa., 1777-83 ; Palatines of Block Island ; Proceedings ; Officers ; Index. (6O67 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xn. Philadelphia, 3888. 8vo, pp. iv, 521. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Sir William Keith, by Charles P. Keith ; Narrative of John Hecke welder s journey to the Wabash in 1792 ; Letters of Gen. James Wilkinson ad dressed to Dr. James Hutchinson of Philadelphia, 1778-85, 86 ; Essay of an Onondaga grammar, or a short introduction to learn the Onondaga Maqua tongue, by David Zeisberger ; The quarrel between Christopher Sower, the Germantown printer, and Conrad Beisel, founder and vorsteher of the cloister at Ephrata, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; New York and Philadelphia in 17S7, extracts from the journal of Manasseh Cutler ; Correspondence between William Strahan and David Hall, 1763-1777; Notes and queries: Zane family; The life and services of Joel R. Poinsett ; Charles Brockden, by John Clement ; Journal of route and occurrences in a journey to Philadelphia from Dighton, began Oct. 24th, 1778, by William Ellery ; The introduction of Methodism into Penn sylvania, by Goldsmith Day Carrow ; Rev. William Frazer s three parishes St. Thomas s, St. Andrew s, and Musconetcong, N. J., 1768-70, by Henry Race, with marriage record, 1768-95, and baptismal record, 1768-1772. Notes : The Ohio Company, by E. C. Dawes ; Pastoral letter of Rev. Nicholas Collin to the members of the Swedish Lutheran Churches of Wicacoa, Kingsessing and Upper Merion, 1797 ; Judge James Moore and Major James Moore, of Chester county, Pennsylvania, by W. S. Long ; A narrative of the transactions, imprisonment and sufferings of John Connolly, an American loyalist and lieut. col. in His Majesty s service; Registers of the Anglican Church in Pennsylvania prior to 1800, by Philip Syng Physick Conner ; Muster-rolls of marines and artillery commanded by Capt. Isaac Craig, of Pennsylvania, in 1775 and 1778 ; Robert Ibbetson, by Robert Patterson Robins : The Red Lion Inn, Bensalem township, Penna., by" William J. Buck ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia baptisms, 1709- 1760, contributed by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Notes : Thomas Livezey and Joseph Galloway ; Pre-historic West Chester ; The Foulke family of Gwynedd, 826 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Pa. ; Account of Andrew Bradford and Claus Rittenhouse, 1729 ; Letter of Pierpont Edwards to Dr. James Ilutchinson of Philadelphia, 1792 ; Genealogical notes, abstracts of wills recorded in Philadelphia ; Joseph Ceracchi, by Wm. John Potts ; Paper money in the colonies, 1744 ; Extracts from the Franklin letters to Wm. Strahan of London, 1763-81 ; Hugh Hall, by Charles II. Hall. Bethlehem during the Revolution extracts from the diaries in the Moravian archives at Bethlehem, Penn., by John W. Jordan ; The authorship of " Plain Truth," by Paul Leicester Ford ; Extracts from the diary of Hannah Callen- der, 1758-1762, by George Vaux ; American colonies as penal settlements, by Charles J. Stille; A list of the issues of the press in New York, 161)3- 1784 Part 1, 1693-1720, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Notes : Life and services of Joel R. Poinsett, by Thomas H. Ellis ; A Yankee s impression of Wilkes-Barre, Penn., 1800-1; Description of a North Carolina ordinary or inn in 1790; Marriage certificate of Samuel Powell and Mary Morris ; An early Methodist of Philadelphia, David Landreth, 1758-1836 ; Arms of the Lees of Virginia in 1659 ; Memucan Hughes an early New Jersey bookplate, 1760 ; Major-General John Lambert; Franklin letter, Philada., 1775; British army in America, 1778; Glassell family ; Concerning the descent of John Cadwalader ; Bits of local history, 1791-1815 ; "A Farce," by William Ellery, written about 1780. Pro ceedings ; Officers; Index. (OO68 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xin. Philadelphia, 1889. 8vo, pp. iv, 509. Portraits. Plate. Contents : Address to the Alleghany County Bar Association, by Daniel Ag- new ; A narrative of the transactions, imprisonment and sufferings of John Con nolly, an American loyalist and lieut. col. in His Majesty s service ; Bethlehem during the Revolution extracts from the diaries in the Moravian archives at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, by John W. Jordan ; A list of the issues of the press in New York, 1693-1752, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; The wreck of the ship " John " in Delaware Bay, 1732- written by a passenger ; What right had a fugitive slave of self-defence against his master?; An account of a naval en gagement between an American privateer and a British man-of-war, 1778 from the London Chronicle, Oct. 6-8, 1778 ; Nates and queries ; Marriage cer tificate of John Roades and Hannah Willcox, 1692 ; A list of German emi grants, 1773; Washington in 1789- a contemporary account of his reception in New York ; Letter of Zachariah Poulson, jr., to Dr. Thomas Parke, 1793 ; Fort Adams, Chickasaw Bluffs letters, 1797, determining the name of the fort, alsc by whom it was named; The first printed family record in America, 1763 Bollinger; Letter of J. Cowell, 1776; The first congress of the United States by Hampton L. Carson ; Owen of Merion, by Thomas Allen Glenn ; Fred erick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg, Speaker of the House of Representatives, ir the first congress, 1789, by Oswald Seidensticker ; Civil and ecclesiastical affairs in Pennsylvania in 1698 papers from the archives of the " Society for th< Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," London ; Affaires de L Angleterrt et de L Amerique, by Paul Leicester Ford ; Philadelphia in 1682 ; The resigna tion of Henry Laurens, President of Congress, 1778 ; Records of Christ Church Philadelphia baptisms, 1709-1760, by Charles R. Hildeburn ; Officers of th< State Society of Cincinnati of Georgia, 1790 ; Notes : Letters of Washingtoi and Patrick Henry relating to their appointment as delegates to the Constitu tional Convention of 1787 ; Address of the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Penn sylvania, etc., to President Washington, 1789, with the answer of Presiden Washington ; Letter of Benjamin Franklin to Professor Kinnersley, Londou 1759 ; Marriage certificate of Samuel Powell and Abigail Wilcox, 1700 ; Domin Rudolphus Varick in Philadelphia, 1690 ; William Penn s tankard, a gift fror James Claypoole s family?; Rates of boarding in Philadelphia, 1779-1780 Sitgreaves family ; A rare Washington print, by William S. Baker : Th first printed protest against slavery in America, 1693 ; An account of Jea Paul Jaquet, by Edwin Jaquett Sellers ; Rees Thomas and Martha Awbre} early settlers in Merion, by George Vaux ; Extracts from the journal of Mrs Henry Drinker, of Philadelphia, from September 25, 1777, to July 4, 177S The Ordinance of 1787, by Frederick D. Stone; Du Simitiere, artist, ant quary, and naturalist, projector of the first American Museum, with some e? tracts from his note-book, by Wm. John Potts ; Notes : New York in tli autumn of 1776 ; Letter of John Ross, esq., to Dr. Cadwalader Evans, 1748 Pennsylvania and the Declaration of Independence, by Charles J. Stille ; Aut< biography of Robert Proud, the historian ; Governor Pownall s reasons for d< THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 827 clining the government o f Pennsylvania, 1758; Settlers in Merlon The Har rison family and Harriton plantation, by George Vaux ; Letter of William Penn to John Aubrey, 1683 ; An historical sketch of the Seventh-Day Baptist cem etery, Fifth Street below Market, Philadelphia, by Julius F. Sachse ; Notes: Washington letters, 1773 ; Letter of B. West to W. Rawle, London, 1805 ; Wash ington medal, 1775; Letter of General Washington to Governor George John- stone, 1778; Escape of American prisoners from the British prison near Gosport in 1778; Strahan-Hall correspondence [without datel ; Passenger list of the "Pennsylvania Packet," 1773; Protection in England, 1778. Book notices; Proceedings; Officers; Index. >()<>ft HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xiv. Philadelphia, 1890. 8vo, pp. iv, 469. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents: The leaders of The Old Bar of Philadelphia, by Horace Binney ; Letters of Hannah Thomson, 1785-1788 ; Effects of the " Non-Importation Agreement" in Philadelphia, 1769-1770 extracts from the letters of Henry Drinker to his partner, Abel James ; Notes on the Battle of Monmouth extracts from a letter from Boston, July 23, 1778; Genealogical gleanings contributory to a history of the family of Penn, by .1. Henry Lea ; Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Penn wills, from 1383 to 1700; Excitement in Philadelphia on hearing of the defeat at Brandywine, letter written at the time ; First congress of the Scotch-Irish in America, by Frederick I). Stone ; Early ground-rents : Chestnut street, south side, between Front and Second streets ; Facsimile of signatures to Indian bill of sale of Bombay Hook, 1679 ; Indian bill" of sale of Bombay Hook, Delaware, 1679 ; Notes and queries : Account of the arrival and departure of the tea-ship at Philadelphia in 1773 letter from Thomas Wharton ; Letter of Joseph Harrison to Mrs. John Lawrence, Philada., 1781 ; Letters from Lafayette, Greene, Clark, and O Hara, 1777-96 ; Claypoole genealogy ; Du Smitiere letters, 1767; Letters of Henry Drinker, 1762; American Templars, 1759- 1786; Marriage certificate of Owen and Anne [Wood] Owen, 1714; Inventory of " goods and effects belong to the estate of George Mifllin, Juur., Philadel phia, 1754." Book notices. Itinerary of General Washington from June 15, 1775, to December 23, 1783. by William S. Baker ; Genealogical gleanings con tributory to a history of the family of Penn : Prerogative Court of Canterbury. Penn admons., 1559 to 1700 ; Autograph collection of Ferdinand J. Dreer. by G. B. Keen ; A journey on horseback from New Brunswick, New Jersey, to Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, in 1799; Notes: Pedigree of Rowland Ellis, of Bryii-Mawr, from his own manuscript, 1697; Marriage certificate, John and Sarah [Owen] Biddle, 1736 ; Letters from the autograph collection of Isaac Craig, of Alle gheny, Pa., 1786-1801; Settlers in Merion, etc. removal of remains of Charles Thomson : Naval engagements, 1778 ; A leaf from the history of Swedesborough, N. J., 1804 ; James Stratton family ; Account of sales of household furniture, etc., at Vendue, 6th Mo., 4th, 1771 ; Elizabeth Drinker s route to Valley Forge, 1778; The "Indiana" land company. Addresses and proceedings of the Society on the death of John Jordan, jr., held April 28, 1890 ; The registers of the Ephrata Community, by Julius F. Sachse ; Pre-railway trips to northern Pennsylvania, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Notes : Lafayette s address to the Indians, 1784 ; Letter of Mrs. Elizabeth Duche to her mother, Mrs. Mary Hop- kinson, 1783; Will of Charles Thomson, 1822; Onondaga names of months; General Sullivan s attack on Staten Island, 1777 ; Letters of Generals Wayne, O Hara, and Hodgdon. 1793-4. A sketch of William Biddle and Thomas Biddle, by John Clement ; Memoir of Israel Daniel Rupp, the historian, by Oswald Seidensticker ; List of the taxables of Chestnut, middle, and south wards, Philadelphia, 1754, by William Savery ; Extracts from the letter-book of Samuel Rhoads, jr., of Philadelphia, 1762-72, by Henry D. Biddle; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, baptisms, 1709-1760 ; An account of the assault on Quebec, 1775; Notes: Itinerary of General Washington, 1777; Baptist Cemetery, Cape May Court-House, N. ,T. oldest inscriptions ; Marriage certifi cate of Francis Rawle and Martha Turner, 1689. Proceedings ; Officers; Index. (GOTO ISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xv. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. iv, 523. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. Contents : The life and times of John Dickinson, 1732-1808, by Charles J. Stille by Henry Flanders; Exchange of Major-General Charles Lee, by William S. Baker ; Unpublished letters of Benjamin Franklin to his friend, Samuel 828 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Rhoads, 1765-1774 ; Itinerary of General Washington from June 15, 1775, to Dec. 23, 1783, by William S. Baker ; The University of Pennsylvania in its rela tions to the state of Pennsylvania, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; Extracts from the journal ef William Jennison, jr., lieutenant of marines in the Continental navy, by Richard S. Collum ; Pennsylvania weather records, 1644-1835 ; Notes and queries : William Henry, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania letters from the "Henry Collection" of the Society, 1777-8; Price graves on Dickson farm, Crescentville ; Book notices ; S. Austin Allibone, by S. D. McConnell ; Abstract of wills recorded in Philadelphia, by William P. Corbit ; Articles of agreement between the members of the Frankfort Company, 1686 ; Harriton plantation and family cemetery, by George Vaux ; The Brunswick contingent in America, 1776-1783 ; A scrap of " Troop " history First Troop Philadelphia City Cav alry, by Thos. Peters ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, baptisms, 1709- 1760 ; A letter of Henry Drinker s, 1777 ; Notes : List of matriculates, College of Philadelphia, 1752-62 ; The compiler of the first Pharmacopoeia published in the United States, 1778 ; Scudder, Anderson, and Wikoff family records ; Grant of arms to James Clepole, 1583 ; Letters relating to the death of Major General Anthony Wayne; Forts in Pennsylvania, by John P. Nicholson; Minutes of the Committee of Safety of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, 1774-1776 ; Copy of the will of Augustine Herrman, of Bohemian Manor, 1684, by Gilbert Cope ; Charles Thomson s New Testament : a description of three MSS. in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by Albert J. Edmunds ; William Hudson, mayor of Philadelphia. 1725-6. by Thomas Allen Glenn; The first mayor of Phila delphia [Humphrey Morreyl. by Samuel W. Pennypacker; A Burlington county, New Jersey, assessment list, 1684, by John J. Thompson ; Claims of American loy alists, 1789; James R. Reid, member of the Continental Congress, 1787-88, by Wm. H. Egle ; Lewis Weiss, of Philadelphia, conveyancer, lawyer, and judge; Les Frangais en Amerique pendant la guerre de 1 independances des Etats-Unis; Notes: A register of "Ear-Marks," Cape May county, New Jersey, 1690-1730; Petition to prevent slavers being fitted out at the port of Philadelphia (1780?) ; Inventory of the household effects of John Penn, jr., 1788 ; Letter of Samuel Morris to his nephew, Samuel Powell, 1763; How the landing of tea was op posed in Philadelphia by Colonel William Bradford and others in 1773, con tributed by Frederick I). Stone ; Letters, of Colonel George Croghan, describing the situation of affairs in the vicinity of Fort Pitt, 1768-1774 ; Inscriptions on gravestones in St. Peter s Episcopal Churchyard, Great Valley, East Whiteland, Chester co., Pa., by Howard Williams Lloyd ; A list of the inhabitants of German- town and Chestnut Hill in 1809, by Thomas H. Shoemaker ; Archivum Ameri- canum in the consistory court of the Archbishop of Upsal, by Charles J. Stille; Notes : Early marriages and historical documents relating to Cape May county, New Jersey; The "Woodlands" described in 1815 from the " Cary letters;" Mary Becket genealogy ; Biles extracts from the will of William Biles the second, 1709. Officers; Index. (OO71 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xvi. Philadelphia, 1892. 8vo, pp. iv, 501. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. Plan. Contents: Andrew Hamilton, esq., of Pennsylvania, by Joshua Francis Fisher; The camp by Schuylkill Falls, by William S. Baker ; A list of the inhabitants of Germantown and Chestnut Hill in 1809, by Thomas H. Shoemaker; Quaint Virginia records, by Thomas T. Upshur ; Excerpts from the account-books 01 Washington, by J. M. Toner ; Letter of General Washington to Joseph Reed, President of Pennsylvania, 1779 ; Where is the original of the charter of Charles the second to William Penn for the province of Pennsylvania? by Wil liam Brooke Rawle ; Extracts from the diary of Jacob Hiltzheimer, of Phila delphia, 1768-1798 ; A loyalist s account of certain occurrences in Philadelphia after Cornwallis s surrender at Yorktown extracted from the diary of Anna Rawle ; Hudson family records, by Howard Williams Lloyd ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, baptisms, 1709-1760; Notes and queries: Letters of Elizabeth Emlen to Elizabeth Drinker, 1765, 6; The study of the "Arlington" picture of Washington presented to the Society ; Records from the Taylor family Bible ; Diary of Lieutenant James McMIchael, of the Pennsylvania line, 1776-1778, contributed by William F. McMichael ; John Claypoole s memoran dum-book, 1781-2, by Charles Francis Jenkins ; Extracts from the diary of Nathan Sellers, 1776-1778, by Horace W. Sellers ; The Battle of Germantown described by a Hessian officer extracts from the journal and report of Capt. Frederick Ernest von Munchhausen. translated by Joseph G. Rosengarten ; Letters of Lieutenant John Richardson, 1776; Richard Preston, sr., Puritan THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 829 Quaker of Maryland, grandfather of Samuel Preston, mayor of Philadelphia, by Samuel Troth; A letter of Rebecca Franks (Philadelphia), 1778; A directory of Friends in Philadelphia, 1757-1760 ; Wilhelm, Baron Innhausen and Kny- phausen ; Notes : Carter Sutton Morris Hill Ridgway ; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1825 ; A list of justices of Burlington county, New Jersey, 1682-1709 ; Shoemaker or Schumacher family, by Thomas H. Shoe maker ; The first portrait of Washington^ The ancestry and earlier life of George Washington, by Edward D. Neill ; Owen Biddle, by Henry D. Biddle ; Genealog ical gleanings contributory to a history of the family of Penn, by J. Henry Lea ; Christopher Ludwig, baker-general in the army of the United States during the Revolutionary war ; "A brief account of the Swedish mission from its com mencement until its cessation," by Nicholas Collin ; Extracts from the orderly- book of Captain John Nice, thirteenth Pennsylvania line, 1777 ; Obituary Brinton Coxe ; Notes: Ezra Stiles in Philadelphia, 1754; Letter to Capt. John Nice by Capt. Wm. Henderson, 1780 ; Burlington county, N. J., marriages, 1787- 1800. Addresses and proceedings of the Society on the death of Brinton Coxe ; The case of the sloop "Active," by Hampton L. Carson ; Extracts from the diary of Captain John Nice, of the Pennsylvania line, 1776-8, by Henrietta Cooper ; Roster of the officers of " The Legion of the United States " com manded by Major-General Anthony Wayne, 1792 ; An account of the famine among the Indians of the north and west branch of the Susquehanna in the summer of 1748 from the journal of the Moravian missionaries, David Zeis- berger and John Martin Mack ; Incidents in the history of York, Pennsylvania, 1778 from the diary of Rev. George Neisser, Moravian minister ; Boudinot correspondence, 1777, 1783 ; Extracts from the journal of John Parrish, 1773 ; Notes : The Welsh tract purchases ; Return of the sheriffs of the western division of New Jersey, 1726-1738; Marriage certificate, George and Sarah (Wall) Shoemaker, 1694 ; Sands family ; Circular letter issued by the British foreign office, 1777; Proceedings of the Society; Officers; Index. (6O72 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xvn. Philadelphia, 1893. 8vo, pp. iv, 545 Portrait. Plates. Facsimile. Contents > Pennsylvania poets of the provincial period, by F. H. Williams; Three critical periods in our diplomatic relations with England during the late war, by Thomas II. Dudley ; Genealogical gleanings contributory to a history of the family of Penn, by J. Henry Lea ; An account of a visit made to Washington at Mount Vernon, by an English gentleman, in 1785 ; Swedish settlers in Glouces ter County, N. J., previous to 1684, by John Clement ; Extracts from the record of Third Haven monthly meeting of Friends, Talbot County, Md., 1680, by Helen Hopkins Jones ; Correspondence of George and Sarah Dillwyn ; Records of Christ Church, Philadelphia, baptisms, 1759-1760, by C. R. Hildeburn ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Journal of Maj. Isaac Roach, 1812-1824, by Mary Roach Archer ; British and American prisoners of war, 1778, by W. C. Ford ; Hamilton, by A. B. Hamilton ; Mexican war battle flags, presented to the So ciety ; Col. Charles Read, by J. Granville Leach ; Letter of Thomas Mathews to George Fox, 1683 ; Biographical sketch of Dr. John Gottlieb Morris, by J. G. Morris ; Letter of Rev. William Smith, D. D., to James Wilson, on elections, 1789; The Washington ancestry, supplementary notice, by E. D. Neill; American politics discussed in commercial letters, 1764-1766 ; The founding of the Ger man churches of Pennsylvania, by J. II. Dubbs ; Diary of Daniel Fisher, 1755; The last letter of Washington, facsimiles ; Descendants of John Rush ; Corre spondence of the children of Christopher Marshall ; Letter of Silas Deane, from Philadelphia, 1779 ; The early Welsh Quakers and their emigration to Penn sylvania, by J. J. Levick ; The camp by the Old Gulph Mill, by W. S. Baker ; The old iron forge " Valley Forge," by H. M. Jenkins ; Diary of Mrs. Ann Warder ; Pennsylvania politics early in this century, by W. M. Meigs ; Oration at Chicago, July 4, 1893, by H. L. Carson ; Col. Thomas Butler and General Wilkinson s " Roundhead order ; " Obituary notices ; Meetings of the Society, 1893 ; Officers, etc. ; Index. (6O73 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xvin. Philadelphia, 1894. 8vo, pp. iv, 540. Portraits. Plate. Contents : The defences of Philadelphia in 1777, by W. C. Ford ; Richard Hough, by Oliver Hough; Powel-Roberts correspondence, 1761-1765, by C. M. Smith; The Ohio expedition of 1754 (Washington s), by Adam Stephen; Ex tracts from the diary of Ann Warder ; Partial roster of officers under Wash- 830 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ington, July, 1778; Lieut. Col. Persifer Frazer did not break his parole; G. W. P. Custis s opinion of portraits of Washington ; John Frederick Hillegas, 1685-1765, by M. R. Minnich ; The Wistar Museum of Anatomy ; A contribu tion to a catalogue of the engraved works of David Edwin, by C. R. Hildeburn ; Journal of a volunteer expedition to Sandusky, 1782, by G. P. von Pilchau; The present state of the Colony of West Jersey, 1681 ; Poll-book of an election in 1739, Burlington County, N. J., by J. J. Thompson; Proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States by Pennsylvania, in 1809 ; Hugh Roberts, of Merion, his journal and letter to William Penn ; Description of the streets and the main roads about Philadelphia, 1754, by Thomas Pownall ; Letters of Benjamin West; Williams family record, by II. W T . Lloyd; Philadelphia in 1698; The provincial or colonial flag of Pennsylvania, by F. O. Allen ; Silas Deane, diplomatist of the Revolution, by C. J. Stille; Nicholas Biddle and the archi tecture of Girard College ; The sentiments of an American woman relative to the manner of forwarding to the American soldiers the presents of the American women [1775?!; Jacob Dubs, by J. H. Dubbs ; Franklin in the valley of the Lehigh, 1756 ; List of arrivals per Pennsylvania Packet, 1775 ; Washington after the Revolution, 1784-1799, by W. S. Baker; Colonial mayors of Philadelphia; Humphrey Morey, by J. G. Leach ; The Middle Ward fire company of German- town, by T. H. Shoemaker ; Records of the Moravian congregation at Hebron, Pa., 1775-1781 ; The council of proprietors of West New Jersey, organized 1687, by J. Clement ; The first charter of the city of Philadelphia, 1691 ; Copy of marriage certificate of William Oborn and Elizabeth Knowles, 1790; The Prichett or Prickett family of New Jersey. (6O74 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xix. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo, pp. iv, 580. Portrait. Plates. Facsimile. Contents: The Marquis De La Fayette in the American Revolution, by^ Charles J. Stille; Washington after the Revolution, 1784-99, by William S. Baker; Extracts from the journal of Lieutenant John Bell Tilden, second Pennsylvania line, 1781-1782, by John Bell Tilden Phelps ; Colonial mayors of Philadelphia, by Henry D. Biddle ; Defences cf Philadelphia in 1777, by Worthington Chauncey Ford ; " St. James s Perkiomen," by A. J. Barrow ; A register of baptisms, mar riages, and deaths, 1772-1822, by William Rogers; Letters relating to the death of Major-General Anthony W T ayne : Letter of surgeon s mate Benjamin Shield to Brigadier-General James Hamilton, 1781, by Horace W. Sellers; Granville Penn as a scholar, by Albert J. Edmunds; Letter of General Anthony W T ayne, 1792; Notes and queries; John Bechtel : his contributions to literature and his de scendants, by John W. Jordan ; Journal kept on board the United States frigate " Constitution," 1812, by Amos A. Evans, surgeon ; The continental congress, by Herbert Friedenwald ; John Roberts of Merion ; Recollections of Philadelphia near seventy years ago, by Benjamin Kite; The battle of New Orleans, letter from a soldier, Feb. 10th, 1815 ; Benjamin Furly, by Julius F. Sachse ; In Lundy s land, by Wendell Phillips Garrison ; Sketch of the " Old Round Church," 1805-1825, the original edifice of Trinity Church, Pittsburgh, by Oliver Ormsby Page ; Anthony Wayne : his campaign against the Indians of the north west, by John Brooke ; A Philadelphia merchant in 1768-1791, by Arthur Ervin Brown; Indian affairs in eastern Pennsylvania, 1756; Letter of David Shultze to Robert Greenway ; Anecdotes of Mary II . ; Captain Thomas Holme, surveyor-general of Pennsylvania and provincial councillor, by Oliver Hough; Autobiographical notes of Matthew Pratt, painter, 1734-1785 ; List of vestry men of Christ church, Philadelphia, from the earliest records, by Thomas H. Montgomery ; The marriage certificates of the Williams family ; Meetings of the Society; Officers; Index. (6O75 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xx. Philadelphia, 1896. 8vo, pp. iv, 610. Portraits. Plates. Contents: The family of William Penn, by Howard ^M. Jenkins; Bibliography of William Lewis, by William Primrose ; Washington after the Revolution, 1784-1799, by Wm. S. Baker ; Memoir of John Clark, of York county, Penn., by E. W. Spangler ; Defences of Philadelphia in 1777, by Worthington C. Ford; Roster of the Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons which met at Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, by Julius F. Sachse; Roster of officers commanding the militia regiments of Pennsylvania, 1802, by J. Granville Leach ; Letter of Friends in Philadelphia to Friends in Ireland, soliciting aid during the occupation of Philadelphia by the British ; Thomas Holme, Surveyor-General of Pennsylvania THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 831 and Provincial Councillor, by Oliver Hough ; Was the battle of Lundy s Lane a victory for the American army?; Sharp-Delany-Robinson ; The military hos pitals at Bethlehem and Lititz during the Revolution, by John W. Jordan ; The family of William Penn, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Extracts from the letter-book of Benjamin Marshall, I V 63-1766, by Thomas Stewardson ; The frontier forts of Pennsylvania ; The South Carolina Association ; A register of baptisms, mar riages, and deaths, 1772-1822, by Rev. William Rogers ; " The Fundamentall Constitutions of Pennsilvania as they were drawn up, settled, and signed by William Penn, Proprieaty and Goveruour, and consented to and subscribed by all the First Adventurers and Free Holders of that Province, as the Ground and Rule of All Future Government;" Extracts from the letter-books of Lieut. Enos Reeves, of the Pennsylvania line, by John B. Reeves ; Historical sketch of the Rittenhouse Paper-Mill; the first erected in America, 1690, by Horatio Gates Jones ; Andrew Hamilton and John Peter Zenger, by Bernard C. Steiner ; Un published contemporary account of Braddock s defeat translation by Albert J. Edmunds ; Letter of Thomas Gates to J. Martin, 1788 ; Letter of Charles Thom son to Samuel Rhodes, 1757 ; Letter of Margaret Morris to her sisters, 1776 : The Blue Anchor Tavern, by Thomas Allen Glenn ; Diary of Francis Nichols of Colonel William Thompson s ?>attalion of Pennsylvania riflemen, January-Sep tember, 1776 ; The battle of Princeton ; Some account of the second troop of Philadelphia Horse, by Mary C. McAllister; Letters of John Joseph Henry. 1808-9; Meetings of the Society; Officers; Index. (6O7 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. XXL Philadelphia, 1897. 8vo, pp. iv, 545. Portraits. Plate. Contents : The family of William Penn, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Washing ton after the Revolution, 1784-1799, by William S. Baker ; Defences of Phila delphia in 1777, by Worthington Chauncey Ford ; Extracts from the letter books of Lieutenant Enos Reeves, of the Pennsylvania line, by John B. Reeves; Some recent books on Pennsylvania history, by Charles J. Stille; The Bethlehem ferry, 1743-1794, by John W. Jordan; Boone genealogy; James Burnside, of Northampton county, Pennsylvania, by John W. Jordan; Letter of surgeon Stephen Chambers Henry, Detroit, 1813; Palatines at Martha s Vineyard, Mass., 1731; Letters of John Blakey, of Concord, Penn., to - - Paschall, 1777-8; Family records of Thomas Franklin, jr. ; The journals and papers of the con tinental congress, by Herbert Friedenwald ; The missive of Justus Falckner. of Germautown, concerning the religious condition of Pennsylvania in the year 1701, translated by Julius Friedrich Sachse ; The so-called "Franklin Prayer- Book, " by Richard Meade Bache ; The French fete in Philadelphia in honor of the dauphin s birthday, 1782, extract from a letter from Benjamin Rush ; Gen eral Edmund I . Gaines s official report of the battle of Fort Erie, Aug. 15, 1814; Map of Revolutionary camp ground at Valley Forge; Valley Forge, 1777- 1778, diary of surgeon Albigence Waldo, of the Connecticut line; The " Friendly Institution" of Burlington, New Jersey, by Amelia Mott Gummere ; Formation of Washington s farewell address to the American people, by George S. Mott ; The late Dr. Frederick Dawson Stone ; Death of William Spohn Baker ; Dr. Edmund Porter, " practitioner in physic ; " Proceedings of the Society on the death of Frederick Dawson Stone : Address by Hampton L. Carson ; List of the works of Frederick Dawson Stone; Some letters of Joseph Galloway, 1774- 1775, by Mrs. Theodore M. Etting ; Obstructions to Irish immigration to Pennsyl vania, 1736 letter from the " Penn Manuscripts ; " Letters of Generals Daniel Morgan and Peter Muhlenberg, 1781-1799, contributed by George W. Schmucker ; The battle of the Wooden Sword, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; Letter of Dr. William Shippen, senior, 1777; Rothrock genealogy; The "Dry lands " of Northampton county ; Roll of Captain James Hindman s company of Maryland independent regular troops, Sept., 1776 ; Meetings of the Society ; Officers ; Index. (6O77 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxn. Philadelphia, 1898. 8vo, pp. iv, 545. Portraits. Plate. Contents : In memoriam, William Spohn Baker ; Journal of Henry Livingston, of the Third New York Continental Line, August to December, 1775, by Gail- lard Hunt ; William Crispen, Proprietary s commissioner for settling the colony in Pennsylvania, by Oliver Hough ; Orderly-book of the Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot, May 10 to August 16, 1777, by John W. Jordan ; The family of William Penn, by Howard M. Jenkins ; A list of those who governed Mary- 832 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. land before it was made a royal province, by Bernard C. Steiner ; Abstracts of some eaily Delaware wills, by Charles Penrose Keith; Letters to William Henry, of Lancaster, Penn., 1777-1783 ; Sessions of the Continental Congress held in the College of Philadelphia, July,1778, by John W. Jordan; Letter of Baron Gustavus H. De Rosenthal, 1794; Uniforms of the Continental Army; Letter to Lieut. Governor De Lancy, of New York, from the commissioners of planta tion and trade, London, 1754 ; Roster of officers of the Ninth Virginia Con tinental line, with memoranda ; List of publick housekeepers of Philadelphia, recommended at the July sessions, 1771 ; Abstract of a letter of Henry Mel- chior Muhlenberg, on the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania, 1776; Services of John Clutch, of the New Jersey Militia, during the Revolution; Book notices ; Extracts from the letter-book of Johann Heinrichs of the Hessian Jager Corps, 1778-1780; Letters of Nathanael Greene to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 1779-80 ; The first Philadelphia newspaper and its republication by the Colonial Society ; A biographical sketch of Richard Howell, of New Jersey, by Daniel Agnew ; Early colonial organ-builders of Pennsylvania, by John W. Jordan; Colonel Armand of the Revolutionary War, translated and abridged from the Revue des Deux Mondes, by J. G. Rosengarten ; Minute of the Society on the retirement of its treasurer, J. Edward Carpenter ; Gilbert Stuart s silver snuff box ; Letter of General Washington to Joseph Reed, 1776 ; Uniforms of the Continental Army Washington s orders ; Roster of Captain Solomon Jenning s company of " Saucon Rangers " of Northampton county ; Philadelpbians in Nova Scotia; Ground plan of St. James s P. E. Church, Lancaster, Penna., 1790; A record of the Richards family from an old W T elsh Bible ; Letter of Alexander Fullerton to Baron De Rosenthal, 1794 ; The Council of Censors, by Lewis H. Meader ; " The Star Spangled Banner," by Rebecca Lloyd Shippen ; Extracts from the journal of Samuel Preston, surveyor, 1787 ; Letters of Richard Henry Lee to WMlIiam Whipple, 1778 ; Drinker genealogical notes ; A combination lot tery, called the Wilmington lottery, 1772 ; Marriage certificate of Henry Hol- lingsworth, 1688 ; Some genealogical data relating to the Haddocks of Ireland and Bucks county, Pennsylvania ; Incidents of life in Washington, D. C., ex tracted from letters of a Pennsylvania lady to her sister, 1810-14 ; Some In dictments by the Grand Jury of Philadelphia, 1702-1714 ; Genealogical notes of General Walter Stewart and his children ; A list of those who governed Maryland before it was made a royal province ; Letter of James Lovell to Wil liam Whipple, 1777 ; Chester county politics in 1743 ; The legislative history of Pennsylvania as exhibited in the statutes-at-large, by Charles R. Hildeburn; The treason of Benedict Arnold, as presented in letters of Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain; Brief of title to Windmill or Smith s Island in tbe river Delaware, by R. Rundle Smith ; \Vashington and " Centinel X," by Worth- ington C. Ford ; The Pennsylvania Dutchman and wherein he has excelled, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; "A note for Mr. Franklin," translated by Albert J. Edmunds from the original French manuscript in the " Franklin Papers " of the Society and endorsed in English "Good Advice," probably by Franklin; Colonel Rail at Trenton from the diary of Andreas Wiederhold of the Knyp- hausen Regiment who participated in the engagement ; Extracts from the diary of James Clitherall, 1776; Narrative of Captain Gustavus Conynh.-im. U. S. N., while in command of the "Surprise" and "Revenge," 1777-1779; Letters of Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, to William Whipple, of New Hamp shire, 1779 ; Dennis Frith genealogical note ; Some indictments by the Grand Jury at Philadelphia, 1702 ; Roll of Lieut. Samuel Murphy s company for frontier defense; Sketches of several Northampton county, Pennsylvania, slaves; Meetings of the Society; Officers; Index. (6O78 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxm. Philadelphia, 1899. 8vo, pp. iv, 569. Portraits. Plates. Facsimile. Contents : Franklin as a genealogist, by John W. Jordan (portrait, chart, and facsimiles) ; Representation in the Pennsylvania assembly prior to the Revo lution, by C. H. Lincoln; Continental hospital returns, 1777-1780, by John W. Jordan ; Extracts from the letters of John Macpherson, jr., to William Patter son, 1766-1773 ; The general title of tbe Penn family to Pennsylvania, by Wil liam Brooke Rawle ; " The American Eagle," the first English newspaper printed in Northampton county, Pennsylvania, by Ethan Allen Weaver ; Memoir of John Ross, merchant, of Philadelphia, by a granddaughter ; Lydia Darragh, of the Revolution, by Henry Darrach ; Suggestions for a Franco-American alliance, 1782 [?], translated by Albert J. Edmunds; The capture of Fort Washington, THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 833 New York, described by Captain Andreas Wiederhold, of the Hessian Regiment Knyphausen ;" Baptismal and marriage records, extracted from the journal of Rev. John Sharpe, 1704-1713 ; Facsimile of a Franklin document, 1741 ; Returns of the Battalion of Infantry of Macpherson s Blues, 1799; John Moll s assign ment of Indian purchase in Delaware to William Penn, 1680 ; Letter of General Arthur St. Clair, 1787 ; " The Buckshot War," by William Henry Egle ; A de fence of the Hessians, contributed by Joseph G. Rosengarten ; Two or three old letters, by Edward Shippen ; Some biographical letters, 1791-1825, from the " Rawle Papers ;" Loxley family records ; Remonstrances against erecting a theatre and theatrical performances in Philadelphia, 1766-67 ; Oxford and the Quakers, by Amelia Mott Gummere ; The Penns and the taxation of their estates by the Provincial Assembly : Mr. Wilmot s brief in behalf of the proprietaries in opposition to the approval of certain acts of assembly, 1680 ; Letter of Miss Rebecca Franks, 1781 ; British newspaper accounts of Braddock s defeat, by N. Darnell Davis ; Roll of members of the Patriotic Association of Philadelphia, 1778 ; An early American prayer book hitherto unknown, by Charles R. Hilde- brun ; Petition against erecting a court-house and jail at Easton, Penna., 1765 ; The late Dr. Charles Janeway Stille ; Letter of James Logan to Conrad Weiser, 1736 ; Muster-roll of Captain Richard Peter s company, Philadelphia militia, 1775 ; Presentment of the grand inquest of Philadelphia county, 1683 ; Letter of George Bryan to Rev. John Ewing, 1775 ; Letters of Col. Anthony Wayne and Mrs. Richard Peters, 1776; Regulations for the markets of Philadelphia, 1693; A description of the state-house, Philadelphia, in 1774, by John W. Jordan ; Franklin s ceremonial coat, by Richard Meade Bache ; Unpublished letters of General Woodford, of the continental army, 1776-1779, by^John W. Jordan; Notes on the battle of Germantown, translated from " Journal und Relationen von den Maneuvres der Englischen Armee in Amerika unter dem General Howe, of the Hessian Capt. Friedrich Ernst von Muenchausen, 1776-1778 ; " The first report of Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Keith, of Pennsylvania, to the Lords Commissioners for trade and plantations, 1717, by Helen Jordan ; Two addresses of Conrad Weiser to the German voters of Pennsylvania ; Letter of Sir William Keith to Mrs. I enn, with animadversions by S. Clement, 1720 ; Letter of Richard Peters to Thomas Penn, 1749 ; Letter of Henry Clay, 1827 ; Graeme Park in 1786 (extract from diary of William Rawle) ; Deed of the Susquehanna Indians to Penn, 1700 ; Names of stockholders in the Germantown and Philadelphia turnpike company, about 1800 ; Minutes of the Society ; Officers ; Index. (6O7J) HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxiv. Philadelphia, 1900. 8vo, pp. iv, 560. Portraits. Plate. Contents : " The American Society held at Philadelphia for promoting Useful Knowledge," 1768, by Mrs. W. Lane Verlenden ; " Old Mother Cumberland," by George O. Seilhamer ; Friends Burial-Ground, Burlington, N. J., by Rowland J. Dutton ; Pennsylvania and the English Government, 1699-1704, by Herman V. Ames ; William Haige, by Miles White, jr. ; A register of marriages and deaths, 1802 ; Ship registers for the port of Philadelphia, 1726-1775 ; Letters of Peletiah Webster, sr., and Peletiah Webster, jr., 1777-8 ; Letter of Francis Alison to Benjamin Alison, 1777 ; Part of a letter of James Logan to Letitia Aubrey, 1708-10 ; Proceedings of the Society on the death of Charles Janeway Stille ; The mother of Lincoln, by Howard M. Jenkins ; Letters of the Rev. Griffith Hughes, of St. David s Church, Radnor, Penna., 1733-1736, by Benjamin F. Owen ; The Penns and the taxation of their estates by the Provincial Assembly ; An old Pennsylvania royal coat-of-arms, by Thomas Allen Glenn ; The names of the early settlers of Darby township, Chester, I enn., by Morgan Bunting; List of foreigners who arrived at Philadelphia, 1791-1792, by Luther R. Kelker ; The two rival autobiographies of Franklin, by Richard Meade Bache; An itin erary to Niagara Falls in 1809 ; Some of the descendants of Evan Robert Lewis, of Fron Goch, Wales ; Record of the descendants of James and Phebe Gilling- ham ; Younger branches of some noble English families living in America ; An account of a dinner given to Granville John Penn, in Philadelphia, Jan. 31, 1852 ; Letter of James Irvine on Indian affairs, 1763 ; Reply of the Montgomery County militia officers to circular letter of Gov. Mifflin, 1798 ; Pennsylvania con tinental officers at close of the Revolution ; Meade family ; Proclamation and letter of William Markham, 1687 ; Petition of some inhabitants of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, 1777 ; French neutrals in Philadelphia ; Life of Mar garet Shippen, wife of Benedict Arnold, by Lewis Burd Walker ; Lithographic H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 53 834 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. portraits of Albert Newsam, by D. McN. Stauffer ; A letter of the mother of Washington facsimile ; Colonel Elias Boudinot s notes of two conferences held by the American and British commissioners to settle a general cartel for the exchange of prisoners of war, 1778; The first German newspaper published in the United States facsimile ; A synopsis of Pennsylvania history, by Charles P. Keith ; Du Coudray s " Observations on the forts intended for the defense of the two passages of the River Delaware," July, 1777 ; The Oxford township (Philadelphia county) school, 1771 ; Letters of Jasper Yeates to William Hamil ton, 1789; Letter of Margaretta Wayne to her father, Anthony Wayne; Benedict Arnold s debts ; Muster roll of Capt. Jeremiah Talbot s company, of Col. William Irvine s sixth Pennsylvania battalion, 1776; Letter of Thomas Hartley of the sixth Pennsylvania battalion, 1776 ; Two letters of Gen. Washington to the Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, 1776 ; Letter of Gen. Anthony Wayne to Thomas Wharton, jr., of Pennsylvania, 1778 ; Letter of Samuel Wharton to Thomas Wharton, 1775; Daniel Dulany the elder; Colonel Elias Boudinot in New York city, February, 1778, by Helen Jordan ; Letters of Richard Locke and George Craig, missionaries in Pennsylvania of the " Society for propa- gajtint* the Gospel in Foreign Parts," London, 17461752, by Benjamin F. Owen; Letter of instructions of James Logan to James Steel on proprietary affairs, 1727 ; George Plumer Smith ; Abstract of act of incorporation of Swedesboro, N. J., Protestant Episcopal Church ; Genealogical notes of the family of Zacha- riah Rice; Minutes; Officers; Index. oso HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxv. Philadelphia, 1901. 8vo, pp. iv, 629. Portraits. Facsimile. Contents : Memoirs of John Lacey, of Pennsylvania ; Biographical sketch of Bernhard Adam Grube ; Life of Margaret Shippen, wife of Benedict Arnold, by Lewis Burd Walker ; Index to American portraits, by Bunford Samuel ; In auguration of President Thomas Jefferson, by Rebecca Lloyd Shippen ; An in teresting historical letter from Jefferson Davis, 1857, facsimile ; The Penns and the taxation of their estates by the Provincial Assembly ; Extracts from the orderly book of Major Robert Clayton, of the seventh British Foot, 1778 ; Dr. Thomas Wynne s account of his early life, by Wm. MacLean, jr. ; Lithographic portraits of Albert Newsam, by D. McN. Stauffer ; Plundering by the British army during the American Revolution, by William Brooke Rawle ; Ship reg isters for the port of Philadelphia, 1726-1775; Howard Williams Lloyd ; Death of William Henry Egle ; Letters of Martha Washington in the Dreer collection of the Society ; Observations upon the consumption of teas in North America, by Samuel Wharton, 1773 ; Book notices ; John Ettwein s notes of travel from the north branch of the Susquehanna to the Beaver River, Pennsylvania, 1772, by John W. Jordan ; The last of the General Assembly under the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, by William Brooke Rawle ; Account of the destruction of the brig " Peggy Stewart " at Annapolis, 1774 ; Passenger list of the ship " Elizabeth " which arrived at Philadelphia in 1819 ; Letter of Lambert Cad- walader to Timothy Pickering on the capture of Fort Washington, 1822 ; Letter of John Marshall, 1812 ; Letter of Wm. Penn to Robert Harley, 1701 ; Penrose family ; Biographical sketch of Thomas Hartley of the Pennsylvania line, by John W. Jordan ; Dean Tucker s pamphlet, "A letter from a merchant in London to his nephew in North America," 1766 (facsimile) ; Assessment of damages done by the British troops during the occupation of Philadelphia, 1777-1778; Johann Gottfried Seelig and the hymn-book of the hermits of the Wissahickon, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; Letters of presidents of the United States and " Ladies of the White House ; " A collection of puns and witticisms of Richard Peters ; Letter of General Washington to John Laurens, 1780 ; Papers relating to the founding by the " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts," London, of the missions at Reading and Morlattan, Berks county, Penn., by B. F. Owen ; James Edward Carpenter obituary ; Some notes of the Ire land family of New Jersey ; Some muster-rolls of the ninth Pennsylvania line, 1778 ; A return of the recruits listed by Capt. John Peason, ninth Pennsyl vania regiment, commanded by Colo. Richard Butler ; Extracts from the orderly-books of Gen. Anthony Wayne ; A descriptive muster roll of the Revolu tion ; The original manuscript of " The Star-Spangled Banner ; " Letter of Charles Thomson to his wife, 1785 ; The Society of the Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia, by Francis Von A. Cabeen ; Stoke Poges, by Wm. Brooke Rawle ; Size roll of Captain Lieutenant John Stoys company, second regiment Penna. line, 1780; Fay roll of the hospital department, Continental army; A roll THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 835 of recruits in Capt. Mathew Scott s company, 13th Penna. regiment ; Maryland militia officers, 1776-1783 ; Petition against forestalling in Philadelphia, 1778 ; Muster-roll of Lieut. William Withers company of rangers at Fort Pitt, 1770 ; Marriages performed by John Clement, J. P., 1799-1801 ; Index. (6O81 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of Historv and Biography. Vol. xxvi. Philadelphia, 1902. 8vo, pp. 508. Portrait. Plate. Plans. Contents : Commodore John Hazlewood, commander of the Pennsylvania navy in the Revolution, by Josiah Granville Leach ; The Society of the Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia, by Francis Von A. Cabeen ; Map showing operation of Howe s army from Head of Elk to Brandywine ; Popp s journal, 1777-1783, by Joseph G. Rosengarten ; The lands of Edward Jones and company in Merion, by Benjamin H. Smith ; William Biles, by Miles White, jr. ; Life of Margaret Shippen, wife of Benedict Arnold, by Lewis Burd Walker; Dean Tucker s pamphlet "A letter from a merchant in London to his nephew in North America," 1766. Philadelphische Zeitung : the first German newspaper pub lished in America, 1732; (Facsimile). List of patients admitted to and dis charged from the marine hospital, Philadelphia, 1784, transcribed from the original by Luther R. Kelker ; Memoirs of Brigadier-General John Lacey, of Pennsylvania ; Extracts from the journal of Charles Clinton kept during the voyage from Ireland to Pennsylvania, 1729, by Charles II. Browning; Letters of presidents of the United States and " Ladies of the White House ;" Ship registers for the port of Philadelphia, 1726-1775 ; In memoriam, Charles Roberts ; List of armed vessels from port of Philadelphia, 1776-1777, with form of bond ; Accounts of the company commanded by Capt. Jeremiah Lochrey, stationed in Westmoreland county, 1780 ; Joseph Galloway, the loyalist politi cian, by Ernest H. Baldwin ; The capture of Stony Point, by Samuel W. Penny- packer ; Interesting letters of George Morgan and Aaron Burr, 1783, 1807, by G. D. W. Vroom ; -Record of the marriages performed by Rev. John Conrad Bucher, 1763-1769, by Luther R. Kelker ; Lithographic portraits of Albert Newsam, by D. McN. Stauffer ; Washington s plan for the attack at Germantown, by C. H. Lincoln ; Return of the officers of seven companies, fourth battalion Lancaster county associates, Colonel James Burd, March 13, 1776; Henry Christ s account of payments to the noncommissioned officers and soldiers, 1781 : Antenuptial agreement between Jacob Spicer and Deborah Learning, 1751 ; A pay abstract of Captain John Whetzall s company of rangers, 1778 ; The late Charles Hare Hutchinson ; Account of the offspring of William Maul and Bethiah Guthrie, ancestors of the Logan family ; Minutes of the Society ; Officers; Index. (6O82 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxvu. Philadelphia, 1903. 8vo, pp. iv, 530. Portraits. Facsimile. Contents : Portrait of William Henry ; Achenwall s observations on North America, 1767, translated by J. G. Rosengarten ; The journal of Isaac Norris, during a trip to Albany in 1745, and an account of a treaty, held there in Octo ber of that year ; The Society of the Sons of Saint Tammany, of Philadelphia, by Francis von A. Cabeen ; Excerpts from the^ day-books of David Evans, cabinet maker, Philadelphia, 1774-1811; How President Jefferson was informed^ of Burr s conspiracy, by James Morris Morgan ; Unpublished letters of Abraham Lincoln, 1856-1864 ; Selected list of naval matter in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by Albert J. Edmunds ; The taking over of the Nicholites by the Friends, by Henry Downes Cranor ; Abstracts of Gloucester county, New Jersey, records, 1687-1776, by William M. Mervine ; Letter from a committee of merchants in Philadelphia to the committee of merchants in London, 1769 ; The Mount Regale fishing company of Philadelphia, 1762 ; Bio graphical sketch of William Henry, of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, 1729- 86; Ship registers for the port of Philadelphia, 1726-1775; Historical notes of Dr. Benjamin Rush, 1777, contributed by S. Weir Mitchell ; Some letters of Franklin s correspondence, 1775-6 (from the Franklin Papers in the American Philosophical Society^ ; Losses of the military and naval forces engaged in the war of the American Revolution ; A London tavern in 1699, reprinted from the London Spy, February, 1699 ; Thomas Jawney, Provincial Councillor, by Miles White, jr. ; How the news of the Battle of Lexington reached Philadelphia, with a facscimile of the original despatch ; Sketch of the life of Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, by Charles Winslow Dulles ; Trinity Church, Oxford, Philadelphia, by George Harrison Fisher; Some love-letters of William Perm selected from 836 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the Penn-Forbes collection of manuscripts of the Historical Society of Penn sylvania ; Selected letters from the letter-book of Richard Hockley, of Phila delphia, 1739-1742 ; The American Philosophical Society, 1743-1903, address by J. G. Rosengarten ; James Logan as a poet, by Amelia Mott Gummere ; Friends and their meeting-houses at Crosswicks, New Jersey, by Joseph S. Middleton ; The generals of the Continental line in the Revolutionary War, by Simon Gratz, with a facsimile of commission of Bvt. Major Gen. Edward Hand ; Journal of Lieutenant Robert Parker, of the second Continental artillery, 1779, contributed by Thomas R. Bard ; Mrs. Washington s " Book of Cookery," by J. C. Wylie ; Extracts from the journal of Rev. James Sproat, hospital chaplain of the middle department, 1778, by John W. Jordan ; Biographical sketch of Luke Wills Brodhead, of Monroe county, Pennsylvania ; Pennsylvania soldiers of the Revolution entitled to depreciation pay ; The Fellowship Fire Company of Philadelphia, organized 1738, by John W. Jordan ; Notes and queries : Two let ters of Hannah Griffitts to Gen. Anthony Wayne, Oct., 1776, July, 1777; Genealogical notes of the Chapman Family of Bucks county, Penn. ; Sundry notes from letters of attorney regarding sailors of the revolution, 1780-2 (con tributed by William M. Mervine) ; Powers of attorney given by sundry soldiers for the collection of their pay ; The will of Mary Washington ; Captures made by the U. S. Private Schooner Perry, Capt. John Coleman, 1814 ; List of Friends Meeting Records, with names of those in charge, 1(576-1820 ; Taylor records, 17511898, copied from the Bible in the Historical Society of Penn. ; Letter of attorney from Dominica, James Woodbridge and others, shippers of produce on board the ship Resolution, to M. O Brien, January, 1782 ; Letter of Abram Taylor, Provincial Councillor, to John White in London, 1743 ; List of manuscripts and documents relating to colonial Pennsylvania, acquired by the Historical Society, May, 1903 ; The carriages our ancestors rode in from the day-books of Quarrier & Hunter and John Henderson, carriage builders, 1780-9; Letter of John Penn, London, 1728 ; A list of officers who were present & of those killed & wounded in the action on the banks of the Monongahela the 9th Day of July, 1755; Register of the first Moravian Boarding-school for Boys in Pa. (Frederick), 1745-1749; Extracts from the orderly-book of Colonel Walter Stewart, Pennsylvania line, 1780; Genealogical and personal notes from the journal of Rev. James Sproat, 1778-1780 ; Epistle of Women Friends, Burlington, N. J., yearly meeting to the monthly meetings, 1726 ; Letter of Benjamin R. llaydon to Colonel C. G. Child, London, 1832 ; Officers ; Index. (6083 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxvm. Philadelphia, 1904. 8vo, pp. 528, iii. Portraits. Plate. Facsimile. Contents : Some proposals for a second settlement in the province of Penn sylvania facsimile of a broadside issued by William Penn ; The manufacture of iron and steel rails in western Pennsylvania, by James M. Swank ; Journal of Lieutenant Robert Parker, of the second continental artillery, 1779, by Thomas R. Bard ; Selected letters from the letter-book of Richard Hockley, of Philadelphia, 1739-1742; Pennsylvania soldiers of the Revolution entitled to depreciation pay ; Penn s proposals for a second settlement in the province of Pennsylvania ; Francis Campbell, by Charles II. Browning ; Letters of Chris topher Marshall to Peter Miller, of Ephrata, 1773-1777 ; The furniture of our ancestors ; Ship registers for the port of Philadelphia, 1726-1775 ; Notes and queries : Letter of Rev. Elias Keach to Mrs. Mary Helm, 1696 ; Genealogical notes of the Rose family of Ireland and America ; Letters to James Hunter, merchant, Philadelphia, from correspondents in England, relating to American affairs, 1766-1775; Dedication of the memorial to Gen Agnew and Lieut. Col. Bird, of the British army ; Letter of Joseph Hunter, of Carlisle, Penn., relating to Indian depredations, 1768 ; Israel Pemberton s experience with his tutor, Francis Daniel Pastorius, 1698 ; An interesting deposition Richard Dennis vs. Charles Wharton, 1790 ; Letter of Lieut. Col. Israel Snreve, of the second New Jersey infantry, 1776 ; Letter of Nathaniel Coffin, of Boston, 1764. Sketch of John Inskeep, Mayor and President of the insurance company of North America, by Henry Edward Wallace, jr. ; Letters of Thomas Jefferson to Charles Willson Peale, 1796-1825 ; List of Penn manuscripts, Forbes collection ; Pennsylvania gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; The Alaska adjudication, by Thomas Willing Balch ; Mrs. Mary Dewees s journal from Philadelphia to Ken tucky, 1787-1788 ; Alexander Lawson, by Townsend Ward ; Marriage licenses of Caroline county, Maryland, 1774-1815, contributed by Henry Downes Cranor ; Notes and queries : Letters of Letitia Penn, Lady Juliana Penn, and Anne Penn, THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 837 1702, 1778, 1780 ; Some Philadelphia county farmers send relief to the poor of Boston, 1775 ; Letter of Gen. Henry Knox to Gen. William Irvine, 1786 ; Letters of Willard and J. W. Gibbs to Peter Verstille, 1777 ; List of Pe.ale portraits ; Dillwyn genealogical notes ; Extract from the notes of Charles Willson Peale ; Dewee s genealogical notes ; George Washington in Pennsylvania, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; A great Philadelphian : Robert Morris, by Ellis Paxson Ober- holtzer ; Notes and queries : Letter of Gov. John Penn, 1788 ; Private Thomas Boyd s account of his sufferings while a prisoner of war in the city of New York, 1776 ; Letter of Rev. Francis Alison, 1776 ; Society of United Bowmen account of an anniversary celebration, 1835 ; Extracts from the orderly-book of Lieut. William Torry, second Massachusetts infantry, 1779. The English an cestors of the Shippen family and Edward Shippen, of Philadelphia, by Thomas Willing Balch ; Engraved works of David Edwin (not mentioned in Mr. Hilde- burn s list), by Mantle Fielding; Notes and queries: A farce, by Hon. William Ellery, of Rhode Island, found among his papers; Officers ; Index. (GOS4 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xxix. 1905. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. iv, 53. ?. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents : " The Congress voting Independence," a painting by Robert Edge Pine and Edward Savage in the hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by Charles Henry Hart ; Excerpts from the papers of Dr. Benjamin Rush ; Letters of James H. Watmough to his wife, 1785 ; The lack of civic pride in Pennsylvania, by James M. Swank ; Some Revolutionary correspondence of Dr. James McIIenry, by Bernard C. Steiner ; Some London broadsides and issues on Pennsylvania, by Worthington Chauncey Ford ; Some letters from William Hamilton, of the Woodlands, to his private secretary, 1785r-1804, by Benjamin H. Smith; David Edwin, engraver, by Mantle Fielding; Pennsylvania gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Notes and queries ; Book notices ; Gus- tavus Hesselius, the earliest painter and organ builder in America ; Extracts from the diary of James B. Longacre, 1825; Bishop J. C. F. Cammerhoff s nar rative of a journey to Shamokin, Penn., in the winter of 1748, by John W. Jordan ; Letters of some members of the Old Congress ; Letters of Alexander Hamilton and Rev. William Smith to James Wilson, 1789 ; Genealogical records from the Bible of Thomas Say ; Four letters addressed to John Dickinson ; Two petitions of citizens of Philadelphia county to the governor of the province for protection against Indian incursions, 1728 ; Letter of Robert Proud, the his torian, 1778 ; Selected letters of Michael Hillegas, Treasurer of the United States, 1777-80 ; A bit of local gossip of 1740, by Francis Von A. Cabeen ; The log of Dr. Joseph Hinchman, surgeon of the privateer brig Prince George, 1757, by Wm. M. Mervine ; The early years of the University Barge Club of Philadel phia, by John B. Thayer ; Genealogical records of the Marshall family, of Lewes, Delaware, 1737-1839, contributed by C. H. B. Turner; Letters of John Paul Jones. 1780; Wiltbank family record ; Rev. J. Martin Mack s narrative o fa visit to Onondaga in 1752, by John W. Jordan ; Washington s household account book, 17931797 ; The narrative of Marie Le Roy and Barbara Leininger, for three years captives among the Indians ; A list of the freeholders for the city and county of Burlington, and in each respective township taken, taken this 15th day of April, 1745, contributed by Carlos E. Godfrey ; Register of St. Michael s parish, Talbot county, Maryland, 1672-1704, contributed by M. Atherton Leach ; The Quaker : a drama in one act, by August Von Kotzebue, translated by Amelia M. Gummere ; Some selections from the " Peters Papers," in the library of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by J. C. Wylie ; Delaware Bible [Futcher] records, contributed by C. II. B. Turner; Orderly book Fourth Penn sylvania Battalion, Col. Anthony Wayne, 1776 ; How the site of Carlisle, Cum berland county, Penna., was purchased letter of Thomas Cookson to Thomas Penn, in "Penn Papers," library of the Society; Index. (6O85 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. William Allen, chief justice of Pennsyl vania. A biographical sketch prepared for the centennial celebration of the adoption of the " Resolutions respecting independency," held at Independ ence Hall. Philadelphia, July 1, 1876. By Edward F. De Lancey. Philadel phia, 1877. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (6O86 838 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Mary White Mrs. Robert Morris. An address delivered by request at Sophia s Dairy, near Perrymansville, Har- ford County, Md., June 7, 1877, on the occasion of the reinterment of the remains of Col. Thomas White before a reunion of his descendants Halls- Whites-Moj-rises. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1878. 8vo, pp. 32. Reprinted from Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (6O87 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memorial notice of John McAllister, jr. Read by Charles M. Morris, before the Society, January 14, 1878. [Phila delphia], 1878. 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (6O88 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Brief of a title in the seventeen town ships in the county of Luzerne : a syllabus of the controversy between Con necticut and Pennsylvania. Read before the Society, November 10, 1879, by Henry M. Hoyt. Harrisburg, 1879. 8vo, pp. 145. Folded map. (6O89 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Centennial memoir of Maj. Gen. John Sullivan. 1740-179;"). Presented at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, July 2, 1870. By Thomas C. Amory. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo, pp. (17). Same in Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. 11, pp. 19G- 210. (6090 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. John Talbot, the first bishop in North America. A monograph read before the Society, November 11, 1878. By George Morgan Hills. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo, pp. 28. Woodcut. (6O9t HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memorial address upon the character and public services of Morton McMichael, as editor, public officer, and citi zen, by John W. Forney, in the hall of the Historical Society of Pennsyl vania, April 17, 1879. Philadelphia, 1879. Pp. (1) 16. Progress Supplement, No. 1. (6O92 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The first day of the battle of Gettys burg. An address before the Society, on the 8th of March, 1880. By Chap man Biddle. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 50. Folded map. (6O93 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoir of H. C. Carey. Read before the Society, January 5, 1880. By William Elder. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 39. (6O94 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoir of Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds and Rear-Admiral William Reynolds. Read before the Society, March 8. 1880. By J. G. Rosengarten. Philadelphia, 1880. Svo, pp. 34. (6O95 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia society one hundred years ago. By F. D. Stone. Read before the Society, May 5, 1879. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 7. (6O96 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Reynolds memorial. Addresses before the Society upon the occasion of the presentation of a portrait of Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds, March 8, 1880. Philadelphia, 1880. Large Svo, pp. 95. Portrait, map, and plan. (6O97 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The settlement of Germantown, and the causes which led to it. By S. W, Pennypacker. Read before the Society, October 20, 1879. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Philadelphia, 1880. Svo, pp. 41. (6098 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 839 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The constitution, jurisdiction, and prac tice of the courts of Pennsylvania in the seventeeth century. By Law rence Lewis, jr. A paper read before the Society, March 14, 1881. Re printed, by permission, from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biograpny. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 52. (6O99 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. James Abram Garfield. [Memorial note read September 26, 1881, by Samuel W. Pennypacker.] Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 8. (61OO HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Local government in Pennsylvania. Read before the Pennsylvania Historical Society, May 1, 1882. By E. R. L. Gould. Baltimore, 1882. 8vo. pp. 20-37. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. (61O1 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoirs of Chapman Biddle. Read before the Society, March 13, 1882. By 0. G. Leland. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo. (6102 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The remains of William Penn. Penn sylvania s plea, the mission of England, visit to the grave, letters, etc. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo, pp. 94. Plates. Distributed by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. (61O3 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1682-1787. Pennsylvania s formative influence upon Federal institutions. Lecture by William A. Wallace, before the Society, October 23, 1882. [Philadelphia, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 29. (6104 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. George Smith, M. D., author of the His tory of Delaware County. Read before the Society, May 1, 1882. By James J. Levick. [Philadelphia, 1882.] 8vo. (61O5 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Governor s mill, and the Globe mills, Philadelphia. By Samuel H. Needles. Extracted from the Pennsyl vania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. vm, 1884. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, pp. 43. Two plans. (61O6 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Inauguration of the new hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, March 18, 1884. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 18. Front. (61O7 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. American languages, and why we should study them. An address delivered before the Society, March 9, 1885. By Daniel G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo, pp. 23. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (61OS HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Religious tests of provincial Pennsyl vania. Paper read before the Society, November 9, 1885. By Charles J. Stille. [Philadelphia, 1885.] 8vo, pp. 44. (61O9 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Leading incidents in the life of Henry Clay ; his patriotism, statesmanship, and eloquence. An address by Erastus Brooks, before the New York Historical Society, April 6, 1886, and before the Pennsylvania Historical Society, May 14, 1886. New York, 1886. 8vo, pp. 32. (6110 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Lenape-English dictionary. From an anonymous MS. in the archives of the Moravian church at Bethlehem, Pa. 840 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Edited, with additions, by Daniel G. -Bririton and Albert Seqaqkind Anthony. Philadelphia, 1888. 8vo, pp. 236. Portrait. Forms Vol. i of the Pennsylvania Student Series, published by the Society, 1889. (6111 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The life and services of Joel R. Poinsett, the confidential agent in South Carolina of President Jackson during the nullification troubles of 1832. By Charles J. Stille. Philadelphia, 1888. 8vo, pp. 84. Large paper. (6112 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitu tion. 1787-88. Edited by John Bach McMaster and Frederick D. Stone. F Philadelphia] 1888. 8vo, pp. viii, 803. Portraits. (6113 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The history of a rare Washington print. A paper read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, May 0, 1889. By William S. Baker. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of His tory and Biography. Philadelphia, 1889. 8vo, pp. 10. (6114 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The Charlemagne Tower collection of American colonial laws. Privately printed for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1890. 8vo, pp. 298. Portrait. Biographical sketch of Charlemagne Tower; Letter of presentation and pro ceedings ; Catalogue of acts and laws of the American colonies ; Catalogue of Americana. (6115 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Exchange of Major-General Charles Lee. From a manuscript of Elias Boudinot. With notes by William S. Baker. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 12. Front. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. (6116 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The life and times of John Dickinson. 1732-1808. Prepared at the request of the Historical Society of Pennsyl vania, by Charles J. Stille, LL. D. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 437. (6117 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. S. Austin Allibone. A paper read be fore the Society December 8, 1890. By S. D. McConnell. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. (2), 23. Portrait. Printed on one side of the leaf only. (6118 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The camp by Schuylkill Falls ; a paper read before the Society January 11, 1892. By William S. Baker. [Phila delphia, 1892.] 8vo. pp. 16. On the movements of the Continental army around Philadelphia in 1777. (6119 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Journal of a volunteer expedition to Sandusky, from May 24 to June 13, 1782. By Baron de Rosenthal (Major John Rose, of the army of the Revolution). Reprinted from the Pennsyl vania Magazine of History and Biography, July and October, 1894. [Phila delphia, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 65. Diagram. Cover-title. (612O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Benjamin Furly, "an English merchant at Rotterdam," who promoted the first German emigration to America. By Julius Friedrich Sachse. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo, pp. 32. Front. Facsimiles. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1895. (6121 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 841 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. John Bechtel : his contributions to literature, and his descendants, by J. W. Jordan. 1895. 8vo, pp. 64. (6122 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A register of baptisms, marriages, and deaths, 1772-1822. By Rev. William Rogers. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo, pp. 65. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 1895. (6123 [HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA.] Captain Thomas Holme, surveyor- general of Pennsylvania and provincial councillor. By Oliver Hough. Philadelphia, 1896. 8vo, pp. 28. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. xix, 1895, pp. 413-427; Vol. xx, 1896, pp. 128-131, 248-256. (6123a HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The military hospitals at Bethlehem and Lititz, Pennsylvania, during the Revolutionary war, by John Woolf Jordan. A paper read before the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society April 10, 1890, and before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania May, 1890. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1890. Svo, pp. 23. Front. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, July, 1896. (6124 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The so-called " Franklin prayer-book." By Richard Meade Bache. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography for July, 1897. Philadelphia, 1897. 8vo, pp. 12. (6125 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Washington after the Revolution. 1784-99. By W. S. Baker. Philadelphia, 1898. 8vo, pp. 416. (6126 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Franklin as a genealogist. By John W. Jordan. [Philadelphia, 1899.] 8vo. pp. 24. Portrait. Facsimile. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, April, 1899. (6127 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Memoir of Dr. George Logan of Stenton, by his widow, Deborah Norris Logan, with selections from his corre spondence ; edited by Frances A. Logan ; with an introduction by C. J. Stille. Philadelphia, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1899. 4to, pp. 207. Plate. Portrait. Facsimile. (6128 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Proceedings of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania on the death of Charles Janeway Stille, President of the Society. Held May 21, 1900. Philadelphia, 1900. Large Svo, pp. 28. Portrait. Address by R. E. Thompson. (6129 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The American Philosophical Society, 1743-1903. Address by J. G. Rosengarten, April 3, 1903. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, July, 1903. Phila delphia, 1903. 8vo, pp. 8. Cover-title. (613O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The generals of the Continental line in the Revolutionary War. By Simon Gratz. Reprinted from the Pennsyl- raaia Magazine of History and Biography, October, 1903. Philadelphia, 1903. Svo, pp. 17. (6131 842 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Some letters of Franklin s corre spondents. [From the Franklin Papers in the American Philosophical So ciety.] Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biog raphy, April, 1903. Philadelphia, 1903. Svo, pp. 25. (6132 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. List of Penn manuscripts. [Forbes papers.] Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biog raphy. April, 1904. Philadelphia, 1904. Svo, pp. 14. (G133 [HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA.] Marriage licenses of Caroline County, Maryland, 1774-1815. By Henry Downes Cranor. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Philadelphia, 1904. 8vo, pp. 62. (6134 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Sketch of John Inskeep, Mayor, and President of the Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia. By Henry Edward Wallace, jr. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, April, 1904. Philadelphia, 1904. 8vo, pp. 7. Portrait. Cover-title. (6135 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Bishop J. C. F. Canimerhoff s narrative of a journey to Shamokin, Pennsylvania, in the winter of 1748. By John W. Jordan. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. 20. Cover-title. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania, Magazine of History and Biography, April, 1905. MM 36 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. "The Congress voting independence." A painting by Robert Edge Pine and Edward Savage in the Hall of the Society. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. 16. Plate. (6 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN THE UNIT STATES. i HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE REFORMED CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. " Do need a historical society?" An address delivered before the Historica Society of the Reformed Church in the United States at its annual meeting held in Bethlehem, Pa., October 23, A. D. 1874, by Rev. Joseph Henry Dubbs. A. M. Lancaster, Pa., By order of the Society [1874]. Svo, pp. 16. Cover-title. (6138 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Pot t si- ill e, Pa. I HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Publications. Vol. i, No. i. 1905 Potts vi lie. Pa. 8vo, pp. 78. Contents : The heroic laying of a noble foundation [The Pennsylvania man], by H. M. M. Richards; The county historical society, by D. G. Lul The Pott family, by D. G. Lubold ; Early days of Schuylkill county, by W. Newell ; First purchasers of lots in Orwigsburg, Pa., by Christopher Lest Reminiscences of Pinegrove, Pa., by John Hock ; The early settlement of Mil ville and history of its schools, by H. H. Spayd. (63 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Publications. Vol. i, No. Pottsville, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. 79-175. Contents : A talk about " The Lightfoot Survey of 1759," the forerunner the Great Road of 1770, by J. J. John ; The story of a colonial highway, HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 843 Great Road of 1770, by J. J. John ; Rambles over a King s highway of colonial times, by J. -T. John ; Tumbling Run, a poem, by D. C. Henning. (614O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. Publications. Vol. i, No. in. Pottsville, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. 177-246. Contents : History of McKeansburg, Schuylkill County s oldest town, by Liv ingston Seltzer; The German peddler s grave, by D. C. Henning; History of Mahonoy City and the building of Mabonoy tunnel, by Mrs. T. II. B. Lyon ; Wills of early settlers of Schuylkill county ; The Schuylkill county soldiery in the industrial disturbances in 1877, or the Railroad War, by George B. Stichter ; The Quakers in Schuylkill county, by J. J. John. (6141 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Pittsburg. Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Lecture upon the controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia about the boundary line; delivered at the university building, December 5, 1843, by Neville B. Craig, corresponding secretary of the Society. Pittsburg, 1843. 8vo, pp. 30. Different organization from the following. (6142 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Celeron s expedition down the Allegheny and Ohio rivers in 1741). [By A. A. Lambing.] Paper read be fore the Society, December 13, 1883, revised and annotated. In Historical Researches in Western Pennsylvania. By A. A. Lambing. Pitts- burg. 1SS4. pp. 7-31. (614S HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. The French in western Penn sylvania in early times. [By A. A. Lambing. 1 Read before the Society, September 11, 1884. In Historical Researches in Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, 1884. Vol. i, pp. 41-58. (6144 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. (Organized April 10. 1879.) Synopsis of the proceedings of the Historical Society of Western Pennsyl vania (late Old Residents Association) during the first five years. Pitts burg, 3884. 8vo, pp. 39. (6145 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Fort Armstrong and the Manor of Kittanning. By A. A. Lambing. Read before the Society May 8, 1884. In Historical Register (Egle s), Vol. n, pp. 81-91. 1884. (6146 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Our American aborigines. A paper read before the Society, September 11, 1890, by T. J. Chapman. In Magazine of Western liistori/. Vol. xni, pp. 10:2-167. New York, 1891. (6147 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 1794-1894. Centennial cele bration of the incorporation of Pittsburg, under the auspices of the His torical Society of Western Pennsylvania, April 23, 1894. [Pittsburg, 1894.] 8vo, pp. 50. (6148 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. First souvenir Christmas book of the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. [Pp. 16.] [1894.] (6149 844 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF YORK COUNTY. York, Pa. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF YORK COUNTY. Proceedings and Collections. Vol. i, [No. i]. York, Pa., 1902. Svo, pp. 16. (615O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF YORK COUNTY. Proceedings and Collections. Vol. i, No. ii. Frederick Valentine Melsheimer, a pioneer entomologist, and a noted clergyman and author. A paper read before the Historical Society of York County, April 8, 1897, by George R. Prowell. [York, Pa., 1903.] Svo, pp. 17-26. Cover-title. Paged continuously with Vol. i, No. i, of the Proceedings and Collections. (6151 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF YORK COUNTY. Proceedings and Collections. Vol. i, No. in. York in its relation to the Revolution. A lecture delivered before the Historical Society of York County, May 21, 1903, by John C. Jordan. ! [York, Pa., 1903.] Svo, pp. 27-50. Cover-title. Paged continuously with Vol. i, No. n, of the Proceedings and Collections. I 1 52 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF YORK COUNTY. Proceedings and Collections, Vol. 1, No. iv. An historical citizen. Career of Phineas Davis, the noted inventor, by John C. Jordan. York. Pa., 1904. Svo, pp. 55-69. Serial number printed. Vol. 2, no. I. (6153 KITTOCHTINNY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chambersburg, Pa. KITTOCHTINNY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society during the year ending March 1, 1899. [Vol. i.] Chambersburg, Pa., 1900. Svo, pp. 120. Contents : Officers of the Society ; The old churchyard, by B. L. Maurer ; " New England" and Federal Hills" why so named?, by B. L. Maurer and Chauncey Ives ; Braddock s route, by Chauncey Ives ; Path Valley before the Revolution, by A. N. Pomeroy ; General Washington in Franklin county, by John G. Orr ; Benjamin Chambers, by John M. Cooper ; The German influence in Pennsylvania : with special reference to Franklin county, by M. A. Foltz ; Facts suggested by paper read by M. A. Foltz, by John M. Cooper ; What I saw in Charlestown, Va., on the 15th and 16th days of December, 1859, by B. L. Maurer; Manners and morals a hundred years ago, by S. A. Martin ; A review of the old Academy, by James W. Cree ; Romance of Cowan s Gap, by B. L. Maurer ; The founders of Chambersburg, by G. O. Seilhamer. (6154- KITTOCHTINNY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society from Feb- -uary 1899-February, 1901. [Vol. n.] Chambersburg, Pa., 1903. Svo, pp. 314. Contents : Officers of the Society ; The origin and early history of the Scotch- Irish, by J. Agnew Crawford ; Scotch-Irish occupancy and exodus, by John Stewart ; The colonial defences of Franklin county, by W. S. Hoerner ; Lewis, the robber and outlaw, by J. W. Sharpe ; The doctor woman of Southampton township, by John G. Orr ; The tradition concerning our limestone lands, by John M. Cooper ; The Indians of the valley, by Chauncey Ives ; Culbertson s row, by John G. Orr ; Mother Cumberland, by Geo. O. Seilhamer ; The schools of our fathers, by M. R. Alexander ; James Buchanan, by W. Rush Gillan ; Falling spring, by B. L. Maurer ; The Buckshot war, by John M. Cooper ; Fl< and fauna of Franklin county; The transitions of a century, by M. A. Foltz; Old Conococheague families, by Geo. O. Seilhamer ; Mountain streams, by B. Maurer (61J LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. 845 KITTOCHTINNY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society from March, 1901, to February, 1903. [Vol. in.] Chambersburg, Pa., 1904. 8vo, pp. 247. Plates. Contents : Officers of the Society ; Franklin county, past, present, and future, geologically and mineralogically considered, by H. C. Detaining ; The traditions relating to the barrens of the limestone lands of the Cumberland Valley, with special reference to Franklin county, by John G. Orr ; Fort Stauffer, by John G. Orr ; Contents of a barrel, by George O. Seilhamer ; Scenes and incidents of the Cumberland Valley, by T. G. Brereton ; The men of Middle Spring, by G. O. Seilhamer ; Early grist mills of Lurgan township, by John G. Orr ; Dr. Hugh Mercer and Col. Robert Magaw, by John Montgomery ; Sketches of Gen. Wm. Thompson and Col. Robert Magaw ; Isabella Oliver, an early poetess of the Cumberland Valley, by Joshua W. Sharpe ; An ancestry hunt in Ulster, by Geo. 0. Seilhamer ; The wagons and wagoners of 1840, by B. R. Goodyear ; The Banks of Chambersburg, by J. S. Mcllvaine ; An early literary by-path along the Conococheague, by Linn Harbaugh ; John Wilkins, a merchant of Carlisle in 1763 his ancestry and autobiography, by T. J. Brereton ; The relations which the people of Cumberland and Franklin counties bore to the Whiskey Insurrec tion of 1794, by C. P. Humrich. (6156 KITTOCHTINNY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Missing branches of our oldest family. [Chambers.] By G. O. Seilhamer. Chambersburg, Pa., 1904. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. [7] -28. Front, (portrait). At head of title : Conococheague genealogies. Paper read before the Kittochtinny Historical Society, January 28, 1904. (6157 LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Sera nt on, Pa. LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Proceedings and Collections. Vol. i. Scranton. Pa., 1887. 8vo, pp. 132, 19. Contents: Glaciation, its relation to the Lackawanna- Wyoming region, by J. C. Branner ; Notes upon the glacial striae, by J. C. Branner ; Vascular plants of the Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys, by W. R. Dudley ; Index to orders, genera, and common names, by R. N. Davis ; Proceedings ; By-laws. (615S LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Glaciation; its relation to the Lackawanna-Wyoming region. By John C. Branner. From the Pro ceedings of the Institute. Vol. i. [Scranton], 1888. 8vo, pp. 18. Four plates. Title from the cover. The title-page of the Proceedings and Collections, Vol. 1, is also given. (6159 LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Science Series. No. 1. Glaciation, its relation to the Lackawanna-Wyoming region. By J. C. Branner. (In Proceedings and Collections, Vol. i.) No. 2. Notes .upon the glacial striae observed in the Wyoming-Lackawanna region. By J. C. Branner. 1887. 8vo, pp. 7. No. 3. A preliminary list of the vascular plants of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys. By W. R. Dudley. 1887. 8vo, pp. 81. No. 4. Catalogue of the flowering plants and vascular cryptograms found in and near the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys. By Wm. R. Dudley. 1892. 16mo, pp. 96. No. 5. The aim, purpose, and administration of an Institute of History and Science. By J. P. Lesley. 1896. 8vo, pp. 7. (616O LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. [Historical Series. No. 1.] Historical notes. The settlement of Providence Township and reminiscences of early Scranton, by B. H. Throop. Scranton, 1887. 8vo, pp. 15. (On cover : Lackawanna Institute of History and Science, Spe cial Publication, No. 1.) Caption title. Reprinted from the Saturday Argus, for the Lackawanna Institute of Science and History. (6161 846 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Historical Series, No. 2. Reminiscences of the early history of " Dark Hollow," " Slocuin Hollow," " Harrison," " Lackawanna Iron Works," " Scrantonia," and " Scranton, Pa." [Reprint, 1896.] Read before the Institute, November 9, 1886, by J. C. Platt. Svo, pp. 36. (6162 LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Historical Series, No. 3. Poets and poetry of the Wyoming Valley. By Will S. Munroe. 1887. 8vo, pp. 21. (6163 LACKAWANNA INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE. Historical Series, No. 4. The territory of Scranton immediately prior to the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Co. purchase. By Edward Merrytield. 1896. Svo, pp. 15. Map. (6164 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lancaster, Pa. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Papers and Addresses. Vol. i. 1896-7. Illustrated. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp. iv, 408. Contents : The names of the townships, by Jos. H. Dubbs ; The Chickies fur nace, by Horace L. Haldeman ; Conestoga, reminiscences of an old township, by Casper Ililler ; \Yilliam Parker, the hero of the Christiana riot, by Thomas Whitson ; The Acadians in Lancaster county, by S. M. Sener ; Baron Henry Wil liam Stiegel, by J. II. Sieling ; Ann Henry, Lancaster county s woman treasurer, by George Steinman ; The oldest daily paper in Lancaster county, by F. R. Diffen- derffer ; Indian tribes of Lancaster county, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Account of the address by W. U. Hensel on the purposes of the Society ; Constitution ; Reminis cences of Strasburg, by Jacob Hildebrand ; Irish occupation of Lancaster land, by R. M. Reilly ; Was there ever a serious idea of locating the capital of the country on the Susquehanna, by W. U. Hensel ; Coroner s verdict in the Chris tiana riot case, by W. U. Hensel ; A William Penn deed, by W. U. Hensel ; Reuben Chambers, by R. J. Houston ; Samuel Bowman and the village he founded, by A. G. Seyfert ; Committees; When was Strasburgh erected into a township?, by Samuel Evans ; Reminiscences of Paradise township, by A. E. Witmer ; An old petition from citizens of Martic township, 1777, by Samuel Evans; Some early county mills, etc., by Samuel Evans ; Officers for 1896 ; The people who made Lancaster county, by W. M. Franklin ; Early industries on the Octoraro, by J. W. Houston; Some Helffenstein letters, 1772-8, by Jos. H. Dubbs; The early telegraph, by W. B. Wilson ; A prominent Scotch-Irishman, James Sproul, by R. J. Houston ; History of the Donegal Church, by J. L. Zeigler ; The Gap cop per mines, by R. J. Houston ; Old mills and country ordinaries, by Samuel Evans ; The Ephrata paper mill, by Julius Friedrich Sachse ; The old Welsh graveyard, by B. F. Owen ; The George Ross memorial, being the proceedings at the dedi cation of the Ross pillar and tablet at Lancaster June 4th, 1897 : Address by Marriott Brosius. (6165 These Papers were first issued in pamphlet form with separate title-pages, as follows : Papers read before the Society, on June 5, 1896. Lancaster, Pa., 1896. pp. 34. Papers read before the Society, on Sept. 4, 1896. Lancaster, Pa., 1896. pp. [351-65. Papers read before the Society, on Oct. 2, 1896. Lancaster, Pa., 1896. pp [67]-94. Papers read before the Society, on Nov. 6, 1896. Lancaster, Pa., 1896. pp [95]-140, (1). Papers read before the Society, on Dec. 4. 1896. Lancaster, Pa., 1890. pp [143J-175, (1). Papers read before the Society, on Jan, 7, 1897. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp [1791-279. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 847 Papers read before the Society on Feb. 5, 1897. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. 283-310. Papers read before the Society, on March 5, 1897. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. [3111-341. Papers read before the Society, on April 9, 1897. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. [3431-373. The George Ross Memorial. Being the Proceedings at the Dedication of the Ross Pillar and Tablet at Lancaster, on June 4th, 1897. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. [3741-408. COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Papers and Addresses. Illustrated. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. Vol. n. 1897-8. 8vo, pp. 247. Contents : Early local history as revealed by an old document, by F. R. Diffen- derffef ; Early schools in the valley of the Octorara, by .1. W. Houston ; Early industries located along the Conowingo Creek, by E. Beverly Maxwell ; The old turnpike, by A. E. Witmer ; American Indians : The who, what, and whence of the Pre-Columbian dwellers, or the misnomered peoples, Indians, of Lan caster county, by Theodore L. Urban ; Letter by Col. John Armstrong to Gen. Washington, 1758; Notices of Col. Armstrong and Col. Henry Bouquet, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; John Beck, the eminent teacher, by Simon P. Eby ; Col. Samuel J. Atlee, by J. Watson Ellmaker and Amelia B. Ehler ; The Ark, a famous last century mansion, by Leander T. Hensel ; Old Franklin college, by Joseph II. Dubbs ; How the New Holland school house was built, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; An old oil mill, by L. W. Hensel ; The Martin Barr family, by L. W. Hensel ; Biographical sketches of honorary members ; Penn s city on the Susquehanna, by Julius F. Sachse ; Lancaster s bid for the national capital, by S. M. Sener ; .Epitaphs by Lydia I). Zell. (6166 These Papers were first issued in pamphlet form, with separate title-pages, as follows : Papers read before the Society on Sept. 3, 1897. Vol. n, No. 1. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp. 27, (1). Papers read before the Society on Oct. 1, 1897. Vol. n, No. 2. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp [291-63. Papers read before the Society on Nov. 5, 1897. Vol. n. No. 3. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. [64]-86. Papers read before the Society on Dec. 3, 1897. Vol. n, No. 4. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. [87J-107, (1). Papers read before the Society on Jan. 7, 1898. Vol. 11, No. 5. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. [1091-160. Papers read before the Society on Feb. 4, 1898. Vol. ir, No. 6. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. [161]-178. Plate. Papers read before the Society on March 4, 1898. Vol. n, No. 7. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. [1791-222. Plate. Papers read before the Society on May 6, 1898. Vol. n, No. 8. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. [2231-247. .MASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Papers and Addresses. Illustrated. Lancaster, Pa., 1899. Vol. in. 1898-99. 8vo, pp. 215. Contents : Ephrata community 125 years ago, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Oldest ship in the United States Navy, [Lancaster! by S. M. Sener ; Colonel James Craw ford, a revolutionary soldier, by J. W. Schaeffer ; The first member of the Bricker family in America, by E. W. S. Parthemore ; The King s highway, by Martha B. Clark ; Colonel James Crawford, by Samuel Evans ; Impress of early names and traits, by Walter M. Franklin ; History of the Brickerville congregation in Lancas ter county, by F. J. F. Schantz ; Some of the lost industries of the Octorara valley, by J. W. Houston ; Historical memoranda : A visit to Lititz, in 1799 ; Evidences of Masonic activity in this city one hundred and sixty-four years ago ; Conti nental currency. Death of C. A. Heinitsh ; Reports ; Marshall s diary in its relation to Lancaster city and county, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Sketch of Joseph Simon, by Samuel Evans; Thomas Mifflin, by Martha J. Miillin ; General Wayne in 1777-1778, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Some early printers, by H. G. Long ; A General Knox letter, 1791, by F. R. Diffenderffer. (6167 These Papers were first issued in pamphlet form, with separate title-pages, as follows : Papers read before the Society on September 2, 1898, YoU ui. No. 1. Lan caster, 1898, pp, 24, 848 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Papers read before the Society on Oct. 7 and Nov. 4, 1898. Vol. in, Nos. 2 and 3. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. [25] -53. Plate. Paper read before the Society on December 2, 1898. Vol. in, No. 4. Lan caster, Pa., 1899. pp. [54]-99. Paper read before the Society on January 6, 1899. Vol. iir, No. 5. Lan caster, Pa., 1899. pp. [1011-128. Paper read before the Society on February 3, 1899. Vol. in, No. 6. Lan caster, Pa., 1899. pp. [1291-161, (1). Paper read before the Society on March 3, and April 7, 1899. Vol. in, No. 7. Lancaster, Pa., 1899. pp. [163]-181, (1). Papers read before the Society on May 5 and June 2, 1899. Vol. in, Nos. 8 and 9. Lancaster, Pa., 1899. pp. 185-215. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Papers and Addresses. Vol. iv. 1899-1900. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. 8vo, pp. 184. Contents : The paving of East King Street by lottery in 1802, by F. R. Diffen- derffer ; Millersville and other early towns established by lotteries, by S. M. Sener ; The militia muster, or battalion day, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Donegal in the Revolution patriotism and piety, by Marriott Brosius ; Jean Bart, by Joseph II. Dubbs ; A branch of the Eberle family, by members of the family ; Trials of an immigrant family, by R. K. Buehrle ; Old Lancaster, by Mary N. Robinson; Officers ; Reports ; The Hessians, by Martha B. Clark ; Lancaster borough, by George Steinman ; Flax culture in Lancaster county, by J. W. Houston ; Letter of Dr. John L. Atlee, 1831, in reference to tracheotomy operation ; Verses on the occasion of Joseph Bonaparte s visit to Bethlehem in 1821, by Judge Franks; List of members. (168 These Papers were first issued in pamphlet form with separate title-pages, as follows : Papers read before the Society on September 1, 1899. Vol. iv, No. 1. Lan caster, Pa., 1899. pp. 30. Papers read before the Society on October 6, 1899. Vol. iv, No. 2. Lan caster, Pa. 1899. pp. (33)-62. Papers read before the Society, November 3, 1899, December 1, 1899. Vol. iv, Nos. 3 and 4. Lancaster, Pa., 1899. pp. [65] -94. Papers read before the Society, January 5, 1900, February 2, 1900. Vol. iv, Nos. 5 and 6. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. pp. [97]-139. Papers read before the Society, March 2, 1900, April 6, 1900. Vol. iv, Nos. 7 and 8. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. pp. [143]-170. Papers read before the Society May 4, 1900. Vol. iv, No. 9. Lancaster, Pa.. 1900. pp. [173J-184. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Papers and Addresses. Vol. v. 1900-1901. Illustrated. Lancaster, Pa., 1901. 8vo, pp. 172, (2). Contents : Earliest reformed church in Lancaster county, by Joseph H. Dubbs The Juliana library, by B. C. Atlee; A Revolutionary record, by B. C. Atlee Minutes of the Sept. meeting ; Claims of Connecticut to Pennsylvania territory by R. M. Reilly ; Political divisions of Lancaster county, by II. L. Steinmetz Andrew Ellicott, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Annual meeting proceedings; St. James church records, by Mrs. M. N. Robinson; Early Jewish colony in Lancaste: county, by Monroe B. Hirsh ; Lancaster in 1772, by Rev. Dr. David McClure Mayor John Passmore, by S. M. Sener ; Minute on the death of W. H. Egle Lancaster townstead, by S. M. Sener : A new Ephrata imprint Donegal street Lancaster, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Electoral vote of Pennsylvania in 1804, b; F. R. Diffenderffer ; Charter of the Society. (16S These papers were first issued in pamphlet form with separate title-pages a follows : Papers read before the Society September 7, 1900. Vol. v, No. 1. Lancastei Pa., 1900. pp. 24. Papers read before the Society November 2, 1900. Vol. v, No. 2. Lancastei Pa., 1900. pp. [27] -53. Papers read before the Society December 7, 1900, January 4, 1901. Vol. ^ Nos. 3 and 4. Lancaster, Pa., 1901. pp. [57]-88. Papers read before the Society March 1, 1901. Vol. v, No. 5. Lancaster. Pa 1901. pp. [91]-118. Papers read before the Society May 3, 1901. Vol. v, No. 6. Lancaster, Pa 1901. pp. [121]-146. : OS. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 849 Papers read before the Society June 7, 1901. Vol. v, No. 7. Lancaster, Pa., 1901. pp. [1491-172, (2). LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Papers and Addresses. Vol. vi. 1901-1902. Illustrated. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. 8vo, pp. (2), 151. Contents : The Red Rose question, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Revolutionary days by S. M. Sener ; Letters of Mennonite clergymen, 1710, by F. R. Diffenderffer Peter Miller and Michael Witman, by Hiram Ebb Steinmetz ; Reports of officers Minutes of meetings ; John Joseph Henry and Thomas Paine, by F. R. Diffen derffer ; A remarkable letter, written by the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel to his Prime Minister, soon after the battle of Trenton, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Wil liam Stoy : clergyman, doctor, and scholar, by Joseph II. Dubbs ; The news papers of Lancaster county, by F. R. D. ; The Philadelphia and Lancaster turn pike, and a biographical sketch of Col. Matthias Slough, by F. R. Diffenderffer. (6170 These Papers were first issued in pamphlet form with separate title-pages, as follows : Papers read before the Society October 4 and November 1, 1901. Vol. vi, No[s]. 1 [and 2]. Lancaster, Pa., 1901. pp. 32, (1). Papers read before the Society December 6, 1901, and January 3, 1902. Vol. Vi, Nos. 3 and 4. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. pp. [37] -57. Papers read before the Society February 7, 1902. Vol. vi, No. 5. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. pp. [61] -82. Papers read before the Society March 7 and April 4, 1902. Vol. vi, Nos. 6 and 7. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. pp. [85] -100. Papers read before the Society. Vol. vi, No. 8. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. pp. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society Sep tember 5, 1902. Vol. vn, No. 1. Historical points of interest along the Strasburg trolley road, by Walter M. Franklin ; Minutes of September meet ing. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. 8vo, pp. 16. (6171 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society Nov. 7 and Dec. 5, 1902. Vol. vn, Nos. 2 and 3. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. 8vo, pp. 17-47. Contents : Rustic art in Lancaster county, by Joseph Henry Dubbs ; Minutes of the November and December meetings ; Early Lancaster playbills and playhouses, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Notes on Lancaster plays and playhouses, by S. M. Sener. (6172 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society January 2, 1903. Vol. vn, No. 4. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. 8vo, pp. 49-71. Contents : Tradition vs. fact as exemplified in the case of Bangor Church, by B. F. Owen ; Reports of officers ; Minutes of January meeting ; Officers. (6173 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society February 0, 1903. Vol. vn, No. 5. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. 8vo, pp. 75-107. Contents : Popular beliefs and superstitions, by Julius F. Sachse ; Early post roads in eastern Pennsylvania, by Hiram E. Steinmetz ; Minutes of the February meeting. (6174 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society March 6, 1003. Col. John Connolly: Loyalist, by F. R. Diffenderffer. Vol. vn, No. G. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. 8vo, pp. 109-142. (6175 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society April 4 and May 1, 1903. Vol. vn, Nos. 7 and 8. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. 8vo, pp. 143-175. Contents: Gleanings from an old newspaper [Lancaster journal], by Mary N. Robinson ; Minutes of April and May meetings. (6176 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 54 850 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Socie June 5, 1903. Vol. vn, No. 0. Lancaster, Pa., 1903. 8vo, pp. 177-211. Contents : The great historical scenes enacted in Lancaster s first court house, 1739-1784, by H. Frank Eshleman ; Minutes of the June meeting. (61 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Socie Sept. 2, 1904. Vol. ix, No. 1. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. Svo, pp. 27. Contents : The Wabank house, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Minutes of the Septe ber meeting; Contents of Vol. vm. (617 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Socie Oct. 7, 1904. Vol. ix, No. 2. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. Svo, pp. 29-45. Contents : James Ross, Latinist an early Lancaster pedagogue, by Joseph H. Dubbs; Two Buchanan letters, 1839-40, by F. R. Diffenderffer; Minutes of the October meeting. (6179 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Socie Nov. 4, 1904. Vol. ix, No. 3. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. Svo, pp. 47-75. Contents : The Second Adventists or Millerites, by D. B. Landis ; The Amer ican rifle, by W. -U. Hensel ; The Lancaster rifles, by F. R. Diffenderffer ; Minutes of the November meeting. (6180 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society December 2, 1904. The Quaker exiles. [By F. R. Diffenderffer.] Gene alogy. [By Theodore W. Herr.] Minutes of the December meeting. Vol. ix, No. 4. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. [771-125. (6181 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society January 6, 1905. The Ephrata Community 120 years ago. [By F. R. Diffenderffer.] Minutes of the January meeting. Vol. ix, No. 5. Lan caster, Pa., 1905. Svo, pp. 127-149. (6182 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, February 3, 1905. The early settlement and population of Lancaster county and city. [By F. R. Diffenderffer.] Annual report of the secretary. An nual report of the librarian. Annual report of the treasurer. Minutes of the February meeting. Vol. ix, No. 6. Lancaster, 1905. Svo, pp. [149]-180. (6183 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, March 3, 1905. The story of a picture. [By F. R. Diffenderffer.] Minutes of the March meeting. Vol. ix. No. 7. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. Svo, pp. [181] -232. A southwest prospect of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania. (6184 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, April 7, 1905. Local superstitions. [By S. M. Sener.] The Scotch-Irish: Their impress on Lancaster county. [By W. U. Hensel.] Minutes of the April meeting. Vol. ix, No. 8. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. Svo, pp. 233-270. (6185 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, May 2, 1905, June 5, 1905. Amateur journalism. [By D. B. Landis.] Minutes of the May meeting. Hemp and hop growing in Lancaster County in 1775. [By James Wright] Biographical sketches. [By Martha B. Clark.] Some early Indian traders. [By Samuel Evans.] Minutes of the June meeting. Vol. ix, No. 9. Lancaster, Pa., 1905, Svo, pp. 271-303. (6186 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 851 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, September 1, 1905. Indian trader troubles. [By F. R. Diffenderffer.] Sketch of William Greer. [By Samuel Evans.] Old time political toasts. Minutes of the September meeting. Vol. ix, No. 10. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. 30o-384. (6187 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, November 3, 1905. History of the Mechanics" Library. [By David C. Haverstick.] Minutes of the October meeting. Vol. ix, No. 11. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. 335-356. (6188 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mayor John Passmore. Sketch of the first high official of the city of Lancaster, Pa., 1818. By Samuel Miller Sener. [Lancaster, Pa.? 1901.] 8vo, 2 1. [Sener, S. M. Historical pamphlets, No. 13.] Newspaper clipping, mounted. Read before the Lancaster County Historical Society on March 1, 1901. (6189 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Lebanon, Pa. LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. i, Nos. 1-18, 1898-1902. Vol. n, Nos. 1-13, 1901-1904. Given below. Vol. n, No. 14 and Vol. in in Appendix. (619O LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, officers, com mittee and members. Vol. i, No. 1. Annvile, Pa., 1898. 8vo, pp. 12. (6191 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses delivered at the first stated meeting of the Society, February 18, 1898. [Vol. i, No. 2.] Lebanon, Pa., 1898. 8vo, pp. 16. Contents : The County Historical Society, by F. J. F. Schantz ; The Hebron diary during the Revolutionary period, by .T. H. Redsecker. Lebanon, Pa. (6192 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses delivered at the second stated meeting of the Society, April 15, 1898. Lebanon, Pa. [Vol. i, No. 3.] 8vo, pp. 16. Contents : Lebanon county in history, biography, and genealogy, by Wm. H. Egle ; The early history of Schaefferstown, Pa., by Abram S. Brendle. (6193 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society on June 17, 1898. Vol. i, No. 4. Annville, Pa., 1898. 8vo, pp. 47-70. Contents : " Deng lshtuk," by TJ. Henry Heilman ; Der Alt Dengelstock. E n Gedicht, by Lee L. Grumbine ; The Bindnagel church, by John W. Early. (6194 -LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paper read before the Society on Octo ber 21, 1898. Vol. i, No. 5. Lebanon, a bit of retrospect, reminiscence and sentiment. By Thos. C. Zimmerman. 8vo, pp. 73-80. (6195 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paper read before the Society on De cember 15, 1898, and continued February 17, 1899. Vol. i, No. 0. " Distin guished visitors of Lebanon County." By P. C. Croll. Lebanon, Pa., 1899. 8vo, pp. 36. (619O JEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paper read before the Society on June 16, 1899. Vol. i, No. 7. " The origin and significance of our township names." By Lee L. Grumbine. Lebanon, Pa., 1899. 8vo, pp. 121-133. (6197 852 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paper read before the Society on June 16, 1899. Vol. i. No. 8. "A visit to Annville sixty years ago." By E. Benj. Bierman. Lebanon, Pa., 1899. 8vo, pp. 135-147. (6198 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Paper read before the Society, August 25, 1899. " Battalion " or training day at Schaeft erstown in the olden time. By George Mays. Vol. i, No. 9. Lebanon, Pa., 1899. 8vo, pp. 149-168. (6199 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses. Second annual meeting and second annual banquet, December 15, 1899. Vol. i, No. 10. 8vo, pp. 171-203. (6200 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The old cider mill. By S. P. Heilman. Read before the Society, February 17th, 1899. Vol. i, No. 11. 8vo, pp. 209-242. (62O1 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Abstracts from the minutes of the Pro vincial Council of Pennsylvania. By Henry C. Grittinger. Read before the Society Feb. 16, 1900. Vol. i, No. 12. 8vo, pp. 245-274. (6202 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Uf m Owerste Speicher, a Pennsylvania- German poem, by Thos. S. Stein. Read before the Society April 20, 1900. Vol. i, No. 13. 8vo, pp. 275-288. (6203 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Two dead and lost churches of the Swatara. By E. Grumbine. Read before the Society June 22, 1900. Vol. i, No. 14. 8vo, pp. 291-304. (6204 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Palatine and Scotch-Irish settler* of Lebanon county. By George Mays. Read before the Society August 17. 1900. Vol. i, No. 15. 8vo, pp. 305-326. (620E LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Some doctors of the olden time, being brief biographical sketches of some of the old doctors of Lebanon By J. II. Redsecker. Read before the Society October 19, 1900. Vol. i No. 16. 8vo, pp. 329-356. (62<H LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early churches of Lebanon county Reported by John Ruth and subsequently revised by Theodore E. Schmauk An address delivered at the third annual banquet, December 21, 1900. Vol i, No. 17. Lebanon, Pa., 1902. 8vo, pp. 359-384. Illus. (620 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Addresses delivered at the third annua banquet of the Society, December 21, 1900. Lebanon county a brief of it celebrated law cases, by Charles M. Zerbe. Lebanon county a story of it newspapers, by Charles M. Bowman. The legend of the wandering Indian- a poem by A. S. Brendle. An act to encourage county historical societies General Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania, approved the 21st day o May, 1901. Charter of the Lebanon County Historical Society grante September 16, 1901. Vol. i, No. 18. Lebanon, Pa., 1902. 8vo, pp. 385-412. ( 20 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cornwall furnace and the Cornwall or banks, or mine hills, situate at Cornwall, Lebanon county, Pa. By Henr C. Grittinger. Read before the Society February 20, 1901. Vol. n, No. 8vo, pp. 54. Map. ( 62 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 853 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lebanon county in the French and Indian war. Read before the Society April 21, 1901, by H. M. M. Richards. Regina, the German captive. Part i. The location, by H. M. M. Richards. Part ii. The story, by S. P. Heilnian. Papers read August 29, 1902. Vol. n, No. 2. 8vo, pp. 57-97. (621O LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Mt. Gretna Origin of the name, by Hugh M. Maxwell. Colonial events: Eastern Pennsylvania and Schaeffers- town, by John M. Krall. A story of the Quittapahille, by P. C. Croll. Vol. n, No. 3. 8vo, pp. 100-113. (6211 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fourth annual banquet, December 17, 1901. Menu and music toasts and responses, and in memoriam. Vol. n. No. 4. 4 8vo, pp. 115-152. (6212 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first trial, conviction, and execution for murder in Lebanon county, Pa. By S. P. Heilman. Read before the Society April 18, 1902. Vol. n, No. 5. 8vo, pp. 155-178. (6213 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses, fifth annual banquet, De cember .16, 1902. The influence of a historical society on a community, by C. I. Burton Brane. Poem What makes a fellow homesick, by Philip C. Croll. Our ancestors, by James F. McGovern. In memoriam John Meily. Officers, standing committees and list of members. Vol. n, No. 6. 8vo, pp. 180-202. (6214 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The United Brethren Church in Lebanon county. By C. I. Berton Brane. Read before the Society February 20, 1903. Vol. n, No. 7. 8vo, pp. 205-252. (6215 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. State roads and highways in Eastern Pennsylvania and Lebanon county. By Theo. B. Klein. Read before the Society, April 17, 1903. Vol. n, No. 8. 8vo, pp. 255-273. (6215a LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Episcopal Church in Lebanon County. By Alfred M. Abel. Read before the Society, June 19, 1903. Vol. n. No. 9. 8vo, pp. 276-290. (6216 .LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The mills of the Quittapahilla. By Henry S. Heilman. Read before the Society, October 16, 1903. Vol. n, No. 10. 8vo, pp. 295-314. (6217 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Pennsylvania-German and his English and Scotch-Irish neighbors, by M. I). Learned. The educational work of Lebanon county, by H. U. Roop. Jacob Weidle a biographical sketch, by Jacob Weidle. In memoriam William Coleman Freeman. Ad dresses at the sixth annual meeting, December 15, 1903. Vol. n, No. 11. 8vo, pp. 317-343. (6218 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. St. Mary s Catholic Church, Lebanon, Pa. By Adam Christ. Read before the Society, February 19, 1904. Vol. n. No. 12. 8vo, pp. 346-350. (6219 I.KIS.VNON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lebanon county in our state legislature. By E. Benjamin Bierman. Read before the Society, February 19, 1904. Vol. n, No. 13. 8vo, pp. 353-396. For Vol. ii, No. 14 and Vol. in see Appendix, Nos. 7427-7437. (6219a 854 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lebanon County historically. [Appeal to the citizens of Lebanon County for assistance.] Folio, pp. [4.] (6220 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nazareth, Pa. MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memorial of the dedication of monuments erected by the Moravian Historical Society to mark the sites of ancient mis sionary stations in New York and Connecticut. Prepared by W. C. Reichel. New York, C. B. Richardson. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott. 1860. 8vo, pp. viii, 5-184. Illustrations. (6221 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions, Yols. i-m ; Vol. iv, part 1 [1858- 1891]. Whitefield house, Nazareth. Printed for the Society. 1876-1891. 8vo. Portrait. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Preface [giving sketch of the life of W. C. Reichel] ; Constitution and by-laws; Organization and aims; Peter Boehler s oak tree [Nazareth, Pa.], by H. A. Brickenstein ; Celebration of the first anniversary of the Society, Novem ber 18, 1858 ; Address, by James Henry ; The first " Sea congregation," 1742, by J. C. Brickenstein: Sketch of the settlement of Hope, N. J., by C. F. Kluge; Sketch of the history of the congregation on Staten Island, by E. Leibert ; Chris tian s spring [Nazareth, Pa.], by J. Henry; Appendix to sketch of Staten Island congregation ; Revolutionary letters ; Extracts from Zinzendorf s diary of his second, and in part of his third, journey among the Indians [at]Shekomeko and on the Susquehanna ; Catechism of the Bohemian Brethren ; The second " Sea Congregation," 1743, by J. C. Brickenstein ; The chapel and its contiguous build ings on Church street, Bethlehem, by E. de Schweinitz ; Revolutionary letters; Letter from Bishop Spangenberg to Rev. J. Rogers, January 25, 1761 ; Sketch of the history of the Bible in Bohemia, by W. G. Malin ; Establishment of the Mora vian congregations in Ohio, by J. Blickensderfer ; Wyalusing and the Moravian mission at Friedenshuetten, by W. C. Reichel ; Names which the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians gave to rivers, streams, and localities [in] Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, prepared from a MS. by J. Heckewelder, by W. C. Reichel ; Register of the members of the Moravian Church, and of persons attached to said church in this country and abroad, between 1727 and 1754, from a MS. of A. Reincke ; Account of the celebration of the fourteenth anniversary of the Society, and " Disjecta membra," by W. C. Reichel ; List of officers and mem bers, 1876. Appendix: Historical sketch of Nazareth Hall, by W. C. Reichel; Historical sketch of the Moravian Seminary for young ladies, at Bethlehem. Nazareth, 1876. pp. viii, 447, 27, 32. (6222 Vol. ii. Constitution and by-laws, 1877; Friedensthal and its stockaded mill. 1749-1767, by W. C. Reichel; Nazareth [Pa.] in the Revolution, by J. Henry; Brief history of the Widows Society of Bethlehem, by A. Schultze ; A visit tc Bethlehem and Lititz in 1777 ; Meniolagomeka : Annals of a Moravian Indian village, by J. M. Hark ; Some of the fathers of the American Church, by E. df Schweinitz; A red rose from the olden time, or a ramble through the annals ol the Rose Inn, 1752-1772, by W. C. Reichel ; The Cammerhoff trouble at Onon daga, edited by J. W. Jordan ; Sketch of the early history of Lititz, 1742-1775 by H. A. Brickenstein ; The literary works of the foreign missionaries of th( Moravian Church, by G. Th. Reichelt ; Sketch of the history of the Moraviar Congregation at Gnadenhutten on the Mahoning, by Robert Rau ; Letters o) condolence addressed to Count Nicholas Lewis von Zinzendorf, on the death o! his son, Christian Renatus, prepared by Bishop de Schweinitz. Nazareth, 1886 8vp, pp. xiv, 424. (622i Vol. in. The early history of the Church of the United Brethren (Unitas Fra trum), commonly called Moravians, in North America, A. D. 1734-1748, by Rev Levin Theodore Reichel. Nazareth, 1888. pp. 241. (22-: Vol. iv. Part i. Bethlehem, 1891. 8vo, pp. 12. Contains sketch of the Mo ravian settlement at Broadbay, Me. By John W. Jordan. For Vol. iv, see Appendix. (622? MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Transactions of the Moravian Historical ciety. Vol. v. Whitefield House, Nazareth. Printed for the Society, 1899- It was issued in parts during the five years 1895-1899, as follows : MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 855 Transactions. Vol. v, Part i. Bethlehem, Pa., 1895. 8vo, pp. 47. Contains : Narrative of an attempt to establish a mission among the Chippewa Indians of Canada, between the year 1800 and 1806, compiled by Henry A. Jacobson ; Dispersion and flight of the Missionaries and Indians living at Fair- field, Canada, compiled by Henry A. Jacobson. (6228 Transactions. Vol. v, Part n. Pethlehem, Pa., 1896. 8vo, pp. xv, 51-90. Contains : Annual meeting, September 5, 1895 ; Moravian immigration to Pennsylvania, 1734-1767, with some account of the transport vessels, by John W. Jordan. (6227 Transactions. Vol. v, Part in. Bethlehem, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp. 91-267. Contains: Annual meeting, September 10, 1896; The old Moravian cemetery of Bethlehem, Pa., 1742-1897, by Augustus Schultze. Vol. v, Part iv. Bethlehem, Pa., 1898. 8vo, pp. 271-371. (62270 Contains : Index to " The old Moravian cemetery, Bethlehem, Pa. ;" Proceed ings of the annual meeting, Sept. 9, 1897 ; Proceedings of annual meeting, Sept. 1, 1898; pp. 301-308; The first Moravian missionary society in America; A paper read before the Moravian Historical Society September 5, 1895, by J. M. Levering; pp. 311-355; Annual meeting of the Society, Sept. 7, 1899; pp. 357- 362; Constitution, By-laws, List of Members, Officers; pp. 363-370. (6228 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A history of the church known as the Moravian Church, or the Unitas Fratrnm, or the Unity of the Brethren, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. By J. Taylor Hamilton. Bethle hem, Pa., 1900. 8vo, pp. xi, [1], 631, [1]. Front. Portrait. Published by the Society and forms Vol. vi of the Transactions. Name of the Society does not appear on the title-page. (6229 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. vn, Part i-in. Bethlehem, Pa., 1902-1904. 8vo, pp. 32. Vol. vn, Part I. Contains : Annual meetings 1900, 1901 ; Dedication of the monument at Meniolagomeka, Oct. 22, 1901. Vol. vn, Part n. Bethlehem, 1903. 8vo, pp. 33-82. Contains : Annual meeting, 1902 ; Notes on the family of William Parsons, the founder of Easton, by J. M. Levering ; Wechquetauk, by Eugene Leibert. (623O Vol. vn, Part in. Bethlehem, 1904. 8vo, pp. 85-214. Contains : The Moravian graveyards at Nazareth, Pa., 1744-1904, by Edward T. Kluge ; Index to the Moravian cemeteries at Nazareth ; Annual meeting, 1903. (6231 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Names which the Lenni Lenape or Delaware Indians gave to rivers, streams, and localities within the States of Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, with their significations. Pre pared for the Transactions of the Society, from a MS. by John Heckewelder. By William C. Reichel. Bethlehem, 1872. Large 8vo, pp. 58. From the Transactions. (6232 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of Nazareth Hall, a Moravian boarding school for boys, located at Nazareth, Northampton County, Pa. Founded, 1785. By William C. Reichel. Bethlehem, 1876. 8vo, pp. 32. (6233 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some of the fathers of the American Moravian Church. A series of brief biographies, by Edmund de Schweinitz. Re printed from the Transactions of the Society. Bethlehem, 1882. 8vo, pp. 125. (6234 856 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Scran ton, Pa. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Old Connecticut town of Westmoreland in Pennsylvania. Paper read at Scranton, December 22, 1903, before the New England Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania, by F. C. Johnson. [Scranton? 1903.] 8vo. pp. [31. Caption title. In double columns. (6235 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Pa. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. First annual festival of the Society. Philadelphia. December 22, 1881. 8v, pp. 59. (6236 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Second annual festival of the So ciety, Philadelphia, December 22, 1882. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo. pp. 43. (6237 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Seventh annual festival at Philadel phia, Dec. 22, 1887. Philadelphia [1887]. 8vo, pp. 67. (6238 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Fifteenth annual festival of the So ciety, December 23, 1895. 8vo, pp. 81. (6239 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Sixteenth annual festival, Philadel phia, December 22, 1896. 8vo, pp. 66. (624O NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Twenty-first annual festival, at Phil adelphia, December twenty-second, 1901. 8vo, pp. 140. Contains : A brief historical sketch of the Society ; Creed, character, and con quest of the Pilgrim fathers, by Kerr Boyce Tupper. (6241 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Twenty-second annual festival, Phil adelphia, December twenty-second, 1902. Svo, pp. 110. (6242 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Twenty-third annual festival, Phila delphia, December twenty-second, 1903. 8vo, pp. 119. (6243 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Speech of George Frisbie Hoar at the banquet of the Society at Philadelphia [Dec. 22, 1902]. 1903. Svo, pp. 12. (6244 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Twenty-fourth annual festival. The Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, December twenty-second, 1904. 4to, pp. 107. Contents : Officers ; Treasury ; Objects of the Society ; Twenty-fourth annual meeting ; Twenty-fourth annual festival ; Constitution and by-laws ; Members ; Obituary. 6245 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Circular relating to a proposed archae ological map. Broadside. (6246 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 857 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Philadel phia, 1858. 8vo, pp. 11. (6247 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. An historical sketch of the paper money issued by Pennsylvania, with a complete list of the dates, issues, amounts, denominations, and signers. By a member of the Numismatic Society of Philadelphia. [Henry Phillips, jr.] Philadelphia, 1862. 8vo, pp. 40. (6248 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Charter, constitution, and by-laws. Philadelphia, 1865. Svo, pp. 16. (6249 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings, May, 1865-December, 1866. 1878-1889. Philadelphia, 1867-1891. None published between 1867 and 1880. For continuation see Nos. 6321a and 6339 et seq. (G25O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The diary of John Pemberton for the years 1777 and 1778. Edited from the MSS. in the possession of the Society, by Eli K. Price. A paper read before the Numis matic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia July 5, 1866. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 109-122. (6251 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Golden relics from Chiriqui. Read before the Society October 5, 1865, by Alfred B. Taylor. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 73-80. (6252 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A historical sketch of national medals issued pursuant to resolution of Congress, 1776-1815. A paper read before the Society November 1 and 15, 1866, by Charles H. Hart. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 24. Same, Svo, pp. 137-160. (6253 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Medicine and as trology. A paper read before the Society June 7, 1866. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 9. Same, 8vo, pp. 99-107. (6254 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On a hoard of Roman coins lately exhumed at Paris. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadel phia, 1867. 8vo. (6255 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On American collec tions of coins. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo. (6256 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the ancient mounds of the West and their builders. By Charles Henry Hart. Phila delphia, 1867. 8vo. (6257 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the names of coins. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo. (6258 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The pleasures of numismatic science. A paper read before the Society, October 4, 1866, by Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 14. Same, Svo, pp. (2), 125-136. (6259 858 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings from May 4, 1865, to December 31, 1866. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 160. Edition, 250 copies. Contents : The following, with independent title-pages, but continuous paging : Some observations on early currency of Maryland, a paper read before the Society, June 7, 1865, by Henry Phillips, jr., pp. 65-72; Golden relics from Chiriqui, a paper read before the Society, October 5, 1865, by Alfred B. Taylor, pp. 7380 ; Remarks on Tabasco, Mexico, occasioned by the reported discovery of remains of ancient cities being found in that locality, a paper read before the Society, April 5, 1866, by Charles II. Hart, pp. 81-92 ; Some considerations on the best means of promoting the efficiency and extending the usefulness of the Society, a paper read before the Society, April 5, 1866, by Henry Phillips, jr., pp. 93-98 ; Medicine and astrology, a paper read before the Society, June 7, 1866, by Henry Phillips, jr., pp. 99-107 ; Diary of John Pemberton, for the years 1777 and 1778, edited from the MSS. in the possession of the Society, by Eli K. Price, a paper read before the Society, July 5, 1866, pp. 109-122 ; The pleasures of numismatic science, a paper read before the Society, October 4, 1866, by Henry Phillips, jr., pp. 123-136 ; A historical sketch of the national medals issued pursuant to resolution of Congress, 1776-1315, a paper read before the Society, November 1 and 15, 1866, by Charles H. Hart, pp. 137-160. (626O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Remarks on Tabasco, Mexico, occasioned by the reported discovery of remains of ancient cities being found in that locality. A paper read before the Numismatic and Anti quarian Society of Philadelphia, April 5, 1866, by Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. 12. (G261 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Some considerations on the best means of promoting the efficiency and extending the usefulness of the Society. A paper read April 5, 1866, by Henry Phillips, jr. Phila delphia, 1867. 8vo, pp. (2), 95-98. (0263 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Some observations on early currency of Maryland. A paper read before the Society. June 7, 1865, by Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1867. Svo, pp. (2), 67-72. (6263 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of Jared Sparks. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. (6264 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of Joseph R. Ingersoll. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1868. Svo. (6265 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A monograph on the island of Cozumel. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. (6266 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On cowries as a currency. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1868. Svo. (6267 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Recent progress in American linguistics. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1868. 8vo. (6268 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of George W. Fahnestock. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1869. 8vo. (6269 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On international coinage. By James Ross Snowden. Philadelphia, 1869. Svo. (627O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 859 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the coins and currency of China. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1869. 8vo. (6271 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the Indian name of the village of luka. By W. T. Taylor. Philadelphia, 1869. 8vo. (6272 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Constitution and by-laws. Philadelphia, 1870. 8vo, pp. 15. (6273 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A discourse on the lifo and services of Gulian Crommelin Verplanck. Delivered before the Society May 5, 1870. By Charles Henry Hart. New York, 1870. 8vo, pp. 20. Large page. (6274 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A necrological no tice of Richard Stephen Field. Read before the Society October 6, 1870. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1870. 8vo, pp. 10. (6275 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A tribute to the memory of William Willis. Read before the Society March 3, 1870. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1870. 8vo, pp. 8. (6276 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of George Ticknor, historian of Spanish literature. By Charles Henry Hart. Read before the Society, May 4, 1871. Philadelphia, 1871. 8vo, pp. 24. (6277 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On a black letter almanac for 1620. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1871. 8vo. (6278 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On Indian relics lately discovered near Monongahela City, Pa. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1871. 8vo. (6279 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On prehistoric re mains lately found in the Ribbesdale caves, England. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1871. 8vo. (62SO NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the first Ameri can edition of the Bible. By Joseph A. Murray. Philadelphia, 1871. 8vo. (6281 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the remains of a prehistoric race found on Easter Island. By W. Grier Hibler. Philadel phia, 1871. 8vo. (6282 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the Danish archi tecture of the middle ages. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1873. 8vo. (6283 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the Di Cesnola collection of Cypriote antiquities. By Charles Piers. Philadelphia, 1873. 8vo. (6284 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the magic of the middle ages, as illustrated by the works of Albertus Magnus. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1873. 8VO. (6285 860 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On an alphabet ically inscribed stone found in Obio. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1874. 8vo. (6280 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On late discoveries of human remains at Pompeii. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1874. 8vo. (0287 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the manners and migrations of the most ancient races of America. By D. G. Brinton. Phila delphia, 1874. 8vo. (6288 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the origin and history of the coinage of money. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1874. 8vo. (6289 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY" OF PHILADELPHIA. [List of officers, etc., 1875.] Broadside. (G29O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On Americana in the library of John Carter Brown. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1875. 8vo. (0291 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the recent dis covery of supposed war chariots near Rome. By W. Grier Hibler. Phila delphia, 1875. 8vo. ( 6292 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The first American expedition to the North Pole. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo. < 6293 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. King Mesa s pillar. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 187(3. 8vo. < 6294 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On a prehistoric Pompeii. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo. < 6295 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the falsification of coins. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo. i296 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Recent explorations in the shell mounds of Florida, By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1876. 8vo. ( 297 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the loyalty of Chief Justice Chew. By Eli K. Price. Philadelphia, 1877. 8vo. < 6398 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Officers. 1878. Sheet. < 6299 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Wampum ; a paper presented to the Society [January 2, 1868]. By Ashbel Woodward. Albany, 1878. 8vo, pp. 61. Same. Second edition. Albany, 1880. 8vo, pp. 56. (G3OO NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The aboriginal mica mines of North Carolina. By D. G. Brinton. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo. (0301 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 861 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The bones of Colum bus. By diaries Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo. (63O2 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Discoveries recently made in Guatemala, near Cosamol Whuapa. By D. G. Brinton. Philadel phia, 3879. 8vo. (63O3 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Essay upon the wor ship of the sun. By Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo. (63O4 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notes upon the col lection of coins now upon exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Memorial Hall, Fail-mount Park, Philadelphia. By Henry Phillips, jr. Read before the American Philosophical Society, February 7, 1S79, and before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, March G, 1879. [Philadelphia, 1879.] Svo, pp. 15. (63O5 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. On the falsification of ancient coins. A paper read before the Society, April 3, 1879, by S. K. Harzfeld. Philadelphia, 1879. Svo, pp. 8. (63O6 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings, March 20, 1879, on the occasion of the presentation of a silver medal to the Hon. Eli K. Price, president, in commemoration of the twenty-first anniversary of the foundation of the Society. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo, pp. 16. (63O7 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Tanagra figurines. Philadelphia, 1879. (63O8 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Act and bull ; or, fixed anniversaries. A paper submitted to the Society, November 4, 1880, by Lewis A. Scott, with an appendix, containing the bull of Gregory XIII, translated, and the body of the act of Parliament. [Philadelphia, 1880.] 8vo, pp. 24. No title-page. Half title on cover. (63O9 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notes upon a de narius of Augustus Ca?sar. A paper read before the Society, February 5, 1880, by Henry Phillips, jr. [Philadelphia], 1880. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the American Journal of Numismatics. (631O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Old titles to the city of Philadelphia. By Isaac Myer. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo. (6311 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The remains of an aboriginal encampment at Kehoboth, Del. A paper read before the Society, February 5, 1880, by Francis Jordan, jr. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 7. (6312 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Report of the oper ations of the Society for the years 1878 and 1879. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 23. (6313 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Some modern mone tary questions reviewed by the light of antiquity. A paper read before the Society, April 1, 1880, by Robert Noxon Toppan. Philadelphia, 1880. 8vo, pp. 9. Plate. Same. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1881. Svo, pp. 9. Plate. (6314 862 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Worship of the sun. The story told by a coin of Constantine the Great. A paper read before the Society, October 2, 1879, by Henry Phillips, jr. Philadelphia, 1880. Small 4to, pp. 8. (6315 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A brief history of the soldiers medals issued by the State of West Virginia as " tokens of re spect " to those of her citizens who served in the Army of the United States from 1861 to 1865. By the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden. Read before the Society, February 4, 1881. Also read before the West Virginia Historical Society, June 10, 1879. Photographic plate. Illuminated title. Wilkes- barre. Pa., 1881. 8vo, pp. 18. (6316 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. A discourse com memorative of the life and services of the late William Beach Lawrence, before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, May 5, 1881, by Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Penn Monthly for June, 1881, Vol. xii. (6317 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of Samuel Stehman Haldenian. By Charles Henry Hart, historiographer of the So ciety. With an appendix. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 26. Reprinted from the Penn Monthly, August, 1881. (6318 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Necrology for 1880. Joel Munsell ; Samuel Greene Arnold ; James Lenox ; Samuel Agnew ; Samuel Stehman Haldeman ; James Grier Ralston. By Charles Henry Hart. Phila delphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 12. Reprinted from Proceedings. (6319 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Officers. 1881. Sheet. (632O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Old and new style. Fixed dates, calendars, and the principles and results of emendations. A paper read before the Society, February 3, 1881, by John R. Baker. Phila delphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 16. (6321 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Report of the pro ceedings of the Society for 1880. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 31. Same, 1881, with necrological notices. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo, pp. 39. Same, 1882. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo, pp. 37. Same, 1883. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, pp. 46. Illustrated. Same, 1884. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo, pp. 33. Same, 1885. Philadelphia, 1886. 8vo, pp. 28. (6321o NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Some modern mone tary questions viewed by the light of antiquity. A paper read before the Society, April 1, 1880, by Robert N. Toppan. Second edition. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. (2), 9. (6322 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Some old maps of Philadelphia. By William Trautwine. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo. (6323 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. William Penn s landing in Pennsylvania, The bicentennial anniversary date for celebration NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 863 in 1882. Report of the majority of the committee appointed to consider and report on the above. Philadelphia, 1881. Svo, pp. 8. (6324 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The books of Chilan Balam, the prophetic and historic record of the Mayas of Yucatan. By Daniel G. Briuton. Philadelphia, [1882]. Square Svo, pp. 19. Read before the Society, January, 1882. (6325 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Necrology for 1881. Robert Smith Swords ; William Beach Lawrence ; John Gorham Palfrey ; Joseph Sabin ; Ferdinand Keller ; Eugene Anthony Vetromile ; Samuel Fos ter Haven ; Edwin Augustine Dalrymple. By Charles Henry Hart. Phila delphia, 1882. 8vo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (6326 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Remarks upon a coin of Sicyon. By Henry Phillips, jr. Reprinted from the American Jour nal of Numismatics for January, 1882. [Philadelphia, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 7. Read before the Society. (6327 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Constitution and by-laws. With a list of members. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo, pp. 15. (6328 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Extracts from the minutes of the regular meeting, March 1st, 1883. 8vo, pp. 3. Relating to recent European contributions to the study of American archse- ology. (6329 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of Lewis H. Morgan. Read before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Phil adelphia May 4, 1882. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1883. . 8vo, pp. 12. (633O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Necrology for 1882. Lewis H. Morgan ; Niels Frederick Bernhard De Sehested ; George Smith ; Elisha Reynolds Potter ; Horace Maynard ; William Sansom Vaux ; Henry Cruse Murphy. By Charles Henry Hart Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (6331 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings of the Society in celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation, January 1, 1858. Held January 4, 1883. Philadelphia, 1883. 8vo, pp. 26. (6332 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The colonial jetong of Louis XV. and other pieces relating to the French colonial possessions in America and to their conquest by England. By George M. Parsons. Columbus, Ohio, 1884. 8vo, pp. 15. Tlate. Reprinted from the American Journal of Numismatics. (6333 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Memoir of George Sharswood, late chief justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, by Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, pp. 10. Read before the Society January 3, 1884. Reprinted from Proceedings for 1883. (6334 864 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Necrology for 1883. Charles Perrin Smith ; Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus Elmer ; George Shars- wood. By Charles Henry Hart. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, pp. 17. Reprinted from Proceedings. (6335 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The Waterloo medal ; an address before the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Phil adelphia. By Isaac Myer. Philadelphia, 1885. 4to, pp. 18. Portraits. Plates. Initial letters. One hundred copies printed for private distribution. (6336 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. The religious cere monies of the Chinese in the Eastern cities of the United States. By Stewart Culin. An essay read before the Society April 1, 1886. Privately printed. Philadelphia, 1887. 4to, pp. 23. Plate. Facsimile. (6337 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Report of the pro ceedings for the year 1886. Philadelphia, 1887. 8vo, pp. 24. (6338 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Report of the pro ceedings of the Society for the years 1887-1889. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 86. Contains : The annual address of President Brinton, entitled American abo riginal poetry ; Notes on early medals, rings, etc., by W. M. Beauchamp ; Migra tions of the Onondagas, by W. M. Beauchamp ; An old Japanese standard foot measure, by Benjamin Smith Lyman ; Aboriginal wood working, by Francis Jordan, jr. ; On the " Stone of the Giants," by Daniel G. Brinton. (6339 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings for the years 1890-1891. Philadelphia, 1892. 8vo, pp. 129. (634O NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. On an " inscribed tablet " from Long Island. Read before the Society, October 5, 1893, by D. G. Brinton. [Waterloo, Indiana, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 3. Woodcut. (6341 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings of the Society for the years 1892-1898. Philadelphia, 1899. 8vo, pp. 168. Contents : Officers ; Members ; Proceedings ; The inter-continental trade of Bering Straits, by Inman Homer ; The cross-bow, by Cornelius Stevenson ; The Boro Budur temple of Java, by Clarence B. Moore; A proposed medal for the Philadelphia post-office, by Richard S. Edwards ; Japanese swords, chiefly by Edward Gilbertson ; Necrology ; Index. (6342 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings for the years 1899-1901. Philadelphia, 1902. 8vo, pp. 172. Contents : Officers and committees ; Members ; Proceedings ; Daniel Garrison Brinton obituary address, by Inman Horner ; Early ordnance, by Cornelius Stevenson ; The Great Seal of England, by Charles E. Dana ; The coinage of the ancient Greeks, by W. N. Bates; Discussion of the Proceedings of 1892-98, by Edward Gilbertson; A Hebrew Omer of the year 1800, by Charles J. Cohen; Letters from Sicily, by John T. Morris ; Black patina on Japanese iron sword- guards, by Edward Gilbertson ; Four Turkish coins, by Edward Gilbertson : Coin cabinet, by Edward Gilbertson ; Falconry, by Charles E. Dana ; An antique glass medallion, by John T. Morris ; The coinage of the Ottoman sultans, by Edward Gilbertson ; Earliest dates on coins, by Richard W. Davids ; Some lit erary and antiquarian frauds, by Charles E. Dana ; Pennsylvania German stove plate, by Henry C. Mercer. (< PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. 865 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. Proceedings for the years 1902-1003. Philadelphia, 1904. 8vo, pp. 210. Contents : Officers and committees ; Members ; Proceedings ; Fitch and his predecessors in steam navigation, by Charles E. Dana ; The ceramic literature of the Pennsylvania Germans, by Edwin Atlee Barber; The English coronation, its service and its history, by Charles E. Dana ; Discussion of the proceedings of 1899-1901, by Edward Gilbertson ; The age of old watches as shown by then construction, by Richard Wistar Davids ; The tournament and the joust, by Cornelius Stevenson ; Prince Eugene of Savoy s sword ; A few impressions of Segesta and Selinus, by C. M. Burns ; " Teigdriicke " prints in paste, by John F. Lewis ; " Schrotblatter," or prints in the " Maniere Crible e," by John L. Lewis. (6344 OHIO VALLEY CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pittsburg, Pa, OHIO VALLEY CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in the United States. [By A. A. Lambing.] Head before the Society, April 16, 1885. In Historical Researches in ivestern Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, 1885. Vol. i. pp. 121-136. (6345 Onio VALLEY CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The establishment of the See of. Pittsburg. [By A. A. Lambing.] Read before the Society, May 21, 1885. In Catholic Historical Researches. Pittsburg, 1885. Vol. n, pp. 3-13. (6346 PENNSYLVANIA FEDERATION OF HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. PENNSYLVANIA FEDERATION OF HISTORICAL SOCIETIES. Organized at Harrishurg, January 5, 1905. 8vo, pp. 7. An account of the organization, objects, etc. (634T PIONIER-VEREIN OF PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Pa. PIONIER-VEREIN OF PHILADELPHIA. The German soldier in the wars of the United States. By J. G. Rosengarten. Philadelhpia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 175. Read before the Pionier-Verein. (6348 I IOMER-VEREIN OF PHILADELPHIA. Sources of history. A paper read before the German-American Historical Society of New York and Pionier-Verein of Philadelphia. By J. G. Rosengarten. Philadelphia, 1892. 8vo, pp. 32. (634J) PIONIER-VEREIN OF PHILADELPHIA. The first century of German printing in America, 1728-1830, preceded by a notice of the literary work of F. D. Pastorius. By Oswald Seidensticker. Philadelphia, 1893. 8vo, pp. x, 253, [1]. Facsimile. (635O PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Lancaster, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the Society. Or ganized April 15, 1891. Lancaster, 1891. 32mo, pp. 15. (6351 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 55 866 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Sketch of its origin, with the proceedings and addresses at its organization. Lancaster, April 15th, 1891 Published by the Society, 1891. 8vo, pp. viii, 94. Portrait. Contents : Report of the proceedings, April 15th, 1891 ; " De Olta un Neia Tzeita," by E. II. Rauch : "Puritan and Cavalier? Why not the Pennsylvania- German? by T. C. Zimmerman; Auswahlen der Alte Zeite;" The Pennsylvania- Germans in Church and State, by C. Z. Welser ; What I know of Pennsylvania- Germans, by F. J. F. Schantz ; Constitution ; i3y-Laws. Forms Vol. I of the Proceedings. (6352 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Harrisburg, Oct. 14, 1891, Mount Gretna, July 18, 1892. Vol. n. Published by the Society, 1892. 8vo, pp. 132. Plate. Contents : Report of the proceedings at its first annual meeting, held in Har risburg, Pa., on Wednesday, October 14, 1891 : Address of welcome, by B. F. Myers ; Annual address by the president, William H. Egle ; The early literature of the Pennsylvania-Germans, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; Proverbs and say ings of the Pennsylvania-Germans, by A. R. Home ; The marriage of the muse a poem by Lee L. Grumbine ; The annual banquet, Oct. 24, 1891 ; Papers read at the meeting held at Mount Gretna, July 18, 1892 : True heroes of Provincial Pennsylvania, by Julius F. Sachse ; The Pennsylvania-German : his place in the history of the commonwealth, by William II. Egle; Obituary. (6:553 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Lebanon, Octo ber 12, 1892. Vol. in. Published by the Society, 1893. 8vo, pp. 292. Portraits. Contents : Report of the proceedings of the Society at its second annual meet ing, held at Lebanon, Pa., October 12, 1892 : Address of welcome, by John B. McPherson ; Annual address by the president, Wm. H. Egle ; John Greenleaf Whittier, by II. L. Fisher ; The Pennsylvania-German in history, by Benjamin M. Nead ; The Pennsylvania-Germans, poem by M. Sheeleigh ; Pennsylvania- Germans at the Battle of Long Island, by Geo. C. Heckman ; Hombog Orgel Bissniss, by F. J. F. Schantz ; The annual banquet, Oct. 12, 1892 ; Pennsylvania- German day at the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 17, 1893 ; Obituary ; List of members of the Society ; Birth and baptismal register of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa., 1747-1774. (6354 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at York, October 11, 1893. Vol. iv. Published by the Society, 1894. 8vo, pp. iv, [6]-292. Plate. Portraits. Contents : Report of the proceedings of the Society at its third annual meet ing, held at York, Pa., Oct. 11, 1893 : Address of welcome, by John W T . Bittenger ; Response, by Thos. C. Zimmerman ; Annual address of the president, H. L. Fisher; The German Moravian settlements in Pennsylvania, 1735-1800, by Paul de Schweinitz ; Maxatawny prior to 1800, by F. K. Levan ; The banquet; Penn sylvania-German day at the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, Mt. Gretna, July 19, 1894; The educational position of the Pennsylvania-Germans, by R. K. Buehrle ; The ancestral virtues of the Pennsylvania Germans, by Thomas C. Zimmerman ; Obituaries ; Officers ; Biographical sketches ; Birth and baptismal register of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa., 1774-1786. Births and baptisms of the First Reformed Church, Lancaster, 1736-1769. (6355 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Reading, Oct. 3, 1894. Vol. v. Published by the Society, 1895, 8vo, pp. 266. Plates. Portrait. Contents : Report of the proceedings of the Society at its fourth annual meet ing, held at Reading, Oct. 3, 1894 : Address of Welcome, by James N. Ermen- trout ; Response, by Theo. E. Schmauk ; German colonization in America, by George C. Heckman ; Der Prahl-Hans an epic of 1812 ; Secretary s annual re port ; The Pennsylvania-Germans at home, by John S. Stahr ; Popular supersti tions, by W. J. Hoffman. The banquet ; Notes on the Bucher Album, by Thos. Conrad Porter; Obituary; Biographical sketches; Births and baptismal register of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa., 1786-1792. Same, First Reformed Church, Lancaster, 1769-1800. (6356 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. 867 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Bethlehem, Oct. 16, 1895. Vol. vi. Published by the Society, 1896. 8vo, pp. 283. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Report of the proceedings at its fifth annual meeting : Address by J. Mortimer Levering ; Annual address by the president, Samuel W. Pennypacker ; Secretary s annual report ; The Pennsylvania-German in the field of the natural sciences, by Thomas Conrad Porter ; The old Moravian Sun Inn, Bethlehem, 1758, by [W. C. Reichel] ; The Pennsylvania-German in the Lehigh valley, by M. H. Richards ; The Pennsylvania-German in journalism and literature, by Lee L. Grumbine ; The Pennsylvania-German in education, by Oscar L. Kuhns ; The Pennsylvania-German in the church, by Paul de Schweinitz ; The Pennsyl vania-German in the home, by F. J. F. Schantz ; Obituaries ; Surviving members ; Biographical sketches ; Kirchen-Matricul : Der Evangelisch Lutherischen Ge- meinde in Neu Providenz, Pennsylvania (Augusta Ev. Luth. Congregation, Trappe, Pa.), translated, collated, and arranged by Julius Friedrich Sachse ; Births and baptismal register of Trinity Lutheran Church, Lancaster, Pa., 1793-1799. (6357 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1896. Vol. vn. Published by the Society, 1897. 8vo, pp. 576. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Report of the proceedings of the sixth annual meeting ; Secretary s annual report ; Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and de velopment. A narrative and critical history. Prepared by authority of The Pennsylvania-German Society. Part i. The Fatherland (1450-1700) : showing the part it bore in the discovery, exploration, and development of the Western Continent, with special reference to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Part I of a narrative and critical history, prepared at the request of the Pennsyl vania-German Society. By Julius Friedrich Sachse. Philadelphia, 1897. pp. 33-256. The German exodus to England in 1709, by Frank Reid Diffenderffer. Lancaster, Pa., 1897. pp. 257-414. In memoriam ; Members ; Biographical sketches ; Augustus Ev. Lutheran Church, Trappe, Pa. Record of marriages, confirmations, and burials, with a list of the contributors to the pastor s salary, Nov. 27, 1760 ; The records of St. Michaelis and Zion Congregation of Phila delphia ; Baptisms, 1745-51. (6358 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Lancaster, Oct. 22, 1897. Vol. vin. Published by the Society, 1898. 8vo, pp. 222, 100, 28. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Annual meeting, October 22, 1897 ; Addresses by E. K. Martin, M. W. Richards, the president, T. E. Schmauk. Reports. Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history, prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Part in. The German emigration to America, 1709-1740. Part in of a narrative and Critical History, prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. By Henry Eyster Jacobs. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. 31-150 ; Obituary ; Church register of the United Reformed and Lutheran Church, called Blimyers, in Hope- well township, York co., Pa. (1761-1831) ; Records of St. Michaelis and Zion congregation of Phila., Baptisms, 1751-3. Index to proper names mentioned in the Proceedings and Addresses of the society, Vols. i-vi, prepared by Daniel Wunderlich Nead. An argument demonstrating that the first discoverers of America were German, not Latin, by H. M. M. Richards. Lancaster, Pa., 1898. pp. 28. (6359 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Allentown, Oct. 14, 1898. Vol. ix. Published by the Society, 1899. 8vo, pp. 468. Plates. Portraits. Contents, pp. 1-46 : Report of the Proceedings, at its eighth annual meeting : Address of welcome, by George T. Ettinger ; Response, by F. J. F. Schantz ; Annual address by the president, N. C. Schaeffer ; Reports ; in memoriam ; Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history. Prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania- German Society. Part iv. The settlement of Germantown, Pennsylvania, and the beginning of German immigration to North America. By Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker. Lancaster, Pa., 1899. .pp. 51-447. The records of St. Michaelis and Zion Congregation of Philadelphia. Baptisms, 1753-55. (636O 868 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Ephrata, Oct. 20, 1899. Vol. x. Published by the Society, 1900. 8vo, pp. 97, ix, 328, 148, 89. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Officers ; Minutes of meeting at Ephrata, Addresses by J. P. Ment- zer, Henry T. Spangler ; E. W. S. Parthemore ; Reports ; Obituaries ; The first German newspaper in America, by J. F. Sachse ; Pennsylvania : The German Influence in its Settlement and Development. A Narrative and Critical History. Prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Part vi : The do mestic life and characteristics of the Pennsylvania-German pioneer. Part vi of a Narrative and Critical History, prepared at the request of the Pennsylva nia-German Society. By F. J. F. Schantz. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. pp. 97. Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history. Prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania-Ger man Society. Part vn : The German immigration into Pennsylvania through the port of Philadelphia, from 1700 to 1775. Part 11, The Redemptioners. Part vii of a Narrative and Critical History * * * by Frank Ried Diffen- derffer. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. pp. ix, 328. Pennsylvania : The German in- fluence in its settlement and development. * * * Part vm. The German Baptist Brethren or Dunkers. Part vin.of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. By George N. Falkenstein. Lancaster, Pa., 1900. pp. 148. Pennsylvania-German literature En Hondfull Farsh : Experiments in Pennsylvania-German verse, with an in troduction on the capability of the Pennsylvania-German for poetic expression, by J. Max Hark. Published by the Society, 1900. pp. 31. Pennsylvania-Ger man genealogies : Descendants of Henry Melchior Miihlenberg, prepared by au thority of the Pennsylvania-German Society by H. M. M. Richards. Published by the Society, 1800. pp. 89. (6362 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Easton, Oct. 26, 1900. Vol. XL Published by the Society, 1902. 8vo, pp. 50, 355, 357. Plates. Portraits. Contents, pp. 1-50: Proceedings and addresses of the tenth annual meeting; Address of welcome, by B. Rush Field, Response, by George C. Heckman. Ad dress of the president, F. J. F. Schantz. In Memoriam Pennsylvania: The German Influence in its Settlement and Development. A narrative and crit ical history. Prepared by authority of The Pennsylvania-German Society. Part ix. The Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania (1638-1800). Vol. i. The church prior to the arrival of WiP.iam Penn in the seventeenth century and prior to the arrival of Henry Melchior Miihlenburg in the eighteenth century. Part ix of a Narrative and Critical History * * * by Theodore Emanuel Schmauk, D. D. Illustrated by Julius F. Sachse. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. pp. 35. Penn sylvania : The German Influence in its Settlement and Development. A Nar rative and Critical History. Prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania-Ger man Society. Part x. The Reformed Church in Pennsylvania. Part ix of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania- German Society. By Joseph Henry Dubbs. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. pp. 357. pp. 341-357, Bibliography of the Reformed Church of the United States prior to 1800, by Wm. J. Hinke. (6363 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Harrisburg, Oct. 25, 1901. Vol. xn. [Lancaster] 1903. 8vo, pp. 72, 588, 139. Portraits. Plates. Contents : Officers ; Report of the proceedings at the eleventh annual meeting, Oct. 25, 1901 ; Address of welcome, by David McConaughy Gilbert ; Response, by F. J. F. Schantz ; Annual address of the president, Charles Francis Himes ; Eulogy of Thomas Conrad Porter, by Joseph H. Dubbs ; Reports ; Biographical sketch of Joseph Augustus Seiss ; Obituary record. Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history? prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Part xi. The music of the Ephrata cloister, also Conrad Beissel s treatise on music as set forth in a preface to the " Turtel Taube " of 1747, amplified with facsimile repro ductions of parts of the text and some original Ephrata music of the Weyrauchs Hiigel, 1739; Rosen and Lilien, 1745; Turtel Taube, 1747; Choral Buch, 1754, etc., by Julius Friedrich Sachse. Lancaster, 1903. 8vo, pp. 588. The Penn sylvania-German dialect. A study of its status as a spoken dialect and form of literary expression, with reference to its capabilities and limitations, and lines illustrating same, by Lee L. Grumbine. Lancaster, Pa., 1902. 8vo, pp. 139, (6364 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. 869 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Norristown, Oct. 3, 1902. Vol. xin. 1904. 8vo, pp. 30, 232, 93, 27. Plates. Portraits. Contents, pp. 136 : Officers of the Society ; Address of welcome, by Joseph Fornance ; Response, by Jacob Fry ; Address of the president, Joseph H. Dubbs ; Reports ; In memoriam : Samuel Straub Yohe, William Beidelman, George F. W. Holls. Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history prepared by authority of the Pennsylvania German Society. Part xn. The Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania, a historical sketch. Part xn of n Narrative and Critical History, prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. By Howard Wiegner Kriebel. Illustrated by Julius F. Sachse. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. pp. 232. Part xin. American history from German archives, with reference to the German soldiers in the Revolution and Franklin s visit to Germany, by J. G. Rosengarten. Part xin of a Narrative and Critical History, prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania- German Society. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. pp. 93. The picturesque quality of the Pennsylvania German. An address, with illustrations, by William H. Rich ardson. Published by the Society, 1904. pp. 27. (G3G5 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and addresses at Lebanon, Octo ber 22, 1903. Vol. xiv. 1905. 8vo, pp. 68, xi, 236, 140. Contents, pp. 1-68 : Proceedings at the thirteenth annual meeting ; Lebanon and its environs, a brief historical sketch, by P. L. Croll ; Pennsylvania : The German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history. Part xiv. Daniel Falckner s " Curieuse Nachricht from Pennsylvania." The book that stimulated the great German emigration to Pennsylvania in the early years of the xvin century. Translated and annotated by Julius Friedrich Sachse. Part xiv of a Narrative and Critical History, prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. pp. 256. Record of mar riages in the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Philadelphia, commenced, Anno 1745. pp. 140. (63GG PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. The Fatherland: 1450-1700, showing the part it bore in the discovery, exploration, and development of the western conti nent, with special reference to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Part i of a narrative and critical history, prepared at the request of the Pennsyl vania-German Society. By Julius Friedrich Sachse. Philadelphia, 1897. 4to, pp. xii, [3]-234. Front. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Fac simile. (Pennsylvania: the German influence in its settlement and development, gt. 1.) Appendix : Title pages of books and pamphlets that influenced German emi gration to Pennsylvania, reproduced in facsimile. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Pennsylvania-German Society. (G.*i(>7 PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. Pennsylvania : the German influence in its settlement and development. A narrative and critical history. Prepared by Authority of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Philadelphia, 1897. Lancaster, Pa. 2 v. 4 to and Svo. Contents : Vol. i. Sachse, J. F. The Fatherland : 1450-1700. 1897. 4to. Vol. ii. Diffenderffer, F. R. The German exodus to England in 1709. 1897. Svo. (G36S PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. American history from German archives with reference to the German soldiers in the Revolution and Franklin s visit to Germany. By J. G. Rosengarten. Part xin of a Narrative and Critical History prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society. Lan caster, Pa. 1904, Svo, pp. 104. Illustrations. (GGJ> PENNSYLVANIA-GERMAN SOCIETY. The Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania, a his torical sketch. By Howard Wiegner .Kriebel. Lancaster, Pa., 1904. Svo, pp. xiv, 232. Portraits. Plates. Facsimiles. (637O 870 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Presbyterianism. Its true place and value in history. Discourse delivered before tbe Society at the annual meeting, May 19, 1853. By Robert Davidson. Philadelphia, 1854. 8vo, pp. 28. (6371 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The reformed churches of Europe and America in relation to general church history. An address delivered, by request of the Society, before the General Assembly at St. Louis, Mo., May 21, 1855. By Henry B. Smith. Philadelphia, 1855. 8vo, pp. 36. (6372 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Socinian apostacy of the English Pres byterian churches. Discourse on behalf of the Society, May 16, 185G. By S. J. Baird. Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo, pp. "2. (6373 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early Presbyterian emigration into South Carolina ; a discourse. May 7, 1858, by appointment of the Society. By George Howe. Columbia, 1858. 8vo, pp. 41. (6374 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Presbyterian Church in America, from its origin until the year 1760, with biographical sketches of its early ministers, by Richard Webster. With a memoir of the author, by C. Van .Rensselaer. and an historical introduction, by William Blackwood. Published by authority of the Society. Philadelphia, 1858. 8vo, pp. 720. A prefatory notice says that this is the first volume of the publications of the Society. (6375 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of books in the library of the Society. Philadelphia, 1865. 8vo, pp. 107. (6376 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report and charter. Philadelphia, 1877. 8vo. (6377 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for year ending May 6, 1880. Philadelphia. 1880. 8vo, pp. 12, (1). (6378 Annual report for the year ending May 5, 1881. Philadelphia, 1881. 8vo, pp. 11, (2). Annual report for the year ending May 4, 1882. Philadelphia, 1882. 8vo. pp. 12, (3). None published in 1883. Annual report for the year ending May 1, 1884. Philadelphia, 1884. 8vo, pp. 12, (3). Annual report for the year ending May 7, 1885. Philadelphia, 1885. 8vo, pp. 15. Annual report for the year ending May 7, 1886. Philadelphia, 1886. 8vo, pp. 16. Annual report for the year ending May 5, 1887. Philadelphia, 1887. 8vo, pp. 13. Annual report for the year ending May 3, 1888. Philadelphia, 1888. 8vo, pp. 19. Annual report for the year ending May 2, 1889. Philadelphia, 1889. 8vo, pp. 13. (637$) PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Forty-third annual report of the executive council. Presented to the Society at its annual meeting in Philadelphia, January 10, 1895. Philadelphia, 1895. 8vo, pp. 16. (6380 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 871 PUESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. i. 1901-1902. Philadelphia, 1902. 8vo, pp. vii, 457. Portraits. Plates. Facsimiles. Issued quarterly, May, 1901-December, 1902. Nos. 1-6. Contents : Table of contents ; The debt of the present to the past : its pay mentthe annual address by the president, Henry C. McCook ; Constitution and by-laws of the Society ; Members ; Committees ; Historical sketch and charac teristics of the Reformed Church in America, by P. H. Millikin ; History and characteristics of the Reformed Church in the United States, by James Craw ford ; History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, by David Steele ; Characteristics of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, by John De Witt ; The Presbyterian Church in the United States, by Thomas Gary Johnson ; Origin and distinctive characteristics of the United Presbyterian Church of North America, by James Price ; Church record of Neshaminy and Bensalem, Bucks county, 1710-1738, edited by Wni. J. Hinke ; Annual report of the executive council for the year ending Jan. 11, 1900 ; Same, for the year ending Jan. 10, 1901. Reports of officers ; Report of Historical Collections Committee ; Recent ecclesiastical researches in Holland, by E. T. Corwin ; The Cumberland Presbyterian Church : its origin, distinctive features, and the grounds for preserving its denominational integrity, by William Henry Black. Excerpt from report of the Society in Scotland for propagating Chris tian Knowledge, 1774 ; The several editions of the constitution of the Cumber land Presbyterian Church, by Henry C. McCook ; Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, D. D., founder of the Presbyterian Historical Society ; An early document con cerning the first Presbyterian congregation of New York ; Annual report of the executive council for the year ending Jan. 9, 1902 ; Additional notes on editions of the Cumberland Confession of Faith, by Henry C. McCook ; Abstract of the minutes of the annual meeting, 1902 ; The early editions of Watts s hymns, by Louis F. Benson ; The Presbyterian General Assembly of eighteen hundred and two ; The Log College of Neshaminy and Princeton University, by Elijah R. Craven ; Six letters of President Burr, by William L. Ledwith ; The evolution of a great hymn (" Before Jehovah s awful throne"), by Louis F. Benson; Let ters of Rev. John Anderson, D. D., and Matthew Henderson, by James Price ; Me morabilia of the Tennents, by De Benneville K. Ludwig ; The semicentennial of the Society, by John Peacock ; The record of fifty years, 1852-1902 histor ical sketch of the Presbyterian Historical Society, by William L. Ledwith ; Addresses, by II. C. McCook, Theodore L. Cuyler, Henry Van Dyke, Edward B. Hodge, Louis F. Benson ; The Reformed Church, by John H. Prugh ; Index. (6381 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. n. 1903-1904. Philadel phia, 1904. 8vo, pp. vii, 400. Portraits. Plates. Issued quarterly. June, 1903-December, 1904. Nos. 1-7. Contents : Table of contents ; The first German reformed colony in Virginia, 1714-1750, by William J. Hinke ; The American revisions of Watts s " Psalms," by Louis F. Benson ; The second Presbyterian church in Philadelphia reminis cences, by Hugh L. Hodge ; Annual report of the executive council ; Abstract of minutes of the annual meeting; Editorial; Record of new publications; James Hall Mason Knox, 1824-1903, by John Peacock ; Letters to the Rev. David Goodwillie, 1792-1804; The Rev. David Evans s catechism (published in 1731- 2) ; A contemporaneous account of Jonathan Edwards ; The New School Theo logical Seminary in Philadelphia in 1844-1847, by Andrew Culver ; Douglas Kellogg Turner, 1823-1902, by H. S. Prentiss Nichols ; Church records in New Jersey, by William Nelson ; Samuel Clarke Perkins, 1828-1903, by Willard M. Rice ; A letter of the Rev. William Marshall, Jany, 9, 1788 ; Annual report of the executive council for the year ending Jan. 14, 1904 ; Abstract of the minutes of the annual meeting, Jan. 14, 1904 ; Reports upon the early history of Presbyterian churches memoirs of the Presbytn. Ch. of Neshaminey and of Deep-run (written by the Rev. Nathaniel Irwin). The Arch Street Church building, by James F. Magee ; Henry Sassaman Dotterer, 1841-1903, by Wm. J. Hinke ; President Samuel Davies as a hymn writer, by Louis. F. Benson ; The education of Presbyterian theological students, a letter of Dr. Archibald Alex ander, with a historical note by Edward B. Hodge ; The early history of the First Reformed Church of Philadelphia, Pa., 1727-1734, by William J. Hinke; Reports upon the early history of Presbyterian churches; William Lawrence Ledwith, 1850-1904, by Edward M. Deems ; The magazine of the Reformed 872 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Dutch Church a bibliographical note ; The hymns of President Samuel Davies, edited by Louis F. Benson ; Index. (6382 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. in, No. 1. March, 1905. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. 56. Contents : The date of John Knox s birth : The Athenaeum correspondence ; When was the first presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in the United States organized? by Benjamin L. Agnew ; Willard Martin Rice, by Harry P. Ford; Reports upon the early history of Presbyterian churches ; Annual report of the executive council of the society ; Record of new publications relating to iPresby- terian and Reformed Church history. (6382a PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. in, No. 2. June, 1905. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. 57-104. Plates. Contents : Presbyterian ism in Arkansas, by James Wilson Moore ; Old Pine Street Church, Philadelphia, in the Revolutionary War, by Herbert Adams Gib bons ; Notices of six Presbyterian divines bearing the name of Balch, by Thomas. Willing Balch ; Reports upon the early history of Presbyterian churches ; Preface to " The directory, for the public worship of God. of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America ; as revised by the committee of synod appointed for that purpose." (6383 PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. in, No. 3. September, 1905, 8vo, pp. 105-152. Facsimile. Portrait. Contains : Diary of Rev. Michael Schlatter, edited by Wm. J. Hinke ; Early attempted union of Presbyterians with Dutch and German Reformed, by James I. Good ; Record of new publications relating to Presbyterian and Reformed Church history. For No. 4 see Appendix. (6384 [PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] Church records in New Jersey, notices of the character, extent, and condition of the original records of about one hundred and fifty of the older churches and Friends meetings ; with other data. By William Nelson. Paterson, N. J., Paterson History Club, 1904. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 32. Reprinted from Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society, March and June, 1904. (6385 RELIGIOUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. RELIGIOUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First annual address, read before the Religious Historical Society, May 20, 1817, by Samuel B. Wylie. With an appendix. Philadelphia, 1818. 8vo, pp. 22 ( ?). Contains constitution, list of officers, and catalogue of books, MSS., etc., belonging to the Society. (6386 THE SEVENTY-SIX SOCIETY. Philadelphia, Pa. THE SEVENTY-SIX SOCIETY. [Publications.] Vols. i-iv. Philadelphia, 1855- 1857. 8vo. Four volumes. Vol. i. Papers in relation to the case of Silas Deane. Constitution of the Society. 1855. pp. 4, 201. Vol n. The examination of Joseph Galloway by a committee of the House of Commons. Edited by Thomas Balch. 1855. pp. 86. Vol. in. Papers relating to public events in Massachusetts preceding the American revolution. 1856. pp. (4) 199. Vol. iv. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland line during the revolution. Edited by Thomas Balch. 1857. pp. 218 (1). (6387 TIOGA POINT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 873 SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. Philadelphia, Pa. SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. Proceed ings of the meeting, October 24, 1824. (O388 SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. Discourse before the Society, 24th Oct., 1825, by C, J. Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1825. 8vo, pp. 36. (0389 SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. Discourse on 24th October, 182(5, before the Society. By T. I. Wharton. Philadelphia, 1826. 8vo, pp. 44. (639O SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. Sketch of the primitive settlements on the river Delaware. Discourse before the Society. 24th October, 1827, by J. N. Barker. Philadelphia, 1827. 8vo, pp. 62. (6391 SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. An his torical discourse before the Society. 24th October, 1832, being the one hun dred and fiftieth anniversary of that event. By Peter Stephen Duponceau. Philadelphia. 1832. Svo, pp. 32. (6392 SOCIETY FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE LANDING OF WILLIAM PENN. Discourse on the surviving remnant of the Indian race in the United States. De livered 24th October, 1836, before the Society, by Job R. Tyson. Philadel phia, 1836. 8vo, pp. 38. (6393 TIOGA POINT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Athens, Pa. TIOGA POINT HISTORICAL SOCIETY . Proceedings and Collections. Vol. i. No. 1. Athens, Pa., 1896. 8vo, pp. 36. Plates. Contents : Officers ; Charter ; By-laws ; Membership ; Address by George O. Holbrooke at the formal opening of the Museum, June 28, 1805 ; First annual report; Our locality arch geologically rich; The Old Academj . (6394 TIOGA POINT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Twenty-fourth regiment of Connecticut militia. An address before the Tioga Point Historical Society, delivered Dec. 3, 11)01. By Charles Tubbs. [Athens, Pa.] 1903. (6395 TKX;A POINT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Order book of Fort Sullivan and extracts from journals of soldiers in Gen. Sullivan s army relating to Fort Sullivan at Tioga Point, Pennsylvania, 1779. Published at the suggestion of the Tioga Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, compiled from MSS. in the Craft collection, Tioga Point Historical Society, by Louise Welles Murray. [Athens, Pa.] 1903. 8vo, pp. [3]-55. 2 plates. Portraits. Cover-title: Records of Fort Sullivan, printed for Tioga Point Historical Society. (6396 TIOGA POINT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The story of some French refugees and their "Azilum," 1793-1800. By Louise Welles Murray. [Athens], 1903. Svo, pp. 150. Portraits. Plate. Maps. Facsimiles. 874 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bibliography, pp. 117, 118. Relates to the founding of Asylum, Penn., by Louis de Noailles and Antoine Omer Talon. Contains also bibliography and genealogy of the Keating, D Autremont, Lefevre, Laporte, and Hornet families, pp. 79-116. (6397 UNIVERSITY ARCH^OLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Pa. UNIVERSITY ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. (University of Pennsylvania.) An nual report of the curator of the Museum of American Archaeology in con nection with the University of Pennsylvania. Presented to the president and council of the University Archaeological Association October, 1890. Vol. i, No. 1. Philadelphia, 1890. 8vo, pp. 54. 4 plates. (6398 UNIVERSITY ARCH.EOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. (University of Pennsylvania.) De partment of archaeology and palaeontology. Addresses delivered at the open ing ceremonies of the exhibition of objects used in worship, by William Pepper, J. I. Macintosh, Marcus Jastrow, and Charlemagne Tower, jr., April 1C, 1892. Philadelphia, 1892. 8vo, pp. 19. (6399 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series in philology, literature and arclupology. Vol. ii. No. 1, and Vol. vi are the only numbers relating to American history. Vol. ii, No. 1. Recent archaeological explorations in the valley of the Dela ware. By Charles C. Abbott, M. D. 1892. 8vo, pp. 30. Plate. Vol. vi. Researches upon the antiquity of man in the Delaware Valley and the eastern United States. By Henry C. Mercer. 1897. 8vo. pp. 178. Plates. (64OO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Department of Archaeology. The hill-caves of Yucatan. A search for evidence of man s antiquity in the caverns of Cen tral America. Being an account of the Corwith expedition of the depart ment of archa?ology and paleontology of the University of Pennsylvania, by Henry C. Mercer. Philadelphia, 1896. 8vo, pp. 183, including front, (map). Illustrated. Plates. (6401 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Department of Archaeology. The Babylonian expedition of the University of Pennsylvania. Series D. Researches and treatises. Edited by H. V. Hilprecht. Vol. i. Philadelphia, Department of archaeology of the University of Pennsylvania. 1904. 8vo, pp. xx, 577. Illustrated. Plates. Maps. The excavations in Assyria and Babylonia, by H. V. Hilprecht. (64O2 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publications. Series in History, No. 1. The Revolutionary movement in Pennsylvania^ 1760-1776. By Charles H. Lin coln. Philadelphia, 1901. 8vo, pp. 300. (64O3 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Publications. Series in History, No. 2. The suffrage franchise in the thirteen English colonies in America, by Albert Edward McKinley. Philadelphia, 1905. 8vo, pp. v, 518. (6404 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. 875 WASHINGTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington, Pa. WASHINGTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The centennial celebration of the organization of Washington County, Pa. Proceedings and addresses. Aus pices of the Society, September 7, 8, 1881. Washington, Pa., 1881. 8vo, pp. iv, 109. (O4O5 WASHINGTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The county court for the district of West Augusta, Virginia, held at Augusta Town, near Washington, Penn sylvania, 177(>-1777. An historical sketch by Boyd Crumrine. With an account of the county courts for Ohio, Yohogania and Monongalia counties, Virginia, held 1777-1780. [Washington, Pa.] Printed for the Washington County Historical Society, 1905. 8vo, pp. 46. Plates. 2 fold, maps (including front.). Cover-title : The old Virginia court house at Augusta Town. A history of the boundary controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia. The above are different organizations. The first has ceased to exist. (64O6 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Wyoniinn, Pa. WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Wyoming. A record of the one hun dredth year commemorative observance of the battle and massacre, July 3, 1778- July 3, 1878. Wilkesbarre, 1882. 8vo, pp. 344, xi. Plates. Portraits. Published under the patronage of the Association. Contains the proceedings of the reunions of 1879, 1880, and 1881. (64O7 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Reports of the proceedings on the occasions of the anniversaries of the battle and massacre of Wyoming, for years 1882-1888. [ Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1900.] 8vo, pp. 55. Contents : Addresses by David Craft ; Steuben Jenkins ; William A. Wilcox ; John S. Harding. (64O8 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. [Proceedings of the Wyoming Com memorative Association, 1893.] Historical address by Eben Greenough Scott, delivered at the Wyoming monument July 3, 1893, on the occasion of the observance of the anniversary of the battle and massacre together with the order of exercises of the day. [Wilkesbarre Pa.] Printed for the Wyoming Commemorative Association [1893?] 8vo, pp. 18. (64O9 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Proceedings on the occasion of the HGth anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1894. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1895. 8vo, pp. 48. Contents : Proceedings for 1894 ; The Fatherland of the first settlers, by Sylvester Dana; Who was Queen Esther? by Sidney Roby Miner; Memorial sketches of H. Hollister and Lazarus Denison Shoemaker. (641O WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the oc casion of the 117th anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1895. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1896. 8vo, pp. 32. Contents : Proceedings for 1895 ; Abstract of historical address by Thomas K. Beecher ; A Wyoming heroine of the Revolution [Katherine Gaylord], by Mrs. Miles L. Peck ; The Kennedy family, by S. S. Kennedy ; Necrology : George Frear, Sheldon Reynolds. (6411 876 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the oc casion of the 118th anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, .Inly 3rd, 1896. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1896. 8vo, pp. 27. Contents : Proceedings for 1896 ; Historical address, by Sydney G. Fisher ; " Col. John Franklin," by John D. Farnham ; First attempts at self government in Wyoming, 1772-1773, by Ralph H. Wadhams. (6412 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings on the oc casion of the 119th anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd. 1897. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 8vo, pp. 21. Contents : Proceedings for 1897 ; Address on " The Old Sullivan Road," by Henry M. Kieffer ; Historical poem, "O Patriots of the Peerless Vale," by Homer Greene ; Biographical sketches of H. M. Kieffer and Homer Greene. (6413 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the oc casion of the 120th anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 4th, 1898. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1898. 8vo, pp. 26. Contents : Proceedings for 1898 ; Pennsylvania and New York in the Border Wars of the Revolution, by Francis W. Halsey ; Poem, by George Coronway. (6414 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on th< occasion of the 121st anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1899. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1899. 8vo, pp. 22. Contents : Proceedings for 1899 ; Conditions of national tenure, by John Howard Harris. (6415 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the occa sion of the 122nd anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1900. Wilkes-Barre, 1900. 8vo, pp. 34. Contents : Proceedings for 1900 ; Men of Wyoming, by William Henry Egle. (641<5 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the occa sion of the 123d anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1901. Wilkes-Barre, 1901. 8vo, pp. 22. Contents : Proceedings for 1901 ; Address on " Our debt to the pioneer," by E. D. Warfleld. (6417 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the occa sion of the 124th anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1902. Wilkes-Barre, 1902. 8vo, pp. 35. Contents : Proceedings for 1902 ; Connecticut character and achievement, by Alfred Mathews. (6418 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the proceedings on the occa sion of the 125th anniversary of the Battle and Massacre of Wyoming. July 3rd, 1903. 8vo, pp. 38. Contents: Proceedings for 1903; The history and mythology of Sullivan s expedition, by William Elliot Griffis. For Reports, 1904, 1905, see Appendix. (6410 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 877 WYOMING HISTORICAL AXD GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Wilkesbarre, Pa. WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and collections. Vols. i- vni. Wi Ikes-Bar re, 1858-1904. 8vo. Eight volumes. CONTENTS. Vol. i, No. 1. Mineral coal. Two lectures, by Volney L. Maxwell. 1858. pp. 52. Reprinted as follows : Second edition, New York, 1858 ; third edition, with a preface, New York, 1860, pp. 32 ; fourth edition, with a preface, Wilkesbarre, 1869, pp. 51. (6420 Vol. i, No. 2. Proceedings at the annual meeting, February 11, 1881 ; Min utes ; Report of treasurer ; Report of cabinet committee ; Report of committee on flood of 1865 ; "A Yankee celebration at Wyoming in ye olden time," rfn his torical address, by Steuben Jenkins. 1881. pp. 58. (642Oa Vol. i, No. 3. Proceedings for the year ending February 11, 1882 ; List of con tributors ; Communication of John H. Dager [of gauge readings at Wilkesbarre Bridge for 1880] ; Meteorological observations for May, 1881-January, 1882, by E. L. Dana ; Incidents in the life of Capt. Samuel II. Walker, Texan ranger, by E. L. Dana. 1881. pp. 58. (642Ok Vol. i, No. 4. A memorandum description of the finer specimens of Indian earthenware pots in the collection of the Society. By Harrison Wright. 1883. pp. (10). Seven plates. (642Oo Vol. i, No. 5. List of paleozoic fossil insects of the United States and Canada, with references to the principal bibliography of the subject. Paper read April 6, 1883, by R. D. Lacoe. 1883. pp. 21. (642Orf Vol. i, No. 6. Proceedings for the year ending February 11, 1883 ; List of con tributors ; Meteorological observations, February, 1882- January, 1883. By E. L. Dana. pp. 70. (642Oe Vol. i, No. 7. Isaac Smith Osterhout. Memorial. 1883. pp. 14. Portrait. (642O/ Vol. i, No. 8. Ross memorial. William Sterling Ross and Ruth Tripp Ross. 1884. pp. 17. Two portraits. 1858-1884. 8vo, pp. xi, 52. (642O(/ Vol. ii, part i. Charter; By-laws; Roll of membership; Proceedings, March, 1883-February, 1884 ; Meteorological observations taken at Wilkes-Barre, March, 1883-January, 1884, by E. L. Dana ; Report of the special archaeological com mittee on the Athens locality, by Harrison Wright ; Local shell-beds, by Sheldon Reynolds ; Pittston Fort, by Steuben Jenkins ; A bibliography of the Wyoming Valley, by Horace Edwin Hayden ; Calvin Wadhams, by George B. Kulp. Part n. Proceedings, May 9-February 11, 1886; Archaeological report, by Sheldon Rey nolds ; Numismatical report, by Horace Edwin Hayden ; Paleontological report, by R. D. Lacoe ; Mineralogical report, by Harrison Wright ; Conchological report, by Charles F. Ingham ; Contributions to library ; Meteorological observations taken at Wilkes-Barre, February, 1884-January, 1886, by E. L. Dana ; Bernard Page, by Sheldon Reynolds ; Various silver and copper medals presented to the American Indians by the sovereigns of England, France, and Spain from 1600 to 1800, by H. E. Hayden ; Report on some fossils from the lower coal measures near Wilkes-Barre, by E. W. Claypole ; Report on the Wyoming Valley carbonifer ous limestone beds, by Charles A. Ashburner ; Obituaries, by George B. Kulp ; Index. 1886. pp. 294. Illustrated. (6421 Vol. in. In memoriam ; Harrison Wright ; Proceedings of the Society : Bio graphical sketch, by G. B. Kulp ; Literary work, by Sheldon Reynolds ; Poem, by D. M. Jones ; Luzerne County bar proceedings ; Trustees of Osterhout free library, resolutions ; Historical Society of Pennsylvania, proceedings. 1886. 8vo, pp. 128. Portrait. (6422 Vol. iv. Proceedings of the Society from 1893 to 1898 ; Reports of officers, 1893- 1898 ; Memoir of Sheldon Reynolds : Proceedings of the Society on the death of Mr. Reynolds ; Report of the committee on Mr. Reynolds s memoir ; Genealogy of the Reynolds family ; Resolutions on the death of Mr. Reynolds ; History of the First Presbyterian Church, Wilkes-Barre, by Mr. Reynolds ; Societies of which Mr. Reynolds was a member ; In Memoriam, by Alexander H. McClintock ; Bibliography of Mr. Reynolds. Historical society building, illustration ; Address of Stanley Woodward, when the society took formal possession of its new home ; " The Yankee and the Pennamite in the Wyoming Valley," by Stanley Wood ward ; The Bell of the " Old Ship Zion," by N. G. Parke, Illustration ; Supple- 878 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ment, by Charles I. A. Chapman ; Portrait of Michael Kienzle ; The Connecticut Charter and the Declaration of Independence, by W. G. Andrews; Record of marriages and deaths noticed in the Susquehanna Democrat, published at Wilkes-Barre ; Wyoming Republican, published at Kingston, Pa. ; Wyoming Repub lican and Herald, published at Kingston, Pa., 1828-1836 ; Obituaries : Charles Parrish,. Emily Isabella Alexander ; Charter and By-laws of the society ; Officers for 1899 ; Elective officers from 1858 to 1899 ; Membership of the society ; Por traits presented to the society ; Papers read before the society from 1858 to 1899 ; Contributors to the society for 1897-98 ; Index. 1899. 8vo, pp. xlii, (3), 82-201. Plates. (6423 Vol. v. Proceedings, 1898-1899 ; Reports of officers ; Rev. John Witherspoon. D. D., by Mrs. C. E. Rice ; The defence of the Delaware river in the Revolu tionary war, by H. H. Bellas; The French at Asylum, by David Craft; The early grist-mills of Wyoming Valley, by C. A. Miner; Drift mounds of the Sus quehanna Valley, by Frederic Corss; Fossils in the river drift at Pittston. by Frederic Corss ; Buried valley and pot holes in the Wyoming coal fields, by Frederic Corss ; Lacoe collection of palaeozoic fossils ; List of taxable inhabitants in Wyoming Valley, 1776-1780, by H. E. Hayden ; Obituaries, by W. E. Wood ruff ; S. H. Sturdevant, L. D. Stearns, I. Long. 1900. 8vo, pp. 268. Plates. ( 6424 Vol. vi. Proceedings, 1900 ; Reports of officers ; Investigation of the buried valley of Wyoming (maps), by William Griffith; Memorial, Ralph Dupuy Lacoe, Sketch of Ralph Dupuy Lacoe, by II. E. Hayden ; Mr. Lacoe s relation to science, by David White ; Centennial of Luzerne county, 1786-1886 ; Chevalier de la Luzerne, by E. L. Dana, annotated by H. E. Hayden ; The House of Lan caster to the rescue, by W. H. Egle ; The progress of printing in Luzerne county, by W. P. Miner; Col. Isaac Barre, by S. R. Miner; Letter from Geo. Wash ington to Z. Butler, 1780, with facsimile; Early settlement of Dallas township, Pa., by W. P. Ryman ; Original draught of the public commons and public square of Wilkes-Barre, by H. E. Hayden ; Records of the First Presbyterian Church, Wilkes-Barre, 1803-1829, by H. E. Hayden ; A pioneer settler of Susquehanna county (1819), by II. E. Hayden; Obituaries of members; Dr. William Henry Egle, by II. E. Hayden ; George Francis Nesbitt, George Washington Shouk, by Wesley E. Woodruff, James Henry Bowden ; Officers and members, 1901 ; Por traits presented to the society since 1899 ; Contributors and exchanges ; Index. 1902. 8vo, pp. 346. Plates. (6425 Vol. vn. Proceedings, 1901; Report of officers; Kansas glaciation amd its effects on the river system of northern Pennsylvania, by E. H. Williams, jr.; Anthracite coal in Wyoming Valley ; " Cist vs. Fell," or the domestic use of anthracite coal, by W. P. Miner ; Reminiscences of early Wilkes-Barre, by S. H. Lynch ; Annual address of the president, S. Woodward ; Educational value of the Society, by II. L. Jones ; Echoes of the massacre of Wyoming, David Wash- burn s account, Elisha Harding s account, by II. E. Ilayden ; Orderly book of Col. Zebulon Butler, August-October, 1778, by II. E. Hayden; Correspondence of Col. Zebulon Butler, Wyoming, June-December, 1778 ; Early history of Putnam township, by P. M. Osterhout ; Original records of Putnam township, by S. Judson Stark ; Biographical sketch of Rev. John Miller, by A. D. Dean ; Mar riage and death record of Rev. John Miller, Abington, Pa., 1802-1856, by A. D. Dean ; Records of marriages and deaths, Wyoming, 17971810, by II. E. Ilayden; Obituaries of members, by H. E. Ilayden ; Officers and members, 1902. Con tributions. Publications. Index. 1902. pp. 258. Plates. (6426 Vol. viu. Proceedings, 1902; Reports of officers; The atlantosaur and titano- therium beds of Wyoming, by Frederick B. Peck ; The buried valley of Wyoming, by Frederick Corss; A day at Asylum, by David Craft; The "Gravel Creek" Indian Stone, by Horace Edwin Ilayden ; The Stone Age remains of it in the Wyoming valley and along the Susquehanna river, by Christopher Wren; Jesse Fell s experimental grate testimony of an eye witness ; Count Zinzendorf and the Moravian and Indian occupancy of the Wyoming valley, 1742-1763, bf Frederick C. Johnson ; The reminiscences of David Hayfield Conyngham, 1750- 1834, of the Revolutionary House of Conyngham and Nesbitt, Philadelphia, with . introduction, biographical sketches, and annotations, by Horace Edwin Ilayden; Wyoming valley marriages, 1850-1894, by Henry Hunter Welles; Obituaries; List of officers and members ; Contributions ; Publications ; Index. 1904. 8vo, pp. 329. Plates. (6427 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 879 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings and Collections for the year 1905. Vol. ix. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. 247. Plates. Contents : Proceedings and minutes ; The geology and palaeontology of Pata gonia, by William Berryman Scott ; Pioneer physicians of Wyoming Valley, 1771-1825, by Frederick C. Johnson ; Early smoking pipes of the North Amer ican aborigines,- by Alfred Franklin Berlin ; Aboriginal pottery of the Wyoming Valley Susqviehanna River region, Pennsylvania, by Christopher Wren ; Roman Catholic Indian relics in the possession of the Society, by Charles F. Hill ; The early bibliography of Pennsylvania, by Samuel W. Pennypacker ; The expedition of Col. Thomas Hartley against the Indians in 1778 to avenge the Massacre of Wyoming, by David Craft ; The Zebulon Butler tablet and the Zebulon Butler ethnological fund, by Horace Edwin Hay den ; Biographical sketches of deceased members of the Society ; Officers and members, 1005 ; List of publications by the Society ; Index. (6428 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Annals of Luzerne County. By Stewart Pearee. Philadelphia, 1860. 8vo, pp. 54. Folded map. Dedicated to the Society. /Same. Second edition, with notes, corrections, and valuable additions. Phila delphia, 1860. Svo, pp. 564. (6429 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the Society, by C. B. Johnson. Reprinted from the Sunday News-Dealer Christmas edition. Wilkes-Barre, 1880. 8vo, pp. 7. (6430 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Report of a committee of the Society on the early shad fisheries of the north branch of the Susquehanna River. By Harrison Wright, chairman of the committee. In United States Fish Commission Bulletin. 1882. pp. 352-359. (6431 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A circular of inquiry from the Society respecting the old Wilkes-Barre Academy. Prepared by Harrison Wright. Wilkes-Barre, 1888. 8vo. pp. 39. (6432 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The old academy. Interesting sketch of its forty-six trustees. Broadside. 1883. (6432a WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Circular on life membership. 1884. 4 to, p. 1. (6433 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Hon. Hendrick Bradley Wright. By George B. Kulp. [Wilkes-Barre. 1884.1 8vo, pp. 12. No title-page. Reprinted for the Society from Kulp s Families of Wyoming Valley. (6434 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. An account of various silver and copper medals presented to the North American Indians by the sov ereigns of England, France, and Spain from 1GOO to 1800, and especially of five such medals of George I of Great Britain, now in the possession of the Society and its members. Read before the Society September 12, 1885, by Horace Edwin Hayden. Wilkes-Barre, 188C. 8vo, pp. 26. Reprinted from Vol. n, part 2, of the Proceedings. (6435 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Ebenexer Warren Sturdevant. Horace Edwin Hayden. Wilkes-Barre, 1880. Svo, pp. 10. Reprinted for the Society from Kulp s Families of Wyoming Valley. (6436 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A bibliography of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. Being a catalogue of all books, pamphlets, and other ephemera in any way relating to its history, with bibliographical and 880 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. critical notes, etc. Parts 1 and 2. by the Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, A. M. Read before the Society December 14, 1883, and reprinted from Vol. n, part 1, Proceedings. Wilkes-Barre, 1886. Svo, pp. 100. (6437 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief review of the literary work of the late Harrison Wright. Ph. D.. recording secretary and one of the trustees of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. By Shel don Reynolds. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1886. 8vo, pp. (2), 81-93. Reprinted from Vol. in of the Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. (6438 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Local shell beds. A paper read before the Society September 14. 1883, by Sheldon Reynolds. Reprinted from part 1, Volume n, of the Proceedings and Collections of the Society. Wilkes-Barre. 1886. Svo, pp. 10. (6439 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. In memoriam. Harrison Wright, late recording secretary of the Society. Wilkes-Barre, 1886. pp. 128. (6440 WYOMING VALLEY HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Report on some fossils from the lower coal measures near Wilkesbarre, Luzerne County, Pa. A paper read before the Society December 12, 1881, by Prof. E. W. Claypole. Reprinted from Vol. n, part 2, of the Proceedings of the Society. Wilkes- Barre, Pa.. 1886. 8vo, pp. 15. (6441 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Report on some fossils from the lower coal measures near Wilkesbarre. Luzerne County, Pa. By Prof. E. W. Claypole. From the Proceedings and Collections of the Society. Vol. ii, part 2. Wilkes-Barre, 1886. Svo, pp. 1*39-253. (6442 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Report on the Wyoming Valley carboniferous limestone beds. By Charles A. Ashburner, geologist in charge of the anthracite survey, etc. Accompanied by a description of the fossils contained in the beds. By Angelo Heilprin. From the Proceedings of the Society, Vol. 11, part 2. Wilkes-Barre, 1886. Svo, pp. 254-277. These two have printed titles on covers. (6443 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Rev. Bernard Page, A. M.. first Episcopal minister of Wyoming, A. D. 1771. Read before the Society, September 12, 1884, by Sheldon Reynolds. Reprinted from part 2, Vol. n, of the Proceedings* and Collections of the Society. Wilkes-Barre, 1886. Svo, pp. 13. (6444 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A biographical sketch of the late Hon. Edmund Lovell Dana, president of the Osterhout Free Library, Wilkesbarre. Pa. By Sheldon Reynolds, A. M., secretary. Prepared at the request of and read before the directors of the library, July 26, 1889, an before the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, September 13, 1881 Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1889. Svo. pp. 11. (644 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Coal, its antiquity, discovery and early development in the Wyoming Valley. A paper read before th Society, June 27, 1890, by George B. Kulp Wilkes-Barre, 1890. Svo, pp. 27. (644 WYOMING HISTOKICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 881 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Notes on the tornado of August 19, 1890, in Luzerne and Columbia counties. A paper read before the So ciety, December 12, 1890, by Prof. Thomas Santee. Wilkes-Barre, 1891. 8vo, pp. 51. Map. (6447 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. In its new home. The Wyom ing Historical and Geological Society takes formal possession of its new quarters. Address of Stanley Woodward ; Extract from the Evening Leader, November 21, 1893. 8vo, pp. (4). (644* WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The massacre of Wyoming. The acts of Congress for the defense of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, 177(i-1778, with the petitions of the sufferers by the massacre of July 3, 1778. for Congressional aid. With an introductory chapter by Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M. A. Printed for the Society. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1895. 8vo, pp. xxiv, 85. Facsimile. (644D-5O WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Pedigree Building. By Dr. William H. Egle. Wilkes-Barre, 1895. 8vo, pp. 4. (6451 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Bibliography of the Society. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1896. 8vo. pp. 4. (6452 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Frontier Forts within the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. A report of the Commission appointed by the State to mark the Forts erected against the Indians prior to 1783, by Sheldon Reynolds, M. A., a Member of the Commission, and president of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. With a brief memoir of the author, by Andrew H. McClintock, M. A. Read before the Wyoming His torical and Geological Society, December, 1894, and reprinted from the State Report, 1896. Seal. Wilkes-Barre, Penn a, 1896. 8vo, pp. 48. Illustrations. (6453 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Frontier Forts within the North and West Branches of the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania. A Report of the Commission appointed by the State to mark the Frontier Forts erected against the Indians prior to 1783, by Captain John M. Buckalew, a member of the Commission and corresponding member of the Wyoming His torical and Geological Society. Read before the Society, October 4, 1895, and reprinted from the State Report, 1896. Seal. Wilkes-Barre, Penn a, 1896. 8vo, pp. 70. Illustrations. (6454 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The military hospitals at Beth lehem and Lititz, Pennsylvania, during the Revolutionary War, by John \Voolf Jordan. * * * A paper read before the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, April 10, 1896, and before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, May, 1896. Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1896. 8vo, pp. 23. Front. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, July, 1896. (6455 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Yankee and the Pennamite in the Wyoming Valley. By Stanley Woodward. 1896. 8vo, pp. 4. (6456 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Address by Mrs. John Case Phelps, on the occasion of the erection of a monument at Laurel Run, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 12, 1896, to mark a spot where Capt H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 56 882 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Joseph Davis and Lieut. William Jones of the Pennsylvania line were slain by the Indians, April 23, 1779 ; with a sketch of these two officers, by Horace Edwin Hayden. Wilkes-Barre, 1897. 8vo, pp. 41. (6457 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A brief sketch of Captain Joseph Davis and Lieutenant William Jones of the Pennsylvania line, who were slain by the Indians at Laurel Run, Pa., April 23, 1779. Read before the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, May 21, 1897, by Horace Edwin Hayden. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp. 17. Front. (6458 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The German leaven in the Pennsylvania loaf. By II. M. M. Richards. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1897. 8vo, pp. 27. (6459 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. John and Sebastian Cabot, a Four Hundredth Anniversary Memorial of the Discovery of America. By Harry Hakes. Read before the Society, June 24, 1897. Wllkes-Barr, Perm., 1897. 8vo, pp. 14. (646O WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Palatines, or German immi gration to New York and Pennsylvania. A paper read before the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society by Sanford H. Cobb. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Printed for the Society, 1897. Svo, pp. 30. (6461 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. History of the First Presby terian Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., by Sheldon Reynolds. Read at the twenty- fifth anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. F. B. Hodge, D. D., February 2o. 1894. Reprinted from Vol. iv, part 1, Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1898. 8vo, pp. 34. Front. (6463 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Charter, By-laws, and Officers, 1858-1899; Members, Papers, 1858-1899; Contributors, &c. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1899. 8vo, pp. 36. (6463 [WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY,] A Honduras trip. By. [Jacob Ridgway Wright]. [Wilkes-Barre, Penn., Wilkes-Barre Daily News, 1899.] Svo, pp. 10. Caption title. From Wilkes-Barre Daily News, Saturday, April 15, 1899. Read before the Society. (6464 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Memorial sketch of Mr. Ralph Dupuy Lacoe, of Pittston, Pennsylvania, 1824-1901. Reprinted from the Proceedings, Vol. vi, 1901. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1901. 8vo, pp. 25. Portrait. (6465 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. William Henry Egle, M. A., M. D., 1830-1901. By Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden. Reprinted from Vol. vi, Proceedings and Collections of the Society. W r ilkes-Barre, Pa., 1901. 8vo, pp. 8. (6466 WYOMING HISTORICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Count Zinzendorf and the Mora vian and Indian occupancy of the Wyoming Valley (Pa.), 1742-1763. By Frederick C. Johnson. [Wilkes-Barre? Pa.], 1904. Svo, pp. 64, [2]. Front, (portrait). Cover-title. Reprinted from Vol. vm of the Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. (646T NARRAGANSETT CLUB. 883 PtHOIDIT. HARRINGTON HISTORIC-ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Harrington, R. I. BARRING-TON HISTORIC-ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Antique Barrington. The new Historic- Antiquarian Society. Public celebration of its formation. Inter esting addresses and poem. Cutting from the Providence Journal, May 12, 1885. (C46S HISTORICAL SEMINARY OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. Providence, R. I. HISTORICAL SEMINARY OF BROWN UNIVERSITY. Papers from the Historical Semi nary of Brown. University. Edited by J. Franklin Jameson. Providence, R. -I., 1894-99. 8vo. 10 numbers in 1 volume. Each number has separate title-page ; no general title-page. No more published. No. 1. The development of the nominating convention in Rhode Island. By Neil Andrews. Reprinted from the Publications of the Rhode Island Historical Society. Providence, 1894. 8vo, pp. 14. No. 2. The early history of the colonial post-office. By Mary E. Woolley. Providence, 1894. 8vo, pp. 33. Reprinted from the same, so far as pages 1-24 are concerned ; pages 25-33 are new matter, an appendix containing the patent to Thomas Neale. No. 3. Know-Nothingism in Rhode Island. By Charles Stickney, A. B. Re printed from the same. pp. 17. No. 4. The origin of the standing-committee system in American legislative bodies. By J. Franklin Jameson. Reprinted from the Political Science Quar terly, Vol. ix, No. 2. Providence, 1894. 8vo, pp. (i), 246-267. No. 5. Slavery in Rhode Island, 1755-1776. By William D. Johnston, A. B. Reprinted from the Publications of the Rhode Island Historical Society. Provi dence, 1894. 8vo, pp. 56. No. 6. The East-India trade of Providence, from 1787 to 1807. By Gertrude Selwyn Kimball. Providence, 1896. 8vo, pp. 34. No. 7. Appeals from colonial courts to the King in council, with especial ref erence to Rhode Island. By Harold D. Ilazeltine. Reprinted from the Reports of the American Historical Association. Providence, 1896. 8vo, pp. 299-350. No. 8. The Tammany societies of Rhode Island. By Marcus W. Jernegan. Providence, 1877. 8vo, pp. 39. No. 9. The government of federal territories in Europe. By Edmund C. Bur nett. Reprinted from the Annual Reports of the American Historical Associa tion. Providence, 1898. 8vo, pp. 393-454. No. 10. The Council of Censoi s. By Lewis Hamilton Meader. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography and from the Pro ceedings of the Vermont Historical Society. Providence, 1899. 8vo, pp. 63. (647O NARRAGANSETT CLUB. Providence, R. I. XARRAGANSETT CLUB. Circulars. 1805, 18IK5, 18H7, 1870, 1872. Five sheets. (O471 XARRAGANSETT CLUB. Publications. First series. Vols. i-vi. Providence. 1866r- 1874. 4to. " 50 club copies, large paper." Six volumes. Vol. i Biographical introduction to the writings of Roger Williams, by R. A. Guild ; Key into the language of America, by Roger Williams, edited by J. Ham mond Trumbull ; Letter of John Cotton and Roger Williams s reply, edited by R. A. Guild. 1866. pp. vi, 396. 884 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Vol. ii. John Cotton s answer to Roger Williams, edited by J. L. Diman: Queries of highest consideration, by R. Williams, edited by R. A. Guild. 1867. pp. 276. Vol. in. The bloody teneut of persecution, by Roger Williams. Edited by S. L. Caldwell. 1867. pp. xiv, 425. Vol. iv. The bloody tenent, yet more bloody. By Roger Williams. Edited by S. L. Caldwell. 1870. pp. ix, 547. Vol. v. George Fox digg d out of his burrowes. By Roger Williams. Edited by J. L. Diman. 1872. pp. Iviii. (10), 503. Vol. vi. Letters of Roger Williams. 1632-1682. Now first collected. Edited by J. R. Bartlett. 1874. pp. xviii, (1), 420. (6472 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Newport, R. L NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular. Broadside. (6473 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Origin of the Institutions of Rhode Island. \ lecture delivered by S. Adlam before the Society January 19, 1871. Provi dence, 1871. 8vo, pp. 25. ;474 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Chevalier de Ternay. A paper read before the Society April !">, 1873. by Sidney Everett. In Aeir England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. xxvn, pp. 404- 417. Boston, 1873. (6475 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Jewish cemetery at Newport, R. I. A paper read before the Society June 23, 1885, by A. P. Mendes. In Rhode Island Historical Magazine. Vol. vi, pp. 81-105. Providence, 1885. (G476 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Appeal for assistance in the purchase of a build ing lor, November 18, 1886. [Newport, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. (G477 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First annual report. March 19. 1886, together with an account of the dedication services and accompanying documents. Newport, 1886. 8vo. pp. 44. Second annual report, 1887. Newport, 1887. 8vo. NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The German soldiers in Newport, 1776-1779, and the siege of 1778. By J. G. Rosengarten. In Rhode Island Historical Magazine. Vol. AH, pp. 81-118. Newport, 1886. (6479 NEWPORT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Les rnedailles de la Princesse Charlotte d Angle- terre. premiere femme du roi Leopold P r de Belgique. Lecture faite a la reunion de la Societe historique de Newport, le 18 juillet, 1887. [Par Ho ratio R. Storer.] [Bruxelles, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 8. Extrait de la Revue beige de Ntimismatique, annee 188S. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Providence, R. L RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charter, constitution, and circular. June. 1822. Providence, [1822]. 8vo, pp. 8. Same. September, 1822. Providence, 1822. 8vo, pp. 8. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i-x. Pro vidence. 1827- 1902. 8vo, Ten volumes. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 885 CONTENTS. Vol. I. Preface ; Charter of the Society ; Constitution ; Officers, 1826 ; Sketch of the life of Roger Williams ; A key into the language of America, or an help to the language of the natives in that part of America called New Englard, by Roger Williams. London, 1643. 1827. pp. (2), 163 (2). (6482 Vol. ii. Officers of the Society, 1834; Circular; Preface; Simplicity s defence against seven-headed policy, by Samuel Gorton, with notes by William R. Staples ; Appendix : Petition against Gorton and others, Providence, November 17, 1641 ; Order of commissioners of foreign plantations relative to Gorton and his company, May 15, 1646 ; Edward Winslow s commission from Massachusetts, May 10, 1646 ; Answer of Massachusetts to Gorton s memorial to the commis sioners of foreign plantations ; Governor Winthrop s account of the result of Winslow s mission to England ; Petition of William Arnold, etc., to be dismissed from the government of Massachusetts, and the proceedings thereon ; Extracts from the proceedings of the United Colonies, 1643-1651 ; Letter from inhabitants of Warwick, August 22, 1661 ; Gorton and others memorial to the King s com missioners, March 4, 1664-65 ; The answer of Massachusetts to the preceding petition, May 30, 1665 ; Letter from Samuel Gorton to Nathaniel Morton, June 30, 1669 ; Ordinance of Parliament appointing the committee for foreign planta tions, November 2, 1643 ; Indian deed of Shawomet, 1642 ; Will made by the town council of Providence for Nicholas Power, May 27, 1667 ; Submission of Pum- ham and Sacononocco to the Massachusetts ; Extract from the " Wonder-working Providence of Sion s Saviour in New England ; " Charter to Providence Planta tions, November 2, 1643 ; Letter from Gorton and his company to Massachusetts, September 15, 1643 ; Governor Winthrop s account of Gorton s trial, etc. 1835. pp. 278. (6483 Vol. in. Officers of the Society, 1835; Circular; Preface; The early history of Narragansett, with an appendix of original documents, by Elisha R. Potter, jr. 1835. pp. xix (1), 315 (1). Reprinted in 1886. See No. 6492. (6484 Vol. iv. Preface; An historical discourse on the civil and religious affairs of the colony of Rhode Island, by John Callender. With a memoir of the author, biographical notices of some of his distinguished contemporaries, and annota tions and original documents, by Romeo Elton ; Officer s of the Society, 1837 ; Circular. 1838. pp. 270 (2). (6485 Vol. v. Officers of the Society, 1842 ; Circular ; Preface ; Annals of the town of Providence from its first settlement to the organization of the city govern ment in June, 1832, by William R. Staples. 1843. pp. (7) 670. (6486 Vol. vi. To the reader ; Officers of the Society, 1867 ; The invasion of Canada in 1775, including the journal of Capt. Simeon Thayer, describing the perils and sufferings of the army under Col. Benedict Arnold in its march through the wilderness to Quebec, with notes and appendix, by Edwin Martin Stone ; Revo lutionary correspondence, 1775 to 1782 ; Materials for the history of the Bap tists in Rhode Island; Appendix; Index. 1867. pp. (3) xxiv, 380. Plate. (G487 Vol. vn. Preface : Table of contents ; Early attempts at Rhode Island his- tory, comprising those of Stephen Hopkins and Theodore Foster, edited by Wil liam E. Foster ; Preface ; An historical account of the planting and growth of Providence, by Stephen Hopkins ; Materials for a history of Rhode Island, col lected by Theodore Foster; Appendix; Sketch of the life and services of Theo dore Foster ; The Narragansetts, by Henry C. Dorr ; Early votaries of natural science in Rhode Island, by Charles W. Parsons ; The first commencement of Rhode Island College, by Reuben A. Guild ; The British fleet in Rhode Island, by George C. Mason ; Nicholas Easton r. The City of Newport, by George C. Ma son ; Index. 1885. pp. (1) 380. (6488 Vol. viii. The Diary of John Comer. Edited, with notes, by C. BMwin Bar rows, D. D., with an introduction and a few additional notes, by James W. Wil- marth, D. D., LL. D. 1893. 8vo, pp. 132. (6489 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. ix. Providence, R. I., 1897. 8vo, pp. 141. The proprietors of Providence, and their controversies with the freeholders, by Henry C. Dorr. (649O 886 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. x. Harris papers, with an introduction by Irving B. Richman and a calendar and notes by Clarence S. Brigham. Providence, Printed for the Society, 1902. Svo, pp. 410, fold. map. Contents : The land controversies of William Harris ; Calendar of events in the life of William Harris, 1610-1712. Harris papers, July, 1650, to May, 1711 documents from the collection of Mary Harris Cushman, the library of the Rhode Island Historical Society, the Moses Brown Papers and Copies of Warwick Records, the British Puhlic Record Office and the John Carter Brown library. List of seventeenth-century place names in Providence plantations, 1636-1700, with a prefatory note by Clarence Brigham. Map of Providence Plantations, 1636-1700. Index. (6491 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. in. Providence, 1835. (Reprinted, 1880.) 8vo, pp. 423. This reprint contains the notes and illustrative documents collected by the author of " The early history of Narragansett," from the time of the publica tion of the original volume, in 1835, to the period of his death, in 1882. The reprint was brought out by William H. Potter, in 1886. The new material oc cupies pages 317-423. (6492 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the trustees, July 19, 183G. Providence. 183<>. 8vo, pp. 8. (6493 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse, August 5, 1836, in commemora tion of the first settlement of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Being the second centennial anniversary of the settlement of Providence. By J. Pitman. Providence, 183G. 8vo, pp. 72. (6494 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An historical discourse on the civil and religious affairs of the colony of Rhode Island, by John Callender, with a memoir of the author; biographical notices of some of his distinguished contemporaries, and annotations and original documents illustrative of the history of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, from the first settle ment to the end of the first century. By Romeo Elton. Providence, 1838. 8vo, pp. 5-270 (2). Same. Third edition. Boston. 1843. 8vo, pp. 270. Facsimile. The first edition was published in 1739. (6495 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report of the trustees, July 19, 1839. [Providence, 1839.] 8vo, pp. 7. (6496 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society at the opening of their cabinet, November 20, 1844. By William Gamrnell. Providence, 1844. Svo, pp. 30. (6497 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Account of the " Great Gale," September 23, 1815. By Moses Brown. Read with comments by Albert G. Greaves, 1849. (648i RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourses on the Rhode Island idea of government. Delivered before the Society, January 13, 1847. [By Job Durfee.] In Durfee, Job, " Complete Works." pp. 273-313. Providence, 1849. (6499 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse delivered before the Society, Jan uary 13, 1847. By Job Durfee, LL. D. Providence, 1847. pp. 42. Same. Another edition. Providence, 1847. Svo, pp. 32. (65OO RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse delivered before the Society on the evening of January 13, 1847. By Hon. Job Durfee, chief justice of RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 887 Rhode Island. [With poem by Sarah Helen Whitman.] Published at tSiP request of the Society. Providence, 1847. Svo, pp. 42, 5 (1). The poem by Sarah Helen Whitman occupies the last six pages. (65O1 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse before the Society, January 18, 1848, on the character and writings of Chief Justice Durfee. By R. G. Hazard. Providence, 1848. Svo, pp. 45. (65O2 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse before the Society, February 1, 1845). By George Washington Greene. Providence. 1849. Svo, pp. 22, (1). (6503 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An address delivered before the Society, February 19, 1851. By Elisha R. Potter. Providence, 1851. 8vo, pp. 27. Pages 25, 26, contain constitution of the Society, and page 27 a circular. Same. Reprinted 1875. Svo, pp. 24. (65O4 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Battle of Lake Erie. Discourse before the Society, February 10. 1852. By Usher Parsons. Published at request of Society. Providence, 1853. Svo, pp. 36. Same. Second edition, 1854. Svo, pp. 36. (65O5 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The spirit of Rhode Island history. A discourse before the Society, January IT, 1853. By Samuel Greene Arnold. Providence, 1853. Svo, pp. 32. (6506 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL. SOCIETY. A discourse before the Society, February 0, 1855. On the life and times of John Rowland, late president of the Society. By Edward B. Hall. Providence, 1855. Svo, pp. 36. (65O7 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early history of Block Island. By W. P. Sheffield. 1850. (65O8 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The cholera in Providence in 1832, 1849, and 1854. By Edwin M. Snow. 1857. (65O!> RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history of Block Island. By H. P. Beckwith. Read before the Society November, 1850. [Providence], 1858. 4to, pp. 8. (6510 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Roger Williams. Paper read before the Society, May 18, 1800, by Zachariah Allen. [Providence!, 1800. 16mo, pp. 10. (6511 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Indian names of places in Rhode Island. Collected by Usher Parsons, for the Society. Providence, 1801. Svo, pp. 32. . (6512 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Lafayette. Paper read before the Society. February 4, 1801, by Zachariah .Allen. [Providence, 1801.] 16mo, pp. 19 (1). No title-page. (6513 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. North and South America. A discourse de livered before the Society, December 27, 1805. By Domingo Faustino Sar- miento. Providence, 1800. 8vo, pp. 44. (6514 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The invasion of Canada in 1775; including the journal of Captain Simeon Thayer, describing the perils and sufferings of the army under Col. Benedict Arnold, in its march through the wilderness to Quebec, with notes and appendix. By Edwin Martin Stone. Providence, 1807. Svo, pp. xxiv, 104 (5). Portrait. Map. Reprinted from Rhode Island Historical Society Collections, Vol. vi. (6515 888 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A historical account of the Providence stage. By Charles Blake. -Paper read before the Society, October 25, 1860. (With additions.) Providence, 1868. 12mo, pp. 297. Edition, 200 copies. (6516 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Greene, Staples, Parsons. Address before the Society, June 1, 1869, by S. G. Arnold. Providence, 1869. 8vo, pp. 22. (6517 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution adopted December 20, 1870. Providence, 1871. 16mo, pp. 12. (6518 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Roger Williams, the prophetic legislator. By Rev. T. T. Stone. 1871. (6519 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1872-1892. Proceedings, 1872. Providence, 1872. 8vo, pp. 38. Proceedings, 1872-73. Providence, 1873. 8vo, pp. 144. Pages 52-64 concern Roger Williams ; pages 67-86, a review of the history of the Society ; Necrology, 1872 ; pages 97-140, an account of the semicentennial celebration of the Society, July 19, 1872. Proceedings, 1873-74. Providence, 1874. 8vo, pp. 216. Pages 75-214 con tain a brief history of education in Rhode Island, including the founding and work of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction, by Edwin Martin Stone. Proceedings, 1874-75. Providence, 1875. 8vo, pp. 95. Pages 18-26 contain a paper on the Rhode Island State Society of the Cincinnati, by Amos Perry; pages 27-30, a paper on the early town meetings of Providence, by II. C. Dorr; pages 35-41 contain remarks on coins, by E. M. Stone; pages 48-51, the Toryism of Newport during the Revolutionary war ; pages 60-68, notes on King Philip s war ; pages 75-81, Philbrook s narrative of his experiences from 1776-1781, in cluding the expedition to Ticonderoga and on the Jersey prison ship. Proceedings, 1875-76. Providence, 1876. Svo, pp. 62. Pages 16-21 contain memoir of James Burrill, by Zachariah Allen ; pages 21-24, memoir of Governor William Jones, by W. W. Iloppiu ; pages 25-53, sketch of Dr. Peter Turner, by Henry C. Turner; between pages 54, 55 is inserted a reprint of a rare pamphlet, by Roger Williams, entitled "An answer to a letter sent from Mr. Coddington, of Rhode Island, to Governor Leveret, of Boston, in what concerns R. W." Proceedings, 187677. Providence, 1877. Svo, pp. 91. Pages 15-17 contain " Nicholas Easton r. The City of Newport," by G. C. Mason ; pages 19-20, his tory of Block Island, by W. P. Sheffield ; pages 25, 26, the Providence Marine Society, by A. Perry ; pages 54-70, commemoration of King Philip s day. Proceedings, 1877-78. Providence, 1878. 8vo, pp. 119. Pages 62-80 contain letters of Roger Williams ; pages 83-93, centennial commemoration of the war of the Revolution, battle of Rhode Island, etc. Proceedings, 1878-79. Providence, 1879. Svo, pp. 107. Pages 63-73 contain "Orders of the council of war, November 11-December 22, 1778," of Rhode Island ; pages 73-76, general orders of General Sullivan preparatory to moving on Newport, 1778. Proceedings, 1879-80. Providence, 1880. Svo, pp. 155. Pages 63-73 contain records of commemorations of July 4 in Providence ; pages 97-151, " The con ditions of life, habits, and customs of the native Indians of America, and their treatment by the first settlers." An address before the Society, December 4, 1879, by Zachariah Allen. Proceedings, 1880-81. Providence, 1881. Svo, pp. 65. Plate. Proceedings, 1881-82. Providence, 1882. Svo, pp. 72. Pages 16-32 contain remarks on the treatment of the first settlers of the colony of Rhode Island at the hands of the New England colonies. Proceedings, 1882-83. Providence, 1883. Svo, pp. 63. Portrait. Proceedings, 1883-84. Providence, 1884. Svo, pp. 91. Pages 79-81 contain letter of Roger Williams, February 24, 1657. Proceedings, 1884-85. Providence, 1885. 8vo, pp. 77. Pages 47-50 contain report of committee on the deed and map of Pawtuxet lands. Proceedings, 1885-86. Providence, 1886. Svo, pp. 98. Pages 46-74 contain " The Huguenot influence in Rhode Island," by Esther B. Carpenter. Proceedings, 1886-87. Providence, 1887. Svo, pp. 90. Pages 42-51 contain "Town names in Rhode Island," by C. W. Parsons; pages 52-63, "The date of RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 889 passing the sentence of banishment on Roger Williams, 1 by John Andrews How- land. Proceedings, 1887-88. Providence, 1888. 8vo, pp. (2) 115. Pages 40-60 contain " Report on the settlement of Warwick, 1642, and the seal of the Society." Proceedings, 1888-89. Providence, 1889. 8vo, pp. 72 (1). Pages 12-23 contain address of the president, William Gammell. Proceedings, 1889-90. Providence, 1890. 8vo, pp. 126. Pages 16-30 con tain address of the president, Horatio Rogers ; pages 51-85, Historical sketch ot the Society, by Amos Perry. Proceedings, 1890-91. Providence, 1891. 8vo, pp. 122. Pages 71-79 con tain report on Indian names in Rhode Island ; pages 80-92, Gaspee documents ; Necrology. Proceedings. 1891-92. Providence, 1892. 8vo, pp. 124. Pages 58-76 con tain " Modern historical aims and methods," by G. M. Carpenter ; pages 77-98, sketch of the library of the Society, by Amos Perry. The Proceedings hereafter are issued in the " Publications " of the Society. See No. 6580. (652O RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A half century memorial. Address before the Society at its fiftieth anniversary, July 19, 1872, by Zachariah Allen, and a poem by H. O. Whitaker, with proceedings. Providence, 1873. Svo, pp. 48. (6521 RHODE ISLAND PIISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Yosemite ; its history, its scenery, its development. By John Erastus Lester. Providence, 1873. 8vo, pp. (2) 40. Read before the Society December 17, 1872. References and notes added to the original paper. (6521: RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early town meetings of Providence. By Henry C. Dorr. 1874. (6523 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction. By Edwin M. Stone. 1874. (6524 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Who invented the first steamboat? By W. A. Mo wry. 1874. (6525 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The combat of the Merrimac with the Moni tor, and the wreck of the former. By Frank B. Butts. 1875. (6526 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Philip, the Wampanoag chieftain. By W. J. .Miller. 1875. (6527 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The town records of Providence in the sev enteenth century. By Henry C. Dorr. 1875. (6528 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An answer by Roger Williams to Governor Coddington s letter to Governor Leverett. [Providence, 1870.] 8vo, pp. iv, 9 (1). Reprinted from Proceedings. Consists of a tract entitled "An answer to a letter sent from Mr. Coddington, of Rhode Island, to Governor Leveret, of Bos ton, in what concerns Roger Williams, of Providence. Boston. Printed by John Foster [between 1678 and 1680], with introduction by E. M. Stone." (6529 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bicentenary of the burning of Providence in 1076. Defense of the Rhode Island system of treatment of the Indians, and of civil and religious liberty. An address before the Society April 10, 1876. By Zachariah Aller, LL. D. Providence, 1876. 8vo, pp. 34. (653O RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of Middletowu, R. I. By S. G. Arnold. 1876. 8vo. (6531 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history of Black Island. By W. P. Sheffield. 1876. (6532 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The ancient highways of Providence. By Henry C. Dorr. 1877. (6533 890 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The early career of Samuel Gorton. By George A. Brayton, LL. D. 1877. (6534 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Greenes, of Warwick, in colonial his tory. Read before the Society February 27, 1877. By H. E. Turner. New port, 1877. 8vo, pp. G8 (2). (6535 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical sketch of the Pequot Indians. By Richard A. Wheeler. 1877. (6536 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and services of Governor Samuel Ward, of Rhode Island, a member of the Continental Congress in 1774, 177.1, and 177G. By his great-grandson, John Ward, of New York. Providence, 1877. 4to, pp. 12. Read before the Society December 19, 1876. (6537 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Continental Congress before the Dec laration of Independence. By Col. John Ward. Magazine of American History, April, 1878. (6538 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Gilbert Stuart, the painter. By George C. Mason. 1878. < " RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and services of William Codd ing- ton. By II. E. Turner. 1878. (654O RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The present Indian question with the United States Government. By George 10. Ellis. In his "The red man and the white man in North America." (6541 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Principles and customs in the Ottoman Empire. By General Terfik. 1878. (6542 RHOI>E ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the librarian and cabinet keeper, northern department of the Society, 1877-78. Providence, 1878. 8vo, pp. 45. (6543 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Rhode Island line in the Continental army, and its Society of Cincinnati. Paper read before the Society April 30, 1878, by A. B. Gardner. Providence, 1878. Svo, pp. 12. (6544 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The French in Rhode Island during the Revolutionary war. By John Austin Stevens. Magazine of American History, July, 1879. I 6545 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The conditions of life, habits, and customs of the native Indians of America, and their treatment by the first settlers. Address before the Society, December 4, 1879, by Zachariah Allen. Provi dence, 1880. 8vo, pp. 55. < G546 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Notes concerning the Wainpanoag tribe of Indians, with some account of a rock picture on the shore of Mount Hope Bay, in Bristol, R. I. By William J. Miller. Providence, 1880. 12mo, pp. (2), 148. Three papers read before the Society, March 17, 1874 ; March 16, 1875 ; March 28, 1876. With appendix. (6547 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Settlers of Aquidneck, and liberty of con science. Read before the Society, February, 1880, by H. E. Turner. New port, 1880. 4 to, pp. 54 (1). ( 6548 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Credit Mobilier of America. A paper read before the Society, February 22. 1881, by Rowland G. Hazard. Provi dence, 1881. 8vo, pp. 42. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 891 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jeremy Clarke s family. Address delivered before Rhode Island Historical Society, March, 1879, by H. E. Turner. New port, 1881. In Newport Historical Magazine, Vol. i, pp. 75-90, 128-155. (655O RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The medical school, formerly existing in Brown University, its professors and graduates. By Charles W. Parsons. 1881. (6551 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Rhode Island privateers and privateers- men of Newport.] An address delivered by W. P. Sheffield before the So ciety. February 7, 1882. With notes. Newport, 1883. 8vo, pp. 67. (6552 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some notes upon the introduction of the woolen manufacture into the United States. By Royal C. Taft. Providence, 1882. 12mo, pp. v, 58. Read before the Society April 18, 1882. 8am<\ pp. vi, 58. Twenty-five large paper copies printed. (6553 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Canonicus memorial. Services of dedica tion, under the auspices of the Society, September 21, 1883. Providence, 1883. 8vo. pp. 31. (6554 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Zachariah Allen, 1795-1882. By Amos Perry. Cambridge, 1883. 8vo, pp. 108. Portrait and facsimiles. Published by the Society. (6555 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of books obtained by the Society from the sale of the library of the late Joseph J. Cooke, March-December, 1883. Providence, 1884. 8vo, pp. 30. (6556 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Town government in Rhode Island. By William E. Foster. Joints Hopkins University Historical Studies. Fourth series No. 2. 1884. Baltimore, 1880. pp. 30. (6557 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The French spoliation claims and Rhode Island claimants. A paper read before the Society, December 1, 1885. Re printed from Xarraganxett Historical Register, January, 1886. By Amasa M. Eaton. Providence, 1885. 8vo, pp. 33. _ (6558 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The French spjliation claims and Rhode Island claimants. Paper read before the Society December 1, 1885. By Amasa M. Eaton. In Xarragansctt Historical Register, Vol. iv, pp. 202-234. Hamilton. 1880. (655?> RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. King Philip and the Wampanoags of Rhode Island, with some account of a rock picture on the shore of Mount Hope Bay, in Bristol. By William J. Miller. Second edition. Providence, S. S. Rider, 1885. 12mo, pp. (2), 148. Consists of papers read before the Society, with an appendix. (656O RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some New England almanacs, with special mention of the almanacs of Rhode Island. By Amos Perry. Reprint from the Narraaansett Historical Register, July, 1885. Providence, 1885. 8vo, pp. 13. Paper read before the Society at the October quarterly meeting, 1884. (6561 892 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The fortifications in and around Provi dence. A paper read before the Society January 26, 1886, by Edward Field, 2d. In The Narragansett Historical Register, Vol. v, pp. 209-219. (6562 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genealogy of the Fenner family. By James P. Root. No. 1. Providence, 1886. 8vo, pp. 19. Read before the Rhode Island Historical Society. (6563 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Huguenots and the edict of Nantes. A paper read before the Society November 3, 1885, by William Gammell. Providence, 1886. 8vo, pp. 25. (6564 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life and services of the Hon. John Russell Bartlett. A paper read before the Society November 2, 1886, by William Gammell, president of the Society. Providence, 1886. 8vo, pp. 20. (6565 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of Capt. Arthur Fenner, of Provi dence. A paper read before the Society March 23 and April 6, 1886, by J. P. Root. In Rhode Island Historical Magazine, "Vol. vn, pp. 19-37. Newport, 1886. (6566 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. " Some phases of genealogical study." By J. O. Austin. Read at a meeting of the Society, by William Gammell, July 6, 1886. In Rhode Island Historical Magazine, Vol. vn, pp. 201-205. January, 1887. (6567 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The trial of the Rhode Island Judges. An episode touching currency and constitutional law. A dissertation by John Winslow. Read before the Brooklyn Republican League and the Rhode Island Historical Society. Brooklyn, 1887. 8vo, pp. 24. (6568 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report on the settlement of Warwick, HJ4U, and the seal of the Society. By William D. Ely, chairman. Reprinted from the Proceed incjs of the Society. [Providence, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 38. (6569 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington, the founder of the nation. An address read before the Society by George Moulton Carpenter, April 30, 1889. [Providence, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 16. Half title. (6570 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Discourse before the Rhode Island Histor ical Society at its centennial celebration of Rhode Island s adoption of the Federal Constitution, in Providence, R. I., May 29, 1890. By Horatio Rogers, president of the Society ; together with other proceedings on that occasion. Published by the Society. Providence, 1890. 8vo, pp. 44. MJ571 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The reform of the civil service considered from the party standpoint. An address read before the Society by George Moulton Carpenter March 25, 1890. [Providence, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 19. Half title. (6572 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of its history, with list of papers read at its stated meetings. [By Amos Perry.] Providence; 1890. 8vo, pp. 37. (6573 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The peace conference of 1861 at Washing ton, D. C. By William Warren Hoppin, jr. Read before the Rhode Island RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 893 Historical Society and the New Haven Colonial Historical Society, 1889-90. Providence, 1891. 8vo, pp. 27. Large paper. (6574 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A keyhole for Roger Williams s key ; or, a study of suggested misprints in its sixteenth chapter, " Of the earth and the fruits thereof, etc." A paper read before the Society, by William D. Ely. Providence, 1892. 8vo, pp. 41. (6575 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The library and cabinet of the Society; their origin and leading features. By Amos Perry. Providence, 1892. 8vo, pp. 26. (6576 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Moses Brown ; his life and services. A sketch read before the Society October 18, 1892. By Augustus Jones, LL. B. Providence, 1892. Svo. (6577 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the librarian and cabinet keeper. 1893. [Providence, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 24. (6578 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of the Rhode Island Histor ical Society. New series, Vols. I-VIH ; April, 1893-January, 1901. Provi dence, The Society, 1893-1900. 8 volumes. Svo. Plates. Portraits. Facsimiles. [Quarterly.] From 1893-1900 the Publications of the Society include its Proceedings, 1892, 1893-1899, 1900. Publications discontinued January, 1901. Proceedings published separately, 1900, 1901. (6579 RHODE. ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications of this Society. New series, Vol. i. Providence, 1893. Svo, pp. 291 (2). "At a meeting of the Society held April 4, 1893, it was resolved to publish quarterly the Proceedings of the Society, the first number to consist of the usual annual transactions, and the subsequent numbers for the year to consist of matter hitherto unpublished, such as the publication committee may select." See No. 6520. CONTENTS. No. 1. Proceedings, 1892-93 ; Address of the president ; Reports of commit tees ; Index to works in the genealogical room, family genealogies ; Genealogical works ; Report of librarian and cabinet keeper ; Necrology ; Members, pp. 1- 98. No. 2. The town records of Rhode Island, a report by Amos Perry, pp. 99- 182. No. 3. Plea of the Petuxet purchasers and a history of the first deed, etc., before the King s commissioners, 1677 ; [Notes on William Harris] ; Tax list of the town of Providence, July 1, 1679 ; Indian slaves of King Philip s war. pp. 183-240. No. 4. Studies in colonial history : 1. Know-nothingism in Rhode Island, [by Charles Stickney] ; 2. The development of the nominating convention in Rhode Island, [by Neil Andrews, jr.] ; 3. Early history of the colonial post-oflice, [by Mary E. Woolley]. 1894. pp. 241-291 (2). (658O RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series, Vol. 11. Provi dence, 1894. 8vo, pp. (2) xxvii, 262. CONTENTS. No. 1. Proceedings, 1893-94, pages 61-67, contain Roger Williams vindicated ; or. an answer to "A keyhole for Roger Williams s key," by William Wallace Tooker. No. 2. Slavery in Rhode Island, 1755-1776, by William D. Johnston. No. 3. Rhode Island manuscripts in the national archives at Washington : Two communications relative to Rhode Island not being represented in the con- 894 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. stitutional convention of 1787 ; Letter of Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse to Thoma^ Jefferson (1822) relating to matters of interest in Newport. Cambridge, and Boston ; Military papers of the Revolution. No. 4. Military records in the Department of State, Washington ; Officers in the First Rhode Island Battalion, 1777 ; Arrangement of the Rhode Island bat talions, officers in the First, Second regiments ; Arrangement of Rhode Island battalions at White Plains, November 15, 1778 ; Officers on the supernumerary list; Officers of Colonel Angell s regiment: Inspection return, February, 1780; Return of officers in Rhode Island battalion, 1783 ; Return of Second Rhode Island Regiment of foot, December, 1779 ; Official record of the great gale of 1815 (in Providence), by Moses Brown (p. 232) ; The key; Fact versus theory, by W. W. Tooker ; The Susquehanna purchase, by R. G. Ruling (p. 241) ; Neg lect and desecration of the grave and gravestone of Governor Benedict Arnold, by J. F. Noyes; A genealogical "find" (Borden), by R. G. Ruling; The John Carter family, by B. B. Carter ; Genealogical notes and queries ; Editorial notes ; Index. (6581 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New Series, Vol. in. 1895. Providence, 1895. 8vo, pp. xix, 250. Illustrations. Contents : General Index ; Proceedings ; Address of the president ; Reports of officers and committees; Necrology: George Champlin Mason; Julia Bullock; Thomas Jefferson Hill; John James De Wolf; Charles Sabin. Institutions from which gifts have been received ; Members ; Facsimile of the original Civil Com pact in its present condition ; Portraits and aut treasures illustrative of local history ; Catalogue of portraits in the gallery of the Sociey ; Brief notes on some deceased artists who are mentioned in the foregoing catalogue ; The town bridge at Weybosset an inquiry as to the date of building the first bridge across Providence river, by Fred A. Arnold ; The burying-ground of the Old- South Kingstown Meeting-House, by Caroline Hazard ; Communications, edito rial notes, and cullings : Letter of F. C. Ainsworth, Colonel, U. S. A., concerning the publication of military histories of Revolutionary soldiers ; History of Revo lutionary soldiers ; The oldest historical society in the country (Massachusetts) ; Publications and historical material ; The Hope furnace the first steam engine in Rhode Island ; Landscapes in the picture gallery portraits in other galleries ; The proprietors of Providence, and their controversies with freeholders, by Henry C. Dorr ; The papers of Major-Gen. Nathanael Greene ; Notes on land scapes in the picture gallery ; A letter about Rhode Island artists by John N. Arnold ; The beginnings of insurance in Providence, by H. W. George ; A military club (formed in Providence, 1774). Editorial notes, etc. : The new library building at Washington; Rhode Island in the National Statue Gallery; The defense of Providence in 1814. Portraits in the City Hall of Providence; Monuments, etc., in our public squares ; The place for genealogy in literature, by John Osborne Austin ; A genealogical chart. Editorial notes : Roger Wil liams ; Original rolls of Rhode Island troops on record in the Massachusetts State House. (582 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series. Vol. iv. 1896. Providence, 1896. 8vo, pp. 273. Illustrations. Contents : Proceedings ; Address of the president ; Reports of officers and committees; Necrology: Thomas Earle Studley ; Samuel Wardwell Peckham ; Thomas Davis ; Samuel Gardiner Trippe ; William Jones Hoppin ; Eli Whitney Blake ; Le Roy King. Gifts received ; List of members ; Genealogical notes ; Editorial notes : On office-seeking in Washington s administration. The pro prietors of Providence, and their controversies with the freeholders, by Henry C Dorr (continued from Vol. in) ; Facsimile of the signatures of the settlers of the town of Warwick, R. I., with historical sketches appertaining thereto, by Henry Lehre Greene ; Genealogical charts : Peter Grinnell, John Wilbur. Edi torial notes : The New England Historic-Genealogical Society ; Pennsylvania Historical Society ; The Newport Royal Gazette and the Newport Gazette in the possession .of the Histoiical Society of Pennsylvania; John Eliot s Indian teacher: The formation of this society; The Old Colony Historical Society: Writ of arrest and attachment, served by King George II ; One branch of the Greene family, with a brief biographical sketch of the late John L. Hughes; Editorial notes : New Jersey Historical Society ; Letter from Henry E. Turner, concerning the Greene, Turner, and Nightingale families; The Indian deed question copy of a document (1708) among the manuscripts of the city of RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 895 Providence; Valuable manuscripts of the Society an opportunity to assist in making them useful. The first public library in Rhode Island, by J. F. Jameson ; A catalogue of the library ; The Indian deed question, by Geo. T. Paine ; Fac simile of a portion of the petition of Howlong (Hai-ris) Fenner to the court at Newport, May, 1708 ; Rhode Island Revolutionary Debt ; Wilkins Updike s views ; John Rowland on the Revolutionary Debt ; Genealogical notes : Greene family ; The Williams family name ; Burning of the Gaspee ; Genealogical chart Cyrus Butler. General index. (6583 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series, Vol. v. 1897. Providence, 1897. 8vo, pp. 259. Contents : Proceedings, 1896-97. Minute in honor of Judge Carpenter ; Ad dress of the president ; Reports of officers ; Necrology : James Fanning Noyes ; William Gordon Weld ; Henry Clay Cranston ; Rufus Waterman ; John Ebenezer Troup ; George J. West; George Moulton Carpenter; Nicholas Ball; Arthur Arnory Codman ; William H. Hopkins ; Charles W. Frederickson. Necrological notices in proceedings and quarterly, 1872-1897 ; Persons from whom gifts have been received ; List of members ; Genealogical notes : Some Bristol county (Mass.) Wills abstract of main items. Civil changes in the state address by the president, John H. Stinness, at the seventy-fifth anniversary of the society ; John Brown of Providence, by W. P. Sheffield ; Montalto in Smithfield, by Fred A. Arnold ; Genealogical chart Captain Joseph Olney ; Editorial notes : Letter from Stephen Hopkins, October 28, 1767 : The original of which was given to the society by Daniel II. Greene, of East Greenwich ; Proposition for a general assembly a letter written by John Clarke, who was contemporary with Roger Williams; The Greene association; A Warwick schoolmaster (William Gibbs) how hired and paid, A. I). 1741 ; Historic tablet at Warren ; The War of 1812 : A part of its naval history recorded at the time by a Rhode Island citizen ; Memorial from the Rhode Island regiment of drafted militia, War of 1812 ; Rhode Island artists; Gilbert Stuart and Edward G. Malbone ; William Read Staples ; Providence Gazette : its publication, publishers, publication offices, and editors, by Amos Perry ; Indian geographic names, and why we should study them ; illustrated by some Rhode Island examples, by William Wal lace Tooker ; Turk s Head and the Whitman estate, by William M. Bailey ; The oldest town records in the state, April 30, 1639 ; The significance of John Eliot s Natick, by William Wallace Tooker ; Index of names. (6584 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series, Vol. vi. 1898. Providence, 1898. 8vo, pp. 259. Contents : Proceedings, 1897-98 ; Address of the President ; Reports of officers ; Necrology : Henry Whitman Greene ; Albert Holbrook ; John Pierce ; Caleb Davis Bradlee ; William Mason Bailey; Henry Edward Turner; Joseph Cady Ely ; Thomas Casey Greene ; George Boardman Lapham ; James Hammond Trum- bull ; Justin YViusor ; George Edward Luther ; Nathan Fellows Dixon ; Henry Crawford Dorr ; Asa King Potter ; Thomas Stafford Drowne : Henry Thayer Drowne ; Persons from whom gilts have been received ; List of members ; The United States chronicle its publication offices, its publisher and his diary ; Who wrote "Mr. Samuel Gorton s Ghost?"; A petition of Capt. Benjamin Gorton, 1688 ; Andros order in behalf of Mashantatat and Captain Gorton, 1687 ; A sermon by Benjamin Gorton ; A letter of Francis Brinley to the town of Newport, 1685 ; Letter to Mr. James Barker in Newport from Francis Brin ley, Aprill .29th, 1685 ; Letter of Governor John Cranston to Governor Josiah Winslow, 1679 ; A letter of John Eliot, 1644 ; Judge Sewall s gifts in the Narra- gansett country ; Mt Hope lands wanted- A Manuscript Memorial to King Charles II, August 1th, 1679 ; Genealogical notes : Walker and W T heaton fami lies ; Cook wills,. etc. Editorial notes: John Brown s East-India ship, President Washington ; New Theatre, Providence, Advertisement of the performance on September 16th [1795]. Early commercial signs and firms of Providence; The Havana expedition of 1762 in the war with Spain, by Asa Bird Gardiner; The old Providence Theatre, by Henry L. Greene ; Who were the Rhode Island soldiers of the Havana expedition of 1762? correspondence with the Great Britain War and Colonial Offices; List of the vessels, their description and tonnage, belonging to the port of Providence the 20th Day of June, 1791 ; The Greene-St. School of Providence and its teachers, among whom was Sarah Margaret Fuller, after wards Marchioness D Ossoli, by Henry L. Greene ; Editorial notes : Civil service reform sought in these plantations a century and a half ago from Moses Brown papers, vol, 18, p. 105 ; Slave trade in 1816, from a letter to Obadiah Brown ; 896 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The early theatre in these plantations ; Providence riots Extracts from the Salem Gazette, 1832 ; Key to the drop-scene on the walls of the historical cabi net, painted by Walter R. Danforth ; " What Cheer " its early mention, from the Early Records of the town of Providence ; Pictures of Slate Rock ; The Roger Williams Spring ; The John Eliot letter of the " 4 : of the : 10th month, 1644 ; " Index of names. (6585 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series, Vol. vn. 1899. Providence, 1899. Svo, pp. 255. Contents: Officers; Proceedings ; Address of, [John H. Stiness] ; Reports; Ne crology ; Members ; Diary of Enos Hitchcock, a chaplain in the Revolutionary army, with a memoir, edited by William B. Weeden ; A devout soldier a sermon preached at West Point, 1782, at Providence, 1783 ; Roger Williams Spring, by Wm. G. Brennan ; A map showing the site of the Spring and of Williams s original town lot ; New documents for Rhode Island history, 1683-1 084, by Clarence S. Brigham ; Letters of Lord Robert Manners, 1780; Gorton-Maplet, by John O. Austin; Letter of Lady Byron, 1841 from the Channing collection; Amos Perry ; List of Providence militia-men, 1687 ; Music in Rhode Island, 1739 ; The Narragansett Indians, 1768 ; Gaspee papers, 1772-1773 ; Battle of Lake Erie, 1818 ; Notes ; Index. (658G RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series, Vol. vm. 1900. Providence, 1900. Svo, pp. 287. Contents: Officers; Proceedings ; Address of, [John H. Stiness] ; Reports; Ne crology; Members; Note: Roger Williams s wife; Francis Brinley s briefe nar rative of the Nanhiganset countrey ; Letter of Brinley to Col. Francis Nicholson, 1709 ; British state papers relating to Rhode Island, 1678-1687 ; The adjustment of Rhode Island into the I liiou in 1790 ; Applications for federal office, 17S9- 1796; Sir Thomas Urquhart and Roger Williams; Ten letters of Roger Wil liams, 1654-1678 ; Benefit street in 1798 ; Papers relating to Fantee, 1782-3 ; Papers of William Vernon and the navy board, 1776-1794 ; The ancestry of Patience Cook ; Index. (6587 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A denial of the charges of forgery in con nection with the sachems deed to Roger Williams. By George T. Paine. A paper read before the Rhode Island Historical Society November 17, 1896. [Providence, 1896.] 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 71. Facsimile. (6588 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Civil changes in the state. Address at the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Rhode Island Historical Society, April 19, 1897. By John H. Stiness. Providence, 1897. Svo, pp. 33. (6589 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial of Amos Perry. Obituary sketch by Clarence C. Brigham. Proceedings of the memorial meeting, October 3, 1899. Boston, 1900. Svo, pp. 16. Printed for the Rhode Island Historical Society. [Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, July, 1900.] (6590 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. News Sheet, Nos. 1-11, February 1, -1902- September 29, 1905. Leaflets. (6591 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1900-1901. Providence, 1902. Svo, pp. 75. 6592 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1901-1902. Providence, 1903. 8vo, pp. 92. (6593 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seventeenth century place-names of Provi dence plantations, 1639-1700. Compiled by Clarence S. Brigham. Provi dence, 1903. Svo, pp. 23. Fold. map. Reprinted from the Collections of the Rhode Island Historical Society, Vol. KHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HIST. SOC. 897 RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Personal narratives of the battles of the rebellion, being papers read before the Society. First series No. 1-20; second series, No. 1-20; third series, No. 1-20; fourth series, No. 1-20; fifth series, No. 1-10. Providence, 1878-1899. Small 4to. CONTENTS. 1. First campaign of the Second Rhode Island Infantry. By E. H. Rhodes. 1878. pp. 26. 2. The Rhode Island artillery at the first battle of Bull Run. By A. J. Mon roe. 1878. pp. 31. 3. Reminiscences of service in the First Rhode Island Cavalry. By G. N. Bliss. 1878. pp. 32. 4. My first cruise at sea and the loss of the -Monitor. By F. B. Butts. 1878. pp. 23. 5. Kit Carson s fight with the Comanche and Kiowa Indians at the adobe walls on the Canadian River, November 25, 1864. By G. H. Pettis. 1878. pp. 44. 6. A trip to Richmond as prisoner of war. By E. P. Tobie. 1879. pp. 48. 7. Incidents of cavalry service in Louisiana. By C. H. Parkhurst. 1879. pp. 25. 8. The bay fight. A sketch of the battle of Mobile Bay. By W. F. Hutchin son. 1879. pp. 28. 9. Personal incidents in the early campaign of the Third Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers. By E. Metcalf. 1879. pp. 31. 10. Battle of the Mine. By E. T. Case. 1879. pp. 37. 11. Reminiscences of war of 1861-1865. By J. A. Monroe. 1881. pp. 78. 12. A cruise along the blockade. By F. B. Butts. 1881. pp. 37. 13. The High School boys of the Tenth Rhode Island Regiment, with a roll of teachers or students who served during the rebellion. By W. A. Spicer. 1882. pp. 83. 14. Service of the cavalry in the Army of the Potomac. By E. P. Tobie. 1882. pp. 56. 15. Prison life of J. M. Fales. By G. N. Bliss. 1882. pp. 70. 16. The last tour of duty at the siege of Charleston. By C. H. Williams, 1882. pp. 29. 17. Ambrose Everett Burnside. By A. Woodbury. 1882. pp. 97. 18. Incidents of service with the Eleventh Regiment Rhode Island Volunteers, by C. H. Parkhurst. 1883. pp. 32. 19. Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. By J. K. Bucklyn. 1883. pp. 24. 20. Incidents of cavalry experiences during General Pope s campaign. By W. Gardiner. 1883. pp. 36. (6595 Second series : 1. First cruise of the MontauJc. By S. T. Browne. 1S80. pp. 59. 2. A country boy s first three months in the Army. By C. H. Barney. 1880. 3. Organization and service of Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery. By P. S. Chase. 1880. pp. 48. 4. The marine artillery with the Burnside expedition, and the battle of Cam- den, N. C. By W. B. Avery. 1880. pp. 28. 5. Burnside expedition in North Carolina. Battles of Roanoke Island and Elizabeth City. By L. Traver. 1880. pp. 30. 6. The Burnside expedition. By A. E. Burnside. 1882. pp. 33. 7. Reminiscences of two years with colored troops. By J. M. Addeman. 1880. pp: 38. 8. A recruit before Petersburg. By G. B. Peck, jr. 1880. pp. 74. 9. Personal experiences of the Chancellorsville campaign. By Horatio Rogers. 1881. pp. 33. 10. The battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862. By F. Denison, 1881. pp. 45. Nos. 11-20, see Appendix. (6596 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 57 898 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Third series : "1. Life of the Texan blockade. By W. F. Hutchinson. 1883. pp. 43. 2. My four months experience as a prisoner of war. By T. Simpson. 1883. pp. 40. 3. Gunboat service on the James River. By W. B. Avery. 1884. pp. 38. 4. A private s recollections of Fredericksburg. By E. A. Corey. 1884. pp. 28. 5. Camp and hospital. By G. B. Peck, jr. 1884. pp. 50. Portrait. 6. Cavalry service with General Sheridan, and life in Libby prison. By G. N. Bliss. 1884. pp. 103. 7. Service with Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery. By P. S. Chase. 1884. pp. 31. 8. Reminiscences of gunboat service on the Nansemond. By F. B. Butts. 1884. pp. 67. 9. The battle of Groveton, August 28, 1862. By F. Denison. 1885. pp. 35. 10. Recollections of Monocacy. By A. S. Roe. 1885. pp. 32. 11. Recollections of service in the Twelfth Regiment, Rhode Island Volun teers. By O. Lapham. 1885. pp. 39. 12. The march to the sea. By C. A. Hopkins. 1885. pp. 32. 13. Reminiscences of service with colored troops in the Army of the Cumber land. By T. J. Morgan. 1885. pp. 52. 14. Frontier service during the rebellion. By G. H. Pettis. 1885. pp. 54. 15. Reminiscences of service with the Twelfth Regiment. By P. E. Tilling- hast. 1885. pp. 53. 1G. Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, at Antietam, September 17, 1862. By J. E. Monroe. 1886. pp. 45. 17. Relief of Washington, N. C., by the Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers. By W. W. Douglas. 1886. pp. 28. IS. A private s reminiscence of the first year of the war. By E. B. Andrews. 1886. pp. 41. 19. Battle of Kellys Ford. By J. B. Cooke. 1887. pp. 38. 20. The investment of Fort Pulaski. By A. Williams. 1887. pp. 59. (6597 Fourth series : 1. From Monocacy to Danville. By A. S. Roe. 1889. pp. 41. 2. The siege and capture of Harpers Ferry by the Confederates, September, 1862. By W. H. Nichols. 1889. pp. 48. 3. Services with Battery F, First Rhode Island Light Artillery. By P. S. Chase. 1889. pp. 41. 4. The First Rhode Island Cavalry at Middleburg, Va., June 17 and 18, 1863. By G. N. Bliss. 1889. pp. 56. 5. Personal recollections of General Sheridan. By E. P. Tobie. 1889. pp. 40. 6. The Monitor and the Merrimac. By F. B. Butts. 1890. pp. 51. 7. From Bridgeport to Ringgold, by way of Lookout Mountain. By A. R. Greene. 1890. pp. 46. 8. [Gen. Alfred N.] Duffie and the monument to his memory. By G. N. Bliss. 1890. pp. 64. Portraits. Woodcuts. 9. The Burnside expedition, and the engagement at Roanoke Island. By W. L. Welch. 1890. pp. 48. 10. Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, at the second battle of Bull Run. By J. A. Monroe. 1890. pp. 33. (6508 Nos. 11-20, see Appendix. RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifth series. 1. Service with colored troops in Burnside s corps. By James H. Rickard. Providence, 1894. Small 4to, pp. 43. 2. Kearsarge and Alabama. By William H. Bodlam. Providence, 1894. Small 4to, pp. 39. 3. From Andersonville to freedom. By Charles M. Smith. Providence, 1894. Small 4to, pp. 74. 4. From Fredericksburg to Gettysburg. By B. H. Child. Providence, 1895. Small 4to, pp. 36. 5. Operations of the cavalry corps, middle military division, armies of the United States, February 27-March 8, 1865, participated in by the First Rhode Island Cavalry. By William Gardiner. Providence, 1896. Small 4to, pp. 31. 6. The organization and first campaign of Battery E, First Rhode Island Light Artillery. By Francis B. Butts. Providence, 1896. Small 4to, pp. 85. Portrait. 7. Assault on Fort Gilmer and reminiscences of prison life. By George E. Sherman. Providence, 1897. Small 4to, pp. 79. RHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOC. 899 8. Battle of the Crater and experiences of prison life. By Sumner U. Sher man. Providence, 1898. Small 4to, pp. 38. 9. Reminiscences of the signal service in the Civil War. By Henry S. Taftt. Providence, 1899. Small 4to, pp. 41. 10. From Spottsylvania to Wilmington, N. C., by way of Andersonville and Florence. By Sidney S. Williams. Providence, 1899. Small 4to, pp. 47. For sixth series, see Appendix. (6599 RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The flag replaced on Sumter. A personal narrative, by William A. Spicer. Read before the Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, February, 1884. Providence, 1885. 8vo, pp. 76, including front. Illustrations. Plate. Map. Music. (66OO RHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Providence, R. I. RHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. First, second, and third annual reports. July 7, 1884 ; July 6, 1885 ; July 5, 1886. In Narragansett Historical Register. Vol. v, pp. 189-207. Providence, 1886. The Association adopted the Register as its medium for the preservation of the distinctively Rhode Island papers read before it. The July (1886) number is the first issued under that arrangement. (66O1 RHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. An historic bell in in the Moshassuck Valley. An address delivered before the Association. December 1, 1884, by Welcome A. Greene. In Rhode Island Historical Magazine. Vol. v, pp. 328-341. Providence, 1884. (6602 ^HODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The causes of the popularity of the revolutionary movement in Rhode Island. Paper read be fore the Society, April 6, 1885, by James N. Arnold. In yarragansett Historical Register. Vol. iv,. pp. 81-99. Hamilton, R. I., 1885. (6603 IHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Some of the " whys and wherefores " of the issue of the Rhode Island colonial paper currency. Address before the Association, February 2, 1885, by Welcome A. Greene. In Xarragansett Historical Register. Vol. iv, pp. 626. Hamilton, R. I., 1885. (6604 IHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. A meeting devoted to the Hebrews, December 7, 1885. In Narragansett Historical Register. Vol. iv, pp. 299-327. Contains a paper by Rev. Frederic Denison on " The Israelites in Rhode Island," and an address by Acting Rabbi Myer Noot. (66O5 IHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. A new theory re garding the origin of the Palatine Light. A paper, by Welcome A. Greene, read before the Association February 1, 1886. In Xarragansett Historical Register. Vol. v, pp. 253-258. (66O6 IHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The old schools of Providence. A paper read before the Association by Elisha Dyer. In yarragansett Historical Register. Vol. v, pp. 220-240. (66O7 IHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The old taverns of Providence. Reminiscences of some of the taverns of " the old town of Providence " and its immediate vicinity. A paper read before the Associa tion, October 8, 1883, by Elisha Dyer, president. In Narragansett Historical Register. Vol. v, pp. 129-150. Providence, 1886. (66O8 HODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Some reminiscences, etc. Read before the Association, March 1, 1886, by a member. [Poem.] In Narragansett Historical Register. Vol. v, pp. 43-53. (66O9 900 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Stukeley Westcote. A paper read before the Association, April 5, 1886, by J. Russell Bullock. In Narragansett Historical Register. Vol. v, pp. 1-26. Providence, 1886. (6609C RHODE ISLAND VETERAN CITIZENS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The great secret. A historical inquiry into the causes of the contention for the possession of the Narragansett country by the colonies of New England. [Read be fore the Association, May 9, 1887, by I. N. Arnold.] In Narragansett Historical Register. Vol. vi, pp. 1-24. Providence, 1888. (6610 SOTJTH HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON. Charleston, S. C. HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON. Poem. By the Rev. Charles S. Vedder, D. D. Read at the celebration by the Huguenot Society of Charleston, S. C., April 14, 1890, of the promulgation of the edict of Nantes, 1598. Charleston, 1890. 12mo, pp. 6. (6611 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 1. Charleston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 76. Contents : An account of the organization of the Society in 1885 ; Officers, 1885-90 ; List of charter members ; Memorial to Wilmot G. De Saussure, late president of the Society ; Short sketches of the lives of late members, etc. ; President s address ; Address by Wm. St. Julien Jervey at the annual meeting, April 13th, 1889 The causes which led to the emigration of the Huguenots from France. (6612 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 2. Charleston, 1889. 8vo, pp. 64. Contents: Officers; Proceedings; The French Protestant Church (Huguenot) Charleston, founded A. D. 1681-82; with a roll of its pastors, 1686 to 1866; Huguenot character, an historical sermon, by Charles S. Vedder ; Proceedings at the anniversary meeting, 1890, of the promulgation of the edict of Nantes: Poem, by Charles S. Vedder; Address, by Thomas F. Bayard. (6613 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 3. Charleston, 1894. 8vo, pp. 69. Contents : Officers ; President s report, April 13, 1891 ; Annual meeting, April 13, 1893 ; President s report, April 13, 1894 ; Address before the Society April 13, 1894, by Gabriel E. Manigault [Huguenot emigration to America]. (6614 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 4. Charleston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 97. Portraits. Plate. Contents : The Legare family of South Carolina ; Paper describing the first generations of the Huger family in South Carolina; The Marion family; Huguenot influence in colonial South Carolina, by Robert Wilson; The Mani gault family of South Carolina from 1685 to 1886 ; Necrology. (6615 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 5. Charleston, 1897. 8vo, pp. 103. Contents : Copious extracts from the History of the Huguenots of South Car olina, and their descendants, by Thomas Gaillard : The first Huguenot immi grants, 1670 to 1680, 1680 to 1700 ; Hostility of the English settlers to the French ; List of French and Swiss refugees in Carolina ; Character of the Huguenots ; The Huguenot churches in South Carolina ; Details pertaining tc the Santee settlement ; The Huguenots of Abbeville, S. C. ; South Carolina So ciety of Charleston ; Notices of conspicuous members of the Gaillard family. (6616 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 901 H.UGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 6. Charleston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 56. Plates. Portraits. Contents : Historical sketch of the Prioleau family in Europe and America ; The Prioleau family in America ; Extracts from the Will in French of An- thoine Prudhomme, 1695 ; The Ravenel family in France and in America ; Ne crology : Ren6 Ravenel Jervey ; Elias Horry Frost ; Alex. Robert Lawton. (6617 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 7. Charleston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 74. Contents: List of officers; Proceedings of the 15th annual meeting; Historical sketch of the Huguenot Congregations of South Carolina, hy Daniel Ravenel, with notes by Wilmot G. De Saussure : French Santee ; Orange Quarter ; St. John s Berkeley ; The Church at Charleston ; The real estate held by our Church ; The firo of 1740; The minutes of the Church in Charlestown. (6618 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 8. Charleston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 34. Contents : Minutes ; President s address ; Resume of transactions, 1897-1901 ; Officers ; Constitution and by-laws ; List of members ; Letter from Alfred Huger upon the death of Mr. Petigru to his brother, Dr. Benjamin Huger, March 15, 1863 ; Copy of Francis G. Delieseline s narrative, 1777-1783 The original having been forwarded to Thos. Butler King, contributed by Win. C. Ravenel. (6619 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 9. Charleston, S. C., 1902. 8vo, pp. 58. Contents: Minutes of 17th annual meeting; President s address; Address of Richard L. Maury LThe Huguenots]; Officers; Constitution and by-laws; List of members. (662O HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 10. Charleston, 1903. 8vo, pp. 51, (1). Contents : Publications of the Society ; Officers, 1903-1904 ; Minutes. 18th annual meeting ; President s address ; Report of historian ; The Huguenots in Dublin, by Robert Wilson ; Wills of South Carolina Huguenots : Pierre Bertrand, 1692 ; Arnaud Bruneau Chabociere, 1694 ; Pierre Perdriau, 1692 ; Louis Per- driau, 1694-5; George Baudoin, 1695; Index. (6621 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 11. Charleston, 1904. ^ 8vo, pp. 47, (6). Contents : Officers ; Minutes of annual meeting ; President s address ; A brief memorial to Francis Marion, 1732-1795 ; The Huguenots of South Carolina, by T. W. Bacot ; Constitution and by-laws ; Wills of South Carolina Huguenots, edited and translated by Robert Wilson : Anthoine Prudhomme, 1695 ; Daniel Le Gendre, 1703 ; Pierre de St. Julieu, 1718 ; Publications of the Society ; Index. (6622 HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Transactions. No. 12. Charleston, S. C., 1905. 8vo, pp. 64. Contents : Officers ; Minutes ; President s address ; Huguenot immigration in South Carolina, by Henry A. De Saussure; A short story of three brothers (The Du Foussat), by Ida H. Layard ; Wills of South Carolina Huguenots : T. Verdsty ; A. Cordes ; A. Fleury de la Plaine, edited and translated by Robert Wilson : Con stitution and by-laws of the Society. (6623 902 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON, 8. C. Charleston, S. C. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON. Rules of the Society, founded January 6, 1819. [Charleston], 1820. 12mo, pp. 12. Same. Revised. Charleston, 1830. 8vo. pp. 25. Contains list of officers and members. (6624 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. An oration delivered on the anni versary of the New England Society, Charleston, S. C., December 22d, 1835; in commemoration of the landing 1 of the Pilgrims, upon the rock of Plym outh, December 22d, 1G20. By Joshua Barker Whitridge. Published at the request of the Society. Charleston, 1836. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 61, 1 1. (6625 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Rules. To which is added a list of the officers and members. Charleston, 1842. ll rno, pp. 34. (6626 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Rules. Founded January 6, 1819. Rules revised 1830-1842-1849-186G. To which is added a list of the officers and members. Charleston, S. C., 1867. 12mo, pp. 46. (6627 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Speech, by Charles Francis Adams, jr., December 22, 1902, at the banquet of the New England Society of Charleston, South Carolina. Boston. [1903?! pp. 20. On state rights. (6628 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Charleston, S. C. SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Documents connected with the history of South Carolina. Edited by Plowden Charles Jennet Weston. London, 1856. 4to, pp. 227. Published under the auspices of the Society. i 662f For Contents, see Appendix. SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i-v. Charleston, S. C., 1857-1897. 8vo, 5 vols. CONTENTS. Vol. I. Address pronounced at the inauguration of the South Carolina Histor ical Society, June 28, 1855, by F. A. Porcher ; A narrative of the capture of Henry Laurens, of his confinement in the Tower of London, etc., 1780, 1781, 1782 ; Appendix, containing documents, letters, etc., relating to Mr. Laurens s imprisonment in the Tower ; List and abstract of papers in the state paper office, London, relating to South Carolina. 1857. pp. vi (1), 307. (6630 Vol. ii. Oration delivered on the third anniversary of the South Carolina His torical Society, May 27, 1858, by James Louis Petigru ; Journal of the Council of safety for the province of South Carolina, 1775 ; The French Protestants of Abbeville district, South Carolina ; Oration delivered on the first anniversary of the South Carolina Historical Society, June 28, 1856, by J. Barrett Cohen; List and abstract of papers in the state paper office, London, relating to South Carolina, continued from Vol. i : Vocabulary of the Catawba language, with some remarks on its grammar, construction, and pronunciation, by Oscar M. Lieber 1858. pp. 342. (6631 Vol. in. Oration, May 19, 1859, by W. H. Trescott ; Journal of second counci of safety, November, 1775 ; List and abstract of papers in the state paper office London, relating to South Carolina. 1859. pp. 343. (632 Vol. iv, 1887. Report of the committee appointed by the general assembly ol SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 903 South Carolina in 1740, on the St. Augustine expedition under General Ogle- thorpe, pp. 178 ; Address before the Society on their twenty-first anniversary, May 19, 1876, by W. J. Rivers, pp. 28 (1) ; Address on twenty-second anniver sary, May 25, 1877, by J. J. Pringle Smith, 1879, pp. 35, vii ; Memoir of Christo pher Gadsden, by F. A. Porcher, pp. 11 ; Education in South Carolina prior to and during the Revolution, by E. McCrady, jr., 1883, pp. 54. (6633 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. v. Published by the Society, 1897. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. 8, xx, 523. Map. Contents: Preface. Dual governments in South Carolina (1719-1776), by Joseph W. Barnwell ; The Shaftesbury papers and other records relating to Carolina and the first settlement on Ashley river prior to the year 1676, pre pared for publication by Langdon Cheves ; The more lengthy documents include : The Barbadoes concessions, January, 1664-October, 1665 ; The Port Royall Dis covery, being the relation of a voyage on the coast of the Province of Carolina formerly called Florida in the continent of the Northerne America from Charles River, neere Cape Feare, in the County of Clarendon and the Lat : of 34 : deg.. to Port Royall, in the North Lat : of 32 : d., begun 14th June, 1666, performed by Robert Sandford ; The Clarendon settlement, 1666 ; The Clarendon address, 1666 ; Constitution of Carolina, 1669, by John Locke ; The Carolina Fleet, 1669 ; The Carolina Expedition The Settlement, 1669, 1670; Letters from Carolina, September 9th, 1670-November 15th, 1670; Locke s Carolina Memoranda, Sep tember, 1670-November, 1671 ; Capt. Halsted s instructions, 1 May, 1671 ; " Temporary Laws, Carolina ; " The Council journals, September 5th, 1671- January xv, 1675 ; Articles between the Lords Proprietors, 6th May, 1674 ; The Westo Discovery, December 31, 1674 ; Index. (6634 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oration delivered on the third anniver sary of the Society, May 27, 1858, by James Louis Petigru. Charleston, 1858. 8vo. pp. 16. (6635 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vocabulary of the Catawba language, with some remarks on its grammar, construction, and pronunciation. By Oscar M. Lieber, State geologist of South Carolina. From Collections of the Society, Vol. n. Charleston, 1858. 8vo, pp. 18. (6636 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Oration delivered on the fifth anniver sary of the Society, May 23, 1860, by Thomas M. Hanckel. Charleston, 1860. 8vo, pp. 34. (6637 SOUTH. CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society on their twenty-first anniversary, May 19, 1876, by William -,T. Rives. Charleston, 1876. 8vo, pp. 28 (1). (6638 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address before the Society on their twenty-second anniversary, May 25, 1877, by J. J. P. Smith. Charleston, 1877. 8vo, pp. 35. (6639 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A memoir of Gen. Christopher Gadsden, read before the South Carolina Historical Society, by F. A. Porcher, Charles ton, S. C., 1878. Svo, pp. 11. Published by authority of the Society. (664O SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Education in South Carolina prior to and during the Revolution. Paper read before the Society August 6, 1883, by Edward McCrady, jr. Charleston, S. C., 1883. Svo, pp. 54. (6641 904 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. % SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Local government and free schools in South Carolina. First part read before the Society December 15, 1882. By B. James Ramage. Baltimore, 1883. 8vo, pp. 40. Johns Hopkins University Studies, No. 12. (6642 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Professor F. A. Porcher, late president of the Society. Charleston, S. C., 1889. 8vo, pp. 6. (6643 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the committee of the South . Carolina Historical Society in the matter of procuring transcripts of the colonial records of this State from the London record offices, October 3, 1891. Charleston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 14. (6644 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal of a voyage to Charlestown in So. Carolina by Pelatiah Webster in 1795. Edited by Prof. T. P. Harrison. Charleston, S. C., 1898. Published by the Society. 8vo, pp. 18. Reprinted from the Publications of the Southern History Association, April, 1898. (6645 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. South Carolina Historical and Genealog ical Magazine. Published quarterly by the South Carolina Historical So ciety. Vol. i. Charleston, 1900. 8vo, pp. 396. Contents : Officers ; Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Judge William Johnson, June 12, [18] 23; The mission of Col. John Launens to Europe in 1781 some of his correspondence ; Papers of the first council of safety of the Revolutionary party in South Carolina, June-November, 1775 ; The Bull family of South Caro lina ; A Cherokee war document, 1761 ; Blake of South Carolina genealogical sketch ; Letters from Judge William Johnson to Thomas Jefferson, 1823 ; Rules of the St. Coecilia Society ; Agreed upon and finally confirmed, November 22d, 1773 ; Middleton of South Carolina genealogical address ; The Colleton family in South Carolina; Notes and queries; List of members of the society; Index; List of Publications of the Society. (6646 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. South Carolina Historical and Genealog ical Magazine. Vol. n. Charleston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 343. Contents : Officers ; Papers of the first Council of Safety of the Revolutionary Party in South Carolina, June- November, 1775 ; The mission of Col. John Laurens to Europe in 1781 some of his correspondence ; Letter from Gen. Christopher Gadsden to Mr. Thomas Morris, May 30th, 1790 ; Copy of the seal of the Barnwell family; Barnwell of South Carolina genealogical sketch; Col. Miles Brewton and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Letters of Ralph Izard to Jefferson, 1784-8, communicated by Worthington C. Ford; Izard of South Carolina genealogical sketch ; Necrology ; Army correspondence of Col. John Laurens ; Captain William. Capers and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr.; Notes and queries; Publications received; Index. (6647 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. South Carolina Historical and Genealog ical Magazine. Vol. in. Charleston, 1902. 8vo, pp. 283. Contents : Papers of the first Council of Safety of the Revolutionary Party in South Carolina, June-November, 1775 ; Army correspondence of Col. John Laurens, 1778-1782 ; Daniel Trezevant, Huguenot, and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Letters from Hon. Henry Laurens to his son John, 1773- 1776; Col. Moses Thomson and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr.; The Harleston Arms ; The Harlestons- genealogical sketch, by Theodore D. Jervey ; Papers of the second Council of Safety of the Revolutionary Party in So. Carolina November, 1775-March, 1776 ; Capt. John Colcock and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr.; Necrology; Notes and queries; Index. (6648 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 905 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The South Carolina Historical and Genea logical Magazine. Vol. iv. 1903. Charleston, 1903. 8vo, pp. 355. Contents : Papers of the second Council of Safety of the Revolutionary party in South Carolina. November, 1775-March, 1776; Letters from Hon. Henry Laurens to his son John, 1773-1776 ; The Rhett arms ; The descendants of Col. William Rhett, of South Carolina, by Barnwell Rhett lleyward ; Publications of the South Carolina Historical Society ; A letter of 1800 reflecting the social life in South Carolina ; Necrology : Henry B. Tompkins, Theodore Gaillard Thomas. Letters of Rev. Samuel Thomas, 1702-1710 ; South Carolina Gleanings in Eng land, by Lothrop Withington ; William Smith and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Necrology : Robert Y. Hayne, Richard Lathers ; The Butlers in South Carolina, by Theodore D. Jervey ; Index. (6649 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The South Carolina Historical and Genea logical Magazine. Vol. v. 1904. Charleston, S. C., 1904. 8vo, pp. 300. Portrait. Contents : -Officers ; Letters from Hon. Henry Laurens to his son John, 1773- 1776 ; Records of the regiments of the South Carolina line, Continental establish ment ; Documents concerning Rev. Samuel Thomas, 17021707 ; Fraser family memoranda, prepared by Charles Fraser, in 1840, and annotated by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Historical notes ; South Carolina Revolutionary soldiers ; Operations of Williamson s brigade in March, 1779. Necrology : Edward McCrady, Henry Alexander De Saussui-e ; The battle of Stono papers. from the Laurens collec tion; Documents concerning Mrs. Samuel Thomas, 1707-1710; South Carolina gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Governor Joseph Morton ana some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Historical notes : Revolutionary soldiers in Col. Hezekiah Maham s regiment ; Marriage notices of 1786 and 1788. Necrology : McDonald Furman, Joseph Blyth Allston. The Hayne family, by Theodore D. Jervey ; Historical notes : The capture of Fort Johnson in 1775 ; Captain Ezekiel Polk ; Illicit inter-province trade in 1776 ; A son of Jean Pierre Purry ; Letters from John Laurens to his father, Hon. Henry Laurens, 1774- 1776 ; The Moultries, Part i from a sketch prepared by the Rev. Gerard Moul- t rie ; Part n from a sketch by Dr. James Moultrie, with annotations by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Index. (665O SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The South Carolina Historical and Genea logical Magazine. Vol. vi. 1905. Charleston, S. C., 1905. 8vo, pp. 205. Contents : Correspondence between Hon. Henry Laurens and his son John, 1777-1780 ; Records of the regiments of the South Carolina line, Continental Establishment ; South Carolina gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Hugh Hext and some of his descendants, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Historical notes : A bill of sale of rice, 1762 ; Necrology : H. S. Thompson ; W. D. Hard ; T. R. McGahan ; The town of Dorchester in South Carolina a sketch of its history, by Henry A. M. Smith ; John Alston, by A. S. Salley, jr. ; Landgrave Daniel Axtell, by A. S. Salley; Index. (6651-6654 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Some letters of Ralph Izard to Thomas Jefferson. Contributed by Worthington C. Ford. Charleston, 1901. 8vo, pp. 13. Fifty copies reprinted from the South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine for July, 1901. . (6655 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The history of the Santee canal. By Prof. F. A. Porcher. With an appendix by A. S. Salley, jr. Charleston, 1903. 8vo, 15 pp. (6656 906 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOTJTH D^KOT^.. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Aberdeen, S. Dak. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. South Dakota Historical Collec tions. Illustrated with maps and engravings. Vol. i. 1902. Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1902. 8vo, pp. 481. Contents : Organic act establishing the department of history of the State of South Dakota ; The department of history : history, membership, and doings ; Historical sketch of North and South Dakota, by William Maxwell Blackburn, with editorial notes by De Lorme W. Robinson and an appreciation of Dr. Blackburn, by Thomas Laurence Riggs ; Index to Dr. Robinson s notes ; The voyage of Groseilliers and Radisson, 1652 to 1684, by Robert F. Kerr, printed here to negatively settle the contention that these men visited Dakota ; Official correspondence pertaining to the Leavenworth expedition of 1823 into South Dakota for the conquest of the Ree Indians, with explanatory notes by Doane Robinson ; A criticism of Leavenworth, by Capt. Chittenden ; Old Fort Pierre and its neighbors, by Frederick T. Wilson, with editorial notes by Charles E. De Land ; Official correspondence relating to Fort Pierre, 1855 ; Text of several treaties ceding lands, 1851-1889 ; General Index. (665T SOUTH DAKOTA STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. South Dakota Historical Collec tions. Vol. ii. 1904. Aberdeen, 1904. 8vo, pp. 130, 523. Illustrated. Contents : Reports ; Excerpts from correspondence ; Annual reviews of the progress of South Dakota for 1901-1903 ; A catalogue of the bound books pro duced by South Dakota authors ; Outline of South Dakota s history ; Verendrye and other early explorers, by Thomas O Gorman ; Index to Part i. Part n. A history of the Dakota or Sioux Indians from their earliest traditions and first contact with white men. to the final settlement of the last of them upon reserva tions and the consequent abandonment of the old tribal life. By Doane Rob inson. (6658 CONFEDERATE RELIEF AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MempJiis, Tenn. CONFEDERATE RELIEF AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Fight between the batteries and gunboats at Fort Donelson. By H. L. Bedford. In Southern Historical Society Papers. Vol. xin, pp. 165-173. (6659 EAST TENNESSEE HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Knoxville, Tenn. EAST TENNESSEE HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Address before the Society at its first annual meeting, May 5, 1834, by J. G. M. Ramsey. Knox- ville, 1834. 12mo, pp. 10. (6660 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 907 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TENNESSEE. Nashville, Tenn. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TENNESSEE. Grand concert for the benefit of the So ciety, November 19. 1858. Programme. Broadside. (6661 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TENNESSEE. An oration on the life, character, and pub lic services of Felix Grundy, by John M. Bright. Delivered at request of the Society, May 3, 1859. Nashville, 1859. 8vo, pp. 27 (4). (6662 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TENNESSEE. The University of the South. An address delivered at Beersheba Springs, Tenn., August 19 and 22, 1859, and also, by invitation of the Historical Society of Tennessee, at the capitol, Nash ville, September 8, 1859. By William Giles Dix. Nashville, 1859. 8vo, pp. 32. (6663 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. . Nashville, Term. TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The charter and by-laws. Revised October, 1878. With a list of members. Nashville, 1880. 8vo, pp. 24. (6664 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. [No. 1.] Nashville, 1884. 8vo, pp. 32. Illustrated. Contents : History of the South Carolina cession and the northern boundary of Tennessee, by W. R. Garrett. (6665 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Papers No. 2]. Proceedings, December 8, 1885. Nashville, 1886. 8vo. (6666 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCETY. Ancient society in Tennessee; the mound builders were Indians. By G. P. Thruston. A paper read before the Ten nessee Historical Society at Nashville, December 19, 1887. [New York, 1888.] 4to, pp. (27). Plans. From the Magazine of American History, 1888, pp. xix, 374-400. (6667 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The antiquities of Tennessee and the adjacent States and the state of aboriginal society in the scale of civilization repre sented by them. A series of historical and ethnological studies. By Gates P. Thruston. Illustrated. Cincinnati, 1890. 8vo, pp. xv, 369. (6668 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Andrew Jackson, Tennessee and the Union ; a paper by Albert V. Goodpasture, read before the Tennessee Historical So ciety Tuesday, June 11, 1895. Nashville, Tenn., 1895. 8vo, pp. 23. (On cover: Tennessee Historical Society papers.) (6669 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY; The American Historical Magazine and Ten nessee Historical Society Quarterly. Vol. vn. 1902. Nashville, 1902. 8vo, pp. (5), 398. The American Historical Magazine, Vols. i-vn, No. 1, published by the Peabody Normal School. Vol. vi, No. 4, " The Tennessee Historical Society Number " con tains charter, by-laws and history of the Society. Contents : Table of contents ; General index ; David Crockett, by S. H. Stout ; Battle of Shiloh, by T. M. Hurst ; Letter from Dr. J. G. M. Ramsay, to James G. Porter, Governor of Tennessee, Feb., 1876 (on the expulsion of William Blcunt from the U. S. Senate) ; Recollections of Memucan Hunt Howard ; An account of the compilations of the statute laws of Tennessee, by A. V. Good- pasture ; Memorial of the President and Trustees of the University of Nash ville to the Congress of the U. S., 1834 ; Rev. Thomas Craighead, by Jno. M. 908 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bass ; William Little Brown, by Albert V. Goodpasture ; A rare Jackson auto graph receipt given Moses Shelby as administrator of Evan Shelby ; Records of the Cumberland Association, 1783 ; The French settlement of the Mississippi valley, by Peter J. Hamilton ; Sketches and anecdotes of the family of Brown and some others with whom they are connected, or from whom they are de scended ; Documents selected from the secret archives of the Vatican, which Justify to the interest and zeal of the Roman pontiffs in behalf of the people of America, both before and after the discoveries of Columbus, translated by John B. Morris ; The Nashville Inn, address of Gen. Gates P. Thruston at un veiling of the Tablet ; James Fentress, by Willie Blount Fentress ; First streets of Nashville, by- Morton B. Howell ; Georgia and the Cherokees, by B. J., Ramage ; Documents relating to the Creek War, from the archives in the Sec. of State s office ; Alta Vela why Judge Black withdrew from the Impeach ment trial of Pres. Johnson, by J. S. Jones ; An interesting letter from Wash ington Irving, London, 1829 (Difficulties attending negotiations for the purpose of opening ports in the British colonial possessions to vessels of the U. S.) ; Origin of the democratic national convention correspondence of Amos Kendall and Wm. B. Lewis ; Dandridge : the namesake of Martha Washington, by Henry Francis Beaumont ; Robert Henry Hynds biographical sketch ; Gov. William Trousdale, by B. F. Allen ; The earliest records of Davidson county, 1783-5 ; Campbell papers : Governor Archibald Roane ; Sketch of Colonel John H. Bowen, Madison county, by J. G. Cisco; Gen. Isaac Roberts Papers, 181215: Relating to his military service and court-martial proceedings ; Letter from Jedidiah Morse to Moses Fisk, Charlestown, June 22, 1800; Governor William Carroll, by Emma Carroll Tucker ; Officers of the society. (6670 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. American Historical Magazine and Tennessee Historical Society Quarterly. Vol. vm. 1903. Nashville, 1903. 8vo, pp. (5), 395. Illustrated. Contents : William Blount and the old Southwest Territory, by Albert V. Goodpasture ; The genesis of the Peabody College for teachers, by W. R. Garrett ; Madison county, by J. G. Cisco ; The preservation of Tennessee history, by R. A. Halley ; The development of education in Tennessee, by H. M. Doak ; From Bardstown to Washington in 1805 an unsigned diary ; A dictionary of distin guished Tennesseans, by Albert V. Goodpasture ; A rebel newspaper s war story : being a narrative of the war history of the Memphis Appeal, by R. A. Halley ; Sketch of Captain David Campbell, by Margaret Campbell Pilcher ; Captain John Campbell letter from Maj. Benjamin Sharp ; Letter from Margaret Bowen Campbell to William Bowen Campbell ; Military government in Alabama, 1865- 1866, by Walter L. Fleming; Creek War report of Micajah C. Rogers; Some Franklin documents, 1785 ; Thomas Emmerson the first mayor of Knoxville, by Henry Francis Beaumont ; Beginnings of Montgomei-y county, by Albert V. Goodpasture ; Early addresses and messages of the governors of Tennessee, 1796- 1801 ; Military government in Alabama under the Reconstruction Acts, by Walter L. Fleming ; " Watauga Old Fields, by N. E. Hyder ; Dunlap-Brady cor respondence, 1830-1834 ; Reminiscences, by Nathaniel Baxter ; Executive corre spondence of Governor James K. Polk, 1839-40 ; James Robertson, Nashville s founder, by E. C. Lewis ; Some old Jackson papers, 1788-9 ; Dr. J. P. Dake a memoir, by R. A. Halley; "The Old Road," from Washington and Hamilton districts to " The Cumberland Settlement," by W. E. M Elwee ; Reconstruction times in Sumner county, by George B. Guild ; An old letter of the late Cassius M. Clay, St. Petersburg, Oct. 17, 1861 ; McMinn correspondence on the subject of Indian treaties in the years 1815, 1816, and 1817, from the Tenn. State Archives ; Officers of the society ; Memoranda of the transactions. (6671 TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The American Historical Magazine and Ten nessee Historical Society Quarterly. Vol. ix. 1904. Nashville, 1904. 8vo, pp. (8) 408. Contents : John McCormick Lea the ideal citizen, by R. A. Halley ; Judge John McCormick Lea an eulogy, by Frederick W. Moore ; Remarks of George C. Porter on the death of John M. Lea ; Remarks of G. P. Thruston before the Lea memorial meeting ; Remarks of J. B. Killebrew before the Lea memorial meeting ; Annals of a Scotch-Irish family : The Whitsitts of Nashville, by Wm. H. Whitsitt ; Dunlap-Jackson correspondence, 1831 ; William Robertson Gar rett, by Albert V. Goodpasture ; Biography of Thomas Emmerson, by Henry Francis Beaumont ; Jackson s attitude in the Seminole war, by David Y. Thomas ; Dr. Augustin Gattinger ; Founding of Knoxville letter of Hugh Dunlap, 1842 ; The Rodes family, by Frank Rodes ; Samuel Houston some of TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 909 the main features of his trial for contempt hefore the House of Representatives interestingly narrated in a letter from Gov. James D. Porter to his son ; Gen eral Nathaniel Taylor and some papers relating to his service in the war of 1812, by Ernest W. Goodpast :re ; The recent revival of interest in historical teaching and investigation in the south, by Frederick W. Moore ; Paper mak ing in Tennessee, by R. A. Halley ; The death of Meriwether Lewis, by J. H. Moore ; Annals of a Scotch-Irish family The Whitsitts of Nashville, Tenn., by William H. Whitsitt ; The Chickasaw treaty of 1818, by James D. Porter; Tennessee archaeology at St. Louis, by R. A. Halley ; Interesting letter of Hon. John Bell, of Tennessee, to the Hon. James R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, by Duane Mowry ; Jackson s oration at the tomb of Mary Washington ; Paul Fitz- simmons Eve, by R. A. Halley ; Mrs. Anne Royall, by W. E. Beard ; Major George W. L. Marr ; Constitution of the State of Franklin. " No more published." (6672 VANDERBILT SOUTHERN HISTORY SOCIETY. Nashville, Tenn. VANDERBILT SOUTHERN HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. No. 1. The study of southern history. By W. P. Trent. Nashville, Tenn., 1896. 8vo, pp. 24. A lecture delivered before the Society at Nashville, Tenn., December 13, 1895. (6673 VANDERBILT SOUTHERN HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. No. 2. Elihu Embree, abolitionist. By Rev. E. E. Hoss. Nashville, 1897. 8vo, pp. 28. Read before Vanderbilt Southern History Society February 24, 1897. Reprinted from American Historical Magazine, Vol n, No. 2. (6674 VANDERBILT SOUTHERN HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. No. 3. The credit system and the public domain. By C. F. Emerick. Na-shville, Tenn., 1899. 8vo, pp. 16. (6675 VANDERBILT SOUTHERN HISTORY SOCIETY. Publications. No. 4. A chapter of South Carolina constitutional history. The arrival of the tea and the origin of its extra-legal organs of revolution. [By] David Duncan Wallace. 8vo, pp. 8. (6676 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF GALVESTON. Galveston, Tex. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF GALVESTON. Series No. 1. Reminiscences of the Texas Republic. Annual address, December 15, 1875. By Ashbel Smith. Galves ton, 1876. 8vo, pp. 82. (6677 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Austin, Tex. TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, i. Report of organization, n. Consti tution. in. List of members. [Austin, Tex., 1897.] 8vo, pp. [l], 12. Cover-title. (667S TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Quarterly. Vol. i. July, 1897, to April, 1898. Austin, Tex., 1898. 8vo, pp. vi, 317. Portrait. Contents : The proper work of the Association, by O. M. Roberts ; Skeleton map of the republic of Texas and boundaries as claimed by Texas from Dec. 19th, 1836, to Nov. 25th, 1850 ; History of Texas geography, by Z. T. Fulmore ; Tribal society among Texas Indians, by M. M. Kenney ; Editors and newspapers 910 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of Fayette county, by Julia Lee Sinks ; Expulsion of Cherokees from East Texas, by John H. Reagan ; John Crittenden Duval : The last survivor of the Goliad Massacre, by William Corner ; Thomson s clandestine passage around Nacog- doches [Tennesseeans road], by W. P. Zuber ; The organization and objects of the Texas State Historical Association ; The Annexation of Texas, by Sam Houston ; Defunct counties of Texas, by R. L. Batts ; Reminiscences of Austin and old Washington, by J. K. Holland ; Enduring laws of the republic of Texas, by C. W. Raines ; The old three hundred, a list of settlers in Austin s first colony, by Lester G. Bugbee ; Fight on the Frio, July 4, 1865, by John S. Ford ; Ven. Maria Jesus de Agreda : a correction, by Edmond J. P. Schmitt ; Amendment to the Constitution ; A list of the members of the Association ; Prehistoric races in Texas, by O. M. Roberts ; Thoughts on economic history, by C. E. Button ; Alvar Nuiiez Cabeza de Vaca : a preliminary report on his wanderings in Texas, by Brownie Ponton and Bates H. M Farland ; J. Pinckney Henderson, by F. B. Sexton ; Sieur Louis [ Juchereau] de Saint Denis, by Edmond J. P. Schmitt ; Some obscure points in the mission period of Texas history, by Walter Flavins M Caleb ; A history of the establishment of the university of the state of Texas, by O. M. Roberts ; The real Saint Denis, by Lester G. Bugbee ; The old Mexican fort at Velasco, by Adele B. Looscan ; Recollections of early schools, by M. M. Kenney ; Some of my early experiences in Texas, by Rosa Kleberg ; (6670 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Quarterly. Vol. n. July, 1898, to April, 1899. Austin, Tex., 1899. 8vo, pp. (21) 322. Contents : The President s annual address : The life and services of Oran Milo Roberts, by Dudley G. Wooten ; The old fort at Anahuac, by Adele B. Looscan : Sketch of the development of the judicial system of Texas, by John C. Townes ; II. P. Bee, by F. R. Lubbock ; The Cherokee nation of Indians, by V. O. King ; The old journal of Littleton Fowler, with biographical introduction, by Dora Fowler Arthur ; Affairs of the association ; The capitals of Texas, by O. M. Roberts ; Rutersville College, by Julia Lee Sinks ; Enduring laws of the republic, n, by C. W. Raines; Notes on the history of La Bahfa del Espiritu Santo, by Bethel Coopwood ; Early experiences in Texas, n, by Rosa Kleberg; The " Prison Journal " of Stephen F. Austin, 1833-35 ; Captain Adolphus Sterne, "by W. P. Zuber ; The founding of the first Texas municipality, by I. J. Cox ; Life of German pioneers in early Texas, by Caroline Von Hinueber (born Ernst) ; Two letters from a Mier prisoner (Wm. F. Wilson), April and July, 1844 ; A belated colonist letters from Alex. Thomson, 1830-31 ; Carta de Don Damian Manzanet a Don Carlos de Siguenza sobre el descubrimiento de la Bahfa del Espiritu Santo (Letter of Don Damian Manzanet to Don Carlos de Siguenza relative to the discovery of the Bay of Espiritu Santo, 1689 Translation, by Lilia M. Casis ; The Battle of Gonzales, the " Lexington " of the Texas revo lution, by Miles S. Bennet ; Book reviews ; Notes and fragments. (6680 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Quarterly. Vol. in. July, 1899, to April, 1900. Austin, Tex., 1900. 8vo, pp. (8), 285. Contents : Index ; The adventures of the " Lively " immigrants, W. S. Lewis ; The communistic colony of Bettina (1846-8), by Louis Reinhardt ; San Augus tine, by Emma B. Shindler ; Colonel Amasa Turner s reminiscences of Galveston, by Frances Harwood ; Peter Hansborough Bell, by C. Luther Coyner ; Route of Cabeza de Vaca in Texas, by O. W. Williams ; Notes and fragments ; Don Carlos De Siguenza, by Bethel Coopwood ; The name Alamo, by Edmond J. P. Schmitt ; The route of Cabeza de Vaca, by Bethel Coopwood ; What became of the Lively f, by Lester G. Bugbee ; The Spanish source of the Mexican constitution of 1834, by James Q. Dealey ; Another Texas flag, by George P. Garrison ; Capture and rescue of Rebecca J. Fisher, 1840, by Rebecca J. Gilleland Fisher ; Wandering John Taylor, by W. D. Wood ; The old town of Huntsville, by Harry F. Estill ; A conversation with Governor Houston, by John H. Reagan ; Affairs of the association ; Treasurer s report ; Notes and fragments. (6681 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Quarterly. Vol. iv July, 1900, to April, 1901. Austin, Tex., 1901. 8vo, pp. (12), 349. Contents : Route of Cabeza de Vaca, by Bethel Coopwood ; Reminiscences of Judge Edwin Waller, by P. E. Peareson ; A retrospect of San Antonio, by Emily B. Cooley ; Affairs of the association ; Escape of Karnes and Teal from Mata- TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 911 moros, by R. M. Potter ; The reminiscences of Mrs. Dilue Harris, 1833-37 ; The Mexican raid of 1875 on Corpus Christi, by Leopold Morris ; The New Orleans newspaper files of the Texas revolutionary period, by Alex. Dienst ; Book re views and notices : Difficulties of a Mexican revenue officer in Texas, by Eugene C. Barker ; Sketch of the early settlement of Leon county, its organi zation, and some of the early settlers, by W. D. Wood ; The first period of the Gutierrez-Magee expedition, by Walter Flavins M Caleb ; Notes and fragments : " The Whip-Handle Dispatch," by Eugene C. Barker. The San Jacinto Cam paign, by Eugene C. Barker ; Notes and fragments : L Abeille Americaine extracts from a letter dated Natchitoches, 16th of March, 1818. (6682 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Quarterly. Vol. v. July, 1901, to April, 1902. Austin, Tex., 1902. 8vo, pp. (2), 358. Contents : The escape of Rose from the Alamo, by W. P. Zuber ; Reminis cences of Capt. Jesse Burnam ; Capt. Joseph Daniels, by Adele B. Looscan ; The annexation of Texas and the Mexican war, by Z. T. Fulmore ; Dr. Rufus C. Burleson, by Harry Haynes ; Affairs of the association ; Reminiscences of Sion R. Bostick ; The connection of Penalosa with the La Salle expedition, by E. T. Miller ; Reminiscences of Texas and Texans fifty years ago, by W. D. Wood ; Guy Morrison Bryan, by George P. Garrison ; The old fort on the San Saba river as seen by Dr. Ferdinand Roemer in 1847, by Adele B. Looscan ; The early settlers of San Fernando, by I. J. Cox ; The beginnings of Texas Fort Saint Louis and Mission San Francisco de los Tejas, by R. C. Clark ; Father Edmond John Peter Schmitt, by I. J. Cox ; The Mexican and Indian raid of 78 Copy of a pamphlet containing an "Address of the Committee of the People to the Hon orable Secretary of State ; " The quarrel between Governor Smith and the council of the provisional government of the republic, by W. Roy Smith ; Gene alogical and historical register of the first general officers of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas elected in 1891 ; Book reviews ; Index. (6683 TEXAS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Quarterly Vol. vi. July, 1902, to April, 1903. Austin. Tex., 1903. 8vo, pp. (2) 337. (14.) Contents : Louis Jucherau de Saint-Denis and the re-establishment of the Tejas missions, by Robert Carlton Clark ; Educational efforts in San Fernando de Bexar, by I. J. Cox ; Affairs of the association ; The southwest boundary of Texas, by I. J. Cox; Some materials for southwestern history in the Archive General de Mexico, by Herbert Eugene Bolton ; Reminiscences of C. C. Cox ; An account of the battle of San Jacinto, by James Washington Winters ; The African slave trade in Texas, by Eugene C. Barker ; The Tampico expedition, by Eugene C. Barker ; Tienda de Cuervo s Ynspeccion of Laredo, 1757 transla tion and notes, by Herbert Eugene Bolton ; Reminiscences of early Texans A collection from the Austin papers, by J. H. Kuykendall ; The disturbances at Anahuac in 1832, by Edna Rowe ; The Alamo monument, by C. W. Raines ; Book reviews and notices ; Queries and answers ; Index. (6684 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Quarterly of the Texas State His torical Association. Vol. vn. July, 1903, to April, 1904. Austin, Tex., 1904. 8vo, pp. xvi, 331. Contents : Index ; The Mejia expedition, by F. H. Turner ; Reminiscences of early Texans a collection from the Austin papers, by J. H. Kuykendall ; Mary Jane Briscoe, by Adele B. Looscan ; Letter from Sam Houston to Gov. Jos. McMinn, 1823 ; Book reviews and notices ; Early courts of Fayette county ; Affairs of the association ; The Cherokee Indians in Texas, by Ernest William Winkler The Cherokee land question ; Miles Squier Bennet, by Adele B. Looscan ; Adjustment of the Texas boundary in 1850, by W. J. Spillman ; Some materials for southwestern history in the Archive General de Mexico, n, by Herbert Eugene Bolton ; The reminiscences of Mrs. Dilue Harris, in ; Sketch of the Texas navy, by Geo. F. Fuller ; The Mexican road from Be"jar to Laredo in 1835; Journal of the Permanent Council (October 11-27, 1835), edited by Eugene C. Barker ; The first Texas railroad, by P. Briscoe ; Journal of Stephen F. Austin on his first trip to Texas, 1821 ; Letters concerning Philip Nolan, 1798-1801 ; Some Fannin correspondence, 1835 ; The Battle of Velasco letter written by Alexr. Thomson, Aug. 5, 1832. (6685, 912 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Quarterly. Vol. vm. July, 1904, to April, 1905. Austin, Tex., 1905. 8vo, pp. xiii, 358. Maps. Contents : Index ; Bonilla s brief compendium of the history of Texas, 1772 (an annotated translation), by Elizabeth Howard -West; The work of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas in behalf of the Alamo, by Adele B. Looscan ; Notes and fragments ; Book reviews and notices ; Affairs of the Association ; DeWitt s colony, by Ethel Zivley Rather ; De Leon s expedition of 1689, an anno tated translation, by Elizabeth Howard West ; Richard Montgomery Swearingen, by George P. Garrison ; Explanation to the public concerning the affairs of Texas, by citizen Stephen F. Austin translation, by Ethel Zivley Rather ; John R. Fenn, by Adele B. Looscan ; Samuel Price Carson, by Z. T. Fulmore ; Remin iscences of the Schnively expedition of 1867, by A. Whitehurst ; The municipal government of San Fernando de Bexar, 1730-1800, by Mattie Alice Austin. (6686 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Quarterly. Vol. ix, No. 1. July, 1905. 8vo, pp. 65. Contents : The diplomatic relations of England and the republic of Texas, by J. L. Worley ; John H. Reagan, by Walter Flavins McCaleb ; A chapter in the history of Young Territory, by Fannie McAlpine Clarke ; Notes and fragments ; Affairs of the Association. (6687 TEXAS STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Quarterly. Vol. ix, No. 2, October, 1905. 8vo, pp. 67-143. Contents : The Spanish abandonment and re-occupation of East Texas, 1773- 1779, by Herbert E. Bolton ; England and Mexico, 1824-1825, by Frederic L. Paxson ; Book reviews and notices. (6688 BATTLE MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. Bennington, Vt. _ BATTLE MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. Statement. Bennington, [1878]. 8vo, pp. 8. (6689 BENNINGTON BATTLE MONUMENT AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bennington, Vt. L BENNINGTON BATTLE MONUMENT AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION.] The dedication of the Bennington Battle Monument, and the celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the admission of Vermont as a State, at Bennington, August 19, 1891, with an historic introduction and appendices. Illustrated. Ben nington, 1892. 8vo, pp. 203 (1). (6690 BENNINGTON BATTLE MONUMENT AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Public Presenta tion and reception of monuments marking the Catamount Tavern, the Patriot and Hessian burial place, General Stark s camping-ground, by citizens to the Bennington Battle Monument and Historical Association, June 23, 1897. (Supplemental to the "Centennial Books" of 1877 and 1891.) Illustrated. Bennington, Vt., 1898. 8vo, pp. [205]-241. Paged continuously with and bound with The dedication of the Beunington Battle Monument, etc., at Bennington, August 19, 1S91. (6691 MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 913 BENNINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bennington, Vt. BENNINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of officers, a statement of its aims and objects, and its constitution. Bennington, 1876. 8vo, pp. 16. (66!)2 r.i; \.\INGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Bennington battle monument and cen tennial celebration. A statement of the Bennington Historical Society in relation to these and kindred objects. Added, an account of the battle of Bennington, by H. Hall. Milford, Mass., 1877. 8vo, pp. 20. (669r, BENNINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Report of the advisory committee of the So ciety, recommending a Bennington battle monument, July 9, 1885. 8vo, pp. 8. (6694 MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Middlebury, Vt. MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the town of Middlebury, Vt, written at the request of the Historical Society of Middlebury, by Samuel Swift. Middlebury, 1859. 8vo, pp. 444. Portrait. (6695 MIDDLEBUEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Salisbury, Vt. By John M. Weeks. Middlebury, 1861. 8vo, pp. xii, 9-362. Portraits. Woodcut. (6696 MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the town of Shoreham, Vt., by J. F. Goodhue. With a statistical and historical account of the county of Addison, by S. Swift. Published by the town. Middlebury, 1861. 8vo, pp. vi (2), 198. Portrait. Written at the request of the Society. (6697 MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Statistical and historical account of the county of Addison, Vt. Written at the request of the Society. By Samuel Swift. Middlebury, 1859. 8vo, pp. 132. (6698 MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the town of Cornwall, Vt. By Lyman Matthews. Middlebury, 1862. 8vo, pp. 356. Portraits. (6699 MIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The marble border of western New England. Its geology and marble development in the present century. Papers and proceedings of the Society, Vol. i, Part n. Middlebury, 1885. 8vo, pp. 68. Map. (67OO IIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Forefathers day. Two hundred and sixty- sixth anniversary. At Middlebury, Vt, December 21, 1886. [Middlebury, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. The Register office, Middlebury, Vt. (67O1 IIDDLEBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Forefathers day. 272d anniversary and semi-centennial observance at Middlebury, Vermont, Wednesday evening, December 21, 1892. Middlebury, 1892. 8vo, pp. 5. (67O2 H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 58 914 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ORLEANS COUNTY NATURAL AND CIVIL HISTORY SOCIETY. ORLEANS COUNTY NATURAL AND CIVIL HISTORY SOCIETY. Constitution and by laws. West Charleston, 1854. 12mo, pp. 12. (6703 ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A History of the Missisco Valley. By S. Sumner. With an introductory notice of Orleans County, by S. R. Hall. Published under the auspices of the Society. Irasburgh : A. A. Earle. 1860. 8vo, pp. 76. (6704 ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Newport, Tt. ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings for the year ending August, 1888. Compiled by John M. Currier. Newport, Vt, 1888. 8vo, pp. 89. (6705 Cover-title : Proceedings of the Orleans County Historical Society, from its reorganization, November 12, 1887, to November, 1889. Contents: Organization of the Society, Nov. 12 [1887] ; Semi-annual meeting, Jan., 1888 ; Early years in Newport, by C. F. Ranney ; Runaway Pond, by O. V. Percival ; Special meeting of the Societj ; Address, by John M. Cur rier ; Early history of Brownington Academy, by E. A. Stewart ; Annual meet ing, 1888 ; Brownington Academy sketches of former pupils ; Reminiscences of early times in Orleans county, by [Isaac] Parker; Sketches in the early history of Newport village, by John M. Currier ; Contribution to the history of navigation on Lake Memphremagog, by Geo. C. Merrill ; Contributions to the etymology of the words Memphremagog, Magog, and Massawippi, by John M. Currier ; Allen Thorndike Rice, the true story of his abduction ; Vermont s minority, by G. S. Weaver ; History of a revival in Brownington sixty years ago, by Geo. B. Ide ; Early days in Coventry, by Chas. H. Jones ; Annual meet ing, 1889 ; Lake Memphremagog, by Clarissa L. Austin. (6706 ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings from November, 1889, to January 1, 1891, including report of meeting at Derby, August 1, 1890. 8vo, pp. 60, (2). Contents : History of Derby, by B. F. D. Carpenter ; Jacob Bates, by Sarah B. Spalter ; The old meeting house at Derby Center, by Mrs. F. H. Webb ; Sketch of Nathan Stoddard Benham, by Orem Newcomb ; Rufus Stewart, by L. H. Bisbee ; Derby sketches, by L. H. Bisbee ; Block schoolhouse ; A " Female Reading Society in Derby seventy-five years ago." (6707 ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings from August 1st, 1890, to September, 1891. 8vo, pp. 30. Contents : Annual meeting ; Sketch of the life of Timothy Hinman, by Nor man W. Bingham ; Sketch of the life of Chester Carpenter, by Charles Car penter ; History of the ferry across Memphremagog at Indian Point, by Johr M. Currier. (070* ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the life of Hon. Timothy Hinman. An address delivered before the Orleans County Historical So ciety, Derby, Vt., September 1, 1891 ; also genealogy of his descendants, bj Norman W. Bingham. Somerville, Mass., 1892. 8vo, pp. 34, (1). Portrait. (6701 ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of Barton Landing. An address read before the Orleans County Historical Society August 27, 1892. Hon. B. F. D. Carpenter. Also " The landing place," by D. W. Hildreth, am an account of the unveiling of " Memorial Rock," compiled from the record: of John M. Currier. Newport [Vt.] The Society, 1893. 8vo, pp. 20. Cover-title. (6709, ORLEANS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Address before the Orlea County Historical Society, delivered at Hazen s Notch, by F. W. Baldwi RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 915 at the unveiling of the tablet marking the terminus of the Hazen Road, August 21, 1903. Newport, Vt, 1903. 8vo, pp. ix, 25. Caption title. Cover-title reads : Historical Address delivered at Hazen s Notch, by Hon. F. W. Baldwin. Proceedings of the Society, 1902-3. Compiled by John M. Currier. (671O RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Castleton, Vt. RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the celebration of the Fourth of July, 1881, at Mason s Point, Lake Bomoseen, under the auspices of the citizens of Rutland County and the Rutland County Historical So ciety, conjointly ; including the report of the ceremony of christening the island of Neshobe. Compiled by J. M. Currier. [Castleton, Vt., 1881.] 8vo, pp. 49. (6711 RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lake Bomoseen ; its early history, con veyances, fishing, hunting, resorts, islands, their names. Compiled by G. D. Spencer. Poultney, 1882. 8vo, pp. 28. " The report of what purported to be the acts and doings of the Rutland County Historical Society at its celebration on Lake Bomoseen in 1881, and the pretended naming of the island, demands the appearing of this pamphlet, to let posterity know the Historical Society, as a body, were not responsible for the name of that day ; it was furnished by an individual." (6712 RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Proceedings] Vol. i. Rutland County centennial celebration of the organization of Rutland County, Vt, * * :: " at Rutland, March 4, 1881. Including the addresses, historical papers, poems, etc., with a record of the Proceedings of the Rutland County His torical Society since its organization. Compiled by Lynian Williams Red- dington. Montpelier, 1882. 8vo, pp. 196. (6713 RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. n. From 1882 to 1887. 8vo, pp. 150. Semi-annual meeting, * * January 16, 1882. 8vo, pp. 9-29. Contents : Rise and progress of the marble industry in Rutland County, by L. B. Smith ; New York and Vermont State industries, by William Griffith ; Capt. David Sanford. his relation to the war of 1812, by J. Sanford ; Vermont at Richmond, by A. E. Leavenworth. Proceedings, July 20, August 7, 25, 1882. pp. 31-53. Proceedings, January 18, August 8, December 6, 22, 1883. August 6, 1884. pp. 55-78. Proceedings, August 1, 10, 1885. pp. 79-93. Pages 83-92 contain sketch of Col. E. L. Drake, by Henry Clark. Proceedings, 1885. pp. 95-146. Contents : Epitaphs of Castleton churchyard. (6714 IUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society. Annual .meeting * * * August 20, 1886. 8vo, pp. 147-149. Proceedings of the Society since 1886. 8vo, pp. 149-150. This number com pletes the second Volume of the Proceedings. The title-page of the second volume is annexed to this number. Proceedings of the Rutland County His torical Society. Vol. n. From 1882 to 1887. (6715 UTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Neshobe Island medal. [Description.] Castleton, Vt., 1884. Sheet. Description of medal to be struck to commemorate the naming of Neshobe Island by the Society, July 4, 1881. (6716 916 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Epitaphs of Castleton churchyard. [Castleton, 1885.] pp. 48. (6717 RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Log book of Timothy Boardman, kept on board the privateer Oliver Cromwell, during a cruise from New London, Conn., to Charleston, S. C., and return, in 1778 ; also a biographical sketch of the author. By Samuel W. Boardman. Issued under the auspices of the Society. Albany, 1885. Small 4to, pp. 85 (4). (6718 RUTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial exercises held in Castleton, Vt., in the year 1885; including the addresses, biographical sketches, remi- nicences, list of the graves decorated, roster of the veterans in line, giving company and regiment, history of previous memorial days in Castleton, and an account of the relics exhibited. Compiled by John M. Currier, secretary of the memorial organization. Issued under the auspices of the Rutland County Historical Society. Albany, N. Y., 1885. 8vo, pp. 66. (6719 VERMONT ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Burlington, Vt. VERMONT ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings and papers. Vol. i, No. 1. April, 1897, to April, 1900. Burlington, Vt. 8vo, pp. 96, (1). Contents : Ira Allen and Colchester, by Walter II. Crockett ; The first settler and census (1791) of Burlington, by Russell S. Taft ; Sketch of the Burlington academy and high school, from its establishment in 1815 to date, by Charles E. Allen ; The Battery and Battery Park, by George Grenville Benedict ; The theatre in Burlington in 1808, and a Whitehall dinner, extracts from " Retro spections of America," by John Bernard by Russell S. Taft ; Necrology ; Index. (6720 [VERMONT ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY.] A list of pensioners of the War of 1812. Edited by Byron N. Clark. With an appendix containing names of volun teers for the defense of Pittsburgh from Vermont towns, a description of the battle from contemporaneous sources, the official statement of losses. and names of United States officers and soldiers at Burlington, Vermont, as shown on army pay and muster rolls recently brought to light. Burlington and Boston, 1904. Research Publication Company. 8vo, pp. 171. Published by permission of the Society. (< VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Montpclier, Vt. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Deficiencies in our [Vermont] history. Addres.- before the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society, October 16, 184(! By J. D. Butler. Montpelier, 1846. 8vo, pp. 36. (< VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on the battle of Bennington, and life and services of Col. Seth Warner, delivered October 20, 1848, by J. Butler. Burlington, 1849. 8vo, pp. 99. An appendix contains : Order of sequestration, 1777 ; Roll of Captain Robin son s company in Bennington battle ; Receipt for plunder money ; Report o council of New Hampshire on lands west of Connecticut River, 1771 ; Petition t Congress of the widow of Seth Warner, and papers in relation to the right o New York to boundary on Connecticut River, etc. (673- VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 917 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An outline of the controversy of the New Hamp shire grants, with a sketch of the life and services of Col. Seth Warner. Address before the legislature of Vermont October 2 1848. By George Frederick Houghton. Burlington, 1849. 8vo, pp. 54. This address was prepared for delivery before the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society. (G724 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address, October 24, 1850, before the Society, by Daniel P. Thompson. Burlington, 1850. 8vo, pp. 22. On the adoption of the first State constitution and the provisional govern ment. (6725 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The marbles of Vermont. Address before the Society October 29, 1858, by A. D. Hager. Burlington, 1858. 8vo, pp. 16. (6726 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and services of Matthew Lyon. Ad dress before the Society October 29, 1858, by P. H. White. Burlington, 1858. 8vo, pp. 26. (6727 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws, with act of incorpora tion, and a catalogue of officers and members. Woodstock, Vt, I860. 8vo, pp. 16. (672* VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the twenty-first annual meeting, October 16, 1860. Burlington, 1860. 8vo, pp. 27, (1). Pages 13-27 contain " Discovery and occupation of Lake Champlain," hy Joseph Torrey. (6729 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address by Henry B. Dawson, January 23, 1861, on the battle of Bennington. Read before the Society. In Historical Magazine, May, 1870. (673O VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the special meeting January 23, 1861. Burlington, 1861. 8vo, pp. 7, 8. Contents : Contains a biographical sketch of Rev. Samuel Austin Worcester, read January 23, 1861, by Pliny A. White. [Burlington, 1861.] 8vo, pp. 4. Half title. A memoir of the Hon. George Tisdale Hodges, read January 23, 1861, by George F. Houghton. [Burlington, 1861.] pp. 5, 6. Half title. A biographical sketch of the late Governor John S. Robinson, read January 24, 1861, by Hiland Hall. p. 7. A biographical sketch of the Jate Dr. Noadiah Swift, by Hiland Hall. p. 8. (6731 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October 15 and 16, 1861. St. Albans, 1861. 8vo, pp. 17. (6732 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, January 22 and 23, 1862. St. Albans, 1862. 8vo, pp. 34. Pages 27-34 contain " Town centennial celebrations ; their importance," etc., by H. Clark. (6733 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, July 16 and 17 and October 14, 1862. St. Albans, 1863. 8vo, pp. 59. (6734 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. October 19 and 20, 1869. Mont- pelier, 1869. 8vo, pp. 15, 32, 15. Contains " The capture of Ticonderoga in 1775," by H. Hall ; " Memorial ad dress on P. H. White," by H. Clark. (6735 918 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October and November, 1870. Montpelier, 1871. 8vo, pp. xxvi (2), 54. Pages 1-54 contain " Memorial address on Charles Marsh," by J. Barrett. (6736 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October 8, 1872. Montpelier, 1872. 8vo, pp. xx (2), 127. Pages 1-127 contain " The capture of Ticonderoga," by L. E. Chittenden. (6737 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October 15, 18V S. Montpelier, 1878. 8vo, pp. xvi, 47. Pages 1-21 contain " Memorial address on life and character of William H. Lord," by M. H. Buckham ; pages 23-47, " The first legislature of Vermont," by E. P. Walton. (6738 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October 19, 1880. Rutland, 1880. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 43. Pages 1-43 contain " History of Fenianism and Fenian raids in Vermont," by E. A. Sowles. (6739 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on the life and public services of the Hon. Samuel Prentiss. Delivered before the Society October 26, 1882, by E. J. Phelps, with the Proceedings, October 17, 1882. Montpelier, 1883. 8vo, pp. xix, 24. Pages xv-xix contain " Early Vermont newspapers." (6740 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the early history of banking in Ver mont By George B. Reed. Read before the Society October 14, 1862. 8vo, pp. 28. (6741 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The life and character of the Hon. Richard Skinner. A discourse before the Society October 20, 1863, by W. C. Wat son. Albany, N. Y., 1863. 8vo, pp. 30. (6742 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the life and character of Richard Skinner. Read before the Society October 20, 1863. By W C. Watson. Published by the Society. Albany, N. Y., 1863. 8vo, pp. 30. (6743 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Secession in Switzerland and in the United States compared, being the annual address October 20, 1863, before the Society, by J. W. De Peyster. Catskill, 1864. 8vo, pp. 72. (6744 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Biographical sketch of Edward Crafts Hop kins. Read before the Society January 25, 1865, by H. Clark. Svo, pp. 6. (6745 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses before the Society, October 16, 1866. Montpelier, 1866. 8vo, pp. 72. Contents : The life, character, and services of Solomon Foot, by G. F. Ed munds ; The sources of New England civilization, by J. E. Rankin. (6746 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jonas Galusha, the fifth governor of Vermont. A memoir read before the Society, in presence of the general assembly of Vermont, October 16, 1866. By Pliny H. White. Montpelier, 1866. Svo, pp. 16. (6747 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A sketch of the life and character of Charles Linsley. Read before the Society [at Brandon, January 28, 1864], by E. J. Phelps. Published by the Society. Albany, 1866. 8vo, pp. 20. (67470 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 919 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The battle of Gettysburg, and the part taken by the Vermont troops. By G. G. Benedict. Read before the Society, January 26, 1864. Burlington, 1867. 8vo, pp. 24. Another edition of 100 copies, with portrait and three engravings, was pri vately printed. 8vo, pp. 27, iv. (6748 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The sources of New England history. An ad dress before the Society, October 10, 1866. By J. E. Rankin. Montpelier, 1866. 8vo, pp. 24. (6749 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial address on the life and character of the Hon. Jacob Collamer. Read before the Society, October 20, 1868, by James Barrett, LL. D., of Woodstock, judge of the supreme court. Rutland, 1868. 8vo, pp. 27. Woodstock, Vt., 1868. 8vo, pp. 61. (675O VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Special meeting, August 20 and 21, 1868. Pro gramme. 8vo, pp. 6. (6751 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial address on the life and services of Pliny H. White, before the Society, October 19, 1869, by Henry Clark. Montpelier, 1869. 8vo, pp. 15. (6752 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i and n. Montpelier. 1870-71. 8vo. Two volumes. CONTENTS. Vol. i. General circular ; Acts incorporating and concerning the Society ; Con stitution ; By-laws ; Officers ; Members ; Conventions of the inhabitants of the New Hampshire grants in opposition to the claims of New York, with explana tions, 1765-1777 ; Address, July 2, 1863, being the eighty-sixth anniversary of the meeting of the convention that formed the first constitution of Vermont, by P. H. White ; Sermon at Windsor, July 2, 1777, at the convention for forming the State of Vermont, by Aaron Hutchinson ; The vision of Junius the Benning- tonite, 1772 ; Miscellaneous remarks on the proceedings of the State of New York against the State of Vermont, etc., by Ira Allen, 1777 ; New York land grants in Vermont, 1765-1776, by H. Hall ; Documents in relation to the part taken by Vermont in resisting the invasion by Burgoyne in 1777 ; Celebration in 1778 of the Bennington victory of 1777 ; Speech by N. Smith ; Political essay by S. Jacob ; Petitions to the King, 1766 ; The Vermont coinage, by E. F. Slafter ; The natural and political history of Vermont, by Ira Allen, 1798. 1870. pp. xix, 507. (6753 Vol. ii. List of pamphlet publications of the Society ; Vol. i vindicated from the attack of the New York Historical Magazine; The Haldimand papers; Nego tiations between Vermont and F. Haldimand, governor of Canada and com mander of the British forces therein, with contemporaneous documents, 1779- 1783 ; Opinions of the negotiation ; Vermont as a sovereign and independent State, 1783-1791 ; The early eastern boundary of New York, a 20-mile line from the Hudson ; Official report by the council of New York to Governor Monckton, 25th of June, 1763, on the controverted boundaries of the Province. 1871. pp. xxviii, 530. (6754 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Vermont coinage. By E. F. Slafter. Mont pelier, 1870. 8vo, pp. 30. Reprinted from the Collections. Fifty copies only printed. (6755 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memorial address on the life and character of Charles Marsh, LL. D. Read before the Society, October 11, 1870, by James Barrett. Montpelier, 1871. 8vo, pp. 54. (6756 920 AMEEICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vindication of Vol. i of the Collections of tbo Society from the attacks of the New York Historical Magazine. By H. Hall. Montpelier, 1871. 8vo, pp. 20. Reprinted from Vol. n of the Collections. A defense of the Society s publica tion of documents relative to the New Hampshire grants and the controversy with New York in relation thereto. (6757 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Circular on the objects of the Society, etc.] November 25, 1875. Sheet. (6758 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the St. Albans raid. Annual address before the Society at Montpelier, October 17, 1876, by E. A. Sowles. St. Albans, 1876. 8vo, pp. 48. (6759 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. List of works for exchange, March, 1879. [Montpelier, 1879.] Sheet. (6760 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketch of the early history of banking in Ver mont. [By George B. Heed. Boston, 3879.] 8vo, pp. 28. Read before the Society, October 14, 1862. (6761 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on the life and public services of the Hon. Samuel Prentiss. Read before the Society October 26, 1882, with the proceedings of the Society October 17, 1882. Montpelier, 1883. 8vo, pp. xix, 24. (6762 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on early printing in America. De livered before the Vermont Historical Society, at Montpelier, October 25, 1894, by Henry O. Houghton. With the address of Justin S. Morrill, on presentation of the Senator s portrait to the Society by Thomas W. Wood; with the Proceedings of the Vermont Historical Society, October 16 and 25, 1894. Montpelier : Press of the Watchman Publishing Company, 1894. 8vo, pp. x, 28. Pages 1-7 contain " The Wood portrait, an address before the Society, by Justin S. Morrill ;" pages 9-28, Houghton s address. (6763 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October 20 and November 5, 1890. Montpelier, 1896. 8vo, pp. 108. Contents : Statement relating to Horace Wells, by Charles M. Bliss ; E. P. Walton Presentation of a portrait ; Remarks by Hiram Carleton, Geo. G. Bene dict ; Letter from Justin Morrill. The Battle of Bennington, by Henry D. Flail; Map. Vermont as a leader in educational progress, by A. D. Barber. (6764 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Society, October 18 and November 2, 1898. Burlington, 1899. 8vo, pp. 151. Contents : Ethan Allen a study in civic authority, by Edward Swift Isham ; The Council of Censors in Vermont, by Lewis H. Meader. Appendix : Gen. Fraser s account of Burgoyne s campaign on Lake Champlain and the battle of Hubbardton. (From Stevens " Facsimiles.") (6765 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, October 17, 1899, October 16 and November 7, 1900. With list of members, constitution, and by-laws. Bur lington, 1901. 8vo, pp. 96. Contents : Life and public services of Edward J. Phelps, by Matthew Henry Buckham ; Work and inventions of Thomas Davenport, discoverer and prophet of the use of electro-magnetism as a motive power, by Willard G. Davenport. (6766 GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 921 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1901-1902. With lists of members, necrology, and reports. President s address : " Benjamin Franklin Ste vens." [By Geo. G. Benedict] Paper : " Early mention of events and places in the Valley of Lake Champlain," [by] David Sherwood Kellogg. Paper : " Ethan Allen s use of language," [by] Robert Dewey Benedict. 1903. 8vo, pp. 86, (1). Portrait. (67G7 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings, 1903-1904. With amended consti tution and list of members. President s address [by Geo. G. Benedict] : The recent discovery and recovery of the original records of the early Ver mont conventions. Paper : " Commodore Thomas Macdonough," Hon. Charles H. Darling. Paper : " Soldiers of the Revolutionary War buried in Vermont, and anecdotes and incidents relating to some of them." Walter H. Crockett. With lists of Revolutionary soldiers buried in Vermont. Burling ton, 1905. 8vo, pp. 168. (G768 VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The council of censors of Vermont. By Lewi Hamilton Mender. (In his Council of censors. Providence, 1899.) 8vo, pp. [37] -63. Read before the Vermont Historical Society October 18, 1898, and reprinted from its Proceedings for that year. (6769 VERMONT NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Montpeller, Vt. VERMONT NUMISMATIC SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Adopted July 3, 1877. Montpelier, 1877. 12mo, pp. 12. ^677O ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF VIRGINIA ANTIQUITIES. Richmond, Va. ASSOCIATION FOR- THE PRESERVATION OF VIRGINIA ANTIQUITIES. Year Book. 1895-96 1901-4. Richmond, 1896-1905. 8vo and 12mo. (6771 ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF VIRGINIA ANTIQUITIES. Charter, constitu tion and by-laws of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia An tiquities, Richmond, Va. Richmond, 1901. 8vo, pp. 16. (6772 ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF VIRGINIA ANTIQUITIES. The site of old " James Towne," 1607-1698. A brief historical and topographical sketch of the first American metropolis, illustrated with original maps, drawings and photographs, by Samuel H. Yonge, Richmond, Va., Association for the Pres ervation of Virginia Antiquities, 1904. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 86. Front. Plates. Fold. map. Plans. (6773 GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION. GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION. (Virginia County records [Vol. 1].) * * * Spot- sylvania County, 1721-1800, being transcriptions, from the original files at the county court house, of wills, deeds, administrators and guardians bonds, marriage licenses, and lists of Revolutionary pensioners. Edited by William Armstrong Crozier. New York, published for the Genealogical Association, 1905. 8vo, pp. vii, 576. Compiled by W. Clayton Torrence. (6774 922 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF RICHMOND COLLEGE. Richmond, Va. GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF RICHMOND COLLEGE. The colonial Virginian. An address before the Geographical and Historical Society of Richmond College, October 13, 1891. By R. A. Brock, Richmond, 1891. 8vo, pp. 22. (6775 GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF RICHMOND COLLEGE. Capt. John Smith and his critics. A lecture before the Society, by C. Poindexter. [Rich mond], 1893 [1894]. 8vo, pp. 74. (6776 HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE SOCIETY OF THE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va. HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE SOCIETY OF THE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Discourse on the uses and importance of history, illustrated by a comparison of the American and French revolutions. By W. C. Rives. De livered before the Historical Department of the Society of Alumni of the University of Virginia, 29 June, 1847. Richmond, 1847. 8vo, pp. 57. (6776a JEFFERSONV1LLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jeffersonville, Va. JEFFERSONVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the settlement and Indian wars of Tazewell County, Va., with a map, statistical tables, and illustrations. By G. W. L. Bickley. Cincinnati, 1852. 8vo, pp. 267. Although not published by the Society, it is dedicated to the members, and was written to promote its interests. (6777 RAN DOLPH-M AGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. RANDOLPH-MACON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Published No. 1 of the John P. Branch Historical Papers. Given with Nos. 2 and 3 under Randolph-Macon Col lege. (6778 RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE. Richmond, Va. RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE. The John P. Branch Historical Papers of Randolph- Macon College. Published annually by the department of history. Rich mond, 1901-1903. 8vo. No. i : Published by the Randolph-Macon Historical Society. Running title : Randolph-Macou Historical Papers. (6779 RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE. The John P. Branch Historical Papers of Randolph- Macon College. Published annually by the Randolph-Macon Historical So ciety. No. i. June, 1901. Richmond, 1901. 8vo, pp. 63. Contents : Devereux Jarratt and the beginnings of Methodism in Virginia, by J. W. Smith ; Sketch of Leven Powell ; Correspondence of Revolutionary leaders : SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 923 Letters of Colonel Leven Powell to his wife; Letters of Rev. David Griffith to Col. Leven Powell, 1776-177S; Correspondence of Col. Leven Powell relating to the election of 1800. (678O No. II. June, 1902. 8vo, pp. 65-154. Contents : The whiskey insurrection in Pennsylvania, and the opinions of contemporary party leaders concerning its suppression, by B. W. Bond, jr. ; Patrick Henry, by J. Alston Cabell ; The Virginia constitutional convention of 1829, by C. H. Young; The Leven Powell correspondence 1775-1787; Letters bearing on the War of 1812 ; Letters of Thomas Ritchie glimpses of the year 1830. (6781 No. in. June, 1903. 8vo, pp. 157-256. Contents : Life sketch of Captain Richard Irby, by J. C. Granbery ; Thomas Ritchie, by C. T. Thrift ; Abel Parker Upshur, by R. E. M Cabe ; John Lewis, the pioneer of Augusta county, by G. H. Fielding ; The Leven Powell correspondence, 1786-1829. (6782 No. iv. June, 1904. Richmond, 1904. 8vo, pp. 259-373. Contents : The public life of George C. Dromgoole, by Edward James Wood house ; Benjamin Watkius Leigh, by Edwin James Smith ; Robert R. Liv ingston Beginnings of American diplomacy, by Robert Kemp Morton ; Spen cer Roane reprints from the Richmond Enquirer. (678U RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE. The John P. Branch Historical Papers of Ran- dolph-Macon College. Vol. n, No. 1. June, 1905. Richmond, 1905. 8vo, pp. 142. Contents : Spencer Roane, by Edwin J. Smith ; Robert R. Livingston Be ginnings of American diplomacy (concluded), by Robert Kemp Morton; Roane on the National Constitution reprints from the Richmond Chronicle and the Richmond Enquirer : 1. Public letter of " Plaindealer," 1788 ; 2. The McCul- loch v. Maryland case ; 3. The rights of the States and of the people. Roane correspondence, 1799-1821. (6784 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Richmond, Va. [SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] The Southern Magazine. Vols. i-xvn ; Jan uary, 1868-December, 1875. Baltimore, [1868-75]. Seventeen volumes. 8vo. Portraits. Monthly. Vols. vin-xvii called also [new ser.] Vols. i-x. Official organ of the Southern Historical Society from January, 1874, to June, 1875. Title varies: 1868 (Vols. i-ni) The New Eclectic; a monthly magazine of select literature. 1869-70 (Vols. iv-vn) The New Eclectic Magazine. 1871-75 (Vols. vin-xvii) The Southern Magazine. W. H. Browne, editor, 1870-75. No more published. (6785 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Official circular. [Baltimore? 1873.] 8vo, pp. [4]. [With The Southern Magazine. Baltimore [1873], Vol. xm.l Caption title. (6786 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Southern Historical Con vention, which assembled at the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Va., on August 14. 1873, and of the Southern Historical Society, as reorganized, with the address by Gen. J. A. Early, delivered before the convention on the first day of its session. Baltimore [1873]. 8vo, pp. 44. (6787 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions of the Southern Historical So ciety. Vol. i. January-December, 1874. Baltimore, 1874. 8vo, pp. iv, 218. No more published. For later publications see the Society s papers, 1876-. (6788 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Official circular. [Richmond, Va.? 1876.] 8vo, pp. 7. Caption title. (6789 924 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A roster of general officers, heads of depart ments, Senators, Representatives, military organizations, etc., in Confed erate service during the war between the States. By Charles C. Jones, jr. Richmond, 1876. 8vo, pp. 135. (679O SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Southern Historical Society Papers. Yols. I-XXXHI. 1876-1905. Richmond, Va., 1876-1905. Thirty-three volumes. 8vo. (6791 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. From Columbia to Franklin, Tenn. An im portant historical paper read before the Society, March 29, 1881, by Thomas Speed. Revised and corrected for the Bivouac. In Southern Bivouac. Vol. in, pp. 399-411. (6792 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Richmond, \ 7 a. VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Bibliography of the Society. By T. H. Wynne. In Historical Magazine, second series, Vol. \n, pp. 340, 341. New York, 1870. (6793 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The amended constitution. Broadside. (6794 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A discourse on the progress of philosophy and its influence on the intellectual and moral character of man. Delivered before the Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society, February 5, 1835, by George Tucker. In Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. i, pp. 405-421. Richmond, 1835. (6795 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Account of discoveries in the West until 1519, and of voyages to and along the Atlantic Coast of North America from 1520 to 1573. Prepared for the Society. By Comvay Robinson. Richmond, 1848. 8vo, pp. xv, 491. (6796 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. i. Rich mond, 1833. 8vo, pp. 85 (1). Contains preface giving account of the origin of the Society, its first meeting in 1831 ; Constitution ; Address before the first annual meeting, by J. P. Gush ing ; Memoirs of Indian wars, by John Stuart ; Record of Grace Sherwood s trial for witchcraft, in Princess Anne County, 1705 ; List of donations and a list of officers and members. t (6797 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Historical Register, edited by W. Max well, 1848-1853. Vols. i-vi. Richmond, 1848-1853. Gives the proceedings of the annual meetings, etc. (6798 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address on the life, character, and public serv ices of Benjamin W. Leigh, before the Society, at its annual meeting. By Win. H. Macfarland. Richmond, 1851. 12mo, pp. 12. (C799- VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Virginia constitution of 1776. Discourse at [the] annual meeting, January 17, 1852. By H. A. Washington. Published by the Society. Richmond, 1852. 12mo, pp. 51. VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Virginia Historical Reporter, conducted the executive committee of the Society. Vol. i; n, part 1. Richmond, 1854-1860. VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 925 CONTENTS. Vol. i. Seventh annual meeting ; Address of W. C. Rives ; Letter on Greuze s portrait of Franklin ; The Virginia convention of 1829-30, by H. B. Grigsby. Richmond, 1854. pp. 116. Vol. i. Part 2. Eighth annual meeting ; Observations on the history of Vir ginia, a discourse, December 14, 1854, by R. M. T. Hunter". 1855. pp. 48. Vol. r. Part 3. Ninth annual meeting ; Report of committee on historical docu ments ; Constitution ; Sketches of the political issues and controversies of the Revolution, a discourse by James P. Holcombe. 1856. pp. 63. Vol. it. Part 1. Tenth annual meeting ; Report on portraits ; Eleventh annual meeting ; Report on portraits ; Twelfth annual meeting ; The Virginia colony, or the relation of the English colonial settlements in America to the general his tory of the world, an address by George F. Holmes ; The marriage of Poca- hontas ; Notes on the date of Pocahontas s marriage, and some other incidents of her life, by William Robertson. 1860. pp. 87. (68O1 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Virginia convention of 1829-30. A dis course delivered before the Society at their annual meeting, December 15, 1853. By Hugh B. Grigsby. Richmond, 1854. 8vo, pp. 104. (6802 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Observations on the history of Virginia. Dis course before the Society, December 14, 1854. By R. M. T. Hunter. Rich mond, 1855. 12mo, pp. 48. Same. 8vo, pp. 16. Rev. H. E. Hayden possesses a copy of this last edition, the existence of which was unknown to R. A. Brock, the secretary of the Society, until notified of it by Mr. Hayden. (68O3 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sketches of the political issues and controversies of the Revolution. Discourse before the Society at their ninth annual meeting, January 17, 1856. By J. P. Holcombe. Published by the Society. Richmond, 1856. 12mo, pp. 63. (68O4 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The diary of George Washington, from 1789 to 1791 ; embracing the opening of the First Congress, and his tours through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States. Together with his journal of a tour to the Ohio in 1753. Edited by B. J. Lossing. Richmond, 1861. 8vo, pp. 248. (68O5 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular from T. H. Wynne, secretary, asking for public aid. Broadside. Same. With address of the Society to the people of Virginia. February 19, 1870. pp. 2. Circular on the objects and purposes of the Society. July 20, 1881. (68O6 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Circular to Virginians and friends of Virginia. September 2, 1878. Relative to erecting a building. (68O7 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. New series, No. 1. Richmond, 1874. 4to, pp. 71. Contains letters of Thomas Nelson, jr., governor of Virginia. (68O8 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Organizations ; officers and members ; with a list of its publications. Richmond, 1881. 8vo, pp. 23 (1). (6809 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. New series, Vols. i-xi. Richmond, 1882-1892. 8vo. Illustrated. 926 AMEBICAN HISTOKICAL ASSOCIATION. CONTENTS. Vol. I. The official letters of Alexander Spotswood, lieutenant-governor of the colony of Virginia, 1710-1722. With introduction and notes, by R. A. Brock. Vol. i, 1882. pp. xxi, 179. (68O9a Vol. ii. Same. Vol. 11, 1885. pp. vii, 368. (68O9b Vol. in. The official letters of Robert Dinwiddie, lieutenant-governor of the col ony, 1751-1758. With introduction and notes, by R. A. Brock. Vol. i, 1883. 8vo, pp. Ivii, (1), 528. (GSOOc Vol. iv. Same. Vol. n, 1884. 8vo, pp. xviii, 768. Folded map. Portrait. (681O Vol. v. Documents, chiefly unpublished, relating to the Huguenot emigration to Virginia and to the settlement at Manakin-town, with an appendix of gene alogies, presenting data of the Fontaine, Maury, Dupuy, Trabue, Marye, Chas- tain, Cocke, and other families. Edited and compiled for the Society by R. A. Brock. Richmond, 1886. 8vo, pp. xx (1), 247. Folded sheet. (6811 Vol. vi. Miscellaneous papers, 1672-1865, now first printed from the manu scripts in the collections of the Virginia Historical Society, comprising charter of the Royal African Company, 1672 ; Report on the Huguenot settlement, 1700 ; Papers of George Gilmer, of " Pen Park," 1775-1778; Orderly book of Capt. George Stubblefield, 1776 ; Career of the ironclad Virginia, 1862 ; Memorial of Johnson s Island, 1862-1865 ; Beale s Cavalry Brigade parole, 1865, edited by R. A. Brock. Richmond, 1887. 8vo (6), pp. 374. Plate. (6812 Vol. vn. Abstract of the proceedings of the Virginia Company of London, 1619-1624, prepared from the records of the Library of Congress, by Conway Robinson, a.nd edited with an introduction and notes by R. A. Brock. Vol. i. Richmond, 1888. 8vo. (6813 Vol. vin. Abstract of the proceedings of the Virginia Company of London, 1619-1624, prepared from records in the Library of Congress, by Conway Robin son, and edited with an introduction and notes by R. A. Brock. Vol. n. Rich mond, 1889. 8vo, pp. 300. (6814 Vol. ix. The history of the Federal Convention of 1788, with some account of the eminent Virginians of that era who were members of the body, by Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL. D., with a biographical sketch of the author and illustrative notes. Edited by R. A. Brock. Vol. i. Richmond, Va. Published by the Society, 1890. 8vo, pp. xxvii, 372. (6815 Vol. x. The history of the Virginia Federal Convention of 1788, with some account of the eminent Virginians of that era who were members of the body, by Hugh Blair Grigsby, LL. D., with a biographical sketch of the author and illustrative notes. Edited by R. A. Brock. Vol. 11. 1891. 8vo, pp. 411. (6816 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of the Virginia Historical Society. New series. Vol. xi. Proceedings of the Virginia Historical Society at the annual meeting held December 21-22, 1891, with historical papers read on the occasion and others. Richmond, 1892: 8vo, pp. xix, 386. Contents : Early Revolutionary history of Virginia ; The Committee of Cor respondence and the call for the first congress, by James Mercer Garnett ; His toric elements in Virginia education and literary effort, by John Bell Henne- man ; Notes on recent work in southern history, by W. P. Trent ; Ancient epitaphs and inscriptions in York and. James City counties, by J. L. Hall ; Washington s first election to the House of Burgesses, by R. T. Barton ; The old brick church near Smithfield built in 1632, by R. S. Thomas; Richmond s first academy, projected by M. Quesnay de Beaurepaire in 1786, by R. H. Gaines ; Facts from the Accomac county records relating to Bacon s rebellion, by Frank P. Brent ; Thomas Hansford, first martyr to American liberty, by Annie Tucker Tyler ; Journal of Capt. Charles Lewis in Washington s expedition against the French in 1755 ; Orderly book of Captain Robert Gamble of the second Virginia regiment, August-November, 1779 ; Memoir of General John Cropper, by Barton Haxall Wise ; Orderly book of Major William Heth, 1777 ; Index. (6817 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, February 24, 1882, with the address of William Wirt Henry. The settlement at Jamestown, with particular reference to the late attacks upon Capt. John Smith, Poca- hontas, and John Rolfe. Richmond, 1882. 8vo, pp. 63. (6818 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 927 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Address at the annual meeting of the Historical Society of Virginia in the capitol at Richmond, in January, 1850, by P. Slaughter, D. D. Reported and printed for the Society by its secretary, William Maxwell, LL. D. Richmond, 1888. 8vo, pp. 8. (6819 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A list of the portraits in oil, engravings, etc., in the rooms of the Westmoreland Club, chiefly the property of the Society. By Robert A. Brock. Richmond, 1888. 16mo, pp. 4. (6820 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A narrative of the leading incidents of the organization of the first popular movement in Virginia in 1865 to reestablish peaceful relations between the Northern and Southern States, and of the subsequent efforts of the " Committee of Nine," in 1869, to secure the restora tion of Virginia to the Union. By Alex. H. H. Stuart. 1888. Richmond. 8voy pp. 72. Prepared in accordance with a resolution of the Society. (6821 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SO*CIETY. Richmond s first academy, projected by M. Ques- nay de Beaurepaire in 1786. By Richard Hayward Gaines. 8vo, pp. 167-175. Read before the Society December 22, 1891. (6822 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historic elements in Virginia education and literary effort. A paper read before the Society December 21, 1891. By J, B. Henneman. [Richmond, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 22. Reprinted from Virginia Historical Collections, Vol. xi, 1892. (6823 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly by the Virginia Historical Society. Richmond, Va. Vols. i-xn. July, 1893-April, 1905. Twelve volumes. 8vo. Contents given below. (6824 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly, by the Virginia Historical Society, for the year ending June 30, 1894. Vol. i. Richmond, 1894. 8vo, pp. xxxii, 484. Contents : Proceedings of the Society for the six months ending July 1, 1893 ; Diary of Capt. John Davis, of the Pennsylvania line, March 26, 1781, to Janu ary 11, 1782 ; Letters of William Fitzhugh, 1679-1682 ; Proclamation of Na thaniel Bacon ; List of officers, sailors, and marines of the Virginia navy in the American Revolution ; Speech of Sir William Berkeley and Declaration of the assembly, March, 1651 ; Abstract of Virginia land patents ; Notes and queries ; Book reviews ; The Illin9is regiment and the Northwestern territory ; Virginia and the act of navigation ; Discourse of the Old Company ; Bacon s rebellion ; Proceedings of December 14, 1893, with constitution and list of officers and members ; Public officers in Virginia, 1680 ; Virginia troops in French and Indian wars ; John Taylor, of Caroline ; Free schools and the church in the seventeenth century ; Commodore Walter Brooke ; Specific taxes, 1780, in Henry County, Va., 1780 ; Necrology ; Public officers in Virginia, 1702-1714 ; Fitzhugh family in England ; The mutiny in Virginia, 1635 ; Declaration of Sir John Harvey touching the mutinous proceedings of the council in Virginia ; Proposals for reducing the rebels in Virginia (Bacon s rebellion) ; Did George Percy de nounce Smith s History of Virginia? (6825 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. ii. Richmond, [1895]. 8vo, pp. (4), ii, 482. Contents : Public officers in Virginia, 1702-1714 ; Letters of William Fitzhugh ; Virginia troops in French and Indian wars ; Affairs in Virginia in 1626 ; The first legislative assembly in Virginia, at Jamestown, 1619, by W. W. Henry ; Abstracts of Virginia land patents ; The Flournoy family, by Flournoy Rivers ; Notes and queries ; List of counties and cities of Virginia, by R. S. Thomas ; The House of Burgesses, 1639 ; Clerks of Middlesex, 1673-1892, by B. B. Chown- 928 AMEBICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ing ; Total amount of taxable property in Norfolk County for 1784 ; Frontier forts in Bath County ; Instructions to Governor Yeardley, 1618 ; Causes of dis content in Virginia, 1676 ; Two wills of the seventeenth century Richard Kemp (1656), John Laurence (1684); Parishes of Norfolk County; Claiborne gene alogy, by A. S. Tatum ; * * * Library of Dabney Carr, 1773, with notices of Carr family ; Virginia officers and men in the Continental line ; Instructions to Berkeley, 1642; Northampton grievances, 1671; Racing in colonial Virginia; Act to incorporate the Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society, 1834 ; Letter of John Benger, 1762, in regard to the Brayne estate in England ; Will of Thomas Marshall ; Extracts from Princess Anne County records, by E. W. James ; Instructions to Yeardley, 1626 ; Indian wars in Augusta County, Va. ; Maj. Robert Beverley and his descendants, by W. G. Stanard ; Abstracts of Virginia land patents, by W. G. Stanard ; The Landon family. (6826 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly, for the year ending June, 1896. Vol. in. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. 460, ii, xxviii. Contains : A full account of the proceedings of the Society for the year 1895, and the following list of articles copied from the original documents : Letters of William Fitzhugh, continued ; Instructions to Berkeley, 1662 ; Virginia under Governors Harvey and Gooch ; Causes of discontent leading to the insurrection of 1666 under Bacon ; Will of Benjamin Harrison the elder ; Culpeper s report on Virginia in 1683. Defense of Col. Edward Hill ; A series of colonial letters written by William Byrd, jr., Thomas Ludwell, Robert Carter, Richard Lee and Sir John Randolph ; Decisions of the General Court of Virginia, 1626-1C28, first instalment ; Indictment of Gov. Nicholson by the leading members of his council ; Abstracts of Virginia lafrd patents, extending to 1635, with full genealogical notes ; A history of Robert Beverley and his descendants, with interesting wills and new matter obtained from England ; Geneaologie.s of the Flournoy, Cocke, Carr, Todd and Chappell families ; Voluminous historical notes and queries erf extraordinary original value, relating to a variety of subjects ; Book reviews ; Index. (6827 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly, for the year ending June, 1897. Vol. iv. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. 492, i, xxiii. Contents : A marriage agreement between John Custis and his wife ; A per- swasive to towns and cohabitation by Rev. Francis Makemie, 1705 ; Abstracts of Virginia land patents for 16356 ; Army supplies in the Revolution, original letters by Judge Innes ; Attacks by the Dutch on Virginia fleet, 1667 ; Boundary line proceedings for Virginia and No. Carolina, 1710 ; Charges against Spots- wood by House of Burgesses, 1719 ; Council proceedings, 1716-1717 ; Decisions of Virginia General Court, 1626-28 ; Defense of Col. Edward Hill ; Depositions of Revolutionary soldiers from county records ; Spotsylvania marriage licenses, 1722-50 ; Cocke, Flournoy, Trabue, Jones, and Rootes families ; List of House of. Burgesses, 1766 to 1775; Instructions to Governor Francis Nicholson; Letter and proclamation of S. Argall, 1617 ; Letters of William Fitzhugh ; Nar rative of Bacon s rebellion ; Abstracts of Northampton county records in 17th century ; Ordeal of touch in colonial Virginia ; Patent of auditor and surveyor- general 1682?; Prince George county records with much information as to families ; Proceedings of visitors of William and Mary College, 1716 ; Gov. Spotswood s, proclamation, 1680 ; Peter Jones will, 1721 ; David Black s library, 1782 ; A list of shareholders in London Company, 1783 ; Also of slave owners in Spotsylvania county, 1783 ; Virginia tobacco in Russia in 17th century. Index. (6828 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly by the Virginia Historical Society for the year ending June, 1898. Vol. v. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 491. Contents : Boundary line proceedings, 1710 (continued from vol. iv) ; Gen eral court decisions, 1664-1670 ; Letters of William Fitzhugh, 1695 ; Northamp ton county records in 17th century; Colonial letters, etc. [Ludwell Papers], 1705-1745; A description of the government of Virginia, [Winder Papers, Va. State library] ; Historical memoranda relating to the House of Burgesses, 1685- VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 929 91, from Ludwell Papers, Va. Historical society ; Persons who suffered by Bacon s Rebellion. The commissioners report [Winder papers, Va. State li brary]. Abstracts of Virginia land patents, prepared by W. G. Stanard ; Viewers of tobacco crop, 1639 (Acts of Assembly, 1639, Robinson MS.) ; Case of Anthony Penton (Robinson MS. Va. Hist. Soc.) ; Early Episcopacy in Accomack ; Letters to Thomas Adams, 1769-79. Depositions of continental soldiers ; Tithables of Lancaster county, Va., 1654, with notes ; Letters of William Fitzhugh, 1695-7 ; A list of early land patents and grants, 1745 to 1754, with an introduction by F. M. Toner ; Proceedings of the annual meeting held December 20th, 1897 ; List of officers and members; The Governor s land (Ludwell MS.) ; Price lists and diary of Col. Fleming, 17871789 ; The Meherrin Indians a letter to the General Assembly, June, 1707 ; The trial of criminal cases (Ludwell MS.) ; Petition of John Mercer to the House of Burgesses (Ludwell Papers) ; Ab stracts of Rappahannock co. wills, 1656-77, prepared by W. G. Stanard ; Rev. Francis Doughty (Rappahannock county records) ; Arms of the Cocke family; Necrology : William Wood Crump, Walter R. Staples, Lewis Ginter, Robert Taylor Scott, Samuel W. Venable, Aubin L. Boulware, Charles C. Wight, John Randolph Tucker, Justin Winsor, Samuel Phillips Lee. Bacon s men in Surry (from Surry records, vol. 1671-84) ; Letters of Lafayette, 1781 ; Title to Green- spring, 16l 8-1716 (Ludwell MSS., Va. Hist. Soc.) ; Old letters of revolutionary date, contributed by Anne Randolph Ball ; Journal of John Barnwell, 1711-12 ; Early wills and deeds, Isle of Wight co., 1733, contributed by R. S. Thomas ; Will of Robert King Carter (died in 1743) ; Genealogy: The Cocke family of Virginia (Henrico) ; Roane, Kennon, Aston-Robertson, Bradby-Byrd-Rogers fam ilies ; Walke family of Lower Norfolk county ; Godwin family of Nansemond and Isle of Wight counties, Va., with notices of the families of Holladay, Gray, Blunt, &c. ; The Markham family ; Winston (Edmund) ; Hughes family of Pow- hatan county ; The Mosely family ; The Gookin, Calvert, Carr families ; Parkers of Browsholme, Yorkshire, England, and of Virginia; The Brockenbrough family. Historical notes and queries : An oath of allegiance, contributed by M. Oldham, jr. ; Banks family in Virginia, 1668-1759 ; Letter of Richard Henry Lee, Dec. 1, 1776 ; Public officers, 1781 ; Letter of Mrs. Nathaniel Bacon, 1676 ; Seces sion convention, letter from John Critcher ; Title to Leesylvania ; Size roster of Captain Nathaniel Welch s company, second regiment in the revolution ; Burn ing of the Richmond theater a letter of 7th Febr y, 1812 ; A list of the officers entitled to land under the proclamation of Gov. Dinwiddie and their assessment to cover expenses of surveys to secure- lands, and a list of balances due from sundrys on account of their claims to land under the proclamation of 1754, copied from Colonel George Washington s ledger ; Index. (6829 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly for the year ending June, 1899. Vol. vi. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 473, xxiii. Contents : Carter papers ; Virginia Society of the Cincinnati ; Letters to Thomas Adams, 1771-9 ; Isle of Wight county wills, 1647-1776, by R. S. Thomas ; Journal of John Barnwell, 1711-12 ; Letters of Lafayette, 1781 ; Let ters of William Fitzhugh, 1696-9 ; Families of Lower Norfolk and Princess Anne counties ; Abstracts of Virginia land patents, by W. G. Stanard ; Second Vir ginia battalion, 1777 ; Virginia in 1771 letter from Col. Richard Bland to Thomas Adams ; A Scotch trader, letter from Charleston, 12 May, 1798 ; Letter from London, 1659 ; Vindication of Sir William Berkeley ; Letters of General Henry Lee, 79- 80 ; Election of Col. Geo. Washington for the House of Burgesses, 1758 ; Trustees of Hampden-Sidney College, 1775-85, by J. B. Henne- man ; Capt. John Bargrave s charges against the former government of Virginia, 1622 ; Kidnapping maidens, to be sold in Virginia, 1618 ; A note of the shipping, men, &c., sent to Virginia, 1619 ; Poor children to be sent to Virginia, 1619-20 ; Petition of West, Claiborne, &c., to the king [1622?] ; Epitaphs at Brandon, Prince George county, Va. ; Virginia in 1623 ; A new clew to the Lee ancestry letter from Lancelot Lee, of Coton, England, to Thomas Lee, of Stratford, Va., 1745; Washington s capitulation at Fort Necessity, 1754; Depositions as to the burning of William and Mary College, 1705 ; Virginia militia in the Revolu tion ; Virginia borrowing from Spain Letter from Governor Jefferson to Gov ernor Galvez, 1779 ; Necrology ; Reminiscences of western Virginia, 1770 179Q, H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 59 930 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. by John Redd; Will of Mrs. Mary Willing Byrd, of Westover, 1813, with a list of the Westover portraits; Virginia corn, 1639; Death of Sir Thomas Gates; List of patents for lands in Virginia, M ch, 1616, to June, 1623; Collections in English churches for Virginia, 1623 ; Virginia in 1623-4 ; Reply of Sir Thomas Smythe and Alderman Johnson to the petition of John Bargrave, 1621 ; Lord Mandeville to Secretary Conway, 1623 ; The Virginia Company and the House of Commons, 1624 ; Complaint hy Germans against Governor Spotswood ; The Acadians in Virginia, 1755 ; Jacobitism in Virginia Charges against Capt. Jacob Lumpkin, 1690 ; A proclamation for a fast day, 1691 ; A violation of a tobacco planting law, 1691 ; Petition of Edmund Jenings, Attorney-General, for increase of salary, 1692 ; Genealogy ; Notes and Queries ; Book reviews ; Index. Proceedings at the annual meeting of the society. List of officers and members. (683O VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biog raphy. Published quarterly for the year ending June, 1900. Vol. vii. Rich mond, Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 476. Contents : Reminiscences of western Virginia, 1770-1790, by John Redd ; Will of Christopher Robinson, 1693 ; Virginia militia in the Revolution a list furnished by J. T. McAllister ; Trustees of Hampden-Sidney College, by J. B. Henneman ; The new government for Virginia, 1624, abstracts from English Public records ; Extracts from the register of Farnham Parish, Richmond county ; Carter Papers : An inventory of all the S * * * and personal property of the Hon ble Robert Carter of the county of Lancaster, Esq. ; Ab stracts of Virginia land patents, by W. G. Stanard ; Genealogy : Foote family, Pryor family, Payne family of Goochland, &c., Rodes family, Withers family, Yates family, Booker family, Coles family. Virginia in 1624-5 abstracts from British Public Record office ; Answer of Sir George Yeardley to charges of Capt. John Martin, &c. ; Papers relating to the administration of Governor Nicholson and to the founding of William and Mary College ; Virginia game, and field sports, description of them by the botanist Clayton in 1739 ; Letters of Washington ; Bill for a service of plate, 1794 ; Sainsbury s abstracts of documents in the English Public Record office relative to the colony of Virginia, 1606 to 1627. Genealogy : The Fitzhugh family ; An attorney s bill, 1728 ; Vestrymen Upper Parish, Nansemond co., 1760-1791 ; Proceedings at annual meeting of the so ciety, Dec. 30th, 1899 ; List of officers and members ; The " Vigilance Com mittee "Richmond during the War of 1812 ; Virginia in 1628 the tobacco monopoly; Sainsbury s abstracts: The case of Captain [John] Martin; John Paul Jones as a citizen of Virginia ; The will of Charles Lewis of the Byrd, 1779 ; Books in colonial Virginia ; Punishment of a slave for murder, Rockingham county, 1778 ; Capt. William Edmonds company, 1761 ; Virginia forces sur rendered at Charleston in 1780 ; Eppes family ; Clergy ordained and licensed for the American colonies, from 1699 to 1710 ; RoBards family ; Genealogy : The Farrar family, Yates-Randolph. The Indians of southern Virginia, 1650- 1711 ; Will of Josias Mackie, Presbyterian minister, Norfolk and Princess Anne counties, 1716 ; The Virginia census, 1624-25 ; Virginia in 1629 and 1630 ; Reminiscences of western Virginia, 1770-1790, by John Redd ; Marriage licenses, Augusta county, Va., 1749-1773 ; Genealogy : Eskridge of Virginia ; Bassett- Stith ; Poythress and Ball families. Notes and queries ; Book reviews ; General Index. (6831 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Virginia Magazine of History and Biog raphy. Published quarterly, by the Virginia Historical Society for the year ending June, 1901. Vol. vin. Richmond, Va. [1901.] 8vo, pp. xxvii, 481. Contents : Proceedings ; In memoriam, William Wirt Henry ; Officers and members ; The Indians of southern Virginia, 16501711 : Depositions in the Virginia and North Carolina boundary case ; Inventory of estate of Thomas Lord Fairfax ; Letters from Mrs. Ralph Izard to Mrs. William Lee, 1781-83 ; Virginia in 1631 : Movement to re-establish Virginia colony ; Papers relating to the Administration of Governor Nicholson and to the founding of William and Mary College ; Notes from the Council and general court records, 1641-1677, by Conway Robinson ; Virginia militia in the Revolution ; Abstracts of Vir ginia land patents, by W. G. Stanard ; Genealogy : descendants of Robert Green and allied families in Virginia, by Holdridgo Ozro Collins ; A forgotten member of the Ball family : Richard Ball ; Throckmorton family ; Eskridge family ; VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 931 Fitzhugh family ; Descendants of John Stith and Mary Randolph ; The Farrar family ; Society of the Cincinnati in the state of Virginia ; John Christian, in account with Parke Goodall, 177G-17S7.; John Brent; James Parker; List of colonial officers ; Gov. Spotswood s inventory ; Unpublished letters of Jefferson, July 29, 1770-May 20, 1818. Virginia in 1032-33-34, abstracts by W. N. Sains- bury, and copies in McDonald papers, Virginia state library ; Extracts from county records ; James Nourse of Virginia ; Services of Thomas Lewis in the Revolu tion ; The Maupin family ; ^Letters of Harrison Gray and Harrison Gray, jr., of Massachusetts, members of the House of Burgesses, Nov. 2, 1085 Mar. 30, 1758 ; Militia companies in Augusta county in 1742, by Jos. A. Waddell ; An unwrit ten chapter in the early life of Mary Washington, by G. W. Beale ; Bank of United States : Petitions of Virginia cities and towns for the. establishment of branches, 1701. William Royall and " Sketches by a Traveller ; " Virginia in 1035 : the deposing of Governor Harvey ; Adams family, by William Newton Adams ; The Towles family ; Funeral expenses of Benjamin Harrison, 1745 ; Early Augusta county surveys, by Lyman Chalkley ; Virginia newspapers in public libraries : annotated list of newspapers in Library of Congress ; Bio graphical sketch of General Joseph Martin, by his son ; Extracts from register of St. Paul s Parish, Stafford (now King George) county, Virginia; Extracts from proceedings of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1052-1001 ; Proclama tion of council of Virginia, about May 0, 1775 ; List of delegates to Virginia Assembly from Kanawha county from 1790 to 1803, by J. L. Miller ; The ter centenary of Jamestown : Historic interest of the settlement at Jamestown ; Genealogy : The Robards family. General index. (6832 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly for the year ending June, 1902. Volume ix. Rich mond, Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 480, xx. Contents : Virginia newspapers in public libraries ; Henry county, from its formation in 1770 to the end of the 18th century, et seq. ; Papers relating to the administration of Gov. Nicholson and to the founding of William and Mary College ; President Nathaniel Bacon to Governor Lord Effingham, 1089 ; Governor Lord Effingham to Lieut. Gov. Nicholson and the Council of Virginia, 1090 ; Virginia in 1030 ; Notes from the council and general court records, 1041-1078 ; The Virginia Assembly of 1041 A list of mem bers and some of the acts ; Selections from the Campbell papers ; Vir ginia militia in the Revolution ; Will of Col. William Byrd, 3d, with notices of him and other members of his family ; Eastern-shore history, by Thomas T. Upshur ; Genealogy The Fitzhugh family ; Wilson Cary of Ceelys and his family, by Wilson Miles Cary ;. Letters of William Byrd, 2d, of Westover, Va., 1733-0; Diary of a prisoner of war at Quebec, 1770, by J. A. Waddell; Vir ginia in 1037 Harvey s second administration ; Sainsbury s abstracts and the colonial history of Virginia ; The Throckmorton family, by C. Wickliffe Throck- morton ; The Robards family ; The Towles family ; Adams family of Mary land and Virginia ; Eskridge family ; The Farrar family ; An abridgement of the laws of Virginia, compiled in 1094 ; King and Queen county deeds, 1007- 1800 ; Members of the Virginia House of Burgesses, 1088 ; The Brooke family of Virginia, by St. George T. Brooke ; The Ilerndon family, by John W. Flern- don ; The Germans of the valley, by John Walter Wayland ; The Germans of the valley, by Hans Jung; Virginia legislative documents, 1704; The John Brown letters found in the Virginia State library, 1901, with introduction, by W. W. Scott; The battle of Point Pleasant, by J. T. McAllister; Notes and queries ; Book reviews ; Index. (<>833 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly, for the year ending June, 1903. Vol. x. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 480, xiv. Contents : Virginia legislative documents ; The John Brown letters, 1859 ; The Germans of the Valley, by John Walter Wayland ; Abridgment of Virginia laws, 1094 ; Eastern-shore history, by Thomas T. Upshur ; Henry county from its formation in 1770 to the end of the eighteenth century, et seq., by C. B. Bryant ; The battle of Point Pleasant, by J. T. McAllister ; Virginia militia in the revolution; Adam Muller (Miller), first white settler in the Valley of Virginia, by Charles E. Kemper ; Genealogy : Farrar, Brooke, Ilerndon, Renick, Michaux. Fulton, Cox. ISskridge, Steptoe, Lindsay, Minor, RoBards, Littleberry Mosby William Cannon, Cocke, Gray, Bowie, Robb. Notes and queries ; Ferrar 932 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. papers ; Some colonial letters : Carter and Byrd, etc. ; Pioneer days in Alleghany county, by W. A. McAllister ; Will of Wilson Cary, 1772 ; List of tithables in Northampton co., August, 1666 ; Virginia newspapers in public libraries : Anno tated list of Virginia newspapers in the Virginia state library ; Slave owners, Westmoreland co., Va., 1782 ; The House of Burgesses, 1683 and 1684 ; Virginia in 1636-8 ; Letters of William Procter, 1739-40 ; Proceedings of the Virginia committee of correspondence, 1759-67 ; The effect of the adoption of the con stitution upon the finances of Virginia, by W. F. Dodd ; Boundaries of Essex and King and Queen cos., 1708 . . . Books in colonial Virginia ; Virginia glean ings in England. (O834 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly, for the year ending June, 1904. Vol. xi. Richmond, Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 490. Contents : Proceedings of the Virginia committee of correspondence, 1759 67 ; The John Brown letters ; Surrender of Virginia to the Parliamentary commis sioners, March, 16512 ; The Ferrar papers at Magdalene College, Cambridge ; Virginia in 1638-39 ; Some colonial Virginia records ; Virginia gleanings in England, communicated by Lothrop Withington ; Native Virginians who be came governors of other states, 1779 to 1865 ; Notes from the Isle of Wight county records, by R. S. Thomas ; Virginia militia in the Revolution ; Henry county from its formation, in 1776 to the end of the eighteenth century, et seq. ; Genealogy : Brooke, RoBards, Herndon, Lindsay, Cocke, Gray, Bowie, Robb, &c. ; Notes and queries ; Moravian diaries of travels through Virginia, 1749, edited by William J. Hinke and Charles E. Kemper ; The Chesapeake War ; Ad dress of the council to the lords commissioners of trade, 1717 or 1718 ; Genealogy : Bruce, Morton, Minor. Fac-simile of letter of Sir Edwin Sandys, 1619 ; Orderly book and journal of James Newell during the Point Pleasant campaign, 1774 ; Laying the corner stone of Quesnay s academy, 1786 ; The site of old "James Towne," 1607-1698, by Samuel H. Yonge ; Map of "James Citty," Va., 1607- 1698 ; Index to map ; Virginia council and general court records, 1640-1641 ; The vestry book of King William parish, Va., 1707-1750; Prefatory note, The register of the Huguenot church at Manakin town on James river, 1707-1750, by Robert H. Fife ; Some Virginia names and their meanings ; Jamestown and the association for the preservation of Virginia antiquities ;. Trial of Rev. Archibald McRoberts, 1772-4 ; Prosecution of Baptist ministers, Chesterfield county, Va., 1771-73 ; Sketch of Gov. Walter Leake of Mississippi ; General index. (6835 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Published quarterly, for the year ending June, 1905. Vol. xii. Richmond. Va. 8vo, pp. iv, 487, xxxii. Contents : Proceedings of the Virginia Committee of Correspondence, 1759- 67 ; Census of Gloucester county, 1782-83, by Edward Wilson James ; The vestry book of King William Parish, Va., 1707-1750 ; The site of old " James Towne," 1607-1698, by Samuel H. Yonge ; Moravian diaries of travels through Virginia, 1747-9, edited by William J. Hinke and Charles E. Kemper ; Virginia gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Historical and Genealogical notes and queries ; Genealogy : Bruce family, Morton data ; Fielding and Davis notes, by J. L. Miller ; Brooke family of Virginia, by St. George Tucker Brooke ; The Herndon family, by John W. Herndon ; Book reviews ; Revolutionary services of Robert Boiling, of Petersburg, Va. ; Virginia Militia in the Revolution ; Extracts from Virginia county records ; Petition of people of Jamestown, 16S2 ; General J. E. B. Stuart, by C. B. Bryant; The Offley family, by Kate Mason Rowland ; Moravian missionaries and the Scotch-Irish, by J. A. W. ; Letters from General Nat. Greene to Colonel Charles Harrison, 1781-2 ; The Byrd library at Westover, 1777 ; Musgrave family ; Biography of Thomas Emmerson, by Henry Francis Beaumont ; The Brooke family of Virginia Will of Wm. Brooke, 1735 ; Letters of Jeflferson, etc., found among the papers of James McHenry ; Extracts from Virginia county records : A bill of lading, 1674 ; Description of Middlesex County, 1700 ; Grievances of the people of Middlesex, 1700 ; Order by Lancaster county court in regard to ministers, Oct. 23, 1661 ; Order by governor and council in regard to justices of the peace, 1686; and others. The Brooke family of Virginia ; The Marshall tradition, by Thomas M. Anderson ; The early westward movement of Virginia, 1722-1734, as shown by the proceedings of the Colonial Council, edited by Chas. E. Kemper ; Address of the Council to Governor Spotswood, September, 1713 ; Resolutions of House of Burgesses, September 2d, 1715 ; Virginia in 1639 ; Letters on military matters among the papers of James WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. 933 McHenry ; Virginia legislative papers, from originals in Virginia state archives, 1774 ; Historical and genealogical notes and queries ; Genealogy ; Brent family, by W. B. Chilton ; Bruce ; Stone families of Virginia some problems ; Index. (683G VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xm, No. 1. July, 1905. 8vo, pp. 112. Portrait. Plate. Contents : The early westward movement of Virginia, 1722-1734, as shown by the proceedings of the Cc onial Council, edited and annotated by Charles E. Kemper ; Virginia militia in the Revolution ; Virginia and the Cherokees, &c. the treaties of 1768 and 1770, from documents in the British Public Record Office; Virginia legislative papers, 1774-5; The Corbin papers, 1766, 1775; Virginia gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; The vestry book of King William Parish, Va., 1707-1750 ; How James Buchanan was made presi dent, and by whom The Kansas-Nebraska Bill, reminiscences of John A. Parker ; Letter from John Paul Jones to Joseph Hewes, May 19, 1776 ; Notes and queries ; Genealogy : Brooke family of Virginia, by St. George Tucker Brooke ; Brent family, by W. B. Chilton. (6837 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Vol. xm, No. 2. October, 1905. 8vo, pp. 113-224. Contents : The early westward movement of Virginia, 1722-1734, as shown by the proceedings of the Colonial Council, edited and annotated by Charles E. Kemper ; Virginia and the Cherokees, &c. the treaties of 1768 and 1770, from dbcuments in the British Public Record Office ; The treaty of Lancaster, 1744 ; The treaty of Logg s town, 1752- commission, instructions, &c., journal of Virginia commissioners, and text of treaty ; The vestry book of King William Parish, Va., 1707-1750 ; Virginia gleanings in England, by Lothrop Withington ; Vir ginia militia in the Revolution ; Notes and queries ; Genealogy : Mallory family ; Brent family, by W. B. Chilton ; Brooke family, by St. George Tucker Brooke. (6S38 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Organization and list of publications of the So ciety. Richmond, 1894. Svo, pp. vii. (6839 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In memoriam. Thomas Hicks Wynne. Broadside. (684O VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the manuscripts in the collection of the Virginia Historical Society, and also of some printed papers. Com piled by order of the executive committee. Supplement to the Virginia Maga- N zine of History and Biography. Richmond, 1901. Svo, pp. 120. (6841 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. Lexington, Va. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY. Historical Papers. .Nos. 1-6. Baltimore, 1890-1904. No. 1. Early history of Washington College, now Washington and Lee Uni versity, by Henry Rufl ner ; Washington College, by S. L. Campbell; Letter on the location of Robert Alexander s school, John Brown s residence, and Mount Pleasant. J. T. Patton. Svo, pp. iv, 129. (6842 No. 2. The founders of Washington College, by H. B. Grigsby ; Address before the Alumni Association of Washington College, by A. Alexander, June 29, 1843. pp. vii, 140. (6843 No. 3. The Scotch-Irish settlers in the valley of Virginia ; Alumni address at Washington College. Lexington, Va., July 1, 1859, by Bolivar Christian ; Notes on the history of Washington Academy and College, from 1799 to 1829, by Sidney S. Baxter ; Notices of the life, character, and work of Dr. George A. Baxter ; Sketches of trustees, continued : Rev. Samuel Conick, Thomas Edgar, Rev. James Mitchel, Rev. Samuel Houston, Rev. John P. Campbell, M. D. ; Dr. Samuel L. Campbell, Col. James McDowell, by Mrs. S. C. P. Miller ; Benjamin Grigsby ; 934 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Rev. Samuel Brown, Samuel and William Lyle, James Ramsey, John Montgomery, trustees ; William McClung and many alumni, or the Lyle chapter in the history of Washington College, by William Henry Ruffner, LL. D. Baltimore, 1802, pp. vii, 1G7. (0844 No. 4. Continuation of the history of Washington College, embracing the ad ministration of Rev. George A. Baxter, D. I)., president, 1799-1829, with sketches of alumni of that period, by William Henry Ruffner, LL. I). ; Sketches of trus tees : Gen. Samuel Blackburn, Rev. William McPheetors, D. I)., Judge John Brown, James J. Mayers, Robert White, Capt. Henry McClung, Hon. William Taylor, Dr. William McCue, Col. Henry Bowyer, Rev. Andrew B. Davidson, Allen Taylor, Rev. James Morrison. Baltimore, 1893. pp. vii, 194. Portrait. (6845 No. 5. Continuation of the history of Washington College, embracing the regency of Rev. Henry Ruffner, D. D., 1829-30, with sketches of distinguished alumni ; Lewis Ruffner, George W. Summers, Rev. William S. Plum, D. D., by William Henry Ruffner, LL. D. ; Sketches of trustees, continued ; Col. Samuel McDowell Reid, James McDowell. Baltimore, 1895. pp. vii, 210. Portrait. (6846 No. 0, 1904. 1. The history of Washington College, 1830-1848, by William Henry Ruffner. 2. Papers relating to the Liberty Hall Volunteers. Lynch- burg, Va., 1904. 8vo, pp. (G) 136. Portrait. (6847 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. Williamsburg, Va. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. V. i-xm ; July, 1892-Oct, 1905. Williamsburg, etc., Va. [1892- 1905.] Thirteen volumes. 8vo. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Fac similes. Tables. From July, 1892-April, 1894, called William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers. Beginning July, 1894, called William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Editor: 1892- L. G. Tyler. Separately paged supplements, entitled " The Goodwin families in America," were issued with the numbers for October, 1897, and October, 1899. (6848 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. Quarterly Historical Papers, Vol. i. Williams- burg, [1893]. 8vo, pp. 64, 66, 135, 211. Same. Reprint. Williamsburg, 1893. 8vo, pp. (2) 234, xxi. Contents : Williamsburg Lodge of Masons, by L. G. Tyler ; A lost paper of Thomas Jefferson, by Kate Mason Rowland; A first Roman Catholic priest [Ray mond, of Norfolk County, 167] ; Marriage-license bonds on file in York County court, by L. G. Tyler; Early presidents of William and Mary, by L. G. Tyler; Lieut. Col. Walter Chiles, by L. G. Tyler; Virginia threads for the future histo rian, by E. D. Neill ; Pedigree of a representative Virginia planter [Edward Diggs], by L. G. Tyler; Maj. Edmund Cheesman, jr., by L. G. Tyler; Original letters ; Brett-Isham-Randolph, by W. G. Stanard ; The Ludwell family, by W. G. Stanard; Coats of arms in Virginia, by L. G. Tyler; James Silk Bucking ham, by E. W. James ; Portraits of colonial Virginians, by R. A. Brock ; Witch craft in Virginia ; Journal of the meetings of the presidents and masters of William and Mary College, 1729-1784 ; * * * Northampton County, Lan caster County, Elizabeth City County; Virginia Randolphs, by R. A. Brock; Births and baptisms, Norfolk County, Va., by E. W. James ; Vestrymen of Eliza beth River Parish, by E. W. James ; McClurg descent, by J. B. McCaw ; English origin of the Carters, by W. G. Stanard ; Spottsylvania County marriage licenses, 1726-1744 ; John Washington on a trading voyage in the " East country," by W. G. Stanard ; Virginia under the Commonwealth, by L. G. Tyler ; The Ohio Company, by Kate Mason Rowland ; Princess Anne County marriage bonds, by E. W. James ; Carrington family ; Henry Woodhouse, by E. W. James. (6*49 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Papers. Vol. n. Williamsburg, 1894. 8vo, pp. xvi, 282. Contents : Temple farm, York, Va., by L. G. Tyler ; Virginians at Oxford, by W. G. Stanard ; Coats of arms in Virginia ; Virginia s past in portraiture, by WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. 935 R. A. Brock ; Col. John Washington, by L. G. Tyler ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary College, by L. G. Tyler ; Witch craft in Virginia ; * * * The bicentennial celebration of the college ; An cestry of George W T ythe, by L. G. Tyler ; Abstracts from Princess Anne County marriage licenses, 1765-66 ; Old tombstones in York and James City counties, by L. G. Tyler ; Morson-Scott-Payne ; The Lightfoot family, by L. G. Tyler ; The Ennalls and Waggaman families, of Maryland ; The Calthorpes ; The Spotswood boys at Eton in 1760, by S. C. Grinnan ; Slave owners in Princess Anne County, by E. W. James ; Rev. John Wilson, by E. W. James ; Calthorpe pedigrees, with an account of tile Howard family, by L. G. Tyler ; Libraries in colonial Vir ginia ; New England and the slave trade, by R. A. Brock ; Extracts from the records of Lower Norfolk and Princess Anne counties, by E. W. James ; Judge St. George Tucker s pamphlet in relation to Williamsburg, and letter to Judge John Tyler, with notes, by L. G. Tyler ; Marriage licenses granted in Elizabeth City County from 1689 to 1699 ; Inscriptions on old tombs in Gloucester County, by L. G. Tyler; Throckmorton. (685O WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. in. July, 1894-April, 1895. Williamsburg. [1895.] 8vo, pp. xxiii, 286. Contents : The Norfolk Academy, by Edward W. James ; President Madison and Col. Jno. .Taylor, of Caroline, by A. G. Grinnan ; Naturalization paper of Nicholas Yager, by A. G. Grinnan; Original letters [1662]-1801 ; A few things about our country, by Wm. B. Taliaferio ; Inscriptions on old tombs in Glouces ter Co., Virginia, with notes by Lyon G. Tyler ; Libraries in colonial Virginia, by Edward W. James; Throckmorton of England and Virginia, by W. G. Stan- ard ; Slave owners in Princess Anne co., Virginia, by E. W. James ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary college, 1758- 63 ; Will of Philip Honywood, 1684 ; The colonial council of Virginia list of members, by W T . G. Stanard ; Historical notes; The seal of Virginia, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Grace Sherwood, the Virginia witch, by E. W. James ; Talman family ; Lightfoot family, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Peachey family ; Bacon s speech at Green Spring ; Papers from the records of Surry county ; Lamb family ; Notes and queries; Writ of Habeas Corpus; Sir William Thompson, brother of Stevens Thompson, Attorney-General of Virginia, by Kate Mason Rowland ; Captain William .Carver, 1675, by E. W. James; Coats of arms in Virginia; Bruton Church, by Lyon G. Tyler ; The Jameson family, by James M. Bourne ; The public lands (1625) ; Some letters of William Beverley, 1737-44, contributed by Worthington C. Ford ; The Listers of Virginia, by E. W. James ; Old tombstones in Mathews county, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Personal notes from the Maryland Gazette, 1728-1765, by Kate Mason Rowland ; Shield family, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Virginia names spelt one way and called another. . (6851 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. iv. July, 1895-April, 1890. 189G. 8vo, pp. xxv, 289. Contents : Grammar and Mattey Practice and Model School, founded by Mary Whaley in 1706, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Libraries in colonial Virginia, by E. W. James ; Grace Sherwood, the Virginia witch, by E. W. James ; Experience of Elizabeth Digges, 1683, by Kate Mason Rowland; The Thruston family of Vir ginia ; Washington and his neighbors, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Journal of the meet ings of the president and masters of William and Mary College, 1763-68; The Smiths of Virginia, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Captain John Utie, of Utimarla ; Shield family ; Some of the early marriage licenses of Orange county, 1753-1776, by A. G. Grinnan; Descendants of John Camm, by Lyon G. Tyler; John Casper Stoever, sr., by A. G. Grinnan ; William Bradford copy of the verses left by him for his children ; Quaint inscription marking the tomb of Richard Brooke, Whitchurch, Southampton, England; Historical and genealogical notes; Thorn ton family, by W. G. Stanard; Original letters, 1777-1802; Isle of WMght county Papers relating to Bacon s rebellion ; , New Kent county firing of the court-house, 1787; Marriage bonds in Middlesex county clerk s office; Old tomb stones in Charles City county, by L. G. Tyler ; Descendants of Henry Randolph ; Throckmorton family ; Title of Westover, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Coats-of-arms in Virginia; Early records of Charles City county, 1655-1661; Letters extracted from the county record books ; Indian affairs in Lancaster county [extracted from the Order Books] ; Northumberland county, list of the burgesses from the County Levy ; Commission of Warwick county, 1647 ; Commission of Nanse- 936 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. mond county, 1646 ; The Stracheys of Sutton Court ; The oldest tombstone ; Starke s free school and " Justice of the Peace ;" Original records of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1776-1781 ; William Short, President of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1778-1781; The first collegiate medals in the United States; The first chair of law and police ; The Blackburns of " Ripon Lodge ;" The Starke family ; James Monroe, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Descendants of John Camm. (6852 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. v. July, 1896-April, 1897. Richmond, Va., 1897. 8vo, pp. xxxi, 282. Contents : Timson family ; Strachey of Sutton Court ; Metcalfe families ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary Col lege, 1768 ; Marriage bonds at Warsaw, Richmond county ; Providence Forge ; Shield family ; Willis family ; Bickley or Beckley family, by Wm. Bledwyn Powell ; The Dandridges of Virginia, by Wilson Miles Cary ; A servant girl in Virginia, 1649 ; A London merchant to his brother in Virginia, 1644 ; Horatio Woodhouse, by Edward W. James ; The Thruston family of Virginia ; Maryland notes, by Henry H. Goldsborough ; Smiths of Virginia ; Throckmor- ton charts, 1 and 2 ; Starke family ; Elizabeth City county records, marriage licenses, 1698-1702; Thornton family, by W, G. Stanard ; Selden family; Bernard family ; Old tombstones in New Kent county, by Lyon G. Tyler ; The Indians of Northampton county, letter from Wm. Berkeley, 1650 ; Jameson family ; The county committees of 1774-75 in Virginia, by Charles Washing ton Coleman ; Hubard family; William Claiborne, jr. certificate of loyalty, 1677; Brickmaking in Goochland, 1786; Shoemaking in Gooehland, 1736; Gooch family ; Free schools in Isle of Wight county ; Will of Elizabeth Stith, 1774 ; Early letter from Francis Wheeler, of London, to his father in Vir ginia, 1659 ; Bickley family, by Washington Bleddyn Powell ; Dudley Digges ; Vice-Admiralty Court, 170J ; The Ohio company, by Thomas H. Ellis ; William Nimmo, of Williamsburg, by Thomas H. Ellis; Burgesses in 1692-3 journal of the House of Burgesses begun at James City March 2, 1692-3 ; Letters William Nelson to Edward Hunt, 1771 ; Richard Bland to Thomas Adams, with notes, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Genealogy of the Adams family of New Kent and Henrico counties, Va., by C. W. Coleman ; Norborne, Baron De Botetourt, Governor-General of Virginia, 1768-1770, by Charles W. Coleman ; Willis family, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Cole family ; Old places in Surry county ; Descend ants of Rev. Rowland Jones, first rector of Bruton Parish, Va., by Wilson Miles Cary; A list of parishes and the ministers in__tUem, 1774; The lineage of George Ruggle, by Henry Stoddard Ruggl>s ; David Mossom and Daniel Tay lor ; Education in colonial Virginia, Pt. 1, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Old Blandford tombstones, by C. G. Chamberlayne ; Personal notices from the Virginia Gazette, 1736-9 ; Starke family of Hanover county ; Burgesses of Lancaster county, 1651-1740 ; Christian family ; Rules of Lancaster court in 1671 ; Political prisoners in Virginia, 1716 ; Letters to Tom Pecke, of James City county, 1659 ; Convicts in Pennsylvania, 1751 ; Davenport family ; Eppes Ballard Hardy- man Burton Binford, &c. ; Virginians at St. John s college, Annapolis, Md., 1793-94 ; Letter from Th. Jefferson, introducing Lucy Paradise, 1788. (6853 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. vi. July, 1897-April, 1898. Richmond, Va., 1898. 8vo, pp. xxi, 271. Contents : Education in colonial Virginia, Pt. n ; Virginians voting in the colonial period, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Thruston family ; Old Blandford tombstones ; Willis family ; Edlow, Bowler, Cocke, and Adams ; Armistead family ; Macon family ; Jerdone family ; William and Mary College in the Revolution ; William and Mary College its antiquities; Libraries in colonial Virginia; Genealogy of the Smith family of J2gsex county, Virginia, by C. W. Coleman ; Thornton family ; Historical and genfca logical notes Gen. Posey, Thornton, Adams, etc. ; Education in colonial Virginia^PJ- m ; Charles Sayer s account at college, 1763; Abstracts from Pittsylvania county marriage bonds, 1767-78, by E. W. James; Letter from Mungo Ingles ; The cavalier emigration ; Mathevvs family ; Howard, Wood, Baker, Gilmer ; Marriage bonds in Lancaster county, 1717-1747; The gene alogy of J. E. B. Stuart and of his collateral relations on his mother s side Pannill, Strother, Banks, Bruce, etc., by David H. Pannill ; Record of Wm. Madison s family, by A. G. Grinnan ; Sale of a negro, 1678 ; Servants protected, 1675 ; Smoking forbidden during the court, 1680 ; Execution of an Indian, 1659 ; Brownes of James City county ; Berkeley manuscripts ; Letter of Ralph Worme- WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. 937 ley giving an account of his family, 179. r >; Marriage records from Ralph Wormeley s Bible ; Library of Col. William Fleming ; Education in colonial Vir ginia, Ft. iv ; Students in 1754 at William and Mary college ; Accounts of salaries in 1770 ; Committee of safety of Isle of Wight, by R. S. Thomas ; In dian slaves, 1659; Obituary of Thomas Dawson, 1761; List of southern gradu ates of the University of Pennsylvania, 1757-1783 ; Virginia graduates at Princeton, 1749-1782; At Columbia College, N. Y., previous to 1783; Southern students at Harvard College ; Schools in Warwick county, by E. W. Jones ; The northern neck of Virginia ; Selden family ; Hubard family ; County committee of Caroline, 1774 ; Letters of George Hume of Virginia, 1723. (6854 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. vn. July, 1898-April, 1899. Richmond, Va., 1899. 8vo, pp. xxviil, 315. Contents : Eduction in colonial Virginia, Pts. v and vi ; Old Virginia editors ; Armistead families ; Nelson letter book, 1770-1773 ; The Ultra Montane expedi tion ; Marriage bonds at Lawrenceville, Brunswick county, Va. ; Harrison-Goos- ley-McCaw ; Prices during the Revolution, by R. S. Thomas ; LaFayette at the College, 1824 ; A Virginia hero, Alexander Macaulay, Jr. ; Letter of Col. Na thaniel Burwell, 1718 ; The Tabb family ; Selden family ; Lamb family ; Abstracts from Pittsylvania county marriage bonds, 1779 ; Ashton family ; A list of graduates of Harvard who were tories in the American Revo lution, residing in Massachusetts, by R. S. Thomas ; Letter of Ralph Wormeley, Jr., of Rosegill, 1783 ; Berkeley manuscripts ; Old tombstones in Westmoreland county ; Marriage bonds in Goochland county, 173984 ; Tombstones at Hill s farm, in Accomac county, by Margaret Seymour Hall ; Maclin family ; A letter from Virginia, 1658 ; Convict emigrants to New England, by E. W. James ; Conquerors of the Northwest pay roll of Capt. Edward Worthington s company of cavalry, stationed at the Illinois, 1778-9 ; The Randolph family, by W. G. Stanard ; Gov. Gooch s message concerning the college, 1745 ; Diary of John Blair, 1751 ; Rev. Samuel Henley ; Family of John Hunter, of Hampton ; John Davis travels in America during 1798-99, 1800, 1801, 1802; Papers relating to the founding of the College; The Indian war of 1676 ; Churchill family ; Bible record of Scarburgh family ; Marriage bonds in Middlesex county, 1759-1803 ; Seawell family ; Isle of Wight county records ; Historical sketch ; A list of persons massacred in Isle of Wight by the Indians in 1622 at Bennett s plantation and " Basse s Choice ; " Census of people in 1624 and 1625 ; List of patents in 1626 ; Abstracts of important deeds, wills, and orders on record in Clerk s office of Isle of Wight county ; Records of Isle of Wight during the Revolution; Land grants in Isle of Wight, 1626-1676; Supplementary records ; Officers of Isle of Wight county : Members of House of Burgesses, 1619 to 1775 ; Members of state conventions, 1775-1788 ; Clerks of county court, 1645-1887. (6855 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Yol. VIIL July, 1899-April, 1900. Richmond, Va., 1900. 8vo, pp. xv, 279, 167. Contents : Diary of John Blair, 1751 ; Libraries in colonial Virginia ; Letter of Thomas Griffith, 1655 ; Col. Gerard Fowke and the Indians ; Isaac Allerton* and the Indians, 1656 ; The Indian war, 1676 ; Personal notices from the " Virginia Gazette," 1767-9 ; Tithables in King William Parish, 1735 ; Polls in Westmoreland county for election of Burgesses, 1744-1761 ; Princeton s debt to William and Mary ; Arrest of John Carter, the cavalier, 1659 ; Charles Sted- man, by E. W. James ; Mary Eland s death letter of Henry Lee, 1764 ; Hung for negro murder, 1739; Colonial roads and wheeled vehicles; Early tombstones in Northumberland county ; Churchill family ; Will of John Thruston, Chamber lain of Bristol, 1674 ; Seawell family ; Armistead family ; Christian family ; Facts from " Southern Side Lights." by E. W. James ; Tobacco smoking in Vir ginia ; Tricks of merchants ; Letters of Hume family, 1743-59 ; Marriage bonds In Goochland county, 81- 87 ; Daingerfleld family ; Captain John Rogers of Caroline, 1776-1782 ; Chiles family ; Carr family ; Bible records of Fox, Crawley, and Kenner families ; Allen family of Surry county ; Tombstones at Claremont, Surry county ; The oldest brick house ; Glimpses of old college life, 1790-1841 ; Census of tithables in Surry county in the year 1668 ; Indian slaves ; Justices for Surry county, 1652 ; Accounts of the College, 1694-1697 ; Francis Fau- quier s will, 1767 ; Inscriptions from various tombstones in Dinwiddie, Chester field, Henrico, and New Kent counties, Va., by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne ; 938 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Sir Thomas Lunsford, Personal notices from the Virginia Gazette, 17691770 ; Will of Orlando Jones ; Marriage bonds in Charles City county ; Minor family ; Colliers of York county ; Lawyers of the seventeenth century ; Library of Southey Littleton, 1679-80 ; Dr. Franklin s parable against persecution ; Librarj .of George Hacke, 1665 ; Old letters of the seventeenth century ; Letter of William H. Cabell and John Camm, 1805 ; Some Minors in Virginia, by B. B. Minor; Jameson family; Hope family of Virginia; Gait family of Williamsburg ; Alexander family; Supplement: The Goodwin families in America, by John S. Goodwin. Addendum by Lyon G. Tyler ; Index. (6856 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. ix. July, 1900-April, 1901. Richmond, Va., 1901. 8vo, pp. xxii, 277. Contents : Bacon s rebellion, Eggleston Mss. ; Patents issued during the regal government, James City county ; Glimpses of old college life letters of John Brown, 1779-80 ; Two dinner parties, 1854, 1861 ; Inscriptions on old tomb stones in Westmoreland and Northumberland counties ; Docket of causes, West moreland county. 1796 ; Carter ancestry ; Chart pedigree of Madison family ; Churchill family ; Families of Smith ; Christian family ; Minor family ; Alex ander family ; Some Minors in Virginia ; Old Kecoughtan, or Elizabeth City county ; First settler in the valley Adam Miller ; Ttfe National University ; St. Memin collection of portraits list of Virginians engraved by him ; Goronwy Owen, the Welsh poet who died in Virginia, and his descendants ; Library of William Key, 1764 ; Inscriptions from tombstones in King and Queen, West moreland, Hanover, and Albemarle counties ; Marriage bonds in Lunenburg court-house ; Some extracts from the records of York county, 16771705 ; Ran dolph family, by W. G. Stanard ; Collier family; Kenner family; Daingerfield family ; Family of John Eager Howard ; Lewis of Warner Hall ; Society of the Cincinnati ; Two tragical events : The seafight of Capt. Anthony Chester, 1621 ; The Indian massacre, 1622, with notes about the Thorpe family ; Brunswick county and Fort Christiana ; Unpublished letters, 1716-1752, at Fullham, in the library of the Bishop of London ; Charles City county patents ; Origin of the name of Newport News ; Fort on Yeocomico river, 1667 ; Personal notices from the Virginia Gazette, 1772; Miscellaneous notes; The Christians of Miln- town, in the Isle of Mann, and Ewanrigg Hall, in Cumberland ; Armistead Churchill and his descendants ; Woodson family ; Talbot family ; Lewis family of Warner Hall ; Robert Brooke copy of a letter from J. L. Chester ; Catalogue of manuscripts, by George F. Tudor Sherwood. (6857 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. x. July, 1901-April, 1902. Richmond, Va., 1902. 8vo, pp. xx, 284. Contents : Werowocomoco situation of the place ; Missouri compromise le ters to James Barbour, senator of Virginia in the U. S. Congress; Charles Cit county land grants ; Colonial attorney-generals of Virginia ; A chapter from a Puritan writer ; Jamestown island in 1861, by E. T. D. Myers ; Armistead Churchill and his descendants ; Woodson family ; Lewis family, of Warner Hall ; Clapton family ; Wyatt or Wiatt families ; Talbot notes, by Mrs. Robert B. Clay- tor ; Smith notes by Mrs. Robert B. Claytor ; Alexander family ; The building of Williamsburg ; Patents issued during the regal government James City county ; Weyanoke and Westover, by William Dunlap ; Letter of John Banister, of Petersburg, to Robert Boiling, 1755 ; Inscriptions on some old tombstones, by Joseph Lyon Miller; Will of Benjamin Harrison, of Surry county, 1711; Sol diers of the Revolution by the name of Mitchell ; Family records : Bible of Sarah Washington, Manson family, Bible record of Martin family, Bible of Carr Waller, Note book of Isaac Hite, jr., Bible record of James Maury and Walker Maury, Bible of Alexander Craig, Bible of Snead family. Gissage and Bickley families; Memoranda made by Thomas R. Joynes on a journey to the states of Ohio and Kentucky, 1810 ; Extracts from the Proceedings of the Council, relating to the building of the capitol in Williamsburg, 1702-4 ; List of colonial attorney- generals ; List of the colonial secretaries ; Sketches of the secretaries of the colony of Virginia ; David Wickliffe (first child born of Protestant parents in the state of Maryland); Punishment for a negro rebel. 1688; Some of the Meads, by G. C. Callahan ; Notes from colonial papers, America and West Indies, 1685-88 ; Harwood of King and Queen county ; Letter of Edmund Pendleton, 1791 ; Historical and genealogical notes : Hickman, Walker-Tucker, Marshall family ; Yorktown in 1854 ; A catalogue of books in the library of WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. 939 Robert Carter at Nomini Hall ; William and Mary College in 1858, by Win. 11. Garrett ; Sale of a colonial church, by Andrew G. Grinnan ; Fry family ; Ran sone family ; Bacon family ; Bugg family ; Dixon. (858 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. XT. July, 1002-April, 1903. Richmond, Va., 1903. 8vo, pp. xx, 286. Contents : A diary kept by Robert Wellford, of Fredericksburg, during the march of the Virginia troops to Fort Pitt to suppress the Whiskey Insurrection ; The Eaton free school, 1659 ; A catalogue of books in the library of Robert Carter at Nomini Hall; Proceedings in York county court, 1661; Lewis family; Hardy- man family ; Woodson family ; Willcox family ; Hamlin family ; Alexander family ; Clopton family ; Extracts from the records of Surry county ; Patents issued during the regal government James City county ; President Thomas Dawson s ordina tion as deacon, 1740; Personal notices from the "Virginia Gazette" for 1776 and 1777 : Journal of James Gordon, of Lancaster county, Va., 1758-61 ; Let ters of William Sherwood to Joseph Williamson, 1671-2 ; Proprietors of lots - in Williamsburg in 1783 ; Occaneechee island ; Early tombs in Westmoreland, Richmond, and Northumberland county, by G. W. Beale ; Hicks family ; Family account of Lucy Ann Page, late of Gloucester county, Va. ; Ball, Cuppage, and Dameron, of Northumberland county, Va. ; Whitehead family deeds ; Marriage bonds in Prince Edward county clerk s office, 1780-1850 ; An Irish estate Burke or Bourke family ; Armistead family ; Tombstones of the Scarlett family ; Tomb stone of Martha Martin ; Finances of the College in 1755-1765 ; Letter-book of Francis Jerdone (1746-1756) ; State of Virginia, told in a letter of Governor Nicholson to the Board of Trade, Feb. 4, 1690; Old letters from Virginia county records, 1652, 1705 ; The walls of the College their antiquity ; Journal of Alexander Macaulay, 1783 ; Notes on Lee, Heath, Miller, Martin, and Guerrant, by James A. Leach ; Eustace family ; Brooke family ; William Burton, of Chariton county, Mo. ; Sketch of Elisha Parmele, by R. A. Brock ; A servant in England to his master in Virginia, 1642 ; Merchants and mills in Northern Neck about the time of the Revolution from the letter-book of Robert Carter ; Quakers : Council order in regard to ; Alexander family in England ; Munford wills, 1786, 1799 ; Bible records of Russell, Ilarwood, and Howard families ; Will of John Gregory, jr., 1776. with an account of Gregory family; Sussex- county marriage bonds, 1754-1762 ; Gaskins family ; Some early marriages In Bedford county, Va. ; Some of the descendants of William Robinson, of Spotsyl- vania, by Elizabeth M. Robinson. (G859 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. xn. July, 1903-April, 1904. Richmond, Va., 1904. 8vo, pp. 21, 274. Contents : Journal of Col. James Gordon, 1763 ; Sussex county marriage bonds ; Patents issued during the regal government, James City county ; Kings- mill plantation, 1781 ; Personal notices from the " Virginia Gazette," 1779 ; Family record of the Southall, Macaulay, Jerdone, Bright, and Macon families ; Wiatt family ; Fleming family ; Old letters of the Revolution ; How the plant ers from Virginia saved the Plymouth colony ; Extracts relating to Virginia from Winthrop s " History of New England ; " Woodhouse Merivvether Bath- urst Skelton Gilliam ; Record of Henry Brown and Alice Beard, 1757 ; Some items from the parish register of St. Martin s-in-the-field, in London, of in terest to descendants of George Reade ; Randolph tablet ; Will of William Daingerfield, 1776; "Virginia Gazette " extracts, 1751-2; Correspondence of Judge Tucker, 1833-7 ; Marriage bonds in Lancaster county, 1721-97 ; Family records of Anderson, Pate, Tyler, Graves, and Mouring families ; Will of Rich ard Taliaferro, 1775; George Wythe s gift, 1787; Dandridge family; Reynolds and Rogers ; Taylor family ; Letters of Stephen Fouace, 1704-1710 ; Bridge over Powhatan swamp in James City county, 1670 ; Correspondence of Presi dent Tyler, 1841-3 ; Tombstones in Middlesex county ; Bounds of Marston Parish, York county, 1654 ; Obituary of Joanna Bouldin, 1845 ; Col. Nathaniel Pope and his descendants, by G. W. Beale ; Journal of Cuthbert Powell, 1796 ; Reso lutions of Loudoun county in 1774; Sarah Hallam, the actress; Jerman Baker to Duncan Rose, 1764 ; History of the Dade family ; Armistead wills, 1714, 1726; Marriage bonds in Fairfax, 1759-1790; Selden family; Visit of Wil liam Barton Rogers to Williamsburg. 1859; Pinkard family; Conway family; Descendants of Francis Gray ; Letter regarding Armistead Smith. (686O 940 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. xm. July, 1904-April, 1905. \Villiamsburg. 8vo, pp. 294. Portrait. Plate. Contents : Correspondence of President John Tyler ; Letter on religious free dom, 1843 ; Extracts from the Virginia Gazette, 1752 ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary College, 1768-9 ; Marriage bonds at Oxford, Granville Co., North Carolina ; Family records of the McAdam and Broun families, of Northumberland Co., Va., by Thomas L. Brown ; A few abstracts from the will books at Annapolis, Maryland ; Revolutionary soldiers of Berkeley county, W. Va. ; Meade family history, by David Meade ; Extracts from the diary of Col. Landon Carter, 1770-1 ; Journal of Cuthbert Powell, 1796-1801 ; The old capitol memorial tablet unveiled on the site of the capitol ; Bible records of the Throckmorton and Philips families ; Jameson Ellegood Parker ; Chisman Bible records ; Book notices ; Correspondence of James Mc- Henry, 1796-9; Letters of William T. Barry, 1803-4; Patents issued during the regal government ; The Tabb family ; Marriages, births, and deaths in Richmond county ; Will of William Sherwood, of Jamestown, 1G97 ; Will of Ann Temple, 1781 ; Virginia s contribution to the confederacy ; York county court-house ; Genealogical notes ; Will of John Washington, 16978 ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary College, 1769-71 ; Diary of Col. Landon Carter some extracts, 1771-2 ; Mercer land book ; Tabb family ; Records of the Waller family, communicated by Robert Page Waller ; Wallace family, by Emily Macrae ; Marriages, births, and deaths in Richmond county ; President John Bradshaw s epitaph ; Waynesboro, Virginia, by F. P. Leaven worth ; Massie family ; Lynch law ; Extracts from the Virginia Gazette of August 27, 1756 ; Notes and queries ; Book reviews ; Peter Fran cisco, the American soldier ; Diary of Col. Landon Carter ; William Gregory s journal, from Fredericksburg, Va., to Philadelphia, 30th of September, 1765, to 16th of October, 1765 ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary College ; Letters of William T. Barry, 1815, 1829 ; Will of Col. Robert Armistead, 1771; The Yorktown- Washington mulberry tree; Record of the Peaked Mountain Church, Rockingham county, Va., edited by Wm. J. Hinke and Charles E. Kemper ; Wyche family ; Light-house at Cape Henry; Fairfax family; Petition of William Carter (1784) ; Muscoe-Livingston- Langley ; Terrill family ; Petition for charter for Liberty Hall Academy ; Bray family ; Tabb family ; Boundary of Maryland ; Humphrey Pope and his descendants ; Bayne family ; Jamieson-Ellegood-Parker ; Notes and queries ; Book reviews. (6861-6863 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. xiv, No. 1. July, 1905. 8vo, pp. 70. Contents : Notes from Albemarle parish register, Sussex county, Va. ; Letters regarding Peter Francisco ; Record of the Peaked Mountain Church, Rockingham county, Va., edited by Wm. J. Hinke and Charles E. Kemper ; Letters of William T. Barry, 1830-31 ; Quakers petition, 1738 ; Journal of the meetings of the president and masters of William and Mary College, 1772-1774 ; Bible record of Josiah M. Jordan, of Prince George county ; Will of William Broadribb, of James City Co., Va., 1703 ; Diary of Col. Langdon Carter, 1772, 1774 ; Extracts from diary of Charles Copland, communicated by Anna Mellissa Graves ; Tabb family ; Bray family ; Brodnax family ; Wyche family ; Meaning of some Indian names in Virginia, by William Wallace Tooker ; Historical and genealogical notes. (6S64 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. xiv, No. 2. October, 1905. 8vo, pp. 71-140. Contents : Early courses and professors at William and Mary College extract from an address, by Lyon G. Tyler ; Henry s map of Virginia in 1770 ; Descrip tion of Virginia commerce (1783); Emigration from Virginia to the west, J. Watkins to Nathaniel Massie, 1796; Emigration from Virginia to North Caro lina and the other southern colonies letter of James Maury to Philip Ludwell (about 1756) ; Several early physicians ; Early letters regarding Virginia ; Wyche family ; Peter Francisco and his descendants ; Walker-Field-Wilson-Pescud fam ilies ; Will of Richard Ambler, of Yorktown, 1765 ; Ransom family ; Bible records of Camm family, communicated by Ellen T. H. Minor ; Kennon family ; Brodnax family ; Historical and genealogical notes. (6865 WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 941 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Supplement. The Goodwin families in America. By John Samuel Goodwin. Richmond. [1897.] 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. iv, 200. Diagram. (William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. Vol. vr, No. 2, October, 1897.) (6866 WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE. Genealogical and patriotic data in first seven- and-a-half volumes of the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine. July, 1892, to October, 1899, inclusive. [Williamsburg? 1899?] Svo, pp. [3]-8. [With William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Maga zine. [Williamsburg] 1900. Vol. vm]. Caption title. ,. (6867 WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tacoma, Wash. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Washington Historical Magazine. A record of State history. Published by the State Historical Society. Vol. i, October 1893. No. 1. Tacoma, 1893. 8vo. (6868 WASHINGTON STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Washington Historian. A record of state history with illustrations. Published quarterly by the Society. Tacoma. Vol. i. September, 1899- July, 1900. 8vo, pp. 201. Contents : The Washington State Historical Society, its aims and purposes ; The life of Arthur A. Denny, by \Vm. P. Prosser, with autobiography ; The founding of the state of Washington, by A. A. Denny ; Reminiscences of early days in Washington, by W. H. Tappan ; Early exploring expeditions on the northwest coast, by J. T. A. Bulfinch ; The birth of the republican party in Washington ; The Society short history, by E. N. Fuller ; Life, character, and public service of Elwood Evans, by James Wickersham ; Founding of Seattle and Indian war, by E. I. Denny ; Roughing it on Puget Sound in the early sixties, by Allen Weir ; Annual address of the president, 1899 ; Washington pioneers who died during 1899, by Edward N. Fuller ; Life and public services of Granville O. Haller, by Theodore N. Haller ; Extracts from the diary of A. V. Kautz, 1853; Grand Army of the Republic, by M. M. Holmes; Washing ton State necrology, Jan.-Mar., 1900 ; Life and character of A. M. Cannon, by Henry Leland ; The first book written in the state of Washington, (1842), with a biographical sketch of its author, Elkanah Walker, by Myron Eels ; Steptoe s Indian battle in 1858, by George F. Canis ; Passing of the pioneers, by Edward N. Fuller ; Puget Sound pioneer vessels. (6869 Vol. ii. October, 1900-July, 1901. Svo, pp. 211. Contents : Biographical sketch of Theodore Hosmer, by Edward N. Fuller ; Diary of A. V. Kautz, 1853 ; The Constitutional Convention of 1878, by Lyman B. Andrews ; Sketch of the life of Charles Post Culver, by Cecilia E. Culver ; A biography of Roderick Finlayson ; Success of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, by E. S. Meany ; Colonel Wright s campaign conquest of eastern Washington by U. S. troops ; Annual meeting of the Society ; Washington state pioneer necrology, by Edward N. Fuller; Raminiscences of the survey of Puget Sound and of the establishment of the Puget Sound naval station, by A. B. Wyckoff ; Rev. Asa Bowen Smith, the biography of a missionary, by Myron Eells ; Early experiences on the northwest coast, by J. T. A. Bulfinch ; Taking the census in 1853, by IT. E. Hicks ; Across the plains in 1853, by D. B. Ward ; The Washington Soldiers Home, by M. M. Holmes ; Olympia, the capital of the State of Washington, by Allen Weir ; Reminiscences of the Indian war of 1855, narrow escape of Seattle from destruction, by Abbie J. Hanford ; Perrin B. W hitman ; A Whidby Island tragedy, by Mrs. Richard B. Hassell ; The Indian council at Walla Walla in May and June, 1855 a journal by Lawrence Kip ; Walter Washington De Lacy, a pioneer of pioneers ; Historical sketches of Yakima county, by Frank S. Farquhar ; Bellingham Bay settlements, by Pearl- lita C. Stadelmann. (687O 942 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seattle, Wash. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Incorporated January 1st, 1903. Articles of incorporation. By-laws, Officers. Seattle. [1903.] 16mo. (6871 TRANS ALLEGHENY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Morgantown, W. Va. TRANSALLEGHENY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In 1901 the West Virginia Historical Society was revived under the name Transallegheny Historical Society. (6872 TRANSALLEGHENY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Transallegheny Historical Maga- .zine. Vol. i. Published by the Transallegheny Historical Society. Mor- gantown, W. Va. [1901-02.] Hu Maxwell, R. E. Fast, Boyd Crumrine, editors. 8vo, pp. 302, xix. Illustrations. Contents : Early education in western Virginia, by M. C. Lough ; Pioneer set tlements on the western waters, [Monongalia co.] by R. E. Fast; Isaac Van Meter s journal, 1801 ; West Virginia a century ago, by Hu Maxwell ; Bibliogra phy ; The educational needs of Appalachia, by W. J. Holland ; List of the mem bers of .the West Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1872 ; Retreat of Gen. Robert S. Garnett, by Hu Maxwell ; The last survivor of the Battle of Point Pleasant, by Hu Maxwell ; An old letter dated Palatine Hill, Va., April 10, 1842 ; Pioneers in Monongalia county, by Hu Maxwell ; Editorial notes and miscellany. (6873 TRANSALLEGHENY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Transallegheny Historical Magazine. Vol. ii, No. 1. October, 1902. Morgantown, W. Va. 8vo, pp. 72. Contents : Pioneer settlements on the western waters (conclusion of the list of homesteads in Monongalia county) ; The Merrimac-Monitor Battle, by St. George Tucker Brooke ; Point Pleasant, by D. A. M Culloch ; Early marriage licenses in Monongalia county, 1794-1802 ; Early orchards in West Virginia, by Hu Maxwell. No more published. (6874 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Morgantown, W. Va. WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws. Organized December 30, 1869. Morgantown, 1870. 8vo, pp. 8. Circular. Broadside. (6875 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings. Vol. i, part i. Morgantown, 1871. 8vo, pp. 150. Contents : Preliminary meetings, September 30, December 30, 1869 ; Constitu tion ; By-laws ; Geological survey of West Virginia, by J. J. Stevenson ; Meeting, February 9, 1870 ; .Report of committee to present memorial on geological survey to the legislature; Historical studies and historical societies, by A. Martin; "Annals of the Pan Handle," by W. K. Pendleton ; First annual meeting, June 15, 1870 ; Historical and descriptive notice of the Berkeley Springs, by D. H. Strother ; Second annual meeting, June 14, 1871 ; Geographical history of Monon galia County, W, Va., by W. T. Willey ; Appendix. (6876 WEST A T IRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A brief history of the soldiers medals issued by the State of West Virginia as " tokens of respect " to those of her citizens who served in the Army of the United States from 1861 to 1865. By WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 943 Horace Edwin Hayden. Paper read before the Historical Society of West Virginia, June 10, 1879. Wilkesbarre, 1881. 8vo, pp. 17. Plate. (6877 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Charleston, W. Va. WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Has no connection with the West Virginia Historical Society that flourished from 1869-1884 at the West Virginia University. (6878 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An appeal to the legis lature of West Virginia, in behalf of the officers and members of the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, for aid in carrying out the objects of its creation, by Virgil A. Lewis, its secretary. Published by the Society. Charleston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 9. (687J) WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The West Virginia His torical and Antiquarian Society. An historical sketch of its origin and progress. With its constitution, by-laws, rules, etc. Published by the Society. Charleston, 1891. 8vo, pp. 20. (688O WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. An address of the ex ecutive board to the friends and patrons of the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. [Charleston, 1892.] 8vo, pp. [2]-23. On cover : No. 3. Series 1. " Necrology " : pp. 15-23. (6881 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Third annual report of the secretary. Charleston, 1892. 8vo, pp. 15. (6882 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. History and mystery of the Kanawha Valley. A paper read before the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, by Dr. ,T. P. Hale, president, January 19th, 1897. Published by the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. Charleston, 1897. 8vo, pp. IS. Front. (6883 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Proceedings of eighth annual meeting, 1898. 8vo, pp. 17. (6884 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Some local archaeology. A paper read before the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, by Dr. J. P. Hale, president. January 18th, 1898. Published by the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. Charleston, 1898. 8vo, pp. 14, including plan. (68Sf WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Constitution and by laws of the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society. Charleston, 1899. 8vo, pp. 9. (6886 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Minutes of ninth annual meeting. Address of president. Report of secretary. 1899. 8vo, pp. 47. Contents : Scraps of history, tradition and facts relating to the lower Shenan- doah Valley and especially to the Eastern Pan-handle of West Virginia. (6887 944 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Minutes of tenth an imal meeting. Address of W. S. Laidley. Report of secretary. 1900. Charleston. Svo, pp.. 45. Contents : The first settlement in West Virginia, by W. S. Laidley. (6888 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. West Virginia Historical Magazine, Quarterly. Vol. i. January-October, 1901. Charleston, W. Va. Vol. i, No. 1. January, 1001. pp. 68. Contents : A sketch, descriptive and historical, of Charleston, the capital of West Virginia, by J. P. Hale ; Primitive Charleston ; The State seals, by James C. McGrevv ; The final crisis in our struggle for statehood, by Waitman T. Wil- ley ; The Inventor of the steamboat, [James Rumsey] by Daniel B. Lucas; Bio graphical sketch of John Laidley ; First settlers of West Virginia ; Visit to George Washington extracts from diary of an English gentleman, Nov r, 1785 ; Battle of Scary, by Lev! Welch ; Rumsey vs. Fulton, by J. P. Hale. Vol. i, No. 2. April, 1901. pp. 86. Contents : Historical and descriptive sketch of the Great Kanawha and New River Valleys, from Point Pleasant to Hinton, by J. P. Hale ; West Virginia s birthday, by W. S. Laidley ; The Ruffners, by Wm. Henry Ruffner ; Interesting incidents in the experiences of an old Kanawha citizen during the Civil War, by W. B. Brooks ; Personnel of the several state administrations since the forma tion of the state ; Major James Grant Laidley, by Alvaro F. Gibbens ; History of the Great Kanawha river slack water improvement, by J. P. Hale ; The West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society : Minutes and reports. Vol. i, No. 3. July, 1901. pp. 69. Contents : The West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society an appeal to the public ; Pre-historic Kanawha Valley, by John P. Hale ; The oldest town in West Virginia, by W. S. Laidley; The Ruffners n, Joseph, by W. H. Ruffner; Sword of Washington and staff of Franklin proceedings and speeches in House of Representatives upon the presentation, 1843. A brief sketch of the late Col. Andrew Donnally, by Miriam Welch Donnally ; Henry McWhorter, by L. V. Mc- Whorter ; An antique and very strange epitaph. Vol. i, No. 4. October, 1901. pp. 72. Contents : West end of West Virginia, by W. S. Laidley ; A Revolutionary hero, by G. L. Cranmer ; The Ruffners, by W. H. Ruffner ; The Rutherfords, by Mary Louise Conrade and W. P. Craighill ; Stone Pipe, by L. V. McWhorter ; The tables turned a true incident of Civil War, by Joseph Ruffner ; The whipping post of Kanawha county, by Tom. Swinburn. (6889 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. W T est Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly. Vol. n. Charleston, W. Va. January-October, 1902. 8vo. Vol. n, No. 1. January, 1902. pp. 78. Contents : Augusta county court, 1745, by W. S. Laidley ; The Fairfax stone, by Joseph Lyon Miller ; One hundred and twenty-seventh anniversary of the Battle of Point Pleasant the first battle of the Revolution, Oct. 10. 1774; Isaac Williams, by Alvaro F. Gibbens; The Ruffners, by W. H. Ruffner; Hon. Philip Doddridge, of Brooke county, Virginia, by W. S. Laidley ; Round Bottom, Marshall county, by Wm. Burdette Mathews. Vol. ii, No. 2. April, 1902. pp. 87. Contents : A glance at the Van Meter family in the United States of America, by Anna Hunter Van Meter, with addenda, by W. S. Laidley ; Gabriel Jones, " The Lawyer," by R. T. Barton ; Col. David Shepherd, First Lieut. Commandant of Ohio County, Va., by G. L. Cranmer ; The national character of the Battle of Point Pleasant, by Virgil A. Lewis; The Millers and their kin, by Joseph Lyon Miller ; Colonel John Dickinson a sketch contributed by J. T. McAllister ; Judge E. S. Duncan, by Henry Raymond ; Pocahontas county, by W. T. Price. Vol. n, No. 3. July, 1902. pp. 83, (1). Contents : Coal River a poem by Tom Swinburn ; A paper referring to tl march of Braddock s troops from Alexandria to attack Fort Duquesne in and indicating particularly the route of the considerable portion which pas through what is now Jefferson county, W. Va., by Wm. P. Craighill ; The Ruffners, by W. H. Ruffner; The Yates and Aglionby families of Jefferson county, by F. K. Aglionby ; Jacob Warwick, by W. T. Price ; A bit of history WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. 945 a trip from New York to Richmond in 1861, by Wm. II. Edwards ; The Great Kanawha Valley in 1850, by Lewis A. Martin ; Historical sketch of Adam See, esq. ; Kanawha county records. Vol. n, No. 4. October, 1902. pp. 89. Contents: Birthplace of President Andrew Jackson (?), by W. S. Laidley ; Major General Charles Lee, by John D. Sutton ; Kentucky s part in the battle of Point Pleasant, by Louella Kemper Poage ; Thomas Shepherd, by Fanny Shepherd Alien ; William Henry Ruffner, by Anne II. R. Barclay ; Genealogy of Mrs. Virginia Harvie Patrick, by Robert Douglas Roller ; Family history of the Camerons of Virginia, by W. T. Price ; Alexander Campbell, by G. L. Cranmer ; General Index to Vol. i, 1901. (689O WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL, AND ANTIQUARIAN ^SOCIETY. West Virginia Historical Magazine, Quarterly. Vol. in. January-October, 1903. Published by the West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, Charleston, W. Va. 8vo, pp. 318. Vol. in, No. 1. January, 1903. pp. 93. Contents : The frontier counties of West Virginia, by W. S. Laidley ; The Dunmore war, by E. O. Randall ; Records relating to the Van Meter, Dubois, Shepherd, Hite, and allied families, by Samuel Gordon Smyth; Early settle ment of Friends in the Valley of Virginia, by Kirk Brown ; Our Scotch-Irish ancestors, by Joseph L. Miller; A -chronological sketch of Colonel David Shep herd, by Harriet Mclntire Foster ; Rev. James Moore Brown, by Wm. T. Price. Vol. in, No. 2. April, 1903. pp. 99-180. Contents : Jost Hite, pioneer of Shenandoah valley, 1732 ; The Elting and Shepherd families of Maryland and Virginia, by Samuel Gordon Smyth ; Augusta men in the French and Indian war, by J. L. Miller ; Cresap and Logan, by M. Louise Stevenson ; The National Road, by G. L. Cranmer ; Vir ginia soldiers at Fort Pitt, 1783, by O. S. Decker ; Rev. John Clark Bayless, by Louella K. Poage. Vol. in, No. 3. July, 1903. pp. 185-259. Contents : James Rumsey and family, Morrow family, Skiles family, Barns family, and Morris family, by W. S. Laidley ; Col. Moses Shepherd, Lydia Boggs, Gen. Daniel Kruger, by Harriet Mclntyre Foster ; Capture of Generals Crook and Kelley, by W. S. Laidley ; The Van Bibbers, by Mrs. M. W. Don- nally ; Change of calendars, by W. S. Laidley ; Judge Lewis Summers, by Ann I. Ryon ; Large Land owners, Washington as a land owner, Kanawha land books, 1797, Washington a salt maker, by W. S. Laidley ; Students from Vir ginia at Athens, O., by Julia Barber ; Change of names of towns in West Vir ginia, by W. S. Laidley ; Rev. M. D. Dunlap, by W. T. Price. Vol. in, No. 4. October, 1903. pp. 265-318. Contents : Evett s Run, by W. D. Briscoe ; The significance of Scotch-Irish history, by W. T. Price ; The Houstons of Monongalia, by R. R. Sweet ; Ben jamin Houston last will and testament, 1733 ; John Jones, by W. S. Laidley ; Shepherd family items, by J. T. Holmes ; Pioneer settlement of West Virginia, by W. S. Laidley ; Kanawha county records, 17912 ; Deceased members of the society ; Moravian missionaries in Virginia ia 1749. (G891 VEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The West Virginia His torical Magazine, Quarterly. Vol. iv. January-October, 1904. Charleston, W. Va., 1904. 8vo, pp. 330. /ol. iv., No. 1. January, 1904. pp. 75. Contents : Raleigh s lost colony, by W. S. Laidley ; Adam Miller, by W. S. Laidley ; Catarina Beierlin, by W. S. Laidley ; District of West Augusta, by W. S. Laidley ; Pennsylvania boundary and West Augusta court, by R. R. Sweet ; Col. William Crawford ; Major John Hansford, by W. S. Laidley ; Selim the Algerine, by Wm. T. Price ; Early Germans on the Opequon, by S. Gordon Smyth ; Wizzard s Clipp, by W. S. Laidley ; John Duke of Berkeley, by S. G. Smyth ; Hennepin s New discovery, Kanawhas, by W. S. Laidley ; Annals of Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg ; George T. Lyle on the church. Vol. iv, No. 2. April, 1904. pp. 80-180. Contents : The pioneer John Lewis and his family, by Delia Agnes McCul- loch ; Sketch of Andrew Lewis and battle of Point Pleasant, by Eva Grant Maloney ; Extract from the Virginia Convention, 1775, by E. G. M. ; The jour- H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 60 946 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. nal of Col. Chas. Lewis, 1755 ; General Andrew Lewis, by W. S. Laidley ; Samuel Lewis and John D. Lewis and genealogy of Lewis family, by W. S. Laidley ; The Henshaw family, by Valley Virginia Henshaw ; The first white settler in the Valley of the Shenandoah, by Charles E. Kemper ; Annual meeting. Vol. iv, No. 3. July, 1904. pp. 185-255. Contents : Was Adam Miller the first settler west of the Blue Ridge, by W. S. Laidley ; The Clendinens, by Delia A. McCullock ; Major William Clendinen, by Delia A. McCullock ; John Ewing and the Clendenin massacre, by A. E. Ewing ; Col. Thomas Bullitt, by W. S. Laidley ; Duumore patent of 1773, by Mrs. A. I. Ryon ; Edward Hughes, by William Ilansford ; Jan Joosten Van Meteren, by S. Gordon Smythe ; Major William Raymond, by Henry Haymond ; Guerrilla warfare in 1862, by W. T. Fri<?e ; Fincastle, by R. A. Fast ; Publications of the Southern History Association, by W. S. Laidley. Vol. iv, No. 4. October, 1904. pp. 261, 330. Contents : Col. William Crawford, by E. A. Crawford ; Gen. Daniel Morgan, by Delia A. McCullock ; Ensign Edward Ward, by T. L. Rodgers ; James Nourse and St. George s chapel, by W. S. Laidley ; The Teays family of Kanawha, by S. I*. Capehart ; Col. Joseph Lovell, by W. S. Laidley ; Aged denizens of Ka nawha, by G. W. Atkinson ; Jack Neal from papers of Dr. Henry Ruffner with addenda from records, by W. S. Laidley ; Original map of Charleston ; Wood county volunteers 1806; Dennis Callahan, by Henry Ruffner. (6892 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The West Virginia His torical Magazine, Quarterly. Vol. v, No. 1. January, 1905. 8vo, pp. 60. Contents: The Virginia . Society of the Cincinnati, by Delia A. McCullock; Liberty Hall Washington College, by Delia A. McCullock ; Col. James Graham and the Indians, by J. L. Miller ; Parkersburg s beginning ; Charles Town s Academy and its founders, by Wm. P. Craighill ; Thomas Shepherd and Capt. Jas. Glenn, by S. G. Smith ; Coalsmouth, by S. P. Capehart ; Mathew P. Wyatt, by Mrs. L. M. Bowles ; A war-time sociable, by W. T. Price ; Washington s ad vertisement of lands, by J. L. Miller; Anecdotes of Washington. (6893 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. West Virginia Historical Magazine. Vol. v, No. 2. April, 1905. 8vo, pp. (63)-164. Contents : The William Morris family, pioneers of Kanawha Valley, by W. S. Laidley ; Point Pleasant 1749-1905, by Delia A. McCullock ; The Henderson family, by J. L. Miller ; The Stribling and Hereford families of Mercers Bottom, Mason county, West Virginia, by Ellen S. Neale ; Col. John Stuart of Green brier, by Margaret L. Price ; Memorandum, 1798, July 15th, by John Stuart Sketch of Fincastle and why so named, by Eva G. Maloney ; The Prices of Green brier, by E. G. Maloney ; A sketch by Mrs. Wall, of Winchester, of her an cestors ; The Engle family of Shenandoah Valley, by J. M. Engle ; Contents o: the Magazine, January, 1901-April, 1905. Publication suspended. (6894 ^vi s c o isr s i .:rsr . DEUTSCHER HISTORISCHER VERE1N VON WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Wis. DEUTSCHER HISTORISCHER VEREIN VON WISCONSIN. Wisconsin s Deutsch-Ameri- kaner, bis zum Schluss des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von Wilhelm Hens Jensen. Milwaukee, 1900-02. Two volumes. 8vo. Issued under the auspices of the " Deutscher Historischer Verein von Wis consin." Vol. ii by W. Hense-Jensen and Ernest Bruncken. Eine Ilnzahl hochgesinnter Manner trat zusammen, brachte den nbthigei Garantie-Fond auf und organisirte sich unter den Namen " Deutscher Histoi ischer Verein von Wisconsin." Unter seinen Auspizien ist das Buch erschiener OLD SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. 947 LA CROSSE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. La Crosse, Wis. LA CROSSE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wisconsin jubilee ; proceedings of the celebration by the county and city of La Crosse on Wisconsin having achieved fifty years of statehood. La Crosse County Historical Society organized May 28, 1898. Grand celebration held at La Crosse July 4, 1898. La Crosse, Wis. [1898]. 8vo, pp. 56. "Introductory" (pp. 3-7) by R. Calvert, secretary; Continuation" (pp. 8-50) by John Pamperin, chairman of the executive committee. (6896 MILWAUKEE PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Milwaukee, Wis. MILWAUKEE PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Alexander Mitchell. A memorial address, by J. P. McGregor, February 22, 1888. Milwaukee, 1888. 8vo, pp. 15. (6897 OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF 8 AUK COUNTY. Baraboo, Wis. )LD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION OF SAUK COUNTY. Transactions and proceedings of annual reunions, 1872, 74-76, 78-82, 84, 89, 90. 8vo, lii pphs. No title-pages. Bound with Canfleld, W. II. Outline sketches of Sauk County. (6898-99 OLD SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. Milwaukee, Wis. LD SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. A paper on the judicial and legal condition of the Territory of Wisconsin at and after its organization. By A. G. Miller, D. A. J. Upham, and W. A. Prentiss. Read before the Club by Judge Miller, July 4, 1870. Milwaukee, 1870. 8vo, pp. 17. (69OO ,, LD SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. A paper on the number, locality, and times of removal of the Indians of Wisconsin, with appendix containing chronology of Wisconsin. By I. A. Lapbam. Levi Blossom, and G. G. Dous- man, a committee of the Club. Milwaukee, 1870. 8vo, pp. 27. Map. (69O1 LD SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. Address to the Club, by E. Chase, July 4, 1872, on Milwaukee history. Milwaukee, 1872. 8vo, pp. 10. (69Oifi <.D SETTLERS CLUI; OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. Annual address, January 6, 1873, by A. G. Miller. Milwaukee, 1873. 8vo, pp. 14. (6903 , U) SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. Annual address, January 5, 1874, by A. G. Miller. Published by order of the Club. Milwaukee, 1874. 8vo, pp. 11 . (6904 ( .D SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. An historical poem. Milwaukee s early days. By J. S. Burk. Read before the Club, January 5, 1874. Mil waukee, 1874. 8vo, pp. 16. (69O5 948 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OLD SETTLERS CLUB OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY. Annual address [Reminiscences of Milwaukee County], January 5, 1875, by I. A. Lapham. Milwaukee, 1875. 8vo, pp. 10. (69O OLD SETTLERS CLUB. Increase Allen Lapham, LL. D. A biographical sketch read before the Old Settlers Club, Milwaukee, Wis., December 11, 1875, by Samuel S. Sherman. Milwaukee, 1876. 8vo, pp. 80. Front, (portrait). List of Dr. Lapham s publications : pp. 78-80. (69O7 OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY OF LA FAYETTE COUNTY. OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY OF LA FAYETTE COUNTY. Address before the Society, June 3, 1874. By M. M. Strong. From La Fayette County Democrat, June 12, 1874. (69O8 OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY, RACINE COUNTY. OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY, RACINE COUNTY. Historical address before the Society. by C. E. Dyer. Also constitution, by-laws, and list of members. Racine, 1871. 12mo, pp. 84. On the settlement of the different towns in Racine County. (69O8o OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY, RACINE COUNTY. Early days at Racine, Wis. Intended as a response or as emendations to a part of Charles E. Dyer s address be fore the Old Settlers Society. By an outsider. Racine, 1872. 8vo, pp. 23. (6909 PARKMAN CLUB, MILWAUKEE. PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 1. Nicholas Perrot. A Study in Wiscon sin History. Gardner P. Stickney, Cincinnati, 1895. 8vo, pp. 15. (6910 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 2. Exploration of Lake Superior : the voyages of Radisson and Groseilliers. By H. C. Campbell. Milwaukee, 1896. 8vo, pp. 17-35. (6911 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 3. Chevalier Henry de Tonty : his exploits in the valley of the Mississippi. By II. E. Legler. Milwaukee, 1896. 8vo, pp. 37-57. (6912 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 4. The aborigines of the Northwest: a glance into the remote past. By F. T. Terry. Milwaukee, 1896. 8vo, pp. 59-72. (6913 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 5. Jonathan Carver : his travels in the Northwest in 1766-8. By J. G. Gregory. Milwaukee, 1896. 8vo, pp. 73-101. (6914 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 6. Negro slavery in Wisconsin. By John Nelson Davidson. Milwaukee, Wis., 1896. 8vo, pp. 103-131. ( PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 7. Eleazer W T illiams: his forerun himself. By W. W. Wight. Milwaukee. 1896. 8vo, pp. 133-203. Portrait. (691* PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 8. Charles Langlade : first settler of consin. By M. E. Mclntosh. Milwaukee, 1896. 8vo, pp. 205-223. < 691 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 9. The Germans in Wisconsin politics By E. Bruncken. Milwaukee, 1896. 8vo, pp. 225-238. < STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 949 PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 10. The Polanders in Wisconsin. By F. H. Miller. 189G. 8vo, pp. 8. (6919 Nos. 1-10 with title-page and index form. Vol i of the Publications. Mil waukee, 1896. PARKMAN CLUR. Publications. No. 11. Pere Rem Mcnard, the predecessor of Allonez and Marquette in the Lake Superior region. By Henry Colin Camp bell. Milwaukee, 1897. 8vo, pp. 24. (692O PARKMAN CLUB. Publications. No. 12. George Rogers Clark and his Illinois campaign. By D. B. Starkey. 1897. 8vo, pp. 62. (6921 For Nos. 1/5 18, see Appendix. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Madison, W is. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Discourse delivered before the So ciety at its first annual meeting, January 15, 1850, at the cupitol in Madison. By William R. Smith. Madison, 1850. 8vo, pp. 53. (6922 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Address by M. L. Martin before the Society, January 21, 1851. Green Bay, 1851. 12mo, pp. 44. (6923 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Third annual address. Delivered March 1(5, 1852, before the Society. By Lewis N. Wood. Madison, [1852]. 8vo, pp. 17. (6924 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Reports and Collections. Vols. i- xvi. Madison, 1855-1902. 8vo. Sixteen volumes. With Vol. xi the title was changed to Collections. Continuation, see Nos. 6936-6938. CONTENTS. Vol. i. Green Bay in 1726 ; J. Gorrell s Journal ; Green Bay in 1816-17, by J. W. Biddle ; A tour through Wisconsin in 1832, by C. Whittlesey ; Legend of the Winnebagoes, by R. W. Haskins ; Early times in Wisconsin, 1849, by H. A. Tenney ; Calumet County, by T. Cammuck ; Richland County, by I. S. Haseltine ; Wisconsin geographical names, by A. Brunson ; Indian names, by J. Hathaway ; Indian nomenclature of northern Wisconsin, with a sketch of the manners and customs of the Chippewas, by II. Calkins ; Reminiscences of Wisconsin, by A. F. Pratt. 1855. pp. 160. (6925 Vol. n. Early history and condition of Wisconsin, by II. S. Baird ; Early times and events in Wisconsin, by J. II. Lockwood ; Narrative of J. Shaw ; Memoir of T. P. Burnett, by A. Brunson ; Pioneer life in Wisconsin, by D. M. Parkinson; PekatonSca battle controversy, by C. Bracken and P. Parkinson; Strictures upon Ford s History of the Black Hawk War, by P. Parkinson ; Advent of New York Indians into Wisconsin, by A. G. Ellis ; Early history of Kenosha County, by J. Lothrop ; Wisconsin : rise and progress, with notices of Mineral Point and Richland County, by S. Taylor ; Legend of the Red Banks, by C. I). Robinson ; The progress, condition and prospects of Wisconsin, by T. O. Edwards. 1856. pp. 548. (6926 Vol. in. Eulogies on J. G. Percival ; W. A. White; Early Jesuit missionaries In the Northwest, by J. Law ; Indian tribes of Wisconsin, by J. G. Shea ; The Cass manuscripts, translated by C. Whittlesey ; Ancient mounds or tumuli in Crawford county, by A. Brunson ; Antiquities of Wisconsin, by W. Barry ; Recollections of Wisconsin, by A. Grignon ; Reminiscenses of the Northwest, by B. F. H. Witherell ; The Chippewas of Lake Superior, by R. E. Morse : Early history of Kenosha, by M. Frank ; Account of the first settlement of Kenoeha, by W. Mygatt ; Early history of Green County ; Sketch of Whitewater; The "Upper Wisconsin" country, by A. G. Ellis; Sketch of Prescott and Pierce counties, by O. Gibbs, jr., and C. E. Young ; Hudson and its tributary region, by 950 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. T. D. Hall ; New London and the surrounding country, by A. J. Lawson ; Re sources of North-Eastern Wisconsin, by E. B. Quiner ; Wisconsin and her internal navigation ; The Lemonweir river, by D. McBride ; The Baraboo Valley, a dairy region ; Lieut. Gov. Cruzat s message to the Sauks and Foxes ; statistics of Wisconsin public libraries, by L. C. Draper. 1857. pp. vii, 438. (927 A r oi. iv. Origin of the American Indians, by J. Y. Smith ; Recollections of Wis- | consin since 1820, by E. Childs ; Recollections of the early history of northern Wisconsin, by H. S. Baird ; Early history of Wisconsin, by A. Bruuson ; Commer cial history of Milwaukee ; Sketch of the Brothertown Indians, by T. Commuck ; The Stockbridge Indians, by C. Marsh ; Various speeches and papers, by -T. W. Quinney ; Early times in Sheboygan County, by II. Rublee ; Early events in the Fourlake country, by C. B. Chapman ; Northeastern boundary of Wisconsin, by S. F. Vinton and J. D. Doty ; Public-land surveys ; The man-shaped mounds, by , I. A. Lapham ; Death of Tecumseh, by A. Branson, and John T. Kingston ; LaCrosse and Monroe counties, by M. McMillan ; The latitude and longitude of Milwaukee, Prairie du Chien, Racine, and Madison, by .1. D. Graham. 1859. pp. 508. (928 A T ol. v. Reports, 1860-1869 ; Eulogies on J. W. Hunt and L. P. Harvey ; Cana dian documents ; Early days at Prairie du Chien, by W. J. Snelling ; The Winne- bago war of 1827, by T. L. McKenney ; Early reminiscences of Wisconsin, by J. II. Fonda ; Services of Col. Henry Dodge s volunteers in the Black Hawk war ; Reminiscences of Black Hawk and the Black Hawk war ; Early history of education in Wisconsin ; History of school supervision in Wisconsin, by W. C. Whitford ; Life and services of J. D. Doty, by A. G. Ellis ; Reminiscences of Hole-in-the-Day, by J. T. Clark and others ; General Cass at Ste. Marie in 1820. (6929 Vol. vi. Reports, 1869-1872 ; Life of B. F. Hopkins, by D. Atwood ; Memoir of G. D. Elwood, by S. D. Hastings ; Civil life of W. A. Barstow, by E. M. Hunter ; Military services of W. A. Barstow, by E. A. Calkins ; Events in the life of C. Durkee, by M. Frank ; Life of G. Hyer ; The Northwest in 1817, by S. A. Storrow ; Journal of a voyage from St. Louis to the Falls of St. Anthony, 1819, by T. Forsyth ; Capt. J. Carver and " Carver s grant ;" Early history of the lead region, by M. Meeker; Western Wisconsin in 1836, by S. M. Palmer; Eleazer Williams and the lost prince, by J. Y. Smith ; Reminiscences of the first house and first family of Madison, by W. H. Canfield ; Early reminiscences of Madison, by J. G. Knapp ; Naming of Madison and Dane County ; Michael St. Cyr ; Gfeen County pioneers, by A. Salisbury ; Reminiscences of Rock County, by I. T. Smith; Early reminiscences of Janesville, by H. P. Janes; Pioneer his tory of Walworth County, by C. M. Baker. (6930 Vol. vn. Reports, 1873-1876; Prehistoric Wisconsin, by J. D. Butler; West- phalian medal, 1648, by J. D. Butler ; Discovery of the Mississippi, by J. <1 Shea ; Memoir of Charles de Langlade, by J. Tasse ; Notice of Match-e-ke-wis. the captor of Mackinaw, by L. C. Draper ; Northern Wisconsin in 1820, by J. D. Doty ; Fifty-four years recollections of Wisconsin, by A. G. Ellis ; Fur trade and factory system at Green Bay, 1816-1821 ; E. D. Beouchard s vindication ; Early Western days, by J. T. Kingston and others ; Personal narrative, by J. T. de La Ronde; Pioneer life in Wisconsin, by H. Men-ell; Sketch of officers at Fort| Winnebago, in 1834, and subsequently ; Langlade s movements in 1777 ; Recol lections of Wisconsin in Feb.. 1837, by J. A. Noonan ; Note on Eleazer Wil liams, by C. C. Trowbridge ; Sketch of Shan-be-na, a Pottawattomie chief, by N. Matson ; Memoir of George Gale, by D. S. Durrie ; Memoir of H. S. Baird, by E. H. Ellis; John Catlin, by A. B. Braley ; John Y. Smith, by D. S. Durrie: Wisconsin necrology, 1874-75, by L. C. Draper. 1876. pp. 495. (6930<. Vol. vin. Ancient copper mines of Lake Superior, by Jacob Houghton ; Pre historic copper implements, by E. F. Slafter ; Ancient copper implements ; Pic tured cave of LaCrosse Valley, by E. Brown ; Additional notes on the LaCrosse cave, by J. A. Rice ; Notes on Jean Nicolet, by B. Suite : Early historic relics ol the Northwest, by J. D. Butler ; Tradition of the Fox Indians, 1730 ; Langladf papers, 1737-1800 ; Incident of Chegoimegon, 1760 ; Capture of Mackinaw, 1763 by L. J. Porlier ; Green Bay and the frontiers, 1763-1765; Indian wars of Wis consin, by M. M. Strong ; Wisconsin in 1818, by E. Tanner ; Reminiscences ol the Northwest, by M. A. B. Bristol; Early times at Fort Winnebago, by S. Clark Recollections of Eleazer Williams, by A. G. Ellis ; Early exploration and sett" ment of Juneau County, by J. T. Kingston ; The Swiss colony of New Gls by J. Luchsinger ; Wisconsin necrology, 1876-78, by L. C. Draper. 187 PP. 511. ; Vol. ix. Index of papers ; Synopsis of annual report, 1880-1882 ; Emblemati mounds in Wisconsin, by S. D. Peet ; A mound near Boscobel, by C. K. Dean STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 951 Portraits of Columbus, by J. I). Butler ; Early historic relics of the Northwest, by J. I). Butler ; Lake Sakaegan, its identity ; Personal narrative of T. G. Anderson ; T. G. Anderson s journal, 1814 ; Prairie du Chien documents, 1814-15 ; Traditions and recollections of Prairie du Chien, by B. W. Brisbois ; Indian cus toms and recollections, by Mrs. II. S. Baird ; In memoriam, C. C. Washburn ; Sketch of C. H. Larrabee, by L. C. Draper ; Pioneer settlement of Sheboygan County, by J. E. Thomas ; Sketch of William Farnsworth, by M. L. Martin ; Memoir of H. I). Barron, by S. S. Fifield ; C. II. Purple, by S. D. Hastings ; William Hull and S. Clark, by E. A. Calkins ; L. B. Vilas, by A. B. Braley ; Necrology of Wisconsin, 1876-1881, by L. C. Draper. 1882. pp. 498. Portrait. (6931 Vol. x. Officers, 1883-1885 ; Synopsis of annual report, 1883-1885 ; Jean Nico- let, by F. X. Garneau and J. B. Ferland, with notes by B. Suite ; De Lignery s expedition against the Foxes, 1728, by Emanuel Crespel ; French fortifications near the mouth of the Wisconsin ; " Hold the Fort," by J. D. Butler ; Tay-cho-pe- rah, the Four-lake country, first white footprints there, by J. I). Butler; Lawe and Grignon papers, 1794-1821 ; Papers of T. G. Anderson, British Indian agent ; Indian campaign of 1832, by II. Smith ; Reminiscences of the Black Hawk war, by Robert Anderson ; Incidents of the Black Hawk war, by C. Whittlesey ; Battle of Peckatonica, by M. G. Fitch ; Notes on the Black Hawk war, by P. Parkinson ; Sketches of Indian chiefs and pioneers of the Northwest, by John Shaw ; Causes of the Black Hawk war, by Orlando Brown ; Black Hawk scraps ; Robert S. Black and the Black Hawk war, by G. W. Jones ; Reminiscences of Wisconsin in 1833 ; Col. Henry Gratiot, a pioneer of Wisconsin, by E. B. Washburne ; A. P. Gratiot s narrative ; Early Wisconsin exploration and settlement, by J. Sutherland ; Notes on early Wisconsin exploration, by E. D. Neill ; French fort at Prairie du Chien, a myth, by C. W. Butterfield ; Early French forts in western Wisconsin, by L. C. Draper ; Autograph collections of the signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence, by L. C. Draper ; Sketch of A. Proudfit, by B. J. Stevens ; Memorial sketches of O. M. Conover ; Wisconsin Necrology, 1879-1882, by L. C. Draper; General index to Vols. i-x. 1888. pp. 558. (6932 Vol. xi. Contents : Officers, 1888 ; Preface ; Jean Nicolet, interpreter and voy- ageur in Canada, 1618-1642, by Henri Jouan ; Bibliography of Nicolet, by C. W. Butterfield ; Important Western papers, 1671-1787 ; Radisson and Groseilliers in Wisconsin; Papers from the Canadian archives, 1778-1783: Ilaldimand collec tion ; Thompson Maxwell s narrative, 1760-1763 ; Narrative of Andrew J. Vieau, sr. ; Antoine Le Clair s statement ; George P. Delaplaine s statement ; Prairie du Chien, in 1811, by Nicholas Boilvin ; Capture of Fort McKay, Prairie du Chien, in 1814, by Douglas Brymner ; Dickson and Grignon papers, 1812-1815 ; Letter book of Thomas Forsyth, 1814-1818 ; Prairie du Chien in 1827, by Joseph M. Street ; American Fur Company invoices, 1821-22 ; Sketch of Morgan L, Martin, by R. G. Thwaites ; Narrative of M. L. Martin ; Early days in Jefferson County, by E. W. Keyes ; Alexander Mitchell, the financier, by J. D. Butler ; The boundaries of Wisconsin, by R. G. Thwaites ; Local government in Wiscon sin, by D. E. Spencer; Index. 1888. pp. xiii, 548. (6933 Vol. xu. Contents: Lyman Copeland Draper, by R. G. Thwaites; Papers from the Canadian archives, 1767-1814 ; Robert Dickson, the Indian trader, by E. A. Cruikshank ; American Fur Company employees, 1818-19, by R. G. Thwaites ; McCall s journal of a visit to Wisconsin in 1830 ; The story of the Black Hawk war, by R. G. Thwaites ; Papers of Indian Agent Geo. Boyd, 1832 ; How Wiscon sin came by its large German element, by K. A. Everest ; The planting of the Swiss colony at New Glarus, by John Luchsinger ; A rare Wisconsin book Acts, 1837-38), by T. L. Cole; Geographical names in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, having a Chippewa origin, by C. Verwyst ; The Wisconsin Winneba- goes, by M. Paquette ; Missions on Chequamegon Bay, by J. N. Davidson ; Early schools in Green Bay, 1818-1832, by R. G. Thwaites. 1892. pp. xix, 498. Port. Plan. (6934 Vol. xni. Contents : Events at Prairie du Chien previous to American occupa tion, 1814, by A. E. Bulger ; The Bulger papers [in relation to the siege, capture, and occupation of Prairie du Chien in 1814-1815] ; Last days of the British at Prairie du Chien, by A. E. Bulger ; Papers of James I). Doty ; Official journal, 1820, of expedition with Cass and Schoolcraft ; Territorial organization of Wisconsin ; First Territprial census for 1836, by R. G. Thwaites ; Notes on early lead mining in the Fever (or Galena) River region, by R. G. Thwaites ; Significance of the lead and shot trade in early Wisconsin history, by O. G. Libby ; Chronicle of the Helena stiot tower, by O. G. Libby ; The Belgians of northeast Wisconsin, by Xavier Martin; The story of Chequamegon Bay. by R. G. Thwaites; Historic sites on Chequamegon Bay, by C. Verwyst ; Arrival of American troops at Green 952 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bay in 1816 ; Narrative of Spoon Pecorah ; Narrative of Walking Cloud ; Popu lation of Brown County, June, 1830; Index. 1895. pp. xi, (1), 515. (6935 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Collections. Edited and annotated by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Vol. xiv. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. xii, 553. Illustrations. Maps. Contents : List of officers ; The story of Mackinac, by R. G. Thwaites ; Remi niscences of early days on Mackinac Island, by Elizabeth Therese Baird ; The his tory of Fort Winnebago, by Andrew Jackson Turner ; Fort Winnebago Orderly Book, 183436 ; Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk War, by Alfred Augustus Jackson ; An English officer s description of Wisconsin in 1837, by Frederick Marryat ; Father Samuel Mazzuchelli, by James Pavie Butler ; Pocuments relating to the Catholic Church in Green Bay, and the mission at Little Chute, 1825-40; A history of early railroad legislation in Wisconsin, 1836 to 1851, by Balthasar Henry Meyer ; The Cornish in southwest Wisconsin, by Louis Albert Copeland ; The Icelanders on Washington Island, by Harry K. White ; Geo graphical origin of German immigration to Wisconsin, by Kate Everest Levi ; Journal of an Episcopalian missionary s tour to Green Bay, 1834, by Jackson Kemper ; Pocuments relating to the Episcopal church and mission in Green Bay, 182541 ; The first Wisconsin cavalry at the capture of Jefferson Pavis, by Henry Harnden ; Index. (6936 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Collections. Edited and annotated by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Vol. xv. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. ix, (1), 491. Plates. Portrait. Contents: Some Wisconsin Indian conveyances, 17931836; Cession to Pominique Pucharme at Kaukauna ; Cession to Jacob Franks; Contract by J. B. Lemoine ; Lands for Stockbridge and Brothertown Indians ; A saw-mill site at Little Chute ; at Poty s Island ; at West Shore of Green Bay ; on the Waubunkeesippe river ; Land grant to Charles Grignon ; A treaty with the Oneidas, 1832 ; Sketch of Cutting Marsh, by John E. Chapin ; Pocuments relating to the Stockbridge mission, 1825-48 : Grant of Statesburg Mission site ; Plan of the mission ; Report of Jesse Miner s death ; Reports to the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge, 1831-34, 1838-48; Expedition to the Sacs and Foxes, 1835, by Cutting Marsh. Reminiscences of life in territorial Wisconsin [Green Bay], by Elizabeth Therese Baird; A Methodist circuit rider s horseback tour from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin, 1835, by Alfred Brunson ; Piary of one of the original colonists of New Glarus, 1845, by Mathias Puerst, translated by John Luchsinger : Pioneering in the Wiscon sin lead region, 1834-48 [La Crosse], by Theodore Rodolf ; Surveying in Wis consin in 1837 [Madison and Green Bay], by Franklin Hatheway ; Report on the quality and condition of Wisconsin territory, 1831, by Samuel Stambaugh ; Narrative by Louis B. Porlier ; Osawgenong a Sac tradition, by George John ston ; Narrative of Alexis Clermont ; Narrative of Peter J. Vieau ; Index. (6937 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Collections. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Vol. xvi. The French Regime in Wisconsin i. 1634-1727. Madison, 1902. 8vo, pp. xvii, 514. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Contents : The French Regime in Wisconsin : consists of synopses, extracts, letters, etc., from Jean Nicolet, Radisson and Groseilliers, Menard, Allouez, Perrot, Galinee and Pollier de Casson, Pablon, Joliet, Marquette, Penonville, Le Lu Sueur, Cadillac, Louvigny, Pe Lignery, Charlevoix, de Montigny. The longer documents comprise : Religious beliefs and superstitions of the Upper Algonkin Tribes ; Indian murderers punished by Puless Luth ; Perrot s dealings with Wisconsin tribes ; He establishes a fort on the Mississippi, near the Wis consin ; Le Sueur s voyage up the Mississippi ; Summary of an inspection of the Posts of Petroit and Michillimackinac, by P Aigremont ; Siege of Petroit by Wisconsin Indians ; Intrigues of English and Iroquois among Western tribes ; Foxes slay Frenchman ; Military preparations against Foxes ; Pescription of Michillimackinac ; Indian Tribes of that region. Memoir on the Savages of Canada as far as the Mississippi river, describing their customs and trade; Charlevoix visits Wisconsin; His description of the tribes; Index. (6938 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Vol. i. Being a reprint of the original issue of 1855; with the addition of a memoir of Dr. Draper, and the early records of the STATE HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 953 society (1849-1854), under the editorial direction of Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1003. 8vo, pp. 164. Illustrations. Contents : Lyman Copeland Draper a memoir, by Reuben Gold Thwaites ; Bibliography of Lyman Copeland Draper; Early records of the society, 1849-54; First annual report and collections of the society : Green Bay in 1726 transla tion of a French manuscript; Lieut. James Gorrell s journal, Detroit, 1761- Montreal, 1763 ; Recollections of Green Bay in 1816-17, by James W. Biddle ; Recollections of a tour through Wisconsin in 1832, by Charles Whittlesey ; Legends of the Winnebagoes, by R. W. llaskins ; Early times in Wisconsin, written by II. A. Tenney, in 1849 ; Sketch of Calumet county, by Thomas Cammuck ; Sketch of Richland county, by Ira S. Hazel tine ; Wisconsin geo graphical names, by Alfred Brunson ; Indian names, by Joshua Hathaway ; Indian nomenclature, and the Chippewas, by Hiram Calkins ; Reminiscences of Wisconsin, by Alexander F. Pratt ; Index. (6939 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Aarlige rapport tilligemed unhang fra Wisconsins stats-historiske selskab. 1855-56. 2.-3. bind. Madison, 1850-57. 8vo. Vol. IT. pp. 503. Vol. in has title: Tredie aarsberetning fra Wisconsins statshistoriske sel skab. 1856. Madison, Oversat og trykt i " Emigrantens " officin, 1857. Of the "Annual Reports and Collections " of the Society only the second and third were issued in the Norwegian language, cf. List of publications of the Society, in its Annual Report for 1903. " Only two other copies of this book are" known to be in existence, both iu the State historical library of Wisconsin." Typewritten note attached to front cover of Vol. m, [in L. C.] signed by I. S. Bradley, librarian of the Society. (694O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Zweiter Jahres-Bericht und Samm lungen der Ilistorischen Gesellschaft des Staates Wisconsin. Fiir das Jahr 1855. Z welter Hand. Milwaukee, 1856. 8vo, pp. vii, 501. (6941 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Tredie aarsberetning fra Wisconsin Statshistoriske Selskab. 1856. Tredie bind. Oversat og trykt i " Emi grantens " Officin. Madison, Wis., 1857. pp. xiii, [1] 400, [2]. (6942 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Annual address. Delivered by John Y. Smith . . . before the Society, January, 1859. Origin of the Ameri can Indians. [Madison, Wis., 1859]. 8, pp. 35. From the Report and Collections, Vol. 4, 1859. (6942a STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. An appeal to the public for a build ing fund for the Society, September 15, 1862. [Madison, 1862.] 8vo, pp. 7. (6943 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The utility of the study of genealogy. Paper read before the executive committee of the Society, July 9, 1862. By Daniel S. Durrie. [Madison, 3862.] 8vo, pp. 8. (6944 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Addresses of I. A. Laphain and Ed ward Salomon at the dedication of the rooms in the south wing of the capitol for the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. January 24, 1866. Madison, 1866. 8vo, pp. 31 (1). (6945 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Catalogue of the picture gallery. Madison, 1866. 8vo, pp. 11. (6946 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Annual address before the Society, January 23, 1867 : " History of the people, as illustrated by their monu ments." By Anthony Van Wyck. Madison, 1867. 8vo, pp. 23. (6947 954 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The influence of history on individual and national action. Annual address before the Society January 30, 1868. By Paul A. Chadbourne. Madison, 1808. 8vo, pp. 22. (6948 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The history and development of races. Annual address before the Society February 23, 1869. By Harlow S. Orton. Madison, 3809. 8vo, pp. 32, (1). (6949 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings, December 12, 1865- December 18, 1866. January 3, 1867. December 29, 1868. January 1, 1869. Broadside. (6950 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Sketch of the life, character, and services of B. F. Hopkins. Read before the Society November 15, 1870. By David Atwood. Madison, 1870. 8vo, pp. 18. (6951 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Territorial legislation in Wisconsin. Annual address before the Society February 4, 1870. By M. M. Strong. Madison, 1870. 8vo, pp. 38, (2). (C952 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Northwest during the Revolu tion. Annual address before the Society January 31, 1871. By Charles I. Walker. Madison, 1871. 8vo, pp. 46. tj>r 3 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The early outposts of Wisconsin. Paper read before the Society December 26, 1872. Green Bay for two hun dred years, 16?,9-1839. [Annals of Prairie du Chien.] By Daniel S. Dur- rie. [Madison, 1872.] 8vo, pp. 12, 15. ( 6954 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN; The birthplaces of Americanism. Annual address before the Society January 30, 1873. By Charles D. Rob inson. Madison, 1873. Svo, pp. 24. ( 6955 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Catalogue of the library. Prepared by Daniel S. Durrie and Isabel Durrie. Vols. i-vn. 1873-1887. Madison, 1873-1887. 8vo. Seven volumes. (6956 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Prehistoric Wisconsin. By James D. Butler. Annual address before the Society February 18, 1876. [Madi son, 1876.] 8vo, pp. 31. Plates. Also, Westphalian medal, 1648. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Twenty-first annual report. Madison, 1875. Svo, pp. 8. Twenty-second annual report. Madison, 1876. Svo, pp. 16. Twenty-third annual report. Madison, 1877. Svo, pp. 18. Twenty-fourth annual report. Madison, 1878. Svo, pp. 31. Twenty-fifth annual report. Madison, 1879. Svo, pp. 28. Twenty-sixth annual report. Madison. 1880. Svo. pp. 31. Twenty-seventh annual report. Madison, 1881. Svo, pp. 31. Twenty-eighth annual report. Madison, 1882. Svo, pp. 42. Twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirty-first annual reports. Madison, Svo, pp. 55. Thirty -second annual report. Madison, 1886. Svo. pp. 24. Proceedings of thirty-fourth annual meeting, with the thirty-third j report. Madison, 18S7. Svo, pp. 32. STATE HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 955 Proceedings of thirty-fifth annual meeting, with the thirty-fourth annual report and J. D. Butler s memorial address on Alexander Mitchell. Madison, 1888. 8vo, pp. 66. Protrait. Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual meeting, with thirty-fifth annual re port, and address of F. J. Turner on " The character and influence of the fur trade in Wisconsin." Madison, 1880. 8vo, pp. 98. Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual meeting, with the thirty-sixth annual report, and memorial address. Madison, 1890. 8vo, pp. 113. Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual meeting, with thirty-seventh annual report. Madison, 1891. 8vo, pp. 96. (6958 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings of the thirty-ninth an nual meeting, Decemher 10, 1891, with fiscal reports. The annual report of the executive committee. Memorial addi ess, by Reuben G. Thwaites, on Lyman Copeland Draper; and memorial sketch, by A. M. Thomson, on Asahel Finch. Madison, 1892. 8vo, pp. 100. Portrait. (6959 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at the fortieth annual meeting, December 8, 1892, with fiscal reports. The annual report of the executive committee, and the following addresses : Daniel Steele Durrie, by James Davie Butler; Negro slavery in Wisconsin, by John Nelson Davidson ; Jared Comstock Gregory, by Silas U. Pinney ; The Northwest in the nation, by Theodore Roosevelt. Madison, 1893. 8vo, pp. 99. Portrait. (696O-6961 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-first annual meeting, held December 14, 1893, with fiscal reports. The annual report of the executive committee ; and the following addresses : Prehistoric pot tery, Middle Mississippi Valley, by James Davie Butler ; Prehistoric remains in the St. Francis Valley, by William J. Seever ; The significance of the frontier in American history, by Frederick Jackson Turner ; A brief history of the elective franchise in Wisconsin, by Florence Elizabeth Baker; The financial history of Wisconsin Territory, by Matthew Brown Hammond ; Copper currency in Louisiana in colonial times (1721-1726), by G. Devron. Madison, 1894. Svo, pp. 173. Plates. (6962 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-second an nual meeting held December 13, 1894, with fiscal reports. The annual re port of the executive committee ; and the following addresses : Early ship ping on Lake Superior, by James Davie Butler ; The Free Soil party in Wisconsin, by Theodore Clarke Smith. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 162. (696.", STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-third annual meeting held December 12, 1895, with fiscal reports. The annual report of the executive committee ; and the following addresses : Radisson s journal, its value in history, by Henry Colin Campbell ; The fugitive-slave law in Wisconsin, with reference to nullification sentiment, by Vroman Mason ; Early legislation concerning Wisconsin banks, by William Ward Wight. Madison, 1890. Svo, pp. 161. (6964 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-fourth an nual meeting, held December 10, 1890, with fiscal reports. The annual re port of the executive committee ; and the following addresses : Lake Mills in the War of Secession, by Elisha W. Keyes ; The West as a field for historical study, by Frederick Jackson Turner ; Available material for the study of the institutional history of the old northwest, by Isaac Samuel Bradley ; Evolu tion vs. revolution in politics, by Andrew D. White. Madison, 1897. Svo, pp. 164. (6965 956 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-fifth annual meeting, held December 9 and 1(5, 1897. With report of executive commit tee and the following addresses: How Germans became Americans, by Ernest Bruncken ; A bibliographical history of the two Wisconsin consti tutional conventions, to which are added annotated lists of the delegates, by Florence Elizabeth Baker ; Origin of our state normal school system, by James Sutherland ; Ichabod Codding : Introduction by Joseph Henry Crooker, Biographical sketch, by Hannah Maria Preston Codding. Madi son, 1898. 8vo, pp. 196. (6966 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-sixth annual meeting held December 8, 1898, and of the State Historical Convention held February 22 and 23, 1899. With the report of the executive committee and the following addresses : The origin and the results of the imperial federa tion movement in P^ngland, by George Burton Adams ; Puritan influence in Wisconsin, by Ellis B. Usher; The settlement of Beloit, as typical of the best westward migration of the American stock, by Henry M. Whitney ; The influence of the French regime in the Valley of the Fox, by Ella Hoes Neville ; The German-American press, by Emil Baensch ; The first Nor wegian settlements in America, within the present century, by Rasmus B. Anderson ; Allouez and his relations to La Salle, by John Stephen La Boule ; Some distinctive characteristics of the history of out lead region, by John N. Davidson; The old fort at Fort Atkinson, by D. D. Mayne; The future of northern Wisconsin, by James O Neill ; The Great Lakes in relation to the railroad development of northern Wisconsin, by J. S. Griffin ; The his tory of a great industry (dairy produce), by John Luchsinger. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 230. (6967 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-seventh an nual meeting held December 14, 1899, and of the State Historical Conven tion held at Green Bay, September 5-7, 1899. With the report of the execu tive committee and the following papers : Recollections of Green Bay, in territorial days, by E. Holmes Ellis ; The Fox River valley in the days of the fur trade, by Deborah Beaumont Martin ; The military history of Green Bay, by William L. Evans ; The early Jesuit missions in the Fox River valley, by Sebastian G. Messmer ; Coming of N. Y. [Stockbridge] Indians to Wisconsin, by John Nelson Davidson ; The story of the Fox-Wisconsin rivers improvement, by John Bell Sanborn ; Intellectual life of the Fox river valley, by Ella Hoes Neville ; The Outagamie village at West Menasha, by Publius V. Lawson ; Early days at Kaukauna, by Herbert Battles Tan ner ; Modern De Pere, by E. Fletcher Parker. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 221. Plates. (6968 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-eighth an nual meeting, held December 13, 1900. With the report of the executive committee and a list of leading Wisconsin events in 1900. Madison, 1901. 8vo, pp. 103. (6969 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its forty-ninth annual meeting, December 12, 1901, and of the State Historical Convention held at Milwaukee, October 11-12, 1901. Madison, 1902. * 8vo, pp. 211. Contents : Reports of officers and committees, with a list of the Adams col lection and miscellaneous accessions. Periodicals and newspapers regularly received by the Society ; Wisconsin necrology. The Mississippi valley organized, hy James Kendall Hosmer ; Foreign immigration to Wisconsin, by John G. Gregory ; Influence of the Germans in Wisconsin, by W. Hense-Jensen ; Poland- STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 957 ers in Wisconsin, by John W. S. Tomkiewicz ; The Scots in Wisconsin, by James A. Bryden ; Our Bohemian population, by J. J. Vlach ; Wisconsin s contribution to American invention ("an improvement in saddles"), by Harold G. Under wood ; New England influence in Milwaukee, by Ellis B. Usher ; Our northward Neshotah, by John Nelson Davidson ; The population of St. Croix county, Wis consin, 1850-70, by James Blaine Graham ; The political activity of Wisconsin Germans, 1854-60, by Ernest Bruncken. (GOTO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its fiftieth annual meeting, December 11, 1902. Madison, 1903. 8vo, pp. 226. Contents : The. annual reports of officers and committees ; A list of publications of the Society, 1850-1902, compiled by Isaac Samuel Bradley, and a list of periodicals and newspapers currently received at the library of the Society ; Wisconsin necrology ; and the following articles : Gen. Harrison Carroll Hobart, by Elias A. Calkins ; The Booth War in Ripon, by George W. Carter ; Reminis cences of the early Northwest, by Mary Mitchell ; The Wisconsin phalanx at Ceresco, by S. M. Pedrick. (6971 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its fifty-first annual meeting, Oct. 15, 1903. Madison, 1904. 8vo, pp. 138. Illustrated. Contents : Officers ; Reports ; Proceedings ; Wisconsin necrology, 1903 ; Co operative communities in Wisconsin, by Montgomery Eduard Mclntosh ; Early Wisconsin imprints: a preliminary essay, by Henry Eduard Legler. (6972 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Proceedings at its fiftyrsecond annual meeting, held October 27, 1904. Madison, 1905. 8vo, pp. 177. Illustrated. Contents : Officers ; Committees ; Reports, etc. ; Reports of local historical societies ; Necrology, 1904 ; John Johnston, by William Ward Wight, with a list of his principal writings ; Some pioneering experiences in Jefferson county, by Elbridge G. Fifield ; Indian agriculture in southern Wisconsin, by Benjamin H. Hibbard ; Early times in Old Northwest, by Ira B. Brunson ; The recollections of Antoine Grignou, by Eben D. Pierce, (6973 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Catalogue of the picture gallery of the Society. January, 1878. [Madison, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 16. (6974 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY or WISCONSIN. [Circular in regard to the objects of the Society.] December 1, 1879. Broadside. (6975 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Prehistoric implements. An open letter to the Historical Society of Wisconsin. By Edmund F. Slafter. Bos ton. 1879. 8vo, pp. 15. Reprinted from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Janu ary, 1879. (6976 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Swiss colony of New Glarus. By John Luchsinger. With additional notes, by J. J. Tschudy. Madison, 1879. 8vo, pp. 35. From the Historical Collections, Vol. vin. (6977 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The pictured cave of La Crosse Val ley, near West Salem, Wis. First published by the Historical Society of Wisconsin. By Edward Brown. In American Antiquarian, Vol. n, pp. 257-265. Cleveland, 1880. (977<z STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. A biographical sketch of Charles H. Larrabee. By Lyman C. Draper. Madison, 1882. 8vo, pp. 25. From Historical Collections, vol. ix. (6978 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Memorial addresses on the life and character of C. C. Washburn, late governor of Wisconsin. Before the So ciety, July 25, 1882. Madison, 1883. 8vo, pp. 41. Portrait. (6979 958 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Portraits of Columbus. A mono graph by James D. Butler. Madison, 1883. 8vo, pp. 23. From Historical Collections, Vol. ix. (698O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The charter and revised statutes relating to the Society. Also the constitution and by-laws. Madison, 1884. 8vo, pp. 18. (6981 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Henry Gratiot, a pioneer of Wiscon sin. Address before the Society, November 13, 1884. By E. B. Washburne. Madison, 1884. 8vo, pp. 210-239. Same. Chicago, 1884. 8vo, pp. 32. (6982 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Biographical sketches of Lyman C. Draper and Mortimer Melville Jackson. Madison, 1887. Svo, pp. 58. Portraits. The first sketch is by Reuben G. Thwaites and the second by Consul W. Butter- field. (6983 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Catalogue of books on the war of the rebellion and slavery, in the library of the Society. Madison, 1887. 8vo, pp. (2) 61. Forms class list No. 1. (6984 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Catalogue of the library. Prepared by Daniel S. Durrie and Isabel Durrie. Vol. vn. Fifth supplement. Madison, 1887. pp. 651. (6985 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Alexander Mitchell, the financier. Address before the Society January 5, 1888. By J. D. Butler. Madison, 1888. Svo, pp. 24. Portrait. (6986 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The boundaries of Wisconsin, with a general historical survey of the division of the Northwest Territory into States. Illustrated by eleven maps. By Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1888. Svo, pp. 449-501. Reprinted from Vol. xi, Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. (6987 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Early days in Jefferson County. By Elisha W. Keyes. Edited and annotated by Reuben G. Thwaites. [Madi son, 1888.] Svo, pp. 20. Reprinted from Vol. xi, Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. (6988 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. French fort at Prairie du Chien, and Tay cho pe ra, the Four-lake country. By J. D. Butler, LL. D. Madison, 1888. Svo, pp. 37. < 6989 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Local government in Wisconsin. By David E. Spencer. [Madison, 1888.] Svo, pp. 503-512. Reprinted from Vol. xi, Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. (699O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Reminiscences of Morgan L. Martin, 1872-1887. Edited and annotated, with biographical sketch, by Reuben G. Thwaites. [Madison, 1888.] Svo, pp. 377-415. Reprinted from Vol. xi, Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 959 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The character and influence of the fur trade in Wisconsin. By Frederick J. Turner, A. M. An address hefore the Society, January 3, 1889. [Madison, 1889.] 8vo, pp. (1), 52-08. (0993 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. An essay on the autographic collec tions of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitu tion. From Vol. x, Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. Revised and enlarged. By Lyrnan C. Draper. New York, 1889. 8vo, pp. 117. Portrait. Large paper. (6993 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. First triennial catalogue of the por trait gallery of the Society. Compiled by R. G. Thwaites and D. S. Durrie. Madison, 1889. 8vo, pp. 56. (6994 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. William Francis Allen. Memorial address before the Society. By D. B. Franken burger. Madison, 1890. Svo, pp. 11. (6995 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Governor Nelson Dewey. Memorial address before the Society January 2, 1890. By Silas U. Pinney. Madison, 1890. Svo, pp. 12. (6996 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Preliminary notes on the distribution of foreign groups in Wisconsin. By Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1890. Svo, pp. (1), 66-78. (6997 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The higher education of the people. By H. B. Adams. Address, January 28, 1891. Madison, 1891. 8vo, pp. 30. (6998 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. List of periodicals in the library of the Society that are indexed in Poole s " Index to Periodical Literature," 1882; supplement to same, 1882-1887, and "Cooperative Index to Peri odicals," 1887-1890. January, 1891. Svo, pp. 4. No title-page. (6999 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. How Wisconsin came by its large German element. By K. A. Everest. Madison, 1892. Svo, pp. 38. (7000 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Lyman Copeland Draper. A memoir. By Reuben Gold Thwaites. [Madison, 1892.] 8vo, pp. (2) 22. Portrait. Reprinted from Vol. xn of Wisconsin Historical Collections. (7OO1 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Missions on Chequamegon Bay. By John Nelson Davidson, A. Hi. Madison, 1892. Svo, pp. 19. Reprinted from the Collections, Vol. xn. (7OO3 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The planting of the Swiss colony of New Glarus, Wis. By John Luchsinger. Madison, 1892. 8vo, pp. 47. Reprinted from the Historical Collections, vol. xn. (7OO3 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. A rare Wisconsin book. [Acts of Legislature, 1837-38.] By Theodore Lee Cole. Madison, 1892. 8vo, pp. 7. Reprinted from the Collections, Vol. xn. (7OO4 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Second triennial catalogue of the portrait gallery of the Society. Compiled by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madi son, 1892. 8vo, pp. xii, 74. (7005 960 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The story of the Black Hawk war. By Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1892. 8vo,. pp. 51. Map. From Historical Collections, Vol. xn. (7OO6 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bibliography of Wisconsin authors ; being a list of books and other publications, written by Wisconsin authors, in the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Prepared, under the direction of Reuben Gold Thwaites and Isaac Samuel Hammond, by Emma Alethea Hawley. Madison, 1893. 8vo, pp. vii (1), 263. (7OO7 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. - List of books by Wisconsin authors, exhibited by the Society in the Wisconsin State building, World s Columbian Exposition, 1893. Madison, 1893. Svo, pp. 14. (7008 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Negro slavery in Wisconsin. By John Nelson Davidson. Madison, 1893. Svo, pp. 5. From Proceedings, fortieth annual meeting, December, 1892. (7OOJ> STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Northwest in the nation. Bien nial address before the Society January 24, 1893. By Theodore Roosevelt Wisconsin State Historical Society, 1893. Svo, pp. (1) 92-99. (7010 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. A brief history of the elective fran chise in Wisconsin. By Florence Elizabeth Baker. Madison. 1894. Svo, pp. 18. From Proceedings, forty-first annual meeting, December, 1893. (7O11 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The financial history of Wisconsin Territory. By Matthew Brown Hammond. Madison, 1894. 8vo, pp. 37. From Proceedings, forty-first annual meeting, December, 1893. (7O12 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Prehistoric pottery from Missouri and Arkansas in the museum of the Society. (1) Prehistoric pottery- Middle Mississippi Valley, by James Davie Butler. (2) Prehistoric remains in the St. Francis Valley, by William J. Seever. (3) Locality list of the Seever pottery collection. Madison, 1894. Svo, pp. 9. Plate. Cover-title. (7O13 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The significance of the frontier in American history. By Frederick Jackson Turner. Madison, 1894. Svo, pp. 34. From Proceedings, forty-first annual meeting, December, 1893. (7O14* STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Arguments for a joint library build ing for the State Historical Society and the State University. Compiled by Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1895. Svo, pp. [3]-26. Cover-title. (7O15. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Belgians of northeast Wiscon sin, by Xavier Martin. Madison, 1895. Svo, pp. 23. From Historical Collections, Vol. xm. (7O16 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Early legislation concerning Wis consin banks. By William Ward Wight. Madison, 1895. Svo, pp. 19. From Proceedings, forty-third annual meeting, December, 1895. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Early shipping on Lake Superior. By James Davie Butler. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 12. From Proceedings, forty-second annual meeting, December, 1894. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 961 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The first census of Wisconsin Ter ritory, taken July, 1836, and now for the first time published in detail. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 26. From Historical Collections, Vol. xin. (7O1O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Free Soil party in Wisconsin. By Theodore Clarke Smith. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 66. From Proceedings* forty-second annual meeting, December, 1894. (7O2O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The fugitive slave law in Wisconsin, with reference to nullification sentiment. By Vrornan Mason. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 29. From Proceedings, forty-third annual meeting, December, 1895. (7O21 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Notes on early mining in the Fever (or Galena) River region. By Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 24. From Historical Collections, Vol. xin. (7O23 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Press opinions on bills providing for a library building for the Society and the University of Wisconsin. [Mad ison, 1895.] 8vo, pp. 7. (7023 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Radisson s journal : its value in his tory. By Henry Colin Campbell. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 30. From Proceedings, forty-third annual meeting, December, 1895. (7O24 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN, i. Significance of the lead and shot trade in early Wisconsin history, n. Chronicle of the Helena Shot Tower. By Orin Grant Libby. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 83. Five maps. From Historical Collections, Vol. xin. (7O25 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The story of Chequainegon Bay. By Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1895. 8vo, pp. 31. From Historical Collections, Vol. xin. (7O26 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Suggestions to competing architects relative to a fireproof building for the library and museum of the State His torical Society of Wisconsin, at Madison, Wis. [Madison, 1895.] 8vo, pp. 13. Cover-title. (7O27 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Annotated catalogue of Wisconsin newspapers in the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. [Corrected to January 1, 1890.] Prepared under the editorial direction of R. G. Thwaites and I. S. Bradley by Emma Helen Blair. Madison, 1896. 8vo, pp. 94-208. Cover dated 1898. From the general "Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the library of the Society," 1898. (7O28 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. List of periodicals in the library that are indexed in Poole s Index to Periodical Literature, and Annual Library Index, 1892-95. January, 1896. 8vo, pp. 4. (7O29 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. List of publications of the Society. 1850-96. 8vo, pp. 12. From Proceedings, forty-fourth annual meeting, December, 1896. (7O3O H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 61 962 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Newspapers and periodicals regularly received at the library. [January, 1896.] 8vo, pp. 15. Same, January, 1897. 8vo, pp. 15. Same, January, 1898. 8vo, pp. 14. Same, February 1. 1899. 8vo, pp. 14. Same, January, 1900. 8vo, pp. 15. Same, January, 1901. 8vo, pp. 12. Same, January, 1902. 8vo, pp. 18. (7O3t STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. List of Publications, 1850-1902. (7O32 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. [Bulletin of information No. 1.] A letter to the people of Wisconsin, relative to the several proposed state and county semi-centennial observances. Issued November, 1897. pp. 1. Broadside. No title. (7O33 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 2. i. Statutes governing local historical societies as auxiliary members of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, n. Suggestions for constitution and by-laws- of local historical societies, in. Suggestions to local historical; societies relative to work in preparation for county semi-centennial observ ances (May 28, 1898). Issued by the Society, December 1, 1897. Madison, 1897. 8vo, pp. 15. (7034 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. [Circular No. 4.] A study of the foreign groups in Wisconsin. December, 1897. 8vo. pp. 2. (Bulletin of information No. 3.) (7O35 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. [Semi-centennial circular No. iv.l 1. Some suggestions to local historians, in view of the proposed observances of the state s semi-centennial anniversary, n. A selected list of printed ma terial relating to the history of Wisconsin. Issued by the Society, February 2, 1898. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 22. (Bulletin of information No. 4.) (7O36 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Semi-centennial circular No. v. Re ports from state associations and the counties relative to historical research and local observances of the state s semi-centennial anniversary. Issued bj the Society, May 20, 1898. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 14. (Bulletin of information No. 5.) (7< STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. What American men of letters thii of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. December, 1894. 8vo. pp. 13. (Bulletin of information No. 6.) (7( CSTATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The gathering of local history mate rials by public libraries. R. G. Thwaites in Proceedings of the State His torical Society of Wisconsin, 189f>. 8vo, pp. (3). (Bulletin of information No. 7.) (7O39 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN, i. The story of its growth, n. Opin ions of men of letters, in. Description of the new building. By Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 21. Illustrations. (Bulletin of information No. 8.) (7O40 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 963 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 9. Au gust, 1899. How local history material is preserved in the library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. By Minnie M. Oakley. 8vo, pp. (4). (7041 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 10. No vember, 1899. Suggestive outlines for the study of Wisconsin history. 8vo, pp. 13. (7O42 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 11. De cember, 1899. [Revised reprint of part of bulletin No. 4.] A selected list of printed material relating to the history of Wisconsin. Svo, pp. 18. (7043 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 12. De cember, 1899. [Revised reprint of part of bulletin No. 4.] Suggestions to local historians in Wisconsin. Svo, pp. 8. (7O44 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 13. Au gust, 1901. [From Proceedings, 1900.] Reports from auxiliary societies, for 1900. Greenbay Historical Society, Ripon Historical Society. Svo, pp. 4. (7O45 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 14. July, 1901. [From Proceedings, 1900.] Newspapers and periodicals regularly received at the library of the Society. Corrected to January 1, 1901. 8vo, pp. 79-93. (7O46 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 15. No vember, 1901. Suggestive outlines for the study of the history of the middle west, Kentucky and Tennessee. Prepared in conjunction with the School of History, University of Wisconsin. Madison, 1901. 8vo, pp. 29. (7047 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 1(5. Jan uary, 1902. [From Proceedings, 1902.] Periodicals and newspapers regu larly received at the library of the Society. Corrected to January 1, 1902. Svo, pp. 97-113. (7O48 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 17. Jan uary, 1903. Constitution and by-laws of the Society. Svo, pp. 11. (7049 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 18. May, 1903. List of publications of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1850-1902. Compiled by Isaac Samuel Bradley. [From Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1902.] Madison, 1903. Svo, pp. [102J-126. Cover-title. The number of the Bulletin as printed at head of title is " 20," corrected in ink to " 18." (7O5O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 19. May, 1903. [From Proceedings, 1902.] Periodicals and newspapers currently received at the library of the Society. Corrected to January 1, 1903. Svo, pp. 127-141 (1). (7ori STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 20. March, 1904. [From Proceedings. 1903.] Periodicals and newspapers cur rently received at the library. Corrected to October 1, 1 ( .o:;. Svo, pp. 70-92. (7052 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 21. June, 1904. A descriptive list of the works on English history in the library of the Society. Prepared by Asa Currier Tilton. 8vo, pp. 32. (7053 964 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of information No. 22. Jan uary, 1905. [From Proceedings, 1904.] Reports of auxiliary societies, for 1904. i. Green Bay, by Arthur C. Neville, president, n. Ripon, by Samuel M. Pedrick, secretary, m. Walworth County, by A. C. Beckwith, president, and John H. Snyder, Jr., secretary. 8vo, pp. 55-62. (7054 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of Information No. 23. [From Proceedings, 1904.] Periodicals and newspapers currently received at the library. Corrected to October 15, 1904. Madison, 1905. 8vo, pp. 92-109. (7055 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Bulletin of Information No. 24. January, 1905. i. Conference of state and local historical societies, n. The work of American historical societies, m. The authenticity of Carver s " Travels." Being items of interest from the Chicago meeting of the Amer ican Historical Association, December 28-30, 1904. 8vo, pp. 15. (7056 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Evolution vs. revolution, in politics. An address before the Society February 9, 1897. By Andrew D. White. [Madison, 1897.] 8vo, pp. 22. From Proceedings of the forty -fourth annual meeting, December, 1896. (7O57 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Lake Mills in the war of secession. By Elisha W. Keyes. Madison, 1897. Svo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, forty-fourth annual meeting, December, 1896. (7O58 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Specifications for the completion of the library and museum building for the State Historical Society of Wis consin. By Ferry & Clas, architects. Madison, 1897. Svo, pp. 109. <7<>59 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN, i. The West as a field for historical study. By Frederick Jackson Turner, n. Available material for the study of institutional history of the Old Northwest, by Isaac Samuel Bradley. Madison, 1897. Svo, pp. 37. From Proceedings, forty-fourth annual meeting, December, 1896. (7O60 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Annotated catalogue of newspaper files in the library of the Society. Prepared under the editorial direction of R. G. Thwaites and I. S. Bradley, by Eninia Helen Blair. Madison, 1X98. Svo, pp. xi, 375. (7061 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Army life in Wisconsin territory. i. The history of Fort Winnebago. By Andrew Jackson Turner, n. Fort Wiunebago orderly book, 1834-36. in. Abraham Lincoln in the Black Hawk war. By Alfred Augustus Jackson, iv. An English officer s description of Wisconsin in 1837. By Capt. Frederick Marryat Madison, 1898. Svo, pp. 91. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7062 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. A bibliographical account of the Wisconsin constitutional conventions, by Florence Elizabeth Baker. [From Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1897.] Madison, 1898. Svo, pp. 37. < ro63 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Constitution and by-laws. [Madi son, 1898.] Svo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, forty-fifth annual meeting, December, 1897. (7064 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 965 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Cornish in southwest Wisconsin. By Louis Albert Copeland. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 36. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O<>5 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Early Episcopalianism in Wisconsin, i. Journal of an Episcopalian missionary s tour to Green Bay, 1834. By Jackson Kemper. n. Documents relating to the Episcopal church and mis sion in Green Bay, 1825-41. Edited and annotated by Reuben G. Thwaites. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 123. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O66 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Father Samuel Mazzuchelli. By James Davie Butler. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 9. Portrait. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O67 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The First Wisconsin Cavalry at the capture of Jefferson Davis. By Gen. Henry Harnden, commanding the expedition. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 18. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O68 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Geographical origin of German immi gration to Wisconsin. By Kate Everest Levi. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 54. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O6O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. A history of early railroad legislation in Wisconsin. By Balthasar Henry Meyer. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 96. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O7O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. How Germans become Americans. By Ernest Bruncken. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 22. From Proceedings, forty-fifth annual meeting, December, 189?. (7O71 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Ichabod Codding. By Hannah Maria Preston Codding; with an introduction by Joseph Henry Crooker. Madi son, 1898. 8vo, pp. 28. From Proceedings, forty-fifth annual meeting, December, 1897. (7O72 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Reminiscences of early days on Mackinac Island. By Elizabeth Therese Baird. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 50. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O73 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The story of Mackinac. By Reuben Gold Thwaites. Madison, 1898. 8vo, pp. 16. From Historical Collections, Vol. xiv. (7O74 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OP WISCONSIN. Allouez and his relations to La Salle. By Joseph Stephen La Boulle. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 15. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O75 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The first Norwegian settlements in America within the present century. By Rasmus B. Anderson. Madison 1899. 8vo, pp. 19. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting; December, 1898. (7O76 966 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The future of northern Wisconsin. By James O Neill. Madison, 1S99. 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O77 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The German-American Press. By Emil Baensch. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 7. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O7S STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The great lakes in relation to rail road development of northern Wisconsin. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O79 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The history of a great industry. Dairy. By John Luchsinger. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. G. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O80 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The influence of the French regime in the Valley of the Fox. By Ella Hoes Neville. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 8. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7OS1 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The old fort at Fort Atkinson. By D. D. Mayne. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 7. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7OS2 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The origin and results of the im perial federation movement in England. By George Burton Adams. Madi son, 1899. 8vo, pp. 26. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O83 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Puritan influence in Wisconsin. By Ellis B. Usher. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 14. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O84 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Report of the hoard of commissioners for erecting the State historical library building. Submitted to the Wiscon sin legislature February 1, 1899. L Published by order of the legislature.] Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 18. Front. Plans. (7O85 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The settlement of Beloit as typical of the best westward migration of the American stock. By Henry Whitney. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 9. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7086 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Some distinctive characteristics oi the history of our lead region. By John Nelson Davidson. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 15. From Proceedings forty-sixth annual meeting, December, 1898. (7O8 1 ! STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Specifications for the stone carving book stacks and accompanying ironwork, electric fixtures, and passengei elevator plant for the library and museum building of the State Historica Society of Wisconsin, at Madison, Wis. By Ferry & Clas, architects July 22, 1899. Madison, 1899. 8vo, pp. 40. (7 , STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. 967 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The coming of the New York Indians to Wisconsin ; by John Nelson Davidson. Madison, State Historical Soci ety of Wisconsin, 1900. 8vo, pp. 153-185, 1 p. I. From Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1899. (7O89 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Diary of one of the original colonists of New Glarus, 1845. Translated from the German of Mathias Duerst. By John Luchsinger. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 46. From Historical Collections, Vol. xv. (7O9O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Early Presbyterianism in Wisconsin : i. Sketch of Cutting March, by John E. Chapin, D. D. n. Documents re lating to the Stockbridge mission, 1825-48. [From Wisconsin Historical Collections, Vol. xv.] Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1900. 8vo, pp. [25] -204, 1 p. 1. The " Documents relating to the Stockbridge mission " consist of papers of Jesse Miner, missionary to the Stockbridge Indians in Wisconsin (pp. 3948) and reports made to the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian know ledge, by Miner s successor, Cutting March, (pp. 48-204.) (7O91 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Fox River Valley in the days of the fur trade. By Deborah Beaumont Martin. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. ; 13. From Proceedings, forty-seventh annual meeting, December, 1899. (7O92 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. A Methodist circuit rider s horse back tour from Pennsylvania to Wisconsin in 1835. By Alfred Brunson. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 29. From Historical Collections, Vol. xv. (7O93 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The military history of Green Bay. By William L. Evans. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 20. From Proceedings, forty-seventh annual meeting, December, 1899. (7O94 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Outagamie village at West Menasha. By Publius V. Lawson. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 8. From Proceedings, forty-seventh annual meeting, December, 1899. (7O95 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Pioneering in the Wisconsin lead region. By Theodore Rodolf. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 29. From Historical Collections, Vol. xv. (7O9O STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Reminiscences of life in territorial Wisconsin, 1824-42. By Elizabeth Therese Baird. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 61. From Historical Collections, Vol. xv. (7O97 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The sifted grain and the grain sift ers. An address at the dedication of the building of the Society at Madi son, October 19, 1900. By Charles Francis Adams. [Boston, 1900.] Svo, pp. 67. Published by the author. (7O98 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Specifications for the general furni ture ; special library furniture ; chairs ; metal newspaper stacks, and book supports ; sidewalks, sodding, and retaining wall ; and cork carpets, and shades for the library and museum building of the State Historical Society 968 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of Wisconsin, at Madison. By Ferry & Clas, architects. January 10, 1900. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 60. (7099 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The story of the Fox-Wisconsin rivers improvement. By John Bell Sanhorn. Madison, 1900. 8vo, pp. 10. From Proceedings, forty-seventh annual meeting, .December, 1899. (71OO STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Exercises at the dedication of its new building, October 19, 1900 ; together with a description of the building, ac counts of the several libraries contained therein, and a brief history of the Society. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Memorial volume. Madison, 1901. pp. xii, 139. F. With plans, illustrations, and portraits. (71O1 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. List of periodicals in the libraries of the Society and the University of Wisconsin that are indexed in Poole s Index to Periodical Literature, Annual Literary Index, and Cumulative Index. [1901.] 4to, pp. 7. (71O2 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The political activity of Wisconsin Germans, 1854-GO. By Ernest Bruncken. Madison, 1901. 8vo, pp. 23. From Proceedings, forty-ninth annual meeting, December, 1901. (71O3 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Wisconsin State Historical Li brary building and the several libraries contained therein. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. [From Wisconsin State historical library building: Memorial volume, 1901.] Madison, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1901. F, pp. 28. Front. Plans. (71O4 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Report of the Wisconsin State his torical convention held at Milwaukee, October 11 and 12, 1901, under the auspices of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, with the following addresses : The Mississippi Valley organized, by James K. Hosmer ; For eign immigration to Wisconsin, by John G. Gregory ; Influence of the Ger mans in Wisconsin, by W. Hense-Jensen ; Polanders in Wisconsin, by J. W. S. Tomkiewicz ; The Scots in Wisconsin, by James A. Bryden ; Our Bohemian population, by J. J. Vlach ; Wisconsin s contribution to American inventions, by H. G. Underwood ; New England influence in Milwaukee, by s Ellis B. Usher ; Our northward Neshotah, by J. N. Davidson ; Population of St. Croix Co., 1850-70, by J. B. Graham; Political activity of Wisconsin Germans, 1854-60, by Ernest Bruncken. Madison, 1902. Svo, pp. 93. From Proceedings, forty-ninth annual meeting, December, 1901. (71O5 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. The Wisconsin phalanx at Ceresco, by S. M. Pedrick. Madison, Wisconsin, 1903. Svo, pp. [1], [190]-226. Cover title, Plan. From Proceedings, 1902. States the objects of a company of persons, comprising the earlist residents of what is now the city of Ripon, who, under the name of the " Wisconsin phalanx," and the leadership of Warren Chase, first occupied the valley of Ceresco, carrying out in the community the ideas of Fourier, cf. Introductory remarks. (71O5o STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Early Wisconsin imprints : a pre liminary essay, by Henry Eduard Legler. [From the Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1903.] Madison, 1904. 8vo, pp. (1), ril8]^-138. Plate. (7106 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. 969 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Index to the Proceedings of the Society, 1874-1901. Prepared under the editorial direction of Reuben G. Thwaites, by Mary Elizabeth Haines. Madison, 1904. 8vo, pp. 399. (71O7 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Documentary history of Dunmore s war 1774. Compiled from the Draper manuscripts in the library of the Wisconsin Historical Society, and published at the charge of the Wisconsin Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites and Louise Phelps Kellogg. Madison, Wisconsin Historical So ciety, 1905. 12mo, pp. xxviii, 472. Portrait. Maps. Facsimile. (71O8 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. Indian agriculture in southern Wis consin. By Benjamin Horace Hibbard. Madison, 1905. Svo, pp. [1451-155. From the Proceedings, 1904. (71O9 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN. John Johnston : a memoir, by William W T ard Wight. Madison, 1905. 8vo, pp. [1], 118-133. Front, (portrait). From Proceedings of the Society, 1904. Bibliography, pp. 131-133. (711O UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Madison, Wis. HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCON SIN. The corrupt use of money in politics, and laws for its prevention. A paper read before the Association by C. M. Gregory. Madison, 1893. 8vo, pp. 25. (7111 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN." Bulletin. Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. i. (1894-189<j.) Frederick J. Turner, Editor. Madison, Wis., 1897. Svo, pp. 572. In three numbers, first published separately, as follows : Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. i, No. 1. pp. 1-116. The geographical distribution of the vote of the thirteen States on the Federal Constitution, 1787-88. By Orin Grant Libby. Madison, June, 1894. Svo, pp. vii, 116. Two maps. (7112 Bulletin of the University. Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. i, No. 2. pp. 117-273. The finances of the United States fronTl775 to 1789, with especial reference to the budgets. By Charles J. Bullock. Madison, June, 1895. Svo, pp. 157. (7113 Bulletin of the University. Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. i, No. 3. pp. 275-562. The Province of Quebec and the early American Revolution. A study in English-American colonial history. By Victor Coffin. Madison, Wis., June, 1896. Indices to Vol. i, pp. 563-572. (7114 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. ii. (1897-1899.) Frederick J. Turner, Editor. .Madison, Wis., 1899. 8vo. In four numbers, first published separately, as follows : Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. ir, No. 1. pp. 1-74. New governments west of the Alleghanies before 1780. (Introductory to a study of the organization and admission of new states.) By George Henry Alden. (7115 Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. n^ No. 2. pp. 75-188. Municipal history and present organization of the city of Chicago. By Samuel Edwin Sparling. Madison, Wis., May, 1898. Bulletin No. 23. (7116 Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. 11, No. 3. pp. 263-392. 970 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Congressional grants of lands in aid of railways. By John Bell Sanborn Madison, Wis., August, 1899. Bulletin No. 30. (7117 Economics, political science, and history series. Vol. ir, No. 4. pp. 393-456. English common law in the early American colonies. By Paul Samuel Reinsch. Madison, Wisconsin, October, 1899. Bulletin No. 31. This series was discontinued with the completion of the second volume, and was replaced by the " Economics and Political Science Series " and the ." His tory Series." (7118 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. History series, Vol. i, No. 1. The origin of the sys tem of land grants for education. By Joseph Schafer. Madison, Wis., 1902. 8vo, pp. 53. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, No. G3. History series, Vol. \, No. 1. Bibliography: pp. 50-53. (7119 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. History series, Vol. i, No. 2. The king s household in England before the Norman conquest. By Laurence Marcellus Larson. Madison, Wis., 1004. 8vo, 3 p. 1., pp. [61J-211. Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, No. 100. History series, Vol. i, No. 2. (712O UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Economics and political science series. Vol. i, No. 1. pp. 1-66. The decline of landowning farmers in England. By Henry Charles Taylor. Madison, Wis., June, 1904. 8vo, Bulletin No. 96. (7121 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Economics and political science series. Vol. i, No. 2. pp. 67-214. The history of agriculture in Dane county, Wisconsin. By Benjamin Horace Hibbard. Madison, Wis., September, 1904. Bulletin No. 101. (7122 WESTERN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Madison, Wis. WESTERN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The province and the states ; a history of the province of Louisiana under France and Spain, and of the territories and states of the United States formed therefrom. * * * Weston Arthur Goodspeed, LL. B., editor-in-chief. Madison, Wis., The Western Historical Association, 1904. 8vo. Portraits. Maps (partly fold.). Contents : Vols. i-n. General history. Vol. in. Louisiana, Arkansas, Okla homa, Indian Territory. Vol. iv. Missouri, Kansas, Colorado. Vol. v. Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming. Vol. vi. Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Da kota. (7123 WISCONSIN ARCH EO LOGICAL SOCIETY. Milwaukee, Wis. WISCONSIN ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Wisconsin Archeologist ; a quarterly bulletin published by the Wisconsin Archeological Society. Milwaukee, Wis. 8vo. Illus. Plates. Portraits. Maps. Vol. i, Nos. 1-4 ; Vol. 11, No. 1. Oct., 1901-Oct., 1902. " Published by the archeological section of the Wisconsin Natural History Society." Editor: 1901-03, C. E. Brown. (7124 Vol. n, Nos. 2 and 3. January and April, 1903. Summary of the archeology of Winnebago county. [By Publius V. Lawson.l 8vo, pp. [35]-85. Map. Vol. n, No. 4. July, 1903. Contents : Proceedings ; The triangular stone adze, by Henry A. Crosby ; Com mercial vs. scientific collecting, by Warren K. Moorehead ; The occurrence of obsidian implements in Wisconsin, by Fublius V. Lawson ; George P. Delaplaine, by Julia A. Lapham ; The collection and preservation of local archeological HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 971 data, by Charles E. Brown ; Archeological research and literature ; Notes from the Wisconsin field, pp. 87-110. (7125 Vol. in. No. 1. October, 1003. Summary of the archeology of Racine county, Wisconsin. [By Geo. A. West.) pp. 42. Vol. in, No. 2. January, 1004. The native copper implements of Wisconsin. By Charles E. Brown, pp. 1 45] -84. Vol. in, No. 3. April, 1004. The native copper ornaments of Wisconsin. [By Charles E. Brown. 1 pp. [101] -121. Vol. in. No. 4. July, 1004. Tennessee archeology at St. Louis. Thurston exhibit. [By G. P. Thruston.] pp. -[133]-148. (712 WISCONSIN PIONEER ASSOCIATION. WISCONSIN PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Historical address before the Association and the surviving members of the constitutional convention of 1840-47, on the early history of Wisconsin, July 10, 1879. By G. B. Smith. Madison, 1879. 8vo, pp. 22. Second annual meeting, July 1, 1880, at Madison. Madison, 1880. (7127 WYOMING HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Cheyenne, Wyo. WYOMING HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First-Third report. 1898-1901 02. Cheyenne, 1898-1903. 16mo. (7128 WYOMING HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. i. Cheyenne, 1897. 8vo, pp. 352. Illustrations. Contents : List of officers ; Introduction Establishment of the Society ; His torical sketches of Wyoming; Sketches of its officers, and its buildings. (712?) HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Honolulu. HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers, No. 1. The relations between the Hawaiian Islands and Spanish America in early times. By W. D. Alexander. Read January 28, 1802. 8vo, pp. 11. No. 2. The lesser Hawaiian gods, read before the Society April 7, 1892, by J. S. Emerson ; and Traces of Spanish influence in the Hawaiian Islands, by C. J. Lyons. 8vo, pp. 27, (1). No. 3. Evolution of Hawaiian land titles. By S. B. Dole. Read before the Society December 5, 1802. 8vo, pp. 18. No. 4. Early voyagers of the Pacific Ocean. [By Alatau T. Atkinson. Read March 6, 1803.] 8vo, pp. 16. No. 5. The long voyages of the ancient Hawaiians. Read before the Society May 18, 1803, by N. B. Emerson. 8vo, pp. 34. No. 6. The proceedings of the Russians on Kauai in 1814-1819. Read before the Society May 7, 1894, by W. D. Alexander. 8vo, pp. 18, (2). No. 7. The evolution of the Hawaiian judiciary. Presented before the Society June 26, 1894, by W. F. Frear. 8vo, pp. 25. No. 8. Honolulu in 1817-1818, by James Hunnewell, read before the Society July 18, 1895 ; and The voyage of the Albatross, by W. D. Alexander. 8vo, pp. 22. No. 9. The uncompleted treaty of annexation of 1854. Presented before the Society July 2, 1897, by W. D. Alexander. 8vo, pp. 66, (1). No. 10. Honolulu in 1853. By Warren Goodale, and supplement to the same, by T. G. Thrum. Read before the Society July 2, 1897. 8vo, pp. 32. No. 11. Some Hawaiians abroad, by Ed. Towse. Early trading in Hawaii, by W. D. Alexander. Read before the Society September 15, 1903. Honolulu, T. II. 1004. 8vo, pp. 24. (713O 972 AMERICAN" HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. First annual report. Honolulu, 1893. 8vo, pp. 20. (Second report not printed.) Third annual report. 1895. Svo, pp. 23. Contains : A brief sketch of the life of Kamehameha V, by W. I). Alexander ; Recollections of Kamehameha V, by R. A. Lyman. Fourth annual report. 1896. Svo, pp. 40. Contains : The legend of the shark-man, Nanaue, by Emma M. Nakiua ; On an autograph letter, by Jean B. Rives ; Incidents of the voyage of the " Heros," by W. D. Alexander ; The last hours of Liholiho and Kamamalu, by Theo. H. Davies. (7131 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifth annual report. 1897. Honolulu, 1898. Svo, pp. 32. Contents : Synopsis of a lecture on the Origin and Migrations of the Poly nesians, considered from the South Polynesian point of view, by S. Percy Smith ; Tahitian folklore, compared with the Samoan and Hawaiian, by Teuira Henry ; Capt. Hypolete Bouchard and his treaty with Kamehameha I, by Paul Neumann. (7132 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Sixth annual report. 1898. Honolulu, 1898. 8vo, pp. 27. Contains : The maker of the Hawaiian flag, by W. D. Alexander ; Correspond ence relating to the last hours of Kamehameha V ; Regarding Ho-Ao, Hawaiian marriage, by N. B. Emerson. (7133 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Seventh annual report, with a paper on the partition of Samoa, and the past relations between that group and the United States, by H. M. Sewall. Honolulu, 1900. Svo, pp. 32. (7134 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eighth annual report, with a paper on the his tory of the Honolulu Fort, by N. B. Emerson. Honolulu, H. T., 1900. Svo, pp. 29. (7135 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ninth annual report, with a paper on some Hawaiian beliefs regarding spirits, by J. S. Emerson, and a report on a find of human bones exhumed in the sands of Waikiki, by N. B. Emerson. Honolulu, 1902. Svo, pp. 24. (7136 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tenth annual report, for the year 1902, with papers. Honolulu, 1903. Svo, pp. 39. Contains : A suppressed chapter of Hawaiian history, by Laura F. Judd ; Apropos of reciprocity treaty of 1855-G ; Mamala-Hoa, by N. B. Emerson. (7137 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Eleventh annual report for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1903. With a letter by H. S. Townsend on certain coincidences between the Polynesian and Philippine languages, and an essay by N. B. Emerson on the poetry of Hawaii. Honolulu, 1904. 8vo, pp. 25. (7138 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Twelfth annual report of the Society, for the year ending December 31st, 1904. With a paper by Ed. Towse on th; " Voyage of the Tetautua." Honolulu, 1905. Svo, pp. 36. Portraits. (7139 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the bound books in the library of the Society. Honolulu, 1897. Svo, pp. 29. (7140 HAWAIIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the bound books in the library of the Hawaiian Historical Society. Honolulu, 1897. Svo, pp. 29. Cover-title. By C. M. Hyde. (7141 HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. 973 SOCIETY OF ALASKAN NATURAL HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY. SOCIETY OF ALASKAN NATURAL HISTORY AND ETHNOLOGY. Bulletin No. 2. The Mtiir glacier, Alaska. By George Frederick Wright. Philadelphia, printed for the Society [1889?]. 8vo, pp. 22. Illustrations. (7142 DOMINION OF CAN-ADA. CHATEAUGUAY LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Montreal, Canada. CHATEAGUAY LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. An account of the battle of Chateauguay, being a lecture delivered at Ormstown March 8, 1889, by W. D. Lighthall. With some local and personal notes by W. Patterson. Mon treal, 1889. 8vo, pp. 32. Map. Portrait. (7143 ELGIN HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE. St. Thomas, Ontario. ELGIN HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE. Historical sketches of the county of Elgin. Published by the Elgin Historical and Scientific Institute, St. Thomas, Ontario. TJtc Times print, 1895. 8vo, pp. (4), 44, 17, 46, (a). Folded map. Portraits. Contents : Officers and members of the Institute ; The country of the Neutrals. by James H. Coyne ; The Talbot settlement, by C. O. Ermatinger ; Development of the county of Elgin, by K. W. McKay ; Surveys ; Parliamentary representa tives, Upper Canada legislature, 1702 to 1841 ; List of wardens, county of Elgin, 1852-1895; Municipal- nomenclature. (7144 ELGIN HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE. The country of the Neutrals (as far as comprised in the county of Elgin) from Champlain to Talbot, by James H. Coyne. St. Thomas, Ontario, 1895. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 44. Fold. map. Separate, with added title-page, from " Historical sketches of the county of Elgin. Published by the Elgin Historical and Scientific Institute," 1895. The map is a copy made from Galinee s map of 1670. (7145 Ki.i.ix HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE. The court-houses of a century. By K. W. McKay. 1902. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Winnipeg, Manitoba. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF. MANITOBA. Catalogue of 840 specimens from the collection of the Historical and Scientific Society [of Manitoba], Winnipeg. Comprising geology, mineralogy, ethnology, and history of the Canadian Northwest, forming a portion of the exhibit sent to the Dominion and Centennial Exhibition held at St. John, New Brunswick, October, 1883. Winnipeg, 1883. 8vo, pp. 10. (7147 HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Transactions and Proceed ings from its organization in 1879 till the close of the Society s year 1902- 1903, being Transactions Nos. 1 to 06 and annual reports for the years 1880 to 1903. Winnipeg, 1904, 974 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CONTENTS. No. 1. The causes of the rising in the Red River settlement. By A. McArthur. 1882. pp. 12. (7148 No. 2. The Arctic regions and Hudson Bay route. By John Rae. 1882. pp. 11. (7148a No. 3. Gleanings from the geology of the Red River Valley. By J. H. Panton. 1882. (7148& No. 4. Winnipeg country : Its discovery and the great consequences resulting. By [George] Bryce. 1883. pp. 9. (714Sc No. 5. The Sioux language. By W. A. Burman. 1883. pp. 4. (7148d No. 6. Sources of Northwestern history. W. Dennis. 1883. pp. 4. (7148e No. 7. Transactions No. 1, session 1883-84. Navigation of Hudson Bay and straits. By C. N. Bell. 1883. pp. 4, 3. (7148/= No. 8. Transactions No. 2. In memoriam : Late A. K. Isbister. By Rev. Pro fessor Bryce. 1883. pp. 4. (71480 No. 9. Transactions No. 3. Notes and comments on Harmon s Journal, 1800- 1820. By [George] Bryce. 1883. pp. 7. (7148ft No. 10. Transactions No. 4. Fragmentary leaves from the geological records of the great Northwest. By J. H. Panton. 1884. pp. 9. (7148i No. 11. Transactions No. 5. " Our water supply." By Dr. N. Agnew. 1884. pp. 4. (7148; Nos. 12-14. Transactions Nos. 6-8. The Red River, by W. Murdoch ; The Red River, by J. H. Rowan; The prairie chicken, by E. E. T. Seton. 1884. pp. 18. (7148fc No. 15. Transactions No. 15 (from beginning). Gleanings from outcrops of Silurian strata in the Red River Valley. By J. H. Panton. 1884. pp. 13. (7148Z No. 16. Transactions No. 16. Our crop markets, by Colonel D. C. Scoble ; Prairie tires, by E. E. T. Seton. pp. 11. (7148m No. 17. Transactions No. 17. Some historical names and places of the Cana dian Northwest. By C. N. Bell. 1885. pp. 8. (7148w No. 18. Transactions No. 18. The mound builders. By George Bryce. 1885. pp. 20. (7148o No. 19. Transactions No. 19. The old settlers of Red River. By George Bryce. 1885. pp. 9. (71480 No. 20. Transactions No. 20. Notes on the geology of some islands in Lake Winnipeg. By J. H. Panton. 1886. pp. 10. (7148 No. 21. Transactions No. 21. On the proposed change of time marking to a decimal system. By R. E. W. Goodridge. 1886. pp. 10. (7148r No. 22. Transactions No. 22. The Chinook winds and other climatic condi tions of the Northwest. By A. Bowerman. 1886. pp. 6. (7148s No. 23. Transactions No. 23. A list of the mammals of Manitoba. By E. E. Thompson. 1886. pp. 26. (7148* No. 24. Transactions No. 24. The Souris country, its monuments, mounds, forts, and rivers. By George Bryce. 1887. pp. 7. (7148w No. 25. Transactions No. 25. The French element in the Canadian Northwest. By L. Drummond. 1887. pp. 14. (7148y No. 26. Transactions No. 26. The footsteps of time in the Red River Valley. By A. McCharles. 1887. pp. 18. (7148W No. 27. Transactions No. 27. A prairie tragedy : The fate of Thomas Simpson, the Arctic explorer. By A. McArthur. 1887. pp. 13. (7148# No. 28. Transactions No. 28. Our winter birds. By A. McArthur. 1887. pp. 12. (7148*/ No. 29. Transactions No. 29. Some Red River settlement history. By C. N. Bell. 1887. pp. 8. (7149 No. 30. Transactions No. 30. Sketch of the life of John Tanner, a famous Manitoba scout. By George Bryce. 1888. pp. 4. (7149o No. 31. Transactions No. 31. Henry s Journal, covering adventures and ex periences in the fur trade on the Red River, 1799-1801. By C. N. Bell. 1888. pp. 9. (7146 No. 32. Transactions No. 32. The abortive Fenian raid on Manitoba. By G. McMicken. 1888. pp. 11. (7149c No. 33. Transactions No. 33. Original letters and other documents relating to the Selkirk settlement. By G. Bryce and C. N. Bell. 1889. pp. 10. (7149d No. 34. Transactions No. 34. Annual report for 1888. Inaugural address. By C. N. Bell. 1889. pp. 6, (7149e HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. 975 Nos. 35 and 37. Transactions. Continuation of Henry s journal covering adventures and experiences in the fur trade on the Red River, 1799-1801, by Charles N. Bell. No. 30. Lord Selkirk s deed from the Hudson s Bay Company, by James Taylor. 1889. pp. 24. (7149/ No. 38. Transaction s. Two provisional governments in Manitoba. Contain ing an account of the Riel rebellion, with an appendix embodying the four Bills of Rights verbatim. By Rev. Professor [George] Bryce. Winnipeg, 1890 pp. 11. (7149.gr No. 39. Transactions. Land and sea birds nesting within the Arctic circle in the Lower Mackenzie River district as observed by Roderick Ross MacFarland. Winnipeg, 1890. pp. 35. (7149/t No. 40. Transactions. The first recorder of Rupert s Land. A paper read before the Society, May 4, .1800. By George Bryce, LL. D. Winnipeg, 1890. pp. 5. (7149t No. 41. Transactions. Surface geology of the Red River and Assiniboine val leys. By George Bryce, LL. D. Winnipeg, 1891. pp. 7. (7149; No. 42. Transactions. Older geology of the Red River and Assiniboin val leys. By George Bryce, LL. D. Winnipeg, 1891. pp. 7, (2) (7149^ No. 43. Transactions. " Seven Oaks." An account of the affair of Seven Oaks. Winnipeg. 1892. Plan. Plate. (7149Z No. 44. Transactions. The social customs and amusements in the early days in the Red River Settlement and Rupert s Land. By John MacBeth. Winnipeg, 1893. pp. 7. (7149m No. 45. Transactions. The old Crow Wing trail. By John Schultz. Winni peg, 1894. pp. 32. Two plates. Woodcut. (7149 No. 46. Transactions. Early days in Winnipeg. By George Bryce, LL. D. Winnipeg, 1894. pp. 8. (7149o No. 47. Transactions. A forgotten northern fortress. By John Schultz. Winnipeg, 1894. pp. 14. "A history and description of Fort Prince of Wales, Churchill Harbor, Hud- sons Bay." (7149/j No. 48. February 11, 1896. Worthies of Old Red River. By George Bryce. PP. 12. (7149</ No. 49. February 23, 1897. The Lake of the Woods ; its history, geology, mining and manufacturing. By George Bryce. pp. 19. (7149r No. 50. April 22, 1897. Farm life in the Selkirk colony. By R. G. Mac- Beth, pp. 4. (7149s No. 51. April 14, 1898. The game birds of Manitoba. By George E. Atkinson. PP- 21. (7149* No. 52. April 14, 1898. Sketch of the life and discoveries of Robert Camp bell, chief factor of the Hon. Hudson s Bay company. By George Bryce. pp. 18. (7149M No. 53. December 8, 1898. Manitoba birds of prey and the small mammals destroyed by them. By A. E. Atkinson, pp. 1(5. (7149r No. 54. February 21, 1899. Historical sketch of the charitable institutions of Winnipeg. By Mrs. George Bryce. pp. 31. (7149<o No. 55. July 14, 1900. The present status of natural science in Manitoba and the northwest. By W. A. Burman. pp. 23. (71.5O No. 56. January 25, 1900. On the St. Paul trail in the sixties. By W. G. Fonseca. pp. 14. (7151 No. 57. February 12, 1901. Early Red River culture. By Mrs. George Bryce. pp. 16. (7152 No. 58. February 12, 1901. Notes and observations of travels on the Atha basca and Slave Lake regions in 1899. By W. J. McLean, pp. 7. (7153 No. 59. March 22, 1901. The early Icelandic settlements in Canada. By Sigtr. Jonasson. pp. 15. (7154 No. 60. November 14, 1901. Insectivorous birds of Manitoba. By Geo. E. Aktinson. pp. 20. (7155 No. 61. February 13, 1902. Britain s one Ttopia. By Frank L. Hunt. PP- 16. (715O No. 62. December 12, 1901. The first Canadian woman in the Northwest; or, the story of Marie Anne Gaboury, wife of John Bapliste Lajimoniere, who arrived in the Northwest in 1807, and died at Boniface at the age of 96 years. By M. L Abbe G. Dugast. Translated by J. M. Morice. pp. 32. (7157 No. 63. February 10, 1903. Letters of a pioneer, Alexander Ross. Edited by George Bryce. pp. 15. (7158 976 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. No. 64. February 0, 1904. " Treasures of our library. By George Bryce. pp. 12. (7159 No. 65. February 0, 1904. Rare bird records of Manitoba. By George E. Atkinson, pp. 12. (716O Among the mound builders remains. By George (7161 By David Laird, pp. 11. (7161a No. 66. February 9, 1904. Bryce. pp. 47. No. 67. February 23, 1905. Our Indian treaties. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. The annual meeting, 1880. Broadside. The annual meeting, February 8, 1881. Broadside. The annual meeting, February 14, 1882. Broadside. Annual report for 1882-83. Annual meeting, February 13, 1883. 1883. pp. 8. Annual report for 1884-85. Winnipeg, 1885. pp. 7. Annual report for 1886-87. Winnipeg, 1887. pp. 12. Annual report for 1887. Winnipeg, 1888. pp. 16. Annual report for 1888. Winnipeg, 1889. pp. 10. Annual report for 1889. Winnipeg, 1890. Annual report for 1890. Winnipeg, 1891. Annual report for 1891. Winnipeg, 1892. pp. 10. (7162 HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Annual report for 1892. The social customs and amusements in the early days in the Red River Settle ment and Ruperts Land. By John MacBeth. Winnipeg, 1893. 8vo, pp. 23, 7. (7163 HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Annual report for the year 1893. Winnipeg, 1894. 8vo, pp. 20. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. 1894. Winnipeg, 1895. 8vo, pp. 22. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Winnipeg, 1896. 8vo, pp. 32. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Winnipeg, 1897. Svo, pp. 24. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Winnipeg, 1898. 8vo, pp. 22. HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Winnipeg, 1903. 8vo, pp. 24. Same, 1903. Winnipeg, 1904. Svo, pp. 23. Same, 1904. Winnipeg, 1905. Svo, pp. 7. (7164 Annual repoit for the year. (7165 Annual report for 1895. (7166 Annual report for 1896. (7167 Annual report for 1897. (7168 Animal report for 1902. (7169 (7170 HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF MANITOBA. Act of incorporation and constitution and by-laws. Winnipeg, 1896. 8vo, pp. 10. (7171 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. [French title: Societe Litteraire et Historique de Quebec.] Quebec, Canada. LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Transactions. Vols. i-v, part 1. New series, parts l-[26]. Sessions, 1876-1905. Quebec, 1829-1905. Vol. i, 1829, pp. xxxvi, 261, 72 (1), 9 plates. Vol. n, 1831, pp. (4) iii, 444, (1) ; v, (3), folded map. Vol. in, 1837. Vol. iv, parts 1-4, 1843-1856. Ap pendix, 1861. Vol. v, part 1, 1862. New series, part 1, 1863, pp. 20, 118 ; new series, part 2, 1864, pp. (4) 160; new series, part 3, 1865, pp. (4) 155; new series, part 4, 1866, pp. 163 (6) ; new series, part 5, 1867, pp. 83 (3) ; new series, LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OP QUEBEC. 977 part 6, 1860, pp. 68, 12 ; new series, part 7, 1870, pp. 138, 13 (2) ; new series, part 8, 1871, pp. 187, 23 (1) ; new series, part 9, 1872, pp. 132, 29 (3) ; new series, part 10, 1873, pp. Ill, 18 (4) ; new-series, part 11, 1875, pp. 150, 17 (4). Sessions of 1876-77, 1877 ; pp. 179, 40. Sessions of 1877-78-79, 1879 ; pp. 160, 23, viii. Ses sions of 1879-80, 1880 ; pp. 130. Sessions of 1880-81, 1881 ; pp. xix, xxxiv, 144. Sessions of 1881-82, 1882 ; pp. 173. Sessions of 1882-83, 1883 ; pp. 118. Sessions of 1883 to 1886, No. 18, 1886 ; pp. 56. Sessions of 1887 to 1889, No. 19, 1889 ; pp. 176. Sessions of 1889 to 1891, No. 20, 1891 ; pp. 178. No. 21, 1891-92. No. 22, 1892-1898. No. 23, 1898-1900. No. 21 [i. c., 24], 1900-1902. No. 25, 1903. [No. 26], 1903 to 1905. Vol. I. Inaugural address on the early civil and ecclesiastical juridical history of France, hy J. Sewell ; The geology of Lake Superior, by H. W. Bayfleld ; On colouring materials produced in Canada, hy W. Green ; Meteorological phenomena in Canada, by Captain Bonnycastle ; Notes on the Saguenay country, by A. Stuart ; Rocks and minerals of Upper Canada, by Captain Bonnycastle ; Geology of the Labrador coast, by Lieutenant Baddelay ; Geognosy of the Saguenay country ; On the ancient Etruscans, by A. Stuart ; Notes on the country about the Falls of Montmorenci, by W. Green ; Recent shells which characterize Que bec ; Journey across the continent of North America, by an Indian chief ; Amer ican plants, described by Charlevoix ; Myrtus cerifera, by W. Green ; Asiatic origin of the North American Indians, by Major Mercer ; Crickets in Canada, by J. Hale ; Catalogue of Canadian plants ; Catalogue of mineralogical collection belonging to the Society. (7172 Vol. ii. Coral animals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Captain Bayfield ; St. Maurice expedition in 1829 ; Processes used in dyeing among the Huron Indians, by W. Green ; Sketches of the Tte de Boule Indians, by J. Adams ; Plants of Lower Canada, by W. Sheppard ; On length and space, by D. Wilkie ; Geognosy of St. Paul s Bay, by Lieutenant Baddeley ; Grammar of the Huron language ; Sur le canon de bronze trouve en 1826, sur en bane de sable, dans le fleuve St. Laurent, par A. Berthelot ; Remarks on the country lying between rivers St. Maurice and Saguenay, by Lieutenant Ingall ; Notes upon the dark days of Can ada, by J. Sewell ; Topographical notices of the country between the mouth of the Rideau and Penetanguishine, by A. Shireff ; Textile substances used by Indians ; Letter of Cotton Mather on witchcraft ; Plan raisonne" d education ge"n- erale et permanente, par J. F. Perrault ; On stoves used in Russia, by J. Sewall ; Localities of metallic minerals in the Canadas, by Lieutenant Baddeley ; Cata logues, etc. (7173 Vol. in. On the temperature, fogs, and mirages of the river St. Lawrence, by W. Kelly^; Abstract of meteorological journal kept at Cape Diamond, Quebec, 1824-1831, W. Kelly ; Theory of parallel lines, by D. Wilkie ; Plants of Canada, by W. Sheppard ; On the Magdalen Islands, by R. E. Baddeley ; Pigments of Canada ; Medical statistics of Lower Canada, by W. Kelly ; Some Canadian song birds, by Mrs. Sheppard ; Inscription found in the heart of a growing tree, by W. Sheppard ; Mineral water from Gaspe" ; Ancient document relating to Acadia ; St. Paul s Island, by Adams ; Temperature of springs at Quebec, by W. Kelly ; Travertine or calcareous tufa, by H. D. Sewell ; Canadian etymologies, by A. Stuart ; Geological sketch of southeastern portion of Lower Canada, by Lieu tenant Baddeley ; Meteorological journal kept on Lake Superior in 1824 ; Mete orological register at Cape Diamond, 1832-1834 ; Ancient English and Anglo- Saxon language, by Dr. Fisher ; On some extraordinary forms of mirage, by W. Kelly ; Notes upon the country in the vicinity of Quebec, by H. D. Sewell ; On the effect of clearing and cultivation on climate, by W. Kelly ; Method of pre venting liquid condensation of smoke, by W. Sheppard ; On the temperature of the water of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by W. Kelly ; Prize essay on the hyper boreans, by A. W. Cochran : Habits of the salmon, by Dr. Henry ; Thoughts on civilization, by A. Stuart; Oration by Rev. D. Wilkie. (7174 Vol. iv. On modes of reducing distances between the moon and the sun, by Judge Fletcher ; Investigations of the rules in Justice Fletcher s paper, by V. Daintry ; On the establishment of a general system of education in Canada, by D. Wilkie ; Notes upon the Massasagua, a species of rattlesnake, by A. Sewell ; Notes on the coast of Labrador, by S. Robertson ; On the Menobranchus lateralis, by W. Sheppard ; On the natural history of the American black bear, by G. M. Douglas ; Analysis of Georgian spring water, by A. Hall ; Notes on Esquimaux Bay, by W. H. A. Davies ; Minerals which decrepitate with heat, by F. II. Bad deley ; Notes on Ungava Bay, by W. H. A. Davies ; Measures adopted in 1775- H. Doc, 923, 59-1, vol 2 62 978 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. 1786 to check St. Paul s Bay disease, by A. W. Cochran ; The twenty years siege of Candia, by E. T. Fletcher ; Resources of Anticosti, by A. K. Roche ; Water power of Quebec, by E. D. Ashe ; * * * Meteorological observations at Quebec, 185354, by Lieutenant Noble ; Russian America, by A. K. Roche ; The social condition of the coast of Labrador, by N. II. Bowen ; Reminiscences of the boundary survey between Canada and the United States, 1843-1845, by F. N. Boxer. (7175 Vol. v, part 1. May, 1862. Notes of a journey across the Andes in Peru, by E. D. Ashe ; An important but neglected branch of social science, by E. A. Meredith ; On the age of timber trees, by John Langton ; Documents sur les voyages et sur la vie de Jacques Cartier. (7175a New series, Vol. \, part 1. Opening address by J. Langton, president, pp. 20. Weights and measures, by R. S. M. Bouchette ; On a lately discovered manu script of Samuel Champlain, by T. D Arcy McGee ; Note on some emendations in the text of Shakespeare, by E. A. Meredith ; The capabilities of the harbor of Quebec, by C. M. Tate ; The grain trade, by A. Harvey ; Up the River Moisie, by E. Cayley ; Danger from the substitution of benzole for turpentine in paint, by S. Sturton ; A few thoughts on the botanical geography of Canada, by S. Stur- ton, pp. 20, 118. (7176 New series, part 2. Opening address by J. Langton ; Gold fields of Nova Scotia, by Dr. Anderson ; Gold fields of Canada, by Rev. Mr. Douglas ; Note on an incident of early Canadian history [Champlain s expedition of 1615], by J. Langton ; Coleoptera and Diptera of Quebec, by W. Couper ; Motions of the top, teetotum, and gyroscope, by E. D. Ashe; The census of 1861,. by J. Langton; The present state of the gaols of Canada, by E. A. Meredith ; The orders, sub orders, and genera of insects, by W. Couper ; Results of observations for deter mination of the latitude of Quebec observatory, by E. D. Ashe. pp. 160. (7177 New series, part 3. 1865. Opening address by J. Langton ; Copper mining in Canada East, by H. Williams ; The ancient Scandinavians, their maritime expeditions, their discoveries, and their religion, by P. C. Sinding ; Sleswick- Holstein question, by I . C. Sinding ; Short school time, by E. A. Meredith ; On two mummies from ancient Egypt, by J. Douglas ; The lost island of Atlantis, by E. T. Fletcher ; On the secular changes of magnetic declination in Canada, from 1790 to 1850, by E. T. Fletcher ; On some early records of the magnetic declination in North America, by J. Langton. pp. (4) 155. (7178 New series, part 4. 1866. Opening address, by J. Douglas; On the coke-like substances or " altered bitumen " found at Point Levis, by W. J. Anderson ; On the history of literature, by J. M. Le Moine ; On the history of Canada, by J. W. Cook ; On Canadian literature, by II. Fabre ; On some of the fishes of the St. Lawrence, by F. W. G. Austin ; On the birds of Canada, by J. M. Le Moine ; On the measurement of heads in ethnological investigations, by J. Langton. Re ports, etc. pp. (7) 163. (7179 New series, part 5. 1867. On solar spots, by E. D. Ashe ; On Canadian his tory and biography, and passages in the lives of a British prince and a Canadian seigneur, Duke of Kent and L. De Salaberry, by W. J. Anderson ; On the future commercial policy of British North America, by T. II. Grant. Reports, etc. pp. (2) 83. (7180 New series, part 6. Notes of a journey through the interior of the Saguenay country, by E. T. Fletcher ; Account of the attempt to form a settlement on the Mosquito shore, in 1823, by James Douglas ; * * * Reports, etc. pp.. 68, 12, 8. (71800 New series, part 7. " Evangeline " and " The Archives of Nova Scotia," by W. J. Anderson; * * * The Canadian eclipse party, 1869, by E. D. Ashe; Military operations at Quebec, from the capitulation by De Ramezay, on the 18th September, 1759, to the raising of the siege by De Levis, May, 1760, by W. J. Anderson; Reports, etc. pp. 138, 13, (2). (7180& New series, part 8. Review of the past year : Moving accidents by flood and field, by W. J. Anderson ; Notes on the copper deposits at Harvey Hill, by James Douglas, jr. ; On Canadian archives, by H. H. Miles ; Education, practical and national, by J. II. Johnson; The Red River expedition of 1870, by H. S. H. Riddel <; * * * Reports, etc. pp. 187, 23. (7180C New series, part 9. Transactions, session of 1871-72. Contents : Southern Africa and the Kaffirs, by R. E. Robertson ; Artillery retrospect of the last great war, by T. B. Strange; The siege and capture of Quebec in 1775-76, by W. J. Anderson ; Geometry, mensuration, and the stereometrical tableau, by C. Bail- lairge ; The archives of Canada, by W. J. Anderson ; Reports, etc. Quebec, 1872. pp. (3), 29, 132. (7181 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. 979 New series, part 10. Transactions, session of 187273. On some additional incidents in connection with the siege of Quebec, in 1775-76, by W. F. Coffin ; A whaling voyage to Spitzbergen in 1818, by J. Douglas ; Historic medals of Canada, by A. Sandham ; Canadian chorography and topography, and the serv ices of the late Jean Baptiste Duberger, sr., by II. H. Miles ; Reports, etc. Quebec, 1873. pp. (4), 18, 111. (7182 New series, part 11. Sessions of 187374 and 187475. Contents : Sieges and the changes produced by modern weapons, by Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. Strange ; Early French settlements in America, by J. Langton ; The present state of litera ture in Canada, by J. Douglas ; Currency, with reference to card money in Canada during the French domination, by J. Stevenson ; Some things belonging to the settlement of the Ohio Valley; Reports, etc. Quebec, 1875. pp. (3), 17, 150. (7183 Transactions, session of 1876-77. Centenary fete, on memorial of the cele bration of the centennial anniversary of the siege of Quebec, 1775-76 ; The Jus tinian pandects, their origin, progress, and completion, by R. S. M. Bouchette ; The currency of Canada after the capitulation, by James Stevenson ; Presiden tial elections in the United States and the manner of conducting them, by W. C. Hou-ells ; The sparrows, by William Kirby ; Reports, etc. Quebec, 1877. pp. 40,174. (7184 Transactions, sessions of 1877-78. Contents: Opening address, by James Stevenson, president ; Histoire de la Societe, par L. P. Turcotte ; Liste des publi cations de la Societe ; Report of the delegates sent to Ottawa Literary Conven tion, 1877; The aborigines of Canada, under the British Crown, with a glance at their customs, characteristics, and history, by W. Clint ; " Emerson, the thinker," by George Stewait, jr.; Address by Society to Francis Parkman ; Catalogue of birds, medals, woods, etc., in the museum of the Society. Quebec, 1879. pp. viii, 23, 160. (7185 Transactions, sessions of 1879-80/ Contents : List of presidents from 1824 to 1880; The archives of Canada; Historical documents published by the Society, 1824-1880; Glimpses of Quebec, 1749-1759, by J. M. Le Moine ; Ostrich farming at Cape of Good Hope, by A. Jephson ; The cause and commencement of the war between Great Britain and America in 1812, by James Stevenson ; Alcott, the Concord mystic, by George Stewart, jr. Quebec, 1880. pp. 130. (7186 Transactions, sessions of 1880-81. The Scot in New France, 1535-1880, by J. M. Le Moine ; Origin of the aborigines of Canada, with vocabularies, by J. Campbell ; Reports, etc. ; The seignioral manor of the first seigneur of Beauport, 1634. 1881. pp. 144. (7187 Transactions, sessions of 1881-82. Inaugural address of President J. M. Le Moine, on Edinburgh, Rouen, York ; The maritime provinces, their origin and inhabitants, by John Harper ; Thoreau, the hermit of Walden, by George Stewart, jr.; Reports, etc. Quebec, 1882. pp. 173. (7188 Transactions, sessions of 188283. Great explorers before Columbus, by John Reade ; The origin and development of the Greek drama, by John Harper ; The genius and life-work of Longfellow, by George Stewart, jr. ; Reports, etc. 1883. pp. 118. (7189 Transactions. No. 18. Sessions of 1883 to 1886. Reports; Memoires; His toire du Canada, par 1 abbe de Belmont. Reprinted from the Collection de memoires, published by the Society in 1840. 1886. pp. 56. (719O Transactions. No. 19. Sessions of 1887 to 1889. Reports : Our library, by F. C. Wiirtele ; An elementary discussion of the nebular hypothesis, by W. A. Ashe ; Champlaiu s tomb, by J. M. Harper; Histoire abregee de 1 eglise parois- siale de Quebec et des difficultes qu il y a eues depuis 1644 jusqu en 1771 ; In scription sur une plaque de cuivre trouvee dans les fondations d un mer qui se"parait le jardin du chateau St. Louis du Fort de Quebec, 1850; Notes sur le chateau St. Louis (iucendie en 1834) et le chateau Haldimand ou Vieux chateau, par E. Gagnon. pp. (2), 176. (7191 No. 20. Sessions of 1889 to 1891. The Royal William, pioneer of ocean steam navigation, by A. Campbell ; The English Cathedral of Quebec, by F. C. Wiirtele; Journal of the voyage of the Brunswick auxiliaries from Wolfenbiittel to Quebec, by F. V. Melsheimer ; Index of the letters, papers, and historical documents published by the Society, 1829-1891, by F. C. Wiirtele. 1891. pp. 178, xlix. (7192 No. 21. Sessions of 1891 to 1892. The war of 1812 in connection with the army bill act, by James Stevenson. 1892. pp. 29, 79. Facsimile. (7193 980 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Transactions, No. 22. Sessions of 1892-1898. Quebec, 1898. Svo, pp. 137. Contents: Annual reports, 1897-1898; Histoire de la conqugte du Canada, manuscrit inedit ; A diary of the weather, kept at Quebec in the year of the siege by the Americans in 1776 ; The journal of Sergeant James Thompson, 1758-1830 ; Brigadier-General R. Montgomery s sword, 1775 ; To know how the Order of the Gateau became first instituted ; The new Canadian patriotism, by Leigh R. Gregor. Appendix: Annual reports, 1893-1896. (7194 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Transactions, No. 23. Sessions of 1898 to 1900. Quebec, 1900. 8vo, pp. 109, 31. Plates and maps. Contents : Annual meeting and election of officers, and annual report of the council for 1898, 1899. List of presidents of the Society, 1824-1900. List of officers and members ; The Plains of Abraham, a memorial to be presented to Sir Wilfrid Laurier praying that the historic grounds be preserved to the public ; Military operations at the siege of Quebec in September, 1759, in the neighbor hood of the city ; Les Plaines I) Abraham ; Topographic des lieux lors de 1 affaire du 13 Sept., 1759, et celle de Sainte-Foye, ou Sillery, du 28 Avril, 1760 Mouve- ments, marches, engagements et parcours des deux armees Endroits premises et operations militaires des deux batailles, conferences par P. B. Casgrain. (7195 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Transactions, No. 24. Sessions of 1900-1902. Quebec, 1902. 8vo, pp. 36. Contents : Report of council ; Report of librarian ; Report of treasurer ; List of officers ; A tribute of respect to our late patron, the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava ; List of presidents of the Society, 1824-1902 ; List of officers and mem bers ; The Plains of Abraham Park; Notes on the light-houses of the province, by George D. O Farrell. (7196 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Transactions, No. 25. Quebec, 1903. Svo, pp. 24. Map. Contents : Report of council ; Report of treasurer ; Paper on the Trans-Canada railway, by J. G. Scott, together with extracts from some remarks made by Henry O Sullivan ; Map of the Trans-Canada railway. (7197 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. .Transactions. [No. 26.] Ses sions of 1903 to 1905. Quebec, 1905. 8vo, pp. 75. Plates. Contents : Reports ; Education in Quebec in the 17th century, by James Doug las ; Letter of Bishop Laval creating the Quebec Seminary, edict of the King confirming the same. (7198 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Report of the council at the anni versary meeting of the Society for the election of officers, January 14th, 1835. 8vo, pp. 24. (7199 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Voyages cle decouverte an Can ada, 1534-1542, par Jacques Quartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc. Suivis de la description de Quebec en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement an lieu de 1 hivernement de Jacques Cartier en 1535- 36. Avec gravures facsimiles. Quebec, 1843. Svo, pp. iv, 130. (7200 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Report of the council for the year ending 12th January, 1853. Quebec. Svo, pp. 16. (7201 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Report of the council for 1860, with officers, list of members, etc. Quebec, 1860. 8vo, pp. 19. (7202 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Catalogue of the books in the library of the Society. Quebec, 1864. Svo, pp. 114, (22). (7203 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. 981 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Island of Anticosti. Scientific reports made by A. R. Roche, before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, and James Richardson, assistant geological surveyor. New York, 1865. 8vo, pp. 92. (72O3a LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada. Historical documents. Series 1-7. Quebec, 1838-1905. Series 1, No. 1. Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu a. 1760; en trois parties, avec cartes et plans lithographies. Quebec, 1838. pp. (4), vii, (2), 207. Same. Reimpression, 1873, pp. vii, 207. Series 1, No. 2. Collection de memoires et de relations sur 1 histoire ancienns du Canada d apres les manuscrits recemment obtenus des archives et bureaux publics en France. Quebec, 1840. Various paging. -8vo. Contents : Memoire sur 1 etat present du Canada, 1667, pp. 7 ; Memoire sur le Canada, 1736, pp. 14 ; Considerations sur 1 etat present du Canada, 1758, pp. 29, (3) ; Histoire du Canada, par M. 1 abbe de Belmont, 1608-1700, pp. 36; Rela tion du siege de Quebec en 1759, pp. (2), 21 ; Jugement impartiel sur les opera tions militaires de la campagne en Canada en 1759, pp. (2), 7; Reflections som- maires sur le commerce qui s est fait en Canada, 1755, pp. 7 ; Histoire de 1 eau- de-vie en Canada, 1705, pp. (2), 24. Series 1, No. 3. Voyages de decouverte au Canada, entre les annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Quartier, Le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc., suivis de la description de Quebec, et de ses environs en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement au lieu de 1 hivernement de Jacques Quartier en 1535-36. Avec gravures fac-similes. Reimprimes sur d anciennes relations. Quebec, 1843. 8vo, pp. iv, (2), 130. Series 1, No. 4. Memoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant a Quebec [ !] au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759. Quebec, 1861. pp. (4), 84 a , 38. (7204 Series 2. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada. Quebec, 1866. Variously paged. 8vo. Contents : Journal of the siege of Quebec, by M. Fraser, pp. 37 ; Journal du siege de Quebec en 1759, par Jean Claude Panet, Montreal, 1866, pp. 24 ; The campaign of Louisbourg, 1750-1758, by Chevalier Johnstone, pp. 28 ; A dialogue in hades ; A parallel of military errors, of which the French and English armies were guilty during the campaign of 1759 in Canada, pp. 55 ; The campaign of 1760 in Canada, pp. 24 ; The invasion of Canada in 1775, by Henry Caldwell, pp. 19 ; Capture of Quebec in 1759, Journal, pp. 19. (72O5 Series 3. Third series of historical documents. Quebec, 1871. 8vo. Contents : Histoire du Montreal, 1640-1672 ; Abrege de la mission de Rente, ouvrage at- tribue a F. Dollier du Casson, pp. 128 ; Journal des operations de 1 armee ameri- caine, lors de invasion du Canada en 1775^76, par J. B. Badeaux, pp. 43 ; Recueil de ce qui s est passe en Canada au sujet de la guerre, tant des Anglais que des Iroquois depuis 1 annee 1682, pp. 82 ; Voyage d Iberville, Journal du Voyage fait par deux fregates du Roi La Badine et Le Marin, 1698, pp. 48 ; Journal of the siege of Quebec, 1760, by James Murray, pp. 44. (72O6 Series 4. Manuscripts relating to the early history of Canada, fourth series, 1875, 8vo ; Journal of the expedition up the St. Lawrence, 1759, pp. 21 ; Gen eral orders in Wolfe s army during the expedition up the St. Lawrence, 1759, pp. 56 ; Siege de Quebec en 1759, par J. C. Panet, pp. 31 ; Journal of the siege and blockade of Quebec in 1775 and 1776, by P. Daly, pp. 25. (72O7 Series 5. Fifth series of historical documents, 1877, pp. 152. Various short papers on the war of 1812. (72O8 Continuation see below. LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Manuscripts, etc. [Series 6.] An account of vessels arrived at Quebec in the year 1793. (As found among the papers of the late Chief Justice Jonathan Sewell, and presented to the Quebec exchange in 1863 by his son, Rev. E. W. Sewell.) [Quebec, 1882.] 8vo, pp. [5]. Caption title. Half-title: Trade and shipping, port of Quebec, 1793. " Extracted from the Registers of the Quebec exchange, and contributed, for publication * * * by MacPherson Le Moyne." (72O9 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Seventh series of historical docu ments, 1905. Blockade of Quebec in 1775-1776, by the .American Revolu- 982 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tionists. (Les Bastonnais.) Published by the Society and edited by Fred. C. Wiirtele. Quebec, 1905, 8vo, pp. xiv, 307. (721O LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Canadian History. Siege and blockade of Quebec, by Gens. Montgomery and Arnold, in 1775-6. By Wm. Jas. Anderson. 8vo, pp. . Read before the Society, March 6th, 1872. (7211 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Siege of Quebec on December 31, 1775. The centenary fete of the Literary and Historical Society, held De cember 29, 1875. Quebec, 187(3. 8vo, pp. (2) 104. Eleven views. One folded plate. (7212 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Origin of the aborigines of Can ada. A paper read before the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec by Prof. J. Campbell. Quebec, 1881. 8vo, pp. (4) xxxiv, 33. Twenty-five copies reprinted from the Transactions. (7213 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Thoreau, the hermit of Walden. A paper read before the Society, March 7, 1882, by* George Stewart, jr. Quebec, 1882. 8vo, pp. (3) 30. Fifty copies printed. (7214 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Report of the council for the year ended twelfth January, 1869. Quebec, 1869. 8vo, pp. 12. (7215 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Index of the lectures, papers, and historical documents published by the Society, and also of the names of authors, together with a list of unpublished papers read before the Society, 1829 to 1891. Compiled by Fred. C. Wiirtele, librarian. Quebec, 1891. 8vo. pp. 49. (7216 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Journal of the voyage of the Brunswick auxiliaries from Wolfenbiittel to Quebec. By F. V. Melsheimer. 1776. Quebec, 1891. 8vo. (7217 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Le Courrier du Livre. Published monthly in French and English. Official organ of the Literary and His torical Society of Quebec, beginning with Vol. n, ending with Vol. in, No. 33, January, 1899. (7218 Le Courrier Du Livre. Vol. n, Nos. 20-24. December, 1897-April, 1898. pp. [2271-398. Contents : Hennepin, ses voyages et ses reuvres ; Annual report of the Society, 1897 ; The true story of the Canadian deportation, by Thomas O Hagan; Hennepin, par N. E. Dionne ; " Kamloops Wawa," by Raoul Renault; Annual meeting of the Society, 12th January, 1898 ; Questions ; Reponses ; Biblio- graphie, Canmliana et Americana ; Un catalogue interessant (Catalogue of the Seminaire de Quebec, 1849), par N. E. Dionne; Un bibliographic, Le Rev. John Wright, par Raoul Renault ; Histoire de la conquSte du Canada, manuscrit inedil ; An important document written in 1672 ty Pere Francois de Crepieul, a Jesuit missionary ; Bibliotheca Canadensis ; Une brochure curieuse Descrip tion de la maladie de la Baie Saint-Paul, remni-ques par Robert Jones, chirurglen, par N. E. Dionne ; 1837 and my connection with it, by Thomas Storrow Brown ; Early Canadian Bible, 1837; Les timbres Canadiens, notes et fac-simile, par Raoul Renault ; A diary of the weather, kept at Quebec, in the year of the siege by the Americans, in 1776 ; The journal of Sergeant John Thompson, 1758- 1830. 7219 Supplement au No. 23 du Courrier Du Livre. Americana-Canadiana. No. 1. Catalogue of books, pamphlets, portraits, book-plates, relating to America. 28 pp. (20 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 983 Le Courrier Da Livre. Vol. in, No. 33. January, 1899, last number issued as the organ of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. (7221 Vol. in, Nos. 25-33. May, 1898-January, 1899. 4to, pp. 322. Illustrated. Contents : Son Eminence le Cardinal Taschereau ; John and Sebastian Cabot, by N. E. Dionne ; 1837 and my connection with it, by Thomas Storrow Brown ; The journal of Sergeant John Thompson, 1758-1830 ; Bibliographic, Canadiana et Americana ; Un Pari de Diable-Bleu, un heros de 1812, par Eug. Renault ; Les Eveques de Quebec Mgr. de Laval, Mgr. de Saint- Vallier ; Chronicle and comment; La campagne de 1084; Bibliotheca Canadensis ; Les Fetes de Cham- plain a Quebec, Septembre, 1898 ; Champlain, par N. E. Dionne ; Le plan-relief de Quebec, 1806-1810 ; Le Fort Saint-Louis et 1 emplacement du monument Champlain, par Ernest Gagnon ; La colonie Frangaise, a la mort de Champlain, par N. E. Dionne ; Champlain, ses ouvres et ses historiens, essai bibliographique, par Raoul Renault; Les fetes de Champlain a. Saintes ; Un toast & la memoire de Champlain, reporse par D Arcy McGee ; Le Fort et Le Chateau Saint-Louis il y a cent ans (1798), par Ernest Gagnon ; Le premier livre imprime au Canada (avec fac-simile), par Phileas Gagnon; The new Canadian patriotism, by Leigh R. Gregor ; The Montgomery monument controversy ; Notes historiques sur Saint Thomas De Montmagny, A travers les Registres, par Raoult Renault; Up the Saint-Lawrence, 1796, by Frank D. Rogers: L imprimerie en Amerique donees chronologiques, par Laurent ; Journal of Col. Rudolphus Ritzema, August 8, 1775, to March 30, 1776 ; The death of Wolfe letter of James Henderson, 1759; The Plains of Abraham; Anntfal reports of the Society, 1892-5. (7223 LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Bulletin No. 1-2. Quebec, 1900-04. 8vo. (722S LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Hamilton, Ontario. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Cause and effect in history. A paper read before the Society by L. R. Klemm. n. p., n. d. 12mo, pp. 16. (7224 LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Evolution in history. A paper read before the Society by L. R. Kleinm. n. p., n. d. 12mo, pp. 15. (7225 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Wetland, Canada. [The Society s publications have no common title or serial numbering.] LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications.] The battle of Lundy s Lane, 1814 ; The battle of Queenston Heights, pp. 46 ; The battle of Beaver Dam ; The fight in the Beechwoods, pp. 24 ; The story of Butler s Rangers, pp. 114. By Capt. E. Cruikshank. The story of Laura Secord (1813) and Canada, in memoriam (1812-1814), by Mrs. S. A. Curzon. The Servos family (1726 to 1812), by Wm. Kirby, F. R. S. C. A loyal sermon of 1814, preached in Stamford, near Lundy s Lane, by Rev. John Burns. Niagara, one hundred years ago, by Janet Carnochan. A centenary study, by Rev. E. J. Fessenden. The Annual Reports of the Society ; Brief account of the battle of Lundy s Lane, 1814, by Sir R. H. Bonnycastle, knight ; Accounts of reinterments of sol diers of 1812, found in 1891 and 1893, respectively, with addresses on each occa sion ; Laura Secord of 1813, photogravure, with brief sketch ; An appeal to public and high schools; Monument fund; Laura Secord. (722<> LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The battle of Lundy s Lane, 1814. An ad dress before the Society October 16, 1888. By A. E. Cruikshank. Welland, 1888. 8vo, pp. 40. Plan. (7227 984 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The story of Laura Secord, 1813. By Sarah Anne Ciirzoh. Toronto, 1891. 8vo, pp. 15. Published under the auspices of the Society. (7228 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lundy s Lane battle. Drumraond s dis patch, written from Lundy s Lane on the next day, to the governor-general, as commander of the forces at Montreal. A rare document which confirms the victory of July 25, 1814. [Welland, Ont, Lundy s Lane Historical So ciety, 1891.] 8vo, pp. 4. Caption title. (7229 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A centenary study. Upper Canada. A paper read before the Lundy s Lane Historical Society, by the Rev. E. J. Fessenden. [Welland, Ont., 1892?] 8vo, pp. 26. At head of title : G. R. 1792. V. R. 1892. (7230 [LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] The battle of Lundy s Lane, 25th July, 1814. A historical study. By Ernest Cruikshank. Third edition. Welland, Ont, [1893]. 8vo, pp. 47, [1]. Front, (fold. map). (7231 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The story of Butler s rangers and the settlement of Niagara. By Ernest Cruikshank. Welland, Ont., 1893. 8vo, pp. 114. Published by Lundy s Lane Historical Society. (7232 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Drummond s winter campaign, 1813. By E. A. Cruikshank. [3895.] 8vo. Same. Second edition, revised and enlarged. [1905?] 8vo, pp. 20. Map. (7233 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The fight in the beechwoods ; a study In Canadian history, by Ernest Cruikshank. Second edition, enlarged. Pub lished by the Lundy s Lane Historical Society. Welland [Ont], 1895. 8vo, 1 p. 1., pp. 32. 2 portraits (including front.). Map. (7234 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annals of Niagara. By William Kirby. [Welland, Ont] 1896. 8vo. pp. 269. Published by Luudy s Lane Historical Society. (7235 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier. Edited by E. Cruikshank. Parts i-vi. 1896- 1903. See Nos. 7237-7242. (7236 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Documentary History of the Cam paign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814. Edited for the Lundy s Lane His torical Society by E. Cruikshank. Welland, [1896]. 8vo, pp. 215. Cover-title reads : Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814. Edited for the Lundy s Lane Historical Society by E. Cruik shank. Part i. (7237 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Documentary History of the Cam paign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814. Part n. Edited for the Lundy s Lane Historical Society by E. Cruikshank. Welland. n. d. 8vo, pp. [219]-478, xxiii. Cover-title reads : Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in 1814. (With plans.) Edited for the Lundy s Lane Historical So ciety by E. Cruikshank. Part n. (7238 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 985 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Documentary history of the campaign on the Niagara frontier in 1812. Collected and edited for the Society by E. Cruikshank. Wei land. n. d. 8vo, pp. 306, xix. Cover-title reads : Documentary history of the campaign on the Niagara frontier in 1812. (With map.) Part in. (7239 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in the year 1812. Collected and edited for the Lundy s Lane Historical Society by E. Cruikshank. Part n (1812). Wei- land [1900]. 8vo, pp. 344, xxii. Cover-title reads : The Documentary History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier in 1812. Part iv. October, November, and December. (724O LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier in the year 1813. Part i. (1813.) January to* June, 1813. Collected and edited for the Lundy s Lane Historical Society by E. Cruikshank. Welland, 1902. 8vo, pp. 305, (1), xx. (7241 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Documentary History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier in the year 1813. Part n. (1813). June to August, 1813. Collected and edited for the Lundy s Lane Historical Society by Lieut. Col. E. Cruikshank. [1904?] 8vo, pp. 331, (1), xxi. (7242 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The story of Laura Secord, 1813. By S. A. Curzon. Published under the direction of the Lundy s Lane Historical Society. Second edition. [Welland, Out.], 1898. 8vo, pp. 16, including front, (portrait). (7243 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1814, July 25; 1899, October 13. Lundy s Lane. A brief account of a third military reinterment at Lundy s Lane, October 13th, 1899, with notes, &c. [Welland, Out, 1899?] 8vo, pp. 12. Illustrations. Cover-title. (7244 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Military reinterment of remains of officers and men, of the 89th and 103rd regiments, who fell at the battle of Lundy s Lane, July 25, 1814. October 13th, 1899. [Welland, Out.] [1899?] 8vo, pp. 6. (7245 LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Battle of Queenston Heights. By Lieut Col. [Ernest] Cruikshank. Third edition revised and enlarged. 1904. (724G LUNDY S LANE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Drummond s winter campaign, 1812. By Lieut. Col. E. Cruikshank. Second edition. Revised and enlarged. [Wel land? Ont., 1905?] 8vo, pp. 29. 2 maps (including fold, front.) (7247 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. St. John, Neiv BrunsioicJc. NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The first courts and early judges of New Brunswick. A paper read before the New Brunswick Historical Society, by J. W. Lawrence, president, November 25, 1874. St. John, New Brunswick, 1875. 8vo, pp. 31. (7248 986 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Address delivered before the His torical Society of New Brunswick, in the city of St. John, Dominion of Can ada, July 4, 1883. By J. Watts De Peyster. New York, 1883. 8vo, pp. 40. (7249 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Loyalists centennial souvenir. St. John, New Brunswick, 1887. 8vo, pp. 183. (725O NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vol. I. Saint John, New Brunswick, 1894-1897. Vol. I [No. 1.], 1894. 8vo. pp. 152. Contents : Officers and members ; New Brunswick Historical Society, by Clar ence Ward ; The King s New Brunswick Regiment, 1793-1802, by Jonas Howe ; The Mangerville Settlement, 1763-1824, by James Hannay ; Documents relating to Sunbury County ; David Barker s diary, 1770 ; Justice Perley s court docu ments ; Report of committee of investigation of claims of old inhabitants, St. John River; Documents of old Congregational Church at Mangerville. (7251 Vol. i. No. 2. 1896. 8vo, pp. 153-272. Contents : Documents of Old Congregational Church, Mangerville, continued ; Letters written at St. John, by James Simonds, A. D. 1764-1785 ; Business contracts of Hazen, Simonds, White, et al., 1764-7 ; The journal of Captain Wil liam Owen, R. N., during his residence on Campobello, 1770-71, together with other documents and notes upon the history of the island, edited by W. F. Ganong ; - The old Meductic fort, by W. O. Raymond ; Extracts from the journal of Capt. William Pote, jr., during his captivity in the French and Indian Wars, 1745- 1747. (7252 Vol. I, No. 3. 1897. 8vo, pp. 273-372. Contents : The medical men of St. John, in its first half century ; Selections from the papers and correspondence of James White, 1762-1783, edited by W. O. Raymond ; Letters and documents relating to the history and settlement of the island of Grand Manan, with an introduction and notes, by Jonas Howe. Index. (7253 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. [Vol. IL] Saint John, N. B., 1899-1904. (Vol. ir.) No. 4. 1899. 8vo, pp. 134. Contents : Officers and members ; The journal of Captain William Owen, R. N. f during his residence on Campobello, 1770-1771, edited by W. F. Ganong ; Cen sus return of the township of Conway, 1775 ; Census return of the settlement at St. John in 1775 ; The James White papers, 1781-1788, edited by W. O. Ray mond ; The Pennfield records, edited by J. Vroom. A book of records of the transactions and proceedings of the society of people called Quakers, who have agreed. to settle themselves on the river St. Johns in Nova Scotia; The North Shore incidents in the early history of eastern and northern New Brunswick, by W. O. Raymond. (7254 [Vol. ii.] No. 5. 1904. 8vo, pp. 137-280. Contents : Officers and members ; A sketch of the province of Nova Scotia and chiefly such parts as are settled, 1783, by E. Byron Winslow, with introduction by W. O. Raymond ; Historical-Geographical documents, relating to New Bruns wick, edited by W. F. Ganong : Monckton s report of his expedition against the French on the St. John in 1758; John Mitchel s. diary and field book of his survey of Passamaquoddy in 1764. Loyalists in arms, A. D. 1775-1783, by W. O Raymond ; Provincial troops serving in the Revolutionary War, 1775 1783 Tabulated return compiled from muster rolls ; Roll of officers of the British American or Loyalist Corps, by W. O. Raymond ; Loyalist transport ships, 1783. A fragment from the Winslow papers (unpublished). (7255 For No. 6, see Appendix. NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Winslow papers, A . D. 1776-1826. Printed under the auspices of the New Brunswick Historical Society. Edited by Rev. W. O. Raymond, M. A. Saint John, N. B., 1901. 8vo, 3 p. 1., pp. [5]-732, inclusive. Illustrations. Facsimiles. 9 plates, 6 portraits. (7256 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A narrative of an extraordinary escape out of the hands of the Indians, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, (hy Gamaliel NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 987 Smethurst. ) London, MDCCLXXIV. Reprinted and edited by W. F. Ganong [Saint John, N. B., 1905]. 8vo, pp. 358-390. Illustrations (maps). Cover-title. "From the Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society, Vol. n, 1905." At head of p. 358 : " Historical-geographical documents relating to New Bruns wick. Edited by W. F. Ganong. (Continued from page 188 of this volume.)" (7257 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. The vision of the Pilgrim fathers. An oration by John Cordner before the New England Society of Montreal * * * on 22d December, 1850. With the proceedings at the dinner. Montreal, 1857. 8vo, pp. 54. (7258 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL. The Puritan character. By Asa Dodge Smith. An address delivered before the New England Society of the City of Montreal, December 23, 1857. Montreal, The Society, 1858. 8vo, pp. 36. (7259 NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. The American conflict: an address, spoken before the New England Society of Montreal, and a public audience, in Nordheimer s hall, Montreal, on Thursday evening, 22nd December, 1864. By John Cordner. Published by request. Montreal, 1865. 8vo, pp. 48. (726O NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Niagara, Ont. NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transaction No. 1. Battle of Fort George. A paper read before the Society on March 14, 1896. By Ernest Cruikshank. Niagara, 1896. (7261 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 2. Centennial poem, by Mrs. Curzon ; Fort Niagara, N. Y., 1783-1796, by Rev. Canon Bull ; Slave rescue in Niagara, sixty years ago, by Miss [Janet] Carnochan. Niagara, Ont, 1897. 8vo, pp. 18. (7262 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 3. Blockade of Fort George, 1813. By Ernest Cruikshank. Welland. [1897?] 8vo, pp. 79, (1). (7262o NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 4. Memorial to U. E. Loyal ists, by Jas. Coyne; History taught by museums, by David Boyle; Battle of Queenston Heights, by J. G. Currie ; Monuments, by Janet Carnochan. Niagara-on-the-Lake, 1898. 8vo, pp. 28. (7263 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 5. Sermon by Rev. Robert Addison ; History of Mrs. Jean Baptiste Rousseaux [by Alexander Servos] ; Historic houses [by Alexander Servos] ; Evolution of an historical room [by Janet Carnochan]. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., 1899. 8vo, pp. 34. (7264 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 6. Niagara Library, 1800 to 1820. Early schools of Niagara, by Janet Carnochan. Niagara, 1900. 8vo, pp. 48. (7265 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 7. The Centennial an old Canadian fort, by J. C. Garrett ; Locust Grove, residence of Mrs. J. W. Ball, by C. A. F. Ball ; Two frontier churches Fort Mississagua Navy Hall Jail and Court House French Count s house, by Janet Carnochan. Niagara, Ont., 1900. 8vo, pp. 48. (.7266 988 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 8. Family history : The Servos family, by Wm. Kirby ; The Whitrnore family, by Win. Kirby ; The Jarvis letters, by M. A. FitzGibbon ; Robert Land, U. E. Loyalist, by John H. Land. [Niagara], 1901. 8vo, pp. 46. (7267 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 9. Campaigns of 1812-14: Contemporary narratives, by Captain W. II. Merritt, Colonel William Glaus, Lieut. -Colonel Matthew Elliott, and Captain John Morton. Edited by E. Cruikshank. [Welland], 1902. 8vo, pp. 46. (72OS NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 10. Inscriptions and graves in the Niagara peninsula, by Janet Carnochan. Niagara, Ont. [1903?]. 8vo, pp. 78. (7268u NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 11. Reminiscences of Niagara. [1902 or 3.] 8vo, pp. 54. (7269 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 12. The battle of Fort George, by Ernest Cruikshank. Second edition, Welland, 1904. Svo, pp. 36, vi. (727O NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Transaction] No. 13. A Canadian heroine [Maria Wait] [by Janet Carnochan] ; An historic house [by Janet Carno chan] ; Names only [by Janet Carnochan] ; St Vincent de Paul s church [by Mrs. Joseph Greene]. Niagara, 1905. Svo, pp. 40. (7271 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Publications] No. 14. Letters of Mrs. Wm. Dummer Powell, 1807-1821. Niagara [1905]. 8vo, pp. (4), 44. Portraits. (7272 NIAGARA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual reports. 2d-10th. [1896-97 1904-5.] [1897-1904.] 8vo. (7273 NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Halifax, Nova Scotia. NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. Vols. i-xii. Halifax, 1879-1905. 8vo. Twelve volumes. Vol. i. List of officers ; Reports, etc. ; Inaugural address, by Governor Archi bald ; History of St. Paul s Church, by G. W. Hill ; Nicholson s journal of the capture of Annapolis in 1710 ; An account of Nova Scotia in 1743 ; Papers relating to trials for treason in 177677 ; Thomas s diary of the expedition of 1755 against the Acadians. 1879. p.. 140. (7274 Vol. ii. Reports, etc. ; Proposals for attack on Nova Scotia in 1776-77 ; The first council, by T. B. Akin ; Journal of Witherspoon, early settler of Annapolis ; History of St. Paul s Church, by G. W. Hill ; Memoir of James Murdoch, 1767- 1799 ; Memoir of Sir Alexander Croke ; Papers relating to the Acadian French. 1881. pp. 160. (7275 Vol. in. List of officers, members, rules, etc. ; History of St. Paul s Church, Halifax, by G. W. Hill ; Winslow s journal of the expulsion of the Acadians in 1755; Government house at Halifax, by A. G. Archibald. 1883. pp. 208. (7276 Vol. iv. List of officers, members, rules, etc. ; Biographical sketch of Samuel Vetch ; Papers connected with the administration of Mr. Vetch, 17101713 ; Journal of Col. John Winslow, of the provincial troops, while engaged in the siege of Fort Beausejour, 1755 ; The Province building, by Sir Adams Archibald. pp. 258. (7277 Vol. v. List of officers, etc. ; The expulsion of the Acadians, by Sir Adams Archibald ; Gordon s journal of siege of Quebec, 1758 ; Papers read before the Society since its inception ; Papers printed in the Transactions. 1887. pp. 158. (7278 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. 989 Vol. vi. List of officers, etc. ; The Acadian boundary disputes and the Ash- burton treaty, by Justice Weatherbe ; The Loyalists at Shelburne, by T. W. Smith ; Early journalism in Nova Scotia, by J. J. Stewart ; King s College and episcopate in Nova Scotia ; Early history of St. George s Church, Halifax, by F. Partridge. 1888. pp. 154. (7279 Vol. vii. List of officers, etc.; Vinland, by L. G. Power; Notes on the census of 1767 ; Early history of St. George s Church, Halifax ; Papers relating to early history of Church of England in Nova Scotia ; Deportation of negroes from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone, by Governor Archibald ; In memoriam : J. W. Ritchie. 1891. pp. 154, (6). (7279 Vol. vin. Contents: Objects of collection; Rules and by-laws; Officers, Febru ary, 1895 ; Members ; Preface ; History of Halifax City, by Thomas B. Akins. 1895. 8vo, pp. x, 272. (728O Vol. ix. Contents : Objects of collection ; Rules and by-laws ; List of papers read before the Society since its foundation ; Officers, February, 1895 ; Mem bers ; The voyages and discoveries of the Cabots, by Rev. M. Harvey ; A chapter in the history of the township of Onslow, Nova Scotia, by Israel Longworth ; Richard John Uniacke, by L. G. Power ; Ships of war lost on the coast of Nova Scotia and Sable Island during the eighteenth century, by S. D. Macdonald ; Louisbourg, an historical sketch, by Joseph Plimsoll Edwards ; In memoriam : Sir Adams George Archibald, Peter Lynch, Francis Parkman ; Index to titles and subjects printed in the collections of the Society [Vols. i-ix]. 1895. 8vo, pp. 207. (72S1 Vol. x. Objects of collection ; Rules and by-laws ; List of officers ; List of members ; The Slave in Canada, by T. Watson Smith ; Index. 1899. pp. xi, 161. (7282 Vol. xi. List of officers; Members; History of the War of 1812, by James Hannay. 1901. 8vo, pp. v, 400. (7283 Vol. xn. Objects of collection ; Rules and by-laws ; Officers and members ; Hon. Edward Cornwallis, founder of Halifax, by James S. Macdonald ; Life and administration of Governor Charles Lawrence, 1749-1760, by J. S. M[acdonald] ; Richard Bulkeley, 1717-1800, by J. S. M. ; Index. 1905. 8vo, pp. xiv, 100. (7284 NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Inquiries into the history of the Acadian parish of Pisiquid. Part 3. The Abbe Casgrain s charges against the Nova Scotia Historical Society and the Record commission. [By Henry Youle Hind.] [Halifax, 1889.] 8vo, pp. 9-32. No title-page. " In consequence of misapprehensions respecting the character of this paper and the subjects of which it treats, a few copies of part 3 have been struck off prior to the publication of the whole paper in the proper form and place." (7285 NOVA SCOTIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Haliburton of the Uni versity of King s College, Nova Scotia. Halibnrton : the man and the writer. (A study.) By F. Blake Crofton. Windsor, Nova Scotia. Janu ary, 1889. 8ro, pp. 73, (4). Portrait. Contains the substance of two papers read before the Society. (7286 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. The Canadian Antiqua rian and Numismatic Journal. Published quarterly by the Society. First series, Vols. i-xm. Vols. i-xi. July, 1872-April, 1883. Second series, Vols. i-m, July, 1889-May, 1894. Third series, Vols. i-m, January, 1897-Octobei, 1901 [1900?]. Third series, Vol. iv, Nos. 2, 3, 4, April, July, October, 1902. (7287 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. Condensed catalogue of manuscripts, books, and engravings on exhibition at the Caxton celebration, held under the auspices of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal at the Mechanics hall, on the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 29th June, 1877, 990 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the introduction of printing into England. Montreal, 1877. 8vo, pp. 79. Cover- title. (7288 NUMISMATIC AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF MONTREAL. Descriptive catalogue of a loan exhibition of Canadian historical portraits and other objects relating to Canadian archaeology. Held in the Natural History Society s building, by the Society. In commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Society, December 15, 1887. Montreal, 1887. 8vo, pp. (4), 80. (7289 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Organized 1888 as the Pioneer and Historical Association of the Province of Ontario. (Published annual reports, 1801-97.) Reorganized 1898 as the Ontario Historical Society. (729O ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report, 1898. Toronto, 1898. 8vo, pp. 44. (7291 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Constitution and by-laws of the Ontario Histor ical Society. Toronto, 1898. 8vo, pp. 7. (7292 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pioneer and Historical Association of the Prov ince of Ontario. Report of special meeting held in Toronto on March 30th, 1898. Toronto, 1898. 8vo, pp. 10. [With its annual report. Toronto, 1808-09.] (7293 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report, 1899. Toronto, 1899. 8vo, pp. 60. Contains : The president s annual address ; Reports of various Canadian his torical societies. (7294 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Toronto. Canadian historical exhibition, 1899. First Canadian historical exhibition held at * * * Toronto, June, 1899. Report of secretary and treasurer. Toronto, 1900. 8vo, pp. 11. Held under the auspices of the Ontario Historical Society, with the coopera tion of the Women s Canadian Historical Society of Toronto. (7295 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Records. Vol. i. Toronto, 1899. 8vo, pp. 140. Contents : Officers and members ; Act of incorporation ; Rev. John Langhorn personal note ; Marriage record of Rev. John Langhorn, 1788-1791 ; Rev. G. O Kill Stuart s register at St. John s Church, Bath ; Marriage register of St. John s Church, Ernest Town, No. 2, 1701-1812 ; In the Parish Register of St. George, Kingston ; A register of baptisms for the township of Fredericksburgh, 1787-1813; Rev. John Langhorn s records, 1787-1813 burials; Rev. John Langhorn register of St. Paul s Church, Fredericksburgh, 1789-1812 ; Rev. Robert McDowall personal note ; McDowall marriage register ; A register of baptisms by the Rev. Robert McDowall ; Marriage register of Stephen Conger, J. P., Hallowell ; Some descendants of Joseph Brant, by J. Ojijatekha Brant- Sero ; Remarks on the maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. Marie ; Sketch of Peter Teeple, loyalist and pioneer, 1762-1847, by W. B. Watterbury ; The Cameron rolls, 1812; The Talbot settlement and Buffalo in 1816. (7296 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Records. Vol. n. The United Em pire loyalist settlement at Long Point, Lake Erie. By L. H. Tasker. To ronto, 1900. Large 8vo, pp. 128. Illustrated. (7297 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Records, vol. in. Toronto, pub lished by the Society, 1901. 8vo, pp. 199. Illustrated. Contents : Early records of St. Marks and St. Andrew s churches, Niagara, by Janet Carnochan ; Baptisms in Niagara, by Rev. Robert Addison, 1792-1832 ; ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 991 Weddings at Niagara, 1792-1832 ; Burials at Niagara, 1792-1822 ; Register of marriages, township of Grimsby, U. C., commencing Aug., 1817 ; Register of burials in the township of Grimsby ; Register of christenings in the Presbyterian congregation, township of Newark, Upper Canada ; Register of births and bap tisms, St. Andrew s Church, Niagara ; Marriages celebrated by Rev. Robt. Mc- Gill ; German-Canadian Folk-Lore, by W. J. Wintemberg ; The settlers of March township, by Mrs. M. H. Ahearn ; The settlement of the county of Gren- v-ille, by Mrs. Burritt ; Recollections of Mary Warren Breckenridge, of Clarke township, by Catherine F. Lefroy ; A relic of Thayendanegea (Capt. Joseph Brant), by M. E. Rose Holden ; Some Presbyterian U. E. Loyalists, by D. W. Clendennan ; The migration of voyageurs from Drummond Island to Penetan- guishene in 1828, by A. C. Osborne ; List of the Drummond Island Voyageurs ; Portrait of Father Marquette ; A brief history of David Barker, a United Empire Loyalist, by John S. Barker ; The old " Bragh " or hand mill, by Archd. Mc- Kellar ; The ethnographical elements of Ontario. (7298 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Records. Vol. iv. Toronto, 1903. Svo, pp. 89. Illustrated. Contents : Exploration of the Great Lakes, 1669-1670, by Dollier de Casson and De Brehant de Galine e. Galinee s narrative and map with an English version, including all the map-legends. Translator and editor, James II. Coyne. Part I. (7299 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Records. Vol. v. Toronto, published by the Society, 1904. 8vo, pp. 236. Illustrated. Contents : Discovery and exploration of the Bay. of Quinte, by James H. Coyne ; The origin of our maple leaf emblem, by J. H. Morris ; The Count De Puisaye a forgotten page of Canadian history, by Janet Carnochan ; Historical notes on Yonge street, by L. Teefy ; Presqu isle, by I. M. Wellington ; Genea logical list of the Bull family of the county of Prince Edward, Ont., by A. C. Bowerman ; Register of baptisms and marriages in the Gore and London dis tricts, by the Rev. Ralph Leeming, from 1816 to 1827, with introduction, by H. H. Robertson ; Ancaster parish records, 1830-1838 ; The Rev. William Smart, Presbyterian minister of Elizabethtown, 1811-1876, by Holly S. Seaman ; A record of marriages solemnized by William Smart, minister of the Presbyterian congregation, Brockville, Elizabethtown, Upper Canada. (73OO ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and Records. Vol. vi. Toronto, 1905. 8vo, pp. 170. Plates. Portrait. Map. Illustrated. Contents : The coming of the Mississagas, by J. Hampden Burnham ; The first Indian land grant in Maiden, by C. W. Martin ; Journal of a journey from Sandwich to York in 1806, by Charles Aikins ; The John Richardson letters, by E. Cruikshank ; Ontario onomatology and British biography, by II. F. Gardiner ; The origin of " Napanee," by C. C. James ; Napanee s first mills and their builder, by Thomas W. Casey : Local historic places in Essex county, by Margaret Claire Kilroy ; Notes on the early history of the county of Essex, by Francis C. Cleary : Battle of Queenston Heights ; Battle of Windsor, by John McCrae ; The Western District Literary and Agricultural Association, by Thomas Nattrass ; Battle of Goose Creek, by John S. Barker ; McCollom memoirs, by W. A. McCollom; Brief sketch of a Canadian pioneer (John Mac- Lean) ; The Switzers of the Bay of Qninte, by E. E. Switzer ; The state his torian of New York and the Clinton papers a criticism, by H. H. Robertson ; Anderson record from 1699-1896, by Mrs. S. Rowe ; Lutheran Church [Fred- ericksburgh] Record, 1793-1832; Assessment of Hallowwell for 1808. (73O1 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report, 1900. Toronto, 1900. 8vo, pp. 66. (73O2 [ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] Early history of Amherstburg. By Charles Canniff. Amherstburg, 1902. (8vo?) pp. 23. Plans. (73O3 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report, 1903. Toronto, 1904. pp. 53. (73O4 ONTARIO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual Report, 1904. Toronto, 1905. 8vo, pp. 52. (73O5 992 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO. Toronto, Canada. PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF YORK, ONTARIO. Centennial of Upper Canada, now the Province of Ontario : the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the representative system, July 16, 1792. A paper read before the Pioneer and Historical Society of the County cf York, Ontario. By Henry Scadding. Toronto, [1892]. 8vo, pp. 10. (73O6 PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE COUNTY OF YORK. The revived significance of the initials " U. E." A paper read before the Pioneer and Historical Society of the County of York, July, 1892, by Rev. Dr. Scad- ding. Toronto, [1892?] 8vo, pp. 8. Reprint, (7307 V N ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Ottaica. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and transactions for the years 1882 and 1883. Vol. i. Montreal, 1883. 4to, pp. Ixxv, 165, 96, 286, (1). Only the sections relating to history and archaeology are noted below. Contains : Proceedings, 1882 ; 1883 ; Memoires de la premiere section : Nos quatre historiens modernes, Bibaud, Garneau, Ferland, Faillon, par James Mc- Pherson Le Moine ; Discours d inauguration, par Faucher de Saint-Maurice ; Quelques scenes d une come"die inedite-Les Faux Brillants par F. G. Marchand ; Families canadiennes, par C. Tanguay ; Les interpretes du temps de Champlain, par Benjamin Suite ; Le bien pour le mal, par Pamphile Le May ; Etude sur les commencements de la poesie francaise au Canada et en particulier sur les poesies de Francois-Xavier Garneau, par P. J. O. Chauveau ; Notre passe litte- raire et nos historiens, par M. L Abbe Casgrain ; Vive la France, par Louis Frechette ; Notice sur les fondateurs de Montreal par M. L Abbe Verreau ; Les archives du Canada, by J. M. Le Moine ; Louis Turcotte, par Faucher de Saint- Maurice ; Etude sur les noms, par C. Tanguay ; Notre histoire A la memoire de F.-X. Garneau, par Louis Frechette ; Premiers seigneurs du Canada, 1634-1664, par Benjamin Suite. Section 11 : Inaugural address by Daniel Wil son ; On the establishment of free public libraries in Canada, by Alpheus Todd ; Language and conquest, a retrospect and a forecast, by John Reade ; Pre- Aryan American man, by Daniel Wilson ; Some old forts by the sea, by J. G. Bourinot ; The literature of French Canada, by John Lesperance. (73O8 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1884. Vol. ii. Montreal, 1885. 4to, pp. xli, 138, 106, 245. Contains : Proceedings for 1884 ; Reports from affiliated societies ; Officers ; Members. Section i : Deux points d histoire, par Paul de Gazes Quatrieme voyage de Jacques Cartier ; Expedition du Marquis de La Roche. Etude sur une famille canadienne famille De Catalogue, par C. Tanguay ; La province de Quebec at la langue frangaise, par Napoleon Legendre ; Les races indigenes de 1 Amerique devant 1 histoire, par Napoleon Legendre ; Poutrincourt en Acadie, 1604-1623, par B. Suite ; Les quarante dernieres annees Le Canada depuis 1 Union de 1841, par John Charles Dent, dtude critique, par L abbe Casgrain; Des commencements de 1 Eglise du Canada, par 1 abbe" Verreau ; Les aborigines d Amerique leurs rites mortuaires, by J. M. Le Moine. Section n : The making of Canada, by John Reade ; The literary faculties of the native races of Amer ica, by John Reade ; The poets of Canada, by John Lesperance ; A plea for a Canadian Camden Society, by George Bryce ; The Huron-Iroquois of Canada, a typical race of American aborigines, by Daniel Wilson. (7309 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. 993 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1885. Vol. in. Montreal, 1886. 4to, pp. xlv, 344, 145, 177, 118. Contains : Proceedings for 1.885 ; Officers ; Members. Section I : Les pre mieres pages de notre histoire, par Louis Frechette ; Pretendues origines des Canadiens-frangais, par Benjamin Suite ; Lettre d un volontaire du 9e voltigeurs campe 9, Calgary, par A. B. Routiner ; Un des oublies de notre histoire -Le capitaine de vaisseau Vauquelain, par Faucher de Saint-Maurice ; Biographie de Gerin-Lajoie, par 1 abbe Casgrain ; La race frangaise en Amerique, par Napoleon Legendre ; L Angfeterre et le clerge frangais refugie pendant la Revolution, par 1 abbe Bois ; La frontiere nord de la province de Quebec, par P. de Gazes ; L element etranger aux Etats-Unis, par Faucher de Saint-Maurice ; Le dernier boulet Nouvelle historique, par Joseph Marmette ; A travers les registres, par C. Tanguay. Section n : The half-breed, by John Reade ; Sources of early Canadian history, by George Stewart, jun. ; The adventures of Isaac Jogues, S. J., by W. H. Withrow ; The annals of an old society (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec), by John M. Harper; The artistic faculty in the aboriginal races, by Daniel Wilson ; Palaeolithic dexterity, by Daniel Wilson ; The five forts of Winnipeg, by George Bryce. (731O ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1886. Vol. iv. Montreal, 1887. 4to, pp. xxxv, 84, 126, 97, 184. Contains : Proceedings for 1886 ; Officers and members ; Le Pionnier, par Louis Frechette; Le golfe Saint-Laurent (1600-1625), par Benjamin Suite; Un pelerinage au pays d Evangeline, par 1 abbe Casgrain ; Oscar Dunn, par M. A. D. De Celles ; Les pages sombres de 1 Histoire, par J. M. Le Moine. Section n : Local government in Canada : an historical study, by John George Bourinot ; Historical record of the St. Maurice Forges, the oldest active blast furnace on the continent of America, by F. C. Wurtele ; Brief outlines of the most famous journeys in and about Rupert s Land, by George Bryce ; The lost Atlantis, by Daniel Wilson. (7311 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1887. Vol. v. Montreal, 1888. 4to, pp. xliii, 177, 136, 80, 212. Contains : Proceedings for 1887 ; Officers and members ; Les Acadiens apres leur dispersion, par H. R. Casgrain; Un vieux fort frangaise, (Fort Beauharnois, ft La Pointe a La Chevalure), par P. J. U. Baudry ; Des commencements de Montreal, par 1 abbe Verreau ; La crise du regime parlementaire, par A. D. De Celles; Section n : Some Wabanaki songs, by John Reade; Aboriginal American poetry, by John Reade ; The Eskimo, by Franz Boas ; First siege and capture of Louisbourg, 1745, by Adams Archibald ; The analytical study of Canadian history, by John Lesperance ; Notes and observations on the Kwakiool people of the northern part of Vancouver Island and adjacent coasts, made during the summer of 1885, by George M. Dawson ; On the Indians and Eskimos of the Ungava District, Labrador, by Lucien M. Turner ; Jacques Cartier s first voyage, by W. F. Ganong. (7312 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1888. Vol. vi. Montreal, 1889. 4to, pp. xxxix, 120, 106, 64, 125. Contains : Proceedings for 1888 ; Officers and members ; Section I : La fin de la domination frangaise et 1 historien Parkman, par Hector Fabre ; Eclair- cissements sur la question Acadienne, par H. R. Casgrain ; Sainte Anne d Auray et ses environs, par Louis Frechette ; Le general sir Frederick Haldimand ft Quebec, 1778-84, par J. M. Le Moine; Section n : The romance of the history of Canada, by John Talon-Lesperance ; The last decade of French rule at Quebec, 1749-1759, by J, M. Le Moine; The Basques in North America, by John Reade ; Some indoor and outdoor games of the Wabanaki Indians, by Mrs. W. W. Brown ; The Indians of British Columbia, by Franz Boas. (7313 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1889. Vol. vn. Montreal, 1890. 4to, pp. xlvii, 83, 141, 105, 162. Contains : Proceedings for 1889 ; Officers and members ; Section i : Mont- calm peint par lui-meme d apres des pieces inedites, par H. R. Casgrain ; Le H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 63 994 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Golfe Saint-Laurent (1625-1632), par Benjamin Suite; Parallele historique entre le comte de la Galissoniere (1747-9) et le comte de Dufferin (1872-1878), par J. M. Le Moine ; Maximilien voyageur, ecrivain, critique d art, poete, marin, observateur, philosophe, bibliophile et Chretien, par Faucher de Saint-Maurice ; Section n : The study of political science in Canadian Universities, by John George Bourinot ; The cartography of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, from Cartier to Champlain, by W. F. Ganong ; Trade and commerce in the stone age, by Daniel Wilson ; Expeditions to the Pacific with a brief reference to the voyages of discovery in seas contiguous to Canada, in connection with a western passage from Europe to Asia, by Sandford Fleming. (7314 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the vear 1890. Vol. vin. Montreal, 1891. 4to, pp. li, 152, 173, 65, 185. Contains : Proceedings for 1890 ; Officers and members ; Section i : R6alistes et Decadents, par N. Legendre ; La femme dans la socie"t6 moderne, par N. Legendre ; Les points obscurs des voyages de Jacques Cartier, par Paul de Cazes ; Les Scandinaves en Amerique, par Alphonse Gagnon ; Le premier gouverneur Anglais de Quebec, James Murray, par J. M. Le Moine ; Le famille de Callieres, par Benjamin Suite ; Jacques Cartier : questions de calendrier civil et eccle si- astique, par Hospice Verreau ; Section n : Canadian studies in comparative poli tics, by John George Bourinot ; The Vinland of the Northmen, by Daniel Wil-, son ; The Portuguese on the north-east coast of America, and the first European attempt at colonization there (Cortereals, Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia), by George Patterson. (7315 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1891. Vol. ix. Montreal 1892. 4to, pp. Ixxix, 114, 343, 61, 127. Contains : Proceedings for 1891 ; Officers and members ; Section i : Quelques notes sur le ge"ne"rl Richard Montgomery, par Faucher de Saint-Maurice ; A la conquete de la liberte" en France et au Canada, par A. D. De Celles ; Le tremble- ment de terre de 1663 dans la Nouvelle-France, par Alphonse Gagnon ; Feu P. J. O. Chauveau, par M. L. O. David ; Le laboureur Canadien d autrefois, par Theodore Lafleur ; Jacques Cartier ; questions de droit public, de legislation et d usages maritimes, par Hospice Verreau ; La langue algonquine, par J. A. Cuoq ; Section n ; The Shuswap people of British Columbia, by G. M. Dawson ; De scriptive notes on certain implements, weapons, etc., from Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, B. C., by Alexander Mackenzie, with an introductory note by G. M. Dawson ; The site of Fort La Tour, by W. F. Ganong ; The Beothiks, or Red Indians of Newfoundland, by G. Patterson ; Cape Breton and its memorials of the French regime, by J. G. Bourinot. (7316 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1892. Vol. x. Otta\va, 1893. ito, pp. Ixiii, 148, 126, 41, 121. Contains : Proceedings for 1892 ; Officers and members ; Section i : L episode de 1 ile de Sable, par Paul de Cazes ; Etude ethnographique des elements qui constituent la population de la province de Quebec, par J. M. Le Moine ; Frangois Bissot, sieur de la Riviere, par. J. E. Roy ; La langue algonquine, par J. A. Cuoq ; Section n ; Canadian copyright, by Daniel Wilson ; Annals of the Nova Scotian currency, by R. W. McLachlan ; The Assiniboine river and its forts, by George Bryce ; Sir William Alexander and the Scottish attempt to colonize Acadia, by George Patterson; Are the Carrier (Timeh or Athapascan) sociology and mythology indigenous or exotic? by A. G. Morice. (7317 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1893. Vol. xi. Ottawa, 1894. 4to, pp. xlv, (4), 179, 108, 153. Contains : Proceedings for 1893 ; Officers and members ; Section i : Les Tonty, par Benjamin Suite; Un historien canadien oublie : le Dr. Jacques Labrie (1784- 1831), par Auguste Gosselin ; Le contre-amiral Byng devant ses juges et devant 1 histoire, par Faucher de Saint-Maurice ; Le capitaine Maille, par Joseph Royal : Chouart et Radisson, par N. E. Dionne ; Anotc Kekon, par J. A. Cuoq ; Section ii : Our intellectual strength and weakness : a short review of literature, educa tion, and art in Canada, by J. G. Bourinot; Bibliographical, art, and general notes ; In rnemoriam Sir Daniel Wilson, by William Kingsford ; In memoriam F. N. Gisborne, by Sir James Grant; Letters relating to the American Revolu- KOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. 995 tionary War, communicated by William Kingsford ; Canadian studies in com parative politics : parliamentary compared with congressional government, by J. G. Bourinot. (7318 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions for the year 1894. Vol. xn. General Index i-xii. Ottawa, 1895. 4to, pp. Ixxvii, (4), 79, 200, 182, 48, 153, 14. Contains : Proceedings for 1894 ; Officers and members ; Bibliography of the members of the Society, by John George Bourinot ; Section i : Le fondateur de la Presentation (Ogdensburg) : L abbe Picquet, par Auguste Gosselin ; Chouart et Radisson, par N. E. Dionne ; Le socialisme aux Etats-Unis et en Canada, par Joseph Royal ; Le baron de Lahoutan, par J. Edmond Roy ; Le Comte d Elgin, Gouverneur general du Canada, par J. M. Le Moine ; Section n : Sable Island : its history and phenomena, by George Patterson ; The voyages of the Cabots in 1497 and 1498, with an attempt to determine their landfall and to identify their island of St. John, by Samuel Edward Dawson ; The Innuits of our Arctic coast, by J. C. Schultz ; Cartier s course a last word, by M. F. Howley. (7319 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. i. 1895. 8vo, pp. cxxvii, 113, 279. Contents : Proceedings for 1895 ; Regulations ; Officers ; Members ; Morel de La Durantaye, par Benjamin Suite ; Les Jesuites au Canada Le P. de Bonne- camps, dernier professeur d hydrographie au college de Quebec, avant la con- quete, by Auguste Gosselin ; A propos de notre litterature nationale, par Na poleon Legendre ; Notice gen<?alogique sur la maison d Abbadie, de Maslacq, par M. de Dufau de Maluquer ; The Canadian dominion and proposed Australian commonwealth : A study in comparative politics, by J. G. Bourinot ; An Iro- quois condoling council, by Horatio Hale ; The present position of American anthropology, by John Campbell ; The Jamaica Maroons how they came to Nova Scotia how they left it, by D. Brymner ; A plan for a general history of the province of New Brunswick, by William F. Ganong ; Later prehistoric man in British Columbia, by Charles Hill-Tout ; Haida grammar, by C. Harrison, edited by Alex. F. Chamberlain. (732O ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. ii. 1896. 8vo, pp. cxiii, 168, 289, 211. Contents: Proceedings for 1896;- Memorandum of the Society on the unifica tion of time at sea, with appendices j Memoir of George Lawson ; L organisation militaire du Canada, 1636-1648, par Benjamin Suite ; Quelques observations & propos du voyage de P. Le Jeune au Canada en 1660, et du pretendu voyage de M. de Queylus en 1644, by Auguste II. Gosselin ; Le gentilhomme f rangais et la colonisation du Canada, by Leon Gerin ; Pierre Boucher et son livre, par Ben jamin Suite; The voyages of the Cabots in 1497 and 1498 a sequel to a paper in the Transactions of 1894, by Samuel Edward Dawson ; Death of Sir Humph rey Gilbert, by Douglas Brymner ; Ancient literature of America, by John Campbell ; Aerolites and religion, by Arthur Harvey ; Footnotes to Canadian folksongs, by William Wood ; Last years of Charles de Biencourt, by Dr. Patter son ; The philology of the Ouananichc a plea for the recognition of priority of nomenclature, by E. T. D. Chambers ; Some contributions to Canadian con stitutional history : The constitution of the legislative council of Nova Scotia, by J. G. Bourinot ; A monograph of the place-nomenclature of the Province of New Brunswick, by William F. Ganong. (7321 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. in. 1897. 8vo, pp. clxxvii, 133, 450, 211. Illustrated. Contents : Proceedings for 1897 ; Cabot celebration at Halifax : Presidential address on Cabot s landfall, by Archbishop O Brien ; Juan de La Cosa s map, 1500 ; Modern Bristol, by W. Howell Davies ; Bristol in the days of the Cabots, by W. R. Barker ; Claude-Charles Le Roy de La Potherie, by J. -Edmond Roy ; La Mere Marie de 1 Incarnation, par Benjamin Suite ; La guerre des Iroquois, 1600-1653, par Benjamin Suite; Encore le P. de Bonnecamps (1707-1790), par Auguste Gosselin ; Jacques Cartier questions de Lois et Coutumes maritimes, par Hospice Verreau ; Canada during the Victorian era : a historical review, illustrated, by J. G. Bourinot ; Notes on the cosmogony and history of the Squamish Indians of British Columbia, by C. Hill-Tout; The origin of the 996 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Haidahs of the Queen Charlotte Islands, hy John Campbell ; Termination of Sir Humphrey Gilbert s expedition, by George Patterson, with a map ; Supplementary notes on Sable Island, by George Patterson ; The voyages of the Cabots latest phases of the controversy, by Samuel Edward Dawson, with maps and charts ; The historical and miscellaneous literature of Quebec, 1764 to 1830, by Benja min Suite ; The Cabotian discovery, by John Boyd Thacher ; Letter of Henry VII to Philip of Burgundy, King of Castile [1500] ; Transl. by E. G. Porter; Materials for Canadian history the annals of towns, parishes, etc., extracted from church registers and other sources, by James M. Le Moine ; A monograph of the cartography of the Province of New Brunswick, by William F. Ganong ; A classified list of the principal maps showing New Brunswick ; Legends of the Cabot map. (7322 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. iv. 1898. 8vo, pp. cviii, 216, 231, 148, 165. Illustrated. Contents : Proceedings for 1898 ; La mort de Cavelier de La Salle, par Benja min Suite ; Le chateau de Tronjoly, derniere residence du P. de Bonnet-amps, par Auguste Gosselin ; Frontenac, par Napoleon Legendre ; Un episode de 1 histoire du theTitre nu Canada, " 1 affaire de Mareuil," par A. Gosselin ; Pierre Bedard et son temps, par N.-E. Dionne ; Quebec en 1837-38, par sir James M. Le Moine ; Les traits caracteristiques du jubile, par A. B. Routhier ; L habitant de Saint- Justin, par L6on Gerin ; Recently discovered relics of the American mound- builders, by John Campbell ; The Kootenay and Tshimsian languages of British Columbia, by John Campbell ; The rationale of a second Parliamentary chamber, by George Hague; The further history of Pierre Esprit Radisson, by George Bryce ; The King s ship, " L Original," sunk at Quebec, 1750, by Fred. C. "Win-tele ; Vinland vindicated, by M. F. Howley ; The Cabots, by Henry Harrisse ; The valley of the Grand River, 1600-1650, by Benjamin Suite ; The loyalists and slavery in New Brunswick, by I. Allen Jack ; Oceanic origin of the Kwakiutl- Nootka, and Salish stocks of British Columbia, and fundamental unity of same, with additional notes on the Dene", by Charles Hill-Tout. (7323 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. v. 1899. 8vo, pp. cxxxii, 546, 250. Illustrated. Contents : Proceedings for 1899 ; Presidential address, by T. C. Keefer ; Que 1 - bec en 1730 relation de ce qui s est passe a Quebec, en Canada, ville capitale de la Nouvelle-France, & 1 occasion de la naissance de Mgr. le Dauphin, par Auguste Gosselin ; Felix Arvers et le fameux Sonnet, par Louis Frechette ; Jean-Frangois de la Rocque, Seigneur de Roberval, par N. E. Dionne; Samuel de Champlain, par Hospice Verreau ; Une page sombre de notre histoire 1 expedition du Marquis de Denonville, par M. le juge Girouard ; Builders of Nova Scotia : a historical review, with an appendix containing copies of rare documents relating to the early days of the province, by Sir John G. Bourinot; Appendix : King s commission to De Monts for the settlement of the lands in La Cadie, Canada, and other places in New France, 1603. Charter in favo of Sir William Alexander, or the lordship and barony of New Scotland in America, 1621 ; His majesty s commission to his excellency Governor Corn- wallis ; Governor Lawrence s proclamation of 1758 to induce settlement in Nova Scotia ; Extract from "A general return of the several townships in the Province of Nova Scotia, the first day of January, 1767 ; Establishment of representative institutions in Nova Scotia, 1758 ; State of Nova Scotia in 1783-84 ; Speech of J. W. Johnston in the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia, 10th Feb., 1854, on the union of the British North American provinces ; Mr. Howe s speech o the organization of the empire ; Copy of receipt for payment of Alabama claim. Hochelagans and Mohawks : A link in Iroquois- history, by W. D. Lighthall ; Map of New Brunswick in the prehistoric (Indian) period. A monograph of historic sites in the province of New Brunswick, by William F. Ganong; Maf of New Brunswick in the loyalist period ; The probable site of the battle of the Plains of Abraham, with plans and illustrations, by Arthur G. Doughty ; Cabot s landfall and chart : some criticisms answered, by Archbishop O Brien ; The assault of Brigadier-General Richard Montgomery and Colonel Benedict Arnold on Quebec in 1775, by Sir James M. Le Moine ; The line of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI. in A. D. 1493 and that of the treaty of Tordesillas in A. D. 1492 ; with an inquiry concerning the metrology of ancient and mediaeval times, by Samuel Edward Dawson. (7324 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. 997 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. vi. 1900. Montreal, 1900. 8vo, pp. 13, xlix, Ixxi, 225. Contents : Officers and members ; Rules and regulations ; Proceedings for 1900 ; Appendices : A. Copyright question ; B. Tidal observations, C. Reports from literary and scientific societies. Memoires, Section i : Les constitutions du Canada etude politique, par M. A.-D. De Celles ; Le Clerge canadien et la Declaration de 1732, par L abbe Auguste Gosselin ; L instruction publique dans la province de Quebec, par Paul de Cazes ; La Seigneurie de Sillery et les Hurons de Lorette (avec carte), par Leon Gerin; The Unknown, par Benja min Suite ; Le premier Roman canadien de sujet par un auteur canadien et imprime au Canada, par Phileas Gagnon ; Le Clerge protestant du Bas-Canada de 1760 a 1800, par F.-J. Audet ; La Mere Marie de 1 Incarnation, par Benja min Suite; Section II. Some memories of Dundurn and Burlington Heights, by John G. Bourinot ; Social and economic conditions of the British provinces after the Canadian Rebellions, 1838-1840, by J. G. Bourinot ; Rogers, Ranger and Loyalist, by Walter Rogers ; A quarry and workshop of the Stone Age in New Brunswick, by G. F. Matthew ; Diary of Nicholas Garry, Deputy-governor of the Hudson s Bay Company, from 1822-1835, a detailed narrative of his travels in the Northwest Territories of British North America in 1821, with a portrait of Mr. Garry ; Mexican colonies from the Canary Islands traced by language, by John Campbell. (7325 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. vn. Montreal, 1901. 8vo, pp. vi, (1), 5-8, Ixvi, Ixvii, 440, 159. Illustrated. Contents : Table of contents ; Officers ; Members ; Proceedings for 1901 Twelfth general meeting ; Articles on Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Archives, Canadian Archives, and the preservation of the site of Louisburg. Appendices : A. Presidential address Quelques reflexions sur notre epoque et notre milieu. B. Reports of associated literary and scientific societies in Canada. Memoirs : A Lady Edgar En memoire de son mari, sir James Edgar, rnernbre dece de de in SOciete Roy ale, par M. Louis Frechette ; Des Fils de Famille envoyes au Canada (Maude Le Beau, par J. Edmond Roy; Vice-rois et Lieutenants ge"neraux de la Nouvelle-France, par N.-E. Dionne ; Le Fort de Frontenac, 1668-1678, par M. Benjamin Suite; La Riviere des Trois-Rivieres, par B. Suite ; L Evolution economique dans la Province de Quebec, par M. Errol Bou- chette : Liste de livres a consulter ; Notre mouvement intellectuel, par M. Leon Gerin ; The origin of the Totemism of the Aborigines of British Columbia, by Charles Hill-Tout ; Charles Heavysege, by Lawrence J. Burpee ; Thomas Hutch- inson, the last Royal Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, by W. H. Withrow ; Post Office reforms in the Victorian Era : and the development of an Imperial cable service, by Sir Sandford Fleming ; The Baronets of Nova Scotia, their country and cognizance, by Sir Edward Mackenzie Mackenzie. With notes and a Roll of the baronets of Nova Scotia compiled from authentic manu scripts and records. Map of the Province of New Brunswick to illustrate its present boundaries, 1901. A monograph of the evolution of the boundaries of the province of New Brunswick, by William F. Ganong. With maps, bibliog- ragraphy, and cartography. (7326 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. vm. 1902. 8vo, pp. cxxxix, 129, 344, 182, 201. Illustrated. Contents : Proceedings for 1902 ; The universities in relation to research, by Sir James A. Grant ; Reports of associated societies ; IlistorSque de la Biblio- theque du Parlement & Quebec, 1792-1892, par N. E. Dionne; Etude ethnograph- ique des elements qni constituent la population Canadienne. par Sir James McPherson Le Moine ; Le regiment de Carignan, par M. B. Suite ; Louisbourg en 1902, par Pascal Poirier ; L Abbe Cuoq notice biographique ; Modern public libraries and their methods, by Lawrence J. Burpee ; The underground railway, by W. II. Withrow ; The Old Basque tombstones at Placentia, by Bishop Howley ; The first legislators of upper Canada, by C. C. James ; Family memoirs of the McCollom family, IT. E. loyalists, by W. A. McCollom ; Dochet (St. Croix) island a monograph, by W. F. Ganong ; A Canadian bibliography of the year 1901, by Lawrence J. Burpee. (7327 998 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. ix. 1903. 8vo, pp. cxxxviii, 155, 272, 216. Contents : Proceedings for 1903 ; Reports of associated societies ; Memoirs. Section i : Decouverte du Mississipi en 1659, par Benjamin Suite ; Un episode de 1 histoire de la dime au Canada (1705-1707), by Auguste Gosselin ; Les intendants de ia Nouvelle-France, par Regis Roy ; Mouveinem intellectuel chez les Canad iens-frangais depuis 1900, par Pascal Poirier ; Le pere Sebastien Rasles, jesuite, missionaire chez les Abenaquis, 1657-1724, par N. E. Dionne ; Irenna la huronne, par Pamphile Le May ; La fontaine d Abraham Martin et le site de son habitation, par P. B. Casgrain. Section n : The evolution and degeneration of party a study in political history, by N. Burwash ; The Lake of the Woods tragedy, 1736, by L. J. Burpee ; Henry Caldwell, L. C. at Quebec, 1759-1810, by James M. Le Moine ; the death of Dulhut, by William McLennan; The Gaelic folk-songs of Canada, by Alexander Eraser; Totemism : a consideration of its origin and import, by Charles Hill-Tout ; A few remarks on " The Siege of Quebec " and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, by A. Doughty in collaboration with G. W. Parmelee, and on the Probable site of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, by A. Doughty, by P. B. Casgrain ; Intrusive ethnological types in Rupert s Land, by G. Bryce ; The second legislature of Upper -Canada 1796-1800, by C. C. James ; Acadian magazines, by D. R. Jack ; Latest lights on the Cabot controversy, by M. F. Howley ; The copper currency of the Canadian Banks, 1837-1857, by R. W. McLachlan. (7328 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Vol. x. [Parti.] Meeting of June, 1904. 1905. 8vo, pp. vi, 5, civ, 90, 269, 145, 219. Contents : Proceedings ; Reports from associated societies ; Transactions. Section : : L honorable Joseph Royal sa vie ses reuvres, par L. A. Prud - homme ; Les capitaines de Marin, Sieurs de la Malgue, chevaliers de St. Louis, offlciers canadiens, &c., en la Nouvelle-France, de 1680 & 1762, par Regis Roy ; Eloge historique de monsieur 1 abbe H.-R. Casgrain, par A. B. Routhier ; La Maison de Borgia premier poste de Wolfe & la bataille des Plaines d Abraham ou etait-elle situee? par P.-B. Casgrain; Le Haut-Canada avant 1615, par Benjamin Suite ; Inventaire chronologique des livres, brochures, Journaux et revues publics dans la province de Quebec de 1764 & 1904, par N. E. Dionne. Section n : A monograph of the origins of settlements in the province of New Brunswick (with maps), by William F. Ganong ; Shelley s debt to eighteenth century thought, by Pelham Edgar ; The Jesuit missions of Canada, by W. H. Withrow ; The monument to Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham, and the old | statue at " Wolfe s Corner," by P.-B. Casgrain ; Radisson in the Northwest, 1661-63, by Benjamin Suite ; Thomas Pownall his part in the conquest of Canada, by W. D. Lighthall. (7329 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series. Volume x. Supplementary volume. Meeting of June, 1904. 1905. 8vo, pp. 175. Contents : Inventaire chronologique des livres, brochures, journaux et revues publics dans la province de Quebec de 1764 a 1904, par N. E. Dionne. (7329a ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Royal Society of Canada, Montreal meeting, 1891. Hand-book for the use of members and visitors, giving the rules of the Society, its history, and a historical sketch of Montreal, with places of interest in its vicinity. 27th May, 1891. Compiled by the local committee. Montreal, 1891. 16mo, pp. 6, 5-140. Illustrations. 4 plates. Map. 4 plans. (7330 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Morel de La Durantaye par Benjamin Suite. Ot tawa, 1895. Svo, pp. 23. Cover-title. Extract from Memoires de la Societe Royale du Canada. Second series. 1895-96. Vol. i, Section I. (7331 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. A plan for a general history of the Province of New Brunswick. By William F. Ganong. 1895. 8vo, pp. 91-102. KOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. 999 [Contributions to the history of New Brunswick, No. 1.] On cover : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1895-90. Vol. I, Section n. (7332 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. A monograph of the place nomenclature of the Prov ince of New Brunswick. (Contributions to the history of New Brunswick, No. 2.) By William F. Ganong. 1890. 8vo, pp. 175-289. On cover : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1896-97. Vol. u, Section n. (7333 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. A monograph of the cartography of the Province of New Brunswick. By W. F. Gaiiong. (Contributions to the history of New Brunswick, No. 3.) 1897. 8vo, pp. 313-427. Maps. On cover : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1897-98. Vol. n, Section n. (7334 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. A monograph of the historic sites in the Province of New Brunswick. (Contributions to the history of New Brunswick, No. 4.) By William F.. Ganong. 1899. 8vo, pp. 213-357. Maps. On cover : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1899-1900. Vol. v, Section n. (7335 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. A monograph of the evolution of the boundaries of the Province of New Brunswick. (Contributions to the history of New Brunswick, No. 5.) By William F. Ganong. 1901. 8vo, pp. 139-449. On cover : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1901-1902. Vol. vn, Section ir. (733G ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Notes on the cosmogony and history of the Squa- mish Indians of British Columbia, by C. Hill-Tout. Ottawa, 1897. 8vo, pp. 85-90. Cover-title. At head of title : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1897-98. Vol. in, Section n. English history, literature, archaeology, etc. - (7337 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Report of the Cabot Proceedings at the Halifax meeting of the Royal Society of Canada, June 21-25, 1897. Cambridge. 1897. 8vo, pp. 10. (7338 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. The voyages of the Cabots Latest phases of the controversy. By Samuel Edward Dawson. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada for 1897. ) Ottawa, 1897. 8vo, pp. 130. (733 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. The valley of the Grand River. 1600-1050. By Benjamin Suite. Ottawa [etc.], 1898. 8vo, pp. 107-135. From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1898- 99. Vol. iv, Section n. (734O ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Bibliographie de M. C. Baillairge. Extraite du volume des "Transactions" pour 1894, de la Societe royale du Canada. Addenda jusqu a ce jour. Quebec, 1899. 8vo, pp. xv.- Cover-title. (7341 PtOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Some memories of Dundurn and Burlington Heights. By Sir John G. Bourinot. (Transactions. Second series. Vol. vi. 1900. Section n. pp. 3-27.) (Published by the author.) (7342 1000 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA. Brest on the Quebec Labrador. By Samuel Edward Dawson. Ottawa, 1905. 8vo, pp. [3] -30, including map. 2 facsimiles. Cover-title. At head of title : From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Second series. 1905-1906. Vol. xi, Section n. English history, literature, arch.-eology. etc. "A reprint, with no.tes and translation, from a copy in the Lenox library, New York, of a tract published at Lyons in 1609 under title: Coppie d vne lettre envoyee de la Novvelle France, ov Canada, par le sieur de Cobes, gentilhomme poicteuin, a vn sien amy. En laquelle sent briefuement descrites les merueilles, excellences, & richesses du pays, ensemble la fagon & moeurs de ceux qui 1 habitent, la gloire des Frangois, & 1 esperance qu il y a de rendre 1 Amerique chrestienne. MDCIX. The notes (pp. 18-30) are chiefly occupied with a discussion as to the location of the former settlement or harbor of Brest on the Labrador coast, province of Quebec, of which mention is made in the evidently fictitious narrative of Des Combes." (7343 SOCIETY DE PUBLICATION HISTORIQUE DU CANADA. Montreal. SOCIETY DE PUBLICATION HISTORIQUE DU CANADA. Histoire des Canadiens-Fran- gais 1680-1880 : origine, histoire, religion, guerres, decouvertes, colonisation, coutunies, vie domestique, sociale et politique, developpement, avenir; par Benjamin Suite. Montreal, 1882-84. Eight volumes. Front. Plate. Portrait. Maps. Plans. Table. Vol. vni published by Societe de Publication Historique du Canada. (7344 SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Levis, Canada. With Vol. v the Bulletin des Recherches Historiques became the organ of the Societe des Etudes Historiques. SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. r Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. Organ de la Societe. Public par Piefcre-Georges Roy. Vol. 5. Levis, 1899. 8vo, pp. 383. Illustrated. Published monthly with title as above. Bound volumes have title-page as follows : Recherches Historiques. Bulletin d Archeologie, d Histoire, de Bibilo- graphie ; de Numismatique, etc., etc. Publie par Pierre-Georges Roy. Contents : Notre-Dame de la Victoire de Levis, par Pierre-Georges Roy ; Le flibustier Baptiste, par Regis Roy ; Les Metis ou Bois-Brules, par Benjamin Suite ; La traversee du Saint-Laurent, par Louis Frechette ; L honorable juge A. N. Morin, par Auguste Bechard ; Reponses : Le journal des Jesuits ; Le jour- naux de Longueuil ; Le comte de Vaudreuil ; La qugte de 1 Enfant Jesus ; Le fondateur du college des Jesuites de Quebec ; Questions ; Saint-Joseph de la Pointe-de-Levy, par Pierre-Georges Roy ; Le premier cardinal canadien, (Thomas Weld) par E. B. Gauvreau ; Les anciens huissiers et praticiens, par D. Girouard ; Madame D Ailleboust et le dictionnaire genealogique, par Ernest Myrand ; Le Gen eral Arnold ; Reponses : L ancien Conseil de Quebec, par Ignotus ; Le chauffage de nos eglises autrefois, par Chs. P. Beaubien ; De Ramezay, par Regis Roy, Notre- Dame du Lac Saint-Jean ; Pierre Kalm au Canada, par Pierre-Georges Roy ; Armes des lieutenants-gouverneurs de. la province de Quebec; La Boujonnier, par Benjamin Suite ; Les noyaux, par Regis Roy ; La mort de Lord Sydenham, par H. J. Morgan ; Discours de Chateauguay, par Benjamin Suite ; Patriotes ou martyrs (Jean de Brebeuf ) ; Saint-Fabien de Rimouski ; Les legendes de nos anctres, par Hubert La Rue ; Habitants vs. hivernants, par Benjamin Suite ; Le comte de Malartic, par Pierre-Georges Roy ; L amour de La France en Acadie, par Pascal Poirier ; La mort du due de Richmond, par Douglas Brymner ; Les ancetres de Mgr. Begin, par Charles Breard, Saint-Frangois-Xavier de Caughna- waga, par J. G. Forbes ; Le fort de Toronto, par Desire Girouard ; La prise de &OCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES, 1001 Saint-Regis, par J. M. Le Moine ; Le dernier rejeton des Longueuil. par Auguste Achintre; Les lieutenants gouverneurs de Gaspe, par N. E. Dionne ; Le chant national des Acadiens, par Benjamin Suite ; Le bureau de poste de Quebec, par E. T. Paquet ; Saint-Joseph de Lanoraie ; Mere Esther Wheelwright de L Enfant Jesus, par L. St. G. Lindsay; Jacau de Fiedmond, par II. R. Casgrain; Joseph- Frangois Perrault, par P. B. Casgrain ; L Ordre du Bon-Temps, par Ignotus ; L ordonnance de lord Durham ; Les pretres frungais refugies au Canada pen dant la Revolution, par Ernest Gagnon ; Saint-Autoine de Bienville ; La famille de M. de Lauzon ; Les vieux papiers, par L. F. G. Baby ; La judicature en 1732 ; La famille Girouard ; Formulettes ecrites ; Le nom de Longueuil, par Benjamin Suite ; Saint-Frederic de Drummondville ; La Pere Sebastien Rasle, par Camille de Rochemonteix ; Jacques Le Gardeur de Saint-Pierre, par Edmond Mallet ; Un chanson de 1812, par Benjamin Suite ; De Montreal a Quebec ; Un ouvrage de Fenelon, par L abbe de Calonne ; Les premieres families canadiennes, par B. Suite : Saint-Laurent de L He D Orleans, par David Gosselin ; L hermite des Trois-Pistoles, par IT. R. Casgrain; Testament de M. De La Jonqtiiere ; Saint- Mathias De Rouville, par Pierre-Georges Roy ; Quebec de 1620 & 1632, par Benjamin Suite ; Le monument Wolfe et Montcalm a Quebec, par Ignotus ; Saint- Georges de Port-Daniel ; Saint-Paul de Joliette ; Louis Rouer de Villeray, par Charles P. Beaubien ; Nos jurons populaires, par J. M. Le Moine ; Le Cure Menage, par Felix Gatien ; Inhumations natives, par Ernest Gagnon ; La vener able Marie de 1 Incarnation ; Le tres honorable John-Arthur Roebuck, par Ig notus ; Table des matieres. (7345 SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. Organe de la Societe. Vol. vi. 11)00. Pierre Georges Roy, editeiir. Levis, 1900. 8vo, pp. 384. Contents: Sainte-Cecile de Valleyflekl ; La memoire de Georges III; L Abbe" Joseph-Mathurin Bourg, par E. I*. Chouinard ; Jean Martel ; Dollard et ses compagnons, par C. Tanguay ; Le pere de chevalier Tonty, par Regis Roy ; Saint-Alphonse du Saguenay ; Le moulin t\ vent et la maison de Borgia lors de la bataille des Plaines d Abraham, par P. B. Casgrain ; Le R. P Frangois Yaillant et le testament de Claude Omar, par E. Rouillard ; Reponse du P. Francois Vaillant de la Compagnie de Jesus cornme faisant les affaires des seigneurs de la prairie de la Magdeleine aux demandes des marguillers de .la paroisse de la dite seigneurie sur le testament de feu Claude Omar ; Les vic- times du massacre de Lachine, par D. Girouard ; La chanson dans la Nouvelle- France, par Ernest Gagnon; L emprisonnement de Pierre Bedard. 1819, par N. E. Dionne; Notre-Dame de Sainte-Foye, par II. -A. Scott; Le Chateau de Longueuil, par Alex. Jodoin ; Etat des services de Philippe Ignace Aubert de Gaspe" ; Une chanson sur l expe"dition de Walker, en 1711, par Ernest Myrand ; Jean Baptiste Cadeau, par Benjamin Suite; L Abbe Paul Cassegrain ; Les Gugy au Canada par Napoleon Caron ; L histoire du Canada avant 1672. par Benjamin Suite; Saint-Clet de Soulanges ; Pretres franc,ais prisonnier* dans le port de Quebec en 1801, par II. Tetu ; Jean Bissot de Vincennes, 1668-1746. par Phile"as Gagnon ; L esclavage au Canada, par Regis Roy ; Dollard et ses Com pagnons, par D. Girouard ; La chute Niagara, par Benjamin Suite ; Saint- Philippe et Saint-Jacques de Saint- Vallier ; L Invasion de 1775-76, par N.-E. Dionne; Memoire d observations sur la conduite des habitants des deux p:i- roisses Sainte-Anne et Saint-Roch au sujet de Tinvasion des Bostonois rebels et de Texecution des ordres de Son excellence Mons. de Carleton pour les repousser de la Pointe Le"vy sous les ordres de M. de Beaujeu ; Fne lettre de Saint-Vincent de Paul, De Paris, 20 avril, 1602; Etats de services du Colonel De Salaberry, pere du heros de Chateauguay ; Le voyage de Guillaume IV au Canada, 1787; La peinture au Canada sous le regime frangais ; Notre-Dame du Portage ; L Abbe Louis- Joseph Desjardins, par E.-P. Chouinard ; La plus ancienne carte du Canada, [Desceliers, 1546-] par Benjamin Suite; Les uniformes frangais au Can ada sous Montcalm, par A. Garneau ; Saint-Zenon de Piopolis. par Pionnier ; L Abbe" Gabriel Richard, par J. A. Favremi ; La Trappe de Lanuevin ; Lettre du Pere Aug. L. de Glapion a Hugh Finlay, Quebec, le 10 de septernbre. 1788 ; Maniere de vacciner a Quebec en 1809; Les Canadiennes et la guerre de 1 Independance, par T. Saint-Pierre; L origine du signe if, par J. W. Miller; Les chevnux au Can ada ; La Societe du feu de Quebec, par F. J. Audet ; Sainte-Luce de Rimouski. par J. W. Miller; Bibliographic de la poesie Franco-Canadiennne, par P. G. R. ; " His- toire de Notre-Dame de Bonsecours & Montreal," par Charles-P. Beaubien Ptre. ; Les juges de Trois-Rivieres, par F.-J. Audet ; La France antarctique, par Ignotus : Le chenal entre Quebec et Montreal, par A. Archambault ; Saint-Eloi de Temis- 1002 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. couata ; Le canal Lachine, par Desire Girouard ; L Abbe" Joseph-Mathurin Bourg, par Anselme Rheaume ; Frangois de Crespieul ; Reglemens concernant le bon estat de la mission de Tndoussac, 1680 ; L exode des nobles a la cession du pays, 1763 ; Pendant le siege de Quebec, 1760, par Philippe-A. de Gaspe ; Saint-Ignace du Cap Saint-Ignace, par Regis Roy ; Les mots d origine sauvage, par Sylva Clapin ; Les genealogies, par Benjamin Suite ; Le Forillon, par Leon Gerin ; L ordre sacre et militaire dii Saiut-Sepulcre ; Jean d Estrees, vice-roi de la Nouvelle-France, par Edouard Goepp ; Les ouvrages de M. Faillon ; Saint- Magloire de Roux, par P. G. R. ; La Pere Joseph Aubery, par C. de Roche- nionteix ; Bibliographie des ouvrages sur la flore Canadienne : Adresse des proprietaires et habitants de 1 ancienne-Lorette presentee a Sir James-Henry Craig, le 5 avril, 1810 ; St. Ulric de la riviere Blanche ; Le cure Lefebvre et 1 heroine de Vercheres, par Phileas Gagnon ; Les freres Crisasy ; L Annonciation de Notre-Dame de Bonsecours de L Islet ; Les missionaires de L Islet ; Les cure s de L Islet ; La famille de Montenach, par Alex. Jodoin ; Offlciers de Marine en Canada sous le regime frangais, par Benjamin Suite ; Table des matieres. ( 7346 SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. Or- gane de la Soeiote. \o\. vn. 1901. Levis, 1901. 8vo, pp. 384. Contents : Saint-Ferreol ; Gilles Hocquart, par Regis Roy ; L Annonciation de Notre-Dame de Bonsecours: Les vicaires de 1 Islet; Academic commerciale Saint-Frangois Xavier ; Charles-Frangois Lienard Villemonble de Beaujeu ; Le nom de Nicolet, par B. Suite ; La sieur Timothee Sylvain, par M. E. Faillon ; Les compagnons du comte de Puisaye ; Ralph Burton, par E. B. O Callaghan ; Les pretres nes a. 1 Islet ; Le couvent de 1 Islet ; Adam Mabane, par L. E. Bois ; L lle aux Oies, par N. E. Dionne ; Charles-Baptiste Bouc ; Le chevalier James Johnstone, par William Howitt ; Lieutenant-gouverneurs de Quebec ; Jean-Joseph Girouard, et le colonel Simpson Sainte Marie de Sayabec, par Eugene Rouillard ; Testament de M. De Frontenac ; Saint-Luc, par S.-A. Moreau ; Guillaume de Chazelles, par Regis Roy ; Lettre de M. de Salaberry, pere du Heros de Chateau- guay, a Sir George Provost, 1815 ; Le careme autrefois ; La soeur Marie Morin ; Le service postal au commencement du regime anglais, par E. Cruikshank ; Sainte-Julie de Somerset ; Pretres ne"s a Sainte-Julie ; Lieutenants-gouverueurs de Quebec ; Les ruisseaux Belleborne et Saint-Denis, par J. Win-tele ; Nos pre mier recensements ; La seigneurie de la Riviere du Sud, par F. J. Audet ; Les sieurs de Dombourg et d Autray, par A. Gosselin ; Saint Pierre de la Malbaie ; Vicaires de Sainte-Julie de Somerset ; Les sauvages dans la province de Quebec ; Le regime seigneurial, par A. D. De Celles ; Louis-Auguste Olivier ; Le recense- ment de 1666 ; Les ouvrages de Arthur Buies ; Le capitaine Alexandre dft Berthier, par S. A. Moreau ; Saint- Jean-Baptiste de Quebec, par Benjamin Demers ; L Eglise Saint-Jean Baptiste, A.-B. Routhier ; Les Chapelains et cures de Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Quebec: David Martineau ; Antoine Racine; M. Frangois-Xavier Plamondon, par David Gosselin ; Benjamin Demers ; M. Huet de la Valiniere, par II. Tetu ; Le titre d " ecuyer ; " Les " Reserves du clerge ; " Sainte-Benoit Labre de Amqui ; Vicaires de Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Quebec ; Les pretres nes a Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Quebec ; Le naufrage de 1 "Auguste ; " Lettres de pardon accordees a Jean d Ailleboust d Argentetiil ; Paul Dupuis, sieur de Lislois, par N. E. Dionne; Saint-Bonaventure de Hamilton, par N. E. Dionne; Les gouverneurs et administrateurs de la province de Quebec, de 1763 a 1867; Jean Talon, par Regis Roy ; Notre-Dame-de-Foy, par Ernest Myrand ; L abbe Philippe-Rene de Portneuf ; Le colonel de Longueuil, par Monongahela de Beaujeu; Saint Pierre du Lac (Cedar Hall); La derniere survivante des d- portes de 1755, Marie Babin ; Pierre Biard ; Le Frere Louis (Louis Fraugois Martinette) ; La Cathedrale de Quebec et le Chateau Saint-Louis ; Marchez faicts en 1646 et 47 jusque en 1648 an mois de Septembre pour la construction de L Eglise et du Fort a Quebec; Joseph-Frangois Perrault ; M. 1 abbe" Maurault; Sherifs de Quebec 1779-1901 ; Retraites ecclesiastiques du diocese de Quebec, 1841-1901. Anciens journaux des Trois-Rivieres, par B. Suite ; Saint-Jacques de Causapscal, par Eugene Rouillard ; Le Colonel de Longueuil, par C.-A. San- toire ; Charles de Beauharnais, par Auguste Gosselin ; Frangois de Beauharnais, par Regis Roy ; Les vaisseaux- de guerre frangais dans le port de Quebec depuis le Cession ; Sainte-Cecile du Bic ; Jean Bochart, par Regis Roy ; Desservants et cures de Longueuil, 1698-1900 ; Pretres et religieux nes a Charlesbourg. par David Gosselin ; Jean Eustache Lanoullier de Boisclerc ; James Cuthbert, pere, seigneur de Berthier, par S.-A. Moreau ; Victor-Marie d Estrees, viceroi de la SOC1ETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. 1003 Nouvelle-France, par Edouard Goepp ; Sainte-Marie-Madeleine de Rigaud ; Sherifs de Trois-Rivieres, 1790-1882 ; Henry Blackstone ; Charles Inglis ; Souscrip- teurs pour 1 erection du monument Wolfe et Montcalm, dans le jardin du fort a Quebec ; Ecole elementaire frangaise du Protonotaire Perrault, Faubourg Saint-Louis, .Quebec, 1821. Julia Catharine Beckwitli ; Canadiana ; Table des gravures ; Table des mati&res. (7347 SOCIETY DES ETUDES HISTOBIQUES. ^Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. Organ de la Societe. Vol. vin. Levis, 1902. Svo, pp. 384. Only the leading articles are noticed. Contents: L honorable Gabriel-Elzear Taschereau, par P[ierre] G[eorges] R[oy] ; Vente par les Bostonais de meubles et animaux appartenant a Mme. Taschereau et son fils ; Saint-Regis, par L abbe G. Forbes ; Lettres do noblesse de Nicolas Dupont de Neuville ; Les maitres de poste de Montreal depuis la cession, par F. J. Audet ; L llon. Jean-Baptiste Olivier Perrault, par P. G. R[oy] ; Orthographe de noms canadiens ; Notes sur les premiers temps de la colonisation a Becancour ; Etat de la distribution des trois mille livres accordees par le roi en 1 annee 1700 pour doter soixante fllles a raison de 50 livres pour chacune ; Mgr. De Forbin-Janson, et les deportes canadiens, par N. E. Dionne ; Deportes canadiens a la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud ; Les " Suisses " du Canada, par D. Girouard ; Une calomnie historique (la morte du comte de Frontenac), par Ernest Myrand ; Sir Randolph-Isham Routh ; Un juge eu prison (Joseph Remy Vallieres de Saint-Real), par F. J. Audet; Amury Girod, par L. A. Huguet- Latour et L. E. de Bellefeuille ; Le juge Foucher, par A. D. De Celles ; Michel Begon, par Regis Roy; Saint-Patrice de Beaurivage, par P. G. R[oy] ; L honor able Frederic-George Herriot, par J. C. Saint-Amant ; Licencies des bureaux medicaux du Canada-Est de 1788 A, 1848 ; La Chapelle Saint-Anne on du domaine, par R. P. Paul-Victor Charland ; Acte de sepulture de Pierre Le Moyue D Iberville ; La maisou Montcalm sur les Remparts, a Quebec, par P. B. Casgrain ; Le " Dictionnaire Genealogique," par Mgr. Laflamme ; Louis Plamon- don, par F. J. Audet ; Jacques de Meulles, par Regis Roy ; Claude Denechaud, par E. Denechaud ; Cures en titre de Quebec, par A. H. Gosselin ; La famille Girouard en France, par Desire Girouard ; Actes de 1 etat civil de la ville de Montlugon (Allier) ; Notes de M. Des Gozis ; Contrat de mariage de Lemoyne D Iberville ; La lettre de Montcalm a Townshend ; Saint-Antoine De Tilly, par P. G. R[oy] ; Lettre du Comte de la Galissoniere a Madame Thomas-Jacques Taschereau, 1750; Une autre maison Montcalm a Quebec (1759), par P. B. Casgrain ; Claude De Bouteroue, par Regis Roy ; Oil et quand a ete ouverte la premiere ecole au Canada [Tadoussac] ? ; John Charles Fremont; Table des matieres. (7347 SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bulletin des Recherches Historiqnes Organ de la Societe. Vol. ix. Levis, 1903. 8vo, pp. 384. Published monthly. Only the leading articles noticed. Contains : La maison d Arnoux oil Montecalm est mort, by P. Casgrain ; Louis Robert ; Edme-Nicolas Robert, par Regis Roy ; L honorable Ilenri-Elzear Juch- ereau Duchesnay ; M. Jean-Felix Recher, cure de Quebec, et son journal 1757- 1760, by Htenri] Tetu; Les Americains a Beauport en 1775; Jacques du Ches- neau, by Regis Roy; Le naufrage du Chameau pres de Louisbourg en 1725, by Placide Gaudet ; Lettre de 1 hon. Jean-Thomas Taschereau, pere du Cardinal Taschereau, a son beau-pere, Thon. Jean-Antoine Pnnet (relates circumstances of his election in 1809 at St. Joseph to represent the county of Dorchester) ; Mgr. de Laval et les religieuses de Port-Royal, by Htenri] Tetu; Saint-Norbert du Cap-Chat ; L hon. M.-E.-G. Alain Chartier, de Lotbiniere, by 1 abbe Daniel ; Contrat de mariage de Robert Giffard et de Marie Renouard ; Pretres frangais prisonniers dans le port de Quebec en 1801, by Henri Tetu ; L hon. Francois- Xavier Lemieux, by Lucien Lemieux ; Table des metieres. (734S SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTOBIQUES. Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. Vol. x. Levis, 1904. 8vo, pp. 423. Only the leading articles are noticed. Contains : La chatellenie de Coulonge, pr&s Quebec, by Ernest Gagnon ; Testa ment de M. De Me/y, gouverneur de la Nouvelle-France; L honorable Pierre- Amable de Bonne, by P. G. Roy ; Pierre-Paul Osunkhirhine, par J. O. Maurault ; 1004 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Particularites de la maladie et de la mort du due de Richmond, par un official 1 de son etat-major ; Le greffe de Jean Cusson, by F. L. Desaulniers ; La famille Myrand, by Ernest My rand ; Requete des voyageurs de Michillimakinac en 1786, by Henri Tetu ; Migneron, Magneron, Migneran, Maigneron, Myrand, Mayrand, by H. A. Scott ; Le chevalier Robert-Anne D Estimauville de Beaumouchel, by Pierre Georges Roy ; L p.bbe Pierre Iluet de la Valiniere, 1732-1794, by Henri Tetu ; Francois Blanchet, by Pierre Georges Roy ; L hon. Jean-Baptiste Juch- ereau Duchesnay, by Pierre Georges Roy ; Pretres Savoyards envoyes au Canada, en 1781, by Henri Tetu ; Un proces criminel au dix-septieme siecle, by Pierre Georges Roy; Doit-on ecrire Sainte-Foy ou Saint-Foye? by H. A. Scott; Visite pastorale de Mgr. Denaut en Acadie en 1803, by Henri Tetu ; Josue Boisber- thelot de Beaucours, by Pierre Georges Roy ; Les " engages " de la Nouvellc- France ; Jacques Babie by P. B. Casgrain ; Bartholemew-Conrad-Augustus Gugy,^ by P. G. Roy; Deuxieme regiment de la milice du comte d Essex (Notes on its personnel, communicated by Benjamin Suite) ; Table des matieres des dix premiers volumes du " Bulletin des Recherches Historiques," 1895-1905. (7349 SOCIETE DES ETUDES HISTORIQUES. Bulletin des Recherches Historiques. Vol. xi. January-December, 1905. Levis. 8vo, pp. 384. Only leading articles noticed. Contains : Juges royaux et lieutenants-generaux civils et criminels en la juridiction royale de Trois-Rivieres ; Oraison funebrede Mgr. Henri-Marie Dubreil de Pontbriand, 1760, par 1 abbe Louis Jolivet ; Le pays des Hurons, by A. E. Jones ; Le moulin de Dumont, by P. B. Casgrain ; L honorable Jean Chabot, by Mgr. H. Tetu ; Mgr. Celestin Marquis, fondateur de 1 Institut des Soaurs de 1 As- sumption, by Mgr. H. Tetu ; La mort de Mgr. Esgly extrait des memoires de Nic- olas-Gaspard Boisseau ; Jean Bouillet de la Chassaigne, by Pierre-Georges Roy; Liste des officiers des troupes du detachement de la marine avec le nombre des ser- gents. caporaux. anspessades et soldats suivant la revue qui en a ete faite let octobre, 1722 ; Les gouverneurs de Montreal, by Pierre-Georges Roy ; Jacques THermitte. by Pierre-Georges Roy ; Les armoiries du college de Sainte-Anne de la Pocatiere, by N. E. Dionne ; Philippe Clement du Vuault de Valrennes, by Pierre-Georges Roy ; Fortifications des Trois-Rivieres, by Benjamin Suite ; La milice canadienne-franc,aise a Quebec en 1775 ; Origine de quelques noms cana- diens ; Louis Bourdages ; L etymologie du mot Missisquoix, by D. Girouard ; La preuve que Jacques Cartier est malouin, by H. Harvut ; Charles de Monseignat, by Pierre-Georges Roy ; Liste des passagers et des marins du Rubis venus ma- lades 3, rilotel-Dieu de Quebec et des personnes qui ont pris le mal contagieux en allant au secours de ce vaisseau ; L oraison funebre de Mgr. Briand ; Proto- notaires du district de Montreal, by F. J. Audet, P.-G. Roy ; Le major Thomas Edmund Campbell; Table des matieres. (735O SOCIETE H18TORIQUE DE MONTREAL. SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires et documents relatifs a 1 histoire du Canada. Montreal, 1859. 8vo, pp. 63. Contents: Societe Historique de Montreal; De 1 esclavage en Canada. (7351 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires et documents. Seconde livraison. Montreal, 1859. 8vo, pp. [65] -122. De la famille des Lauson [par L. H. La Fontaine] ; Vice-rois et lieutenants genereaux en Amerique, par [R. Bellernare]. (7352 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires et documents. Troisieme livrai son. Montreal. 1860. 8vo, pp. [123]-155. Ordonnances de Mr. Paul de Chomedey, premier gouverneur de Montreal. Guerre de 1812-1815: Bataille navale du lac Champlain. (7353 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires. Quatrieme livraison Histoire du Montreal. Par [Francois] Dollier de Casson. Montreal, 1869. 8vo. pp. 295, (1). ( 7354 SOCIETY HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires. Cinquieme livraison. Regne militaire en Canada. Montreal, 1870. 8vo, pp. 328. ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. 1005 Regne militaire en Canada ou administration judiciaire de ce pays par les anglais du 8 Septembre 1760 du 10 Aout 1764. Manuscrits recueillis et annote"s par Le Commandeur J. Viger. Tome ler. pp. 1-83 ; Pieces officielles ou placards reglements, ordonnances, etc., publiees par les gouverneurs de Montreal durant le rfegne militaire ou de 1760 a 1764. Documents inedits. Extrait des Registres de 1 Epoque. pp. 87-307. (7355 SOCIETE HISTOKIQUE DE MONTREAL. Menioires. G mo livraison. Voyage de MM. Dollier [tie Casson] et Galinee. Montreal, 1875. 8vo, pp. (2), 84. (7356 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Menioires. 7 e livraison. Voyage de Kalm en Ainerique, analyse et traduit par L. W. Marchand. Montreal, 1880. 8vo, pp. (6), xvi, 168 (,!) This livraison consists of the Analysis. (7357 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires. 8 e livraison. Voyage de Kalm en Ainerique, analyse et traduit par L. W. Marchand. Montreal, 1880. 8vo, pp. (6) 256 (1). This livraison consists of the Traduction. (7358 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires. 9 e livraison. Les veritables motifs de Messieurs et Dames de la Societe de Notre-Dame de Montreal [pour la conversion des sauvages de la Nouvelle-Francel. Montreal, 1880. 8vo,~ pp. xlvii, 94 (1). " Cet ecrit parut en 1643, en un volume de 127 pages in-4to, imprime a Paris tres vraisemblablement, mais sans nom d imprimeur, ni de lieu." (7351) SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Memoires. Dixieme livraison. Campagne de 1755. Montreal, 1900. Large 8vo, pp. (4) 80, v. Consists of orders, correspondence, etc., of Dieskau and Vaudreuil. (736O SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Les anciens forts de Lachine et Cavelier de La Salle, par Desire Gironard. Publie sous les auspices de la Societe Historique de Montreal. Montreal, 1891. 8vo, pp. 57, 1 1. (7361 SOCIETY FOR HISTORICAL STUDIES. Montreal, Canada. SOCIETY FOR HISTORICAL STUDIES. The fall of New France, 1755-1760. By Ger ald E. Hart. With portraits and views in artotype, Montreal. 1888. Small 4to, pp. vii, (2), 175. " The present pages form the subject of a paper read before one of the ses sions of the Society." (Introductory note.) (7362 THOROLD AND BEAVERDAMS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. TJiorold, Canada. THOROLD AND BEAVERDAMS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Jubilee history of Thorold, township and town, from the time of the red man to the present. Published by John H. Thompson for the Society. Thorold, 1897-8. pp. 18, 212, 77. (7363 UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Toronto. EMPIRE LOYALISTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Coming of the loyalists, by C. Haight. Toronto, 189!). 8vo, pp. 20. (U. E. series, No. 2.) Read before the United Empire Loyalists Association of Ontario November 11, 1897. (7364 1006 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Annual Transactions. March 9, 1899. Toronto, 1899. 8vo, pp. 121. Contents : Constitution and by-laws ; Officers ; Report of proceedings ; Con tribution to the Royal Society of Canada on the United Empire Loyalist Asso ciations in Canada, by Wm. Hamilton Merritt ; List of members ; Some character istics of United Empire Loyalists and their influence on Canadian history, by G. W. Ross ; Our first excursion, by M. Forsyth Grant ; Some incidents in the life of an early settler in the Niagara peninsula, [George Keefer] by Surgeon- Major Keefer ; The story of a Canadian loyalist, Col. Joel Stone, founder of Gananogue, by Agnes Maule Machar ; Autobiography of Henry Ruttan, of Cobourg, Upper Canada ; Memoir of Captain Samuel Anderson, by Sophia Rowe ; Some U. E, Loyalist homes, by M. Forsyth Grant ; Beverly House on the Hudson ; A sketch of some of the Secords, from 1775 until 1866, by Mary M. Dunn ; Canadian forms of freedom, by A. H. F. Lefroy ; The confederation idea on the North American continent, by George Johnson. (7365 UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Annual transactions for the year ending March 8, 1900. Vol. m. Toronto, 1900. Svo, pp. 102. Portraits. Contents : Constitution and by-laws ; Annual report ; George Sterling Ryer- son ; Herman Henry Cook ; Obituary ; Samuel Strong and the Georgia Loyalists, by Emilia F. S., Lady Dilke ; Sketch of the Teeple family, 1762-1899, by W. B. Waterbury ; Birthplace and antecedents of Major Thomas Merritt, United Empire Loyalist, by Catherine N. Merritt ; Six Nations Indians as United Em pire Loyalists, by Edward M. Chadwick ; Sketch of the Bruce family, by Char lotte B.ruce Carey ; The German U. E. Loyalists of the county of Dundas, Ontario, by Alexander Clark Casselman ; Adolphustown, or the township of Adolphus or Fourth Town, the first settlement by United Empire Loyalists, by William Canniff ; Rogers Ranger and Loyalist, by Walter Rogers ; List of members. ( 7366 UNITED EMPIRE LOYALISTS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Annual transactions f< the years ending March, 1901, and March, 1902. Vol. iv. Toronto, 1903. Svo, pp. 153. Portraits. Contents : Officers ; Constitution and by-laws ; Annual reports, March, 1900- 1902 ; Patriotic societies, their value to the empire, by R. E. A. Land ; Battle of the Thames and death of Tecumseh, by T. S. Arnold ; Titus Simons, Quarter Master, Peters Corps of " Queen s Loyal Rangers," Burgoyne s Campaign, by H. H. Robertson; A glance at the early Canadians (French and English), by D. B. Read ; The moral character of the U. E. Loyalists, by Nathaniel B wash ; Extracts from an old U. E. L. journal, by Mrs. Stephen M. Jarvis ; Canadian U. E. Loyalist at Waterloo, a family sketch by Rev. Canon Alexand Wellesley Macnab ; A sketch of the Pennock and Mcllmoyl families, by Sarafc S. Leggo and Mary Elizabeth Walker ; The late Parker Allen of Adolphustown, by C. E. Thomson ; Reminiscences of the late Capt. John De Cevv ; The Highland Scotch U. E. Loyalists, by Alexander Clark Casselman ; The late Loyalists of Upper Canada, by J. S. Carstairs ; Allen McLean Howard ; William Hamilton Merritt; Obituary; List of members. (7367 66 : uy 2 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies in History. First series. Review of Histor ical Publications relating to Canada. Edited by George M. Wrong. Vol. i. Publications for the year 1896. (Including some of the more important publications of 1895.) Toronto, 1897. Svo, pp. 190. (7368 See 7374. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies in History. Second series. Vol. i. pp. 1-74. Louisbourg in 1745. The anonymous " Lettre d un Habitant de Louisbourg," Containing a narrative by an eye-witness of the siege in 1745. Edited with an English translation by George M. Wrong. Printed for the University, 1897. 4to. [Also, Studies in History and Economics, Vol. I, No. L] (736 WENTWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1007 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies in History. Second series. Vol. i. pp. 77- 155. 1899. Preliminary stages of the Peace of Amiens; the diplomatic relations of Great Britain and France from the fall of the Directory to the death of Emperor Paul of Russia, November, 1799-March, 1801. By H. M. Bowman. (7370 4to. [Also, Studies in History and Economics, Vol. i, No. 2.] UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies in History and Economics. Vol. n, No. 1. 1902. 4to. City government in Canada, by S. Morley Wickett. Westmount : a municipal illustration, by W. D. Lighthall. Municipal govern ment in Toronto, by S. Morley Wickett. Appendix. Bibliography, by S. Morley Wickett. pp. 68. Vol. IT, No. 2. 1903. Municipal government in Ontario, by Adam Shortt. Municipal organization in Ontario, by K. W. McKay. Bibliography of Canadian municipal government, by S. Morley Wickett. pp. 70. Vol. n, No. 3. 1904. Municipal history of Manitoba, by Alan C. Ewart. Municipal government in the North West territories, by S. Morley Wickett. Municipal institutions in the Province of Quebec, by R. Stanley Weir. Bibliog raphy of Canadian municipal government (supplementary), by S. Morley Wickett PP- 62, (1). (7371-7372 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies in History and Economics. Vol. in, No. 1. A colony of emigres in Canada, 1798-1816, by Lucy Elizabeth Textor. [Toronto], 1905. 4to, pp. xi, 86. Map. Cover-title. Bibliography: pp. [vii]-xi. (7373 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Review of historical publications relating to Canada. Edited by George M. Wrong. Vols. i-ix. 1897-1904. Toronto. 1897-1905. 8vo. (7374 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies. Economic series. No. 1. Public debts in Canada. By J. Roy Perry. 1898. 4to, pp. 88. This volume forms No. 3 of Vol. i, History and Economics series. (7375 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. Studies in History. The early trading companies of New France. A contribution to the history of commerce and discovery in North America. By H. P. Biggar. 1901. 4to, pp. xii, 308. Map. (7376 WENTWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hamilton, Canada. WENTWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. n. Hamilton, Canada, 1899. Vol. i published in 1892. Copy not found. 8vo, pp. 176. Contents : Officers ; Secretary s remarks ; Conditions of membership : Introduc tion to paper on Canada s future ; Canada s future, by Geo. H. Mills ; Burlington Bay, Beach and Heights, in history, by Mary E. Rose Holden ; Niagara on the Canadian shore, by E. J. Fessenden ; Major Titus Gear Simons at Lundy s Lane, by H. H. Robertson ; Historical recollections of Waterdown 1806 to 1860, by Geo. D. Griffin ; The Six Nations Indians in the Province of Ontario, Canada, by J. O. Brant-Sero ; The development of a national literature, by Mrs. C. Fes senden ; Wentworth, historical and picturesque, by J. W. Smith ; Historical sketches, by Mrs. Robert Burnet ; Documents relating to the Battle of Stony Creek ; Note referring to militia at Stony Creek, by Justus A. Griffin ; On the field of Stony Creek (poetry), by Major Glasgow; King William s war, and what it had to do with Canada, by M. Agnes Fitz Gibbon ; A century of achievement, by James H. Coyne ; Biographical sketch of a noted pioneer, George Hamilton, by Agnes H. Lemon ; Personal incidents of long ago, by F. W. Fearman ; Ban ner of the Society ; Military fete given by the ladies of the Society ; Address to the Queen on the completion of the 60th year of her reign, by a committee of the Society ; Address to the retiring president and his reply ; Report of the 1008 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Burlington Bay canal commissioners for 1835 ; Subscription list to defray the expense of a footpath on James Street, 1839 ; Proclamation of the War of 1812, by Alexander Smith, Brigadier-General. (7377 WENTWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal and Transactions. Vol. in. Hamil ton, Canada, 1902. 8vo, pp. 107. Portrait. Map. Contents : Officers ; Lundy s Lane and Stony Creek, by Murray Anderson ; The U. E. Loyalists in 1837, by Geo. D. Griffin ; Historical St. Paul s, by Stella E. Asling; Historic value of Smith s Knoll, by Geo. H. Mills; Sketch of the Stoney Creek battle ground, 1813 ; The Gates of Dundurn ; Hamilton s Crystal Palace ; Historical data re state and church in the county of Wentworth, by J. Rose Holden ; Odds and ends of early life in Hamilton, by F. Kidner ; Militia rolls of 1866 ; A relic of Saint Lucia ; Some historical notes ; Monument sites with correspondence and papers relating thereto ; Our first president, [George II. Mills] by Justus A. Griffin; Resolutions. (7378 WENTWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal and Transactions. Vol. iv. Hamil ton, 1905. 8vo, pp. 118. Illustrated. Contents : The King s Head Inn, 1794 ; Some historical and biographical notea on the militia within the limits now constituting the county of Wentworth, in the years 1804, 1821, 1824, 1830, 1838 and 1839, with the lists of officers, Part i, by II. H. Robertson ; The Brant family, by Mrs. John Rose Ilolden ; Plan of a certain tract of land lying between the townships of East Flamborough and Nelson formerly culled Captain Brant s tract, but now Wellington Square ; The first agricultural society within the limits of Wentworth, 1806, by II. II. Robert son ; The George Hamilton burial plot, by Agnes Hamilton-Lemon ; Historical comments on the origin and development of some of the laws of Ontario, by Charles Lemon ; Militia rolls of 1812, by Justus A. Griffin ; An Imperial Pref erence, as recorded in Hamilton nearly sixty years ago, by Justus A. Griffin. (7379 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OTTAWA. Ottaica, Canada. WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OTTAWA. [Officers, constitution, etc.] [No date.] 32mo, pp. 12. (7380 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF OTTAWA. Transactions. Vol. i. Ottawa, 1901. 8vo ; pp. 188. Contents : List of officers ; Municipal growth in the district of Dalhousie, by F. Gertrude Kenny ; Some account of Bytown, by F. Gertrude Kenny ; The Rideau Canal and the founder of Bytown, by M. A. Friel ; Our city fifty years ago, by M. Jamieson ; A hero of 50 years ago, [Wm. Durie] by Mary McKay Scott ; Early days of Ottawa, by Eva Read ; The early settlers of March Town ship, by Margaret Howitt Ahearn ; Renfrew in early days, by Mrs. J. L. Mc- Dougall ; Early settlement of Grenville county, by Mrs. Alex. Burritt ; Early settlement of Prince Edward county, by Amy Horsey ; Historical sketch of 100th Prince of Wales Royal Canadian Regiment, by Margaret Howitt Ahearn; The Acadians, by Annie M. Dawson ; Early French colonization, by Augustine P. Suite ; Customs and habits of the earliest settlers of Canada, by Augustine P. Suite ; A page from the annals of our first missions, by Mme. H. G. Lamothe; Mile. Mance and the early days of HStel Dieu of Ville-Marie, 1*634-1659, by Madame Pigeon ; The second administrat ion of Frontenac, by Lea La Rue ; The French regime from 1700 to 1760, by Adrienne Walker ; Origin of Cana dian people, by Mary L. Campbell ; The founding of Upper Canada, by Ella Walton ; Early immigration into Upper Canada, by M. A. Northwood ; The first Parliament of Upper Canada, by Edith Kerr ; The Battle of Lundy s Lane, by Mrs. Jesse Ketchum ; Battle of Chrysler s farm, by Madam Rheaume; The effect of the War of 1812 on Canada, by Jennie McConnell ; A summary translation of Mr. Suite s French article on the destruction of forests in Canada. (7381 WOMEN *S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 1009 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. Toronto, Canada. WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. " The Society has, by the liberality of the Canadian Home Journal, been furnished with an official organ. In the columns of this monthly publication they are enabled to print regular official reports of the meetings held and papers read." Cf. Royal Society of Canada. Proceedings and Transactions. Second series, Vol. v,p. cv. (7382 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. Transactions. No. 1. A historic banner. A paper read on February 8th, 1890, by Mary Agnes Fitz Gibbon. Toronto. [No data] 8vo, pp. 24. The flag of the 3d regiment of York Militia. (7383 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. (Transactions. No. 2.) The battle of Queenston Heights, October 13th, 1812. By Sarah A. Curzon. With a sketch of her life and works, by Lady Edgar. [Toronto] 1899. 8vo, pp. 12. At head of title : Deeds speak. (7384 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. Transactions. No. 3. Reminiscences of Mary Warren Baldwin. By Catherine Lefroy. Toronto, 1900. 8vo. (7385 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. Transactions. No. 4 Toronto. Contents: 1. Some elections and the Battle of Hastings. A paper by (Mrs.) Agnes Chamberlin, read January 4th, 1900. 2. Letter concerning the election for the county of Essex to the first parliament of Upper Canada. 3. Speech of Indian chief " Metawth " (1813). 4. Speech of Indian chief " Opekai-e-gan " (1836). 5. Letters from an officer s diary (1836-1840). 6. Penetanguishene. a poem written by a subaltern (1840). (7386 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. Annual report, 1898-99. 8vo, pp. 12. Annual report, 1897-98. 8vo, pp. 12. (7387 WOMEN S CANADIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF TORONTO. First historical exhibit held at Toronto, June, 1899. Report of the secretary and treasurer. To ronto, 1900. 8vo, pp. 11. (738S H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 64 APPENDIX. ALBANY INSTITUTE AND HISTORICAL AND ART SOCIETY. Albany authors. A list of books written by Albanians, contained in the collection of the Albany Insti tute and Historical and Art Society. 1902. With biographical data. Libra rian: Cuyler Reynolds. [Albany? 1902?] 12mo, pp. 107. (7389 AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Philadelphia. Records. Vol. xvi. [Philadelphia], 1905. 8vo, pp. iii, 497. Portraits. Plate. Contents: President s address, by F. A. Cunningham; Edmund Bailey O Callaghan of New York, by James J. Walsh; Some notes on Catholic bibliography, by James J. Walsh; Annual report of the board of managers of the society; Letter from Rev. Fidelius de Grivel. S. J., to Rev. Joseph Tristam, S. J., relating the history of St. Inigoes, Maryland; Sacra mental registers at St. Joseph s Church, Philadelphia, of the eighteenth century; Cheverus in France, second series of letters, 1823-1836, translated by Isabel M. O Reilly; Monsignor Adrian J. Croquet, Indian missionary, and some of his letters, compiled with notes by Rev. J. Van der Heyden; Sketch of the Chevalier de la Luzerne, French minister to the United States from 1779 to 1783, by James J. Walsh; Old St. Peter s Church, Columbia, Pa., by Francis X. Reuss; Doctor Jedidiah Vincent Huntington and the Oxford movement in America, by James J. Walsh; Dr. John Michael Brown, the alleged priest of colonial Phila delphia Dr. Thaddeus Murphy, also a reputed priest, by Martin I. J. Griffin; The "Leo House," for immigrants, by I. M. O Reilly; Index. (739O AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Bulletin. Vol. xxxvu. 1905. New York [1905]. 8vo. pp. v, 790. Contains: The United States Reclamation Service, by C. J. Blanchard; The floor of the North Atlantic Ocean; Semi-centennial of the Society; The investigation of Alaska s min eral wealth, by Alfred II. Brooks; Transactions of the Society; Geographical record; New maps; Book notices; A menace to the New York harbour entrance, by Lewis M. Haupt; Address of the president, Robert E. Peary, at the annual meeting, January 24, 1905; Rubher in the Amazon basin; Topography and travel in Pennsylvania, by W r altcr S. Tower; The gorges and waterfalls of central New York, by R. S. Tarr; Launching of the Roosevelt; The Philippine census, by Henry Gannett; Terrestrial magnetic work of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, by G. W. Littlehales; The great roads across the Appalachians, by Albert Perry Brigham; Charter and by-laws of the Society; Members; The climatic zones and their subdivisions, by Robert De C. Ward; Expedition to Hudson Bay and northward; The basin of Lake Titicaca, by A. F v . Bandelier; The economic importance of the plateaux in tropic America, by J. Russell Smith; The Alaskan range: a new field for the mountaineer, by Alfred H. Brooks; Commander Peary s start for the Arctic; Maps: their handling, clas sification and cataloguing, by Thomas Letts; The Western Sierra Madrc of the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, by Edmund Otis Ilovey; The geography of American cities, by Walter S. Tower; Peary Arctic Club Expedition, summer of 1905, by R. E. Peary; American Samoa, by Frank Taylor Chambers; The railway in Newfoundland, by C. M. Skinner; Early western explorers and the railroads, by Henry Gannett; Antarctic nomenclature, by Edwin Swift Balch; Maps of the United States on a scale of 1:1,000,000; Index. (739 1 HOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. 1. Boston, 1905. Large 8vo, pp. 84. Illustrations. " The papers previously published by the Society have been assembled and bound in similar style with Volume 2, as Volume I of our Publications." Proceedings, 190(5, p. 29. Contents: William Blaxton, by Thomas C. Amory; Abel Bowen, by William H. Whit- more; Changes of values in real estate in Boston the past one hundred years, by Alexander S. Porter, (7392 1011 1012 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BOSTONIAN SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. 2. Boston, 1905. Large 8vo, pp. 142. Portraits. Plate. Map. Contents: A very old corner of Boston (the head of State Street), by James Frothingham Hunnewell; Jean Lefebvre de Cheverus, by Francis Hurtubis, jr.; Bosto^ anti-slavery days, by William Lloyd Garrison; The islands of Boston Harbor, by Julia Knowlton Dyer; Index. (7393 BROOKLINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings at the annual meeting, February 8, 1905. Brookline, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 66, (2), v. Contents: President s address, by Rufus G. F. Candage; Reports of officers; Two old Brook- line homesteads [White and Heath], by Mrs. Thomas [Ada Ripley] Doliber; Officers and com mittees; Members; Charter; By-laws. (7394 COLONIAL SOCIETY OP MASSACHUSETTS. Publications. Vol. vm. Transactions. 1902-1904. Boston, 1906. 8vo, pp. xix, 465. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents: Officers, members, etc.; Memoir of George Otis Shattuck, by Edward H3nry Hall; Tribute to Joseph Williamson, by Henry Herbert Edes; Paper by Albert Matthews, on the term State House; Remarks by John Noble, in communicating a letter of the Reverend Increase Mather, dated 1 September, 1685; Remarks by Henry Winchester Cunningham, on Lieutenant Jonathan Remington; Memoir of William Crowninshield Endicott, by Joseph Hodges Choate; Paper by Andrew McFarland Davis, on the Confiscation Laws of Massachu setts; Communication by Worthington Chauncey Ford, of a letter of Christopher Holder, dated 1 September, 1659; Remarks by John Noble, on Lieutenant Jonathan Remington; Communi cation by Denison Rogers Slade, of documents drawn from the papers of Richard Clarke, 1762-1774; Exhibition by Denison Rogers Slade, of a handbill signed Joyce Junior, Chairman of the Committee for Tarring and Feathering, 1774; Paper by Albert Matthews, on Joyce Junior; Communication by John Noble, of documents relating to Land Controversies in Maine, 1736-1770; Remarks by Henry Herbert Edes, on a petition to Cromwell in 1655 from William Franklin; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a letter of John Washington, dated 2 July, 1780; Paper by Charles Knowles Boiton, on an incident of the Battle of Brandy- wine; Communication by Edmund March Wheelwright, of a copy of a letter dated 25 April, 1689, relating to an Indian attack on Saco and Cape Porpoise remarks by Henry Winchester Cunningham and Henry Herbert Edes; Exhibition by Andrew McFarland Davis, of a photo graphic copy of a resolve of the General Court, 1725; Communication by Horace Howard Furness, of letters of James Martineau, 1836-1890, and of letters of James Russell Lowell, 1879-1889; Paper by Albert Matthews, on the term Red Man; Paper by John Noble, on Admi ralty Jurisdiction in the Colony and Province of the Massachusetts Bay; Reports of officers and committees; Remarks by John Noble, in communicating a document by Richard Salton- stall propounding a candidate for the presidency of Harvard College, 1672; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a deed from John Alden to Captain Jonathan Alden, dated 1 January, 1684-85; Communication by Henry Ainsworth Pa.rker, of a letter of Muriel (Sedley) Gurdon, dated 4 April, 1636; Paper by Albert Matthews, on the word Palatine in America; Communi cation by Worthington Chauncey Ford, of verses on the death of Increase Nowell in 1655, of Governor John Endicott in 1665, and of Henry Withington in 1666, and of the epitaph of William Pole, 1675; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a letter of Benedict Arnold, dated 15 July, 1778; Tribute to Henry D wight Sedgwick, by Charles Sedgwick Rackemann; Communication by Charles Knowles Boiton, of a memorandum from the family Bible of Governor William Shirley; Communication by Charles Knowles Boiton, of a letter of Benja min Franklin, dated 12 April, 1750; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a letter of the Rev. Benjamin Colman, dated 17 February, 1700-01; Communication by John Noble, of the will of Edward Jackson, 1681; Paper by John Noble, on Posy-rings; Remarks by John Noble, on Washington s visits to Boston; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a letter of John Augustine Washington, dated 1 June, 1776, and of a letter of Bushrod Washington, dated 13 March, 1778; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a sheet containing " A New Song" (written during the Siege of Boston) , and "The Grand Constitution," [1787?]; Paper by Albert Matthews, on some sobriquets applied to Washington; Remarks by Albert Matthews, on early protests against slavery in Massachusetts; Remarks by William Coolidge Lane, in communi cating letters of Nathaniel Walker Appleton, 1773-1784; Communication by Henry Winchester Cunningham, of verses derogatory of Benjamin Faneuil; Paper by Edward Henry Hall, on the origin of Congregationalism; Paper by Henry Ainsworth Parker, on the Reverend Jesse Glover and the Book of Sports; Communication by Henry Herbert Edes, of a letter of the Rev. Benjamin Colman, dated 15 May, 1747; Remarks by Andrew McFarland Davis, in exhib iting a photograph of a Provincial ten-shilling bill, 1713; Tribute to John Andrew Peters, by APPENDIX. 1013 George Lyman Kittredge; Communication by Frederick Jackson Turner, of documents elucidating --Blount s Conspiracy, 179.5-1797; Paper by Henry Ainsworth Parker, on the Reverend George Burdett; Paper by Albert Matthews, on the word Park in the United States; Reports, etc.; Index. (7395 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dedham, England. A paper read at the monthly meeting of the Dedham Historical Society, December 7, 1887. By William Franklin Cheney. [Dedham, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 4. Sheet. No title-page. (7396 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. John Eliot and the Indian village at Natick. Read before the Dedham Historical Society, September 14, 1885, and the Hyde Park Historical Society, October 1, 1890. By Erastus Worthington. Dedham [1890.] 8vo, pp. 10. (7397 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoir of Henry Orin Hildreth. By Erastus Worthington. Prepared at the request of the Dedham Historical Society. Dedham, Mass., 1893. 8vo, pp. 8. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1893. (7398 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Barnabas Metcalf, of Franklin, Mass., and his descendants, by Frank Johnson Metcalf. [Reprinted from the Dedham His torical Register for October, 1893, and January, 1894.] Dedham, Mass., 1894. 8vo, pp. lf>. Plate. (7399 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The English Church in Dedham and Stoughton. By Rev. William Franklin Cheney. [Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register for April, 1 894.] Dedham, Mass., 1894. 8vo. pp. (1),8. Portrait. (74OO DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Endicott [Gilbert, James, and John], By John E. Alden. [Dedham, 1895.] 4to, 1 p. Reprinted from the Register for October, 1895. (740 1 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Henry Deengaine, first benefactor of the first school at Dedham, Massachusetts, 1645. By Fisher Howe, jr. Dedham, 1895. 8vo, pp. 7. Plate. Reprinted from the Register for January, 1895. (74O2 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Nathaniel Farrington. By John E. Alden. [Ded ham, 1895.] F, 1 p. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1895. (74O3 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. William Pitt as the patron of the American colonies. By the Rev. Carlos Slafter, A. M. Boston, 1896. 8vo, pp. (1), 14. Reprinted from the Register for October, 189C. (74O4 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Paul homestead in Dedham. By Edward Crane Paul. [Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register, October, 1899.] Dedham, Mass., 1899. Svo, pp. 13. Illus. (74O5 DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Joseph Belcher, the first minister of Walpole, Mass. By Alfred B. Page. [Dedham, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 6. No title-page. Reprinted from the Register for April, 1901. (74O6 1014 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. DEDHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Chandler family: Genealogy of a branch. By Mrs. A. M. Pickford. [Reprinted from the Dedham Historical Register, 1901-1903.] Dedham, 1903. 8vo, pp. (1), 31. (74O7 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vols. i and n, Sandusky, Ohio. Vol. in, Cleveland, Ohio, 1862. 8vo, 3 vols. in one. Vol. I: No. 1, June, 1858; No. 2, November, 1858; No. 3, March, 1859; No. 4, May, 1859; 48 pp. each. Vol. II: No. 1, November, 1859; No. 2, March, 1860; No. 3, September, 1860; No. 4, Septem ber, 1861; 48pp. each. Vol. Ill: June, 1862; pp.81. Contents: Volume I: Oration of Eleutheroa Cooke, July 4, 1857; Address of Elisha Whittle- sey, Nov. 12, 1857; Constitution, 1858; Memoirs of townships: Norwalk, by S. B. Lewis; Peru, by L. R. Sutton; Fire Lands reminiscences, by W. W. Pollock; Groton, by Elijah Bemis; Address of John Sherman, Sept. 1, 1858; Greenfield, by Charles B. Simmons; Clarkesfield, by Benjamin Benson; Milan, by F. W. Fowler; Berlin, byX. Phillips; Vermillion, by W.H. Crane and Benj. Summers; Milan, by B. Williams, Luther Coe, by G. T. Stewart; New Haven, by A. G. Stewart; Portland, by F. D. Parish; Ridgefield, by Daniel Sherman; Reminiscences, by Cornelia Mason, Elizabeth, Minn.; Notes and conjectures concerning the men and animals whose bones are found in the ancient earth works of Ohio, by James B. Walker; Norwalk, by Platt Benedict; Clarksfield, by E. M. Barnum; Norwalk, by Henry Lockwood; Personal memoirs, by Mrs. David Gibbs, of Norwalk; Fitchville, by J. C. Cur tis; Skirmish with the Indians on the Peninsula, 1812, by J. R. Giddings; Huron, by Lucy A. Stevens; Townsend, by Caroline Fay. Volume II: Address, by S. A. Bronson, May 8, 1859; Lyme, by Charles Smith; Florence, by Joab Squire; Tax and hunting story, by William Parish; Florence, by Eldad Barber; David Abbot; Old Father Gurley," by L. B. Gurley : Personal recollections, by A. H. Betts; Reminiscences, by Edward Wheeler; Wakeman, by Justin Sherman and Chester Manvil; Memoir of Alvin Coe, by A. H. Betts; Memoir of Benjamin Newcomb; New Haven, by Enos Rose; Townsend, by Benjamin Benson; Milan, F. W. Fowler; Personal memoirs, by Seth Jennings; Pilgrims of the Mayflower, by Chas. B. Simmons; Record of licenses and permits for taverns, stores, and ferries, of marriages, justices, and of churches incorporated in the Fire Lands, 1815-1818; Obituary record of Wakeman township, 1817-1859, by C. Manvel; Norwich, by J. M. Niles; Peru, by Levi R. Stilton; Sketch of an unpublished sermon by E. Judson, in 1839, on history of Milan; Incidents of the early history of Margaretta, by H. Smith, and Harvey Fowler; Pioneer life, by Daniel Reynolds; Major Frederick Falley, * by L. F. Allen; Plyna Brown, by M. E. Owen; Wadsworth letters, 1809-1812; David Under bill; Early reminiscences of Dan Putnam; History of the Fire Lands press, by C. P. Wick- ham; A sketch of the first Sabbath school on the Fire Lands, by Mrs. G. G. Baker; Bir mingham, by Uriah Hawley; Address, by Rev. Samuel D. Smith; Address by C. F. Lewis; An Indian massacre [at Lower Sandusky, 1813], by Robert Boggs; Extracts from a discourse preached in the Presbyterian Church, Norwalk, June 24, 1860, by Rev. A. Newton on con cluding the twenty-fifth year of his ministry. Volume III: Proceedings of meetings; Bronson, by Martin Kellogg; Berlin, by X. Phillips; , The Connecticut school fund, by S. P. Beers; Oxford its settlement previous to 1815, by F. D. Drake; Early political divisions of the regions constituting the Fire Lands, with a sketch of some of the early territorial and state laws, by A. W. Hendry; The Moravian missions, by E. Lane. (7408 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vols. iv, v, vi, and vn. 1863-1866. 8vo. 4 vols. in 1. Separately paged, with General Index, pp. iii-iv, at beginning. Half- title. Vol. iv. June, 1863. pp. 98, (1). Portrait. Contents: Proceedings, 1862-63; Fifty years ago and now, by L. B. Gurley; First Indian and white settlers in and around Sandusky, by Joseph M. Root; Historical sketch of Kelley s Island, by George C. Huntington; Hartland, by E. J. Waldron; New London, by A. D- Skellinger; Ripley, by J. N. Brown; Huron, by E. W. West; Early times in Vermillion, by Benjamin Summers; Oxford, by F. D. Drake; Abstract of the record history of the Fire Lands grant from the records of the State of Connecticut; Index. (7409 APPENDIX. 1015 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Vol. v. June, 1864. pp. 123, (1). Portrait. Contents: Proceedings, 1863-64; Elisha Whittlesey, by A. Newton; Early settlements in the fourth section of Norwalk and vicinity, by Martin Kellogg; Early settlement of Ridge- field, by Enos Rose; Memoirs of Fairfield, by Samuel Foote; History of Ruggles, by Samuel C. Sturtevant; Memoirs of Richmond, by John H. Niles; Memoirs of Greenwich, by Marcus E. Mead; Memoirs of Sherman, by John E. La Barre; E. S. Barnum, by E. Barber; Surveys on the Fire Lands, by Erie Mesnard; Reminiscences of the early days of West Vermillion, by William Benschooter; Reminiscences, by Daniel Sherman; Page family, by Amos Felt; Hester family, by Martin M. Hester; The pioneer missionary extracts from the journal of Rev. John Se ward, 1817; Interesting political statistics: Votes for governor, 1803-1861; Mis cellaneous articles; Index. (741O Vol. vi. June, 1865. pp. 123, (1). Portrait. Contents: Proceedings, 1864-65; Some account of the settlement of Perkins township, by F. D. Parish; Personal reminiscences of the settlement of Perkins; of Jesse Taylor and others, by Truman B. Taylor; Sketch of the early settlement of Perkins, by Robert Baker and others, by John F. Greene; The war on the wolves; Surveying the Fire Lands, by Simeon Hoyt; Death of the pioneer editor of the Reserve [Thomas D.Webb]; Autobiography of John Gar rison; Account of the murder of John Wood and George Bishop, in 1819, by two Indians; by W. C. Allen; Early settlement of Bronson township, by Martin Kellogg; The Sandusky Clarion, or Evenings with the pioneers; Oliver Culver Cleveland in 1796; Miscellaneous articles; Members of the Society; The Chicago Tribune, 1847 and 1864; Obituary notices; Index. (7411 Vol. vn. June, 1866. pp. 119, (1). Contents: Proceedings; Abstract of a discourse upon the mounds and mound builders of Ohio, by Charles Whittlesey; The dawn and development of the religious interests of the Reserve and the Fire Lands, by Professor Hartupee; Address of Rev. John Safford, at the meeting at Bellevue; Substance of the remarks by John Seymour at the meeting at Bellevue, December 13, 1865; Geology of the Fire Lands, by John H. Niles; Francis Graham s autobi ography; Anecdote of General Wayne, by J. H. Niles; The last charivari of Greenfield, by J. H. Nfiles]; Early days on the Fire Lands, by L. B. Gurley; Trial and execution of John Omick; The Sandusky Clarion or Evenings with the pioneers; The opening of the Erie Canal; Obituary notices; Anniversary excursion to Marietta; Members of the Society; Mis cellaneous articles; General Simon Kenton, by W. T. Coggshall; The Genesee country, by Pharcellus Church; The minute men of the Revolution; Index. (7412 Vol. vin. June, 1867. pp. 119, (1). Portrait. Bound with Vols. iv-vn in Library of Congress copy. Contents: Proceedings, 1866-67; Major Gladwyn and the Indian girl, by Charles Whittlesey; A few facts and suggestions regarding the south boundary of the Western Reserve, by S. R. Harris; John B. Flemmond, by Fran is Graham; Polly Pierce, by C. Woodruff; Personal reminiscences, by Ebenezer Osborn; Lessons of the war, by G. T. Stewart; Sketch of the life of Col. James Smith, by Robert Smith; Recollections of half a century, by B. Summers; Sketch of the life and character of Ebenezer Lane, by A. Newton; Mrs. Kneeland Townsend; John Dillingham, by Amos Felt; Members of the Society; Obituary notices; Personal remi niscencesthe sickly seasons of 1819 and 1836, by H. Fowler; Miscellaneous articles. (7413 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. ix. June, 1868. Sandusky, Ohio. 1868. 8vo. pp. 118, (1). Contents: Proceedings, 1867-68; Hours with the pioneers; Pioneer celebration eightieth anniversary of the settlement of Ohio; Rambling recollections of the early settlement of Wakeman, by Xenophon Betts; Notes on the organization of Perkins Township, by Amos Felt; Early Lake history; Autobiography of Johnson Wheeler; The Cahoon pioneer cele bration; Biographical sketch of Charlotte Merry, by Seth Jennings; David Stiles a centena rian; Semicentennial anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church in Milan; Notes on Fitch- ville township, by Joseph C. Curtis; Sandusky and Cleveland, a commercial retrospect; Obituary record of Fitchville township; Members of the Society; Obituary notices; Early settlers of Norwalk, by Philo Comstock. (7414 1016 AMERICAN HISTORIC AT, ASSOCIATION. FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. x. June, 1870. Sandusky, Ohio, 1870. 8vo, pp. 119. Portrait. Contents: Proceedings, 1868-69; Historical address, by A. D. Skellenger; Members of the Society; Pioneers gone [obituary notices]; Historical societies in Ohio; Leaves from the history ofHartland; First settlers of Wayne County captivity of Richard Rue and George Holman; The first trial held in Sandusky County, by Robert A. Sherrard; The first court of Ohio and its distinguished lawyers; Historical sketches of Danbury township, by A.H. Agard; Mis cellaneous articles; Settlement and organization of the Fire Lands, by L. V. Bierce; Inaug ural address of the Mad River Valley Pioneer antf Historical Association, delivered at its organization May 2, 1870, by A. H. Bassett; Celebration of American Independence at the Licking Summit in 1812, by John Noble; The shooting of Daniel Diver in 1806, an account by C. Cockier; Historical Interesting letter from Mordecai Bartley; First public library in the North-Western territory, by Robert Clarke; Our old New England homes; Early times in Mansfield, by M. H. Gilkison; General index, Vols. 8, 9, 10. (7415 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. xi. October, 1874. Norwalk, Ohio, 1874. 8vo, pp. 120. Contents: Proceedings, 1870-1874; Miscellaneous articles; Military history officers and sol diers of the Fire Lands in the Union Army; Pioneer history first settlers of Norwalk, by Samuel Lewis; Early recollections of Wakeman, by Edward J. Bunce; A journey from New England to the Fire Lands 55 years ago (1819); Greenfield in 1819; Pioneer obituary record, 1870-1874. (7416 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. xn. September, 1876. Norwalk, Ohio, 187G. 8vo, pp. 128. Contents: Proceedings, 1875-76; History of Huron Township, by George S.Haskins; Russia township Lorain County, by W. W. Boynton; Historical address at the centennial celebra tion at New London, Ohio, July 4, 1876, by A. D. Skellenger; The old lawyers of the Fire Lands, by J. M. Root; Church history St. Paul s Episcopal Church, Norwalk, by C. E. New man; The Huron County Temperance League; Military history Report of the 8th Ohio Regiment, by Franklin Sawyer; Company D, 34th O. V. I. Regiment, by L. E. Merry; Volun teers in the Mexican War; Items from the battlefields, by Chauncey Woodruff; Pioneer inci dents in the life of Susan A. Wilbor; Biography of H. M. Cunningham, by J. O. Cunningham; The first stage coach; Rev. Enoch Conger, by A. Newton; Personal reminiscences of Rev. H. O. Sheldon; Obituary record; Editorial notes; Members of the society. (7417 FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fire Lands Pioneer. Vol. xm. July, 1878. Sandusky, Ohio, 1878. 8vo, pp. 144. Portrait. Contents: Proceedings, 1877-78; Centennial historic address, by P. N. Schuyler; Sandusky City: its settlement and growth, by A. W. Hendry; Early settlers on the Peninsula, by Charles Waterbury; The aboriginal Fire Lands, by S. A. Wildman; Mental and moral characteristics of the pioneers, by J. S. Broadwell; History of a vanished settlement [by colored people within the township of Portland], by A. W. Hendry; Benjamin Summers, by P. N. Schuyler; Indian works on the Huron, by Abraham G. Steiner; Life and character of John H. Niles, by C. Woodruff: Monroeville, past and present, by H. M. Addison; Camp Avery in 1812; The Maple City or Norwalk in 1878, by P. J. Mahon; Church chronicle of Hartland; Dairy products of the Reserve; Obituary record; Miscellaneous; Index, Vols. I to XIII, inclusive. (7418 FIRST HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WALPOLE, MASS. Addresses on Sir Robert Walpole and Rev. Phillips Payson, men prominent in the early history of Walpole, Mass. Given at the request of citizens of the town by Isaac Newton Lewis, esq. [Walpole] First Historical Society of Walpole, Mass., 1905. 8vo, 6 pp., 1 1., 7-[21] pp., 1 L, 23-55 pp. Front., Plates, Ports. Each address has a special title-page. (7419 HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION OP THE PHILIPPINES. The Philippine Historical Review. Vol. i, Nos. 1-12. May, 1905-April, 1906. Published monthly. Manila, 1905-1906. 8vo, pp. 300. A bilingual review. English and Spanish. . (7420 APPENDIX. 1017 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PA. Local history. Reminiscences of the Walnut Bottom Road. By J. R. Miller. Read before the Society, Nov. 25, 1904. 8vo, pp. 32. (7421 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OP MONTGOMERY COUNTY. Historical Sketches. Vol. in. Norristown, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. 416. Portraits. Plates. Maps. Contents: Henry Sassaman Dotterer, 1847-1903, by Wm. J. Hinke; The Continental Army at Camp Pottsgrove, by Benjamin Bertolet ; History of Freeland Seminary, by J. S. Weinberger; Pennsylvania Female College, by Mrs. James Warrenne Sunderland; Some unwritten history of Towamensing, by John C. Boorse; Towamencin township, by Edward Mathews; The Skip- pack, by James Y. Heckler; Christ Reformed Congregation, by S. M. K. Huber; Christ Lutheran Congregation, by J. L. Becker; Some old-time Montgomery county schools and school houses, by Thomas Williams; Camp Towamensing, by B. Whitman Dambly; Early Pennsylvania literature, by I. C. Williams; Ashbourne in England and Ashbourno in America, by S. F. llotchkin; Monument to Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob Reed; Hatfield township, by Ed ward Mathews; Private burying grounds of Franconia township, by John D. Souder; Leidy s Church, by Joseph Proctor; The Gulph Hills in the annals of the Revolution, by Samuel Gor don Smyth; The Schwenkfelders, by H. W. Kriebel; The public schools of Norristown, by Joseph K. Gotwals; The land of the Llewellyn and Camp Discharge, by S. Gordon Smyth; The copper mines at Shannonvllle, by I. C. Williams; Th*> Rev. Dr. John Bachman, Audu- bon s colaborer, by Michael Reed Minnich; Auduton and his achievements, by Henry W. Kratz; Audubon, by W. H. Reed Its history, traditions, and reminiscences; Christopher Wiegner, the Towamencin diarist, by H. W. Kr .ebel; The finding of the Revolutionary cannon, byWilliam J. Bolton; Washington s army located, September 20-21, 1777, by William H. Bean; Pennsylvania s donation to the Washington Monument at Washington, D. C., and old Mont gomery s part in it, by William J. Bolton; Some maxims of Robert Morris, by Ellis P. Ober- holtzer; The Nugent farm and college at Gulph Mills, by S-. Gordon Smyth; The Union School and Stewart Fund Hall, by Ellwood Roberts; Major Andre a prisoner at Crooked Hill, Decem ber, 1776, by I. C. Will .ams; Historical sketch of Pottstown, by L. Kryder Evans; Potts- town s efforts to become a county seat, by George F. P. Wanger; The Fifty-first Reg ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers at the Battle of Antietam, by William J. Bolton; Major William H. Bean, U. S. A., by J. A. Strassburger; The Towamenaing Mennonite meeting house, by John C. Boorse; Nathaniel Miss .mer Ellis a brief autobiography; Battle of the Crooked Billet, by W. W. H. Davis; General index. (7422 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The English ancestors of the Shippen family, and Edward Shippen of Philadelphia. By Thomas Willing Balch. Philadelphia, 1904. Large 8vo, pp. 20. Illustrations. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Oct., 1904. (7423 HYDE PARK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hyde Park Historical Record. Volume v. 1905. Hyde Park, Mass. [1905]. 8vo, pp. 72. Portrait. Contents: Officers for 190.5; Amos II. Brainard, by Charles G. Chick; A brief sketch of the life of James Read, by James Read Chadwick; The Grand Army of the Republic, by Henry S. Bunton; The Damon family cf Dedham, by Edward J. Cox; The Greenwood school; Editorial; The Christ of the Andes, by Wm. A. Mowry; Patriots Day pilgrimage, by Frank B. Rich; A review of the proceedings of the Society since 1892 (continued); Dedication ode, Liberty Hall, G. A. R. Post 121, Dept. Mass., Hyde Park, Mass.; Women s Relief Corps. (7424 ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions for the year 1904. Fifth annual meeting of the Society, Bloomington, Jan. 27, 28, 29, 1904. Springfield, 111., 1904. 8vo, pp. xii, 701. Portraits, Plate, Maps. Publication No. 9 of the Illinois State Historical Library. Contents: Officers; Members; Committees; Constitution; Transactions; Reports; Address of welcome to the Society on behalf of the McLean County Historical Society, by George P. Davis; Response, by J. F. Snyder; Annual address Personal recollections of some of the eminent statesmen and lawyers of Illinois, by Charles P. Johnson; Memorial Hiram W. Beckwith, by Edmund J. James; Illinois in the War of 1812-1814, by Frank E. Stevens; A trip 1018 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. from Pennsylvania to Illinois in 1851, by W. W. Davis; Newspapers and newspaper men of Illinois, by E. A. Snively; The part of Illinoisans in the national educational movement of 1850-18G2, by Paul Selby; Illinois in the councils of the nation, by Mrs. John A. Logan; The country lawyer, by James A. Connolly; The Salines of southern Illinois, by George W. Smith; Morris Birkbeck and his friends, by Daniel Berry; Maj. Gen. James D. Morgan, by W. H. Collins; The life of Gustavus Koerner, by R. E. Rombauer; The Scotch-Irish in America, by Robert A. Gray; The Woman s Club movement in Illinois, by Mrs. E. C. Lambert; Mc- Kendree College, by M. H. Chamberlin; In memoriam II. II. Hood, by Olive Sattley; Ber nard Stuve, by J. F. Snyder; Robert Boal, by J. F. Snyder; John Mayo Palmer, by Alfred Orendorff; Rufus Blanchard, by Frederick Latimer Wells; Kaskaskia church records, trans- scribed and translated by C. J. Eschmann; Illinois legislation on slavery and free negroes, 1818-1865, by Mason McCloud Fishback; Mr. Lincoln as a wrestler, by Risdon M. Moore; Three hundred years hence a prophecy, written in 1830, by John Russell; Governor Kinney s prophecy, edited by J. F. Snyder; Illinois under the French, 1673-1765, by Stephen L. Spear; Chicago origin of the name of the city and the old portages, by John F. Steward; Town ship government in Illinois, by Mason II. Newell; Pioneer mothers of Illinois, by Savillah T. Hinrichsen; Forgotten statesmen of Illinois, by J. F. Snyder; Jesse Burgess Thomas, Jesse Burgess Thomas, jr., Richard Symmes Thomas, jr.; Prices in McLean County, Illinois, from 1832 to 1800, by Ezra M. Prince; Addresses delivered in .the hall of the House of Repre sentatives, by William Brown, for the purpose, among other things, of exhibiting the impor tance of education (including a knowledge of the principles of government, as understood by us) to a proper discharge of the duties of a citizen of the United States, 1839; Index. (7425 KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications, embracing biographical sketches and the executive minutes of Governors Reeder and Shannon, 1854-1856; Addresses of Governors Stantoii and Denver, at Bismarck, 1884, and proceed ings of the Kansas Quarter-Centennial Celebration at Topeka, January 29, 1886. Topeka, 1886. 8vo, pp. 302. (7426 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Annville Academy. Paper read before the Society, April 15, 1904. By Hiram H. Shenk. List of members to Decem ber 31, 1904. Vol. n, No. 14. 8vo, pp. 399-438. Plate. (7427 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers. Vol. in. 1904-1905. The iron industries of Lebanon County. Paper read before the Society, June 17, 1904. By Henry C. Grittinger. Vol. m, No. 1. 8vo, pp. 50. (7428 The eastern border of Lebanon County, by John L. Rockey. The western border of Lebanon County, by E. E. McCurdy. Papers read before the Society, Octo ber 21, 1904. Vol. Ill, No. 2. 8vo, pp. (2), 53-76. (7429 Steitztown, by A. Frank Seltzer. My impressions of Lebanon, by Martin E. Olmsted. Simeon Guilford, a biographical sketch, by J. H. Redsecker. In memoriam Albert C. Rigler, Charles W. Few, Lee L. Grumbine. Seventh annual meeting and banquet, Dec. 29, 1904. Vol. in. No. 3. 8vo, pp. (2), 79-111. (7430 The first twenty-five years of Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa., by E. Benj. Bierman. The first twenty-five years of Palatinate College, Myerstown, by J. E. Hiester. Papers read before the Society, February 17, 1905. Vol. m. No. 4. 8vo, pp. (2), 114-1 42. (7431 An early educational project of Lebanon town, by E. Grumbine. Paper read before the Society, April 28, 1905. Vol. m. No. 5. 8vo, pp. (2), 145-154. (7432 APPENDIX. 1019 LEBANON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Women s Aid Society of Lebanon during the war of the Rebellion. Paper read before the Society, June 16, 1905. By J. H. Redsecker. Vol. in. No. 6. 8vo, pp. (2), 157-167. (7433 Lebanon county s emergency volunteers at Gettysburg. Paper read before the Society, August 18, 1905. By H. M. M. Richards. Vol. m. No. 7. Svo, pp. (2) , 170-199. (7434 A final word as to Regina, the German captive. Paper read before the Society Aug. 18, 1905. By S. P. Heilman. Vol. m. No. 8. 8vo, pp. (2), 202-2.51. (7435 Folk-lore and superstitious beliefs in Lebanon County. Paper read before the Society, October 20, 1905. By E. Grumbine. Vol. m. No. 9. 8vo, pp. (2 >,254-294. Portrait. (7436 Eighth annual meeting and banquet December 29, 1905. Annual report of the executive committee. Col. Jos. Wood a biographical sketch, by J. H. Red secker. To our muse, by George T. Ettinger. Early Lebanon County recol lections, by Thomas J. Mays. * Vol. in. No. 10. 8vo, pp. (2) , 297-320. (7437 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Special meeting, Craig Colony, June 8, 1904. 29th annual meeting, Geneseo, January 17, 1905. Geneseo, N. Y. [1905.] 8vo, pp.00. (7438-9 LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. in. Part 3. October, 1905. New Orleans, 1905. 8vo, pp. 47. Contents: Act of incorporation; Constitution and by-laws; Officers, members, committees; The archives of Cuba, by James S. Zacharis; Florida, as described by a Spaniard in 1568, by C. M. Widman; Journal de la Compagne de M. de Villiers depuis son arrivee au fort Duquesne jusqu a son retour and. fort; Resumeof the minutes of the Society, 1902-1904, by C. G. Gill. (744O MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tercentenary of De Monts Settlement at St. Croix Island. June 25, 1904. Portland, 1905. 8vo, pp. 78. Illustrations. Contents: Addresses by Charles E. Swan, Almon I. Tweed, H. S. Burrage; "The meaning of the day," by W. F. Ganong; Samuel de Champlain, by James P. Baxter. (7441 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Lecture on the war [of Great Britain] with China. Delivered before the Massachusetts Historical Society by John Quincy Adams. /nNiles National Register, Vol. LXI or Vol. xi, fifth series, pp.326-330. Jan.22, 1842. (7442 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life of William Hickling Prescott. Prepared at the request of the Society. By George Ticknor. Boston, 1864. 8vo, pp. x, 491. (7443 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Records of Massachusetts under its charter: By C. W. Upham. A lecture of a course by members of the Society before the Lowell Institute, January 26, 1869. Boston, 1869. Reprinted from the Lowell Lectures, 1869. (7444 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks at a meeting of the Society, April, 1870, on the death of Gulian C. Verplanck and Nathaniel Langdon Frothing- ham. By Robert C. Winthrop. [Cambridge, 1870.] 8vo, pp. 233-239. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. . (7445 1020 AMEETCAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Remarks, October 11, 1877, on the death of M. Thiers. By Robert C. Winthrop.] [Cambridge, 1877.] 8vo, pp. 314-319. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7446 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Tributes to George T. Davis, October 11, 1877.] [Cambridge, 1877.] 8vo, pp. 307-313. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7447 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Paul Revere s letter to Jeremy Belknap, Boston, January 1, 1798, relating to the signal lanterns and his ride to Lexington on the night of April 18th, 1775.] [Cambridge, 1878.] 8vo, pp. 370-376. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, November, 1878. (7448 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Appendix to the Belknap Papers {Collections, fifth series, Vol. in]. [Cambridge, 1882.] 8vo, pp. 373, 435. No title-page. (7449 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Francis E. Parker. Massachusetts Histor ical Society. 11 February, 1886. [Remarks by Robert C. Winthrop.] 8vo, pp. 2. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7450 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. On Jadeite ornaments frcm Central Amer ica. By Frederick W. Putnam. [Cambridge, 1886.] 8vo, 1 p. Reprinted from the Proceedings, January, 1886. (7451 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A night in the library of Harvard College. Remarks at a meeting of the Society, February 10, 1887. [By Robert C. Win throp.] 8vo, pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7452 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Report of the committee, by Robert C. Win throp, in regard to the four Frenchmen to be grouped in bronze around the statue of Lafayette on the monument ordered by Congress, presented at the meeting on December 8, 1887.] [Cambridge, 1887 ] Svo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7453 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Papers on the Wyoming massacre, commu nicated at a meeting of the Society on October 13, 1887, by Justin Winsor.] [Cambridge, 1887.] 8vo, pp. 340-347. No title-page. (7454 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks [on the four hundredth anniver sary of the birth of Martin Luther, November 13, 1890]. By Edward J. Young. [Cambridge, 1890.] 8vo, pp. 4. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7455 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Paper by Robert C. Winthrop, read by Robert C. Winthrop, jr., at a meeting of the Society, October 13, 1892, on the discovery by Professor Barnard of the fifth satellite of Jupiter, Lick Observa tory, Mount Hamilton, California.] [Cambridge, 1892.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7456 APPENDIX. 1021 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Appendix [to the Belknap Papers, (Collec tions, sixth series, Vol. iv]. [Cambridge, 1893.] 8vo, pp. 633a-d. Sheet. (7457 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rev. John Higginson, of Salem, Mass. By Dr. Samuel A. Green. [Remarks at a meeting of the Society, May 14, 1896.] [Cambridge, 1896.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title-page. (7458 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tribute [prepared by Joseph H. Choate] to the memory of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop by the trustees of the Peabody Educa tion Fund at their annual meeting in New York September 25, 1895 [and later on January 9, 1896, communicated to the society by Dr. Samuel A. Green]. [Cambridge, 1896.] 8vo. pp. 3. No title-page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7459 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. History of the Pequot war: the contemporary accounts of Mason, Underhill, Vincent, and Gardner. Reprinted from the Collections [second series, Vol. vm, third series, Vol. m and vi, and fourth, series, vol. i], with additional notes and an introduction by Charles Orr. Cleveland, 1897. 8vo, pp. xx, (1), 149. Map. (746O MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Report of the committee June 9, 1898, and remarks of the president, Charles Francis Adams, April 14, 1898, on the expe diency of publishing memorial editions of Bradford s History of Plymouth Plantation, and Winthrop s History of New England.] 8vo, pp. 4. Sheet. Reprinted from the Proceedings, April and June, 1898. (7461 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The recovery of a long-lost volume [of George Whitefield tracts]. By Dr. Samuel A. Green. [Cambridge, 1900.] 8vo pp. 3. Sheet. No title page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, for May, 1900. (7462 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Three military diaries kept by Groton sol diers in different wars, with introductions by Samuel A. Green. Groton, Mass., 1901. 8vo, pp. viii, 133. Reprinted from the Proceedings, for June, 1889, June, 1897, and January, 1898. Contains the diaries of David Holden, No. 3073; Dudley Bradstreet, No. 3205, and Amos Farnsworth, No. 3219, with changes and additions. (7463 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. March 14, 1901. [Tribute to William Max well Evarts, by Dr. Samuel A. Green.] [Cambridge, 1901.] 8vo, pp. 2. Sheet. Reprinted from the Proceeding. (7464 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. March, 13, 1902. [Remarks of Dr. Samuel A. Green on announcing Mrs. John Langdon Sibley s death, which took place on January 22, presenting a copy of her will.] [Cambridge, 1902.] 8vo, pp. 4. No title page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7465 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Life in a New England town: 1787, 1788. Diary of John Quincy Adams while a student in the office of Theophilus Parsons at Newburyport. [Communicated to the Society on November 13, 1902, by Charles Francis Adams, the president, and edited by him.] Boston 1903. 8vo, pp. 204. Portrait. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7466 1022 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [The Battle of 8alamis. By William W. Goodwin.] [Cambridge, 1903.] 8vo, pp. 397-405. No title page. Reprinted from the Proceedings, June, 1903. (7467 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Personal record of members for permanent preservation in the archives. [Blank form.] [Cambridge, 1903.] 4to, pp. (4). Sheet. (7468 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Remarks on Prof. Egbert C. Smyth at a meeting of the Society May 12, 1904. By Alexander McKenzie. [Cambridge, 1904.] 8vo, pp. 5. No title page. Reprinted from the Proceedings. (7469 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Collections and Researches made by the Society. Vol. xxx. Lansing, 1906. 8vo, pp. xii, 699. Illus. "The present volume, 30, of the publications takes the place of the original number left for general index." Contents: Papers read at meetings, 1903 and 1904; Miscellaneous. Among the longer are: The boundaries of Michigan, by Claude S. Larzelere; Mecosta County and its hub [Big Rapids], by Ella J. Ramsdell; The Moravians in Michigan, by John E. Day; In Detroit, by C. M. Burton; Notes on the geography and geology of Lake Huron, by John J. Bigsby; The Twentieth Michigan Regiment at the battle of Petersburg, by Byron M. Cutcheon; Michigan State rights, by Anna Reid Knox; The Indians of Grand River Valley, by Dwight Goss; Men and events in Washington during and after the Civil War, by Edward W. Barber; Old seals and the State seals of Michigan, by Marie B. Ferrey. (747O MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Collections and Researches made by the Society. Vol. xxxni. Lansing, Michigan, 1904. 8vo, pp. xv, 802. Plate. Portraits. Facsimiles. Contents: Proceedings; Reports; The Jesuit missionaries who labored in the Lake Superior region during the 17th and 18th centuries, by Richard R. Elliott; Cadillac papers, from manu scripts collected by C. M. Burton. (747 1 MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Historical Collections. Collections and Researches made by the Society. Vol. xxxiv. Lansing, Michigan, 1905. 8vo, pp. xi, 842. Portraits. Plate. Contents: Proceedings; Cadillac papers; Cadillac s records; Montreal papers; Detroit ru l ers _French commandants from 1701 to 1760; General Wayne s orderly book; Letters of Col. John Francis Hamtramck pertaining to Wayne s campaign; Extracts from B. Van Cleve s memoranda, 1794; Memorial report. (7472 MORAVIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. iv. Nazareth, 1895. 8vo, pp. 336. Plates. Contents: Sketch of the Moravian settlement at Broadbay, Me., by John W. Jordan; Historical miscellany, by James Henry Moravian manuscript literature; Events at Nazareth in the year 1800; Nazareth cemeteries; Memoir of Christian Gottlieb Hiiffel. Fragments from the papers of Bishop John Ettwein; A historical sketch of the Widows House at Bethlehem, Pa., 1768-1892, by John W. Jordan; A journey to Bethlehem and Nazareth, in September and October, 1815, described by Gotthold Benjamin Reichel, translated from the original German ms. by Helen Bell; A sketch of the Moravian activity in New Sweden and its vicinity, by J. Taylor Hamilton; The Evan. Ger. Cong, at Tulpehocken, by J. Taylor Hamilton; Sketch of the report to be laid before the President of the United States by the president and directors of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen, by John Heckewelder, 1822; History of the Moravian Historical Society from March 30, 1857, to August 31, 1894, by Henry A. Jacobson; Titles of papers read at the annual meetings of the Society, 1858-1894. (7473 APPENDIX. . 1023 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. National Geographic Magazine. Vol. xvi. Year 1905. Washington, D. C. [1905]. 8vo, pp. xiv, 583. Illustrations. Maps. Contents: The character of our immigration past and present, by Z. F. McSweeny; Our immigration during 1904; The farmers of the United States; Educating the Filipinos; Geo graphic notes; Russia, by Charles Emory Smith; Marine hydrographic surveys of the coasts of the world, by George W. Littlehales; The wonderful canals of China, by George E. Ander son; Tides in the Bay of Fundy; The French coast of the Sahara, by Charles Rabot; Observa tions on the Russo-Japanese war in Japan and Manchuria, by Louis Livingstone Seaman; The characteristics of the Japanese people, by Baron Kentaro Kaneko; Geographic names in the United States and the stories they tell, by R. II. Whitbeck; A growing camp in the Tanana gold fields, Alaska, by Sidney Paige; The industrial training of the German people; Philip Nolan and the " Levant," by Edward Everett Hale; Progress in the Philippines; The gardens of the West; A revelation of the Filipinos summary of the report of the Census of the Philip pine Islands; Some lessons in geography, by Edward Atkinson; The Eighth International Geographic Congress; The fisheries ot Japan, by Hugh M. Smith; A chapter from Japanese history (first treaty with the United States), by Eki Hioki; Our smallest possession Guam, by William E. Saflord; Forecasting the weather and storms, by Willis L. Moore; Map show ing the seat of war in Manchuria: Evolution of Russian government, by Edwin A. Grosvenor; The purpose of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, by Eki Hioki; The Philippines, by William II. Taft; Forestry at home and abroad, by Gifford Pinchot; The Central Great Plains; Com mercial prize of the Orient, by O. P. Austin; Some notes on the Fox Island passes, Alaska, by J. J. Gilbert; A comparison of Norway and Sweden; Japan and the United States; Our immi gration in 1905: Statistics of cities; The commercial valuation of railway operating property in the United States; The Ziegler polar expedition; The highest dam in the world (to be erected on the Salt River, near Roosevelt, Arizona) ; The improvements in the Republic of Panama; The Panama Canal, by Colby M.Chester; Progress on the Panama Canal, by G. II. G[rosvenor]; - The great canals of the world; Geography, by Sir William Wharton; The supposed birthplace of civilizations (Turkestan) ; Proportion of children in the United States; The Parsees and the Towers of Silence at Bombay, India, by William Thomas Fee; China and the United States, by Sir Chentung Liang-Cheng; What has been accomplished by the United States toward building the Panama Canal, by Theodore P. Shonts; Russia in recent literature, by A. W. Greely; Index. (7474 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the Association. Sixth annual meeting, with constitution and by-laws and list of members. [Albany.] 1905. 8vo, pp. 199. Contents: Proceedings; The memorable battle fought on the 16th day of August, 1777, at Walloomsac; General John Stark, by William O. Stillman; Stark s independent command at Bennington, by Herbert D. Foster, with the collaboration of Thomas W. Streeter; Calen dar of documents on Bennington battle and campaign, chiefly relating to Stark; Select bibli ography of Bennington battle and campaign; New York at Walloomsac, by Nelson Gillespie; General John Stark, by Robert R. Law; The part taken by the Vermonters in the battle of Bennington, by G. G. Benedict; Fort Ticonderoga restored, by Elizabeth Watrous; In memoriam Dr. Daniel C. Farr, by Grenville M. Ingalsbe; The American Revolution from an English point of view, by Mrs. F. C. Scoville; The family of Washington, by Mrs. E. R. Sawyer; Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. J. L. McArthur: Art and artists of the Revolu tionary period, by Martha Hill McFarland; The Daughters of the Empire State and their work, by Mrs. Charles H. Terry; Publications received; Insignia of the Association; Articles of incorporation, etc. (7475 OIJMION PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the thirtieth annual reunion for 1902. Containing the annual address by T. A. McBride, and the occasional address by W. T. Wright. Portland, 1903. 8vo, pp. 119. , (7476 <KK<;<>.\ PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the thirty-first annual reunion for 1903. Containing the annual address by (. has. W. Fulton, and the occasional address by Oliver C. Applegate, etc. Portland, 1904. 8vo, pp. 120-220. Contains also "Diary of Cornelia A. Sharp, crossing the plains from Missouri to Oregon in 1852; Recollections of the Whitman massacre, by N. Kimball; Mrs. Jane Burnside Canfield, by Eva E. Dye; Reminiscences of Washington Smith Gilliam." (7477 1024 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the thirty-second annual reunion for 1904, containing annual address by Charles B. Moores, etc. Portland, 1905. Svo, pp. 221-358. Contains also "Crossing the plains in 1852," by Cecelia Emily McMillen Adams; Description of trip across the plains from Indiana and of the events of the Yakima Indian war of 1855-56. (7478 OREGON PIONEER ASSOCIATION. Transactions of the thirty-third annual reunion, June 15, 1905, containing the annual address of Henry H. Gilfry, etc. Portland, 1906. 8vo, pp. 359-512. Contains also " Diary of E. W. Conyers, a pioneer of 1852." (7479 POCUMTUCK VALLEY MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. History and Proceedings of the Pocum- tuck Valley Memorial Association. 1899-1904. Vol. iv. Deerfield, Mass., 1905. 8vo, pp. 503. Contents: Annual meeting, 1899: Address by Lyndon S. Crawford; Messengers of war and messengers of peace, by Francis M. Thompson; New tracks in an old trail [Attack on Deerfield], by George Sheldon; Ethan Allen and his daughter, by C. Alice Baker; Field meeting 1899: Historical address by Lyman Whiting; Annual meeting 1900: A Puritan foremother [Mehitablc Johnson], by Mary P. Wells Smith; Captain Agrippa Wells, by F. M. Thompson; The broom-corn industry in the counties of Franklin and Hampshire, by Charles Jones; Reminiscence: George, Sheldon; Field meeting 1900; Captain William Turner, by George Sheldon; Indian war conditions, by Rowena Buell; Address of Ralph M. Stoughton; Annual meeting 1901; Journal of General Epaphras Hoyt, 1790, by H. Isabelle AVilliams; The Hoosac tunnel, by H. C. Parsons; Field meeting 1901; AVillard memorial Address of George W. Solley; The old meetinghouses of Deerfield, by George Sheldon; New England s history Prof. Barber s summary of its import; The old home spirit, by Frank W. Pratt; Pocumtuck Valley in the world s arena, by Albert E. Winship; In memoriam Jonathan Wells, by Mary P. Wells Smith; Annual meeting 1902; Memoir of P. Voorhees Finch, by J. D. Reid; Joseph Fry, of Kittery, Maine, by C. Alice Baker; Massa chusetts colony and Peter and John Schuyler, by Frances M. Thompson; Annual meeting 1903; Parson Leavitt vindicated, by Wm. II. Leavitt; The adventures of Baptiste, by C. Alice Baker; The journal of Captain Nathaniel Dwight and its leadings, by George Sheldon; Field meeting 1903, with addresses; Annual meeting 1904; John E. Russell, by George Sheldon; The adventure of liberty, by G. Glenn Atkins; Officers and members of the Associ ation, 1870-1905; Index. (748O PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Journal. Vol. m. No. 4. December, 1905. Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 153-200. Contents: The Presbyterian occupation of a historic house, by Benjamin L. Agnew and Louis F. Benson; Diary of the Rev. Michael Schlatter (second part), translated and anno tated by William J. Hinke; Notes from the records of the first Presbyterian Church of Phila delphia, Pa.; The date of Knox s birth, by D. Hay Fleming; Record of new publications .relating to Presbyterian and Reformed Church history. (7481 RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Personal narra tives of the battles of the rebellion, being papers read before the Society. Providence. Small 4to. See Nos. 6595-0599 for contents of the other vols. of these series. Second series: 11. Reminiscences of the War, 1861-5. By J. A. Monroe. 1881. pp. 78. (7482o 12. A cruise along the blockade. By F. B. Butts. 1881. pp.37. (74826 13. The high school boys of the 10th R. I. regiment, with a roll of teachers and students of the Providence High School who served in the army or navy during the rebellion. By W. A. Spicer. 1882. pp.83. (7482c 14. Service of the cavalry in the army of the Potomac. By E. P. Tobie. 1882. pp. 56. (7482d 15. Prison life of Lieut. James M. Fales. By G. N. Bliss. 1882. pp. 70. (7482e 16. The last tour of duty at the siege of Charleston. By C. H. Williams. 1882. pp. 29. (7482/ 17. Ambrose Everett Burnside. By A. Woodbury. 1882. pp. 97. (74820 APPENDIX. 1025 18. Incidents of service with the llth regiment, R. I. volunteers. By C. H. Parkhurst. 1883. pp. 32. (7482/i 19. Battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. By J. K. Bucklyn. 1883. pp.24. (7482* 20. Incidents of cavalry experiences during Gen. Pope s campaign. By W. Gardiner 1883 pp.36. (7482* Fourth series: 11. Recollections of service in Battery D, 1st R. I. Light Artillery. By G. C. Sumner. 1891. pp.52. (7482Z 12. My boyhood at West Point. By W. W. Bailey. 1891. pp.38. (7482m 13. From Memphis to Allatoona; and the battle of Allatoona, Oct 5 1864 By G W Hill 1891. pp.39. (7482n 14. Recollections of the U. S. Naval Academy. By J. C. Pegram. 1891. pp. 4a. (7482o 15. With the 9th army corps in East Tennessee. By W. A. Nason. 1891. pp. 70. (7482p 16. In a rebel prison; or, Experiences in Danville, Va. By A. S. Roe. 1891. pp.42. (7482? 17. Richmond, Annapolis, and home. By A. S. Roe. 1892. pp.41. (7482r 18. John Albert Monroe. By G. S. Sumner and others. 1892. pp. 50. (7482s 19. The Gettysburg gun. By J. H. Rhodes. 1892. pp.57. Portrait. (7482* 20. A chaplain s experience in the Union army. By F. Denison. 1893. pp.45. (7482tt RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Personal narratives of the battles of the rebellion, being papers read before the Society. Sixth series. Nos. 1-8. Providence, R. I., 1903-1904. Small 4to. 1. A forlorn hope. By L. C. Stevens. 1903. pp. 44. 2. How I lost my sabre in war and found it in peace. By G. N. Bliss. 1903. pp. 71. 3. Reminiscences of the signal service in the Civil War. Embracing the reduction and cap ture of Fort Pulaski, the skirmish on Pocataligo River, S. C., and the attack by the ironclads under command of Rear-Admiral Samuel F. Dupont on Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor April 7, 1863. By U.S. Tafft. Second paper. First is No. 9, in the fifth series of the Society s publications. 1903. pp. 27 (+ folded chart showing position of ships around Fort Sumter). 4. Extracts from my diary and from my experiences while boarding with Jefferson Davis, in three of his notorious hotels, in Richmond, Va., Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Salisbury, N. C.[ from July, 1861, to June, 1862. By W. J. Crossley. 1903. pp. 49. 5. Maryland campaign with the Fourth Rhode Island. By H: J. Spooner. 1903. pp. 27. 6. The sword of honor. From captivity to freedom. H.A.Johnson. 1903. pp.72. 7. Through Chancellorsville into and out of Libby Prison. I. From Chancellorsville into Libby Prison. II. In Libby Prison and out of it; home again. By C. MacCauley. 1904. pp. 70. 8. The storming of the lines of Petersburg by the Sixth Corps, April 2, 1865. By H. Stevens. A paper first read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, February 11, 1884* and published now by its permission. 1904. pp.40. (7483 UNITARIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Boston, Mass. "Los von Rom," by Thomas Garrigue Masaryk. [Boston], 1902. 8vo, pp. 26. Portrait. " This is an account of the liberalizing tendencies in religion, especially in the Roman Catholic Church of Europe in the past three years." (7484 UNITARIAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Liberal religious thought and work in Switzer land, by Alfred Altherr. Delivered before the Unitarian Historical Society, in Channing Hall, Boston, May 21, 1903. [Boston], 1903. 8vo, pp. 39. (7485 VIRGINIA, HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OP. An address, on the influence of the federative republican system of government upon literature and the development of character, prepared to be delivered before the Historical and Philosophical Society of Virginia at their annual meeting in 1836, by Thomas R. Dew. Originally published in the Southern Literary Messenger, by request of the Society. Richmond, 1836. 8vo, pp. 24. (748B H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 65 1026 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the Proceedings of the Associ ation, on the occasion of the 126th anniversary of the battle and massacre of Wyoming, July 4th, 1904. [Wilkes-Barre, 1904.] 8vo, pp. 44. Contents: Officers, members, report; "A colony out of the Northern Wilderness," by George G. Groff. (7487 WYOMING COMMEMORATIVE ASSOCIATION. Report of the Proceedings of the Associ ation, on the occasion of the 127th anniversary of the battle and massacre of Wyoming, July 3rd, 1905. [Wilkes-Barre, 1905.] 8vo, pp. 23. Contents: Officers, members, report; "The Nemesis of Wyoming," by Enoch Perrine. (7488 CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers and reports presented at the annual meeting, May 27, 1890, with a list of officers and members. Hartford, 1890. 8vo, pp. 34. (7489 Same. May 24, 1892. Hartford, 1892. 8vo, pp. 36. (7490 Same. May 23, 1893. Hartford, 1893. 8vo, pp. 49. (7491 ESSEX INSTITUTE. The proceedings in commemoration of the one hundredth anni versary of the birth of Nathaniel Hawthorne held at Salem, Massachusetts, June 23. 1904. Salem, Mass., 1904. 8vo, pp. vi, 116. Portraits. (7492 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vital records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Salem, Mass., 1904. 8vo, pp. 227. (7493 ESSEX INSTITUTE. Vital records of Lynn, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Salem, Mass., 1905-1906. 8vo, 2 vols. Vol. I. pp. 429. Births. Vol. n. pp.621. Marriages and deaths. (7494 F AIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Fifth anniversary of the Society, held April 9th, 1886. and the papers read before the Society. Bridgeport, Conn. , 1886. 8vo, pp. 52, xxviii. Contents: John Read, the colonial lawyer, by W. A. Beers; Stratford, N. H., by Samuel Orcutt; The Fairfield County Historical Society: its work and needs, by Charles Burr Toddj The old Stratfield Baptist Church, by R. B. Lacey; Crania found at Bridgeport, Conn., 1885, by Samuel Orcutt; Members of the Society; In memoriam; 1736-1886. Historical discourse commemorating the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the consociations, Fairfield East and Fairfield West, at Fairfield, June 8, 1886. By Asa C. Pierce. (7495 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for 1887. Bridgeport, Conn. [1887] 8vo, pp. 47. Contents: Officers; Sixth annual meeting; Reports; Capt. Stephen Burroughs [1729-1817] and his times, by Samuel Orcutt; By-laws; Members. (7496 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for 1889. Bridgeport, Conn., 1889. 8vo, pp. 51. Contents: Officers; President s Address [Rowland B. Lacey]; William Samuel Johnson and the making of the Constitution, by W. G. Andrews; By-laws; Members. (7497 FAIRFIELD COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual report for 1891-92. Published by the Society, 1892. 8vo, pp. xv, 118. Chart of the American Revolution. Contents: Officers; Report of the executive committee; Rev. Blackleach Burritt and related Stratford families, by M. D. Raymond; Mills [Rev. Samuel] Memoranda; The Pilgrim APPENDIX. 1027 fathers and what they wrought, by Chas. Ray Palmer; The inscriptions in the cemetery at Easton, Conn., near the Baptist Church, copied by R. B. Lacey and Samuel Orcutt; The patent or charter of the town of Stratford, 1686; Barnum Institute of Science and History- Extracts from the will and codicils of Phineas T. Barnum, in relation thereto; Fairfield County Historical Society: Original articles of association; Incorporating the Society; By laws; Members; Necrology. (7498 [FrrcHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] The early records of the town of Lunenburg, Massachusetts, including that part which is now Fitchburg, 1719-1764. Com piled by Walter A. Davis. Fitchburg, 1896. 8vo, pp. 384. Plates. Published by authority of the City Council with the cooperation of the Society." (7499 [FITCHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] The proprietors records of the town of Lunen burg, Massachusetts, including Fitchburg and a portion of Ashby, 1729-1833. Compiled by Walter A. Davis. Fitchburg, 1897. 8vo, pp. x (l)/374. Plates. Published by authority of the City Council with the cooperation of the Society." (75OO [FITCHBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY.] The old records of the town of Fitchburg, Mass. Compiled by Walter A. Davis. Vols. i-vi. Fitchburg, 1898-1903. 8vo. " Published by authority of the City Council with the cooperation of the Society." (75O1 GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. Transactions and Proceedings. Series 2. Vols. i-iv. San Francisco, 1902-05. 4to. Vol. 4 has cover-title. Bulletin. (75O HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. The English ancestors of the Shippen family, and Edward Shippen of Philadelphia. By Thomas Willing Balch. Philadel phia, 1904. Large 8vo, pp. 20. Illustrations. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Oct., 1904. (75O3 HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Annual report, 1899. Copy not found. (75O4 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Dinner of the Holland society of New York, 1886. [New York, 1886.] 8vo, pp. 75. Portrait^ Plates. Cover-title. Contains account of the first dinner of The Holland Society, January 8, 1886, with speeches and songs (Drinklied and Wien Neerlandsch Bloed). Decorations, The Beggars of the Sea (poem), List of Guests, Officers and Members. (75O5 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Yearbook, 1886-87. New York, J887. 8vo, pp. 191. Portraits. Plates. Contains: Trip to Kingston, September 14, 1886, describing exhibition of antique objects at Kingston, Pictures of Old Buildings, Dinner at Hotel Kaaterskill, Adoption of Badge, Geu- zenpenning, Reception at Albany, Second Annual Dinner, January 27, 1887, Necrology, List of Officers and Members, Description of Seal. (75O6 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Year book, 1887-88. [New York, 1888.] 8vo, pp. 118. Portraits. Plates. Contents: Annual Meeting, May 31, 1887, Third Annual Dinner, January 10, 1888, Sketch of formation of the Society, Description of Badge, Necrology, List of Officers and Members. With speeches by H. C. Van Vorst, C. M. Depew, George Wm. Curtis, G. W. Van Siclen, C. P. Daly, G. D. Hulst, J. Van Voorhis, J. W. Beckman, G. M. Van Hoersen. (75O7 HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Report on tablets" to be placed on sites of his toric interest. By A. V. Van Nest. New York, 1889. F. (7508 1028 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HOLLAND SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Holland: a poem by C. S. Vedder, written for the anniversary of the Society. [New York, 1898] . 8vo. (75O9 LANCASTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society, December 1, 1905. Date stones, with examples [By F. R. Diffenderffer]. Minutes of the December meeting. Vol. ix, no. 12. Lancaster, Pa., 1905. 8vo, pp. [3571-395. ( 7 5 1 MIDDLESEX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Middletown, Conn. Charter, by-laws, and officers of the Middlesex County Historical Society, Connecticut, 1901. Middletown, Conn., 1901. 12mo, pp. 13. (7511 MIDDLESEX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pamphlet no. 2. April, 1904. Address of the President, the Rev. Azel Washburn Hazen, D. D., at the annual meeting, Middletown, Connecticut, April nineteenth, 1904." 12mo, pp. 12. (7512 MIDDLESEX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Pamphlet no. 3. May, 1905. Address of the president, Rev. Azel W. Hazen, D. D. Report of the Secretary, Her man C. Whittlesey, and Report of the treasurer, Joseph T. Elliott, at the annual meeting, Middletown, Connecticut, April eighteenth, 1905. 12mo, pp. 15 (1). (7513 MINISINK VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses . . . annual and semi-annual meetings, Feb. 22, and July 22, 1896. Port Jervis, N. Y., 1897. 8vo, pp. (29). Contains "The story of Benj. Eaton, by Francis Marvin; Candebec in history, by W I.. Cuddeback." (7514 MINNESOTA TERRITORIAL PIONEERS ASSOCIATION. Proceedings and addresses at the second annual reunion, Jan. 12, 1899. With an account of the organization of the Association, . . . and a brief chronological record of events during the territorial period. Vol. 1. 1899. 8vo, pp. 48. Illustrations. (7515 MINNESOTA TERRITORIAL PIONEERS [ASSOCIATION]. Proceedings and Report of the annual meetings. May 11, 1899 and 1900. With . . . biographical sketches of territorial pioneers. Vol. n. St. Paul, Minn., 1901. 8vo, pp. 167. Illustrations. (7516 MINNESOTA TERRITORIAL PIONEERS [ASSOCIATION]. Articles of Association 1902. 24, pp. 13. (7517 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections. [Vol. 2. no. 5.] The Montezuma mounds, explored by N. D. McEvers, Montezuma, 111., John M. Wulfing, St. Louis, Mo., David I. Bushnell, St. Louis, Mo. 1905. [St. Louis, 1905] 8vo, pp. [3J-16. Cover-title. Illustrations. Map. Signed : Gerard Fowke. (7518 MONTGOMERY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The minute book of the Committee of safety of Tryon County, the old New York frontier, now printed verbatim for the first time; with an introduction by J. Howard Hanson, and noted by Samuel Ludlow Frey. New York, 1905. 8vo, pp. vii-xv, 151. Frontispiece. Plates. Maps. Facsimiles. (7519 PARKMAN CLUB PUBLICATIONS. No. 13. The use of maize by Wisconsin Indians, by Gardner P. Stickney. [Milwaukee, Wis., 1897.] 8vo, pp. [63]-87. (7520 APPENDIX. 1029 PARKMAN CLUB PUBLICATIONS. No. 14. The land-limitation movement,; a Wis consin episode of 1848-1851, by John Goadby Gregoiy. [Milwaukee, Wis., 1897.] 8vo, pp. [89]-112. (7521 PARKMAN CLUB PUBLICATIONS. Nos. 15-16. ... A Moses of the Mormons; Strang s city of refuge and island kingdom, by Henry E. Legler. [Milwaukee Wis 1897.] 8vo., pp. [115J-179. Illustrations. Portrait. (7522 PARKMAN CLUB PUBLICATIONS. No. 17. Claude Jean Allouez "the apostle of the Ottawas" and the builder of the first Indian missions in Wisconsin, by Joseph Stephen La Boule. [Milwaukee, W f is., 1897.] 8vo.,pp. [181]-209. Map. Contents: pt. I. The early lifeof Allouez and his labors in the Lake Superior region. (7523 PARKMAN CLUB PUBLICATIONS. No. 18. Negro slavery in Wisconsin and the under ground railroad, by John Nelson Davidson. [Milwaukee, Wis., 1897.] 8vo, pp. [211]-244. (7524 PIONEERS OF Los ANGELES COUNTY. 9th annual publication, 1905. Los Angeles, Cal., 1905. 8vo., pp. 48. Portrait. Woodcut. Contains in addition to reports, etc., the following papers: Jolly trip across the plains in 1853, by C. P. Switzer; Autobiographical sketch of M. F. Quinn; In memoriam: Mrs. Sarepta S. Hass; Charles Ernest Lembcke; Michel Levy; Mathew Teed; Walter Scott Reavis; Ste phen Arnold Rendal; Joseph Baker Binford; List of members. Previous publications issued with Historical society of Southern California see Nos 1015-1022. (7525 RIPON HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Ripon, Wisconsin. " The society has had meetings from time to time, at which some few papers have been read, including one on the Booth War in Ripon, by Col. George W. Carter; a biographical sketch of Jehdeiah Bowen, one of Ripon s pioneers, by Dr. E. H. Merrill; The Birth of the Repub lican Party in Ripon, by Dr. S. T. Kidder; and Wisconsin Phalanx, by S. M. Pedrick. Some of these have been used by the State Historical Society in its publications, and all of them have been published in the Ripon Commonwealth." (7526 SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Documents connected with the history of South Carolina. Edited by Plowden Charles Jennett Weston. London, 1856. 4to, pp. 227. Published under the a uspices of the Society . Contents: Ingram, David. Land travels of Davyd Ingram and others . . . 1568-9, from the . . . Gulph of Mexico to Cape Breton . . .Young, Thomas. Letters ... to Sir Francis Windebank . . . with a . . . relationof a voyage from Virginia to the north ward . . . 1634. Glen, James. Answers to the lords of trade. Cumberland, Richard. Letters. . . to Roger Pinckney . . . with regard to the provost-marshalship of South Carolina. 1764-1775. De Brahm, W. G. Philosophico-historico-hydro-geography of South Carolina, Georgia and East Florida. (7527 WAYNE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Richmond, Indiana. Papers Vol. 1. No. 2. Institutional influence of the Germans in Richmond, Ind. By F. J. B artel, 1904. Svo - (7528 \YI:STKRN RESERVE UNIVERSITY. The provincial committees of safety of the Amer ican Revolution, by Agnes Hunt. [Cleveland, O.], 1904. 8vo, pp. 180. Folded Tables. ".Published from the, income of the Francis G. Butler publication fund, Western Reserve University, Cleveland." (7529 WENTWORTH HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Gore District Militia of 1821, 1824, 1830, and 1838. The militia of West York and West Lincoln of 1864, with lists of officers, together with some historical and biographical notes on the militia within the territory at present constituting the counties in the years named. By H. H. Robertson. Hamilton, 1904. Svo, pp. 62. (7530 1030 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. HERKTMER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Papers read before the Society during the years 1896, 1897, and 1898. Compiled by Arthur B. Smith. Herkimer and Ilion, N. Y. 1899. 8vo, pp. 108, 141, 75. (7531 HERKIMER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Addresses delivered before the Society for the years 1899, 1900, 1901, and to July 1, 1902, and a memorial of the late Hon. Robert Earl. [Herkimer and Ilion, N. Y. 1903?] (7533 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the fourth annual meeting, July 25, 1898. 8vo, 12 pp. Caption title. Contains: "House and private signals of Nantucket Whale-ships," by B. Sharp; "Silk industry in Nantucket," by M. S. Dudley; "The site of the Peter Folger house," by M. S. Dudley. (7533 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting, July 19, 1899. 8vo, pp. 15. Caption title. Contains: "Address of President W. F. Barnard;" Biographical sketch of Joseph Sidney Mitchell, by M. S. Dudley; Elizabeth Swain Starbuck, by Anna Gardner. (7534 NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Bulletin no. 4. Vol. 2. Nantucket lands and landowners, by H. B. Worth. Nantucket, 1904. 8vo, pp. 183-216. (7535 NEW BRUNSWICK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections no. 6. Saint John, N. B., 1905. 8vo, pp. [2831-48(1. Index, pp. 481-490. Portrait. Plates. Contents: Officers and members: Papers relating to the townships of the River St. John in the Province of Nova Scotia, edited by W. O. Raymond; Historical-geographical documents relating to New Brunswick, edited by W. F. Ganong. No. 3. Gamaliel Smethurst s nar rative of his journey from Nepisiguit to Fort Cumberland in 170] ; Royal commission and instructions to Gov. Thomas Carleton, with note by Wm. M. Jarvis; Sketch of the life and administration of Gen. Thomas Carleton, first governor of New Brunswick, by W. 0. Raymond. (7536 SOCIETE HISTORIQUE DE MONTREAL. Les bases de I histoire d Yamachiche, 1703- 1903. Commemoration des premiers etablissements dans cette paroisse: ses fiefs; ses seigneurs; ses premiers habitants; ses developpements; son demem- brement en plusieurs paroisses, et autres renseignements tires de manuscrits inedits conserves dans les vieilles archives du Bas-Canada; par R. Bellemare . . . Pub. sous les auspices de la Societe Historique de Montreal. Montreal, [1903?]. 4to, pp. 448. Illustrations. Plans. (7537 INDEXES. 1031 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. [Personal biographical material forms separate index.] [The references are to numbers of the titles, not to pages.] Abbadie family, 7320. Abbatt, W., 5037. Abbeville, S. C., Huguenots, 6616, 6631. Abbot, E. H., 3414. Abbot, Stephen, Revolutionary letter, 2276. Abbott, T., 4258. Abbott, A. J., 4923. Abbott, C. C., 6400. Abbott, E. H., 4297. Abbott, J. B., 1578a. Abbott, L. H., 5748. Abbott, L. J., 4406. Abbott, S. W., 809, 810, 812, 814, 815. Abbott family, 5591. Abel, A. H., 1582. Abel, A. M., 6216. Abercrombie, J., letter, May 2, 3775. 2801. Abercromby, J., 3379. Abington, Mass., history and description : 1810. 2635. Abnaki Indians, 1702. ethnic relations, 1709. language of, 1700. grammatical sketch, 1705. mission, 5844. missions, 1657-1724. 7328. treaties of 1713 and 1717. 1737. Abolition, early, 5716. Abolition times, 5639. Abolitionists vindicated, 4203, 4229. Aboriginal architecture, 574. art, relics of, 5777, no. 52. monuments, western New York, 5151. names, State of New York. 5153. See also Names. Aborigines, 4906. American, houses, 826. Australia, 201, 370. Canada, customs, characteristics, his tory, 7185, 7213. origin of, 7187. New Jersey, 4538. Northwest, 6913. West Indies, 204, 400. stone implements, 4326. See also Indians of North America. Abraham, L., 626. Abraham, Plains of, 7195, 7196, 7222. Abyssinia, 897, 902. mission to, 905. Acadia, 1702, 1703. aborigines 1703. L amour de la France en Acadie, 7345. ancient document relating to, 7174. Argall s expedition, 1613. 5096. boundary disputes, 7279. expedition against, 1755. 7274. government of, 1748. 2624. national hymn (Le chant national), 7345. New England settlements in, 7. Poutrincourt in Acadia, 7309. rival chiefs of (d Aulney and La Tour), 4209. settlement by Dutch, 5195. See also Nova Scotia. Acadian exiles in Pennsylvania, 5975. French, papers relating to, 7275. Acadians, 915, 7381. Les Acadiens apres leur dispersion, 7312. deportation. 208, 446. Eclaircissements sur la question Acadi- enne, 7313. expulsion of, 1755. 1717, 7276, 727S. French neutrals in Maine, 1702. in Pennsylvania, 5975. Lancaster co., Pa., 6165. Madawaska, Me., 3356. papers relative to, -1755-6. 3388. Philadelphia, 5848. Virginia, 1755. 6830. Winslow s expedition 1755. 3391. 3671o. Fee also Neutrals. Accornac, Va., Episcopacy in, early, 6829. Accomac County, Va. Oatli of allegiance. 1 772-74. 6829. tombstones at Hill s farm, 6S55. Achenwall s observations on North America, 17(57. 60S3. Achintre. A., 7345. Ackerly, O. B., 3413. Ackerman, W. K., 1387. Acland family, 5744. Acrelius, L, 1217, 5096, 5980. "Active," sloop, 6072. Acton, R. M., 4665, 6065. Acton, Mass., field day, 4212. memorial stones, 2800, 3177. Acushnet, Mass., old, 4047. Acnshnet River, industries, 4047. Adair, Mrs. Owens, 5828, 5831. 1033 1034 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Adam, J., 1003, 1005, 1006, 1010, 1013, 1016, 1017. Adam, R. B., 4777. Adams, A. Letter to, 1737. 3361. Letter, 2793. Adams, Abigail. Letter, 2793. Adams, Mrs. Ann, 4307. Adams, Arthur, 3417, 3983. Adams, C. C., 904. Adams, C. D., 5468. Adams, C. E. McM., 7478. Adams, C. F., 20, 22, 34, 40, 41, 205, 209, 462, 2207, 2597, 2770, 2773, 2781, 2785, 2786, 2788, 2789, 2791, 2796- 2798, 2800, 2802-2806, 3002, 3119, 3120, 3123, 3124, 3130, 3233, 3271, 3273, 3277, 3286, 3314, 3682, 4123. 5284, 5393, 6057, 6628, 7098, 7461, 7466. Adams, C. Frederick, jr., 3366. Adams, C. K., 4, 6, 8, 1859. Adams, D. W., 4800, 4804, 5459. Adams, E., 1523, 2649. epitaph, 1753. 3370. Adams, E. D., 7. Adams, F. C., 1586. Adams. F. G.. 1578o, 1582, 1608. Adams. G. B.. 10, 11, 13, 39, 41, 44, 4931, 6967, 7083. Adams. G. E.. 1703. Adams, G. I., 578, 3408, 3409, 3413, 3414, 3955o, 3687. Adams, Henry, 10. 11, 34, 3682. Adams, Hugh, 3381, 3382, 3388, 3391. marriages performed by, 3381. Adams. H. A., 4160. Adams, H. B., 3, 6-13, 196, 202, 292, 312, 625, 1813-1816, 1818, 1819, 1821, 1823, 1829, 1830, 1830a, 1841- 1843, 1859, 2259, 2547, 3394, 3711, 3725, 4344a, 6998. memorial of, 22. Adams, H. C., 807, 809, 812, 1814, 4292, 4295. Adams, H. S., 2258. Adams, J., Canada, 7173, 7174. Adams, J., Pennsylvania, 6009. Adams, John, 2804, 3647, 4184. address of citizens of Westmoreland to, 204. diary, 2782. letter, 1788, 2777. 1792. 2774. 1817. 2779. 1821. 3388. early letters, 3363. letters of, 2779, 2789, 6009. unpublished letters, 3382. politics of, 38. professional tours in Maine, 1707. Adams, J. J. B., 4168. Adams, J. Q., 1051, 1384, 2647, 2729, 2802, 5135, 7442. diary, 1787-1789. 2806, 7466. genealogical letter, 1840. 3392. letter, 1792. 2794. Adams, J. Q., letter. 1811. 40. letters, October 12, 1803, February 27, 1837. 2806. letters to T. B. Adams, 2800. letters to A. H. Everett, 1811-1837. 45. and martial law, 2805. and Monroe doctrine, 41, 42, 3373. Adams, Mary J., 4294. Adams, M. N., 4311. Adams, N., 4446. Adams, O. F., 3414, 3415, 5049. Adams, Robert, will, 1689. 3367. Adams, Romanzo, 4294. Adams, Samuel, charges against, 2789. correspondence with James Bowdoln, 2781. letter, 1774. 2652, 2782. letter, March 13, 1769. 3403. letter, 1777. 2138. Adams, S. E., 5618, 5621, 5622. Adams, T,, letters to, 1768-1779. 6829. 6830. Adams, T. P., 3372, 3687. Adams, T. S., 1863. Adams, W., 5010. Adams, Rev. William, 3406, 3868. Adams, Zu., 1602. Adams family, 3365, 3372, 3376, 3406. 3411, 3510, 3868, 3921a, 6833, 6853, 6854. (Henry) family, 3417. (Jeremy) family, 3417. (John) family, 3391. (Joseph) family, 3380. (Matthew) family, 3368. (Nancy) genealogy, 5743. (Robert) family, 3369. (William) family, 5027. Adams family connection with Braintree and Quincy, 2800. Bible, 3366. Hartford, 3983. pedigree, forgery in, 3395. Adams collection, 6970. "Adams " and " Caledonia " episode, 4777. Adams, N. Y., early history. 4906. reminiscences, 4906. Adams County, Miss., 4345. Adams County, Pa., history, 5919. Addeman, J. M., 6596. Addington family, 3362. Addison, H. M., 5627, 7418. Addison, L. G., 5714. Addison, R., 7264. Addison, Mich., history, 4278. Addison County, Vt., history, 6697. Adena mound excavations, 5722. Adet correspondence, 27. Adirondack wilderness, 4719. Adirondacks, flora, 4688. Adlard, G., 2773. Adler, C., 624, 625, 627, 629, 630, 632, 634, 635. Adler, E. N., 635. Adobes, aboriginal use, 5732. Adolescence, 207. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1035 Adolescence, initiations into. 441!. Adolphustown. Canada, 7366. Adultery, law of, 205. Adultery and ignominious punishments, 410. "Advertisements for the inexperienced planters of New England," 2041. Advertising in pioneer Los Angeles, 1020. Advertising in the United States, 813. Adze, triangular stone, 7125. Aerolites, ownership of, 1515. Aerolites and religion, 7321. "Affaires de 1 Angleterre et de 1 Ame rique," 6069. Affleck, J., 1422. Africa, 897. Central, 893. pygmy forest, 900. wilds of, 569. Central East, 902. equatorial, 586a, 898. exploration, 905. French explorations. 903. game preserve, 901. heart of, 901. lakes, 903. Livingston s discoveries. 526. map of Boer war, 900. past and future. 891. Southern and Kaffirs, 7181. stone implements of. 733. West, spiritual beings in. 579. African slave trade in Jamaica, 1896. in Texas, 6684. Agamenticus, Me., 1708, 1801, 2621. Agard, A. II., 7415. Agassiz, Louis, letter of, 2782. Agawame plantation, 3399. See also Ipswich, Mass. Aggawam, simple cobler of, 2588. Ages, warm and cold, of the earth, 1023. Agger, E. E., 814. Aglionby, F. K., 6890. Aglionby family, 6890. Agnese, Baptista, and American cartogra phy, 2801. Agnew, B. L., 6382a, 7481. Agnew, D., 6069, 6078. Agnew, N., 7148;. Agrarian laws of Roman Republic, 1822. Agricultural colleges, 4292. Agricultural societies in America, founder of, 3503. Agricultural statistics, 812, 815. Agriculture, concentration of, 809. dependence on transportation, 4295. depression in United States, 4293. government promotion, 904. Michigan, 4294. Agriculture and home market, 4295. Ahearn, Margaret IL, 7298, 7381. Ahern, W. B., 4422. Aigremont, Francois Clairambault d , 6938. Aiken, K., 4455. Alken, J. F., 5314. Aikins, (\, 7301. Ailleboust, Barbe d , 7345. Ainsworth, F. C., letter, 6582. Air, geography of, 891, 893, 894, 896. Air and water, relation to temperature and life, 895. Air currents, 2044&. Aitchison, C. B., 4410. Aiton, J. F., 4302. Aitzema, Leo de, 5097. Akarnania and Aeotolia, 577. Akerly, C. M. T., 5043. Akerly, Lucy I)., 3411, 5043, 5044, 5046- 5050. Akins, T. B., 7275, 7280. Alabama, aboriginal remains, 948. bibliography, 15, 77. boundary, 944. building of the State, 946, 949. conservative party, 1848-1860. 946, 972, 970. counties, statistics, 944. Democratic convention, 1860. 946,962. department of archives and history, 947. education, 944. forty-fourth -regiment, 944. French grant, 946, 963, 975. general and staff officers, 1861-65. 945. historical commission, 1287. historical mamiscripts, 948. history, 936, 976. home life during the civil war. 1288. internal improvements, 1832. Irish in, 609. legislature, session, 1847-48. 941. military government in, 1865-66. 6671. under reconstruction acts, 6671. mounds and antiquities, 946, 957. Revolutionary soldiers buried in, 973. roads, early, 944. Spanish evacuation, 946, 947. Spanish fort, 1502. statehood, centennial, 946, 975. territory, geography, 945. war records, 948. " Alabama " and " Kearsarge," 6599. Alabama River, topographical notes, 944, boats, 944. Alabama stone, the, 200. Alagiiilac language of Guatemala, 751. Alamance, battle of, 5577. Alamo monument, 6684. name, 6681. Rose s escape from the, 6683. work of Daughters of the Republic of Texas in behalf of the, 6686. Alaska, 893. agriculture, 899, 903. boundary, 57, 576, 900, 905, 6084. near Yukon, 894. survey, 894. tribunal. 580, 905. cables and telegraphs, 579. civil government, 899. climate, 899. 1036 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Alaska, coal. 008. eruptive rocks, 894. explorations, 892, 895, 900. game animals, 899. geographical notes, 571. geography, 902, 905. glaciers, 905. Harriman expedition, 575, 900. map, 905. mineral resources, 899, 7391. mountaineering in, 572. north, gardening, 904. opening, 904. possibilities, 903. proposed surveys, 1902. 903. reiodeer, 904. Russian America, 7175. southeastern, 562. telegraph line, 905. topographical surveys, 580. undiscovered island off, 895. United States Geological Survey in. 578. See also Bering Straits. Alaskan range, 7391. Albany, N. Y., authors, 7389. Catholic Church, Canadian aid, 916. Church of Jesus Christ, records, 168.">. 4888. Congress of 1754. 2643. Connecticut objects to plan of colonial union of 1754. 2625. Dutch and English churches, origin of, 4691. Dutch families of. 3409, 5018. families. 3411. first stone house, 5019. geology, 4684. history, 4692. Irish, early, in, 618. Jewish trader, early, 626. plan for park, 4686. plan of city, 4888. Reformed Dutch Church, records, 1700- 1725. 4889. Reformed Presbyterian Church, history, 4680. treaty at, 1745. 6083. treaty at, 1775. 2643. water supply, 4689, 4690. 8ee also Rensselaerswyck. Albany County, N. Y., Genealogical data, 5036. Albany Lancaster School, 4693. "Albatross " deep-sea exploring expedition, 900. voyage of. 7130. Albee, J.. 4455. Albemarle, N. C., early history, 5567. Albemarle County, Va., old tombstones, 6857. Albemarle River in Revolutionary days, 897. Albermarle Sound, documents, 1789. 1288. Albright, S.. 4310. Albritton, J. T.. 5590. "Album," The, 2539. Alchemy and numismatics, 677. Alcock family, 3394. Alcohol, is it a food? 4682. Alcoholic beverages, production and con sumption, 812. Alden, C. L., 2198, 3405, 3406, 3898a, Alden, Mrs. C. L., 3406, 3407, 3409, 3410, 3412. Alden, E., 3359, 3483. Alden, E. K., 11, 12, 1824. Alden, G. H., 42, 7115. Alden, J., deed to Jonathan Alden, Jan. 1. 1684-85. 7395. estate of, 1703. 3391. Alden, J. E., 2201. 2202, 2205, 2206, 2208. 2216, 3410, 3920, 7401, 7403. Alden. M. L. T., 3405. Alden, T., 116, 2630, 2632. Alden, T., jr., 2623, 2627, 2628, 2695. Alden family, 3405, 3409, 3410, 3412. (John) family, 2206. Alder Gulch, discovery, 4396. Alderman, L. A., 5771. Alderman, Mrs. L. A., 5711. Aldis family, 2208, 2217. Aldrich, C., 1497, 1514-1518, 1521, 1522, 1539-1542. Aldrich. E., 4456, 4457. Aldrich, P. E., 185. 191, 198, 201, 253, 267, 316, 324, 358, 382, 3685. "Alert," expedition to Hudsons Bay, 1885. 4693. Alert club, 5635. Aleutian islands. 549. Alexander, A., 6382, 6843. Alexander. D. W., 1015. Alexander, Gross, 794. Alexander, James, agreement between J. Ormiston and, 1716. 5033. letters, to and from, 1716-1721. 5030. will, 1745. 5033. Alexander, J. L., 3395, 3396, 3398. Alexander, J. M., 3397. Alexander, Mary, will, 1756. 5034. Alexander, M. R., 6155. Alexander, R., location of school, 6843. Alexander, S., 4684. Alexander, Sally K., 1265. Alexander. tfi>- \Vm. Charter, 1621. 7324. Alexander, William called Earl of fitirlinu, letters. 45*39. 4540, 4541. Alexander, W. D., 713O, 7131, 7133. Alexander, W. II., 577. Alexander family, 6856, 6857, 6858, 6X59. (James) family, 5027. Alexandria, First Baptist Church, appeal In President Lincoln, 1284. Alexandria, N. J., petition of inhabitants, 6067. St. Thomas Church, 6066. Alford, Mass.. vital records to 1850. : .W- <. Alger, A. M., 3387, 3389, 3683, 3684. Alger family, of Maine, 3387. (John) family, 3389. Algonkin tribes, religious beliefs and su perstitions, 6938. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1037 Algonkiu tribes, geographical names, 1109, 1120, 2247, 2305. language, 211, 7316, 7317, 7318. Algonquin dialects, vocabulary of, 748, 7187. names, 4033b. traditions, 5165. Algue, Jose, 901. Alien suffrage, 4292. Alison, Francis, letter, 1776. 6084. letter to B. Alison, 1777. 6080. Allan, G. II., 3388. Allan, G. T., 5813. Allan, J., interview with Indian chiefs, 1801. 3394. letters to Massachusetts Council [on In dian affairs, 1779], 1711. letter to Massachusetts Council, 1780. 1713. Allan, W., 2, 3333, 3335. Allatooua, battle of, 3864. 148 2n. Allegan County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279. Alleghany County, Va., pioneer days, 6834. Allegheny County, Pa., early history, 5846. judiciary of, 6063. Allegheny River, Celoron s expedition, 1749. 6143. Allen, A. H., 11. Allen, A. V. G., 2801, 2807, 3210, 3305. Allen, B. F., 6670. Allen, C. E., 1683, 1707, 1709, 1713, 1717, 6720. Allen, C. F., 1708, 1712. Allen, Ethan, Rev., 1915, 1918. Allen, Ethan, letter^ 3781. 3388. language of, at Ticonderoga, 3402. use of language, 6767. Allen, E. P., 5958. Allen, F., 1702. Allen, F. O., 3409, 6074. Allen, F. S., 4098, 6890. Allen, F. W., 3414. Allen, G. I., 5043. Allen, I., 675?. Allen, James, diary, 1770-1778. 6065. Allen, Jolley, 2934, 2992. narrative of, 1755-177G. 2785. Allen, Justin, 4163, 4166. Allen, .T. A., 2344, 2367. Allen, J. F., 2229, 2241. Allen, J. II., 777, 779, 793, 2135. Allen, T. M., 4388. Allen, L. F., 4749, 4770, 4773, 7408. Allen, N., 3380. Allen, O., 4775. Allen, O. P., 3405. Allen, R. w., 3685. Allen, S. M., 3385, 3598, 3612. Allen, T., 2047. Allen, T. M., 5572. Allen, V. D., 5744. Allen, Walter, 3387. Allen, William. 1697, 1700, 1703. 1708, 3367, 3376, 5605. Allen, W. C., 7411. Allen, William F., 3, 3399, 3400. Allen. W. II., 3682. Allen, W. S., 808, 3388-3394, 3396. Allen, /., 6511, 6513, 6520, 6521, 6530, 6546. Allen family, 2047, 2262, 2263, 2265, 2484, 3368, 3409, 6856. (Charles) family, 3414. (Lewis) family, 3412, 3937. (Ralph) family, 3383. (Samuel) family, 3388. (Walter) family, 2205. Allen, " land bill," 5722. Allerton, Isaac, 42. Allerton family, 3402, 3807. Allin, James, Rev., sermon of, 1727. 2781. Allinson, E. P., 1818, 1843, 6066. Allinson, S., 4548. Allis, S., 4406. Allis, W. II., 4097. Allouez, Claude Jean. 6938. and his relations to La Salic, 7075. Allyn, Jeremiah, 5641. Allyn, John, letter, 1675. 2782. Allyns Point, Conn., inscriptions, 3361. Almanac, Antiquarian, 3378. for 1649, Danforth s, 2779. for 1743. 3012. German, of C. Sauer, 6062. origin and development of, 5777. no. 69. Titan s new aimanak, 1729. 2139. Almanacs and their authors 2247, 2253. Ames s, 1746. 3377. Black letter for 1620. 6278. Rev. Samuel Cooper s interleaved, 3951. New England and especially Rhode Is land, 6561. Thomas s, 2251, 2346. Tulley s, 3131. in the reign of Queen Anne, 2776. published in Philadelphia, 734. Almeida, Jorge de, Trial, 627. Almira, Mich., history, 4283. Almy, J. F., 2262, 2486. Alofsen, S., 2777, 4543, 4544. Alogi, remarks on, 772. Alphabet, the vehicle of history, 5335. Alphabets, aboriginal, 1018. ancient, of Asia, 5777, no. 42. Alricks, P., 1240. Alricks (Peter) family, 5899. Alsop, G., 1935. Alsop family, 3404. Alta Vela. Why Judge Black withdrew from the impeachment trial of President Johnson, 6670. Altham, J., 1878. Altherr, Alfred, 7485. Alves, W. L., 1640. Alves tribe, Kentucky, 1639. Alvord, B., 559. Alvord, H. C., 3846. Alvord, T. G., 5511. Amadeo, Prince Luigi. expedition, 899. Amana Pioneer school - teacher Gotlieb Scheuner, 1523. 1038 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Amana Society, Iowa, 1513, 1521, 1538, 1567. Amazon basin, rubber, 7391. Amazon River, explorations, 567. hydrography, 551. Upper, 566. Ambler, R., will, 1765. 6865. Ambler, R. C., 1145, 1150. Amenia. N. Y. Church records, 1749-1785. 5050, 5051. marriages, 1759-1785. 5048. America, ancient cities, 564. ancient races of, manners and migra tions of most 6288. antiquities of, 687, 2622, 5678, 5683. before Columbus, 928. beginning of, 5219, 5348. British colonies in, 2619. Catholic explorations, 912. chronological observations of, 1673 ; Jos- selyn s, 2641. colonial papers, 1685-1688. 6858. democracy in, 1900. De Roos s History. 614. discoveries, 800, 895. French. 4772. Irish. 4722. Italian, 4722. Welsh, 4722. discovery of, 1823, 2616, 4868, 4869. 5176, 5181. German, not Latin, 6359. by the Northmen. 2794. 3365, 4456, 4484, 4540, 4722, 6009. S ee also Norsemen, Northmen. Cabot s, 3663. four hundredth anniversary, 2791. 5641. Dutch voyages, 1612-1644. 5098. early voyages, 4033c, 4039. English colonization in, 1740, 174(5. geographical history, 1492-1892. 1854. German colonization in, 6356. German-Jewish migration to. 632. influence of, on the mind, 694. list of books relating to, in Stationers Register. 1562-1638. 13. literature, ancient, 7321. makers of modern, 5544. maps of, 1550 and 1555. 731, 4550. name, 3, 44, 559, 562, 564. narrative and critical history of, 2795. North and South, 6514. pre-Columbian discoveries. 4722. races, manners and migrations of the most ancient, 6288. Spanish discovery, 2798. tracts relating to, 1600-1800. !. tropical, 573. voyage to, 1602, Gosnold s, 2646. Walpole, H., on, 2797. America, Central, ancient civilization, 552, 598. bibliography. 196. 288. America, North, ancient inhabitants of, 116. America, discovery, 568, 1750, 1758. English right to, 3186. ferns, 2325. fisheries, relation of to discovery and settlement, 4482. paleography, 548. rival claimants for, 1497-1755: 204, 413. voyages to Atlantic coast, 152023. 6796. explorations, 5037. wild animals of, 561. America. South, climate^ 579. people of, 570. west coast, 554. "America." private armed ship, account of, 2275, 2530. America lleraldica, review, 5033. American anthropology, present condition, 7320. "American Apollo," 2614. 2617, 2619. American art. conventionalism in. 2466. birds, 2331. Christianity, history of, 796. church history, bibliography of, 795. church history series, 784-796. cities, geography of, 7391. colonial history, 1881, American colonies/ 12, 1858. Anglican church in, 4203. ante revolutionary letters, 3362. appeal causes, 1736-58. 2795. 3074. appeal to King in council, 69. appeals from colonial courts, 11, 628. as dependencies, 24. as penal settlements, 6068. assemblies and their legislative journals, 15. bishops, 2621. British colonies, 2618. British convicts, 35. British, plan of union. 1754. 2625. clergy ordained and licensed, 1699-1710. persons licensed by Bishops of Lon don, 5517. commerce, 1670-1740. 1825. Jews in, 633. commercial policy of England, 4820. commission for regulating plantations, 1634. 2651. committee of foreign plantations, 1643. 6483. constitutional relations, 3, 59. elections in, 4820. English colonization, 1740, 1746, 5174. English common law in, 7118. English government of, 4056. Episcopacy, 2625. American jurisdiction of Bishop of London, 208, 447. Episcopal control in, 13. Episcopate and, 2557. history, 5973, 5992. history, 1690-1750. 16 influence of American Revolution on government of, 13. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1039 American colonies, inhabitants, 1726. 3378. Jewish soldiers, 625. Jews, 625. Jews, 1600-1700. 624. Jews, naturalization, 624. jurisdiction of Bishop of London in, 208. laws, Tower collection, 6115. naturalization in, 10, 2762, 2773. number of British subjects in, 1755. 2625. Penn, Wm., plans for union of, 6067. population, 200, 337. proprietary governments of, 2625. provinces, 1755. 4450. provincial governors, 2555. Randolph, E., papers, 4125. religious conditions before the Revolu tion, 2135. relation to general history of the world, 6801. royal arms and royal emblems in, 3081. report on, 1721-1762. 4271. state of, 1703. 2645. suffrage franchise, 6404. to 1776. 105. United colonies, proceedings, 164:5-51. 6433. See also Colonial : New England, Colo nies ; Proprietary province. American colonists, early, 1942. American conflict, the, 7260. American democracy, 5274. "American Eagle," Pennsylvania newspa per, 6079. American ecclesiology, 20. "American Express," Buffalo, N. Y., 4737. American families, list of, genealogies be ing investigated, 5018. American flag, origin of, 2791. American Fur Company, employees, 1818- 19. 6934. invoices, 1821-22. 6933. American genealogies, list of, 3369. American historical association, bibliog raphy, 4. bibliography of members, 7. 8, 9. partial bibliography of published works of members, 6. work of, 9. American historical nomenclature, 10. American Historical Society, bibliography, 12. American historical societies, work of, 1539. American history, bibliography. 1888-1892. 10. English sources, 199. Federal era, 5436, 5439. future of. 3383. manuscript sources, 3. publication from original manuscripts, 4700. study of ancient period, 5158. waifs and strays, 4892. American history in reports of English his torical MSS. commission, 16. American imprints, early, 2802. American independence, progress of, 5357. American institutional history, 1813. American institutions, origin of, 5. American languages, why we should study, 6065. American lineage in England, traces of, 5017. American linguistics, French fabrications in, 198. recent progress in, 6268. American literature, early, 206, 422. American literature in England, 1708. American manufactures, 1700. American municipalities, civil service re form, 1539. American nationality, beginnings of, 1821. American negro academy, 1289. American patriotism on the sea, 2791. American patriots, portraits, 1783. 2794. American people, development of, 208. American Philosophical Society, 3139. catalogue of library of, 716. early history of, 707. presidents of, 691. register of papers of, 737. 1743-1903. 767, 6083, 6130, 1538. American Political Science Association. American politics, 1764-1766. 6073. American Public Health Association, 811. American races, prehistoric, origin of, 4923. American Revolution, 1015, 2426, 4371, 6067. abstracts, 1715. American trade and manufacture during, British views of, 6063. Ashe s defeat, 1779. 6060. army, administration, 2558. destitute condition of the troops. 2774. enlistments, 1775. 2276. general officers, 3378. operations before invasion of Canada, 1775-76. 7206. receipt for clothing, 1775. 3371. supplies. 6828. Beaumarchais and " The Lost Million," 6067. British army, account of, under General Howe, 5995, 5999. Charles Cochran. British officer. 3114. English officers, 196. George Inman s narrative, 6063. officers, 1754-74. 3406, 3407, 3856. officers stationed near Boston, June, 1775. 3386. plundering by, 6081. 1778. 6068. campaign from Philadelphia to Paulus Hook, 1776, journal, 6063. campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn, 6058. campaign of 1779. journal of Capt. Samuel Page, 2243, 2244. 1040 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. American Revolution, campaign to Aniboy, etc., journal, 6009. Canadians in, 7346. caricatures relating to, 2783. Catholics in, 912. causes, 2, 1823. committees of correspondence, 22. Concord fight, preliminaries of, 2171. events of April 19, 2178. Concord minute men, 2172. Continental Army, 2792. around Philadelphia, 1777. 6119. complaint concerning food furnished to, 1775. 2138. condition of, 1780. 2805. Continental line, New York, 5326. extent, 3045. field officers. Continental line, Massa chusetts, 3383. generals, Continental line, 6083, 6131. Massachusetts line, rearrangement of, 1783. 3386. officers, 3540. officers, 1781. 6062. pay rolls, 3408. uniform, 2768, 2773, 5316, 6078. Virginia, depositions of soldiers, 6829. Crown Point, capture of, 1981. Did the colonists desire independence? 3647. documents, 2253. documents and letters from Colburn col lection, 3388. Dutch allies, 5433. English point of view, 7475. events of, 1774, 1775. 2623. events in Baltimore, 1883. finances, 1162, 6054. first battle, Point Pleasant, W. Va., 5723. France, news from 1777. 6062. relations with, 5413. French allies, 4554. German soldiers in, 6365. Gordon s History, 17. Heath papers, 2773. Hebron diary, 6192. Hessian flags, 2786. Hessians, 2794. 6168, 6170. defense of, 6079. in New Jersey, 4554, 4633. in Philadelphia, 6057. landing of the, 2808, 3299. officers captured at Trenton, 1776, court-martial, 6063. history, 2620. German MS. sources for, 2793. sources of, 4559. hospitals, director-general of, 3490. hospital returns, 1777-1780. 6079. military hospital department, 6081, 6083, 6124. Huck s defeat, 1780. 1281. in Georgia, 1312. in New Hampshire, 3382. in the West, 10. Indians in, 2628, American Revolution, Jersey campaign, 1776-77, Journal, 6064. Jews in, 633. Journal, 1765-1784. 2684, 2686. Lafayette s camjaign in Virginia, 1781. 1289. letter of P. Slaughter, January 5, 1847. 1284. letter on, 1775. 3372. letters, 2240, 2267, 4447. 5938, 6222, 6829, 6860, 7318. actors, 3402. correspondents in England, 1766-1775. 6084. 1775-1782. 6487. signers military men, etc., 3388. strikingly applicable to the present time (1862), 2775. suspension of hostilities, 1783. 4538. loans, 6009. losses of military and naval forces, 6083. military papers of, 6581. military records, 6582. Militia, New York, 1776. 5017. Pennsylvania Fourth and Fifth bat talions, 1777-1780. 5959. plan for arrangement of, 2775. R. Peter s co., 1775. 6079. Virginia, 6830-6838. minutemen, 7412. flag, April 19, 1775. 2041. muster rolls, 2203. naval history, 200, 2774, 3339, 6083. New Brunswick, N. J., navy com manders, 4519. naval officers, Connecticut, 1196. Virginia, list of officers, sailors, and marines, 6825. New Hampshire in, 4460, 4497. New Jersey, strategic relations of, 4552, 4628. Northwest during the Revolution, 6953. Nova Scotia and New England during, 44. Ohio in, 5723, 5736. Ohio Valley, 5726. orderly book, 291, 2932. B. Arnold s regimental memorandum book, written at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, 1775. 6064. Captain Chester s, 1775. 2783. R. Clayton, 1778. 6080. Sir H. Clinton s orders, 1778. 5255. W. Coit s, 1775. 1114. of Connecticut men, 1114. T. Crafts regiment of artillery, 1777-78. 2355. Samuel Elbert, 1776-78. 1307. extracts from, of the Revolutionary army, 2776. Fort Sullivan, 6396. R. Gamble, Aug.-Nov., 1779. 6817. Wm. Henshaw, 1775. 2932, 2984. Wm. Heath, 1777. 6817. Sir W. Howe, 1775-78. 5255. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1041 American Revolution Continued, orderly book continued. I. Hutchinson, 1775-76. 2785, 2786 2945. S. Kemhle, 1775-78. 5255. J. Nice, 1777. 6072. of regiment of artillery raised for defense of Boston, 1777-78 2355. Captain Parker, 1779-80. 2786. Captain Parsons orders, 1781. 3380. Pennsylvania State Regiment of Foot Orderly Book, 1777. 6078. S. Reed, 1778. 4454. Gen. Schuyler s orders, 1776. 4539. Gen. Stirling, 1776. 36. Gen. John Sullivan s orders, 1776 36. Tagebuch of Captain Wiederholt, 884, 886. Torry s, 6084. Valley Forge, 766. Virginia, second regiment, Aug.-Nov 1779. 6817. Anthony Wayne, 6081, 6085, 7422. C-eorge Weedon, 766. papers, 5251, 5252, 5252. patriot clergy, 5378. patron saint, Tamanend, 5899. peace negotiations, 1782 and 1783 5331. pensioners, Connecticut, 1115. New York State, 5029. personal reminiscences, 1159. poetry, 3369. political issues and controversies of 6801, 6804. presents to soldiers by American women 6074/ prisons, Jersey prison ship, 6520. prisoners, Boston, 3410. 8,000 persons confined on British prison-ships, 5538. escape of, 1778. 6069. exchange of, 2774, 2813, 5209, 6080, privateersman in, narrative of, 2774. Province of Quebec and, 7114. reminiscences, 2264, 2497, 4893. sailors of^ 1780-1782. 6083. scarcity of salt in, 2784. soldiers. Connecticut, petition of, to .1. Truui- bull, 3385. rolls and lists of Connecticut men, 1115. from Tolland County, Conn., 3417. Delaware, 1211, 1231, 1232. Delaware regiment, 6065. Illinois, 1422. McLean co., 111., 1426. Little Miami Valley, 5722. Maine, Cumberland County, Col. J. Mitchell s regiment, 1716. Machias, Me., 1712. Capt. Johnson Moulton s companv 1716, 1794. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 American Revolution Continued, soldiers continued. Maine, Col. Edmund Phinney s Thirty- first Regiment of foot, 1713, 1787. History of Col. E. Phinney s Eight eenth Continental Regiment 1714 1715, 1790. History of Col. J. Mitchell s Cum berland County regiment of the Bagaduce expedition, 1779. 1792. History of Col. James Scamman s Thirtieth Regiment of Foot, 1775 1716, 1791, 1794. Maryland, 1952, 6387. J. Hindman s company, roll 1776 6077. militia officers, 1776-1783. 6081. western Maryland soldiers, 1832. Massachusetts. Brookfield, Mass.. 4212. Capt. E. Newell s company, 1777 4202. Capt. T. Cartwright s company 1777. 3408. Danvers, Mass., Capt. Lowe s co., 1775. 2268. Dedham, Mass., 2202. Jno. Dodge s company of guards, 1778. Pay roll, 2262, 2478. Dorchester, Mass., troops in 1776 3411. Dover, Mass., 2196, 2197. (iroton, Mass., Minuto men 1775 2085, 2802. Leominster, Mass., 25J59 2541. Lunenburg, Mass., 2539, 2541. Marblehead, Mass., 2612. New Salem, Mass., Capt. King s company roll, 1775. 3407. Scituate, Mass., 1775-76. 3378. Shelburne, Mass., 4098. Topsfield, Mass., Minute men at bat tle of Lexington. 4163. Capt. T. Willington s company, 1778. 3403. New Hampshire. Badger s muster roll, 1776. 4451. D. Livermore s company, 1780. 4454. Marlboro, N. H., Capt. Paul Brig- ham s company, 1775-7. 3385. Capt. J. Moore s company, Bunker Hill. 4427. New Jersey, regimental, field, and staff officers, 4542. Bordentown, N. J., regimental re turns, 1776-77. 4545. Haddonfield, N. J., regimental re turns, 1776-77. 4545. Morristown. N. J., regimental re turns, 1776-77. 4545. New York, Eighth Company of Foot, roll and muster, 5041. military organizations, 4855. soldiers from Onondaga, 5486. 1042 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. American Revolution Continued, soldiers continued. North Carolina, Lenoir s Rangers, 1289. Ohio, Maj. J. Burnham s company, 5715. Pennsylvania, Donegal in the Revolu tion, 6168. entitled to depreciation pay, 6083, 6084. First Pennsylvania Artillery, 6060. Lancaster County, Pa., 6169. Lieut. H. Piercy s muster roll, 1778. 6081. line, Ninth, muster rolls, 1778. 6081. marines and artillery, muster rolls, 1775, 1778, 6068. officers at close of, 6080. Revolutionary soldiers and grant of land on Susquehanna, 6009. Capt. Stoys company, 1780. 6081. Talbot s company, W. Irvine s Sixth Battalion, 1776, 6080. Thirteenth Regiment, roll of M. Scott s company, 6081. Whetzall, J., Company of rangers, 1778. 6082. Withers, W., company, 1776. 6081. Rhode Island, Irish soldiers, 619. line, 6544. Peabody s regiment, 1778. 4454. Second Rhode Island regiment of foot, inspection returns, 1780. 6581. Capt. Topham s company, 1775. 3413. South Carolina, 6650, 6651. Williamson s brigade, 1779. 6650. Vermont, Capt. Robinson s company roll, 6723. Virginia, Capt. N. Welch s company, Second Regiment, size roster, 6829. Depositions of, from county records, 6828. forces surrendered at Charleston, 1780. 6831. land warrants for, 5749. Ninth Continental line, officers, 6078. officers and men, 6826. Second Virginia Battalion, 1777. 6830. soldiers at Fort Pitt, 1783. 6891. West Virginia. Berkeley County, 6861. soldiers buried in Alabama, 946. buried in Vermont, 6768. graves in Iowa, 1517, 1523. Presidential visits to, 1523. soldiers, list of, 3416. name of Mitchell, 6858. payment of officers and soldiers, 1781. 6082. powers of attorney for collection of pay, 6083. provincial troops serving, 1775-1783. 7255. soldiers, officers, memorials, 1775-1776. 3362. American Revolution Continued. Southern expedition, 1780-1783. 1233. journal, 6063. story of a private soldier, 4428a. three Swabian journalists and, 884, 885. unpublished MSS., 4557, 4560. Washington on west bank of Delaware, 1776. 6060. American Revolution and French Revolu tion compared, 6776a. American Revolutionary movement in Pennsylvania, 1760-1776. 6403. in Rhode Island, causes of popularity of, 6603. American Revolutionary parties in New York, 1765-1774. 41. American Revolutionary reaction, 4. American school at Athens, 828-830, 853- 860, 869, 871, 872, 873, 876. in Palestine, 869. in Rome, 869, 871, 872, 873. American science, epoch in, 1514. American Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge, 1768. 6080. American spirit, its genesis, 5298. American Statistical Association, collec tions, 807, 822. publications, 811. American union, 4539. "American Weekly Mercury," 17191721, fac-simile edition, 5885, 6078. Americana, illustrated, 201, 364. of the Revolution, 202, 385. Americana at Anglo-Jewish exhibition, 624, 629. in John Carter Brown library, 6291. Americas, three, relation, 897. Amerie, D , family name, 3570. Ames, Charles G., 738. Ames, Ellis, 2771, 2779, 2782, 2783, 2787- 2789, 2987. Ames, Fisher, 2203. estate, 2199. Ames, Herman V., 5, 7, 14, 21, 23, 28, 86, 6080. I Ames, Nathaniel, diary of, 2195-2208. Ames (Nathaniel) family, 3374. Ames, Ohio. Western Library Association, 5756. Ames s almanac, 1746. 3377. i Amesbury, Mass., petition, 1680. ,".376. plans of 200 years ago, 2036. soldiers, 1686-1746. 3408. Amherst, Sir Jeffery, letter, 1759. 2776. Amherst College, anthropometic statistics of, 809. Amherst, Mass. Bridgman tavern on Bay road, 2037. early Amherst doctors, 2037. historic homes, 2037. history, 2712, 2724. Mark s meadow, 2037. old Hubbard tavern at the plum trees, 2037. old Strong house, 2037. President Hitchcock s house, 2037. Amherst, N. H., bill of mortality, 1805- 1815. 2632, 2640. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1043 Amherst, N. H., history, 4450. petition, 1747. 4450. sketch of, 2630. Amherstburg, Conn., early history, 7303. Amiens, Treaty of, 7370. Amish Mennonites in Iowa, 1526. "Amistad," the, captures of, 1159, 4203. Ammen, D., 552, 554, 555. Ammidown, L. E., 4130. Ammonet (Jacob), family, 1283. Amory, T. C., 2089, 2771, 2775, 2778, 2779, 2782, 2784, 2786, 2789, 2791, 2841, 2953, 3007, 3383, 3384, 3386, 3387, 3391, 3597, 3608, 3611, 3678, 3685. 3744, 5032, 5064, 6058, 6090, 7392. Amory family, 3368, 3381. Amory. name, 3570. Amqui, Saint-Benoit Labre de, 7347. Amsden family, 3373. Amsterdam correspondence, 779. English exiles in, 1597-1625. 2796. Amwell, N. J., St. Andrew s church, mar riages, 1768-1795. 6068. baptisms, 1768-1772. 6068. Anabaptists of sixteenth century, 773. Anadyr, 576. Anahuac. Tex., disturbances, 1832. 6684. old fort, 6680. Anamosa, 1509. Ancaster parish, records, 1830-1838. 7300. Ancestors, English, 3384, 3611. of New England settlers, 2280. Ancestry, pride of, 5744. Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 2206, 2794. history. 2630. Ancient functionaries, expenses of, 3365. Ancient races of America, manners and migrations of most, 6288. Andersen, Magnus, 895. Anderson, Pres. of the Council of New Jersey, administration, 4597. Anderson, A. C., 5218. Anderson, C., 4417. Anderson, E., recollections of the Ameri can Revolution, 1234. Anderson, F. M., 39, 4300. Anderson, G. E., 7474. Anderson, Hugh, 105, 1303. Anderson, J., 1154. Anderson, J., letters, 6381. Anderson, J. B., 1581. Anderson, J. H., 5718, 5749. Anderson, M., 7378. Anderson, It., 6932. Anderson, R. B., 3687, 6967, 7076. Anderson, T. G., journal, 1814. 6931. papers, 6932. Anderson, T. M., 5725, 6836. Anderson, W. J., 7177, 7179, 7180, 71806, 7180c, 7181, 7211. Anderson, W. P., 579. Anderson family, 3401, 6071, 6860, 7301. Andersonville, Prison experiences, 6599. prison life, 5641. Andover, Mass., deaths, 1650-1700. 33GO. Indian ridge and its continuation, 2350. marriages, 1647-1700. 3361. Andover, N. H., Marriages by J. Babcock, 1782-1828. 3416. Andover Seminary, 8. Andre, John, capture of, 2797, 5975, 6060. family of, 2783. monument, 3373. prisoner at Crooked Hill, December, 1776. 7422. will, 1777. 3364. Andres de Aguirre, Fran, letters, 1008. Andrew, G. W., 916, 1811. Andrew, J. A., 3379, 3381, 3529, 3548. Andrews, A. M. Fitch-, 5049. Andrews, C., 5502a. Andrews, C. H., 1288. Andrews, C. L., 904. Andrews, C. M., 5, 7, 16, 17, 44, 1820, 1853. Andrews, E. B., 6597. Andrews, F. W., 3682. Andrews, G., 3398, 3756. Andrews, G. L., 3335. Andrews, I. W., 2, 3400, 4166, 5713, 5714. Andrews, John, letters, 1772-1776. 2777, 2837. Andrews, I,. B., 6870. Andrews, L. F., 1514. Andrews, M. R., 5736. Andrews, N., 6470. Andrews, N., jr., 6580. Andrews, W. G., 17, 1159, 642:!. 7497. Andrews, W. I ., 2434. Andrews, W. W., 1106, 5607. Andrews family, 3398, 3756. of Ohio, 5748. Andros, Kir E., administration, 2636. answer to complaints, 1688. 1701. commission to, 2645. government in New England. 168889. 5238. letter, 1686. 2630. order, 6585. orders for sending to England, 2645. proclamation money, 208, 448. Andros records, 208. tax, 2576. tracts, 4104-4106. Androscoggin River, Maine, scouting parly. 1708. Anesthesia, Long s discovery, 1288. Angel, B. F., 4913, 4934. Angell, J. B., 10, 20, 40, 1859, 4297. Angell s regiment, officers, 6581. Angelo, Michael, statues of Christ and Moses, 154. Angibaut, Pierre, voyage, 1608. 3830. Anglesea, Earl of, the supposed, 5878. Anglican Church, in Pennsylvania, regis ters, prior to 1800. 6068. in the colonies, 4203. Anglo-American relations and southern history, 1829. Anglo-Japanese alliance, 7474. 1044 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Anglo-Jewish historical exhibition. 1887. 629. Anglo-Saxon, the, and his conquests, 1581. constitution and laws in time of Alfred the Great, 1717, 1795. fallacy, 608. feudalism, 41. language, ancient, 7174. law, 5447, 5465. laws and institutions, 5437. shibboleth, 608. Angola, geographic names of. 569. Ann County, Va., marriage bonds, 6849. Ann Arbor. Mich., romance, with notes of war of 1812-1814. 5752. Annales de la propagation do la foi. 929. Annapolis, Md., handbook. 1807. United States Naval Academy, 1807. will books, extracts, 6861-6863. Annapolis, Nova Scotia, administration of Governor Vetch, 1710-1713. 7277. capture in 1710. 7274. Annapolis convention, 1786. 4544. Anne. Queen, accession of, announcement, 2778. address, 1707. 4446. instructions to Governor Dudley in 1702. 2647. Annetje Jans farm, 4812. Annexation, policy of United States, 1O. territorial, 898. Annin. W. E.. 4417. Aunisquam parish, history, 2260. "Annuaire de la Faculte des Lettres de Lyon," 2795. Annville, Pa., visit to. sixty years ago, 6198. Annville Academy, 7427. An anonymous letter dated London, March 4, 1775. 2773. Antarctic nomenclature, 7391. Antarctic regions, 900, 901. Belgian expedition, 900. British expedition, 902, 904. end of continent, 905. German expedition, 902. map, 900. Anthon, C. E., 647. Anthony, A. S., 6111. Anthony, D. R.. 1579. Anthony, J. G., 3389, 3655a. Anthony family, 3389, 3655a. Anthracite coal, discovery and first use in Wyoming Valley, 5968. Anthropological records, 807. Anthropology, American, 7320. Anthropometry, 808. 809. application to school children, 809. Italian, 811. statistics, 808, 809. Anticosti, island of, 7203. resources, 7175. Antietam. battle of, 3336. Fifty-first Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol unteers, at, 7422. \nti-Know-Nothing resolutions anrl Lin coln, 1428. Antill family, 3377, 4559. Anti-Masonic party, 24, 90. Antinomians. 2133. Antinomians of New England, history of, 2242. Antinomianism in Massachusetts Bay, 1636-1638. 4123. Antioch College, 5726. Antiquarian studies, value of, 2205. Antiquities, New York State, 5171. oriental, 879cr. Arrtirent episode in State of New York, 13. Antisell, T., 545. Antislavery days, 2185. in America, review, 1286. leaders of North Carolina, 1829. movement in Brookline, 2120. Jews and. 628, 632. sentiment in South, 1282. SVe also Abolition, Slavery. Antitea combination, 1768. 3362. Antrim, J., 5773. Antrim, N. II., notices, 4449. Ants, red, 905. Apaches, vital statistics of. 809. Apenzell, Switzerland, conditions in, 1522. Apostolic succession, 777. Appalachia, educational needs of. 6M73. Appalachian Mountains, geomorphology, 896. great roads across, 7391. northern, 906. southern. 906. Appeal causes before Privy Council, 1736- 1758. 3074. briefs in. 1736-1758. 2795. Appeals from Colonial courts, 11. 628. Appeals to King in council, 69. Applegarth, A. C., 1823. Applegate, Jesse, 5797, 5807. Applegate, O. C., 7477. Applegate, T. S., 4258. Appleton, Augusta I.. 3409. Appleton. F. H., 4168. Appleton, John, 2775-2777, 2779. Appleton, N.. 567, 800, 2652, 2752, 2772. Appleton, Nathaniel, letter, 1697. 2111. Appleton, N. W., letters, 1773-1784. 7395. Appleton, Samuel, letters of, 2589. Appleton, T., 3381. will, 1504. 3365. Appleton, Wm., 2776. Appleton, W. S., 2780. 2782, 2788, 2791, 2792, 2795, 2796, 2798, 2800- 2805, 2870, 3085, 3112, 3164. 3263, 3376, 3377, 3379, 3380, 3382, 3383, 3386, 3389, 3390. 3392, 3396, 3402-3404, 3410, 3411, 3510, 3518, 3520, 3521, 3582, 3691, 3696, 3713, 3826. 3829, 3834, 3902, 3914, 4101. Appleton family, 3381. Appleton (John) family, 3385. Appleton fund, 2772. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1045 (Vppletree Neck Wicke, original patent. 5030. Appomattox, N. C., troops at. 5593. Apportionment, Iowa. Congressional dis tricting, 1537, 1550. Apprenticeship, indentures. 1694-1708. 5257. Apthorp, G. H., 2619. Aquidnek, R. I., settlers, 6548. Arabia, travels in, 905. Ararat, N. Y., 4770. history. 4749. Arbitration, international, 8, 9Ui. Arbor day, 4408. Arboreal bureau, Nebraska. 440G. A rimes, Pedro, 3. "Arcano del Mare," 181. Archaeologia Americana, 116-121. Archaeological collection of Western Reserve Historical Society. 5784. Archaeological data, collection and preser vation of local, 7125. Archaeological frauds, 5776, nos. 9. 33. Archaeological research in United States, 468. Archaeology, 1451. American, 835, 5341. collections of, 739. 1890-1900. 869. European contributions to the study of, 6329. phonetic writing in, 747. Arizona and New Mexico, 835, 840. Asia Minor, 874. Athens, Pa., 6421. classical, 835. Greek, 210, 473, 826. Hemenway expedition, 841. Illinois, research, 1425. importance of, 4347. Mexico, 838. Missouri, 4368. New Mexico, 867. North American. 869. Ohio, 301, 5713, 5714, 5719, 5723, 5778, 5786. Ohio Valley, 5717. Peru, 547. Southwestern United States, 841. Tennessee, 7126. West Virginia, 6885. Winnebago County, Wis., 7125. Archambault, A., 7346. Archer, (}. W., 1950. Archer, Jonathan, letter written from Mill Prison, 1778. 2245. Archer, L., 1057. Archer, Mary R., 6073. Archer s account of Gosnold s voyage, 2646. Archibald, Sir A. G., 7274, 7276, 7277, 7278, 7279o, 7281, 7312. Architectural and art topics, 2400. Architecture, ancient, American, 5151, 5168. Christian thought in, 774. Danish, of middle ages, 6283. New England, 3460. Archives, Alabama, 28. American printed guides and repositories, 13. British, materials for American history, 44. Canadian, 7180c, 7181, 7186. Colorado, 26. Connecticut, 21, 3361. Cuba, 7440. Delaware, 5973. Detroit, 1 721-8:5. 4271. England. 5018. European, 41. Georgia, 26, 28. Harvard university, 3407. Indiana, 21. Iowa, 21. Kansas, 28. Maine, 3371. Maryland, 1942, 1972-1996. Massachusetts, 21, 3360. 3413. Michigan. 21. Colonial office records. 1794-182.",. 4277. Dominion archives, Ottawa. Canada. 4275-4277. Mississippe, 26, 4348, 4349. national, value of. 10. Nebraska, 21, 4417. New Brunswick, 7326. New Jersey. 26. 4593. New York State, 5035. Nicaragua, 891. North Carolina, 21, 23, 28. Nova Scotia, 7180&, 7326. Oregon, 24, 5799. Pennsylvania, 21, 28, 5966. Philadelphia, 23, 85. Preservation of, 4450, 4466, 5714. Rhode Island, 26, 98, 6581. Spanish, and United States history, 26. State departments of, 28. Texas, 23. value of, 10. Vatican, 35. Virginia, 26. Wisconsin, 21. See also names of States. Archives commission, report, 21. 23. 26, 28. Archives of the State Department. 11. "Archives do Museu Nacional," 4209. Arctic America, land and sea birds, 7149/j. Arctic expedition, tirst American, 6293. 1893-94. 5915. Arctic exploration, 546. 556, 567. value, 9O4. Arctic Ocean, Russian explorations, 1902. 579. Arctic regions, 518, 547, 554. 897, 898, 901, 7148o. indications of land, 905. life in, 4693. Polar Sea, 4693. Erobisher s expedition, 5860. Hayes s expedition, 583. Nares expedition, 576. 1046 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Arctic regions. Peary s expedition, 570 5915. Well man expedition, 890, 900. Ziegler expedition, 904. See also Polar expedition. Arctic traveling, 553. Ardeley, Kngland, extracts from parish reg ister, 3756o. register, 1546-1701. 3398. Arey, Mrs. H. E. G., 5626. Argall, Samuel, expeditions of, 1613. J 2701, 5006. letter and proclamation. 1617. 6828. Argentouil. Jean d Ailleboust d , letter of j pardon to, 1710. 7347. Argentine Republic, Chile, boundary, 003. j economic geography, 570. public works, 579. statistics, 813. Aricknree. battle of, 1580. Aricknrt conquest. 1823. 4400. Arid regions. United States, 805. water supply, 901. Aristotle. 1569. treatise on constitution of Athens. 2706. Aristotle s musical problems, 480. Arizona, forests and deserts. 808. geography, 542. history. 984. territory, 545. Arizona to California in the seventies. 1012. The Ark, Quarryville, Pa., 6166. Arkansas. Army of the Southwest and of the first campaign. 1504. first campaign. 1501-1503. history, 7123. Jews in, 1830. 629. Presbyterianism in, 6383. pronunciation of name. 987. Arkansas traveler, 5720. Arkansas Valley, formation, 1578a. Arlington, Mass., vital records to 1850. 3994. Armand, Colonel, letters, 17771791. 5251. Armenian massacre, 207. Armistead, R., will, 1771. 6861. Armistead family, 6854-6856, 6859. Armistead family, wills, 1714, 1726. 6860. Armitage, Jane, petition, 1643. 3301. Arms. New York State, 5031, 5034. right to bear, 5040, 5740. royal, in American colonies, 3081. Arms and seals of New York, 5032. Armstrong, A., 6006. Armstrong, E., 3362, 4540, 4566. 5063, 5066, 5077, 5079. 6028. Armstrong, J., letter to General Washing ton, 1758. 6166. Armstrong, J., jr., letter to his father, 1781. 6061. Armstrong, W. J., 5726. Army bill act, war of 1812. 7193. Army worm, 2288. Arnett, B. W., 5720, 5736. Arnold, Benedict, assault in Quebec, 7324. at Saratoga, 6060. correspondence, 1770-1707. 3303. debts of, 6080. expedition to Quebec, 1775. 2046, 2O47. 2271, 2630, 5005, 5005, 5007, 6487, 6515. See also Quebec. grave of, 6581. Lafayette s expedition against, 1033. letters, 1697. 1778. 3369, 7395. love affair of, 3369. march to Quebec, 2271, 6487. regimental memorandum book. 1775. 6064. soldiers of, anecdote, 2632. treason of, 2797, 4868, 6078. Arnold, B. W., 1282. Arnold, B. W., jr., 1828. Arnold, E. S. F., 5035. Arnold, F. A., 6582, 6584. Arnold, II. P., 3684, 3716. Arnold, I. N., 1354, 1360, 1361. 1377- 1379, 1388, 1389, 5028, 6610. Arnold, J. M., 4255. Arnold, J. N., 6582, 6(503. Arnold. R. D., 1305. Arnold, S. G., 6506, 6517, 6531. Arnold, T. S., 7367. Arnold, W., petition of, 6483. Arnold family, 3391. (Benedict) family, 1289, 3392. Arnold family, Kentucky, 1641. Arnoux House, where Montcalm died, 7348. Arrow release, methods, 2449. Art and artists of Revolutionary period, 7475. Art educator, Government as an. 649. Art Society of Hartford, 1126. x Art topics, 2400^ Arthur, Dora F., 6680. Arthur, John, 5819. Articles of Confederation, objections of New Jersey, 4544. Arwin s settlement, 1506. Asgill, Captain, confinement of, 4870. Ashanti, 898. Ashantis, revolt, 901. Ashbourne family, 7422. Ashburner, C. A., 6421, 6443. Ashburnham, Mass., settlers, 3374. Ashburton treaty, 7279. Ashby, genealogical notes, 2255. Ashby, Mass., history, 3364. proprietors records, 1720-33. 7500. Ashe, E. D., 7175, 7177, 7180, 7180/>. Ashe, Samuel, letter, 5598. Ashe, S. A., 5598. Ashe, W. A., 7191. Ashfield (Lewis Morris) family. 5044. Ashfield, Mass., legend of, 4097. Ashley River, settlement on, 1676. 6634. Ashmead, H. G., 5809. . Ashton, Robert, 2649. Ashton family, 6855. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1047 Ashville, 891. Asia, central, 587. Sven Hedin in, 902. cradle of humanity, 902. past in the present, 204, 206. southwestern, link relations, 902. stone implements of, 733. Askin, J., diary, 1812-1814. 4284. Asling, Stella E., 7378. Aspinwall, T., 2773, 2775, 2824. Aspinwall, W., 2623. Aspinwall family, 3405. Aspin wall-Barlow library, 2795. Aspinwall book of possessions, 2802. Aspinwall library, 3084. Aspinwall papers, 2657, 2658. Assessments, special (municipal), 4819. Assiniboine River and its forts, 7317. Assiniboine Valley, surface geology, 7419; . older geology, 7149fc. Association, the, 1774. 2O6. Association de la Propagation de la Foi, Annales, 928. Assonet, Mass., original owners, 4O33/>. Assos, excavations, 875. investigations, 861, 862. work at, 877. Assumption, mission of, on River Kenne- bec, 1646-1652. 1707. Assyria, excavations in, 6402. Aston family, 6829. Astor (,T. .T.), American ancestry, 5037, 5038. Astor Library, 886. Astoria, Oreg., educational history, 5800. social and economic history, 5800. Astrology, medicine and, 6254, 6260. in New England, belief in, 3393. Astronomy, 4809. observations at Berlin, Md., 4684. Asylum, Pa., founding, 6397. French at, 6424. "Atahualpa," ship, journal kept on, 2627. Athabasca Lake, travels on, 1899. 7153. Athabasca language, 7318. Athenaeum correspondence, 6382. Athens, Greece, constitution of, 2796. modern, 569. Athens, Mo., 1518. battle at, 1503, 1517. Athens. Ohio, Virginia students at. 6891. Athens, Pa., archaeology, 6421. Atherton, C. H., 4448, 4451. 4462. Atherton, Humphrey, 1672. 2623. Atherton family (England). 3393. Atherton Company. 2792. Athletics and scholarship. 812. Atkins, G. G., 4098, 7480. Atkins, Q. P., 5618. Atkins, T. A., 5375, 5555. 5563, 5564. Atkins tomb, 2207. Atkinson, Bishop, 5578. Atkinson, A. E., 7149r. Atkinson, A. T., 7130. Atkinson, E., 589, 811, 7474. Atkinson, G. E., 7149*, 7155, 7160. Atkinson. G. IL. 5812, 5835. Atkinson. G. W.. 6892. Atkinson, J. M.. 5592. Atkinson, O B., 4280. Atkinson, T., testimony of, 3373. Atkinson Academy, 3384. Atkinson, N. II., history, 4451. "Atlanta," capture of 2780. Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad, 1709. Atlantic coast, beaches and marshes. 906. incorrect latitudes of early writers, navi gators, etc., 3394, 3715. Atlantic Ocean, north, floor of, 7391. pilot chart, 904. Atlantis, the lost, 5635, 7178, 7311. Atlee, B. C.. 6169. Atlee, T. L., letter, 1831. 6168. Atlee, S. J., 6058. Atmospheric precipitation, 900. Atmospheric survey, 898. Attainder, bill of, Virginia, 7. Atterbury, W. W., 48H3. Attleborough, Mass.. 2629, 3380. Attleborough Iron Works, document con cerning, 21. ".9. Attorney s bill, 1728. 6831. Attucks, Crispus. inquest on, 3402. advertisement for, 1750. 3371. memorial to, 2793. Atwater, C., 116, 305. Atwater, E. II., 5701. Atwood, D., 6930, 6951. Atwood, E. S., 2260, 2438, 5043. Atwood, J. W., 5725. Atwood, W., case of, 1703. 5252. Auburn, N. Y., burning of the St. James, 4800. recollections, 4800. taverns, early, 4800. Auchmuty, R., 2623, 3370. Audet; F. J., 7325, 7346, 7347, 7347a, 7350. Audubon, John J., in Iowa, 1843. 1517. Audubon, 111., history, traditions, etc., 7422. Auge, M., 5959. Augusta, Me., 1709. mortality, 1852-1855. 1701. Augusta County, Va.. Indian wars, 6826. marriage licenses, 1749-1773. 6831. militia, 1742. 6832. surveys, 6832. Augusta County, W. Va., court. 1745. 6890. district of West Augusta. 6892. Augusta town, Va., court-house, 6406. " L Auguste," shipwreck of, 7347. Augustin, J. M., 1670, 1672. Augustinian missionaries. Brooklyn, N. Y., 4735. Auld, James, journal, 1765-70. 1288. Aulnay, D , governor of Nova Scotia, pa pers relating to, 2645. See also Acadians, Nova Scotia. Aupaumut, Hendrick, 5968. Aurora borealis, 1649. 3371. New England, first appearance in, 2620. 2792. 1048 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Aurora community, the, 5708. Austerfied, Yorkshire, England, register books, 1561-1631. 3362. Austill, H., 945. Austin, Charles, encounter with Selfridge. 1806. 2781. Austin, Clarissa L., 6706. Austin, F. W. G., 7179. Austin, I. J., 3684. Austin, J. B., 5916. Austin, J. O., 3399, 6567, 6582. Austin, Mattie A., 6686. Austin, Moses, Journey, 1796-97. 39. Austin, O. P., 900904, Austin, S. F., journal, 1821. -6685. " Prison Journal," 1833-35. 6680. Austin papers, reminiscences of Texas, 6684, 6685. Austin, Tex., list of settlers, 6679. reminiscences, 6679. Austinburg, Ohio, Congregational Church, 5706. Australia, aborigines of, 201, 370. mortality in, 810. railroads, 578. Australian Commonwealth and Dominion of Canada compared, 7320. Austria, census of, 808. industrial census, 1902. 815. Auto-da-f6 at Seville, 1720. 632. Autograph collection of Isaac Craig, 6070. of F. J. Dreer, 6070. Autograph letters, 2053. Autographs, Colburn collection, 2101. Autremont, D , family, 6397. Average, plea for, 808. Averill family, 1639. cradle of, 4164. Avery, A. C., 5593. Avery, B. P., 4308. Avery, E. H., 1522. Avery, Mrs. E. M., 3408. Avery, J., 1200, 4775. Avery, Wm., 2201. Avery, W. B., 6596, 6597. Avery, W. L., 576, 577. Avery family, 2278, 3407. 5042. Avery oak, 2203. Avery school, 2201. Avery s Island, ancient basket work, 1666. Avezac, D , 1718. Avon, N. Y., 4925. Awasuncks, letters, etc., 2623. Axes, stone, grooved, 5732. Axtell, S. J., 3411, 39217;. Axtell family, 3380. 3402, 3411, 3921 b. Ayer, J. C., 779. Ayer, J. E., 4159. Ayer, J. F., 4158. Ayer, M. F., 3417. 3989. Ayer, W., 1062, 1063, 1064, 1073, 1076, 1078. Ayer family, 3375. Ayers, E. T., 4308. Aymar, B., 4895, 4905. Aymar family, 4895. Aymar family (New York), 4895, 4905. Aymar genealogies, index to, 4895. Ayme", L. II., 197, 296. Ayres, Alice C., 3325. Ayres, G. B., 5897. Ayres, G. W., 4159. Ayres family, 3375. Babb, C. C., 896, 899. Babbidge, J., deposition, 1730. 3372. Babbitt, F. E., 4330. Babbitt. L. W., 1506, 1507. Babcock, Marcia, 4424. Babcock, W. A., 5631. Baby, L. F. G., 7345. Babylonia, excavations in, 6402. Wolfe expedition, 879. Babylonian expedition, 6402. Bach, W., 1427. I Bache, A. D., 530, 546. ; Bache, Richard, 3385. Bache, R. M., 6079, 6080, 6125. Bache, W., 3369. Bachelder, J., 2772. Backus, I., 2038, 2621. Backwoods Poet, 4344a. Bacon, D., 4775. Bacon, Edw., letter, April 21, 1775. 2802. Bacon, Eliza B., 3415. Bacon, E. W., 1195. Bacon, G. A., 4213. Bacon, G. B., 587. Bacon, John, letter, 1785. 2774. Bacon, L., 1104, 1156, 2645, 4995. 5010. Bacon. L. B., 3414, 3957o. Bacon, Leonard W., 796. Bacon. N., letter to Lord Effingham, 1689. 6833. proclamation, 6825. speech, Green Spring, 6851. Bacon, Mrs. N., letter, 1676. 6829. Bacon, N. A., 1156. Bacon, W. J., 5455. Bacon, W. R., 1017-1019. Bacon family, 1644, 3395, 6858. Bacon (Michael) family, 3414, 3415, 3958. Bacon papers, 2786. Bacon s rebellion, 2629, 2700, 2778, 2842, 6817, 6825, 6828, 6852. 6857. persons who suffered by, 6829. Bad Axe, battle of, anniversary, 1430. Badcock family, 3377, 3520, 3696. Baddelay, Lieut., 7172, 7173. Baddeley, F. H., 7175. Baddeley, R. E., 7174. Badeaux, J. B., 7206. Badger, J., 4451. Badger, S., 2623. Badger, S. C., 3359. Badger s muster roll, 1776. 4451. Badges, shall Americans assume, 5744. Badlam, E., letter, 1777. 3360. Baensch, E., 6967, 7078. Bagaduce expedition, 1779. 1716. Bagg, E., 5426. Bagg, E. N., 2082, 2184. Bagg, M. M., 5426, 5467. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1049 Bagge, S., 2800. Bagley, C. B., 5800, 5801, 5804a. Bagley, D. W., diary, 5570. Bagley, J. W., 4242. Bahama expedition, 1513. Bahama Islands, 1809, 3228. early attempt at colonization, 2803. Bailey, A. K., 1517. Bailey, E., 2539, 2540. Bailey, F. W., 5041. Bailey, G., letter, 1858. 1288. Bailey, Jacob, 1701, 2622, 5518. Bailey, J. R., 4284. Bailey, P. W., 5535. Bailey, S., 506, 3367. Bailey, W. B., 814. Bailey, W. M., 6584. Bailey, W. W., 7482m. Bailey family, 3413. Baillairge, C., 7181. bibliographic de, 7341. Bain, James, jr., 20. Bainbridge, W., family, 3380. Bainbridge, Ohio, gravestone inscriptions, 5749. Baird, C. W., 5017, 5018, 5023, 5028. Baird, Elizabeth T., 6936, 6937, 7073, 7097. Baird, H. C., 611. Baird, II. M., 34, 772, 4892, 4894, 4H99. Baird, H. S., 6926, 6928, 6930o, 6931. Baird, S. F., 200, 2331. Baird. S. J., 6373. Baird, W., 1282. Baker, Christina, 4453. Baker, C. A., 4096-4098. Baker, C. A., 7480. Baker, C. C., 1579. Baker, C. M., 4800. Baker, C. W., 5722. Baker, D. A. J., 4302. Baker, D. W., 3407. Baker, E. J., 3401, 3813. Baker, E. W., 2119, 2125. Baker, Florence E., 6962, 6966, 7011, 7063. Baker, F. H., 549. Baker, F. P., 1578, 1587. Baker, G. A., 1456. Baker, Mrs. G. G., 7408. Baker, H. M., 4459, 4460, 4494, 4497. Baker, H. S., 1383. Baker, Mrs. Isadore, 1522, 1523. Baker. J., letter to D. Rose, 1764. 6860. Baker, J. H., 4304, 4308, 4311, 4334. Baker, J. R., 6321. Baker, Lydell, 5823. Baker, Marcus, 572, 892, 895, 896, 898, 901, 902, 1264. Baker, R. L., 5973. Baker, S. B., 2195, 2198. Baker, Virginia, 3411, 3412, 3414. 3928o. Baker, W. S., 6014, 6069, 6071-6077. 6116, 6119, 6126. Baker family, 3432, 3813, 6854. Baker (Henry) family, 1285. Baker (Richard) family, 3401. Baker s creek, battle of, 4346. Bakerstown, Me., 1698. Balch, B. J., 4163. Balch, D. M., 2291. Balch, E. G., 810. Balch, E. S., 905, 5915, 7391. Balch, F., 4164. Balch, T., 6057, 6387. Balch, T. W., 6084, 6383, 7423, 7503. Balch, W. F., 3367. Balch, six Presbyterian ministers, 6383. Bnlche family, 3367. Baldwin, A. C., 4283. .Baldwin, B. A., 3383, 3595. Baldwin, C. A., 4408. Baldwin, C. C., 3384, 3404, 3610, 5640, 5687, 5688, 5764, 5776 No. 23, 5776 No. 25, 5776 No. 27, 5776 No. 34, 5776 No. 35, 5777 No. 40, 5777 No. 47, 5777 No. 63, 5777 No. 68, 5778. diary of, 463. letters, 1834. 4215. Baldwin, D. P., 5502o. Baldwin, E. C., 1158,. 1159. Baldwin, Elizabeth G., 4901. Baldwin, E. H., 6082. Baldwin, F. W., 6710. Baldwin, John D., 270, 3385. Baldwin, J. F., 45, 3377. Baldwin, J. G., 944. Baldwin, Maria, 5618. Baldwin, N., 3383. Baldwin, S., 4536. Baldwin, Simeon E., 4, 8, 10, 16, 24. 42, 204, 208, 447, 1158-1161. 1170. 1183, 2806, 3294. Baldwin, S. L., 4023. Baldwin, W. M., 1427. Baldwin family, 3377, 3384, 3396. 3595, 3730. Baldwin, Sylvester, ancestry, 3610. Baldwin s " Old Ironsides," 6067. Balkam, S. B., 2573. Ball, Anne R., 6829. Ball, C. A. F., 726<m Ball, F., 4417. Ball, John, 5799. Ball, N.. 1086. Ball, Sir R., 903. Ball, S., 477. Ball, T. H.. 1282, 1459. Ball family, 6831, 6859. Ball International Union, 1642. Ballads, Doggerel. 3150. English, about New England, 3394. Ballagh, J. C., 15, 16, 1286. 1826, 1865. Ballantine, W. G.. 5703. Ballard, A. H., 2045. Ballard. C. W.. 1581. Ballard. E., 1702, 1746. 4453. Ballard. II. II., 2044&, 2047. Ballard family, 6853. Ballenger. W. I).. 3348. Ballot, The written, 5. how it came into United States, 7. in Connecticut, 4. 1050 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Ballot. The written, in England, early his tory, 30. in Italian communes, 30. in Massachusetts, 314. Ballou, H. S., 3416. Balmville, N. Y., 4861. cemetery inscriptions, 4862. Baltimore, Lord, and Maryland charter. 1876. Baltimore, Lords, 1928. Baltimore, athenaeum, dedication of, Oct. 23. 1848. 1880. city government, 1827. education, public, 1830. Enoch Pratt Free Library, notes supple- tary. 1821. financial history. 1861. free library, appeal for, 1003. Germans in, 2027-203O. old St. Peter s Church, r>843. St. Patrick s Church. r>843. South American trade, 1828. troublous times of 61, 1050a. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, origin of, 1000. economic history, 1827-1853. 1828. Baltimore : or Long Time Ago. 1804. Baltimore Siingerfest, 885. Banalite, Droit de, in Canada, 17. Bancker family (New York), 5017. Bancroft, Frederick A., 3. Bancroft, G., 30, 108, 318, 2785, 5008, 5184, 5186, 5200. on T. Pickering, 3464. services to California, 1080. .Bancroft, H. H., Pacific State publication, origin and authorship, 1000, 5800. Bancroft, J. H., 4212-4214. Bancroft, Lucretia C., letter, 200, 464. Bancroft, W. L., 4263. Bandelier, A. F., 106, 288, 830, 835, 837- 841, 867, 4677, 5341, 7301. " Baneemyism." 1512. Bangor and vicinity, territorial history, 1705. Bangs, Edward. 2702-2705, 3053, 3005. Bangs, G. E., 2274. 2526, 4167. Bangs, I., journal, 4542. Bangs, S. D., 4406. Bangs family, 3366, 3368. Banister, J., letter to R. Boiling. 1755. 6858. Bank, Blackwell s, 1687. 2808, 3304. Bridgeport, Conn., 1146. Iowa State, 1513, 1517. Bank, land, 206. Connecticut, 2137. of 1740. 206, 410, 2135, 2137. partners in, 3408. litigants, 427. mortgages, 211. Bank circular, 1800. 2780. Bank-note circulation, 4202. Bank of the United States, Boston branch, 1825. 2630. Langdon Cheves and the, 13. Bankhead, J. H., 044. Banking, Maryland. 1830. Mississippi, 4346. Vermont, early history, 6741, 6761. State, in the United States, 1832. Banking system, national, origin, history, etc., 4202. Bankruptcy, 4810. Banks, A., 6000. Banks. C. E., 1675, 1705, 1707, 1700, J715, 3303-3308, 3402, 3405-3407, 3410- 3412, 3768, 3810, 3852, 3024a. Banks, E. M.. 4843. Banks family. 3402, 3810, 6820, 6854. Banks. Boston, 1681-1740. 3415, 3062. early, 2137. Michigan, early, 4254. State bank issues, 4202. Montgomery county. Pa., 5050. provincial, 2135, 2145. Vermont, early history, 6741, 6761. Wildcat system in Michigan. 4257. A sVr also United States bank. Bannock, Montana, 1863. 4305. Banta, T. M., 5045. Bantu language, 5(50, 570. Banvard, J., 586. Baptist Church. Yadkin forks. 5500. Baptist churches in United States, history of, 785. Baptist element in history, 502. Baptist history, province and uses of. 507. Baptist preaching. American, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 506. Baptists. 1830o. adventures of, 7480. Alabama, history, 077. Delaware, history, 6065. early, defended, 2030. Mississippi. 4347. North Carolina, 5580. persecution of, Chesterfield County, Va., 1771-1773. 6835. place of, in Christendom, 508. proceedings of the Government with re gard to, 2620. Rhode Island, history of, 6487. Virginia, early, 505. Baraboo Valley, 6027. Barbadoes concessions, 1664-5. 6634. Barbados, early inhabitants, 3307. Jewish settlement in, 627. letter from, 1650. 3403. papers in State paper office, 3366. Barbarism, twin relics, 1006. Barber, A. D., 6764. Barber, B.. note book, 1714-1778. 5743. Barber, E., 7408, 7410. Barber, E. A., 6344. Barber, E. W., 4270, 4280, 4281, 4283, 7470 Barber, H. II., 7480. Barber, Jerusha T., 5618. Barber. John, letter, 1755. 3385. Barber, Julia, 6801. Barber, M. J., 5855. Barbour, J., letter to, 6858. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1051 Barbour, L. L., 4204. Barclay, A., 1328. Barclay, Anne II. R., 6890. Barclay, D., 4859, 4861, 4862. Bardwell family, 4097. Bard, T. R., 6083, 6084. Barefoote, W., deposition, 1676. 3363. deposition. 1683. 4447. will of, 3384. Bargrave, John, charges against former government of Virginia. 1622. 6830. petition, reply of Sir T. Smythe and Alderman Johnson, 1621. 683O. Barker, D., diary. 1770. 7251. Barker, E. C., 23, 24, 128;",. 1287, 6682, 6684, 668", . Barker, G. D., visit of, 2137, 21.10. Barker, Lieut. John, diary during siege of Boston, 2137, 2150. Barker, J. M., 2803, 2808, 3237, 3:115. Barker, J. N.. 2045, 6391. Barker, J. S., 7298, 7301. Barker, W. R.. 7322. Barker pedigree, 3411, 3921 r. Barkley, A. J.. 1515. Barkworth, T. E., 4292. Barlow, F. C.. 3337. Barlow, J., 1710. Barlow, Mary S., 5799, 5826. Barlow library, 3084. Barlow road, the, 5799. Barnaby family, 3376. Barnard, Charles, vision of, 3348. Barnard, D. I)., 4684, 4698, 4699. Barnard, E. H., 4406. Barnard, H., 1102, 3683, 3736. Barnard, H. C., 5646. Barnard, J., 2628. Barnard, John, autobiography. 1766. 2643. note-book, 1701-1770. 2801. Barnard, W. F., 7534. Barneby family, 3376. Barnes, C. M., 4294. Barnes, C. W., 1423. Barnes, H., 5744. Barnes, H. B., 4168, 4173. Barnes, W., 5513. Barnes, W. H. L., 1075. Barnesley, W., letter to W. Pitkin, 1667. 3392. Barnett, G. E., 633, 1832, 1834. Barnett, J. D., 1539. Barney, C. H., 6596. Barns family, 6891. Barnstable, England, 3415. Barnstable, Mass.. church records, 1634- 1653. 3367, 3368. families, 3410. family names, 3389. settlers, 3360, 3361. south part of, 2626. topography, 2621. Barnstable County, Mass., eastern coast of, 2626, 2690. memorandum from, 3366. Barnum, E. M., 7408. Barnum, E. S., 7410. Barnum, P. T., will, extracts, 7498. Barnum Institute of Science and History, 1150. 7498. Barnwell, J., journal, 1711-1712. 6829, 6830. Barnwell. J. W., 6634. Barnwell family of South Carolina. 6647. Barometer, mountain aneroid, 575. Barr, G. W., 1524. Barr, James, reminiscences of, 2265. Barr family, 3890. Barr (Martin) family 6166. Barratt. A. G., 4863, 4864. Barratt, N. S., 5900. Barre, Mass., baptisms, 1767-1831. 3415, 3416. Barren Hill, Lafayette s retreat from. 5960. Barren Hill monument. 5960. Barrett, James, muster returns. 1777-1778. 3408. Barrett. James, 6736, 6750. 6756. Barrett, John, 901, 902. Barrett. J. A., 4414, 4423, 4424. Barrett, J. II., 3400. 3406. 3797. Barrett. R. L., 576. Barrett family, 3400, 3411, 3797. Barrington, R. I., burials, 3406. history, 6468. Barrow. A. J., 6075. Barrows. B., 1498. Barrows, C. E., 6489. Barrows. D. P., 901. Barrows, G. B., 1713. Barrows, II. D.. 1004, 1005. 1010-1013, 1015-1018, 1020, 1022. Barrows, W., 1499, 1515. Barry, John, commodore, 914. Barry, P. T., 1423. Barry, Wm., 2774, 2781, 2792. 6927. Barry, Mrs. W., 1383. Barry County, Mich., bar, 1853. 4279. memorials. 4278-4280, 4283. Bar s fight, the, 4096. Barstow, M.. will, 1674. 3366. Bartel. F. J., 7528. Bartholdi statue of Liberty, 5536. Bartholomew, A. L., 1523. Bartles, W. L., 1582. Bartlet. W. S., 1699. Bartlett, A. C., 4297. Bartlett, D. E., 3683. Bartlett, G. B., 4097, 4098. Bartlett. Josiah. 2629, 2630, 2704. Bartlett, J. G., 3415, 3416, 3974, 3975. Bartlett, J. R., 169, 231, 518. 557, 558, 5145, 5148, 5151, 5161, 6472. Bartlett, R., 4450. Bartlett, S. C., 2561, 4456. Bartlett, W. S., 5518. Bartlett family, 3398. 3414. Bartley, M., 7415. Barton, B. S., 687, 6065. Barton, C. M., 4099. Barton, E. M., 208, 339. ior>2 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Barton, G. L., 4096. Barton, I. M., 3376. Barton, J. L., 4770. Barton, R. T., 6817, 6890. Barton, Wm., 2778. Barton, Wm., journal, 4536. Barton, W. E., 5701. Barton, W. G., 2254, 2260a, 2442, 2455. Barton Landing, Vt, history, 6709o. Bartow, Evelyn, 5028. Bartow pedigree, 5018. Bartram, W., 519. Bascom, John, 2045, 2047, 2049. Bascom, R. O., 5411. Bashaba and the Tarratines, 1703. Bashore, H. B.. 5897. Basin Harbor, Vt., tombstone inscriptions. 5040. Basket designs, Indians, northwestern Cal ifornia, 1095. Basket work, ancient, from Avery s Island, 1666. Basque tombstones at Placentia, 7327. Basques in North America. 7313. Bass, .!., 5517. Bass, J. L., 3371, 3372. Bassett, A. II., 5685, 5686, 7415. Bassett, E. P., 3409. Bassett. F.. 3383, 3599. Bassett, J. S., 11, 12, 22, 23, 28, 84, 1825. 1827, 1829, 1830, 5568, 5569, 5571, 5572. Bassett, S. C., 4410. Bassett family, 6831. Bastrop (Mina). Texas, 1288. Batchelder, C. E., 3404. Batchelder, H. M., 2379. Batchelder, S., 3403, 3829o. Batchelder family wills, 3405. Batcheller, R., 4128. Batcheller family, 3385, 3614. Batchellor, A. S.. 4454o. Batchelor, G.. 2351. Bateman, A. E., 809. Bates, A. C., 16. 21, 1116. Bates, D. M., 1219. Bates, F. G., 11, 4827. Bates, G. C., 4284. Bates, J., 2139. Bates, J. L.. 4168. Bates. S. A., 3394-3396. Bates, W. C., 3683. Bath, Me., 1698, 1699. Bath, N. II.. geographical sketch, |S14. 2631. Bath, Ontario, St. John s Church, 7296. Bath County, Va., frontier forts. 6826. Bathurst family, 6860. Baton Rouge, battle of, 1655. Batrachia, North American, 2483. West Indian, 2477. Batt family 3409, 3410. Battalion day, 6168, 6199. Battell, P., 3384, 3388, 36496. Battery Robinet, charge on. 1513. Battis, E. C., 2272. Battle, K. P., 5595, 5597. Battle Abbey, roll of, 3360. Batts, R. L., 6679. Baudoin, G., will 1695. 6621. Baudry, P. J. U., 7312. Bauer, L. A., 900, 903. Baughman, A. J., 5646, 5647, 5722, 5724- 5726. Baum, Indian village, 902. Baum village site, fishhooks found at, 5721. Baur, G., 202, 381. Bavarian academy, 3. Baw Beese Indians, 4280. Baxter, A., 4278, 4281. Baxter, B. L., 4279, 4280. Baxter, E., 1010, 1012. Baxter, James Phinney, 10, 208, 446, 461, 1674, 1679, 1707-1711, 1713-1714. 1717, 1720-1723, 1764, 1 768, 1795. 1801, 4033o, 4039, 4056, 4120, 7441. Baxter, Joseph, journal, 3378, 3379, 3550. early homes of, 2202. Baxter, Mary, early homes of, 2202. Baxter, N., 6671. Baxter. S. A., 6844. Baxter family, 5046. Baxter manuscripts, 1721, 1722, 1723. Bay County, Mich., memorials, 4278. Bay Path, the, 3945. Bayard, J. A., letters to C. A. Rodney, 1802-1814. 1249. Bayard, Mrs. J. A., letter to. 5039. Bayard, S., patent to, 1697. " 5033. Bayard, Judge Samuel, London diary. 1795-1796. 4892, 5038. Bayard, T. F., 6613. Bayard epitaphs, 5036. Bayard family, 1225, 3368, 4892. Bayard (John) family, 5063. Bayard family records, 5020. Bayfield, H. W., 7172, 7173. Bayles, G. J., 20. Baylies, F., 3376, 3512. Baylies, W., facsimile of handwriting. 1815. 2770. Baylies papers, 4034. Bayne family, 6861-6863. Bazetta, Ohio, 5689. Beach, A., 1521. Beadle, Wm., murder committed by. 2701 . Boal, F. E. L., 1518. Beal, W. J., 4284. Beale, G. W., 6832, 6859, 6860. Beale s Cavalry, brigade parole, 1s<;n. 6812. Beall, Mary S., 1264. Beals, C. E., 3412. Beam, D. C., 4407. Beaman, C. C., 2241, 2242. 2250. Boaman, D. C., 1518. Beaman, G. C., 1503. Beamish, N. L., 4112. Bean, T. H., 2378. Bean, W. H., 7422. Beane, S. C., 3417, 3990, 4457, 4491. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1053 " Bear," arctic cruise, 897. Bear, American black, 7175. Bear hunt, Adirondacks, 4688. Bear Marsh Church, 5590. Bear trap, an ancient, 4212. Beard, C. A., 4837. Beard, S., letter, 3348. Beard, W. E., 6672. Beardsley, A. M., 4280. Beardsley, E. E., 1156-1158, 1175. Beath family, 1715. Beatty, Gen. John, 5647, 5718, 723. Beatty, W. G., 5751. Beatty family, 5751. Beaubieu, ( 1 . P., 7345. 7346. Beavice, Canada, La chapelle Ste. Anne, 7347o. Beauchamp,W. M., 4906, 5432, 5468, 5487, 5494, 5496, 5497, 5501, 6339. Boauchamp, patent from the council for New England, 1629. 2650, 2771. Beaujeu, C. F. V. de, 7346, 7347. Beaumont. II. F., 6670-6672, 6836. Beaumont, ViY J., 2795. Beauport, Canada, Americans in, 177">. 7348. Beauport manor, 1634. 7187. Beau repa ire, Q. de, Richmond s first acad emy, projected by, 6817, 6822. Beaurivage, Canada, Church of St. Patrice. 7347a. Beaver Dam, battle, 7226. Beaver Islands, history of, 4284. Heaver trade. 1657. 4448. B6cancour, Canada, colonization, 7347. BoVhard. A., 7345. Bochtel (John) family, 6075, 6122. Beck. Carl. 885, 886. Beck, J., 1580. Beck. L. C., 4683. Beck. T. R., 4683, 4684, 4697. Becker. A. II., 5049. Becker. A. L., 5048. Becker. Carl, 28, 39. 40, 41, 43. Becker, G. F., 577, 897. Becker. J. L., 7422. Beoket Mass., 3103. name, 2795. vital records to, 1850. 3995. Ucckct family of Salem, 2247. Beckett, R. C., 4351. IVckott, W. D., 4408. Bock ley family, 6853. Beckman. J. W., 7507. Beckwith, A. C., 7054. Beckwith, D., 3385. Beckwith, H. P., 6510. Beckwith, H. W., 1360, 1421, 1423. Bedford, G.. jr., 1244. Bedford, H. L., 6659. Bedford. Mass., vital records to, 1850. 399(5. Bedford. N. II., topography and history, 4446. Bedford, N. Y., hirths and marriages, 5028. Bedford County, England, Bishop s Tran script of registers, 1602-1625. 3403. Bedford County, Va., early marriages, 6859. Bedford flag, 2792. Bedini, Mgr., visit to United States, 929. Bedlow (William), family, 5046. Beebe, P., will. 1650. 3415. Beebe, L., 2044a, 2044&, 2045. Beebe, J., address, 1758. 1145. Beecher, T. K., 6411. Beechwoods, fight in, 7224, 7234. Beeckman family, New Jersey and Michi gan, 5045. Beeckman family, New York and New Jer sey, 5043. Beekinan, G. C., 5031, 5043, 5O4.". 5O4X, 5050. Beekman, J. W., 5149, 5151. Beeknian, T., 5034. Beekman family, 5031, 5034. 5<4x. 5OU7. Beekman family, New Jersey, 5043. Beekman family, New Jersey and Michigan, 5045. Beekman family, New York and New .l*>r- sey, 5043. Beer, W., 1663. Beers, S. P., 7408. Beers, W. A., 1144, 7495. Beers family, 5028. Bees, habits of some species, 2293. Beeson, L. II.. 4280. Beggars medal. 4879. Begin ( Louis ) family, 7345. Begole. J. W., 4278. Behaim. M.. 1902. and his globe at Nuremberg, 188!). Behaim s map, 1710. Beisel, C., quarrel with C. Sower, 606X. Belcher, Gov. Jonathan, 1699, 3382. administration, 4599, 4600. letter, 1747-48. 2799. letter to Col. Sherburne. 1731. 3375. letter to G. Banks, of Nantucket. 334x. letter to Secretary Waldron. 1742. 444 . . letters to B. Larrabee, 1731-40. 3377. papers, 1731-1743. 2674, 2675. Belcher family, 3385, 3416, 3619. Belchertown, Mass., history, 3360. Belcourt, G. A., 4302. Belden. B. L.. 659, 664, 667. Belden, E. L., 1499. Belfast, Me., longevity, instances of. 3359. Belgians of Wisconsin, 6935. 7016. Belgium, history, study of, 1821. Beliefs and superstitions, popular, 6174. Belize colony, 577. Belknap, G. E., 3340, 4457. Belknap, Jeremy, 2615, 2616, 2621, 2622, 2624, 2773, 2779, 2916, 2982, 3386, 3389. books of, 2770. correspondence with Ebenezer Hazard. 2660, 2661. facsimile of handwriting. 1797. 2770. 1054 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Belknap, Jeremy, " History of New Hamp shire," 2782. house of, at Dover, N. H M 2783. journal of his tour to Oneida, 1796. 2788. letter, 1725. 2622. letter to scientists in America, 1794. 2713. letters, 1789. 2783. note books of, 2783. papers, 2660, 2661, 2672, 2794, 7449, 7457. Belknap, Joseph. 2614. Belknap donation, 2772. Belknap family, 3371, 3407. Bell, A., journal, 4540. Bell, A. G., 208, 456, 807, 899, 904. Bell, C., 4452, 4470. Bell, C. H., 3381, 3383, 3403, 3590. 3665, 3682, 3701, 4111, 4123, 4455. 4477, 6058. Boll, C. N., 7l4Sf, 7148H, 7149, 7149&, 7149</, 7149e, 7149f. Bell, E., 4312. Bell, G. L., 4820. Bell, Helen, 6058. 7473. Bell, Helen D., 4345, 4347. Bell, John, of Tennessee, letter, 1859. 6672. Bell, J. J., 4456. Bell, S. D., 4453. Bell family, 5043, 5044. Bell family, Bible, 3392. Bellamy, Blanche W., 4812. Bellamy, J. D., jr.. 5581. Bellas, II. II., 1231, 1234, 6424. Bellefeuille. L. E. de. 7347r/. Bellemere, R., 7352, 7537. Belleville, N. J.. Reformed Dutch Church, early history, 4553. Dutch Reformed Church, baptisms, births, marriages, 4558, 4559. Schuyler copper mines, 4623. Bellevue, Nebr., 4414. Bellingham, Oov. R., deed to John Daven port. 1669. 3394. letters to* 1668-69. 3365. will, 1672. 3372. Billingham deed, 1700. 206. Billingham, Mass., vital records to 1850. 3997. Bellingham Bay settlements, 6870. Bellomont, R., Earl of, letter. 1698. 3392. speech, 1699. 4449. Bellows, A., 2635. Bellows, E. C., 905. Bellows, H. W., 1039, 3683, 4999, 6057. Bellows, J., 204, 406, 451. Bells, 6064. Bells, early, Massachusetts, 3386. Bells in New England, 3410, 3905. Bellville, Ohio, gold region, 5725. Belmont, Abbe de, 7190. Belmont, F. V., 7204. Belmont, Iowa, old capitol, 1514. Beloit, Wis., 7086. settlement, 6967. Bemis, E., 7408. Bemis, E. W., 1813, 1819, 1824. Benausse, F., letters, 1861-1865. 5853. Benedict, A. L., 5732. Benedict, E. C., 5220. Benedict, G. G., 6720, 6748, 6764, 7475. Benedict, K., 4675. Benedict, P., 7408. Benedict, R. D., 602, 4980, 6767. Benedict MSS., 5645. Beneficiary corporations, 814. Benevolent and miscellaneous associations, Mississippi, 4348. Benger, J., letter, 1762. 6826. Beni River, exploration, 558. Bennet, II. P., 4414. Bennet, M. S., 6680. Bennet, N.. 2621. Bennet family, 3636. Bennet family (Ipswich, Mass.), 3387. Bennett. C. D., 4923. Bennett, C. E., 883. Bennett, C. P., 6065. Bennett, E. C., 4158. Bennett, Mm. E. V., 1524. Bennett. F. W., 579. Bennett, Jos., 2774. Bennett family, 3414. Bennington, battle of, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2620. 2786, 3372, 6693, 6723, 6730, 6764. Berkshire at, 2044&. bibliography, 7475. Calendar of documents on, 7475. celebration, 1778. 6753. centennial celebration, 1877. 4195. monument and centennial celebration, 6693. monuments, 6691. roll of Captain Robinson s company, 6723. Stark s independent command at, 7475. Vermonters in, 7475. Bensalem, Pa., Red Lion Inn, 5865, 6068. Benschooter, W., 7410. Benson, B., 7408. Benson, E., 5097, 5105, 5106, 5107, 5124, 5166. Benson, L. F., 6381, 6382, 7481. Benson, S. P., 1703. Bent, Allen II., 2205. 3406, 3408, 3409, 341,0, 3412. 3414, 3854, 3884, 3911, 3937, 3960a. Bent, S., 530, 533, 546, 4389. Bent, S. A., 2095, 2100. Bent family, 3406, 3407, 3854. Bentley, A. P., 1824. Bentley, Wm., 247, 2253, 2254. 2255, 2257, 2258, 2259, 2420, 2624. bibliography of, 2^80. correspondence, selections, 1788-1808. 3385. diary, 1784-1792, 2538a. letter, 1795. 2622. letter to, 3384. Bentley s lake, 5726. Benton, E. J., 1833. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1055 Benton, J. A., 1063, 1069, 1070. Benton, T. H., 1384. letter, 1828. 2782. Benton (Edward) family, 3412. Benzie County, Mich., history, 4283. Benzonia, Mich., history, 4283. Beothiks Indians, 7316. Beouchard, E. D., vindication, 6930er. Berendt, C. II., 552, 598. Bergen, T. G., 4911, 5022-5026. Bergen, Van Brunt, 5029, 5030. Bergen, N. J., original documents relating to, 4558. Bergen County. N. J., records, 4547. Bergenroth s letter, 167. Berger, I)., 795. Berghs of New York, 5034. Bering Sea arbitration, 570. Bering Straits, inter-continental trade. 6342. Bering s first expedition, 892, 893. Berkeley, Admiral, papers, 20, 33. Berkeley, Bishop, gifts to Yale College, 1156. Berkeley, Stir Wm., 105. instructions to, 1642, 1662. 6826, 6827. letter, 1650. 6853. speech. 1651. 3388, 6825. Berkeley manuscripts, 6854, 6855. Berkeley County, W. Va., soldiers in Ameri can Revolution, 6861. Berkeley Springs. W. Va., historical and descriptive notice, 6876. Berkowitz, II., 632. Berks County, Pa., 1783. 6061. banks. 5946. church history. 5947. early furnaces and forges, 6064. oldest churches, 5943. schools, early. 5950. early school-teachers, 5945. sesqui-centennial. 5947. Washington s visits to. 5936. Berkshire County, Mass., 2044a, 20446. birds, 2049. botany, early. 2045. early history, 5042. early life and customs. 2048. early roads and settlements west of Stockbridge and Sheffield. 2042. 2045. geology, 2042, 2045. glass manufacture in. 2046, 2047. judicial history, 2042, 2045. medicine in, 2044, 2045. origin of name, 2047. paper manufacture in, 2047. Protestant Episcopal Church in, 2044, 2045, 2047. Berkshire County men at battle of Ben- nington, 20446, 2045. Berlin. A. p., 6428. Berlin, census, 808. statistics, 813. workmen, 812. Berlin, Ohio, engraved stone found at, 5763a. history, 7408. Bermuda, 577, 5040. Bermuda during the American Revolution, 3408, 3882c. Bernadou, J. B., 892. Bernaldez, A., extracts from history of, 2646. Bernard, Francis, 2619. administration, 4601. Bernard, J., 6720. Bernard family, 6853. Bernardston, Mass., founder of, 4098. settlement, 4098. Berrett, J. G., 1265. Berrien County, Mich., memorials, 4278. Berry, D., 7425. Berry, Jesse, account book, 1523. Berry (John) family, 5030. Berthelot, A., 7173. Berthoud, E. L., 896. Bcrtillon, 809. Bertillon s treatise, 811. P.ertolet, B., 7422. Bertram, G. W., 1581. Bertram, J., 4294. Bertrand, I ., will, 1692. 6621. Kertrand, Mich., extinct village, 4280. Berwick, Me., marriages, 3413. Besom, Philip, 2774. Best. E. P., 898. Best, J. A., 5571. P.ethabara, N. C., 887. Bethel, N. C., troops at, 5593. Beth-IIamedrosh Ilagodol, 632. Bethlehem, Pa., 887. in 1777. 6223. during the Revolution, 6068, 6069. journey to, 1815. 7473. military hospitals, American Revolution, 6076, 6124, 6455. Moravian cemetery, 1742-1897. 6227. Moravian chapel and contiguous build ings on Church" street, 6222. Moravian seminary for young ladirs. 6222. old Moravian Sun Inn, 6357. proposition to make seat of government in 1780. 6058. route to Fairh eld. Canada, 1801. 6O05. widows house, 1768-1892. 7473. widows society of, 6223. Bethlehem cemetery. New York, inscrip tions, 4864a. Bethlehem church, New York, records, 1775- 1824. 4859. Bethlehem ferry, 1743-1794. 6077. Bethune, Kev., 4999. Bettina, communistic colony of, 1846-1848. 6681. Bettle, E., 5966. Betton, P. II.. 1581. Betts, A. H.. 7408. Betts, B. R., 5016, 5018, 5020, 5022, 5024. 5031, 5033, 5034, 5039. 1056 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Betts, W., 675. Betts, W. A., 4283. Betts, X., 7414. Betts family (Guilford, Conn.), 5034. Beverley house on the Hudson, 7365. Beverley (Robert) family, 6826. 6827. Beverley, W., letters, 1737-1744. 6851. Beverly, Mass., 2645. deaths, 1734-65. 2244. First Church records, 1668-1772. 2273- 2280. minute men, 2052. origin of the name, 2481. petition from the selectmen. 1698. 2271. j separation from Salem, 2272. settlement at Bass River, 2133. settlement of, 2263. ship registers, 1789-1900. 2277, 2278, j 2280. shore, 2258. Bevier, Philip Du Bois. diary. 1777. 5042. Bexar archives, 24. Beyer, G. E., 1664, 1666, 1667. Biard, Father P., 1708. relation of, 1616. 1711. Bibaud, M., 7308. Bibb, W. \V.. 945. Bibb family. 1639. Bibbell, John, will, 1653. 3367. Bible, American edition, first, 6281. Bible, Canadian, 1837. 7219. Bible, ceremony of laying the hand on the. 4104. Bible in Bohemia, history of. 6222. Bible in Indian language, MS. of, 4033b. Bible Christian Church, 5701. Bibles, American, early, 5732. Bibliography, 4294. Acadian magazines, 7328. Alabama, 15. America, 7220, 7222. American Antiquarian Society, 252, 303, 311. American broadsides. 1680-1800. 206. 207, 428. American church history, 795. American diplomacy, 40. American history, 10. American imprints, 1640-170O. 2<>r. 411, 2802, 2807, 3172, 3226, 3227, 3295. Ante-Revolution publications, 248. Baillairge, C., 7341. Bennington, Vt., battle, 7475. Bibliographia Hopkinsiensis, 1876-1891. 1867. botanical history of North and South America, 5090. Brinton, D. G., 762. Brown, John, 1281, 1283. Buffalo, N. Y., 4796-4797. Canada, 7219, 7222, 7327. literature, education, and art. 7318. municipal government, 7371. 7372. Canadian historical church registers, etc., 7322. Bibliography, Carroll, Charles, 929. Caulkins, Frances M., 1195. ceramic literature of Pennsylvania Ger mans, 6344. charities literature, 1818. Connecticut Historical Society, 1126. Dedham, Mass., 2195. District of Columbia, 1266, 1272. early book catalogue printed in Boston, 3195. early California, 28. earthworks. Ohio, 5713. English and American, 1870. 4706. English history, 7053. English history published in 1897 and 1898. 17. Episcopacy in Massachusetts Bay, con troversy, 1719-1774. 4124. French-Canadian poetry, 7346. German printing in America, 1728-1831. 1426, 6350. Germans in America, 2029. Great Britain, municipal history. 2553. historical publications, 7368, 7374. Indian books printed at Cambridge, Mass., 1653-1721. 181. . Indians of New England, early printed books, 2800. 1630-1700. 3179. Indies, Spanish laws, 1004. Iowa, state publications, 1898-1903. 1537-39, 1549. Johnston, K. M., 1282. Kansas, 1607. Lewis, William, 6076. Maine, 1786. Massachusetts Historical Society, 2781, 2878, 3106. House of Representatives, journal, 1715- 1776. 2163. Massachusetts local history, 3379-3383, 3589. Minnesota, 4304, 4321. Mississippi, 17. Missouri, 4385. Mosquito coast, 570. Needham. Mass.. 3411. New Brunswick boundaries, 7326. New England. 2144. New England earliest printed sources, 2799. historical publications, 2135. history, sources, 1602-1629. 3151. Newfoundland, early English works on, 4119. New Hampshire laws, 186, 255. New Jersey, 4557, 4558, 4559. New York Historical Society, 5405. Niagara region, 4774, 4775, 4776, 4796- 4797. Nicolet, Jean, 6933. Ohio Valley, periodicals, 5713. Party conventions, 34. Pennsylvania, early, 6428. plants, Canada, 7172, 7346. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1057 Bibliography, Presbyterian and Reformed church history, 6382a, 6384. pre-revolutionary publications, 240. Quebec, 1764-1904, 7329, 7329a. Ranke, Leopold von, 13. " Recopilacion de Indias," 1004. Reformed Church in America, history, 6382a, 6384. Reformed Church of the United States prior to 1800. 6363. Royal Society of Canada, 7319. Simms, W. G., 1281. South Carolina, Colonial, 11. women writers of, 1286. Stark, J., 4427. statute law, Southern states, 1281. Stone, F. D., 6077. study of history, 17. Siissmilch, J. P., 811. Timrod, Henry, 1213. trade-union publications, 1834. United States military collective biog raphy, 5020. uses of, 946. voyages to America, 3373. Walker, F. A., 811. West Virginia, 6873. Wisconsin authors, 7007. constitutional conventions, 6966. history, 7036, 7043. imprints, 6972. witchcraft in Massachusetts, 200, 345. witchcraft literature, 1692. 242, 3382, 3385, 3588. Wright, J., 7219. writings of American Historical Asso ciation, 1892. 9. Wyoming Historical and Geological So ciety, 6452. Wyoming Valley, 6421, 6437. Yucatan and Central America, 196, 288. i Bibliomania, 4693, 4716, Bicameral system in America, rise and de velopment of, 1826. Bickerdyke, Mother, 1581. Bickley, G. W. L., 6777. Bickley family, 6853, 6858. Bicknell, A. D., 1516. Bicknell, F. W., 1524. Biddeford, Mass., burial ground, 3360. Biddle, C., 6044, 6057, 6093. Biddle, C. J., 5975. Biddle, E., 6057. Biddle, H. D., 6070,J6072, 6075. Biddle, Horace P., 1447, 1452. Biddle, J., 4246. Biddle, John, and Sarah Owen, marriage certificate, 1736. 6070. Biddle, J. W., 6925, 6939. Biddle, Nicholas, on Thomas Jefferson, 698. Biddle, W. L. C., 6059. Bidwell, A., journal, 1745. 3385. Bidwell, E. C., 4670, 4672. Bienville, Canada, Church of St. Antoine, 7345. Bierce, L. V., 7415. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 67 Bierman, E. B., 6198, 6219a, 7431. " Big Bottom," Iowa River, 1506. Big Rapids, Mich., 7470. Big Springs convention, 1582. Big Tree, treaty of, 4926, 4935. one hundredth anniversary, 4935. Bigelow, A., 4773. Bigelow, Erastus B., fund, 2787. Bigelow, F. II., 900, 901, 905. Bigelow, H., 1423. Bigelow, J., 5276, 5277, 5353. Bigelow, John, jr., 3336. Bigelow, J. P., 2054. Bigelow, M. M., 34, 2805, 2806. Bigelow, Rev. S., diary, 1758-1761, first minister of Paxton, Mass., 4213. Bigelow, S. A., 4773. Bigelow, T., 2054. Bigg, John, will, 1640. 3387, 3646a. Biggar, H. P., 40, 7376. Biggs, U, 1500. Bigsby, J. J., 7470. Biles, W., 2d, will, 1709. 6071. Biley, H., will, 1633. 3400. Bill, L., 3380. Bill of attainder, Virginia, 7. Bill of lading, 1674. 6836. 1718. 4454. Bill of rights, 2838. Delaware, 36. Massachusetts, 2782. origin, 2777. in State constitutions, 7. Billerica, Mass., births, deaths, etc., 1654- 1704. 2630. history, 3364. town rates, 3389. Billeting of Massachusetts forces, 1759. 3401. Billings, J. S., 807. Bindnagel Church, Lebanon County, Pa., 6194. Binford family, 6853. Bingham, A., 4280. Bingham, C. L., 4925. Bingham, H. H., 4258. Bingham, N. W., 6708, 6709. Bingham, S. D., 4289. Bingham, T. A., 3407. Bingham family, 3407. Bingham land, 1703. Binney, B., to S. Drowne, letter, 1778. 6059. Binney, Horace, 6070. Binney, M., 4158. Biography, American. 5015. Bird, F. M., 653. Bird, W. A., 4744, 4771, 4773, 4774. Bird family, 3590. Bird (Thomas) family, 3383. Birds, American, purchase of Audubon s drawings, 5216. catalogue of, at Norway, Me., 2285. list of, observed at Hamilton, Canada, 2298. Oneida County, N. Y., 5426. 1058 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Birds, American, nesting in open meadows, Michigan, 4281. Birdsall, W. R., 567. Birdsey, E., 2628. Birkbeck, M., 1380. Birmingham, Ohio, history, 7408. Birney, W., 7. Birth rate, English, 812. in Europe, 808. New Hampshire, 815. Birth rate and mortality, 815. Births, See Natality. Bisbee, L. H., 6707. Bishop, C. F., 4820. Bishop, G., 7411. Bishop, H., 4278-4280. Bishop, Heber R., 5049. Bishop, J., letter to I. Mather, 1677. 3383. Bishop, J. W., 4312. Bishop, M. C., 5049. Bishop, N. H., 5043. Bishop, W., 1579. Bishop, W. R., 1427. Bishop, first of North America, 6059. Bishop Hill colony, Illinois, 1423, 1823. Bishops, petitions respecting, 1713. 2625. Bisland, Elizabeth, 4812. Bismarck, as the typical German, 5. Bissell, S., 5619. Bittenger, J. W., 6355. Bitter root, State flower, Montana, 4397. Bivins, J. F., 5569. Bixby, G. F., 4694, 4721. Bixby, Samuel, diary of, 1775-76. 2783. Bixley, England, registers, 5743. Black, G. A., 4818. Black, J., why he withdrew from impeach ment trial of President Johnson, 6670. Black, J. W., 1714, 1717, 1795, 1823. Black, William, journal, 1774. 6057, 6058. Black, W. H., 6381. Black and Tan convention, 4346. Black Hand, 5725. Blackhawk Purchase, Indian treaty, 1516. Black Hawk war, 1832. 1422, 1426, 1520, 4257, 4283, 6929, 6932, 6934, 7006. Ford s history of, 6926. incidents in, 4253. Lincoln in, 6936, 7062. Lincoln and Anderson in, 1360, 1361. volunteers in, 6929. Black Hills, 4417. Black Kettle s last raid, 1868. 1582. Black letter almanac for 1620. 6278. Black Point, Me., submission of inhabit ants to jurisdiction of Massachu setts, July, 1658. 1697. Black River, loss of open boat, 5618. original channel, etc., 4907. Black Rock ferry, Buffalo, N. Y., 4743, j 4770. Blackburn, Jonathan B., pictures by, 2785. portraits by, 2786. Blackburn, W. M., 665?. Blackburn family, 6852. Blackleach, J., will, 1671. 3394. Blackman, E. C., 1464. Blackman, E. E., 1582. Blackmar, F. W., 10, 11, 1821, 1851. Blackwell, J., letter to W. Penn, 1689. 6062. Blackwell s bank, 1687. 2808, 3304. Blackwood, W., 6375. Bhigden, G. W., 2779, 4078. Blaine, J. G., 573. Blaine, Mich., history, 4280. Blair, Emma H., 7028, 7061. Blair, J v diary, 1751. 6855, 6856. Blair, M. W., 1522. Blair family, 3374. Blair s mission to North Carolina, 1703. 5517. Blake, A. J., 4455, 4460. Blake, C., 6516. Blake, F., 453. Blake, F. E., 3403, 3408, 3409, 3411, 3413, 3685, 4202, 4203, 4220, 4225. Blake, H. N., 4398. Blake, H. T., 1151, 1181, 1186. Blake, J., 2218, 3379. Blake, J. B., 1279. Blake, J. H., 3373. Blake, J. L., 3684. Blake, M., 4033&. Blake, S. L., 1199, 1202. Blake, W. B., 4428a. Blake, W. P., 1160. Blake family, 3373. in England, 3403. of South Carolina, 6646. Blakeley, R., 4310. Blakeslee, S., 4777. Blakesley (Samuel) family, 3414, 3957. Blakey, J., letters to Paschall, 1777-78. 6077. Blanc, L. C. de, will, 5855. Blanchard, C. J., 7391. Blanchard family, 3323. (Aaron), ancestry, 3323. Blanchard s journal, 1725. 3365. Blanchet, Frangoise, 7349. Bland, R., letter to T. Adams, 1771. 6830, 6853. Blandford, Va., old tombstones, 6853, 6854. Blaney, genealogical notes, 2255. Blank family, 2246. Blatchford, E. W., 1383. Blatchley (Thomas) family, 3416. Blauvelt family, 5043. Blaxton, W., 2089. Blendon Township, Ohio, first settlement, 5748. inscriptions, 5752. Blenkin, G. B., 3386. Blennerhasset, 5722. Bless, ancient structure, 517. Bliss, A. N., 4259. Bliss, E. F., 206, 425, 5665, 5672, 5675. Bliss, E. P., 2592, 6764. Bliss, G. N., 6595, 6597, 6598, 7482e, 7483. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1059 Bliss, G. R., 508. Bliss, J. A., 4308. Bliss, W. R., 3399. Bliven, E. C., 5691. Blizzard of 1856. 1513. Blockhouse, capture of, 4621. Block Island, Rhode Island, 6520. early settlers, 3371. history, 6508, 6510, 6532. memoir of, 1762. 2628. palatines of, 6067. Blockade, cruise along the, 6595. Blockade running from Confederate ports, 5569. Blodget s plan of Lake George, 3086. Blodgett, J. H., 12, 812, 897. Blodgette, G. B., 2252, 2253, 2254, 2258- 2262, 2273, 2360, 2364, 2365, 2384, 2469, 3389. Bloody Brook massacre, 4096. Bloomer, D. C., 1506-1508, 1514, 1519. Bloomfield Township, Ohio, 5689. Blooming Grove settlement, 1426. Bloomington, 111., 1427. 1853-1856. 1427. fiftieth anniversary, 1427. parochial school of German Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1427. parochial school of St. Mary s parish, 1427. public schools, 1427. St. Joseph s Academy, 1427. St. Mary s College High School, 1427. street names, 1426. trees, 1427. Withers public library, 1427. Bloomington (Muscatine), Iowa, 1510. Bloomingville bank, 5647. Bloss, J. O., 3399, 3771a. Bloss family, 3399. genealogy, 3771a. Blossom, L., 6901. Blossom, T., 4773. Blount, William, and old Southwest terri tory, 6671. Blount, Wm., expulsion from Senate, 1834. 6670. Blount conspiracy, 44, 7395. Blount family (Tennessee), 3370. Blue Anchor tavern, 4103, 6076. Blue family, 5749. Bluehill, Me., 1673o. first settlers, 3392. Blue Hill [Mass.] Academy, centennial paper, 2129. Blue laws, European, 15. I eters s, 16. I .luo Licks, Ky., battle, centennial, 1882. 1636. Blue Mountain, geology, 895. Blue Point Me. Submission of inhabit ants to jurisdiction of Mass., July, 1658. 1697. Blue Ridge, stream contest along, 5917. Blunt, Joseph, 5126, 5134. Blunt family, 6829. Der Blutige Schauplatz oder Martyres Spiegel, 1748. 6061. Blynman party, 3411, 3922. Blythe, genealogical notes, 2255. Boade, Henry, letter, 1648. 2792. Boardman, B., diary, 1775. 2797. Boardman, G. D., 6066. Boardman, Oliver, journal, 1777. 1114. Boardman, S. L., 3392, 3393. Boardman, S. W., 3684, 6718. Boardman, T. Log book kept on board " Oliver Cromwell," 1778. 6718. Boardman claim, 1796. 3383. Boardman family, 4171. Boardman, Ohio, 5689. Boards of trade, 813. Boas, F., 201, 362, 560, 563, 572, 809, 869, 7312, 7313. Boating on Merrimack, 4427. Bocootawanaukes, fire nation, 5732. Bodfish, J. P., 2076. Bodge, G. M., 2539, 3395-3403, 3405, 3762, 3806, 3828, 3851. Bodlam, W. II., 6599. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Tracts relating to America, 1600-1800. 9. " Body of liberties," 2646, 2730. Boers, sympathy with the, 4884. Boers in Ohio, 5721. Bogardus, Anneke J., 5374. Boggs, R., 7408. Bogue, H. F. V., 4925. Bogue, V. G., 571. Bohemia Manor, Delaware, families, 1225. Bohemian brethren, catechism, 6222. Bohemians in Wisconsin, 6970, 7105. " La Bohemienne," play, 2799. Bohun wills, 34. Boies, J. S., 3364. Boilvin, N., 6933. Bois, Abbe, 7310. Bois, L. E., 7347. Boise, R. P., 5807. Boisseau, Nicolas-Gaspard, 7350. Boland, M. M., 4212. Bole, J. A., 886. Boles, Horace, messages, etc., 1890-1894. 1562. Bolivar, Tenn., engagement at, 1862. 1519. Bolivia, road to, 901. Boll weevil, 905. Bollan, W., 2624. letter, 2139. letter, 1743. 2138. letter, 1759. 2624. petition of, 1748. 2624. petition regarding French encroachments, 2624. Bolles, E. C., 2272. Bellinger family, 6069. Bolt, R. A., 4298. Bolton, C. K., 2121, 2138, 2139, 2808, 3410, 3917, 7395. Bolton, E. S., 3413, 34-14, 3415, 3416, 3978o. Bolton, II. C., 677. 1060 SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. Bolton, H. E., 6684, 6685, 6688. Bolton, N., 1445, 1451. Bolton, W. J., 7422. Bolton, Conn., church records, 3410-3414. Boltwood, L. M., 3391. Bombay, Towers of Silence, 7474. Bombay Hook, Indian bill of sale, 1679. 6070. Bomoseen, Lake, early history, convey ances, fishing, etc., 6712. " Bon Homme Richard," the, 3386, 3634 flag, 4546. Bonaparte, Joseph, at Morfontaine, 207. visit to Bethlehem, 1821, verses on, 6168. Bonaparte, almost a Buckeye, 5722. Bond, B. W., jr., 1841, 6781. Bond, H., 3470. Bond, Phineas, letters, 1787-1794. 13, 15, 29, 30. Bond, T., 685. Bond, W. R., 5593. Bond family, 3410, 5743. burying grounds, New York, inscriptions, 4863. Bondi, A., 1582. Bonds, prices of, and bank circulation, 809. Bondurant, A. L., 4344a, 4345, 4346. Bondy, E., 576. Bonebrake, L. D., 5736. Bonilla s brief compendium of the history of Texas, 1772. 6686. Bonner, James, diary, war of 1812. 5777, no. 49. Bonner family, 3363. Bonney, P., 1709. Bonnycastle, Captain, 7172. Bonnycastle, Sir R. H., 7226. Bonsall, S., 6058, 6059. Bonser, F. G., 1436. Bonton, N., 3381. Bonython, R., petition, 1672. 3397. Bonython family, 3396. Booge family, 5018. Book of sports, 7395. Book catalogue printed in Boston, 1693. 2800. Bookplate of Memucan Hughes, 1760. 6068. Bookplates, early southern, 3774. old Northwest, 5743. some historical, 5749. Bookworms, ravages of, 3147. Booker, I. P., 1802. Booker family, 6831. Books in colonial Virginia, 6831. Bookstaver, A. A., 4866. Boone, T., Gov., administration, 4601. Boone family, 1644, 6063, 6077. Boone county, Iowa, opening of, 1514. Boonesborough, Ky., 1625. Booraem, J. V. V., 578. Boorse, J. C., 7422. Booth, A., 2183. Booth, E., 1506, 1509. Booth, E. C., 3409, 3900, 4158, 4160. Booth, H. A., 2184. Booth family of Shelter Island, 5047. Booth war in Ripon, 6971. Boothbay, Me., 1702. Borden family, 6581. Bordentown, N. J., regimental returns, 1776-77. 4545. Borin, C., 1578a. Borneo, colonial government, 901. Boro Budur temple of Java, 6342. Boscawen, N. H., description and history, 2638. Bosnia, excursion in, 5917. Boss, H. R., 1415. Bostick, S. R., reminiscences of, 6683. Boston, T. H., 5639. Boston, England, and John Cotton, 1621. 3386. Boston, Mass., account of, December 17, 1742. 2639. Ancient and honorable artillery company, 2206, 2794. ancient application for city charter, 3369. antiquities, memorials, 2779. antislavery days, 7393. banks, 1681-1740. 3415, 3962. Beacon Hill monument, 2801. bills of mortality, 1815-1837. 2635, 2636, 2639, 2642-2645. Blackstone s sole deposition, 2632. Bromley maps, 2135. Burgoyne in, 2783. burial grounds, tablets, 2789. burial grounds, bronze tablets, 2996. burials and baptisms, 1701-1774. 2622. Castle Island, memorial stone of fort on, 2786. letters relating to, 2781. Castle Tavern, 3391. Catholic church, first, 5856. catholicity in the public institutions of, 5843. celebration of Russian victories, 1813. 2787. charitable organizations, early, 3402. Christ Church bells, 3416, 3970o. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor, 5844. Church of the Holy Cross, dedication, 3358. city government, 1818. city hall, 2087. Clark house, 2787. Committee of correspondence, 1772. 3377. Record, May to November, 1776. 3388-3392. Common, old elm, 2783, 2926. Copp s Hill burying ground, inscriptions, 3361, 3395. court-house, 2087. customs house, records of, 2277, 2802. early deeds, 3390. defense of, Orderly book of regiment of artillery raised for, 1777-1778. 2355. defense of, war of 1812. 2077. diary of L. Hammond, 1687-1691. 2791. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1061 Boston, Mass., documents relating to, 1713- 1714. 3404. domestic condition soon after its settle ment, 2803. early times, 4216. / Episcopal ministers address to King William, 2645. evacuation of, 1776. 2250, 2783, 3045, 3366. events in, preceding the evacuation in 1776. 2797. excise on bread, 1734. 3406. Faneuil Hall, town meeting relating to, 1740. 3388. fire, 1711. 2623. fire, 1760. 3302. fire, 1872. 2781. losses to literature and art, 3385, 36150. fire engines, fires and buildings, 1725. 2622. fires in, 1701-1800. 2629. first bank. 1714. 3377. first meeting-house, 3372. first settlement of, 2619. Franklin street church, old, 2076. free grammar school, 171112. 3371. the fund at, 210, 484. garrison mob in, October 21, 1835. 2787. graveyards, 2786. Hancock mansion, 2076. Harbor, burning of the " Castle " 1776. 2792. chart, 1688-89. 2798. islands of, 7393. map, 1689. 2082. maps of, 2792. old planters about, 2785. historic burial places, 202, 383. Holy Cross Church, 3358. hospitals, proposition of Sir C. Gardiner, 1761. 2773. houses, stores, and public buildings, 1789. 2637. Huguenots of, 4894, 4903. Hutchinson house, 2787. imprints, two early, 2803. Indian books printed at, 1653-1721. 181. Indian deed of, 1685. 2786. Indian names, 3398, 3758. list of inhabitants, 1687. 4103. innholders, 1714. 3389, 3401. Jews, 635. journal, 1775. 3522. King s Arms tavern, 3392. King s Chapel library, 1698. 2787, 2973. King s Chapel Society, deaths, 1747-1775, 1788-1814. 2631. Lafayette s visit to, 3371. library given to King s Chapel by Wil liam III, 2787, 2973. loyalists, confiscated estates, 3166. map of, 1797. 2786. maps of, 2776. list, 2818. marriages in, 1701-1742. 3392. by B. Colman, 1715. 3392. by Rev. T. Foxcroft, 1717-1769. 3400, 3789. Boston, Mass., Masonic Temple, 3384, 36016. massacre, 1770. 209, 449, 2139, 2775, 2793. mechanics in 1814, list, 2804. medical education in, 1827, 486. memorial, 1746. 3375. merchants, 2082. Merchants Exchange, 2072. Methodism in, 4018. military companies in, before the Revo lution, 2791. militia, 1814. 2077. ministers, 3384. 1630-1842. 3359. address to the Duke of Newcastle, 1737. 2640. ballad, 1774. 3371. museums, 2272. music, instruction in psalmody, 1750. 3400. naming of streets and town, 2775. naval affairs in 1812. 2806. negro election day, 2782. New Brick Church, records of members, 1722-1775. 3376, 3377. Newell, Thomas, diary, 1773-74. 2773, 2784. Newell, Timothy, journal, 1775-76. 2649. North Russell Street Church, 4018. notarial records, Howard s, 1670. 3401. occupation by the British, 1775-76, let ters, 2252, 2354. officers stationed near, June, 1775. 3386. old landmark, 27 Somerset street, 3399. Old South Church, decision of supreme judicial court, 2135. Old South Meeting House, 1669-1729, 3417, 3989. initials on, 2798. papers relating to, 2789. personal recollections of life in, 1857. 2806. petition, 1696. 3374. of citizens to general court, 1665. 2636. physicians of, during the Revolution, 2776. plan of, 1796. 2083. port bill, 3403, 3823a, correspondence, 1774-75. 2652. covenant against, 2792. donations, 3388, 3650a. letters, 1774. 2630. opposition in Philadelphia, 6058. portrait painters, early, 2789. post-office in, history, 2645. pre-Revolutionary custom-house records, 3415. Preston s journal in Boston Harbor, 1775. 2774. Price s view of, 2787, 2788, 2791. printing, first Boston imprint, 3231. property destroyed by British, 177576. 3377. province house, old, 2087, 2792. provincial pictures, 2092. 1062 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Boston, Mass., public library, 3017. claims of John P. Bigelow as founder, 2054. public schools, 2781. early history, 2893cr, real estate values, 811. changes of value the past one hundred years, 2089, 7392. recollections of a school-boy, 2078. records, 614, 3360, 3361-3371, 3373, 3374, 3376, 3377, 3378. Red Lion wharf, documents, 1691-1722. 3372. refugees from, in 1776. 2787. registry of probate, research in, 3396. relief to poor, 1775. 6084. religion and morals of people, remarks on charges made by G. Spring, 5010. reminiscences of old, 2074. representatives in the general court, in structions to, 1772. 2781. representatives in the general court prior to 1776. 2638. revenue officers, early part of reign of George III, commission to, 2773. revolution, confiscated estates, 2800. revolutionary party, members, 1775. 2802. royal commissioners in, 1664, letters from Earl of Clarendon, 2803. St. John s Church at the Odeon, 4018. settlement of. centennial celebration, 2792. two hundredth anniversary, 2796. " Shawmut," Indian name, 2638, 2778. ships, past and present, 2079. siege of, 2649, 2783, 2915, 2934, 3651. camp song of 1775. 3369. contributions of the Friends of Phila delphia, 1775-76. 6057. Craft s journal, 2242. diary, 2797. diary of Lieutenant Barker, 2137, 2150. donations to, 2637. journal, 1775-76. 2649. journal by J. Fitch, 2799. letter, October. 1775. 3388. lines to the inhabitants, by General Gage, 2780. orderly book of regiment of artillery, 2252, 2253. subscription list for relief, 1774. 2774. sufferings in, 1774, letter of Connecticut Congregational ministers on, 2630. social life, Colonial and Revolutionary, 2083. South Latin School class, 1773. 2786. springs of, notes on, 2638. State House, Old, 2069, 2091, 2093. extension, 3402. See also Boston, Province house. State street, head of, 7393. statistical department, 811-813. Stony Brook, 2573. Storm, great, 1851. 2080. taverns, 2090, 3584, C689. Boston, Mass., tax list, 1687. 3413. tea, destruction of, 2137, 2345, 2781, 2782, 2901. tea meetings in, 1773. 2789. tea party, a ballad of, 2782. Third Synod in, 1662. 2629. Tontine Crescent, plan, 1794. 2770. Town House, 2087. history of, 2772. See also Boston, Province house, State house. topographical and historical description, 2622. topography and history, 1794. 2621. trade and commerce of, 1844-1884. 805. view of Price s, 2787, 2788, 2791. views, Bowen, 2089. 1764. 2069. during the Revolution, 3160. visit of Sieur de Courtemanche, 2795. votes, 1635. 2635. Washington s visits to, 3475, 7395. wharves, photograph, 1820. 2073. Winthrop s house, site, 2135, 2801. words coined, 2075, 2078. writers, 2621. writing schools in 1755. 2794. See also Bostonians. " Boston, A word to," by Governor Brad ford, 2645. Boston and Providence Railroad, 2196. Boston and transportation, 2076. Boston and vicinity, 1702. Boston and Worcester Railroad, beginning of, 4213. Boston and Worcester turnpike, 4213. and the bridge, 4212. " Boston," frigate, and the " Berceau," 1800. 2789. Boston Light, 2138. Boston Magazine, the, 2808, 3305. Boston Nation, 995. " Boston News-letter," 2796, 3101. citations from, 2793. remarks on file of, 2796. Boston one hundred years ago, 2083. Bostonians, Englishman s opinion in 1774. 6066. Bostwick, H. H., 4800. Boswell, I. M., 4350. Bosworth, F. II., 4812. Bosworth, Mrs. L. A. M., 5702. Botanical history of North and South America, 5090. Botanists of the Oregon country, 5801. Botany, Oneida County, N. Y., 5468. United States, geographical, 4683. Botkin, T., 1581. Botsford, H. G., 5051. Botta, V., 5208, 5212. Bouchard, H.. and his treaty with Kame- hameha I, 7132. Bouchelle family, 1225. Boucher, J., letters to Washington, 3410- 3412, 3924f/. Boucher de Niverville, J., 2138. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1063 Botichette, E., 7326. Bouchette, R. S. M., 7176, 7184. Boudeman, D., 4292. Boudinot, E., 6080, 6116. Boudinot, E. C., 549. Boudinot correspondence, 1777, 1783. 6072. Boudinot family, 4893. Boundaries, international, 579. Minnesota, 4312. Mississippi, 4346. Boundary, Nebraska-Kansas, line, 4406. southern, of United States, 10. dispute, Connecticut-Rhode Island, 1112. disputes, value of maps in, 13. line, the Indian, 44, 99. Bounties for scalps, 2139. Bouquet, H., 6166. Bouquet papers, 17591765. 4271. Bouquet s expedition, 1764. 5776, no. 13. Bourinot, J. G., 5, 7, 8, 1818, 1820, 2135, 7311, 7314-7316, 7318, 7319, 7321, 7324, 7325, 7342. Bourke family, 6859. Bourne, E. E., 1703, 1747. Bourne, E. G., 8, 10, 13, 17, 35, 39, 40, 44, 5804. Bourne, H. E., 11, 16, 17, 28, 42, 44, 1539- 1542. Bourne, J. M., 6851. Boutell, L. II., 10. Boutelle, J. A., 3373, 3382. Bouton, N., 3665, 4449, 4451-4453, 4455, 4465, 4467, 4473. Boutwell, G. S., 3378, 3545, 5357. Boutwell, J. M., 575. Boutwell, W. T., 4302. Bowditch, C. P., 206. Bowditch family, 3408. Bowdle graveyard, 5748. Bowdoin, J., 1727, 2640. correspondence with Samuel Adams, 2781. General Lafayette, 2774. letter to G. Erving, August 12, 1788. 2801. letter to B. Franklin, 2794. letters, 1769-1784. 2774. papers, 1768, 1774. 2777. Bowdoin family, 3368, 3369, 3449, Bowdoin College, Maine, address at com mencement, 1849. 1727. Bowdoin papers, 2677, 2798, 2801, 2802, 3393. Bowdy, W., 4822. Bowen, A., 2084, 2089. Bowen, E. A., 3405, 5041. Bowen, N. II., 7175. Bowen family, 3413. Bowerman, A. C., 7300. Bowers, A., 5703. Bowers, Bathsheba, 6059. Bowers, D. E., 1161. Bowers, Stephen, 1012. Bowers family, 2255. Bowery, New York, 4812. Bowes family, 3368. Bowie, A., 935. Bowie family, 6834, 6835. Bowler family, 6854. Bowles, Mrs. L. M., 6893. Bowling Green, 4812. history, 5678, 5679. Bowman, C. M., 6208. Bowman, H. M., 1537, 1555, 4295, 4835, 7370. Bowman, J. F., 1040. Bowman, N. L., 1581. Bowman, R., 4351. Bowmansville, Pa., 6165. Bowne, J. T., 5019. Bowne family (Gravesend, L. I., and Mon- mouth, N. J.), 5019. Bowne-Mott family records, 4558. Boxer, F. N., 7175. " Boxers," Chinese, 901. Boxford, Mass., dwellings, 2264, 2265, 2266, 2267, 2508. mining, quarrying, and smelting of ores, 2263. oldest burying ground, 3373. town records, 1685-1706. 2274, 4167. vital records of, to end of year 1849. 4178. Boy life in Massachusetts, 202. Boyd, Carl, 809. Boyd, C. E., 38. Boyd, Ella F., 2572. Boyd, George, 6934. Boyd, G. D. R., 1502, 1503. Boyd, H. T., 2195, 2197, 2199. Boyd, M. S., 4855. Boyd, Thomas, account of imprisonment, 1776. 6084. Boyd, W. K., 5568-5570, 5572. Boyd, W. P., 4923. Boyd, W. R., 1524. Boyd-Peabody-Waters House, Topsfield, Mass., 4173. Boyden, E., 4205. Boye, N. C., 1465a. Boyer, E. L., 1427. Boyle, D., 7263. Boyle, R., letter, 1664. 2774. letter, 1665. 2636. Boyle County, Ky., genesis of a pioneer commonwealth, 1609. Boylston, E., 2103. Boylston, R., 2103. Boylston family, 3365. Boynton, Thomas, journal of, 2784. Boynton, W. W., 7417. Boys, Rudimentary society among, 1814. Bozeman Pass, Montana, 4395. Brace, H., 5035. Bracken, C., 6926. Brackett, J. R., 1821, 1847. Brackett, W. S., 4396, 4397. Bracq, J. C., 901. Bradbury, H. R-, 5715. Bradbury, J. M., 3381, 3387, 3636. Bradbury, J. O., 1715. 1064 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Bradbury, J. W., 1705, 1708, 1713, 1797. dinner to, June 10, 1887. 1773. Bradbury, T., letter, 1795. 6064. Bradbury family, 3381. Bradby family, 6829. Braddock, Edward, will, 1754. 6061. Braddock s campaign, 6067. defeat, 1755. 6059, 6076. British newspaper accounts, 6079. D. Fisher diary, 1755. 6073. list of officers present and of those killed, 6083. original account of, 2636. Washington s account of, 6065. ^ expedition, 2652, 5974, 6013, 6067. route, 6154. troops, march through Jefferson County, W. Va., 1755. 6890. Bradejor family, 5042. Bradford, A., 2625, 2629, 2638. Bradford, Mrs. Alice, verses in memory of, 2651. Bradford, Andrew, account with C. Kitten- house, 1729. 6068. Bradford, A. W., 5156. Bradford, Gamaliel, 2800, 2802, 2805, 2806, 3123. Bradford, William, of Plymouth, 2645, 2751, 2870. dialogue of, 2780. letter, 1623. 42. letter to Governor Winthrop, 1631. 3360. 1638. 2802. 1645. 2650. letter book of, 2621. papers relating to, 6055. two hundredth anniversary of birth. 6027. verses by, 2780, 6852. Bradford, Wm., letter, 1778. 2774. Bradford, W T m., jr., letter, 1676. 5752. Bradford family, 3372, 3406, 3868. (Alice) family, 3367. (William) Gov., family, 3362, 3430. (William) printer, family, 5019. 5054. Bradford MS., the, 434, 2621, 2788, 2801, 3727a, discovery of, 3367, 3368. return of, 2805. surrender of, 3216. Bradford prayer book, 6036. Bradford, Mass., early marriages, 3366, 3376, 3377. social library, 1765. 3380. Bradish, F. E., 3686. Bradlee, C. D., 3369, 3374, 3406, 3855. Bradley, C., 1715. Bradley, C. A., 5798. Bradley, C. P., 4450. Bradley, C. S., 1269. Bradley, I. S., 6965, 6971, 7028, 7050, 7060, 7061. Bradley, J. H., 4395. Bradley, J. P., 4539, 4548, 4585, 6059. Bradley family, 1269, 3415. Bradley massacre, 4456. Bradshaw, J., epitaph, 6861. Bradstreet, Anne, will of, 2243. Bradstreet, Dudley, diary, 1746. 3205, 7463. diary at siege of Louisbourg, 2801. letter, July, 1706. 2802. Bradstreet, John, letter to Sir Jeffrey Am- herst, 1762. 5040. will, 1774. 3374. Bradstreet, Metta, 4163. Bradstreet, S., journal, 1664-1683. 3366, 3367. Bradstreet, S. G., 4164. Bradstreet family, 3366, 3371. (Simon) ancestry, 3406, 3865. (Simon) family, 3367. Bradstreet s expedition, 5776, no. 13, 14 ; 5777. "no. 66. Brady-Dunlap correspondence, 1830-1834, 6671. " Bragh," or hand mill, 7298. Brainard, H. W., 5049, 5051. Brainard, J. M., 1513, 1514. Brainbridge, H. A., 3381. Brainerd, C., 5010. Brainerd, Eveline W., 5010. Brainerd, N. H., 1520. Braintree, England, 3414. Brairitree, Mass., burying ground, inscrip tions, 3369, 3370. first church, records, 3417. history, 3373, 3377. iron works, 2798. records, 3394-3396. Braley, A. B., 6930a. 6931. Branch, John P., historical papers, 6778- 6784. Branch County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. Brand, James, 5703. Brand, W. F., 1944. Brandan, St., legend, 602. Brandon, G., 4345. Brandon, Va., epitaphs, 6830. Brandow, J. H., 5412. Brandt, I., 1479. Brandt, Lilian, 814. Brandy, history of, in Canada, 7204. Brandywine, battle of, 5877, 5995, 5998, 5999, 6061, 6062, 6070, 7395. American flag at, 5879. sermon preached on, 6009. Brandywine, old Indian fort on the, 5878. Brane, C. I. B., 6214, 6215. Branford, Conn., annals, 1158, 1159. New England and New Jersey, 3369. early records, 3361. Brann, H. A., 928, 930. Bransford, C. W., 1283. Brant, Captain, and the old King, 4788. Brant family, 7379. (Joseph) family, 7296. Brantly, T., 4397. Brant-Sero, J. O., 7296, 7377. Brasher family, 5042. Brasier family, 5042. SUBJECT AND AUTHOB INDEX. 1065 Brass bands, 4859. Brass kettle, story of the old, 4096. Brastow family, 3371. Brattle, T., 2023. Brattle, W., advice to son, 1716. 3359. Brattleboro, Vt.. field day at, 1896. 4098. inscriptions, 3374. Brauner, J. C., 6158, 6159, 6160. Brawnde, E., voyage to Kennebec and Cape Cod, 1616. 3386. Bray, T., 5517. Bray family, 6861, 6864. of Salem, Mass., 2246, 2247. Brayne estate in England, 6826. Brayton, G. A., 6534. Brazil, conditions and prospects, 1890. 566. Bread and meat of world, 815. Breard, C., 7345. Breck, C., 3686. Breck, E., 614. Breck, Robert, controversy concerning, 2183, 2184. Breck, Samuel, 691, 709, 5968, 6009. Breck family, 3414, 3960o. Breckenridge, M. W., 7298. Breckenridge, R., diary, 945. Breese-Douglas correspondence, 1387. Bremner, D. B., 5927.- Brendle, A. S., 6193, 6208. Brennan, J. F., 608. Brennan, W. G., 6586. Brenner, V. D., 667. Brent, F. P., 6817. Brent. Margaret, 1998. Brent, T. L., 5745. Brent family, 6836-6838. Brentwood, N. H., Friends of, 3404. Brereton s account of Gosnold s voyage, 2646. relation of, 2646. Brereton, T. G., 6156. Bresart family, 5042. Breser family, 5042. Brest, Canada, 7343. Breton, Cape, French regime. 7316. Brett family, 6849. Brevoort, J. C., 3, 548, 4946. Brevoort family (New York), 5022. Brewer, Frances J., 2805. Brewer, F. P., 3382, 3586, 3665. Brewer, .T. B., 5589. Brewer, W. H., 547, 565. Brewer family of Essex County, Mass., 3388. Bipwer-ton, G. D., 1069. Brewster, Betty B., 904. Brewster, Jonathan, letter, 1636. 2774. Brewster, William, appointment as post master of Scrooby, 2781. autographs and library of, 2793, 3047. library, 3089. catalogue of, 2795. Brewster autograph, 210, 470. Brewster family, 3369, 3375, 3411. Brewster, Mass., topography, 2628. Brewton (Miles) family, 6647. Briant (John) family, 3406. Brice s Crossroads, battle of, 4349. Brick, R., 614. Brick imported from England, 1276. Brickenstein, H. A., 6222, 6223. Bricker family, 6167. Bridge, Ebenezer, 2539. Bridgeport, Conn., bank, 1146. Crania found at, 1885. 7495. history, 1148. Porter property, history, 1147. Bridges family, 3366. Bridgeton, Me., survey of, 1766. 3386. Bridgewater, Mass., declaration of certain persons of, 1818. 2635. description of, 1818. 2635. J. Howard s company, 1754. 3409. marriages, 3379. marriages solemnized in East Parish, 1725-1803. 3403, 3404. marriages, 1742-1780. 3377. old, 4032. town records, 2782. Bridgewater, Mich., settlement of, 4280. Bridgman, H. L., 577. Bridgman, T., 3451. Brie, J. J., 5843, 5844. Briggs, Ansel, 1557. Briggs, C. A., 4895. Briggs, C. E., 3406. Briggs, G. W., 2245, 2290. Briggs, J. F., 4428a, 4432. Briggs, K. R., 2112. Briggs, Samuel, 3395, 3397, 5777, no. 69. Briggs family, 3410. Brigham, A. P., 569, 571, 577, 580, 5468, 5475, 7391. Brigham, C. C., 6590. Brigham, C. F., 4033?;. Brigham, C. H., 4033b. Brigham, C. S., 98, 3412, 3938, 6491, 6586. 6594. Brigham, J., 1518, 1537, 1554. Brigham, Capt. Paul, muster roll of com pany, 1775-1777. 33S5. Brigham, William, 2777, 2779, 2857. Brigham, W. E., 4160. Bright, J. B., 3684. Bright, J. M., 6662. Bright family, 3371, 5939, 6860. Brimfield, Mass., topography, 2627. Brimmer, M., petition for citizenship, 1730. 2135. Brindell, G. W., 1519. Bringhurst, H. R., 1246. Brinkerhoff, R., 5718, 5736. Brinley, E. L., 3684. Brinley, F., 2054, 3366, 3369, 3459. Brinley, Francis, 2623. books of, 1713. 3370. letter to F. Nicholson. 1709. 6587. narrative, 6587. Brinsmead, W., notebook, 2794, 3078. 1066 SUBJECT AND AUTHOE INDEX. Brinton, D. G., 198, 313, 723, 724, 735, 73G, 745-747, 749-752, 754, 759, 4558, 4653, 6065, 6108, 6111, 6268, 6286, 6288, 6297, 6301, 6303, 6325, 6339, 6341. bibliography of, 762. Brisbois, B. W., 6931. Briscoe, I ., 6685. Briscoe, W. D., 6891. Bristoe and Mine Run campaigns, 3336. Bristol, C. L., 577. Bristol, M. A. B., 6930&. Bristol, England, in the days of the Cabots, 7322. modern, 7322. Bristol, Me., 1801. Bristol, R. I., census, 1689. 3392. Church of Christ, records, 1687-1728. 3392. parish registers, 3412. records, 1741-1775. 3395. rock picture, 6547, 6560. Bristol convention, minutes, 2133. Bristol County, Mass., abstract of wills, 6584. records, 1687-1757. 3377. Bristol family, 3415. of Ohio, 5748. (Henry) family, 3417. Bristow family, 3415. British colonial possessions, opening ports to vessels of United States, 6670. British Columbia, Indians, 572. mountaineering, 562. British debts, western posts and, 11. British expedition, above Highlands of Hudson, 5549. British fleet in Rhode Island, 6488. British Guiana, forest people, 578. British islands, description, 897. British Museum, sketch of, 3381, 3578. British North America, commercial policy, 7180. British North American provinces, union, 1854. 7324. British public record office, 203. British West Florida, 4350. Broadbay, Me., Moravian settlement, 6225, 7473. Broadhead, G. C., 4365. Broadhead, J. O., 4375. Broadribb, W., will, 1703. 6864. Broadsides, American, 1680-1800. 206, 428. American, 1743-1795. 207. and issues of Pennsylvania, 6085. Broadwell. J. S., 7418. Broady, J. H., 4408. Brock, A. G., 3352. Brock, J., 1878. Brock, R. A., 3685, 6058, 6775, 6809a, b, c, 6816, 6820, 6849, 6850, 6859. Brockenbrough family, 6829. Brockway, Alice T., 2208. Brockway, Alice Tolman (Pickford), an cestry, 2204. Brockway, B., 4906, 4908. Brodhead, J. R., 5097, 5144, 5147, 5222, 5225, 5549. Brodnax family, 6864, 6865. Bromberg, F. G., 577. Bromfield family, 3383, 3384, 3602. Bromley, E. A., 4312. Bromley, G. T., 1056. Bronsdon (Robert), family, 3393. Bronson, Deborah, 4800. Bronson, H., 1156-1158, 1162. Bronson, S. A., 5619, 7408. i Bronson, W. W., 6057. Bronson, Ohio, settlement, 7411. i Bronx, N. Y., Colonial house, 5391. Brooke, J., 6075. Brooke, R., tomb of, Southampton, Eng land, 6852. Brooke, St. G. T., 6833, 6836-6838, 6874. Brooke, W., will of, 6836. Brooke family, 6833-6838, 6859. Brookfield, Mass., attack on, 200. description, 2619. excursion to, 4202. early history, 3393, 4127. list of a company in the Revolution, 4212. minute-men, 1774. 3387. records, 1686-1783. 4030. settlement of, 2619. tax list, 1750. 3378. Brookfield, Ohio, 5689. Brookhaven (L. I.), epitaphs, 5031, 5032* 5036. wills, 5026, 5027, 5029, 5039. Brookline, Mass., antislavery movement, 2120. civil war, 2109. first parish church records, 1718-1817. 2110. Goddard house, 2124. early history, 2118. from settlement to 1900. 2121, 2122. history, 2127, 2630, 2631. in 1700, 1800, and 1900. 2114. lyceum movement, 2111. recollections of, 2127. Sewall house, 2124. town meeting, 2116. town papers, 1774-1822. 2119. volunteer fire department, 2125. war of the Revolution, 2105. White and Heath homesteads, 7394. Brooklyn, Mich., early times, 4278. Brooklyn, N. Y. (Breuckelen), 4812. Bushwick Church, tombstone inscrip tions, 4911. pioneer times, 928. Reformed Dutch Church, baptisms, 1679- 1719. 4911. marriages, 1660-1696. 4911. records, 1660-1710. 4881. register of clergy, 4735. St. James Church, 914. Brooklyn and Putnam s wolf don, excur sion to, 4216. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1067 Brooks, A. II., 901, 903-905, 7391. Brooks, Charles, 2775. 2777, 2778, 2844, 3377, 3524. Brooks, C. T., 2259, 2377, 2422. Brooks, Erastus, 4854, 5344, 5525, 6110. Brooks, F., 3683. Brooks, P. S., 5726. Brooks, G. W., 5567. Brooks, Herbert, 5749, 5751. Brooks. H. M., 2269. Brooks, John, Gov., 2772. anecdote of, 2780. Brooks, John, letter, 1778. 2782. letter, 1811. 3321. letters, 2914. Brooks, Luke, 2260. Brooks, N. C., 1878. Brooks, Phillips, 2788. Brooks, W. B., 6889. Brooks, W. G., 2778. Brooks family, 2260, 3416. (Cheshire, Conn.), 3363. (Woburn, Mass.), 3387, 3969a. Broom-corn industry in Franklin and Hampshire Counties, Mass., 7480. Broomall, H. L., 5899. Broomall, W. B.. 5899. Broomhall, A., 1498. Brosius, M., 6165, 6168. Bross, W., 1369, 1390. " Brother Jonathan," 2139, 2158. Brotherton Indians, 6928. lands for, 4549, 6937. Brough, C. II., 1860, 4345, 4346, 4349, 4350. Broughton family, 3395, 3727. Broun family, 6861. Brower, J. V., 572, 4309, 4310, 4313. Brown, Mrs. Abram, 5704. Brown, Alexander, 2, 58, 3405, 3687. Brown, Arthur, letter, 1741. 3364. Brown, A. E., 2041, 6075. Brown, A. H., 4550, 4553, 4630. Brown, A. J., 4348, 4349, 4350. Brown, A. W., 3364-3367, 3369, 3370. Brown, B. F., 3386. Brown, Clark, 2627. Brown, C. C., 1423, 4299. Brown, C. E., 7124-7126. Brown, David, Maryland colonist s gift to Glasgow University, 3387. Brown, Dewi, Cherokee Indian, address of, 2781. Brown, D. H., 3410, 3411, 3928. Brown, D. P., 6035. Brown, E., 5608. Brown, Edward, 6930&., 6977a. Brown, Mrs. E. A., 4924. I .nnvn, E. O., 1400. Brown, F., 3387, 3644. Brown, F. H., 2594, 2600-2601. Brown, F. J., 812, 1930. Brown, Fannie W., 3410. Brown, G., 1267, 1269, 1270. Brown, G. V., 4775. Brown, G. W., 1843, 1888, 1970, 2593. Brown, G. W. L., 1522. Brown, H., and Alice Beard, record, 1757. 6860. Brown, H. A., 3387. Brown, Hulda H. B., 993. Brown, John, 1515. and the destruction of slavery, 2804. bibliography, 1281, 1283. exit from Kansas, 1582. in Kansas, 1582. letters, in Virginia State library, 6833, 6834, 6835. location of residence, 6842. men, 1283. raid, 1281. trial, 4. Brown, J. C. J., 3393, 3398. Brown, J. M., 1615, 1636, 1703, 1707, 1755, 4852. Brown, J. N., 4450, (409. Brown, J. O., 5040. Brown, J. S., 570, 900. Brown, K., 6891. Brown, M., 6498, 6581. papers, 6491, 6585. Brown, Orlando, 6932. Brown, R. M., 578, 579. Brown, S. J., 4312. Brown, T. J., 5725. Brown, T. L., 1288, 6861. Brown, T. S., 7222. Brown, W., 7425. Brown, W. G., 44, 3407. Brown, W. H., 1349, 1353, 1359. Brown, W. L., 1580. Brown family, 6670. (Fordham, N. Y.), 5043. (Hampton, Mass.), 3364, 3367. Ohio, 5748. Brown County, Ohio, stone graves, 5721. Brown County, Wis., population, 1830. 6935. Brown (John Carter) library, Americana in, 6291. Brown-Harvard expedition. 1900. 5917. Brown University, alumni in official posi tions, 3401, 3402, 3817. Irish chapter in history of, 608. medical school, 6551. portraits and busts in, 3387, 3645. Browne, A. G., 560. Browne, B. F., 2241-2247. Browne, C., 3360. Browne, Edmund, letter, 2139. Browne, George M., 3394. Browne, George W., 4427, 4428, 4428a, 4428c, 4430. Browne, I.. 4693, 4716a. Browne, John and Samuel, application to Massachusetts Company, 1629. 3393. Browne, J. B., 897. Browne, S. T., 6596. Browne, Sir T., on mummies, 210. Browne, T. S., 7219. 1068 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Browne, W. H., 1073-1982, 1984-1989, 1991-1996. Browne family, 2247, 6854. (Nicholas) family, 3402. (Richard) family, 5046. Browne family letters, 3383. Brownell, Eva P., 4812. Browning, A. A., 1201, 1204. Browning, C. H., 3413, 5033, 6082, 6084. Browning, D. M., 1515. Brownington, Vt., revival in, sixty years ago, 6706. Brownington Academy, early history, 6706. sketches of former pupils, 6706. Brownists, petition of some " falsely " called, 1592. 3371. Brownlie, A., 576-579. Brown s meeting house, church at, 5590. Bruce, H. W., 1652. Bruce, \\. D., 3365. Bruce family, 6835, 6836, 6854, 7366. Bruce, Mich., history, 4280. Bruen family, 3377. Briihl, G., 5607a. Brule (Stephen), discovery and explora tions, 5787. Bruncken, E., 16, 1417, 6895, 6918, 6966, 6970, 7071, 7103, 7105. Brunnowe, M. J., 5849. Brunson, A., 6925, 6926, 6928, 6937, 6939, 7093. Brunson, Catherine C., 4280. Brunson, I. B., 6973. Brunswick, Me., convention of 1816. 1708. early history, 1802. one hundred and fiftieth anniversary, June* 3, 1889, 1803. reminiscences, 1843, 1802. wharf, 1802. Brunswick auxiliaries, journal of voyage of, from Wolfenbiittel to Quehec, 1776. 7192, 7217. Brunswick contingent in America, 1776- 1783. 6071. Brunswick County, Va., history, 6857. Brush, E. C., 5715. Brush family, 5048. Brute, Bishop, 914, 5855. Bruton Church, Va., 6851. Bruyn family (Ulster County, N. Y.), 5035. Bryan, A. C., 1830. Bryan, G., letter to J. Ewing, 1775. 6079. Bryan, W. B., 1265, 1266, 1269-1272. Bryan collection, 5280. Bryant, A. W., 2593, 2594. Bryant, C. B., 6834, 6836. Bryant, C. W., 5753. Bryant, H. G., 5914, 5915. Bryant, H. W., 1707. Bryant, W. C., 554, 2781, 4770, 4773, 4788, 5039, 5201, 5275, 5278. Bryant (Stephen) family, 3382. Bryants station, Ky., memorial proceedings, 1622. Bryce, G., 7148c, g, h, o, p, u, 7149<z, d, g, i, o, q, r, u, 7158, 7159, 7161, 7309-7311, 7317, 7323, 7328. Bryce, Mrs. G., 7152. Bryce, J., 1818. Bryden, J. A., 6970, 7105. Bryent, W., Winnepesaukee journal, 1747. 3390. Brymner, D., 3, 13, 6933, 7320, 7321, 7345. Bubonic plague, 901. Philippines, 904. Buchanan, J., 39. letters, 1839-40. 6179. proposed intervention in Mexico, 39. Buchanan, W. B., 1894. Bucher, J. C., marriages by, 1763-1769. 6082. Bucher album, 6356. Buck, E. G., 3682, 3704. Buck, T. L., 1427. Buck, W. J., 5865, 5959, 5960, 6009, 6050, 6057, 6063, 6068. Buck, Mrs. W. W., 5825. Buckalew, J. M., 6454. " Buck-eye cane," 5037. Buckeye State, why so called, 5714. Buckham, M. II., 6738, 6766. Buckingham, Marquis of, letters to Sir John Temple, 2778. Buckingham, Edgar, 4097. Buckingham, J., 4554. Buckingham, J. M., 5626. Buckingham, J. S., 6849. Buckingham, Marion A., 5744. Buckingham, Pa., first settlement, 5966. Bucklyn, J. K., 6595, 74821 Buckman, E. D., 6065. Buckminster, Mrs. L. N. H., 3379. Bucknam, W. F., 3413. Bucks County, Pa., early settlers, 5908. partial list of families residing in, prior to 1687. 6065. Southampton Baptist Church, marriages, 1786-1816. 6061. wills, extracts from, 5039. wills, 1684-1693. 5911. Buckshot war, the, 6079, 6155. Budd, H., 5882. Budget, German family, 815. Budget in United States, historical devel opment, 7. Budgets, United States, 1775-1789. 7113. Budington, Margaret, 1537, 1538, 1539- 1542, 1549. Buehrle, R. K., 6168, 6355. Buell, M. D., 4024. Euell, R., 7480. Buell, S. A., 4312. Bueno de Mesquita, B., 624. Buffalo, N. Y., 4782. abolition of grade crossings, 4777. ancient stockade, 4770. ancient wreck found, 4770. authors, 4773. bibliography, 4796. cemeteries, 4767, 4770. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1069 Buffalo, N. Y., cholera, 1832. 4773. during war of 1812. 4770. free-library movement, 4774. geology, 4758. grain elevators, 4753, 4770. harbor, history, 4774. historic sites, 4774. history, 4738, 4739. 1816. 7296. 1817-18. 4771. 1825. 4770. imprints before 1850. 4775. Israelites in, 4770. library, history, 4774. origin of name, 4770. physiognomy, 4747, 4771. preachers, pedagogues, poets, 1825. 4770. reminiscences, 4770. schools, common, 4770. public, 4742. schoolhouse, first, 4770. semicentennial celebration, 4779. Seneca Mission cemetery, 4770. Seneca Mission church, register, 1823-50. 4775. sewerage system, 4748. social life, 1830-1850. 4777. visits, 1800 and 1801. 4775. Buffalo book, 1812. 4773. Buffalo in Ohio, 5776, no. 36. Buffington family, 5880. Buford expedition to Kansas, 40, 946, 954, 976. Bugbee, J. M., 2797, 2801, 2805, 3110, 3134, 3207, 3262. Bugbee, L. G., 1283, 1284, 1296, 6679, 6681. Bugg family, 6858. Bugge, S., 2806. Buies, Arthur, works by, 7347. Building and loan associations, 810. Bulfinch, J. T. A., 6869, 6870. Bulger, A. E., 6935. Bulkeley, G., 1109, 4105. " Will and doom," 1110. Bulkeley, Mary, letter to 1 . Bulkeley, 1739. 3380. Bulkeley family, 3381. Bulkely, Peter, will, 1658. 3368. Bulkley, J.. 2622. Bull, C., 7262. Bull, H. A., 4300. Bull family, 6646. Prince Edward County, Ontario, 7300. Bullard, II. A., 1659. Bullen, George, 1784. Bulletins, statistical. 814. Bulletins of Labor Bureaus, 813. Bullivant, Benj., journal of, 2785. Bullock, A. II., 196, 283. relation to appointment to English mis sion, 2805. Bullock, C. J., 812, 7113. Bullock, J. R., 6609a. Bulls distributing America, 774. Bulwer, Sir H., 4999. Bumstead, J., diary, 1722-1727. 3373. Bunbury, Sir II., 5247. Bunce, E. J., 7416. Bundy, C. S., 1268. Bunker Hill, Devonshire, England, 2808. Bunker Hill, battle, 34, 205, 1109, 2773, 2781, 2783, 2784. American prisoners, 3400, 3782. anniversary, 3637. battlefield, 2911. Burgoyne s account, 3369. centennial anniversary, 3387. command at, 3380. could General Putnam command at, 3389. Irish at, 613. key to, 3373. letter, 1775, relating to, 2780. New Hampshire men at, 4427, 4455. officers in, 3385. prehistoric, 2807, 3291. Gen. Joseph Warren and, 3370. Bunker Hill Monument, 1699,. 1728. plans and construction, 3511. Bunn, T. J., 1517. Bunnell, A. O., 4927. Bunnell, L. H., 4343. Bunting, M., 6080. Bunton, A., 4427. Bunton, H. S., 7424. Burbank, C. C., 1538. Burbank, C. E., 4215. Burbank, H. H., 1717. Burbeck, H., letter to S. Swett, 1848. 3370. Burdakin, J. H., 2195. Burdick, F. M., 5468. Burgess, G., 1700, 1703, 1729, 5518. Burgess, J. W., 35. Burghers, New Amsterdam, 5257. Burghley, Lord, memorial of, 34. on the Spanish invasion, 35. Burghs, free, in United States, 12, 897. Burgis (Thomas), family, 3415. Burgoyne, John, 266. Burgoyne, Gen. J., account of batte of Bunker s Hill, 3369. campaign against, 2772. in Boston, 2783, 2913. letter, 1777. 3373. orders of, to Colonel Baum, 2620. proclamation of, 1777. 27S1. surrender of, 1114. and the convention of Saratoga, 266. Burgoyne campaign, 1771. 5315, 5412. Burgoyne s campaign on Lake Champlain, Fraser s account, 6765. Burhaus, S., collection of books and MSS., 5048. Burial cists, ancient, in Ohio, 5777, no. 56. Burial grounds, ancient, act of general court of Massachusetts for preser vation of, 1880. 2787. petition to the general court of Massa chusetts in regard to, 1880. 2786. Burials, premature (inhumations hatives), 7345. See also Frank sepultures. 1070 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Burk, J. S., 6905. Burke, -Sir B., 3376. Burke, E., letter, 5097. Burke, Sir J. B., 3370. Burke, W. M., 4829. Burke family, 6859. Burkhalter, E. R., 1465, 1465a. Burlingame, E., 4694. Burlington, Iowa, 1520. banquet in honor of Governor Lucas, 1521. early history, 1515. semicentennial celebration, 1896. 1514. Burlington, N. J., Flemington academy, 4504. friendly institution, 6077. Friends in, 6063, 6064, 6083. Friends burial ground, 6080. long bridge, 6064. Protestant Episcopal Church, history, 5517. reminiscences, 4543, 4571. St. Mary s Church, marriage records, 5908. register, 5912. Burlington City, N. J., v. Burlington Town ship, 4558. Burlington, Vt., academy and high school, 6720. Battery and Battery Park, 6720. battle of, 6721. census, 1791. 6720. first settler, 6720. theater, 1808. 6720. Burlington and Philadelphia ferry, 6065. Burlington Bay, Canada, 7377. Burlington Bay canal commissioners, re port, 1835. 7377. Burlington County, N. J., assessment list, 1684. 6071. justices, 1682-1709. 6072. list of freeholders, 1745. 6085. marriages, 1787-1800. 6072. poll book, 1739. 6074. Burlington County, N. Y., Brotherton In dian lands, 4549. Burlington Heights, Canada, 7325, 7342, 7377. Burlington Island, 6066. Burman, W. A., 7148d, 7150. Burn, Harriet G., 5743. Burn, R. H., 814. Burnam, Jesse, reminiscences, 6683. Burnap, C. E., 811. Burnap, G. W., 1900. Bin-net, Governor, administration, 4597. Burnet, J., 5656. Burnet, Mrs. R., 7377. Burnet family, 4559. Burnett, E. C., 13, 78, 6470. Burnett, G. H., 5823. Burnett, John, 5828. Burnett, P. H., 5801. letters, 5799. Burnham, E. J., 4459. Burnnam, E. P., 1708, 1709. Burnham, Maj. J., and his company, 5715. Burnham, J. H., 1424, 1427, 7301. Burnham, S., 3381, 3572. Burning, execution by, 3003. Burning of Schenectady, Onedaw ; or the, 4867, 4868, 4869. Burnley, Pattie, 1641. Burns, C. M., 6344. Burns, J., sermon, 1814. 7226. Burns, J. F., 1016. Burnside, A. E., 6596. Burnside, S. M., 117. Burnside expedition, North Carolina, 6596, 6598. . Burnside s corps, colored troops, 6599. Burpee, L. J., 7326-7328. Burr, Aaron, letter to Colonel Rutgers, 1802. 5043. letters of, 6381. See also Burr conspiracy. Burr, E. D., 4280. Burr, G. L., 4, 7, 22, 38, 40, 41. Burr, H., 1227. Burr, Col. J. G., 5598. Burr, T. A., 5635. Burr, W. H., 905. Burr family of Ohio, 5748. Burr conspiracy, 26, 945, 6083. Burrage, H. S., 773, 777, 1677, 1707-1717, 1793, 1797, 7441. Burrage, W. C., 2099. Burrell, John, diary, 1759-60. 3417. Burritt, Mrs. A., 7381. Burritt, C. H., 904. Burroughs, C., 4451, 4466. Burrows, J. L., 1648. Burrows, R., visit, 1806. 4775. Burt, Governor, 4410. Burt, F., 4450. Burt, H. M., 2184. Burt, N., 6047. Burt, W., 4280. Burt family, 4035. Burton, C. M., 4280, 4281, 4283, 5748, 7471. i Burton, N. S., 5753. I Burton, W., letters, 1834. 4215. Burton family, 6853. (Bucks County, Pa.), 5908. Burton, Ohio, Congregational Church, 5702. Burtsell, R. L., 928. Burwash, N., 7328, 7367. Burwell, N., letters, 1718. 6855. Busey, S. C., 1266, 1268. Bush, Celeste E., 1204. Bush, Mary, 4280. Bush, S. W., 3392. Bushee, F. A., 812. Bushnell, A., 586o. Bushnell, D. I., 7518. Bushnell, E., 5721. Bushnell, H., 4998, 5010. Bushnell family, 3410. (Francis) family, 3411. Bushwhacking in Missouri, 1520, 1521. Buss, J., 1710. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1071 Bussey, Benjamin, autobiography and genealogj 7 , 2204. Bussey, C., 1517. Butler, B. F., 4695, 5097, 5162. Butler, C., 3360, 5749. Butler, J., 3360. Butler, J. D., 35, 189, 204, 210, 404, 470, 5006, 883, 3388, 3404, 3412, 39286, 6722, 6723, 6930a, 69306, 6932, 6933, 6936, 6957, 6960. 6962, 6963, 6980, 6986, 6989, 7013, 7067. Butler, N. L., 5824. Butler, N. M., 1818. Butler, R., letter to W. Irvine, 1781. 6064. Butler, W. A., 3686, 5025, 5321. Butler family, 3359, 6063. (Cyrus) family, 6583. (John) family, 3360, 3361. of South Carolina, 6649. Butler County, Ala., Indian massacres, 946. Butler County, Ohio, aboriginal history, 5713. Butler s Rangers, 5046, 7226, 7232. roster, 5046. Butterfield, C. W., 5737, 5785, 5787, 6932, 6933, 6983. Butterfield, J. W., 1578a, 1581. Butterfield, K. L., 4295. Butterfield, R. W., 4300. Butterfield family, 3402, 3811. Butterflies, list of, in New England, 2286. Butterworth family, 3399. Buttles family, 5748. Butts, F. B., 6526, 6595, 6597, 6598, 6599. 74826. Byberry, I a., biographical sketches, 5968. history, 5968. Byers, S. H. M., 1514, 1515, 1520, 1522, 1523. Byfield, N., 4104. Byington, Cyrus, 724. Byington, E. H., 779, 797, 2184, 3408, 3413, 3686, 3832, 3866, 3949. Byley family, 3409, 3410, 3890. Byrd, Mary W., will, 1813. 6830. Byrd, W., letters, 34. Byrd, W., jr., letters, 6827, 6833. Byrd family, 6829. Byrd and Carter letters, 6834. Byrd library, Westover, 1777. 6836. Byron, R., 2069. Byron-Curtiss, A. L., 5437, 5448. Bythewood family, 3398. Bytown, Canada, 7381. founder of, 7381. Cabeen, F. von A., 6081, 6085. Cabell, J. A., 6781. Cabell, W. II., letter to J. Camm, 1805. 6856. Cabeza de Vaca, 841. route in Texas, 6681, 6682. Cabildo, New Orleans, reception of Presi dent McKinley, 1669. Cabin John Bridge, 898, 1265. Cable, G. W., 1658. Cable, imperial, service, 7326. Cables, submarine, 897, 902. Cabo De Arenas. See Sandy Hook. Cabot, E. C., 877. Cabot, J. E., 2787. Cabot, John, 36, 208, 1758. discovery of North America, 1497. 3390, 3663. landfall and chart, 7322, 7324. Cabot, Sebastian, 208. landfall of, and discoveries, 1714. map of, 2789. Cabot celebration at Halifax, 1897. 2802. commemoration, 1897. 3214. controversies, the, 2801, 318*6. controversy, latest lights on, 1903. 7328. map, 2788. legends of, 7322. proceedings at Halifax, June, 1897. 7338. quarter centenary, 38. Cabotian discovery, the, 7322. Cabot s mappe-monde. 225, 2796, 3104. Cabots, the voyages, 196, 1718, 7281, 7319, 7321, 7323. latest phase of controversy, 7322, 7339. " Cachupin," significance, 1005. Cadillac, La Mothe de, 1702. Cadillac papers, 7471, 7472. Cadle, C., 1523. Cadle, Harriet S., 5044, 5045. Cadwalader, L., letter to T. Pickering, 1822. 6081. Cadwalader (John) family, 6068. Cadwallader, J., 6046. Cadwell, D., 5618. - Cady, A., 3683. Caesar, Augustus, Denarius of, 6310. Cahalan, J. E., 928, 929. Cahiars of 1789, the, 35. Cahill, E., 4292, 4293. Cahokia, 111., inhabitants 1783. 1383. Gaboon family, 5627, 7414. Cahuenga, battle, Americans at, 1011. Cairo to Beni-Hassan, 574. Calapoola, upper, the, 5800. Calculus of operations, supplement, 4704. Calder, Edna F., 2201-2208. Calderon, Alfredo Alvarez, 905. Caldwell, E. W., 1524. Caldwell, II., 7205. Caldwell, II. W., 21, 4407. Caldwell, J. D., 5605. Caldwell, J. W., 38. Caldwell, S. L., 6472. Caldwell (Charles) family, 3416. "Caleb Cushing," capture of, 1717. " Caledonia " and "Adams " episode, 4777. Caledonia, N. Y., 4924, 4931. Calef, A. B., 3412. Calendar, Mexican. 998. Calendars, 6059. change of, 6058. 6059, 6891. old and new style, 6321. Calhoon, S. S., 4349. Calhoun, J. C., 1384. calendar of letters, of, 16, 31. 1072 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Calhoun, J. C., correspondence, 18, 32. letter, 1828. 2788. letter, 1847. 34. letter to C. S. Tarpley, 1849. 1286. letters, 1285. papers, 2802, 2808. pro-slavery letter, 1514. Calhoun, Wm., journal, 1762-1769. 1288. Calhounr. County, Mich., bar, 4263. memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280, 4283. Calhoun, Lake, Sioux at, 4326. California, 897, 1884. admission to Union, anniversary, 1026- 1081. Alta, governors, 1017. art, early, 1020. bibliographical notes on early, 28. colleges, history, 990, 991. conquest, 990. constitution, genesis of, 1846-1849. 1826. days of 49, 1021. description, 1859. 545. discovery of gold, 1012. early days and rapid growth, 2251, 2339. eighteenth century, 1003. exceptional years, 1006. geographical features, 553. governors, 1018, 1021. history, 4688. in 1844. 1011. in the thirties, 1011. Indian troubles in 1849. 5798. Irishmen in, 609. landmarks, 1010. late settlement, 1019. meteorology, 1006. missionary establishment, 1013. name of, 155. noticias de la Nueva California, 988. overland to, in 1850. 1019. in 1860. 4213. Panama route to, in the sixties, 1018. pioneer trails to, 1521. political separation, movement, 1005. politics, 1018. revolution of 1831. 1022. saved by a woman s wit, 1016. pioneer schools and teachers, 1016. southern, coast languages, 1095. gold discoveries, 1010. medicinal and edible plants, 1020. Spanish administration, 988. Spanish archives, 994. Spanish press, 995. trip to, by way of Nicaragua, 1020. upper, free state, 1016. California, Lower, cape regions, 573. explorations, 576. California, voyage, early, 2251, 2335. " California," steamer, anniversary of ar rival at San Francisco, 1092. Californian, native, Ramon Valenzuela story of, 1016. Calkins, C. G., 5618, 5619, 5628. Calkins, E, A., 6930, 6931, 6971. Calkins, G. N., 808-811. Calkins, H., 5049, 6925, 6939. Calkins, H., jr., 5047, 5050. Calkins, M., 2184. Call, R. E., 1620. Callahan, F. M., 1831. Callahan, G. C., 6858. Callahan, J. M., 12, 13, 15, 16, 1829, 1862. Callaway, A. R., 812. Callaway, J. E., 4398. Callendar, S. D., 4299. Callender, Hannah, diary, 1758-1762. 6068. Callender, J., 6485, 6495. letters, 3382. Callender, J. T., 3408, 3409, 3899. Calley, R., diary, 1699-1765. 3374. Callieres family, 7315. Calonne, L abbe de, 7345. Calthorpe family, 6850. Calumet County, Wis., 6925, 6939. Calver, W. L., 5732. Calvert, G., first Lord Baltimore, 1876. Calvert, R., 6896. Calvert family, 6829. Calvert papers, 1948, 1953, 1954. Calvin, S., 1515, 1516, 1519, 1528. Calvin and Melanchthon, 774. Cambria County, Pa. St. Augustine s Church, 5855. Cambridge, England, 3597. Cambridge, Mass., 3597. Association of ministers, 1690-1704. 2786. camp at, 1775. 2773. Craigie house, 450. history, 2625, 2689. Indian boks printed at, 1653-1721. 181. old and new, 3383. old burying ground, epitaphs, 3360. Peabody museum in, 201. press of, 200, 346. reminiscences, 4205, 4232. Vassall estate, 3829o, 3403. Washington s headquarters, 2891. Cambridge, Ohio, burials in old cemetery, 5746, 5747. Cambridge Farms (Mass.), parish of, L .v.i4. Camden, N. C., battle of, 6596. killed, wounded, captured, etc., 3385. Camden, N. J., history, 4499. Camden County, N. J., early settlements, 4557. Camels, on American deserts, 1019. Cameron family (Virginia), 6890. Cameron rolls, 1812. 7296. Camfort, R., 5391. Camisard uprising, 772. Camm family, 6865. (John) family, 6852. Cammerhoff, J. C. F., 6085, 6136. Cammerhoff trouble at Onondaga, 6223. Cammock, Thomas, deed to, from Gorges and Mason, 1634. 3390. patent to, November 1, 1631. 1720. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1073 Cammuck, T., 6925, 6939. Camp, W. B., 4906-4908. Camp Avery, 1812. 7418. Camp Discharge, 7422. Camp Douglas, history, 1363. Camp meeting, Firelands, 5637. Camp rottsgrove, Continental Army at 7422. Camp meetings, early, McLean County, 111., 1427. Camp Towamensing, Washington s army at, 7422. Campbell, A., 4255, 7192. Campbell, A. K., 1506. Campbell, B. U., 1875. Campbell, D., 5, 7, 5417, 5453. Campbell, E. R., 1055. Campbell, H. C., 34, 6911, 6920, 6964, 7024. Campbell, I. R., 1502. Campbell, J., 7187, 7213, 7320-7324, 7325. diary, 4547. news letters written by, 1703. 2778. Campbell, J. A., 945. Campbell, J. A. P., 4347. Campbell, J. E., 5715, 5736. Campbell, J. L., 1451. Campbell, J. M., 5847. Campbell, J. V., 4254, 4255. Campbell, Margaret B., letter to W. B. Campbell, 6671. Campbell, M. D., 4295. Campbell, Mary L., 7381. Campbell, M. R., 896. Campbell, S. L., 6842. Campbell, T. J., 927, 929, 932. Campbell, W. W., 5136, 5147. Campbell family, 36660, 4862. (Ann) ancestry of, 5031. (Robert) family, 3390. Campbell papers, 6670, 6833. Campbell s Island, Me. Skeleton in armor, the, found on, 1797. Campfield, J., diary, 4583. " Campus," use of word at American col leges, 2135, 2154. Canaan, Conn., reminiscences, 3370. Canada, aborigines, 7185, 7213. archives, 3, 7180c, 7181, 7186, 7308. banks, copper currency, 1837-1857. 7328. bibliography, 1901. 7327. birds of, 7179. song, 7174. botanical geography of, 7176. boundary, 904. British rule, 1981. campaign, 1684. 7222. 1708-1710. 8. 1759. 7204. 1760. 7205. card money, 7183. first census, 1666. 7347. census, 1861. 7177. La chanson dans la Nouvelle-France, 7346. chorography, 7182. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 68 Canada, churches, heating of (Le chauffage de nos eglises autrefois), 7345. city government in, 7371-7372. colony at death of Champlain, 7222. coloring materials in, 7172. commerce, 1755. 7204. confederation idea on continent of N. A., 7365. conquest of, 7194, 7219, 7329. Conquete de la liberte, 7316. Constitutions, Etude politique, 7325. copper mining in east, 7178. copyright, 7317. criminal proceedings, seventeenth cen tury, 7349. currency, after the capitulation, 7184. dark days of, 7173. licensed M. D. s, 1788-1848 (Licencies des bureaux medicaux du Canada- est), 7347a. Dominion and proposed Australian commonwealth, 7320. education, 7173, 7175. Emigres in, colony, 1798-1816. 7373. etymologies, 7174. exodus of nobles, 1763. 7346. expedition of 1747. 2802. expedition to, 1758-1760. 2251, 2258, 2340, 2410, 3368. muster-roll, 2796. expedition to, 1776. 4536. Fall of New France, 1755-1760. 7362. federal government, 1820. first book printed, 7222. folksongs, 7321. forests, 904, 7219. destruction of, 7381. French colonization, 7321, 7381. French domination, 7313. French literature, 7308. French regime, 1700-1760. 7381. officers of marine, 7346. gaols of, 7177. geographical work in, 1896. 573. gold fields, 7177. grain trade, 7176. origin of the half breeds (Les metis ou bois-brules), 7345. historical portraits, 7289. historical publications, 7368, 7374. historical studies in, 2, 3. histoire, les premieres pages de notre^ histoire, 7310. histoire, le Canada depuis 1 Uhion de 1841. 7309. historiens, 7308. History, 7179, 7190, 7234, 7351. 1608-1700. 7204, 7206. before, 1672. 7346. 1736. 7204. 1749-1760. 7204. 1837. 7219, 7222. sources, 7310. and biography, 7180. horses of (Les chevaux de), 7346. 1074 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Canada, intendants de Nouvelle-France, 7328. invasion of, 1775. 6487, 6515, 7205, 7346. Jews in, 624. judicature in 1732 (La judicature en 1732), 7345. language and conquest, 7308. libraries, free public, 7308. literature, 7179, 7183, 7308. literature, education, and art in, 7318. local government, 1818, 7311. loyalists, coming of, 7364. making of, 7309. map, ancient (La plus ancienne carte), 1546. 7346. metallic minerals, localities of, 7173. meteorological phenomena, 7172. military organization, 1636-1648. 7321. military reign, 1760-1764. 7355. not part of United States, 916. old attorneys and practitioners (Les an- ciens huissiers et praticiens), 7345. old legends (Les legendes de nos an- cetres), 7345. organization for the farmer, 4295. painting in, 7346. parliamentary government, 8. Phips s expedition, 1690. 2631, 2805, 3367. pigments, 7172, 7174. Poesie frangaise, 7308. poets of, 7309. population, Etude ethnogr., 7327. postal service, 1787-1812. 7347. prisoners, 1695. 3364. public debts, 7375. rebellion, 1837-38. 4774, 4777. regiment, One hundredth Prince of Wales s Royal Canadian, history, 7381. responsible government in, 7. Roman Catholic Church, 7309. scheme for conquest, 1746. 214. seigneurs de, 7308. social and economic conditions of British provinces after rebellion of 1838- 1840. 7325. Scot in, 1535-1880. 7187. seignorality, 7347. settlers, early, manners and customs, 7381. topographic survey, 894. Trading companies, early, 7376. Union of British North American prov inces, 1854. 7324. Vice-rois et lieutenants-generaux, 7326, 7352. Victorian review, 7322. visit to, 1803. 4775. visit of Charles Carroll of Carrollton in 1776. 1871. voyages of discovery, 1534-1542. 7204. waterways, 566. why not part of United States, 924. Canada, county of, 2624. 1760. 2624. patent of, 4108. Canada, Lower, medical statistics, 7174. Protestant clergy of, 1700-1800. 7325. southern and southeastern portion, geol ogy of, 7174. Canada, Upper, 7230. early immigration, 7381. founding of, 7381. geology, 7172. Le Haut-Canada avant, 1615. 7329, 7329a. first legislators, 7327. second legislature, 1796-1800. 7328. first Parliament, 7, 7381. Canada and Continental Congress, 6004. Canada and the United States, 5, 924, 4728. boundary survey, 1843-1845. 7175. from historical points of view, 7. government compared, 376. government of, 202. Canada s future, 7377. Canadian, campaign, 1708-1710. 8. chorography and typography, 7182. deportation, 7219. families, first (Les premieres families canadiennes), 7345. history, United Empire loyalists, in fluence on, 7365. laborer of early times, 7316. literature, 7179. municipal government, bibliography, 7371. Northwest, French element in, 7148-y. historical names and places, 7148w. patriotism, 7222. people, origin, 7381. rebellion, 1837-1838. Relations of U. S. to, 4798. Rockies, 900. Canadians deported (deportes canadiens), 7347r/. early French and English, 7367. Canal, Atlantic-Mediterranean, 901. Cumberland, 1715, 1717. Isthmian, 900. Mandingo route, 903. routes, 900. See also Isthmian canal, Panama canal. Montreal and Quebec, 7346. Oxford, 1715,1717. Rideau, 7381. Santee canal, 6656. ship, across the peninsula of Mich., proj ects, 4253. Canal policy, national, 24. Canal Winchester, Ohio, inscriptions from old cemetery, 5750. Canals, Canada, 566. China, 7474. of the United States, 1859. 545. of the world, great, 7474. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1075 Canals, Ohio, 5725, 5739. See also Conewago canal, Erie canal, Lachine canal, New York canals. Canundaigua lake, Indian mound, 5732. Canary Islands, colonies from, in Mexico, 7325. inscriptions, 7325. Canaseraga River, subscription for opening, 1811. 4930. Canby constitution, 5570. Candage, II. G. F., 1673a, 2079, 2126, 2129, 7394. Candebec (Jacques) family, Orange County, N. Y., 5042. Candebec in history, 7514. Candia, twenty years siege, 7175. Candler manuscript, 2774, 3362, 3375. Candles, colonial, 5869. Canfield, Prof., 5718. Canfield, W. H., 6898, 6930. Canis, G. F., 6869. Canniff, C., 7303. Canniff, W., 7366. Canning, E. W. B., 2044a-2047, 4097. Canning, J. D., 4097, 4098. Cannon, G. II., 4278, 4279, 4280. Cannon, II. L., 17. Cannon, bronze, found in 1826, St. Law rence River, 7173. Revolutionary, finding of, 7422. Canonicus memorial, 6554. Canterbury, Archbishop of, Letter to W. Smith, 1766. 5517. Canterbury, England, abstract of wills, 1620. 3969. will registers, 1384-1840. 3843. Canterbury, N. H., history, 4449. longevity, 4448. petition, 1748. 4449. Canton, Mass., English Church, 3387. Ponkapog plantation, 2620. powder mill, 3389. Canton River, voyage on, 587. Cant well, E., 5466. Cantwell, J. C., 897. Cape Ann, Mass., Fisher plantation, 2258, 2421. village communities of, 2421. Cape Breton expedition, 1745. 2619, 3385. importance to Great Britain, 2623. observations on, 2621. services of Col. Arthur Noble at, 1704. voyagers to, 1536. 3364. Cape Cod, bass and mackerel fishery, 2631. Brawnde, E. Voyage to, 1616. 3386. chart 3400. harbor, account of, 2622. in old cartology, 3695. ancient ship discovered, 3376, 3501. Cape Diamond, Quebec, meteorological jour nal, 1824-1831. 7474. meteorological register, 1832-1834. 7174. Cape Elizabeth, Me., 1720. Cape Fear, historic points, 5570. lower,. history, 5598. Cape Henlopen, origin of name, 5967. Cape Henry, Va., light-house on, 6861. Cape May county, N. J., 4537. " Ear-marks," 1690-1730. 6071. early marriages, etc., 6071. early settlements, 4557. Cape May Court-House, N. J., Baptist cem etery inscriptions, 6070. Cape Porpoise, Indian attack on, 1689. 7395. old and new, 1712. Capehart, S. P., 6892, 6893. Capen, C. L., 1427. Capen, E. W., 4842. Capen, J., 4164. Capen family, 3360, 3378. Capers (Wm.) family, 6647. Capital, national, Lancaster, Pa., bid for, 6166. locating, 12. was there ever a serious idea of locating on the Susquehanna, 6165. Sec also Washington, D. C. Capitals, national, location of, 1937. Capital punishment, Belgium, 815. Capitan, a Mission Indian, 1016. Capowack, Indian name, 3410. Cappleman, Josie F., 4346, 4347. Captives, English in Canada, 3386. Massachusetts, 1755-1758. 3372. Capuchin and Jesuit Fathers at Penta- .goet, 1711. Capuchin Mission, Louisiana, 915. Caraibs, The, 116. Caratuck, travels from New Hampshire to, 5517. Carbon county, Mont., granites of, 575. Carboniferous limestone beds, Wyoming Valley, Pa., 6443. Card money in Canada, 7183. Cardenas, Cuba, attack on Spanish gun boat, 1898. 1640. Cardiff giant, 1521, 2806. " Cardiff Giant " controversy, 2780. Carey, Charlotte B., 7366. Carey, Edith F., 5750. Carey, H. C., 590. Carey, J. R., 4311. Carey, Mathew, correspondence, 1804-1830. 5851, 5852, 5853, 5854, 5855. Carhart, H. S., 4297. Caricatures relating to the Revolution, 2783. Carignan regiment, 7327. Carleton, II., 6764. Carleton, O., 3413. Carleton, Gov. Thomas, Royal commission and instructions to, 7536. Carlisle, F., 4274. Carlisle, O., 5750. Carlisle family, 5750. Carlisle, Mass., records, 3412. Carlisle, Pa., Indian depredations, 1768. 6084. St. Patrick s church, 5848. how the site was purchased, 6085. Carlton, L. M., 5569. 1076 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Carlton genealogy, 2423. Carlyle, Thomas, letter from, 2780. Carman, A. S., 5753. Carmel, N. Y., Philippi, West, or Old Gilead Church, inscriptions, 5049. Carmelites, Maryland, 916. Carnahan, J., 4540. Carne, W. F., 1268. Carnochan, Janet, 7226, 7262-7266, 7268a ; 7271, 7298, 7300. Carolina, constitution, 1669. 6634. council journals, 1671-1675. 6634. establishment of a new colony, 1717. 105. expedition, 1669-70. 6634. fleet, 1609. 6634. letters from, 1670. 6634. lords proprietors, 1674. 6634. temporary laws, 6634. Carolina coast, map of, 1662. 2789. Carolina pirates, 1670-1740. 1825. See also North- Carolina, South Carolina. Caroline County, Md., marriage licenses, 1774 1815. 6086, 6134. Caroline County, Va., county committee, 1774. 6854. Caron, X., 7346. Carondelet in Louisiana, 1794. 35. Carpenter, A. B., 3367. Carpenter. A. H., 20, 42, 43, 95. Carpenter, B. F., 5569. Carpenter, B. F. D., 6707, 6709a. Carpenter, C., 6708. Carpenter, C. C., 1513-1516. messages, etc., 1872-1876. 1560. Carpenter, D. H., 5043, 5048. Carpenter, D. W., 4417. Carpenter, Esther B., 6520. Carpenter, G. M., 6520, 6570, 6572. Carpenter, G. W., 4684. Carpenter, Jane A., 5643. Carpenter, J. C., 1581. Carpenter, Mary, letter to, 1664. 3372. Carpenter, W. H., 4885. Carpenter family, 3367. Carr, Dabney, library of, 1773. 6826. Carr, F. E., 4159. Carr, J. C., 1010. Carr, L., 205, 206, 208, 408, 426, 452, 2803, 3241. Carr, Sir Robert, letter, 1665. 2773. Carr, W., 1021. Carr family, 6826, 6827, 6829, 6856. Carrara medals, 648. Carriages before 1776. 2201. Carriages our ancestors rode in, 17801789. 6083. See also Coaches. Carrier Indians, 7317. Carrigain, P., letter, 3359. Carrington, E., 3280. Carrington, H. B., 2574, 2792, 4552, 4628. Carrington family, 6849. (Paul and Priscilla Sims) family, 1285, Carroll, Charles, sr., letters, 931, Carroll, Charles, appointment to Maryland council, 914. bibliography, 929. letters, 931. letter to Washington, 1775. 914. journal during his visit to Canada in 1776. 1871, 1964. Carroll, D., residence of, 1269. Carroll, G. R., 1522. Carroll, H. K., 784. Carroll, John, letter on Indian missions, 1800. 915. Carroll, J. W., 4735. Carroll, M., diary, 4395. Carroll, Thomas, 2274. Carrow, G. D., 6068. Carruth, W. H., 1578a, 1580. Carruthers, W. A., 1315. Carson, H. L., 6064, 6069, 6072, 6073, 6077. Carson, " Kit," 4378. fight with Indians, Canadian River, 1864. 6595. Carstairs, J. S., 7367. Cartel for exchange of prisoners of war, 1778. 6080. Carter, B. B., 6581. Carter, C. F., 2594. Carter, C. H., 3, 1159. Carter, G. W., 6971, 7526. Carter, J. C., 4783. Carter, Landon, diary, 1770-1774. 6861. 6864. Carter, Lorenzo, 5626. Carter, R., inventory of property, 6830, 6831. letters, 6827. library of, 6858, 6859. Carter, R. G., 1713-1715, 1785. Carter, R. K., will, 6829. Carter, S., 4097. Carter, T. H., 4398. Carter, W., petition, 1784. 6861. Carter, W. H., 1516. Carter and Byrd letters, 6834. Carter family, 3375, 6849, 6072, 6857. (Jeremiah) family, 5899. (John) family, 6581. Carter papers, 6830, 6831. Carteret, E., lease to Twelve Proprietors for East Jersey, 4538. Carteret, Gov. Philip, pedigree, 4545. Carthage, N. Y., an early Catholic settle ment, St. James of, 5852. Carthagena, expedition against, 2787. Cartier, J., course of, 7319. voyage, first, 7312. voyage, fourth, 7309. voyages, 1534-1542. 7200. voyages, points obscure, 7315. Cartier s explorations, 3135. results in Europe, 2797. Cartier s voyages, anticipations of, 2798, 3140. Cartography, America, in sixteenth century, 2801, 3203. France, 893, SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1077 Cartography, Guiana, 15. Gulf of St. Lawrence, 7314. historical, of .the United States, 1829. early history, 555. Lake Superior, 4326. map of world, progress, 905. Mississippi, 16th century, 4351. New Brunswick, 7322, 7334. northeastern boundary, 3046. of the New World, 580. Venezuela, 15. West Florida and U. S., 1829. Woodward and Saffery s map of Massa chusetts, 1642. 3413. See also Maps. Cartwright, C. M., 5800. Cartwright, T., Company, 1777. 3408. Carver family, 2567. Carver, Mass., description of, 2632. Carver centenary, 4303, 4315. Carver s grant, 6930. Carver s " Travels," authenticity of, 7056. Cary, M., instructions to, 1695. 3382. Cary, Samuel, letter, 1806. 2135. Cary, T. G., 3368. Cary, W., will, 1772. 6834. Cary, W. M., 6833, 6853. Cary (Wilson), family, 6833. Cary rebellion, 5580. Caryl family, 2195. Casa de Contratacion, Seville, 11. Casady, P. M., 1521. Casares, D., 2142. Cascades, the, Oregon, attack on, 1856. 5812. Cascades massacre, the, 5827. Casco, Me., Indian attack, 1676. 3389. Casco Bay, 1630-1667. 1674. Casco Neck, Me., 1720. Case, E. T., 6595. Case, L., 5776, no. 30. Case, Wm. M., 5797, 5798. Case family, Ohio, 5748, 5749. Case s ark, 5626. Casey, T. W., 7301. Casgrain, Abbe, charges, 7285. Cnsjrrain, II. R., 915, 7308-7310, 7312- 7314, 7345. Casgrain, P. B., 7195, 7285, 7328, 7329, 7346, 7347a, 7348, 7349, 7350. Casis, Lilia M., 6680. Cass, L., 3, 105, 106, 4244, 4246. at Ste. Marie, 1820. 6929. expedition, 1820. 6935. papers, 5776, no. 8. ( ass family, 3414. ( ass County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4283. Pioneer picnic, 1882. 4281. Cass County, Nebr., history, 4406. Cass manuscripts, 6927. Cassady, P. M., 1507, 1509, 1514. Cassel, A. H., 5960, 6062. Cassel, Prussia, 887. < assell, A., 6058. Casselman, A. C., 7366, 7367. Casson, F. D. de. See Dollier de Casson, F. Castellani collection, 646. Castell s discoverie of America, 1644. 5098. Castine, Baron de, letter, 1725. 3372. Castine, Me., old coins found at, 1702, 1738. contribution to dramatic history, 3387. Fort St. Georges, 1752. 1700. French occupation of, 1710. history, 1738. Jesuit fathers at Pentagoet, 1711. Latin inscription found at, 159, 219. military operations, 4205. " Castine the Younger," 1703. " Castle," burning of, 1776. 2792. Castle Island, fort on, memorial stone of, 2786. letters relating to, 2781. Castle William and Mary, 4427. Castleton, Vt., memorial exercises, 1885. 6719. churchyard, epitaphs, 6714, 6717. Castner, S., jr., 5855. Castorland, N. Y., 2826. " Journal de Castorland," 2776. Caswell, A., 3376, 3504, 3686. Cataia, northwest passage to, 4126. Catalogue, De, family, 7309. Cataloguers, ways of, 653. Catalogues, government, 814. Catalpa, hardy, 904. Catawba language, vocabulary, etc., 6631, 6636. " Catechism, saying the," 3681. Catechisms, New England, 1590-1798. 207, 435. Cathay. See Cataia. Catherwood, F., 517. " Catholic America," work to be called, 914. Catholic bibliography, 916. notes on, 7390. Catholic Church in America, the first Vicariate, 1493. 5849. hierarchy, establishment of, 927, 6345. Los Angeles County, Cal., 1006. Minnesota. 4312. Mississippi, colonial times. 4349. papers from the Irish college at Rome, 5849, 5850, 5851. Pennsylvania, early registers, 5844. St. Louis, 4376. South America, 5856. Catholic explorers and settlements. Long Island, 4735. Catholic history, Maryland, 914. Catholic historical studies, 5843. Catholic items in colonial paper, 914. New York, colonial paper, 914, 915. New York papers, 915. Pennsylvania papers, 915. Catholic journals, gleanings, 928, 929. 1078 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Catholic missions, in Colorado, 1010. in Maine, 1697. in Mississippi Valley, 5855a. in Pennsylvania, 015. Catholic newspaper, New York s first, 929. Catholic periodicals in United States, 5846. Catholic relics of early days. 914. Catholic volunteers, provincial corps, 928. Catholicism, English colonies, 915. Catholics, Baltimore, 915. Brooklyn, 916, 917. Cattaraugus County, N. Y., 916. Chicago, 917. Connecticut, 915, 91 G. Delaware, 916, 5843, 5857, 5860. directory and almanac, 1817. 915 exception against, removed, 2643. grammar schools, 914. Hartford, 928. Lancaster, 915. Lee County, Iowa, 5844. long episcopates, 916. losses in America, 917. Maine, 916. Maryland, 916. legislation against, 1714-20. 17. petition, 1756. 915. Michigan, 915. New York clergy, 927. register of, 930. New York, German, 928. Paterson, N. .L, 929. Pennsylvania, 914. Roman, in Rhode Island, as freemen, 2643. Savannah, 917. Shelby County, Iowa, 1520. Texas, 5844. Ftica. N. Y., 917. Washington, D. C., 915. See also American Catholic Historical Society, Niagara, Canada, Roman Catholics. Catlin, painting of the Constitutional Con vention of Virginia, 2794. Caton, J. D., 1356, 1357. Cator, G., 1832. Catskill, N. Y., topography, 2627. Catterall, R. C. H.. 43. Cattle, capture by British, 5959. Cattle industry, United States, 579. Cattle war, Wyoming, 4417. Caucus, nominating, 39. Caughnawaga, Canada, church of St. Fran- c.ois-Xavier, 7345. Caulkins, Frances M., 1206, 2649, 2741, 3369, 3381. bibliography of, 1195. Causapscal, Saint-Jacques de, 7347. Causeway, The Great or Long, 2205. Cavalier immigration, 6854. Cave in Indiana, 116. Mammoth, in Kentucky, 116. pictured, of La Crosse Valley, 6977a. Cave dwellers, American, 570. Caw, J., 4866, 4869. Caxton celebration, Montreal, 1877. 7288. Cayley, E., 7176. Cayuga County, N. Y., Friends in, 4800. inventors and inventions of, 4800, 4802. national bank, 5459. population, 5513. press, history of, 1789-1877. 4800. republican party, beginnings of, 4800. wool, culture and manufacture of, 4800. Cayuga Indians, 5535. Cayuga, Joint Stock Company of 1849. 4800. Cases, P. de, 7309, 7315, 7317, 7325. Cedar County, Iowa, 1504, 1505, 1508. Old Settlers Association, 1507. Cedar Creek, battle of, 1864. 6595, 7482i. Cedar Hall, St. Pierre du Lac, 7347. Cedar Mountain, battle of, 3335, 6596. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, early settlement, 1522. pioneer perils, 1518. Cedar River gang, 1518. Cedars, battle of, 1776, affair of the Cedars, 4457. Celoron s expedition, 1749. 6143. Cemeteries, ancient Christian, 299. Censors, council of, 6078, 6470. Census, English, 813. manner of taking a, 545. memorial on, 530. Russian, 1897. 811. World, 812. Censuses, foreign, 813. State, 811. Cent Society, 2792. Centenarians of New Hampshire deceased since 1705. 4439. Centennial celebrations, town, their im portance, 6733. Centennial of Federal Government, 4554. Centennial commemorations. Proceedings at, 1874-75. 3637. Centennials at Philadelphia, Salem, Lex ington, Concord, Boston, Cam bridge, 1874-75. 3387. Center Lodge, 1453-1455. Central America, British rule in, 4292. Chorographical description, Galindo s, 2644. Kiche myths of, 736. researches upon man s antiquity. 6401. " Central America," steamship, foundering, 1015. Central labor unions, history and func tions, 4829. Ceramic literature of Pennsylvania Ger mans, 6344. Ceresco, Wisconsin phalanx, 6971. Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, early condi tions, 1522. Cerros Island, 577. Cesnola collection of Cypriote antiquities, 6284. Ceylon, Holland Society of, 4885. Chabociere, A. B., will, 1694. 6621. Chadbourne, G. S., 4025. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1079 Chadbourne, P. A., 1702, 6948. Chadbourne. T., 3371. Chadbourne family, 3371. Chadsey, C. E.. 4825. Chadsey. J.. 5047. Chadsey (William) family, 5047. Chadwick, E. M., 7366. Chadwick, J. R., 7424. Chadwick, S. P., 5805. Chairs of New England governors, 3737. Chalchihuites, Mexican, 293. Chalker (Alexander) family, 3417. Chalkey, L., 6832. Chalmers, George, 2652. Chalmer s Political Annals, 5241. Chamberlain, A. P., 211, 496, 7320. Chamberlain, C. H., 1051. Chamberlain, D. H., 2806, 2808, 3270, 4127, 4212. Chamberlain, G. W., 566, 1711, 1715, 1788. Chamberlain, M., 3, 59, 2071, 2784, 2789, 2791-2802, 3049, 3018, 3032, 3084, 3102, 3108, 3130, 3148, 3318, 4184. Chamberlain, N. H., 3460, 3685. Chamberlain, T. L., 4127. Chamberlain family of Maine, 1711. Chamberlayne, C. G., 6853, -6856. Chamberlin, Agnes, 7386. Chamberlin, H. H., 4203, 4209, 4212, 4226. Chamberlin, M. H., 1423, 7425. Chamberlin, T. C., 895, 5915. Chamberlin, Wm., autobiograpic letter, 1827, and other MSS., 2800. Chambers, Gov., 1517. Chambers, E. T. D., 7321. Chambers, F. T., 7391. Chambers, H. E., 1827, 1829, 4344a, 4346. Chambers, John, 1841-1845, 1557. Chambers, T. P., 4560. Chambers, T. W., 776, 777, 4892. Chambers family, 6157. Chambersburg, Pa., banks, 6156. colonial and revolutionary, 6015. founders of, 6154. history, 6155. old churchyard, 6154. schools of our fathers, 6155. Chambersburg Academy, 6154. " Chameau," wreck of, Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, 1725. 7348. Champaign County, Ohio, history, 5773. " Champdore," voyage of, 1608. 3403, 3830. Champernoun, P., will, 1686. 3385. Champion, N. Y., kistorical reminiscenses, 4906. Champion, Ohio, 5689. Champion Hill, Mich., pioneer history, 4280. Champion Hills, battle of, 4346. recollections of a private at, 1514. Champlain, S., 1703, 1755, 7222. expedition, 1615. 5305, 5423, 6058, 7177. in Onondaga Valley, 5151. Interpretes du temps de, 7308. MSS., 7176. Champlain, S., monument, 7222. tomb, 7191. voyages, 4113, 4215. Champlain, fetes of, Quebec, 1898. 7222. Champlain, Lake, discovery and occupation, 6729. naval battles on, 1812-1815. 7353. site of first battle of, 4694, 4721. valley of, 6767. Champlin, J. D., jr., 3370-3372, 3392, 3393. Champlin, J. T., 1704. Champlin, J. W., 4292, 4293. Champuey, E. W., 4096. Champney s settlement, 1729. 2245. Chancellorsville campaign, 3336, 6596, 7483. Chandler, C., 4279. Chandler, G., 3371, 3372, 3391. Chandler, J. A. C., 1827, 1831. Chandler, P. W., 2773, 2787, 2789, 2964 Chandler, S., 3683. Chandler, S., diary, 1755-56. 3375. diary, 1761-1764. 3414. Chandler, S. C., 2135. Chandler family, 2206-2208, 6065, 7407. Chandler family in Worcester, 4215, 4240. Chandler (John) family, 3373. Chaney, H. A., 4292. Chancy, J. B., 4310. Change, measure of, 809. Channel islands, 5750. Channing, E., 2, 36, 201, 366, 1814, 1816, 2793, 2797, 2804, 2807, 3128, 3130. Channing. W. E., letter of, 2787. Channing centennial, 2787. Chantilly, Va., battle of, 3333, 3335. Chapin, J. E., 6937, 7091. Chapin family, 3373. Chaplin, J., 3684. Chapman, C. B., 6928. Chapman, C. H., 4284. Chapman, C. I. A., 6423. Chapman, F. M., 899. Chapman, F. W., 3372. Chapman, Geo. H., 2780. Chapman, H. L., 1708, 1710, 1717, 1795, 1802. Chapmatf, Jacob, 3388, 3397, 3735, 3741. Chapman, J. W., jr., 1828. Chapman, L. B., 1709, 1712, 1713, 1715, 1716. Chapman, K. H., 897, 903. Chapman, T. J., 6147. Chapman family, 2255. Chapman family of Bucks County, 6083. Chappell, F. C., 812. Chappell family, 6827. Chariots, war, discovery near Rome, 6292. Charitable trusts of England, 199. Charities, literature, 1818. Charity statistics, 812. Charland, R. P. P. V., 7347a. Charlemont, Mass., historic oak, 4098. reminiscences, 4098. Charles I, death of, 2620. 1080 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Charles II, letter of, 1660. 2775. letter to Governor Endicott, 1662. 2636. letter to governor and magistrates of Rhode Island, 1678-79. 2623. Charles V, emperor, 43. Charles, George and Robert, correspond ence, 1746-1752. 6063. Charles City County, Va., marriage bonds, 6856. old tombstones, 6852. patents, 6857. records, 1655-1661. 6852. Charles County, Md., missionary life, 919. Charlesbourg, Canada, priests and monks born at, 1682-1872, 7347. Charleston, S. C. Diurnal of Bishop Eng land, 1820-1823. 5848, 5849. fire of 1740. 6618. French Protestant Church, 1686-1866. 6613. Huguenot Church, 6618. letter from, May 12, 1798. 6830. orange quarter, 6618. St. Coecilia Society, 1773. 6646. St. John s, Berkeley, 6618. siege of, 1780. 38, 4536. 1861-1865. 3340, 6595, 7482f. tea arrival, 1773-1775. 6676. visits to, 1853. 2807. voyage to, 1765, journal of P. Webster, 1282, 6645. Charlestown, Mass., 3382. ancient " live feilde," 3844, 3853a. burying ground, 3363. church affairs, 1678. 2639. diary, 1677-1694. 3125. first church, account books, 3392. record book, 3381-3391. " great house," site of, 3400. history, 2630, 2704. mill pond, 3414, 3953. petition of inhabitants, 1689. 4105. record book, 1593. 3377. records, 1633-1648. 3378. schools, early, 4159-4161. sketch of, 2246. Ursuline Convent, 916. Charlestown, N. H., annals, 4449. Charlestown, W. Va., 6889. original map, 6892. St. George s chapel, 6892. what I saw in, December 15, 16, 1859. 6154. Charles Town s Academy, 6893. Charlevoix, Pierre Frangois Xavier de, 6938, 7172. Charlton, R. M., 1311, 1319. Charlton in the Civil War, 4142. Charnock, R. S., 3686. Charter Oak, 2137. Charter of liberties, 1629. 5096. Charters of New England, 1689. 4105. Chartier, M. E. G. A., 7348. Chase, C. A., 202, 206, 208, 209, 344, 391, 474, 4214. Chase, E., 2118, 6902. Chase, F., 3373. Chase, F. H., 5486, 5507. Chase, G. B., 2787, 2788, 2794, 2795, 2797, 2802, 2804, 3094, 3253, 3388. Chase, J. A., 1581. Chase, L. B., 3413, 3945, 4132, 4133, 4138, 4209, 4210. Chase, P. S., 6596, 6597, 6598. Chase, S. P., diary and correspondence, 25. letters to, 1861. 38. manuscripts, 2803. Chase, T., 202, 373. Chase family, 3359, 3416. Chastain family, 6811. I Chateau St. Louis, 1798. 7222. Chateauguay, battle of, 7143. Chatelain. H., 569. Chatham, Mass., description of, 2626. first settlers, 3365. Chatham s colonial policy, 39. Chatterton, M. D., 4279. Chauncey, C., 3687. Chauncy, C., 2628. arms of, 2795. correspondence with Thomas Prince, 2650. letters, 1722-1754. 3368. Chauncy family, 3756a. Chauncy (Charles) family, 3368, 3369. ! Chauteauguay, address before battle of (discours de), 7345. Chauveau, P. J. O.* 7308. Cheatham, B. F., 1654. story of Spring Hill, 1647. Checkley, John, 4124. Checkley family, 3360, 3424. Cheesek-ook, Wawayanda, v., 4864. Cheetham, J. D., 5721, 5725. Cheever, Ezekiel, MSS, and letters, 3964. trial, 1649. 1109. Cheever, T., -scholars, 1709-1710. 3376. Cheever family, 3673, 3710. Cheever (Bartholomew) family, 3394. Cheever (Ezekiel) family, 3391, 3396. Cheever (Richard) family, 3394. Chegoimegon, incident of, 1760. 6930b. Che-Kiang, China, 576. Chelan, Lake, 210, 899. Chelmsford, England, 3414. Chelmsford, Mass., 1816. 4168. marriages, 1656-1676. 3409. Chelsea, Mass., Cheever s scholars, 1709- 1710. 3376. church records of Rumneymarsh, 3378. contribution in aid of people of South Carolina and Georgia, 1781. 2799. Chemistry, new phenomena, 4706. Chemung Valley, history, 4756. Cheney, A. P., 2567. Cheney, T. A., 4756. Cheney, W. F., 2187, 2199, 7396, 7400. Cheney family, 3380. Chengtu-fu, latitude and longitude, 579. Chenoweth, Mrs. C. Van D., 4213. Chenoweth, F. A., 5814. SUBJECT AND AUTHOE INDEX. 1081 Chepard, J., 3412. Chequamegon Bay, 205, 7026. missions, 6934, 7002. story of, 6935. Cherokee Indians, 519, 6680, 6837, 6838. Embassy of Sir A. Cuming to, 1730. 3604. Expulsion from East Texas, 6679. Georgia and, 6670. in Texas, 6685. J. Martin and, 1778. 1288, 1289. Schermerhorn s report, 2632. surviving remnant, 6393. Cherokee land question, 6685. Cherokee neutral lands, 1580. Cherry, H. P., 4278. Cherry, P. P., 5608. Cherry Bluff, Iowa, 1470. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal project early development, 1830. " Chesapeake " and the " Shannon," naval battle between, 2791, 3339. Chesapeake war, 6835. Cheshire, J. B., jr., 1283. Cheshire, Mass., early settlements, 2045. Chesney, Sarah, E. J. C., 1640. Chess players, German, in Philadelphia, 887. Chester, Captain, orderly book, 1775. 2783. Chester, C. M., 905, 7474. Chester, J. L., 2251, 2774, 2783, 3375, 3376, 3378-3380, 3389, 3391, 3393, 3396, 3559a, 3676a, 3730. letter, 6857. Chester, L., will, 1637. 3374. Chester family, 3380, 3556. Chester. Conn., 2184. Chester, N. II., history, 1720-1784. 4452. Chester, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, first settlers, 3412. Chester, N. J., overseers of the poor, docu ment, 1707. 6064. Chester, N. Y., history, early, 4470. Chester, Pa., court-house, old, 5899. landing of Wm. Penn, one hundred and sixty-ninth anniversary, 6006 ; one hundred and seventieth anniver sary, 6008. removal of court-house, 6009. St. Paul s graveyard, 5899. street nomenclature, 5899. * r also West Chester. Chester County, Pa., boundary line between Delaware and, 5899. Great Valley Baptist Church, marriages, 1786-1816. 6061. Long Island, N. Y., families in, 5019, 5023. notorious freebooter of, 5899. olden times in, 5879. politics, 1743. 6078. Quakers during the Revolution, 5880. Scotch-Irish families, 3374. Chesterfield, N. J., marriages, 1685-1730. 6065. Chesterfield County, Va., old tombstones, 6856. Chestnue Hill, Pa., inhabitants, 1809. 6071 6072. Chevalier family (Philadelphia), 6063. Chever, G. F., 2240, 2242, 2243. Cheverus, Cardinal J., tomb, 914. letters, 1814-1823. 5855a. 1814-1825. 5856. 1823. 5854. 1823-1836. 5856, 7390. Cheves, Langdon, 6634. and United States bank, 13. Chew, Chief Justice, loyalty of, 6298. Chew, J. L., 1198, 1200. Chewte family, 3371. Cheyney, E. P., 38, 45. Cheyney, H. L., 5899. Chiapas, 288. Chicago, 111., common council, attitude toward fugitive slave law, 1410. drug trade, 1424. early history, 1354, 1374, 1377, 1379, 1412. early religious history, 1373. early settlers, 1360, 1361. early theater, 1392. Fort Chartres; 1375, 1383, 1424. history, 1378. Jews, 625, 634. municipal history and present organiza tion, 7116. origin of name, 7425. sources of growth, 1369. world s fair, 2798. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad line, 1518. Chicago fire, the, 2781. Chicago massacre, 1812 : bronze memorial, 1402. Chicago Tribune, 1847-1864. 7411. Chick, C. G., 2571-2574, 7424. Chickamauga, North Carolina troops at, 5593. Chickasaw Bayou campaign, 4347. Chickasaw Indians, Chiefs, etc., 4351. traditions, customs, etc., 4351. treaty of 1818. 6672. Chickering, J., 2630. Chickering family, 2197, 2198. duckies furnace, 6165, ChJlan Balam, books of, 6325. Child, A. L., 4405, 4406. Child, B. II., 6599. Child, F. J., 3448. Children, enumeration, 813. Children, proportion of, in United States, 7474. " Children s Catholic Magazine," 1838-1839. 5856. Childs, C. C., 1520. Childs, E., 6928. Childs, G. W., 204. Childs, II. W.. 4308, 4312. Childs, I.. 3363. Chile, Republic of, 560. 1082 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. , boundary, 579. geography, people, etc., 557. Chiles family, 6856. Chillicothe, Ohio, 5724. burials in Western Methodist graveyard, 5747. Greenlawn Cemetery, inscriptions, 5745. Kenton s gauntlet, 5725. settlement, 5605. Chill icothes, 5723. Chilmark, Mass., Congregational Church, records, 1787-1820. 3417. vital records to, 1850. 3008. Chilton, W. B., 6836-6838. Chimsyan vocabulary, 7187. China, 905. canals, 7474. coins and currency of, 6271. history and development, 902. the Kotow Question, 35. map, 901. people, 901. population in 1902. 578. problems, 901. western progress in, 002. and United States, 7474. Chinese emigration, 5027. Empire, 518. immigrants in farther Asia, 17, 30. language, 691. paradox, 901. religious ceremonies in eastern cities of United States, 6337. system of writing, 691. Chinook winds, 7148s. Chipman, J., declaration in behalf of, 1651-2. 3393. Chipman, N. P., 1078. Chipman, R. M., 2250, 2322, 3362, 3373. Chipman family, 2250, 2322, 3362, 3373. Chippewa chiefs, certificates made by signers of treaty of 1819. 4259. Indians, Canada, attempt to establish Moravian mission, 1800-1806. 6226. manners and customs, 6925. names, 6939. Chippewas of Lake Superior, 6927. Chiriqui, huacals of. 521. Chisman family, 6861-6863. Chittenden, A. P., 573. Chittenden, II. T., 5749. Chittenden, L. E., 6737. Chloroform, discovery of, 4908. Choate, I. B., 3398, 3415. Choate, J. H., 2137, 7395, 7459. Choate, R., 5010. Choate, W., 2576. Choate family, 3373. Choctaw Indians, creation legend, 4347. funeral customs, 4346. land claims, 4351. language, grammar of, 724. mission station, Jasper County, Miss., 4350. names, 945. Choctaw Indians, removal of, from Mis sissippi, 4551. sacred mound of, 4345. traditions, 519, 4351. Cholera, 1849. 4350. Great Lakes, 1832 4774. Providence, 1832, 1849, 1854. 6509. Chomedey, Paul de, 7353. Chona, renunciation of, 1021. Chorography, Canadian, 7182. Chouinard, E. P., 7346. Chouteau, F., 1582. Chowning, B. B., 6826. Christ, A., 6219. Christ, H., 6082. Christ of the Andes, 7424. Christian, B., 6844. Christian, E. P., 4265. Christian, J., account with I*. Goodall, 1776-1787. 6832. Christian, T., 5776, no. 23. Christian church, historical geography of, 773. Christian Commonwealth, The, Eliot s, 2647. Christian doctrine, historical method in history of, 10. Christian family, 6853, 6856, 6857. names, statistics of, 808. Science, 4694. unity, 774. Christiana riot case, 1851, coroner s ver dict, 6165. Christianity, pagan corruption of, 772. Christian s spring, Nazareth, Pa., 6222. Christina, Queen of Swedes, etc., 6057. Christy, Miller, 38. Chrysler s farm, battle of, 1813. 7381. Church, A., 1318, 4650. Church, Benj., examination of, 1775. 2619. letter, 1775. 3369. Church, P., 7412. Church and education, 1831. and Science in the Dark Ages, 5855a and state in early Maryland, 1823. in New England, 1717, 1823. in New York, 928. in North Carolina, 1824. in United States, 2. center of rural organization, 4295. colonial, sale of, 6858. discipline in colonial New England, 2796. documents, facsimiles, 889. history, American, 3. as college study, 773, 783. works on, in 1891, 774. in 1892. 776. in 1893. 778. society, field and work, 5701. of England in America, 1764. 5517. of the United Brethren (Moravians) in North America, early history, 1734-1748. 6224. plate, American, 5746. records, forms, 5701. relation to political science, 4292. SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. 1083 Church going, frontier, 1518. Churchill, R., 5750. Churchill family, 6855-6857. (Armistead), family, 6857, 6858. (John), family (Portland, Conn.), 3302. Churchville, Pa., Low Dutch Reformed Church, 5908. Chute family, 3371. Cibola, first discovered city, 5732. seven cities of, 196. Cider mill, old, 6201. Cilley, Greenleaf, 1682. Cilley, J., duel with Graves, 1709, 2802. Cilley, J. P., 1682. Cincinnati, Ohio, early, 5726. first public library, 7415. founding of, 5606. Jewish community in 1825. 633. New England Society of, 3359. pioneer history, 5663. settlement of northern territory, 5710. view, 1810. 5605. Vine Street Congregational Church, 5705. Cincinnati, Society of the, 2133, 5975, 6857. Delaware, 1231. general meeting, 1784, journal, 5975, 6021. Georgia, 1790. 6069. in the South, 1282. institution of, draft by Major Shaw, 2133. Massachusetts, 2776. New Hampshire, 4427, 4451. Rhode Island, 6520, 6544. Virginia, 1284, 6830, 6832, 6893. Cincinnati Southern Railway, a study in municipal activity, 1825. Circleville, Ohio, autobiography of G. F. Wittich, 5752. Circourt, Count, " Conclusions Historiques," 2784, 2927. Circulation, bank, fluctuations in, 809. Circumnavigation, first, 5713. Cisco, J. G., 6670, 6671. Cities, ancient, of America, 564. Gorman, statistics of, 808. growth of, 809. in Nineteenth century, 4828. statistics, 4828. Massachusetts, growth of, 808. Southern, about 1750. 5852. State supervision, 4293. See also City. Citizenship, 5571. City, first incorporated, in America (Gor- geana, Me.), records, 3393. City charters, 4299. City government, Europe, 4293. Michigan, 4292. City streets, naming of, 4205. Civil compact (Rhode Island), facsimile, 6582. Civil government, foundation of, Pilgrim fathers and, 4986. Civil lists. Bibliography of, 35. Civil record, oldest in West, 1422. Civil service, United States, 811. Civil service, reform, 6585. from a party standpoint, 6572. in American municipalities, 1539. Civilization, on studies in, 1. thoughts on, 7174. and decay, law of, 2801. and savagery, 2807. Civilizations bordering respectively on St. Lawrence and Connecticut rivers, 4097. Claflin, W., 3876. Claiborne family, 6826. Claiborne s history, inaccuracies in, 4344a. Claiborne s rebellion, 3612. Clap, E., 3373. Clap, EL, letter to N. Clap, 1726. 3372. Clap, J., letters to N. Clap, 1717, 1726. 3372. Clap, Noah, 2620. letters to N. Clap, 1733, 1743. 3372. Clap, R., 2218. Clap, S., letter to N. Clap, 1742. 3373. Clap, T., letter to N. Clap, 1725. 3372. Clap (Nicholas) family, 3373. Clapham, F. W., 3381. Clapin, Sylva, 7346. Clapp, D., 3404, 3838b. Clapp, E., letter to, 1746. 3372. Clapp, H. L., 3413. Clapp, J. C., 3408. Clapp, Mrs. O., 4213. Clapp, R. P., 4098. Clapp family, 3401. Worcester, Mass., 4213. Clapton family, 6858. Claremont, N. H., history, 4456. Claremont, Surry County, Va.. tombstones, 6856. Clarendon, Edw. Hyde, Earl of, letters, 1664-65. 2803. Clarendon papers, 5242. Clarendon settlement, 1666. 6634. Clark, Alvan, autobiography. 3401. Clark, A. C., 1268, 1270. Clark, A. F., 4096. Clark, A. Howard, 7-9. 11, 24. Clark, A. P., jr., 1267. Clark, B. N., 6721. Clark, C. A., 1518. Clark, Daniel, letter, 1662. 2780. Clark, G., 4312. Clark, G. F., 3393, 3408. 3410, 3685, 3687, 4205, 4209, 4210, 4212, 4235, 5508. memorial to, 4213. Clark, George Rogers, 1451. conquest of the Northwest, 5724. conquest by, 5737. and Illinois campaign, 6921. Kaskaskia campaign, 1777-78. 42. letter, 1781. 6070. letters, 34. Clark, H., 6733, 6735, 6745, 6752. Clark, John, 2650. Clark, John, jr., letters to Washington, 5995, 6000. 1084 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Clark, Joseph, diary, 1778-79. 4541. Clark, J. E., 1006. Clark, J. II., 4161. Clark, J. S., 4800, 6058. Clark, J. T., 6929. Clark, M., 4164, 4165, 4167, 4174. Clark, Martha B., 6167, 6186. Clark, Mary A. O., 5721. Clark, Matilda W., 4924. Clark, R. C., 6683. Clark, S., 6930&. Clark, S. M., 1513, 1521. Clark, Wm., letters, 1513. letters to Wm. Winthrop, 1803. 2203. Clark, W. A., 4397. Clark, W. E., 4836. Clark, W. H., 1044. Clark, W. L., 1521. Clark, W. R., 4022. Clark family, 2495, 3376, 3409. (Benjamin and Miriam Kilby) family 3407. (George) family, 3412. (James) family, 5043. (Thomas) family, 3417. (Timothy) family, 3416. (William) family, 1731, 3391. (Topsfield, Mass.), 4164. Clark genealogy, 2264. Clark-Genet correspondence, 13, 29. Clark County, Iowa, 1504. Clark Lake, 905. Clarke, Adam, letter, 117. Clarke, D.. 3384, 3387, 3595a, 3642, 3681, 3687. Clarke, Fannie McA., 6687. Clarke, G. F., 4210. Clarke, G. K., 2195-2198, 2201-2208, 2215, 2264, 2495, 3409, 3411, 3413-3415, 3687, 3894, 3896. 3919. Clarke, H. J., 4141. Clarke, Helen P., 4395. Clarke, H. T., 4417. Clarke, Gov. James, messages, etc., 1845- 46. 1557. Clarke, John, 6584. Clarke, Jonas, 2598. Clarke, J. F., 2791, 2792, 2794. visit to Nazing, England, 2788. Clarke, J. T., 826, 861, 862, 875, 881. Clarke, N., 3362. Clarke, Richard, papers, 1762-1774. 7395. Clarke, Robert, 7415. Clarke, Sidney, 5790. Clarke, S. C., 3367, 3405, 3849. Clarke, William, 3675. letter, 1748. 2622. 1754. 2622. 1755. 2622. memorial, 1651. 3363. Clarke, W. B., 1194. Clarke, W. P., 1513. Clarke family, 2392, 3378, 3675, 3988a. (Jeremy) family, 6550. (Richard) family, 3416. (William) family, 3391, 3392. Clarke family, of Salem, Mass., 2255. Clarke Township, Canada, recollections, 7298. Clarksfield, Ohio, 5646, 7408. Clarkson, C. F., 1513. Clarkson pedigree, 5026. Classics, attitude of church toward study of, 779. Clate, Kate U., 4054. Clatsop County, Oreg., pioneer women of, 5828, 5831. Claus, W., 7268. Clay, C. M., 1616. letter, October 17, 1861. 6671. oration, 1891. 5695. Clay, Henry, 8, 1517. letter, 1827. 6079. letter to W. Plumer, ;/., 1828-29. 6062. Clay, Mary R., 1623o. Clay family, 1623a. Clay Lick, early times, 5678, 5679. Clay party, formation of, 1832. 6007. Claypole, E. W., 5778, 6421, 6441, 6442. Claypool, E. A., 5752. Claypool, H., 5736. Claypoole, J., extracts from letter book, 1681-84. 6066. memorandum book, 1781-82. 6072. Clayton, Fannie, 5798. Clayton, R., orderly book, 1778. 6080. Clayton County, Iowa, first election, 1501. names of rivers and streams, origin of, 1501, 1502. Clayton family, 1259. Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 39, 4294. Claytor, Mrs. R. B., 6858. "Clear sunshine of the. Gospel," 2642. Clearwater, A. T., 5051. Cleary, F. C., 7301. Cleaveland, E. L., 1156. Cleaveland, John, 4173. journal of, 2251, 2252. Cleaveland, J. C., 2262. Cleaveland, Moses, manuscripts, 5622. Cleaveland, Nehemiah, 2251, 2252. historical discourse, 2246. Cleeves, G., deposition, 1645. 1697. Clemens, S. L., 6057. Clement, J., 4558, 5906, 6061, 6063, 6065, 6068, 6070, 6073, 6074. Clement, John, marriages by, 1799-1801. 6081. Clement, S., 6079. Clements, H. H., 3378. Clendenin family, 6892. Clendenin massacre, 6892. Clendennan, D. W., 7298. Clendinen family, 6892. " Cleopatra s Barge," account of the yacht, 2263, 2490. Clephane, W. C., 1266. Clepole, J., grant of arms. 1583. 6071. Clermont, A., narrative of, 6937. Cletherall, J., diary, 1776. 6078. Cleveland, A. A., 5800. Cleveland, C. D., 1077. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1085 Cleveland, E. .T., 3404, 3405, 3686, 3835, 5036, 5037. Cleveland, II. G., 3398. Cleveland, J. I)., 5626. Cleveland, Ohio, Case School of Applied Science, 5778. Catholicity in, 5845. early churches, 5628. " Colonial House," 5626. commercial retrospect, 7414. corporate birth and growth, 5777, no. 62. Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, 5701. Euclid Baptist Church, 5624. early fire department, 5618. First Congregational Church, 5701. harbor development, 5778. early history, 5625, 5626, 5632. incorporation of, 5609. military history, 5625. pioneer mothers, 5632. Cleverly, Stephen, & Company, 2202. Cliff dwellings, 567, 574. Lower Verde Valley, 5732. Climate, effect of clearing and cultivation on, 7174. influence of, 575. Pacific slope, 900. Climatic zones, 7391. Climatology, 577. Climax, Mich., prehistoric fort, 4284. Clint, W., 7185. Clinton, Charles, journal, 1729. 6082. Clinton, Cornelia, journal, 1787. 5035. Clinton, De Witt, 117, 5088, 5090, 5407, 5408. Clinton, G., election, 1777. 5549. Clinton, G. W., 4693, 4760, 4777. Clinton, tiir H., letters to Lord G. Ger main, 6078. orders. 1778. 5255. secret journal, 2791, 3007. Clinton, T. P., 946, 969. Clinton family, 5027, 5028. papers, 5549, 7301. riot, 4349. Clinton, Miss., historic, 4350. Clinton County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. Clinton County, N. Y., forest trees, 2407. Clock makers, Delaware, 1238. Clogston family, 3410. Clopper, Garrett, ancestry of, 5051. Clopton, Virginia Clay, 944. Clopton family, 3376, 6859. Clothing industry. New York, 4392. Clothing trade, women in, 4833. Cloud, W. F., 1580. Cloudman, S. B., 1717. Clouds, scenery, 899. Cloues, W. .T., 2602. Clough, A., journal, 1746. 4449. Clough, Gibson, account book, 1773-1780. 2254. journal, 2242. Clough, W. P., 4311. Clymer family, 6065. Cludd, E., letters, 1652-53. 3397. Clute, O., 1519-1521. Coaches, colonial, New York, 5359. Coal, mineral, 1517, 6420. Coal, Wyoming Valley, Pa., 5968, 6446. Coal measures, fossils from, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 6441, 6442. Coal tonnage, Lehigh region, 1820-1863. 5967. Coal trade, retail, 903. Coal Run, Ohio, inscriptions, 5749. Coalman family, 6067. Coals of Illinois, 1437. Coalsmouth, W. Va., 6893. Coan, T. M., 565, 575. Coast, survey, 891. Coast defense, 4694. Coat-armor, 2804, 3254. use in the United States, 3380. Coates, Benjamin H., 691, 708, 5967-5969, 5971, 5988. Coates, ,7. R., 5968. Coats-of-arms, right of Americans to, 5744. Virginia, 6849-6852. Cobb, David, commission as special jus- tics, 1784. 3403. diary and letter of, 1781. 2788. letter, 1786. 2791. Cobb, J. H., 2198. Cobb, N. B., 5589. Cobb, S. C., 2783, 2788, 27!)1. Cobb, S. II., 6461. Cobb (Martha) family, 3411, 3924 f. Cobbet, T., 3365. Cobbs, R. H., 944. Cobdeu, R., letters to Sumuer, 1862-1865, 35. Cochin Chinese language, 691. Cochiti, stone lions, 4679. Cochran, J. letters to Dr. Binney, 1783. 6061. Cochran, A. W., 7174, 7175. Cochran, J. M., 4140. Cochrane, J., 4573. Cocke family, 6811, 6827-6829, 6834, 6835, 6854. arms of, 6829. Cockier, C., 7415. Cod, in Massachusetts, history, 2247. Codding, Hannah M. P., 6966, 7072. Codding, Ichabod, 6966. Coddington, W., his resistance to royal loan, 1626-27. 3719. Codenham family, 3394. Codex Ramirez, notes from, 740. Codman, Cnpt., murder of, 2789. Codman, A. A., 3394, 3405, 3407. Codman, C. R., 2800, 2801, 3208. Codman family, 3394. Cody, W. F., 4424. Coe, H. C., 5828. Coe, J., letter, 1708. 3373. Coeymans bouwery, 4710. 1086 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Coffeyville journal, 1579. Coffin, C., 1698. Coffin, C. C., 3390, 3876. Coffin, Joshua, 3364, 3365, 3369, 3371. papers, 2273, 2525. Coffin, L. S., 1517. Coffin, N., letter, 1764. 6084. Coffin, N. W., 3360, 3382, 3582, 3687. Coffin, Paul, 1731. Coffin, V., 11, 7114. Coffin, W., jr., letter, 1746. 2796. Coffin, W. F., 7182. Coffin, W. EL, 1581. Coffin family, 3360, 3382, 3582. name and armorial bearings, 3393. Coffyn, Tristram, document, 1660. 3370. Cogan, Capt., expedition to Pigwacket, 1722. 3392. Cogan, W., will of, 3409, 3901. Coggeshall, S. W., 4018. Coggshall, W. T., 7412. Cogswell, J., 2632. letter, 1653. 3373. Cogswell, J. B. D., 3684. Cogswell, J. G., 5096. Cogswell, L. W., 4441. Cogswell, M. L. T., 4213. Cogswell, W., 3360, 4451. Cogswell family of New England, 1658- 1661. 2807. Cohannet alewives, 4034. Cohasset, Mass., history and description, 2640. Cohen, C. J.. 6343. Cohen, H., 625, 628, 629, 631. Cohen, J. B., 6631. Cohen, J. P., collection of currency, 2780. Cohen, M. M., 1852. Cohen, R., 627. Cohen, S., 1326. Johen, S. S., 625. Cohn, A., 7. Coin cabinet, 6343. Coin of Sicyon, 6327. Coinage, colonial, 2133. Colonial Jersey, 658. international, 6270. Massachusetts, 2625. origin and history of, 6289. Vermont, 6753, 6755. See also Currency. Coins, 6520. American collections, 6256. American colonies, 6333. American, early, 2645, 4029, 5777, No. 45. ancient, 650. Collection of, Philadelphia, 6305. colonial counterfeit, 675. Denarius of Caesar Augustus, 6310. earliest dates on, 6343. falsification of, 6296, 6306. Greek, 664. ancient, 6343. names of, 6258. Roman, lately exhumed at Paris, 6255. Coins, Turkish, 6343. Coins and coinage, general notice, 1702. and currency of China, 6271. and medals, exhibition of, in 1879. 729, 730. of General Morelos, 676. relating to America, medals and, 2780. See also Currency. Coit, W., orderly book, 1775. 1114. Washington s commission to, 1114. Coitsville, Ohio, 5689. Colbrith, I. D., 1045. Colburu, Jeremiah, 3378-3383, 3406, 3540, 3589, 3647. collection of Revolutionary documents, 3388. Colburn, John, 1447, 1452. Colburn, Lewis, powder horn of, 2201. Colburn family, 2196. Colburn collection of portraits and auto graphs, 2101. Colby, C. W., 41. Colby, L. W., 4407, 4410. Colchester, Conn., inscriptions in old burying ground, 3400, 3401, 3792o. Colcock (John) family, 6648. Cold Friday, 1810. 4450. and Saturday, 1857. 3370.. Cold Harbor, battle of, 3337. Colden, Cadwallader, 4543. correspondence with William Smith, jr., 5097. letters on Smith s history, 1759. 5241. 5242 Colden family, 5019, 5055. Colden letter books, 1760-1765. 5249. 1765-1775. 5250. Coldwatcr, Mich., reminiscences, 4279. Cole, C., 1515. Cole, C. A., 5018. Cole, D., 5043. Cole, F. T., 5724, 5725, 5746, 5747, 5749. Cole, Fannie E., 1582. Cole, G. L., 4417. Cole, J. K., 4166. Cole, Thomas, 2228. Cole, T. L., 1281, 6934, 701)4. Cole family, 6853. Cole MSS., 5645. Cole County, Mo., archaeological explora tions, 4365. Coleman, A. I. du P., 928. Coleman, C. W., 6853. Coleman, Sarah, captive s shoe, 4096. Coleman family, 3369, 3370. Coleoptera and diptera of Quebec, 7177. Coles, E., 6018. Coles family, 6831. Colfax school, 1427. Collecting archeology, commercial v. scien tific, 5725, 7125. College-educated men in Massachusetts, 268. decrease of, 191. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1087 College life, 1779-80. 6857. 1790-1841. 6856. College of Philadelphia, matriculates, 1752 1762. 6071. College students, entering age, 812. Collet, J., 893. Collet, O. W., 914, 915, 4362. Colleton family of South Carolina, 6646. Collier, Jane E., 1017. Collier, T. S., 1193, 1195, 1197, 1198. Collier family, 6856, 6857. Collin, N., 4537, 6072. pastorl letter, 1797. 6068. Colling, T. R., 5432. Collins, C., 5959. Collins, C. W., 3356. Collins, Daniel, deed to J. Bird, 1696. 3410. 3909. Collins, E. IX, 20, 22. Collins, F., 549, 551. Collins, G. P., 1286. Collins, IT. O., 5042, 5043, 5045, 5046, 5048, 6832. Collins, J., 3373. Collins. S. W., 1515. Collins, W. E., 2046, 2047. Collins, W. II., 1424, 7425. Collinson, arctic journey, 895. Collum, II. S., 6071. Colman, B., 2624. letter, February 17, 1700-1701. 7395. letter to Jane Turell, 1727. 3373. letter, May 15, 1747. 7395. Colman, John, 2620. Colman papers, 3699-1715. 3363. Colona Territory, 545. Colonel, the, and his command, 35. Colonial America, 2138. Colonial assemblies, journals, 15, 30. Colonial bishopric, first, 34. Colonial charter, American, 26. Colonial courts, Rhode Island, appeals to King in council, 6470. Colonial days, some noted trials, 5899. Colonial government, 35. Colonial governments, classification of, 12. Colonial governors, American, 5045. list of printed commissions, 36. Colonial legislation, 5878. in Pennsylvania, 1700-1712. 5882. Colonial papers from the public archives in London, 2779. Colonial post-office, documents, 1758. 3372. Colonial problem, the, 17. Colonial remedies, curious, 39. Colonial state papers, 2789. Colonial system, beginning of, 1523. beginnings in United States, 5713. Napoleon s plans, 38. Colonial systems, 900. Colonies, European dependencies, 16. Colonization in America, English, 5174. Spanish in the Northwest, 1821. Colony, plantation type of, 42. " Colony," the title, as applied to Massa chusetts, 2791. Colombia, 904. Colorado, birds of, 2337. Catholic missions, 1010. constitution, 1538. history, 7123. mammals of, 2344. martyrs, 1781. 914. new State of, 550. trip to, 1892. 4214. Colorado desert, 567, 901. Colorado expedition, 1859. 545. Colorado River, 563. martyrs of 1781. 914. Colrain, Mass., early days, 4098. Colt, J., 4776. Colton, An., 105. Colton, W. R., 5743-5745. ancestry, 5743-5745. Columbia, Pa., St. Peter s Church, 5846, 7390. Columbia, S. C., 6792. burning of, 1520. who burned? 41, 2805. Columbia College, alumni, earliest, 5040, 5042. alumni in official positions, 3401, 3817a. early history, 5362. first century, 5033. Huguenot Society of America and, 4892. previous to 1783. 6854. Columbia County, N. Y., graveyard in scriptions, 5046. graveyards, 5041. " Columbia " instead of "America," 5152. " Columbia," name, 2792, 3398, 3761. Columbia River, 3136. exploration and early settlement, 5801. Gray s voyage, 1792. 2797. " Columbia," ship, 3136. Columbia University, 4812. Columbian celebration, 1792. 5369. Columbian Institute, 944. Columbian Order, memorials of, 2804. Columbus, Christopher, 1, 896, 925, 2616. autographs, 11. bones of, 6302. book knowledge, 917. burial place? 1710. caravels, 895. cosmogony of, 178. discovery of America, 1823, 3123, 3124. grave of, 4549. in wake of, 895. landfall, 203, 386, 5148. first letter, 2796. early editions, 2795. letter to Santangel, remarks on, 2777. letters of, 2785. letters to Vespucius, 2940. marriage connections of, 181. memorials, 1889. memorials and footprints, 560. pamphlet on, 2796. portrait, 569. portraits, 6980. Portuguese in track of, 504, 565. 1088 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Columbus , Christopher, recent discoveries concerning, 8. religious motives of, 774. remains of, 4549, 4550, 6059. Sunol s statue of, 5072. unveiled, 5040. Winsor s, 567. Columbus centenary, 017. Columbus day in Salem, 2268. Columbus in Jewish literature, 625. . Columbus memorial volume, 926. Columbus s discovery, results, 388. Columbus, Diego, Ferdinand of Aragon to, 36. Columbus, Ohio, First Congregational Church, 5704. monumental inscriptions, 5743. an old-time mansion, 5749. old-time music, 5751. peace memorial tablet, 5749. Colvig, W. M., 5800. Colvin, V., 4688, 4691, 4693, 4694, 4706, 4714. Coman, Katharine, 815. Comanche Indians, 6595. Comb making in Leominster in 1852. 800. statistics, 821. Come-outerism in Ohio, 5705. Comee-Comey family, 3408. Comegys, J, P., 1222. Comer, J., diary, 6489. Comets, doctrine of, 2. Comly, I., 5968. Commerce, evolution, 864. Florence, Italy, 8. Great Lakes, 4745. Michigan, history, 4266. secondary schools of, 4297. and fishery to 1630. 800. in 1492. 203, 399. in stone age, 7314. of port of New York, decline of, 1436. " Le Commerce de 1 Amerique par Mar seille," 1286. Commercial education, 4297. and business community, 4297. Commercial statistics, 811. Commercial studies, place in college cur riculum, 4297. Committee of public safety, first organi zation of, 11. Committee of safety, organization, 11. Bucks County, Pa., 1774-1776. 6071. New Hampshire, 1775-1785. 4452. 1776-1784. 4447. Committee system, origin of, 10, 6470. Committee to Grafton County, 1777. 4451. Common law, Christian religion and, 201, 358. New Hampshire, 4462. Origin, nature, etc., 5123. Commons, J. R., 811. Communes, French, charters, 42. Communes of Lombardy from the sixth to the tenth century, 1822. Communities, Cape Anne and Salem, 1813. Communities, cooperative, in Wisconsin, 6972. 8ec also Amana, Aurora, Cooperation, Icarian community. Commuck, T., 6928. Compass, in navigation, 898. Competition and organization, 4292. Compton, H. W., 5722. Compton, R. I., notes on, 1803. 2627, 2690a. Comstock, O. C., 4253. Comstock, P., 7414. Conant, A. A. 4168. Conant, A. F., 2602. Conant, C. A., 809. Conant, C. C., 4096. Conant, G., 4166. Conant, Luther, jr., 813. Conant, Roger, petition of, 2786. Conant, S. M., 4134. Conant family, 2260a. Concas, V. M., 895. Conckline family, 5042. Concklyne family, 5048. " Conclusions Historiques," Circourt s 2784, 2927. Concord, Mass., 204, 402. affair of April 19, 1775. 2085, 2171, 2630. preliminaries of fight, 2171. battle, anniversary, 3387, 3637. Concord Antiquarian Society anniversary, 2182. document relative to boundaries, 1735. 3370. families, 3382. Groton Minute Men at Old North Bridge, 2085, 2088. humerus at, 196, 197. Indian relics, 2180. Minute Men, muster roll, 2172, 3377. Musketquid plantation, 2177. news carried to the King, May, 1775. 2274. one hundredth anniversary of " Con cord fight," 3387. story of an old house, 2175. supposed decay of families disproved by people of, 3734. topography, 1792. 2619. turnpike, 2594. two hundred and sixty-ninth birthday celebration, 2182. visit to, 4205. Wright s Tavern, 2173. Concord, N. H., Bradley monument, 4451, 4456. history, 4446. meteorological tables, 1828-1836. 4450. mortality, 1825-1849. 4451. Proprietors (Penny Cook) controversy with proprietors of Bow, 1727- 1789. 4457. Concord, Pa., Catholic mission at, 5849. Concord and the telegraph, 2174. Concordat, Napoleon s, with Pius VII, 12. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1089 Condit, E. L.. 1524. Condon, E. O M., 610. Condon, Peter, 928, 929. Condon, S. W., 5824. Condon, Thomas, 5797. Cone, A. S., 5800. Cone, G. H., 633, 634. Cone, W. W., 1577. Conecuh County, Ala., history, 978. Conestoga, Pa., reminiscences, 6165. Conestoga expedition. 885. Conestoga Indians, farm of, 1770. (5060. Conesus, N. Y.. 4923, 4925. Conewago canal, completion of, report, 1 797. 5897. Confederacy, Daughter of the, 4345. diplomatic relations, 16. flags and insignia, 662. materials for history of, 4. Pius IX and the, letters, 5856. struggle of, 1285. why it had no supreme court, 1284. Confederacy and the Transvaal. 209, 462. Confederate army, 1861-1865, numbers in, 2808. Confederate cemeteries and monuments, Mississippi, 4351. Confederate constitution, making of, 1289. Confederate naval books, 1287. Confederate orphans home, Mississippi, 4351. Confederate roster, 6790. publication of, 1287. Confederate States of America, post-office department, 1286. Confederate treasury, 1285, 1296a. Congar, S. H., 3369, 4574. Congdon, J. B., 3392. Congo Free State, international beginnings, 1825. Congo Independent State, 755. Congo, outing on the, 5719. Congregational Association of Ohio, 5703. Congregational church, Hampton, Conn.. 1723-1858. 3371. synod in 1637. 2627. Congregational churches, Nova Scotia. 1770. 2794. Ohio, chronology, 5705. in United States, history of, 786. Congregational ministers, convention. New Hampshire, 4449. convention. 1747-1788. 4454. Hillsborough County, 1685-1823, 4446. Congregationalism, Cleveland, Ohio, 5704. contribution to civic and public affairs, 5703. contributions to theology, 5703. foreign missionary work, 5703. future, 5703. history to 1800. 5703. home missionary work, 5703. New England, 2284. Ohio, 5701, 5703. Central north conference. 5702. Miami conference, 5706. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 69 Congregationalism Continued. Ohio, necrology, 1800-1899. 5706. Plymouth Rock conference, 5701. Puritan conference, 5704. origin of, 7395. principles, 5703. Western Reserve, 5701. Congress during the rebellion, reminis cences of, 5028. First, 1774. 2630. first chaplain, 6058. Illinois men in. since 1818. 7425. International Geographical, eighth, 580. Minnesota in, 4311. study of votes in, 1. ?. 8cc also United States. Congress. Congress held at Albany. 1754, journal of, 2643. Congress of the Confederation, debates, 1782. 5251. Congressional documents, early. 813. first fourteen Congresses. 26. Congressional government, 4. and parliamentary government compared, 7318. Conkelyne family, 5042. Conklin family, 5042. Conkling, A. R., 553. Conkling, F. A., 587. Conkling, F. J., 2512, 5043, 5047. Conkling family, Salem and, 2512. Conkling family (East Hampton. Long Island), 5042. Connecticut, agreement with Uncas, 1681. 2779. ballot in, 4. boroughs, 1159. boundary, 1663. 1158, 2623. cession, 1780. character and achievement, 6418. charter, 1109, 2137, 2622, 2780. charter and the Declaration of Inde pendence, 6423. claims to Pennsylvania territory, 6169. colonial history. 3381-3383. colony, 614. 2625. commissioners records. 177(5. 1778. 1780. 4454. constitution, first, 1101. 1124. constitutional history. 1104. 1160. correspondence with British Government, 1755-1758. 1109. early, 1158, 1176. early development, 210, 490. early government, 1158. early matters in, 3387. election sermons, 1674-1830. 384 lo, 3842. 1677-1761. 3404. Episcopal controversy in, 1722. 2632. Federalism, 5360. general court, answers to committee of colonies, 1680. 2622. genesis of, 1813. "Hereticks " act of colony, 2778. historical notices, 1102. 1090 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Connecticut, history, 1110. intestate estates law, 11112. journal of a tour to, 1780. 2780. journey from Boston to, 1645. 2798. local history, books^on, 1129. local law, 3382. local law historically considered, 3585, 3609. maritime history, 1163. mints, 675. Moravian missionary stations, 6221. objects to plan of colonial union of 1754. 2625. poetry and poets, 1157. Protestant Episcopal parishes, 1724. 5517. public seal, 1109. reports on, by English board of trade, 1112. school fund, 7408. settlement of. 2641. slavery in, 1824. state, and condition of, 1774. 2625. storms in. 2620. taxation in, 1636-1776. 1827. the three constitutions, 1160. towns, names, 1820. Connecticut compromise, 210. 481. Connecticut Gore land company. 16. Connecticut Historical Society, 1102, 1126. Bibliography. 1126. Connecticut land bank, a, 2137. Connecticut Land Company. 5689. Connecticut lands in Pennsylvania, 6089. Connecticut militia, Twenty-fourth Regi ment, 6395. Connecticut reserve, 5748. Connecticut River, early navigation, 2183. fish. 2183. fur trade, 17th century, 3369. journal of a tour to, 1760. 1700. navigation of, 210, 487. old-time traffic and travel on, 4098. towns of, 1820. tour of, 1760. 3367. Connecticut Society of Natural History, 1126. Connecticut towns, names, 198, 326. Connecticut valley, churches, 4097. Irish pioneers, 610. slavery in, 2183. Connecticut vindicated (1694), 1109. Connelley, W. E., 1580, 4415. Connet. J. L., 4511. Connolly, A. J., 916. Connolly, J., 609. Connolly, John, letters, 917. Connolly, J. A.. 7425. Connor, H. C., 5571. Connor, P. S. I ., 5844, 5911, 6061, 6068. Connor, Timothy, diary in English prison, 1777-1779. 3388, 3389, 3390. Conococheague, literary by-paths along the, 6156. Conococheague valley, old families, 6155. Conover, G. S., 4805, 5550, 5552. Conowingo Creek, Pa., early industries along, -6166. " Conquest of Mexico." Wilson s, 2773. Conrad, H. C., 1238, 1244, 1245, 1249. Conrad. R. T., 6008. Conrade, Mary L., 6889. Conscience, liberty of. 6548. Constable, duties of, 1657. 2804. Constables, 3401, 3711. Norman, in America, 3725. Constant, S. V., 5035. Constantinople, water supply, 4707. Constitution of the United States, 7395. adoption. New Jersey, 4515. amendments to, 7. compromises of, 26. framers, use of history by, 13. introduction to study of, 1852. proposed amendments to, 14, 5151. Constitution and the Union, 5010. " Constitution," American frigate, 2098, 2203, 3192, 3288. at Tripoli. 3339. battle with the " Java," 3339. memorial for preservation of, 2808. preservation of, 2801. " Constitution " and the " Cyane " and " Levant," 3339. Constitutional beginnings of North Caro lina, 1663-1729. 1825. Constitutional convention, Washington s diary, 6067. Where met, 6067. Iowa, 1857. 1515. Massachusetts, 1788. Parsons and, 2273. Michigan, 1835 and 1850. 4255. , Pennsylvania, 1776. 6078. biographical sketches, 6059, 6060. Constitutional development of Japan, 1853- 1881. 1822. Constitutional history, 1831. English, 39. New York, 5162. state, political value, 1545. Constitutions, American, 1815. Consular service, training needed, 4297. Consumption, decrease in New England, 815. Continental Congress, 11, 5455, 6075. account of the First, 2630. action in regard to Captain Cook, 2622. Address, 1776. 34. before Declaration of Independence, 6538. Canada and, 6004, centennial anniversary of First, 3387, 3637. chaplain, first, 6058. constitutional relations between, and the colonies and states, 1776-1789. 1821. election of New York Delegates, 43. in Rehoboth. 4034. Jews mentioned in journal, 624. journals and papers of. 13, 2793, 6077. letter to S. Deane, 1776. 3388. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1091 Continental Congress, memorial by Jews to, 629. memorials to, 625. New York Delegates to, 5308. sessions, July, 1778. 6078. Continental paper money, 691, 700. Continental tariff union, 1832. Contoocook, N. H., petition, 1748. 4449. Contract, mistake in, 48430. Convention, first national, 34. political uses of word, 36. 207. Republican, of 1860. Iowa delegation, 1522. Conventions, abolition, 1794-1829. 39. Democratic national, origin of, 6670. nominating, in Pennsylvania, 35, 5960. Rhode Island, 6470, 6580. party, bibliography, 34, 71. unit rule in national, 39. Converse, C. C.. 5041. Converse (Allen) family. 3408. Convict emigrants to New England, 6855. Convicts, British, shipped by American colonies, 35. Pennsylvania, 1751. 6853. Conway, General, motion of, 1782. 2778. Conway, Secretary, 1514. Conway, J. J., 4376. Conway, M. D., 4945. Conway, W. M., 6064. Conway family, 6860. Conway, New Brunswick, census, 1775. 7254. , Conyers, E. W., diary, 1852. 7479. Conyers (Edward) family, 5041. Conyngham, R., 5966, 5968. Conyngham family, 3405. Conyngton, M. K., 811. Conynham. G., 6078. Coochs Bridge, Del., battle, 1253. Cook, Captain James, error in Kippis s life of, 2623. Cook, E., 1955. Cook, F. A.. 577, 580. Cook, H. II., 812. Cook. I., 1514, 1516. iCook, J. A., 4421. Cook, J. II., 545, 4855. Cook, J. W., 7179. Cook, W. F., 808, 809. Cook, W. N., 4278, 4279, 4280. Cook family, 2255, 3409. f ook (Patience) family, 6587. C ook wills, 6585. ooke, E., 7408. ooke, Jay, 5647. ooke, J. B., 6597. ooke, J. J., library of, 6556. ooke, R. H., 2048. ooke. W. D., 5175, 5177, 5575, 5577. ookinham, H. J., 5450, 5457. ookson, T., 6085. ooley, C. H., 809, 4292, 4295. ooley, Emily B.. 6682. ooley, H. S., 1827. ooley, L., 5623, 5630. Cooley, M. E., 4295. Cooley, T. M., 1448, 1452, 4292. Coolidge, A. C., 12, 35, 2804. Coolidge, Augustus, 4097. Coolidge, A. H., 4203. Coolidge, T. J., 2, 2802, 2805, 2806. autobiography, 2806. Cooper, A. B., 1261. Cooper, A. E., 4560. Cooper, D. M., 4775. Cooper, H., 6072. Cooper, H. K., 4924. Cooper, H. M., 4499. Cooper, John, Maine, 2621. Cooper, John, New Hampshire, 4468. Cooper, J. M., 6154, 6155. Cooper, L. P., 4451. Cooper, Mary, will, 1699. 38226. Cooper, S., diary, 1753-1754. 3399. diary, 1775-1776. 40. interleaved almanacs, 1764 and 1769. 3413, 3951. letter, 1775. 2776. letters, 1769-1777. 42. letters, 1777-1778. 6066. Cooper, T., 2619. Cooper, Thomas, letters, 1825-1832. 40. Cooper. W., 2055. Cooper, Wm., memoranda, 1715-1725. 3388. 1728-1730. 3389. Cooper family, 3379, 3402, 3820. Cooperation in Maryland and the South, 1819. in New England, 1819. in the Middle States, 1819. in the Northwest, 1819. in the United States, 1819. in the West, 1819. on the Pacific coast, 1819. Cooperative communities in Wisconsin, 6972. Coopwood, B., 6680, 6681. Coosa River, 577. Copan, 575. Copan, ruins of. 117. Cope, G., 5019, 5023, 5879, 5880, 6065, 6071. Copeland, A. M., 2184. Copeland, C. C., 519. Copeland. E. G., 3687. Copeland, L. A., 6936. 7065. Copland, C 1 .. diary, 6864. Copley, A. B., 4257, 4266. Copley. J. S., ;/-., letter, 1796. 6065. Copp family, 3368. Copper age in Wisconsin, 189. Copper implements of America, 198. Copper implements of Mexico, 197. 308. Copper implements, prehistoric, 3391, 3680. 6930?>. Copper implements of Wisconsin, native, 7126. Copper industry, Michigan, 4294. Copper mines, Lake Superior, ancient 6930&. 1092 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Copper mines, Schuyler, at Seconk River. N. J. 4628. Shannonville, Pa., 7422. war times in, 4270. Copper mining, Canada east. 7178. Flemington, N. J., 4500. Copper, native, Michigan, 567. Copper ornaments of Wisconsin, native. 7126. Copper region, Lake Superior, 545. Copper River, 574. Copper River delta, 901. Copper tools, Mexican, 193, 275, 279. Copyright, Canadian, 7317. international, 4693. map or chart, 903. Coral animals in Gulf of St. Lawrence, 7173. Corbert, Anita, 811. Corbett, I., Revolutionary soldier, diary of, 4215. Corbett, Julian, 35. Corbin, J., letter to R. Sprague. 1651. 3362. Corbin papers, 1766, 1775. 6837. Corbit, W. F.. 6071. Corbyn, B., letter to T. Fuller, 1677. 3380. Cordeiro, F. J. B., 576. Cordes, A., 6623. Cordley, R., 1579. Cordner, J., 7258, 7260. Cordoner, J., will, 1691. 3373. Core family (Long Island), 5046, 5047. Corey, C. V., 4131. Corey, D. P., 3390, 3412-3414, 3669. 3955c. Corey, G. W., 4136. Corey family (Long Island), 5046, 5047. Cork, Me., 1710. Corn broom, industry in Mass., 7480. Corn, Virginia, 1619. 6830. Corn and oats, cost of producing, 812. Cornage and Drengage, 43. Cornbury, Lord, administration, 4595. " Cornelius," letter of, 2550. Cornell, A. B., 5041, 5558. Cornell, W. M., 3682. Cornell family, 3409. Cornell College, Iowa, 1465a. Cornell University, remarks on, 2780. summer school, 579. Corner, W., 6679. Corning, C. R., 4456, 4483. Cornish in southwest Wisconsin, 6936, 7065. Corinth, battle of, 4347. Cornwall, E. E., 3407, 3408. Cornwall, P. B., 1041. Cornwall (William) family, 3407. Cornwall, England, association of minis ters in, records 1655-1659. 2786. visitation, pedigrees, 5744. Cornwall, Pa., furnace, etc., 6209. Cornwall, Vt, history, 6699. Cornwall County, Me., 1701, 1732. Cornwallis crossing Cowan s ford, 1781. 5570. Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. First church of New England people, 3404. Coronado, Francisco Vasquez, discovery of. 196. march of, 573. why he went to New Mexico, 1540. 11. See also Cibola. Coronation, English, its service and his tory, 6344. Coronel, A. F., 1018. Corporate abuses, 4292. Corporations, American, before 1789. 24. 42. colonial, 2133, 2141. in history, 4292. in Michigan, 4292. law, Michigan, 4292. private, statistics of, 808. relations to State, 4293. Corporations as factors in civilization, 4034. Corpus Christi, Mexican raid, 1875. 6682. Corrie family (Long Island), 5046, 5047. Corrigan, M. A., 927, 928, 930. Corrupt practices, laws for prevention. 7111. Corry family (Long Island), 5046, 5047. Corson, H., 5959, 5960. Corss, C. C., 4098. Corss, F., 6424. Cortereal voyages, 7315. Corthell, E. L., 579, 897, 898. Cortland county, N. Y.. population, 5513. Corwin, E. T., 779, 792, 6381. Corwith expedition, 6401. Cory, C. E., 1581, 1582. Cory family (Long Island), 5046, 5047. Cosamol Whuapa, Guatemala, recent dis coveries near, 6303. Cosby, Gov., administration. 4597. Cosgrove, Hugh, reminiscences, 5797. Cossart family, 5043, 5044. Costa Rica. 898. antiquities, 4209. chorographical description of, Galindo s, 2644. Costigan, W. J., 1581. Cotheal, A. I., 518. Cothren, W., 3361. Cotton, A. R., 1079. Cotton, F. E., 3416, 3417, 3981. Cotton, John, 2622, 4123. answer to Roger Williams. 6472. letter, 1626. 3382. " Moses his judicials," 2806, 3272. sermon, 3360. Cotton, Josiah, 2640, 2718. Cotton, S., letter to New Hampshire coun cil, 4447. Cotton family, 3359, 3362, 3407, 3416 3417, 3875, 3981. Cotton (S.) family, 3391. Cotton, growth, trade, etc.. 5180. production and consumption of, 587. United States, 589. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1093 Cotton crop. United States and Louisiana. 1890-07. 1665. Cotton Gin Port and Gaines s Trace, 4350. Cotton mill, first, in America, 2271, 2519. Cotton-oil industry, 4351. Cotton plant, 935. Coudert, F. R., 925. Cones. Elliott, 1513, 1514, 2308, 5910. Coulter, Dr., 5678, 5679. Council of war, Rhode Island, orders, 1778. 6520. Council Bluffs, Iowa, in 1852. 1517. old blockhouse, 1514. public library, 1519. Councill, W. H., 1286. Counterfeiting, in colony of New Jersey, 659. statistics of, 587. Country societies, formation of, 1711. County judge system, 1518. Couper, W.. 7177. Court of appeal, old Federal, 3. Courtaux, E. C., 93. Courtemanche, Sieur de, visit of, to Bos ton, 2795. Courtenay, A. M., 5736. Courtenay, J. C., 15. Courtenay. W. A., 15, 4894. Coutts, W. A., 4293. Covazza, E., 1710. Covell. L., 4775. Coventry, England, notes from, 3412. Coventry, Vt., early history, 6706. Covert, J. C., 5623, 5627. Coville, F. V., 897, 1268. Cowan. J/r*. G. F., 4397. Cowan, J. W., 4931. Cowan, R. E., 28, 995. Cowan s Gap, romance of, 6154. Cowdin, Thomas, journal of, 1784. 2539. Cowell, J., letter of, 1776. 6069. Cowell, J. M., 6064. Cowell family, of Maine, 1711. Cowen, General, 5722. Cowen, B. R., 5726, 5736. Cowen, C.. 5714* Cowgill, E. B.. 1579-1581. Cowing, J., 5535. Cowper, B.. 5590. Cowries as currency, 6267. Cox. C. C., 6684. Cox. E. J.. 7424. Cox. E. T., 1451. Cox, I. J., 0080, 6683, 6684. Cox, John, 2195. Cox, John, letter to W. Richards, 1789. 6007. Cox. Joseph. 5005, 5714. Cox, J. R., 4800. Cox. S. D.. 4406. Cox, W. S., 1266. Cox, W. V., 1267. Cox, W. W., 4407, 4409, 4417. Cox family, 6834. Coxe. A. C., 5434. Coxey movement in Ohio, 5721. Coyne, J., 7263. Coyne, J. H., 7144. 7145, 7299, 7377. Coyner, C. Luther, 6681. Coytmore family, 3392. Cozart, T., 946, 959, 976. Cozumel, Island of, 6266. Cozzens, F. S.. 5271. Cradock, Mathew, bequest to poor of St. Swithen s parish, London, 3367. letter, 1629. 2636. will of, 1640. 3367. Cradock family, 3366-3368. Cradock house, 2789, 3322. Cradock s plantation, 3318. Craft, Benjamin, journal of the siege of Boston, 2242. journal of the siege of Louisburg, 2245. Craft, D., 6059, 6408, 6424, 6428. Craft gilds, English, 4843c. Crafts, J. M., 4097. Crafts, Thomas, orderly book of regiment of artillery commanded by, 1777- 1778. 2355. Crafts (Ebenezer) ancestry and descend ants, 4140. Craig, G., 6080. Craig, Isaac, 6065. autograph collection, 1786-1801. 6070. on Lake Erie, 1782. 5776. no. 22. Craig, Mary D., 4856. Craig, N. B.. 6142. Craig, Oscar J., 1452. Craig (Alexander) family, 6858. Craighill, W. P., 6889, 6890. 6893. Craik, James, letter, August, 1780. 2805. Cralle, R. K.. 1287. Cranch, C. P., 3683. Cranch, W., letter of, 3359. Cranch (Richard) family, 3385. Crandall, S. B., 4839. Crandon, J. H. 2083. Crane, Albert, 3848. Crane, Alice R., 902. Crane, E. B., 4201-4203, 4205, 4212-4216. Crane, J., 3385. Crane, J. C., 4203, 4205, 4209, 4210, 4212, 4215. 4227, 4233, 4234. Cr*ane, W. H., 7408. Crane family, 3376, 3385. (Henry) family, 3404. 3405, 384S. Cranfield, Edward, complaint against, 1085. 4446. orders, 1684. 4447. powers delegated to. May 9. 1082. 4446. Cranfield. Wm.. Gor., pardon. 108.,. 3389. Cranial forms, 157. Craniological collection. A, 518. Craniology, Ethnological investigations. 7179. Cranium from Yucatan, 201, 362. Cranmer, G. L., 6889-6891. Cranor. H. D., 6083, 6084, 6134. Cranston, J., letter to Winslow, J., 1079. 6585. Crapo, P. M.. 1518. Crapo, W. W., 2806, 2808. 1094 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Crater, D. L., 5960. x Crater, battle of, 0599. Crater, Lake, 898. Craven. E. R., 0381. Crawford, Earl of, manuscript history by, 768. Crawford, E. A., 6892. Crawford, J., 5732, 6381. Crawford, J. A., 6155. Crawford, J. G., 4427. Crawford. L. S., 7480. Crawford, Medorum, 5813. Crawford, P. V., 5826. Crawford, R., 4098. Crawford, R. C., 4278. Crawford. S., 207, 445. Crawford County, Pa., early history, 5973. Crawford County, Wis., ancient mounds or tumuli, 6927. Crawley family, 6856. Creation legend, Choctaw, 4347. Credit Mobilier of America, 6549. Cree, J. W., 6154. Creek confederacy, 1304. Creek country, 1798, 1799. 1304. Creek Indian war, 1836. 945, 6671. documents relating to, 6670. Creek Indians, 519. Creelman, G. C., 4295. Crenshaw, A., 946. Crenshaw. C. E., 946, 960. Crepieul, F. de, 7219. Cresap, M.. 1892. Cresap, T., 5722. and Logan, 6891. Crescentville. Pa., Dickson farm, 6071. Crespel, E., 6932. Crespieul, Francois de. 7346. Cressey, F. B., 5749. Cressey family, 3389, 3655 b. Crete, gleanings in. 067. Crevecoeur, St. John de, letters, 1786-1788. 2782. " Criblee, Maniere," 6344. Crickets in Canada, 7172. Crillon, Edward Count de, 34. Crime, in Massachusetts, 809. relation to social progress. 4832. Criminal procedure in the Court of assist ants in colonial times, 2135. Criminal statistics. 808, 812. Buenos Ayres, 809. English, 811. Criminals in Minnesota, census of, 808. Crimmins. .T. D.. 611. " CrioJlo," significance, 1005. Crisasy family. 7346. Crisis of 185 7. 8OO. Kce also Financial convulsion. Crispell family (Ulster County, N. Y.). 5036. Crispus Attucks. slave, advertisement for, 1750. 3371. memorial to, 2793. Critcher, J., letter, 6829. Croakers, 4729. Crocker, M. E., 2539. Crocker, IT., 3682. Crocker, TI. II., 2802. Crocker s and Ilaywood s meeting-house, North Carolina, 5590. " Crocker s Iowa brigade," 1519, 1520. address at reunion, 1522. Crockett, W. H., 6720, 6768. Crockett family, 1639. Croes, R. B., 1441. Crofton, F. B., 7286. Croghan, G., letters, 6071. Croll, P. C., 6196, 6211, 6214. Croll, P. L., 6366. Crommelin family, 5039. Cromwell, Oliver, embarkation for New England, 3378, 3543. letter, 1655. 2635, 2774. letter, 1656. 3390. letter to J. Cotton, 1651. 4446. Cromwell s application to persons in New England to settle in Ireland. 2650. Cromwell s West Indian expedition, 38. Cromwell, Richard, letters, 1659. 42. Cromwell family, 3409, 3898. Cronan, Rudolph, 885. Crook, J. W., 4826. Crook and Kelley, capture of General, 6891. Crooked Billet, battle of, 5960, 7422. Crooker, .1. II., 6966, 7072. Crooker family, 3370. Crooks, W., 4312. Croom, Isaac, 935. Cropper, .!., 1284. Crosby, E. II., 5032, 5044, 5045, 5065. Crosby, II. A., 7125. Crosby, T., 4449. Crosby, J. O., 1521. Crosby, Nathan, 2256, 2402, 3683. Crosby, O. T.. 902. Crosby, S. S., 4029. Crosby family, 3409. (David) family, 5047. (Enoch) family, 5033. ^ (William Bedlow) family, 5044, 5045. Crosley, G. W., 1513. Cross, A. L., 13, 2557. Cross, M. II., 5844. Cross-bow, 6342. Crosses of honor, presentation to Confed erate veterans, 946. Crossley, J. T., 1537. Crossley, W. T., diary. 1861-62. 7483. Crossman. D. L., 4266. Crossman family, 5037. Crosswicks. N. J., Friends meetinghouses, 6083. Croswell, F., 1156. Croswell, S. G., 3683. Crothers, S. M., 2280. Crouch, Carrie, 4422. Crow Wing trail, 7149. Crowell, E. P., 2262. . Crown patents, forms, 2872. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1095 Crown Point expedition, 1755. 2624, 5O48, 5081. failure of, 2024. Crowne (William) family, 3415. Crowninshield, B. B., 2275, 2530. Crowninshiekl. B. W., 2263, 2490. Crowninshield, J., 3384. Croxton, Gen. J. T., operations in Alabama, 1865. 946, 969. Croydon, N. H., history, 4451, 4468. Crozer, S. A., 5899. Crozier, W. A., 6774. Cruger, H., letter to J. Hancock, 1783. 3386. Cruger family, 5021, 5038. Cruikshank, K.. 12, 7226, 7.227, 7231, 7232, 7234. 7236-7242, 7246, 7247, 7261 , 7262", 7268, 7270, 7301, 7347. Cruikshank, E. A.. 6934, 7233. Cruikshank, G. L., 1518. ( rum, F. S., 811, 813, 815,. Crumrine, B., 6406, 6873. Crusade, first, 20. Crusade, Nebraska, 4417. Crusades, antecedents of, 40. Crutchfield, W., 1581. Cruttenden (Abraham) family, 3410. Cruzat, Lieut. Gov., message to Sauks and Foxes, 6927. Crystal Lake, Mich., history, 4280. Cuantia, Mexico, siege of, 5372. Cuba, 899. 9 American progress, 903. antiquities. 519. archives, 7440. census, 813, 901. census, 1900. 576. Cuban situation in 1825. 2802. diplomacy of United States in regard to. 15. expedition against, in 1740. 1112. geography of. 578. Lopez expedition, 1630. military and naval actions against, 1593- 1 762. 3339. race problems, 813. railways, 903. R. I. soldiers in expedition of 1762. 6585. southern, blockade of, 1641. Cuba and Anglo-American relations, 15. Cuba and international relations, 1862. Cubit measure, Boston Museum, 868. Cuddeback, W. L., 7514. Cudworth, J.. letter, 1634. 2248, 3372. letters, 1673-1675. 2624. Cudworth family. 3379. Culbertson s row, Pennsylvania, 6155. Culebra Island, 579. Culin, S., 762, fi337. Cullum, George W., 2. Culture, English, in Virginia, 1820. Culver. A.. 6382. Culver, C. P., 6870. Culver, Cecilia E., 6870. Culver, Emma B., 946, 966, 976. Cumberland, England, visitation, pedigrees. 5744, 5746. Cumberland County, Me., buildings in Port land, 1715. Col. Jonathan Mitchell s regiment, 1716. first regiment raised in Revolutionary War, 1713. j Cumberland County, Pa., Walnut Bottom road, 7421. Cumberland settlement, Tennessee, road from Washington and Hamilton to, 6671. j " Cumberland," The, genesis of a national lyric, 1513. " Cumberland," cruiser, 3340, 3392. Cumberland, Army of the, colored troops, reminiscences, 6597. Cumberland and Oxford Qanal, 1715, 1717. Cumberland association, records, 1783. 6670. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 6381. Alabama, 946, 965. constitution, editions of, 6381. United States, 794. Cumberland Sound, 560. Cumberland Valley, mountain streams, 6155. scenes and incidents, 6156. Cuming, Kir A., embassy to the Cherokees, 3384. Cummings, Anna M., 4895. Cummings, C., 3320, 3323, 3324, 3414, 3955 b. Cummings, E. C., 1708-1712, 1714. Cummings, II. J., 1503. Cummings. T. II., 4183. Cummings. W. F., 4167. Cummington. Mass., account of, 2638. Cumru. Pa., Welsh of, 5932. Cuneiform inscriptions, 5776, no. 24. Cunningham, F. A., 7390. | Cunningham, II. W.. 2139, 3413. 3943. 7395. | Cunningham, .T. O.. 1423.5646.5647,7417. Cunningham family. 3943. Cunningham (Andrew) family, 3413. Cuoq, J. A., 7316, 7317, 7318. Cuppage family. 6859. Curasao, Jews in. 633. Currency, American. 164, 2240-2242. 2244. ante-Revolutionary. 3372 bills issued in 1722. 3376. Canada, after capitulation, 7184. card money, 7183. China, 6271. Cohen collection. 2780. colonial, 1911, 2138. 6068. paper money in the colonies, 2789. in Rhode Island. 66O4. " previous legislation," 2138. shilling, 36. colonial and continental, valuable collec tion of. 2780. continental. 691. 709. 6167. Connecticut. 1156, 1162. copper of Canadian banks, 1837-1857. 7328. 1096 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Currency, copper, in Louisiana, 1721-1720. 6962. cowries as a, 6267. death of Mr. Old Tenor, 1750. 2789. an elastic, 4293. fractional, 655. lawful money, 1778-1779. 3966. Maryland, early, 1890, 1911, 6260. 6263. Massachusetts, 207, 208,--44^443. 2625, 2726, 2775, 2805, 262 S*. bill of public credit, 1600. 2803. early bills of, 3623. historical account, 2726. lawful money, 1778-1779. 3415. merchants notes of 1733. 2807. occult methods of protecting, 2803, 3250. paper, 221, 803. paper note issued December 10, 1690. 2775. provincial, 2775. ten-shilling bill, 1713. 7395. Nebraska, early, 4410. New England, 321. New Hampshire, 1683. 4451. 1700- 1760. 4450. notes, 1735. 3967. New Jersey, 1716 and before. 4542, 4543, 4551. New York, bills of credit, 1709-1786. *4687. Nova Scotia, 7317. Old tenor, equivalent in lawful money, 4446. paper, 4694. paper money, 1703. 2632. Pennsylvania, history. 6248. W. Pinhorne currency project, 1716. 4543. Proclamation money, 4427. "Red Dog" money, 1517. Vermont coinage, 6753, 6755. Virginia, early, 1890, 1899, 1911. See also Coinage, counterfeiting. Currency and coinage, colon-ial. 1112. Currency and provincial politics, 2151. Currency, coin and, 657. Currency in the colonies, 1744. 606S. Currency order, New Hampshire, 1683. 4446. Currency reform in Austria-Hungary, 809. Currey, G. B., 5797, 5819. Currie, J., letters to Jefferson, 3961. Currie, J. G.. 7263. Currier, C. F. A., 809. Currier, C. W., 915. Currier, F. A., 2539, 2539o, 2540. Currier, J. M., 6706, G708, 0709r/, 6710, 6711, 6719. Currier, Lizzie B., 3329. Curry, G. L., 5806. Curry, J. L. M., 941, 1282-1285. 2795. Curry, W. M., 5724. Curtis, B. R., 556. Curtis, C. B., 3409, 3412, 5048. Curtis, E. B., 3325. Curtis, Greely S., 3336. Curtis, G. W., 3387. 3637, 5009, 5010, 5319, 7507. Curtis, H. B., 5713, 5760. Curtis, J. C., 7408, 7414. Curtis, P., bond to I. Curtis, 1669. 3378. Curtis, S. P., 1501-1504. Curtis, W., will of, 1669. 3378. Curtis, W. E., 11, 895, 897, 901, 904. Curtis, W. T. S., 1265. Curtis, Z. F., 5569. Curtis family, 3412. (John) family, 3409. Curtiss, F. H., 3409. Curve of deaths, analysis, 813. Curwen, G. R., 2241. 2243, 2244, 2256. will of, 2274. Curwen, J. B., 2265. Curwen family, 2243, 3368. Curzon, Sarah A., 7226, 7228, 7243, 7262, 7384. Cusachs, G., 1666. Cushing, D., record, 1633-1637. 3373. Cushing, H. A., 12, 34, 4824. Cushing, H. P., 894. Ciishing, J. P., 3377, 6797. Cushing, Jonathan, 3387. record, 3399. Cushing, Thomas, 3377, 3523, 3686. Cushing, Thomas, letter, 1777. 6066. letters of, 210. letters, 1767-1775. 2652. Cushing, W., letter, 1793. 3387. Cushing, W., will, 1492. 3368. Cushing, W. H., 3318, 3320. Cushing, W. T., 3682. Cushing family, 3377. Cushman, David, 1702. Cushman, D. Q., 1703. Cushman, H. W., 3366. Cushman, R., sermon, 1621. 3373. Cushman, S., 808. Cusson, Jean, records of, 7349. Custer s last battle, 4397. Custis, G. W. P., 3369. opinion of portraits of Washington^6074. Custis, John, marriage agreement of, 6828. Customs, social and domestic, of eighteenth century, 5879. Customs records of Boston, 2802. Cutcheon, B. M., 4274, 4281. 4284, 4292. Cutler, Ebenezer, 198. Cutler, Ephraim, letter, 3365. Cutler, M., 5715. journals, 3372, 3373, 4547, 6068. letters, 1803-1805. 2277. visit to W. Hamilton at Woodlands, iso:{. 6064, Cutler, S., 3687. Cu-tler, U. W., 4203. Cutler, W. P., 5710, 5713. Cutler family, 3362. Cutt, Robert, will, 1674. 3386. Cutter, A. E., 3385, 3387, 3390, 3641. Cutter, B., 3387. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1097 Cutter, W. R., 3320, 3389, 3392, 3395, 3397, 3405, 3408, 3409, 3411, 3412, 3415, 3416, 3087, 3904, 3929a, 3968. Cutter family, 3320. Cutting, Elisabeth B., 4812. Cutting, Nathaniel, diary, 1792. 2781. Cutting, S. S., 507. Cutting, W. R., 3410. Cutts, H., 3378. Cutts, John, Lord, letter, 3035. Cutts, J. M., 1266. Cutts, Mary P. S. J., 2262, 2480. Cutts, R., letters, March 23, 1796, to Au gust 10, 1813. 1715. Cutts family, 3360, 3385. Cuttyhunk, Mass., 4042. (iosnold memorial, 4044. See also Gosnold, B. Cuyahoga County, Ohio, early settlers, 5622, 5633. old times, 5633. periods of portions, 5626. pioneer life, 5620. Cuyahoga River, mouth, 5626. Cuyahoga Valley, ancient earthworks, 5776, no. 5. ice age in the flora of, 5778. Cuyler, J., will of, 5019. Cuyler, T. L., 6381. Cuyler family (Albany, N. Y.), 5018. Cuyler records, 5019. Cyclone of 1890. 5643. Cypriote antiquities, Di Cesnola collection, 6284. Cyprus, figurine from, 867. Dablon, Claude, 6938. Dabney, R. H., 5, 7. Dacotah vocabulary, 7187. Bade family, 6860. Dager, J. H., 6420&. Daggett, David, letters to, 1786-1802. 199, 343. Daggett, J., 3364. Daguerreotypy, early, in Washington, D. C., 1266. Daingerfield, W., will, 1776. 6860. Daingerfield family, 6856, 6857. Dainbly, B. W., 7422. Da in try, V., 7175. Dairy produce industry in Wisconsin, 6967. 7080. Dnkin family, 5468. Dakota, first government, 4310. mounds, 4307. Dakota Indians, 4302, 4303, 4304, 4308, 6658. ghost songs, 4410. language, 4302. superstitions, 4303. vocabulary, 7187. Dalhousie, Canada, municipal growth, 7381. Dall, Caroline H., 2251. 3385. 338K. 3392. 3615. Dall, W. II., r>49, 572, 868, 892, 897, 899, 900, 905. Dallas, E. T., 1577, 1581. Dallas, G. M., letters, 1846-59. 6067. Dalliber family, 3389. Dal linger, F. W., 2552. Dalmatia, excursion in, 5917. Dalrymple, E. A., 1927. Dalrymple, Marguerite, 2280. Dalton, A., 1707, 1717, 1795. Dalton family, 3385, 3614. Daly, C. P., 546, 547, 548-552. 554. r>.">5. 564, 569, 592, 596, 5228, 5379, 7507. Daly, P., 7207. Daly, R. A., 575, 576. Dam, highest, in the world. 7474. Damariscotta, Me., oyster-shell deposits, 1702. Damascus affair of 1840. 633. Dame, Luther, 2260, 2437. Dame, L. L., 3318. Dameron family, 6859. Damon, J., 2619. Damon family (Dedham, Mass.), 7424. Dana, C. E., 6343, 6344. Dana, E. E., 3412, 3940. Dana, E. L., 6420b, 6421, 6425. Dana, James, 2792. Dana, J. D., 2042, 2045. Dana, R. H., 2775, 3387, 3637, 6057. Dana, S., 6410. Danaker, F. M., 618. Danbury, Conn., British expedition to, 1777. 5097. Danbury, Ohio, early settlers, 7418. history, 7415. Dancing Rabbit Creek, treaty. 945, 4349. Danckaerts, Jasper, and the Indian Bible, 2782. Dandridge family, 6853, 6860. Dandridge, Tenn., 6670. Dane, J., 3366, 3444. Dane, Nathan, 1451. letter, 1830. 2779. Dane family, 3366, 3376, 3444. Dane County, Wis., agriculture, history of, 7122. naming of, 6930. Dane s Island, graves, inscriptions, 3369. Danesi, J., 526. Danforth, E., 5433, 5476, 5533. Danforth, J. 2799. Danforth, K, 2047. Danforth, Samuel, of Roxbury. Almanac for 1649. 2779. letter, 1670. 2782. Danforth, Samuel, of Taunton, Indian vis itation, 1698. 2628. letter, 1720. 2649. Danforth, T., deed to York, Me., 1684. 1707, 2795. letter, 1672. 2782. Danforth, W. R.. 6585. Danforth family, 3365. Danforth papers, 2636. Daniel, A., 7348. Daniel, T., 4453. 1098 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Daniell, Alice, letters to flor. John Win- throp, 3393. Daniell, M. G., 3880. 3022. Daniell family, 8380. 3022. Daniell (John) family, 3413. Daniels, J. J., 1518. Danish statistics, 812. Dankers. J.. journal. 1179-80. 4944, 4945. Danner, Ermina, 4422. Dante, cosmogony of. 178. theology of. 772. Dante commemoration, 2777. Danvers, Mass., Aqueduct corporation, 2245. association for the detection of thieves and robbers, 2247. baptisms at church at Salem village. 1689-1772. 2255. 2257, 2388. Browne hill, 2270. church records, 2641, 3369, 3370, 3371. inscriptions from old burying grounds, 3366. 3402. records of the overseers of the poor, 1767, 1768. 2241. Salem village difficulties. 1094. 3368. tax list, 1775. 2267, 2505. Danville, Ky., political club, 1786-1790. 1619. Danville, N. EL, church records, 1764-1788. 3410. Danville. Va., prison, 7482. Dapprich, Emil, 886. Darby, J. F., 4367. Darby, W., 5894. Darby, Pa., 6059. early settlers, 6080. Dare, N. B., 5626. Darien, 891. Darien. Gulf of, 573. Darien canal, 549, 551, 555. Darien colony. 1699. 44. Darling, C. II.. 6768. Darling, Charles W., 657, 4907, 5039. Darling, F. W., 2574. Darlington, W., 0009. Darlington, W. M., 5064, 6057, 6060. Darnell, H. F.. 4925. Darnell s leap, 5726. Darrach, II., 6079. Dart, J., 4753. Dart, Sarah E., 4280. Dartmoor prison. 2797, 2801. Dartmouth. Mass., births, marriages, deaths. 1709-1715. 3388. 3390. 3392. 3893. Historical Association in North Dart mouth, 4050. old surveys, 4048, 4053. schools, historical, 4050. ten ancient homes, 4043. townsmen, 1686. 3370. traditions, 4042. vital statistics, 3378. 3379. 3380. Dartmouth College. 2183. Amos Tuck School, 4297. early history, 4096. graduates since 1769. 4448, 4449. Dartmouth College, statistics, ISOI-lSaO. 4451. Darton, N. II., 890, 900. Darwin, Charles, letters to C. E. Norton, 2788. Date stones, 7510. Dary, G. A.. 3416. Daughters of Amer. Revol., New York, 7475. Daughters of the Republic of Texas, gen ealogical register, 6683. Dauphin County, Pa., bar, 5890. centennial. 5896, 5898. ecclesiastical history, 5891. history, 5893. in 1789. 6062. Revolutionary soldiers, 5891. " Dauphin s grave," 667. Davenport, B. F., 3391. Davenport, G. L., 1498. ! Davenport, H., 3362. Davenport, John, letters, 1638-1664. 203, 2641, 3367. J Davenport, T. W., 5800, 5801. Davenport, W. G., 6766. Davenport family, 3362, 3367, 3391, 6853. Davenport tablets, the, 189. Davenport, Iowa, St. Anthony s Church, 1521. Daves, E. G., 5568. David, Bishop, tomb, 914. David, L. O.. 7316. David, statue of. 4776. Davids, R. W.. 0343, 0344. Davids, T. W.. 8394. Davidson, G., 992, 1000, 5910. Davidson, J. N., 0915, 0934, 0960. 0907. 6968. 7002, 7009, 7087, 7089, 71 <. ,, 7524. Davidson. R.. 4538, 4564, 0871. Davidson, Thomas, 774. Davidson County. Tenn.. earliest records, 1783-1785. 6670. Davie, G., petition, 1670. 3376. Davie,s, D. F.. 5743. Davies, L. J., 901. Davies, S., hymns of, 0382. sermon, 2797. Davies, T. F.. 3380. 36270. Davies, T. II.. 7131. Davies, W. II.. 7322. Davies, W. II. A., 7175. Davis, A. McF., 21, 35, 197, 199. 200. 201. 203, 205-211. 214, 306. 336, 346, 349, 361, 363, 394, 410. 419, 441, 443, 448, 464, 484, 500. 2132. 2133, 2135, 2137-2141. 2145, 2100. 2164, 2167. 2460. 2470, 2793, 2802, 2803, 2805, 2807, 2808, 3043. :{2:is. 3250, 3276, 3289, 3304, 3404, 3408, 3415, 3967. 7395. Davis, A. P., 578, 897, 901, 902. Davis. C. A., 4295. Davis, C. F., 4280. Davis, C. H., 3386. I Davis, C. K., 205, 4311. Davis, C. L., 1282. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1099 Davis, D. O., 1712. Davis, E., 2571. Davis, E. F.. 2570. Davis, E. G., 1052. Davis, E. II., 814. Davis, E. Z., 887/888. Davis, G., 5381, 5580. Davis, G. B., 3336. Davis, G. L. L., 1912. Davis, G. P., 7425. Davis, G. T., 2780, 2876, 3376. Davis, Horace, 178, 209, 464, 1815, 3400, 3414. Davis, H. E., 1268. Davis, H. W., 2592. Davis, Jefferson, 1516. First Wisconsin Cavalry at capture of, 6936, 7068. last official meeting. 1285. reasons against trial, 1286. Davis, Judge John, 2629, 2645, 2702, 2770, 2788. Davis, John, diary, 1781-1782. 6061, 6825. Davis, John, of Michigan. 4279, 4280. Davis, John, travels in America, 1798-1802. 6855. Davis, J. M., 1514, 5715. Davis, J. P., 4292. Davis, L., 4260. Davis, M., 1267, 1269, 1273. Davis, N. D., 6079. Davis, P. B., 2571. Davis, R. N., 6158. Davis, Samuel, journal. 1781). 2780. Davis, S. M., 15, 4311. Davis, T. T., 5484. Davis, W. A., 7499-7501. Davis, W. H., 3412, 3415, 5732, 7422. Davis, W. M., 580, 891. 892. 895, S97, 900, 906, 909, 5917. Davis, W. I ., 3410. Davis, William T., letter from, 2782. Davis. W. W., 7425. Davis, W. W. H., 3, 64, 5864, 5960. 6040, 6060. Davis family, 6836. (Dolor) family, 3362. (William) family, 3378, 3379. Davis County, Iowa, 1499-1501. Davis Strait, 560. % Davison, A. C., 4398. Dawes, E. C., 5715. 5716. 6068. Dawes, W., and his ride with Paul Revere, 3670. Dawson, Colonel, 4854. Dawson, Annie M., 7381. Dawson, G. M., 573. 7312. 7316. Dawson, II. B.. 3686. 5199. 5207. 5215, 6730. DM \vson, M. M., 810, 811, 813. Dawson, S. E., 7319, 7321, 7322, 7324, 7339, 7343. Day, D. F., 4773. 4791. Day, D. T., 903. Day, E. H., 4266. Day, H., 1160. Day, J. E., 4279, 4284, 7470. Day, T., 1105. Day, T. M., 3683. " Day-Breaking " Indian tract, 2642, 2796. Dayton, Captain, journal, 4543. Dayton, Ohio, settlement, 5656. Deady, M. P., 5806. Deaf and dumb, German statistics, 815. Deaf mutes, census of, 1890. 807. marriages of, 812. Dealey, J. Q., 6681. Dean, A., 4684, 4696. Dean, Amos II., 1522. Dean, B. A., 3404, 3411. Dean, H. C., 1509. Dean, J., 33.66, 3367. Dean, J. W., 809, 3371, 3374, 3376, 3378, 3379, 3381-3385, 3389, 3390, 3391, 3395-3397, 3399, 3400, 3401, 3402, 3404, 3405, 3408, 3410, 3414, 3444, 3466, 3482, 3491, 3499, 3505, 3537, 3543. 3587, 3592, 3620, 3659, 3665. 3668, 3679, 3682. 3683-3687, 3716, 3722, 3722, 3727o, 3731, 3736a, 3736k, 3747, 3750. 3751, 3771, 3781. 3788b, 3790, 3804. 3816, 3821, 3836, 3838, 3845, 3850, 3883, 3906, 4119. Dean, W., 3409, 3901. Dean family in Salem. 2241, 2252. Dean, forest of, 208, 451. Deane, C., 160, 167, 185, 190. 195. 199. 215, 223, 224, 225, 226, 250. 266. 333, 1719, 1757, 2651, 2700. 2745. 2751, 2755, 2770, 2772, 2774- 2781, 2783-2789. 2791, 2792, 2794, 2843. 2864. 2873(7, 2880, 2881, 2894, 2899, 2920, 2923, 2925, 2928, 293O, 2944, 2947, 2959, 2993, 302S, 3029. 3359, 3362, 3401, 3431. 3682, 4102. Deane, Jane, inscription, 3377. Deane, L., 1707, 1770. Deane, Silas, 3. correspondence in 1774-1776. 1109. letter to J. Hancock. 177*. 3375. letter, 1779. 6073. letters 1776-177*. 6067. See also Deane papers. Deane T., letter to J. Dudley. 1683-1684. 3371. Deane, W., will of, 3409. 3901. Deane, W. R., 3361. 3363. 3375, 3376, 3380, 3425, 3433. 3442. 35O3. 3526. 3560. Deane family, 1707, 1770, 3367, 3376, 3383, 3417, 3722, 3723. (John) family. 3425. (Thomas) family, 3395. (Walter) family, 3361, 3425. Deane papers. 1774-1777. 5257a ; 1777- 78. 5258 ; 1778-79. 5259 ; 1779- 17X1. 5260; 1782-1790. 5261. Dearborn, E. B.. 3360, 3391. Dearborn, H., 3034. 1100 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Dearborn, II., journal, 1775. 2792. journal 1776-1783. 2792, 2793, 3049. manuscripts, 4692, 4716. Dearborn, II. A. S., 4776. monument, 3370. Dearborn family, 3360. Death, causes, 812, 813. registration, 811. Death penalty, abolishment of, 4258. Death rate, commercial, 808. Death rates, 812. Deaths in childbirth, 812. De Bow s Commercial Review (Two south ern magazines), 1281. Decedents, children, 815. De Celles, A. IX, 7311, 7312, 7316, 7325, 7347, 7347a. Dechert, H. M., 5947. Decker, O. S., 6891. Decker family, 5042. Declaration of Independence, 24, 2793, 6423. authentication, 3018. Pennsylvania and the, 6069. signers, 2784, 3377, 6932, 6993. New Hampshire, 4443. signing of, 2791. See also Continental Congress. Declaration of Paris, 4825. De Costa, B. F., 546, 556, 929, 1752, 2787, 2967, 3384, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3397, 3399, 3402, 3403, 3405, 3406. 3606, 3695, 3808, 3824, 3830, 5271 . 5363. Dedham, England, 2187, 2207, 2792, 73W,. Dedham, Mass., Allen, B., place, 2205. Ames schoolhouse, 2203. as a postal center, 2200. Baptist beginnings of Mill village, 2205. bibliography of, 2195. " birds of, 2196. births, 1635-1639. 3359. boundary line, 2193, 2195. brute enemies of early settlers, 2196. burying ground, 2196. Clapboard-Trees parish, 2202. Connecticut corner before 1810. 2199. court-house, 2198. Dexter, Samuel, diary, 1720-52. 3371, 3372. Draper house. 2201. early times, 2197. Elder s Causeway, 2208. English church in, 2199, 7400. epitaphs, 2188. Fairbanks house. 2202. first Baptist meetinghouse in Mill vil lage, 2206. first free school. 3380. folklore, 2198. French troops in, 2206, 2207. High street, 2197. in 1795. 2208. in 1807. 2199. in 1817. 2208. Dedham, Mass., in the rebellion, 2195, 2100, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204. Indian deeds, 2203. Institution for Savings, 2197. landing place on Charles River, 2207. mail coaches, 2201. marriages, 1844-1890. 2201. Memorial Hall, 2200. old Whiting mills, 2207. Paul homestead, 2204, 7405. Paul s bridge, 2195. penal institutions, 2195. petition, 1792. 3392. petition, 1834. 2205. plan, 1636-1876. 2186. powder house, 2198. Powder house rock, 2205, 2206. railroad, 2195, 2199. records, 1656. 3368. Revolutionary soldiers, 2202. sawmill and gristmill, 2200. schools and teachers, 2195-2208. first free school in Mass, supported by a tax, 3380. stone mill, 1862. 2198. tablet on the church green, 2204. town government, 2197. training ground at, 2203. views in, 2213. Dedham covenant, 2196. Deeiner, H. E., 1515, 1538. Deems, E. M., 6382. Deep-run, Pa., Presbyterian Church, early history, 6382. Deep-sea exploring, 900. Deerfield, Mass. attack by Indians, 1677. 4728, 7480. destructiion of, 1704. 2778. Falls fight, 1675. 4096. Indian house door, old, 4098. Indian treaty, 1735. 1700. Memorial hall, 4093, 4096, 4097. ministers and meetinghouses of olden time, 4096. old cannon, 4098. old Indian house, 3360, 4096. old meetinghouse, 7480. settlement, 4096. , Willard house, 4094, 4097. Ree also Pocumtuck. Deerfield, N. H., action on question of armed resistance, 1776. 3382. Deerfield, Ohio, inscriptions, 5748. Deerfield Academy, 4096. Deer Lodge Valley, 4395. Deerpark, N. Y., history, 4968. Deficits, State, 812. De Forest, J. W., 1107, 5041. Degrees, historical doctorate, in America 10. De Kalb, C., 566, 567, 569, 570. Delabarre, E. B., 5917. De Lacy, W. W., 4394. Delafield, M. L., 5022. Delafield family, 5022. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1101 Delauieter family, 3372. De Lancey, E. F., 4902, 5017, 5019, 5020- 5022, 5036, 5313, 5320, 5368, 5369, 6057, 6086. De Lancy, J., letter to, 1754. 6078. De Land, C. E., 6657. Delano, J., letter, 1727. 3365. Delany, J. B., 44286. Delaplaine, G. P., 6933. Delaware, archives, catalogue of papers in State paper office, London, 5973. Baptists in, history, 6065. biography, 1218. boundaries, 1220. dispute with Pennsylvania, 1522, 1523. Catholicity in, 916, 5843, 5857, 5860. council minutes, 1776-1792. 1224. doctors, 1237. early history, 1213. early wills, 6078. First Regiment, volunteers, 1223. Indian purchase, assignment of, to W. Penn, 1680. 6079. judiciary, 1235. Delaware Bay, discovery, 1210, 1212. Delaware Indians, 690, 6057. chiefs, 6063. in Ohio, 5765. language, 691, 5117. notes on, 6058. number of, 1794. 2628. words of, 691. Delaware and Shawuee Indians, vocabu lary, 5977. Delaware and Susquehanna Indians, W. Markham s conference, July 6, i 1694. 5969. Delaware County, Ohio, pioneers, 5744. Delaware County, Pa., 1725. 6061. biographies, 5899. boundary line, 5899. early manufacture and manufacturers, 5899. ghosts and haunted places, 5899. in history, 5899. Delaware River, archaeological explora tions in the valley of, 6400. defense of, in Revolution, 6424. Dutch and Swedish colonies on, 5899. Dutch on the, dispute as to title, 5091. forts for defense of two passages of, 1777. 6080. settlements on, 1208, 1217, 6391. Swedes on the, 5096, 5980, 6057. Delaware valley, researches upon antiquity of man in, 2494, 6400. Del Bosque, Fernando, expedition into Texas, 904. Delfshaven, 4882. Delieseline, F. G., narrative, 1777-1783. 6619. " Deliverance," builder of, 1610. 338(5. Dellehonde family, 2246. Dellenbaugh, F. S., 563, 573. De Long, H. C., 3319, 3323, 3324. De Long, S. R., 984. Delphi, 883. Demarcation, bull of, 1493. 8, 7324. Demarest, D. D., 4514, 4516, 4892, 4900. Dembitz, L. N., 624. Demers, B., 7347. Demiurgos of Egyptians, 648. Demming, II. C., 6156. Democracy in America, origin and causes. 1900. Democratic ideas in Puritan army, 1647. 499. Democratic institutions in New England, 1713. Democratic national convention, origin of, 6670. Demography, 811. Demoine County, Iowa, 1533. Demopolis, Ala., 946, 963. De Motte, H. C., 1427. Denarius of Augustus Caesar, 6310. Denaut, Mgr., visit to Acadia, 1803. 7349. Denby, Charles, 1451. Dene Indians, 7323. Denechaud, E., 7347a. Deneson, J., first settlers of Sturbridge and Southbridge, 4138. " Deng Ishtuk," 6194. Denison, D., abstract of will, 3366. autobiography, 3404, 3833. letter to, March 19, 1676. 2280. Denison, F., 6596, 6597, 6605, 7482w. Denison, G., will, 1693. 3371. Denison, G. S., 25. Denison family, 3404. in Granville, Ohio, 5753. Dennie, Joseph, letters, 1797. 2786. Dennington, England, list of subscriptions to engagement of 1651. 3402. Dennis, A. P., 20, 900. Dennis, Richard, v.~ Charles Wharton, 1790. 6084. Dennis, R. G., 4168. Dennis, W., 7148e. Dennis, W. D., 2277. Dennis, W. II., 1266. Dennis (Robert) family, 3407. Dennis, Mass., description of, 2626. Denny, C. C., 4209. Denny, E., military journal, 6022. Denny, E. I., 6869. Denny, H. G., 2807. Denny, J., military journal, 1781-1795. 5976. Denny, W. H., 5977, 6022. Denominational histories, 773. De Nonville, J. R., Marquix de, expedition, 1687. 5167, 5097, 7324. De Normandie, J., 2220, 2804-2808. Dent, S., 5568. Denton, D., 5994, 5995. Denton family, 5044. Denver, J. W., 1579, 1598, 7426. Denver in 1864. 4417. De Pere, Wis., modern, 6968. Depew, C. M., 7507. Depew family, 5047. 1102 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. De I eyster. F., 5229, 5235, 5293, 5310, 5318. De Peyster, J. W., 4882, 4884. 5189, 5195, 5270, 5299, 5307, 5315. 5323, 5324, 5473, 6744, 7249. Deportation of Canadians to New South Wales, 7347o. De Puy family, 5047. Derby, E. H., 803, 3389, 3659. Derby, Perley, 2242, 2243, 2245, 2249, 2251, 2252, 2273, 2274, 2314, 2529. Derby, R. H., 2261. Derby, S. C., 5745, 5746, 5747. Derby family, 2242, 2255. Derby, Vt., block schoolhouse, 6707. " Female Reading Society in, 75 years ago," 6707. history, 6707. Old Meetinghouse, 6707. De Riemer. W. E., 5050, 5082. De Riemer family, 5022, 5051, 5082. Dermer, T., voyage to Virginia, 1619. 5096. De Rosenthal, Baron G. H., letter, 1794. 6078. De Rosset family, Wilmington, N. C., 5598. Derry, Pa., people of, 1776. 5894. Derryfield, N. H., history, 4428. in the Revolution, 4427. 4428a. records, 1751-1782. 4428c. social library, 4427. Desaulniers, F. L., 7349. De Saussure, H. A., 6623. De Saussure, W. G., 6612, 6618. Desert, life in, 578. Deserts, American, 894, 905. Des Gozis, M., 7347a. Desha, Joseph, 1642. De Sille family, 5049. Des Marest family, 4892. De Smet, letters, 4405. Des Moines, capitol building, 1514, 1522. removal of State capital, 1479. Des Moines Rapids, 1505. Des Moines River, 1515. in 1721. 1516. land grant, 1513. Des Ormeaux, D. (Dollard et ses com- pagnons), 7346. De Soto, H., conquest of Florida, 4733. De Soto s expedition, chroniclers of, 4350, route of, 4349. Despard family, 4895. Despeaux, H. M.. 4160. De Succa family, 5050. De Trieux family, 5041. Detroit. Mich.. British subjects in, 1797. 5746. diocese of, 4288. in 1774. 4280. in 1796. 4255, 4281. in 1832. 4280. in 1842. 4283. Canadian archives, 1721-1783. 4271. Catholics in, 4265. city government, 4292. climate, 4255. Detroit, Mich., early history, 916, 4281. expedition to, 1764. 4543. expedition to, 1793, 4269.. ferry service to Windsor, Canada, 4284. first newspaper, 4280. Fort Pontchartrain du Detroit, 1701- 1710. 4281. French commanders, 1701-1760. 7472. Gorrell s journal, 1761. 6939. history in the thirties, 4278. Indian affairs in, 1706. 5776, no. 8. methodism in, 4255. public works, 4299. removal of State capital, 4260. St. Anne s Church, 916. siege of, 4273. by Wisconsin Indians. 6938. surrender of, 1812. 5648. Detroit, Mich., and its founder, 914. Detroit and Lake Superior Copper Co. s smelting works, 4280. Detwiler, J., 5959, 5960. Deupree, J. G., 4347. Deupree, Mrs. *N. D., 4349, 4350. Deutsch - Amerikanischer National-Bund, 885, 886, 887. Devens, Charles, 2793, 3050. Devereux, E., 6067. Deverick, J., deposition, 1666. 3377. Devil s Kitchen. Mackinaw Island, 4281. Devitt, E. I., 914, 5848, 5856. Devoll, D. T., 4047. Devotion family, of Brookline, 2117, 2123. De Vries, D. P., 5098. voyages, 5096. Devron, G., 1663, 1665, 6962. Dew, T. R., 7486. Dewees, Mary, journal. 1787-88. 60S4. Dewees genealogical notes, 6084. D Ewes, Sir Symonds. autobiography, 2649. Dewey, D. R., 807-811. Dewey, F. A., 4256. Dewey, George, Admiral, in Ohio, 5721. Dewey, John, 807. Dewey, Maria N., 3687. Dewey, T. M., 2183. Dewey family, 5021, 5023. Dewing, B. F., 3415. Dewing (Andrew) family, 3415. De Witt, D. M., 1288, 1289. De Witt, Johan, translation of letter, 1665. 5038. De Witt, John, 6381. De Witt, T., 5146, 5150. De Witt family, 4862. Ulster County, N. Y., 5032, 5033, 5036, 5037. De Witt s colony, 6686. De Wolf, W. F., 1376. De Wyl, N., 4365. Dexter, F. B., 198-200, 204, 207, 326, 337, 343, 405. 436, 437, 629. 1157- 1161. 1167, 1169, 1171, 1172, 1174. 1179. 2779, 2786, 2800. 2805, 2852, 2956, 3071, 3258, 3308, 3396. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1103 Dexter, G., 1961, 2770, 2771, 2785, 2786, 2788, 2935, 2939, 2940, 2949, 2974, 2982. Dexter, H. M., 2039, 2770, 2771, 2781, 2783, 2788, 2795, 2796, 3089, 3376, 3378, 3381, 3402, 3685, 3818a. Dexter, M., 2800, 2805, 2807. Devter, Samuel, letter. 1779. 2775. Dexter, Samuel, of Dedham, diary, 1720- 1752. 3371, 3372. Dexter clock, 1763. 2199. Dexter house, Dedham, Mass., 2199. Dey, P. A., 1517, 1521, 1524. Dey family (New York), 5022. De Zeng, F. A., Baron, family, 5020. De Zeng, P. M., 5020. Diabolical performances near Portsmouth, N. H., alleged, 2804. Dial, G. W., 5725. Diamond Island, fight at, 3384, 3606. Dick, C. N. W., 5725. Dicker-man, L., 570. Dickerson (Philemon) family, 5045. Dickey, W. A., 898. Dickinson, C. E., 5701, 5702, 5703, 5705, 5714. Dickinson, J., 5361. political writings, 5983. Stille s life of, 6071. Dickinson, N., monument, 4096. Dickinson, T. A., 2206, 2207, 4202, 4203, 4213. Dickinson family, 4097. Dickinson-IIarman correspondence, 1784- 1785. 5785. Dickson, C. H., 1579. Dickson, J., 4777. Dickson, L. T., 5911. Dickson papers, 1812-1815. 6933. Dienst, A., 6682. Diori language, New Testament in, 2803. Dieserud, J., 577. Diffenbacher, P. L., 1422. Diffenderfer family, 2026. Diffenderffer, F. R., 6165-6170, 6175, 6178- 6184, 6187, 6358, 6362, 7510. Digby new grant, 5043. Diggens, W. A., 5743. Dighton, journey to Philadelphia from, 177s 6068. Dighton rock, 4034. Dijon, II., 611. Dike, S. W., 807, 809. Dilke, Emilia F. S., Lady, 7366. Dill, J. B., 4297. Dillard, A. W., 945. Dillard, W. B., 5801. Dillaway, C. K., 3682. Diller, J. S., 861, 895, 898, 906. Dillingham, E., will, 1666. 3365. Dillon, John B., 1447, 1451, 1517. Dillwyn correspondence, 6073. Dilwyn family, 6084. Diman. James, subscription to relief of 174S. 2272. Dlman, J. L., 6472. Dime (tithe) in Canada. 7328. Dimon, G. D., 5434. Dinwiddie, R., letters, 5775. letters, 1751-1758. 6809e. Dinwiddie County, Va., old tombstones, 6856. Diocesan synods and statutes, 916. Diodate, W., Italian ancestry of, 1166. Piodati family, 3390. Diodati tomb, 5038. Dionne, N. E., 7219, 7222, 7318, 7319, 7323, 7324, 7326, 7327, 7328, 7329, 7329a, 7345, 7346, 7347, 7347a 7350. Diplomacy, American, beginnings of, 6783, 6784. trial bibliography of, 40. Diplomacy in United States, 1861. 12. Diplomacy, United States and Cuba, 1862. See also, England diplomatic relations, U. S. Diplomacy. Diplomatic and constitutional history, 1831. Diplomatic relations of Great Britain and France, 1799-1801. 7370. Diplomatists as historians, 10. Diptera of Quebec, 7177. " Disciples of Christ," 795, 5701. Discoveries in America to 1630. 800. Discovery, progress of, 5915. right of, 5714. statistics, 813, 814. Diseases, fatality, statistics, 813. infectious, statistics, 810. Dissenters, in Middle States, in 1759. 2629. Dissenters, Society of, in New York, 1769. 40. Distribution, 809. District of Columbia, bibliography, 1266, 1272. boundary monuments, 1264. code, 1266. first Germans in, 1277, 1278. first governor, 5647. geographic development, 899. negroes in, 1824. principal local events, 1904. 1271. slavery in, 7, 1266. surveys and maps, 896. See also Washington, D. C. District schoolhouse, old, 4977. Diver, Daniel, shooting of, 1806. 7415. Divorce, 815. in France, 807, 809. laws, United States, 4292. problem, 4818. statistics, 807, 809. Divorces granted by Supreme court of Pennsylvania, 1787-1801. 5 Hl. Divorces in Michigan in 1897. S12. Dix, John A., 2774, 5179, 5432. Dix, M., 5037. Dix, W. G.. 6663. Dixon. R. B.. 575. Dixon, W. W., 4397. Dixon family, 5894, 6858. 1104 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Dixson, Z. A., 5749, 5750. Dixwell papers, 1161. Doak, H. M., 6671. Doan family, outlaws of, 6065. Doane, G. W., 4534. Doane, W. C., 4724. Doane family, 3417. Doane College, 4407. Dobbins, W. W., 4777. Dobbins papers, 4777. Dobbs, J. H., 792. Dochet (St. Croix) Island, 7327. Doctorate, Historical, requirements, 10. Doctorates. American, at Gottingen, 3412, 3928b. " Doctrina et Amicitia," Society, 2777. Documents, preservation of, 4466, 5714. Dodd, W. E., 41. Dodd, W. F., 6834. Dodd, W. O., 1653. Doddridge, I ., 6890. Dodge, CoL, conversion of, 928. Dodge, B. J., 4213. Dodge, D. K., 1436. Dodge, G. M., 1516, 1517, 1518. Dodge, H., 1515, 1557. letters, January 6 and March 4, 1835. 1523. volunteers in Black Hawk war, 6929. Dodge Jno. company of guards, 1778. 2262, 2478. Dodge, J. T., 3404. Dodge, R. B.,> jr., address at G. Bancroft memorial, 4213. Dodge, R. D., 4895. Dodge, R. E., 572, 577, 578, 901. Dodge, S. D., 5630. Dodge; T. A., 3336, 3338. Dodge, W. E., 5050. Dodge family, 3373. Dodge County, Nebr., history, 4406. Doe, J., 1505. Doggerel ballads, 3150. Doggett. L. L., 5701. Doggett, S. B., 3407, 3408, 3409, 3410. Doherty, D. J., 4359. Dolan, J. W., 5413. Dolbeare family, 3405, 3847. Dole, G. T., 3396. Dole, S. B., 7130. Dole, S. T., 1712, 1713, 1714, 1715, 1716, 1717. Dole family, 3396. Doliber, Ada R., 7394. Dollard. See Des Ormeaux. Dollier de Casson. F.. 7206. exploration, 1669-1670. 7299, 7354, 7356. Domesday book, 5038. Domestic service, 809. Dominguez ranch, battle, 1017. Dominicans, foundation in United States, 928. Donahoe, P., 5856. Donaldson, G. C., 4167, Donaldson, T., address at Baltimore March 29, 1849. 1881. Donavin, S. K., 5721. Donck, A. van der, 5096. 5097. Donegal, Pa., history of the Donegal Church, 6165. in the Revolution, 6168. Do-ne-ho-geh-weh, grave of, 4777. Donnally, Miriam W., 6889, 6891. Donnan. W. G., 1518. Donnell, W. M., 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508. Donnelly, Eleanor C., 5848, 5849, 5855. Doolittle family, 3364. Dooner, P. W., 1012. Door family of Maine, 1711. Dorchester, D., 4021. Dorchester, Mass., ancient paper hangings, 3377. annals, 2218. authors of the history of. 3809. cemetery inscriptions, 3360, 3362, 3363, 3364. Christian names, 3412, 3931. chronological and topographical account of, 2627, 2691. deed, 1753. 3408. deed of land, 1664. 3391. first church, 3754. grantees of meadow lands. 3393, 3698. history, 2219, 2619, 2620, 3363, 3398, 3407, 3436. marriages, 1744-1748. 3408. Morton and Taylor estates, 3404, 3S38&. records, 3379, 3380, 3570a. settlement of, 2221. soldiers in Canada expedition, 1690. 3374. troops in, 1776. 3411. vital records, 1648-1683. 3374. warnings, 1725-1745. -3408. Dorchester Church colony, rendezvous, 3400. Dorchester Neck, British raid, 3411. Dorchester, S. C., history, 6651. Dore family of Maine, 1711. Dorland, C. P., 1010, 1011. Dorr, B., 6024. Dorr, E. PX4745, 4762. Dorr, H. C., 6488, 6490, 6520, 6523, 6528, 6533, 6582, 6583. Dorr, Janett R., 993. Dorr family of Maine, 1711. Dorr rebellion, 11, 36. Dorrellites, The, 4097. Dorsheimer, W., 4770. Doten, C. W., 814, 815. Dotterer, H. S., 5960. Doty, James, papers, 6935. Doty, J. D., 6928, 6930o. Doty, L. R., 4933. Doty s Island, mill site at, 6937. Doubleday family, 5468. Dougherty, Daniel, 917. Doughty, A. G., 7324, 7328. Doughty, F. W., 656, 678. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1105 Douglas, C. H. J., 3389, 4818. Douglas, D., 1303. Douglas, David, 5801, 5802, 5803, 5804 5804o. Douglas, D. T., 1427. Douglas, G. M., 7175. Douglas, H. F., 3390, 3666o. Douglas, J., 561, 573, 7177, 7178, 7179 7180o, 7182, 7183, 7198. Douglas, J., jr., 7180c. Douglas, J. L., 3386. Douglas, S. A., ancestry, 3389. letters, 1422. Douglas, W. B., 1424. Douglas, W. W., 6597. Douglas family, 3386. Douglass, D., 105. Douglass, E., letter, 1781. 6060. letters to J. Irvine, 1782-83. 6057. Douglass, W., 3012. Douglass, Win., letters, 1720, 1735, 1736 2650. Douglass, Knowles r., libel suit, 1748 and 1749. 2135. Dousman, G. G., 6901. Douw family (Albany, N. Y.), 5010. Dover, Mass., in the Revolution, 2196, 2197. records, 2195-2199. Dover, N. H., baptisms, 1717-1787. 3387, 3388, 3389, 3395, 3399, 4425. Jeremy Belknap s house, 2783. births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths 1693-1850. 4425. combination of 1640. 3391. Friends records, 1701-1843. 4442 4444. genealogical items relating to early set tlers, 3363-3367. history, 1776. 3405. Indian deed to P. Coffin, 1709. 2786. landmarks, 4426. marriages. 1767-1787. 3383, 3386. massacre, 1689. 4453. records, 3362. settlement, 3394. settlement and the Hiltons, 3401, 3712. Squamscott patent, 1629. 3382. 3384. Dow, E. W., 17, 42. Dow. George Francis, 2271, 2274-2277, 2516, 2521, 2535, 4163-4170, 4173 4176, 4177. Dow, Mrs. H. H., 4775. Dow, Joseph, 3684. Dow, T. J., 1522. Dowery to brides granted in 1700 at Que bec, 7347o. Downing, Emanuel, letter, 1620. 2650. letter to Sir J. Coke, 2798. Downing, G. C., 1643, 1645. Downing, James, letter to Gov. Winthrop 1636-37. 2804. Downing, Lucy, letters, 1626-1678. 2800 2882. Dowse library, 2750, 2756, 2766, 2772. I>oy, John W., 1578o. II. Doc. 928, 59-1, vol 2 70 Doyle, J. T., 181, 201, 243, 988, 990. Doyle, S. H., 5719. Doylestown, Pa., museum of the Historical Society, 5866. Dracut convention, 1776. 4447. Draft riots, 927. Drake, C. D., 3682. Drake, Sir Francis, anchorage, 896. California anchorage, 992. landfall of, 2793. Drake, F. D., 7408, 7409. Drake, F. M., 1563. Drake, F. S., 3383, 3392. Drake, J. H., 1284. Drake, J. M., 611. Drake, J. R., 4729. Drake, S. A.. 1709, 2090, 6059. Drake, S. G., 2709, 3359, 3367, 3370, 3372, 3373, 3384, 3424, 3434, 3436. 3437^ 3446, 3455, 3467, 3474. 3480, 3604. 3620. Drake (John) family, 5042. Drama, introduction into America, 5228. Draper, A. S., 4877. Draper, II., 4278. Draper, L. C., 6927, 6930o, 6930b, 6931, 6978, 6993. Draper, S., 4999. Draper, W. F., 809. Draper House, Dedham. Mass.. reminis- - cences of, 2201. Dreams as factors in history, 2X05, 3255. Dreer, F. J., autograph collection of, 6070. Dresden, Me., 1717. early history, 1707! Huguenot settlers in. 1709. Dresser, Mrs. G. K., 4135. Dreyer, J. M., 887. Drift mounds of Susquehanna Valley, 6424. Drinker, Elizabeth, 6069. route of, to Valley Forge, 1778. 6070. Drinker, Henry, 6070. letter, 1777. 6071. letters, 1762. 6070. >rinker family, 60TS. )river, T. D., 5819, 5820. >river, Capt. William and his flag "Old Glory," 1862. 2275. )river, W. R., 3336, 3337. Driving a pin or nail," custom, 2794. )roitwich, England. St. Peter s in the field, 5046. Drought, E. S. W., 1580. brought, in 1749. 2625. Brought of July, 1901. 577. )rowne, H. K., 3411. >ro\vne, Henry Russell, 655, 664, 5050. )rowne, H. T., 3724. 5330, 6585. Drowne, S., letters to Sally Drowne, etc., 1774-1776. 6061. )rowne (Solomon) family, 5050. )ruillettes, G., 5098. )ruillettes, Gabriel, letter to John Win throp, jr., 2780. Drumgoole, H. T., 5855a, 5856. 1106 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Druniinond, J. II., 1708, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1716, 1783, 3409, 3898, 4035, 4428a. Drummond, L., 7148^. Drummond, T., 1391. (Robert and Anne) family, 5032. Drummond Island voyageurs, 7298. Drummond s campaign, 1812. 7247. Drummond s dispatch from Lundys Lane, 7229. Drummond s winter campaign, 1813. 7233. Drummonds of Prestonpaus, Scotland, 5032. Drummondville, Canada, church of St. Frederic, 7345. Dryden family, 3378. Duane. J.. 5243. Duane, Wm., 3366, 6004. and the " Philadelphia Aurora," 3383. Duaue letters, 1761-1777. 1287. 1774- 1781. 1288, 1289. Dublin, Ireland, Huguenots iri, 6621. Du Bois, Patterson, 653, 674. Du Bois, W. E. B., 8, 2549. Dubois family, 6891. (Ulster County, N. Y.), 5042, 5043. I Hi Bois pedigree, 5039. Du Bose, J. C., 946, 958. Du Bose, J. W., war recollections, 945. Dubs, J. II., 5465, 6057, 6060, 6073, 6074, 6165, 6166, 6168, 6169, 6170, 6172, 6179, 6363-6365. Dubuque, Iowa, 1500. Congregational Church, 1499. early history, 1522. in 1820. 1524. territorial days, 1523. Dubuque County, Iowa, 1533. reunion of Early Settlers Association, 1501. Dubuque s company, 1790. 1383. Ducachet, H. W., 5122. Ducharme, Indian cession to. 6937. Duche, Elizabeth, letter, 1783. 6070. Duche family, 5908. Duchesnay, H. E. J., 7348. Dudley, D., 3366, 3367, 3371. Dudley. E. S., 4406. Dudley, H. A. S. D., papers presented by, to the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, 2780. Dudley, J. G., 5180. Dudley, Gov. Joseph, 2650, 2776. instructions from Queen Anne, 1702. 2647, 2798. letter, 1706. 2630. letter, 1707-8. 2621. letter to council of New Hampshire, 1713. 4447. Dudley, M. S., 3343, 3348, 3412, 3414, 3416, 3948, 3951, 3972, 7533, 7534. Dudley, Paul, commission from Queen Anne, 2802. diary, 1740. 3393. letter to T. Chamberlayne, 1721-22. 3377. Dudley, Robert, 181. and the Arcano del Mare, 239. Dudley, Gov. T., letter, 1631. 2626. letter to Countess of Lincoln, 1631. 4449. library of, 3370. Dudley, T. H., 6073. Dudley, T. P., 4274, 5776, no. 1. Dudley, W. R., 6158, 6160. Dudley family, 1639, 2773, 3359, 3368. Dudley Indians, 4205. Dudley papers, 2650. Dudley, Mass. : Durfee farm, stone monument on, 4144. Rattlesnake Hill trail, 4145. settlement of, 4134. Dudleys in Massachusetts, 2773. Duer, W. A., 4526, 5527. Duerst, Mathias, 7090. diary, 1845. 6937. Duff, U. F., 573. Dufferin, Lord, 554. Duffie, Gen. A. N., 6598. Duffield, G., 4254. Duffield, G. C., 1518. Duffield, J., Iowa homestead of, 1518. Dugard s American scholars, 3372. Dugast, G., 7157. Dugga, Punico-Libyan monument, 517. Duggan, S. I . H., 4831. Dukes County, Mass., court papers, 1712- 1748. 3369. seal, 3412. Dulany, D., 6059. Dulles, C. W., 6083. Du Luth, Daniel Greysolon, 6938. Duluth, Minn., early days, 4281. history, 4311. Dumaresq family, 3375, 341)8. Dummer, Jeremiah, 2639. letter. 1716. 2794. letter to S. Sewall, 172O. 3360. letters, 1711. 2624. Dummer family, 3393, 3697. Dumont family, 5044, 5045, 5049. Dunbar, J. R., 3315. Dunbar, William, 770. Dunbar, Sir William, report of. 4346. Dunbar s queries to his councij, 1733. 4446. Dunbarton, N. H.. 4428, 4431. Duncan, James, 6061. diary, 1781. 5749. Duncan, R. B., 1452. Duncan, Rosalie Q., 4347. Dunck family, 3369. Duncombe, J. F., 1477, 1515. Dundas County, Ontario, German New England loyalists, 7366. Dundurn, Canada, some recollections of, etc., 7325, 7342. Dunes, control of sand, 905. Dungan, W. S., 1518. Dunglison. R., 710. Dunham, Clark, 1516. Dunham family (New England), 5042. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1107 Duniscomb, S. W M jr., 4819. Duniway, A. S., 5814. Duniwuy, C. F., 24. Dunkers, 6362. history, 5968. settlement, Ephrata, 1 a., 5968. Dunlay, Andrew, letter, Boston, 1828. 2274. Dunlap, H., letter, 1842. 6672. " Dunlap, J. P., 4414. Dunlap, W., 6858. Dunlap-Brady correspondence, 1830-1834. 6671. 1 Dunlap- Jackson correspondence, 1831. 6672. Dunlop, J., 5965, 5966. Dunmore expedition, 1774. 5658. Dunraore, Lake, naming of, 3365. Dunmore patent, 1773. 6892. Dunmore war, 5723, 5733, 6891. documentary history, 7108. Dunmore s treaty, 1774, site of, 5719. Dunn, Julia M., 1423. Dunn, J. P., 1452-1455. Dunn, Mary M., 7365. Dunning, William A., 4, 24. Dunning (Benjamin) family, 3410. (John) family, 3410. Dunstable, Mass., history, 3413. MS. plans of, 2799. Dunstable, N. H., bicentennial, 1873. 4434. Dunstable Harbor, N. H., 3196. Dunton, John, 4103. " Life and errors of," extracts from, 2630. residence in Massachusetts, 108(5. 2630. Dunton family, 3412. Dunster, Henry, letter, 1648. 2645). letter, 1653. 2135. Dunster family, 3385. Dunster papers, 2650, 2800, 3168. Dupee, J. A., 3394. Du Ponceau, P. S., 691-693, 697, 2637, 2717, 5970-5972, 5988, 5989, 5990, 6392. Dupuis family, 5047. Du Puy, C. M., 4892, 4895. Dupuy family, 6811. Duquesnoy, Adrien, journal, 42. Durand, E. D., 4812. iMmmt, E. W., 4312. Durfee, J., 6499, 6500, 6501. Durfee, T., 3682, 3702. Durfee farm, Dudley, Mass., old stone monument on, 4144. Durham, J. G. L., Lord, 7345. Durham, S. W., 1465o, 1515. Durham, England, County Palatine, 2556. Durham, N. H., church records of Rev. II. Adams, 1713-1729. 3381, 33*2. 3388, 3390, 3391. genealogical records, 4442. history, 4450. vital statistics, 3381. Durham stove plates, 5868. Durkee, J., 3380. Durrett, R. T., 1610, 1614, 1617, 1622. Durrie, D. S., 6930a, 6944, 6954, 6956, 6985, 6994. Durrie, Isabel, 6956, 6985. Duryea family, 5026. Du Simitiere, notebook, 6069. Dutch, English and, intermarriages, 5018, 5019. Dutch and Iroquois, friendship in struggle of eighteenth century, 4957. Dutch at north pole and in Maine, 5189. Dutch Church in America. See also New York, City. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. Dutch churches in America, records of old, 4877. Dutch East Indies, 4883. Dutch families of Albany, 5018. Dutch families of New York, history, 5017. Dutch in middle Europe in 1639. 4884. Dutch in New Jersey, 4539. Dutch language, study of, 4881. Dutch medals of 1782 relating to United States, 2797. Dutch names, facts about, Van and Von, 5039. Dutch progenitors, 5151. Dutch Reformed Church in America, 15. Dutch settlements in North America, docu ments, 4876. Dutch village communities on Hudson River, 1816. Dutch West India Company, 2, 4877, 4885. Dutch words, phrases, etc., 4885. Dutchess County, N. Y., families. 5049. Dutchman, the, 4884. " Dutchman " and " Dutch," nicknames, 887. Dutisne, Lieut., 1578a. Dutton, C. E., 6679. Dutton, Helen A., 3687.. Dutton, R. J., 6080. Duval, Mary R., 4346, 4347, 4895. Du Vail, W., family Bible, extracts from, 5037. Duvall family (Maryland), 4895. Duyckinck, E. A., 4730, 5282, 5283, 5286, 5288. Duyckinck, W. C., 5038. Duyckinck family, 5038. Duxbury, Mass., notes on, 2638. topography, 2620. Dwight, B. W., 5017-5021, 5023, 5030, 5031. Dwight, Joseph, commission as judge- advocate, 2137. letter, 1754. 2623. Dwight, M. E., 5041, 5042, 5048, 5049. Dwight, N., journal, 1755. 5048. 50S1. Dwight, Theodore, 518, 2784. Dwight, Timothy, letter, December 30. 1771. 2803. Dwight, T. F., 3335, 3337, 3338. Dwight, T. W., 5032, 5454. Dwight family, 5032. Dwight family, of Stockbridge, 5048. 1108 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Dwindle, J. W., 1043. Dyckman burial ground, New York City ; inscriptions, 5036. Dye, Eva E., 5825, 584L , 7477. Dye family (New York), 5022. Dyer, A. M., 626, 631. Dyer, C. E., 6908a. Dyer, E., 6607, 6608. Dyer, G. L., 891. Dyer, J. C., autobiography, 2808. Dyer, Julia K., 7393. Dying pirate, legend of Millington, Mich., 4280. Dynes, J. H., 812. Dynn, genealogical notes, 2255. Dyson, II. F., 1424. Eager, P. H., 4350. Eagleston, J. II., 2251. Eagleston, J. N., 2335. Eames, M., 4906. Eames, W., 206, 207, 435. Eardeley, W. A., 5745. Earle, Alice M., 4812. Earle, C. W., 1367. Earle, H., 3373. Earle, S. C., 4213. Early, Gen. J., advance on Washington, 1267. Early, J. A., 6787. Early, J. W., 5935, 5943, 5947, 5950, 5954^, 6194. Earth, ages of the, 1023. history of the, 203, 384. shape and size, 902. Earthquake, 1663. in Canada, 7316. 1692, at Port Royal, 2622. 1727. 3372, 4449. 1755. effects of, 2622. in Lisbon, 3366. in New England, 3374. 1872, in Owens valley, 1011. and volcanic centers in the Philippines, 579. wave, Japan, 897. Earthquakes, 546. in New Hampshire, 2627. in New Hampshire. Massachusetts, and Maine, 1804-1807. 2632. Earthwork, method of exploration, 5713. Earthwork at Foster s, Ohio, 202. Earthworks, Ohio, bibliography, 5713. Discoveries in, 5777, no. 41, 5778, no. 76. Richland County, Ohio, 5722. See also Mounds. Earthy, J., 3383. East, British dependencies the further, 38. East Cambridge, Mass., early wills, 3374, 3375. East Earl, Pa., old Welsh graveyard, 6165. East Fairleigh, Kent, English church, 3400. East Haddam, Conn., burials in Cove cem etery, 5747. land records, 3369, 3370. proprietors records, 1688-1717. 3371. East Hampton, L. I., notes on, 1798. 5242, records, marriages, baptisms, deaths, 1696-1746. 5039, 5040, 5041, 5043, 5044, 5045. East India House permit, 1798. 2274. East India trade, Providence, 1787-1807. 6470. East Jersey, Whitehead s, 5049. East Neck, Waterford, Conn., graveyard inscriptions, 3415. East Sudbury, Mass., topography and his tory, 2632. Easterns. E., 804. Easter Island, prehistoric remains found. 6282. Eastern Indians, See Abnaquies. Eastern Panhandle, W. Va., history, tra dition, etc., 6887. Eastern question, 4831. Eastham, E. L., 5817. Eastham, Mass., description and history of, 2626. first settlers, 3364, 3365. Easthampton, L. I., records, 1696-1740. 5048,-5049. wills, 3413. Eastie, genealogical notes, 2255. Eastman, C. R., 3409, 3889. Eastman, D., 4096. Eastman, E. W T ., 1499. Eastman, H. W., 4427. Eastman, L. R., 3379. Eastman, S. C., 3686, 4456. Eastman family, 3379, 3549. Easton, J., letter, 1675. 2624. Easton, N. v. City of Newport, 64SK, 6520. Easton, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 749S. Easton, Pa., court-house and jail, 1765. 6079. Jews, 631. Eaton, Mrs. Anne, trial in 1644. 1160. Eaton, A. M., 6558, 6559. Eaton, A. W. H., 3402, 5034, 5035, 5037. Eaton, D. C., 574, 1159, 1177, 2047, 2216. Eaton, E. D., 5703. Eaton, F. B., 4427, 4428. Eaton, J., 3400, 3686, 3791a. Eaton, J. G., 3339. Eaton, M. I., 810. Eaton, Gov. T., letter, 1638-39. 2641. Eaton, W. L., 1517. Eaton family, 2047, 2205, 2206, 2216. Eaton (Nathaniel) family, 1159, 1177. (Theophilus) family, 3396. Eaton County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. settlement, 4281. Eaton free school, 1659. 6859. Ebbets, A. M., 1070. Ebeling, C. D., letter to Prcs. Stiles, 1794. 2636. Eberhardt, E., 5807. Eberle family, 6168. Ebert, A. E., 1424. Eby, S. P., 6166. Eckenrode, H. J., 1837. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1109 Eckerson family (New York), 5022. Eclipse, lunar, 1728-29. 892. Eclipse expedition to Norfolk, 901. Eclipse party, Canadian, 1869. 7180b. Economic beginnings of Massachusetts, 2421. Maryland and the South, 1830. of Nebraska township, 1824. teaching of, 15. Economic history, teaching of, 15. Economic statistics, 81.3. Economic thought, 1828. Economics, history of, 4836. Economics in United States, 1828. Economy, Pa., 5973. Ecuador, 897. Eddy. C., 3686. Eddy, D. C., 510. - Eddy. P. L., 5751. Eddy, Richard, 793. Eddy, R. II., 3393. Eddy, W. P., 4144, 4145. Eddy, Z., 3366, 3370. Eden, N. Y., in war of 1812. 4774. Edes, II. H., 478, 2133, 2135. 2137, 2138, 2139, 2781, 3380, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3389, 3408, 3594, 7395. Edes, Peter, 2781. Edes, R. S., 3385, 3388, 301 Tm, 5664. Edes family, 2781. Edgar, Lady, 7384. Edgar, II., journal, 1863. 4396. Edgar, P.. 7329. Edgar. W. P., 1010. Edgartown, Mass., deaths, 1761-1827. 3410, 3411, 3417. inscriptions, 3409. vital records to 1850. 3999. Edge Hill, battle of, 5960. Edgerly, J., 3373. Edgerly, J. A., 3392. Edgerly family, 3392. Edgerton, A. P., 5789. Edgerton, C. E., 815. Edgerton, S., Gov. of Montana, first mes sage, 4396. Edgerton MS., 3763. Edict of Nantes, 4892. bicentenary of revocation of, 4899. celebration of, 6611. Edinburgh, 7188. Edinburgh University, Scotland, American graduates in medicine, to 1SO9. 3399. in 1705-1866. 3400. Edison family, 3406. Kdilor of bygone days, 2197. Edlow family, 6854. Edmonds", J. W., 5146. Edmunds, A. J., 6071, 6075, 6076, 6078, 6079, 6083. Rdmunds, G. F., 6746. IMsall, T. II., 5028, 5030, 5035, 5036, 504.",. Kelson, .T. J., 1271. Education, 5504. colonial Virginia, 6853, 6854, 6855. Education, geographic, 899. Georgia, 1317. higher, 4295. of the people, 6998. State aid, etc., 1859. importance of, 7425. land grants for, 7119. legal, 4292. lessons of the hour, 5715. Massachusetts, early legislation and his tory, 2858. Minnesota, 4311, 4312. New England, 4388. New Hampshire, 4465. Omaha, history, 4407. primary, 809. public, Baltimore, 1830. Rhode Island, history, 6520. rural communities, 4295. United States, 4311. See also Normal schools, Schools. Educational administration, State central izing, 4825. Educational institutions. Iowa, 1502. Mississippi, 4348. Educational reform. New York. 4866. Educational statistics, 1892-3, 1897. 811, 812. Edwards, C. R., 905. Edwards, Mrs. II. W., 2269. Edwards, I., 4690, 47O8. Edwards, J., sermon in 1775. 3411. Edwards, Jonathan, 2628. 2716. early writings of, 205. letters, 2800. manuscripts, 2805, 3258. observations on the Mohegan languages, 2638. shorthand notes of, 2805. writings of, 3267. writings, 1714-1726. 415. Edwards, J. H.. 4894. Edwards, J. P., 7281. Edwards, M., 6065. Edwards, N., 1382. Edwards, N. W., 1355. Kdwards, Pierpont, letter to J. Hutchinson. 1792. 6068. Edwards, R., 1421, 1427. Edwards, R. S., 6342. Edwards, T. O., 6926. Edwards, W., 2567. Edwards, W. II., 6890. Edwards family, 3414. Kd wards papers, 1382. Edwards County, 111., English settlement. 1817-18. 1380. Edwin, David, engraved works of, 6084. Eel Is, Myra F., 5821. Eells, Myron, 6869, 6870. Eels, L. W., 4097, 4098. Effingham, Lord, letter to F. Nicholson. 1690. 6833. Egan, Bishop, 915. Egerton MSS., 3308. 1110 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Egle, W. H., 5891, 5894. 5890. 5897, 0057, 6059, 6060, 6066, 6067, 6071, 6079, 6193, 6353, 6354, 6416, 6425, 6451. Eggleston, E., 20, 39. Eggleston, G. C., 5412. Eggleston MSS., 6857. Egleston, M., 1816. Egleston, T., 5038, 5071. Egypt, description, 1005. recent discoveries, 902. woman in ancient, 570. Ehler, A. B.. 6166. Eichniann, A. E., 927. Eickhoff, A., 4845. Eigenbrodts of New York, 5033. Eights. .T., 4684. Eisen. G., 573, 576, 577, 579. Eisenstein, .T. D., 632, 635. Elbert, Samuel, letter book, 1785. 1307. order book, 1776-1778. 1307. Eld, Lieut. CoL, diary kept during the Revolutionary war, 2787. Elder, William, 6094. Eldredge, Z. S., 993, 994, 995, 3409. 3410, 3411, 3412. Eldredge family, 3409. Election sermons, Connecticut. 3841a. New Hampshire, 1784-1801. 4427. Elections, corrupt practices, laws for pre vention of, 7111. history of, in American colonies, 4820. See also Franchise, Primaries, Primary election law. Suffrage. Electoral college for Maryland, 12. Electoral vote, Pennsylvania. 1804. 6169. Electric lighting, cost of, 809. municipal, 811. Electric lighting plants, 811. Electrical exhibition, 1751. 209. Electrical industry, census of, 808. Electro-magnetic apparatus, modifications, 4683. Electro-magnetism, use as a motive power, 6766. Elegies, funeral, 3141. Elfelt, C. D., 4311. Elfreth necrology, 5912. Elgin County, Canada, country of the Neu trals, 7144, 7145. court-houses, 7146, historical sketches, 7144. list of wardens, 1852-1895. 7144. Parliamentary representatives, Upper Canada legislature, 1792-1841. 7144. surveys, 7144. towns, names, 7144. Eliassof, H., 634. Eliot, Andrew, 2621, 2630. letter, 1775. 2785, 3366. letters, 1775. 2939. letters to Thomas Hollis, 1766-1771. 2652. Eliot, C. W., 2800, 2802, 3200. election of, as president of Harvard, 3407. Eliot, Ephraim, 2776. Eliot, John, 2628, 2637, 2647, 2714, 2792. authorship of a tract attributed to, 3121. Bible, 204. bureau of, 3367, 3370, 3447. facsimile of handwriting, 2770. Indian Bible, dedications of, 2625. Indian grammar, 2637. Indian teacher of, 6583. letter, 1644. 6585. letter, 1664. 3367. letter to W. Bentley, 3384. letters of. 2786. letters, 1051, 1052. 3394. lotters, 1070-1688. 2621. petition against selling Indians for slaves, 3304. reunion of descendants of, 2568. significance of his Natick, 6584. Eliot, John, letter to President Quincy, 1809. 2786. Eliot, Sir John, papers of, 2777. Eliot, John F., 2777. Eliot, Joseph, 1664-1694. 2808. Eliot, Samuel, 2793, 2800, 3051, 3190. Eliot, W. G., 4357. Eliot family, 2528, 3368, 3386, 3397, 3013, 3739. Eliot s New England biographical diction ary, 3384. Elizabeth, N. J., settlement, 4545, 4577. Sexton s record book, 1706-1800. 3402, 3403, 3818. Elizabeth City, N. C., battle of, 6596. Elizabeth City, Va., Eaton free school, 1059. 0859. Elizabeth City County, Va., 0849. history, 6857. marriage licenses, 1689-1702. 6850, 6853. Elizabeth Female Academy, 4345. Elizabeth River parish, Va., vestrymen, 6849. Elizabethtown, Canada, record of marriages by Rev. Win. Smart, 7300. Elizabethtown, N. J., French in, 4655. Klizabethtown, N. Y., settlement of Boquet Valley, 5046. site of the first government house, 4560. Ellegood family, 0801. Eller, W. H., 4407, 4408, 4409. Ellery, H., 3391. Ellery, W., 0068, 6084. diary, 1777, 1778. 6067. letter of, 2789. letter of, 1775. 2773. letter, 1776. GOGG. letters, 1789-1790. 3375. Ellery family, 3401. Ellicott, E. T., 1924. Ellicott s Mills, Md., 1924. Elliot, C. D., 4158, 4160, 4161. Elliot, F. M., 1428. Elliot family of Kittery and South Caro lina, 3402. Elliott, C. P., 898. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1111 Elliott, D. S., Coffeyville journal biograph ical sketches, 1579. Elliott, ,T. T., 7513. Elliott, L. R., 1580. Elliott, M., 7268. Elliott, R. G., 1581, 1582. Elliott, R. R., 914, 916, 919, 4278. Elliott, S., 1325. Elliott, S., jr., 1316. Ellis, A. B., 2791, 2802, 3004, 3005, 3232. Ellis, A. E., 2791. Ellis. A. G., 6926, 6927, 6929, 6930, G930b. Ellis, E. H., 6930(1, 6967. Ellis, G. E., 2, 203, 270, 384, 562, 2775, 2776, 2779, 2783, 2784, 2786-2781), 2791-2797, 2821, 2856, 2865, 2913. 2963, 2997, 3027,3123,5348,6541. will of, 2800. Ellis, J., 2621. Ellis, Rufus, 2787. Ellis, S. A., 5520. Ellis, T. H., 6068, 6853. Ellis genealogy, 2205, 2207. Ellis (Rowland) pedigree. 1697. 6070. Ellison, I. S., 4769, 4771. Ellmaker, ,T. W., 6166. Ellsworth, Me., old residents, 1770. Elmendorf, II. L., 4774. Elmendorf family (Ulster County, N. Y.), 5035. Elmer, E.. journals, 4536, 4537. Elmer, L. Q. C., 4532, 4546, 4579, 4581, 6057. El Paso, march to San Antonio, diary, 1X4!). 1286. Elred, H. B., 5689. Elsworth, R. H., 4280, 4281. Elting, I., 1816. Elting family, 5031, 6891. Elton, R., 6485, 6495. Elwell, E. H., 1705, 1707, 1713. Elwell, J. J., 5623. Elwell, J. T., 3411. Elwell family, 3411. Elwes family, 5032. Elwood, G. M., 5524. Ely, E. F., 4326. Ely, F. D., 2203. Ely, H., 5701. Ely, L. A., 4215, 4216. Ely, R. S., 653. Ely, R. T., 1814, 1815, 1864. Ely, W. D., 6569. 6575. Ely, W. S., 5874. Emancipation, 4281. Embargo, long, 2258. Emblems and memorials in use in the Col onies before the Revolution, 2794. Embry. .7. II.. 1268. Embuske, C. J., 809. Emerick, C. F.. 6675. Emerson, Alfred, 835. Emerson, E. W., 2280. Emerson, G. B., 2786, 2858. Emerson, G. D., 4777. Emerson, Harrington, 904. Emerson, J. S., 4160, 7130, 7136. Emerson, N. B., 7130, 7133, 7135-7138. Emerson, R. W., 2781, 2787, 5010. Emerton, E., 10, 22, 2139. Emery, name, 3570 Emery, F. P., 808. Emery, G. A., 1716. Emery, G. F., 1707, 1708, 1710, 1714, 1717, 3412. Emery, II. C., 4824. Emery, J. S., 1579. Emery, R., 4856, 4858. Emery, S. H., 4033, 4035, 4037. Emery family, 3381, 3412. Emigrants, for St. Christophers and Barba- does. 1634-1635. 3372. in Hercules of Sandwich, 1634. 3373. to America, information for, 6060. Emigration, philosophy of, 4405. Emigres in Canada, colony of, 1798-1816. 7373. Eminences, heights, latitudes, and longi tudes of. 800. Eminent domain, 4292. Emlen, Elizabeth, letters to Elizabeth Drinker, 1765-1766. 6072. Emmanuel College, 2792. Emmaus Mission, 4349. Emmerton, J. A., 2253, 2254, 2255, 2256, 2259, 2380, 2393, 2396, 2459. Emmet, T. A., 608. Emmet family. 927. Emmet County, Mich., memorials, 4279, 4283. Emmons, S. F., 553, 899. Emory, W. H., 528. Empire, 111., early schools, 1427. Employers liability, 813. Emporia, College of, 1581. Empresario, difficulties of a Texas, 1283. Endecott, Gor. John, 270. estate, 2263, 2493. portraits, 2259. authenticity of, 2259. Kndecott, J. See also Endicott, J. Endecott, wills, inventories, etc., 2493. Endecott Rock, 3359. Endicott, C. M., 2232, 2240, 2241, 2281. 3359, 3360, 3371. Endicott, John, landing in Salem, com memoration of, 2254, 2363, 2372. 2374, 2377. 9 office of, 1628-29. 3370. pear tree, 3360. portraits of, 2424. verses on death of. 1665. 7395. Endicott, W. C., 2374, 2377. Endicott family, 3359, 7401. Endicott house, Salem, 2240. Endicott, Winthrop r., 2247. Endress, C., 5968. L Enfant memorials, 1265. Enfield. N. H., topography, 4446. " Engages," New France, 7349. , Enghien, Due d , execution of, 36, 38. 1112 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. England, Bishop, letters to Wm. Gaston, 1821. 917. England, E. A., 211. England, John, Diurnal, 1681-1700. 5848. Diurnal, 1820-1823. 5849. England, colonial period, 20. diplomatic relations of, and Texas, 6687. diplomatic relations of United States, with, 6073. economic history, 1853. expansion, 901. feeling toward United States, 1901. 2805. great seal of, 6343. heirs to estates,, 3378. history, study of, 1818. mythical estates. 3405. popular uprisings in Middle Ages, 10. public records of, 5018. revolt of 1381. 41. state trials, 5346. 8cc also Great Britain. England and Mexico, 1824-25, 6688. England of the time of Independence, 209. Engle, J. M., 6894. Engle family (Shenandoah Valley), 6894. Engler, E. A., 945. English, H. F., 1160, 1185. English, Philip, prosecution of. 2241, 2242. English, W. E., 1453-1455. English and Anglo-Saxon language, ancient. 7174. English and Dutch intermarriages, 5018, 5019. English armies, errors of campaign in Can ada, 1759. 7205. English captives in Canada, 3386. English churches, collections for Virginia. 1623. 6830. English civilization, historic differences with continental. 5428. English culture in Virginia, 1820. English families in America, noble, 6080. English history, bibliography, 7053. books published in 181)9. 20. English in Lebanon County, Pa., 6218. English institutions and the American In dian, 1825. English language, use in America. 4692. English local government, 4826. English monastic towns, risings in 1327. 40. English municipal history, 5. English policy toward United States, 1790 91. 41, 42. English Revolution, representative men, 5310. English right to North America, 3186. English state papers, extracts from. 2782. English tombstones, inscriptions, 3378. English wills, abstracts, 3409, 3410, 3412. Engravers, early American, 3398. Ennalls family, 6850. Ensign, C. S., 4179. " Enterprise," the, 3386, 3634. " Enterprise " and " Boxer," 1707. Entomology. See Insects. Environment, geographic, effect, 891. Ephrata, Pa. Dunkers, settlement of, 5968. music of, 6364. 125 years ago, 6167. paper mill at 6165. Protestanten-Kloster der Siebentager, 2024. registers of the community, 6070. Seventh day Baptists settlement, 6182. Ephrata cloister, music of, 6364. Ephrata community 120 years ago, 6182. Epic, first American, " Ilistoria de la Nueva Mexico," 914. " Epice dium," composed in 1752, by Rev. J. C. Cleaveland, 2262. Episcopacy in Massachusetts Bay, con troversy, 1719-1774. 4124. Episcopacy in the colonies, 1760-61. 263O. Episcopal Church, 4312. Alabama, 944. ministers of, address to King William, 2645. Minnesota, 4311, 4312. Episcopal control in colonies, 13. Episcopal controversy in Connecticut, 1722. 2630, 2632. Episcopate, early efforts to obtain, 5517. nonjuring in United States, 551 7. Epitaph, bilingual, 1776. 3378. Epitaphs, 6166. Eppes family, 6831, 6853. Erasmus, the prince of Humanists, 16. Erasmus letters, 22. Erie Canal, enlargement of locks, 4741. history of, 4751, 4752. opening, 7412. papers, 4771. Erie County, N. Y., press, 4771. Erie County, Ohio, 5647. churches, 5643. Erie, Lake. Battle, 5624, 5636, 5647, 5695, 5722, 6505, 6586. anniversary celebration, 5371, 5603. Kentuckians at, 1627. officers, 3375, 3481. Perry s fleet, destiny, 4777. Perry s victory, 3339. Bradstreet s misfortunes in, 1764. 5777. no. 66. Craig on, 1782. 5776, no. 22. marine of, previous to 1829. 4256. rainfall and level, 904. steamboats, " Walk-in-the-water " and " Superior," 4780. survey, 1789. 4776. Erie triangle, 6067. Erie war, 5714. Ermatinger, C. O., 7144. Ermentrout, J. N., 6356. Ernesttown, Ontario. St. John s Church, marriage register, 1791-1812. 7296. Ernst, C. W., 2075, 2076, 2078, 2200, 2201. Ernst, F., 1424. Erouard family, 4895. Erving, G. W., diplomatic services of, 3088. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1113 Erving family, 5045, 504G. Erving, Mass., settlement, 4097. Escalante, Silvestre Velez de, 916. Eschmann, C. J., 1424, 7425. Eshleman, H. F., 6177. Eskimo, the, 563, 5732, 7312. Eskimos of Ungava district, Labrador, 7312. See also Esquimaux. Eskridge family, 6831, 6832, 6833. Esling, C. H. A., 5843, 5845, 5857, 5860. Esling genealogy, 5844. Esopus, N. Y., Dutch settlers, names, 4881. Esopus Indians, and language, 5549. Esopus treaty, 1665. 5549. Espiritu Santo Bay, 6680. Espy, James P., 701. Esquimaux, the, 563, 5732, 7312. Sec alxo Eskimo. Esquimaux Bay, 7175. Esquire (ecuyer). title, 7347. Essex, flower of, 4097. Essex, England. Visitations, pedigrees, 5746. Essex Agricultural Society, 2271. Essex County, Canada, early history, 7301. election to first Parliament, 7380. histories and antiquities of, 4168. local historical places, 7301. Essex County, Mass., bar. members, 2261. from 1770-188-). 2448. botany, 2433. court of general sessions of the peace, 2250. court records, 2246, 2247. distinguished men of, 2256, 2402. early settlers, 3364, 3365, 3366. emigrants from, to South Carolina. 1697. j 3388. estates administered in Suffolk County prior to 1701. 2278, 2280. ferns of, 2346a. first meetinghouse, 3576. fishes of, 2378. flora of, 2391. garrisons in 1676. 2280. geology and mineralogy, 2436. old house in, 3380. immigrants from Jersey, 3389. land bank, 2137. lyceum. 1829. 2257. militia officers, 1761-1771. 2267.2505. notarial records. 1697-1768. 2280. officers of probate, biographical notice, 2241, 2242, 2243. plants, 2381. probate files, 2244. record, 1709. 2266. records, 2252. seal of the court of county commis sioners, 2246. .soldiers in the French war, 1755-1761. 2267, 2502, 2505. stone knives found in, 2328. trees, 2500. weeds <Jf, 2428, 2446. Essex County, Mass., and the Indians, 2258. Essex County, Mass., and the settlement of the northwest territory, 2263, 2496. Essex County, N. J., list of freeholders. 1755. 4557. Essex County, N. Y., forest trees of, 2407. Essex County, Va., boundaries, 1708. 6834, 6835. Essex junto, 2258. Essex Lodge of Free Masons, 2242. " Essex," U. S. frigate, first cruise of, 2249, 2313. sketch of her origin and career, 2249. Estabrook, C., 4859. Este, D. K., 5604. Estes, genealogical notes, 2255. Esther, who was Queen? 6410. Estill, II. F., 6681. " La Estrella," newspaper, Los Angeles, 1018. Esty family, 2274, 2526. Esty (Isaac) family, 4167. Ethnographical survey, 884, 885. Ethnological explorations, 897. Ethnological investigations, measurement of heads in, 7179. Ethnology, progress of, 5145, 5161. Etruscans, ancient, 7172. Etting, Mrs. rp . M., 6077. Ettinger, G. T., 6360, 7437. Ettwein, John, 5995. Ettwein, J., notes of travel, 1772. 6081. papers of, 7473. Eugene of Savoy, Prince, sword. 6344. Eugene, Oreg., education in. 5798. Euphrates, upper, valley, 578. Europe, journey in, 5621. mediaeval, architectural monuments. 569. middle, tariff union. 1832. northern, study of history of. 12, 35. European schools of history and politics. 1818. Eusebius, 771. Eustace family, 6859. Eustis, Abraham, 2780. Eustis, II. L., 3390. Eustis, W., 2632, 3566. letter in 1776. 3381. Eustis family, 3390. Evacuation, Spanish, Alabama, centennial, 945. Evangelical Association, The, 795. Evangeline (Longfellow as author*. 17<>s " Evangeline " and the "Archives of Nova Scotia." 7180/>. Evans, A. A., journal on U. S. frigate " Constitution," 1812. 6075. Evans. David, catechism, 1731-32. 63S2. daybooks. 1774-1811. 6083. Evans. Ellicott. 4771. Evans. HI wood. 5S08. Evans, Ethel. 5753. Evans, John, deputy governor of Pennsyl vania, .Win n. Evans, .1. II.. 4349. Evans. J. Q.. 2036. Evans, L. K., 7422. 1114 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Evans, Nellie, 5753. Evans, N. W., 5726, 5740. Evans, R. D., 1517. Evans, S., 6165, 6167, 6186, 6187. Evans, S. B., 1515. Evans, T. G., 5032, 5033, 5034, 5035, 5036, 5037, 5060. Evans, W. H., 800. Evans, W. L.. 6068, 7004. Evans family, 6063, Evansburg, Pa., " St. James s Perkiomen," 0075. Evanston. 111., first inhabitants. 1414. Evarts, W. M.. 5000. 5003. Eve, Sarah, journal, 1772-1773. fiofii. Evelyn, W. G., letters of, 2786. Everard (Sir Richard) family. 1282. Everest, K. A., 6034, 7000. Everett, C. C., 1704. 1750, 2137. 2138. Everett, E., 2756, 2766, 2767, 2772. 2773. 2774, 2775. 2770. 34.",!. 4076, 5176, 5181. autobiography, 1830-1838. 2808. connection of, with Governor Hutchin- son s diary, 2701. letters to .T. Story. 1831-32. 28O5. Everett, E. F., 2203, 3372, 3378, 3407. 3411, 3471, 3024. Everett, P., 4240. Everett. P. M., 4263. Everett, S., 3385, 6475. Everett. Wm.. 2785, 2787. 2788. 2702, .2703, 2704, 2705, 2707, 2800. *2801, 2808, 3405. 3411. 4006. Everett family, 3371, 3372. 3407. 3471. EverSll, J., deposition, 1682. 3376. Evermann, B. W., 005. Everts. T. C., 4308. Evett s Run, W. Va.. 6801. Evolution, social, 4292. Evolution in history, 7225. Evolution r. revolution in politics. 7057. Ewbank,-T., 5236. Ewell, J., 1264. Ewell, J. L., 778. Ewer. F. C., 3683. Ewing, A. E., 6892. Ewing, J. S., 1427. Ewing. T., jr., 5736. Executive, Congressional demands upon the, 5. 7. Third term, Washington s opinion of, 2275. Executive patronage, 2. Exeter, N. H.. agreement of settlers, 4446. burial grounds, 3374. Indian deed, deposition. 1663. 3367. origin of signers of combination. 3381. relationship of combination settlers. 3370. second centennial, 1838. 4451. early settlers, division of lands, 3383. topography, 2622. Expansion. See Annexation. Expedition from New London to Wood stock, 1699, journal of, 2778. Expedition to Penobscot in 1770. 2773. Expedition to Quebec, via the Penobscot River, 1710, original narrative of, 2774. Expenditure, middle class, 811. Expense account, 1651. 3370. Explorers, early western, and railroads, 7301. great, before Columbus. 7180. Export statistics, 811. Eyers, M., statement, 1688. 3376. Eyre, B., letter. 6061. Eyre, F., 4647. Eyre, Thomas, letters, 33Sn. Eyre family, 4647. Ezekiel, J., 627, 631. Fabens family, 2257, 2400. Faber, Hermann, 886. Faber, Mrs. M. A., 6067. Fabre. II., 7179, 7313. Factories, accidents in, 810. " Fads and fakes," 1O22. Faillon, Etienne M., .4 Mr. 7347. works by. 7346. Fair Play settlers, Pennsylvania. 6063. Fairbanks, C. F.. 3687. Fairbanks, George, will. ir.r.O. 3365. Fairbanks, G. R., 1208. Fairbanks, II. F., 3417. Fairbanks. J., journal on privateer "Wasp," 1782. 1712. Fairbanks, M. B., 3970. Fairbanks house. 2202. Fail-child, D. G.. 899, 905. Fail-child, II. S.. 4312, 4337. Fail-child, J. H., 5701. 5781. Fail-child. S. H., 1582. Fairfax, Thomas, Lord, inventory of estate. 6832. Fairfax family. 5039, 6861. Fairfax, Va., marriage bonds, 1759-1790. 6860. Fairfax stone, 6890. Fairfield, William, strange epistle of, 2263. Fail-field (David) family (Woodstock, Conn.), 5044. Fairfield, Canada, dispersion and flight of missionaries and Indians. 6226. Fairfield, Mass., burning of, 1770. 2621. Fairfield, Ohio, history, 7410. Fairfield Medical College, 5432. Fairhaven, Mass., the Fearing memorial, 4051. 50 years of school board, 4046. in four wars, 4046. Fairlie. J. A., 4300, 4826. Falbisaner, Adolf, 885. Falckner, J., 6077. Falckner s (Daniel) " Curieuse Nachricht from Pennsylvania." 6366. Falconry. 6343. Falk, S., 4770. Falkenstein, G. N., 6362. Falkner, R. P., 807-812. Fall, D., 4295. Fall family 1640. " Fall " of the year, 6065. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1115 Fallen Timbers, battle of 4283. 5721. Falling Spring, the, Pennsylvania, ~6155. churchyard, 6154. Falls City, Nebr., new school building, 4421 Falls fight, 1675. 4096. Falmouth (now Portland), Me 1740 1700. (ancient) block and garrison houses, 1712. burning of, 1775. 1753, 3385. destruction, May 20, 1690.. 1686. destruction of, in 1775. 1701. 1711. first church records, 1092. first parish. Rev. Thomas Smith, 1717. French treaty of 1778. 1707. Indian treaties at, 1726 and 1727. 1699 old mast industry, 1713. mills, petition of R. Fry, of Boston. 1699 records, 3374, 3375. submission to jurisdiction of Massachu setts, July, 1658. 1697. See also Portland, Me. Falmouth Neck, Me., history, Revolutionary period, 1714. Falmouth, Mass.. note on, 2626. Familists in Massachusetts Bay 1636-1638 4123. Family budgets, Engel s. 811. desertion, 815. names, Pennsylvania German, 884. records, importance and value, 5023 types, 5017. Faneuil, Benjamin, verses derogatorv of I 7395. Faneuil, Peter, letter of, 1738. 2776 letter, 1739. 3362. Fannin correspondence, 1835. 6685 Far East. British dependencies in. 38 map, 1900. 901. "Farewell to Pittsburg and the Moun tains," poem, 6065. Faribault, Minn., Bithop Whipple and i schools at, 4312. Farley, J. M., 927, 928. Farm boy, passing of the, 4100. Farm ownership, 811. proprietors, characteristics 811 Farmer, J., 2630, 2632, 2636, 2638, 2640 2642, 2724, 3359, 4446-4450 Farmer, S., 4281. Farmer family, 3359. arms, 3359. Farmer, social problems of, 4295. Farmers Alliance, Nebraska, 4417. Farmers, organization among, 4295. " Farmer s weekly museum," the, 201 368 I armington, Conn., church records, 337() 3371, 3396-3398. Indian monument, 3360. records, 1652. 3369. Farmington, Miss., E. Hatch s charge, ir.is Farnham, J. D., 6412. Farnham, J. R., 116? Farnham, L., 3446a. Farnham, M. F., 1724, 1725. Farnham papers, 1724, 1725. Farnham parish, Richmond County, Va register, 6831. Farnsworth, A., diary, April 19, 1775-De- cember, 1776. 2802. diary, 1775-1779. 3219, 7463 Farnsworth, C. B., 3683. Farquhar, F. S., 6870. Farquhar. Henry, 900. Farquharson. R* J.. 189. Farragut, D. G.. letter, 1853. 43 facsimile of a letter January 4. 1863. 1514. Farragut, George, letters to Jackson. 43 Farrand, Helen W.. 4278. 4279, 4280 Farrand, Max. 26. 28. 36 ",9 41 4-^44 92, 99. Farrar, T., 3443. Farrar, W. N., 5714, 5715. Farrar family, 3364, 3369. 3443 6831 6832, 6833, 6834. of Essex County, Mass.. 3388 Farrelly, Patrick, 930. Farrer s map of Virginia. 1651. 2789. Farrett, J., grant to L. Gardiner 5 >4 > Farrington, W. D., 568. Farwell, Copt. II., company of minute men, 1775. 2802. Farwell, W. B., 1033, 1036. Farwell family, 3393. Fast, R. E., 6873, 6892. Fast day, Virginia proclamation 1691 6830. Fast-day sermon, 1636. 2848, 2849. Fatherland farm, 3408. Faucher de St. Maurice. N H E 7308 7310, 7314, 7316, 7318. Faulkner. J. A., 779. Fauna, winter, Mount Marcy, 4691, 4714. Fauquier, F.. will, 1767. 6856. Faust and the Clementine recognitions, Fautee papers, 1782-83. 6587. Favre, R., 4894. Favreau, J. A., 7346. Favrot, II. I.., 1662, 1663, 1668. Faxon, W., 2049. Fay, A. M., 3389. Fay, Caroline, 7408. Fay, Joseph S., 2781. Fay, Sidney B., 36, 38. Fay, S. P., 5703. Fayel, W., 4906. Fayette County, Tex., early courts, 6685 Feake family, 5026. Fear, cape, historic points, 5570. lower, history, 5598. Fearman, F. W., 7377. Featherstonhaugh, T., 1281, 1283. Federal Constitution, 1787-88, geographical distribution of the vote of the thirteen States, 7112. Massachusetts, ratification of, 2550. North Carolina, adoption of, 5571. Pennsylvania convention, biographical sketches, 6067. 1116 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Federal Constitution, Pennsylvania conven tion, members, 6000. Pinckney s plan, 42, 43. Virginia, 3280. Sec also Federal Convention. Federal Convention, 10. Alexander Hamilton s notes, 44, 2808, 3290. P. Hardy s journal. 1787. 3365. history, 6815, 6816. a new, 15. of 1787. 24, 36. Patterson s notes, 43. Wm. Pierce, notes on, 30. Virginia members, biographical sketches, 6815, 6816. Federal Hill, Pa., naming of, 6154. Federal office, applications, 1789-1706. 6587. Federal territories, Europe, government of. 13, 78, 6470. Federalism, imperial, rise of, 10. Federalist, the, authorship, 35, 198. " Federalist, A Republican," 2550. Federalist broadside, March 10, 1812. 2273. Fee. W. T., 7474. Fehlinger, H., 815. Feilde family, 3406. Felch, A., 4254, 4278. last letter. 4279. Felch, W. F., 3411. 3922. Felde family, 338O. Fell, J., 5968. Fellows. J. W., 4428b. Felsenthal, B., 625, 627. Felt, A., 7410, 7413, 7414. Felt, J. B., 800, 2243, 2244, 2726, 3302- 3364, 3369, 3370, 3435, 3440. Felter, H. W., 5748. Feltman, William, journal. 1781-82. 0009. Felton, C. C., 2773, 2774. Felton, E. C., 3407, 3410, 3411. Female mortality, 810. Fenelon, F. de S. de la Mothe. among the Iroquois, 5150. connection with America, 3374. " Des maximes des Saints" (Un ouvrage de), 7345. Fenian raid on Manitoba, 7149c. Fenianism and Fenian raids in Vermont. 0739. Fenner, H., petition to court at Newport, R. I., 1708. 0583. Fenner family, 6563. Fenno family, 3410, 3911. Fenton, W. D., 5798-5799. 5804, 5829. Fenton s Capt., wife and daughter, 2798, 3157. Fentress, W. B., 6670. Fenwick, John, settlement and jurisdiction in West Jersey, 4536. Fenwick family, 2780. Fenwick letters, 3404. Fenwick s proposal, planting colony of New Caesaria or New Jersey, 0002. Ferdinand and Isabella, 2046. Bernaldez history, 2040. Ferdinando, Simon, voyage, 3402, 3808. Fergus, J., diary, 4395. Ferguson, C. P., 1452. Ferguson, H., 5559. Ferguson, R. M., 2196. Ferguson, W. M., 1271. Fergusson, D., 630. Ferland, J. B., 6932. Fernow, B., 4558, 4812, 5035, 5030, 5045, 0007. Fernow, B. E., 812, 590, 898. Ferrar papers, 0834, 6835. Ferree, Barr, 774. Ferrell, C. C., 4345. Ferren, H. M., 885. Ferrey, M. B., 7470. Ferris, Eleanor, 42. 3687. Ferris, Ezra, 1451. Ferris, Mary L. D., 5041. Ferry, T. W., 4257. Ferson family, 5750. Fertility and religious creed. 809. Fessenden, B., diary, 1722-1732. 3370. extracts from manuscript of, 1730. 3371. Fessenden, Mrs. C., 7377. Fessenden, E. J., 7220, 7230, 7377. Fessenden. F. G., 4098. Fessenden, G. M., 3302, 3430. Fessenden, Laura D., 1422. Fessenden, T.. letter describing Walpole. X. II., 1790. 4449. Fessenden, W. C., 3383. Fetchet, E. G., 4414. Fetishism, 577. Feuardent, Gaston L., 040, 648, 049. 050. 051, 670. Fever River, early lead mining on, 0935. Fever (or Galena) River region, mining, early, 7022, Few, C. W., 7430. Fewkes, J., 2587. Fewkes, J. W., 578. Fford, John, will, 1721. 3370. Ficklen, J. R., 1285, 1661, 1600. Fidelity, oath of, persons taking, 1052. 3301. Field, A. W., 2046, 2047. Field, B. R., 6363. Field, C. C., 800, 821. Field, C. W., 585. Field, D. D., 561. Field, E., 2d, 6502. Field, O., 3375, 3378, 3380, 3388, 3389. 3406, 3488, 5021, 5147. Field, Phinehas, 4090. Field, R. S., 4527, 4540, 4544, 4545, 4572. 4570. Field, R. W., 4054. Field, T. M., 931. Field, T. W., 4945. Field family, 3375, 3370, 3380, 3488, rtsrt5. of New Jersey, 3388. (Matthew) family and arms, 3400. Fielding, G. II., 0782. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1117 Fielding, M., 6084, 6085. Fielding family, 6836. Fields family (Stockbridge and New York), 5047. (Flushing), 5021. Fife, R. H., 6835. Fifer, J. W., 1428. Fifield, E. G., 6973. Fifield, S. S., 6931. Filipino battle flag, 1580. Filipinos, educating the, 7474. Fillmore, M., 4770. Fillmore family, 3369. Finance, 1517, 1518. American commonwealths, 807. municipal, statistics of, 807. Finances, separation of State and local, 4295. United States, 1775-1784. 7113. Financial convulsion, 1893-94. 4280. revulsion of 1857. 800, 802. school reports, 812. Fincastle, W. Va., 6892, 6894. Finch, P. V., 4098. Findlay, expedition in Kentucky, 1635. Findley, W., letters to W. Plumer, 1811- 1815. 6064. Fine arts, first school in North America, 3390. Finger lakes of New York, 569. Finley, J. P., 4694. Finotti, J. M., 914. Fiords, origin of, 577. Fire, losses by, in 1889. 808. Fire Lands, aboriginal, 7418. artists, 5642. authors, 5646. centenarians, 5641. church history, 5642. early days, 7412. geology, 7412. grant, 5722. early history, 5636, 5637, 5640. history, 5645, 7408. internal improvements, 564(5. journey from New York to. 1819. 7416. jurisprudence and courts, 5635. legends, 5642. memorial building. 5646. first military expedition, 5641. old lawyers, before 1830. 7417. papers and mss., 5645. Perkins Methodist Episcopal Church, 5648. pioneer boyhood, 5647. pioneer days, 5641. pioneer gatherings, 5647. pioneer girlhood, 5647. pioneers, 5636, 5637. pioneers, characteristics, 7418. political divisions, early, 7408. press, history of, 7408. railroads. 5640. record of grant, 7409. records, 1815-1818. 7407. religious interests, 7412. Fire Lands, Sabbath school, first, 7408. second historical period, 5635. settlement and organization, 7415. surveys, 7410, 7411. Firelands Historical Society, 5722. Fire making, light and, 5869. Fire tables, chronicle, 807. Fires in Boston and other towns of Mas sachusetts, 1701-1800. 2629. Firth, C. H., 203, 395. Fischer, E. S., 576. Fischer, H., 198, 315. Fischer, Joseph, 930. Fish, C. R., 17, 42, 2559. Fish, E., diary, 1785-1804. 3414 Fish, G. T., 3414. Fish, H., 5327. Fish, fisheries, and fishermen in New York, seventeenth century, 5028. Fish, geographical distribution, United States, 551. Fishback, M. McC., 7425. Fisher, Dr., 7174. Fisher, Benj., 2202. Fisher, B., van D., 5049. Fisher, D., diary, 1755. 6073. Fisher, G. F., 2195. Fisher, Mrs. G. F., 2201. Fisher, G. H., 6059, 6083. Fisher, G. P., 10, 16, 772, 778. Fisher, II. L., 6354, 6355. Fisher, H. N., 2195. Fisher, J., 3392. Fisher, J. E., 2207. Fisher, J. F., 2780, 5968, 5969, 5971, 5972, 5989, 6072. Fisher, L. T., 1022. Fisher, P. A., 2197, 2198, 2201-2205. Fisher, Rebecca J. G., 6681. Fisher, R. S., 526. Fisher, S. G., 6412. journal, 4395. Fisher, Willard Clark, 3. Fisher family, 2195, 2197-2205. Fisher genealogy, 2207. Fisheries of Japan, 7474. Massachusetts, 1763. 2626. New England s interest in, 1781. 2794. North America, 545. work of United States Government, 905. Fishermen from England, 5025. Fishermen s petition of 1659. 227(5. Fishery industry at Cape Cod, 2631. Fishes of St. Lawrence. 7179. Fishkill, N. Y., history, 5036. in Revolution, 4855. tombstone inscriptions, 5038, 5039. <Msk, E., 1577. Fisk, G. M., 1832. Fisk, R., 4906. Fish emigration party. 1S<52. 4395. Fiske, D. W., 546. Fiske, John, notebook. 2802. notebook, 1637-1675. 3221. records kept by, 2240. Fiske, J. O., 1703. 1118 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Fiske, M., 116. Fiske, N., 2619. Fiske family, 2247. Fitch, Asa, 5049. Fitch, C. E., 5485, 5506. Fitch, C. H., 576, 899. Fitch, Jabez, journal, 1775. 2799. Fitch, John, capture of, 2539. memorial tablet, dedication of, 2539. petition of, 1749. 3364. Fitch, M. G., 6932. Fitch, R.. wills, 1645. 3374. Fitch (Asa) family, 5049. Fitch (Zachary) family, 3413. 3414. Fitch genealogy, 3954o. Fitchburg, Mass.. Athenaeum, 2539. church discipline, 2539o. a dame school in, 1837. 2539. fire service, 2539. geological features, 2540. early history, 2539a. early records, 7499-7501. old stores, 2540. philosophical society. 2539. pioneer printers, 2539, 2542. pioneers in Kansas. 2539. post-offices and postmasters. 2539. proprietors records. 1729-33. 750O. railroads, 2539. response to Lexington alarm, 2539, 2541. school affairs, 1847. 2539. high schools, 2539f/. stage-coach days and ways, 2539//. taverns, 2539. Fitch s map of Northwest Territory. 17*5. 2797. Fitchville, Ohio, history. 74<x, 7414. records of deaths, 7414. Fithian. Philip, journal, 1773-74. 39. Fitt, Robert, will, 1663. 3389. Fitts, J. H., 2251, 3380. Fitts family, 3380. Fitz family, 3380. Fitzgerald, Father, 4424. Fitzgerald, Anne, 1057. Fitzgerald, M., 611. Fitz Gibbon, Mary A.. 7267, 7377, 7383. Fitzhugh, W., letters. 1679-1699. 6825. 6827-6830. Fitzhugh family, 6831-6833. Fitzhugh family (England), 6825. Fitzmorris. T. J.. 5845. . Fitzpatrick, B.. 964, 976. Fitzpatrick. E., 608. Fitz-Randolph family (New Jersey), 5045. Fitzwilliam, Sarah R., 1427. Five Civilized Tribes, 899. Five Nations [Indians], treaty with, at Al bany, 1694. 2649. Flag, American, and the battle of Brandy- wine, 5879. " Bon Homme Richard," 4546. British, origin and history, 1125. Texas, 6681. of the Third Regiment York Militia, 7383. Flag, United States, 4546. where first saluted. 4879. of the University Company, 1523. Flag episode, 1775. 207. Flagg, F. G., 3364. Flagg, Josiah, letter, 3385. Flagg family of Worcester, 4215. Flags, battle, Mexican war, 6073. Oneida County, N. Y.. regiment s, United States civil war, 5437. Three historic, 3386, 3634. Flanagan, A. J., 2184. Flanders, H., 6052, 6064, 6071. Flanders family, 3385. Flandrau, C. E., 4304, 4310-4312, 4341. Flatbush, N. Y., Dutch church records, 1677-1757. 4882. Flathead Indians, 5845. mission, 915. Flatlands, L. I. Reformed Dutch Church, tombstone inscriptions, 4911. Flax culture, Lancaster County. Pa., 6168. Fleet. Mary, diary, 1755-1803. 3377. Fleming, F. P., 1344a. Fleming, S.. 7326. Fleming, W., letters to Jefferson, 3961. price-list and diary, 1787-1789. 6829. Fleming. W. H., 1517. Fleming, W. L., 946, 954, 976, 1287, 1288. 1289, 5047, 6671. Fleming family, 6860. Flemington Academy, 4504. Flenniken. B. F., 1579. Fletcher, Judge, 7175. Fletcher, D. C., 2602. Fletcher, E. H., 3380. Fletcher, E. T., 7175. 7178, 7180. Fletcher genealogy, 3380. Flick, A. C., 4831. Flick, L. F., 5843, 5845-5848, 5850-5853, 5855, 5858. Fling, F. M., 5, 7, 15, 36, 42, 43. Flint, J., 2640. Flint, Martha B., 5045. Flint family, 3370. Flint, genealogical notes, 2255. Flint genealogy, 3372. Flint district, Mich., early churches and preachers, 4265. Flint workers, 4773. Flintham, L. S., 5855a, 5856. Flintlock or matchlock, 4212. Flint s Pond, origin of the name of. 2779. Flom, G. T., 1539-1542. Flora, Adirondacks, 4688. Florence, Italy, commerce and industry, during Renaissance, 8. Florence, Ohio, history, 7408. Florida, 562. biographical sketches, 1344. British West, 4350. early history, 1298. history, 1344a. in 1568. 7440. memoirs of, 1344a. matrimonial investigations in, form of. Spanish, 914. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1119 Florida. Meuendez expedition, 1565 6G. 2708. mound builders. 1283. shell mounds, recent explorations, 6297. statutes, 1684. 014. West, and the cartography of the United States, 1820. Floridas, acquisition of, 2780. diocese, statutes, 014. Flory, J. S., 1288. Flour manufacture, Minnesota, 4312. Flournoy family, 6826-6828. Flowers, K. L., 5568, 5570. Floyd, Hcrycant, letter relating to disinter ring remains. 1524. Floyd. Charles, journal, 204, 404. Floyd epitaphs. Setauket, L. I., 5030. Floyd monument, 1517, 152.4. Flynn. I). T.. 5700. Flynt. II.. journey, 1754. 2785, 2047. Flynt, Josiah, MS., 1653-1680. 2204. Fobes, C. S., 1711. Fobes, P., 2621. Fogg, J. S. H., 3362, 3363, 3365, 3380, 3391, 3397, 3401, 3402, 3412, 3732. Fogg, W., 3365. Folch, Vincent, Goi\, and General Wilkin son, 44. Folger. Peter, deed to land on Nantucket, 1663. 3370. house, site of, 7533. Folger. W., jr., 2621. Folger, W. C., 3370, 3374, 3389. Folger family, 3374. Folger, name of, 3367. Folklore, African, 1016. German-Canadian, 7298. Hawaiian, 7132. Michigan, 4284. Philadelphia, 753. Samoan. 7132. Tahitian, 7132. Folk-songs, Gaelic, of Canada, 7328. Follen, Karl, 5, 7. Follett, Mary P., 8. Folsom, A. A., 2202, 2206, 2207, 3403. Folsom, C., 150, 219. Folsom, D. E.. 4398. Folsom, G., 143, 1698, 1726, 1735, 5096, 5232. Folsom, N., letter, March 27. 1756. 2808. Folsom, N. S., 3388. Folsom, P., 1427. Folsom, W. II. C., 4311. Folsom family, 3388, 3650. Folsom-Cook exploration, 1869. 4398. Foltz, M. A., 6154, 6155. Fonda. J. II., 6929. Fones family, 3376. Fonseca, W. G., 7151. Fontaine, E., 547. Fontaine, W. W., 1650. Fontaine family, 6811. Fontenelle, H., 4405. Fontenelle college, 4407. Food budgets, 811. Food, home-cooked and purchased, cost, 813. Foot, S. R., 1522. Foote, Caleb, 2264, 2497. prison letters and sea journal, 1775- 1782. 2264, 2497. Foote, C. E:, 1581. Foote, H. W., 2785, 2787, 2701, 2073, 3685. Foote, L., 1452. Foote, S., 7410. Foote family, 3367, 6831. Foraker, J. B., 5722, 5736. | Forbes, Eli, diary, 1762. 2797. i Forbes, F. B., 814. Forbes. G., 7347a. Forbes, H. M., 4186, 4200. Forbes, J. G., 7345. Forbes, J. M., trip to Alabama, 1831. 946. 968. I Forbes, J. P., 4035. Forbes, R. B., 2776, 2782. | Forbes, Susan E. I ., 3408. i Forbes, T. S., 046, 968. Forbes, W. H., 4308. i Forbes, W. T., 200, 4213, 4215. | Forbes (Alexander) family, 5036. Forbes collection of Penn MSS., 6083, 6084. Force, M. F., 3685, 5667, 5671. Force, P., 105. Ford, C. N., 5701. Ford, D., 4569. journal, 1794. 4542. Ford, G. S., 4835. Ford, II. A., 4262. Ford, II. 1 ., 6382(/. xFord, J. S., 6679. Ford, P., 6062. Ford, 1 . L.. 4, 6, 7, 35, 2795, 3074, 5983, 6068, 6069. Ford, W. C., 28, 41, 42, 812, 1271, 2138. 2139, 2163, 2805-2807. 3256, 3269, 3272-3274, 3280. 3296. 3309, 3405-3410, 3412-3414. 3856, 3899, 3924</, 3961, 6073- 6078, 6085, 6647, 6655, 6851, 7395. " Ford at Mistick," 3321. Ford s History of Black Hawk war, stric tures upon, 6926. Forefather s Day, 5510. celebration in 1813. 2701. 2702. 266th anniversary, 6701. 272d anniversary, 6702. Forefather s song, 1630. 2645. Foreign element in United States, 7310. Foreign governments, expenditures in In- half of history, 8. Foreign plantations. commissioners of. orders relative to Gorton, 1646. 6483. Foreigners arriving at Philadelphia, Pa., 1791-92. 6080. Forest, buried, 894. Forest lands, Government assistance, 905. Forest reserve, Appalachian, 579. Forestalling, petition against, in Philadel phia, Pa., 1778. 6081. 1120 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Forestry, 896. at home and abroad, 7474. Bitter Root Reserve, 899. climate, 900. conditions in Washington, 899. fires, 900. influence on lumber industry, 904. origin in United States. 4295. problem, Michigan. 4295. reforesting since glacial epoch, 4908. reserves, 898, 901. statistics, 812, 899. Forests, destruction of, in Canada, 7381. Forests and forestry, American, 577. Forests of the public domain, 573. Forillon, Le, 7346. Forman, E., letter, 1794. 6066. Forman, S. E., 1832. Fornance, J., 6365. Forney, J. W., 6092. Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 1644. Forster, E. J., 3383, 3388, 3522. Forster, J. H., 4260, 4263, 4266, 4270. Forster family. 3388. Forsyth, J., 4856. Forsyth, Thomas, 4304. journal. 1819. 6930. letter-book, 1814-1818. 6933. Fort, J. B., letter, 5599. Fort, G. P., 4535. Fort, I. A., 4414. Fort Adams, Chickasaw Bluffs. 1797. 6009. Fort Amsterdam in the days of the Dutch, 4812. Fort Ancient. 5715. 5716, 5732. Fort Armstrong, 1513. (5146. Fort Atkinson, Iowa, 1516. old fort at. 4408, 6967, 7082. Fort Avery, legend, 5635. Fort Beauharnois, 7312. Fort Beausejour, Nova Scotia, 1755. 7277. Fort Benton, Mont., 4395. in 1831-1869. 4396. list of citizens, 1862-63. 4394. steamboat arrivals. 1859-1888. 4394. 4396. Fort Bull, Rome, N. Y., 5426. Fort Calhoun, Nebr., 4408. Fort Casimir, Del., 1261. Fort Charles, at Pemaquid. order given, 1688. 1708. Fort Charlotte, La., capture of, 1663, Fort Charlotte, Mobile, 34. Fort Chartres, 111., 1375, 1424. court of inquiry, 1383. Fort Christiana, Va., 6857. Fort Crevecoeur, 1423. Fort Dearborn, 1374. occupation of, 1388, 1389. Fort Defiance hospital. 1523. Fort Des Moines, 1516, 1515. Fort Dodge, Iowa, 1516. soldiers in the East, 1518. Fort Donelson, 1519. fight between batteries and gunboats. 6659. Fort Dummer, 2796, 3118, 4446. letter of Got?. Shirley respecting, 1748. 2621. site of, 4098. Fort Du Quesne, 7440. expedition against, 1755. 5974, 6013, 6067. Fort Erie, battle, 1814. 6077. war of 1812. 4774. Fort Frontenac, 7326. Fort George, battle, 7261, 7270. blockade, 1813. 7262a. Fort Gilmer, assault, 6599. Fort Gratiot, Mich., military reservation, 4263. Fort Griswold, Conn., massacre of 1871. 1196. Fort Halifax, 1704, 1761. history of, 1703. Fort Ilamby on Yadkin, 5568. Fort Hamilton, Ohio, history, 5725. powder magazine, 5726. Fort Hill, Ohio, 5713. Fort Hunter, Susquehanna Township, 5889. Fort Industry, 5722, 5724. Fort Johnson, capture. 1775. 6650. Fort Kearney, 4417. Fort La ramie, 5720. Fort La Tour, site of, 7316. Fort Loyale, 1686. Fort McIIenry, 3386, 3634. Fort McKay, capture, 1814. 6933. i Fort Madison, Iowa, plan of 1808. 1515. Fort Massac, 1424. purchase of, 1424. Fort Meigs, siege, 5722. sortie at, 1813. 5776, No. 23. Fort Mercer, defense of, 4512. Fort Miami, 5722, 5724. Fort Michimillimakinak, 914. Fort Mifflin, reduction of, 6061, 6062. siege of, 6067. Fort Mississagua, Ontario, 7266. Fort Montgomery, 1777. 5042. Fort Moore, Cal., 1016, 1021. Fort Nassau, history, 4540. history and location, 4566. site of, 4540. Fort Necessity, Washington s capitulation, 1754. 6830. Fort Niagara, N. Y., 1782-1796. 7262. Fort Oswego, old tablet, 5508. Fort Pentagoet, Me.. 1710. Fort Pickawillany. 5720. Fort Pierre, old, 6657. Fort Pierre expedition, 4407. Fort Pitt, 1768-1774. 6071. Indian treaty, 1776. 6061. population, 1761. 6062. roll of W. Withers company, 1 T7!. 6081. Fort Pittston, 6421. Fort Pontchartrain du Detroit, 1701-1710. 4281. Fort Popham celebration, 2244. Fort Pownall, 3371, 3372. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1121 Fort Prince of Wales, Churchill Harbor, Hudsons Bay, history and descrip tion, 7149p. Fort Pulaski, 6597. Fort Pynchon, 2183. Fort Richmond, Me., 1711. Fort Riley, recollections, 1581. Territorial and military combine, 1581. Fort Ripley, history, 1849-1859. 4311 . Fort Royal, expedition to, 1710. 3388. Fort St. George, 1681, 1703. Fort St. Georges, Me., 1752. 1700. Fort St. Georges, Me., 1752, 1700. Fort St. Joseph, Mich., history, 4280. Fort St. Louis, camp, 7222. Fort St. Louis, Tex., 6683. Fort Sanford, Iowa, 1516. Fort Sartwell, 4098. Fort Saunders, capture of, 1581. Fort Schuyler, celebration, 5425, 5461. monument, 5460. Fort Snelling, 4302, 4303, 4304, 4307, 4308. history, 4310. Fort Stanwix, Rome, N. Y., 5426. siege of, 1776. 5147. siege, 1777. 5157. Fort Stauffer, 6156. Fort Stevens, battle, 1267. Fort Sullivan, order-book, 6396. records of, 6396. Fort Sumter, flag replaced on, 6600. Fort Ticonderdfa, 5411. restored, 7475. Fort Titus, capture of, 1581. Fort of Toronto, 7345. Fort Vancouver, reminiscences of, 1832. 5813. Fort Venango, letter on, 2778. Fort Washington, 1270. environs, 5960. historic, 1275. in 1863, 5897. Fort Washington, N. Y., capture, 6079. Fort Washington, Ohio, 5722. Fort William and Mary, 3381, 4227. capture, 1774. 4458, 4493. Fort William Henry, 5048. dimensions of, 1755. 5048. massacre at, 1757. 2242. Fort Wilson, attack on, October 4, 1779. 6061. Fort Winchester, 5721, 5722. Fort Winnebago, early times, 6930&. history, 6936, 7062. officers at, 1834. 693(>r/. orderly book, 1834-1836. 6936, 70(52. Fort Yukon, boundary near, 894. Forth family, 3376. Fortier, Alcee, 1539-1542, 1661, 1662, 1668, 1670. Forton Prison, England, American prison ers, 1777-1779. 3391. Forts, French, in Wisconsin, 6932. frontier, Pennsylvania, prior to 1783. 6453, 6454. II. Doc. 023, 59-1, vol 2 71 Forts, old, in Nova Scotia and New Bruns wick, 7308. Pennsylvania, 6071. Forty-nine, days of, 1021. Forwood, J. L., 5899. Fosdick, Charles, 2539. Fossat, C. G. Sonviat de, 1673. Fossil insects, Paleozoic, 6420tZ. Fossils, in river drift at Pittston, 6424. Indiana and Illinois, 4686. Niagara group, 4686. near Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 6421. Paleozoic, Lacoe collection, 6424. Wyoming, 901. Foster, A., 4446. Foster, Asa, diary, 1758. 3412, 3920. Foster, A. It., 4280. Foster, C., 5736. Foster, Emma J., 5047, 5049. Foster, E. O., address, 4168. Foster, F., 5703. Foster, F. A., 3686. Foster, F. H., 771, 5701, 5703. Foster, H. D., 42, 7475. Foster, Harriet McL, 6891. Foster, John, printer, 3313, 6529. Foster, John, of New Hampshire, 4428a. Foster, J. H., 935, 946. inaugural address, 4247. Foster, J. W., 900, 902, 903, 904, 905. Foster, La F. S., 1196, 1204. Foster, Robert, 3406. Foster, R. V., 794. Foster, S., 1507, 1508. Foster, S. C., 1004, 1020, 1021. Foster, Theodore, 6488. Foster, W. E., 203, 389, 1816, 3686, 6488, 6557. Foster, W. L., 4472. Foster family, 2200, 2204, 3359, 3383, 3591. (Andrew) family, 3378. (Hopestill) family, 3410, 3910. (Rufus) family. 5049. (Thomas) family. 3384. Fosters of Otsego, Mich., 4280. Fouace, S., letters, 1704-1710. 6860. Fouin, Father Louis, 928. Fouke, Sally, letter*, February 26, 1760. 1282. Foulke, S., 6064. Foulke, S., journal, 1762-1764. 6061. Foulke, W. I ., 5973, 6020. Foulke family, 6067. (Gwynedd, Pa.), 6068. Foullsam, J., deposition, 1684. 4446. Four-lake country, 6932, 6989. early events, 6928. Fournier de Flaix, 809. Foussat, Du, brothers, 6623. Fowke, G., 5714. .1721, 5732, 7518. Fowle. W. B.. 3381. Fowler, D. W., 5747. Fowler, F. W., 7408. Fowler, H,, 7408, 7413. 1122 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Fowler, L., journal, 6680. Fowler, P., ST., estate of, 3369. Fowler, R. L., 5343. Fowler, S. P., 2237, 2240, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2244, 2247, 2249, 2250, 3402. Fowler, W. C., 1164, 3368, 3369, 3378, 3382, 3383, 3384, 3538, 3585, 3609. Fowler, W. W., 3380, 3381. Fowler family, 3581. (Ambrose) family, 3369. (John) family, 3411. (Orin) family, 3365. (William) family, 5747. Fox, C. B., journals and correspondence, 2802. Fox, C. E., 3687. Fox, E., 3360. Fox, George, journal, 1694. 6062. Fox, S. M., 1582. Fox family, 6856. Fox and Ojibway war, 4302. Fox Indians, destruction, 1730. 1423. Liguery s expedition against, 1728. 6932. tradition, 1730. 69306. Fox Island Passes, Alaska, 7474. Fox Point massacre, 1690. 2786. Fox River Valley, French regime, 6967, 7081. intellectual life of, 6968. fur trade days in, 6968, 7092. Fox - Wisconsin rivers, Improvement, 6968, 7100. Foxcroft family, 3368. " Foy " (name) and Marblehead, 2794, 3075. Frame, N., 4908. Frame family, 5899. France, Antarctic, situation of (La France Antartique), 7346. colonial expansion, 901. conquete de la liberte, 7316. constitution, formation, 7. history, study of, 1821. juridical history, early, 7172. Revolution as seen by Americans, 12. 1857. France and the United States, 2927. in 1794. 43. Franceis, surname, 3862a. Francey, T. de, letters, 1778-1780. 5277. Franchise in Wisconsin, brief history, 6962, 7011. See also Elections, Suffrage. Francis, C., 2643, 2647, 2648, 2722, 2735, 2738. Francis, G. E., 200, 208, 455. Francis, John, 1581. Francis, J. W., 5191, 5194. Francis family, 3325. Franciscan tertiaries at Philadelphia, 5856. Francisco (Peter) family, 6865. Francke, Kuno, 3, 5, 7. Franckel, D. H., 624. Franco-American alliance, suggestions for, 1782 [?], 6079. See also American Revolution, French Alliance, Frencii fleet. " Franco-Gallia," the, 34. Franco-Prussian war, artillery retrospect of, 7181. Franconia, Pa., early settlers, 5960. private burying grounds, 7422. Francus, surname, 3862a. Frank, M., 6927, 6930. Frank sepultures, 648. Frankenburger, D. B., 6995. Frankenfield, H. C., 901, 904. Frankfort, Ky., new capitol site, 1645. Frankfort Company, 1686, articles of agreement, 6071. Frankfurt, 887. Frankland, A. E., 629. Franklin, B., 2137, 5517. accounts with James Parker, 1763 2806. and Stamp Act, letter, 1765. 6064. autobiographies, rival, 6080. bagatelles, 764. correspondence, 177576. 6083. descendants, 3366. document, 1741, facsimile, 6079. documents, 1785. 6671. in Lehigh Valley, 1756. 6074. junto of, rules, 1784. 3385. letter, April 12, 1750. 7395. letter, 1759. 2635. letter, 1775. 43, 2773, 6068. letter, April 13, 1785. 1699. letter to James Bowdoin, 1787. 2772. letter to T. Bradford, ca. "1763. 3380. letter to S. C. Johonnot, 3380. letter to Prof. Kinnersley, 1759. 6069. letter to Edmund Quincy, 2780. letter to G. Whitefield, 1756. 3380. letters, 2621, 2781, 3385. letters of, 1770. 2784. letters to T. Gushing, 1774. 2621. letters to Pennsylvania assembly, 1766. 6061. letters to S. Rhoads, 1765-1774. 6071. letters to sister, 1770-1788. 4451. letters to W. Strahan, 1763-1781. 6068. library, books taken by Andre, 6064. literary labors of, 756. note for, 6078. papers sent by, to Gushing, December 2, 1772. 2785. parable against persecution, 6856. " prayer-book," 6077, 6125. staff of, 6889. visit to Germany, 6365. Franklin fund of Boston, 2802, 3215. Franklin papers, 199, 769, 2788, 6132. Franklin, F. G., 22. Franklin, G. E., 1005. Franklin, J., letter, 1706. 3372. Franklin, Sir John, search of, 529, 545, 556. Franklin, W., petition to Cromwell, 1655. 7395. Franklin, W., Gov., administration, 4601, 4602. letters, 1767-1769. 4535. letter, 3774. 4537. Franklin, Mrs. W., letter of 1776. 4549. SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. 1123 Franklin, W. M., 6165, 6167, 6171. Franklin family, 3369, 5038. in England, manuscript containing mem oranda relating to, 2772. (Benjamin) family, 6127. (Deborah) family, 6064. (Thomas, jr.) family, 6077. Franklin, state of, 42. lost state of, 1644. state, and Wautauga, 5433. constitution, 6672. Franklin, Mass., births, marriages, and deaths, 2195. records, 2196, 2197, 2198. Franklin, Ohio, history, 5678, 5679. Franklin. Tenn., 6792. Franklin Academy, 4098. Franklin College, old, Lancaster County, Pa., 6166. Franklin County, Iowa, 1507. Franklin County, N. Y., forest trees, 2407. Franklin County, Ohio, 5650. earthworks, 5713. marriage record, 1803-1830. 5743, 5744, 5745, 5746, 5749, 5750. some historic records, 5749. Taylor-Livingston centenary, 5725. United States land patents, 5745. Frankin County, Pa., 1773. 6064. colonial defenses, 6155. flora and fauna, 6155. geology, 6156. German influence in, 6154. history, 6155. Franklinton, Ohio, history, 5718. Franks, Judge, 6168. Franks, J., 632. Franks, Jacob, Indian cession to, 6937. Franks, Rebecca, letter, 1778. 6072. letter, 1781. 6079. Franks family, 624. as British army contractors, 634. Fraser, A., 7328. Fraser, J. G., 5704, 5705, 5721. Fraser family, 6650. Eraser s account of Burgoyne s campaign, 6765. Frauds, literary and antiquarian, 6343. Frazar, K., 4522. Frazee, G., 1516, 1518. Frazer, C., .6650. Frazer, M., 7205. Frazer, Persifor, 742. Frazer family of South Carolina, 6650. Frear, W. F., 7130. Frechette, L., 7308, 7310, 7311, 7324, 7326, 7345. Frederick the Great and American Revolu tion, 43. Frederick, Pa., Moravian school for boys, 6083. Frederick City, Md., 2033. Frederick County Historical Society, 2033. Fredericksburg, battle, 3336, 6597. Fredericksburg to Gettysburg, 6599. Fredericksburgh, Canada, Lutheran Church records, 1793-1832. 7301. register of baptisms, 1787-1813. 7269. St. Paul s Church, register, 1789-1812. 7296. Fredericq, P., 1818, 1821. " Free burghs " in United States, 12, 850. Free government, evolution of, in America, 5411. " Free homes bill," the, 5790. Free Society of Traders in Pennsylvania, 1682. 6061, 6067. Free Soil convention, 1848. 4773. Free-soil idea, 4407. Free-Soil party, 2554. in Wisconsin, 6963, 7020. Freedmen, Mississippi, statutes, 4347. Freedmen s Bureau, 1572. Freedom, Canadian forms of. 7365. Freehold, N. J., tombstone, inscriptions, 4545. Freehold and Shrewsbury committees, pro ceedings, 4535. Freeland Seminary, 7422. Freelon, T. W., 1031. Freeman, C., 1697. Freeman, E. A., 1813. Freeman, J., 2619, 2690, 2973. Facsimile of handwriting, 2770. Freeman, James, letters, 3385. Freeman, W., 1580, 1711. Freeman family, 3378. Freeman s oath, the, 3821c. Freemasonry, history in Oneida County, N. Y., 5468. in Nantucket, 3347. Freemasons, Massachusetts, Essex Lodge, 0040 Freemen, 1630-1691. 3361. in 1678. 3362. in early New England, 3361. Freeport, Me., topography and history, 26,?2. Freer family, 5048, 5049, 5050. Freetown, Mass., burying ground, inscrip tions, 3368. original owners, 4033b. Freeze, J. G., 6059. Freeze family, 3409. Freight traffic, 809. Frelinghuysen, T., 4540. Fremont, J. C., 5722, 73470. letter in 1847. 3021. Fremont campaign 1856. 1579. Fremont, Nebr., 4406. First Congregational Church, 4406. Fremont County, Iowa, 1511. Frenaye, M. A., correspondence, 5855a. French, A. D. W., 3405. heraldic collection, 3887a. French, A. W., 1422, 1424. French, B. F., 1660. French, Christopher, journal, 1776. 1109. French, G. K., 898. French, J., 2632, 3359, 4448. French, J. C., 4427. French, J. M., 3402, 3810. 1124 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. French, S. G., 1651. French family, 3405. (William) family, 3402. French, surname in Scotland, 3862a. French alliance, treaty of 1778. 1707. allies in Revolution, 4554. and British in Indian country, 4271. and Indian army that sacked Deerfield, 1703-4. 4097. and Indian troubles, 2622. French and Indian wars, 3370. 1754. 2622, 3073, 3087, 3098, 3116, 5041, 5145, 6013, 6059, 6817, 7180&, 7362. in 1745-1747, captivity in, 7252. in 1758. 3374, 3412, 3930. in 1760-1763. 6933. Augusta County, W. Va., in, 6891. Canada campaign, 1759, errors of French and English armies in, 7205. Essex soldiers in, 1755-61. 2267, 2502. historical narrative of, Niles (?), 2653. history of, 2644. Groton, Mass., 3116. Halifax, Mass., sodliers, 1759. 3386. Hatfleld, Mass., billeting of soldiers, 1759. 3401. Howard J. Bridgewater company, 1754. 3409. Lebanon County, Pa., in, 6210. letters of Col. N. Whiting, 1161. military operations, 1753-56. 2625. New York muster rolls, 1755-64. 5262. orderly book, 6083. ^p J. Perry, orderly book, 3412. Rhode Island company, 3372. rolls of Conneticut men, 1116, 1117. soldiers, 1758. 3416. T. Lawrence s company, 2795, 3098, 3408. Virginia troops, 6825. Capt. Wm. Edmond s company, 1761. 6831. See also Crown Point expedition, Dia mond Island, Fort Beausejour, Fort Hammond, Fort William Henry, Lake George, battle of, Louisburg, Mackinaw, St. John river, Expedition to. French armies, errors of campaign in Can ada, 1759. 7205. French as foemen and friends, 5544. French burials, Onondaga, N. Y., 5498. French-Canadian literature, 7326. mouvement iutellectuel depuis 1900. 7328. poetry, bibliography, 7346. French-Canadians, history of, 7344. in New England, 202, 380. origin, 899. pretendues origines, 7310. French constitution, formation of, 7. French directory, 34. French discoveries in New York before Dutch, 4693. French documents on colonial history of New England, 3360. French encroachments, 1748. 2624. French exploration from Mobile, 945. French fete, Philadelphia, Pa., 1782. 6077. French fleet, operations, 1781-1782. 4731. French fort at Prairie du Chien. 6932, 6989. French fortifications near mouth of the Wisconsin, 6932. French forts, early, 4303. in Wisconsin, 6932. French grant, Alabama, 946, 963, 976. French in America, during American Revo lution, 6071. La race franchise en America, 7310. in Elizabethtown, N. J., 4557, 4655. in Gallipolis, 916. in Illinois, 1423. in Rhode Island during Revolution, 6545. in United Stales, 927. in valley of Ohio, 91(5. in western Pennsylvania, 6144. French Island, graves, inscriptions, 3369. French letters, 1745-1760. 3362. French missions on Saginaw, 4274. French neutrals in Maine, 1702. Pennsylvania, 5975. French on Missouri, 4409. St. John River, New Brunswick, expedi tion against, 1758. 7255. French parliaments, 26. French prairie, Montures on, 5800. French priests imprisoned at Quebec, 1801 (preti-es frangais prisonniers), 7346. French refugee priests in Canada (les pretres frangais refugies au Cana da), 7345. French refugees, 6397, 7310. to New Orleans, 1809. 1289. in South Carolina, 6616. list of royal companions of Comte de Puisaye, 7347. French regime, 1700-1760. Canada, 7381. in Fox valley, 6967. French revolution, American view of eight eenth century, 12. French settlements in America, early, 7183. Ohio, 5715. French spoliation claims, Rhode Island claimants, 6558, 6559. French statistical album, 808. French traditions, old, 4256. French troops in Dedham, Mass., 2206, 2207. French uniforms in Canada under Mont- calm, 7346. French voyageurs, 1456. French war letter, 1760. 5018. Frenchtown, battle and massacre, 1813. 4274, 5776 (no. 1), 5776 (no. 22). Freneau, Philip, poems of, 4663. Fressingfleld, England, families wishing to emigrate to America, 1836. 3407. Frey, S. L., 5435, 7519. Friedenberg, A. M., 633, 634, 635. Friedenshuetten, Moravian mission at, 6222. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1125 Friedensthal, Pa., settlement and history, 1749-1767. 6223. Friedenwald, H., 11, 13, 16, 624, 625, 628, 6075, C077. Friel, M. A., 7381. Friendly association, 5907. Friends, Society of, 795, 5959. Friends, Burlington, N. J., 6063, 6064, 6083. Cayuga County, N. Y., 4800. Chester County, Pa., during Revolution, 5880. Crosswicks, N. J., 6083. directory, Philadelphia, 1757-1760. 6072. Freehold and Shrewsbury committees, proceedings, 4535. marriage records, Miami meeting, 1804- 1828. 5750. meeting records, 1676-1820. 6083. New Jersey, records, 6385. monthly meeting, minutes, 1682-1690. 5911, 5912. Pennsylvania, address to Washington, 1789. 6069. Philadelphia, letters to Friends in Ire land, 6076. marriages, 1682-1714. 4543. contributions for relief of Boston, 1775-76. 6057. press, Philadelphia, 6060. records, Dover, N. H., 1701-1843. 4442. 4443, 4444. Nine Partners, N. Y., 5745. Oblong, N. Y., 5745. settlement in Kansas, 1581. early, in Talbot County, Md., 1932. early, in Valley of Virginia, 6891. Society of, Reading, Pa., 6067. Taking over of Nicholites by, 6083. Talbot County, Md., 1680, 1932. 6073. Friendship, Me., settlers at Medumcook, 3404. " Friendship," piracy of ship, 2240. ^riese family, 2026. "Mesland medals, 4877. Mes s rebellion, 5959. "rio, fight on the, July 4, 1865. 6679. Frisbie (Edward) family, 3416. ^risby family, 5746. Critter, E. A., 1427. "robisher Bay, 574. "roidevaux, Henri, 579. "rontenac, Louis de Buade, Comte de, ex pedition to Onondaga country, 1696. 5496. in the Northwest, 5355. second administration of, 7381. will, 7347. Frontier forts, Pennsylvania, erected against Indians prior to 1783. 6453, 6454. Frontier in American history, 10. significance of, 6962, 7014. Frontier life, South, Revolutionary days, 1284. Frontier mills, 1518. Frost, Ebenezer, petition, 1773. 3369. Frost, Edward, 2602. Frost, J., 3363. Frost, J. B., 4279, 4280. Frost, M. E., 1581. Frost family, 3363, 3411, 3927a. Frost v. Leighton, 35, 2135. Frothingham, N. L., 2650, 2652, 2746, 2747, 2758, 7445. Frothingham, O. B., 2796, 2798, 2800, 3152, 3175, 3683. Frothingham, R., 2757, 2770, 2782, 2783, 2911, 2915, 2952. Frush, C. W., 4395. Fry, J., 6365. Fry, R., 1699. Fry family, 6858. Frye, J., letters, 1754-55. 3373. Frye family, 1708, 3366. Fryeburg, Me., Lovewell s expedition, 2793, 2801, 3197, 3441cr. Ride to Piggwacket, 1768. 1700. Fugitive slave case in Ohio, 10. Fugitive slave law, 1410, 2539, 6069. Chicago, 111., attitude of common council, 1410. Ohio, 5639. Wisconsin, 6964, 7021. Fuller, Mrs. A. O., 5706. Fuller, B. A. G., 3385, 3389. Fuller, E. N., 6869, 6870. Fuller, F. H., 2198, 2210, 3413. 5048. Fuller, G. F., 6685. Fuller, H. H., 3682. Fuller, Paul, 930. Fuller family, 2198, 2199, 3371, 3413, 3469. (Edward) family, 5049, 5050, 5051. (John) family, 5048. genealogy, 2210. Fullerton, A., letter to Baron G. II. De Rosenthal, 1794. 6078. Fullerton, T. M., 4302. Fulmore, Z. T., 6679, 6683, 6686. Fulton, A. R., 1510-1512. Fulton, C. W., 7477. Fulton, R. B., 4344a. Fulton, W., 4417. Fulton family, 6834. Fulton, Rumsey \, 6889. Fultz, W. S., 1516. Fund, the, at Boston, 210. Funeral charges, 1580. 3369. Funeral sermons, 2786. Funk, L., 1427. Funk s Grove, 111., early schools, 1427. pioneer settlers, 1427. Fur trade. American, in the far West, 5799. Green Bay, Wis., 6930o. in Fox Valley. 6968. on Connecticut River, seventeenth cen tury. 3369. Oregon, 5800. Wisconsin, 6992. Furey, F. T., 5850. Furly, B., letter, 1702. 6066. Furman, Kate, 1286. Furnas, R. W., 4405, 4417. 1126 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Furness, H. H., 7395. Furness family, 3388. Furniture, household, sales at vendue, 1771. i 6070. Furniture in Dedham, Mass., since 1635. 2196. Furniture of our ancestors, G084. Fuse or flintlocks which? 4212. Futcher family, 6085. Futhey, J. S., 3686, 6057. Fyfe (James) family, 3414. Gabriel, St., Confraternity of, 5855. Gabriels, Bishop Henry, 933. Cachet (Henri) family, 3359. Gadsden, C., 6059. letter, 1768. 3387. letters, 1778. 36. letter, 1790. 6647. Gaelic folk-songs of Canada, 7328. Gage, A. E., 3411, 3412, 3925o. Gage. D. W., 5619. Gage, I. K., 4456. Gage, L. J., 812. Gage, S., testimony, 1663. 3376. Gage, Gen. Thomas, 2652. administration of the government of Massachusetts Bay, 2652. answers to George Chalmers, 2652. instructions of 22d February, 1775. 2632. proclamation. June 29. 1774. 2781. Gage family, 3412. Gage (Lyman J.), ancestry. 3411, 3925a, Gagnon, A., 7315, 7316. Gagnon, E., 7191, 7222, 7345, 7346, 7349. Gagnon, P., 7222, 7325, 7346. Gaillard, D. D., 898. Gaillard, T., 4892, 6616. Gaillard family, 6616. Gaines, E. P., 6077. Gaines, G. S., letters, 1805-1814. 945. Gaines, R. H., 6817, 6822. Gainsborough, England, Robinson Memorial Church, 206. Galapagos Islands, 202, 381. Galbreath, C. B.; 5725, 5726. Gale, G., 33J6, 3507. Gale family^3376, 3507. Gale of 1815, Providence. R. I., 6498, 6581. Galena, River region, mining, early, 7022. Galilee, Sea of, 586a. Galindo, Juan. 117. letter, 2644. Galinee, Le B. de, exploration of Great Lakes, 1669-70. 7299. Dollier et, voyage, 7354, 7356. Galissoniere, R. M., cte. de la et le Comte de Dufferin, Parallele, 7314. letter to Mme. T. J. Taschereau, 7347. Gallagher, C. T., 3315. Gallagher, W. D., 5661, 5713. Galland, Isaac, 1504. Gallatin, A., 117, 518, 5141, 5142.. Gallatin County, Mont., pioneer women, 4397. Gallaudet, E. M., 4893. Gallaudet family (New Rochelle, N. Y.), 5034. Gallipolis, Ohio, centennial, 5715. French settlement, 5715. inscriptions from old cemetery, 5749. Gallitzin, Father, will, 917. Gallitzin memorandum book, 5846. Galloupe, A. A., 2265. Galloupe, C. W., 2053. Galloway, A., 4774. Galloway, C. B., 4345, 4347, 4350. Galloway, Joseph, examination by commit tee of House of Commons. 6387. letters, 1774-75. G077. Galloway, S., 5716. Galloway, T. B., 5716, 5732. Galloway, W. A., 5722, 5725. Galloway, Wm., 5826. Gallup, C. H., 5640, 5643. Gallup, Samuel, li st of company, 1G90. 3371. Galpin, Barbara, 4157. Gait family, 6856. Galton, Francis, 809. Galton s statistical methods, 807. Galveston, Tex., Turner s reminiscences, 6681. Galveston, lessons, 901. Gambler, Ohio, monumental inscriptions from Rosse chapel cemetery, 5746, 5747. Gamble, R., orderly book, August-Novem ber. 1779. 6817. Gamble family, 1682. Gambo, old and new, 1714. Game, Virginia, 1739. 6831. Gammell, W., 3389, 3656, 6497, 6520, 6564, 6565, 6567. Gannaway, J. W., 1537, 1539, 1553. Gannett, Deborah S., 4154, 4155. Gannett, H., 571-573, 575-579, 809, 810, 891, 894, 895, 897-900, 902, 903, 905, 4349, 7391. Gannett, S. C., 897. Ganong, W. F., 7252, 7254, 7255, 7257, 7312, 7314, 7316, 7320-7322, 7324, 7326, 7327, 7329, 7332-7336, 7441, 7536. Gansevoort family (Albany, N. Y.), 5018. Gaols of Canada, 7177. Gap copper mines, 6165. Garden, A., letter, 1742-43. 3412. Gardiner, A., 2648. Gardiner, A. B., 5316, 6585. Gardiner, Sir Christopher. Knight of the Golden Melice," 2773. Gardiner, H., 1675. Gardiner, H. F., 7301. Gardiner, J., 5038, 5636. Gardiner, J. L., 5032, 5242. Gardiner, Lion, attacked by Indians, 1637. 5045. Gardiner, Lion, relation of the Pequot warres, 2641. wife of, 5046. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1127 Gardiner, R. H., 1698, 1700, 1702, 1703, 1733. Gardiner, Sylvester, proposition to build an inoculating hospital, 1761. 2773. Gardiner, W., 6595, 7482fc. Gardiner, W. H., 2773. Gardiner family, 4551, 5038. Gardiner s Island, 5038. notes on, 1798, 5242. selling of, etc., 5032. Gardner, Anna, 7534. Gardner, A. B., 5326, 6544. Gardner, A. P., 4168. Gardner, F., 1703. Gardner, F. A., 2275, 2276, 2277, 2278. Gardner, H. B., 15, 807. Gardner, John, 2628. will, 1705. 3373. Gardner, Samuel, journal. 1759. 2241. Gardner family, 2275, 2276, 2277, 2278. Gardnertown, N. Y., M. E. Church Ceme tery, inscriptions, 4863. Garfield, C. W., 4281. Garfield, J. A., 5651, 5776, no. 20. New England ancestry, 196, 298. Garfield, J. F. D., 2539, 2541-2543. Garfield, J. R., ancestry, 2971. Garfield family, 196, 298, 2971, 3395. in England, 3407, 3722&. Gargan, H. N., 3357. Gargan, T. J., 608. Gargara, 881. Garland, Hamlin, 899. Garlick, II., 5744. Garlick, I., 5777, no. 59. Garman, S., 2477, 2482, 2483. Garneau, A., 7346. Garneau, F. H., 6932. Garner, J. W., 4347, 4350. Garnett, J. M., 6817. Garrard, L. II., 6015. Garrett, J. C., 7266. Garrett, J. J., 944. Garrett, W. R., 945, 6671, 6858. Garriott, E. B.. 900, 901. Garrison, G. P., 22, 44, 6681, 6683, 6686. Garrison, W. L., letter, March 25, 1879. 1577. Garrison, W. L., jr., 2574, 7393. Garrison, W. P., 4523, 6075. Garrison houses, York County, Me., 1703. Garry, Nicholas, diary, 1822-1835. 7325. Garry Owen vote, 1505. Gartner mound, exploration, 5725. Garver, A. S., 210, 473. Gary family, 3369. Gas, natural, in Kansas, 1581. Gas and oil wells, Jefferson County, N. Y., 4908. Gaskill family, 6067. Gaskins family, 6859. Gaspe, P. A. de, 7346. Gaspe", Canada, lieutenant-governors of (lea lieutenants gouverneurs de), 7345. mineral water from 7174. " Gaspee," burning of, 6583. " Gaspee," documents, 6520. papers, 1772-73. 6586. Gastman, G. W., 1427. Gaston, Joseph, 5799. Gaston, William, 1289. Harvard degree, 917. letters to, 917. Gatch, C. H., 1513. Gate, J., diary, 1755-1789. 4212. Gates, T., letter to J. Martin, 1783. 6076. iates family, 3389. iatien, F., 7345. iatschet, A. S., 898. Gatti, S., 5212. iaudet, P., 7348. iauss, H. G., 5848. iauvreau, E. B., 7345. Gay, F. B., 1126. Gay, F. L., 2135, 2138, 2139, 2196-2198, 3391, 3677. Gay, John, account book, 1764. 3371. Gay, Julius, 3397, 3398, 3687. Gay, M., letters, 1775-1788. 2135. Gay family, 3677. (John) family (Dedham, Mass.), 3391. Gay Head, Mass., grave stone, inscription from, 2619. Gayer family, 3389. Gaylord, Mrs. R., 4407. Gaylord family, 3411. Gear, J. H., 1520. messages, etc., 1878-1882. 1561. Geary, J. W., 157S. administration, 1579. Geauga County, Ohio, 5652. Geddes, G., 4751. Geddes, J. 4683. Geddes, N., 4260. Gedney, Bartholomew. petition, 1689. 3401. Gedney family, 2392, 4864er. (Salem, Mass.), 2255. Gee, J., letter to N. Clap, 1742-43. 3373. Geer, R. C., 5810. Geer, T. T.. 5798, 5820, 5831. Geiser, K. F., 614. Gell, P. L., 1820. Gelston (Hugh) family, 5017. - Genealogical gleanings in England, 2266, 3395-3399, 3400-3409, 3411-3415, 3417, 3723, 3739, 3802, 3803, 3944. See also Massachusetts, Virginia. Genealogical history, 5032. Genealogical nomenclature, 3409, 3892. Genealogical notation, 5018, 5056. Genealogical records, form for, 5014. plan for, 3587. Genealogical research, facilities for, in reg istries in Boston and London, 3728. plan of, 3400. See also Wills. Genealogical studies in New England, 3391. Genealogical study, 6567. Genealogies, 7346. list of American, 3371, 3376. 1128 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Genealogies, list of American families, in vestigated, 5018. Genealogists, New York, help for, 5017. Pennsylvania, helps for, 5019. Genealogy, 5020, 6181. aims and utility, 5040. American, 5015. hooks in Connecticut historical society library, 1131. in Minneapolis public library, 5745. in Ohio State library, 5743. cooperative, 5744. illustrations of, 3359. in literature, 6582. race in, 5027. southern, 942. study of, plea for, 5911. system of denoting relationships, 3633. See also Pedigree. " General Sullivan," privateer, 3381. Genesee Country, 7412. Genesee country, N. Y., aboriginal termi nology, of, 5520. opening of, 5520. Genesee Cpunty, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. Genesee River. New York. 5520. Preglacial course, 578. Genesee Valley, New York, history, 5520. Geneseo State Normal School, history, 4928. Genesis, geographic forms, 891. Genet-Clark correspondence, 13, 29. Genet correspondence, 27. Genet s projected attack on the Floridas, 15. on Louisiana, 36. Geneva, N. Y., settlement, 1577. Geneva before Calvin, 1387-1536. 42. Geneva, University of, 1569-1574, 39. Genius, 5401. Genoa Indian School, 1519. Genthe, Martha K., 902. Genundewah, poem, 4972. Geographers, early United States, 905. German, 902. Geographic congress, eighth international, 905. Geographic environment, 573. Geographic process of civilization, 896. Geographic knowledge, advances, 902. Geographical research, 898. Geographical teaching, 895. Geography, apperception, 901. from nature, 572. German, 902. physical, 904. teaching, 901. rational element, 900. relation to history, 895. teaching, 895, 903. work of United States Government, 899. Geologic atlas of United States, 899. Geology, relation to physiography, 895. Geometry, 7181. Geomorphology, Appalachian, 896. George II accession, oaths of officers in New Hampshire, 1727. 4449. writ of arrest and attachment served by, 6583. George III, Pennsylvania Loyalist s inter view with, 6058. narrative of events to the close of the Revolution, 5272. personal policy in England, 5368. statue in New York, 2794. George, H. W., 6582. George, M. C., 5799, 5818. George Lake, battle, 2795, 3086, 5410. corporate limits, 1707, 1801, 3393. Georges River, Maine, 2850. Georgeson, C. C., 903. Georgetown, Me., Indian treaties at, 1717. 1699, 4447. Georgetown, Mass., early inhabitants, 2280. topography. 2619. Georgetown College, first student. 5848. Georgia, American Revolution in, 1312. archives, 26, 28. biographical sketches, 1344. Cherokee Indians and, 6670. colony of, 1733. 105, 1305. of 1740. 105, 1302, 1303. to 1741. 105. contributions of Massachusetts to, 1781. 3161. council of safety, proceedings, 1775-1777. 1307. dead towns, 1306. early settlements and history, 1309, 3384. history, 1320, 1344. Indian remains in southern, 1323. Jews, 624. in colonial times, 633, 637. land tenure, 4843. Loyalists, S. Smith and, 7366. memoirs of, 1344. Provincial Congress, proceedings, 1307. tumuli in, 172, 233. voyage to, 1735. 1302. voyage to, 1737. 1303. Georgia and the Confederacy, 34. and South Carolina, provinces, 1733. 1302. and State rights, 23. Georgian spring water, analysis of, 7175. Geospheres, 899. Gerard, .T. W., 4892, 5020, 5296, 5300, 5322, 5329, 5374. Gere, C. H., 4405, 4406. Gerearchy (Philip) family, 3410, 3917. Gerhart, C. W., 5942. Gerin, L., 7321, 7323, 7326, 7346. Gerling, H. .T., 812. German, the Pennsylvania, 6139. translations from, in American maga zines, 1711-1830. 887. German-American, historical societies, 885. lyrics, 885. press, 6967, 7078, records, 886. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1129 German American, school question, 885. Turner lyric, 2029. German-Americans, achievement of, 885. in Baltimore, 2027, 2028, 2030. in Maryland, 2027. in Pennsylvania, 885. See also Germans in America. German Baptist Brethren or Bunkers, 6362. German colonization in America, 6356. German colony, Maine, 5922, 5923. German countries, articles on, in American magazines, 1811-1830. 887. German culture in America, beginnings, 2027. German emigration to America, 6066, 6121. German emigration to America, 1709-1740. 6359. Sec also German immigration. German emigrants, list of, 1773. 6069. German exodus to England in 1709. 6358. German gymnasia, history in, 15. German immigration, Michigan, 4278. Missouri, 4378. to Pennsylvania, 1700-1775. 6362. to Wisconsin, 6936, 7069. German-Jewish migration to America, 632. German literature in England before 1790. 884. German Moravian settlements in Pennsyl vania, 1735-1800. 6355. German newspaper, first published in United I States, " Philadelphische Zeitung," 6080. German pioneers, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 5633. German pioneers, Ohio, 5714. German poetry, translations in American . magazines, 1741-1810. 888. German Roman Catholic Central Society, 5848. German sects in America, early, 2026, 2027. German settlers in Northwest territory, 5749. German soldier in wars of United States, 5607f>, 6348. German soldiers in Newport, 1776-1779. 6479. Kcc dlno Hessians. German theater, 887. German universities, Americans in, 885. German university ideals, influence in America, 886. Germanic museum at Harvard, 886. Germanic origin of New England towns, 1813. Germans, how they become Americans, 7071. Germans in America, 16, 6966. bibliography, 2029. history, 2028. first immigrants to North America, 2028. in Baltimore, 2029. German day in Baltimore, October 6, 1890. 2026. in Buffalo, N. Y., 4769, 4771. Germans in America, in Maryland, up to 1700. 2032. first settlements, 2027, 2033. in Pennsylvania, 6154, 6218, 6362-6369, 6410, 6459. churches of, 6073. missions, 916. narrative and critical history, 6358, 6359. Pennsylvania-Ceramic literature, 6344. in Texas, pioneers, 6680. in United States, 4845, 4847. in Virginia, 2030, 2031, 2035. complaint against Gor. Spotswood, 6830. first German reformed colony, 1714 50. 6382. in Wisconsin, 6934, 7000. influence of, 6970, 7105. in politics, 6918. political activity, 1854-1860. 6970, 7103, 7105. of the Valley of Virginia, 6833, 6834. on the Opequon, early, 6892. Germans and German press in America, 1428. Germantown, battle of, 6057, 6072, 6079. British account, 6067. contemporary account, 6067. Germantown, Pa., burying ground, inscrip tions in, 6084, 60(55. court records, 1691-1707. 6009. early German settlers in, 5749. inhabitants, 1809. 6071, 6072. middle ward fire company, 6074. settlement of, 6060, 6098, 6360. Washington s plan of attack, 6082. Germantown and Philadelphia Turnpike Company, stockholders, 1800. 6079. Germantown road, 6061, 6062. Germany, history, study of, 1821. Imperial court, 12. industrial training of the people, 7474. influence in settlement and development of Pennsylvania, 6367. liberal movement, 5, 7. parliamentary experiment in, 3. Gerrish, Benjamin, 2244. Gerrish, J., account book. 1686-87. 3394. Gerrish family, 3409. Gerrish manuscripts, 1752. 3388. Gerrish papers, 3394. Gerry, C. F., 2572. Gerry, E., letter, 1797. 2805. letters, 1784-1804. 3407, 3408. (Jerrymander, the. history of, 3404, 3836. Gesner, A., 545. Gessner, Solomon, influence on English lit erature, 887. Getchell, E. A., 2269, 2514. Gettysburg. Pa., 5919. battle, 12, 38, 1334, 6093. campaign, 3336. Ewell s attack, 3336. 1130 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Gettysburg, Pa., Lebanon County, Pa., emergency volunteers, 7434. Longstreet s assault at, 5593. memorial of, 2776. North Carolina troops at, 5593. Picketfs charge. 3336. Vermont troops in, 6748. Gettysburg gun, 7482t. Gevaert. P. C., 480. Ghent negotiations, 1814. 45. Gibbens, A. F., 6889, 6890. Gibbon, John, 549. Gibbon, John, expedition against Sioux. 1876. 4.395. Gibbon, Nebr., soldiers free homestead col ony, 4410. Gibbons, A. St. H., 905. Gibbons, H. A., 6383. Gibbons, James, Cardinal, 916. Gibbons, J. P., 5569. Gibbs, C. V. S., 1074. Gibbs, Mrs. D., 7408. Gibbs, G., 547, 548, 3360, 3362, 5218. Gibbs, O., jr., 6927. Gibbs, W., letter to Peter Verstille, 1777. 6084. Gibson, C., 4378. Gibson. Edmund, bishop of London, letter, Gibson, Hugh, captivity among the Dela ware Indians, 1756-1759. 2644. Gibson, J. B.. 6009. Gibson, J. R., jr., 5034, 5035, 5067. Gibson, P., 4397. Gibson, W. T., 5426, 5437, 5447. Gibson family, 3395. Giddings. J. R., 7408. Gidley, J. S., 4050. Giffard. R., marriage contract with Marie Renonard, 7348. Gifford, A., 4538. Gignilliat, T. H., 897. Gihon, J. H., 1029. Gilbert, A. B.. 4281. Gilbert, D. D., 3682. Gilbert, D. McC., 6364. Gilbert, G. A., 38. Gilbert, G. K.. 898, 899, 906. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 4126. expedition, 7322. letters, 3371. patent, 1578. 2788, 2974. Gilbert, J., 4283. Gilbert, J. J., 7474. Gilbert, M. N., 4311. Gilbert, N., 5502a, Gilbert, W. M., 4670. Gilbert family, 3362, 3429. (Thomas) family, 3400. Gilbertson, E., 6342-6344. Gilchrist, R., 4549. Giles, W. F., 1919. Gilfillan, C. D., 4311. Gilflllan, J. A., 204, 4311. Gilfry, H. H., 7479. Gill, C. G., 7440. Gill, Eliza M., 3318, 3325, 3409, 3412. Gill, H. G., 1582. Gill, T., 2300. Gill family, 3391, 3404. Gill, Mass., centennial, 4098. vital records to 1850. 4000. Gillan, W. R., 6155. Gillespie, J., 1370. Gillespie, N., 7475. Gillet family, 3405, 3846. Gillett, I. M., 5636-5638, 5640-5643. Gillett, W. K., 774. Gillette, J. W., experiences among Indians, 1022. Gillette, P. W., 5801. Gillette, S. C., 3405, 3846. Gilliam, W. S., 7477. Gilliam family, 6860. Gillingham (James) family, 6080. Gillman, II., 4254, 4255. Gillmore, Mich., history, 4283. Gillpatrick family, 3412. Gilman, D. C., 547, 548, 1156, 1822, 1864. Gilman, Emily S., 1206. Gilman, S. C., 897. Gilman manuscripts, 2788. Gilmanton, N. II., mortality, 1825-1850. 4451. I Gilmer, G.. papers. 1775-1778. 6812. Gilmer family, 6854. Gilmer letters, 1820. Gilmore, G. C., 4427, 4428o. Gilmore, W. E., 5724. Gilmore, W. J., 5719. Gilpatrick, Mrs. S. C., 4397. Gilpin, Henry D., 691, 705. Girard College, architecture, 6074. Girouard, I). II., 7324, 7345, 7346, 7347a, 7350, 7361. Girouard family, 7345, 7347a. Gissage family, 6858. Gist, C., 1623. Given, I. L., 1012. Glacial action, southeastern Connecticut, 1196. Glacial boundary in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, 5777, no. 60. Glacial epoch, New Hampshire, evidences of, 4428. reforesting since, 4908. Glacial history, 5432, 5475. Glacial period, 1003. Manchester, N. H., 4429. Ohio, 5713. Glacial phenomena of North America, 2494. Glaciation, Lackawanna-Wyoming region, 6158, 6159, 6160. Glacier Bay, 897. Glaciers, Himalayan, 903. Gladden, W., 5703, 5715, 5716, 5719. Gladwin manuscripts, 1762-1774. 4279. Gladwyn, an Indian girl, at Detroit, 7413. Glanton war, 1021. Glapion, A. L. de, letter to H. Finlay, 1788 7346. Glascock, J. L., jr., 3404. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1131 Glasgow, .T., 7377. Glasgow, university commemoration, 2805. Glass factory, first, 2255. Class manufacture. Berkshire County, Mass., 2045, 2047. Salem County, N. J., 4665, 6065. Glassell family, 6068. Glasson, W. II., 4829. Glave, E. J., 569. Glazier, C., 4165. Gleason, C. A., o706. Gleason. O. L., 4166. Gleason, II., 3325. Gleason. W. J., 5633. Gleason family, 5745. Gleason recoi ds, 5746. Globes, sale of, 1795. 5517. Gleed, C. S., 1580. Gleim, J. W. L., 887. Glenn, I.. C., 898. Glenn, T. A., 5878, 5883, 6069, 6071, 6076, 6080. Glenville, N. Y., 4867-4869. Globe mills, Philadelphia, 6106. " The glorious progress of the Gospel amongst the Indians," 2642. Gloucester. Mass., Fourth Company, muster roll, 1764. 2276. Fifth parish records, 2260, 2260a, 2443. genealogies, 3362. marriages, 1721). 3406. marriages. 1761-1764. 3414. Gloucester city, N. J., 6065. Gloucester County, N. J., records, 1687- 1776. 6083. Swedish settlers before 1684. 6073. Gloucester County, Va., census, 1782-83. 6836. old tombstones, 6850, 6851. Clover, Goody, 611. Glover, John, letter to John Hancock, 1779. 2244. letter to K. Cowell, 1780. 3377. Gluck, J. F., 47X0. Gnadenhiitten, Ohio, Moravian Church at, 6223. travels to, 1797. 6066. Gnadenhiitten centennial, 5719. Goddard, I). A., 2786, 2788, 3693. Ooddard, II. P., 1944. Goddard, John, account book, extracts, 21170, Goddard, Julia, 2124. Goddard, Martha Le B., 3383. Goddanl, P. E., 1094. Goddard family, 3411, 3927. Godfrey, C. E., 6085. Godfrey, E., petition to general court of Massachusettes in 1654. 1697. Godfrey, J. E., 1703-1705. Godwin family (Nansemond County and Isle of Wight County, Va.),6829. Goebel, Julius, 886, 887. Goelet, F., journal, 1746-1750. 3382, 3580. Goepp, E., 7346, 7347. Goethe, Emerson s opinion of, 885. Gottingen University in 1828. 2792. American colony at, 2802. Goffe, J., letter to B. Wentworth, 1746. 4449. muster roll, 1746. 3373. Goffe, William, the regicide, 3634. journal, 1660. 2776. papers relating to, 2645. reply of general court regarding, 2636. warrant for apprehension of, 3380. See also Regicides. Gogorza, A. de, 564, 565. Gold, discovery by J. W. Marshall, 1087. in California, 1012. in Colorado, 4406. in southern California, 1010. in circulation, 812. its distribution, identification, and met allurgy, 4213. Pike s Peak, 4405. production of, 586o. Gold coast, 898. Gold fields in Canada, 7177. Nova Scotia, 7177. Gold Lake, myth of, 1021. Gold rushes, famous, 1016. " Golden Hind " passenger list, 1577. 3359. Golden legend, influence of, 771. Golden relics from Chiriqui. 6252, 6260. Goldsboro, N. C., expedition to, 1862. 3324. Goldsborough, II. II., 6853. Goldsmid, E., 1212. Gomez, L. M., 634. Gonzales, battle of, 6680. Gonzalez, L., 5855o. Gooch family, 6853. Goochland County, Va., brickmaking, 1736. 6853. marriage bonds, 1739-1787. 6855, 6856. shoemaking, 1736. 6853. Good, J. I., 15, 6384. Good, W., injury to, by witchcraft delu sion, 1692. 3393. j " Good newes from New England," 1624, Winslow s, 2637. " Good news from New England," 1648. 2649. Goodale, G. L., 2135. Goodale, W., 7130. Goodall, G. O., 5800. Goodall, T. I)., 860. Goode, G. B., 3, 6, 66, 67, 68, 756, 897, 2378. Goode, R. U., 576, 899, 901. Goodell, A. C., jr., 2133, 2135, 2137, 2138, 2241-2244, 2246, 2247, 2248, 2250, 2789, 2791, 2792, 2784-2798, 2800- 2803, 2990, 2991, 3003, 3008, 3014, 3058, 3130, 3387, 3395, 3400, 3637, 3721, 3795, 3839a, 4034. Goodhue, Benj., letter, 1787. 2240. Goodhue, Joseph, autobiography, 4098. Goodhue, J. F., 6697. Goodhue, J. M., 4302. Gooding, E. H., 4158. 1132 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Goodloe, D. R., 1284. Goodman, A. T., 5775, 5776, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 36. Goodman family, 5033. Goodnight, S. H., 885. Goodnow, H. P., 12. Goodnow, I. T., 1578o. Goodpasture, A. V., 6669-6672. Goodpasture, E. W., 6672. Goodrell, W. H., 1520. Goodrich, A., 4302. Goodrich, C., 1157. Goodrich, C. F., 3339. Goodrich, E., 4260, 4262, 4278, 4280. Goodrich, E. S., 4304. Goodrich, G., 1383. Goodrich, H. A., 2539. Goodrich, .T. W., 1163. Goodridge, R. E. W., 7148r. Goodspeed, A. McL., 4048, 4053. Goodspeed, C. S., 3414. Goodspeed, W. A., 7123. Goodwillie, D., letters to, 1792-1804. 6382. Goodwin, C. O., 4202. Goodwin, D., 1403. Goodwin, D., jr., 1388, 1389, 2092. Goodwin, D. R., 1703, 1741. Goodwin, Emma W., 3324. Goodwin, H., 3687. Goodwin, H. C., 3686. Goodwin, I., military journal, 1778. 1711. Goodwin, .T. P., 3318. Goodwin, J. S., 6856, 6866. Goodwin, Maud W., 4812. Goodwin, W. F., 3392. Goodwin, W. W., 864. 2133, 2135, 2138, 2793, 2796, 2799, 2802, 2807, 3155, 7467. Goodwin family, 3826o, 6848, 6856. Goodwin families in America, 6866. Goodyear, R. R., 6156. Goodkin, C., letter to N. Gookin, 1710. 3359. Gookin, Daniel, of Massachusetts, 117, 2618, 2619. letter to Gor. J. Dudley, 1686. 3376. Gookin, Daniel, of New Hampshire. Rev olutionary journal, 1779. 3374. Gookin, N., 4449. Gookin family, 3359, 3360, 6829. Gookin (Daniel), posterity of, 2620. Gookin s history of New England, 3371. Goold, N., 1713-1717, 1787, 1789-1792, 1794, 3417, 3985. Goold, W., 1704, 1705, 1707, 1711, 1713, 1715, 1756, 1761, 1767, 3385, 3387, 3640. Goose Creek, battle, 7301. Goosley family, 6855. Gordon, E. E., 1520. Gordon, G. A., 2199, 3320, 3402, 3405, 3406, 3407, 3409, 3410, 3414, 3811, 3844. Gordon, G. B., 575. Gordon, G. H., 3333, 3335. Gordon, H. W., journal, 1758. 7278. Gordon, J., 4347. journal, 1758-1761. 6859. journal, 1763. 6860. Gordon, J. B., 1268. Gordon, J. H., 1437. Gordon, W., letters, 1770-1784. 2776. Gore, Oor. C., and his visit to Maine, 1711. Gore, Sir George, expedition, 1854-1856. 4394. Gore, J. H., 900. Gore district, Ontario, register of baptisms and marriages, 1816-1827, 7300. Gore family, 2782, 2902, 4110. Gorgeana, Me., 1707, 1801. records, first incorporated city in Amer ica, 3393. Gorges, Sir F., 1698; 2723, 4120-4122. " Brief e narration " of. 2723. claim to the province of Maine. 2246. commission, 1637. 3372. deed to John Usher, of Maine, 1698. description of New England, 2644. grant to Sir Richard Edgecombe, 1637. 2771. house of, at York, Me., 1707. jurisdiction, 1715. letters, 1670. 2246. pedigree, 1720, 3387, 3644. vindication of claims of, 1740, 1746. Gorges, William, adminstration of, 1630 to 1637. 1707. Gorges family, 3384, 3387. Gorham, Desire, petition, 1675. 3410. Gorham, H. S., 3414, 3934, 3955. Gorham, John, letter to Sir W. Pepperrell, 1745. 3408. Gorham, Col. John, " Wast Book," 3410, 3908, 5043, 5044. Gorham family, 3408, 3410, 3412, 3414, 3934, 5043, 5044. in Connecticut and Vermont, 3415, 3965. of Hardwick, 3955. (Jabez) family, 3417. (John) family, 3411, 3924f, 3973. Gorham, Me., earlier records, 1691. muster roll of Capt. Oliver Hunt s com pany, May 5, 1795. 1715. Gorman, E. A., 5744, 5746, 5747. Gorman, M. W., 901. Gorrell, James, journal, 1761-1763. 6925, 6939. Gorton, B., 6585. Gorton, L. G., 4292. Gorton, N., 1701. Gorton, Samuel, 6483. letter to N. Morton, 1669. 6483. orders of commissioners of foreign plan tations relative to, 1646. 6483. petition, 1664-65. 2636 petition against, 1641, 6483. Gorton s memorial, Massachusetts, answer to, 1664-65. 6483. Gorton s trial, Winthrop s account of, 6483. Gorton, " Mr. Samuel Gorton s Ghost," who wrote? 6585. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1133 Gorton family, 3409. (Samuel) family, 658G. Goshenhoppen, Pa., registers, 1761-1819. 5844, 5845, 5850, 5853. Goshenhoppen mission, 919. Gosnold, B., at Cuttyhunk, 210, 472, 4042. voyage, 1708, 2806. voyage to America, 1602. 2646. Brereton s account, 2646. Gosnold and Pring, voyages of 1602-3, 3390. Gosnold memorial, 4044. Gosport, British prison, 1778, 6069. Goss, Dwight, 7470. Goss, E. II., 3386, 3395, 3623. Goss, J. D., 4818. Goss, J. Q., 4414. Gosse, Sarah, petition, 1640. 3360. Gossolin, A., 7318-7325, 7328, 7347 Gosselin, A. H., 7347. Gosselin, D., 7345, 7347. Gott s, B., library, 3414. Gottheil, R. J. H., 625, 627, 632. Gotwals, J. K., 7422. Goudiss, C. H., 5855a. Gould, B. A., 424, 2250, 2321. Gould, D. T., 5777, No. 70. Gould, E. II. L., 807, 1813, 1824, 6062, 6101. Gould, II., 4173. Gould, J., 4153, 5721. Gould, J. H., 2260a, 2262, 2468. Gould, L. E., 4284. Gould, S. C., 4427. Gould, W., journal, 1794. 4537. Gould, W. E., 1710. Gould (Zaccheus), ancestry and posterity of, 2321. Gould family, 2250, 2321. Goulding, F. P., 205. Goulding, P., petition, 1741. 3404. Gove, J., note, 1655. 3377. Government, civil, Pilgrim fathers and foundation of, 4986. Federative republican system of, influ ence upon literature, etc, 7486. Government publications, guides, 813. Governmental powers, separation of, 4822. Governments, history of, 1524. Governor s Island, 4812. Governor s mill, Philadelphia, 6106. Gowan s Bibliotheca Americana, 1935. Graber, E. D., 4932. Graeme Park, 1786. 6079. Graessel, Lawrence, letter, 1793. 914. Graff, Mrs. P., 6061. Graham, A., 5588. Graham, A. A., 5713-5716. Graham, F., 7413. Graham, J. B., 6970, 7105. Graham, J. D., 6928. Graham, W. A., 5177, 5577, 5584, 5588. Graham Island, implements, weapons, etc., from, 7316. Grain trade, Canada, 7176. Grammar schools, Catholic, 914. Granada, G. de, trial, 630. Granbery, J. C., 6782. Grand Army of the Republic, 6869, 7424. Grand Canyon, visit to, 1017. Grand Coteau, La., St. Charles s Church, 5851. Grand Falls of Labrador, 568, 5914, 5915. Grand Island, N. Y., battle, 4771. Grand Manan, island settlement, 7253. Grand Menan, New Brunswick, birds of, 2333. Grand Portage Indian Reservation, 4280. Grand Prairie, 111., 4216. Grand Rapids, Mich., city government, 4292. first Yankee family, 4281. Grand remonstrance from Parliament to King Charles I, Genesis, 1436. Grand River Valley, 1600-1650. 7323, 7340. history, 4281. memorials, 4249. Grand Traverse College, Benzonia, Mich., 4283. Grand Traverse region, history, 4284. Grand Turk Island, 5148. Granger, E., 4773. Granger, J., 3683. Granger, M. M., 5734, 5736. Granger movement, Illinois, 1438. " Granite State " steamer, field meeting on, 1874. 4703. Grant, Alexander, 2628. Grant, C. B., 4280, 4299. Grant, C. W., 4278, 4279, 4280. Grant, Sir J., 7318. Grant, Sir J. A., 7327. Grant, J. H., 4293. Grant, J. L., 4800. Grant, L. A., 3337. Grant, M. F., 7365. Grant, Soloman, will, 1755. 3386. Grant, T. II., 7180. Grant, Ulysses S., 1515, 4310, 5436. speech at Des Moines, 1519. Grant s campaign, 1864, 3337. Grant family, 3379. Grants of lands from Indians, 4885. Grants of lands in aid of railways, Congres sional, 7117. Granville, Ohio, Baptist Church records, 5753. Female College, 5753. historic setting of, 5752, 5753. in 1832. 5753. inscriptions, 5753. Methodist church, 5753. Presbyterian church,, 5753. St. Luke s parish, 5753. soldiers, 5753. Grape-growing industry, 904. Graphic representation, 812. Grasse, Count de and his French fleet, 4731. Grasshopper invasion, 1516. Gratiot, A. P., 6932. Gratz, S., 6063, 6083, 6131. 1134 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Grave Creek mound, 517, 5766. Grave creek stone, 5777, No. 44. Graves, Anna M., 6864. Graves, E. E., 4456. Graves, H. C., 3412. Graves, Thaddeus, 4097. Graves family, 4097, 6860. (George) family, 3414. Graves (Thomas), "Rear-Admiral," ances try of, 2269. Graves-Cilley duel, 1709, 2802. Gravesend, L. I., marriage records, 1664- 1702. 5019. Reformed Dutch Church, tombstone in scriptions, 4911. Gray, Charles, 1518. Gray, D., 4770. Gray, Ellis, letter, 1774. 2783. Gray, P. C., 2646, 2730. Gray, G. A., 3416. Gray, Harrison, letters, 6832. Gray, Harrison, jr., letters, 6832. Gray, Horace, jr., 2782, 2898. Gray, H. C., 5630. Gray, J., 1073. Gray, J. C., 2777-2780, 2804, 2806. Gray, J. M., 3393. Gray, O. T., 2571. Gray, Presley, 1628. Gray, Robert, voyage, 1792. 2797. Gray, R. A., 7425. Gray family, 2244, 3392, 6829, 6834, 6835. (Francis) family, 6860. (George) family, 5908. Gray, Me., history, 3368. Gray and Coytmore, wills. 3691. " Great awakening, The," 182. Great Barrington, Mass., Indian deed of, 3366. inscriptions, 3411, 3412. Van Devisen Manor and Mahaiwe ceme teries, tombstone inscriptions, 5044. vital records, to 1850. 4001. Great Basin, the, 565. Great Britain, census of, 1890. 808. colonies, government of, influence of American Revolution on, 13. foreign trade, 901. municipal history, bibliography of, 2553. ordnance survey, 892. policy toward United States, 1790-91. 41, 42. public record office, 393. trade, 811. war with China, 7442. Great Island. N. H., fort, 3408. Great Kanawha River, slack-water improve ment, 6889. Great Kanawha Valley, 6889, 6890. Great Lakes, commerce in early days, 4774. in early days, 4777. exploration, 1669-70. 7299. early history, 7414. Michigan s relation to, 4281. modification, 898. Great Lakes, naval forces, 1817. 12. early navigation, 4780. neutrality of, and Anglo-American rela tions, 1829. projects for reaching, from tide water, 1768-1901. 5508a. railroad development of northern Wiscon sin, and the, 6967, 707!>. reduction of naval forces upon, 12. tides, 4246. traffic, 4281. travel on, when Detroit was young, 4259. Great Red Pipestone Quarry, Iowa, 1504. Great Salt Lake, fall, 904. Great Valley, Chester County, Pa., St. Peter s Episcopal churchyard, 6071. Greaton, Father Joseph, 914. Greaves, A. G., 6498. Greek archaeology, 210, 473, 826. Greek drama, origin and development, 7189. Greek type, permanence of, 206, 431. Greeks, coinage of ancient, 6343. Greely, A. W., 13, 26, 890, 891, 893-899, 901, 902, 7474. Green, A., 4558. Green, A. G., 5929, 5939. Green, C. M., 2135, 3318. Green, C. R., 1582. Green, Duff, 1287. Green, Ezra, diary, 3639. journal, 1777-78. 3386. Green, H. C. B., correspondence with W. Taylor, 916. Green, Jacob, lost writings, search for, 4558. Green, James, 480, 486, 500a, 4213. Green, John, will, 1658. 3363. Green, Joseph, diary, 1706-1715. 2247, 2249, 2274. Green, J. B., 4097. Green, J. M., 577. Green, M. A., 2183. Green, S. A., 202, 204, 209, 258, 259. 270, 371, 398, 449, 758, 807, 808, 822, 2770, 2781, 2784, 2787, 2789, 2791- 2795*, 2797-2799, 2801-2807, 2878, 2912, 2921, 2996, 3006, 3031, 3057, 3062, 3064, 3067, 3073, 3075, 3077, 3080, 3082, 3086, 3092, 3100, 3101, 3103, 3111, 3122, 3125, 3127, 3129, 3131, 3137-3140, 3143-3147, 3149, 3150, 3153, 3157, 3159-3161, 3165, 3171, 3172, 3178, 3180, 3188, 3194- 3198, 3201, 3204, 3205, 3211, 3219, 3221-3223, 3225-3227, 3230, 3231, 3242, 3252, 3265, 3268, 3295, 3298, 3305, 3313, 3316, 3368, 3369, 3394, 3399, 3400, 3403, 3406, 3408, 3409, 3497, 3718, 3782, 3822, 3860, 38950, 7458, 7459, 7462-7465. Green, S. S., 197-202, 205, 207, 209- 211, 304, 335, 340, 357, 375, 414, 450, 477, 482, 486, 491, 2139, 2156, 4213. Green, T, J., 1283. SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. 1135 Green, W. f 7172, 7173. Green, W. C., 3639. Green family, 3412, 3415. (Robert) family, 6832. Green Bay, Wis., arrival of American troops, 1816. 6935. Catholic Church (documents), 6936. early outpost, 1639-1839. 6954. Episcopal church and mission, 1825-41. 6936, 7066. factory system, 1816-1821, 6930a. fur trade, 1816-1821. 6930a. in 1726. 6925, 6939. in 1763-1765. 6930b. in 1816-17. 6925. journal of tour to, 1834. 6936. military history, 6968, 7094. mill site on west shore,. 6937. recollections, 1816-17. 6939. recollections of Territorial days, 6968. reminiscences of, 5749, 6937. early schools, 1818-1832. 6934. surveying in, 1837. 6937. Green County, Wis., early history, 6927. pioneers, 6930. Green Farms, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 1151. Greenaway, John, deeds, 1650. 3664. Greene, A. R., 1579, 1582, 6598. Greene, D. II., 6584. Greene, E. B., 1424, 2555. Greene, Gardiner, letters to, 2782. Greene, G. W., 5591, 6058, 6503. Greene, Homer, 6413. Greene, II. L., 6583, 6585. Greene, Mrs. J., 7271. Greene, J. C., collection, 4773. Greene, J. E., 198-200, 203, 205, 206, 342, 397, 423. Greene, J. F., 744. Greene, Nathanael, correspondence of, 763. letter, 1781. 6067. letter, 1782. 6070. letters of, 2779. letters to C. Harrison, 1781-82. 6836. letters to J. Wadsworth, 1779-80. 6078. papers of, 6582. Greene, P., 1710. Greene, R. H., 3387, 3400-3402, 3415, 3781a, 3799a, 3817a, 3965a, 503S, 5040, 5042, 5045, 5050. Greene, W. A., 6602, 6603, 6606. Greene family, 3362, 6535, 6583. of Plymouth, 3415, 3965a. of Watauga, 5591. Greene Association, 6584. Greene, Ohio, 5689. Greenfield, Mass., first church, 4096. first meetinghouse, 4098. Greenfield, N. Y., Congregational Church records, 1794-1814. 5049, 5050. Greenfield, Ohio, 1819. 7416. history, 7408. last charivari, 7412. Greenhow, R., 5150. Greenland, geographic names in, 899. north, 572. northern, 901. Peary s crossing, 894. saga time, 899. tithes for crusades in, 930. | Greenland scientific expedition, 571. Greenland, N. H., 3380. early ministerial records, 3386, 3387. parish rate, 1711-12. 3380. province rate, 3380. troops for defence in 1722. 3380. Greenlaw, Lucy H., 3409, 3411. Greenleaf, R. C. ? 3683.^ Greenleaf ancestry, 3396. Greenleaf (Benjamin) family, 3379. Greenman, W. F., 2539a. Greenough, C. P., 3687. Greenough, J. C., 2184. Greenough, W. W., 2789. Greenough family, 3375. Greenspring, Va., title to, 1618-1716 6829. Greenstreet, J., 5033. 5040, 5041, 5044. Greenville, Mich., Grand River Baptist Association, 4280. Greenvillo treaty, 1795. 5724. centennial, 5719. Greenville treaty line, 5726. Greenwich, East, manor of. 45. Greenwich, Old, 4812. Greenwich, Conn., records, 3362. vital records, 5051. Greenwich, Ohio, history, 7410. Greenwood, C. C., 2195-2198, 2202, 2203, 2205, 2214. Greenwood, F. W. P., 2643. Greenwood, I. J., 3373, 3375, 3378, 3379, 3381, 3385, 3388, 3391, 3402-3406, 3408-3410, 3412, 3654, 3675, 3682, 3765, 3807, 3821a, 3827a, 3842, 3853, 3865, 3882c, 3893, 3895, 3918, 3941, 5024. Greenwood family, 3373, 3380. Greenwood school, 7424. Gregor, L. R., 7194, 7222. Gregory, C. M., 7111. Gregory, C. N., 1539. Gregory J., jr., will, 1776. 6859. Gregory, J. (I., 0914. 6970. 7105. Gregory family, 3381, 6859. Grenada, Mfes., 4346. Grenaway, John, deeds, 1650. 3390. Grenville County, Conn., settlement, 7298, 7381. Greuze portrait of Franklin, 2789. Grevenraet family (New York), 5022. Grid ley, S. II., 5551. Griffen, Z. T., 5051. Griffen family, 5051. Griffin, A. P. C., 7, 9, 12, 1267, 2135, 2144. Griffin, G. B., 1004, 1005, 1007, 1008. Griffin, G. D., 7377, 7378. Griffin, J., 5037. Griffin, J. A., 7377-7379. 1136 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Griffin, J. S., 6967. Griffin, M. I. J., 12, 5843-5845, 5848-5850, 5855a, 5856, 5859, 5863, 7390. Griffin, S. S.. 4428a. Griffin, W., 566. Griffin family (Hampton, Conn.), 3371. Griffin (Jasper) family, 5037. " Le Griffin," ship, 5639. Griffis, W. E., 576, 4693, 4720, 5433, 6419. Griffith, !>., letters to L. Powell, 1776-1778. 6780. Griffith, J. E., 1503, 1505, 1506. Griffith, J. H., 4557, 4656. Griffith, S. N., 4254. Griffith, T., letter, 1655. 6856. Griffith, Wm., 64L>5, (5714. Griffith, W. II., 3412, 3933. Griffits, Hanna. letters to Gen. Wayne, 1776-77. 6083. " Griffon," huilding and voyage of, 1679, 4768, 4770, 4785. its first successors, 4775. sailing of, painting, 4777. Grignon, Antoine, 6927, 6973. Grignon, C., Indian, land grant to, 6937. Grignon, papers, 1794-1821. 6932, 6933. Grigsby, H. B., 2783, 6801, 6802, 6815, 6816, 6843. letter to Charles Deane, 2779. letters, 2778-2782. Grimes, J. W., 1515, 1537, 1558. Grimshy, Ontario, register of burials, 7298. register of marriage, beginning 1817. 7298. Grimsley, J., 1517. Grindley, H. S., 1436. Grinnan, A. G., 6851, 6852, 6854, 6858. Grinnan, S. C., 6850. Grinnell, M. H., 4999. (Peter) family, 6583. Grinnell, Iowa, old settlers, 1523. Grinnell cyclone, June 17, 1882. 1515. Griswold, F. C., 4097. Griswold, J. M., 4278. Griswold, L., 4097, 4098. Griswold, R., encounter with M. Lyon, 1161. Griswold, S. O., 5777, No. 62. Griswold, T. O., 5609. Griswold, Ursula (Wolcott), family circle of, 3391. Griswold family of Ohio, 5748. Griswold, Conn., 1204. Grittinger, II. C., 6202, 6209, 74l 8. Grivel, F. de, letter to J. Tristam, 7390. Groat, G. G., 4836. Groesbeck family, 5044. Groff, G. G., 7487. Groh, E., 664. Groot family (Albany and Schenectady), 5019. Groseilliers, 34. in Wisconsin, 6933. voyages, 1652-1684. 6657, 6911. See also Radisson. Gross, C., 5, 7, 36, 40, 625, 2553. Gross, S. V., 2117. Gross family, 3369. Grosvenor, C. II., 5736. Grosvenor, E. A., 16, 206, 431, 901, 902, 7474. Grosvenor, G. H., 900, 901, 904, 7474. Grotius, M., catalogue of works, 4872. Groton, Nathaniel, 1698. Groton, Conn., attack on, 3368. stone records, 1206. Groton, Mass., 1675. 3365. annual field day, 1903. 4215. chapters in early history, 3718 church council, 1712. 2803, 3230. companies raised in, French and Indian war, 3116. documents, 1688-89, 1701. 3399. history, 3365, 3368. early history, 3394. Indian name of, 2785. a local scandal, 1666. 3895. military diaries, 7463. minute men, 1775. 2085, 2802. petition, 1655. 3372. in 1656. 3391. population, 2794, 3067. public library, 2545. Shays s rebellion, 2791, 3009. Willard s farm, 3145. Groton, Ohio, history, 7408. Ground, inoculation, 905. Grout, Captain,, field inspection roll of company of foot, 1811. 4214. Grove, W. B., letters, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5600. Groveland, N. Y., 4925. Groveport, Ohio, inscriptions, 5751. Grover, F. R., 1414. Grover, L. F., 5805. Groveton, battle of, 1862. 6597. Grubb, I. C., 1235. Grube, B. A., 6081. Grum, F. S., 810. Grumbine, E., 6204, 7432, 7436. Grumbine, L. L., 6194, 6197, 6353, 6357, 6364. Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty, 44. Guam, island of, 579, 7474. Guano, 545. Guatemala, Alagiiilac language of, 751. earthquake, 1902. 579. journey, 1892. 579. recent discoveries, 6303. volcanic disturbances, 903. Guayana boundary, 5916. Guayaquil and Quito railway, 579. Gue, B. F., 1477, 1479, 1512, 1513, 1516, 1521, 1523, 1524. Guernsey, R. S., 5020. Guerrant family, 6859. Guerrilla warfare in 1862. 6892. Guest family, 5044, 6063. Gugy family, 7346. Guiana boundary, 40. Schomburgk s line, 5916. cartography, 15. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1137 Guild, Amasa, war diary, 1861. 2207. Guild, Curtis, 2078, 2079, 2198, 2199, 3876, Guild, Georgiana, 457, 3412, 3934. Guild, G. B., 6671. Guild, II., 2195, 2196. Guild, H. R., 2198, 2200, 2201, 2202, 2205, 2207, 3409. Guild, Joseph, maternal ancestry of, 2200. Guild, N. G., 2205. Guild, R. A., 200, 355, 6472, 6488. Guild, W., 946. Guilford, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 1159, 1161. Fourth Church, records, 1743-1788. 3416, 3417. history of, 2622. Ruggles s history of, 2628. Joseph- Eliot, of, 1664-1694. 2808. settlers, 3413. Guilford Court-House, N. C., Guilford bat tle monument^ 1952. Guinn, J. M., 1005, 1006, 1007, 1010. 1011, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021. Gulf stream, 530, 557, 558. Gulf stream and Labrador current, 895. Gulick, L., 809. Gull Prairie, Mich., Indians, 4279. Gulph Mills, Pa., Nugent farm and college, 7422. Gumaer, 1 . E., 4968. Gummere, Amelia M., 6063, 6064, 6077, 6079, 6083, 6085. Gun-making, Lancaster, Pa., 6180. Gunn, Sarah E., 4775. Gunpowder, manufacture of, in America, 2783. (Jii us, early, 6343. Gunshot wounds, 813. Gurdon, Muriel Sedley, letter, April 4, 1636. 7395. Gurdon family, 3411. Gurley, L. B., 7408, 7409, 7412. Gurney, G., 3380. Gustavus. Ohio, 5689. Guthrie, Ossian, 4908. Guthrie (Bethiah) family, 6082. Gutierrez-Magee expedition, 6682. Guy v. King, case of, 1658-1663. 3389. Gu.vot, A. II., 546, 581. Guyot, Yves, 811, 815. Gwinnett, Button, commission as president of Georgia, 1777. 1282. Gw.vnodd, Pa., origin of name, 6063. Welsh settlement at, 6064. Gyle. John, statement of number of In dians in each tribe in 1726. 1 099. Gyles, T., and his neighbors, 3379. Gymkhana, A., in Harrodsburgh over one hundred years ago, 1644o. Gypsum, cement and plaster industry in Kansas, 1581. Gyroscope, top, teetotum, motions of, 7177. Haak, Theodore, 2936. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 72 Habeas corpus, writ of, 6851. Habeas corpus in the colonies, 42. Haberer, J. V., 5468. Habersham, James, letters, 1756-1776. 1308. Hack, C. A., 3406, 3687, 3870. Hack (William) family, 3406, 3870. Ilacke, G., library of, 1665. 6856. Hackenburg, W r . B., 635. Hackensack, N. J., early settlers, 5022. Reformed Dutch Church, records, 4874. Hackett, F. W., 3391, 3394, 3396, 3405, 3408, 3411, 3417, 3687. Hackleton, Maria W., 1751. Hadden, A., 5633. Haddock, E. H., 1522. Haddock family, 6078. Haddonfield, N. J., regimental returns, 1776-77. 4545. Hadduck, C. B., 5010. Hadley, A., 4456, 4457, 4487. Hadley, A. T., 807, 812. Hadley, C. R., 4417. Iladley, E. D., 1538. Iladley, Mass., attack on, 1675. 3386, 3635, 4096. billeting of soldiers, 1759, 3401. Haeselbarth, A. C., 579. Ilaffeeld, R., will, 1638. 3361. Hageman, J. F., 4552, 4553, 4624, 4630a. Hager, A. D., 6726. Hagerstown, Md., 2023. Hagner, A. B., 1270. Hague, G., 7323. Hague, J. D., 905. Hagy, II. B., 5952. Hahn, B. I)., 2184. Haida grammar, 7320. vocabulary, 7187. Ilaidahs, origin of the, 7322. Haight, C., 7364. Haight, T. W., 4908. Haight, W. C., 4293. Hailstorms, prevention, 901. Hailtzukh vocabulary, 7187. Haines, A. A., 4967, .5035. Haines, A. M., 3380, 3381, 3383, 3390, 3400, 3407, 3796a. Haines, James, will, 1652. 3395. Ilaines, John, Nehemiah Rogers s dedica tion to, 1732. 3400. Ilaines, M. E., 7107. Ilaines, W. P., 3386, 3387. Ilaines family, 3381-3383, 3401, 3576, 3801, 6066. Hakes, H., 6460. Hakluyt, R., 1719, 1757. Halbert, H. S., 945, 4344a, 4345-4350. Haldeman, H. L., 5851, 6165. Ilaldimand, Kir F., at Quebec, 1778-1784. 7313. in Pennsylvania, 6064. letter to II. W. Powell, 1781. 4277. Vermont and, negotiations between, 6754. 1138 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Haldimand papers, 4261-4263, 4271, 4272, 6754, 6933. Hale, A. G. R., 3409, 3891. Hale, C., 1717. Hale, C. C., 1943. Hale, C. R., 889. Hale, Edward Everett, 2, 119, 155, 160, 167, 177, 181, 196, 197, 200, 203, 207, 209, 210, 211, 239, 388, 472, 2778, 2785, 2786, 2788, 2789, 2800, 2802, 2805, 2808, 3224, 4213, 4347, 4354, 5714, 7474. Hale, E. E., jr., 121, 328. Hale, E. J., 5593. Hale, G. S., 2135, 2783, 2788, 2791, 2795, 2798, 2918. Hale, Horatio, 4772, 7320. Hale, J., 7172. Hale, J. T., 6883, 6889. Hale, N., 2709. Hale, R., 2244, 2245. Hale, R. S., 3389, 3393, 3709. Hale, S., 4447, 4448, 4460. Hale family, 3661. (Thomas) family, 3389, 3393. Hale memoranda, 2245. Hales, Edward, narrative, 4126. " Half Moon," the, ship, 5096. Half-breed, the, 7310. Half-breed tract, 4423.. Halfield, E. F., 6058. Halifax, Mass., notes on, 2632. soldiers at, 1759. 3386. Halifax, Novo Scotia, account of, 1760. 2628. Government house, 7276. history, 7280. province building, 7277. St. George s Church, history, 7279, 7279fl. St. Paul s Church, history, 7274-7276. Hall, A., 7175. Hall, Amos, correspondence, etc., 1813-14. 4774. Hall, A. C., 4832. Hall, Caroline, letters, 1834. 5749. Hall, C. F., 547, 586. Hall, C. H., 4957, 6068. Hall, D., correspondence, 1763-1777. 6066- 6068. Hall, David, diary of, 2786. Hall, E. A., 610, 2184. Hall, E. B., 6507. Hall, E. F., 568. Hall, E. H., 202, 378, 2804, 7395. Hall, F., 2637. Hall, F. S., 4827. Hall, G. S.. 202, 204, 205, 207, 209, 442, 467, 2807, 3292, 3312, 4097. Hall, Hiland, 3387, 5289, 5333, 6693, 6731, 6735. Hall, Hubert, 39, 205. Hall, Hugh, letters, 3788a. letters to B. Wentworth, 1717-1719. 3400. Hall, H. D., 2046, 2047, 3319, 3399, 37796, 6764. Hall, H. II., 555. Hall, James, 4686. Hall, Rev. John, 5358. Hall, John, report on Conewago Canal, 1797. 5897. Hall, J. H. B., 946, 965. Hall, J. L., 6817. Hall, J. P., 4997, 4999, 5010. Hall, J. W. D., 3396, 3399, 40336, 4033c, 4034. Hall, Lucy M., 807. Hall, Margaret S., 6855. Hall, Martha C., bequest, 1847. 3360. Hall, N. K., 4773. Hall, P. F., 812. Hall, S. M., 5732. Hall, S. R., 6704. Hall, T. D., 6927. Hall, W., 5029, 5032-5034. Hall, W. H., 891. Hall family, 3371, 3409. (Bristol, Pa.), 6067. (Gilbert) family, 3373. Halleck, F. G., 4729, 5039. Ilalleck, Henry W., administration of, 1862. 3333, 3335. conduct of, 1S62. 3335. Haller, T. N., 6869. Hallett family, 5022. Halley, Edmund, will, 1736. 5044. Ilalley, R. A., 6671, 6672. Halley family, 5044. (Edmond) family, 5049. Ilallock, Charles, 899. Ilallock, R. C., 4553. Ilallowell, R. P., 2548. Ilallowell, Canada, assessment, 1808. 7301. marriage register, 7296. Ilallowell, Me., birth records, 1709, 1711. library, 3392, 3691o. now and then, 1703. records, 1710, 1712-1716. Halsey, E. D., 3683, 4547, 4583. Halsey, F. W., 5386, 5412, 6414. Halsey, J., commission of, 1775. 3386. Halstead, M., 5736. Halsted, Mathias, Cap*., instructions to, 1671. 6634. Halvey, M. M., 5848. Ham, J. R., 3384. Ham, M. M., 1514. Ham family, 3384. Hamant, Timothy (Massachusetts), com pany, 1762. 3414. Hamblen, D., 336l , 3363-3365. Hamden, Ohio, inscriptions, 5749. Hamill, S. McC., 4638. Hamilton, Alexander, 1818. letters, 1789. 6085. letters describing battle of Monmouth, 6058. notes on Federal Constitution, 2808, 3296. Washington, G., and, 318. Hamilton, Andrew, presentation of free dom of city of New York, 6009. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1139 Hamilton, A. B., 5888, 5889, 5895, 6057, 6073. Hamilton, E. T., 5630. Hamilton, George, burial plot, 7379. Hamilton, H., Gov., journals, 2139. Hamilton, James, Duke, power of attorney, 1 726. 3403. Hamilton, John, Prcs., administration, 4597, 4598. Hamilton, J. C. L., 5561. Hamilton, J. T., 792, 6229, 7473. Hamilton, P. J., 944-946, 950, 1282, 1284, 1286, 4345, 4347-4350, 6670. Hamilton, P. S., 5035. Hamilton, St. Bonaventure de, 7347. Hamilton, Wm., Rev., 4405. Hamilton, Wm. (of New York), 4931. Hamilton, Wm. (of Woodlands), letters, 1785-1804. 6085. Hamilton, W. F., 526. Hamilton, W. T., 4396. Hamilton family, 6073. Hamilton family of Berwick, Me., and Nova Scotia, 3402. Hamilton (Alexander), lineage, 5035. Hamilton, Canada, Crystal Palace, 7378. Dunduru Park, gates of, 7378. early life in, 7378. militia rolls of 1866. 7378. St. Paul s Presbyterian Church, 7378. subscription list to defray expense of footpath on James street, 1839. 7377. Hamilton, Mass., burials, Mr. Whipple s ac count books, 2243. burying ground, 2245. historical notices of, 2243. marriages, 3384. Hamilton County, Iowa, name of, 1521. "Hamilton Freeman," founding of, 1521. Hamlin, Cyrus, 201, 204, 207, 369, 1712, 2592, 2595. Hamlin, C. W., 4256. Hamlin, T. S., 899. Hamlin family, 6859. Hammatt, A., 3362, 3364. Hammond, C., 2183. Hammond, F. S., 3412, 3416, 3417. Hammond, II. L., 1383. Hammond, I. S., 7007. Hammond, I. W., 4456. Hammond, L., diary, 1677-1694. 3125. diary, 1687-1691. 2797. Hammond, M. B., 810, 1437, 6962, 7012. Hammond, O. G., 3409, 3415. Hammond, S., 3321. Hammond, W. A., 1516. Hammond family, 3367, 3649&. (Benj.) family, 3388. Hammond s fort, 1707. Ilampden, John, letter, 1629. 2777. portraits of, 2787, 2977. Hampdon County, early dentists, 2184. early physicians, 2184. Ilampden Patriot, petition to Congress, 1819. 3405. Hampden-Sidney College, trustees, 1775- 1898. 6830, 6831. Hampshire County, Mass., military de fenses, 1743-44. 3371. Ilampstead, N. II., history, 4450. Hampton, Conn., Congregational Church, 1723-1858. 3371. Hampton, N. II., cemetery inscriptions, 3369. church records, 3391, 3410. of John Cotton, 3392. deaths, 1727-1755. 3416. earthquake, 1727. 4449. marriages, 1767-1782. 3409. town records, 4443. Hampton Falls, N. II., taxpayers, 1709. 3386. Hampton Roads conference, 18(55. 1537, 1546, 4351. Hamptonburgh, N. Y., St. David s Cemetery inscriptions, 4862. Hamtramck, 919. Hamtramck, J. F., letters, 7472. Ilanaford, P. A., 2251. Ilanaford, Mrs. P. A., 2246. Ilance, W. W., 5050, 5051. Ilance (John) family, 5050, 5051. Hanchett, M. W., 5489. Hanckel, T. M., 6637. Hancock, John, 2099. land of, 209. letter, 1760. 3371. letter, 1775. 2276. letter to Dorothy Quincy, 1775. 3377. letter, 1777. 3370. letter, 1778. 3370. letter to II. Qnincy, 1779. 3302. letters of, 210. marriage record, 2796, 3117. papers of, 489. proclamation in 1783. 2135. warrant issued by, as Goc., 1781. 2787. Hancock, J. W., 4312. Hancock, T., 2076. Hancock family, 3367, 3368. (W. S.) family, 6066. Hancock County, Mass., documents on pro posed, 1775. 3372. Hancock mansion, Boston, 2076. Hand, C. A., 5042. Hand (Joseph) family, 3413. Handheld, I., letters, 1754-55. 3373. Tfaney, J. L., 884. Ilanford, A. J., 6870. Hanna, M. A., 5722, 5725, 5736. Ilanna, W. S., 5726. Hannah, G., 4952, 5039. Ilannay, James, 7251, 7283. Hanover, N. II., 1795, tour to, 1700. Hanover County, Va., old tombstones, 6857. Hanover and Prussia, 1795-1803. 4835. Hanse towns, 575. Ilansen family, 3411. Hansford, W., 6892. Hanson, J. II., 7519. Harbaugh, L., 6156 1140 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Harbert, A. N., 1465a, 1523. Harby, Mrs. L. C., 8, 11. Uarcourt, W., letters, 1777. 6064. Hard, G. E., 1846. Harden, W., 1340. Hardenbergh, J. L., journal, 1779. 4800. Hardin family, 1644. Harding, J. S., 6408. Harding, .T. W., 2183, 2184, 4097. Harding, Father Robert, deed, 915. Harding, S. B., 11, 20, 2550. Harding, W. G., 2045, 2047. Harding Bible, 4209. Harding family, 3384. Hardwick, Mass., history of, 2789. Hardy, A., 3706. Hardy, J., Gov., administration, 4601. Hardy, Phinehas, journal, 1787. 3365. Hardy, W. II., 4350, 4351. Hardy family, 5744. Hardyman family, 6853, 6859. Hare, R., 6009. Hark, J. M., 6223, 6362. Harkness, J., diary, 4395. Harlackenden family, 3368. Harlakenden family, 3373, 3404. Harlan, A. W., 1514. Harlan, James, 1516. address, 1522. Harlem, N. Y., Reformed Dutch Church, records, 1816-1836. 5023. Harlem Heights, battle of, 4812. Harlem Plains, battle, C302, 5304. commemoration of battle, 5304. Harleston family, 6648. Harley, L. R., 5959, 5960. Harlow, T. S.. 3318. Harlow family, 3372. Ilarmar, .Tosiah, letters, 1784-1797. 5977. Harmon s Journal, 1800-1820. notes and comments, 7148ft. Harmony Society, 886. Harnden, H., 6936, 7068. Harold, P. J., 5846. Harper. J., 7188, 7189. Harper, J. M., 7191, 7310. Harper s Ferry, seige and capture, 1862. 6598. Harriman, W., 3392. Harrington, E. W., 2592, 2594. Harrington, M. W., 896, 898. Harrington, N., jr., letter, 1781. 3409. Harrington, Mrs. V., 5641. Harris, Dr., note on Jamaica, 2631. Harris, Mrs. Dilue, reminiscences, 1833- 1837. 6682, 6685. Harris, Elizabeth, letters (family) to, 1654, 1662. 3363. Harris, E. D., 2200, 2788, 2986, 3375, 3394, 3397, 3399, 3401, 3405, 3406, 3411, 3412, 3413, 3487, 3683, 37176, 3746, 3806, 3847, 5051. Harris, G. H., 4775, 5520. Harris, G. W., 5890. Harris, H. W., 6415. Harris, I. H., 5743. Harris, J., 5468. Harris, J. M., 1874, 1884, 1950a, 2007, 2010. Harris, J. S., 6060. Harris, L. M., 3364, 3370, 3456. Harris, R. A., 905. Harris, S. R., 7413. Harris, T. M., 1310, 2627, 2691. Harris, T. S., 4775. Harris, T. W., 3360. Harris, W., land controversies, 6491. Harris, W. R., 4773. Harris, William T., 5, 2706, 2737, 3365. Harris Ferry, journey to Shamokin, 1747. 5897. Harris papers, 1650-1711. 6491. Harrisburg, Miss., battle of, 4349, 4355. Harrisburg Pa., founding, 5896, 5898. personal recollections, 5897. Harrison, A. M., 2784. Harrison, Benjamin, Prcs., 4533, 4557. gold medal presented to, 4533, 4557. Harrison, Benjamin, will, 1711. 6858. Harrison, Benj., sr., will, 1745. 6827. Harrison, B. N., unpublished letters, 4351. Harrison, C., 7320. Harrison, Constance C., 2137. Harrison, F. A., 4423. Harrison, J., correspondence, 1812. 4774. Harrison, J. Scott, 5788. Harrison, S. A., 1932, 1934, 1946. Harrison, T. P., 1282, 6645. Harrison, W. II., 1461. 5655, 5656, 5670. at Cleveland, 1812. 5776, No. 36. Harrison family, 1645, 3393, 5959, 6855. of Merion, Pa., 6069. Harrison, N. Y., Society of Friends, mar riage records, 5018. Harrison-Tarhe peace conference, 5726. Harrisse, Henry, 36, 38, 568, 7323. Harriton, Pa., Old, near Bryn Mawr, 5959. Harriton plantation, Pennsylvania, 6069, 6071. narrower, John, diary, 17731776. 40. Harry, J- W., 1832. Hart, Albert Bushnell, 2, 38, 40, 41, 2795, 2800, 2802, 2803, 2805, 2808, 3091, 4523. Hart, Mrs. Armine N., 6057. Hart, C. H., 13, 76, 2255, 2382, 2808, 3290, 3307, 3311, 3564, 3686, 5013, 5016, 6053, 6054, 6057, 6058, 6085, 6087, 6253, 6256, 6257, 6258, 6260, 6261, 6264, 6269, 6274, 6275, 6276, 6277, 6279, 6291, 6302, 6317, 6318, 6319, 6326, 6330, 6331, 6334, 6335. Hart, G. E., 7362. Hart, G. N., 631. Hart, H. H., 809. Hart, Joel, 1626. Hart, J. C., 3389. Hart, S., 3414, 6009. contract, 5626. Hart family (New England), 5030. (John), ancestry of, 5041. Hart-Gilbert family of Ohio, 5748. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1141 Harte, F. B., 1039. Hartford, C. II., 3380. Hartford, Conn., 1820. art society, 1126. bill of mortality, 1783-1793. 2621. births, marriages, deaths, among early settlers, 3370. births, marriages, deaths, 1685-1709. 3371. church, controversy in, 16r>6-16r>9. 1109. Dutch House of Good Hope, 3364. Grammar school, stock for, 1650. 2137. history, 2621. in 1640. 1103. Library Association, 1126. Library Company, 1126. records, 3380, 3381. seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 3371. in 1709-1716. 3378. town votes, 1635-1716. 1113. "Up Neck" in 1825. 1127. Young Men s Institute, 1126. Hartford and West Hartford, Conn., 1103. Hartford, Ohio, monumental inscriptions, 5744. Hartgers, Joost, 5097. Hartland, Me., record of births and deaths, 1715. Hartland, Ohio, church history, 7418. history, 7409, 7415. Hartley, I. S., 5460. Hartley, Thomas, expedition, 1786. 6428. letter, 1776. 6080. Hartlib, S., 2936. Hartman (Regina, the German captive), 7435. Hartt. C. F., 546. Hartupee, G. H., 7412. Hartwell, E. A., 2540. Hartwell, E. M., 809, 811. Harvard, John, statue of, 2789, 2791. Harvard (John) family, 3397. Harvard College, 2211, 4232. in 1671-72. 2624. account books, 2774. treasurers of, 1669 to 1752. 2775. account of, 2628. affairs in 1653. 2135. alumni who have held official positions, 3399, 3776. alumni who have received honorary de grees, 3401,. 3803<r. archives, 204, 401, 3407. benefactions in Chelsea, Mass., 2410. early buildings, 201, 363. catalogues, 1674, 1682, 1700. 2832. triennial, of, 1674-1860. 2777. censures on, 1672. 3393. commencement, 1642-1700. 2773, 2800, 2802, 3391. commencements, 1803-1848. 2795. commencement programme of, 1730. 2138. of 1732. 2135. diary, 1682. 3365. Harvard College, documents from Suffolk court files, 1672-1877. 2799. Dudley code of laws for, 2783. early times, 1672-1677. 3153. early views of, 2787. examinations, 1751, etc. 2804. exhibitions prior to 1800. 3404. fellows of, letter by Oov. John Winthrop, the younger, in 1671. 2794. first building, 361. first building site, 200. first scholarship, 200, 349. government of, 3409. graduates, 2198, 3374. in 1642-1646. 4449. since 1670. 3359. born Dedham, Mass., 1692-1845. 3362. born Salem, Mass., 1642-1849, 3363. Hall, building of, 3393. laws of, 1655. 2783, 2912. manuscript copy, 2801. copy of old laws, 3194. letters, use of, in dedication of commence ment programme, 2137. library of, 2793, 7452. list of these, 1663. 2637. Medfield s contribution to, 1678. 3368. , monitor s bill, 2779. in 1663-64. 2852. New England s first fruits, 2619. paper relating to, 1707. 2632. presidents, 3407. first president, 3367. proper designation, Harvard College or Harvard University, 2798. proposal for a president in 1671. 3401. public exhibition. 1795. 3385. rank of students in, 2778. relation with First Church in Cam bridge, 2795, 3091. reminiscences of, 4205. right of instructors to a place in the corporation, 1723. 2785. rules, orders, and statutes. 1686. 2925. Secretary Rawson s letter about, 1665. 2636. social distinctions before the Revolution, 204, 405, 3150. southern students at, 6854. stewards of, 2774. subjects for Master s degree, 16651791. 2787, 2968. Tutor Nicholas Sever, 2934. Harvey, A., 7176, 7321. Harvey, A. M., 1580. Harvey, Sir J., declaration, 6825. deposing of, 1635. 6832. Harvey, L. D., 4295. Harvey, M., 7281. Harvey, Margaret B., 5959. Harvey family, 3370. Harvey Hill, Canada, copper deposits, 7180c. Harvut, H., 7350. Harway family. See Erouard family. Harwich, Mass., south part of, 2626. 1142 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Harwinton, Conn., Church, 3389. Harwood, F., 6681. Harwood, H. J., 2602. Harwood, W., 2202. Harwood, W. H., 3410. Harwood family, 6858, 6859. Harzfeld, S. K., 6306. Hasbrouck, A. B.. 5549. Hasbrouck, J., 5032. Hasbrouck, J. W., 5549. Hasell, B. D., 5038. Haseltine, I. S., 6925. Hasey. I., diary (1765-1812), 1715. Hasey family, 3412. Haskell, J. G., 1581. Ilaskell, Louisa P., 13. Haskell, U. G., 2270, 2517. Haskell family, 2517, 5038. (William) family, 2270. Ilaskett, genealogical notes, 2255. Haskins; Charles H., 5, 7, 35, 36, 41, 42. Haskins, D. G., 3409. Haskins, D. G., jr., 3682, 3703. Haskins, G. S., 7417. Haskins, John, company of militia, 1773. names, 3385. Haskins, R. W., 6925, 6939. Hassam, J. T., 2789, 2791, 2800, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2806, 3019, 3168, 3170, 3220, 3228, 3251, 3278, 3382, 3389, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3394, 3396, 3398, 3399, 3401, 3408, 3410, 3415, 3660, 3673, 3689, 3693a, 3710, 3728, 3759, 3780a, 3964. Hassam family, 3382, 3401, 3583, 3584, 3693o. Hassell, Mrs. R. B., 6870. Hastings, II., 5410. Hastings, S. C., 1506, 1507. Hastings, S. D., 6930, 6931. Hastings family (Pennsylvania), 3371, 3412. (Walter) family, 3379. Hastings, Mich., pioneer days, 4278. Hastings, battle of, 7386. Hatch, E., 1518. Hatch, H. F., 3686. Hatch, H. H., 4278. Hatch, J. M., 3372. Hatch, L. C., 2558. Hatch, L. W., 810. Hatch family, 3372. (Jabez) family, 3409, 3884. Hatcher, J. B., 898, 901, 902. . Hatchets, polished stone, 5732. Hatfield, Mass., billeting of soldiers, 1759. 3401. genealogies, 4097. Indian attack on, 1677. 4097, 4099, 4728. Hatfield, Pa., 7422. Hathaway, E. S., 2574. Hathaway, F. R., 808. Hathaway, J., 6925, 6939. Hathaway, M. E. N., 4035. Hathaway, S. P., 2260a. Hathaway, S. P., jr., 2453. Hathaway family, 4035. Ilatheway, F., 6937. Hathorne, John, descendants of, reunion, 2280. Hathorne, William, descendants of, re union, 2280. Hatteras Inlet, N. C., cutting through of, 2447. Hattori, Yukimasa, 1838. Haugh, Samuel, memoranda by, in an al manac for 1649. 2779. Haughton, R. B., 4347. Haughwout, L. M. A., 5048. Ilaughwout family, 5048. Ilaupt, L. M., 7391. Hauser, H., 38. Hauser, S. T., 4394. Hauxhurst family. See Hawxhurst family. Havana expedition, 1762, R. I. soldiers of, 6585. Haven, C. C., 4543, 4546. Haven, C. F., jr., 3333, 3335. Haven, H. P., 3381, 3665. Haven, S. F., 193, 216, 220, 240, 248, 260, 262, 265, 276, 281, 284, 294, 295, 2770, 2785, 2786, 3683, 3685. portrait of, 193, 276. Haven, Mrs. T. W., 4163. Havens, D. W., 3684. Haverhill, Mass., history of, 2632. history, with biographical notices, 2708. military association at, 1798. 2277. Haverstick, D. C., 6188. Hawaiian Islands, 565. bird city in, 905. census, 1900. 813. constitutional history, 1827. early trading in, 7130. ethnography, 575. flora of, 2307. journey to, 1829-1834. 5804o. judiciary, 7130. land titles, evolution of, 7130. meles, 995. poetry of, 7138. reciprocity treaty with United States, 1855-56. 7137. Spanish influence in, 7130. Spanish America, relations between, and in early times, 7130. treaty of annexation, 1854, uncompleted, 7130. See also Honolulu. Hawaiian beliefs regarding spirits, 7136. flag, maker of, 7133. folklore, 7132. gods, lesser, 7130. marriage, 7133. Hawaiians, ancient, long voyages of, 7130. some, abroad, 7130. Hawes, F. M., 4159, 4160, 4161. Hawes, G. R., 2195, 5073. Hawes, L. L., 4161. Hawes, Lucy W., 4782. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1143 Ilawes family, 2195. (Edward) family, 5073. Ilawkes, N. M., 2262, 2263, 2268, . 2485, 2498, 2507, 2510, 2604. 2605. 2606, 2607, 2608. Ilawkes family, 2262, 2485. Hawkins, B., 1304. Hawkins, H. C., 5627. Hawks, E. C., 4054. Hawks, P. L., 5175, 5577. Hawks, Helen A., 4098. Hawks, W. S., 4097. Ilawks-Niblo collection, catalogue, 5282. Ilawley, C., 4800, 4801, 4803. Ilawley, E. A., 7007. Ilawley, E. S., 3391. Hawley, F. B., 809. Ilawley, Gideon, 2621, 2622. Ilawley, Jesse, 4752. Ilawley, Joseph, letter. 1775. 2652. memorial, 1725. 3368. Hawley, J. R., 1202. Ilawley, Margarita L., 5045. Hawley, M. S., 4752, 4771. Hawley, IL, 7408. Haworth, E., 1581. Ilaworth, J. D., 1514. Haworth, P. L., 43. Hawtayne, G. H., 3405. Hawtayne, Mrs. M., will, 3405. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, centennial celebra tion at Salem, 2280, 7492. letters and manuscripts, 2280. relics, 2280. souvenirs of, 2280. Hawxhurst family, 5041, 5047, 5048. Hay, John, 5759. Hay, R., 1582. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 24. Hayden, Everett, 892. Hayden, F. V., 550, 4686. Hayden, II. C., 4098. Hayden, H. E., 3399, 3405, 5034, 5035. 6316, 6421, 6425, 6435, 6437, 6449- 6450, 6457, 6458, 6466, 6877. Hayden, W., 4800. Haydon, B. R., letter, 1832. 6083. Hayes, A. A., 555. Hayes, Mrs. A. M., 4278. Hayes, C. W., 574, 894, 896, 900, 901, 906, 3394. Hayes, D. A., 4544. Hayes, G. E., ^758. Hayes, I. I., 546, 554, 557. Hayes, J. R.. 5879. Hayes, M., 1242. Hayes, R. B., 5716, 5778. Hayes, S. M., 4312. Hayes, W. A., 2914. Hayes family, 3385, 3394. Hayford, John F., 814. Ilaymond, II., 6890, 6892. Hayne, Alice, will, 1620. 3397. Ilayne family, 6650. Haynes, G. C., 3367. Haynes, G. F., 209. Haynes, G. II., 13, 36, 211, 479, 492, 1825, 4139. Haynes, II., 4278, 4279, 4280, 6683. Haynes, II. W., 196, 197, 198, 200, 307, 430, 835, 869, 2787, 2793. 2794, 2795, 2796, 2797, 2801, 2803, 2804, 3248. correspondence with Fitz-John Winthrop, Haynes, John, 1824. 2791. letter to John Winthrop. 1643. 2639. will, 1646. 3374. Haynes, Julia M., 5722. Haynes, L., 676. Haynes family, 3367, 3390, 3407, 3872. (Walter) family, 3405. Hays, G. N., 4397. Hay ward, E., 3687. Hayward, S., 3408, 3410. Hayward, W. W., 4209. Hay wood, M. I)e L., 1282. Hazard, Caroline, 6582. Hazard, Ebenezer, 2630. letter on Penobscot expedition, 1770. 2773. letters, 1789. 2783. Hazard, Erskine, 5968. Hazard, G. S., memorial, 4775. Hazard, G. W., 1018. Hazard, R. G., 6502, 6549. Hazel, A. W., 7512, 7513. Hazeltine, C. F., 3408. Hazeltine, II. D., 11, 69, 628, 6470. Hazeltine, I. S., 6939. Hazen, Allen, 4097. Hazen, C. D., 12, 809, 1857. Hazen, H. A., 3391, 3396, 3403, 3671, 3676, 3682, 3684, 3823b, 4456, 4488. Hazen, N. W., 2243, 2287. Hazen, R. W., 4407. Hazen, W., business contracts, 7252. Hazen family, 3391, 3676. Hazen road, tablet marking terminus, un veiling, 6710. Ilazzen, R., journal, 1741. 3391, 3671. Headley, J. T., 4855. " Heads of agreement," 774, 782. Health and vital statistics, 808. Ilealy, G. P. A., 1377. Heard, J. T., 3394. Ilearn, Lafcadio, 903. Ilearsey family, 3416. Heart, Jonathan, journal, 1785. 5785. Heartt, W. A., 4278, 4279. Heath, William, manuscript collection of, donation to Massachusetts His torical Society, 2773. Heath family, 6859. Heath papers, 2662, 2682, 2683. documents in first volume, 2773. Heaton. II., 1523, 1524. Heacon, I. E., 4406. Hebard. A., 1513, 1514, 1518. Hebard, H., 3409. Hebrew Omer of 1800. 6343. Hebron, Me., marriages by J. Tripp, 1710. 1144 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Hebron diary during Revolutionary period, 6192. Hecker, I. T., correspondence, 210. Hecker, I. T., and H. D. Thoreau, 469. Hecker, J. V., 5043, 5044. Heckewelder, John, 690, 691, 6222. history of Indian nations, vindication of, 5966. journal, 6060. journey to Wabash in 1792. 6067, 6068. map of Ohio, 1796. 5777, No. 64. Heckewelder manuscripts, 748. Heckler. J. Y., 7422. Heckman, G. C., 5938, 6354, 6356, 6363. Hedge. F. II., 2776, 2780, 2789, 2875. Hedges, C., 4396. journal, 4398. Hedges, P. II., 5541. Heermans family (Ulster county, N. Y.), 5036. Heidelberg. 886. Heilman, H. S., 6217. Heilnian, S. P., 6201, 6210, 6213, 7435. Heilman, U. H., 6194. Heilprin. A., 5915, 5916, 5917, 6443. Heineman. David E., 4299. Heinrichs, J., letter books, 1778-1780. 6078. Heldt, F. G., 4394. Helena, \Yis., shot tower, 6935, 7025. Heiffenstein, J. C. A., letters, 1772-1778. 6165. Hemenway, A. F., 5801. Hemp and hop growing, Lancaster County, Pa., 1775. 6186. Hempstead, E. L., 4300. Hempstead, Joshua, diary from 1711 to 1758. 1205. Hempstead, Stephen, messages, etc., 1850- 1854. 1557. Hempstead, L. I., early history, 5025. St. George s Church, records, baptisms, marriages, etc., from 1725-178(5. 5024-5030, 5039. Henchman, D., instructions to, 1676. 2798. Henderson, D. C., 4278. Henderson, E. F., 36, 43. Henderson, J., 7222. Henderson, Lizzie G., 4346. Henderson, M., letters, 6381. Henderson, T. J., 1428. Henderson, W., letter to J. Nice, 1780. 6072. Henderson family, 6894. Hendren, S. R., 1826. Hendry, A. W., 7408, 7418. Hendry family, 5844. Henequen, 904. Henlopen, cape, origin of name, 5967. Henneman, J. B.. 6817, 6823, 6830, 6831. Hennepin, L., 116. Hennepin County, Minn., history, 4339. Hennepin s New Discovery, 6892. voyages, 7219. Hennessy, M. E., 609. Hennighausen, L. P., 2023, 2026, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2032. Henning, C. F., 1517. Henning, D. C., 6140, 6141. Henrico County, Va., old tombstones, 6856. Henry VII of England, letter to Philip of Burgundy, 1506. 7322. Henry, Prince, the navigator, 10. Henry, Prince, in New York, 884. Henry, Alexander, journal, 1799-1801. 7149&, 7149A Henry, A. J., 900, 903. Henry, C. S., 5240. Henry, Francis, 5808. Henry, II. T., 5849, 5852, 5853, 5854, 5855. Henry, James, 6222, 6223, 7473. Henry, Prof. Joseph, 4561, 4683. Henry, J. F., 1522. Henry, J. J., letters, 1808-9. 6076. Henry, Kate K., 1268. Henry, Patrick, 2, 3. letter, 1776. 3408. letter, 1789. 6069. letter to George R. Clark, 1451. secret instructions to G. R. Clark, 1778. 1442. Henry, R., 5570. Henry, S. C., letter, 1813. 6077. Henry, T., 7132. writ regarding local courts, 42. Henry, Dr. W., 7174. Henry, W., Betters, 1777-83. 6067, 6071, 6078. Henry, W. W., 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 6057, 6818, 6826. Henry s map of Virginia, 1770. 6865. Henry, Cape, Va., light-house on, 6861. Henry County, 111., Bishop Hill colony, 1823. Henry County, Va., history, 1776-1800. 6833, 6834, 6835. specific taxes, 1780. 6825. Henryville (Riviere du Sud), Canada, Seig- niorality, 7347. Hense-.Tensen, W., 6895, 6970, 7105. Hensel, H., 5607a. Ilensel, L. T., 6166. Hensel, L. W., 6166. Hensel, W. IT., 6165, 6180, 6185. Henshaw, Daniel, list of his acquaintances, 3395. Henshaw, David, commission, 1776. 3376. company, 3376. farm, 3365. Henshaw, Harriet E., 3395, 3401, 38036 . Henshaw, Jane, 3684. Henshaw, Joshua, letter on stamp act riot, 1765. 3390. Henshaw, Joshua, jr., letter to W. Hen shaw in 1768. 3380. letters, 3381. Ilenshaw, Valley Virginia, 6892. Ilenshaw, Wm., orderly book, 1775. 2932. 2984. Ilenshaw, W. H., 868. Ilenshaw family, 3380, 6892. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1145 Hepburn, H. F., 1259. Heraldic emblems, 2804. Heraldic plates, early New England and New York, 3398, 3755. South, 3399. Heraldry, 3359, 5020. American, 2805, 3370, 3371. ancestors of New England settlers, 3403. England and America, 4093. " Exploded " coats of arms in Guillim s. 2792. Heralds college, 3300. Heralds visitation, 3360, 337G. Herbermann, C. G., 914, 915, 927, 928, 929, 930, 932, 933. Herbert, H. A., 1286. Herbert family, 5036, 5041. (Robert) family, 3409. Ilercegovina, excursion in, 5917. Heredeen. E. 1 ., 895. Hereditary ability, 3381. Sec also Galton, F. Hereford family (Mason County, W. Va.), 68.94. " Hereticks " act of colony of Connecticut, 2778. Herman (Augustine) family, 1225. Hermann, B., 4398. Hermits of the Wissahickon, 6067. Herndon, J. W., 6833, 6836. Ilerndon, Sarah R., 4398. Ilerndon family, 6833, 6834, 6835. " Heros," voyage of, 7131. Herr, Benj., journal, 885. Ilerr, T. W., 6181. Herrick, C., 5721. Herrick, C. A., 4297. Herrick, F. II., 894. Il. i-rick, H., 2333. Herrick, H. W., 4427, 4428. Herrick, J., 3362. Herrick, L. C., 5746. Herrick, L. II., 1423. Herrick, Cai)t. N., journal, 1757. 1708. Revolutionary service, 4167. Herrick, S. 10., 2800, 2801. Herrick S. IT., 1515. Herrick, S. S., 995. Herriott, F. I., 1515, 1517, 1518,. 5801. Hm-le, G., 892, 897. Herrman, A., will, 1684. 6071. Herron, F. J., 1502. Il is-y, I. C., 3414, 3953. Hertford County, England, list of pedi grees, 1572 and 1634. 5746. Herts, England, early emigrants from, 3415. Hervey, H. M., 5680. Hervey, J. A., 3321. Hessett, England, parish registers, ex tracts, 3410. Hessians, German troops in English serv ice, commissary s transactions, 1776-7. 5252. in New Jersey, 4554, 4633. in Philadelphia, 6057. Hessians, Muenchausen, F. E. von, journal, 1776-78. 6072, 6079. See also Brunswick auxiliaries, Germans. Hester, M. M., 5635, 7410. Hester family, 7410. Heston, A. M., 4512. Heth, William, orderly book, 1777. 6817. Heuser, H. J., 5848, 5849. Hewins, A. J., 2196. Ilewins, J., 4209. Hewitt, E. R., 4812. Hewitt, Mary A., 4812. Ilexamer, C. J., 885, 887. Hext (Hugh) family, 6651. Heydenburk, M., 4255. Heyward, Anna W., death, 1764. 3371. Heyward, B. R., 6649. Heyward, T., jr., letter, 5749. Hibbard, B. H., 6973, 7109, 7122. Hibbens, Mrs. Ann, trial of, 2794. deed of, 2791. Hibernia furnace, New Jersey, 4550. Hibler, W. G., 6282, 6293. Hickcox, J. II., 568, 4687. Hickling, W., 1360. Hickman family, 6858. Hickory Point, battle, 1581. Hickox, M. II., 5622. Hickox, S. C., 5627. Hicks, B. D., 5024, 5030-5032, 5039. Hicks, F. C., 809, 4374. Hicks, U. E., 6870. Hicks family, 6859. Hidalgo and Morelos, 38. Hiester, I., 5931. Iliester, J. E., 7431. Hiester, W. M., 5925, 5926. Iliggeson, F. See Higginson. Francis. Higgins, Capt. Cornelius, letters, 3386. pay roll of his men, 1776. 3386. Higgins, S. G., 4295. Higgins, V. II., 1391. Higginson, Anne, 2796. Iligginson, Francis, 2619. house of 2247. Higginson, John, 2269. confession and declaration of faith, 2245. dying testimony, 2241. elegy upon death of, 1708. 3365. letter to the county court, 1670. 2247. letters, 1692-1699. 2645. rare work of, 2801. Iligginson, Mehetabel, letters. 1775-1783. 2800. Iligginson, Stephen, letters, 29. letters, 1783-1804. 13. Higginson, T. W., 199, 2788, 2789, 2802, 2805, 3404, 3837, 4055, 6058. Iligginson family, 2244, 3404. Iligginson papers, 2246. Highland Scotch, United Empire Loyalists, 7367. Highlanders in America, 1284. Hight, II., 1711, 1712. Ilighton, II. E., 1076. 1146 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Highway, King s, Lancaster to Philadel phia, 6167. Highways in eastern Pennsylvania and Lebanon County, Pa., 6215a. Higiman, Grace, statement, 1689. 3376. Higley, Mrs. M. A., 1522, 1523. Hildebrand, .T., 6165. Hildeburn, C. R., 3390, 6057, 6058, 6059, 6061, 6063, 6065, 6066, 6068, 6069, 6073, 6074, 6078, 6079. Hilder, F. F., 899, 901, 4368. Hildreth. A. B. F., 1478, 1516. Hildreth, C. A., 4216. Hildreth, I). W., 6709a. Hildreth, H. O., 2196. Hildreth, R., 3369. Hildreth, S. P., 3361, 5656, 5660, 5662, 5663. Hildreth family, 3368. Hilgard. E. W., 4346, 4351a. Hilger, N., 4395. Hill, A., 4297. Hill, A. J., 4294, 4303, 4304, 4307, 4309. Hill, B. T., 4213. Hill, C. F., 6428. Hill, C. H., 2801, 3023. Hill, C. J., 1192. Hill, D. G., 2197, 2200, 2204, 2207. Hill, D. H., 5586. Hill, D. J., 900. Hill, Ebenezer, 4447. Hill, Edmund, 5852. Hill, E. A., 3407, 5051. Hill, E. J., 903. Hill, F. H., 1427, 3686. Hill, G. E., 4812. Hill, G. W., 7274, 7275, 7276, 7482n. Hill, Hamilton A.. 203, 390, 805, 2798, 2799, 3389, 3397, 3400, 3404, 3657, 3683, 3685, 3749, 3792, 3840. Hill, II. W., 4773. Hill, J., 1021. Hill, J. J., 4310. Hill, J. L., 1523. Hill, Roger, letters. 1690, 1699. 3363. Hill, R. T., 897, 899, 900, 903. Hill, Thomas, 3393, 3686. Hill, T. J., 6582. Hill, W., letter book, 1774-75. 3371. Hill, W. L., 4398, 5815. Hill, W. S., 1681. Hill family, 3415, 3416, 3974, 3975, 6067. (Davidf family, 3399. (Peter) family, 3370. Hillard, G. S., 2779, 2785, 2853, 2943, 5001, 5010, 6059. Hillebrand, W. F., 903. Hillegas, M., letter, 1781. 3374. letters, 1777-1780. 6085. Killer. C., 6165. Hilliard, H. W., 946. Hills, G. M., 6059, 6066, 6091. Hills, Joseph, will, 1687-88. 3366. Hills, R., will, 3360. Hills, W. S., 3407. Hillsboro, N. H., 4487. history, 4456. Hillsboro, Ohio, in 1840. 5749. Hillsboro County, N. H., history, 3367. note on, 2635. Hillsdale College, Michigan, 4258, 4284. Hilprecht, H. V., 6402. Hilton, C., bond, 1671. 3371. Hilton, J., 1518. Hilton, Nowell, will, 1689. 3390. Hilton, Wm., letters, 1633, 3637. 2800. Hilton family, 3394, 3584, 3660, 3693a, 3712. (William) family, 3389. Hilton letters, 3170. Hiltzheimer, J., diary, 1768-1798. 6072. Himalayas, record ascents, 904. Himes, C. F., 6364. Ilimes, G. II., 5799, 5827. Ilimyratic inscriptions, 517. Hinchman, J., 6085. Hinckley, E. S., 3318, 3319. Hinckley, T., 3359. Hinckley family, 3371. Hinckley papers, 2653. Hincmar, 779. Hincks, E. Y., 3417, 3976. Hindes, J. See Haines. Hindman, Wm., 1934. Hinds County, Miss., history, 4347. Hines, E. D., 2271. Hines, H. K., 5829. Hines, K. S., 5753. Hingham, Mass., first settlers, 3360. witchcraft in, 1708-9. 3363. Hinke, W. J., 6363, 6381, 6382, 6384. 6835, 6836, 6861, 6864, 7422, 7481. Hinkson, J. B., 5899. Hinman, Alanson, 5798. Hinman, Mrs. A. H., 4215. Hinman, J. F., 4278, 4279, 4280. Hinman, R. R., 3363, 3369, 3373. Hinman, T., 6708, 6709. Hinman (Timothy) family, 6709. Ilinrichsen, Savillah T., 7425. Hinsdale, B. A., 10, 1519, 1523, 4292, 4293, 5713, 5714, 5718. Hinsdale, E., letter to B. Wentworth, 1755. 4450. Ilinsdale, E. B., 567. Hinsdale, Mass., Congregational Church, baptisms to 1850. 3415. vital records to 1850. 4002. Hinton, R. J., 1580. Hinueber, Caroline von, 6680. Hioki, Eki, 7474. Hiowanni Indians, 4349. Hirai, K. R. M., 570. " Hired man " and " help," use of terms, 2137, 2153. Hirsh, M. B., 6169. Hirudinei in Michigan, 2370. Hispanola, 1500. 3. Historian, function of the, 16. qualifications and duties, 1313. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1147 Historian and archaeologist, border land between, 7. Historians and historical societies, 2803. Historic places, tablets to be erected, 7508. Historical aims and methods, 6520. collections, English and European, in libraries of United States, 28. commissions, Alabama, Mississippi, 1287. doctorate in America, requirements, 10. grouping, 3. industries, 10. ^ inquiry, method and aims, 1264. literature, seminary notes on recent, 1821. material, organization of, 5, 7. materials, 2. notes, 6065. opportunity in America, 38. research, 4, 4302. spirit of, 6. school, the new, 2795, 3102. seminaries, methods, 44. societies, American, work of, 28. conference of State and local, 28. cooperation, 2040. function of, 15. historians and, 3233. in the United States, 1581. in Wisconsin, 6973. of United States, bibliography, 7. origin of, 5843. use and benefits, 4540. value, 1013, 1017. society, oldest in country (Massachu setts). 6582. State, worth of, 1421. studies in Canada, 4. in the South, 4, 1281. study, methods in, 1814. value of, 4866. See also History, study of. / synthesis, 43. x testimony. 12. treatment, 24. work in Massachusetts, 2132, 2133. recent, in colleges and universities, 4, 6. History, accuracy in, 1580, 1600. American, course of, 4533, 4557. from German archives, 6365. biography, the basis of, 1580. Canada s work for, 1285. credibility of, 4480. ^ definition of, 10. demand for education in American, 7. ethical values in, 26. 4l>>. ethnologist s view of, 4558, 4653. European, in the college curriculum, 17. schools of, 1818. study of, 28. teaching of, 13. expenditures of foreign governments, 8. general, 7123. geographical pivot, 905. graphic methods, 2. heroic period, age of pilgrims, 5010. History, influence of, on individual and national action, 6948. institutional, 1856. key to universal, 4925. local units, 990. mountains, influence of, on, 11. new methods in, 5778. northern Europe, study of, 12. philosophic aspects of, 5. philosophy of, 5240, 5572. political science and, relation between, 13. preservation of sources, 4483. recent discoveries in. 4915. reconstruction of, 2. relation to politics, lo. relation to practice of law, 4406. right use of, 6020. sources of, 4851, 4946. Southern, recent work in, 6817. study and teaching, 4344o, 4449. study of, in England, 1818. in Germany and France, 1821. in Holland and Belgium, 1821. in Ohio, 5640. in schools, 16, 79, 4405. teaching of, 13. tendency of, 10. treatment of, 44. true nature of, 937. unity of, 5804. uses and importance of, 6776a. uses of, 5358. value of, 4924. value of local, 5544. value of old papers, 7345. what United States Government has done for, 11. writing of, 20, 461. History a science?, Is, 5, 7. an industry, 10. and democracy, 34. and historical composition, 1579. teaching, in elementary schools, 28. Hitchcock, A. S., 905. Hitchcock, E., 191, 214o, 268, 809. Hitchcock, Enos, diary, 6586. Hitchcock, N., 4096, 4097. Hitchcock, R. D., 5217. Hitchcock, S. E., 4925, 4932. Hitchcock family, 3398, 3756. Hitchings, A. F., 2277, 2278, 2280. Ilite, I., //., notebook, 6858. Hite family, 6891. Ilittell, J. S., 1047, 1067, 1073, 1087, 1089. Hixon, II. N., 2203, 2204, 2205. Hoadly, C. .!., 1109, 1110, 2793, 3368, 3369, 6057. letter from, 2779. Hoadley, F. II., 1161. Hoag, Ruth W., 3412. Ho-Ao, Hawaiian marriage, 7133. Hoar, E. R., 207, 2785, 2789, 2797, 2942. letter, 2799. Hoar, E. S., 196. 1148 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Hoar, G. F., 12, 196, 197, 198, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 270, 298, 329, 372, 471, 481, 1516, 2805, 3297, 3403, 3411, 3830a, 3684, 3876, 5714, 5727, 6244. Hoar, J. E., 2127, 3686. Hoar, L., letter, 1661. 2624. Hoar family, 3375, 3411, 3924c. (Leonard) family, 3412, 3929. Hoare, Charles, will of, 1638. 3403, 3830o. Hobart, C., 4302. Hobart, E., 995. " Hobbies," 4800. Ilobbs, G., 3367. Hobbs, Wilson, 1582. Hobbs family, 3367. 4165. Hobby, C. M., 1519, 1528. Hobby family, 3417. Hobgood, F. P., 5589. Hoboken, N. J., Church of Our Lady of Grace, 929. Hopoghan Hackingh, 5376. Indian deed, 1630. 5376. Hobson, F. G., 5960. Hobson, T., will, 1630. 3410. Hobson (John) family, 3417. Ilochelaga Indians, 7324. Hock, J., 6139. Iloekley. R.. letter book, 1739-1742. 6083, 6084. Hodgdon, Samuel, letter, 1793. 6070. Hodge, E. B., 6381, 6382. Hodge, F. W., 898, 5732. Hodge. H. L., 6382. Hodge, O. J., 5626. Hodge, W., 4767, 4770, 4780. Hodges, A. C., 1159, 1180. Hodges. A. D., 3411, 3412, 3414. Hodges, A. D., jr., 3410, 3416, 3686, 3687, 3913, 3926, 3936, 3973a. Ilodgin. C. W., 1462. Hodgkin (John) family, 3416. Hodgkins (Samuel) family, 3416. Hodgkinson, S., letter, 1776. 6066. Hodgman, F., 4284. Hodgson, W. B., 1304. Hoes, R. R., 5036, 5037. Hoes family, 5046. Hoffman, C. F., 5145. Hoffman, D. O. N., 902. Hoffman, E. A., 5388. Hoffman, F. L., 810, 811, 812, 813, 814. Hoffman, R., 2049. Hoffman, W. J., 2445, 2451, 6356. Hoffsten, E. G., 885. Hogan, P., 4690. Hogarth, 886. Hohlfeld, A. R., 886. Holbrook, B. P., 2205. Holbrook, J. C., 1499. Holbrook, S. L., 1802. Holbrook family, 3405, 3416, 3971a. Holbrooke, G. O., 6394. Holcomb, W. P., 1816. Holcombe, J. P., 6801, 6804. Holcombe, W. F., 5023. Holden, A., 3411, 3927a. Holden, David, diary of, 7463. journal, 1760. 2794, 3073. Holden, E., 3386, 3626. Holden, E. S., 3408, 3409. Holden, Horace, 5799. Holden, L, 1150. Holden, J. A., 5410. Holden, Mrs. J. R., 7378, 7379. Holden, M. E. R., 7298. Holden, S., 5436, 5440. Holden, W. W., 5570. Holden family, 3409. Holden, Mass., first church baptisms, 1743- 1822. 3416. Holder, C., letter, September 1. 1659. 7395. Holder, C. F., 904. Holen, Mary E. R., 7377. Holidays, national, what should they com memorate? 2805. old-time festivities, 1018 Holladay, S. W., 1063. Holladay family, 6829. Holland, F. W., 3384. Holland, H. W., 3670. Holland, J. K., 6679. Holland, W. J., 6873. Holland family (New York), 5024. Holland, buildings, etc., 2139. dikes, 902. ecclesiastical researches in, recent, 6381. history, study of, 1821. Holland, a poem, 7509. Holland, Mich., settlement, 4278. Hollander, J. H., 624, 625, 626, 628, 629, 1825, 1830a, 1861. Hollanders in New Jersey, 4539. Hollerith, H., 808. Holliday, C. K., 1579. Ilollingsworth, H., marriage certificate, 1688. 6078. Ilollinshead family, 5908. Hollis, B. P., 3322. Ilollis, I. N., 3339. Hollis. J. P., 1840. Ilollis, N. H., 3385. deed, 1674. 2794. early history, 3386, 3624. in war of Revolution, 3388, 3389. Hollister, G. H., 1153, 3683. Hollister, H. H., 4295. Holliston, Mass., description, 2621. Holly Springs, Miss., capture of, 4347. Hollyday, G. T., 6063. Holm, T. C., 5090, 5988. Holman, F. V., 5825. Holman, G. P., 5806. Holman, J., 4210. Holmes, A., 110, 2625, 2627, 2638, 2640, 2689, 2692, 2693, 2711, 2717. . Holmes, C. H., 4164. Holmes, E., letters, 1800. 4775. Holmes, F. C., 808. Holmes, G. F., 6801. Holmes, G. K., 808-811, 815. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1149 Holmes, John, 2139. letter, 1725. 3377. Holmes, John, of Pennsylvania, 5995. Holmes, J. C., 4259, 4264. Holmes, J. T., 6891. Holmes, M. M., 6869, 6870. Holmes, O. W., 2773, 2774, 2777, 2781, 2782, 2783, 2785, 2788, 2794, 2816, 2863, 2948, 3246, 5004, 5006, 5010. Holmes, O. W., jr., 2804, 3315. Holmes, W., diary, 1689-1746. 3406. Holmes family, Rhode Island and New Jersey, 993. (George) family, 3416. Holmes papers, 2786. Holmes v. Walton, 38. Holm, T. C., 5970. Holstein, Anna M., 5959, 5960. Holstein, G. W., 5959. Holt, E. J., 5593. Holt, H. H., 4278, 4279, 4280. Holt, Joseph, journals, 1758. 3368. Holten, S.. diary, 1778. 2800. Holter, R. E., 1005. Holton, D. P., 5016, 5017, 5018, 5056, 5510. Holton, II. D., 4098. Holton, S., diary, 1778. 2800. Holton family, 2267. Holy Sepulchre, sacred and military order of, 7346. Holyoke family, 2242. Homans, J. S., 586a. Home, a, of olden time, Boston, 3383. Homer, age of, 41. Homer, J., 2623, 2688. Homes, II. A., 4686, 4688, 4689, 4690, 4692, 4693, 4707, 4711, 4715, 4717, 5032, 5456. Homes, W., diary, 1689-1746. 3407, 3408. Homestead, Mich., history, 4283. Homestead, Iowa settlers, 1518. Homestead law, Iowa, 1515. Homestead legislation^ 40. Hornet family, 6397. Homicide in New Hampshire, 815. Honduras, 569. British, 576. trip to, 6464. Honolulu in 1817-18. 7130. in 1853. 7130. Honolulu Fort, history, 7135. Honywood, I ., will, 1684. 6851. Hood s campaign, Tennessee, 1653. Hooke, H., will, 3412. Hooke, M., petition, 1687. 3366. Hooke, W., governor of New Somersetshire province, Me., 3410. Hooke, Win., letter to John Winthrop, 2639. Hooker, Edward, 3405, 5033. diary, 1805-1808. 13, 29. Hooker, E. W., 3375. Hooker. T., abstract of two sermons, 1109. letter, 2796. letter in 1638. 1108, 1109. Hooker, W., 5801. Hooker family (New England), 5030. (Thomas) family, 3405. Hooper, J., 2044a, 2045. Hooper, J. H., 3319-3321, 3324, 3325. Hooper, O. C., 5721, 5725. Hoosac Tunnel, the, 7480. Hoover, H., 1515, 1517. Hoover, H. C., 5959. Hoover, Mary P., 1427. Hop growing, Lancaster County, Pa., 177?. 6186. Hope family, 6856. Hope furnace, first steam engine in Rhode Island, 6582. Hope, N. J., settlement of, 6222. Ilopewell, Ohio, copper objects, 5724. history, 5678, 5679. Hopewell, Pa., church register of Blimyers Church, 1761-1831. 6359. Hopkins, A. G., 5426, 5462. Hopkins, C. A., 6597. Hopkins, Daniel, 2258. Hopkins, K., letter to J. Oluey, 1777. 3377. Hopkins, E. A., 526. Hopkins, Ellen D., 3408, 5044. Hopkins, G. T., 4775. Hopkins, John, ancestors of, 1284, 1285. Hopkins, M., 5010. Hopkins, Rebeka, 5800. Hopkins, Samuel, correspondence, 359. letter to Dr. Bellamy, 1758. 4541. Hopkins, Stephen, 2637, 6488. letter, 1767. 6584. Hopkins, S. M., 5521. Hopkins, W. R., 5010, 5036. Hopkins, W. S. B., 4212. Hopkins, W. W., 1184. Hopkins family, 5521. in Rhode Island, 2241. Hopkinsianism, 200. Ilopkinson, F., letters to Jefferson, 3961. Ilopkinton, Mass., birth records, 1720-1757. 3372. public worship in, 3378. topography, 2622. Hopley, Mrs. J. R., 5736. Ilopoghan Hackingh, Hoboken, N. J., 5376. Hopper, T., 5426, 5463. Hoppin, J. M., 2239, 3687. Iloppin, W. W., 6520. Hoppin, W. W.. jr., 6574. Ilopson (John) family, 3417. Ilor ack, F. E., 1523, 1537-1542. Hore, E. C., 893. Hore, Thomas, will of, 1466. 211, 214. Horn, II. B., 1499, 1500, 1501. Hornblower, J. C., 4536, 4572. Hornblower family, 4623. Home, A. R., 6353. Homer, Charlotte N. S., 2425. Homer, I., 6342, 6343. " Hornet," shipping list, 1813. 3386. Horse thieves, pioneer protection from, 1518. 1150 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Horses, wild, in Maine, 3382. Horsey, Amy, 7381. Horsford, Cornelia, 899. Horsford, E. N., 561, 599, 748, 3398, 3758. Horsham, W., petition, 1684. 3392. Horst, Andrew L., 814. Horstmann, 5844. Horton, C. C., 1518. Horton, C. N., 3333. Horton, C. P., 3335. Horton, G. B., 4295. Horton, J. C., 1582. Hosack, D., 5091, 5116, 5118. Hoskinson, Mrs. J., 4777. Hosmer, Chief Justice, charge to grand jury, 1864, 1866. 4398. Hosmer, A. T., 811. Hosmer, G. W., 3389, 4747, 4771. Hosmer, J. H., 4396. Hosmer, J. K., 1814, 6970, 7105. Hosmer, S. D.. 2567, 4205, 4232. Hosmer, W. H. .. 4972. Hospital, proposition to build, in 1761. 2773. Hoss, E. E., 6674. Hotchkin, S. F., 5873, 7422. Hotchkiss, J. S., 1160. Hotchkiss, Mrs. Justus S., 3411. Hotchkiss (Samuel) family. 3416. Hotel Dieu of Ville-Marie, Mile. Mance and, 1634-1659. 7381. Hotman. 34. Houck, G. F., 915, 5845. Hough, F. B., 545, 1701, 1703, 1732, 4569, 4686, 4687, 4728, 4734. Hough, O., 6074, 6075, 6076, 6078, 6123a. Houghton, G. P., 6731. Houghton, G. W. W., 5359. Houghton, H. O., 6763. Houghton, J., 69306. Houghton family, 3377. Houlton family, 2267. Hourwich, I. A., 4819. Household furniture, sales at vendue, 1771. 6070. Housing accommodations, statistics,- 813. Houston, B., will, 1733. 6891. Houston, D. F., 2551. Houston,\J. W., 1220, 6165, 6166, 6167, 6168. Houston, R. J., 6165. Houston, Sam, 6679. letter to J. McMinn, 1823. 6685. Houston, W., 7. Houston family (Monongalia County, W. Va.), 6891. Hovey, Esther L., 902. Hovey, E. O., 903, 7391. Hovey, H. C., 567. Howard, Ada L., 2540. Howard, B., 574. Howard, C. H. C., 2262, 2263, 2264, 2266, 2269, 2275, 2276, 2277, 2278, 2280, 2480, 2504, 3777. Howard, G. E., 1837, 4405, 4419. Howard, J., Bridgewater company, 1754. 3409. Howard, McH., 3337. Howard, T. E., 1458. Howard, W. N., 5037. iioward family, 6850, 6854, 6859. (John Eager) family, 6857. Howe, Archibald M., 2137. Howe, C. E., 899, 1271. Howe, D. W., 1446, 1450, 1452, 1453. Howe, E., 3005. Howe, E. D., 5625. Howe, F., jr., 2200, 7402. Howe, F. T., 1266. Howe, G., 6374. Howe, H., reminiscences of travel, 5714. How^, Jonas, 7251, 7253. Howe, Joseph, 7324. Howe, J. S., 3329, 3331. Howe, S. S., 1497, 1499, 1510, 1511. Howe, Sir William, Expedition up Chesa peake, 6061, 6062. orders, 1775-1778. 5255. Howe s army, map of operations on Brandy- wine, 6082. Howe s trial, 1781. 5252. Howe, W. P., 1513. Howe, W. W., 1820. Howe family, 3362. Howell, G. R., 3392, 3687o, 4551, 4691, 4693, 4694, 4722, 4723, 4926, 5034, 5040, 5043. Howell, M. B., 6670. Howell, R. B. C., 505. Howell family, 5043. Howells, W. C., 7184. Howgate, H. W., 554. Howitt, W., 7347. Howland, A. C., 17. Howland, E., 4800. Howland, E. L., 4042a, 4045. Howland, H. R., 41, 4775. Howland, J., 6583. Howland, J. A., 3375, 4203, 6520. Howland, L. M., 3392. Howland, M. B., 4042a, Howland family, 3392, 4048, 4052. Howland, Ohio, 5689. Howlett family, Topsfleld, Mass., 4164. Howley, M. F., 7319, 7323, 7327, 7328. Hoyne, T., 1364. Hoyt, A. H., 186, 255, 421, 2786, 3383, 3385, 3386, 3387, 3388, 3398, 3575, 3580, 3586a, 3593, 3621, 3630, 3638, 3650c, 3683, 3684, 3761. Hoyt, A. S., 5473. Hoyt, D. W., 3370, 3387. Hoyt, Epaphras, journal, 1790. 7480. Hoyt, H. M., 6089. Hoyt, J. M., 4266. Hoyt, S., 7411. Hubard family, 6853, 6854. Hubbard, B., 4255. Hubbard, D., 1582. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1151 Hubbard, E., 3391. Hubbard, F. M., 3370. Hubbard, G. G., 891, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899. Hubbard, G. S., 1360, 4255. Hubbard, J., 2620. Hubbard, J. M., 901, 902. Hubbard, P. F., 4906. Hubbard, R. J., 5433, 5436, 5441. Hubbard, S. G., 1161, 4097. Hubbard, W., 2706, 2737, 2937. Hubbard Bay, 899. Hubbard family, 5048. Hubbard s history of New England, 2619, 2630, 2633, 2634, 2705, 2706, 2737. deficiencies in, 2785. letters respecting, 2631. prefatory note to, 2785. Hubbard s map of New England, 2794, 3064, 3069. Hubbardton, battle of, July 7, 1777. 6765. Hubbell, G. A., 5726. Hubbell, J., 4773. Huber, Ed., 2029. Huber, S. M. K., 7422. Huber, V., 5845. Huch, C. F., 886, 887. Buck s defeat, 1780. 1281. Hudde, A., 5096. Hudson, Charles, 2786, 2787, 2958, 2965, 3382, 3383, 3392. Hudson, D., 5721. Hudson, E., will, 1727. 3376. Hudson. II., voyage, 1609. 5096, 5097. voyages, 5089. Hudson s discovery of New York, 5086, 5089. Hudson, J. E., 209. Hudson, M. E., 2593, 2594. Hudson, M. F., 995. Hudson, R., 4293. Hudson family, 6072. Hudson, Ohio, centennial, 5721. Congregational Church, 5705. Hudson, Wis., 6927. Hudson s Bay, 1702. department, 4302. expedition, 7391. Indians of, 1702. Hudson Bay and straits, navigation of, 7148/ 1 . Hudson s Bay Company, 1670-1870. 562. deed to Lord Selkirk, 7149/. diary of N. Garry, 1822-1835. 7325. farm at Fort Vancouver, 5813. regime in Oregon, 5842. Hudson Bay route, 7148. Hudson Highlands, birds of, 2366. Hudson River, 580. Dutch village communities on, 1816. overslagh, 4710. Hudson Valley, 5153. Hiihner, L., 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 637. Hueston family, 1642. Huff, S. W., 1497, 1502-1504. Huffcut, E. W., 5436, 5442. Ilufham, J. D., 5589, 5590, 5591. Huger, A., letter, 1863. 6619. Huger family, 6615. Huggins, A., 4280. Hughes, Archbishop, and the draft riots, 927. Hughes, G., letters, 1733-1736. 6080. Hughes, J. M., 2772. Hughes, Memucan, 6068. Hughes, Thomas, 4312, 5853. Hughes family, 993. (Powhatan County, Va.), 6829. Hughson, S. C., 1825. Huguenot, builders of New Jersey, 5039. character, some traits of, 4892. church lot, New York, 4896. element among Dutch, 5306. in Pennsylvania, 4894. emigration, 6612, 6614. of 1670-1700. 6616. to South Carolina, 6623. to Virginia, 6811. families, 4895. influence in Rhode Island, 6520. martyrs of Meaux, 4895. medals, description of set, 4895. origin and meaning, 3395. patentees of New Paltz, N. Y., 4894. refugees in America, family names, 4896. South Carolina, names of, 4892. settlement at Oxford, Mass., 4892. in Virginia, 1700, report, 6812. settlers and landowners, Monmouth County, N. J., 5035. on the Kennebec, 1709. Huguenot Society of America, catalogue of books, etc., 4901. of Germany, 4893. Huguenots, the, 4214. and the Beggars, 4893. and Dutch, mingling of, in early New York, 4892. and edict of Nantes, 6564. at Oxford, Mass., 1686. 2717. emblematic flower and distinguishing color of, 4893. in Dresden, Me., 1709. in Dublin, Ireland, 6621. in North America, first home of, 4894. in Pennsylvania, 4894. in St. John s, Berkeley co., So. Car., 1618. in South Africa, 4895. of France, 4894. of old Boston, 4894, 4903. of Rhode Island, 4894. of South Carolina, 4892, 6615, 6616, 6618. of the " Desert," 4892. of Ulster County, N. Y., 4855, 4893. on Hackensack, 4514, 4892, 4900. religious liberty, recovery of, 4894. Huguet-Latour, L. A., 7347a. Huichoi Indians, 579. Iluidekoper, A., 5973. 1152 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Hulbert, A. B., 5720, 5721. ^ Hulbert, H. B., 576. Hulbert, II. W M 773. Huling, R. G., 6581. Hull, A. L., 1289. Hull, C. T., 995. Hull, G., descendants, 995. Hull, I., 2098. Hull, Joel, 4409. Hull, John, abode of, 2791. diaries of, 118. Hull, Commodore Joseph B., and " Con stitution," 5026. Hull, J. T., 1686. Hull, W. I., 1950a. Hull family, 2247. Hull House, 810. Hull, Mass., births, 1692-1718. 3386. burying ground, inscriptions, 3370. charges for beacon, etc., 1673-74. 3374. history, 3364, 3365. naming of, 3417, 3986. petition, March 3, 1675. 3364. records, 1658-1702. 3385. records, 1718-1724. 3389. Ilulott, J., letter from Barbados, 1659. 3403. Hulst, G. D., 7507. Human race, progress of, 5184. Humble petition and advice, the, 43. Humboldt, A. von, 262. letter, 1845. 41. Sec also Humboldt commemoration. Humboldt, Nebr., old settlers, 4424. Humboldt Bay, Cal., discovery, 1000. Humboldt Celt, 293. Humboldt commemoration, 545. Hume, G., letters, 1723. 6854. Hume, T., 5589. Hume family, letters, 1743-1759. 6856. Hummer s bell, 1504. Humphrey, G. W., 2195. Humphrey, J., 1578o. Humphrey, J. W., 4284. Humphrey, O. M., 3407. Humphreys, A. A., 6057. Humphreys, Mrs. Benjamin G., letters of, 4346. Humphreys, D., 4870. Humphreys, F., 5018. Humphreys. J., farm, Lynn, Mass., 1701. 3389. Humphreys family, 5018. Humphry family, 3366. Hunan, province, 901. Hungarian emigration, 5633. "Hungry March," the, 2791. Hunnewell, J., 7130. Hunnewell, J. F., 201, 202, 206, 208, 211, 364, 385, 422, 494, 2804, 2806, 2807, 2808, 3240, 3381, 3382, 3391, 3400, 3412, 3935, 7393. Hunnewell family, 3412, 3935. Hunt, Agnes, 7529. Hunt, Benj., diary, 1799-1812. 5878. Hunt, F., 3684. Hunt, F. L., 7156. Hunt, G., 12, 22, 34, 35, 36, 1285, 6078. Hunt, H. D., 811. Hunt, Capt. Oliver, muster roll of com pany, May 5, 1795. 1715. Hunt, R. D., 1826. Hunt, Mrs. S. B., 4800. Hunt, S. F., 5719-5721. Hunt, T. D., 545. Hunt, T. S., 546. Hunt, W. H., 576, 577. Hunt, W. T., 4557. Hunt family, 3366. of Westtown, Pa., 5878. Hunter, A., 1281. Hunter, E. M., 6930. Hunter, James, letters to, 1766-1775. 6084. Hunter, Joseph, 2648, 2649. letter, 1768. 6084. Hunter, Mary R., autobiography, 5038. Hunter, R., administration, 4596. Hunter, R. M. T., 6801, 6803. Hunter, W. A., 1503, 1504. Hunter, W. H., 5720, 5721, 5723, 5724. Hunter (John) family, 6855. Hunter genealogy, 5751. Hunter lodges, 1837-38. 4777. Hunterdon County, N. J., 4590. first century of, 4549. history, 4555, 4643. instructions to representatives, 1771. 4544. tombstone inscriptions, 4559. Hunting, Esther, will of. 1676. 2201. Hunting, John, will of, 2201. Hunting, N., 5048, 5049. Huntingdon County, Pa., 6009. Huntington, Ebenezer, letters, 1774-81. 39. lluntington, Ellsworth, 578. Huntington, Frederick, 4097. Huntington, G., 1522. Huntington, G. C., 7409. Huntington, Jedediah, letters, 2667. letters, 1776. 2797. Huntington, Joseph, letter to E. Hunting- ton, 3363. Huntington, Joshua, letters, 1776. 2797. Huntington, J. F., 3334. 3336. Huntington, Helen M., 3683. Huntington, Mary C., 1204, 5043. Huntington, P. W., 5751. Huntington, W. R., 5398. Huntington family, 3359, 3363, 3366. 3368. Huntington, L. I., cemetery, tombstone in scriptions, 1701-1850. 5046, 5O47, 5048. Huntington Township, Ohio, inscriptions iu Lutheran graveyard, 5748. Huntoon, D. T. V., 2086, 2130, 3387, 3389, 3402, 3683, 3684, 3685, 3687. Hunt s Point cemetery, N. Y., 5030. Huntsville, Tex., 6681. Huntting, N., 5039-5041, 5043-5045. Huntting, T. D., 2197. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1153 Hupa language, morphology, 1095. Hupa life and culture, 1094. Hupa texts, 1094. Ilurd. C. E., 3888. Hurd, D. H., 4188. Ilurd, H. B.. 4295. Hurd, II. M., 4265. Hurd, P. R., 4259. Hurlbut, G. C., 562, 564, 566, 567, 568. Hurl but. H., 5468. Ilurlbut, II. H., 1365, 1396. Hurlbut, Harriet P., 1396. Hurley, N. Y., history, 5549. Huron, G. A., 1581. Huron, Lake, discovery, etc., 5787. geography and geology of, 7470. Huron, Ohio, history, 7408, 7409, 7417. Huron Count} , Mich., memorials, 4280. Huron County, Ohio, 5635, 5643. pioneer life, 5639. temperance league, 7417. Huron Indians. language, 919, 7173. mission, account book, 919. processes used in dyeing, 7173. Huron-Iroquois of Canada, 7309. Huron River, Indian works on, 7418. Hurons, country of, 7350. of Lorette, 7325. Hurricanes, Texas coast, 901. tropical, 576. Hurry, E. A., 5038. Hurry family of England, 5050. Hurst, J. F., 772, 777. Hurst, T. M., 6670. Hurtubis, F., jr., 7393. Husband family, 6066. Huse, W. H., 4427. Hussey, T., 1516, 1517. Hussey family, 3408. Ilusted family, 5047. Hutchcraft genealogy, 1643. Hutchings, W., 1705. Hutchins, F. E., 5719. Hutchins, F. L., 4209, 4212. Hutchins, Jlrs. H., 4280. Hutchins, H. B., 4292. Hutchins, J., 5688. Hutchins, J. G., 5627. Hutchison, Aaron, sermon, July 2, 1777. 6753. Hutchinson, Anne, controversy with, 2627. trial of, March 1638. 2794, 3071, 4123. Hutchinson, C. H., 6082. Hutchinson, C. W., 5454. Hutchinson, E., letter. 1693. 2771. Hutchinson, Israel, orderly book, 1775-76. 2785, 2786, 2945. Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas, 3382, 3588. address to, 1774. 2781. anonymous pamphlet by, 2802. attack on house of, 2773. autograph letters, 2774. " Conversation with the King," 2791. correspondence relative to " History of Massachusetts Bay." 3384. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 73 Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas, diary of, 2789, 2791. historical publications, 2772. bibliographical essay on, 2755. home of, 2788. journal of, 2784. letter, 1770, on the Boston massacre, 2775. letter, 1773. 2773. letter, 1775. 2785. letters of, 2788. controversy respecting, 2785. pamphlet of, 2802, 3288. papers, 2638, 2639, 2780, 2782, 4101. extracts from. 2781. report on, 2771, 2779. i Hutchinson, W., 1580, 1581. I Hutchinson, W. F., 6595, 6597. j Hutchinson family, 2249, 2314, 3377, 3378, 3380, 3385, 3559a. (William) family, 3517. Hutchinson, Minn., history, 4312. Hyatt, A., 2299. Hyatt manuscripts, 1854-57. 1577. Hyde, A., 2048. Hyde, C. M., 7141. Hyde, John, 809, 899. Hyde, J. B., 4775. Hyde, W., 4374. Hyde Park. Mass., births, 1854-1857. 2571, 2572. geological formation of, 2572. incorporation of, 2571. public library, 2573. schools, 2572. Butler school, 2571. high school, 2573. Stony Brook, 2573. streets of, 2571. 2573. Sumner homestead, 2572. vital statistics. 2573, 2574. Young Men s Christian Association, 2573. Hyder, N. E., 6671. Hydrographic surveys, marine, 7474. Hydrography in United States, 897. Hydrophobia, cure ^or, 5115. Hygiene, congress of. 810. Hymn, fast-day. 1764. 3324. Hymns in ecclesiastical history. 2807. Hyperboreans, 7174. Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne, Kieur d 1 , 4302. marriage contract, 7347a. voyage, 1698. 7206. Icaria, 853, 1502. Icarian community, 1518. Ice cave and frozen wells, 902. Ice trade, letter by F. Tudor, 2772. Iceland, dwellings of Saga-time. 899. Icelanders on Washington Island. 6936. Icelandic settlements in Canada, early, 7154. Idaho, boundary, 901. wonders, 1004. Iddings, L. M., 5689. Ide, G. B., 6706. Ideal commonwealth, 4861, 1154 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Iguauidae, West Indian, 2476. He d Orleans, Can., Church of St. Laurent, 7345. " 111 newes from England." 2650. Illegitimacy, 809, 814. Illinois, archaeological research, 1425. attorneys-general of, 1424. birds of northeastern, 2338. boundary between Illinois and Wiscon sin, 1411. coals. 1437. constitutional conventions, 1424 . educational convention. 1853. 1427. eminent statesmen and lawyers of, 7425. granger movement, 1438. high schools, statistical study, 1436. historic places in, 1424. historical department, 1423. history, 1366, 1401, 1424. early, 1370, 1375. from 1778-1833. 1355. history of southern, 1371. Indians of, 1356, 1357. industrial history, 1424. inhabitants, early, 1424. internal improvement, 1837-38. 1423. Irish, first, in, 610. judicial history of, 1423. law of. 1423. lead mining in Illinois, early, 10. list of early citizens, 1383. local government, 1813. mounds in, 5732. national educational movement, 1850-62. 7425. newspapers, early, 1415. newspapers and newspaper men, 7425. Paris documents, relating to, 1730-31. 1423. people of, 1423. pioneer leaders, 1417. pioneer mothers. 7425. printing in, early, 1415. railroads, early, 1387. railway legislation since 1870. 1437. religious leaders, early. 1423. Republican State convention, 1854. 1428. slavery, early movement for legalization of, 1353, 1359. slavery and free negroes, 1818-1865, leg islation on, 7425. Spaniards in. 2. statesmen, forgotten. 7425. township government in, 7425. travels. 1819. 1424. trip from Pennsylvania to, 1851. 7425. under French, 1673-1765. 7425. Volunteers, Fourth Regiment, Company B, 1426. Whigs and Whig leaders, 1428. Illinois, county of, 3 Illinois as a constituency, in 1850. 1539. Illinois Central Railroad, history, 13)S7. Illinois College, history of, 1423. Illinois Herald, extracts from. 1424. Illinois in American Revolution, 1422. Illinois Indians, chiefs in Paris, 916. vocabulary, 916. Illinois Normal University, 1427. Illinois Soldiers Orphans Home. 1427. Illinois Wesleyan University, 1427. Illuminative writing among Pennsylvania Germans, 5867. Imlaystown, N. J., Yellow Meeting House burial ground, 5043. Immigrants, America, 1630-1712. 3389. from Jersey, 3389. in America, 1680. 3391. to New Netherland, list of early, 5029, 5030. Immigration, 809. character of our, past and present, 7474. German, in United States, 4845, 4847. into American colonies, 6066. Hungarian, 5633. into United States, 5176, 5181. into upper Canada, early, 7381. Irish, into United States since 1790. 610. obstructions to, in Pennsylvania, 1736. 6077. Italian, 811, 813. laws, colonial, 4829. our, in 1904. 7474. statistics, 812. bibliographical note on, 808. studv, in, 812. Imperial federalism, 11. * in England, 6967, 7083. Imperialism, 2597. early decision on, 1286. Implements, stonecutting, 5732. Import and export valuations, 812. Importation agreement, 1786. 3160, Imports and exports, New England, 1642. 4446. Impost of 1781, Rhode Island and, 11. Imprint, first Boston, 3231. Imprints, American, 3226, 3227. early, 2799, 3295. from 1668-1700. 2807. Inaugurations, Presidential, centennial of first, in Washington, 1268. Inches, J. W., 4299. Income tax, Germany, 84. Increase of human life, 800, 802. Indenture of apprenticeship, 1747. 3392. Indentured servants, New France, 7349. Independence, Did the American colonists desire? 3388. Independence, sentiment in Middle States in 1759. 2629. Indeterminate sentence, 4294. Index numbers, 811, 815. Index to persons. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 4017". Index to genealogical and biographical sketches. New Hampshire. 4455. Index to genealogies in New England His torical and Genealogical Register, 3886. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1155 Index to necrology, 1781-82. 3720. Index to reports of Bureaus of Labor sta tistics for 1887. 807. Index to testators in Waters 8 Genealogical Gleanings, 3914. Indexing public records, 3392, 3689. India, farther, peoples of, 569. German route to, 901. northern, topography, 571. Indian, East, archipelago, 531. Indian, American, 1825. conquest of the, 5726. Crawford s statue of, 5301. Indian affairs (policy, customs, manners). 6009. Maine," in 1779. 1711. Maine, Penhallow papers, 3390. Pennsylvania, letter on, 1763. 6080. Sudbury, Mass., in 1676. 3365. Indian agriculture in southern Wisconsin. 7109. Indian Bible, manuscript of, 40336. Indian captives. See Deerfield, Mass. Indian catechism. Pierson s, 1110, 1121, 1127. Indian character due to climate, 1519. Indian chiefs, monuments to, 5721, 5723. of the Northwest, 69 32. Indian children put to service, 1676. 3366. Indian customs and recollections, 6931. Indian forts, 1663. 5549. Indian funeral, 4279. Indian games, 2460, 2470. Indian grammar. Eliot s, 2637. Indian hemp, 2796. Indian implements in Kansas. 1582. Indian justices, administration of, 1716. 4255. " Indian land," " Fair-play " settlers, 1773- 1785. 6063. Indian primer, 1669. 207. Indian raids, 1577. Indian relics, 227, 228. discovered near Monongahela City, Pa., 6279. Roman Catholic. 6428. Indian Ridge, Andover, Mass., and its con tinuations, 2350. Indian slaves, 6856. in 1659. 6854. of King Philip s war, 6580. Indian summer, 2139, 3361. Indian Territory, 549, 571. history, 7123. survey, 897. Indian tract, " The Day Breaking," 27 .M>. Indian trader troubles, 6187. Indian traders, early, 6186. Indian trails, early, Worcester County, Mass.. 4132, 4210. Indiana, 1453-1455. centralization of administration, 4834. executive journal, 1453-1455. glacial phenomena of northern, 14.-.7. early history of central, 1451. naming of, 1462. Indiana, party politics, 1861-1865. 24. supreme court, 1458. territory of, 1531. laws and courts, 1452. waterways, 1457. " Indiana " Land Company. 6070. ^ Indianapolis, 1452. early history. 1445, 1451. Masonry, 1453-1455. Indians and Europeans, 4203. Indians and indictments, 5627. Indians, American, 2184, 6166. American Revolution, employment of, 5147. artistic faculty, 7310. Asiatic origin, 7172. burial customs (rites mortuaires), 7309. contribution to civilization, 211, 496.,- dress and ornaments, 206, 426. engraving by, 5972. food of, 205, 408. -- half-breed, the, 7310. life, habits, customs, 6520, 6546. literary faculties, 7309. medicine, 683. missions, 2197, 4255. money, 1814. mythology, 4248. observations on, 2623. origin of, 5971, 5987, 6928. philosophy of, 552. plan for civilizing. 1765. 3369. poetry, 7312. portraits, 5971. les races indigenes, 7309. regaining and preserving peace with, 5907. relations with first settlers, 1521. relations with United States Government, 6541. our dealings with the, 206. 42::. religion, 5091, 5117. religion, early attempts to convert, 2628. right to lands, in America, 1724. 2622. soldiers attached to Tenth Infantry, 1521. state of Indian nations, 1759. 6009. stone implements of, 714. textile substances used by, 7173. trading expedition from Fort Walla Walla to Blackfoot country, 1858. 4396. traditions, etc., 5995. traits of, 2623. treatment of. by the colonists, 421(5. utensils and implements. 60<><>. war of 1812, employment of. in, 12. Indians, Arizona, report, 188. }. 1520. California. 2399. Indian culture, types, 1O95. Los Angeles County. Cal., 2451. Canada, 7185, 7213. conversion, 7359. origin of, 7 1ST. in Acadia, 176O. 1 C.L s. of British Columbia, 7313. 1156 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Indians, of Grand River valley, 7470. Gulf of St. Lawrence, escape from, 7257. of Hudsons Bay, 1702. of Newfoundland, 7316. of Quebec, 7347. Ungava district, Labrador, 7312. Connecticut, 1107. number of, 1774. 2628. on Connecticut River, 2628. Stratford. Conn., 2628. Georgia, remains in southern, 1323. Illinois, 1794. 38. in Evanston, 111., 1414. Iowa, mounds, 4302. of Tama County, Iowa, 1522, 1523. Kansas, reservations in, 1582. Shawnee County, Kans., after 1855. 1582. Maryland, missions in, 1875. Maine, affairs in, 3405, 3406. 3407. captives of, in 1689. 3376. on the Kennebec, 1717. 3550. kidnapped from, 1605. 2792. submission. 1698. 4447. Massachusetts (eastern), 2628. captives, 1749-50. 3079. dictionaries, 207. defeat at Wrentham, Mass., 2628. literature, 207. massacres in, 1703-1746. 3367. services of Gideon Ilawley among, 2622. Dartmouth, Mass., engagement of. 1671. 2623. Eastham, Mass., deed, 1692. 3374. Martha s Vineyard, Mass., 2619. Mashpee, Mass., 1767. 2631. at Natick, Mass., 1749. 2628. in Natick. Mass.. traits, 2622. near Southbridge, Mass., 4135. Stockbridge, Mass., 2628. mission in, 2044a. school at Stockbridge, 2628. Taunton, Mass.. massacres in 4033c. Michigan, cession of lands by treaty of Saginaw, 1819. 4278. Reminiscences of Calhoun and Kala- mazoo counties, Mich., 4262. United States, cession to, by treaties, 4278. Mississippi, Indian council, Noxubee River, 4347. east of Mississippi, 5146. Nebraska, 4406, 4407, 4417, 4424. troubles, 4408. New England, 2618, 2619. attempts to convert to Christianity. tracts, 2642. Christian. 117. churches, 1673. 2628. earliest printed books on, 2800. missions, 181, 245. tracts, religious, attempts to convert, 1647. 2642. Indians Continued. New Hampshire, and early settlements, 4428. Manchester, N. H., 4429. attack at Walpole, N. H., 4447. New Jersey, 4548, 4648. New Mexico, 837, 4677. New York State, 5090, 5433, 5476. grants of lands from, 4885. Buffalo Creek, N. Y. ; .1. Lindley s visit, 1797. 4775. villages, Jefferson County, N. Y., 4908. at Niagara, 1764. 2628. list of the nations of, 1764. 2628. services of Gideon Hawley among, 2622. Oneida, N. Y., 1796. 2623. Northwest, 518. primitive customs and beliefs, 5798. Ohio, 5717, 5719, 5726, 5777, No. 50. migration in Ohio, 5764, 5777, No. 47. murders, 1819. 7411. Ohio, thoroughfares, 5720. at Sandusky, Ohio, 7400. massacre, 1813. 7408. Oregon, 5797, 5832. myths, 211. Pennsylvania, 690. belt of wampum delivered to W. Penn, 1682. 5975. depredations, 1768. 6084. eastern, 1756. 6075. history, manners, customs, 5927, 5981. Indian and Moravian occupancy, Wyo ming Valley, Pa.. 1742-1763, 6467. Lancaster County, Pa., 5973. on Susquehanna, famine. 1748. 6072. Path Valley, Pa., 6155. petition of, to Goi\ Markham, 1681. 5971. policy of Colona Pennsylvania, 5899. in Rhode Island, number of, 1774. 2628. Southern, 1768. 2628. observations on, 2622. of southwestern United States, 829, 840. in Virginia. 1622. 6857. an execution in 1659. 6854. government and religion, 1826. Lancaster County, Va., affairs, 6852. massacre, Isle of Wight, Va., 1622. 6855. Northampton County, Va., 1650. 6853. of southern Virginia. 1650-1711. 6831, 6832. Columbia River Valley, Wash.. 4693. council at Walla Walla, Wash., May- June, 1855. 6870. Western, 2622, 2630. embassy to, 5968. language, religion, and traditions, 1504. of Wisconsin, number, locality, and re moval, 6901. agriculture in southern Wisconsin, 6973. conveyances, 1793-1836. 6937. New York Indians, 6968. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1157 Indians Continued. trade in Wisconsin, 1822. languages, 211, 518, 001, 745, 3307 6108. Algonquin, definitions of Indian terms 1701. America, indebtedness of English to, 3378. books and tracts in, 1653-1721. 181. Eliot s Indian grammar, 2637. Massachusetts, 2637, 3732. grammar of, 2714. vocabulary, 2640, 2718. Muhhekaneew, language of, 2716. Narragansett, language, 2623. New Hampshire, language, 4427. New England, language, key to, 2621. remarks on, 1697. Sec also Names of various tribes, names, geographic, 2794, 3082, 6584. mode of application, 4453. preservation of, 3378. geographic, place names, in Connecti cut, 1122. in Iowa, 1510. in Barnstable, Mass., 2610. in Truro, Mass., 2619. in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary land, and Virginia, 6222. in Rhode Island, 6520. in valley of Merrimack, 4453. in Wisconsin, 6925. Sec also Names, Indian, proper names, 5964. Indian treaties, 1521. 1700. 1773-1796. 1304. 1815-1817. 6671. 1815-1819. articles of peace, 1727. 4447. Boston, 1725. 4447. Canadian, 7161a. Casco, 1727. 4447. Falmouth, 1726 and 1727. 1699. in 1749. 4447. Fort William Henry, 1693. 4447. Fort Pitt, 1717. 4447. Georgetown, 1717. 1699, 4447. treaty with William Penn, 1682. 5971, 5989, 6062. Philadelphia and adjacent country, 5971. Piscataqua. 1713. 4447. Portsmouth, N. II., 1702-3. 4447. with Indians northwest of the Ohio 1793. 2643. treaty and its negotiation, 1513. Indian treaty, 1752. 3378. Indian tribes, North America, 117. British North America, 5218. Brothertown, 2624. Five Civilized Tribes, 576. Lancaster County, Pa., 6165. Mississippi, 4348. in New England, 2647. northwest of the Ohio, journal of treaty with, 1793. 2643. Indian tribes, Six Nations, as United Em pire Loyalists. 7366. Six Nations, treaty with, 1744. 2625. Wisconsin, 6927, 6938. See also Names of tribes. Indian war, 167(5. 6855, 6856. People distressed in Massachusetts Colony, 4448. correspondence relative to, 1761-1800, 4272. papers, 1675-1789. 3361. Indian wars, 6797. Augusta County, Va., 6826. in 1745. 3360. last tragedy, 1717. in New England, 3370, 3373, 4446. 1703-1726. 4469. of southern Oregon, 5800. period of, 1716. Tazewell County, Va., 6777. Washington, 1855. 6870. Wisconsin, 6930&. Yonkers, N. Y., 1655. 5563. Indies, Spanish laws, bibliography, 1004. Indulgences in Spain, 771, 780. Industrial consolidations, 813. Industrial education, 1806. economic value of, 4295. Industrial experiments, 1858. Inebriety and suicide, 811. Infant mortality, 814. Ingall, Lieut., 7173. Ingalls, G. A., 5411. Ingalls, T. It., 4683. Ingalls, W., 3682. Ingalsbe, G. M., 5412, 7475. Ingersol, George, letter, 1675. 3366. Ingensoll, C. J., 694, 696. 712, 6389. Ingersoll, E., 551, 561, 562. Ingersoll, Henry, diary, 36. Ingersoll, J. R., 5176, 6026. Ingersoll, L. D., 1500, 1505. Ingersoll, Richard, will, 1644-45. 3367. Ingersoll, Susannah, ancestry of, 2250. Ingersoll family, 2240. Ingham, Mary B., 5647. Ingham, W. H., 1517. Ingham County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280, 4283. Ingle, E., 1281, 1282, 1813, 1815, 1824 1939, 4351. ngle, R., 1939. Ingle family, 1266. Inglehart, F. M., 4773. Ingles, M., letter of, 6854. Ingleside, Ky., pioneer home, 1645. Ingoldsby, Lieut. Gor., administration, 4595. Ingraham, Joseph, 2620. Ingraham, R. C., 3372. Ingraham s Islands, 2620. Ingram s rebellion, 2629. Inheritance in man, 815. Inheritance tax, 4821. Initiative and referendum, 4294. Ink-pa-du-ta massacre, 1857. 4304. Inland, Mich., history, 4^83. 1158 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Inland Lock Navigation Company, 4771. Inman, <}., narrative of American Revolu tion, 6063. Inn, North Carolina, described, 6068. Innes. II., letters, 6828. Inns in olden times, 6059. See also Ordinaries ; Taverns. Innuits of Arctic coast, 7319. Inquest, ancient, in New Hampshire, 3380. Inquisition in northern France. 41. in Peru, 635. in South America, 627. Inquisitor, first Castilian, 34. Insanity, geographical distribution. 904. in England, 811. statistics, 814. Insects. 1510. orders, suborders, and genera, 7177. Insects and insect studies, 4694. Insignia. American, 667. military societies, 664. Inspection return, 1780. 6581. Institutional and economic history, 1825. Institutional beginnings in a Western State. 1515. Institutional law, 1852. Institutions. history of, 1856. reports, 814. southern. 1282. statistics, 813. Insulinde, 4883. Insurance. 811, 4831. Insurance, life, 810. Insurance atlas, 814. Insurance records, 807. Interdict, local, origin of the, 17. Interest, fall in rates of, 808, 809, 811. rates in California, 812. International arbitration, United States and, 8, 901. International coinage, 6270. International Congress of Historical Sci ences at Rome, 2807. International geographic conference, 895. International law as to newly discovered territory, 4. history, 5091. International Statistical Institute, 809- 811. International statistics, 813. Interoceanic communication by American Isthmus, 5188. Interstate commerce act, purpose, etc., 4292. from shippers standpoint, 4292. Interstate properties. State taxation of. 4295. " Interval " and " Intervale " topographical terms, 2157. " Intervale," meaning of term, 2138. Inventions, nineteenth century, 5436, 5445. Wisconsin s contributions to American, 7105. Ionia County, Mich., first settlers, 4280. memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. Iowa, administration, 1537, 4835. problems in, 1555. admission of, 15, 1531, 1830a. animals, 1518. annals, 1497. at Annapolis and West Point, 1518. anthropological instruction. 1548. anthropology, 1537. Army of Southwest, 1501-1503. assembly districting and apportionment, 1538. banking, early. 1517, 1570. banks, 1523. battle flags, 1513. bench and bar, early reminiscences. 1519. bibliography of State publications. 1898- 1903. 1537-1539, 1549. board of control system, 1516-1518. board of education, 1477. 1515. border war, 1513. boundary disputes, 1522. Missouri, 1519. 1523. southern, 1501, 1502, 1513. bureau of historical research, in connec tion with Carnegie Institution, 1556. business education, 1504. capitals and capitols, 1520. capitol, 1517, 1522. primitive capitol building, 1514. census, 1519. chain of title to, 1513. child labor, 1539-1542. early church history, 1523. civil war, 1520. 1523. common law. 1514. 1528, 1531. Congressional districting, 1537, 1550. constitution, amendments. 1523, 1539. constitution and admission into the Union, 1830a. constitution, fiftieth anniversary ad dress on adoption of, 1514. constitutional conventions of, 1844 and 1846. 1524. constitutional convention of, 1857. 1515, 1522. constitutional convention, reunion of. 1846. 1515. copy of journal of proceedings to locate seat of government. May 1 -No vember 15, 1839. 1524. corals, 1518. corporate regulation, 1538. counties, 1520. naming of, 1514. county organizations of, 1515. early courts, 1524. Daughters of American Revolution. 1538. Democratic caucus, first, 1506, 1507. destruction of lakes, 1514. development and resources, 1504. dog law, 1862. 1513. early days, 1507, 1522. eastern border of, in 1817. 1524. in 1818. 1518. in 1823. 1517. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR TNDEX. 1159 Iowa, education, ir20. early education, 1522. education of mutes, 1500. State educational institutions, 1502. State history in- high schools. 1547. election regulations, 1537. early explorations, 1520. extracts from records of Congress con cerning, 1522. fifty-two years in, 1513. financial history, 1517. first Presbytery, 1511. first things in, 1514. first white man in, 1514. Hood of 1851. 1517. Fort Defiance hospital, 1523. forts, 1516. frontier, 1477. fugitive-slave case, 1516. 1850. 1518. fugitive-slave law, 1514. geological map, 1513. geological survey, 1515. geology, 1518, 1519. glaciers, 1516, 1519. government, 1518. government surveying, 1514. governors, letters of Territorial, 1517. governors, messages of, 1557-1563. granger law. 1529-1542. graves of Revolutionary soldiers, 1517, 1523. Presidential visits to, 1523. hardships of pioneers, 1517. the " hard times " of 58- 60. 1523. Historical building, laying of corner stone, 1899. 1516. historical lectures, 1802. 1528. historical - anthropological possibilities, 1537, 1543. history, 1503-1508, 1517, 1518-1520, 1523, 1524, 7123. documentary material, 1523. documents, 1530, 1532, 1533, 1534, 1535. early leaders in professions, 1529. fragments, 1522. from 1699 to 1821. 1524. in 1822. 1519. history in high schools, 1537. early homes, 1516. homestead, life in, 1518. homestead law, 1515. Indian affairs, 1830-1843. 1517. Indian claims, 1515. Indian history, 1515. Indian scene, 1524. Indian tribes before 1846. 1514. Indian troubles, 1514. Indians, 1518, 1528. institutional beginnings, 1814. early journalism, 1511, 1521. last fifty years in, 1522. laws, 1518. prior to 1858. 1518. -transplanting to Oregon, 5801. Iowa, early lawyers, 1522. legislation, 1516. legislature, celebration of capture of Fort Donelson, 1521. general survey of literature, 1537. local tradition, 1554. maps illustrating boundary history, 1538. Masonic library, 1523. meteorites, 1519. Methodism, early, 1519, 1522. military history. Eighth Regiment Iowa Infantry. 1502. First Iowa at Wilson s Creek, 1520. regimental flag of First Iowa Volun teer Infantry, history of the. 149S. in tribute to the Sixteenth Iowa Regi ment, 1520. Twenty-second infantry, at Vicksburg, 1503. Twenty-fourth Iowa Volunteers, from Muscutine to Winchester, 1513. from Winchester to Davenport, 1513, 1514. volunteers, muster roll, 1846. 1519. mines, 1515. Mormons in, 1514. mounds, 1508, 1509, 1538, 1539, 1556b, 1556c. municipalities, 1537. National University of Agriculture, 1538. negroes, 1515. newspaper and printing press, first, 1504. newspapers, 1499. north and south railroads, 1504. northern border brigade of 1862-63. 1517. Northwest, 1504. early settlement, 1505, 1506. notable deaths, 1513-1515, 1517. origin of name, 1515, 1522. party organization, 1537, 1553. pioneer days, 1477. pioneer editors of northeastern, 1517. pioneer history, 1515. pioneer preachers, 1522. pioneer railroads, 1523. pioneers, early. 1521, 1522. recollections of, 1523. political ideas and institutions, 1518. politics, early, 1522. portraits, 1514. prehistoric, 1528. press, first in, 1504. first priests in, 1520. primitive man, 1515. public dinner in Territorial days, 1521. public documents, 1517. railroad legislation, 1521. recollections of men and affairs, 1513. reconstruction, 1572. regulation of trade and morals, prior to 1858. 1517. reminiscences, 1506, 1524. resources and attractions. 1508. roads and highways, 1539-1542. rush to arms in 1861. 1513. 1160 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Iowa, earliest Scandinavian settlement in, 1524. early scenes, 1521. early schools, 1512. and teachers, 1515. schoolhouse, first, 1523. early school legislation, 1512. school system, April 30, 1789-1889. 1520. seal, 1499. semicentennial celebration, 1523. semicentennial ode, 1523. early settlers, 1510, 1521. settler s homestead, 1518. slavery, 1514, 1515, 1538. early social and religious experiments, 1524, 1536. song of. 1523. sons of American Revolution, 1538. southwestern. 1502. State bank. 1513. 1517. State Normal Academy of Music. 1507. State orphan asylum, 1500. State Teachers Association in civil war, 1521. State University, first home of, 1523. history, 1516, 1523. inaugural programmes, 1523. medical department, 1504. prominent alumni, 1522. State University and the civil war, 1523. Swedish immigration, 1539. the Tally war, 1521. Territory, 1500, 1506. in the Territory of Missouri, 1812-1821. 1518. in unorganized territory of the United States August 10, 1821-June 28, 1834. 1518. early Territorial days, 1514. Territorial history. 1531. Territorial legislature, 1500. first Territorial legislature, 1520. Territorial legislature of 1838. 1478. Territorial seal, 1521. tornadoes in, 1521. two hundredth anniversary, 1508. vital statistics, 1518. western border in 1804 and 1806. 1522. in 1843. 1517. women in, 1512. at the World s Fair, 1522. " Iowa," battle ship, 1517, 1523. sketches of commanders, 1523. " Iowa " what it means, 1514. Iowa and Andersonville, 1512. Iowa and the Navy in the civil war, 1522. Iowa Anthropological Association, 1538, 1539. " Iowa Band " of 1843. 1513. Iowa Cit.y, Iowa, early days, 1521. history 1525. Iowa College, founders, 1523. Iowa College in the war. 1523. " Iowa Idea," origin and history of, 1538. Iowa lakes, destruction of, 1514. Iowa River, early steamboating, 1523. Iowa Soldiers and Sailors Monument, ad dress at laying of corner stone, 1522. Iowa s first law giver, 1517. Iowa s treasury deficit, 1515. lowan, the first, 1524. Ipswich, Mass., ancient documents, 2589. ancient house, 2580. Argilla road, 2583. burying-ground inscriptions, 3365. Choate bridge, 2246. church records, 2245. early families, 3360. grammar school, 3364. historical notices of, 2243. history, 3365. history of, 1633-1700. 2589. Hotel Cluny (Whipple House). 2584. houses and lands, 2589. some old houses, 2271, 2570. memorial tablets at South Common, 2578. meeting-house and vicinity, 2585. mills and factories, 12587. physicians, 3361. political convention. 1770. 2274. proceedings, 1648. 3360. roll of minute men, 1775. 3414. early settler, 3378. shell heap at, 2418. soldiers in Indian wars, 2589. thread, lace, and hosiery. 2587. town records, 2245. usurpation period, 2589. way to, preservation of, 1698. 2271. Whipple House (Hotel Cluny i, 2584. Ipswich in the Massachusetts Baj colony, 2589. Ireland, John, 1517, 4304. Ireland family, 6081. Ireland, Cromwellian settlement of, 2778. Irish, C. W., 1504, 1519, 1521-1523. Irish, F. M., 1503. Irish, G. R., 1522. Irish, .T. T., 1519. Irish, chapter in history of Brown Uni versity, 608. ethnology, 607. first in Albany, N. Y., 678. in Alabama, 609. in California, 609. in Cleveland, 5633. in Illinois, 1423. in Kentucky, 608, 609. in New Hampshire. 6077. in Pelham, Mass.. 609. "in Peterboro. N. II., 608. in Rhode Island, 608, 610, 620. in South Carolina, 609. in Tennessee, 609. in Virginia, 608, 610. Irish donation to New England colonies, 1676. .3360. Irish emigration, 608. Irish immigration, 3386, 6077. into United States, since 1790. 610. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR TNDEX. 1161 Irish immigration, to America, 3387. Irish pioneers of the Connecticut Valley, 2184. Irish Presbyterians in New Hampshire. 4458. Irish schoolmasters in America, 1640-1775. 605. Irish See also Scotch-Irish. Scots. 017. Irishmen, some pre-Revolutionary, 608. Irishmen in American journalism, 609. Iron, Lake Superior region, 4260. Lebanon Co., Pa., 7428. Iron and coal, concentration in production. 812. Iron and steel, report for 1888. 807. Iron and steel rails, manufacture of. in western Pennsylvania. 0084. Iron industries, Lebanon County, Pa., 7428. Iron manufacture. Buffalo. N. Y., 474(5. in the county of Plymouth, 2627. Iron mines. Michigan. 4280. in Salisbury. Conn., 1805. 3365. Lackawanna works, 6162. Iron ore, 2621. Iron state, 4541. 4567. Ironworks, ancient, in Taunton, 4033. at Braintree, 2708. in New England, 1826. 3360. Ironstone, Cape York, 570. Iroquois Indians, 4772, 5468, 6057. Dutch and, friendship in struggle of eighteenth century, 4057. Hochalegas and Mohawks, 7324. Huron-, of Canada, 7309. letters on the, 4973. notes on, 6058. old King, 4773. Protestant missions among. 5426, 5462. treaty, 1744. 6057, 6058. See also Six Nations. Iroquois and New York colony, 5432. Iroquois condoling council, an, 7320. Iroquois confederacy, 573, 2788, 5413. Iroquois fort which Champlain besieged. 5305. Iroquois in Canada, 1682. 7206. in Ohio, 5777, No. 40. Iroquois war, 1600-1653. 7322. Irrigation, 574. California, 891. Montana, 892. United States, 1901. 577. Irvine, C., 4417. Irvine, .!., 6080. Irvine, W., extracts from papers, 6061. letters describing battle of Monmouth, 6058. Irvine, W. A., 6061. Irvine, W. P., 3412. Irvine family, 1645. Irving, Washington, autograph page of. 2789. letters, 1829. 6670. Irving family, 5046. Irwin, C., 4407. Irwin, N., 6382. Isaacs. I. S., 635. Isaacs. M. S., 633, 635. Isabella County, Mich., history, 4279. Isnel, Iv. will, 1677. 3375. Isham, Charles, 3, 525-7O. Isham, E. S., 5355, 6765. Isham family, 6849. Isla de Los Muertos, 1015. ; Isla Mujeres, 274. terra cotta figure from, 191. Isle au Vache, 1582. Isle of Wight County, Va., committee of safety, 6854. county court, clerks, 1645-1887. 6855. free schools, 6853. land grants, 1626-1676. 6855. members of State conventions. 1775-1788. 6855. papers on Bacon s rebellion. 6852. persons massacred, 1622. 6855. records, 6835, 6855. wills, 1647-1676. 6830. wills and deeds, 1733. 6829. Isles of Shoals in 1653. 3383. description and history, 2625. gravestone inscriptions. 1850. .,415. Islet, convent of, 1 , 7347. Islet, Notre-Dame de Bonsecours de r, 7346. 7347. Islip, England, 5045. Isthmian Canal, 552, 554, 555, 565, 578. commercial geography. 1888. 564. comparison of routes, 579. See also Darien, Interoceanic commu nication, Panama. Isthmian Canal Commission, 901. Italian archives, 2801. Italian communes, 39. Italian immigration, 811, 813. Italian, Renaissance. Florentine life during the, 1855. Italian Renaissance of to-day, 776. Itasca Lake. 4302. Itasca state park, 4313. Itinerancy, early, 5640. luka, Indian name, origin of. 6272. Ives, C., 6154, 6155. Ives, Mrs. Edwin R., 1150. Ives, L. S., 5573. Ivy Mills, Pa., Willcox paper mill. 5850. lyenaga, Toyokichi, 1822. Izard, R., letters to T. Jefferson. 1784- 1788. 6647, 6655. Izard, Mrs. Ralph, letters to Mrs. W. Lee. 1781-1783. 6832. Izard family, 6647. .Tacie, Henry, letters to John Winthrop. jr.. 2639. Jack, I). R., 5050, 7328. Jack. I. A., 7323. Jack, John, the slave, 4209. Jacker, Edward, 914. 916. 4247. 4248. Jackrnan, Louisa, 1427. Jackson, A.. 6672. birthplace of, 6890. 1162 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Jackson, A., correspondence with Punlap, 1831. 6672. fac simile of letter. 1662. letter May 19, 1821. 1663. letter, 1833. 2777. letter to A. J. Crawford, May 1, 1833. 2804. papers, 2808. of 1780-89. 6671. rare Jackson autograph, 6670. unpublished letters, 1793-1820. 1282. Jackson, A. A., 6936, 7062. Jackson, Alice R., 809. Jackson, Cordelia, 1270. Jackson. C. F., 4378. letter of 1861. 4378. Jackson, C. T., medals and decorations of. 2788. Jackson, Edward, will, 1681. 7395. Jackson. F. D., 1513, 1563. Jackson, F. W., 5560. Jackson, G. A., 4032. Jackson, Col. H., letter, 1779. 1712. Jackson, S., 897. Jackson, S. M., 771, 773, 774, 776, 777, 77S. 779, 795, 1836. Jackson, William, 43. Jackson, William, letter to S. Maverick. 1640. 3368. Jackson family (Jerusalem. L. I.I, grave yard inscriptions, 5041. Jackson, Me., settlers, 3413. Jackson, Mich., city government, 4292. Jackson, Ohio, 5689. historic rock, 5726. Jackson County, Iowa, 1504. Jackson County, Mich., memorials, 4279. 4280, 4283. Jackson County. Ohio, marriage records, 1816-1826. 5749. Jackson, " General/ 919. Jacob, B. H., 2263. Jacob, S., 6753. Jacobitism in Virginia, 6830. Jacobs, George, trial for witchcraft, 2241. Jacobs. II. E., 777, 787, 6359. Jacobs, J., 632, 633. Jacobs, O., 5821. Jacobs (George) family, 2240. Jacobson, II. A., 622(5. 7473. Jacobus. D. L., 3417. 3979. Jacques, G., 4213. Jade, 904. Jadeite ornaments from Central America, 7451. Jades, Central American, 199, 334. Jaeger, T. J. F.. 1005. Jaillet, C., 5844. Jamaica, African slave trade, 1896. Jews in, 625. memorials of Jews about taxes, 1 700. 625. note on, 1793. 2631. Jamaica, N. Y., register book, 1710-17:52. 5034. tombstone inscriptions, 5022. Jamaica expedition. 1654-55, Venable s nar rative, 2804. Jamaica Plain, Mass., Curtis House, 2089. James, A., 1019. James, B. B., 779, 1830. James, C. C.. 7301. 7327. 7328. James, E. J., 1537, 1547, 4297, 5043, 5044, 7425. James, E. W., 3382, 3406, 6826, 6836, 6849, 6850, 6851, 6852, 6853, 6854, 6855. James, J. A., 15, 28, 1825, 1830a. James, J. F., 10. James, J. H., 5656, 5657. James, T. L., 5436, 5446. James, T. P., 719. James family, 5044. James City County, Va., epitaphs and in scriptions, ancient, 6817. old tombstones, 6850. patents issued, 6857, 6858, 6859, 6860. James fund, Sir John, 5851. James River, 160. gunboat service, 6597. Jameson, E. O., 3407, 3682. Jameson, J. F., 2, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 24, 36, 42, 207, 1816, 2802, 2804, 6470, 6583. Jameson family, 3924d, 6851, 6853, 6856. 6861. Jamestown, Va., Colony, 119. first assembly journal, 1619. 5098. first celebration of settlement. 1607. 5415. first legislative assembly in America, 10. governor s land, 6829. map, 1607-1698. 6835. petition, 1682. 6836. preservation, 6835. settlement of, 6818. ships arriving at, from settlement to revocation of charter, 3388. site of, 1607-1098. 6773. 6835, 6836. ter-centenary of, 6832. Jamestown of Pemaquid, poem, 1751. Jnmestown Island, \n.. 1801. (5858. Jamieson, M., 7381. Jamison family records, 502O. Janes, II. P., 6930. Janesville, Wis., early reminiscences, 6930. Janney, A., Indian captivity. 5720. Jannsens, E., 812. .Tansen family, 3370. Janson, De F., 7347. Japan, 896, 899, 905. agriculture, 905. commerce, past and present, 4833. commercial development, 900. constitutional development, 1853-1X81. 1822.- first American embassy to. 1853. 2702. first American ship to, 4691. first voyage to. 2241. fisheries, 7474. foreign commerce since the restoration, 1SU9-1900. 1838. life and customs, 570. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1163 Japan, map, 001. parliamentary elections in, SOS. people, characteristics, 7474. politics, 1371. relations with United States, 1849. treaty (first) with United States, 7474. United States expedition to. 1912, 4387. Japan and China, comparisons, 902. Japanese-Koriak vocabulary. 7187. Japanese on our Northwest coast, 178, 236rt. .lapanese paper currency, 1868-1890. 1833. Japanese swords, 6342. Jaques, P. W., 3404, 3837. Jarvis, Edward, 800, 802, 823, 824, 1637, 3396, 3734. Jarvis, S. P., 5117. Jarvis, Mrs. S. M., 7367. Jarvis, W. M.. 7536. Jarvis letters, 7267. Jasper ornaments, prehistoric, 4344a. Jastrow, M., 624, 628, 633. 6399. Java, Boro Budur temple, 6342. Jay, Elizabeth C., 5026, 5027, 5030, 5033.. Jay, John, 3, 5, 7, 63. 543, 545, 3647, 4892, 5302, 5304, 5331. Jay, John, Oov., letter, 1799. 2624. letter, 1821. 3388. Jay, Wm., 5097. Jay family records, 5022. Jay pedigree, 5026. Jayne, W., 1423. Jay s treaty and slavery, 22. " Jeannette," drift of, 5916. relics, 897. Jefferson, M. S. W., 899, 903. Jefferson, Thomas, 10, 770, 6849. and J. T. Callender, 3408, 3409, 3899. and the newspapers, 1271. and the social compact theory, 10. as a geographer, 897. correspondence, 3414. of 1775-1787. 3413, 3961. with A. Bishop, 1156. letter to (Jen. Breckenridge, 1819. 2S04. letter to R. Clark, 1783. 36. letter to M. Dumas, 1790. .3375. letter to Oov. Galvez, 1779. 6830. letter to William Johnson, 1823. 6646. letter introducing Lucy Paradise, I7SS, 6853. letters, 3101, 3383, 4776. letters, 1776-1818. 2774, 2781, 2783, 3378, 6832. letters to Jews. 627. letters to C. W. Peale, 1796-1825. 6084. letter to Mrs. S. II. Smith, in 1816. 1267. not an atheist, 5590. on political parties, 1798. 36. papers, 2679. portrait, 2679. use of the Executive patronage, 2. Jefferson College, early history. 4345. Jefferson County, Iowa, first white settler, 1523. Jefferson County, Iowa, pioneers, 1523, 1524. Jefferson County, Nebr., reminiscences, 4424. Jefferson County, N. Y., geology, 4906. Jefferson County, Ohio, pathfinders, 5718, 5720. Jefferson County, Wis., early days in, 6933, 6988. pioneering experiences in, 6973. Jeffersonville Inn, Pennsylvania, 5959. Jeffrey, James, interleaved almanacs of, Salem, 1727-1749. 2241. journal for 1724. 2274. Jeffries, W. L., 3389, 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393. Jenings, E., petition for increase of salary, 1692. 6830. Jenkins, C. F., 6072. Jenkins, H. M., 5910, 6061. 6063, 6064, 6066, 6070, 6073, 6076, 6077, 6078, 6080. Jenkins, S., 6408, 6421. Jenkins, W. D.. 4349, 4350. Jenkins ferry, Iowa, 1514. Jenks, H. F., 2799, 2800, 2804, 2805, 2807, 3686. Jenks, Samuel, diary, 1760. 3087. journal, 1760. 2795. Jenks, William, 109, 158, 2645, 2652, 2731, 2774, 3364, 3366, 3368, 3438. letter, 1809. 2786. Jenks family, 2731, 3367. Jenner (Thomas) family, 3377, 3518. Jenney, C. F., 2193, 2195, 2573, 2574. Jenney, E. C., 2571, 2573. Jenning family, 1644. Jennings, B., 1520. Jennings, J., 5743. Jennings, S., 7408, 7414. Jennison, S., 122, 209, 232, 3364. notice of. 119. Jennison, W.. jr., journal. 6071. Jennison, Commonwealth r., 1781. 2782. Jephson, A., 7186. Jepson. S. (}., 3321. Jerdone, F., letter booK, 1746-1756. 6859. Jerdone family, 6854, 6860. Jernegan, M. W., 6470. Jerome, E., 4253. Jersey City, N. J., founding of, 5364o. Jersey prison ship, experiences on, 6520. Jerusalem, explorations in, 1869. 4949. Jerusalem, N. Y., old Jackson family grave yard, inscriptions, 5041. Jervey, T. I)., 6649, 6650. Jervey, W. St. J., 6612. Jessop family, 3368. Jessopp, A., 3637. Jesuit fathers, reports on Maryland by, 1878. Jesuit fathers at Pentagiiet, 1711. Jesuit missionaries in Northwest, early, 6927. Jesuit missionary explorers, 93O. Jesuit relations and discoveries, 1632-1672. 41, 5149, 5159. 1164 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Jesuits. Canada, 7320. founders of college at Quebec, 7345. journal of, 1645-1668. 7345. Lord Baltimore and the, 20. Maryland, 1657. 915. Michigan, 4284. missions, Canada, 7329. Fox River Valley, 6968. Lake Superior region, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 7471. New Orleans, 916. North America, 4332, 6061. Pennsylvania, 1730-1830. 5853. Jesuits college, Kaskaskia. 916. Rome, 1878. Jesus, the child, search for (La quete de 1 enfant Jesus), 7345. Jetons. colonial, of Louis XV, 6333. " Le Jenne," voyage en 1660. 7321. Jew, American, as soldier and patriot, 626. See also Jews. Jewett, J. II., 1078. Jewett, J. N., 1423. Jewett, J. S., 2260. Jewish cases, calendar of American, 635. Jewish casuistic literature in America, 635. Jewish colony, Lancaster County. Pa.. 6169. Jewish literature in America, early, 626. Jewish patriotism, 627. Jewish soldiers, 629. Jewish statistics, 809. Jews and the Sunday laws. 634. British, in West Indies, 628. in American colonies, 624, 625. in Arkansas, 1830. 629. in Bardados. 627. in Canada, 624. in Cincinnati, 1825. 633. in Easton, Pa., 631. in Georgia in colonial times, 624, 633, 637. in Jamaica. 625. in Kentucky, 624. in Mobile. 635. in New England, prior to 1800. 634. in Newport, R. I., 629, 632, 6476. in New York, 624 632. in New York City, 625, 626, 628, 634. in Ohio Valley, 631. in Pennsylvania, 628. in Philadelphia, 624, 628. in Prussia and Germany, 814. in the Revolution, 633. in South Carolina, 635. in Switzerland, 634. in Texas, 625. mentioned in journal of Continental Con gress. 624. naturalization in American colonies, 624, 628. persecution in 1840. 631. population, United States, 629, 633. treatment in England. 3360. ftec also American Jewish historical society, Judaica-Americana. lew s map. 1710. Jillson, C., 4202, 4203, 4221, 4438. Jillson, D., 3390, 3412. Jiquilisco bay, 573. Jo Bill road. 4214. Jo Daviess County. 111., mines, 1424. Jodoin, A., 7346. Jogues, I., 5187. adventures of, 7310. letter, 1636. 927. Jogues papers, 5098. John, J. J., 6140. " John," ship, wreck in Delaware Bay, 1 732. 6069. Johnnot, A., 3364, 3365. Johnnot family, 3364, 3365, Johns Hopkins University. 1876-1891. 1822. Johnson, Allen, 1539. Johnson, Andrew, accusers of. 1518. impeachment, 4. Johnson, B. J., 4410. Johnson, B. T., 1938. Johnson, C., 3370, 4281, 4283, 4770. Johnson, C. B., 6430. Johnson, C. P., 4383. Johnson, C. R., 4202. Johnson, C. S., 3396, 373>*. Johnson, C. W., 1581. Johnson, D. M., 5899. Johnson, E., jr., 3381. Johnson, E. F., 3417, 3980&. Johnson, E. R., 579, 812, 900. Johnson, F. C., 3413, 6235, 6428, 6467. Johnson, G., 7365. Johnson, G. D., 3385. Johnson, G. P., 1030. Johnson, G. W., 3391, 3392. Johnson, H. A., 7483. Johnson, II. D., 4406, 4417. Johnson, Jeremiah, 5096, 5140. Johnson, John, 1813, 1814. Johnson, Sir John, 5323. expeditions from Canada, 1780. 4734. Johnson, J. A., 553. Johnson, J. II., 7180c. Johnson, Lucy P., 2255, 2398. Johnson, Michael, inquest on. 3402. Johnson, O., 4203, 4229. Johnson, Robt., letter, 1801. 2797. Johnson, Rossiter, 11. Johnson, R. G., 4538. Johnson, R. W., 4310. Johnson, S., 1698. Johnson, Thomas Cary. 779. 794, 6381. Johnson, Sir W., 5346. Johnson, Wm., letters to T. Jefferson, 6646. Johnson, W. A., 1581. 5034. Johnson, W. C., 5813. Johnson, W. D., 897, 899. Johnson, W. R., 5972. Johnson, W. S., 5899. and making of Constitution. 7497. letters to governors of Connecticut, 2667. Johnson, W. W., 4394. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1165 Johnson family, 3362, 3366, 3413, 3414, 3733, 3980b. Kentucky, 1641. New Haven, 3956. New York, 5034. (Edward) family, 3417. (William) family, 3391, 3392, 3396. (Sir William) family, 5033. Johnson County, Iowa, 1503. 1519. Claim Association of, 1521, 1527. first Episcopal society, 1523. Johnson s Island, 1862-1865. 6812. Johnson s "Wonder-working Providence." Sec " Wonder-working Providence." Johnsonville, battle, 1649. Johnston, A., 1705, 1813, 5975. Johnston, B. T., 1284. Johnston. D. S. B., 4312. Johnston, Elizabeth B., 1269. Johnston, F., 4349, 4351. Johnston, G., 6937. Johnston, H. P., 4945. Johnston, J., 1705, 3382, 3383. Johnston, J. S., 1623. Johnston. J. W., 7324. Johnston, R. M., 40, 1281. bibliography, 1282. Johnston, W., letter on Gen. Braddock s campaign, 6067. Johnston, W. D., 17, 20, 1270, 6470, 6581. Johnston, William Preston, 10. Johnston family of the " Soo," 4284. Johnston family records, New York and New Jersey, 5020. Johnston (Annandale) family, 5048, 5049. Johnstone, J., 7205. Johnstown, Mich., history, 4278. Joliet, Louis, 6938. Joliet and Marquette in Iowa. 1537, 1544. Joliet, 111., early history, 1418. Joliette, Canada, church of St. Paul, 7345. Jolivet, L., 7350. Jonasson, S., 7154. " Jonathan," voyage of, 1639. 3390. Jonathan Creek, Ohio, name , 5749. Joncaire, P. T. de, 916. Jones, Augustine, 3392. Jones, Augustus, 6577. Jones, A. D., 4408, 4423, 4424. Jones, A. E., 916, 7350. Jones, A. L., 2202. Jones, A. S., 5944, 5945. Jones, Charles, 7480. Jones, C. C., jr., 172, 233, 624, 1305. 1306, 1323, 1329, 1331, 1333, 1337, 1338. 1341, 3686, 6790. Jones, C. E., 945. Jones, C. H., 6706. Jones, D., orders, 5255. Jones. D. M., 6422. Jones, E., Lands in Meriou, Pa., 6082. Jones, E. D.. 811, 4295, 4297. Jones. Eva E., 6061. Jones, Electra F., 3364. Jones, E. W., 1004, 1005, 1010, 5432, 6854. Jones, F., 5908. Jones, Fanny L., 1268. Jones, F. R., 1827. Jones, G. E., 4422. Jones, Gardner M., 2265. Jones, George W.. 1515. 1516, 6932. Jones, H. G., 3470, 6027, 6033, 6036, 6062, 6065. 607<>. Jones, Helen H.. 6073. Jones, James, duel with B. Livingston, 6063. Jones, Joseph, 3280. letters to Madison, 1788-1802. 2805, 3256. Jones, J. H., 4349, 4351, 5048. Jones, John Paul, as a citizen of Virginia, 6831. letters, 2781. letter to J. Hewes, 1776. 6837. letter, 1777. 6067. letters, 1789. 6085. portrait, 2096. Jones, J. S., 6670. Jones, M. C., 5995. Jones, N. W., 5549. Jones, O., will, 6856. Jones, P., letter, 1777. 3406. Jones. R., 7219. Jones, R. E., 1640, 5436, 5443. Jones, R. L., 5937. Jones, R. W., 4344, 4345, 4351. Jones, Samuel, 5091. Jones, Sarah, warrant for the arrest of, 2786. Jones, T., 5320. Jones, T. J., 4840. Jones, Gen. V., letter, 1775. 2783. Jones, W., 2619. Jones, Wm. Alfred, 4936, 5031, 5033, 5035. Jones, W. A. Burt, 1383. Jones. W. C., 990. Jones, W. P., 587. Jones family, 3371, 3402, 3407, 3813, 5018, 5019, 6828. Bethlehem, Pa.. 60r>. Stockbridge, Mass., 3364. (Lewis) family, 1288. (Rowland) family, 6853. (William) family, 3407. Jones County, Iowa. 1838. 1516. Jones County. Miss., alleged secession, 4344, 4351. Jones Sound, 897. Jones s eddy, 1700. Jones s option on Mason s claim, 1679. 4446. Jordan. C. B., 4456, 4486. Jordan. F., jr., 5732. 6312, 6339. Jordan, F. II.. 1707. Jordan, Helen, 6079, 6080. Jordan. John, 774. Jordan. J. C.. HI 52. 6153. Jordan, J. W.. 5897, 6057, 6058. 6059, 6064. 6065, 6066, 6068. 6069. 6075. 6077, 6078. 6079. 6081. 6083, 6085, 6122, 6124, 6127, 6136, 6223 6225, 6227, 6455, 7473. 1166 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Jordan, Robert, commercial accounts, 1651. 1720. will. 1720. Jordan. W. M., 4398. Jordan (Josiah M.) family, 6864. Jose family. 3385. Joseph, A. C., 624. Joslin. J.. jr.. journal, 1777-1778. 1114. Josselyn, H., commission, 1664. 4122. Josselyn, John, 119, 217. observations of America. 1673. 2641. Josselyn family, 3360, 3361, 3372. Jouan, H., 6933. Joiiet family (New Jersey). 5034. Jouett, M. H., 1626. " Journal de Castorland," 2776. Journalism, amateur, Lancaster County, Pa., 6186. metropolitan, 1800-1840. 40. Minnesota, early, 4312. Nebraska Territory, 4417. New York. 1800. 5386. See also Newspapers. Journalists, Illinois, 7425. Missouri, 4374. Nebraska Territory. 4417. Joy, J. F., 4274. Joy, Michael, letter, 1824. 2777. Joy, W. A., 4283. Joyfield, Mich., 4283. Juan Fernandez, Island, 2622. Judaica-Americana, De Castro collection. 632. Judd, Laura F.. 7137. Judd, S., 3363, 3364, 3369. Judiciary, origin of functions of Ameri can, 2. Judiciary act of 1801. 39. Judkins, William, 5752. Judson, E., 7408. Judson, F. N., 4378. Judson, W. L., 1020. Judson, W. P., 5508a. Juet, R., 5096. Julian, A. A., 569. Julian, G. W., 38, 1452. Julien, M. C., 4894, 4903. Juneau County, Wis., settlement of, 6930&. Jung, H., 6833. Juniata County, Pa., early history, 6009. Junipero. Father, the original. 1019. Junius, N. Y., centennial, 1903. 5534. Junius the Benningtonite, vision of, 1772. 6753. " Junius Brutus," privateer, 2240. Jupiter, fifth satellite of, 2798. discovery by Prof. Barnard, 7456. Jury, Norman, early, 42. trial by, 717. Jury system, European modifications of, 11. Justices of the peace, England, 4837. Virginia, 1686. 6836. Justinian pandects, origin, progress, etc.. 7184. Juvenile lawbreakers, Boston, 814. Detroit, Mich., 4298. Kaffirs, Southern Africa and, 7181. Kah-Kwahs, last of, 4770. Kalamazoo, Mich., city government, 4292. pioneer days, 4266. schools, work of Dr. and Mrs. Stone, 4262. Kalamazoo County. Mich., bar, 4263. memorials, 4278-4280, 4283. Kalm. voyage en Amerique, 7358. Kamehameha I, treaty with H. Bouchard, 7132. Kamloops Wawa, 7219. Kanawha County, W. Va., delegates to Virginia assembly, 1790-1863. 6832. aged denizens. 6892. land books, 1797. 6891. records, 1791-92. 6891. Kanawha Valley, history and mystery of, 6883. Kanawhas Indians, 6892. Kane, E. K., 527. 529. Kane, T. L.. 6005. Kaneko, Kentaro. 7474. Kansas, archives, 28, 1580. books and newspapers up to December, 1904. 1607. -Nebraska boundary line, 4406. northern boundary line, survey of, 1581. capitals. 1582. census, 1855. 1582. claims for losses of settlers, 1855-56. 1580. constitution, etc., 1580, 1581. constitutions, catalogue of, 1580. first provisional constitution, 1580. documentary history, 1579. early life of Quantrill, 1581. early military posts. 1577. early post-offices, 1581. early settlers, 1579. early times, 1579, 1582. education, Columbian history, 1594. emigration, 1855. 1578. emigration to, .1856. 1582. events of 1856. 1581. first railway, 1580. Friends establishment, 1581, 1582. governors, 1577. gypsum, cement, and plaster industry, 1581. high waters in 1844. 1582. historical exhibit at Columbian Exposi tion, 1595. history. 1580, 1581, 1590. 7123. convention epoch. 1579. romance of. 1579. pioneer experience, 1851. genesis of a State s metropolis, 1581. horticulture, 1581. impeachment of State officers, 1862. 1578. in 1861, 1581. Indian lands, 1578. Indian mission, 1577. Indian reservations, 1582. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1167 Kansas, Indians, 1577, 1580. invasion of the 2,700, September 14, 1856. 1580. land offices in, 1582. laws, 1862. 1578. lead and zinc fields, 1581. legislative war of 1898. 1581. legislature in 1862. 1578, 1587. Lincoln in, 1581. mammals of, 2344. military history, at Chickamauga and Chattanooga. 1582. civil war, Eleventh Regiment at I latte Bridge. 1582. in the Spanish-American war, 1580. Nineteenth Cavalry, 1580. story of Seventh Kansas Regiment, 1582. Twentieth Regiment in the Philippines, i 1580. Twenty-second Regiment, 1580. Twenty-third Regiment, organization and service, 1580. militia, 1582. natural gas, 1581. newspaper history, 1577. newspapers and periodicals, 1589. 1596- 1599. normal school work, 1580. pens that made Kansas free, 1580. northwest, 1581. origin of names, 1578a. physiographic divisions, 578. pioneer days, 1579. pioneers, 1578a. postal history, 1577. press, pioneer, 1578a. primitive northern, 1608. quarter centennial, 1861-1866. 1578, 1581. reminiscences, 1855. 1579. of September 14, 1856. 1580. roster for fifty years, 1582. seal, 1582. settlement of the Friends, 1581. slavery, 1581. Soldiers Monument Association, 1580. southern, trails in, 1579. southwest, 1578a, 1581. frontier life reminiscences, 1581. squatter courts, 1579. squatter days, 1581. State agricultural college, 1581. State library, 1576. story of, 1580. Territorial governors, 1577. United States land offices in, 1582. University, beginnings of, 1580. War and State bonds, 1578. See also N. E. emigrant aid co., 1577, 4208. Kansas and the flag, dedication of a monu ment marking the site of Pike s Pawnee village, 1581. Kansas as a factor, 1577. " Kansas, Call to," autograph copy, 1579. Kansas emigrant s song, autograph copy, 1579. Kansas-Nebraska bill, 6837. Kansas River, 897. Kargan, E. D., 4378. Karnes and Teal, escape from Matamoros, 6682. Kaskaskia, 111., 4257, 4350. Church records, 7425. citizens prior to 1783. 1383. first house of the Sisters at, 5855. inhabitants, 1790. 1383. militia, 1790. 1383. parish records, 1696-1834. 1368, 1375. road and trails, 1423. Kasson, J. A., 1516, 1517. Katahdin, Mount, description of, 1804. 2636. Kauai, Russians on, proceedings, 1814- 1819. 7130. Kauffman, S. H., 1268. Kaukauna, Wis., early days, 6968. Kautz, A. V., diary, 1853. 6869, 6870. Kaw trail, 1582. Kawakami, K. K., 1571. Kaye, P. L., 1830o. Kaye (Grace), ancestry, 5040. Kayler, R. S., 5721. Kayserling, M., 625, 626. 628, 629. Kearney overland coach, 4424. Kearney County, Nebr.. settlement, 4409. " Kearsarge," report on name, 4455. " Kearsarge," three years on board the, 1861-1864. 3393. " Kearsarge " and "Alabama," 6599. Keasbey, A. Q., 4546, 4551, 4555, 4580, 4636. Keasbey, L. M., 24. Keating family, 6397. Keatley. J. H., 1509. Keayne, Robert, his book, 1639. 4123. notebook, 3077, 3100. notebook, 1643. 2794. Keck, I. A., 1504. Keck, J., 5413. j Kecoughtan, see Elizabeth City County, Va. j Kedzie, R. C., 4280, 4281, 4284. Keefer, T. C., 7324. Keefer, Surg.-Major, 7365. Keeler, Lucy E., 5725, 5738. Keen, G. B., 5899, 6058-6064. Keen family, see Kyn. Keene, N. II.. annals. 1 784-1 8H5. 4447. 4461. Keep, Helen E.. 8411, 5744. 5746. Kohukey Association (Baptist i, minutes, 5599. Keifer, .1. W., 5725, 5786. Keiley, B. J., 930. Keim, A. R., 4406. Keim, II. M.. 606O. Keith. C. P., 6066. 6068, 6078, 6080. Keith. <;.. journal. 1706. 5517. letter, 3412. letters, 1703-4. 5517. Keith, H. E., 4295. 1168 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Keith, H. F., 2042, 2045. Keith, Sir W., narrative, 1726. 5969. letter to Mrs. Perm, 1720. 6079. first report, 1717. 6079. Keith family, 1641. Kelby, R. H., 5405. Kelby, W., 5031, 5032, 5036, 6063. Kelker, L. R., 28, 6080, 6082. Keller. A. G., 812. 813. Keller, B. F., 807. Keller, J. P., 5897. Kelley, capture of Gen. Crook and, 6891. Kelley, W. H., 4310. Kelleys Falls, N. H., early settlement, 4428. Kellogg, Alice C., 4280. Kellogg, C. W., ;V., 2116. Kellogg, D. O., 3370, 3372, 3458. Kellogg, D. S., 6767. Kellogg, Louise P., 26, 7108. Kellogg, Lucy C., 4098. Kellogg, M., 990, 7408, 7410, 7411. Kellogg families of Colchester, 3406, 3887. Kellogg family, 3372. Kellogg (Charles) family, 3370, 3458. Kelly, H. B., 1578o. Kelly. J., 4450. Kelly, J. K., 5800, 5814, 5821. Kelly, W., 7174. Kelly, W. F., 4408. Kelly-Hendry families, 5844. Kelly family (New Hampshire), 611. Kelly s Ford, battle of, 6597. Kelly s Island, Ohio, history, 7409. Kelsay, John, 5818. Keltie, J. S., 898. Kelton, M. E., 901. Kelvedon, England, 5752. Kemble, S., journals, 1773-1789. 5255, 5256. order books, 1775-1778. 5255. Kemble family of New York and New Jer sey, 5356. Kemble papers. 1773-1789. 5255. 5256. Kemp, Richard, will. 1656. 6826. Kemper, C. E., 6834-6838, 6861-6864, 6892. Kemper, J., 6936. 7066. Kempker. J. F.. 1518-1521, 5844. Kendall. A., 6670. Kendall. Marion A., 3413. Kendall family, 3397. Kenderdine. T., 5872. family. 5872. Kenesaw Mountain. Ky., 1651. Kennan. M. A., 5643. Kennebec. Me., affray at, 1634. 3367. Kennebec County. Me.. 1767. 3382. early lawyers, 1702. Kennebec Indians, Maine, 1699. Kennebec purchase, 1698. Kennebec River, forts, 1797. Huguenot settlers on, 1701). ministry on, 1714-1716. petition of inhabitants, 1755. 3402. scouting party, 1708. Preble massacre at the, 1717. Kennebec River, settlements on, 1799. Kennedy, E. B., 4397. Kennedy, J. C. G., 584. Kennedy, J. F., 1518. Kennedy, J. H., 5631. Kennedy, J. P., 1870, 1876. Kennedy, O. P., 1581. Kennedy, S., letters to his wife, 1776. 6064. Kennedy, S. S., 6411. Kennedy family, 6411. Kenner family, 6854, 6856. Kennett, White, library, 2789, 2993. Kennon family, 6829, 6865. Kenny, F. Gertrude, 7381. Kenny, Patrick, diary, 1805-1813. 5849. diary, 1816-1819, 1826-1828. 5851. Kenosha, Wis., early history, 6927. first settlement, 6927. Kenosha County, Wis., early history, 6926. Kenrick family, 5851. Kent, C. A., 4292, 4299. Kent, D., 4212. Kent, Mrs. Daniel, 412. Kent, G., 4455. Kent, Georgia T., 4212. Kent, James, 5096, 5127. Kent, James, letters, 2804. Kent, Thomas G., 4209. Kent family, 3373. Kent County. England, 329. Kent County. Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280, 4283. Kent Island, Md., first commander of, 1922. Kente Mission de, 7206. Kentgen, F., 28. Kentucky, across the plains, 1852. 1645. authors, list of, 1792-1905. 1644a. capital site, 1645. centenary, 1617. counties and origin of names, 1639. early education, 1640. early explorations. 1750. 1623. genealogy and history, 1640. geological survey, 1632. historic families, 1644o. historical clippings, 1643. history, 1617. history and genealogy, 1641. across the plains. 1852. 1645. Irish pioneers, 609. Irish settlers, 608. Jewish beginnings, 624. journalism, 1612. journey from Pennsylvania to, 1787-88. 6084. lieutenant-governors from 1792-1903. 1642. Michigan s tribute to, 1645. political beginnings, 1615. pioneer press, 1612. railroad, first, 1639. early routes of travel, 1611. seal, 1639. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1169 Kentucky, Spanish war, 1899, sketches of banners, 1640. struggle for autonomy, 4. war of 1812. 1627. war of the Revolution, 1627. " Kentucky revival," 1799-1805. 5701. bibliography, 5724. Kentucky River and its islands, 1639. Kenyon, I. L., diary, 1853-1856. 1427. Kenyon, R. W., 3684. Keokuk, Iowa, 1519. early days, 1505. first village in Iowa, 1514. in Territorial days, 1524. Keokuk County, Iowa, early recollection 1514. Kercheval, A. F.. 1006, 1431. " Kerke op de Millstone," 5041. Kern, A. J. W., 885, 886. Kerr, Edith, 7381. Kerr, M. B., 897. Kerr, R. F., 6657. Kerrick, L. H., 1427. Kerruish, W. S., 5619, 5620. Kersey, W. R., 5759. Kesch, Elias, letter to Mary Helm 1696 6084. Ketchum, Mrs. J., 7381. Ketchum, S., 4439, 4481, 4498. Ketchum, W., 4770. Kettell, John, was he killed by Indians 3408. Kettelle, F. W., 3687. Kewen, E. J. C., 1028. Key, F. S., mission to Alabama, 1833 946 953. Key, W., library, 1764. Key West, railroad, 897. Keyes, C. R., 1513-1517. Keyes, E. W., 6933, 6965, 6988, 7058 Keyes, J. S., 2175. Keyes, Lucy, the lost child, 4209. Keyhole for R. Williams s key, 6575. Keyser, P. D., 6059, 6064, 6D65. Kiang-Nan, China, 576. Kich-Moo, ruins, 200. Kiche myths, 736. Kickapoo Indians, 1423. Kidd, B., 4292. Kidd, William, piracy, 2243. Kieffer, II. M., 6413. Kiehle, D. L., 4312. Kiely, J. M., 917. Kierstede families, 5028. Kidder, F., 1702, 1737, 1758, 3364, 3365, 3371, 3372, 3378, 3386, 3390, 3441, 3542, 3632, 3663. Kidder, J., 4428a. Kidder, S. T., 7526. Kidnapping maidens, to be sold in Virginia 1618. 6830. Kidner, F., 7378. Kilbourne, J., 5748. Kilbourne family of Ohio, 5748 Kilburn family, 3360. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol Kilgo, J. C., 5571. Kilham family, 3414. Killbuch, W. H., petition, 1805. 6066 Killbuck Island, 6066. Killebrew, J. B., 1285, 6672. Kilpatrick, Mrs. A. E., 4312^ Kilroy, M. C., 7301. Kimball, Caroline F., 1427. Kimball, F. R., 2457. Kimball, G. S., 6470. Kimball, Helen F., 3414. Kimball, James, 2247-2253, 2255 2297 2340, 2355, 2361, 2401. Kimball, John, 4455. Kimball, J. p., 575. Kimball, N., 7477. Kimball, Sarah L., 5047. Kimball family, 3386. Kimber, H., 1581. Kincaid, W., 5703. Kind family, 2133. King, C., 4535, 4538, 5169. King, C. H., 3416. King, C. J., 1075, 1076. King, D., 3386, 3719. King, D. S., 4018. King, Grace, 1662. King, H., 1709. King, H. M., 2039. King, I. F.. 5722. King, John, 1518. King, Capt. John, company, roll, 1775 3407. King, J. A., 5350. King, Laura E., 1016, 1018. 1020-1022 King, M., 1313. ving, M. F., 1691, 1692, 3407. 3415. ving, Ralph, deed, 1684. 3387. King, Rufus. 3401, 3404, 3801, 3821&, 3838a, 5021, 5039, 5045, 5047 5048. letters, 1786. 2778. King, V. O., 6680. King, W. A., 811. , W. H., 4142. family, 2255, 3369, 3401, 3404 3416 3801, 3835. ving family in England, 5046, 5051. ving family (Southold, N. Y.), 5047. King (Wm. and Dorothy) family 2389 5048. ing and Queen County, Va., boundaries, 1708. 6834, 6835. deeds. 1667-1800. 6833. old tombstones, 6857. ving Mesa s pillar, 6294. ing Philip, answer to governor of New Plymouth, 2624. ing Philip, expedition against, 1675. 2624. ing Philip s day, 6520. ng Philip s war, 200, 350, 2798, 6520. first men slain, 3410. flintlock used in, 4213. in Dartmouth, 4043. incident connected with Littleton, 2602. 1170 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. King Philip s war, letter, 1676. 3368. letters on, 2624. soldiers in, 1675-1677. 3395-3403, 3828. See also Indian war, 1676, Wheeler s de feat, expedition, etc. King William Parish, Va., tithables, 1735. 6856. vestry books, 1707-1750. 6835-6838. King William s war, 1697. 4456, 4483. 7377. Kingman, B., 3407, 3682, 3686. Kingman, M., 2127. Kingman, S. A., 1578o, 1581. King s Arms tavern, Boston, 3392. King s College, Nova Scotia, 7279. King s College. See Columbia Universtiy. King s council, early records, 45. Kings County, N. Y., early settlers, 5024- 5026. oath of allegiance, 1687. 4880. King s Head Inn, 1794, Burlington Beach. 7379. King s Highway, Newburgh, N. Y., 4863. King s household in England before Nor man conquest, 7120. " King s Missive, The," Whittier s, 2787. King s Mountain, 6061. battle of, 1780. 1284, 5324. expedition, 5570. Kingsbury, A., 5703. Kingsbury, D. L., 4310. Kingsbury, F. .!., 207, 438, 1158, 1176. Kingsbury, H. D., 4924, 4931. Kingsbury, O. A., 5433. Kingsbury, S., 3410. Kingsbury family, 3374, 3412. (Henry) family, 3371, 3482. Kingsford, W., 7318. Kingsley, J. S., 4407. Kingsley, W. L., 3682. Kingsmill plantation, Va., 1781. 6860. Kingston, J. T., 6928, 6930o, 6930&. Kingston, Mass, burying ground, inscrip tions, 3368. description of, 2631. Kingston, N. H., first church records, 1725-1737. 4443, 4444. mortality, 1725-1832. 4450. physicians, 3359. stone knife found at, 2327. Kingston, N. Y., burning of, 1777. 5549. church records, 5036. first Dutch churchyard, 5549. early history, 5549. Kingston, Ontario, St. George s church, parish register, 7296. Kingston, South, R. I., convention, 1784. 3378. old South Kingstown meeting-house bury ing ground, 6582. Kingwood, N. J., St. Thomas Church, let ter to A. Morton, before i7B8. 6067. St. Thomas s Church, marriages, 1768- 1795. 6068. baptisms, 1768-1772. 6068. Kinley, I., 1003. Kinne, L. G., 1518. Kinney, Gov., prophecy, 7425. Kinney, Jane M., 4281. Kinney, T. J., 4559. Kinney, W. B., 4574. Kinnicutt, L. P., 201, 360. Kinnicutt, Thomas, 118. Kinosita, Yetaro, 4833. Kinsey family, 1285. Kinsman (W. H.) monument, Council Bluffs, 1517. Kinsman, Ohio, 5689. monumental inscriptions, 5744. Kinzie, Juliette A., 1360. Kiowa Indians, 6595. Kip, F. M., 5036. Kip, L., 4693, 4694, 4706. journal, 1855. 6870. Kip, W. I., 5017. Kip families, 5027. Kip family (New York), 5023. Kippis, A., 2623. Kippis, A., and Continental Congress, 2622. Kirby, E. P., 1423. Kirby, W., 7184, 7226, 7235, 7267. Kirchhoff, C., 904. Kirchner, O., 4292. Kirchwey, G. W., 4694. Kirkham (Thomas) family, 3417. Kirkland, J. T., 2622, 2707. letters, 1809, 1810. 2786. Kirkland family, 3406, 3851). Kirkwood, Gor. Samuel J., letter, I860. 1517. first meeting with Lincoln, 1521. letters, 1519-1521. letters, 1861. 1515. messages, etc., 1860-1863. 155.X. messages, etc., 1876-1877. 1560. Kirtland family, 3372, 3406, 3859. Kishkekosh County, Iowa, 1513. Kite, B., 6075. Kite, W., 6062. Kite work, Weather Bureau, 901. Kites, tetrahedral principle, 904. Kittanning, manor of, 6146. Kittery, Me., 1751. 1700. Baptist Church in, 1715. documents, 1706-1756. 340: ,. family records, 1709. freeholders, remonstrance to General Court, 1784. 3412. historic homes, 1711. North parish, 1783. 170.x. tax lists, 1756-1770. 341.",. Kittery Point, Me., 1710. Kittredge, G. L., 2137, 7395. Kleberg, Rosa, 6679, 6680. Kleeberger, II. B., 4421. Klein, T. B., 5897, 6215. Klernm, L. R., 7224, 7225. Kline, J. A., 4504. Kline, V. I ., 5623. Klondike, 902. overland routes, 899. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1171 Klondike, weather, 898. Kluge, C. F., 6222. Kluge. E. T., 6231. Knabenshue, S. S., 5722-5724, 5726, 5736. Knapp. J. G., 6930. Knapp, S. L., 5010. Kneeland, S., 559. Knevels, J. W., 5151. Knight, Madame, journal of, 2196, 2784. Knight, G. W., i; 15, 4259, 5749. Knight, II. F., 1712. Knight, J. K., 2572. Knight, N., journal, 1762. 3402. Knight, P. S., 5829. Knight, R., deposition, 1682. 3376. Knight, W. C., 901. Knight family, 3375. - Knight of the Golden Melice," 2773. Knights Templar, financial relation to English Crown, 42. Knortz, K., 5607ft. Know-Nothing, Anti-, resolutions and Lin coln, 1428. Know-Nothing legislature, Massachusetts, 13. Know-Nothing party, Maryland, 1830. Know-Nothingism, 4830. Rhode Island, 6470, 6580. Know-Nothings in Massachusetts, 36. Knowlen, T., 4280. Knowles, Sir Charles, correspondence with Secretary Willard in 1747. 2135. Knowles, D. C., 4459. Knowles, F. L., 4523. Knowles r. Douglass, libel suit, 1748, 1749. 2135, 2147. Knowltoo, D. C., 42. Knowlton, M. P., 3315. Knox, Anna R., 7470. Knox, Henry, 2823. diary, 1775-76, 3388. letter, 17^)1. 6167. letter to his wife, 1775, 2773. letter to William Irvine, 1786, 6084. plan for the arrangement of the militia, Revolutionary war, 2775. Knox, J. B., 4210. Knox manuscripts, 3700. Knoxville, siege of, 4284. Knoxville, Tenn., founding, 6672. Knyvet family, 3411. Koch. P., 4395. Kodiak, not Kadiak, 902. Konigsmark in New Sweden, false, 6063. Koenigsmark question, 36. Korosi, Joseph de, 809, 812. Kohl, J. G., 1718, 1750, 1752. Kohler, M. J., 624-629, 631-635, 638. Kohlmann, Father Anthony, 927. Kohut, G. A., 626-629, 634, 635. Kollm, Georg, 902. Kootenay Indians, language, 7323. Korea, 576, 892, 901, 905. relations to China, Japan, United States. 4522. war map, 905. Koren, John, 813-815. Kossuth, Louis, address, February 6, 1852. 5724. Kotzebue, A., 6085. Kowak River, ice cliffs, 897. Krafft, J. C. P. von, journal, 1776-1784. 5254. Krakatoa, explosion, 903. Krall, J. M., 6211. Kramer, J. M., letters, 6067. Kramer, Stella, 4843c. Kratz, H. W., 5960, 7422. Kriebel, H. W., 6365, 6370, 7422. Kriehn, G., 10, 41. Kroeber, A. L., 1095. Kuczynski, R. R., 813. Kiirnbergers, Ferdinand. 885. Kufic glass weights, 665. Kuhn, Geo. H., journal, 1831. 2202. Kuhn (Jacob) family, 3409, 3894. Kuhns, Oscar, 884. Kuhns, O. L., 6357. Ku Klux, suppression of. 5570. Ku Klux Klan, 1287, 5568. Ku Klux raid, 5568. Kulp, G. B., 6421, 6422, 6434, 6436, 6446. Kumassi, 898. Kunz, G. F., 665. Kuro-Siwo, the, 530, 533. Kuskokwim River, 899. Kuykendall, J. II., 6684, 6(585. Kwakiool people. 7312. Kwakiutl nation, 563. Kwakiutl-Nootka Indians, 7323. Kyn (.Toran) family. 6058-6063. Labadist colony, Maryland. 779, 1830. Labaree, J. C., 3706. La Barre, J. E., 7410. Labna, Yucatan, 200, 353. explorations at, 338. ruined city of, 1886. 4203. Labonte, L., 5797, 580O. Labor, 811, 1824. benevolent societies. 1X59. 545, 546. English, statistics of, SOS. 8ce o/.so Wages. Labor and production of wealth, 4293. Labor bureau, French, 808. Labor bureau, Bulletins of. 813. Labor classes, English, 814. Labor commissioners, convention, 809. Labor in the United States, State activities in relation to, 1831. Labor movement in English politics, 11. Labor organizations in ancient times, 214 Labor statistics, 807, 808, 810, 811. Danish, 813. German commission of. 809. Labor theory of value. 4836. Labor unions. S cr Central labor unions. La Boule, J. S.. 6967. 7075. 7523. Labrador, coast of, 2619, 7175. geology, 7172. who first saw the, 564. Labrador, Brown-Harvard exped., 1900. 5917. 1172 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Labrador, Grand Falls, 5914, 5915. Grand River, 568, 5914, 5915. Indians and Eskimos, 7312. physical geography, 563. Portuguese explorations, 7315. social condition, 7175. La Cache, Miss., 4350. Lacey, J., 6082. Lacey, J. F., 1514, 1515. Lacey, R. B., 1150, 7497, 7498. La Chair, Salomon, notary, register of, 4884. Lachine, Canada, ancient forts, 7361. massacre of victims (Les victimes du massacre de), 7346. Lachine Canal, 7346. Lackawanna Iron Works, 6162. Lackawanna Valley. Glaciation, vascular plants, etc., 6158, 6159, 6160. Lacoe, R. D., 6420d. La Cosa s map, 1500. 7322. La Crosse, Wis., 1834-1848. 6937. La Crosse County, Wis., 6928. La Crosse Valley, pictured cave, 6930&, 6977a. Ladd, H. M., 5703. Ladd, William, 1698. La Durantaye, O. M. de, 7326, 7331. Laer, A. J. F. van, 5049. Laet, .T. de, 5097. the new world, 5096. Lafayette, Marquis de, 5648, 6075. address to the Indians, 1784. 6070. at Brandywine, 5877. at William and Mary College, 1824. 6855. campaign in Virginia. 1781. 1289. correspondence with Gor. Bowdoin, 2774. expedition against Arnold, 1933. letter, 42. letter. November 29, 1777. 6070. letter, 1781. 2774. letters, 1781. 6829, 6830. letter, April 12, 1782. 2796. letter to Washington, 3099. Michigan s portrait of, 4278. portrait and bust of. 2788. portrait in Capitol, 2977. second expedition to Virginia in 1781. 1951. statue to, in Washington, 2794. visit to Boston, 3371. visit to Pittsburg, 1825. 6065. Laflamme. T. A. R.. 7347- Lafleur. T., 7316. La Fontaine, L. H., 7352. La Gardeur de St. Pierre, 915. ^ahrbush, Capt. F., account of, 2780. Laidley, W. S., 6888-6892, 6894. Laine. T. II., 1069. ,aird, D., 7161. Laird rams, 2803. Lake, David, letters, etc., California, 1852 1855. 4165. Lake, J. A., 4925. Lake, L., 4346. Lake, O. D., 4923. Lake, T., 3384. Lake family, 3376. Lake Calhoun, Sioux at, 4326. Lake Champlain, site of first battle of, 4694, 4721. Lake Chelan, 899. Lake Clark, 905. Lake County, Ind., 1459. Lake County, Ohio, 5722. Lake Dunmore, naming of, 3365. Lake George, N. Y., history, 5272. Lake Mills, Wis., in the war of secession, 6965, 7058. Lake of the Woods, history, geology, min ing, etc., 7149r. tragedy, 1736. 7328. Lakes, North American, 1003. present and extinct, 906. Lakeville, Mass., inscriptions, 3366. Lakin family, 3406, 3860. Lakin s deed, 3403, 3822. Lamar, W. H., 1281. Lamar (Thomas) family, 1281. La Margue, Marin de, 916. La Marquise, B. M., letters of, 1789-1797. 2796. Lamb, F. W., 4427. Lamb, Martha J., 4892. ,amb, O., 4260. ,amb, S. O., 4098. ,amb family, 6851, 6855. .ambdin, A. C., 6057. .ambert, Mrs. E. C., 7425. .ambert, T. A., 1265. .ambert, T. H., 559. .amberton, J. M., 5897. .ambeth manuscripts, 1678. Lambing, A. A., 916, 5846, 5851, 6143, 6144, 6146, 6345, 6346. Lamothe, Mme. H. G., 7381. La Mothe Cadillac, M. de, 1702. Lamphere, G. N., 4312. Lamponia, 881. Lamprecht s history, 36. Lamps, colonial, 5869. Larny, J. B., 5854. Lancaster, Mass., captives, 1676. 3395. excursion to, 4202. men of, lost at reduction of Montreal, 3380. records, 1600-1800. 3374, 3375. Lancaster, N. II., note on, 1814. 2631. Lancaster, N. Y., tombstone inscriptions, 5050. Lancaster, Ohio, Methodist cemetery, in scriptions. 5745. Lancaster, Pa., 6169. assembly, 1780. (5060. Bangor Church. 6173. Catholic Church, 5847. description of, in 1772. 6169. in 1800. 6184. firemen in, 1766. 6059. first court-house, 1739-1784. 6177. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1173 Lancaster, Pa., First Reformed Church, births and baptisms, 1736-1800. 6355, 6356. Jewish settlement, 632. Juliana Library, 6169. Marshall s diary, 6167. Masonic activity in, 1734. 6167. Mechanics Library, history of, 6188. old, 6168. paving of East King street, 1802. 6168. picture of, 1800. 6184. plays and playhouses, early, 6172. St. James 1 Church, records, 6169. St. James P. E. Church, plan, 1790. 6078. St. Mary s parish, 914, 920, 921. early settlement and population, 6183. Trinity Lutheran Church, birth and bap tismal register, 1747-1799, 6354- 6357. Wabank House, 6178. Lancaster (Pa.) Journal, 6176. Lancaster, Va., court rules, 1671. 6853. treaty of, 1744. 6838. Lancaster County, Nebr., 4407. Lancaster County, Pa., Acadians in, 6165. amateur journalism, 6186. Brickerville congregation, history, 6167. Gap copper mines, 6165. Indians of, 5973, 6165. Irish in, 6165. early Jewish colony, 6169. early local history, 6166. early mills, etc., 6165. newspapers. 6170. oldest daily paper, 6165. petition, 1777. 6080. pioneer settlers, 6165. political divisions, 6169. some early printers, 6167. earliest reformed church, 6169. Revolutionary days, 6170. rustic art in, 6172. St. Peter s Church, 5851. early schools, 6166. Scotch-Irish in, 6185. early settlement and population, 6183. early settlers, 6165. towns established by lotteries, 6168. townships, names of, 6165. woman treasurer, 6165. Lancaster County (Pa.) associates, 7 com panies, 1776. 6082. Lancaster County, Va., 6849. burgesses, 1651-1740. 6853. Indian affairs, 6852. marriage bonds, 1717-1797. 6854, 6860. order of court regarding ministers, 1661. 6836. tithables of, 1654. 6829. " Lancaster," oldest ship in United States Navy, 6167. Lancaster rifles, 6180. Lancasterian school, 5897. Lancey, E. F. de, 4892. Lancey, R. B., 1146, 1147. | Land, J. H., 7267. Land, R. E. A., 7367. Land, geography, 891, 893. origin of property in, 42. public, system and its relation to educa tion, 5797. Virginia list of officers entitled to, under proclamation of Gor. Dinwiddie, 1754. 6829. Land advertisement. 1760. 3378. Land bank. Sec Bank. Land. Land cessions, Indian, In Ohio, 5723. western, 5714. Fee <ilN<> Lands, public. Land clubs, frontier, 20. Land grants, 1. for services in Indian wars, 3411. for education, origin of, 7119. Government, for educational purposes, 1422. for railways, 7117. Michigan, for education, etc.. 4259. New York in Vermont, 1765-1776. 6753. Ohio, 5641. Sec also Lands, public. Land limitation movement, 7521. Land Office, United States, history, 4303. Landowners, large, Virginia, 6891. Land records, 5745. Land speculators in Iowa. 1505. Land survey, Minnesota, 4312. Land surveys, first United States, 1786. 5777, No. 40. Land system in the South. 15. Land system of provincial Pennsylvania, 12. Land tenure in Georgia, economics, 4843. New Hampshire, 4462. Land titles of American Antiquarian So ciety, 474. Landa, Diego de. writings of, 749. Landa alphabet, the, 195, 278. Lander, Edward. 2278. Landers, F. E., 1513. " Landing of the Fathers," a picture, criti cism on, 2631. Landis, C. K., 4674. Landis, D. B., 6180, 6186. Landis, G. B., 16. Landon, J., 4776. Landon family, 6826. (Southold), 5043. Landon manuscript, 1782-1784, extracts, 5018. Landowning farmers in England, decline of, 7121. Lands, common and commonage, 2582. ministerial, Narragansett, 1112. public, 898, 1931. and agrarian laws of the Roman Re publics. 1822. and relation to education. 5797. credit system and the public domain, 6675. in South. 16. State rights, conflict over, 3. 1174 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Lands Continued. public, surveys, 4279. in Virginia, 1625. 6851. Virginia list of officers entitled to, 1754. 6820. western, British policy, 1763-1775. 5713. See aUo Land grants. Landsberg, M., 4033. Lime, I)., journal at Quebec, 1754. 33S4. Lane, E., 7408. Lane, E. F., 3385. Lane, .1. 1 ., 3400, 3788. Lane, L. P., 809, 813, 814. Lane, R. E., 2594. Lane, S., 3388. Lane, S. A., 5618. Lane, W. C.. 2139. 3415, 7395. Lane, W. G.. 5635. Lsine family, 3368, 3369, 3454, 3788, (James) family. 340O. (William) family, 3385. Lane papers. 1653. 3375. Lane County, Oreg., beginnings, 5801. early schools, 5800. Lane Seminary, exodus of students. 1X34. 5701. Lanesborough, Mass., geological history of Balance rock, 2O47. one hundred and fiftieth anniversary. paper, 2047. Lang family, 2245. Langdon, W., letter, 3380. Langdon family, 3375, 3388. Langevin, Canada, Trappist fathers ( La Trappe de Langevin), 7346. Langford, N. P., 4311, 4398. Langhorn, J., burial records, 1787-1813. 7296. marriage records, 1788-1791. 7296. Langlade s movements in 1777. 6930. I.anglade papers. 1737-1800. 6930b. Langley, S. P., 902. Langley family, 3409, 3895, 6861. Langres, France, Roman city of. 17. Langslow, R., 4774. Langton, J., 7175a, 7176-7179, 7183. Langworthy, L, 5247. Langworthy, J. L., 1500. Lanier, C. A., 945. Lanier, Sidney, writings, 1283, 1342. Laning, J. F., 5717. Lanman s charge at Jackson. 1513, 1517. Lanoraie, Canada, Church of St. Joseph de, 7345. Lansing, R., 580. Lansing family (Albany, N. Y.), 5018. Lansing, Mich., beginnings, 4278. early recollections, 4280. location as capital, 4260, 4263. Lanterns, colonial, 5869. La Palaen, de, 691. Lapham, I. A., 6901, 6906, 6928, 6945. Lapham, Julia A., 7125. Lapham, O., 6597. Lapham, W. B., 1708, 1709, 1711-1716, 3384, 3390, 3391, 3393. La Plata, Rio de, 568. survey, 526. Laporte family, 6397. Lapps of Sweden, 576. Lapsley, G. T., 39, 42, 43, 2556. Laramie, territory, 545. Larcum, David, deed of sale for negro, 2272. Larned, J. N., 4774. Lamer, J. B., 1269. La Roche, Marquis de, expedition, 73O9. La Ronde, J. T. de, 693(V/. Larpenteur, A. L., 4311. Larrabee, Gov. William. 1513. messages, etc., 1886-1890. 1562. Larrabee, Mrs. William, will, 1691-92. 3408. Larson, L. M., 7120. La Rue, II., 7345. La Rue, Lea, 7381. Lar/elee, C. S., 7470. La Salle, R. C. de, 1456, 4766. Allouez and, 6967, 7075. expedition, 1684. 5090. Pefialosa, connection with, 668.",. first visit to the Senecas, 1669. 4786. monument, 200. undertaking to discover Mississippi, 116. La Serre, C. F., 5745. La Serre evidence, 5745. La Serre family, 5746, 5750. La Soufriere, eruption in 1812. 904. eruption, 1902. 903. Latane, J. H., 15, 24, 1826. Lathrop, G. P., 1195. Lathrop, H. W., 1520-1523. Lathrop, John, 2629, 2632, 2698. letter, 1809. 2779. Lathrop, J. H., 2195-2198, 2200, 2201. Latimer, G. A., 1216. Latin-America, constitutions and revolu tions, 902. Latitudes, incorrect, of early writers, navi gators, etc., 3394, 3716. La Tour, C., commission as Lieut. -Gen. of Acadia, 2133. papers relating to, 2645. Latrobe, J. H. B., 1872, 1925. 1926, 1941, 6011, 6014, 6059. Latting, J. J., 3384, 3387, 5017-5019, 5021, 5025-5029, 5037. Latting family, 5017. Laud, A. C., 5746. Laud, Archbishop, 3723a. Laud, W., Archbishop of Canterbury, com mission to. 1634. 3372. Lauderdale, F. H., 1522. Lauer, P. E., 1823. Laughlin, W. K., 1515. Laurel Run, Pa., monument to those slain by Indians, 1779. 6458. Laurence, John, will, 1684. 6826. Laurence, T., correspondence, 1746-1752. 6063. Laurence family (New Jersey), 5031. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1175 Laurens, H., letters, 1773-1780. 6648, 6649, 6650, 6651. narrative, 1780-1782. 6630. resignation as President of Congress, 1778. 6060. Laurens, J., army correspondence, 1777- 1782. 4725, 6647, 6648. mission to Europe in 1781. 6646. 6647. Laurent, 7222. Laurentian basin, 574. Liiuson family, 7352. Laux, J. B., 4894. Lauzftn family, 7345. Laval, F. de, 7222, 7348. Law, John, 1460, 1461, 6927. Law, R. R., 7475. Law, T., 1271. Law. W., 1302, 1309. Law, \V. H., 1202. Law and legal profession, 4255. Law and police, first chair of, 6852. Law cases, 1795-1797. 2623. Law ministers of the olden time, 1506. La we papers, 1794-1821. 6932, 6933. Lawler, T. B., 607. Lawless, J. T., 608. Lawrence, A., 2047. Lawrence, A, A., 2791. Lawrence, A. E., 2776. Lawrence, C., Go;;., or Nova Scotia, orders, 1756. 337,4. proclamation, 1738. 7324. Lawrence, George, descendants, 3404, .",841. Lawrence, I., 5041. Lawrence, J. W., 7248. Lawrence. N., 2632. Lawrence, T., Capt. Company, 1758. L>7i>r>. 3098, 3408. Lawrence, William, 2138, 2802, 2808. Lawrence, W. B., 5130. Lawrence, W. E., 5018. Lawrence pedigree, 5018. Lawrence, Kans., annals, lo. Lawrence raid, 1588. Lawrenceville, Brunswick County, Va.. marriage bonds, 6855. Laws of 1683. 5033. Laws, old and new <!>ri* f comparison), 4213. Lawson, A. J., 6927. Lawson, P. V., 6968, 7095, 7125. Lawton, C., 5971. Lawton, Mrs. J. M., 4893. Lawton, W. C., 861. Lawyers, early, of Lincoln and Kennebec counties, Me., 1702. Lawyers, seventeenth century, 6856. Lay, Dorothy, letter to, 1204. Layard, Ida L. II., 4896. Laylin, C. D., 5722. Laylin, L. C., 5641. Layton correspondence, 1830-1878. 5856. Lazarist missions, 914. Lazell, T. S., 2205, 2207. Lea, A. M., 1520. Lea, H. C., 3, 26, 34, 35, 38, 43, 771, 776, 780. Lea, J. H., 211, 3401, 3402, 3404, 3405, 3407, 3409, 3410, 3412-3417, 3814, 3871f/, 3890, 3932, 3942, 3969, 3987, 6070, 6072, 6073. Leach, John, 3377. journal, 1775. 3377. . > ,5i 2. letter. 1776. 3377. Leach, J. A., 6859. Leach, J. G., 6073, 6074, 6076, 6082. Leach, M. A., 6085. Leach, M. L., 4284. Lead and shot trade in Wisconsin, 6935, 7025. Lead and zinc fields in Kansas. 1581. Lead mine, Rochester. N. Y., 1730. 5017. Sturbridge, 4139. Tantiusque, 1644-1776. 2O8. Lead mining in Fever (Galena) River re gion, 6935, 7022. in Illinois and Wisconsin, early, 10. Lead region, Wisconsin, 6967, 7087. pioneering in, 7096. Deader, Richard, letters, 1648-166O. 2793. Lear, T., 1271. Lear family, 3375. , Learnard, E. O., 1580. ; Learned, H. B., 44. Learned, M. D., 884-886, 2026, 2027, 2029, 6218. Leary, P., jr., 1713. Leavell, Z. T., 4347, 4351. Leavenworth, A. E., 6714. Leavenworth, F. P., 6861. Leavenworth s expedition, 1819. 4304. i Leavitt, Emily W., 3404, 3405, 3406, 3409, 3412, 3841. Leavitt, Jonathan, vindicated. 7480. Leavitt, O. II., 4428ff. Leavitt, R. H., 4096. Leavitt, W., 2241, 2242. 2245, 2246, 2253. Leavitt, W. H., 7480. Lebanon, Conn., graveyard inscriptions. 3370. rate bill, 1741. 3378. Lebanon, Me., 1711. first parish, 1765-1812. 1715. Lebanon, Ohio, centennial. 5723. Lebanon, Pa., 7430. doctors, old, 6206. early educational project, 7432. history, 6366. reminiscences, 6195. St. Mary s Catholic Church, 6219. Women s Aid Society, during civil war, 7433. Lebanon County, Pa., early churches, 6207. distinguished visitors to, 6196. eastern and western borders, 7429. educational work of. 6218. Episcopal Church in, 6216. folklore and superstitions, 7436. history, biography, genealogy, 6193. iron industries, 7428. law cases, celebrated, 6208. 1176 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Lebanon County, Pa., mills of, 6217. Moravian Church, 6065. murder, first trial, conviction, and execu tion for, 6213. names, origin of, 6197. newspapers, 6208. Palatine and Scotch-Irish settlers, 6205. Pennsylvania - German, English, and Scotch-Irish in, 6218. early recollections, 7437. United Brethren Church, 6215. Lebanon Valley College, Annville. Pa.. 7431. Le Baron family, 3383. Le Blanc family, 2246. Lebowitch, J., 635. Lechford, Thomas, notebook, 121. 109. 328. " Plain Dealing." 2641. note to, 2641. Lechmere, R., correspondence. 1774. 2806. Le Clair, A., 6933. Le Compte, S. D., 1582. Le Compton party, 1581. Le Conte, John L., 726. Lederer, J., 2024. Le Due, W. G., 4311. Ledwith, W. L., 6381. Ledyard, L. W., 5423. Ledyard family, 5022. Lee, Andrew, diary, 6059. Lee. Arthur, correspondence of, 763. Lee, Gen. Charles, capture by the British, 2776. treason, 5247. Lee, C. F., jr., 3384, 3391. Lee, F. B., 658, 659, 4557, 4618. Lee, F. L., letters written during Revolu tion, 3393. Lee, G. C., 779. Lee, Henry (Boston), 2787. 2800, 2802, 3156, 3169, 6060. Lee, Gen. Henry, letter, 1764. 6856. letters, 1779-80. 6830. Lee, Joseph, 814. Lee, J. P., 4292. Lee, J. S., 4097. Lee, J. W. M., 1969. Lee, L., letter to T. Lee, 1745. 6830. Lee, Lucy C., 1643. Lee, R., letters, 6827. Lee, Richard H., correspondence of, 763. letter, 1776. 2785. letter, December 1, 1776. 6829. letter, 1781. 2629. letters to W. Whipple. 1778, 1779. 6078. Lee, Robert E., descent of, 1650. letter, 1861. 1518. strength of forces under, and Pope, 3333, 3335. and the Confederacy, 1284. Lee, Samuel, 3386, 3387, 3625a, 3643. Lee, S. D., 4346, 4347, 4349, 4351, 4355. Lee, S. P., letter to J. R. Doolittle, 1865. 1289. Lee, S. W., 336?. Lee, Wm., 3400. Lee, W. B., 3405, 3C-18a. Lee, W. H., 5027, 5036. Lee family, 1641, 3369, 6830, 6859. Lee family of Virginia, 3402, 3404, 3405, 3814, 3848o. arms, 1659. 6068. Lee (Edward) family, 3411. (John) family, 3386, 3411, 3625. (Richard) family, 3384. Lee, Mass., vital records to 1850. 4003. Lee County, Iowa, 1502, 1524. early bar, 1506. Catholicity in, 5844. naming of, 1521. , early settlement, 1503. Lee papers, 1754-1811. 5244-5247. Leeds, B. F., 3405, 3406. 3408. Leeds s " Temple of Wisdom." 6062. Leeming, Ralph, 7300. Leesylvania, title to, 6829. Leete, William, 8. Le Fevre, J., 4894. Lefevre, R., 4855. Lefevre family, 6397. Lefferts, M., 530. Lefferts-IIaughwout family, 5048. Leffingwell autographs. 2069. Lefroy, A. H. F., 7365. Lefroy, Catherine, 7385. Lefroy, C. F., 7298. Leftwich, G. F., 4349. Leftwich, G. J., 4350. Legare family, 6615. Legate, J. F., 1578a, 1579. Le Gendre, D., will. 1703. 6622. Legendre, N., 7309, 7310, 7315, 7320, 7323. Legg, J., deposition, 1709. 3367. Leggo, Sarah S., 7367. Legion of Honor, 660. Legislation, evolution in, United States, nineteenth century, 4280. Legislation, statistical, 809. Legislation favoring society, 4456. Legislation of the several States, uniform, 4292. Legislative government, 4299. Legislatures, State, American, 4407. Legler, II. E., 4284, 6912, 6972, 7106, 7522. Lehigh region, coal tonnage, 1820-1863. 5967. Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania-German in, 6357. Leiberg, J. B., 900. Leibert, E., 6222. 6230. Leicester County. England, pedigrees, 5744. Leidy, Pa., church, 7422. Leif, proposed statue of, 2787. Leighton, G. E., 4369. Leighton, Harriet W., 4417. Leighton, Frost v., suit, 2135. Leininger, Barbara, 6085. Leininger (Regina, the German captive), 7435. Leisler, J., administration of, 5241. Leisler family (New York), 5022. Leisler (Jacob) family, 5060. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1177 Leland, C. G., 6102. Leland, C. P., 5778. Leland, G., 5908. Leland. II., 6869. Leland, P. W., 40336. Leland, W. S., 3687. Lemar, La., mound investigations, 1667. Le May, P., 7308, 7328. Lemieux. L., 7348. Lemoine. J. B., contract by, 6937. Le Moine, J. M., 7170, 7186, 7187, 7308, 7300. 7311, 7313-7315. 7317, 7311). 7322-7324, 7327, 7328, 7345. Lemon, Agnes H., 7377, 7379. Lemon, C., 7379. Lemon weir River, 6927. Le Moyne. M.. 7209. Lenans "Amerikareise," 885. Lenap ">-English dictionary. 6111. Lenawee County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279. 4280, 4283. Lenehan, B. ( ., 1515. L Enfant memorials, 1265. Lenni Lenape. See Delaware Indians. Lenoir s Rangers, 1289. Lenox, , 195. Lent, observance of, in Canada, 1670. 7347. " Leo house " for immigrants, 927. 7390. Leominster, Mass., in the Revolution, 2539, 2541. Leon, Alonzo de, expedition, 1689. 66X6. Leon County, Tex., settlement, 6682. Leonard, A. G., 1515. Leonard, B. A., 4213. Leonard, D. L., 5701, 5703-5706. Leonard, Ephraim, will of. 1783. 2782. Leonard, E. C., 4033c. Leonard, Flenrietta, 1818, 1821. Leonard, Henry, deposition, 1655. 3373. Leonard, J.. letter, 1826. 3369. Leonard, N. R., 1519. Leonard, O. B., 4442, 5033, 5042, 5044, 5045. - Leonard family, 2621, 3390, 3433. English ancestry, 5033. Leonard (James) family, 3363, 3433. Le Plongeon, A., 192, 193, 196, 260, 274, 2S6. Le IMongeon in Yucatan, 189. Le Plongeon. Alice D., 192, 274. Le Roy, Marie, 6085. Lesbos, inscriptions, 861. Lesher, C., 6139. Leshure, A. P., 2184. Lesley, J. P., 716, 6160. Leslie, P. H., 4398. " Leslie s retreat," 2232, 2256. L Espenard (Antoine) family, 5039. Lesperance, .L, 7308, 7309, 7312, 7313. Lespinarde family (New York), 5017. Lesquereux, Leo, 5716. Lester, H. N., 1578a. Lester, J. E., 6522. Lester (Bryant) family, 1281. Letchworth, W. P., 4763. Letombe correspondence, 27. Letters patent, forms used for issuing, by English Crown, 2780. Letters patent of denization, 3393. Letts, Allie M., 1513. Letts, T., 7391. Levan, P. K., 6355. Levasseur, E., 809, 1863, 4310. Leveret t, F., 1517. Loverett, G. V., 3413. Leverett, John, president of Harvard Col lege, speech at inauguration, 1708. 2778. memorandum book of, 2783. Leverett, Gor. John, funeral of, 2636. instructions to, by Cromwell, 2650. letter. 1676. 2624. letters, 1675. 3406. letter to, on Indian affairs. 1676. 3365. was he a knight? 3393, 3708. Leverett, Thomas, patent from the council for New England, 1629. 2650, 2771. Leverett family, 3370. (Thomas) family, 3362, 3428. Leverett papers, 2650. Leverett, Mass., centennial, 4096. Congregational Church, 4096. ; Leverett, North, Mass., Baptist Church, 4096. ! Levering, J. M., 6228, 6230, 6357. Levering, N., 1012, 1504-1508, 1519-1522, 1524. Levermore, C. H., 34, 40, 1816, 1842. Levett, Christopher, voyage into New Eng land, 1623-1624. 1698. 2646. Levi, Kate E., 6936, 7069. Levick, J. J., 6060, 6062, 6063, 6073, 6105. Levis, Marechal de, papers. 2794, 3063. Levis, Canada, Church of Notre Dame de la Victoire, 7345. Levy family, 627. Lewanee County, Mich., judges, 4260. Lewes, Del., bombardment of, in 1813. 1251. history, 1256. Lewis, A. F., 1713. Lewis, Abraham II., 772. Lewis, A. T., 5804. Lewis, B. F.. 5433. Lewis, Charles, journal, 1755. 6817, 6892. will, 1779. 6831. Lewis, C. F., 7408. Lewis, C. T., 5877. Lewis, D. H., 1287. Lewis, E. C., 6671. Lewis, Elizabeth D., 4812. Lewis, E. J., 1427. Lewis, G.. 1697. Lewis, G. H.. 2200, 2201. Lewis. II. Carvill, 743. Lewis, I. N., 7419. Lewis, J. P., 5899, 6344. Lewis, J. L., jr., 5562. Lewis, J. N., 5637. Lewis, K. S., 1581. 1178 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Lewis. L., jr., 6061, 6063, 6090. Lewis, M. J., 5960. Lewis, N. B., 4212. Lewis, R. A., 1523. Lewis, R. H., 5589. Lewis, S., 3400, 7416. Lewis, S. B., 7408. Lewis, T. H., 868, 4349, 4350. Lewis, V. A., 6879, 6890. Lewis. William, bibliography of, 6076. Lewis. Winslow, 2056, 3374-3378, 347S. 3489, 3502, 3516, 3529, 3544. Lewis, W. A., 4280. Lewis, W. B., 6670. Lewis, W. S., 6681. Lewis family, 2198, 2199, 3375, 6857-6S59, 6892. (Evan Roberts) family, 6080. (John) family, 6892. (Laban) genealogy, 2201. Lewis and Clark, centennial, 5800. , expedition, 899, 4394, 579S. 5S02. Lewis and Clark s journals, 26, 5X02. Lewis, " Carmen Seculare," 914. Lexington, 111., schools, 1427. Lexington, Mass., affair of. April 19, 177.",. 2598, 2630. Academy, 2592. Lexington, battle of, 2133, 2139, 2592, 2773, 2780, 2785, 2795, 259S, 2630, 3389, 3655, 4358. anniversary, 1875. 3637. anniversary, 1905. 611. a British account, 3204. how we carried the news to the King, May, 1775. 2274. news in Philadelphia, 6083. provincials killed, wounded, and missing, 2636. transactions of the British troops. 2632. Sandham s painting of the battle, 2590. centennial, 2594. clock making in, 2594. common, 2592. document relative to boundaries, 1735. 3370. epitaphs, 2594, 2600, 2601. field day, 4205. second field day, 1900. 4213. first English proprietors, 2593. General Court, instructions to delegate, 1772. 3374. Hancock-Clarke house, 2594, 2599. handbook, 2596. high school, early days, 2594. in 1775 and 1861. 2592. in 1840. 2593. Matthew Bridge, 2592. meeting house, 1714. 2592. third meeting house, 1794. 2592, 2594. military organizations, 2593. Munroe tavern, 2594. name, 2781, 2889. normal school, 2592. early schools and schoolmasters, 2593. Lexington, Stone Building, 2593. taverns, 2592. Washington s visit to, 1789. 2591, 2592. women in the rebellion, work of, 2593. Lexington (Mass.) aud West Cambridge Branch Railroad, 2594. " Lexington," origin of name, 2592. Ley, Rachel P., 5899. Leyden, memorial inscriptions of six Eng lishmen, 3381. seven articles from church of, 1617. 5098, 5186. Leyden plate, 293. Leyh, E. F., 2027, 2029. Liang-Cheng, Sir Chentung, 7474. Libbey, W., 575. Libbey, W. jr., 562, 895. Libby, O. G., 13, 17, 21, 6935, 7025, 7112. Libby Prison, 1366, 1648, 6597, 7483. Liberia, history of, 1822. Maryland in, 1941. Libertines in Massachusetts Bay, 1636- 1638. 4123. Liberty, history of, 5314. pioneer steps, 5641. Liberty Hall Academy. Virginia, petition for charter, 6861. Liberty Hall Volunteers. 6847. Liberty party, 2554. Librarians, congress of, 6049. Libraries, colonial, Virginia, 6850, 6851, 6852, 6854. early, 200, 347. early parochial, 772. great, 208, 458. in North Carolina, eighteenth century, 72. influence on social progress, 5235. private, 3446o. public, modern, and their methods, 7327. seminary, 1818. Thomas Bray s, 35. Libraries and library buildings, 260. Libraries and societies, Mississippi, 4348. Library of Congress, 22. historical manuscripts, 16. manuscripts in, 2808. Lichtenstein, R. C., 3398, 3399, 3755, 3774. Licking County, Ohio, Disciples churches, 5678/5681. % history, 5678, 5679. inscribed stones, 5777, No. 53. pioneers, 5678. Presbyterian churches, 5678. Presbyterian churches (o. s.), 5680. soldiers in the civil war, 5679. Licking Summit, celebration of American independence, 1812. 7415. Lidget, C., letters to F. Foxcroft, 1690- 1692. 3391, 3392. Lieber, Franz, 887. Lieber, O. M., 545, 6631, 6636. Lies, E., 1037, 1038. Lieutenancy, court of, 1686-1696. 52520. Life, geography, 891. length of, in France, 809. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX 1179 Life calculations, 2021. Life insurance in United States, 807. Life tables, 815. " The light appearing more and more to ward the perfect day," 2(542. Lightfoot family, 6850, 6851. " Lightfoot survey of 1750." (5140. Lighthall, W. D., 7143, 7:524, 7.,20, 7371- 7372. Lightner, W. II., 4312. Lighty, W. II., 4383. Lignery, de, 6038. .ignery s expedition, 1728. 6032. .illard, John B., 653. .illard, .T. P. B., 1644*. .illie family, 2801. ,illy wills in England, 5744. Jmerick, Me., 1607. Jmestone lands, Pennsylvania, 6155, 6156. .imestone, magnesia, of Iowa, 1506. Lincecum, (}., 4351. Lincoln, A., 1516, 1047. anniversary, Bridgeport, Conn., ll. r l. death of, 6032. facsimile reproduction of second election as President, 1515. Gov. Kirkwood s first meeting .with, 1. r 2l. in Black Hawk war, 6036, 7062. in Kansas, 1581. literary style, 1436. lock of hair, 2799. " Lost Speech," 1428. medallic history, 664. nomination to Congress, 34. reminiscences, 5028. speech at Gettysburg, remarks on, 2805 3265. unpublished letters, 1856-1864. 6083. as wrestler, 7425. See also Personal Subject Index. Lincoln and Anti-Know-Nothing resolu tions, 1428. Lincoln and campaign of 1856. 1428/ Lincoln and the patronage, 42. Lincoln-Grimes correspondence, 1516. Lincoln party massacre on Colorado River 1021. Lincoln records in Pennsylvania, 5018. Lincoln, B., 2622, 2623, 2620. letter, 1790. 2622. wound received at Saratoga, 1777. 2644. Lincoln, C. H., 35, 6079, 6082, 6403. Lincoln, C. S., 3683. Lincoln, Enoch, manuscript papers, 1697. Lincoln, L. J. B., 4097. Lincoln, Levi, brief in slave case, 1781. 2661. relationship to judgeship vacated by Judge Cushing, 1810. 2805. Lincoln, Levi, 2d, relation to Webster s seat in Senate, 1827-1833. 2805. Lincoln, Solomon, 2787, 2806, 3271, 3275, 3315, 3377, 3525, 3684. Lincoln, Waldo, 209, 465, 3410, 3912. Lincoln, William, 124. Lincoln family, 3377, 3525. Lincoln (Abraham) ancestry, 3406. lineage, 3778. family, 3377. Lincoln (Samuel) family, 3309. Lincoln, Nebr., capitol, first, 4417. city council, incarceration of, 1887. 4417. insane hospital, 4417. public library, 4400. Lincoln County, Me., early lawyers of, 1701, 1702. intentions of marriage, 1702 1804. 3404. marriages, 1777-1816. 3395. marriages, by O. Wood. 1786-.X9. 1712. probate records, 1760 to 1800. 1689. Lincoln County, Nebr., 4407. Lindall family, 3365. Lindley, J., 4269, 4775. Lindsay, A. E. T., 3401, 3S19. Lindsay, L. St. G., 7345. Lindsay family, 6834, 6835. Linebrook, Mass., pen ramble in, 2441, 2479. Lineban, J. C., 605, 607, 6OX-611, 617. Linehan, M. L., 609. Lingelbach, W. E., 43. Linkletter, C. S., 4283. Linn, J. B., 6061, 6063. Linn, L. p., 1465, 1405. Linn County, Iowa, 151S. earliest burying ground. 1523. history, 1505. Lintner, J. A., 4694. Linton, S., correspondence, 1804. 5721. Lippitt family (Rhode Island), 3385. Lipscomb, D., 4344, 4345-4347. Liquor laws in American Commonwealths, centralized administration of, 4827. Liquor question, 4694. Lister family, 6851. Litchfleld, Paul, diary, 1775. 2788. Litchfield, P. R., 3321. Litchfield, W. J., 3417, 4120. Litchfield (Lawrence) family, 3367. Literary exchange, 1810. 200. Literature, 4212. Canadian, 7170. German, in England before 1700. 884. history of, 7170. Southern, 4345. Literature and art, 1880. Lithgow, W., deposition in 1767. 3382. Lithgow family, 5044. Lithobolia, 3401, 3805. Lititz, Pa., 1-777. 6223. early history. 1742-1775. 6223. military hospitals, 6124, 6455. visit to, 1700. 6167. Littell, C. W.. 6058. Littell, S., 4551. Little, A., 4457. Little, Charles J.. 10. Little, D. M., 416.x. Little, F., 4270. Little, H., 4257. 1180 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Little Blue River, Nebr., Indian raid on, in 1863. 4424. Little Chute, Wis., mission, 1825-1840. 6936. sawmill site at, 6937. Little Egg Harbor, published genealogies of families, 4549. Little Falls, Me., 1715. Little Miami Valley, Revolutionary soldiers in, 5722. Littlefield, L. A., 4042. Littlefield, N. W., 4041. Littlehales, ft. W., 573-575, 578, 898, 7391. 7474. Littleton. S.. library of, 1679-80. 6850. Littleton family, 3399, 3779. Littleton, Mass., epitaphs, 2002. King Philip s war incident, 2002. landmarks in proprietors deeds, 2002. lyceum, 2602. schools, 2602. trees of, 2602. "Lively" immigrants, adventures of, 6681. "Lively," what became of the? 6681. Livermore, D., New Hampshire company, 1780. 4454. Livermore, fteorge, 218, 2775, 2814, 2815. Livermore, T. L., 2808, 3334, 3337, 3338. Livermore, W. R., 2802. Living, cost of, 810. Livingston, B., 5033. duel with J. Jones, 6063. Livingston, Edward, 705. Livingston, E. B., 5030. Livingston, II., journal, 1775. 6078. Livingston, H. B., 1067. Livingston, W., 4860. Livingston family, 5029, 5030. 6861. (New York), arms of, 5033. Livingston pedigree, 5026. Livingston County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4280. Livingston County, New York, agriculture, 4931. blacksmithing, 4931. ecclesiastical history, 4934. judges and lawyers, 4914. Livingstone, David, 550. letters, 1856. 2251. Livius, P., v. J. Wentworth, 4454. Livonia, N. Y., 4931. Llewellyn plantation, 7422. Lloyd, A., 4553. Lloyd, A. B., 900. Lloyd, A. H., 44. Lloyd, F., 1497, 1501, 1514, 1520, 1522. Lloyd, H. D., 903. Lloyd, II. W., 3412, 6071, 6072, 6074, 6081. Lloyd, I. X., 5899. Lloyd, James, letter, 1817. 2776. Lobingier, C. S., 4417. Local government, English, 4826. in the South and Southwest, 1824. relations of central and, 4825, 4826. Local histories, 234. Local history, teaching of, in public schools, 4160. value of, 1580. Local law in Connecticut historically con sidered, 3609. Localities, English, of American emigrants, 3379. Lochrey, J., accounts of company of, 1780. 6082. Locke, C. S., 2195, 2200, 2205. Locke, II. ft., 2592. Locke, J., 6634. Locke, J. G., 3363. Locke, J. L., 1702. Locke, Mary S., 1286, 2197. Locke, R., 6080. Locke, Samuel, letters, 2808. Locke (Margaret) family, 3393. Lockington, W. N.. 2369. Lock wood, F. ft., 5639. Lockwood, II., 7408. Lockwood, J. II.. 6926. Locomotive engine, early, 6067. Locust ftrove, Niagara, Canada, 7266. Lodge, II. C., 198, 2770, 2788, 2808, 2950, 4168. Lodwick, C., 5097. Loeb, L, 4830. Loewenthal, L, 2028. Log cabin, 4927. Log cabin times and people, Michigan, 4281. Log college of Neshaminy. 6381. Log house, 4278. Logan, B., letter, 1793. 1639. Logan, Deborah, 5979. letter to Alex. Garden, 6009. Logan, Deborah N., 6128. Logan, F. A., 6128. Logan, James, 6062. correspondence with William Penn, 1700- 1750. 5979. letter, 1719. 4537. letter to Letitia Aubrey, 1708-1710. 6080. letter to J. Steel, 1727. 0080. letter to C. Weiser, 1736. 6079. letter to Society of Friends, 1741. 6009. Logan, Mrs. John A., 7425. Logan, W. S., 5372. Logan family, 6082. Logan County, Ohio, history, 5773. Logan papers, selections from, 6009. Logan. Sec Tah-gah-jute. Loganian Library in Philadelphia, 2630. Logg s town, treaty of, 1752. 6838. Lois, Indenture of, 1751. 3391. Lollardry, English, 17. Lollards, recantations of the early, 38. Lomax, T., 946. Lombard family, 3370, 3500. Lombard!, F. J. M., letter, 928. Lombardy, communes of, from the sixth to the tenth century, 1822. Lond, J. J., 3381. London, H. A., 5593. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1181 London, Bishop of, .American jurisdiction of, 447. marriage licenses granted by, 1598 to 1639. 2266, 2503. royal commission in 1730. 2137. London, government of, 3. growth of, 809. letter from, 1659. 6830. petition of Americans in, 1774. 3377. public record office, papers from, 2783. refugees, 1775. 3361. registry of probate, researches in, 3396. St. Dunstan in the East, parish register. 1605-1625. 5040, 5041. St. Martin s-in-the-field, parish register, 6860. St. Mary s marriages, 1606-1625. 5033. 5034, 5035-5039. St. Swithen s parish, Cradock s bequest to poor of, 3367. Toynbee Hall, work in, 1820. visitation, pedigrees, 5744. London company, list of shareholders, 1783. 6828. records, 22. London district, Ontario, register of bap tisms and marriages, 1816-1827. 7300. London Gazette for February 9, K.S4. 2782. London merchant, letter to brother in Virginia, 1644. (;sr>3. London Remembrancia, The, 278(5. London stone, 4693. Londonberry, Pa., Conewago Church, 5895. Londonderry, N. II., history, 3409. petition. 1719. 4450. Long, II. G., 6167. Long, M., 4448, 4463. Long, P., deposition, 1658, 1668. 3374. Long, R. C., 5151, 5168. Long, S. H., 1577, 4303. Long, W. S., 6068. Long Island, 4936. Long Island, N. Y., battle of, 34, 4945. 5132, 6062. Germans at, 6354. burial grounds, 3411-3413, 5017. "inscribed tablet" from, 6341. marriages and deaths, 1804-lsos. 5039. 5040. monies due inhabitants from Americjiu prisoners of war, 5022. a patent of, 4108. towns, first settlement of, 4848. Long Island Sound, early history, 1160. Long Point, Lake Erie, United empire Io. alist settlement, 7297. Longacre, J. B., diary, 1825. 6085. Longaker, A. B., 5959. Longevity, 2777. human, 2782. New Hampshire, 4447. Longfellow, H. W., 2773. as author of Evangeline, 1708. Longfellow, II. W., Hiawatha, the mission ary, 919. Longfellow, Stephen, 1733. letter, 1770. 2777. Longitude, telegraphic determination, 892. Longley, C. L., 1513, 1514. LongmeadoWf Mass., burial grounds, in scriptions, 3407. families, 3389-3394, 3396. Longstreet s assault at Gettysburg, 5593. Longueuil, Canada, ministers and curates of, 1698-1900. 7347. chateau of (Le chateau de Longueuil > 7346. journals of 1885. 7345. name of, 7345. Longueuil family, last of (Le dernier reje- ton des), 7345. Long-worth, I., 7281. Loockermans family (New York). 5023. Loockermans family records, 5020. Looker, H. B., 1265, 1270. Lookout Mountain, battle of, 6598, Loom, Power, genesis of, 485. Worcester Co., Mass., 211. Loomis, C. H., 3324. Loomis, E. S., 5749. Loomis, P. R., 5636, 5638. Looney, Louisa I ., 1284. Loos, I. A., 1524, 1539, 1569. Looscan, Adele B., 6679, 6680, 6683, 6(585, 6686. Lopez expedition to Cuba, 1850 and 1851. 1630. Lopez family, 625. Lorain County, Ohio, early history, 5778. Lord, Arthur, 2794, 2798, 2808. Lord, E. L., 1858. Lord, J., letter to S. Sewall, 1706. 3371. letter, 1733. 2794. Lord, J. C., 4770, 4773. Lord, J. K., 4457. Lord, Otis P., 2250, 2318. Lords of trade and plantation, answers to queries of, 4446. Lord s supper, doctrine of, 773. Lordstown, Ohio, 5689. Lore, C. B., 1252, 1254, 1257. Lorenz, M. O., 815. Lorette, Canada, addiv^s of the proprietors and inhabitants of, to Kir James II. Craig, April 5, 1810. 734(5. Loretto, Pa., paschal confessions and com munions, 1810-1813. 5845. Loring, A., 1707. Loring, A. G., 3410, 3412, 3415, 3416, 3904, 3929o, 3968, 3969a. Loring, C. G., 2776, 2828. Loring, George B., 3, 2245, 2246, 4096, 5714, 5767. Loring, I., 2628. Loring, Starling, 5749. Los Angeles, Cal., in 1847. 1020. in 1880-1890. 1010. adobe age, 1015. Ayuntamiento, 1017. 1182 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Los Angeles, Cal., biographies, 1019-1022. Chinese massacre, 1011. Clericals, 1019. club life, 1017. old court-house, 1011. eccentric characters, 1020. episodes of the early 60 s, 1021. fifteen years of local history, 1016. historic houses, "1013. Kentucky pioneers, 1004. old, 1018. old and the new, 1022. physicians, 1019. pioneers of 1836. 1021. plan of, 1012. plaza, 1017. pueblo days, 1017. real estate boom, 1887. 1006. reminiscences of, 1004, 1010. old Round House, 1018. school superintendents, 1015. old-time schools, 1013. seaports, 1018. siege and capture, 1010. stores in 1850. 1018. two decades of local history, 1021. United States magnetic observatory, 1005. j Los Angeles County, Cal., division, x move- ments for, 1005. pioneer register, 1017, 101s, 1010. os Angeles River. 1010. ossing, B. J., 5285, 5345, (5IS05. I Lossing, Lost in a snow storm, 1513. Lost Island, poem, 1641. Lotbiniere (De) family, 34OS. Lothrop, J., 6926. Lothrop, S. K., 2651, 277<>. 2772, 2774, 2781, 2787, 2804, 2817. Lothrop, T. J., 3410, 3915. Lothrop, T. K., 2801, 2802, 2804-2806, 3247, 3259. Lothrop ?>. Norman, 1659. 2240. Lott (Johannes) family, 5051. Lotteries, American history, 9. Virginia, 3389. Loudoun County, Va., resolutions, 1774. 6860. Lough, M. C., 6873. Loughery s defeat and Pigeon Roost mas sacre, 1449, 1452. Loughlin, John, 914. Louis, Duke of Orleans, instrument executed by, 1405. 2776. Louis XIV, retribution of, 4892. Louis XVII and Kleazar Williams: were they the same? 4948. medals, 667. Louis, J. J., 1538, 1556. Louisa County, Iowa, 1503, 1505. Louisburg* campaign of, 17561758. 72O5. history, 7281. in 1892. 7327. Louisburg expedition, 1745, officers and men, 3380. sailors, 3417. Louisburg, expedition to, 1775. 2619. Louisburg. siege. 1745. 7312, 7369. artificers and laborers, 1745. 3413. capitulation of, 1745. 3415. Connecticut soldiers at, 1745. 1109. Craft s journal, 2245. diary, 2801. map, 2678. New Hampshire men at, 4427. soldiers, 3382, 3383. siege, 1746. 3205. site of, preservation, 7326. R. Walcott s journal at, 1 109. Louisiana, 1448. cavalry service in, 6595. copper currency, 1721-1726. 6962. cotton crop of, 1665. diocese, statutes, 914. documents relating to. 770. France and, 1792-1795. 36. French cession of, 1803. 1666. history, 1673, 7123. Irish in, 609. mound investigations, 1667. mounds, 1664. northwestern boundary. 1666. proposed French expedition, 1793-94 (Clark and Genet correspon dence), 13. State seal, 1668. sugar crop, 1896-97. 1665. United States provisional court for, 1862-1865. 9. Louisiana frontier exploration, 180:5-1X06. 28. Louisiana purchase, 1, 2, 15, 26, 43, 1282. 1284, 1452, 1509, 1518, 1519, 152S. 1531, 1666, 2047, 2808, 3284, 4:511, 4375, 4398, 7123. boundaries, 4383. centennial, 1668. in 1903. 1670. one hundredth anniversary, 4398. was Texas included? 1285. Yankee and, 4388. Lonisiana Purchase Exposition, address at dedication, 4398. address at the opening, 4398. Montana, 4398. Ohio day, 5726. Louisiana Ursulines, 1668. Louisiana r. Mississippi, 4351. Louisville, Ky., centenary, 1618. St. Paul s Church, 1614. Lounsbury, W., 5549. Louvigny, 6938. Lovas, ttishop, 1517. Love, N. B. C., 5722. Love, W. A., 4350. Love, W. De Loss, 210, 487. Love, conception of, in some American languages, 745. Lovejoy, Owen, the abolitionists and Re publican party, 1428. Lovelace, Lord, 8. administration, 4595. and Canadian campaign, 1708-1710. 8. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1183 Lovelace, Lord, funeral sermon, 1709. 5252. Lovelace, William, interment of, 43. Lovell, A. A., 4209, 4217. Lovell, James, letter to W. Whipple, 1777. 6078. letters, 1778. 2138. Lovell, Gen. S., original journal, 1770. 4187. Lovell (Robert), genealogy, 4187. Lovering family, 3376. Lovett, A. S., 2574. Lovewell, J., and the Pequakets, 1713. Lovewell s expedition, 1725. 3365, 3441. Lovewell s fight, 1707, 2793, 3197. Symmes s sermon on, 2801. See also Fryeburg, Me. Loving, S., 5749, 5751. Loving, William, will of, 1791. 5748. Low, Esther R., 4775. Low, Seth, 1859, 5366. Lowe, Caleb, roll of company, April 10, 1775. 2268. Lowe, E. L., 927. Lowe, P. G., 1578, 1579, 1581. Lowe, Gov. R. W., messages, etc., 1858- 1860. 1558. Lowe, W. L, 20. Lowell, Anna C., letters, 2808. Lowell, A. L., 22, 2799, 2801, 3174, 3189. Lowell, C., 2649, 2742. Lowell, E. J., 2793. Lowell, F. C., 2803, 2804, 3245. Lowell, James R., letters, 1X79-1889. 7395. Lowell, John, letter, 1782. 27X2. letter to, 1 7S.,. 277:5. Lowell, John, Mass., 2135. 2640, 2710, . 2727, 2771, 2800, 3173. legacy, 2802. Lowell, John, Juilyc, legal opinion of, for Gov. Bowdoin, 2782. Lowell, J. A., original papers from collec tion of, 2774. Lowell family, 3412. Lowell, Mass., Irish Catholic schools, 1835-1852. 3355. Lower Merion, Pa., 5959. Lower Norfolk County, Va., families of, 6830. Lower Salford, Pa., early settlers, 5960. Lowery, Woodbury, 43. Lowndes family of South Carolina, 3388. Lowndes County, Miss., antiquities and pioneer settlers, 4350. Lowry, Ashbury, 777. Loxley, B., GOOD. Loxley family, 6<>79. Loy, W. E., 905. Loyal petitions of 1 666. 270(5. Loyalism in New York, 4X31. Loyalist, a, in siege of Boston, 3414. letters of, 1775-17X8. 2140. transport ships. 17X3. 7255. Loyalists, American, claims. 17X9. r,<7l. confiscated estates in Boston, 2XOO, 3166. Loyalists, Georgia, 7366. Connecticut, 38. corps, roll of officers, 7255. emigration from Southern States, 2793. in Beauport, Canada, 1775. 7348. Mass., confiscated estates, 3370. confiscation laws, 7395. of Medford, Mass., 3325. muster rolls, 1784, 5048, 5049. New Brunswick, 5050, 5051. New York, 4831. memorial about, 1782. 3036. Salem, 3384. letters, 3384. settlement at Long Point, Lake Erie, 7297. Shelburne, N. S., 7279. Tories in Mass., 2137. Toryism in Newport, R. I., 6250. treatment of, 2802. United Empire, 7263, 7327, 7378. first settlement, 7866. German, Dundas County, Ontario, 7366. Highland Scotch, 7367. homes, 7365. Presbyterian, 7298. Loyalists and slavery in New Brunswick, 7323. Loyalists centennial souvenir, 7250. Loyalists in arms, 1775-1783. 7255. Loyalists in the Revolution, 34, 7255. Lubbock, F. R., 6680. Lubold. D. G., 6139. Lucas, C. A., 1524. Lucas, C. L., 1518. Lucas, D. B., 6880. Lucas, J. R., 3388. Lucas, Gov. Robert, 1515, 1518. messages, etc., 1838-1840. 1557. Lucas family, 3383. Luce, C. G., 4263, 4281. Luce, S. B., 3340. Lucero, the inquisitor. 35. Luchsinger, J., 6930/j. 6934, 6937, 6067, 6977, 7080, 7090. Luddington family, 3416, 3980. Ludington s reports, 5777, No. 46. Ludlow, T. W., 867. Ludlow line, 5725. Ludwell, T., letters, 6827. Ludwell family, 3391, 6849. Ludwell papers, 1705-1745. 6829. Ludwig, C. II., 5473. Ludwig, De B. K., 63X1. Luetscher. G. D., 885. Lugo, A. M., 1013. Lumber, manufacture of, 4202. Xre also pine industry. Lumbering, St. Croix River, 4312. St. Croix Valley. 4311. I pper Mississippi, 4311. Lumbrozo, Jacob, trial, 625. Lumholtz. C., 567. 569, 57O, 570. Luinmus, II. T., 2607. Lumpkin, J., charge against, 1690. 6830. 1184 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Lundy s Lund, 6075. Lundy s Lane, battle of, 6076, 7220, 7227, 7229, 7231, 7378, 7381. Lunenburg, Mass., common lands, 1731. 3377. early records, 1719-64. 7499. in the Revolution, 2539, 2541. inscriptions from burial grounds, 2540. offering to Cheshire County, 4456. Proprietors records, 1729-33. 7500. topography and history, 2629. Lunenburg Court-house, Va., marriage bonds, 6857. Lunt, E. C., 807. Lunt, G., 3395. Lunt, H., will, 1662. 3367. Lunt, Taul, diary, 1775. 2781, 2884. Lunt family, 3380. Lurgan, Pa., early gristmills, 6156. Lusher wills, 2196. Luther, F. S., 4216. Luther, Martin, and his work, 2789. commemoration of, 2789. four hundredth anniversary, 7455. Lutheran Church, confessional history of, 774. in Maine, 5922, 5923. in Pennsylvania, 1638-1800. 6363. in United States, history of, 787. Lutheran revolt, the, 42. Lutz, J. J., 1582. Luzerne, M., .letter, 1781. 2782. Luzerne County, Pa., annals. 6429. brief of title in 17 townships, 6089. centennial, 1786-1886. 6425. printing, progress of, 6425. Luzon, military operations, 900. Lycoming County, Pa., 6063. " Indian land," 6063. journey to, in 1799. 6070. Lyford, J. C., 4224. Lyford family, 2275, 2276, 2533. Lyle, G. T., 6892. Lyle, S., 6844. Lyle, W., 6844. Lyman. B. S., 6339. Lyman, G., letter, 1759. 3369. Lyman, II. S., 5797, 5798, 5800, 5841, 5842. Lyman, P., 5410. Lyman, R. A., 7131. Lyman, S., journal, 1775. 1114. Lyman, Theodore, 2787, 3333, 3335, 3337, 3682, 3705. statement of the libel suit brought by Webster, 2788. Lyman. W. D., 210, 211. Lyme, Conn., births, marriages, deaths, 3389-3392. vital statistics, 1664-1786. 3381, 3382. Lyme, Ohio, history, 7408. Congregational Church, 5642, 5646. Lynch, J. E., 4205. Lynch, J. M. S., 928. Lynch law at the Dubuque mines, 1506. Lynch law, Virginia, 6861. Lynd, J. W., manuscripts, 4303. Lynde, S., deed, 1700. 34O9. Lyndeboro, N. H., first settlers, 3379. Lyndhurst, Lord, letter, 1796. 6065 letter, 1797. 2137. Lynn, Mass., burying ground, inscriptions, 2259, 2260, 2260a, 2261. first Methodist meeting house, 2609. Flagg-Gray House, 2606. floating bridge, 2272. genealogical items, 3363. history, 3365. J. Humphreys farm, 1701. 3389. iron works, 2608. marriage intentions, first book, 2255. marriage intentions, 1703-1746. 2385. marriages, births, and deaths, 2244, 2245, 2246. old burying ground, inscriptions, 2264, 2265, 2461. record of interments, 2263. second church, 2605. third parish, 2607. vital records, to 1849. 7494. Lynn Canal, Alaska, 5916. Lynnfield, Mass., church records, 2244. first church, records, 2272. first book of records, 2523. first religious society, 2258. Lynnfield Centre, Mass., old burying ground, inscriptions, 2262, 2472, 2487. Lyon, II. R., 4417. Lyon, L., letters, 1822-1845. 4279. Lyon, N., 1516. Lyon, R. T., 5630. Lyon, T. H. B., 6141. Lyon, W., 2635. Lyon family, 2796, 5468. Lyon family (Windham County, Conn.), 5043, 5044. Lyons, C. J., 7130. Lyons, Iowa, First Congregational Church, 1500. Lyons Farms, N. J., Baptist Church records, 1769-1794. 4558. records, 1794-1801. 4559. Lyric element in American history, 1270. Lyttle, E. W., 5413. Lyttleton, Lord, letter, 1766. 2773. Mabie, II. W., 5401. Mable, M. II., 4423. McAdam family, 6861-6863. McAdoo, W., 608. McAfee, J. B., 1579. McAlister, Mary C., 6076. McAllister, J. T., 6831, 6833, 6834, 6890. McAllister, W. A., 6834. McArthur, A., 7148, 7148#, 7148jy. McArthur, J. L., 7475. Macaulay, A., journal, 1783. 6859. Macaulay, Catharine, letter, 2139. Macaulay, T. B., 808. Macaulay family, 6860. Mac Beth, J., 7149m, 7163. Mac Beth, R. G., 7149s. McBride, D., 6927. McBride, J., 5656. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1185 Macbride, J. B., 1528. McBride, J. R., 5828. McBride, T. A., 7476. McBride, T. II., 1522, 1523. McCabe, C. C., 5736. M Cabe, R. E., 6782. McCaleb, W. F., 26, 6679, 6682, 6687. McCall, James, journal, 6934. McCall, John, 5851. McCall, P., 5986. McCalmont, J. S., 5973. McCarter, M. II., 1581. McCarthy, Charles, 24, 90. McCarty, D. G., 1524, 1536. McCarty, T., inventory of estate, 1732. 3390. MacCauley, C., 7483. McCaw, J. B., 6849. McCaw family, 6855. McCharles, A., 868, 7148u>. McClain, Emlin, 1516, 1528, 1537, 1552. McCleary, S. F., 2797, 2802, 3215. McClellan, C. II., 4098. McClellan, G. B., conduct of, at Alexan dria, 1862. 3333, 3335. peninsular campaign, 1862. 34, 2800, 3333, 3334. McClelland, R. G., 5703. McClernand, J. A., 1422. McClintick, W. T., 5725, 5749. McClintock, A. II., 6423, 6453. McClintock, E., 3417. McClintock, F. L., 545. M Clintock, W. T., 5723. McCloskey, Cardinal, 927. McClure, D., 2623, 6169. diary, 2785. McClure, Edgar, 897. McClure, H. H., 903. McClure, J. R., 1582. McClure, W. T., 1582. McClurg, M., 4351. McClurg family, 6849. McColloch, D., 1422. McCollom, W. A., 7301, 7327. McCollom family, 7301, 7327. McConihe, Mary, 3687. McConnell, G. M., 1423. McConnell, Jennie, 7381. McConnell, S. D., 6071, 6118. McCook, H. C., 6381. McCormac, E. I., 1835. McCormick, J. G., 5595. McCormick, J. II., 1270. McCormick, R. C., 983, 5544. McCorvey, T. C., 946, 953. McCown, F. O., 5816. McCoy, J. C., 1578a. McCoy, J. J., 608. McCrackan, W. D., 573. MacCracken, H. M., 773, 783. McCracken, S. B., 4270. McCracken, W. D., 16. McCrady, E., 12, 6633, 6641. McCrae, John, 7301. McCreery, J. L., 1513. H. Doc. 923, 50-1, vol 2 75 M Crosky, !//. James, 5618. M Culloch, D. A., 6874. McCulloch v. Maryland case, 6784. McCullock, Delia A., 6892-6894. McCurdy, E. E., 7429. McCutcheon, B. M., 7470. McDaniel, B. F., 2436. McDermott, W., 5959, 5960. McDill, J. W., 1521. Macdona, H., 4693. McDonald, A., letter book, 1775-1779. 5254. McDonald, E., 3395. McDonald, J., letter to W. D. Gallagher. 5713. Macdonald, J. S., 7284. Macdonald, S. D., 7281. MacDonald, W., 24, 1714. McDonald papers, 6832. Macdonough, It., 1236, 5045. McDougall, A., letter, 1779. .",408. McDougall, JUrtt. J. L., 7381. McDowall, R., marriage register, 7296. register of baptisms, 7296. McDowell family (Contents of a barrel), 6156. Mace, W. H., 5, 7. M Elwee, W. E., 6671. McEvers, N. D., 7518. Macey, J., 1814. Macey, W. A., 5050. McFadden, L. H., 5755. McFadden, T., 6063. M Farland, B. H., 6679. McFarland, F. P., 917. McFarland, M. II., 7475. MacFarland, R. R., 7149ft. McFarland, R. W., 5713, 5720, 5723, 5725. Macfarland, W. H., 6799. McGahan, T. R., 6651. McGean, J. II., 927-930. McGee, D A., 7222. McGee, T. D A., 7176. McGee, T. C., 5638. McGee, W. J., 762, 891, 897, 899, 900, 902, 903, 1271. McGiffert, A. C., 771, 777. McGill, R., 7298. McGinley, J., 1203. McGlynn, E., 4861> MacGonigle, J. N., 897. McGovern, J. F., 6214. McGovney, D. O., 43. McGowan, J., 623?;. McGowen, Jennie, 1512. McGrath, J. E., 894. McGregor, A. W., 1539-1542. McGregor, J. P., 6897. McGrew, J. C., 6889. McGuire, E. J., 928, 929. Machado family, 625. Machar, Agnes M., 7365. McHenry, James, letters, 1796-1817. 1289. letters, 1796-1799. 6861-6863. papers of, 1289, 6836. Revolutionary correspondence 6085. 1186 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Machias, Me. in the Revolution, 1712. topography, 2621. war of 1812. 1707. Mcllmoyl family, 7367. Mcllvain, .T. W., 772, 1821. Mclhvaine, H. R., 1825. Mcllwraith, T., 2298. Mclntire, A. R., 5725. Mclntire, Rufus, presentation of sword, 1717. Mclntosh, H. F., 5844. Macintosh, J. I., 6399. Mclntosh, M. E., 6917, 6972. Mclntyre, A. R., 5713. Mclntyre, P. W., 1717. Mack, J. M., 6072, 6085. Mack, Mrs. J. T., 5722. McKamie family, 1644a. McKay, K. W., 7144, 7146, 7371-7372. McKay, M. M., 4159. McKay, W. C., 5821. McKeag, E. C., 4843a. McKean, J., 2699. McKean, T., letter, 1789. 35. McKeansburg, Pa., history, 6141. McKee, J. II., 5721. McKee, Mary A. B., 5826. McKeen, J., 1699, 1701. McKellar, A., 7298. McKelvey, J., 5743. McKelvey, Matthew, genealogy, 5743. McKelway, S. C., 5544. McKendree college, 7425. McKendry, Wm., journal, 1779. 2972,3043. McKenney, T. L., 6929. McKenzie, Alex., 2804, 2808, 3123, 3260, 3306, 4164, 7316, 7469. Mackenzie, A. W., 5745, 5749, 5750. Mackenzie, Lieut., British officer, 2795. Mackenzie family in Topsfield, Mass., 4164. Mackenzie of Garloch, records, 1726-1889. 5747. Mackenzie (George) family, 5750. Mackenzie River, 552. Mackie, J., will, 1716. 6831. Mackinac, story of, 6936, 7074. Mackinac Island, early days, 6936. Devil s kitchen, 4281. mission church, 4280. f reminiscences, 7073. See also Michilimackinac. Mackinaw, capture of, 1763. 6930k. McKinley, A. E., 23, 40, 86, 6404. McKinley, J. D. II., 5725. McKinley, William, 4398, 5719. reception, New Orleans, May 2, 1901. 1669. McKinley, Mount, 580, 904. McKinstry, E. W., 1050. McKinstry family, 1736, 3370, 3371. McKinstry genealogy, 1749. Mackraby, A., letters to Sir P. Francis, 1767-1770. 6067. McLachlan, R. W., 7317, 7328. McLane, Col., visit to Washington, 1814. 5995. McLaughlin, A. C., 3, 11, 39, 1556, 4292. MacLaughlin, Ada G., 1423. McLaughlin, J. F., 914, 5848. McLaws, L., 1334. McLean, Mrs. D., 5412. McLean, John, memorial, 1427. McLean, J. P., 5713, 5721, 5722-5725, 5783, 5784. MacLean, W., jr., 6081. McLean, W. J., 7153. McLean Asy.lum, 3187. McLean County, 111., Black Hawk war, 1832. 1426. circuit court, 1426. civil war, 1426. education in, 1427. game birds and animals, 1427. government, 1426. groves, 1427. Ileyworth school district, 1427. jail, 1427. Kickapoo Union school district, 1427. prices, 1832-1860. 7425. roads, early, 1427. school districts renumbered, statistics, 1427. normal school district, 1427. school lands and funds, 1427. first school teacher, 1427. soldiers of American Revolution buried in, 1426. soldiers of war of 1812 buried in, 1426. subscription and semisubscription schools, 1427. McLennan, W., 7328. Maclin family, 6855. McLoughlin, John, 5812. correspondence, 5797. McMaster, J. B., 556, 5410, 6067, 6113. McMaster s History of people of United States, 6063. McMath, J. M., 4266. McMichael, J., diary, 1776-1778. 6072. McMichael, W. F., 6072. McMicken, G., 7149c. McMillan, A., 3379. McMillan, M., 6928. McMinn correspondence on Indian treaties, 1815-1817. 6671. McMullen, D., 1505. MacMurphy, Harriet S., 4414. MacMurphy, J. A., 4407, 4409, 4410. MacMurray, J. W., 4693. Macnab, A. W., 7367. Macnab family, 7367. M Nair, H. R., 4931. MacNair, T., 808. McNaughton, J., 4693. McNeal, T. A., 1580, 1581. M Neill, Hector, letter to Samuel Adams, 2781. McNeilly, J. S., 4349. McNulta, J., 1426. McNulty, A., 4312. Macomb County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280, 4283. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1187 Macon, N., 5571. Congressional career, 5596. letters, 5596, 5597. Macon family, 6854, 6860. Macoubrey, A. R., 5556. Macpherson, J., jr., letters to W. Patterson 1766-1773. 6079. McPherson, J. B., 6354. McPherson, J. II. T., 1822. Macpherson s Blues, battalion of Infantry 1799. 6079. McPike, E. F., 5043-5045, 5049, 5749. McPike family, 5044. (James) family, 5749. Macrae, Emily, 6861. McRae, S., 3384. McSherry, R., 1945. McSherry, Wm., 1878. McSweeuy, Z. F., 7474. MacVeagb, F., 1400. MacVeagh, Wayne, 6057. McVicar, P., 1579. McVicker, J. H., 1392. McWhorter, G. C., 4544, 5287. McWhorter, L. V., 6889. McWhorter family, 4544. Macy, Jesse, 10, 1515, 1538. Macy, S, J., 3382, 3582. Macy, W. A., 5535. Macy family, 3348. Madagascar, 576. Madawaska war, 1715. Madden, J., 1581, 1582. Madison, J., journey in 1800. 1266. letters to Jews, 627. Madison and the Constitution, 4928. Madison and religious liberty, 22. Madison family, 6857. (William) family, 6854. Madison, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 1161, Madison, Wis., early reminiscences, 6930. first family, 6930. first house in, 6930. latitude and longitude of, 6928. naming of, 6930. surveying in, 1837. 6937. Madison County, Iowa, 1503. a pioneer settlement in, 1518. Madison County, N. Y., population, 5513. Madison County, Tenn., 6670, 6671. Madog tradition, 5433. Maes, C. P., 915. Magabigwaduce, evacuation of, 1711. Magdalen Islands, 7174. Magee, B., 2622. Ma gee, J., 2622. Magee, J. F., 2206, 6382. Magee, James, F., jr., 2207. Magellan, straits, 898. Ma-ghe-ga-bo, Indian s Plea, 1524. Magic, Middle Ages, 6285. " Magnalia," Cotton Mather s, 2775. Magnetic declination in Canada, changes of 1790-1850. 7178. in North America, records of, 7178. Magnetic needle, observations, Albany, N. Y., 1686-1892. 4694. variations, 4683, 4693. Magnetic survey of United States, 903. Magnus, A., 6285. Magny family, 4895. Magog, etymology of, 6706. Magoun, G. F., 1500, 1513, 1515. Magruder, W. W., 4347. Maguire, L., reminiscences, 5855. Mahan, A. T., 24, 45, 3339. Mahaska County, Iowa, 1503, 1504, 1515. Mahon, I . J., 7418. Mahoning Valley, Ohio, history, 5689. Indian tribes, 5689. Mahonoy City, Pa., history, (5141. Mahonoy tunnel, 6141. Maidston, John, letter to John Winthrop, 2639. Maine, attitude of, in Northeastern bound ary controversy, 1717. bibliography from earliest period to 1891. 1786. capital trials, 1707. Catholic missions, 1697. charter of the province, 1639. 4121. civil government list, 1630-1680. 4447. coast of, voyage of G. Waymouth, 1605, 1701, 1708. coat of arms, 3395. corespondence, etc., 1632-1809. 1720. defenses of houses, 1720-1722. 3412. discovery, 1718. district, government, 2622. early beginnings, 1708. early churches and ministers, 1701. early settlements, 1713. eastern counties, climate, soil, and value, 2622. religious state in, 1790. 2622. educational institutions, while a district of Massachusetts, 1794. expedition across, 1760. 3394. family histories, 1693. first town, 3365. French neutrals in, 1702. geography and history, 4202. Gorges province of, 4120. historical memoranda, 1707. history, documentary, 1718-1723, 1743. early history, 1726, 1735, 3363. history, 1714. how it became a State, 1715. Indian affairs, 1722-1726. 3402, 3403, 3404. Indian troubles, 1702-1704. 1699. Indian war, 1675. 3366. Jesuit missionary, extracts from letters of, 1708. land controversies in, 2138. in 1736-1770. 7395. land titles, 1775. laws, bibliographic memorandum, 1708, 1783. letter from inhabitants to Charles II about 1680. 1697. 1188 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Maine, literature, historical review of, 1708. Lutheran Church, 5922, 5923. Massachusetts and, 267. union and separation, 191. Massachusetts charter rights in early part of eighteenth century, 1712. early ministers, lives of, 1709, 1710, 1712, 1713. missionary tour, 1700. Moravian eolony in, 1708. name, 3387. northeastern boundary, 1707, 1717, 1770. Northmen in, 1752. old people in, 1850. 3370. petition from inhabitants to Oliver Crom well, 1656. 1697. petition of the inhabitants, 1689. 4104. Philip s war in, 3365. places in, 1702. Plymouth colonists in, 1717, 1793. Protestant Episcopal Church, 1702. province, court records, 3397. King s right to woods of, 1718. 1698. records, 2619. public lands in, 2204. railroads, 1859. 545. religious denominations at close of the Revolution, 1703. Revolution petitions in Massachusetts archives, 1709. Scotch-Irish immigration to, 1702. slavery, 1703. State christening, 1710. territorial development, 1724. early voyages, 1701, 1796&. voyage to coast, 1608. 3830. voyage, 1623-4, Levett s, 1698, 2646. coasting voyages, 1755. Way mouth tercentenary, 1796c. Waymouth s voyage to, 1701, 1702, 1708, 2642. wills, earliest period to 1760, 1772. Maine, Gulf of, coasting voyages, 1604- 1606. 1703. Maize, use of, by Wisconsin Indians, 7520. Major, R. H., 2782, 2905. Major family, 1645. Majoram, not the original of Oregon, 5797. Makemie, F., 6828. letter, 1707. 6061. sermon, 1706. 5243. Makk, E. H., 5607o. Malay-Polynesian vocabulary, 7187. Malbaie, St. Pierre de la, 7347. Maiden, Canada, first Indian land grant, 7301. Maiden, Mass., births, marriages, deaths, 3368-3371. burying ground, inscriptions, 3362, 3376. synopsis of inscriptions, 3367. church, opinion of court about, 1651. 2636. document, 1672. history, 3369. 3370. Maiden, Mass., instructions to their repre sentative in the general court, 1776. 2791, 3361. early records, 3364, 3368. Malin, W. G., 6222. Mallet, Edmond, 913-916. Mallet, E., 1453, 5844, 7345. Mallett family, 4159. Mallon, P., 3683. Mallory family, 6838. (Peter) family, 3412. Malloy, T., 4417. Maloney, Eva G., 6892, 6894. Maltbie, M. R., 4826. Maluquer, M. de Dufau de, 7320. Malvern Hill, battle, 3333, 3334. Mamala-IIoa, 7137. Mammals of Manitoba, list of, 7148*. Mammoth, 5958. Mammoth Cave, 567. Mamoosin, trial of, 1703. 2791. Man, antiquity of, in America, 319. researches, 6400, 6401. origin, 1012, 5608. preglacial, in Ohio, 5713. prehistoric, in Lake Superior copper re gion, 5608. Man family, 3371. Manakin, Va., Huguenot church register, 1707-1750. 6835. Manakin town, Va., settlement, 6811. Manassas, Va., battlefield, 3333. Mance, Mile., and Hotel Dieu of Ville- Marie, 1634-1659. 7381. Manchester, A., 3410. Manchester, D. W., 5778. Manchester, England, church records, 5748. Manchester, Mass., petition, 1685-1686. 3368. possible landing of Winthrop at, 2272. Street fire, 4214. vital records to 1849. 2537. Manchester, N. II., Asiatic cholera in, 4428o. early recollections, 4428a. fire department, 4427. Old Bridge street pound, 4428a. reminiscences, 1841-1896. 4427. semicentennial, 4427. water supply, 4428a. Manchuria, 905. lumbering, 905. railways, rivers, towns, 901. Russian development, 905. war map, 905. Manchurian railway, map, 901. Mandello, J., 809. Mandeville, Lord, letter to Conway, 1623. 6830. Manfeld, L., crest, 1563. 3362. Mangerville, New Brunswick, Congregational Church, 7251, 7252. Mangerville settlement, 1763-1824. 7251. Mango, introduction in United States, 904. Mangold, G. B., 815. Mangourit correspondence, 15, 30. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1189 Mangue dialect, 746. Mangum, A. W., 1283. Mangum. W. P., letters, 5596. Manhattan island, aboriginal remains, 5732. Argall s expedition, 5096. arrival of Dutch at, 5096. municipal ownership of land on, 4818. Sec also New York City. Manigault, G. E., 6614. Mhnigault family, 6615. Manila, 900. improvements, 904. Manila, battle of, 3340. Manila observatory, 901. Manitoba, bills of rights, four, 7149//. game birds of, 7149/. insectivorous birds, 7155. birds of prey, 7149y. rare bird records, 7160. winter birds, 7148y. crop markets, 7148. Fenian raid on, 7149e. municipal history, 7371-7372. two provisional governments in, 71490. Man, E. A., 897. Manly, Basil, 952. Mann, A. G., 4212. Mann, B. P., 3409, 3892. Mann, C. S., 5960. Mann, C. W., 1410, 3328. Mann, Horace, 2307, 2567. Mann, J., 2628. Mann, M. W., 3322, 3324, 3325. Mann, W. R., 2201-2207. Mann family, 2200, 3371. Dedham branch, 2201. Manners, Lord R., letters, 1780. 6586. Manney, S. W., 4312. Manning, C. R., 5743. Manning, W. II., 2278. Manning, W. R., 28, 102. Manning family, 3409. of England, 3896a, 3897. Manomet River, trading house on, 2772. Mansfield, E. D., 5662. Mansfield, J., 1003, 1010. Mansfield, May S., 993. Mansfield, Mass., revolutionary records, 3413. Mansfield, Ohio, early times, 7415. Manson family, 6858. Manteo and Jack Straw, 209. Manter Mills, N. II., 4427. Mantua, Ohio, monumental inscription s, 5744, 5745. Manual of arms, 1638. 4215. Manufactures, annual census of, 808. glass, in Berkshire County, Mass., 2045, 2047. Massachusetts, 812. paper in Berkshire County, Mass, 2047. Manufacturing industries, net profit, 809. profits of, 809. " Manumission to a manuduction," 2649. Manuscripts belonging to the Massachusetts Historical Society, list of, 2779. Manuscripts of the Massachusetts Histor ical Society in 1792, Doctor Bel- knap s list of, 2779. Manuscripts historical commission, 16. reports, 29-33. second report, 15. fourth report, 18. in Library of Congress, 16. preservation of original, 3360, 3375. printing of old, 2789. Manuscripts commission, English, American history items, 31. Manuscripts in American Antiquarian So ciety, 488. Manuscripts on Indian languages, 691. Manvel, C., 7408. Many family. See Magny family. Manzanet, Damian, letter, 6680. Map, Boston Harbor, 1688-89 (?), 2082, 2798. British camp at Trudruffrin, 1777. 6057. Canada (Le plus ancienne carte) 1546. 7346. Carolina coast, 1662. 2789. Danville s, of east Miss. 4346. globe, of sixteenth century, 560. Hereford, 602. Jamestown, Va., 1607-98. 6835. La Cosa s, 1500. 7322. Maiollo, 3140. Massachusetts, 1642. 3413. in 1796. 2770. Minnesota, northern, 4310. Mohegan country, 1112. New Brunswick in Indian period, 7324. in loyalist period, 7324. New England, Hubbard s, 2794, 3064, 3069. Winthrop s, 2791, 2796. Norristown, Pa., old map, 5959. Northwest territory, Fitch s, 2797. Ohio, 1804. 5717. northeastern, 1796. 5777, No. 64. Pennsylvania, 5962. 6048. Philippine Islands, 903. Providence plantations, 1636-1700. 6491. Roman s 1772. 4349. Saffery s 1642. 4133. Simancas, 1610. 1713, 3405. Texas Republic, 6679. Virginia, Farrer s, 2789. Henry s, 1770. 6865. Waldseemiiller, 930, 1710. Waters-Winthrop, 2797, 3137. White Hills, 3064. Woodward s and Saffery s, 1642. 3942, 4133. Worcester County, Mass., 1785. 2798. See also Maps. Map making, 812. Map notices, 577. Mapes family, 5048. Maple City (Norwalk). Ohio, 1878. 7418. Maple leaf emblem, origin, 7300. Maplet (John) family, 6586. Mappe-Monde, Cabot s 2796, 3104. 1190 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Maps, of America, 1502-1530. 101. 1550 and 1555. 731, 4550. early, 239. Boston, 2776. Boston harbor, 2786, 2792. Cape Cod in old cartology, 3695. classification, cataloguing, etc., 7391. discovery and map making, 14001600, 4694. first bearing name America, 929. Iowa, illustrating boundary history, 1538. manuscript, 2786. Medford, Mass, 3318. mother, of United States, 894. Munich, early, 181. New Brunswick, boundaries, 7326. New Netherlands, 5147. New York, 571. Ohio, early, 5776, No. 25. Philadelphia, old, 6323. relief, 576. St. Regis to Sault Ste Marie, 7296. value of, in boundary disputes, 13. wars of the French Republic, 3056. Maps and map making, 578. Mara is des Cygnes tragedy, 1580. Marathon, battle of, 2807. Marble, A. J., 4215. Marble, A. P., 4202, 4209. Marble, M. H., 4424. Marble industry, Rutland County, Vt., 6714. Marblehead, Mass., 2794, 3075. citizens, recantations of, 1775. 2781. early affairs, 1G73. 3365. field day, 1901. 4213. Fountain Inn, 2613. inscriptions from burial grounds, 2251. letter from people of, 1674. 3366. regiment in the Revolution, 2612.. Second Congregational Church, 2260a, 2453. topography and history, 2626. town meeting petition, 1673-74. 3365. vital records to the end of 1849. 2536. Marbles of Vermont, 6726. Marbletown, N. Y., early history, 5549. Marbois, Count, letter. 1782. 2776. Marburg, T., 1863. Marbury family, 3378. Marcellus, A. A., 4535. Marcellus, journal of missionary in, 1802. 5499. March, C., 7091. March, E. G., 3411, 3924T&. March genealogy, 3411, 39247i. March township, Canada, early settlers, 7298, 7381. Marchand, F. G., 7308. Marchand, L. W., 7358. Marchant, C., 2802. Marcos de Niza, Fray, 841. Marcy, O., 3387. Marcy family, 3387, 36456, 4137. Marechal, Archbishop, 915. diary, 1818-1825. 5853. Marett, P., 1160. Mareuil, Sieur de, 7323. Margaret Islands, discovery of in North Pacific, 2622. Margaretta, Ohio, history, 7408. " Margaretta," capture of, 1708. Margry, Pierre, La Salle bubble, 919. Margry papers, The, 5776, No. 34. " Maria Del Occidente," 3319. Mariana patent, 4119. Marie Antoinette, a refuge for, in Maine, 1711. Marie de 1 Incarnation (Quebec), 7322. Le venerable, 7345. Marietta, Ohio, ancient works, 5724. centennial, 5712, 5714. excursion to, 7412. first church organization, 5714. first religious society, 5701. memorial structure, 5714. physicians, 3361. St. Luke s church, parish register, 5744, 5745. settlement, ninety-fifth anniversary, 5767. ninety-eighth anniversary, 5768. Marietta colony of, 1788. 3401, 3791. Marietta conference, history, 5701. Marin County, Cal., 1069, 1073, 1077, 1078, 1079. Marine, W. M., 1251. Marine geography, 546. Marion family, 6615. Marion, Ohio, historical and genealogical notes, 5750. St. Paul s parish register, 5752. Marion County, Iowa, 1504-1508. marriage records, 1824-1826. 5749. Maritime affairs since 1811. 2776. Maritime provinces, origin and inhabitants, 7188. Markey, D. P., 4263. Markham, W., conference with Indians, July 6, 1694. 5969. proclamation, 1687. 6080. Markham family, 6829. Markland, John, revolutionary services of, 6065. Marlboro, Mass., description of, 2622. note on, 1767. 2628. votes at town meeting, March 29, 1 770. 3368. Marlborough f Association, memoir of, 2628. Marmette, J., 7310. Maroons, Jamaica, in Nova Scotia, 7320. Marple, A. A., 5959. Marquesas Islands, discovery and descrip tion, 2622. Marquette, Jacques, 6938. discovery of grave of, 4254, 4280, 4281. Joliet and, in Iowa, 3544. journal, 4273. portrait, 7298. Marquette statue, history, 930. Marquette, T. M., 4409, 4410. Marquette County, Mich., memorials, 4280. Marr, T. F., 5572. Marriage and divorce, 809. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1191 Marriage contract, 1083. 3370. Marriage dower, early New England, 3380. Marriage rate in Massachusetts, 810. in Michigan, 810. Marriages, investigations in Florida, 014. Marriages of deaf, 812. Married persons, property relations, legal, 4380. Marryat, F., 6936, 7062. Marsac, O. A., 4280. Marsh, C., 6928, 6937. Marsh, E. W., 3685. Marsh, G. P., 5010. Marsh, .T., letters, 1020. Marsh, L., 5335, 5339. Marsh, L. R., 4781, 5433, 5512. Marsh, O., 4421. Marshall, B., letter-book, 1763-1760. 6076. Marshall, Christopher, diary, 0107. correspondence of children of, 0073. letters, 1773-1777. 6084. Marshall, G. P., 5618, 5020, 5621, 5624. Marshall, G. I ., 5623. Marshall, G. W., 3391, 3756a. Marshall, John, diary, 1697-1709. 2804. diary, 1697-1709, 2804. diary, 1711. 3242. letter, 1783. 44. letters, 1797. 35, 2805. letter, 1812. 6081. letters, 1826-1834. 2804. Marshall, J. W., discovery of gold by, 1087. Marshall, Mary, 4280. Marshall, O. II., 4750, 4766, 4768, 4770, 4771, 4778, 4785-4787, 5097, 5151, 5167, 5305. Marshall, Thomas, will, 6820. Marshall, W., letter, January 9, 1788. 6382. Marshall, W. L, 94. Marshall, W. L., 20. Marshall family, 6858. of Lewes, Del., 6085. in America, 3391. Marshall tradition, 6836. Marshall County, Ala., Indians, 946, 955. Marshall County, Iowa, 1499, 1505, 1506. Marsho, William, journal, 1744. 2625. Marshfield, Mass., burial-ground inscrip tions, 3362. early history, 3365. early marriages, 3364. early records, 3366. Thomas estate at, 2783. Webster centennial, October, 12, 1882. 4183. Marshpee, Mass., biographical and topo graphical anecdotes, 2621. free also Mashpee, Mass. Marsiglio of Padua, 35. Marston family (Salem, Mass.), 3385. Marston Parish, York County, Va., bound ary, 1654. 6860. Martense family, 5023. Martha s Vineyard, Mass. Genealogical notes, 3410. Martha s Vineyard, Mass., journal of pro ceedings, 1712. 3370. proper nomenclature, 3400. Martha s Vineyard and province of Maine, 1715. Martial law, J. Q. Adams and, 2805. Martic, Pa., petition, 1777. 0105. Martin, A., 6876. Martin, Abraham, La fontaine de, 7328. Martin, B. E., 4812. Martin, Charlotte M., 4812. Martin, Deborah B., 6968, 7092. Martin, Elizabeth A., 3686. Martin, E. K., 0359. Martin, Elizabeth M./ letters, 1780. 1289. Martin, jl/rs. E. T. Throop. 4800. Martin. G. W., 1580-1582. Martin, II. T., 1580. Martin, John, case of, 0831. Martin, Joseph, 10. and Cherokees, 1778. 1288, 1289. letters to P. Henry, 1789-1790. 1280. Martin, J. A., 1578a. Martin, J. B., 811. Martin, J. H., 6062. Martin, L. A., 6890. Martin, Martha, tombstone, 0859. Martin, Maria E., 5726. Martin, M. L., 6923, 6931, 6933, 6991. Martin, S., 5582. Martin, S. A., 6154. Martin, W., 1284. Martin, W. A. P., 577, 902. Martin, W. E., 1832. Martin, Xavier, 6935, 7016. Martin family, 6858, 6859. Martindale, Charles, 1449, 1452. Martineau, James, letters, 1836-1890. 7395. Martinez, Ferrand, 34. Martinique, expedition to, 903. people of, 903. volcanic eruptions, 903. volcanic rocks, 903. Martyn, B., 1302, 1303. Martyn family, 3385. Martyrs of Salies, 4896. Martzolff, C. L., 5725, 5726. Marvill, L., 4256. Marvin, Judge, 5721. Marvin, A. P., 4203. Marvin. D. S., 4906-4908. Marvin, F., 7514. Marvin, G. P., 4417. Marvin, S. P., 1161. Marvin, T. R., 3374. Marvin, W. T. R., 649, 668, 3409, 3410, 3416, 3980a. Marvin (Matthew) family, 3374. (Reinold) family, 3374. Mary, Queen, letter respecting trials for witchcraft, 2248. Mary, Queen of Scots, execution of, 2781. " Mary and John," passengers of, 1634. 3367. Marye family, 6811. 1192 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Marye s Heights, battle of, 3336. Maryland affairs, 916. State banking, 1830. boundaries, 5965, 5966, 6062, 6065. 6861. western boundary, 1949. charter, 1876. church and state in, 1823. civil and religious liberty, 6007. civil liberty, 1888. early colonists, 3805c. colony, governors, 6078. constitution of, 1851. 1832. constitution of, 1864. 1831. cooperation in, 1819. Council of Safety, journal and corre spondence, January 1-March 20, 1777. 1988. first courts, 22. early currency, 1890, 6260, 6263. description in " Carmen Seculare," 914. description of, 1839. in 1780-81. 1952. dismemberment of, 1950. economics and politics, 1720-1750. 1833. English statutes in, 1833. first iron-workers in, 6067. foundation, 1938. general assembly, April, 1684-1692. 1985. German-American families, 2027. early German emigration to, 2026. early German settlements, 1808, 2027, 2033. Germans in, up to 1700. 2032. . history, early, 1833, 1929, 6061. independence and the confederation, 1950a, Indian history of, 1906. Indian names in, 6222. Jews civil status, 1634-1776. 625. Know Nothing Party, 1830. Labadist colony, 1830. liberty and property, or beauty of, dis played, 916. local institutions, 1815. the Negro in, 1847. parish institutions of, 1813. poetry, early. 1955. politics, 1796. 1289. early Presbyterianism in, 1821. progress of colored people since the war, 1821. Protestant revolution in, 15. province, 1935. public offices, 2625. provincial court, 1649-50, 1657. 1982. pi ovisional government of, 1774-1777. 1826. Puritan colony in, 1816. Relatio itineris in Marylandiam, 1927. Relation, 1878. religion, act concerning, April 21, 1649. 1938. Roman Catholics, legislation against, 1714-1720. 17. great seal, 1943. Maryland affairs, senate, electoral college, 12. early settlers, 1918. slavery, white, 1634-1820. 1835. State government, 1777-1781. 1841. two hundred years ago, 1893. university education in, 1822. voyage to, by Father Andrew White, 1878. western, in the Revolution, 1832. Maryland and Pennsylvania, party dissen sions in, 6059. Maryland and the South, economic history, 1830. Maryland and Virginia, early relations, 1826. Maryland declaration, 1778. 5614. "Maryland Gazette," 914. 1728-1765, personal notes, 6851. Maryland, McCulloch v., case, 6784. Maryland "manor, a, 1950, 2002. Maryland manors, 1813. Maryland notes, 6853. Maryland revolution of 1689, causes, 1827. Maryland State Colonization Society, 1941. Maryland s influence in founding a national commonwealth, 1999. Masaryk, T. G., 7484. Mascarene, J., letter to M. Devie, 1687. 3393. Mascarene, P., letter, 1748. 2624. Mascarene family, 3367, 3368. Mascoutins, the, 208, 452. Mashantatat, 6585. Mashpee, Mass., description of, 2631. See also Marshpee, Mass. Mashpee Indians, account of, 1762, 2628. Mashulaville, origin of, 4350. Maslacq family, 7320. Mason, A. B., 4812. Mason, A. P., 2539, 2539a, 2540. Mason, Charles, 1499, 1517. Mason, Cornelia, 7408. Mason, E. C., 5, 7, 4311. Mason, Edward G., 2, 1368, 1375, 1383. Mason, E. S., 4257. Mason, F. R., 1515. Mason, G. C., 6488, 6520, 6539. Mason, Hugh, gravestones, 3392. Mason, H. F., 1581. Mason, John, 2636, 4119. Mason, Capt. John, bearing of titles upon Maine history, 1714. charter, 1635. 1775. claim to Moheagan lands, 1112. grants in New Hampshire to, 4446. will, 4446. Mason, Jonathan, 3023. diary, 1804. 2792, 6067. Mason, Mary M., 4812. Mason, O. T., 4, 7, 1821. Mason, Robert, deposition, 1683. 4447. deposition, 1684. 4446. petition, 4446. title to New Hampshire, 1660. 4446. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1193 Mason, T., letter, 1775. 3394. Mason, T. B. M., 554. Mason, V., 6964, 7021. Mason family, 3373, 3375, 4143. Mason and Dixon s field notes, extract from original book, 5967. Mason and Dixon s line, 5879, 5965, 5966. history of, 6011, 6014. Mason County, Ky., Washington, first coun ty seat, 1643. Mason Harbor, N. H., 3196. Masonic medals, 669. Masons, Free and Accepted, Roster of Lodge which met at Tun Tavern, Phila delphia, Pa., 6076. Masons, Lancaster, Pa., in 1734. 6167. Mason s Point, Lake Bomoseen, Fourth of July celebration, 1881. 6711. Masquerelle, Louis de, letters of 2796. Massabesic, Lake, story of, 4428b. Massachusetts. Colony and province. admiralty jurisdiction, 7395. answer to Randolph, 1690. 4105. answers to complaints of Sir E. Andros, 1688. 1701. attorneys-general and solicitors-general-, 1686-1771. 2800. Body of Liberties, 2646, 2730. census of 1765. 808, 2794, 3067. charter, 1628-29. 2872. transfer of, 2773, 2798. charter, 1689. 4107. considerations against the, 4106. charter, 1676-1703. vacating of the 4125. first charter and early religious legisla tion of, 2859. construction of, 2636. effects of decree vacating, 2782. judgment for vacating charter, 2650. petition of citizens of Boston to gen eral court, 1665. 2636. charters, short discourse against restor ing the charters, 4105. church discipline in, 3120. churches, 2627. civil government, answer to King s com missioners, 1665. 2636. list, 1630-1680. 4447. coinage in, 2625. commissioners of the King to, 1665. 2636. commissions of royal governors, 2134. commissions from royal governors, 3382. committee of correspondence, Journal, 1773. 2794. complaint of Gov. Shute against the House of Representatives, 2620. council, James IPs commission, 2623. council records under Dudley, 2803. court of assistants, case of Maria, 2138. criminal procedure in colonial times, 2135. criminal trials, 1630-1700. 2146. extracts from records of, 1673-1692. 2138. Massachusetts. Colony and Province Con tinued. courts of election, 1629-1686. 3365. early currency, 2164, 2726. provincial currency, 2775. early bills of, 3623. paper note issued by, 10th December, 1690. 2775. drought, 1662. 2781. Dudley s administration, speech of Dud ley, 1686. 2776. education in, early legislation and his tory, 2858. ecclesiastical history, 2625, 2627, 2628, 2629. economic beginnings, 2421. embargo, 1711, proclamation, 2780. English homes of some of the progeni tors of the Commonwealth, 2787. established church of, 2607. estimates of the province of, 1764. 2636. exhausted state of, 1756. 2624. founders of, aims and purposes, 2856. treatment of intruders and dissentients, 2856. founders of, and the English Church, 2787, 2972. Gage s administration, 2652. General Court to Charles II, 1662. 2636. instructions to agent at English court, 1756. 2624. letter to John Owen, 1663. 2630. negotiations with the commissioners, 1664-65. 2636. petition to, 1675-76. 3374. representatives. in,_ 1689 to 1692. 2642. resolve, 1725. 7395. session in Salem in 1774. 2252, 3387. governor and council, 1714-15. 3269. conflict between, 2805. governors and commanders in chief, 2621. early history, 2859, 2861, 2862. house of deputies, journal, 1649. 2137. records, 4447. house of representatives, journals, 2744. letter to Dr. Franklin, 1771. 2777. jounrnals, 1644-1657. description, 2135. journals, 1715-1776. bibliography of, 2163. early houses, 2804, 3240. Indian and colonial history, 2043. Indian massacres, 1703-1746. 3367. Indian visitation, 1698. 2628. Indians, letter of Eastern Indians to gov ernor, 1721. 2636. Irish pioneers, 614. early laws of, 2646, 2730. laws, 1641. 2646. province laws, 198, 317, 2086. letter from Charles II to Gov. Endicott, 1662. 2636. map of, 1642. 3413. earliest teaching of medicine in, 2791. militia, early system, 4205. early paper mills, 4203. 1194 SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. Massachusetts. Colony and Province Con tinued. mint master of, 118. morality, learning, and religion, 4097. " Names of the principal undertakers for the plantation," 1630. 2774. the " Old Planters," 2243. ordinances of the colony, 2794. petitions against imposts, 1668. 3367. Pilgrim, Puritan, and Papist in, 3357. planting of, 1628, narrative, 2652. province in the seventeenth century, 4033a. provincial assemhly, centennial, 2336. provincial legislature at Salem, 1774. 3387. public events in, preceding American Revolution, 6387. Puritans of, 4203. Quakers, Misstatements of Voltaire, 2803. records, 3366. notes concerning printed copy, 2137. printing of, 3747. under its charter, 7444. religion, state of, in 1647-48. 2627, 2628. religious liberty in, 777. representation and suffrage, 1620-1691. 1825. Scotch prisoners sent to, 1652. 3359. provincial seals, 2789, 3395. seals, 1680-1780. 2990, 2991, 3721. stamp act, 1775. 3372. Strangers courts in, 2138. suffrage, qualification in province char ter, 2779. suicide as dealt with in colony, 3281. superior court of judicature, criminal procedure of, 2135, 2146. superior court of judicature, and supreme judicial court, history of records, 2137. taxes, 1687-88. 3390, 3391, 3392, 3393, 3394. trade of, 1665. 2636. witchcraft, 3008. and the act of 1711. 2791. witches in, trials of, 2789. Massachusetts, State. administration, public, 4825. Battalion day, 6168, 6199. bells, 3395. birds of, 2367. boundary, 202, 377, 3391, 4209. western, 2042, 2043, 2045. capital offenses, 3359. census, 1905. 815. certificate of indebtedness, 1780. 3374. college-educated men in, 268. commissioners records, 1776, 1778, 1780. 4454. confiscated estates, 3370. confiscation laws, 7395. constitution, 2838. commemoration, 1880. 3694. Massachusetts, State Continued. constitution, ratification, 1788. 3359. report of a committee of thirty, 1779. 2774. centennial, 196, 283. constitutional convention, of 1788. 2273. of 1853. 2808, 3285. criminal laws of, 185, 253. Declaration of Independence, 1776. 5207. Declaration of rights, 2890. early development, 210, 490. election sermons, 2133, 2147a. election statistics, 808. emergent treasury supply in early days, 214, 500. financial history from Massachusetts Bay Company to American Revolution, 4818. fires in, 1701-1800. 2629. General Court, 427. gubernatorial reminiscences, 3373. historians and history, 2798. historic evolution in, 2800. historical societies in, 2138. historical work in, 2132, 2133, 2140. House of Representatives journals, 2744. houses, ancient, in, 3380. Irish element in Second Massachusetts Volunteers, 1698. 608. legislature, nativity of members, 810. local history and bibliography, 3379-3383, 3589. local law, 3383, 3384. map, 1796. 2770. marriages, 1795-1823 ; western, 3410. medical profession in, 2863. medicine, 3012. earliest teaching of, 2791. military history, artillery, second com pany, 1779. 3376. regiments in civil war ; battles and casualties, 3404, 3837. Eighteenth Regiment, Volunteer Infan try, in the rebellion, 2207, 2208. Fifty-fourth Regiment of Infantry, 2202. municipal government in, 2. names, towns in, origin of the, 2781. names of certain villages, 2800. natality, 812. physicians, deceased, 3359. population and environment, western, 575. limitations of prices in, 1776-1779. 2167. probate courts, 3407. probate forms, 3375, 3406. public school pioneering, 4877. first free school, 3380. seals of, 2779. shipbuilding, early, 3381-3384, 3571, 3596. slave in, 1781. 2898. slavery, 199, 333, 2869, 2928, 4096. early protests against, 7395. survey and map, 891. topographical survey, 579. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1195 Massachusetts, State Continued. town, genesis o f the, 3130. towns, names, 2781, 2800, 2880. political activity during Revolution, 12. statistics of, in, 800. notice to tradesmen of, 1788. 3350. transition from provincial to Common wealth government, 4824. United States pensioners, 1830. 3407. Western Indians, report on, 1815. 2632. Massachusetts and Maine, 267. union and separation, 101. union of, 267. Massachusetts and Virginia, allied fami lies, 903. Massachusetts s answer to Gorton s memo rial, 6483. Massachusetts Bay, discovery, 1752. fishes of, 2378. Massachusetts Bay Company, records, 118. Massachusetts Bible Society, .2702. Massachusetts public record commission, 22. " Massachusetts State s train," 2355. Massachusettensis, 2706. author of, 3376. Massafuero, island, 2622. Massasagua (rattlesnake), 7175. Massasoit, Sowamo, the home of, 3411, 3028rt. Massawippi, etymology of, 6706. Massey, II., 4250. Massie, David M~., 5736, 5745. Massie family, 6861-6863. Masten family (Ulster County, N. Y.), 5035. Mastodon, 5058. Masury f. English, documents relating to immigrants from Jersey, 3380. Matagorda Bay, 6680. Matamoros, escape of Karnes and Teal from, 6682. Match-e-ke-wis, 60300. Mate, F. W., 4031. Matheny, J. H., 1520. Mather, C., 2623. Mather Cotton, 2623, 2780, 2873a, 4105, 4106. diary of, 2621. letter, 1708. 3374. letter to II. Newman, 1717. 3307. letter, 1718. 2610. letter, 1723. 2620. letter, 1714-15. 2137. letter on witchcraft, 7173. letter relative to Bridget and Jane Moul- ton, 4448. letters, 3382. letters, 1707-8. 2621. " Magnalia " of, 2775. sermons, 3377. supposed letter from, 2650. was, a Fellow of the Royal Society? 3404. Mather, Mrs. De Witt C., 5036. Mather, Edith H., 5041. Mather, F. G., 4694. Mather, Increase, 2627, 4105, 4453. Mather, Increase, conversation with King William, 1680. 2627. diary, 1675-1687. 2803, 3230. letter, September 1, 1685. 7305. letter, 1705, 209. letter regarding New English affairs, 4446. letter to Earl of Nottingham, 2650. letter to Anthony Wood, 2798. letters, 1707-8. 2621. portrait of, 3144. pretended letter, 3307. Mather, Jeremiah, petition, 1681. 3304. Mather, Richard, journal of, 1635. 2218. will, 1661. 3378, 3547. Mather, Samuel, 2610. will, 1671. 3410. Mather, W. W., 4302. Mather family, 3364, 3412, 3434. Mather family Bible, 2787. deeds, 1600-1632. 3407. wills, 1573-1650. 3405. Mather papers, 2656. Mather publications, 272, 339. Mathers, The, 242. services of, 776. Mathews, A., 6418. Mathews, C. T. R., 5049. Mathews, E., 7422. Mathews, G. E., 2111. Mathews, T., letter to G. Fox, 1683. 6073. Mathews, W. B., 6800. Mathews family, 6854. Mathews County, Va., old tombstones, 6851. Matignon, , letters, 5856. Matlack, T., 684. Matson, N., 6030a. Matthes, G. H., 902. Matthes, Susanna, 5039. Matthew, G. F., 7325. Matthews, A., 2135, 2137-2139, 2153-2155, 2157-2159, 2162, 2166, 3416, 3417, 3975a, 3986, 7395. Matthews, L., 6699. Matthieu, F. X., 5797. Mattinneconk, 6066. Mattocks, C. P., 1717. Mattoon, E., letter, 2644. Mauch Chunk Railway, 1820. 6061. Maul (William) family, 6082. Maull, W. D., 1214. Maulsby, D. L., 4150, 4161. Maumee Valley, Mich., map of historic grounds, 1888. 4283. pioneers, 5601. Maupin family,, 6832. Maurault, J. O., 7340. Maurer, B. L., 6154, 6155. Maury, J., letter to P. Ludwell, 1756. 6865. Maury, M. F., 528. Maury, R. L., 4895, 6620. Maury family, 6811. (James) family, 6858. (Walker) family, 6858. 1196 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Maverick, Samuel, 2791, 3019, 3736b. palisade house of, 2791, 3032. Maverick s New England, 3075, 3397. Maverick family, 3406, 3865. Mavericke family, 3366. Mawhood, Col.,, proposals to Salem County, N. J., militia, 4542. Maxatawny, Pa., prior to 1800. 6355. Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 7314. Maxims in domestic economy, 5748. Maxwell, Abby, 4096. Maxwell, A. C., 4278. Maxwell, E. B., 6166. Maxwell, H., 6873, 6874. Maxwell, H. M., 6211. Maxwell, J. N., 1515. Maxwell, S., 4406. Maxwell, Thomas, 938. Maxwell, Thompson, 3380. narrative, 1760-1763. 2246, 6933. Maxwell, V. L., 6420. Maxwell, W., 6798, 6819. May, Col. John, letters and journal, 3385, 3615. journal, 1788-89. 5663, 5664. May, Joseph, 3243. May, M. E., 2105. May, S., 3385, 3410. May, S. P., 3398, 3401, 3766. May family, 3408. " May Dacre," ship, 5798. Maya antiquities, 186. inscriptions, 196, 286. Katunes, 194, 277, 279. language, 193. pottery, 201. Mayapan and Maya inscriptions, 286. Mayas, The, 261. Mayas of Yucatan, records, 6325. Maybury, W. H., 4299. Mayer, B., 1871, 1880, 1892, 1916, 1921, 1958, 1964, 2780, 6007. Mayer, C. F., 1869. Mayer, F. P., 2026. Mayer, L., 1898. Mayes, E., 4349. "Mayflower," captain of, 3386. incidents, 1620. 3360. passengers of, 2651. in 1620. 3359. Mayhew, E., 3732. letter, 1722. 3397. letter, 1758. 3390. Mayhew, J., leter, 1765. 3404. Mayhew, T., letter, 1678. 3362. letter to Gov. E. Andros. 1675. 3410. Maynard, G.. 4205, 4209, 4212-4216. Mayne, D. D., 6967, 7082. Mayo, A., 5736. Mayo, C. E., 4310. Mayo, Josephine C., 1519. Mays, G., 6199, 6205. Mays, T. J., 7437. Mazakootemane, Paul, 4304. Mazamas, 898. Mead, A. J., 1581. Mead, E. D., 210, 476, 901. Mead, E. O., 5701-5703, 5706. Mead, J. R., 1579, 1582. Mead, M. E., 7410. Mead family, 6858. Meade, D., 6861. Meade, Gen., at Chancellorsville, 3336. Meade, R. W., 898, 5845. Meade family, 6080, 6861. Meader, L. H., 6078, 6470, 6765, 6769. Meads, O., 4689, 4705. Meander belts, limiting width, 903. Means, E. A., 2366. Meany, E. S., 6870. Mease, James, 2642, 2645, 5091. Measure, Japanese standard foot, 6339. Meats, digestion of, 1436. Meaux," Fourteen of, 4895. Mecca, railpoad to, 578. Mechem, F. R., 4300. Mecklenburg declaration, 886, 2781, 5175, 5572, 5577, 5584, 5588. signers, 5585. Mecom, Jane, letter, 3385. Mecosta County, Mich., 747X). Medal, an Andean, 2482. making a, 667. Westphalian, 1648. 6956. Medallic art, Renaissance of, 660. Medallion, antique glass, 6343. Medals, 4224. American, 2870, 5091. description of, 2644. British war, 656. collegiate, first in United States, 6852. commemorating Waterloo, 727.. design and import, 4686. Dutch, relating to United States, 1782. 2797. early, 6339. exhibition of, in 1879. 729, 730. historic, of Canada, 7182. C. T. Jackson s, 2788. national, issued, 1776-1815, history, 6253, 6260. presented to Indians by sovereigns of England, France, and Spain, 1600- 1800. 6421. silver and copper, presented to North American Indians, 1600-1800, 6435. soldiers , issued by West Virginia, civil war, 6316, 6877. struck in Philadelphia, 1757. 5968. struck in relation to important events in North America, 2642. Waterloo, commemoration of, 327. Medals and coins relating to America, 2780. Medals of Princess Charlotte, 6480. Medary, Gov., administration, 1579. Meddaugh, E. W., 4292. Medden, E., 5535. Medfleld, Mass. Contribution to Harvard College, 1678. 3368. early homes of Joseph and Mary Baxter, 2202. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1197 Mcdfield, Mass., field day, 4209. gravestone records to 1850, 3416. homes of, 4209. Indian deed, 1685. 3365. Indian names, 4209. Indians in, 2204. Memorial, 1664. 3371. Revolutionary soldiers, 2202. superstitions, 2203. vital records to 1850. 4004. Medford, Mass., Amicable Singing Society, 3325. assembly, 1808. 3321. Baptist Church, 3323. births, deaths, marriages, 3318, 3319. blacksmiths, 1775. 3318. boarding school, 1795. 3324. bridges, 3318. Brooks monument, 3319. church records, 171321. 3325. churches, Second Congregational and Mystic, 3320. commemoration of French Revolution, 1793. 3321. Cradock bridge, 3321. Cradock house, 2789, 3322. " Current Events," 1724-1734. 3322. early scourge in, 3321. great fire, 1850. 3323. fire department, 3321. " Ford at Mistick," 3321. Grace Church, 3322. High street about 1820. 3325. old houses and estates, 3324. in 1847, 3323. Lawrence Light Guard, 3322, 3323. lawyers of, 3322. Main street, 1835-1850, 3323. Medford square, 1682-1715, 3324. Medford square, 1835-1850, 3322. meeting-house brook, 3324. second meeting house, 3324. ministers, early, 3319. notes on history, 1801-1851. 3318. physicians, early, 3318. public library, 3319. war of the Revolution, 3319. Revolutionary war records, 3325. roads, 3319, Royall House, 3319, 4161. Sarah Bradlee Fulton Chapter, D. A. It., 3318. school, public, 3320. schools and schoolmasters, colonial, 3318. Ship street, 3321. shipbuilding, 3318. soldier s letter, 1776. 3325. stamp act, 3320. strangers in, eighteenth century, 3321, 3323, 3324, 3325. streets, names, 3319. taverns, 3325. tea tax in, 3320. town house, 3322. town meeting, 1847. 3323. treasurer s report, 1729-1734, 3320. Medford, Mass., old turnpike, 4158. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary, 3325. First Universalist Society, 3321. West-End schoolhouse, 3325. Mediaeval sects, 774. Mediaeval students, life of, 36. Medical education in Boston, 1827. 483. Medical profession in Massachusetts, 2863. Medical science in Massachuset-ts, progress of, 2629. Medicine, earliest teaching of, in Massa chusetts, 2791. old-time doctors of, 5490. Medicine and astrology, 6254, 6260. Medina, Ohio, Congregational Church, 5701. Meductic fort, 7252. Medway, Mass., births, 1714-1744, 3407. name, 3366. old home day, 3326. vital records to 1850, 4005. Meehan, T. F., 927, 928, 929* 930. Meek, A. B., 936. Meek, F. B., 4686. Meeker, J., diary, 1844. 1582. Meeker, M., 6930. Megapolensis, .!., 5098. Megill, C., 4547. Meherrin church, 5589. Meherrin Indians, 6829. Meigs, R. J., 2630. Meigs, W. M., 6073. Meigs family, 3362. Meigs, Camp, 2574. Meir family (New York), 5024. Mejfa expedition, 6685. Melanchthon and Calvin, 774. Melanchthon s " Synergism," 771. Melcher, B. R., 1806. Melendy, P., 1513. Mell, Mrs. P. H., 946, 973, 1289. Mellen, J., 2622. Mellen, J., jr., 2621. Mellen, P., 1733. Mellick, A. D., jr., 4554, 4633, 6066. Melsheimer, F. V., 7192, 7217. Melville, Andrew, 39. Melville, G. W., 5916. Melvin, E., journal, 1748. 4450. Melvin, J., 4726, 5905. " Memoirs of the Pilgrims at Leyden," Sumner s, 2781. Memory, limits of reliable, 3257. " Memphis Appeal," history, 6671. Memphremagog. etymology of, 6706. Memphremagog, ferry across, at Indian Point. 6708. Memphremagog, Lake, 6706. history of navigation. 6706. Menard, Pierre, letter, 1654. 4302. papers, 1383. Menard, Rene, 6938. Mendelssohn, M., 625. Mendenhall, T. C., 206, 207, 433, 440, 576, 894, 895, 898, 904, 4210, 4213, 5716. 1198 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Mendes, A. P., 6476. Mendon, Mass., massacre monument, 12208. early ministry, 4209. first minister, 3387. origin of, 3367. seventh annual field day, June 17, 1885, 4203. who was first minister? 3393. Mendoza s Historia do las cosas mas nota bles, 916. Menendez de Avila P., letters to the king, 1565-66, 2798. Mengel. L. W., 5951. Meniolagomeka, annals of, 6223. Mennonite clergymen, letters, 1710. 6170. Mennonite emigration to Pennsylvania, 6058. Menobranchus lateralL- 7175. Menocal. A. G., 555. Mensuration. 7181. Mentzer, J. F.. 6362. Merca tor s globe, 1541. 1710. Mercer, II. C., 5866, 5867, 5869, 6343, 6400, 6401. Mercer, Major, 7172. Mercer, Gen. Hugh, orders of, 36. Mercer, John, petition of, 6829. Mercer, W. Va., land book, 6861-6863. Mercer County, Pa., 5973. " Mercer immigration," the. 5800. Merchant adventurers at Hamburg, 43. Merchant ventures of Bristol, 38. Merchants company of New York, letter, 1770, to Merchants company of Philadelphia and answer, 6062. Mei chants notes of 1738. 3289. Merchants tricks, 6856. Mercury, slave, sale of, 1667. 3371. Meredith, Catharine K., 6058. Meredith, E. A., 7175a, 7176, 7177, 7178. Meriam, R. N., 4203, 4205, 4209, 4230. Meriam family, 4203, 4230. Meridian expedition, Sherman s, 4347. Merion, Pa., early history. 6060. early settlers in, 6069. 6070. Meriwether, C., 1282, 1283, 1285, 1286, 1287. Meriwether family, 6860. Merrell, H., 6930a. Merriam, A. C., 853, 863. Merriam, C. E., 4300. Merriam, C. E., jr., 4829. Merriam, C. H., 891, 896. Merriam, Dorothy, ancestry, 3377. Merriam, J. M., 2, 200, 202, 204, 351, 383, 402. Merriam, R. B., 211. Merriam family, 3380, 3382, 3834. Merrick, J. V., 757. Merrill, B., 2736. Merrill, E. H., 7526. Merrill, Fullerton, 901. Merrill, F. W., 2036. Merrill, G. C., 6706. Merrill, Mary E. Rath-, 5743. Merrill, Samuel, 1504, 1517, 3403. messages, etc., 1868-1872. 1559. Merrill, S. P., 4409. Merrill (Gyles), ancestors of, 3403. " Merrimac," and the " Monitor," 1522, 6598, 6874. " Merrimac," combat and wreck of, 6526. history, 3386. Merrimac River, 4452. alterations in channel, 4471. exploration of, 1638. 2253, 2361. early fisheries, 2270. poem, 1719-1720. 2799. Merrimac towns and New Hampshire, trouble between, 1718. 2270. Merrimac Valley, 3330, 4452. history, 1740-1750. 4428. Merrimack County, N. H., courts of justice, 3359. Merrimack County Bank, N. H., warranty deeds, 4456. Merriman, D., 207, 214. Merriman, R. B., 497. Merritt, Catherine N., 7366. Merritt, F. D., 1570. Merritt, J. K., 521. Merritt, W. II., 7268, 7365. Merry, L. E., 7417. Merryfield, E., 6164. Merseran, H. L., 5042, 5043. Merseran family, 5043. Merserean family, 5042. Mervine. W. M., 6083, 6085. Merwin, G. B., 5626. Mesa, enchanted, 898. Mesa Verde, 899. Mesnard, E., 7410. Mesopotamia, Ohio, 5689. Messinger, G. W., 3362, 3371, 3372, 3374, 3494, 3716a. Messinger family, 3374, 3494, 3717. Messier, A., 4539, 6059. Messmer, S. G., 6968. Metallic minerals, localities of, in Canada, 7173. Metawth, speech of Indian chief, 1813. 7386. Metcalf, E., 6595. Metcalf, F. J., 2198, 7399. Metcalf, H. B., 3413. Metcalf, J. G., 3374, 3380, 3383, 3387. Metcalf, Martin, 2199. Metcalf, Michael, freedom of, 2197. Metcalf, W. S., 1580. Metcalf family, 2198, 2199, 3364. Metcalf (Barnabas) family, 7399. Metcalfe, T., 1642. Metcalfe family, 6853. Meteorological stations, mountain, 4694. Meteorology, 1519. arctic, 900. Iceland station, 900. notes on, 575. observations at Albany, N. Y., 4684. Meteors, 1519. Methodism, in Fire Lands, 5635. early, in northwest Iowa, 1522. in New England, 4021. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1199 Methodism, in Ohio, 5646, 571 ! . in Salem, 2262. history of, 248G. in Virginia, beginnings of, 6780. in Worcester, beginnings of, 4205. introduction of, into Pennsylvania, 6068. Methodism of to-day and yesterday in New England, 4027. Methodist church, patriotism and educa tion in, 1851. Methodist church south, history of, 794. Methodist history, lessons from a century of, 4023. Methodist success, philosophy of, 5715. Methodists, letters regarding, 1740-1747. 3372. in United States, history of, 788. Methods, geographic, 891. Methuen, Mass., epitaphs, 3328. growth of, 3331. early manufacturers, 3332. music of other days, 3329. in the Revolution, 2246. Metiers family, 5743. Metric system, 807. Metrology of ancient and modern times 7324. Metropolitan water basin, Mass., excursion to, 4212. Meulles, J. de, 7347a. Meuse, 897. Mexican and Indian raid of 78, 6683. Mexican calendar stone, 191, 273, 274. Mexican chalchihuites, 196, 293. Mexican copper tools, 275, 279. Mexican gulf coast, 549. Mexican paper, 196, 287. Mexican plateau, 562. Mexican raid of 1875 on Corpus Christi 6682. Mexican sculpture, relic of, 2371. Mexican war, 6683. acquisition of California, 5287. Company K, 15th U S. Infantry, 1847. 1519. documents. 1289. Iowa in, 1516. Michigan s record, 4254. Ohio volunteers in, 7417. " Mexican," brig, of Salem, capture and es cape, 2272. Mexico, 572. annexation, proposed in 1847-48. 17. Archivo General de, 6684, 6685. boundary, 558. Guatemala boundary, 573. United States and, 528. buried cities and antiquities, 5713. Celtic element in (Mexican colonies from Canary Islands), 7325. census, 897. a Central American State, 570. Codex Ramirez, notes from, 740. colonies from Che Canary Islands. 7325. commerce with United States, 003. Mexico, constitution, 1834, Spanish source of, 6681. England and, 1824-25. 6688. explorations, northern, 567. French withdrawal from, 24. Garcia Cubas on, 567. history and government, 280. history, data, 990. languages, 579. the new, 903. physical geography, 559. semicivilized races, 517. southwest, 905. United States and, 1847-48. 39. Mexico to-day, 902. " Mexico, conquest of," Wilson s, 2773. Meyer, B. H., 6936, 7070. Meyer, E. H., 1538. Meyer, E. L., 4560. Meyer, G. von L., 4168. Meyer family (New York), 5024. Miami, Ohio, Friends marriage records, 1804-1828. 5750. Miami confederacy, 5775. Miami country, early settlement, 1451. Miami Indians, 1451. Miami University, 5656. Miami Valley, reunion of pioneers, 5605. Miami vocabulary, 916. Miamisburg, Ohio, Indian mound, 5726. Mica mines, aboriginal, of North Carolina, 6301. Michael, W. H., 1522. Michaelius, J., letter to A. Smoutius, 1628. 5252o. Michaux family, 6834. Michigan, acquisition of upper peninsula, 4279, antiquities. 4283. early banks and banking, 4254. boundaries, 4279, 4293. boundary, 7470. Indiana, 4279. international, 42~< 8. Ohio, 1522, 4263. Congregationalism in, 4259. constitutional conventions, 1835, 1850 4255. criminal laws, 4299. education during territorial period, 4259. See also Michigan, schools. Episcopal Church in, 4255. farms, last French claim extinguished, 4266. forests, destruction of, 4280. French occupation, 4266. early French settlements, 4254. glacial phenomena of southern, 1457. governors and judges, 4255. growth and progress, 4257. historical and scientific sketches, 4246. history, 1830 s, 4278. history. 1841 and 1889. 4266. history. 1842-1892. 4274. early history, 4242, 4263, 4279, 4289, Indians, 4281. 1200 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Michigan, insane asylums, history, 4265. internal improvements, 4253, 4295. land grants for education, history of, 4259. land grants for internal improvements, 4259. legislature, 1871. 4284. log schoolhouse era, 4266. Methodism in southwestern part, 4254. military history, Twentieth Regiment at Petersburg, 7470. soldiers in Mexico, 4259. Thirteenth Regiment at Stevenson, Ala., 1862. 4256. missionary visit to, 1839. 929. municipal government in, 4822. natural history, 4246. Patriot war, 1837-38. 4273. pioneer life, 4255, 4260, 4280, 4284. press of, 4258, 4270. relations of Great Britain with United States concerning, 1815-1819. 4268. school system, 4253. early schools, 4280. rural school problem, 4295. seals, State, 7470. early settlements, 4244, 4257. new State capitol, 4283. State Agricultural College, 4258. State board of health, history, 4284. State rights, 7470. State tax commission, 4295. statutes of English Parliament repealed, within territory of, 1531. territorial government, beginnings of, 4283. Territory of, 1531, 4279. tribute to Kentucky, 1645. University of, coeducation, 4270. history of old branches of, 4257. rise of, 4278. Upper Peninsula, The, 4255. vital statistics, 813. waterways of southern, 1457. wildcat banking system, 4257. Michigan and the Northwest, local govern ment, 1813. Michigan Central R. R., opposition to, 4283. " Michigan Farmer," history of, 4259. Michilimackinac, Mich., 6938. Canadian archives, 1721-1783. 4271. Marquette at, 1400. petition of voyagers of, 1786. 7349. province of, 4284. See also Mackinac. Mickle family (Long Island), 5043. Mickley, J. J., 1221. Micmac language, 2624. " Midas," log of the schooner, 2782. Middle Ages, crisis in, 771. Middle Spring, Pa., men of, 6156. Middle States, cooperation in, 1819. Middleboro, Mass., bill of mortality, 1779- 1813. 2626-2628, 2630. description of, 2621, Meddleboro, Mass., historical sketch, 4034. early history, 3361. history, 2621. 1686. Indian deed, 3373. records, 3362. Middlebury, Vt., history, 6695. statistical account of, 2637. Middlebury College graduates who married in Middlebury, Vt., 1804-1868. 3385. Middle Temple, Americans admitted, 1760- 1783. 3375. Middlesex, Mass., statistics, 1680. 3363. wills, 1649-1665. 3361.- Middlesex, N. J., list of freeholders, 1750. 4557. Middlesex Canal, 2139, 3318, 3324. old historical sketch, 4159, 4160. Middlesex County, Mass., description of, 2619. list of froemen, 1674. 3365. garrison in, West regiment, 1692. 3401. grand jury findings, 1753-54. 2799. probate judges, 3387. 1692-1871. 3383. early wills, 3388. Middlesex County, N. J., list of freeholders, 1752. 4558. Middlesex County, Va., in 1700. 6836. clerks, 1673-1692. 6826. marriage bonds in clerk s office, 6852. marriage bonds, 1759-1803. 6855. old tombstones, 6860. Middlesex Fells, 3321. Middleton, J. H., 815. Middleton, J. S., 6083., Middleton, T. C., 4735, 5843, 5845-5850, 5852-5855. Middleton family, 5043. Middleton family of South Carolina, 6646. Middleton, Mass., vital records to end of year 1849. 4177. Middletown, Conn., old burying ground, epi taphs, 3360, 3369, 3373. vital records, 3372. Middletown, N. H., note on, 1814. 2631. Middletown, R. I., history, 6531. Miel, C. L., 1072. Mier, Texan expedition against, 1842. 1283. Mifflin, George, jr., inventory of estate, 1754. 6070. Mighill, T., letters, 1776. 3388. Migrations, lessons of, 5715. Mikkelson, M. A., 1823. Milan, Ohio, 5647. history, 7408. First Presbyterian Church, 7414. Presbyterian society, 5640. Miles, Elizabeth, deposition, 1754. 4446. Miles, G. II., 5852. Miles, H. H., 7180c. Miles, Pliny, 530." Milet, Father Peter, captivity among In dians, 915. Milford, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 1160, 1182. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1201 Milford, Conn., old church, original mom bers, 3366. Military dispatches, 1760-1764. 4271. Military government in newly acquira territory of United States, 4838. Military posts, restitution of, 4268. Military societies, American insignia, 664. Militia, order, 1754. 3378. plan for general arrangement of, Revo lutionary war, 2775. Militia muster, or battalion day, 6168. Militia training, old-time, 5897. Mill. J. S., letter, 1282. Mill, old cider, 6201. Mill Prison. Americans committed to, 3H77. Millbury, Mass., visit to. 4203. Miller. Justice, article on Iowa, 1889. 1520 Miller, A., 4265. Miller, Adam. Was he first settler west of the Blue Rid ge? 6892. Miller, A. G., 6900, 6903, 6904. Miller, D. F., 1507. Miller, Ebenezer, diary, 1777-1799. 2798 Miller, E. J.. 4693, 4694. Miller, E. T., 6683. Miller, F. H., 17, 6919. Miller, F. W., 3384, 3607. Miller, G. D., 3409. Miller, G. L., 4407, 4417, 5436, 5438 Miller, H. B., 905. Miller, Joaquin, 1075, 5797. Miller, J. L., 6832, 6836, 6858, 6890, 6891 6893. Miller, J. R., 7421. Miller, J. W., 4541, 4567, 7346. Miller. L. M., 4284. Miller, Margaret, 4097. Miller. R. A., 5822. Miller, R. B., 5041-5043, 5046, 5048. Miller, Samuel, 4535, 5086, 5089. Miller. Mrs. S. C. P., 6844. Miller, S. F., letter, 1521. Miller, Thomas, 1266. Miller, T. H., letter, 1815. 1287. Miller, Virginia, 1266. Miller, W., 40. Miller, W. A., 903. Miller, W. C., 5725, 5726. Miller, W. J., 6527, 6547, 6560. Miller, W. T., Revolutionary letters, 3369 Miller family, 3409, 6859, 6890. (lames) family, 5042. Millerites, Second Adventists. or 6180 Millersville, P a ., established by lottery i 6168. Millfield. Ohio, inscriptions, 5749. Millikan family, 995 Milliken, A., 1708 Millikin, P. H., 6381. Mills, Elijah II., correspondence of, 2788 2979. Mills, Ella, 4428a, 4431 Mills, G. H., 7377, 7378. Mills, Harriet M., 4931. Mills, Herbert E., 3. Mills, J. H., 4398. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2- 76 Mills, R. C., 2255, 2375. Mills. Samuel, memoranda, 7498 Mills. Wm., 3773r/. Mills, W. C., 5720, 5721, 5723, 5725 5778 Mills, W. S., 3414, 5722. Mills and manufacturing, Contoocook River N. II., 4455. Mills in Philadelphia, 6106. of the Quittapahilla, 6217. of Wyoming Valley, 6424. Mills, old, Lancaster County, Pa., 6165 6166. Mills County, Iowa, 1511. Millsaps College, 4347. Milne, J. M., 4924. Milton, John, and the Baptists, 5589. Milton, Mass., burial inscriptions, 3365. church records, 3380-3382. church records, 1678-1754. 3578a. deaths, 1774-1790. 3402. marriages, 1686-1727. 3394, 3396,3726 Milton, Ohio, 5689. Milwaukee, Wis., commercial history, 6928. latitude and longitude of. 6928. New England influence in, 6970, 7105. Milwaukee s early days, poem, 6905. Milwaukee County, Wis., reminiscences 6906. Milyoukov, P., 28. Mina. Tex., 1288. Minas, battle of. 1747. 3367. Mindeleff, C., 573, 574, 576, 891, 908. Mine, battle of, 6595. Miner, C. A., 6424. Miner, H. B., 2573. Miner, J., 7091. Miner, S. R., 6410. Miner, W. P., 6425. Miner family, 3371. Mineral Point, Wis., 6926. Mineral production, United States, 897. Minerals which decrepitate with heat, 7175. Minersyille, Pa., settlement, 6139. Minerva," British man-of-war, 6069. Minerva," ship, 6069. \linick, Alice A.. 4414. Minier, G. W.. 1427. lining districts, land laws, 1814. lining in Massachusetts, 209. lining industry, 4294. combination in, 4843&. Minisink Valley, bicentennial celebration of settlement, 4969. Ministers and meeting houses of ye olden time, 4096. in Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth colo- onies, 199, 335. in New Hampshire, catalogue of 1767 2632. Minnesota, admission into Union, 4310, 4341. agriculture, 4310. bibliography, 4304, 4321. birds of, 2319. boundaries, 4312. boundary, northern, 4310. 1202 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Minnesota, commerce, early, 4310. courts, early, 4302. description, 4302. dual origin, 4311. early history, 4304. early days, 4310. Episcopal Church, 4311. first white men in, 4312, 4336. French voyageurs to, 4302. history, 4302, 7123. Indian wars, 4304. iron ores, 4310. lawyers and courts, 4310. map of northern, 4310. material for future history, 4314. mining and quarrying, 4310. missionaries among Indians of, 4326. mounds, 4307. Ojibways in, 4311. physical geography, 4302. Pike s explorations. 1805-6. 4302. political history, early. 4311. progress, 4311. recollections of persons and events, 4311. religious movements, 4302. schools, early, 4302. earliest, 4308. State legislature. 1859-60. 4312. Territorial period, 4311. transportation, 4311. Minnesota River, 4302. Minnesota Territory, organization of, 4302. Minnesota Valley,, mounds, 4302. Minnich, M. R., 6074, 7422. Minns, T.. 2130. Minor, B., recollections. 4908. Minor, B. B., 6856. Minor, Ellen T. II., 6865. Minor, L., 2797. Minor family, 6834, 6835, 6856, 6857. Minot, G. R., facsimile of handwriting, 1799. 2770. Minot, J., letter to Secy. Willard, 1734. 3369. Minot, William, 2774, 2817o. Minot family, 3359. Minot, Me., 1698. Minto, John, 5796-5798, 5800, 5801, 5807, 5820. Minto s Pass : its history and an Indian tradition, 5800. Minuit, P., 1221. letter, 6062. Mirabeau, youth of, 42. Mirabeau and Calonne in 1785. 15. Mirabeau s mission to Berlin, 40. Mirabeau s speech, 1790. 5, 7. Mirage, 7174. Miranda and the British admiralty, 1804- 1806. 40. Mirepoix, Duke de, intercepted letters to, 1756. 13, 29. Miro, Gov., 1666. Misery Islands and what has happened there, 2276. Missimer, J. D., 5953. Mission at Little Chute, Wis., 1825-1840. 6936. Mission church, Mackinac Island, Mich., 4280. Mission San Francisco de los Tejas, Tex., 6683. Missionary history, need of, 771. Missionary tours in 1797,1798-1800. 1700. Missionary work, Red Wing, 1849-1852. 4312. Missions, Canada, first, 7381. Texas, 6683, 6684. See also Jesuits. Missisco Valley, history, 6704. Missisquoi, etymology of word, 7350. Mississagas, coming of the, 7301. Mississippi, battlefields, 4348. benevolent and misc. associations, 4348. bibliography, 17 boundaries, 944, 4346. boundary, locating and surveying 31st degree of latitude, 4346. southern, 4345, 4340. cartography, sixteenth century, 4351. church organizations, 4348. constitution, first, 4349. constitutional convention, 1890. 4349. Danville s map of east, 4346. Federal courts, judges, etc., 1798-1898. 4345. geological and agricultural survey of, 4346, 4351a. historic places, 4348. historical work in, 1286. homes, historic, 4349, 4350. d Iberville memorial, 4302. industries, Twelfth Census, 4349. . industry, 4346. making of a state, 4346. missions, missionaries, etc., 4351. negro rule in, 4345. orators and oratory, 4347, 4353. organizations, professional, literary and industrial, 4348. pioneer life, 4347. plantation life, before the war, 4346. secession, 4347. secession convention, 1861. 4349. settlement and early history, 4344a. slave laws, early, 4345. Spanish policy in, 15. territorial growth, 4345. transition from Spanish to American rule, 4346. war records, 4348. Mississippi A. and M. college, 4346. Mississippi historical commission, 1287, 4348. Mississippi panic, 1813. 4347. Mississippi River, 899, 1854, 4349. delta, 898. from Cape Girardeau to Head of The Passes, 578, 579. old channels, 1517. discovery, 4310, 6930. discovery (Hennepin s), 116, 6892, 7219. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1203 Mississippi River, floods, 4850. flow of. 586a. historic-geographical notes from Cass Lake to Lake Itasca, 1514. history, 4309. importance of. 1506. in 1050. 7328. La Salle s expeditions, 110, 1456, 4786, 5090, 6683, 6967, 7075. navigation and commerce, 4350. physical geography, 547. sources, 4307, 4310, 4334. See also Joliet. Mississippi River, upper, discovery, 4312. French forts, 4303. Mississippi Valley, 1524. aboriginal monuments, 518, 520. acquisition, 4371. Catholic missions, 1818-1827. 5855a. climate compared with that of Atlantic coast, 4683. explorations, 206, 418. French settlement, 6670. mound builders, 1519. organized, 6970, 7105. policy of Franco, 1789-1800. 44. Mississippi v. Louisiana, 4351. Missoula County, Minn., list of persons, 1862-63. 4394. Missouri, admission of, 3241. error in resolution of Congress, 2803 archaeology, 4368. authors, 4385. border war, 1513. boundary, Iowa, 1519, 1523. campaign in, 4364. colonial and territorial documents, 4378 history, 7123. periodicals, 1903. 4385. prehistoric remains, 4365. recollections, early, 4378. slavery, 1581. statesmen and lawyers, personal recol lections, 4383. territorial revenue system, 4374. Territory of, 1531. war, 1839, origin, 150S. war and abolition, 1504. war in, 4391. Missouri, upper, adventure. 43U4. Missouri compromise, 10, 1531, 685S. Missouri party struggles in civil war. 20. Missouri River, 572. Mistassini Lake, 564. Mitchel, J., diary, 1764. 7255 Mitchell, soldiers by name of in American Rev., 6858. Mitchell, Elisha, diary, 1827-28. 5600 Mitchell, H. R., 5960. Mitchell, Mrs. II. S., 5635. Mitchell, J., 1792. Mitchell, J. II., 896. Mitchell, Mary, 6971. Mitchell, N., 2652. Mitchell, S., 116. Mitchell, S. L., 5090 Mitchell, S. W., 6083. Mitchell, William, 905. Mitchell, W. f\, 815. Mitla, 288, 296. notes on, 197, 296. Mittelberger, Gottlieb, journey to Pennsyl vania, 2026. Mizner, L. B., 1049. Mobile, attempt on, 1810-11. 35. Jews of, 635. Mobile Bay, 946, 950. Mobile Bay, battle of, 3340, 6595. Models, topographic, 891. Moerville, J. B. de, 2159. Moffat, J. O., 771, 4549, 4592. Mogg Heigon, 1712. Mohawk Country, 4866-4869. Mohawk Indians, 5098, 5435, 7324. captivity among, 5187. language, 5117. numbers in, 2628. Mohawk and Hudson River R. R., 4090. Mohawk and Seneca Indians, employment in New Hampshire, 1684. 4447. Mohawk Valley, New York, 5437, 5448. Mohegan Country, map, 1112. Mohegan Indians, 1112, 2627, 2692. language of, 2627, 2638. Mohegan land controversy, 1158 1175 Moir, W. J., 1518. Moisie River, 7176. Mojonnier, T., 1436. Molasses, duty on, 1703-04. i>6i>4. Molera, E. J., 998. Mollington, Oxford County, England, Wood- hull entries from parish registers 3403. Mollusks in New England, 2397. Molone family, 3369. Molson, W. M., 5797. Monaghan, J. C., 4297. Monarchists and Jacobins, 5714. Moncacht Ape, 197, 306. Monckton s report, 1758. 7255. Moncure, J., 5715. Moneta, 653, 674. Monetary questions reviewed by the light of antiquity, 0314, 6322. Monetary unification, 200, 352. Monette, J. W., 4350. Money, circulation of, 811. New England, error in Hutchinson on 2630. origin and history of coinage of, 6289. standard value, 4694. United States, character and volume of 809. Xcr also Currency. Money Creek, 111., early schools, 1427. Monfoort family (New York), 5022. Monhegan, Me., 2571. Monitor," the. 3340. first, and inventor, 4762. loss of, 65!>.~>. Monitor " and the " Merrimac," 15"" 6526, 6598. 1204 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Monks, Sarah I ., 1003,. 1004. Monmouth, N. J., 4535. Monnfouth County, N. J., 4547. early settlers, 5031, 5045. geographic names, origin, 4548. Huguenot settlers and land owners, 5035. Monmouth Court House, battle of, 4538, 4559, 6058, 6070. Monocacy, battle of, 1864. 651)7. Monocacy, Md., to Danville, 6598. , Monolingualism in America, 885. Monona County, Iowa, 1512. Monongahela, battle on the, 1755. 6083. Monongahela City, Pa., Indian relics dis covered near, 6279. Monongalia County, Va., county courts, 1777-1780. 6406. Monongalia County, W. Va., geographical history, 6876. homesteads in, 6873, 6874. marriage licenses, 1794-1802. 6874. pioneers, 6873. Monotheism, primitive, 575. Monroe, A. J., 6595. Monroe, James, letter, 1517. letter, 1792. 5050. poverty of, 1282. visit to Alabama Territory, 945. Monroe, J. A., 6595, 6598, 7482a. Monroe, J. E., 6597. Monroe, Mich., St. Mary s church, 916. Monroe County, Ala., 945. Monroe County, Mich., memorials, 4279, 4280. Monroe County, N. Y., 5522. Monroe County, Wis., 6928. Monroe doctrine, 41, 4293. genesis of, 2805. J. Q. Adams and the, 3272. Monroeville, Ohio, 7418. Monson family, 3387. Montague, Elizabeth, letter, 2137. Montague, F. C., 1820. Montague, W. H., 3362. Montalto in Smithfleld, 6584. Montana, boundary, 901. capitol, 4397. dedication ceremonies, 4397. laying the corner stone, 4397. Episcopal Church, 4398. executive department, 4397. geology, 4394. history, 4395, 4403, 7123. judicial department, 4397. legislative department, 4397. list of persons in, 1862-63. 4394. pioneer life, 4398. pioneers, 4397. school, first, 4398. State flower, 4397. Territory, 4395. officers, 1876. 4394. legislative assemblies, members and officers, 4395. list of officers, 4396. " Montauk," first cruise, 6596. Montauk Indians, account of, 2628. Monte Leone, ancient walls, 826. Montcalm, Marquis of, correspondence with Francis Parkman, 2780. letter to Mons. de Mole, 2780. letter to Townshend, 7347a. letters of, pretended, 2793. monument at Quebec, 7345. portraits, 2139. spurious letters, 3055. Montcalm, peint par lui-meme, 7314. Montcalm s house on ramparts, Quebec, 7347r/. Montcalm County, Mich., memorials, 4283. Montenach family, 7346. Monterey, capture, 1013. Montezuma mounds, 75L8. Montgomerie, Gor., administration, 4597. Montgomery, Gen., burial of, 2619. Montgomery, G., 4351. Montgomery, H. T., 1457. Montgomery, John, 1645, 6156. Montgomery, J. E., 5021. Montgomery, J. F., 4034. Montgomery, M. L., 6064. Montgomery, Richard, assault on Quebec, 7324. sword, 1775. 7194. Montgomery, T. II., 5017, 5025, 6075. Montgomery, T. L., 5897. Montgomery, W. A., 5593. Montgomery (Richard), ancestry of, 5017. Montgomery, Ala., early, 944. Montgomery, Mass., vital records to 1850. 4006. Montgomery County, Pa., 5959. abolitionists of, 5960. banks and banking, 5959. Cavalry, First troop of, 5959, 5960. Second troop of, 5959. clock and watch makers, 5959. influence in struggle for nominating con ventions, 5960. local history, 5959. militia officers, letter to Got . Mifflin, 1798. 6080. poem, 5960. political men, 5959. schools and schoolhoiises, early, 7422. women in war times, 5959. Montgomery County, Tenn., beginnings of. 6671. Montgomery monument, 7222. Montigny, de, 6938. Montlugon, Allier, France, records of Giro vard family (actes de 1 etat civil) 7347a. Montmorenci, Falls of, notes on the country about, 7172. Montogomery, Bishop, library, 1016. Montour family, 6060. Montreal, Canada, church of Notre-Dame de Bonsecours, 7346. des commencements de, 7312. Fondateurs de, 7308. founding of, 4215. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1205 Montreal, Canada, governors of, 1645-1756. 7350. historical sketch, 7330. history, 1640-1672. 7206. history, 7353, 7354. Hotel Dieu of VIlle-Marle, 7381. postmasters (les maitres de poste), 7347. protonotaries, 1794-1905. 7350. reduction, 1981. Societe de Notre-Dame, 7359. Montreal to Chicago in 1818, journey, 4255. Montreal to Quebec, 1827. 7345. Montresor. John, journal, expedition across Maine, 1697, 1760. 3394. journal, 1777-78. 6061, 6062. Montresor family, 5253. Montresor journals, 5253. Monts, P. du G. de, King s commission to, 1603. 7324 Monts, De, settlement at St. Croix, 1796. Montures on French prairie, 5800. Monuments, certain great, 211. historical, erection in New York, 4692. Revolutionary, favoring erection of, 4622. Monymoyk Indians, 2628. Moodey. J., letter to J. Cotton, 1776. 4448. Moodna, valley of the, 4861. Moody, Lady Deborah, 5322. Moody, Joel, 1578a. Moody, Joseph, diary, 1720-1724. 1709. Moody, J. D., 1015, 1016, 1018. Moody, W., 935. Moody, W. II., 4168. Moon and sun, reducing distances between, 7175. Mooney, Mary E., 1018. Moore, A. W., 4168. Moore, B. F., 5569. Moore, C., 1267, 1269, 4279, 4280, 4283, 4293. Moore, C. B., 5016, 5017, 5019, 5020, 5022, 5023, 5025-5030, 5033, 6342, 7478. Moore, D. II., 5715. Moore, E., 1581. Moore, F., 1302, 1423. Moore, F. W., 28, 35, 1287, 6672. Moore, G. H., 197, 200, 309, 345, 2087, 2091, 2094, 2791, 2792, 3014, 3024, 5151. 5202, 5247, 5361, 5362. Moore, II. L., 1580, 5748. Moore, J., 4269. Moore, Sir John, at Castine during the Rev olution, 1708. Moore, J. B., 8, 3395, 3724, 4446, 4448, 4451, 5097, 5330. Moore, J. H., 6672. Moore, J. W., 6383, 4266, 4278. Moore, M. C., 580O. Moore, R. M., 7425. Moore, S. A., 1477. Moore, S. W., 4407. Moore, Virginia C., 1266. Moore, W. E., 4428, 4428a, 44286, 4429. Moore, W. L., 897, 898. Moore, W. S., 1513. Moore family, 3409, 3410, 3413, 3416, 3978a, Moore family (Southhold, L. I.), 5030. Moore (John) family, 3415. Moorehead, W. K., 5714-5717, 5719, 5724, 5725, 5732, 7125. Mooreland, I a., history, 6009. Moores, of Blendon township, Ohio, 5744. Moors, J. F., 3686, 4096, 4097. Moors, Samuel, grant, 1672. 4545. " Moose deer " for Queen Anne, 2781. Moot, A., 4928. Moral faculty, influence of physical causes, 686, 703. Moral sense then and now, 4210. Morals, S., 624. Morals, evolution in, United States, nine teenth century, 4280. Moran, T. F., 1826, 4310. Morant, P., 4168. Moravian and Indian occupation, Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1742-1763. 6467. Moravian boarding school for boys, regis ter, 1745-1749. 6083. Moravian church, American, some of the fathers, biographical sketches, 6223, 6234. foreign missionaries, literary works of, 6223. history, eighteenth and nineteenth cen turies, 6229. members, 1727-1754. 6222. Moravian church at Gnadenhiitten, 6223. in United States, 792. Moravian colony, a, in Maine, 1708. Moravian congregation, Hebron, Pa., rec ords, 1775-1 7S1. 6074. in Ohio, establishment of. 6222. Moravian graveyards at Nazareth, Pa., 6231. Moravian immigration, Pennsylvania, 1734- 1767. 6227. Moravian Indian village, Meniolagomeka, 6223. Moravian massacre, 571.1. Moravian mission, afternpt to establish, Chippewa Indians, Canada, 1800- 1806. 6226. Moravian missionaries in Virginia, diaries, 1747-1749. 6835, 6836, 6881. Moravian missionaries and Scotch- Irish, Virginia, 6836. Moravian missionary society in America, first, 6228. Moravian missionary stations, New York and Connecticut, 6221. Moravian missions, 7408. Friendenshuetten, 6222. Ohio, 5701. Moravian printer, 6062. Moravian seminary for young ladies, Beth lehem, Pa., 6222. Moravian settlement at Broadbay, Me., 6225, 7473. New Jersey, 4639. 1206 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Moravians, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, 5633. in Michigan, 4280, 7470. in North America, early history, 1734- 1748. 6224. Sec also " Sea congregation." Mordecai, G., 620. More, I., 1003, 1004. More (Richard), ancestry, 5051. Moreau, S. A., 7347. Morehouse, A. F., 4278, 4279, 4280. Morehotise, F. C., 5745, 5746. Morehouse, G. P., 1582. Moreland, J. C., 5831. Morell, W., 2610. Morey, H., 6074. Morey, N., letters, 1719-1722. 3393. Morgan, E. V., 5, 7, 901, 4812. Morgan, George, letter, 2643. letters to A. Burr. 1783, 1807. 6082. Morgan, G. II., 5893. Morgan, Henri de, 646. Morgan, II. J., 7345. Morgan, I. A., 5620. Morgan, John, visit to Voltaire, 1764. 6066. Morgan, J. B. F., 5750. Morgan, J. D., 1265, 1269, 1270, 1275. Morgan, J. M., 6083. Morgan, Capt. James M., Iowa volunteers, muster-roll, 1846. 1519. Morgan, L. H., 826. Morgan, N., journal, 1775. 1114. Morgan, Octavius, 5744. Morgan, R. P., 1436. Morgan, Capt. Theodore, muster roll, 2273. Morgan, T. J., 6597. Morgan family, 5036. Morgan County, 111., early history, 1422. Morgan Manor, South Amboy, N. J., in scriptions in graveyard, 5036. Morgantown, Pa., 5954. Morison, G. S., 579. Morice, A. G., 7317. Morice, J. M., 7157. Morlattan, Pa., early missions at, 6081. Mormon, hook of, 5778. Mormons, 6005. at Kirtland, 5631. in Ohio, 5701. Morocco, historical survivals in, 4. visit of vessel from Great Lakes, 1859. 4775. Morong, T., 568. Morrell, Wm., tract on New England, 1625. 2794. Morrill, E. N., 1579. Morrill, J. S., 6763, 6764. Morris, Anne C., 5035. Morris, B. W., 5827. Morris, Caspar, 5966. Morris, Charles, list of company, 1747. 3385. Morris, C. M., 6058, 6088. Morris, Charles N., 3. Morris, F., 5557. Morris, Gouverneur, 5090, 5091, 5100, 5104. Morris, G. F., 4460. Morris, Henry, 2183. Morris, J. B., 6670. Morris, J. F., 1125. Morris, J. G., 1902, 1928, 2029, 6073. Morris, J. T., 6343. Morris, Leopold, 6682. Morris, Gor. Lewis, administration, 4596, 4597. 4598. letter. July 13, 1698. 4548. papers of, 4528. letters to, 1775-1782. 5248. Morris, Margaret, letter to sisters, 1776. 6076. Morris, Mary, marriare ( ertiiicate. 6068. Morris, Maud B., 1270. Morris, M. F., 1266. Morris, Oliver B., 2183. Morris, Robert, application to friends for pecuniary relief, 1781. 6009. drafts on B. Franklin, 6009. financier of American revolution, 6054. letter, 1781. 4540. letter to J. Nicholson. 1793. 6062. letter to E. Tilghman, 1789. 6063. letters to, 1775-1782. 5251. letters to John Hancock, 1776. 5995. letters written during Revolution, 3393. maxims of, 7422. Morris, S., letter to S. Powell, 1763. 6071. Morris, W. A., 5799, 5800. Morris family, 1645, 6063, 6891. Morris family of Morrisania, N. Y., 5022. Morris (William) family, 6894. Morris Academy, library, etc., establish ment, 4542. Morris County, N. J., early settlers, 3365. history, early, 4546, 4578, Morrison, G. A., jr., 5046, 5048, 5049- 5051. Morrison, H. A., 1295. Morrison, I. L., 1428. Morrison, J. K., 4345. Morrison, L. A., 3406. Morrison, N. H., 3684. Morrison, N. J., 5702, 5715. Morrison, S., 1452. Morrison, W., 4302. Morrison, W. II., 4427. Morrison family, 5749. Morrison (Daniel) family, 3406. Morristown, N. J., Academy, library, print ing press, establishment of first, 4542. regimental returns, 1776-77. 4545. Morrone, Joseph, 691. Morrow, R., 1582. Morrow family, 6891. Morse, A., 3365, 3367, 3376, 3476. Morse, A. D., 11, 38. Morse, C. H., 3371, 3412. Morse, E. A., 3687. Morse, E. C., 2567. Morse, E. L., 1266. Morse, E. S., 2272, 2439, 2449. Morse, G., 1160. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR TNDEX. 1207 Morse, IT. L., 2567. Morse, Jedidiah, letter to M. Fisk, June 22, 1800. GOTO. Morse, J. T., jr., 2801. Morse, O. E., 1582. Morse, R. E., 6027. Morse, R. M., jr., 3380, 3563. Morse, S. F. B., tablet in Rome, 2801. Morse, T., will. 1506. 3377. Morse family, 3407. Morson family, 6850. Morss. C. II., 3320, 3323. Morss, Myra B., 3322. Morston, O. C., 4304. Mortality in Massachusetts, 811. infant, in Prussia. 811. investigation, 814. standard, international, 800. statistics. Italian, 814. Mortgage indebtedness in Europe, 800. statistics, 808. Mortgages in foreign countries, 808. Morton, C. K., 4007. Morton, J., 7268. Morton, Jennie C., 1630, 1641-1645. Morton, J. S., 4406-4408, 4410, 4414, 4417, 4421. Morton, J. W., 1640. Morton, N., 4034. Morton, R., diary, 6057. Morton, R. K., 6783, 6784. Morton, S. G., 518. Morton, Thomas, 4115. Morton, William, charges against John Tinker, 1664. 2776. Morton family, 6835, 6836. (Joseph) family, 6650. Morton estate in Dorchester, 383S&. Morton s New English Canaan, 3406. Moseley, E. A., 608. Moseley, E. L., 003, 004. Moseley, E. S., 3384, 3605, 3683. Moselle, 807. Mosely family, 6820. Moses, A. G., 635. Moses, B., 10, 11, 000, 1820. Moses, J., 1383. Moshassuck Valley, R. I., an historic bell, 6602. Mosher, C. F., 5743. Moshulitubbee s prairie village, 4350. Mosquito Indians, 510. language, 518, 568. Mosquito shore, attempt to form a settle ment, 1823. 7180. in 1802. 560. Moss, G., 5520. Moss, II. L., 4310, 4311. Moss, L., 625. Most Holy Trinity Chxwch, 4735. Motley, I). E., 1831. Motley, J. L., 2773, 2770, 2855, 5274. Mott, D. C., 1516. Mott, G. S., 4540, 4500, 6077. Mott, H. S., 5051. Mott, Kate A., 5040. Mott, S., 3413. Mott family, 3370, 5051. (Gershom) family, 5040. Moulin de Dumont, Le, 7350. Moulton, A. F., 1712, 1717. Moulton, Jeremiah, letters, 1744. 3303. Moulton, Captain Johnson, Company in Revolution, 1716, 1704. Moulton, Joseph, 2246. Moulton, J. T., 2255, 2250, 2262, 2263, 2385, 2461, 2472, 2487, 2488. Moultonborough, N. II., marriage records of J. Shaw, 1770-1833. 3417. Moultrie, J., 6650. Moultrie family, 6650. Mound builders, The, 540, 5725, 5726, 5776, No. 0. 7148o. Florida, 1283. Manitoba, 868. Michigan, 4254, 4255. Ohio, 5640, 5723, 7412. popular errors, 5714. recently discovered relics, 7323. relics, 5776, No. 23. remains, 7161. Tennessee, 6667. Mound excavation, Tennessee, 868. Mounds, 2620. Gartner explorations, 5725. Florida, 868. Indian, 1503, 1510. causes, 4408. Iowa, 1508, 1500, 1538, 1530, 15566, 1556c. Kentucky, 868. Lemar, La., 1667. Mississippi, 1503. Ohio, 107, 100, 305, 5713, 7412. openings, 5714. west, 6257. of Wisconsin, man-shaped, 6028. See also Earthworks, Grave Creek mound, serpent mound. Mount, J. A., 1516. Mount Adams, altitude, 807. Mount Clemens, Mich., Moravian mission, 4262. Mount Desert, Me., commissioner s proceed ings, 1708. 1808. Mount Desert widow," The. 1682. Mount Gretna. origin of name, 6211. Mount Hope. 1670. 2623. Mount Hope lands, R. I., 6585. Mount McKinley, 004. explorations, 003. Mount Marcy, winter fauna, 4601, 4714. Mount Pelee, explosion, 003. new cone, 004. Mount Pleasant, Va., 6842. Mount Ployden, 4540. Tlount Ranier, height, 890. Mount Regale Fishing Company, Philadel phia. Pa., 1762. 6083. Mount St. Elias, 802, 803, 895, 896, 899. expedition, 892, 893. Mount St. Helena, 898. 1208 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Mount Shasta, 906. Mount Vernon, 4945. in 1797. 193, 271. inheritors of, 3831. Washington oak, 3316. Mount Vernon, Ala., 1282. Mount Vernon convention, 6067. Mount Washington, capture of, 1776. 5313. Mount Weather, meteorological research ob servatory, 905. Mountain exploration, 5915. Mountain passes, 577. Mountaineer language, 2624. Mountains and history, 11. United States, 4394. Mountgomery, R., 105. Mouring family, 6860. Mourfs journal, Plymouth, 1621. 2626. Mourfs " Relation," 2626, 2637. Moustier, Comte de, correspondence, 1787- 1789. 42, 43. Mowat, Capt. II., burial place, 1715. Mowat s relation, a lost manuscript, 1708. Mower, J. B., letters of, 1824. 4212. Mower, M., 4212. Mowlson. Lady, see Radcliffe, Ann. Mowlson, Lady, scholarship, 203, 391, 2133. Mowry, A., 3916a. Mowry, A. M., 11, 36. Mowry, D., 1289, 6672. Mowry, Mrs. I . H., 5899. Mowry, S., 545. Mowry, W. A., 2, 62, 94, 2268, 2573, 3410, 3950, 4439, 6525. Mowry family, 3950, 5744. monument, 3410, 3916o. Mpongwes, language, 518. Muckenfuss, A. M., 4346, 4349. Mudd, A. I., 1268, 1269. Muenchausen, F. E., von, journal, 1776- 1778. 6072, 6079. Mugford, Captain, 2770. Mugford, E. T., 4278. Muhheakunnuk Indians (Extract from an Indian history), 1718. Muhleman, M. L., 809. Muhleman s " Monetary system," 811. Muhlenberg, II. II., 6009. Muhlenberg, H. M., 6009. letter, 1776. 6078. Muhlenberg, P., letters, 1781-1799. 6077. Muhlenberg s journals. 1776-77. 6009. Muhlenberg (Henry Melchior) family, 6362. Muir glacier, 904. Alaska, 894, 7142. Muir inlet, buried forest, 894. Mujeres, Isla, 274. Mulfinger, George A., 885. Mulford, W. R., 3392, 3690, 5028, 5030. Mulford family, 3392, 3690. Mulhall s statistics. 811. Mulholland. f 1 .. 1011. Mullan. J.. 5S7, 5800. Muller mansion, 5433. Mulry, G. A., 919. Mum Bet, 2791. Mumbet, relic of, 2791. Mummies, Sir T. Browne on, 210. two Egyptian, 7178. Munford, Va., wills, 1786, 1799. 6859. Munger (Nicholas) family, 3412. Municipal accounting, 4299. Municipal activity, Cincinnati Southern Railway, 1825. Municipal administration, 4299. Municipal and Federal Government, 1820. Municipal development, history of, 1843. Municipal electric lighting, 811. Municipal finance, 4819. Municipal government, Michigan, 4822. Nebraska, 4410. Northwest Territory. 7371-7372. Ohio. 4822. Ontario, 7371-2. Toronto, 7371-2. Municipal growth, 813. Municipal history, English, 5, 7. Municipal ownership, 4299. early instance of, 214. of land on Manhattan Island, 4818. Municipal problems, Michigan, 4299. mediaeval Switzerland, 24, 88. Municipal statistics, 811. Munn, E., 4417. Munro, D. C., 779. Munro, W. B., 17. Munroe, A., 2174. Munroe, James, in Salem, 2245. Munroe, J. P., 2593, 2594. Munroe, W. S., 6163. Munsell, F., 3392, 3687. Munsell, J., 4690, 4710, 5020, 5057. Munsell family, 3392, 3687fl. Munson, L. E., 2047, 4398. Munson family, 3387. Munson-Williams - memorial, 5434-5437, 5480. Murders in Massachusetts, 809. Murdoch, W., 7148fc. Murdock, L. II., 904. Murdock, Marion, 1515. Murdock, S., 1519-1522. , / Murphy, II. C., 3684, 4732, 4944, 4945, 5098, 5252. Murphy, J. M., 545. Murphy, S., company for frontier defense, 6078. Murphy, W., 4414. Murrah, W. B., 4347. Murray, I)., 13, 4686, 4692. Murray, J., 7206. Murray, J. A., 6281. Murray, Louise W., 6396, 6397. Murray, N., 3685, 4537. Murray, T. H., 605-616, 619-624. Murray, W. V., 207. Murray (Jonathan) family. 3413. Muscatine, Iowa, First Presbyterian Church, 1499. history. 1507. Iowa s semi-centennial, 1471. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1209 Muscatine, Iowa, pioneers of, 1524. Muscatine County, Iowa, pioneer life, 1521. Muscleshell, Mont., 1869, 1870. 4395. Muscoe family, 6861. Musconetcunc, N. J., church, marriages, 1768-1795. 6068. baptisms, 1768-1772. 6068. Muscovy Company, 119, 1210, 1212. Museums, 3, 66, 5755. Musgrave family, 6836. Music, Ephrata, Pa., 6364. Music of other days, Methuen, Mass., 3329. Music of the forefathers, 2082. Musical convention, 1506. Muskegon, Mich., pioneer remnants, 4278. Muskegon County, Mich, memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. Musketquicl (Concord, Mass.) plantation, 1 T i . Muskett, J. J., 3399. Muskingum River, medal found at, 117. navigation on, 5726. Muskingum Valley, archaeology, 5717. pottery. 5732. Muskokee language, grammar of, 723. Musquakas of Tama County, Iowa, 1505. Mus-Qua-Kies. Last of the, 1524. Musser, R. II., 4391. Mussey, II. R., 4S43&. Mussey, R. D., 7. Muster in olden times, 4428b. Muzzey, A. B., 3389, 3655, 3687. Myer, I., 5040, 6311, 6336. Myer family (New York), 5024. Myers, B. F., 6353. Myers, E. T. D., 6858. Myers, M. S., 4800. Myers, T. B., 552, 5017. Myers, W. S., 1831. Myers family (New York), 5024. Myerstown, Pa., Palatinate college, 7431. . My gat t, W., 6927. M.vhan, T. F., 933. Myrand, E., 7345, 7346-7347a. My rand family, 7349. Myrtus cerifera, 7172. Mystic River (Mass.) above the bridge, 1835 to 1850. 3323. Ford at, 3321. on the banks of the, 3317. Mythology, Indian, 916. Myths, Solar theory of, 4713. Oregon Indians, 211. Myvyrian archeology. 5363. Nachvak, Labrador, Brown-Harvard expedi- j tion, 1900. 5917. Naguamquoeg, ancient, 1713. Nail, custom of driving a pin or nail, 2794. Nakiua, Emma M., 7131. Name, National, report on a, 5154. Names, American historical, 10. antartic. 7391. Boston, Mass., and vicinity, 3359. Canadian, origin of, 7350. spelling of, 7347</. Dutch, Van and Von, 5039. Names, English and Dutch surnames in New York families, 4723. English local, and genealogy, 3380, 3381. Genesee County, N. Y., 5520. geographic, 892, 5432. United States Board, decisions. 897. Indian, Alabama, 945. Algonquin, 4033&. Boston, Mass., 3398, 3758. Chippewa, in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, 6934. derivation, 4405. geographic, 6584. Long Island, 5147. Martha s Vinyard, 3410. Maryland, 6222. Mississippi, 945. New Jersey, 6222. New York, 5097, 5105-5107. Oregon, 5797. Pennsylvania, 6048, 6222. rivers, streams, places, etc.. 5995. personal, of New Jersey, 4661. proper, 5964. Rhode Island, 6512, 6520. Virginia, meaning, 6222, 6864. village of luka, 6272. White hills of N. II., 2630. Wisconsin, 6925, 6939. Indiana, naming of, 1462. individual and family, 3360. Kansas, City, origin of, 1581. county, origin of, 1581. Kentucky, 1639. names, origin of, 1578. Lebanon County, Pa., origin of, 6197. Massachusetts, towns, 2781, 2800, 2889. Mississippi, origin, 4349. Monmouth and Ocean counties, N: J., 4548. Mount Gretna, origin of, 6211. native, origin of, 7346. New Amsterdam family, origin, 4812. New Brunswick place nomenclature, 7321, 7333. New Hampshire, change of, 4455. Newport News, origin, 6857. Niagara, Indian, French, English local, 4778, 4787. North America, larger geographical fea tures, 5916. Ohio, 5726. Ontario onomatology and British biogra phy, 7301. Ouananiche philology, 7321. Pennsylvania, 6167. German family, 884. Providence Plantations, 6491. from 1639-1700. 6594. Rhode Island towns, 6520. United States, 903, 7474. Vermont, 3374. Vineyard Sound, 2781. Virginia, 6835, 6851. West Virginia towns, 6891. Wisconsin, 6925, 6939. 1210 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Names ending in " man," origin, 340.1. Names of States, 196. origin of, 297. " Nancy," wreck of the schooner, 1752. 2244. Nanih Waiya, 4345. Nankin, Mich., pioneer church, 42SO. recollections of, 4266. " Nansemond," gunboat, service on. 6597. Nansemond County, Va., commission, 1646. 6852. Upper parish vestrymen, 1760-1791. 6831. Nansen s polar expedition, S97. Xanticoke dialect, 759. Nnntucket. Mass., 1717-1777. 3409. American Revolution in, 3386, 3387, 3628. births, deaths, marriages, from 1662. 3365. from 1789-1792. 2621. churches and pastors, 1659-1902. 3414, 3951. Folger, Peter, deed to land, 1663. 3370. Freemasonry, 3347. early houses, 3352. lands and owners, 3343-3346, 7535. men who served under John Paul Jones, 3349. newspapers, 3350. Pacific bank, 3352. schools, 3351. silk industry, 7533. topography, 2621. whale fishery at, 2621. whale ships, house and private signals, 7533. Napanee, Canada, first mills, 7301. " Napanee," origin of. 7301. Napehshneedoota. 4304. Naples, rising of, 1647-1648. 42. Napoleon s concordat with Pope Pius VII, 1801. 12. Narraganset, charter to Massachusetts, 3369. Narragansett. R. I., Dutch invasion, 1673. 3366. Narragansett, early history, 6484. Narragansett Bay. settlements and govern ments, 2623. Narragansett country, 1112, 6587. causes of contention for, 6610. claims, report of commission. 1683. 2623. claims and titles, 2623. council, James II s commission, 2623. court, 1686. 2623. history of, 2639. right to lands, 1680. 2623. Narragansett fort fight, 3762. Narragansett Indians. 1768. 6488. 6586. Hartford treaty with, 3404. Narragansett patent, 2774, 2775, 2824. Narragansett planters, a study of causes, 1816. Narragansett townships, 1698. grantees, 3374, 3380. memoirs of, 2640. Narragansetts, the last of the, 4212. Nash, C. E., 1711. Nash, G., 4187-4190. Nash, G. K., 5724, 5736. Nash, Robert, doings of, on coast of Maine. 1645. 1697. Nash, S., 3362. Nashoba, Vt., Garrison house at, 2602. historic landmarks at, 2602. Indians of, 2602. meaning of name, 2602. Nashua, N. H., land grants, ..684. 3149. Nashville, battle of, 5307. Nashville, Tenn., first streets, 6670. founder of, 6671. Nashville Inn, 6670. Nason, E., 3359, 3372, 3378-3381, 3390. 3519, 3539, 3550, 3557, 3665, 3686, 3687. Nason, R., 2632. Nason, W. A., 7483p. Nassau, R. H., 577, 579. Natal, description, 528. Natality, 812. Massachusetts, 812. Nath, Dorothea, 886. Natick, Mass., Indian deed to J. Stone, 1656. 3361. Indian village at, 2569, 2574, 7397. villages of praying Indians, 2567. Natick Indians, Dedham s grant to, 2203. language, vocabulary, 209, 2640. National educational movement, 1850-1862, Illinois in, 7425. " National Era," an abolition document, 1288. National free soil convention, 1848. 4773. National greatness, elements of, 5010. National growth, Puritan scheme, 5010. National medals, issued 1776-1815. His tory, 6253, 6260. National name, report on a, 5154. National Portrait Gallery, establishment of, 2793. National road, 6891. National tenure, conditions of, 6415. National University, 8857. Native Sons of the Golden West, 1080. Nativism, American political, 4830. Nattrass, T., 7301. Naturalist s directory, 2295. Naturalization in American colonies, 10. Naturalization in the American colonies, with particular reference to Mass achusetts, 2771. Naturalization in England and American colonies, 43, 95. Naturalization in United States, 1776- 1795. 22. Naudowessies, 4315. Naugatuck Valley, Conn., Indians, 1154. Navajo Indians, 1523. Naval engagements, 1778. 6070. Naval forces on Great Lakes, reduction of, 1817. 12. Navarro, Juan N., 902. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1211 Navigation, assistance to, 901. history of, on Lake Memphremagog, 6706. modern, 578. Navigation acts, 43. Navigation laws, 201, 366. operation in Connecticut, 1112. Navigation r. banking, 4280. Navigator s Islands, 000. Navy, American, statistics of, 807. British, first American-built vessels in, 3378. in geographical and commercial progress, 575. Navy Hall, Ontario, 7266. Navy Island, 4775. Nazareth, Pa., Peter Boehler s oak tree, 6222. cemeteries, 7473. Christian s spring, 6222. events in 1800. 7473. journey to, 1815. 7473. Moravian graveyards, 1744-1904. 6231. Nazareth Hall, 6222, 6233. in the Revolution, 6223. Rose Inn, 1752-1772. 6223. Nazareth Hall, a Moravian boarding school for boys, 6222, 6233. Nazing, England, 3630a, Nead, B. M., 6060, 6354. Nead, D. W., 6359. Neal, Daniel, letter, 1718. 2623. letter, 1740. 6061. Neal s History of New England, 2623. Neale, Ellen S., 6894. Neall, Mrs. James, 1054. Neandreia, excavations, 878. Nearpass, W. H., 5033. Nebraska, admission into Union, 4405, 4409. archives, 21. biographies, 4416. capitol, first, 4417. location, 4406. Congregational College, history, 4407. constitution, 4417. county histories, list, 4405. courts, 4410. description, 1662. 4406, 4418. discovery, 4404, 4405. early days, reminiscences, 4408, 4409, 4410, 4417. early times and pioneers, 4407. economic history, 1824. financial fallacies, 4410. Fourth of July celebration, first, 4424. higher education, 4407. historic places, 4423. history, 7123. legislators, 1855. 4414, 4423. local government, cost of, 1855, 1898. 4414. Might-have-been cities, 4423. military history, early, 4406. pioneer women, 4422. pioneers, 4421, 4422, 4423. Nebraska, political and constitutional de velopment, 4409. resources, 1850. 545. school district 16, history, 4421. school district 27, history, 4422. school district 31, history, 4422. school district 42, history, 4422. school district 47, history, 4422. school district 50, history, 4422. school district 77, history, 4421. school district 84, history, 4422. school district 99, history, 4421. school question, early, 4423. supreme judges, 4408. Territorial history, 4406. Territorial legislature, first, 4414. Territorial pioneers, list of, 4423. third judicial district, 1857-1861. 410. University of, 4407. historical and political science associa tion, 4406. "wild-cat banks," 1517. women, 1855. 4414. Nebraska City to Salt Creek, 1855. 4408. Nebraska Territory, provisional govern ment, 4415. documents relating to, 4415. Nebular hypothesis, 5582, 7191. Necarsulmer, H., 632. Necessaries for going to Virginia in 1826. 2630. Necrology of New England colleges, 1867- 1809. 3381, 3382, 3586a. Needham, Mass., 2206. baptisms, 1720-1849. 2206, 3415. 1849-1861. 2207. bibliography of, 3411. births, 1749-1762. 3414. clerks of first parish in, 2196. deaths, 1749-1762. 3414. epitaphs, 2195-2199, 2202, 2203, 2214. first parish, 2196, 2197. records, 2197, 2198. marriages, 1720-1798. 3414. from 1738-1811. 3413. nonagenarians, 2205. notes, 2205. schools, 2205, 2206. schools and teachers, 2208. topography, 2629. Needles, S. H., 6064, 6106. Negro, 811. American, 1286. bill of sale, 1707. 5549. in 1724. 3376. Columbia, Mo., 815. colonization, 1289. deportation from Nova Scotia to Sierra Leone, 7279. District of Columbia, 1824. freeing the, letter to Massachusetts house of representatives, 1777. 2779. governors, 1161. historical status in Connecticut, 1164. imprisonment, effect of, in disease, 691, 708. 1212 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Negro, Maryland 1847. medical statistics, 811. migration, 811, 812. mortality, 812. murder, 1739. 6856. notes on statistics of, 808. peasant farmer, 815. progress of the colored people of Mary land since the war. 1821. punishment for rebel. 1688. 6858. St. Louis, 814. sale of, 1678. 6854. slavery in Wisconsin, 6015. statistics of, 808. suffrage and reconstruction, 2808. West Indies, 810. West Point, 1523. United States, 815. See also Slavery. " Negro election day," 2782. Negro plot of 1712. 5036. Negro plot of 1741, New York, 5210. Negro problem, 1284. recent literature, 1288. Negroes, as slaves, as citizens, as soldiers, 2814, 2815. opinions of the founders of the Republic on, 2775. Negus, Charles, 1501-1508. Neill, C. P., 1828. Neill, D., 611. Neill, E. D., 2793, 3384, 3386-3390, 3398, 3401, 3601o, 3805c, 4302-4304, 4306, 4332, 4333, 4339, 6057, 6058, 6061, 6064-6066, 6072, 6073, 6849, 6932. Neilson, Jas., 4555, 4637. Neilson, N., 35. Neilsons of Scotland, 4660. Neisser, G., 6072. Nellis, E. R., 4299. Nelson, A., 3687. Nelson, E. W., 898, 899, 905, 2338. Nelson, T., jr., letters, 6808. Nelson, T. L., 198. Nelson, W., 26, 97, 3686, 4547, 4548, 4551, 4553, 4556, 4557, 4559, 4584, 4586. 4606, 4614, 4615, 4623, 4631, 4632, 4644, 4646, 4648, 4649, 4652, 4654, 4657-4661, 5024, 5047, 5079, 6066, 6382, 6385. letter to E. Hunt, 1771. 6853. Nelson genealogy, 4660. Nelson letter book, 1770-1773. 6855. Nemaha County, Nebr., first election, 4423. Nemaha precinct, Nebr., 4422. Nephrite and jadeite, 201, 360. Noshaminy, Pa., Log college, 6381. Presbyterian Church, early history, 6382. Washington s encampment, 6057. Neshaminy and Bensalem, Pa., church rec ord, 1710-1738. 6381. Neshobe, Island of, christening, 6711. medal, 6716. Neshotah, Wis., 6970. Nesmith, J. W., 5806, 5811, 5812, 5815. Nestell family, 5023. Nestlerode, C. C., correspondence, 1521. Netherlands, national hymns (Dutch and English), 4882. Neumann, P., 7132. Neutrals, country of the, 7144, 7145. Neutrals. See also Acadians. " Neutral ground," Westchester County, N. Y., 4812. poverty and patriotism, 5561. Neutral lands, the Cherokee, 1580. Neutrality, struggle for, in America, 5284. Neuville, N. D. de, letters, 7347a. Nevada Territory, 545. Neve, Felipe de, 1016. " Neversink," derivation of, 4544. Neville, A. C., 7054. Neville, Ella H., 6968, 7081. New Albion, 6063. Beauchamp Plantagenet s description of, examination, 5972. New Amsterdam, burgher right, 5257. city of, 4887. city chest, 4812. currency in, 4811. family names and their origin, 4812. schools, early, and schoolmasters, 4812. Stadt buys, 4812, 5300. tablet on site of old fort, 4884. See also New York City. New Bedford, Mass., notes on, 1807. 2631. topography, 2622. New Braintree, Mass., vital records to 1850. 4007. New Brunswick, Acadian magazines, biblio graphical list, 7328. archives, 7326. boundaries, 7326. evolution of, 7336. cartography, 7322, 7334. early courts and judges, 7248. historic sites in, 7324, 7335." historical-geographical documents, 7255. early history, 7254. history, Plan for a general history, 7332. King s regiment, 1793-1802. 7251. maps, 7324. observations on, 2621. origin of settlements in, 7329. place nomenclature, 7321, 7333. New Brunswick, N. J., First Presbyterian Church, 4564. New Carlisle, Ohio, proceedings at, Septem ber 23, 1876. 5773a. New Castle, N. H., births, marriages, deaths, 4442. Tax, 1720 (Island side list), 4442. New Connecticut, 2183. marriages, 5744. records of the Ecclesiastical Convention, 5705. New England, 1702, 3378. abstract of laws of, 1689. 4106. account of, early, in verse, 2621. account of, in 1630, Maverick s, 2791. advertisements for planters, 1631. 2641. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1213 New England, affairs of first English in, 2757. Andros period, 2645. annuls of, Prince s 2635, 2709. appeal to men of, 1689. 4106. arrival of ministers in,- 3359. artists, 2846. authorized "arms and pedigrees, additions, 3410. Baptists, 2038. beginnings of, 2723, 4815. bibliography, 2144. birds of, 2308. botany, early, 2135. brief relation of, 1689. 4105. brief relation, Mourt s 1622. 2637. briefe description, 1600. 3019. Maverick s, 3736&. briefe narration, 1658. 2644. briefe relation of discovery, 1622. 4120. Celtic invasion of, 4388. Christian Indians of, 117. church and state in, 1717, 1823. civilization, sources, 6746. colonies, 1816. church discipline in, 2796. Cromwell s plans regarding, 16. emigrants from county of Suffolk, Eng land, 2648. - extract from the history of, concerning j the charter of William and Mary 2627. farm life in, 4209.- manners and customs before the Revo lution, 4214. troubles from the Indians, 2624. inhabitants, 1718. 2619. commissioners, letter, 1679. 2623. confederacy of, 1643. 2647, 2729, 4098. Congregationalism in, 2284. cooperation in, 1819. council, 250. for, 1621-1623. 38. grants, 2860. records, 167, 185, 223, 224, 226. seal, 2778, 2840. customs, 3364. democratic institutions, 1713. " deplorable state " of, inquiry concern ing, 2664. description of, 1616, Smith s, 2644. 1650, Eliot s, 2792. Oorges s, 2644. development of, influence of English uni versities in, 2786. disregard of navigation laws in, 1743. ! 2138. ecclesiastical situation in, before, 1776. ! 779. economic and social history of, 4. - embassy from Canada to, 1650. 5098. eminent men in, 1768. 2628. eminent ministers in, 2628. English ballads about, 3394. extract from autobiography of Sir Sy- monds D Ewes concerning, 1648. 2649. New England families, gleanings from the English records, 2256, 2396. fathers of, 4998. decrease of, 1630-1665. 3359. first colonization, 1744. first settlers, 3359. founders of, list, 3372, 3474. information in British archives, 3474. Further qua>ries upon the state of, 1690 4104. genealogy, 2241. early history, 3396. history, 2038. in 1634. 3398. in 1689. 4453. gleanings for, 2646, 2648, 2649, 2728. Hubbard s, 2619, 2630, 2631, 2633, 2634, 2705, 2706, 2737, 2785. summary of, its import, 7480. sources, 6749. Winthrop s, 2802. written by Jos. Bennett, 1740. 2774. homes, old, 7415. house, one hundred years ago, 4215. humble address of the , publicans of, 1691. 4105. impartial account of, 1690. 4104. Indian plot, 1642, relation of, 2641. Indian wars, 1703-1726. 3370, 4469. Indians, bibliography, 3179. progress of gospel among, 2642. - influence in Milwaukee, 6970. influence of English universities, 2956. Ill newes from, 1652. 2650. institutions, 4098. interest in the fisheries, 1781. 2794. Jews in, prior to 1800. 634. laws, 1641. 2623. letter from, 1631. 2798. letter on affairs of, 1663 or 1664. 1697. letters from, 1686. 4103. manuscripts, 3363. map, Hubbard s. 2794, 3064, 3069. Winthrop s, 2796. meeting house, 4977. merchants memorial to London board of trade, 3378. minister, letter of, 1645. 3378. narrative of the miseries of, 1688. 4105. Newes from America, 1638. 2644. newspapers, narrative of, 2623. 1704 to the Revolution, 2624. observations on, 1673. 2622. orders in council, 1630 to 1641. 3366. 1660-61, 1692-93. 2650. early painters and engravers, 2778. Palfrey s history of, remarks on comple tion, 2795. early papers from the British archives, 2248. early paper mills, 1756. pasengers for, 1638. 3360. in 1679. 3386. people, marriages in Philadelphia, 1777- 1801. 3390. period of usurpation, 2645. 1214 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. New England, plain dealing and newes from, 1642. 2641. platform, 2628. poem on, 2619. poets and poetry, early, of, 263. post-office in, history, 2645. post-roads, origin and use of, 4216. Presbyterianism in, 1702, 1749. present state of, 1689. 4305. Protestant Episcopal parishes, 1724. 5517. Puritan politics, 4523. " Reasons for justifying the undertakers of," authorship, 2776. representation in, 204, 412. Revolution in, 1689-1691. 4104. seal, great, 1720. of 1689. 2775. used by Gor. Andros, 2775. senates, colonial origin, 1827. settlement of, narrative, 1630. 2774. " early settlers, English notes about, 2277, 2278, 2280. wills, 3365. settlers, ancestry of, 3379. the sifted grain, 40.-- slave trade, 6850. soldiers and sailors of, 4979. southern, physical geography, 906. State of, 1707. 2664. in 1708. 2664. tenure of lands in, 2782. towns, 1650. 3268. Germanic origin of, 1813, 2547. origin, 3128. origin, organization, and influence of, 2778, 2847. traction, 1625, Morrell s, 2794. tribute to, 5010. true relation, 1634. 3768. urban and rural, 814. vindication of, 1675, 1676. in 1689. 4105. early voyages, 1698. voyage into, 1678. voyages, Brereton s relation, 2646. voyages to, in 1670. 2641. White s instructions for plantation of, 2777. Winthrop s history, 2802. Wood s " New England Prospect," 2796, 4102. " New England bibliopolist," 3707. New England chronology, 3365. 1684-1690. 3366. New England Courant, The, 3115. New England Emigrant Aid Company, 1577, 4203. as an investment society, 1580. influence upon national history, 4228, 4229. New England Guards, longevity of, 3371. New England Hill, Pa., naming of, 6154. New-England Historical Genealogical Soci ety, change of name of, 2759, 2760, 2772. New England Historical and Genealogical Register, history of, 3491. New England, in New York, 5436, 5440. New England primer, 3361, 3368, 3406, 4209. New England States, historical publications of, bibliography, 2135. New England to Lake Superior, 1854. 4284. New England s deliverances, Narrative of, 3365. New England s Faction discovered, 4105. New England s Jonas cast up at London, 2632. New England s plantation, 1630. 105, 2619. New England s Prospect, 2796, 4102. New England s Rarities, 119, 217. " New England s salamander discovered," 2640. " New England s trials," Smith s, 2781, 2892. New English Canaan, 4115. New France, fall of, 1755-1760. 7362. early trading companies, 7376. See also Canada. New Germantown, N. J., corporation of Zion, records, births, and bap tisms, 1771-1793. 5046-5049. New Glarus, Wis., 1845. 6937. diary, relating to, 1845. 7090. Swiss colony of, 69307), 6934, 6977, 7003. New Gloucester, Me., 1698. records of proprietors, etc., 1714. New Gnaudenhutten, Mich., 4280. New Hampshire, answers to queries of Lords of trade, 4446. Belknap s history, 1791. 4446. boundary, 202, 377. 3391, 3671, 4456. census, 1775. 4446. churches and ministers, 2636, 2639-2642. civil government list, 1630-1680. 4447. commissioners records, 1776, 1778, 1780. 4454. constitutions, 1776-1792. 4449. council, report on lands west of Con necticut River, 1771. 6723. counsellors, 1680-1837. 4450. covenant, 1774. 4495. currency, 1683. 4451. documents in Public record office in Lon don, England, 4454a. education in, 4449. Election sermons, 1784-1861. 4427. end of provincial government, 3381. establishment of royal provincial gov ernment, two hundredth anniver sary, 4455. families, early records, 3365, 3392, 4425. form of government of, 1689. 2786. general assembly, anti-Catholic declara tion, 1698. 3375. governors, judges, senators, etc., por traits, 3386. governors, portraits, 3392. grants, 6723, 6753, 6757. claims, 5242, 5243. controversy, 6724. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1215 New Hampshire Continued. grants, preparations for defense, 3380. to John Mason, 4446. historical society semicentennial celebra tion, 4455. early history, 3363, 4453. history, 4456, 4488. 1689-1692. 2786, 4453. 1840-1850. 4457. documents, 3399. Indian deed, 1659. 4453. instances of longevity in, 2638-2640. instructions to Gov. Dudley, 2798. insurrection, 1786. 4448. Irish in, 609. jurisprudence, early, 4453. laws, 255. bibliographical notes on, 186. manners and customs, 4450. manuscripts, 1694. 3389. Mason, R., title to, 1660. 4446. militia, Fifteenth Regiment. 1774. 44."4. ministers and churches, sketches of, 2637, 2638. minnsters in, catalogue of, 1767. 2632. name, 3387. names of certain villages, 2800. northern boundary, 4447. notes, 1735. 3415, 3967. operations against Canada, 1835-1836. 4457. petition of settlers, 1689. 3366. portraits of governors and other public men, 3400, 3407, 3631. president and council of, journal of, 2785. records of, 2944. records, 1680-1692. 4453. records of, 1679-1680. 2785. probate law, 4448. province seal under William and Mary, 1692-1694. 2097. provincial congresses, 4496. public men, 3395. public schools, 4435. railroads, 1859. 545. register, 1768. 4446. report of commissioners on war accounts against United States, 1791,4454. services, heroic age of Republic, 3389. in the Revolution, 3658. settlement, two hundredth anniversary. 1823. 4451. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary, 4455, 4477. settlers, 3360. soldiers in Medford, Mass. [1775], 3325. town governments, Hampton, 4456. travels to Caratuck, 5517. White Hills, 1705. without provincial government, 1089- 1690. 2966. New Hampshire and Massachusetts bound ary line, 3391. New Hampshire and Vermont, 4456. Unions, secessions, etc., 4438. " New Hampshire Gazette," 3384. history, 3607. New Hartford, N. Y., centennial, 5429 5468. inhabitants, 1790. 5468. manufactures, 5468. old Presbyterian Church, 5468. New Haven, Conn., ancient houses, 1157 1168. baptisms, 1639-1666. 3367. bells, 1160. "Blue meeting house" parsonage, 1156. cemetery inscriptions, 1158, 1174. convention of 1778, 1158. Cutter lot, 1156. First Church, 1160. first public library, 1161. Governor Gilbert lot, 1156. Green, 1186. history, 1784. 1159, 1179. intercourse with Delaware Bay, 1159. invasion by British troops, 1157. Long wharf, 1156. maritime interests, 1158, 1173. medical history and biography, 1157. proprietors, 1685. 3359. recollections of, 1825-1837. 1160. republic of, 1842. settlement, commemoration, 1181. statistics, 1774. 2630. town and city government, 1816. Trinity Church, 1156. view of, in 1786. 1161. New Haven, Ohio, history, 7408. New Haven colony, 8, 1156. absorption by Connecticut, 8. civil government, 1156. , New Holderness, N. H., note on, 1814 2631. New Holland, Pa., school, 1786. 6166. New Ipswich, N. II., history, 4450. New Ireland, proposed province of, 1703, 1717. New Jersey, 4556. in 1776. 4545. archives, 26, 97, 4593. assembly, 1754, biographical sketches, 4651. letter to Benjamin Franklin, December 7, 1769. 4544. bench and bar, 4527, 4532, 4581. bibliography, 4557, 4558, 4559. biographies, 4532. biographical sketches, 4668. boundary, Staten Island and N. J., 4545. British army in 177S. 4540. Burnet, Gar. administration, 4597. calendar of records, 4613. Carteret, E., lease to Twelve Proprietors for East Jersey, 4538. cavalry, 1794. 3405. centennial celebrations, 4549. Church of England, first effort to or ganize. 6061. church records, 4569, 6382, 6385. cities, early, 4553. 1216 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. New Jersey, colonial documents, 4593- 4616a. analytical index, 4529. colonial history, documents, 1631-1776, 4593-4602. commercial projects, 1791-1796. 4545. commissioners 1 records, 1778. 4454. constitution, first, 1776. 4546, 4579. constitution and government, 4532, 4581. currency, 1716. 4543. D. Coxe s possessions in west, 6063. dividing line between east and west Jersey, 4536. east, model of the government, 4525. proprietary governments, 4525. eastern boundary, 4544, 4573. employments, early settlers, 4550. extracts from American newspapers re lating to, 1704-1765, 1776-1778. 4603, 4604, 4611, 4612, 4616, 4617, 4618. Fenwick, John, settlement and jurisdic tion in West Jersey, 4536. Fenwick s proposal for planting colony of New Csesaria or, 6082. first government house, site of, 4560. founding of, 1815. geology, 545. governor and council, journal, 4605-4610. governors, 1776-1845, biographies, 4581. Greenland in, 4639. Hessians in, 4554, 4633. historical work in, 4657. history, 4542. colonial, 4535, 4593-4602o. Hollanders in, 4539. Huguenot builders, 5039. indebtedness to New Hampshire, 4442. Indian names in, 6222. lease from E. Carteret to Twelve Pro prietors, 4538. legislature, special session, 1794. 4558. marriage laws, early, 4614. marriage records, 1665-1800. 4614. money in, before Revolution, 4551. Moravian settlement, 1768-1808. 4555. negro slave, bill of sale, 1771. 5044. New York, affairs under joint governors, 4543. boundary disputes, 4542. steamboat controversy, 1811-1824, 4543. northern boundary line, 4542, 4570. parchment, early, relating to, 4505. Penn, W., interests and influence in west, 6061. Pennsylvania boundary, 1669. 6061. people naturalized, 1702-1776. 5043. Protestant Episcopal parishes, 1724. 5517. province line between east and west Jersey, 4558. provincial assemblies, tables of sittings and list of members, 4539. provincial courts, 4527. purchase of, east, bicentennial, 4551. New Jersey, religion, 1700. 4538. Revolutionary flotillamen, 5037. Revolutionary history, 4617, 4618. rivers, 892. robbery of treasury, 1768. 4539, 4563. Scandinavians in, 4543. seal, 4557. earlj 7 settlers on seacoast, 4550. settlers, 5045. sheriffs, western division, 1726-1738. 6072. slavery in, 1827. Staten Island, boundary, 4545. part of, 4542. supreme court, 1765. 4543. taxes before Revolution, 4551. testamentary laws and customs, early, 4615. topographical survey, 530, 579. Whitehead s East Jersey, 5049. why called foreign country, 4546. wills, calendar, 1670-1730. 4615. See also New Albion. New Kent County, Va., firing of court house, 1787. 6852. old tombstones, 6853, 6856. New London, Conn., ancient burial ground, inscriptions, 3369. annual field day, 1903. 4215. old houses, 1198. orders of selectmen in, 1764-1766. 1199. public library, 1195. settlement, two hundred and fiftieth an niversary, 1202. schools, 1201. Society for Trade and Commerce, 1201. statistics, 1774. 2630. taverns, 1200. war of 1812. 1195. whaling industry, 1200. New London, N. H., note on, 2636. New London, Ohio, history, 7409. New London, \Vis., and surrounding coun try, 6927. New London Company United for Trade and Commerce, 2138. New London County, Conn., Congregational ministers, 1200. first organized church, 1197. marriages, 1667-1670. 3408. New Marblehead, Me., see Windham, Me. New Meadows, Me., reminiscences, written in 1843, 1802. New Mexico, founder, 916. geography and peoples, 563. history, 4676. Indians, 551. pueblo discovered by Vargas, 578. ruins, 549. Spaniard in, 3. Spanish conquest, 6040. stone idols of, 657, 4678. New Netherlands, anthology, 4732. conquest of, 5222, 5225. description of, 5994, 5995. 1642-43. 5187. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1217 New Netherlands, relations with New Eng land, 1158. % settlement of, 3394. towns in, 40. See also New York State. New Orleans, La., account of, in 1750. 5852. battle of, 1815. 1628, 2803, 6075. Burr conspiracy and, 26. Cathedral archives, 1667. climate of, 1871-1897. 1665. defenses of. in 1797. 1663. its old streets and places, 1667. municipal history, 1820. New Paltz, N. Y., Huguenot church, 5549. Huguenot patentees, 4894. patent, 4864a. Reformed Dutch Church, records, 4875. early settlement of, 4855. settlement by Huguenots, 5549. New Plymouth, colony of, and its relatio : to Massachusetts, 2857. New Providence, Pa.. Der Evangelisch-Lu- ther Gemeinde, 6357. Now River Valley, 6889. New Rochelle, N. Y., established Church of England petition, 1760. 5022. New School Theological Seminary, Phila delphia, 1844-1847. 6382. New Scotland, knights baronet of, 4108. New Somersetshire province, Me., Gov. of, 3410. New Sweden, 5096. description of, 5970, 5988. founding of, 1637-1642. 6059. history, 1217, 5980, 6063, 6064. Konigsmark in, 6063. letter of P. Minuit proposing founding of, 6062. Moravian activity in, 7473. report of J. Printz, 1647. 6063. story of, 1713. third Swedish expedition to. 1641. 6059. eighth Swedish expedition. 1649. 6064. Now Sweedland, 5090. Now Testament canon of Eusebius, 771. New Utrecht, Long Island, Reformed Dutch j Church, tombstone inscriptions, i 4911. New Windsor, N. Y., cemetery, inscriptions 4862. Presbyterian Church records, 4856. New York. Colony, correspondence between New Netherlands and New Ply mouth, 1627. 5096. council, report to Gov. Monckton, 1763, on controverted boundaries. 6754. description of New Netherlands, 5096. 1650. Van der Donck s, 5140. governor and council, letter. 1687. 6067. governors of New Netherlands, 5096. history. 5417, 5473. ( olden on. 5097. Smith s, 1762. 5092-5095. 5241. immigrants, list of early, 5029, 5030. laws established by Duke of York, 5089. II. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 77 New York. Coloni/, maps of New Nether- land, 5147. New Netherland, De Witt s, 5146. in 1627. 5097. Protestant Episcopal parishes. 1724. 5517. provincial and Revolutionary military or ganizations. 4S55. provincial troop, muster rolls. 1755- 1764. 5262. religious liberty in. 1773. 2629. representation of New Netherland, 5097. slavery in, 5, 7. status of Jews, 629. transition from Dutch to English, 40. New York. State, adoption of constitution, 5312. ancient wills, 5018. antiquities, 5171. antirent episode in State, 13. archives, 21, 5035. arms, 4692, 4715, 5031, 5034. arms and seals, 5032. authors, some, 5039. biographical writers of, 5147. boundary, 1158, 4744. Connecticut River, right of, 6723. early eastern, 6754. Quebec bill and, 5097. canals, 557, 3503. new barge, 580. routes, 5508. census history, 1686-1865. 4687. of 1855. 545. growth, 815. central part, early history, 5513. centralization of administration in, 4826. climate. 576. commissioners records, 1778. 4454. common school system, 530. company of artillery, Westchester, pay book, 5561. constitutional convention. 1894. 477.",. constitutional history. 5097. 5161 . constitutional law. development. 477. !. Continentals, Col. P. Van Cortlandt and, 5020. domestic history, 5096. Dutch families, 3409. history, 5017. evacuation by British, celebration of, 5340. families, 3411. in the South, 5020. old, biographies, 5020. first constitution, 4694. genealogy, gleanings in England, 5049, 5050, 5051. gorges and waterfalls, 7391. governor and council, letter, 1687, 6067. history, 5211. during American Revolution, 5320. 1776-1876. 5309. 1800-1850. 5191. 1800-1860. 5194. in nineteenth century, 5239. 1218 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. New York. State, Indians, advent of, into Wisconsin, 2926. in Wisconsin, 7089. industries, 6714. Jewish history, beginnings, 624. Jewish settlers, 632. law, 4931. loyalists, memorial about. 1782. 5036. mapping of, 571. medical education, 1827. 486. memorial to governor, senate, and assem bly of the State. 5352. militia, 1776. 5017. Moravian missionary stations, 6221. names, Indian, 5097. names of places, 5105, 5106, 5107. New England settlers in western, 4097. New Jersey, affairs under joint gov- ernoTs. 4543. boundary disputes, 4542. boundary line, 4570. steamboat controversy. 1811-1824. 4543. oldest charter, 4887. people, distinctive character, 5145. physical geography, 572-576. political history, 5229. early post-office, 5338. public school pioneering, 4877. Revolution, border wars, 6414. Revolutionary pensioners, 5029. rivers, 574. seminaries, 933. early settlements, 5150. settlers from New England, 3413. slavery in, 7. statistical account of, 5408. suffrage movement, 1900. 4931. topographic survey, 579. topography, 530, 551, 597. tracts relating to, 5242. visit to, 1803. 4775. waterways, 557. western, survey, 1789-1808, 4776. New York City, ancient tombstones, 5032. and Brooklyn, campaign around, 1776. 4945. assassination plot, 1776. 3566. Astor library, 886. Bermuda Islands, connection with, 5040. block, sociology of, 4840. Catholic cemeteries, 927. Catholic clergy, register, 927, 928. Central Park, Museum in, 5269. chamber of commerce, history. 5097. 5169. conveyances of land in New Amsterdam, index of grantees, grantors, mort gagors, etc., 1654-1675. 4885. description, 5994, 5995. doctor in old, 4812. Dongan s charter, 916. draft riots, 927. Dutch aliases, 4880. Dutch Church, members, 1686. 4880, 5096. record of burials, 4883. New York City, Dutch records in city clerk s office, 4884, 4885. Eglise franchise & la Nouvelle York, rec ords, 1688-1804. 4898. establishment of public parks, 5381. excise law, early, 4811. first church marriage, 5041. first mayor, 5043. first Presbyterian congregation, 6381. first Presbyterian church, baptisms, 5019. records, births, marriages, baptisms, 1759-1787. 5020-5035. fourteen miles round, 4802. French Protestants in, 1688-1804. 4898. genealogical data, records, 5036. German prints of, 2799, 3161. harbor, 532, 554, 7391. historic tokens of, 656. history, 5179. in 1787. 6068. in 1789. 5354. end of eighteenth century, 5527. 1850 and 1890. 5366. house owners, 1674. 4880. houses, two old. 5036. immigrants, early, 4880, 5029, 5030. impress of nationalities on, 5328. Jewish cemeteries, 631. Jewish history, 626, 634. Jewish life before 1800. 625, 626. Jews, obituary notices, 1728-1791. 628. journal of a voyage to, 1679-1680. 4944, 4945. Lutheran Church, early records, 4887. marriage licenses, 1686-1688. 5020. 1691-1706. 5016-5019. 1756-1758. 5017. Morris house, 5049. New Amsterdam burghers, 5257. newspaper extracts, 1730-1785, 1785- 1790. 5243. occupation by British, 1775-1783. 6057, 6066. old prisons and punishments, 4812. old wells and water courses, 4812. oriental life, manners, etc., in, 5036. Palisades, 5383. passengers to, 1654-1664. 4886. political parties, 5371. port of, decline of commerce, 1436. powers of attorney, acknowledgments, etc., 4884. presentation of freedom of city to A. Hamilton, 60G9. press and makers, eighteenth century, 4812. printing, issues of the press, 1693-1720. 6068, 6069. Reformed Dutch Church, baptisms, 1639- 1800. 4880, 5020-5047, 5069, 5070. births, 1639-1800. 5020-5047. first minister. 1628. 5252o. marriages, 1639-1800. 5068. members list, since 1649. 5024. records, early, autographs, 4884. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1219 | New York City, Revolution in the autumn I of 1776. 6069. roll of freemen, 1675-1866. 5257. St. Patrick s day, 1762-1788. 611. St. Paul s Chapel, heraldry, 5018. inscriptions, 5018. St. Peter s Church, 916, 927, 929. baptismal register, 928-930. Shearith Israel congregation, 629, 631. Schermerhorn place, tombstone inscrip tions, 5040. schools in old, 928. Second Presbyterian Church, marriages, 1756. 5026-5030. society in olden time, 5053. Society of Friends, records, 1640-1800. 5018-5021. streets, names, 5035. old streets under Dutch, 5296. surrogate s office, abstracts of wills on file, 1665-1771. 5263-5268a. taverns, old, and posting inns, 4812. tax list, 1676. 5017. Trinity Church, 5243. marriages, 1746-1748. 5034. views, German prints, 2799, 3161. who founded? 4879. wills, 1686-1694. 5017. See also Manhattan Island, New Amster dam. New Zealand, 903. Newark, Canada, christenings in the Presby terian congregation, 7298. Newark, N. J., 4650. academy, 4556, 4646. obituary notices, 1796-1810. 4558. one hundred years ago, 3370. records. 1666-1836. 4530. settlement, two hundredth anniversary, 4531, 4574. first settlers, genealogy, 4574. Springfield and, turnpike, 1806-1830 4558. Trinity Church records. 1746-1815 4557. Newbern, N. C., Swiss and Palatine settle ment, 5571. Newbold, J. G., governor s messages, 1877- 1878. 1560. Newburgh, N. Y., 1790. 4860. act of incorporation, 1800. 4860. biographical sketches, 4860. board of trustees, 4860. centennial celebration, 4860. "first fire company, minute book of organ ization, 4856. King s highway, 4863. Methodist Episcopal Church, baptisms and marriages, 17S9-1S35. 4861. Old town yards, graveyard inscriptions. 5042. statue of George Clinton, unveiling of, 4857. tombstone inscriptions, 4858. Newburgh letters, 3400. Newbury, Mass., an antiquity discovered in the valley of the Merrimack, 3366. births, 1639-1715. 3392. block houses, 1704. 3377. burial place, 3359. history, 3365, 3398. materials for history, 3366. Second foot company of, 1710-11. 3388. settlement of, 1635. 2560. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of, 2561, 2562. soldiers, 1686-1746. 3408. troubles. 3366. Xewburyport, Mass., 1787-88. 7466. 1828. 4169. Newcastle, Del., 1261. court of, records, 1676-1681. 5887. justices, early, biographical sketches, .5909, 5911. taxables, November, 1677. (5059. Wagenaar s Beschryving, 5098. Newcastle, N. H., capture of powder, 1775 607. genealogical records, 4442, 4443. records, 3408, 4455. Newcastle County, Del., taking of wolves, 1676. 5909. 5911. taxables, 1676. 5909, 5911. Welsh Tract Baptist meeting, Pencader hundred, 1260. ; Newcomb, II. T.. 811, 812. Newcomb, J. B., 3401. | Newcomb, L., 4670. Newcomb, O., 6707. Newcomb, Simon, 901. Newcomb, T., account book, 1735-1738. 3389. Newcomb family, 3376. Newcomerstown, Ohio, paleolithic imple ments at, 5778. Newell, Copt. E., return of state of com pany. Brookfield. 1777. 4202. Newell, F. II., 895, 897-899, 901, 905, 3405. Newell, J., journal, 1775. 6835. Newell, J. K., 2183. Newell, M. H., 1424, 7425. Newell, Thomas, diary, Boston, 1773-74. 2773, 2784. Newell, Timothy, journal. 1775-76. 2649. Newell, W., 2770. Newell, William, 2777, 2787, 2836. Newell, W. H., 6139. Newes from America, 163S. Underbill s history. 2644. Newfoundland, early English works on, 4119. Portuguese explorations, 7315. railway in, 7391. tract on, 1620. 4119. trade, 1799. 2625. voyagers to, 1536. 3364. Newfoundland fish, 1720. Newgate family, 3391. Newhall, II. M., 2609. Newhall family, 2257, 2258, 2416. 1220 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Newhall, Essex memorial, Salem, 1836. 4169-4170. Newington, N. H., church records, 1716- 1753. 3380, 3381, 3383, 4443. marriages, 1753-1782. 4444. historical sketch, 3972. history. 1713-1810. 3416. Newkirk. M., 3686. Newland, F. H., 810. Newland, S. M., 5535. Newlands, R. W., 1422. Newman, A. H., 773, 774, 785. Newman, C. E., 7417. Newman. Henry, letter, 1725. 2779. , Newmarch, Mary, will, 1743. 3388. Newport, R. I., Friends record, marriages, 3376. German soldiers in, 1776-1779. 6479. Jewish cemetery at, 6476. Jewish settlers, 632. Jews in, 629. privateersmen, 6552. siege of, 1778. 2786. map, 2789. Toryism in, during American Revolution, 6520. Newport, R. I., v. N. Easton, 6488, 6520. Newport, Vt., early history, 6706. " Newport Gazette," 6583. Newport News, Va., origin of name, 614, 6857. " Newport Royal Gazette," 6583. Newport s discoveries in Virginia, 169. News-letters of early date, 1666-1703. 2781. Newsom, D. W., 5572. Newspapers, Alabama, 4603. American, 1704-1800. 4644. early, 6583. facsimiles, 2798. reproducing, 396. extraordinary, 1689. 4446. first, published in Harrisburg, Pa., 6066. German, first, in United States, 1732. 6082, 6362. German-American, 6967. historical value, 4310. Humboldt, Nebr., 4422. Illinois, 7425. Kentucky pioneer press, 1612. Lancaster County, Pa., 6170. oldest daily in, 6165. Lebanon County, Pa., 6208. Maryland, 4603. Massachusetts, 4604. Censorship in, 2798. Michigan, 4611. Mississippi, 4~348. Missouri, 4374. Montana, first, 4398. Nantucket, 3350. Nebraska, first, 4422. Nebraska Territory, 4417. New England, 1704-76. 2624. New Hampshire, 4611. Newspapers, Northampton County, Pa., first English newspaper, 6079. Northwest Territory, first, 5725. Nova Scotia, early journalism, 7279. Ohio, 5736. Ohio State library, 5744. old, facsimiles, 3127. Onondaga County, N. Y., 5485. Oregon, 1830-50. 5799. pioneer papers of Puget Sound, 5800. Texas revolutionary period, New Or leans, 6682. Three Rivers, Quebec, old, 7347. Vermont, early, 6740. Wisconsin, 7028. tiee also "American Eagle," "American Express," "American Weekly Mer cury," " La Estrella," " Maryland Gazette," " Memphis Appeal," " New Hampshire Gazette," " New port Gazette," " Newport Royal Gazette," " Pennsylvania Ga zette," " Philadelphia Aurora," " Providence Gazette," " Salem Gazette," " Sandusky Clarion," " Virginia Gazette." Newspapers and newspaper writers in New England, 1787-1815. 3693. Newspaper advertisements of eighteenth century, 629. Newspaper press, colonial, 5470. Newspapers received by Wisconsin His torical Society, 6970. Newton, A., 3379, 7408, 7410, 7413, 7417. Newton, A. D., 4923. Newton E. A., 509. Newton, Elizabeth S., 3686. Newton, H. A., 808. Newton, Mrs. M. B., 4407. Newton, Rejoice, 122, 232. Newton, Ohio, 5689. Newton s Principia, two hundredth anni versary of publication, 4693. Newton, Mass., description and history, 2623, 2688. incorporation of, 2782. town rates, 3389. vital records to 1850. 4008. Newton County, Miss., antiquities, 4349. Newtown, Conn., families, 3390. Newtown, N. Y., topography, 2627. Nez Perces County, Idaho, 578. Nez Perces Indians, 5798. campaign against, 1877. 4395. capture of, 4395. Niagara, Canada, 1792. 2619. Annals of, 7235. baptisms, 1792-1832. 7298. burials, 1792-1822. 7298. history of Catholic church in, 5846. French count s (Puisaye) .house, 7266. graves, 72QSa. historic houses, 7264. history, 7226. iail and court-house, 7266, 7271. library, 1800-1820. 7265, SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1221 Niagara, Canada, names of places, streets, etc., 7271. register of births and baptisms, 7298. reminiscences, 7269. St. Andrew s Church, records, 7298. St. Mark s Church, records, 7298. early schools, 7265. settlement, 7232. weddings, 1792-1832. 7298. Niagara Falls (La Chfite Niagara), 7346. Canadian side, 7377. history, 906. inauguration of reservation, 5339. itinerary to, 1809. 6080. journal of a tourist, 1817. 4774. Niagara frontier, 4771. campaign on, 1812-1814. 7236-7242. early history. 4778, 4787. history, 4750. land-marks association, 4774. mission work, early, 4775. Niagara Peninsula, early settlers, 7365. Niagara portage, first settlement, 4775. Niagara region, bibliography. 4774-4776. 4796, 4797. Niagara reservation, 4781, 4783. Niagara River, achievements of .T. Montre- sor. 4774. Niagara s emancipation, 4781. Nicaragua, 891. archaeology, 5732. archaeology and ethnology, 519. boundary, Costa Rica, 902. expedition, 1780-1781. 5256. human footprint from, 750. Indians, 519. Mangue dialect of, 746. Nicaragua Canal, 552, 555, 562, 601, 897, 901, 902, 1523. geographical and geological relations, 5916. route, physiography. 900. water supply, 901. Nicaragua lake, level, 901. shrinkage of, 5917. water supply, 5917. See also Isthmian Canal. Nice, J., diary, 1776-1778. 6072. orderly book, 1777. 6072. Nicholas of Russia and Lord Stratford, 204. Nicholas, F. C., 573. Nicholites, taken over by Friends, 6083. Nichols, Andrew, 2242. Nichols, A. H., 3416, 3970. Nichols, C. L., 208, 460. Nichols, Francis, diary, 1776. 6076. diary, prisoner of war, 5899. Nichols, H. S. P., 6382. Nichols, I., 1733. Nichols, J. R., 5701. Nichols, L. N., 5049. Nichols, Marie A., letter, 1813. 5039. Nichols family, genealogy, 2242, 3372. Nicholson, Francis, Gov. of Virginia, ad ministration, 6831, 6832, 6833. indictment of, 6827. Nicholson. Francis. Gov. of Virginia, in structions to, 6828. journal, 1710. 7274. letter to board of trade, Virginia, 1699. 6859. Nicholson, James, letter. 1803. 42. Nicholson, J. I ., 6067, 6071. Nicholson, Thomas, journal , 1746-1771. 1284. Nicol, E. II., 5030. Nicolay, J. G., 1428. Nicolet, name of, 7347. Nicoll, H., 4953. Nicolls, R., treaty with Esopus Indians, 1665. 5549. Nicum, John, 774. Niger, Hourst expedition, 898. Nigeria, Northern, 905. Nightingale. J., 1067. Nightingale family, 6583. Niles. J. II., 7410, 7412. Niles, John M., 7408. Niles, Samuel, 2644. 2653. Niles, W. W., 4458. Nimmo. Joseph, jr., 900. Nine Partners,* Friends records, 5745. Niobrara. Nebr., 1519. Nipher, F. E., 1522. Nipmucks, The, and their country, 4212. Nisbet, J. H., 1029. Niskwalli vocabulary. 7187. Nitobe, Inazo (Ota). 1849. Nixon, J. T., 4546. No Man s Land, 157$f/. Noailles, L. de, 6397. Noble, John, 210. 483, 2135, 2137, 2138, 2146, 2147, 2803. 2806, 3281, 7395, 7415. Noble, Lieut. R. A., 7175. Noe, C. F., 1538. Noel, E. F., 4351. Nolan, E. J., 5847. Nolan, Philip, and the " Levant." 7474. Noll, A. H., 4346. Nome, Cape, origin of name, 902. Nome gold district, 900. Nomenclature, antarctic, 7391. English local, and genealogy, 3380, 3381. geographic, 892. Nominating conventions. Pennsylvania, struggle for, 5960. Rhode Island, development in, 6470, 6580. Nominations in colonial New York, 40. " Nonacoicus," Indian name. 2798. Nonacoicus farm, 3145. Nonconformist s oath, 2632, 2793. Nonconformists of Massachusetts Bay. 2243. Nones, B., letter, 1800. 624. " Nonimportation agreement," in Philadel phia, 1769-1770. 6070. Nonjuring episcopate in United States, 5517. Noon, A.. 4166. Noonan, J. A., 6930o. Noot, M., 6605. Nootka Sound controversy, 28, 102. 1222 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Nootkan vocabulary, 7187. Norcross, G., 16. Norcross. G. II., 2806. Nordenskiold, A. E., 560. Norfolk, Va., county court, head rights, 3405. inscriptions, 3406. Norfolk academy, Va.. 6851. Norfolk County, Mass.. history of, 4188. oaths of freemen, allegiance, etc., 1668- 1678, 3364. early settlers, 3364, 3365, 3366. sheriffs of, 2195. Norfolk County, Va., births and baptisms, 6840. parishes, 6826. record*, 0850. Roman Catholic priest, first, 1687. 6849. taxable property, 1784. 6826. Norges Indskrifter, 2806. Normal schools and their origin, 4194. Norman, Lothrop, r., 1659. 2246. Norman constables in America, 1813. Norridgewock, Me., Rasle s settlement, 1712. Norridgewock Indians, language, numbers in, 2628. Norris, G. W., 6057. Norris, L.. journal, 1745. 6083. Norris, J. A., 892. Norris, J. S., 1901, 1914. Norris s journal, Sullivan s expedition, 1779. 4770. Norristown, Pa., 5959. old map, 5959. public schools, 7422. reminiscences of, 5960. Norriton, Pa., 5959. Presbyterian Church, 5959. Norse discoveries, 577. Norse, sagas, 2797. historical character, 2795. Norsemen in America, 10. 600. discovery of America by, 10. See also Norumbega, Northmen. North, Ada, 1514. North, E., 4693, 5454. North, S. N. D., 808, 2202, 4694. North Bend, Ohio, pioneer life, 5788. North Beverly, Mass., Dodge s Row, burying ground inscriptions, 2262, 2415, 2471. North Bridge, Salem," Mass., affair at, 1775. 2270, 2276. North Brookfield. Mass., history, 1647-1676. 4030. , North Carolina, 916. in 1783. 1286. antislavery leaders, 1829. archives, 23, 28, 84. Baptist Benevolent Society, 5589. boundary case, Virginia and, depositions, 6832. boundary line, Virginia and, 1710. 6828, 6829. British invasion, 1776, 17780, 1781. 5177, 5577. North Carolina, church and state in. 1824. constitutional beginnings, 1663-1729. 1825. convention, 1788, personnel, 1283. of 1861. 5595. court system, early, 5571. history, 5579, 5594. internal improvements previous to 1860. 1833. " Jersey settlement," 5589. land holding in, 5569. libraries and literature in eighteenth century, 12, 72. Manumission Society, 5568. Methodism and slavery, 5571. mica mines, aboriginal, 6301. mountains, 545. Protestant Episcopal parishes, 1724. 5517. regulators, 1765-1771. 11. religious development in, 1823. Revolutionary war in, 1284. early settlements, 5592. slavery, 1827, 1830. sounds and coast line, 2447. suffrage, 1776-1861. 12. transition from colony to Commonwealth, 1829. war, 1861-1865. 5593. Will, State vs. case of, 5569. North Carolina to Alabama, 1837. 1286, 1287. North Dakota, history, 7123. sketch, 6657. North Dansville, N. Y., 4924. North Dennis, Mass., burying ground, in scriptions, 3370. North Hampton, N. H., historical sketch of, 2632. North Mansfield, Conn., cemetery inscrip tions, 3380. North Pole, first American expedition to, 6293. thermometric gateways to, 4389. Northampton, Mass., billeting of soldiers, 1747. 3401. in 1759. 3401. deaths, 1653-1700. 3361. Northampton, N. J., census, 1709. 4538. Northampton County, Pa., " dry lands," 6077. first English newspaper, 6079. Northampton County, Va., 6849. list of tithables, 1666. 6835. records, 2793. records seventeenth century, 6828, 6829. Northcott, W. A., 1424. Northcutt, E. J., 5826. Northeast boundary, 206, 433, 1704, 1707, 1770, 5142. controversy, attitude of Maine, 1717. cartography, 3046. St. Croix Commission, 1712. settlement of, 2793. Northend, W. D., 2251, 2261, 2343, 2448. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1223 Northend family, 2251, 2343. Northern lights in New England, . 5031. Northern neck, Virginia, merchants and mills, G8r0. Northfield, Mass., account of. 1792. 2620. historical address, 4098. memorial stones at, 4098. settlement. 4090. Northfield, Ohio, history, 5776, No. 15. Northmen, The. 545, 546, 1708. alleged early discovery of America by, 2794. discovery of America by, 2787, 4456. in America, 929, 930, 4112. traces of, in America, 347G. See also Norsemen. Northrop, C., 4311. Northrup, A. J., 3401, 3805&, 4849, 5493. Northrup family, 3401, 3805k. Northumberland County, 1 a., committee of safety, minutes, 1776-1777. 5995. Northumberland County, Va., burgesses, 6852. early tombs, 6859. old tombstones, 6856, 6857. Northwest, climatic conditions of, 7148r. climatic conditions of, 7148r. construction of new States in the, 205. cooperation in, 1819. explorations northwestward from Ore gon, 5842. first Canadian woman in, 7157. geology, 71481 J. Carver, travels in, 1776-1768. 6914. journal of a voyage to, 1824-1827, 1829- 1834, I>. Douglas, 5801-5804^. old, 1523, 1833. Protestant missions, 4307. sketch of a journey to, 1824-1827, 1829- 34. 5801-5804. sketches of, 4266. sources of history, 7148e. Northwest America, 540, 543, 548. Northwest coast, exploring expeditions, early, 6869. early experiences on, 6870. history, 4688. early voyages, 895. Northwest passage, 579. expeditions, 7314. search for, 3667. seventeenth century, 3390. Northwest Territory, 1451, 5605, 5646, 5720, 6930. aborigines of, 6913. boundary, 4310. centennial, 5727, 5768, 5770, 5771. discovery and ownership, 5651, 5776, No. 20. documents on, 5717. during the Revolution, 4255, 6953. early, 3, 65. geography, resources, etc., 587. Oov. Cass and the, 3. historic relics, 6930b. history, 5736. Northwest Territory, Illinois regiment and, 6825. in history, 3. in the nation, 6960, 7010. institutional history, 6965, 7060. early Jesuit missionaries. 6927. land grants, 1. laws and courts, 1446, 1452. legislation, 5713 Liberty and Free Soil parties, 2554. local government. 1532. material for study of institutional his tory of, 6965, 7060. municipal government in, 7371-7372. ordinance of 1787. 2, 5641, 5710, 5713. organization and settlement of, 2496. part taken by Essex County, Mass., in the settlement of, 2263. pioneer schools, 1523. progress in, 5661. first public library, 7415. reminiscences of, 6927, 6930b, 6971. settlement, 5656, 5659. under three flags, 5722. Northwest territories of British America, travels in 1821. 7325. Northwestern boundary, 547, 548, 576. Northwestern Indians, proposed treaty of peace, 1793. 4269. Northwood, M. A., 7381. Northwood, N. H., history, 4448. Norton, A. T., 4924. Norton, C. D., 4743, 4770. Norton, C. E., 867, 868, 2776, 2788, 2805, 2807. Norton, C. H., 4281. Norton, F. C., 808. Norton, J. M., 4278. 4280. Norton, S. W., 4284. Norton, W. H., 1465o. Norton family, 3371, 3465, 5028, 5044. (Thomas) family, 3412. Norton, Mass., vital records to 1850, 4009. Norumbega, 599, 1704. ancient, 3808. site of, 561. Norwalk, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 1150. Norwalk, Ohio, 1878. 7418. academy, 5636. biographies, 5635-5648. citizens well, No. 1, 5646. Episcopal Church, 5646. history, 5643, 7408. Light guards, 5641. Methodist Episcopal Church, 5642. origin of name. 5640. St. Paul s Episcopal Church, 5642, 7417. settlements, 7410. first settlers, 7416. settlers, 7414. town plat, 5646. Norway and Sweden, comparison of, 7474. Noi-way and the vikings. S95. Norwegian settlements in America. 0967. first, 7076. Norwegians, coming of, to Iowa, 1539. 1224 SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. Norwell, Mass., first Unitarian Church, rec ords, 1645-1734. .3415-3417. Norwich, Conn., burying ground, epitaphs. 3360. foreign missionaries, 3359. patent, 1685. 3359. settlement, 3359. Norwich. Ohio, history. 7408. Norwich. Vt., charter. 3381. 3568. Norwood. William, muster of roll of his company, 1764. 2276. Notre-Dame-de-Foy, 7347. Nourse. II. S.. 202. 207. 211. 374. 441. 485. 2805, 2807, 3395, 3411, 3924 r. Nouville. Marquis de. expedition against Senecas, 1687. 5167. Nova Scotia, 4108. Acadian magazines, bibliographical list, 7328. archives of. 7180&. 7326. attack on. 1776-77. 7275. baronets of. 7326. builders of, 7324. coast, war ships lost on. eighteenth cen tury, 7281. Congregational churches, 3062. of 1770, 2794. constitution of the legislative council, 7321. currency, 7317. first council, 7275. French neutrals in, 2624. French possessions on river of Canada, 1 709. 2639. gold fields, 7177. governors of, from 1720, 2621. history, 1743. 7274. in 1783, 7255. history of church of England in, 7279o. journalism in, early. 7279. observations on, 2621. Philadelphians in, 6078. Portuguese explorations. 7315. Poutrincourt in Acadia, 7309. representative institutions in, 1758. 7324. return of the several townships, 1767. 7324. Scottish attempt to colonize. 7317. services of Col. Arthur Noble at. 1704. state of, 1783-84. 7324. townships of River St. John, 7536. trials for treason, 1776-77. 7274. T n pelerinage au pays d Kvangeline. 7311. Nowell, Increase, verses on death of, 1655. 7395. Nox, colony of, 199, 336. Noyes, D. J., 4476. Noyes, F. G., 4457. Noyes. II. W., 3413. Noyes, J., letter to S. Sewall, 1694. 3407. Noyes, J. A., 3406, 3411, 3863, 3921a, 3921c, 3927. Noyes, J. F., 6581. Noyes, Nathaniel, letters to W. Hinshaw, 1774-75. 3401, 38036. Noyes, Nicholas, 3365. lines to Cotton Mather. 2778. Noyes, S. B., 2567. Noyes family, 5035. (Cutting) family, 3413. (Peter) family, 3405. Noyes memoranda, 3406, 3863. Noyes pedigree, 3411, 3927. " Nugitna." the, 5720. Nullification in Ohio. 5714. South Carolina, 6112. letters, 40, 41. Nullification sentiment. 6964. Numismatic science, pleasures of. 6259, 6260. Nurse, Rebecca, monument. 2261. 2456. Nutt, II. <}., 815. Nutting, C. C.. 1513. Nutting, John, jr.. 22(59. Nye, A. T., 5701. Nyhantic Indians, number of, 2628. Oahu Island, 574. Oak, cultivation of. 2629. Oakland County. Mich., liar prior to 1840. 4283. influence on history, 4278. memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280, 4283. pioneer life, 4278, 4280. Oakley, Minnie M., 7041. Oates family (Yarmouth, Mass.), 3364. Oath of allegiance, 1772-74. 6829. Kings County, N. Y., 1687. 4880. Oath of fidelity, persons taking, 1652. 3361 . Oaths, most popular in Quebec (Nos jurons populaires), 7345. Oaths of allegiance and supremacy, 1665. 2782. Oaths to be taken, 1702. 2773. Oaxaca, 288, 296. O Bannon, J., 5726. Obelisk, the (New York), bronze crabs of. 670. Obelisks. 650. Ober, F. A., 204, 400. 564, 895. Oberholtzer, E. P., 6084, 7422. Oberlin, Ohio, Congregational Church, 5704. early inscriptions, 5748. Oblong, N. Y., Friends records, 5745. Oborn, W., marriage certificate, 1790. 6074. O Brien, Cornelius, Archbishop, 7324. O Brien, F. A., 4288. O Brien, J. W., 4800. O Brien, Rev. Matthew, 928. O Brien, M. C., 1705. O Briens of Machias, Me., 621, 1698. O Brien County, Ohio, history. 1523. " O Brien," torpedo boat, 609. O Bryen, R., letter to A. Crane, 1790. 3408. Observatory, national, 15. Obsidian implements in Wisconsin, 7125. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1225 } O Callaghan. E. B., 3367, 5018, 5019, 5020 5024, 5049, 5149, 5159, 7347. Occaneechee Island, 6859. Occum, S., 2628. Occupation and health, 809. and longevity. 800. and mortality, 809. Occupations, Austrian census, 815. classification of, S09. 810. Ocean, luminous appearance of, 4683. currents, 903, 4389, 5916. highways, 555. Ocean County, N. J., geographic names, origin, 4548. Oceana County, Mich., memorials, 4278. Oceanic islands, 563. Oceanography. 575. Ochterloney, /S /y David, Scotch ancestry of, 3414. Ockam, William of, 35. O Connell, D., 1059. O Connor, J., 5845. O Conor, C., 5312. Ocosingo, 288. Octorara, early industries on the, 6165. Octorara Valley, list industries of, 6167. early schools, 6166. Odell book-plate, 5049. Odell family, 38216. Odhner, C. T., 6059, 6063. Odin family, 3370, 3461. Odiorne. G. C., 3461. Odiorne. J. C., 3359. Odle. See Odell. Odlin. J., deposition of, respecting Black- stone s sale, 2632. Odlin family, 3399, 3779r. O Donnell, J. H., 614, 928. 929. Odren, A., 5639. O Driscoll, D. M., 608. O Dwyer, J., 5855o. O Farrell, G. I)., 7196. Office, legal qualifications for, 1619-1899. 17. Office-seeking : Adams s Administration, 35. Jefferson s Administration, 36. Washington s Administration, 34, 6583. Offices, Federal, applications, 1789-96 6587. Offley family, 6836. O Flynn. R., 4212, 4213. Ogden, David, letter, 1767. 4537. Ogden, H. G., 891-893. Ogden, J., 5749. Ogden, U., letter, 1771. 4538. Ogden, W. A., 4800. Ogden, W. B., 565. Ogdensburg, N. Y., fondateur de la prSsen- tation, 7319. Ogg, F. A., 22. Oglethorpe, J., 1302. letters, 1735-1744. 1305. O Gorman, Thomas, 777, 792, 6658. O Hagan, T., 7219. O llara, James : letter, 1793. 6070. letter, 1796. 6070. O Hara, Theodore. 1641. Ohio, 5722. admission, 5647, 5721, 5736. centennial, 5724, 5735, 5736. alphabetically inscribed stone, found in, 6286. ancient earthworks, 5777. No. 41. 5778. ancient rock inscriptions. 5776, No. 11. antiquities, 116. archaeology, 301, 5713, 5714, 5719. 5723, 5778, 5786. battlefields, 5715. birth struggle. 5723. boundaries. 5716. boundary, 5714. Michigan, 5732. Virginia. 5716. Buckeye state, why so called, 5714. building of the State, 5714. canals, 5739. caves, 5732. central, pioneer days, 5713, 5760. centralization of administration, 4833. charities, 5736. common school law, 5622. Congressmen from, 5736. constitution, first, 5736. centennial, 5724. counties, evolution, 5717. first court, 7415. M. Cutler s journals, 4547. description, 1788. 5715. documentary history, 5714. documents, 5717. early history, 5656. early and Revolutionary history, 5722. ethnology, 5736. first fugitive-slave case, 10. Garden of Eden, 5722. geographical history, 5687. 56S8, 5777, No. 63. Col. Gist s journal of four, 1751. 1623. governors, 1803-1903. 5725. 5736. greatness of. 5724. historical societies in, 5776. No. 27. history, 5654. Indian migration, 5764, 5777, No. 47. Indians, 5666o. industrial progress, 5736. internal improvements in, 1825-1850, 3. journeys to Ohio country, 1788 and 1789, 3388. judiciary, 5715. 5734, 5730. lands, public, surveys, 5777, No. 61. literary men and women, 5736. man in, history of, 5778. maps, early, 5776, No. 25. migration of races and stock, 5777, No. 55. military history, 5736. Company D, Thirty-fourth Ohio Volun teer Infantry Regiment, 7417. Eighth Ohio Regiment, 7417. 1226 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Ohio in Spanish and Philippine war, 5725. soldiers, 1861, Capt. M. C. Lilley s company, 5750. military posts, 5715. militia, First Brigade, Fourth Company, 1843. 5751. Moravian congregations in, establish ment of, 6222. mounds, 7412. municipal government in, 4822. northern, recollections of, 5643. people, 5631. pioneer life, 5619. pioneer settlers, 5605, 5646, 5662, 5663. place names, 5726. political statistics, 1803-1861. 7410. Presidents, 5736. press, 5736. public schools, 4435, 5736. railroad, a famous structure on stilts, 5778, No. 81. railroads, 5721. records, old parish, 5752. religious history, 1825-1850. 5702. religious influences, 5736. seal, 5722, 5736. settlement, 5605, 7414. sickly seasons, 1819, 1836. 7413. song writers, 5725, 5726. Sunday school history, 5701. supreme court judges, 1803-1852. 5776, No. 2. survey, 1786. 5777, No. 71. surveys of public lands, etc., 5777, No. 59 ; 5777, No. 61. topographical survey, 579. township government in, 11. United States Senators from, 5736. universities, 5736. university lands, 3373. war of 1812-13, campaigns in, 5776, No. 23. Weiser, C., journey to, 1748. 6009. women, 5736. See also Western Reserve. Ohio Company, 6068, 6849, 6853. defense of United States frontier, 1788. 5713. origin, 5713, 5716. Ohio County, Va., county courts, 1777 1780. 6406. Ohio expedition, 1754 (Washington s), 6074. Ohio in the Navy, 5736. Ohio River, 425. Celeron s expedition, 1749. 6143. discovery, 1669-70. 5777, No. 37. expedition against the French, 1754. 2624. floods, 5656. journey to, in 1817. 2247, 2997. journey . to junction of Wabash and, 1836. 2797. voyage in 1788. 206. Ohio Valley, aborigines, 5654, 5656, 5670. archaeology, 5717. Ohio Valley, early travelers, 5713. Jewish pioneers, 631. settlement of, 7183. Ohlin, A., 5915. Oies, lie aux, 7347. Oil fields, Texas and California, 902. Oil mill, old, Lancaster County, Pa., 6166. O-ja-geght Sachem, 5535. Ojibwa Indians, 4308, 4311. history, 4306. shamanistic ceremonies among, 4284. Ojibwa mission (Oberlin), 5701. " O. K.," origin of, 5725. Oklahoma, history, 7123. opening of, 5790. Okoboji monument, 1514. Olcott, T., will, 1653. 3374. Old Colony Club, 1769-1773. 3068. records of, 2793. Old Fort earthworks, Kentucky, 868. Old Gulph mill, 6073. " Old Ironsides," Baldwin s, 6067. Old Man s Creek, in 1840. 1521. Old Mill prison. Plymouth, England, 1777. 3390. " Old planters " of Massachusetts, 2243. Old portage road, 4808. " Old settlers," 1452. Old Tappan, N. J., massacre near, 4619. Old tenor, equivalent in lawful money, 4446. Oldenburg, Henry, 2936. Oldham, M., jr., 6829. Oley Hills, Pa., church on, 5935. Olin, O. E., 1579. Oliver, Andrew, oath taken by, against enforcing the Stamp act, 2781. Oliver, D., 4450. Oliver, P. E., 2785, 2787, 2793, 3054, 3061. Oliver, James, 656. Oliver, Peter, opposition to, in 1774. 2783. Oliver family, 3377, 5034, 5035. (Thomas) family, 3517. " Oliver Cromwell," log book, 1778. 6718. Olmecas and the Tultecas, 197. 310. Olmstead, A. B., 1521. Olmstead, C. H., 1335, 1336. Olmstead (Richard) family, 3417. Olmsted, M. E., 5897, 7430. Olney, P. B., 4892. Olney, R., 2804, 3244. Olney (Joseph) family, 6584. Olssufjev, E., 576. Olympia, Wash., 6870. Olympia Morata, 2784. Olympic country, 897. Omaha, Nebr., first [Catholic] cnurch in, 5845. in 1855-1862. 4417. first postmaster, 4408. first survey, 4423. Omaha Indians, history, 4405. traditional origin, 4405. O Malley, T. F., 609. Omar, C., testament of, 7346. Omitlan, Mexico, 573. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1227 Onahan, Mary J., 917. Onderdonk, II., jr., 3682. Onderdonk family records, 5021. Oneadea council house, 4775. Onedaw, or the burning of Schenectady, poem, 4867, 4868, 4860. Oneida. journal of a tour to, 1706. 2982. Oneida County, N. Y., bar, 5437, 5450. geology of, 5468. historians, 5472. early history, 5420. population, 5513. Oneida Indians, and P. Peuet, 4687. mission, 017. treaty with, 1832. 6037. O Neill, D. P., 028, 020. O Neill, J., 6067, 7077. O Neill, J. L., 600. Onohoghwage, 1704, journey of Gideon Hawley to, 2622. Onondaga Country, Bartram s travels, 5488. Onoudaga, Cammerhoff trouble, 6223. Onondaga County, N. Y., geology of, 5401. history index, 5507. in American Revolution, 5501. influences on history of, 5403. early missions, 5507. narrative of a visit to, 1752. 6085. population, 5513. press, 5485. records, 5045. records, 1784-1793. 5046-5048. records, 1800-1827. 5050. Revolutionary discharges, 5045. Spangenberg s notes of travel, 1745. 6058, 6059! Onondaga Indians, 5404. grammar, 6067, 6068. language, 5117. Maqua language, 6067, 6068. migrations of, 6339. mourning, 5408. names of months, 6070. Onondaga Lake, N. Y., 5402. Onondaga Valley, N. Y., history of schools and churches, 5408. Onslow, Nova Scotia, history, 7281. Ontario province, centennial, 7306. ethnological elements of, 7208. laws, origin and development, 7370. municipal government in, 73717372. onomatology and British biography, 7301. topography, 7173. Ontario, Lake, discovery, etc., 5787. Ontario Valley, geology of, 4683. Ontonagon bowlder, 4279. Oothout family (New York), 5017. Opekai-e-gan, speech of Indian chief, 1836. 7386. Orange, N. J., minister, first, 1718. 4554. Orange County, N. Y., historic homes, 4864. Orange County, Va., marriage licenses, 1753-1776. 6852. Orange Quarter, S. C., Huguenot congrega tions, 6618. Orange Nassau, order of, 4878. Oratory, decline of, 2805. Orchards, early, in West Virginia, 6874. Orcutt, C., 3361, 3362. Orcutt, S., 1148, 1154, 7405, 7406, 7498. " Ordeal of touch " in colonial Virginia, 6828. Order of Bon-Temps, Acadia, 7345. Order of the Descendants of Colonial Gov ernors prior to 1750, formation of, 2138. Order of the Gateau, 7104. Orderly books, list of, 106, 285. Sec also American Revolution, orderly books. Ordinance of 1787. 200, 351, 4263, 4293, 4311, 5713, 5726, 6018, 6069. Ordinaries, country. 6165. See also Inns. I Ordinary. North Carolina, description of, 6068. Ordnance, early, 6343. I Ordronaux, J., 4034, 4035, 4040. | Oregon, 896. American colonist in, 5835.*" ^beginnings in, 5795. botanists of, 5801. Central Railroad, 5799. code, first, 5800. colonization, notes, 5804a. a day with the \cow column, 1843. 5807. Decreta Concilii Provincialis Oregonensis, 1848. 914. description, 1859. 545. emigrants, 1843. 5797. emigration movement, 1842-43. 5800. First Cavalry, 5799. glimpses of early, 5707. history before 1840. 5804. history, semicentennial, of, 5841. in civil war, 5800. Indian war veterans, 5820. Indian wai s of southern, 5800. journey to northwestern part of North America, 1824-1827, D. Douglas, 1829-1834. 5801-5804. judiciary, 5801. literature, 5798. mining law, first, 5826. name, 5797. names, Indian, of places, 5797. " Peoria party," the. 1839. 5827. pioneer of 1843. 5819. pioneers of, 5805, 5820. antecedents of, 5801. political history. 1853-1895. 5798, 5799. press, 1830-1850. 5799. provisional government, 5805. formation of, 5798. sage plains, 897. settlement and migration to, 5800. sheep husbandry in, 5709. social evolution, 5790. title to, 62. treaty of 1846. 5827. war of 1856. 5828. winning of the Oregon country, 5804a. women in pioneer times, 5825, 5826. 1228 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Oregon. Wyeth s Oregon expeditions, 5797. See also Columbia River. Oregon and Louisiana Purchase, 2. Oregon City, claim of Dr. McLoughlin at falls of the Willamette, 5797. Oregon mission, origin, 913, 914. Oregon question, the, 5797, 5805. Oregon Steam Navigation Company, 5801. Oregon trail, the, 5797. in 1844. 5798. O Reilly, Isabel M., 5854, 5855o, 5856, 7390. Oren, II. M., 4295. Orendorff. A.. 1422, 7425. Organ-builders of Pennsylvania, 6078. Orient, X. Y., epitaphs. 3411. 5021. " L Original, ship, sunk at Quebec, 1750. 7323. Orinoco Valley, 897. Oriskany, battle of, 5323, 5452. centennial, 1877. 5416. Oriskany monument, 5425, 5461. Orleans. Louis, Duke of, instrument exe cuted by 1405. 277(5. Orleans, Mass., cemetery inscriptions, 3379. description of, 2626. Orleans County, Vt., 6704. early history, 6706. Orm, Timothy. 2269. Orme, R., 2636. Ormiston, J., and J. Alexander, agreement, 1716. 5033. Ormsby, W. L., 587. Orne, A. S., 3370. Orne, Timothy, jr., vessels owned by, 1740- 1758. 2275. Orne family, 3370. Orono, Indian chief at Penobscot, 2647. Orphans, Catholic, in New York, 930. Orr, C., 7460. Orr, J. A., 1284, 4351. Orr, J. G., 6154-6156. Orr, W. G., 944. Orth, S. P., 4833. Orthography, geographic names, 892. Orton, E., 5716, 5719. Orton, Mrs. Edward, jr.. 5749. Orton, II. S.. 6949. Orwigsburg. Pa., first purchasers of lots, 6139. Osage ceded lands, 1582. Osage chiefs in Paris. 916. Osage County, Kans., 1582. Osage Indians, massacre of Confederates in 1863, 1582. Osage Reservation, school lands, 1579. Osawgenong, a Sac tradition, 6937. Osband, M. D., 4266, 4280, 4281. Osborn, A. O., 5432. Osborn, D. S., 1514. Osborn, E., 7413. Osborn, H., 1518. Osborn. J. R.. 5635, 5636. Osborne. A., will, 1614. 3370. Osborne, I). M., 4800, 4802. Osborne, J. B., 1266, 1267. Osborne, T. M., 2376. Osborne, W. H., 3412. Osborne family, military services, 3412. Osburne, T., letter to G. Little, 1682. 3374. Osceola, Mo., burning of, 1580. Osgood, C. S., 2379. Osgood, H. L., 7, 12, 16, 21, 35, 36, 5519, 5522, 5523. Osgood, J. B. F., 3382, 3665. Osgood, Mary, grand jury bill against, 1692, 2625. Osgood, Samuel, letter, 1784. 2774. Osgood, Rev. Samuel, 3391. 3672, 3687, 5024, 5061, 5239, 5301. Osgood, W. IL, 905. Osgood family, 3371, 3378. Ossipee townships, deposition of Anna Dyer, 1781. 3393. Ossoli, Margaret F., 6585. Ostrich farming, Cape of Good Hope, 7186. Ostrogorski, M., 39. O Sullivan, II.. 7197. Oswald, E., letter to national convention, 1793. 6060. Oswego, N. Y., loss of, 4. Oswego County, N. Y., 1830. 5415a. population, 1820-1875. 5513. Otis, A., 3372, 3376. 3401, 3501. Otis, H. G., 3388. Otis, H. N., 3360, 3362, 3363, 3365, 3372, 3432. Otis, James, argument, 1761. 3092. remarks on, 2796. Otis family, 3360, 3362, 3363, 3409, 3432. Otis family (Montreal), 3404. Otis papers, 2801, 3212. Otken, C. II., 4346. Otoe County, Nebr., history, 4405. Otopato chiefs in Paris, 916. Otsego County, Mich., history, 4280. Ottawa, Canada, Dominion archives, papers for, 1788-1799. 4464. Fifty years ago, 7381. v Ottoman empire, customs, etc., 6542. Ottumwa water case, 1518. Ouananiche, philology of the, 7321. Ouiatanon, 1452. Outagamie village, 6968, 7095. Overbrook, Pa., St. Charles Seminary, 5855. Overland freighting, 4410, 4417. Overland journey in 1852. 7478. from Missouri to Oregon, 1852, 7477. to California, 1850. 1019, 1860. 4213. to Oregon, 1832. 5799. to Oregon, 1836-1843, 5823. to Oregon, 1838, 5821. to Oregon, 1842, 5837. Oregon in 1844, 5820. to Oregon, 1852, 5826. Overland route, 4417. Overland trail, 4417. Overman, H. W., 5713. Oviatt, G. A., 3683. Oviatt, H., 5721. Oviatt, S. C., 5632. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1229 Oviatt, S. R., 5618. Owen, B. F., 5932, 6080, 6081, 6165. Owen, John, journal, 1818. 1281. Owen, M. E., 7408. Owen, Owen, and Anne Wood, marriage certificate, 1714. 6070. Owen, T. M., 15, 17, 28, 944, 946, 952, 957^ 1281, 1282, 4345, 4348, 5048. Owen, W., journal, 1770-1771. 7252, 7254. Owen (Goronwy) family, 6857. Owen of Merion, Pa., 6069. Owens, A. EL, 4278, 4279, 4280. Owsley, W., 1644o. " Owyhee," the, ship, 5798. Oxenbridge, I)., will of, 3411. Oxenbridge, J., pedigree, 3376. Oxenstjerna, A.. 0063. Oxford, England, Quakers in, 6079. Oxford, Mass., French Protestants at, 1686, 2640. French Protestants in. 2717. Huguenot settlement, 4892. Oxford, Granville County, N. C., marriage bonds, 6861-6863. Oxford, Ohio, 5656. ancient work near, 5713. history, 7409. settlement, 7408. Oxford, Pa., school, 1771. 6080. Oxford Canal, 1715. early recollections, 1717. Oxford movement in America, 7390. Oxford University, Virginians at, 6850. Oxnard, Edward, journals, 1775-1778. 3384, 3605. Oxnard (Edward) family, 3384. Oyster Bay Cove. L. I., Youngs family, : tombstone inscriptions, 5046. Pachamac, Peru, ruins, 549. Pacific coast Crustacea, 2369. Pacific coast discoveries, 1016. Pacific Ocean, commerce, 903. discovery of the, 177. discovery of seven islands in, about 1793. ; 2620. doubtful island of, 905. drift of bottles, 902. in world growth, 903. early voyagers, 7130. Pacific railroad, 528. origin. 4349. proposed, 587. Pacific university, origin, 5803. Packard, Asa, 2622. Packard, A. S., 562-564. 1699, 1703, 1728, 3385, 3687. birthday celebration, December 23, 1882, 1766. celebration of eighty-fourth birthday, 1707. Packard, A. S., jr., 2293. Packard, J., jr., 3384. Packard, J. F., 2205, 2206. Packard, L. R., memoirs, 865. Packard, M. W., 1427. Packard, T. B., 1427. Packard, W., 1427. Padanaram, traditions of, 4042a. Paddock, Z., 3379. Paddock family, 3370. Paddy and Greenough family document, 1678. 3362. Paddy s Run, Ohio, Congregational Church, 5706. Paden, H. F., 5639. Page, A. B., 2198, 2206, 2211, 7406. Page, James, 902, 903, 905. Page, John, letters to Jefferson, 3961. Page, O. O., 6075. Page, Samuel, journal, campaign of 1779. 2243, 2244. Page family, 3384, 7410. (Lucy A.) family. 6859. Paige, Mrs. C. I)., 4137. Paige, L. R., 200, 2773, 2774, 2782, 2788, 2789, 2791, 2792, 2797, 2945, 3361, 3363, 3383-3385, 3396. Paige, S., 7474. Pain family, 3373. Paine, A. E., 1438. Paine, A. W., 170.1. 1707. Paine, G. T., 3392, 6583, 6588. Paine, J., 3378, 3380, 3412. Paine, M., diary. 1716-17. 3412. Paine, N.. 164, 196, 198. 205-207, 221. 237, 252, 256-258. 272, 285, 289, 291, 303, 311, 325, 387, 396, 411. 428, 463, 488, 498, 2805, 3312, 3388, 3651, 3652, 3683, 4202, 4205, 4209, 4215, 4219, 4223. ! Paine, R. T., letter to Gen. Cobb, 1775. 3403. Paine, Samuel, 3388. Icter, 1775. 3651. Paine, T.. 2619. letter, 1760. 4212. letter to B. Franklin. (!or>s. Paine, William. 111. Paine family, 3365. Paine (Thomas) family. 33XO. Paine (William), children of, 4216. Paine graveyard, Jackson County. Ohio, 5749. Paint, substitution of benzole for turpen tine, danger of, 7170. Painter, J. S., 1578</. Painter, T., 1159. Painting in Canada (La peinture). 734(5. Pais. E., 28. Palacios. Bishop John Garcia de, 914. Paheolithie implements, 5778. Palaeolithic man, 754. Palatinate College, Myerstown, Pa., 7431. Palatine Church (Quassaick, Xewburgh, N. Y.), site of old, unveiling tab let on, 4859. Palatine emigration, 1709. 4689. Palatine Light, 2133, 6606. Palatine, word in America, 2168, 7395. Palatines, Block Island, 6067. Lebanon County, Pa., 6205. 1230 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Palatines, Martha s Vineyard, Mass., 1731. 6077. New York and Pennsylvania, 6461, 1731. Palenque, 205, 288. tablets, 204, 205, 407, 416. tombs of, 417. Palestine, 575, 576. gleanings in, 667. Palfrey, F. W.. 2788, 2985, 3333, 3336. portrait, 2797. Palfrey, J. C., 3333, 3334. Palfrey, J. G., 2647, 2781. Palfrey, Wm., letter on the Boston mas sacre, 2775. Palgrave family, 5028. Palisades, New York. 5383. Palma mission station, life to-day, 1010. Palmas, Cape, colony planted at, 1941. Palmer, B. M., 1661. Palmer, C. J., 2047. Palmer. C. R., 7498. Palmer, F., 3413, 4284. Palmer, F. W., 1516. Palmer, II. E., 1580, 4406. Palmer. J., 2777, 3372, 3684, 3685, 4104. Palmer. J. M., 1428. Palmer. L., 5899. Palmer, Mary A. W., 4774. Palmer, P. S., 5413. Palmer, S. M., 6930. Palmer, T. W., 4283. Palmer (Thomas) family, 3374. Palmer, Mass., vital records to 1850, 4010. Palomares family, 1020. Palos, Spain, 107. Palou, F., 988. Paltsits, V. H.. 214, 1796, 3410, 5040, 5045. Pamperin, J., 6896. Pan Handle, annals of. 6876. Panama, 904, 905, 1021. aborigines, 519. interoceanic communication, 528. Isthmus of, in 1851. 5796. Republic of, improvements in, 7474. Suez and, 24. Panama and Darien, 891. Panama Canal, 579, 7474. commercial aspects, 579. route, 897. sailing ships and, 905. See also Canals. Pan-American Exposition, Ohio day, 5722. Pan-American Railroad, 580. Panawanskek, 1703. Panet, J. C., 7205, 7207. Pannill, D. H., 6854. Pannill family, 6854. Pantagraph, 1427. Panton, J. H., 7148b, 7148i, 7148Z, 7148g. Paoli, massacre of, 6057. Papago Indians, 5847. Papal bulls, 6309. Papal flag in New York harbor, 1757, 928. Paper, Mexican, 196, 287. Paper currency, Japanese history, 1868- 1890. 1833. Paper making, history, 6062. in Berkshire County, Mass., 2047. in Tennessee, 6672. Paper mill, Ephrata, Pa., 6165. Willcox, 1729-1866, 5850. Paper mills, early, of New England, 1756, 3387, 3640. Paper money, continental, 691, 709. John Taber s, 1715. See also Currency. Paquet, E. T., 7345. Paquette. Moses, 6934. Para and the Amazons, 565. Paradise, Pa., reminiscences, 6165. Paraguay, geography, history, etc., 526. Parallel lines, theory of, 7174. Parentage, foreign, 810. Parents, age of, and vitality of children, 809. Paris, American students at, opportunities for, 36. declaration of, 4825. government in, 1789. 44. University, in middle ages, 40. in sermons of thirteenth century, 44. arish, Daniel, jr., 659. Parish, F. D., 7408, 7411. Parish, J. C., 1539-1542. Parish, S. L., 5544, 5546. Parish, W., 7408. Parish registers, English, 5743. Park, J., reminiscences of, 378. Park, Lucia D., 4398. Park, S., 5683. Park, word, in America, 2169. the word in the United States, 7395. Park areas in America and Europe, 807. Parke, B., 3384. Parke, F. W., 3410, 3888. Parke, N. (}., 6423. Parke, Thomas, letter to, 1793. 6069. Parker, Onpt.. orderly book, winter of 1779-80. 2786. Parker, A., 3411. Parker, C., 4556, 4575. Parker, C. A., 4278. Parker, E. S., 2592, 4772. letters, 4777. Parker, E. W., 812. Parker, Rev. F., and church in Dresden, 1717. Parker, F. A., 3340. Parker, F. J., 3374, 3389, 3403, 3684. Parker, F. W., 895. Parker, H., 3315. Parker, II. A., 2137, 7395. Parker, H. L., 4203. Parker, I., 6706. Parker, James, 5044, 5045. Parker, James, letters, 1741-1773. 3274. letters to B. Franklin. 1747-1770. 2806. Parker, Joel, 2778, 2780, 2847, 2859, 4542, 4547. Parker, J. A., 6837. Parker, J. E., 1518. Parker, J. M., 5520. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1231 Parker, L. F., 1514, 1515, 1519, 152.",. Parker, X. A., 4280, 4283. Parker, Robert, journal, 1770. 6083, 6084. Parker, R. W., 4551. Parker. S. E., 5045, 504(5. Parker, S. P., 2047. Parker, W. T., 3399. Parker family, 3374. 3390, 4214, 5044, 5045, 6829, 6861. (Nahum) family, 3412, 3929cr. Parkersburg, W. Va.. beginning, 6893. I arkhurst. C. II., 6595, 7482ft. Parkinson, I). M., 6926. Parkinson, P., 6926, 6932. Parkman, E.. 2628. diary. 1737, 1778-1780. 4186. diary. 1744. 3372. Parkman. Erancis, 2791, 2793, 2794, 2796. 3063. correspondence with the Marquis of Montcalm, 2780. history and writings, 2797. manuscripts of, 2792. Parkmnn, Wrn., journal, 1758. 2786. Parks. G. D. A., 1430, 1431. Parks, P. S., 1504. Parkyns, Mansfield, letter. 2371r/. Parliament, experiment in Germany, 3. French, 26. " Long " and " Little " parliaments, 2640. ordinance appointing committee of for eign plantations, 1643. 6483. -rationale of a second chamber, 7323. Parliamentary and Congressional govern ments compared, 7318. Parliamentary regime, 7312. Parmelee, G. W., 7328. Parmelee, Helen L. B.. 5020. Parmelee (John) family, 3411. Parmenius, S., Latin poem of, 2693. memoir and poem of, 2627. Parmenter, J., 2567. Parr, S. W., 1437. Pan-is, A. K., 1733. Parris, S., record of deaths, Salem, Mass., 1688-1695, 3394. sermons, 1689-1694, 3370. Parrish, E. E., 5820. Parrish, J., 4555. journal, 1773. 6072. Parrish, S., 4775, 5907. Parrish, S. L., 5437, 5449. Parrott, J. C., 1503, 1520. Parry, D. M., 4297. Parry, E. C., 887. Tarry, F., 570. Parsees, The, 7474. Parsons, C. L., 4458, 4493. Parsons, C. W., 3361, 3393, 6488, 6520, 6551. Parsons, E., 2258, 2272, 2523. Parsons, G. M., 3685, 6333. Parsons, H. C., 4098, 7480. Parsons, L, 1698. Parsons, J., letter, 1749-50. 3370. letter, 1769. 3370. Parsons, Mini C., 5721, 5725. Parsons, S. H., 3361. Parsons, -Theophilus, 2774, 2780, 2782, 2874. and the constitutional convention of 1788. 2273. Parsons, U., 3361, 3370, 3371, 3375, 3377, 3378, 3426, 3481, 6505, 6513. Parsons, W. B., 901. Parsons family, 3359. of Worcester and Leicester, Mass., 4216. Parsons (William) family, 6230. Parthemore, E. W. S., 6167, 6362. Parties, political, Iowa, 1537, 1553. Republican national convention, 1860. Iowa delegation, 1522. Whigs in colonial New York, 34. Wisconsin Germans in politics, 6918. Sec a/so Party. Parton, J., 1507. Partridge, G. H., 3415, 3976. Partridge, J. L., 4097. Partridge, L., 2201, 2202. Partridge. O., letter, 1754. 2623. Partridge, S.. letter to J. Dudley, 1704-5. 3371. Partridge, S. D., letter, 4097. Partridge family, 2201, 2202, 3976a. (John) family, 3415. Party, Burke on, 45. evolution and degeneration of, 7328. influence of. in England and America, >><> See also Parties, political. Party forces, the real, 1539. Party revolution of 1800. 11. Party struggles over Penn. constitution. 11. Parvin, T. S., 1478, 1497, 1499. 1500, 1512, 1514-1516, 1519-1524. Pasadena, 1010. " Pascataqua." the name, 2785. Passamaquoddy, survey of, 3764. 7255. Passamaquoddy Bay, 206,. 898. Passamaquoddy Indians, language of, 2641. Passenger list of " Pennsylvania Packet," 1773. 6069. Passenger lists arriving at New York, 1657- 1664. 4880. Passenger trains, earnings of, 809. Passengers to America. 1712. 3388. to New England, 1635. 3383. Passionist foundations in U. S., 5852. Pastoral leadership, 4024. Pastorius, F. D., 5973. letters, 886. Patagonia, 898. geology and paleontology, 6428. southern, geography, 901. Indians, 902. lakes of, 5916. Patch, I. J., 2240-2246, 2254, 2420. Patch family, 3414. Pate family, 6860. Paternalism, 5800. Paterson, D. W., 3472. Paterson, J., 4704. 1232 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Paterson, W., 5038. Paterson family, 5036, 5042. Paterson, N. J., founding of, 4553, 4632. Path Valley, Pa., 6154. Patrick, W., 4449. Patrick (Virginia Harvie) family, 6890. Patrick s, St., Day in New York, 1762- 17S8. 611. Patriot war, Michigan, 1837-38. 4273. Patriotic societies, insignia of, 659. value to empire, 7367. * Patriotism and education in the Methodist Church, 1581. Patriots day pilgrimage, 7424. Pattee, F. L., 4663, 4664. Pattengill, II. R., 4295. Patterson, C. P., letter from, 2785. Patterson, D. W., 3371, 5017, 5018. Patterson, F. B., 5322. Patterson, G., 7315-7317, 7319, 7321, 7322. Patterson, J. C., 4258. Patterson. J. W., 1748, 4456. Patterson, Robert, 725. Patterson, R. M. t 706, 707. Patterson, R. W., 1371. Patterson, W., 7143. Patterson, William, papers, 43. Patterson, W. D., 1689. Patterson family, 3395. Pattison, J., official letters, 1779-80. 5248. Pattison, R. E., 1247. Patton, J. T., 6842. Patton, W. W.. 1947. Patton Cemetery, New York, inscriptions, 4862. Paugasset River, trading house on, 1159. Paukatuck River, 2623. Paul, E. C., 2204, 7405. Paul family, 5743. Paulding. II.. letters to J. R. Doolittle, 12S9. Paulin, C. ().. 1538. Pauper family histories, 812. Pauperism, statistics, 813. Paupers in Hartford, 808. Massachusetts, 813. Minnesota, 809. " Pavonia," origin of name, 4543. Pawnee, republic, 1581. Pawnee Indian war, 1859. 4407, 4417. Paw-Paw militia, Nebraska, 4422. Pawtucket. Sec Petuxet. Pawtuxet lands, deed and map of, 6520. 1 axson, F. L., 26, 6688. Paxson, O., 4269. " Paxtang boys," 6425. Paxton boys, march against Philadelphia, 1764. 6009. Paybody, John, will, 1667. 3369, 3370. Payen-Payne, J. B.. 3389. Payne, John Howard, 209. Payne family, 2782, 2902, 4110, 6831, 6850. records, 1580-1636. 3363. Payne genealogy, 1643. Payson, C. A., 2574. Payson, E. H., 5468. Payson, E. 1 ., 3412. Peabody, Alfred, 2251, 2339. Peabody, A. P., 198-201, 323, 359, 368, 2771, 2776, 2780, 2786, 2,89, 2791-2794, 2819, 2951, 3040, 3052, 3076, 3387, 3397, 3635, 3637, 3643, 3683, 3685, 3743, 3793. Peabody, C. A., 9. Peabody, C. J., 4168. Peabody, C. T., 4163, 4168. Peabody, F., gristmill, 4163. will, 1698. 4173. Peabody, George, 1905, 1907, 1913, 1923. memorial to, in Westminster Abbey, 2780. Peabody, G. L., 2274, 2275, 2276, 2277. Peabody, II. E., 4165. Peabody, J., jr., letter, 1811. 4173. Peabody, N. C., 3385. Peabody, O. W. B., 4451. Peabody, S., 4173. Peabody family, 3360, 3361. Peabody College, 6671. Peabody donation. 2778. Peabody Institute. Baltimore. 1913. Peabody Museum, Cambridge, 367. Peabody Museum of American Archaeology, 2778. Peace and its responsibilities, 4906. Peace conference, 1861. Washington, D. C., 1184, 6574. i Peace negotiations, 1782-83. 3, 63. Peace of Amiens, preliminary stages of, 7370. i Peace proposals before Leoben, 1797. 44. j Peach, R. W., 3412. Peach family, 3412. I Peachy family. 6851. | Peacock, J., 6381, 6382. Peak, T. J., wedding anniversary, 1839. 1523. Peake, W., letter to J. Hull. 1671. 3376. Peale, C. W., letters, 1805-1808. 6065. notes, 6084. Peale, Franklin, 714. Peale, R., 6009. Peale portraits, list of, 6084. Pearce, S., 6059. Pearce family (Gloucester, Mass.), 3364. Pearce genealogy, 2253. Pearl family, 993. Pearmain, Alice U., 813, 815. Pears, varieties, remarks on, 2282. Pearson. John, ledger of, 1672-1692. 3370. Pearson, Jonathan, 3506, 4869, 5017, 5019. Pearson, O., 4450. Peary, R. E., 565. 570, 572, 576, 579, 891, 904, 905, 5915, 7391. and the pole, 904. | Peary, R. T.. 904. work in 1900 and 1902. 902, 903. Peary, arctic expedition, 1893-94. 5915. Peary, auxiliary expedition, 1894. 5915. Pease, F. S., 3360, 3361, 3367, 3368. Pease, Harriet M.. 3409-3411, 3417. Pease, R. L., 3683. Pease family, 3361, 3367, 3368, SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1233 Peaseley, William, letters, 916. reason, J., recruits listed by, 6081. Peck, A. D., 4397. Peck, A. S., 569. Peck. C. H., 4694. 4709. Peck, E. W., 4263. Peck, G. B., jr., 6596, 6597. Peck, Maria, 1513. Peck, Mrs. M. L., 6411. Peck, R. M., 1582. Peck, T. B., 3413, 3414, 3416, 3960, 3988a. Peck, W. D., 2623. Peck, Mrs. W. F., 1514. Peckatonica, battle of, 6926, 6932. Pecke, T., letters to, 1659. 6853. Peckham, S. F., 3415. Peckham (John) family, 3415. Pecos, pueblo ruins, 837. Pedigree, utility, 995. Pedigree building, 6451. Pedigrees, notation of, 5016. and authorized arms of New England, 3826, 3902. in visitations of Essex and Hertford, 5746. Oxford, 1506, 1574, 1634. 5747. See also Genealogy. Pedrick, S. M., 6971, 7054, 71050, 7526. Peekskill, N. Y., old burying ground, 3363. Peele family, 2252. Peet, S. D., 206, 418, 5749, 5763, 5765. Peet family, 993. Pegan Indians, 4205. " Peggy Stewart " destruction at Annap olis, 1774. 6081. Pegram, J. C., 7482o. Pegram, W. H., 5568. Peirce, B. O., 3392. Peirce, E. W., 3373, 3375, 3376, 3380, 4033b, 4033c. Peirce, P. S., 1550, 1572. Peirce family, 3379, 3380, 3553. Peirson, C., 3337. Pejepscot, Me., 1686. 1699. Pokatonica battle, 6926, 6932. Peking, siege of, 577, 902. Pelee, Mt., explosion, 903. new cone, 904. Pelham, H., will, 1672. 3376, 3515. Pelham family, 3676o. Pelham (Herbert) family. 3391. Pelham, Mass., 211, 492. Irish settlers, 609. vital records to 1850. 4011. Pelham, N. II., longevity in. 4447. Pelham club portraits, 2808. Pelham Institute, 944. Pelham papers, 4. Pella. a bit of Holland in America, 1515. Pelletreau, W. S., 4896, 5033. Peloponnesian journeys, 576. Pelzer, Louis, 1538. Pemaquid, Me., 16S4. 1698, 1701, 1703, 1732, 2571. ancient, 1734. depredation, August. 1689. 1796. Pemaquid, Me., beginnings at, 1712. first mention in history, 1712. land titles, 3383. military operations in second war with Great Britain, 1709. Pemaquid country under the Stuarts, 1704. Pemberton, John, diary, 1777-78. 6251, 6260. Pemberton, T., 2620, 2621, 2628, 2684, 2686. Pemberton family, 3404, 3839, 5743. Pembroke, Mass., mariages, 1755-1787. 3389. Second Church of Christ, baptisms. 1748- 1803. 3407, 3408. Penacook House, 4455. Penacook Indians, 4446, 4453. Penacook papers, 1659-1668. 4448. Penal reforms, 1539. Peiialosa, connection with La Salle expedi tion, 6683. Peiialosa s supposititious journey, 1662. 4418. Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Ignatius, 914. Pencader, Del., Welsh settlers, 6058. Penck, Albrecht, 905. Pendergast, W. W., 4312. Pendleton, B., letter to governor at Boston, 1676. 3359. will, 1677. 3361. Pendleton, E., letter, 1791. 0858. Pendleton, G., 5899. Pendleton, W. K., 6876. Penetanguishene, migration of voyageurs to, 1828. 7298. Pengelly. W. G., 5743, 5744. Pengelly family, 5743, 5744. name and arms, 5743. Penhallow,. D. P., 3412. Penhailow, John, papers, 3390. Penhallow, P. W., 3390. Penhallow, S., 4446, 4469. letter to C. Mather, 4446. Penhallow, S., and T. Atkinson, mission to Penobscot Indians, 1703. 3392. Penhallow family, 3390. Penicaut, M., 4304. Penington, E., letter to T. Wharton, ; ;-., 1778. 6062. Penington, J., 5972, 5991, 5994, 5995. Peninsula, battle of, September 29, 1812. 5777, No. 72. Peninsular campaign, 1862. 3333, 3334. Penitentiary reform, Mississippi, 4349. Penn, Anne, letters, 6084. Penn, John, journal, 1788. 6059. letter. 1728. 6083. letter. 1788. 6084. letter to T. Willing, 1755. 6061. Penn, J., jr., household effects, 1788. 6071. Penn, Juliana, Lady, letters, 6084. Penn, Letitia, letters, 6084. Penn. Richard, instructions, letters, etc., 5968. Penn, Thomas, instructions, letters, etc., 5968. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2- -78 1234 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Fenn, William, 5071, 6065. answer to R. Quarry s information against Pennsylvania government, 5061). birth, two hundredth anniversary, 5003. charges against, 5060. correspondence with James Logan, 1700- 1750. 5070. correspondence with Fitz-John Winthrop, 2781. deed, 6165. excellent privilege of liberty and prop erty," 6062. the friend of Catholics. 5843, 5850. inedited letters, 5070, 5071. . instructions, 1681. 5068. landing of, one hundred and sixty-ninth anniversary. 6000. one hundred and seventieth anniver sary. 6008. bicentennial anniversary. 6062, 6324. letter to J. Aubrey, 1683. 3388, 6060. letter to R. Harley. 1701. 6081. letter to J. Logan, 1704. 6063. letters to Charles II, 506S. letters to Earl of Sunderland, 5068. letters to J. Evans. 3384. list of letters relating to settlement of Pennsylvania, 6062. love letters of, 6083. plans for union of colonies, 6067. proposals for a second settlement, 6084. remains of, 6103. speech April 1, 170O. 5060. tankard of, 6060. travels in Holland and Germany. 1677, 6058. treaty with Indians. 1682. 5066, 5071, 5080. 1682 or 1683?, 6062. unpublished letter, 6064. vindication, 6062. will, 5066, 5067. Perm s city on the Susquehanna. 6166. Penn family. 3032. 6061. 6070. 6072, 6073. (William) family. 6076-6078. Penn family, title to Pennsylvania, 6070. Penn s charter, granted by Charles II. original. 6072. Penn s estates in Pennsylvania. 1770. 6060. taxed by provincial assembly, 6070. 6080. 6081. Penn-Forbes manuscripts, 6083, 6084. Penn manuscripts, list of. 6133. Penn papers, presentation of. proceedings. 6044. Pennamite in Wyoming Valley. Pa.. 6456. Pennebecker s Mills, Washington at, 5060. Penney, J. W., 1716. Pennfield records, 1754. Pennington, A. C. M.. 3383, 3385. Pennington. S. II., 4555, 4641. Pennington, W., election as Speaker, Thirty- sixth Congress, 4546. Pennington family, 3383. Pennock family, 7367. Pennoyer. S., 5820. Pennsylvania. Colony and province. assembly, 1761-62. 6064. early acts on subject of slaves, 5067. assembly representation before 1775. 6070. civil and ecclesiastical affairs, 1608. 6060. civil and religious liberty, 6007. colonial flag of, 6074. colonial governors, Heraldic history con cerning, 6064. colonial legislation, 1700-1712. 5882. constitutional convention. 1776. 6078. biographical sketches, 6050, 6060. constitutions of, as signed by W. Penn, 6076. eastern, colonial events, 6211. formative influence upon Federal insti tutions, 1682-1787. 6104. further account of, by W. Penn, 6065. German immigration into, 1700-1775. 6362. government of. under Sir W. Keith, 5060. governors and councils, proclamations, 1703-1760. 6000. history, in 1685. 6065. in 1687. 6060. in 1601. 6060. Indian policy of, 5809. Jews, 1655-1703. 628. land system of provincial, 12. list of W. Penn s letters relating to set tlement, 6002. Lutheran Church, 1638-1800. 6363. mineral waters, 682. Moravian immigration to. 1734-1767. 6227. Moravian settlements, 1735-1800. 6355. politics in 1741. 6062. prior to 1743. 601, 70Sa. proprietary government in, 4823. Protestant Episcopal parishes. 1724. 5517. provincial council, abstracts from min utes, 6202. unpublished minutes, 1602. 6067. provincial literature, 5066. religious tests of provincial Pennsyl vania, 6065, 6100. religious condition, 1701. 6077. settlement of, 6062. situation of inhabitants of frontier, 1772. 6066. some proposals for a second settlement, 6084. various pieces, printed in 1684. 6062. western, 1760. 6058. Wilmot s brief for- proprietaries, 1680. 6070. | Pennsylvania. State. Abolishment of slav ery, history of act. 1780. 5067. Acadian exiles, or French neutrals in, 5975. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1235 Pennsylvania. State. Anglican Church, registers, prior to 1800. 0068. attempts for abolition of slavery in 1810. 2636. board of health and vital statistics, gene sis of, 5911. boundary dispute with Delaware, 1522, 1523. Maryland, 5965, 5966, 6062, 6065. New Jersey and, 6061. Virginia, 6142, 6406. 6892. catalogue of papers in State paper office, London, 5973. civic pride, lack of, 6085. constitution, first. 600S. party struggles. 11. courts of seventeenth century, 6061. 6099. currency, history. 6248. description, 5970, 5988. divorces granted by supreme court, 1787- 1801. 5911. Dutchman. 6078. early literature, 7422. electoral vote. 1804. 6169. expedition into. 1794. 4537, 4540, 4542. first governor under constitution of 76. 6061. 6062. frontier forts, 6076. general assembly, 1776. 6081. geographical and historical map of, 5962. geographical description, early, 5973. geology of, 742, 743. German churches of, founding, 6073. Germans in, 6410. German influence in settlement and de velopment, 6362, 6363, 6364, 6365, 6366, 6367, 6368. 6369. in Lebanon County, Pa., 6218. German missions, 916. historical map, 5962, 6048. early history of, 693. history, recent books on, 6077> synopsis, 6080. Huguenot element in, 4894. Indians of, 691. history, manners, customs, 5981. Indian tribes, 5927. industries, 885. influence on Ohio, 5724. Irish, early, in, 614. Jews, 628. legislature, Lebanon County in, biograph ical sketches, 6219. first legislative assembly, building of, 6062. legislative history, 6078. Lincoln records in. 5018. local government, 1813, 6062, 6101. local superstitions, 6009, 6185. manuscripts in Historical Society <>f Pennsylvania, 6083. Maryland and. party dissensions in. 6059. medical history, 5966. Mennonite emigration to, 6058. Methodism, introduction of, 6068. Pennsylvania. Mate. Militia, roster of officers. 1802. 6076. militia muster, or battalion day, 6168. mountain structures, 573. names, 6167. Indian. 5995, 6048, 6222. northwest, land titles, 6067. Philadelphia associators, 1775, uniforms of. 6066. poets and poetry, early, 5969. politics, early, nineteenth century, 6073. prerailway trips to northern, 6070. Quakers in. 1823. records, preservation of. 700. Reformed Church in, 6363. Revolutionary border wars, 6414. Revolutionary movement in, 1760-1776. 6403. Revolutionary soldiers, and grant of land on Susquehanna, 6009. entitled to depreciation pay, 6083, 6084. rivers and valleys, 891. 909. royal coat of arms, 6080. R. Quarry s information against govern ment, 5969. Schwenkfelders in, 6365, 6370. slavery, 5966. topography and travel, 7391. towns and places, memorials, 59y. troops, return, 1787. 6067. weather records. 1644-1835. 6071. Welsh emigration to, 6057. western, antiquities, 116. western counties, insurrection. 1794. 5975. whisky insurrection, 4537, 4540, 4542, 6781. Pennsylvania, University of. alumni in official positions, 3401, 3817a. history. 5970, 6071. Southern graduates, 1757-1783. 6854. Pennsylvania and the Declaration of Inde pendence, 6069. Pennsylvania and English Government, 1699-1704. 6080. Pennsylvania and the Federal Constitu tion, 6113. Pennsylvania. Associators of, 1747, descrip tion of colors, 6066. Pennsylvania boroughs, 1816. Pennsylvania-Dutch poems, 6194, 6203. Pennsylvania Female College. 7422. " Pennsylvania Gazette," obituary notices published in, 1728-1791. 6066, 6067. Pennsylvania German, the, 6139. stove plate, 6343. Pennsylvania Germans, ancestral virtues of, 6:;r>r>. at battle of Long Island, 6354. at home, 6356. dialect, 6364. domestic life and characteristics of pi oneer, 6362. 1236 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Pennsylvania Germans, educational posi tion of, 6355. in church and state, 6352. in history, 6354. in natural sciences. 6357. early literature of, 6353. literature, 6362. picturesque quality of, 6365. his place in the history of the Com monwealth, 6353. poems, 6353, 6354. 6356, 6362. proverbs and sayings, 6353. what I know of, 6352. Pennsylvania gleanings in England,- 6084, 6085. Pennsylvania packet, arrivals. 1775. 6074. Pennsylvania Population Company, 4776. Penny Cook, N. II., proprietors contro versy with proprietors of Bow. 1727-1789. 4457. Pennypack, Pa., Baptist Church, births. 1689-1743. "6067. Pennypacker, S. W., 5897, 6058, 6060-6062, 6068, 6071,. 6077, 6078,6081,6082, 6084, 6098. 6100, 6353, 6357, 6360, 6428. Pennypacker s Mills memorial, 5960. Pennywell, C. E., 5648. Penobscot, Me., British occupation during the Revolution, 1707. depositions, 1663. 3366. Pilgrims at, 1703. Penobscot, expedition to, in 1770, 2773. expedition of 1779. 1708, 2802. conduct of Paul Revere, 1709. journal of Gen. Lovell, 4187. Revere s account, plan to illustrate, 2682. Penobscot Indians, history. 2627. Penhallo\v and Atkinson, mission to, 1703. 3392. Penobscot River, the ancient, 1703. expedition to Quebec, via. 1710. 2774. Goc. Pownall s certificate of taking pos session of the, 1702. proclamation of A. Mills, 1708. voyages to, 1579-80. 3808. Penology, hints, 4292. Penrose, B., 1818, 1843, 6066. Penrose family, 6081. Pensacola, 929. Pension laws, origin, 4550. Pension legislation, United States, history of military, 4829. Pension rolls, United States. 1813, list, 4308. Pensioners of the war of 1812. list. 6721. " The People the best governors," 34. " People s right to election." 1689. 1109, 4105. Peoria, 111., early history, 1411, 1422. " Peoria party," 1839. 5827. Pepper, W., 6399. Pepper family, 3371. Pepperrell, Sir Wm., commission, 1757. 3402. Pepperrell, /Sir Wm., letter, 1744. 3391. letter, 1745. 3363, 3408. letters, 1743, 1757. 3392. Pepperrell family, 2275-2278, 2280, 3371, 3378. Pepperrell manuscripts, 1704-1749. 3377. Pepperrell papers, 2678, 3386, 3630. Pepperrell portraits, 2269. Pepperrellborough, Me., marriages, 1768- 1775. 3408. Pequaket Indians, 1713. campaign against, 1707. Pequot Indians, 6536. agreement with the commissioners of the United Colonies, 1654. 2785. instructions to treat with, 1636. 2641. memoir of, 2628. Pequot land reservation. 3379. Pequot war, history, 2636, 7460. (Indian) history of. Underbill s, 2644. Vincent s relation, 2644. Pequot wars, Gardiner s relation, 2641. Percentile grades, 809. Perch Lake, New York, mounds at, 4906. Percival, O. V., 6706. Percy, G. Did he denounce Smith s His tory of Virginia ? 6825. Percy letters, 199. Perczel, L., 5633. Perdriau, L., will, 1694-95. 6621. Perdriau, P., will. 1692. 6621. Perdue, R. M., 1581. Perez, L. M., 1289. Perez manuscript, 279. Periodicals, Ohio Valley. 5713. Perkins, A. E. P., 4205. Perkins, A. T., 2254, 2261, 2352, 2371e, 2474, 2781, 2785, 2786, 2795, 2895, 3096, 3385, 3682. portrait, 2797. Perkins, B. C.. 3682. Perkins, C. C., 2770, 2786, 2792. Perkins, David, 2245. Perkins, D. A. W., 1523. Perkins, D. L., 4427. Perkins, F. B., 3372, 3473. Perkins, G. A., 2250, 2257-2260a, 2323, 2409, 2413. Perkins, G. C., 897, 899. Perkins, G. D., 1524. Perkins, G. H., 4168. Perkins, H. S., 1506. Perkins, J., 5689. Perkins, John, will of, 2245. Perkins, J. B., 24, 35, 5413. Perkins, J. C., 1712, 1717. Perkins, J. H., 5656. Perkins, J. W., 4166. Perkins, N. S., 1201. Perkins, S. G., 2792, 3042. Perkins, Thomas, letter, 1785. 2781. Perkins, T. H., 2072. Perkins, Wm. R., 1513, 1568. Perkins family, 2258-2261, 2413, 2474, 3368, 3369, 3372, 3375. 3473. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1237 Perkins family, of Hampton, N. H., 3370. of Ipswich, Mass., 2250, 2323. (Abraham), family, 3408, 3888. (John), family, 2413. Perkins arms in England, 2254, 2371, 2474. Perkins, name of, as found on Essex County records, 2252, 2352. Perkins pedigree, 2474. Perkins, Ohio, history, 7411, 7414. Perkiomen, Pa., " St. James s Perkiomen," 6075. Perkiomen, song of, poem, 5960. Perley. I., 7251. Periey, M. V. B., 2441, 2479, 4166. Perley, Sidney, 2257, 2258, 2263-2267, 2271, 2277, 2410, 2508, 3409, 4165, 4169. Perrault, J. F., 7173. Perrin, B., 43. Perrin, J. H., 3406, 3887. Pen-in, J. N., 1422, 1423. Perrin, W. H., 1612. Pen-in family, 3390. Perrine, Enoch, 7488. Perrot, Nicolas, 6938. Perrot s voyage, 4303, Perry, A., 3402, 38136, 6520, 6555, 6561, 6573, 6576, 6580, 6584. Perry, A. L., 20446, 2045, 2794. Perry, E., 2567, Perry, E. W., 569. Perry, Elizabeth W., 5743. Perry, J., orderly book, 1759-60. 3412. Perry, J. R., 7375. Perry, J. S., 4283. Perry, J. T., 3399, 3779c, 4455, 4480. Perry, M., inventory of estate, 4103. Perry, M. C., 534. Perry, O. H., 1627, 5636, 5639. victory, anniversary, 5605. Perry, S. A. W., 1523. Perry, T. B., 1477, 1515. Perry, T. S., 3685. Perry, W. F., 944. Perry, W. S., 889, 1520, 1523. "American " sermon in London, July 4, 1897. 1523. Perry monument in Japan, 209. " Perry," privateer, captures by, 1814. 6083. Perry s fleet, destiny, 4777. Persian Gulf, 905. Person, H. S., 21, 4297. " Perswasive to towns and cohabitation " 6828. Perth Amboy, schoolhouse. 1773. 4559. "Perth Towne," Proprietors order, 1683. 4543. Peru, 905. archeology, 547. coast desert of, 571. geographic work, 897. Peru, Mass., vital records to 1850. 4012. Peru, Ohio, history, 7408. soldiers in civil war, 5637. Pescud family, 6865. Petaquompscott purchase of Rhode Island, 1666. 3372. Peter, gospel of, 777. Peter, Johanna, 1629. Peter, R., 1621, 1628. Peterboro, N. H., Irish pioneers of, 608. petition for defense, 1750. 3364. Peters, A., certificate, 1698-99. 3372. Peters, B., 5714. Peters, Eleanor B., 2276, 3412. Peters, Hugh, letter, 1639. 2276. Letter to Gor. Winthrop, 1647. 2779. letters of, 1654. 2639. in literature, 2798. Peters, J. P., 667. Peters, Phillis, proposals for printing poems and letters of, 1779. 2777. Peters, R., letter to T. Fitzsimmons, 1790. 6063. letter to T. Penn, 1749. 6079. letter to W. Smith, 1763. 6066. puns, witticisms of, 6081. Peters, S., history of Connecticut, review of, 2183. Peters, T., 6071. Peters family, 3360. Peters papers, 6085. Petersburg, Va., reminiscences, 6596. Twentieth Michigan Regiment at, 7470. Petersfield family, 3369. Peterson, J. N., 2280. Petigru, J. L., 6631, 6635. Petitcler, Mrs. F. F., 20446, 2045. Petition, right of, 1654. 2036. Petitions, loyal, of 1666. 3112. Petrie, G., 946, 961, 970, 976, 1823. Petroleum, 4686. United States, early accounts, 6050. Pettibone, L., 4378. Pettigrove, F. G., 809. Pettis, G. II., 6595, 6597. Pettit, T. M K., 5972, 5984a. Pettus, E. W., 944. Pettus brigade, 944. Petty, J. II., 5026, 5027, 5029, 5039 Petty family, 5028." Petuxet purchasers, 1677. 6580. Peyton, J. L., 3393. Peyton, P. L., 5854. Peyton family, 3393, 3405. Pharmacopoeia, compiler of first, 1778. 6071. Pharmacy, 1453-1455. Phelps, Almira H. L., 5030. Phelps, C., 3685. Phelps, E., 1431. Phelps, E. J., 6740, 6747a. Phelps, H. W., 5748, 5749. Phelps, John, will, 1722. 5749. Phelps. J. B. T., 6075. Phelps, J/r*. J. C., 6457. Phelps, R. F., 81.1. Phelps & Gorham purchase, title, 5519, 5520. 1238 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Phi Beta Kappa Society, original records, 1776-1781. 6852. Alpha of Massachusetts, 1803-1848. 2799. Philadelphia, Academy of Fine Arts, estab lishment of, 1805-1808. 6065. Academy of Natural Sciences, 6072. Acadians in, 5848. after Cornwallis s surrender at York- town, 6072. almanacs published in, 734. amusements in, 1794. 6066. anthracite coal, introduction of, 5968. Arch Street Church building, 6382. armed vessels from, 1776-77. 6082. bank, attempt to rob, 1821. 6065. baptisms, marriages, deaths, 1772-1822. 6123. bar, leaders of the old, 6070. Blue Anchor Tavern, 5883. Blue Anchor Tavern landing, 6066. board of health, burial records, 1803- 1806. 5911. in 1807. 5912. Catholic choirs and choir music, 5844, 5845. Catholic Reference Library, 5845. Catholics, pioneer, 5856. first charter, 1691. 6074. Chestnut Hill, Our Lady s shrine at, 5854. Chestnut street, early ground rents, 6070. Christ Church, baptisms, 1709-1760. 6068-6073. burials, 1709-1760. 6057-6063. parsonage, 6062. tombstones, 6063. vestrymen, 6075. Washington and Franklin pews, 6059. Church of the Epiphany, inscriptions, 5912. City Cavalry, First Troop, history, 6071. city government, 1818. colonial days in, 6058. colonial mayors, 6074, 6075. committee of defense, minutes, 1814-15. 5978. consolidation of, history, 6041. damages by British troops, 177778. 6081. dancing assembly, 1740, a bit of local gossip, 6085. defenses, 1777. 6074-6077. diary, 1777-78. 6069. diocese, recollections of Rev. P. Rafferty. 1791-1863. 5850. during occupation by British, 6065. evacuation of, 6061, 6062. Evangelical Lutheran congregation, mar riages, 1745. 6366. exports, foreign and domestic, 1759-1763. 6060. Fellowship Fire Company, 1738. 6083. First Reformed Church, history, 1727- 1734. 6382. folklore of, 753. Philadelphia, French neutrals, 6080. Friends, monthly meeting, minutes, 1682- 1690. 5911, 5912, Globe Mills, 6064. Gloria Dei Church, records, 6058. early government, 6066. governor s mill, 6064. grand jury indictments, 1702-1714. 6078. harbor, 6009. Hessians in, 6057. in 1682. 6069. in 1698, 1754. 6074. in 1787. 6068. in 1825. 6075. Jewish publication, first, 624. Jews of, 624. obituary notices, 1728-1791. 628. journey from Dighton, 1778. 6068. journey from New Haven to, 1754. 2797. Leo house, 927, 7390. maps, old, 6323. marine hospital, patients, 1784. 6082. market regulations, 1693. 6079. Market street, 1764. 6065. marriages of New England people, 1777- 1801. 3390. mayor, first, 6071. merchant in 1768-1791. 6075. merchants letter to London merchants, 1769. 6083. Mickve Israel congregation, 624, 625. military history, operations near, 1777- 78. 6058. Philadelphia Horse, Second troop of, 6076. militia, R. Peter s company, 1775. 6079. naval asylum, origin, 6063. New School Theological Seminary, 1844- 1847. 6382. newspaper, first ("American Weekly Mercury "), 6078. " Nonimportation agreement," 1769-70. 6070. North Second street, 6060. overseers of poor accounts, 1758-59. 6009. partial list of families, arrived, 1682- 1687. 6064. passenger list of " Elizabeth," 1819. 6081. Paxton boys, march against, 1764. 6009. old Pine Street Church, in Revolutionary war, 6383. plague in 1798. 5855. politics in, 1794. 6066. post-office, proposed medal for, 6342. Presbyterian churches, old, 5908. Presbyterian Church, First, 7481. tombstone inscriptions, 5909, 5911. Presbyterian Church, Second, 6382. Presbyterian Meetinghouse, 1749-50. 3379. early printing, 6060. public housekeepers, recommended, 1771, 6078. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1239 Philadelphia, rates of boarding. 1770-80. 6069. register of baptisms, marriages, deaths, 1772-1822. 6075, 6076, 6080. Revolution, 1777, Continental Army around, 6119. St. Ann s Church, 1845-1895. 5848. history, 5853. St. Augustine s Church, marriages and baptisms, 5855. registers, 5843. St. Gregory s Church in West, 5852. St. Joseph s Church, baptisms, 1758- 1781. 5843, 5844. 5846. marriage register, 1758-1776. 5844. sacramental registers of eighteenth century, 5856, 7390. St. Mary s Church, 1787-1789. 5852. burying ground, interments, 1788- 1800. 5845, 5847, 5848. minute book, 5846. pew registers, 1787-1791. 5847. St. Michaelis and Zion congregation rec ords, baptisms, 1745-1755. 6358- 6360. St. Paul s Church, inscriptions, 5912. St. Raphael society, 927. Satterlee Military Hospital in West, 5850. Second street and Second street road, 6060. Seventh-day Baptist cemetery, 6069. ship registers, 1726-1775. 6080-6084. social life, 1762. 6066. society, 1767-1770. 6067. one hundred years ago, 1779. 6059, 6096. in 1804. 6067. South Second street. 6060. state house, 1774. 6079. street railway system, 1825. subscription list, a, 1795. 5848. tax list, first, 1693. 6064. taxables of Chestnut street, list of, 1754. 6070. tea ship, arrival of the, 1773. 6070. theaters, remonstrances against, 1766-67. 6079. titles to, old, 6311. tombstone inscriptions, 629. Trinity Church, Oxford, 6083. University Barge Club, 6085. Washington manor, 6047. wills, 1682-1697. 5911, 5912. wills recorded in, abstracts, 6068, 6071. " Philadelphia Aurora," Wni. Duane and the, 3383. Philadelphia County, Pa., Farmers relief to poor of Boston, 1775. 6084. grand inquest, 1683. 6079. landholders, 1734. 5911. petitions for protection against Indians, 1728. 6085. population, etc., 1684. 6063. Philbrick. E., 4168. Philbrick, J. D., 3382, 3665. Philbrick family, 3735. Philbrook s narrative, 1776-1781. 6520. Philip, King, gift to J. Leonard, 4033c. gunlock, 2632. letter, 2620. Hcc King Philip s war. hi lip, the Ottawa, 5644. Miilippi, N. Y., 5047. hilippi, East. See Southeast, N. Y. hilippi, West. Sec Carmel, N. Y. hilippine and Polynesian languages, coin cidences between, 7138. Philippine atlases, two, 5855. Philippine Islands, 559, 576, 899, 901. American development, 904. area and population, 812. campaigning in, 5899. census, 7391. summary, 7474. climate, 579. commerce, 899. diseases, 901. disposition of, 899. economic condition, 900. geographic facts, 902. gold. 901. government of, 905. Jewish heretics, sixteenth and seven teenth centuries, 635. map, 903. meteorology, 900. mining bureau, 904. Pan American exhibit, 902. people, 905. primitive tribes, 899. problem, 5436, 5442. public records, 28. surveying, 904. United States in, 577. weather service, 905. See also Filipino, Luzon. Philips, Josiah, 34. Virginia, bill of attainder, 7. Philips family, 6861. Philipsburgh, N. Y., manor, 5375, 5564. assessment, 1732, 5561. Philipse family, 3368. Philipson, D., 631, 633. Phillimore, W. 1 . W., 3395, 3407, 3722b, 5746. Phillips, Bridget, letter to Edw. Rish- worth, 1684. 1700. Phillips, C. T.. 3805r7. Phillips, D. E., 5744, 5747. Phillips, D. L., 1204. Phillips. G. M.. 5879. Phillips, G. W., 5744. Phillips. Henry, letters, 2808. Phillips, II., jr., 671, 704, 727, 729, 730. 731, 733, 734, 740, 741, 753, 4550, 62 4S, 6254, 6255, 6259, 6260, 62(52. 6263. 6266, 6267. 6271, 6278. 6280, 6283, 6285. 6287, 6289. 6293. 6294, 6295, 6296, 6304. 6305. 6310, 6315, G327. Phillips, H. B., !)!).-,. 1240 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Phillips, Jonas, letter to Federal convention, 625. Phillips. .1. B.. 4295. Phillips, J. L. T., 2045. Phillips, N., 1711. Phillips, N. T., 624, 625, 627, 629, 634. Phillips, P. L., 13, 15. " Phillips, Russell," 3619o. Phillips, S. H.. 2245. Phillips, S. W., 2277, 2278, 2280. Phillips, Mrs. T. G., 1515. Phillips, U. B., 23, 26, 28. Phillips, W., 3362. Phillips, W. A., 1578a, 1590. Phillips, X., 7408. Phillips family, 2045, 3385, 5744. Phillips (Samuel) family, 2044. Phillips v. Savage, 1737. 2774. decree of the King in. 2782. Phinney, Col. Edmund, Eighteeenth Conti nental Regiment, 1714, 1715, 1790. Thirty-first Regiment of Foot, 1713, 1787. Phippen, G. D., 2240, 2243. Phips, Sir W., expedition, 1690. 2805, 3279, 3367. funeral of, 1694-95. 2783. letter, 1692. 2248. letter from, 2791. monument, 3362. Phonetic writing, ikonomatic method of, 747. Physical causes, influences of, on the moral faculty, 703. Physician, pioneer, 5637. Physicians, deceased, Massachusetts, 3359. pioneer, of Muskingum valley, 5715. ratio to population, 813. Physick, Dr. Philip Syng. 702. Physick (Edmund) family, 6061. Physiographic notes, 577. processes, 906. Physiography, United States, 906, 907. Physiology important discovery, 4278. Physique of different nationalities, 586<7. Pintt, J. J., 5725. Pickard, J. L., 1513, 1514, 1516, 1519, 1522-1524, 1528, 1529. Pickard, S. T., 1709. Pickaway County, Ohio, marriage licenses, 1810, 1813. 5749, 5752. Pickering, John, suit against owners of the 41 New Mill," 1664. 2247. Pickering, John, 2637, 2714, 2716. Pickering, John, Judge, impeachment of, 2789. Pickering. Timothy, 2914. circular in handwriting of, 1775. 2241. correspondence with Gov. Sullivan, 2784. letter, 1777. 2278. lost letter of, 1820. 2271. portrait, 2676. revolutionary letters, 2277, 2278. Pickering papers. 2801. index to, 2676. Pickering s words and phrases peculiar to United States, 4683. Pickett. T. E., 1609. Pickford, A. M., 2199, 2200, 2201, 2204- 2208, 2212. Pickford, Mrs. A. M., 7407. Pickman, Benjamin, 2245. Pickman silver, deposited with the Essex Institute, 2277. Pidgin, C. F., 808, 815. Pidgin s practical statistics, 807. Piedmont plateau, 897. Pierce, Asa C., 7495. Pierce, E. D., 6973. Pierce, E. L., 205, 2797, 2800, 2801, 3167, 3193. Pierce, Franklin, papers, 1852-1862. 44. Pierce, F. C., 2253, 3395. Pierce, John, 2799. Pierce, Rcr. Dr. John, 2795. journal of, 1795. 2793. | Pierce, Josiah, 892. Pierce, J. D., 4253. Pierce, J. O., 4311. Pierce, Phebe, ancestry, 3904. Pierce, P S., 1537. Pierce, William, notes on Federal conven tion, 36. Pierce family, 3410. Pierce family of Newbury, Mass., 3387. Pierce genealogy, 2253. Pierce County, Wis., 6927. j Pierpont, John, 5005, 5006, 5010. ** Pierpont, Jonathan, diary, 1682-1707. 3371. I Pierrepont, H. E., letter from, 2780. j Pierronet, T., 2624. Piers, C., 6284. Pierson, A., " Some helps for the Indians," 1110, 1121. Piersan, Emeline G., 4557, 4655. Pierson, Mrs. F. H., 4554, 4634. " Pierwin, ye Sachem of Pau," letter of, 4541. Pigeon, Mme., 7381. Pigeon fancy, 2442. Piggot s company, 1790. 1383. Pigments of Canada, 7172, 7174. Capt. Cogan s expedition to, 1722. 3392. Pigwacket, ride to, 1768. 1700. Pike, B. P., 4168. Pike, John, journal, 1678-1709. 2783, 2917, 4448. Pike, Richard, 3372. Pike, Robert, land in Salisbury, 1693. 3393. Pike, Z. M., 1581. explorations, 1513. explorations, 1805-6. 4302. Pikes Pawnee village, Kans., 1518. Pikes Peak, winter, 4^94. Pilchau, G. P. von, 6074. Pilcher, Margaret C., 6671. Pilgrim and Puritan in Massachusetts, Al liance of, 4055. Pilgrim company at Leyden, members, 2807. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1241 Pilgrim Fathers, 4212, 4978, 7498. and foundation of civil government. 4080. creed, character, and conquest of, 6241. Delfshaven and records of, 4882. of Nazing. 3386. 3630. vision of, 7258. See also Pilgrims. Pilgrim society, 3359. records, 3362. Pilgrim statue, New York City, unveiling. 5009. Pilgrims and Puritans of Massachusetts. 4033. Pilgrims, adventures of, 4210. age of, heroic period of history. 5010. at Leyden. 2647, 2734, 2781. at Penobscot, 1703. faith of the. 4083. heritage of, 5003, 5010. in Holland. 3825. of Boston and their descendants, 3451. of Massachusetts, characteristics, 4034. of " Mayflower," 7408. of Plymouth, 5010. landing of, 2807. anniversary, 1769. 3362. anniversary. 1835. 6625. commemoration. 2702. poem, 5005. See also Plymouth, Mass, visit to English haunts of, 4216. Pillet, E., 1030. Pillsbury. J. S., 4311. Pillsbury family of Leek, England, 2269, 2514. Pimienta, J. D., 632. Pinacate, a Mission Indian, 1022. Pincheon papers, 2636. Pinchot. Gifford, 900. 7474. Pinckney, C. C., 1281. letter. 1797. 2805. Pinckney s plan. 42, 43. Pine, J. B., 4812, 5048. Pine, R. E., painting " Congress voting In dependence." 6085, 6137. Pine Creek, Iowa, 1469. : ine in Essex County, Mass.. 2373. Mne industry, Michigan, 4294. ^inegrove. Pa., reminiscences, 6139. inhorne, W.. currency project, 1716 4543. Mnkard family, 6860. Mnkney, W., 1957. fnney, S. IT.. 6960, 6906. Mnney, W. M.. 5749. inney family, 5749. of Ohio, 5748. Mnnipedes, monograph on. 2300. ioneer, the. 5721. American, 983. Pioneer and aborigine, 4280. Pioneer and his work, 4281. Pioneer and professional life. Michigan. 4281. Pioneer boyhood, recollections of, 4283. Pioneer business men. Michigan, 4280. Pioneer centenarian, St. Joseph County, Mich., 4280. Pioneer farmer, life of, 1516. Pioneer Farmers Club of Michigan, 4280. Pioneer law-makers of Iowa, 1519. Pioneer leaders, Illinois, 1417. Pioneer life, 5620, 5637, 7408. among Indians, 4280. Pioneer school of the Northwest, 1523. Pioneer women, 1520. " Pioneering," 4280. Pioneers, 5643. California, charges against, refuted, 1091. passing of, 4280. Pionia, 881. Piopolis, Canada, Church of St. Zenon, 7346. Pious fund, 1017. California, history, 990. Pipe, stone, 6889. Piper, G. F., 4098. Piper, S., 3427. Piper, W. T., 3687. ! Piper (Solomon) family, 3361, 3427. Pipes, smoking, of the North American aborigines, 6428. j Piracy, lecture on, particularly of Wm. Kidd, 2243. Pirate vessel, capture. 1689. 3360. Pirtle, A., 1624. Pirtle, J. B., 1655. Piscataqua pioneers, 4444. Piscataqua, Me., proceedings at, 1679. 2624. | Piscataqua River, agreement of inhabitants for government, 4446. Indian name of, 2630. Mason s plantations on the, 4119. some early religious matters at the. 2806. Piscataway, N. J., pioneer planters, 1666- 1716. 5044. register of births, 1675-1717. 4559. town book, 4559. Pise, C. C., 916. Pisiquid, Acadian parish. Nova Scotia, his tory, 7285. Pitezel, J. II., 5640. Pitkin, T. C., 3682. Pitman, II. A., 3412. Pitman, Harriet M.. 3684. Pitman. T., 6494. Pitt. William, patron of American colonies, 7404. Pitt medal, counterfeit. 664. Pitts, James H., 2346. Pittsburg, Pa., 425. Catholicity in. 5851. centennial, 1894. 6148. establishment of See of, 6346. in 1760-61. 0058. 6O59. in 1781. 6060. in 1782-83. 0057. journal of March to, 1785. 5785. Lafayette s visit. 1825. 6065. old Round Church. 1 s< 15-1825. 6075. population, etc.. 1761. 6062. Trinity churchyard, epitaphs. 6060. 1242 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Pittsfield, Mass., Berkshire Athenaeum, his tory and objects, 2044?>, 2045. origin of name, 2048. Pittsinger, Eliza A., 1036. Pittston, Pa., fossils, 6424. Pittston fort, 6421. Pittsylvania County, Va.. marriage bonds, 1767-1779. 6854. 6855. Pius VII, Napoleon s concordat with, 1801. 12. Pius X, 930. Pixley family, 5042. Placentia, Canada, old Basque tombstones, 7327. " Plain dealing ; or, newes from New Eng land," 2641. Plain township, Ohio, first settlement, 5749. inscriptions, 5749. " Plain Truth," authorship of, 6068. Plainfield, Conn., settlers. 3373. Plainfield, Mass., account of. 2636. Plains, Central, great, 7474. Plains of Abraham, battle of, 7195, 7196, ! 7328. probable site, 7324. Windmill and Borgia s house (Le moulin tl vent et la maison de Borgia lors ; de la bataille des), 7346. Wolfe monument, 7329. Plains of Abraham Park, 7196. Plains war, 1865. 4417. Plamondon. Frangois-Xavier, 7347. Plantagenet, Beauchamp, 5972. Plantation iffice. England, books on New England, 3396. Plantations, Gorge s, 1698. Planters and Union Bank bonds, 4347. Plants, American, 7172. of Canada, 7174. bibliography of, 7346. catalogue of, 7172. lower Canada, 7173. near Muir Glacier, 894. Plassmann, Martha E., 4396. Plate, marking, assay office letters used, 5744. Plateaux, economic importance in tropic America. 7391. Plato, 1569. Platner, S. B., 41. Platt, J. C., 6162. Platt. M. F., 4408. Platt, O. II., 1161, 1202. Platt, R. T.. 5800. Platte, Mich., history, 4283. Platte River, christening of, 4407. Platts, C. M., 44286. Pittsburgh, battle of, 6721. Pittsburgh, N. Y., history, 5414. Play bills, Lancaster, Pa., 6172. Pleasant Hill, La., battle of, 1515. Plehn, C. C., 808, 809, 812. Pleistocene, Iowa, 1515. Plessis, Bishop, journal, 1815. 5856. Pastoral visit to New England and New York, 1815. 5856. ; Plowden. Sir E., patent for New Albion, 6063. Plowden s New Albion, 5242. Ployden, Mt., 4540. Plum, H. G., 1522. Plumer, J. T., 44286, 4433 % Plumer, Oov. Wm., 4455. Plumer, Wm.. senior and junior, letters, 6062. Plumer. Wm.. letter, 1806. 5797. Plummer, J. M. G., 3323. Plummer family, 2239. Plummer Hall, 2239, 2419. Plunkett, Mm. H. M., 5043, 5045. Plunkett, T., 609. Plymale, W. F., 5827. Plymouth, Mass., field day. 4212. free schools in, 2632. See also Forefather s day. Plymouth, N. H., note on, 1814. 2631. Plymouth colony, Mass., agreement with Awasuncks. 2623. anniversaries, 2800. barque built at Plymouth in 1641. 2632. Bradford s history of Plymouth Planta- tion, 2651, 2751. manuscript, 2722, 2801, 2802, 2975. Church of Christ. 2622. collections concerning the founders of, 2649. commemoration. December 22, 1820. 4073. correspondence with New Netherlands, 1627. 5096. earliest wills, 3362-3365. founders of New Plymouth (Hunter s), 2649. free schools in, 2632. governors and commanders in chief, 2621. Irish in, 614. landing at, 5010. landing of Pilgrims, commemoration of, 2629. list of men bearing arms, 1643. 3362. monument to Pilgrims, 3369. Mourt s journal, 1621. 2626. 2637, 4120. notes on. 2631. patent of, 1621. 1705, 2650, 2745. patent, seals, 2798. Phinehas Pratt s narrative, 1662. 2652. early settlers, 3503. rates, 3362. records, 2640, 3367. relations to Mass.. 2857. saved by Virginia planters, 6860. Separatists of, 2243. settlement, 3359. settlers of, defense by Judge Davis, 2770. Williams, Roger and, 2619. Winslow, Edward and, 12, 5042. Winslow s " Good news from New Eng land," 2637. See also Plymouth, Mass. Plymouth colonists in Maine. 1717, 1793. Plymouth Company accounts, 2639. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1243 Plymouth County. Iowa, early conditions. 1521. Plymouth County. Mass., towns, 2632. Plymouth Rock conference, history, 5701. Plymouth trading house of Penobscot, 1709. Plympton, Mass., history and description of, 2632. Poage, Louella K., 6800, 6891. Pocahontas, marriage of, 6801. Pocahontas County, W. Va., 6X90. Pocumtuck, settlers at, 4096. Pocumtuck confederacy, 2184, 4097. Pocumtuck gun, 4097. Pocumtuck Valley, Mass., 7480. Podesta of Siena, 43. Poetry, American aboriginal, 6339. California Argonauts, 1020. English, and English history, 44. Poets, Pennsylvania, provincial period, 6073. Poey, A., 519. Pohlman, H. X., 5922, 5923. Poindexter, C., 6776. Poindexter. G., letter to F. Huston, 1834. 4347. Point Ingleby, 1707. Point Pleasant, W. Va.. 6874. in 1749-1905. 6894. hatle of, 5723, 6833, 6834, 6892. Kentucky s part in, 6890. last survivor, 6873. national character, 6890. one hundred and twenty-seventh anni versary, 6890. campaign, 1774. 6835. Point Shirley, origin of name, 3371. Pointe-de-Levy, Canada, Church of St. Jo seph. 7345. Poirer. P., 7327, 7328, 7345. Pokeguma Lake, battle, 4302, 4326. Poland, W. C., 457, 857. Poland, Me., 1698. Poland. Ohio, 5689. Poland, partition of, 35. Polanders in Wisconsin, 6919, 6970, 7105. Polar expedition. Williams, 899, 900. Zicgler, 7474. Polar regions, 893. Peary on, 904. See also North Pole. Polar Sea, access to, 52Z. " Polaris." voyage of, 550. Pole, Reginald, and Thomas Cromwell. 43. Pole, William, epitaph, 1675. 7395. Pole, magnetic, 997. Polin, Indian chief, 1714. Political communities, origin and progress, 5656. Political economy, teaching of. 15. Political prisoners, Virginia, 1716. 6853. Political science, Johns Hopkins studies in, 1814. study of, in Canada, 7314. Political science and history. 35. Politics, American, 1764-1766. 6073. 1796-6065. Politics, American, ante-Revolutionary, 3372. comparative, Canadian studies in. 7315. corrupt use of money in, 7111. European schools of, 1818. evolution i . revolution in, 6965. Polk, James K., executive correspondence, 1839-40. 6671. Polk, W. W., 5879. Polk County, Iowa, 1500. Poll tax, Iowa, 812. Pollard, Anne, deposition of, 1711. 2783. Policy, F. J., 1010-1013, 1019. Pollock. E., 1031. 1032. Pollock, W. W., 7408. Polynesian language, 518. and Philippine language, coincidences between, 7138. Polynesians, origin and migrations of, 7132. Polyzoa, observations on, 2299. Pomeroy, A. N., 6154. Pomeroy, B.. 3687. Pomeroy, Seth, soldiers under, 1747. 3401. Pomeroy, T., 1720. Pomeroy family of Northampton, 3401. Pomeroy (Ellweed) family, 3415, 3963. Pomologists, early. New Haven, 1156. Pompeii, a prehistoric, 6295. human remains, late discoveries of. 6287. Potupey ( N. Y. ) stone, 1520. Poncas, 4414. Pond, G. H., 4302, 4303. 4326. Pond. J. B., 4964. Pond, N. G., 1182. Pond, S. W., 4304. Ponkapog, Mass., plantation, 2620. Pontiac, conspiracy, notes, 915, 4279, 5724. Ponton, Brownie, 6679. Pony express, 1019. Pool, C. W., 2260, 2443. Pool, Elizabeth, was she the foundress of Tafinton ? 4033a. Pool, Wellington. 2255, 2258, 2259, 2262, 2411, 2414, 2415, 2471, 2473. Poole, C. A., diary, on board the " Kear- sarge," 1861-1864. 3393. Poole, F. A., 4165, 4168. Poole, II., will, 1643. 3404. Poole, Henry Ward, enharmonic keyboard of, 2376. Poole, Maria F., 4777. Poole, William F., 3, 65, 198, 3382, 3385, 3588. Poor, Alfred, 2247. Poor, Gen. Enoch, death of, in the Revolu tion, 2787. duel with Maj. Porter, 2788. Poor, H. V., 528. 587. Poor, J. A., 1704, 1740, 1744-1746, 5174. journal of, describing journey to Mont real February 5. 1845. 1709. Poor, Mary W., 2127. Poor law of Connecticut, 484 J. Poor relief in Germany, 807. Poore. P., 3682. Pope, C. H., 1712, 3400. 1244 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Pope, F. L., 2042, 2043, 2045, 3400, 3787. Pope, J. E., 4392. Pope, N., 4395. Pope, O. C., 993, 995. Pope, W. C., 4312. Pope family, 2247, 2302, 3400, 3787. (Humphrey) family. 6861. (Nathaniel) family, 6860. (Thomas) family, 993, 995, 3400. Pope s campaign, 1862. 2, 3333, 3335. cavalry experiences. 6595. Pope-day in America, 915, 923. Popes and America before and after Colum bus, 6670. Popham, Geo., 1681, 1747. letter to King James I December 13, 1607. 1701. Popham, Sir John, 1699. Popham and Gorges, colonial schemes, 1742. Popham celebration, 220. Popham colony, 1681, 1744. 1748. memorial volume, 1746. Popham, Fort, celebration, 1740. 1742. Popham s town of Fort St. George. 1703. Popp s journal, 1777-1783. 6082. Popular sovereignty, genesis of, 1539. Population, agricultural, in France, 811. Boston, 812. British and German growth, 811. calculations, 900. center, 814, 895. count of, in 1890. 810. estimating. 811. formula for prediction of, 808. French, 809. Michigan, decrease of rural, 4295. Mississippi, 1850-1860. 4351. movements, 895. in France, 808. in Prussia and France, 808. Paris, 810. pre-Malthusian doctrines of* 4841. Portuguese, in United States, 812. rate of natural increase of. 808. . statistics of, 800. United States, 1790-1870. 823. distribution of, 809. sex, nativity, color, 902. urban, 810, 902. See also Census. Porcher, F. A., 6630, 6633, 6640, 6656. Porlier, L. B., narrative of. 6937. Porlier. L. J., 6930&. Porritt. E., 11. Port Daniel, Canada, Church of St. Georges, ,7345. Port Huron, Mich, reminiscences, 4280. early history, 4281. Port Richmond, N. Y.. records of Reformed Dutch Church, 1696-1721. 5051. Port Royal. Canada, monks, 7348. Port Royal, Jamaica, earthquake, 1692. 3377. Port Royal, S. C., genealogical extracts, 3374. Port Royal, discovery, 1666. 6634. Port Sheldon, Mich., history, 4280. Portage, Canada, Church of Notre Dame, 7346. Portage, N. Y., 4923. Porter, A., autobiography, 4776. letters, 1797-1818. 4776. Porter, A. S., 2089, 7392. Porter, C. H., 3337. Porter, David, ancestry of, 3388. Porter, Dwight, 807. Porter, E. G., 197, 201, 205, 302, 370, 409, 2133, 2135, 2137, 2150, 2156, 2591, 2788, 2792, 2794, 2797, 2799, 2801, 2802, 2971, 3065, 3066, 3117, 3126, 3158, 3187, 3213, 3214, 3412. Porter, G. C., 6672. Porter, G. L., 1150. Porter, G. W., 2592. Porter, Isaac F., 2602. Porter, Jacob, 2636, 2638. Porter. Jeremiah, 1373, 4256. Porter, Rer. John, 3377. | Porter, J. A., 1815. Porter, J. D., 6672. Porter, J. W., 1712, 3388, 3407, 3408, 3411, 3412, 3887o. Porter, N., 3388, 4977. Porter, P. A., 4777. Porter, R. P., 808. Porter. R. W., 574. Porter, S., commission, 1702. 2139. Porter, T. C., 6356, 6357. Porter, V. M., 4380. Porter, W. A., 6060. Porter, \V. S., 1103, 3361. Porter, W. T., 809, 810. Porter family, 3367. Porter-Poor duel, 2788, 2987. Porterfield, Charles, journal, 1776. 1286. Portier, Mgr., trip to St. Augustine, 929. Portland, Me., ancient defenses, 1713. banks, 1710. Baxter Building, 1781. burning of, 1775. 1753, 3385. coins found there in 1849. 1702. Columbus day, celebration October 20, 1892. 17830. Cumberland County, Me., buildings in, 1715. first church in Falmouth, records, 1692. first parish church, 1712. history from first settlement, 1697. inscriptions from old burying ground, 3366. Monument square, land titles in, 1709. records, 3372. Portland privateers in war of 1812. 1712. See also Falmouth, Me. Portland debt to memory of Longfellow, 1708. Portland, Ohio, history, 7408. vanished settlement, colored people, 7418. Portneuf, Philippe-Rene de, 7347. Porto Rico, 900. census, 1900. 576, 901. climate and resources, 578. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1245 Porto Rico, military and naval operations against, 1595-1762. 3339. topography, 576. United States Signal Corps in, 901. Portraits, 256. bronze, 653. Colburn collection, 2101. early, 2779. in American Antiquarian Society. 256. in Wisconsin Historical Society, 6994. index to American, 6081. Portraits and busts in Brown University, 3645. in collections at Worcester, Mass.. 3388, 3562. Portsmouth, N. H., bill of mortality, 1801- 1803. 2627. burying ground, inscriptions, 3368. death record, 3373. genealogical records, 4442, 4443. inhabitants, 1711. 3409. journey to, 1754. 2947. land grants, 1653-1656. 4443. marriages, 1752-1760. 614. early papers, 3396. playhouse, 1762. 4450. Point of Graves cemetery, inscriptions, j 4442, 4443. Queen s chapel, 3383. religious societies of, to 1805. 2628. early. 2694. early settlers, 3367. Strawberry bank land grants and deeds, 4442. town officers, 1652-1849. 4443. vessels of war built at, 3380. vital statistics, 1706-1742. 3381-3385. See also Fort William and Mary. Portuguese explorations on northeast coast of America, 7315. Posey, H., letter, 1833. 5591. Post, Asa, 5046. Post-office in Boston and New England, history of, 2645. colonial, 4543. history, 6470, 6580. England, 530. New England, 2645. reforms in Victorian era, 7326. United States, 530. Washington, D. C., history, 1795-1903. 1273. See also U. S. postal service. Post road, old, between Burlington and Perth Amboy, 6065. Post roads, early, in eastern Pennsylva nia, 6174. Postal service, early, California, 1015. Canada, 1787-1812. 7347. development, 5627. Los Angeles, Cal., 1018. Pestle graveyard, Rome, Ohio, 5749. Posy rings, 7395. Pot hole, interesting find, 4908. Pot holes in Wyoming coal fields, 6424. Pote, W., jr., 7252. Pote family, 3398. Potenummecut Indians, account of, 1762 2628. Potomac, Army of, cavalry, 6595. operations, 1864. 3337. Potomac Company, 1999. Potomac River, pollution. 898. Potomack, observations on, in 1793. 1271. Pott family. 6139. Pottawatomie massacre, 1582. Pottawatomies, 1356, 1357, 4266. Pottawattamie County, Iowa, 1506-1509 Potter, A. K., 6585. Potter, C. E.. 1700, 3381. Potter, E., 2628. Potter, E. R., 6504. Potter, E. R.. jr., 6484. Potter, J., 3413. Potter, J. II., 4428. Potter, R. M., 6682. Potter, W. E., 4552. Potter, W. II.. 6492. Potter family. 3412, 3958. records, 1695-1704. 3376. Potter Creek cave, exploration, 1095. Pottery, aboriginal,, of eastern United States, 580. the Wyoming Valley. 6428. antique, in Florida, 5148. Indian, 6420c. prehistoric, Mississippi Valley, 6962, 7013. Potts, Jonathan, 6057. Potts, Joshua, journal, 5598. Potts. R. T., letter of, 5916. Potts. W. J.. 761, 3386, 3404, 3821, 5018- 5020, 5039. 6059, 6063. 6066-6069. Pottsgrove, Pa., Continental Army at camp, 7422. Pottstown, Pa., history. 7422. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., poll list, 1783. 5017. Poulson, Zachariah, jr., letter, 1793. 6069. Poulton. J. P. C.. 1501. Pound, Mrs. S. B., 4409. Pound, Thomas, deposition, 1689. 3403. Poutrincourt, J. de B., en Acadie, 7309. Poverty, 811. causes of, 809, 810. death rate, 815. statistical determination of causes of, 807. statistics, 811. Powder, manufacture in America, 2783. Powderhorns, inscribed, 3408. Powder River Indian expedition, 1865. 4406. Powel-Roberts correspondence, 1761-1765. 6074. Powell, C., journal, 1796-1801. 6860, 6861. Powell, E. P.. 5436, 5439. Powell, J. W., 552, 906. Powell, L.. letters to his wife, 6780. Powell, L., letters, 1775-1829. 6781, 6782. letters relating to election of 1800. 6780. Powell, Samuel, marriage certificate, 1700. 6068, 6069. Powell, T. R, 1703. Powell, W. B., 895, 6853. 1246 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Powell, Mrs. W. D., letters, 1807-1821. Powell family, 1703, 6063. Power, J. C., 1429. Power, L. G., 7281. Power, N., will for, 1667. 6483. Power, Sarah A. H., 1429. Powers, J. L., 4346. rowers, K. N. B., 5799. Powers, L. G.. 811. Powers, Lillian P., 2184. Powers, W. II., 2574. Powhatan Swamp, James City County, Va., bridge over, 1670. 6860. Pownall, Qov. Thomas, 1702, 2130, 6074. administration, New Jersey, 4601. letter of, 2785. letter to Sir W. Pepperell, 4451. letters, 1769-1784. 2774. reasons tor declining government of Pennsylvania, 1758. 6069. voyage from Boston to Penobscot River, 1759. 1701. Poyer, T., 5034. Poythress family, 6831. Prairie chicken, 7148A-. Prairie du Chien, Wis., annals, 6954. documents, 1814-15. 6931. early days, 6929. events at, prior to American occupation, 6935. Fort McKay, capture, 6933. French fort at, 6932, 6989. in 1811. 6933. in 1827. 6933. last days of the British at, 6935. latitude and longitude of, 6928. siege, capture, and occupation, 1814-15. 6935. Prairie du Rocher, 111., church records, 1743-1745. 1424. inhabitants, 1783. 1383. militia, 1790. 1383. Prairie fires, 7148m. Prairie slough, old, 1517. Prall, W., 4292. Pratt, A. F., 6925, 6939. Pratt, C. B., 270. Pratt, C. E., 4977. Pratt, D. J., 4688, 4701. Pratt, E. F., 3684. Pratt, F. S., 2200. Pratt, F. W., 7480. Pratt. G. W., 5549. Pratt, II. A., 4098. Pratt, John, apology of, 2635. Pratt, L, E., 5799. Pratt, P., 2652, 2757. Pratt, S. B., 3686. Pratt family, 3404. 4763. Pray, E., 4278-4280. Pray, G. B., 1520. Pray, J., company muster roll, 1718. 3412. Pray, L. G., 3683. Prayer book, an early American, 6079. Prayers for the dead, 777. Prayers, use of, at funerals in Massachu setts, 2795. Pre-Aryan American man, 7308. Preble, A., Capt., company, 1703. 1707. Preble, Edward, 2249. Preble, G. H., 2313, 2789, 2791, 3380-3387, " 3389, 3394, 3571, 3596, 3601, 3625, 3639, 3648, 3714. Preble, Jedediah, letters to J. Waite, 1776- 77. 3371. Preble, John, letter, 1780. 3388. Preble family, 3382, 3559. (Abraham) family, 3380. Preble massacre at the Kennebec, 1717. Precious stones, 904. Pre-Columbian voyages, 895. Prehistoric America, 5763. Prehistoric copper implements, 69306. Prehistoric implements, 6976. Prehistoric man, 231, 678, 4310. in British Columbia, 7320. in Massachusetts, 678. Prehistoric Pompeii, 6295. Prehistoric races, 1520. in Texas, 6679. Prehistoric remains, found on Easter Island, 6282. in Ribbesdale caves, England, 6280. in St. Francis Valley, 7013. published accounts, 4348. Prehistoric Wisconsin, 6930o. Prence. See Prince. Prendergast, H., 611. Prentis, N. L., 1580. Prentiss, W. A., 6900. Presbyterian and Reformed Church history, bibliography, 6382a, 6384. Presbyterian Church in America, biograph ical sketches of early ministers, 6375. history, origin to 1760. 6375. Norriton, Pa., 5959. Presbyterian Church in the United States, characteristics, 6381. directory for the public worship, 6383. history of, 789. united synod of, 779. when was first presbytery organized? 6382o. Presbyterian Church South, history of, 794. Presbyterian churches, early history, 6382, 6382o, 6383. Socinian apostacy of the English, 6373. Presbyterian congregation of New York, first, 6381. Presbyterian emigration into South Caro lina, early, 6374. Presbyterian General Assembly. 1802. 6381. Presbyterian theological students, educa tion of, 6382. Presbyterianism, its true place and value in history, 6371. in Arkansas, 6383. in Iowa. 1511. in Maryland, 772, 1821. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1247 Presbyterianlsm, in New England, 1702. relation to Revolutionary sentiment, New York. 5556. Presbyterians, attempted union with Dutch and German Reformed, 6384. in Ohio, 5715. Prescott, B., baptisms by, 2245, 2246. Prescott, B. F., 3386, 3392, 3395, 3401, 3407, 3631, 4456. Prescott, C. I)., 5468. Prescott, Oliver, letter. 1778. 2774. letter relating to Shays s Rebellion, 2794. Prescott, William, 2783, 3381, 3384, 3385, 4452, 4471. Prescott, W. II., 2648, 2739. letter of, 2782. Prescott County, Wis., 6927. President, appointing power, 1. President, /S ee also Executive. " President Washington," East India ship, 6585. Presidential campaign of 1856. 1579. Presidential elections in United States, 7184. Presqu Isle. Canada, 7300. Press, German-American, 6967. Press censorship in Massachusetts, 2798. Preston, E. I).. 900. 901. Preston, John, diary, 1744-1760. 3414. extracts, 2250. Preston. .1. T. L., 3393, 3708o. Preston, J. W., 3683. Preston, R. I.. 1523. Preston, S., journal, 1787. 6078. Preston family, 3372. Preston, Conn., church records, 17741801. 3403. marriages, 3413. separate church, 1201. " Preston," ship, in Boston Harbor, 1775. 2774. Presumpscot, story of, 1711. Prevey, C. E., 812. " Previous legislation," a corrective for colonial troubles, 2138, 2152. Prevoost family, 5021. Provost, Gen. A., journal, siege of Savan nah, 1779. 1281. Prevost family (America). 5028. Price, Eliphalet, 1498, 1500-1503, 1505, 1506, 1522. Price, Ezekiel, diary of, 1775-76, 2776. diary in an almanac, 1778. 3377. Price, E. A.. 1240. Price, Eli K.. 717, 6041. 6251, 6260, 62!),s. silver medal presented to, 6307. Price. II., 1499, 1513. Price, James, 6381. I rice. John, 2262, 2263, 2265, 2484. Price, J. C., 1581. Price, Margaret L., 6894. Price, O. W., 904. Price, Richard, letters. 1767-1790. 2807, 3283. letter to President Stiles, 1783, 3387. Trice, Sterling, 1506. Price, Sterling, campaign against, 1509. Price, S. A., 5899. Price, S. W., 1626. Price, W. T., 6890-689:;. Price family, 3369, 6066, 6894. Price raid, 1582. Price s view of Boston, 2787, 2788, 2791. Prices, during American Revolution, 6855. 1832-60. 7425. Fleming, W., price lists, 1787-89. 6829. Food budget, 811, 813. German movement, 814. Gerrish. J., account book, 1686-87. 3394. index numbers. 811. 815. Massachusetts, limitations, 1776-79. 2167. McLean County, 111., 1832-1860. 7425. retail, in Boston, 808. in Salem market, 1775. 2241. in United States, 809. petition against forestalling in Philadel phia. Pa., 1778. 6081. staple commodities, 1745. 3386. statistics, 809. Whipple, J., account books, 1725-38. 2243. Prichett family, 6074. Prickett family, 6074. Priest, F. B., 2602. Priest (Degory) family, 5043. Priest s Ford, Md., Catholic chapel, 916, 1811. Priests, Savoyard, sent to Canada, 1781. 7349. Priestley, Joseph, letters. 1798-1800. 2793. Primaries, direct, 4300. Minnesota, 4300. Kent County, Mich., 4300. Primary election law, Mississippi, 4351. New York. 4300. Bronson, Ohio, 4300. Wisconsin, 4300. Primary election laws, 4300. Primary elections, 4299. Primary system, Chicago, 4300. Prime, R. E., 4865. Prime, S. L. 4552, 4627. Prime family, 5032. Primm, W., 4378. rimrose. W.. 6076. Prince. E. M.. 1426-1428, 7425. rince, G., 1702, 2850. Prince, John. 2248. rince, L. B., 657, 665. Prince, Thomas, 2620, 2635, 2709. correspondence with Charles Chauncy, 2650. letter, 1736. 2774. letter concerning father s estate, 1738. 3392. letter to N. Clap, 1727-28. 3372. letters to, extracts. 1110. Prince, fjor. Thomas, letter to. from His Majesty s commissioners, 1664. 2623. letter to, 1671. 2623. 1248 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Prince, W. F., 16, 17. Prince family, 2253, 2265, 2501, 3364, 3437. Prince Edward County, Canada, early set tlement. 7381. Prince Edward County, Va., marriage bonds, 1780-1850. (5859. " Prince George," brig, log, 1757. 6085. Prince George County, Va., records, 6828. topography, 1793. 2621. Prince George Creek (N. C.), plantation, 3410. Prince library, account of, 2635, 2773. " I rince of Orange." province Snow, 209, 465. Prince s subscribers, memoirs of, 3364- 3369, 3371, 3373-3378, 3381, 3385, 3400, 3410, 3907. Prince s New England, 2635. Princess Anne County, Va., families of, 6830. marriage licenses, 1765-60. 6850. records, 6826, 6850. slave owners, 6850, 6851. Princeton, battle of, 1777. 4543, 6064, 6066, 6076. Princeton College, alumni who have held official positions, 3401. 3799o. alumni in official positions, 3817o. Log college at Neshaminy, 6381. valedictory address, September 24, 1 873. 4558. Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, X. .T.. 5908. Princeton University, 6381. debt to William and Mary College, 6856. Virginia graduates, 1749-1782. 6854. Principio Company, Maryland, 6067. Prine, L. B., 4679. Pring and Gosnold, Voyages to America, 1602-3. 3390. tercentenary, 1796b. Pring family. 3399. Printed records, national, preservation, 814. Printers, early, Lancaster County, Pa., 6167/ Mexican, early, 3229. Printing, America, 7222. bicentennial anniversary of introduction of, 6066. Cleveland, 5625, 5627. Cuyahoga County, 5625. early, in middle colonies, 6066. history of, 120, 240, 6763. in New England, early history, 1197, 2801, 3211. early, in Philadelphia, 6060. early, in Virginia, 3384. profession of, in American colonies. 2806. Printing press, introduction into New York, 5373. pioneer, on Pacific coast, 5821. Prints, Gov. Johan, correspondence with GOT. .T. Winthrop, 6064. report on New Sweden, 1647. 6063. Prioleau family, 4893, 6617. Prioli family, 4896. Priolo family, 4893. Prison life incidents, 1862. 1503. Prison ships, 3390. Prison statistics, 807. Prisoners, Revolutionary, journal of a Yan kee privateersman in prison, 1777- 1779. 3388. statistics of, in 1890. 809. tiee also American Revolution, Prisons. Prisoners of war, British and American. 1778. 6073. reminiscences, 6595, 6597. Prisoners redeemed and left in Canada, 1695. 3382. Pritchett, H. S., 808. Priuli family, 4893. Privateer " Gen. Stark," 1780. 3373. " Gen. Sullivan," 3381. " The Vengeance," 41. Privateering, abolition of, 4825. See also Declaration of Paris. Privateers, a captain s commission in the Revolution, 2260. Fairbanks, J., journal on " Wasp," 1782. 1712. instructions to commanders. 1776. 4451. Portland, in War of 1812. 1712. Revolutionary, of Connecticut, 1198. Rhode Island, 6552. See also Salem, vessels. Privateersman in the Revolution, narrative of Capt. Philip Besom, 2774. Proclamation money, 4427. Proctor, E. D., 4455. Proctor, Col. II.. letters to, 1812. 1519. Proctor, J., 7422. Proctor, J. W., 3682. Proctor, L. B.. 4914, 4929. Proctor, W., letters, 1739-40. 6834. Proctor family, 3896o. Production, cost of, 808. Profit sharing, 807, 4694. Progress, social, 815. Prohibition, 885. Propagation de la Foi, Annales, 929. Proper, E. E., 4829. Property relations, legal, of married per sons, 4830. Proprietary province, the, 35, 36. Prosch. T. W., 5801. Prosperity, industrial, 4293. Prosser, E. S., 4741. Prosser, W. F., 6869. Prostitution in Cuba, 814. Protection in England, 1778. 6069. Protestant dissenters, struggle of, in Vir ginia. 1825. Protestant Episcopal Church, history of, 790. in Berkshire County, Mass., history, 2045, 2047. in Maine, 1702. United States, state of, 1830-1840. 5517. Proud, Robert, autobiography, 6069. letter, 1778. 6085. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1249 Proud, Robert, poems, 5967. roudfit family, 5044. Pi-out (Timothy) family, 3942. routy, E. A., 4295. Prouty, S. S., 1577. Providence, R. I., ancient highways, 6533. annals, 1636-1832. 6486. Athenaeum, portraits and busts of, 3387, 3645. beginnings of insurance, 6582. Benefit street, in 1798. 6587. burning of, in 1676. 6530. commemorations of July 4, 6520. early commercial firms, 6585. early history, 6488. defense in 1814. 6582. finances and administration, 1866. forge, 6853. fortifications, 6562. gale of 1815. 6498, 6581. Greene Street School, 6585. high school, teachers and students who served in the rebellion, 7482o. history of, 2637. Indian deed, 1708. 6583. John Carter Brown library, 2788. Marine society, 6520. Military club, 1774. 6582. militiamen, 1687. 6586. monuments in public squares, 6582. new theater, 1795. 6585. portraits in city hall, 6582. proprietors and freeholders. 6490, 6582, 6583. " Providence Gazette," 1518. 6584. Providence theater, old, 6585. riots, 1832. 6585. schools, old, 6607. stage, 6516. taverns, old, 6608. tax list, 1679. 6580. town meetings, 6520, 6523. town records, seventeenth century, 6528. vessels of port of. 1791. 6585. " What cheer," 6585. Providence Plantations, charter, 1643. 6483. early theater, 6585. map, 1636-1700. 6491. place names, 6491, 6594. Providence River, first bridge across, at Weybosset, 6582. Providence Township, Pa., settlement. 61S1. Provident institutions, 809. " Province," the title, as applied to Massa chusetts, 2791. Province Snow, " Prince of Orange," 209. 465. Provincetown, Mass., births, marriages, and deaths, 3366. description of, 2626. Provincial banks, 2145. Provincial words Killick. road, 2246. Provoost family, 5040. 5058. Provost jail, prisoners in. 1778. 5039. Prowell, G. R., 6151. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 79 Prude, J. O., 942. Prudhomme, A., will, 1695. 6617, 6622. Prud homme, L. A., 7329. Prugh, J. H., 6381. Prussia, census of, 808. Prussia, Hanover and, 1795-1803. 4835. Prussia campaign. 1758. 36. Pruyn, J. V. L., 3411, 5034-5039, 5044-5046. Pruyn, J. V. L., jr.. 5028-5030, 5032, 5062. Pruyn family (American branch). 5028- 5030, 5032, 5036, 5037. 5042, 5044. Pryer, C., 657, 662, 664, 4812. notebook, 657. Pryor, N., 1513. Pryor family, 6831. Psalmodies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, 2133. Psychology, college text-books. 204. Public domain, surveys, 4279. Public lands, Virginia, 1625. 6851. Public lands and agrarian laws of the Roman Republic, 1822. See also Lands. Public money, United States methods of keeping, 4295. ublic morals, legal regulation, 5569. ublic records, indexing, 3392. udeator, Ann, prosecution for witchcraft, 1692. 2243. ueblo, passing of the old, 1019. ueblo archives, 1015. ueblo Indians, 5854. ueblo ruins, Kansas, 1580. Puffer, W. N., 5024. Puffer family, 3380, 3713. Puget Sound, pioneer papers of, 5800. pioneer vessels, 6869. roughing it on, early sixties, 6869. survey of, 6870. Puget Sound naval station, establishment of, 6870. Puisaye, Comte de. list of royal com panions of, 7347. 1 ullen, C., 563. Pulsifer, B., jr., 3368. Pulsifer, D., 3361-3365. Pumham, submission to Massachusetts, 6483. Pumpelly, J. C., 4554. 4555, 4640, 5037- 5040, 5042, 5049. Pumpelly family, 5042. Punishments, ignominious. 2O8. 410. 441. Purchase, Thomas, patent of lands in Maine, 1687-88. 3371. Purefoy, J. S.. 5589. Purgatory River of Colorado. 2138. Purifoy, F. M.. 946, 967. Purifoy (John), descendants. 946, 967. Purington, C. W., 577. Puritan army, 1647. 211, 499. Puritan colony in Maryland, 1816. Puritan influence in Wisconsin, 6967. 7084. Puritan road, 2200. Puritans, alleged facts as to. 2800. Amsterdam, 1597-1625. 3090. 1250 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Puritans, characteristics of, 8. character of, 7259. history of, 2243. early homes of, 2271. 2579. early marriages, 5041. Massachusetts Bay, 4203. New England, characteristics, 8. political ideas of, 7. politics in England and New England, 2867. See also Mass. Colony and Province. Purple, E. R., 5019, 5021-5025, 5058. Purple. S. S., 4880, 5019, 5027, 5039, 5054, 5055, 5068. Purviance, R., 1883. Pusey, P., 1229, 1246, 1256. Putnam, A. P., 4159. Putnam, I)., letter on battle of Bunker Hill, 1109. Putnam, Eben, 2265, 2267, 2269, 2501. 2505, 2514, 3686. Putnam. F. W., 197, 199, 201, 202, 209, 305. 308, 334, 367, 468, 2293, 2326- 2328, 2371, 2399, 2452, 2466, 5713. 5778, 7451. Putnam, G. R., 898, 904. Putnam, Herbert, 22, 4812. Putnam. I., anecdotes from the " Universal Magazine," 1199. Putnam, ,T. J., 4210. Putnam, J. O., 4755, 4773, 4795. memorial -meeting, 4775. Putnam, Mary L., 3685. Putnam, Rufus, 1698, 4203. in Northwest, 207. map of Worcester County, 1785. 2798. Putnam, Ruth, 17, 4812. Putnam family. 4203: Putnam, Ohio, Presbyterian Church, mar riages, 1841-1898. 5746. Pynchon, John, letter, 1695. 33(57. Pynchon, William, death of, 2780. Pynchon family, 3871. Quabache, 1453. Quackenbos family, 5039, 5040. Quackenbush, J. W., 5022. Quaker, The, a drama, 6085. Quaker ambassador and Indians, 1804. 4775. Quaker exiles, 6181. Quaker persecutions in Dedham, Mass.. 2198. Quaker records, Virginia, 1763. 1286, 1287. Quakerism in Nantucket, 3342. Quakers. 2133, 2137. council order regarding, 6859. during the Revolution, 5880. examination by Court of assistants, Bos ton, 1656. 3359. petition to George III, March, 1775. 6065. petition to National Assembly of France, 1791. 3392. proceedings of the Mass. Government with regard to, 1662. 2629. Southern, and slavery, 1856. Quakers in Canada, visit, 1797. 4775. in Dartmouth, Mass., 4048, 4052. in Detroit, 1793. 4269. in Iowa, 1516. in Lynn, Mass., 1703. 3360. in Maryland, 1914. in New Hampshire, 1665. 4446. in Nova Scotia, 7254. in Pennsylvania, 1823. Welsh emigration, 6073. in provincial wars, attitude of, 6066. Vee also Friends. Quakers petition, 1738. 6864. Qualifications, legal, for office, 1019-1899. 17. Quantrill, early life in Kansas, 1581. Quantrill and the Morgan-Walker tragedy, 1582. Quantrill massacre, 1580. Quarrier & Hunter, carriage builders. 1780 1789. 6083. Quarries, Minnesota, 4329. Quarry, Col. Robt., information against government of Pennsylvania, 5969. memorial to the Lords Commissioners, 1703. 2645. report in 1708. 2794. Quarryville, Pa., The Ark, famous last cen tury mansion, 6166. Quartz workers, Minnesota, 4329. " Quatre Lettres d un Bourgeois de New- Haven." authorship of, 1161. Quebec, in 1608. 7200, 7204. in 1749-1759. 7186. in 1837-38. 7323. arms of lieutenant-governors (Armes des lieutenants-gouverneurs -de ... Quebec), 7345. Canadian-French militia, 1775. 7350. cathedral, 7347. channel to Montreal, 7346. chateau Haldimand ou Vieux chateau, 7191. chateau St. Louis, 7191, 7347. chatellenie de Coulonge, 7349. coleoptera and diptera, 7177. country in vicinity of, 7174. diocese, in seventeenth century, 914. ecclesiastical retreats. 1841-1901. 7347. Ecole elementaire franchise due Protono- taire Perrault, 1821. 7347. education in seventeenth century, 7198. I/Eglise paroissiale, 1644-1771. 7191. English cathedral of, 7192. expedition to, 1690. 3279. Dorchester soldiers in, 3374. Phipp s narrative, 2805. Fire Society (La Societe du feu tie Que"- bec), 7346. founding of, 4215. French priests imprisoned, 1801. 7348. last decade of French rule, 1749-1759. 7313. governors and administrators, 1763- 1867. 7347. harbor of, 7176. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1251 Quebec, history, 1620-1631*. 7345. Indians of, 7347. Library of Parliament, 1792-1892. 7327. literature of, 1764-1830. 7322. light-houses, 7196. Lieutenant-governors of, 7347. liste des offlciers, etc., de la marine, 1722. 7350. meteorology, 7174. old council of (L Ancien Conseil de), 7345. plan of relief, 1806-1810. 7222. port of, French war vessels in, since 1760. 7347. post-office (Le bureau de poste). 7345. relation de ce. qui s est passe & 1 occa- sion de la naissance de le Dau phin, 1730. 7324. St. Jean-Baptiste de, 7347. shells, 7172. sheriffs, 1779-1901. 7347. springs, temperature of, 7174. theater, 1694. 7323. titular priests (cures en titre), 7347a. two graves, 5036. vaccination in. 1809. 7346. vessels arrived in. 1793. 7209. views, German prints, 2799, 3161. water power, 7175. Quebec, province of, 1787. 2624. and American Revolution. 7114. Bibl. Inventaire chronol. des livres, jour- naux et revues, publics de 1764 & 1904. 7329, 7329o. ethnographic des elements ... la population, 7317. L evolution economique de, 7326. la frontiere nord, 7310. L instruction publique en, 7325. municipal institutions in. 7371-7372. le province et la langue frangaise, 7309. Quebec campaign, 1759. capture of, 1759, journal, 72O5. military operations at, 1759-00. 7180b. monument to Wolfe and Montcalm, sub scribers to (souscripteurs pour 1 erection du monument . . .), 7347. siege of, 1758. 7278. siege of, 1759. 7204-7207. 7328. sioge of, 1760. 7346. See also Plains of Abraham. surrender of, 1759. 1981, 7204. expedition to, via the Penobscot liiver, 1710, original narrative of, 2774. assault on, 1775. 6070. Quebec expedition. 1775. assault of Montgomery and Arnold, 1775. 7324. blockade of, 1775. 56, 7210, 7211. campaign, 1776. 6066. diary of weather, 177(5. 7194.- 7219. expedition, 1775. 2792, 3034,3364,3439, 4439, 472(5. Arnold s 1775. 3033, 5905, 5995, 5997. journal of, 1775. 38, 1697, 7207. Quebec Continued. expedition, journal of Lieut.-Cul. Vose, April-July, 1776. 2165. occurrences in, 177576. 5252. prisoner of war, diary, 1776. 6833. siege and blockade, 1775-76. 7181, 7182. siege and capture, 1775-76. 7181, 7182. siege of, 1775. 7212. siege of, 1775-76. Centenary celebra tion, 7184. See also Canada, campaign ; expedi tion to ; invasion of. Quebec act, The, 11. Quebec bill, 5097. Virginia and the, 34. Quebec Literary and Historical Society, an nals, 7310. Quebec observatory, latitude of, 7177. Quebec seminary, 7198. Queenston Heights, battle of, 7226, 7246, 7263, 7301, 7384. " Quero," cruise of, 2274, 2528. Querus, 4213. Quesnay de Beaurepaire s Academy, 6817, 6822, 6835. Queylus, de, voyage, en 1644. 7321. Quincy, D., marriage record. 2796. Quincy, Edmund, 2783. 2903. letter, 2138. letter to Dolly Quincy, 1775. 3369. letter to daughter, 1776. 3371. letters to John Hancock and tydia Hancock. 1776. 2773. letter to J. Hancock, 1778. 3372. letter, 1781. 3369. letter, 1783. 3373. Quincy, Eliza S., 2781, 2786, 2789, 3396, 6059. Quincy, Josiah. 2647, 2733, 2760, 2773, 2787, 34(52. diary of, 2773. diary of a journey, 1801. 2794. election to Harvard University, 3407. letter, 1775. 2776. portrait of, 2772. Quincy, J. P., 2788, 2791, 279S. L 80O. 2802, 2804. 2805. 2S08, 3017,3142,3191, 3255, 3257, 32S4, 33OO. Quincy, M. P., 3413, 3947". Quincy, Samuel, diary, 177C>. 2788. Quincy, S. M., 3333, 3335. Quincy family, 3369, 3370. 3452. letters, 1777-78. 3393. Quincy, Mass., burying ground, inscriptions. 3370. field day. 19O2. 4214. First Congregational Society, Church, 1 732. 3376. graveyard inscriptions, 3367. old church, 350S. Quiner, E. B.. 6927. Quinu, M. F.. autobiography, 7525. Quinnehtuk River, 4O98. Quinney, J. W., 6928. Quinnipiack Indians, 1161. 1252 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Quinquennial age groups, 813. Quint, A. H., 2787, 2917, 3362-3367, 3391, 3392, 3408. Quintard, J. T., 4892. Quinte Bay, discovery and exploration, 7300. Switzers of, 7301. Quintus, J. C., 4774. Quiripi Indians, language, 1121. Quirk s Scouts, roll, C. S. A., January, 1863. 1642. Quisenberry, A. C., 1630. Quittapahilla, mills of, 6217. Quivara, the real, 1580. Quivira, from, to Kansas, 1581. Quivey, A. M., 4394. " Quo Warranto," 1635. 3396. Rabbis, earliest, and Jewish writers of America, 626. Habida, Spain, 197. Kabot, Charles, 903, 7474. Raccoon and Penn s Neck, Swedish mission, j 4537. Race, II., 4553, 4555, 4629, 4639, 4643. | 6066, 6068. Races, assimilation of, 809. history and development of, 6949. relations between lower and higher, 3292. Fee also Ethnology. Racine, Wis., early days, 6909. latitude and longitude of, 6928. Racine County, Wis., archaeology of, 7126. towns of, settlement, 6908o. Rackemann, C. S., 2135, 2137, 7395. Racoon River Agency in 1844. 1517. Radcliffe, G. L. P., 1831. Radcliffe family, 3408. Radcliffe, Ann, pedigree, 2133. Raddatz, C. F., 2027. Rader, P. S., 4383. Radisson, P. E., 34. Chouart and, 7318, 7319. in the Northwest, 1661-1663. 7329. in Wisconsin, 6933. journal, 7024. value of, 6964. voyages, 4118. voyages, 1652-1684. 6657. Radisson and Groseilliers, voyages of, 6911. Rae, A. S., 4212. Rae, John, 567, 7148a. Rafferty, Patrick, reminiscences, 5850. Rafn, C. C., 518, 545, 2829, 3365, 4112, 4540., Raft, journeying by, 5646. Railway, N. J., tombstone inscriptions, 5051. Rah way and Plainfield, N. J., Friends So ciety, monthly meeting, records, 1687-1825. 5023, 5024, 5025, 5026. Railroad, Minnesota, tirst in, 4312. Congressional grants of lands, 7117. the most northern, 579. Newfoundland, 7391. Railroad, Texas, first, 6685. Railroad accidents, 815. Railroad appraisal, Michigan, 4295. Railroad competition, 811. Railroad development of northern Wiscon sin, 6967, 7079. Railroad expenditure, labor element, 814. Railroad grading among Indians, 1582. Railroad legislation, in Illinois, since 1870. 1437. in Wisconsin, history, 6936, 7070. Railroad over Allegheny Mountains, first, 6058. Railroad rates. 812. Railroad reminiscences, 1713. Railroad service, comparative statistics, 812. Railroad statistics, 811. Railroad war, 1877, in Pennsylvania, 6141. Railroading in Chester County, Pa., history, 5878. Railroads, construction, 901. early western explorers and, 7391. in Illinois, early. 1387. in Michigan, history of, 4274. early history, 4283. in Missouri, early history, 4383. in Rhode Island, Hope furnaces, 1st steam engine, 6582. in United States, commercial value, 7474. Rocky Mountain, 561. safety appliances, 1517. statistics of, 807, 809, 893, 897. uniform statistics of, 807. valuation, 815. Railway, Trans-Canada, 7197. Railways, street, 811. Rain and rainmakers, 1022. Rain gauges, Los Angeles, 1005. Rain, hail, and snow, 1004. Rainborowe family, 3766. Raines, C. W., 6679, 6680, 6684. Rainfall for 41 years, 4906. Rainfall types, 895. Rainmaking, 1022. Rainsford, C., 5252. Raisin River, battle, monument, 1644a, 1645. Rale, Father Sebastian, 1705. S ee also Rasles, Father. Raleigh, Mir W., confession and wxecution, 2888. and his colony, 4117. speech on the scaffold, 2782. Raleigh s colony, 119. Raleigh s colony, site of, 12. Raleigh s lost colony, 6892. Raleigh s new fort, Virginia, 1585. 5568. Raleigh s voyage, 151. Raleigh Inlet, documents, 1789. 1288. Raleigh volume of drawings, 2789. " Raleigh," frigate, 4443. 4444. Raleigh, N. C., Baptist Church, 5589. Rail, commanding the Hessians at Tren ton, 6078. Ralph, W. L., 5426. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR. INDEX. 1253 Rnlston, .T. G., 0819. Hamate, B. .T., 1813. 1864. 6670. Rarnezay. Sieur cle, 7204. Ramirez, Codex, notes from. 740. Rammelknmp, C. H., 28. R. imsay. I).. 2022. Kamsdell. E. .7.. 7470. Ramsdell. T. M.. 5827. Ramsey. A.. 4302, 4310. Ramsey, .T. G. M., 6660. letter, 1834. 6670. Ramsey Abbey, Boon services, 35. Ramsey County, Minn., history. 4305. Ranck, G. W., 1625, 1633. Rand. B., 7, 3400, 5036. Randall, D. R., 1816, 1819. Randall, E. O., 5648, 5713, 5720-5724 5740, 6891. Randall, F. E., 3400, 3401, 3792. Randall, S. S., 530. Randall family, 3366. Randolph, Edmund, 1034. Randolph, Edward, 4125. instructions to, 2645. letter, 1679. 2624. letters and " narrative " of, 2787. letters, 1684-85. 3388. Randolph, Sir John, letters, 6827. Randolph family, 6831, 6849, 6855, 6857. of Virginia, 6849. (Edward), family, 2782. (Henry), family, 6852. Randolph gathering at Tuckahoe. April, 1900. 2804. Randolph tablet, 6860. " Ranger," the, 3639. cruise of, 1 777-78, diary of Ezra Green, 3387. surgeon on board the, 3387. Ranier, Mount, height of, 899. Ranke, Leopold von, 3. bibliography, 13. Rankin, Cornelia W.. 4859. Rankin, .T. E., 777. 6746, 6749. Ranking, J., 572(5. Ranney, C. F., 6706. Ransom family, 6865. Ransome family, 6858. Rantoul. Robert, si:, 2475. Rantoul, R. S., 2244-2247, 2249, 2256- 2260, 2262, 2269-2271,2274,2275, 2278, 2280, 2390, 24O6. 2417. 2424, 2427, 2434, 2454. 2465, 2433, 2519, 2528, 2531, 2645, 4168. Rantoul family, 2454. Rantoul family and name, 2260. Rantoul genealogy, 2244. Raper, C. L., 28. Rappahannock County, Va., wills, abstracts, 1656-1677. 6829. Raritan King, seat of, 4540. Rasiere, I. de, letter, 1627. 51 5o. Rask, Erasmus, 2787. letter, 2957. Rasle s settlement at Norridgewock, 1712. Rasles, Father, mission of. 1710. Her ulna Rale. S. Rasles dictionary. 1712. Rastall. .1. E., 4417. " Ra th," the word, 2789. Rather, E. Z., 6(586. Rattermann, IT. A., 884-887. 507. Rattlesden, Suffolk County. England, colo nists from. 3415. Rattlesnake, Massasagua. 7175. Rattlesnake bite, remedy, 4683. Rattlesnake Hill trail in Dudley, 4145. Rau, R., 6223. Ranch, E. H., 6352. | Raudenbush iron ore mine, 5955. j Raven, J. J., 3399, 34O7, 3410, 3687, 3905. I Ravenel, D., 6618. Ravenel, W. C.. 6619. Ravenel family, 6617. Rawle, Anna, diary, 6072. Rawle, Francis, and Martha Turner, mar riage certificate, 1689. (5070. Rawle, W., 5966, 5969. 6079. Rawle, W. B., 6064. 6072. (5079. r.osi. Rawle, W. II., 6066. Rawle papers, letters from, 1791-1825 6079. Rawles, W. A., 4834. Rawlins family, 3368. Rawson, Abel, 5762. I Rawson, E., 4104. letter, 1675. 2624. letter, 1671-72. 2624. Rawson, G.. 2628. Rawson, W., Secretary, letter. 1665. 2635. letter, 1675. 2624. on trade of Massachusetts, 1665. 2(53(5. record of adjournment of General Court, 1686. error in. 2138. Rawson family, 3361. 3397. 4203. Ray, F. M., 2257, 2404. Ray township, Mich., history. 4279. Raymond, A. V. V.. 5411. Raymond, C. W., 547. Raymond, J. II., 5150. Raymond, J. L., 5036, 5042. Raymond, M. I)., 1152. 5O40. 5043, 5548. 7498. / Raymond. R. W.. 3687. Raymond, W. O.. 7252-7256, 7536. Rynham, Norfolk, England, records, 3410. Raynham, Mass.. first record book. 1735- 1757. 3409. marriages and baptisms, 1 782-1 79o. 3409. topography. 2621. records. 3411, 3413. Rea, Caleb, journal, Ticonderoga expedition, 1758. 2257, 2404. Reaburn, D. L., 9<>4. Read, C. F., 3416. Read, D. B., 7."><>7. Read, Eva, 7381. Read, F. 1).. 5639. Read, J., 2081. 1254 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Read, J. M.. 6065. Read, .7. M., jr., 1209, 1210, 1212. Read. M. O., 5713, 5778, 5786. Read, W., 2080. Read, W. .T., 1213. Read family, 3408. Reade, Edmand, will of, 1603. 277."). Reade, J., 3686, 7189, 7308-731 o. 7313. Reade (George) family, 6800. Reading, John, administration, 4508, 4601. Reading, Mass., settlers, 1640-1700. 3360. Reading, Pa., century of, 5942. early missions at, 6081. Episcopal Church, 6060. fifty years ago, 5947. inns, old, 5944. Society of Friends, 6067. Pres. Van Buren s visit to, 1839. 5940. Washington, G., funeral ceremonies in, 5936. . Reading, Harrisburg, etc., John Penn s jour nal, 1788. 6059. Readville, Mass., school, 2572. Reagan, J. H., 1286, 6679, 6681. letter, 1865. 1286. letter against trial of J. Davis, 1286. Realists and decadents, 7315. Rebok, II. M., 1515, 1524, " Receipts to cure various disorders," 1643. 2774, 2816. Recidivism, statistics, 813. Reclamation Service, United States, 7391. Reclus, E., 568. Recollections as source of history, 3348. Recollections of a Boston schoolboy, 2078. Reconstruction. Alabama, 6671. documents, 1288. Georgia, 4830: Mississippi, 4347, 4349-4351. Monroe County, 4351. Wilkinson County, 4351. negro suffrage and, 2808. Secession and, 5569. struggle between. Pres. Johnson and Con gress, 4825. Tennessee, 6671. Virginia, 1837. " Recopilacion de Indias," bibliography, 1004. Record, Robert, arithmetic of, 1630. 2199. Record publication, remarks on, 4209. Records, English county, 5745. parish, American, 5743. Roman Catholic, 5743. preservation of, 814, 5535. public, of Massachusetts, 809. /s fT also Archives. Recruiting, relation to population, 811. Red Bank, 4512. Red Banks, legend of, 6926. " Red Dog " money, 1517. Red Jacket, Indian, 4771, 4773. reinterment, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buf falo, N. Y., 4772. Red Lion Inn, Bensalem, Pa., 6068. Red Lion wharf, Boston, Mass., documents, 1691-1722. 3372. Red man, the term, 7395. Red River, 7148ft. fur trade, 1799-1801. 7149?>, 7149/. old settlers of, 7148/>. Red River expedition, 1518. of 1870. 7180c. Red River of the North, first settlement, 1812. 4308. opening, 4310. Red River settlement, 4307. causes of the rising in, 7148. early culture, 7152. history, 7149. social customs and amusements in early days, 7149m, 7103. - worthies of, 7149/. Red River Valley, geology of, 71486, 7149;.. 7149fc. settlement, etc., 4310. Silurian strata, 71487. Red Rose question. 6170. Red Wing, stone heaps, 4302. Redd, J., 1286, 6830, 6831. Reddington, L. W., 6713. Redemptioners, 2023, 5959, 6362. Redemptionists, United States, 916. Redington, A., 3685. Redington, Susan, 3389. Redsecker, J. II.. 6192, 6206, 7430, 7433, 7437. Redstone, V. B., 5743. Redway, J. W., 896. Redwood, W., letters to W. Ellery, 1773- 74. 6067. Redwood County, Minn., history, etc., 4311. Redwood forest, 900. Ree Indians, 6657. Reed, C. A., 4033a, 4034. Reed, G. B., 6741, 6761. . Reed, H., 5608. Reed, II. E., 5800. Reed, Jacob, monument to, 7422. Reed, James, 3685. Reed, Joseph, narrative, 5251. Trenton, 1776-77. 6064. Reed, J. W., 2243, 3380. Reed, M. I., 4098. Reed, S., orderly book. 1778. 4454. Reed, T. B., 5531. Reed, W. B., 5139, 5975, 5995, 6002. Reed, W. IL, 3383, 5960, 7422. Reeder, Got/-. Andrew II., 1577. administration, 1579. Reedy, W. M., 4388. Rees, D. S., 1581. Rees, W. H., 5810. Reese, M. B., 4414. Reeve, J. C., 5628. Reeves, E., letter books of, 6076, 6077. Reeves, J. B.. 6076. 6077. Reeves. Jesse S., 44, 1825. Reforesting since Glacial epoch, 4908. Reformation, the French, 38. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1255 Reformed Church in America, history and characteristics, 6881. early days. 5585. history of, 792. bibliography, 6382o, 6384. Reformed Church of the United States prior to 1800, bibliography, 63G3. Reformed Church in Pennsylvania, 6868. in United States, history and character istics, 6381. Reformed churches of Europe and America in relation to general church his tory, 6372. Reformed Dutch Church, magazine of, 6382. Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, history, 6381. Refugee tract, Ohio, 5724. Refugees from Boston in 1776. 2787. Regicides, the, sheltered in New England, 2868. Registration laws, colonial, 813. Registration report, Massachusetts, 50th and 58th, 809, 813. Rehoboth, Del., remains of aboriginal en campment at, 6312. Rehoboth, Mass., 3380. baptisms, 1694-1709. 3373. Goff Memorial Hall, 4148. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of, 1644-1894. 4149. Reichel, G. B., 7473. Reichel, G. V., 5045. Reichel, L. T., 6224. Reichel, W. C.. 5981, 6221-6223, 6233, 6357. Reichel family, 5045. Reichelt, G. T., 6223. Reid, Harvey, 1381. Reid, Hugo, 2451. Reid, J. D., 7480. Reid, M. C., 5766. Reilly, R. M., 6165, 6169. Reincke, A., 6222. Reinhardt, L., 6681. Reinsch, P. S., 1538, 7118. Reis, C., 1075. Reizenstein, M., 1828. Relics and antiquities, 945; Religion, Act concerning, of April 21, 1649. 1938. Religion, evolution in, United States, nine teenth century, 4280. Religion, in Massachusetts, state of, in 1647-48. 2627, 2628. liberalizing tendencies, 7484. Religions, statistics of, 809. Religious development in the province of North Carolina, 1828. Religious forces of United States, 784. Religious freedom. 928, 929. in 1843. 6861. Holland and, 77(5. in Virginia, 1880*;. progress of. 771. Religious liberty in Massachusetts, 777. Religious missions, 5151. Religious settlements, Bishop Hill colony, Henry County, 111., 1823. Religious tests in provincial Pennsylvania, (5065. Religious toleration in Virginia, 1825. Remick, O. 1 ., 3405. Remick family, 3405. 8S-I7H. ! Remley, Milton, 1514. Remsburg, G. J., 1582. ! Renaissance, 773. Italian, 776, 1855. Renault, E.. 7222. Renault, R., 7219, 7222. Renfrew County, Canada, early days, 7381. Renick, E. I., 1282, 1283, 1294. Renick family, 6834. in Virginia, 1283. Renner, F., 4417. Rennick family, 1642. Renshaw, II., 1668. Rensselaer County, N. Y., graveyard in scriptions, 5046. Rensselaer school, 2047. Rensselaerswyck, colony and manor, 4699. settlers in, 1630-1646. 4880. Rentoul family, 2454. Rentoul family and name, 2260. Renville, G., 4312. Repplier, Emma, 763. Representation in Congress from the se ceding States, 35. Representative assemblies of to-day, 1824. Representative government, popular discon tent with, 12. Representative institutions of United States, 5130. Reptiles, West Indian, 2477. Republican convention, first. 38. Republican national convention in 1860. Iowa delegation to, 1522. Republican party, history of, 4280. in Ohio. 5714. organization of, 1580. See also Parties, political. Requavv, G., company of militia. 5561. Rerick, R. II., 1344a, Research, genealogical, cooperative, 5744. Research in England, aid to. 39X7. Research, universities in relation to. 7327. Reserve, a national, 4292. Residence, length of, in Mass, towns, 811. " Resolution," ship, 6083. Reuss, F. X., 5843, 5846, 5850, 5851. 5853. 5855, 5855o, 7390. Revenue officer. Mexican, in Texas, 6682. Revenue officers at Boston, early part of reign of George III, commission to, 2773. Revere, Paul, 2785. conduct in Penobscot expedition. 1709. Copley s portrait of, 2797. daybook of. 2780. early bells, 3416. letter of, 2623, 2785. 1256 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Revere. Paul, letter to his wife, 2782. letter to J. Belknap, Jan. 1, 1798. 7448. portrait of Washington. 2808, 3290. ride. 1775. 7448. signal of, 2784, 2923. Rex, Margaret D., 5959. Reyner family, 3454. Reynolds, C., 7389. Reynolds, D., 7408. Reynolds, G., 200, 350. Reynolds, Helen, 5050. Reynolds, I. T., 5641. Reynolds, S., 6421, 6438, 6439, 6444, 6445, 6453, 6462. Reynolds, W. M., 1217, 5920, 5980. Reynolds family, 5050, 6860. (Sheldon) family, 6423. Reze, Dr., visit to Michigan, 929. Rheaume, A., 7346. Rheaume,lfie., 7381. Rhett (Wm.) family, 6649. Rhoads, Samuel, jr., letter book, 1762-1772. 6070. Rhode Island. Colony, appeals from colo nial courts, 11. assembly, act, 1672. 2623. proposition for a general, 6584. boundary, 1663. 2623. British state papers relating to, 6587. civil and religious affairs of colony, 6485, 6495. colonial paper currency, 6604. governor and general assembly to Charles II, 2623. historical documents, 1683-84. 6586. inhabitants, 1730-1801, number of, 2635. intrusion upon Indian lands, 1669. 2641. music, 1739. 6586. presidents of, 1647-1789. 2624. Quakers, 1657. 2635. settlement of, anniversary, 6494. settlements of estates in, 3370. first settler (Roger Williams), 3373. first settlers, 3359. settlers, treatment by New England colonies, 6520. soldiers in Havana expedition, 1762. 6585. tour to, 1761. 1700. Rhode Island. State, admission to Union. 1790. 6587. adoption of United States Constitution. 6571. art treasures illustrating local history. 6582. artists, 6582, 6584. civil changes, 6589. commissioners records. 1776. 1778. 4454. constitutional controversy, 1841. 11. council of war orders, 1778. 6520. early development of, 210, 490. Hebrews in, 6605. history, 6488. spirit of, 6506. Huguenots of, 4894. Rhode Island. Nttite. idea of government, 6499. in 1778. 2240. treatment of Indians, 6530. institute of instruction, 6520, 6524. institutions, origin, 6474. intellectual life, 389. of the last century, 203. Irish settlement in, 608 Irish vanguard, 610, 620. judges, trial of, 6568. manuscripts, archives at Washington, I). C., 6581. military history, artillery, battle of Bull Run, 6595. battalion officers, 1783. 6581. battalions, arrangement of, at White Plains, 1778. 6581. first battalion, 1777, records of, 6581. First Cavalry. Middleburg, Va.. 1863. 6598. operations, 1865. 6599. reminiscences, 6595. First Light Artillery, Battery D, 6597, 6598, 74827. Battery E, 6599. service of Battery F, 6596-6598. rolls of troop in Massachusetts state- house, 6582. Second Infantry, campaign, 6595. Second Regiment of Foot, 1779. 6581. Tenth Regiment, high school boys of, 6595, 7482c. volunteers, Third Regiment, campaign, 6595. Eleventh Regiment, 6595, 74827*. Twelfth Regiment, service, 6597. Fifth Volunteers, relief of Washington, N. C., 6597. Indian names of places, 6512. no representation at constitutional con vention, 1787. 6581. first public library, 6583. Revolutionary debt, 6583.. school attendance, 813. science, votaries of natural. 6488. State papers, 2635. tax of 1781. 11. town government in, 1816, 6557. town records, 6580, 6584. Rhode Island and the formation of Union, 4827. Rhode Island, battle of, 615, 616, 6520. Rhode Island College, first commencement, 6488. Rhode Island in national statue gallery, 6582. Rhodes, E. H., 6595. Rhodes, J. F., 17, 20, 34, 38, 40, 41, 2800, 2802, 2804-2806, 2808, 3301. Rhodes, J. H., 7482f. Rhodes, W. H., 1050. Ribbesdale caves, England, prehistoric re mains discovered in, 6280. Rice, C. E., 6424. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1257 Rice. F. P., 4201, 4202, 4204-4206rt, 42O9 4212, 4214, 4218, 4230, 4239. Rice, G. M., 4213-421:-,. Rice. II., 5618, 5621. Rice, II. M., 4303. Rice. .T.. location of first home of, 4215. Rice, J. A.. 69306. Rice. J. II., 1581. Rice, J. L., 2183. Rice, T. C., 4216. Rice, Mrs. William, 2183. Rice, W. H.. 5719. Rice. W. M., 6382. Rice family, 4215. old documents belonging to, 4215. Rice (Zachariah) family, 6080. Rice Boulder, poem. 4215. Rich, E.. 5743. Rich, E. M., 1523. Rich, E. T., 4406. Rich, F. B.. 2571. 2573, 7424. Rich, J. W., 1522, 1524, 1537. Rich, Sir N., letters. 3723a. Richard, John, conversion. 914. Richard, *T. W., 773. Richard, P., letter to J. Wendell, 1740. 3390. Richards, C. B., 1515, 1521. Richards. Eliza F., 5039. Richards, II. M. M., 6139. 6210, 6359, 6459, 7434. Richards, .T., 2804. Richards, L., 5928, 5936, 5937r/, 5949, G062. Richards. M. II., 6357. Richards, M. P.. 2567. Richards. M. W., 6359. Richards. R. II., 1248. Richards. W. A., 1522. 1523. Richards diary. 1801-1844. 2197, 2198. Richards family, 6063, 6078. (Owen) family, 6062. Richardson, E. C., 771. 777. Richardson, F. A.. 1269. Richardson. F. W., 4800. Richardson, (1. L., 2572-2574. Richardson, H. W., 1704, 1775. Richardson, Jacob, jr.. journal of. 1820. | 2574. Richardson, James, 7203. Richardson, John, letters. 7301. Richardson. J. E., 5535. Richardson. J. M., 5643. Richardson, R. B.. 577, 856. 859, 860. Richardson, W.*A., 3383, 3387. 3401. 3407. 3409, 3776, 3803. Richardson. W. C., 945, 946, 951. Richardson, W. H., 6365. Richardson family, 2255, 2401, 3967rt. Richardson County. Nebr., church history. 4421. John Brown in, 4406. first marriage. 4421. politics, early, 4421. reminiscences, 1855. 4421. first school bell, 4421. Richardson County, Nebr.. school districts, history, 4421. early settlers, 4421. old soldiers and sailors, 4422. Richardson County Pioneer Society, 4421. Richberg, J. C., 4292. Richey, W. E., 1580, 1582. Richland County, Ohio, "divide." 5724. Richland County (Ohio) Historical Society, 5725. Richland County, Wis., 6925, 6926, 6939. Richman. I. B.. 1522, 1524, 6491. Richmond, C. L., Duke of, 7345. sickness and death of. 7349. Richmond, V. P., 1422. Richmond, Ind., institutional influence of Germans. 7528. Richmond, Ohio, history, 7410. Richmond, Va.. Academy, first. 1786. 6817, 6822. Jews, 627. seals of, 3385. burning of theater, 1812. 6829. tombstone inscriptions, 629. Richmond County, Va., marriages, births, deaths. 6861. early tombs. 6859. Richmond Island, Me., 1717, 1720. coins found there, 1702, 2772. Rickard, J. H.. 6599. Ricker, G. W., 3363. Ricker family. 3363. Ricketson. W., 4042. Ricord, F. W.. 4553. 4556, 4606. Ricord, J.. 1521. Rideau Canal. Canada, 7381. Riddel. S. II.. 3362, 3683. Riddell, II. S. II., 7180r. Rider, Fir Dudley, arguments on case of Phillips r. Savage. 2774. Ridge. J. R.. 1033. Ridgefield, Ohio, history, 7408. settlement, 7410. Itidgeway, John, commercial accounts, 1651. 1720. Ridgway, C. A., 574(>, 5747. Ridgway, Robert. 2330. 2331, 2337. Ridgway family. 5747. 5748. Ridgway. N. Y., visit to. in 1X34. 40<)7. Ridpath, J. C., 1452. Riebenack, M., 809. Riel rebellion, 7149r/. Riethmiiller, Richard, 886. Rifle, American, early. 6180. Rigaud, Canada, Church of Ste.-Mario- Madeleine. 7347. Riggs, S. R., 4302, 4304. 43O7. Riggs, T. L., 6657. Rights of man, 5410. Riley. B. F., 977. 978. Riley, Dora. 2201. Riley. F. L.. 15, 26, 1827. 4344r/. 4345. 4346. 4348. 4350-4352. 435(5. Riley. II. II.. 4255. Rimouski. Canada. Church of St.-Fabien. 7345. 1258 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR TNDTEX. Rimoiiski, Canada, Church of Ste.-Luce, 7340. Rings, eurlj , 6330. Ringwood, N. .T., tombstones, inscriptions, 4545. Rintoul family, 2454. Rintoul family and name, 2200. Rio Grande College, 5715. Rio Wanks, Indians, 511). Ripley. L.. 2027. Ripley. W. Z., 808, 809, 811-813, 4821. Ripley. Ohio, history, 7409. Ripon, Wis., Booth war in, 0971, 7520. early history, 7105a. Republican party, birth of, in, 7520. Rip Van Dam family (New York), 5017. Rishworth, E.. letter to Gor. Endicott, 1050. 1097. Rishworth family. 409S. Ritch, W. G.. 4070. Ritchie, T., letters, 1830. 0781. Rittenhouse, Henry, farm, 5900. Rittenhouse paper mill, 1090. 0070. Ritzema. R.. journal, 1775-70. 7222. River and harbor bill, biography of, 3. Rivera family. 025. Rivers, F., 6826. Rivers, W. J., 6633, 6638. Rives, G. L., 38. Rives. J. B.. 7131. Rives. .Teannie T., 1266, 1268. Rives. W. C.. 0776o, 6801. Riviere, F. Bissot sieur de la. 7317. Riviere. II. A. de, 576. Roach. I., journal. 1812-1824. 6073. " Road. Girdled," 5777. No. 49. " Road. Old Sullivan." 0413. Road, great, in Franklin County, Pa., 6140. of 1770. 6140. Halifax to Gulf St. Lawrence, 1792. 2021. Hazen road. 6710. Jo Bill, history, 4214. King s Highway. 6167. Newburg. N. Y., 4863. Mexican Bejar to Laredo. 1835. 0085. national. 5721, 6891. old. from Dedham to Providence and New York. 2203. old portage road, 4808. Puritan road, 2200. Springfield and Newark turnpike. 1800 1830. 4558. Tennesseeans . 0079. Turnpike, Philadelphia and Lancaster, 0166, 6170. Walnut Bottom, 7421. Sec alxo Roads. Roades, John, and Hannah Willcox. mar riage certificate. 1092. 0009. Roads. Appalachian Mountains. 7391. betterment of, 1517. " Columbus and Sandusky " turnpike. 5040. eastern Pennsylvania and Lebanon County. 0215rt. good, in United States, 580. Roads. Iowa, 1539-1542. Kentucky, early routes. 1611. old road from Washington and Hamilton districts to Cumberland settle ment, Tenn., 0671. old State road, Ohio, 5038. 504O. 5041. post. 4210, 0005. in eastern Pennsylvania. 0174. See also Transportation. Travel. Roads and vehicles, colonial, 6856. Roane, S.. correspondence. 1799-1821. 6784. Roane family, 6829. Roanoke, lost colony of, 5, 1285. Roanoke island, 160. 6598. Raleigh s settlements on, 7. Roanoke Island, North Carolina, battle of, 0590. Robards family, 0831-0835. Robarts. J. O. K., 5955. Robb, J., 1702. Robb family, 6834, 6835. Robbins, A. B., 1519. Robbins, A. C., 1700. Robbins, C., 191, 2650. 2772, 2775. 2778. 2782, 2785. 2787. 2822, 28(58. 2941, 2900. Robbins, D. W., 2205. Robbins, J. M., 2770. . Robbins, Thomas, diary, 1790-1854. 1123. journal, 1802. 5499. Robbins family, 2202. Robert. King, the Bruce of Scotland, 1050. Robert College. 201, 309. Roberts. A., 0003. Roberts, D., 2241. Roberts, E., 5960, 7422. Roberts. E. H., 5416, 5452. Roberts. G. E., 1538. Roberts, H., letter to W. Penn, 6074. Roberts, Isaac, papers, 1812-1815. 0070. Roberts. J. A., 5410, 5413. Roberts. L. A., 3400, 3785. Roberts, O. M., 6678-6680. Roberts, S. H., 946, 970. Roberts, S. W., 0058. Roberts, T. P., 4394. Roberts, W. M., 549. Roberts family. 3400, 3785. Robertson, C. F., 1. 4370-4372. Robertson. D. A., 549. Robertson, G. A.. 5089. Robertson, H. H.. 7300, 7301, 7367, 7377, 7379, 7530. r Robertson, J. R.. 5797-5800. Robertson, Mrs. M. E.. 1285. Robertson, R. E., 7181. Robertson, S., 7175. Robertson, W., 0801. Robertson family, 0829. Roberval, Canada. Notre Dame du lac St.- Jean. 7345. Robins. R. P.. 3399, 0057. 0000-0008. Robins. Thomas, 2783. Robinson, A. G., 9O3. Robinson, Chas., 1577, 1580, 1583. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1259 Robinson, Christopher, will. 1093. 0831. Kubinson, Couway. 0796. 6813, 0814. 6831?. Robinson, C. A.. 0007. Robinson, C. I)., 0020, 0955. Robinson, C. II., 1515. Robinson. C. M., 4770. Robinson, De L. W., 0057. Rol)inson, Doane, 6657. 6658. Robinson. Elizabeth M.. 0859. Robinson, E. P., 2257, 2258. Robinson, E. V., 4292. Robinson, G. S., 1539. Robinson, H. E., 4381. Robinson, Harriet H., 3397. 3402. Robinson. John. 2649. Robinson, John, Did widow of. emigrate to America? 3378. Robinson, John, 2325, 2346a, 2381. 2391. 2418, 2433, 2500, 4169. Robinson, J. H., 11, 13, 17. 42. Robinson, L., 5973. Robinson, Mary A., 3686, 3874. Robinson, Mary N., 6168, 6169. 6176. Robinson, O. W., 4284. Robinson, T. II., 5891, 5894, 5895, 5897. Robinson (Isaac) family, 3372. (John) family, 3406, 3411. (Thomas) family, 3414. (William) family, 6859. Robson, F. E., 4263. Roche, A. K., 7175. Roche, A. R., 7203. Roche, J. J., 608. Rocheblave papers, 1383. Rochemonteix. C. de, 7345, 7346. Rochester, H. E.. 5520. Rochester, Mass., settlers, 3363. topography, 1815. 2638. Rochester. N. H., bill of mortality. 1776- 1822. 4446. physicians, 3359. topography and history. 2632. Rochester, N. Y., history, 4910, 5523. petition, 1778. 5549. early public amusements, 5524. music, 5520. public schools, 5520. Rock County, Wis., reminiscences. 6930. Rock Rimmon, 4428. Rock-writing, North America, 5230. Rockey, J. L., 7429. Rockhill, W. W., 35. Rockingham, Vt., First Church, records, 3412, 3413, 3414. 3960. Rockingham County, N. H.. Congregational ministers, 3359. Peaked Mountain Church, record of. 6861, 6864. punishment of slave for murder, 177S. 6831. Rockport, Mass., historical, statistical, and biographical notices, 2243. parish records, 2260, 2260. 2443. Rockwell, Seymour, 4098. Rockwell family, 5017. Rocky Mountains, Canadian, recent explora tions, 903. discovery. 4394. exploration, 547. northern, 903. winter grazing. 559. Rocky River, Ohio. 5018. Preglacial course. 5777. No. 70. sketches, 5618, 5619. Rodebaugh, W.. 1411. Rodes, F., 6672. Rodes family, 6672, 6831. Rodgers, John, 2780. letter to Sec. Crowninshield in 1815. 2794. Rodgers, R. K., 4550. Rodgers, T. L., 6892. Rodgers family, 3368. Rodman, W. W.. 3415. Rodney, C. A., 1226, 1249. Rodney, T., diary, 1776-77. 1226. Rodolf, T., 6937. 7090. Rodway, J., 578. Roe, A. S., 4202. 4205, 4209, 4210, 4213, 4210, 0597. 0598, 7482r/, 7482r. Roe, Mary, deposition. 1064. 3370. Roebling, W. A.. 3952. Roebling, J/r.s-. W. A., 3413, 3415. Roemer, F., 0083. Roenigk, A., 1582. Rogart. W. II.. 5032. Rogers, A. D., 3300, 3370, 3371. Rogers, C. S.. 4027. Rogers, E. B.. 1422. Rogers. E. E.. 1204. Rogers. E. I .. 5027. Rogers, F. D., 7222. Rogers, F. L.. 1524. Rogers, G. D., 4312. Rogers, H., 0520, 0571. 0590. Rogers, H. R., 4801). Rogers, H. W., 47.~,4. Rogers, John, " Life of John Rogers," 2251. portrait of, 277. Rogers, J. E. T., 9. Rogers, J. S., 3413, 3944o, 4292. Rogers. M. C., 6071. Rogers, Nathaniel, 4102. Rogers, Nehemiah, dedication of book, 1032. 3400. Rogers, Walter, 7325, 7300. Rogers, Rev. William, 6075, 6070. Rogers, William, petition. 1694. 2251. Rogers. W. B., visit to Williamsburg. 18">9. 6860. " Rogers s Bible," 2539. Rogers family, 3375, 3376. 3379. 3381, 3738, 3780&, 5023, 6829. 0X00. of Georgetown, 1714. of Georgetown No. II, 1710. wills, 1618, 1030. 3375. (Daniel) family. 3397. (Hope) family, 3413, 3944. (John) family. 1713. 5023. (Nathaniel) family. 3363, 3370, 3371. 1260 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Rogers genealogy, 2774. Rogers lineage, 5030, 5031. Rogue River war, 1853. 5811. Rollback. J. A., 1522. Rolfe, A., 4278. Rolfe, D. P., 4417. Rolfe. II., 3394. Rolfe family, 3361. (Henry) family, 3394. (John) family, 3394. Roller, R. I)., 6890. Rollins, J. R., 3366, 3368, 3395. Rollins family, 3366. Roman Catholic Church in United States, 792. See also Catholics. Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Society. 4735. Roman Catholic priest, first in Norfolk County, Va., 6849. Roman city government. 5433. Roman coins lately exhumed at Paris, 6255. Roman history, 28. credibility of early, 41. Roman Republic, public lands and agrarian laws of, 1822. Roman see, appellate jurisdiction of. 779. Roman s map, 1772. 4349. Rombauer, R. E., 7425. Rome, first American pilgrimage to. 930. Rome. N. Y., early history, 5418. Rome, Ohio, inscriptions, 5749. Romero, M., 570, 572, 573. Romeyn. II., 4395. Romeyn, J. B., 5010. Ronan, P.. 4396. Rondthaler. E., 6001. Rood, Micah, tradition of, 1197. Roof, G. L., 5424, 5458. Roop, II. U., 6218. Roosa family (Ulster and Dutchess counties. N. Y.), 5046. Roosevelt, R. B., 551, 4872, 4887. Roosevelt, Theodore. 6960, 7010. " Roosevelt," launching, 7391. Roosevelt, Ariz., highest dam in the world, 7474. Root, E. M., 1077. Root, J., extracts from journal of. 1160. Root, J. M., 5635, 7409, 7417. Root, J. P., 6563, 6566. Rootes family, 6828. Ropes, J. C., 2794, 2797, 2800, 2801, 3333- 3335, 3337, 3338. Ropes, N., estate, Salem, 2278. Ropes, Timothy, 2246. Ropes family, 2246-2248. Rorbach, J., 4J27, 4928. Rosario, census, 1900. 814. Rose, escape from the Alamo, 6683. Rose, E., 7408, 7410. Rose, Grace H., 573. Rose, Helen A., 5753. Rose, John, 6120. Rose family of Ireland and Ame.rica, 6084. Rose Inn, Nazareth. Pa., 1752-1772. 6223. See also Nazareth, Pa. Rosenbach, A. S. W., 625, 62.x. Rosenbach, I. H., 625. Rosendale, S. W., 624, 626. Rosengarten, J. G., 764, 767, 768, 4851. 6072, 6078, 6079, 6082, 6083, 6095, 6130, 6348, 6349, 6365. 6479. Rosenthal, Baron de, 6120. Rosewater, V., 809, 4409. 4410, 4819. Rosier, James, relation of Waymouth s voyage, 1605. 1677. 2646. 2850. Rosmini, Antonio, teachings of, 779. Ross, A., letters, 7158. Ross, A. C., 5726. Ross, George, memorial, 6165. Ross, G. W., 7365. Ross, John, letter to C. Evans, 1748. 6069. i Ross County, Ohio, marriages, 1803-1806. 5748. 6751. | Rosser. L. V., 944. Rosset, C. W., 569. Rosseter, B., petition to Connecticut gen eral assembly in 1664. 3380. Rossiter (Bryan or Bray) family, 3413. Rotch. Wm., autobiography, 1775-1794. 3389. complaint against, 1779. 3391. letters, 172. 3404. Rotch, W. J., 3417. Rothrock, J. T., 548. Rothrock family, 6077. Rouen, 7188. Rouillard. E.. 7347. Round Bottom, W. Va., 6890. Round numbers, 811, 813. " Round Top," Gettysburg. Montgomery County, flag on. 5960. Rounseville family, 3377. Rouse, L.. 5454. Routh, Sir R. I., 7347a. Routhier, A. B., 7329, 7347. Rouville, Canada, Church of St. Mathias, 7345. Rowan, J. H., 7148fc. Rowan family, 1642. Rowe, Edna, 6684. Rowe, John, diary, 1764-1779. 2800, 3167. Rowe, J. II., 574*3. Rowe, Sophia, 7301, 7365. Rowell, R., 4428b. Rowell, S. W., 4694. Rowland, D., 4345-4347, 4349, 4353. Rowland, Kate M., 6067, 6836, 6849, 6851, 6852. Rowland, L. S., 2047. Rowlandson, Mary, 1675-76. 207. Rowley, Mass., deed, 1650. 3377. births, etc.. first book of, 2243, 2244. burials, first book of, 2244. early church records, 2273. record of deaths from gravestones before 1800. 2254. Rowley, Mass., first church, dismissions, 2253, 2365. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1261 Rowley, Mass., records of deaths, 1696- 1777. 2253, 2304. record of deaths from gravestones before 1680. 2384. freeholders. 1677. 3385. marriages, first book of, 2245. men who took the oath of allegiance and fidelity. 1677, 1678, 1725. 2271, 4165. early records, 2252, 2272, 2360. early settlers. 2258-2262, 2469. tax list. 3373. Roxbury, Mass., cemetery inscriptions, 3372. church records, relating to Brook! ine, 2107. first church, records, J. Eliot, 2808, 3391, 3393. S. Danforth s records, 1649-1674. 3392. records, 3360. Roxbury Latin school, 199, 200, 342. Roxbury Military Historical Society. See Koxbury Historical Society, 4150, 4151. Roy, J. E., 7317, 7319, 7322, 7326. Roy, P. G., 7345, 7347a, 7349, 7350. Roy, R., 7328, 7329, 7345-7348. Royal, J., 7318, 7319. Royal African Company, 20, 42. charter, 1672. 6812. Royal Society, founders, 2785, 2936. Royal Society letters, 2785. " Royal William," pioneer ocean steamship, 7192. " Royal Wraith," the, 5845. Royall, Isaac, petition of Belinda, servant of, 3324. Royall family, 3397, 3746. Royall house, 3319, 3320. Royce, Alice C., 4812. Kozier, F. A., 914. Rubber, Amazon basin, 7391. Rubber districts of Bolivia, 576. Rubber forests. 898. Rubber plantations, Mexico and Central America, 904. Rubinow. I. M., 815. " Rubis," liste des passagers malades, 7350. Rublee, II., 6928. Rucb, P. B.. 4423. Rudderow (John) family, 5044. Ruddiman, W. H.. 6058. Ruddock family, 5041. Riimelin. K., 5607o. Rnffner, K. H., 550. Ruffner, II.. 6842, 6892. Ruffner, J., 6889. Ruffner, W. II., 6844-6847, 6889, 6890. Ruffner family, 6889, 6890. Rugg, A. P., 4209. Ruggle (George) family, 6853. Ruggles, H. E.. 2195-2198. Ruggles, H. S., 5040, 5043, 5743, 5749, 6853. Ruggles. J. M., 1428. Ruggles. Thomas, 2622. Ruggles family, 5040, 5043. Ruggles (Benjamin) ancestry, 5743. Ruggles, Ohio, history, 7410. Rumford, Count, memorials of, 2789. Rumford, W. II., petition. 1748. 4449. Rumneymarsh, church records, 3378. Rumsey (James) family, 6891. Rumsey v. Fulton, 6889. Runaway pond, 6706. Runels. I)., orders to dipt. Parson s com pany. 1781. 3380. Runic inscriptions, 2806. apocryphal, 2794. Runkle, J. A., 1465a. Rupert s Land, ethnological types, intru sive, 7328. famous journeys in and about. 7311. first recorder of, 71497. social customs and amusements in early days, 7149j, 7163. Rush. B., 682, 683, 686, 688, 703. historical notes of, 1777. 6083. letter, 1782. 6077. letter to J. Searle, 1778. 6059. papers, 6085. Rush, T. J., 5027. Rush (John) family, 6073. Rushton, J., 5744. Russell, A., 4281, 4292. Russell, A. J., 552. Russell, B. B., 3416, 3417, 3971. Russell. C. A., 1202. Russell, E., 1698. Russell, E. H., 210, 469, 493, 3417, 3982. Russell, F,. T., 5048. Russell, G., Rhode Island Company, 1762. 3372. Russell, G. W., 1127. Russell, I. C., 570-572, 574, 579, 893, 896, 903, 905, 906, 5916. Russell, J., 7425. Russell, J. E., 4098. Russell, Mrs. M. W., 3385. Russell, Noahdiah, diary, 1682. 3365. Russell, Peter, journal, 38. Russell, S. A., 4694. Russell, S. G., 1422. Russell expedition. 1522. Hussell family, 2255, 2401, 3385. 6859. Russell (John) family. 3416. 3417, 3971. " Russell-Phillips," 3619o. Russell s mills, landmarks of, 4042. Russia, 897. friend of United States, 608. geographical notes, 7474. government, evolution of, 7474. growth. 901. recent literature, 7474. Russia, Ohio, history, 7417. Russian America, 7175. Russian census, 1897. 811. Russian historical thought, 28. Russian names, transliteration, 35. Russian victories, 1813. 2973. Russian voyage of discovery. 1815. 2632. Russian village, economics of, 4819. 1262 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Russo-Japanese war in Manchuria, obser vations, 7474. Rutersville College, 6680. Rutgers family. 5017, 5032. 5065. Kutgers (Queen s) College, medical degrees. 4516. Ruth, J., 6207. Rutherford, J., 4545. Rutherford family, 6889. Rutherford pedigree. 502(5. Rutland, England, visitation, pedigrees, 5744, 5746. Rutland. Mass., 4225. field day, 4203. Indian troubles, 1723-1730. 4203, 4225. monumental inscriptions in old cemetery, 5747. Rutland, N. Y., 4906. Rutland County, Vt.. centennial celebration of organization, 6713. insurrection, 1786. 3384. marble industry. 6714. Ruttenber, E. M., 4855, 4861-4864. Rutter. F. R., 1828. Ryan, D. J.. 5714, 5715, 5717, 5736. Ryan, S. V., 914. Rye. W.. 5747. Rye. N. II.. genealogical records, 4442, 4443. Rye, Westchester County. N. Y., tombstone inscriptions, 5031. Ryefield. description of. 2183. Rylands, J. P., 3405, 3407. 3411, 3923. Ryon, Ann I., 6891, 6892, Sabin family, 3394. Sabine. L., 3463. codicil to will, 1878. 4456. Sable Island, 3385, 7317. 7322. history and phenomena. 7319. war ships lost on, eighteenth century. 7281. Sac and Fox Indians, 1500, 1517. expedition to, 1835. 6937. Lieut. Gor. Cruzat s message to, 6927. schools, 1832-37. 1515, 1518. Sac tradition. Osawgenong, 6937. Saccarappa Falls, first occupancy by Euro peans, 1716. Sachse, J. F., 6069, 6075-6077, 6121, 6165. 6166, 6174, 6353, 6357, 6358, 6362- 6367. Sackets Harbor, N. Y.. battlefield, 4906, 4907. celebration, 4906. monument to " Unknown Dead " of war of 1812. 4907. and the war of 1812. 49<>(>. Sackett. J. F., 5750. Saco. Me., topography and history, 2632. Saco, Me., and Cape Porpoise, 1689, Indian attack on. 7395. Saconet Indians, 2628. Sacononocco, submission to Massachusetts, 6483. Saddles, a Wisconsin invention, 6970. Sadtler, B., 2029. Safely. R., 1523. Saffery s map of 1642. 4133. Saffin, J., letter, 1687. 3362. Saffin, T., inscription, 3362. Saffin family. 2133. 3403, 3827a. ! Safford, J.. 7412. Safford, M. A.. 1711. 1712, 1715. Safford, W. E., 7474. Safford, W. II.. 5719. Sagadahoc colony, 1678, 2787. early settlements, 1699. voyage to, 2967. Sage. E. L., 3684. Saghtekoos, manour, Islip, L. I., original patent of. 5039. Saginaw, Mich., city government, 4292. Saginaw district. Mich., early churches and preachers, 4265. Saginaw County, Mich., history, 4280. memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. Saginaw Valley, history, 4265. invasion of, Indian legend, 4280. salt interest, 4256. Sa-go-ye-wat-ha. birthplace of, 5552. Saguenay, Canada. Church of St. Alphonse, 7346. Saguenay country. 7172, 7180a. geognosy of, 7172. Sahara, French conquest of the, 7474. Sahkalin Prison, 574. Sahler. L. II. von, 3411, 3412, 5043, 5044, 5046-5048. Said. Sheik, 898. Sainsbury, W. N., 203, 205, 393, 6832. Sainsbury s Abstracts, 6833. St. Albans Township, Ohio, 5678. Baptist Church records, 5753. St. Albans raid, history, 6759. St. Amant. J. C., 7347r/. St. Ambrose Island, 2622. St. Anthony Falls, discovery, two hun dredth anniversary, 4307, 4330. ticc <tl*o Hennepin, L. Government mills at, 4312. voyage to. 1817. 4303. voyage from St. Louis to. 1819. 6930. St. Antoine de Tilly, Canada, history of, 7347. St. Augustine, Fla., Oglethorpe s expedi tion, 1740. 6633. Pol-tier s trip to, 929. Protestant graveyard, inscriptions, 3405, 3406, 3408. St. Bartholomew s Day, causes and results, 4892, 4895. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 914. St. Christopher, West Indies, 577. flora, 577. St. Clair, A., army, journal, 2621. court-martial, 1778. 5252</. defeat of, 1791. 5149, 5720, 5722,5723. site, 5722. i letter to Gor. Bowdoin, 1779. 2775. letter, 1787. 6079. papers, 6062. St. Clair County, 111., militia, 1790. 1383. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1263 St. Clair County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4279, 4280. 4283. pioneers. 4281. St. Croix Island, 7327. settlement of De Mont, 1700. tercentenary, 7441. St. Croix Commission. 1796-1798. 1712. St. Croix County, Wis., population, 1850- 1878. 6970, 7105. St. Croix River, 1708. St. Domingo. Hispanola, 1500. 3. St. Edmund s Bury charter, 35. St. Elias, Mt., 892, 893, 895. 896, 81)!). St. Eustatius in the American Revolution, 42. St. Foye, Canada, Church of Notre Dame, 7346. St. Francis Valley, prehistoric remains, 6962. St. Francois Xavier, Academie commerciale, 7347. St. Genevieve Academy, 914. St. George s and St. Patrick s, Shelburne, Nova Scotia, records of. 1~!)1. 2788. St. George s River, Maine, 1702. St. Ignace, Cape, Church of St. Ignace, 7346. St. Inigoes, Md., history, 7390. " St. Joes," the, 4280. St. John family, 3372. St. John, New Brunswick, census, 1775. 7254. first medical men, 7253. monumental inscriptions, 3377. siege and surrender. 1775, journal of, 1114. St. John Island, Cabot landfall, 7319. St. John River, New Brunswick, claims of j old inhabitants, 7252. St. John s, Fla., archaeology, 5732. St. John s Berkeley. S. C., Huguenot con gregation, 6618. St. John s College. Annapolis, Md., Vir ginians at, 1793-94. ($853. St. John s College, Fordham, 929. St. Joseph-Kankakee portage, 145<>. St. Joseph, Mich., Canadian archives, 1721- 1783. 4271. St. Joseph County, Mich., memorials, 4278. 4279, 4280, 4283. St. Julien, P. de, will, 1718. 6622. St. Justin, I/habitant de, 7323. St. Kitts, flora, 578. St. Kiverne County, Cornwall, England, register, 5743. St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 579. cartography, 7314. Legolfe St. Laurent, 16OO-1632. 7:511, 7314. St. Lawrence River. 580. crossing in canoes, 7345. expedition up, 1759. 72O7. settlement, 2. temperature, fogs, and mirages of, 7174. travel on, 1796. 7222. St. Lawrence River, voyage to, 1597. 3378. St. Louis, Mo., city government, 1818. growth of children of, 810. military history, Battery "A," 4380. New Year s Day in olden time, 4378. St. Louis County, Minn., history, 4311. St. Louis River, 4302. St. Luc, Canada, 7347. St. Lucia, West Indies, relic of capture, 73 78. " St. Lucia," prison ship, Americans who died on, 1781. 3376. St. Malachy s mission, Doe Run, 014. St. Marys, Ga., capture of, 1287. St. Mary s County, Md., St. Inigoes, 916. St. Maurice and Saguenay rivers, country between the, 7173. St. Maurice expedition, 1820. 7173. St. Maurice Forges, historical record of, 7311. St. Memin collection of portraits (Virgin ians), 6857. St. Memin portraits of Jews, 62!). Sr. Michael s parish, Talbot County, Md.. register, 1672-1704. 6085. St. Norbet du Cap-chat, Canada, history, 7348. St. Paul. Minn., chapel of, 4312. early trade and traders, 4311. history, 4305. Park Place, early missions, 4311. real estate, 4312, 4337. recollections, 1843-1898. 4311. St. Paul and Sioux City Railroad, history, 1864-1881. 4312. St. Paul trail, in sixties, 7151. St. Pauls Island, 7174. St. Paul s parish, King George county, Va., register, 6832. St. Paul s Bay. disease, description. 7219. measures adopted. 1775-1786, to check, 7175. St. Philips, 111., inhabitants, 1783. 1383. St. Pierre, T., 7346. St. Pierre du Lac, 7347. St. Raphael Society. 927. St. Regis, Canada, 7347r/. capture of (La prise de), 7345. maps from, to Sault Ste. Marie, 7296. "St. Regis Bell," 2780, 2876. St. Roch parish, Canada, invasion by Bos ton rebels (Memoire d observa- tions sur la conduite des habitants de saint-RoclO 3467. St. Stephens, 945. St. Thomas of Canterbury, 776. St. Ulric, Canada. 7346. " St. Ursula s convent," (lo premier roman cauadiae), 7325. St. ValHer. J. B., 7222. St. Vallier, Canada, Church of St. Philippe and St. Jacques, 7346. St. Vedalia, 1006. St. Vincent, expedition to, 903. volcanic eruptions, 903. 1264 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Ste. Anne parish, Canada, invasion by Bos ton rebels, 7346. Ste. Anne d Auray et ses environs, 7818. Ste. Anne de la Pocatire, College of. arms, 7350. Ste. Cecile du Bio, Canada, 7347. Ste. Foy, or Ste. Foye ?, 7349. Ste. Juliet de Somerset. 7347. Ste. Marie de Sayabec. 7347. Salaberry, L. de, 7346. letter to Sir Prevost, 1815. 7347. Salamis, battle of, 2807, 7467. Salary grab of 1873, 1518. Salem, Mass., affair at North Bridge, 1775. 2276. aqueduct, 2241, 2281. aqueduct corporation. 2245. assembly hall, 2269. bands and band music in, 2274. baptisms, 2260, 2261. eighteenth century, 2459. Becket street, 2274. before the Revolution. 2270. births, marriages, and deaths, first book. extracts. 2240. 2241. 2242. 2243. Branch or Howard Street Church, history, 2242, 2250. centennial of settlement, 226(5, 3367. Charter street burial ground, inscriptions. 2252. Chipman Hill, 2247. city mills, 2247. commerce of, 2240. commercial houses, private signals, 2278. common, account of, 2243. common fields, 2258," 2421. commons and commoners. 2421. commoners records, 1713-1739. 2274- 2277, 2535. court-house, 2492. Curwen house and its occupants, 2241. custom-house, records of the pre-Revolu- tionary period, 2277. record of, spared, 2241. deaths, 1688-1695. 3394. deaths recorded by Rev. John Prince, 1781-1836. 2248. description of, 2624, East Church, parish history of deaths, 1785-1819. 2253-2255, 2257- 2259, 2420. Endicott, Gor., house. 2263. English street, 2274. Essex bridge, 2268. Essex Institute fair, 1860. 2283. Essex street, 2260, 2274, 2450. pavement of, 2246. stores on the north side of. 1818. 2280. estates, some old, 2255. Federal street, 2274. Female Employment Society, 2255, 2398. Ferry, Old North, and Dixy s horsje boat, 2277. fire clubs, 2277. first church, authenticity of the tradi tion of, 2241, 2246, 2317. Salem, Mass., first church, baptisms, 1636- 1765. 2245-2247. covenant, 2235, 3359. first century lecture, 2622. foundation and early records, 2284. founders, 2234. influence upon Pilgrim emigration, 2786. letter in 1734 to churches in Methuen and Andover, 2243. first meetinghouse, 2278, 252O. meetinghouse, 2265, 2277. records, 1629-1736. 2254, 2255, 2380. first church of the Pilgrims, 2296. first settlement of, 2225. "fishing ketches," 1689. 3401. founders, 2234. founding, date of, 2278. Gerrish house, 2244. grants, original book of, 2243-2245. Gredney court, 2274. guide to, 2515. high school, 2238. historical events of, 2377. historical sketch of, 1626-1879. 2379. history of, 2625, 2626, 3365. houses and other buildings, 1793. 2245. lands, allotments of, 2257, 2258, 2421. library, philosophical, at, 2243. marriages, 1779-1814, 2258. military affairs, light infantry, history of. 2264, 2499. Washington Rangers, 224/i. military company, 177-, 2262. order to warn soldiers. 1703, 2241. musical societies of, 2261, 2463. newspapers and "periodicals, 2233. North Bridge, Leslie s expedition of Feb ruary 26, 1775. 2270. 2276. North Church, 2246. house of Hugh Peters, 2247. petition for a new town pump, 1794. 2266. Plantation, origin of, 2258, 2421. " Old Planters." 2240, 2241. plants, 1886. 2462. Plummer Hall, 2239, 2419. port of, 2249. provincial legislature at, 1774. 224O, 3637. centennial of. 3387. records, town, 1634-1659. 2248, 2311. St. Peter s Church, subscribers toward the bell, 1741. 2241. schools and school teachers, 2246. scenery, 2241. municipal seal of, 2247. Sewall street, 2274. ship registers, 1789-1900. 2277, 2278, 2280. shipbuilding in, 2245, 2246. sketch of, 2276. social life in the early nineteenth cen tury, 2274. some claims on the notice of the country, 2270. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1265 Salem, Mass., some localities about, 2260. streets, historic, and colonial houses of, 2274. town meetings, 1659-1680. 2278, 2280. town pump, 2266. trees, 2500. Turner street, 2274. vessels in foreign trade, 2271. vessels private armed in the war of 1812. 2241. vessels, 1812-1815. 2274, 2275, 2276, 2277. vessels insured, 1757-58. 2269. village communities of, 2421. way from Salem ferry toward Ipswich, 1698. 2271. wills, inventories, 1640-1691, 2240-2244. Winter Island, story of, 2271, 2522. witches, 2267, 2500, 4978. witch trials, court for, in 1692. 2792. witchcraft, 2641, 4407. witchcraft trials in, 2791. Sec also Witchcraft. Salem, N. Y., Christ Church records, 1752- 1809. 5046-5050. Old White Church, 5049. Salem and Danvers association for the de tection of thieves and robbers, 1822. 2247. Salem Church, Va., battle. 3336. Salem County, N. J., glass manufacture in, 6065. list of judges, clerks, etc., 4538. militia, proposals of Col. Manhood, 1778. 4542. " Salem Gazette," 1832. 6585. Salem Neck, Mass., forts on, 2244. story of, 2271, 2522. " Salient," The, capture of, 3337. Salines of southern Illinois, 7425. Salisbury, A., 6930. Salisbury, C. B., 387. Salisbury, E. E., 1166, 3390, 3393, 3697. Salisbury, Mrs. E. E.. 3398. Salisbury, G. II., 4738, 4739, 4771, 4773. Salisbury, S., 119, 154, 179, 181, 192, 196, 198, 200, 201, 205, 207, 244, 261, 270, 273-275, 277, 279, 347, 4213. Salisbury, S., jr., 186, 189, 191, 193, 194, 227, 261, 273-275, 277, 279. 310, 311. Salisbury, Conn., iron mines in, 1805. 3365. Salisbury, Mass.. commoners, 2036. first church, records. 1687-1805. 2255, 2260, 2386, 2444. men at Crown Point, 3380. early settlers, 2036, 3361. 3365, 3366. Salisbury, N. C., Confederate prison 1283. Salisbury, Vt., history, 6696. Salish Indians, 7323. Salley, A. S., jr., 1281. 1283, 1284, 1286, 1288, 6647, 6648, 6649, 6650, 6651, 6656. Salmon, Lucy M., 1. 10, 15, 809, 4529. Salmon, habits of, 7174. Salomon, E., 6945. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 80 Salomon, II., 625. Salt, early manufacture of, in Kentucky, 2781. Salt deposit. Salton, Cal., 902. in southern Illinois, 7425. Salt in the Revolution, scarcity of, 2784. Salt industry. Michigan, 4295. of Padanaram, 4042o. Salt Lake route in 1849. 1011. Salt Lake Valley, bird fauna of, 2330. Salter, E., 4548, 5031, 5034, 5035. Salter, W., 1508, 1514-1522, 1524. Salton, Cal., salt deposits, 902. Saltonstall, A. H. M., 5040, 5043. Saltonstall, L., 2133, 2142, 2259, 2423, 2708, 2771, 2773, 2796, 2798, 3113. Saltonstall, N., letter, 1675. 2800. Saltonstall, Sir R., document propounding a candidate for presidency of Har vard College, 1672. 7395. destruction of the house of, 1709. 2266. letter, 1631. 2798. letter, 1636. 2636. letter to Gov. J. Winthrop, jr., 1636. 3409. wife of, 5040. Saltonstall, W. G., 3340. Saltonstall family, 3411. Saltus, J. Sanford, 660, 662, 667. Salubria, 1518. Samborne family, 3397, 340!). Samford, W. P., 946, 947. Sammans family (New York), 5022. Samoa, 899-901. American. 7391. partition of, 7134. Samoa and the United States, past rela tions between, 7134. Samoa and the hurricane of 1889. 3340. Samoan folklore, 7132. Samoset, Indian sagamore, 2138, 2155. Sampson, F. A., 4385. Sampson, G. W., 2592. Sampson, W. S., 2592, 5123. Samson, W. II., 4926. Samuel, B., 6081. Samuel, J., 629. Samuel, M. L., 811. San Antonio, Tex., 6682. San Augustine, Tex., 6681. San Bias route, 555. San Felipe. Tex.. 1288. San Fernando, Tex., early settlers of, 6683. San Fernando de Bexar, Tex., educational efforts in, 6684. municipal government, 1730-1800. 6686. San Francisco, annals, 1029. arrivals at port of, in 1849. 1054. journey from New York to. 1850. 43. / St. Louis to. in 1850. 1006. letters from, 1869. 2873. municipal government, 1820. sea fogs, 902. San Francisco Bay, 201. discovery of, 181, 243. 1266 SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. San Gabriel, Cal., mission, 1010. renegade Indians, 1013. shipbuilding. 1012. San Jacinto, battle of. 6684. San Jacinto campaign, 6682. San Juan archipelago, 4311. San Juan de Nicaragua. Rio, 565. San Marino. Republic of. 40. San Pedro, Cal., marine biological labora tory, 1019. San Pedro Bay, conchological researches, 1011. San Saba River, fort on, 1847. 6683. San Salvador, Columbus at, 5148. Sanborn, I). H., 3370. Sanborn, F., 4457. Sanborn, F. B., 2807, 2808, 3395, 572:;. Sanborn, J. B., 40, 4311, 4312, 6968, 7100, 7117. Sanborn. J. P., 4327. Sanborn, J. W., 4923. Sanborn, N., 3368. 3450. Sanborn, N. I .. 2612. 2613. Sanborn, V. C., 3397, 3406, 3409, 3416, 3859, 3971(7. Sanborn family, 3368.. 3370, 3450. Sanborne family, 3924. Sancroft, W., letters. 1633-34. 3395. Sand dunes, control of, 905. Sandemanians. in Boston, 2138. of New England, 22. Sanders, A., 1499. Sanders, J. C.. 5637. Sanders, J. F.. 4395, 4403. Sanders, R., testimony. 1683. .",374. Sanders. Robert and Elsie, will of, 1673. 4867. Sanders. W. F., 4395, 4397. Sanderson. G. A., 2602. Sandford, E., 3385. Sandford, R., 6634. Sandford family, 3385. Sandham. A., 7182. Sandisfield. history, 2046, 2047. Sands family, 6072. Sandusky, Ohio, 5639. commercial retrospect, 7414. expedition to, 1782. 5783, 6074, 6120. Indian massacre, 1813. 7408. settlement and growth, 741s. settlers, first. 7409. vessels entered the harbor of. 1822. 5638. -Sandusky Clarion," 7411, 7412. Sandusky County, Ohio, first trial, 7415. Sandusky River, 5725, 5738. Sandwich, Mass., biographical and topo graphical anecdotes, 2621. description, 2626. effects of the storm of September 23, 1815. 2638. notices of, 2638. " Sandy Bay surprise," September 5, 1814. 2274. Sandy Creek, battle of, 4908. mound, 4907. Sandy Hook, 3397. Sandy River settlements, 1700. Sandys, Sir E., letter, 1619. 6835. Sanford, Albert H., 8. Sanford, F. C., 3404. Sanford, F. V., 4864. Sanford, J., 6714. Sanford, J. E., 2797, 3113a. Sanford, Nettie, 1505-1507. Sanford family, 3414. Sangamon County, 111., early settlers. 142!). Sanger, G. P., 3685. Sanger, W. C., 5478. Sanger (Jedediah) family, 5468. Sangerfield. N. Y., aged persons of. 5017 history, 5432. Sanitary legislation in England, 808. Sanitary reports, 807, 814, 815. Sanning, A., 5852. Sansom, Emma, heroism at Gadsden. 1644. Santa Barbara, Cal., El Canon Perdido, 1020. Santa Catalina Island, history. 1O21. Santa Cruz. Cal.. descriptions, 1891. 3408. Santa Fe trade. 203. trade route, 397. Santangel, L. de, 633. Santee, T., 6447. Santee, S. C., French, 6618. Huguenot congregation, 6618. settlement, 6616. Santee Canal, 6656. Santiago. 1741. 38. Santo Domingo, archbishop of. letter relat ing to Columbus. 455O. Santo Domingo city, 507. Santo Domingo insurrection. 171>:;. 27 .2, 3042. Santoire, C. A., 7347. Santvoort family (New York), 5022. " Saratoga, convention of." 190. Sargent, A., 2082, 3372, 3375, 4158. Sargent, G. L., 3325. Sargent, Henry, 2631. Sargent, J. E., 4455. Sargent, J. H., 5778. Sargent, J. S., 3410. Sargent, M. E., 3319, 3324. Sargent, N. P.. letter, 3359. Sargent, W., 687, 2837, 5974, 5975, 6013, 6021. Sargent, W. E.. 4045. Sargent, W. M.. 1707, 1708, 1714. 1772, 1775. 3398. Sargent family, 3600, 3977. (Digory) family, 3416. (William) family, 3368. Sarichef s atlas, 903. Sarmiento, I). F., 6514. Sarpy County. Nobr., history. 44<M>. Saskatchewan River, sources, 900. Sasseville. Ernest de, 898. Saterthwaite, A., 5721. Sato. Shosuke, 1816, 1817. Satterlee military hospital, 5850. Sattley, Olive, 7425. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1267 Sander s company, 1790. 1"83. " Saucon Rangers," Northampton County. Pa., 6078. Saner, C., German almanac of. 6062. Quarrel with C. Beisel, 6068. Sauerbeck s index, 811. Sauerbeck s price index, 812. Saugrain s voyage. 1788. 206. 425. Saugrain, relation, 1788. 206, 425. Saugus. Mass., Seminary, 2258. sketches of, 2257. Saugus Center. Mass., burying ground in scriptions, 2263, 2488, 3361. Saugus River, Mass., eighteenth-century places along, 2263, 2498. Sank County. Wis., 6898. Saukenuk, 1423. Sault Ste. Marie, Maps to, from St. Regis. 7296. early mission. 4280. Saundors. P. H., 4350. Savagn. A. R*.. 1717, 1795. Savage. Edward, copper-plate, . 1311. painting, 6137. painting " Congress voting Independ ence," 6085. Savage, James, 2630, 2646, 2648, 2649. 2728. 2772. 3446. Savage, J. F.. .",406, 3858. Savage, J. W., 4404-4407, 4418. Savage. Thomas, 2631. Savage. T. E., 1518. Savage (John) family, 3406, 3858. Savannah, journey to, 1804. 3023. plan of. origin, 1340. Savannah, siege of. 1779. 1307. 1331. Gen. Prevost s journal, 1281. Savary. A. W., 3395, 3399, 3406, .",415, 3780c, 5048, 5049. Savory, Wm.. 6070. Savery family, 3399, 3780c. Savoy, The, London, 3371. Sawin genealogy, 2567. Sawyer, A. J., 4417. Sawyer, E. R., 7475. Snwy.-r, F., 7417. Sawyer, G. C.. 5468. Sawyer family, 3829. (William) family, 338G. Saxton. J. A., 4098. Say (Thomas), general records, 6085. Saybrook, Conn., records, 3362. Sayt iiqueraghta. Capt. Brant and, 47SS. 4805. Say.T, C., account at college, 176.",. 6854. Skidding, II.. 7306, 7307. Scaifo, W. B.. 4. 8, 11, 1821, 1854, 6065. Scales. J., 611, 4459. Scaligcrana. 2782. Seal)) bounties. 2139. Scamman, Col. J., Thirtieth Regiment of foot, 1775, history. 1716, 1791, 1794. Scammon, J. Y., 1354, 1360, 1361, 1388. 1389. Scauiinon family, 3371. Scandinavian factor in American popula tion, 1539-1542. Scandinavians, ancient, their maritime ex peditions, etc., 7178. in America, 7315. in New Jersey. 4543. Scarboro, Me., declaration of inhabitants, 1663. 3363. history from 1633-1783. 1699. settlement of. 1712. Scarb.urgh family, 6855. Scarlett family, tombstones, 6859. Scary, battle of. 6889. Scatacook Indians, 3118. Scenery, development of love of, 36. Schaack, G. C., 4540. Schackford, S., 3399. Schade, A. E., 2028. Schaefer, Joseph, 927. Schaeffer. C. II.. 5946. Schaeffer, J. W., 6167. Schaeffer, N. C., 6360. Schaefferstown. Pa., battalion or training day in olden times, 6199. colonial events. 6211. early history, 6193. Schafer, Joseph, 5798, 7119. Schafer, W. A., 4300. Schaff, Philip, 2, 3, 771, 773, 774, 77(5, 4892. Schaffner, Margaret A.. 4296. Schantz, F. J. F.. 61(57. 6192, 6352, 6354. 6357, 6360, 6363, 6364. Schaper, W. A.. 20. Scheffer. J. G. Do II.. 6058. Schenck, A. D.. 4546, 5029. Schnectady. N. Y.. burning of. 1689-90. 3360, 4684, 5148, 5242. Onedaw. or the. 4867-4869. celebration of independence. 4*867. list of freeholders, 5018. mayors of, 4868. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, doop-boek or baptismal register. 3376-3378, 3506. ministers. 3377. Schenectady County. N. Y.. political his tory, 4868. 4869. Schepen s register, 4884. Schermerhooren family (New York), 5017. Schermerhorn, J. F., 2630. Schermerhorn. L. Y ., ",416. Schermerhorn family, 5051. Schieb, II., 2023. Schiller s " Robbers," 885. Schlatter, M.. diary, 6384. Schlesinger, M., 4694. Schleswig-IIolstein medal, 649. question. 7178. Schlick. T. M.. 4924. Schliemann discoveries, 202, 251. ."7">. Schlup, E., 5726. Schmauk. T. E.. 62O7, 6356, 6359. 6:;c,:{. Schmeckebier. L. F.. 1715, 1830. Schmitt, E. J. P., 5854, 6679, 6681. Schmucker, G. W., 6077. r. 1268 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Schneider, C. F., 4281. Schneider, G., 1428. Schnively expedition, 1867. 6686. Schoepf, J. D., 6061. Schofleld, G. A., 4168. Schoharie, N. Y., history, 5533. Schoharie County, N. Y., first settlement by Germans, 4852. Scholastica, Sister, 1020. Scholte, II. F., 1506. Schonfeld, H., 2028. Schomburgk line, 5916. School children, London, 811. Switzerland, 811. School teaching, German-American. 885. Schoolcraft. Cass and, expedition. 1820. 6035. Schoolcraft, H. L., 1436. Schoolcraft, H. R., 517, 1500. 1524. 4245, 4246, 4302, 4972, 5145-5148, 5153, 5157, 5158, 5160. in Missouri. 1818. 4378. Schoolcraft tour, 1832. 4302. Schooley family, 4553. Schools and school books, early history of. 4205. Schools, academy and seminary, pioneer days. 4270. first free, in Massachusetts, supported by a tax, 3380. free. Isle of Wight County, Va., 6853. free, source of the, 4098. military and naval drills in, 7178. Schoonmaker. T. I)., 4864. Schoonmaker family (Ulster County, X. Y. i, 5034. Schott, C. A., 902. Schouler, James, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 2802, 2805, 2808, 3285. Schouler, John, 5802-5804. Schraalenburgh, N. J., Reformed Dutch Church, records, 4874. Schrack, D., 5959. Schrader, F. C., 578, 901. Schramm. II. von, 5032. Schrock, J., 1504. " Schrotblatter," prints, 6344. Schuermans of New Jersey, 5038. of New York, 5039, 5040. Schultz, E. T., 1808, 2033. Schultz, J., 7149?j, 7149p. Schultz, J. C., 7319. Schultze, A., 6223, 6227a, 6228. Schumacher family, 6072. Schuremans of (New Rochelle, N. Y.), 5036. Schuricht, H., 2030, 2031, 2035. Schurman, J. G., 576. Schurz, C., 2808. Schuurman (Jacoba and A. Thompson) family, 5037. Schuyler, John. 5039, 5040. and Massachusetts colony, 7480. Schuyler, Gen. P., letter, 1780, to E. L Hommedieu, 2779. orders to Col. J. Dayton, 1776. 4539. trial, 1778. 5252, Schuyler, Peter, and Massachusetts colony, 7480. Schuyler, P. N., 5641, 7418. Schuyler. Philip P., will,. 1683. 5016. Schuyler family, 5017, 5020, 5057. records. 5023. Schuyler (Philip), genealogy, 5016. Schuylkill County, Pa., early days of, 6139. Quakers, 6141. soldiery in 1877, 6141. wills, 6141. Schuylkill Falls, camp at, 1777. 6072, 6119. Schuylkill gun, restoration of, 6064. Schwartz, B., letter, 1724. 2777. Schwatka, F.. 556, 560! Schweinitz, E. de, 6222, 6223, 6234. Schweinitz, P. de, 6355, 6357. Schwenkfelders, the, 7422. in Pennsylvania, 6365, 6370. journey to Pennsylvania, 1733. 6066. marriages in Pennsylvania, 1735-1804. 6061. Schwill, F., 43. Scidmore. Eliza R., 895, 897, 899-901. Science, votaries of natural, Rhode Island. 6488. Scientific and educational institutions of United States, origin of. 4. 6. Scientific institutions .of United States, origin, 67. Scientific men of the first four centuries since discovery of America, 4210. Scincidae, West Indian, 2476. Scioto Company. 5715. report of James Kilbourne, 5748. Scioto purchase, 5716. Scioto Valley, archaeology, 5717. Scisco, L. D.. 42, 899, 4830, 5045, 504(5, 5050. Scituate, Mass., cuhrch records, 1634-1653. 3367, 3368. graveyard, 3367. history and description of, 2632. marriages before 1700. 3376. records, early, 3377. volunteers enlisted, 1775-76. 3378. Scoble, T. C., 7148m. Scot, G., 4525. Scotch-Irish, the, 205, 617, 4097. Scotch-Irish and Moravian missionaries, Virginia, 6836. " Scotch-Irish " fallacy, the, 608. Scotch-Irish families in Bucks County. I a., 5870. Scotch-Irish history, significance of, 6891. Scotch-Irish immigration to America, 1736, 3370, 3371, 6156. to Maine, 1702, 1749. Scotch-Irish in America, 414, 1284, 6891, 7425. first congress of, 6070. Lancaster County, Pa., 6185. Lebanon County. Pa., 6205, 6218. in Pennsylvania, 6155. race and name, 5751. settlers in New Hampshire, 4458. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1269 Scotch- Irish settlers. Valley of Virginia, 0844. "Scotch-Irish" shihboleth, 612. Scotch prisoners, Massachusetts, 1652. Scotia, N. Y., Second Reformed Church, 4867. Scotland, history study of, 1818. Scotland Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge, Marsh s reports to, 1831-1834, 1838-1848. 6037. Scots in New France, 1535-1880. 7187. in Wisconsin, 6970, 7105. Scott, Austin. 38, 1815, 4515, 4533, 4553, 4557. Scott, A. E.. 2592. Scott. 15., 4978. Scott. ( ., 5549. Scott, <\ P., 1578, 1581. Scott, C. S., 1581. Scott, E. G., 2, 6409. Scott, G. R. W., 776, 3414, 3959. Scott. II. A., 7346, 7349. Scott, II. McD., 771. Scott. II. W., 5797, 5798, 5801, 5804, 5822. Scott, J. G., 7197. Scott, J. M., 1426, 5678. Scott. J. W. T., 5046. Scott, L. A., 6309. Scott. M. B., 3380, 3381, 5017, 5774. Scott, Mary McK., 7381. Scott, Mrs. M. T., 1424. Scott. S. S., 946, 962. Scott, ftir Walter, centennial anniversary of birth, 2781. Scott, Willard, 4407. Scott, Winfield, letter, 1862. 2778. Scott, W. A., 4297. Scott, W. B., 6428. Scott, W. R., 42. Scott, W. W., 6833. Scott family, 3381, 3558, 6850. (Richard) family, 3380, 5017. Scott, name of, antiquity, 5774. Scott County, Iowa, 1498, 1499. anniversary, 1507. exhibit, 1839. 1518. Scott County, Kans., Pueblo ruins, 1580. Scottow, J., deposition, 1682. 3376. Scouler, J., 5802-5804. S( ; ouller, James B., 794. Scovel, S. P.. 5715. Scoville, P. C., 7475. S< -ranton, Pa., early history, 6162. 6164. reminiscences. 6161. Scribe s La Bohemienne, ou 1 Amerique. 3158. Si-roggs, W. O., 44, 104. Scudder, II. E., 2797, 2798, 2802, 3233. Scudder, S. II., 760, 2286. Scudder family, 6071. Scull, G. D., 3394-3398, 3723a, 4118, 5253, 6061-6064. Scully, M., 608. Sea, geography, 891. " Sea congregation," first, 1742. 6222. second, 1743. 6222. Seabrook, N. II., carved stone at, 2326. cemetery inscriptions, 3385. Seabury, W. J., 5035. Seacombe, Joseph, extracts from " text- hooks " of, 1 756-1777. 2272. Seager, II. R., 15. Seagrane, D., 4213. Seal, great, of England, 6343. great, of New England, 2775. of council of New England, 2778. of New Jersey, 4557. of United States. 277S. Seals, arms and. New York, 5032. of Massachusetts, 2779. State, of West Virginia, 68S9. Seals attached to Plymouth patent, 2798. Seals from Jeffries collection, 3389. Seals in collection of M. Chamberlain. : ,:5 < .2. Seals of judicial courts of Massachusetts Bay, 1(580-1780. 3721. Seaman, L. L., 7474. Seaman (John) family, 502(5. " Search for a Shilling." story of territorial days, 1513. Searle, Fanny, 2139. Searles, N., 1074. Sears, A. P., 571, 574. Sears, Barnas, 2785. Sears, E. W., 4933. Sears, J. II., 2428, 2446, 2462. Sears, P. II., 2135, 2137. Sears family, 3398. Sears pedigree, 3766. Seattle, Wash., founder of, 2028. founding of, 6869. Seaver, B. P., 2630. Seaver family, 3384. Seawell family, 6855, 6856. Sebago Pond, Maine, plantations on. 2621. Secession, Calhoun and. 1286. constitutional ethics of. 2807. Secession and reconstruction, 55(59. Secession convention. letter from J. Critcher, 6829. Secession emblems, 2774. Secession in Switzerland and the United States compared, 6744. Secomb, I). P., 4439, 4456. Second Adventists, 6180. Secord family, 7365. Sedgwick, II. I)., 2049, 2135. Sedgwick, Robert, instructions to, by Crom well, 2650. Sedgwick family, of Berkshire County, Mass., 2049. Sedley family. 3411. Seekonk, Mass., graveyard inscriptions, 3368. Seese, C. P.. 5721. Seever, W. J., 4378, 6962, 7013. Segesta, impressions of (coins), 6344. Sehner family, 5844. Seidensticker, O., 2024, 5901, 6058, 6067, 6069, 6070, 6350. 1270 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Seilhamer, G. O.. GOSO, 6154, 6156. Seine river. 897. Seixas family, 627. Selby, T., 1428, 7425. Selden, I ., 4400. Selden family, 6850-6855, 6860. Selectmen, hoards of. formation. 2707. Self-government, 1824. local, in Michigan constitution. 4202. Selfridge. T. O., 555. encounter with Austin. 1806. 2781. Selfridge, T. O., jr., 3340. Seligman. E. R. A., 807. 4205. Selinas, impressions of. 6344. Selish myths, 2445. Selkirk. A., will. 1720. 3408, . 5409. Selkirk colony, farm life in. 7149*. Selkirk reservation. 4284. Selkirk settlement, Michigan. 4281. Sellers, E. .T., 6069. Sellers, II. W., 6072, 6075. Sellers. X.. diary. 1776-1778. 6072. " Selling of Joseph," tract, 2776. Sellstedt, L. O., 477.,. Sell wood. B. J., 5826. Seltzer. A. F.. 74:50. Seltzer. L., 6141. Seminary lihraries, 1818. . Seminole war, Jackson s attitude. 6672. Semmes, T. .T., 1662. Semple, E. C., 575, 577, 5SO. Senate. New England, colonial origins. 1827. United States, first, 2O7. Seneca County. N. Y., 5535. centennial, 5535. early history, 4800. in war of 1812. 5535. judiciary, 5535. Seneca Falls, N. Y.. first Baptist Church. 5535. first Congregational Church, 5535. fire department, 5535. streets, 5535. Seneca Indian lands, sale, 1838-39. 4692. 4716. Seneca Indians, council at Buffalo and Cat- taraugus, N. Y., 1838-39. 4776. I)e Nonville s expedition. 1687. 5097. 5167, 7324. King of (Sayenqueraghta ). 4805. missionary to, 1821-1828. 4775. Quakers among, 4775. teachers among, 1811-1820. 4775. visit, 1669. 4766. Seneca Mission, Buffalo Creek. 4775. Sener, S. M., 914,915.920-922,5847,6165- 6170, 6185, 6189. Senter, I., journal, 5995, 5997. Separatist Society of Zoar, 5720. lands of. 5720. Sequoyah, 1021. Separatists from the Church of England, history or, 2243. of Plymouth Colony. 2243. Serampore mission, 509. Seri Indians, 902. Seriland, 897. Serpent mound, 5713, 5740. tahlet, 5722. Servant girl, Virginia, 1649. 6853. Servants, protection of, 1675. (5854. Service of plate, hill for, 1794. 6831. Servos, A., 7264. Servos family, 7226, 7267. Sessions, F. C., 5713, 5714, 5716. Sessions, Juliette, 5726. Setauket, N. Y., church, 5034. Seton. E. E. T., 7148A", 7148m. Seton, Robert, 5843. Seton. William, 914. " Sette Comuni," the, 573. Seume, .T. (1., 2794. Seven days hattles, 1862. 3333, 3334. Seven Oaks, 7149/. Seven Years war, 3. Seventh Day Baptists, settlement at Ephra- ta, Pa.. 6182. Sever, Nicholas, 2785, 2935. Severance. F. II., 4773-4777, 4796-4797. Severance, .T. C., 1052. Severance, S., letter, 1775. 337O. Seville. W. P., 1223. Sewn 11. D., 1708, 2621, 2947, 3387. Sewall. II. M., 7134. Sewall. Jonathan, letter, 1777. 2783. letters, 2800. Sewall, Joseph, 1698. Sewall, J. S.. 1714. Sewall, It. K., 1684, 1708, 1711. Sewall, Samuel, 2776. 2795, 2796, 4104. abode of, 2791. diary, 2798. diary. 1674-1729. 2197, 2663, 2664. 2665, 3364. publication of. 2785. gifts in Narragansett country, 6585. Latin epigrams of, 2794. letter to son, S. Sewall, 1720. 3350. letter, 1725-26. 2783. letter book, 2669, 2670, 2781. letters of, 3367, 3382. letters to Gov. Winthrop, 1705-6. 3367. memorandum, 2796. memorial on C ape Cod and Martha s Vineyard, 1702. 3372. memorial to Kennebec Indians. 1721. 1699. mnemonic lines, 2803, 3250. poem, 2791, 3006. verses, 2792, 2799. Sewall, Samuel, jr., diary, 2798. interleaved almanacs, 1724, 1732. 3374. letter, 1780. 2246. Sewall, S. E., 3682. Sewall family. 1708, 3359. Sewall house, Brookline, 2124. Seward, J., journal, 1817. 7410. Seward, J. W.. 5704. Seward, T. W., 3394, 5426, 5468. Seward, W. H., 4800. Seward (William) family, 3410. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1271 Sewell, A., 717. r >. Sewell, H. IX. 7174. Sewell, J.. 7172, 7173. Sewell. U. K.. 1703. Sewerage, sanitary. 41*90. Sewers, ancient and modern, 4800. Sexes, geographical distribution of, 809. proportion, 812. Sexton, P. B., 6679. Seyfert, A. G., 6165. Seymour, C. B., 4280. Seymour, II., 530. Seymour, J., 5432, 7412. Seymour, J. P.. 5468. Seymour. J. M., 5637, 5643, 5644. Seymour, N., 4850, 4923, 4934. Seymour, T., letters, 3386. Seymour, William, journal of southern expedition, 1 780-1 78.",. 1 233. 6063. Seymour, W. II., 1062. Seymour (Thomas) family, 5026. Seymour monument, 5436, 5438. Shaokelford, T., 4378. Shackford, S., 3778. Shad fisheries, early, on the Susquehanna, 6431. Shaffer, G. T., 4278. Shaftesbury papers, 6634. Shahan. T. J., 777, 915. Shaker mission to Shawnees, 5723. Shakers, mobbing in Union village, 5723. society, Cleveland, 5721. Warren County, Ohio, 5722. Whitewater community, 5725. Shakespeare, W., birth, three hundredth anniversary, 3513, 3514. 3526. commemoration, 2776. criticism, 4693. emendations in text of, 7176. Shaler, N. S., 897. 906. Shambaugh, B. P., 20, 21, 1515. 1521. 1523. 1524, 1527, 1530, 15:52-1535. 1537, 1538. Shamokin, Pa., journey from Harris Ferry. 1747. 5897. journey to, 1748. 6085, 6136. Shandon, Ohio, centennial, 5726. Shannon, T., 3363. Shannon, W., 1578, 1578a, 1579. Shannon family, 3363. " Shannon," and the " Chesapeake," naval battle between, 2791. Shannonville, Pa., copper mines. 7422. Shanton graveyard inscriptions. 5748. Shapleigh, J., letter, 1781. 3408. Shapleigh, J. II., 3385. Shapleigh family, 3363, 3385, 3408. Shark-man, Nanane, legend of. 7131. Sharon, Mass., annals of, 415: ,. a few words about, 2208. Sharon, Ohio. St. John s Church, 5748. Sharp, Abbie Gardner, 1515. Sharp, B., 7533. letter, 6671. Sharp, Cornelia A., diary, 7477. Sharp, Granville, 2621. Sharp. J.. 6079. Sharp. J. II.. 5826. Sharp, M. L., 2114. Sharp, T., letter, 1632. 3393. Sharp family, 6076. Sharpe, K. S.. 4(567. Sharpe, Horatio, correspondence, 1750 1771. 1978. 198i, 1986. Sharpe, J., proposals. 1712-13. 5252a. Sharpe, J. II., 5570. Sharpe, .1. McD., 6043. Sharpe, J. W., 6156. Sharpe papers, 2104. Sharpies pictures, the, 3058. Sharpless, A., 5878. Sharpless, W. T., 5879. Sharpless portraits of Washington, 2793. Shasta, Mt.. 906. Shattuck. G. C., 3683. Shattuck, L., 2650, 2748, 3359, .",3(52. Shattuck monument, error on, 2602. Shaw, A., 1X13, 1X19, 572(5. Shaw, Albert D., 4795, 4906. Shaw, B. P., 1428. Shaw. Elizabeth, 5721. Shaw, P. (J., 36X3. Shaw, II. A., 4253. Shaw, J., personal narrative, 6926. Shaw, John, 6932. Shaw, J. T., 4292. ! Shaw, L. M., 1563. Shaw, It. K., 5714. Shaw, S. S., 2808, 3685. Shaw, W. J., 1056. Shaw, W. T., 1515. Shaw family, 3409. Shawanese, the Lord s Prayer in. 2643. Shawangunk. meaning of, 5549. Shawangunk Mountain, 896. Shawangunk s ancient Indian fort, visit to, 4862. Shawe family, 3407. Shawmut." Indian name, 2778. meaning of the aboriginal phrase, 2638. Shawnee, Delaware and, Indians, vocabu lary, 5977. Shawomet. Indian deed of, 1642. 04XH. Shays family, 5468. Shays s rebellion, 35. 45. 100. 210. 483. 1698, 2183, 2794, 2805. 30O9. 3365. 4033c. Shea. J. G., 912, 914-917. 919, 923. 924. 1935, 3374, 4731. 4735, 5O9X. 51X7. 5210, 5342, 6064, 6927, 6930</. Sheafe, J. P., jr., 2567. Sheafe family. 3362, 341.",. Sheaf er, P. W., 6048. Sheahan, D. II., 607, 609. Shoahan. J. W., 1415. Shearer, J.. 4252. Sheather (John) family, 3417. Sheboygan county, Wis., early times. 6928. pioneer settlement, 6931. Shedd, W. A., 579. Shedd. W. B., 3369. Sheeleigh, M., 5959, 5960, 6354. 1272 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Sheeman, B., 510. Sheep husbandry in Oregon, 5799. Sheep, statistics of, 1897. 811. Sheepscot. Me.. 1700. Sheepscot farms, 1705. Sheepscot River, Me., 1608. Sheets, IT., 5589, 5591. Sheffield, W. P., 4979, 6508, 6520, 6532, 6552, 6584. Shelbourne, S. F., 555. Shellwrne, Mass.. revolutionary soldiers. 4098. Shellmrne, Nova Scotia, settlement of loyal ists, 7279. Shelby, Evan, 1640. Shelby, Isaac, 1639. Shelby County, Iowa, 1538, 1556. Catholicity in, 1520. sociological study, 1538. Sheldon, A. E., 4417. Sheldon, G., 2184, 3386, 3389, 3410. 3411. 3417, 3635, 3984, 4095-4098, 4100. 4212. 4213, 4550, 7480. Sheldon, Henry Clay, 779. Sheldon, IT. O.. personal reminiscences, 7417. Sheldon, J., 4765, 4770, 4771. Sheldon, W., 116. Sheldon family, 3373. Shell beds, local (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.), 6421. Wyoming Valley, Pa., 6439. Shell deposits, Damariscotta, Me., 1702. Shell mounds of Florida, recent explora tions, 6297. Shelley s, P. B., debt to eighteenth century thought 7329. Shenandoah campaign, Patterson s, 3334. Shenandoah valley, first white settler, 6892. history, tradition, etc., 6887. Shenandoah valley operations, 1862. 5334. Shenk, IT. M., 7427. Shepard, James, 3390. 3412-3414. 3416, 3946, 3956-3958, 3980. 5751. Shepard, Thomas, 2642. election sermon in 1638. 3382. letter to II. Peter, 1645. 38. Shepard genealogy, 2208. Shepard (Edward) family, 3390. Shepardson, G. D., 5753. Shepardson College, 5753. Shepherd, A. E. B., 3390. Shepherd, II. E., 1283. Shepherd, R. P., 4835. Shepherd, W. R., 12, 26, 43, 4812. 4823. Shepherd family, 6891. Sheppard, Mrs., 7174. Sheppard, J. H., 3374, 3375, 3377-3381. 3383, 3384, 3479, 3486, 3493, 3495. 3514, 3527, 3536, 3551, 3554. 3562, 3578, 3600, 3601&, 3665. 3687. Sheppard, N., 3390. Sheppard. W., 7174, 7175. Sherburne, E. R., 3416, 3417, 3978. Sherburne family, 3375, 3417, 3978. (Henry) family, 3416. Sheridan, P. H., cavalry service with, 6597. Sherman, A. M., 621. Sherman, Gov. B. R., messages, etc., 1882- 1886. 1561. Sherman, D., 3382, 3385, 4807, 7408, 7410. Sherman, E. A., 1072. Sherman, G. R., 6599. Sherman, Hoyt, 1517. Sherman, John, 7408. Sherman, J. S., 5434. Shorman, Roger, 10. correspondence, 359. Sherman, S. A., 813. Sherman, S. S., 6907. Sherman, S. T T ., 6599. Sherman, T. T., 3417. Sherman, W. T., 1063. Sherman family, 3382, 3409. 3417. wills, .",412. (William) family, Plymouth. Mass.. 3385. Sherman s march, 40, 6597. Sherman. Ohio, history, 7410. Sherman County, Kans., 1582. Sherrard, R. A., 7415. Sherwin, T., 3382. Sherwood, Grace, trial for witchcraft, 1705. 6797. Sherwood, G. F. T., 6857. Sherwood, Joseph, letters, 1761-1766. 4539. Sherwood, S., 1828. Sherwood, T. C., 4292. Sherwood, W., letters to J. Williamson, 1671-1672. 6859. will, 1697. 6861-6863. Sheshatapooshshoish language, 2624. Shiawasse County, Mich., epidemic, 1848. 4280. exchange bank, 4280. history, 4284. memorials, 4278-4280. Shield, B., letter to Hamilton, J., 1781. 6075. Shield family, 6851-6853. Shilling, colonial, the. 36. Shiloh, battle of, 6670. Shimmell. L. S., 21. Shindler, Emma B., 6681. Shinn, C. H., 1814, 1819. Shinn, J. F., 1283. Shinn, J. II., 5049. Ship ".Old," of 1626 found on Cape Cod. 2794. Ship registers, Salem and Beverly, 178M- 1900. 2277, 2278, 2280. See also Vessels. Shipbuilding, early, in Massachusetts. 3381-3384, 3571, 3596. in Salem, history of, 2245, 224(5. in San Gabriel, Cal., 1012. in United Kingdom, 1898. 900. Shipley, Maynard, 815. Shipley, S. R.. 5878. Shipman, F. B., 1195. Shippen, E., 5910, 5911, 6063, 6079. Shippen, Rebecca L., 6078, 6081. Shippen, W., letter, 1777. 6077. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR TNDEX. 1273 Shippen family, 0084, 741 . ?. 7503. (William) family, 6057. Shipping, early, on Lake Superior, 6963, 7018. Ships used in crossing the Atlantic, 1492- 1020. 2777. Shipwrights from England, 5025. Shiras. O. P., 1517. Shireff. A., 7178. Shirley, J. M., 4455. Shirley, (jov. W., instructions to, 1741. 208. letter of. 1748. 2021. letter to Indian chiefs, 1740. 3378. letter to Lords of Trade, in 1743. 2138. letters. 1744. 3393. memorandum from family Bible of, 7395. Shirley Centre, Mass.. cemetery inscrip tions. 1754-1850. 3415. Shirley s expedition, 1755. 3385. Shishaldin, 900. Shively. S. J.. 1582. Shoddy and its products, 4212. Shoemaker, <!., marriage certificate, 1094. 0072. Shoemaker, S., diary, 0058. Shoemaker, T. II.. (5071. 0072, 0074. Shoemaker family, 0072. Shonts. T. P., 7474. Shoreham, Vt., history, 6097. Short, W. P., 1423. Shorthand, rare books in, 2800. Short story, Welde s, 4123. Shortess, R., 5827. Shortridge, S. M., 1077. Shortt, A., 7371-7372. Shot trade in early Wisconsin, 6935. Shove, S.. letter to S. Sewall, 1092. 3370. Shreve. Israel, letter. 1770. 0084. Shrewsbury, Mass., local laws and regula tions, 3300. notice of, 2029. Shrewsbury, N. .T., Christ Church, tomb stone inscriptions, 5043. inscriptions, 5049. Shrimpton, Samuel, case of, 3309. Shue. W. D., 4351. Shultze, I)., letter to R. Green way, 0075. Shumway, D. B.. 885. Shumway, II. L., 4202, 4210. Shumway. Mary T., 2545. Shurtleff. C. A., 2288. Shurtleff. H. S., 3682. Shurtleff, N. B., 2776, 2782, 2818*, 3359. 3362, 3428. Shurtleff, W. S., 2183. Shurtleff manuscript. No. 153. 4439. Shuswap people of British Columbia, 7310. bhute, Daniel, journal, 1758. 2251, 2340. Shute, Gov. Samuel, journey from Boston to Portsmouth, 4449. letters, 1718. 2623. Shuttleworth, Hannah, unknown portrait bequeathed by, 2206. Siam, 587. Siberia, 902. railroads, 898. Siberia, trip through, 903. Sibley. Charlotte A. L., will, 2806. Sibley, II. II., 4302, 4304, 4314. Sibley, J. L., 2777. 2782. 2788, 2832, 3308, 3371, 3372, 3383. will of, 3045a. Sibley s expedition, 1803. 4312. Sicily, letters from, 6343. Siclen, G. W., 7507. Sicyon, coin of, 071, 6327. Siebert, W. II.. 12, 28, 34. 5710, 5732. Sleeken family (New York). 5022. Siege of Boston, " New Song." 7395. Sieges and changes produced by modern weapons, 7183. Sieling, J. II.. 0165. Sierra Nevada, exploration of, 55: ,. Signers of the Declaration of Independence. biographers of, 2784. #Vrp also Declaration of Independence. Sikes, E. W., 1829. Silk, from spiders, researches on. 2301. Sille, De, family. 5049. Sillery, Seigneurie de, 7.".25. Silliman, B., 0059. Silliman, Mary, chapter, D. A. R., 1150. Silsbee, Henry, genealogical account of. 2250. Silsbee family, 2250. 2393. Silsher, E. A., 2400. Silurian strata in Red River Valley. 71487. Silver, J. A., 1820. Silver, production of, 586r/. rate per ounce in New Hampshire, 1700 1750. 4450. rates, 1700-1750. 2139. Silver Bank, 2137. Silver Islet, Mich., settlement, 4266. Silversmith, Boston, Mass.. 1712. 3408. Simancas, map, 1713, 3405. Simitiere, portraits of American patriots by, 1783, 2794. Simmons, C. B., 7408. Simmons, G. A., 6057. Simms, W. G., 4725. bibliography, 1281. Simonds, A., 3683. Simonds, J., business contracts, 7252. letters, 1764-1785. 7252. Simons, C. C., 4299. Simonton, J. W., 5897. Simpkins, J., 2628. Simplicity s defense, 6483. Simpson, B. P., 1577. 1578o. Simpson, D. P., 4300. Simpson, T. II.. 549. Simpson, S. L., 5797, 5808. 5820. Simpson, T., 4312, 6597. Simpson, W. A.. 901. Sims, C. S., 3372, 3383. Sims, Thomas, 2080. Sinaloa, Spanish explorations north of, 841. Sinclair family, 5025. Sinding, P. C.. 7178. Singan, 902. 1274 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. " Sinkers " or " plummels," 868. Sinks, H. B.. 5908. Sinks, Julia L., 6679, 6680. Sioussat, St. G. L., 1833. Sioux Indians, 4304. campaign against, 1864. 4395. campaign, 1876. 4395. captivity among, 1862. 4311. history, 6658. language, 7148(7. massacre, 1862. 4308, 4311, 4312. monuments, 4338. missionary work among, 4311. Sully s expedition against, 1864. 4310. traditions, 4308. war with, 1522. Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood. 5S55</. Sisters of Charity. Philadelphia. 5856. Sisters of Mary and Jesus, 5843. Sisters of Mercy of Charleston. 5,856. Sisters of Notre Dame of Cincinnati, 5853. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namar, 5853. Sites, C. M. L,., 4827. Sitgreaves, ,T., 1286. Sitgreaves family. 6069. Sitting Bull, death of, 4414. Six Mile Run, Pa., church, 5908. Six Nations, 4807. Ontario, 7377. treaty at Albany, 1775. 2643. Skaneateles, missionary to, 1802. 5499. Skeel, Adelaide. 4859. Skeel, T., 4689. Skeletons, painted, 5723. Skellenger, A. D., 7409, 7415, 7417. Skelton, Samuel, house of, 2247. Skelton family, 2201, 6860. Skenandoah, 4973. Skidmore, Martha, 4397. Skiles family, 6891. Skinner, C. M., 7391. Skinner (Richard) family, 3412, 3940. Skirm family, 6067. Skoffie language, 2624. Slade, D. D., 2133, 3381, 3384, 3573, 3602, 3833, 4097, 4098. writings of, 3409. Slade, D. R., 2137-2139, 7395. Slafter, C., 2188, 2195-2197, 2200-2208, 4126, 7404. Slafter, E. F., 2791, 2792, 2794, 2798, 2802. 2804, 2805, 2807, 2808, 3025, 3041. 3081, 3093, 3154, 3236, 3254, 3266. 3293, 3296, 3310, 3380-3382, 3391. 3394, 3407, 3566, 3568, 3579, 3680 ? 3700, 3715, 3737, 3873, 4112, 4113. 4116, 4124, 4456, 4484, 6753, 6755, 6930D, 6976. Slate rock, R. I.. 6585. Slaughter, G., 1628. Slaughter, P., 3685, 3743a, 6819. letter. January 5, 1847. 1284. Slaughter genealogy, 1642. Slave, fugitive, first case in Ohio, 10. what right had a, of self-defense, 6069. Slaveholders in Virginia, 1625. 3380. Slave Lake, travels on, 1890. 7153. Slave laws, Mississippi, early, 4345, Slave owners, Virginia. 1782. 6834. Spottsylvania County, 1783. 6828. Slave rescus, Niagara. 1840. 7262. Slave trade, 20, 199. in 1816. 6585. in Massachusetts, 6850. 1681, 3389. in New England, 200. in Texas, 6684. of Africa, 572. to United States, 1638-1870, suppression of, 2549. Slave-trade laws, 8. Slavers, petition to prevent fitting out of, at Philadelphia, 6071. Slavery, 1824, 1847, 1856, 1896. alM>lition of. in Virginia in 1785. 2138, 2162. always excluded from Vermont. 3387. attitude of Society of Friends toward, 779. brief in slave case, 1781. 2661. in Canada, 7282, 7346. 7351. in Connecticut, 1824. in District of Columbia, 7, 1266. emancipation, 4281. in England, extinction of, 2776. in Essex County, Mass., 2246. first protest, in America, where signed, 6062. first printed protest against, 1693. 6069. history, 1285. in Illinois, 1422. Illinois legislation on, 1818-1865. 7425. movement, early for legalization of, 1353, 1359. Iowa, 1514, 1515, 1538. Jay s treaty and, 22. letter on, 6009. loyalists and, in New Brunswick, 7323. in Massachusetts, negro, 2262, 2475, 2622, 2869, 2928. early protests against, 7395. extinction of, 2652, 2772. letters and documents, 2661. slave case tried, 1781. 2661. See also Mass, slavery, in Mississippi, early laws, 4345. in Missouri, 1581. in Nebraska. 4406. New England conference versus, 4028. in New Jersey, 1827, 5044. in New York colony, 5, 7, 4812. in North Carolina, 1827, 1830. passing of, in western Missouri. 1581. in Pennsylvania, 5966. abolishment of, act of 1780. 5967. attempts for, 1819. 2636. petitions and papers, 1452. in Rhode Island, 6581. in, 1755-76. 6470. . in South Carolina, 1670-1770. 12. struggle, 1823-1834. 1385. in the Territories, 8. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1275 Slavery in Virginia, 12S(i. 1865. proposed abolition in, 1785. 2138, 2162. Westmoreland County, 1782. 6834. in Wisconsin, 6960. 7()00. $ee alno Antislavery. Free soil. Fugitive- slave law, North Carolina, Anti- slavery, slavery. Slaves, liberation by Gov. Dongan, 929. in Massachusetts. 1754. 2031. in Mississippi, legal status, 4347. in Northampton County, Pa., 6078. Pennsylvania assembly, early acts, 5967. Sleepy Hollow, N. Y.. old Dutch Church records, 1697-1791. r,r>66. Sleigh ride of 1856. 5618. Sleswick-Holstein question, 7178. Slevin, T. E., 997. Sloan. (1. W., 1453-1455. Sloan, J., 4774. Sloane, C. W., 927, 928. Sloane, Hans, Dr., lines addressed to, 2782. Sloane, It. R., 5639, 5643. 5646-5648, 5721, 5722, 573(5. Sloane, Sarah B., 5744. Sloane, W. M., 26, 34, 38, 43. Slocum, A. G., 4292. Slocum, C. E., 3392, 5721, 5724, 5726. Slocum, II. W., 4951. Slocum, K. R., 5498. Slocum family, 3392. Sloper family, 3375. Slosson genealogy, 5018. Sluyter, 1 ., journal, 4944, 4945. Sluyter family, 1225. Slyle, R., will, 1670. 3408. Small, A. W., 1821. Small, C. II., 778, 5703, 5705. Small, E. P., 1806. Small, L. W., 1710. Small family in America, 1710. Smallpox, 1721. 2623. among Indians, 1757. 914. Boston, inoculation for, 1759. 2635. early horror, 2273. Manchester, N. II., 4428&. statistics, 814. Smallpox inoculation, 2627, 2635. Smallwood, S., 3408. Smethurst, Gamaliel, narrative, 7257, 7536. Smibert, pictures by, 2785. portraits by, 2786. Smith, Aaron, puzzle, 2201, 2203. Smith, Alexander, proclamation, war of 1812. 7377. Smith, Ashbel, 6677. Smith, A. B., 2593, 2594. Smith, Arthur B., 7531. Smith, A. D., 7259. Smith, A. L., 5899. Smith, A. M., 2044o, 2045. Smith, B., 4733, 5223. Smith, B. H., 6082, 6085. Smith, C., 4280, 7408. Smith, C. A., 4097, 4345. Smith, C. B., 502. Smith, C. C., 202, 205, 2770, 2771, 2782- 2786, 2788, 2789, 2791, 2793-2807, 2932, 2934, 2945, 2984, 3001, 3010, 3026, 3039, 3104, 3225, 3287. Smith, C. E., 550O, 5503, 7474. Smith, C. P., 2052. Smith, C. II., 2195-2198. Smith, C. M., 6074, 6599. Smith, C. S., 568. Smith, C. W., 1581. Smith, E. A., 1285, 1296a. Smith, E. B., 1704, 3386, 3627. Smith, E. .!.. 6783, 6784. Smith, E. M., 1427. Smith, E. R., 1580. Smith, E. S.. 4266. Smith, P., 2196-2198, 2203, 2222. Smith, Fayette. 4098. Smith, F. I)., 1581. Smith, F. F.. 5852. Smith, Geo., will of, 1596. 2789. Smith, (Johhvin. 28, 41, 44, 45. Smith, G. B.. 7127. Smith, G. O., 2592, 2593. Smith, G. P., 6080. Smith, G. W., 1202, 1383, 5050, 7425. Smith, II.. 6932. 7408. Smith. II. A. M., 6651. Smith, II. B., 5217, 6372. Smith, II. E., 4693. Smith, II. I., 1513, 4283, 4284, 5732. Smith. II. J.. 2805. Smith, II. L.. 4300. Smith, Henry M., 4196, 4202, 4203. Smith, Hugh M.. 905, 7474. Smith, II. R., 6078. Smith, I. T., 6930. Smith, Jeremiah, 4451. Smith, John (Virginia), 2641, 2781, 2892. description of New England, 2644. letter. 1606. 3386. Smith, John (Quartermaster of Dorchester,. Mass.), deed to R. Pearse, 1650. 3395. will of, 1631. 2778, 2843. Smith, John (of Charlestown, Mass.), peti tion, 1656. 3370. Smith, Joseph, 607. 608, 612, 6062. Smith, J. E., correspondence, 1106. Smith, J. E. A., 2048. 3685. Smith, J. P., //-., 4171. 4175. Smith, J. H., 1267. Smith, J. J., 4543, 4571. Smith, J. J. 1 ., 6633, 6639. Smith, John M., 4098. Smith, J. P., 5716. Smith, J. R., 579, 7391. Smith, J. Spear, 1910. Smith, Jennie S., 4098. Smith, J. W., 6780. 7377. Smith, J. Y., -6928, 6930. Smith, L. B., 6714. Smith, M. A., 2197-2199. Smith, Mrs. M. H., letter from Washington, D. C.. in 1829. 1267. Smith, M. L., 4546. 1276 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Smith, Mary P. W., 7480. Smith, Mary R., 810, 813. Smith, N., 6753. Smith, P. E., 5535. Smith, R., letter, 1768. 3387. Smith, Richard, letter, 1673. 3366. diary, 1776-76. 34. Smith, R. A., 1477, 3403, 3823. Smith. R. B., 4397. Smith, R. ( ., 3687. Smith, R. M., 807, 809, 811. Smith, Samuel, manuscripts, extracts from, 4542, 4543. Smith, S. B.. 5795, 579S. Smith, S. !>.. 7408. Smith, S. (J., 6893. Smith. S. P., 7132. Smith, S. It.. 1239. Smith, S. S., 4546. Smith. S. T., 5847, 5849, 5850. Smith, Thomas, Revolutionary letter, 1780. 2280. Smith, Rer. Thomas, 3389. and his first parish of Falmouth, New Portland, 1717. Smith, T. C., 7020. Smith, T. E. V., 773, 5354, 5371. Smith, T. I,., 1513. Smith, T. W., 7279, 7282. Smith, William, 3365, 5093-5095. Smith, Rer. William, letter to .T. Wilson. 1789. 6073, 6085. Smith, W. A., 227. Smith, W. F., 3336. Smith, W. G., 5853, 5854. Smith, William Henry, 4, 10, 1393, 5714. Smith, William L., 2183. Smith, W. M., 4408. Smith, W. R., 6683, 6922. Smith, Z. F., 1623a, 1628. Smith family, 3372, 3374, 3409, 6853, 6854, 6857, 6858. of Barrington, R. I., 2200. of Nassau, 5045. of New York, 5025. of Topsfield, 4171, 4175. of Virginia, 6852. (John Rock) family, Nassau, 5045. (Joseph Birdsall) family, 5042. (Ralph) family, 3384. ( Richard ) family, ( Ipswich, Mass. ) , 3365. (Tangier) records, 5016. (William) family, 6060. of South Carolina, 6649. Smith family letters, 4173. Smithers, N. B., 1241. Smithers, W. T., 1241. Smithfield, Va., old brick church, 1632. 6817. Smith s Fort plantation, oldest brick house, 6856. Smith s " Generall Historic," notes on, 3405. Smith s History of New York, 5241. Smiths Island, Delaware River, title to, 6078. Smiths Knoll, historic value, 7378. Smith s " New England s Trials," 2781. Smithsonian Institution, 4561. investigations in New York State, 5171. Smithson s bequest, 4561. Smoke, condensation of, 7174. Smucker, I., 182, 5678, 5679, 5682. Smyth, A. H., 762. Smyth, E. C., 181, 197, 202, 205, 206, 210, 299, 3SO, 415, 475, 2796, 2803, 3118. Smyth, N., 1160. Smyth, R. D., 3409-3417, 3842. Smyth, S. (}.. 5959, 5960, 6891, 6892, 7422. Smyth, Thomas, 3384. Smythe, tfir T., and Alderman Johnson, re ply to .T. Bargrave, 1621. <>830. Snake bites, curing, 34O4. Snana. narrative of a friendly Sioux, 4311. Snead family, 6858. Snelling. S., 3410. Snelling, W. J., 6929. Snelling (John) family, 3410. Sniping, 1427. Snively, E. A., 1422, 7425. Snodgrass. R., 5897. Snow, Abbie E., 4097. Snow, B. B., 4800. Snow, E. M., 6509. Snow, Freeman, 4. Snow, F. H., lt)80. Snow, J., 946. Snow, M. S.. 1818, 4373. Snow family, 3407, 3409. Snow genealogy. 3405, 3406, 3898a. Snow " Prince of Orange," 209, 465. Snowden, J. R., 1208, 6270. Snowy range, 575. Snyder, F., 1504, 1505. Snyder, J. F., 1423-1425, 5732, 7425. Snyder. J. H., jr., 7054. Snyder, J. L.. 4295. Soapstone quarries, ancient, 197, 307. Social affairs, 1760. 1282. Social compact and constitutional construc tion, 39. Social compact theory, 10. Social condition of labor, 1824. Social organizations, ethical value, 1020. Social science, 1820. Socialism, recent American, 1815. tendencies, 4456. Socialism in United States and Canada, 7319. Societe de Notre-Dame de Montreal, 7359. Society for promoting and propagating the gospel in New England, 3394, 3397. Society for propagating the gospel among the Indians, 2630. Society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, London, early rec ords, 5037. Society in Scotland for propagating Chris tian knowledge, excerpt from re port, 1774. 6381. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1277 Society of United Bowmen, 1885. 0084. Sociology and statistics. 811. New York, 811. Sociology of a New York City block, 815. Sodalite at Salem, Mass., 2291. Sodom, Iowa, 1505. Soil erosion, 897. Solar eclipse, 1832, Albany. N. Y., 4084. Solar eclipse of 1878. 2387. Solart, J.. estate, 1680. 3390. Solders, G. B., 5633. Soldier, American citizen, 4098. Soldiers free homestead colony, 4410. Soldiers monuments, 3380. Solebtiry, Pa., first settlement, 5960. " Solemn league and covenant," protesters against, 2780, 2781. Soley, J. C., 3339, 3340. Soils, E. N., 631, 634. Sollers, A. G., 4158. Sellers, B., 2023. Solley, G. W., 7480. Solomon River Indian fight. 1803. 1581. Somerby, H. G., 1735, 3360-3363. Somerendyk family, 5022. Somerset s case, 2776. > Somersworth, N. II., settlers, 4448. Somerville, Mass., 4158. Curtis street, 4158. directory, 1851. 4158. flora of, 4161. hand book of historic festival, 4156. history of journalism, 4157. literary men and women of, 4159. McLean Asylum, 2800. Medford and Walnut streets, 4159. Prospect Hill, 4156. Prospect Hill Park celebration, 4159. soldiers in the rebellion, 4158. Ten Hills farm, 4158. Washington and Prospect streets, 4161. Winter Hill, 4160. Winter Hill road in 1842. 4158. Song, forefathers , 1630. 2645. Songs, national, 179, 237, 238. Soniat, C. T., 1673. Soniat du Fossat, Chevalier Guy. 1673. Sonnenburg, A. Falkner von, 9(K. Sonnoutouan, Jesuit missions in, 1056- 1684. 4800. Sonora; geography, 542. Sonora Province, geographical description. 5847. " Sons of Liberty," 1 709. 2780. Sons of Liberty, New York, 5199. Soper, Sarah E., 4280. Sorsby, Mrs. Idyl K., 975. Sorsby, Mrs. W. E., 945. Souder, J. D., 7422. Soulanges, Canada, Church of St. Clet, 7346. Soule, Annah M., 4278, 4279, 4293. Soule", F., 1028, 1029, 1056, 1074, 1O79. Sound, aberration, 897. Souris country, monuments, mounds, forts, etc., 7148w, South, antislavery sentiment, 1282. before the war, 5714. history, recent work in, 6817. in olden time, 1285. in war and politics, 5587. industrial conditions before the war, 4210. literature, 4345. local government, 1824. military government in, 2(). planter of old, 1281. revival of interest in historical investiga tion, 6672. soldiers and statesmen, 5586. tariff and public lands, 16. teaching of history, 1539. work in building United States, 945. South Africa, British, 901. geography and military operations, 901. war in, causes, 4213. South Afrikander and Englishman, 4882. South America, 893. South Bend, Ind., 1456. South Berwick, Me., graveyard, inscrip tions, 3362, 3368. South Carolina, Association of, 1775. 0070. agreement, 1775. 2781. colonial history, 11. colony government, 1820. contributions of Massachusetts to inhab itants of, 1781. 3101. council of safety, 1775-70. 0031, 0(532, 0046-6049. documents relating to, 0029. dual governments, 1719-1770. 0034. education prior lo and during the Revo lution, 0033, 0041. emigrants from Essex County, Mass., 3388. free schools. 1813, 0042. gleanings in England, 0049-0051. history, 7527. Huguenot influence in, (5615. Huguenots of, and their churches, 4892, 6610, 0018. illicit interprovince trade, 177(5. 6650. Irish in, 609. Jews, 635. local government, 1813, 6642. marriage notices from South Carolina Ga/ette, 1786-1788. 005O. nullification in. 2551. nullification resolutions, 1828. H>83. papers in State paper office, London. (5(531. 6(532. physiography. 898. Presbyterian emigration into, early. 6:574. 1 residential election of 1800. 38. Protestant Episcopal parishes, 1724 5517. . reconstruction period, 1840. resources, 1850. 545. sectionalism and representation in, 20. slavery, 1670-1770. 12. social life, 1800. 6649. soldiers. Revolutionary, in Col. Maham s regiment, 6650. 1278 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. South Carolina soldiers, Continental Army records, 6650, 66.">1. women writers, bibliography, 1286. South Carolina and Georgia, provinces. 1733. 1302. South Dakota, authors. 6658. Bad Lands. 900. historical sketch. 6657. history. 7123. South Danvers, Mass.. baptisms in, 2245. 2246. South Frankfort, Mich.. 42X3. South Georgetown. Mass., flora of. 2425. South Hampton. X. II.. church records. 1743-1800. .",411. South Natick. Mass.. Bacon house. 2567. Badger place, 2567. Hezekiah Broad house. 2567. Carver house, 2567. cemetery, 2567. B. P. Cheney place. 2567. Cook house, 2567. Dana homestead, 2567. Eliot oak. 2567. Elijah Esty place, 2567. founding of. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary. 2568. homes of early white settlers. 2567. Indian burying grounds, 2567. Indian mill. 2567. Kimball place. 2567. meeting houses. 2567. merchants block. 25(57. Eliakim Morrill tavern. 2567. Isaac Morrill place. 2567. Morse places. 2567. Ebenezer Newell house. 2567. Newport Green. 2567. Oliver Pea foody estate, 2567. Pratt house. 2567. Welles mansion. 2567. * Wellesley," 2567. South Reading. Mass., burial ground, in scriptions. 3365. South Snake River, trip up, is*;:;. 431)4. South* T nion Township, Ohio. Bowdle grave yard, 5748. Southall family. 6860. Southampton. England. All Saints Church. Bayard epitaphs. 5O36. description. 5O49. Southampton. L. I., record from Bible. 5<>49. Southampton, Pa.. Baptist Church. 5864. "Doctor woman." 6155. Southforidge. Mass.. 4130. as a poil parish. 4120. early history, 4143. first settlers. 4138. in civil war, 4136. Southeast, Putnam County. X. V.. 5047. church of East Philippi. inscriptions. 5047. 5048. inscriptions, 5048. Southerland. W. II. H.. 904. Southern frontier life, 1284. Southern history, study of, 6673. Southern Literary Messenger (two southern magazines), 1281. Southern Pacific Railroad, origin, 4340. Southern planter. 1850. 1284. Southern political views, 1865. 1286. Southern question, past and present. 189O. 2548. " Southern Side Lights." 6856. Southern States, journey to, 1781. 4535. taxation in. 18:U. Southgate, W. J.. 1690. Southgate (Richard) family. 3377. South ington (Conn.). Church. 3389. *. Southold. L. I., claim to settlement over Southampton, 5541. founders of. 5041. early history. 1157. settlers. 5045. Southward family in Salem, 2253. Southwark, St. Saviour s, marriages, 1605- 1625. 5O42. 5043. 5044. Southwest, ancient habitations, 562. antiquities, (565. expansion of old. 1287. French settlement. 1286. local government. 1824. Spanish colonization of. 1821. Spanish institutions of, 1851. Spanish knowledge of. before, 1536. 841. Southwestern history, 22. Southwick, J. L., 4214. Southwold, England. 5050. Southworth, A. S.. 55O. Sovereignty, theory of, history, 4829. Sower. C.. quarrel with C. Beisel. 60(58. Sowles. E. A.. (5739, (5759. Spain, economic condition, sixteenth ceu tury, 10. mines, 1517. treaty with. 1786. 44. Spain and the United States in 1795. 38. Spalding, G. B.. 5505. Spalding, L.. 5115. Spalding. S. J.. 2251. 2329, 3684, 3687. Spalding. T.. 1302. Spalding. W. W.. 4281. Spalter. Sarah B., 6707. Spangenberg. A. G.. liixlini*. journal, ex tracts. 1281. letters to .1. Rogers. January 25. 1761. 6222. Spangler. 1-:. W.. 6O76. Spangler. II. T.. (5362. Spaniards in Illinois. 2. New Mexico. (54. in south and southwest. 1286. Spanish abandonment and reoccupation of East Texas. 1773-1779. 6688. Spanish America, topographic terms, 897. Indies. Spanish laws, bibliography. 1004. Spanish-American war, 5437. 5451. Kansas in. 1580. Spanish-American war veterans, memorial, 4398. Spanish colonization in the Southwest, 1821. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1279 Spanish dollar, the, 30. Spanish explorations, early, 1582. Spanish institutions of the Southwest, 1851. Spanish Main. 2795. Spanish Main and Nicaragua expedition. 1779-1781. 5256. Spanish policy in Mississippi, 4344. Spanish power in America, plan for defeat of, 1776. 2781. Sparhawk, Frances C., 3684. Sparhawk family, 2264, 2266, 2504, 3370, 3379, 3521. in New England, 2263. (Nathaniel) family, 3377. Sparks, F. E., 1827. Sparks, .Tared, 2139, 2776, 5247. letter, 1846. 2805. literary service of, 2798. Sparks, Katherine C., 1423. Sparling, S. E., 1538, 7116. Sparrow, G., 4911. Spaulding, B. A., 1517. Spaulding, Samuel, manuscript and book of Mormon, 5778. Spayd, II. II., 6139. Spear, S. L., 7425. Spear, T. G., 1049. Spear family, 3376. "Special Providences," written in 1714. 2256. Spectacle Island, 3380. Speculation, 4824. Speculations. 1836. 477.".. Speed, T., 1611. 1611). (5792. "Speedwell." passenger list. 3359. Spe.er, .T., 1579-1581. 1600. Speirs, F. W.. 1828. Spellissy, M. A.. 5853. Spelman, Kir II.. glossary of. 330O. Spencer. A. C., 578. Spencer. I). E.. 1821, 6934, 6990. Spencer. E., 2629. Spencer, G. I)., 6712. Spencer, II. D., 1427. Spencer, Thomas, letter. 1 X3X. 227S. Spensley, W.. 1424. Spicer, J., antenuptial agreement with De borah Learning. 1751. 60X2. diary, 1757. 4537. Spicer, W. A.. 0595, OOOO. 74X2r. Spicer genealogy, 4557. Spiders, mason, aestivation. 1004. trapdoor, 1003. Spillman, W. J., 0085. Spinning (Humphrey) family, 34.17. Spirit Lake. 1514. 1515. expedition, 1515, 1521. relief expedition, 1477. stockade, 1519, 1520. Spirits. Hawaiian beliefs regarding. 7130. Spirit 11 Santo Bay, 940, 950. Spit/bergen, voyage to. 1013. 11!). 21<;. whaling voyage to, 1818. 71X2. Spofford. A. R., 9, 10, 1204-1200, 12<;<), 1270, 1937. Spofford, Ellen W., 2280. Spofford. Jeremiah, 3306, 3367. Spofford family, 3366, 3367. Spokane County, Oreg., evolution of, 5801. Spoon Decorah, 6935. Spooner, A., 4848. Spooner, A. C., 4083. Spooner, Bathsheba, 200. Spooner. II. J., 7483. Spooner, J. J., 2621. Spooner, Nathaniel, 2791. Spooner, T., 3381. Spooner family, 3381. Spoor family, 3409. Sports, book of, 1618-1643, 3310. Sports in Virginia, 1739. 6831. Sportsman s hall, Pennsylvania, 5X45. Spotswood, Alex., charges against, by Vir ginia House of Burgesses. I7iy 6828. complaint by Germans against, 6X30. inventory of, 6832. letters. 1710-1722. 6X09, OX09b. Spotswood. William, letters relating to Vir ginia. 3386. Spotswood boys at Eton. 1 ~OO. <jX5o. Spotsylvania County, Va. *SV<: Spottsylva- nia County. Spottswood s expedition. 1710. X97. Spottsylvania. Va.. capture of the Salient, 3337. Spottsylvania, Va., to Wilmington. N. C., 6599. Spottsylvania County, Va., 0774. list of slave owners. 1 7X3. (5X28. marriage licenses, 1722-1750. 0828, 0849. Sprague, E. C., 4779. Sprague, F. W., 34OX-3411, 3415. 3417, 390X, 3924f. 39(55. 397.",, 5044. Sprague, H. B., 4980. Sprague, J. F., 1709, 1710, 1714. Sprague, J. T., 5213. Sprague, Peleg, 4079. Sprague, W. V., 5749. Sprague burying ground, near Coal Run, Ohio, 5749. Spratling, W. P., 4930. Sprinchorn, C. K. S., (5003, 0004. Spring, G., 5010. Spring, L. W., 3X. 2O47, 2X04. Spring, S. P.. 795. Spring Hill, Tenn., Cheat ham s story of. 1047. the lost opportunity in 1X04. 1054. Springer, Mrx. C., 5(578. Springer, F.. 1515. Springer. John. 1523. 1524. Springfield, Mass., bicentennial address, 2183. during the Revolution, 2184. fire department, 2183, 21X4. tirst parish. Breck controversy, 21X3. early history, 2184. early relations with Westfield. 21X4. Indian deed. 1030. 3373. jail and house of correction, 2183. 1280 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Springfield, Mass., list of those taking oath of allegiance, 1678. 3363. marriages, 1774-1796. 3395. records, 1600-1700. 3376, 3377. witchcraft in, 1651. 3393. Springfield, Pa., West house, 5899. Springfield and Newark turnpike, 1806- 1830. 4558. Sproat (James), genealogical notes, 1778- 1780. 6083. journal, 1778. 6083. Sproat, T. C., 4033. Spruce, Black, 4709. " Spurs, battle of the," 1582. Squamish Indians, 7322, 7337. Squamscott patent, 1629. 3382, 3384. See also Dover, N. II. Squatter courts in Kansas, 1579. Squier, E. G., 518-520, 5,46, 547, 5151, 5171. 5182. Squier, G. O., 902. Squire, J., 7408. Staats, Stephen, 5808. Staats family (New York), 5017. Stackhouse, P., 3371. Stackpole, E. S., 3413. Stacy, S. C., 4278. Stadelmann, Pearllita ( ., 6870. Stafford, E., 2774, 2S16. Stafford, M. II., 5017, 5019. Stafford, S. S., 4543. Stafford, W. P., 3415. Stagecoach, first, 7417. Stagecoach statistics, 3360. Stage ride of 2.000 miles, 1013. Stage travel in early days, 1581. Stagg family, 5024. Staging, early days, 4417. Stahr, J. S., 6356. Stambaugh, S., 6937. Stamp, British, for America, 3752. Stamp act, 2652. conference previous to passage of. 2627. Franklin and, letter, 1765. 6064. in New York and Virginia, 6058. reception of, in Philadelphia. 6009. Stamp-act riot, 1765. 3390. Stampede pass. 571. Stanard, W. G., 6S26, 6829-6832, 6849- 6855, 6857. Stanchfield, D., 4311. Standing-committee system. American legis lative bodies, 6470. origin of, United States, 10. Standish, M., in the Northwest. 53r>r>. last will and testament, 1655. 4446. library, 3359. portrait bearing the name of, 2784. Stangeland, C. E., 4841. Stanhope, Sir John, letter, 2781. Stanley, Sir II. M., 903. Stannard, Julia D., 4280. Stanton, F. P., 1578, 7426. Stanton, H. A., 3406. Stanton, T., testimony, 1662. 3376. Stanwood, J. R., 2097, 3394. Stanwood family, 3408. Staples, C. A., 2076, 2197, 2209, 2592, 2593, 2594, 4202, 4205, 4213. Staples, C. J., 3417, 3988. Staples, II. B., 193, 196, 198, 200, 271, 297, 317. Staples, S. E., 4194, 4202, 4203, 4212, 4222. Staples, W. R., 6483, 6486. Stapleton, A., 5722. Star chamber dinners, 1594. 39. " Star," schooner, 5823. " Star-Spangled Banner," 179, 237o, 238, 3389, 3648, 6078. manuscript of, 6081. selection of music for, 1523. Starbuck, A., 3347, 3350, 3352, 3386, 3387, 3628. Stark, B., 1201. Stark, F. R., 4825. Stark, J., bibliography, 4427. home farm, 44286, 4432a. Starke, W. P., 18. Starke family, 6852, 6853. Starke s free school, 6852. Starkey. D. B., 6921. Starkey family, 3404, 3841. Stark s Gen., horse lost at Bennington, 3388, Starling medical college, 5751. Starr, C. II., 4279, 4280. Starr, E. A., 4096. Starr, F. F., 3392, 3408, 5028. Starr, Maria F., 1195. Start, Cora, 10. Start, E. A., 3319. State, making of a, 4346. State activities and politics, 5, 7. State bank issues, Michigan, 4292. State constitutional history, value of, 1537. State handbook, Dakota, Alabama, Texas, 807. State historical societies, 7. State house, the term, 7395. State institutions, Iowa board of control, 4295. State legislatures, American, 4407. State pride, 5478. State sovereignty, 5721. State universities, political science in, 44O7. Staten Island, 4542. boundary, and New Jersey, 4545. marriages, 1752-1756. 5040. Moravian congregation, history. 6222. sepulchral stones, 5047. settlers, 5049. Sullivan s attack on, 1777. 6070. States, history and development, 15X1. organization and admission of new, 7115. rights of the, and of the people, 6784. rights, Michigan, 7470. States rights theory. 2. Statesburg mission site, grant, 6937. Statistical annuals, foreign, 810. Statistical articles in German periodicals, 1892. 809. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1281 Statistical articles in magazines, 1801. 808 Statistical bureaus, German, 815. Statistical classification and nomenclature 809. Statistical comparisons, international, 809. Statistical publications, French, 809. Statistical seminary at Vienna, 809. Statistical yearbook, German, 814. Statistical yearbooks, 808, 811. Statistics, accurate, 812. and economics, 807. Australian, 811. how made popular, 808. Hungarian, 811. international, 813. Italian universities, 808. limitations of, 809. progress of, 584. study of, 3, 811. in colleges, 808. university course in, 809. flee also Vital statistics. Statute law, Southern States, bibliography, 1281. Stauffer, D. McX.. G066, 6080-6082. Steamboat, first American, 4439. history of, 1925. inventor of, 6525, 6889. Steamboating, early, on the Cedar, 1465a. on Des Moines River from 1837-1862. 1516. Minnesota River, 4312. Red River, 4312. St. Croix River, 4312. first voyage on western waters, 1926. Steam engine, first in America, 4551. Steam navigation, first experiments of Fitch and Fulton, 6009. Fitch and hi^predecessors, 6344. Steamship picflfts, California, biographies, 1093. Stearns, C., 3371. letter from, 2602. Stearns, C. II., 2124. Stearns, C. W., 3685. Stearns, E. S., 2539, 3408, 3409, 3413, 3414, 3954i7. Stearns, R. E. C., 1021, 1024. Stearns, Shubael, 5590. Stearns, W. O., 5410. Stebbins, C., 204, 211, 499. Stebbins, C. B., 4278, 4279, 4280. StcbMns, D., 3363. Std.hins, E. S., 4326. St.-bbins, H., 1040. Stcbbins, John, 4096. StHtbins, O. B., 3407, 3684, 3685, 3876. StebMns family, 3363, 3674. Steckel, A., 5848-5850. Kidman, C., 6856. Stedman, E. C.. 1282. Stedman family, 3372. , A. M., 1518. -. J., letters, 5597. Steele, J. A., 1639. Steele, O. G., 4742, 4748, 4771. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 81 Steele, W., letters, 1652-1653. 3397. Steele family. 1642, 1644a. records, 5036. Stein, Robert, 899. Stein, T. S., 6203. Steiner, A. G., 7418. Steiner, B. C., 8, 12, 15, 17, 22, 35, 39. 1289, 1822, 1824, 1829, 1832, 1833, 1839, 1956, 3405, 3841a, 6076, 6078, 6085. Steiner, L. IT., 1821, 1917, 3645a, 3687. Steinman, G., 6165, 6168. Steinmetz, II. E., 6169, 6170. Steitztown, Pa., 7430. Stelle, I., letter to T. Fayerweather, 1753. 3380. Stelle, P. D., 1270. Stellwagen, T. C., 1237. Stenography, history of, 2253, 2358. Stephen, A., 6074. Stephens, A. II., letter, 1854. 42. letter, relic of the Confederacy, 1662. Stephens, P>. A., 1005. Stephens, B. A. C., 567. Stephens, If. M., 34, 38. Stephens, W., 1303. Stephens (John) family, 3414. Stephenson, A., 1822. Steptoe family, 6834. Steptoe s Indian battle, 1858. 6869. Stereometrical tableau, 7181. Sternberg, G. M., 901. Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron de, burial place of, 3374. letter, July 19, 1783. 4539. Steubenville, Ohio, 5718. Stevens, A. C., 808. Stevens, B. F., 2096, 2098. Stevens, B. J., 6932. Stevens, C. E., 5411. Stevens, E. M., 4280. Stevens, F. E., 1423, 7425. Stevens, G. E., 5753. Stevens, G. T., 4688. Stevens, II., 7483. Stevens, Hazard, 3337. Stevens, Henry, 4529. Stevens, I. I., 540, 545. Stevens, J. A., 1933, 5022, 5308, 5309. 5340, 5384, 6545. Stevens, J. A., jr., 5292. Stevens, J. II., 4308. Stevens, Lucy A., 7408. Stevens, L. C., 7483. Stevens, L. D., 4455. . Stevens, P., journal, 1749. 4450. petition, 1758. 3373. Stevens, R. F., 5030, 5031. Stevens, R. I ., 5S6o. Stevens, S., 547, 4259. letter, 1806. 2781. Stevens, William, Dedham soldier, 1776- 178.",. L L oii. letter. 1795. 3406. Stevens, W. B., 1303, 1312, 1320, 4388. tevens County, Oreg., evolution of, 5801. 1282 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Stevenson, A. E., 1401, 1424, 1427. Stevenson, C., 6342, 6343, 6344. Stevenson, E. I., 5032. Stevenson, E. L., 101, 580. Stevenson, J., 5G2, 7183-718(5, 7103. Stevenson, J. J., 6870. Stevenson. J. R., 4557, 5028, 5036, 5043, 5044. Stevenson, M. Louise, 6891. Stevenson, Mary L. C., 5722. Stevenson (Thomas) family, 5028. Steward, J. P., 1423, 7425. Stewardson, T., 6066, 6076. Stewart, A. E., 1427. Stewart, A. G., 7408. Stewart, C. II., 5636, 5637. Stewart, E., 1424. Stewart, E. A., 6706. Stewart, E. II., 4770. Stewart, George, jr., 2, 3, 4, 7185-7180,7310. Stewart, G. T., 5639-5641, 5646, 7408, 7413. Stewart, John, 6155. Stewart, J. J., 7279. Stewart, J. M., 1019. Stewart, S. A., 5571. Stewart, W., orderly book, 1745-1749. 6083. Stewart (Walter) family, 6078. Stichter, G. B., 6141. Stickney, C., 6470, 6580. Stickney, G. P., 6910, 7520. Stickney, M. A., 2240-2247, 2253, 3686. Stikine River, 900. Stileman family, 3385. Stiles, Ezra, 2628, 2794. account of Rev. Samuel Lee, of Bristol, and his church, 1769. 2777. correspondence relative to " History of Massachusetts Bay," 3384. diary, 633, 929, 2797, 3126. literary diary, 1773. 2630. Stiles, E. II., 1477, 1515, 1518. Stiles, F. G., 4202, 4205, 4210, 4212, 4213. Stiles, H. R., 5017-5019, 5029, 5032, 5041. Stille, C. J., 3, 5982, 6065-6069, 6071, 6074, 6075, 6077, 6109, 6112, 6117. Stille family (New York), 5022. Stillman, J. D. B., 1054. Stillman, W. J., 826. Stillman, W. O., 5413, 7475. Stillman s defeat, 1423. Stillmans Run, battle, 1862. 1422. Stilton, L. R., 7408. Stimpson family, 3417. Stimson, .!., 2622. Stimson, N. A., 5625. Stiness, J. II., 6584. Stirling, Gen., orders of, 1776. 36. Stirling, Wm., Earl of, petition, 1760. 2624. Stites family, 5043, 5044. Stith. Elizabeth, will of, 1774. 6853. Stith family, 6831. Stith (John) and Mary Randolph family. 6832. Stitt, C. II., 5549. Stock and produce exchanges of the United States, speculation on, 4824. Stockbridge, II., 1942. Stockbridge Indians, 2184, 6928, 6968. during the Revolution, 3412, 3941. lands for, 6937. Stockbridge, Mass., Indian land grants, 2046, 2047. Indian mission, 2044a, 2045. documents relating to, 1825-1848. 6937, 7091. 1825-1848, 6937, 7091. Stocking (George) family, 3408. Stockton, C. H., 564, 892, 3339. Stockton, C. M., 4280. Stockton, R., letter to R. Ogden, 1765. 4536. letters to J. Rutherford, 4547. Stoddard, A. M., 813. Stoddard, C. W., 1044. Stoddard, F. M., 2992. Stoddard, J., journal of negotiations with Marquis de Vaudreuil, 3363. letters, 1739, 1747. 3378. Stoddard, S. letter to Gov. Dudley, 1703. 3382. Stoddard family, 3368. Stoever, M. L., 5921. Stoke 1 oges, Eng., 6081. Stokely, B., 5973. Stokes, II. K., 1866. Stokes, J. W., and archives, 1284. Stone, A., 3684. Stone, A. H., 1288, 4345, 4347. Stone, A. J., 579. Stone, C. P., 912. Stone, Elliot, 3407, 3409, 5041. Stone, Enos, journal, 1777. 3373. Stone, E. A., 2573. Stone, E. F., 2263-2265, 2273, 2489, 2492. Stone, E. M., 3683, 6487, 6515, 6520, 6524, 6529. Stone, F. D., 5911, 6059, 6062, 6069-6071, * 6096, 6113. Stone, Gregory, will, 3366. Stone, H., 3338. Stone, I. G., 1581. Stone, John, will, 1674. 3366. Stone, K. G., 1715. Stone, Mrs. L. H., 4270. Stone, L. R., 2241. Stone, N., 2628. Stone, N. T., 812. Stone, S. A., 4160. Stone, T. T., 6519. Stone, W., 3394. Stone, W. F., 3361, 5635. Stone, W. L., 5147, 5410, 5470. Stone, Gov. William Milo, messages, etc., 1864-1868. 1559. Stone family, 3368, 4214, 5744, 6836. of Maryland, 5746. (Daniel) family, 3394. (Simon) family. 3411. 5042. (Simon and Joan) family, 3928. (William) family, 3407. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1283 Stone, alphabetically inscribed, found Ohio, 6286. aboriginal handicraft in, 5732. chipped, implements, 2452. Stone age, 5608. in New Brunswick, 7325. paleolithic dexterity, 7310. paleolithic implements, 5778. trade and commerce in, 7314. Stone Arabia, battle of, 5424. 5458. Stone idols, New Mexico, 4678. Stone implements, 315, 4326. aboriginal, 5714. of Africa and Asia, 733. of Asia, 198. uses, 5732. Stone Lions of Cochiti, 4670. " Stone of the Giants," 6339. Stone-throwing devil, 3401. 3804. Stoneham, Mass., cemetery inscription 3370. church records, 3412-3414. Stones, game of (Les noyaux), 7345. Stones, precious. 904. Stonington, Conn., aged residents in 1893 3406. burial ground, ancient, 3371. histfcry, 3405. Stono, battle of, 6650. Stony Brook, embankment at, 2792. Stony Creek, battle of, 7378. documents, 7377. militia, 7377. Stony Point, assault on, 1779. 5215. battle of, 6065. capture of, 6082. Storer, Agnes C., 929. Storer, H. R., 3685, 6480. Storey, M., 3315. Storks, E. G., 4800. Storm, the great. 1635. 3397. Storm of 1723. 2620. Storm of September 23, 1815, effects of 2638. February 25-28, 1902. 903. Storms, law, 892. March, 1888. 891. Storrow, S. A., 6930. Storrs, Experience, diary of, 2783. Storrs, E. A., 1378. Storrs, II. M., 5714. Storrs, J., & Co., Indian show, 4773. Storrs, L. C., 4292. Storrs, R. S., 13, 5010, 5298. Story, G. H., 5051. Story, Joseph, 2225. letter, 1826. 917. letters, 2804, 2805. Story, Waldo, 2805. Story. W. W., 2372, 2377, 2788. bust of, 2805. Story papers, 2805. Stntt, Raleigh, 5832. Stoughton, R. M., 7480. Stoughton, W., letter to S. Allen 1698 3359. Stoughton family, 3363, 3379. Stoughton, Mass.. English church in "!!)!) 7400. Episcopal Church, -records, 1791-lsiG 3404. first house built, memorial stone, 416" petition. 1792. 3392. Stoughtonham, Mass., births in, 2201-22O5. circular to selectmen of, in 1768 "77"> deaths, 2207, 2208. letter from selectmen of Boston 17<;,x 2773. marriages, 2205-2207. Stoughtoniana, 2200. Stout, S. II., 6670. Stove plate, Pennsylvania German, 6343. Stove plates, decorative, 5868, 5871. Stoves used in Russia, 7173. Stow, II., 5744. Stow, Mass., 2628, 4212. first two settlers of, 3409, 3891. Stowe, Harriet B., letter, 1282. Stowe family (London), 3368. Stowell, W., 3414. Stoys, J., size roll of company of. Pa. line 1780. 6081. Strachey, W., 1699. 2649. Strachey family, 6852, 6853. Strachey s dedication, 1611. 3378. Strack, C., 1277, 1278. Strahan, W., correspondence. 1763-1777 6066-6068. letters, 4538. Strahan-Hall correspondence, 60(59. Strain, I. C. G., 5188. Strang family, 3377, 5036. Strang s city of refuge, 4284, 7522. Strang s trial, 1851. 4284. Strange, Sir John, argument on case of Phillips r. Savage, 2774 Strange, T. B., 7183. Strange family, 3377. Strasburg, Pa., reminiscences, 6165. trolley road, 6171. when erected, a township, 6165. Strassburger, J. A., 7422. ^tratfield. Conn., Baptist church. 74!tr. Stratford, C. J., journal of. 2784. tratford. Conn., history, 1148. early settlers, 3385. tratford, N. II., 7495. paten or charter, 1686. 74!)s. tratham, N. II., deaths, 3388-339O, 3405 3406. genealogical records, 4442-4444. tratton (James) family. 6070. trans, O. S., 624-626, 628. 629. (531, 033. 1286. trawberry Bank, land grants an:l deeds, 4442. traznicky, E. R., 537. treeper. L., 5960. treet. II. A., 3402, 3817. treet, Ida M., 1515, 1518. treet, J. M., 6933. treet, O. D., 946, 955. 1284 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Street, W. B., 1514. Street family, 3404, 3817. (Nicholas) family, 3402, 3405. Streeter, G. L., 2233, 2241, 2270, 2271, 2273, 2274. Streeter, S. F., 1800, 1893, 1906, 1922, 1929. Streeter, T. W., 7475. Streeter family, 3394, 3717. " Strength out of weakness," 2(542. Strengthfield family, 3412. Stribling family (Mason County, W. Va.), 6894. Stridles family (New York). 5022. Striker, D., 4278, 4279, 4280. Strikes, sympathetic, and sympathetic lock outs, 4827. Stringer, G. A., 4776. Strong, Caleb, letters to, 1786, 1800. 38. Strong, E., 3380, 3381. Strong, F., 16, 38. Strong, II., 1513. Strong, M. M., 6930k, 6952. Strong, Samuel, and the Georgia loyalists, 7366. Strong, Sidney, 5701. Strong, William, 5809. Strong (John) family, 3381. Stroock, S. M., 634. Strother, D. II., 6059, 6876. Strother family, 1641, 6854. (William) family, 1282. Strutton, L. D., 5640. Stryker, Helen B., 6059. Stryker, W. S., 4548, 4559, 4617, 4619, 4621, 4625, 4626, 6059. Stuart, A., 7172, 7174. Stuart, A. H. II., 6821. Stuart, A. R., 5605. Stuart, Gilbert, silver snuffbox, 6078. Stuart, Granville, 4394. Stuart, G. O K., 7296. Stuart, J., 4394, 6797, 6894. Stuart, L. G., 4279. Stuart (J. E. B.) family, 6854. Stuart (Villiers) family. 5747. Stuart-Bennett duel, 1819. 1422. Stuarts, The, Pemaquid country under, 1704. Stubbert, M. R. W., 16. Stubblefield, G., orderly book. 1776. 6812. Stubblefield family, 1427. Stubbs s lectures, criticism of, 2793. Studdiford. S. M., 4555, 4638. Studebaker, I. II., 1515. Student customs, 209, 467. Stni-bridge, Mass., deaths, 1779-1786. 3409. early history, 4143. first settlers, 4138. lead mine at, 3368, 4139. old houses in, 4131. " Sturdy Beggar." privateer, account book of, 2266. Sturgis, Mr*. E. O. P., 4212-4216, 4240, 4241. Sturtevant, C. L., 2571. Sturtevant, S. C., 7410. Sturtevant, W. H., 1716. Sturtevant family, 3413. Sturton, S., 7176. Stuve, B., 1423. Stuyvesant, N. Y., graveyard inscriptions, 5042. " Submission," sailing of, 1682, log, 5909, 5911. Sudbury, Canada, proprietors, 1741. 3388. Sudbury, England, 3414. Sudbury, Mass., documents, 1676. 3393. memior of, 1767. 2628. proprietors, 1640. 3371. records, seventeenth century, 3375, 3376. topography and history, 2632. vital records to, 1850. 4013. Sudbury fight, 1676. 3378, 3542, 3545. Sudworth, G. B., 4295. Siissmilch, J. P., bibliography, 811. statistical work, 813. Suez and Panama, 24. Suez Canal, 586a. Suffolk County, England, emigrants to New England, 2648. Suffolk County, Mass., bar book, 1770-1805. 2788, 2988. court files, early, 2135. depositions, 1648-1660. 3378. early files, 2266. recorders, 1639-1735. 2802. recorders, early, and registers of deeds, 3220. registers of deeds, 1735-1900. 2804, 3251. registers of probate, 1639-1799. 2806. 3278. registry of probate, extracts from papers, 2278. vital records, 3378. wills, 3360-3364, 3366, 3368-3371, 3373, 3374, 3376-3378, 3388-3390, 3406. index to, 3699. Suffolk County, N. Y., early history, 4953. history, 1850-1900. 5544. Suffolk parish, England, account book, 3399. Suffolk pedigrees, 5743, 5744. Suffrage franchise, in American colonies, 6404. in Mass, province, 2779. in Michigan, 4294. in Mississippi, 4344a, 4349. in North Carolina, 1776-1861. 12. in Virginia, 1831. See also Elections, Franchise. Suffrage rights in Ipswich, in 1658. 2274. Sugar act, opposed in Connecticut, 1112. Sugar-beet, industry, 905. Sugar crop, Louisiana, 1665. Sugar supply for Michigan, 4281. Suicide, sex relation in, 810. Suicide as dealt with in Massachusetts colony and province, 2806. Suicides in Austrian army, 809. in European armies, 808. in New England, 809. in Prussia and Italy, 808. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1285 Sulivane, C., 1285. Sullivan, James, 24, 35. Sullivan, Got . James, 2627. correspondence with Timothy Pickering. 2784. facsimile of handwriting, 1704. 2770. letter, 1789. 2777. letter, 1790. 1715. Sullivan, Gen. John, orders, 1770. 36. vindication of, 2778, 2841. *SV C alxo Sullivan s campaign, expedition. Sullivan, William, 4077. Sullivan family, 3377. of Somersworth, 611. Sullivan papers, 4457. Sullivan s campaign against Western In dians, 4800. Iroquois, 1779. 5551. Sullivan s expedition and the Cayugas, 4800. to Staten Island, 177. 6059. in 1778. 6061. mess account, 1778-1780. 5034. in 1779. 2789. 2792, 3043, 4451, 4536, 4547, 4583, 6419. journals, 4770, 6059. Sullivan s orders preparatory to moving on Newport, 1778. 6520. Sullivant, J., 5650. Sully s expedition, 1864. 4310, 4395. " Sultana," ship, 5798. Suite, Augustine P., 7381. Suite, B., 899, 6930b, 6932, 7308-7311, 7314, 7315, 7318, 7320-7323, 7325, 7326, 7328, 7329, 7331, 7340, 7344- 7347, 7349, 7350, 7381. Sulzberger, I)., 629. Sumatra, west coast, 899. Summers, B., 7408, 7409, 7413. Summers, G. W., 5415. Summerset, John, deed, 1641. 3371. " Summons to New England," ballad, 2774. Sumner, C., 2080, 4085. letter, to Jos. Story, 1837-1838. 2805. Sumner, C. P., letters to Joseph Story, 1815. 2805. Sumner, Geo., 2647, 2734, 2773, 2781, 3371. Sumner, G. C., 74827. Sumner, G. S., 7482s. Sumner, I., 3366, 3445. Sumner, J., 2629. Sumner, John Osborne, 4. Sumner, S., 6704. Sunnier, W. G., 36. Sumner, W. II., 3366, 3367, 3369-3372, 3445, 3447, 3475. Sumner family, 3366, 3367, 3445. Sumner County, Tenn., reconstruction times in, 6671. Sumo Indian words, 5732. Sun, eclipse. May 28, 1900. 901. spots on, 7180. worship of, 6304, 6315. Sunbury County, New Brunswick, history, 7251. Sundal drainage system, 576. Sunday, indictment of two judges for trav eling, 1792. 2788. Sunday laws, 635. Sunderland, B., 1268. Sunderland, Mrs. J. W., 7422. Sunderland, Mass., first Congregational Church, 4098. settlement, 4096. Superintendent of finance, 44. Superior, Lake, 898. cartology, 4326. copper mines, 4208. ancient, 6930b. discoverers, 4293. discovery, etc., 5787. exploration of, 4263, 6911. first trip by steam, 4256. geology, 7172. history, 4304. iron-ore production, 4843fr. meteorological journal, 1824. 7174. mineral regions, 4303. Lake Superior country, 4200. early shipping in, 6963, 7018. Superstitions, 3360. popular, 6356. Suppernong (Philps), Lake, discovery of, 1286. Surinam, Dutch colony of, 2619. lirst rabbi of, 628. Jewish congregation, 625. Jews in, 627. Jews, 1675. 629. Surnames, changes in, 3365. English, 5743. multiplied metamorphoses of, 3420. Scottish, 5743. Surratt case, 916. Hurry County, Ya., Bacon s men in, 6829. justices, 1652. 6856. old places in, 6853. records, 6851, 6859. tithables, 1668. 6856. Surveying, 4931. Surveyor s song, A, 1730. 4153. Sushitna River, 898. Susquehanna Indians, deed to Penn, 1700. 6079. Susquehanna purchase, 6581. Susquehanna River, early settlers on west branch, 5972. improvement of, 5897. north and west branches of, forts, 6454. Susquehanna Valley, drift mounds. 6424. Susquehannocks, fall of, 1906. Sussex, Duke of, letter to T. Robbins. 3369. Sussex County, N. J., Moravian settlement in, 4555. Sussex County, Va.. Albemarle parish reg ister. 6864. marriage bonds. 1754-1783. 6859, 6S60. Sutherland, I)., 2631. Sutherland, J., 6932, 6966. Sutton. E. F. II.. 5045. Sutton, J. D., 6890. 1286 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Button, L. R., 7408. Sutton, O. C., 1037, 1038. Sutton and Milbury armory, 4203. Suydam, J. H., 4876. Suydam, W. L., 5051. Sverdrup, Capt., 573. Sverdrup s work in Arctics, 903. Swain, D. L., 5575-5577. Swain, George F., 807, 825. Swain, L. S., 4045. Swampscott, Mass., deed, 1684. 3387. Swan, C. E., 7441. Swan, R. T., 22, 3407, 3412. Swan, W. W., 3337. Swan family, 3368, 3391. (Richard) family, 5044, 5045. Swank, J. M., 6084, 6085. Swatara, Pa., two dead and lost churches, 6204. Swarthout, E., 4299. Sweat, Samuel, letters of, 2786. Sweden, prehistoric remains, 5432. Swedes, 5959. in Gloucester County, N. .T., before 1684. 6073. in Kansas, 1578a. in Philadelphia, 885. on the Delaware. 3386, 3632, 5899, 6057. Sec also Delaware River. Swedesboro. N. J., Protestant Episcopal Church, act of incorporation. 6080. leaf from history of. 6070. Swedish church in America, 5920. Swedish mission in Raccoon and Penn s Neck, 4537. Swedish West India Company, 2. Swedish West India companies, 6063. Sweeney, Michael, 1515. Sweeny, W. M., 608. Sweet, G. W., 4308. Sweet Mrs. J. E. De Camp, 4308. Sweet, R. R., 6891, 6892. Sweet, W. H., 4280. Sweetser family, 3376. Sweezey, J. A., 4279. Swensson, C. A., 1578a. Swett, S., 3367, 3376, 3420, 3464, 3511. Swett family, 3364. Swift, A. II.. 4051. Swift, Caroline E., 3319. Swift, C. N.. 4047. Swift, Gen. J. G., journal, 5598. Swift, J. L., 4979&. Swift, L., 2133, 2147a. Swift, S., 6695, 6697, 6698. Swinburn, T., 6889, 6890. Swinestone, 4908. Swing, J. B., 5722. Swisher, A. E.. 1523. Swiss and Palatine settlement, Newbern, N. C., 5571. "Swiss" of Canada (Les "Suisses"), 7347a. Swiss colony of New Glarus, Wis., 6930/j, 6934, 6977, 7003. Swiss pact, 1291. 203. Switzer, C. P., 7525. Switzer, E. E., 7301. Switzer family of Bay of Quinte, 7301. Switzerland at the beginning of the six teenth century, 1836. history, 3. Jews, 634. municipal problems in mediaeval. 24. religious thought and work, 7485. Republic, foundation, 201.. origin, 16. State and Federal government, 1850. Switzerland and United States, secession in, compared, 6744. Switzler, W. F., 4378. Swords, R. S., 4546, 4549, 4582. Swords family, 5016. Swords, Japanese, 6342. Sydenham, Lord, C. E. P. Thompson, 7345. Sydenham, M. II., 4410. Sylvester, J. E., 5763a. Sylvester, Nathaniel, monument to, 2791. Sylvester letters, 1653-1683. 2794. Symbols, sacred, of aboriginal America, 57<>. Symmes, Thomas, sermons, 3197. Symmes, Z., verse on death of, 1671. 3371. Symmes s sermon on Lovewell s fight, 2801. Symonds, J. W., 1708, 2280. Symonds, S., declaration, 3377. testimony, 1665. 3374. Symons, T. W., 580, 4774. Syncretism in early Christian theology, 771. Syracuse, N. Y., 1830, 1850. 5502a. first Methodist Episcopal church, records, 1833-1858. 5499a, first Presbyterian church, early records, 4849. first schoolhouse, 5489. early history, 5500. Syrians of Persia and eastern Turkey, 579. Tabasco, Mexico, 6260, 6261. Tabb family, 6855, 6861, 6864. Taber, M. J. H., 4048. Table Rock, Nebr., 4424. legend, 4424. Tablinum, The, 4097. Tabor, 1515. Tadoussac, Canada, first school, 7347o. mission of. rules, 1680. 7346. Tafft, H. S., 6599, 7483. Taft, H. W., 2042, 2045, 4096. Taft, J., 5706. Taft, R. C., 6553. Taft, R. S., 3413, 6720. Taft, W. H., 7474. Taggart, II. T., 1266. Tah-gah-jute, or Logan, and Capt. M. Cre- sap, 1892. Tahiti, voyage to, in 1901. 902. Tahitian folklore, 7132. Tailfer, P., 105, 1303. Taintoe, C. M., 3361. Taintoe family, 3361. Taiya Inlet, Alaska, 5916. Takaki, M., 1833. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR TNDEX. 1287 Talbot, A. L., 2202, 3400. Talbot, B., 5701. Talbot, Christopher, bookseller, 010. Talbot, G. F.. 1704, 1705, 1707. 1708, 1710- 1712, 1715, 1769. Talbot, J., letters, 1703-4. 5517. Talbot, N.. 3416. Talbot family, 6857, 6858. (Peter) family, 3367. Talbot settlement, 7144. in 1816. 7296. Talcott, Oov. J., address to, on the death of his wife, 2639. Talcott, John, letter, 1687. 2641. Talcott, Joseph, papers, 1111. 1112, 2708, 3148. Talcott, Mary K., 1111, 1112, 3390, 3395, 3401, 3410, 3411, 3412,3413,3414, 3417, 3663a, 5026. Talcott, S. V., 3379. Talcott family, 3379. "Tale of Tantiusqnes," 209, 479, 4139. Taliaferro, R.. will, 1775. 6860. Tallaferro, W. B., 6851. Talleyrand in Maine, 1707. letter concerning Pinckney and Marshall, 2805. Talmage, S. K., 1317. Talmau family, 6851. Talmud, 4694. Talon, A. O., 6397. Tama County, Iowa, Indians, 1516, 1522, 1523. Tamanend, patron saint of American Revo lution, 5899. Tammany, Society of Sons of Saint, Phila delphia, Pa., 6081-6083. Tammany Hall, 36, 4812. Tammany societies, Rhode Island, 6470. Tampico expedition, 6684. Tamworth, N. II., ordination rock, 3380. Tanagra figurines, 6308. Tanana gold fields, Alaska. 7474. Tananarive observatory, 577. Taney, M. F., 5853. Taney, Roger, letter of. 2781. Tanguay, C., 7308-7310, 7346. Tanner, E., 1518, 6930&. Tanner, G. C., 4312. Tanner, II. B., 6968. Tautiusque, early Indian trails through, 4132. tale of, 209, 479, 4139. Tapley, H. S., 4169-4170. Tappan, B., 5656. Tappan, Eugene, 2208, 2278, 4154, 4155, 4166. Tappan, H., 3391, 3392. Tappan, H. S., Michigan University, first president, 4257. Tappan, W. II., 6869. Tappan family, 3391, 3392. Tar-macadam pavements, 4299. Tarbell, Frank B., 854, 858. Tarbell, S., 3116. Tarbox, I. N., 1123, 3388, 3391, 3393, 3395, 3399, 3400, 3682, 3683, 3684, 3687. 3706, 3736, 3757, 3779a, 4033, 4117. Tarbox (John) family, 4000. Tariff, Canada, imperial preference, -1845 7379. passage of, letter of Timothy Pickering, 1820. 2271. United States, history, 4818. Tariff in the South, 16. Tariff of 1828. 2. Tariff union, continental opinion of, 1832. Tarr, R. S., 572-577, 579, 903, 7391. Tarring and feathering, handbill, 1774 7395. Tarrytown, N. Y., First Reformed church, records, 1697-1791. 55(56. Taschereau, E. A., 7222. Taschereau. J. T., letter to J. A. Panet, 7348. Taschereau s marbles, etc., sale of (vente par les Bostonais de meubles et animaux), 7347or. Tasker, L. II., 7297. Tasse, J., 6930a. Tatum, A. S., 6826. Tatum, II., 944. Taunton, England, historical sketch, 4033 6. Taunton, Mass., ancient gristmill, 4034. calves pasture, 3913. first settlers, 3425, 3433. Green, 4034. historical sketch, 4034. Indian massacres in. 4033c. iron works, 3396, 3399. Leonard mansion, 4033c. marriages, 1684-1713. 3371. memorial tablet on Taunton Green, 4035. North purchase, 4033 It. vital records, seventeenth century, 3374, 3375. was Elizabeth Poole the foundress of, 4033o. Taussig, F. W., 2, 809. Taussig, W., 4379. Taverns, New Hampshire, 4455. Taverns of olden times. Pennsylvania, 5874. Taverns at West Chester, Pa., 5S79. Tax, inheritance, 4821. Tax of 1781. 11. Tax rate, 1648, Dover, N. II., 4442. Tax reform, 4295. Taxation, double, in United States, 4822. Federal, of State bank issues, 4292. Massachusetts, 800. Michigan, 4295. Mississippi, 4345. of interstate properties. 4295. principles of justice in. 4834. Southern States. 1X31. struggle for equality in Illinois. 4295. system of, 586, 4292. United Stales. 1789-1816. 1814. direct tax. 1798. 4169. $ee also Income tax, Inheritance tax. 1288 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Taxation of slaves, ad valorem, 5572. " Tay-cho-perah," 6932. Taylor, Abram, letter, 1743. 6083. Taylor, Asher, 4544. Taylor, A. A. E., 5744. Taylor, A. B., 6252, 6260. Taylor, A. C., 1061. Taylor, A. R., 1580. Taylor, B., 554, 587. Taylor, C, E., 5589, 5590. Taylor, Cornelia F., 6059. Taylor, C. J., 2048. Taylor, Edw., book of copies, 1671-1729. 2803, 2804. diary, 2955. diary kept on voyage from England to America, 1668. 2787. Taylor, E. F., 1640. Taylor, E. L., 5718, 5721, 5723, 5724, 5726. Taylor, F. M., 4293. Taylor, G., 4295. Taylor, II., 1505-1508, 1519, 1520, 1521. Taylor, II. C., 562, 601, 4808, 7121. Taylor, Hannah F., 4284. Taylor, J., 3682, 7149f. Taylor, J. D., 5620. Taylor, L., 5619, 5621. Taylor, L. M., 5426. Taylor, R. H., 1079. Taylor, S., 6926. Taylor, S. L., 6029. Taylor, T. B., 7411. Taylor, Rev. William, 916. Taylor, W. A., 5748. Taylor, William G., 5, 7. Taylor, W. T., 6272. Taylor, Z., letter, 2794. Taylor family, 1645, 6067. 6072, 6860. (Edward) family, 3360. Taylor estate in Dorchester, 383S&. Tazewell County, Va., settlement, 0777. Tea, arrival of, Charleston. 1773-1775. 6676. consumption of, in North America. 177.,. 6081. landing of at Philadelphia, opposed by W. Bradford, 1773. 6071. Tea, Anti-, combination, 1768. 3362. Tea taxation, 1767-1773. 36. See also Boston, Mass. Teachout, A., 5633. Teal, Karnes and, escape from Matamoros, 6682. " Tears of repentance," a further narrative, etc., 2642. Teays family (Kanawha, W. Va.), 6892. Technical science, functions in education for business, 4297. Tecumseh press, history, 4280. Teele, J., 4158. Teeple family, 7366. Teetotum, top, gyroscope, motions of, 7177. Teffe, W., will, 1646. 3369. Tehuantepec, Isthmus of, 545. Mexico, 4689. Tehuantepec route, 547, 555. Tehuantepec ship railway, 897. Teigdriicke-prints in paste, 6344. Tejas, The, 11. habits, government, superstitions. 11. missions, reestablishment of, 6684. Telegraph, Atlantic, 585. early, 6165. electric, 530. part of the District of Columbia in, 1266. Russo-American, 1864-1867. 897. Telegraph and cable lines, United States Government, 905. Telegraphing, ancient, 863. Teller, F., 5535. Teller family (Albany and New York), 5017. Temiscouata, Canada, Church of St. Eloi, 7346. Temperance and the drink question in the old times, 1712. Temperance conflict, Michigan, 4265. Temperature, laws of, relation to distribu tion of life, 896. Temperature of our westerly northern lati tudes, 549. Templars, absolution formula of, 776. American, 1759-1786. 6070. Temple, Ann, will, 1781. 6861. Temple, Sir John, letters, 2781. Temple, J. II., 3399, 3683, 3400, 4030, 4096. Temple, Sir Thomas, 2625. apology for coinage in Massachusetts, 2625. Temple family, 3368, 3449. Temple papers, 2677, 2801. Temple Hill, N. Y., peace celebration, 1783. 4855. Tenampua, Honduras, ruins, 5182. Ten Broeck family, 5035. of New Jersey, 5031. of lister County, N. Y., 5034. Ten Brook, A., 4278. Ten Brook family Bible, 5040. Tenement houses, 815. Ten Eyck family records, 1678-1793. 5016. Tennent, Catharine, genealogical notes, 6063. Tennent, W., trial for perjury, 1742. 4540. Tennents, memorabilia of the, 6381. Tennessee, antiquities, 517, 6668. army of, 1523. archaeology, 6672, 7126. biographies, 6671. boundary, northern, 6665. education, development of, 6671. first settlements made by white people, 2635. governors, 1796-1801, addresses and mes sages, 6671. history, preservation of, 6671. Irish in, 609. Jackson, Tenn., and the Union, 6669. reminiscences of Hood s campaign, 1653. South Carolina cession, 6665. Tennesseeans road, 6679. Tenney, H, A., 6925, 6939. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1289 Tenney, II. M., 5701. Tenney, S., 2619, 2G22. Tennis Court oath. 11. Tenor, Mr., Old, death of, 1750. 2780. Tenure of office, business, 811. Terflk, Gen., G542. Terhune family, 5026. Termeyer, R. M. de, 2301. Ternant correspondence, 27. Terrestrial magnetic work, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 7391. Terrill family, 6861-6863. Territorial rights. State of New York r. Claims of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and " Vermonters." 5242. Territorial rights of New York r. Govern ment of New Hampshire, 5243. Territorial tax legislation, Michigan, 4296. Territory and district, 1801. 39. Terry. B. S., 5433. Terry, C. H., 7475. Terry, F. T., 6913. Tetautua, voyage of, 7139. Tete de Boule Indians, 7173. Tetu. II., 7346-7350. Tewksbury, R. II., 3330. Texan blockade, reminiscences, 6597. Texas, affairs of. explanation of S. F. Austin, 6686. - African slave trade. 6684. annexation of, 44, 6679. address to people of United States, 2802. and Mexican war, 6683. archives, 23. boundary, adjustment of, 1850. 6685. lost boundary, 902. southwest boundary, 6684. capitals of. 6680. Catholicity in, 5844. Cherokee Indians in, 6685. constitution, amendment to, 6679. defunct counties of, 6679. diplomatic relations of England and, 6687. the earliest, 8. early experiences in, 6679, 6680. founding of first municipality (San An tonio de Bezar), 6680. frontier, 1820-1825. 1284, 1296 geography, history of, 6679. German pioneers in, 6680. early history, 8. history, mission period, 6679. Indians, 6679. Irish pioneers of, 608. Jews in, 625. judicial system, 6680. l^ws, enduring, of. t;<;7!>. 6680. materials for history in Archivo General de Mexico, 6684, Gflsr,. navy, 6685. newspaper files, New Orleans, 6682. prehistoric races, 6679. Texas, provisional government, quarrel be tween Gor. Smith and council, 6683. first railroad, 6685. reminiscences, 6684. fifty years ago, 6683. Republic, map, 6679. reminiscences of, 6677. revolution, 1835. 1287, 1289. documents, 1286, 1288. organization, 1285. secession, etc.. of, 5213. Spanish abandonment and reoccupation of east, 1773 1779. 6688. Texas University, establishment of, 6679. Text-books, American College, 204. Textor, Lucy E., 7373. Thach, C. C.. 946. 971, 976. Thacher, Geo.. letter, 1820. 2785. Thacher, II. K., 3700. Thacher, .Tames, 2627. letter. 1825. 3400. Thacher, J. B.. 7322. Thacher, Oxenbridge, papers of, 2789. Thacher, Peter, 3396. diary, 1686-1727. 3726. facsimile of handwriting, 1795. 2770. letter, 1720. 3391. memoirs of, 2626. Thacher, Thomas, letter, 1676. 3366. Thacher, T. I)., 1578. 1579. Thacher family, 3401. Thalheimer. M. E.. 5705. Thames, battle of. 1627, 7367. Thanksgiving proclamation, 1676. . 3360. Thatcher. O. J., 20. Thatcher family, 3372. Thayendanken, J. >SVr Brant. Thayer. A., 3685. Thayer, E., 4203, 4228. Thayer, G. W., 4279. Thayer. II. O., 1678, 1707, 1709-1712, 1714-1717. Thayer, J. B.. 2135, 2137, 2801, 3217, 3246. 6085. Thayer, L. R., 3360. Thayer, M. R., 6042. Thayer, N., 2622. Thayer. Oliver, 2260, 2450. Thayer, S., journal, 1775. 6487, 6515. Thayer, S. R., 2797. Thayer, S. W., 3360. Thayer, W. R.. 2S01, 2805, 2807. Thayer family. 2195. Thayers, trial and execution of, 4770. Theaters, remonstrances against, in Phila delphia. P:i.. 1766-67. 6079. Kce also Play bills.. Thebaud, A. J., 4Sr>: ,. memoirs, 932. Theramenes, rehabilitation of, 43. " There is no death," authorship of. 1513. "Thetis.- cruise. ISN .t. S92. Thibet, 893. 905. Crosby expedition, 905. 1290 SUBJECT* AND AUTHOR INDEX. Third term, what Washington thought of a, 2275. Thorn, W. T., 1830o. Thomas, A., 4535. Thomas, A. C., 210, 489, 779, 795. Thomas, B. F., 183, 242o. 2779, 2854. Thomas, Cyrus, 868. Thomas. Mrs. C., 5713. Thomas, D. Y., 1286, 4838, 6672. Thomas, E., 4216. Thomas, E. S., reminiscences, 1101. Thomas, G. II., 5299. Thomas, G. W., 5051. Thomas, Isaiah, 108, 113, 120, 240, 270. imprints of, 460. memoir of. 117, 242a. tomb of, 270. Thomas. John, diary, 1755. 3391, 3672, 7274. letters, 1759. 3394. Thomas, J. E., 6931. Thomas, J. J.. 4800. Thomas, J. L., 1992. Thomas, L. A., 3687. Thomas, Marcia A.. 3362, 3364, 3370. Thomas, N., on expedition against Philip, 2624. letter, 1675. 2624. Thomas, N. M., 4280. Thomas, R. EL, 795. Thomas, R. S., 6817, 6826, 6829, 6830, 6835. 6854. 6855. Thomas, Samuel, letters, 1702-1710. 6649. Thomas, T. G., 4896. Thomas, T. P., 1827. Thomas, William, memoranda entered by, 2253. Thomas, W. W., jr., 1713. Thomas (Anthony) family, 3374. Thomas (Israel) family, 5051. Thomas (John Ap) family. 6060. Thomas almanacs, 2251, 2346. Thomaston, Mass., topography, 2622. Thompkins. E., 5722. Thompson. Benjamin, See Rumford, Conn. Thompson, B. F., 5147. Thompson, Curtis, 1150, 1151. Thompson, C. O., 197, 300. Thompson, D. P., 6725. Thompson. Everett A., 2183. Thompson, E. E., 7148*. Thompson, E. II.. 199. 203, 205, 214fl, 332. 338, 348, 353, 302, 417, 904. Thompson, E. P., 1639. Thompson, F. D., 5037, 5038, 5041, 5045, 5046. Thompson, F. M., 4096, 4097, 7480. Thompson, II. S., 6651. Thompson, H. Y., 5816. Thompson, I., 2627. Thompson, J., 2630. Thompson, James, journal, 1758-1830. 7194, 7219, 7222. Thompson. J. C., 4414. Thompson, J. D., 4517. Thompson, J. H., 7363. Thompson, J. J., 6071, 6074. Thompson, J. K. P., 1517. Thompson, J. M., 4417. Thompson, J. P., 545, 586o, 1693. Thompson, Mary N., tablet, 4776. Thompson, Mary I .. 4426. Thompson, Pishey, 3366. Thompson, R. E., 789, 6129. Thompson, R. II., 4344a. Thompson, S., diaries, 3392. Thompson, Gen. Wm., 6156. deposition, 1775. 2115. declines to serve as juror in 1774. 2783. Thompson, W. O., 5736. Thompson family, 3377, 5959. of Ohio, 5748. of New England, 1658-1661. 2807. of Suffolk County, N. Y., 5037, 5042. Thompson estate, Islip, L. I., 5039. Thompson s Island, depositions, 1650. 3367. Thomson, A., letter, 1773. 6064. letters, 1830-1831. 6680. letters, 1832. 6685. Thomson, A. M., 6959. Thomson, Chas., 6009, 6058. letter, 1785. 6081. letter to S. Rhodes, 1757. 6076. letters, 2622. New Testament, 6071. papers, 1765-1816. 5251. papers in possession of, 1824-25. 6009. removal of remains of, 6070. will, 1822. 6070. Thomson, C. E., 7367. Thomson, C. W., 5966. Thompson, David, indenture of, 1622. 2783. widow of, 3405. Thomson, Isaac, 2628. Thomson, L., 4719. Thomson, W. H., 586o. Thomson (Archibald and Jacoba Schuur- man) family. 5037. Thomson, (Moses) family, 6648. Thomson s passage around Nacogdoches, 6679. Thorburn, G., letter, 1862. 3374. Thoreau, Henry D., and I. T. Ilecker, cor respondence, 210, 469. Thoreau, Henry D., and I. T. Hecker, 469. Thorndale, Theresa, 5647. Thorndike, S. L., 2133, 2135, 2137, 2139, 2806. Thome (Stephen) family, 5037. Thome (William) family, 5034, 5035. Thornton, Mr., 3363. Thornton, E., letters to Sir J. B. Burges, 6065. Thornton, J. Q., 5805, 5809, 5814. Thornton, J. W., 1699, 1701. 1734, 1,742, 3361, 3362, 3383, 3385, 3429, 3570. Thornton, W. J., 4383. Thornton family, 4-157, 6852-6854. Thornton Academy, Me., 1716. Thorold, Canada, history, 7363. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1291 Thoron, Joseph, 029. Thorpe, C. J., 4280. Thorpe, F. N., 1537, 1545, 1551. Thorpe, S. B., 3417. Thorpe family, 6857. (William) family, 3417. Three County troop, standard of, 3383. Three Rivers, Canada, fortifications of, 7350. judges of (Les juges de), 7346. newspapers, old, 7347. Riviere des, 7326. royal judges and civil and criminal lieu tenant-generals, 1663-1745. 7350. sheriffs, 1790-1882. 7347. Thresher, S. S.. 1195. Thrift, C. T., 6782. Throckmorton, B. W., 4548. Throckmorton, C. W., 6833. Throckmorton family, 6832, 6833, 6850- 6853, 6861. Throop, B. H., 6161. Throop, D., letter. 1776. 3373. Throope family, 5051. Thrum, T. G., 7130. Thurston, G. P., 6666, 6667, 6670, 6672. 7126. Thurston, J., will, 1674. 6856. Thruston exhibit, Tennessee archeology. 7126. Thruston family, 6852-6874. Thurston, A. S., 3400, 3406. Thurston, B., 1714. Thurston, M. E., 4283. Thurston, R., memoranda of family deaths 1720-1770. 3374. Thurston, R. II., 4297. Thurston family of Newhury, 3400. Thwaites, R. G., 10, 15, 26, 205, 812, 1422, 1513, 5802, 6925, 6933, 6935, 6936, 6939, 6959, 6983, 6987, 6988, 6991, 6994, 6997, 7001, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7015, 7019, 7022, 7026, 7028, 7039, 7040, 7061, 7066, 7074, 7101, 7104, 7108. Thwing, N., 3395. Tibbies, T. II., 4417. Tibet, explorations, 904. Sven Hedin in, 903. Tichenor, I. T., 1284. Ticknor, Geo., 2773, 2811, 2835, 7443. Ticknor, II. M., 3686. Ticonderoga, Vt., battle, 1758. 4541, 5140. capture of, 1775. 1981, 6735, 6737. Ticonderoga expedition, 1756, conduct of Gen. John Winslow, 2624. Ticonderoga, expedition against, 175S. 2257, 2404. Ticonderoga expedition, 1775. 1119, 3388, 6520. papers relating to, 1109. Tidal bore, 577, 578. Tides, Atlantic coast, 899. Atlantic estuarine, 899. Bay of Fundy, 7474. Chesapeake Bay, 000. Tides, open Atlantic, 809. racific, 578. science of, 576. varieties of, 578, 579. Tienda de Cuervo s Ynspeccion of Laredo, 1757, 6684. Tierra del Fuego, Indians, 902. Tiffany, C. C., 777, 700. Tiffany, O. E., 4777, 4798. Tiffany, Ohio, 1891. Tiflis, post-road to Erivan, 002. Tilden, II. N., 1076. Tilden, J. B., journal, 1781-82. 6075. Tilden, Olive M., 2201. Tilden, W. P., 3379. Tilden, W. S., 2202-2205. Tilden family, 3805^7. Tileston,, J., diary, 1775. 3378. Tileston family, 3371. Tilghman, J., 6066. Tilghman, T., letters to Mr. Wilmot, 1774. 6062. Tilghman, W., letter to J. Yeates, 1814. 6067. Tilley, R. II., 4894. Tillinghast, P. E., 6597. Tilton, A. C., 7053. Tilton, M. Josephine, 5744. Timber line, 575, 905. Time, computation of, 6058, 6050. proposed change of marking, 7148r. unification of. at-sea^7321. Time signal,- ,speci<a] i _l904^;L^05. ~ Timrod, Henry, bibliography. 1283. Timson family, 6853. Tin-Tin, a mission Indian, 1016. Tindall, W., 1266, 1267. Tinneh language, 7318. Tinneh vocabulary, 7187. Tippecanoe, battle of, 1624. Tipton, T. W., 4416. Tipulidae, tertiary, 760. Tisdale, II., 1581. Tishomingo Creek, battle of, 4340. Tissot, Father, diary, 029. Titan s New Almanack, 1729. 2130. Tithingmen, 196, 292. Massachusetts, 314. Saxon, in America, 312, 1813. Titicaca, Lake, basin of, 7301. Title deeds, places to search for, 3367. Tittman, O. H., 808. 004. Titus, A., 3396, 3398, 3400, 3407, 3408, 3411, 3413, 3729, 3769. 3789, 4209, 4216, 5044. Titus, A., jr., 3394, 5027. Titus family, 5027. Toasts, old-time political, 6187. Tobacco, Virginia, in Russia in seventeenth century, 6828. Tobacco box, ancient brass, 4544. Tobacco crop, Virginia viewers. 1639. 6829. Tobacco industry in Virginia, 1860 to 1894. 1828. Tobacco monopoly, Virginia, 1628. 6831. 1292 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Tobacco-planting law, violation of, 1691. 6830. Tobacco smoking, Virginia, 6856. Tobie, E. P., 6595, 6598, 7482rZ. Tocqueville, A. de, 1818. To-day, 2315. Tod, major, correspondence, 1812. 5776, Nos. 15, 17. Todd, A., 4367, 7308. Todd. Chapman, 1640. Todd, C. B., 7495. Todd, C. C., 1641. Todd, C. II., 1644. Todd, F. W., 3410. Todd, J., papers, 1383. record book, 1375, 1383. Todd, J. A., 3402, 3813a. Todd, J. E., 1515. Todd, W. C., 2778, 3384, 3398, 3402, 3405, 3406, 3412, 3767, 3813c, 3867. Todd family, 1642, 6827. Todhunter, T., 1477. Tokens, Anglo-American, 4029. Toledo, Ohio, First Congregational Church, 5701. mound-builders fort, 5722. Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Railroad, 5640. Toll, I. I)., 4254, 4259, 4279, 4280. Tolland, Conn., early history, 1207. Tolland County, Conn., revolutionary sol diers, 3417. Tolman, Adams, 2180. Tolman, G., 2171, 2174, 2176, 2178. 21S1, 4209. Tolman family, 2199, 2200, 2205, 2208, 2212, 3372. Tolmie, W. F., 5816. Toltecs, were they a nationality? 752. Tomkiewicz, J. W. S., 6970, 7105. Tompkins, I). D., correspondence, 4693. Tompkins, F. II., 5642. Tompson, B. Elegies, 2798. Toms River, N. J., capture of blockhouse, 4621. Toner, F. M., 6829. Toner, J. M., 9. 12, 1264. 1295, 3403, 3831, 6072. Tongue, T. H., 5825. Tonnele, Walter, 660. Tonti, II., 5090. Tonty, L., 7346. Tonty family, 7318. Tooker, W. W.. 5732, 6581. 6584, 6864. Toole, J. K., 4397, 4398. Toole, Lily R., 4398. Toole, W. L., 1503, 1505, 1506. Tooley. A., 4278, 4280. Tools, semilunar, of Mexico, 198, 331. Top, teetotum, gyroscope, motions of, 7177. Topeka, Kans., constitution, 1580. Topham, Capt., company of, 1775. 3413. Topliff, G. F., 3416. Topliff (Clement) family, 3416. Topographic atlas of United States, 899. Topographic forms, 571, 576. Topographic models, 908. Topography, Canadian, 7182. Toppan, R. N., 200, 208, 352, 478, 2133, 2135, 2138, 2562, 2803, 2805, 4125, 6314, 6322. Toppan family, 3391, 3392. Topsfield, England, 4168. St. Margaret s register, 1559-1650. 4173. Topsfield, Me., 4168. Topsfield, Mass., baptismal record of the church in, 1779-1841. 2269, 2270, 2516, 4163, 4164. bill of estate made between 1723 and 3725. 2271, 4105. boundary in 1691. 2244. Boyd-Feabody- Waters House, 4173. buildings constructed during 1902. 4171. caucus of 1808. 2258. celebration, July 4, J826. 4168. cemetery inscriptions, 1833-1900. 4169. chronology of events in 1902. 4171. church members, 1684-1751. 3374. church records, 2262, 2468. court records, 1642-1657. 4167. Cummings burying ground, inscriptions, 4167. deaths, 1658-1800. 2271, 2521, 4165. fires in, 4171. houses and buildings. 4171. Hewlett mills, 4165. in 1828. 4169. in 1836. 4169. Lake burying ground, inscriptions, 4173. manuscript records of the town, alpha betical index, 4177. meetinghouse on the Common, 4166. seating, the, in the meetinghouse, 1762 and 1771. 4169. men who tock the oath of allegiance and fidelity, 1677-78. 2271, 4165. Methodist Episcopal Church, historical sketch, 4165. minute men at battle of Lexington, 4163. newspaper items relating to, 4167, 4173. newspaper items, August 14, 1770 No vember 2, 1800. 4164. old oak at, 4169. Peabody-Batchelder-Young house, 4173. Pine Grove Cemetery, inscriptions, 1717 1849. 4169. Rea Tavern, burning of, October, 1836. 4163. early records, 1639-1684. 4164, 4165. Revolutionary war records. 2260a. 4173. settlement of, 4163. South Side Cemetery, inscriptions, 4167. Suffolk deeds, abstracts from relating to early settlers, 4168. tazpayers, delinquent. 1663. 4169. tax rate, 1687. 3393. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary cele bration, 4168. village in 1800. 4169. vital records to 1849. 4171-4173,4176. vital statistics, 1900-1904. 4168, 4171- 4173. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1293 Topsfield Academy, 1828-1860. 4166. Topsfleld Warren Blues, old Massachusetts independent infantry, 4163. Topsham, Me., description of, 2621. Torbert, J. B., 578, 901. Tordesillas, treaty of, 1492. 7324. Torey, G., 4278. Torfason, Thormod, 915. Tories of Massachusetts, 2137. Tornado, 1890, Luzerne and Columbia coun ties, Pa., 6447. Tornow, M. L., 900. Toronto, formerly York, capture- of, 2780. Toronto, Canada, flag of Third Regiment of York Militia, 7383. municipal government in, 7371-7372. Yonge street, 7300. Torrence, W. C., 6774. Torrence papers, 5674. Torrey, H. W., 2776. Torrey, J., 6729. Torry, William, orderly book, 1779. 6084. Tory poetry, 6064. Toryism, Newport, R. I., 6520. " Tote," word, 1288. Totemism, its origin and import, 7328. of the aborigines of British Columbia, 7326. Totman (John) family, 4209. Totman (Thomas) family, 4209. Totten, J. R., 5050. Tournament and the joust, 6344. Tout, C. II., 7320, 7322, 7326, 7328, 7337. Towamensing Township, Pa., 7422. Towamensing, Pa., Christ Church (Lu theran) congregation, 7422. Christ Church (Reformed) congregation, 7422. unwritten history, 7422. Mennonite meetinghouse, 7422. Washington s army at camp, 7422. Tower, C., jr., 6399. Tower, Prudence, 4280. Tower, W. S., 579, 7391. Towl, E. S., 4417. Towle family, 3819. Towle (Philip) family, 3401. Towles family, 6832, 6833. Town, evolution of, from the parish, 2604. Massachusetts, genesis of, 2797, 2889, 3130. Town government, boards of selectmen, for mation, 2797. development of, 2582. in American colonies, 1814. See also Towns, Township. Town guild, 3415. Town histories, how to write, 3392. Town-meeting government, 2797, 3130. Town records, an act for the preservation of, 2780. Towno, Ann, will, 1629. 3368. Towne, A. W., 4163, 4167. Towne, G. W., 4167. Towne, H. R., 4171. Towne, J. H., 4163, 4171, 4173. Towne, W. B., 3378, 3379, 3390. Towne family, 3378, 3379. Townes, J. C., 6680. Towns, New England, origin, 316, 3128. New England, 1650. 3268. Townsend, C. H., 3387, 3391, 3405. Townsend, E., jr., dairy, 1159. Townsend, F., 3687. Townsend, G., 4279, 4280. Townsend, G. A., 1267, 1270, 1276. Townsend, II. S., 7138. Townsend, J., 5995, 5998. Townsond, W. B., letter, 1768. 3379. Townsend family, 2258, 2259, 2426. Townsend, English notes relating to the name, 2259. Townsend Harbor, Mass., 3196. Towusend House, 2195, 2204. Townsend, Ohio, history, 7408. Townshend, C. II., 1160, 1161, 3394, 3395, 3400, 3404, 3408, 3410, 3411. Townshend, N. S., 5713. Townshend family, 3387. Township government in Ohio, evolution. 11. Towse, E., 7130, 7139. Towson, collections of coins belonging to Maryland Historical Society, 1899. Toynbee Hall, East London, 1820. Tozer family, 3374. Trabue family, 6811, 6828. Tracheotomy operation, 6168. Tracy, P. M., 1577. Tracy, F. P., 1032. Tracy, H., 555. Tracy, J. C.. 4683. Tracy, N., 2620. Tracy, W., 5420. Trade, comparative statistics of, 809. Trade and finance, 811. Trade centers, 5436, 5443. migration of. 1640. Trade of United States. 812. Trade regulations, petition to the King, 1774. 2621. American before 1789. 3. Trade routes in West, early, 4774. Trade statistics, 809. German, 815. inaccuracy, 813. Trade-union publications, trial bibliography, 1834. Trade unions, statistics, 812. Trade unions and law in New York, 4836. Trading companies of New France, early, 7376. Tradition, local, 1537. Trafalgar, battle, 3339. Tragedy of Black Friers, October 26, 1623. 2795. Training, old time militia, 5897. Tramps and wayfarers, 813. Trance, ecstasy and. 202. Trans-Canada railway, 7197. Transport vessels, 1734-1767. 6227. Transportation, early modes of, 4800. 1294 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Transportation in war times, 1517. old methods, 4455. New York State, 4771. See also Roads, Water-highways. Transvaal, 901. war in, 5393. Transylvania University, Kentucky, medi cal department, 1629. origin, etc., 1021. Trappe, Pa., Augusta Evangelical Lutheran congregation, 6357. derivation of name, 6009. record of marriages, confirmations, and burials, 1760. 6358. Trappist abbey of New Melleray, 1568. Trappist fathers, 7346. Trappists, French refugee, 5843, 5858. Trask, Amos, 2505. Trask, S., 4812. Trask, W. B., 2219, 3362-3367, 3371, 3374, 3378-3381, 3383, 3384, 3386, 3388- 3390, 3393-3395, 3397, 3398, 3400, 3406, 3407, 3411-3415, 3484, 3492, 3547, 3552, 3570, 3574, 3664. 3682-3687, 3698, 3754, 3805, 3809, 3861, 3925, 3931, 3941o, 3970. Trask (William) family, 3413, 3414, 3415, 3970. Traske, W., petition, 1661. 3364. will, 1666. 3369. Traske family in England, 3412, 3941a. Traske (William) family, 3413. Trautwine, W., 6323. Travel, old modes of, 2250. old time, on the Connecticut, 409S. prerailway trips to northern Pennsyl vania, 6070. See also Stagecoach. Traver, L., 6596. Travers, C. E., 1059. Traverse des Sioux, treaty, 4312. Travertine or calcareous tufa, 7174. Travis, I., 5726. Travis, I. D., 4292, 4294. Trayer, II. O., 3409 Treacy, W. I ., 914. Treasury estimates for 1900. 812. Treat memorial brass in Pitminster Church, England, 3416. Treaties, 4839. Treaties ceding lands, 1851-1880. 6657. Treaty of 1803. 41. Treaty of 1818. 5800. Treaty of Big Tree, centennial, 4935. Treaty with Indians, Penn s. 1682. 5966. Sec also Indian treaties. Trecothick, Baron, letters, 1766. 2801. Tree, L., 1280. Tree Planter State, 4422. Trees, age of timber, 7175a. Trelawny, J., 1720. Trelawny, R., patent to, December 1, 1631. 1720. Trelawny papers, 1720, 1768. Trelawny pedigree, 1720. Tremain, Mary, 7. Trernewan, Anna, 5800. Trenholme, N. M., 40. Trent, Wm., journal, 1752. 5775. Trent, W. P., 4, 7, 13, 34, 1820, 6673, 6817. Trenton, battle of, 1777. 4543, 6066. contemporaneous account, 6066. letter by the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, 6170. Trenton, N. J., American army around, 1776-77, Reed, J., narrative, 6064. barracks, 4626. old fort or blockhouse, 4547. Trerice family, 3404. Trescott family, 2574. Treworgie family, 3408. Trezevant (Daniel) family, 6648. Trials, noted, in colonial days, 5899. Triangulation in cascades, 897. Trias, J. F., 519. Tribal society among Texas Indians, 6679. Trimble, J. A., 5752. Trimble, R. T., 5749. Trimble, W. A., 5726. Trinity archive, contribution to history, 5572. Tripp, G. II., 4046. Tripp, J. C., 4046. Trippie, T. M., 2319. Triunfo, El, Salvador, 573. Trois Pistoles, Canada, hermit of (L her- mite des Trois-Pistoles), 7345. Tronjoly, Chilteau de, 7323. Troost, G., 517, 5096. Tropics, colonization and civil government, 5437, 5449, 5544, 5546. Troth, S., 6072. Trott family, 3401, 3806. Trout, J., 6009. Trowbrid.ge, C. C., 4255, 6930a. Trowbridge, T. R., 1156, 1157, 1160. Trowbridge, T. R., jr., 1157, 1158, 1159, 1168, 1173. Troy and Homer, Schliemann s discoveries, 251. Troy, N. Y., St. Joseph s Provincial Semi nary, 933. Truax family, 5041. Trudelle, 554. Trudruffrin, map of British camp at, 1777. 6057. True, N. T., 2247. True, P. A., 2036. True relation of the flourishing State of Pennsylvania, poem, 5995. Trueworthy family, 3385. Trumbull, B., journal, 1776-77. 1114. roll of company, 1777. 1114. Trumbull, David, letter to Jeremy Belknap, 2650. Trumbull, Jonathan, 1202-1204. letter, 1779. 2624. Trumbull, Col. Jonathan, jr., journal of the siege of Yorktown, 2783. Trumbull, J. II., 181, 198, 245, 321, 1109, 1110, 1119-1122, 2778, 2785, 3388, 6059, 6472. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1295 Trumbull, J. H., letter, 2780. letter, 1865. 2777. Trumbull genealogy, 3407, 3871a. Trumbull letters, 2668. Trumbull papers, 2791. Truro, Mass., topography, 1704. 2621. Trust companies in the United States, 1832. Trusts, charitable, of Great Britain, 344. some great (charitable), in United States, 4.32. Combination in mining industry, 4S43&. some great (fiduciary), 206. Tsangpo River, 902. Tschudy, J. J., 6977. Tshimsiam Indians, language, 7323. Tsung-li-yamen, 901. Tubbs, C., 6395. Tuberculosis, 814. statistics, 815. Tubwreck Brook, legend of, 2203. Tucca-Ramma-Hacking, 4503. Tucker, Judge, correspondence, 1833-1837. 6860. Tucker, E., 4205. Tucker, Emma C., 6670. Tucker, E. T., 4050. Tucker, G., 6795. Tucker, G. M., 4692, 4718. Tucker, John, marriage certificate, 1688. 3392. Tucker, Jonathan, 2246. Tucker, J. P., 3413. Tucker, J. R., 5714. Tucker, S. and G., letter to J. Tyler, 6850. Tucker, \V. G., 4682. Tucker family, "6858. Tucker s pamphlet, 1766. 6081, 6082. Tuckerman, E., 217. Tuckerman, F., 2055, 3402, 3413, 3820, 3823er, 3S82&, 3951. Tuckerman, H. T., 5286. Tudor, F., letter on ice trade, 2772. Tudor, W., facsimile of handwriting, 1799 2770. Tudor, W., jr., 2710. Tuell, Harriet E., 3409. Tufts, L. T., 3409, 3900. Tufts. S., letters, 1789-1802. 3323. Tufts, W., jr., 3383. Tufts family, 4158. Tufts genealogy, 3409, 3900. Tularosa, Rio, prehistoric ruins, 573. Tuller, E. W., 5749. Tulley s almanacs, 3131. Tully, John, letter, 1694. 2797. Tully family, 3361. Tulpehocken, Evangelical German congrega tion at, 7473. Tumuli of Florida, earthen vessels from 5160. Tungus vocabulary, 7187. Tuomey, M., 935. Tupelo, battle of, 4349. Tuppor, F. A., 4098. Tupper, K. B., 6241. Turcotte, L. P., 7185. Turell, E., 2638. " Minister s wooing," 3372. Turell, Mary, personal reminiscences, 1821 3372. Turgot and six edicts, 4835. Turkestan, supposed birthplace of civiliza tion, 7474. Turkey, lost provinces, 904. trade of eastern ports, 526. Turkey, see also Ottoman Empire. Turkish capitulation, 20, 40. Turkish coins, 6343. Turkish Empire, dismemberment of, 12. Turks Head, R. I., 6584. Turner, A., 4771, 6681. Turner, A. J., 6936, 7062 Turner, B. D., 945. Turner, C., 2636. Turner, Charles, jr., journal, 1802. 2786. Turner, C. II. B., 6085. Turner, E. T., 576. Turner, F. II., 6685. Turner, F. J., 10, 13, 27, 34, 36, 44. 1822 6962, 6965, 6992, 7014, 7060, 71 1 > 7395. Turner, H. C., 6520. Turner, H. E., 6535, 6540, 6548, 6550. Turner, J. B., 1422. Turner, J. H., 894. Turner, R., letter to W. Penn, 1685. 3371 Turner, T. L., 3365. Turner, W. W., 517, 5182. Turner family, 5039, 6583. (Edward) family, 5028. Turnpike, Philadelphia and Lancaster, 6166, 6170. Turrell, II. B., 1500. Turrell, O. B., 4311. Tuscarora deep, sealing schooners, 897. Tuscarora Indians, conquest of, 5466. council at Buffalo, and Cattaraugns, N. Y., 3838-39. 4776. Tuscola County, Mich., memorials, 4278 4279, 4283. Tuskaloosa, origin of name, 938. statistics, 935. Tuthill, W. H., 1504, 1505, 3380, 3555o. Tuthill family, 3555a, 5044. (John) family, 3380. Tuttle, A. II., 4300. Tuttle, C. W., 2782, 2783, 2785, 2786, 2966, 3379-3381, 3383, 3384, 3386, 3387. 3603, 3687, 4119, 4455. Tuttle, D. S., 4398. Tuttle, Herbert, historical work of. 11. Tuttle, Herbert L., 36. Tuttle, Hudson, 5641. Tuttle, J. F., 3687, 4541, 4546, 4550, 4556, 4558. 4565, 4578. Tuttle, J. H.. 2195, 2213, 2602. Tuttle, James M., 1503. Tuttle, Mary McA. T., 5726. Tuttle family, 3:;7 .. Tweed. A. I., 7441. " Twin peninsulas," poem, 4284. Twitchell, J. IL, 1124. 1296 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Twombly, A. S., 3415. Tyler, A., 4195, 4212. Tyler, Annie T., 6817. Tyler, B. B., 795. Tyler, J., letters, 6860, 6861. Tyler, L. G., 4, 22, 6848, 6849, 6851-6854, 6865. Tyler, Moses, will, 1725. 3370. Tyler, M. C., 2, 3, 22, 34. Tyler, R. II., 5415a. Tyler, R. U., 3412. Tyler, W., 3362, 3371. Tyler family, 6860. Tyler (Mary Richards), genealogy, 2206. Tymens-Van Der Veen family (New York), 5022. Tyndale family, 3376. Tyng, D. A., 2715, 2914. Tyng Township, N. H., proprietors records, etc., 4428, 4430. Tyngsborough, Mass., history of, 2632. Typhoid fever, statistics, 814. Tyringham, Mass., vital records to 1850. 4014. Tyron County, N. Y., committee of safety, minute hook, 7519. Tyson, C. S., 3684. Tyson, J. R., 708, 5969, 5971, 5973, 59846, 5992, 5993, 6393. Tyson, M. E., 1901, 1924. Tyson, T. K., 4417. Tyson family records, 5036. Uganda railroad, 578. Fitlanders, revolt, 897. Ulster County, N. Y., colonial statutes, 5549. Huguenots of, 4855, 4893. papers, patents granted, 1666-1709. 5017. regiment in " Great rebellion," 5549. early settlers, 5031, 5032, 5035. sheriffs, 5549. Ultra" Montane expedition, 6855. Umfreville, 1702. Uncas. J., will, 1675. 3371. Uncas family, 3368. Uncas genealogy, 1112. Uncas, memoir of, 2627. Uncas and the colony of Connecticut, agree ment of, 1681. 2779. " Underground railroad." the. 12, 34, 5639, 5688, 5726, 5781, 7327. in Nebraska, 4414. 4417. in Ohio, 5706, 5716, 5732. in Wisconsin, 7524. Underbill, A. S., 5018, 5019, 5021. Underbill, Capt. John, license, 1639. 3374. " Newes from America, 1638," 2644. Underbill, L. A. (Woodbury), 4193. Underbill family, 5047. Underbill MSS., 5645. Underwood, A. B., 3542. Underwood, H. G., 6970, 7105. Underwood, L. M., 3396. Underwood family, 3396. Ungava Bay, 7175. Ungaya, Labrador, Indians and Eskimos, 7312. Unimak Island, mountains, 904. Union of colonies, Wm. Penn s plans, 6067. Uniontown, Pa., 1782-83. 6057. Union Township, Ohio, 5678. Union veteran, personal experience of, 4161. Unitarian apostasy, 510. Unitarianism in Iowa, 1519. Unitarians in United States, 793. Unitas Fratrum. See Moravian Church. United Brethren in Christ, 795. United colonies, proceedings, 1643-1651. 6483. United Daughters of the Confederacy, work of, 4347. United Empire, revived significance of, "U. E.," 7307. United Presbyterian Church in United States, 794. United Presbyterian Church of North America, origin and distinctive characteristics, 6381. United States, 5636. Agricultural Department, relation to farmer, 4295. Agricultural statistics, 526. in 1850. 530. in 1860. 543, 545. in 1900. 578. archaeological research in, 209. Army, roster, Company I, First Dragoons, 1835-36. 1519. atlas, 579. base maps, 580. boundary, northeastern, 1762. See also Northeast boundary, southern, first, 10. survey. 4773. Canada and, 1784. 2793. Ashburton treaty, 7279. survey, 1843-1845. 7175. Bureau of Ethnology, geographic work, 899. Bureau of Insular Affairs, 905. Canada and, 5. government of, 376. canals. 1859. 545. census, key to publications of, 807. special classes, 815. uniformity, 812. census act for 1890. 807. census bulletins, 568. census bureaus permanent, 811, 830. census results, 1900. 577. census schedules, preservation, 815. Chief Justice, 3407. citizens, national name of, 2624. civil service, removals by Presidents. 17. civil service and patronage, 2559. climatology, 2457. Coast and Geodetic Survey, &98. magnetic work, 900. work, 904. coast survey, 1859. 546. coinage, 1522. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1297 United States, colonial possessions, 901. commercial primacy, 211, 495. commonwealths of, genesis, 12. Confederate States. Sec South and Southern. Congress, acts for defense of Wyoming Valley, Pa., 1776-1778. 6449- 6450. diary of W. D. Williamson, Member of Seventeenth Congress, 3388. first, 6069. House of Representatives, first re porter, 5845. first Speaker of, 6069. public documents early Congresses, 13. salary grab of 1873. 1518. Senate, first, 207. votes, study of, 13. Williamson, W. D., diary during 17th Congress, 3388. Congressional government compared with parliametary, 7318. Constitution, 4263. amendments to the, 5. Massachusetts legislature on, 35. centenary, 5844. compromises, 43, 92. effect of adoption on Virginia finances, 6834. framing of, 5350. French influence on adoption of, 43. Maryland s adoption of, 39. New Hampshire s ratification, 4456. New Hampshire under, 4456. Pennsylvania and the Federal con stitution, 6113. proposed amendment by Pennsyl vania, 1809. 6074. ratification by Virginia, 1787-88. 2807. signers, 6993. thirteenth amendment in Illinois, 1390. Sec also Constitution, United States, and Federal constitution. Constitution and Union, historical con ception, 2806, 3270. Constitutional and political history, 1816. Constitutional precedents in French as sembly, 42. cooperation in, 1819. cotton crop, 1666. diplomacy, 16. diplomacy, 1861. 12. diplomacy in regard to Cuba, 15. direct tax of 1798. 4169. elements in making of, 778. English policy toward, 1790-91. 41, 42. expansion, constitutional questions, 16. expansion west of the Mississippi, 1517. finances, 1775-1789. 7113. foreign trade, 899. Founder of Republics, 1748. Geographical surveys west of one hund redth meridian, 593. geography of southern peninsula, 897. geological atlas, 571. H, Doc. 923, 50-1, vol 2 82 United States, Geological Survey in 1894- 95. 571, 572. field work, 903. work of twenty-five years, 905. Government, origin of, 5412. government and administration of, 1822. Government publications, 11, 4310. graphic history, 572. growth, 899. growth and national character, 900. historical publications of the Govern ment, 11. historical societies, 1581. history, Revolution. See American Revo lution. War of 1812. 6781, 7283. Anderson, J. G., journal, 6931. anecdotes of, 1520. Army bill act, 7193. Askin, J., diary, 4284. bibliography, 2077. Bonner, J., diary, 4284. Buffalo. N. Y., narrative, 4777. campaign on Niagara frontier, 7236- 7242. campaigns in Ohio, 5776, no. 23. cause and commencement of, 7186. causes of, 4906. Champion Hills, battle of, 1514 4346. " Chesapeake " and " Shannon," naval battle, 2791. 3339. correspondence, etc., 5776, Nos. 3, 7, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 28, 36. Detroit, surrender, 5648. Dominion archives, Canada, files re lating to Michigan, 4267, 4268. Drummond s campaign, 7229, 7233, 7247. effect of on Canada, 7381. effect upon the consolidation of the Union, J818. embargo, long, 2258. episodes on Great Lakes, 4777. Fort Erie, battle, 4774, 6077. Fort McKay, capture, 6933. Fort Meigs, seige, 5722, 5776, no. 23. W. H. Harrison at Cleveland, 5776, no. 36. Illinois in, 7425. in connection with army bill act, 7193. Indians, employment of, 12. list of pensioners, 6721. naval affairs in Boston, 1812. 2806. naval battles on Lake Champlain, 7353. naval history, 6584. Niagara frontier, first shot, 4774. orderly book, 1812-13. 4283. pension rolls, lists, 4308, 6721. personal episodes, 7222. personal reminiscences, 3377. Portland privateers, 1712. Prisoners, exchange of, in 1813. 2274. privateers, " Perry " captures by, 1814. 6083. 1298 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. United States history. Revolution, war of 1812, proclamation of A. Smith, 7377. reinterment of soldiers killed at Lundy s Lane, 7226, 7244, 7245. reminiscences, 5635. skirmish with Indians, Ohio, 7408. table of killed and wounded, 5097. various historical documents, 7208. Wadsworth s division, 5777, No. 51. a war song (un chanson de 1812), 7345. Williams s papers, 4284. York volunteers, 4925. See also Sacket s Harbor. War with Mexico. Sec Mexican war. Civil War, 1523, 1831, 5393. as we see it now, 1895. 3338. Alabama, 947. Army of the Potomac, cavalry in, 7482(7. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. 1843. battles, personal narratives, 7482a, 7483. blockade running from Confederate forts, 5569. blockhouses, 1518. Brookline in, 2112. Buffalo, N. Y., " Board of Trade " regiment, records, 4773. camp and hospital, 6597. charge of the Fifth Illinois Cavalry, 1427. colored troops, reminiscences, 6596. commencement, 5721. confiscations during and after, 1518. Du Boso, .T. W., recollections. 945. Edgar, II., journal, 1863. 4396. finance, 5647. Fire Lands, officers and soldiers in Union Army, 7416* flags, secession emblems, 2774. frontier service, 6597. Georgia, first volunteer regiment of, 1335, 1336. Hampton Roads conference, 1865. 1537, 1546, 4351. an incident, 1851. an Iowa soldier s letters from the field, 1862-1865. 1524. Kansas, story of Seventh Regiment, 1582. lake frontier during, 13. Lake Mills in, 7058. Lebanon County, Pa., emergency vol unteers at Gettysburg, 7434. legal and political issues, 184. local history, 4346. local incidents, Mississippi, 4347. losses in, 807. massacre of Confederates by Osage Indians in 1863. 1582. military lessons taught, 4951. Mississippi, campaign, battles, etc., in, 1861-1865, index to, 4351. United States history, Civil War, Missouri in, 20, 4391. mule and army wagon, 2207. North Carolina in, 1286. last capture of guns, 5593. statistics. 5593. operations of cavalry corps, 1865. 6599. original documents, letters of F. Be- nausse, 5853. peace conference of 1861. 1184. Pennsylvania, Ringgold Light Ar tillery of Reading, 5925, 5926. prison life of J. M. Fales, 7482c. reminiscences of, 1426, 1521, 1522, 1652, 2602, 6585ra, 6597, 7482o. romance, 5635. Sherman s march to the sea, Iowa in, 1520. signal service in, 6599, 7483. some phases, 3314. Spottsylvania, Va., to Wilmington, N. C., 6599. turning points in, 11. unofficial mission to Europe, 2791. Virginia women and, 1282. War with Spain, 5437, 5451. Kansas in, 1580. Veterans, memorial, 4398. history of economic theory, 1828. Hydrographic Office, 549, 574, 904. hydrologic and hydrographic surveys, 579. industries, 904. Irish element in early American life, 622. Irish pioneers, 624. Japan, relations with, 1849. Jewish population, 629. in cities, 633. labor, 1831. land and waters, 904. land politics, 5351. land question, 1816, 1817. See also Lands, public, legion of, officers, 1792. 6072. local constitutional history, 1845. manufacturers, 1900. 578. medals, national, 1945. political, 661. Military Academy, historical sketch, 1522. negro cadets, 1523. military government in new territory, 4838. mineral resources, 904. National Museum, educational aspect, 1821. Naval Academy, recollections of, 7482o. Navy, old, 3340. oldest ship in, " Lancaster," 6167. rear-admirals, 3375. vessels, naming, 4473. Navy and Naval Academy registers, 3385. nominations for elective offices, 2552. origin of $ sign, 7346. origin of physical features, 899. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1299 United States, original territory, 900. original territory, 900. peace, influence for, 4293. physiography, 906, 907. population by sex, nativity, and race, etc., 1900. 577. postal service, connection with Buffalo, N. Y., 4773. President, see Executive. Presidential elections chart. 1539. Presidential elections in, 7184. Presidents letters, 6081, 6082. progress, 4311. progress of 100 years, 4280. railroads, 1859. 545. reclamation service, 7391. religious forces of, 784. religious Liberty and the Jews, 634. researches upon antiquity of man in eastern, 6400. resources, 1865. 590. river surveys, 580. Sanitary Commission, sketch of his tory, etc., 1917. scientific and educational institutions, 4, 6. scientific institutions, origin, 67. seal of, 2778. secession in Switzerland and, compared, 6744. Senate history, 1789-1889. 3164. roll of members, 1789-1889. 2800. Senatorial biography, 2803. Senators, antebellum, 2802. popular election of, 1824, 4292. soils and products, 904. State banking, 1832. 8ee also Banks. State tax commissions, 1828. State Department, historical archives, 11. Supreme Court, history and influence in our constitutional system, 184S. territorial acquisitions, boundaries, 902. Nee also U. S. expansion, time across continent, 903. topography, 586a. topographic forms, 577. topographical survey, 579, 580. topography and distribution of popula tion, 578. trade with Cuba, 899. travels, John Davis, 1798-1802. 6855. treaties, Hawaii, reciprocity, 1855- 56. 7137. annexation, 1854. 7130. Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 24. trust companies, 1832. Weather Bureau, 902, 905. and floods, 904. cloud work, 900. river and flood system, 897. United States and Canada, from historical points of view, 7. United States and China, 7474. United States and international arbitra tion, 8. United States and Mexico, boundary, 558. United States bank, Langdon Cheves, and. 13. petition of Virginia cities for branches, 1791. 6832. See also Banks. United States Catholic Historical Society, 914. United States chronicle, 6585. United States in the Pacific and Far East, 1831. United States military collective biography, bibliography, 5020. United States through English spectacles, 1792-1794. 6065. " United States Dragoons, First," 1520. United States. See also American colonies. " Unitie our dutie," printed and distributed, 3374. Unity of the Brethren (Moravian Church), history eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 6229. Universal language, 4209. Universalists in United States. 793. Universities in relation to research, 7327. University, the ideal, 946, 958. University Company, Iowa, flag, 1523. University contributions to business life, 4297. University education in Maryland, history of, 1822. University extension, 1818. University of Henrico, 1288. University of Nashville, memorial to Con gress, 1834. 6670. University of the South, 6663. University town, California, 1012. Unkefer, B., 4422. Unknown, the (Canadian novel), 7325. Unmapped areas, 898. Updike, W., views of, 6583. Upham, A. G., 3359. Upham, C. W., 2246, 2248, 2249, 2309, 2312, 2643, 5010. Upham, D. A. J., 6900. Upham, F. K., 3391. Upham, T. C., 4448. Upham, W., 4310, 4312, 4336. Upham, W. I ., 2137, 2244-2248, 2252, 2253, 2255, 2260, 2261, 2266, 2273- 2278, 2280. 2289, 2311, 2354, 2356, 2358, 2386, 2456, 2544, 2787. 2791. 2798. 2799, 2801- 2804, 2806, 2962, 3176, 3267. Upham family, 3381. Upham, name in England, 3391. Upland, Pa., 5977. court records. 1676-1681. 5976, 6023. Upper Lakes, Indian tribes, 4245. Upper Merion. Pa., Christ (Swedes ) Church. 5959. Union school and Stewart fund hall. 7422. [ T pper Parish. Xansemond County, Va., ves trymen. 1760-1791. 6831. Upper Wisconsin " country, 6927. 1300 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Upsal, consistory court of archbishop, Ar- chivum Americanum, 6071. Upshur, T. J., 6834. Upshur, T. T., 6072, 6833. Upson, C., 5434. Upton, J., 2282. Upton, Winslow, 2387. Upton, W. B., 2248. Upton, W. H., 3398, 3753. Upton family, 2246, 3753. (Josiah and Catherine) family, 3398. Upton, N. J., a lost town, 6065. Ural Mountains, 577. Urban, T. L., 6166. Tiring, N., notice of New England, 1709. 4448. Urquhart, Sir T., and R. Williams, 6587. Ursuline convent (East Somerville, Mass.) burning of, 4205. Ursuline nuns in America, 5843. Ursulines, Louisiana, 1668. voyage to New Orleans, 914. Usher, E. B., 6967, 6970, 7084, 7105. Usher, H., letter, 1664. 2137. Usher, J., 1698. Usher family, 3381, 3567. Usher genealogy, 3412. Usselinx, William, 2. Utah, irrigation, 1860. mammals of, 2344. natural bridges. 905. Utica, N. Y., Bleecker Street Church, 5468. deceased residents, 5433. high school, 5426, 5467. in ancient times, 5468. literary club, 5433. semicentennial, 5422, 5457. streets. 5426. waterworks, 5426, 5463. Young Men s Christian Association, 5432. Utica slate, 4692! fossils, 4692. Utley. H. M., 4257. Utrecht, union of, 10. Uvularia grandiflora, 4683. Uxbridge, Mass., Held day, 4210. Vaccination, statistics of, 808, 811, 814. in America, progress of, 2632. Vail, H. P., 5023, 5025. Vail, H. II.. 5041. Vail family, 3416, 3971a, 5017. Valentine, P. J. J., 191, 193-198, 203-205, 273-275, 277-279, 287, 293. 310. 331, 386, 407, 416, 564, 565. Valentine family, 3378. Valletta, M. F., 914, 916, 917, 919, 927, 4735. Valley Forge, 6073, 6077. camp ground, 5960. map. 6077. mess account kept at, 5034. orderly book, 766. Valley of the Fox, influence of French regime, 7081. Valley of the Shenandoah, first white settler, 6892, Valleyfield, Can., Church of Ste. Cecile, 7346. Valleys, submerged, 903. Value, labor theory of, 4836. Van Acmaer family, New York, 5022. Van Allen, C. L., 4869. Van Arsdale, E. B., 5535. Van Bibber family, 6891. Van Borsum-Hendricks, first church mar riage in New York, 5041, 5042. Van Borsum family, 5041, 5042. Van Brugh genealogical notes, 5029. Van Brunt family, 5050. Van Buren, A. D. P., 4257, 4262, 4263, 4265, 4266, 4270. 4280. Van Buren electors from Maryland, 12. Van Buren family, 5043. Van Buren papers, 2808. Van Buren, Mich., pioneer days, 4266. Van Buren County, Iowa, 1508. early history, 1512. Van Bursum, C., will, 1680. 5050. Van Buskirk family, 5908. Vance, P., 5570. Vance, J., 5899. Vance, J. L., 5715. Van Cleve, B., memoranda, 7472. Van Cleve, C. O., 4304, 4394. Van Cleve, J. W., 5656. Van Corlaer, A., see Van Curler, Arent. Van Cortlandt family records, 5020. Van Curler, Arent, 12, 70. journal, 1634. 5435. Vandegrift, F. L., 1581. Vandegrift, L. C., 1230. Van der Hey den, J., 7390. Vanderkemp papers, 4771. Van der Toel family (New York), 5017. i Van der Veen, Walewyn, notary, register of, 4884. Van der Zee. J., 1539-1542. Van der Zee, origin of name, 5050. Van Peusen, A. H., 5046. Van Peusen, R. T., 5041. Van Peusen family, 5045, 5046. tombstone inscriptions, 5044. Van Peusen manor, 5043. Van Puyn, J., 5490. Van Puyn family, 5025. Van Puzee, E. M., 1503. Van Pyck. M., will, 1749. 5017. Van Pyck family (New York), 5024. Van Pyke, H., 6381. Van Pyke, Paul. 43, 45, 4893. Van Pyke, W., 1011. Vane, Henry, the younger, letter, 1635. 2781. Van Etten family (Ulster and Orange Counties, N. Y.), 5045. Van Gaasbeek, C. H., jr., 5034, 5040. Van Gaasbeek (Pominie Laurentius) fam ily, 5040. Van Hensen, T. V., 4693. Van Hoersen, G. M., 7507. Van Hoose, J. M., 946. Van Hoosear, P. H., 1150. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1301 Van Horn, M. A. De L., 5908. Van Horn, R. T., 4358. Van Home, .1. I)., 5908. Van Home (Cornelius) family, 5908. Van Houten family (Bergen, N. .T.), 5042, 5043. Van Meter, Anna H., 6890. Van Meter, I., journal, 1801. 6873. Van Meter family, 6890, 6891. Van Metre. See Van Meter. Van Nest, A. V., 7508. Van Noppen, L. C., 4885. Van Rensselaer, C., 6375. Van Rensselaer, J. H., 3411. Van Rensselaer, M., 5148. Van Rensselaer family records, SOtJO. Van Schaack, II. C., 5197. Van Schelven, G., 4278. Van Shaick family (New York), 5017, 5022. Van Slyke, J. G., 4893. " Van Speijk " frigate, 1893, dinner for offi cers, 5530. Van Vechten, Emma, 4812. Van Vlierden family, 5050. Van Voorhies, W., 1026. Van Voorhis, J., 7507. Van Vorst, H. C., 7507. Van Wagenen, G. H., 5024, 5025, 5027, 5028, 5031, 5032, 5035, 5036, 5039. services in Revolutionary war, 5023. Van Wagenen family, 5025. (Ulster County, N. Y.), 5036-5038. Van Wart house, 5043. Van Wyck, A., 6947. Varick family (New York), 5023. Varleet family (New York), 5024, 5025. Varlet family (New York), 5024, 5025. Varleth family (New York), 5024, 5025. Varney family, 3432. Varnum, J. B., 5149. Varnum, J. B., jr., 1885. Varnum family, 3363. Vassal family, 2773. Vassall estate, Cambridge, Mass., 3829a, 3403. Vassall family, 3375, 3409, 3487. Vassall house, 3608. Vatican archives, researches in, 5851-5853. Vatralsky, tribute to MacGahan, 5721. Vattemare, A., 3017. Vaudois, historic celebration, 4892. Vaudreuil, P. F. R., 7345. V.-uighan, Benj., letters, 1782-83. 2807. Vaughan, Sir C., papers, 41. Vaughan, J. H., 28. Vaughan, T. W., 578. Vaughan, V. C., 4299. Vaughan, W., at Louisbourg, 1745. 3383. Vaughan family, 3363, 3377, 3527. Vaux, G., 6068, .6069, 6071. Vaux, Richard, 741. Vaux, Roberts, 5966, 5968, 5984. Vedder, C. S., 4881, 4884, 4892, 6611, 6613, 7509. Vedder, H. C., 777. Veghte family, 5024. Velasco, battle of, 6685. Velasco, Mexican fort at, 6679. Venable, W. H., 5673, 5713, 5714, 5723, 5736. Venezuela, 897, 904. boundary commission, 898. boundary dispute, 901. cartography, 15. Guiana boundary, 38. Venezuela s territorial claims, 5916. " Vengeance," the, British privateer, 41. Ventris family, 3405. Vera Cruz, port of, 579. Verdety, T., 6623. Vereinigung alter deutscher Studenten in Amerika, 885, 886. Verendrye and other early explorers, 6658. Vergennes, letter to La Fayette, 1780. 42. Verienden, Mrs., W. L., 6080. Verlet family (New York), 5024, 5025. Verleth family (New York), 5024, 5025. Vermilion, Ohio, history, 7408, 7409. Vermilion and Ashland Railroad, 5646. Vermilye, A. G., 1702, 4892, 4894, 5306, 5338, 5378, 5383, 5433. Vermilye, T. E., 4892, 5295. Vermont, admission to the Union, one hun dredth anniversary, 6690. banking, early history, 6741, 6761. coinage, 6753, 6755. constitution, adoption of first, 6725. constitutional convention, first, eighty- sixth anniversary, 6753. conventions, early, records, 6768. council of censors, 6765, 6769. educational progress, 6764. establishment of an independent govern ment, 5289, 5333. Fenianism and Fenian raids, 6739. geology, and marble development, 6700: / history, 4488. deficiencies in, 6722. early history, 6067. first legislature, 6738. marbles, 6726. mints, 675. naming of, 3374. natural and political history, 6753. newspapers, early, 6740. provisional government, 6725. soldiers at Richmond, 6714. State industries, 6714. See also New Hampshire grants. Vermont and F. Iladimand, negotiations be tween, 6754. Vermont as sovereign and independent State, 1783-1791. 6754. Vermont s minority, 6706. Vermontville colony, Michigan, history. 4280. Vernon, Admiral, expedition against Car- thagena, 1112. Vernon, J., letters, 1671-72. 2780. Vernon, W., papers, 17761794. 6587. Vernon family, 3391, 3681o. Vernon family arms, 3391. 1302 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Vernon, Conn., Church, records, 1762-1824. 3416, 3417. Vernon, Mass., historical sketch, 4096. Vernon, Vt., graveyard inscriptions, 3378. Verplanck, G. C., 5016, 5091, 5114, 5119, 5120, 5278. Ver Planck, W. G., 5039, 5041, 5042. Ver Planck family, 5039. Verrazano, voyage, 929. voyage, 1524. 5096. Verrazano map, 548. Verrazzano s discoveries of North America, 5223. Verreau, A66e H., 7308, 7309, 7312, 7315, 7316, 7322, 7324. Versteeg, D., 4875, 4878, 4882, 4883, 4887. Verwyst, C., 4278, 6934, 6935. Very family, 2240. Vesey, W., 5252a. Vespucius, Americus, 568. letters of, 2785. Vessels, see ship registers. Vessels arriving in America, 1673. 3395. Vessels, passengers and, arrived, 1680. 3391. in America, 1630-1712. 3389. Veto, royal, last, 2795. Vetromile, E., 1702, 1703. Mall family, 3413. . Vice-admiralty court for America, 2786. Vickers family, 3376, 3500. Vickery, G. R., 3500. Vickery family, 3376, 3500. Vicksburg campaign, 1862-63. 1655. 4347. Vicksburg, defense of in 1862. 1655. Vicksburg, siege of, 4346. Iowa troops in, 1517. Vicksburg National military Park, 1517. Victor, F. F., 5797-5799. A ictoria, Queen, alleged interview between C. F. Adams and, 1862. 2807. and our civil war, 2808. jubilee, 7323. Vieau, A. J., sr., narrative of, 6933. Vieau, P. J., narrative of, 6937. Viele, E. L., 530, 551, 558, 569, 597. Viele, H. K., 5049. Viele, S. T., 4876. Vienna, congress of, 20. Vienna, Ohio, 5689. Viereck, L., 884, 4847. Viger, J., 7355. " Vigilance committee," Richmond, war of 1812. 6831. Vigo, F., claim, 5776. Viles, Rebecca, 2592. Villafranca, Ricardo, 898. Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem, 1813. Village community, theory of, 5, 7. Village sites, aboriginal, 5732. Villagra Gaspar de, 914. Villard. O. G., 12, 4812. Villazur, Pedro de, expedition of, 841. Villeinage, extinction of, in England, 2776, 2825. Villiers, Coulon de, journal, 1754. 7440. Villiers family, 5747. Villiers-Stuart family, 5747. Vinal, L. A., 4161. Vincennes, colonial history, 1460. Vincennes, Ind., parish of St. Francis Xavier, 1749-1773. 5854. Vincent, J. M., 3, 10, 22, 88, 1821, 1836, 1850, 1864. Vincent, M. R., 5387. Vincent, P., 2644. Vincent family, 4895. Vincent de Paul, St., letter, 1602. 7346. Vipius, globe of, 1542. 5317. Vineland, N. J., founding of, 4674. physicians, early, 4673. Vineyard Sound, origin of names prevail ing on, 2781. Vinland of the Northmen, 899, 3476, 7315. history, 915. Vinland vindicated, 7323. Vinland voyages, 568. Vinton, F., 4948. Vinton, J. A., 3365, 3379, 3687. Vinton, Madelene, 5716. Vinton, S. F., 2796, 5716, 6928. Virginia, Colony, 6801. Acadians in, 1755. 6830. Admiralty, vice-, court, 1701-2. 6853. assembly, members, 1641. 6833. orders, December 8, 1769. 1288. books in colonial, 6831. boundary lines, North Carolina, 1710, 6828, 6829. census, 1624-25. 3389,6831, 6855. colections in English churches for, 1623. 6830. colonial attorneys-general, 6858. colonial council, members, 6851. colonial county officers, 6832. colonial secretaries, 6858. committee of correspondence, proceedings, 1759-1767. 6834-6836. committee of correspondence and call for first Congress, 6817. council, address to Oov. Spotswood, 1713. 6836. address to lords commissioners of trade, 1717-18. 6835. notes, 1641-1677. 6832. proceedings, 1716-17. 6828. proclamation, 1775. 6832. council and general court records, 1640- 1678. 6833, 6835. county committees of, 177475. 6853. county records, letters, 1652, 1705. 6859. county records, extracts, 6832, 6836. court regulation prohibiting smoking, 6854. criminal cases, trial of, 1717. 6829. Culpeper s report, 1683. 6827. early currency in, 1899. deed of land, 1667. 3397. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1303 Virginia, Colon}/, Dermer, T., voyage to, 1619. 5096. Discoveries, Newport s, 109. description of, 162:5-1625. 6830, 6831. in 1628-1630. 6831. in 1649. 2637. in 1699. 6859. in 1771. 6830. descriptions in early letters, 6865. discontent in, causes, 1676. 6826. discovery of the north part of, Brereton s relation, 2646. documents in English Public record office, 1606-1627, Sainsbury s abstracts, 6831. Dunmore expedition, 1774. 5658. Dunmore patent, 1773. 6892. Dunmore war, 5723, 5733, 6891, 7108. early relations between Maryland and, 1826. education, colonial, 6853-6855. English maids for Virginia planters, 3388. j financial history. 1609-1776. 4821. first German reformed colony in, 1714 1750. 6382. free school and church in seventeenth century, 6825. general court decisions, 1626-1628. 6827. 6828. in 1664-1670. 6829. records, 1641-1677. 6832. government of, 1666. 6829. in 1696-1698. 2623. early history, 2. early history, 1606-1619. 58. history, 1632-1634. 6832. history, 1636-1639. 6833-6836. House of Burgesses, 1639. 6826. in 1683-84. 6834. in 1685-1691. 6829. charges against Spotswood, 1719. 6828. Isle of Wight members, 1619-1775. 6855. journal, 1692-93. 6853. list, 1766-1775. 6828. members, 1688. 6833. proceedings, 1652-161. 6832. resolutions, 1715. 6836. Washington s first election to, 6817. Huguenot settlement, 1700, report, 6,812. in Winthrop s " History of New Eng land," 6860. instructions to Berkeley, 1642. 6826. in 1662. 6827. to F. Nicholson, 6828. to Oov. Yeardley, 1618, 1626. 6826. Jacobitism in, 6830. kidnapping maidens to be sold in, 1618. 6830. land, officers entitled to, 1754. 6829. patent list, 1626. 6855. patents for lands, list, March, 1616- June, 1623. 6830. patents issued during regal govern ment, 6861. Virginia, Colony, patents and grants, 1745- 1754, list of. 6829. abstracts, 6825-6832. laws, 1(594. 6833. legislative assembly, first, 1619. 5098, 6826. legislative documents, 1764. 6833, 6834. legislative papers, 1744-75. 6836, 6837. letter from, 1C.5S. 6855. letters of Alex. Spotswood, 1710-1722. 6809o, 6809b. letters of R. Dinwiddie, 1751-1758. 6809c, 6810. letters to Bishop of London, 1716-1752. 6857. libraries, 6850-6852, 6854. Moravian missionaries in, 1749. 6891. movement to reestablish, 1631. 6832. mutiny in, 1635. 6825. necessaries for going to, in 1626. 2630. new government for, 1624. 6831. Nicholson administration. Sec Nichol son, Francis. Nova Britannia, 1609. 105. parishes and ministers, 1774. y685^ passengers for, 1635. 3360-33G2f3373. patent of auditor and surveyor-general, 1682, (?) 6828. political prisoners, 1716. 6853. poor children sent to, 1619-20. 6830. proclamation for a fast day, 1691. 6830. public officers, 1680, 1702, and 1714. 6825. Quaker records in, 1763. 1286, 1287. quaint records, 6072. racing in, 6826. religious liberty, 2, 3. religious toleration, 1825. Rugge s publications relating to colony of, 3387. Sainsbury s abstracts of documents in English Public Record office, 1606- 1627. 6831. shipping, men, etc., sent to, 1619. 6830. Slave holders, 1625. 3389. white slavery, 1826. Sec also slavery. social affairs. 1760. 1282. Gov. Spotswood s letters relating to, 3386. Strachey s History of travaile into, 2649. surrender to Parliamentary Commission ers, 1651-52. 6835. travels, 16(59-70. 2024. treaties with Cherokees, 176S and 1770. 6837, 6838. Virginia under commonwealth, 6849. voting, 6854. See also Bacon s Rebellion. Virginia State, boundary, North Carolina, depositions, 6832. Ohio, 5716. Pennsylvania, 6142, 6406, 6892. commerce, 1783. 6865. " Committee of Nine," 1869. 6821. 1304 SUBJECT AND AUTHOE INDEX. Virginia, State, Claibourne s history, inac curacies in, 4344a. first Congress, call for, 6817. contribution to the Confederacy, 6861- 6863. Constitution, 1776. 6800. convention, 1775, extracts, 6892. constitutional convention, 1829-30. 6781, 6801, 6802. painting by Catlin, 2794. counties and cities, list, 6826. criminal code, first, 17. dismemberment of, 1282. eastern shore history, 6833, 6834. education, historic elements, 6817, 6823. election of 1800. 6780. emigration to West and South, eighteenth century, 6865. English culture in, 1820. Federal Constitution in, 3280. finances, borrowing from Spain, 1779. 6830. genealogical records gleaned in England, 6834-6838. Germans in, 2030, 2031, 2035. history, 6801, 6803. Huguenot emigration, 6811. Indians, government and religion, 1826. Irish settlers, early, 608, 610. local institutions, 1815. map of, Farrer s, 2789. Methodism in, beginnings of, 6780. military situation in, 1862. 3336. movement in 1865 to reestablish peaceful relations between North and South, 6821. names, Indian, in, 6222, 6864.. natural bridge, 895. newspapers, editors of old, 6855. newspapers, library of Congress, 6832, 6833. State library, 6834. northern neck of, 6854. early physicians, 6865. public officers, 1781. 6829. ratification of Constitution of United States, 1787-88. 2807. reconstruction period, 1837. early relations between Maryland and, 1826. religious freedom, 1830a. religious toleration, 1825. reminiscenses of Western, 1770-1790. 6830, 6831. representation, 1827. restoration of, to Union, 6821. early Revolutionary history, 6817. of Revolutionary period, 8. great seal, 3384 6851. slavery in, 1865. proposed abolition of slavery in, 1785 2138, 2162. soldiers in Revolution, land warrants, etc., 5749. suffrage, 1831. Virginia, State, tobacco industry from 1860- 1894. 1828. tombstone, oldest in, 6852. Virginia, University of, account of English professors obtained by Jefferson for, 1820. Virginia, A discourse of, 215. Virginia, New life of, 1612. 105, 2636. Virginia and Massachusetts, allied families, 993. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, contem porary opinion, 39. Virginia Carolorum, 6065. Virginia City, Mont., 1519. Virginia Company of London, 3405. abstract of procedings, 1619-1624. 6813, 6814. Virginia Company and House of Commons, 1624. 6830. Virginia families, 1295. Virginia fleet, attacks by Dutch, 1667. 6228. " Virginia Gazette," 1751-52 and 1756, ex tracts, 6860, 6861. personal notices. 1736-1739. 6853. 1767-1770. 6856. in 1772-77. 6857. in 1776-77. 6859. in 1779. 6860. Virginia Literary Museum, 1286. Virginia planter, the, 22. Virginia under Governors Harvey and Gooch, 6827. Virginia, valley of (Adam Miller), first settler, 6834/6857. " Virginia," ironclad, career of, 1862. 6812. Virginian, colonial, 6775. Virginians, portraits of, 6849, 6850. who became governors of other States, 1779-1865. 6835. Viscaino, S., letter of, 1005. Visconti, Pietro Ercole, 290. Visitation of England and Wales, pedi grees, 5743. visitations, 5744. Visitation of Ireland, pedigrees, 5744. Vissani, C. A., 915. Vital statistics, 807, 810-814. in 1775. 3381. literature of, 810. of New England, 810. West Indies, 812. Vlach, J. J., 6970, 7105. Vladivostok prisons, 574. Vocke, W., 1422, 1428. Vogdes, C. B., 1522. Vogel, E. M., 5843. Volcanic action, theories, 904. Volcanic dust, range, 903. Volcanic ejecta, chemical discussion, 903. Volcano, youngest, 895. Volcanoes, 903. of Pacific coast, 553. Vollgraff, J. C., 480. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1305 Voltaire, misstatements regarding Massa chusetts and Quakers, 2803. visit to, 6066. Von Sahler, L. H., 5045. Voorhees, O. M., 4506. Voorhees, I . R., 5037. Vose, Joseph, journal. 1776. 2139, 2165. Vosseller, E., 4500, 4501, 4503, 4505. Voter, American, evolution of, 35. Votes, study of, in Congress, 13. Voyages, sixteenth century, 3381. Vredenburgh family, 5024, 5036. Vroom, G. D. W., 6084. Vroom, J., 7254. Wabanaki Indians, games, 7313. songs, 7312. Wabash-French settlements, 1452. Wabash trade route, 1833. Waddell, A. M., 3383. Waddell, J. A., 6832, 6833. Waddington, John, letter, 1854. 3367. Wade. II. F., 2253. Wade. J. W., 4351. Wade, S. C., 5047. Wade family, 3369, 3385. " Wade s, Jno., real estate," 3321. Wadhams. R. H.. 6412. Wadhelle family, 3821 b. Wadlin. H. G., 808, 812. Wadsworth, D., diary, 1130. Wadsworth, H.. 4930. Wadsworth, Peleg, 1708. deposition, 1712. letter to Massachusetts council August 19, 1779. 1711. Wadsworth Athenseum (Hartford, Conn.,), 1126. Wadsworth letters, 1809-1812. 7408. Wadsworth monument, 3365, 3378, 3545. Wadsworth s journal of treaty with the Five Nations, 1694. 2649. Wage inquiry, 814. Wage statistics, 812, 815. Wage theories. German, 4826. Wagenaar s Beschryving van Amsterdam. 5098. Wager, D. E., 5418, 5426, 5431, 5469, 5472. Wages, mercantile, 814. round numbers in, 811. statistics, 815. since 1840. 809. Waggaman family, 6850. Waggoner, C., 5635-5637. Wagon master s returns, 1728-1783. 3409. Wagons and wagoners of 1540. 6156. Wagner reinterment, 5425, 5461. Wahul, De, family, 3821&. Wahulle family, 3821 &. Waikiki, human bones exhumed in the sands of, 7136. Waiilatpue, massacre, 5827. Wait, A. D., 3682. Wait, A. S., 4457. * Wait, J. T., 1195, 3382, 3587a. Wait, W. C., 3318. Waite, E. F,, 4215. Waite. H. E., 3389, 3393, 3395, 3396, 3662, 3727, 3734a. Waite, Jos., estate of, 1676-77. 3389. Waite, M. R., letter from, 2788. Waite, O. F. R., 4456. Waite family, 3389, 3396, 3662, 3669, 3734o, 4097. Maiden, Mass., 3390. Waites, A., 4212. Waken" eld, E., 4892, 5038. Wakefield, J. R., 2196. Wakefleld, W., 1514. Wakefield, W. H. T., 1579. Wakeley, E., 4410. Wakeman, Ohio history, 7408. early recollections, 7416. records of deaths, 1817-1859. 7408. . settlement, 7414. Wa-Kou-Shuts-Kee s scalping knife, 1498. Walcott, C. D., 895, 4692. Walcott, C. F., 3333, 3335. Walcott, P. K., 2182. Waldeck s Tagebuch, 886. Waldern, R., 3384. Walderne, G.. will, 1588. 3401. Waldo, A., 6077. Waldo, D. B., 4292. Waldo, L. P., 1207. Waldo, Gen. S., and Fort Pownall, 3371. burial place, 3394. circular relating to Broad Bay, 1702, 1 753. Waldo, W., 4365. Waldo family, 3377, 3410, 3912. Waldoboro, Me., 1702. German settlement in, 1701. 5922, 5923. settlers at Broad Bay, 3404. Waldron, E. J., 7409. Waldron, Foulke, will, 1671. 3401. Waldron, Major Richard, letter to governor of Massachusetts, 1675. 3365. Waldron family, 3366. Waldseemuller map, 930. Waldstein, Charles, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860. Wales, L. E., 1239. Walk-in-the-Water, wreck of, 4774. Walke family (lower Norfolk County, Va.), 6829. Walker, Adrienne, 7381. kValker, Asa, 3340. Walker, Augustus, 4774. Walker, A. M., 2037. Walker, C., 4450. Walker, C. H., 5831. talker, C. I., 4255, 6953. kValker, D. C., 4280. kValker, F., 808, 809, 4822. Walker, Francis, 2d, 4098. Valker, F. A., 807, 808, 811, 3338, 3400, 3791. bibliography, 811. Valker, G. L., 1130, 4098. Walker, James, 2774, 2775, 2778, 2820, 2845. 1306 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Walker, John, voyage, 1579-80. 3402, 3808. Walker, J. B., 3742, 4454, 4455, 4457, 4489, 4495, 4496, 7408. Walker, J. H., 4213. Walker, L. B., 6080-6082, Walker, Mrs. L. II., 1579. Walker, Mary E., 7367. Walker, R. J., 1579. administration, 1579. Walker, T., 5654, 5656. diary, 4454. Walker, Thomas, journal, 1623, 1750. Walker, William, and Nicaragua, 44, 104. Walker, Gov. William, journals, 4415. Walker, Williston, 22, 774, 776, 782, 786, 5703. Walker, W. W., 1518. Walker family, 3373, 4415, 6585, 6858, 6865. (Samuel) family, 3415, 3968. Walker s expedition, a song on, 1711 (tine chanson sur 1 expedition de Walker), 7346. Walking Cloud, narrative, 6935. Wall, Mrs., 6894. Wall, A. R., 4042. Wall, J. P., 4519. Wall, R. B., 1204. Wall family, 6894. Wall street, early history, 1653-1789. 4812. Walla Walla, from, to San Francisco, 5800. Wallabout, last ancestral homes, 5028. Wallace, A. R., 563. Wallace, D. D., 6676. Wallace, F. T., 5622. Wallace, H. E., jr., 6135. Wallace, J., 1422, 1424. Wallace, J. W., 5214, 6037, 6039, 6049, 6060. Wallace, W. A., 6104. Wallace family, 6064, 6861. Wallcut, R. F., 2771. Wallcut, Thomas, journal, 1790. 2786, 2949. Waller, R. P., 6861-6863. Waller, T. M., 1202. Waller family, 6861. Waller (Carr) family, 6858. (Virginia) family, 3370. Walley, J., jr., letter, 1744. 3374. Walley, S. H., 800, 802. Wallingford family, 3378. Wallis, Sir Provo, letter of, 2789. Wallkill, N. Y., Graham family burying ground, tombstone inscriptions, 5042. Walloomsac, battle, 1777. 7475. monument for battlefield, 5413. Walloons, 4694. Walmsley, J. E., 4351. Walpole, Horace, on America, 2797, 3109. Walpole, Mass., earliest church record, 3378. family names, 1767-1778. 3394. inscriptions from the old graveyard, 2206, 2207. vital records to 1850. 4015. warnings, 3415. Walpole, N. II., sketch of, 2635. Walrond, J., letter to W. Walrond, 1725- 26. 3359. Walsh, Joseph, 5856. Walsh, J. J., 5855a, 5856, 7390. Walsh, L. S., 3355. Walsh, Rev. Patrick, pastoral letter, 1805. 916. Walsh, Robert, letter, 1858. 2773. Walsh, William, 4862, 5049. Walstone (John) family, 3417. Walter, J. A., 916. Walter, W., letters of, 2788. Walter family, 3366. Walter, Maj. Sharpies, pictures, 3058. Walters, J. I)., 1581. Walters, M., journal, 1782. 5783. Waltham, Mass., graveyard, epitaphs prior to 1720. 3363. Revolutionary Army papers, 3372. topography and history, 2631. vital records to 1850. 4016. Walther, Johannes, 894. Walton, A. B., 1510. Walton, Ella, 7381. Walton, E. P., 6738. Walton, J. P., 1469, 1470, 1510, 1514, 1521. Walton, J. S., 35, 5960. Walton (William) family, 3387. Walum-Olum, bark record of the Linni- Lenape, 5165. Walworth, Ellen H., 10, 5041, 5410. Walworth, R. H., 3372, 3373, 3375. Walworth County, Wis., early history, 6930. Walz, J. A., 884, 885. Wampanoag Indians, 6547, 6560. chieftain, Philip, 6527. Wampum, 6300. belt of, 5975. origin and nature of, 6064. Wanger, G. F. P., 7422. Wapello County, Iowa, 1500, 1502, 1503. War, defensive, 6062. financial history of nations engaged in protracted wars, 2776. War memories, 1523. War of 1812. See United States, History, war of 1812. " War of the regulators," 3383. War records, Mississippi, 4348. War-time sociable, 6893. Ward, Gen. Artemas, letter, 1775. 3408. letters to, 2781. Ward, A. H., 3360, 3363, 3368, 3372, 3373; 3682. Ward, A. J., 4214. Ward, C., 7251. Ward, C. S., 3686. Ward, D. B., 6870. Ward, D. J. H., 1537-1543, 15566. Ward, F. B., 5713. Ward, F. De W., 4910, 4934. Ward, G. A., 2241, 2245. Ward, G. W., 1830. Ward, H. P., 5743. Ward, John, 5021, 5023, 5059, 6537, 6538. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1307 Ward, John (Massachusetts), will of, 1652. 8380. Ward, Rev. John (England), epitaph of, 3376, 3505. Ward, Col. Jonathan, remonstrance of regi ment of, 1775. 3380. Ward, J. D., 4543. Ward, J. E., 1314, 1322. Ward, M. L., 4553. Ward, N., 2588. Ward, Nathaniel, dedication to Lord Bacon. 1618. 3374. letter, 3723a. letter to W. Sancroft, 3395. Ward, R. De C., 575, 577, 579, 7391. Ward, R. P., 3684. Ward, Samuel, jr., 5132. Ward, Thomas, 4574, 5146. Ward, Townsend, 5975, 6058-6063, 6084. Ward, W. C., 946, 949. Ward, W. H., 879, 879o. Ward family, 2244, 2256, 3399, 5059, 5743. 5744. " Ward " wills, Ipswich, England, 5743. Warder, Ann, diary, 6073, 6074. Ward s magnet, 3378, 3546. Ware, I). E., 2135. Ware, Emma F., 3399, 3410, 3773, 3907. Ware, Eugene F., 1517, 1580, 1601. Ware, J., journal, 1775. 3364, 3439. Ware family, 3364, 3439, 3773. (Robert) family, 3399. Wareham, Mass., impressments at, 1741- 1748. 3401. topography and history, 2632. War-field, E. D., 4, 6417. W T aring, G. E., 530. Waring, G. E., jr., 4812. Waring family, 5049. Warner, A. G., 807, 808, 810, 811, 1819, 1837. 4406, 4407. Warner, B. E., 1150. Warner, C. D., 3684. Warner, E., 3378, 3541. Warner, J. D. W., 4713. Warner, J. J., 1002, 1012, 1023. Warner, Seth, petition of widow, to Con gress, 6723. Warner, W. W., 4279. Warner family, 3541. (William) family, 3378. Warner, N. II., history, 4448, 4463, 4475. Warren, A., 4774. Warren, C. H., 2768, 2773. Warren, G. K., 545. Warren, II., 4351. Warren, James, letters of, 2781, 2783. Warren, Joseph, and Bunker Hill, 3370. bullet taken from body of, 3410. letter, 1775. 3370. sword of, 2778. Warren, J. C., 3377. Warren, J. P., 45, 100. Warren, Winslow, 2203, 2788, 2791, 2793, 2798, 2800-2802, 2804, 2805, 3249! Warren, W. E.. 3371. 3375. Warren, W. H., 5703. Warren, W. W., 4306. Warren (Richard) family. 3413, 3415 3952. (Sir Peter), family, 5033. Warren, Me., settlers of St. Georges River, 3404. Warren, Ohio, early days, 5689. early settlement, 5776, No. 30. Warren, R. I., burials, 3406. historic tablet. 6584. probate records, 3414. Warren County, Ohio, New Jersey Church 4546. Warren County, N. C.. marriage bonds, 5591. Warren papers, 2662. Warsaw, Richmond County, Va., marriage bonds, 6853. Warwick. Karl of. letter to Hugh Peter 2781. Warwick, Mass., early history. 3379. memorial stone, 3377. Warwick, R. I., letter from inhabitants 1661. 6483. marriages, 1664-1700. 3395. settlement, 1642. 6520, 6569. first settlers, 3431. settlers signatures, 6583. " Warwick," barque. 1630-1636. 3379. Warwick County, Va., 1647. 6852. schools, 6854. Warwick records, 6491. Washburn, A. II., 4096. Washburn, C. G., 4212, 4213. Washburn, C. L. D., 5042, 5043. Washburn, Emory. 2652, 2772, 2776, 2777, 2780. 2782-2784, 2866, 2869, 2919, 2932, 3359. W T ashburn, E. II., 1036. Washburn, I.. 1762. Washburn. I., jr., 1704. Washburn, J. I)., 181, 197, 201, 203, 243, 263, 280, 2792, 3030. Washburn expedition, 1870. 4398. Washburne, E. B., 1380, 1382, 1383, 1385, 1388, 1389, 1391, 6932. Washington, Bushrod. letter, March 13, 1778. 7395. Washington, George, accounts books, 6072. address at Albany, Feb. 22, 1800. 928. address to Army at Newburg, 1783. 2914. ancestry, 3379. and " Centinel X," 6078. and Constitution, 1284. and his neighbors. 6852. and Mount Vernon, 4945. and the German-Americans, 2029. anecdotes, 6893. appointment to command of the Ameri can Army, 2773. Army located, September 20-21. 1777. 7422. assumption of command of the Army, 1775. 2773, 2804, 2807. anniversary, one hundredth, 3387, 3G35o, 3637. at Tarrytown, 5547. 1308 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Washington, George, attachment for Sally Cary, 2137. birthplace of, 2786. capitulation at Fort Necessity, 1754. 6830. Catholic action on death of, 914. centennial of retirement of, 1268. chair of, 2753, 2772, 5193. character of, 2773. in Chester County, Pa., 5879. church of, 1520. coins, 4029. conduct respecting Capt. Asgill, 4870. correspondence with Jewish citizens, 626. debt of West to, 5721. degree conferred by Harvard college, 1776. 2139. diary, 1774. 9. diary, 1789^1791. 4727, 6805. diary and leters of, 1785. 2139. diary, 1786. 2139. diary, extracts, 1787. 6067. did he refuse a crown ? 4855. dress of, 2773. election, House of Burgesses, Virginia, 1758. 6817, 6830. encampment on Neshaminy, 6057. Englishman s visit to, 1785. 6073. expedition, 1755. 6817. facsimile of military order, March 9, 1778. 1515. farewell address, 6077. in Forbes expedition of 1758. 1264. in Franklin County, Pa., 6154. funeral ceremonies in Reading, Pa., 5936. gorget of, 2773. Hamilton and, 318. headquarters at Cambridge, 2781, 2891. headquarters at James Morris house, Whitpain, 5960. household account book, 1793-1797. 6085. inauguration, centennial anniversary, ob servance of, in Iowa City, 1520. New York, 2794. New Jersey Historical Society, 4533. fiftieth anniversary, 5135. influence of, 5937. interest in Washington, D. C., 1267. interest in western lands, 1999. itinerary, 1775-1783. 6070, 6071. itinerary, 1777. 6070. itinerary, 1784-1799. 6126. journal, tour to the Ohio, 1753. 6805. as land owner, 6891. land speculations, 1931. last letter of, 6073. letter, 1755. 2137. letter, May 5, 1772. 2802. letter, Cambridge, 1775. 6066. letter of June 19, 1775. 2784. letter, 1777. 2138, 2776. letter, 1795. 2778. letter, 1797. 5743. letter to Gov. Dinwiddie, 1755. 6065. to Gov. Johnstone, 1778. 6069. Washington, George, letter to Gen. Knox, 1789. 1700. to Knox, April 1, 1789. 3389. to J. Laurens, 1780. 6081. to Brig. Gen. Potter, 1777. 3370. . to J. Reed, 1776. 6078. of 1779. 6072. to Gov. Trumbull, on death of his father, 1785. 3386. to Anthony White, 1775. 2241. letter as to appointment as delegate to Federal convention, 6069. letter on appointment of John Parke, 1775. 3388. letters, 2668. 6831. letters, 1754. 2624. letters, 1773. 6069. letters, 1775-83. 2668, 6031. letters, 1783, 1786. 5037. letters in Trumbull papers. 2668. letters to Dr. Belknap, 2773. to Gen. Heath, 1775-1780. 2938. to New Hampshire authorities, 4447. to Lund Washington, 1776-1779. 2781. unpublished letters, 4945. library, 9. a marshal of France? 2776. medal (before Boston), 6069. medals, 659, 2782. memoirs from the " Universal Magazine," 1199. monument to, 2792, 3044. mother, letter to, 6080. at Pennebecker s mills, 5960. in Pennsylvania, 6084. portrait (De Vries), 4876. first, 6072. (Keppel), 2782. (Peale s), 13, 76, 6069, 6114. (Revere s), 2808, 3290. (Trumbull), 2788. portraits of, 2255, 2382, 2793, 2795, 2796, 3058. and Putnam letters, 1777. 5777, No. 46. reception in New York, 1789. 6069. reply to address of friends, 1789. 6069. roster of officers under, 1778. 6074. as salt maker, 6891. secretaries of, 1264. sobriquets applied to, 7395. swords, 3406, 3869, 6889. valedictory address, papers relative to, 5966. visit to, 1785. 6889. visit to Boston, 3372, 3475. what he thought of a third term, 2275. wills of American ancestors of, 3403, 3831. Washington, George, of Dublin, 606. Washington, H. A., 6800. Washington, J., will, 1697-1698, 6861- 686S. Washington, John, letter, July 2, 1780. 7395. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1309 Washington. John A., letter, June 1, 1776. 7395. Washington, Sir Lawrence, helmet of, 2774. Washington. L. Q., 1284. Washington, Martha, "-Book of Cookery," 6083. letters, 6081. Washington, Mary, will, 6083. Washington, R., letter, 1775. 3405. Washington, T. A., 3406, 3869. Washington family, 197, 302, 3375, 5048, 6072, 6073. (English), 3401, 3800. (George), family, 7475. (Sarah), family, 6858. Washington, D. C., in 1820. 1280. in 1825-1855. 1268. attack on, 1814. 2. beginnings of government, 1269. bibliography, 1266, 1272. board of public works, 1266. early botanical activity, 1268. British invasion, August 24, 1814. 1264. canals, 1271. capitol in 1800. 1267. centennial of seat of government, 1266. central section of the city, 1270. City Hall neighborhood, 1269. defenses in the civil war, 1267. development of, 1265. development of the eastern section, 1270. Early, Gen. J., advance on, 1267. equestrian statuary, 1268. exclusive legislation over, 1271. Federal seat of government, 5149. financial institutions, 1271. founding, 1937. Greenleaf s Point, 1268. historic development, 899. homes of the local government, 1266. hotels prior to 1814. 1270. houses of brick imported from England, 1270. L Enfant s idea as to how the Capitol should face, 1270. Library of Congress, new, 6582. life in, Monroe s Administration, 5436, 5441. in literature, 1269. locating the capital, 12. making of a plan of, 1269. mayors, 1265. men and events during civil war, 7470. Methodism in, 1271. navy-yard section, 1267. Ninth and F streets, 1268. office of justice of peace, 1268. old houses in C street, 1268. old residences in the City Hall neighbor hood, 1270. old-time places and people, 1266. origin and administration, 1815. origin of building regulations, 1267. Orphans court and register of wills, 1266, Washington, D. C., parking system, 1267. plan of the city and its expected growth, 1270. Pope campaign, 1862. 2. post-office, 1269. history, 1795-1903. 1273. Presbyterian church in, 1271. press, issues of, in 1800-1802. 1267. public schools, 1264. recollections of a newspaper correspond ent, 1269. reminiscences of, 1266. removal of government to, 1266. scientific societies, 910. seat of government, date of establish ment of, 1266. review of discussion in Congress, 1884. Smithsonian Institution, 1885. southeast corner of Fourteenth and F streets, 1269. street nomenclature, 1270. surveyor s office, 1265. theaters, early, 1268. theaters from 1835 to 1850. 1269. Washington s houses on Capitol Hill, 1270. Washington Library Company, and other libraries, 1270. Washington Monument, 2792, 3044. Pennsylvania s donation to, 7422. White House, first master of ceremonies of the, 1270. why the city went westward, 1270. Washington, Mass., vital records to 1850. 4017. Washington, Tex., reminiscences, 6679. Washington Academy and College, history, 1799-1829. 6844. Washington and Lee University, early his tory, 6842. Washington Aqueduct, S9.X. Washington Benevolent Society, records of, 2785. Washington Canal Company, 1271. Washington College, 6842. founders, 6843. history. 6845-6847. See also Washington and Lee University. Washington County, Iowa, 1504. Washington County, Nebr., history, 4405, 4406. Washington County, Ohio, 5656. marriage records, 57455747. Washington County, Pa., centennial cele bration of organization, 6405. Washington Island, Icelanders on, 6936. Washington-Mitchell letters, 1780. 3412. Washington plate. A, 2791. Washington State, census, 1853. 6870. constitutional convention, 1878. 6870. early days, 6869. first book written, 1842. 6869. founding of, 6869. history, activities in, 5804o. necrology, January-March, 1900. 6869, pioneers, 6869, 1310 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Washington, State, pioneers, necrology, 6870. Republican party, birth of, 6869. Washington (State) Soldiers Home, 6870. Washington, Territory, 1859. 545. Washington Township, Mich., first owners, 4278. Washingtonian Engine Company, Worcester, banner presented to it in 1844. 4212. Washingtoniana, 6069. Washingtons, the Irish, 606. Washington s advertisements of lands, 6893. Washoe, Cal., early days in, 1019. W T ashtenaw County, Mich., history, 4280. memorials, 4280, 4283. pioneer association, 4280. pioneer ministers, 4260. " Wasp," privateer, John Fail-bank s jour nal on, 1782. 1712. " Wassenaer s Historische Verhael " on New Netherlands, 5150. " Wast Book," John Gorham s, 5043, 5044. Watauga, State, and Franklin, 5433. " Watauga Old Fields," 6671. Watches, age of old, 6344. Water highways, 5726. Water power, statistics, 807, 825. Water supply, municipal, 4299. Waterbury, C., 7418. Waterbury, W. B., 7366. Waterdown, Ontario, 1806-1860. 7377. Waterford, Maine, description and history, 2627. Waterhouse, B., letter to T. Jefferson, 1822. 6581. Waterhouse, S., 614. Waterloo medal, 6336. Waterloo, medals commemorating, 727. Waterman, L., 4457. Waterman, R., jr., 808. Waterman, T., 3362, 3363. Waterman (Robert) family, 3381. Waters, Alice G., 2274, 2280. Waters, E. S., 2246-2248, 2252, 2255, 2256, 2394, 4895. Waters, H. F., 2251, 2255, 2256, 2258, 2259, 2266, 2389, 2392, 2396, 2408, 2416, 2426, 3386, 3395-3411, 3723, 37366, 3739, 3740, 3745, 3748, 3763, 3765, 3768, 3780b, 3786, 3795, 3800, 3802, 3803, 3896, 3897, 3941. Waters, H. F. G., 2280. Waters, J. G., 2280. Waters, Lucy, ancient bible, 3359. Waters, Samuel, testimony, 1683. 3374. Waters, Stanley, 3393. Waters, T. F., 2271, 2581, 2582, 2583, 2587- 2589. Waters family, 3896a. Waters s genealogical gleanings, index, 3914. Waters-Winthrop map, 2797. Waterston, R. C., 2778, 2781-2783, 2785- 2787, 2789, 2873, 2893a, 2904, 2926, 2946, 2954, 2961, 3011. bequests, 2804. Waterston, Mrs. R. C., 2782. Watertown, Mass., Arlington street burying ground, 2565. fidelity men, 3412. records, 2564-2566, 4180-4182. scandal, 1666. 3409. settlers, early, 3470. the wears, the south side Morse field, 4179. Watertown, Mich., 1850. 4262. Watertown, N. Y., early, 4908. lateral moraine at, 4909. Waterville College, Maine, 1710. Waterways, Canada, 566. New York, 557. Waterworks, American, manual of, 807. " Watery God," British song, 3370. Watkins, A., 4407. Watkins, G. P., 815. Watkins, J., letter to N. Massie, 1796. 6865. Watkins, J. A., 4347. Watkins, L. D., 4278, 4280, 4281. Watkins, W. K., 2077, 2083, 2123, 3399, 3402, 3404, 3406, 3410, 3412-3415, 3839, 3923, 3967a. Watkins Glen, 4869. Watkinson library of reference, 1118, 1126. Watmongh, J. H., letters, 1785. 6085. Watrous, E., 7475. Watson, C. K., 5635. Watson, D. K., 5715, 5724. Watson, J., 5966. Watson, J. F., 5971, 6009. Watson, J. L., 2784, 2923, 3385. Watson, J. P., 4096. Watson, J. S., 5899. Watson, R., 4278-4280. Watson, S. N., 1522. Watson, W., 1529, 2135. Watson, W. C., 6742, 6743. Watson, W. W., 4417. Watson family, 3376, 3503. Watterbury, W. B., 7296. Watts, G. B., 528. Watts, H. M., 901, 6067. Watts, Isaac, letter, 1719-20. 2623. letter, 1734. 2638. letter to Mmc. S. Sewall, 1728. 3359. letters, 2799, 3222. letters, 1738-1742. 2802. Watts, T. H., 946, 966, 976. Watt s hymns, early editions, 6381. Watt s " Psalms," American revisions, 6382. Waubunkeesippe River, mill site on, 6937. Waushaer family (New York), 5022. Wawayanda r. Cheesek-ook. 4864. Wayland, J. W., 1286, 6833, 6834. Wayman, II. II., 639. Wayman wills, 5744. Waymire, J. A., 5830. SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. 1311 Waymouth, George, 1796c. voyage to coast of Maine, 1605. 1677. 1701, 1702, 1708, 2850. voyage, 1605, in discovery of Virginia, 2646. Waymouth tercentenary, 1796c. Wayne, Anthony, letter, 1778. 6061. letter, 1702. 6075. letter to S. Delaney, 1778. 6067. to T. Wharton, jr., 1778. 6080. letters, 1778, 1795. 6063. letters, 1793-94. 6070. to Mrs. R. Peters, 1776. 6079. orderly book, 1776. 6085, 7422. orderly books, 6081. Wayne, Margaretta, letter to A. Wayne, 6080. Wayne County, Mich., memorials, 4278, 4280. Wayne County, Miss., 4349. Wayne County, Ohio, first settlers, 7415. Wayneman family, 5746. Wayne s campaign, 1793-94. 7472. Wayne s campaign against the Indians, 6075. Waynesboro, Va., history of, 6861. Weadock, T. A. E., 917. Wealth concentration, 815. Wealth in existence, value of, 810. Weare, J., jr., diary, 3413. Weare, Meshech, letters, 1776-77. 3395. letters to delegates to Congress, 1779. 4447. Weare, Nathaniel, 4453. letter to R. Pike, 4446. Weare, N. II., inscription on rock, 4449. Weather Bureau, 4281. Weather forecasts, 898. Weather, forecasting, 905, 7474. Weather making, 896. , Wc-atherbe, R. L., 7279. Weatherford, surrender, 944. Weatherly, U. G., 20. Weaver, C. C., 1833, 5568. Weaver, E. A., 6079. I Weaver, E. P., 44. Weaver, G. S., 6706. Weaver, J. B., 1427. Weaver family, 3376, 3405, 3842, 3853. Weaving, art of, 24. Welsh, A., 5044. Webb, A. S., 3336. Webb, B., 5041. WH>b, Mrs. F. II,, 6707. Webb, J. W., 4999. Webb, N., roll of company of, 3380. Webb, R., 1716, 1717. Webb, S. B., letter, 1775. 2783. Webb, T. II., 2774-2777. Webb, W. W., 5744. Webb family, 2255, 2394, 5041. Webber, S. G., 3413. Webber, W. L., 4256, 4278, 4292, 4293. Weber, A. F., 4828. Weber, W. L., 4344a, 4345. Webster, Daniel, 2780, 4073, 4999, 5000, 5008, 5010, 5037, 5142, 5173. and the Jews, 634. anniversary of birth celebrations, 4183. centennial at Marshfield, Mass., October 12, 1882, 4183. letter, 2789. letters, 2804. letters, 1840, 1852. 2805. libel suit, 2788, 2981. photograph of, 2792. portraits and busts of, 2792. quotation used by, 2794. reception to, Boston, Mass., 2080. seventh of March speech, 7. speech at Marshfield, 2789. undated memorandum, " Hon. Ed. Ever ett," 2805. Webster, II., 900-902. Webster, Noah, 2621. letter, 1834. 43. Webster, Noah, jr., 2621. Webster, N. II., journal, 4396. Webster, P., sr., letters to P. Webster, jr., 1777-78. 6080. Webster, P., 6645. journal, voyage to Charleston, S. C., 1765. 1282. Webster, R., 6375. Webster, W. C., 4825. Webster family, 3367. Webster County, Iowa, 1504. Wechquetauk, 6230. Weed, J. N., 4864a. Weeden, W. B., 4, 24, 200, 203, 204, 208, 210, 399, 490, 1814, 6586. Weedon, George, correspondence of, 763. orderly book of, 766. Weeds, 4694. Weeks, Emily, 3351. Weeks, F. E., 5646, 5647. Weeks, J. M., 3365, 6696. Weeks, S. B., 5, 7, 10, 12, 73, 1281, 1282, 1286, 1287, 1823, 1824, 1856, 5580. Weeks, W. R., 657, 679, 5409. Weeks family, 3741. (Leonard) family, 3397. Weems, Mrs. A. G., 4347. Weidle, J.. 6218. Weight and longevity, 808. Weights and measures, 7176. decimal system, 539. Weikert, A. J.. 4396. Weinberger, J. S., 7422. Weinland, I>. F.. 2236. Weir, A., 6869, 6870. Weir, R. S., 7371. Weir family, 3383. Weiser, Conrad, addresses of, 6079. communications, 1746-1749. 6057. journey from Tulpehocken to Onondaga, 1737. 6009. journal to Ohio, 1748. 6009. notes to C. Saur, 1746-1749. 6058. Weiser. C. Z., 6352. Weiser (Conrad) family, 6009. 1312 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Weiskaar, J. A., 2032. Weiss, L. H., 5973. Weitz, H. A., 3322. Welch, Hugk, Indian narrative, 5777, No. 50. Welch, L., 6889. Welch, T. V., 4774. Welch, W. L., 2275, 2276, 2447, 2522, 2533, 6598. " Welcome," list of pilgrims, 5967. passengers on, 1580. Weld, Anna H., 2572. Weld, C. W., 4138. Weld, H., 2629. Weld, L. G., 1537, 1544. Weld, S. M., 3333, 3335. Weld, T.. letter, 1683-84. 3408. Weld, W. G., 2135. Welde, T., 4123. " innocency cleared," 3394. letter, 1643. 3394. Weldon, L., 1427. Weldon, Mich., history. 4280. Weller, M. I., 1264, 1265. Welles, C. S., 5042. Welles, L. A., 1161. Welles family, 5042. " Wellesley," Hunnewell residence, 2567. Wellfleet, Mass., account of, 2622. description, 2621. note on, 2626. Wellford, R., diary, 6859. Welling, James C., 2, 3, 8, 5351, 5360. Wellington, G. Y., 2594. Wellington, I. M., 7300. Wellington, Ohio, First Congregational Church, 5701. Wellman, L. H., 2539a. Wellman polar expedition, 899, 900. Wells, B., journal, 1775-1777. 1114. Wells, C. L., 12. Wells, C. W., 4424. Wells, David A., 1196. . Wells, D. W., 4099. Wells, F. L., 7425. Wells, H., 4737. Wells, H. G., 4255. Wells, Nathaniel, 2621. Wells, S., 2135. Wells (Thomas) family, 3370. Wells, Me., 1697. graveyard inscriptions, 3365. topography, 2621. Welsch (Philip) family, 3381. Welsh, Grace A., 1062. Welsh, Mary, 945. W T elsh, Mary J., 4347, 4350, 4351. Welsh emigration to Pennsylvania. 6057. Welsh Indians of Virginia, 3410, 3918. Welsh Quakers, emigration to Pennsylvania, 6073. Welsh settlement at Gwynedd, Pa.. 6064. Licking County, Ohio, 5678, 5682. Welsh settlers, Chester County, Pa., 5878. Oneida County, N. Y., 5432. Pencader, Del., 6058. Welsh tract purchases, 6072. Welsh voyages to America, 3403, 3824, 5363. W emple, W. B., 5050, 5051. Wemple genealogy, 5050, 5051. Wendell, Barrett, 8, 2267, 2506, 2799, 2801, 2803, 2804, 3264. Wendell family, 3370. (Jacob) family, 3394. Wendell papers, 3378. Wendover family, 5041. Wendte, C. W.. 2260, 2434. Wenham, Mass., burying ground, inscrip tions, 2259, 2262, 2414, 2473. Fail-field burial ground, inscriptions, 2255. half-mile stone, 2262. muster roll of men who marched for Lexington, 2271. pond, 2245. town records, 2245, 2258, 2259, 2411. vital records to 1849. 7493. Wenworth, B., insaructions, 1724. 4451. letter, 1777. 4450. message, 1747. 4447. order to raise men, 1759. 4451. Wentworth, G. T., 3362. Wentworth, John, 1384. 1387-1389, 1391, 3367, 3375-3377, 3379, 3381, 3383, 3394, 3396, 3400, 3798. Wentworth, Oov. John, commission, 1717. 4446. letter on Indian affairs, 1725. 3365. letters, 1774-75. 3381. Wentworth family, 3362, 3364, 3366, 3380, 3394, 3396, 3400, 3798, 4450. Wentworth (Paul) family, 3365. Went worths of Punkapaugue, Who were? 3363. Wentworth County, Canada, first agricul tural society, 1806. 7379. history, 7377. historical data re state and church, 7378. militia rolls of 1812. 7379. militia, 1804, 1821, 1824, 1830. 1838, and 1839 ; historical and biographical notes, with list of officers, 7379. Werowocomoco, 6858. Wesley as a churchman, 779. Wessagusset settlement, 2797, 3119, 4189. West, Anna, Was she a daughter of R. Saunderson ? 3410, 3920. West, Benj., letter to W. Rawle, 1805. 6069. letters of, 6074. West, Claiborne, petition to the 1622? 6830. West, C. N., 1342, 1343. West, E. H., 6686. West, E. W., 7409. West, G. A., 7126. West, L., 5722. West, M., 4821. West, R., 1698. West, The, in 1820. 2574. attempts to separate from Union, 437] big things of, 904. discoveries in, 1519. 6796, SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1313 West, The, early explorers and railroads in, 7391. explorations, 550. field for historical study, 13, 5744, 6965 7060. important western papers, 1671-1787 6933. journey to, in 1817. 2297. New England and, 3365. new governments west of Alleghenies before 1780. 7115. out west in the forties, 1520. reclamation, 905. State building, 4310. State making, 34. three phases of cooperation in, 1819. West Augusta, Va., county court, 1776- 77. 6406. West Chester, Pa., early history, 5879. prehistoric, 6068. taverns, 5879. West Dedham, Mass., incidents in history of, 2195. West Florida, resolution in, 1810. 1662, 1663. Spanish, boundary, 1798. 4346. West India, habits, towns, customs of, 151. West Indian Company, 4694. W r est Indies, 562. bird life, 899. British Jews in, 628. colonial papers, 1685-1688. 6858. expedition to, 903. French, representative government in, 40. hurricane, 1898. 900. of 1899. 900. of 1900. 901. volcanic eruptions. 903. volcanic islands, 903. West Jersey, colony of, 1681. 6073. emigration from Yorkshire. 1677. 35. ; Femvick s settlement, 4536. West Medford. Mass., Indian necropolis in, 2775. in 1870, 3325. West Medway, Mass., epitaphs. 2203-2205. Wes i Menasha, Wis., Outagamie village at, 6968, 7095. West New Jersey. Proprietors council, | 1687. 6074. W.-st New Jersey Society, 1773. 3378. West- Point, boyhood at, 7482 m. W-st Roxbury. Mass., inscriptions, .1366. Jamaica Plain burial ground, inscriptions, 3368. sHioolhouse. 1767. 2200. West Salem, Wis., pictured cave, 6977a. West Springfield, Mass., marriages, 1774- 1796. 3387-3389, 3393, 3394. early settlers, 3387, 3388. Wesf Vermilion. Ohio, history. 7410. West Virginia, admitted to Union, 6889. archaeology, 6885. bibliography, 6873. a century ago, 6873. constitutional convention, 1872, list of members, 6873. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 83 West Virginia, early education in, 6873. frontier counties, 6891. geological survey, 6876. oldest town, 6889. early orchards, 6874. personnel of the several State administra tors since formation of the State, 6889. first settlement, 6888. pioneer settlement, 6891. first settlers, 6889. soldiers medals, 1861-1865, history of 6316, 6877. State seals, 6889. towns, change of names, 6891. west end of, 6889. Wes thorough, Mass., account of, 1767 2628. Diary of E. Parkman, 3372, 4186. Indians, two Indian chiefs, 4209. Westbrook, T., letters relating to Indian affairs in Maine, 1722-1726. 3402-3407. Westbrook family, baptisms, 5033. Westbrook, Me., 1716. Westbury. L. I., Society of Friends, records, 5031, 5032. Westchester, N. Y., history, 5557. incidents of American Revolution, 5560. Westchester County, N. Y.. company of artil lery, pay book, 5561. historic buildings. 662. early history, 5558. marriage records, 5023. old burial grounds, 5035. SVr filso " Neutral ground." Westcote, Stukeley, 6609a. Westcott, T., 5843. Westdahl, Ferdinand, 904. Westerly, R. I., Presbyterian Church rec ords, 1750-1769. 3384, 3385. early settlers. 3370, 3372, 3373. Western College, 1465a. Western discovery, dawn of, 1714. Western farmer, condition of, 1824. Western Historical Company, Chicago 1879. 1524. Western Indians, report concerning, 1815. 2632. Western planting, discourse on, 1584, Ilak- luyt s. 1719, 1757. Western posts, 4271. evacuation of, 4272. and British debts, 11. Western Reserve, the, 5719. ecclesiastical history, 5701. education, 5718. sale, 5714. settlement, 5776, No. 20. south boundary, 7413. title, origin of, 5776, No. 32. Indian titles, 5689. land titles, 5626. Western settlements, early, 2026. Western Sierra Madre of the State of Chi huahua, Mexico, 7391. 1314 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Western travel in 1850, 5619. Westfall family, 5048. Westfield. Mass., early relations with Springfield, 2184. marriages, births, deaths, prior to 1700. 3364. Westgate, Alice L., 3417. Westminster Abbey, Poet s Corner, 1708. Westmoreland, Pa., 6235. Westmoreland County, Va., docket of causes, 1706. 6857. old tombstones, 6855, 6857, 6859. polls for election of burgesses, 1744- 1761. 6856. slave owners, 1782. 6834. Westmount, Canada, 7371-7372. Westo discovery, 1674. 6634. Weston, B., 2047. Weston, D., 2038. Weston, H. G., 5899. Weston, N. A., 812. Weston. T. C. J. W., 6629. Weston, S. F., 809. 4834. Weston, T., jr., 3398, 3399, 3764, 3772. Weston, W. H., 4862. Weston family, 3772. (Edmund) family, 3399. (Thomas) family, 3408. Weston, Conn., cemetery inscriptions, 1151. Weston, Mass., document relative to bound aries, 1735. 3370. epitaphs, 2204, 2215. Westover, Va., 6858. title of, 6852. Westover portraits, list of, 6830. Westphalian medal, 1648. 6956. West s picture of Fenn s treaty. 2805. Westward migration of American stock. 6967, 7086. Westward movement of Virginia, 1722- 1734. 6836-6838. West wood, Mass., 2202. Wethersfield, Conn., 1820. records, 1600-1800. 3373-3378. Wetmore, E.,.5436, 5445. Wetmore, T. B., 944. Wetmore (James) family, 3386. Wetzel, W. A., 1826. Weyanoke, Va., 6858. Weygant, C. H., 4864. Weymouth, George. See Waymouth, George. Weymouth, Mass., 4189, 4190. cemetery inscriptions, 3381. historical sketch of, from 1622 to 1884. 4188. early history, 4189, 4190. records, 3361, 3362. Wessagusset settlement, 2797, 3119, 4189. Weymouth settlement, site of, 2797. Whaling, 900. Sec also Nantucket. Whaling industry in New London, 1200. Whalley, Edw., the regicide, grave of, 2783. papers relating to, 2645. reply of general court regarding, 2636. Whalley, Edw., warrant for apprehension of, 3380. See also Regicides. Wharton, Anne H., 6057, 6058, 6061, 6062. Wharton, R., 1699. Wharton, Samuel, 6081. letter to T. Wharton, 1775. 6080. Wharton, Thomas, 6070. Wharton, T. I., 5966, 5972, 6390. Wharton, Sir Wm., 7474. Wharton family, 6057, 6058. Whately, Mass., settlement, 4097. Whayman, H. W., 5743-5747, 5752, 5753. Whayman family, 5744, 5746. See also Wayman. Wheat raising, Red River Valley, 4312. Wheatland, II., 2243-2247, 2255, 2257, 2771, 2302, 2388. Wheatley, Phillis, 2776. letters of, 2827. letters of, 1772-1774. 2776. Wheaton, Henry, 5091, 5121. letters, 1805-6. 2788, 2983. Wheaton, J., 1708. Wheaton family, 6585. Wheeler, A. C., 1061. Wheeler, Arthur M., 3. Wheeler, A. S., 3315. Wheeler, C., jr., 4800, 4802. Wheeler, C. S., 4284. Wheeler, D. E., 532. Wheeler, E., 7408. Wheeler, E. D., 1045. Wheeler, E. J., 4884. Wheeler, E. P., 5033. Wheeler, F., letter, 1659. 6853. Wheeler, F. P., 3412, 3929. Wheeler, G. A., 1710. Wheeler, G. M., 550, 593. Wheeler, H. M., 4215, 4216. Wheeler, II. W., 1709, 1802. Wheeler, J., 2628. W T heeler, J. II., 1968, 5567, 5579, 5583, 5585, 6059. Wheeler, R. A., 1197, 1204, 3414, 6536. Wheeler, S. J., 5589. Wheeler, Mrs. S. P., 1424. Wheeler, W. F., 4395, 4400. Wheeler s defeat, 1675. 200, 204, 398, 3396. Wheeler s expedition, 1675. 4447. Wheeler s surprise, 1675, where, 4212. the cul-de-sac, 4213. Wheelock. E., letter, 1766. 3360. letters to J. Phillips, 1765-1787. 4454. Wheelock (Ralph) family, 4141. Wheelwright, Edward, 2135, 2137-2139, 2142, 3412. Wheelwright, E. G., 2133. Wheelwright. Edmund M., 2135, 2148, 2149, 7395. Wheelwright, John, 4111. fast-day sermon of, 1636. 2778. Indian deed to, 1638. 4446, 4447. Wheelwright deed, 1629. 3374, 3403, 4111, 4123. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1315 Wheildon, W. W., 2085, 2088, 3388, 3403. Whelpley, P. M., 5010. Wherry, W. M., 4364. Whetzall, J., company of rangers, 1778. I G082. Whicher, G. M., 1516. Whidby Island tragedy, 6870. Whigs of Colonial New York, 34. Whigs of Massachusetts, 2801, 3218. Whilden, W. G., 3401. " Whip-Handle Dispatch," 6682. Whipping post, Kanawha County, W. Va.. 6889. Whipple, A. B., 2045, 2047. Whipple, G. M., 2261. 2264, 2463, 2490. Whipple, Henry, 2247. Whipple, II. B., 4311. Whipple, John, account books kept by, 1725-1738. 2243. journey from Philadelphia to New Hamp shire, 17777. 6066. Whipple family, 3454. (John) family, 3390. Whirlwind in New Hampshire, September 9, 1821. 44446. Whisky insurrection, 1794. 4537, 4540. 4542, 5469, 6009, 6156, 6781, 6859. Whisner, J. R., 1580. Whistler family, 608. Whitaker, A. C., 4836. Whitaker, E., 1157, 1159, 5040, 5041, 5544, 5545. Whitaker, G. M., 4143. Whitaker, II. C., 6521. Whitaker, W. C., 944, 946, 956. Whitaker. W. F., 5544. Whitbeck. R. H., 578, 7474. Whitconib, M. R.. 1515, 1518. White, A., 1878, 1927. White, A. D., 1, 4, 1818, 6965, 7057. White, A. E., 3410. White, B., 4553, 6066. White, C. A., 1502-1504, 1516, 1617, 3943o. White, C. F., 2128. While. David, 6425. White, D. A., 2234, 2235, 2239, 2284. White, F. B., 3410, 3906. White, G., 3407. White. G. II., 4278. White, II.. 1156. White, II. A., 3337. While, II. C., 5624. White, H. K., 6936. White, James, business contracts, 1764- 1767. 7252. letters, 1762-1783. 7253. papers, 1781-1788. 7254. White, John, drawings of, 151. White, John (Dorchester, Mass.,), instruct ors for plantation of New Eng land, 2777. White, Rev. John (Gloucester, Mass.), letter, 1734-1735. 3383. letter to justices of the peace, Salem, 1711. 3367. White, J. E., 5589, 5590. White, J. G., 3371, 3392, 3683, 3684, 3686. White, J. M., 4345, 4346, 4348. White, Jeannette M., 4410. White, J. W., 866. White, J. W. F., 6063. White, M.. //., 1284, 1285, 1288, 6080, 6082, 6083. White, Mrs. N. D., 4311. White, Peregrine, eldest daughter of, 3362, will of, 1704. 2793. White, Peter, 4260, 4280, 4294. White, Philip, who was, 5051. White, P. A., 6731. White, I . II., 3370, 6727, 6747, 6753. White, Robert, children of, 3413, 3943a. White, Rose, letter. 1815. 5853. White, Teresa, 5854. White, Thomas, 3410. White. Timothy, papers, 1725-1755. 3343. White, W., letter to Gov. Winthrop, 2632. White, W. A., 904. White, W. G., 3372. White, W. M., 4915. White family, 2128, 2650, 2748. (Brookline, Mass.), 2106. (John) family, 3410. 3915. (Thomas) family, 3411, 6057. " White buffalo," 4405. White County, Tenn., 653. " White cow," 4405. White Hills of New Hampshire, 1705. Indian names of, 2630. White Mountains, avalanches, 1826. 4448. Indian names of, 2630. White River, ice cliffs, 901. Whitefield, Mrs. Geo.. letter, 1746. 2788. Whitefield, George, letters, 2800. rare tracts relating to. 2804. tracts, recovery of, 7462. Whitefield, II., letter against the mission aries. 1740. 5517. Whitehall dinner. 6720. Whitehead, G., jr., 976. Whitehead, W., 4562. Whitehead, W. A.. 3398, 4525, 4529. 4537, 4539, 4542, 4544. 4545, 4548, 4549, 4563, 4570, 4573, 4574, 4577, 4588. 4593-4616. Whitehead family, deeds, 6859. (Daniel) family, 5048. Whitehurst, A., 6686. Whiteley. W. G., 1211. 1232. (5067. Whitemarsh, Pa., German Reformed Church, 5960. history, 5959. Reformed Church in Holland archives, 5960, 5961. Whiteplains, N. J. G. Washington s head quarters at. 5960. Whites, memorials of the. 2650. Whitesboro, N. Y., golden age, 5425, 5461. Whitestown, N. Y., centennial, 5425, 5461. Whitewater, Wis., 6927. Whitfield. G., jr.. 946, 963. Whitfleld, H., 2642. Whitneld, N. L., 937. 1316 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Whittield family, 3896o. Whitford, J. D., 1284. Whitford, W. C., 6929. Whitgift-Bradbury family, 3381. Whitin, F. H., 2207, 2217. Whiting, C., 3367. Whiting, E. J., 4933. Whiting, H., 4246. Whiting, H. I., 5753. Whiting, Julius, 5721. Whiting. J. D., 4098. Whiting, L., 4098, 7480. Whiting, N., letters, 1161. Whiting, S.. letter to I. Mather, 1677. 3360. Whiting, W., 3365, 3441. Whiting, W. H. C., diary, 1289. Whiting ancestry, 5744. Whiting, family, 2198, 2205, 2206, 2207. Whitlock, F. M., 5701, 5702. Whitman, B. L., 1710. Whitman, L., 2621, 2622. Whitman, Marcus, bill and letter to Secre tary of War, 1843. 5823. legend, 40. letters, 1839-1847. 5824. matter, additional light on, 5821. monument to, 5833, 5838. Whitman, Mrs. M., journal, 1836. 5823. Whitman, P. B. ? 6870. Whitman, Sarah H., 6501. Whitman estate, 6584. Whitman family, 3416, 3971a. Whitman massacre, the, 5827, 7477. Whitmer, Rosa, 4422. Whitmore, B., will. 1696. 3376. Whitmore, Francis, estate of, 1685. 3367. Whitmore, Henry, 811. Whitmore, I. B., 2202. Whitmore, Rachel, petition, 3367. Whitmore, W., 3368. Whitmore, W. H., 2083, 2089, 2091, 2094, 2474, 2776, 2778, 2780-2782, 2797. 2801, 2889, 2902, 3133, 3367-3373, 3375-3378, 3380, 3381, 3383-3388, 3391, 3396, 3410, 3414, 3449, 3451, 3452, 3454, 3465, 3509, 3517, 3567, 3613, 3614, 3619, 3633, 3646, 3646, 3910, 4101, 4103, 4104, 4107, 4110, 5018, 7392. Whitmore family, 3325, 3390, 7267. (James) family, 3386. Whitmore, origin of name, 3391. Whitney, Eli, correspondence, 36. Whitney, E. L., 11, 1826. Whitney, F. A., 3376, 3508. Whitney, H. A., 3453. Whitney, H. M., 6967, 7086. Whitney, J. C., 3403, 3821d. Whitney, J. L., 207, 439. Whitney family, 3370, 3456. (John and Elinor) family, 3369, 3453. Whiton, J. M., 4449. Whitpain, Pa., Washington s headquarters, 5960. Whitridge, J. B., 6625. Whitsitt, W. H., 161?, 6672. Whitsitt family (Nashville, Tenn.), 6672. Whitson, T., 6165. Whittemore, E. S., 3390. Whittemore family, 3379, 3390. Whittemore, origin of name, 3391. Whitten, R. H., 4825. Whittier, C. A., 3333, 3334. Whittier, C. C., 3417. Whittier, E. N., 3336. Whittier, J. G., 1579, 2787. Whittingham family, 3392. Whittlesey, C., 5635, 5649, 5658, 5776, Nos. 5, 9, 11, 32, 33 ; 5777, Nos. 38, 42, 44, 51, 53, 55, 61, 71 ; 6925, 6927, 6932, 6939, 7412. Whittlesey, E., 7408. Whittlesey, E. D., 5097. Whittlesey, E. T., 5776, Nos. 3, 7, 12. Whittlesey, H. C., 7513. Whittlesey, Vesta H., 5653. Whittlesey papers, 5648. Whitwell letters, 1770. 2792. Whymper, E., 575. Wiatt family, 6858, 6860. Wichita Indians in Kansas, 1582. Wick, B. L., i465a, 1523, 1524, 1526. W T ickersham, J., 6869. Wickes, F. B., 5411. Wickes, S., 4554, 4555. Wickett, S. M., 7371. Wickham, C. P., 7408. Wickham, Gertrude Van R., 5632. Wickham-Paine family, 5047. Wickliffe, C. A., 1644. Widman, C. M., 5851, 5852, 7440. Widney, J. P., 1005. Wiederhold, A., 6079. diary, 6078. Wieting, Mary E., 5504. Wigger, W. M., 928. Wiggin, T., deed, 3384. Wigglesworth, E., letter to T. Hollis, 1731. 3380. Wigglesworth, Michael, 2781, 3499. elegy by, 3384. inscription, 3377. letter to church at Maiden, 1658. 2781. library of, 3499. sermons, 3359. Wigglesworth, S., 3384. Wigglesworth family, 3376. Wight, D. P., 2199. Wight, Thomas, homestead of, 1637-1652. 2201. Wight, W., 3408. Wight, W. W., 1407, 3400, 6916, 6973, 7017, 7110. Wikoff family, 6071. Wilbor, A. M., 3684. Wilbur, C. L., 811, 812, 814, 815. Wilbur (John) family, 6583. Wilcocks, A., 6059. Wilcox, C. M., 945. Wilcox, D., jr., letters, 3412. Wilcox, D. F., 4299, 4822. Wilcox, W. A., 6408. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1317 Wilcox, W. D., 900, 903. Wilcox family, 3387, 3640. Wilcox s brigade, 945. Wild. Ebenezer, diary, 2792, 3033. journal, 1775. 2792. journal, 1776-1781. 2796. 3110. Wild. E. A., 2109. Wild, Helen T., 3318-3324. Wild, S. F., 3324. Wild cat banking system of Michigan. 4257. Wilde. R. II., Summer Rose ; or Lament of the Captive, 1328. Wilder, B. G., 2301. Wilder, C. W., 4028. Wilder, D. W., 1578, 1580, 1581. Wilder, II. A., 528. Wilder, .!., 2805. Wilder, M. II., 3389. Wilder, M. 1 ., 3380-3382, 3384-3399, 3529, 3555, 3565, 3685, 3780. Wilder family, 3389, 3554. Wilderness campaign, 1864. 3337. Wildes, G. D., 2245, 2560. Wildey, E. A., 4295. Wildmany S. A., 5635, 7418. Wilds, .1. Q., 1501. Wiley, II. W., 904. Wilgus, J. A.. 11. Wilgus, N., 4770, 4771. Wilgus (John) descendants, 995. Wilhelm, L. W., 1815, 1940. Wilhelmina, Queen, 4882, 4885. Wilkens, F. H., 884. Wilkes, John, letter, 1783. 2777. trial, 4538. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., bell of the "Old Ship- Zion," 6423. First Presbyterian Church, 6423, 6462. fossils from coal measures, 6441, 6442. gauge readings at W. bridge, 1880. 6420?>. meteorological observations, 64207,), 6420e, 6421. old academy, 6432o. a Yankee s impressions of, 1800-1801. 6068. Wilkeson, D., recollections, 4780. Wilkeson, J., 4746. Wilkeson, S., 4774. Wilkeson, S.. jr., 4774. Wilkie, I)., 7174. 7175. Wilkie. F. B., 1519. Wilkins, C., 116. Wilkins, II. IX, 5520. Wilkins, J. M., 4349. Wilkins expedition, 1763. 5778, No. 81. Wilkinson, James, letter on St. Clair s de feat, 1791. 3379. letter. 1806. 43. letters to J. Ilutchinson, 1778-1786. 6008. Wilkinson, W. S., 1518. Wilkinson and the Spanish conspiracy, 43. Wilkinson s " Round head " order, 6073. Will, State (North Carolina) rs. case of, 5569. Will County, 111., early history, 1418. Will County, 111., semi-centennial. 1431. " Will and doom," Bulkeley s, 1110. Willamette, A gallop through the, 5813. Willamette, Ohio, woolen factory, 5799. Willamette Valley, early settlement, 5826. Willard, Abbey G., 1204. Willard, J., letter to W. Bollan, 1750 2624. Willard, Joseph, 2648, 2740, 2762, 2773, 2775, 2823, 3362, 3360. Willard, Josiah. correspondence with Com modore Knowles in 1747. 2135 Willard, J. Le B.. 5045. Willard, S., 4104. Willard, Samuel, memorial, 7480. Willard family. 3362. 3372. Willcox, E. S., 3407. Willcox, Hannah, marriage certificate, 1692. 0009. Willcox, J., 5848-5851, 5850. Willcox. O. B.. 4906. Willcox, W. F., 578, 811, 812, 814, 815, 4818. Willemszen (Aert) family, 5041. Wilier, W. F., 810. Willers, I)., 5535. Willers, D., jr., 5551. Willet, Mary, gravestone, 5033. Willet family, 3360. Willett, A. H., 4831. Willett, M., 5409. Willett, Mabel H., 4833. Willett family, 5048. Willett (Marinus), ancestry of, 5042. Willey, I., 4449. Willey, S. H., 990, 991, 1074-1079. Willey, W. T., 0876, 6889. Willey family, destruction, 4448. William III, a reformer, 5293. William IV (Le voyage de Guillaume IV au Canada), 1787. 7340. William, John (Deerfield, Mass. i. 4097. William and Mary College. 4. Alumni who have held official position. 3400, 3781a, 3817a. in American Revolution, 6854. antiquities, 0854. antiquity of walls, 0859. bicentennial celebration, 0850. burning of, depositions, 1705. 0830. early courses and professors, 0805. finances, 1755-1705. 0859. founding, 6831-6833, 6855. GOI-. Cooch s message concerning, 1745. 6855. history, 1094-1097. 0850. in 1858. 0858. journal of meetings of presidents, etc., 1729-1784. 0849-0852, 0801, 6864. . presidents, early, 6849. students. 1754. 6854. visitors. 1716. 6828. Williams, Albert. 1007. 4280. Williams, Alfred, 5757. Williams, Alonzo, 6597. 1318 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Williams, A. J., 5627. Williams, A. L., 4260. Williams, B., 7408. Williams, C. A., 1200, 1203. Williams, C. H., 6595, 7482f. Williams, C. K., 3380. Williams, C. P., 4694. Williams, C. R., 5724. Williams, D. W., 5749. Williams, Eleazar, and Louis XVII. Were they the same? 4948. Williams, Eunice, memorial stone, 4097. Williams, E. P., 5703. Williams, E. S., 4259, 4280. Williams, F. II., 6073. Williams, F. R., 4281. Williams, F. W., 17. 39. Williams, G. F., 777. Williams, G. H.. 894, 3392, 3405, 5798, 5817, 5827. Williams, Henry, 2135, 2137, 3686, 3875, 4033o. Williams, Herbert, 7178. Williams, H. I., 7480. Williams, Harriet M., 5044. Williams, II. P., 2120. Williams, Isaac, 6890. Williams, Isabelle, 4097. Williams, I. C., 5960, 7422. Williams, J., 3363. Williams, J. F., 3391, 4304-4307, 4321, 4331. Williams, J. R., 4283, 4662. WMlliams, Mos.es, 2137. Williams, M. C., 4280, 4378. Williams, O. W., 6681. Williams, Richard, and the Cromwell fam ily, 3898. Williams, Robert, 5827. letters to John Winthrop, jr., 2793. Williams, Roger, 2621, 6472, 6482. answer to Got . Coddington s letter, 6520, 6529. controversy with Mrs. Hutchinson, 2627. date of sentence of banishment, 6520. deposition of, 1682. 2635. early history of, 2793. house of, 2247, 2263. " Keyhole for Roger Williams s key," 6575. letter, 1629. 3401. letter, 1656. 3394. letter. 1670. 2619. letter, 1682. 2636. letters of, 2639, 6520. letters, 1654-1678. 6587. and the Massachusetts charter, 2781. original town lot, 6586. petition to general court of Massachu setts, 2652. Sachem s deed to, 6588. Spring, R. I., 6585, 6586. vindicated, 6581. wife of, 6587. Williams, R. E., 1427. Williams, R. G., 5468. Williams, Samuel, 3683. Williams, Sherman, 5413. Williams, Stephen, captivity, 4095. letter, 2183. Williams, S. S., 6599. Williams, S. W., 518, 5426. Williams, Talcott, 4, 12, 13, 902, 4812. Williams, Thomas, 7422. Williams, W., 1504. Williams, W. A., 5899. Williams, W. I., 4278. Williams, W. K., 1822. Williams, W. W., 5701. Williams family, 1644o, 3370, 3414, 4035, 6066, 6074, 6583. marriage certificates, 6075. William^ genealogy, 1643. Williams (Emmanuel) family, 3415. (Ezekiel) family, 3394. (Samuel) family, 3415. (Thomas) family, 3392. Williams College, historical sketch of, 2626. Williams papers, 4284. Williamsburg, Va., building of. 6858. building of capitol, 1702-1704. 6858. Grammar and Mattey (Matthew) prac tice school, 6852. lodge of Masons, 6849. old capitol memorial tablet, 6861-6863. pamphlet regarding, 6850. proprietors of lots, 1783. 6859. Williamson, A. B., 3410. Williamson, H., 5090. Williamson, J., 1701-1703, 1705, 1707- 1710, 1713, 1715, 1717, 1738, 1771, 1774, 1786, 1797, 3388. 3392, 3394, 3408, 3413, 3682, 3686, 3903. Williamson, /& // Joseph, memoranda of, 2782. Williamson, J. A., 1505. Williamson, Mrs. M. B., 1011-1013, 1015, 1017, 1019-1021. Williamson, T. S., 4304, 4308. Williamson, W. C., 3415, 3966. Williamson, W. D., 1709-1713, 2647. diary, in 17th Congress, 3388. manuscripts of, 1709. Williamson s brigade, 1776. 6650. Williamson s plantation, battle of, 1780. 1281. Willington, Thomas, muster roll of his com pany, 1778. 3403. Willis, Bailey, 571, 891, 906. Willis, F. T., 5570. Willis, H. A., 2539-2540. Willis, W., 1697, 1698, 1700-1702, 1718, 1730, 1733, 1736, 1749, 1750, 2772, 3360, 3370, 3371, 3373, 3381. Willis family, 3378, 5030, 6853, 6854. Willis (George), pedigree, 3380. Williston, S. W., 1580. Willner, W., 631. Willoughby, W. F., 5, 7, 1822, 1831. Willoughby, W. W., 1822, 1848. Willoughby family, 3388, 3654. (Francis) family, 3393. (William) family, 3398. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1319 Willow Run settlement, Mich., 42GG. Wills. G. S., 1283. Wills, J. A., 1006. Wills, W. H., diary. 1840. 1287, 1288. journal, 1837. 1286, 1287. Wills, English, 3389, 3411. quaint, of Catholic settlers in Maryland, 5855. Wills in England, where to look for, 5746, 5747. Willson, E. B., 2254, 2260, 2342, 2368, 2434. Willson, J. R., 4680. Willson, S. M., 4680. Willson family, 6859. Willys family, 3411, 3924a. Wilmarth, J. W., 6489. Wilmer, R. H., 056. Wilmington, Del., Crane Hook Church, 1229, 1243. Holy Trinity Church, records, 1227. St. Peter s Church, 5843. Wilmington, N. C., hoard of commissioners, 5598. Wilmington lottery, 1772. 0078. Wilmot family, 3417, 3979. Wilinot s brief for proprietaries, 1680. 6079. Wilson, I)., 157, 7308-7311, 7314, 7315, 7317. Wilson, D. S., 1499. Wilson, E. B.. 3407. Wilson, E. M.. 5596. Wilson, Elizabeth M., 5796, 5827. Wilson, F. E., 5722, 5723. Wilson. F. T., 6657. Wilson, G., 1516. Wilson, H. H., 4406. Wilson. H. L., 39. Wilson, H. M., 571, 573, 574, 576, 577, 892. Wilson, II. I ., 1582. Wilson, J. H., 3338. Wilson, J. Ormond, 1264. Wilson, James, i>05, 4295. Wilson, James F., 1.119. Wilson, James G., 2. 8, 11, 12, 70, 560, 1950, 2002, 4213, 4546, 4549, 4552, 4555, 455 .), 4589, 4892, 5026, 5028, 5030, 5032-5034, 5036, 5037, 5030, 5045-5047, 5050, 5051, 5063, 5066, 5077, 5394, 5436, 5444. Wilson, John, Her., alleged portrait of, 2779. portrait of. 2787. Wilson, John I)., 5491. Wilson, Joseph A., 4358. Wilson, Joseph R.. 5797. Wilson, R., 6615. 6622. Wilson, T., 5720, 5732. Wilson, T. S., 1519. Wilson, W., 4533, 4557. Wilson, W. B., 6165. Wilson, W. F., two letters, April and July, 1844. 6680. Wilson, W. H., 1285. Wilson family, 6865. Wilson s " Conquest of Mexico," 2773. Wilson s Creek, battle of, 1579, 4364. Wiltbank, W. W., 6057. Wiltbank family, 6085. Wiltfong, E., 1522. Wilton, N. II., meetinghouse, fall of, 3380. Wiltse, Mary, 4422. Wiuans, J. W., 1052. Winchell, A. N., 4310, 4312. Winchell, N. II., 4310. Winchendon, Mass. (Ipswich, Canada), peti tion, 1755. 3364. Winchester, J., orderly book, 1812-13. 4283. Winchester, Mass., record, 1885-1887. 411)1. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of first white settlement within the territory, 4192. Winchester, N. II., records, 3397, 3398. records, 1765-1799. 331)5. Windham, Me., extracts from records, 1716. first church records, 1717. first settler, Thos. Chute, 1713. meetinghouse, war in, 1716. early schools, 1715. White s Bridge, 1712. Windmill Island, Delaware River, title of, 6078. Windsor, Lloyd, 4916. Windsor, Canada, battle, 7301. Windsor, Conn., 1820. freemen, list, 1669. 3363. records, 3363. settlement and antiquities, 2623. Windsor, Mass., early history, 2045. Wine, use in Concord, 824. Wines, F. II., 901. Winfield, C. H., 4549, 4587, 5364a, 5376. Wing, C. P., 6059. Wing, D. L., 815. Wing, F. W., 4279. Wing, G. W., 5750. Wing, W. A., 4043. Wing family, 3306. Wingate, P., 2704, 4450. Wingfield, E. M., 119, 215. Winkler, E. W., 6685. Winnebago County, W T is., archaeology of, 7125. Winnebago Indians, 6934. legend of, 6025, 6939. " Winnebago scare," 1360. Winnebago war, 1827. 6920. Winnipeg country, 7148c. Winnipeg, Manitoba, charitable institutions, 7150. early days in, 7149o. forts of, 7310. water supply, 7148;. Winnipeg, Lake islands in, geology, 7148 r. Winnepesaukee, W. Bryant s journal, 1717. 3390. Winona, Minn., history, 4343. Winship, A. E., 7480. Winsuip, G. P., 11, 15, 208, 459, 3229. 1320 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Winslow, C. E. A., 812, 813, 814, 815. Winslow, Edward, Go/:., 12, 2640, 2642, 3402. commission from Massachusetts, 1G46. 6483. letter, 1644. 2785. letter to J. Winthrop, 1644. 3387. letters, 1651-1653. 3305. petition to the lords of the council, 1634. 2774. " relation " of, 2626. Winslow, E. B., 7255. Winslow, E. D., 576. Winslow, F. E., 1523. Winslow, I., loyalist, 3414. Winslow, John, 6568, 7277. journal, 7276. letter. 1756. 2624. letter, 1775. 2700. Winslow, -Josaih, letters, 1676-1680. 2776. Winslow, W. C., 12, 3825, 5042, 5075, 5732. Winslow family, 3375, 3370, 3383, 3384. (Edward) family, 3362. Winslow, papers, 1760-1,702. 2792, 2703. 1776-1826. 7255, 7256. Winslow s expedition, 1755, diary of sui - geon in, 3301. Winslow s " Good news from New Eng land," 1624. 2637. Winslow s mission to England, 6483. Winsor, Justin, 3, 34, 61, 204, 205, 401, 413, 2786-2780, 2702-2705, 2707, 2700-2801, 2075, 3033, 3045- 3047, 3055, 3063, 3107, 3123. 3135, 3140, 3151, 3170, 3186, 3216, 3362-3365, 5380, 6585, 7454. letter on Winthrop map of New England, 2706. Winston (Edmund) family, 6820. Wintemberg, W. J., 7208. Winter, Jacob, 5678, 5681. Winter, John, letter to Robt. Trelawny, 1634. 1720. power of attorney to, January 18, 1631. 1720. seal of, 1720. Winter Island, features of, 2271. Winters, J. W., 6684. Winters, W., 3386, 3307, 3630a, 3738a. Winthrop, Adam, 2781. letters, 3382. Winthrop, B. R., 2753, 2772, 5103, 5211. Winthrop, Fitz John, 2671. correspondence of, 2701. correspondence with William Penn, 2781. Winthrop. Grenville, collection of auto graphs, 2786. Winthrop, James, 2610, 2627. facsimile of handwriting, 1705. 2770. Winthrop, John, Got. of Mass., 270, 1108, 1100, 6483. at Salem, 1630. 102, 270. commemoration of, 2256. two hundred and fiftieth anniversary, 2300. on baptism, 2781. Winthrop, John. Gov. of Mass., chart of 1630 of, 2701. " Conclusions " of, 2781. correspondence with Gov. Printz, 6064. deed, 2707. diary, 1645. 270S. estate of, 2707, 3108. house, 2801. journal of, 2632, 2781, 3446. - letters, 2130. letter, 1632. 2774. letter. 1634. 2780. Winthrop, Gor. of Conn., 1100, 2620, 2704, 2036. appeal to the Privy Council, 2673. charter of Conn., 1662. 2622. correspondence, 2673. instructions to treat with Pequots, 2641. Winthrop, John, Prof., degree conferred by Harvard College, 1773. 2130. letters, 1770. 2784. letter, 1775. 2776. Winthrop, Mrs. John, letter written soon after the battle of Lexington, 2783. Winthrop-Lechmere case, 1112, 2708. Winthrop v. Endicott, 2247. Winthrop, R. C., 106, 208, 200, 1727, 2756, 2767, 2771-2780, 2701, 2703-2708, 2812, 2820, 2855, 2861, 2870, 2882, 2888, 2807, 2800, 2027, 2031, 2036, 2072, 2000, 3000, 3013, 3036, 3044, 3065, 3007, 3100, 3682, 3602, 4088, 4006, 5010, 6057, 7445, 7446, 7450, 7452, 7453, 7456. letter, 2770. portrait given to the United States Government, 2788. unofficial mission to Europe, 1861. 2701. Winthrop, R. C., jr., 2581, 2707, 2770, 2771, 2787, 2780, 2701-2703, 2705, 2706, 2800-2802, 2076, 3022, 3038, 3050, 3060, 3200. Winthrop. S., 2707. Winthrop, Thomas L., letters, 2781. memoir of, 118, 143. Winthrop, Wait, correspondence of, 2673. Winthrop, Wm., letter, 1560. 2784. Winthrop family, 3376, 3500. Winthrop papers, 2647, 2648, 2654, 2655, 2650, 2662, 2666, 2671, 2673, 2703, 2707. extracts from, 2782. State library of Connecticut, 2705. Winthrop sword, 354. Winthrop map of New England, 2706. Wiscasset, Me., description, 2625. history, 3386. Wiscasset tragedy, 1716. Wisconsin, in 1818. 6030&. in 1837. 6030o, 6036, 7062. antiquities of, 6027. archaeology, 301. archives, 21. banks, early legislation, 6064, 7017. bibliography of Wisconsin authors, 7007. Bohemians in, 7105. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1321 Wisconsin, boundaries, 6933, 6987. Catholic Church, 5849, 5850. census, first territorial, 1836. 6935, 7019. chronology of, 6901. constitutional conventions, 6966. bibliographical account, 7063. Cornish in southwest, 7065, 6936. dairy industry, 7080. education, early history, 6929. Episcopalianism in, 7066. exploration and settlement, 6932. foreign groups in, distribution, 6997. foreign immigration, 6970, 7105. franchise in, 7011. Free Soil party in, 7020. French regime in, 6938. fugitive slave law, 7021. future of northern, 6967, 7077. German- Americans in, 6895. German immigration to, 6936, 7069. Germans in, influence of, 7105. gerrymanders, 1891 and 1892. 1537, 1551. history, bibliography, 7036, 7043. early history, 6926, 6928. history of office of governor, 1539. imprints, early, 6972, 7106. Indian agriculture in southern. 7109. Indian conveyances, 1793-1836. 6937. Indian trade, 1822. Indian tribes of, 6927. Indian wars, 6930&. internal navigation, 6927. jubilee, fifty years of statehood, 6896. land-limitation movement, 1848-1851. 7521. Langlade s movements, 1777. 6930r/. Langlade papers, 1737-1800. GDSOfo. laws, 1837-38, a rare book, 6934, 7004. lead, early history, 6930. lead and shot trade, 6935, 7025. lead mining, early, 10. lead region, 6967. pioneering in, 6937. local government. 1533, 1821, 6933, 6990. man-shaped mounds of, 6928. mounds, 4307. Municipalities, League of, 1538. names, geographical, 6925, 6939. Indian, 6925. necrology, 6970-6973. in 1874-1882. 6930a-6932. negro slavery, 7524*. New York Indians in, 6926, 6968, 7089. normal school system, 6966. northeastern boundary, 6928. northern, 1820. 6930a. Great Lakes in relation to railroad de velopment, 7079. Obsidian implements in, 7125. papers from Canadian archives, 1778- 1783, 1767-1814. 6933, 6934. pioneer life, 6926, 6930a. Polanders in, 6919, 7105. politics, Germans in, 6918. prehistoric, 6930a, 6957. Wisconsin, Presbyterianism in, 7091. progress, condition, etc., 6926. public-land surveys, 6928. public libraries, statistics, 6927. Puritan influence in, 7084. railroad legislation, early history, 1836- 1851. 6936. history, 7070. recollections of, 6927. reminiscences of, 6925, 6926, 6929. in 1833. 6932. resources of northeastern, 6927. rise and progress, 6926. school supervision, history, 6929. Scots in, 7105. first settler, 6917. slavery in, 6915, 6960, 7009. State Historical Society, 1513. success of, 6870. State sovereignty in, 8. early times, 1849. 6925, 6939. tour through, 1832. 6925, 6939. " Upper Wisconsin " country, 6927. visit to, 1830. 6934. western, 1836. 6930. Wisconsin phalanx, 7526. at Ceresco, 7105a. Wisconsin Territory, 1831. 6937. army life in, 7062. financial history, 6962, 7012. judicial and legal condition, 6900. last days, 4310. legislation, 6952. organization, 6935. reminiscences, 1824-1842. 7097. Wise, B. II., 6817. \Vise, John, 3279. narrative of Phips s expedition, 1690. 2805. Wise, J. S., 5960. Wissahickon, hermits of, 6067, 6081. Wistar Museum of Anatomy, 6o~4. Wister, Sally, journal, 1777-78. (5065. 6066. Wiswall family, 3398, 3769. Witches in Salem and elsewhere, 2267, 2500, 4978. Witchcraft, detection of, 2638. a discolored history, 3402. Grace Sherwood s trial, 1705. 6797. in Hingham, 1708-9. 3363. injury to W. Good, 1692. 3393. Maine, 3371. Massachusetts, 197, 309, 345, 2789, 3008, 3014, 3015, 3024. history of, and the act of 1711. 2791. C. Mather, letter of, 7173. New England, 1692-93. 2248, 2623. New Hampshire, 1656. 3401, 4446. New York, 5242. prosecution of 1 . English and wife for, 2241, 2242. recantation of confessors of, 2631. Salem, Mass,, 2237, 2641, 4407. court for witch trials in 1692. 2792. trials in Salem, 2791. Springfield, Mass., 1651. 3393. 1322 SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. Witchcraft, trials, original documents, 2774. trial of Grace Sherwood, 1705. 6197. Virginia, 6849, 6850. Witchcraft delusion, 1692, 242, 3382, 3385, 3588. literature of, 4, 205, 420. papers relating to, 2791. trials in Essex County, 2247. Witherell, B. F. H., 6927. Withers family, 6831. Witherspoon, J., journal, 7275. Witherspoon, John, 34. Withington, Henry, verses on death of. in 1 <)<;<;. 731)5. Withington, L., 2278, 2280, 3409-3412, 5049-5051, 6084, 6085, 6649, 6651, 6835-6838. wills, 3411. Withington, W. II., 4292. Withrow, W. II., 7310, 7326, 7327, 7329. Witmer, A. E., 6165, 6166. Witwatersand, 897. Witter, W., 2039. Wittich, G. F., autobiography. 5749. 5752. Wittmeyer, A. V., 4898. Wizzard s Clipp, W T est Virginia, 6892. Woburn, Mass., burying ground, 3361. inscriptions on gravestones, 336. Wodell, see Woodhull. Wodhul, see Woodhull. Wodhull family, 5042. Woertendyk family (New York), 5022. Woertman, D. J., and A. Aukes, marriage agreement, 1691. 5019. Wolcott, Roger. 2622, 2793, 2794. 2797, 3684. journal at Louisbourg, 1745. 1109. memoir for history of Connecticut, 1110. Wolcott family, 3359. Wolf, S., 626. Wolfe, J., army,* on St. Lawrence orders, 1759. 7207. monument on Plains of Abraham, 7329. monument at Quebec, 7345. Wolfeborough, N. H., note on, 1814. 2631. Wolff. A. S., 627. Wolfskill, J. R., 1015. Wolfson, A. M., 39. Wollcott, J., letter, 1639. 3360. Wolverton, C. E., 5830. Wolves, war on, Ohio, 7411. Woman suffrage, Nebraska, 4405. New Jersey, 4542. New York, 1900. 4931. Woman s Club movement, Illinois, 7425. Women, almshouse, 810. college and noncollege, 813. earnings of, 809. education, 813. functional health, 813. graduates, 811. gymnastic training of, 809. of the Revolution, 7475. pioneer, of the West, 5678. progress of, 1581. Women writers of South Carolina, bibliogra phy, 1286. " Wonder-working Providence," 2630-2632, 2635, 2636, 6483. spurious edition of, 2787. Wong Kai Kah, 4388. Wood, A. E., 2179. Wood, A. H., 4158. Wood, A. S., 4045. Wood, C. E., 2177. Wood, G., 3367, 4685. Wood, G. B., 5970. Wood, Henry, 1823. Wood, H. G., 868. Wood, Lemuel, diaries, 2258, 2410. journal, 2259, 2260. Wood, L. N., 6924. Wood, N. P., 4098. Wood, O., marriages solemnized by, 1786- 1789. 1712. Wood, R. W., 806. Wood, S., 3386, 4848. Wood, T. B., letter, 5799. letters, 1846-47. 5800. Wood, T. W., 6763. Wood, Win., 7321. Wood, W. I)., 6681-6683. Wood, W. M., 5287. Wood family, 3405, 6854. (Cornelius) family, 4863. Wood County, W. Va., volunteers, 1806. 6892. Wood River massacre, 1422. Wood working, aboriginal, 6339. Woodbridge, Benj., rare volume by, 2801. Woodbridge, Dudley, diary of, 1728. 2786. Woodbridge, J., letter of attorney, 1782. 6083. Woodbridge family, 3390, 3412, 3664. Woodbridge, Conn., 1161. Woodbridge, N. J., 3380. grant, 1672. 4545. records, 1670-1720. 3377. Woodbridge papers, 4284. Woodbridge sell, 1505. Woodburn, James A., 10, 15, 21, 24, 1823. Woodbury, A., 6595, 74820. Woodbury, C. H., 2040, 4457. Woodbury, C. J. H., 2272, 2610. Woodbury, C. L., 2272, 2571, 3406, 3413. 3682, 3862, 4119, 4482. Woodbury, Elizabeth, will, 1689. 3365. Woodbury, G., 4427, 4458. Woodbury, L., 105, 106; 4451. Woodbury, P. P., 4446. Woodbury family, 2262, 2273, 2274, 2465, 2529. Woodbury, Conn., ancient deeds, 3361. Woodcock family, 2198. Wooden Sword, battle of, 6077. Woodford, S. L., 5437, 5451. Woodford, Wm., letters, 1776-1779. 6079. Woodhouse, E. J., 6783. Woodho.ise family, 6860. Woodhull, Anna M., 5018, 5019. Woodhull, Anna M. W., 4551, 4620. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1323 Woodhull family, 3821 b. of America, 5018, 5019. of England, 3403. Woodhull, atchievement, 5016. " Woodlands," 1815. G071. Woodman, C., 1700, 1731, 3380. Woodranger tales, 4428. Woodruff, C., 5637, 5639, 7413, 7417, 7418. Woodruff, F. E., 4559, 4560. Woodruff, G. II., 1418, 1430, 1431. Woodruff family, 3376, 5749. Woods, II. E., 2135, 3416, 3977. Woods, J. M.,. 930. Woods, K. P., 810. Woods, L., 1702, 1719, 1739, 1757. Woods. M. L., 946, 974. Woods, R. M.. 4097. Woods, T. H., 4349. Wood s New England s prospect, 2796, 4102. authorship of introductory essay of third edition, 2775. Woodson, M. W., 1642. Woodson family, 6857, 6858, 6859. Woodstock, Conn., expedition from New London to, 1699. 2778. first settlers, 3376. Woodstock, Mich., history, 4260. W T oodward, A., 3369, 3370, 3373, 3378, 3477, 6300. Woodward, A. B., 1267. Woodward, B. W., 1580. Woodward, C. S., 4279. Woodward, John, letters, 1721. 2782. Woodward, P. II., 1114, 1197, 3398, 3400. Woodward, Stanley, 6423, 6448, 6456. Woodward, T. R., 3409, 3410. Woodward (Nathaniel) family, 3409. Woodward and Saffery, map of 1642. 4133. Woodworth, II.. 4908. Wool book, 809. Woojen, W. W., 1453. Woolen cloths, household manufacture of. premiums in New York, 1809- 1814. 4686. Woolen manufacture, introduction in United States, 6553. Wooley, M. E., 36. Wooley family, 6067. Woolley, E. C., 4830. Woolley, F. II. C., 3324. Woolley, Mary E., 6470, 6580. Woolsey, T. S., 24. Woolsey family, 5021. of Glen Cove, L. I., 5019. Woolsey (B.) family, (Dosoris, L. I.), 5020. Woolson, Constance F., 6059. Woolverton, W. B., 5641. Wool worth, J. M., 4405, 4408, 4409. Wooster family, 5045, 5046. Wooten, D. G., 6680. Worcester, I). C., 899. Worcester, S. T., 3385, 3386, 3388, 3389, 3624, 4435, 44.V,. Worcester, Mass., 1892. 4209. bicentennial, 1684-1884. 4220. births, marriages, and deaths, 4212. Worcester, Mass., births, 1714-1848. 4207. branch railroad, 4213. burial-ground inscriptions, 4212. central exchange, history of, 1804 to 1896. 4213. a century ago, 4212. Chandler farm on Main street, 4213. civil war, 4205. court of general sessions, records, 1731- 1737. 4201. deaths, 1826-1 S4S. 4207. Exchange street sixty years ago, 4212. exhibition of antique musical instru ments, 4214. early families, 1616-1843. 4213. first Catholic cemetery, 4212. Forefathers Day commemoration. 4210, 4212. Front street in the thirties, 4210. Harvard street, 1876-1896. 4210. Henchman, D., farm, 4214. historic spots, marking, 4213. history, 4202, 4219, 4220. history, local, 4212. imprints, 208. Indian mortar, 4210. inscriptions from old burial grounds, from 1727-1859. 4198. list of historical, biographical genealog ical papers, etc., 4212. list of voters in 1799. 4212. literary exchange, 1810. 209. local events, 1897. 4212. Main street sixty-three years ago, 4203. Main street in early times, 4226. marriages, 1747-1848. 4207. Mechanic street from 1830-1S40. 42i2. Merrifield fire of 1854. 4213. Methodism in, beginnings of, 4205. Metropolitan water basin, trip to. 4214. militia, Second Regiment, Second Brigade, Seventh Division, 1796. 4210. Nathan Patch house, 4214. north end of Main street and old Lincoln street, 4214. obituaries for 1891 and 1892. , 4209. old, 4205, 4213, 4214. old laws and new. 4213. old Lincoln street, 4213. old Pine Meadow road and its forgotten bridge, 4215. post-office and its occupants, 4212. random recollections, 1839-1843. 4202, 4223. recollections of Central and Thomas streets, 4212. recollections of old Market street sixty years ago, 1899. 4213. recollections of School street in the thir ties and early forties of 1800. 4213. early records, 1722-1783. 4198, 4200. records of proprietors of, 41-99. records, proprietary, town, and court, 4212. record publication, 4205. 1324 SUBJECT AND AUTHOK INDEX. Worcester, Mass., reminiscences, 4205. early reminiscences, 4209. reminiscences of Thomas street schools and schoolhouse sixty years ago, 4215. early roads. 421G. Salisbury Hall, opening of, 4200. schools for girls, 4215. Second parish, 197, 304, 4212. early settlement. 4202. some Worcester matters, 1689-1743. 4203. subscription to move capital to. 209. taverns, old time, 4215. tax list of. 1789. 4212. topographical description. 2019. town records, 1784-1848. 4204, 4200, 420G, 4211. Trumbull mansion, 4213. Wheeler (Joseph) house, 4215. Worcester County, Mass., antislavery so ciety, 4203. early bar, 4213. cattle shows, 4212. division of, 2540. history, 4205, 4215, 4231. Indian trails, 4132, 4210. militia, pay abstract, 4210. militia, services in Providence, R. I., 1776-77. 4210. early paper mills, 4203. second court-house, architecture of, 4213. exercises, June 30, 1900. 4213. history, 4213. Worcester County Musical Association, 4202, 4212. Worcester artillery roll, 1825. 4213. Worcester district, Mass., in Congress, 1789-1757. 4205. Worcester imprints, 208. Worcester Light Infantry, 1803-1902. 4213. Words coined in Boston, 2075, 2078. Workman, W. II., 1018, 1020. Workman, American, 1863. Worley, J. L., 6687. Wormeley, R., letter, 1795. 6854. Wormeley, R., jr., letter, 1783. 6855. Wormeley family, 6854. Worth, H. B., 3342, 3344-3346, 3352, 4043, 7535. Worthington, E., 2196, 2198, 2199, 2201- 2203, 2569, 2574, 7397, 7398. cavalry company, pay roll, 1778-79. 6855. Worthington, J. T., 5656. Worthington, J. W., 2195. Worthington, T., 5747. Worthington, Ohio, 5725. female seminary, 5748. inscriptions from Walnut Grove Ceme tery, 5749. medical college, 5748. Methodist Episcopal Church, 5749. muster roll, 1808. 5748. Ohio Central Normal School, 5749. Presbyterian Church, 5749. Worthington, Ohio, recollections, 1803- 1903. 5748. St. John s Church, 5748. parish register, 5743, 5744. St. John s churchyard, 5743. settlement, 5743. Wounded Knee, battle of. 4408. Wouterszen-Breestede family (New York), 5022. Wozencraft, O. M., 1055. Wrangell Mountains, 904. Wren, C., 6428. Wren, J. S., 1427. Wrenshall. J., 6065. Wrentham, Mass., births, 2200, 2201. deaths, 1673-1704. 3361. early planters of. 3365. proposed division, 1720. 3380. early records, 3362. records, 2198. Wright, A. W., 1395. Wright, C. C., 214o. Wright, Carroll D., 3, 808, 809, 811. Wright, Ellen M., 3321. Wright, Florence B., 5726. Wright, G. B., 5703, 5720. Wright, G. F., 5713, 5718, 5778, 5782, 7142. Wright, G. G., 1513, 1515, 1521. Wright, G. R., 1614. Wright, G. T., 2350. Wright, Harrison, 6420c, 6421, 6431. Wright, I. N., 1427. Wright, J., 6186. deed to T. Coffin, 1655. 3372. Wright, Sir J., letters, 1774-1782. 1305. report on conditions of Georgia, 1773. 1305. Wright, J. N., 4294. Wright, J. O., 3394. Wright, J. R., 6464. Wright, J. V., 1284. Wright, J. W., 3362. Wright, Louise, 5748. Wright, L. H., 5749. Wright, Marcus J., 4, 12, 1281, 1282, 1285, 1289. Wright, N., lefter and journal, 1745-1747. 3360. Wright, Nellie H., 5748. Wright, R. M., 1581. Wright, R. W., 1157. Wright, S., 3393, 3697a, 5432. Wright, Mrs. S. S., 993. Wright, T. A., 5070. Wright, W. C., 807, 808, 811. Wright, W. K., 3398, 3401. Wright, W. T., 7476. Wright, W. W., 3886, 4097, 4906. Wright family, 3395, 3398, 3416, 3697r/, 5018. (Abel) family, 3393. (Samuel) family, 3362. Wright s campaign, 6870. Writ, 1685. 3378. Writs of assistance, 2071. in 1761. 3092. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR IND?:X. 1325 Writs of assistance, remarks on Otis s argument against, 2796. Wrong, G. M., 7368, 7369, 7374. Wiirtele, P. C., 7191, 7192, 7216, 7311, 7323. Wiirtele, J., 7347. Wulflng, John M., 7518. Wyalusing, Pa., Moravian mission at Fried- enshuetten, 6222. Wyandot Indians, farewell song, 5726. Wyandot-Iroquois vocabulary, 7187. Wyandot missions, 1806-7. 5777, No. 50. Wyandots, 4415. Wyandotte constitutional convention, 1577. Wyandotte, Mich., history, 4265. Wyatt family, 6858. Wyche family, 6861-6865. Wyckoff, A. B., 6870. Wyer, J. I., 17. Wyer family, 3383. Wyeth, Nathaniel, correspondence and jour nal 1831-1836. 5794. Wylie, Andrew, 1443, 1451. Wylie, J. C., 6083, 6085. Wylie, S. B., 6386. Wylie, T. W. J., 6064. Wyllys family, 3395. Wyman, Joseph, 3324. Wyman, Justus, 945. Wyman, M., jr., 3408. Wyman, N/, 3361. Wyman, R. H., 549. Wyman, T. B., 3361. Wyman, T. B., jr., 2246, 3365, 3376. Wyman, W.. revolutionary deposition, 1850. 1716. Wyman, W. S., 944. Wyman family, 3361, 3408. Wynkoop, R., 5036-5040. Wynne, J., 545, 546, 1877. Wynne, J. J., 5507. Wynne, T. H., 3385, 6793. Wyoming, bad lands of, 556. historical sketches, 7129. history, 7123. mammals of, 2344. Wyoming or Connecticut s East India Com pany, 1151. Wyoming, Pa., battle and massacre ; Anni versaries, 6407-6419. first attempts at self-government, 1772 7.".. 6412. massacre in 1778. 2793, 3372, 3472, 6449, 7454. last survivor, 3377. one hundred and twenty-sixth anni versary, 7487. one hundred and twenty-seventh anni versary, 7488. tragedy of, 4773, 4788. "A Yankee celebration in ye olden time," 642 la. Wyoming Valley, aboriginal pottery, 6428. anthracite coal, discovery and use, 5968. archaeology, 6421. buried, investigation of, 6425. Wyoming Valley, carboniferous limestone beds and fossils, 6443. conchology, 6421. forts erected prior to 1783. 6453. glaciation, vascular plants, etc., 6158- 6160. gristmills, 6424. limestone beds, 6421. marriages and deaths, 1826-1836. 6423. Moravian and Indian occupation, 1742- 1763. 6467. paleontology, 6421. pioneer physicians, 1771-1825. 6428 poets and poetry, 6163. taxable inhabitants, 1776-1780. 6424. Yankee and the Pennamite in, 6423. Wythe, G., gift, 1787. 6860. Wythe family, 6850. Y ager, J., naturalization paper, 6851. Yakima County, Wash., 6870. Yakima Indian war, 1855-56. 7478. Yale, C. B., 4098. Yale, E., 3363. Yale family, 3411. Yale University, alumni in official positions, 3400, 38l7a. bicentennial, 2805. early history, 2138. ecclesiastical constitution. 1158, 1170. founding, 1158, 1171. graduates in western Massachusetts, 1159, 1180. Jewish graduates, 629. a journal of one hundred years ago, 1159. " New philosophy " at, 1714. 206. presidency of, 207. 436. social distinctions before the Revolution, 204, 405. Yamachiche, Canada, history, 1703-1903. 7537. Yancey, W. L., 961. Yangtze Valley, 901. Yankee Lewis s hostelry, 4278. Yankee in Wyoming Valley, Pa.. 6456. Yankee Springs, 4278. Yaple, J., 1422. Yard, J. S., 4554, 4635. Yarmouth, Mass.. memorabilia of, 2623. south part of, 2626. Yarmouth, North, Me., 169S. four judges of, 1707. Yarmouth letters, 167(5-77 and 1686. 3375. Yarnell, Jesse, 1020. Yates, II. W., 4410. Yates family, 6831. of Jefferson County, W. Va., 689O. Yazoo County, Miss., early history and archaeology, 4351. Yazoo land companies, 5, 7. Yeager raid, 1863. 1582. Yeakle, W. A., 5959. Yeardley. Kir G., answer to charges of J. Martin, etc., 6831. instructions to, 1618, 1626. 6826. Yeates, J., letters to W. Hamilton, 1789. 6080. 1326 SUBJECT AND AUTHOE INDEX. Yeaton, II. P., 4159, 4160. Yellow fever epidemic in New Haven in 1794. 1161. Yellowstone expedition, 1863. 4394. in 1874. 4394. Yellowstone Park, 550. tour, 1877. 4396. wonders of, 549. Yendell family, 3416, 3971a. Yeocomico River, fort on, 1667. 6857. Yerex, A. E., 1016. Yewell, G. H., 1517. Yohogania County, Va., county courts, 1777-1780. 6406. Yojoa, Lake, 546. Yonge, J. E. D., 946, 972, 976. Yonge, S. H., 6773, 6835, 6836. Yonkers, N. Y., Catholic church, 5849. York, Duke of, reasons for indictment of, 2782. York, Canada, capture of, 2780. journey to, 1806. 7301. York, England, 7188. York, Me., corporate limits, 1707. Danforth s deed of land to, 3100. deed of Thomas Danforth, 1684. 2795. deeds, 1642-1726. 1775-1780. 1726-1730. 1694-1696. destruction of, 3387. garrison houses of, 1703, 3386, 3625. grant from Gorges to Mason, 1635, 1775. houses of Gorges and Godfrey, 1707. John Mason s royal charter, 1635. 1775. old burying-ground inscriptions, 3363. oration delivered of two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of town, 1801. (Sewall) inscriptions, 3367. schools, 1764-69. 3392. topography, 2621., York Institute, Maine, history, 1806. York, N. Y., 4923, 4924. York, Pa., history, 1778. 6072. in the Revolution. 6152. York, Va., journal of the siege, 2627. Temple farm, 6850. York, Cape, ironstone, 570. York County, Mo., marriages, 1686-1699. 3386. records, 1697, 3407. York County, Va., court-house, 6861. court, marriage-license bonds, 6849. epitaphs and inscriptions, ancient, 6817. old tombstones, 6850. proceedings of court, 1661. 6859. records, 1677-1705. 6857. York factory, Hudson s Bay, journal of a voyage to, 1841. 5813. Yorkshire, list of pedigrees, 1584, 1612, and 1665. 3369. Yorktown, campaign. 6061. capitulation at, 6067. in 1854. 6858. siege of, 6009. Yorktown, siege, 1781, J. Duncan s diary, 5749. siege, 1862. 3333, 3334. siege of, Trumbull s journal of, 2783. surrender at, 3383. Yorktown monument, 2786. Yor-ktown-Washington mulberry tree, 6861. Yosemite Park, 550. Yosemite Valley, 6522. Young, A., 2614. Young, A. A., 813, 815. Young, B. H., 1627. Young, C. E., 6927. Young, C. H., 576, 6781. Young, C. S., 3325. Young, E. J., 2787, 2789, 2791, 2800-2802, 2968, 2978, 3099, 3185, 7455. Young, F. G., 24, 5794, 5797, 5800, 5802, 5804a, 5841, 5842. Young, J., 555, 4931. Young, J. Q. A., 5827. Young, M. F., 5042. Young, M. I., 5042. Young, T., letter to Sir T. Matthew, 1929. Young, W., journal, 1776-77. 6064. Young (John) family, 5050, 5051. Young Men s Christian Association, his tory, 5701. " Young Territory " history, 6687. Younglove, S., deposition, 1658,1668. 3374. Youngman, D., 3392. Youngman family, 3392, 3393. Youngs family, 5028, 5046. Youngs (Christopher) family, 5029 Youth and Revolutions, 2801. Yowanne Indians, 4349. Yucatan, ancient structures of, 203, 392. archaeology, 192, 199, 274, 332. bibliography, 288. explorations in, 189, 348. hill caves, 6401. semicivilized races, 517. war, 1847. 214a. water supply of, 214a. See also Maya antiquities. Yukon district, 894. Yukon gold fields, 899. Yukon River, 547. exploration in 1883. 560. journey up the, 571. life on, 900. northwest passes, 899. Yuma Indian depredations, 1021. Yuma trail, 902. Zabriskie, Andrew C., 656, 657, 661, 664. Zabriskie family, 5038. Zacharie, J. S., 1667, 7440. Zacher, C, D., 4795. Zane family 6068. Zane s trace, 5725. Zeigler, J. L., 6165. Zeisberger, David, 6967, 6068, 6072. diary, 5663, 5665, 5672. Zell, Lydia D., 6166. SUBJECT AND AUTHOR INDEX. 1327 Zeller, N., 1506. Zeller family 3371. Zeno, voyages of the Venetian brothers, 2782, 2905. Zerbe, C. M., 6208. Zevely, D., 1268-1270. Zimmerman, T. C., 5930, 5933, 5934, 5940- 5942, 5948, 5960, 6195, 6352, 6355. Zinzendorf, Count N. L., von, 6467. diary, 6222. letters of condolence to 6223. Zinzendorf, Count N. L., von, journey, Sheko- meko and the Susquehanna, 6222. Zion Church, Baltimore, 2023. Zionist projects, American, 631. Zoar, Ohio, Society of Separatists, 10. Zoology, fifty years ago and to-day (1884) 2439. Zuber, W. P., 6679, 6680, 6683. Zubly, J. J., letter, 1773. 2777. Zufii Indians, schools, 1522. Zyperus family (New York), 5022. PERSONAL SUBJECT INDEX. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, ETC. (References are to title numbers, not to pages.) Abbot, D., 7408. Abbot, S., 4451. Abbott, E., 3687. Abbott, S. W., 815. Abernethy, W. B., 1016. Aboab, I., 628. Ackley, E. L., 1581. Acunha, Tristan d , 2630. Adair, John, 1642. Adair, Sarah D., 5831. Adams, A., 1521. Adams, Chas., jr., 3399, 4203. Adams, C. F., 2793, 2803. Adams, C. F., jr., 3684. Adams, C. K., 5006. Adams, PToenezer, 3359. Adams, Eliphalet, 2741. Adams, E. F., 3687. Adams, Franklin G., 1580, 4311. Adams, G., 3687. Adams, Hannah, 2200, 2201. Adams, Hugh, 3389. Adams, Herbert B., 1285, 1864, 2805. Adams, John, President, 2770, 3369. Adams, Rev. John, 1713. Adams, John (Nova Scotia and Boston), 3390. Adams, Josiah, 3683. Adams, J. Q., 1393, 2650, 3383, 3599, 3682. Adams, J. W., 5487. Adams, R., 3683. Adams, Samuel, 1814, 2789, 3388, 6037. Adams, Thomas, 1652, 2797. Adams, T. A. S., 4347. Adams, Rev. William, 2649, 2741, 5027. Addison, R., 7298. Agassiz, L., 2897. Agnese, Baptista, 3203. Agnew, Gen. J. T., 6084. Agnew, S., 6319. Agrada, Maria Jesus de, 6679. Alcott, Bronson, 7186. Alden, E., 3393, 3706. Aldrich, C., 4304. Aldrich, Mrs. C., 1521. Aldrich, P. E., 204, 205. Alexander, Emily I., 6423. Alexander, F., 4213. Alexander, J. H., 1957. Alexander, Sir Wm., 4108, 7317. Alexander, William, called Lord Stirliiw, 4526. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 84 Alfred the Great, 1717. millennial, 210, 476, 1717, 1795. Allan, G. H., 3757. Allan, John, 3370, 3388, 3653. Allen, A., 6066. Allen, B., 1710. Allen, Charles, 209, 471. Allen, Ethan, 4439, 5411, 6765, 7480. Allen, Fighting Parson, 5043, 5045. Allen, George, 4202, 4218. Allen, Hope, 3405. Allen, I., 6720. Allen, John, 4730. Allen, Rev. John, 3399. Allen, Joseph, 2770. Allen, J. H., 2137, 2138. Allen, O., 4770. Allen, Parker, 7367. Allen, T. P., 3687. Allen, William, 1708. Allen, William (chief justice of Pa.), 6057 6086. Allen, Rev. William> 1701, 3687. Allen, W. F., 6995. Allen, Zachariah, 2788, 6555. Allen, Zenas, 2571. Allerton, Isaac, 2645, 3366, 6856. Allibone, S. A., 6071, 6118. Allin, John, 3400. Allinson, S., 4552, 4624. Allison, W. B., 1516. Allouez, Claude Jean, 6938, 6967, 7523. Allston, J. B., 6650. Allyn, John, 2643, 2722. Alricks, J., 1240. Alricks, P., 5039. Alston, John, 6651. Ames, Ellis, 198, 2791. Ames, F. L., 2133, 2143, 3407. Ames, L. J., 4923. Ames, N., 3374. Ames, Samuel, 3687. Ames, Seth, 2788, 2789. Ammidown, H., 4202, 4221. Amory, T. C., 2795, 3096. Amory, W., 2794. Ancona, Eligio, 204. Anderson, A., 5285. Anderson, J. A., 1582. Anderson, J. F., 3401, 3806. Anderson, J. T., 5749. Anderson, M. B., 371. Anderson, S., 7365. Andre, Father Louis, 916. 1329 1330 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Andre, Major J., 4548, 4584, 5525. Andrew, John Albion, 2265, 2787, 2964, 3557, 3572, 3687. Andrew, J. F., 2135, 2148. Andrew, S., 2243. Andrew, W. A., 3687. Andrews, E. T., 3682. Andrews, Henry, 3409, 3410, 3913. Andrews, I. W., 3400, 3791a. Andrews, W. H. H., 2572. Andriessen, J., 618. Andros, Sir E., 4104, 4446, 5559. Angel, B. F., 4926. Angel, J., 3372. Angle, J. L., 5520. "Appleseed, Johnny," 5647, 5721. Appleton, Elizabeth H., 5675. Appleton, John, 1708. Appleton, Dr. John, 2784, 2930. Appleton, Nathan, 2774, 2812, 3374, 3486, 3685. Appleton, Samuel, 2651, 2772, 3366, 3683. Appleton, William, 2775, 2822, 3375. Appleton, .W. S., 2807, 3287, 3293, 3416, 3980a. Apsall, N., 3392. Archibald, Sir A. G., 7281. Armance, L., 1709. Armand, C., 6078. Armstrong, James, 3383. Armstrong, John, 6057, 6166. Armstrong, S. T., 3402, 3682. Arnold, A. M., 1394. Arnold, Benedict, 5017, 5412, 5525, 7345. Arnold, I. N., 1383, 1391, 1394. Arnold, O., 3413. Arnold, S. G., 6319. Arp, B., 5572. Arvers, F., 7324. Asbury, Bishop Francis, 777, 1258. Ashley, C., 3360. Ashley, Jonathan, 4097. Ashley, R., 3391. Ashton, James, 5045. Aspinwall, J., 5041. Aspinwall, T., 2797. Astor, John Jacob, 886. Atherton, Hope, 4096. Atlee, S. J., 6166. Atwater, C., 5726. Atwood, L., 4311. Atwood, W., 5379. Aubrey, Joseph, 7346. Aubry, Charles Philippe, 1665. Audubon, John J., 1640, 5856, 5960, 7422. Aulnay-Charnisay, Charles de Menon, sieur d , 2652, 4209. Autray, Sieur de, 7347. Avery, J., 1204. Avery, S. P., 5051. Awbrey, Martha, 6069. Axtell, D., 6651. Aycrigg, B., 5042. Ayer, F., 4308. Ayers, J. J., 1015. Ayres, J., 3388. Ayres, W., 4159. B, Babcock, L. A., 4311. Babie, Jacques, 7349. Babin, Marie, 7347. Babson, J. J., 2793, 3039. Bachelder, J. B., 2574 V Bachiler, Stephen, 3404. Bachman, John, 7422. Bacon, E., 3687. Bacon, E. W., 1192. Bacon, J., 4535. Bacon, Leonard, 2788. Bacon, Sir N., 3408. Bacon, T., 1915. Badger, J., 4451. Bailey, Rev. Jacob, 1683, 1713. Bailey, W. M., 6585. Baird, C. W., 5036. Baker, D., 3361. Baker, D. A., 2201. Baker, D. S., 5800. Baker, Marcus, 905, 1021, 1024, 1271. Baker, N. B., 1513, 1521. Baker, O. C., 4459. Baker, R., 7411. Baker, S., 4931. Baker, W. S., 6077, 6078. Balch, F. V., 2137. Balch, Thomas, 2202. Balch, Wm., 2243. Baldwin, A. C., 4283. Baldwin, Caleb, 1513. Baldwin, Charles C., 5782. Baldwin, Christopher C., 117, 124. Baldwin, John, 3385. Baldwin, J. D., 4202, 4222. Baldwin, Mary W., 7385. Balfe, J. L, 5851. Ball, Edward, 3367. Ball, Mary, 1640. Ball, N., 6584. Ball, P., 4210. Ball, R., 6832. Ballon, A., 4205. Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, 2<l laron, 1282, 4326. Baltimore. George Calvert, Ixt baron, 1870, 1940. Balz, J., 632. Bancroft, G., 202, 375, 2796, 4213, 5047. Bancroft, Capt. James, 2772. Bandini, Juan, 1017. Bangs, E., 2800, 3173. Banneker, B., 1872, 1901. Baptiste, J. (Le flibustier), 7345. Baraga, Bishop, 4278. Barbarie, J., 5020. Bard, S., 5122. Barden, Stillman, 2246. Barker, David, 4449, 7298. Barker, F., 1710. Barker, G. D., 2137. Barker, John, 2137. Barker, Josiah, 3382, 3594. Barlitt, D., 5639. Barnard, D. D., 2774. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1331 Barnard, H., 3414. Barnard, John, 3198. Barnard, Joseph, 3367. Barnes, A., 3687. Barnes, A. S., 4960. Barnes, John, 1270. Barrett, B., 1152. Barrett, J., 3413. Ban-is, W. H., 1517. Ban-on, II. D., 6931. Barrows, W., 1709. Barry, John, 12, 5849, 5850, 5863. Barry, J. S., 2782. Barry, William, 198. Barstow, John, 3376, 3504, 3686. Barstow, W. A., 6930. Bart, J., 6168. Barth, Louis, 5844. Bartlet, W. S., 2792, 3041. Bartlett, P. M., 3751. Bartlett, Josiah, 2770, 2952. Bartlett, J. R., 6565. Bartlett, S., 3683. Bartlett, W. H., 4216. Barton, W. S., 208. .Bass, J. W., 4311. Bassett, R., 1247. Bates, C., 3684. Bates, E., 4378. Bates, I. C., 3389, 3657. Bates, J., 6707. Bates, J. N., 4202. Baury, A. L., 3687. Baxter, G. A., 6844, 6845. Baxter, J., 1710. Bayard, Col. John, 4549, 4559, 4589, 5063. Bayard, Nicholas, 4892. Bayard, Samuel, 4552. Bayer, Madame, 930. Bayless, J. C., 6891. Baylies, W., 3687. Baynton, P., 2133. Beach, C. O., 4925. Beaman, E., 4217. Bean, T. W., 5959. Bean, William H., 7422. Beardshear, W. M., 1524. Beardsley, C., 1523. Beaucours, Josue Boisberthelot de, 7349. Beauharnais, Charles de, 7347. Beauharnais, Frangois de, 7347. Beaujeu, Charles Frangois Lienard Ville- monble de, 7347. Beaujeu, D. H. M. L. de, 6064. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, 5277. Beaumouchel, Robert-Anne d Estimauville de, 7349. Beauregard, Gen., 3338. Bechtel, J., 6075, 6122. Beck, John, 6166. Becket, Mary, 6066, 6071. Beckwith, Julia C., 7347. B<5dard, P., 7323, 7346. Bedel, T., 4457. Bedford, Gunning, jr., 5046. Bee, H. I ., 6680. Beebe, G. M., 1579. Beebee, J., 1145, 1150. Beech, Abbie K., 4280. Beecher, Henry Ward, 4964. Begon, M., 7347a. Beidelman, W., 6365. Beierlin, Catarina, 6891. Belcher, Joseph, 2206, 2207, 3369, 7406. Belknap, A., 4159. Bel knap, Jeremy, 202, 2138, 2624. Belknap, W. W., 1519. Bell, A., 1012. Bell, C. II., 204, 3407, 3873, 4456. Bell, John, 38. Bell, J. J., 204. Bell, L. G., 1521. Bell, L. V., 2774, 2776, 2821. Bell, P. H., 6681. Bell, S. D., 3381, 3665, 3687. Bellingham, Richard, 3386, 3394. Bellingshausen, F. G. von, 577. Bellomont, R., Earl, 3377, 5318. Belmont, Baron de, 625. Beltrami, Constantine, 4303. Bemis, George, 2785, 2942. Benham, N. S., 6707. Benjamin, J. P., 635. Bennet, M. S., 6685. Bennett, C. D., 4930. Bennett, Joel C., 4925. Bennett, John Chase, 1524. Bennett, J. E., 1523. Bennett, Richard, 1284. Bentley, Wm., 2256, 2280, 2770. Benton, E., 3412. Benton, Ida L., 2572. Benton, T. H., 4383. Benton, T> H., jr., 1524. Berendt, C. H., 198, 313, 523. Bergen, T. G., 5027. Berkeley, G., 389. Berkeley, Sir W.. 6830. Berkley, Lord John, 4556. Berry, H. G., 1717. Berryer, A. P., 5276. Berryhill, S. Newton. 4344. Berthier. Alexandra de. 7347. Bertram, John, 2260, 2438. Bethune. G. W., 3686. Bettle, E., 5967. Betts, B. R., 5077. Betts, W., 5031. Bezaillon, P., 5888. Biard, Pierre. 7347. Biddle, Chapman, 6102. Biddle, C. J., 6046. Biddle, N., 6074. Biddle, O., 6072. Siddle, Thomas, 6070. Biddle, Wm., 6070. Bidwell, M. S., 5036. Bien, II., 628. Biencourt. C. de, 7321. Bigelow, E. B., 2786, 2788, 2795, 3094. Bigelow, Jacob, 2786, 2963. 1332 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Biggs, W., 1423. Biles, W., 6082. Billings, F., 3403. Binford, Joseph Baker, 7525. Bingham, J. A., 57-22. Bininger, A., 5048. Binney, Horace, 2783. Binney, Capt. M., 4158. Bird, Lt. Col. John, 6084. Bird, Thomas, 3500. Birkbeck, Morris, 7425. Bishop, Abraham, and his writings, 3308. Bishop, Harriet E., 4311. Bishop, John, 5043. Bismarck, 7. Bissell, William H., 1428. Bissell, W. S., 4775. Bissot, F., 7317. Black, Henry, 2782. Black, M., 4311. Black, R. S., 6932. Black Hawk, 1514, 1516, 6929. Blackburn, S., 6845. Blackburn, W. M., 6657. Blackman, B., 1710. Blackmer, F., 4202. Blackstone, H., 7347. Blackstone, William, 2638, 3372. removal of the remains of, 2792. Blngden. G. W., 2791. Biaine, J. G., 573. Blair, F. P., jr., 4383. Blair, J., 1831. Blake. E. W., 6583. Blake, J. H., 1265. Blake, J. L., 3684. Blake, M., 4033&. Blake, P., 3685. Blake, S., 3552, 3687. Blakeley, R., 4311. Blanchard, J., 4428. Blanchard, P., 2138. Blancbard, Rufus, 7425. Bland, Mary, 6856. Blaxton, William, 7392. Bleackie, John, 2572. Bleakie, J. S., 2573. Bleecker, A., 5049. Blennerhasset, 5713. Blinman. R., 3412. 3939. Bliss, Daniel, 4209. Bliss, P. C., 198. Blodget, S., 4427. Blood, E., 3411, 3923. Bloomer, D. C., 1509. Bloomfield, J., 4631. Boal, J. M., 4311. Boal, Robert, 7425. Boardman, S., 1784. Boardman, T., 6718. Bobst, C., 4424. Bochart, Jean, 7347. Bodine, - , 4517. Boehler, Peter. 6223. Boggs, Lydia, 6891. Boissiere, E. V., 1581. Boles, H., 1513. Boiling, R., 6836. Bolton, R., 5024. Boltwood, L. M., 3417. Bond, Henry, 3372, 3470, 3684. Bond, T., 3409. Bonne, P. A. de, 7349. Bonnecamps, J. P. de, 7320, 7322, 7323. Bonner, F. J., 4933. Bonner, J., 3372. Bonner, S., 4345. Bonneville, 4396. Bonquet, H., 6059. Boon, D., 5725. Boone, D., 1639. Borden, N. B., 3687. Bortfleld, B., 3686. Bostwick, W., 4800. Bouc, Charles B., 7347. Boucher de la Broquerie, Pierre, 2135, 7321. Boudinot, Elias, 4893, 6059, 6080. Boujonnier, C., 7345. Bouldin, Joanna, 6860. Boulware, A. L., 6829. Pourdages, Louis, 7350. Bourdon, Jacques, Sieur d Autray, 7347. Bourg, Joseph-Mathurin, 7346. Bourn, S., 3375. Bourne, Edward E., 1704, 3386, 3627. Bourne, Nehemiah, 3385. Boutell, L. H., 208. Bouterone, C. de, 7347o. Bouton, Alice, 3409. Boven, Oranje, 4885. Bowditch, N. L, 2774, 2817. Bowdoin, James, 2647. Bowen, Abel, 2084, 7392. Bo wen, G., 3405. Bowen, Jehdeiah, 7526. Bowen, J. H., 6670. Bowles, J., 3360. Bowman, S., 6165. Bowyer, H., 6845. Boyd, A., 1711. Boyd, George, 6934. Boyle, A. A., 1020. Boyle, Robert, 197, 300. Boylston, John, 3393. Boylston, Zaddiel, 3393. Boynton, Eleazer, 3321. Boyse, Joseph, 3370. Bozman, J. L., 1946. Brackenbury, S., 3377. Brackett, E., 4158. Bradbury, J. M., 3389, 3659. Brad.bury, J. W., 1717. Bradford, Andrew, 5885, 6033. Bradford, Gamaliel, 2639, 2647, 2735. Bradford, John, 2770. Bradford, L., 3682. Bradford, W. B., 3687. Bradish, L., 3686, 5231. Bradlee, C. D., 3410, 6585. Bradley, C. W., 3687. Bradley, D. M., 44281). Bradley, J. P., 4556. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1333 Bradley, W. H., 1383. Bradshaw, John, 3369. Bradstreet, Ann, 2586, 4163. Bradstreet, E. P., 4163. Bradstreet, Simon, 2586, 3359. Brady, the Indian hunter, 5776, No. 29. Brainard, A. H., 7422. P.rainerd, N. H., 1524. Brand, Joshua, 2567. Brandmiller, J., 6062. Branson, W. II., 5571. Brant, Joseph, 3360, 3361, 4773, 7298. Brasseur de Bourbourg, Abbe, 202. Brattle, T., 2626. Bray, Thomas, and his libraries, 35, 1956. Brayton, J. S., 2808. Breathitt, John, 1643. Brebeuf, J. de, 7345. Breck, D., 4164, 4168. Breck, E., 3360. Breck, S., 3686, 6026. Brede, F. H.. 1523. Brehm, Diederick, 3395. Brent, J., 6832. Brent, J. C., 1279. Brent, R., 1265. Brevoort, J. C., 4959, 4960. Brewer, John, 3388. Brewer, R., 5640. Brewster, L. E., 3682. Brewster, W.. 2881, 3047, 3376, 4210. Briand, Jean Olivier, 7350. Brick, E., 614. Bridge, Ebenezer, 2543. Bridger, J., 4396. Briggs, A., 1519. Briggs, G. N., 2047, 3685. Brigham, L. F., 2806, 3275. Brigham, T., 4160. Brigham, William, 2782. Bright, J. B., 3393. Brimmer, Martin, 2135, 2800, 3190, 3200. Brinley, F. W., 3684. Brinton, D. G., 762, 6343. Broadus, John A., 1285. Brock, J., 1710. Rrockden, C, 6068. Brockholst, II., 5024. Brodhead, L. W., 6083. Broglie, Comte de, 6067. Bronson, H., 1161. Bronson, S. A., 7408. Brooke,. R., 6857. Brooke, W., 6825. Brooks, Charles, 2787. Brooks, C. T., 2260, 2434. Brooks, D. W., 5751. Brooks. E., 1712. Brooks. E. S., 415S. Brooks, G., 3683. Brooks, Henry M., 2272, 2273. Brooks, Gen. John, relics of, 2804. Brooks, Oov. John. 2772, 3377, 3524. Brooks. K. H., 5749. Brooks. P. C., 3366, 3367. Brooks, T. B., 4862. Brooks, W. G., 2786, 2954. Brough, J., 5725. Brouwer, Adam, 5024. Brown, Arthur, 3383. Brown, Bartholomew, 3483. Brown, Buckminster, 3122. Brown, B. Gratz, 4378. Brown, Collins A., 5637. Brown, G. H., 3687. Brown, John (1800-1859), 2791, 4202 4406. Among the Pedee Quakers, 1501. Exit from Kansas. 1582. Brown, John (Duxbury, Mass.), 3395. Brown, John (Providence, R. I.), 6584. Brown, Co?. John, 2044b, 2045, 5424 5428. Brown, Judge John, 6845. Brown, J. B., 1507. Brown, J. J. O., 5041. Brown, J. M., 6891, 7390. Brown, J. N., 209, 454, 2804. Brown, J. R., 4304. Brown, Moses, 3397, 6577. Brown, O., 6585. Brown, Peter, 3395. Brown, Plyna, 7408. Brown, Samuel, 3361, 6844. Brown, Solomon, 2593. Brown, Tabitha, 5801. Brown, Thomas, 1712. Brown, W. L., 946, 971, 976, 6670. Browne, A.. 3360. Browne, B. F., 2252, 2351. Browne, E. I., 3414. Browne, Hugh, 3379. Browne, John, Elder, 2247. Browne, John (1634-1662), 3394. Browne, Sir Thomas, 482. Brunei-, J. J., 5570. Brunner, D. B., 5951. Brunson, B. W.. 4311. Bruynne, Francoys d , 5025. Bryan, George, 5967. Bryan, G. M., 6683. Bryan, T. J., 5279. Bryant, D., 3687. Bryant, John, 3393. Bryant, Joseph, 3412. Bryant, J. D., 5856. Bryant, W. C., 2785, 2946, 5319. Brydolf, Fabian. 1523. Buchanan, James. 6155, 6837. Buckingham, C. P., 5744. Buckingham, E.. 5746. Buckingham, Mary, 5033. Buckingham, W. A.. 3388. Buckman, B., 3687. Buckminster, J. S., 2630. Bufflngton, E. D., 4213. Bulkeley, P., 3389. Bulkeley, R., 7284. Bullitt, Thomas, 6892. Bullock, A. H., 2793. 3050, 3408. iullock, Julia, 6582. Bunker, B., 3384. 1334 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Bunn, M., 4776. Bin-bank, C., 4210, 4234. Burd, J., 6082. Burdett, George, 1709, 7395. Burgess, E., 3687. Burgess, G., 1703. Burhans, S., jr., 5046, 5070. Burke, Edmund, 204, 403. Burke, Major John, 4098. Burke, Sir John, 3370. Burke, Sir John B., 3371. Burleson, R. C., 6683. Eurnap, G. W., 3684. Burnet, W., 4654, 6059. Burnett, D. G., 4546. Burnett, T. P., 6926. Burnside, A. E., 6595, 74820. Burnside, J., 6077. Burr, Aaron, portrait, 4544. Burr, II., 1246. Burrill, J., 6520. Burritt, Blackleach, 7498. Burritt, E., 5027. Burroughs, G., 1710. Burroughs, John, 2260o, 2455. Burroughs, Stephen, 7496. Burt, F., 4448. Burt, W. A., 4280. Burton, B., 1703. Burton, Ralph, 7347. Burton, W., 6859. Busey, S. C., 1268. Bush, E., 3687. Bush, J. H., 1626. Bushnell, A. S., 5725, 5749. Bushnell, W. M., 4311. Butler, C., 3683. Butler, E. C., 614. Butler, J., 3361. Butler, Richard, 6063. Butler, T., 6073. Butler, Zebulon, 6428. Butterfield, D., 5481. Butterfield, W., 5721. Byington, E. H., 3414, 3955o. Byles, M., jr., 2800, 3199. Byng, John, 7318. Bynner, E. L., 2798, 2799. Byrd, W., 3d, 6833. Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Nuiiez, 1578a,, 6679. Cabot, John, 15, 459, 1714, 5380, 6460, 7222. Cabot, J. E., 2807. Cabot, Sebastian, 459, 6460, 7222. Portrait of, 2777. Cadeau, J. B., 7346. Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe, 4281, 6938. Cadle, C., 1519. Cadwalader, L., 6066. Cadwalader, T., 6083. Gady, C. W., 3683. Cairnes, J. S., 5568. Caldwell, Billy, 1360. Caldwell, C., 4862. Caldwell, H., 7328. Caldwell, James, 609, 4537. Caldwell, M., 3682. Calhoun, J. C., 1287. Callahan, D., 6892. Calloway, R., 1642. Camden, W., 3362. Cammerhoff, John C. F., 6223. Campbell, A., 6890. Campbell, David, 6671. Campbell, Duncan, 5411. Campbell, F., 6084. Campbell, James, 5847. Campbell, John, 6671. Campbell, J. P., 6844. Campbell, J. V., 371. Campbell, Lauchlin, 4862. Campbell, Robert, 7149w. Campbell, S. L., 6844. Campbell, Thomas Edmund, 7350. Campfield, J., 4547. Canfield, Jane B., 7477. Cannon, A. M., 6869. Cannon, J., 4278. Cannon, W., 6834. Capen, E. H., 4161. Carey, H. C., 6094. Carey, Mathew, 611. Cargill, H., 609. Carleton, Sir G., 7346. Carleton, Oov. Thomas, 7536. Carlton, Oliver, 2259, 2423. Carlyle, Thomas, 2787. Carnegie, A., 1581. Carpenter, C., 6708. Carpenter, C. C., 1523. Carpenter, G. M., 6584. Carpenter, J. E., 6078, 6081. Carpenter, P., 1383. Carr, E. A., 4424. Carr, S. J., 3682. Carrel, Joseph, 2200. Carroll, J., 1964. Carroll, J. W., 927. Carroll, William, 6670. Carruthers, J. J., 1708. Carson, S. P., 6686. Carter, A. F., 4097. Carter, C. I. H., 5851. Carter, J., 6856. Carteret, Sir George, 4556. Cartier, Jacques, 7175o, 7315, 7316, 7322, 7350. Cartwright, P., 1423. Cartwright, Thomas, 39. Carvajal, , 2138. Carver, John, 3362, 3375. Carver, Jonathan, 4302, 4315, 6914, 6930. Carver, W., 6851. Gary, J., 1802. Gary, Sally, 2137. Cary, T. G., 2787. Case, Leonard, 5778. Case, William, 5778. Casey, T., 614. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1335 Casey, T. L., 3408. Casgrain, II. R., 7320. Cass, L., 3687. Cassegrain, P., 7346. Casson, Francois Dollier de, 6938. Castro, II., 628. Caswell, A., 3389, 3656. Cathcart, A. H.. 4311. Catlin, John, 6930a. Caulkins, Frances M., 1195, 3665. Cauvin, Anthony, 929. Cavour. Count, 5208, 5212. Ceracchi, Joseph, 6068. Cerre, J. G., 1424, 4378. Cesuola, L. P. di, 5051. Chabot, Jean, 7350. Chadbourne, P. A., 2789, 2808. Chadbourne, T., 3686. Chadwick, B., 1713. Chalker, Caroline B., 4280. Chamber, A., 1521. Chamberlain, John, 1715, 1788. Chamberlain, M., 2804, 3253. Chambers, B., 6154. Chambers, George, 6043. Chambers, John, 1506, 1513, 5018. Chambers, R., 6165. Champernowne, F., 3386, 4453. Champlain, S. de, 1396, 4867, 7324, 7441. Champlin, J. T., 1707. Champlin, S., 4760, 4777. Champney, Joseph, 2245. Chandler, George, 204. Chandler, John, 209, 1705, 3407. Chandler. I*. W., 2794. Chandler, S., 1711. Chandler, Thomas B., 3385, 3621. Chandler, W., 3391. Chapin, E. H., 3396, 3729. Chapman, John. 5721. Chapman, W.-W., 1519. Charles I, 5899. Chase, C., 4458. Chase, G. B., 2806, 2807, 3286. Chase, J., 1711. Chase, P., 5745. Chase, P. A., 2610. Chase, P. E., 199, 340. Chase, S., 1964. Chase, S. P., 5713. Chasmore R., case of, 1656-57. 3366. Chassaigne, Jean Bouillet de la, 7350. Chauncey, N., 3538, 3687. Chauncey, W., 3687. Chauncy, Charles, 2628. Chauveau, P. J. O., 7316. Chazelles, Guillaume de, 7347. Checkley, John, 4124. Cheesman, E., jr., 6849. Cheever, Ezekiel, 2635. 3080, 3399, 3415, 3584, 3673, 3775. Chesneau, J. dn, 7348. Chesney, J., 1640. Chester, A., sea fight, 1621. 6857. Chester, J. L., 2788, 3396, 3731, 5028. Cheverus, Jean Lefebvre de, 7393. Cheyney, T., 5879. (Muckering, Lydia, 3374. Chickering, T. E., 3687. Child, J. L., 1708. Child, Lydia M., 3320. Chiles, W., 6849. Chilton, Mary, 3373. Chipman, J., 3362. Choate, Rufus, 2492, 2773, 2801, 3684. Chouart, M. See Groseilliers. Christison, Wenlock, 1932. Church, Benj., portrait of, 2788. Church, S., 3683. Churchill, Charles, portrait of, 2788. Chute, T., 1713, 1767. Circourt, A. de, 2786, 2969. Clageit, W., 4448. Clagett, W. II., 4397. Claiborne, J. F. H., 4350, 4356. Claiborne, W., 3385. Claiborne, W., jr., 6853. Claiborne, William C. C., 4346. Clap, E., 2770. Clap, N., 3373. Clap, Thomas, 1160. Clapp, A. N., 4428. Clapp, D., 3406, 3861. Clapp, W. W., 3122. Clark, Aaron, 3685. Clark, Abraham, 6057. Clark, Ephraim, 1712. Clark, Ezekiel, 1523. Clark, E. S., 995. Clark, E. W., 4924. Clark, G., . & jr., 3412. Clark, Capt. James. 5043. Clark, Col. James. 1204. Clark, Oov. James, 1644. Clark, John, Mass., 3687. Clark, John, Pa., G076. .Clark, J. V. II.. 3687, 5487. Clark, Peter, 2240. Clark, S., 6931. Clark, S. F., 3685. Clark, S. M., 1524. Clark, Wm., 2786. Clarke, D., 3396. Clarke, II. S.. 3686. Clarke. James. 1520. Clarke, James. Freeman, 2794, 3076. Clarke, John, 2624. Clarke, M., 4394, 4395. Clarke, Robert, 208, 4311. Clarke, Samuel, 1513. Clay,. Clement C., 944. Clay, Henry, 8, 1384. 1393, 3383, 3599, 3682, 3692, 5344, 6110. Claypoole, .Tames, 60(59. Clayton, J. M., 1222. Cleaveland, C. II., 3086. Cleaveland, Moses. 5618. Cleaveland N., 4163. Cleaveland, P., 1702. 1739. Cleeman, T. M., 5911. Cleeve, George, 1674. Clements, J., 4453. 1336 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Clendinen, William, 6892. Cleveland, Aaron, 3400, 3706. Cleveland, C. D., 3687. Clifford, J. II., 2783, 2784, 2931. Clifford, N., 1705. Clingman, T. L., 5571. Clinton, George, 4865. Clinton, G. W., 4773, 4791. Clinton, James, 5136. Clough, G.. 44286. Clough, Martha F., 2572. Clutch, J., 6078. Coates, B. II., 6062. Cobb, David, 1712, 3376, 3418, 3512. Cobb. S. C., 2796, 2797, 3134. Cocher, C. H., 4930. Cochran, C., 3114. Cochran, John., 6059. Cochran, M. B., 1523. Cochrane, C., 2796. Codding, I., 7072. Coddington, J. I., 5038. Coddington, William. 3386, 3394. 6540. Codman, A. A., 6584. Codman, John, 2774, 3406. Coe, A., 7408. Coe, L., 7408. Coffin, C. C.. 3408. Coffin, Sir Isaac, 5032, 5064. Coffin, Joshua, 3539. 3687. Coffin, Paul, 1700, 1712. Coffin, Peleg, 2770. Coffin, Peter, 4453. Coffinberry, Andrew, 5722. Coggeshall, W. T., 36S7. Cogswell, William, 3395, 3682, 4450, 4451. Colburn, Isaac, 2197. Colburn, J., 3405, 3850. Colburn, Nathaniel, 2200. Colburn, Samuel, 2200. Colburn, Waldo. 2206. Colburn, Warren, 2197, 2199. Colby, H. G. O.. 3683. Cole, Sally, 2196. Coleman, J., 6083. Coles, A., 4556. Coles, E., 1385, 1424. Colesworthy, D. C., 3845. Colfax, W., 4548, 4586. Collamer, J., 6750. Collins, O., 5468. Collins, P. A., 614. Collins, R. H., 1612. Colman, B.. 3361. Colman, John. 2138. Columbus. 915. 1710, 6064. Conant, R., 3360. Concar.en, Bishop, 928. Conger, Enoch. 7417. Conick, S., 6844. Connolly, A. T., 915. Connolly, John, an American loyalist, 6068, 6069. 6175. Conover, O. M., 6932. Converse, A., 3408. Conyers, E.. 5041. Cook, Daniel P., 1349. Cook, G. H., 4555, 4637, 4642. Cook, H. H., 7366. Cooke, H. D., 5647. Cooke, J. M., 1514. Cooley, A. B., 4933. Coolidge, J., 2771. Coop, W. G., 1510. Cooper, James F., 5030, 5039. Cooper, Peter, 897. Cooper, Thomas, 3402, 3820. Copeland, E., 3687. Copley, J. S., Lord LyndUurst, 2137, 2776, 2781, 2895, 3686. Copp, J. A., 3687. Coppoc, E., 1522. Coram, Thomas, 203, 390, 4033er. " Corbin, A.. 1523. Cordova, J. de, 627. Cordy, A., 5219. Cornbury, Edward Hyde, Lord, 5899. Cornell, T. C., 5041. Cornwallis, Edward, 7284, 7324. Cornwallis, T., 3401, 3805c. Correa da Serra, J. F., 916, 5855o. Corrigan, Archbishop, 929. silver jubilee, 927. Corwin, George, 2256, 2408. Corwin, Matthias, 2256, 2408. Cotton, John, 2778. in Boston, Eng., 3386. Cotton, John, of Hampton, N. H.. 3367, 3392. Coudert, F. R., 930. Coues, Elliott, 4311, 5797. Couger, S., 7296. Coultas, J., 6067. Cousins, R. G., 1523. Cowdin, Thomas, 2540. Cox, J., 2196. Cox, J. D., 2804. Cox, Susanna, 5937a. Coxe, B., 6072. Coxe, D., 6063. Coy, B., 4931. Cradock, Matthew, 2781, 2880. Craft, Alice, 3364. Crafts, E. W., 4212. Craighead, T., 6670. Craigie, A., 2139. Cranch, W., 1268, 3359, 3683. Ccane, B., 4048, 4053. Cranston, H. C., 6584. Crawford, J., 6167. Crawford, T., 5301. Crawford, W., 5718, 6892. Crawford, William H., 1343. Creecy, R. B., 5569. Creighton, Mandell, 209. Crenshaw, A., 960. Cressey, T. R.. 5749. Crispen, W., 6078. Crittenden, J. J., 1645. 2776. Crocker, M. M., 1501. Crocker, W. II., 2806. Crockett, David, 1281, 6670. BIOGEAPHICAL INDEX. 1337 Croghan, G., 5724. Croke, Sir A., 7275. Crooks, J. W., 3687. Cropper, John, 6817. Croquet, Adrian J., 7390. Crosby, J., 3687. Crosman, J., 3415. Crowell, T., 1802. Crowne, John, 3364. Crowne, William, 3364. Crownlnshield, E. A., 2786, 2959. Crozer, J. P., 5899. Cruger, H., 5197. Crump, W. W., 6829. Cruttenden, A., 3410. Cullum, G. W., 2797. Culver, O., 7411. Cuming, Sir A., 3604. Cuming, T. B., 4408. Cummings, E. C., 1715. Cummings, I., 4167, 4174. Cummings, John, 3411. Cummings, Joseph, 4168. Cunningham, II. M., 7417. Cuoq, J. A., 7327. Currier, M., 4427. Curry, J. L. M., 2807. Curtis, Albert, 4212. Curtis, B. R., 2782, 2785, 2941. Curtis, F., 3383. Curtis, G. W., 4209. Curtis, H. B., 5713. Curtis, J., 3409. Curtis, N., 3380, 3561. Curtis, R., 4346. Curtis, S. R., 1519. Curtis, Z., 3383. Curtius, Ernst, 206, 2801. Curzon, Sarah A., 7384. dishing, A., 3687. dishing, Caleb, 2492, 2786. Cushing, J., 3377. 3407. Cushing, Samuel, 3325. dishing, T.. 3082. Cushman, Charlotte S.. 3373. Cushman, I)., 1700. dishman, II. W., 3376. .",686. dishman, It., 2770. Cuthbert, James, 7347. Cutler, Ebenezer, 207. Cutler, Manasseh, 3385. 5702. Cutler, S., 3393. Cutt, J., 4453. ditlor, A. R.. 1710. Cutting, F. B., 5017. Cutts, R.. 1714. D. Dagworthy, John, 1228. Dake, J. P., 6671. Dalrymple, E. A.. 6326. Dalton, S., 4453. Dalton, Tristam, 2263, 2489. Daly, C. P., 632, 4311. Dalzell, Private, 5714. Dame, L. L., 3323. Damon, S. C., 198. Dana, E. L., 6445. Dana, F., 6057. Dana, J. F., 4447. Dana, R. H., 2788, 2796. Dana, S., 4448. Dane, J., 1702, 1709. Dane, N., 2771. Danforth, Nicholas, 2788. Daniels, G. F., 4212. Daniels, J., 6683. Darlington, W., 719, 3686. Darrah, Lydia, 5959, 6079. Davee, T., 1714. Daveis, C. S., 3409. Davenport, Christopher, 915. Davenport, J., 1157, 1167. Davenport, T., 6766. Daves, E. G., 5568. Davidson, A. B., 6845. Davies, S., 6382. Davis, A. McF., 3966. Davis, Benjamin, 2138. Davis, Charles, 2259, 2427. Davis, C. K., 209. Davis, Dolor, 3400, 3784. Davis, E. H., 4931. Davis, Geo. T., 1704, 2780, 2784, 7447. Davis, Isaac, 197, 4210, 4235. Davis, I. P., 2780, 3683. Davis, John. LL. D., 118, 199, 204, 2648, 2738. Davis, John, of York, 2137. Davis, Oov. John, 3683. Davis, Joseph, 6457, 6458. Davis, N. M., 2652, 3682. Davis, Phineas, 6153. Davis, Samuel, 2643. Davis, T., 6583. Davis, Winnie, 4345. Davis, W. J., 3686. Daw, H., 4754. Dawson, H. B., 3402, 3813o. Dawson, T., 6854, 6859. Dawson, W., 4311. Day, C., 3405. Day, J. O., 4304. Day, T., 3683. Dayton, W. L.. 4548, 4585. Dean, Amos, 1509. 1522, 3687. Dean, J. W., 2805, 3955c. Dean, N., 3683. Deane, Charles, 201, 2795, 2797, 3083. 3107. Deane. J. B., 3783. Deane, J. G., 1707, 1770. Deane, Samuel, 1712. Deane, Silas, 5257. 6057. 6074, 6387. Deane. W. R., 3687. Dearborn, II. A. S., 3682. De Cew,. John, 7367. Deengaine. Henry, 2200. 7402. De Forest, Jesse, 4876. De Haas, J. P., 6058. De Hart, John, 4548. De Kay, Thomas, 4859. 1338 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. De Lacy, W. W., 6870. Delafield, John, 5032. De Lamater, C. H., 5035. De Lancey, E. F., 5034, 5051. Delaplaine, G. P., 7125. Delieseline, F. G., G619. Demarest, D. D., 4518. Demers, Benjamin, 7347. Dehechaud, C., 7347a. Denison, Daniel, 2133, 3381, 3573. Dennett, T. S., 3686. Denning, W., 5045. Dennison, W. W., 4414. Denny, A. A., 6869. Denny, E., 5977. Dent, J. C., 7309. Denver, J. W., 1579. De Peyster, F., 5301, 5327. Derby, Roger, 2261. De Saussure, II. A., 6650. D Esgly, Louis-Philippe Mariancheau, 7350. De Silva, F. M., 634. Desjardins, L. J., Abbe, 7346. Deurcant, Mary, 5046. Devens, C., 372, 2796, 2797. Devron, G., 1668. Dewey, C., 5520. Dewey, C. A., 3687. Dewey, J. J., 4311. Dewey, J. N., 1517. Dewey, N., 1520, 6996. De Witt, John, 5049. De Witt, S., 4684, 4697. De Witt, T., 5020, 529o De Witt, Tjerck Classen, 4862. De Wolf, J. J., 6582. Dexter, Aaron, 2770. Dexter, Andrew, 2202. Dexter, George, 2785, 2791, 3016, 3026. Dexter, H. M., 372. 2796, 2797. 3113a. Dexter, R., 611. Dexter, Samuel, 2197, 2209. Dexter, T., 3398, 3402, 3767, 3813c. Dickerson, M., 3683. 4555, 4640, 5038. Dickinson, John. 1248, 2796, 5982, 6117. 6890. Dickinson, T., 4202. Dickinson, W. H., 1523. Dickson, L. T., 5911. Digges, D., 6853. Digges, Elizabeth, 6852. Diggs, Edward, 6849. Dillingham, J., 7413. Dillon, John B., 1452. Dillon, Mrs. J. F., 1516. Diman, J. L., 2787, 2978. Dinwiddie, R., 3387. Diodate, William, 3393. Dix, D. L., 4205. Dixon, N. F., 6585. Dobbins, D., 4777. Dodd, S., 3684. Dodge, A. C., 1519. Dodge, B. L., 4210. Dodge, Clara A., 1521. Dodge, G. M., 1513, 1517. Dodge, Henry, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1523. Dodge, R. R., 3397, 4213. Dombourg, Sieur de, 7347. Donald, E. W., 2808, 3305a. Donaldson, T., 1970. Donck, A. van der, 5555. Donnally, A., 6889. Doolittle, James R., 1289. Doolittle, M., 3683. Dorr, B., 6037. Dorr, H. C., 6585. Dotterer, H. S., 6382, 7422. Doty, J. D., 6929. Doughty, F., 6829. Douglas, S. A., 1422. Douglass, V. D., 1523. Dousman, H. L.. 4304. Dow, B. F., 4931. Dow, L., 4347. Downing, E., 2798. Downing, Sir G., 2882. Dowse, T., 2766, 2767, 2772. Doy, J. W., 1578a. Doz, Andrew, 6061. Drake, B., 3687. Drake, D., 3682. Drake, E. F., 4311. Drake, E. L., 6714. Drake, S. G., 3375, 3495. Draper, D., 3687. Draper, L. C., 6939, 6950! 6983, 7001. Draper, Mary, 2201. Dromgoole, G. C., 6783. Drowne, II. T., 3411, 5032. Drowne, T. S., 6585. Drummond, J. H., 3415, 4428a. Drummond, Thos., 1514. Duane, W., 3383. Duberger, Jean B., sr., 7182. Du Bois, A., 5039. Dubois, Rev. John, 927. Dubourg, Bishop L. W. D., 914. Dubs, J., 6074. Du Chaillu, P., 579, 904. f Duche, J., 6058. Duchesnay, Jean-Baptiste Juchereau, 7349. Dudley, John, 4459. Dudley, Joseph, 2773. Dudley, Gov. Thomas, 2586, 2780, 2873. Dudley, T. H., 761. Dufferin, F. T. H. B., Marquis of, 2805. Duffle, A. N., 6598. Duke, John, 6892. Dulany, Daniel, sr., 6080. Dulany, Daniel, 1833, 6059. Du Luth, D. G., 4302, 7328. Dumaresq, J., 3375, 3498. Dummer, J., 2639. Dummer, S., 1710. Dunbar, Asa, 2245. Dunbar, C. F., 2803, 2804, 3252. Dunbar, D., 4451. Dunbar, Sir W., 4345. Duncan, E. S., 6890. Duncombe, J. F., 1524. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1339 Dundy, E. S., 4417. Punlap. M. D., 6891. Dunlap, Robert, 1711. Dunlap, R. P., 1703. Dunlop, J., 5067. Dunning, J. F.. 3686. Dunton, John, 2630. Du Ponceau, Peter S., 710. Dupre, A., 270."., 3085. Dupuis, Paul, 7347. Durand, I., 4421. Durfee, Job, 3682, 3702, 6502. Durie, W., 7381. Durkee, C., 6030. Durrie, D. S., 6060. Dustan, Hannab, 4456, 4483. Duval, J. C., 6(570. Duyckinck, E. A., 3301, 3672, 5025, 5320. Duyckinck, G. L., 3686. Dwight, Theodore, 3687. Dwight, Timothy, 5468. Dyar, H. G., 2174. Dyer, D. E., 4924. Dyer, E., 6059. Dyer, J. J., 1523. Eagle, S., 5855a. Eames, M., 4906. Earl, Robert, 7532. Earle, W., 3373. Eastman, E. W.. 1518, 1519. Eastman, II. W., 4427. Easton, Nicholas, 3369. Eaton, A., 2047. Eaton, Ann. 2200. Eaton, A. K., 1517. Eaton, Benjamin, 7514. Eaton, Cyrus, 1703, 2782. Eaton, E., 1712. Eaton, N., 3398. Eaton, S. S., 4311. Eaton, Theophilus, 5097. Eberle, Mrs. K., 1523. Eckert, G. B., 5933. Eddy, Joshua, 3366. Eden, R., 1829. Edgar, Sir J., 7326. Edgar, T., 6844. Edgar, W. F., 1015. Edgerly, J. S., 4160. Edgerton, S., 4306. Edmonds, J. B.. 1524. Edmonson, J., 1640. Edward III, 20. Edwards, John, 1505. Edwards, Jonathan, 20-16, 2047, 6382. Edwards, Ninian, 1355. Edwards, S., 5899. Edwin, D., 6074, 6085. Eells, Myra F., 5820. Eells, Myron, 94. Efner, E. D., 4773. Egerstorff, G. H. C., 884. Egle, W. H., 4311, 5746, 5897, 6081, 6169, 6466. Egleston, A., 5038, 5080. Elbert, Samuel, 1341. Elder, John, 5855. Elfelt, C. D., 4311. Elgin, James Bruce, Earl of, 7319. Eliot, Andrew, 2628. Eliot, John, .779, 797, 2130. 2137, 2197, 2569-2570, 2574, 2602, 2626, 2629, 2699, 2777, 3372, 5040, 7397. * Eliot, John, of Boston, 2629, 2699. Eliot, Joseph, of Guilford, Conn., 3298. Eliot, Samuel, 2802, 2804, 3236, 3248. Ellery, W., 6058. Ellicott, A., 1265, 6169. Ellicott, J., 4771. Ellingwood, J. W., 1703. Elliot, Andrew, 6067. Elliot, R., 4453. Elliott, John, 1722, 3403, 3821a. Elliott, R. T., 4278. Elliott, S., 1326. Elliott, W. H., 4428b. Ellis, Abigail, 2195. Ellis, G. E., 204, 2799, 3175, 3184. Ellis, N. M., 7422. Ellsworth, Oliver. 44. Elmer, J., 6057. Elmer, L. Q. C., 4552, 6335. Eisner, Marie E. von, 3426. Elson, J. M., 1523. Elton, R., 3687. Elvins, R., 1711. Elwell, E. H., 1709. Elwood, G. D., 6930. Elwyn, J., 2804. Elwyn, Langdon, 2791. Ely, H. C., 6585. Ely, W., 3682. Embree, E., 6674. Emerson, A., 3687. Emerson, E., 1712. Emerson, G. B., 2787, 27SO. 3011. Emerson, J., 1710. Emerson, R. W.. 738, 2788, 2792, 2989, 7185. Emerson, William, 2620. Emery, S., 1710. Emmerson, T., 6671, 6672, 6836. Endecott, COT. John, 181, 244, 270, 2200, 3359. Endicott, O. M., 3686. Endicott, W. C., 200, 2804, 2805, 3277, 7395. English, Philip, 2240, 3393. Ericson, Leif, 2797. Ermentrout, D., 5934. Erving, G. W., 2795. Estabrook, C.. 4861. Estey, J. L., 4213. Esty, Isaac, 2526. Estre"es, Jean d , 7346. Estrees, Victor Marie d , 7347. Etting, E., 625. Etting, R., 625. Ettwein, John, 6223. Eustis, W., 2592. 1340 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Evans, Delilah Mullin, 1427. Evans, E., 6869. Evans, G., 6062. Evans, John, 3384. Evans, Oliver, 1216. Evans, T. G., 5051. Evans, W. T., 44286. Evarts, G., 1703. Evarts, W. M., 2805, 7464. Eveleth, J., 1710. Everett, C. C., 2139. Everett, Edward, 161, 2220, 2777, 2808, 2834, 2835, 3528, 3687, 5484. Ewer, C., 3683. Ewer, P. F., 3683. Ewing, John, 6892. Eyre, Jehu, 6059. F. Fahnestock, G. W., 3687, 6269. Faillon, E. M., 7308. Fairbanks, J., 4906. Fairbanks, Mary, 2202. Fairbanks, S., 3687. Fail-field, J., 1712. Fales, J. M., 6595, 7482e. Fales, S., 3683. Falkner, W. C., 4346. Falley, F., 7408. Faneuil, Andrew, 2133. Faneuil, Peter, 2133, 2791. Faribault, J. B., 4304. Farlow, C. F., 3947. Farmer, J., 3359, 4451. Farnham, L., 3410, 3906a. Farnsworth, J. D., 3683. Farnsworth, William, 6931. Farr, D. C., 7475. Farrar, J., 3361. Farrar, Sarah, 3643. Farrar, Stephen, 3362. Farrar, Timothy, 3387, 3643. Farrington, Nathaniel, 7403. Farrington, T., 3116. Faulkner, Francis, 2592, 2595. Faulkner, Francis, jr., 2595. Fawcett, T., 609. Fayrweather. S., 1711. Felch, A., 4280. Felkner, H., 1519. Felt, J. B., 2783, 3382, 3665, 3687. Felton, C. C., 2779. 3685. Fenelon, F. G. de la Mothe, 3375. Fenn, J. R., 668G. Fenner, A., 6566. Fentress, J., 6670. Fenwick, John, 5906. Fenwicke, J., 4538. Fergus, Mrs. J., 4397. Fergusson, Mrs., 5967. Ferland, J. B. A., 7308. Ferris, B., 1255. Fessenden, W., 1713. Fessenden, W. P., 1716, 3601. Fiedmond, J. de, 7345. Field, D. D., 3687. Field, Kate, 1264. Field, R. S., 4546, 4580, 6275. Yield, W. A., 2803, 3237, 3315. Fillmore, John, 3369. Fillmore, Millard, 2782, 3389, 4771, 4795. Filson, J., 1610. Finch, Asahel, 6959. Finch, P. V., 7480. Findley, W., 6061. Finkbine, R. S., 1517, 1524. Finlayson, R., 6870. Firmin, G., 3378, 3383, 3537. Fischel, A., 635. Fish, Hamilton, 11, 5040. Fisher, George P., 1254. Fisher, John, 1245. Fisher, J. F., 2781. Fisher, Rebecca J. G., 6681. Fisk, William, 2627. Fiske, G. J., 3687. Fiske, John, 209, 477, 2805. Fiske, William, 2247. Fitch, James, 3360. Fitch, John, 5720, 5721, 6344. Fitch, Winchester, 5051. Fithian, P. V., 4662. Fitzgerald, Elephell, 614. Fitzpatrick, B., 946. Fitzsimons, Thomas, 5844, 6052, 6058. Fix, L. F., 2028. Flade, Dietrich, 5. Flandrau, C. E., 4312. Flanagan, C., 5038. Fleming, Gen. George, 4800. Fletcher, B., 5473. Fletcher, Calvin, 3574, 3665. Fogg, W. P., 5776, No. 24. Follen, Charles, 2594. Follen, Karl, 884. Folsom, Charles, 2781, 2782. Folsom, G., 3687. Folsom, N., 4450, 4459, 4494, 6058. Fontenelle, L., 4408, 4417. Foot, S., 6746. Foote, H. W., 2794, 2798. Forbes, R. B., 2795, 2796, 3113. Forbes, W. H., 4311. Force, M. F., 2803. Force, Peter, 1265. Forehand, S., 4212. Forrest, R., 1268. Fortman, C., 5959. Forward, O., 4765, 4770. Foster, H., 3410. Foster, Jacob, 1712. Foster, John, printer (1648-1681), 3064. .funeral elegy, 1681. 4164. Foster, John, Boston (1817-1897), 3409. Foster, J. C., 4457. Foster, La F. S., 1195. Foster, S. C., 1016. Foster, T., 6488. Foster, W., 3686. Foucher, Le juge, 7347a. Foutch, A. B., 4422. Fowke, G., 6856. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1341 Fowle, W. B., 3665, 3687. Fowler, S. P., 2264, 3404, 3838. Fowler, W. II., 944. Fox, G. V., 2789. Fox, J. L., 3687. Foxcroft, S., 1712. Fraley, F., 2799. Frame, P. M., 5899. Franchere, Gabriel, 4308. Francis, Convers, 2776, 2777, 2836, 3686. Francis, F. B., 4931. Francis, J. W., 3685. Francisco, P., 6861, 6864. Frankenthal, M., 629. Franklin, B., 758, 2135, 3115, 6079. as an economist, 1826. Boston when he was a boy, 4216. ceremonial coat, 6079. portrait of, 1964, 3146. (Greuze), 2789, 6801. list of portraits, 6067. Franklin, G. S., 5746. Franklin, Sir John, 567. Franklin, John, 6412. Franklin, R., 4800. Franklin, W., 4537, 4562. Franks, D. S., 628, 633. Franks, I., 628, 633. Franks, J., 632. Franks, Rebecca, 634. Frazer, John F., 726. Frazer, Oliver, 1626. Frazer, P., 6074. Frazer, W., 6068. Frear, G., 6411. Freber, J. W., 4311.. Frederickson, C. W., 6584. Freeman, D., 4423. Freeman, E. A., 2797. Freeman, James, 2643. Freeman, John, 3378. Freeman, S., 1711. Freeman, W. C., 6218. Frelinghuysen, F. T., 4553, 4630o. French, B. V., 3685. French, E., 3687. French, J., 3684. French, T., 3405. French, William, 3362, 3402, 3815. Freneau, Philip, 1832, 4663, 4892, 4902, 5033. Friedenwald, A., 634. Frith, D., 6078. Frobisher, Sir M., 3361. Frobisher, R., 3386. Frontenac, L. de B., 7323, 7347o. Frost, Charles, 1680, 3361., 3426. Frost, E. H., 6617. Frost, J., 3684. Frothingham, N. C., 2780. Frothingham, N. L., 2780, 2875. Frothingham, O. B., 2800, 3181, 3191. Frothingham, R., 2786, 2791, 3028. Fruin, R., 17. - Fry, Joseph, 7480. Fryer, N., 4453. Fuller, E., 3683. Fuller, II. II., 3682. Fuller, John, 3411, 3924. Fuller, T., 3469. Fulton, Robert, 4542, 6059. Fulton, Sarah Bradlee, 3318, 3320. Funk, Cassandra S., 1427. Funk, Isaac, 1423, 1427. Furly, Benj., 6075, 6121. Furman, McD., 6650. Furnas, R. W., 4424. G. Gaboury, Marie Anne, 7157. Gabriels, Bishop Henry, 933. Gadsden, Christopher, 1282, 1294, 6633, 6640. Gaillard, John, 4896. Gaillard, Theodore, 4896. Gaine, H., 614. Gale, G., 6930a. Galinee, Rene de Brehant de, 6938. Gallagher, W. D., 5713, 5714. Gallatin, A., 1702, 1798, 3682, 5151. Gallitzin, D., 5848. Gallitzin, D. A., 916. Gallop, John, 3412, 3936. GallowJiy, J., 6068, 6082. Galtier, L., 4304. Galusha, J., 6747. Gannett, Caleb, 2636, 2711. Garde, R., 3393. Gardiner, Sir Christopher, 2773, 2789, 3002. Gardiner, Lion, 2648. Gardiner, R. H., 1701, 1703, 1707. Gardiner, S. R., 2806. Gardner, Jonathan, 2245. Gardner, Johnson. 3687. Gardner, S. B., 1523. Gardner, S. P.. 2771. Garfield, J. A., 2788, 610O. Garneau, F. X., 7308. Garnett, R. S., 6873. Garrard, James, 1640. Garrett, J. A., 1506. Garrett, W. R., 6672. Garrison, J., 7411. Gaspe, P. I. A. de, 7346. Gaston, Alexander, 1289. Gaston, Wm., 5848. Gatch, C. H., 1523. Gates, Horatio, 3379, 5412. Gates, Sir T., 6830. Gattinger, A., 6672. Gaty, S., 4367. Gautier, J. S., 5018. Gavit, Wm., 5753. Gay, John, 3677. Gay, M., 2149. Gayarre", Chas., 1662. Gaylord, Katherine, 6411. Gear, J. H., 1517, 1524. ieddes, J. L., 1502. iemmell, J., 4395. George III, 7346. 1342 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. George, J. Z., 4350, 4351. Gerard, J. W., 5020. Gerin, Lajoie, 7310. Gherardi, Bancroft , 570. Gibault, P., 5854. Gibbon, Edward, 3387, 3641. Gibbon, John, 3401. Gibbs, G., 5292. Gibbs, W., 6584. Gibson, It., 1709. Giddings, N. B., 4424. Gilbert, D., 3682. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 4126, 7321. Gilbert, M. N., 4311. Gilbert, T. D., 4279. Gile, D. II., 1523. Gilman, J., 4453. Gilman, T., 1713. Gilpin, E. W., 1252. Gilpin, II. I)., 712, 2773. Gilpin, J., 5897. Ginter, L., 6829. Girod, A., 7347a. Girouard, Jean-Joseph, 7347. Girty, S., 5897. Gisborne, F. N., 7318. Glen, J. S., 3410. Glenn, James, 6893. Glover, Jesse, 3388. Glover, John, 2244, 2289, 2612. Glover, Joseph or Josse, 3381, 7395. Glover, L., 3686. Glover, S. T., 4383. Goddard, D. A., 2788, 2984. Godfrey. E.. 1705. Godfrey, J. F.. 1707. Godfrey, T., 6000. Goffe, John, 4096, 4427. Goffe, W., 1157, 1169, 2772, 3389. Going, J., 5749. Golding. John, 2202. Goldthwait, J., 1715. Goldthwait, T., 1713, 1714, 1785. Gomez, Estevan, 899. Gomez, I., 634. Gonzalez, Manuel, 5855a. Gooch, J., 2138. Goodhue, James M., 4308. Goodman, .A. T., 5776, no. 10. Goodwin, D. R., 757. Goodwin, E. S., 2643. Goodwin, N., 3683. Goodyear, S., 1157. Gookin, C., 6062. Gookin, D., 2619, 3362. Gookin, N., 3362, 3383. Goold, Nabby T., 1789. Goold, W., 1789. Gordon, John, 5744. Gore, Christopher, 2641. Gore, Lucy, 3377. Gorges, Sir F., 3373, 4120, 5174. Gorman, W. A., 4304. Gorton, N., 1702. Gorton, S., 3362, 3372, 3431, 6534. Gosmer, J., 4560. Gosselin, Clement, 915. Gould, B. A., 206, 2135. Gould, J., 4165. Govan, Andrew R., 1284. Goyte, J., 3379. Graeme, T., 5967. Graffenreid, De, 5571. Graham, F., 7412. Graham, J. Marquis of Montrosc, 3360. Graham, James, 6893. Graham, J. D., 3687. Grahame, James, 2647, 2733. Granger, (if. S., 4280. Grant, James, 1507, 1508. Grant, U. S., 3338, 4379, 5049, 5444, 5723. Gratiot, H., 6932, 6982. Gray, David, 4789. Gray, F. C., 2795. Gray, F. T., 3683. Gray, Horace, 2806, 2808, 3271, 3297. Gray, John, 5714. Gray, John C., 2787, 2794. Greely, A. W., Reception to, 560. Green, A. G., 5949. Green, A. H., 211, 491, 5050. Green, Ellen, 3373, 3497. Green, Ezra, 3387, 4443. Green, Francis, 208, 456. Green, H., 4453. Green, Jacob, 4556. Green, John, 3371. Green, Joseph, 2240, 2247. Green, P., 3373, 3497. Greene, A. G., 3687, 6517. Greene, G. H., 4281. Greene, G. S., 5033. Greene, II. W., 6585. Greene, Nathaniel, 3390, 6058. Greene, Sears, 5045. Greene, T. C., 6585. Greene, William, 5045. Greenleaf, D., 3683. Greenleaf, James, 1268. Greenleaf, Jonathan, 1697, 3687. Greenleaf, S., 2771, 3683. Greenou^h, H., 3376. Greenough, W. W., 2803, 2804, 3264. Greenup, Christopher, 1640. Greenwood, F. W. P., 2771. Greenwood, J., 4960. Greenwood, W. P., 3682. Greer, W., 6187. Gregory, St., the Great, 5853. Gregory, J. C., 6960. Grew, Henry, 2571. Grider, R. A., 4213. Gridley, J., 2126. Griffin, C., 6059. Griffin, Mary and her creed, 210, 475. Griffin, T., 4350. Griffitts, S. P., 5909. Grigsby, Benjamin, 6844. Grigsby, H. B., 2787, 6815, 6816. Grimes, John, 1626. Grimes, J. W., 1508, 1513, 1514, 1521. Grinnell J. B., 1514. Griswold, C. E., 3686. Groh, E., 664. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1343 Groot, 4869. Groseilliers, M. C., 4312, 4336. and Radison, 7318, 7319. Grumbine, L. L., 7430. Grundy, Felix, 6662. Gue, B. F., 1518. Guelich, Theodore, 1513. Gugy, Bartholomew, C. A., 7349. Guild, C., 2202. Guild, Joseph, 2201. Guild, R. A., 457. Guildford, S., 7430. Guiteras, Eusebio, 5847. Guizot, Frangois, P. G., 3387, 3642. Cunn, O. B., 1582. Gurley, L. B., 5722. Guthrie, A., 4415. Guthrie, S., 4907. 11. Hackett, W. H. Y., 3391. Ilagan, J., 2023. Haige, W., 6080. Haines, J., 3796a. Iluldeman, S. S., 735, 5851, 6318, 6319. Hale, G. S., 2137, 2802, 3232. Hale, John, 2645. Hale, Nathan, 2775, 2787. Hale, S., 3687. Hale, Thomas, 3661, 3709. Haliburton, T. C., 7286. Hall, Andrew, 3324. Hall, B., 3320. Flail, C. F., 547, 897. Hall, D., 3687. Hall, Hiland, 3399, 3779&. Hall, Hugh, 6068. Hall, Isaac, 3325. Hall, Jeremiah, 5753. Hall, Lyman, 2572. Hall, N. K., 4773. Hall, S., 3687. Hall, W., 1219. Hallam, Henry, 2773. Hallam, Sarah, 6860. Halleck, F. G., 3333, 5271, 5275. Haller, G. O., 6869. Hallowell, R. P., 3324. Halsey, E. D., 4560. Halsey, G. A., 4557. Hamberlin, L. R., 4350. Ilamblen, D., 3683. Hamelton, C. A., 1581. Hamill, S. McC.. 4555. Hamilton, Andrew, 6072, 6076. Hamilton, A. B., 5897. Hamilton, D., 608. Hamilton, G., 7377. Hamilton, R., 4775. Hamilton, W., 4405. Hamlin, Cyrus, 209. Hammond, C., 1393. Hammond, J., 3412. Hammond, W. G.. 1522. Hampton, I., 4928. Hancock, John, 1710, 6057. Hancock, Lydia, 2138. Hancock, Thomas, 2594. Hancock, W. S., 3338, 6066. Hand, Edward, 6083. Ilansen, George, 1015. Hansford, J., 6892. Ilansford, T., 6817. Harbaugh, H., 3687. Hnrd, W. D., 6651-6654. Hardenbergh, J. L., 4800. Hardin, E. J., 1330. Harlan, Ann E., 1514. Harlan, J., 1517. Harrington, D. B., 4280. Harris, C., 4202. Harris, J., 5535. Harris, John, sr., 5968. Harris, L. M., 3687. Harris, S., 5535. Harris, T. M., 2650, 2746, 2747. Harris, T. W., 2788, 2986. Harris, William, 3372, 6491, 6580. Harris, W. T., 3448, 3683. Harrison, B., 6832. Harrison, F., 5024. Harrison, J. T., 4351. Harrison, Thomas, 203, 395. Harrod, H., 3687. Hart, E., 627. Hart, G. N., 627. Hart, Oov. John, 17, 5909. 5911. Hart, John (1708-80), 5036. Hart, M., 631. Hart, W. T., 2571. Hartley, T., 6081. Hartshorn, F. G., 4428. Harvard, John, 2792, 2997, 3398, 3740, 3759. Harvey, Sir J., 6833. Flarvey, J. M., 1580. Harvey, L. P., 6929. Harvey, M., 3687, 4472. Hasbrouck, A., 5032. Hascall, I. S., 4424. Hasenclever, P.. 4690, 4711. Hasey, I., 1712. Raskins. R., 3682, 3703. Haskins, R. W.. 4773. Hass, Sarepta T.. 7.~>2.~>. Ilassam, J. T., 2807, 3416. 3975a. Hatch. J. M., 3686. Ha thorn, J., 4967, 5035. Ilathorn, J. A., 4864. Haven, H. C., 1196. Haven, L., 1360, 1361. Haven, N. A., jr., 4447. Haven, S. F., 196. 284. 294, 295, 2788, 2791, 3029, 6326. Hawkes, J., 4097. Hawkins, A., 3683. lawkins, Benjamin, 1304. Hawks, F. L., 5282, 5283, 5568. lawley, C.. 4800. Hawley, J. G., 5953. lay, J., 4776. lay, L. H., 1522. Hayes, R. B., 203, 5641. 1344 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Hayes, T. McC., 3687. Raymond, William, 6892. Hayne, R. Y., 6649. Mays, D., 625. Hays, M., 625. Hazard, E., 3536, 5338. Hazard, S., 3687. Hazeltine, John, 4213. Hazel wood, J., 6082. Hazen, H. A., 3413, 3949. Healey, J. P., 3404. Heard, J. T., 3394. Heartt, D., 5569. Heavysege, C., 7326. Hebard, A., 1515. Hebard, G. D. A., 1506. Heckewelder, J., 5719, 6001. Heckman, G. C., 5948. Hedin, Sven, 904. Heeney, Cornelius, 917. Hehl, Matthew, 0223. Heinitsh, C. A., 6167. Hemmenway, M., 1712. Hendershott, U, B., 1515. Henderson, John, 6083. Henderson, J. Pinckney, 6679. Hendrick, Indian sachem, 3378, 5410. Henley, Samuel, 2784, 6855. Hennepin, Louis, 4302, 4311, 7219. becentenary celebration, 4307, 4330. writings of, 4333. Henry, Ann, 6165. Henry, Joseph, 4549, 4592. Henry, J. J., 6170. Henry, M. S., 3685. Henry, Patrick, 6057, 6781. Henry, W., portrait, 6083. Henry, W. W., 2804, 4311, 6832. Henshaw, D., 3682, 3686. Henshaw, G. E., 3686. Henshaw, J. S., 3684. Henshaw, Wm., 2784. Herbert, George, 2778. Herder, 885, 886. Herkimer, N., 5413, 5471. Herman, A., 6063. Hermitte, Jacques 1 , 7350. Herrick, L. C., 5748. Herrick, S. E., 2808, 3306. Herriot, F. G., 7347a, Herrman, A., 4555, 5037. Hess, Elizabeth, 1523. Hesselias, G., 6085. Hewitt, R., jr., 5409. Hoydenfeldt, S., 633. Hicks, Oov. Thomas H., 1831. Higginson, P., 3364, 3440. Higginson, Rev. John, 2806, 3294, 7458. Higginson, Mrs. Mehitable, 3384. Iligley, Jeanette R., 1523. Higley, M. A., 1524. Hildreth, Henry O., 2198, 7398. Hildreth, S. E., 4209. Hildreth, S. P., 305, 3686. Hill, C. H., 2802, 2803, 3234. Hill, Edward, 6827, 6828. Hill, II. A., 205, 409, 2800, 2801. Hill, T., 4209. Hillard, G. S.,- 2786, 2788, 2985. Hillegas, J. F., 6074. Hillegas, M., 6067. Hiller, Horace, 1016. Hilliard, H. W., 959, 976. Hills, Rose D., 3407. Hilton, W., 3408. Hinckes, J., 4453. Hindman, J., 6077. Hinkson, F. J., 5899. Hinkson, J. B., 5899. Hinman, R. R., 3687. Ilinsdale, B. A., 5746. Hinton, R. J., 1581. Hitchcock, H., 500. Hite, Jost, 6891. Hoadly, C. F., 2804. Hoadly, C. J., 209, 4311. Hoar, E. R., 2799, 3169, 3182, 3183. Hoar, . F., 211, 214o, 2808, 3312, 3417, 3982. Hoar, Samuel, 2774, 2817, 3684. Ilobart, H. C., 6971. Ilobart, Peter, 3372. Hobart, Priscilla, 3385. Hobbs, F., 3683. Hockey, J., 3686. Hocquart, Gilles, 7347. Hodge, F. B., 6462. Hodges, G. T., 6731. Hoen, E., 2028. Hoffman, E. ^., 5048, 5398. Hogg, H., 1427. Hogg, J., 5597. Hoisington, J., 4771. Holbrook, A., 6585. Holcome, W., 4312. Holden, Levi, 5045. Holden, W. W., 5571. Holder, Mary, 4043. Hole-in-the-day, Chippewa chief, 6929. Holley, H., 2798. Holliman, E., 2197. Hollis, T., 3360. Hollister, H., 6410. Holls, G. F. W., 6365. Hollyday, J., 6063. Holman, George, 7415. Holman, Jonathan, 4209, 4233. Ilolman, Joseph, 5800. Holme, Thomas, 6075, 6076, 6123a. Holmes, Abiel, 2645. Holmes, C. H., 4164. Holmes, Howland, 3885. Holmes, J. S., 1710. Holmes, O. W., 2799, 280J, 3156. Holt, John, 5045. Holton, D. P., 5029. Ilolyoke, E., 2183. Holz, Arno, 885. Homer, J., 2771. Homes, H. A., 4694. Hood, H. H., 7425. Hooker, Edward, 13. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1345 Hooker, Edward (U. S. N.), 5749. Hooper, J., 3687. Hooper, R., 3380, 3561, 3687. Hopkins, Albert, 2045. Hopkins, B. F., 6030, 6951. Hopkins, E., 2137. Hopkins, E. C., 6745. Hopkins, M., 2047, 2049. Hopkins, Samuel, 3363. Hopkins, Stephen, of the Mayflower, 3391. Hopkins, W. II., 6584. Hopkins, W. S. B., 4213. Ilopkinson, F., 6058. Hoppin, Nicholas, 2793, 3054. Iloppin, W. J., 6583. Horn, II. B., 1499. Hornblower, J., 4551, 4623. Ilornblower, J. C., 3686, 4544, 4649. Homer, W. E., 5855a. Horr, E., 3324. Hosack, D., 5119. Hosmer, H. L., 4396. Hosmer, S. D., 4210. Hosmer, T., 6870. Hough, F. B., 5032. Hough, R., 6074. Houston, Samuel, 6672, 6844. Hovey, J., 1710. How, Jemima, 4450. Howard, A. McL., 7367. Howard, J. J., 2806. Howard, J. S., 3687. Howard, Martin, 2138. Howe, A., 3687. Howe, Elijah, jr., 2204. Howe, H., 5716. Howe, Robert, 5581. Howe, S. S., 1514, 1522. Howe, W., 5411. Howe, W. B. W., 4457. Howell, G. R., 3412, 3933, 4930. Howell, J. B., 1513. Howell, R., 6078. Ilowland, Asa, 3687, 5016. Ilowland, John, 3683, 6507. Hoyne, T., 1391. Iloyt, Elihu, 4097. Hoyt, Epaphras, 4098. Hubbard, E., 3410. Hubbard, G. G., 207, 899. Hubbard, G. S., 1383. Hubbard, J., 1697. Hubbard, S., 3682, 3704. Hubbard, T., 3405. Hudson, Charles, 2787, 2794, 3066, 4196. Hudson, Henry, 1210, 1212. Hudson, J. E., 453, 3413. Hudson, W., 6071. Hfiffel, C. G., 7473. Huff, J., 1523. Hughes, Edward, 6892. Hughes, Elias, 5678. Hughes, J. L., 6583. Hughes, Louisa K., 1524. Hughes, T., 1520. Hull, John, 3389. Abode of, 3005. H. Doc. 923, 59-1, vol 2 85 Hull, Joseph, 1709. Hull, William, 3367, 3369, 3405, 3849, 6931. Ilumboldt, A. von, 262, 265, 2773. Humphrey, J., 3687. Humphrey, Mrs. Urania B., 4960. Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 3338. Humphreys, C., 6057. Humphreys, S., 6064. Hunt, F., 3684. Hunt, J. W., 6929. Hunt, M. A., 4159. Hunt, Thomas Franklin, 2272. Hunter, Joseph, 2774, 2786, 3685. Hunter, N. A., 1519. Hunting, J., 2197. Huntington, Asahel, 2250, 2318, 4168, 4173. Huntington, J. V., 7390. Huntoon, B., 3686. Iluntoon, D. T. V., 3682. Hurley, Michael, 5843. Hussey, C., 4453. Hutchings, W., 1774. Hutching, Thomas (First II. S. land sur veys), 5776, no. 22, 5777, no. 71. Hutchinson, John, 1581. Ilutchinson, Rev. John, 2780. Hutchinson, P. O., 2797. Hutchinson, Oov. Thomas. 3359, 3409, 7326. Hyde, A., 2047. Hyde, E., Lord Cornlury, 5899. Hyer, G., 6930. Ilyland, G., 4929. Hyland, J., 4931. Hynds, R. II., 6670. I. Ibbetson, R., 6068. Iberville, P. Le M. d , 7347a. Icazbalceta, J. G., 205. Ide, Jacob, 3326. Ingalls, W., 3682. Ingersoll, D., 2048, Ingersoll, J. Jared (Old bar of Phila.), 6070. Ingersoll, J. R., 6035, 6265. Ingham, S. R., 1517. Inglis, C., 7347. Inskeep, J., 6135. Irby, R., 6.782. Irish, G. R., 1522. Irvine, M., 6061. Irvine, W., 4551. Irving, W., 2773, 3684, 5039, 5201. Isaacs, J., 625. Isbister, A. K., 7148<y. .1. Jackson, Andrew, 6669. Jackson, Henry. 3404, 4311. Jackson, James, 205. Jackson, J. C., 4928. Jackson, M. M., 6983. Jackson, Paul, 5899. Jackson, W., 6058. Jacob, H., 3398. James L, 3361. 1346 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. James, Sir John, 915. James, T. C., 5071. Janes, N., 4930. Jaquet, J. P., 6009. Jnrratt, D., 6780. Jarvis, Edward, 198, 806, 3397, 3743. Jarvis, W., 3378. Jarvis, Mrs. William, 2262, 2480. Jasper, William, 1311, 1333. Jawney, T., 6083. Jay, John, 11, 4894. Jefferson, Thomas, 698, 3369, 3387, 3641, 6081, 6083. Jeffords, S., 1710. Jenks, W illiam, 166, 2778, 2779, 3687. Jenner, T., 1709. Jenning, S., 6078. Jennings, Berryman, 1520. Jennings, W. H., 5752. Jennison, N., 2898. Jennison, S., 3685. Jernegan, Henry, 653. Jervey, R. R., 6617. Jewett, C., 1713. Jewett, C. C., 3687. Jewett, D., 1713. Jewett, J. N., 1409. Jewett, J. P., 3687. Jillson, C., 4210. Jocelyn, Henry, 3369. Jogues, Father, 5413. John, Jack, the slave, 2176. Johns, J., 1521. Johnson, Andrew, 1288, 1289. Johnson, Ebenezer, 4773. Johnson, Edward, 2630, 3405. Johnson, Emerson, 4928. Johnson, J., 4428a. Johnson, Marmaduke, 2789. Johnson, Mehitabel, 7480. Johnson, O. R., 1714. Johnson, P., 4548. Johnson, P. K., 4311. Johnson, R., 4924. Johnson, Samuel, 3385, 3412. Johnson, Sylvanus, 1524. Johnson, Sir W., 5410, 5413, 5492, 6059. Johnston, John, 6973, 7110. Johnstone, E., 1521. Johnstone, James, 7347. Johonnot, A., 3685. Jones, Charles, 4930. Jones, G., 6890. Jones, G. W., 1519. Jones, H., 4775. Jones, Col. John, of Dedham, 3402, 3813b. Jones, Rev. John, 1644-1664, 5021. Jones, Joseph, 206. Jones, J. A., 3683. Jones, John Paul, 4457, 5038. Jones, J. R., 1383, 4311. Jones, J. W., 4926. Jones, Lewis, 1288. Jones, Morgan, 3410, 3918. Jones, N., 4542. Jones, R., 1383. Jones, R. H., 5930. Jones, Thomas, 3386. Jones, Walter, 1268. Jones, William, 6457, 6458. Jones, Gov. William, 6520. Jones, William A., 5046. Joos, Kt. Rev. Honsiynor, " Le pere juste, 4291. Jordan, E., 3399. Jordan, John, jr., 6070. Jordan, Robert, 1709, 3371. Josselyn, II., 3398. Juchereau de Saint Denis, Louis, 6679. Judd, Sylvester, 2774, 2787. Junior, J., 2166. Justice, Peter, 1504. K. Kalb, Baron de, 1910. Kalm, P., 7345. Kamamalu, 7131. Kamehameha V., 7131, 7133. Kane, E. K., 2772. Kearny, P., 4575. Kedzie, W., 4281. Keefer, G., 7365. Keenan, Rev. Bernard, 922. Keep, Nathan C., 3390, 3666. Keim, II. M., 5931. Keith, Sir W., 5966. 5967, 6068. Kelby, W., 5384. Keller, P., 6326. Kelley, II. J., 5798. Kelley, W. II., 4311. Kelly, P. II., 4311. Kellogg, M., 5637, 5638. Kemp, Wm. 2d, 5050. Kemper, J., 5746. Kennedy, John P., 2780, 2877. Kenny, Patrick, 5849. Kent, Duke of, 7180. Kent, E., 1704. Kent E. K., 530. Kent, James, 3682, 5019. Kenton, S., 5725, 7412. Kerr, C. L. C., 4862. Kerr, Joseph, 5724, 5748. Ketchum, S., 4441. Kettell, John, 3410, 3891, 3921. Kettelle, J. Q., 3687. Kidd, William, 3364. Kidder, P., 3399, 3781. Kienzle, M., 6423. Kilbourne, James, 5748. Kilbourne, P. K., 3684. Kilby, Christopher, 3384, 3603. Kimball, B., 4173. Kimball, James, 2257, 2417. Kimball, M., 3414, 395S&. King, Barnabas, 4546. King, Clarence, 5048. King, Daniel P., 2249, 2312, 3682. King, H. W T :, 1399. King, J. A., 3687, 5388. King, James G., 4541. King, John Glen, 2787, 2962. King, L. R., 6583. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1347 King, M. F., 1693, 3417, 3984, 3985. Kingsley, J. L., 3682. Kinsman, W. H., 1517. Kinzie, J. II., 1360. Kip, F. M., 5035. Kirby, Ephraim, 5048, 5777, no. 58. Kirk, J. P., 2808. Kirkland, J. T., 2799. Kirkpatrick, A., 4546. Kirkwood, S. J., 1521, 1522. Kirtland, J. P., 5777, no. 43. Kneeland, A., 1518. Knight, Melancthon, 1508. Knollys, II., 3377, 4450. Knowles, Sir C., 3386, 3630. Knowlton, Thomas, 3373, 3477. Knox, Gen. Henry, 1707, 3388, 3392. Knox, John, 6382u, 7481. Knox, J. H. M., 6382. Koerner, Gustavus, 7425. Kohl, J. G., 2785. Kohut, A., 627. Koppel, M., 627. Kruger, D., 6891. Kuhn, G. H., 2196, 2202. Kuhn, H., 1581. Kuhn, W. P., 3409, 3896. Labauve, F., 4350. Labonte, Louis, 5797. Laboulaye, E., 5353. Laboulaye, E. R. F., 2789. Labrie, J., 7318. Lacey, J., 6081. Lacock, Abner, 6060. Lacoe, R. D., 6425, 6465. Lacy, W. W. de, 4395. Ladd, W., 1698, 1716. Lafayette, Marquis de, 1709, 5960, 6513. Lafontaine, Sir L. H., 3686. Lahontan, Baron de, 7310. Laidley, J., 6889. Laidley, J. G., 6889. Lajonquiere, J. P., Marquis de, 7345. Lake, J., 3383. Lake, O. D., 4930. Lake, T., 3383. Lamb, Martha J., 4554, 4634. Lambert, John, 6068. Lambert, T. R., 3405. Lamson, Alvan, 2206, 2780, 3687. Lamson, C. M., 208. Lancaster, T., 1713. Lancey, Oliver de, 5020. Land, R., 7267. Lander, F. W., 2278. Landreth, D., 6068. Lane, E., 3379, 3687, 7413. Lane, G. M., 2138. Lane, J. H., 38. Lane, J. J., 4311. Lane, Sir Ralph, 119. Lane, W. G., 5777, no. 43. Langhorne, J., 6063, 7296. Langdon, J., 3303. Langdon, S., 1712, 2808. Langlade, Charles de, 6093o, 6917. Lanier, Sidney, 1283, 1342. Lanoullier de Boisclerc, Jean Eustache, 7347. Lapham, G. B., 6585. Lapham, I. A., 6907. Lapham, W. B., 1711. La Potherie, C. C. Le R. de, 7322. Lappawinzo, 6063. Larcom, L., 1579. L:irkin, Father John, 927. Larkin, J., jr., 5899. Lamed, J. G. E., 3687. Larpenteur, Charles, 1517. Larrabee, C. H., 6931, 6978. La Salle, R. C. de, 5724, 5777, no. 38, 7323, 7361. Latham, W., 2794. Lathers, R., 6649. Lathrop, S. F., 1522. Latrobe, J. II. B., 2001, 2004. Latting, J. J., 5037. La Tour, C. de, 1705, 4209. Lauderdale, F. II., 4933. Laughlin, Bishop, 928. Laurens, H. Imprisonment in Tower of London, 6630. Laurens, J., 4725. Laverendrye, J. B., 7328. Law, John, 1451. Law, Jonathan, 3359. Law, R., 1195. Law, Thomas, 1267, 1271. Lawrence, Abbott, 2652, 2752, 2772, 2798, 3368, 3683. Lawrence, Amos, 3392. Lawrence A. A., 2793, 2802. Lawrence, A. M., 3682. Lawrence, C., 7281. Lawrence, Sarah R., 2200. Lawrence, W. B., 5028, 5041, 6317, 6326. Lawson, Alex., 6084. Lawson, D., 3376. Lawson, G., 7321. Lawton, A. R., 6617. Lawton, Maj. Gen. II. W., 5647. Lawton, S., 2567. Lay, J., 4773. Lea, A. M., 1521. Lea, J. McC., 6672. Leake, W., 6835. Leather Lips, 5724. Leavenworth, II., 6657. Lebarge, Mike, 899. Le Beau, C., 7326. Le Bougre, Robert. 41. Lebroke, A. G., 1710. Lecky, W. E. II., 2808. Lc Claire, A., 1498. Ledwith, W. L., 6382. Ledyard, John, 5022. Lee, Gen. Charles, 3372, 5202, 5247, 6071, 6116, 6890. Lee, F. L., 6057. Lee, James, 1520. 1348 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Lee, John Clarke, 2254, 2368. Lee, R. E., 462. Lee, Rev. Samuel, 2777. Lee, S. P., 6829. Leeds, B., 3687. Lefebvre, Gervais, 7346. Le Flore, G., 4350. Le Gardeur, J., 7345. Legaux, Peter, 5960. Leigh, B. W., 6783, 6799. Leland, Elder, 20446, 2045. Leland, P. W., 3687. Lembcke, Charles E., 7525. Lembke, Francis C., 6223. Le Mercier, A., 3371. Lemieux, F. X., 7348. Lemke, P. H., 5851. Lemon, R., 3687. I/Enfant, P. C., 1265. Lenox, J., 6319. Leonard, Daniel, 2782, 2796. Leonard, L. W., 3687. Leonard, Manning, 3399, 3779a, 4203. Leonard, Thomas, 3380, 3560. Leonard, Z., 3442. Lescarbot, M., 40. Leseur, H., 2572. L Estrange (Daniel & Charlotte), 5017. Le Sueur, Pierre Charles, 4302, 6938. Letcher, R. P., 1644a. Le Vasseur, N., 1383. Leverett, C. E., 3687. Leverett, F., 1516. Levett, Christopher, 1679, 1710. Levy, Aaron, 625. Levy, Asser, 630. Levy, L, 632. Levy, Michel, 7525. Lcwelling, L. D., 1581. Lewis, Aaron, 2200, 2201. Lewis, Alonzo, 2242. Lewis, Andrew, 6892. Lewis, J., 6782. Lewis, John D., 6892. Lewis, Meriwether, 5804, 6672. Lewis, Moses, 2200, 2201. Lewis, Samuel, 6892. Lewis, T., 6832. Lewis, William, 5899. Lewis, Wm. (Old bar of Phila.), 6070. Lewis, Winslow, 3375, 3493. Leyh, E. F., 2032. . L Hommedieu, E., 5017. Lieber, Francis, 886, 6042. Lignery. de, 6938. Liholiho, 7131. Lilley, M. C., 5750. Lincecum, G., 4351. Lincoln, Abraham, 1424, 1428, 1514, 1516, 1522, 2032, 2777, 3399, 3519, 5018. 5436, 5444, 5446. Lincoln, Benjamin, 2631, 2707. Lincoln, E., 1707. Lincoln, Levi, 170, 230, 2780, 2866, 3409, 3410. Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, 6080. Lincoln, Solomon, 2788. Lincoln, William, 202, 391, 2648, 2740. Linderman, II. R., 5908. Linsley, C., 6747. Linsley, J. H., 3687. Lipps, Christopher, 2027. Lithgow family, 1701. Littell, E., 3687, 4551. Little, D., 1711. Little, Jacob, 5753. Little, P., 1717. Livermore, D., 4457, 4489. Livermore, George, 2777, 2779, 2839, 2864. Livermore, S., 4450. Livezey, T., 6068. Livingston, Edward, 691. Livingston, Robert, 5047. Livingston, R. R., 5303, 6783, 6784. Livingstone, D., 595. Lloyd, F., 1523. Lloyd, T., 5845. Lock, R., 3359. Locke, Amos, 2592. Locke, J. G., 3687. Logan, Indian, 6891. Logan, G., 6128. Logan, James, 6083. , Logan, J. I., 4862. Lombard, S., 1711. Long, E., 1381. Long, Isaac, 6424. Longfellow, H. W., 1708, 1763, 1764, 1765, 2788, 2798, 2989, 7189. Longfellow, S., 1701. Longueuil, Joseph-Dominique-Emmanuel Le Moyne de, 7347. Loomis, D. B., 4311. Lord, N., 4458. Lord, W. H., 6738. Loring, C. G., 2779, 2780, 2806, 2874, 3687. Loring, J. S., 3736a. Loring, L. W., 3687. Loring, N., 1710. Lossing, B. J., 4209. Lotbiniere, Louis, 5856. Lothrop, J., 2698. Lothrop, S. K., 2793, 3052. Lothropp, John, 2629. I.ouvigny, 6938. Lovas, Mathias, 1515, 1519. Love, J. M., 1521. Lovell, James, 2138. Lovell, Joseph, 6892. Lovell, Gen. S., 4187. Lovell, W. D., 2573. Lowe, Enos, 1521. Lowe, R. P., 1521. Lowell, Augustus, 2805, 3259. Lowell, Charles, 2774, 3685. Lowell, E. J., 2799, 3174. Lowell, John (1743-1802), 2899. Lowell, John, 2135, 2727, 2771, 2801, 2804. 3247. Lowell, J. A., 2788, 2802, 3225. Lowell, J. R., 2797, 2801, 3189. Lucas, Robert, 1505, 1514, 1521, 1524. Lndewig, H. E., 3684. Ludlow, C., 4560. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1349 Ludwig, C., 6072. Lumbrozo, J., 624. Lunsford, Sir T., 6856. Lunt, W. P., 2652, 2758. Lurvey, James, 2802, 3223. Luther. G. E., 6585. Luther, Martin, 2995. Luzerne, Chevalier dc la, 6425, 7390. Lvford, Francis, 2533. Lyman, I., 1711: Lyman, S. I)., 1523. Lyman, Theodore, 2802, 2981. Lyman, T., jr.. 3682, 3705. Lynch, J. D., 4346. Lynch, P., 7281. Lynd, J. W., 4304. Lyndhurst, Lord, John Singleton Copley, 2137, 2776, 2781, 2895. : >68<>. Lyon, J., 1713. Lyon, L., 4279. Lyon, M., 6727. Lyon, Nathaniel, 1516, 3378. Lyon, R., 1523. Lyon, T., 2796. Lyon, T. T., 4281. Lyons, J., 5034. M. Mabane, Ad.im, 7347. McAllister, J., jr., 6058, 6088. Macaulay, A., jr., 6855. McCall, James, 6934. McCartney, M., 4931. McCleary, S. F., 2805, 3262. McClellan, G. B., 3338. McClelland, F., 1522. McCloskey, Bishop John, 928, 930. McClung, II., 6845. McClung, W., 6844. McClure, Nancy, 4308. McConihe, I., 3687. McCrady, E., 2808. McCrady, E., jr., 6650. McCrary, G. W., 1520. McCrea, Jennie, 4553, 4629. McCue, W., 6845. McCully, II. M., 1523. McDonald, John, 5750. McDonogh, Patrick, 4774, 5854. Macdonough, T., 1230, 1236, 6768. McDowall, R., 7296. McDowell, J., 6844, 6846. McEwen, J. F., 4164. McFadden, M. W., 37820. McFarland, R. W., 5726. Macgregor. J., 4451. MacGregorie, P., 4859. McIIenry, J., 1930. Mack, John M., 6223. McKean, Joseph, 2138, 2636. McKean, T., 5880. McKelvey, M., 5743. Mackenzie, George. 5750. McKinley, Wm., 3321, 5437, 5451, 5722. death of, 2805. McLanathan, W., 1710. McLane, D., 3374. McLean, A., 1713. McLean, A. II., 4925. McLean, D. V., 4546. McLean, John, 1424. 3685. MacLean, John, 7301. McLoud, A., 4165. McLoughlin, John, 5820. McMasters, S. Y., 4304. McMichael, M., 6092. McMillan, A., 1523. McNamee, J. II.. 614. McNaughton, J. II.. 4923. Macon, Nathaniel. 41. McPheetors, W., 6845. McPherson, I).. 4930. M Pherson, J. R., 4931. McRoberts, A., 6835. MacSparran, J., 609. McWhorter. II.. 68.8A. Madison, Dolly. 1266. Madison. Geo., 1641. Madison, James, 6851. Magaw, R., 6156. Magelhaens, J. II. de, 3373. Mahan, T. S., 1523. Mallle 1 , Capt., 7318. Maillet, L. R., 4397. Malartic, A. J. II. de M., count of, 7345. Malbone, E. G.. 6584. Malgue, Sieurs de la, 7329. Mallory, P., 3412. Man, Samuel, 3364, 3371. Manchester, S., 1714. Manierre, G., 1360, 1361, 1364. Manly, Basil, 946. Mann, Horace, 2200, 5726. Manning. Mrs. I). II., 4214. Mansel, II. L., 3687. Mansfield, John. 1013. Marcy, O., 36456. Margry, P., 1663. Marion, Francis, 6622. Mark, slarc, 3003. Mark, W. II., 4422. Marquette, J., 914. 1365. 1400. Marr, G. W. L.. 6072. Marsac, J.. 4280. Marsh, Charles, 6736. 6756. Marsh. Cutting. 6937, 7091. Marsh, E. G., 2627. Marsh, J., 3685. Marsh, O. C., 208. Marshall, Elizabeth. 3417. Marshall, James, 4928. Marshall, John. 1537. 1552. Marshall, Joseph G., 1451. Marshall, M., 5879. Marshall, W. R., 4311. Marsiglia, G., 5032. Marston, B., 3371. Marston, L. 4278. Martel, J., 7346. Martin, Henri, 2791. Martin, Joseph, 10, 1287. 6832. Martin. J. P.. 3388. Martin, L., 1944. 1350 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Martin, M. L., 6933. Martin, N., 3686. Martin, W., 3411. Martineau, David, 7347. Martineau, J., 2138. Martinette, Louis Frangois, 7347. Martyn, R., 4453. Marvin, A. P., 4205. Marvin, M., 3409. Mason, B. F., 3384. Mason, Charles, 1516, 1517, 1519, 1521, 2776, 2819. Yewell portrait, 1514. Mason, E. G., 208, 4311. Mason, G. C., 6582. Mason, Jeremiah, 3383, 3599. Mason, John, 1193, 3417, 4119. Mason, J. E., 387. Mason, James M., 1288. Mason, O. P., 4408. Mason, R. M., 2786, 2787, 2976. Mason, S., 3376. Mason, W. P., 3687. Mason, W. W., 4931. Massie, N., 5745. Massinger, P., 3372. Mather, Cotton, 3364, 3434. and his slaves, 201. Mather, Increase, 3360, 4105, 4106, 4107. portrait, 2798. Mather, W. W., 3684. Matignon, F. A., 916. Matson, S. G., 1515. Mattocks, J., 4304. Maule, Thomas, 2242. Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier, 7347. Maximilian I., 45. Maxwell, Hugh, 3403. Maxwell, James, 914. Maxwell, Thompson, 3403. Maxwell, William, 4557, 4656. May, Dorothy, 340S. May, John, 3388. May, Joseph, 3385. May, J. J., 3416, 3973a. May, S., 4213. Mayer, F. B., 4311. Mayers, J. J., 6845. Mayhew, W. E., 3685. Maynard, II., 6331. Mayo, C., 3684. Mayo, C. E., 4311. Mayo, R., 3687. Mazzuchelli, S., 6936, 7067. Mazzuchelli, S. C., 1518. Meacham, W., 3407. Meade, George, 5845. Meade, W., 3685, 3743a. Meads, O., 4693. Medary, S., 1579. Meek, J. L., 5806. Meily, J., 6214. Melanchthon, P., 2801, 3210. Mellen, J., 2770. Mellen, Prentiss, 1701. Melsheimer, F. V., 6151. Menage, Le curt , 7345. Menard, P., 1383. Menard, Rene, 6920. Mendes, A. P., 634. Mercer, Hugh, 6156. Meredith, T., 5590. Meriam, E., 3686. Merriam, L. S., 1825. Merriam, M., 1712. Merriam, R. A., 4166. Merrick, J., 1703, 1741. Merrill, B., 2771. Merrill, J. C., 2771, 3683. Merriman, C. H., 4800. Merritt, David, 2243. Merritt, D. R., 1515. Merritt, Thomas, 7366. Merritt, W. H., 7367. Merry, Charlotte, 7414. Meserve, A. K. P., 1693. Meserve, N., 3381. Messant, A., 3395. Messenger, G. W., 3687. Messinger, D., 3374, 3716a. Metcalf, I. N., 4203. Metcalf, J. G.,. 387. Metcalf, Sara, "2199. Metcalf, Theron, 2783, 2918. Metcalfe, M., 3374. Mezy, A. de S., 7349. Mickley, J. J., 6058. Middleton, A., 3997, 6059. Middleton, H., 6059. Middleton, J. J. r 868. Mifflin, J., 5911. Mifflin, Martha J., 6167. Mifflin, T., 5969, 6167. Mignet, F., 3013. Mignet, M., 2791. Miller, A., 4278, 6857, 6892. Miller, H., 6067. Miller, J., 1712. Miller, S. F., 1513. Miller, W. A., 4932. Miller, W. E., 1509. Mills, G. H., 7378. Mills, J. T., 5749. Mills, M. H., 4929. Mills, S. C., 4864. Milman, H. H., 2779, 2855. Minis, I., 625. Minot, G., 3684. Minot, G. R., 2626. Minot, William, 2782, 2900. Minuit, P., 5151. Mirabeau, 36. Mitchel, J., 6844. Mitchell, Alex., 6897, 6933, 6986. , Mitchell, A. H., 4397. Mitchell, G., 5960. Mitchell, Jonathan, 3373. Mitchell, Joseph Sidney, 7534. Mitchell, N., 2771, 3359, 3376, 3683. Mitchell, W. H. C., 5746. Moerenhout, J. A., 2786. Mogg-Heigon, 1711. Moll, J., 6079. Mommsen, T., 2808. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1351 Monfort, D. A., 4311. Monroe, G. II., 2808. Monroe, J., 6852. Monroe, John Albert, 7482,9. Monseignat, Charles de, 73.10. Montague, W. II., 3402, 3810. Montcalm, L. J., Marquis de, 5411. Montgomery, H. E., 5021. Montgomery, James, 1580. Montgomery, John, G844. Montgomery, Joseph, 6057. Montgomery, .Richard, 614, 5037, 7211, 7316. Montmagny, St. T. de, 7222. Montour, Martamc, 6050. Montresor, J., 4774. Moody, Deborah, Lady, 2269. Moody, J., 1710, 1711. Moody, S., 1710, 1712. Moore, B. D., 1021. Moore, Charles B., 5040. Moore, C. W., 3388. Moore, J., 6068. Moore, John (Newtown), 5026. Moore, J. B., 3683. Mcore, M., 3687. Moore, T., 1713. Moore, W. E., 4428, 5720. Moore, Z. S., 3359. Morals, S., 631. Mordeeal, G., 634. Mordecai, J., 629. Moreau, J. B., 3771, 5345. Morey, S., 4439. Morgan, Abel, 6062. Morgan, Daniel, 6892. Morgan, James D., 7425. Morgan, Louis, 1626. Morgan, L. II., 6330, 6331. Morgan, Miles, 2183. Morrill, L. M., 1711. Morrill, M., 1711. Morin, A. N., 7345. Morin, E., 4414. Morin, Marie, 7347. Morris, A., jr., Death of, 6057. Morris, Gouverneur, 5035, 6058. Morris, Henry, 2794. Morris, J. G., 2029, 6073. Morris, L., 4538. Morris, O. B., 3687. Morris, Robert, 6054, 6057, 6084. Morris, Mrs. Robert (Mary White), 6058. Morris, T., 5722. Morrison, G. W., 44287>. Morrison, J., 6845. Morrow, J., 2796, 3097. Morse, A., 3687. Morse, J., 1712. Morse, S. F. B., 3213. Morsman, M. J., Death of, 1523. Morton, Charles, 2629. Mosby, L., 6834. Moseley, Edward, 1283, 5580. Moseley, E. S., 3412. Mosquera, Gen., 526. Moss, J., 625. Moss, L., 628. Mossom, D., 6853. Motley, J. L., 2784, 2785, 2933, 2948. Mott, Anne, 5051. Mott, G. S., 4511. Moulton, L. M. S., 4035. Mountford, G., 3750. Mousall, J., 3405. Mowlson, Sir Thomas, 2135. Miihl, Edward, 885. Muhlenberg, F. A. C., 6069. Muhlenberg, John P., 1285. Muller (Miller), A., 6834. Mullin, J., 4906. Mullins, W., 2795. Munger, N., 3. Munro, H., 5019. Munroe, John. 2593. Munroe, N., 3687. Munroe, R., 2592. Munsell, Joel, 3392, 3687r/, 5026, 6319. Murdock, J., 7275. Murdock, S., 1515, 1523. Murphy, H. C., 5029, 6331. Murphy, M., 611. Murphy, T., 7390. Murray, C. E., 1246. Murray, James, 7315. Murray, John. 1702, 1712. Murray, N., 3685. Murray, William V., 1285. Murrell, William, 1286. Myers, A. I., 634. X. Nash, F., 3412. Nash, S., 1713. Nason, E., 3401, 3805. Nassy, D., 632. Naw-Gaw-Nee, T., 4279. Neal, Jack, 6892. Neale, T., 6470. Neau, E., 4895. Neill, James, 928. Nelson, J., 4203. Nelson, T. L., 207. Nesbit, C., 6061. Newcomb, Benjamin, 5644, 7408. Newell, Wm., 2788, 2791. . Newhall, J. R., 2268, 2510. Newkirk, M., 3687. Newland, W. A., 5855. Newman, S., 3372. Newmarch, J., 1710. Newsam, A., 6080-6082. Newton, Bryan, 5022. Newton, E. A., 3686. Niblo, W., 5282. Nicholls, Richard, 5030. Nichols, I., 1701, 1702. Nichols, J. G., 1016. 2782. Nichols. William. 2245. Nicolet, Jean, 6930b, 6932, 6933, 6938. Nicollet, J. N., 4302. Niles, John II.. 7418. Nimmo. W., 6853. 1352 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Nims, Abigail, 4097. Nitschmann, David, 6223. Nixon, John, 6053, 6057. Nixon, J. T,, 4555, 4636. Noah, M. M., 629, 634, 4749, 4770. Noble, A., 1704, 1761. Noble, John, 3315. Noble, N., 1715. Noble, R., 1515. Noell, T., 5020. Nolan, Philip, 4347, 4354, 6685. Noltner, M. A., 5826. Norborne, Baron De Botetourt, 6853. Norman, John, engraver, 2808, 3305, 3307. Norris, I., 6057. Norris, J. S., 4311. North, A- E., 1518. Norton, J., 3411. Nott, G. H., 2571. Nourse, II. S., 211, 493, 2808. Nourse, James, 6832, 6892. Nouvel, Father Henry, 914. Noyes, G. R., 3687. Noyes, J., 2625. Noyes, J. F., 6584. Nutter, A., 4453. Nutting, W., 3138. O Brien, J. P. J., 5855. O Callaghan, Edmund B., 7390. O Conner, P., 1500. O Conor, Charles, 919. O Conway, C. M. Philadelphia s first nun, 5847. O Conway, M. J., 5852. 5853. Odell, W. H., 3404, 3838o. Ogden, A., 4556, 4645. Ogden, J. De P., 5037. Ogden, W. B., 1377, 1379. Oglethorpe. James 105, 1302, 1310. Okoboji, 1517. Oliver, F. E., 2798, 3154. Oliver, Isabella, 6156. Oliver, Peter, 3398, 3764. Olivier, Louis-Auguste, 7347. Olmsted, D., 4304, 4311. Olp, J., 4930. Omick, J., 7412. Oiiate, Juan de, 916. O Reilly, H. II., 5520. Orleans, Louis Philippe Albert d , Count of Paris, 5037. Orr, B. G., 1265. Orr, John, 3687. Ortega, J. F. de, 995. Orton, Edward, 5720, 5745. Osborn, C., 1452. Osgood, Charles S., 2271. Osgood. I., 8687. Osgood, S., 3394, 5147. Osterhout, I. S., 6420f. Osterman, J., 627. Osunkhirhine, P. P., 7349. Otey, Bishop, 4346. Otis, A. B., 3410, 3903. Otis, Christina, 4096. Otis, H. G., 3383, 3599, 3682. Otis, James, 2071. Otis, J. C., 4213. Oulton, J., 3411. Owen, G., 6857. P. Paddock, A. S., 4417. Page, A. A., 2571. Page, Bernard, 6421, 6444. Page, K., 3687. Paige, L. R., 206, 421, 2801, 2805, 3410. Paine, E. O., 4241. Paine, F. W., 4241. Paine, Harriet, 4241. Paine, R., 1710. Paine, Thomas, 3391, 6170. Paine, William, 208, 455, 4241. Paine, W. F., 4241. Pakenham, Sir E., 2803. Palfrey, F. W., 2795, 2797. Palfrey, J. G., 2787, 6326. Palmer, E., 3390. Palmer, John M., 1422, 7425. Palmer, Joseph, 2788, 3687. Palmer, Stephen, 2770. I ardow, G. B., 927. Paris, Count of. (See Orleans, L. P. A. d .) Paris, I., 5454. Park, E. A., 2804, 3260, 3414, 3959. Park, John, 202. Parke, John, 3388. Parker, A., 4448. Parker, A. A., 4460. Parker, D. P., 3682. Parker, F. E., 2792, 2793, 3053, 3059/7450. Parker, I., 3684. Parker, James, 4545, 4576, 5045, 6832. Parker, Joel, 2783, 2919, 4554, 4635. Parker, John, 2592. Parker, L. M., 3683. Parker, N., 4455. Partner, T., 4216.- Parker, W., 6165. Parkison, W. H., 4397. Parkman, F., 204, 2133, 2141, 2798, 3152, 3162, 7281. Parmele, E., 6859. Parmenius, Stephen, 2693. Parmentier, Andrew, 930. Parris, Albion K., 1701. 1715. Parris, Samuel, 2237, 3370. Parrish, C., 6423. Parrish, J., 4555, 4641, 4775. Parrott, J. C., 1515. Parsons, Eben, 2770, 3408. Parsons, Enoch, 3359. Parsons, Levi, 4931. Parsons, Lyman, 1522. Parsons, Mira C., 5720. Parsons, S., 4215. Parsons, S. H., 3687. Parsons, TL, 3687, 6517. Parvin, Agnes McC., 1523. Parvin, J. A., 1521. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1353 Parvin, T. S., 1507, 1517, 1524. Passmore, J., G169, 6181). 1 asteur, Louis, 4672. Pastorius, F. D., 6084. Patchin, I., 4931. Paterson, J., 5036. Paterson, William, 5038, 6059. Patterson, L. B., 1523. Patterson, W., 1521. Paulding, J. K., 5039. Paver, W., 3687. I ayson, Edw., 1712. Payson, Phillips, 7419. Peabody, A. P., 2801, 3185. Peabody, Francis, 2248, 2309. Peabody, George, 2851, 3687. Peabody, N., 3405, 4169. Peabody, O., 4448. Peabody, Stephen, 3406, 3867. Peale, Franklin, 725. Pearson, T. S., 3684. Peary, R. E., 573, 577. Pease, F. S., 3687. Peaslee, C. II., 3687. Peck, II. E., 5520. Peck, I. B., 3401. Peck, J. M., 3684. Peck, W. D., 2638, 2715. Peckham, J., 4381. Peckham, S. W., 6583. Pedro II, 387. Peirce, Benj., 2257, 2406. Peirce, D., 3387, 3638. Peirce, J., 1705. Peirce, J. W., 3386, 3627o. Pelaniourgues, J. A. M., 1518. Pelham, Henry, 2137. Pelham, Herbert, 3391, 3676a. Pelham, Peter, 2846. Pelham, T., 3384. I emberton,^ Israel, 6084. Pendleton, E., 6059. Tenet, P., 4687. Pengelly, Richard. 5744. Pengelly, 8tr Thomas, 5744. Penhallovv, S., 4446, 4469. Penn, G., 6075. Penn, G. J., 6080. Penn, William, 1242, 5908, 5971, 6057. 6061, 6063, 6064, 6067. Penton, A., 6829. Pepperrell, Sir William, 2260, 2437, 2807, 3379, 5033. Percival, J. G., 6927. Perez, A. A., 204. Perez, Juan, 5852. Perine, F. M., 4933. Perkins, A. T., 2797, 3133. Perkins, C. C., 2793, 3051. Perkins, D. L., 4427. Perkins, II. C., 2251, 2329. Perkins, J., 2770. Perkins, Lucia N., 2805. Perkins, S. C., 6382. Perkins, T. H., 2792, 3044, 3368. Perley, S., 1713. Perrault, J. B. O., 7347a. Perrault, Joseph-Francois, 7345, 7347. IVrrot, N., 1516, 6910, 6938. Perry, Amos, 3412, 3938, 4311, 6586, 6590. Perry, G. B., 3684. Perry, J. M., 1507. Perry, W. S., 208, 1523. Peter, T., 3412. Peters, John A., 7395. Peters, Hugh, 2276, 2798, 3362, 3363, 3397, 3398, 3435. Petrie, G., 976. Peyton, John II., 3393, 3708. Phelps, A., jr., 3685. Phelps, E. J., 2138, 6766. Philip, King (Wampanoav chieftain), 6527. 6560. Phelps, J. W., 3777. Philips, Josiah, 7. Phillips, Jonas, 625. Phillips, Jonathan, 3685. Phillips, John (mayor, Boston), 3378. Phillips, J. C., 2794, 3065. Phillips, W., 3397, 3749. Phillips, W. A., 1579. Phillis, slave, 3003. Phinney, E., 2593. Phips, Sir W., 1705. Phoenix, S. W., 3395, 3724, 5330. Pickard, J. L., 1524. Pickering, John, LL. D., 2648, 2739. Pickering, Capt. John, 4448. Pickering, Timothy, 3464. Pickett, A. J., 946, 974. Pico, Pio, 1011. Picquet, Abbe, 7319. Pierce, Benj., 3365. Pierce E. L., 207, 2802, 2808, 3301. Pierce, F. C., 5752. Pierce, H. L., 2801, 3207. Pierce, John, 2649, 2742, 3682, 6585. Pierce, Jonathan, 3687. Pierce, Mary. 3397. Pierce, Phoebe, 3410. Pierce, Polly, 7413. Pierce, Thomas, 1712, 3397. Pierpont, J., 3323. Pierrepont. H. E., 5041. Pierson, Francis, 2137. Pierson, F. B., 4933. Pike, J. S., 1707, 1769. like, R., 3686. Pike, Zebulon M. (Pike, of Pikes Peak), 1580. IMnckney, Thomas, 1281. Pintard. J., 5394. Piper, J. E., 2571. Piper, S., 3379, 3687. Pise, C. C., 928. Pitcairn, John, 2786, 2958. Pitcher, Moll. 6059. I itkin, T., 3682. itney, J., 4553, 4630. Pitt. William, 2201. Plamondon. L.. 7347a. Platt, F., 5912. Plimpton, M., 3683. 1354 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Plowden, Sir E., 6061, 6066. Plum, W. S., 6846. Plumbe, J., 1518. Plumer, W., sr., 3383. Plumer, Wm., 3593, 3683, 4457. Pocahontas, 6818. Poinsett, J. R., 6068, 6112. Polk, Ezekiel, 6650. Polmyer, F., 2027. Pomeroy, B., 3687. Pomeroy, J., 3360. Pond, G. H., 4304, 4311. Pond, Rachel, 2200. Pontbriand, Henri-Marie Duhreil de, 7350. Poole, W. F., 204. Poor, E., 4457, 4491. Poor, J. A., 3384, 3687. Poore, B. P., 200. Porcher, F. A., 6643. Porter, Andrew, 6060. Porter, Augustus, 4776. Porter, E., 6077. Porter, E. G., 2138, 2139, 2803, 2805, 3252. 3412, 3413, 3948. Porter, F. J., case of, 3333, 3335. Porter, ,J., 5580. "Porter, J. M., 3686. Porter, T. C., 6364. Porter, W. S., 3687. Portola, Gaspar de, 1013. Potter, C. E., 3665, 3687, 4428. Potter, E. R., 6331. Potter, J., 6057. Potter, M., 3687. Potter, W. H., 1195. Potts, J., 3376, 3490. Powell, J. W., 903. Powell, L., 6780. Powell, S., 6064. Powers, P., 1713. Pownall, T., 5343. 7329. Pratt, A., 3376. Pratt, G. W., 3650b, 5549. Pratt, J., 3376. Pratt, J. F., 3411, 3924r. Pratt, M., 6075. Pratt, S., 3686. Pratt, S. F., 4763. Treble, G. H., 198, 325, 2792. Preble, H. O., 3687. Preble, J., 3380. Prendergast, W., 611. Prentis, N. L., 1581. Prentiss, H. J., 3687. Prentiss, S., 5035, 6740, 6762. Prescott, P., 4308. Prescott, Wm., 2793, 2911, 3057. Prescott, W. H., 2763, 2773, 3380, 3564, 3684, 5198, 7443. Preston, R., sr., 6072. Preston, Thomas. 2137, 2139. Prettijohn, J. H., 4931. Prevoost, D., 5021. Price, Ezekiel, 2626. Price, H., 1513. Prince, John, 2643. Prince, Richard, 2253. Prince, Thomas, 3363, 3364, 3437. Pring, M., 1713. Prior, Abner, 38. Proctor, I. P., 3682. Proctor, Joel, 2602. Proctor, L. B., 4931. Proctor, T., 6060. Prosser, W. F., 6869. Proud, Robert, 5966. Proudflt, A., 6932. Provoost, S., 5033, 5066. Pruyn, J. V. L., 5062. Puisaye, Count de, 7300. Pulaski, Casimir, 1305, 1329, Pulsifer, D., 3747, 3883. Pulsifer, J. S., 3687. Punchard, George, 2788. Purple, C. H., 6931. Purple, E. R., 5025. Purple, S. S., 5047, 5069, 5078. Pursh, F., 5497. Pusey, Caleb, 5899. Pusey, P., 1257. Putnam, A. W., 3687. Putnam, Dan, 7408. Putnam, Douglas, 5702. Putnam, F. W., 899. Putnam, Harvey, 4755. Putnam, I., 4159, 4216. Putnam, I. W., 3687. Putnam, Rufus, 445. Pynchon, W., 2184, 3371. Q. Quartier, J., 7204. Quelch, J., 2135. Quick, Tom, 4864. Quincy, Dorothy, 2138, 3117. Quincy, Edmund, 2773, 2784, 2808, 2933, 3300, 3396. Quincy, Eliza S., 2791, 5334. Quincy, H. P., 2138. Quincy, Josiah, sr., 6059. Quincy, Josiah, 218, 2776, 2778, 2830, 2845, 3687. Quincy, S. M., 2095. Qiiiner, Joanna, 2251. Quitman, J. A., 4347. B, Racine, Antoine, 7347. Radisson, P. E., 4312, 4336, 7323. Radford, B. F., 2571, 2573. Raflnesque, 1620. Rafn, C. C., 2777, 3687. Raine, F., 2028. Rale, Father. See Rasles, Father. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 1874, 2789, 3374, 3480. Ramezay, T. de, 7345. Ramsay, D., 4776. Ramsey, A., 4312. Ramsey, J., 6844. Ramsey, N., 1944. Rand, A., 3359. Rand, I., 2770. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1355 Randall, A., 3684. landall, C. S., 4047. tandall, E. O., 5743. tandall, Mrs. L. R., 627. iandolph, Edmund, 2803. Randolph, Edward, 3395, 4106, 4125. Ranke. Leopold von, 13. Rapine, D., 1265. Rantoul, Robert, jr., 2272, 2492. Rantoul, R. S., 2492. Rappe, Bishop Amadeus, 915. Rasles, Father Sebastian, 1715, 2636, 7328, 7345. Rau, C., 200. Ravenel, Daniel, 3407, 4894. Rawle, W., 5967, 5972. Rawson, E., 2139, 3361. Rawson, G., 4205. Rawson, Keating. An old-time Catholic pioneer, 5849. Rawson, W., 371. Raymond, Asa, 3374. Paymond, D., 1828. ayner, W. S., 632. ead, C., 6065, 6073. >ad, Tames, 2575, 3687, 7424. ad, John, 7495. ^ad, P. M., 1183. ead, N., 3408. eagan, J. II., 6687. eal, P. S., 4414. eavis, Walter Scott, 7525. ccher, J. F., 7348. ed Jacket, Indian, 5552. eed, B., 4408. oed, D., 3383. eed. J., 4455. Reed, J. W., 3687. 1 (MMl, L., 3687. eed, T. B., 1717. eeder, Andrew II., 1578, 7426. ees, W. H., 5800. eichel, W. C., 6057, 6222. eid, Hugo, and his Indian wife, 1016. eid, J. R., 6071. eid, S. M., 6846. eilly, P., 5847. emington, J., 7395. endal, Stephen A., 752 enick, Edward I.. 1285. enville, G., 4312. enville, J., 4302. eynolds, Grindall, 204. cynolds, John, 1366, 3687. eynolds, J. P., 6095, 6097. eynolds, S., 6411, 6423. Reynolds, Wm., 6095. Reynolds, W. A., 5018. Reynolds, W. M.. 6057. Ribaut, Jean, 43. Rice, A. T., 6706. Rice, C. W., 4202. Rice, Harvey, 5622. Rice, Henry, 3687. Rice, H. M., 4311. Rice, John, 2203. Rice, Phineas, 3368. Rice, S. A., 1500, 1514. Rice, W. M., 6382o. Rice, W. W., 206. Rich, H. A., 2574. Richard, Gabriel, 917, 7346. Richards, C. B., 1521. Richards, J., 3684. Richards, W. A., 1522. Richards, W. O., 1523. Richardson, B. P., 3384, 3687. Richardson, D. N., 1523. Richardson, G., 1712. Richardson, J., 3687, 4800. Richardson, J., jr., 3685. Richardson, J. L., 4800. Richardson, W. A., 3411. Richmond, B. P., 4930. Riedesel, Baroness de. 5412. Rieger, J., 2029. Rigler, A. C., 7430. Riker, J., 5035. Riley, A. W., 5520. Riley, B., 1020. Rindge, S. B., 3403, 3823c. Ringgold, Samuel, 1877. Rising, John, 4097. Ritchie, A., 2019. Ritchie, J. W., 7279a. Ritchie, T., 6T82. Rittenhouse, D., 688. Hitter, C., 546, 581. Roane, A., 6670. Roane, S., 6783, 6784. Robbins, A. B., 1523. Robbins, Chandler, 2788, 2789. 3010. Robbins, Ezekiel, 2205. Robbins, J. M., 2792, 2793. Robbins, Thomas, 3396, 3684, 3736. Robert, E. N., 7348. Robert, L., 7348. Roberts, B. S., 1499. Roberts, C., 6082. Roberts, H.. 6074. Roberts, Isaac, 6670. Roberts, J., 6075. Roberts, O. M., 6680. Robertson, James, 6671. Roberval, J. F. de la Rocque. Seigneur de, 7204, 7324. Robinson, A., 1017. Robinson, Charles, 11, 2791. Robinson, Edward, 3686, 3874, 5217. Robinson, John, 2649, 3371. Robinson, J. S., 6731. Robinson, Levi, 1523. Robinson, W. S., 3397. Rocheblave, P. de, 1383. Rockwood, E. J.. 4213. Rodgers, John, 2630. Roebuck, J. A.. 7345. Rogers, Ezekiel, 3371. 3408. Rogers, E. II., 4406. Rogers, James, 4428a. Rogers, John, the martyr, 1710. 5023. Rogers, Capt. John. 6856. Rogers, John, Chelmxford, Essex, 3399. 1356 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Rogers, MacLeod, 4863. Rogers, Nehemiah, 3796cr. Rogers. Robert, the Ranger, 3742, 7325, 7366. Rogers, Steven, 1204. Rogers, William, 3687. Rolfe, John, 6818. Rood, Micah, 3400. Roosevelt, T., 614. Ropes, J. C., 2803, 2804, 3243. Rorbach, J., 4930. Rose, Lemuel, 5753. Rosecrans, Anita D., 4398. Ross, J., 1, 6079, 6179. Ross, L. P., 1520. Ross, R. T., 64200. Ross, Wm., 1523. Ross, W. S., 6420<7. Rotch, W., 3390. Rothrock, J. H., 1524. Rouerie, Marquis de la, 6058. Rourk, M., 614. Rourke, J., of Waterbury, Conn., 608. Rous, Wm., 2798. Rousseau, Mrs. J. B., 7264. Rowlandson, Mary, 444. Rowson, Susanna, 3324. Royal, J., 7329. Royall, Anne, 6672. Royall, Wm., 5589, 6832. Rue, Richard, 7415. Ruffner, H., 6846. Ruffner, L., 6846. Ruffner, W. H., 6890. Ruggle, George, 3387. Ruggles, J. M., 1422. Rumford, Count. See Thompson. Beni. Rumley, C., 4396. Rumsey, J., 6889. Rumsey, T., 3373. Rupp, I. D., 6070. Russel, J., 1422. Russell, G. R., 2787. Russell, I., 4345. Russell, James, 2243. Russell, Jeremiah, 4311. Russell, J. E., 7480. Russell, John Lewis, 2342. Russell, William, 2135. Russell, William (Boston), 2345. Russell, W. E., 2137. Russell, W. G., 2800, 2804, 3249. Russell, W. S., 3686. Rutherford, J., 4546, 4582. Rutherford, R., 1709, 1711. Ruttan, H., 7365. Ryerson, G. S., 7366. Ryland, W., 1267. Sabin, C., 6582. Sabin, J., 6326. Sabin, W., 3395. Sabine, Lorenzo, 2786, 4455. Sadtler, B., 2032. Saffln, J., 2133. Safford, J. O., 2259. Safford, N. F., 3405, 3851. Sainsbury, W. N., 2800. Salaberry, L. de, 7180. St. Clair, Arthur, 3379, 6062. St. Clair, James, 3386, 3630. St. Clair, Sir John, 6065. St. Cyr, M., 6930. Saint-Denis, L. J. de, 6679, 6684. St. Martin, A., 4278. Salisbury, E. E., 209, 3413, 3947. Salisbury, S., 198, 323, 2791, 2792, 3030. Salomon, H., 626. Salter, Wm., portrait, 1517. Saltonstall, G., 1199. Baltonstall, L., 2135, 2137. 2647, 2736, 2800, 2801, 3208. Saltonstall, Sir Richard, portrait, 2773. Salvador, P., 632. Sanborn, F. B., 1582. Sanborn, F. G., 4202. Sanborn, J. B., 4312. Sandy Flash, Freebooter, 5899. Sanford, D., 6714. Sanford, W., 2139. Sanford, W. F., 970, 976. Sanger, R., 3685. Sargent, Joseph, 200. Sargent, L. M., 2793, 3383, 3600, 3665, 3687. Sargent, Winthrop, 2780, 2781, 3687. Sargent, W. M., 1709. Saunders, A., 4424. Saunders, C. H., 4158. Saunderson, R., 3920. Saur, Christopher, 2029. Savage, A., 3409. Savage, James, 2781, 2785, 2896, 2943, 3359. Savage, J. W., 4408. Savage, W., 3682. Sawin, S. B., 2567. Sawyer, N., 3683. Saxton, P., 3372. Sayenqueraghta (King of the Senecas) 4805. Scanlan, P. F., 5853. Schaeffer, C. A., 1523. Schaff, Philip, 777, 778. Schamp, D., 4506. Scharf, J. T., 4311. Scheuner, G., 1523. Schieffelin, Hannah L., 3409. Schieffelin, J., 3409, 3893. Schiller, Friedrich, 885, 887. Schlatter, M., 7481. Schlesinger, S., 631. Schmitt, E. J. P., 6683. Schmolck, Benjamin, 777. " Schocco " Jones, 5569. Schoolcraft, H. R., 4378. Schoonmaker, John, 4864. Schriver, J. A., 2027. Schroder, H. A., 2029. Schroeder, J. F., 3684. Schuyler, D. P., 5016. Schuyler, M., 5020. BIOGKAPHICAL INDEX. 1357 Schnyler, P., 5315. Schwandt, Mary, 4308, 4311. ; Scott, C. S., 1641. Scott, Dorothea, 2789. Scott, G. R. W., 3415. Scott, M., 4304. I Scott, N. R., 4202. : Scott, R. T., 6829. Scott, Sir W., 2885. Scott, Winfield, 1284, 1514, 2778. Scottow, Joshua, 2632. Screven, Wm., 1707, 1711, 3401. Seudder, II. E., 2805, 2807. Scudder, N., 6059. Scull, G. D., 3821. Sc-abury, Samuel, 5035. Seaman, J., 5026. Searle, R., 5751. Sears, David, 2781, 2792, 2883, 3038, 3687. Sears, E. H., 2787, 2960. Secord, Laura, 7226, 7228, 7243. Sedgwick, H. C., 4924. Sedgwick, Henry D., 7395. Sedgwick, Robert, 2135, 5047. Sedgwick, Theodore, 5047. See, Adam, 6890. Seelig, J. G., 6081. Sehested, N. F. B. de, 6331. Seidel, Nathaniel, 6223. Seidensticker, G. F., 886. Seiss, J. A., 6364. Seligman, J., 627. Selim, the Algerinc, 6892. Sergeant, J. D., 6058. Sergeant, T., 3685. Setzer, H. N., 4311. Sever, J. W., 3687. Severance, M., 4098. Sewall, David, 1708, 2770.. Sewall, Joseph, 3404, 3682, 3840. Sewall, Samuel, Chief Justice, 778, 2275, 3005, 3022, 3359. Sewall, Rev. S., 3687. Seward, S. T., 4930. Seward, W. H., 2781, 4800. Seymour, N., 4924. Shabonee, 1360. Shannon, Wilson, 7426. Sharp, John, 5826. Sharswood, G., 6334, 6335. Shattuck, G. C., 800, 3406, 3683, 3855. Shattuck, G. D., 3217. Shattuck, G. O., 2801, 2804, 3246, 7395. Shattuck, Lemuel, 2787, 2965, 3372, 3684. Shau-be-na, 6930a. Shaw, Lemuel, 2774, 2779, 3685. Shaw, R. G., 3683. Shaw, S., Chief Justice, 2854. Shaw, W., 3359. Shaw, W. S., 2770. Shaw, W. T., 1515. LShea, J. G., 917, 927, 2797. Shelby, E., 6670. Shelby, I., 1640. Sheldon, John, 4096. Shepard, C., 4931. Shepard, John, 3364. Shepard, J. S., 4671. Shepardson, F. W., 5752. Shepherd, Charles, 1523. Shepherd, D., 6890, 6891. Shepherd, M., 6891. Shepherd, Thomas, 6890, 6893. Shepley, E., 1704. Sheppard, John II., 3385, 3620. Sherburne, M., 4312. Sheridan, P. H., 6598. Sherman, B. R., 1520. Sherman, John, 5721. Sherman, John A., 4908. Sherman, Mrs. John A., 4908. Sherman, Roger, 207. Sherman, R. M., 1144. Sherman, W. T., 3338. Sherwin, Thomas, 3665, 3687. Sherwood, Grace, 6851, 6852. Shipman, T. L., 1194, 1195. Shippen, Edward, 6063, 7423, 7503. Shippen, Margaret, 6080, 6081, 6082. Shippen, William, sr., 6057. Shirley, Gov., 2135. Shoemaker, L. D., 6410. Shoemaker, M., 4279. Short, M., 1710. Short, W., 6852. Shurt, A., 3383. Shurtleff, B., 3682. Shurtleff, N. B., 2782. Shurtleff, W. S., 2184, 2800. Sibley, II. H., 4307, 5520. Sibley, J. L., 2792, 3040, 3188. Sibley, Mrs. John L., 7465. Sibourd, Lewis, 928. Sigsbee, Charles, 899. Siguenza, Carlos de, 6681. Silliman, Benjamin, 2829, 3687. Silsbee, Nathaniel, 2273. Simon, Joseph, 624, 6167. Simonds, A., 3683. Simons, Titus, 7367, 7377. Simpson, John, 7347. Simpson, T., 7148-r. Sims, C. S., 3408, 4652. Simson, S., 633. Sin Bin Nim, Joseph. Indian, 4280. Sinnickson, J. J., 4667. Skelton,. Samuel, 2252, 2356, 2800, 3180, 3410, 3411. Skinner, Esther, 3372, 3472. Skinner, J., 3411. Skinner, M., 1383. Skinner, R., 6742, 6743. Slade, C., 1424. Slade, D. D., 2135, 2138, 3409, 3889, 4098. Slaughter, B. G., 1642. Slaughter, Gabriel, 1641. Slocum, Peleg, 4043. Sloo, T., 1424. Slough, M., 6170. Smalley, E., 3684. Smallwood, S. N., 1265. Smart, Wm., 7300. Smets, A. A., 3468, 3686. Smith, Aaron, 2567. 1358 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Smith, Armistead, 6860. Smith, Asahel, 2202, 4171, 4175. Smith, A. B., 6870. Smith, B., 3687. Smith, Claudius, 4864. Smith, C. E., 5506. Smith, C. P., 6335. Smith, D. B., 6063. Smith, Eleazar, 2204. Smith, Ethan, 3359. Smith, George, 6062, 6105, 6331. Smith, G. C., 4398. Smith, G. O., 2594. Smith, James, 7413. Smith, Jedediah S., 1013. Smith, Jeremiah, 3383, 3599. Smith, Capt. John, 6776, 6818. Smith, John, of Hilford, Conn., 3403, 3823. Smith, John, of Frederick, Aid., 5852. Smith, Joseph, 4138. Smith, J. C., 1106. Smith, J. H., 2027. Smith, J. S., 3687. Smith, J. Y., 6930. Smith, P. T., 1712. Smith, Robert, 6060. Smith Robert, of Boxford, 3413. Smith, R. D., 3645a. Smith, S. F., 5503. Smith, S. J., 4543, 4571. Smith, T., 1710. Smith, W. R., 3687. Smith, William S.. 5040. Smucker, Isaac, 204. Smyth, E. C., 211, 2808, 3417, 3976, 7469. Smyth, Thomas A., 1214. Snead, T. L., 4381. Snelling, J., 3410. Snelling, W., 3410. Snyder, S., 6060. Somesby, H. G., 2781. 2791. Soto, Hernando de, 1337. Soule, Joshua, 1712. Spaight, R. D., 1968, 6059. Spangenberg, A. G., 6064. Sparhawk, G., 3684. Sparhawk, N., 1715. Sparks, Jared, 165, 1829, 1958, 2778, 2779, 2865, 3687, 6264. Spaulding, S., 2594. Spencer, Hamilton, 1427. Spencer, J., 6059. Spencer, O., 4553. Spinning, W. T., 4931. Spooner, Bathsheba, 357. Spooner, W. J., 2639. Sprague, Charles, 2782, 2783, 2903, 2904. Sprague, G. J., 3360. Sprague, J. F., 1710. Sprague, W. B., 5023. Spring, A., 1713. Springer, F., 1514, 1517, 1523. Sproul, J., 6165. Stafford, Abigail, 4543. Standish, Myles, 3598, 4979b. Stanhope, Earl, 2783. Stanhope, Sir J., 2881. Stanley, Dean Arthur Penrhyn, 2788. Stanly, John Wright, 1284. Stanton, Dorothy, 3406, 3414. Stanton, F. P., 1579. Stanton, M. M., 1514. Staples, C. A., 2594, 3417, 3988, 4216. Staples, H. B., 382. Staples, I., 4311. Staples, S. E., 4214, 4239. Staples, W. R., 3687, 6517, 6584, 6829. Starbuck, Elizabeth S., 7534. Stark, B., 1203. Stark, John, 3365, 4427, 4457, 7475. Starman, J. W., 1701. Starr, W., 4096. Starr, W. H., 1195. Steadwell, L., 1523. Stearns, A., 1017, 1020. Stearns, C., 3685. Stearns, L. D., 6424. Stebbins, Thankful, 4098. Steele, F., 1515. Steele, O. G., 4771. Stehman, D. W., 5952. Steiner, L. H., 2027. Stephen, Sir Leslie, 2808. Stephens, J. W., 5569. Sterne, A., 6680. Stetson, Joshua, 3595o, 3687. Stevens, B., 1712. Stevens, B. F., 6767. Stevens, John, of Perth Amboy, 5030. Stevens, Rev. John, 5753. Stevens, Sadosa S., 5941. Stevens, W T . H., 4931. Stewart, R., 6707. Stickney, J. H., 4427. Stickney, Two, 3686. Stiegel, Baron H. W., 6057, 6165. Stileman, E., 3409, 4453. Stiles, D., 7414. Stiles, E., 631, 6072. Stiles, H. R., 5034. Stiles, J.. jr., 4202. Stiles, S. E., 5048. Stille", C. J., 6079, 6080, 6123. Stilwell, Margaret H., 4926. Stockton, R., 4548, 4588. Stockwell, Q., 4097. Stoddard, Amos, 5776, no. 36. Stoddard, J., 3363. Stoever, J. C., sr., 6852. Stolley, W., 4424. Stone, Franklin, 2573. Stone, F. D., 6077, Stone, G., 4160. Stone, G. C., 4311. Stone, Joel, 7365. Stone, S., 1383. Stone, W. F., 3684. Stone, W. M., 1522. Story, Augustus, 2259, 2422. Story, Joseph, 2779, 2853, 3383, 3599. Story, W. W., 2800. Stoughton, W., 3408. Stoy, Wm., 6170. Street, J, M., 1514. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1359 Streeter, s. F., 3687. Streeter, Z., 1513. Strickland, J., 1713. Striker, D., 4280. Stringfield, A. M., 1427. Strong, C. f 2770, 2950. Strong, N., 3395. Strong, S. B., 5019. Stryker, W. S.. 4311, 4658, 5047, 5079. Stuart, G., 6539, 6584. Stuart, James, 4394. Stuart, John, 6894. Stuart, Gen. James Ewell Brown, 3338 6836. Stuart, J. T., 1423. Stuart, Mary N., 1423. Stuart, W. J., 2572. Stubbs, Wm., 2805. Studley, T. E., 6583. Sturdevant, E. W., 6436. Sturdevant, S. H., 6424. Sturgis, William, 2776, 2828. Stuve, Bernard, 7425. Sullivan, D., 3007. Sullivan, James, 1717, 2629. Sullivan, Gen. John, 607, 616, 3365, 4455, 4478, 4479, 6058, 6090. Sullivan, John, Somersworth and Berwick, 3377, 4459. Sullivan, R., 3685, 3744. Sullivan, Wm., 2771, 2953. Snlzberger, J., 631. Summers, Benjamin, 7418. Summers, G. W., 6846. Summers, L., 6891. Sumner, Charles, 2782. Sumner, George, 2787, 2961, 4210. Sumner, Wm. H., 2787, 3366, 3685. Sumter, Thomas, 1286. Swain, D. L., 3382, 3586, 3665, 3687. . Swan, G., 3685. Swan, James, 2794. Swan, Mrs. James, 2794, 3056. Swearingen, R. M., 6686. Sweeny, T. W., 608. Sweet, B. J., 1363. Sweet, G. W., 4311. Sweet, J. D., 3687. Sweetser, Rev. Dr. Seth, 191. Swett, Leonard, 1427. Swett, S., 3687. Swift, H. A., 4304. Swift, N., 6731. Swords. R. S., 6326. Sylvain, Timothee, 7347. Symes, L., 5020. Symmes, J. C., 4549, 4587. Symmes, Wm., 2243, 2287. T. Taber, J., and son, 1715. Taft, Frederic, 2202. Taft, Henry W., 2808. Taft, R. S., 3415. Taggart, J. M., 4410. Talbot, Christopher, 5856. Talbot, John, 6059, 6091. Taliaferro, Lawrence, 4307. Tallman, P., 1716. Talon, Jean, 7347. Taney, R. B., 4690, 4708, 5853. Tanner, John, 7149o. Tappan, L. N., 2256. Tarbox, I. N., 3402, 3818o. Tarbox, J., 3400. Tarhe, The Crane, Indian chief, 5726. Taschoreau, G. E., 7:>4~<i. Tatham, John, 5848. Taylor, A., 6845. Taylor, A. A. E., 5748. Taylor, D., 6853. Taylor, Hawkins, 1523. Taylor, Jeremy, 214. Taylor, Jesse, 7411. Taylor, John, 5016, 6681, 6825, 6851. Taylor, Gen. Nathaniel, 6672. Taylor, O. A., 3682. Taylor, R. B., 1577. Taylor, R. W., 5777, no. 43. Taylor, S., 6058. Taylor, W., 6845. Tecumseh, 4344a, 5648, 6928. Teed, Mathew, 7525. Teeple, P., 7296. Tefft, I. K., 3686. Tennyson, A., 5474. Ternay, Charles Louis d Arsac, Chevalier do, 3385, 6475. Terrell, Walter, 1522. Thacher, H. K., 3714. Thacher, Patience, 5050. Thacher, S. O., 1579. Thacher, T. D., 1579, 1580. Thatcher. H. K., 3394. Thatcher, J., 1712. Thatcher, P., 3395. Thayendanagea, 7298. Thaj er, Eli, 1577. Resolution on death of, 4212. Thayer, Elisha, 3685. Thayer, G. F., 3377, 3523, 3686. Thayer, John, 915. Thayer, J. B., 2139, 2161, 2806. Thayer, Nathaniel, 2789, 2792, 3027. Thayer, S., 1702. Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 2784, 7446. Thomas, B. F., 2785, 2804, 3244. Thomas, D., 4800. Thomas, E. I., 372. Thomas, Gen. G. H.. 3338. .Thomas, Isaiah, 192, 208, 2770. Thomas, Gen. John, 2808, 3407. Thomas, Joshua, 2638. Thomas, J. A., 6060. Thomas, Jesse B., 7425, Thomas, Jesse B.. jr., 7425. Thomas, Rees, 6069. Thomas, Richard S.. jr., 7425. Thomas, Samuel. 6650. Thomas, S. W., 1250. Thomas, T. G., 6649. Thomas Aquinas, Faint, 111. Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford 2183. 1360 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Thompson, B. B., 4414. Thompson, B. F., 3682. Thompson, C. O., 198, 324. Thompson, D., 4443. Thompson, G. M., 5590. Thompson, H. S., 1289. Thompson, J., 5569, 6063. Thompson, L., 3411. Thompson, P., 3686. Thompson, S., 1717. Thompson, Gen. W., 1520. Death, 1523. Thompson, Rev. W., 1709, 1710. Thompson, Sir W., 6851. Thomson, Charles, 5960, 6009. Thomson, D., 2920. Thomson, J., 1713. Thoreau, Henry David, 2260a, 2455, 7188, 7214. Thorndike, I., 3687. Thome, S., 5037. Thornton, Err, 1523. Thornton, J. W., 3391, 3362, 3678. Throop, Gov. E. T., 4800. Thurston, Asa, 2540. Thurston, N., 3374. Ticknor, George, 2781, 2789, 2883, 2998; 6277. Ticknor, W. D., 3686. Tiffin, E., 5736. Tilden, D. R., 5620. Tileston, E. P., 3386, 3626. Tilghman, Edward (Old bar of Phila. ), 6070. Tilghman, William, 697. Tilley, Jno., wife of, 5042. Tillinghast, A. A., 3684. Tillinghast, B. F., 1523. Tilton, J., 3360. Timrod, Henry, 1283. Tinker, John, 2770. Tipton, T. W., 4417. Tischcohan, 6063. Tocqueville, A. de, 1829. Tolman, E., 3033. Tolman, T., 3687. Tod, D., 5720. Todd, J., 2048. Todd, W. C., 3417, 3990. Tompkins, D. D., 5146. Tompkins, H. B., 6649. Tompson, B., 2800, 3080, 3165. Tompson, Wm., 3373. Toner, J. M., 1264. Tonty, Henry de, 6912. Toppan, R. N., 209, 2139, 2160, 2805, 3266, 3276. Torrey, H. W., 2798, 2799, 3155. Totman, J. and T., 4209. Totten, Silas, 1522. Tower, Charlemagne, 6115. Towne, W., 4163. Towne, W. B., 3665, 3668. Townsend, C. C., 1523. Townsend, E., 3687. Townsead, J., 2259, 5999. Townsend, Mrs. K., 7413. Townsend, R., 3687. Townshend, Sir R., 3408. Toynbee, A., 1820. Tracy, F. P., 3885. Train, S., 3319. Trask, George, 2540. Trask, S., 4311. Traske, W.. 3411, 3925. Travis, William B., 1286. Trelawny, R., 1720. Trerice, Rebecca, 3376. Trescott, Lemuel, 2571. Trimble, J., 6061. Tripp, J., 1709. Trippe, S. G., 6583. Troup, J. E., 654. Tiousdale, W., 6670. Trow, J. F., 4428. Trowbridge, S. C., 1520. Trowb ridge, T., 3417. True, N. T., 1709. Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, 1204. Trumbull, Joseph, 1202. Trumbull, J. H., 207, 209, 437, 6585. Tuche, J., 1711. Tuck, A., 1782. Tucker, Capt. D., 1714. Tucker, G. H., 3685. Tucker, J., 4836. Tucker, J. R., 6829. Tucker, R., 3411. Tucker, Samuel. 3384, 3601&. Tudor, Frederick, 2776. Tudor, William, 2636, 2710. Tudor, Wm., jr., 2770. Tufin, C. A., 6058. Tufts, A. C., 4160. Tufts. Isaac, 3369. Turcotte, L., 7308. Turell, C., 3686. Turner, Asa, 1515. Turner, C., 1713. Turner, D. K., 5873, 6382. Turner, Edward, 3365. Turner, Elisha, 1203. Turner, H. E., 6583, 6585. Turner, J. N., 3686. Turner, P., 6520. Turrell, Jane, 3322, 4859. Tuttle, C. W., 2788, 2791, 3025, 3400, 3790. Tuttle, H. R., 5777, no. 43. Tyler, C., 5495. Tyler, J., 3685. Tyler, L. G., 6850. Tyler, M. C., 632, 2804. Tyler, N., 3371. Tymms, S., 3687. Tyng, D. A., 2640, 2719. Tyng, E., 2628, 2695. Tyng, W., 2695, 4428. Tyson, J. R., 3684. r. Underbill, D., 7408. Uniacke, R. J., 7281. BIOGBAPIilCAL INDEX. 1361 Updike, W., 3687. Upham, C. W., 2784, 2920. Upham, J., 3368, 3378. Upham, N. G., 3687, 4476. Upham, T., 4455. Upshur, A. P., 6782. Upton, G. B., 3387. Upton, James, 2255, 2375. Urquhart, J., 1713. Usselinx, W., 1221, 6063. Utie, J., 6852. V. Vagna, L. della, 5844. Vaillant, F., 7346. Valentine, I). T., 3687. Valentine, 1 . J. J., 208. Valiniere, Pierre Huet de la, 7347, 7349. Valle, Ygnacio del, 1017. Vallieres. J. R., 7347. Van Berekel, P. J., 5029. Van Beverhoudt, L., 5033. Van Buren, Martin, 5043. Van Buskirk, W., 5821. Van Caldwell, 1514. \ an Cleve, Mrs. C. O., 1524. Van Cortlandt, Catharine E., 5041. Van Cortlandt, I ., 5020. Van Curler, Arent, 12, 4693, 4720. Van Dam, R., 5230. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 5032, 5045. Vanderbilt, William II., 5032. Vanderlip, J. A., 4926. Van Deusen, I., 5043. Vane, 8ir II., 3360. Van Meteren, Jan Joosten, 6892. Van Rensselaer, C., 6381. Van Rensselaer, S.. 4699. Van Shaick, G., 5041. Van Speyk, 4878. . Van Wagenen, G. II.. 5O39. Van Wyck, Augustus, 4877. Vargas, 578. Varick, Rudolphus, 6069. Varlo, C., 6063. Vassall, William, 2775. Vattemare, Alexandre, 2791, 3686. Vaughan, B.. 1702. Vaughan, Wm., 1704, 1761, 4446, 4453. \ auquelain, Jean, 7310. Vaux, R., 5972. Vaux, W. S., 6331. A enable, S. W., 6829. Venner, T., 3405. Vennor, T., 3852. Vercheres, Marie-Magdeleine Jaret de, 7346. Verplanck, G. C., 2780, 5013, 6274, 7445. Very, Jones, 2405. Vetch, S., 7277. Vetromile, E., 1702, 1707. Vetromile, E. A., 6326. Victor, F. P., 5799. Viele, E. L., 5049. Viele, P., 1507. Vilas, L. B., 6931. Villagra, G. de, 5342. Villegaignon, 773. Villeray, L. R. de, 7345. Vinal, Q. A., 4160. Vincennes, J. B. de, 1453, 734(5. Vincent, Jean, Baron dc Saint Castine 1703. Vincent, Philip, 2649. Vines, R., 3412. Vining, J.. 6064. Vinton, John A., 3392. Vinton, S. F.. 3097. Visconti, Pietro Ercole, Huron, 196, 20O. Von Kapf, II., 2027. Vose, F., 3685. Vose, Matilda W., 219(5, 2571. Vuault de Valrennes, Philippe Clement du, 7350. Wade. John, 1710. Wade, Jonathan, 3324. Wade, Nathaniel, 3324. Wadleigh. R., 4453. Wadsworth, Benj., 2240. Wadsworth, L., 4447. Wager, Sir C., 3389. Wait, D., 5589. Wait, J. T., 1203. Wait, Luther, 3682. Wait, Maria, 7271. Wait, W. C.. 3318. Waite, Henry M., 3382, 3587. Waite, L., 3360. Wakon Decorah, Winncbui/o chief, 1501. Waldeck, Jean F. de, 2784, 2921. Waldo, S., 1705, 1771. Waldron, Richard, 3401, 4447. 4453. Waldron, Richard, jr., 4453. Waldseemiiller, M.. 5xo. Valker, Amasa, 34OO, 3791. Valker, Elkanah. 6869. Valker, F. A.. 206, 430, 811, 2135, 2801, 2803, 3245, 3410. Valker, James, 2782, 2796. Valker, R. J., 1579, 4349. Valker, S. II., 642Ob. Vallace, C., 1613. Vallace, II. E., >/., (5084. Vallace, John, 3414. Vallace, J. W., 60(54. . Valient, T,, 2771. Valler, Edwin, 6(5X2. Valley, J., 3374. Vallis, S. T.. 20(7. 2010. alpole, Kir Robert, 7419. alsh, II. C., 915. alsh, II. S., 1579. "alsh, Robert, 915. alsworth, E. B.. 4924. althall, E. C., 4347. alton, E. P., 6764. alworth, R. II., 36X7, 5041. apello, Indian chief, 1514. ard. Artemas, 3363, 6057. "ard, A. F., 3684. ard, A. II., 3375, 3492, 3686. H. Doc. 923, 50-1, vol 2- -80 1362 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Ward, Edward, 6892. Ward, G. A., 2246. Ward, J., 3684. Ward, Nathan, 1712. Ward, Nathaniel. 2241, 2245, 2588, 3723. Ward, Samuel, 5023, 5059, 6537. Ward, T., 6065. Ward, W., 4345. Ware, A., 1707. Ware, D. E., 2135, 2137. Ware, E. G., 3686. Ware, H., 2771. Warner, D., 3373. Warner, Seth, 3392, 6723, 6724. Warren, Chas. H., 2782, 2788. Warren, F. H., 1518. Warren, Joseph, 3370. Warren, J. C., 3684, 3716. Warren, J. W., 3687. Warren, Mercy, 2137. Warren, W. W T ., 4306. Warwick, J., 6890. Washburn, C. C., 6931, 6979. Washburn, Emory, 188, 2784, 2786, 2951. Washburn, I., jr., 1708. Washburn, J. D., 2807. Washburn, P. T., 3687. Washburne, E. B., 1383, 2794, 6982. Washington. G., 2139, 3129, 3369, 5525, 6009, 6072, 6074, 6075, 6076, 6077, 6570, 6585. Washington, John, 6849, 6850. Washington, Mary, 6672, 6832. Waterman, R., 6584. Waterman, Thomas, 3370". Waters, A., 2d, 4203. Waters, A. H., 4203, 4227. Waterston. R. C., 2798, 3142, 3146. Watkins. Mary, 3402. Watson, B. M., 2800, 2802, 3224. Watson, C. K., 5635. Watson, E., 3375, >503. Watson, J. F., 2774. 6024. Watson, Marston, 2626. Watson, Matthew, 609. Watson, W T ., 6062. Watt, J., 5800. Watteville, Baron John de, 6223. Wayne, A., 4283, 5215, 5721, 6071, 6075, 6167, 7412. Weare, Mrs. J., 1518.. Weare, M., 4450. Weare, N., 4446. Webb, T., 6066. Webb, T. D., 7411. Webb, T. H., 2788. Webb, William, 5044. Webber, W. L., 4281. Webster, D., 1384, 1538, 2771, 3036, 3379, 3383, 3599, 3682, 3701. Webster, E., 5505. Webster, J., 4428. Webster, J. !., 4427. Webster, N., 1713. Webster, R., 6375. Weetamoe, Indian queen, 3412. Weeks, G. W., 4428&. Weeks, L., 3397. Weidle, J., 6218. Weidman, W. M., 5954a. Weisner, K., 4280. Weiss, L., 6071. Weld, H., 3412. Weld, S. M., 3380, 3563, 3687. Weld, T., 3394, 3397, 7345. Weld, T. W., 2574. Weld, W. F., 3403. Weld, W. G., 2135, 6584. Welles, John, 2793. Welling, J. C., 1264. Wellington, C. A., 2594. Wells, Agrippa, 7480. Wells, D. F., 1504. Wells, H., 6764. AYells, Jonathan, 7480. Wells, William, 5646. Wendell, Jacob, 3380, 3687. Wendell, O., 3359. Wentworth, J., jr., 4450. Wentworth, P., 3396. Wentworth, Wm., 3375, 3376, 3377. West, B., 5899. West, G. J., 6584. West, Richard, Lord Chancellor, 3387. Weston, N., 3359. Weston, T., 3408. Westren, J., 4280. Wetherell, D., 3408. Whale, T., 6066. Whaley, Mary, 6852. Whaley, T., 6066. Whalley, Edward, 1157, 1169, 2784, 6057. Whalley, Jane, 3408. Wharton, James, jr., 6061. Wharton. T., jr., 6062. Wheatland, Henry, 2268, 2799, 3176. Wheaton, L. M., 3687. Wheeler, Rev. John, 3686, 3866. Wheeler, Johnson, 7414. Wheeler, Loring, 1515. Wheeler, W. II., 4396. Wheeler, W. W., 4930. Wheelock, J., 4456. Wheelwright, Edward, 2139. Wheelwright, Esther, 7345. Wheelwright, John, 1709, 2798, 3379, 4111 Whetcomb, J., 374. Whicher, S., 1516. Whipple, Abraham, 5714. Whipple, H. B., 4312. Whipple, J., 4486. Whipple, J_ B., 4456. Whipple, William, 1712, 4457. Whitaker, N., 1713. Whitcher, M, L., 2571. Whitcomb, B., 4460. Whitcomb, James, 3682. Whitcomb, John, 202. \Vhite, A., 4278. White, Anthony W., 4551, 4620. White, A. S., 3687. White, C., 6066. White, Daniel Appleton, 2245, 2290, 2774, 2775, 2820, 3685. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. 1363 White, P., 1289. White, H. C., 4159. White, John, 2128. White, Joseph, 2047, 4098. White, J. G., 3410, 3906. White, Mary (Mrs. R. Morris), 6058, 6087, White, Michael, 1013. White, P. II.,. 3687, 6735, 6752. White, R., 6845. White, Samuel, 1258, 4033. White, Thomas, 344, 1258, 6057, 6087. White, W., 3362. White, W. A., 6927. White, W. M., 4927. Whitefleld, G., 6009. Whitehead, J., 3413, 3946. Whitehead, W. A., 4552, 4627. Whiting, A. N., 5725, 5749. Whiting, D., 2198. Whiting, Elizabeth St. J., 3372. Whiting, S., 3408. Whiting, T., 1713. Whiting, William, 3386, 3627&. Whitman, Ezekiel, 3536, 3537a, 3687. Whitman, Marcus, 20, 94, 5837. Whitmore, Sarah, 4775. Whitmore, W. II.. 2804. 2805, 3263, 3320. Whitney, Eli, 1160. Whitney, H. A., 2794, 3095, 3403, 3821d. Whitney, H. C., 2795. Whitney, James S., 4098. W T hitney, L., 1520. Whitney, Peter, 2635, 4205. 4231. Whitney, W. C., 5050. Whitney, W. D., 204. Whittier, J. G., 2531, 2574, 3408, 6354. Whittlesey, Asaph, 5653. Whittlesey, C., 5777, no. 68. Whittlesey, E., 7410. Whittlesey, Susan, 5653. Whitwell, W., 3687. Wickliffe, D., 6858. Wiegner, C., 7422. Wigglesworth, E., 2135. Wigglesworth, M., 2799, 3178, 3375. 3413, 3499, 3592. Wight, C. C., 6828. Wight, J., 1711. Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop, 2782. Wilbor, O., 3684. Wilbor. Susan A., 7417. Wild, E. A., 3407. Wilde, S. S., 3359, 3683. Wilder, M. P., 3379, 3400, 3551, 3792, 3793. Wiley, II. C., 1016. Wilkersou, S., 4773. Wilkins, D., 1427. Wilkins, John, 6156. Wilkins, J. II., 3685. Wilkinson, M. S., 4311. Willard, A. J., 4928. Willard, Joseph, 2777, 2778, 2844, 3687, 4210. Willard, Paul, jr., 3687. Willard, g., 1710. Willard, S. G., 1204. Willcox, M. B., 5849. Willett, M., 5034, 5431. Williams, A., 3413. Williams, C. K., 3863. Williams, Ebenezer, 1712. Williams, Eleazer, 1407, 3684, 6916, 6930, On. iOn, 6930/>. Williams, Elvira A., 3931. Williams. Ephraim, 2626, 5410. Williams, Eunice. 4096. Williams, E. II., 1521. Williams, Henry, 2139. Williams, John, 2770. Williams, Joseph, 1522. Williams, J. F., 205, 3360. Williams, J. R.. 4281. Williams, M. T., 5743. Williams, O. II., 1891. Williams, Renel, 1745. Williams, Robert, 3405. Williams, Roger, 200, 355, 1704, 2619, 2894, 3372, 3373, 3408, 3409, 3411, 3412, 3926, 6472, 6482, 6511, 6519, 6520, 6582. Williams, Stephen, 2183. Williams, S. W., 3683. Williams, W., 1514. Williamson, Hugh, 5091, 5116. 5749. Williamson, Joseph, 3415, 3966. 7395. Williamson, J. A., 1517, 1518. Williamson, T. S., 4304. Williamson. W. D., 3359. 3682. Willis. C. L., 4311. Willis, William, 1703, 3385, 3687, 6276. Willix, B., 3408. Willson, E. B., 2269. Willson, M., 4670. Wilmer, R. II., 946. Wilson, Sir D., 7318. Wilson, D. S., 1499. Wilson, G., 1516. Wilson, II.. 3390. Wilson, Ocn. James, 4428o, 4432. Wilson, John, 2807. Wilson, Capt. John, 1716. Wilson, Rcr. John, 6850. Wilson, J. F.. 1514. Wilson, M.. 6064. Wilson, T.. 5723. Wilson. T. S.. 1522. Wilson, William L.. 1285, 1286. Wilson. W. M.. 3686. Wimmar, B., 5845. Winchester, E.. 2127. Winds. W., 4541, 4565. Wing, L. B.. 5747. Wingate, P.. 3385. Winn, Richard. 12S2. Winship, J., 1712, 1717. Winslow, Edward. 12. 3396, 5042. 5075. Winslow, Isaac, 2138. Winthrop, John, 2581. 4160. Winthrop, John, jr., 207. 43X. Winthrop, Katharine. 3022. Winthrop, Robert C.. 11. 2O5. 14O3. 2799, 3021, 3163, 3201, 3209, 7459. 1364 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Winsor, Justin, 36, 207, 439, 600, 2798, 2802, 3233a, 3235, 6829. Winter, P., 1713. Winthrop, Fitz-John, 200. Winthrop, James, 2638. Winthrop, T. L., 2650. Winthrop, William, 2770, 2789, 3687. Wise, J., 1710. Wise, J. C., 4311. Wisner, II., 6057. Wiswell, J., 1712. Witherspoon, J., 6424. Withington, Elizabeth, 3833. Wittenmyer, Annie, 1516. Wolcott, O., sr., 3384. Wolcott, O., 3362. Wolcott, Roger, 2139, 2804, 2808. Wolfe, J., 3463, 7222. Wolfe, J. D., 5288. Wolfskill, W., 1020. Wood, C. G., portrait, 4212. Wood, John, 7411. Wood, Joseph, 7437. Wood, Leonard, 2786. Wood, Robert W., 809. Wood, Sally Sayward (Barrell), 1707. Wood, Silas, 4848. Wood, W. M., 5287. Woodbridge, B., 1710. Woodbridge, D., 3399. Woodbury, John, 2529. Woodbury, J. A., 4193. Woodbury, Levi, 3359, 3406, 3682, 3862. Woodhouse, H., 6849. 6853. Woodman, Cyrus, 1707, 3401. Woodman, D. O., 4203. Woodmancy, J., 2795, 3080. Woodruff, E. W., 5745. Woodruff, J., jr., 4559. Woods, L., 1704, 1759. Woodson, D., 1579. Woodville, E., 211. 497. Woodward, A., 1195, 3398, 3760. Woodward, A. B., 4281. Woodward, N., 3409. Woodwell, C. II., 3687. Woolf, E., 635. Woolley, C., 3770. Worcester, J. E., 2777, 2787. Worcester, R., 2770. Worcester, S. A., 6731. Worden, A. G., 2573. Worden, E. N., 1523. Worden, F. L., 4395. Worrell, W. B., 5590. Worthington, E., 2203. Worthington, T., 5724, 5748. Wraxall, P., 4701. Wrenshall, J., 5049. Wright, Abel, 3698. Wright, Ed., 1514. Wright, Elizar, 3321. Wright, Geo. C., 1522. Wright, G. G., 1516, 1522. Wright, G. R., 5749. Wright, Harrison. 6422, 6438, 6440. Wright, II. B., 6434. Wright, J., 7219. Wright, J. S., 1395. Wright, N., 3359. Wright, Silas, 4097. Wyatt, M. P., 6893. Wyeth, N. J., 5797. Wyman, Jeffries, 2782, 2783. Wynne, T., 6081. Wynne, T. II., 6840. X. Xanctoigne, J. A., 7204. Y. Yale, Elihu, 1158, 1172, 3362. Yancey, W. L., 946, 976. Yates, R., 1423. Yates, W. J., 5569. Yeates, Judge, 927. Yesler, II. L., 2028. Yewell, G. H., 1517. Yohe, S. S., 6365. Yonges, John, 5050. Young, Alexander, 2650. Young, A. P., 4591. Young, C. H., 4931. Young, E. J., 3181. Young, Madison, 1509. Zeng, F. A. de, Baron, 5017. Zenger, J. P., 6076 Zwingli, Ulrich, 1836. INDEX OF SOCIETIES. Alabama Baptist Historical Society, Birmingham, Ala., 144. Alabama Historical Society, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 189-144. Albany Historical and Art Society, Albany, N. Y., 050. Albany Historical Society, Albany, N. Y., 050. Albany Institute, Albany, N. Y., 050-054. Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society, 1011. Albemarle Historical Society [Elizabeth City, N. C.J. 748. American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., 32-72. American Baptist Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 72-73. American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., 792- 790, 1011. American Ethnological Society, New York City, 73-74. American Geographical Society, New York City, 74-87, 1011. American Historical Association. Washington, D. C., 7-31. American Historical Society, Washington, D. C., 31. American-Irish Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 87-90. American Jewish Historical Society, Washington. D. C., 91-94. American Negro Historical Society of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., 94. American Numismatic and Archaeological Society, New York City, 94-98. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 99-107. American Society of Church History. New York City. 107-111. American Statistical Association, Boston, Mass., 111-118. Amesbury Historical Society or Amesbury Improvement Historical Association, Amesbury, Mass., 282. Amherst Historical Society, Amherst, Mass., 282. Anne Arundel County Historical Society, Annapolis, Md., 250. Antiquarian and Historical Society of Illinois, 188. Archaeological Institute of America, 118-124. Arizona Historical Society, Prescott, Ariz., 145. Arizona Pioneer Society, Prescott, Ariz., 145. Arkansas Historical Association, 145. Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, Richmond, Va., 921. Backus Historical Society, Newton, Mass., 282-283. Barrington Historic-Antiquarian Society, Barrington. It. I., 8,83. Battle Monument Association, Bennington, Vt.. 912. Battle of Lake Erie Monument Association, Sandusky, Ohio, 753. Bay State Historical League, Boston, Mass., 283. Bedford Historical Society, Bedford, Mass., 283. Bennington Battle Monument and Historical Association, Bennington, Vt., 912. Bennington Historical Society, Bennington, Vt., 913. Berkshire Historical and Scientific Society, Pittsfield. Mass., 283-284. Beverly Historical Society, Beverly, Mass., 284-285. Bluekill Historical Society, Maine, 236. Boston Antiquarian Club, Boston, Mass., 285. Boston Numismatic Society, Boston, Mass., 285. 1305 1366 INDEX OF SOCIETIES. Bostonian Society, Boston, Mass., 285-289, 1011-1012. Boyle County (Kentucky) Historical Society, Danville, Ky., 228. Bradford Club, New York City, 654-655. Brookline Historical Publication Society, Brookline, Mass., 289-200. Brookline Historical Society, Brookline, Mass., 290-291, 1012. Brooklyn Catholic Historical Society, Brooklyn, N. Y., 655. Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pa., 797-798. Buffalo Genealogical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 655. Buffalo Historical Society, Buffalo, N. Y., 656-662. California Historic-Genealogical Society, San Francisco, Gal., 146-147. California Historical Society, San Francisco, Cal., 146. Camden County Historical Society, Camden, N. J., 633. Canton Historical Society, Canton, Mass., 291. Cass County Pioneer Association, Detroit, Mich., 588. Cayuga County Historical Society, Auburn, N. Y., 662-664. Chateauguay Literary and Historical Society, Montreal, Canada, 973. Chautauqua Society of History and Natural Science, Jamestown, N. Y., 664. Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, Pa., 798. Chicago Historical Society, 188-194. Cincinnati Historical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio, 753. Cincinnati Pioneer Associaton, Cincinnati, Ohio, 753. City History Club of New York City, 664-665. Clark County Historical Society, Jeffersonville, Ind., 199. The Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass., 291-297, 1012. Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 798-799. Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D. C., 177-179. Columbian Historical Society, Washington, D. C., 176. Columbia University, New York City, 665-668. Concord Antiquarian Society, Concord, Mass., 297-298. Conecuh Historical Society, Alabama, 144-145. Confederate Relief and Historical Association, Memphis, Tenn., 906. Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford, Conn., 159-163, 1026. Connecticut Valley Historical Society, Springfield, Mass., 299. Cuyahoga County Pioneer Association, Cleveland, Ohio, 753. Danvers Historical Society, Danvers, Mass., 299. Dauphin County Historical Society, Harrisburg, Pa., 799-800. Dedham Historical Society, Dedham, Mass., 299-305, 1013-1014. Delaware County Historical Society, Chester, Pa., 801. Delaware Society of Philadelphia, Wilmington, Del., 801. Deutsche Gesellschaft der Stadt New York, 668-669. Deutsche Gesellschaft von Pennsylvanien, Philadelphia, 801. Deutsche Historische Gesellschaft fiir den District Columbia, Washington, D. C., 179. Deutscher Historischer Verein von Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis., 946. Deutscher Pionier- Verein, Cincinnati, Ohio, 754. District Historical Society of the Counties of Medina, Summit, and Wayne, Wadsworth, Ohio, 754. Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, Dorchester, Mass., 305. Dover Historical and Natural History Society, Dover, Mass., 306. Dover Historical Society, Dover, N. H., 620. Early Settlers Association of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio, 754. Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Ohio, 754-756. East Tennessee Historical and Antiquarian Society, Knoxville, Tenn., 906. INDEX OF SOCIETIES. 1367 Elgin Historical and Scientific Institute, St. Thomas, Ontario, 073. Essex Historical Society, Salem, Mass., 300. Essex Institute [formerly Essex Historical Society], 300-330, 1020. Evanston Historical Society, Evanston. 111., 194. Fail-field County Historical Society, Bridgeport, Conn., 103-104, 1020. Filson Club, Louisville. Ky., 22S-231. Fire Lands Historical Society. Norwalk, Ohio, 757-758, 1014-1010. First Historical Society of Walpole, Mass., 1010. Fitchburg Historical Society, Fitchbnrg, Mass., 33(>-337, 1027. Florida Historical Society, Jacksonville, Fla., 183. Franklin Club, Philadelphia, Pa., 802. Franklin County Pioneer Association, Columbus, Ohio, 750. Franklin Society, Chicago. 111., 104. Franklin Society of St. Louis, 010. Frederick County Historical Society, Frederick, Md., 250. Free Public Library, Reading Room, and Historical Association of the city of St. Augustine, Fla., 183. Friends Historical Association of Philadelphia, 802. Furnian Club, Brooklyn. N. Y., 0(50. Geauga County Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio, 759. Genealogical Association, 021. Genealogical Association of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Philadelphia, Pa., 802. Genealogical Society of Central New York, Syracuse, N. Y., 009. Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 802-803. Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania and New. Jersey, Philadelphia, Pa., 802. Genesee County Pioneer Association, Batavia, N. Y., GOO. Geographical and Historical Society of Richmond College, Richmond, Va., 922. Geographical Society of Baltimore, 250. Geographical Society of Philadelphia, 803-804. Geographical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, Cal., 147, 1027. Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Ga., 184-187. German-American Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 124-120. German-American Historical Society of Illinois, Chicago, 111., 194. German- America n Historical Society of New York, 009. Gorges Society, Portland, Me., 230. Groton Historical Society, Groton, Mass., 337. Harford Historical Society, Bel Air, Md., 257. Harvard Historical Society, Cambridge, Mass., 337. Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., 337-338. Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu, 071-072. Hawk Eye Pioneer Association of Des Moines County, Burlington, Iowa, 202. Herkimer County Historical Society, New York, 1030. Historical and Antiquarian Society of Old Newbury, Massachusetts. Newbury- port, Mass., 338-330. Historical and Philosophical Society of New York. Schoharie. N. Y.. 070. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, 750-702. Historical and Philosophical Society of Virginia, 1025. Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 073-070. Historical and Scientific Society of Wilmington, Wilmington, N. C., 750. Historical Association of St. John s College, Fordham, N. Y., 070. Historical Association of the Philippines. 1010. Historical Club of the American [Protestant Episcopal] Church, 120. 1368 INDEX OF SOCIETIES. Historical Department of the Society of the Aluinni of the University of Vir ginia, Richmond, Va., 922. Historical, Natural History, and Library Society, South Natick, Mass., 339-340. Historical Seminary of Brown University, Providence, R. I., 883. Historical Society, Eliot, Me., 23G. Historical Society, Schenectady, N. Y., 671. Historical Society of Adams County, Pa., Lancaster, Pa., 804. Historical Society of Berks County, Reading, Pa., 805-806. Historical Society of Bradford County, Athens, Pa., 80G. Historical Society of Cumberland County, Pa., 1017. Historical Society of Delaware. Wilmington, Del., 171-1 70. Historical Society of Florida, St. Augustine, Fla., 183. Historical Society of Galveston, Galveston, Tex., 909. Historical Society of Harford County, Maryland, Bel Air, Md., 257. Historical Society of Joliet, Joliet, 111., 195. Historical Society of Linn County, Iowa, 202-203. Historical Society of Michigan, Detroit, Mich., 588-589. y Historical Society of Montana, Helena, Mont., (514-016. Historical Society of Montgomery County, Norristown, Pa., 806-807, 1017. Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands, Newburgh, N, Y., 670-671. Historical Society of New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. Mex., 650. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 807-842, 1017, 1027. Historical Society of Quincy, Illinois, 195. Historical Society of Schuylkill County, Pottsville, Pa., 842-843. Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal., 147-152. Historical Society of Tallmadge, Tallmadge, Ohio, 759. Historical Society of Tennessee, Nashville, Tenn., 907. Historical Society of the American Lutheran Church, Gettysburg, Pa., 804. Historical Society of the County of Vigo, Indiana, 199. Historical Society of the Reformed Church in the United States, Lancaster, Pa., 842. Historical Society of the State of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark., 146. Historical Society of the University of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C., 749. Historical Society of Trinity College, Durham, N. C., 748-749. Historical Society of Wateriown, Water town, Mass., 339. Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, Pa., 843, 1027. Historical Society of Wilmington, Wilmington, N. C., 749. Historical Society of York County, York, Pa., 844. Holland Club. New York City, 671-672. Holland Society of New York, New York City, 672-674, 1027-1028. HoughtoirCounty Historical Society and Mining Institute, 589. Huguenot Society of America, New York City, 675-677. Huguenot Society of Charleston, Charleston, S .C., 900-901. Ilunterdon County Historical Society, Flemington, N. J., 633. Hyde Park Historical Society, Hyde Park, Mass., 340-341, 1017. Iberville Historical Society, Mobile, Ala., 145. Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, 111., 195-196. 1017-1018. Indiana Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind., 199-201. Ipswich Historical Society, Ipswich, Mass., 341-342. Jefferson County Historical Society, Watertown. N. Y., 677. Jeffersonville Historical Society, Jeffersonville, Va., 922. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 257-266. INDEX OP SOCIETIES. 1369 Junior Pioneer Association of the City of Rochester ana Monroe County. Rochester, N. Y., G78. Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kans., 222-228, 1018. Keunebec Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 237. Kentucky Historical Society, Louisville and Frankfort, Ky., 231. Kentucky State Historical Society, Frankfort, Ky., 231-233. Kings County Genealogical Club, Brooklyn, X. Y., (578. Kittochtinny Historical Society, Chambersburg, Pa., 844-845. Knox County (Maine) Historical Society, Rocklaud, Me., 237. Lackawanna Institute of History and Science, Scranton, Pa., 845-846. La Crosse County Historical Society, La Crosse, Wis., 047. Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pa., 840-851, 1028. Lebanon County Historical Society, Lebanon, Pa., 851-854, 1018-1019. Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, Mass., 342-343. Lexington Historical Society, Lexington, Mo., 010. Licking County Pioneer Association, Newark, Ohio, 762-763. Lincoln County Historical Society, Wiscasset, Me., 237. Litchfield County Historical and Antiquarian Society, Hartford, Conn., 164. Literary and Historical Society of Quebec (French title:, Societe Litteraire et Historique de Quebec), Quebec, Canada, 970-983. Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, New York City, 732. Literary and Scientific Society of Hamilton, Ontario, Hamilton, Ontario, 983. Littleton Historical Society, Littleton, Mass., 344. Livingston County Historical Society, Dansville, N. Y.. 078-080, 1019. Logan Historical Society, Westfall, Ohio, 703. Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn, N. Y., 080-082. Louisa County, Iowa, Pioneer Settlers Association. Iowa City, Iowa, 203. Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans, La., 234-230, 1019. Louisville Southern Historical Society, Southern Historical Society, Louisville Branch, Louisville, Ky., 233-234. Lundy s Lane Historical Society, Welland, Canada, 983-985. Lynn Historical Society, Lynn, Mass., 344-345. McLean County Historical Society, Bloomington, 111., 19(1-197. Mad River Valley Pioneer and Historical Association. 703. Madison County Historical Society, Winterset, Iowa, 203. Madison County Historical Society, Oneida, N. Y., 083. Mahoning Valley Historical Society, Youngstown, Ohio, 7(54. Mahoning Valley Pioneer Society, Cleveland, Ohio, 703. Maine Genealogical and Biographical Society. Augusta, Me., 237. Maine Genealogical Society, Portland, Me., 237-238. Maine Historical Society, Portland, Me., 238-255, 1019. Manchester Historic Association. Manchester, N. II., 021-022. Marblehead Historical Society, Marblehead, Mass., 345. Marshall County (Kansas) Pioneer Association. Atchison. Kans., 228. Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Md., 20<>-280. Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 345439, 1019-1022. Mattatuck Historical Society, Waterbury, Conn., 104. Maumee Valley Historical and Monumental Association, Toledo, Ohio. 7<;4. Maumee Valley Pioneer and Historical Association, Toledo, Ohio, 7(54. Mecklenburg Centennial and Monumental Association, Mecklenburg, N. C., 750. Mecklenburg Historical Society, Mecklenburg, X. C., 750. Medford Historical Society, Medford, Mass., 439-441. Medway Historical Society, Medway, Mass., 441. 1370 INDEX OF SOCIETIES. Mention Historical Society, Mendon, Mass., 441. Methuen Historical Society, Metlmen, Mass., 441. Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, Detroit, Mich., 589-597, 1022. Michigan Political Science Association, Ann Arbor, Mich., 597-600. Middlebury Historical Society, Middlebury, Vt, 913. Middlesex County Historical Society, Middletown, Conn., 1G4, 1028. Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass., 442-444. Milwaukee Pioneer Association, Milwaukee, Wis., 947. Minisink Valley Historical Society, Port Jervis, N. Y., 083, 1028. Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, Minn., 600-00(5. Minnesota Territorial Pioneers Association, 1028. Minnesota Valley Historical Society, Morton, Minn., 606. Mississippi Historical Society, Jackson, Miss., 607-610. Missouri Historical and Philosophical Society, St. Louis, Mo., 613. Missouri Historical Society,. St. Louis, Mo., 011-612, 1028. Monmouth County Historical Association, New Jersey, 634. Montgomery Comity Historical Society, Amsterdam, N. Y., 683. Montgomery Historical Society, 1028. Monument Association of the Capture of Andre, Tarrytown, N. Y., 683. Moravian Historical Society. Nazareth, Pa., 854-855, 1022. Nautucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Mass , 444445, 1030. Nantucket Historical Society, Nantucket, Mass., 444. Narragansett Club, Providence, R. I., 883-884. Nashua Historical Society, Nashua, N. IL, 622-623. National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C., 126-134, 1023. Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, Nebr., 616-619. New Brunswick Historical Club, New Brunswick, N. J., 634. New Brunswick Historical Society, St. John, New Brunswick, 985-987, 1030. New Confederacy of the Iroquois, Rochester, N. Y., 683-684. New England Catholic Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 445-446. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Mass., 446-557. New England Methodist Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 557. New England Methodist Historical Society, Boston, Mass, (a different society from the foregoing), 557-558. New England Numismatic and Archaeological Society, Boston, Mass., 558. New England Society in the City of Brooklyn, 684-685. New England Society in the City of New York, 685-687. New England Society of Charleston, S. C., 902. New England Society of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, 765. New England Society of Montreal, 987. New England Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Scranton, Pa., 856. New England Society of Orange, New Jersey, Orange, N. J., 635. New England Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 856. New England Society of Saint Louis, 613. New Hampshire Antiquarian Society (first called New Hampshire Philomathic and Antiquarian Society), Contoocook, N. IL, 623. New Hampshire Genealogical Society, Dover, N. H., 624. New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, N. H., 624-632. New Haven Colony Historical Society, New Haven, Conn., 165-169. New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, N. J., 635-647. New London County Historical Society, New London, Conn., 169-171. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, New York City, 687-705. New York Historical Society, New York City, 706-731. INDEX OF SOCIETIES. 1371 New York Numismatic Society, New York City, 732. New York State Historical Association, Caldwell, N. Y.. 732-733, 1023. Newport Historical Society, Newport, R. I., 884. Niagara Historical Society, Niagara, Ontario, 987-988. North Brookfield Historical Society, North Brookfield, Mass., 558. North Carolina Baptist Historical Society, Henderson, N. C., 751. North Carolina Historical Society, 751. North Carolina Literary and Historical Society, Goldsboro. N. C., 751. Northern Indiana Historical Society, South Bend, Ind., 201-202; Northern New York Historical Society, Plattsburg, N. Y., 733. Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 988-989. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, Philadelphia. Pa.. 85(5-805. Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, 989-990. Ohio Church History Society, Oherlin. Ohio, 705-70G. Ohio State Arcluipological and Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio, 766-773. Ohio State Archaeological Convention, Columbus, Ohio, 774. Ohio Valley Catholic Historical Society, Pittsburg, Pa., 8G5. Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, 785. Old Bridgewater Historical Society, Bridgewater, Mass., 558. Old Colony Historical Society, Taunton, Mass., 559-560. Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, Mass., 560-561. Old Dominion Society of the, City of New York, 733. Old Folks Association, of Charlemont, Mass., 561. " Old Northwest " Genealogical Society, Columbus, Ohio, 774-778. Old Planters Society, Salem, Mass., 561. Old Residents Association of the Grand River Valley, Grand Rapids, Mich., 589. Old Residents Historical Association, Lowell, Mass., 562-564. Old Settlers Association, Oswego County, N. Y., 733. Old Settlers Association of Ilennepin County, Minneapolis, Minn., 606. Old Settlers Association of Lake County, Ind., Crown Point, Ind., 202. Old Settlers Association of Sauk County, Baraboo, Wis.. 947. Old Settlers Club of Milwaukee County, Milwaukee, Wis., 947-948. Old Settlers Society, Springfield, 111., 198. Old Settlers Society, Racine County, 948. Old Settlers Society of La Fayette County, 948. Old Settlers Society of Muscatine County, Iowa, 203. Old York Historical and Improvement Society, York, Me., 255. Oneida Historical Society, Utica, N. Y., 733-739. Onondaga Historical Association, Syracuse, N. Y., 739-740. Ontario Historical Society, 990-991. Oregon Historical Society, Portland, Oreg., 785-787. Oregon Pioneer Association, Salem, Oreg., 788-791, 102:3-1024. Orleans County Historical Society, Newport, Vt., 914-915. Orleans County Natural and Civil History Society, 914. Oswego Historical Society, Oswego, N. Y., 740. Otterbein University Historical Society, Waterville, Ohio, 779. Parknian Club, Milwaukee, 948-949, 1028-1029. Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.. 648. Peabody Historical Society, Peabody, Mass., 565. Pejepscot Historical Society, Brunswick, Me., 255-25(5. Pennsylvania Federation of Historical Societies, 865. Pennsylvania-German Society, Lancaster, Pa., 865-869. Philomathic Club, 632. 1372 INDEX OF SOCIETIES. Pilgrim Record Society, New York City, 740. Pilgrim Society, Plymouth, Mass., 565-566. Pioneer and Historical Society of Oregon, Astoria, Oreg., 791-792. Pioneer and Historical Society of Pickaway County, Circleville, Ohio, 779. Pioneer and Historical Society of the County of York, Ontario, Toronto, Canada, 992. Pioneer Association of Athens County, Ohio, 779. Pioneer Association of Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio, 779. Pioneer Association of Will County, Illinois, Joliet, 111., 198. Pioneer Historical Society of Arizona, 145. Pioneer Law-Makers Association of Iowa, Des Moines, Iowa, 203-204. Pioneers Association of Central New York, Syracuse, N. Y., 741. Pioneers Association of the Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio, 779. Pioneers of Los Angeles County, Cal., 149-152, 1029. Pionier-Verein of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa., 865. Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association, Deerfield, Mass.. 566-569, *024. Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 870-872, 1024. Prince Society, Boston, Mass., 569-572. Princeton Historical -Association, Princeton, N. J., 648. Protestant Episcopal Historical Society, New York City, 741. Quaboag Historical Society, Brookfield, Mass., 573. Quinahaug Historical Society, Southbridge, Mass., 573-574. Ramsey County Pioneer Association, St. Paul, Minn., 606. Randolph-Macon College, Richmond, Va., 922-923. Randolph-Macoii Historical Society, 922. Rehoboth Antiquarian Society, Rehoboth, Mass., 574. Religious Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 872. Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, R. I., 884-896. Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Providence, R. I., 897- 899, 1024-1025. Rhode Island Veteran Citizens Historical Association, Providence, R. I., 899-900. Riehland County Historical and Pioneer Society, Mansfield, Ohio, 779. Richland County Historical Society, Mansfield, Ohio, 779. Ripon Historical Society, Ripon, Wis., 1029. Rochester Historical Society, Rochester, N. Y., 742. Rockland County Historical and Forestry Society, Nyack, N. ., 742. Roxbury Historical Society, Roxbury, Mass., 575,/ Royal So~7cy of Canada, Montreal, 992-1000. P-<^Iord Historical Association, Woburn, Mass., 575. Rutland County Historical Society, Castleton, Vt., 915-916. St. Louis Historical Society, St. Louis, Mo., 614. St. Nicholas Society of the City of New York, New York City, 742-743. Salem County Historical Society, Salem, N. J., 648-649. Schoharie County Historical Society, Schoharie, N. Y., 743. Seneca County Pioneer Association, Tiffin. Ohio, 780. Seneca Falls Historical Society, Seneca Falls, N. Y., 743. Seventy-Six Society, Philadelphia, Pa., 872. Sharon Historical Society, Sharon, Mass., 575. Societe de Publication Historique du Canada, Montreal, 1000. Societo des Etudes Historiques, Lt vis, Canada, 1000-1004. SocietO Historique de Montreal, 1004-1005, 1030. Society for Historical Studies. Montreal, Canada, 1005. INDEX OF SOCIETIES. 1373 Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of William IVfm. Philadelphia, Pa., 873. Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland (Gesellsclmft fiir die Geschichte der Deutschen in Maryland), Baltimore, Md., 280-282. Society of Alaskan Natural History and Ethnology, 973. Society of California Pioneers, San Francisco, Cal., 152-158. Society of First Steamship Pioneers, San Francisco, Cal., 158. Society of Montana Pioneers, Helena, Mont., GIG. Society of Old Brook lynites, Brooklyn, N. Y., 744. Society of the Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia, 171). Somerville Historical Society, Somerville, Mass., 575-57G. South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, S. C., 902-905, 1029. South Dakota State Historical Society, Aberdeen, S. Dak., 90G. Southern Historical and Benevolent Association of St. Louis, (514. "Southern Historical Association, Atlanta, Ga., 188. Southern Historical Society, Richmond, Va., 923-924. Southern Historical Society, North Carolina Branch, Raleigh, N. C., 752. Southern History Association, Washington, D. C., 180-183. State Archa?ological Society of Ohio (sometimes called the State Archaeological Association), 780. State Historical ami Natural History Society of Colorado, Denver, Colo., 159. State Historical Society of Iowa, 204-222. State Historical Society of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., G13. State Historical Society of North Dakota, 752-753. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 949-969. State University of Iowa., Iowa City, 222. Stoughton Historical Society, Stoughton, Mass., 577. Suffolk County Historical Society, Riverhead, Long Island, N. Y., 744-745. Surveyors Association of West New Jersey, Camden, N. J., 649. Swedish- American Historical Society, Chicago, 111.. 19S. Tarrytown Historical Society, Tarry town, N. Y., 745. Tennessee Historical Society, Nashville, Tenn., 907-909. Tennessee Valley Historical Society, Huritsville, Ala., 145. Territorial Pioneer Association, Verdou, Nebr., 619-620. Texas State Historical Association, Austin, Tex., 909-912. Thorold and Beaverdams Historical Society, Thorold, Canada, 1005. Tioga Point Historical Society, Athens, Pa., 873-874. Tolland County Historical Society, Hartford, Conn.. 171. Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass., 577-579. Transallegheny Historical Society, Morgantown, W. Va., 942. Tri-State Old Settlers Association of Illinois, Missouri, and Iowa, 198. Ulster Historical Society, Kingston, $J. Y., 745. Unitarian Historical Society, Boston, Mass., 1025. United Empire Loyalists Association of Ontario, Toronto, 1005-1 006. United States Catholic Historical Society, New York City, 134-139. University Archaeological Association, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 874. University of California, Berkeley. Cal., 158-159. University of Illinois, Urbana, 111., 199. University of Missouri, 614. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C., 752. University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg., . 1374 INDEX OF SOCIETIES. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 874. University of Toronto, 1006-1007. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.. 969-970. Vjmclerbilt Southern History Society, Nashville, Tenn:, 909. Vermont Antiquarian Society, Burlington, Vt, 910. Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier, Vt. 910-921. Vermont Numismatic Society, Montpelier, Vt, 921. Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society, 2o2. Vineland Historical and Antiquarian Society. Vineland, N. J.. 049-050. Virginia Historical Society, Richmond. Va., 924-983. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va7T"97nP9: >4. Washington County Historical Society, Washington, Pa., S75. Washington County Pioneer Association, Marietta, Ohio. 780. Washington State Historical Society, Tacomri, Wash.. 941. Washington University State Historical Society, Seattle, Wash., 9-42. Waterloo Library and Historical Society, Waterloo. X. Y., 74<;. Watertown Historical Society. Watertown, Mass., 579-580. Wayne County, Indiana, Historical Society, Richmond, Ind.. 202, 102!). Webster Historical Society, Boston. Mass.. 580. Wentworth Historical Society, Hamilton. Canada, 1007-1008, 1029. West Virginia Historical and Antiquarian Society, Charleston. W. Ya., 943-940. West Virginia Historical Society, Morgantown, W. Va, 942-948. Westborough Historical Society, Westborough, Mass., 580. Westchester County Historical Society, White Plains, X. Y., 740-747. Western Historical Association, Madison, Wis., 970. Western Methodist Historical Society, Cincinnati, Ohio, 781. Western Ohio Pioneer Association, 781. Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society (now called Western Reserve Historical Society), Cleveland, Ohio, 781-784. Western Reserve University, 1029. Weymouth Historical Society, Weymouth, Mass, 580-581. Whitewater and Miami Valley Pioneer Association. Cincinnati, Ohio, 784. William and Mary College, Williamsburg. Va., M.J4-941. Williams, Defiance, and Paulding Counties Old Settlers Association. Ilicksville, Ohio, 784. Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society. Winchester. Mass.. 5M. Wiuona County Old Settlers Association, Winona, Minn., ooo. Wisconsin Archeological Society. Milwaukt . . Wla., 1)70-973. Wisconsin Pioneer Association, 971. Women s Canadian Historical Society of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, loos. Women s Canadian Historical Society of Toronto, Toronto. Canada, 1009. Worcester Society of Antiquity, Worcester, Mass., 581 --5,ss. Wyoming Commemorative AssodatiJn, Wyoming, Pa.. 875-870, 1020. "* Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 877-882. Wyoming Historical Society, Cheyenne, Wyo., 971. Yates County Historical Society, Penn Yan, N. Y., 747. Yonkers Historical and Library Association, Yonkers, N. Y., 747. York Institute, Saco, Me., 256. o RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW SENT ON ILL NOV 1 2 1999 U. C. BERKELEY 12,000(11/95) c I