BANCROFT LIBRARY BATTLE of PALO ALTO 8^ Hear 1646 . ^ _ freSJWJfiW e rf* -*. ^W9yif^ / '^X. ^-> <&~*^ $> * Scale of one niilf BATTXE of RESACAoELA PALMA 1846. HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES, WITH A PRELIMINARY VIEW OP ITS ORIGIN; BY BRANTZ MAYER, FORMERLY SECRETARY' OF THE UNITED STATES LEGATION IN MEXICO, AND AUTHOR OF "MEXICO AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS." Ne dites a la posterite que ce qui est digne de la posteritJ. VOLTAIRE. VOLUME I. NEW YORK & LONDON. WILEY AND PUTNAM MDCCCXLVIII. 404 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1847, by BRANTZ MAYER, in the Clerk's office of the District Court for the District of Maryland. ' BOOK FIRST: PRELIMINARY VIEW OF THE ORIGIN OF THE WAR. . HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES BOOK I. CHAPTER I. Introductory views of Mexico The people arid government. THE war which broke out between the United States of North America and the Mexican Republic, in the spring of 1846, is an event of great importance in the history of the world. Profound peace had reigned among Christian na tions, since the downfall^ of Napoleon; and, with the excep tion of internal discords in France, Belgium, Poland and Greece, the civilized world had cause to believe that man kind would henceforth resort to the cabinet rather than the field for the settlement of international disputes. The re cent conflicts between the French and the Arabs in Algeria, and between the British and Indian races, have been cha racterized by ferocity and endurance. But, it will be recol lected these encounters took place between nations unequal alike in religion, morals, law, and civilization. The tem per or character of Mahomedans was not to be measured by that of Christians nor had we just reason to hope for a b HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN pacific or temporizing spirit in people whose savage habits have ever rendered them prompt to return invasion by a blow, and make war the precursor of negotiation. It was, thus, reserved for the Mexicans, whose blood is mixed with that of an Arab ancestry, to exhibit the spectacle of continual domestic broils, a%d, latterly of a positive warfare against a nation whose friendly hand was the first to summon them into the pale of national independence. . The disorganized condition of our neighbor for nearly thirty years, may, partly account for and palliate this fault. With administrations shifting like the scenes of a drama, and with a stage, at times dyed with blood, and at others imitating the mimic passions and transports of the real theatre, it may be confessed that much should be pardoned by a forbearing nation whose aggregate intelligence and force ar.e not to be compared with the fragmentary and impulsive usurpations in Mexico. To judge faithfully of the justice or injustice of this war, and to comprehend this history in truth and fairness, we must not only narrate in chronological order the simple events that occurred between the two nations ; but the student of this epoch must go back a step in order to master the scope and motives of the war. He must study the preceding Mexican history and character; and, it will speedily be discovered that when he attempts to judge the Spanish republics by the ordinary standards applied to free and enlightened governments, he will signally fail in arriv ing at truth. He must neither imagine that when the name of Republic was engrafted on the Mexican system, that it accommodated itself at once to our ideal standard of political power, nor that the dominant faction was willing to adopt the simple machinery which operates so perfectly in the United States. There are many reasons why this should not be the case. The Spanish race, although it has achieved MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 7 the most wonderful results in discovery, conquest, colonial settlement, diplomacy, feats of arms, and success of domestic power, has proved itself, within the present century, to be one of the few opponents of the progressive principles of our age. A Castilian pride of remembered greatness, and a su perstitious reluctance to cast off the bondage of the past, have made the Spaniards content to cling devotedly to their ancient edifice without bestowing on it those repairs or im provements without which governments, must evidently crumble and decay. Spain believed that what had pro duced national power and greatness in one age must ever continue to effect the same results, and, thus, she was content to bear the evils of the present time rather than disjoint a fragment of her ancient temple, lest the whole should fall in indiscriminate ruin. The blindness of national vanity was made more profound by the universal glare of progressive civilization that surrounded this doomed country, whilst superstitious influences clogged every avenue to progress which might have saved and regenerated both the parent and her colonies. It may be urged by the apologists for Spain, that, being nearly as deep in moral, political and social degradation as France was at the period of the revolution, she naturally contemplated such an event with horror, especially when she remembered the sensitive and excitable race that peo pled her vallies and sierras, and the likelihood that the bloody dramas of Paris would be frightfully exaggerated in Madrid. But I still believe that the true cause will be found more deeply seated, in the nature of the people; and that Spain, made up as she is of many nations, incompetent for self- government, uneducated and bigoted, will ever be content to find her ideal future in her traditionary past. Spain and the Spaniards have few more zealous admirers 8 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN than the author of this history. The nation contains in dividuals who in patriotism, love of liberty, and devotion to science, literature, and art, are unsurpassed by any people of the world. As Americans we owe a debt of gratitude to the noble discoverers and conquerors of this continent. In deeds of bravery, in chivalrous enterprise, and in intellectual power, with what people may they not be matched in their perfect period. But their golden age has passed, and mani fold corruptions in church and state have preyed upon the country with paralyzing influence. For a long time we received from England with the sub missive credulity of children, all her traditionary ignorance and abuse of Spain, much of which was owing to political animosity, as well as to the rivalry that grew up between that country and the rest of Europe during the reign of Philip the second. But the study of her language, history and literature, has unveiled the legendary falsehoods with which we were cheated. Whilst a large portion of her past history should be admired and lauded, her present downfall should be regarded with compassionate censure and sympa thy. We should endeavor, in writing history, to make our selves men of the times and nations we describe, and it is in this manner alone, that we can establish the spiritual sym pathy between ourselves and foreign countries, which will enable us to enter into their feelings and motives, and thus become not only merciful but true and discreet judges. The two great impressions made on this continent by the Spaniards were in Mexico and Peru. Avarice arid ambition induced the conquest of the latter, while that of Mexico may also be attributed to the same motives, although the hero who added the Aztec empire to the Spanish dominions, modified his victories by personal qualities which were infi- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 9 nitely superior to those of the conqueror of Peru.* Yet, in neither of these great adventures do we find any of the fruits of peaceful acquisition, or of those well regulated advances in civilization which always mark a people whose conquest is undertaken under the immediate direction and legal re- strair\ts of government. The conquests in America were, in truth, chiefly individual enterprises, and, of course, could not be conducted in a spirit of temperance and justice. The exploits of Cortez and Pizarro, especially those of the latter, are characterized by ferocity and barbarism which would place them in the category with freebooters and bucaneers, were they not saved from it by the splendor of their success ful results. The Indians of the countries they subjected to Spain, were utterly vanquished; yet, unlike the hardy and warlike aborigines of the north, they remained on their na tive soil, content to serve or mingle with their conquerors. Wherever the white man came at the north, the Indian re treated to his congenial wilderness ; he could not inhabit the same country or breathe the same air with the intruder; but, as the Spaniard advanced at the south, the semi-civili zation of the enervated native, induced him to linger near the homes of his ancestors, and, with a tame heart, to obey his conqueror rather than to resist him or enjoy the fierce in dependence of the forest. The territory thus seized by violence was held by fear. Loyalty can never be the tenure of conquerors, and, especi ally, of the conquerors of an inferior race. The Spaniard and Indian lived together in a spirit of lordly dominion on the one hand, and of crushed dependence on the other, whilst the Castilian derived from the native nothing but his habits of savage life, and the Indian, in turn, learned noth ing from the Castilian but his vices. * See Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 2nd vol. pages 199: 245. /& 10 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN A conquest thus achieved, an empire founded in blood and terror, would naturally seem to have a doubtful des tiny. It is unquestionably true that Spain made humane laws, and that Charles the Fifth passed a decree by which his American possessions were declared to be integral parts of the Spanish kingdom. It is true, moreover, that he sought to abolish the special grants to discoverers and con querors by which they were invested with almost absolute authority; and, by mitigating the system reparttmientos* or of vassalage among the Indians, to raise them to the dig nity of Spanish subjects. But, at the same time, these humane laws were badly administered in a country so diffi cult of access as America was at that period from Spain ; and viceroys and governors acted as they pleased, with but little regard to the people or the country, except for their individual interests. Whilst this system of maladministration made the royal and beneficent laws nugatory, Spain seems to have been engaged in creating a colonial system which was cal culated to paralyze the energies of Mexico and Peru. She taught them to look exclusively to mining for wealth, and to their Indians for labor. All the laws relative to the *The word repartimiento means, division, partition, distribution, or ap portionment. In the old Spanish historians and English books, such as Zarate, Garcilasso de la Vega, Fernandez, Robertson, it is uniformly used to denote the well known allotment of lands and vassal Indians (genuine adscripti glcbce) granted to the first conquerors in reward of their services. In some later writers, this word is applied to the monopoly of sales to the Indians exercised by the vorregedores, under pretext of protecting the In dians from imposition, by the official distribution of goods. N. A. Review, vol. xx. p. 287. "Indeed the Spanish court made no scruple of regarding the Indians in the same light as the beasts and the soil, disposing of them as the rightful property of the crown ; for it was not till 1537, nearly fifty years after the discovery, that the Pope 'issued a mandate declaring them to be really and truly men, "ipsosveros homines," and capable of receiving the Chris tian faith." N. A. Review, vol. xix. p. 198. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 11 natural development of a new country were disregarded, and civilized existence in America began on artificial prin ciples. The example of the last fifty years has proved that America is capable of producing all the necessaries, and most of the luxuries of life quite as abundantly as Europe. Yet, Spain denied her colonies the privilege of an effort. For in stance, she resolved at the outset not to allow them to be independent in agriculture, commerce or manufactures. She would not permit them to cultivate the soil save for the merest daily necessaries. Wine and oil were to be made in the old world. Cotton and wool were not to be woven into the beautiful fabrics for which the ancient Peruvians were so celebrated. The church aided the strong arm of government by the weight of her exactions and the power of superstitious control. The Inquisition put its veto on the spread of knowledge by restraining the sale and publica tion of books. Foreigners were not allowed to navigate Spanish seas or enter American harbors. And these distant shores were only visited at stated seasons by national ves sels, carrying such produce at exorbitant prices, as Spain might think proper to despatch from Seville or Cadiz.* I have thought it proper to state in my introductory chap ter, thus much of the laws and system under which Mexico began her national existence ; for laws modify the charac ter whenever they are not self-imposed. Let us now, for a moment consider the population which was subjected to the bad administration of such laws; and we shall then under stand better the character of the belligerents. The blood of the Spaniards, even at home, is a mixed *The American trade was confined to Seville until 1720, when it was removed to Cadiz, as a more convenient port. On the subject of these oppressions and misgovernment, see Zavala's " Revoluciones de Mexico," Introduction ; and North American Review, vol. xx. p. 158. 12 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN blood. But when we remember the various races that have overrun, resided in, ruled, and incorporated themselves with Spain, we cannot be surprised at detecting so many and diverse characteristics in Mexico. The Celti-gallic, Celt- Iberian, Carthagenian, Roman, Vandalic, Visigothic, and Moorish blood have mingled again in Mexico and Peru with the Indian, and in some cases have been dashed even with the Negro.* Mexicans are thus, as I have observed else- * The subjoined list shows the varieties of parentage and blood form ing the castes throughout Spanish America : PARENTS. f European whites are called gachupines or f WHITE < [chapetones. 1. ORIGINAL RACES < NEGRO. ( Whites, born in the colonies, are called Creoles. f INDIAN. PARENTS. CHILDRE^. White father and Negro mother. .Mulatto. White " " Indian " ..Mestizo. White " " Mulatta " ..Quarteron. White " " Meztiza " .. Creole, (only distinguisha ble from the white by a pale brown complexion.) . . Chino-blanco. . . CJuintero. ..White. 2. CASTES OF WHITE RACE. White White White [Negro ] Negro 3. CASTES OP NEGRO RACE.-! Negro China " " Quarterona " Quintera " Negro father and Mulatta mother. Zambo-negro. " Meztiza " ..Mulatto-oscuro. " China Zamba Negro ..Zambo-chino. . .Zambo & Negro (perfectly black.) Quarterona) . dark Mulatto . orQumtera ) 4. CASTES OF INDIAN RACE. Indian father and Negro mother. .Chino. Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Indian Mulatta " Mestiza " China " Zamba " China-chola . . Chino-oscuro. ..Mestizo-claro (often very beautiful.) .Chino-cholo. . . Zambo-claro. ..Indian (with short-frizzly hair.) f Mulatto father and Zamba mother..Zambo (a miserable race.) 5. MULATTO CORRUPTIONS.] Mulatto " Zamba " ..Chino (rather clear race.) (Mulatto " " China " ..Chino (rather dark.) Besides these specified castes there are many others not distinguished by particular names. The best criterion for judging is the hair of the women MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 13 where, grafts rather of the wild Arab on the American In dian, than of the Spanish Don on the noble Aztec.* When Mexico was completely conquered and emigration began to fill np the land, the soil was divided, in large estates, among the adventurers and the Indians, by a system of re- partiamentos, were apportioned to the land holders, f This created an absolute vassalage, and bound the Indian, virtu ally and forever, to the spot where he was born. As it became wearisome to the planters to dwell in the seclu sion of these vast and lonely estates, they left them and their Indians to the care of an administrador^ and retreated to the chief cities of the provinces or to the capital. Thus all the intelligence and cultivation of Mexico became com pacted in the towns, whilst the original ignorance and semi- civilizaiion remained diffused over the country. It is, there fore, not at all surprising to find that out of a popula tion of seven millions, four millions are Indians and only one million purely white, while more than two millions, of the rest, are zambos, mestizos and mulattos. Nor is it singular that of this whole population of seven millions, not more than six hundred thousand whites and eighty thousand of other castes, can read and write.'J Indeed it may be said with truth, as agriculture has re ceived but little attention beyond the ordinary wants of life, which is infinitely less deceiving than the complexion. The short -woolly hair, or the coarse Indian locks may always be detected on the head or back of the neck. This tabular statement exhibits at a glance the mon grel corruptions of the human race in Spanish America, and forms an interesting subject for students of physiology. See Tschudi's Peru, p. 80, Am. Ed. * Preface to 3d Ed. of Mexico as it was and as it is, p. 12. t Zavala's " Revoluciones de Mexico," vol. 1. p. 15, gives an account of the manner in which estates are divided in Mexico. t See Mexico as it was and as it is, p. 301. 14 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN and as the great proprietors of estates have chiefly devoted their attention to the raising of cattle, that the ancient nomadic habits of the Indian and half-breed, have re mained unchanged, and, consequently, that the great body of this semi-civilized people is quite as much at home on horseback with sword and lance as in the corral or haci enda.* The RANCHERO, who has played so conspicuous a part in this war, is the natural offspring of such a state of society. This class of men is composed of individuals, half Spanish half Indian, who resemble the gauchos of the South Ameri can Pampas. Gaunt, shrivelled and bronzed by exposure, though hardy and muscular from athletic exercise, they are, indeed, the Arabs of our continent. Living half the time in their saddles, for they are matchless horsemen, they traverse the plains and mountains, with lassof in hand, either search ing for, or tending their herds. The slaughter of beasts and preparation and sale of hides is their chief means of liveli hood, varied occasionally by the cultivation of a small patch of ground, or by taking part in the civil wars that are al- .ways waging. Their costume generally consists of a pair of tough leggings of skin and leathern trousers, over which is a serape or blanket, with a hole in the centre large enough for the head to pass through, whence it falls in graceful folds over the chest and shoulders, leaving room for the play of hands and arms. Add to this a broad sombrero, and the lasso, hang ing ready for use at his saddle bow, and the reader will have * Corral signifies cattle yard ; hacienda, plantation ; rancho, small farm. f The lasso is a long rope, with a running noose at the end of it. The Mexicans learn to fling this with great accuracy so as to catch a bull, a horse, or a man with equal facility. All classes have some skill in the use of this weapon, and I have seen children, with cords, attempting to lasso chickens and even butterflies ! MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 15 a picture of the ranchero as he appears in peace or in the ordinary pursuit of his occupation. Join to this garb a long sabre, a horse as savage and untamed as himself, and a belt plentifully studded with pistols and machetes, and the ran chero presents himself ready either to join a troop of banditti, or to serve in a body of cavalry. Cowardly as they generally are in the open field when encountering regular troops, yet, in ambuscade, a sudden fight, or, as guerillas, they are both a formidable and cruel foe. Their power of endurance is inexhaustible. Fatigue is almost unknown to them, and a scanty meal, each day, of jerked beef and corn or plantain, is sufficient to sustain them on the longest marches. Such are the rancheros, who, by discipline, might be ren dered the best light troops in the world. These are the men who form the material of the Mexican cavalry; and they bear the same relation to the armies of that republic that the Cossacks do to the Russians; ever on the alert, easily lodged, capable of supporting fatigue or hunger, and un tiring in pursuit of an enemy, when even the most trifling plunder is to be obtained.* Another large and formidable body in Mexico is that of the Indians, amounting, as we have seen, to four millions ; whose knowledge of their governors' language is generally confined to such phrases as will enable them to buy and sell, or perform the ordinary functions of life. Formerly they lived, and usually still live, in narrow huts built of mud, thatched with straw or palm leaves, and which have scarcely the merit of being picturesque. In these miserable lairs, they nestle with their families, their domestic animals, and a- table or altar on which they erect a cross or place the figure of * See Head's Rough Notes of a Journey over the Pampas. The Mexican ranchero is somewhat superior to the gaucho of the Pampas. 16 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN a patron saint. Their food is mostly maize, and their dress corresponds with this grovelling wretchedness. Five out of every hundred may perhaps possess two suits of clothes, but their general vesture consists of a large cotton shirt, a pair of leatheren trousers, and a blanket. Even the Indian women, who elsewhere, like their sex in civilized countries, are always fond of personal adornment, exhibit no desire to appear decent or to rival each other in tasteful ornaments when they go abroad. They are as foul and ill- clad on their festivals at church, as in their hovels at home, so that few things are more disgusting to a foreigner than to mingle in an Indian crowd.* It is impossible to imagine such a population capable of becoming landed proprietors; and, consequently, we find them contented with the annual product of their small fields, amounting, perhaps, to thirty or fifty fanegas of corn. When they live on the large es tates of Mexican proprietors, they are, in reality, vassals, although free from the nominal stain of slavery, f On these plantations they are beaten when they commit faults, and, if then found incorrigible, are driven beyond their limits, a punishment deemed by them the severest that can be inflicted, and which they bear with as much difficulty as our Indians do their banishment from the " hunting grounds" of their forefathers. When they have gained a little money by labor, they hasten to squander it by making a festival in honor of their favorite saint, and thus consume their miserable earnings in gluttony, gambling, masses, fire works, and drunkenness. When it is not absolutely necessary to toil for the necessaries of life, especially in the tierras cali- j or warmer portions of Mexico, they pass their time * Mexico as it was and is, p. 144. fid. p. 201 ; and see Stephens' Travels in Yucatan, where, he says, the maxim is that " los Indies no oyen sino por las nalgas, 1 ' the Indians only hear through their backs. MEXICO AND THE UNFTED STATES. 17 in utter idleness or sleep. Zavala declares that in many portions of the country, the curates maintain such entire do minion over the Indians, that they order them to be publicly whipped whenever they fail to pay their ovenciones, or tri butes, at the regular time, or commit some act of personal disobedience. But the degradation of this class does not stop even here, for the same author alleges that he has fre quently seen many Indians and their wives flogged at the village church door, because they had failed to come to mass upon some Sunday or festival, whilst, after the pun ishment, these wretches were obliged to kiss the hand of the executioner!* It will be seen from this sketch and description that the vicious colonial system of Spain formed only two great classes in America, the proprietor and the vassal, and that, in the nature of things, it was utterly impossible for the latter to amalgamate with the former except by creating an inferior race, whose sympathies were with the Indian rather than the Spaniard, and whose type is the nomadic ranchero. This fact was proved in the revolution which broke out in Spanish America. The war cry was against the Spaniardf and his * Zavala Revoluciones de Mejico, vol. i, pp. 15, 16. " Este escandalo estaba autorizado por la costumbre de mi provincia." Zavala was one of the wisest and most illustrious patriots of Mexico. His History was pub lished in Paris in 1831. f It will be recollected that the outburst of the Mexican revolution was not in favor of republicanism ; but only against misgovernment. It was not against the form of rule, but against the men who ruled. Even the plan of Iguala offered the crown of Mexico to Ferdinand, as a separate kingdom. See Robinson's Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution. " It is related that Hidalgo, the celebrated priestly leader of the revolu tionary movement, was accustomed to travel from village to village preach ing a crusade against the Spaniards, exciting the creolcs and Indians ; and one of his most effective tricks is said to have been the following. Al though he had thrown off the cassock for the military coat, he wore a figure of the Virgin Mary suspended by a chain around his neck. After harangu- 3 18 HISTORY OF 'THE WAR BETWEEN pure descendants. The Creole* rose against the gachupinft and the ferocity with which the soldiers of old Spain carried on the war against the natives confirmed their hereditary animosity. The struggle for domestic power commenced as soon as the independence of Mexico was achieved, and the people began to establish a system of government upon a republican basis after the downfall of the Emperor Iturbide. The Spaniards had taught a lesson of privileged classes which was never forgotten ; so that, when the revolution took place, THE PEOPLE were only used to effect national emancipation rather than to establish general political liberty. The nobles or great proprietors, and the clergy, had, in the olden time, formed the influential class of society which ruled the land. The theory of republicanism was marvellously ing the mob on such occasions, he would suddenly break off, and looking down at his breast, address himself to the holy image, after the following fashion : ' Mary ! Mother of God ! Holy Virgin ! Patron of Mexico ! be hold our country, behold our wrongs, behold our sufferings ! Dost thou not wish they should be changed ? that we should be delivered from our tyrants ? that we should be free ? that we should slay the gachupines / that we should kill the Spaniards ?' " The image had a moveable head fastened to a spring, which he jerked by a cord concealed beneath his coat, and, of course the Virgin responded with a nod ! The effect was surprising and the air was filled with In dian shouts of obedience to the present miracle." Mexico as it was and as it is, p. 230. *The term creole is a corruption of the Spanish word criollo, which is derived from criar, to create or foster. The Spaniards apply the term criollo not merely to the human race, but to animals born in the colonies, if they are of pure European blood. f See Robinson's Memoirs Mexican Revolution, page 15. The term gachupin has been always used by the Creoles and Indians as a word of contempt towards the Spaniards. Its origin and exact signification are un known ; but it is believed to be an Indian, and perhaps Aztec, term of scorn and opprobrium. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 19 captivating so long as there was an European foe to subdue. But, when the last remnant of Spanish power disappeared, the men who had governed during the revolution were loath to surrender power and subside into the insignificance of mere citizenship. In such a country as Mexico, and in such a war as had just occurred, this controlling influence in public af fairs was, of course, to be chiefly found in the army ; so that when the nation looked around for men to direct her' at a period when Spain had not yet recognized her independence and might again assail her, she naturally turned to the mili tary chieftains whose valor sustained her cause so bravely. Thus it was that in her first moments of peace, the army ob tained an important ascendancy, which it has ever since contrived to retain during all administrations. It is not just to the Spanish colonies to blame them for such a procedure, especially when we remember that even our republic is beginning to manifest a marked partiality for military men. The great deed rather than the great thought, the brilliant act rather than beneficent legislation, arrests and captivates the multitude. In republics, where an eager strife for wealth, distinction or power, is constantly going on, the notice and position that each man obtains must be won either by intrigue or by the irresistible power of talents and achievements. Ambitious parties sometimes even compro mise for the weakest, rather than yield the palm to superior merit of which they are meanly jealous. The great mass of the country has no time to pause in the midst of its earnest labor to meditate wisely on the political abilities and moral claims of individuals. They cannot weigh them in the golden scales of justice; but, by a more rapid and easy pro cess, they yield their suffrages promptly to those whose mani festations of genius or power are so resistless as to compel ad miration. Thus is it that the brave soldier, performing his 20 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN noble exploit on the field of battle, speaks palpably to the eye and ear of the greedy multitude. His is, indeed, the language of action, and each new deed makes national glory more distinct, and national vanity more confident. But the more quiet and unobtrusive statesman, with a field infinitely less glaring or attractive, exacts from his judges a suspension of party feeling, an investigation of motive and merit, a calm and forbearing justice, which the im patient masses have seldom the time or talent to bestow. It is, therefore, by no means surprising to find in history, that the sword has commonly been mightier than the pen, and that military chieftains become the natural heads of repub lics which are created by long and bitter revolutions. It must be remembered that the army in Mexico is not what armies are generally understood to be in other countries. In Europe they are designed to restrain the aggressive am bition of rival powers, to act as military police, and, by their imposing skill, discipline and numbers, to preserve the balance of national power. But in Mexico, whilst the members of an immensely rich hierarchy constitute a distinct order in society, the army forms another. The policy of the existing military chieftains was to sustain, foster and increase their individual power and patronage. The mere domestic po lice of the country could surely never require, in time of peace, so large a numerical force under arms as that which has always been supported in it; yet the military presi dents, at once, sought to establish an army of officers, and by the enlistment of a body of commanders, entirely dispro portionate to the number of rank and file, they immediately created a military order upon whose support they could rely so long as they possessed the means of patronage. The of ficers thus became armed and paid politicians, whilst the common soldiers formed a military police ; the one an ele- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 21 ment of all political revolutions, the other a tool by which those revolutions were effected. The great practical idea of government, it will be perceived, was derived from com pulsory force. The church wielded the spiritual power, whilst the army held the physical ; and, between the two, the people, composed of merchants, professional men, far mers, proprietors, and artisans, were refused all participa tion in authority, or progress in civil order which might have placed Mexico among the foremost nations of the world. In this mariner a central despot has always found means and instruments to suppress federalism ; for whilst near thirty revolutions have occurred in Mexico since her independence, every one of her presidents has been a military chieftain.* Macaulay, in his essay on the life of Lord Bacon describes the condition of England when she was governed by war riors whose rude courage was neither guided by science nor softened by humanity, and by priests whose learning and abilities were habitually devoted to the defence of power. The description of that age in England is by no means in applicable to Mexico in the nineteenth century. " On the one side," says he, " the Hotspurs, the Nevilles, the Clif fords, rough illiterate and unreflecting, brought to the coun cil-board the fierce and impetuous despotism which they had acquired amid the tumult of predatory war or in the gloomy repose of the garrisoned and moated castle. On the other side was the calm and placid prelate, versed in all that was considered as learning; trained in the schools to manage words, and, in the Confessional, to manage hearts ;^-seldom superstitious, but skilful in practising on the superstitions of others ; false as it was natural for a man to be whose pro- * A federal government, similar to our own, was established in Mexico in 1824, and overthrown in 1835, to yield to a central constitution. In the meanwhile, the centralists were almost always at war, openly or secretly, against the federalists. 22 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN fession imposed on all who were not saints the necessity of being hypocrites; selfish as it was natural that a man should be who could form no domestic ties and cherish no hope of legitimate posterity; more attached to his order than to his country, and guiding the politics of England with a constant side glance to Rome." * And so it was in Mexico. The sojourner in her capital is continually warned of this double dominion over the soul and body of the people. The drum and the bell resound in his ears from morning to night fall. Priests and soldiers throng the streets; and, whilst the former enjoy the comfort able revenues which are derived from the one hundred mil lions of property owned by the church, the latter live upon the labor of the people, whom they are paid to control and transfer from one military despot to another. The Mexican revolution, like the revolutions of Eng land, but unlike that of France, was political rather than social. The great foundations of society were therefore un disturbed, and the priest and soldier took the ranks of the ancient privileged classes, whilst the mixed people and the native Indians remained what they had ever been the sub jects of government. Of all the officers who have commanded the army and enjoyed the presidency, Santa Anna has occupied the most distinguished position since the death of Iturbide, and it is with him and the nation thus described, that we shall deal in the following pages. * Macaulay's Essays, vol. 2d, p. 356, Bost. Ed. CHAPTER II. Origin of the war considered True objects of contemporaneous history- Motives for war No single act caused it Difference between war and hostilities Mexican revolution Federalism and Centralism Operation of the Constitution of 1824 History of our commercial and diplomatic relations Bad conduct of Mexico in regard to our claims, compared with that of other nations Commission Award of umpire Subsequent course of Mexico History of the seizure and surrender of Monterey, on the Pacific, by Commodore Jones in 1842 Secretary Upshur's cen sure of his conduct 111 feeling in Mexico towards the United States in consequence of this seizure. AN artist in portraying a face or delineating a landscape, does not imprint upon his canvass, each line and wrinkle, each blade of grass or mossy stone, yet a spectator recog nizes in the complete painting, those broad characteristics of truth which establish a limner's fidelity. So it is with the historian. Whilst seeking for accuracy in all his details, he aims, chiefly, at exactness in his ruling principles and general effect, but he leaves the minute inelegances and tasteless incidents to those whose critical fervor delights in detecting them. It is not alone in the detail of facts that the historian is liable to incur censure, especially when he writes a contem poraneous narrative. It is almost impossible to suppose that he will divest himself so completely of party feeling, as to compose an unprejudiced work. Some critics have even declared that a historian should possess neither religion nor 24 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN country, and would thus force us to believe it utterly im possible to be impartial unless an author were an infidel or a cosmopolite. The age is so characterized by political rancor and so lit tle by true statesmanship, that it is not surprising to hear such opinions even from experienced and patient scholars. Yet I have always thought that a writer who undertakes the task of delineating national annals in no sectarian spirit but with broad and Christian tolerance, honestly seeking to do justice in politics and religion to all, may so far separate himself from the strifes of the day as to pro nounce opinions as honest, though perhaps not as learned, as those that issue from the bench. There is, too, a great advantage which should not escape our notice in recording contemporaneous history and fixing permanently the facts of the time as they occur. He who describes events or periods long since past, is forced to throw himself back, if possible, into the scenes of which he writes, whilst he remains free from sympathy with their factions and parties. But if a writer of the present day will place himself on the impartial ground of religious and political free dom, and make himself what Madame de Stael has so feli- tously styled " contemporaneous posterity," I think he will be better able than those who come after us to narrate with vivid freshness the story of this sanguinary war. The impression of public feeling both in Mexico and the United States is still distinct in our recollection ; the political motives influencing or controlling both the great parties in our country, have not yet ceased to operate ; and the errors that may innocently creep into a narrative may be cor rected by intelligent men who took part in the war as sol diers or civilians. A history thus dispassionately written, must, it seems to me, have the truth and value of a portrait MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 25 taken from life, rather than of a sketch made from memory whose coloring lacks all the freshness of vitality. The very threshold of this history is embarrassed by the party controversies to which I have alluded. The origin of the war was attributed by the president and his adherents to the wrong doings of Mexico, whilst the opponents of the executive did not hesitate to charge its unnecessary incep tion and all its errors directly on the cabinet. Documents, messages, speeches, essays, and reviews, were published to sustain both sides of the question, and the whole subject was argued with so much ability and bitterness, so much zeal and apparent sincerity, that an impartial mind experiences extraordinary difficulty in detecting the actual offender. That grievances existed in the conduct of Mexico against us during a long series of years cannot be denied; but, it is equally true, that, between governments well adminis tered and entirely reasonable on both sides, none of those provocations justified war. Yet, when offended power on one side, and passion on the other, become engaged in discussion, it requires but little to fan the smallest spark into a flame, and thus to kindle a conflagration, which the stout est arms may fail to suppress. It frequently occurs in the affairs of ordinary life, that neighbors are the bitterest ene mies. Men often dislike each other at their first interview, especially if they belong to families in which mutual preju dices have existed. They find it impossible to assign rea sons for their aversion ; nevertheless it exists in all its mar vellous virulence. A slight disagreement as to limits between neighboring landholders, a paltry quarrel among servants, the malicious representation of innocent remarks, a thousand vain and trifling incidents, may effectually create a degree of ill feeling and cause them never to meet without scornful 26 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN looks and quickened pulses. At length, this offensive tem per is manifested in personal annoyance or insulting lan guage, and blows are struck in the first encounter without pausing to debate the justice of an assault. It is with na tions as it is with persons. The boasted discretion of states men, and the provident temper of politicians have, in all ages, failed to control the animosity of mankind; and we thus find as much littleness in the conduct of governments as in the petulance of men. I have therefore, in studying this subject carefully, been led to the opinion that no single act or cause can be truly said to have originated the war between the United States and Mexico ; but that it occurred as the result of a series of events, and as the necessary consequence of the acts, posi tion, temper, passions, ambition and history of both parties since our international relations commenced. The reader will observe that I draw a distinction between the war and hostilities. I shall- discuss the latter question in the portion of this volume which relates to events on the Rio Grande.* In the preceding chapter I have glanced at the character of the people of Mexico, and I trust that the sketch I gave will be continually remembered as illustrating the people with whom we are dealing. When our first envoy, Mr. Poinsett, was despatched, he found Mexico pausing to recover breath after her revolution. The bad government of Spain had been followed by the turmoil and bloodshed of the rebel lion, and that, in turn, was succeeded by the anarchy of a distracted republic. Revolution has followed revolution so rapidly since then, that the historian, at a loss to discover *This river is known by various names in different authors. By some it is called Rio Bravo, by others, Rio del Norte, and by others, again, Rio Grande. I shall adhere to the latter throughout this work. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 27 their causes, can scarcely detect their pretexts. For twenty years past we have been so accustomed to hear of a new military outbreak in Mexico that the familiarized act seems to be only the legitimate order of constitutional change. Pas sion, ambition, turbulence, avarice, and superstition, have so devoured the country, that during the whole of this period, Mexico, whilst presenting to foreign nations, the external ap pearance of nationality, has, in fact, at home, scarcely ever enjoyed the benefit of a real or stable government that could make an impression upon the character of the people or their rulers. It is true that, at first, she sought to adopt our fede ral system ; but the original difference between the colonial condition of things in the two countries, made the operation of it almost impossible. The British provinces of North America, with their ancient and separate governments, very naturally united in a federation for national purposes, whilst they retained their freedom and laws as indepen dent States. But the viceroyalty of Mexico, when it revolu tionized its government, was forced to reverse our system, to destroy the original central power, and, subsequently to divide the territory into departments, or states. Until the year 1824, nothing of this kind existed in Mexico. The whole country from the Sabine to its utmost southern limit, was under the central rule of a viceroy, with the same laws, religion, priests, judges, and civil as well as military au thorities. The constitution of 1824, for the first time broke up the consolidated nation into nineteen states, and then, by the same legislative act, recomposed them in a fede rative union. The constitutions of these nineteen states, consequently, were creative of differences that never existed before, and the unity of power, will, and action, which previously existed was destroyed forever. This was, natu rally the origin of jealousies, parties, and sectional feeling; 28 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN and the result was, that the revenues of the country became wasted whilst their collection was impeded, and that a peo ple unused to freedom and chiefly composed of illiterate Creoles, were confounded by a scheme of government whose machinery was too intricate.* The state and municipal governments of Mexico were, consequently, always quite as incompetent for self-rule as the central authority. In addition to this, they were cordially jealous of the national powers. This arose from the state- fears of consolidation; and, as it was with these municipal authorities, as well as with the corrupt government officers, that our citizens were chiefly brought in contact in the ports, it is not at all wonderful to find them soon complaining of oppression and burthening the records of our legation with their grievances. When our ministers sought to obtain re dress, the Mexican government was reluctant to undertake the investigation of the subject; and, when it did so, con tinually encountered delay and equivocation on the part of the local authorities. The distant peculator was anxious to escape the penalty of his fault by procrastination, and the Mexican secretary of state, ever willing to uphold his national pride by concealing or not confessing the villainy of his su bordinate, was ready to sustain him by an interminable cor respondence. The history of the diplomatic and commercial relations between the United States and Mexico, as exhibited by con gress in all the published volumes of national documents, presents a series of wrongs, which the reader will find ably recapitulated in a report f made by Mr. Gushing in the year 1842. Our claims, arising from injuries inflicted by Mexico, *See the Natchez Daily Courier of 18th January, 1843, for an excellent article on Mexico, signed EGO ET ALTER. t Report No. 1096 to the H. of R., 27th congress, 2d session. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 29 were no ordinary demands founded on mere querulousnss, or contrived with a view to obtain money fraudulently from that republic. They were brought to the notice of the min istry of foreign affairs by all our envoys, and their justice urged with ample proof; until, at length, upon the return of Mr. Powhatan Ellis to the United States, in the year 1837, after demanding his passports, they became the subject of a message from President Jackson in which he alleges that ail his efforts of pacific negotiation had been fruitless and that he found it both just and prudent to recommend reprisals against Mexico. This serious aspect of our difficulties im mediately commended the subject to the notice of commit tees in both houses of congress, and whilst they sustained the president's opinion of the character of our wrongs, they recommended that a forbearing spirit should still charac terize our conduct, so that, " after a further demand, should prompt justice be refused by the Mexican government, we might appeal to all nations not only for the equity and moderation with which we had acted towards a sister republic but for the necessity which will then compel us to seek redress for our wrongs either by actual war or re prisals."* " Shortly after these proceedings" says President Polk " a special messenger was despatched to Mexico, to make a final demand for redress; and on the 20th of July, 1837, the demand was made. The reply of the Mexican government bears date on the 29th of the same month, and contains as surances of the anxious wish of the Mexican government ' not to delay the moment of that final and equitable adjust ment which is to terminate the existing difficulties between the two governments;' tliat nothing 'should be left undone which may contribute to the speediest and most equitable ter- *See senate documents of that session. 30 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN mfhation of the subjects which have so seriously engaged the attention of the United States,' that the < Mexican govern ment would adopt, as the only guides for its conduct, the plainest principles of public right, the sacred obligations im posed by international law, and the religious faith of treaties,' and that l whatever reason and justice may dictate respecting each case will be done.' The assurance was further given that the decision of the Mexican government upon each cause of complaint, for which redress had been demanded, should be communicated to the government of the United States by the Mexican minister at Washington. "These solemn assurances, in answer to our demand for redress, were disregarded. By making them, however, Mexico obtained further delay. President Van Buren, in his annual message to congress of the 5th of December, 1837, states that 'although the larger number' of our de mands for redress, and l many of them aggravated cases of personal wrongs, have been now for years before the Mexican government, and although the causes of national complaint, and those of the most offensive character, admitted of imme diate, simple, and satisfactory replies, it is only within a few days past that any specific communication in answer to our last demand, made five months ago, has been received from the Mexican minister;' and that c for not one of our public complaints has satisfaction been given or offered ; that but one of the cases of personal wrong has been favorably con sidered, and but four cases of both descriptions, out of all those formally presented, and earnestly pressed, have as yet been decided upon by the Mexican government.' Pre sident Van Buren, believing that it would be vain to make any further attempt to obtain redress by the ordinary means within the power of the executive, communicated this opinion to congress, in the message referred to, in which he said that MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 31 ' on a careful and deliberate examination of the contents,' of the correspondence with the Mexican government, c and con sidering the spirit manifested by the Mexican government, it became his painful duty to return the subject, as it now stands, to congress, to whom it belongs, to decide upon the time, the mode, and the measure of redress.' " Instead of taking redress irito our own hands, a new ne gotiation was entered upon with fair promises on the part of Mexico. This negotiation, after more than a year's delay, resulted in the convention of the llth of April, 1839, 'for the adjustment of claims of citizens of the United States of America upon the government of the Mexican republic.' The joint board of commissioners created by this convention to examine and decide upon these claims was not organized until the month of August, 1840, and under the terms of the convention they were to terminate their duties within eigh teen months from that time. Four of the eighteen months were consumed in preliminary discussions on frivolous and dilatory points raised by the Mexican commissioners; nor was it until the month of December, 1840, that they com menced the examination of the claims of our citizens upon Mexico. Fourteen months only remained to examine and decide upon these numerous and complicated cases. In the month of February, 1842, the term of the commission ex pired, leaving many claims undisposed of for want of time. The claims which were allowed by the board and by the umpire, authorized by the convention to decide in case of disagreement between the Mexican and American commis sioners, amounted to two millions twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and sixty-eight cents. There were pending before the umpire when the commis sion expired additional claims which had been examined and awarded by the American commissioners, and had not 32 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN been allowed by the Mexican commissioners, amounting to nine hundred and twenty-eight thousand and twenty-seven dollars and eighty-eight cents, upon which he did not de cide, alleging that his authority ceased with the termination of the joint commission. Besides these claims, there were others of American citizens amounting to three millions three hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred and thirty- seven dollars and five cents, which had been submitted to the board, and upon which they had not time to decide be fore their final adjournment. " The sum of two millions twenty-six thousand one hun dred and thirty-nine dollars and sixty-eight cents which had been awarded to the claimants, was an ascertained debt by Mexico, about which there could be no dispute, and which she was bound to pay according to the terms of the conven tion. Soon after the final awards for this amount had been made, the Mexican government asked for a postponement of the time of making payment, alleging that it would be in convenient to pay at the time stipulated. In the spirit of for bearing kindness towards a sister republic, which Mexico has so long abused, the United States promptly complied with her request. A second convention was accordingly con cluded between the two governments on the thirtieth of Jan uary, 1843, .which upon its face declares, that, i this new arrangement is entered into for the accommodation of Mexi co.' By the terms of this convention, all the interest due on the awards which had been made in favor of the claim ants under the convention of the llth of April, 1839, was to be paid to them on the 30th of April, 1843, and "the principal of the said awards, and the interest accruing there on," was stipulated to " be paid in five years, in equal instal ments every three months." Notwithstanding this new con vention was entered into at the request of Mexico, and for MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 33 the purpose of relieving her from embarrassment, the claim ants only received the interest due on the 30th of April, ] 843, and three of the twenty instalments. Although the payments of the sum thus liquidated, and confessedly due by Mexico to our citizens as indemnity for acknowledged acts of outrage and wrong, was secured by treaty, the obli gations of which are ever held sacred by all just nations, yet Mexico violated this solemn engagement by failing and refusing to make the . payment. The two instalments due in April and July, 1844, under the peculiar circumstances connected with them, were assumed by the United States and paid to the claimants. But this is not all of which we have just cause of complaint. To provide a remedy for the claimants whose cases were not decided by the joint commission under the convention of April the llth, 1839, it was expressly stipulated by the sixth article of the conven tion of the 30th of January, 1843, that ' a new convention shall be entered into for the settlement of all claims of the government and citizens of the United States against the re public of Mexico which were not finally decided by the late commission which met in the city of Washington, and all claims of the government and citizens of Mexico against the United States.' " In conformity with this stipulation, a third convention was concluded and signed at the city of Mexico on the 20th of November, 1843, by the plenipotentiaries of the two go vernments, by which provision was made for ascertaining and paying these claims. In January, 1844, this convention was ratified by the senate of the United States, with two amendments, which were manifestly reasonable in their character. u Upon a reference of the amendments proposed to the government of Mexico, the same evasions, difficulties, and 5 34 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN delays were interposed which have so long marked the policy with that government towards the United States. It has not even yet decided whether it would or would not accede to them, although the subject has been repeatedly pressed upon its consideration. " Mexico thus violated a second time the faith of treaties, by failing or refusing to carry into effect the sixth article of convention of January, 1843."* The allegations made in this message are unquestionable. They rest upon the evidence of documents which are acces sible to all in the published papers of the government.f The outrages of Mexico consisted in seizure of property, illegal imprisonment of citizens, deprivation of just rights, interfer ence with our lawful commerce, forced loans, violations of contracts, and arbitrary expulsion from the territory without trial. All these misdeeds formed the exasperating burthen of our complaint, and their perpetration was in fact proved beyond the possibility of cavil by the awards in favor of our claimants made by the Baron von Roenne, who, as Prussian minister, was umpire between the Mexican and American commissioners. It must not be forgotten that we had claims also against Spain, France, England, Denmark and Naples, which were adjusted by negotiation and liquidated in strict accordance with treaties. These, demands, however, originated during the wars in Europe which followed the French revo lution, so that it remained for Mexico to peculate on our * President Folk's annual message to congress, 8th Dec. 1846, p. 6. f See Doc. No. 139, 24 cong. 2d sess. H. of R. Senate Doc. No. 320, 2d sess. 27 cong. Doc. No. 57, H. of R. 27 cong. 1st sess. Senate Doc. No. 411, 27 cong. 2d sess. Doc. No. 1096, H. of R. 27 cong. 2d sess. Doc. No. 158, H. of R. 28 cong. 2d sess. Doc. No. 144, H. of R. 28 cong. 2d sess. Senate Doc. No. 85, 29 cong. 1st sess. Senate Doc. No. 151, 29 cong. 1 sess. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 35 commerce and persecute our people during a period of entire international peace, and without any excuse save the direct villainy of her government, or the corrupt ignorance of her subordinate officers. We must now retrace our steps, in order to narrate an event of interest in the series of causes that originated this war. It appears that the Mexican government, in anticipation of some attack on its distant territories of California, had, in the summer of 1342, sent a number of troops thither, under the command of Don Manuel Micheltorena, who was appointed commandant general and inspector of both the Californias. These troops arrived at San Diego, the southernmost port on the Pacific side of California, in the middle of October, and were on their way to Monterey, the capital, when the occur rences in question took place. Monterey, on the Pacific, is a small village founded by the Spaniards in 1771, at the southern extremity of a bay of the same name, near the 36th degree of latitude, about a hun dred miles south of the great bay of San Francisco, and about three hundred and fifty miles north from the town of An geles, where the Commandant Micheltorena was resting with his troops when the events in question occurred. Whilst Commodore Jones was visiting the port of Callao, in September, 1842, he received from Mr. John Parrott, our consul at Mazatlan, a copy of a Mexican newspaper of the 4th of June, containing three official declarations against the United States," which he regarded as "highly belligerent."* *This paper contained the circular of the Mexican minister of foreign relations to the diplomatic corps, dated 31st May, 1842, (answered by Mr. Thompson on the 1st of June,) relative to public meetings in the United States favorable to Texas ; the aid furnished Texas by volunteers from the United States ; and the trade in arms and munitions of war with Texas. Doc. No. 266, H. of R., 27th congress, 2d session. 36 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN He also obtained a newspaper published in Boston, quoting a paragraph from the New Orleans Advertiser of the 19th April, 1842, in which it was asserted, upon what the editor deemed authentic information, that Mexico had ceded the Californias to England for seven millions of dollars. These documents reached our sensitive commodore at a moment when his suspicions were aroused by other circumstances. For, on the 5th of September, Rear-Admiral Thomas, a Bri tish commander, sailed from Callao in the Dublin having previously despatched two of his fleet with sealed orders just received from England. The whole fleet, he believed, was secretly on its way to Panama to embark reinforcements of troops, from the West Indies, to take armed possession of the Californias in conformity with the allegation of the Boston and New Orleans editors.* Commodore Jones immediately hastened from the port of Callao to Lima, where, in a conversation with the American charge d'affaires, Mr. Pickett, he formed the decided opinion that there would be war not only with Mexico but with Great Britain also.f Accordingly, he lost no time in preparing for sea, and on the 7th of September, sailed for the coast of Mexico. On the 19th of October, Jones arrived at Monterey, in the frigate United States, accompanied by the Cyane, Captain Stribling. They did not communicate with the shore or en deavor, in any authentic way, to ascertain the state of our political relations; but at four o'clock in the afternoon, Cap tain Armstrong, the flag captain of the United States, landed, and delivered to the acting governor, Don Juan Alvarado, a letter from Commodore Jones, requiring the immediate sur render of the place, with its forts, castles, ammunitions and arms, to the United States, in order to save it from the hor- - *See. doc., No. 166, H. of R., 27th congress, 3d session, page 85. fid. pages 15, 68, 73. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 37 rors of war, which would be the immediate consequences of a refusal to submit. Alvarado, upon this summons, consulted the military and civil authorities; and, finding that the garri son consisted of only twenty-nine men, that the artillery was composed of eleven pieces, entirely useless from the rotten ness of their carriages, and that the whole number of mus kets and carbines, good and bad, did not exceed a hundred and fifty, he surrendered the place, which was taken posses sion of by the Americans early on the 20th of October. The articles of capitulation signed on the occasion provide', that the Mexican soldiers shall march out with colors flying, and shall remain as prisoners of war until they can be sent to Mexico, and that the inhabitants shall be protected in thir persons and property, so long as they conduct themselves properly, and do not infringe the laws of the United States. Commodore Jones at the same time issued a proclamation to the Californians, declaring that " he came in arms as the representative of a powerful nation, against which the exist ing government of Mexico had engaged in war, but not with the intention of spreading dismay among the peaceful inhabi tants," and inviting them to submit to the authority of a government which would protect them forever in the enjoy ment of liberty. The evening and night of the 20th passed quietly; but, on the next day, the commodore seems to have reflected on the results of a bloodless conquest which was even more easily won than the victories of Cortez and Pizarro three hun dred years before. Learning that there was late and pacific news from Mexico, and, forthwith despatching his private secretary and chaplain to seek for it, they discovered, in the office of the Mexican commissary, several packages contain ing unopened files of gazettes, as late as the 4th of August. ic The general tone of the articles," says the commodore, 38 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN "relating to the United States, in these papers, was pacific, whilst the certainty that Mexico had not commenced hosti lities against us, up to the 22d of A ugust, was established by private commercial letters from Mazatlan." Thus, it seemed to him, that the crisis had passed ; that his victory was barren, that the reported cession of the Californias to England was untrue and could not have been prevented even by his valor. The war which had been recklessly undertaken upon sur mises or newspaper articles, and stimulated by the sailing of an English fleet with sealed orders, came to an end as it be gan by Mexican journals. Accordingly, on the 21st of the month, Commodore Jones addressed another letter to the acting governor, Alvarado, announcing that information received since the capture of the place, left him no reason to doubt that the difficulties between Mexico and the United States had been adjusted; and that, being anxious to avoid all cause of future contro versy, he was ready to restore the place, with its forts and property, to the Mexicans, in the same condition in which they were before the seizure. Monterey was therefore at once evacuated by the Americans, and reoccupied by the Mexicans, whose flag, on being rehoisted, was saluted by our ships. If the commodore of our squadron had prudently despatch ed his secretary and chaplain on a pacific mission of inquiry under a flag of truce, immediately upon his arrival, it is ex tremely probable that they would either have discovered on the 20th the newspapers they found on the 21st, or have re ceived the commercial letter which terminated the capture. This would have prevented an angry diplomatic correspon dence; it would have allayed the irritation of national sensi bility, and, whilst it saved us from the imputation of attempt ing to intimidate a weak power, would not have subjected MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES 39 our forces to the mortification of mistake upon such grievous subjects as peace and war. The Mexican papers, of course, viewed the matter as a national insult; and the government gazette, published in the capital, unequivocally asserted that Commodore Jones attacked Monterey, agreeably to orders from his government, with the view of conquering Califor nia, but that finding the country in a state of defence, (for which thanks were due to President Santa Anna and his effi cient minister of war,) he was obliged to abandon his plan and invent a story for his justification.* It is scarcely possible for a citizen of the United States to take a different view of the subject without a full knowledge of the facts; for it could hardly be believed that the com mander of a naval station, during a period of profound peace, would venture to summon towns to surrender, to land forces, take prisoners, and hoist our national flag on friendly soil, without the authority or connivance of his government^ * Diario del Gobierno Mexico, 1842. f A correspondence relative to this seizure of Monterey took place at Washington between Mr. Webster, secretary of state, and Gen. Almonte, the Mexican minister; and, in Mexico, between Seiior Bocanegra, minis ter of foreign affairs, and Mr. Waddy Thompson, our diplomatic represen tative. Mexico complained bitterly of our insulting descent on her terri tory, and our ministers apologized gracefully for the unauthorised act. The correspondence between the governments and with Commodore Jones will be found in document No. 166, H. of R., 27th congress, 3d session, 1843. The recall of Commodore Jones by the secretary of the navy is the fol lowing words : "NAVY DEPARTMENT, January 24, 1843. " SIR : Although no official intelligence of the recent occurrences at Monterey has reached this department, yet the leading facts have been communicated in a form sufficiently authentic to justify and render neces sary my immediate action. In the opinion of this government it is due to the friendly relations subsisting between the United States and Mexico, and to the respect which every nation owes to the rights of other nations, CHAPTER III. The origin of the war History of the pacification between Spain and Hol land in 1609 Spain and Mexico should have followed the example The Texas question Origin of the Texas revolution True history of it Resistance to the Central despotism of Santa Anna Mexican war against Texas Independence of Texas Santa Anna's retraction in 1846 of his anti-federative opinions. THE student of Mexican history, at this period, will derive instruction from a narrative of the connexion which once existed between Spain and the Netherlands and its fatal rupture. After the fall of the duke of Burgundy in 14T7, his daughter Mary brought the low countries to Austria by her marriage with the Emperor Maximilian ; and his grandson, Charles V, united these provinces with Spain. During the reign of Charles, their ancient liberties were carefully re spected, and the country prospered whilst the Protestant re ligion spread throughout it in spite of stern opposition. But that you should be recalled from the command of the squadron in the Pacific. "In adopting this course it is not designed to prejudge the case, nor even to indicate any opinion as to the propriety or impropriety of your conduct in the matter alluded to. That will of course be made the subject of proper in quiry after you return to the United States, when full justice will be done as between yourself and your own country. The present order has refer ence only to the just claims of Mexico on this government for such a disa vowal of the attack on Monterey as will fully recognize the rights of Mexico, and at the same time place the conduct of this government in a proper light before the nations of the world. Commodore Dallas will re lieve you as so'bn as he can conveniently reach the station and you will MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 41 when his successor, Philip II, mounted the throne, all pru dence in the government of the Belgic and Batavian pro vinces seems tf, Alva were the monarch's instruments in this sad misgovernment, which re sulted in a total renunciation of allegiance to the king of Spain. Long and bitter was the rebellion, continuing from the middle of the sixteenth century to the year 1 609, when the Spanish claim to the sovereignty of the new republic of Holland was virtually resigned under the form of a truce for twelve years between the belligerents.* The independence of the united provinces was thus, in fact achieved, and it was recognized by all the great powers of Europe except Spain ; still Holland went through the thirty years war, before her nationality was secured by the peace of Westphalia. From this sketch it will be perceived that Spain, although willing to forego the continuance of war, and to save the point of honor between herself and the rebellious provinces when it was impossible to recover her dominion over them, nevertheless, clung with stupid pride to her abstract right of reconquest for a long period after she had substantially ac knowledged their freedom. The dismemberment of Spain was, of course, an event which the monarch could not be- return to the United States in such mode as may be most convenient and agreeable to yourself. "I am respectfully yours, "A. P. UPSHUR. "Com. THOS. AP. C. JONES, commanding Pacific squadron." I believe that the commodore was not tried by a court of inquiry or a court martial after his return, but that the affair has slumbered since the date of the above letter. * Arnold : s third lecture on modern history. 6 42 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN hold without regret, for it was natural that he should seek to transmit his dominions to posterity uncurtailed of their fair proportions. Yet, in the adoption of a diplomatic ruse, in the truce of twelve years, there was a degree of wisdom which it would have been well for Spain to recollect when it became evident that the revolt of her American colonies was about to terminate in their independence. The pas sions between the belligerents would have had time to cool. The common ties of blood and language might gradually have bound up the wounds made by war. The intervention of friendly powers would have obtained concessions from the discreet parent, and thus Peru and Mexico might still have shone as the brightest jewels in the Spanish crown. No quarrel ever terminated in perfect re-establishment of amity without tolerance or retraction on the part of one of the dis putants. Superior force may overawe into silence or crush by its ponderous blows, yet the non-resistance and taciturnity which ensue are but the repose that precedes the hurricane, in which the elements seem gathering strength to pour forth their wrath with irresistible fury. So was it with Spain and her American colonies. Instead of soothing and pacific measures, tending to allay resentment and bring back the rebel to allegiance, the utmost violence was at once adopted both in deeds and language, and scenes of barbarity were enacted by Calleja and his myrmidons from which the heart recoils with horror.* Severe as was the lesson taught by the conduct of Spain to Mexico, that republic, nevertheless, resolved not to profit by it when she, in turn, saw one of her States discontented with her misrule and usurpations. If Texas had been soothed ; if justice had been speedily done ; if the executive had despatched discreet officers, and reconciled the differences * Robinson's Memoirs of the Mexican Revolution, pages 20, 22. 24 MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 43 between the North American emigrants and the Spaniards, not only in civil and municipal government, but in religion and temper, Texas might not have been lost to Mexico , but, invigorated by a hardy and industrious population, would have poured commercial wealth into her coffers, and furnished her factories among the mountains with an abund ance of that staple which the native Indians are as unused as they are unwilling to cultivate. Had Mexico been even as wise as Philip, in 1609, and saved her punctilious honor by a twelve years truce, she would only have postponed the settlement of her difficulties, until her internal affairs became sufficiently pacific to enable a firm government to act with discretion and justice. Since the year 1843 the Texas question has been so much a matter of party dispute in the United States that the true history of the revolt seems to be almost forgotten. I shall not hesitate therefore to recount some of the events connected with it, because they are relevant to the issue between us and Mexico, as well as necessary to the elucidation of the justice of her quarrel. It is an error that the Texan rebellion was conceived in a spirit of sheer fraud upon Mexico; and writers who seek to stigmatize it thus are entirely ignorant of its origin. The contest that arose between the central and federal parties in Mexico immediately after the establishment of in dependence has been narrated in a preceding chapter. The first federal constitution is an almost literal copy of our own; but its equitable and progressive principles did not suit the military despots who, whilst they commanded the army, held the physical power of Mexico in their hands. The conse quence was that during the administration of the first presi dent, Victoria, there were pronunciamientos against federa- 44 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN tion and in favor of centralism, by Padre Arenas, and at Tulancingo, under the "plan of Montayno." Quarrels in the party lodges of the Yorkinos and Escossceses the liberalists and centralists next arose; and, finally, the revolution under the " plan of Toluca," destroyed the cher ished constitution of 1824, by striking a death blow at the federative principle. This plan vested the power in a central government, abolished State legislatures, and changed those States into departments under the control of military gover nors, who were responsible to the chief authorities of the na tion alone. These principles were embodied in the new constitution of 1836, and were, of course, distasteful to every friend of genuine liberty/* Meanwhile, the beautiful province of Texas had not been an unconcerned spectator of events. Bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, and stretching along our Southern boundary, it contained an extensive territory, fine rivers, wide prairies, and a soil capable of maintaining near ten millions of people. Such a country naturally attracted the attention of the peo ple of the United States, numbers of whom are always rea dy, with the adventurous spirit that characterises our race, to seek new lands and improve their fortunes by emigrating from the crowded places of their birth. The project of colo nizing Texas, had, therefore, struck an intelligent citizen of our country; and, on the 17th of January, 1821, Moses Aus tin obtained permission from the supreme government of the eastern internal provinces of New Spain at Monterey, to settle a colony of emigrants in Texas. Accordingly, in the fol lowing winter, his son, Stephen P. Austin, who undertook the enterprize in obedience to a testamentary request of his father, appeared on the Brazos with the first Anglo-Ameri can settlers. * Mexico as it was and as it is, pp. 336, 339. Foote's History of Texas. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 45 In January, 1823, a national colonization law, approved by the Emperor Iturbide, was adopted by the Mexican con gress, and, on the 18th of February, a decree was issued au thorizing Austin to proceed with the founding of his colony. This decree, after Iturbide's abdication and the downfall of the Imperial government', was confirmed by the first execu tive council in accordance with a special order of the Mexi can congress. In 1824, the federal constitution was adopted and pro claimed as the established polity of the land; and, at this period, the character of Texas begins for the first time to as sume an independent aspect, for, by a decree of the 7th of May, it was united with Coahuila, and, under the name of Coahuila and Texas, formed one of the constituent, sover eign States of the Mexican confederacy. Up to this period, whilst all was proceeding well in the capital, the scheme of emigration, seems to have met with no discouragement. By an act passed in August, 1824, another general colonization law was established; and, by a State colonization law of Coahuila and Texas, foreigners were invited to settle within the limits of that especial jurisdiction. Thus it was that State sovereignty first accrued to Texas and Coahuila under the federal system, a system similar to the one under which the colonists had formerly lived in our Union and under which, by the adoption of their own State laws, they signi fied their willingness to become members of the Mexican confederacy. This State sovereignty was never resigned, but, on the contrary, was always distinctly asserted. The federation existed precisely for the same purposes that the union of our States was formed ; and, as soon as the consti tution was destroyed by intrigue and revolutionary violence in 1835, the several States were remitted to their inherent rights, independent of any military despot who succeeded in 40 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN seizing the central power. Meanwhile our people had flocked to Texas under the belief that a constitution which was a transcript of our own, would secure peace and pros perity to settlers. Accustomed to find laws observed and the constitution indestructible, they expected to encounter the same regularity and firmness in that virgin State. They were industrious in their pursuits, and willing to abide the settlement of all quarrels in the capital ; nor was it until long after the federal and centralist disputes commenced, that they began even to notice the political convulsions which were so ominous of disaster. The quiet and orderly conduct of our emigrants was, nevertheless, not regarded so favorably by the Mexicans. The rapidly growing strength of the Texans and their strict devotion to republicanism, at tracted the jealousy of the supreme government; and when a Mexican begins either to fear or to doubt, the provocation is quite enough to convert him into an oppressor. Accord ingly, on the 6th of April, 1830, an arbitrary law was passed by which the future immigration of American settlers to Texas was prohibited. Military posts of surveillance were established over the State, and ignorant and insolent soldiers of another race, began to domineer over a people whom they regarded as inferiors. At length the civil authorities of Texas were entirely disregarded, and the emigrants hitherto unused at home or abroad to an armed police, or to the sight of a uniform except on parade days, suddenly found them selves subjected to the capricious tyranny of military rule.* On the 26th of June, 1832, the colonists took arms against this despotic interference with their constitutional freedom and beseiged and captured the fort at Velasco. The garrison at Anahuac and that at Nacogdoches, were next reduced; and, in December of that year, when hostilities were suspended * Document No. 40, H. of R. 25th cong. 1st sess. p. 4. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 47 between Santa Anna and Bustamante, the colonists were again restored to the enjoyment of their rights guarantied under the constitution. In May 1824, Texas had been promised a separate State constitution as soon as she was prepared for it, but upon ap plication to congress in 1833, after framing a suitable instru ment in general convention at San Felipe, her request was denied. In 1835 the crisis at length arrived. The federal constitution fell. The resistance of several States to this des potism was suppressed by force. The legislature of Cohuila and Texas was dispersed at the point of the bayonet. Za- catecas, a brave stronghold of federalism, was assaulted by the central chiefs and her people butchered. And, finally, the whole republic, save Texas, yielded to Santa Anna. As this state at once resolved to maintain her sovereignty and federative rights, corresponding committees of safety and vigilance were promptly formed in all the municipalities. An immediate appeal to arms proclaimed the people's reso lution to adhere to the constitution ; and at Gonzales, Goliad, Bexar, Conception, Sepantillan, San Patrick), and San An tonio, they were victorious over the centralists. In Novem ber, 1835, the delegates of the Texan people assembled in "general consultation," and declared that "they had taken up arms in defence of the federal constitution of 1824, and that they would continue faithful to the Mexican confederacy as long as it should be governed by the laws that were framed for the protection of their political rights; that they were no longer morally or politically bound by the compact of union; yet, stimulated by the generous sympathy of a free people, they offered their assistance to such members of the confed eracy as would take up arms against military despotism. This patriotic manifesto declaring at once the freedom of Texas and offering to other parts of Mexico a defensive alii- 48 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN ance m favor of constitutional liberty, found no response from the overawed States, and thus Texas was abandoned to the mercy of a military president, who signalized his cam paign of 1836 by acts of brutality which must forever con sign his name to infamy."* Notwithstanding Santa Anna's successes at San Antonio and his frightful massacres, Gen eral Houston, the commander of the Texan forces, met and conquered the Mexicans on the 21st of April, 1836, in the brilliant action at San Jacinto, and thenceforth, in the em phatic language of an American statesman " the war was at an end."f " No hostile foot found rest " within her territory for six or seven years ensuing this event, and Mexico, by confining her assaults to border forays practically abstained from all efforts to re-establish her dominion.! In this peaceful interval the country rapidly filled up with emigrants; adopted a constitu tion ; established a permanent government, and obtained an acknowledgement of her independence by the United States and other powers. It was then supposed that nearly one hundred thousand people occupied the territory ; and, in 1837, they sought to place themselves under the protection of our confederacy. But our government declined the pro position made through the Texan plenipotentiary, upon the ground that the treaty of amity and peace between the * A full account of this campaign will be found in a work entitled " Pri- mera Campaga de Tejas," published in Mexico in August 1837, by Don Ramon Martinez Caro, who was Santa Anna's military secretary during the campaign. He treats his former chief with unsparing severity, and very clearly attributes to him all the ferocious acts of the war. In Thomp son's " Recollections of Mexico," a conversation of the ex-minister with Santa Anna will be found, in which his exculpation is attempted, pp. 68, et seq. f Mr. Webster's letter to Waddy Thompson, 8th July, 1842. J Webster to Thompson ut antca. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 49 United States and Mexico should not be violated by an act which necessarily involved the question of war with the ad versary of Texas.* This brief history of the Texan revolt against centralism seems to place the authorities of that country on a firm basis of natural and constitutional right. In the constant con flicts that have taken place throughout Mexico between the federalists and centralists, or rather between democracy and despotism, Texas attempted no more than any of the liberal States of Mexico would have done, had not the free voice of educated patriots been elsewhere stifled by military power. The only difference between them is, that in Texas there was .an Anglo-American population bold and strong enough to maintain republicanism, whilst in Mexico, the mongrel race of Spaniards and Indians was too feeble to resist effectually. From 1836 to 1846 Santa Anna diligently persevered in the support of his central usurpation. But in the latter year the principles of the Texan revolution obtained a decided victory over military despotism, and even Santa Anna him self, who had been the originator of all the revolutions of his country, the disturber of its peace, and destroyer of its politi cal morality was forced to make a humiliating confession of his errors. It will be remembered that he was exiled from Mexico in the year 1845, and resided in Havana until the summer of 1846, when a revolution against the government of Paredes prepared the way for his return. On the 8th of March, 1846, in writing to a friend a letter which has since been published he declares that: " the love of provincial liberties being firmly * Letter of Mr. Forsyth to General Hunt, 25th Aug. 1847. Doc. No 40, H. of R., 25th congress, 1st session. 7 50 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN rooted in the minds of all, and the democratic principle pre dominating every where, nothing can be established in a solid manner, in the country, which does not conform with these tendencies; nor without them can we attain either order, peace, prosperity, or respectability among foreign na tions. To draw every thing to the centre, and thus to give unity of action to the republic, as I at one time con sidered best, is no longer possible; nay more, I say it is dan gerous; it is contrary to the object which I proposed for myself in the Unitarian system, because we thereby expose ourselves to the separation of the northern departments, which are the most clamorous for freedom of internal administration." * In this remarkable retraction of Santa Anna's despotic principles, Texas finds a perfect vindication of her revolt. It would have been well for Mexico had her military presi dent been willing to make the same concessions before the memorable battle of San Jacinto ! * Translation of a letter from General Santa Anna, in Mexico as it was and as it is. 4th edition, page 414. CHAPTER IV. Origin of the war continued Proposed annexation of Texas to the United States by treaty Efforts of several administrations to recover Texas after the Florida treaty President Tyler's objects Mexican opinions British intrigue British views relative to Texas Defeat of the treaty in the senate French opinions. THERE is no doubt that although the government of the United States was anxious to preserve a strict neutrality be tween the belligerents in 1837, and, thus, to avoid assuming the war with Mexico by annexing an insurgent State, it, nevertheless, refused the proffered union with regret. From the earliest period, our statesmen contended that, by the Louisiana treaty, we acquired a title to Texas extending to the Rio Grande, and that we unwisely relinquished our title to Spain by the treaty of 1819 which substituted the Sabine for the Rio Grande as our western boundary.* But, divested as we were by solemn compact with Spain, of what may have been our territory under the treaty with France, it was idle to regard Texas as a proper subject for restoration to the Union whilst active hostilities were waged by Mexico. Nevertheless, such was the evident value of the province, * See Mr. Clay's letter on the Texas question, Raleigh, N. C., April, 1844. I shall discuss the boundary elsewhere in this volume. When Texas offered herself in 1837 to the United States it was only two years after Mexico had overthrown the federal constitution, and not even one after the battle of San Jacinto. A great change however took place in the general aspect of affairs between that period and the final annexation. 52 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN and such the anxiety to regain our ancient limits that be fore the outbreak of the revolution, Mr. Clay, as secretary of state under the administration of Mr. Adams, in March of the years 1825 and 1827, directed Mr. Poinsett, our envoy in Mexico, to negotiate for the transfer of Texas. This di rection was repeated by Mr. Van Buren to our minister in August, 1829; and was followed by similar instructions from Mr. Livingston on the 20th of March, 1833, and by Mr. Forsyth on the 2d of July, 1835. President Jackson, however, was not contented with negotiations for that pro vince alone; but, looking forward, with statesmanlike fore cast, to the growth and value of our commerce in the Pacific ocean as well as on the west coast of America, be required the secretary of state, in August, 1835, to seek from Mexico a cession of territory, whose boundary, beginning at the mouth of the Rio Grande, would run along the eastern bank of that river to the thirty-seventh degree of latitude, and con tinue thence, by that parallel, to the Pacific. This demand, if granted by Mexico, not only secured Texas, but would have included the largest and most valuable portion of Cali fornia together with the noble bay of San Francisco, in which our navy and merchantmen might find a safe and commodious refuge.* Our anxiety to reannex Texas by peaceable negotiation was not met, however, by a correspondent feeling upon the part of Mexico. Mr. Poinsett, on his return from Mexico, informed Mr. Cl#y that he had forborne even to make an overture for the repurchase of Texas, because he knew that such a negotia tion would be impracticable, and believed that any hint of our desire would aggravate the irritations already existing * Executive document, No. 42, H. of R., 25th congress, 1st session, con tains the letters referred to. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 53 between the countries.* The events which subsequently transpired in Texas, during the period when emigration in creased from the United States, to that of the actual outbreak of hostilities, prevented the formation, in Mexico, of any party favorable to such an enterprise ; and, after the war be gan, all hope of negotiation between us was dispelled. "A leading member of the Mexican cabinet once remarked to me," says Mr. Thompson, in his Recollections of Mexico,f " that he believed the tendency of things was towards the an nexation of Texas to the United States, and that he greatly preferred such a result either to the independence of Texas or any connection or dependence of Texas upon England; that if it became an independent power, other departments of Mexico would unite with it either voluntarily or by con quest, and that if there was any connexion between Texas and England, English merchandize would be smuggled into Mexico through Texas to the utter ruin of Mexican manu factures and revenue. " In one of my last interviews with Santa Anna," con tinues the American minister, " I mentioned this conversa tion. He replied with great vehemence that he would ' war forever for the reconquest of Texas, and that if he died in his senses his last words should be an exhortation to his countrymen never to abandon the effort to recover the pro vince ; ' and, added he : * you know, sir, very well, that to sign a treaty for the alienation of Texas would be the same thing as signing the death warrant of Mexico, for, by the same process, the United States would take one after another of the Mexican provinces, until they possessed them all." : Such were the feelings of Mexico in regard to annexation, and such the anxieties in cabinets of .all parties in the United * Mr. Clay's letter on annexation, ut antea, f Recollections of Mexico, p. 238. 54 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN States to restore our ancient limits, when the presses of our country intimated, in the year 1844, that President Tyler was negotiating a treaty of union with Texas as an indepen dent power. It was on the eve a presidential canvass; and whilst the incumbent of the executive chair sought very naturally to present himself to the people with the successful results of a popular and beneficial negotiation, there were other candidates who opposed the measure both on principle and policy, as well as on account of the mode in which it was to be effected. I might very properly in this historical sketch pass over the narrative of annexation, and, deal with the union, ulti mately effected between Texas and the United States as the only important fact. Texas, bound to the North American confederacy by a solemn act of congress, the indisputable constitutionality of which -is implied in its passage, is, in deed, the only subject which the historian is compelled to regard. Whatever results ensued, whether they were per ceived and predicted by the statesmen of the time, or, were entirely latent until developed during the last two years, must be entirely attributed to the act of congress which con summated annexation and reposed in the hands of a presi dent the executive power of solemnizing the union. Never theless, I believe it due to impartial history that I should state concisely the causes which seem to have provoked an nexation, and, indeed, rendered it almost necessary at the time when it occurred. We have seen that active hostilities by Mexico against the insurgents had either ceased for nearly seven years, or had been confined to such border forays as resembled predatory incursions rather than civilized hostilities. Statesmen, in all parties, regarded the war as ended ; for Mexico, impoverished by the thriftless administrations that ruled and plundered her MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 55 during the short intervals between her revolutions, was in no condition to carry it on with reasonable prospects of success. France, England, Belgium and the United States, had ac knowledged Texan independence and established diplomatic relations with the republic. Emigrants settled the interior, and invited accessions. The constitution and laws of the nation were fixed upon a firm basis, while the government was conducted with ability. A lucrative commerce from foreign countries began to pour into the territory. New towns sprang up every where, and Texas exhibited to the world every evidence of an orderly, well regulated govern ment, with infinitely greater strength and stability than the military republic from which she was divorced. Mexico, nevertheless, refused to recognize her independence notwith standing her inability to make any effort for reconquest. The leading men of Texas anxiously desired that their national independence should continue, and the moral sense of the world, in contrasting the superior progress of the Anglo-American race with the anarchy and feebleness of Mexico, was naturally solicitous to behold the infant colony successful rather than to see it fall a prey to the passions of a people with whom it had no sympathy, and, in whose vic tory, they might witness the outpouring of a pent up wrath which would never cease in its vindictive persecutions until the province was entirely desolated.* This was not alone * It was evidently the intention of Mr. Webster, whilst secretary of state, to adopt some prudent scheme for the settlement of the war between Texas and Mexico. In January, 1843, he addressed a despatch to Mr. Thomp son, who was then our envoy in Mexico, in which he directs him to use his good offices with the Mexican secretary to mitigate the animosity of the government. "Mexico," says he, "has an undoubted right to resubjugate Texas, if she can, so far as other states are concerned, by the common and lawful means of war. But other States are interested, especially the United States, a near neighbor of both parties, are interested, not only in the restoration 56 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN the common feeling in the United States, but it prevailed in Europe also. The British minister of foreign affairs, Lord Aberdeen, and that zealous partizan of liberty, Lord Brough am, took occasion in the house of peers in August, 1843, to express their solicitude as to the prospects of Texas. Lord Brougham characterized it as a country as large as France, possessing the greatest natural capabilities, but, at the same time he perceived in it an embryo state, (a large portion of whose soil was adapted to cultivation by white labor,) which might become a boundary and barrier against the slavery of the United States of America. If, by the good offices of England, Mexico could be induced to acknowledge Texan independence upon the condition of abolishing slavery, he suggested the hope that it would lead to the extinction of slavery in the southern States of our Union. Lord Aberdeen replied to Lord Brougham, that England ha(J not only acknowledged her independence, but had also negotiated with Texas a treaty of commerce as well as one for the abolition of the slave trade. He did not believe that there was any importation of slaves into Texas by sea, but, he alleged, there was a large influx of slaves from the United States to that country. As soon as negotiations were com menced with Texas, the utmost endeavors of England had been used to end the war which prevented the full recogni- qf 'peace between them, lut also in the manner in which the war shall be conducted if it shall continue. These suggestions may suffice for what you are re quested to say amicably and kindly to the Mexican secretary, at present ; but I may add, for your information, that it is in the contemplation of this go vernment to remonstrate, in a more formal manner, with Mexico, at a period not far distant, unless she shall consent to make peace with Texas, or shall show the disposition and ability to prosecute the war with respectable forces. Executive document, No. 271, H. of R., 28th cong., 1st ses., p. 69. For the opinions of French statesmen on this question see the debate be tween Guizot, Thiers, Berreyer and others, reported in vol. 70, of Nilea' Register, p. 25, 26. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 57 don of the independence of Texas by Mexico; but all their endeavors had been met by difficulties, although he was happy to declare that an armistice had been established be tween the two powers which he hoped would lead to the absolute acknowledgment of her independence. In the ex isting state of negotiations between the parties, however, he thought it would not contribute to an useful end to express any opinion as to the state of those negotiations, nevertheless he assured his noble friend that the matter would be pressed by every means in the power of her majesty's ministers. The answer of Lord Brougham to this conversational speech of the minister of foreign affairs, was brief but omi nous. Nothing, he declared, could be more satisfactory to him,, whilst the statement of his lordship " would be hailed with joy by all who were favorable to the object of anti- slavery societies."* I do not design in this history to discuss either the slavery question or the British project of propagating seditious opinions upon negro servitude by means of diplomacy on this continent. But, when we remember the guaranties of our constitution and the preponderence of the black population in our southern States, it must be conceded that it requires no great degree of sensibility to alarm the white inhabitants of that section and to render them anxious to counteract the avowed machinations of Great Britain. The abstract ques tion of the right of slavery is altogether distinct from slavery as it exists in this Union, and as the foundation of property, population, labor, and, even, existence in the south. For many years past the fanaticism of freedom has been * Debates in the British house of lords, Friday 18th August, 1843, re ported in the London Morning Chronicle of the 19th ; and see executive document, No. 271, H. of R., 28th congress, 1st session. 8 58 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN warring against slavery, until it has created in our country a fanaticism of slavery which was quite as relentless in its ob stinacy. It was therefore, natural that individuals who had refused our own congress the right to interfere with slavery, by denying the privilege of petition for the abolition of sla very in the District of Columbia, should resist most ardently the Jesuitical propagandist!! of a foreign power. This was a question of grave importance to the south. It was an avowal of European policy that struck a death blow at American property ; nor was it therefore at all surprising to see Mr. Calhoun, our secretary of state, who was a native and inhabitant of that part of the union, at once seize upon the project of prompt annexation as the only means of coun teracting the evils of British diplomacy. If expressions, similar to those used by Lords Aberdeen and Brougham in the English parliament, had been casually uttered in the warm debates of our congress, perhaps but little attention would have been paid them by reflecting men ; yet the most trifling observations of British statesmen always deserve no tice, because they are well pondered and deliberately made. The opinions of Lord Brougham, assented to by the silence of Lord Aberdeen, had consequently an emphatic signifi cance; and although the British minister of foreign affairs, as well as the envoy at Washington, subsequently disclaimed any attempt to interfere with the internal system of the United States, yet there can be no doubt that they wished to modify the condition and laws of a southern neighbor so as to effect indirectly what prudence taught them to avoid openly.* "Great Britain," said Lord Aberdeen, in a de- * Ex. Doc. No. 271, H. of R., 28 cong., 1st sess. p. 48, et scq : In an in terview between Lord Aberdeen and Mr. Everett, in November, 1843, the secretary of foreign affairs told him that England had long been pledged to encourage the abolition of the slave trade and of slavery, as far as her influ- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 59 spatcli to the Hon. Mr. Pakenham, on the 26th December, 1843, "does not desire to establish in Texas, whether par tially dependent on Mexico or entirely independent, any dominant influence. She only wishes to share her influence equally with other nations. Her objects are purely commer cial, and she has no thought or intention of seeking to act directly or indirectly, in a political sense, on the United States through Texas." It cannot be expected for it is not the nature or policy of governments that statesmen should disclose to each other, with perfect frankness, all their international ambitions, projects or hopes. A wise diplomacy conceals these things ence extended and in every proper way, but had no wish to interfere with the internal concerns of governments. In reference to Texas, he said that "the suggestion that England had made or intended to make the abolition of slavery the condition of any treaty arrangement with her was wholly without foundation." id. page 38. The direct interference of England in the internal affairs of other governments has often been very distinctly manifested notwithstanding Lord Aberdeen's disavowal. There is scarce ly a country in Europe which has been unvisited by her arms or her diplo macy, either when it became her interest to do so, or when she had the necessary force to make success unquestionable. Her policy is, perhaps, not so much one of ambition as of avarice or necessity. She must feed her multitudes at home ; and an extension of her wide spread commerce, with co-extensive privileges in new countries, will open new sources of wealth to her people. Nations are not to be blamed for seeking such advantages ; but the nearer neighbor should be equally blameless for grasping, if possi ble, the benefit for herself, so as to keep off a dangerous rival and secure the revenues which otherwise would flow into that rival's coffers. The excursive philanthropy of England was admirably depicted by the Frenchman, who, according to the London Times remarked that: " Your Englishman knows all about Timbuctoo, or Hindoostan, or the frozen re gions about the North Pole ; but ask him about Ireland, the country lying next his own, and he is perfectly innocent of any information on the sub ject. Africa he investigates Ireland he neglects. He weeps for the suf fering of the negro, but allows his Irish fellow subject to live in ignorance and filth, and often to die of starvation." 60 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN whilst in progress. But all governments take means to ob tain secretly, as far as they are able, an insight into the views of each other. The diplomacy of the United States, al though generally very frank, is nevertheless employed some times in this way, and, I believe our records will show, that wherever it became necessary for our departments to get in formation upon projects touching the interests of our country, they have always found means to discover the truth. It is fortunate for the history of this annexation question that the commercial designs alluded to by Lord Aberdeen have been revealed -to us. Some of the statements are made anonymously, yet, from the very nature of such disclosures whilst negotiations were pending, it cannot be expected that the names of informants would be revealed. Their value and character must be vouched for alone by the officers who communicate them to the world, and deem them sufficient to authorize the action of government. The authorities, to which I allude, were communicated to congress by President Tyler in May, 1844, and were submitted to him by Mr. Calhouri, as secretary of state, on the 16th of that month.* By a convention, concluded in London on the 14th of November, 1840, between Her Majesty's government and the republic of Texas, it was agreed that the queen should tender her good offices to Mexico as mediator between the bel ligerents. Mexico, however, saw fit to reject this offer. But Texas, still animated by a desire for peace, sought to obtain a triple mediation of the three great powers, the United States, France and England, with the hope that under their auspices a settlement might speedily be made. To this arrangement, the governments of France and the United States assented with alacrity ; while the government of Great * Ex. Doc. No. 271, H. of R., 28th cong., 1st sess. p. 101, et seq. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 61 Britain, though expressing an ardent desire to do all in its power by private mediatorial efforts, inclined to the opinion that it would be better, on all accounts, for each party to act alone, though similarly in point of tone and argument, in urging the Mexican government to recognize the indepen dence of Texas. This suggestion was communicated through Lord Cowley the British ambassador in Paris, to the French government, by whom it was approved.* By this act of the British cabinet, it preserved its indepen dence of all others, and abstained from combined action which would, necessarily, have disclosed its motives as well as its conduct. The objects of the ministers in retaining their independence of all other cabinets will now become more manifest. If an abstract love of liberty is, indeed, the true cause why England seeks to abolish slavery throughout the world and has set the example of emancipation in her West India colo nies, she may really deserve the high commendation of phi lanthropists. But it cannot be denied that whilst she dif fuses a spirit of individual freedom, she does not regret to behold national dependence on herself established by interest and necessity. We find among the documents transmitted to congress by President Tyler, a number of private letters, in which it is alleged that the primary object of Great Bri tain's interference was to prevent absolute annexation to the United States. Indeed, Lord Aberdeen, in May, 1844, de clared to Mr. Everett that he " shared with Lord Brougham the hope and belief that the treaty for annexation would not be ratified by our senate. "f If the independence of Texas could be secured on the * Id p. 70. Letter of Mr. Van Zandt to Mr. Webster, t Id. p. 100. Washington, 24th January, 1843. 62 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN only probable ground upon which Mexico would acknow ledge it, a pledge that she would not subsequently join the United States; and if so desirable a result, which appealed directly to the ambition and vanity of the leading men of Texas, could be effected by the secret negotiations of her ministers, England foresaw that she would obtain a decided advantage over us in future negotiations, without a positive treaty stipulation to that effect. Texas, with every element of prosperity in her people and territory, was war-worn, and suffering from pecuniary embarrassments in which her revo lution plunged her. For an agricultural and commercial people, peace and stability, under almost any liberal govern ment, are all that is requisite to insure progress. England, a free, maratime and manufacturing country, deeply inter ested in Mexico as a purchaser, and in the United States as a rival, was precisely the nation to secure these advantages for Texas, especially as that republic offered a point d'appui which she could not find elsewhere on this continent. The " free trade " policy of Great Britain was consequently addressed to the cupidity of Texas as a bewitching allure ment; and this was, perhaps, secretly coupled with pecu niary offers which would enable her to struggle against ad verse fortune during tbe first years of independence. This liberal system, while it attracted to England the cot ton of Texas in British vessels, would necessarily raise the national duties of the republic to the highest standard on American produce and provisions, at the same time that it introduced the manufactures of England without imposts. The schemers who had achieved emancipation in the Bri tish West Indies* imagined that the same result might be produced in Texas by sufficient inducements, and that white labor or apprentices would supply the place of slaves, thus * See Lord Brougham's speech, ut antea. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 63 striking an indirect blow at slavery in the southern States of our Union. Besides this, England would find a market for her manufactures which might temptingly address itself to the cupidity of the United States and of Mexico as well as of Texas. For, with such an extent of frontier on all sides, and with wastes between us, inhabited by a sparse or reck less population, the greatest inducements would be offered to convert Texas into a smuggling ground not only for our Union but especially for Mexico, whence British fabrics are almost excluded by exhorbitant tariffs. The policy of Eng land would thus affect simultaneously our manufactures as well as our commerce. Instead of sending her merchandize to New York, she would find in Galveston a readier market to supply our southern States through the medium of contra band.* Her goods would naturally have been carried in British vessels, and thus the labor and commerce of the United States would be directly injured by England until we could afford to navigate and manufacture at cheaper rates.f * Any one who is familiar with the condition of our Canadian frontier v/ill understand the ease with which smuggling in British fabrics is carried on between the countries. An extensive business has, doubtless, always been sustained; and it is not unusual even for the ladies of certain towns along the frontier, to shop in Canada, with the understanding that their pur chases are to be delivered at the risk of the British vender, on the other side of the American line ! f Executive document, 271, H. of R., 28th cong., 1st sess. Letter of Mr. Allen to Hon. R. J. Walker, and other letters copied on pages 103 and 105 of the same document. The government of the United States entertained such views of the grasping policy of England for reasons which are clearly set forth in an able despatch from Mr. Calhoun to Mr. King, our envoy at the court of France. " The question," says the secretary of state, " is, by what means can Great Britain regain and keep a superiority in tropical cultivation, commerce and influence ? Or shall that be abandoned and other nations, suffered to acquire the supremacy even to the extent of supplying British 64 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN The impolicy of permitting our carrying trade and home market, in such a country, to pass out of our hands into those of a commercial rival, and the dangers of counteracting or creating a contraband system which would almost imme diately ensue, commended this annexation promptly to the notice of President Tyler. He perceived in British supre macy in Texas a multitude of evils. Collisions would arise which must endanger our peace. The power and influence of England would be intruded, geographically, on territory lying between us and Mexico. A large increase of our mili tary forces would be necessary, not only to protect the United States from daily disputes with Texans, but to guard the border inhabitants against hostile inroads from Indians. Texas, he was authoritatively told, would seek the friend ship of other nations if denied the protection of ours; and, in a condition of almost hopeless abandonment, would natu rally fall an easy prey to any power that would protect her, should we refuse our alliance.* markets to the destruction of the capital already vested in their produc tion ? These are the questions which now profoundly occupy the attention of her statesmen and have the greatest influence over her councils. " In order to regain her superiority she not only seeks to revive and in crease her own capacity to produce tropical productions, but to diminish and destroy the capacity of those who have so far outstripped her in con sequence of her error. In pursuit of the former, she has cast her eyes to her East India possessions, to Central and Eastern Africa, with the view of establishing colonies there, and even to restore, substantially, the slave trade itself, under the specious name of transporting free laborers from Africa to her West India possessions, in order, if possible, to compete suc cessfully with those who have refused to follow her suicidal policy. Her main reliance, however, is on the other alternative, to cripple or destroy the productions of her successful rivals. There is but one Avay by which it can be done, and that is by abolishing African slavery throughout this continent ; and that she avows to be the constant object of her policy and exertions." Senate doc. No. 1, 28th cong. 1st sess. p. 44. * President Tyler's message to the senate, 22nd April, 1844. * MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 65 Such were some of the reasons that induced the president, in 1844, to direct Mr. Upshur, who was the secretary of state, to negotiate a treaty of annexation between the United States and Mexico, and thus, in his emphatic language, "to break up and scatter to the winds the web of European intrigues."* This treaty was transmitted to the senate on the 22nd of April, 1844, and immediately became the topic of discussion throughout the country. It was opposed and defended by some of the most distinguished men in the country. General Jackson pleaded that the golden moment might not be lost, and that we should not throw Texas into the arms of Eng land, f Mr. Clay, whose nomination as a presidential can didate was expected to be shortly made, and Mr. Van Buren whose name was also speedily to come before a democratic convention assembled to select a candidate for the chief magistracy, both published long and argumentative letters against the project. The debate on the treaty in the senate was eager, and able. The northern abolitionists regarded it as a measure frought with danger to their cause, and as the basis of perpetual slavery, whilst the southern slave owners hailed annexation as a boon, which, at least for a season, would stay the aggressive arm that was raised against their rights and interests. At leiagth, the senate finally rejected the treaty; but Presi dent Tyler, by a message to the house of representatives, dated the 10th of June, transmitted the rejected document to the popular branch of the national legislature, so that, with out suggesting the mode of annexation, the house of repre sentatives might decide whether it should be accomplished in any shape. * Letter of President Tyler to the Richmond Enquirer in 1847. f President Jackson's letter 17th March, 1844, written in consequence of a private mission to him from President Houston of Texas. 9 66 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN At that moment, however, new elements of political com motion were introduced in the nomination of Mr. Clay and Mr. Polk by the respective party conventions held in Balti more, and the project passed from the national legislature to the people for discussion during the presidential canvass. NOTE. The opinions and arguments adduced by the president in support of annexation have been singularly fortified by disclosures subsequent to the union between Texas and the United States. The British cabinet, mortified by defeat, has been silent upon the subject, but singular develop ments were made in debate in the French chambers. On the 12th and 20th of January, 1846, a discussion took place between Messieurs Guizot, Thiers, Berreyer and others, in which the Texas question, and the position of France, in the event of war between the United States and England, upon the Oregon question, was warmly debated. The minister, Guizot, alleged that in all the negotiations with Texas, France had sought com mercial relations in consequence of the advantages offered of markets for French goods. He declared that it was his policy to interpose an, indepen- dent State in the midst of the United States, and that he believed it to be advisable to multiply the number of secondary independent States on our continent, as the commercial and political interests of France would suffer materially by the foundation of a governmental unity in America. He watched our progress with a jealous eye, and he considered the policy of the United States in refusing to be the ally of any European power both right and wise in our view of the question. M. Thiers, the former minister, replied to M. Guizot; and, after assert ing fhat Texas had been annexed to our Union " to the great displeasure of England, and, as far as could be discovered, to the great displeasure of France," he declared that it was the true interest of his government to place Texas under the patronage of a powerful nation like ours rather than to abandon it to the influence of England. " You are aware," said he, " that Texas is of great importance to the United States, and that its possession was anxiously desired by that power: I will add that never was an annexa tion made in a more regular manner. For more than ten years Texas had been separated from Mexico, and all the powers, including France, had recognised it." He regarded the union of England and France in diplo macy between Mexico, Texas, and the United States, as adopted only to redeem the faults of the French cabinet during the last five years, and as a truckling peace-offering for its conduct on the question of the "right of search." But, of all the French orators and statesmen, none denounced CHAPTER V. Change of public feeling as to annexation Election of President Polk Mr. Clay defeated by the abolitionists Almonte's threat President Ty ler attempts to soothe Mexico His failure to do so Mexican projects of reconquest Want of confidence in Santa Anna Loans Downfall and disgrace of Santa Anna His expulsion to Cuba Herrera made pro visional president Congress of United States reconsiders annexation Joint resolution passed with an alternative of negotiation President Tyler adopts the first clause, and why European intrigues France and England operating on Texas and Mexico Mexico offers independence provided Texas will not annex herself to the United States Defeat of of the foreign scheme. WHEN Congress met in December, 1844, a remarkable change had come over the political world in the United States. The extraordinary popularity of Mr. Clay induced reflective men to believe, at the close of the last session, that he would be elected president, and that the prospects of immediate an nexation would probably be blighted by that event. The great body of his partizans opposed the project of President Tyler; but the Democratic convention, assembled in Balti- the conduct of the cabinet with more zeal than the eloquent Berreyer. He proved by facts and documents that it was at the instance of England, and in subservience to her, that the French government interposed, (as will be seen in the following chapter,) to maintain the separate independence of Texas: "We have not limited ourselves" exclaimed he "to a wish and a counsel that Texas should retain her freedom, but we have been led to take a part in that which I regret I am compelled* to regard as nothing else than an intrigue, which, unfortunately for our national dignity has borne all the marks of an intrigue, and has met, at last, its humiliation." Niles' Register, vol. 70, pp. 25, 26, 27, 28, and vol. 68, p. 290. 68 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN more, in May, inscribed the fortunes of Texas on its banner together with the name of that party's candidate. The south immediately rallied around it, whilst the north as sumed strange grounds of objection to the course of Mr. Clay. The Native American and Abolition parties in New York professed to vote with the friends of that gentleman in consequence of his opposition to annexation, and yet a suffi cient number to defeat his election cast their ballots in direct contradiction of their principles. This was but another lesson of the danger of confiding in men or parties who have but a single idea. The folly of fanaticism commonly leads to vio lent inconsistencies, but perhaps a more palpable one was never exhibited than in the result of the presidential election of 1844. When the project of annexation was first discussed in 1843 in the gazettes of the day, and before any decided ac tion by the president or secretary of state, General Almonte, who was then Mexican envoy at Washington, protested earn estly against the act, and even threatened, by express order of his government, that on sanction 1 being given to the in corporation of Texas into the United States, he would con sider his mission as ended, seeing that the Mexican govern ment was resolved to declare war as soon as it received infor mation of such a deed.* But Mr. Tyler, disregarding the irascible temper of the minister and his government, despatched pacific and soothing instructions to our charge at Mexico, intimating a desire to act justly towards that republic, and to settle all questions growing out of the treaty as well as of boundary on the most liberal terms. f The Mexican* government, however, would listen to no * Senate doc. No. 341, 28th cong. 1st sess. p. 95. t Senate doc. No. 1, 28th cong. 2d sess. p. 53. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 69 proposals of accommodation. The Texan question, as we have seen, was always one of great annoyance to the Mexi can authorities; for although they acknowledged, in effect, that their dominion was really lost over Texas, yet their na tional pride and public feeling forced them to project, if they did not attempt, its reconquest.* Besides this, darkness was gathering around the fate of Santa Anna, who dared not un dertake negotiations upon a subject so unpopular. When a new congress assembled in Mexico in January, 1844, it was disposed to aid the executive in his scheme of reconquest. Four millions of dollars were therefore .granted him ; but when he claimed ten millions for the same pur pose, whilst it was notorious that the first grant had not yet been collected, the members of congress absolutely refused to sustain Santa Anna's measures for the recovery of the lost territory. This refusal was not grounded upon any aversion of the Mexicans from reconquest, but solely because they believed the money would be extorted from the people only to be plundered by the president and his myrmidons. The politicians and country had alike, lost confidence in him; and Santa Anna, observing the rising storm, obtained per mission from congress to retire to his estate of Manga de Clavo near the sea coast at Vera Cruz, whilst his friend Don Valentin Canalizo took his place in the capital as president ad interim. Santa Anna hardly reached his estate when a fatal blow was struck against his administration from the departmen tal junta of Jalisco. This revolt was lead by General Pa- iedes, and after a multitude of military and diplomatic * General Almonte, the Mexican envoy, in a conversation in New York, confessed to the writer, in the spring of 1843, that Texas was lost to Mexi co, but that all then desired by his countrymen was to save the point of honor before they acknowledged its independence. 70 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN mano2uvres, resulted in Santa Anna's downfall on the 4th of January, 1845. The ex- president fled towards the sea-coast; but was captured by a detachment of volunteers at the village of Jico, whence he was trans ferred under a strong escort to the castle of Perote. It is difficult even to imagine the bitter wrath with which the Mexican people assailed the captured chief. He, who but a few months before exercised despotic sway over the land, was now a prisoner and at the mercy of the mob. His friends interposed in this emergency to save his life both from popular fury and judicial action which might make it the penalty of his misrule. The strife was long and anxious, but, at length, an amnesty was declared, under which Santa Anna departed for Cuba on the 29th of May, 1845, accom panied by his wife and daughter.* The fury of the people against the exile may be imagined from the fact that they exhausted every means by which they could manifest their hatred of his deeds and memory. They thronged the streets singing ribald songs, and hawking ridiculous caricatures; they tore his pictures from the walls, and hurled his statutes from their pedestals; and, with the fiendishness of hyenas, they even snatched from the grave the leg he had lost in battle with the French at Vera Cruz, and tossed it about the streets of Mexico !f The result of Santa Anna's downfall was the establish ment of a provisional government under General Herrera, president of the council. This person is represented to have been a discreet officer, whose judgment naturally led him to see the wisdom of a pacific course towards the United States, but whose destiny was finally controlled by the rash and un principled conduct of insurrectionary demagogues. * Mexico as it was and as it is, 4th Ed. Letter xxv. p. 367. t Id. page 382. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 71 Meanwhile the congress of the United States reconsidered the Texan question, and after a long and ardent debate, finally passed a joint resolution for annexation, with an alter native permission to the executive to negotiate-, -provided he thought proper to adopt that course. This was a solemn de cision of the question by the representatives of the people, and it was sustained by the president who did not permit himself to be influenced by the threats of Mexico or the hos tile preparations made by that country. In fact, Mr. Tyler had been careful to guard against military surprises, for, in consequence of the early rrTenaces of Mexico, he deemed it his duty, as a precautionary measure, to concentrate in the gulf and its vicinity a large portion of the Home squadron under the command of Commodore Conner, and, at the same time to assemble at fort Jesup on the Texan border, as large a military force as the demands of the service at other encampments would allow. Thus, the joint resolution for annexing Texas to the United States, with its alternative power to negotiate, came to President Tyler and was approved by him on the 1st of March, 1845. On the fourth of the same month, James K. Polk, who had been chosen president of the United States, at the last election, was to assume the reins of government. President Tyler believed that the necessity for annexation was immediate and urgent in consequence of the reasons he had already presented to congress in his several messages. The only doubt therefore, that he experienced in making his selection, arose from a point of delicacy to his successor. The first section of the joint resolution authorized the erec tion of a new State of our Union out of the republic of Texas under certain conditions contained in the second section; whilst the third authorized the president to negotiate with that republic for admission either by treaty to be submitted 72 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN to the senate, or by articles of agreement to be presented to our houses of congress, as the president might direct. Under these circumstances a cabinet council was sum moned for the 2nd of March, and the point was resolved by informing the president's successor, Mr. Polk, of the proposed action, and, if he desired it, submitting to his perusal the de spatch to Texas. Mr. Calhoun, our secretary of state, at the president's request, accordingly waited upon Mr, Polk, ex plained to him Mr. Tyler's selection of the first and second sections of the joint resolution, and expressed a readiness to exhibit the despatch to Mr. A. J. Donelson, who had been appointed charge to Texas.* Mr. Polk courteously declined expressing an opinion concerning the executive action, ac companying his remark with some complimentary declara tion; and, on that evening, a bearer of despatches with the requisite documents, was on his way to Mr. Donelson. f This is a brief and accurate summary of the history of an nexation so far as the action of our government is involved, and as is necessary for this narrative. The terms of annexa tion which were offered by the United States were accepted by Texas, and the public faith of both nations was solemnly pledged to a compact of union, which was finally consum mated at the following session of congress, when Texas be came a member of our confederacy. There were other circumstances, however, which properly induced the prompt course of President Tyler in sending the joint resolution for the action of Texas; but, in order to un- * House of Rep., doc. No. 2, 29th cong. 1st sess. p. 125. f The election of the 1st and 2nd sections of the joint resolution made by President Tyler was subsequently approved by President Polk, as he de clares both in his negotiations and in his message to congress of the 2nd December, 1845. H. of R., Doc. No. 2, 29th cong. 1st. session, p. 3. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 73 derstand these perfectly, it is necessary for us to direct our attention to the French and English negotiations between that republic and Mexico. In 1840, as we have seen, Eng land preferred separate action on behalf of Texas, but she was now willing to unite with France against the aggran dizement of the United States. Monsieur de Saligny and the Hon. Mr. Elliott were the representatives of these European courts in Texas, and to the former of them was entrusted the active part of the diplomacy. Whilst the discussions were going on in the United States Mr. Elliott was never at rest. He was heard of in Charleston, in New Orleans, in Havana, in Mexico, and, again, in Texas. The restlessness of the agent denoted the anxiety of his government and of France. The rejection of the annexation treaty by congress, in 1844, had almost deprived Texas of hope. She believed it impossible to expect a union with the United States, and was prepared to receive the mediation of France and Eng land which would secure her independence. This was surely gratifying to the emissaries of these powers and they eagerly undertook the task of obtaining the coveted boon from Mexico. The Mexican ministry, ever anxious to thwart the union with our confederacy, was equally pleased to avert it by any diplomatic ruse that would save the point of honor, and place her erect before the world. Besides this, the Mexicans relied on a hope that increasing difficulties between the United States and England upon the Oregon boundary question, would make us loath to undertake a war with a southern neighbor whilst our north and our sea board were menaced by Great Britain. This hope of a counter- menace from England inspirited the Mexican cabinet and made it solicitous to resist us successfully. Herrera's minis try was composed of discreet and patriotic men ; but, in the first moments of their power, they dared not oppose popular 10 74 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN prejudices. The revolution which overthrew Santa Anna was one of the few that sprang from the popular branches of the nation, and originated neither in factions, the army, or the church, but derived its success from the universal feel ing that existed against the oppressive misrule of the execu tive.* Nevertheless popular feeling was against our country, and the cabinet took its tone from its patrons. There can be little doubt of the fact, that the notion of probable difficulties between the United States and England on the boundary question, was studiously fostered by emis saries who were hostile to us. Herrera's cabinet therefore hailed with delight the propositions which were brought to Mexico by Mr. Elliott, and were presented by the Hon. Charles Bankhead and Baron Alleye de Cyprey, the British and French ministers. These propositions, Sefior Cuevas laid before the Mexican congress on the 21st of April, 1845. The preliminary conditions offered by Texas, under French and English mediation, and transmitted from that republic by President Jones, on the 29t]j of March, were the following : 1st. That Mexico shall consent to acknowledge the inde pendence of Texas. 2nd. That Texas shall engage and stipulate in the treaty not to annex herself to or become subject to any country ivhatever. 3rd. The limits and other conditions shall be matter of arrangement by final treaty. 4th. That Texas should be willing to remit disputed points concerning territory and other matters to the arbitration of umpires. These spiteful stipulations, evidently aimed against the United States, and bearing the marks of their European pa rentage, suited the taste of Mexico precisely. Her congress, * Mexico as it was a.nd as it is p. 390, 4th ed. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 75 therefore, at once deemed it advisable to entertain the Texan proposals, and to proceed to the celebration of a treaty. But when the Baron de Cyprey announced this assent to the president of Texas, on the 20th of May, it was already too late for the success of European diplomacy. Our congress had passed the joint-rosolution, our president had approved it, and our minister, Mr. Donelson, was in Texas preparing the cabinet to act favorably upon our propositions. Accord ingly, when Mr. Elliott returned in June to Texas in a French corvette, the public mind was already manifesting its anxiety to accede to our liberal offers, which were finally sanctioned by the Texan convention on the 4th of July, 1845. Had the resolution for annexation not been adopted at the preceding session of congress, the pretensions of Mexico, in stead of being lowered, would have been raised still higher than they were on the receipt of the propositions from Presi dent Jones. The mediatorial powers of Mr. Elliott would, in all probability, have been employed in negotiating truces and treaties .until the foundation was laid for the operation of those peaceful means by which Lord Aberdeen declared it his intention to promote his philanthropic vie\vs. " Aban doned by the United States, oppressed by debt, and wearied by the increasing burthens and privations of war, Texas would have been at the mercy of Britain, and her statesmen would have accepted almost any terms to secure indepen dence and peace."* * Letter from Mr. Donelson to Mr. Buchanan, 2nd June, 1845, H. of R., doc. No. 2, 29th cong. 1st sess. p. 52. I do not discuss the question of the mode of annexation, whether by treaty, joint resolution, or negotiation, as that would require almost a volume by itself to present a true sketch of the debate that occurred upon it. It is my purpose rather to narrate events than to discuss all the various subordinate questions arising from them. "Annexation," is made one of the great motives or causes for war by Mexico, no matter in what way it is effected or attempted. "Mexico CHAPTER VI. General Almonte demands passports and leaves Shannon and Rejon and Cuevas Views of the Mexican cabinet and people Animosity Revolt in Mexico Political condition of Mexico Her right of reconquering Texas Mr. Buchanan despatches Mr. Slidell as envoy rejection of all accommodation between us The reason why Mexico refused to nego tiate, after promising to receive a commissioner from the United States Subterfuges 111 feeling in Mexico on the Texas question Herera over thrown by Paredes Paredes and the monarchical party Unpopularity of his scheme Miserable state of Mexican affairs Review of the Texas question. IN March, 1845, as soon as congress passed the joint-reso lution, Gen. Almonte demanded his passports and departed. A correspondence which took place in Mexico oetween Mr. Shannon, our envoy, and Sefior Rejon, the minister of fo reign affairs, relative to the projected union resulted fruit lessly; and, on the 2d of April, Sefior Cuevas, who had suc ceeded Rejon in office, announced to our legation that his government could neither continue diplomatic intercourse with ours, nor maintain friendship with a republic that vio lated her obligations and usurped a portion of Mexican ter ritory. He declared, moreover, that the relations between the two countries could not be re-established before a com plete reparation of that injury should be made.* would never agree to annexation;" said Sefior Cuevas, the Mexican secre tary of foreign affairs, in April, 1845. Mexico as it was and as it is. p. 391, 4th ed. * Mexico as it was and as it is see original letter in 4th ed. p. 387- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 77 This violent and denunciatory language, together with the hint to our minister to depart, was of course not calculated to allay ill-feeling in either country. The Mexican congress was not less bitter in its animadversions, thereby spreading the animosity among the people. It promptly seconded the wishes of the cabinet, and offered two projects, both of which asserted the unalienated rights of Mexico over Texas, and the national resolve to maintain them by force. Meantime, however, domestic discontent was again brew ing. A certain Gen. Rangel attempted to revolutionize the government, and is said to have been favored by the parti- zans of the late administration. The insurgents seized the palace, capturing the president and three of his ministers of state ; but they were speedily overpowered and the insurrec tion suppressed. In June and July of this year all the Mexican papers were loud in their clamors for vengeance. The minister of war, Garcia Conde, wrote despatch after despatch ; and, with the usual spirit of national gasconade, denounced our " perfidy," and continually alluded to " the war which Mexico waged against the United States," in consequence of our " treachery." On the 16th of the latter month, he despatched to the minister of foreign relations and justice a note detailing a plan for covering the national fron tiers, and asserted that Mexico would maintain her rights by force, or fall in the struggle. " She will not consent," says he, " to give up one half of her territory from the base fear of losing the other!" Patriotic and stirring as are these declarations, they cannot but be regarded otherwise than as the most inflated bombast when we recollect that they were made in defiance of the United States, and after a failure for seven years to recon quer even Texas, feeble as she was. What just hope could distracted Mexico reasonably entertain of ultimate victory? 78 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN Several years before this period, her discreet statesmen and reflecting citizens privately acknowledged that Texas was lost forever. Pecuniary embarrassments, political misrule, and repeated revolutions had still more impaired her national strength, and yet, an obstinacy as inveterate as it was silly, forced her to make declarations of intended hostilities which only served to kindle and spread the excitement among the masses. It is just that we should concede to national pride and honor all they reasonably demand of respect, yet I have greatly misunderstood this spirit of our century, if it does not require nations to be as reasonable in their quarrels as individuals. Empires, kingdoms, states, republics, and men, are equally amenable to the great tribunal of the world's common sense; and all are obliged, if they consult their in terests, to yield to the force of circumstances they cannot control. What then becomes of the mere abstract and vision ary " right of reconquest" which Mexico asserted, even if she really possessed it after the central usurpation, and de struction of the federal system in 1824? What hope was there in a war with the United States, after a failure in that with Texas ? It is true that Mexico had the power to annoy us, and procrastinate her fate; she might oppose dnd resist; she might develope all the evil passions of her people and let them loose on our armies in irregular warfare ; but these, after all were nothing more than spiteful manifestations of impotent malice, 'disgraceful to the nation that encouraged them. The cause of genuine humanity, which, I believe, in our age, truly seeks for peace, demanded the pacification of Texas. The cruelty with which the war was waged, and the brutal treatment received by some of the prisoners of the Santa Fe expedition in 1841 and 1842, convince us that a strong power should have imposed peace on Mexico. National MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 79 propriety demanded it; for how long was the "right of recon- quest" to continue? England, the proudest nation on earth, acknowledged the independence of the United States after a seven years war. The great powers of Europe interfered to protect oppressed Greece. England has several times inter posed in the affairs of Spain and Portugal ; and our geo graphical as well as political affinity to Texas clearly indi cated that it was our national interest to establish a firm and friendly government on our border. There can be no doubt that when General Herrera was, al most unanimously, elected president in August, 1845, he saw things in this light, and was prudently disposed to bend to inevitable fate. Notwithstanding the warlike despatches, speeches, and proclamations of the Mexicans in the earlier part of the year, our secretary of state seems to have suffi ciently understood their gasconading habits, to disregard these inflated productions. He therefore authorized Mr. Black, who remained in Mexico as consul, upon Mr. Shannon's withdrawal, to propose that we should send an envoy with full powers to adjust all the questions in dispute between the two countries. Mexico, notwithstanding her open bravado, secretly assented to our proposal, declaring that she would receive " the commissioner of the United States who might come to the capital with full powers to settle the present dis pute in a peaceful, reasonable and honorable manner." Accordingly, Mr. Slidell was hastily despatched so as to be sure of meeting the same persons in power with whom the arrangement had been made ; for in Mexico, the delay of even a day may sometimes change a government, and create new or unwilling negotiators. Nevertheless when our minister presented himself in the capital early in Decem ber, having travelled rapidly but unostentatiously, so as to 80 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN avoid exciting ill feeling among the Mexicans as to the pur poses of his mission, he found the secretary unprepared to re ceive him. It was objected that Mr. SlidelPs commission had not been confirmed by the senate of the United States and that the president had no constitutional right to send him ; that Mexico agreed to receive a commissioner to settle the Texas dispute, and not a resident envoy; that the re ception of such an envoy would admit the minister on the footing of a friendly mission during a period of concord be tween nations, which would not be diplomatically proper so long as our amity was in the least interrupted; and, finally, that the government had not expected a commissioner until after the session of congress began in January, 1846. There may be some force in technical diplomacy, between the mission as agreed on by Messieurs Black and Pefia, and the one despatched by Mr. Buchanan, for the letter of cre dence declares that Mr. Slidell is " to reside near the gov ernment of the Mexican republic in the quality of envoy ex traordinary and minister plenipotentiary, and that he is well informed of the president's desire to restore, cultivate, and strengthen friendship and good correspondence between us." A point of extreme etiquette raised at such a moment, when both parties were confessedly anxious for peace, naturally excites some inquiry as to its probable origin. Accordingly we find that it was a mere subterfuge, urged by a tottering administration to avert its ruin. The violence of the cabinet against annexation had done its work among the people. When Herrera and Pefia accepted, in October, our proposal to treat, they hoped the popular elections, as well as judi cious overtures to the departments and citizens, would so modify national opinion as to permit their independent and liberal action. But such forbearance could scarcely be ex pected from the watchfulness of Mexican intriguers. Herrera MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 81 was a federalist, but his failure to proclaim the federal sys tem, and to throw himself on that party as soon as he at tained power, alienated a large portion of it and made the rest but feeble supporters. The church and the centralists soon coalesced in hostility to his government; and, although his measures were moderate, and all his efforts designed to correct abuses, yet every political symptom denoted his speedy fall. Of all the popular clamors, probably none was louder in the mob and the army, than that which arose in conse quence of his effort to negotiate a peace with our Union. General Paredes took advantage of this unpopularity, and, at the head of five thousand of the soldiery, pronounced against the government of the president. It will be perceived from this sketch how completely this Texas question and the war with our country have been made electioneering and revolutionary elements in Mexico: not, however, with patriotic hopes, or reasonable expectations of reconquest, but with the contemptible anxiety of usurping a temporary power which, for a while, enabled the aspirant to govern the country without the least prospect of settling the difficulty with us or of regaining Texas.* This revolution commenced with the army of reserve sta tioned at San Luis Potosi, and was seconded by the military men generally. On the 15th of December, 1845, Paredes issued a bombastic proclamation! from his head-quarters; and, in the latter part of the month the revolutionary forces reached the capital, when a portion of the garrison pro nounced in favor of the insurgent chief. This induced an early accommodation between the parties, and finished the outbreak without bloodshed. Yet Paredes, having over- * See Mexico as it was and is, 4th ed. p. 396 and SlidelPs correspon dence with our government. Senate doc. No. 337, 29th cong. 1st sess. J See Mexico as it was and as it is, p. 400. 11 82 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN thrown Herrera, partly in consequence of his friendly dispo sition for peace with us, could not now attempt negotiations successfully. Mr. Slidell renewed his offers to the cabinet, but was repulsed and left the country. The lame reliance of Mexico upon bombastic proclamations was again adopted. Yet the people were discontented with Paredes who soon began to manifest the despotic tendency of his nature and education. The military life of this chieftain naturally in clined him towards centralism, but he was altogether unfit either by character or habits for civil authority. As soon as he assumed the reins of government, a party which had long drooped began again to lift its head. The monarchists, led by the Archbishop Manuel Posada y Gardufio, and the wily Don Lucas Alaman, soon got possession of the insurgent general. They were joined by a large portion of the higher clergy, some influential men of fortune, a few soldiers, and a number of silly citizens, who promised themselves a futu rity of progress and felicity by calling to the Mexican throne a monarch from beyond the sea. This party of royalists was strengthened by dissensions at home, and by the ex pected attack from the United States. Many reflecting men cherished no hope of national progress so long as the turbu lent army was unrestrained by paramount authority. They desired at once to crush freedom and domestic despotism by a foreign prince supported by European soldiery, whilst they believed that the continental sovereigns would greedily seize the opportunity of throwing their forces into America so as to check the aggressive ambition of the United States.* As soon as this scheme of Paredes was disclosed, his unpopu larity increased. His intemperate habits were well Jmown and destroyed confidence in his judgment. The financial * Tribute a la verdad, Vera Cruz, p. 3. - MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 83 condition of the country was exceedingly embarrassed, and foreigners, who were the usual bankers of the government, refused loans on any terms. Payment was denied by the. treasury to all employed in the civil departments, while mo ney was disbursed to none but the army. The freedom of the press moreover was suspended; and, to crown the na tional difficulties^; was at this very moment that Mexico dreamed of overthrowing the republic at home and estab lishing a monarchy in its stead, whilst it simultaneously en countered our armies abroad in order to reconquer Texas ! With such deplorable fatuity was Mexico misruled, and en tangled in a double war upon the rights of her own people and against the United States. It was unfortunate that she fell at this crisis into the hands of a despot and drunkard, whose mind, perplexed between ambition and intemperance, gave a permanent direction to that false public sentiment, which Herrera had been anxious to convert into one of peace and good will towards the United States. I have thus succinctly narrated the events that led to the war between the United States and Mexico. The annexa tion of Texas, without the previous assent of Mexico, may have annoyed that government. It was mortifying to patri otic pride, and we should laud the republic for manifesting a proper sensibility. But true national pride is always capable of manly and dignified opposition. It does not expend itself in bravado, petulence or querulousness. It does not assail by threats, but by deeds; and never provokes an attack until it is prepared to return the blow with earnest force. It is silent as the storm until it bursts forth in overwhelming wrath. All other kinds of resistance are nothing but miserable exhi bitions of mortified vanity, and invoke the world's contempt instead of respectful compassion. Our government, from the beginning, desired and at- 84 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN tempted to allay excitement, whilst that of Mexico, revolu tionary, disorganized and impotent as it was at home, and as it subsequently proved itself to be in the field of battle, did all it could to foment animosity between the two countries. This sturdy resistance of Mexico did not arise from prudence, patriotism or courage, but from intestine fa^ons, exasperated by rival usurpers. Our efforts to make peace and establish a boundary upon the most liberal principles were rejected with disdain/* The authorities, basing their refusal upon a fri volous subterfuge of diplomatic etiquette, would not even hear our proposals, or receive our minister. Our presidents were disposed to concede every thing reasonable in negotia tion that could have saved the honor of Mexico and placed our future relations on the salutary foundation of alliance, f Instead of meeting us with the pacific and compromising temper of our age, her demagogue chieftains stimulated the passion and vanity of the mob, until the stormy natures of an ignorant people became so completely excited that they were unable to control the evil spirit raised by their wicked incantations. Blundering onward and blinded by passion, this unfortu nate nation reminds us of that passage in the JEnead wherein the sightless giant is described : " Summo quum monte videmus Ipsum inter pecudes vasta se mole moventem Pastorem Polypheum, et littera nota petentem; Monstrum horrendum, informe, ing-ens, cui lumen ademptum ! , B. 3, v. 655. * See Wheaton's Elements of international law. ed. of 1836, part 2d chap. 1, pp. 88, 89, 90, 91. On the right of interference of governments for the pacification of belligerent nations. t Mr. Slidell was fully empowered to negotiate on liberal terms. BOOK SECOND: MILITARY OPERATIONS IN TEXAS AND ON THE RIO GRANDE. BOOK II. MILITARY OPERATIONS IN TEXAS AND ON THE RIO GRANDE. CHAPTER I. Boundary of Texas defined by Almonte Description of Texas Rivers of Texas Army of observation General Taylor Army of occupation How formed Difficulty of landing in Texas Aransas bay Army lands at St. Joseph's island Kinney's rancho Corpus Christi State of the army during the winter sufferings of the troops Alarms of war Gen eral Gaines's views Necessity of ample preparation our first aggres- THE scene of our observation is now about to change from the cabinet to the field. The theatre of war properly attracts our attention, and the spot of earth which was the chief cause of dispute between Mexico and the United States, and where our armies assembled, justly demands our first notice. Texas, until she attained the rank of an independent State, seems to have been almost an unknown country even to the Mexicans. This was natural for a people who are not es sentially agriculturists, but pass their lives as herdsmen, miners, or merchants, and whose central government is far removed from its outposts. In the year 1834, General Almonte was deputed by the Mexican authorities to visit this northern province, and pre pare a statistical report upon its extent and character. Ac cording to this valuable document, Texas proper lies between 88 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN 28 and 35 of north latitude, and 17 and 25 of longitude, west from Washington. It is bounded on the north by the territory of Arkansas; east by Louisiana; south by the Gulf of Mexico and State of Tamaulipas; and west by Coahuila, Chihuahua, and New Mexico. Almonte was informed, by the State government of Coahuila and Texas, that instead of the Rio de las Nueces forming the boundary between Coahuila and Texas, as the map denoted, the true limit commenced at the embouchure of the Rio Aransaso which it followed to its source, whence it continued by a direct line until it reached the junction of the Medina with the San Antonio, and thence proceeded along the eastern bank of the Medina to its source, terminating, finally, on the borders of Chihuahua. The territory comprised within these limits is estimated at near two hundred thousand square miles a sur face almost as extensive as that of France.* But, since Texas receded from the Mexican central government, these confines have been changed. By an act of her congress, in in December, 1836, the boundary was declared to begin at the mouth of the Rio Grande, and thence to run up the principal stream of the said river to its source; thence due north to the 42 of latitude, and thence, along the boundary as defined in the treaty between the United States and Spain, to the beginning, f The great body of the territory of Mexico is rich in upland vallies, extensive plains, noble mountains, fertile soil, beau tiful groves, and rich mines, but it is almost entirely deprived of rivers, whilst Texas is singularly favored in this respect. On the east, the Gulf of Mexico affords her an extensive sea coast indented by the mouths of the Sabine river and lake, * Almonte's report. Kennedy's Texas, chap. 1. t Senate doc. 341, 28th cong. 1st sess. p. 56. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 89 the Rio Naches, the Rio Trinidad, the Rio San Jacinto, Gal- veston bay, the Rio Brazos, Matagorda bay, the Rio Colo rado, the Rios San Antonio and Guadelupe, Aransaso bay and the Rio Grande, besides numerous smaller streams that drain her soil and almost cover it with an interlacing net-work of water. Texas presents to the traveller three distinct natural re gions. Along the shores of the gulf from the Sabine to the Rio Grande, a flat country extends from thirty to one hun dred miles in the interior, widening towards its centre on the Colorado, arid gradually diminishing towards the Nueces. The sandy wastes and lagunes of the coast give place, at some distance in the interior, to a rich alluvial country, di versified by skirts of timber, insulated groves, and open prai ries. A large portion of this part of Texas is described as being singularly free from those large collections of stagnant water, which, combined with a burning sun and prolific vegetation, create malaria in our southern States. Westward of this level skirt, begins the rolling region. The land gradually swells in gentle undulations, "covered with fertile prairies and valuable woodlands, enriched with springs and rivulets." Farther westward still, these beautiful hills tower up into the steeps of the Sierra Madre, that great chain of gigantic mountains, which, broken at the junction of the Rio Grande with the Puerco, takes thence a north easterly course, and enters Texas near the source of the Nueces. These elevations are of the third and fourth mag nitude, and abound with forests of pine, oak, cedar, and an extraordinary variety of shrubbery. Wide vallies of alluvial soil, commonly susceptible of irrigation from copious streams in the highlands, wind through the recesses of these moun tains and afford a delightful region for the purposes of agri culture. The table lands beyond these ranges have been but 12 ' 90 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN little explored, and still less is known of the northern region extending to the 42 of north latitude, as well as of that portion lying between the Nueces and the Rio Grande. But such, in brief, is Texas from the gulf to the mountains; a country adapted alike to the planter, the grazier and the farmer, while it offers to commerce a wide extent of sea coast whose harbors may be made perfectly secure by the skill of modem science.* I have already stated that in 1844 President Tyler sta tioned an army of observation under General Taylor, at fort Jesup, as soon as he negotiated the annexation treaty, f This corps, but poorly sheltered from the weather, and in an inhospitable climate, was, for a long time, left inactive on the banks of the Sabine. In midsummer of 1845, after the joint resolution was passed, and when our difficulties with Mexico began to thicken, it was at length ordered to advance, under the same commander, towards the southern frontier of Texas. The army then consisted of but two regiments of infantry, one of dragoons, and a single company of artillery, in all about, fifteen hundred efficient men. As the climate was known to the sickly, the war department despatched only such an unacclimated force as was deemed absolutely necessary to protect a tropical region in the month of July, awaiting the colder months before its numbers were increased. This body was called the army of occupation, whose ap pointments seem to have been extremely imperfect. " The dragoon regiment had just been formed from a rifle corps; half of its men were raw, undisciplined recruits, and many of them unable to ride, while their recently purchased horses were small, weak and undrilled. The infantry regiments * Kennedy's Texas, chap. 1. t Senate doc. No. 341, 28th cong. 1st sess. p. 76. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 91 were enfeebled by their long exposure, in miserable tents, to the withering heats and drenching rains of a low southern latitude ; and the artillerists were without their guns. To wards the end of June, 1845, a company of the last men tioned arm of the service, equipped as infantry, at fort Moul- trie, was ordered to New Orleans. This body, armed only with muskets, sailed from Charleston on the 26th of the month, and on its arrival in Louisiana on the 19th of July, found that it was destined for service in Texas. The in structions to the commanding officer informed him that his company was to be mounted and equipped as flying artillery for the campaign under Taylor; that horses would be sent him and a battery shipped from New York, upon the arrival of which he was to join his general at the mouth of the Sa- bine."* Fortunately for these troops they encountered Gen eral Taylor in New Orleans, though they were obliged to depart without their ordnance, which did not reach them for two months afterwards, while their horses were even still longer in attaining their destination. The war in Texas, and the unsettled state of that country, had prevented the preparation of an accurate map, or indeed, even of a survey of the coasts or interior. It was difficult, therefore, to find any one in New Orleans acquainted with the harbors and rivers of the new State, or who was willing to incur the responsibility of directing the army's steps. The topographical bureau at Washington had, with infinite pains and ingenuity, constructed a map of the country from the scant materials in its possession ; but this chart has since been proved to be almost entirely useless as a guide. However, after considerable difficulty, General Taylor procured a pilot for large wages, who professed a thorough * An account of the army of observation and occupation, written by one of its officers, in the Southern Quarterly Review for April, 1846. 92 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN acquaintance with the Texan waters, and a particular know ledge of his destination at Aransas bay. This individual was immediately put in charge of one of the transports loaded with troops, and under his lead, the commander in chief sailed from New Orleans with three ships and two steamers in search of the port of his disbarkation. The blundering pilot grounded his vessel among the breakers where it would inevitably have been wrecked, had it not been extricated by timely assistance, while the captain of another transport coasted the low shores of the gulf for several days, in sight of land, seeking an inlet, and when his ship was at length anchored off St. Joseph's, he asserted that it was the island of Espiritu Santo.* This bay of Aransas was perhaps one of the most unsuit able for the disbarkation of troops on the coast of Texas, and was selected in utter ignorance of the country. Indeed we seem to have committed two great and often fatal errors in warfare when we contemplated hostilities with Mexico first, in despising our foe ; and secondly, in failing to inform our selves of his country's geography. Aransas bay lies between the south end of St. Joseph's and the northern point of Mustang island, quite close to the latter, and almost at right angles with the coast. It has a narrow but shifting sand bar at its entrance, upon which the depth of water varies according to the action of the winds. The bay is about twenty-five miles in length and twelve in width, but is obstructed by a shoal and a range of islands that traverse it.f On the third of August our whole army had landed on St. Joseph's island, about thirty miles from the Rio Nueces, across which it was to pass to its proposed encampment on * S. Q. Review, ut antea, p. 442. (April, 1846.) f Kennedy's Texas, chap. 2d. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 9,5 Corpus Christi bay, near a smuggling village known as Kinney's rancho. As Corpus Christi and Aransas bays are connected by a shallow and winding channel, it was at once discovered that steamers were altogether inadequate for the transportation of troops from the islets to the mainland; and our forces would have remained where they disembarked had not a few skiffs of light draft, together with some sail and row boats, been obtained in the neighborhood at consid erable expense. In these frail vessels a detachment of forty men, armed only with muskets, crossed the Nueces, and landed on the stormy coast as pioneers in a country asserted to be Mexican. Had the authorities of that republic been prepared to resist our landing, a few field pieces might have prevented the alleged invasion, as our general was unable to protect the disembarkation of his troops by cannon. In ad dition to these mistakes, the 2d regiment of dragoons was not despatched from fort Jesup in time to co-operate with our forces when they first landed at Corpus Christi; and, as the artillery had not yet been forwarded from our arsenals, the campaign may be said to have commenced with infan try alone. This was a novelty in military science, and in dicated an ignorance of war, an unpardonable imprudence, or a conviction that the whole drama was got up only to in timidate an enemy we despised. It is impossible to narrate every circumstance of interest that occurred during the encampment of our forces west of the Neuces, a position taken by General Taylor with the con currence of the war department. But a history of this war would be incomplete were not the position as well as the condition of our army accurately stated. Our government, relying probably on the acknowledged feebleness of Mexico, and on the fact that she had not yet declared war, imagined 94 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN that the mere presence of American troops would pacify Tex as or prevent hostilities. This was an unfortunate mistake, especially in the unsettled condition of things ; for in May, 1845, Mr. Donelson, our charge to Texas, had warned the government to be prepared for an immediate blow upon Mex ico, if she should unfortunately declare war against us, and that declaration might have been expected at any moment. The details of the organization of our forces seem, never theless, to have been sadly neglected. Sailing vessels, alone, were relied on to convey despatches to General Taylor ; and, from the wreck of one of them, a drummer boy, strolling along the beach, on the 15th of August, rescued a valuable package containing the proclamation of the Mexican govern ment in which the people were summoned to unite in an army for national preservation, under the sonorous title of " Defenders of independence and the laws." * The day after this despatch was received, the smugglers along the coast reported that Arista was rapidly advancing to attack us with three thousand choice troops. Without artillery to de fend the camp, or dragoons to act as scouts, our general could do nothing but order entrenchments to be thrown up. En trenching tools, however, had not been furnished; and, with only a few old and broken spades the troops labored briskly, and erected, in a few days, a solid field-work a few yards from the beach, protected in the rear by the bay. But the battery had not yet arrived, nor was Gen. Taylor able to ob tain from the sloop of war St. Mary's, which was on the sta tion, any guns of a suitable calibre. Fortunately, however, he procured three pieces, indifferently equipped, and a small supply of ammunition, from the citizens of Corpus Christi. These guns added materially to the strength of our position * Niles' Reg. vol. 68, p. 305. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 95 in case we were attacked, but were entirely unsuitable for field service.* The proclamation to which we have alluded, and the ru mors of vigorous hostility on the part of Mexico, produced great alarm in the United States, especially along our southern frontier. In New Orleans, indignation was openly expressed that our gallant men had been despatched on this forlorn enterprize without the amplest means of defence and attack, while our arsenals were filled with all the munitions of war. A large force of volunteers was, therefore, ordered out in the south, while two companies of artillery were immediately de spatched to Taylor's succor under the command of Maj. Gaily. The report of Arista's progress, however, proved to be false, so that we were fortunately saved from attack. Yet the suf ferings of our army did not cease with those military incon veniences. " Two thirds of the tents furnished our soldiers were worn out or rotten, and had been condemned by boards of survey appointed by the proper authorities in accordance with the army regulations. Transparent as gauze, they af forded little or no protection against the intense heat of sum mer or the drenching rains and severe cold of winter. Even the dews penetrated the thin covering almost without ob struction. Such were. the tents provided for campaigners in a country almost deluged three months in the year, and more variable in its climate than any other region, passing from the extreme of heat to that of cold in a few hours. During the whole of November and December, either the rains were de scending with violence, or the furious " northers" which ravage this coast were breaking the frail tent-poles or rending the rotten canvas. For days and weeks every article in hun- f S. Q. Rev. ut antea. Senate doc. No. 337, 29th cong. 1st sess. p. 93- 96 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN dreds of tents was thoroughly soaked; and during these ter rible months, the sufferings of the sick, in the crowded hos pital tents, \^4re indescribably horrible. Every day added to the frightfulness of the mortality. At one time a sixth of the entire camp was on the sick list, and at least one-half unfit for service, in consequence of dysentery and catarrhal fevers which raged like a pestilence."* The camp was with out fires, and, being situated on the edge of a vast prairie sparsely covered with muskeet trees, was but scantily sup plied with wood even for the most needful purposes. The quarter-master's department furnished only the weak and stunted mustangs of the country ; and the Jittle and ineffi cient ponies, geared in the large harness made at the north for American horses, looked as if they would jump through their collars instead of use them for traction. With such teams only a sufficiency of wood could be drawn for cooking, and none for camp fires to comfort the sick and suffering sol diers. a As winter advanced, the prairie became a quag mire, the roads almost impassable, and as the mustangs died in large numbers, wood enough for cooking even, could not be procured. The encampment now resembled a marsh, the water, at times, being three or four feet deep in the tents of whole wings of regiments. All military exercises were suspended, and the bleak gloomy days were passed in inac tivity, disgust and sullenness. The troops, after being tho roughly drenched all day, without fires to dry them, lay down at night in wet blankets on the soaked ground, as plank for tent floors was not furnished by the quartermasters until the rainy season was over. At times the men, at tattoo, gasped for breath in the sultry night air, and, at reveillee, found their moist blankets frozen around them and their * S. Q. Rev. ut antea. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 97 tents stiff with ice. A portion of the men were kept without pay for six months, and the rest for four months, although the law strictly requires payment every two months. " Officers and soldiers, destitute of funds, were compelled to borrow, upon the strength of pay due, of their more fortu nate companions, or of the Shylocks, in search of victims, that polluted the camp. Sick soldiers, directed by their surgeons to return to the United States, had eit.her to remain and die, or to submit to exhorbitant exactions from unfeeling villians in their pension certificates and pay accounts, though the law requires the paymasters to cash them in specie. " On the first landing of the 3d and 4th infantry at Corpus Christi, " Kinney's Rancho," though a lawless, smuggling town, under the vigorous sway of its martial proprietor, was as quiet and peaceful as a village in New England. But every fresh arrival of troops was followed by some portion- of that vast horde of harpies, that are ever to be found in the train of all armies, ready to prey upon the simple and un suspecting among the soldiers. In a short time, hundreds of temporary structures were erected on the outskirts of the "Rancho," and in them, all the cut-throats, thieves, and murderers of the United States and Texas, seem to have congregated. No sight could have been more truly melan choly than that of their bloated and sin- marked visages, as they lounged through the purlieus of this modern Pande monium. The air, by day, was polluted with their horrid oaths and imprecations, and the savage yells, exulting shouts, and despairing groans of their murderous frays, made night hideous. But, not content with confining their hellish deeds to their own worthy fraternity, they laid their worth less hands on the troops. Many of the soldiers, enticed to their dram-shops, were drugged with stupifying portions, and then robbed of their hard earnings, or murdered in cold blood." OS HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN General Taylor, looking to the probability of a movement against Mexico, warned the department that a ponton train was indispensable in a country wherein streams abounded and wood for bridges was scarce; but it was not despatched until after the next meeting of congress. "Six months after the army had taken the field, there were not teams and wagons' enough to transport one half of the troops; so that, in case of hostilities, had a forward move ment been ordered, it could only have been effected by de tachments, and, in consequence, that most fatal of all mili tary errors would have been committed, of permitting the enemy to attack and beat in detail. The few teams' fur nished, it is natural to think, were the choicest to be found in the west. For, it had been said, that though the " Army of occupation" was small, the great celerity of its move ments, from the superiority of the American horses, would contribute, as well as the greater bravery of its men, to make it more than a match for the largest Mexican force. Ninety yoke of oxen and several hundred mustangs were therefore bought, but not a single American horse! " Three batteries of artillery were added to the one which, at length reached the company from Charleston. Horses were sent with two of them, to manoeuvre them rapidly on the field of battle, and to transport them wherever the army might go. But the third came unprovided with cavalry. "When the New Orleans volunteers left Corpus Christi, their artillery horses were turned over to the company from Charleston. This company, having always acted as infantry, had never even seen a flying artillery drill, half of the men could not ride, many had never ridden at all, and, in mounting for the first time, made Mr. Winkle's mistake as to which stirrup to use. It was certainly an original idea, MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 99 to convert, in a single day, a company of foot into light ar tillery. However, as horses had at length been given to the company from Charleston., it was the ardent desire of the lieutenant commanding, to teach his men to ride and drive, and the sabre exercise. This the loyal quartermasters resolved to prevent, and, at the same time, to show the world how economical they were. They, therefore, refused to purchase any more hay and told the dragoons and light artillery, that they, themselves, must cut and haul the dry and sapless broom straw of the prairie, and forage their horses on that."* Such is a picture of the sufferings of our army of occu pation, drawn by an eye-witness, and scarcely colored by the warmth of his feelings. If the advice of military men, and the opinion of persons whose experience as campaigners entitled them to respect, had been heeded, this war would have been speedily ended. Ever since the rumor of annex ation in 1 843, but, especially, since the inaugural address of President Polk in 1845, in which he pronounced so emphatic an opinion as to our right to the whole of Oregon, our politi cal firmament had been clouded. Prudent men thought it probable that there would be war with Mexico or hostilities with England, and that the two sources of irritation, by dis tracting our powers, would materially increase each other's virulence. At this time, General Gaines, a chieftain who has become venerable in the service of his country, and whose skill and bravery on many a field have manifested his character in ac tions that no citizen can ever forget, commanded on our south-western frontier. The delicate character of our foreign relations, to which allusion has just been made, attracted his * Southern Quarterly Review, ut antea. These statements are made by an able and distinguished officer of our army, who was on the field, and is perfectly versed in all the matters he discusses. 100 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN anxious attention in 1845; and his responsibility as Chief on a long, exposed frontier, compelled him to give timely warn ing to the department. It seemed to this officer, if we en gaged hastily in war with Mexico or England, at such a crisis, and with no preparations either for an army or its in struction, that the conflict would be disastrous or procrasti nated, especially as the latter power had so far surpassed us in applying steam to naval purposes. Long years of peace had rendered us indifferent to war; and unvarying success in other conflicts had made us confident. Accordingly, he re commended the concentration of a large force of volunteers on the borders of the probable theatre of war, where they should be trained in military science, together with the regu lars commanded by General Taylor, until the spring of 1846. If war could not be averted before that period, we might then be able to march against the enemy with a powerful and disciplined army. He contended that the true policy of our country, in such an assault, was to pursue with re lentless energy the military bandits who swayed the destinies of Mexico, whilst, on all sides, we protected the persons and property of non-combatants ; so that in pushing onward to the capital we would leave throughout the country tra versed an indelible impression of our justice. Thus the confidence of the best portions of Mexico would be secured, the prestige of her army promptly destroyed, and peace ob tained before she was able to rally. On the other hand, General Gaines believed that if we began war without large and instructed forces, we might count on a protracted strug gle, as in the Seminole campaigns from 1836 to 1842. The precipices upon the doubtful verge of whose summits we tot tered during the war, prove the wisdom of these suggestions. The faithful page of history admonishes that nations as well as individuals who recklessly disregard the essential maxims MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 101 that prescribe their prudent duties, must sooner or later pay the penalty of neglect. But politicians, uneducated even in the pleasant discipline of militia trainings, do not view mat ters in the same light as military men whose knowledge of detail, and of the responsibilities of real service, make them unwilling to engage in war, or even to threaten hostilities, without the amplest preparation to perform all they promise. Without such true and earnest discipline warlike array is but a military cheat. It is vain to predict what might have been the result had the advice of the gallant and prudent Gaines been adopted ; yet it cannot be doubted that a well equipped body of twen ty-five or thirty thousand men would have marched to the city of Mexico and dictated peace at the cost of one fourth the blood and treasure that were subsequently expended. A lingering policy of hesitation together with the acknowledged inefficiency of Mexico, may palliate the errors of our cabi net ; but wise politicians will not henceforth fail to be im pressed with the necessity of military preparation which this conflict has taught us. A war which was originally supposed to be one exclusively of defence, was suddenly changed to an aggressive conflict, and is, perhaps, an additional excuse for our unpreparedness. Most of the events in this narrative derive peculiar interest from the fact that it is the first and only offensive war into which we have been forced. With every known principle of defence we had been long acquainted ; for, in the school of Washington, we acquired a sound, practical knowledge, which subsequent experience, under the most perfect system of self-government, enabled us to improve. But it is to be hoped that many years will elapse before our volunteers will be again called from their peaceful duties to take part in an 102 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN aggressive war, and especially against a government whose theory of rule is the same as our own. NOTE. Genera] Gaines, who commanded the western division, was censured by the War department for having made a requisition on the go vernor of Louisiana for State troops to be sent to the army in Texas under Taylor^ command, at the moment of apprehended danger described in this chapter. General Taylor, for more than a year previous to September, 1845, commanded one of the brigades of Gaines 's division, and the latter never knew by authority that the former had been disconnected from him, except upon temporary service, until advised by the secretary of war on the 13th of September. He never received a copy of the authority given to Taylor to go to Texas until after the date of his requisition for Louisiana volunteers, on the 15th of August, 1845 ; consequently he then considered himself responsible for the strength and support of one of his own bri gades, and b6und to succor it speedily when he believed it to be in immi nent danger. See Senate doc. No. 378, for his correspondence, and espe cially p. 48. CHAPTER II. Our position at Corpus Christi Instructions to Taylor as to the boundary of the Rio Grande Taylor's views Review and history of the boun dary question Letter from Mr. Adams Santa Anna's agreements with Texas, &c. March to the Rio Grande ordered Justification in a mili tary point of view of the occupation of the disputed territory Anecdote of Frederick the Great War in Silesia and Austria Madison's conduct to Spain in 1810 Right of declaration of war Justifiable causes of vrar Opinion of Sir J. Mackintosh War and diplomacy contrasted. ONE of the most inclement winters in the Gulf of Mexico had passed in the comfortless manner described in the last chapter. Our attempts to negotiate with Mexico were re pulsed, and although our minister had not yet returned to the United States having delayed at Jalapa with the hope of finding Paredes more accessible than Herrera every thing indicated an ultimate defeat of diplomacy. Meanwhile our forces at Corpus Christi were gradually augmenting, under the command of Generals Taylor and Worth. In October, 1845, the troops amounted to near four thousand, and General Taylor made every preparation, by reconnoissances between the Nueces and the Rio Grande for the ultimate defence of soil which had been claimed by our government as part of Texas.* * On the 15th of June, 1845, Mr. Bancroft, as acting secretary of state, wrote to General Taylor as follows : " The point of your ultimate destination is the western frontier of Texas, where you will select and occupy, on or near the Rio Grande del Norte, such a site as will consist with the health of the troops, and will be best adapted to repel invasion, and to protect what, in the event of annexation, will be our western border." On the 30th of July, 1845, the secretary of war, Mr. Marcy, declared to 104 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN As a military man it was not his duty to affix the bounda ries that were to be the subject of negotiation or war ; but simply to ascertain precisely the extent of defence required along a disputed territory, and to dispose his troops atcord- ingly.* In October, 1845, therefore, General Taylor reviewed the instructions from the war department, and, seeing that he had been ordered to select and occupy near the Rio Grande such a site as would consist with the health of the troops, and was best adapted to repel invasion, he ventured to sug gest an advance of his army. This however, was done by him whilst he felt great diffidence in touching topics that might become matter of delicate diplomacy. Nevertheless, taking a soldier's view of the topographical and not the dip- him that "the Rio Grande is claimed to be the boundary between the two countries, and up to this boundary you are to extend your protection, only excepting any posts on the eastern side thereof which are in the actual oc cupancy of Mexican forces, or Mexican settlements over which the re public of Texas did not exercise jurisdiction at the period of annexation, or shortly before that event. It is expected that, in selecting the estab lishment for your troops, you will approach as near the boundary line the Rio Grande as prudence will dictate. With this view, the President desires that your position, for a part of your forces, at least, should be west of the river Nueces." This, and even more forcible language, was repeated in letters from the same source on the 23d and 30th of August, and on the 16th of October, 1845. In the last letter the secretary of war states distinctly that the western boundary of Texas is the Rio Grande. See Senate doc. No. 337, 29th cong. 1st sess. pp. 75, 77, 80, 81, 82. * That this was General Taylor's view of the question is proved by a remark in his letter to General Ampudia on the 12th of April, 1846, on being warned by that officer to break up his camp and to retire to the other bank of the Nueces. General Taylor says : I need hardly advise you that charged as I am, in only a military capacity, with tKe performance of specific duties, I cannot enter into a discussion of the international question involved in the advance of the American army. id. p. 124. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 105 lomatic question, he informed our government, that if it made the Rio Grande an ultimatum in adjusting a boundary, he doubted not that the settlement would be facilitated by tak ing possession, at once, of one or two suitable points on, or quite near, that river. At these spots, our strength would be displayed in a manner not to be mistaken, while the position of our troops at the remote camp of Corpus Christi, with arid wastes between them and the outposts of Mexico, altogether failed to impress that government with our readiness to vin dicate by force of arms our title to the country as far as the Rio Grande.* Moreover, General Taylor felt encumbered by the orders from our war department of the 8th July, in which he was told that Mexico held military establishments on the east side of the Rio Grande, whose forces he should not disturb until our peaceful relations were finally destroyed. f Accordingly, on the 13th of January, 1846, our comman- der-in-chief was directed to advance with his troops to the Rio Grande.J This movement was made in consequence of the anticipated failure of our negotiations, clearly indi cated by the conduct of the Mexican government imme diately upon the arrival of Mr. Slidell in the capital. But before these orders were despatched to General Taylor, he had already in August, 1845, been apprised of his duties in the event of hostile demonstrations on the part of the enemy. In case of an invasion of Texas by the Mexicans, he was directed to drive them back beyond the Rio Grande; and, although it was desirable that he should confine himself as much as possible to defensive measures, yet, in the event of such a repulse, he was authorized to seize and hold posses sion of Matamoros and other places on the soil of Mexico. This resolution of our government was made the subject * See Senate Doc. No. 337, 29th cong. 1st sess. p. 99. t Id. p. 75. | Id. p. 82. 14 106 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN of grave complaint by persons who opposed the war. The order to advance from Corpus Christ! to the Rio Grande was alleged to be an act of invasion, and consequently, that hos tilities were commenced by us and not by Mexico. It may be pardoned if we pause awhile to consider a sub ject of such vital importance. The solution of the question was placed by one party upon the determination whether the Rio Grande was the boundary between Texas and Mexico before the battle of San Jacinto; and, if not, whether it has been made so since by competent authority. Up to that period it was asserted to be a recognized fact that the Nueces was the western boundary of Texas. Mr. John Quincy Adams, in his controversy with Don Luis De Onis, upon the Spanish boundary question, in March, 1818;* and Messieurs Pinckney and Monroe, in their argument with Cevallos at Madrid in April, lS05,f claimed the Rio Grande as the true limit between the United States and Mexico, by virtue of the ancient rights of France and the treaties between that sovereignty and the Spanish king.* It was asserted, * American State papers, vol. 4, p. 468. t Id. vol. 2, p. 662. J As it may be important that the reader should understand the title to Louisiana under which the boundary of the Rio Grande was claimed, the following is a summary of its history. Louisiana originally belonged to France, but by a secret compact between that country and Spain in 1762, and by treaties, in the following year, between France, Spain, and Eng land, the French dominion was extinguished on all the continent of Ame rica. In consequence of the treaty between this country and England in 1783, the Mississippi became the western boundary of the United States from its source to the 31 of north latitude, and thence, on the same paral lel to the St. Mary's. France, it will be remembered, always had claimed dominion in Louisiana to the Rio Bravo or Rio Grande, by virtue 1st. Of the discovery of the Mississippi from near its source to the ocean. 2d. Of the possession taken, and establishment made by La Salle, at the bay of St. Bernard, west of the rivers Trinity and Colorado, by authority of Louis XJV t in 1685 ; notwithstanding the subsequent destruction of the colony. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 107 therefore, that by the cession of Louisiana all the rights of France over Texas, as an integral part of her territory, ac crued to us; and consequently that when the State of Texas was united to this country it was only re-annexed with what were claimed to be its ancient limits. But this was not a . 3d. Of the charter of Louis XIV, to Crozat in 1712. 4th. The historical authority of Du Pratz, Champigny, and the Count de Vergennes. 5th. Of the authority of De Lisle's map, and of the map published in 1762 by Don Thomas Lopez, geographer to the king of Spain, as well as of various other maps, atlases, and geographical and historical authorities. By an article of the secret treaty of San Ildefonso, in October, 1800, Spain retroceded Louisiana to France ; yet this treaty was not promulgated till the beginning of 1802. The paragraph of cession is as follows: "His Catholic majesty engages to retrocede to the French republic, six months after the full arid entire execution of the conditions and stipulations above recited relative to his Royal Highness, the Duke of Parma, the colony and province of Louisiana, with the same extent that it already has in the hands of Spain, and that it had when France possessed it, and such as it should be, after the treaties passed subsequently between Spain and other powers." In 1803, Bonaparte, the first consul of the French republic, ceded Louis iana to the United States, as fully and in the same manner as it had been retroceded to France by Spain in the treaty of San Ildefonso ; and, by vir tue of this grant, Messieurs Madison, Monroe, Adams, Clay, Van Buren, and Jackson contended that the original limits of the state had been the Rio Grande. However, by the 3rd article of our treaty with Spain in 1819, all our pretensions to extend the territory of Louisiana towards Mexico or the Rio Grande, were resigned and abandoned by adopting the River Sabine as our southern confine in that quarter. See Lyman's diplo macy of the United States. Vol. 1, p. 368, and vol. 2. p. 136. The following extract from a valuable letter with which the author was favored by Ex-President Adams, who, as secretary of state, conducted the negotiations with Spain, will explain his. opinions and acts upon a subject of so much importance. QUINCY, 7th July, 1847. **#**###* "Whoever sets out with an inquiry respecting the right of territories in the American hemisphere claimed by Europeans, must begin by settling 108 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN true statement of the controversy, for after our treaty with Spain the aspect of the affair changed. The question then was no longer what had been the boundary under the laws between France and Spain, or between Spain and the United States, but what were the limits either under the certain conventional principles of right and wrong before he can enter upon the discussion. "For example what right had Columbus to Cat Island, otherwise called Guanahani ? Who has the right to it now and how came they by it? The flag of St. George and the Dragon now waves over it ; but who had the right to take possession of it because Christopher Columbus found it, the paltriest island in the midst of the ocean. European statesmen, warriors, and writers on what are called the laws of nations, have laid down a sys tem of laws upon which they found this right. Have the Carribee In dians, in whose possession that Island was discovered by Columbus, ever assented to that system of right and wrong ? "You remember that Hume, in commencing his history of England by the Roman conquest says "that without seeking any more justifiable rea sons of hostility than were employed by the later Europeans in subjecting the Africans and the Americans, they sent over an army under the com mand of Plautius, an able general, who gained some victories, and made a considerable progress in subduing the inhabitants." Then, no European has ever had any better right to take possession of America, than Julius Caesar and the Romans had to take possession of the island of Britain. "What then was the right either of France or Spain to the possession of the province of Texas ? To come to any question of right between the parties upon the subject you must agree upon certain conventional princi ples: where and when your question of right must become applicable to the facts ; and, as between them, it was a disputed question, and had been so from the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi river by La Salle, and from his second expedition to find the mouth of the Mississippi coming from the ocean, in which he perished. " Spain had prior claims to the country, but the claim of France was founded upon the last voyage of La Salle, and by extending a supposed derivative right, from the spot where La Salle landed half way to the nearest Spanish settlement. " Mr. Monroe and Mr. Charles Pinckney, in their correspondence with Cevallos, assumed this as a settled principle between European nations, in the discussion of right to American territory. It was not contested, but MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 109 colonial government of the Mexican viceroyalty, or under the laws of Mexico, when she became an independent re public. It was asserted that no map or geography existed since the establishment of the republic that did not lay down the boundary north of the Rio Grande. The map of Texas, compiled by Stephen H. Austin, the parent of Texan colo nization, published at Philadelphia in 1835, and setting forth all the Mexican grants in Texas, represents the, Rio Nueces as the western boundary. General Almonte in 1834, as I have previously stated, alleged, upon the authority of the State government of Coahuila and Texas that the boundary between them was even east of the Nueces. This was pro bably in accordance with the ancient Spanish division ; for, in 1805 Cevallos declared to our ministers at Madrid that the province of Texas, " where the Spaniards have had settle ments from the 17th century, was bounded on the east by Louisiana, and contains the extensive country which lies be tween the river Medina where the government of Coahuila ends, and the post now abandoned," Authorities to this was not assented to on the part of Spain; and, having found it laid down by Messieurs Monroe and Pinckney, 1 argued upon it, and it was never directly answered by Don Luis De Onis, who could not controvert it with out going to the Pope's Bull.f " As between France and Spain therefore, I maintained that the question of right, had always been disputed and never was settled, from which opinion I have not since varied. That we had a shadow of right beyond the Sabine I never believed since the conclusion of the Florida treaty, and, it is from the date of that treaty, that Great Britain had not a shadow of right upon the Oregon territory until we have been pleased to confer it upon her." ****** **# " I am, dear sir, with great respect, your very obedient servant, J. Q. ADAMS." To BRANTZ MAYER, ESQ., Baltimore." t Alexander Vlth's Bull of Donation, 110 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN effect might be extensively multiplied.* Brazos de Santiago was a Mexican, port of entry, which continued to be held up to the period of hostilities, and Laredo was a small Mexican town, occupied by a Mexican garrison. If such was the geographical division between Texas and Mexico on the lower Rio Grande, near its mouth in the gulf, it was asserted that there could be infinitely less right to, claim it as a limit nearer its source, since Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, had never been within the jurisdiction of Texas, and since the boundaries of Chihuahua commenced near the head waters of the Nueces. These were some of the arguments used by individuals who deemed the march to Point Isabel an invasion of Mexi can territory. It is just that a few reasons should also be presented on behalf of those who believed it to be lawful or expedient. When Santa Anna was captured after the battle of San Jacinto in 1836, the leading men in Texas had great diffi culty in rescuing him from popular vengeance for the massa- * See " Matthew Carey's general map of the world," 29th map pub lished 1814. Kennedy's Texas, p. 4. Mrs. Holley's Texas. History of Texas, by D. B. Edwards, preceptor of Gonzales Seminary, Texas, 1836, p. 14. He says: "Texas is bounded on the north by Red river, which divides it from Arkansas, Ozark District, and New Mexico ; on the south by the Gulf of Mexico and the' Rio de las Nueces, which divides it from the States of Coahuila and Tamaulipas ; on the east by the eastern branch of the river Sabine and the State of Louisiana ; on the west by the State of Coa huila and the territory of New Mexico." Accompanying the work is a map of Texas with boundaries, as laid down above. In a note on one corner of the map, speaking of the Rio Grande, he says : " If this river should ever become the western boundary of Texas (as desired by the inhabitants) it will add a hundred miles to its sea-coast and fifty thousand square miles to its superficies ; the southern section of the surface is sandy, barren prairie, almost destitute of water ; and its northern rocky, sterile mountains, nearly as destitute of timber." MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. Ill cres he had committed. The victory over the central chief the despot and dictator of Mexico was generally believed to be a crowning measure of success, for the bitter persecutor soon dwindled into the humble supplicant, and pledged his name and his oath to secure the independence of the rebellious State. Accordingly, with every appearance and promise of good faith and honor, he executed contracts with the Texan authorities which deserve consideration in discussing this question. On the 14th of May, 1836, at Ve- lasco, two of these documents wete signed by Santa Anna, Burnet, Collings worth, Hard i mart and Grayson, the first being a public, and the second a secret convention between the parties. The third article of the first paper stipulates that the Mexican troops shall evacuate the territory of Tex as, passing to the other side of the Rio Grande, while the fourth article of the secret agreement declares that a treaty of amity, commerce and limits shall be made between Mexico and Texas, the territory of the latter power not to extend beyond the Rio Bravo del Norte, or Rio Grande. In con formity with these contracts, Texas set free the prisoner, whose " prompt release and departure for Vera Cruz," ac cording to their tenor, " were necessary for the fulfilment of his solemn oath" to obtairi a recognition of the indepen dence of Texas, and to dispose the Mexican cabinet for the reception of commissioners.* Santa Anna returned to his country in disgrace after his disastrous campaign, and lurked in retirement at his farm until the French attacked Vera Cruz, when he threw him self again at the head of the departmental forces. In the action he fortunately lost a limb, and by the skilful display of his mutilation in defence of Mexico, he renewed his * Primer a Campana de Tejas: by Ramon Martinez Caro, secretary of Santa Anna, pp. 122, 125. J12 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN claims to national gratitude. Instead, however, of using his influence to obtain the treaty, promised as the boon for his life, he became at once the bitterest foe of Texas, and pledged himself to fight " forever for its reconquest." Texas, mean while, acting in good faith, and presuming to adopt the spi rit and letter of the convention with Santa Anna, whom she naturally regarded as the dictator of Mexico, passed the act of December 19, 1836, establishing the Rio Grande as her boundary from the gulf to its source. Besides this, her congress created senatorial and representative districts west of the Nueces; organized and defined limits of counties extending to the Rio Grande; created courts of justice; spread her judicial system over the country wherever her people roamed, and performed other acts of sovereignty which we are compelled not to disregard. It cannot be contended that these acts and agreements were alone suffi cient, under the laws of nations, to confer upon Texas un questionable rights over the soil between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, for a contract with the captive president and general was not legally binding ; but it is equally clear that all these arguments of the old authorities as to the original boundary, and all the new claims set up by Texas, under her statutes, as well as stipulations with Santa Anna, made that territory a disputed ground whose real ownership could only be equitably settled by negotiation. The strong language of both the contracts, just recited, seems to concede the fact that the president of Mexico regarded, at least the lower Rio Grande, as already the real boundary between Mexico and Texas, notwithstanding the opinion of Almonte in 1834; and consequently that it was neither the subject of treaty or agreement at that moment, nor could it become so after wards when commissioners were appointed. When Texas was annexed to the United States she was MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 113 received with these asserted limits, though she did not join the Union with any specific boundaries.* It was thought best by both parties to leave the question of confines open between Mexico and our country, so as not to complicate the national entanglements. After the congress of the United States and convention in Texas had acted upon the joint resolution it was impossible for us to recede. The course of our presidents, therefore, was at once pacific and soothing towards Mexico. For although they believed that republic had no right to be consulted as to the annexation of Texas, a free and independent State, they nevertheless admitted all her natural and just privileges in regard to boundary. Mr. Tyler and Mr. Polk therefore despatched envoys to Mexico with the offer of liberal negotiations as soon as a favorable opportunity presented itself. But the charge and minister of Mr. Tyler were scornfully rejected, while Mr. Slidell, as has been already related, was refused an audience upon frivolous pretences at a moment when the Mexican secretary was secretly craving to receive him.f In such a juncture what was the duty of the United States ? It is an easy matter for speculative philosophers or political critics to find fault with the conduct of statesmen * Mr. Donelson wrote to Mr. Buchanan on the 2d July, 1845, from Wash ington, Texas, as follows: " My position is that we can hold Corpus Christ! and all other points up the Nueces. If attacked, the right of defence will authorise us to expel the Mexicans to the Rio Grande. It is better for us to await the attack than incur the risk of embarrassing the question of an nexation with the consequences of immediate possession of the territory on the Rio Grande. * * * The government left for treaty arrange ment the boundary question in the propositions for a definitive treaty of peace. H. of R. doc. No. 2, 29th cong. 1st sess. pp. 78, 79. 1 1 am informed by Mr. Parrott, the secretary of legation who accompa nied Mr. Slidell, that no form of letters of credence or evidence of pow ers as " commissioner to settle the Texan dispute," would have secured a hear ing for our envoy. The mob, the army, and Paredes were determined that no missionary of peace should be received from the United States. 15 114 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN tfe and to become prophets of woe after the occurrence of events they deprecate. But such men are timid actors on the world's stage, and especially in such a theatre of folly as the Mexican republic. Governments have but two ways of settling international disputes, either by negotiation or war, and, even the latter must be concluded by diplomacy, for nations rarely fight until one of them is completely anni hilated. Negotiation, or the attempt to negotiate, had been completely exhausted by us. Meanwhile Mexico continued to excite our curiosity by spasmodic struggles in nerving her people for the war, as well as by gasconading despatches which breathed relentless animosity to our country for the annexation of Texas. Nevertheless, this sensitive and vaunting nation would neither make peace, establish boun daries, negotiate, nor declare war. Was it reasonable that such a frantic state of things should be permitted to con tinue.? Could this perverse aversion to fighting or friend ship be tolerated? Were our countries to conclude an eter nal compact of mutual hatred and non intercourse? Was such childish obstinacy and weakness to be connived at in our country? Was it due to common sense, justice, or the preservation of a good neighborhood that we should remain supine under insane threats and dishonorable treatment? We asserted that, upon the Texas question, we had rightly no dispute with Mexico, except as to the boundary involved in the territory our forces were then occupying or about to cross. We did not design discussing our right to annex Texas. That was an act accomplished and unalterable. It was, doubtless, exceedingly convenient for Mexico to main tain this pacific state of quasi-war and to reject, alike, our amity and hostilities, as long as she owed us many millions of dollars and refused either to pay principal or interest, or to conclude a treaty for the settlement of unadjusted claims. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 115 Whilst her government was able to enforce non-intercourse, it was free from importunity and payment. But this adroit' scheme of insolvency was unjust to our citizens, and only served to augment the liabilities of Mexico. What then remained to be done ? The reply may be found in a signi ficant anecdote related by Mr. Adams in a speech in con gress on the Oregon question, on the 2d of January, 1846. "After negotiating" said he "for twenty years about thi$ matter we may take possession of the subject matter of negotiation. Indeed, we may negotiate after we take pos session, and this is the military way of doing business. When Frederick the Great came to the throne of Prussia he found that his father had equipped for him an army of a hundred thousand men. Meeting soon after the Austrian minister, the latter said to him: "Your father has given you a great army, but ours has seen the wolf, whilst your ma jesty's has not." " Well well !" exclaimed Frederick, " I will soon give it an opportunity to see the wolf!" Fred erick then added, in his memoirs: "I had some excellent old pretensions to an Austrian province, which some of my ancestors owned one or two centuries before; accordingly I sent an ambassador to the court of Austria stating my claim, and presenting a full exposition of my right to the province. The same day my ambassador was received in Vienna, I entered Silesia with my army!" 4 * The claim of Frederick the Ilnd to Silesia was considered plausible. As Bohemia renounced not only the possession, but all its rights to Silesia by the treaties of Breslau and Berlin and other subsequent treaties, the kings of Prussia pretended, that by virtue of the renunciation, they became sov ereign dukes of the country and not subject to the emperor in their new character. To this claim it was replied that Bohemia being an imperial State, could not, of its own authority, destroy the feudal tenure by which Silesia was attached to it, and through it to the empire. The question was rendered more intricate, for one party considered Bohemia feudal only as 116 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN Such would- be a prompt and impulsive answer to the manifold prevarications of seditious Mexico. But the army we advanced and the country we occupied, were neither the army of Frederick nor the pleasant vales of rich and popu lous Silesia. A nearly desolate waste, stretched from the Nueces to the Rio Grande, barren alike in soil and inhabi tants, and tempting none to its dreary wilderness but noma dic rancher os or outlaws who found even Mexico no place of refuge for their wickedness. It was, surely, not a land worthy of bloodshed, and yet, in consequence of its sterility, it 'became of vast importance on a frontier across whose wide extent enemies might pass unobserved and unmolested. With the entire command of the Rio Grande from its source to its mouth in the hands of our enemy, and the whole of this arid region flanking the stream and interposing itself between Mexico and our troops, it is evident that our ad versaries would possess unusual advantages over us either for offensive or defensive war. The mere control of the em bouchure of the river was no trivial superiority, for, on a stormy and inhospitable coa^f, it was almost impossible to support an effectual blockade and thus prevent the enemy from being succored along his whole frontier with arms and provisions from abroad. By seizing, however, the usual points of transit and entrance on the lower Rio Grande many of these evils might be avoided ; and, if Mexico ulti mately resolved on hostilities, we should be enabled to throw our forces promptly across the river, and by rapid marches to the electoral dignity, but as a kingdom free and independent of Ger many. The Germans argued that Silesia was part of the empire, the Prussians considered it a separate and independent State. Frederick took advantage of these "state right" doctrines to sustain his claim, as Texas took advantage of her state right sovereignty when the central despotism of Santa Anna overthrew the federal constitution of 1824. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 117 obtain the command of all the military positions of vantage along her north-eastern boundary. The foresight of Frederick the Great disclosed to him the military value of Silesia in the event of a war with Austria, and it was probably that circumstance, quite as much as his alleged political rights, that induced him to enter it with an army on the day when he commenced negotiations. He began the war with Austria by surprising Saxony, and, during all his difficulties, clung tenaciously to the possession of Silesia. Saxony was important as a military barrier covering Prussia on the side of Austria, while Silesia in dented deeply the line of the Austrian frontier and flanked a large part of Bohemia.* Thus Saxony and Silesia formed a natural fortification for Prussia, just as the deserts of the disputed land, when in our rear, covered the undefended confines of Texas at the same* time that they gave us the keys to the enemy's country at Point Isabel and Matamoros. It may be asserted that, when vacant or nearly vacant territory is in controversy between two nations, and forms the only subject of real dispute between them, it would be better for both to refrain from an attempt to occupy it, pro vided they are willing to arbitrate the quarrel, or settle it by diplomacy. But, when both parties assert claims, both have equal rights to enter it, when negotiation fails. The deci sion is then to be made only by intimidation or war. There is no alternative by which collision can be escaped, and it is the duty of the wiser of the disputants to place his na tional forces in such an advantageous position as either to defend his acknowledged territory or force himself to be driven from the soil he claims. "I do not consider the inarch to the Rio Grande to have been the cause of the * Arnold's fourth lecture on Modern History. 118 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN war" said a distinguished statesman, "anymore than I consider the British march on Concord or Lexington to have been the cause of the American revolution, or the crossing of the Rubicon to have been the cause of the civil war in Rome. The march to the Rio Grande brought on the colli sion of arms, but, so far from being the cause of the war, it was itself the effect of those causes." The power of declaring war is expressly reserved by the constitution to congress, and, though the president is com mander in chief of the army when called into actual service, he should be extremely cautious in issuing orders" or doing acts which may lead to hostilities resulting in war. Our congress was in session in January, 1846, when Mr. Slidell was rejected by Mexico, when our international relations were complicated as I have described, and when the secre tary of war, by the president's direction, gave the order for Taylor's advance to the Rio Grande. This was an act that brought the armies of Mexico and the United States in front of each other; and although there can be no doubt that con gress would have authorised the movement of our troops under the military advice of General Taylor, provided the Rio Grande was to be made an ultimatum in the ratification of a treaty by our senate, it is, nevertheless, to be pro foundly regretted that the question was not previously sub mitted to our national representatives. At that moment the public mind was distracted between Mexico and England; but the Oregon question nearly absorbed the apparently minor difficulties with our restive neighbor. Congress con templated the solemn probability of war with one of the mightiest nations of our age, and even some of our expe rienced statesmen, as we have seen in the example of Mr. Adams, recommended the most stringent measures of MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 119 armed occupation. At such a crisis, and with a confiden tial knowledge of .all our foreign relations, it was the duty of the president to represent these matters frankly to con gress and to ask the opinion of his constitutional advisers, as he subsequently did in the settlement of the dispute with Great Britain. This prudent act would have saved the ex ecutive from needless responsibility, whilst it indicated a sensitive devotion to the behests of our constitution. Con gress met whilst our troops were encamped at Corpus Christi, as an army of observation, whose hostile, though protective character, was unquestionable ; yet our represen tatives neither ordered its return nor refused it supplies. This denoted a willingness to sanction measures which might either pacify Mexico, or impose upon that republic the immediate alternative of war. It is not improbable that congress would have adopted such a course, because, ac cording to the pretensions of Mexico, our troops had already invaded her domains. This is an important view of the question which should not be passed by silently. Mexico, it must be remembered, never relinquished her right to re conquer Texas, but always claimed the whole province as her own, asserting a determination to regard its union with our confederacy as justifiable cause of war. The joint-re solution, alone, was therefore a belligerent act of the con gress of the United States, sufficient, according to the doc trine of Mexico, to compel hostile retaliation. But, more over, as the entire soil of Texas, from the Sabine to the Nueces or Rio Grande was still claimed by Mexico as her unsurrendered country, the landing of a single American soldier anywhere south of our ancient boundary with Spain, was quite as hostile an invasion of Mexican territory as the 4 passage of our army from Corpus Christi to Point Isabel. 120 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN Occasions upon which the eminent right of self protec tion has been adopted as a principle of action in the United States, are not wanting in our political history. The circum stances in all, are of course not precisely the same, but the policy is identical. The conduct of our government in re gard to General Jackson's invasion of Florida for the sup pression of Indian cruelties may be referred to. But con gress might have found a still more analogous case, in the dispute between Spain and the United States as to the east ern limits of Louisiana. Spain alleged that Florida ex tended to the Mississippi, embracing what was then a wil derness, but, now, forms the populous States of Alabama and Mississippi; while our government asserted that all the territory eastward of the Mississippi and extending to the Rio Perdido belonged of right to us by virtue of the treaty concluded at Paris on the 30th of April, 1803. By acts of congress in 1803 and 1804 the president was authorized to take possession of the territory ceded by France, to establish a provisional government, to lay duties on goods imported into it; and, moreover, whenever he deemed it expedient , to erect the bay and river Mobile into a separate district, in which he might establish a port of entry and delivery. In 1810, President Madison believing that the United States had too long acquiesced in the temporary continuance of this territory under Spanish domain, and that nothing was to be gained from Spain by candid discussion and amicable negotiation for several years, solved the difficulty by taking possession of Mobile and Baton Rouge and extending our jurisdiction to the Perdido. This possession, he took means to ensure, if needful, by military force. Mr. Madison's con duct was assailed in congress by the federalists who regarded it as an unjustifiable and offensive demonstration against MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 121 Spain, but it was defended with equal warmth by the oppo sition, especially by Mr. Clay, and the Rio Perdido has ever since continued to form the western limit of Florida.* When nations are about to undertake the dread responsi bility of war, and to spread the sorrow and ruin which al ways mark the pathway of victorious or defeated armies, they should pause to contemplate the enormity of their en terprise as well as the principles that can alone justify them in the sight of God and man. Human life cannot be law fully destroyed, assailed or endangered for any other object than that of just defence of person or principle, yet it is not a legal consequence that defensive w r ars are always just.f " It is the right of a State," said that profound moralist and statesman, Sir James Mackintosh, " to take all measures necessary for her safety if it be attacked or threatened from without : provided always that reparation cannot otherwise be obtained ; that there is a reasonable prospect of obtain ing it by arms ; and that the evils of the contest are not probably greater than the mischiefs of acquiescence in the wrong; including, on both sides of the deliberation, the ordinary consequences of the example as well as the imme diate effects of the act. If reparation can otherwise be ob tained, a nation has no necessary, and therefore no just cause of war ; if there be no probability of obtaining it by arms, a government cannot, with justice to their own nation, embark it in war ; and, if the evils of resistance should ap pear on the whole greater than those of submission, wise * Waite's State papers, 1809-11, p. 261; and Clay's speech on the line of the Perdido. f Puffendorf, Lib. VIII, c. 6. Note by Barbeyrac. 16 122 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN rulers will consider an abstinence from a pernicious exercise of right as a sacred duty to their own subjects, and a debt which every people owes to the great commonwealth of mankind, of which they and their enemies are alike mem bers. A war is just against the wrongdoer when reparation for wrong cannot otherwise be obtained ; but is then only conformable to all the principles of morality when it is not likely to expose the nation by whom it is levied to greater evils than it professes to avert, and when it does not inflict on the nation which has done the wrong, sufferings altogether disproportion^ to the extent of the injury. When the rulers of a nation are required to determine a question of peace or war, the bare justice of their case against the wrongdoer never can be the sole, and is not always the chief matter on which they are morally bound to exercise a conscientious deliberation. Prudence in conducting the affairs of their subjects is in them a part of justice." These are the true principles by which Mexico should have judged the controversy between us, before she rejected all our efforts to negotiate, and forced our government to prepare for hostilities The idea of war, for mere conquest, seems now to be ob solete among civilized nations. To political dominion, as exhibited in the various governments of the old world, and in most of the new, geographical limits are definitely as signed. This fact must, hereafter, greatly modify the objects of war, by narrowing them to principles instead of territory. Principles, however, are always the fair subjects of contro versy for the diplomatic art. Yet such is the perversity of human nature, that, although we are convinced of the pro priety and possibility of adjusting our disputes by reason, MEXICO AXU THE UNITED STATES. 123 we nevertheless go to war for these very principles, and, after having done each other an incalculable amount of in jury, at last sit down like cripples, to negotiate the very matters which ought to have been treated and terminated diplomatically at first. It is, perhaps, the folly of mankind to believe that there is more wisdom in negotiators and diplomacy when nations are lame and weakened by war than when they are full of the vigorous energy and intelligence of peace ! NOTE. It may be useful to record the following proclamation of General Woll, before annexation, in order to show, that the agreements between Santa Anna and the Texans in 1836, are not the only Mexican documents in existence which seemed to open the boundary question between Texas and Tamaulipas. " Headquarters of the Army of the JVbrtfi, Mier, June 20, 1844. "I, Adrian Woll, general of brigade, &c., make known: "1. The armistice agreed on with the department of Texas having ex pired, and the war being, in consequence, recommenced against the inhabi tants of that department,- all communication with it ceases. "2. Every individual, of whatever condition, who may contravene pro visions of the preceding article, shall be regarded as a traitor, and shall receive the punishment prescribed in article 45, title ]0, treatise 8, of the articles of war. " 3. Every individual who may be found at the distance of one league from the left bank of the Rio Bravo, will be regarded as a favorer and accomplice of the usurpers of that part of the national territory, and as a traitor to his country ; and, after a summary military trial, shall receive the said punishment. " 4. Every individual who may be comprehended within the provisions of the preceding article, and may be rash enough to fly at the sight of any force belonging to the supreme government, shall be pursued until taken, or put to death. " 5. In consideration of the situation of the towns of La Reda and Santa Rita de Ampudia, as well as of all the farm houses beyond the Rio Bravo, I have this day received, from the supreme government, orders to determine the manner by which those interested are to be protected; but, until the determination of the supreme government be received, I warn all those who are beyond the limits here prescribed, to bring them within the line, or to abandon them ; as those who disobey this order, will infalli bly suffer the punishment here established. ADRIAN WOLL. CHAPTER III. Army marches from Corpus Christi Taylor prepares the Mexicans for his advance Description of the march Beautiful prairie and desolate sand- wilderness Rattlesnakes Chapparal The Arroyo Colorado First hostile demonstrations of the Mexicans Expected fight Cross the Colo rado Worth and Taylor separate True nature of discipline Charac ters of Mexican and American soldiers contrasted. ON the 8th of March, 1846, the joyous news ran through the American camp, at Corpus Christi, that the tents were at last to be struck. The worn out soldiery had nothing to regret in quitting a spot where their eyes were only relieved by looking from the dreary sea in front to the desolate prai rie in the rear. General Taylor had already taken means to prepare the Mexicans for his advance, although he scarcely expected resistance. Respectable citizens from Matamoros had frequently visited his camp; and to all of those who were represented as possessing influence at home he pro claimed the unhostile feelings of our government towards their country, and that when our army marched southward it would not pass the Rio Grande unless Mexico provoked war. He invariably apprized these strangers of his resolu tion to protect the peaceful inhabitants in all their rights and usages, as well as to pay for every thing needed by his forces instead of plundering the country for support. Accordingly, on the morning of the 8th of the month, the advanced guard, composed of the cavalry and Major Ring- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 125 gold's light artillery, the whole under the command of Colonel Twiggs, and numbering twenty-three officers and three hundred and eighty-seven men, took up its line of inarch towards Matamoras. This corps was succeeded by the brigades of infantry, the last of which departed on the llth followed immediately by the commandej: in chief with his staff. The weather was favorable; the roads in tolerable order; the troops in good condition notwithstanding the winter's hardships ; while a general spirit of animation per vaded the whole body, inspired as it was with the hope of adventure in the neighborhood of an enemy. All, therefore, departed on this day from Corpus Christ] by land, except the command of Major Monroe, who was to reach the Bra zos de Santiago in transports under convoy of the United States brig Porpoise and the Woodbury. This officer was to embark with a seige train and field battery, in season to reach his destination when the army would be in the vi cinity of Point Isabel. The last adieus of our forces to their dreary winter quar ter were by no means tearful, as with colors flying and music playing, they crossed the sandy hills that concealed it forever from their sight. The first day's march passed through alternate patches of prairies and timber to the Nueces ; but, on the two next, these sad wastes were ex changed for splendid fields blossoming with flowers of every hue. A delicious fragrance filled the air, and the whole surface of the earth as far as the eye could reach, seemed covered with a beautiful carpet. The edge of the horizon, in every direction, was crowded with wild animals. On one side thousands of mustangs curvetted over the gentle elevations of the rolling prairie; on another herds of deer might be seen standing for a moment filled with wonder at the unwonted sight of human beings, and then bounding off 126 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN until they were lost in the vast distance. Beautiful ante lopes, nimble as the wind, were beheld in countless num bers, while pecarys and wild bulls rushed in droves across the path of our men. But, on the fourth day of the march, this scene of enchantment suddenly vanished. Uncultivated prairies and immense herds of savage beasts had already testified the abandoned state of the country; yet the region our forces now entered disclosed the frightful "nakedness of the land." The water became exceedingly bad, and there was scarcely fuel enough for culinary purposes. The blooming vegetation of the preceding days was exchanged for sands through which the weary men and cattle toiled with extreme difficulty. Salt lagunes spread out on every side. At each step the fatigued soldier plunged ankle- deep in the yielding soil, while a scorching sun shone over him and not a breath of air relieved his sufferings. At times, a verdant forest loomed up along the heated horizon, fringed by limpid lakes, and our wearied columns moved on gaily, cheated, again and again, by the hope of shade and water. Suddenly the beautiful groves dwindled into jagged clumps of thorns or aloes, and the fairy lakes changed to salt and turbid lagunes. " The wormwood star had fallen on every thing and turned the waters to bitterness." The plant whose piercing spines and sword-like leaves have entitled it to the name of the " Spanish bayonet," was the hermit shrub of this dreadful Zaharah. Around its roots the snakes lurked arid crawled. Whenever the soldiers' path was un impeded by these annoyances, scarifying his limbs as he ad vanced, the ground seemed heated and sinking like the scorice of Vesuvius. Man and beast sank exhausted and panting on the earth. The want and value of delicious water are never known till we pass a day like this under the burning rays of a tropical sun, toiling on foot over a scorched MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 127 and arid soil without refreshment! At length the word ran along the line that it was approaching a lake whose waters were not salt. " Under the excitement of hope the faint and exhausted infantry pressed onward with renewed life, while, some miles ahead, the artillery were seen to halt enjoying the luxury of water. As the soldiers reached it all discipline was forgotten; their arms were thrown down, and they rushed boldly in, thrusting their heads beneath the waves in their desire to quench the thirst that was consuming their vitals."* Such is the natural aspect and character of the desolate re gion between the Nueces and the Rio Grande, a chequered wilderness of sand and verdure, fit only for the wild beasts that inhabit it, and properly described in former days, as a a suitable frontier between the great republics of North America. On the 21st of March, all our forces concentrated on the Arroyo Colorado, a salt stream or lagune nearly one hun dred yards broad, and so deep as to be scarcely fordable, situated about thirty miles north of Matamoros. Had the enemy attacked us here his assault would have been for midable, wearied as were our troops with the distressing marches of previous days. Bold, bluff banks, twenty or thirty feet high, hem in the stream, whose borders, on both sides, are lined, for a considerable breadth, with impervious thickets of chapparal. These thorny groves are to be found in all sections of the south, varying in size from a few yards to a mile in thickness, so closely interlaced and matted with briers and bushes as to prevent the passage of animals larger than a hare. They are the sorest annoyances of travellers in Mexico, and often force the wayfarer to make a long cir- * Army on the Rio Grande, p. 13. 128 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN cuit to pass their limits, though they reward him for his trouble by supplying an abundance of the tuna a luscious fruit of the prickly pear, which grows luxuriantly on these natural and impenetrable walls. Such, with the barrier of the stream, was the fortification nature had interposed for the safe guard of Mexico at the Arroyo Colorado. But the inert natives seemed indisposed to take advantage of those rare defences, though not without some hostile demonstration which the resolute conduct of Taylor soon overcame. When our advanced corps encamped near the banks of the stream on the 19th, an armed reconnoisance was sent forward to examine the country. On reaching the river, our scouts discovered that the opposite side was lined with a body of rancher o cavalry, from whom they learned, although no opposition was made to our examination of the ford, that we should be treated as enemies if we attempted to pass it. Impossible as it was to ascertain accurately the amount of the opposing force, our men were prepared for the worst, and, at an early hour of the 20th, the cavalry and first bri gade of infantry were thrown in position, at the ford, while the batteries of field artillery were formed so as to sweep the opposite bank. All was now anxiety and eagerness among our gallant men. Far along the borders of the river, above and below, the bugles of the enemy were heard ring ing out in the clear morning air. But the hope of frighten ing our men by overwhelming numbers was of no avail. Our pioneers worked steadily on the road they were cutting to the brink of the river; and, when all was ready for the passage, the adjutant general of the Mexican forces appeared on the ground for a final effort of intimidation. With Span ish courtesy, he informed our general that positive orders were given to his men to fire upon our forces if they at- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 129 tempted to cross, and that our passage of the river would be considered a declaration of war. At the same time he placed in Taylor's hands a warlike proclamation issued by Mejia at Matamoros on the 18th, containing unequivocal manifes tations of the intention of the Mexicans to molest us. Our commander-in-chief, however, was not to be deterred by these threats from the fulfilment of the orders he had re ceived to pass the Rio Grande. He answered the officer that he would " immediately cross the river, and that if his hostile party showed itself on the other bank after our pas sage was commenced, it would unquestionably receive the fire of our artillery." In the meantime the second brigade, which had encamped some miles in our rear, came up and formed on the extreme right ; and, as the road to the river bank was by this time completed, the order to advance was given. It was a moment of intense excitement. What forces might not lurk behind the dense walls of chapparal, ready to dash upon our ranks as they deployed on the other side? Our artillerists stood to their aimed and loaded guns. The Mexicans were doubtless eager and panting for resistance in the rear of the bristling plants that lined the lofty parapet of the river's bank. Every eye was strained upon the first daring rank that was to plunge into the stream .as a " forlorn hope." Mexico would fight now if ever; for her mettle was as yet untried ! For an instant, profound silence reigned along the anxious line which the next moment might be in volved in the fire of battle. Suddenly the gallant Worth spurred to the head of our troops, and dashing boldly into the flood, waved them on to the further shore. But not a shot was fired by the recreant foe, and as our men rose shouting from the water and rushed up the steeps of the op posite bank they beheld the valiant Mexicans in brisk retreat 130 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN towards Matamoros! The fugitives were unmolested; a laugh of scorn and pity ran through our ranks; and, before nightfall, the first and second brigades of infantry, with a train of two hundred wagons had crossed the stream and encamped three miles from its banks. This was an important affair, as it was the first in which the Mexicans showed themselves in a decidedly hostile atti tude; and it furnished an excellent opportunity to try the mettle of our men both in spirit and discipline. Not a sol dier faltered. On the morning of the 23d of March, General Taylor departed with his whole army from the camp near the Colo rado. After a march of fifteen miles he reached, on the 24th, a position on the route from Matamoros to Point Isa bel, distant about eighteen* miles from the former and ten from the latter, where he left the infantry brigades under the command of General Worth, with instructions to press on in the direction of Matamoros until a suitable position for encampment was obtained, at which he might halt, hold ing the route in observation, whilst the commander-in-chief proceeded with the cavalry to Point Isabel. At that post General Taylor expected to meet the transports from Corpus Christi with the force under Major Monroe, and to make the necessary arrangements for the establishment and defence of a depot. As soon as the army left the Colorado a new object, of more interest in natural history than military memoirs, pre sented itself to .the notice of our troops. The soil was co vered with a long wiry grass among which glided immense numbers of huge rattlesnakes, more appalling to our soldiers than the Mexicans. The country literally swarmed with serpents. From the Colorado to within a few miles of Point MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 131 Isabel their warning rattle was heard on all sides. They crept between the ranks as our men marched through the long herbage, and at night coiled themselves comfortably under their blankets for warmth, Familiar as we are with the campaigns of Frederick and Napoleon, and willing to record as classical the great deeds of the old world's heroes, we are still often loath to do justice to the brave men in our own country who have served the State so zealously in Florida and Mexico. It is not simple bravery in battle that commends a soldier to ad miration, for few are cowards when the excitement of action hurries them headlong among their foes amid the shouts and thunder of actual carnage. But it is the preparatory disci pline that tests a military character. The camp and the march are the soldier's training. The dreary winter- quar ter passed in patient service, and the wearying advance over burning plains or snowy mountains, are the real touchstones of courage, and prove those powers of endurance and sub ordination which make resistance staunch and stubborn. These are the sources of discipline ; and it was with troops that had borne the winter hardships at Corpus Christi, I have described, and made the short but arduous march to Point Isabel, that Taylor felt sure of victory. They had encountered extraordinary fatigue, and yet were ready at a moment's notice for battle without flinching. With such schooling an army becomes a gigantic instrument moving with the accuracy of clock-work, put in motion by the gen eral's genius. It can endure as well as perform all he re quires, and he knows that the result of a battle depends alone on his nurnbers, his position, or his individual skill in military combination. The common soldier and the officer 132 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN thus react upon each other, and the electric chain of mutual confidence makes success an impulse. The American and the Mexican soldier are essentially dif ferent, though both, according to the report of distinguished officers, are almost equally brave. In the anglo-saxon race bravery is the balance between prudence and courage, exer cised with an indomitable resolution to achieve a desired end. The American soldier is fearless, yet he values life and seeks to protect it. His object is to subdue or slay his foe, still he determines to avoid, if possible, a fatal catastrophe. This renders him intrepid while it teaches the importance of dis cipline and obedience to resolute and skilful officers. He perceives at once the object to be secured or the thing to be done, and he marches on with the mingled caution and spirit requisite for success. It may be said that a certain degree of timidity is neces sary in every balanced character in order to ensure reflec tion, for natural courage, unaided by sensitiveness, would render it rash. But the Mexican soldier seems to be guided by a different system, and to be brave without either pru dence or enduring discipline. He is trained in manoeuvres ; and, believing that when he masters his manual he is equal to all military emergencies, he supposes that a battle is little more than a parade. As Mexican troops are rather politi cal engines, designed for the domestic police of cities, than for actual service in the field, the soldier is more of a play thing than a tool or weapon. Vague, ideal notions of Ro man patriotism, are infused into his mind by the demagogues of the army in bombastic proclamations, and he imagines it better to perish than surrender to his foe. But this murder ous doctrine of "revenge or death" serves rather to animate him before battle than to carry him steadily through its perils. He has the ability to perceive the beauty of abstract virtue, MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 133 but lacks the sustained energy, the profound endurance, to realize it. He rushes onward without deliberation, or re gard of consequences. An international war is, in his esti mation, a personal not a political quarrel. A brutal ferocity marks every headlong movement, and deprives him of the control of reason. Besides this, life, has not the same value to a Mexican as to an American warrior, for the objects and hopes of their lives are incapable of comparison. One lives for practical liberty and progress, the other's existence is a mere strife for bread under military despotism. A Mahome- dan fatalism derived, perhaps, from his Moorish kindred tinges the nature of a Mexican, and the impulsive blood of a tropical climate subjects him almost exclusively to his in stincts. Hence Spanish wars have been long and sanguin ary butcheries, while their civil dissensions are the feted fer ment of corruption. The Mexican, hot and fretful in controversy, is ever quick and sometimes secret, in ridding himself of his foe; the American is equally prompt with his pistol, but gives his insulting enemy an equal chance. A sudden conflict with knives ends a Spanish rencontre or dispute; while periods of deliberation and cool arrangements precede the fatal field between our countrymen. The American officer is scienti fically educated in military schools and leads his men to battle. The Mexican is ignorant of all but ordinary drills, and either follows his impulsive squadrons, or, flies at the approach of personal danger. The one has nerve and en durance, the other impulse and passion; hence, while the Mexican strikes his blow and retreats to his lair if foiled, the American, equally unchanged by victory or defeat, moves onward with indomitable purpose until his object is suc cessfully accomplished. The one dwindles too often into 134 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN the cruel assassin or relentless persecutor, the other, as frequently, attains the dignity of a clement hero. These general observations apply, of course, only to the masses, for truly brave and patriotic men exist in all coun tries, and nowhere are the examples of heroic qualities more conspicuous than among the Spanish races. The fault lies more in temperament than in soul. An equipoise between intellect and passion is alone deficient in the nature of the Mexican people, for the savage has not been entirely extir pated from the mingled blood of Indian and Spaniard. When the remarkable energy of men, born in genial cli mates, is tempered by self restraint, it produces that urbane and chivalrous character which once made war the school of gentlemen. But the modern ideas of liberty and patri otism have deprived standing armies of all exclusive claim to national protection; and, as long as each citizen feels that the defence of his native land or of his country's rights de pends upon himself, the volunteer as well as the regular will be prompt to discharge his military duty with skill, alacrity and irresistible resolution. CHAPTER IV. Character of Mexican diplomacy Genius of the Spanish language Pa- redes 's proclamation Hostilities authorized by him Taylor goes to Isa bel Description of the Brasos St. Jago and Point Isabel burning of the custom-house Made a depot and fortified Taylor and Worth unite and plant the American flag opposite Metamoros Worth's interview with La Vega and Cesares Fruitless efforts of our generals to establish ami ty Description of the country round Matamoros appearance of the town. The qualities which characterize the Mexican soldier, as described in the last chapter, mark also the statesman of that country. Their loud and vain-glorious professions of re solve; their bombastic proclamations; their short, passion ate and revolutionary governments; their personal rivalries and universal anarchy, denote impulsive tempers utterly in capable of sustained self-rule or resistance. To those who are familiar with Mexican history, this is not a novel fact, yet it has been astonishingly manifested in the war between our countries. It would be a tedious task to recount the various manifestos and despatches that were written to con trol and satisfy public sentiment in regard to the pending difficulties. Diplomacy is the weapon of weak powers, and the pen is a most important implement when defeat, inac tion or incompetency are to be excused to the Mexicans. There is something perhaps in the genius of the Spanish language that renders it peculiarly appropriate to appease the vanity of those who speak it. The natural vehicle, of eloquence, its magic words, its magnificent phrases and its 136 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN sonorous sentences march along in solemn and pompous procession, and compel the attention of ever}' listener. Simple sentiments, clothed in the expressions of this beau tiful tongue assume new and striking shapes, and the judg ment is charmed or swayed by sympathy with the ear. The statesmen of Mexico are aware of these extraordi nary advantages, and whether they have to account for a lost battle, tranquillize a passionate mob, or satisfy an im portunate diplomat, they are equally ready to resort to the armory of their resounding language for defence. We have already seen that Paredes overthrew Herrera's administration by means of the Texan question and oppo sition to negotiation with our government. When Gene ral Taylor advanced towards the Rio Grande this chieftain was still president and quite as unable to fulfil the promises to repel us as his predecessor's had been in 1844 and 1845. Feeling, under the peculiar views of the controversy they entertained, that the honor of their country required our ex pulsion from Texas, they had announced and pledged this auspicious result to the people. But at the moment when all these extraordinary boasts were made, they were, doubt less, designed only to serve a temporary purpose, under the hope that some fortuitous circumstance might occur which would exhonerate them from war. I have heretofore stated that the Mexicans were encouraged in resistance by the be lief of impending difficulties with England. In addition to this, Paredes probably relied on foreign interference in con sequence of his monarchical schemes; nor was it until the spring and summer of 1846, that all these prospects were blighted by the energetic course of our senate and the dis cretion of the British cabinet in regard to Oregon. But it was "thjn -too late to retreat, for hostilities had already commenced. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 137 Loud as were the Mexicans in their fulminations against our alleged usurpation, I am inclined to believe they never seriously contemplated the invasion of Texas, but hoped either to let the question sleep for many years in the port folios of negotiators whilst a rigorous non-intercourse was preserved, or to solicit, finally, the mediatorial influence of Great Britain and France in order to prevent war if our con gress intimated a disposition to declare it. This opinion is founded upon the remarkable proclamation issued in Mexico on the 21st of March, 1846, by General Paredes.* His lan guage is still decided in regard to Mexican rights over Texas; but he asserts that "the authority to declare war against the United States is not vested in him" and that the congress of the nation, which is about to assemble, must consider what is necessary in the approaching conflict. This proclamation was issued in the capital after it was known that our army was advancing to the Rio Grande, and on the very day when Mr. SlidelPs passports were sent him at Jalapa by the Mexican government. But between the 21st of March and the 23d of April the provisional presi dent's opinion of his rights underwent a change, for, on that day, he published another proclamation in which he asserts that he had "sent orders to the general in chief of the divi sion of the northern frontier to act in hostility against the army which is in hostility against us ; to oppose war to the enemy which wars upon us;" though, in conclusion, he an nounces that still he "does not declare war against the gov ernment of the United States of America."! Thus, under the masked name of hostilities, the Mexican government au thorised the first war-like blows to be struck, because, as it alleged, we had invaded the national domain by marching * See Mexico as it was, &c., 4th ed. p. 407. f Diario oficial April 24. 18 138 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN to Matamores. It was the forced realization of all those gasconading manifestos, which for the last two years had breathed war and defiance against the United States. Such, then, was the actual origin of the collision, for the troops and officers of General Taylor religiously abstained from acts of military violence, and confined themselves exclu sively to the defence of the territory they were directed to hold. That mere protection was the undoubted purpose of our government, will not be questioned by the reader when he recollects the smallness of our army, and its entire want of preparation to molest or invade a nation of more than seven millions of inhabitants. In the last chapter, General Taylor was left on his way to Point Isabel, while Worth moved in the direction of Mata- moros.* During the march of our column towards the sea shore it was approached, on its right flank, by a party of Mexicans bearing a white flag, which proved to be a civil deputation from Matamoros desiring an interview with the commander-in-chief. General Taylor apprised the represen tatives of Tamaulipas that he would halt at the first suitable place on the road to afford them a reception ; but it was * I desire it may be remembered that the important facts related by me in regard to our military and diplomatic movements are all given upon the authority of official papers published by congress. The reader who wishes to verify them will do well to provide himself with the volumes of execu tive documents, for I shall not deem it necessary to incumber the margins of my pages with continual references. I have been scrupulously accu rate in all my quotations from American authorities, and have observed the same course in regard to the Mexican reports, proclamations and mani festos. See especially, (for this volume,) Senate doc. No. 337, 29th cong. 1st sess. H. of R. doc. No. 197, id. Senate doc. No. 378, id. Senate doc. No 388, id. H. of R. doc. No. 4, 29th cong. 2d sess. H. of R. doc. No. 19, id. H. of R. doc. No. 42, id. Senate doc. No. 107, id. H. of R doc. No. 119, id. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 139 found necessary to pass on to Point Isabel without delay in consequence of the want of water elsewhere on the route. The deputation, however, declined accompanying our forces towards their destination, and halting a few miles from the Point, sent a formal protest of the prefect of the northern district of Tamaulipas against our occupation of the dis puted country. At this moment it was discovered that the buildings of Point Isabel were in flames. The retreating Mexicans had set fire to the edifices to prevent our occupa tion; and, as General Taylor considered this a direct and vexatious evidence of hostility, and was unwilling to be trifled with by the tools of the military authorities of Mata- moros, he dismissed the deputation with the information that he would answer the protest when he was opposite the city. The cavalry was forthwith pushed on to the burning town in time to arrest the fire which consumed but three or four houses ; yet the inhabitants had already fled, and the officer, who committed the incendiary act under the orders, it is said, of General Mejia, was nowhere to be found. As our troops entered the village they were gratified to find that the transports from Corpus Christi had exactly an swered their land movement, and that the steamers had ar rived in the harbor with the convoy close in their rear, only a few hours before our forces entered from the desert. General Taylor immediately directed the engineers to ex amine the ground with a view of tracing lines of defence and strengthening a position, which he decided should form the great depot of our forces. Point Isabel is approached from the sea through the Bra zos de Santiago. It is a wild and desolate sea coast, de fended by bars and strewn with wrecks. In former years, 140 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN a small Mexican village and fort, containing a couple of cannons, stood upon the Brazos Point, but during one of those terrific storms which ravage the Mexican coast, the sea rose above the frail barrier of shifting sand, and when the tempest subsided, it was discovered that the village and fortification had been engulphed beneath the waves. Few places are more inhospitable on the American coast than the bar of Brazos. There is no friendly shore under whose protecting lee ships may seek safety during the awful hurricanes that so often descend upon them without a mo ments warning. But when a vessel has fairly passed the entrance, she moves along securely over the waters of the bay, and anchors under cover of the sand hills to the left whilst her passengers and freight are landed in boats or lighters. On a bluff promontory jutting out into the bay and slop ing gradually inland, stands the village of Isabel. Its houses denoted the character of its people. The spars of wrecked vessels, a few reeds, and the debris of a stormy shore, thatched with grass and sea weed, formed the mate rials of which they were built, while a vagabond race, fifty or sixty in number, constituted the official but smuggling population, which was prepared to protect the revenue of Mexico or receive bribes from contrabandists, as their inter ests might dictate. A certain Senor Rodriguez was the captain of this important port at the period of our occupa tion; and, being a person equally ready to take pay from importers or exporters of goods as well as to receive further compensation for concealing his roguery from the govern ment, he deemed it his duty, as a faithful officer, to destroy the custom house by the conflagration that incensed General Taylor against the prefect of Tamaulipas.* Such was * Our army on the Rio Grande, chap. y. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 141 Point Isabel and its vagrant inhabitants, when abandoned to our forces, and adopted as a depot. While the engineers were engaged in fortifying a position, which was soon to become of so much importance in the war, General Taylor rejoined the division under Worth's command, and on the morning of the 28th of March, the order was given for all the columns to advance towards Matamoros. At half past six the movement began. The arms were closely inspected, and every man was directed to be on the alert in case of sudden attack. Yet no symptom of fear was exhibited in our ranks, while the squadrons pressed on gaily, with merry songs and pleasant chat. About a mile from the Rio Grande they saw the first house on their route of more than one hundred and fifty miles from Corpus Christi. The dark eyed Mexicans were lounging with apparent indifference about their doors, and returned civil answers to our inquiries. Soon after, the city of Mata moros came in sight; and, with bands playing, and regi mental colors flying to the wind, we arrived opposite the town at noon. From the head quarters of General Mejia, the Mexican standard was displayed, and, in a short time a temporary flagstaff, prepared by the eighth regiment, under the superintendence of Lieut. Col. Belknap, was raised aloft bearing the American ensign; but no other manifestation of joy was given than by the national airs which were pealed forth from our regimental bands. The moment our flag was displayed, it was saluted, from Matamoros, by the consulate flags of France and England ; while the absence of our own banner from the opposite shore denoted the departure or re straint of the commercial representative of our Union.* As soon as our colors were raised on the eastern bank * Army on the Rio Grande, chap. ii. 142 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN of the Rio Grande, General Worth and his staff descended to the water's edge, bearing a white flag and a communica tion from the commander-in-chief, announcing formally the purpose of our advance to the dividing stream. General Taylor believed that this would be the means either of es tablishing friendly relations between the posts, or of eliciting the final decision of the Mexican government. As soon as Worth and his companions were perceived from the oppo site bank two cavalry officers crossed with an interpreter. After some delay in parleying, it was announced that Gen eral La Vega would receive our messenger on the right bank of the river, to which he immediately passed, accom panied by his aid-de-camp Lieutenant Smith, and Lieute nants Magruder, Deas, and Blake, attached to his staff, and Lieutenant Knowlton as interpreter. On arriving at the Mexican quarters, General Worth was courteously received by La Vega and introduced to Don Juan Garza, oficial de defensores, and to the Licenciado Cesares, who represented the authorities of Matamoros. La Vega informed General Worth that he had been directed to receive such communications as might be presented, and accompanied his tender with the remark that the march of the United States troops through a portion of Tamaulipas was considered by his country as an act of war. This was no time to discuss the international question, and Worth, properly refraining from conversation upon so vexatious a topic, proceeded, as an act of courtesy, to read the open document he bore, which he afterwards withdrew inasmuch as it had not been received personally by General Mejia the commander-in-chief at Matamoros. A demand to see our consul was refused by the Mexicans, and although we learned that he was not under restraint but still continued in the exercise of his official duties, all com- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 143 munication with that functionary was peremptorily denied. Thus terminated, unsatisfactorily, another effort on our part to employ diplomacy in the establishment of harmonious feelings with the local authorities of Matamoros; and not withstanding General Worth was assured that "Mexico had not declared war against the Union," and that "the coun tries were still at peace," he returned to the American camp with gloomy forebodings for the future.* If there was little to hope from the people of Mexico, or little attractive in the prospect of social intercourse between the camp and town, there was much to gratify the eye of our fatigued soldiers in the scenery that lay before them. On their long and toilsome march they had been relieved from the dreary wastes of Texas as soon as they beheld the blue haze hanging over the distant windings of the Rio Grande. The city of Matamoros, as seen from the oppo site side of the river, skirts the stream for more than a mile with its neat and comfortable dwellings. As the trade of this town is chiefly carried on with the interior, there has been no need of encroaching with wharves and walls on the margin of the river. Hence the city is somewhat re moved from the banks, and embowered amid extensive groves and gardens, from the midst of whose luxuriant fo liage its towers and dwellings rise in broken but graceful lines. There is but little timber near the river, which tra verses beautiful prairies as it approaches the sea. The hand of culture has taken these waving meadows under its pro tection ; and, on all sides the landscape is dotted with abun dant vegetation. The grass covered banks are screened by shrubbery or grazed by cattle; while the stream, winding * See Senate doc. 337, 29th cong. 1st sess. for a memorandum of General Worth's spirited interview with La Vega and Cesares. 144 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN along in easy curves, is so narrow near the city that conver sation may be easily carried on from its opposite sides. "The rich verdure of the shores, the cultivated gardens scattered around, the clustering fig and pomegranite trees," contrasted with the desert through which our troops had passed, converted this land into a scene of enchantment. The fatigued soldiers were repaid for all their toils. Exis tence, alone, in so beautiful a climate and with such deli cious prospects, was sufficient recompense for our men, and they gazed with delight at the hostile shore as martial don and gay donzella poured out in crowds from the walls of Matamoros to behold the foreign flag and the bold intruders clustered beneath its folds. CHAPTER V. Military and civil proclamations against the United States at Matamoros in April, 1846 General Taylor's pacific policy Desertion from our army promoted by Ampudia and Arista Shooting of deserters, seen swimming the river, ordered Construction of the fort opposite Mata- moros^-Guerillas on the left bank Ampudia and Arista arrive Death of Colonel Cross Expedition of Lieutenants Dobbins and Porter Death of Porter Surprise and surrender of Captain Thornton's party of dra goons Ampudia and General Taylor on the blockade of the mouth of the river Fort capable of defence ; left under the command of Major Brown Walker's men surprised on the prairie Taylor goes to Point Isabel Cannonade heard^ from Matamoros May with his dragoons and Walker sent to the fort for tidings Their adventures Return to Point Isabel Taylor calls on Texas and Louisiana for reinforcements cha racter and quality of the Texan R-anger. THE months of March and April, 1846, were fruitful in civil and military proclamations at Matamoros, manifesting a hostile spirit against our country, but General Taylor per sisted in his pacific conduct and directed all under his com mand to observe a scrupulous regard to the municipal rights and religious usages of the quiet Mexicans whom they found in the neighborhood of the Rio Grande. In order that no pretext of ignorance might be pleaded by our adversaries, in this respect, his orders were published in Spanish as well as English, and freely distributed among the people. It Is to be regretted that a similar forbearance was not exhibited by our opponents. As soon as our forces appeared in the vicinity of Matamoros they began to intrigue with our subal terns. It was known that our army, made up at random from a population of natives and emigrants, contained indi viduals bom in Europe ; and, to the religious and political 19 146 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN prejudices of this class, the authorities addressed them selves.* In consequence of these seditious appeals, the evil of de sertion increased to an alarming extent, and the most effec tual measures were necessary to prevent the contagion from spreading. As our deserters, by merely swimming the nar row river, were at once within the enemy's lines, pursuit and apprehension, with a view to trial, were out of the question. General Taylor, therefore, deemed it his duty, warranted by the hostile attitude of the Mexicans, to order that all men seen swimming across the river should be hailed by our pickets and ordered to return, and, in case they did * The following document was circulated by Mexican emissaries and spies among our troops : " The commander-in-chicf of the Mexican army to the English and Irish under the orders of the American General Taylor : " KNOW YE : That the government of the United States is committing repeated acts of barbarous aggression against the magnanimous Mexican nation ; that the government which exists under " the flag of the stars" is unworthy of the designation of Christian. Recollect that you were born in Great Britain ; that the American government looks with coldness upon the powerful flag of St. George, and is provoking to a rupture the warlike people to whom it belongs, President Polk boldly manifesting a desire to take possession of Oregon, as he has already done of Texas. Now, then, come with all confidence to the Mexican ranks, and I guarantee to you, upon my honor, good treatment, and that all your expenses shall be de frayed until your arrival in the beautiful capital of Mexico. " Germans, French, Poles, and individuals of other nations ! Separate yourselves from the Yankees, and do not contribute to defend a robbery and usurpation which, be assured, the civilized nations of Europe look upon with the utmost indignation. Come, therefore, and array yourselves under the tri-colored flag, in the confidence that the God of armies protects it, and that it will protect you equally with the English. PEDRO DE AMPUDIA. FRANCISCO R. MORENO, Adj. of the commander-in-chief. Head Quarters, upon the Road to Matamoros, rfpril, 2, 1846." Another and similar appeal was made by Arista on the 20th of April. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 147 not obey this summons, they should be shot. These strin gent orders were verbally given to the several comman ders, about the beginning of April, and checked the prac tice, though it is believed that only two men, privates of fifth and seventh infantry, from France and Switzerland, fell victims to the fatal command. Thus failed so dastardly an attempt to interfere by intrigue with the morale of our army. Taylor was undoubtedly justified in resorting to the most efficient means to prevent the decimation of his scant ' forces ; and although some sensitive politicians in our Union were scandalized by the severity of his orders, yet, when they learned that the men who were induced to desert had been used in subsequent actions against us by the Mexicans, their philanthropic clamor was drowned in the universal voice of approval. The manifestly warlike appearance of the Mexicans, and the attempts they were making to fortify the right bank of the river, induced General Taylor to strengthen the position of his camp on the opposite side. Accordingly on the 6th of April a battery for four eigh teen pounders, bearing directly on the public square and in good range for demolishing the town, had already been com pleted and the guns mounted, whilst the engineers were busy in laying out a strong bastioned field fort for a garrison of five hundred men in the rear of the battery. But the Mexicans did not leave us long in doubt as to their ultimate designs. Their chief embarrassment seemed to consist in a want of troops and efficient commanders, yet this was remedied by the arrival of considerable reinforcements in the course of the month. Meantime, however, the chappa- rals and lonely prairies of the left bank of the Rio Grande, swarmed with ranchero cavalry, not authorized perhaps by 148 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN the powers in Matamoros to attack us directly, but whose predatory habits and Arab warfare were encouraged against small bodies of our men until the main army should be en abled to strike a decisive blow. On the 10th of April, Colonel Cross, a deputy quarter master-general mounted his horse and proceeded to ride, as usual, for exercise, but the night passed without his return, nor was his fate known until ten days after, when a skele ton,, found on the plains, was identified as that of the un fortunate officer. The mode of his death or the names of his slayers have never been discovered. But it was gene rally reported and believed that he had been captured by the lawless band of Romano Falcon, a ranchqro bandit, and, after being robbed of every thing valuable, was shot with a pistol by the robber captain. With a view to check the depredations of these guerillas, Lieutenants Dobbins of the third infantry, and Porter of the fourth, two bold and hardy soldiers, were authorised to scour the country with a body of picked men, and capture or destroy any such parties they might encounter. It ap pears that they separated in quest of the enemy, and that Lieutenant Porter at the head of his own detachment sur prised an armed troop, numbering nearly one hundred and fifty, engaged in jerking beef. Upon the approach of our officer one of the Mexicans snapped a musket at him, a salu tation which Lieutenant Porter returned by the discharge of his double barreled gun. Upon this the Mexicans fled to the screen of the chapparal. Porter took possession of the horses and blankets of the fugitives, and, mounting his men, started for head quarters. At this moment, however, the rain began to pour down with the violence that is only wit nessed in tropical climates, and whilst the Lieutenant and his party were passing through a dense copse of chapparal MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 149 they were fired on by the enemy from an ambush. Shot followed shot from the secret foe in rapid succession, but our unfortunate men were unable to sustain the contest, as their powder had been soaked by the sudden shower. They wisely retreated, therefore, to the chapparal, and, separating into three parties, found their way to camp ; but the luckless Porter, having been wounded in the thigh, was seized by the Mexicans as soon as his men departed, and despatched with their knives whilst they shrieked and yelled over his mangled body like a band of infuriate demons. Acts like these, characteristic of the worst periods of bor der raids, denoted the approaching storm. The country east of the Rio Grande bristled with irregular troopers. It was unsafe to go beyond the hail of sentinels, and the peaceful aspect of nature which had charmed our men so greatly upon their arrival was changed for the stem alarums of war. By the joyous peals of the church bells, the shouts of acclamation, and the report of spies, we learned that General Ampudia had arrived in Matamoros, and that, some days later, he was followed by Arista, who immediately as sumed the chief command and apprised General Taylor, in courteous terms, that he considered hostilities commenced and was resolved to prosecute them. Among all these notes of war-like preparation, none per haps were more significant than the adventure which must be now recorded. On the 24th of April a squadron of dra goons, sixty-three in number, under the orders of Captains Thornton and Hardee, and of Lieutenants Mason and Kane, was despatched by General Taylor to reconnoitre the river for thirty miles above the camp in the direction of La Rosia. When the troopers arrived within three miles of the post they learned that the enemy had crossed and occupied the 150 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN country in considerable force. This was about twenty-eight miles from our camp, and as soon as the news was received, the guide, by name Capito,- refused to proceed any further. It appears from all the documents I have been able to ex amine that Captain Thornton exercised a wise precaution on the march and in the disposition of his troops, by throwing out advance and rear guards although it was impossible to avail himself of the advantage of flankers in consequence of the nature of the road which was often a perfect defile, admitting, at times, of the passage only of a single horse man. As he had reason to doubt the fidelity of his guide, he resolved to advance without him, redoubling, however, his vigilance, and increasing his van guard, under the com mand of Lieutenant Mason, whom he ordered not to fire upon the enemy unless assaulted. The rear was assigned to Captain Hardee, and, in this order, the party cautiously proceeded until it reached a large plantation bordering the river and hemmed in by a fence of lofty and impenetrable chapparal. Captain Thornton endeavored to approach the houses at the upper end of this enclosure by entering its lower extremity, but failing to accomplish his object, he passed around the thicket and reached the field across a pair of bars which served for gateway. The edifice was situ ated about two hundred yards from this narrow aperture in the bristling wall, and, towards it, the whole command di rected its steps in single file, without placing a sentinel at the bars, or observing any other precaution to prevent sur prise. It seems that Captain Thornton, though a skilful and brave officer, as his campaigns against the Indians in Florida had proved, was prepossessed with the idea that the Mexicans had not crossed the river, and that even if they had, they would not fight. It was a fatal mistake. Cap tain Hardee, as has been stated, was charged with the rear MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 151 guard and was therefore the last to enter with his horsemen. As he approached the dwelling he perceived the troopers who were already within the enclosure scattered in every direction seeking for some one with whom to communicate. At length an old Mexican was discovered, and, while Thorn ton was conversing with him, the alarm was given that the enemy were seen in numbers at the bars. This was a be wildering surprise. Yet the gallant commander immediately gave the order to charge and personally led the advance to cut his way through the Mexicans. But it was too late; the enemy had already secured the entrance, and it was im possible to force their serried lines. Cooped and hampered as were our men within the impervious walls of chapparal and aloes, their flight was almost hopeless. The Mexican infantry had been stationed in the field on the right of the road while their cavalry lined the exterior fence, so that our retreat was entirely cut off. Seeing this, Thornton turned to the right, and skirted the interior of the chapparal with his command, whilst the enemy poured in their vollies in every direction. By this time disorder was triumphant. Hardee dashed up to Thornton and urged that the only hope of safety was in concentrated action and in the destruction of the fence ; but, though the order was immediately given, he could neither stop his men nor his horse. Our troop ers, perfectly ensnared, seem to have become frantic with rage, and consequently to have lost the control of dis cipline. Like so many animals at bay, each one sought safety for himself, by attempting to traverse or leap the thorny boundaries of the farm. Yet all efforts were useless, for, by this time, the enemy had gained on our men with great numbers, and, completely surrounded as the plantation was, nothing remained but to surrender according to the usages of civilized nations. General Torrejon, who com- 152 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN manded the Mexicans, received the submission of Captain Hardee ; and, together with Lieutenant Kane, who had also been captured, he was conducted to Matamoros on the 27th, where they were lodged with General Ampudia and treated most graciously by Arista. Forty-five of our cavalry were taken prisoners in this disastrous affair, but the brave Mason was slain during the conflict. Sergeant Tredo, a valiant soldier, fell in the first charge; Sergeant Smith was un horsed and killed, and the bodies of seven men were found on the field of strife.* This was a disheartening event for the Americans, and a subject of exultation for the Mexicans. It was neither a battle nor even an affray; yet, bearing to warfare the same relation that trapping does to sportsmanship, it nevertheless afforded material for Mexican gasconade. "This," said Arista in his letter of acknowledgment to Torrejon, "has been a day of rejoicing to the division of the north which has just received the joyous news of the triumph of your brigade. The delighted country will celebrate this prelimi nary to the glorious deeds that her happy sons will in future present her!" For some days it. was supposed that Thorn ton had been slain, but on the 29th his comrades were de lighted to hear that he had cut his way through the enemy, and after running the gauntlet of his foes, had been captured only in consequence of the fall of his horse. * As soon as Ampudia assumed the command he ordered all Americans to leave Matamoros within twenty-four hours for Victoria, a town in the interior of Tamaulipas ; and on the twelfth of April he addressed a note to Gene ral Taylor requiring him, within the same peremptory * Captains Thornton's and Hardee's reports to General Taylor. H. of R. doc. No. 119, 29th cong. 2d sess. pp. 19 and 20. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 153 period of time to break up his camp, and retire to the other bank of the Nueces, whilst their respective governments were deciding their quarrel by negotiation. He informed our commander that if he persisted in remaining on the al leged soil of Tamaulipas, arms, alone, could decide the dispute, but that the war, which would necessarily ensue, should be conducted, upon the. part of Mexico, conformably to the principles and rights established by the civilized world. General Taylor did not delay his reply. On the same day he answered the Mexican chief, that inasmuch as he was charged with the military and not the diplomatic duties of the controversy, he could not discuss the interna tional question involved in the advance of the American army, but that he would unhesitatingly continue to occupy the positions he held at Isabel and opposite Matamoros in spite of all menaces. The hostile declarations and alterna tive presented by Ampudia induced Taylor to order the stringent blockade of the Rio Grande, so as to stop all sup plies for the city, and the naval commander at the Brazos de Santiago was directed to dispose his forces accordingly. A body of Texan rangers, under the command of Captain Walker, a tried and daring soldier of the frontier, was sta tioned on the road to Point Isabel. During the night of the 27th and 28th of April, the troops, at the latter place, consist ing chiefly of two companies of artillery, under the command of Major Monroe, were in momentary expectation of attack in consequence of rumors from the enemy, for it was known that large bodies of Mexicans had crossed the river and were striving to interpose themselves between Isabel and the fort opposite Matamoros in order to cut off supplies for the garrison. Several teams that departed from the depot for the fort were forced to return, and, on the morning of the 20 154 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN 28th the camp of Walker was surprised on the prairie by a party of bold rancheros who killed five of our rangers and dispersed the rest, while the officer of the company and half of his command were absent on detached service. By this time the works opposite Matamoros were well advanced, yet, owing to the peculiar nature of the country and our deficiency in the proper description of light troops, we were kept in ignorance of the enemy's movements on the left bank. It was ascertained, however, with sufficient cer tainty, that they were continuing to throw considerable forces on the eastern shore, with the design of attacking our command; and General Taylor received information, upon which he could rely, that Arista had prepared to pass the Rio Grande, below Matamoros, in order to effect a junc tion with his forces from above. It was not believed, how ever, that he would assault the position opposite that city even with four thousand men, and hence our commander- in- chief supposed that the depot at Isabel was the object of his movement. This impression was strengthened by the fact that since a rigid blockade of the river was maintained, pro visions had become exceedingly scarce at Matamoros ; and, therefore, hastening the completion of the field work, he was able by great exertions on the part of our troops, to bring it to a good state of defence by the first of May. The seventh infantry under Major Brown, Captain Lowd's and Lieutenant Bragg's companies of artillery, together with the sick of the army, were left in the work ; and, on the after noon of that day, General Taylor moved with the main force under his immediate command in the direction of Point Isa bel. At eleven o'clock, the army, by a rapid march, was enabled to bivouack on the prairie at a distance of ten miles from the depot, and on the next day, it reached its destina tion without encountering the enemy, though the scouts MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 155 surprised and shot several men belonging to the Mexican pickets. On the morning and during the day of the 3d of May, a heavy canonnade in the direction of Matamoros announced to General Taylor that an attack had probably been com menced on the American fort. This was a different result from his anticipations, and made him extremely anxious for the fate of the small but brave command that had been left, with slender supplies of rations and ammunition, in the in complete field work. Accordingly, on the evening of that day, a squadron of one hundred dragoons under Captain May, accompanied by Walker and ten of his daring rangers, was despatched to pass, if possible, through the hordes of Mexican guerillas that lined the road. They were ordered to proceed within a few miles of Fort Brown and reconnoitre the country on the left towards the river: next to take a position on the edge of the chapparal, and, if the commander heard no firing from our fort, he was then to despatch a small command un der Walker to communicate with Major Brown. After this he was to await the return of the gallant rangers,. and repair to Point Isabel. May and his troopers, alert for such an adventurous en- terprize, stole onward towards Matamoros, under cover of night, and, about nine o'clock, beheld the enemy's camp fires on the field of Palo Alto. Avoiding the outposts and cautiously circling the Mexican front, he passed the foe, and galloped towards the American fort, until, hearing no sound of cannon in that direction, he halted with his command under the protecting screen of an extensive chapparal, about seven miles from Matamoros. Here he detached Walker and six of his rangers, best skilled in woodcraft, to communicate 156 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN according to orders, with Major Brown, while he awaited their return in his concealed position. It was between two and three o'clock in the morning that Walker crept up to the bastions of our fort and was hailed by the sentinel. As soon as he was recognized his party was placed in a secure position, and the bold ranger admit ted by a ladder to the fort. Major Brown reported the facts of the assault from Matamoros and the condition of his de fences, as speedily as possible, and Walker and his men, mounting fresh horses, dashed off towards May so as to pass the enemy's lines before day-light. But, as he approached the thicket where he left the command, he found the troopers gone; and returning to the fort, which he reached before reveille, he awaited the approach of night before he again attempted to perform his dangerous service. Meanwhile May and his men had remained in their sad dles until about half an hour before day, when, from the protracted absence of the ranger, they believed that the ene my's scouts had detected him. Walker had been already away about six hours ; and as May's force was unable to cope with the supposed numbers of the Mexicans, and peremptory orders had been given to retire to Isabel, he im mediately passed down the enemy's lines at a brisk gallop over the prairie. About twelve miles from our camp he suddenly discovered a hundred and fifty lancers drawn up across the road to dispute his passage, but speedily forming his line, he charged the troop, and, driving it towards the Mexican camp, followed the fugitives for three miles on his wearied horses. Fearing, however, that larger forces might be lying in ambush in the fields, and perceiving that the enemy's cavalry was fleeter than his own, he abandoned the pursuit and reached Point Isabel about nine o'clock. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 157 But Walker was not to be defeated in his gallant effort to bear tidings to Taylor of the fortunes of the fort. As soon as it was dark on the 4th, he remounted with his trusty band and concealed on his person the despatch which Major Brown had prepared in the interval. Every copse and thicket along the road, suitable for an ambush, was filled with foes anxious to cut off his return to camp, for, as it was subsequently ascertained, the Mexicans had obtained information of his purposes. But Walker passed unhurt through all these impediments, and brought the cheerful news that all was as yet safe in the staunch little fort. Late in April, and while the events, related in this chap ter, were occurring, by which it became evident that serious hostilities were, at length, intended, General Taylor pru dently began to strengthen his army by demands for rein forcements under the discretionary powers vested in him by government. In March, he had already called the notice of the war department to the necessity of sending recruits to fill up the regiments even to the extent of the existing feeble establishment; but, in April he authorized the raising of two companies of mounted men from Texas, and called upon the governor of that State for four regiments of volun teers, two of which were to act as cavalry and two to serve on foot. As some delay might occur in collecting these troops, he, moreover, desired the governor of Louisiana to despatch four regiments of infantry as soon as practicable, and, with this auxiliary force of nearly five thousand men, he hoped to prosecute the impending war with energy, or to carry it, if needful, into the enemy's country. On the sixth of May, Lieutenant McPhail reached Point Isabel with some recruits for the army; and, after filling up the permanent garrison with the men who were still too raw 158 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN to encounter the dangers of actual field service, General Taylor determined to march on the following day with the main body of the forces to open a communication with Major Brown and to throw forward the needful supplies of ord nance and provisions. The language of our chief did not betoken the fears which, at that moment, were felt through out the country for the fate of his brave command, sur rounded as it was believed to be, by an imposing army of Mexicans led by their bravest generals. "If the enemy oppose my march, in whatever force," said Taylor, " I shall fight him!" It was this little phrase that inspirited the anxious heart of his country and denoted the energetic cha racter of the hero whose skill and genius were so soon to be developed in active warfare. When he inarched from the banks of the Rio Grande on the 1st of May, the Mexicans believed that he fled to secure his personal safety at Point Isabel, whilst he abandoned the infantry and artillery in the fort opposite Matamoros as an easy prey to their valiant arms. Accordingly, the bells of the city rang their merry peals, and repeated bursts of military music denoted that it was a gala day in the ancient city. At that moment the great body of the Mexican army crossed the stream under the orders of General Torrejon, and these were the forces that Walker and his rangers had eluded while bearing to Isabel the cheering despatch from Major Brown. At the close of this chapter, and while we are preparing for graver subjects, it may not be uninteresting for the reader to obtain a careful picture of those TEXAN RANGERS, whose services had already proved so useful, and who were to play an important part in this bloody drama. These were the bold and reckless children of the frontier, who lived forever in warlike harness, prompt to suppress the MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 159 savage raids of the Indians and mongrel Mexicans who har- rassed the settlements of western Texas in the neighborhood of the Guadalupe, La Vaca and San Antonio. Organizing themselves in regular companies for mutual protection along a ravaged border, they were continually prepared alike for camp or battle, and opposed themselves to the enemy at the outpost barriers of civilization. It must not be supposed that men whose life is passed in the forest, on the saddle, or around the fire of a winter bivouack, can present the gallant array of troopers on parade, hence the Texan Ranger is careless of external appearance, and adapts his dress strictly to the wants of useful service. His first care is to provide himself with a stalwart and nimble horse, perfectly broken and capable of enduring fatigue in a south ern climate. His Spanish saddle, or saddle frame, is care fully covered with the $kins of wild animals, while, from its sides depend some twenty or thirty leatheren thongs to which are attached all the various trappings needed in the woods. No baggage is permitted to accompany the troop and en cumber it in the wilderness. A braided lariat and a cabaros of horse-hair are coiled around his saddle-bow, the latter to be unwound at nightfall and laid in circles on the ground to prevent the approach of reptiles which glide off from the sleeper when they touch the bristling hair of the instrument, while his horse, tethered by the long and pliant lariat trail ing along the ground, wanders but little from the spot where his master reposes. Stout buckskin leggings, hunting shirt, and cap, protect the ranger's body from the sharp spines of aloes, or the briars and branches of the matted forest. His weapons, next to his horse, exact his attention. His long and heavy rifle carries from fifty to sixty bullets to the pound ; around his waist is belted a bowie-knife or home made hanger, and 160 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN sometimes, a brace of revolving pistols is added to this powerful armory. Across his right side are slung his pouch of balls and powder-horn, and the strap by which they are suspended is widened or padded over the shoulder to relieve the weight and presure of his gun. A practised shot, he can hit his mark unerringly in full career. He may be called a " picked man," though not in the sense of the phrase as or dinarily used in military affairs. Nevertheless he is a choice soldier, for none but men of equal stamp and hardihood find their way to the border and congregate naturally for the hazardous life they endure. From .the period of 'the battle of San Jacinto to the year 1841, when they formed themselves into regular squadrons of rangers, these were the hardy woodsmen, who defended the frontier as independent troops, free from the control of State or government. Whenever Indians or Mexicans ap proached the settlements, runners were quickly despatched along the streams to sound the alarm, and in a few hours the wild huntsmen were roused for a campaign of months. All they needed for the foray was their horse, their weapons, their blankets, their pouch with fifty balls, and their bushel of parched and pounded corn. In hot weather or cold, in wet or dry, they carried no tents, and required no fresh food save the game of the forest. Such was the Texan Ranger at the outbreak of this war, light in heart, indomitable in courage, capable of vast endurance, and sworn in his hatred of In dians and Mexicans. His life was one of continual anxiety and surprises which made him alert and watchful. He was neither a troubadour nor a crusader, yet his mode of exist ence had charms for multitudes of adventurers. It was not disgust with society or disregard of its comforts that forced these knights errant to the forest and kept them in a state of continual excitement; but there was a certain de- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 161 gree of romance in their wandering career that entitled them to respect and consideration even from the more sentimental inhabitants of cities. A life without restraint, except need ful subordination when on actual duty, is always attractive, and the forester realizes it completely. Thinking much and speaking little, he considers his officer of no more value or importance than himself. Hence he yields obedience only because he knows the necessity of discipline in a hazardous service, while, off of duty, he is as familiar with his com mander as with a private. Thus the Ranger's existence has ever been a scene of fierce independence ; and though approaching the ranchero in some of his restless habits, he has, nevertheless, always been distinguished from that vile compound of ferocity, treachery and cruelty, by the remnants of civilization he has borne to the solitudes of \ the wilderness. He was destined to be of infinite value to the regular army in a country where it was important to obtain information by reckless means among an almost Arab population. Subsequent events proved that no scouting service was so severe, no adventure so dangerous, that he would not risk his life and exercise the cunning of his craft in performing it either on the thorny banks of the Rio Grande or among the mountain defiles of Monterey. CHAPTER VI. THE BATTLE OP PALO ALTO. ON the night of the 7th of May, with a force of over two thousand men and a supply train of two hundred and fifty wagons, General Taylor bivouacked on the plains about seven miles from Point Isabel. The whole of the country is extremely flat in the neighborhood of the river and on the road to Matamoros. In some places, broad thickets cover the levels, in others, wide prairies spread out dotted, here and there, with bushes avid ponds. Early on the morning of Friday, the 8th, our camp was broken up and the little army set in motion towards the fort. About noon the scouts reported that the Mexicans were drawn up in our front, covering the road with all their forces ; and as soon, therefore, as we reached the broad field of Palo Alto, a halt was ordered to refresh our men, and form our line of battle with due deliberation. Far across the prairie, at the dis tance of three quarters of a mile, were discerned the glitter ing masses of the enemy. Infantry and cavalry were ranged, alternately, on the level field and stretched out for more than a mile in length, backed by the wiry limbs of the tall trees from which the battle ground has taken its name. The left wing, composed of heavy masses of horse, occupied the road, resting on a thicket of chapparal, and flanked by pondsj while large bodies of infantry were discovered on the right, greatly outnumbering our own force and standing somewhat MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 163 in a curved line, ready, as it were, to embrace our advancing columns. Orders were directly given on the American side to form the array for action. On our extreme right were ranged the fifth infantry under Colonel Mclntosh; Major Ringgold's artillery; the third infantry commanded by Captain L. M. Morris ; two eighteen pounders drawn by twenty yoke of oxen and commanded by Lieutenant Churchill, and lastly, the fourth infantry under Major Allen. The third and fourth regiments, formed the third brigade under Lieutenant Colo nel Garland, and all these corps, together with two squad rons of dragoons led by Ker and May, composed the right wing under the orders of Colonel Twiggs. The left was composed of a battalion of artillery commanded by Colonel Childs, Captain Duncan's light artillery, and the eighth in fantry under Captain Montgomery, all constituting the first brigade under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Belknap. The train, meanwhile, was packed near a pond under the direction of Captains Grossman and Myers, and protected by the squadron of Ker's dragoons. It was about two o'clock in the afternoon that our march against the enemy began by heads of columns, whilst the eighteen-pounder battery followed slowly along the road. During our advance it was deemed especially important to ascertain with accuracy the number and calibre of the enemy's cannon, and for this hazardous reconnoissance on an open plain, Lieutenant Blake, of the topographical engi neers, immediately volunteered. Passing the advanced guard at full speed, he dashed over the long grass that con cealed the opposing forces, until he approached within about eighty yards of the line where he had a distinct view of the enemy. The Mexicans gazed with surprise at this daring act, while Blake alighted from his horse, surveyed the whole 164 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN array with his glass, counting the squadrons and ordnance carefully, and then galloped down their front to the other wing of their extended line.* Scarcely had this gallant officer reported to our general when two of the enemy's batteries opened on us vigorously. Taylor immediately ordered our columns to halt, and de ploying into line, our artillery returned the fire, whilst the eighth infantry, on our extreme left, was thrown back to se cure that flank; and, thus, with the distance of only seven hundred yards between the opposing lines, the battle began with rattling vollies of ball and grape bounding over our heads. The first fires of the enemy injured us but little, while the heavy metal of our eighteen-pounders, and the smaller shot of Ringgold's battery, quickly dispersed the masses of cavalry on the left. Duncan's battery, supported by May's dragoons, was then thrown forward on that flank, and for more than an hour the incessant thunder of a can nonade raged along both fronts, making sad gaps in the battalions, rending the prairie, filling the air with dust and smoke, killing and wounding a .few, yet, producing no de cided effect. The Mexicans, unskilled in gunnery, fired without precision; but, at almost every discharge of the American ordnance, the shot told with wonderful precision among the Mexicans. Our artillery was directed not only to masses and groups of the enemy, but often to particular men, so that the officers felt as certain of their aim, as if firing with rifles. * Lieutenant Blake died about the time our fight commenced at Resaca de la Palma, on the 9th, from a wound inflicted by one of his own pistols. He had thrown his sword, to which his pistols were attached, on the ground on entering his tent. One pistol was discharged accidentally in the fall, and the ball entered his thigh, but was cut out of his breast. He died three hours afterwards. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 165 Meanwhile our infantry had been hitherto rather specta tors of the artillery's prowess, than active combatants ; but as the battle thickened the manoeuvreing of the enemy to out flank, us commenced. With infinitely smaller forces than the Mexicans, our policy had been to act on the defensive as much as possible, and to fed the enemy before we en gaged at closer quarters. Hence we awaited their first assault, made by a regiment of Mexican lancers led by Torrejon and supported by two pieces of artillery, which threatened our right flank by moving through the chapparal in the direction of our train. The fifth infantry was imme diately detached together with a section of Ringgold's bat tery and Walker's Texans, to check this dangerous move ment. The gallant regiment was thrown into a square with the Ranger and twenty of his troopers on its right, and thus stood ready to repulse 1fae charge. On came the advancing squadrons in splendid array, moving in solid masses of men and horse, each lance tipped with its gay and fluttering pen non. Ringgold, from his advanced position, galled them as they trotted onward ; Ridgely, from his closer ground, poured into them rapid vollies of grape and cannister; still they surged onward in spite of all resistance. At length, when within shot of the impervious square, suddenly, a sheet of deadly flame burst from the regiment, and breaking their array, forced them to recoil in confusion. Nevertheless the daring troop was not dismayed by the carnage. Form ing rapidly from its ruins an imposing mass, again it dashed towards the train, until the third infantry on our extreme right, under the orders of Colonel Twiggs, crippled its ad vance so completely, that it was impossible to rally. This was the last effort of the brave lancers. Repulsed in every eifort, they began to retreat rapidly but in order ; yet Ring- gold, Ridgely, and the regiments of infantry, still hung upon 166 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN their flank, and with their terrible discharges of grape and bullets, mowed wide openings in the flying ranks until they reached their line. Meantime the incessant blaze of our ar tillery had set fire to the withered prairie, whose tall grasses touched the very muzzles of our guns, and for a while the armies were concealed from each other in the mingled smoke of the recent battle and of the burning field. There was a pause in the conflict, as if the two comba tants, like gallant boxers, stopped a moment to take breath and survey each other with looks of defiance. The enemy's left had been driven back in confusion; and, as their can nonade ceased, the road remained free for the advance of our eighteen-pounders close to the first position that had been occupied by the Mexican cavalry. This was promptly ordered by General Taylor who caused the first brigade to take a new post on the left of that formidable battery. The fifth was also advanced to the extreme right of our new line, while the train was moved accordingly to suit the altered front. As the battalion of artillery advanced slowly over the field it came up to a private of the fifth, a gallant veteran of the old world who had escaped the fires of Austerlitz and Waterloo to die at Palo Alto. He was one of the first who fell in the action, and as his fellow soldiers paused a mo ment to compassionate his sufferings, when they saw the blood gushing with each pulsation from his shattered limbs he waved them onward "Go on companions, regardless of me," shouted he, "I've got but what a soldier enlists for, strike the enemy; let me die?" Such were the ex clamations of Napoleon's soldiers, at Marengo, when the advancing squadrons of cavalry hesitated to leap over the heaps of wounded Frenchmen: "Tread on me comrades; make a bridge of my body! Long live France! Vive la MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 167 liberte!" The romantic fervor of warlike enthusiasm de prives battle of half its horrors, and makes death on the field a glorious exit from the sufferings of humanity. The movements we made in changing our line were an swered by corresponding alterations of the Mexican front, and, after a suspension of action for nearly an hour the bat tle was resumed. The effect of these changes was to edge our right flank somewhat nearer Matamoros, and to enable our forces to hold the road against the Mexicans who rested their lines on the thickets in their rear. The attack was recommenced by a destructive fire of ar tillery. Wide openings were continually torn in the ene my's ranks by our marksmen, and the constancy with which the Mexican infantry endured the incessant hurricane of shot was the theme of universal admiration. Captain May, de tached with his squadron to make a demonstration on the left of the enemy, suffered severely from the copper grape of the Mexican artillery. Whilst passing the general and his staff with his troopers, the enemy concentrated the fire of their batteries upon him, killing six of his horses and wound ing five dragoons. Nevertheless he succeeded in gaming his desired position in order to charge the cavalry, but found the foe in such overwhelming numbers as to render utterly ineffectual any assault by his small command. The fourth infantry, which had been commanded to support the eighteen-pounders, was also exposed to a galling fire by which several men were killed and Captain Page mortally wounded. The great effort of the Mexicans was to silence that powerful battery, whose patient oxen had dragged it into the midst of the fight. Hence they directed their aim almost exclusively upon these tremendous pieces and upon 168 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN the light artillery of Major Ringgold, who was fatally struck by a cannon ball at this period of the conflict.* Meanwhile the battalion of artillery under Colonel Childs had been brought up to support the artillery on our right, and a strong demonstration of cavalry was now made by the enemy against this part of our line, while the column con tinued to advance under a severe fire from the eighteen- pounders. The battalion was instantly formed into square and held ready to receive the charge ; but when the advan cing squadrons were within close range, a storm of canister from the eighteen-pounders dispersed them. A rattling dis charge of small arms was then opened upon the square, but well aimed vollies from its front soon silenced all further efforts of the Mexicans in that quarter. It was now nearly dark, and the action terminated on our right, as the enemy were completely driven back from their position and foiled in every attempt either to break or outflank our gallant lines. While these actions were occurring on our right under the eye of General Taylor, the Mexicans had made a serious attempt against our left. The smoke hung densely over the field and bushes so as almost to obscure the armies from each other, and under cover of this misty veil and of ap proaching night, the enemy suddenly rushed towards that wing and the train with an immense body of cavalry and in fantry under the command of Colonel Montero. The move ment was rapid and daring, but it did not escape the quick eye of Duncan, who dashed back with his battery to the left flank in full view of the enemy and engaged them within point blank range of his deadly guns. So sudden and un expected was this gallant manoeuvre to the enemy, who, a mo * Ringgold died the day after the battle, but Page survived some time though he was shockingly mangled by the ball which shot off the lower part of his face. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 169 ment before, saw this batteiy disappear in the opposite di rection behind the smoke of the burning prairie, that their whole column halted in amazement before a shot had been fired or a gun unlimbered. But they were neither repulsed nor dismayed. A strong body of infantry, supported by two squadrons of cavalry, debouched from the extreme right of the chapparal, and moved steadily forward to attack us. One section of Duncan's battery began to play upon them with round shot, shells, and spherical case, so well directed that the whole advance, both horse and foot, fell back in disorder to the bushes. Meantime the other section opened upon the masses of cavalry that halted at the first sight of our approaching guns, and although these shots were well delivered and each tore .a vista through an entire squadron, the enemy remained unshaken. At every discharge the havoc was frightfully destructive, but the gaps in the Mexi can ranks were immediately closed with fresh horsemen as they pressed on to assail us. The column of cavalry and infantry, driven back into the chapparal by the other section, re-formed in the thicket, and, a second time, dauntlessly advanced in order. After it ap proached about a hundred yards from the screen of bushes, the section that was previously ordered to repel it, re-opened a deadly fire and drove the foe head long into the forest. The supporting cavalry rushed back upon the ranks that hitherto withstood our shot, and the hurried retreat became a perfect rout. Squadron after squadron joined tumultuously in the race, and the whole right wing of the Mexicans was soon in rapid flight, while our relentless sections continued to send their vollies into the broken and scampering columns until they disappeared in the chapparal or were lost in the darkness of night. Thus ended the brilliant affair of Palo Alto. The enemy retired behind a protecting wood, and 22 170 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN our army bivouacked on the ground it had won and occupied during the protracted fight Both parties slept on the battle field. It had been a fierce and dreadful passage of arms, yet it was not a decided vic tory. We had repulsed the Mexicans, fatally, in every at tempt ; we had gained a better position, enabling us to press onward towards Matamoros, and had inflicted serious injury on the foe; but the enemy still rested on their arms and seemed disposed to dispute the field with us again on the morrow. They were sadly crippled though not defeated, and had exhibited a degree of nerve, mettle, and firmness that was entirely unexpected from the vanquished soldiery of San Jacinto. Wearied by the excessive labor of nearly six hours fight ing, our infantry and artillery sank on the ground wherever they found a resting place, whilst the alert dragoons circled the sleeping camp and rode on their outposts, among heaps of the enemy whose dying groans were heard on all sides from the thickets to which they had crept. All night long the medical staff was busy in its work of mercy, while the officers who felt the dangerous responsibility of their situa tion collected in groups to discuss their prospects. Some were doubtful of success, some anxious to obtain reinforce ments, some full of hope and animation, but all were satis fied that it was prudent to hold a council on the impending fortunes of the army. After a full examination of the diffi culties and a proper display of their resources, the enthu siasm of the young and the experience of the old, alike, sanctioned the heroic determination of Taylor to advance without succor. This brave resolve reassured the army, and all prepared with alacrity and confidence for the dangers of the 9th. CHAPTER VII. THE BATTLE OF RESACA DE LA PALMA DEFENCE OF FORT BROWN H THE GREAT WESTERN. When the sun rose on the morning of the 9th a mist of mingled smoke and vapor hung over the battle field of Palo Alto, but, as the haze lifted from the levels, the Mexicans were perceived retreating by their left flank, in order, per haps, to gain a more advantageous position on the road in which they might resis'$ our progress towards Matamoros. This movement inspirited our troops, who, craving the in terest of a new position, w^ere loath to repeat the battle of yesterday on the same field. Accordingly General Taylor ordered the supply train to be parked at its position and left under the. guard of two twelve-pounders and the fatal eigh- teens which had done such signal service on the 8th. The wounded men and officers were next despatched to Point Isabel, and we then moved across the Llano Burro towards the edge of the dense chapparal which extends for a dis tance of seven miles to the Rio Grande. The light compa nies of the first brigade under Captain Smith, of the second artillery; and a select detachment of light troops, all com manded by Captain McCall, were thrown forward into the thickets to feel the enemy and ascertain the position he finally took. In our advance we crossed the ground occupied by the Mexicans on the 8th where their line had been mowed by our 172 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN artillery. Shattered limbs, riven skulls, slain and wounded horses, dying men, military accoutrements, gun stocks and bayonets lay strewn around, the terrible evidences of war and havoc. As our men pressed on they encountered, at every step, appeals to their humanity, from the famished and thirsty remnants of the Mexican army whose wounds did not permit them to advance with their compatriots; but it may be recorded to the honor of the troops, that our maimed enemies were in no instance left without succor, and that officers and men vied with each other in relieving their wants and despatching them to our hospitals. About three o'clock in the afternoon a report was sent from the scouts that the enemy were again in position on the road, which they held with at least two pieces of artillery. The command was immediately put in motion, and, about an hour after, came up with Captain McCall. The field of Palo Alto was an open plain, well adapted for the fair fight of a pitched battle, but Resaca de la Palma, which we now approached, possessed altogether different features. The position was naturally strong, and had been judiciously seized by the Mexicans. The matted masses of chapparal, sprinkled in spots with small patches of prairie, formed an almost impassable barrier on both sides of the road along which we were forced to advance. The Resaca de la Palma, or,. Ravine of the Palm, fifty yards wide and nearly breast high, crosses the road at right angles, and then bends, at both ends, in the shape of a horse shoe. The low portions of the gully are generally filled with water, forming long and winding ponds through the prairie, whilst, in the rainy season, these pools unite across the ridge which forms the road and flow off towards the Rio Grande. Along the banks of this ravine the thickets of chapparal, nour ished by the neighboring water, grow more densely than MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 173 elsewhere, and, at the period of the battle, formed a solid wall penetrated only by the highway. It was along the edges of this hollow that the Mexicans, led by Arista and Ampudia, had posted themselves in two lines, one under the front declivity, and the other en trenched behind the copse of chapparal which shielded the bgnk in the rear. In the centre of each line, on the right and left of the road, a battery was placed, whilst other bat teries, were disposed so as to assail us in flank. In this strongly fortified position, supported by infantry, cavalry and ordnance, several thousand Mexicans stood around the curving limits of the ravine, ready to rake us with their ter rible cross-fires as we advanced by the road between the horns of the crescent.* / It will be perceived, from this description, that the char acter of the action was Essentially changed from the affair of the 8th. Almost entrenched as were the Mexicans be hind the ravine and chapparal, they now stood on the de fensive resolutely awaiting our assault, whilst, at Palo Alto, they had assumed an offensive attitude, aiming either to capture or destroy our army. In the passage of our troops between Matamoros and Point Isabel, the practiced eye of our military men often re marked the value of this ravine as a point of strength ; and it had been already supposed that when the enemy halted, to resist our march, they \vould avail themselves of it for a battle ground. Hence this excellent position was not un known to General Taylor, and he promptly prepared a com bined attack of infantry, artillery and cavalry by which he might succeed in driving the American army like a wedge, through the narrow but only aperture that admitted its transit to Our fort. '* Army on the Rio Grande, p. 93, and see plan of the battle. 174 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN Accordingly, as soon as Captain McCall received his or ders, in the earlier part of the day, he advanced with his men, and directed Captain C. F. Smith, of the second ar tillery, with the light company of the first brigade, to move to the right of the road, whilst he proceeded on the left with a detachment of artillery and infantry. Walker and a small force of rangers was despatched to make a hazardous reconnoissance of the road in front, while Lieutenant Ple- santon, with a few of the second dragoons, marched in rear of the columns of infantry. After following the trail of the enemy for about two miles and a half across the Llano Burro, and learning from Walker that the road was clear, McCall pushed the rangers into the chapparal, within supporting distance, and soon dislodged some parties of Mexicans. On reaching the open ground near Resaca, the head of his column received three rounds of canister from a masked battery, which forced his men to take cover, after killing one private and wounding two ser geants. They rapidly rallied however, and Captain Smith's detachment being brought to the left of the road, it was pro- ' posed to attack by a flank movement, what, at the moment, was supposed to be only the rear guard of the retiring army. But after a quick examination of the field by Dobbins and McCoun, who discovered large bodies of Mexicans in mo tion on our left, while the road, in front, was held by lan cers, McCall resolved to despatch three dragoons to the commander in chief with the news and await his arrival. 'It was about four o'clock in the afternoon that General Taylor came up with the skirmishers and received an exact report of the enemy's position. Lieutenant Ridgely, who, upon the Major's fall, had succeeded to the command of Ringgold's battery, was immediately ordered to advance on the highway, while the fifth infantry and one wing of the MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 175 fourth were thrown into the chapparal with McCall's com mand on the left, at the same time that the third and the other wing of the fourth entered the thicket on the right with Smith's detachment. These corps were employed to cover the battery, to act as skirmishers, and engage the Mexi can infantry. The action, at once became general, spirited and bloody, for although the enemy's infantry gave way be fore the steady fire and resistless progress of our own, yet his artillery was still in position to check our advance by means of the fatal pieces which commanded the pass through the ravine. This was the moment, however, when the centre was des tined to be penetrated and broken Ridgely, as has been stated, had been ordered to the road, and, after advancing cautiously for a short distance, he descried the enemy about four hundred yards in 'Advance. Pressing onward until within perfect range of his guns he began to play upon the foe with deadly discharges. But the resolute Mexicans were not to be repulsed. Returning shot for shot, their grape surged through our battery in every direction, yet without repulsing the intrepid Ridgely, who, as soon as the opposing fire slackened, limbered up and moved rapidly for ward, never unlimbering unless he perceived the enemy, in front or found from the fire of their infantry that they still hung upon his flank. During this fierce advance into the jaws of the Mexican crescent, he frequently threw into it discharges of canister when not over one hundred yards from the opposing batteries and their support. After hammering the centre for some time w^ith this iron hail, and keeping the wings of the Mexicans engaged with the other troops, a movement with dragoons was planned for the final onslaught. May, with his powerful corps, was directed to report to the general, and immediately received 176 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN orders from Taylor to charge the enemy's battery. Thrid- ding the mazes of the chapparal and of the road with his dense squadron he came up with Ridgely, and halting a mo ment while that gallant soldier poured a volley into the enemy, which was answered by a shower of rattling grape, he dashed at the head of his troopers, like lightning from the midst of the cloud of smoke, over the guns of the aston ished Mexicans. As the dragoons rushed at full tilt, with gleaming swords, along the road, the artillerists leaped upon their pieces and cheered them on. The infantry in the chapparal took up the shout, and before the combined thun der of cannon, huzzas, and galloping cavalry had died away, May and his troopers had charged through the seven oppos ing pieces, and rose again on the heights in rear of the ravine. Graham, Winship and Pleasanton led the move ment on the left of the road, whilst the captain, with Inge, Stevens and Sackett, bore off to the right. But, after gain ing the elevation, only six dragoons could be rallied, and with these May charged back upon the gunners who had regained their pieces, drove them off, and took prisoner the brave La Vega who stood to his unwavering artillery during the heat of the dreadful onslaught. Meanwhile Ridgely, as soon as May had passed him, followed the charge at a gallop, only halting on the edge of the ravine where he found three pieces of deserted artillery*. Here the Mexican infantry poured into him a galling* fire at a distance of not more than fifty paces, and a most despe rate and murderous struggle ensued, for the charge of ca valry had not been promptly sustained by the infantry in consequence of the difficulty it experienced in struggling through the masses of chapparal. It was about this time that the eighth regiment was encountered by May who in formed Colonel Belknap of the exploit which had been ren- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 177 dered almost unavailing for want of supporting infantry. Belknap promptly ordered the regiment to form on the road with a part of the fifth, whence, it was impetuously charged on the enemy's guns. This admirable assault was executed with the greatest celerity; the battery was secured; the in fantry sprang across the ravine amidst a sheet of fire from front and right, and drove the supporting column before it, destroying in vast numbers the troops that pertinaciously resisted until forced headlong from the fatal hollow. Mont gomery with his regiment pursued the Mexicans vigorously into the chapparal on the opposite side of the Resaca until from their rapid flight, further attempts were utterly useless. Thus was the centre of the enemy's lines completely broken. The task would be endless were I to recount the valiant deeds of the American and Mexican wings in the thickets on the right and left of the road. It was a short but severe onset, disputed on both sides, with an intrepidity that resembled rather the bitterness of a personal conflict than a regular battle. The nature of the ground among the groves was such as to forbid any thing but close quarters and the use of the bayonet, knife, or sword. Officers and men fought side by side, supporting more than leading each other upon the opposing ranks. Bayonets were crossed, swords clashed, stalwart arms held foes at bay, and Ameri can and Mexican rolled side by side on the blood stained earth. I have dwelt upon the action in the centre because it con trolled the road, dispersed the foe and won the day; but the effort would be invidious were I to relate instances of indi vidual hardihood and skill, when all the valiant actors in the drama were fearless and unfaltering. The charge of May was not unlike the assault at Waterloo of Ponsonby's victo rious cavalry, supported by Vandeleur's light horse, upon the 23 178 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN twenty-four pieces of D'Erlon's battery ; in regard to which Napoleon was heard to exclaim, in the heat of the battle, "How terribly those gray horsemen fight!" But in that conflict, Frenchmen opposed the Anglo-saxons, and Mil- haud's steel clad curiassiers, charging Ponsonby's brigade after it had carried the guns and attacked even a third line of artillery and lancers, readily overcame the exhausted troopers and slew their gallant leader. At Resaca de la Palma, however the result was different. The artillery battalion, which, with the exception of the flank companies, had been ordered to guard the train on the morn ing of the 9th, was now ordered up to pursue the routed en emy ; and the third infantry, Ker's dragoons and Duncan's battery followed the Mexicans rapidly to the river. Shout ing, singing, almost frantic with delight at their eminent suc cess, our men rushed after the flying Mexicans. The pur suit became a perfect rout as they pressed on to the banks of the Rio Grande, and numbers of the enemy were drowned in attempting the passage of the fatal stream. The pursuing corps encamped near the Rio Grande, while the remainder of the army rested for the night on the field of battle. The want of a ponton tram* prevented us from following the foe across the river on the night of the 9th ; but, as the govern ment had failed to provide General Taylor with that use ful equipage, notwithstanding his frequent warnings of its need, he was deprived of the first chance in this war to an nihilate the Mexican army and to seize all the arms and ammunition collected in Matamoros. The capture, how ever, of Arista's camp and its equipage was a recompense *In May 1846, after these battles, an act of Congress was finally passed authorising the organization of a company of sappers, miners and ponto- niers. The war department had not the right to form such a corps pre vious to this enactment. MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 179 for our men who had fought so bravely. The Mexican chief had gone into the campaign with every comfort around him, and was evidently unprepared for defeat at Resaca de La Palma, for, at the moment of our victory, his camp-ket tles were found simmering over the fires filled with viands from which he had doubtless designed to make a savory meal after our capture. The food however was destined to other uses ; and, after a communication with the fort which held out staunchly against the enemy during both contests, our men sat down to enjoy the repast which the Mexicans had cooked. Unable as we were to secure the best results of victory, from the cause already narrated, these battles were, never theless, of great importance. We had achieved success in the face of brave foes outnumbering us more than two to one, and had conquered an army of Mexican veterans, per fectly equipped and appointed. In the battle of Palo Alto our force, engaged, had been one hundred and seventy-seven officers, two thousand one hundred and eleven men, or an aggregate of two thousand two hundred and eighty-eight ; in the action of Resaca de la Palma we brought into the field one hundred and seventy-three officers and two thou sand and forty nine men, or, an aggregate of two thousand two hundred and twenty- two, while the actual number en gaged with the enemy did not exceed seventeen hundred. In the first affair we had nine killed, forty-four wounded* and two missing; but in the second, our loss was three offi cers and thirty-six men killed, and seventy-one wounded. Lieutenant Inge fell at the head of his platoon while charging with May ; Lieutenants Cochrane and Chadburne likewise * Page and Ringgold died subsequently 180 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN met their death in the thickest of the fight ; while Lieuten ant Colonels Payne and Mclntosh ; Captains Montgomery and Hooe ; and Lieutenants Fowler, Dobbins, Gates, Jor dan, Selden, Maclay, Burbank and Morris, were wounded on the field of Resaca de la Palma. The Mexican army, under Arista and Ampudia, amounted to at least six thousand men, having been strongly reinforced with cavalry and infantry after the battle of the 8th; and it is highly probable that the whole of this force was opposed to us in their choice position. In one of his despatches, after the battles, Arista confesses that he still had under arms four thousand troops exclusive of numerous auxiliaries, and that he lost in the affair at Palo Alto four officers and ninety-eight men killed ; eleven officers and one hundred and sixteen men wounded, and twenty-six privates and non commissioned officers missing ; while in the battle of Re saca de la Palma, six officers and one hundred and fifty-four men were slain ; twenty-three officers and two hundred and five wounded, and three officers and one hundred and fifty-six missing, making a total loss of seven hundred and fifty-five. Eight pieces of artillery, several colors and standards, a great number of prisoners, including fourteen officers, and a large quantity of camp equipage, muskets, small arms, mules, horses, pack-saddles, subsistence, person al baggage, and private as well as regimental papers, fell into our hands. The plan of campaign, as alleged to have been developed by Arista's port-folio, was based upon the "re- conquest of the lost province," into which the Mexican forces were to have been pushed as soon as our army was demolished on the Rio Grande. If it should be necessary to secure the fruits of victory by further military efforts, it was arranged that ample reinforcements were to be brought into the field, and subsequently that- President Paredes, MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 181 himself, should march an army of occupation into Texas and bear his conquering eagles to the Sabine ! After this narrative of our actions in the field let us recur for a moment to the gallant garrison which had been shut up in the fort since the begmning of the month, and in re gard to whose fate the liveliest anxiety was experienced. When the cornmander-in-chief departed on the 1st of May to open the line of communication with Point Isabel, prevent an attack upon the depot, and, finally, to succor the fort with subsistence and munitions, the field work, though capable of defence, was not completed. The events of the few preceding days had denoted a resolution on the part of the Mexicans to assail us immediately, and warned our small garrison to prepaife for all emergencies. Accordingly the labor of ditching anti embanking on the unfinished front was resumed; but neither the draw-bridge nor the interior defences were yet commenced, and to all these works, Mansfield, with his engineers and detachments of infantry, devoted themselves unceasingly during the whole of the bombardment, which began at day-break, on Sunday, the 3d of May. The Mexicans had been engaged for some time erecting fortifications along the river front of their town opposite our field work, and by this time had prepared them for ac tion. They commenced their attack from the fort and mor tar battery called La redonda, which they had placed under the orders of a French officer of artillery, who manifested a perfect knowledge of his profession during the conflict. Nine pieces of ordnance, four mortars, and the remainder six and eight-pounders, poured into our works an inces sant shower of shot and shells ; -but our batteries returned the fire so effectually, that in thirty minutes, La redonda was 182 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN abandoned. Passing from this fortification to another lower down, the enemy again opened upon us from Lafortina de lajlecha, as well as from intermediate batteries and a mor tar in their vicinity. It soon became evident that our six- pounders produced no serious effects in consequence of the distance ; and, desiring to husband his resources for greater emergencies, Major Brown ordered the firing to cease en tirely on our side of the river. The garrison had been left with only one hundred and fifty rounds of ammunition for each eighteen-pounder while the six-pounders were as badly provided ! The silence of our guns in the presence of an assailing foe, disheartened our men for an instant, but they immedi ately betook themselves energetically to their task. on the defences, though the enemy's shells exploded in every di rection about them. On the 4th the Mexicans again re sumed the fight and continued their vollies until midnight. At nine o'clock on that evening irregular discharges of musketiy were heard in our rear apparently extending a mile up the river, and continuing until near the termination of the cannonade. Every soldier in the fort therefore stood to his arms all night long, manning each battery and point of defence in expectation of an assault from the forces that had crossed the river and filled the adjacent plains and thickets. But the anxious night passed without an attack at close quarters, and, at day-light, on the 5th, the enemy again commenced their fire from the distant batteries. The sound of war was gratifying to the Mexicans, but its con flicts were safer from behind the walls and parapets of their forts, with an intervening river, than in dangerous charges against the muzzles of our guns ! As soon as the cannonade re-commenced, it was irfmediately returned by a few dis charges from the eighteen-pounders and six-pounder-howit- MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 183 zer; and the voice -of our guns once more exhilerated the men, though their shots were ineffectual. Both batteries ceased firing simultaneously, and our indefatigable soldiers again set to work on the defences, completed the ramparts, and made rapid progress in the construction of a bomb-proof and traverse in rear of the postern. These were anxious days and hours for a garrison short of ammunition, assailed by an enemy equipped with every species of deadly missile, probably surrounded by superior numbers concealed on the left bank of the river, and yet forced to labor on the very fortifications which were to keep off the foe. During all this time, however, no one desponded. Day and night they toiled incessantly on the works amid the shower of shot and bombs, nor was a sound of sorrow heard within the little fort uiitil its brave commander fell, mortally wounded by a shell, on the 6th of May. The game was kept up during all this day: mounted men were seen along the prairie, while infantry were noticed creeping through the thickets ; but a few rounds of canister, from Bragg's battery, dispersed the assailants. About four o'clock of this day a white flag was observed at some old buildings in the rear of our work, and a parley was sounded by the enemy. Two officers were soon de scried approaching us, and an equal number were despatched by Captain Hawkins, (who had succeeded Major Brown in the command of the fort,) to meet them within two hundred and fifty yards of our lines. A communication from General Arista was delivered by the herald, and the Mexicans were requested to retire a short distance and await the reply. In this document Arista declared that our fort was sur rounded by forces adequate to its capture, while a numerous division, encamped in the neighborhood, was able to keep off all succors that might be expected. He alleged that his *.* 184 HISTORY OF THE WAR BETWEEN respect for humanity urged him to mitigate as much as pos sible the disasters of war, and he therefore summoned our garrison to surrender, in order to avoid by capitulation, the entire destruction of the command. This mingled mission of humanity and revenge demanded the immediate notice of our troops, and, accordingly, a brief council was held in which it was unanimously resolved to decline the philan thropic proposal. Hawkins, at once despatched his cour teous but firm reply, and the enemy acknowledged its re ceipt by a storm of shot and shell which was literally show ered into the works. It would be but repeating a narrative of one day's scenes were we to detail the events of the 7th, 8th and 9th of May. The bravado contained in Arista's despatch, had failed in its effort to intimidate us; nevertheless we were com pelled to undergo the severest task that a soldier can suffer in passive non-resistance, whilst the enemy, from afar, strove to bury our fort under the weight of their projectiles. Bombs and shot were, however, unavailing. The defences proved equal to our perfect protection ; and all continued to work cheerfully in the trenches until the distant sounds of battle were heard booming from Palo Alto and Resaca. Anxiety was dispelled, and hope ripened into certainty as the can nonade "grew louder and drew nearer the river, until, at last, on the evening of the ninth,' the Mexican squadrons raced past the fort and received the reserved shot of the eighteens which poured their masses of grape among the flying groups. As our pursuing forces rushed out from behind the thickets and beheld the American flag still aloft in the works, they sent forth a cheer which was answered by the rejoicing garrison, and the valley of the Rio Grande reverberated with the exultation of delight. Victory and relief; a routed foe and succored friends, enlivened every heart, and even the MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 185 foremost and bitterest in pursuit halted a moment to ex change congratulations upon the events of the glorious day. Thus the separate forces of the United States were again brought together; and FORT BROWN, which now received its name from the brave Major who died on the 9th, -w r as found to have lost but two by death and only fourteen wounded during the whole bombardment. Every war produces its singular characters whose influ ence or example are not without their due effect upon the troops, and, at the conclusion of these chapters, which are so stained with blood and battle, it may not be useless to sketch, even upon the grave page of history, the deeds of a woman whose courageous spirit bore her through all the trials of this bombardrjaent, but whose masculine hardihood was softened by the gentleness of a female heart. Woman has every where her sphere of power over the rougher sex, but the women of a camp must possess qualities to which their tender sisters of the saloon are utter strangers. Some years ago, in the far west, a good soldier joined one of our regiments, with his tall and gaunt wife, whose lofty figure and stalwart frame almost entitled her as much as her husband to a place in the ranks of the gallant seventh. Unwilling to abandon her liege lord upon his enlistment, this industrious female was immediately employed as one of the laundresses, three of whom are allowed to draw rations in each company, and are required to wash for the soldiers at a price regulated by a council of officers. The " Great Western," for by this soubriiquet was she known in the army, arrived at Corpus Christi with her husband, and up to the period of our departure for the Rio Grande performed all her appropriate duties, keeping, in addition, a "mess" for the younger officers of the regiment. When the army 24 186 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN advanced, the women, with some exceptions, were de spatched by sea to Point Isabel, while a few procured po nies to follow the soldiers in their tedious march. The hus band of the Great Western was sent in one of the transports to the Brazos, but his hardy spouse did not deign to accom pany him in this comfortable mode of transit, declaring that " the boys of her mess must have some one to take care of them on their toilsome march." Accordingly, having pur chased a cart and loaded it with luggage, cooking utensils, and supplies, she mounted behind her donkey with whip in hand, and displayed during the wearisome advance, quali ties which the best teamster in the train might have envied. Throughout the whole journey she kept her boarders well provided with excellent rations; and, when her brigade reached the banks of the Colorado she was one of the first who offered to cross m the face of the resisting enemy. After calmly surveying the scene, which has been described in another chapter, she remarked, with great coolness, that "if the general would give her a stout pair of tongs she would wade the river and whip every scoundrel Mexican that dared show his face on the opposite side!" When Taylor marched to Point Isabel on the 1st of May, the Great Western was of course left behind with the sev enth infantry. Together with the eight or ten women who remained, she moved, at once into the fort, where her mess was soon re-established in a tent near the centre of the works. The enemy's fire began on the 3d, as she was commencing her preparations for breakfast, and the women were, of course, immediately deposited for safety in the almost vacant magazines. But it may be recorded to their honor that they were not idle during the siege. Nobly did they ply their needles in preparing sand bags from the soldiers' and officers' tents to strengthen the works antl protect the MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES. 187 artillerists whilst serving at their guns; yet, the Great Wes tern, declining either to sew or to nestle in the magazine, continued her labors over the fire in the open air. After the discharge of the first gun all were at their posts, answering the shot from the Mexican forts ; and, when the hour for breakfast arrived, none, expected the luxury that awaited them. Nevertheless the mess was as well attended as if nothing but a morning drill, with blank cartridges, had oc curred, and, in addition, a large supply of delicious coffee awaited the thirsty, who had but to come and partake, with out distinction of rank. To some of the artillerists who were unable to leave their guns, the beverage was carried by this excellent female ; and, as may readily be believed, no belle of Orleans, ever taet a more gracious reception. The fire of the artillery wasrkept up almost incessantly until near the dinner hour, when the Great Western again provided a savory soup which she distributed to the men without charge. Thus did she continue to fulfil her duties during the seven days that the enemy kept up an incessant cannonade and bombardment. She was ever to be found at her post; her meals were always ready at the proper hour, and always of the best that the camp af%rded. When the despatches, sent by Walker, were made up for General Taylor on the even ing of the 4th, a number of officers and men wrote to their friends at Point Isabel ; and among them this courageous woman found time to communicate with her husband who had not been despatched from the depot to Fort Brown. In this document she expressed her full confidence in the ability of the garrison to sustain itself, and only regretted the absence of her spouse. To supply his place, however, she applied, early in the action, for a musket and ammuni tion which she placed in security, expressing her determina- 188 HISTORY OP THE WAR BETWEEN tion to have full satisfaction whenever the enemy dared to approach within range of her piece. This they never did, and our indomitable heroine must rest contented with the reflection that she nobly performed her duty, and will long be remembered by the besieged garrison of Fort Brown. NOTE. The reader who desires to verify the accounts of the actions nar rated in the two last chapters, will find all the authentic papers upon which they are founded, in the nationgl documents relative to the war published during the two sessions of the twenty-ninth congress. It will be observed that the name of General Worth does not occur in the account of these recent transactions on the Rio Grande. This excellent soldier had left Florida in September, 1845, and was early on the ground at Corpus Christi in command of the first brigade consisting of one artil lery battalion and the eighth regiment of infantry. His march and acts on the Rio Grande have been recounted in the preceding chapters ; but soon after nis arrival he received the mortifying intelligence that he had been superceded in rajik by an arrangement announced from the war depart ment. He, therefore, deemed H due to himself as an officer to demonstrate his sensibility by resigning at once, especially as he was convinced that there would be no engagement between the armies, and that the war would be concluded by despatches and bulletins instead of arms. Nevertheless he left the American camp with regret, (tendering his services " out of authority," to the general in command,) and travelled with despatch to Washington. On arriving there he learned that hostilities had actually commenced; and waiving all his personal feeling, he immediately with drew his resignation, with a request for permission to return forthwith to the command of the troops from which he was separated, by army orders, in April, 1846. His wish was granted by the secretary of war as soon as it was made known on the 9th of May, and Worth hastened back to Mexi co, where his bravery and skill were subsequently so conspicuous. See Niles's Register, vol. 70, p. 313. I . ' A L