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Prof* Slate
[ The Riyht of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved.']
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PHOTOGRAPHY .......,...,.. 1
BODIES ......... ....... 33
FLUORESCENCE .... ........ . . . . 54
IN Fe"nelon's fables, under the title of Voyage Suppose, 1690,
a visit to the Isle of Wonders is described, and in that book
we read
" There was no painter in that country, but if anybody
wished to have the portrait of a friend, of a picture, a beautiful
landscape, or of any other object, water was placed in great
basins of gold or silver, and then the object desired to be
painted was placed in front of that water. After a while
the water froze and became a glass mirror, on which an in-
effaceable image remained."
Such was a fancy which, though then of a most improbable
nature, presented itself to the mind of a French king's tutor
some hundred years ago. In its broad aspect it became a
reality when the first Daguerrean image was obtained ;
though accomplishment was, in a measure, effected in the
early asphaltum prints of Niepce. It is with the realisation
of this dream that we have to deal this morning; with that
realisation which has furnished people, to be numbered by
thousands, with the means of subsistence, and has created
fortunes in some few instances ; and which, has put a new
power into the hands of men of science in their investi-
S> B
We shall only cast a rapid glance over the early history of
photography, and endeavour to show as far as possible how
it was that the great advances in it have been made.
In 1777 Scheele, of Stralsund, in Sweden, was the first
who actually carried out investigations into the action of light
on silver chloride. Before his time it was well known that
" luna cornua " (as silver chloride was termed) blackened in
the presence of light, but he arrived at the fact that a chemi-
cal cbange wa^s brought about by the light. He found that
silver chloride blackened by this agency on being treated
\viVn ammonia yielded up metallic silver, whilst if the ex-
posure cook place beneath water a soluble substance was
separated, which, when silver nitrate was applied, gave
fresh silver chloride. This was an important investigation,
but no fruits resulted from it till many years later.
Wedgwood, in 1802, next called attention to photographic
action, in a paper read before the Eoyal Institution, entitled,
"An Account of a Method of Copying Paintings on Glass,
and of making Profiles by the Agency of Light upon Nitrate
of Silver," with Observations by H. Davy. This was the
first published account of producing photographs.
Wedgwood used white leather or white paper as a sub-
stratum (using the former in preference to the latter) on
which was brushed silver nitrate. In his paper he entered
into details of his process, and admitted that the images so
obtained could not be fixed or rendered permanent. Davy
compared Wedgwood's results when using silver nitrate, with
those obtained by silver chloride, and found that the latter
compound was more susceptible to darkening by the action
of light than the former ; but in neither case could he fix the
The next eminent man who made essays on what we now
call photography (or sun-writing) was Nicephore de Mepce.
He commenced his experiments in 1814, and in 1827
wished to communicate an account of them to the Eoyal
Society of London ; his paper was not received, owing to the
details of the process being kept a secret. We now know
that his process was founded on the action that light pro-
duced on bitumen of Judaea (more commonly known, perhaps,
as asphaltum) ; he found tbat this body when exposed to light,
became insoluble in the usual menstrua. Thus, if a thin
coating were given to a metal plate and when dry exposed
in a camera to the action of light controlled by a lens, the
part acted strongly upon by light would become insoluble,
and thus when a solvent was applied (such as naphtha or
petroleum) the shadows would be represented by the metal
plate, whilst the lights would be formed of the dark resin.
The image in this case would be reversed in the character
of its shades, unless the black body could be whitened,
and the metal blackened. After many experiments with this
object in view, Niepce applied iodine to the image obtained
with the asphaltum. These bitumen pictures are still in
existence, one or more being in the British Museum at the
present time.
In 1824 Daguerre, who was devoted to painting, com-
menced similar experiments to those of Niepce, each working
in secrecy and unknown to the other. In 1826, however
through the want of reticence of an optician, who was a
acquaintance of both, the fact that each of them was workin
in the same direction was learnt by the other, and in 1829
they entered into a kind of partnership. Here it may be
that Daguerre first learnt the treatment of metallic plates
with iodine, and watched the action that took place in the
light, when silver was employed to receive the layer of
asphaltum. At any rate to Daguerre belongs the discovery
of the action of light on iodide of silver surfaces, and also
the merit of producing a picture in the camera with but a
short exposure. When I say short, I mean short compared
with that given to the bitumen plates, for with such it took
six or eight hours to obtain an image. Working with
silver plates, which had been subjected to the vapour of
iodine, he succeeded at first in obtaining visible images
with prolonged exposure ; but whilst endeavouring to obtain
them in a moderate time he waded through endless experi-
ments, and only chance befriended him at last. It thus
occurred : Having exposed some iodized plates in the camera
and obtained no results, he placed them away in a cup-
board containing a medley of chemicals. On opening it
some time afterwards to procure an old plate to clean for
fresh trial he found, much to his astonishment, one of them
with a fully developed image upon it. I will not exhaust
your patience by detailing how he traced the agency at work
which had caused this development. Suffice it to say that
it was found to be mercury (which vaporises at ordinary
B 2
temperatures) which had collected on the parts acted upon by
In June 1839 Daguerre's discovery was announced, and
in August of the same year published to the world, and a
pension of 6,000 francs per annum given to him by the
French Government, whilst at the same time 4,000 francs
was allotted to Niepee the Younger, who had succeeded to
the partnership with Daguerre after the death of his uncle.
An outline of the daguerreotype process is as follows :
A copper plate is silvered by the electro-plating process or
any other convenient method, and after very careful cleaning,
the silver surface is exposed in the dark to the action of
iodine vapours. The iodine combines with the silver, and
the metallic surface becomes covered with silver iodide, first
canary coloured, then rose, then blue, and so on, the colour
being dependent on the thickness of the Layer of silver iodide
produced. When canary-coloured it is supposed that the
surface is in the best condition for receiving the impact of
It will now be convenient to point out the chemical
change that really takes place in the ordinarily employed
silver salts when exposed to the action of light. Under
certain circumstances, when- subject to its impact, silver
iodide (which for our purpose we will call Ag 2 I 2 ) throws
off one atom of iodine, and we get subiodide of silver
(Ag 2 I), a slightly black body, left behind. Scheele proved
"by his experiments that silver chloride (Ag 2 C1 2 ), when acted
upon by light, gave off chlorine (Cl), and we now know
that the blackened product is sub-chloride of silver (Ag 2 Cl).
Similarly, silver bromide (Ag 2 Br 2 ) is converted into the
sub-bromide (Ag 2 Br).
Pure and dry silver chloride will change in the light.
Pure and dry silver bromide will also change in the light,
but not so readily as the chloride. Pure and dry silver
iodide is unaffected by light, unless any body which will take
up iodine be present ; even moisture will induce the change if
the impact of light be prolonged.
The sensitiveness of both the chloride and bromide is
materially increased by the presence of any body which will
absorb chlorine and bromine, and in all cases we may lay
down the law that the greater its affinity for chlorine,
bromine, or iodine, the greater the sensitiveness of the
silver-haloid. It should also be noted that however short
the exposure to light may be, the same changes occur in a
greater or less number of the molecules though such changes
may be invisible to the eye, owing to the preponderance of
the unaltered salts.
Now when Daguerre's plates were exposed in the camera
for a short time, no visible image was apparent, but, never-
theless, some minute quantity of the Ag 2 T 2 was converted
into Ag 2 T. It was found by Daguerre that such an invisible
image had the power of condensing mercury from mercury
vapour on the parts forming it, and that metallic lustre was
given to it. Thus the Daguerrean image of this white piece
of paper would have been represented by mercury and
sub-iodide of silver, while this black piece of paper would
have been represented by the silver iodide ; and when the
unaltered iodide is dissolved away, the latter would be re-
presented by the dark-coloured silver, and the former by the
lighter amalgam of silver and mercury.
I have here a glass plate silvered by Liebig's process, and
we will place it for a couple of minutes in this common
deal box, 1 at the bottom of which is a piece of cardboard
which has been exposed to iodine vapour during the night.
Iodine volatilizes at ordinary temperatures, so by leaving it
in the box the surface will be converted into silver iodide
by the combination between the metal and the halogen. I
now withdraw it, and examining it by candle light, 1 find it
of a delicate canary colour, with a slight tint of rose. It is
now in a sensitive condition to ordinary light. I will not
waste your time by exposing the plate in the camera, but
will place it behind a glass negative picture (what that
means we shall learn presently), and expose it for a few
seconds in the beam of the electric light. I believe it is
sufficiently exposed, so I will take it and hold it in the
vapour coming from the mercury (heated over a Bunsen
burner to about 150 F.) which is in this small capsule. The
image begins to spring out at once, and after a little longer
treatment it is fully developed. [The picture was handed
Now silver iodide, as I said, is sensitive to light, that is,
light changes it from the iodide to the sub-iodide so long as
1 The plate was supported on a couple of deal strips laid on the
some body is present which can take up the liberated iodine.
What have we here, in this Daguerrean process, to do so ?
"We have the metallic silver, for recollect that the iodide is
only on the outer surface of the plate. Now I could demon-
strate to you the fact that this silver is necessary had I the
time. I might have repeated an old experiment, and, having
silvered a similar glass plate, and converted the whole of
the delicate metallic layer into silver iodide, have then shown
its insensitiveness to light, owing to there being nothing
to combine with the iodine, which it is anxious to liberate.
I will show you by-and-bye another experiment which will
illustrate the necessity of an absorbent.
Goddard, a countryman of ours, discovered that by treat-
ing the silver plate with bromine after the iodide had been
formed, the exposure in the camera necessary to form a
mercury-condensing image was shortened from minutes to
seconds. Perhaps this was the greatest of all improvements
in the daguerreotype process, as it rendered it thoroughly
In 1834, whilst Daguerre was working in France on the
production of sun pictures, Fox Talbot, a gentleman whom
I am glad to say is still living, began experimenting
with silver chloride, pursuing the same line of thought as
Sir H. Davy, and in June 1839 (six months earlier than
the publication of Daguerre's process) he read a paper at the
Royal Society on photogenic drawing. This photogenic
drawing is really the same photographic printing process that
we employ now. Talbot impregnated writing-paper with
common salt or sodium chloride, and when dry treated it
with washes of silver nitrate, the result being to produce
silver chloride 1 in the paper with a little pure silver nitrate
ready to take up the chlorine which the darkening chloride
would liberate. Ferns, leaves, lace, &c., he copied by this
method ; more than rivalling the draughtsman in accuracy
and rapidity.
Let us suppose that one of the objects to be copied was
a piece of black lace. When the lace was laid on the paper
those parts beneath the cotton or thread would remain white
whilst the ground would be blackened. The paper on the
removal of the lace would represent the lace as white on a
black ground. This picture Talbot termed a negative picture,
i NaCl + AgN0 3 = AgCl + NaN0 3 .
or, as it is now called, a negative. Such a blackened paper
with the white image on it could be used to cover a second
piece of sensitive paper, which on exposure to light would
show the lace as black on a white ground ; and this he
termed a positive picture. Xote the advantage of this process
over the Daguerrean, which for each copy of an object
required a fresh exposure in the camera.
Hitherto we have dealt exclusively with the method of
FIG. l.
producing silver iodide by the direct contact of the metal
with the halogen ; but the same results can be obtained
by chemical decomposition. Silver iodide may be precipi-
tated by mixing a solution of potassium iodide with silver
nitrate. 1 This was the method adopted by Fox Talbot in
the calotype process, patented in 1841. He added sufficient
potassium iodide to a solution of the silver nitrate to preci-
pitate silver iodide, and then an excess to redissolve it. Such
a solution he brushed over a piece of paper, which when dry
he washed, leaving on it primrose-coloured silver iodide. In
this state the silver compound was insensitive to light, as
there was nothing present (besides the paper) to take up
iodine. We have here a piece of paper prepared as in-
dicated, and it is now exposed to the strong glare of the
* KI + AgN0 3 = Agl + KNO,,.
electric light. To render it sensitive before exposure in the
camera Talbot brushed over it a solution of silver nitrate and
gallic acid, which I will get my assistant to do with our
prepared paper. The gallic acid plays a most important part
in the process, so much so indeed that I ought to mention
that its utility was discovered previously to the Talbot-type
process, by the Eev. J. B. Eeade, a gentleman who but a few
years since has passed away from amongst us. The method of
his discovery was systematic. When securing images in the
solar microscope he remembered that Wedgwood had produced
images on white leather and paper on which had been brushed
silver nitrate, and had found that his leather was more sensi-
tive than paper. It occurred to Mr. Eeade that the dressing
used for the leather might have some important property,
so he applied a solution of nutgalls to his paper, and found
the necessary exposure to light was greatly shortened. He
also discovered that this same nutgall solution had the power
of developing the image. This, however, was a chance dis-
covery. One day whilst engaged in producing photographically
an image of the Trientalis Europsea, he was compelled through
circumstances to put on one side the paper which had not
been sufficiently exposed to give a visible impression. Placed
in the dark, this paper was left till next day, when, on
glancing at it, he found a perfectly distinct image. The
gallic acid had played a part hitherto not dreamt of.
Eeverting to the calotype process, we find that Fox Talbot
employed the gallic acid with silver nitrate to render the
paper sensitive (the former being what is termed an ac-
celerator) ; and the discovery that an invisible image could
be rendered visible by the same solutions was also utilised,
for after exposure to the light the image was brought out by
Our own piece of Talbot-type paper is ready, it having
been treated as indicated, and the excess of moisture blotted
off on blotting paper. After placing it behind the same
negative which we employed in illustrating the daguerreotype
process, we will expose it to the beam of the electric light.
A couple of seconds is a sufficient time to have produced an
invisible image, and we will at once proceed to render it
visible with a solution of gallic acid and nitrate of silver.
Tiiis we dab on with a tuft of white wool, and the picture
begins to appear. After a little patient manipulation the
whole of the details are brought out, and now we will place
it in a dish of water for a while.
This operation of causing the invisible to become visible,
how is it effected] We must set ourselves to solve the
problem by referring to a kindred action. If a rod of zinc
be placed in a strong solution of acetate of lead, by degrees
this latter becomes decomposed, and crystals of lead deposit on
the rod and completely cover it; but the action does not
cease when the covering is effected : the lead solution still
keeps depositing the metal, and a beautiful network of leaves
formed by metallic crystals is built up. The first particles
of lead deposited on the zinc attract other particles from the
solution till we have what is known as a lead-tree.
In the development of the image, as our last operation is
called, we have simply an example of the laws of crystal-
lisation, like crystals tending to adhere to like, and to be
attracted by them. Now in our exposed paper we had some
excessively minute portions of silver iodide (Ag 2 I 2 ) reduced
to the state of sub-iodide (Ag 2 I). Only one silver atom of
these more elementary molecules is saturated as it were, and
the other is free, and it is this free atom that is capable of
attracting metallic silver from a solution of silver nitrate,
when this latter is in an unstable state. In the present
instance the instability is caused by the gallic acid, for this
body tends to absorb oxygen, and as it absorbs oxygen it
liberates from the silver nitrate the metallic silver, and as
quickly as the separation is effected the free silver atoms
attract it. We thus get an image built up on the sub-
iodide ; for after one small particle of silver has been attracted,
it, in its turn, attracts others, as in the case of the lead
in the lead-tree. This then is the secret of development ; it
is the attraction exercised by the sub-iodide for freshly-
separated silver.
The developed image is therefore a metallic image ; but in
order to render it permanent, or perhaps I ought to say, more
clear, it was necessary to get rid of all the silver iodide.
To Sir J. Herschel belongs the discovery (in 1819) of the
solvent property of sodium hyposulphite on the silver chloride,
and it was by the application of this salt to the iodide that
the desired fixing of the image was effected. It is a matter
of surprise that this solvent was not employed at an earlier
We will now take from the water our developed print and
fix it in a solution of sodium hyposulphite ; after washing
it will be permanent, or nearly so.
Ten years after the patenting of the calotype by Fox Talbot,
a new era arrived in photography. In 1851 was published
the collodion process a process which we use to the present
day, and one which there seems to be no chance of super-
seding, at all events for ordinary work. In the calotype
pictures the surface of the paper was found to be too rough
to render fine details, and at an early period of experimental
photography Sir J. Herschel had suggested the employment
of glass as a substitute, and in fact himself had produced
pictures on it, for in our Exhibition we find such a picture
taken as early as 1839. The method he adopted was to
obtain a fine precipitate of silver chloride in water, and at the
bottom of the containing vessel to place a glass plate.
After a lapse of some time the chloride was deposited with
sufficient solidity to render it practicable to remove the
glass from the vessel. After flowing over the crust of
silver chloride a little silver nitrate he allowed it to dry, and
exposed the plate in the camera. The picture I hand round
was produced in this manner.
At a later date Niepce de St. Victor went a step further
and employed a film of albumen for holding the sensitive salts
of silver in situ on glass an example of an early picture so pro-
duced is in the Exhibition ; but to Le Gray belongs the honour
of suggesting collodion as a vehicle to attain the same end.
Archer, with whom was associated Dr. Hugh Diamond,
however, practically introduced it.
Collodion is a solution of gun-cotton in ether and alcohol,
and when properly prepared should leave a transparent film
when the solvents evaporate. The iodides, bromides, and chlo-
rides of the alkalies, and also of many of the metals, are soluble
in alcohol, and can therefore be introduced into the collodion,
and be left in a film of this viscid body when poured over
a glass plate. A mere outline of the collodion process is as
follows : A plate is coated with collodion containing an iodide
and bromide, as I do this one [shows], and when the ether
has evaporated and the film is " set " or become gelatinous,
I place it in a dish containing a seven per cent, solution of
silver nitrate. On looking at the plate I see the silver
compound gradually forming, and after the lapse of about a
minute the film seems nearly opaque. I take our negative
picture, and, at each end of it lay a very thin strip of glass and
place the sensitive plate upon them. (The strips of glass
are used to prevent the surface of the collodion film being
abraded by contact with the other plate.) I expose to the
electric light for a second. On removing the plate I can see
no trace of an image, but I will endeavour to show you its
Close to the lens (C) of the lantern (B) of the electric light
(A) I place a piece of red glass (E) in the clamp (D), for reasons
which subsequently will be apparent to you, and immediately
in /front of that a glass cell (F) containing a solution of
ferrous sulphate slightly acidified with acetic acid. I now
use a lens (G) to form an image of the cell on the screen.
This being arranged, I dip the glass plate into the solution.
You see at first not a sign of any image, but only a semi-
opaque film. But now we see a darkening in parts, and a
picture is gradually appearing. It gains intensity, and now
it is perfect in all its details. We will withdraw it and
wash it, and then treat it with a little potassium cyanide,
which is also a solvent of many of the compounds of silver.
After washing again we will place it in the lantern and throw
the finished picture on the screen.
Here then we have a picture produced by the collodion
process. You will have noticed that this time the image
was brought out by a solution of ferrous sulphate and not of
gallic acid. Ferrous sulphate is a greedy absorber of oxygen,
and therefore is effective in causing a reduction of silver from
the nitrate, with which the plate was impregnated before
placing in the cell.
We are now in a position, I think, to make an experiment
which I promised at an earlier part of the lecture, viz., to
prove to you that silver iodide is unaltered by light unless it
has some iodine-absorber present with it. In my hand I hold
a glass plate to which is adhering a collodion film containing
pure silver iodide and having no excess of silver nitrate.
After placing it in the direct rays of the beam from the electric
light, I apply a solution of pyrogallic acid and silver nitrate
to it, and there is no change apparent. Taking a similarly
prepared plate, I apply a small square piece of silver leaf to
it, brushing it well on to the film. With this camel's hair
brush on another portion I brush a solution of tannin in
alcohol, and after warming the glass through its back to
cause desiccation, Iwill expose it for half a minute to the light,
behind a negative. We will develop it in the same way as
our last picture, using a solution of pyrogallic acid, however,
instead of ferrous sulphate. Notice the result only those
portions of the negative appear on our plate which have been
coated with the silver or have received the wash of tannin.
After fixing our picture I throw it on the screen, and we see
our results more perfectly. The transparent parts through
which the light passes show where the actinic rays did not
affect the silver iodide.
You will notice that the part A is somewhat fainter than
B. The former you will recollect was the part on which was
placed the silver leaf, whilst to B was applied the tannin.
The reason of the difference is obvious. It is only those
particles of the silver iodide in actual contact with the
iodine-absorber which can be affected by the light. In the
FIG. 4.
one case the silver leaf was only in contact with the surface
particles, in the other the tannin permeated the film.
Having thus prepared the ground, we are in a position to
understand the preparation of dry plates, as they are called,
that is, the preparation of sensitive films in collodion which
can be exposed in the dry state.
If a surface of silver iodide were allowed to dry with the
free silver nitrate solution from the bath upon it, the latter
would crystallize and spoil the film. If we wash away
the free silver nitrate it would be insensitive, but if
in its place we applied some iodine absorbent (after washing]
which is less crystallizable, such as tannin (as we did in our
last experiment), salicin, tea, coffee, &c., it will again be sensi-
tive even when dry. The application of such bodies is the
foundation of any dry plate process in which the iodide plays
a part. At the same time these absorbents are given to the
iodide, there are usually added compounds which soak into
the film and keep the pores of the collodion open. After
washing the exposed film these of course dissolve away, and
allow free access to the developer. The same procedure holds
good when both bromides and iodides are present in the sen-
sitive film, and we may develop with iron or pyrogallic acid
and silver, as in the wet collodion process, building up the
image on the irritated haloids.
When silver bromide is present alone, or in conjunction
with the iodide, however, another method of development
may be resorted to, viz., one that is primarily independent of
the deposition of metallic silver.
Pyrogallic acid has an affinity for bromine as well as for
oxygen, and the affinity for both is multiplied many fold
by the addition of an alkali to it. Pyrogallic acid and an
alkali such as ammonia (say) form the pyrogallate of the
alkali. When such a solution is poured over the exposed
bromide film it meets with molecules of the sub-bromide
(Ag 2 Br) which appear to be in an unstable state, and ready
to part with any of their atoms. The pyrogallate speedily
separates the remaining atoms of bromine from them, and
leaves the metallic silver behind. When ammonia is
the alkali employed with the pyrogallic acid, we have a
further action. Over this glass plate, on which is a layer
of silver bromide in collodion, I allow a few drops of
strong ammonia to trickle. Notice the transparent track they
leave. From this we learn that the bromide is soluble in
ammonia. Hence, whilst the pyrogallate is still acting in
the manner indicated, if there be sufficient ammonia present
it dissolves a portion of the silver bromide ; this the pyro-
gallate decomposes, and causes the metal to deposit as in
the ordinary development. By this means a greater density
is given to the image than would otherwise exist. There
is a further density given by a somewhat curious action
(apparently catalectic) the cause of which I have not time to
I should state that sometimes the avidity of the pyro-
gallic acid in the presence of ammonia for bromine is so
great that it is found necessary to give it a soluble bromide
wherewith to satisfy it. Thus potassium bromide is usually
added to the alkaline developer. We will expose a plate
prepared with silver bromide behind a negative and develop
it by this alkaline method, throwing the resulting picture
on the screen; There is no noticeable difference between
this image and that developed with the ferrous sulphate in the
wet plate.
Now it is not necessary to prepare a sensitive bromide
film by immersing the collodionized plate in a solution of
silver nitrate ; by an artifice we can have the sensitive salts
held in suspension in the viscid collodion.
I will very briefly cany you through the operations
necessary to produce this emulsion, as it is technically called,
of silver bromide. In collodion are dissolved soluble bromides.
Silver nitrate dissolved in weak alcohol is added in sufficient
quantity to convert it into silver bromide. If rightly
carried out, this solid bromide remains in suspension in a very
finely divided state in the collodion. The collodion is next
poured out into a dish and allowed to become gelatinous by
the evaporation of the ether, after which it is well washed
(to eliminate all the soluble salts present), and dried.
The pellicle is next redissolved in a mixture of ether and
alcohol, and we have as a result such a viscous fluid as in
this bottle. To prepare a film for exposure in the camera,
all that is necessary is to pour it over the surface of a glass or
other plate as if it were ordinary collodion. It is equally
well acted on when dried as when still moist with the
solvents. It is usual to add some bromine absorber to the
collodion, but this is not absolutely necessary, though it is
generally considered that sensitiveness is increased by so
WE left off with the development of the dry plate by the
method known as the alkaline process, and this morning
we must break into new ground. But yesterday after the
lecture a gentleman came to me, and said, "You have not
spoken about the latent image." Now what is called the
latent image is a thing I hesitate to recognise. I will admit
there is an invisible image, but . not what should strictly be
called a latent image. If we take 10,000 parts of oxide
of zinc, say, and mix thoroughly with it one part of lamp-
black, you will perceive no difference in tint between the
pure oxide of zinc and that contaminated with the lamp-
black ; but the lampblack is there nevertheless. So in the
same way when we expose for a short time a sensitive plate
to the action of light, a change has taken place in certain
molecules exactly in the way that would give us a visible
image by a longer exposure, the only difference between
the one and the other being in the quantity of molecules
affected. I think I need scarcely repeat the experiments
which showed the development of the invisible image.
Suffice it to say that the visible as well as the invisible
image, can attract silver from an unstable solution of silver
But to-day we have to consider as to the light which is
most favourable for photographers, i.e. to what rays of light
these salts of silver are most sensitive. If you cause a slice of
white light to pass through a prism, it is separated into
its component rays, and we have what we all know as the-
spectrum. The spectrum of the light from the incandescent
carbons is now thrown on the screen, and if I were to place
a large piece of paper impregnated with a sensitive silver
salt such as the iodide in that spectrum and I have taken the
iodide with a set purpose we should notice, on the appli-
cation of a developing agent, that no change in its molecules
had been effected by the red and yellow rays, but that green,
blue, violet, and the invisible rays beyond the violet
had "been active. The length of the ultra-violet part of
the spectrum is equal in length to the whole of the
visible spectrum. Mr. Lockyer and Professor Stokes, I
think, have told you about these ultra-violet rays, and I am
not going to repeat what they have said. Instead of using the
electric light we may pass a very thin slice of sunlight
through a prism or a couple of prisms, and when we do so,
we find a spectrum traversed by black lines, which you have
already heard are due to the absorption of metallic and
other vapours. Those lines, as you are aware, occupy certain
fixed positions in the spectrum, and supposing that we get
photographic impressions bounded by any particular line, we
should know what part of the spectrum was effective.
Before proceeding further I may show you that with the
ordinary silver salts employed the red light is inoperative to
produce a picture, whilst the blue light is perfectly capable
of so doing. I have here a dry plate prepared with
bromo-iodide of silver (I told you yesterday that we mixed
bromides with iodides in the collodion, and produced silver
bromo-iodide in the film by means of a solution of silver
nitrate), and I will expose, for a minute, one half of it behind
a negative to the red rays, and the other half for ten seconds
to the violet rays. You will see that in the first half of the
picture we shall get no results, and in the other half we
shall get an image. After it is developed I will throw it on
the screen. Here it is after the developer has been applied,
and you see the red light is incapable of impressing an image.
Before I came yesterday I photographed the spectrum on
different silver compounds, to show what rays are capable of
producing an image, and when you compare this photograph,
taken on the iodide salt, with the carefully coloured drawing
hanging on the wall, you will find what I told you was
correct about the silver iodide. [The photograph shown
on the screen.] The transparent line, which you see at
the extreme end of the image, agrees with the line E of the
solar spectrum, and when we turn the light on the diagram
of the spectrum you will see what position this line occupies
in the green. The spectrum goes along through the blue,
through the violet, and here we get two well-known lines,
called the H lines, also to be seen in the diagram, which
are very near the extreme end of the violet portion. You
can now see that the photographic action goes far beyond them,
right into those portions which are usually invisible. To
obtain this photograph and those which I shall show you
directly, the spectrum was thrown on the sensitive com-
pound after passing through ordinary glass prisms and glass
lenses. If I had employed quartz lenses and prisms,
or Iceland spar lenses and prisms, I should have been
able to obtain an impression much further in the ultra-
violet, because glass cuts off these rays to a great extent ;
but as photographers use glass objectives, I thought it best
to show you the spectra as produced through this medium.
I now wish you to compare the spectrum when photo-
graphed on other silver compounds, with that already shown.
You will notice that the iodide shows the greatest impressi-
bility to those rays which correspond to G, whose wave-
length answers to about 4,300 metres, 1 at which point
it seems to tumble down a precipice in the direction of
the violet. The lowest ray which effects it is the E, which
corresponds to about 5,200. The maximum effect produced on
the bromide seems to take place at about the same wave-length
and to diminish more gradually and regularly in both directions.
On the chloride the intensity seems to be nearly of the
same character as that of the iodide, though the fall in
effectiveness is not so marked towards the H line. We may
say, then, the gradients of the sensitiveness of the bromide
to the spectrum are far less steep than those of the iodide
and chloride. The question comes, then, is it not possible
to have some compound which shall give a gentler gra-
dient than the bromide, and thus enable us to photograph
further in both directions, or, if that be not possible, cannot
we change the point of maximum effect to a point nearer
towards the red end, by employing a different silver com-
pound, and yet preserve the same gradient, as the bromide ?
In either case we should be able to photograph further down
towards the A line.
Each ray of light, as you doubtless are aware, is caused by a
different vibratory motion of the all- space-pervading ether.
The waves producing the red rays are longer than those pro-
ducing the orange, the orange than the green, and so on. Now
1 In future we shall refer all these, wave-lengths to the same scale
of metres '
FIQ. 5.
when any one of these rays impinges upon a molecule of
matter, it meets with an opposition to its motion ; it may be
that the swing of the wave may be in accord, or nearly so,
with the natural swing of the molecule. In such a case we
might expect no change to occur in a compound molecule
though motion be imparted to it. But it may happen that
the beats of the two are of such a nature that a violent
internal battering and sifting, as it were, of the molecule will
take place. It may be so driven and shaken about, that in
order to arrive at some sort of harmonious motion with the
wave, it may throw off one of the atoms of which the
molecule is composed. It seems probable that to pro-
duce photographic sensitiveness in a compound there are two
requirements, first, that the molecule should be set in motion
by the wave, second, that the motion must be of such a
nature that a sifting of its component atoms takes place.
The silver iodide 1 molecule is apparently in the greatest
internal discord with the blue ray waves, and when they
fall upon it, it throws off an iodine atom. If then we can
obtain a molecule which can be caused to vibrate by the im-
pact of the red ray waves, and yet be shaken by them, we
might expect that such a one would throw off a something
to render itself more in tune with that wave.
I give beneath a table of comparative weights of the
different molecules of silver chloride, bromide, and iodide.
Ag 2 Cl 2 Ag 2 Br 2 A 2 I 2
287 376 470
By loading any of these silver compounds we ought to be
able to produce a corresponding change in the limit of internal
discord. Thus by loading a silver chloride molecule with a
dead weight equal to 89, or the difference between 376 and
287, we ought to cause its limit to be the same as the bromide.
Again, we have every reason to believe that by slightly
loading the molecule of the bromide we might make its limit
of internal discord to be at the A line, or below it ; or again,
we may expect that by getting a compound of silver which is
heavier than 470, the molecular weight of silver iodide, we
might obtain similar results. In all cases we must suppose that
there is some portion of the molecule that can readily be
1 The absorption spectrum of silver iodide as well as of bromide
shows the greatest absorption to take place in the blue.
shaken off by it when the swing of the wave is sufficiently-
inharmonious. It should be noted, however, that in these
loaded molecules the increased weight may be a dead weight,
as it were ; that is, the part shaken off may still be chlorine,
iodine, or bromine, if the compound contain any or all of
these halogens. I now throw on the screen a photograph of
the spectrum taken on loaded silver bromide. The bright
line in the centre is the extreme limit of visibility, the A
line ; on the left beyond the A line there are indications of
bands of lines, and when you come to examine microscopically
a good photograph, you can see that it is particularly rich in
lines, a great many of which are due to the absorption of
the atmosphere.
FIG. 6.
To show you that it is not only the solar spectrum that
can be photographed by this means, I have here the first
photograph taken by myself of the red end of a spectrum,
of a metal, namely, of calcium. This metal is particularly
rich in red rays, together with some rays beyond the extreme
limit of visibility. I may remark in passing that by the
process here adopted the point of maximum photographic in-
tensity in the spectrum is lowered towards the red. Those
two black lines on the left are the last which can be seen,
and the lines towards the right lie beyond the A line. Their
waves are of such a length that they cannot impress them-
selves on the nerves of the eye.
I should like to expose a plate coated with this sensitive
salt, to show you that there is no illusion about photo-
graphing with red rays. I have here such a one which I will
expose to the red light only ; it will require perhaps a
minute's exposure, and I must have it developed as far as
possible in the dark, otherwise the image would be veiled.
[The developed image was then thrown on the screen.]
Dr. Vogel, of Berlin, has experimented with bromide
plates prepared in the silver bath, which, after washing, he
nooded with various diluted dyes. He has found and often
correctly, that the film becomes sensitive to the action of those
rays which the dyes will absorb. Blue, however, according to
his theory, should absorb all the red rays, and thus be chiefly
sensitive to the red and yellow. Experiment does not always
bear him out in this. I am inclined to think that by the
use of these dyes he forms a real compound with silver (for
however well you may wash your plates you cannot eliminate
all free nitrate of silver), and thus loads his molecules. To
explain Vogel's reasoning I will throw the spectrum on the
screen, and place a glass cell containing cosine dissolved in
alcohol before it ; you see there is an absorption in the green,
whilst the fluid allows the rays immediately above and below
it to pass.
You must bear in mind that where absorption occurs, there
work of some description must be performed, for the diminution
of the amplitude of a wave denotes that energy has been
If we faintly stain a film of silver bromine with eosine, so
that the dye absorbs the green rays through its whole thickness,
and carries, as it were, the light to every individual molecule
in its path, the rays not so rapidly absorbed should not
cause such a rapid chemical change. By increasing the
strength of the dye on the washed plate it is possible to
prevent any change in the portion exposed to the green
rays, as they are absorbed before they get to the bromide,
but if at the same time we increase the silver in the film to
such an extent as to allow the whole of the dye to form
a compound with it, the effect is still more marked. By
this procedure I have been enabled to photograph below
the "a" line, with the weighted molecule of bromide.
I throw on the^ screen a spectrum taken on a plate
slightly stained with eosine (see Fig. 5), and I will ask you to
compare it with the absorption spectrum of the dye and also
with the spectra impressed on the other silver compounds.
As I said before, I believe that the results obtained with the
dyes by Vogel are due to their combination with the residue
of silver nitrate left in the film, and what seems to tend to
confirm this view is that if the film contain excess of soluble
bromide, no results are to be obtained.
Dr. Vogel's researches do not absolutely point to obtain-
ing a method of prolonging the photographic spectrum,
yet they tend towards it. You must not accept my explana-
tion of them as correct (though I believe it to be so), as the
theory is still in the course of examination by Dr. Vogel,
Captain Waterhouse, myself, and others.
We must again travel forward a step, and now we shall
find it more easy to understand the production of photographs
of a certain kind which we find in the Exhibition. If we
take pure silver chloride and expose it to the action of the
spectrum sufficiently long to give a visible impression, we
find that it extends from the green to far beyond the. extreme
violet, but that no action takes place in the red. I exhibit
here a photograph of the spectrum taken on paper impregnated
with silver chloride ; the exposure necessary to produce this
print was three-quarters of an hour. Another similar piece of
paper was taken and slightly darkened in diffused light, and
placed in the spectrum. The impression of the blue rays
continued, and at the same time there was a browning action
taking place where the yellow rays were thrown, whilst at the
extremity of the red a decided pink was apparent. Two
such spectra I have here, one fixed and the other not fixed ;
you will perceive that in the former the red tint has been lost,
though there is an evidence of decided darkening beyond
that due to tint on the paper. In the latter the colours are
still extant.
Now conjointly with these results I wish to bring to your
notice another experiment that any of you possessing a prism,
and a camera, and a looking-glass can repeat, if you have
even the smallest photographic knowledge. Take a glass
plate and prepare it as if you were going to take a picture,
expose it to the daylight and develop it, then "intensify"
till you have a perfectly opaque film of silver, and dissolve
away the unaltered silver salts, and wash well. Next
take some copper chloride and flood the film with it. It
will gradually seem to turn to a dirty white by reflected
light, and by transmitted light it will be a reddish brown,
for the copper will part with half its chlorine to the silver,
which there is every reason to think is converted into a
mixture of chloride and sub-chloride. Now expose such a
plate to the action of the spectrum for ten minutes. You
will find that where the violet, blue, and green rays come,
you have a darkening of the surface, whilst where the
yellow and red rays fall you have a bleaching action.
Again, take another plate, similarly prepared, but give
it a final wash with silver nitrate, and allow it to darken
in white light, and then expose it to the spectrum, or
"beneath red, green, yellow, and blue glasses. In this
case we shall find the silver reddens in the red light, becomes
greenish in the green, and blue in the blue. I have here a
plate that has been so treated and exposed to the different
coloured lights, and you can note the colours though they
are somewhat spoilt by subsequent experiments. Mark the
difference between the two plates : one had a chloride and
sub-chloride of silver alone, the other had chloride, sub-
chloride, and a chlorine absorbent present.
We may class the result obtained on the silver chloride on
paper arid that on the last coloured plate as identical, both
being exposed under the same conditions. Leaving out, for
the present, the theory of the production of the colour, let us
examine the fact that a change has been effected by the rays
of low refrangibility. We have silver chloride and sub-,
chloride together in close contact on the surface, and I think
we may take it that we have the case of a loaded molecule,
whose swing is in discord with the longer waves ; that such a
discord causes an atom of chlorine to be thrown off (as before
explained), and that the atom so separated is from the portion
of the compound molecule which by itself would be the sub-
chloride. As a result of the impact of the light we should
have remaining metallic silver (from the sub-chloride) and
unaltered silver chloride. The amount of sub-chloride formed
by the preliminary exposure would be small, hence the total
amount of reduced silver would be little in comparison with
that which would be due to the reduction of the chloride to
the sub-chloride by the more refrangible portion of the
spectrum. The well-known reversal of the lines of the red
end when photographed on iodide or bromide of silver, to
which a slight preliminary exposure has been given, can
be accounted for in the same way, on the supposition that
the silver reduced from the sub-iodide or bromide is not so
actively attractive as the sub-iodide or sub-bromide itself.
The fact that such reversed photographs are always more or
less veiled is rather confirmatory of this view.
With the plate treated with copper chloride alone, and no sub-
sequent addition of silver nitrate and preliminary exposure,
the same line of argument still holds good. Part of the sub-
chloride is reduced to silver, and chlorine is evolved, the latter
being absorbed by another portion of the sub-chloride, with
which it combines to form the white chloride. The minute
atoms of reduced silver are shrouded by its whiteness, and
we have the consequent appearance of the bleaching of the
brownish-coloured film.
The cause of the colours in the paper-print and in the
plate requires explanation. The fact that when the unaltered
compounds on either of them are dissolved away, the colour
vanishes, leaving only that due to silver itself throws a light
on the subject.
In a soap bubble the beautiful colours which overspread
its surface are caused by the interference of the light re-
flected from the outer and inner surfaces which are micro-
scopically near each other, and it may be that the colours pro-
duced by the spectrum are the results of the interference of
the light reflected from the surface of the reduced particles
which are held apart by intervening silver chloride. 1 After
dissolving out the latter, the particles are brought in contact
and the colour disappears.
In the Exhibition we have photographs in colour, re-
presenting the solar spectrum, by Becquerel, and one of
my objects in leading up so far as I have was to try and
give you an explanation of the method of their production.
On a bright silver surface silver sub-chloride was formed by
voltaic or other means, and a spectrum was caused to fall on
a plate so prepared imprinting itself in all its colours. If
exposed to the light these spectra fade away and leave nothing
behind but a bluish brown plate. Hence it is that they are
preserved in closed light-tight cases, and can only be rarely
The cause of an action taking place by the impact of the
red and yellow rays has already been pointed out ; and the
vividness of the colours can also be readily accounted for
by the same explanation as given to account for those on
our paper and collodion film, when it is remembered that
there is the reflecting surface of the silver plate itself to aid
the interference.
Hitherto we have only spoken about silver compounds
being sensitive to light, but nearly all matter is sensitive
in one respect or another. Most probably the first action
1 Silver chloride is really a white transparent substance, as may be
proved by fuzing it in a crucible.
with, which man was acquainted as photographic action was
that of the tanning due to the sun, and in very primitive
days no doubt it was more marked than it would be at
the present day. The next change most probably would be
noticed by the fair sex, who used coloured materials for their
dresses, and ladies soon found out that silks, calicoes, or
ribbons of certain colours materially changed under the action
of light. Here I have three pieces of different coloured
materials^ on which you are able to produce an image by
the fading of the dyes. These have been exposed under a
negative to the action of light, not heat. The usual explana-
tion about the fading of these colours is that there is something
given off like the scent from a rose ; but when you see a map
absolutely printed by light on them, you can have no doubt
as to the action which has produced it. If it were that a sort
of essence is given off, a negative placed over these
colours whilst in the light would produce no defined result
whatever, they would fade equally under it ; we therefore
cannot help concluding that some chemical change has taken
place. Again, you will find most unlikely substances, such
as glass, change under the influence of light. My friend Mr.
Dallmeyer has some beautiful specimens of glass, which
have been altered in this way ; flint glass being changed
to a yellow colour and crown glass to a purple tint. Again,
we know that there are elements which are affected by light,
and amongst them I may mention selenium, a body whose
resistance to the passage of a current of electricity it has been
proved is diminished by the impact of light. Thus in
darkness a piece of selenium 1 '5 in. X '5 in. x '05 in. offered
333000 units of resistance to the passage of the current.
Whilst in the diffused light it offered nearly 270000 units.
It was also found that the resistance was decreased most
in the least refrangible portion of the visible spectrum. In
the blue it was only 279000 units, in the yellow 277000
units, and in the red 255000 units of electrical resistance.
I have brought this forward to show to you that a simple
elementary body may be acted upon by light.
We also find that the colouring matter of flowers and of
leaves is affected by light. Mrs. Sornerville and Sir John
Herschel made a long series of experiments with it. If you
take the leaves, say, of common cabbage, and place them in
alcohol, a certain coloured resin is extracted, which is known
by the name of chlorophyll. Its solution is red by trans-
mitted, and green by reflected light. Here we have a piece
of paper which has been brushed over with this alcoholic
solution : the colour is a sort of primrose green. By exposure
to light it has become bleached. This bleaching is principally
due to the yellow light and not to the blue light, which
acts on the salts of silver. Again, if you take the leaves of
stocks, common wallflowers, violets, or roses, and treat them
with alcohol, you can extract the colouring matter, and if,
having brushed it over, you expose it beneath a negative, you
will get prints of various colours. If you treat the rose extract
with a small quantity of acid and brush it over a sheet of
paper and expose it to the light, you will find the natural
pink colour intensified and the subsequent change will be
increased. Again, take the common violet, treat its extract
with ammonia, and it gives you a green solution, but the
green colouring matter is bleached by the action of light,
and experiment proves that the parts of the spectrum to
which the colouring matter is sensitive are not the same
as those to which the silver salts are sensitive. There is
a wide range of experimental work yet to be undertaken
with respect to this colouring matter of flowers.
I should here like to call your attention to the fact that
some gaseous bodies as well as solids are affected by light. If,
for example, we take hydrogen and chlorine in proper propor-
tions in a glass bulb, and keep them in the dark, no com-
bination takes place ; but if we take such a bulb into sunlight,
they combine almost instantaneously, the light causing the
atoms to swing in such a way that they mutually attract
each other, and form hydrochloric acid. As Dr. Tyndall has
shown, it is not heat-waves that cause the atoms to com-
bine, but light- waves ; he enclosed the gases in a collodion
balloon, and then caused them to combine by a concentrated
light, and the film was found unburnt. In diffused light
the combination takes place slowly and without explosion.
For similar reasons, if chlorine be passed into water in the
daylight, hydrogen is abstracted from the water and hydro-
chloric acid is formed, the oxygen forming another compound
with the chlorine.
The bodies to which I next shall call your attention as
sensitive are metallic compounds. Sir John Herschel was
the first to investigate the action of light on iron com-
pounds, and to him are due a variety of most interesting
processes, examples of one or two of which. I shall endeavour
to show yon.
Whilst mentioning the above great philosopher, I should
like to point out to you the instrument with which he
operated when experimenting on the effect that light pro-
duced on different organic and metallic compounds.
FIG. 7.
A is a glass prism which could be rotated in its frame
round an axis D, so that the sun's rays would be dispersed
in any given direction. B is a lens denning the spectrum
(which, it must be recollected, was a mixed one, and not
pure). C the screen on which the spectrum was raised, and
on which the compound to be tried was placed. At E was
marked a line on which one particular part of the spectrum
was invariably caused to fall. When used the frame-work
was covered with a black velvet cloth. The absolute results of
the experiments on the different compounds are shown in an
old book containing a list of Fellows of the Royal Society,
over whose distinguished names they have been pasted.
This book is perhaps one of the most interesting exhibits
in the Loan Collection.
Reverting to the iron salts I may point out that those of
them which are in the ferric state are the most readily acted
upon by light ; the ferrous salts, as a rule, not being sensi-
tive. A variety of ferric salts may be formed, such as ferric
chloride, or ferric oxalate ; or you may have a compound of
ferric citrate with citrate of ammonia, and so on. Of all
the compounds of iron, Sir John Herschel found that this
latter ferric salt, when employed with the ammonium citrate,
was the most easily operated upon. If we take a piece of
paper and brush over it a mixed solution of these two salts,
and when dry expose it to light beneath a negative for a short
time (about two minutes), we shall obtain a blue image after
treating it with a solution of potassium ferri-cyanide>. This
blue colour can only result from the contact of the potassium
ferri-cyanide with some ferrous compound. Here then we
have a demonstration of the change effected by light ; the
ferric compound is reduced to a ferrous state.
I will endeavour to produce such a print before you, but I
must tell you that these iron salts are most objectionable for
lecture experiments. If you expose a piece of paper which
has been coated with this ferric compound, causing an image
to be formed of a ferrous salt, and put it away in the dark,
it rapidly loses the impression altogether. The ferrous
becomes reconverted into the feme salt. This is exceed-
ingly tantalizing. I had some sheets of prepared paper
exposed only this morning, and on developing them by the
method already indicated, you see the image is very weak,
due to this reactionary cause ; had it remained undeveloped
a few hours longer we should have had no image at all.
An iron print can also be developed by means of silver
nitrate. A ferrous salt of iron will reduce silver nitrate
to its metallic state, as already shown in yesterday's lecture ;
and if I bring a solution of the latter on to the exposed
print, you will see that the silver deposits on those parts
affected by light.
The next salts to which I must call your attention are the
uranium salts, of which there are specimens on the card
which you see before you. Uranium nitrate is sensitive to
light in he presence of organic matter, being thus reduced
to the state of an oxide. This oxide precipitates silver and
other metals from their solutions, and with potassium ferri-
cyanide forms a nearly insoluble brown compound.
We will now develop a picture with the ferri-cyanide, and
you will note its appearance. I have also another photo-
graph printed with uranium, which is now being placed in
a solution of, silver nitrate, to which a little gallic acid
has been added. The silver is gradually being reduced by
uranium oxide, and a metallic image is being built up. After
passing the paper through sodium hyposulphite and wasliing,
the picture is permanent.
The other most interesting compounds to which I would
call your attention are those of vanadium. Professor Eoscoe
found, during some recent researches, that certain vanadium
salts were sensitive to light. Here is the first vanadium
print ever produced. It was developed by silver nitrate
in a manner similar to that employed with the uranium print.
I am obliged to pass over some other metallic compounds,
but 1 must mention the potassium dichromate, or rather
the chromium salts. These salts are the great handmaidens
of photographic printing processes at the present day. When
you brush a solution of potassium dichromate over paper and
expose it to the light, you will find the paper becomes
darkened where the light has acted, and an oxide of chromium
has been formed, the organic matter in the paper having
reduced the potassium dichromate to that state. I have here
such a piece of paper which has been exposed under a
negative, and washed afterwards ; and you see the green
coloration of the chromium oxide.
Not only is the potassium dichromate reduced to the state
FIG. 8.
of oxide, but it also oxidises the organic matter with which
it is in contact. If you take gelatine or any similar colloid
body and add fco it a solution of potassium dichromate, dry
it, and expose it to the light, you will find the gelatine has
undergone a distinct change. First of all, the gelatine has
become insoluble in hot or cold water, and in the second
place it has become incapable of absorbing water. I have
here a sheet of paper (A) coated with gelatine, in which was
dissolved potassium dichromate. It has been exposed to
light under a negative of a map, and, as I have just told
you, it will not absorb water where the lines are printed.
I immerse it in \vater, place it on this glass plate (B), blot off
the excess of moisture, and then roll it with this roller (C),
which has been charged with greasy ink. The ink is already
beginning to take on the lines ; I run the roller briskly over
it once or twice to give more ink to them and to remove any
adhering superficially, and we have now got a finished map
whose lines are formed of the greasy ink ; this process of
reproducing plans I have called the papyrotype process.
In a simple way I want to show you also that gelatine
becomes insoluble in hot water by the action of light when it
is in contact with potassium dichromate. I have here a piece
of gelatinous paper, which has been exposed under the same
negative as before, its surface whilst dry has been covered with
a thin layer of greasy ink. Now if gelatine becomes insoluble
where the light has acted, when I float this paper on hot water,
those parts which have been acted upon by light ought
to remain on the paper, and those parts which have not
been acted on ought to dissolve, carrying the ink with
them. I place the uncoated side of the paper on the boilin-g
water, and I notice that an action takes place ; where the
light has not acted the gelatine is swelling up, showing
that it is absorbing water ; in other words, I see that the
lines forming the image are depressed, and the gelatine
around is in relief. I pour a gentle stream of water over the
surface, and then I wash away the soluble parts by the applica-
tion of a sponge. The lines are perfectly distinct, appearing
black on a white ground. Both of these properties of chro-
mated gelatine, which I have shown you, are utilised in what
we call photolithography. The images formed in the greasy
ink can be transferred to a lithographic stone and impressions
taken in the ordinary manner. This last process is known as
the Southampton method for preparing a photographic transfer
for lithography. The first method I showed you is certainly
equally as effective. It is also on these two properties of gela-
tine, when in contact with the dichromates viz., non-
absorption of water and insolubility where light has acted
that a variety of other photographic printing processes are
Fm. 9.
founded. On the later reaction is founded the autotype process,
where the image is formed absolutely of coloured gelatine, all
the parts not acted upon by light having dissolved away ;
whilst on the former are built up all those processes which
produce prints in graduated tints of greasy ink after an image
has been obtained on gelatine that has been hardened and
rendered insoluble in water (though still leaving it capable of
absorbing water in the parts not acted upon by light), by the
addition of such substances as tannin, chrome alum, &c. As
examples of such processes I may mention the heliotype,
albertype, and autotype mechanical processes.
I have now come to the end of the time allotted to me,
and I trust that the explanations as far as they have gone
have been clear ; but in treating of such a large subject as
photography, it would be necessary for you to listen to me
for as many days as you have hours, in order that I might
enter into the details of much which I have merely been
able to glance at.
THIS subject is one which does not admit very well of experi-
mental illustration before a large class ; in fact, with all the
appliances of the electric light, I should only be able to show
you, comparatively imperfectly, what you can each see for
yourselves by experiments which you can make quietly in
your own chambers, requiring, I may say, hardly any apparatus
at all. The foundation of what I have to say rests on Newton's
discovery of the compound nature of white light, with which
I presume you are already familiar. You know that when a
beam of light is allowed to fall upon a prism, it is decom-
posed into the different kinds of light of which it consists
which are bent round in passing through the prism to a
different degree.
Supposing a beam of sunlight reflected horizontally into a
room through a small hole and allowed to fall on a prism close
by, if the light were of one kind, the beam would be simply
bent round as shown in this diagram [referred to], and instead
of a circular spot being painted on the wall as at A, it would
be as at B. But on making the experiment you have actually
an elongated coloured image. The cause of that is, the light
is not of one kind, but consists of a variety of kinds differing
from one another by the colour with which they impress
the eye, and by their ref rangibility or capability of being bent
round in passing through, a prism, the red rays being bent
round the least, and the violet r&ys the most, while there are
kinds of light of all shades of refrangibility between the two
extremes. If I were to form a coloured image or spectrum
in this simple way it would not be what is called a pure
spectrum. Suppose, for simplicity of explanation, we had only
two kinds of light, blue and red, differing from one another
in refrangibility, then the incident light would be decomposed
into those two beams which would each diverge separately
from the source of light, or rather from the virtual images of
that source, and would be bent round to a very different
extent in passing through the prism; consequently if we
received them on a screen we should get two circular
patches of light, one blue and one red. Now actually, as
I have said, you have all intermediate shades of refrangi-
bility, and therefore this compound fan-shaped beam, which
passes through the prism, must be regarded as made up of
a vast number of cones of light differing from each other in
refrangibility, which increases from the red end to the blue
end. Consequently if you were to receive the whole on a
screen, any one point of the screen would not be illuminated
solely by one kind of light, but by all the kinds the refrangi-
bility of which lay within certain limits ; in fact there would
be a spectrum made up in this way, each circle that we draw
representing the section of one of those cones, and each over-
lapping the neighbouring circles. How then shall we arrange
to procure a pure spectrum, and that without loss of light ? I
say without loss of light, because a very simple mode, in
theory, of obtaining a pure spectrum would be to limit a beam
of light by one hole, and then by another at a distance ; the
diverging beam, which passes through the first hole, would be
limited by the second, so as to transmit only a very narrow
pencil of light, which you might regard as a mere ray, and if
you allowed that to fall upon a prism, it would be bent round
differently for the different kinds of light of which it consists,
so that you would get in that way a pure spectrum, but at an
enormous sacrifice of light. How then are we to obtain such a
pure spectrum without loss of light 1 This diagram represents
(Fig. A) a beam of sunlight diverging through a small hole,
forming a pencil of light. If that were received on a convex
lens at a sufficient distance (Fig. B), it would be brought to a
focus again on the other side, and would diverge from that
focus afterwards. If we were to take a prism alone, place the
prism at a distance from the hole, and in its position of
minimum deviation (Fig. C) we should get, if there were two
kinds of light only, blue and red, two beams emerging in
different directions, the blue (represented in the figure by
interrupted lines) being bent round more than the red,
and diverging as if they came from two separate points.
Now suppose we combine these* two pieces of apparatus
. B.
together, placing the prism at a distance from the hole, and
the lens near the prism (Fig. D). Then the prism and the
lens each fulfils its own office, the prism causes each conical
beam of light to be bent round,, but differently, according to
the nature of the light, more for the blue than the red ; the
lens alone collects each of these conical beams, and brings it
ngain to a focus, and so this figure represents what will take
D 2
If a screen were placed exactly in the focus, and white
light containing light of all shades of refrangibility were
allowed to fall on the prisrn, each point of the screen whicli
was illuminated at all would be illuminated by one kind of
light only ; the different kinds would be separated from one
another on the screen, and consequently you would get a pure
spectrum, and that without the tremendous loss of light
encountered if you employ two holes placed at a distance
from each other. The spectrum thus formed, though pure,
would be infinitely narrow ; but in order to give it breadth
you have only to substitute a line of light (in a direction
parallel to the edge of the prism) from the point of light ; in
other words, to transmit the light in the first instance through
a narrow slit instead of a small hole. This is the way in
which a pure spectrum is generally formed as a matter of
principle, though sometimes a mirror is used instead of a lens ;
but I will not go further into that, because what I have said
is merely an introduction to the use of the prism in the
simplest manner possible.
The simplest way to form a pure spectrum experimentally,
and a way which suffices, provided you do not want to put
objects in the spectrum, but only to see it, is to suppose the
lens to represent your eye, and the screen placed in the focus
of the lens to represent the retina.
I said that if the light was passed through a hole it would
be brought to a point ; but if it came in through a slit, which
you may regard as a succession of holes in a direction perpen-
dicular to the plane of the paper, then after passing through
the lens it would be brought to a line of light standing out
in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the paper, which
is supposed to be the plane of refraction for light from the
middle of the hole, a line of blue light for the blue light, a
line of red light for the red light, &c., in different positions,
so that the spectrum on the screen would be made up of a
series of lines, red, yellow, and blue, &c., if there were so
many different kinds of light. Every pure spectrum from a
source of light allowed to fall through a slit is to be thought
of as made up of a number, generally an infinite number, of
images of the . slit, corresponding each to the light of one
definite refrangibility. Instead of having distinct images of
the slit, as you would if there were only a definite number
of degrees of refrangibility, if you have all shades you must
regard the spectrum as made up of an infinite number of
images of the slit placed side by side, and running one into
the other with no line of demarcation between them, except
in certain conditions in which there is a failure of certain
kinds of light. Now the simplest way of seeing this is to
take a slit, which may be of the roughest description, and a
prism which is just large enough to cover comfortably the
pupil of the eye, and to look at the slit through the prism as
I am doing now. I now see a coloured image or spectrum, and
in it the fixed lines of Fraunhofer. T presume you have heard
of these already, and I shall not describe them, as it would
take me too far from my subject. There is one point which I
must notice in the use of the prism held in this manner before
the naked eye. If you turn it round its axis, you will find
that for a certain azimuth of the prism the fixed lines of the
spectrum, or at least of a particular part that you are looking
at, will be seen distinctly ; but if you turn the prism a little this
way or that round a line parallel to its edge, they will become
indistinct. The particular direction or azimuth in which the
prism must be held is found by trial. You can focus the
spectrum by turning the prism one way or the other, until
the image you are looking at is sharp and clear; just as
in ordinary cases of focusing. The reason of that is easily
explained by geometrical optics, or the science which treats
of the mathematical consequences of the laws of reflection and
refraction of rays of light. It depends on the alteration of
the distance of the virtual focus from which the rays after
refraction through the prism come according to the azimuth
of the prism. I say virtual focus, although in point of fact,
after passing in that manner through a prism, unless it be in
the position of minimum deviation, the light diverges, not from
a focus, but from two focal lines, as they are called. Now if
you combine the prism with a lens in order to project the
image on a screen, and allow homogeneous light to pass
through a hole at a sufficient distance, and to fall on the prism
when not in the position of minimum deviation, you will find
in one position of the screen a vertical line of light, and in
another position a horizontal line, and between the two you
will get a circular patch. Now suppose that the screen is
held in such a position that on it is formed the vertical line,
how is the image of a slit which you substitute for the hole
formed 1 It is formed by a succession of lines overlapping one
another in the direction of their length, which gives you in
fact a single straight line ; so that when white light is used
light of any one kind will be brought to a line on the screen,
or in this case on the retina of the eye, and the spectrum
will be seen distinctly. The particular azimuth in which the
prism must be held to see the spectrum distinctly depends on
the distance at which the slit is held from the observer, and
on the length of sight of the observer, and it will be different
from one end of the spectrum to the other. If I hold a prism
so as to see the red end distinctly, I must turn it a little to
see the violet end distinctly. Turning it in one way brings
the virtual image nearer to the eye, and turning it the other
way moves the image further off. If it is focused for the
red by holding the prism in a certain position, we must turn
it a little so as to diminish the angle of incidence, in order to
get the true focus for the violet. The reason for that is, that
there is no provision for chromatic compensation in the eye.
The eye in that respect is to be compared, not to an achro-
matic object-glass, but to a simple lens. The effect of the
dispersion of light as regards ordinary vision is not perceived
under ordinary circumstances, but it becomes very perceptible
indeed when you supply the eye with homogeneous light
of different kinds, or with light from which certain portions
are abstracted. I have tried the experiment of throwing a
pure spectrum on a printed page. On holding the page at
the usual distance of distinct vision, I was able to see quite
distinctly in the green and brighter part of the spectrum ; in
the red end I saw somewhat indistinctly from long-sightedness ;
and in the violet end very indistinctly from short-sightedness.
In choosing a prism it is very easy to see whether the glass
of which it is composed is good or not. If you look at the
prismatic image of a candle, and then, keeping that in the
field, move off the prism to arm's length, so as to get distinct
vision of the prism itself, by moving it about a little you
will be able to see whether it is free from veins or not. It
should be free from veins, although a prism for merely eye-
work need not be of the same excellence as if it were to be
used with a telescope.
. The more immediate object of my lecture is the coloration
of natural objects, and that is best studied in the first instance
in the case of clear coloured bodies such as solutions, or
coloured glasses. Here is a coloured solution, and if I reflect
the skylight through it you will see the colour is blue ; but
if I add a little more colouring matter to it, it is no longer
blue but red. The same effect exactly would be produced if,
instead of increasing the quantity of coloured fluid which was
mixed with the water, I had increased the thickness of the
stratum through which you looked in fact one is found by
experiment to have exactly the same effect as the other. What
is the colour of this fluid 1 If you saw it only in one stage
you would say it was blue, and if only in another you
would say it was red. It passes in fact from blue to red.
"What is the cause of that 1 You must remember that this fluid
is illuminated by white light, and white light is not all of the
same kind, but is a mixture of portions of light, differing from
one another by their refrangibility, and at the same time
differing from one another in the coloured impression which
they produce upon the eye. In glisses the colouring effect
upon the eye simply results from the super-position of various
kinds of light which are present. In order to study this
phenomenon and the cause of it, we must in the first instance
consider what would take place as regards one kind of .light
alone. If I had one kind of light (and approximately I
should get that by a Bunsen flame with a bead of common
salt introduced into it), supposing I viewed this through a
wedge-shaped vessel which I can slide in front of my
eye, if I begin where the thickness is nothing, no effect is
produced. In this particular fluid, if I had such a flame before
me, I should see at first no effect, and then, as I slid the vessel
so as to increase the thickness of fluid looked through, the
flame would become weaker and weaker, until I should not
be able to see it. The effect is one of a progressive weaken-
ing. The longer the path, of the light within this coloured
or absorbing medium, the less the quantity of light which
escapes ; and the law according to which the intensity de-
creases is very readily obtained by a simple ^ consideration.
Suppose first we had a stratum of the fluid of a certain
thickness, say one-tenth of an inch, and this produced a
certain weakening in the light, or let through a certain per-
centage. Now if you treated the light which came through
to a second stratum, also one-tenth of an inch in thickness,
of the same fluid, it would let through the same percentage
as before, and so on. When you have to deal with a mass
of fluid you may in imagination divide it into strata each of
the same thickness. Suppose here is the horizontal surface of
a mass of coloured fluid, which we are observing in a vertical
direction with white light. The effect of the fluid on light of
any particular kind is simply to weaken it. If we divide the
fluid into strata of equal thickness, in passing through the
first the light is weakened in a certain proportion, depending
on the thickness of the stratum. In passing through the
second stratum the same percentage of the light will be let
through, and so on; so that in passing from stratum to
stratum the intensity of the light goes on decreasing in
geometric proportion. That is to say, each term of the
series expressing the residue bears to the preceding term of
the series the same ratio throughout. Consequently when
you get far enough into the stratum the light has been so
much weakened that it becomes altogether invisible. Theore-
tically, however great the stratum, there is a quantity which
still gets through, but practically, after a certain time, the
quantity which gets through is so very small that it may be
regarded as nothing at all, and the light is extinguished.
Now the rate at which the light is so extinguished depends
upon the kind of light which falls upon the coloured stratum.
Suppose that rate to be different for different kinds of light,
then if there were only two kinds presented to the fluid in
the first instance, as it passed on and on, through this ab-
sorbing medium, the proportion of these two kinds of light
would be continually changing. For the sake of clearness I
will suppose there are two kinds of light to start with, blue
and red, and that at the beginning blue has an intensity of
100 and the red of 10. There is of course a great predomi-
nance of blue over red. Now suppose in passing through a
stratum of a certain thickness half the blue light is lost, and
only half transmitted, and that ninety per cent, of the red
light is transmitted. Then after passing through the first
stratum the intensities will be respectively 50 and 9 ; after
passing the second stratum of the same thickness the intensities
will be 25 and 8'1 ; after the third 12'5 and 7'3 ; after the
fourth 6 - 2 and 6 '6, or about equal; but afcer passing through
the next stratum they will be 3'1 and 5'8 ; so that
although the quantity of red light was so much smaller lo
begin with, the red is more lasting, and in light which has
passed through five of these strata the red now predominates
over the blue. Passing through another stratum, the in-
tensity of the blue is reduced to 1*5, whilst the red is 5*2,
and so on ; so that you see both kinds of light are weakened
but the proportion to one another is continually changing.
That is a general explanation of what takes place in a fluid
such as this [exhibiting an alkaline solution of archil]. I
may mention that in almost all coloured fluids there is a con-
tinual change in the colour according to the thickness of
the stratum of liquid, or, which will come to the same thing,
according to the strength of the solution. For the sake of
simplicity of explanation, I supposed there were only two
kinds of light to deal with, which I called red and blue, but
in point of fact when the fluid has white light thrown upon
it we have an infinite number of kinds of light, and all shades
of refrangibility, and each shade of refrangibility must be
considered by itself. If we take a certain stratum of a
coloured liquid or glass, or whatever it is, then after passing
through that stratum the light will be weakened in a pro-
portion which changes continuously in passing from one end
of the spectrum to the other. The mode in which the total
light passing through the stratum is made up may very con-
veniently be represented to the eye by a construction given
by Sir John Herschel in his treatise on light. Suppose you
take a horizontal line and lay distances along that line, or
abscissae, representing the places of the kinds of light which
you have under consideration in some standard spectrum, and
let lines drawn vertically, or ordinates, represent the intensity
of the particular kind of light. If you care merely to know
how the quantities go on changing as the light passes deeper
and deeper into the absorbing fluid or glass, it will be
simplest, to take the original intensity as unity throughout,
although we know very well that the different parts of the
spectrum are not equally bright. But that is a point which
we need not for the moment take into consideration. A
horizontal line, then, parallel to the axis of abscissae, may be
supposed to represent for each particular colour, the place
of 'which is defined by the abscissa, the original intensity of
that colour. Now after passing through a certain stratum of
the medium of a certain thickness, that intensity will be re-
duced differently for the different colours, and consequently
the locus which defines to the eye the composition of the
light which is passed through that stratum will be a certain
curve, but it will depend on the nature of the medium
what the nature of the curve will be. Now I have drawn
here [referring to figure] what represents a curve for a green
colour in a certain medium. To find how the light will be
composed after passing through a second stratum of equal
thickness, we have nothing to do but for a sufficient number
of abscissae to take an ordinate which bears to the ordinate
of this curve the same ratio that the latter bears to the
original ordinate or unity, and so on for additional strata
of the same thickness. Thus we get a succession of. curves
representing to the eye the composition of the light which
has passed through successive thicknesses of the medium.
You may notice that the quantity of light altogether goes
on decreasing ; but that is not all, the proportion of the
different parts goes on changing as well. In this case, if
the opacity of the medium is such as is represented in this
curve, the blue or bluish-green light which predominated a
little at first will predominate more and more, and the
colour of the medium will become a purer and purer green
as you look through greater and greater thicknesses of it.
Here is another curious curve representing in the same
manner the type of light which is transmitted through one
of the ordinary blue glasses coloured by oxide of cobalt. I
do not pretend that it is an exact representation, but it is
an approximate one, and you will see the curious alternations
which there are in this case, of comparative opacity and
transparency. In this way we can readily understand how
it is that the colour of a coloured fluid is continually
changing according to the thickness looked through. This
phenomenon in its more striking examples is sometimes
called dichroism, but as that word has been employed to
designate so many phenomena totally different from one
another in their mode of production, I hardly like to em-
ploy it.
You have seen in what manner you can readily, and
almost without any apparatus, observe a pure spectrum, and
how it is modified by the interposition of a coloured body ;
and I may just mention one or two instances of interesting
results which may be obtained in this manner. Sometimes
the mode in which a coloured medium attacks the different
parts of the spectrum is highly characteristic of the particular
iluid that you are employing. Here, for example, is one very
characteristic case the red colouring matter of blood. The
spectrum which that gives is represented in the upper part of
this figure [referred to]. In order to see the spectrum nothing
more is requisite than this : You take a slit of the roughest
description here is one made of wood and tinned iron
blackened, and the blood is conveniently held in a test-tube,
which you can hold in position by an elastic band. In order
to see the spectrum by transmission you have nothing more to
do than to hold this against a source of light and look at it.
If you use, not a wedge-shaped vessel, but a test-tube, you
cannot be sure of not passing over some of the most interesting
parts of the phenomena, unless you go step by step, and use
several different thicknesses, or, which comes to the same
thing, different degrees of dilution. For instance, when a
solution of blood is so highly coloured as this, a great part of
the spectrum is cut off, and it may be that you will see
nothing but a broad black band, whereas, if I had used a
weaker solution or a test-tube of smaller diameter, I should have
seen certain highly characteristic phenomena of absorption.
In order to see these, the solution must be so diluted that it
is little more than pink. Then you will see these highly
characteristic dark bands of absorption. I know of no sub-
stance which can be confounded with blood if you simply
take the spectrum of it in this manner, unless possibly an out-
of-the-way substance, turacine, the colouring matter found in
the red feathers of the wings of the touraco, a bird found at
the Cape of Good Hope. If you only looked at the spectrum
in one condition, it is possible that the two might be con-
founded, although hardly so ; but if you combine the obser-
vation of one of these peculiar spectra with the observation
of the effect of re-agents, you get a combination of characters
which is such that it is almost impossible to confound any
other substance with the one which you have under your
hands. This becomes a mode of discrimination between sub-
stances of the utmost value to chemists, but which, strangely,
for a long time they altogether neglected, though, since the
researches of Kirchhoff and Bunsen, the chemical spectroscope
has become an instrument in the hands of almost every
I may mention one reaction with reference to the colouring
matter of blood which is interesting in itself, and will also
illustrate what I am saying. You know that the venous
and arterial blood differ from each other in colour. If you
look at the veins at the wrist you can see the redness of
the arterial blood in the arteries which happen to be near
enough to the surface, as contrasted with the deeper and darker
colour of the venous blood. This difference can be imitated
by introducing into a solution of blood a suitable deoxidising
agent, which will alter its colour. I have here, in the first
instance a solution of protosulphate of iron, and I have added
to that tartaric acid, which has the property of preventing the
precipitation of many metallic oxides. The colouring matter
of blood is immediately decomposed by acid, and therefore
you must take care not to introduce acid into the solution. I
have rendered this solution alkaline by ammonia without pre-
cipitating the iron. This is a strong reducing agent. It is
in small quantity almost colourless, and if a little of that is
introduced into the colouring matter of blood, which is
not decomposed in any reasonable time by ammonia, then
immediately the colour is changed into a purple one, and the
spectrum is changed in a remarkable manner, as represented
in the lower half of the diagram. In lieu of the two dark
bands, you have a single band occupying an intermediate
position. The fluid is purpler than before, and lets through
more blue light. If you have such a solution in a test-tube,
and shake it up with air so as to re-oxidise it, you get back
the original solution, and you may put it backwards and
forwards as often as you like. But I merely mention this as
illustrating what you get by using simply a prism without
any apparatus at all, and you can see the actual spectrum as
shown on the diagram. If a test-tube containing a solution
of blood deoxidised in this manner be allowed to stand for
some time, it absorbs oxygen from the air, the upper part
becomes oxidised, and this oxidation extends deeper and
deeper down, and after a certain time the tipper portion of
the blood is seen of the scarlet colour, and the under portion
of the purple colour. If you then put the test-tube behind
a slit, such as I have shown you, and look at it through a
prism, you will see the two spectra simultaneously, as repre-
sented in the figure.
To take another example, I have here a solution of per-
manganate of potash. If it is considerably diluted, and you
analyse the light transmitted through, you will see a broad
dark band in the spectrum. If you have it more diluted, you
obtain a spectrum highly characteristic, in which are seen five
dark bands in the green part of the spectrum. Those are
highly characteristic of the permanganates. There is just a
trace of a sixth band, which comes in when the solution is
stronger. These are alternations of transparency and opacity,
not that the fluid is perfectly transparent, but these inter-
vening spaces are really alternations of greater and less absorp-
tion. When the quantity present is sufficient, the whole of
this region is absorbed, and then the characteristics are lost,
because there are a great variety of purple substances which
would give a spectrum not very different. In examining a
substance you must dilute the solution to make sure of break-
ing up any such broad dark region, and then you see the
dark bands, if any, which are characteristic of the substance.
There are other red solutions of manganese which may be
obtained, and which agree with the permanganates in being
powerfully oxidising agents, and which long ago were con-
founded by chemists with the permanganates because they
have both- the purple colour, and are powerfully oxidising
agents. For example, if you rub up binoxide of manganese
with binoxalate of potash, you obtain one of these purple
coloured solutions, though it is not very permanent, which as
being a powerful oxidising agent and also of a purple colour,
was supposed to contain permanganic acid, but the spec-
trum instantly shows you it is nothing of the kind. These
two examples will suffice to show how valuable the prism is,
even without any other apparatus, as a means of discrimi-
nating between different bodies.
The phenomena of the coloration of natural bodies is
best studied, as I said before, in coloured solutions ; but I now
pass on from that to the colours of natural bodies as commonly
presented to us. Let us take, for example, a very common
colour, the green of vegetation, as in grass and leaves in
general. What is the cause why a green leaf is green, or
why a red poppy is red? It is frequently said that the
reason why a red poppy is red and that a white lily is
white is, that the lily reflects rays of .all kinds, but the poppy
reflects only the red ones, and if you place the red poppy in
a pure spectrum it is luminous, like a white lily, in the red ;
hut if you place it in the green it will be almost black,
whereas the white lily will be brilliantly green. JSTow the
common explanation, properly understood, is true ; tjut it is
not the whole truth, and if understood as it is liable to be
understood, it is false. It is true that a red poppy reflects
red rays, and a white lily reflects rays of all colours ; but it is
not true that the preference for the red to the green in the
one case and the equality of action in the other takes place
in the act of reflection. It is not a phenomenon of colora-
tion by reflection. The coloured light is reflected, or you
would not see it ; it is sent out of its course before it
enters your eye, and it is true that the light, in its life's
history, undergoes reflection ; it is not true that it is in the
act of reflection that the one colour gets the preference over
the other. Here I have some solution of the colouring
matter of green leaves in alcohol, and here is some more
alcohol, with which I will dilute the former. I have obtained
a beautiful green solution, although the green colour is not
seen now by reflected, but by transmitted light. As regards
the light which falls upon the surface, there is a little white
light reflected, just as there would be from water, but very
little is reflected from the surface where the fluid is in contact
with the glass ; the chief portion of that reflected being from
the outer surface of the glass itself. You would not see any
green at all in it unless there were something placed behind
so as to reflect the light backwards. You see there that the
colour of the green leaf, as ordinarily seen, is due to the
combination of reflection with the phenomena of absorption,
or the swallowing up of certain kinds of light when light is
sent through a perfectly clear medium. I may illustrate this
in another manner. Here is a vessel of water, into which I
will pour some blue solution. If I send light through it, it
will appear of a deep blue, but if I hinder the light from
coming behind, which I can do by putting black cloth behind
it, it is simply dark ; you do not see the blue colour at all.
Why 1 Because there is nothing behind to reflect the light.
Suppose I make it a little muddy by pouring into it some
pounded chalk, you see the blue colour immediately. Why
is that 1 ? You know that if powdered chalk were put into
water it would not colour the fluid. J>ut here each little
particle of uncoloured chalk reflects a small quantity of .light
falling upon it, so that it fulfils the same office as a mirror
placed behind the fluid. You may imagine that the particles
of chalk are so many minute mirrors capable of reflecting
light. If you take any one particle of chalk, say one-tenth of
an inch deep, in the liquid, the light from the sky falls upon
the fluid, it undergoes absorption in passing through that
first tenth of an inch, and then the portion of light which is
left is reflected by that little particle of chalk, and passes out.
again, and so, as regards that single particle, the light which
reaches your eye from beneath that depth has itself gone
through a stratum of fluid of one-fifth of an inch in thickness,
and accordingly you see the colours produced by selective ab-
sorption, that is to say, by the absorption of certain kinds of
light, which are more greedily devoured by the fluid than the
other kinds. This is what takes place in the green leaf, and
in the petals of flowers. Let us take the white lily. If the
petal of the flower had been merely a sheet of thin glass, you
would not have seen that white colour. There would have
been a little light reflected from the first surface and the back
surface, but the petal is really composed of a vast assemblage
of little cells, at each of which partial reflection takes place,
so that it resembles some finely-powdered glass, which would
form a white powder, because each little surface is capable of
reflecting the light, although a single sheet of glass would not
be white. The petal of the white lily is just in the condition
of the powder. It is full of little cells, full, optically speak-
ing, of irregularities, from each of which a portion of light
is reflected, so that, all kinds being reflected alike, and there
being nothing in the white lily to cause preferential selection
of "one over the other nothing to sift the light, as it were
you get a considerable quantity of light reflected back to
the eye, bat it is white. What is the difference between that
and the red poppy 1 The red poppy is, as it were, a white lily
infused with a red fluid ; there is light continually reflected
backwards and forwards, just as before, at the surface of the
cells ; but that light, in going and coming, passes through the
coloured juice of the plant. It is the same thing with a green
leaf. The structure is irregular, optically considered ; there are
constantly reflections, backwards and forwards, of light, which
penetrates a little depth and is reflected, and has to pass
through a certain stratum of this colouring matter, to which
the name chlorophyll has been given, but which is really a
mixture. That is what takes place generally as regards the
coloration of bodies ; it is a phenomenon not of reflection,
not of selection of one kind of light for more copious reflec-
tion than anqther, but of absorption, or the swallowing up of
certain kinds of light. Keflection comes in, in order to enable
us to see the light which otherwise would not enter the eye
at all, but would go off in another direction.
The spectrum of this green fluid, which is a , substance to
which I have paid a great deal of attention, is very peculiar.
It is a mixture of several substances with closely-allied
chemical properties. The peculiar spectrum may be seen in a
green leaf itself, if you place it behind a slit and analyse it by
transmitted light, or allow a strong light, such as that of
the sun, to fall upon it and analyse the reflected light.
Now you will say, Are there no colours in any case produced
by reflection 1 ? is there no case in which this preferential
selection is made 1 How is it, for instance, if you take a plate
of gold ; that reflects light regularly, but the light is coloured
yellow 1 I said the cause of the coloration of bodies in the
great bulk of cases was what I have just described, but I did
not say that was the sole cause of coloration. The light
reflected from gold is in fact coloured ; in the case of gold or
of copper there is a preferential selection in the act of reflec-
tion of one kind of light rather than another, and that
preferential selection is not confined to the metals, although
it is chiefly in gold and copper that we ordinarily perceive it.
There are many cases in which substances which absorb light
with intense avidity present a similar reflection of coloured
light, and in these substances the connection between the
intense opacity of the substance and the coloured reflection
can be better studied than in the case of metals, because a
metal is, under ordinary circumstances, opaque. Certain of the
aniline colours, for instance, show the coloured reflection in a
notable manner. These specimens on the table (referring to
plates of glass on which solutions of certain aniline colouring
matters had been evaporated) were given to me by the late
Sir Charles Wheatstone. He prepared them himself. This
is a deep blue or purple by transmitted light, but it is an
exceedingly thin film, and by reflected light it has a bronzy ap-
pearance. Here is another which is green by reflected light
and red by transmitted light. In these cases we see that we
have a substance which does exercise a preferential selection
for one kind of light as compared with another in the act of
reflection. But the light which is so selected for preferential
reflection is not at all the light which is chiefly transmitted ;
on the contrary, it is the very reverse. If we analyse the
light transmitted through this red stratum, or through a solution,
we shall find that in the green part of the spectrum the
substance is more intensely opaque than elsewhere ; that is
to say, the film must be excessively thin, or the solution exces-
sively dilute, in order that any light at all strong enough to
be seen may get through in the green part of the spectrum.
The substance is intensely opaque as regards the green, but
moderately opaque only as regards the other parts. A
solution of this colouring matter does not present this
coloured reflection at all. The colouring matter must be
excessively concentrated, as it is when a solution of it is dried
on glass, in order that this reflection should be shown, and
then the kind of light which is more especially reflected in
that manner agrees with the kind of light which is intensely
absorbed. Those parts of the spectrum which are absorbed
with this enormous intensity, so that the dry film is with
regard to them as opaque as a film of metal of the same
thickness would be, or thereabouts, are reflected as copiously
as they would be by a metal, and the colours which are only
moderately absorbed are reflected very much as they would
be by the glass, and accordingly in the reflected light there
is a predominance of those colours which are intensely
absorbed. The most remarkable example, that I know of,
of the connection between intense absorption and powerful
reflection, takes place in the case of crystals of permanganate
of potash. These crystals have a bronzy look by reflected
light when freshly taken out of the mother liquor, so that
the surface is not spoilt by tarnishing, as soon happens from
exposure to the atmosphere ; the sides of the crystals have a
metallic brilliancy, and reflect green light. Now that light
agrees with the light reflected from a metal, not only in
its copiousness, but also in certain other properties. Jf I
take light reflected from glass at a certain angle, which is
called the angle of polarisation, the reflected light is polarised,
and capable of being extinguished by an analyser such as a
Nicol's prism. Light reflected from a metal is not polarised at
any angle of incidence, though it is partially polarised at an
oblique angle. I say partially polarised, but I will leave the
explanation of that to my friend Mr. Spottiswoode, who will
give a lecture on that subject. Bronzy crystals of perman-
ganate of potash agree in that respect, to a certain extent at
least, with the metals ; if you examine the light by reflection
you find that it is not capable of extinction by analysing
under any conditions. If you examine it at such an angle
of incidence that a vitreous substance would give you light
capable of extinction, the light becomes weaker and of purer
green. I have analysed the' light reflected by a crystal under
these conditions, by a combination of a prism and a Mcol's
prism, so as to extinguish what light would have been reflected
from glass under similar conditions, and this curious result came
out. I must premise that crystals of permanganate of potash
are too intensely opaque to allow you to examine them by
transmission, but you can make a solution of them and ex-
amine that, and it shows these bands of absorption which are
shown on the diagram [referred to]. Now on examining, in
the manner I have mentioned, the green light reflected from
the crystals at an angle similar to that at which light reflected
from glass would have been quenched by a Nicol's prism, this
curious result was obtained ; the spectrum was seen to consist
of four bright bands, and perhaps a trace of another, the rest
of the spectrum being wanting. Now what were the positions
of those four bands ? When the positions were observed, by
referring them to the standard fixed lines of the spectrum,
which were seen at the same time, they were in the positions
represented in the under part of that figure ; they agreed in
position with the first four of the five dark bands seen in the
transmitted light. The spectrum begins to get comparatively
faint in the region of the fifth band of absorption, and there
was hardly a chance of seeing the fifth bright band if it had
been there ; but you see that whereas, as regards transmitted
li.^ht, the crystals pass alternately through maxima and
minima of transparency alternately from the . condition of a
vitreous substance to the condition of a metal, as to the avidity
with which they absorb the light corresponding to these
E 2
alternations you have also alternations in the character of
reflected light ; so that you may say the substance is alter-
nately opaque and transparent, comparatively speaking only,
as regards the transmitted light, and, corresponding to these
alternations, it behaves as regards reflection alternately as a
metal and as a vitreous substance. That shows how the
coloured reflection, where it does exist it is a phenomenon,
comparatively speaking, rare is connected with the quasi-
metallic opacity of the substance as regards transmission.
You may say that if that be the case the colour of gold
ought to be not yellow at all by transmission ; nor is it. Gold
leaf is thin enough to allow some light to pass through it
otherwise than by mere holes, which occur accidentally here
and there, and that transmitted light is green. I have here a
little chloride of gold in solution. I put a little protosul-
phate of iron in it, and if the experiment is properly per-
formed you obtain what is not really a solution of gold, but
gold suspended in a state of exceedingly fine division ; and
in that way, when the fluid is looked through, you get it
distinctly blue, which is the real transmission colour of gold.
I have seen the same thing with regard to copper. Dr. Percy
gave me a specimen of a very curious glass, which I intended
to have brought with me. The ordinary red glasses are
coloured by suboxide of copper, which is put over a piece of
colourless glass in a film of copper-salt so thin that you do not
see any colour at all by light transmitted directly across,
but where you look through obliquely you can just see the
faintest possible blueness. The film of copper-salt is reduced
by a suitable agent to a silicate of suboxide, which gives
that beautiful red colour, which is contained in a film thinner
than the thinnest paper. In this case the glass was covered
with copper in a similar manner, but it was a deep blue
by transmitted light, and if you play on any particular spot
with a blow-pipe it becomes sensibly colourless. The
colouring matter was copper, but in what state 1 Evidently
in this case the reduction necessary for reducing the oxide
of copper to suboxide had gone on rather too far, the
copper was reduced to the metallic state ; you looked through
the copper, and it was seen to be blue. So that you see
that in the same sense in which the coat of an English
soldier is red, the colour of gold is blue or green, and the
colour of copper is blue. There is the same relation there
as in this aniline glass between reflection and absorption,
but whereas in the aniline colours it is commonly the
phenomena due to absorption, and the selection of one kind
of light over another in the act of transmission, which
meet your eye, in the case of the metals gold and copper
it is a selection which takes place in the act of reflection
which ordinarily presents itself to observation, and the true
colour by transmission is only seen under very exceptional
THE subject which I am about to bring before you to-day
is one which has attracted a great deal of attention for some
years back, and in which 1 have myself had a considerable
share. One of the first phenomena discovered in connec-
tion with those I have to bring before you was that which Sir
David Brewster called the internal dispersion of light, which
he first noticed in an alcoholic solution of the green colouring
matter of leaves, as mentioned in a paper read before the
Pvoyal Society of Edinburgh in 1833, 1 and fully described
in a later paper read before the same Society in 1846. 2 I
have here a solution of the green colouring matter of leaves
which I used in my lecture on absorption, but which I am
now going to use for a different purpose. Brewster had
occasion to pass a beam of sunlight through this green fluid,
and he was surprised to observe the whole of the path of
the beam exhibiting a blood-red light. The figure which I
have here^ is intended to represent what could be seen, and
I will endeavour to show it presently. This represents a
vessel filled with the green fluid and placed on a white ground
such as paper, with a glass bottom so that you can see the light
through. In looking through you see the green colour of
the solution, and there is supposed to be a board standing
vertically on its edge containing a lens. The sun's light is
reflected horizontally and sent through that lens so as to
form a condensed beam, the focus of which lies within the
1 Edinburgh Transactions, xii. 541.
2 Ibid. xvi. Ill ; or Phil. Mag. for June, 1848.
3 The figures referred to in this lecture are not reproduced, except
in two cases, as they are mostly coloured, and would lose much of
their significance if merely represented by black and white.
vessel. When that is done, you see the whole path of the
beam marked by this blood-red light This is a -very curious
phenomenon : what is the cause of it ? Sir David Brewster
seemed to imagine that the ultimate particles of the
substance reflected red light somewhat in the manner of
finely suspended vermilion. Suppose in fact you had a
fluid which was green by transmitted light, and you could
manage to form in that an excessively fine mud of ver-
milion, then it is conceivable that you might get a pheno-
menon of this kind ; I do not say that is the true cause, for
it is not. Brewster examined a number of substances, both
solutions and solid bodies, in a similar manner, and I may
mention one which is described by him in a later paper read
before the British Association in 1$38, a certain variety of
fluorspar. One of the varieties he mentions is a green kind'
as seen by transmitted light, found at Alston Moor in Cum-
berland, and I may mention that there is another variety,
which usually is purplish by transmitted light, which
abounds in Mr. Beaumont's lead mines at Allenhead, which
shows the phenomenon even better. This kind of fluorspar
shows a deep blue light in certain aspects. You see that to
perfection, if you plunge the spar into water, because then
you get rid in a great measure of the light reflected from
the surface. When a condensed beam of sunlight is ad-
mitted into the crystal, the path of it is marked by a
blue light. It is not, however, continuous, like the red light
in the green fluid, but it occurs in strata parallel to the
nearest faces of the cube. Evidently it depends upon some-
thing which took place during the growth of the crystal.
Possibly it may have crystallized thousands of years ago,
we know not how long, out of a solution, the nature of
which gradually changed as the crystal grew, and some sub-
stance probably was taken up by the crystal, to which this
effect is due.
Some years later Sir John Herschel published a paper in
the Philos<>t>liical, Transactions, " On a case of superficial colour
in a colourless liquid," which was shortly afterwards followed
by a paper " On the epipolic dispersion of light. 1 ' Quinine as
you know is very much used in medicine and when a solu-
tion of quinine is formed, tolerably dilute, in water acidulated
1 Philosophical Transactions, Jan. 1845, pp. 143, 147.
with sulphuric acid, by transmitted light the fluid looks very
much like water, but it exhibits in certain aspects a blue
colour. You will not perhaps very well see it here, but this
is such a common fluid, easily obtained by anyone, that it is
almost sufficient to mention the appearance. What is
remarkable about this blue colour is that (unless the solu-
tion be excessively dilute) it is mainly concentrated, and
occurs in an exceedingly narrow stratum adjacent to the
surface by which the light enters the fluid. This diagram
[referred to] represents the appearance.
This [referring to figure] is supposed to be a section of a
tumbler containing the solution, placed on a black ground,
and tolerably near a window from which light is coming in
approximately horizontally. "When you look down from
above you see that the side of the fluid next the window
is marked by this bluish colour, and when you hold the eye
almost in a prolongation of the anterior surface of the fluid
you see this blue stratum very much foreshortened and
thereby increased in intensity, because the fluid itself is
transparent like water, and the blue light which appears,
whatever may be its cause, is seen perfectly well through
it. When you look down in an oblique direction you see it
much less intense. It is seen in perfection on allowing the
light to shine from above, holding the eye a shade below the
level of the upper surface, and putting a black object to
make a dark background.
Now what is the nature of this blue light] Sir John
Herschel tried various experiments on it. He analysed it
by a prism, and obtained a continuous spectrum. He
noticed, however, that he did not see the Fraunhofer lines
in the spectrum ; but whether they were really absent, or
that he did not see them because the light was not strong
enough, he does not seem quite decided. He noticed also
that the blue light exhibited no trace of polarisation. He
examined further the light transmitted through the solution
to see what blue rays were taken out of it. Naturally he
was led to scrutinise more particularly the blue part of
the spectrum, but apparently the blue part of the spectrum
was like the blue part of the spectrum of light which had
come through simple water ; there was nothing particular
to be seen in it to account for the phenomenon. Possibly
ovever, if this superficial colour is produced once only,
the quantity of light removed from the spectrum may not be
sufficient to show any dark bands of absorption in the blue
region, but if you repeated the process on the light, making
it pass through different vessels in succession giving out
this blue stratum at the surface of each, perhaps then you
would have sufficiently weakened the blue of the transmitted
spectrum to show what particular rays were taken out by
the fluid. Sir John Herschel however observed that when the
light had passed through a thin stratum of the fluid in the
first instance, though it resembled ordinary light when it
came out, it had lost its power, for some reason or other, of
producing this phenomenon. What the power was did not
at the time further appear. Sir John Herschel called the
phenomenon ejripnlic dispersion from a Greek word signify-
ing surface, and he called the light which having passed
through a moderate thickness of solution of quinine had
been shorn of the power of producing that effect, epipolized.
In one of his experiments he had occasion to throw
sunlight vertically downwards on the fluid, and in that case,
the light being pretty strong, he observed the blue colour
extending to a depth of half an inch or more into the solution.
It was much stronger at the surface, but extended a con-
siderable way down.
After the appearance of Sir John Herschel's paper, Sir
David Brewster took up the subject and examined this
particular fluid, the solution of quinine, as he had done
the solution of the green colouring matter of leaves and
fluorspar, and various solutions, 1 and he found that when
a beam of sunlight, concentrated by a lens, was admitted into
a solution of the quinine in dilute sulphuric acid, the whole
of the path of the beam was marked by this blue light. At
the same time, if you repeat the experiment, you will see at
once that the blue colour is decidedly more copious in the
immediate neighbourhood of the first surface. He further
examined the beam as to its polarisation, by viewing it
through a rhomb of calcareous spar, and stated that a con-
siderable portion of it, consisting chiefly of the less refran-
gible of its rays, was polarised in the plane of reflection,
while the greater part, constituting an intensely blue beam,
was found to be unpolarised. It is almost impossible to get
1 See the paper already referred to, Edinburgh Transactions, xvi., or
Phil. Mao. June 1848.
a fluid or solution like this perfectly free from motes, and
the motes which are present will reflect a certain quantity
of white light, and that light is principally polarised when
looked down on vertically from above in a plane passing
through the beam. When the beam is viewed by light
polarised in the perpendicular plane, any light which would
be reflected from motes is nearly got rid of, and the blue
light is seen in its purity.
In this mode of observation it clearly appeared that the
solution of quinine belonged to the class of bodies in which
Sir David Brewster had discovered what he called internal
dispersion. Among them there is a kind of glass which
exhibits it in a very remarkable degree Here is a specimen
of the glass ; it is coloured by sesqui-oxide of uranium. He
noticed in this case, that the whole of the beam was un-
polarised, or, as he expressed it, possessed a quaquaversus
It was twenty five years ago last Easter, when I was pre-
paring for my optical lectures in Cambridge, that, having
had my attention directed by a friend to this solution, I
procured some, and I was greatly struck with the remarkable
appearance of the phenomenon, and the question occurred
to me what was the cause of it. Now for my own part I
had the fullest confidence in the doctrine that, the light
belonging to a given part of the spectrum is homogeneous,
or all of the same kind. I am not now speaking of polari-
sation. It has been supposed by some, by Sir David
Brewster, for instance, that the light of a given part of
the spectrum, although no longer decomposed by the prism,
might be decomposable by other means, for example by
the use of absorbing media; and he thought he had obtained
white light from a particular part of the spectrum by the
use of a suitable absorbing medium. This has since been
proved to be merely an illusion of contrast. Having, as I
said, felt the fullest confidence in the principle that the light
of a given part of the spectrum is homogeneous, I felt little
doubt that if the principle were faithfully followed out, it
would lead to a solution of the problem what the nature of
the light which produced this e fleet was. At first I took
for granted that the blue light, which the prism shows
to be heterogeneous and not mere prismatic blue, a com-
pound of various colours, a little led, more green, but with a
predominance of blue, could only have come from light of
the same ref rangibility in the incident beam; but in following
out the consequences of that, I was led of necessity into
utter extravagances as regards the cause of the phenomena,
extravagances which did not appear to have any resemblance
to truth ; and on further reflection it occurred to me that
perhaps after all this blue colour was not produced by the
blue rays of the spectrum at all, but by other rays. We
know that the spectrum contains rays which are invisible,
but. in all other respects behave exactly like light. But
the invisibility is a mere accident, so to speak, depending
on the organization of the human eye : and the eyes of
animals in general are probably very much like the human
eye in this respect, although it is quite possible that certain
animals may see rays which we do not ; but that we cannot
well make out. We know that light contains besides the
visible rays others which are invisible ; some less refrangible
than the red, and others more refrangible than the violet.
We know that the latter show themselves especially by
their chemical effect, for example, on a properly prepared
photographic plate, and abound in sunlight and daylight,
which show strongly the blue light given out by quinine
solutions, while lamp-light, which we know to be poor in
those rays, shows it but feebly.
Then it occurred to me that perhaps this blue colour which
the solution gives out is after all the work of the invisible
rays which we know to accompany the visible ones. If we
suppose this fluid, which looks colourless like water, to be
excessively opaque, inky black as it were, with regard to
the invisible rays of high ref rangibility, and if we further
suppose that these invisible rays are capable of so working
on the fluid as to cause it to give out visible light, then
the explanation of epipolic dispersion and the nature of
epipolised light will be perfectly plain.
Now as we have been going on for some way without any
experiment, I will have the room darkened, and will en-
deavour to show you one or two. I will take the original
fluid in which the first phenomenon was discovered Here
is this green solution of leaves, and you will be able to see
a little of the red light. Here is the yellow glass I spoke
of, and in this the green band will be seen very copiously ;
here, again, is a solution of quinine, and with this I will
endeavour to show you the fundamental experiment of Sir
John Herschel, that this epipolic dispersion is a thing which
cannot be repeated ; once done the light is shorn of the
power of producing it. I send a beam emanating from the
electric lamp horizontally, and reflect it downwards on the
surface by a mirror. There is a second vessel of the solu-
tion which I place floating in the other, and the blue
stratum is seen at the upper surface of the fluid in the
upper vessel, while the quinine in the lower vessel shows
nothing of it. There is still the general diffused light, but
this intense blue stratum is wanting altogether beneath the
bottom of the upper vessel. Now I will replace the upper
beaker by one of water, when you will see the difference.
Just below the bottom of the upper vessel you have this
intense blue stratum, whereas the light passing through the
water in the upper beaker shows nothing of the kind. That
is evidence that when the blue stratum is formed once, the
light is shorn of the power of forming it again.
As the room is darkened I will show one or two more
examples of highly fluorescent solutious before I pro-
ceed. Here is a solution obtained in a particular manner,
which I will mention by and by, from the bark of the horse-
I told you what occurred to me as to the cause of the
phenomenon, and it was easy to test it I will not go
through all the experiments I tried, but pass at once to
what you may regard as the fundamental experiment.
Suppose we form a pure spectrum in the ordinary way; that
we reflect the sunlight horizontally into a darkened room,
passing it through a slit, and at a distance from the slit
place one or more prisms combined with a lens, so as to
form at the focus of the lens conjugate to the slit a pure
spectrum. If you were to receive the pure spectrum on a
screen, you would see the various colours, and if it were
pure enough you would see the principal Fraunhofer lines.
Now suppose instead of a screen you receive it on this
colourless fluid. The appearance is rudely represented on
this diagram.
I must mention that portions of the diagram are merely
diagrammatic, namely, the top and bottom. The middle
part represents what you actually see when you look down
on the solution, but the top represents what you would see
on a screen if you placed a screen there to receive the rays.
This figure represents what is seen horizontally. The rays
enter the solution of quinine, and the red, orange, green,
and blue rays pass through it as through water, and
come out on the other side, and if you received them
on a screen, you would perceive the spectrum unmodified ;
but when you get to about the beginning of the violet, the
path of the rays within the fluid is marked by a beautiful
sky-blue light, which at first extends right across the
vessel, and then the extent falls off as you get towards the
end of the violet. But the light does not stop there. This
FIG. l.
blue light extends far beyond the violet into a region of the
spectrum which contains only invisible rays ; and if the
spectrum is pure you see not only light there, but inter-
ruptions which are of the same nature as the Fraunhofer
lines which are seen in the visible spectrum. On a screen
of paper placed vertically to receive the light, the Fraun-
hofer lines would be seen as distinct vertical lines when the
paper was in focus, and would be seen a little imperfectly
if the paper were a little out of focus. If you imagine the
paper placed in one position, and moved towards or from
the light, any particular dark line may be considered as
having a locus in space, and that locus in space of one of the
dark lines is what you may call a dark plane. At a con-
siderable distance from the focus it would diverge out,
forming a sort of wedge. These dark planes are seen as
interruptions to the blue light. "What are the Fraunhofer
lines 1 They are parts of the spectrum when the light is
missing, and consequently any effect the light is capable of
producing will be missing too. Therefore when we get to
the invisible region, if the invisible light is missing the
visible light which that might be capable of producing will
be missing too, and therefore you will see interruptions in
this continuous mass of blue light. It constitutes a very
striking experiment with sunlight, when you form an
approximately pure spectrum by placing some prisms close
to a pretty broad slit, and take a tube filled with the solu-
tion of quinine, or a prepared solution from horse chestnut
bark, and make it pass through the difierent parts of the
spectrum in succession, beginning at the red end. At
first it looks like water by transmitted light ; the light
rays are transmitted through it as they would be through
water, on to the blue, but when we get on to the violet
then the whole of the tube is lit up with this faint
ghostly sort of blue light ; when you have got beyond the
visible rays altogether the tube is still lit up with the
blue light. This shows that the explanation which occurred
to me is really the true one, and that this blue colour is
produced, not by the blue rays of the spectrum at all, but
by other rays altogether ; that rays of one refrangibility
act on the fluid in such a manner as to cause it to give
out rays of a different refrangibility altogether, or rather,
of a different series of refrangibilities, because if you
examine a small portion of this blue light, produced by
rays of one definite refrangibility only, as you may do by
putting the solution in a pure spectrum and placing a slit
in front, so as to let only a narrow strip of the incident
rays shine on the fluid, and then analysing the narrow beam
from above by a prism applied to the eye, you will find
that the light is not homogeneous at all. Nor again is there
anything in the phenomenon which recalls to the mind the
acoustic phenomenon of harmonics ; the light is perfectly
I have on one of these diagrams another mode exhibited
of examining the ref rangibilit j of the light which is emitted
in this manner. This part is supposed to represent what
would be seen if you place a screen to receive the incident
rays, but which is not seen because you do not have a screen
there. Take a small portion of the spectrum, and condense
it further with a very small lens fixed in a blackened box,
so as to get a very condensed beam. This is supposed to
be a vessel containing one of these fluids, and the appearance
you get is this, but so long as you are in the visible spec-
trum there is, generally speaking, an image of the double
cone due to the light rejected from motes, which it is
practically impossible to get rid of ; that is followed at a
certain interval by a beam extending over a greater or less
width of the spectrum, and which is heterogeneous, that is
FIG 2.
to say contains lights of various degrees of refrangibility.
And if you analyse the light by a ISTicol's prism or double-
image prism, you will see that this speckled image is almost
wholly polarised in the plane of reflection, indicating that
it is merely due to reflected light, whereas the other, in the
case of a solution, is wholly unpolarised.
The phenomenon being thus explained, so far as to make
out the immediate nature of it, it was to be expected that
something of the same kind would be observed in other
instances of what Sir David Brewster called internal
dispersion, but I may mention that under that term he
classed together two phenomena which in reality are utterly
different as to their nature. In certain cases you get
what is virtually a powder in fine suspension, so fine that
it does not subside in any reasonable length of time, and
gives you what looks like a pretty bright solution, but
which really contains suspended matter. In such cases if
you introduce a beam of condensed sunlight, the path of the
beam is marked by light, because these motes reflect the
light which falls upon them, but that light is reflected and
is polarised by reflection, and this origin of the light
is known by its polarisation. Moreover, being simply
reflected it sends back the light which falls upon it un-
changed in kind, whereas the truly dispersed light differs
altogether in its nature from the light which falls upon the
solution, glass, or crystal that shows it.
Now as I say the phenomenon being referred to the
cause just explained in the one case, you may expect that
in other cases something similar would be perceived, and
I will take now the green solution obtained from leaves.
I will suppose the experiment exactly the same, but the
result is different in appearance although the nature of the
phenomenon is the same. The path of the rays within the
green fluid is marked by a blood-red light, which in
different parts of the spectrum penetrates to a greater
or less distance into the fluid. In this case the phenomenon
begins very near the red end of the spectrum, somewhere
about the line B of Fraunhofer. You first have a dart
of red light extending right across the vessel. Then
you come to a region of the spectrum for which the fluid
is excessively opaque, and the red light, which is produced
by the action of the incident light on the fluid in some
way or other, cannot therefore extend very far into the fluid.
Then you come to a region where the fluid although still
opaque is comparatively transparent, and the red is trace-
able further inwards, and so on. It is noticed, however,
after close observation, that where the incident rays are
quickly used up the red light is very copious, and where
they are more slowly used up the red light is not so
In the figure some of the red bands are slightly shaded
in the middle, to indicate that the red light is not so strong
there as elsewhere. In the case of this fluid the effect is
produced mainly by the visible spectrum, but it extends
beyond that into the invisible region beyond the violet ;
so that the solution of quinine, and the alcoholic solution
of the green colouring matter of leaves may, to a certain
extent, be regarded as extreme cases of the same general
I will refer now to this diagram. It consists of two
parts ; the upper part is diagrammatic for the same reasons
as before ; that is, you do not see the upper half and the
under half simultaneously, but you may see first one and
then the other. When the green colouring matter is purified
by a particular process which would take too long to describe,
and you take rather a dilute solution of it, and analyse
the transmitted light, you get these bands of absorption.
When you allow the upper spectrum. to enter a very dilute
alcoholic solution in this manner, then the red light which
is* given out in the regions of the spectrum near which the
fluid is comparatively transparent, is given out there
comparatively slowly, and accordingly it is less brilliant
in the neighbourhood of the surface than is that corre-
sponding to regions of great absorption. When the fluid is
extremely dilute, then the intensity of the light in the
former part of the spectrum becomes so small that you
hardly see it, but its intensity where the fluid uses up the
incident light more quickly in producing this phenomenon
may still be visible, so that you may get corresponding to
the position of these bands of absorption in the transmitted
light these red bands where the light is given out very
copiously, the solution being so d'lute that the red light
given out in the intervals is hardly perceptible at all.
These phenomena are not very easily shown at a distance
to a large audience, but they are very striking when you
look at them, as two or three at a time may. in a room
where the sunlight is introduced or where an electric lamp
is used. I will, however, endeavour by and by to show
some of them by the aid of the electric light, but I am
afraid they will be seen very feebly compared to what I
have described, which are the effects seen when the light is
concentrated into a small space.
Now allow me to go back for a moment to explain one
particular matter I forgot at the time. I said that the
light transmitted through a solution of sulphate of quinine
was ordinary light, and that if you examined it, and
scrutinised especially the blue part of the spectrum, you
would see nothing to account for the blue colour. If you
examine it by a prism applied to the eye, you will, however,
see that the violet, or more or less of the violet, is gone ;
instead of seeing as is usual the double line H, you will see
the fluid terminate, according to the strength of the solution
and the thickness looked through, more or less towards the
violet, say on an average about half way between the fixed
Knes G and H.
IsTow the incident rays work on the fluid in such a
manner as to cause it to give out light of a different kind
altogether ; a light which is found, to be heterogeneous, or
to consist of rays of various degrees of refrangibility. This
rule I find to be universal, namely, that the refrangibility
of the light in this process is always lowered. I have
never found any exception to that, nor I believe has anyone
since. 1 The rays which any one of these fluids is capable
of giving out under the influence of the^e other rays aie
always of lower refrangibility, and you never have the
refrangibility raised.
I will endeavour presently to show a test-tube with one
of these solutions in part of the spectrum, though I cannot
promise that it will be seen at a distance. The fact is I
am accustomed to work with sunlight rather than with the
electric light and I require more preliminary trials than I
allowed myself for making the thing succeed. Still I think
you see that on interposing a test-tube with the solution of
quinine in the beam from the electric lamp, after it has
passed through the prism, it cuts off certain portions of the
spectrum thrown on the wall beyond, forming a shadow
which shows in what part of the rays proceeding to form
the spectrum the tube is for the moment placed ; the blue
light with which the solution glows, commencing about the
violet, is seen altogether beyond the region of the visible
rays. Here is a solution of a substance obtained from the
bark of the horse-chestnut which shows it still better. You
observe the blue band beyond the visible spectrum altogether.
Another instance is when we allow the beam of light to fall
on a piece of red cloth, it shows an orange band beyond the
visible rays.
1 Calorescence, or tho exhibition of light by a body intensely heated
by .the concentration upon it of invisible heat-rays, is in some respects
so different from the phenomena of fluorescence or phosphorescence that
I do not regard it as forming any exception to the rule.
I have been a little anticipating what was to come,
namely, that these phenomena are not confined to fluids or
clear solids, but that they can be seen in every case. I
have shown you that in a spectrum if you separate out the
rays from one another by prismatic refraction you can see
the phenomena in the invisible rays. But there is another
mode of separating light into two portions of which one
is allowed to pass, which is easier in practice, and which
exhibits some of these phenomena very beautifully that
is by analysing it by absorption. For instance, I have here
a very deep blue glass which cuts out most of the visible
light, but it admits the violet and certain invisible rays
beyond very copiously. It is a cobalt blue glass, and here
is a yellow glass. I will analyse the light, not by a prism,
but simply by absorption. This jar at present contains
nothing but water. Now I will put the blue glass on to
the electric lamp, and I have here a solut: on obtained from
the bark of the horse chestnut, a little of which I will drop
into the jar. If you make a decoction of the bark, which
contains a good deal of tannin, the solution soon becomes
brown. It contains however two crystal lizable substances,
called esculin and fraxin, which can be obtained chemically
pure. The alkaline solutions of these bodies have this
power in a high degree. You can get rid of the tannin by
making a decoction, and when cold adding some persalt of
iron or salt of alumina, precipitating by ammonia, and
filtering, and you then get this beautiful solution, which
will keep very fairly. I will pour some of this into the
water, and as it sinks down it forms a beautiful blue cloud.
If I hold the blue glass so as to intercept the incident rays
hardly any diminution will be perceived, while the yellow
glass cuts off most of the rays by which the effect is pro-
duced ; but if I put the yellow glass between the jar and your
eyes, a great deal of the light is transmitted The general
effect is shown very well by means of these glasses. Here
also are some jars containing some fluorescin and other fluids
which can be tried in the same way. A coloured medium will
absorb in a different manner the rays that fall on the fluid arid
the rays coming from it. That leads to one method of obser-
vation, which does not require the apparatus which I have
hitherto supposed, but is exceedingly simple and at the same
time very effective. You do not even require sunlight,
F 2
you can work with ordinary daylight. Suppose you have
a room which you can darken, and that you are at liberty
to cut a hole four or five inches square in the shutter, under
which it is convenient to screw on a ledge for the sake of
supporting the object to be examined, and that you cover the
hole by a suitable glass. The most useful generally is a
dark blue coloured by cobalt, or a dark violet coloured by
manganese. The blue does better for some things and the
violet for others. Cover the hole in the shutter with the
deep coloured glass or, as is occasionally better, with a
solution of a salt of copper, such as the nitrate, which is
more convenient than the sulphate on account of its great
solubility. Suppose you have daylight filtered as it were
through the deep blue or violet glass ; then if you place
in front of the glass a test tube containing a solution of
quinine in dilute sulphuric add, or a solution obtained from
the bark of the horse-chestnut with a little ammonia, you
will see this blue phosphorescent looking light to perfection.
But supposing you have not a window-shutter which you
can make a hole in, still you can get on very well with an
old packing-case. You knock off part of the top of it, so
that you may look in, and saw off a portion obliquely
parallel to the opposite top edge and on the slanting rectan-
gular hole thus formed you nail a piece of board, making
a window in it four or five inches square, with a little
ledge to keep the glass with which you cover it from
slipping down You place it near the window and cover
your head with a dark cloth as if you were looking into a
camera obscura, and so you can see the phenomenon to per-
If you want to demonstrate that it is really this phenomenon
you are dealing with, it is desirable to have a second glass
in a certain sense complementary to the first. If we could
pick out media which absorbed light just in the way we
wished, we should choose a coloured glass perfectly opaque
from the red end up to the blue or violet, and perfectly trans-
parent beyond, and a second glass perfectly opaque for those
rays for which the first was transparent, and vice versa.
But as we cannot make media to command to absorb what
parts of the spectrum we like, we must make use of the
best which the colouring matters of nature afford us ; and
if you take a blue glass and a yellow glass they will in
most cases answer the purpose sufficiently well. Suppose
then you have a dark glass on a window-shutter and you
have in front of it a substance to be examined, and it gives
out this beautiful phosphorescent light. In general this
may be at once distinguished* from mere scattered light ;
but to make sure of it use your yellow glass, and place
it between the blue and the substance you are examining.
If it is well chosen it will cut off almost all the effect.
Then place it between your eye and tjie medium which
is shining with this phosphorescent light and you will
see it quite plainly. The difference of effect with this
additional glass in the two positions proves that you
have really to deal with this peculiar phenomenon, and
enables you to at once distinguish it from some appearances
which at the first glance resemble it very much. If you
put a minute quantity of a solution of proto- chloride of tin
into a large quantity of common water, the mixture will
have a bluish look by reflected light, and if you condense
sunlight upon it you will get a beam somewhat like what
you do when you receive a beam on the solution of sulphate
of quinine. This however is merely scattered light ; and
that it is so is shown at once when you come to make
experiments upon it in which you strain the incident light.
For example, if you place the mixture inside your darkened
chamber in lieu of the solution of quinine, the difference
will appear in a moment. The mixture will merely give
out a little light of a deep blue colour, which is scattered
light, whereas the solution of quinine will be lighted up
with this beautiful light that you see. I may mention a
very simple and pretty experiment which can be made in
that way. Take a bit of common horse-chestnut bark,
float it in a glass of still water in which a drop of ammonia
had been mixed ; the peculiar substances contained in
the bark will begin to be dissolved, the solution will descend,
and you will see streams of descending blue light. If you
can obtain specimens of these substances esculin and
fraxin, a minute quantity of the two thrown together on
the water instead of the bark looks very pretty. The
substances will form little luminous specks here and there
on the surface, which will give rise to descending streams
of blue and greenish light.
Now there is another way of testing the change of
refrangibility almost without apparatus, by using your
darkened chamber with a piece of blue glass in the window.
Suppose that in front of the blue glass you place a piece of
white earthenware, such as a saucer turned upside down.
If you hold a slit at arm's length and view it through a
prism, in the first instance aiming at the blue glass and
looking up at the sky, you will see the sort of light trans-
mitted. The brighter parts of the original spectrum will be
almost entirely wanting, but you will see the violet, much
of the blue, and the faint extreme red which is freely trans-
mitted, and if the glass be not very deeply coloured a little
faint greenish yellow which is not yet wholly absorbed.
If you now aim at the white plate instead of the sky, you
will see just the same spectrum as before, only not quite so
strong. Now suppose you lay on the white plate a little
bit of ordinary scarlet cloth, hold the slit close to that, and
aim at both the cloth and the white plate, so as to get
from different parts of the slit a spectrum of the light
coming from each. This particular cloth in the blue field
would look red On examining the joint spectrum, the part
seen by projection of the slit on the plate will appear as
just described, while that seen by projection on the scarlet
cloth will show a prolongation of the extreme red, and a great
deal of bright light where there is none in the incident light,
while the violet part will be nearly black.
This diagram, which was made for another purpose, may
serve to exhibit what you would see in that particular case.
It really represents what you see by looking through a
crystal of nitrate of uranium placed immediately behind
the slit with which you aim at the white light sifted
through a blue medium. There are certain bands of
absorption where there is a maximum of opacity in the
incident light ; and when you analyse the beam of light
which comes through you see in the transmitted rays there
are certain dark bands of absorption ; but over and above
that, there is light created with a refrangibility less than
exists at all in the incident beam, and in the particular case
of the salt of uranium the prismatic composition of this light
is very peculiar, its spectrum consisting of bright bands.
Now as I want to show you how to make experiments
yourselves without apparatus, I may mention, that suppos-
ing you have one of these solutions in a test tube, you very
much increase the effect by plunging the test tube in water
and looking at it downwards nearly parallel to the test-
tube. The reason of that is that the incident rays fall
upon the fluid and cause it to give out light in all direc-
tions, blue light, or whatever else it may be, according to
the nature of the fluid ; but when the water is not there, a
portion "of the light so given out does not enter the eye at
all, but suffers total internal reflection at the outer surface
of the tube. On the other hand, if you look inside the tube
the light suffers absorption on the part of the fluid itself.
It does not much signify in the case of sulphate of quinine,
which is sensibly transparent, but if you examine any
coloured fluorescent fluid looking down the tube inside,
you lose light from defect of transparency, the light being
absorbed by the fluid ; whilst if you look outside you lose a
great deal by the total internal reflection at the surface of
the glass. But if you plunge the test-tube into water, and
look down from the outside, any of the emitted light which
gets into the glass of the tube is able to get out again, so
that you can look down from above in a very slanting
direction and still get all the light, and as the stratum
which emits the light is seen very much foreshortened, the
brightness of the light is thereby increased.
Now as to the cause of this phenomenon. From the first
I believed the cause to be this : that the incident rays so
act on the ultimate molecules of the body as to throw them
into a state of agitation, which agitation they in their turn
are capable of communicating to the ether. Everybody
now, I believe, considers that light is produced by the
vibration of a certain subtle medium, which we call the
luniiniferous ether, and I will take a dynamical illustration
of the phenomenon according to this view. Suppose you
had a number of ships at rest on an ocean perfectly calm.
Supposing now a series of waves, without any wind, were
propagated from a storm at a distance along the ocean,
they would agitate the ships, which would move backwards
and forwards ; but the time of swing of the ship would
depend on the time of its natural oscillation, and would
not necessarily synchronise with the periodic time of the
waves which agitated the ship in the first instance. The
ship, being thus thrown into a state of agitation, would itself
become a centre of agitation, and would produce waves
which would be -propagated from it in all directions. This
I conceive to be a rough dynamical illustration of what
takes place in this actual phenomenon, namely, that the
incidence of etherial waves causes a certain agitation in the
ultimate molecules of the body, and causes them to be in
their turn centres of agitation to the ether ; in fact that
the incident light renders the medium so to speak self-
luminous, so long as it is under the excitement of the
incident light. That is the view which I maintained from
the first, and which is clearly expressed in my original
memoir, which was published in the Philosophical Trans-
actions of 1852. There is one phenomenon, that of phos-
phorescence, which I felt from the first to be exceedingly
analogous to that which is now known by the name of
fluorescence, a word I suggested in that original memoir,
derived from fluor spar, which was one of the first minerals
in which the phenomenon had been observed, as the
analogous term, opalescence, is derived from the name of
the mineral opal. I am unable to draw any sharp line of
demarcation between fluorescence and phosphorescence. So
far as I had observed, the effect was only of instantaneous
duration, although, as I have expressly stated, I had not
made experiments on a revolving mirror to determine
whether a finite duration could be perceived With regard
to the explanation of the law which I believed to be
universal, that in this phenomenon the refrangibility is al-
ways lowered, that is to say, the light coming out is always
of lower refrangibility than the incident light, I offered
a certain conjecture, which I did not hold to very tightly,
and I have somewhat changed my views in that respect ;
but I held from the first that the effect is not a direct .
but an indirect one ; that the light is not simply reflected
from the ultimate particles of bodies. It is curious that
some two or three writers have attributed to me the notion
that in this phenomenon the light reflected from the mole-
cules of the body was changed in refrangibility. They have
attributed that notion to me, and then contended against it ;
but if you will allow me to read a short passage from my
original paper, it will show that I am not responsible for
that. I wrote these words : " In considering the cause of
internal dispersion, we may, I think, at once discard all
supposition of reflections and refractions of the vibrations
of the luminiferous ether amongst the ultimate molecules
of bodies. It seems to me quite contrary to dynamical
principles to suppose that any such causes should be
adequate to account for the production of vibrations of one
period from vibrations of another." Having written that,
I am not responsible for the view which has been so
wrongly attributed to me. I can only account for it in
this way. I suppose it was from the title I gave my paper,
" On the change of refrangibility of light," which I chose
because undoubtedly the most striking part of the
phenomenon, which had not been hitherto suspected, was
that the light given out was of a different refrangibility
from the light going in. With regard to the duration of
the phenomenon, I thought it possible that, though very
large compared with the time of a single luminous vibration,
it might elude our means of observation ; but subsequently
Mons. E. Becquerel showed, by a very ingenious instrument,
which is here on the table, which he calls a phosphoroscope,
that the phenomenon is really of appreciable duration.
The light enters at one side, and falls on -a cell containing
the substance to be examined, in this case a salt of
uranium enclosed between a pair of discs constituting a
double fly with holes of a somewhat sectorial shape, so
arranged that the holes in the one exactly correspond with
the spaces between the holes in the other. When you turn
the wheel round, supposing there is no substance there,
you see no light, because you are always looking across a
plate of metal. At one time there is a hole in the front
disc, which is covered by the second plate, and when there
is a hole in the second plate it is covered by the front disc ;
a series of holes coming alternately in the two discs. But
supposing a substance is interposed, and the light is let in,
and you turn the wheel, the illumination is let on and cut
off alternately with great rapidity ; but you see the light,
not at the moment when the body is illuminated, but a
small fraction of a second afterwards, through the hole
which is opposite your eye ; in that way you see it a very
short space of time after it has been lit, so to speak, by the
incident light ; it gets a number of doses of light in one
rotation, and you get a number of glimpses of it immediately
afterwards. In that way many substances which show this
phenomenon appear luminous, and you see them by the light
which has been treated in this manner. I may mention
also that even a simple revolving mirror will show the
duration of the effect in such cases as the salts of uranium
and solids in general. If you use an ordinary electric
machine as a source of illumination, giving a succession of
sparks, or an induction coil with a Leyden jar in connection
with the two terminals, which gives a momentary discharge,
you can observe the substance in a rapidly revolving mirror,
and in that way you get a momentary view of the substance
by reflected light, while the illumination due to fluor-
escence, in case it has an appreciable duration, is drawn out
into a broad gleam ; so that even without an instrument of
the kind now on the table the duration of the effect can
be manifested by experiment. The duration of the elfect,
I may observe, has not as yet in any instance been
demonstrated experimentally in the case of a liquid.
When epipolic dispersion wa,s referred to a change of
refrangibility of light, there were some older experiments
which at once received their explanation. For instance,
Sir John Herschel himself, on throwing a pure spectrum
on turmeric paper, had noticed a great prolongation of the
ordinary visible spectrum. But he supposed that this was
due to the ultra violet rays, which were directly reflected
into the eye ; and he speculated whether there might not be
a repetition of the colours of the ordinary spectrum. This,
however, proved to be a phenomenon of the kind I have
just described, fluorescence, or, if you like so to call it,
phosphorescence, as I am persuaded that fluorescence is
nothing but phosphorescence of brief duration. Mons. E.
Becquerel went still nearer to the actual phenomenon,
for he was making experiments on substances which show
phosphorescence after exposure to light, and observed that
some of them were specially luminous when light fell upon
them and was acting upon them. Nevertheless, although he
correctly explained what he witnessed in these cases, from
connecting it too closely with phosphorescence, he failed to
perceive the full bearing of his own observation ; and
though he had actually under his hands the solution of
quinine, and had discovered by means of photography
the intense absorbing action of that fluid on the invisible
rays, and expressly mentioned the " dichroism " of the solu-
tion he never dreamt of putting the two things together,
and showing that the peculiar coloured light exhibited
in this and other allied instances, which were matters of
ordinary observation, 1 had an origin hitherto unsuspected
I have here some phosphorescent tubes which have
been lent to me, which you will see retain the luminosity
for some time in the dark after the light of the electric
lamp has been allowed to play upon them. The most
phosphorescent substances are certain sulphides of metal-s
of alkaline earths, though it is said that certain impurities
contribute to the effect rather than otherwise.
In the course of my experiments I was led to see that
glass was by no means transparent in regard to the most
refrangible of the rays I had to deal with. I procured
accordingly prisms and lenses of quartz, with which to form
a pure spectrum. On applying them to the solar spectrum,
the invisible rays were seen to extend far beyond anything
I had ever seen before, and showed a continuation of
Fraunhofer's lines that is represented on these maps,
which were originally drawn for an evening lecture I
gave on the subject for the British Association at
Belfast in 1852. In the spring of the next year, while
preparing for a lecture at the Royal Institution, in the
laboratory of that institution, along with Faraday, though
I had expected beforehand to obtain a very long spectrum
by the use of the electric light, I was utterly surprised
when I found the actual length of it. I used in the first
instance a Ley den jar, and I could not but think at the first
moment that there was some stray reflection of light, for if
the visible spectrum was about one inch, the whole spectrum
obtained by means of powerfully fluorescent substances,
such as uranium glass, with the electric light, was about
six or eight inches, which was a length I had not been at all
prepared for.
1 The very name " Schillerstoff, " formerly given to sesculin, is
derived from the property in question.
T/^e substance of the following pamphlet formed two lectures
delivered to Science Teachers at South Kensington during the month of
August 1876. They have been recast only so much as to make them
intelligible without the aid of the set of models by which they were then
illustrated. Any readers' who may wish further to study Rculcaux's
treatment of the subject, of which I have attempted here to no'e a few
salient points, I must refer to his own " Theoretische Kinema'ik," or to
my translation of it, published under the title of " The Kinematics of
Machinery. " In th'is work the whole matter is taken up in great detail
from the point of view which I have endeavoured to indicate.
A. B. W. K.
MOST of the models used to illustrate this and the follow-
ing lecture belong to the Kinematic Collection of the Gewerbe-
Akademie in Berlin, and have been designed by Professor
Keuleaux, who is the Director of the Academy and a
Professor in it. The rest were sent to the Loan Collection
by Messrs. Hoff and Voigt of Berlin, and Messrs. Bock and
Handrick of Dresden. In essentials there is no difference
between the Berlin and the Dresden models. Both have
been designed specially for use in instruction in the Kine-
matics of machinery.
I must first try to explain briefly but exactly what I
mean by the phrase " Kinematics of machinery." Professor
Keuleaux, whose models are before us, defines a machine as
" a combination of resistant bodies so arranged that by their
means the mechanical forces of nature can be compelled to do
work accompanied by certain determinate motions." The
complete course of machine instruction followed in some of
the continental technical schools covers something like
the following ground :
First, there is the perfectly general study of machinery,
technologically and teleologically. Then there comes what
we may call the study of prime-movers, which in terms of
our definition would "be the study of the arrangements by
means of which the natural forces can be best compelled to do
the required work. Then comes the study of what may be
called " direct-actors," or the direct-acting parts of machinery ;
in the terms of our definition, the arrangement of the parts
of a machine in such a way as best to obtain the required result.
Next comes what we call machine design ; the giving to the
bodies forming the machine the requisite quality of resist-
ance. Machine design is based principally on a study of
the strength of materials.
One clause of the definition still remains untouched. The
machine, we said, does work accompanied by certain deter-
minate motions. Corresponding to this we have in machine
instruction the study of those arrangements in the machine by
which the mutual motions of its parts, considered as changes of
position only, are determined. The limitation here must be
remembered ; motion is considered only as change of posi-
tion, not taking into account either force or velocity. This
is what Professor Willis long ago called the " science of pure
mechani-m," what Eankine has called the " geometry of
machinery," what Reuleaux calls '''kinematics," and what
I mean now by the " kinematics of machinery."
The resets of many years' work of Eeuleaux in connection
with this subject are embodied in his book Die Theoretische
Kinematik, which I recently had the pleasure of trans-
lating, and I shall endeavour to give you an outline* of his
treatment of the subject. It cannot be more than an outline,
as you will readily understand. The subject is a very large
one, and I have had to choose between taking up many branches
of it and merely mentioning each, and confining myself to a few
points, and going more into detail about them. I have chosen
the latter plan, believing that the former would be of little
benefit to anybody. It will be easy for those who are
sufficiently interested in the matter tc follow it up, and to
study those parts which I omit by the aid of the book I
have just mentioned. My lecture to-day will be principally
theoretical, and to-morrow I shall go more into practical
applications. So far as possible, as I have Professor
Keuleaux's models before me, I shall endeavour to follow his
own order in treating the subject.
I presume you are acquainted to a certain extent with the
ordinary method of studying "pure mechanism;" the method
originated by Monge (1806), developed in Willis' well-known
Principles of Mechanism (1841) and made popular to a
great extent by Prof. Goodeve's capital little text-book
and others. Each mechanism is studied for and by itself,
in general by the aid of simple algebraic or trigonometric
methods, and is spoken of in reference to a certain " con-
version" of motion which occurs in it. Thus we have the
conversion of circular into reciprocating motion, the con-
version of reciprocating into circular, &c., and simple formulae
express certain relations between the motions of two or more
moving points. In this way we know something important
about a great number of mechanisms, and arrive at many
results which are both useful and interesting. Some things
are still left wanting, however ; and these things may be
summed up in this way :
(1) We notice at once that we have taken the mechanism
as a whole. We do not analyse it in any way whatever,
and therefore,
(2) We have scarcely any knowledge of its relations with
other mechanisms, or (what is quite as important) of the
various forms which one and the same mechanism may take.
We shall see presently how extraordinarily various these forms
are. We have never a general case with special cases
derived from it ; each case is treated by itself as a special
one. Then
(3) 'The mechanism is studied in general from a point of
view which gives us only the conditions of the motion 'of
two points in it, or two portions of it, and is then left.
The kinematic conditions of the mechanism as a whole
remain absolutely untouched.
In such a mechanism as that of an ordinary steam-engine,
for instance, we study the relative motions of the guide-
block and the crank, or I ought perhaps to say of the axes
of the crosshead and of the crank-pin. We thus know the
motions of two points in the rod which connects those axes,
the "connecting-rod," but we leave the motions of all its
other points untouched. It may, of course, be said that
these others are of much less practical importance. This is
true to some extent, although their practical importance is
greater than might be supposed at first. But in any case
these motions must certainly be studied if we are to obtain
a complete knowledge of the mechanism to which they
belong. Any method of study, therefore, which covers all
the kinematic conditions of the mechanism, instead of the
mechanical conditions of two or three points only, possesses
in that respect very great advantages.
The treatment of mechanisms which I shall sketch to you
is intended to remedy some of the defects which I have
enumerated. Those of you who have studied modern
geometry side by side with the old methods will recognise
that these defects are somewhat analogous to those of
Euclidean geometry. The attempt to remedy them proceeds
in lines similar to those of modern geometry, and will
eventually, I believe, when more fully worked out, take
the same position in i's own subject.
Let us then look first at the analysis of mechanisms. This
is none the less important a matter that its results are so
very simple in many cases. A clear understanding of these
elementary matters is of great assistance in clearing up
difficulties which occur in the more advanced parts of the
In a machine or a mechanism of any kind the motion of
every piece must be absolutely determinate at every instant.
Jt will be remembered that we are at present considering
motion as change of position only, not in reference to velocity.
The motion or change of position may be determined by the
direction arid magnitude of all the external forces which act
on the body : the motion is then said to be free, but it is
obviously impossible to arrange such a condition of things in
a machine. The motions may, however, be made absolutely
determinate independently of the direction and magnitude
of external forces, and in order that this may be the case
the moving bodies, or the moving and fixed bodies as the
case may be, must be connected by suitable geometric forms.
Motion under these circumstances is called constrained motion. 1
If I allow a prismatic block to slide down the surface of
an inclined plane its motion will be free ; it is determined
by the combination of external forces which act upon the
1 Essentially it dees not differ from free motion ; the difference
really lies in the substitution of stresses or molecular forces, which are
under our complete control, for external forces.
block. If the block be pressed on one side as it slides, it at
once moves sideways, and can only be kept in a straight path
if directly the pressure is exerted on the one side an equal
and opposite force (or a force which has a resultant with the
first in the direction of motion), be caused to act upon it on
the other. If, on the other hand, the block be made to slide
between accurately fitting grooves (like a guide-block in a
machine), inclined at the same angle as the plane, and like
it fixed, the block may be pressed sideways or in any other
direction, but no alteration in its motion can take place ; the
motion is "constrained," it can occur only in the one
direction permitted by the guiding grooves. In the one
case the external force has to be balanced by another
external force, in the other the balancing force is molecular,
i.e. is a stress and not an external force, and comes at once
into play the instant the disturbing force is exerted. The
geometric forms which are used in this way to constrain or
render determinate the motions in machines are very various,
and are chosen in reference to the particular motion required.
If every point in a body be required to move in a circle
about some fixed axis, a portion of the body is made in the
form of a solid of revolution about that axis, and this is
caused to " work in " another similar solid ; the two form-
ing the familiar pin and eye. If all points of a body be
required to move in parallel straight lines we get similarly
for guiding forms a pair of prisms of arbitrary cross- section ;
a slot and block. If every point of a body be required to
move in a helix of the same pitch we use a pair of screws
of that pitch, one solid and one open, for constraining the
motion ; a screw and nut.
The general condition common to these very simple forms
is that in each case the path of every point in the moving body
is absolutely determined at every instant, that is to say, the
change of position of the moving body is absolutely
The geometric name for these mutually constraining bodies
is envelopes, and each one is said to envelope the other. We
shall call them (kinematic) elements, and the combination of
two of them we shall call a pair of elements.
Those we have mentioned are special and very familiar and
important cases of pairs of elements, which are of great
simplicity. They have the common property of surface
contact, the one enclosing the other, and are therefore called
closed or lower pairs of elements. They are, moreover, the
only closed pairs which exist. They are further the only
pairs in which all points of the moving element have similar
Every point of an eye, for instance, moves in a circle about
the same axis. If there were attached to it a body of any
size or form whatever, all its point would move about the
same axis. The " point-paths " would all be concentric circles.
Again, whatever the external size or shape of a nut, every
point in it moves in a helix of the same pitch about the axis
of the screw ; the point-paths, that is, would be similar.
The general condition of determinateness of motion can,
however, be fulfilled by an immense number of other pairs of
elements. The theory of these is too large a subject to be
entered into just now, I must merely direct your attention to
the existence of such combinations.
Fio. 1.
Fig. 1 represents one of the simplest that can be used.
Here one of the elements is an equilateral triangle, ABC,
the other is the "duangle" R P S Q. The latter moves
within the former, touching it always in three points, or rather
along three lines. Its motion is just as absolutely determinate
as the motion of a pin in an eye. It is free to move at
any instant only about the point in which the three normals
to the triangle at the points of contact intersect (as ,Q in the
Fig.) The models before you show a few of the many forms
taken by such pairs of elements. It is worth while noticing
a few points in which the motions determined by them differs
from the motions of the closed pairs. First, as we have
already seen, the contact of the elements determining the
motion was surface-contact in the former case, while here it
takes place only along a finite number of lines. Then the
motions of all points in the first case were similar ; in these
pairs the motions of the points are not similar, but entirely
Flo. 2.
dissimilar, the motion of each point depending entirely upon
its position. Fig. 2 shows a few of the point-paths of the pair
of elements shown in Fig. 1. The strikingly different curves
obtained from one pair of elements, according to the choice
of the describing point, is too obvious to need further notice. 1
1 The triangle UTQ and the three curves within it, which have M^
for their centre, are point-paths. The curve -triangle and the duangle
shown in thicker lines will be explained further on.
These pair of elements are called higher pairs. They have
only a few applications in practice, their interest being chiefly
theoretical. From our present point of view their theoretic
interest is considerable, because of their exact analogy with
the lower pairs.
There is another difference between the two kinds of pairs
which deserves notice, for reasons which will be better under-
stood afterwards. The pair of elements determines the rela-
tive motion of the two bodies connected by it. If one body
be stationary on the floor or the earth, the moving body has the
same motion relatively to the floor or earth that it has to the
other element. If I move about both bodies in my hand, both
have motion relatively to the earth, but the relative motion
of the one to the other remains unchanged. It is of course only
a case differing in degree from the former one, for in the
former one both bodies had the motion of the earth itself,
while one had the additional motion which I gave it. We may,
however, not to be pedantic, speak of anything as "fixed," or
** stationary " which has the same motion as the earth.
Now (in this sense) we may fix either element of a pair, and
with the lower pairs the relative motion taking place remains
the same whichever element be fixed. With the higher pairs,
on the other hand, the relative motion is altered, and the point-
paths become entirely different. The point-paths of the
duangle relatively to the triangle are, for instance, quite dif-
ferent from those of the triangle relatively to the duangle. This
change of the fixed element is called the inversion of a pair.
The ultimate result of our analysis of mechanisms is then
pairs of elements ; we cannot go below this. The pairs we
have noticed are of two kinds, each having their own
definite characteristics. If now two or more elements of as
many different pairs be joined together we get a combination
which is called a (kinematic) link. It is obvious that the
form of such a link is, kinematically, absolutely indifferent.
The choice of its form and material belongs to machine-
design. It may be brick and mortar, cast-iron, timber, as
we shall see afterwards, but the fact that this is indifferent
kinematically cannot be too distinctly kept in mind.
We can make combinations of links by pairing the elements
which each contain to partner elements in other links, and
such combinations are called kinematic chains. Thus if we
denote similar elements by similar letters, aa, bb cc, &c. and
o 2
the link connection by a line, we may indicate some of the
chains obtainable from 4 pairs and 4 links, thus :
a bb cc dd a
(we suppose the " chain " to return on itself and the two ele-
ments a to be paired, the whole forming a closed chain) ; or,
a cc bb dd a
a dd cc bb a &c.
FIG. 3.
For the sake of illustration we give in Fig. 3 a sketch
of a familiar chain containing four links, each connected to
the adjacent link by a cylinder-pair of elements. The axes
of the four pairs of elements are parallel.
We have then, in the kinematic chain a combination so
constructed that all its parts have determinate motions,
motions absolutely fixed by the form of the elements carried
by its links, and independent (considered as changes of posi-
tion) of the application of external force. To convert the
chain into a mechanism we have only to do what we have
already done in connection with pairs of elements, fix one
element, or, as each element is rigidly connected with a link,
we may say preferably fix one link. Any link may be fixed,
the chain therefore gives us as many mechanisms as it has
links. In general these are different, in special cases only
two or more of them are the same. We shall be able to enter
into this part of our subject at some length in the next lecture ;
at present it will suffice to note two or three of the leading
characteristics of chains and mechanisms which we can now
easily recognise. These are
(i.) That the motion of any link relative to either adjacent
link is determined by the pair of elements connecting them.
(ii.) That the motion of any link relative to any other
than its adjacent links depends on all the elements of the
(iii.) That no one link of a mechanism can be moved with-
out moving all the other links except the fixed one, and
(iv.) That there can be only one fixed link in a mech-
The two last propositions require a few words of explana-
tion. Suppose that in any combination of, say, four links,
two can be moved without moving the other two, the com-
bination is actually one of three links only, for clearly the
two immovable links may be made into one, and are two
only in name. This is very often the case in machinery,
where special mechanisms are frequently used for the express
purpose of connecting rigidly two or more links, and making
them act as one, at certain intervals.
If, however, in the combination supposed, one link be fixed,
while two can be moved and the fourth can either move or be
stationary, the combination no longer comes under our defini-
tion of constrainment, for the motions are at a certain point
indeterminate, at the point, namely, when it is possible for
the fourth link either to move or to stand. Chains often
occur in which this would be the case were it not that mecha-
nicians take means, either by adding other chains or in other
ways, to constrain the motion which would otherwise be
useless to them.
We have now obtained some idea of the way in which
mechanisms are formed, of the elements of which they consist.
Before applying the knowledge we have thus acquired I must
direct your attention to some geometric propositions which
will greatly facilitate the theoretic dealing with these
In order that I may not enter into too wide a subject, I
shall confine myself here to the consideration only of " con-
plane " motions, or motions in which all points of the moving
body move in the same plane or in parallel planes. The
limitation is a large one, but the cases included under
conplane motion cover the greater part of those which occur
in practice. The method I have to describe is equally
applicable to general motion in space as to simple constrained
conplane motions of which I shall speak.
Let me remind you that the motion of any figure moving
in a plane is known if the motion of any two points (i.e. of a
line) in it be known. The motion of any body having
conplane motion is known if the motion of a plane section
of it, parallel to the plane of motion, be known. Such a
plane section of it is, of course, simply a plane figure moving
in its own plane. The motion of any body having conplane
motion (as in nine cases out of ten in machinery), can therefore
be determined by the determination of the motion of two
points. In speaking now, therefore, of the motion of a line
for shortness' sake it must be remembered that we are really
covering all cases of conplane motion of solid bodies.
In Fig. 4 PQ and T? 1 Q 1 are two positions of the same plane
figure, or plane section of a body having conplane motion.
If now we have two positions (in the same plane) of any
plane figure, we know that the figure can always be moved
from the one to the other by turning about some point in the
plane. The position of the point 0, about which the figure
can be turned from the position PQ to the position P L Q 1
can be found at once by the intersection of the normal
bisectors to PP 1 and QQ V The motion of PQ in the
plane is, of course, its motion relatively to the plane, and
therefore relatively to any figure (as A B) in the plane.
Such a point as we have found here is called a temporary
centre, because the turning or motion takes place about it for
some finite interval of time. It will be remembered that not
only the two points and PQ of the figure, but every other
point of it, must have a movement about this same point
at the same time. Now suppose we have some further posi-
tion of the same figure, as for example at the position marked
P 2 Q 2 , we can find in the same way the centre about which the
figure must be turned to move from P 1 Q 1 to P 2 Q 2 . We may
indicate this point as r Similarly taking other positions of
this figure P^Q S and so on, we can find other points, 2 S , &c.
By joining the points OOfl^D^. we obtain a polygon, and if
the figure in its motion come back to its original position the
polygon also comes back on itself, and passes again through
the point 0. Such a polygon, whether it be closed in this way
or not, is called a central polygon ; its corners are the tem-
porary centres of the motion of the figure.
I have pointed out that all the points in the figure PQ move
round during the motion from PQ to P^. They move
round necessarily through some particular angle, the angle
POP V and every point moves through the same angle, which
we may call r As the figure may have any form- we choose,
let us suppose it so extended as to contain a line which is the
same length as 00 V and which makes with 00 1 the angle
1 . Then when the figure has
completed its motion about 0, MM l and 00 1 must coincide.
Take further similarly M^M^ X 2 and so placed that when
M l coincides with O v /. O^M^M^ = fa, then when the figure
takes its third position, completing the turning about O v M l
J/o coincides with 0^^. Similarly we can obtain MJ\f v &c.
The figure thus found is another polygon, which we may call
a second central polygon.
These polygons have important properties, the principal of
which can be very easily recognized. The first polygon does
not alter its position during the motion of the body ; it is
therefore fixed, so that it may be considered as a part of
any figure such as AB which is fixed or stationary in the plane
of motion. The second polygon moves with PQ and forms
(by construction) part of the same figure with PQ. This
second polygon then, by the consecutive turnings of its
corners upon the corresponding corners of the first (and
equal-sided) polygon, will give to PQ the required changes
of position relatively to the fixed plane or to the figure
AB lying in it.
If therefore we know the central polygons for the given
motion, we know not only the changes of position of the
points P and Q, but those of every other point connected with
the moving figure, whatever form it may have. For at any
one instant every point in the figure is moving about the
same centre. In studying the relative motions of the figures
we may, therefore, quite leave out of sight their form if ws
only know the. central polygons for the motion. These teil
us, so far, all about the motion which is taking place.
We may go further, however. We have recognised the
fact that the relative motion of two figures or bodies may take
place equally whether one or the other of them, be fixed, or
both moving. In the case before us we have supposed AB fixed
and PQ moving relatively to it. The second polygon then
moves on the first, and expresses the relative motion taking
place. If, however, we suppose PQ fixed and AB moving,
then the polygons still express, the relative motion ; but the
second is now fixed and the first rolls upon it. This follows
directly from the constitution of the polygons. The properties
of the polygons as expressing the relative motions of the bodies
to which they belong are therefore reciprocal.
You will have noticed, no doubt, that the polygons do not
express continuous motion. They define only a series of
changes of position in their beginning and end, not telling us
of the intermediate stages.
We may, however, take the consecutive position of the
figures as close together as we like. The closer together they
are taken the shorter become the sides of the polygons. If
at last the distances PP V P^P^ QQ V &c., be taken infinitely
small, each corner of the polygon will be infinitely clo*e to
the next one. That is to say the two polygons will become
curves, and of these curves " infinitely small parts of equal
length continually fall together after infinitely small rotations
about their end points." In other words the two curves
roll on one another during the continuous alterations in the
relative position of the two figures. Instead of finding
points now by the intersection of normal bisectors, they
are found by intersection of normals to the paths of P and Q
Fio. 5.
(Fig. 5). The turning about each point now occurs not
(in general) for a finite period, but for an instant only.
Each point is therefore called an instantaneous centre. The
curve containing all the instantaneous centres, or the Locus
of instantaneous centres, is called a centroid. Without giving
them any special name, several writers on Mechanics have
made more or less use of these curves. Among these I
may mention Dwelshauvers-Dery, Schell and Prbll. Eeuleaux
has, however, given them a name (Polbahnen), and has made
some special use of them, more, I think, than has been made
by former writers.
While the polygons only represent a series of isolated
positions of a body, the centroids, rolling on each other, repre-
sent the whole motion continuously. Like the central poly-
gons their properties are reciprocal. If then the centroids of
two figures be known, their relative motions for a series
of changes of position, each infinitely small, are also known,
i.e. their motions are completely determined.
If A and its centroid be fixed, and the centroid of P Q
rolled upon it (Fig. 5), we have now the means of determin-
ing the path of motion of every point in the Fig. P Q
relative to A B, whatever may be the form of P Q. It is
sometimes of great convenience to be able to find the motions
of all points in a body in such a very simple way. Eecipro-
cally we can determine the point paths of A B relatively to
P Q, which, in general, differ entirely from those of P Q
relatively to A B.
If both figures be moving, as frequently happens in practice,
both centroids are also in motion ; their motion relative to
each other, however, remains unaltered. They still roll on
one another, and their point of contact is still the instan-
taneous centre of the motion of each relatively to the other.
Each figure moves, relatively to the other, about this point,
which, being common to the two centroids, is common to the
two figures. They might, therefore, for the instant, be
connected a that point by a cylindric pair of elements.
There are many problems of which the solution is greatly
simplified by the recollection of this fact. The point in each
figure which coincides with the instantaneous centre, has,
therefore, no motion relatively to the other figure. We have
already seen this in the special case where the one figure is
stationary, for then the point in which the moving centroid
touches the fixed one is, by hypothesis, also stationary for
the instant ; in other words, it has no motion relatively to the
fixed centroid. We now see the general condition of which
this is a special case.
Fig. 6 shows the centroids for the higher pair of elements
of Fig. 1. The curve-triangle U TQis the centroid of the
Fio. 7.
triangle ABC, and the shaded duangle P V Q W is the
centroid of the duangle R P S Q. 1 As the duangle moves
in the triangle (the elements sliding upon each other), its
centroid rolls within the centroid of the triangle. Both
centroids are in this case formed of arcs of circles, and all
the point-paths (being determined by the rolling of one
circular arc upon another) are combinations of trochoidal
The centroids of kinematic chains are generally of greater
complexity that those of the pairs of elements just mentioned,
1 These centroids are shown on a larger scale, apart from the elements
to which they belong, in Fig. 2.
but in some cases are quite as simple. In Fig. 7, for example,
is shown a mechanism familiar to engineers, in which a crank
a drives a reciprocating bar c by means of a block b working
in a slot. The centroids denning the relative motions of the
links a and c are the two circles shown in full lines, one
double the diameter of the other. These two circles both
move as the mechanism works (supposing the link d to be
fixed), but always so that they roll continuously one on the
other. If instead of fixing d the crank a were made the
fixed link, the same centroids would still express the relative
motions of a and c. The smaller circle, the centroid of a,
would be stationary along with the link to which it belongs,
and the other would roll on it, the instantaneous centre for
the motion of the link c being always at their points of
contact. This mechanism (a being fixed) is used in Oldham's
coupling, in elliptic chucks, &c. Knowing these centroids
we know all about the motions of the two corresponding
links in the mechanism, not only about the motions of some
particular points in these links.
The centroids of kinematic chains can in general be very
easily determined. Once found they make us independent to
a great extent of trigonometric or algebraic formulae, and
enable us to determine all we wish to know by purely
geometric graphic constructions. For technical purposes at
least this is frequently an immense advantage. There are very
few cases in which it is not more convenient for the engineer
to employ a construction than a formula, if both give him
the same result.
Before looking at the centroids of other mechanisms it is
necessary to examine one particular case which often occurs.
Suppose that the lines P Pi and Q Q 1 in Fig. 4, or the
tangents to the curves at P and Q in Fig. 5, had been parallel.
It is obvious that the normal bisectors in the one case and the
normals to the curve in the other then become also parallel, or,
as it is for some reasons more convenient to express it, would
meet at an infinite distance. The temporary centre in the
one case and the instantaneous centre in the other are at
infinity. A centroid may therefore contain one or mere points
at an infinite distance, may have, that is, one or more infinite
branches. This constantly occurs in mechanism, and in some
cases every point in the centroid is at an infinite distance.
This is however a special case ; its treatment does not offer
any practical difficulty, but I cannot do more than mention
its existence here.
The centroids of the connecting rod and frame of the
ordinary steam-engine driving mechanism (the links b and d
FIG. 8.
of Fig. 8) may serve as an illustration of this. When the
crank a is at right angles to d, the normals to the paths of the
two points 2 and "3 are parallel. The instantaneous centre of
b relatively to d is therefore at an infinite distance. Each
centroid has, therefore, a pair of infinite branches.
We may look, in conclusion, at one other case which
possesses some special interest on account of the form taken
by the centroids. It is shown in Fig. 9. The chain con-
tains four links and four parallel cylinder pairs. The alter-
nate links are equal, and the two longer links are crossed so
that the chain forms an " anti-parallelogram " in every position,
the angle at 2 being always equal to that at 4, and the angle
at 1 to that at 3. If the link d be fixed, the links a and
c become two cranks which revolve in opposite directions
with a varying velocity-ratio. The centroids of b and d are
a pair of hyperbola having their foci at 2 3 and 1 4 respec-
tively. The one rolls upon the other as b moves, the instan-
taneous centre in the position shown being at the point of
contact 0, which is the point of intersection of 1 2 . and
3 4. The centroids of the two shorter links are the two
ellipses which are shown in dotted lines. They are confocal
with the hyperbolae, and their point of contact is always at
the intersection of 1 4 and 2 3. Their form shows at once
that the rotation of the axes 1 and 4 is precisely the same as
that which would be communicated by a pair of elliptic spur-
wheels having the centroids for their pitch ellipses.
In this mechanism, as in some of the others illustrated, the
centroids of two adjacent links, as a and d, or b and c, are simply
a pair of coincident points which roll upon each other. They
form thus a limiting case of centroids, but every theorem
which applies to the more extended centroidal curves applies
also to these points, as can easily be seen on examination.
WE shall in the present Lecture examine in some detail a few
of the results which can be obtained by treating mechanisms
upon the plan which Rouleaux has proposed, and which is
illustrated by his models ; that is to say, by the analytical
treatment of which we have already seen the general nature.
We have seen how kinematic chains are built up from pairs
of elements and links. The pairing and the linkage renders
the relative motions in the chain absolutely determinate, and
the determinate relative motion exists equally whether or not
any link of the chain be fixed relatively to the earth or to any
portion of space that we choose to treat as stationary.
We have now to consider in more detail the effect of fixing
one link of the chain. In practice, of course, one link is
always fixed, or in other words, its motion relatively to the
earth, to a locomotive or whatever it may be, is made zero. A
chain with one link fixed is simply what we know as a me-
In examining pairs of elements we saw that we could fix
either element of the pair with lower pairs, the relative motions
remaining unaltered ; with the higher pairs the inversion gives
us a totally different motion. We have seen also that we can
fix any one link of a kinematic chain just as we can fix either
element of a pair. We therefore can get as many mechanisms
from any chain as it has links. From any such chain as Fig.
3, for instance, which has four links, we can get four mecha-
nisms. The fact that a kinematic chain gives us as many
mechanisms as it has links appears, looked at from this
point of view, a mere matter of course. It has, however,
never been hitherto distinctly recognized, so far as I know,
and it can hardly be realized too distinctly, the consequences
which result from it being most important, as we shall see. All
that I shall attempt to do in this lecture will be to look at
some of the mechanisms obtained from the particular chain
just mentioned, and various modifications of it.
We have already noticed that the chain has four links. We
see further that it is a chain in which all the motions are con-
Fio. 10.
plane, each of its four pairs being simply a cylinder pair, and
the four cylinder pairs having parallel axes. It is so propor-
tioned that by causing one link to swing, another one can be
made to revolve. In order that we may refer more easily to
the links a letter is attached to each in the engraving.
For convenience sake we may also use a short symbol for
this chain (the one used by Reuleaux) namely, ((/i) 1 The (7 4
within brackets stands for the four cylinder pairs, the symbol
for parallel being added to indicate their relative positions.
This is the symbol for the chain, no link being fixed. To
distinguish the four mechanisms formed from it, we shall put
the letter which stands for the fixed link in the position of
an index after the formula. Thus we can denote the parti-
cular mechanism shown in Fig. 10, in which the link d is
fixed, by the formula (Cl) d . We have here then the first of
the four mechanisms we can get from this chain. You will
recognize it easily enough as exactly similar to the beam and
crank of a beam-engine. The link c is half the beam, a the
crank and b the connecting-rod. The whole mechanism is an
excellent illustration of what I said in my last lecture, that the
form of the links is indifferent. If you think of the mecha-
nism as forming part of a beam-engine, for instance, you will
see in the link d the abstract form of what is generally a most
complex structure, a bed-plate with its bearings, an entabla-
ture and plummer-block, cast-iron columns, and in some cases
even brick and masonry. All these are represented by the
fixed link d so far as their kinematic relations are concerned.
If now we fix the connecting-rod b instead of fixing the
1 In words " C parallel 4,"
link d as before, we have the mechanism^) 6 . It does
not essentially differ from (Cl) d . .<- The crank now revolves
about the pin 2 wh&h was formerly the crank-pin, and the
pin 1, which formerly represented the crank-shaft, is now
the crank-pin, but there is nothing changed in the nature of
the mechanism. By this inversion therefore we have got
nothing new.
Let us now fix the link a, which was formerly the crank
(Fig. 11). We have now the mechanism (CQ*; it contains
FIG. 11.
precisely the same elements as before, and the relative motions
of the links are unaltered, but as a mechanism it is entirely
different. It is now a combination frequently enough used
in mills and' elsewhere, known by the name of a " drag-link
coupling." The links b and d have become cranks, and one
drives the other by means of the link c.
By fixing the remaining link of the chain, the link c,
(which we have supposed to be longer than a), we have the
entirely different mechanism (C" 4 ) e , (Fig. 12). The two arms
no longer revolve but only swing, and the link a turns right
round once in every double swing of d and 6. This mechanism
is occasionally used in part of its stroke in parallel motions
with some modifications, but is not so well known as the
The four inversions of this one chain therefore give us
three different mechanisms. Looked at separately it is hard
to see the relation in which these stand to each other ; from
the point of view which we have taken their mutual relation-
ship has become at once evident.
Without altering the pairing at all, we can greatly alter
the chain by changing the relative length of its links. If
we made all the links equal we should have a square, of
which all four inversions would give similar mechanisms.
If we make 6=d and c=a we get a mechanism which is
perfectly familiar in the couplings of locomotives and many
other cases. All four mechanisms are again similar, each
one consisting of "a pair of cranks revolving with equal
velocities and connected ]by a link which moves always
parallel to itself.
These mechanisms are among those which have the
peculiarity to which I alluded yesterday, that in one of their
positions their motions are not determinate. This occurs at
the " dead points " when a and c are both standing in the
direction of the axis of d or b. If no means be taken to
prevent it, it is then possible to move the crank either in
one direction or the other, and the two cranks may go on
revolving in the same direction, or may revolve in opposite
directions according to circumstances.
Such an indeterminateness is, of course, inadmissible in
machinery, where we therefore adopt the well-known method
of combining two mechanisms of the same kind, and placing
them with their cranks at right angles, so that they do not
cross the dead-points at the same time. The motions are
thus made determinate and the cranks revolve in similar
directions. We might, however, wish them to revolve in
opposite directions, as in the mechanism shown in Fig. 9.
It may be worth our while to look for a moment at the means
which may be used in this case to secure the determinateness
of the motions in the mechanism. To distinguish between
the two cases we may call the former " parallel cranks " and
represent it by the formula (Cl \\ C'), and the latter "anti-
parallel cranks/' (C" Z ~Z.C"^). This chain, with the link d
fixed, is shown in Fig. 13.
In the case of the parallel cranks all points of the
centroids of b and d are at infinity, for they are at the inter-
sections of the parallel links a and c. We have already
seen, however, that in the mechanism Fig. 9 the centroids
are quite different, those of b and d being hyperbolae. If,
therefore, when the mechanism is brought into either dead
point, where the cranks might change from the anti-parallel
to the parallel position, we can only make certain that
the right centroids roll upon, each other, we shall get the
FIG. 13.
motion that we want., Fig. 13 shows an arrangement by
which, just in that position of possible change, a tooth made
E 2
on one link and a recess upon the other link gear together at a
point corresponding to the point of contact of the centroids.
The teeth G and H are virtually formed upon the centroid
of b, and the recesses E and F upon that of d. At the
points where these come into gear, the two centroids are com-
pelled to roll upon one another, just as the pitch circles of
two toothed wheels are compelled to roll on one another, and
in this way the mechanism is carried over its only indeter-
minate point, and the cranks remain continuously anti-
parallel and revolve in opposite directions.
This antiparallel chain gives us two different mechanisms.
Fig. 13 shows us (C'^Cy. In the other mechanism
(CJ2!^s)* ^ e ^ wo cran ks revolve in the same direction with
very varying velocity ratios.
Returning again to the chain (4), it will be seen at once
that we may substitute for the pair of elements at 4 a slot
and a sector concentric with it, as in Fig. 14. The motions
FIG. 14.
remain entirely unaltered. By adopting this construction,
however, it becomes possible to construct the mechanism
without covering with it the centre of the pair 4, i.e., the
point of intersection of the links c and d. "W e can therefore
lengthen these links without making the mechanism incon-
veniently large. The only constructive alteration is that
the slot becomes flatter as the links are lengthened. If
we lengthen them little by little until they become infinitely
long, the curved slot becomes straight, and its centre line will
pass through the point 1. The mechanism modified in this
fashion takes the extremely familiar form, already shown in
Fig. 8. It now contains three cylinder pairs with parallel
axes; the fourth cylinder pair has become a straight slot
with a block working in it, namely, a prism pair (see page
80). The axis of the prism pair is normal to the axis of the
three cylinder pairs, and we may therefore use the symbol
((7s P^-) for the chain in its new form. There are here
again four links, and therefore four inversions, and we shall
find that all four mechanisms are now different.
We have first the mechanism shown in Fig. 8, and familiar
by its continual use in direct-acting engines (pi P- 1 -) 4 . Next,
following the same order as before, we may fix the link 6,
the connecting rod of Fig. 8. The mechanism thus obtained,
(C" P^-f, is quite different from the former, but equally
FIG. 15. ' , , ' . 1
* > '
familiar (Fig. 15). To make it more recognisable, the prism
pair 4 is reversed in the figure, that is the link c is made to
carry the open prism and d the full one. The motion is
obviously unaffected by the change. The mechanism can be
easily seen to be that of the oscillating engine. The link c
corresponds to the cylinder, swinging on fixed trunnions at 3,
and the link d to the piston-rod and piston of the steam-engine.
We see then that the relation between the mechanisms
which are familiar to us as the driving-trains of the direct-
acting and oscillating engines, is simply that they are differ-
ent inversions of one and the same chain.
Let us now suppose the chain fixed upon the link which
was the crank in the last two mechanisms (Fig. 16). This
gives us a third mechanism which entirely differs from either
of the two former ones. It is quite familiar as a " quick-
return " motion in some machine tools, for which purpose
also the mechanism last mentioned has sometimes been
Fixing, lastly, the link c, we get the less familiar mechanism
shown in Fig. 17 (C" z P-L) . The link b swings about 3, and
the crank a rotates in space somewhat as in the mechanism
(Cl), which we have already seen. This train has some
practical applications in machinery, hut is not very often
Here then we have ohtained from one and the same chain
four entirely different mechanisms, all of them more or less
familiar. The method we have adopted has again heen
successful in making the real relations of these apparently
dissimilar things perfectly ohvious.
We Lave seen in connection with Fig. 1 4 that we can to a
certain extent alter the size and extent of a pair of elements
without altering its nature or changing the motion of the
chain to which it belongs. This alteration in the size of
elements, or what may be called the " expansion " of elements,
is a process continually carried out by engineers for practical
constructive reasons.; and often gives to identical mechanisms
extremely different forms. It is impossible here to go into
this in detail, a somewhat extreme case of it is shown, for
the sake of illustration, in Fig. 18. Here we have the
mechanism shown already in Fig. 8, ((7 3 ' J P- L ) o
X o
8 tS
PJ o
^ ^
W &
S3 .
-i 2
<~ %
o ^
II *
""O co
So 00
^3 o
.s ^
P S.
still get an effect of 31 without condensation, or with con-
densation 44, and the gain per cent, therefore is 42.
No. 9 is a very similar Diagram, showing you the effect
of using 120 Ibs. steam with condensation, but without
expansion, and also where you expand that steam twice 4
times, 8 times, 16 times, and 32 times, the net useful effects
being 118, 199, 277, 352, 418|, 468-f, and the ratio 1, 1-68,
2-34, 3, 3-54, 3-89.
One sees, therefore, that for economy, condensation is a
most necessary thing. More especially when the pressures
are low, condensation really becomes a duty. There are
various means of effecting it. There is the old injection
condenser invented by Watt, where the stream of water goes
into a chamber and the condensed steam and the liberated air
are withdrawn by means of an air-pump. This requires a
constant supply of cold water, and that cannot always be
obtained in sufficient quantities. Then we have to resort to
means of recooling. One of the commonest is, as we know,
a cooling pond, but that requires a considerable amount
of space. Another one is a pile of brushwood, down which
the water is allowed to trickle. In both those cases the loss
by evaporation equals the feed water. Another method was
that pursued by Howard to be used with his quicksilver boiler.
He passed the injection water through pipes which were
outside the hull of the vessel, and which were acted upon
by the sea-water, and in that way he recooled the injection
water and used the same water over and over again. It
was a necessity for him to have pure water, because with
the boiler I have described a deposit upon the surface above
the amalgam if at all serious would very rapidly have caused
the boiler to burn out. Then we have the surface condensers,
of which we found a model yesterday in Mr. Watt's case,
This condenser is largely, in fact almost universally employed
now-a-days in marine engines. The proportions of it vary
very much according to the rapidity with which the water
is driven through, and according also to the temperature at
which the water is expected to be found. A steam-boat
intended to navigate the Eed Sea should be provided with a
much larger surface in her condenser than one intended for
the Atlantic. There is a very elaborate paper by a French
engineer, an abstract of which has been translated and will
be found in the Proceedings of the Civil Engineers, which
& ^
W ^
a ^
H 2
' ^
6 w
g g
s <
K- I
<5 hH
K ^
_ 00 Oi t^ -M
e3 ^ ^H CM CO
O 6
above atmosphere, without any expansion or condensation.
The quantity of steam employed, if there were no wire-
drawing, would be expressed by the area of Fig. I ; but
suppose now we wire-draw, and put a pressure of 37 Ibs. on
the piston at the beginning, then the line of pressure may
be represented by Fig. 2, and we have a reduced consump-
tion of steam as there shown. Supposing now we wire-draw
still further, and put a pressure of 57 Ibs. on the piston at the
beginning, we then reduce the consumption of steam to the
point shown on the third figure, and it really, therefore,
is a fact that where you have a bad engine you will do good
by wire-drawing. Do not understand me that it is a thing to
be used in lieu of proper expansion, but merely as saying
that so far from being, as is popularly supposed, a detriment,
in every instance, it is, in the case of a bad steam-engine, a
positive advantage. Again, take an ordinary engine without
expansion, and look at the enormous advantage which will
result from putting even a slight lap on the valve. Where
the slide travels about four times the amount of the steam
opening, you can. with a single slide, cut off at three-fourths of
the stroke, and by that arrangement you clearly introduce
into the cylinder only three-fourths of the steam, while you
have not diminished the work by even ^. Therefore,
in every bad engine, it is very easy for the first mechanical
engineer in the neighbourhood to do his part towards effecting
some saving in our store of coal.
Engines should be constantly examined by the aid of the
steam-engine indicator. The original indicator as devised by
"Watt is shown by the diagram on the wall, with the re-
ciprocating card travelling at right angles to the path of the
pencil caused to move by the pressure of the steam. This
indicator has been largely improved by Richards, as shown
in the further diagram. The improvement has consisted
in diminishing the piston stroke, and multiplying it by
means of levers, so that the momentum of the indicator
is greatly reduced. In that way, and without any alteration
of the indicator as ordinarily sold, it is possible to take
thoroughly good diagrams of engines running up to 300 revo-
lutions a minute. It fell to my lot, however, to have to take
a diagram from one of Thorneycroft's quick steam launches
running at 600 revolutions a minute, and I was very desirous,
for the purpose of a paper I was writing, of obtaining the vary-
ing power of these engines at from 200 up to 600 revolutions.
To do that it became necessary to take indicator diagrams,
and the way I set about it was by limiting the stroke of the
indicator, and by employing an extremely strong spring. I got
for 120 Ibs. steam only one inch rise on the figure. I then
limited the circumferential traverse of the indicator in the
same way ; T. provided it with an india-rubber spring, so as to
make it speak quickly, and in that manner, by having a
diagram not more than an inch in either direction, I obtained
most perfect and accurate figures from an engine running
at 600 revolutions. You will see them published in the
Transactions of the Institute of Naval Architects. By the
indicator we are able to tell, not merely the total work
that the engine is doing, but whether it is doing it economi-
cally and efficiently or not, and if not, are enabled to say
where an alteration ought to be made. The indicator gives
us the gross indicated horse-power, from which has to be
deducted the friction of the different parts of the engine. I
may say upon that, that at the Eoyal Agricultural Society,
when experimenting we had always used the dynamometrical
brake, the actual brake which is shown in this Exhibition.
On the last occasion, still using this brake, we put on indi-
cators, and were thereby enabled to obtain the ratio of effect
on the brake as compared with the indicated horse-power.
Speaking from recollection it averaged, taking one engine
with another, a difference of 17 per cent. These were non-
condensing engines, but I should call your attention to the
fact that they were worked in the excellent manner I spoke
of yesterday, and yielded results so high, that in one case
we got 79*49 million pounds raised one foot for 1 cwt. of
coal; a duty that probably is not attained by any single
engine in Cornwall, for I am sorry to say that the Cornish
engines have very much fallen off in their performances.
I should like now to say a few words about the injector.
We have here, cut open, one of the Giffard injectors so
commonly used for feeding boilers ; and I remember distinctly
when this instrument was first brought to my attention by
Mr. Robinson, of Sharp, Stewart, & Co., I and several en-
gineers were together, and, on being told by Mr. Robinson
that there was an implement by which the steam from a
boiler could be caused to generate a jet of water so powerful
as to enter that same boiler against the pressure within it, with
the arrogance, I am sorry to say, common to many of us,
I said, " nonsense," and we all said " nonsense," and there
was a chorus of " nonsense," and nonsense it was, for we had
to go and see it at work, and there was no doubt about the
result. Then came the question why it worked. Why did
we see the steam re-enter the boiler from which it had
started 1 There have been a great many papers written upon
this subject in a mathematical form, but I have said on
more than one occasion, that I arrogate to myself, rightly or
wrongly, the credit of being the first to give a popular ex-
planation of the action of the injector. I believe the whole
theory is to be explained by one word, and that is " con-
centration." Let me illustrate what I mean. Supposing
there were a cistern containing water with a nozzle upon the
side of it near the bottom, from which the water could issue
horizontally in a jet. Assume the jet were opposite to an
orifice in an empty cistern parallel with the first. We
know that the jet of water would enter that orifice, that
the water would accumulate in the cistern which the jet
entered, and that the jet would continue to enter until
the accumulated water in the second cistern caused the jet
to have such an opposition that it could not enter. Now
Mr. Froude has shown us in his experiments that when you
have once got the water into motion, if you will allow a
sufficient difference of head between the two cisterns to
compensate for the resistance caused by the friction in the
tubes through which the water passes, the water will, if you
have a proper nozzle, continue to enter into the second cistern
when it is full up to the height of the first one, minus the
difference expressing the friction. We see, therefore, that we
may get the water entering the second vessel very nearly to
the height from which it issued from the first. But supposing
that the water in its passage across the imaginary space from
the vessel from which it flowed, to the one into which it is to
enter, could by some process of magic be converted into
mercury, the same weight of mercury as was equal to the
weight of water : we know that if we could do that we
should diminish the area of the stream to yj- or thereabouts,
so that the stream which came out of an orifice of a square
inch, when converted into mercury would enter the other
tank through an orifice of ^ of a square inch ; but the
stream being of the same weight and flowing with the same
velocity, would obviously concentrate on that -^ square inch
the whole of the energy which, if it remained water, would
otherwise have been applied on the square inch, and thus
by this act of concentration there would be 14 times the
power per unit of surface, and it would come with the same
effect as if it came from 14 times the height. With such a
concentration it would enter into the second tank not merely
against a head equal to that from which it came, but against
a head very nearly 14 times as great; and you see, therefore,
that if you could by magic convert water into mercury, you
would then get the power to enter against a very excessive
pressure to re-enter its own tank, and much more. Now,
instead of taking water issuing from a tank, let us take steam
issuing from a boiler, and that steam without magic we can
concentrate, because we can condense it, and having con-
densed it, we do not concentrate it only 14 times, but 1,696,
or 388, or 144 times, or whatever may be the ratio of the
particular steam to water. By that concentration, therefore,
we have an enormous power, competent not only by itself
to re-enter the boiler from which the steam came, but a
power so much in excess of this as to be able to take along
with it the water employed in producing the concentration,
that is the condensation of the steam. In that way the Giffarcl
injector does introduce into the boiler the steam that came
out of it, and the water that condensed that steam.
Except in one solitary instance (that of the surface of
boilers) I have abstained from giving any proportions ; still
less have I had opportunity to indicate the relations between
dimensions and horse-power, and I may say that had I had
time to dwell upon this branch of the subject of the steam-
engine I should have been met with the curious difficulty of
not being able to say what in manufacture is meant by a
horse-power. But I may tell you now, that, among the five
kinds of horse-power which are recognised (for there are five),
I, whenever I have used the term horse-power, have referred
to the engineer's horse-power of 33,000 Ibs. (roundly, 15
tons) raised through one foot in a minute of time.
Dr. Joule and others have shown us that 772 foot Ibs.
represent the equivalent of one heat unit, and we know,
there fore,t hat 33,000 foot Ibs. per minute ought to be got for
an hourly expenditure of 2,565 heat units. Llangennech coal
is capable of giving forth 14,718 heat units per lb., and
we ought therefore by an expenditure of '17 Ibs. of that coal
to obtain one horse-power for an hour, while the very lowest
consumption that I know of is 1J lb., therefore the ratio be-
tween those two figures is 9 to 1, so that at the present time
the best engines use but one-ninth of all the heat which is
theoretically given forth by the coal. We see, therefore,
there is before mechanical engineers a very large field for
improvement. Do not imagine that I am suggesting that we
shall ever obtain the whole of the theoretical effect or any-
thing bordering upon it. Certainly not by the steam-engine,
for we do not yet know of materials which would admit of our
commencing with a pressure where the steam would be of a
density equal to that of water, nor could we tolerate cylin-
ders of such size as to enable the expansion to be carried on
until the temperature of ice was attained ; and yet those two
conditions, I believe, are necessary before we can even theo-
retically get as a useful effect the whole heat of the fuel, but
the efforts of mechanical engineers and of men of science for
the improvement of the steam-engine have not been barren of
results in the past, and will not, I trust and believe, be fruit-
less in the future. We are led to be hopeful when we recol
lect that within the last fifteen years the consumption in
ocean steamers has been brought down from 5 Ibs. of coal per
gross indicated horse-power, to 2J, 2, and even 1J Ibs. in
real regular ocean steaming; and we have in the case of her
Majesty's ship Briton when steaming at half-power, seen the
consumption as low as 1 J Ibs. of coal per gross indicated horse-
power per hour, which is, as I have said, the lowest that has
come under my notice in a real working engine. Is it too
much to hope that greater economy will yet be reached ?
I must now bring these two lectures to a close, and in
order that they may lead to some practical result I will at
this, their very conclusion, ask you, bearing in mind the
progress which has already been made, to look at the pair of
indicator diagrams to which I now point. These show the
immense difference in consumption of steam (and therefore of
coal) between two engines, the one (of no progress) working
non-expansively and non-condensing, and the other (the
engine of progress) working expansively and condensing.
Too frequently, from a desire both in the engine-maker and
in the engine-user to save a few pounds in the first cost,
wretched machines such as the non-expansive non-con-
densing engine from which this diagram was taken, are scat-
tered over the country and are wasting the fuel which it is
our duty to preserve for those who will come after us. If
you will bear these facts in mind and consider the loss indi-
cated by the diagram of the " engine of no progress," as I
have termed it, I shall feel that my labours here have pro-
duced some practical results.
I cannot hope that within the limits of these two lectures
it has been in my power to bring before you new matter,
nor, indeed, is it probable that anything I could say would
be absolutely new to an audience such as that which I have
just been addressing; the utmost I can hope, therefore, is
that these lectures may have been suggestive, and that by
bringing to your minds certain points in the construction
and management of the steam-engine, and by impressing you
with the fact that upon the attention paid to such points
economical results depend, I may be the means of inciting
each one of you when returned to his own district to exert him-
self to improve the steam-engine standard in that district, and
thus to get rid of the wasteful machines to which I have
just alluded ; and let me remind you that by so doing each
of you may perform his part of the duty that devolves upon
scientific mechanical men, viz., that of preventing the scan-
dalous waste of fuel that now, alas, too frequently occurs.
I must apologize to you for the audacity exhibited in my
endeavouring to lecture on a subject so extensive as that of
the " steam-engine " in a course of only two lectures, but let
me plead in extenuation that the audacity is not mine but
that of the Committee of Council on Education.
In conclusion let me thank you for the forbearance you
have shown, and also for the very great attention you have
paid to me.
AMONG the different physical researches which are illustrated
by the collection of instruments at present exhibited, theie is
one which has performed a very important part in forward-
ing the progress of a special branch of physics.
This department, which is shown pretty fully by the
apparatus on the table, is the department of radiant heat,
y esterday we were discussing the question of the undulatory
theory to a certain extent, and we saw that by the measure-
ment of the velocity of light it was absolutely proved that
Newton's corpuscular theory of light was untenable, and
that therefore, as far as that theory was opposed to the
undulatory theory, the undulatory theory must be accepted
as true. There are a vast number of other facts, however,
which tend to prove the truth of the undulatory theory, both
directly and indirectly. Yet there is no proof so absolutely
certain of this theory as others, of the theory of gravitation
for example. In fact, in physics there are wonderfully few
theories which are absolutely demonstrated with the same
certainty as the law of gravitation. The law of gravitation
as stated by Newton is simply a statement of the facts
which have been observed, assuming the definition of force
as he gave it. It is not a theory it is simply a statement
of observation, a gathering together of a host of phenomena
into one general statement. Just as the whole of the pro-
positions included in spherical astronomy and spherical
trigonometry are dependent on the simple statement that a
sphere is a surface, every part of which is equally distant
from the centre ; so also all the phenomena observed and
grouped by Newton are included in the statement of the
law of force as he denned force to be.
But there is no other theory in physics so firmly
demonstrated as this. Our belief in the truth of the
urdulatory theory rests on the fact that it explains a
vast number of totally different phenomena in a perfectly
clear way ; in fact, there are no phenomena in the theory of
light which, if they have not been explained by the
undulatory theory, we are not justified in saying could be
explained by it if our mathematical analysis were suf-
ficiently powerful to translate the meaning of the theory
completely. But the undulatory theory of light has
acquired certainty from a vast number of independent
sources as well. In order that the radiations from a
luminous body may be propagated through the ether, it is
necessary that the luminous body must have its molecules
in a state of rapid vibration, and not only has the whole
science of spectrum analysis led up to this, to point out
that the molecules of different bodies are vibrating in
certain definite periods, such as will give vibrations off to
the ether, and ultimately send them so as to strike the eye,
but also a number of theories which have been reached
independently, all tend and converge to this same point,
and show us that not only are the molecules of a body in
a state of rapid vibration, but that there is an ether
capable of transmitting those vibrations. The splendid
experimental results obtained by Professor Graham in
connection with the diffusion of gases have proved almost
beyond a doubt that the molecules of gases are moved about
with a very great velocity, and means have been devised
actually to measure the very velocity with which they are
moving. The researches of Clausius, Clerk Maxwell,
Thomson, Eankine, and others, have reduced the science of
the molecular motion of gases to an absolute certainty, so
far as theory can be certain, and they have explained tho
laws of gases perfectly upon this assumption. The very
size of one of these molecules* has been determined by Sir
William Thomson in four different manners, all of which
agree, within fair limits, with each other ; and from
arguments which it is impossible for me to go into at
present, Sir William Thomson has shown what is in all pro-
bability the actual nature, form, and motion of those
molecules. He shows that an atom is in all probability
nothing more nor less than a vortex ring. You have all
seen smoke rings which have been formed from the mouth
by tobacco smoke, or which are often seen coming from the
mouth of a cannon a ring of smoke passing through the
air with considerable velocity, and this ring having con-
volutions from the exterior of the ring into the interior
round and round. Such a smoke ring is the fundamental
idea of a vortex atom as denned by Sir William Thomson.
These results may seem to be too hypothetical, but on a
clear examination of the grounds which have led him to
adopt these views, there is very little doubt that if not the
true explanation of the nature of a molecule it is something
very close to it.
Furthermore as to the existence of the ether, we have
several independent proofs. The illustrious astronomer
Encke found that the comet which bears his name was
retarded year by year.
Each time this comet appeared in its elliptic orbit round
the sun, it was found to have a shorter period, and to be
revolving quicker round the sun. Now we know from the
law of gravity, that if it be revolving quicker round the
sim, it must be closer to the sun, and the only force which
Encke could conceive of to bring the comet close to the
sun was the resistance of an ether to its motion which
increases the force which the sun exercises upon it in
relation to its momentum forwards. Various astronomers
have calculated the effects of this, and the general
impression is that there is a resisting medium acting upon
this comet, but that the exact law of resistance which was
assumed by Encke is perhaps not exactly correct.
But we have furthermore some most remarkable experi-
ments by Professors Tait and Balfour Stewart, which appear
to point most clearly to the existence of an ether. Here
we have the remarkable apparatus which was employedby
them. It consists of a receiver which can be exhausted by
means of a powerful air-pump. Within this receiver there
is a disc which is capable of rapid rotation, and mechanism
is applied to it by means of which this rotation can be
given. A rod acts upon this mechanism and passes down
through a barometer tube, so that it can be easily turned
by hand or by other mechanism, and force can be applied to
the disc without affecting the vacuum at all. There is also
an instrument which I will describe presently, called the
thermopile, and by an ingenious arrangement of a baro-
meter-tube a motion can be given to the thermopile without
affecting the vacuum These gentlemen experimenting with
this apparatus exhausted the receiver of air* as completely
as it was possible to do, and then put the disc into very
rapid rotation for a considerable time, and testing it with a
thermopile, it was found to be heated. I cannot go into
the precautions which they took to make sure that this
heat was not due to friction or to the resistance of the air,
and so forth ; but they took careful account of these things,
measured the amount of these sources of heat as far as
possible, and allowed for it, and still there was outstanding
an amount of heat which could not be accounted for except
on the assumption that it was produced by the friction of
the ether.
Now the series of researches which we illustrate to-day
is one which connects the undulatory theory of light with
radiations generally, and with heat radiations in particular.
The first experiments which proved that there was some
analogy between heat and light were probably made by
Porta in the sixteenth century. He employed mirrors to
reflect heat, arranged as you see them here. He was able
to converge the heat to a focus, just as you can converge
light to a focus, and this experiment was repeated by Pictet
at the beginning of the present century. Pictet employed
the very mirrors which you see before you. He so arranged
them that the light placed in the focus of one mirror was
seen to throw an image of itself by the double reflection
from these two mirrors upon a certain definite point.
Having found that these were in the luminous focus, all that
remained was to show that they were in the heat focus
also ; and in order to do this Pictet employed a freezing
mixture, and showed not only that the heat was reflected,
but apparently that the cold was reflected too. If we
place a freezing mixture in the focus of one mirror we shall
probably be able to see that the air thermometer in the
focus of the other shows a sensible production of cold. But
that does not mean really that cold is radiated from the
freezing mixture, but that heat is being radiated from the
bulb. Heat is radiated from every part of the room, from
the freezing mixture as well as from the walls, but there is
less heat radiated from the freezing mixture than from
other parts, whereas the bulb of the thermometer will be
radiating heat not only to the walls of the room, but also
to the mirror and thence to the freezing mixture. There is
a continual exchange of heat going on between the thermo
meter and surrounding bodies, if they are all at the same
temperature the thermometer does not change, because it
FIG. 1.
is radiating as much heat as it is absorbing; but if we
place a freezing mixture in that focus, the thermometer
will radiate to that freezing mixture a certain amount of
heat greater than the amount of heat it gets from it.
After this was stated by Pictet in Geneva, there being a
large band of philosophers bound together at Geneva, they
continued to take up this, and to examine the laws of
radiant heat with some care. The most important results
that were obtained were those obtained by M. Prevost.
He published a theory of the law of exchanges which has
been amplified by others and which was brought before the
world in the writings of Professor Balfour Stewart.
The theory of exchanges is simply that which I was
speaking of just now that we are not to consider when the
thermometer, say, is heated by radiation, that it is simply
receiving radiations from a hot body, but also that it is
giving off radiations at the same time, that it is radiating
its heat to surrounding bodies. When the thermometer
does not move, we know that there is an equilibrium of
temperature and that consequently the quantity of heat it
is radiating is equal to that which it is receiving. If it
rises we know that it is receiving a greater number of radia-
tions than it is giving off ; and on the contrary, when it is
falling it is radiating more than it is absorbing. The theory
which Prevost enunciated, called the theory of exchanges,
leads us directly to several very important results which
were proved to follow from this theory partly by Prevost
and partly by Fourier. These facts are stated in the follow-
ing table :
1 st. All surfaces absorb as much heat as they radiate at
the same temperature.
2nd. The quantity of heat radiated increases with tem-
3rd. The heat radiated varies inversely with the square
of the distance.
4th. It also varies as the cosine of the angle of radiation.
The most important of these propositions is the third
which was proved by Fourier ; but we will take them in order.
I have already pointed out the reason of the first one ; because
if this bulb did not radiate the same quantity as heat as it
absorbs at its present temperature suppose it radiated more
heat than it absorbed then although all objects around it are
at the same temperature, still we should see the thermometer
gradually falling ; whereas if it radiates less heat than it
absorbs, the bodies all round it being at the same tempera-
ture, we should find that the thermometer would indicate an
increase of temperature and it would be gradually rising.
The second law, that the quantity of heat radiated increases
with the temperature is evident, because the surrounding
bodies are hotter than this thermometer. The thermometer
increases in temperature, therefore the thermometer is
absorbing more heat than it is radiating; therefore the
surrounding bodies are radiating more heat to it than they
would radiate to it if they were at the same temperature as
the thermometer itself. Therefore we know that these
surrounding bodies, when they are at a greater temperature
are radiating more heat than they would if they were at a
lower temperature. The third law was shown by Fourier also
to follow from the theory of exchanges at equilibrium of
temperature. He supposed a large heated surface to shine
upon a thermometer or upon a thermopile. Suppose that
wall were heated, this instrument receives, when close to it,
a certain amount of intense heat from a small surface of the
wall. "When I double the distance the surface of the
wall which is radiating into the thermopile is four times as
great, and when I treble the distance, is nine times as great.
The surface of the wall radiating heat into the thermopile
will always be proportionate to the square of the distance ;
but upon making the measurements experimentally we find
that the temperature registered by the thermopile is the same
in all cases. In consequence of this, since the surface which
is radiating heat increases with the square of the distance,
we know that the intensity of radiation from any portion of
that surface must diminish in proportion to the square of
the distance. The fourth law is also proved in the same
manner, because if I keep the thermopile constantly at
the same distance and incline it to the wall giving off
the heat, we always find the temperature registered the
same. Now when it is perpendicular to the wall there is a
small surface of the wall giving off heat ; but when I
incline the thermopile at an angle there is an elongated
space in the wall giving off heat, and yet the temperature
is the same. The surface is diminished in this case in pro-
portion to the cosine of the angle between these two
directions, and since the temperature is the same, although
the surface is lessened in the ratio of the cosine of the
angle, it follows that the intensity of radiation from any
portion of the surface is proportional to the cosine of that
angle from the perpendicular.
Some of the most important experimental results in this
subject were those obtained by Professor Leslie, of Edin-
burgh. Unfortunately we have none of the actual apparatus
which he employed; but the instrument which he made
use of was a curve of this sort, which was called a differ-
ential air-thermometer. There is a bent tube with liquid
in the centre of it terminating in two bulbs. If one of
those bulbs is heated the air in it expands considerably,
and this will be shown by a rising of the liquid in one arm
of the tube and a sinking in the other arm, whereas if it
were cooled the contrary would take place and the liquid
would actually descend in this arm and rise in that arm.
This instrument, together with an apparatus called a
Leslie's cube, which consists of a cube of metal with sur-
Fio. 2.
faces of different natures, some highly polished, others
blackened or whitened, and so forth, were the chief things
employed by Leslie. He arrives at the result that different
surfaces radiate heat to different extents. Thus if he em-
ployed a polished surface and heated the cube with boiling
water, the thermometer was much less heated by radiation
than if he employed either a, black surface or a white sur-
face \ in fact, he drew out a table of a large number of
different substances, and showed the relative different
radiations from these substances when a source of heat
which was not luminous was employed.
These researches led Dr. Wells, in the year 1815, to
his theory of dew. Dr. "Wells observed that if radiations
are taking place from all surfaces of the earth from the
surface of grass, metals, and other objects then when the
sun is away so that the atmosphere is not heated, those
objects ought all to get cool by radiation, throwing heat oft'
into space. But following out the conclusions of Leslie, he
said there are some substances which ought to radiate
heat very much more than other substances. For instance,
grass and the leaves of trees, or the substance of which a
spider's web is composed, are all good radiators, and those
ought to get cool quicker than a metal or any substance
like that which does not radiate so much. He 'also saw
that if any object be covered at a little height, however
thin that covering be, it will prevent free radiation from
the surface of the ground to the sky, and consequently it
will not cool so rapidly. He noticed that those were all
the conditions which were favourable to the deposition of
dew, and he saw in this an explanation of the formation
of dew. The atmosphere always contains a certain amount
of moisture ; if it were to be suddenly cooled the amount
of moisture which it would be capable of -containing in the
form of vapour would be sensibly diminished. If now in
the atmosphere there be a sufficient amount of moisture so
as to saturate it, and suppose that to be cooled, it will no
longer be able to contain this moisture in the form of
vapour, and consequently it will be deposited in the form
of dew on any surface which has cooled down to below
the dew-point of the air at that time. I shall be able to
make this clearer perhaps with the aid of a very rough
You know that if one breathes upon a piece of glass it
will be covered with vapour deposited in the form of
minute drops of water, the reason being that the breath is
saturated with aqueous vapour. The glass when the breath
falls upon it is cold ; at that temperature the air can no
longer suspend so much moisture in the form of vapour,
and consequently it must be condensed. This, then, illus-
trates the manner in which dew is formed on surfaces
which radiate most heat ; but if, previously to breathing
upon the glass, we slowly heat it so as to raise it to the
temperature of the body, then when we breathe upon
it we do not cool the breath below the temperature of
saturation, and we shall find that it can no longer
condense the vapour which is contained in the breath.
The glass is absolutely clear and transparent after being
breathed upon.
Simultaneously with these advances in the science of
radiant heat, some very curious researches were being made
which tended to divide heat into different kinds. Sir
William Herschel had observed that the temperature of the
spectrum varies in different parts. He formed a spectrum
with a prism of glass, and, passing a thermometer along
the different parts of the spectrum, he found the tem-
perature increase as he approached the red end, and not
only so, but he got a very large amount of heat in the
part which was utterly invisible beyond the red. This
was a very important advance, and was taken up after-
wards by other celebrated experimenters by Seebeck, the
illustrious discoverer of thermo-electricity, who experi-
mented on light and other subjects. He found that the
position of the maximum point depended on the nature of
the prism which was employed ; thus when he employed a
prism of flint glass he found the maximum was beyond the
red, but when he employed one of water he found that the
maximum was in the yellow. The next person who threw
light on this subject was Delaroche. He employed a
luminous source of heat, and measured the effect which it
had upon the thermometer, but he found that as soon as
he placed a piece of glass between the luminous source of
heat and the thermometer, the thermometer indicated an
increase of temperature veiy much less ; that there was
only three or f our per cent, of heat transmitted through
the glass ; but when he employed heat which had already
passed through one piece of glass, then on putting another
piece of glass in front of it, he found that the temperature
was hardly diminished at all ; he found that heat, in fact,
which had once passed through a piece of glass could easily
pass through another piece of glass also. Thus there seemed
to be some reason for dividing heat into two kinds one
which could pass through glass and the other which could
only pass with difficulty : the effect of introducing the first
piece of glass was to cut off one kind of heat. This subject
was fully investigated in a splendid series of researches by
Melloni ; he was led to take up these researches by asso-
ciating himself with Nobili, an Italian, who has the merit
of inventing this beautiful instrument called the thermo-
pile, an instrument which renders experiments in radiant
FIG. 3.
heat practicable in many cases where they would not be so
without it. I will not waste time in describing the prin-
ciple of the thermopile, except to say briefly that there are
a number of bars of antimony and bismuth joined together
in pairs alternating at the two ends. It had been found
by Seebeck that if either end were heated more than the
other, a current would pass through this continuous series
of bars and through a wire which might be connected with
the extremity of the series and with a galvanometer, so
that all that was necessary in order to measure the increase
of temperature in one side over the other was to measure
the intensity of the current of electricity passing through
the wire. Here is another thermopile, and we shall see
presently, as soon as the beam falls on the surface, a
current of electricity will pass through it and be indicated
by the motion of the galvanometer. Employing this instru-
ment, Melloni was led to other important results. The
most important perhaps was his grand discovery that rock-
salt is a substance which is apparently absolutely perme-
able to heat. He believed there was no loss of heat by
absorption when radiant heat was passing through rock-
salt, but it is better to say that there was no absorption
perceptible with the instrument that he employed. Un-
fortunately rock-salt is a substance that deteriorates very
much by exposure to a moist atmosphere, and consequently
it cannot be employed in laboratories except under peculiar
circumstances, and it has to be preserved in a very dry
atmosphere. I have here a lens, a prism, and a plate of
rock-salt, which are exhibited in the Loan Exhibition by
Stegg, of Hamburg ; and in order to preserve them they
are surrounded by pieces of glass. Almost all the great
researches in radiant heat have been made by the aid of
rock-salt apparatus. Melloni measured the amount of heat
which is found in different parts of the spectrum, and also
contained the method which was employed by Delaroche
of sifting heat. "We find his results included in a consider-
able-sized volume called La Thermochrose, or Heat Colora-
tion, we may call it ; and he used flames and sources of
heat of different kinds. He found different results from
different kinds of heat. Thus when he employed a flame
sent through rock-salt he found only 92 per cent, got
through, some being reflected from the surface. "When he
employed plate-glass only 39 per cent, got through, and
with alum only 9 per cent. Then when he employed other
sources of light he got the heat proportionately, as shown
in this table :
Incandescent Surface at
Platinum. | 700 F.
Heat at
212 F.
Eock Salt. .
Plate Glass .
Alum . . .
You will observe that with non-luminous heat, alum
refuses to allow any heat to pass through it at all, although
it is a substance which is perfectly transparent. Plate-
glass is a substance which lies half-way between rock-salt
and alum, the loss being only about 10 per cent. ; so that
he got 90 per cent, of the heat through the second piece of
alum, clearly showing that there are certain rays which
are absorbed by the alum, and all the other rays are allowed
to pass quite freely through it. In fact, he saw that every
substance had the property of absorbing certain colours of
the spectrum, and that heat differed in no degree from
light ; that there was a heat spectrum as well as a light
spectrum, but that the great intensity of heat was as a
general rule in parts of the spectrum which were invisible ;
and the reason of this is simply that the substance of which
the eye is composed does not allow these radiations of heat
to pass through. The general results of Melloni's work
may be represented by a diagram something of this sort in
which the upper part shows the curves representing the
intensity of radiation at different temperatures with the
curve of limiting visibility, whilst in the diagram beneath
is given the resulting curve of apparent visibility. The
thing wanting to show the absolute identity of light and
heat was some experiment on the phenomena of heat
analogous to those which had been performed on the
theory of light which acquired the name of polarised.
You know that if we employ several pieces of this sub-
stance called tourmaline, which is tolerably transparent,
if we first pass the light of a candle through one piece and
then through another, we can turn this piece of tourmaline
about in a certain direction until we get total darkness ;
that is to say, when the two pieces of tourmaline are
arranged in a certain position no light can pass through
them, but if you turn one of them at a right angle then
the light can pass freely through both of them, and that is
the phenomena called polarisation. It was completely
explained by the undulatory theory of light and by that
theory alone, and it became desirable to see whether such
a thing could be done with heat from a low source of tem-
perature which was not luminous. Various experiments
had been made in the early part of the century to test this,
but with only negative results ; until hearing of the em-
ployment of this new form of instru-
ment for measuring temperature, viz.
the thermopile, the late Principal
Forbes employed the instrument in a
re examination of this question. He
had already tried the experiment
with other kinds of thermometers
with negative results, but on employ-
ing this thermopile with two pieces
of tourmaline he was enabled to show
the fact that there was polarisation,
and this having been once established
seemed to make it at once certain
that light and heat were absolutely
identical, because the source of heat
which he employed was a vessel of
boiling water which was non-lumin-
ous; but he continued to examine
the question further, and at last ob-
tained the means of measuring with
very great accuracy the amount of
polarisation. Here are two of the
instruments which were actually em-
ployed in these researches. They consist simply of a
cylinder and a piece of mica inclined at a proper angle
inside it. You know that if we take a large number of
plates of glass and lay them one over the other we can
reflect light at a cei*tain angle or transmit it at the same
angle, and the portion of light transmitted or reflected is
polarised ; and the larger the number of plates of glass,
the more complete is the polarisation. In order to get an
analogous phenomenon in the case of heat, he employed
Flu. 4.
mioa because he had observed that mica transmitted a
large proportion of non-humous rays. He devised means of
splitting mica into a large number of minute plates by
exposing it to the action of heat. By so doing he was
able to keep the mica in one mass, and yet to have that
split into a large number of plates, and this was tho
material employed which led to successful observations
being made on the polarisation of heat. Before illustrating
this I will point out the table of Principal Forbes' results,
which is as follows :
Refractive Index of Rock Salt.
Heat from lime, mean value. . . .1*531
Heat passed through glass .... T547
Heat passed through alum . . . . 1 '558
Mean luminous ray 1 '562
This proves in another way the identity of luminous and
non-luminous vibrations. By employing the angle of total
reflection with a prism of rock-salt, and measuring this
angle, Principal Forbes was able to find by simple geome-
trical principles the refractive index of rock-salt for dif-
ferent sources of heat. He first used the heat of lime,
then, after passing it through glass, he found a different
refractive index; and then when he passed it through
alum he got a third value, and from the mean luminous
ray he got a fourth value. You see the only difference is
that the lower the source of heat the more near it is to the
red end of the spectrum, or beyond the red end the greater
is the refractive index, which is in accordance with theory.
I will now try to show you with this apparatus the
experiment on the polarisation of heat. Unfortunately
these instruments, which were employed by Principal Forbes,
and which have been lent by Professor Tait, are in an
extremely fragile condition, and are also covered with dust.
I hardly like to run the risk of injuring them by wiping
the dust off, and therefore I will use a slightly different
form of apparatus, which will answer the same purpose. I
have here two large prisms which have been lent by Prof.
Guthrie. By means of this large Nicol prism we can
get a polarised beam of light. This is called the polariscr,
and the next is called the analyser \ and when the light is
passed through this it is in a peculiar condition it is said
to be polarised ; but if after that I turn this round its axis
in different directions, I shall find that in some positions it
will cut off all the light, but in others it will allow a con-
siderable amount of light to pass. If our adjustments
were perfect, it would now have totally disappeared, but
there is a difficulty in preventing a slight reflection from
the interior of this prism. Now I wish to show the same
phenomena with respect to heat ; but before doing so I
shall show you another experiment which we also have
with regard to light. When we have turned this round
until we get a total obscuration of light, or very nearly so,
I will pass between the polariser and the analyser a piece
of crystal mica, and that has the effect of altering the
condition of this ray and depolarising it so that it is again
at liberty to pass through this second prism. You see the
colours there, showing that the light is again passing
through, and by rotating the mica I can get different
colours. In the case of heat it will be most important
to employ those colours which are of a deep red, and then
we shall be more likely to get non-luminous rays trans-
mitted. You see first the light is polarised by this prism,
then on examining it with the second prism we find that
in certain positions it is allowed to pass by transmission,
whereas in others it is stopped out entirely ; but when it is
stopped out we get the light passing through the piece of
mica again Principal Forbes employed a non-luminous
source of heat, viz., boiling water ; but since we are un-
able to employ the same delicate means which he had, on
account of not having these mica plates, we shall have to
use a luminous source of heat and cut off the luminous
portion by means of a solution of iodine in bisulphate of
carbon ; that will cut off entirely the luminous rays and
leave only the dark ones, because this solution is absolutely
opaque and does not allow any luminous rays to pass
through it, but it permits the ultra red rays to pass through
it with great facility. Previously to placing that in the
beam I will place this thermopile as nearly as possible in
the focus of the rays. You see a deflection produced in the
galvanometer by the luminous rays falling upon it. I will
now cut them off, leaving only the dark field. The solution
is now interposed, and the only radiant rays which can pass
through are the non-luminous ones. I bring the needle of
the galvanometer to rest, and now we have a dark field,
allowing quite complete polarisation of the light ; but
when I turn the Nicol prism round until I see the
luminous image upon the near side of the iodine, which
will be absorbed, and not allowed to appear on the thermo-
pile, you will see that the needle is gradually deflected.
The field, which is a bright field, is also a hot field, and
when we turn the crystal round so that we have a, dark
field, we have also a cold field at the same time. Now we
have an intense amount of heat getting through ; by turn-
ing round the dark field you will see that the needle has
returned, and we shall have the cold field back again.
When it has returned, I interpose between the two prisms
the piece of mica which you saw produce so remarkable an
effect in the case of light. This experiment is a little more
delicate, but still I hope we shall be enabled to get a
sensible amount of heat allowed to pass through just as
we saw a very sensible amount of light pass through
before. You see the needle has moved through a consider-
able angle since the mica was placed there. Then we will
remove the mica, and you will see it return to zero. These
experiments were followed by a number of others ; and by
varying these experiments with the mica polarisers and
rock-salt apparatus Principal Forbes proved nearly all the
elementary facts of the undulatory theory of light to be
true with respect to heat. Perhaps the most striking was
the circular polarisation of light. M. Fresnel, by a most
wonderful application of mathematical analysis to physics,
viz., by an interpretation which he gave to the remarkable
mathematical symbol \/ - l, which had been found in some
researches of Sir Wm. Hamilton's and others to have a
peculiar significance, and by interpreting the significance of
the symbol in a peculiar way, was led by the equation
he had deduced to a most remarkable discovery, the circular
polarisation of light by what is called Fresnel's rhomb,
which consists of a piece of glass of a peculiar shape. It
is found that when light, polarised in a certain plane, falls
on one of those surfaces, and, after two reflections, is
allowed to pass out again, the light is in the peculiar con-
dition which is called circular polarisation, and the physical
meaning of that is this that supposing a ray of light is
passing from me, the whole of the ether which is set in
vibration is not vibrating backwards and forwards in any
particular direction, as is usually the case, but it is set
in a circular mode of vibration. As I have already said,
Principal Forbes found that by employing a Fresnel's
rhomb, made of rock-salt, at the proper angles, he was
able circularly to polarise heat also. This and several
other experiments I should have liked to show you, but
unfortunately I have none of my apparatus here. For this
one I am indebted to the kindness of Professor Guthrie,
but the result remains the same, that the application of
the undulatory theory to heat has been absolutely proved.
Perhaps the only connecting link that was wanted has
been supplied in late years to show that wherever there is
light there is also heat. The stars radiate to us a large
quantity of light, and if we could show that the stars
radiate heat to us, it was said by some that this would be
a final and conclusive argument of the identity of heat
and light. This was taken up by several astronomers,
Mr. Stone at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, Mr.
Huggins, and also Lord Rosse. They all found effects of
this kind ; and Lord Rosse, by means of the apparatus
which you see before you, and by two thermopiles used in
a differential manner, was able to compare the heat
radiated by the moon and the space round the moon, and
at the different phases of the moon, by which he was led
to very remarkable results ; so that the fact has been
abundantly proved that both the stars and the moon
radiate a large amount of heat to us.
I wish to point out to you with regard to this diagram
that the form of the curves is entirely hypothetical. You
must not think that they are at all likely to be exact,
because we really know very little about the amount of
radiation from different parts of the spectrum ; it depends
very much on the absorption of the substance we employ.
Very likely the maximum ought to be moved closer to the
red end, but that is a question which we cannot settle
I have attempted in a very feeble way to pass through
the various researches which led chiefly during the first
half of the present century to the final identity of light
and heat, and we now know with certainty that the radia-
tion of heat and the radiation of light are absolutely
identical, and that the only difference between them is in
the absorptive power of the substances composing our eyes
that they only allow a certain amount of rays to pass ;
there are rays not only beyond the red end but also beyond
the violet end of the spectrum. Those were first discovered
by Bitter, and this was investigated extensively by Professor
Stokes in a manner which I hope you will have the pleasure
of hearing from his own mouth in one of his lectures in
his celebrated experiments on fluorescence.
Of late years no experiments of great importance have
been made adding in any manner to this theory, but the
science of radiation has been advancing nevertheless. I
will simply allude to two pieces of apparatus here. This
is one used by Professor Tyndall in his researches on the
radiation of gases, or rather on the absorption of gases ;
but since radiation and absorption are equal, it follows
that where we have radiation we have an equal amount of
absorption. He employed a non-luminous source of heat.
He closed his tube with pieces of rock-salt, heat was
radiated through the tube, and struck on this thermopile.
The thermopile was in connection with a galvanometer, by
means of which the effect was measured. In the most
delicate experiments it is necessary to heat also the other
side of the thermopile, so that the mode of experimenting
is this : The tube is exhausted of air entirely, and the
current is reduced to zero by placing a vessel of hot
water at the other side, so that this side of the
thermopile is as much warmed as the other side is by the
radiation from the tube. A cube filled with boiling
water is placed at the other end of the tube : it absorbs a
certain amount of radiant heat, and this difference is
shown by a diminution in the temperature of this side of
the thermopile, which is indicated by the galvanometer.
The most interesting result of this was that apparently
gases which are of the most complex molecular structure
had the greatest effect in absorbing the red end of the
spectrum. Unfortunately in employing aqueous vapour
there is a tendency to deposit it on the sides, and you see
that not only is the heat radiated directly through this
tube, but also to the sides, and receives a number of
reflections from the sides ; consequently when aqueous
vapour was employed it was deposited on the sides of the
tube and diminished the radiation. It seems that this is the
explanation of the very large diminution in the amount of
heat transmitted when aqueous vapour was employed in
this tube. The celebrated Dr. Magnus employed a dif-
ferent form of apparatus, and also repeated this experiment,
and he came to the conclusion that aqueous vapour is not so
enormously absorptive of the ultra red rays as Professor
Tyndall found ; but in other cases Dr. Magnus's results
were in complete accordance with Professor Tyndall's.
In conclusion I would draw attention to the apparatus
of Professor Balfour Stewart for determining the radiation
of the sun at any one observatory day after day. It consists
simply of an iron case which has a motion in azimuth and
altitude, into which a thermometer can be screwed. This
pointed directly towards the sun, and the sun's heat is
concentrated, by means of a lens, upon the bulb in the
interior of the iron case. I have not time to explain the
principle of it, but in all probability this method will give
the most constant and most clear method ever devised for
measuring the amount of radiant heat from the sun at
different times. This is a problem which has always
offered the greatest difficulty, and a great deal of credit is
due to Professor Balfour Stewart for this invention, which
will probably lead to more accurate measurements than
have yet been obtained. The subject of radiant heat is so
extensive that it would have been interesting to have
devoted several lectures to the subject, but I have at-
tempted to-day to confine myself as far as possible to that
part which connects the theory of heat with the theory of
IN- tlie course of one hour it is quite impossible to do more
than give a very brief outline of the subject of the micro-
scope, for there are a great many departments connected with
it, each of which would well deserve to have a special lecture.
I might treat this subject on the present occasion in a variety
of ways. I feel very much tempted to go into it historically
on account of the very magnificent collection of microscopes,
of almost all periods, from the very earliest made down to
the most recent ; but I think it would be more useful to draw
your attention to those points which are the most important in
practically working with modern instruments.
"Without further introductory remarks, I will first call
attention to the reason of the magnifying power of a single
lens. If we have a plano-convex or double convex lens,
the rays proceeding from the focus are made parallel by
passing through the lens, and as our eyes are only constituted
to see distinctly when almost parallel rays enter them, the
result is that if an object be placed in the focus, and the eye
be placed on the other side of the lens, an object at that
short distance can be seen distinctly. If the lens were not
there the object could not be seen distinctly, unless placed at
a certain distance, dependent on the length of sight of
different individuals. Supposing that the distance at which
an individual can see distinctly is ten inches, and that the
lens has a focal length of one inch, an object clearly seen
in the focus will appear as large as one ten times the diameter
at the distance of ordinary vision, because it will subtend as
large an angle. The magnifying power of a single lens thus
depends on its "bending and making more or less parallel rays
that would otherwise enter the eye at a very divergent angle.
We may indeed obtain a similar apparent enlargement by
looking through a minute hole in a blackened card, which
cuts off the divergent rays, but in this case so much light is
lost, and the diffraction is so great, that the definition is bad.
We thus see that the so-called magnifying power of simple
lenses is due merely to the fact of their enabling us to see
objects distinctly when they are very near to the eye.
Single lenses are useful for examining an object with com-
paratively low powers, but they do not give perfect definition
unless they are only very small segments of spheres and none
of the rays are very much bent. They do not bring all the
rays to an exact focus, but have what is called spherical
aberration. The rays of light passing near the centre are
brought to one focus, those passing further from the centre
are brought to a focus nearer to the lens, and those at the
extreme edges still nearer. The result is that in a single lens
made with spherical curves you never can have an object
exactly in focus, since you have different focal lengths for
different parts of the lens. That could be overcome by
lenses with elliptical or hyperbolic curves, which would bring
all the rays to one focus, but the difficulties of making them
would be so great that, practically speaking, they cannot be
made in a satisfactory manner. I draw your attention to
the fact because the so-called spherical aberration with which
we have to contend in making microscopes is a matter of
very great importance, and it is very desirable that the true
source of the difficulty should be known.
Various combinations of lenses have been made in order to
avoid as much as possible this spherical aberration. It would
occupy too much time to enter into details, but by combining
different lenses the spherical aberrations may be so greatly
reduced that very valuable doublet and triplet lenses may be
constructed, which are exceedingly useful for so-called simple
microscopes that is to say, microscopes having only a single
system of lenses. The chief advantage of simple microscopes is,
that the object is seen in its proper position it is not inverted.
In dissecting and in preparing objects they are very useful,
because all the motions of the hand are seen in the natural
direction. We are, however, limited very much in their use
since, in order to get very high magnifying powers, the focal
length must be very short, and then the objects are so very
close to the lens that it is almost impossible to perform any
necessary operations under them.
Independently of the so-called spherical aberration, we
have to contend with what is called chromatic aberration.
As I have said, the spherical aberration might be overcome if
it were possible to grind elliptical or hyperbolic lenses ; but
even then we should still have to contend with what is called
chromatic dispersion. When light is passed through a prism
with inclined faces, it is more or less bent out of its original
course ; but the different rays are thus refracted to a different
extent, the blue rays being much more bent than the red rays
and the green to an intermediate extent. The result is that
there is a different focal point for the different rays of the
spectrum. When white light passes through any ordinary
simple magnifying lens the focus for the blue is thus shorter
than for the red. Hence, on looking at an object, you see it
fringed with colours, and get an indistinct image, and you
see colours that ought not to exist. At one time it was
thought that the evil could not possibly be remedied ; and
even so great an authority as Sir Isaac Newton concluded that
it could not be overcome. Fortunately, however, we have
now the power of overcoming it to a very great extent. The
principle on which this depends is, that the extent to which
the different rays are separated by different kinds of glass
their so-called dispersive power does not vary directly as
their refractive power, and it is thus possible to combine
together two different kinds of glass, so that the dispersive
power of one may counteract the dispersive power of the
other, and yet only partially counteract its refractive power.
This is best illustrated by what is seen in compound prisms
made of crown and flint glass, the relative dispersive power
of which latter is much greater than that of the former.
According to the angles of the two kinds of glass, prisms may
be so combined that we may obtain dispersion without refrac-
tion, or refraction without dispersion, the former being a
so-called direct-vision prism, through which the light passes
in a direct line, but much dispersed, and the latter an
achromatic prism, bending the light but not dispersing it, and
thus showing objects out of the direct line, but free from
coloured fringes. This is what we want in constructing
o 2
microscopes. Success depends almost entirely on the property
I have described, and on compounding together flint and
crown glass, in such a manner that you can take advantage
of a considerable amount of refractive power, but almost
entirely obliterate the dispersive power. This may be done
by combining a double convex lens of crown glass with a
plano-concave lens of flint glass, and when the surfaces have
the proper curves, and the lenses are of the proper thickness,
the dispersive power of the crown glass may be counteracted,
whilst its refractive power is only partially reduced. We
can thus construct lenses of moderately short focus length,
in which the images of different rays are brought to the same
focus, and thus can obtain by this kind of combination
simple achromatic lenses.
I will now proceed to the consideration of compound
microscopes, because these are in the present state of science
far the most important. The characteristic principle of these
consists in their having an object-glass placed at the lower
end of the body of the instrument, which forms at the upper
end an image of any object on the stage. This image is itself
considerably larger than the object, the diameter being as
many times greater as the length of the tube from the object-
glass to the image is greater than the distance from the object-
glass to the object on the stage. The image thus formed is
inverted both vertically and laterally, and Avould appear per-
fectly distinct if it were thrown upon a white surface and
examined in front, or on ground glass and seen from behind.
If no such screen be placed to receive the image, it is still, as
it were, formed in free space and is capable of being again mag-
nified by another lens, or system of lenses. The principle of
compound microscopes consists in their forming an enlarged
inverted image by means of an object-glass, and in making it
visible when near to the eye, or, so to speak, magnifying it
with an eye-piece.
In the very earliest compound microscope this eye-piece
consisted of a plano-convex or double-convex lens, but it was
soon found that a combination of two plano-convex lenses gave
a far better result. Modern eye-pieces are of two kinds. The
Huyghean eye-piece consists of two plano-convex lenses the
tipper one called the field-lens and the lower the eye-lens,
with a diaphragm between them at the focal point of the eye-
lens. The eye-lens is principally concerned in magnifying
the image, and the field-lens in increasing the field. The
other eye-piece is called the negative, or Kelner's eye-piece,
and has no diaphragm, and the focus of the upper lens is on the
field- lens. The advantage of this is that we get a much larger
field, but the disadvantage is that the definition is not so good.
Since we thus examine with the eye-piece an inverted image
of the object, it is in all cases seen as it were turned upside
down. This general principle of magnifying an inverted
image was brought into use at as early a period as 1590, by
Janssen, whose most interesting instrument is in the Exhi-
bition, though, in comparison with our modern microscopes, it
might be looked upon as little better than a toy.
The magnifying power of compound microscopes depends
on both the object-glass and the eye-piece. The shorter the
focal length of the object-glass the larger is the image formed
in the upper part of the instrument. The final result also
depends on the magnifying power of the eye-piece itself. We
can thus increase the magnifying power of the instrument
by having the object-glass of shorter focal length ; and can
likewise increase the power by using eye-pieces of shorter
focal length. On the whole it is, however, better to use
an object-glass of short focal length, and an eye-piece of
moderate power, than to use an object-glass of long focal
length and enlarging the image with an eye-piece of too
great power, since we can thus utilize a greater beam of
light, and obtain better definition.
The simplest form of achromatic object-glass that could be
used would be a combination of a double convex lens of crown
glass, with a plano-concave of flint ; but though one of this
kind may give a good result when the focal length is con-
siderable, it would be impossible to obtain good definition
when the focal length is small, and the aperture great. By
combining three such compound lenses of different sizes
somewhat differently corrected, the spherical aberration may
be very greatly reduced, and the general effort much improved,
since a short focus can be obtained with lenses of less curva-
ture than when only one compound lens is used. Until the
last few years most of the best object-glasses were constructed
on this principle. Some modern high- power object-glasses
are, however, much more complex, and consist of a combi-
nation of as many as eight lenses, nearly all of different
curvature or size. The magnifying power is in many
combinations chiefly due to the lenses placed at the "bottom
of the object-glass, and the spherical and chromatic aberrations
are corrected as far as possible by the lenses placed above
them, but as I do not suppose the ladies and gentlemen here
present are at all likely to make microscopes for themselves,
I will not occupy time by going into all the details of con-
struction of object-glasses. It is a most difficult subject, both
in theory and practice, and the more one knows of the diffi-
culties to be contended with in making lenses of high power
the more one feels astonished at the excellence of some that
are now made. Some of the high-power object-glasses, with
lenses as small as a pin's head, are all so accurately finished,
fitted, and adjusted, that in my opinion they are triumphs of
science and skill.
In looking at an object with a high-power object-glass
made perfectly correct, both for chromatic and spherical
aberration, if you place over the object a piece of thin glass
with water or Canada balsam underneath, the corrections are
no longer strictly accurate, and it is necessary to make
different corrections in the object-glass. This is accomplished
by means of a screw in the collar which is made to turn round,
and the lenses can be made to approach to or recede one from
another. In this manner corrections can be made for the
difference in the conditions due to the glass cover.
Many object-glasses are what are called dry lenses, that is
to say, there is air between the object-glass and the object.
In low powers this is almost invariably the case, but in some
of the high powers now made, advantage is taken of what is
called the immersion principle. In using such object-glasses a
small quantity of water is placed between the front lens and
the glass cover. One great advantage of this is that we get
a much greater amount of light. Another advantage is that
you can correct the lens more easily, and perhaps utilize a
wider beam of light. It would be tedious to enter into the
discussion that has taken place with reference to the difference
in the size and aperture in dry and immersion lenses. Many
most eminent authorities have differed exceedingly about this,
and a most angry discussion has taken place on the subject.
In any case, it appears that with immersion lenses we obtain a
greater amount of light, especially that of wide deviation from
the direct line of vision, which is of the greatest value in
defining minute structure.
I will now proceed to say a word or two with regard to the
construction of the instrument itself, and the general mechanical
arrangements requisite to hold the optical part and the object
under examination, and for illuminating it properly. The
Exhibition contains as simple a compound microscope as is
possible, made by Janssen, the first ever constructed. There is
no stage and no mirror to reflect the light, merely a simple
lens for 'object-glass and a single lens for eye-piece, held
in tin tubes. There are also many kinds of most inter-
esting microscopes, of nearly all periods down to the most
modern, but I will allude to only a few to illustrate some
particular points. Passing down from the one just named
by Janssen, we come to those forms of instrument which are
especially characterized by very large eye-pieces of two lenses
on Huyghens's principle. As an example, I may refer to the
two microscopes made by Marshall in the commencement of the
eighteenth century, the eye-pieces having field-lenses of two
inches in diameter, which makes the instrument look most
remarkably stout. Few microscopes have been made larger
or more complex than those by Martin in the middle of the
eighteenth century. One of these in the Exhibition belongs
to the Royal Microscopical Society, and it was thought to be
the only one in existence, but another has turned up which
I had the opportunity of putting together ; I must confess
I had very great difficulty in finding out where the different
things fitted. There is almost every movement that any one
could possibly devise, and a great many of them for the
practical work of the present day are not only useless but far
worse than useless. Then again the construction is exceed-
ingly curious. One tube goes into another for only about one-
eighth of an inch ; and there is scarcely a firm joint in the
whole apparatus. There are movements of nearly every
decription ; you can move the body of the instrument up
and down, from side to side, and backwards and forwards,
but there is scarcely a single joint which one could call
good. These instruments may be looked upon as the
opposite extreme of that by Janssen.
Leaving the microscopes of mere historical interest and
coming down to modern times we have examples of the
most simple and complex arrangements. Some are of the
very simplest form, more in vogue on the Continent than in
this country ; so constructed that you have not the power of
inclining the body, but have to look straight down. There
is a disadvantage in that because the tear of the eye runs
over the pupil, and you do not get such good definition as
when you can incline the microscope to any convenient angle,
so that the tears may not remain in front of the pupil.
Some have the stage as simple as it is possible to be, the
body is a simple tube, and you get a coarse adjustment by
pulling it up and down. There is a reflector below the
stage, but scarcely anything which is not absolutely requisite.
Many of the microscopes in the Exhibition have various
excellent and valuable movements. It is very important to
have no vibrating motion in the tube, because if you are in a
place where there is the least tremor, and the tube is able to
move in the least degree from side to side, the object is seen
to vibrate in the most inconvenient manner. Some of the
early microscopes are for this reason totally unfit for difficult
observations. I think it a disadvantage to have the body
move in any direction but up and down, unless the instrument
is very well turned out of hand. If it is made to perfection the
power of turning on one side may be very good for particular
purposes. An excellent stand for holding the tube is the
so-called Jackson model. The body, the stage and the sub-
stage, are all firmly held by one solid piece of metal, and must
therefore vibrate together in such a manner as to be of little im-
portance. The body slides up and down on a long groove with
rackwork, and there can be no more secure means of prevent-
ing lateral movement, because it is held so firmly for such a
Proceeding to the stage, we have some of the most simple
form, and others with very complex movements, so that you
can move the objects up and down or from side to side by the
milled heads, or can rotate the whole round quickly or slowly
with the screw, the object remaining all the while in the
centre of the field. I might say much more on these various
arrangements if time would permit, but cannot, I think, do
better than express my general conclusions in a simple form.
I would strongly insist on the desirability of having every
accessory movement well made or not made at all. Whatever
movements there are should do only just what is required,
and should admit of no other motion, and this can only be
accomplished by good and careful workmanship. If you do
not wish to be at the expense of good workmanship you
should have a microscope of simple construction. It is
far better to have one of the simplest form with very few
movable parts, than to have a microscope with all the
movements 1 have described badly executed. If you want a
cheap microscope, have a simple one, but do not get a cheap
microscope which has a great many movements which work
irregularly, give tremor, or throw the object out of focus.
I now come to the practical use of the instrument. Assuming
that you have a microscope of a satisfactory kind, when you
come to use it success depends as much on properly under-
standing how to illuminate the object as on the quality of the
instrument itself. You may have a splendid microscope, but
unless you illuminate the object properly, you will see nothing,
for the simple reason that there is nothing to see. I think I
could not do better on the present occasion than deal some-
what at length with this part of my subject, since it is of
such great importance in the practical use of the microscope.
First of all then, I will draw your attention to the surface
illumination to which we must have recourse in examining
opaque objects, and which may sometimes be used with ad-
vantage in the case of objects which are not opaque. With
this kind of illumination very much depends on light and
shade, as in the cases of objects which we see with the naked
eye. We all very well know that if you have light thrown
directly on a wall it may appear to have a perfectly uniform
surface ; but if the light be thrown very obliquely all the
irregularities of the plaster, blisters and such things, are made
very conspicuous. This illustration serves to show that if
you have the light thrown at a certain angle you can see no
character whatever ; but if thrown at another angle the surface
structure may be seen as well as could be desired. In some
cases if you were to throw the light at too oblique an angle
certain structures might be hid by the shadows of other
greater irregularities, so that for each particular object it is
very important that you should throw the light at particular
angles, and in examining an unknown object it is desirable to
try the effect of light of various angles of obliquity. There
are various ways of obtaining this surface illumination. We
can have a bull's-eye condenser throwing the light at various
angles from the side, or we can use a silvered parabolic reflector,
the first of which was made for my own use in examining iron
and steel. One advantage of these parabolic reflectors is that
the shadows appear true. When you examine an object with
a bull's-eye condenser throwing light from one side to the
other, you instinctively know which way the light is coming ;
and when you look at an object, the object being inverted,
you see the lights and shadows all the wrong way. On the
contrary, in using these parabolic reflectors the light is thrown
from the opposite side, and the image being inverted by the
microscope, when you look at the object the lights and
shadows appear natural, as they would do if you looked at the
object without a microscope. That is certainly a great advan-
tage ; but there is this disadvantage in a fixed reflector, that
you cannot alter the angle at which the light is thrown.
There is, however, no reason why we should not so modify
these reflectors, and so arrange them with reference to the source
of light, as to partially overcome this objection. We have
also what are called Lieberkuhns, which are sections of a
concave silvered mirror. The light is sent up by the mirror
at the bottom of the microscope, and reflected back on all sides
of the object by this concave mirror to the object, which is thus
equally illuminated in all directions. There is a hole in the
centre of the mirror to admit the light to the object-glass, so
that there is no absolutely vertical light. In some cases it is
an advantage thus to have the light equally in all directions,
since it enables you to see certain structures well This is,
however, sometimes a disadvantage, since it gives no shadows,
but this could be overcome by stopping out portions of light
from one side or the other. With a Lieberkuhn you usually
do not see structures revealed by light and shade, but see
those due to such difference of texture as reflect light in a
varying manner. If the object is very small or transparent
you must use what is called a dark well put immediately
under it, so as to prevent the light passing at the side or
through it. With this illumination perfectly transparent
substances appear black, but if any part of the object be full
of little colourless granules they look white, and if coloured
the colours are well seen. These kinds of surface illumination
cannot be used with very great advantage, except with mode-
rately low powers, but for them they are often everything that
could be desired.
The bull's-eye, parabolic mirror, and Lieberkuhn show objects
illuminated on the upper side by more or less direct reflec-
tion ; but another class of illuminators which like them give a
naturally dark field, show the structure of the object "by light
thrown on them from below, bent out of its normal course by
more or less oblique reflection and refraction. This may be
accomplished in various ways. The light may be thrown on
the object by the mirror from one side in such a manner that
if no object were on the stage it would not pass at all up the
body of the microscope. But if the object placed on the
stage is granular, or has little facets and other irregularities
of structure, the light would be so bent as to pass up to the
eye. This may be accomplished also by means of two or
three different kinds of illuminators, such as Amici's prism,
Mr. Wenham's reflex illuminator, and his parabolic reflector,
or by a large lens of short focal length, with a central black
spot to stop out direct light. All these different kinds of
illumination depend upon the light being thrown so obliquely
from the under side that it will not enter the object-glass
unless it be turned out of its course by the reflection or the
refraction of the various parts of the object. One great
advantage is that the field of the microscope is dark, and the
eye is not in any way distressed by the light which comes in
at the sides. Certain kinds of structure are also seen to very
great advantage, especially with binocular instruments. I am
inclined to believe that the further development of this kind
of illumination would yield better results than can be obtained
by the ordinary method of illumination by transmitted
Another kind of illumination which is on the whole more
common, is whers the light is reflected directly up the tube
of the microscope, so that if no object be placed on the
instrument the field of the microscope is filled with light,
and if any object be there it is seen by variation in the
intensity or colour of the light. I wish to draw your
attention to one or two points connected with this kind of
illumination, because, in my opinion, its further development
with certain modifications which I believe have not been
carried out, will perhaps enable us to overcome certain
difficulties which at present stand in our way. Much may
be learned by the study of mineral structures, since in the
case of crystals and of solid portions of glass and other
analogous objects, we know what their character is, whereas
in the case of minute organic structures we have rather to
infer what is their structure from what we see. Therefore in
forming some general idea of illumination, I think we may
learn a great deal by studying what we see in small crystals,
and in inorganic bodies of pretty well known form. If light
be sent straight up through a small crystal, having parallel
faces terminated by an oblique plane, it will pass up directly
in one part and be bent .and thrown aside altogether in the
other, and in looking at such a crystal with the microscope,
you might see a black edge with perfect definition, but if you
were to throw the light obliquely with a condensing lens of
considerable aperture, the light might enter at such an angle
that it would be bent and pass straight out, and if the edge
of the crystal were absolutely perfect you would see no dark
band at all. When thus illuminated, the crystal might be
quite invisible.
Ft G./.
FIG. 2.
My meaning will be better understood by means of the
following rough illustrations.
In Fig. 1 the light is supposed to be all parallel, and is
bent quite out of the line of vision by the oblique end of the
crystal, whereas in Fig. 2 the light is supposed to be so very
variably divergent, that some of it can enter the object-glass
after passing through the crystal, both where the sides are
parallel and where they are inclined. Such a case clearly
shows the importance of regulating the aperture of the con-
densing lens used for illumination, since with one aperture
the edge of the crystal would be shown by a dark band, and
in the other might be invisible. When low powers are used
the most convenient condenser is a moderately large plano-
convex lens of short focal length, or two so combined as to
give less aberration, but in using high powers an achromatic
condenser of more complex structure, short focus and
large aperture, is very desirable. Even with rough and im-
perfect mechanical arrangements I have been able to see
sufficient to convince me that even with achromatic con-
densers it is a very great advantage to have two different
diaphragms, one to modify the divergence of the light, and
the other the size of the beam passing up through the sub-
stage. By using only light of high angle of divergence, and
a small opening in the sub-stage diaphragm, some objects are
seen to very great advantage. Such an illumination is im-
possible with condensers constructed in the ordinary manner,
with only one diaphragm placed in such a position that it
gives imperfectly both these effects combined.
You must remember that the light passing near the centre
of a condenser is inclined at a small angle to the line of
vision, whilst that which passes through the exterior zone
is much more divergent. Hence the light from the outside
part of the condenser may pass through certain parts of the
object, but if you stop off the outer zone of the condenser
no light may pass through those parts and you may see
a well defined dark edge in such a crystal as I have alluded
to. By making the opening wider and wider, and thus
allowing more and more divergent light to pass to the
object, you may as it were obliterate the crystals on the
stage. It is sometimes important thus to be able to make
the light pass through an inclined edge. For instance, I
have a beautiful crystal of sapphire with a fluid cavity con-
taining liquid carbonic acid. It happens to lie in such a
position in the crystal that if I use light of a moderate angle
of divergence, the fluid cavity is completely hidden, because
no light passes through where it lies, but on increasing the
aperture and the obliquity of the light the dark shadow dis-
appears, and the fluid cavity is perfectly well seen by trans-
mitted light. The possibility of either seeing the object or
not seeing it at all, thus entirely depends on knowing
how to modify the angle of divergence of the light used for
illumination. If you had light passing through parallel, like
that reflected from an ordinary direct mirror, you would see a
broad dark band, and would not have the remotest idea that
such an interesting cavity existed ; but if you used as a con-
denser, an almost hemispherical lens, you would then see the
fluid cavity to perfection. The use of such simple single or
compound condensing lenses of large aperture is not common,
but they enable us to study certain objects in a very satis-
factory manner, since with appropriate stops the angle of
divergence of the light is so very much under control. This
principle may also be brought to bear in another class of
objects. There may co-exist two perfectly independent
kinds of structure, which with ordinary illumination may so
far unite together as to produce a general appearance of a
very misleading character ; but by varying the divergence of
the light or the size of the sub-stage opening, first one and
then the other structure may be made invisible, whilst the
other is seen to great advantage by itself.
Another interesting illustration of the importance of the
angle of divergence of the light is furnished by the little
spherical cavities met with in amber, some filled with gas
and some filled with water. By proper illumination you can
see these very well, but I find that the character of the object
and the illumination depends on a set of conditions which
I believe have not attracted any attention. In looking at
such spherical cavities in minerals, which I choose as a type
because they are so simple, and we can understand them
perfectly well, or in looking at, a spherical cavity or a bubble
in glass, you see first a black outline and then a white bright
centre. This bright centre is nothing more than the image
of the opening at the bottom of the condenser seen out of
focus, and by a little modification in the focus you can see
very distinctly anything special in its character. My
meaning will be better understood by giving a few illustrations
of what may be seen in examining the gas cavities, which are
so extremely numerous in some specimens of amber. When
the opening in the sub-stage diaphragm is large, you see a
broad clear space and a relatively narrow dark band, extending
inwards from the external outline of the cavity, as shown by
Fig. 3 ; but on making the opening in the diaphragm small,
this black zone closes in, and there is only a small bright
centre, as in Fig. 4, which you can see distinctly is nothing
but the image of the hole in the diaphragm, seen more or less
in focus according to the adjustment. If you take a diaphragm
with a central stop, you see what looks very strange, viz., a
bubble or spherical cavity with a central black spot, from
which proceed the two small arms, as shown by Fig. 5. This
appearance is thus manifestly due to nothing but the image
FIG. 3. FIG. 4. FIG. 5.
of the opening in the diaphragm, the central stop, and the
two arms which support it. These very simple facts thus
clearly prove that what might easily be mistaken for structure
may be merely the light and shade depending on the kind
of illumination made use of. This way of viewing the sub-
ject has occurred to me only quite recently, and I feel
persuaded that an arrangement which gives us the means of
limiting the obliquity of the light and also the size of a
more distant opening is very useful, and would be equally
applicable in the case of rods, and minute fibres, and such
kinds of structures as are commonly met with in organic
bodies. In the case of the markings on some diatoms, we
do indeed see all the appearances that would be due to a
vast number of small lenses arranged side by side ; and, as
in the case of the above-described cavities, we may so modify
the illumination as to show the external outlines of these
bead-like lenses, or to see merely a central black spot in each
of them. As a general rule, however, the curvature of the
surfaces of organic bodies are seldom sufficiently regular to
give distinct images of the openings in the sub-stage
diaphragm, but yet there can be little doubt that the lights
and shades are to a very great extent due to a similar
cause, and that as far as this is concerned they might be
looked upon as very much distorted and irregular spherical
or cylindrical lenses. In any case, much more may be learned
of their true form by carefully observing and discussing the
changes that take place, on varying the divergence of the
light and the diameter of the sub-stage opening, than can be
actually seen with any one single illumination. What I am
anxious to do is by an inductive process to be able by further
examinations to form something like an intelligible ex-
planation of the cause of the lights and shadows that we see
in objects as examined by transmitted light, and in order to
do this it is most important to be able to vary the illumina-
tion very much, and at the same time to know exactly what
its true character is whether slightly or very divergent, or
proceeding from a small or wide sub-stage opening.
Independently of objects whose structure is shown by lights
and shadows in the way I have alluded to, we have many
which are seen by the difference in their colour, arid then it
is only a question of illuminating the surface, or transmitting
light through the object. In sections of rocky substances,
the different constituents, black, red, brown, or otherwise, are
seen at once by their colour, independently of any light or
shade. This method of distinguishing objects by difference
in colour is extensively employed in studying organic struc-
tures, by using a staining on which they act like mordanted
textile fabrics. Various staining materials will thus combine
with certain constituents and colour them, and have a very
slight effect on others. In that manner you recognise the
different constituents of what otherwise would appear like
almost homogeneous structure.
Another important question connected with the microscope
is illumination by means of polarised light. I must take it
for granted that you all know what polarised light is, since
time would not permit me to describe its characters. One
principal point is, that polarised light has different properties
in different directions. We can sometimes make use of it
very effectively independent of an analyser, by having a
polariser under the stage of the microscope and illuminating
the object with polarised instead of with ordinary light.
Polarised light, when the plane of polarisation is inclined in
certain directions to an edge of a crystal or other inclined
surface, may be to a great extent reflected and not transmitted
to the eye in cases where the amount reflected would be very
much smaller if you used ordinary light. In this manner
you may define crystals or other transparent objects mounted
in Canada balsam, which is of so nearly the same refractive
power that they can scarcely be seen with ordinary light.
In such cases the use of polarised light without an analyser
may be very useful. You. use it simply as light, and rotate
the prism so as to get the plane of polarisation in different
directions. The more common plan is to use it with an
analyser placed generally over the eye-piece. By certain
adjustments, when no object is on the stage, the whole field
of the microscope is dark; but if you place under the
microscope objects which have more or less powerful double
refraction, they depolarise the light and appear either white
or coloured, dr invisible, according to the angle at which
they are placed in relation to the plane of polarisation. In
order to study these effects, either the object or the plane
of polarisation must be rotated. Time will not permit of
entering further into it, but I may just draw your attention
to one or two illustrations. Some objects may show little
or no structure when examined with ordinary light, but by
using polarised light various dark markings and colours may
be seen, which vary as you rotate the plane of polarisation.
By careful induction you may form a very accurate opinion
as to the kind of structure before you. Thus, if the object
give a well-defined black cross rotating with the plane of
polarisation, it indicates that small crystals radiate uniformly
from a single centre ; whereas, if there be an irregular varying
distribution of dark patches shading off into bright or coloured
portions, all changing gradually as the plane of polarisation is
rotated, there must be an irregular grouping of imperfectly
radiating crystals. On the other hand, if on rotating the
plane of polarisation the object becomes uniformly dark and
bright, you know it is a portion of one simple crystal. A
great many other most interesting facts may be made out in
that manner by using polarised light. Such general con-
clusions are more simple and obvious in the case of mineral
structures, but are by no means confined to them. Much
may thus be learned respecting the arrangement of the
mineral matter in the various kinds of calcareous shells and
other organisms, and I cannot but think that much remains
to be learned even in the case of more purely organic
When we use very high powers 1,000 linear, or upwards
and employ object-glass of very short focal length, we must
contend with another class of difficulties quite distinct from
any I have hitherto mentioned. In using very high powers
we are approaching, if we have not already passed, the
limit that is allowed to us by the physical characters of
light itself. When we have to deal with objects from
BO Q 00
the length of the waves of light, and must contend with
difficulties due to the fact that we are trying to examine objects
which are small in proportion to the waves of light. It is a
question, if it be not already certain, that even if the optical
contraction by transmitted light were in every respect perfect,
we could never distinctly see the true outline o"f objects less
than half a wave-length of light, though their mere presence
might be recognised. It may seem strange to say it, but the
fact appears to be that the physical constitution of light itself
is too coarse to enable us to see all that we could desire, and
could see if light were of a more refined character. A great
cause of this difficulty is what are called interference fringes.
If you have an object which ought to look like one dark
line, and examine it with a high power, you find dark and
coloured lines on each side, and in certain cases these are
almost as distinct as the object itself. There appears to be
little doubt that certain structures have been described by
microscopists which look as distinct as if they were real
markings, though due to nothing more than interference
fringes. Such an inaccurate interpretation is entirely due
to the fact that light, so to speak, breaks down when we
try to examine objects which are small as compared with
the waves of light. It would occupy a very long time
to enter into the full particulars, but I may say that one
of the principal means of overcoming this difficulty is by
increasing the aperture of the lenses. The width of these
interference fringes depends to a considerable extent on
the angle of divergence of the light used in illumination,
and passes into the object-glass, and by increasing the
aperture so as to bring into play more and more oblique
rays, the size of these fringes is lessened, and thus you
improve the performance of the instrument. By theory
the defining power ought to vary as the chord of the angle
of aperture, and microscopists working practically with-
out any regard to the undulatory theory of light had come
exactly to the same conclusion. With dry lenses you do not
get so good result as with the immersion lenses ; since with
the latter the interference fringe would be only three-fourths
the width of those in the case of a dry lens of equal aperture,
and therefore, other things being equal, an immersion lens
may be said to have four-thirds the defining power of a dry
lens. In all these kinds of examinations, in order to fully
utilise the capabilities of the object-glass, the light passing
from the object ought to be of the same angle of divergence
as that which can enter the object-glass. With an object
not covered you might obtain greater divergence, if light
could be made to pass in at a greater angle. However, in
making object-glasses of very wide aperture we come across
great difficulties. By increasing the size of the aperture we
increase the difficulty in making them correct in other respects,
especially in correcting the spherical and chromatic aberrations.
Another practical difficulty is that the object-glasses come
down so close to the object, and it is impossible to see any-
thing through a thick cover, or when some distance within
a transparent portion of the object itself, as is so often the
case in studying the microscopical structure of minerals, or
the crystals enclosed in blowpipe beads. I very much fear
that it is only too true that if you improve object-glasses
in one respect, you make them worse in another. Those
qualities which are necessary for one purpose are unnecessary
for another ; and in my opinion we ought to have object-
glasses constructed for the particular kinds of work we wish
to use them for. If we wish to define very close markings
on thin flat objects, like diatomaceae or the minute striae
of muscular fibre, we must have a very wide aperture, even
if the object is then so very close to the object-glass that the
range of vision is too small when we come to study other
kinds of objects. For instance, in some cases, with the very
best object-glasses of a very high angle, which would give
the most splendid definition of test objects, you might not
be a"ble to see other objects you wanted to examine, because
you could not get at them. They would be beyond the focal
point when the object-glass touched the cover. In such a
case, with only moderately fine structures, an object-glass of
much less cost and smaller angle of aperture might enable
you to see all the necessary detail, and you could get at the
object, even when under one-tenth of an inch of Canada
balsam, or other transparent substance, where you could not
have seen it at all with a lens of high angle and of the same
magnifying- power. I am, therefore, inclined to believe that
p 2
the kind of object-glass ought to depend on the kind of work
we wish to do. If we want to examine the very minute
structure of thin flat objects we must use one kind, and if
we want to look at things through a considerable thickness
of water or glassy matter, and to study various irregular
objects met with in original research, we must have glasses
which do not approach too near the object, even if the angle
of aperture and the definition of very close markings are by
this means somewhat diminished.
In connection with the visibility of very minute objects
there is another interesting point. If in order to define objects
that are very close together you increase the angle of the
divergence of the light, you then bring into play another prin-
ciple. I have already described how you may thus obliterate
the object, by destroying all difference in shading. We Come
then to this dilemma, that if the aperture is small we cannot
see the object, for one reason ; and if we have the aperture
large we cannot see it for another reason. In one case the light
would break down, and in the other the object would not
possess any character which would enable us to- see it, and
thus with these very high powers we come across a state of
things which makes it exceedingly difficult to go much beyond
what we have obtained. In fact, I am much inclined to
believe, that as far as the size of the object is concerned, we
have pretty nearly got to our limit. I hope I may be wrong,
but I am very much afraid, that except under special condi-
tions, we can never see objects of as minute a size as would
be very desirable in studying certain characters of natural
history, and that our powers are limited by the constitution
of light itself. Perhaps something may be done to increase
our power by not using simple transmitted light.
This lecture would be incomplete if I were not to say
something about the difference between the monocular and
binocular microscopes. The disadvantage of monocular
instruments is of course that we use only one eye. We injure
one eye with using it too much, and the other by not using
it enough, and we also do not have the stereoscopic effect.
These disadvantages led to the desire to contrive some method
by means of which we could make use of both eyes. In the
Exhibition you may see a magnificent collection, lent by Mr.
Crisp, including, I believe, every kind of binocular instrument
that has been contrived. Some of these are so uncommon
that the leading manufacturers do not know of their exist-
ence. Amongst these various instruments may be named
those constructed in the manner proposed by Nachet,
Wenham, Stephenson, Holmes, and Ahrens, but by far the
most usual are those made on the plan contrived by Mr.
Wenham. There is a small prism which can be pulled out or
pushed in, extending half over the object-glass. This prism
is so constructed that the light enters vertically, is 'twice
reflected, and passes out vertically, so that there is no dispersion,
and the beam remains colourless ; but by the second reflection
the light is sent up the oblique body of the microscope at such
an angle that the upper end of the two bodies are nearly at
the distance of our two eyes. The light which passes through
the other half of the object-glass not covered by the prism
passes up the direct body of the instrument.
One great advantage in this system of Mr. Wenham is that
the light which passes straight up one of the tubes is not in
any way influenced by the prism; and the definition is there-
fore unimpaired. The definition of that half of the light which
passes through the prism is somewhat impaired, but this does
not signify very much, since the vision of the left eye is mainly
important in enabling us to distinguish differences in the
level of different parts of the object, and that of the right eye
gives good definition of the minute detail. Another great
advantage of this method is that you can at once convert the
instrument into a monocular microscope. In some cases it
is very desirable only to use one tube, and this you have a
means of doing by pulling out the prism. This is no doubt
the chief reason why this form of binocular has been so much
more commonly employed than any other, although I am by
no means certain that other forms are not to some extent
better, at all events when high powers are used.
I have been informed that Mr. Stephenson's arrangement
gives exceedingly good results with very high powers, which
the other one will not. In it there are two truncated rectan-
gular prisms close behind the object-glass, so placed that they
reflect the light up the two bodies, both inclined to the direct
line of vision. By this reflection the object is inverted laterally,
and is still further inverted longitudinally by a larger prism,
so that finally the object is seen in its natural position, being
inverted by the object-glass and re-inverted by the prisms.
This instrument has the advantage of giving good results with
high powers ; it acts as it were like an erecting glass, and when
inclined at a convenient angle the stage is horizontal, which
is very convenient in examining objects in liquid. It is
thus a binocular erecting microscope, as Mr. Stephenson calls
it. A great many other forms have been proposed, which
can be seen in the Exhibition, some having one advantage,
and some another, whilst perhaps we may say that some have
none at all.
In conclusion, I may mention the application of spectrum
analysis with the microscope. If you want to ascertain more
exactly the nature of the light transmitted by any coloured
object, you can do so by this means. In the eye-piece arrange-
ments there are many things which are required only for special
purposes, and but for that the instrument might be made much
more simple. It is constructed for carrying on all kinds of
inquiries in this subject, and for measuring and comparing
spectra together side by side. You can take out the ordinary
eye-piece and put in the spectrum eye-piece ; or with a bino-
cular microscope you may see the object in its natural form
with one tube, and see the spectrum with the other. I have
for some years chiefly used my binocular arrangement, which
for working is undoubtedly the most convenient, but some
parts of its construction are rather unusual and the makers do
not particularly like making it, because they do not exactly
understand some of the necessary details.
As I said at first, the entire subject of the microscope is so
great that it is quite impossible in the course of an hour to do
more than give a hasty glance at some of the leading features.
In this Exhibition we have the means of studying all that we
can desire. We have the simplest and the most complex, the
earliest and the most recent of microscopes ; and I may say I
feel tempted to spend many hours in going into the details, in
order to thoroughly understand the merits and demerits of these
magnificent instruments. I hope that what I have said may
enable you to better understand their construction and be of
some practical use. I am quite sure that, in the present state
of our subject, what we want is to know something of the
general principles of the construction of instruments ; but still
more to understand the very great importance of proper illumi-
nation and of using object-glasses of a proper kind. I must
also say, that it is most important to regulate the power which
you use for particular purposes. It is mere child's rlav to trv
to make a thing look bigger than it is, and to say you have
magnified it so many times. What we want is to use the
magnifying power that will show to the greatest advantage
each particular structure which we want to examine. You
should use the lowest power that will enable you to do that,
since it is often very important to see as much as possible of
the object, so as to understand the bearings of one part on the
other, and for this you must use low powers ; but when
you want to define certain very minute structures, you must
use high powers. You should always try first a low power
and see what that shows, and then examine with a higher
power in order to resolve structures that cannot be resolved with
lower powers ; but never use high powers unless there is some
evidence of such minute structure as cannot be properly seen
with low.
WHEN a difference of electric potentials exists between
two points it gives rise, or it may give rise, to one of two
effects : an electric current may be produced, or there
may be an exhibition of electrostatic force. Either of
these effects may be employed for measuring differences of
electric potential, and hence we have two classes of instru-
ments for this purpose. Thus we have galvanometers,
electro-dynamometers, voltameters, in which the difference
of potentials between two points is inferred from the
measurement of the current passing between those points
under known circumstances. On the other hand, we have
electroscopes and electrometers which indicate and measure
differences of electric potential by means of the effects of
electrostatic force ; that is by means of the attractions or re-
pulsions observed between electrified bodies. An electroscope
merely gives an indication of the existence of the difference
of potentials ; an electrometer, properly so called, measures
the amount of the difference. The first requisite of an
electrometer is to furnish numbers, by the scale readings,
which are proportional to the difference of potentials
between the points tested. From these numbers we must
afterwards deduce numbers giving differences of electric
potential in absolute measure, in accordance with the
system of absolute measurement now adopted in every
branch of physical science. This I will endeavour to explain
more fully a little later.
The first electrometric measurements were made by
Coulomb with the celebrated torsion balance. I have here
an instrument similar to that which he used. 1
The torsion balance was first devised by Mitchell, who
used it for the measurement of the force of gravitation
between two small bodies. Cavendish also employed it
for the same purpose. Coulomb, however, independently
reinvented the torsion balance, and, as a preliminary, in-
vestigated with great care the laws of torsional elasticity
for the suspending fibre. He then used the balance for
determining the laws of electric attraction and repulsion ;
and afterwards employed it for purely electrometric
From the " torsion head " at the top of this tall glass
tube which surmounts the main body of the instrument
there hangs a vertical wire or glass fibre. Coulomb used a
fine silver wire. A fine glass fibre, as used by Faraday, was
first proposed by Ritchie, and is always employed now. To
the lower extremity of the fibre is attached a very light
horizontal bar or lever of shellac, which carries at the
extremity of the longer arm of the lever a small pith-ball
well gilded, and at the other extremity a counterpoise ;
and, in the instruments of Coulomb and Faraday, a vertical
disc of paper, or a slip of tissue paper hanging down ver-
tically, to " damp out " vibrations and bring the torsion
arm quickly to rest after disturbance. The case of the
instrument is, as you see, a glass cylinder covered with a
circular glass plate, into which is cemented the glass tube
that carries the torsion head. Round the glass cylinder
and on a level with the torsion arm there is pasted a
scale divided into degrees. By means of this scale the
position of the torsion arm is read off.
In the circular glass cover of the cylindrical case a
circular hole is cut It is for the purpose of introducing
what I shall call the " carrier ball." The carrier ball is a
1 The diagram represents Coulomb's original instrument.
little pith ball as nearly as possible of the same size as the
ball at the end of the torsion arm, and also carefully gilded.
It is fixed to the extremity of a fine rod or stem of shel-
lac, which is of such a length as to bring the centre of the
carrier ball, when in position, precisely to the level of the
centre of the torsion ball ; and there is a proper geometrical
arrangement for placing the carrier ball again and again
FIG. 1.
in precisely the same position, with its centre, let us say, at
the same distance from the centre of the circle in which
the torsion ball moves as is the centre of the torsion ball,
and with one side in contact with the torsion ball when
the middle of the torsion ball is opposite to the zero of the
scale upon the cylindrical glass case. Lastly, as to the
torsion head. The cylindrical piece, H, is cemented into the
vertical glass tube at the top. The disc, M M', graduated at
the circumference, is supported on the tube N, which fits
into the cylinder H. K is a button which fits into the hole
in the disc M M'. The glass fibre which carries the torsion
arm is attached to the button K ; and there is also an index
i, which indicates on the graduated scale of MM' the angle
through which the button K has been turned with respect
to it.
In Coulomb's ordinary method of using the instrument,
the torsion ball is completely diselectrified. The index i is
put at zero on the torsion head. The tube N, carrying, as
I have explained, the scale, button, and fibre, is turned
round so that the middle of the torsion ball shall be at zero
on the lower scale. The carrier ball is now electrified and
put into its place, and the torsion ball comes in contact
with it. The charge is thus divided between the two balls
halved if the balls are exactly equal and similar and the
torsion ball is repelled from the other. The displacement
of the torsion arm is opposed by the torsion of the fibre,
and finally we have equilibrium between the couple, as
it is called in dynamics, due to the repulsion of the balls
acting at the end of the torsion arm, and the couple due
to torsion. By turning the button K of the torsion
head, the torsional couple can be increased, which will
have the effect of forcing the torsion ball nearer to the
carrier ball.
Coulomb, as I have said, first undertook the determination
of the laws of electric attraction and repulsion. He began
by examining very carefully the laws of torsional elasticity
of the wires that he employed, and established the im-
portant law that the torsional couple, for a given wire, is
in simple proportion to the angle of torsion ; or, in other
words, that if a certain couple be required to turn the lower
end of the wire through a certain angle relatively to the
upper end, the couple required to turn it through twice that
angle will be double ; the couple required to turn it through
three times that angle will be triple of the first, and so on.
He tested this law to high angular displacements, and found
that it holds with great exactness unless the torsion is so
great that the wire receives a permanent set, and when
released from torsion does not return to its original
The laws of torsion being established, the first experi-
ments of Coulomb were on the force of electric repulsion at
different distances. The balls being electrified as I have
explained, the torsion ball takes up a position in which the
repulsion couple is balanced by the couple of torsion. The
distance between the balls was determined from reading off
the position of the torsion ball by means of the scale round
the glass cylinder. By a simple trigonometrical calculation
the distance is deduced from this reading. The torsion
head was then turned, so as to reduce the distance, which
was again measured in the same way, and the torsion couple
at this new distance was again determined. The torsion
couple required to equilibrate the repulsion between the
balls at different distances, the charge being supposed to
remain unaltered, was thus obtained. By these experi-
ments, the results of which, however, required correction
for the inevitable loss of charge during the experiment,
Coulomb obtained his well-known law of the inverse square
of the distance.
This law, I must remark, requires careful exactness in
its statement. Through a complete misunderstanding of it
Sir W. Snow Harris was led to experiments to disprove
it. A proper statement is, that if the two quantities of elec-
tricity are placed upon balls which are so small that the
diameters of the balls are insensible in comparison with
the distance between their centres, the force of repulsion is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
the centres of the balls. Even this statement must be
taken with limitations, because the effects of induction
prevent the experiments from showing precisely that law.
There are, however, other proofs, partly given by Coulomb,
partly by Cavendish, which establish the truth of the law
with minute exactness.
The mathematical theory for a particular form of
torsion balance, taking induction into account, has been
given by Professor Clerk-Maxwell in his great work on
electricity and magnetism.
The next part of Coulomb's investigation consisted in
determining the effect of electrifying the balls with different
quantities of electricity, and to do that he used an ingenious
device. Electrifying the carrier ball, and bringing it to
the electrometer, the movable or torsion ball received its
charge. He now removed the carrier ball, and touched it
with an insulated ball exactly equal to it in dimensions ;
he was thus able to halve the charge of the carrier. Putting
it back, he tested the force. Again the charge of the
carrier was halved, and again he determined the force, and
so on. The charge on the torsion ball was then altered,
and a new series of experiments proceeded with. By a
series of experiments of this kind he found that the force
between the two balls is proportional to the product of
the quantities of electricity on them, the distance remaining
the same ; and combining the latter with the former law,
he showed that the force is proportional to
m x m!
d 2
where m and m' are the charges of the balls, and d the
distance between their centres. But in stating this law you
must be careful to mention the limitations as to the
dimensions of the balls and as to effects of induction to
which I have just referred.
The experiments that I have been speaking of were not
so much electrometric experiments as experiments on the
fundamental laws of electricity ; but the next experiments
of Coulomb were of a purely electrometric character. They
were for the purpose of determining the distribution of
electricity over variously shaped conductors. Except in cer-
tain simple cases, the mathematical problem of determining
the distribution of electricity over a conductor is extremely
difficult. Poisson had, however, worked out the case for
two equal spheres in contact, assuming the truth of
Coulomb's law of the inverse square of the distance. Now
it is plain that nothing could give a better test of the truth
of the law than the comparison of the distribution given
by the calculation of Poisson with the distribution deter-
mined by experiment.
Coulomb used for these experiments another instrument,
slightly different from the carrier ball, namely, the proof-
plane, which consists simply of a very small piece of thin
metal insulated on a thin arm of shellac, which is applied
to the surface of the conductor to be tested, and then
carried away from the conductor. It is then brought to
the torsion balance and placed in position, and the amount
of electricity that it possesses is determined. The theory
of the proof -plane shows 'that when the proof -plane is applied
to the surface of the body to be tested, it, as it were,
carries away a small portion of the surface of the body
with its electricity upon it. While the proof -plane is in
contact with the body it forms a part of the surface ; and
when it is lifted normally from the surface of the body with
which it is in contact, it is practically a small portion
of the surface of the body itself that is carried away.
Coulomb, by an error, supposed that the proof -plane carried
away as much electricity on each side as corresponds to the
space it touched upon. To correct his results for this error
is, however, easy.
Taking, then, the case of the two spheres in contact
worked out by Poisson, and the case of an ellipsoid, for
which Coulomb himself worked out the distribution mathe-
matically, he found, on determining the distribution by
experiment, as close an agreement with the theoretical
distribution as could possibly be expected.
By far the best proof that we have of the exactness of
the laws of electric attraction which I have just stated is an
indirect proof. It was first pointed out by Cavendish that
if the law of the inverse square of the distance be true it
follows as a consequence that the whole of the electricity
upon an electrified closed conductor must reside at the surface
of the conductor. The exactness of the law will then be
tested by finding whether or not the whole of the electricity
does reside at the surface of such a conductor. Cavendish
himself undertook some admirable experiments to test this
question, and some of the most important of Faraday's
electrostatic researches were devoted to it.
One of the remarkable experiments of Faraday was to
place himself within a chamber a twelve-foot cube
constructed of light material and covered with tinfoil,
taking with him electroscopes of the most delicate con-
struction to examine whether any electrification could be
found in the interior while the chamber, which was
insulated, was electrified ; but while the whole power of the
electric machines of the Royal Institution was turned on, so
that from every part of the outside of the chamber flashes
and brushes of electricity were rushing off, he could find
no trace whatever of electrification on the walls or else-
where within. The most refined modern experiments
lead to the same result ; and it is evidence of this kind that
enables us to regard the law given by Coulomb as holding
with extreme exactness.
In connection with experiments of this kind Faraday
used the torsion balance and made great improvements
in it. He used the torsion balance in those great
researches in which he investigated the curved lines of
force, and worked out the theory of induction, and proved
that electrification by induction is not what it was sup-
posed to be action at a distance but that it is electric
disturbance transmitted by means of contiguous particles
of the di electric, or insulating medium, between two electri-
fied bodies One of the modifications that Faraday made
in the torsion balance was the protection of the movable
parts of the instrument from external influence. He
showed that the indications of an instrument such as the
torsion balance, or common gold-leaf electroscope, are per-
fectly untrustworthy unless the most careful attention is
paid to this matter ; and it is curious that though it is now
forty-five years since Faraday pointed this out, instrument-
makers have failed, except in very few cases, to give any
attention to his warning. For instance, here are two
well constructed instruments a Peltier's electrometer and
a torsion balance, and neither of these has the slightest
protection. Out of all the instruments for teaching pur-
poses that we see in this magnificent Loan Collection,
electroscopes, electrometers, and so forth, you will find
not one in a hundred to have any pretence of protection
I have here a very simple experiment for illustrating the
importance of guarding the movable parts of your electro-
static instruments from external influence. Here is a
glass bell-jar, from the roof of which hangs a fine glass
fibre carrying a horizontal arm of aluminium. The inside
of the bell-jar is very clean, and is kept dry with the aid
of a dish of strong sulphuric acid. It thus gives excellent
insulation, and the aluminium needle, which was charged
some hours ago, has, I have no doubt, retained its charge well.
I now dry the outside of the bell-jar by passing over its
surface a wire hoop, covered with cotton wick, and flaming
with spirits of wine. Now if I move this glass rod slightly
electrified, or this electrified stick of sealing-wax, in the
vicinity of the aluminium arm, you see at once the effect
of external electrification on the movable arm, which
corresponds exactly to the movable arm in the torsion
balance. I will now bring the glass rod near to the
outside of the bell-jar, and draw this slip of paper over
the surface of the bell- jar in the vicinity of the glass
rod, and then carry away the glass rod. You see that I
have left the bell-jar itself with a portion of its outer sur-
face electrified in such a way that it attracts the needle
round through a right angle.
I will now wet the outside of the bell-jar with a sponge
and thus make the outside of the glass a fairly good
conductor. By this the needle is partly, but as you see not
entirely, screened from the influence of external electri-
fication. Yet the natural dampness of the glass cases,
the dust and so forth that may be upon them, is the
whole protection that the electroscopes and electrometers
ordinarily constructed have against such disturbing
Faraday pointed out that nothing but a complete metallic
protection is sufficient. He protected the whole of the
interior of the electroscopes and electrometers that he used
with slips of tinfoil pasted on the inside surface of the
glass cases, leaving only such spaces as were necessary for
looking through. In the instruments of Sir William
Thomson that I shall have to show you the movable
parts are protected by brass covers, tinfoil, or by a wire
cage which is often found to be sufficient and to be very
Another improvement that Faraday made with respect to
the torsion balance was the introduction of what is called the
heterostatic method of using the instrument. Electrometers
may be distinguished into two classes, idiostatic and hetero-
static. In the idiostatic class the whole electric force
depends on the electrification which is itself the subject of
the test. In the heterostatic class, besides the electrification
to be tested, another electrification, maintained indepen-
dently of it, is taken advantage of. The torsion balance as
used by Coulomb was an idiostatic instrument. The elec-
tricity to be tested was divided each time between the balls
and was itself the cause of the electric force. Faraday
preferred to employ the instrument thus. He gave a per-
manent charge to the torsion ball and placed it in a definite
position, suppose 30 from the zero mark on the scale pasted
round the cylindrical case of the instrument. He then
introduced the carrier ball or proof plane, bearing its
charge, which of course displaced the torsion ball by attrac-
tion or repulsion. Turning the button of the torsion head
the torsion ball was brought back to its first position, and
the torsion required in order to do this was determined.
In his celebrated Experimental Researches on Electricity,
Faraday describes minutely the precautions that must be
taken in using the torsion balance. He considered it a very
valuable instrument in good hands : and in his hands it
proved indeed a most valuable instrument. It was by
means of it that all his grand series of electrostatic re-
searches was carried on.
From the torsion balance of Coulomb there came a
variety of other instruments more or less like it. Here for
example is Peltier's electrometer, which if it had protection
of the movable parts would be an excellent instrument.
Instead of an arm supported on a torsion fibre we have here
a long aluminium needle pivotted on a fine needlepoint, and
to the movable needle there is attached a very short magnet.
The small magnet gives the directive force instead of the
torsion of the fibre. To use the instrument it is set with
the magnet in the magnetic meridian and the two movable
arms in contact with these two repulsion balls which take
the place of the carrier ball in the torsion balance. When
a charge is given to the instrument by means of this
charging rod connected with the repulsion balls, the charge
is also communicated to the movable needle, and repulsion
is the result. The electric repulsion is balanced by the
tendency of the magnet to return to its normal position in
the magnetic meridian.
Here again is a similar instrument by Kohlrausch. It
consists also of a conductor, a'portion of which is a magnet,
and repulsion plates similar to the two repulsion balls which
were used in the Peltier electrometer. Kohlrausch calls
this instrument a sine electrometer because in his way of
using it the forces are proportional to the sines of the angles
of deflection of the movable needle.
Of repulsion electrometers I have lastly to bring before
you those of Sir William Thomson. The very remarkable
collection of electrometers exhibited in the Loan Collection
by Sir William Thomson shows the attention that he has
bestowed on electrometry. Electrometers in every stage of
development may be seen in his collection, but many of
them you will have to go and look at in their place. It
was impossible to bring them all upon the table before you ;
and much more was it out of the question for me to think
of attempting to explain them in the two lectures devoted
to this subject.
Modern electrometry is largely due to Sir William
Thomson. His instruments have for the present superseded
all other electrometers for practical purposes, such as
the testing of telegraph cables during construction and
after submersion ; and I wish to call your attention to his
admirable report on " Electrometers and Electrostatic
Measurements," prepared for the British Association Com-
mittee on Standards of Electrical Resistance (1867), and
republished in his collected papers on Electrostatics and
Magnetism. In that report you will find full information
on many points that I cannot do more than allude to, while
exhibiting some of the electrometers of the Loan Collection
to you.
We have three specimens of Thomson's repulsion electro-
meters before us. Two of them are almost identical in
construction, so I have dissected one that you may see its
The glass case is a thin flint glass bell, the lower half of
which is coated inside and outside with tinfoil, like a Leyden
jar, except that at the bottom of the inside a part of the
glass is left bare. That part is filled with strong sulphuric
acid, and connected by a piece of platinum foil with the
tinfoil coating. The sulphuric acid performs two functions.
It keeps the inside of the case of the instrument dry, pre-
venting the deposit of moisture on the glass insulators, 1
1 It is curious that in almost all even of the most recent text-books
on electricity we still find a distinction made between diy air and damp
air as insulators. So far as we know at present, no difference what-
ever exists. Sir William Thomson has not been able to detect the
slightest difference between dry air and damp air as to power of insu-
lation by the most delicate experiments. The cause of the widespread
fallacy on this subject is, of course, that such conductors as are used
and it also acts as a part of the inside coating of the
Leyden jar, like the water in the celebrated experiment
that led to the discovery of the Leyden jar.
The glass bell is enclosed in a metal case which supports
it and protects it, and which is furnished with three level-
ling screws as feet of the instrument. The case is covered
in with a circular plate of glass in a metal rim. At the
centre of this glass plate is supported a torsion head, as in
Coulomb's torsion balance, having an index protruding out
FIG. 2.
so as to move over graduations on the circular metallic
ring. 1
From the torsion head hangs a fine glass fibre, to which
is attached the movable part of the electrometer. This
consists of a light horizontal needle made of aluminium.
To it there is attached a stiff platinum wire, hanging down
for electrical experiments are found to maintain a charge much better
in dry than in damp air. The extraordinary loss observed in damp
air is, however, altogether by means of the supports (of glass, shellac,
&c.), the surfaces of which receive a conducting film, often invisible,
of moisture from the air.
1 The parts of the instrument were shown in the lecture. They will
be easily distinguished in the accompanying diagram.
Q 2
vertically and nearly reaching the bottom of the jar, and a
fine platinum wire with a little weight of platinum attached
to it hangs down from the end of the stiff wire and dips
into the sulphuric acid at the bottom. Thus the needle is
kept connected with the inside coating of the Leyden jar.
Bather less than half-way from the bottom of the jar
there is a metallic ring, cemented to the inside for the pur-
pose of supporting two repulsion plates. This ring and the
repulsion plates are connected with the interior tinfoil
coating. When, therefore, the jar is charged with electricity,
repulsion takes place between the needle, also connected
with the inside coating, and the repulsion plates, and the
needle is driven up against two stops, connected with the
plates, which limit its motion.
The ends of the needle and the repulsion plates are sur-
rounded by a cage of fine brass wire, which is stretched on
a brass framework. The framework is supported from the
metallic case of the electrometer by two glass pillars. It
is insulated from the case and from the needle and repulsion
plates ; and it has an electrode projecting outward through
a hole in the outer case, by means of which the cage can
be connected to any body that is to be tested.
Let me now explain the use of the instrument. The
Leyden jar is charged by means of an electrode provided
for the purpose, and, as I have said, the needle is repelled
from the repulsion plates against the stops. The electrode
of the cage is connected with the earth, or more usually
with the brass case of the instrument, which is connected
with the earth. The torsion head is now turned in such a
way as to oppose the torsion of the wire to the electric
repulsion, and the needle is forced away from the stops.
The observer, looking down through the plate glass cover,
now brings the needle, by means of two marks, one on the
glass cover and the other on a ring below, into a " marked
position," and then reads off the number of degrees of
torsion on the scale over which the torsion index moves.
This reading is commonly called the " earth reading," as
the tested conductor the cage is in connection with the
earth during the observation. The number of degrees of
torsion required to bring the needle into the marked position
depends upon the electrification of the jar ; and it can readily
be shown that the potential to which the jar is charged,
that is the difference of potentials between the jaT and the
cage or the earth, is measured by the square root of the
number of degrees of torsion. When I say that the
potential of the jar is measured by the square root of the
number of degrees of torsion, I mean that if the jar be
electrified to different potentials the square roots of the
torsional readings will be in proportion to those potentials.
Now, the charge of the jar being kept unaltered, the
electrode of the cage is disconnected from the earth and
connected with the conductor to be tested, and the cage
thus acquires the same potential as the conductor to be
tested. The electrification of the cage causes an alter-
ation in the force acting upon the needle which moves
towards or from the repulsion plates, according as the
electrification of the cage is similar or dissimilar to that
of the jar. The torsion head is now turned so as to
bring the needle back to the sighted position ; and the
torsion is again read off. As before, the square root of
the number of degrees of torsion measures the difference
of potentials between the cage, and the needle, that is also
the difference of potentials between the conductor tested
and the needle. The excess, positive or negative, of the
square root of this last reading above the square root
of the "earth reading," is the difference of potentials
between the body tested and the earth ; and if, as is com-
monly done, we regard the potential of the earth as zero,
it is simply the potential of the conductor tested.
This electrometer has done good service in observations
on atmospheric electricity. Indeed it was first constructed
for that purpose. The electrode of the cage is connected
with a collector of electricity, either with a flame-collector,
as first described by Volta, or with the water dropping
collector of Sir William Thomson, and earth readings and
atmospheric readings are taken alternately at proper inter-
vals. The numbers obtained for the differences of potentials
are reduced to absolute measure by comparison with a few
cells of a known battery; but this I will explain a little
[A form of portable electrometer, also due to Thomson,
was next exhibited and described. The description is not,
however, reproduced here, as the instrument differs little
in electrical principles from that which has just been
spoken of. The suspension of the needle is different. The
needle is firmly attached at right angles to a tightly-
stretched platinum wire, the lower end of which is fixed,
and the upper mechanically connected with, though elec-
trically insulated from, the parts that correspond to a
torsion head. See Thomson's Electrostatics and Magnetism,
xvi., 277.]
I will conclude my lecture for to-day by showing you an
electrometer, the first of a new class, and one of great
interest. This is Thomson's first " divided ring " electro-
Fio. 3.
In this instrument there is a broad metallic ring cut
into two parts, and each half ring is supported horizontally
on two vertical pillars of thin glass rod. One half ring is
kept connected with the case of the electrometer ; the other
can be connected by means of a proper electrode with any
body to be tested. From the top of the case of the electro-
meter hangs a fine glass fibre which carries a light
aluminium needle, projecting from a point a little above
the centre of the divided ring. The needle being counter-
poised projects out on one side only. It is sufficiently long
to project out over the divided ring.
A stiff piece of platinum wire attached to the needle at
right angles to it hangs or projects vertically down ; and from
the lower extremity of this a very fine piece of platinum
wire hangs down and dips into the strong sulphuric acid which
forms the interior coating of a Leyden jar. The case of
the instrument is of glass, with slips of tinfoil pasted over
it to protect the interior from external influence. There are
other particulars to which I need not allude just now, as
I shall have to speak of them in connection with the
quadrant electrometer, a development from that which is
before us at present.
Before the Leyden jar with which the needle is connected
is electrified, the needle is adjusted mechanically, so that
it projects over one of the divisions between the two halves
of the divided ring. Now if the two halves of the ring
are at the same potential, both being, let us suppose, con-
nected with the case of the instrument, and if the parts of
the instrument are quite symmetrical, then when the Leyden
jar and needle are electrified, no disturbance of the needle
will be experienced. But let one of the half -rings be con-
nected with a body to be tested whose potential differs
from that of the case of the instrument to which the other
half-ring is connected, and there will plainly be attraction
or repulsion of the needle, according to the nature of the
electrification of the tested body, and the needle will move
towards one half-ring or towards the other.
Now let me in conclusion refer to one very remarkable
application that Sir William Thomson has made of this
electrometer. It was chiefly for that purpose that I have
brought it before you, because the instrument itself, though
in earlier times it did admirable service as an electrometer,
has now been superseded by the quadrant electrometer.
By means of this instrument Sir "William Thomson was
able to furnish a test between Volta's contact theory of his
pile and the rival chemical theory. The fundamental
statement of Volta's theory was that a piece of metallic
zinc and a piece of metallic copper put in contact assume
different potentials, the zinc becoming positive with respect
to the copper. The supporters of the chemical theory
denied this, and explained away the experiments that were
adduced in support of it. It is now, however, regarded as
established, and here is one of the experiments of Thomson
to prove its truth. Taking away the two half-rings of
brass he substituted this ring which I now show you, one
half of which is of copper and the other half zinc, the two
soldered into one ring. The needle and Ley den jar of the
electrometer being completely discharged, the needle was
mechanically adjusted so as to hang with its extremity over
one of the soldered joints between zinc and copper. The
needle and jar were then electrified, first positively and then
negatively, and it was found that, when positive the needle
moved from the zinc half-ring towards the copper half-ring,
and when electrified negatively it moved from the copper
half-ring towards the zinc half-ring. Thus the zinc arid
copper half-rings in contact behaved as would two insulated
half-rings of the same metal, one of which, corresponding
to the zinc, is electrified positively relatively to the other.
THE instrument to which I will now direct your attention
is Thomson's quadrant electrometer. It is the most recent
and most complete development from the divided ring
electrometer which we examined yesterday. The semicircles
of the divided ring over which the movable needle swings
are in the quadrant electrometer replaced by four quadrants
of a hollow cylindrical box, within which is the movable
needle ; and the needle, instead of projecting on one side
only of the axis of suspension, as in the divided ring elec-
trometer, is symmetrical about that axis.
In the quadrant electrometer we have first a white flint
glass bell- jar, surrounded and supported, mouth up, by a
metal casing. The outside is partially coated with tin-foil ;
the inside contains strong sulphuric acid a couple of inches
deep. This arrangement gives us, as we have already
seen in former cases, a Leyden jar ; and with the in-
side coating of the Leyden jar the movable needle is
Secondly, we have the " main cover " of the instrument,
a circular brass plate, covering the mouth of the jar and
screwed down to the metal casing of the jar. Over a large
circular hole in the main cover stands what is called the
" lantern." The lantern is of brass, but with a window in
front. It carries the " gauge," and three electrodes project
from the top of it. [See Fig. 4.]
The four quadrants (Fig. 5) are supported each on a short
pillar of glass projecting downwards from the main cover of
the electrometer. The supports of these glass pillars are
movable in radial slots, and the quadrants can be drawn
out from or pushed in towards the axis of suspension.
When the instrument is in adjustment they are pushed in
as near as possible without touching, and thus form parts of
a cylinder, divided only from each other as it were by two
saw-cuts. Thus also they are arranged symmetrically
around the needle. One of the four is capable of adjust-
ment by a screw turned by a milled bead. Slight motions
of this quadrant serve for adjusting the zero of the instru-
ment occasionally.
The quadrants are connected in pairs by fine wires, the
opposite quadrants being connected together ; and from one
Fio. 4.
quadrant of each pair rises an electrode which passes insn-
tated through the top of the lantern. These electrodes serve
to connect two conductors, whose difference of potentials
is to be measured, one with each pair of quadrants. The
third electrode (see Fig. 4), passing up through the top
of the lantern, is for charging and discharging the Leyden jar
of the electrometer.
We next come to the " needle." It is a thin flat piece
of sheet aluminium, shaped perhaps more like the paddle
of a canoe than like a needle (Fig. 5) ; but, you know, in
electricity and magnetism the name ( needle is commonly
applied to bodies that in shape and size are very unlike
that from which the name is taken. The needle is borne
horizontally on a stiff vertical platinum wire, which passes
through its centre upward and downward. The stiff platinum
wire is attached to a small cross-bar, which is carried by a
bifilar suspension. [See Fig. 6, where the upper end of the
stiff platinum wire is seen coming up through the " guard
tube " and having the " mirror " attached. The bifilar
fibres of the suspension are seen coming up to two pins,
c and d.] To the lower end of the stiff platinum wire a very
fine platinum wire is attached. This carries a small plati-
num weight, which hangs down and dips into the sulphuric
Fio. 5.
acid at the bottom of the jar; and the needle is by this
means kept in connection with the interior coating of the
charged Leyden jar.
I have got here the suspension plate of an electrometer
to show you (Fig. 6). It is supported and insulated by
a glass pillar, which rises from the main cover, and it is
covered by the lantern. On the face of it are five pins,
(a) (6) (c) (d) and (h), which can be turned by means of a
square pointed key. The threads of the bifilar are wound up
on the pins (c) (d), and (c) and (d) are capable of being turned
so as to adjust the lengths of the fibres to be equal. The
pins (c) and (d) are carried on springs (e) and (/), which are
screwed to the face of the suspension plate by screws shown
about one -third of way from the bottom of that plate. The
pin marked (h) is a conical plug, which passes in between
the springs and screws into the plate behind, and by turn-
ing it in or out the conical plug presses the springs (e) and
(/) apart, or allows them to approach. Thus the upper
points of the bifilar suspension are separated or brought
nearer together, and the sensibility of the instrument is
diminished or increased. The pins (a) (b) are screwed into
the springs (e) (/), and press against the plate behind.
FIG. 6.
When one or other of them is turned it brings forward
the neighbouring point of suspension, or allows it to recede.
Lastly, as to this part, the platinum wire carrying the
needle has a small circular mirror attached to it (see Fig.
6), and all the movable parts are carefully guarded from
external influence ; the platinum wire, both above and
below the needle, by a metal " guard tube " through which
it passes, and the mirror by a little cylindrical hood project-
ing some distance from the suspension plate.
The mirror is a small concave mirror of silvered glass.
It is about the size of a threepenny-piece. It is extremely
light, weighing only about ,a third of a grain. To make
these little glass concave mirrors (which are also used for
reflecting galvanometers, where extreme lightness is even
more essential than in the present case) was a matter of
considerable difficulty. The following plan is now adopted.
A large number of little circles of the finest micro-
scope glass are silvered. When they are to be used for
reflecting galvanometers, four minute magnets are cemented
to the back. The mirrors are then tested, to see that each
gives a good image of a lamp reflected from it ; and, out of
perhaps fifty tried, ten or fifteen may be found satisfactory.
This plan of selection by trial gives mirrors that afford a
perfect image, and which are lighter than any that can be
obtained by the plan of grinding at first adopted. The
concavity of the mirrors is such that the rays of a lamp
placed about one metre (39-J- inches) from the mirror, and
reflected from it, are brought to a focus on a screen at the
same distance from the mirror.
In the use of the electrometer a lamp is placed in front
of the mirror, and its rays, passing through a narrow vertical
slit, fall on the mirror and are reflected from it. The reflected
rays are brought to a focus on a long horizontal screen at
right angles to the line from the slit to the mirror, and just
above the slit. The screen, which has marked on it a
finely-divided scale, is one metre distant from the mirror.
Now you will see that the position of the image of the
slit on the scale depends upon the angle at which the rays
proceeding from the slit to the mirror fall upon the mirror ;
and as the mirror turns with the needle, the position of the
image on the scale depends upon the position of the needle.
When the needle is at its position of zero deflection, the
image of the slit is seen at a point on the scale just above
the slit. When the needle is deflected to one side or other,
the image on the scale is also deflected, and by a well-known
optical principle the angle of deflection of the reflected rays
is twice the angle of deflection of the mirror, that is of
the needle.
We are now prepared to understand the principle on which
the use of the quadrant electrometer depends. We have
in this case three bodies, two of them fixed (the two pairs
of quadrants), and one (the needle) movable about an axis,
the arrangements being of the symmetrical kind that I
have described, and the movable body is maintained at a
constant high potential. The potentials of the two fixed
conductors are different, and it is this difference which we
wish to measure. Let Y denote the potential of the needle,
let Yj and Y 2 be the potentials of the two fixed conductors ;
let be the angle of deflection of the needle from the posi-
tion which it would occupy were V x and V 2 equal, then it
can be shown that if Y x be greater than Y 2 ,
= 0(V 1 -.V 3 )[V -J(V 1 + V 9 )] . . (A)
where C is a constant. Now if Y be very great in com-
parison with Y x and Y 2 , the second term, ^ (Yj + Y 2 ), of the
last factor may be omitted in this expression, and we obtain
In the use of the quadrant electrometer this is practically
the state of affairs ; for, as I have just said, Y is the
potential of the Leyden jar with which the needle of the
electrometer is connected, and the potential of the jar is
always maintained very great indeed in comparison with
that of any electrification that this delicate instrument is
employed to measure.
Taking now the formula (B) we see in the first place
that 6, the angle of deflection, is in simple proportion to the
difference of potentials Y x - Y 2 of the quadrants, that is, of
the two bodies tested, Y being kept constant. Secondly,
we see that as is proportional to Y , V 1 Y 2 being
constant, the deflection for any given difference of poten-
tials is greater the greater Y . Thus the sensibility of
the instrument is proportional to the potential of the
needle. By altering the charge of the Leyden jar, therefore,
we may alter the sensibility of the electrometer.
To keep the charge of the Leyden jar constant, which
you see is essential in carrying out any set of measure-
ments which are to be immediately comparable, there is
a " gauge " connected with the electrometer, as well as
a minute electric machine within the glass jar, and supported
from the main cover, by means of which the charge can be
increased or diminished. The gauge is really an electro-
meter, precisely similar in construction to one that I shall
have to describe immediately, the portable electrometer,
but turned upside down, and used idiostatically. Above
this horizontal plate (the circular plate at the top of Fig.
6), connected with the suspension plate of the needle, there
is an arrangement resembling somewhat a cart-weighing
machine. G is a brass plate, with a square hole cut in it.
The hole is over the middle of the circular plate, connected
with the suspension plate, p is a square of light sheet alumi-
nium ; it is connected with the long arm h, the square p
and the long arm h being in one piece. This lever is
carried on a tightly-stretched platinum wire /, round
which as a fulcrum it is perfectly free to move ; and tor-
sion is given to the wire/, so as to tend to raise p upwards
and to depress the arm h. But when the little square p is
attracted by the plate connected with the needle and jar, the
FIQ. 7.
attraction draws p downward against the torsion of the
wire / to a fixed position.
The extremity of h is cut out into a little fork, across
which a fine black hair is stretched, and behind the hair
there stands a minute white porcelain plate with two round
black dots upon it. The arrangement is looked at by the
magnifying lens I, and the plate p is in the proper posi-
tion when the hair is midway between the two dots. The
Leyden jar of the electrometer is then charged up until
this is the case.
The little electric machine for increasing or diminishing
the charge of the jar is one of a kind first invented by
Nicholson, known by the name of Nicholson's Revolving
Doubler, and used by Yolta in some of his researches.
Recently several such machines have been constructed.
That of Holtz ; now well known, makes use of the " com-
pound interest principle," involved in the action of the
I have just shown you that the deflections observed by
the quadrant electrometer are in simple proportion to
differences of potentials between the quadrants, or differ-
ences of potentials between any two conductors tested.
From these scale readings we must deduce numbers giving
the differences of potentials in absolute measure. One way
of doing this is to compare the indications of the quadrant
electrometer with those of an absolute electrometer, such as
I am about to describe immediately, and to deduce " the
constant " for the quadrant electrometer. The scale read-
ings may then be reduced to absolute measure by multiplying
by the constant ; and the constant of the instrument is the
same so long as the gauge is kept in the same condition, and
the quadrants in the same position as when the comparison
with the absolute electrometer was made. Another method,
which can at any time be applied with the greatest ease, is to
find the deflection given by a galvanic cell of known electro-
motive force, and deduce the constant in that way.- For
example, let a Daniell's cell be applied to the quadrant electro-
meter, and let us suppose that the deflection is seventy-five
S3ale divisions on one side of the middle position, and when
the electrodes of the cell applied to the electrodes of the
electrometer are reversed, a deflection of seventy-five divi-
sions on the other side of the middle is observed. Now the
electromotive force of a Daniell's cell, or the difference of
potentials producible by a Daniell's cell, is well known from
the experiments of Sir William Thomson. 1 It is 1'12 of the
unit termed by practical electricians a volt.' 2 ' Hence, divid-
ing yly^, we get 67 as the deflection produced on the
electrometer by a difference of potentials of one volt.
A double deflection would be produced by a difference of
potentials equal to two volts, and so on.
[Some of the applications of the quadrant electrometer
were next very briefly referred to, particularly its application
to observation of atmospheric electricity.] For this purpose
it is admirably suited. The mirror electrometer is the
1 Proc. Roy. Soc. 1860, and Reprinted Papers, xviii.
2 One volt is equal to 10 8 centimetre-gramme-second electro-mag-
netic units. See Everett's Illustrations of the Centimetre Gramme-
Second System of Units, or F. Jenkin's Electricity and Magnetism.
only form which can be used for obtaining with the aid of
photography a continuous record. At Kew Observatory a
quadrant electrometer is now in action ; and it is very much
to be desired that at every meteorological observatory atmo-
spheric electricity should be made a subject of continuous
observation. It seems strange that it has not already re-
ceived more attention ; or rather that but few observatories
have hitherto given the subject any attention whatever.
[Some of the photographic traces obtained at Kew with an
older form of reflecting divided ring electrometer, exhibited
in the Loan Collection, were shown and described.]
I have just one other class of electrometers to refer to.
Electrometers of this class are called " attracted-disc elec-
trometers." The first instruments of this kind were made
by Sir W. Snow Harris, but they were in many ways very
imperfect, and, as I had occasion to remark yesterday, his
interpretation of the results which he obtained led him into
the error of disputing the truth of the laws of Coulomb.
[The diagram (Fig. 8) shows an electrometer of Snow
Harris. As exhibited, it is connected with a Leyden jar, j,
which is to be tested, while the Leyden jar is being charged
from an electric machine through the well-known " unit jar "
L.] In this electrometer the attraction between two plates
a and d, one of which, a, is insulated and electrified, is
determined by weighing, as in a common balance. The
plate a, being electrified, attracts d, and the attraction is
counterbalanced and weighed by putting weights into the
pan P of the balance. Now if we have two circular elec-
trified plates attracting each other, the "lines of force"
between the plates being straight lines, and if we measure
the areas of the plates, the distance between them and the
force of attraction, it is easy to deduce the difference of
potentials between them in absolute measure. This was
practically what Snow Harris attempted.
As I have said, however, his arrangement was very
imperfect. The movable plate 'd is in no way protected
from inductive influence, and of the nature or extent of that
influence there is no possibility of taking any account.
Moreover, the arrangement of the instrument is not such
as to enable us to consider the lines of force between the
attracting plates to be sufficiently nearly straight lines.
Sir William Thomson, in taking advantage, for an absolute
electrometer, of the principle of weighing the attraction
between two discs, has remedied both these defects. The
absolute electrometers are not very portable, and thus
there is not one to be seen in the Loan Collection. These
diagrams will, however, I hope, enable you to understand
the principles of the instrument.
If we have two electrified discs attracting each other, their
t'iG. S.
radii being two or three times as great as the distance
between them, it can easily be shown that there is a region
about the middle where the lines of force are sensibly
straight lines. And this condition will also be practically
realised by such an arrangement as is show r n in Fig. 9.
A and B are two insulated electrified plates. In the middle
of B a circular hole is cut, which is filled up by a very light
movable disc of aluminium, c, borne at the end of the lever L.
The disc c, when " in position," is placed so that its lower
face is as nearly as possible in the same plane with the lower
surface of the "guard-ring" B. The interstice between B
and c is extremely narrow in comparison with the diameter
of c and with the distance between the plates. This is
the electrical part of the absolute electrometer.
The lever L is pivotted on a torsion wire, which is stretched
between two insulated metallic pillars PP. Q is a counter-
poise. At the end of the lever L there is an index hair ;
and a lens I is placed so as to view the position of the hair
relatively to two black dots on an index plate. When the
hair is between the two black dots the plate c is in position,
with its lower surface in the plane with the lower surface
of the guard-ring B. The guard-ring B is kept metallically
connected with the metal pillars PP, and thus with the lever L
and with the plate c, which, however, is not in direct contact
with B, but is perfectly free to move. The lever L is hung
so that when A and c are at the same potential the counter-
poise preponderates, and the hair at the extremity of L
rises above the sighted position ; and before each series of
experiments with this electrometer the force required to
bring the hair to the sighted position is determined by
placing a small weight on c and a rider on the arm L.
When this has been done the weights are removed. But
when A and c are at different potentials the attraction
B 2
between them draws the plate c down, and the force with
which c is attracted downward depends on the difference
of potentials between the plates A and c, and on the distance
between them. The plate A can be raised or lowered by
means of a screw, and, when an experiment is being made,
its distance from c is adjusted till the index hair is in
the sighted position. When that is the case it is known
that the attraction between the plates is equal to the force
of gravity on the weight previously determined.
Now it was shown by Sir William Thomson in one of his
earliest papers on electricity, a paper in which he considered
the validity of the objections raised by Snow Harris against
the laws of Coulomb, that in a case such as we have been
considering, where the lines of electric force are straight
lines between two attracting discs, the force, F, of attrac-
tion, will be given by the formula
in which v is the difference of potentials of the two plates,
s the surface of the smaller, and D the distance between
the two. From this we obtain at once
Hence if we measure the area s, the distance D, and the
force F, which, as I have said, is done by the previous
weighing, we can at once calculate v ; and it is to be
noticed that if F is expressed in absolute units of force,
the numerical value of v deduced by this formula will
be obtained in absolute electrostatic units of potential.
In working practically with the absolute electrometer, how-
ever, Sir William Thomson found great difficulty in measur-
ing D, the distance between the plates, with sufficient
accuracy. He therefore adopted a mode of employing the
instrument somewhat different from that which I have in-
dicated. The plate A is connected with a separate electro-
meter, and with a Leyden jar and replenisher, and is main-
tained at a constant high potential. To measure the
potential of any conductor, the plate c is first connected
with the earth, the plate A is adjusted till the hair is in the
sighted position, and a reading taken, called the " earth
reading." Let D be the distance of A from c for this adjust-
ment. The conductor to be tested is then connected with
c, and by moving the plate A the hair is again brought
to the sighted position. Let D' be the new distance. If v'
FIG. 10.
and v be the potentials of the earth and of the tested
conductor, we see at once that
or if v, the potential of the earth be taken as zero, which
is usually done, we have the potential of the conductor
tested _
V'= (V - D) '
Now it is plainly unnecessary to determine the absolute
distances D 7 and D. The difference, or the change of dis-
tance from a given position of the lower plate A, is all that
is required. This Sir William Thomson has found it easy
to measure with sufficient exactness by means of a micro-
meter screw.
The form of absolute electrometer that I have now
described has been recently superseded by the instrument
shown (Fig. 10). The principles of the instrument are
precisely the same as those that I have been explaining.
The plates A and B, Fig. 10, correspond to those marked A
and B, Fig. 9. The plate c of the instrument just described
is, in the new instrument, hung somewhat differently,
being suspended on three springs somewhat like coach
springs. The movable plate and its suspending springs
are covered and protected from inductive influence under
a cylindrical cover D, of which a part is shown displaced in
the diagram. The plate A is moved up or down by a
micrometer screw moved by a milled head c' below. The
upper part of the glass cover is a Leyden jar, with which
is connected a gauge J, similar to that of the quadrant
electrometer, and R is a replenisher for maintaining the
Leyden jar at a constant potential. In this instrument,
however, it is the guard-ring B and the suspended disc that
are maintained at a constant potential ; while the conductor
to be tested is connected with the electrode E, which is
connected with the plate A by the spiral spring R. There
are other particulars of which I should like to speak to you,
had we the instrument itself before us, and did our time,
which I perceive is almost gone, permit.
Lastly, I must show you a very beautiful instrument, the
Portable Electrometer (Fig. 1 1). A few words will suffice for
its description. In the bottom of a cylindrical glass jar,
of which a considerable part is coated with tin-foil, so as to
form a Leyden jar, there is fastened a circular brass plate,
with a movable aluminium square, and long index arm, pre-
cisely the same as the gauge of the quadrant electrometer
2 4'
(Fig. 7), only that it is inverted. This plate is kept
electrically connected with the interior coating of the jar ;
and the jar is kept at a high potential. There is a hori-
zontal brass plate A, which is borne on a glass column at its
middle, and insulated from everything but the spiral spring
r. This spiral spring is connected to an electrode which
passes, insulated, out through the top of the case of the
instrument, under the " umbrella " D ; and by means of this
electrode the plate A may be connected with any conductor
whose potential it is desired to measure. The plate A can
FIG. 11.
be raised and lowered. For this purpose the glass column
by which it is suspended is attached to a hollow nut m t
which works up and down on a vertical micrometer screw
turned by the milled head c. A vertical scale [not shown
in the diagram] and the horizontal graduated circle con-
nected with c, serve to read off changes of distance of A
relatively to the attracting plate G ; p is a mass of pumice,
on which drops of the strongest sulphuric acid are poured,
for the purpose of keeping the interior of the case dry.
The portable electrometer is used in a way very similar
to that in which the absolute electrometer is used. The
electrode connected with the plate A is first connected with
the outside casing of the instrument, that is practically with
the earth, and the micrometer screw is turned till the index
hair is in the sighted position. The earth reading is then
taken. Next the electrode is connected with the conductor
to be tested. If the conductor is at a different potential
from the earth, the attraction of the plate A for the plate
G is altered. The micrometer screw is again turned till the
index takes the sighted position. From the difference of
the two readings the potential of the conductor tested
may be deduced. This instrument, however, requires a
preliminary determination of constants in a way similar
to that which I have already indicated for the quadrant
electrometer, in order to enable us to reduce the numbers
deduced from the scale-readings to absolute measure.
The portable electrometer is admirably fitted for obser-
vation of atmospheric electricity. As I show you it now it
is ready for that purpose. To the electrode of the plate A
a long stiff wire is connected, which bears at its point a
slow-burning match of blotting-paper, soaked in nitrate of
lead, and then dried. When I light the match the heated
particles rushing off from it quickly bring the potential of
the plate A to be the same as that of the atmosphere just at
the point where they are rushing off. By turning the
micrometer screw I quickly adjust the position of the plate
A till the index is in the sighted position.
IN describing and explaining to you the construction
and the use of the instruments relating to Vegetable
Physiology which have been contributed to the Loan
Exhibition, I will follow the order in which they are
arrang'ed in the Catalogue.
The first object to which I would draw your attention
is this sketch (No. 3904 in Catalogue) exhibited by Dr.
Velten, Physiologist to the Institute for experiments
relating to Forestry in Vienna of an apparatus devised
for the investigation of the influence of temperature upon
living organisms. It consists of a box of zinc with
double walls, in the roof and sides of which panes of
glass are fixed, by means of which all that goes on within
can be observed, and in the sides are openings through which
the hands cased in india-rubber gloves, to prevent any
sudden change of temperature may be introduced into
the interior. The space between the walls is filled with
a liquid (water or oil), the temperature of which can be
raised by applying heat below, or lowered by placing a
refrigerator in the wooden case made to receive it.
The use of this apparatus will, I think, be most clearly
demonstrated by a description of some experiments which
might be performed with it. In performing such experi-
ments we must be most careful to arrange that the
phenomena which we are to observe shall be dependent
only upon that one agent the action of which we are
investigating, namely, temperature. "We must therefore
prevent as far as possible the action of other agents upon
the organism under experiment, and this may be done
either by entirely removing the agents in question, or by
rendering this action constant throughout the experiment.
In the present case the disturbing agents are light and
moisture. The action of the former may be prevented by
keeping the apparatus in the dark, and of the latter, by
maintaining the atmosphere within the case at its point of
The first and simplest experiment which we might
perform would be one in which a plant should be exposed
to a constantly increasing temperature, and we should find
that when a certain degree in temperature was reached,
the plant would die. In the next place, we should find
that, if a plant were exposed to a constantly decreasing
temperature, after a time death would ensue. From these
experiments we should learn that plant life can be main-
tained only within certain limits of temperature and by
repetitions of these experiments we should be able to
determine thesa limits with accuracy. Roughly speaking,
they are O C. (32 F.) and 50 C, (122 F.) (Sachs).
The next step would be to investigate the relation
existing between each one of the phenomena of plant-life
and the temperature of the surrounding medium. Suppose,
for instance, that we are investigating the effect of tempera-
ture on growth. Taking the Pea as the subject of experi-
ment, we should find that it would not grow at all at a tem-
perature lower than 6 C., that the rapidity of its growth
would increase with every rise of temperature up to 26 C.
that any further rise of temperature would be attended
with diminished rapidity of growth, and that, at a tempera-
ture of about 40 C., growth would be entirely arrested
A series of such experiments upon any plant would
show that all its functions are affected by temperature in
the manner just described with reference to growth. We
should find that, for each function, there were certain
definite limits of temprature within which that function
could be performed, and that between these limits there
was a degree of temperature which corresponded to the
maximum activity of the function in question.
The next apparatus in the catalogue (No. 3935) is but a
special application of the preceding to the investigation of
the relation existing between the process of germination
and temperature, devised by Prof. Cohn, Director of
the Institute of Vegetable Physiology in the University
of Breslau. It consists of a chamber with double walls
made of tin the space between them being nearly filled
with water within which are several tin trays on each of
which are several small dishes of porous earthenware. The
seeds, after having been soaked for twenty-four hours
in water, are placed in the earthenware dishes, water being
poured into the tin trays in order to maintain the seeds
in a sufficiently moist state. Heat is then applied to the
chamber by means of a small regulated gas flame, and the
temperature is raised to a degree which previous experi-
ments have shown to be the most favourable to the process
of germination.
The use of an apparatus of this kind to the physiologist
is obvious. By its assistance he is enabled to control all
the conditions upon which the process of germination
depends, and he can ensure a supply of material at any
time for the investigation of this process either from a
physiological or from a morphological point of view. But
its usefulness is by no means limited to the study of the
process of germination as it occurs in the seeds of the higher
plants. It is extremely useful for the purpose of culti-
vating various kinds of fungi, since it affords all the
conditions necessary for their growth, and by this means,
much of the life-history of these fungi may be brought
under observation.
Let us consider for a moment what lessons in Vegetable
Physiology this apparatus teaches. To the seeds germin-
ating, or to the moulds growing within it, it affords heat,
air, and moisture, whilst it shuts out the light from them.
Hence we may infer that heat, air, and moisture are
essential to the germination of seeds, and to the growth of
moulds, whereas the presence of light is unnecessary.
With this apparatus we can further ascertain what
degree of temperature is most favourable to the germin-
ation of a seed or to the growth of a fungus, and between
what limits of temperature these processes will occur.
For instance, it has been found that wheat or barley will
germinate at a temperature so low as 5 C., and the highest
temperature at which the seeds of these plants have been
observed to germinate is 38 C. the temperature at which
germination is most active being from 20 to 25 C.
Experiments of this kind performed upon the seeds of a
variety of plants show that the range of temperature
through which germination may take place, extends from
to 50 C.
The next piece of apparatus (No. 3936) is quite classical
in the history of Vegetable Physiology. It is constructed
and exhibited, like the preceding, by Prof. Dr. F. Cohn, of
the University of Breslau, and is a modification of the
original apparatus invented by Knight in the year 180G.
It consists of a large tin box in which is an axle bearing
a water-wheel at one end and a disc of cork at the other.
A stream of water is introduced through the roof of the
box which sets the water-wheel in motion, causing, at the
same time, rotation of the disc of cork, into which are
fixed several pins, each of which transfixes the cotyledons
of a pea. This apparatus has been in action for the last
few days, and as you see, tho peas have germinated. I
would ask you particularly to notice that in each case the
young stem has grown inwards towards the centre of the
axle, whereas the young root has grown outwards in the
opposite direction.
Knight was led to invent this apparatus from a con-
sideration of the fact that the young root of a germinating
seed always tends to grow towards the centre of the earth,
whatever the position of the seed may be, whereas the
young stem always grows in the opposite direction.
Duhamel had already shown that, if the position of a seed
be reversed several times whilst it is germinating, the
young root and stem soon resume the original direction of
their growth after each change of position. These pheno-
mena were ascribed at that time to the action of gravity
upon the growing tissues, but these views were purely
hypothetical, resting upon no experimental basis : it,
remained for Knight to provide the necessary evidence.
By means of this apparatus, the stem and root of the
young plant are exposed to precisely similar conditions of
light, moisture, air, and temperature, the action of gravity
is eliminated, and the action of a considerable centrifugal
force is introduced. Under these circumstances we must
admit that it is under the influence of this force that the
root grows centrifugally, and the stem centripetally that
is to say, that the direction of growth of each of these
organs depends upon a relation existing between a purely
physical force and their growing cells.
Applying these results to the ordinary downward growth
of roots and upward growth of stems, we are at once led
to the conclusion that these organs assume their respective
directions of growth in consequence of the action of
gravity upon their growing cells.
The mode in which gravity acts upon growing cells
may be to some extent rendered intelligible by means of a
diagram, (Fig. 1). Suppose A B to be a young plant of
Fio. 1.
which A represents the stem and B the root, each consisting
of a single cell. At first the position of both is horizontal,
but as growth proceeds A turns upwards and B down-
wards. This change in direction is due, in the case of A,
to the fact that the lower portion of the cell-wail has grown
more rapidly than the upper portion, and in the case of
B, to the fact that the upper portion of the cell-wall has
grown more rapidly than the lower.
Why the growing cells of young roots should be so
affected by physical forces, such as gravity and centrifugal
force, that the direction of their growth should follow that
of the action of these forces, and why the growing cells
of young stems should be affected in a precisely opposite
manner, are questions to which no satisfactory reply can
be given at present.
To this behaviour of the growing cells of plants to the
action of gravity the name geotropism has been given
those parts which obey it in the direction of their growth
being termed positively, those which oppose it negatively,
geotropic. Geotropisin is by no means confined to roots
and stems, nor is its negative or positive character in-
separably connected with the morphological nature of the
organs of plants. It is true that all primary roots are
positively geotropic, as well as most secondary roots, but
so also are many leaf -bearing axes, and even leaves, as in
the case of the cotyledonary sheaths of Allium and other
Monocotyledons ; and to these we may add the lamellae
forming the hymenium of mushrooms so that we have
an assemblage of structures of the most varied morpho-
FJG. 2.
logical value, all of which exhibit positive geotropism. On
the other hand, all erect leafy axes, petioles, stipes of mush-
rooms, conidiophores of moulds, are negatively geotropic.
We now come to an apparatus (No. 3938) which is very
much more complicated than any of those with which we
have already become acquainted. It is an apparatus
exhibited and constructed by Herr E. Stohrer, of Leipsic,
for registering the growth of plants (Fig. 2). A fine
thread is attached by one end to the growing internode of
the plant under observation, it passes over a pulley, and at
its other end a small weight is suspended. It is clear that
any elongation of the plant will cause a rotation of the
pulley in consequence of the friction of the thread upon it.
In close connection with this pulley is a toothed wheel,
and any movement of the pulley will cause a rotation of
the toothed wheel G. The teeth of the wheel as they rotate
come into contact with a small steel spring, and force it
against one or other of two small projecting binding screws
(a) and (6), from which it springs back when the pressure of
the tooth is removed by the further rotation of the wheel.
By means of a third binding screw (c) the spring is con-
nected with the wire coming from one pole of a galvanic
battery C, and wires connect the binding screws (a) and (6)
with the two electro-magnets A and B, which are in con-
nection with the other pole of the battery. It is evident
that when the spring touches the binding screw (a) or (6),
a current will be sent through the corresponding electro-
magnet A or B, in consequence of which it will attract
towards itself a steel rod P, which is supported between the
electro-magnets, and will keep it in that position until the
current passing through the electro-magnet is broken by
the escape of the lever from the pressure of the toothed
wheel, when the steel rod P springs back to its place. This
steel rod bears a pencil at one end which marks upon a disc
D, made to revolve once in twenty-four hours by means of
clockwork E. It is clear that every movement of the steel
rod bearing the pencil will be registered upon the surface
of the disc, and as these movements depend upon the
rotation of the toothed wheel, and this finally upon the
growth of the plant, the marks of the pencil of the disc
will give an indication of the growth of the plant.
The accompanying sketch (Fig. 3) of a tracing taken
upon the disc will make this explanation somewhat more
intelligible. Only one half of the disc is represented, and
it is divided into twelve segments corresponding to the
twelve hours between 6 P.M. and 6 A.M. You will observe
that at 6 P.M. the pencil was describing a circle upon the
disc, and it continued to do so until just before seven, when
the tracing shows a sudden break. This indicates that,
owing to the pressure of the toothed wheel, the steel spring
has come into contact with the binding screw I, a current
has been made to pass through the electro-magnet B, and
it has attracted the steel rod bearing the pencil. You will
also observe that the pencil remains in this new position
.Fie. 3.
for some time in fact, for just so long a time as the
pressure of the toothed wheel keeps the spring in contact
with the binding screw b, for when this pressure is removed
the pencil resumes its original position. We see then that
each of these depressions which we observe in the tracing
corresponds to the time which is required for the rotation
of a single tooth of the wheel.
This is made more evident when the tracing on the disc
is tabulated in the manner illustrated by Fig. 4. In this
the Arabic figures indicate hours, the Roman figures the
depressions in the disc-tracing, or, in other words, divisions
of the toothed wheel.
Fig. 5 is the tracing, similarly tabulated, taken during the
twelve hours between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M.
Fig. 6 is a tabulated arrangement of the two preceding
figures, by means of which the curve of the velocity of
growth during the twenty-four hours is obtained. In this
the smallest velocity is taken as the unit of measurement
for the ordinates.
So much then for the mechanism of this apparatus, and
for the mode of using it. Let us now go on to consider
what we are to learn from the tracings which we have
obtained from it. From an inspection of them we find
that growth took place between six o'clock in the evening
PM. Mv&ruglvt AJH
6 7 8 9 W 11 IZ 1 2 3 4 5 6
FIG. 4.
and ten o'clock tha following morning, after which a period
of inactivity followed, until, towards four o'clock in the
4Jf Xcon, PJk
S 7 b S W n IZ 1 Z 3 4 5 6
FIG. 5.
afternoon, the process of growth recommenced; and we
find further that the period of growth is divided into two
well-marked epochs, the one extending from 7 P.M. until
3 A.M., the other from 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. We have now to
account for these intermissions in the process of growth,
and to discover whether they bear any relation to variations
occurring in the external circumstances to which the plant
was exposed. These external circumstances were (1) a
supply of air, (2) a supply of moisture, (3) the action of
temperature, (4) the action of light.
We may fairly assume that of these the first two were
invariable during the course of the experiment, and we
need not therefore regard them any longer as elements of
the problem. It remains for us to consider the action of
temperature and of light upon the growth of ^.e plant.
In discussing the question as to how much changes of
temperature have contributed to the production of these
tracings, we must recall the general law at which we have
already arrived, which indicates the relation existing
between temperature and plant life. From this we are
able to assert that a slight rise of the atmospheric tempe-
rature will stimulate the process of growth, whereas a
slight fall will depress it. Now we shall be probably
correct in saying that the temperature of the air will
gradually sink from 6 P.M. until sunrise (3 A.M.), after
which it will gradually rise, until it begins to sink again
in the afternoon (4 P.M.). We should therefore expect to
lind that the process of growth would be arrested, or at
any rate would proceed but slowly, from 6 P.M. to 3 A.M.,
and that then it would go on with increasing rapidity until
the afternoon. We find, however, as a matter of fact,
that growth has gone on vigorously from 6 P.M. to 3 A.M.,
and that the tracings support our supposition only in
regard to the growth which took place between 7 A.M. and
10 A.M. We are forced to the conclusion that the growth
of the plant has been influenced by some force having an
effect upon it contrary to that of temperature and we
must seek this force in the action of light.
Let us employ a process of reasoning in the investiga-
tion of this question, similar to that which we employed
in the case of temperature. We may begin by assuming
that which already appears to be probable, namely, that
the effect of light is to retard growth, and we may go on
to see whether or not this hypothesis satisfactorily explains
the phenomena. We should expect to find that with dim
light (from 6 P.M. to 3 A.M.) the process of growth would
commence, or, if already in progress, would go on with
increased rapidity ; and we should further expect to find
that, after sunrise, the rapidity of growth would dimmish
until it was completely arrested. The tracings bear out
the first of our expectations with precision, but the epoch
of growth extending from 7 A.M. to 10 A.M. is quite
contrary to the second. It is evident from these facts
that the intermissions of growth are not due to the action of
light alone, nor to the action of temperature alone : it
remains for us to see whether they are not due to the
combined action of these influences. From 7 P.M. to 3 A.M.
we have a dim light and a decreasing temperature. Of
these conditions, the former is favourable, the latter un-
favourable, to the process of growth. If we reflect that the
diminution of temperature must be after all comparatively
small, we may fairly conclude that the absence of light has
had a greater effect than the diminution of temperature, and
that therefore the process of growth has on the whole been
favoured. From 3 A.M. to 7 A.M. we have a rapidly increasing
intensity of light and a slowly rising temperature, and we
find, as we might have expected, that the tracing indicates
a period of inactivity. From 7 A.M, to 10 A.M. we have
again an increasing intensity of light and a rising temper-
ature, the latter taking place more rapidly than the former,
where the tracing indicates a short epoch of growth. From
10 A.M. to 4 P.M. the influence of a high temperature seems
to be entirely overcome by the action of an intense light,
so that it is not until the afternoon, when the light begins to
wane, that the growth is resumed.
Hitherto we have regarded only Figs. 4 and 5, which
indicate the actual absolute growth of the plant. Let us
briefly consider Fig. 6, which shows the relative velocity of
growth at different times. The growth was slowest at
4 P.M. at 8 P.M. the figure indicates that its rapidity was
twice as great then we observe a slight diminution of
velocity towards midnight, but an increase soon followed
and continued until 10 A.M., when the greatest velocity
three times that at 4 P.M. was attained.
From the discussion of an experiment performed with
this apparatus we have derived a confirmation of the
general law which expresses the relations between plant-
life and temperature, and we have learned that light has a
retarding effect upon the process of growth. It may be
objected, however, that the intermissions of growth recorded
in the tracings may not, after all, be entirely due to the
influence of external conditions upon the plant, but that
they may perhaps be referred to some inherent property of
the growing tissues by virtue of which a certain periodicity
in the process is produced. Experiments have been in-
stituted in which the external conditions were prevented,
as far as possible, from undergoing any variation during
their performance, and in these no such intermissions of
growth were observed as are indicated in Figs. 4 and 5.
We may now go on to inquire more deeply into the
action of light upon growth, and the first problem which
presents itself is to find what rays of the solar spectrum
are particularly concerned in it. We might obtain the
solution of this problem by exposing the growing parts of
a plant successively to the action of the rays of different
refrangibility which make up the solar spectrum, and by
comparing the rates of growth observed. We should find
that the rapidity of growth would gradually diminish as
the plant was removed from the red towards the blue end
of the spectrum, until it entirely ceased. This mode of
experiment is, however, scarcely suitable for the general
purposes of demonstration, as it must be carried out with
great care, and involves the use of a good deal of appa-
ratus. The same results may be more easily arrived at by
means of these two flasks which I have on the table, and
which were devised by Prof. Sachs, of the University of
Wurzburg (No. 3944). They are simply large glass bottles
with double walls, the space between the walls of the one
being filled with an ammoniacal solution of copper oxide,
and of the other, with a solution of potassium bichromate
the former being of a blue, the latter of an orange colour.
In this way we are enabled to split up the solar spectrum
into two halves, the one half of its rays (including part
of the green, the blue, indigo, violet, and the actinic rays)
penetrates into the cavity of the blue flask the other
half (including part of the green, the yellow, orange,
red, and dark rays) reaches the interior of the yellow flask.
That the properties of these two sets of rays are very
different is indicated by the fact that a piece of sensitive
paper, such as is used in photography, rapidly becomes
darkened when exposed in the blue flask, whereas it is
scarcely affected by exposure in the yellow one ; and we
may therefore conclude that, in the former case, we have
to deal with rays of considerable actinic power, whereas, in
the latter, the rays are comparatively inert. Let us see
how these two sets of rays affect the process of growth.
Here are some young pea-plants which have been grown for
some days inside these flasks, and have been supplied
equally with air and moisture. It will strike you at once
the growth has taken place much more rapidly under the
influence of yellow than under that of blue light, for there
is a difference of several inches between the heights of the
plants. From this we may conclude that the rays of high
refrangibility are more active in arresting growth than
those of lower refrangibility.
A careful examination of these two plants will show
that they differ not only in the amount, but also in the
direction of their growth. You see that this plant grown
in the blue flask has become considerably curved in a
definite direction, and this was towards the source of its
illumination, whereas the plant grown in the yellow flask
is nearly straight. This tendency to bend towards the
source of light is due, then, to the action of the highly
refrangible rays upon the growing cells. These rays have
a more powerful action in retarding the growth of those
cells of the stem which are more immediately exposed to
them than they have in retarding that of the cells more
removed from their influence, and consequently the stem
becomes bent towards the source of light.
To the phenomena resulting from the action of light
upon the process of growth the general term heliotropism
is applied. This young pea-plant, then, affords an example
of heliotropism, and since the direction of its curvature
is towards the source of light, the heliotropism is said
to be positive. It does happen, however, that in some
plants and parts of plants the direction of curvature
is away from the source of light (for instance, in the
tendrils of Vitis and Ampelopsis and many aerial roots),
and under these circumstances the heliotropism is said to
be negative. The explanation of this negative heliotropism
is by no means satisfactory as yet. Positive heliotropism
we said, depends upon a retardation of the growth of the
cells of the more brightly illuminated side of the stem,
and we might be inclined to go on to say that negative
heliotropism depends upon an increased rapidity of the
growth of the cells upon the more brightly illuminated
side to admit, in fact, that the cells of some plants have
their growth diminished by the action of light, whereas
the cells of others havs their growth increased. An
attempt has been made to explain the negative heliotropism
of tolerable transparent structures (e.g. the aerial roots of
Aroids) by showing that in such cases the side most
removed from the source of light receives a more intense
illumination than the side nearest to it in consequence of
the refractions which the rays of light undergo after their
penetration into the tissues of the organ (Wolkoff), and
under these circumstances, the apparent negative helio-
tropism of these organs would be merely a special case of
positive heliotropism. It is evident, however, that this
theory is quite inapplicable to the cases of negative
heliotropism occurring in organs which are not transparent.
The true explanation of negative heliotropism has yet, I
believe, to be discovered. For the present we may perhaps
be contented to assume provisionally the hypothesis that
growing cells are of two kinds, the cells of the one kind
having the rapidity of their growth increased, those of the
other having the rapidity of their growth diminished by
the action of light, that there are, in fact, cells which are
positively or negatively heliotropic, just as there are cells
which are positively or negatively geotropic.
Growth is, however, only one of the processes of plant
life which are influenced by the mechanical action of the
more refrangible rays of the spectrum. For instance, the
movements of zoospores, 1 as well as those of the motile
parts of the higher plants, are all influenced by these rays ;
and we may say generally that the more purely physical
phenomena of plant life are especially affected by them.
The less refrangible rays such as would penetrate into
the interior of this orange-coloured flask are concerned
with the chemical processes of plants. Of the truth of
this statement I am unable on this occasion to give you
any demonstration. I can, however, refer you to experi-
ments which show conclusively that some of the most
important chemical processes can only take place in the
presence of such rays. Assimilation, for instance that
process in which the carbonic acid gas present in the air
is decomposed by the green colouring matter of the leaves,
and the carbon thus obtained is combined with oxygen and
hydrogen derived from water to form starch, whilst at the
same time oxygen is liberated can only take place under
the influence of these rays of low refrangibility, the yellow
rays being particularly active in promoting this process
(Draper ; Pfeffer).
With the apparatus of Prof. Sachs our list closes.
The instruments exhibited are few in number and are
comparatively simple in construction, but they are of
considerable interest, for the application of them has
materially contributed to the solution of some of the more
important and difiicult problems of Vegetable Physiology.
1 Since the above was written Prof. Sachs has published a paper,'
in which he shows that the apparent heliotropism of zoospores is pro-
duced by currents in the water, in consequence of slight differences
of temperature in different parts.
UNDER the circumstances of these Lectures I think it will
probably "be most useful, if, instead of attempting to
describe the details of the construction or use of special
instruments, I try to explain as well as I can in the time
available, the principles upon which the use of instruments
of any general class depends. You are aware that the
subject of the present lecture, and the one to follow next
week is Electrical Measurement, and I shall to-day speak of
measurements which have relation to Statical Electricity or
electrostatic measurements. Here the magnitudes which
have to be measured are the Quantity of electricity, the
Potential of the electricity, and the electrical Capacity of the
bodies which may be charged. Then we have also the Energy
represented by a quantity of accumulated electricity or a given
electric charge. These are the fundamental magnitudes with
which we have to deal in electrostatics ; but there are various
secondary matters which may be made a subject of measure-
ment, for instance electrical Density, which is the quantity of
electricity per unit of volume. If we have any electrified
substance the quantity of electricity in unit of volume of that
body is the density of the charge ; if we have a charged con-
ductor, then, as is well known, the electric charge is confined
to the surface so that we have not to deal with volume in the
case of conducting bodies but with surface only. The super-
ficial density is the quantity of electricity per unit of surface.
Thus electrical Density is a subsidiary magnitude connected
with Quantity. Then in connection with Capacity there is a
magnitude which may be regarded as a subsidiary one. You
are well aware that the capacity of a given conductor, of
this cylinder for instance, that is the quantity of electricity
which it must take up in order to have a charge of given
potential, depends partly on the form and partly on the
dimensions, but also on the distance of surrounding bodies
and on the nature of the substance which separates the
conductor we are discussing from the surrounding . bodies.
There is then a property of the surrounding medium which
has something to do with determining the capacity of a given
conductor. This cylinder for instance is surrounded by
conductors such as the walls of the room, the ceiling, the
table, and so on, as well as by other nearer bodies, and it is
separated from these conductors by air. If we were to
replace the air by another insulating medium, the electrical
capacity of the cylinder would be changed ; and that
property of the surrounding medium which enables it to
produce an effect on the capacity of a given conductor is
called the specific inductive capacity of the medium or the
dielectric co-efficient, these being synonymous names for the
same property.
The measurement of these different magnitudes constitutes
the problem that we have to discuss in talking of electro-
static measurements. In the case of any measurement we
may adopt what we may call a direct process, or an indirect
one, and to make more clear what I mean by this distinction
I may remind you of familiar processes in other cases. I
call a direct measurement one such as an ordinary measure-
ment of length. If we want to measure the length of this
table we take a foot-rule or any other standard we may agree
upon, and by measuring off this standard length over and over
again we estimate the length of the table in terms of the
adopted unit : but in the case of electricity such a process as
this is not available. One cannot take a standard quantity
of electricity and compare this by a direct process with any
other quantity that we want to measure. We have to adopt
a process less direct, in which we observe the effect which the
quantity of electricity which we have to measure can produce,
and compare this with the magnitude of the similar effect
produced by the standard quantity. This rather abstract
way of stating the case will be more intelligible if I give you
an example. In the case, for instance, of heat we are pretty
much in the same circumstances as in relation to the measure-
ment of electricity. We cannot take a unit of heat like a
unit of length and compare it with other quantities. We
have to produce some effect by the quantity of heat we want
to measure. We may for instance employ it to raise the
temperature of water from the melting-point of ice to one
degree and estimate the quantity of heat by the amount of
water whose temperature can so be raised from zero to 1 C, or
we may use the heat in melting ice and estimate the quantity
of heat by the quantity of ice that it can melt, the unit of heat
being of course either that quantity which can raise a unit
mass of water one degree, or that which would melt a unit
mass of ice.
So in the case of electricity, we may adopt as a standard
quantity, as the unit of electricity, the quantity which can
produce some definite effect, and then to measure other
quantities we find out how much of the same effect they can
produce. If we want to get what we may term an absolute
measure some such process as this is always necessary, but
where what we require is simply to compare one quantity
with another without requiring to know absolutely what
either of them is if we want to know for instance that one
quantity is 100 times another without knowing how much
this one is for mere comparisons of that sort, many other
processes are available : for instance, we may adopt, as
giving a comparative measure of two quantities of electricity,
the number of times which some definite operation has to be
repeated in order to produce the one quantity or the other.
The number of turns of the handle of a given machine for
instance, might be taken as a measure of the quantity of
electricity which is employed in a particular experiment. If
we turn the handle 10 times we produce a definite quantity :
if we turn it 20 times we produce twice as much, when the
machine is in the same condition ; but as all of you know who
have worked with electrical apparatus, one day a machine
will give us much larger quantities than it will another day,
when employed in the same manner, so that such a method
would not be available for comparisons except in experiments
made very quickly one after the other. Again, the Electro-
phorus:, every time we lift the cover and take a spark from
it, gives us the same quantity of electricity ; the cover always
comes up with the same quantity, so that we might charge a
conductor from the cover of the electrophorus by giving it
several sparks one after the other, and we might estimate
the charge by countiug the number of sparks which were
given. That at first sight seems, as far as it goes, a perfectly
satisfactory method of measurement ; but, on consideration,
you will see it is not quite so good as it appears, because
although the electrophorus possesses each time the same
quantity of electricity, it does not give the same quantity
each time to the conductor with which we put it into contact.
To take a definite example, suppose that when I let the
electrophorus touch this sphere it gives up half its electricity
to the sphere : then I charge it again and I put it in contact
again, it does not give up so much as before. To begin with>
it came in contact with an uncharged sphere, but now it
comes in contact with a sphere which has already half as much
electricity as the electrophorus itself, so that at each repeti-
tion of the process we give a smaller and smaller quantity to
the sphere, and you will very easily see that on repeated
contacts the quantities of electricity imparted to a good con-
ductor diminish according to the terms of a decreasing
geometrical series. It is clear that the more nearly the
potential of the sphere agrees with the potential of the electro-
phorus, the less is the quantity of electricity which passes
from one to the other ; and the same thing applies in the case
of an electrical machine. If we connect a machine with a
Leyden jar or with a number of Leyden jars, one turn of the
handle will cause a certain quantity of electricity to pass into
the jar ; another turn will cause almost the same quantity
to pass in, but you know that after a time the jar gets as
strong a charge as the machine we employ can give to it, and
then we may go on turning the machine as much as we like,
and the charge in the jar does not increase. Hence the
proportionality between the charge in the Leyden battery and
the number of turns of the machine only holds good at first.
If we go on turning we come to a time when we do not increase
the charge at all. The quantity produced is however exactly
proportional to the number of turns, if the machine remains
in the same state. If instead of charging a battery or other
insulated conductor we allow the charge to pass off to the
earth, we get for each turn of the handle a definite number
of sparks, each spark corresponding to the passage of a
definite quantity of electricity. The quantity produced by
each turn of the machine is definite, but the quantity which
will go into the battery becomes smaller and smaller as the
quantity already in the battery increases. Another way of
measuring out the charge for a Ley den battery or any such
apparatus is by the employment of a unit jar, one familiar
form of which I have here upon the table. The quantity
which the second jar receives is measured by the number of
sparks which pass into the knob connected with the first,
but the point I want to draw attention to is, that the
sparks indicate that a definite quantity has passed into the
second jar. By the time the first spark comes, a certain
quantity has passed into this jar and by the time the second
spark comes the same quantity has passed in again ; so that
the action of the unit jar is comparable to the case of
lading water into a cask out of a measure of definite capacity.
The spark is the signal indicating that a certain definite
quantity has gone in. It is not that the electricity goes in
at the moment of a spark, but the number of sparks counts
the number of times which the first jar is emptied into the
second, so that when we want to give three units to
the second jar, we ought to break the connection as soon as
the third spark has passed, not to go on until the fourth
spark is nearly occurring.
All such measurements as these I have referred to are
merely comparative ; if we want to know, not merely what
is the proportion between one quantity of electricity and
another, but what the actual quantity is in any particular
case, then we must employ a method founded upon the
action which the given quantity can produce, and com-
pare this with the amount of the same kind of action which
the adopted unit of electricity could produce. The most
obvious way of getting an absolute measure of quantities of
electricity is founded upon the law established by Coulomb,
which applies to the force exerted between two quantities of
electricity. If we have two equal quantities of electricity,
represented each by q then they attract each other if they
are of an opposite kind or repel each other if they are
similar, with a force represented by this formula / = ^.
The force is numerically equal to the product of the two
charges, or to the square of either of them if they are equal,
divided by the square of the distance between the points at
which they are collected, q stands for the amount of the
charge or quantity of electricity, r for the distance between
the charges and /for the force. Heading the relation differently
we have q = r\/f; or the measure of the charge is the
product of the distance into the square root of the force
exerted between the two charges. This formula implies
that the quantity of electricity which, placed at unit distance
from another equal quantity, repels it with unit force, is
taken as the standard quantity of electricity ; so that the
unit charge or absolute unit of electricity is the charge
which repels an equal charge at unit distance (say one
centimetre) with unit force (one dyne). The dyne is the
most convenient unit of foree ; it is that force which can in
one second give to a mass of one gramme, a velocity of one
centimetre per second. But that is not a matter which is
essential to our present discussion. You may take what unit
you please as the unit of force, but the unit of electricity
will depend on that.
To return to what I was saying : in order to apply practically
a system of measurement founded upon this principle, it is most
convenient, although not absolutely essential, that the charges
that we want to measure should be situated upon spherical
conductors, little spheres of metal, or spheres with metal
surfaces. The advantage of this form of a charged body is
this, that the electricity distributes itself uniformly on the
surface of a sphere if that is- at a sufficient distance from
other bodies, and this uniformly spherical layer of elec-
tricity acts upon other electricity as though it were con-
centrated at the centre of the sphere ; so that we may in this
case regard the quantities which exist upon the spheres as
concentrated at their centres. If they are at a very great
distance apart that is strictly true ; if at a moderate distance
apart it is nearly true. The apparatus in most general use
for this purpose is the Torsion Balance which is fully
described in the ordinary Text-books on Electricity, and of
which I have an example here. In using it, a charge of
electricity is given to the fixed ball ; then if the movable
ball is of the same size as the fixed one, the charge of the
fixed ball is divided between the two in equal proportions.
The balls then repel each other with a force proportional to
the square of the charge upon either of them, that is, pro-
portional to one fourth of the square of the original charge.
If we measure the force exerted between the two balls each
of them charged with half the original quantity put into the
apparatus, which we can do by observing the extent to
which the suspending fibre is twisted and determining its
coefficient of torsion, and measure the distance between
the balls, which we can do by observing the angle between
them and the length of the movable arm, we get the two
factors which determine the quantity upon each ball. Then
the square of that is equal to one-fourth the square of
the original charge. The details of the use of the apparatus
would call for a good many remarks if we had time to enter
upon it, but that I cannot do now.
So far as I have spoken of this apparatus it enables us to
measure the quantity of electricity which we put into it
upon the fixed ball, but that does not yet give us a method
of measuring quantities of electricity in general. If I wanted
to measure, for instance, the charge of this sphere, I still
might do it by means of this apparatus. I should take the
fixed ball out of the balance, let it touch the sphere, and then
put it in and measure the charge which it has got. The
charge taken from the sphere would bear to the charge that
the sphere had to begin with, a definite relation which is not,
as one might suppose at first sight, the ratio of the surfaces of
the spheres. That you will easily see in this way : If we touch
this large sphere with a small one, you might suppose that
the charge of the large sphere would be divided between the
two in the ratio of the surfaces of the large sphere and of the
-small one ; but a little consideration shows that that is not
the case, for the density of the charge upon the small sphere is
greater than the density upon the large sphere. It varies from
one part to another, but the average density on the small one
is considerably greater than the average density upon the large
one. so that the small sphere takes under these circumstances a
larger proportion than corresponds merely to its surface, and
the ratio in which the electricity divides between the two
spheres bears a complicated relation to their sizes. But tables
have been calculated by reference to which the proportion in
which the electricity divides can generally be easily ascertained.
Such facts, however, are applicable only to the case of the
partition of electricity between spherical conductors ; but we
may make any conductor virtually spherical by putting it
inside a hollow sphere. If I charge this ball and then hold
it inside this jar by an insulating fibre, the outside of the
jar, although the ball does not touch it at all, and there is
perfect insulation between them, assumes a charge which is
just equal to the charge of the ball ; the inner surface of the
jar assumes a charge which is equal but opposite to the charge
of the ball, and the outer surface gets a charge which is equal
and similar to that of the ball ; so that even without any actual
contact we get a charge outside the jar equal to the charge of
any body which is inside. It does not matter whether contact
takes place or not. A charged body inside a perfectly closed
conductor causes on the outside of that conductor a charge
exactly equal to its own. If we had better insulation it
would be easy by a simple experiment to prove this, but I am
afraid I could not in the present state of the atmosphere, and
with the probable dampness of the supports, make the
experiment in a satisfactory way, and therefore I will not
attempt it. The experiment is this : You charge the ball
and put it inside the jar without letting it come in contact.
Then you touch the outside of the jar, and so render it
neutral. If you now take out the ball without allowing
contact to occur, although the whole apparatus is neutral as
long as the ball is inside, it is not neutral when the ball is
taken out ; but if before removing the ball you let it touch
the jar which should be done without interfering with
the insulation of the jar and then take it out, you will
find the apparatus is still neutral. This shews that the
electricity which escapes to the ground, when the jar is
touched while the ball hangs inside, is equal in quantity
to, and of the same kind as, the charge of the ball ; for,
after its escape, the jar is rendered permanently neutral by
receiving the electricity of the ball. On the other hand, if
the jar remains insulated while the ball is inside it, its outer
surface retains the electricity which, when it is uninsulated,
passes away to the earth, that is, it retains a charge equal
and similar to that of the ball. However, independently of
any particular experiment to prove the point, this is a prin-
ciple of perfectly general application, that if we have one or
any number of electrified "bodies completely inclosed in a
hollow conductor which is insulated and possesses no electri-
fication independent of the bodies inclosed, the outside of the
conductor possesses a charge equal to the sum of all the charges
which are inside. Therefore if this conductor is a sphere we
have on the outside of that sphere a quantity of electricity
exactly equal to all that is inside, and we may measure that
quantity by allowing it to be divided between the hollow
sphere and a small external one which can be put into the
balance. Thus in a very great number of cases the measure-
ment of the quantity of electricity in any electrified body can
be reduced to the measurement of the electricity of a charged
"We have next to speak of Density, or the quantity of
electricity on unit of surface. As you are aware, the general
method of measuring this is to touch the conductor, on which
we want to know the density by a small plane conductor.
If the conductor with which we touch the body to be tested
is small enough, the outer surface of the plane conductor
which may conveniently be a small disc of gilt cardboard
becomes, for the time being, practically part of the surface of
the body to be examined, so that the quantity of electricity
which was previously upon the part of the surface covered
by the gilt cardboard is transferred to the cardboard. When
we take this away we carry off the quantity of electricity
previously on that part of the surface, and can measure it
in a torsion-balance ; we can also ascertain the amount of
surface upon which it was; then, having a measured
quantity and measured surface, the ratio of quantity to surface
gives the average density. There is another method which
may be employed in special cases for determining the
density of a charge. It is founded on this principle, which I
have not time to prove, but which is probably known to many
of you, that the electrical force just outside a charged con-
ductor is equal to four times TT (in its ordinary meaning as
representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the
diameter) multiplied by the electrical density.
In speaking of the electric force just outside a conductor
I mean this : Imagine a unit of electricity close to the surface
of the conductor, and suppose it can be put there without
disturbing the actual distribution of electricity previously
existing, then the force exerted on that unit of electricity is
the force which we have to deal with in this case. If we
can-measure that force we can measure the density. This
method, however, is not generally applicable, because we
cannot usually place a charge outside a conductor without
disturbing the condition of the -conductor itself. The
generally applicable method is that by means of the carrier-
plane, which I spoke of before.
The next fundamental magnitude is electrical Potential.
This, in the case of electricity, corresponds to temperature
in the case of heat, or to the surface level in the case
of a liquid. The properties of any charged conductor
depend not only on the quantity of electricity it contains,
but also upon what we may call in general the quality of
the electricity, or the potential. Just so the properties of a
body containing heat depend not only on the quantity of
heat in the body, but upon the temperature of that heat, or
the temperature of the body as we call it. Potential is a
magnitude of which we cannot avoid the discussion in
speaking of electrical phenomena, for it corresponds to
properties which are not expressed by any other term. The
potential of a conductor, or rather the potentials of two
conductors, determine whether, when they are connected
together, there is any passage of electricity from one to the
other, and there is no other property which in general
determines this. It is easy to convince ourselves that whether
electricity passes from one conductor to another or not, does
not depend simply on the quantity which either of them
contains. Electricity does not always go from a conductor
which contains a large quantity to one which contains a small
quantity. Suppose this small ball and a larger sphere
brought together, the sphere being charged to begin with ; put
the ball in contact with the sphere, and then separate them.
They are now both charged, and the sphere has got more,
electricity than the ball, but if you put them in contact again
there is no further discharge of electricity from one to the
other. We have unequal quantities, but we have not, there-
fore, a passage of electricity from one to the other. Again, it
is not a question of the density of the charge, for we have
a greater density on this small ball than on the sphere;
still when we make the contact no electricity passes. A
still more conclusive case of the same kind is .this. Take an
elongated conductor such as a cylinder, or still better one
which is rounded at one end and pointed at the other. You
know that the electrical density at the extremities is greater
than at the intermediate parts, and if one end is rounded and
the other has a sharp point, the density at the point is very
much greater than the density at the round end ; still the
electricity does not flow from the point to the round end, or
from the ends to the middle. Take again such a case as
this. If we charge this jar inside and touch the inside with
a carrier-plane, we cannot detect any electrification ; if we
touch the outside we find it electrified. If you charge the
inside or outside of the jar, and then examine the inside,
you get no charge from that, but you do get a charge from
the outside, so that examining it in this way the inside
of the jar appears to be neutral. Wo connect the jar with
the electroscope in a different way by taking an insulated wire,
and bringing one end in contact with the outside of the jar ;
the leaves of the electroscope diverge, showing that the jar
is charged. Bring the end of the wire inside the jar, and the
leaves will likewise diverge. Thus, the inside of the jar
examined by means of a carrier-plane appears to be neutral,
but examined by means of a wire connected with an
electroscope, it appears to be charged just as much as
the outside. Again, although you cannot discharge the jar
by lading out electricity from the inside by a carrier, you
can discharge it by touching the outside with a carrier, then
uninsulating the carrier, touching the jar again, and repeating
the process over and over again. You can discharge the jar
in this way from the outside but not from the inside ; but
if you use a wire connected with the earth, whether you
touch the inside or touch the outside of the jar, you equally
discharge it.
There is another way in which we can show that the
inside of the jar although there is no electric density upon it,
and it appears neutral, when we examine it by means of a
Carrier it is not in the same condition as a space not sur-
rounded by electricity. If we put in an insulated ball which
is neutral to begin with, the jar being charged on the outside,
and, when the ball is inside, touch the ball with a wire in
connection with the earth and then take it out, we find the
ball charged, although there is no charge on the inside of
the jar. Thus, although the space within the jar does not
contain any electricity, it is not similar to a perfectly neutral
space. In fact the condition of the jar can only be expressed
by means of the term potential. If the jar is charged with
positive electricity the potential of the inside is higher than
the potential of the space outside. One result of this is that
positive electricity tends to pass away from any conductor
put inside the jar, and will pass away if there is a communi-
cation to allow it to do so. Electricity always tends to pass
from points of high potential, to points of lower potential
just as heat tends to pass from points of high temperature to
points of lower temperature.
The precise definition of potential at any point may be
stated in this way : Suppose we have a disc charged with a
unit of positive electricity, and we bring it to the point in
question from a place where no electric force acts, that is from
a great distance from any charged conductor. To make
sure that we begin far enough away, we start at an infinite
distance, and carry the unit of electricity up to the given
position. The total amount of work that we have done
in bringing the electricity to that position is the potential of
the place that we bring it to. If v/e bring it into a conductor
it is the potential of the conductor. The electrical potential
of any point is the total amount of work we must do to bring
to that point a unit of electricity from a position so far off
that no electric force acts at the point we bring it from.
Instruments for measuring potential and differences of potential
are called Electrometers, to which class of instruments two
subsequent lectures are to be devoted, so that I will not enter
further upon this question.
The next magnitude is the Capacity of conductors. Elec-
trical capacity is exactly comparable to the capacity for heat
of any body, or to capacity in its ordinary sense. The
capacity of a vessel for liquid is the quantity of liquid which
it can contain, only in the case of electricity the quantity
which a conductor can hold depends upon the means that
we employ for putting electricity into it. The capacity of a
conductor is perhaps better compared, not to the capacity of a
vessel for liquid, but to its capacity for a gas. The quantity
of air we can put into any space depends upon the pressure
of the air upon it. Without increasing the space we can put
twice as much air in if we double the pressure. So in the
case of a particular conductor, we can put twice as much
T 2
electricity into it if we double its potential. The electrical
capacity of the conductor is the quantity of electricity required
to produce unit change of potential. If the potential of the
conductor be zero before we give to it the charge, then the
quantity required to charge it to unit potential measures its
capacity. In general terms, if C stands for the capacity of a
conductor, and if the quantity Q of electricity given to that
conductor increases its potential by the amount V, then C =
^., and ^ would be the quantity required to increase its
potential by unity. Or, to state the relation in another way,
the total quantity of electricity a conductor contains equals
the product of its capacity into the potential of the charge,
or Q = CY, just as the quantity of gas in a vessel might be
measured by the product of the volume into the pressure.
From this relation you see that if we know the quantity and
potential or their ratio, we know the capacity ; if we know
the capacity and potential, we know the quantity ; or again
if we know the capacity and the quantity we can determine
the potential, so that the measurement of these three things
cannot be separated from each other. The quantity of
electricity in a conductor can be measured by one or other
of the processes I have indicated, and its potential can
be measured by electrometers, and the ratio of these measures
the capacity. That is the general method of absolute
measurement. When we have merely to compare different
quantities, we may employ methods analogous to those
employed for measuring capacities for heat. For instance, to
determine the specific heat, or capacity for heat, of a substance
we put this substance at a known temperature into a known
mass of water at another known temperature, and observe
the changes of temperature of the two. The temperature of
the immersed body falls and that of the water rises, and they
come to equilibrium at some intermediate point. The same
quantity of heat is lost by one that is received by the other,
and the capacities for heat of the immersed body and of
the water are inversely proportional to the changes of
temperature which they respectively undergo. So in com-
paring the capacities of two electrical conductors : suppose
we have one of them charged to the potential V, and the
other at zero or uncharged, then, when we allow them to
come into contact, they both assume a common potential,
say v, intermediate between these two. One body has lost
the same quantity of electricity that the other has received.
The potential in. one case has fallen through V - v t and in
the other it has risen through + v and the capacities are
in the inverse ratio of the changes of potential caused by the
loss or gain of the same quantity of electricity ; so that if
the first body has the capacity C, and the second body the
capacity c, the capacities are to each other in the inverse
ratio of the changes of potential, or ^ ^-^-. That is the
< v
principle of a great number of methods of comparing the
capacities of different conductors. There is not enough time
to enter on the experiment in detail, or even on the principle
of other methods which might be given. If we have
the capacity of any one conductor measured in absolute
measure, the capacity of others can also be determined in
absolute measure by some process of comparison such as I
have indicated ; if we know the absolute value of one
thing, and can compare others with it, we know their
absolute value also. Upon the table are standard con-
densers or accumulators, as they are better called. They are
conductors of carefully ascertained capacity. They are of
different forms and different values. One is a very large one
formed practically by a combination of small ones. Here
again is an instrument devised by Sir William Thomson
which is a conductor of variable capacity ; its capacity can be
diminished by drawing out the cylinder, and increased by push-
ing it in, so that it can be adjusted so as to have the same
capacity as any particular conductor we have to measure and
then we can read off on the scale the capacity of the other one.
The Energy of charged conductors is proportional both to
the quantity and to the potential ; the absolute energy of a
charge of electricity is equal to half the product of the charge
into the potential, or ^ QV = E. That can be proved by an
apparatus like this. You discharge the electricity through a
fine wire stretched across the bulb of an air thermometer and
observe the amount of heat. This gives us a quantity which
is proportional to the energy of the charge.
I must be content with merely indicating these points ; and
in the lecture to follow on Wednesday next I shall have to
speak of some of the chief measurements connected with
electrical currents or dynamical electricity.
THE measurements connected with electrical currents
dynamical electricity are chiefly three. We have 1.
The measurement of the Strength of Currents, or, to express
it more shortly, the measurement of electric currents ;
2. The measurement of Electromotive Force ; and 3. The
measurement of the Resistance of Conductors. The measure-
ment of resistance or of conducting power comes to the
same thing, for the relation between these two properties
is a reciprocal one. If we know the conducting power of
any piece of wire or other conductor, we know that the
resistance is equal to 1 -^ the conducting power or the
conducting power is equal to 1 -f- the resistance ; so that
if the conducting power of a wire is one-half, its resistance
is two ; and if the resistance is one-half, the conducting
power is two, and so on. One is the reciprocal of the other,
so that whether we speak of the measurement of resistance
or of conducting power it is essentially the same thing. A
statement of the one is a statement in another form of the
What I shall try to explain to-day, as far as time and
circumstances permit, is the methods by which absolute
measures of these three quantities can be obtained.
When I speak of the absolute measure of a current, I
mean a measurement which tells us, not that one current,
for instance, is twice or three times as strong as some
other current, but which tells us the actual quantity of
electricity conveyed by the current in unit of time. The
idea attached to the term strength of current in the case
of electricity is exactly comparable to the idea attached to
the corresponding term in the case of a current of anything
else. If we are speaking of a current of water, we mean
by the strength of a current the quantity of water
delivered in a given time, say a minute. Similarly
the quantity of electricity conveyed along a conductor
by a given current in a second or minute is the strength
of the current. Yery frequently, however, processes are
spoken of as measurements of the strength of currents
which really enable us merely to compare one current with
another. They are comparative measures, but not absolute
measures. We might have several water pipes delivering
water each at its own rate, and we might possibly ascertain
that one delivers three times as much per minute as another,
and another one sixteen times as much as the first, without
knowing what is the absolute quantity delivered by either
of them, and we have in electrical, as in all other measure-
ments, to distinguish between such comparative measure-
ments and absolute measurements which tell us, not only
whether a thing is greater or less than some other thing
of the same kind, but actually how great it is. And it is
the general principles of the methods by which absolute
measurements of the strength of currents can be obtained
that I shall have to speak of.
There are three chief properties or three effects pro-
duced by electric currents, any one of which might be
made the basis of a system of measurement. You all
know that when an electric current passes near a magnetic
needle it exerts force upon the needle, and usually dis-
places the needle from its ordinary position; a current
passing near a magnet deflects it, so that we may say that
an electric current produces electro magnetic effects ;
and we may use the term electromagnetic action of a
current to include all the mutual effects which take place
between currents and magnets. Upon this action of
electric currents then we might found a system of absolute
measurement. Then, again, one electric current passing
near another electric current exerts a force upon it, or
rather when two currents are near each other there is in
general a mutual force tending to displace them relatively
to each other. The forces exerted by electric currents
upon each other, usually spoken of as electro-dynamic
forces, might serve as the basis of a second system of
measurement. Again, an electric current passed through
a compound liquid almost always causes chemical
change a decomposition of the substance. The general
name given to processes of this kind is electrolysis the
electrical breaking up of the substance. And the electro-
lytic action of currents might be employed to furnish a
third method of measuring their strength.
In order to employ any one of these principles for the
measurement of currents, the conditions under which these
actions take place must be rendered as simple and definite
as possible. Without going into minute particulars I may
remind you to take the electro magnetic action first that
the force exerted by an electric current upon a magnet
depends partly on the strength of the current, partly upon
the relative positions of the magnet and of the conductor
in which the current passes. This I may almost say is self-
evident, that a change of relative position would change
the effect. One kind of change of relative position would
be a change of distance : the farther a current is from a
magnet, obviously the less it will act upon it ; but inde-
pendently of changes of distance, a change of direction
will in general cause a change of action ; so that, to express
the matter in general terms, we may say that the effect of
a current upon a magnet depends on the relative positions
of the two. It also depends upon the length of the con-
ductor which is in the neighbourhood of the magnet. That,
in a certain sense, is merely a repetition of what I said as
to position, and will be evident at once. If you take, for
instance, what I have here a magnet suspended on a pivot
at the centre of a graduated circle, with a circular con-
ductor formed by a coil of wire which would enable us
to pass a current many times round the magnet, and
terminated by wires by which it can be connected with
external conductors if those wires are carried far away
they may go to such a distance that the distant portion
of them does not exert any sensible influence on the magnet.
So that we have to consider the length of the conductor
near the magnet, not the total length of the conducting
wire. We might have a current sent through this coil
from a mile or 100 miles away, but the portion of the con-
ductor at that distance would obviously exert no sensible
effect. So then, the force exerted upon the magnet depends
upon the strength of the current, the relative positions of
the current and magnet, and the length of the conductor
which is within acting range of the magnet. The effect
also depends upon the strength of the magnet itself ; but
we may consider that we always deal with a magnet of
unit strength, and may therefore leave it out of con-
sideration now. The simplest rule to adopt to obtain a
standard of measurement founded upon this action, is
then to say that we will call that current a current
of unit strength, of which a unit length placed at
unit distance from any given point causes unit magnetic
force at that point. If you consider that statement you
will see at once some of the conditions that are necessary
in order to apply a system of measurement founded upon
the principle we are dealing with. If we are to have a
given length of a conductor, all of it at some definite
distance from a particular point, it follows at once that
the conductor must be bent into a circular arc. If we
have a line and every point 'of this line is to be at the same
distance from some particular point, the line must not be
straight, but it must be curved into the arc of a circle of
which this point is the centre. In order not to complicate
the matter by using unusual units, I will suppose we
take a foot as the unit of length. Take a wire a foot long
and bend it into the arc of a circle of one foot radius, so
that each point of it is at one foot distance from the centre.
Then suppose that we have an electric current flowing
along this wire ; this current will cause any magnet near it
to be acted upon by a force in one direction or the other,
and suppose that we have a magnet at the centre point.
If the magnetic force exerted at this particular point by the
current is the force one, say a force equal to the weight of
one grain, the strength of the current which flows along
the conductor is the standard of measurement it is repre-
sented by unity. And if the force exerted here is 2,
the strength of the current also is represented by 2 ; or
if the force at the centre is 100, the strength of the current
is 100. So that we take as the standard of measurement
of the strength of the current, the magnetic force exerted
at the centre of a circle of unit radius by unit length of
the current bent round the circumference of the circle.
Practically, this precise arrangement would not be con-
venient, and, therefore, instead of taking a wire, say one foot
long, and putting that partly round the circumference of a
circle of a foot radius we take a complete circumference ; that
is, if the radius of the circle is 1, the circumference
would be about 6*28 ; but the magnetic force at the centre
of the circle will be just proportional to the length of the
conductor. If we take one foot round a circle then unit
current would exert unit force ; but if we take six feet
round the circle then unit current in the circumference
would exert six times unit force; so we consider that
unit current is the current which, going once round a circle
of unit radius, exerts at the centre, not unit force, but 6 '28
units of force.
This principle is adopted in all such instruments as
these, where we have a current carried once round or several
times round a circle. If I send a current round this circle
I shall be able to cause a deflection of the magnet at the
centre. You will see from what I have said timt the
problem we have to deal with in measuring an electric
current by the method I have been speaking of, is to take
a measured length of the current at a measured distance
from a definite point, and to measure the magnetic force
exerted at that point. The easiest way of measuring the
magnetic force exerted at the centre of the circle is to
observe the deflection from the natural position which a
small magnet placed at the centre undergoes. If we know
the magnetic force exerted at any given point due to the
magnetic force of the earth, then it is easy to ascertain what
is the force exerted on the magnet when it is deflected
through a measured angle from the position it would take
if acted upon by the force of the earth only. We have a
little magnet at the centre of the circle, acted upon by the
earth, and it takes a definite position in consequence. If
we act upon it also by an electric current we in general
displace it from the position it would take if acted on by
the earth only, and if we know the force exerted upon the
magnet by the earth, and if we know also the extent to
which it is deflected by an electric current, then we can
measure the force exerted by the electric current. In that
way we get to know what the force is which the current
exerts ; by measuring the radius of the circle, and the
number of times which the wire goes round, we get the
length of the current which acts upon the magnet as well
as its distance from it; and in this way we have the
measurement complete.
The apparatus which may be used for applying a
measurement upon these principles may receive very
various forms. This is one of an essentially very simple
kind. It has the advantage that it can be employed to
measure currents of very different degrees of strength.
If we have a very strong current it may deflect a magnet
so much that we could not readily deduce the amount of
force exerted. If there is too great a force applied to any
particular instrument its indications are not so certain.
We have a familiar example of this in the case of a spring
balance. It will indicate, perhaps, very accurately, weights
up to a certain amount, but if you put on too great a weight
then the indication becomes uncertain. So any particular
measuring instrument acts best for quantities which lie
within a certain range ; and it generally requires a different
instrument or different adjustment of the same instrument
to measure quantities differing greatly from one another.
I may just point out the way in which this particular
instrument may be modified to suit stronger currents than
those which act upon it as now arranged ; that is by dis-
placing the circular conductor from the magnet. The
magnet is not at the centre of the circle, but each portion
of the wire, instead of surrounding the magnet, is on the
surface of a cone, of which the magnet is at the apex, and
the further we move it in this direction the smaller becomes
the effect of each portion of the wire, and therefore the
stronger the current required to give a definite deflection.
Here is another form of apparatus for the same purpose.
It is essentially the same instrument although smaller in
size and in various ways differently arranged. There is
a point at the centre for carrying a small magnet, a gradu-
ated circle to show how much the magnet is deflected, and
a vertical circle in which the current is to pass. Most of
you are aware that in using an instrument such as either
of these, it must be placed in a certain position ; that the
plane containing the circular conductor must coincide with
what is called the plane of the magnetic meridian. The
circle must in the first place be vertical, and it must also
coincide with the plane of the earth's magnetic force.
That in this room coincides pretty nearly with the length
of the room. The larger instrument is, therefore, im
properly placed, being across the room, so that it would
have to be turned round. The circle being properly set,
you know also that the strength of the current is in pro-
portion, not to the deflection of the magnet, but to the
tangent of that deflection; so that if the magnet is
deflected through any angle, the strength of the current
is proportional to the tangent of this angle. Instruments
such as these are therefore usually termed Tangent Gal-
vanometers ' } galvanometer being the name given to any
instrument which measures the strength of a current by
the electro-magnetic action of that current.
Here is an instrument, one of the first, I believe, of
the kind which was constructed ; it would not however,
easily give us an absolute measurement. There is a magnet
and a coil of wire surrounding it, so that when a current
passes through the coil the magnet is deflected ; but the
section of the coil which is wound on this elongated reel
is not circular, so that it would involve a very complicated
calculation in order to ascertain the mean distance of the
various parts of the current from the magnet. Such an
instrument could hardly be made to serve for absolute
measurement, but it will serve very well for comparative
measurements, and for that purpose it is so arranged that
the coil can turn independently of the magnet, and it is
used in this way : If we send a current through the coil
and that deflects the magnet, then the coil and the plate
which carries it are turned round until a fixed mark is
brought to coincide with an index attached to the magnet,
and the measurement depends on the extent to which this
circle is turned. It is an instrument which will give very
accurate comparative measurements, but not absolute
measurements. On the table there are various forms of
instruments for giving comparative measurements, and one
also for giving absolute measurements. There is a
magnet suspended inside this copper-box, and it is in
the form of a magnetized steel ring. The thick mass of
copper which surrounds it is for the purpose of making
it come rapidly to rest when displaced. Probably you
know that when a magnet swings in the neighbourhood of
a large mass of copper or other conducting material, its
movement is damped, just as if it were swinging in oil or
some resisting fluid. Here is a circular plate with a
groove cut in it, in which a conducting wire can be placed,
and the diameter of the circle can be accurately measured.
The distance of the circle from the magnet is also
accurately measured by means of a divided scale. Here
we have again the means of obtaining a conductor of
accurately known length in an accurately known position
relatively to the magnet, and the deflection of the magnet
can be observed. The amount of deflection would be
ascertained in this case, not by a graduated circle, but
by means of a mirror which is attached to the magnet and
turns with it, and the deflection of the mirror is obtained by
means of a telescope. There is another apparatus here on
the same principle. If we place a divided scale opposite
the mirror, the divisions of the scale are reflected from the
mirror back into the telescope which is placed opposite.
In this way an extremely small deflection of the mirror, and,
therefore, of the magnet, can be detected. The method
of reading these two instruments is the same, but the first
is an absolute instrument and the second is merely a com-
parative apparatus. It is a very convenient form of its
kind. There are three pairs of coils belonging to it, one a
pair of long coils of thin wire, and the other pairs being
shorter and of thicker wire. There is the same arrange-
ment as in the first I showed you for varying the distance
between the conductor and the magnet.
Here again are other forms of galvanometers, but still
comparative instruments only. These are different forms
of Sir William Thomson's Reflecting Galvanometer,
perhaps one of the most delicate instruments of the kind
ever constructed to indicate the passage of an exceedingly
small current. It will give us the comparative measure-
ment of very weak currents, but not an absolute measure.
Here, again, is an apparatus, constructed by Professor
Guthrie, which will also give us comparative measurements.
It depends upon the mutual attraction or repulsion of little
bits of iron magnetized by the passage of a current.
So much for the various ways in which electro-magnetic
action can be made to serve as a basis for a system of
measurement. It is much the most frequently employed
principle, but we can also employ electro-dynamic action
the force exerted by one current on another, or by one
portion of a current on another portion of the same
current. There are on the table two instruments which
act on this principle. Professor Guthrie's may be regarded
as one of this class. The same current passes round two
pairs of small pieces of iron, and it is the action of one
part of the current on another which really gives us
the indication. Here, again, is an apparatus where the
electro-dynamic action of the current is applied more
simply, and without the intervention of the bits of iron.
We have a circular coil of wire, to begin with, through
which the current passes ; then instead of suspending a
magnet at the centre of the coil, there is another coil
suspended inside, and the two coils are so set that when
no current is passing, the planes of the separate portions of
the wire are at right angles to each other. The wire in
the fixed coil is in a plane parallel to the length of the
table, but in the suspended coil the wire is wound almost
at right angles to that direction. When it is properly
adjusted, the directions of winding the two coils are at right
angles to each other, but when a current passes through
both of them there is a tendency in the two coils to set
parallel to each other. If they are at right angles to
begin with, a force which would tend to set them parallel,
will cause a deflection, and the amount of this deflection,
combined with a knowledge of the force resisting the
displacement, and of the relative lengths and positions of
the two parts of the conductors which act upon each other,
gives us again the means of ascertaining the strength of the
current. When we employ this principle the statement
which involves the definition of the unit current may be
put in this way : Unit current placed around the circum-
ference of a circle of unit area exerts upon an equal current,
enclosing an equal area in a plane at right angles to the
first, a couple whose moment multiplied by the cube of the
distance between the areas surrounded by the currents
equals unity when the distance is very great. In order to
make the statement of the mechanical force simple, you
must imagine that the two currents are at a very great
distance from each other, as compared to the size of
the area surrounded by either of them; the force ex-
erted by one upon the other diminishes as the distance
increases, but, if you multiply the force by the cube of
the distance, then the product approaches more and more
nearly to a constant value as the distance becomes greater,
and if the current is one of unit strength, and the two
areas are equal to unity, the constant value to which this
product approaches as the distance increases is unity. But,
as you will see, the considerations involved are rather
complex, and the further discussion of this subject would
take much more time than we can spare.
Then another action produced by currents which might
be adopted, and often is adopted, for measuring their
strength, is the amount of chemical change which they can
produce in a given time ; or, to express it more concisely,
the strength of a current can be measured by the rate at
which it can produce chemical change in a body through
which it is passed by the rate, for instance, at which it
can decompose water or any other chemical compound.
Adopting this system we may take as the unit current one
of such a strength that it will decompose unit mass of a
standard substance say water in unit of time say a
second. We may define unit current as a current which
will decompose a grain of water in a second, taking a
grain as the unit of mass, water as the standard substance,
and a second as the unit of time. But if we are to adopt
this definition, the unit current obtained in this way would
not agree with the unit current derived from the electro-
magnetic action. An electro-magnetic unit current (re-
ferred to centimetres, grammes, and seconds), if used to
decompose water, will liberate '0001052 gramme of
hydrogen per second, or it would decompose nine times
that quantity of water. This gives us the ratio between
the electro-magnetic unit current and this electrolytic
unit. The apparatus employed for carrying out this kind
of measurement is of various kinds. They are called Volta-
meters ; many forms are familiar to all who have dealt at
all with electrical processes, and I will, therefore, merely
speak of one form which may be new to most if not all of
you a very beautiful instrument, constructed by Professor
Lenz, of St. Petersburg, which Baron von Wrangel has
kindly explained to me. It is an apparatus in which a
basic mercurous nitrate is decomposed. The current- is
passed through two little glass vessels containing mercury,
communicating with each other by a narrow tube, the
mercury in both vessels being covered with a solution of
nitrate. The current passing causes more mercury to be
dissolved in one vessel, and more mercury to be separated
from the solution in the other, so that there is a continual
carrying of mercury from one vessel to the other, by the
action of the current. The rate of increase in the lower
vessel, or, in other words, the quantity carried over in
a given time measures the strength of the current. The
apparatus is so arranged as to give the means of observing
with very great accuracy the rate of increase in the
quantity of mercury. There is a micrometer screw, by
means of which the surface of the mercury can be lowered,
and read off exactly against a mark, and then, after the
experiment, the same measurement is made again, and the
difference between the two readings of the screw indicates
the increase in the volume of mercury. It is said that in
the course of a minute or two a sufficient quantity of
mercury is carried over to give a measurable increase,
and that the measurement can be made with very great
accuracy indeed. The essential electro-chemical principles
involved are the same as in the ordinary voltameter, but
there is a different mechanical arrangement for observing
the amount of effect produced.
I have only time to state very briefly the general principles
of the methods available for measuring Electromotive Force.
In the most usual cases electric currents are produced
either by chemical action or by the relative motion of
magnets and conductors. In an ordinary galvanic battery
we have chemical action taking place as long as the current
passes, the quantity of the current which traverses the
circuit being proportional to the quantity of chemical action
which takes place. In apparatus, such as this on the table,
we have currents produced by the motion of magnets and
conducting-wires relatively to each other. An absolute
measure of electro-motive force may be derived from a study
of the conditions under which currents are produced in
either of these cases.
Thus, first, if we can determine the amount of energy
expended in a galvanic battery when a unit of electricity
traverses the circuit, we have really calculated the electro-
motive force. Now the quantity of heat corresponding to
the chemical action has in very many cases been determined,
and when we know the quantity of heat, we have only to
multiply this by the mechanical equivalent of heat, and we
get the electro motive force ; for the electro-motive force is
the work done, or the amount of energy expended in the
circuit when unit of electricity traverses the conductor.
From the determination of the heat of chemical action, and
the mechanical equivalent of heat we have the data for
calculating the electro-motive force due to any given
chemical process, such as takes place in a galvanic
Again, if the magnetic forces acting upon a conductor
which we move in a field of magnetic force are definitely .
known, and the motion of the conductor relatively to the
magnetic field is definitively known, we can again calculate
the quantity of work done in maintaining the motion, and
hence also the electro-motive force produced. Thus the
electro-motive force may be theoretically ascertained either
from the energy of the chemical action required to produce
the current, or from the work done in maintaining the
motion of conductors in the neighbourhood of magnets ;
though I cannot enter into the details in either case.
When we have got a measurement of the current and of the
electro-motive force, the measurement of Resistance follows
from a comparison of the two. The electro-motive force
acting in any circuit divided by the strength of the current
which that electro-motive force produces, measures the
resistance of the circuit. That is the general principle of
all absolute methods of measuring the resistance of circuits.
There is here an apparatus by which such a comparison
can be made. This is a circular conductor which can rotate
about a vertical axis, and as it rotates a current is produced
in it by the earth's magnetic force. By suspending a little
magnet inside this little box at the centre of the circle the
strength of the current produced in the wire can be ascer-
tained by the deflection of the magnet. The deflection of
the magnet combined with the speed of the rotation and
the dimensions of the coil gives us the absolute resistance
of the conductor. This is the actual apparatus employed
in a very elaborate series of measurements by a Com-
mittee of the British Association, of which Professor Clerk
k Maxwell was the most active member. It was employed
in determining the so-called British Association Unit of
Resistance. Here is the coil with which the resistance of
the revolving apparatus was compared periodically during
the course of the experiments ; and here are multiples of
the standard so established, by ten, one hundred, and a
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