wbM^ University of California Berkeley ' ' Lenore. ' ' The Photogravure Frontispiece to THE RAVEN 1'fU PA NCR 01 'i ! IPRARY THOUGHTS FOR YOUR FRIENDS 2/D/? THE RAVEN INCLUDING the PHILOSOPHY OF COMPOSITION. By Edgar Allan Poe. Probably the greatest short poem in American literature, certainly Poe's chef d'oeuvre, and one of those rare and inconceivable mas- terpieces wherein the craftsman's skill is forgotten in the perfection of his art, combined with a prose essay of commanding critical and literary inter- est, being a faithful exposition (pre- sumably), by the poet, of his modus operandi in composing THE RAVEN. Com- ing from Poe's own hand and written in his most felicitous style, it is felt that no other introduction to the poem could be more happily conceived or exe- cuted, although it is indeed possible, as some critics assert, that this supposed analysis is purely fictitious. But if so, it becomes all the more distinctive as a marvelous bit of imaginative writing, and as such ranks equally with that wild snatch of melody, THE RAVEN. Published in a large, handsome Quarto Photogravure Edition, liberally illus- trated unth full-page photogravure repro- ductions of oil paintings by Galen J. Perrett. The initial and cover designs by Will Jenkins. Rubricated. Set in bold- face double pica Washington Text and printed on Arches handmade paper. Bound in gray Ancona Italian hand- made boards, with Ancona end-papers. Leather back. Gilt top. Enclosed in a box of Italian Gray. *$6.00 net. Post- age, 20 cents. Library Edition. Bound in full choco- late oak-tanned Flemish kiphide suede, extra. Gilt top. Boxed. *$10.00 net. Postage, 20 cents. One of the Photogravure Illustrations from THE RAVEN, after the oil painting by Galen J. Perrett A Text Page from THE RAVEN Designed by J. H. Nash. Cut from the book and mounted upon a gray mat so as to show deckle edge at side and foot Size of full page, 7f x 10 inches THOUGHTS FOR YOUR FRIENDS The Frontispiece to CHRISTMASSE TYDE Done in various delicate colors upon hand- made Japan vellum tissue Come to us. Christmas, goo* ol6 fa?. SofUn us. cfceer us. say your say Go barb wtjlcb thrift, too eager. Keeps ~Jn bon&s, wljtk fellow- feasting sleeps. 6006 Christmas, whom our ct>lloren love. We love vou. too! Uft us above Our cares, our fears, our small oeslrest Of en our Ixmos an6 stir tfyt fires Of fclf ful fellows^ wlH,Ul us. TAnd back to love ano kindness win us I A Page of Text illustrating the typography and decorative scheme of CHRISTMASSE TYDE Size of full page, 7 x 9 inches CHRISTMASSE TYPE BOOK of seasonable quotations pertaining to the joys; cus- toms and traditions of the holidays from Christmas Eve onward to Twelfth Night. Compiled by Jennie Day Haines, from various sources old and new. At Christmas, play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year. ' ' Christmas-tide, we are told, "the twelve days of Christmas," embraces the period between Christmas Eve, December 24th, and Epiphany, or Twelfth Night, January 6th. Great as the feast of Christmas is, nothing can be definitely traced as to its origin ; no- body knows who first celebrated it, or when, or where, or how. Yet of all red-letter days of the calendar none is so generally observed, none brings with it such universal joy and good- will and none has been so generously memorial- ized in verse and song as this holy day. The quotations are grouped under such headings as rown morocco, $7.00. Full red calf, $7.50. Full orange morocco, $11.00. Full rose levant, $14.00. PROSIT. Craftsmen's binding, $10.00. Full red calf, $6.00. Full green calf, $6.00. Full red polished calf, $8.00. Full green morocco, $10.00. Full brown morocco, $12.50. Full red levant, $15.00. THE AUTO GUEST BOOK. Craftsmen's binding, $9.50. SOVEREIGN WOMAN VERSUS MERE MAN. Full brown calf, $5.00. Full green calf, $8.00. Full blue morocco, $9.00. Full levant, $10.00. SPOTS. 202 Cleansers. Craftsmen's binding, $3.50 and $5.50. THE 101 EPICUREAN THRILLS SERIES, including Sandwiches, Sal- ads, Mexican Dishes, Entrees, Beverages, Candies, Desserts, Oysters, Layer Cakes, Chafing-Dishes, Sauces. Craftsmen's binding, each, $3.50 and $5.50. HIGH LIVING. Craftsmen's binding, $9.25. Arts &> Crafts Book Shops of Paul Elder <* Company New York: 43-45 East Nineteenth Street, Fourth Floor San Francisco: Van Ness Avenue, corner of Bush Street Santa Barbara: State Street, at the corner of Anapamu THOUGHTS FOR YOUR FRIENDS An Enclosed Garden. Frontispiece to THE GARDEN BOOK OF CALIFORNIA "Now there was ... a garden fair . . . Walled all about ; and so with trees close set, Was all the place . . That no one though he were near walking by, Might there within scarce any one espy." 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For those who desire technical data, an ad- mirably arranged field check list, at the end, will be found invaluable for field use. Illustrated in tone from Find- ley photographs successful snap-shots of birds in their haunts. These, with the warm-toned paper, excellent typogra- phy and attractive binding, will make the volume a joy to any possessor thereof. Bound in full rough linen, extra. *$2.00 net. Postage, 16 cents. Field Edition. Spanish leather. Boxed. *$3.50 net. Postage, 16 cents. A Hand-Carved Cover from an original design. Arts and Crafts Edition of CHRISTMASSE TYDE ( Refer to page two ) Limited Number of Copies at $12.50 net. Postage, 14 cents