F 869 S3 M7 1907 MAIN UC-NRLF GIFT or AUTHOR N6^ San Francisco Redi-vivus! -<, mt&f^^fy 4 * m AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL SAN FRANCISCANS AND ALL CALIFORNIANS. FOR SALE BY ALL BOOK SELLERS PRICE 25 CENTS ^fvEGS- Crt* VlARRINGTON-MClNNIS Co. Oakland, Cal. SAN FRANCISCO &3 Mi-. REDI-VIVUS! MA' An Open Letter to all San Franciscans and all Californians ■pspf: .... ........ e Bf San Francisco is the Heart of the State of California, and when the heart is affected the whole bod/ must suffer in sympathy." i^r* *2r* t^* J2-?^_f\t ELLA STERLING CUMMINS Author of " Story of the Files of California, " Little Mountain Princess," etc. f -^t/ CLu^t^uf y» San Francisco Redi-vivus! "Come, Let Us Consider." An Open letter to all San Franciscans and Calif ornians regarding onr beloved city. Junk 17th, 1907. D^ar Sir and Madam : You doubtless remember that after Noah built the ark he did not immediately enter it with his family but waited patiently for the sign from the Lord which should tell him the proper time and moment had arrived when he should seek refuge there from the rising waters which were to engulf the world. In some curious way when reading that story in my childhood, I took on the idea that this was like a f airy . tal^ and meantf 1 something symbolical or applicable to every family and every v father Noah who built a house for his little tribe to occupy. > ; And. as time has gone on, more and more does th