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JO CALIfO/?^ .^;OFCAllF0fi>fc, cc \W£UNIVER5/A A^lOSANCElfj^. 4?^ I lVP)t ii^^l iVinrl % ce ? /■ l-^__— % OLD-FASHIONED ETHICS AND COMMON-SENSE METAPHYSICS LONDON : PRINTED BV SPOTTISWOOUE AND CO., NEW-STKEET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET OLD-FASHIONED ETHICS A.\l> COMMON-SENSE METAPHYSICS WITH SOME OF THEIR APPLICATIONS U\' WILLIAM THOMAS THORNTON AUTHOR OF A TREA llSli 'ON LABOUR' M A C M I L L A N A N U C O. 1873 'I entirely agree with you as to the ill tendency of the affected doubts of some philosophers and the fantastical conceits of others. I am even so far gone of late in this way of thinking, that I have quitted several of the sublime notions I had got in their schools for \'ulgar opinions. And I give it you on my word, that since this revolt from metaphysical notions- to the plain dictates of nature and common sense, I find my understanding strangely enlightened, so that I can now easily comprehend a great many things which before were all mystery and riddle.' — Berkeley's Hvlas and Philonous. 3^ TS3cr PREFACE. The r.ooK was all but finished, and only the Trefacc remained, over which I was hesitating, apprehensive equally of putting into it too much and too little, when one of the most frequent ' companions of my solitude ' came to my aid, shewing me, in fragments, a jireface alread\- nearl}' written, and needing only a little piecing to become forth- with presentable. Here it is. ' In the.se sick days, in a world such as ours, richer than usual in Truths grown obsolete, what can the fool think- but that it is all a Den of Lies wherein whoso will not speak and act Lies must stand idle and despair ^ ' Whereby it happens that for the artist who would fain minister medi- cinally to the relief of folly, ' the publishing of a Work of Art,' designed, like this, to redeem Truth from premature obsolescence, ' becomes almost a necessity.' For, albeit, ' in the heart of the speaker there ought to be some kind of gospel tidings burning until it be uttered, so that otherwise it were better for him that ho altogether hold his peace,' still, than t(^ ha\-e fire burning witliin, and n<^t to put it forth, not man\- w(^rsc things are rcadilx imaginable. vi preface: ' Has the word Duty no meaning ? Is what we call Duty- no divine messenger and guide, but a false, earthly fantasm, made up of Desire and Fear ?' In that ' Logic-mill of thine ' hast thou ' an earthly mechanism for the Godlike itself, and for grinding out Virtue from the husks of Pleasure ? I tell thee, Nay ! Otherwise, not on Morality, but on Cookery, let us build our stronghold. There, brandishing our frying- pan as censer, let us offer up sweet incense to the Devil, and live at ease on the fat things //e has provided for his elect,' seeing that ' with stupidity and sound digestion, man may front much.' Or, ' is there no God ? or, at best, an absentee God, sitting idle ever since the first Sabbath, at the outside of His universe, and seeing it go V Know that for man's well-being, whatever else be needed, ' Faith is one thing needful.' Mark, 'how, with it, Martyrs, otherwise weak, can cheerfully endure the shame and the cross ; how, without it, worldlings puke up their sick existence, by sui- cide, in the midst of luxury.' Of how much else, ' for a pure moral nature, is not the loss of Religious Belief the loss } ' 'All wounds, the crush of long-continued Destitution, the stab of false Friendship and of false Love, all wounds in the so genial heart would have healed again had not the life-warmth of Faith been withdrawn.' But this once lost, how recoverable .-* how, rather, ever acquirable .'' ' First must the dead Letter of Religion own itself dead, and drop piecemeal into dust, if the li\'ing Spirit of Religion, freed PREFACE. vii from this, its charnel house, is to arise on us, new born of Heaven, and with new heah'ng under its wings.' Reside these burning words of Mr. Carlyle any addi- tional words of mine would stand only as superfluous foils, and arc, therefore, considerately pretermitted. Cadogan Place : December 1872. CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. AXTI-UTILITAKIAXISM i II. HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS ... 84 III. DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN . . .11 J IV. HUXLEYISM 158 V. RECENT PHASES OF SCIENTIFIC ATHEISM . . 199 VI. LIMITS OF DEMONSTRABLE THEISM. . . .266 EPILOGUE 29S OLD-FASHIONED ETHICS AND COMMON-SENSE METAPHYSICS CHAPTER I. ANTI- UTILITARIANISM. Having, by the heading of this essay, announced that it is intended to be partly controversial, I can scarcely begin better than by furnishing the reader with the means of judging whether I myself correctly apprehend the doctrine which I am about to criticise. If, then, I were myself an Utilitarian, and, for the sake either of vindicating my own belief, or of making converts of other people, had under- taken to explain what Utilitarianism is, I should set about the task somewhat in this wise : — The sole use and sole object of existence is enjoyment or pleasure, which two A\ords will here be treated as synonymous ; happiness, also, though not quite identical in meaning, being occasionally substituted for them. Enjoy- ment, it must be observed, is of very various kinds, measures, and degrees. It may be sensual, or emotional, or imaginative, or intellectual, or moral. It may be mo- mentary or eternal ; intoxicating delight or sober satis- faction. It may be unmixed and undisturbed, in which case, however short of duration or coarse in quality, it may in strictness be called happiness ; or it may be troubled and alloyed, although of a flavour which would be exquisite if pure, and if there were nothing to interfere with the per- B 2 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. ception of It. Understood, however, in a sufficiently com- prehensive sense, enjoyment or pleasure may be clearly perceived to be the sole object of existence. The whole value of life plainly consists of the enjoyment, present or future, which life affords, or is capable of affording or securing. Now, the excellence of all rules depends on their conduciveness to the object they have in view. The excellence of all rules of life must, therefore, depend on their conduciveness to the sole object which life has in view, viz., enjoyment, But the excellence of rules of life, or of conduct or modes of acting, would seem to be but another name for their morality, and the morality of actions obviously depends on their conformity to moral rules. Whence, if so much be admitted, it necessarily follows that the test of the morality of actions is their conducive- ness to enjoyment. But the enjoyment thus referred to is not that of the agent alone, for if it were, no action whatever could pos- sibly be immoral. Whatever any one does, he does either because to do it gives him or promises him pleasure, or because he believes that the not doing it would subject him to more pain than he will suffer from doing it. Besides, one person's enjoyment may be obtained at the expense of other people's suffering, so that an act in which the actor takes pleasure may destroy or prevent more pleasure alto- gether than it creates. The enjoyment or happiness, therefore, which Utilitarianism regards, is not individual, but general happiness ; not that of one or of a few, but of the many, nor even of the many only. It is often declared to be the greatest happiness of the greatest num- ber, but it may with more accuracy be described as the largest aggregate of happiness attainable by any or by all ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 3 concerned.' Again, an action which, in some particular instance, causes more pleasure than pain to those afifectcd by it, may yet belong to a class of actions which, in the generality of cases, causes more pain than pleasure, and may thus involve a violation of a moral rule, and, conse- quently, be itself immoral. Wherefore the enjoyment which Utilitarianism adopts as its moral test is not simply the greatest sum of enjoyment for all concerned, but that greatest sum in the greatest number of cases. In its widest signification it is the greatest happiness of society at large and in the long run. From these premises a deci- sive criterion of right and wrong may be deduced. Every action belonging to a class calculated to promote the per- manent happiness of society is right. Every action be- longing to a class opposed to the permanent happiness of society is wrong. In the foregoing exposition I have, I trust, evinced a sincere desire to give Utilitarianism its full due, and I shall at least be admitted to have shown myself entirely free from most of those more vulgar misconceptions of its nature which have given its professors such just offence. Many of its assailants have not scrupled to stigmatise as worthy only of swine a doctrine which represents life as having no better and nobler object of desire and pursuit than pleasure. To these, however, it has, by the great apostle of Utilitarianism, ' The distinction here drawn is not merely verbal. The greatest happiness of the greatest number may mean either the largest total of happiness in which the largest possible number of those concerned can participate, or a still larger total, which, if some of the possible participants were excluded, would be divisible among the remainder. The largest aggregate of happiness attainable by any or by all concerned, means the largest sum total absolutely, without reference to the number of participants. Writers on Utilitarianism seem to have sometimes the first, sometimes the second of these totals in view, but more frequently the second than the first. n 2 4 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. been triumphantly replied that it is really they themselves who insult human nature by using language that assumes human beings to be capable of no higher pleasures than those of which swine are capable ; and that, moreover, if the assumption were correct, and if the capacities of men and of swine were identical, whatever rule of life were good enough for the latter would likewise be good enough for the former. But I am not an assailant of this description. Inasmuch as there undeniably are very many and very various kinds of pleasure, I of course allow Utilitarianism credit for common sense enough to acknowledge that those kinds are most worthy of pursuit \\hich, from whatever cause, possess most value — that those which are most precious are those most to be prized. But whoever allows thus much will have no alternative but to concede a great deal more. The most precious of pleasures is that which arises from the practice of virtue, as may be proved con- clusively in the only way of which the case admits, viz., by reference to the fact that, whoever is equally acquainted with that and with other pleasures, deliberately prefers it to all the rest, will, if necessary, forego all others for its sake, and values no others obtainable only at its expense. By necessary implication it follows that, as being more valuable than any other, the pleasure arising from the practice of virtue must be that which Utilitarianism recom- mends above all others as an object of pursuit. But the pursuit of this particular pleasure and the practice of virtue 2.x^ synonymous terms. What, therefore, Utilitarianism above all other things recommends and insists upon is the pmcticc of virtue. Now, the practice of virtue commonly involves subordination of one's own interest to that of other people ; indeed, virtue would not be virtue in the utilitarian ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. S sense of the word unlcs.s it did involve such subordination. Wherefore tlie pleasure arislnc^^ from the practice of virtue, the pleasure A\hich occupies the highest place on the utili- tarian scale, and that which Utilitarianism exhorts its disciples chiefly to seek after, is nothing else than the pleasure derived from attending to other people's pleasure instead of to our own. Nor is this all. In order adequately to appreciate the loftiness of utilitarian teaching, and its utter exemption from the sordidness with which it is ignorantly charged, we must devote a few moments to examination of those dis- tinctive peculiarities of different kinds of pleasure which entitle them to different places in our esteem. All pleasures may be arranged under five heads, and in regularly ascending series, as follows : — 1. Sensual pleasures : — To wit, those of eating and drinking, and whatever others are altogether of the flesh, fleshly. 2. Emotional, by which are to be understood agreeable moods of the mind, such as, irrespectively of any agreeable idea brought forward simultaneously by association, are produced by music ('for,' as Milton says, ' eloquence the soul, song charms the sense'), by beauty of form or colour, by genial sunshine, by balmy or invigorating air. 3. Imaginative, or pleasures derived from the contem- plation of mental pictures. 4. Intellectual, or those consequent on exercise of the reasoning powers. 5. Moral, or those which are alluded to when virtue is spoken of as being its own reward.' ' I ilu not form a separate class of pleasures of the affections, because these seem to me not to be elementary, but to l)c always compounded of two or more of the other five kinds. 6: ANTI-UTILITARIANISM, That of these several kinds, each of the last four is pre- ferable to any preceding it on the list will, it is to be hoped, be allowed to pass as an unquestioned truth, for to any one perverse enough to deny it, the only answer that can be made is an appeal to observation in proof that all persons who are equally acquainted with the several kinds do exhibit the preferences indicated. Neither, so far as the two kinds first-named alone are concerned, is it possible to go much more deeply into the reasons why emotional plea- sures are to be preferred to sensual, than by pointing to the fact that all competent judges of both are observed to like the former best. If all those who are endowed with equal sensitiveness of ear and of palate prefer music to feasting, and would any day give up a dinner at Francatelli's for the sake of hearing a rejuvenescent Persiani as Zerlina, or Patti as Dinorah, the one thing presumable is, that all such per- sons derive more enjoyment from perfect melody than from perfect cookery, and little else remains to be said on the subject. The same ultimate fact need not, however, limit our inquiry as to the preferableness of imaginative or intel- lectual to emotional pleasures, and of moral to any of the other three. This admits of, and demands, a more subtle explanation, from which we may learn, not merely that certain preferences are shown, but also why they are shown. The preferences in question are demonstrably not due to the greater poignancy of the pleasures preferred. It is simply not true that the keenest of imaginative plea- sures is keener than the keenest of emotional, and still less that the keenest of intellectual is so. The very reverse is the truth. The supremest delight attainable in fancy's most romantic flight is, I suspect, faint in comparison with the sort of ecstasy into which a child of freshly-strung nerves AiXri-UTIUTARIANISM. 7 is sometimes thrown by the mere brilliance or balmincss of a summer's day, and with which even we, dulled adults, provided we be in the riL,dit humour, and that all things are in a concatenation accordingly, are now and then momenta- rily affected while listening to the wood-notes wild of a night- ingale, or a Jenny Lind, or while gazing on star-lit sky or moon-lit sea, or on the snowy or dolomite peaks of a mountain range fulgent with the violet and purple glories of the setting sun. And yet the choicest snatches of such beatitude with which— at least, after the fine edge of our susceptibilities has been worn away by the world's friction — we creatures of coarse human mould are ever indulged, are but poor in comparison with the rich abundance of the same in which some more delicately-constituted organisms habitually revel. If we A\ould understand of what develop- ment emotional delight is capable, we should watch the skylark. As that ' blithe spirit ' now at heaven's gate ' poureth its full heart,' and anon can Scarce get out his notes for joy. But shakes his song together as he nears His happy home, the ground, what poet but must needs confess with Shelley, that in his most rapturous dream, his transport ne\-er came nigh the bird's ? And yet what poet would change conditions with the lark .'' Nay, ^\•hat student or philosopher would .^ albeit the utmost gratification ever earned by either of these in the prosecution of his special calling — in acquiring knowledge, in soh'ing knott}' problems, or in scaling the heights of abstract contemplation — is probably as inferior in keenness of zest to that which the poet knows, as the best prose is inferior in charm to the best poetr\-. It ma}' even be that both poet and philosopher owe, on the whole, more 8 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. unhapplness than happiness — the one to his superior sensi- bihty, the other to his superior enlightenment, and yet neither would exchange his own lesser happiness for the greater happiness of the lark. Why would he not ? It is no sufficient answer to say that in the lark's happiness there are few, if any, imaginative or intellectual ingredients ; that it is almost utterly unideal, almost purely emotional, exactly the same in kind, and only higher in degree, than the glee of puppies or kittens at play. The question re- curs as forcibly as ever, why — seeing that enjoyment is the one thing desirable, the only thing either valuable in Itself, or that gives value to other things — why is it that no intelligent man would accept, in lieu of his own, another mode of existence, in which, although debarred from the joys of thought and fancy, he nevertheless has reason to believe that the share of enjoyment falling to his lot would be greater, both in quantity and sapidity, than it is at present ? The following seems to me to be the explana- tion of the mystery. It might be too much to say that nothing can please a person who is not pleased with himself, but it is at any rate clear that nothing can greatly please him which interferes with his self-satisfaction. Now imaginative and intel- lectual enjoyment, each of them, involves the exercise of a special and superior faculty, mere consciousness of the possession of which helps to make the possessor satisfied with himself. It exalts what ]\Ir. jMill aptly terms his sense of dignity, a sense possessed in some form or other by every human being, and one so essential to that self- satisfaction without which all pleasure would be tasteless, that nothing which conflicts with it can be an object of serious desire. In virtue of this special faculty, the most ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 9 wretched of men holds himself to be superior to the most joyous of larks. To divest himself of it would be to lower himself towards the level of the bird, and to commit such an act of self-degradation would occasion to him an amount of pain which he is not disposed to incur for the sake of any amount of pleasure obtainable at its expense. It is, then, the fear of pain which prevents his wishing to be turned into a lark. He is not ignorant that he would be happier for the metamorphosis, but he dreads the pain that must precede the increase of happiness, more than he desires the increase of happiness that would follow the pain. The force of these considerations will be equally, or more apparent, on their being applied to analysis of moral pleasures. That these arc the most truly precious of all pleasures, is proved by their being habitually more highly prized than any others by all who are qualified to make the comparison. But why arc they so prized .-* Not, as I am constrained, however reluctantly, to admit, on accoimt of their greater keenness as pleasures. It would be at best but well-meaning cant to pretend that the self-approval, the sympathetic participation in other people's augmented welfare, the grateful consciousness of having done that which is pleasing in our Heavenly Father's sight, together with whatever else helps to compose the internal reward of virtue, constitute a sum total of delight nearly as exquisite as that which may be obtained in a variety of other ways. The mere circumstance of there being invariably included in a just or generous action more or less of self-denial, self- restraint, or self-sacrifice, must always sober down the gratification by which virtue is rewarded, and make it appear tame beside the delirium of gladness caused by lo A NTI- UTILITA RIA NISJf. many things with which virtue has nothing to do. We will charitably suppose that the occupant of a dukedom, who should secretly light upon conclusive proof that it was not his by right, would at once abandon it to the legal heir, and we need not doubt that he v/ould subsequently be, on the whole, well content to have so acted, but we cannot suppose that he would make the surrender with anything like the elation with which he entered on the estate and title. If there were really no pleasure equal to that with which virtue recompenses its votaries, the performance of a virtuous act would always make a man happier than pre- viously ; moreover, the greater the virtue, the greater would be the consequent pleasure. But any one may see that an act of the most exalted virtue, far from increasing, often utterly destroys the agent's happiness. Imagine an affectionate father, some second Brutus or second Fitz- stephcn of Galway, constrained by overv/helming sense of duty to sentence a beloved son to death, or a bankrupt beggaring himself and his family by honestly making over to his creditors property with which he might have safely absconded. Plainly, such virtuous achievement, far from adding to the happiness of its author, has plunged him in an abyss of miseiy, his only comfort being that in the lowest deep there is, as we shall presently see, a lower deep still. Far from being happier than he was before acting as he has done, he would be much happier if, being vicious instead of virtuous, he had not felt bound so to act. Unquestionably, what either upright judge or honest bank- rupt has incurred — the one by becoming a saticide, the other by making himself a beggar — is pure and simple pain, unmitigated by one particle of positive pleasure. Yet it is at the same time certain that the virtue of each has in ANTJ-UTILirARlANISM. ii some form or other given full compensation for the pain it has occasioned, for not only was that pain deliberately incurred in lieu of the pleasure which it has supplanted, but restoration of the pleasure would now be refused, if reversal of the virtuous conduct were made a condition of the restoration. In what, then, does the compensation consist ? In nothing else than this, in judge or bankrupt having been saved from pain still greater than that which he is actually suffering. Wretched as he is, infinitely more wretched than he was before there was any call upon him to act as he has done, he is less wretched than he would be if, recognising the obligation so to act, he had not so acted. He has escaped the stings of conscience, the sense of having wronged his neighbour and offended his God ; he has escaped, in short, self-condemnation — a torment so intolerable to those so constituted as to be susceptible of it, that hell itself has been known to be, in imagination at least, preferred to it. ]\Ir. Mill's splendid outburst that, rather than w'orship a fiend that could send him to hell for refusing, he would go to hell as he was bid, will doubtless occur to every reader. This, however, is all. In both the supposed cases, as in every one in which virtue consists of compliance with a painful duty, the pleasure arising from the practice of virtue cannot in strictness be called pleasure at all. At best it is but a partial negation of pain ; more properh', indeed, the substitution of one pain for another more acute. Yet this mere negation, this ethereal inanity, is pronounced by Utilitarianism to be preferable to aught that can come into competition with it. Truly it is somewhat hard upon those who attend to such teaching, to be reproached with their grossness of taste and likened to hogs, for no better 12 ANTI-UTILITARIANISAU reason than their predilection for the lightest of all con- ceivable diets. Still harder will this seem, when we recol- lect that Utilitarians are exhorted to be virtuous, less for their own than for other people's sakes. If, indeed, virtue were practised by all mankind, the utilitarian idea of the greatest possible happiness, or, at least, of the greatest possible exemption from unhappiness, would be universally- realised. Still, it is in order that they may afford pleasure to the community at large, rather than that they may obtain it for themselves ; it is that they may save, not so much themselves, as the community, from pain, that indi- vidual Utilitarians are charged to be virtuous. Among those pleasures, whether positive or negative, which it is allowable to them to seek for themselves, the first place is assigned to the pleasure arising from the sense of giving pleasure to others. Thus, not only is it the purest of pleasures that Utilitarianism chiefly recommends for pursuit : even that pleasure is to be pursued only from the purest and most disinterested motives. All this I frankly acknowledge ; and I own, too, that, far from deserving to be stigmatised as irreligious. Utilitarian- ism is literally nothing else than an amplification of one moiety of Christianity ; that it not adopts merely, but expands, 'the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth,' exhorting us to love our neighbour, not simply as well, but better than ourselves ; to do for others, not simply what we would have them do for us, but much more than we could have the face to ask them to do ; not merely not to pursue our interests at the expense of theirs, but to regard as our own chief interest the promotion of theirs. That on account of these exhortations Utilitarianism is godless can be sup- posed by those only who suppose that love to one's neigh- A NT I- UriLITA RIA NISM. 1 3 hour is contrai-}- to the will of God. By those who believe that works are the best signs of faith, and that love to God is best evinced by doing good to man, Utilitarianism might rather seem to be but another name for practical religion. So I say in all sincerity, though not without some mis- giving, as while so speaking I involuntarily bethink myself of Balaam, son of I^eor, who having been called forth to curse, caught himself blessing altogether. Mine eyes, too, have been opened to the good of that which I was pur- posed to condemn, and behold I have as yet done nothing but eulogise. No warmest partisan of Utilitarianism, not Mr. Mill himself, ever spoke more highly of it than I have just been doing. What censures, then, can I have in reserve to countervail such praises } What grounds of quarrel can I have with a system of ethics which I have described as ever seeking the noblest ends from the purest motives ; whose precepts I own to be as elevating as its aims are exalted } On reflection, I am reassured by recol- lecting several, which I proceed to bring forward one at a time, beginning with a sin enormous enough to cover any multitude of merits. My first charge against Utilitarianism is that it is not true. I do not say that there is no truth in it. That I have found much to admire in its premises has been frankly avowed ; and in one, at least, of the leading deduc- tions from those premises I partially concur. I admit that acts utterly without utility must likewise be utterly without worth ; that conduct which subserves the enjoyment neither of oneself nor of any one else, cannot, except in a very re- stricted sense, be termed right ; that conduct which inter- feres with the enjoyment both of oneself and of all others, 14 AXTI-UTIUTARIANISM. Avhich injuring oneself injures others also, and benefits no one, cannot be othenvise than wrong ; that purely object- less asceticism which has not even self-discipline in view, is not virtue, but folly ; that misdirected charity which, engendering improvidence, creates more distress than it relieves, is not virtue, but criminal weakness. But though admitting that tliere can be no virtue without utility, I do not admit either that virtue must be absent unless utility preponderate, or that if utility preponderate virtue must be present. I deny that any amount of utility can of itself constitute virtue. I deny that whatever adds to the general happiness must be right. Equally do I deny that whatever diminishes the general happiness or prevents its increasing must be wrong. An action, be it obser\^ed, may be right in three different senses. It may be right as being meritorious, and deservang of commendation. It may be right as being tliat which one is bound to do, for the doing of ^^■hich, therefore, one deserves no praise, and for neglecting to do which one would justly incur blame. It may be right simply as not being wrong — as being allowable — something which one has a right to do, though to refrain from doing it might perhaps be praiseworthy. There will be little difficulty in adducing examples of conduct which, though calculated to diminish the sum total of happiness, would be right in the first of these senses. Nothing can be easier than to multiply examples of such conduct that would be right in the third sense. I proceed to cite cases which will ansv.-er both these pur- poses, and likewise the converse one of showing that conduct calculated to increase the general happiness may nevertheless be wrong. \Vhen the Grecian chiefs, assembled at Aulis, were ANTI- UTILITARIANISM. 1 5 waiting for a fair wind to convey them to Ilium, they were, we arc told, warned by what was to them as a voice from heaven, that their enterprise would make no progress unless Agamemnon's daughter were sacrificed to Diana. In order to place the details of the story in a light as little favourable as possible to my argument, we will deviate somewhat from the accepted version, and will suppose that the arrested enterprise was one of even greater pith and moment than tradition ascribes to it. We Avill suppose that upon its successful prosecution de- pended the national existence of Greece ; that its failure would have involved the extermination of one-half of the people, and the slavery of the other half We will sup- pose, too, that of all this Iphigenia was as firmly persuaded as every one else. In these circumstances, had her country- men a right to insist on her immolation ? If so, on what was that right founded .^ Is it sufficient to say in reply that her death was essential to the national happiness, to the extent even of being indispensable to prevent that happiness from being converted into national woe .-' Mani- festly, according to the hypothesis, it was expedient for all concerned, with the single exception of herself, that she should die ; but were the others thereby entitled to take her life ? Did the fact of its being for their ad- vantage to do this warrant their doing it .^ Simply because it was their interest, was it also their right ? Right, we must recollect, invariably implies corresponding duty. Right, it is clear, can never be rightfull}- resisted. If it be the right of certain persons to do a certain thing, it must be the duty of all other persons to let that thing be done. Where there is no such dut}', there can be no such right. Wherefore, if the ' stern, black-bearded 1 6 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. kings, with wolfish eyes,' who sate ' waiting to see her die,' had a right to kill Iphigenia, it must have been Iphigenia's duty to let herself be killed. Was this then her duty ? ' Duty,' as I have elsewhere observed,* * signifies something due, a debt, indebtedness, and a debt cannot have been incurred for nothing, or without some antecedent step on the part either of debtor or creditor.' But it is not pre- tended that in any way whatever, by any antecedent act of hers or theirs, Iphigenia had incurred or had been subjected to a debt to her countrymen which could be paid off only with her life. It could not, then, be incum- bent on her to let her life be taken in payment. If it had been in her power to burst her bonds, and break through the wolves in human shape that girdled her in, she would have been guilty of no wrong by escaping. But if not, then, however meritorious it might have been on her part to consent to die for her countrymen, it was not her duty so to die, nor, consequently, had they a right to put her to death. She would have been at least negatively^ right in refusing to die, while they were guilty of a very positive and a very grievous wrong in killing her, notwithstanding that both she and they were perfectly agreed that for her to be killed would be for the incalculably greater happi- ness of a greater number, exceeding the lesser number in the proportion of several hundreds of thousands to one. It is true that throughout this affair every one concerned was labouring under a gross delusion — that there was no real use in putting Iphigenia to death, and that nothing but superstition made anybody suppose there was. I do not think the case is one less to our purpose on that account, for Utilitarians, like other fallible mortals, are ' ' On Labour,' p. 135. 'ANTI- UTILITA RIA NISM. 1 7 liable to deceive themselves. They never can be quite secure of the genuineness of the utih'ty on which they rely, and in default of positive knowledge they will always be reduced to act, as the Grecian chiefs did, according to the best of their convictions. Nevertheless, for the satisfaction of those who distrust romance and insist upon reality, we will leave fable for fact, and take as our next illustration an incident that may any day occur. Imagine three shipwrecked mariners to have leapt from their sinking vessel into a cockboat scarce big enough to hold them, and the two slimmer of the three to have pre- sently discovered that there was little or no chance of either of them reaching land unless their over-weighted craft were lightened of their comparatively corpulent com- panion. Next, imagine yourself in the fat sailor's place, and then consider whether you would feel it incumbent on you to submit quietly to be drowned in order that the residuum of happiness might be greater than if either you all three went to the bottom, or than if you alone were saved. Would you not, far from recognising any such moral obligation, hold yourself morally justified in throwing the other two overboard, if you were strong enough, and if need were, to prevent their similarly ousting you .'' But if it were not your duty to allow yourself to be cast into the sea, the others could have no right to cast you out ; so that, if they did cast you out, they would clearly be doing not right but wrong. And yet, as clearly, their wrong-doing would have conduced to the greater happiness of the greater number, inasmuch as, while only one life could otherwise have been saved, it would save two, and inasmuch as, ccctcvis paribus, two persons would necessarily derive twice as much enjoyment c l8 ANTI-VTILITARIANISM. from continued existence as one would. Moreover, their wrong-doing would be of a kind calculated always to produce similarly useful results. It cannot, I suppose, be denied that a rule to the effect that whenever forfeiture of one life v/ould save two, one life should be sacrificed, would — not exceptionally only, but at large and in the long run— conduce to the saving of life, and therefore to the conservation of happiness connected with life. The foregoing cases are no doubt both of them extreme, involving exaction of the largest possible private sacrifice for the general good ; but in all cases of the kind, whether the exaction be small or great, the same governing prin- ciple equally applies. If you, a foot-sore, homeward- bound pedestrian, on a sweltering July day, were to see your next-door neighbour driving in the same di- rection in solitary state, would you have a right to stop his carriage and force yourself in .'' Nay, even though you had just before fallen down and broken your leg, would the compassionating by-standers be justi- fied in forcing him to take you in } Or, again, if you were outside a coach during a pelting shower, and saw a fellow-passenger with a spare umbrella between his legs, while an unprotected female close beside was being drenched with the rain, would you have a right to wrest the second umbrella from him, and hold it over her ? That, very likely, is what you would do in the circum- stances, and few would be disposed greatly to blame the indignant ebullition. Still, unless you are a disciple of Proudhon, you will scarcely pretend that you can have a right to take possession of another's carriage or umbrella against the owner's will. You can scarcely suppose that it is not for him but for you to decide what use shall be ANri- UTILITARIANISM. 19 made of articles belonging not to you but to him. Yet there can be no doubt that tlic liappincss of society would be vastly promoted if everyone felt himself under an irresistible obligation to assist his neighbour whenever he could do so with little or no inconvenience to himself, or, consequent!}', if external force were always at hand to constrain anyone so to assist who was unwilling to do so of his own accord. So much in proof that among things of the highest and most extensive utilit}' there are several which it would be decidedly the reverse of right to do, and several others which it would be perfectly right to leave undone. I pro- ceed to show that there are many other things not simply not of preponderating utility, but calculated, on the con- trary, to do more harm than good, to destroy more happi- ness than they arc capable of creating, which, nevertheless, it would be not simply allowable to do, but the doing of which Avould be highly meritorious, acts possibly of the most exalted virtue. Let no one distrust the doctrine of development by reason of its supposed extravagance of jorctension who has not duly considered to what a sublime of moral beauty the united hideousness and absurdity of Calvinism may give birth. In that Puritan society of New England of which Mrs. Beecher Stowe has given so singularly interesting an account in her * Minister's Wooing,* and among whose members it was an universal article of belief that the bulk of mankind are created for the express purpose of being consigned to everlasting flames, there are said to have been not a icw enthusiasts in \\hom a self-concentrating creed begat the ver}- quintessence of self-devotion. * As a gallant soldier renounces life and c 2 20 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. personal aims in the cause of his king and country, and holds himself ready to be drafted for a forlorn hope, to be shot down, or help to make a bridge of his mangled body, over which the more fortunate shall pass to victory and glory,' so among the early descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers many an one ' regarded himself as devoted to the King Eternal, ready in his hands to be used to illustrate and build up an eternal commomvealth, either by being sacrificed as a lost spirit, or glorified as a re- deemed one ; ready to throw, not merely his mortal life, but his immortality even, into the forlorn hope, to bridge, with a never-dying soul, the chasm over which ^\•hite- robed victors should pass to a commonwealth of glory and splendour, whose vastness should dwarf the misery of all the lost to an infinitesimal.' And while by many the idea of suffering everlasting pains for the glory of God, and the good of being in general, was thus con- templated with equanimity, there were some few for whom the idea of so suffering for the good of others dearer than themselves would have been greeted with positive exulta- tion. ' And don't I care for your soul, James } ' exclaims Mary Scudder to her lover. ' If I could take my hopes of heaven out of my own heart and give them to you, I would. Dr. H. preached last Sunday on the text, " I could Avish myself accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen," and he went on to show how we must be willing to give up even our own salvation, if necessary, for the good of others. People said it was a hard doctrine, but I could feel my way through it. Yes, I would give my soul for yours. I wish I could.' Now we must on no account permit admiration of Miss Scudder's transcendent generosity in desiring to make this exchange blind us to ANri-UTILITARIANISM. 21 the fatal effect on social happiness which, if such exchange were possible, the prevalence of a disposition to make it could not fail to have. If Calvinism were true instead of blasphemous, if God were really the Moloch it repre- sents Him, and if, moreover, Moloch were indifferent as to which of his offspring were cast into the fire, caring only that the prescribed number of victims should be forthcoming in full tale, nothing can be conceived more likely to prove an encouragement to evil-doers, and a terror to them that did well, than observation that well- doing not infrequently led to eternal misery, and evil- doing to eternal bliss. Again, if in China, where criminals under sentence of death are permitted, if they can, by purchase or otherwise, to procure substitutes to die in their stead, a son were to propose to die for a parent base enough to take advantage of the offer, could any arrangement be more plainly repugnant to the common- weal than that by which society would thus lose one of its noblest, instead of getting rid of one of its vilest members ? Or, when in England, a thrifty son, by con- senting to cut the entail of an estate to which he is heir- apparent, enables a prodigal father to consume in riotous living substance which would otherwise have eventually become his, is he not clearly taking the worse course for the public by permitting the property to be wasted, instead of causing it to be husbanded ? Beyond all question, American Puritan, Chinese or English devotee to filial affection, would thus, each in her or his degree, have, in the circumstances supposed, acted in a manner opposed to the general interest, and would therefore be condemned by Utilitarianism as having acted immorally. Nor could this verdict be gainsaid if utility 22 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. and morality were, as Utilitarianism assumes them to be, one and the same thing. Clearly, that the just should suffer for the unjust, the innocent for the guilty, is diametrically opposed to the welfare of society ; where- fore, according to utilitarian principles, by consenting so to suffer, the just becomes unjust, the innocent renders himself guilty. But can there be a better proof that utilitarian principles arc unsound than that this should be a legitimate deduction from them } Can there be better proof that utility and morality are not identical, but two absolutely distinct things } Plainly, there can be no meri- torious or commendable immorality ; neither can there be any virtue which is not meritorious and commendable. Is there, then, no merit, nothing commendable, in accepting ruin or in volunteering to die temporarily, or to perish everlastingly, in order to save a fellow-creature from ruin, or death, or perdition .'' Does not such conduct, considered independently and without reference either to its utility or its hurtfulness, command our instantaneous and enthu- siastic admiration } But how, being so admirable, can it be immoral } how other than virtuous } What else is it, indeed, but the very perfection of that purest virtue which, content to be its own reward, deliberately cuts itself off from all other recompense .'' Without changing the im- memorial meaning of the most familiar words, there is no avoiding the obvious answers to these questions. If virtue and morality, right and wrong, are to continue to mean anything like that which, except by Utilitarians, has always been considered to be their only meaning, it is not simply not wrong, it is not simply right, it is among the highest achievements of virtue and morality to sacri- fice your own in order to secure another's happiness, and ANTI- UTIIJTA RIAXIS.V. 23 the disinterestedness, and tlierefore the virtue, is surely the greater, rather than less, if you sacrifice more happiness of your own than you secure to another. So much follows necessarily from what has been said, and something more besides. It follows further that Utilitarianism is not less in error in declaring that actions calculated to diminish the total sum of happiness must necessarily be wrong, cannot possibly be allowable, still less meritorious, than it had previously been shown to be in declaring that actions calculated to augment the sum total of happiness must necessarily be meritorious. There is but one way in which Utilitarianism can even temporarily rebut the charge of fallacy, of which otherwise it must here stand convicted, and that is by renouncing all claim to be a new system of ethics, and not pretending to be more than a new system of nomenclature. And even so, it could not help contradicting, and thereby refuting itself. That nothing is right but what is of preponderating utility ; that whatever is of preponderating utility is right ; these are propositions perfectly intelligible, indeed, but which will be found to be tenable only on condition that the very same things may be both right and wrong. The confusion, thrice confounded, inseparable from the sub- stitution of such novel definitions for those which had previously been universally in vogue, is but the smaller of two evils which must thence arise. It would be bad enough that the word ' right ' could not be used without raising doubt whether what people had previously under- stood by the 'just' or the 'generous,' or only the ' ex- pedient ' were meant ; but a still worse consequence would be that, even if no doubt of the sort were entertained, and if all men were agreed to take the word in none but its utilitarian 24 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. sense, the landmarks of right and wrong would thereby be well nigh obliterated. Due credit has already been given to Utilitarianism for its exemplary zeal in inculcating the practice of virtue, but its merit in that respect is more than neutralised by its equally zealous inculcation of prin- ciples, according to which it is impossible to decide before- hand whether any particular practice will be virtuous or not. This is my second charge against Utilitarianism. I maintain it to be a doctrine in most of its essentials erroneous ; but I maintain, further, that, even if it were correct, instead of furnishing us with an infallible criterion of right and wrong, it would deprive us of the means of clearly distinguishing between right and wrong at all times at which the power of so distinguishing is of prac- tical value. Bluntly enough, I have pronounced it to be false. With equal bluntness, I now add that, even if it were true, it would, all the same, be practically mis- chievous, and directly opposed to the very utility from which it takes its name. The argument in support of this charge shall now be stated. According to utilitarian ethics, the morality of actions depends wholly and solely on their consequences. On this point the language of authority is distinct, emphatic, unanimous, and self-contradictory. ' Utilitarian moralists,' says the chief amongst them, ' have gone beyond all others in affirming that the motive has nothing to do with the morality of an action He who saves a fellow- creature from drowning does what is morally right, whether his motive be duty or the hope of being paid for his trouble.' Upon which I would observe, in passing, that to save a fellow-creature from drowning can be deemed to be necessarily right by none but uncompro- ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 25 mising opponents of capital punishment. Most others will be disposed to doubt its having been a sufficient reason for commuting the sentence of death passed upon the murderer of Dhuleep Sing's gamekeeper, that, owing to physical malformation, hanging might perhaps have given him more than ordinary pain in the neck, or perhaps have prolonged the pleasure which, according to the select few qualified to speak from experience, is attendant on that mode of strangulation. Neither, without sacrificing his judgment to his feelings, could one of these doubters, if Rutherford had been sentenced to be drowned instead of hanged, have stretched out a hand to save the miscreant from the watery grave he so richly deserved. That there are no actions which by reason of their beneficial conse- quences are always and invariably moral, might be too much to affirm ; but I have no hesitation in saying that there are thousands, the morality or immorality of which — their results remaining the same — depends absolutely on their motives. Thus, if two doctors — of whom, for dis- tinction's sake, we will call one Smethurst and the other Smith — in attendance on patients afflicted with precisely the same disease, were by the administration of overdoses of strychnine each to kill his man, the only difference between them being that whereas one intended and ex- pected to kill, the other hoped to cure — would the act of killing be equally immoral in both cases .-' Would it not in the one case be murder, in the other mere error of judgment; and would both be equally crimes, or would the latter be in any degree criminal .-' And if it had been Smethurst instead of Smith who committed the error of judgment — if the overdoses by which he had meant to kill had happened to cure — would his error of judgment 26 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. have thereby been rendered moral, notwithstanding that his motive was murder ? The same great teacher, who so strenuously insists that the motive has nothing to do with the morality of an action, does indeed go on to say that it has ' much to do with the worth of the agent.' Here, however, I confess myself unable to follow him. That an act may possess morality independent of the agent, may be intelligible on the assumption that morality means simply utility, and nothing more ; but how, even then, worth can be evinced by the performance of an immoral action, is beyond my comprehension, except upon the further assumption that there may be worth in immorality. Waiving, however, these and all other objections, let us for the moment, and for the sake of argument, assume that morality and utility are really one and the same thing, that the right or wrong of an act depends entirely on its results, and then let us obsei"ve how utterly without rudder or compass to assist him in steering correctly will be the best-intentioned navigator of the ocean of life. We can seldom, if ever, be quite sure what will be the result of our conduct. Meaning to cure, we may only too probably kill ; meaning to kill, we may not impossibly cure. Until a thing is done, we cannot determine as to its utility ; nor, consequently, in an utilitarian sense, as to the morality of doing it. We must trust implicitly to our skill in calculating events, and if that skill happen to fail us, our conduct may become culpable. With the most earnest desire to act righteously, we can only guess before- hand whether what we propose doing will turn out to be righteous, and can never be sure, therefore, that we are not going to do something wicked. ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 27 Here I sliall, of course, and very properly, be reminded that what UtiHtarianisni recjuircs to be taken into account, are not merely the probable consequences of some pro- posed act, but the usual consequences of all acts of the same description ; so that its disciples, instead of being left to their conjectures about the future, may be said to have all past experience to refer to. And undeniably Utilitarianism does require this ; thereby, however, con- tradicting itself as, I just now hinted, it \\ould presently be found doing. It does indeed declare those actions only to be moral which in the long run are conducive to, or at least not opposed to, the general happiness ; but it also says that the morality of each particular action depends on its own particular consequences. So that the docile disciple who should do something which, though useful in the long run, happened to be otherwise in his particular case — who, for instance, should save the life of a fellow- creature of whom it would have been well for the world to be rid, would, to his disgust and bewilderment, find that while, with no desire but that of acting rightly, he had been obey- ing one utilitarian law, he had nevertheless been infringing another law of the same code, and thereby acting wrongly. Overlooking, however, this incongruity of two equally authoritative rules, let us proceed to consider what dan- gerous latitude of interpretation is allowed to the followers of cither of them. Those who believe that the merit or demerit of each separate action depends on that action's separate consequences, need seldom be at a loss for a pretext for committing the most heinous of crimes. A husband who, hating his wife, had his hate returned, and loving another woman, had his love returned, might plausibly reason thus within himself: The prescribed 28 ANTI- UTILITA RIANISM. objects of life are the multiplication of happiness and the diminution of misery ; here are three of us, all doomed to be miserable as long as we all three live ; but the wretchedness of two of us might be at once converted into happiness, if the third were put out of the way. By some such logical process, Queen Mar}^ and Bothwell may have satisfied themselves of the propriety of blowing up Darnley : Mr. and Mrs. Manning, as they sate at meat wath their destined victim over his ready-made grave, may have argued themselves into self-approval of the crowning rite with which their hospitalities were to terminate : any scampish apprentice with designs upon his master's till, any burglar plotting an entry into a goldsmith's shop, may become convinced of his rectitude of purpose, and even take credit for public-spirited zeal, in seeking to appro- priate to his own use part of another's wealth, which he may fairly suppose would be productive of more enjoy- ment if divided between two or more than if left in the hands of one, and that one already perhaps the possessor of more than he knows what to do with. Precisely the same sophistry will not indeed suffice for those disciples who, adopting the alternative law of the utilitarian code, feel bound to attend to the consequences not of individual actions, but of classes of actions. The cleverest self-deceiver can scarcely bring himself to believe that, because it might suit his personal convenience to kill or steal, killing and stealing would not be prejudicial to society if generally practised. Still, it is only necessary to have, or to fancy one has, public instead of private objects in view, in order to be able to look with approbation, from an utilitarian point of view, on any amount of homicide or robbery. It was the very same Robespierre that, while as ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 29 yet diocesan judge at Arras, felt constrained to abdicate because, ' behold, one day comes a culprit whose crime merits hanging, and strict-minded, strait-laced Max's con- science will not permit the dooming of any son of Adam to die,' who, shortly after, when sufficientl}' imbued with the utilitarian spirit, was fully prepared to wade through floods of slaughter towards the enthronisation of his prin- ciples — one of those principles evidently being that, if the decimation of mankind would conduce to the greater happiness of the residue, adding more to the happiness of the nine-tenths whom it spared than it took from the tenth whom it destro}'cd, the said decimation would be a duty incumbent on any one possessed of power to perpetrate it. Nor are principles like these appealed to only by those who have recourse to them for the vindication of their own procedure. At those petits-soiipcrs — bachelors' dinners is their modern English name, nodes ccencsque denm their ancient classical — for which some of our London clubs are deservedly celebrated, and with which the Garrick in especial is, in my mind, gratefully associated — at those choice gatherings of congenial spirits, conversation, chang- ing from gay to grave, turns not unfrequcntl}', among other lofty topics, on that which we are here discussing. Then, even at such divine .symposium, one at least of the guests is pretty sure to take the part of devil's advocate, and to exercise his forensic skill in showing how easily inter- changeable are the names of virtue and iniquity, crime and well-doing. September massacres then find, not their apologist, but their eulogist. Noyadcs of Carrier, fusilades of CoUot d'Hcrbois, are cited as examples verj- suitable for imitation in adequate emergencies. Prussia's seizure, on 30 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. behalf of Germany, of Schleswig and Holstein, on pretence of their being not Danish, but German, and her subsequent retention of them for herself on the plea of their having always been not German, but Danish, are applauded as acts perfectly consistent with each other and with the eternal fitness of things. And all this is urged in the best possible faith. Of the recited enormities, were not some, steps to the regeneration of France — others, to the unifac- tion of Germany } And what are myriads of lives in comparison with a regenerate— what violation of the most solemn engagements in comparison with a united, people "i Did not the millions of Frenchmen who sui-vived the Reign of Terror gain more than was lost by the thousands who were guillotined at Paris, or drowned at Nantes, or shot down at Lyons } Is not Germany likely to turn Kiel to far better account than Denmark ever did or could have done .^ and will not German ascendency be abundant com- pensation for Danish decadence } How culpably misplaced, then, were conscientious scruples that would have impeded the march of events in such directions ! Ends need but to be great enough to justify any means. Let but the good promise to exceed the evil, and there is no evil which ought not to be done in order that good may come of it. Thus slightly qualified, the Satanic adage, 'Evil, be thou my good,' is, without more ado, accepted as the utilitarian watchword. And what though it be only the most thorough-paced Utilitarians who go these extreme lengths t These lengths, extreme as they are, are legitimate deductions from tenets held in common by the most moderate and cautious as well as by the most reckless of the sect. Crime in the abstract is condemned not less vehemently by the latter A NTI- UriLITA RIA NISM. 3 1 than by the former ; but by both equally it is condemned on account, not of its inherent vileness, but solely of its observed results. If the results were different, the agency to which they are due would be fitted with a different epithet. If a world could be conceived to be so organised, or, if this world of ours could be conceived to be so changed as that the practice of killing, stealing, or telling lies would be conducive to the general good, the practice in question would obtain a new name in the Utilitarian vocabulary. Crime would become beneficence ; and to kill, to steal, or to tell lies would be not wrong, but right. These are propositions which, without abjuring the prime articles of his creed, the most timid Utilitarian has no alternative but to endorse ; but how, then, can he shut his eyes to their obvious application } How presume to rebuke those earnest philanthropists, who, to judge from their habitual language, are firmly of opinion that annihilation of one half of mankind would be a small price to pay for conver- sion of the other moiety into citizens of a world-wide Red Republic ; or those admirers of Prince Bismarck, who, hold- ing national aggrandisement to be the national suinniuui bonuvi, deem the most solemn treaties that might impede it to be obstacles which it is obligatory on a patriot to set aside.'' Will not the effects of an)- given cause vary with the changes in the circumstances in which the cause acts "> May it not easily happen that the direct effect of some private crime shall be to augment, instead of to diminish the total happiness of all the persons affected by it } And is it not, then, conceivable that a public crime, provided it be of sufficient magnitude, may more than counterpoise, by the good it is calculated to do, all the harm that all crimes of the same description either have done or are 32 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. likely to do hereafter? It is Idle to reply that such a comparison between public good and evil must needs be mistaken : that the harm, for instance, which violation of treaties does to mankind by sapping the foundations of international confidence, rendering impossible international co-operation, and bringing the very name of international morality into contempt, is infinitely beyond any good it can do in the shape of national aggrandisement. Whether this be so or not is matter of opinion, on which every one may fairly insist on forming his own, and if that opinion be in the negative, a utilitarian agent, in Prince Bismarck's circumstances, would be bound in duty to imitate Prince Bismarck's high-handed policy. In all circumstances of international import, in all cases bearing upon the general interests of society, a Utilitarian, after deciding according to his lights which of the various courses open to him would best promote the general welfare, either immediately by its direct effects, or subsequently and indirectly by the example it would set, would be bound in duty to adopt that course. That course, however wrong it might have appeared in all previous cases, would now become right, as being apparently the one most conducive to the future welfare of mankind. Utilitarianism's standard of morality thus turns out to be, not any fixed and definite notion of expediency, but one liable to change with every change in individual judgment. Its boasted criterion of the right or wrong of an action is the best conjecture which the agent, with or without extrinsic advice, is able to form of the future consequences of the action. Utilitarian law, in short, resolves itself Into this — that every man shall be a law unto himself. Of course no Utilitarians will acknow- ledge this to be their law, not even those who shape their ANTI- UTILITA RIA NISM. 33 conduct in exact conformity to it. Nevertheless, that such is the law follows necessarily from their own premises. For does not Utilitarianism sometimes — a little heedlessly, perhaps, but not the less positively — declare that the morality of aii action depends not at all upon its motives, but exclusivcl}' upon its consequences ? Does it not, when most guarded in its language, affirm the morality of actions to depend upon their tendencies, that is to say, on their consequences at large, and in the long run ? But there can never be perfect certainty as to consequences. With regard to the future, plausible conjecture is the utmost possible ; and by differing judgments different conjectures will needs be made. So that the value of the rule of conduct furnished by Utilitarianism to any individual depends upon the latter's ability, supplemented by that of any counsellors whom he may consult, to forecast events. He cannot pro- ceed correctly, except in so far as he or they have the gift of prophecy. However dull his vision ma}' be, he must content himself with his own blind guidance, unless he prefer as guide some one who, for aught he can tell, may be as blind as himself And it is always for himself to judge whether he will follow advice : so that in effect every Utilitarian is his own moral law-gi\-cr ; and, ccrtainl}-, a worse assignment of legislative functions cannot be imagined. But the mischievousness of Utilitarianism does not stop here. We have seen how one of its principles destroys the landmarks between right and wrong, between virtue and vice, causing each to take continually the place of its oppo- site. We have now to see how another of its principles obliterates all distinctions between different kinds of virtue, confounding them in one indiscriminate mass, and imparting to them a sort of general oneness not more lucid than that 34 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. which, according to Mr. Curdle, is the essence of the dra- matic unities. The object which it insists upon as conduct's end and aim is the general good — the greatest possible aggregate of good or happiness for all. As the Scriptures enjoin us, Avhether we eat or drink, or whatsoever we do, to do all to the glory of God, so Utilitarianism exhorts us to do all for the welfare of mankind. Now, far be it from me to carica- ture this soul-inspiring rule by forcing it, under a strained construction, to an unnatural extreme. Fairly examined, it will be seen to make no extravagant demands on our self-denial. As Christianity, even while bidding us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, promises that all other things shall be added unto us, so Utilita- rianism, even while insisting on our seeking first to please others, permits, nay, directs, us to take as much pleasure for ourselves as we can lay hold of without depriving others, since the aggregate of happiness which it is incum- bent upon us to augment to the best of our ability would othenvise be less. Nay, for the same reason, it disapproves of our foregoing any pleasure of our own, the full equiva- lent of which is not transferred to others. The happiness which it requires us to attend to is that of a society of which each of us is a component member, and no member of which can deny himself any pleasure within his reach, and beyond the reach of others, without diminishing the total of happiness which the whole society might enjoy. ' As between his own happiness and that of others,' says Mr. Mill, ' Utilitarianism requires an agent to be as strictly impartial as a disinterested and benevolent spectator.' Thus qualified, the prescribed subordination of one's own to the general good is no such extravagantly self-denying ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 35 ordinance. If for anything, it mi^^lit rather be reproached for its cold, calculating cquit}'. With reference quite as much to individual as to communal happiness it is an excellent rule of conduct, against which not a word could be said, provided only it were left to be adopted volun- tarily, and were not authoritatively imposed. Unfortunately, however. Utilitarianism allows no option in the matter. Unless we do our very utmost to promote the general weal, at \\hatcvcr sacrifice to ourselves, it charges us with sin of omission. In the ^\•ords of one of the ablest among able Editors, 'justice is the social idea in its highest, widest, and most binding expression It signifies the moral principle which obliges each so to shape his conduct and relations, his claims and his achieve- ments, that they harmonise with the highest good of all.' ' To which doctrine of Mr. Morley's, if other Utilitarians do not subscribe, it can only be because they are less resolutely logical. Mr. Mill, indeed, though dissenting in appearance on this point from Mr. Morley, agrees with him in sub- stance. Even when on one occasion, distinguishing between duty and virtue, he says that there are innumerable acts and forbearances of human beings which, though cither causes or hindrances of good to their fellow-creatures. He beyond the domain of duty, and within that of \irtue or merit, he goes on to assign as the solo reason for placing them in the domain of the latter that, in respect to them, it is, on the whole, for the general interest that people should be left free, thereby plainly intimating that society would be equitably entitled to insist on them if it thought proper. But conduct that can be equitably insisted on is clearly, in the strictest sense, duty ; and it would be pre- ' ' Fortnightly Review,' June, 1S6S. 36 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. posterous to claim merit for doing that which it would be a breach of duty to leave undone. Duties do not cease to be duties because he on whom they are incumbent is not compelled under penalty to perform them, any more than debts cease to be debts because creditors do not choose to ask for payment. All consistent utilitarian teaching points inflexibly towards Mr. Morley's conclusion, according to which justice and social virtue are absolutely identical, and according to which, also, whoever does not shape his ' conduct, &c., in harmony with the highest good of all,' does less than is due from him, while it is impossible for him to do more. For whatever he propose to do must either be or not be in the prescribed harmony. If it be, he is bound to do it. If not, he is bound not to do it. The very utmost he can do is no more than is incumbent upon him. Less than his very utmost is less than is incumbent. No action of his, therefore, can possess any merit ; for mere fulfilment of obligations is reckoned not of grace, but of debt. Having done eveiything, he is still but an unprofit- able servant ; he has but done that which was his duty to do. Where, then, is the boast of virtue } It is excluded. By what law } By that of Utilitarianism, set forth in its full amplitude. Honesty and generosity, faith, truth, charity, patient endurance, and chivalrous self-devotion, all are mingled together under the name of justice, and justice itself only remains just as long as it remains identical with the largest expediency. At this rate we cannot possibly have any virtue to plume ourselves upon. The best we can do being no more than our duty, the only reward we can claim is exemption from the punishment we should have deserved if we had not done it. Whether it be that we have abstained from ANTI-UriLITARIANlSM. 37 killing or robbing our fcllow-citizcns for our own advan- tage, or have impovcri.shcd or half-killed ourselves in the service of the State, our meed is the same. Loris non iireris. Non pasccs in cnicc corvos, is ^\•hat we are told. We may congratulate ourselves on having escaped the cat-o'-nine-tails and the gallows. Well, we have, most of us, so much self-sufficienc}', that to deprive us of all ground for it might be a fault on the right side. But now comes a second and more awkward reflection. If you will not of your own accord do your duty, those to whom performance of the duty is owing have a right to use means to make you — foul means if fair means will not avail. If, then, you hesitate to do your utmost for the interests of society, society is warranted in taking measures to accelerate }'our movement. If }ou are not, or what is practically the same thing, if a numerical majority of your fellow-citizens think you are not, making the most beneficial use of )-our pro- perty ; if it be generally considered that it would be for the greater good of the greater number to divide your park and garden into peasant properties and cottage allotments, to double the wages of the workmen in your employment, or to subject you and the likes of }-ou to a graduated income tax for the purpose of setting up national workshops to compete with }-ou in )-our own trade ; and, if }'0u do not readily enter into the same views, then the said nume- rical majority are not simply w'arranted in taking the law into their own hands and doing, in spite of you, what they think ought to be done with your property, but would be culpably remiss if they neglected so to act. Now it is needless to dwell on the extent to which that large numerical majority of our fellow-citizens which con- sists of the working classes is imbued with this notion, nor, 38 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. except to those who are similarly imbued, can it be neces- sary to insist that there is no notion of which it is more indispensable to disabuse the working-class mind. This, accordingly, I strove to do throughout a recent work of mine, ' On Labour,' particularly in the chapter which treats of the claims and rights thereof. I there earnestly pleaded that there may be, and arc, private rights independent of utility which no public needs can cancel ; that all which any man, or set of men, is entitled to exact from another is payment or fulfilment of \\'hat is due to him or them from that other ; that unless the poverty of the many has been caused by the few, the many are not warranted in extorting relief of their wants from the few ; that the mere circum- stance of their being without food or w^ork does not entitle the poor to be fed or employed by the rich, for that there is likewise a justice independent of and superior to utility, consisting simply of respect for rights, while injustice con- sists simply of violation of rights. In so arguing, I ran directly counter to Utilitarianism, provoking thereby a retaliatory assault from Utilitarianism's tutelary champion, who, as readers of the ' Fortnightly Review ' ' are aware, bore down upon me with an energy no whit the less effective for being tempered with all knightly courtesy. Yet, not to say it vaingloriously, I am not conscious of having been shaken in the saddle, and I now return to the encounter with modest assurance, firmly believing mine to be the better cause, and recollecting too that in a contest with Mr. Mill, let the issue be what it may, I may at least comfort myself with the reflection Minus tuipe vinci quam contendisse decorum. ' See the No. for June, 1869. ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 39 I must at the outset be permitted to remark that one or two of Mr. Mill's objections to my statements are based upon misconception of their meaning. I never questioned, but, on the contrary, have always in the distinctest terms admitted that society is perfectly at liberty to put an end to the institution of property in land. No extrcmest Socialist ever went beyond me in proclaiming that the ' earth was bestowed by the Creator, not on any privileged class or classes, but on all mankind and on all successive generations of men, so that no one generation can have more than a life interest in the soil, or be entitled to alienate the birthright of succeeding generations.' ' No one more fully recognises that property in land exists only on sufferance and by concession, and that society, which made the concession, may at any moment take it back on giving full compensation to the concessioners. Again, when asserting the inviolability of moveable, as distinguished from landed, property, I was careful to limit the assertion to property honestly acquired. I never supposed it possible to acquire by prescription ' a fee simple in an injustice.' Only, if in any particular instance it be suspected that property has been acquired by force, fraud, or jobber}', I contend that the onus probandi lies on him who raises the question. It is for him to show, if he can, that a commercial fortune has, as Mr. Mill suggests, been built up by 'jobbing contracts, profligate loans, or other reprehensible practices.' Ikit if this cannot be shown, the validity of the actual possessor's title must not be impugned. Property must be ti'eated as of innocent acqui- sition and derivation until proved to be of guilty. And that not merel}' because there could otherAvise be no rights ' ' On Labour,' p. 93. 40 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. of property at all, since it must always be impossible for any owner to demonstrate that neither he nor any one of those from whom he derives ever either overreached in a bargain or failed in a contract ; but also, and much more, because whether a person be or be not the rightful owner of the wealth in his possession, no one can possibly be entitled to despoil him unless the wealth can be shown to have been ill-gotten. That right must be held to be com- plete with which no one can show a right to interfere. The gravest, however, of Mr. Mill's criticisms is that mine is ' a doctrine a priori, claiming to command assent by its own light, and to be evident by simple intuition.' This is an imputation to which I am so unaware of having laid myself open that I can account for its having been made only on the supposition that Mr. ]\Iill, in common with most other Utilitarians, imagines that their only opponents are Intuitionists, and that it is onl}' necessary to set aside the tenets of these in order to get their own established instead. If this were really the case, utilitarian advocacy would be a comparatively easy task. Intui- •tionism, whether capable or not of being disproved, is by its nature unsusceptible of decisive proof. If I, in support of the proposition that there is in the human mind an intuitive sense of any sort, were to assert that I had such a sense while you denied that you had, it would be impossible for me to prove }'ou to be mistaken, while, unless you were mistaken as to your individual experience, I should clearly be mistaken as to the generalisation which I had based upon mine. But I never said a word about an intuitive sense of right and wrong. How could I, seeing, as no one who chooses to look can fail to see, that the instincts of untutored children prompt them to disregard all rights but AN71 UTILITARIANISM. 41 their own, to spit cockchafers, rob birds' nests, and con- fiscate younger children's cakes and apples ? All I say is that there may be and are rights independent of and even opposed to utility, and these, for reasons which shall im- mediately be stated, I call natural rights ; but I do not say that they arc intuitively perceived. As for sense of justice or of duty, or moral sense or facult}', what I under- stand by that is not recognition of certain rights or duties as such, but recognition of the obligation to respect Avhatever rights and to fulfil whatever duties are recognised, accord- ing to which definition it is mere tautology to add that the sense or faculty in question originates simultaneously with the recognition of any rights or duties. For inasmuch as rights invariably imply corresponding obligations — inas- much as if a thing be rightfully claimed, that same thing must needs be due or owing, it is of course impossible to perceive that a thing is owing without perceiving at the same moment that it ougJit to be paid. On this account, and with this explanation, I should not scruple to speak of the moral sense as intuitive ; but if for that reason I am to be called an Intuitionist, so equally must Mr, Mill, for he has said precisely the same thing. He likewise has said that 'the moral faculty, if not a part of our nature, is a natural out-growth from it, capable, in a certain small degree, of springing up spontaneously,' II, By my avowal of a belief in ' Natural Rights,' I feel that I must have incurred in philosophic quarters a sort of civil contempt, which I am very desirous of removing, and 42 ANTI- UTILITARIANISM. which \\\\\, I trust, be somewhat dimniished on my pro- ceeding to explain how few and elementary are the rights that I propose for naturalisation. They are but two in number, and they arc these: — (i) Absolute right, except in so far as the same may have been forfeited by mis- conduct or modified by consent, to deal in any way one pleases, not noxious to other people, with one's own self or person ; (2) right equally absolute to dispose similarly of the produce either of one's own honest industry, or of that of others whose rights in connection with it have been honestly acquired by oneself. I call these ' rights,' because there cannot possibly anywhere exist either the right to prevent their being exercised, or any rights with which they can clash, and because, therefore, by their freest exercise, no one can possibly be wronged, while to interfere with their exercise would be to wrong their pos- sessor. And I call them ' natural,' because they are not artificially created, and have no need of external ratifi- cation. Whoever thinks proper to deny this — whoever, as all Utilitarians do, contends that society is entitled to interfere with the rights which I have called natural, is bound to attempt to show how society became so en- titled ; when for the claim he puts forward on society's behalf he Avill find it impossible to produce any plausible pretext, without crediting society with possession of .a right belonging to that same ' natural ' class, the exist- ence of which he denies. For, as there can be no rights without corresponding obligations or duties, if it be really the right of society to deal at its discretion with the persons or effects of individuals, it must be incumbent on individuals to permit themselves and w^hatever is theirs to be so dealt with. Have, then, individuals incurred any ANTJ-LTILJTARIANISM. 4 such obligation ? No obligation, be it remembered, can arise, except through some antecedent act of one or other or both of the parties concerned. Either a pledge of some sort must have been given or a benefit of some sort must have been received. Now undoubtedly there are no limits to the extent to which society and its indi- vidual members might have reciprocally pledged them- selves. It might have been stipulated by their articles of association that society at large should do its utmost for the welfare of each of its members, and that each of its members should do his utmost for the welfare of society at large. But it is certain, either that no such compact ever was made, or that, if made, it has always been systematically set at nought. Society has never made much pretence of troubling itself about the welfare of individuals, except in certain specified particulars ; so that, even if individuals had, on condition of being treated with reciprocal solicitude, accepted the obligation of at- tending to the welfare of society in other than the same particulars, that conditional obligation would from the commencement have been null and v^oid. The one thing which society invariabl}' pledges itself to do is to protect person and propcrt}', and by implication to enforce per- formance of contracts ; and the two things ^^■hich indi- vidual associates in turn pledge themselves to do are to abstain from molesting each other's persons and propert}', and to assist society in protecting both. In so abstain- ing and so assisting consist all those ' many acts and the still greater number of forbearances, the perpetual prac- tice of which by all is,' as Mr. Mill says, ' universally deemed to be so necessary to the general well-being, that people must be held to it compulsorily, either by law or 44 ANTI- UTI LIT ARIA NISM. by social pressure.' ^ Under one or other of these two heads may be ranged everything that individuals owe to society in return for the mere protection which they re- ceive from it. True, there is an universal understanding that indi- viduals shall be subject to any laws, whether wise or foolish, provided only they be of equal and impartial operation, which may be enacted by a numerical majority of the community to which the individuals belong ; and in this manner individuals may become bound by any number of miscellaneous pledges, society acquiring simul- taneously the right to hold individuals to the perform- ance of those pledges. Thus, if by the vote of an unimpeachably representative House of Commons it were declared to be for the general good, and agreed to ac- cordingly, that every one should be vaccinated or cir- cumcised, it would be incumbent on every one to submit quietly to vaccination or circumcision, how^ever deleterious the operation might be deemed by some. Or if, im- proving upon a hypothetical suggestion of iMr. Mill, a par- liament elected by constituencies in which the labouring- class element greatly predominated, should prospectively forbid the accumulation by any individual of property beyond a specified amount, then, though the almost certain consequence would be that the prescribed limit of accumulation would not be exceeded, still if it were ex- ceeded, the accumulator could not justly complain when the surplus was forfeited according to law. Yet even thus the obligations or duties created will correspond exactly with the pledges given ; none will be incurred except such ' 'Fortnightly Review' for June, 1869, p. 683. ANTI-UriLITARIANISM. 45 as have been imposed by special legislation — nor even those, unless the legislation have been impartial. A law requiring people to pay poor's-rates would not suffice as a pretext for requiring them to pay education rates like- wise. Neither if, instead of passing the prospective law just now supposed, a governing majority which had pre- viously always permitted the indefinite accumulation of wealth, were retrospectively to decree the forfeiture of all past accumulations beyond a defined amount, would in- dividuals be morally bound to submit to such a decree if they could contrive to evade it, any more than sexqui- pedalians would be bound to lay their heads on the block in obedience to a law directing everybody six feet high to be decapitated. All such partial legislation would be tyrannical, and circumstances must be veiy peculiar in- deed to make submission to tyranny a duty. But of all conceivable legislation, none could possibl}' be more partial, or therefore more tyrannical, than such as should give to society a general power of dealing at its pleasure with its associates, and of arbitrarily subjecting separate classes or individuals to exceptional treatment. Even, therefore, if a law to such monstrous effect were enacted, it could have no morally binding force. It would be no one's duty to acquiesce in it. I will not here stop to dispute, though I am not sure that I could without some slight reservation admit, that the receipt of unasked-for benefits places the recipient under precisely the same obligation to benefit his bene- factor, as if the good received by him had been con- ferred on express condition of his availing himself of the first opportunity to render equal good. I will not stop to dispute, for instance, that a person saved from drown- 46 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. ing at the risk of his own rescuer's Hfe, would be bound, on occasion arising, to risk his own hfe in order to save his former rescuer's. For my immediate purpose, it may suffice to remark that society has never been in the habit of showing such parental solicitude for its component members as would warrant its claiming filial devotion from them. In the matter of philanthropy its practice has never been in advance of its very moderate professions. It has invariably contented itself with rendering certain specific services, never failing to exact in return fully equivalent services of each species. In candour, however, there must be admitted to be innumerable blessings not yet adverted to, including in- deed most of those by the possession of which man is distinguished from brutes, for which he is in so far in- debted to society that, but for the instrumentality of society, they would never have been his. Unless indi- viduals had formed themselves into communities, civili- zation could have made no sensible progress : there could have been no considerable advances, material, intellectual, moral, or aesthetic. Not only should we have been desti- tute of all the comforts and luxuries that now surround us, we .should have lacked also whatever cerebral deve- lopment we have attained, together with all its con- comitants and consequences ; whatever of intelligence, or moral perceptiveness, or artistic taste we have to boast of. Still, though none of these faculties could have made much approach to maturity except under the shelter of society, they are not gifts of society. Without the help of a plough, land cannot be ploughed ; but we do not therefore credit the ploughmaker with the achievem-cnts of the ploughman. Neither is society to take to itself ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 47 praise because its members have made good use of the protection ^^'llicl^, in consideration of stipulated services on their part, it lias afforded them. Besides, whatever we inherit from society, wc inherit from a society of members no longer in being. Let the dead come to life again, and it may then become us to examine their claims upon our gratitude, but we need not meanwhile confound past and present generations, nor our forefathers \\\\\\ our con- temporaries. To the mass of these latter, at any rate, we are none of us indebted for our brains or our aptitudes of thought and feeling, and the circumstance of our being joint sharers with them in patrimony bequeathed by a common ancestry, affords no ver}' obvious reason why our share of the inheritance, together with whatever else we possess, should be at their absolute disposal. Thus it appears that in no one of the ways in which alone can originate the obligations which must always precede or accompany artificially-created rights, has that particular obligation arisen without which it is impossible for society to obtain artificially the right of preventing individuals from doing as they will with their own. No sufficient pledge has been given by one side, no sufficient benefit conferred by the other. Individuals never agreed to place their all at the disposal of societ}' ; society never rendered to individuals any ser\'ices entitling it to claim such boundless gratitude. One service which it invariably undertakes is that of protecting person and property. This is its chief and primary dut}', the fulfilment of which is always the first object of its institution, often the only one it acknowledges. But clearl}- it cannot by perform- ance of a duty acquire the right of doing the exact reverse of that duty. It cannot by protecting acquire the right 48 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. of molesting. It cannot by preventing person and pro- perty from being meddled with, acquire in its corporate capacity the right of itself meddling. Since then this right of meddling, this right of disposing of what is ex- clusively some individual's own, otherwise than the owner wishes, has not been acquired by society artificially, it must, if it do actually belong to society, have been come by naturally ; and this accordingly is what Utilitarians really, though perhaps unconsciously, assume, treating moreover this gratuitous assumption of theirs as a self- evident truth. For, as Utilitarians themselves cannot fail on reflection to perceive, they offer no shadow of argument in support of that ' greatest happiness principle ' on which their whole system rests. Commencing with the undeniable postulate that happiness is the sole object of existence, and per- ceiving that individual happiness alone would be a very misleading object, they proceed to take quietly for granted that the only happiness at which life ought to aim is social happiness. Now, undoubtedly social happiness is of more importance than individual happiness— the happiness of many than that of one or a fcAv ; neither can there be any worthier object of pursuit than the greatest happiness of the greatest number. All this is seen without being said, but what is by no means so easily seen is how it can be incumbent on any one to pursue that object to his own detriment — how it can be imperative on one or on a few to sacrifice his or their happiness in order to promote that of the many. Plainly such self-devotion cannot be for their personal advantage, and Utilitarianism does not even attempt to show how it can have become their dut}'. Meritorious, magnanimous, heroic in the highest degree it ANTI-UTILirARIANJSM. 49 would certainly be, but does not that very circumstance prove conclusively that it cannot be due, inasmuch as there is nothing meritorious in merely doing one's duty and paying one's debts ? But of that which is not due, how can payment be riglitfully insisted upon ? What the few are under no obligation to yield, how can the many be entitled to extort, or how can the worthiness of the latter's object excuse their doing that which they have no right to do ? Is any object, however worthy, to be pursued regardless of all collateral considerations ? To these objections Utilitarians have no answer to make. All they can do is tacitl)' to take for granted the disputed duty and right. That the less ought to give way to the greater, and the few to the many, and that the many may rightfully therefore, if need be, use force to compel the less or the few to give way — these are treated by them as incontestable propositions, even as ' doctrines a priori, claiming assent by their own light, evident by simple intuition.' And although thus from their own inner con- sciousness evolving the very first principles of their own philosophy, the premises of their deduction that social happiness is the proper aim in life, and that conduciveness to such happiness is the test of morality — ' Intuitionists,' strange to say, is the distinctive appellation which they propose to affix to all those who hesitate to accept as ethical foundation stones the results of their intuitional evolution. Scarcely by a taunt so readily rebuttable will anti- Utilitarians be excited to speedier apprehension of the nature of the lien which corporate self-interest is presumed to-have upon individual self-devotion. Not the less tena- ciously may they cling to their belief in the right of every E so ANTI- UTILITARIANISM. one to do as he will with whatever has come by fair means into his exclusive and complete possession. Neither, I venture to think, need less store be set by that right in consequence of an objection very adroitly taken to it by Mr. Mill, which, on account both of its inherent ingenuity and of its having been addressed more immediately to myself, it ^\'ould be inexcusable in me to leave unexamined. In Mr. Mill's opinion, the right in question, even if valid, would be valueless, because it would be neutralised by precisely similar rights belonging to socict}-. If, he argues, individuals are at liberty to do as they will \\\\\\ their own, so likewise must society be. But ' existing social arrange- ments and la^\' itself exist in virtue not only of the forbear- ance, but of the active support of the labouring classes ' who in every community constitute a numerical majority. This working-class majority might then if the\' pleased with- draw their support from existing arrangements, thereby depriving person and property of social protection ; and by merely threatening such withdrawal they could compel individuals to acquiesce in their most extravagant de- mands. ' They might bind the rich to take the whole burden of taxation upon themselves. They might bind them to give employment, at liberal wages, to a number of labourers in a direct ratio to the amount of their in- comes. They might enforce on them a total abolition of inheritance and bequest.' Mr. Mill maintains that these things, although exceedingly foolish, might according to my principles, with perfect equity be done ; na}-, if I under- stand him correctly, that according neither to mine nor to any one else's principles can any adequate reason be assigned why they should not be done, except that their practical results would be baneful instead of beneficial. ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 51 And takini; this view, he is fully warranted in asking- what it can matter that according to my theory ' an em- ployer does no wron^- in making the use he docs of his capital, .if the same theory would justify the employed in compelling him by law to make a different use— if the labourers would in no way infringe the definition of justice by taking the matter into their own hands and establish- ing by law an}' modification of the rights of property which in their opinion would increase the remuneration of their labour.' ' My reply to this and to the -whole argument is the following. So long as society continues to exist, societ}' cannot divest itself of the primary function for the dis- charge of which it was originally constituted. Society, having come together in the first instance, tacitly pledged to extend protection to each individual associate, cannot, ^\•ithout breach of contract, withdraw that protection. It may, indeed, make any impartial laws it pleases, and attach any penalty it pleases to violation of any impartial law, but it cannot in equit}-, whatever it ma}- in practice, place any of its members outside the law ; neither, most certainly, even if its competence did extend thus far, could it go the farther length of conferring on any one the right of doing ^\■rong to an outlaw. It may even be doubted whether, if an outlaw were to injure an\' one still belonsrino- to the societ}', an}- but the injured person himself would be warranted in retaliating. The sole reason that I can perceive why even he would is, that his . rights had been infringed, and that reparation was due to him for any damage sustained b}- him in consequence, while, on the other hand, the aggressor had forfeited those rights of his ' See ' Fortnightly Review' for June, 1S69, pp. 6S7-8. E 2 52 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. which might otherwise have forbidden the injured person from taking the reparation due. But society had had none of its rights infringed. By society no injury had been sustained. To society, therefore, no reparation was due ; and society, it seems to me, would have no right to insist on exacting reparation not due to itself from one whom it had forcibly extruded from its communion, and who, therefore, was no longer amenable to its jurisdiction. So- ciety might, indeed, dissolve itself, proclaiming that 'every man for himself, and God for all,' should thencefonvard be the rule. But although it might thus leave individual rights without other defence than that of the owner, it could not annihilate individual rights. It might cancel the right to mutual protection, but it could not, in place of that, create a right of mutual molestation. One's own person and property would still be as much one's own as before, and whoever outraged either would not be the less a wrong doer because society permitted his wrong doing to remain unpunished. In all ethical investigations it is impossible to guard too watchfully against the smallest approach to confusion of might with right. Instead of being valueless, the particular rights of which Mr. Mill speaks so disparagingly, appear to me to possess a value which can scarcely be exaggerated. They are, as may be readily perceived, identical with the two which I have termed ' natural,' and of which I began by saying that they are exceedingly elementary, but of which I have now to add that they are also all-comprehensive, for that there are no genuine rights whatever, however numerous or complex, which neither are included within, nor branch out from, them. This will be manifest on comparison of them with the items enumerated in any other catalogue ANTJ-UTILITARIANISM. 53 of rights ; as, for instance, with the one drawn up by Mr. Mill, according to whom all rights may be classified as follows: — (1) Legal rights; (2) moral rights ; (3) the right of every one to that which he deserves ; (4) the right to fulfilment of engagements ; (5) right to impartiality of treatment; (6) right to equality of treatment.' Each of these varieties will repay a brief examination. Under the head of ' legal ' rights are commonly placed, not those only which are conferred, but those also which are confirmed, by law. Such as law has merely confirmed, however, are of course not the creatures of law. But it is admitted on all hands that a law may be unjust — that is to say, it may without consent from the parties con- cerned, infringe some previously existing right — and as the right so violated cannot have been created by law, inasmuch as what law had been competent to create, law would be equally competent to cancel — it is clear that there must be rights other than those created by law, rights whose origin was independent of, and anterior to, law. It is apparently to rights of this description that Mr. Mill applies the name of ' moral ' rights. Examples of them are a man's rights to personal liberty and to pro- perty in whatever belongs to him as having become his by honest means, to both of which, unless he had forfeited them by misconduct, he would be equally entitled, whether liis title to them were or ^^■cre not recognised by law. The only genuine rights which law can create, or consequently can have to confer, are privileges in respect of person or property other than one's own. Eut such legalised privi- leges are not necessarily rights. Whether they are so actually or not depends mainly on the character of the » ' Utilitarianism,' by J. S. Mill, pp. 64-S. 54 ANTI- UT I LIT ARIA NISM. legislative authority, A right to interfere with rights not based upon law cannot be conferred without the consent of the parties in whom the independent rights are vested, given either directly by themselves or indirectly through their representatives. If a legislative body be truly and thoroughly representative of the community which it con- trols, then every one of its enactments, however bad or foolish, is virtually an engagement to which every member of the community is a party, and any privilege arising out of it becomes to all intents and purposes a right. If, on the other hand, the legislative authority be autocratic, or if it represent only certain favoured sections of the com- munity, then none of its enactments, however wise and good, of which a majority of the public disapprove, and which interfere with the rights termed by Mr. Mill ' moral,' are morally binding, except on the legislators themselves and their immediate constituents. Any one else may quite blamelessly break the law, and resist any privilege thereby created, though he must, of course, be prepared, in case of detection, to take the legal consequences of his dis- obedience. For example, protective duties, however im- politic, if imposed because a majority of the nation were of opinion that a certain branch of domestic industry had better be fostered by protection, could not be evaded without injustice to those engaged in the protected in- dustry, though there would be no injustice in smuggling, if they had been imposed in opposition to the general sense of the public by a packed Parliament or an absolute monarch. The same legal monopoly, which in the one case could not be justly evaded, could not in the other be justly enforced. A legal privilege, in short, becomes a right only when a majority of those at whose expense it is to be ANTI- UTILITA RIANISM. 5 5 exercised, have formally consented either directly or in- directly to its beintj exercised ; and it then becomes a ri^ht solely because an eni^aL^ement has been entered into, in virtue of which, whatever is requisite for its satisfaction has become (^wc. Thus it appears that, whatever legal rights are genuine, and are not at the same time ' moral ' rights also, resolve themselves into specimens of the right to fulfilment of engagements, and belong not more to the first than to the fourth of Mr. Mill's categories, to which latter, therefore, we ma)- at once transfer our attention. Why is it, then, that every one has a right to fulfilment of engagements, to have faith kept with him, to have promises observed .'' Solely, as it seems to me, because whatever has been promised to any one becomes eventually his due, and because whatever is due or owing ought to be paid. A promise is nothing less than a prospective transfer of property in some thing, or in the advantage derivable from some action, and when the time appointed for making the transfer arrives, whatever has been promised, whether actually transferred or not, becomes the complete property of, and in the fullest sense of the word belongs to him to whom it has been promised ; so that the right to fulfilment of engagements resolves itself into the moral right of every one to have that which belongs to him, and we have already seen that e\ery legal right which cannot on other grounds be shown to be a moral right resolves itself into a right to fulfilment of an engagement. Whence it follows that there are no legal rights whatever which are not likewise moral rights, and which might not therefore be equally rights, even though they had ne\-cr been legalised. Whence, and from what has just been obser\-ed with respect to the right to fulfilment of engagements, it further 56 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. follows that of the five branches of Mr. Mill's classification, the first and fourth may without inconvenience be dis- pensed with, and that the second will suffice to do duty for itself and for the other two. We have next to consider a person's right to that which he deserves, with reference to which, and to my assertion that there is no necessary correspondence between the remuneration which a labourer ought to receive and either his merits or his needs, Mr. Mill inquires as follows :— *If justice be an affair of intuition, if we are guided to it by the immediate and spontaneous perceptions of the moral sense, what doctrines of justice are there on which the human race would more instantaneously and with one accord put the stamp of its recognition than these — that it is just that each should have what he deser\'es, and that, in the dispensation of good things, those whose wants are the most urgent should have the preference 1 ' But surely however just it be that each should have what he deserves, it is so only on condition that he have it from those from whom it is due, and do not take it from those from whom it is not due. The latter, surely, at least as much deser\^e to be allowed to keep what they have already by honest means got, as others to get what they have not yet got. But if so, then that these should be deprived of their deserts, in order that those may get theirs, is surely about the very last doctrine that ought to be put forward as self-evident and intuitive. 'But,' Mr. Mill proceeds to ask, 'if there be in the natural constitution of things something patently unjust, something contrary to sentiments of justice, which sentiments, being intuitive, are supposed to have been implanted in us by the same Creator who made the order Oif things that they protest against — do not these senti- ANTI-UTILIl ARIANISM. 57 mcnts impose upon us the duty of striving by all human means to repair the injustice ? And if, on the contrary, we avail ourselves of it for our own personal advantage, do we not make ourselves participators in injustice, allies and auxiliaries of the Evil Principle ? ' ' Now, as I have already said, I am myself no intuitionist, but if I were, I should not the less feel warranted in here replying that by no theory of justice, intuitive or other, can the passive spectator of an injustice to which he is no party be bound to assist in repairing the injustice, simply because he has the means. A creditor denied payment of his fair debts docs not get what he deserves ; but upon whom, except the defaulting debtor, docs it therefore become incumbent to repair the latter's injustice by paying his debts ? And if there be in the general order of mundane affairs, as — • provided I may attribute the existence of it, as of all other evil, not to God, but to the devil — I don't mind admitting there may be — something which prevents many of our fellow-creatures from getting their deserts, something con- trary, therefore, to our sentiments of justice whether those sentiments have been implanted in us by the Creator or not, I still maintain that those sentiments do not impose upon us the duty of striving to correct the injustice. They necessarily stimulate us more or less powerfully, according to their own intrinsic strength, to undertake that noblest of all tasks, but they do not render it imperativ^e upon us. Whether, if we actively avail ourselves of the injustice for our own profit — though this, by the way, is no more than every one of us does who takes advantage of competition among labourers to obtain labour for a less price than he perceives it to be worth — we are not making ourselves 1 ' Fortnightly Review' for June, 1S69, pp. 6S4-5. 58 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. auxiliaries of the Evil Principle, may be matter of opinion ; but, at all events, we do not even then become participators in an injustice which we did not create, and do not uphold or help to perpetuate, but merely accommodate ourselves to. At worst, we are but accessories to it after the fact. In simply accepting the situation and striving to make the best of it for ourselves, without trying to make it better and only abstaining from making it worse for others, our conduct may be contemptible, mean, base, disgusting, or what you will, only not iniquitous ; for whatever, short of their deserts, may, from the cause supposed, be received by our fellow-creatures, although in one sense plainly due to them, is as plainly not due from us, and we cannot, without palpable injustice, as well as palpable abuse of words, be charged with injustice for merely declining to pay debts that we do not owe. The rights to impartial and to equal treatment need not detain us long. There is no right to impartiality except where impartiality is due, and it is only in a small minority of cases that impartiality is due. There is nothing iniqui- tous in showing favour to the extent of giving one person more than his due, provided no other person be prevented from having as much as his due. The lord of the vine- yard who gave unto all his labourers alike, the same to those who had wrought for him but one hour as to those with whom he had agreed that for a penny they should bear the burden and heat of the day, did the latter no wrong ; his eye was not the less good because theirs Avas evil. A judge, or an arbitrator, or the conductor of a competitive examination, is bound to make his award without respect of persons, because he cannot favour one without withholding from some other what that other ANTI- UTILITARIANISM. .59 ought to have. On every distributor of Government patronage, h'kewise, it is morally incumbent to select for the public for whom he is trustee, the best servants he can find. An English Prime Minister has no right to make his son a Lord of the Treasury or of the Admiralty, if he know of any one better fitted for the post and willing to accept it ; and if he name any but the fittest candidate, he fails in his duty to the community on whose behalf he acts. But a private employer, acting for himself alone, is under no similar obligation, and may take whom he pleases into his service, and assign to him \vhatcver position therein he pleases, without afibrding any cause for reason- able complaint to those more capable members of his establishment whom he places under one less capable. In short, except in those rare cases in which impartiality means rendering what is due, in which cases it is but another name for justice, there is nothing unjust in dis- regarding it. As for equality, although its ' idea,' as Mr. ]\Iill says, ' often enters as a component part both into the conception and into the practice of justice, and in the eyes of many persons constitutes its essence,' ' I can think of no single case in which, unless by reason of some special agreement, it can possibly be due, or in which, consequently, there can be any right to it. Even that equal protection for what- ever is indisputably one's own, the claim of all to which is commonly admitted almost as a matter of course, is really due from those only by whom the obligation to afford it has been tacitly or formally accepted. On this ground it is due from the public at large, and from those indi\-iduals to whom the public has delegated certain of its tutelary ' ' Utilitarianism,' p. 267. 6a A XTI- UTILITARIANISM. functions, but from no other individuals whatever. No one else is bound to take, for the protection of all other people, whatever pains or trouble he takes for his own security — to w^atch, for instance, as vigilantly that his neighbour's house as that his own is not broken into. And while the one solitary claim of any plausibility to universal equality of treatment requires to be largely qualified before it can be conceded, there is no other claim of the kind which does not carry with it its own refutation ; there is no other A\-hich does not partake of the absurdity patent in the communistic notion that all the members of a society are entitled to share equally in the aggregate produce of the society's labour. How is it possible that an equal share can be everybody's due, if different persons may have different deserts, and everyone's deserts be likewise his due? We have now gone completely through the list of arti- ficially created rights, without finding one that does not derive all its validity from connection with some pre- existing right. We have seen that among so-called rights none whatever are genuine by reason merely of any extrinsic sanction they may have received, but that all real rights either are such intrinsically, or are based upon, or embody within them, some right purely intrinsic. We have seen that there are two rights endued with this intrinsic character — viz., that of absolute control over one's own self or person, and that of similar control over what- ever else has by honest means come into one's exclusive possession, or become due or owing to him exclusively ; and, because these rights, wherever the conditions neces- sary for their exercise occur, of necessity exist, springing up at once and full grown, in the necessary absence of any antagonistic rights that could prevent their existing, I have A NTI- UTILITA RIA NISM. C i not scrupled to call them ' natural ; ' nor do I think that further apology can be needed for such application of ilie epithet. To maintain, moreover, that these natural v\g\\tsi constitute the essence of all artificial ri^^hts, was simply- equivalent to saying that no so-called right can be genuine unless requiring for its satisfaction no more than already actually belongs or is due to its claimant ; while every right which does require no more must be genuine, because there can nowhere exist the right to withdraw or to with- hold from any one anything that is exclusively his. These seeming truisms are indeed diametrically opposed to a theory which ciitcrs on its list of friends names no less illustrious than those of Plato, Sir Thomas More, Bentham, and Mill. Still, whoever, undeterred by so formidable an array of adverse authorities, is prepared to accept the description of rights of which they form part, \\\\\ have no difficulty in framing a theory of justice perfectly con- formable thereunto. The justice of an action consists in its being one, ab- stinence from which is due to nobod}-. The justice of inaction — for just or unjust behaviour may be either active or passive — consists in there being nobody to whom action, the reverse of the inaction, is due. 'Justice, like many other moral attributes, may be best defined by its opposite,' and all examples of injustice have tliis one point In common, that they withhold or withdraw from some person something belonging or due to him, or in some other way infringe his rights, and consequently wrong him. Con- versely, a point common to and characteristic of all just acts and omissions, is that they neither prevent anybody from having that which is due to him, nor in any other way infringe any one's rights, and that they consequently 62 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. do no one any wrong. It is not essential to the justice of conduct that an}'thing due be thereby rendered. It suffices that nothing due be withheld. All conduct is just by which nobody is wronged. It is further to be noted that all just conduct is of one of three kinds — that which justice peremptorily exacts ; that which she merely permits, and may even be said barely to tolerate ; and that which she approves of and applauds, without, however, presuming to enjoin it. Conduct of this last sort is just in that it leaves nothing undone which justice requires, but it is also more than just in that it does more than justice requires. To speak of it as simply just, is therefore somewhat disparaging. It is just in the sense in which the less is comprehended by the greater. He who faithfully fulfils an engagement that has provided for his making a reasonable return for whatever advantage he might obtain under it, shows himself simply just in the matter, and nothing either more or less. He who, having driven a hard bargain, insists rigorousl}- upon it, giving nothing less, and taking nothing more than had been mutually stipulated, is likewise strictly just, but is also shabby, and deserves to be told so plainly. He who, besides making full return, according to contract, for value received, does something more, at some inconvenience to himself, out of regard for another's need, is not a whit more just than either of the other two, but he is generous into the bargain, and deserves thanks in proportion. Rising out of these considerations are two others equally meriting attention. In the first place, we may see additional cause for dis- trusting the testimony which etymology has been supposed to reco in favour of ' an origin of justice connected with ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 63 tlic ordinances of law.' ' That ^jiistiiin is a form o^ jusshjii, that which has been ordered :' tliat ' Zlkuiov comes directly from hUr], a suit of law : ' that ' nr/it, from which came right and righteous, is synonymous with law,' is obvious enough ; and it may not be out of place to add that in French the word droit has, with almost savage irony, been selected as the technical name, not of law simpl}', but of legal procedure with all its crookedness.^ Still it seems more in the ordinary course of things to explain this linguistic identification of law with justice, by supposing conformity to justice to have been the primitive element in the formation of the notion of law, than by supposing ' conformit}' to law to have been the primitive element in the formation of the notion of justice.' It seems more probable that certain things A\ere commanded because they were deemed just, than that they were deemed just because they were commanded. Even the ancient Hebrews, who ' believed their la^\•s to be a direct emana- tion from the Supreme Being,' although, if asked why it was wrong to kill or steal, they might very likely have replied, ' Because theft and murder have been forbidden by God,' would still have acknowledged that it would be wrong to kill or steal, even if there had been no divine prohibition of the practices. And A\hen we recollect that among ' other nations, and in particular the Greeks and Romans, who, knowing that their laws had been made b}' men, were not afraid to admit that men might make bad laws, . . . the sentiment of justice came to be attached, not to all violations of law, but onl}- to violations of such ' ' Utilitarianism,' pp. 69, 70. - ' Les legistes lour founiircnt au besoiu Tappui liu droit centre Ic droit meme.'— De Tocqueville, ' L'Ancien Regime,' p. 567. 64 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. laws as ought to exist,' what had previously appeared probable is converted into certainty. Principles of justice to which law ought to conform cannot but have been -anterior to la\\', and cannot have originated in law. And certainty on this point grows still more certain, assurance becomes doubly sure, when we reflect that, as was pointed out above, many things are just which, not only does not lavv- command, but which justice barely tolerates, per- mitting them, indeed, to be done, but permitting them also to be reprobated. Secondly, we may perceive that in mere justice there can be nothing praiseworth}-. Justice is nothing more than abstinence from injustice, and no commendation can be due for not doing that the doing of which would deserv^e censure. Justice, if entitled to be ranked among the virtues at all, is at best only a negative virtue, as being the reverse of a vice. It is distinguished from all other moral qualities, as being the single and solitary one, com- pliance with whose behests is a duty which we owe to others. Of meekness, patience, temperance, fortitude, courtesy, whatever display it may for any reason be our duty to make, precisely that display justice requires us to make. Whatever of any one of these qualities justice does not exact from us, we ma}-, without wronging any one, omit. We must not, indeed, incapacitate ourselves by tippling for our proper work, nor offend the eyes or ears of decenter folk by reeling obstreperously through the streets ; but, if we take the precaution of retiring during an interval of leisure to our privy chamber, our making beasts of ourselves then and there to our heart's content, is our own concern, and nobody else's. No doubt, in doing this we should be doing very wrong, but still there is no con- ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 65 tradiction in saying that wc should have perfect rif^ht to do it, inasmuch as wc should thereby be wronging no one but ourselves. Of another class of virtues — of all those which admit of being directly contrasted with justice, and which may for shortness' sake be without much inaccuracy comprehended under the general designation of generosity — it may, with literal truth, be said that the practice of them is no part of our duty to our neighbour. Provided we are careful to let every one have what, between him and us, are his bare dues, wc may be selfish, mean, sordid to excess, without infringing any one else's rights, without the smallest dereliction of our dut}' to others. True, ethical writers are in the habit of speaking of ' duties of perfect and imperfect obligation,' but of these ' ill-chosen expressions,' as Mr. MilV ^vith abundant reason, styles them, the latter, more particularly, is of a slovenliness which ought to have prevented its being used by any ' philosophic jurists.' What some of these mean by it is stated to be ' duties in which, though the act is obligatory, the particular occasions of performing it are left to our choice ; as in the case of charity or beneficence, which we are indeed bound to practise, but not towards any defined person, or at any prescribed time.' But, according to this explanation, there are duties of which performance may not onl}" be indefinitely postponed, even until a morrow that ma}' never come, but of which performance at one time will warrant non-performance of them subsequently ; so that, for instance, he who has behaved charitabl}' on past occasions, may be uncharitable afterwards. ' In the more precise language ' of other writers, we are told that while ' duties of perfect obligation are those duties in virtue ' ' Utilitarianism,' pp. 72, 73. F 66 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. of which a correlative right resides in some person or persons, duties of imperfect obh'gation are those which do not give birth to any right.' But, as where there is no right nothing can be due, it would seem from this that by duties of imperfect obligation are to be understood duties performance of which is not due. I hope to be pardoned for declining to accept these illusive distinctions as the boundaries which separate justice from the other com- ponents of morality. I neither understand how any obli- gation can be otherwise than perfect, nor do I recognise any duties whatever except those of justice. The main distinction between justice and all positive virtues I take to be that, whereas compliance with its behests is always imperative, compliance with theirs never is, but is always optional and discretionary. Of whatsoever is, for what- soever reason, due, it is invariably justice, and justice alone, that demands payment or performance. Justice claims, and claims peremptorily, whatever is owing, but never puts forward the smallest pretension to anything that is not owing. But since whatever is oiving plainly ought to be paid, and since justice never claims anything but what is owing, it is clear that there cannot be any merit in satisfying the claims of justice. Merit is possible only in actions which justice does not enjoin, but to which some other virtue exhorts. From the main "difference here pointed out, a minor collateral difference ramifies. Of Avhatever ought to be paid or done, payment or performance may be righteously enforced. Here I have the satisfaction of proceeding for a few steps side by side with Mr. Mill, although only, I am sorry to say, to part company again immediately. ' It is a part/ he says, ' of the notion of duty in every one of its ANTI-UTILITARIAMSM. ' ty forms that a person may rightfully be compelled to fulfil it. Duty is a thing which may be exacted from a person as one exacts a debt. Unless we think it may be exacted from him, we do not call it his duty.' ' Now, since justice never a.sks for anything but what is due, never makes a requisition compliance with which is not a duty, it follows that all those persons to whom its requisitions arc addressed may be rightfull}' compelled to comply with them, whereas, since what every other virtue requires is always something not due, compliance with its requisitions is never a duty, and cannot, except unrighteously, be enforced. This — viz., the rightfulness of using compulsion in aid of justice, as contrasted with the wrongfulness of resorting to it in aid of generosity, rather than the rightfulness of punishing breaches of the one and not of the other, seems to me the 'real turning-point of the distinction' between the two. For gross disregard of generosity, and indeed of any other virtue, may rightfully be punished, justice fully sanctioning the punishment although indicating also the nature of the penalty to be inflicted in each case, and restricting it within certain limits. Whoever plays the dog in the manger in a manger of his own, or makes an ex- clusively selfish use of his wealth or other advantages, refusing to do good to his neighbour at however little sacrifice on his own part it might be done, is not thereby infringing anybody else's rights, or thereby wronging any one else. He is only exercising his own undoubted rights. Still he is exercising them in a manner deserving of severe reprobation, and which witnesses of his conduct may justly punish by testifying to him the scorn, disgust, or indigna- tion he has excited. It is no more than just that he ' ' Utilitarianism,' p. 71. F 2 68 AN TI- UTILITA RIA NISM. should have his deserts and receive the punishment which has become his due. But justice, although permitting him to be punished for acting ungenerously, does not sanction his being compelled to make a show of acting generously. If his conduct had been unjust instead of simpl}' un- generous, no punishment would be adequate that did not force him to repair the evil he had done, or to do the good he had left undone. But the most flagrant breach of generosity, neither keeping nor taking away anything to which any one has a right, does nothing for which repara- tion can be due. It consists simply in a man's making an exclusively selfish use of what is exclusively his, and to make such use is one of the rights of propert)-. Whoever exercises that odious right is justly punished by being shown how hateful we think him, but Ave must not, on pretence of justice, commit the injustice of depriving him of a right which is confessedly his. It is not, then, by being rightfully liable to punishment that unjust difters from ungenerous conduct. The latter also ofttimes deserves and incurs punishment. But since there can be no merit in doing that the not doing of which would merit punishment, it may seem that, as in justice so likewise in generosity there cannot be anything positively meritorious. Neither in truth would there be if conduct were entitled to be styled generous simply as being the reverse of ungenerous. Generosity would then, like justice, be a virtue in no higher sense than that of not being a vice — a negative virtue if a virtue at all. But an action does not really deserve to be called generous unless what justice requires be exceeded by it in a degree more than sufficient to prevent the agent from deserving the imputation of meanness, nor even then unless the excess have been done ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. G9 from a purer motive than that of the hope of praise or other reward. An action is generous only in the proportion in which it involves self-sacrifice, voluntarily undergone for the benefit of others, without any view on the agent's part to further compensation than that derivable from the consciousness of making other people happ>'. In such voluntary and disinterested self-sacrifice consists the merit which is one chief characteristic of generosity as of most positive virtue, distinguishing it from justice, in which there is never a surrender of anything which one would be \\ar- ranted in keeping, but merely a rendering of what belongs or is due to others. All conduct, not immoral, admits, as already more than once intimated, of a tripartite division, into that which may be rightfully enforced ; that of which, though it be not due nor rightfully enforcible, neglect deserves to be and may justly be punished by reproaches ; that which is neither due nor reasonably to be looked for, but which involves a voluntary surrender for the good of others of some good which one might without reproach keep for oneself Of this last description is the only con- duct in which there is any proper or positive virtue. So much and such complex argumentation may not impossibly be deemed a good deal in excess of what is requisite to establish the conclusion to \\hich it points, and which may be summed up in the following very simple propositions : — That, by a person's rights being understood the privilege of having or doing whatever no other person has a right to prevent his having or doing, justice consists of abstinence from conduct that would interfere w ith that privilege ; that justice, therefore, is not dependent on extrinsic sanction, but arises spontaneously from the nature of things, and may almost indeed be said to spring JO ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. necessarily from the meaning of words ; and that its sole merit is exemption from the demerit that would attach to the withholding or withdrawing from any person anything belonging or due to that person. With all possible confi- dence, however, in the innate vigour of these propositions, I cannot suppose that they do not require all possible adventitious strengthening to be qualified to displace the doctrine to which they are opposed. I proceed, therefore, to test somewhat further the adequacy of the description of justice which they involve by confronting it with certain intricate problems, in presence of which the rival utilitarian definition will be found to be hopelessly at fault. There are few subjects on which casuists have differed more widely than those of the legitimacy, and the proper measure of punishment. One thinks it unjust that any- body should be punished for the sake of example to others, or for any purpose except his own amelioration. A second replies that it is only for the sake of other people's good that an offender ought to be punished ; for that, as for his own good, he himself should be left, to decide what that is, and he is pretty sure not to decide that it is punishment. A third pronounces all punishment unjust, seeing that a man does not make himself criminal, but is made so by circumstances beyond his control- — by his birth, parentage, education, and the temptations he meets with. Then, for the apportionment of punishment, some persons think there is no principle like that of the lex talionis — an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Others that the penalty should be accurately proportioned to the immorality of the offence, by whatever standard that immorality be measured. Others, again, that punishment should be limited to the minimum necessary to deter from crime, quite irrespectively ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 71 of the hcinousness of the particular crime punished. Of the first three of these opinions, Mr. Mill observes that ' they arc all extremely plausible, and that so long as the question is argued as one of justice simply, without going down to the principles that lie under justice, and arc the source of its authority, he is unable to sec how any one of the reasoners can be refuted. For every one of them builds upon rules of justice confessedly true — each is triumphant .so long as he is not obliged to take into consideration any other maxims of justice than those he has selected, but that as soon as their several maxims are brought face to face, each disputant seems to have as much to say for himself as the others. No one can carry out his own notion of justice without trampling upon another equally binding.' ' This view of the matter, however, can scarcely be regarded as satisfactory. If utilitarian notions of justice cannot be carried out without trampling each other down, they plainly should not be suffered to go at large, but should be relegated forthwith to the limbo of oblivion. But right cannot really be opposed to right ; justice cannot really be inconsistent with itself: it never can be unjust to do what is just. Anti- utilitarian justice tolerates no such intestine disorder. The sole ground on which she sanctions punishment is the indis- pcnsablcncss of punishment for the reparation of injury. Whoever has suffered wrong has been subjected to invasion of some right, personal or proprietary, and is entitled to amends for the outrage ; while the aggressor from whom the amends are due, ought to render them because he owes them, and because he ought, may, if necessary, be com- pelled, to render them. By the breach of right which he has committed, he has forfeited his own corresponding ' ' Utilitarianism,' pp. Si, 82. 72 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. right, which may now be equitably set aside to whatever extent may be requisite for reparation of the evil he has done, one essential part of such reparation being adequate security against repetition of the wrong. So far as may be necessary for this purpose, punishment may equitably go, but no further. Genuine justice does not permit penal laws of human enactment to take into account the abstract turpitude of crime. That she reserves for divine cogni- sance, recollecting that ' Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' saith the Lord. Nor does she permit the smallest aggra- vation of punishment for the sake either of the offender's own mental improvement, or to discourage others from evil doing ; neither, on the other hand, does she recognise any claim to abatement on the plea of an offender not having been able to help acting as he did. She would not, indeed, punish with death or with stripes an outrage committed by a lunatic or an idiot, partly because an outrage may be really less offensive for being committed unwittingly, inas- much as it does not, at any rate, add insult to injury, and also because the corporal chastisement of a lunatic or an idiot could afford no reparation to the wounded feelings of a healthy mind. But so far as even an idiot or a lunatic was capable of making good the evil he had done by ren- dering what had in consequence become due, Anti-utilita- rianism would require him equally with an erring saint or sage to make it, and equally, too, would subject him to whatever restraint might be deemed not more than suffi- cient to prevent his doing the same evil again. And of course she does not treat an offender of ordinary intelligence with indulgence which she would not show even to a lunatic, but exacts inexorably full reparation for what he has done, requiring him commonly to pay in kind so far as he can, ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 73 and to make up with his person for any deficiency. Within tlie h'niits thus marked out slie is well content that, with the one object which alone justifies punishment, other secondar}^ objects \\ith which justice has no concern, should be combined. She is well content that the same penal measures as are called for in order to compensate the injured party, should also subserve the reform of the cri- minal, and serve as general deterrents from crime. But she protests against the notion that these, or any other objects, can ever excuse the infringement of any ordinance of justice, or of any of even a criminal's rights which the criminal has not forfeited by crime. Justice, in short, in her penal, as in all her other arrangements, has but to adhere closely to the anti-utilitarian principles of rendering what is due, and of taking nothing that is not due, in order to steer clear of all the difficulties by which the ablest and most accomplished Utilitarians confess themselves staggered. A second greatly vexed question is, 'whether, in a co-operative industrial association, it is just or not that talent or skill should give a title to superior remuneration ? On the one side it is argued that all who do the best they can deserve equally well ; . . . that superior abilities have already advantages more than enough in the admiration they excite, the personal influence they command, and the internal satisfaction attending them ; and that society is bound in justice rather to make compensation to the less favoured for this unmerited inequality of advantages, than to aggravate it. On the contrary side, that society, re- ceiving more from the more efficient labourer, owes him a larger return ; that a larger share of the joint result being actually his work, not to allow his claim to it is a sort 74 ANTI- UTILITA RIANISM. of robbery ; that if he is only to receive as much as others he can only be required to produce as much.' ' ' Between these appeals to conflicting principles of justice,' Mr. Mill considers it impossible to decide, ' Justice,' he says, ' has in this case two sides to it, which it is impossible to bring into harmony, and the two disputants have chosen oppo- site sides ; the one looks to what it is just that the indi- vidual should receive, the other to what it is just that the community should give. Each from his own point of view is unanswerable, and any choice between them, on grounds of justice, must be perfectly arbitrary. Social utility alone can decide the preference.' ^ The form of justice depicted with this Janus-like aspect can scarcely be the utilitarian, since, whoever, on utilitarian grounds, selects one of its sides, must perforce, on the same grounds, reject the other. Still, it is spoken of as genuine justice, wherefore that there is a justice independent of utility, would seem, after all, to be admitted by Utilitarians themselves. It is for them, how- ever, to deal Vvith the dilemma which their own ingenuity has thus devised. My only concern with the two-headed ' monster they have imagined is to protest against its being mistaken for the one sole species of justice which Anti- utilitarianism recognises, and which never presents any such double-faced appearance. In the case before us anti- utilitarian justice would decide with her accustomed ease between the two appellants. What she vrould look to would simply be that each co-operator should have his due. But how much soever she might declare an inferior workman to deserve for doing his best, she certainly Avould not allow his deserts to extend to participation in the fruits of the toil of those of his fellows who had done » ' Utilitarianism,' pp. 84, 85. * Ibid. p. 85. ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 75 better than he. His having produced as much as he was able could not render due to him a share in the larger produce of others of superior capacity. Very possibly the superior workmen might agree that all .should participate equally in the aggregate results of their joint labour. If so, well and good. For so liberal a concession they \vould deserve credit, and thanks would be due to them from those in whose favour it was made ; but this of itself would be a conclusive proof, if any were wanting, that the con- cession was an act, not of justice, but of generosity, not of debt, but of grace. Again, \\hat discordance is there not as to the most equitable repartition of taxation ! That all should be taxed in equal proportion to their pecuniary means ; that taxation should be a graduated percentage on income, rising as income rose ; that all, whether rich or poor, should be taxed alike ; that all should pay equal capitation, but unequal property-tax — these are some out of many di- vergencies of opinion, and ' from these confusions ' there is, Mr. Mill considers, ' no other mode of extrication than the utilitarian.' ' But if there were really no other, there would, in fact, be none at all. For opinions differ scarcely less as to the utility, than as to the justice of each specified mode of taxation. There are quite as many persons who think it expedient as who think it equitable that people should be taxed either equally, or according to any of the suggested schemes of inequality. All the help that Utili- tarianism here affords is, as usual, to leave every one to judge for himself which plan is the most advisable, and then to pronounce that to be the only moral plan. Anti- utilitarianism offers guidance of a very different sort. It ' ' Utilitarianism,' pp. S6, S7.I 76 ANTI- UTILITA RIANISM. wastes no time in seeking for an escape from confusion, for it allows no confusion to exist. It spurns equally the idea of different persons being required to pay different prices for equal quantities of the same thing, merely because some of them can afford to pay more, and that of their being all required to pay the same price for different quantities, merely because all are equally in need of the quantities they respectively obtain. It recognises only an imperfect analogy between a club or a mess to which no one need subscribe unless he likes, and a national com- munity to whose funds every resident within its territory has no choice but to contribute ; and while quite content that members of the one should be assessed at any rates to which they have spontaneously consented, it protests against the imposition on members of the other of burdens disproportioned to their several abilities. It denies that the shilling of a man who has but one in the world is of the same value to him because it is his all, as is to another an estate bringing him in 100,000/. a year, seeing that, if the former had his pocket picked, he might presently beg, borrow, or earn a second coin, ^\•hereas if the latter were dispossessed of his estate he might live to the age of Methusaleh without acquiring its equivalent. It perceives that a rich man, by receiving public protection for his property as well as his person, is relieved from an expense in maintaining private watchmen, which a poor man, with nothing but his carcass to defend, would have as little occasion as ability to incur ; and it concludes that more being thus in effect given to the rich, more is due from him in return, and more, consequently, may be rightfully exacted. We come, now, to a case that may well give to both ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 77 Utilitarians and Anti-utilitarians pause — with this dif- ference, however, that whereas it brinies the former to an everlasting standstill, the latter may, after a while, go on complacently meditative, at least, if not rejoicing. There are certain situations in which justice loses its authorit}'. ' Thus, to save a life, it may be allowable . . . to steal or take by force the necessary food or medicine, or kidnap and compel to officiate the only qualified medical practitioner.' ' Wherefore, since to steal or to kidnap is essential!)- wrong, it may sometimes be allowable to do wrong. Mr. Mill's explanation of the paradox is, that 'there are particular cases in which some other social duty is so important as to overrule any one of the general maxims of justice ; but that in such cases we usually say, not that justice must give way to some other moral prin- ciple, but that what is just in ordinary cases is, by reason of that other principle, not just in the particular case.' - I submit, however, that there is no real occasion to resort to any such ' useful accommodation of language,' in order to be ' saved from the necessity of admitting that there may be laudable injustice.' Let us never shrink from looking error in the face, for fear that, after she has slunk away abashed, some insoluble mystery ma}- remain behind. It is better, at any rate, to be puzzled than deceived. There can be no doubt about theft being essentiall}- unjust, and no skill in the arrangement of words can convert injustice into justice, or prevent injustice from being wrong. But Avhen, as occasionally happens, the only choice open to us is betw-een two immoral courses, it is morally incumbent on us to select the less immoral of the two. The wrong we decide upon does not, however, itself become smaller » ' Utilitarianism,' p. 94. ' Ibid. pp. 94, 95. 78 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. because it prevents a larger. A sworn bravo, who had taken in advance the wages of assassination, would sin less by breaking than by keeping faith with his employer ; but, in either case, would sin. Abstinence from murder would not absolve him from the guilt of perjury. If, unless a loaf were stolen, a life would be lost, Anti-utilitarianism might pardon, but would scarcely applaud the theft. At all events it would not, like the rival doctrine in a similar strait, be reduced to double on itself, declaring that wrong had become right and black white, that the Ethiopian had changed his skin and the leopard his spots. It would still insist as positively as ever that to steal another man's bread cannot be just, however benevolent the purpose for which it is stolen. One more illustration and I have done. Whoever be- lieves as I do in the indefeasible sanctity of honestly acquired moveable property, is logically bound to hold equally sacred the rights of bequest and inheritance. With whatever is exclusively your own, you may surely do anything you please except harm ; nor need even harm be excepted if it be done to yourself alone. If, indeed, you go the length of playing ducks and drakes with gold pieces, or of lighting cigars with bank-notes, you are likely enough to be stopped and placed under restraint as a lunatic, but it is clear that this will be done solely because you are presumed not to understand what you are doing, and not from any question as to your right to do it if you do understand, for there are plenty of things far more objec- tionable in themselves, only not implying a want of sanity, which you will be left perfectly at liberty to do. If you choose, in imitation of Cleopatra, to spoil your fish- sauce by mixing powdered pearls with it, or, in imitation of ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 79 a certain Peruvian va'ceroy, to shoe your carnage horses with silver, no one will dream of interfering with you ; any more than of preventing courtesans and other fine ladies from befouling their nether limbs by sweeping the dusty road with flounces of Brussels lace ; or of preventing members of the Cobden Club from gorging themselves annually, at a cost of five guineas per paunch, in honour of the prince of practical economists. But property, which, however great the good it is capable of doing, }-ou arc at liberty to employ solely for your own hurt, you arc, of course, at liberty to destroy, thereby preventing it, at least, from doing any more harm. The lesser right of abuse is plainly comprehended in the larger. And of that which is so absolutely your own that }-ou may, if }-ou please, wantonly waste or destroy it, you may, of course, transfer the owner- ship, thereby conveying to another person all }-our rights in it, and rendering it as unjust to interfere wath the new owner's disposal of the property, as it would previously have been to interfere with yours. Moreover, since the gift is a purely voluntary act, you may, if you please, without impairing its validity, arrange that it shall begin to take effect from some future date instead of immediately ; so that, by naming some date subsequent to }'our own decease, you will be converting the gift into an equally valid bequest. This, I submit, is decisive as to the iniquit}- of any legal limitation of testamentary power. The right of bequest is comprehended within and rests upon the same basis as the right of possession, so that, unless it would be just to pass a law depriving all persons of any property possessed by them in excess of a given amount, it would not be just to deprive them b}- law of the power of bequeathing the surplus. So ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. The rights of inheritance obviously coincide precisely with those of bequest. Just so much as the testator parts with the legatee obtains. When the bequest is uncondi- tional, the new owner whom it creates steps into the precise position which the previous owner has vacated. Often, however, a legacy is qualified ^by conditions, and, among others, by this, that the property bequeathed shall be held in trust for certain purposes. Now, if these pur- poses be socially noxious, society need not hesitate to set aside the will that has provided for them. Quite justifiably, society might annul the testamentary endowment of a hospital for fleas and lice, such as Bishop Heber, in his Indian tour, found existing at Baroach and at Surat, because those particular insect pests could scarcely be retained within the walls of their infirmary. Perhaps, too, society might be justified in similarly preventing the endowment of a hospital for superannuated dogs and cats ; whether it would or not depending mainly on the awkward question whether such inferior animals have any rights inconsistent with human interests. Be this as it may, however, where human interests alone are concerned, the rights of condi- tional heirship present no ethical difiiculty. When it is for purposes socially innocuous and affecting human beings alone that property is left in trust, it cannot be equitably diverted from those purposes without the consent of all the individuals whom the testamentary arrangements were intended to affect. It matters not how whimsical or pre- posterous the object enjoined may be ; not even though it be a periodical dinner, cooked after the manner of the ancients, like the nauseous one at which Peregrine Pickle assisted ; or instruction in alchemy or in Hindoo astro- nomy, or in the art of walking on one's head. Not until ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 8l there remain no persons at once entitled under the will, and also wishing to partake of tlic banquet or the instruction, can one or the other be equitably discontinued ? As long as there are any such persons left, to stop, without their con- sent and without adequately compensating them, arrange- ments, rights in which liave been vested in them by bequest, would be as palpable a violation of justice as to pick their pockets of sums equivalent to their several interests, real or supposed, in the arrangements. If scrupulous adherence to the principle thus laid down would heavily shackle the activity and seriously impair the immediate usefulness of Mr. Forster and his coadjutors in the ICndowed School Commission, I am exceedingly sorr)', but not in the least shaken in my conviction that the prin- ciple ought to be rigidly adhered to. If parochial or other communities are too stupid or too selfish to consent that school endowments under their charge shall be applied to purposes of more extensive utility than the founders con- templated, every effort should be made to persuade or to shame them into consenting, but without their consent the thing .should on no account be done. On this point Utili- tarianism and Anti-utilitarianism would, I apprehend, give identical counsel, the former condemning as impolitic what the latter denounced as unjust. The cause of national education would be ill served by any course calculated to discourage its future endowment b\- priwite testators, and nothing would be more likeh' to have that eftect than arbitrary interference with the endowments of former testators. The courteous reader ma)- now be temporarily released, wath fitting acknowledgment of his exemplar}- patience. It would be cruel to detain liim with a recapitulation, with- G 82 ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. out which he may readily trace for himself, in what has gone before, the outlines of a consistent body of anti-utilitarian ethics. In these there is little new, little that has not been anticipated by many an old-fashioned saw and antiquated apothegm — such as, Fiat justitia mat C(sluin, ' Be just before you are generous,' and, I would fain add, ' Honesty is the best policy ' — save that to that Utilitarianism may fairly lay equal claim. My modest ambition throughout this essay has been to vindicate some of the most mo- mentous of primeval truths from the slights to which philosophy — not modern, indeed, but modernised and re- furbished — is continuall}- subjecting them, and I ^\'ill not deny that I have modest assurance enough to believe that I have at least partially succeeded. I think I have shown that there are such things as abstract right and A\-rong, resting not on fancied intuition, but on a solidly rational basis, and supporting in turn abstract justice, whose guidance, whoever accepts it, will find to be as sure and as adequate as any that unassisted reason is capable of supplying. Anti-utilitarian justice never tries to look half- a-dozen different ways at once, never points at the same time in opposite directions, never issues contradictory mandates, never halts between two opinions. Her votaries, like other mortals, may often be in doubt as to accomplished facts ; but, provided these be clear, their course is in general equally clear ; there seldom remains aught to embarrass them. If they sincerely desire to ascertain what is due from them, they can seldom err, except on the right side, and they will never dream of disputing that whatever is due from them it must be their dut}^ to do, without respect of consequences. These they ^Jill Icaxc to the supreme controller of events, if they ANTI-UTILITARIANISM. 83 believe in one, and will leave to take their chance, if they do not so believe, feeling all the more certain in the latter case that to control events cannot, at any rate, be within their power. They never stop to calculate how much good may perhaps ensue if evil be done. Simple arithmetic, apart from faith, satisfies them that to add wrong to wrong cannot possibly augment the sum total of right. The prime article of their creed is the absolute obligation of paying debts — a piece of unworldly wisdom more than ever now to Jews a stumbling-block, and to Greeks foolishness, but not the less to all, whether Jews or Gentiles, w^ho will accept it, a light to show through the mazes of life, a path so plainly marked that the foolishest of wayfaring men cannot greatly err therein. 64 CHAPTER II. HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. Wanuick. There is a history in all men's lives, Figuring the nature of the times deceased ; The which observed, a man may prophesy, With a near aim, of the main chance of things As yet not come to life, which in their seeds. And weak beginnings, lie intreasured. Such things become the hatch and brood of time ; And, by the necessary fonn of this, King Richard might create a perfect guess, That great Northumberland, then false to him, Would, of that seed, grow to a greater falseness, Which should not find a ground to root upon. Unless on you. King Henry. Are these things, then, necessities ? JCing Henry IV. Part II. Act. 3, Sc. I. When equally competent thinkers appear to take directly opposite views of a matter of purely speculative interest, it will commonly be found that their differences arise from their using the same words in different senses, or from their being, by some other cause, prevented from thoroughly apprehending each other's meaning. An illustration is afforded by the controversy regarding the possibility of constructing a Science of History, which could scarcely have been so much prolonged if all who have taken part in it had begun by defining their terms, had agreed to and adhered to the same definitions, and had always kept steadily in view the points really in debate. If the word ' science' had been used only in the restricted, though rather inaccurate sense in which it is sometimes employed by some of the most distinguished of the disputants, there would HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 85 have been less question as to its applicability to history. No one doubts that from an extensive historical survey may be drawn lar^e general deductions on \\hich reasonable expectations may be founded. No one denies that the experience of the past may teach lessons of political wisdom for the guidance of the future. If it were not so, history would be as uninstructive as fairy lore ; its chief use would be to amuse the fancy; and little more practical advantage could result from investigating the causes of the failure of James II.'s designs on civil and religious liberty, than from an inquiry into the artifices by which Jack-the-Giant-killer contrived to escape the maw of the monsters against whom he had pitted himself What is commonly understood, however, by a Science of History is something far beyond the idea entertained of it by such temperate reasoners as Mr. John Stuart Mill and Mr. Fitzjames Stephen. The science, for the reality of which M. Comte in France and Mr. Buckle in England have been the foremost champions, would bear the same relation to political events as Optics and Astronomy do to the phenomena of light and of the solar and sidereal systems. It would deal less with the conjectural and probable than with the predicable and positive. ' In the moral as in the physical world,' say its leading advocates, ' are invariable rule, inevitable sequence, undeviating regularity,' constituting ' one vast scheme of universal order.' ' The actions of men, and therefore of societies, are governed by fixed eternal laws,' which ' assign to every man his place in the necessary chain of being,' and 'allow him no choice as to what that place shall be.' One such law is that, ' in a given state of society, a certain number of persons must put an end to their own lives:' another, that a certain number of persons must commit 86 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. murder ; a third, that \\hcn wages and prices are at certain points, a certain number of marriages must annually take place, 'the number being determined not by the temper and wishes of individuals, but by large general facts, over which individuals can exercise no authority.' These are general laws ; but the special question as to who shall commit the crimes or the indiscretion enjoined by them, ' depends upon special laws, which, however, in their total action must obey the large social law to which they are all subordinate.' A Science of History would consist of a collection of ' social laws,' duly systematised and codified, by the application of which to given states of society the historical student might predict the future course of political events, with a confidence similar to that with which he could foretell the results of familiar chemical combinations, or the movement of the planets.* This is the theory which a few y^ars ago was so much discussed, and against which, notwithstanding the singular fascination it evidently possesses for some minds, the moral sense of a much larger number indignantly revolts, rightly apprehending that its establishment would be subversive of all morality. For, if the actions of men are governed by ' eternal and immutable laws,' men cannot be free agents ; and where there is not free agency there cannot be moral responsibility. Nor are the apprehensions entertained on this score to be allayed by the answer, ingenious as it is, which has been given to them ^ by one of the ablest and most judicious apologists for the new creed. It is true that human actions can be said to be * governed ' only in the same metaphorical sense as that in which we speak of ' Mr. Buckle's first chapter, passim. * ' Cornhill JNIagazine,' for June and July, ]86t. HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 87 the laws of nature, which do not really govern anything, but merely describe the invariable order in which natural phenomena have been observed to occur. It is true that the discovery of invariable regularity in human affairs, sup- jDosing such a discovery to have been made, would not prove that there was any necessity for such regularity. It is conceivable that the orbs of heaven ma}^ be intelligent beings, possessing full power to change or to arrest their own course, and moving constantly in the same orbits merely because it pleases them to do so. Invariable regularity, therefore, would be perfectly consistent with free agency. All this is perfectly just, but it is also altogether beside the question. The offence given by the writers on whose be- half the apology is set up consists not so much in their asserting that there are, as in their insisting that there must be, uniformity and regularity in human affairs ; or, as Mr. Buckle expresses it, that social phenomena ' are the results of large and general causes which, working on the aggregate of society, must produce certain consequences, without regard to the volition of the particular men of whom the society is composed.' Now, though free agency may co-exist with iNi'ariablc regularit}', it obviously cannot co-exist with necessary regularity, which, consequently, is incompatible likewise with moral responsibility. If men are compelled by the force of circumstances, or by any force, to move only in one direction, they cannot be respon- sible for not moving in a different direction. Nor is it more to the purpose to undertake a subtle analysis of the nature of causation, and to explain that it does not, pro- perly speaking, involve compulsion, but simply means in- variable antecedence. Let it be that a cannon-ball does not really knock down the wall against which it strikes. 88 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. and that it would be more correct to say that the ball impinges and the wall falls ; though, seeing that the wall would not have fallen unless the ball had impinged, the distinction is too nice for ordinary apprehension. As understood, at any rate, by the joint headmasters of the new school, causation does involve compulsion. ' Men's actions,' say they, ' are the product not of their volition, but of their antecedents,' and ' result from large and general causes which must produce certain consequences.' Neither, if this be so, is it of any avail to suggest that, possibly, the large and general causes in question may be of only tem- porary operation. ' It may be that the rules,' in accordance with which the sun has hitherto risen every morning since the creation of the world, ' will hold good only for a time.' It may be that the springs, whatever they are, by which the universe is kept in motion, may require to be periodi- cally wound up like the works of a clock, and that, unless this be done, ' on some particular day out of many billions,' the sun may fail to rise, just as the clock, if suffered to run down, would stop on the eighth day. The conjecture would, of course, be not less applicable to social than to natural laws. It is conceivable that the large general causes assumed to regulate human actions might lose their efficacy at the end of a certain cycle, when mankind might either have to re- commence a social revolution similar to the one just com- pleted, or might have to begin an entirely different revolu- tion under entirely different laws. Be it so. Still, if the causes, as long as they remained in operation, possessed a compulsoiy character— if, during the continuance of the supposed cycle, men were bound to act in a certain way in accordance with certain laws, and irrespectively of their own volition — what would it matter that those laws were HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 89 not eternal and immutable ? For the time being men \voukl no more be free agents than the hands of a clock, while the clock was wound up. Both would be constrained to move in a prescribed direction, whether they would or no. Men in such circum.stances might well be likened, as by Mr. Buckle they are likened, to links in a chain, but few would be prevented from joining in Mr. Goldwin Smith's eloquent protest against the comparison, b}' being told that the chain perhaps was not an endless one. It is clear, then, that the principles to which we have been adverting would, if established, be really subversive of morality, inasmuch as they are incompatible with free agency, without which there can be no responsibility. The soundness of a doctrine does not, however, depend upon its tendencies ; and Mr. Buckle was fully warranted in de- manding that his views should be examined with reference, not at all to their consequences, but solely and exclusively to their truth. They certainly ought to be so examined, if examined at all ; but morality is so indispensable to the happiness of mankind, that if there were reason for appre- hending it to be based upon error, there would be equal reason for avoiding an enquiry A\hich might demonstrate the weakness of its foundations, by bringing forward an antagonistic truth. The only adequate excuse, therefore, for enquiring, as I now proceed to do, into the validity of Mr. Buckle's theory, is the confidence I feel that it will be found to contain not recondite, newly-discovered truth, but, at best, only skilfully and curiously-compounded fallacies, which, being dispelled, will leave the foundations of morality as firm and unimpeachable as before. In order that he might be able to prove the possibilit}- of a Science of History, Mr. Buckle asked no more than 90 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. the following concessions : ' That, when we perform an action, we perform it in consequence of some motive or motives ; that those motives are the results of some ante- cedents, and that therefore, if we were acquainted with the whole of the antecedents and with all the laws of their movements, we could with unerring certainty predict the whole of their immediate results.' Now, there is certainly nothing in these demands which may not be unhesitatingly conceded. As there can be no effect without a cause, so there can be no action without a motive : the motive or motives of an action are the product of all the conditions and circumstances among which the agent is placed — which conditions and circumstances, again, must have been brought about by antecedent events. The same circum- stances would indeed differently affect persons of different mental constitutions and characters ; but the original con- stitution of a man's mind is itself the product of antecedent events, as is also any subsequent modification of character Avhich it may have undergone. It cannot be denied, then, that men's motives are the results of antecedents. Equally undeniable is it that a knowledge of all the antecedents and of all the laws of their movements would enable us to foresee their results, for this, supposing the laws referred to to have any real existence, is merely equivalent to the self- evident proposition, that if we perceived certain causes and kncAv exactly how they would act, we should know before- hand what would be their effects. But what if there be no such laws } What if, on the showing of Mr. Buckle himself and of his associates, there neither are nor can be } The true nature of a scientific law has never been better explained than by the writer already quoted as Mr. Buckle's dexterous apologist. A scientific law is not an ordinance, IIISrORY'S ^CIEMIFIC PRETENSIONS. 91 but a record. It simply professes to describe the order in which certain phenomena have been observed uniformly to recur. It differs from a legislative enactment, in that the one would be a law although it \\'ere never obeyed, whereas the other would cease to be a law if one single exception to its statement could be pointed out. Thus the Act of Par- liament enjoining the registration of births, would be equally a law although no births were ever registered ; whereas the \iw\, that in a body moving in consequence of pressure the momentum generated is in proportion to the pressure, would entirely forfeit its legal character if, on any one occasion or in any circumstances, momentum were generated in any other proportion. It is essential, then, to the existence of a scientific law that there should be uni- formity of phenomena. But in human affairs uniformity is impossible. No doubt, in exactly the same circumstances exactly the same events must happen ; but exactly the same aggregation of circumstances cannot possibly be re- peated. Such repetition is inconsistent with the very theory, which is based on the assumption that the repetition is continually happening. ' In the moral as well as the physical world ' there arc, say the exponents of the ne^v theory, not only ' invariable rule ' and ' inevitable sequence,' but ' irresistible growth ' and ' continual advance.' In other words, things can ne\-er be twice in precisely the same condition — never, at least, within the same cycle. It has, indeed, been suggested that there may be in human affairs the same sort of regularity as is observed by the hands of a clock ; and that, as the latter, at the end of every twenty-four hours, recommence the movement which they have just concluded, so at the end of, say ' every ten thousand years,' all the same events ^\•hich 92 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. have been happening throughout the period may begin to happen over again in the same order as before. Such a succession, however, would involve quite as much of retro- gression as of progression, and the continual advance so boastfully spoken of would be nothing else than a tendency of society to return to the condition from which it had originally emerged. But, even on this uncomfortable hypo- thesis, there could be no regularity of occurrences within the same cycle ; no clue as to the future could be obtained from investigation of the past. On the contrary, the only certainty would then, as now, be that no combination of events which had happened once could happen again, as long as the existing order of things continued. The infer- ence here follows necessarily from the premises. If there be continual advance — if things are constantly moving for- ward — they cannot remain in the same state ; and if not in the same state, they cannot produce the same effects. For, if it be obvious, on the one hand, that precisely the same causes must invariably produce the same results, it is equally evident, on the other, that the same results cannot be reproduced except by the same causes. If causes calcu- lated to bring about certain phenomena undergo either augmentation or diminution, there must be a corresponding change in the phenomena. Now, effects cannot be iden- tical with their causes, and, in the moral world, effects once produced become in turn causes, acting either independently or in conjunction with pre-existing causes. They become in turn the antecedents spoken of by Mr. Buckle, from which spring the motives of human conduct. But, as all such antecedents must necessarily differ from all former ante- cedents, they must also give rise to motives, must be followed by actions, and must bring about combinations of HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 93 circumstances, differing from any previously experienced. Thus, in human affairs, tlierc can be no recurrence either of antecedents or of consequences ; and, as a scientific law is simply a record of the uniform recurrence of consequences, it follows that in human affairs there can be no scientific laws. It will be understood that human conduct, and the circumstances or causes which influence it, arc here spoken of in the aggregate. It is not pretended that particular causes or circumstances may not continue permanently in operation, though with an influence modified by the concomitance of fresh circumstances ; or that they may not continue to produce consequences difi'ering from their former consequences not more than in proportion to the modification undergone by the causes. Still less is it pretended that certain human phenomena, with which human motives have little or nothing to do, may not be repeated once and again, notwithstanding the important changes constantly going on in every human society. It is not denied that marriages may continue for years together to bear much the same annual proportion to the population, provided that during those years there be no material change in the amount of the economical obstacles which commonly interfere, more than anything else, with men's natural inclination to marry. Still less is it denied that, in a given number of births, the number of girls may always preserve nearly the same superiority over that of boys, or that the proportion beween red-haired and flaxen-haired children may generally be about the same, or that the percentage of letters misdirected in a given country may vary little during long periods. But, in the first of these cases, men do not get married, as Mr. Buckle 94 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. imagined, irrespectively of their volition. If, for several years together, marriages continue to bear about the same proportion to population, it is because during that period circumstances continue to present a certain amount, and no more, of opposition to men's connubial proclivities. In the other cases, it is not at all because the parents wish it that a girl is born instead of a boy, or with flaxen hair instead of carrots ; neither is it from any motive or intention that letters are often misdirected, but, on the contrary, from want of thought, and from the carelessness and haste with which letter-writing, like most other human actions, is unfortunately too often performed. But, before assuming that this carelessness and haste bear an invariable proportion to numbers, we should inquire whether the proportion of misdirected letters is the same in all human societies— the same, for instance, in France and Spain as in England. If not — if varying circumstances produce different results in this respect in different countries — it may be inferred that a variation of circumstances may produce a difference of result in the same country. It will, at any rate, be clear that there is no ' necessary and invariable order ' in which letters are misdirected. In one sense, indeed, it may be said that the proportion of mis- directed letters depends upon * the state of society,' if by that expression be meant, among other things, the nu- merical proportion which individuals of different characters and habits bear to each other. In that sense, we may accept some far more startling propositions. We may partly admit that the state of society determines the number of murders and suicides, if by this be simply meant that the number of murders and suicides committed will depend upon the number of persons whose characters HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 95 have been so moulded by circumstances as to dispose them to put an. end to their own or other people's lives. But Mr. Buckle, b}' whom the assertion was made, was careful to explain that his meaning was the very reverse of what is here supposed. Speaking of suicide, he declares it to be ' a general law that, in a given state of society, a certain number of persons must put an end to their own li\'es ; ' adding that ' the question as to who shall commit the crime depends upon special laws,' and that ' the individual felon onl}' carries into effect what is a neccssar)' con- sequence of preceding circumstances.' In other words, it is not the amount of crime that depends upon the number of persons prepared to commit it ; it is the num- ber of criminals which depends upon the amount of crime that must needs be committed. ' Murder,' he elsewhere says, ' is committed with as much regularit}', and bears as uniform a relation to certain known circumstances, as do the movements of the tides and the relations of the seasons.' ' The uniform reproduction of crime is more clearly marked, and more capable of being predicted, than are the physical laws connected with the disease and destruction of our bodies. The offences of men are the result not so much of the vices of indi\'idual oftenders, as of the state of societ}"- into which the individuals are thrown.' There is here so much looseness and inconsistency of language, that what is most offensive in it may easil)' bear more than one interpretation : and the shocking dogma that, in a gi\-en state of society, the force of cir- cumstances constrains the commission of a certain amount of crime, may possibly admit of being explained away and softened down into the comparatively harmless proposition 69 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. that, where all the circumstances, conditions or causes required for the commission of a certain amount of crime are present, that amount of crime will certainly be com- mitted. But what is most provoking in Mr. Buckle is the heedlessness or wantonness with which he is constantly insisting that the causes in question are necessarily present and uniformly acting. What he calls the uniform repro- duction of crime is likened b}- him to the uniform re- currence of the tides. According to him, it is a law that a certain number of suicides shall take place annually, just as it is a law that there shall be high and low water twice in every twenty-four hours. Now a law, as the word is here used, means a record of invariable repetitions of phenomena. Has it been observed, then, that suicides bear, we will not say an invariable, but anything like a definite proportion to population 1 ]\Ir. Buckle thinks it has, and he adduces some facts in support of the opinion ; but his facts, properly understood, disprove in- stead of proving what he asserts ; and, even if they proved it, they would }-et afford no support to his main theory. In London, for some years past — how many is not stated — about 240 persons annually have made away with themselves— sometimes a few more, sometimes a few less — the highest number having been 266 in 1846, and the lowest 213 in 1849. ^'-it' ^^■hile the number of suicides has thus been nearly stationary, population has been any- thing but stationary in the metropolitan district, but has advanced with vast and unremitting strides at an average rate of nearly 43,000 a }'ear. In 1841 it was 1,948,369 ; in 1851,2,361,640; and in 1861,2,803,989. The proportion of suicide to population has consequently been by no means uniform, but has varied exceedingly, and on the iriSTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 97 whole has shown a constant tendency to decrease. But even if it had continued uniform, it would sirnply have shown that, during a certam number of years, the general character of Londoners had, in certain particulars, under- gone no material change. It would not have proved that the regularity of suicide observable among Londoners was in accordance with any general law. To prove this it would have been necessary to show that the proportion had been uniform, not only in the same but in all societies ; in Paris as well as in London, among the Esquimaux of Labrador, and among the Negroes of Soudan. For, if the proportion were found to vary by reason of the differing circumstances of different societies, it would plainly be seen to be at least susceptible of variation in the same society, inasmuch as in no society do circumstances remain the same from generation to generation. So equally with murders. Even if there were no doubt that the percentage of such crimes in England had long continued the same, still that fact would prove nothing as to the uniform repro- duction of crime, if it could be shown that the percentage had ever varied anywhere else — in France or Italy, for example, or in Dahomey. For it would be mere childish- ness to point to the different conditions of England and Dahomey, and to plead that no more was intended to be said than that, with uniformity of circumstances there would also be uniformity of results. So much no one, in the least competent to discuss the subject, would for a moment dream of disputing. But in political affairs there cannot be uniformity of circumstances. The aggregate of circumstances from whicli spring human motives cannot, from the nature of things, ever be repeated ; and, though a ^Q.\\ general causes may continue pcrniancnll}' in operation, H 98 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. they cannot continue to produce the same identical results ; for even though they could themselves remain stationary, it would be impossible that their operation should not be affected by the constant change going on around, or should not partake of an otherwise universal forward movement. In political affairs there cannot possibly be any recurrence of identical phenomena ; nor can there, except within a very limited period, be any occurrence of very similar phenomena. But recurrence (and not merely recurrence, but complete and invariable recurrence) is the very founda- tion of science. Without it there can be no scientific laws, and without such laws — i.e., without records of past recur- rences — there can be no sure predictions as to the future. It is only because certain motions of certain bodies have hitherto been observed to take place with invariable regu- larity, that they are expected to continue to do so, and it is upon that assumption only that we venture to predict that the sun will rise to-morrow morning, or that an eclipse will take place next year. But if no event recorded in history has ever yet been known to occur twice under pre- cisely the same conditions, and as a consequence of the same causes, what ground can there be for predicting whether or when any such event will occur again .'* What possibility is there of constructing a science of history, when history supplies no materials for either foundation or super- structure .'' There is nothing in this conclusion in the slightest degree opposed to the most approved doctrine of causation. No effect can be without a cause. No doubt, then, the regency of invariable causation holds good of human volitions. No doubt the volitions and consequently the actions of men are the joint results of the external circumstances amid which HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 99 tncn arc placed, and of their own characters ; which again are the results of circumstances, natural and artificial. So much must needs be admitted, and something more besides. Certain causes will infallibly be succeeded by certain effects. From any particular combination of circumstances, certain determinate consequences and no others will result ; those again will give rise to consequences equally determinate, and those in turn to others, and so on in an infinite series. It follows, then, from the regency of causation, that there is a determinate course already, as it were, traced out, which human events will certainly follow to the end of time ; every step of which course, however remote, might now be foreseen and predicted by adequate, that is to say by infinite, intelligence. Infinite intelligence would do this, however, not by the aid of la\\', but by virtue of its own intrinsic and unassisted strength, wherewith it would per- ceive how each succeeding combination of causes would operate. For, as cannot be too often repeated, a law is merely a record of recurrences; and in human afQiirs there can be no recurrences of the same aggregate either of causes or results. There being then no historic laws, there can be no Science of History, for science cannot exist without laws. The historic prescience, which is an attribute of Infinite Intelligence, not being regulated by law, or at any rate not by any law except that of causation, is not, tech- nically speaking, a science, and even if it were, would be utterly beyond the reach of human intellect and attainable only by Infinite Wisdom. The admission made in the last paragraph has cleared the way for the introduction of a question, from which the subject under discussion derives its principal interest, and H 2 loo HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. which it is indispensable therefore carefully, though briefly, to examine. If there be certain determinate lines of conduct which men will infallibly pursue throughout all succeeding generations, how can men be free agents ? How — for it is merely the old puzzle over again — how can fore- knowledge be reconciled with freewill ? The difficulty is not to be got rid of by discrediting the reality of freewill, and treating it as a thing for which there is no evidence. When Johnson silenced Boswell's chatter with the words, * Sir, we know our will is free and there's an end on't,' he expressed a great truth in language not the less philoso- phically accurate on account of its colloquial curtness. The consciousness possessed by an agent about to perform an act, that he is at liberty to perform it or not, is really con- clusive evidence that the act is free. For it matters not a jot whether consciousness be ' an independent faculty,' or whether — as, Mr. Buckle reminds us, 'is the opinion of some of the ablest thinkers ' — it be not merely ' a state or condition of the mind.' If consciousness be a condition of the mind, so also is perception ; but perception, whatever else it be, is also that which makes us acquainted with external phenomena, just as consciousness is that which makes us acquainted with internal emotions. The two informants, it is true, are not equally trustworthy. Percep- tion often deceives us, but consciousness, never. We often fancy we perceive what we do not perceive. We may fancy we see a ghost, when we are merely mocked by an optical illusion, or we may mistake the impalpable imagery of the Fata Morgana for solid objects, or the rumbling of a cart for thunder But consciousness is infallible. We cannot fancy we experience an emotion which we do not expe- rience. We cannot fancy we are glad when wc are not HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. loi glad, or sorry when wc arc not sorry, or hopeful when in despair ; and to pretend that we can possibly be conscious of willing when wc arc not willing, would be as absurd as to meet the cogito, ergo sum of Descartes, with the reply that, perhaps, we do not really think, but only think wc think. Freewill, then, being an indisputable reality, how can it be reconciled with foreknowledge ? There can be no more conclusive way of showing that the two things are capable of co-existing than to point to an example of their actual co-existence, and such an example is afforded by the idea of Infinite Power. Omnipotence, which by its nature implies freewill, comprehends also Omni- science. Omnipotence can do anything whatsoever which does not involve a contradiction ; but even Omnipo- tence can do nothing which Omniscience does not foresee. It can, indeed, do whatsoever it pleases ; but Omniscience foresees precisely what it will be pleased to do. With unbounded liberty to chooSe any course of action, it can yet choose no course which has not been foreseen ; but its freedom of choice is evidently not affected by the fact that the choice which it will make is known before hand. Neither is that of man. An eager aspirant to ecclesiastical prefer- ment is not the less at liberty to refuse a proffered mitre, because all his acquaintances have a well founded assurance that he will accept. A wayfarer, with a yawning precipice before his eyes, may or may not, as he pleases, cast himself down headlong. Whether he will do so or not must always have been positively foreknown to Omniscience ; but that fact in no degree affects his power of deciding for himself. If arguing on the notion that v.hat is to be must be, he decide on moving forward to his destruction, then what has 102 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. been foreseen is simply that he will so argue and be self- deceived, and will consequently perish. But the fore- knowledge which simply perceives what direction will be taken by the will is a very different thing from an over- ruling destiny, which should compel the will to take some special direction. Still it is obvious that, in this instance also, foreknowledge is based entirely on causation. It is solely because human volitions take place as inevitable effects of antecedent causes that Omniscience itself can be conceived as capable of foreseeing them. But on such conditions, how can human volitions really be free .■' How can man be really at liberty to will of his good pleasure, if what he is prompted to will depends on the influence which the circumstances that happen to surround him may exercise on the constitution and charac- ter, which he has derived from pre-existing circumstances .■" How can his will be free, if that will be moulded and shaped by circumstances over which he has no control } I have, I am aware, by the mode I have adopted of recon- ciling free-will with foreknowledge, incurred the obligation of reconciling it with another co-existence of yet greater apparent incompatibility. By admitting that ' human volitions take place as inevitable effects of antecedent causes,' that they must be such, and cannot be other than such, as antecedent causes make them, I have admitted that the will, though independent of law, is absolutely sub- ject to, and must implicitly obey, causes. Freewill, then, must be shown to be compatible not with foreknowledge only, but with necessity also. For there is no use in attempting to ignore necessity ; no use in exclaiming with Professor Huxley : ' Fact I know, and Law I know ; but what is Necessity but an empty shadow of the mind's own HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 103 throwing ?' ' A shadow it most certainly is not, though it is a bugbear, and the veriest that was ever suffered to torment a morbid imagination. It is an indisputable reality, a sub- stantial, but at the same time perfectly harmless, or rather salutary reality, whose terrors need only to be boldly con- fronted in order to disappear and to transform themselves into highly attractive recommendations. For what, after all, does it imply } What but that effects must follow their causes, and causes precede their effects, as plainly they must, unless cause and effect be utterly unmeaning exple- tives. Of course we must on all occasions be affected by surrounding circumstances, in modes exactly accordant with our idiosyncracies, moral and physical. Of course, too, our volitions must exactly correspond with our con- temporaneous affections. When we are empty, we must, if in health, feel hungry, and desire to eat ; when full, we must, unless we are hogs, be satisfied, and prefer to ruminate. Most men are so organised that when tickled they must laugh ; when wronged, must frow^n or sigh. The sight of distress makes them pity, and desire to see it relieved. That of virtue makes them admire, and desire to see it re- warded. That of vice makes them angry, and desire to see it punished. Would we have all these things reversed .'' Would it be well for us that our being starved or surfeited should make no difference in our wish to feed, or our wil- lingness to fast ^ Should we like the chances to be equal whether we should desire distress to be alleviated or aeera- vated "> If not, what is the bondage under which we groan } what the liberty wherewith we long to be made free .? Our sole grievance is that, according to actual arrangements, there must be reasons for our wishes, and that on those * ' Lay Sermons,' p. 158. I04 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. reasons our wishes must depend. Should we then prefer that there were no such reasons ? Would we have our wishes to be independent of reason, and adrift before irra- tional caprice ? Probably we may, on second thoughts, be content to forego an enfranchisement like this ; but, if not, we may at least console ourselves for its indefinite postponement, by reflecting that Omnipotence itself is, equally with ourselves, subject to the sort of necessity under which we are groaning ; equally destitute of the sort of free-will to which we aspire. It is manifest that, since there cannot be omnipotence without boundless liberty, omnipotence must possess completest freedom of will. Yet even the Will of Omnipotence is subject to the despotism of causation. Divine perfection cannot but be at all times affected in modes as exactly corresponding with its own excellence as human imperfection is in modes cor- responding with its deficiencies, and the movements of the Divine Mind cannot but correspond with the affections of the Divine Mind. Those movements are not unmeaning, purposeless, wayward. They, too, have their appropriate springs, and proceed by regular process from legitimate causes, the chief of those causes being the infinite perfec- tion of the Divine Nature. Divine Power cannot then, any more than human, be directed by its owner's will to pur- poses against which its owner's nature revolts. But is this inability a matter to lament over .-* Those must be greatly at a loss for a grievance who make one of its being impos- sible for them to will things which they have over-ruling reason? for not willing". Besides, does man, in order to believe himself free, require more freedom than his Maker .-• The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. 105 his lord. Surely it is sufficient that the disciple be as his master, and the servant as his lord.' The fact, then, that human conduct is subject to causa- tion, and may by adequate intellit^encc be predicted in it.-, minutest details until the end of time, no more proves that it is governed by invariable laws, which act irrespec- tively of human volitions, than the corresponding fact with reference to Divine conduct impairs the freedom of the Divine Will. There is no one living to whom such a doc- trine — degrading man, as it does, into a helpless puppet, robbing him of all moral responsibility and of every motive for either exertion or self-control — can be more utty that term, Mr. Stephen in one place says, is really meant all that he ever meant by the Science of History; and the observation, were it not apparently inconsistent with his general reasoning, might seem to imply that the only ques- tion between him and his opponents is whether a thing, the existence of which is not disputed, ought or ought not to receive a new appellation. But it is otherwise, at any rate, with Mr. Mill. The language used by him on this as on 112 HISTORY'S SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS. all other subjects, is too clear and precise to admit of its being supposed that he has used a new phrase without attaching to it a new signification, or to permit the present writer to believe, as he fain would do, that a point of no- menclature is the only point of difference between himself and one from whom it is so difficult to differ without diffi- dence and self-distrust. 113 CHAPTER III. DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. But the miscliicf liclh here ; that wlicn men of less leisure see them who are supposed to have spent their whole time in the pursuit of knowledge profess- ing an entire ignorance of all things, or advancing such notions as are repugnant to plain and commonly received principles, they will be tempted to entertain suspicions concerning the most important truths which they had hitherto held sacred and unquestionable. — Berkeley's Hylas and Philonous. In no department of science Is it possible for an enquirer to advance considerably beyond all his predecessors without serving as a light by whose aid his successors may advance somewhat beyond him. This is the only apology that I feel disposed to offer for the freedom with which I am about to criticize one who, having been, by judges so com- petent as Adam Smith and Professor Huxley, pronounced to be ' by far the greatest philosopher ' and ' acutest thinker ' of his own age, would, doubtless, be at least on a level with the greatest philosophers of the present age if he were living now. The veriest cripple that can manage to sit on horseback may contrive to crawl some few steps beyond the utmost point to which his steed has borne him, and, it those steps be uphill, may, by looking back on the course he has come, perceive where the animal has deviated from the right road. Yet he does not on that account suppose that his own locomotive power is in any respect to be com- pared to his horse's ; neither need an annotator on Hume, when pointing to holes in his author's metaphysical coat, be supposed not to be perfectly aware that it is the strength, *I 114 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. not of his own eyes, but of the spectacles furnished to him by his author, that enables him to perceive them. The concentrated essence of Hume's metaphysics is to be found in 'An Enquiry concerning Human Understand- ing/ forming part of a volume of Essays which Hume published somewhat late in life, and which he desired might 'alone be regarded as containing his philosophical sentiments and principles.' To a formal, though necessarily rapid, examination of the results of this ' Enquiry,' the present chapter will be almost exclusively devoted. Often as the operation has been performed already, there are two reasons why its repetition here may not be without utility : for, first, its subject is a treatise containing the germs of much subsequent and still current speculation which, in so far as it is merely a development of those germs, cannot but be infected by whatever unsoundness may be inherent in them ; and, secondly, because the subject, hackneyed as it may seem, is so far from being exhausted, that there is scarcely one among the doctrines embodied in it to W'hich, as I proceed at once to show, fresh objection, more or less grave, may not be taken by a fresh inves- tigator. To begin very near indeed to the beginning, let us take, first, the section of the ' Enquiry ' which treats of the ' Origin of Ideas.' All the perceptions of the mind may, according to Hume, be divided into two classes, whereof the one con- sists of all those ' more lively perceptions,' termed by him indifferently Impressions or Sensations, which we experience when we ' hear, or see, or feel, or love, or hate, or desire, or will : ' the other, of those ' less lively perceptions of which we are conscious when we reflect on any of the sensations above-mentioned,' and which are commonly denominated DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 115 thoughts or ideas. ' All our ideas or more feeble perceptions,' he continues, 'are copies of our impressions or more lively ones,' the 'entire creative power of the mind amounting to no more than the faculty of compounding, transposing, augmenting, or diminishing the materials afforded by the senses and experience.' So confident is he of the literal accuracy of this statement, as to proceed to intimate that whenever we find in conversation or argument 'a philoso- phical term employed seemingly without any idea or meaning,' we have only to enquire from what impression its idea, if it have one, is derived, when, if no impression can be adduded, we may be sure that no idea is present either. The only phenomenon opposed to this rule, which lie professes himself able to think of, is that of a person who, of a colour — as, for instance, blue — with which he is familiar, is able to conceive a shade somewhat different from any of the shades which he has actually seen ; but this instance he disregards as too singular to affect the general maxim, to which, as he might have added, it is not really an exception, any more than would be the power of a person who had never seen a mountain higher than Snowdon or Mont Blanc to conceive one as high as Chim- borazo or Mount Everest, for, equally in both cases, the ideas are copies of sensible impressions, although of com- plex, not simple, ones — of colour and graduation in the first case, of size and increase in the second. Still, there is at least one genuine exception, which it is the more remark- able that Hume should have overlooked, as it may be said to have stared him in the face from the \ery subject-matter he was considering. Our idea of idea itself, from what sensible impression is that derived .' We have just been told that the difference between an idea and a sensation is I 2 Ii6 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. that the first is a copy of the second, a feeble copy of a lively original. The idea therefore is not itself a sensation ; the copy is not itself an original. Neither consequently can the idea or notion which the mind proceeds to form of any of its previous ideas be derived from or be a copy of a sensation : it cannot have entered the mind ' in the only manner by which,' according to Hume, ' an idea can have access to the mind, to wit, by actual feeling and sensation.' Let me not be misunderstood. Let me not be supposed to be courting collision with the Berkleian thesis of the non-existence of abstract ideas. I do not for one moment doubt that all our general or class notions of sensible objects or events are merely concrete ideas of individual objects or events — that, for instance, whenever we talk of man or motion in general, we are really thinking of some particular man or motion, which, as possessing all properties common to all men or motions, serves as a representative of the entire genus. Neither am I prepared to deny, although scarcely either prepared to admit, that even of abstract qualities all our general or class notions are equally ideas of particular specimens of those qualities ; that, when we speak, for instance, of virtue or vice in general, we are thinking of some particular exhibition of some particular kind of virtue or vice. Nay, I am not even concerned to deny that our idea of idea in general may possibly be a copy of some particular one of our previous ideas which, for the nonce, serves to represent all our other previous ideas. I limit myself to saying that our idea of idea in general, whether it be or be not itself an abstraction, is, at all events, not a copy of sensation. I admit that it thereby differs essentially from most, if not all, other general ideas. Possibly it may be only through my having DAVID HUME AS A MErAPHYSICTAX. 117 myself felt the promptings of some particular virtue or vice, that I am able to form an idea of that particular virtue or vice. If so, I admit that my idea of that particular virtue or vice is but, as Hume would say, a copy of my feeling. And since, undoubtedly, I can feel myself thinking, or perceiving, or performing any other mental operation, I am bound to admit, further, that my idea of any such operation may equally be described as a copy of a sensation which I have experienced. All I contend for is that if, after having formed my idea, either of a mental operation or of anything else whatever, I proceed to ask myself what sort of an entity that idea is, the answer which I give myself, or, in other words, the idea which I form of my previous idea, being a copy of idea, cannot be a copy of sensation. So much must surely be conceded to me, for that white, being white, cannot be also black is not nearly so certain as that idea and sensation, being two distinct things, idea of idea cannot be idea of sensation. The concession, indeed, is likely enough to be accompanied by an exclamation of wonder that so microscopic a flaw in an elaborate expo- sition should be thought worth pointing out ; but Hume himself would certainly not have so retorted. Of the doctrine \\hich I am impugning, viz., that every idea is copied from some preceding sensation, he had spoken as follows : — 'Those who would assert that this position is not universally true, nor without exception, have only one, and that an easy, method of refuting it, by producing the idea which, in their opinion, is not derived from this source. It will then be incumbent on us, if we would maintain our doctrine, to produce the impression or lively perception which corresponds to it.' He was much too candid not to ii8 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. have acknowledged that this challenge of his had been fairly and fully met. He was not a man to refuse to own himself refuted when, after distinctly intimating that the production of one single idea, having no perception corre- spondent to it amongst those which we experience ' when we see, or hear, or feel, or love, or hate, or will, or desire,' would suffice for his entire refutation, he found such an idea produced. He knew too well also to what enormous errors of thought minute errors of expression may lead, to disregard any speck of inaccuracy in any one of his defini- tions. The apparently slight oversight committed by him on this occasion will, indeed, be presently seen to have sensibly contributed to lead him subsequently into a mistake of no small practical moment. We come next to the ' Association of Ideas,' the influence of which almost all of Hume's successors, as well as himself, seem to mc to have greatly over-rated. That there is a ' principle of connection between the different thoughts or ideas of the mind ' is, as he says, sufficiently evident ; and that this principle is, as he was apparently the first to remark, threefold, deriving its efficacy from resemblance, contiguity in time or place, and cause or effect, may also be admitted with little qualification. But I presume to think that he is quite incorrect in adding that, in virtue of the aforesaid principle, ideas ' introduce each other with a certain degree of method or regularity.' You are walking, let us suppose, through Hyde Park, thinking of nothing more particular than that the morning is a pleasant one, when you suddenly find yourself in imagination pacing the shore of the Dead Sea, and, pausing to ask yourself how you got there, you discover, perhaps, that it was by the following steps. Remarking some landscape effect in the DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 119 distance, you were reminded of a similar one which you had remarked years before while taking a walk fifty miles off in Sussex. Here resemblance operated. Then you recollected how during that walk >-ou were thinking about Mr. Buckle, whose lucubrations you had been conning over before starting. Here entered contiguity both of time and space. The name of Buckle reminded you how that pro- mising writer ended his travels abroad by dying of a fever Avhich he caught while sailing over the sites of the engulphcd cities of the plain. Here cause and effect came into action ; and, so far, everything accords with Hume's theory. But if you repeat the same walk to-morrow, the same landscape effect will almost certainly suggest a train of ideas quite different from that of to-day. Perhaps it may begin by reminding you of landscape effects in general ; then of Mr. Ruskin, who has discoursed so eloquently on that topic, and next of Mr. Ruskin's ' Stones of Venice,' from whence it is equal chances whether your thoughts radiate, on one side of the compass, to stone china, or Stoney Stratford, or Stonewall Jackson, or, on the other, to the ' Venetian Bracelet,' L. E. L. and Fernando Po, or to that efifectivc adaptation of the Venetian style of architecture, the Railway Station at St. Pancras, and thence to some town or other on the Midland Line. These examples will be readily recognized as fair average specimens of those impremeditated trains of thought with which we are all familiar. Is there, then, in the arrangement of the consecutive thoughts of which the several trains arc composed, any method or regu- larity common, I will not say to all, but to any two of them } According to Hume and to most of his successors in the same path of enquir}-, there ought to be. Thus the I20 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. illustrious author of the ' Analysis of the Human Mind ' affirms, without rebuke or protest from any one of his not less illustrious commentators, that ' our ideas spring up or exist in the order in which the sensations existed of which they are the copies : that of those sensations which occurred synchronically, the ideas also spring up syn- chronically, and that of the sensations which occurred successively, the ideas rise successively.' And he adds, ' this is the general law of the Association of Ideas,' remarking, by way of illustration, that, as ' I have seen the sun, and the sky in which it is placed, synchronically, if I think of the one I think of the other at the same time' ; and that, as when committing to memory a passage of words, as, for instance, the Lord's Prayer, we pronounce the words in successive order, and have consequently the sensation of the words in successive order, so when we proceed to repeat the passage, ' the ideas of the words also rise in succession, Onr suggesting FatJicr, Father suggest- ing ivJiich, zvJiicJi suggesting art, and so on to the end.' ' Oh Law ! Law ! most abused of scientific terms, what an infinity of dogmatic illegalities are committed in thy name ! The one thing ^\■hich scientific law implies is regularity of occurrence, but what regulation is it that is obeyed in common by a number of sequences commencing at the same point in Hyde Park, yet terminating, one in Africa, another in America, a third in Palestine, and a fourth in the centre of England 'i Can it have been seriously said that it is impossible for us to think of the sky without thinking simultaneously of the sun which illu- ' Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Wind. By James Mill. Edition of 1869, with Notes by Alexander Bain, Andrew Findlater, George Grote, and John Stuart Mill, vol. i. pp. 78 ct seq. DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 121 minatcs the sky ? Is it impossible for us to think instead of the ether which constitutes it, or peradventure even of the resembhincc between its celestial azure and what Moore calls the ' most unholy blue' of some frolicsome Cynthia's eyes ? And is it not notorious that when saying the Lord's Prayer — a prayer which, in spite of the injunction by which its original dictation was accompanied, to 'avoid vain repetitions, as the heathen do,' many Anglican clergy- men insist on repeating half-a-dozen times in a single service — is it not notorious that, so far from the idea of one word suggesting to us the idea of the next, no small effort of attention is requisite to enable us to have any idea at all of what we arc saying ? It would seem that the author of the ' Analysis ' either could not help asking himself questions like these, or, without asking the questions, could not help seeing the commonplace truths involved in the inevitable replies to them. It would seem to have been semi-consciousness of the utter inability of the evidence first cited by him to justify belief in the necessarily simultaneous or successive occurrence of the ideas of simultaneously or successively experienced sensations, which made him have recourse for help to complex ideas. ' If,' he says, ' from a stone I have had synchronically the sensation of colour, the sensation of hardness, the sensations of shape and size, the sensation of wei'rht, — when the idea of one of these sensations occurs, the ideas of all of them occur.' Because, then, I may have ascertained by experience that a stone is white, hard, and round, two feet in diameter, and twenty pounds in weight, am I really incapable, if I happen to break my shin against it, of thinking how hard it is, without thinking also how heavy ; or, when trying to lift it, of thinking how 122 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. heavy it is without thinking likewise of its shape and colour ? Elsewhere the same writer speaks of ' ideas which have been so often conjoined that whenever one exists in the mind, the others immediately exist along with it, seem to run into one another, to coalesce, as it were, and out of many to form one idea.* But which are the ideas whereof this can be said ? The writer instances those simple ideas, colour, hardness, extension, weight, which, he says, make up our complex ideas of gold or iron. He instances, too, the ideas of resistance, muscular contractility, direction, extension, place, and motion, of v/hich he says our appa- rently simple idea, weight, is compounded. Does he mean, then, that we cannot entertain the idea of yellowness without entertaining at the same time all the other ideas necessary for composing the idea of gold, and entertaining, too, that idea in addition to all the rest } Does he mean that a train of thought cannot commence with place without terminating with weight ? Of course he means nothing of the kind, although so he distinctly says. Rather, he appears to mean the direct converse, viz., that w^e cannot have the idea of gold or of weight present to the mind, without having present also all the simple ideas of which those complex ideas are compounded — in other words, not that the occurrence of any one component necessarily calls up all the other components, and forms with them the compound, but that the appearance of the compound brings with it all its separate components. But neither does this seem to be a strictly correct repre- sentation. I am not sure that I can think of gold without thinking of yellowness, but I am positive that I can with- out thinking of hardness. Nor is there any doubt that the youngest child knows perfectly well what it means when, DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 123 trying to lift a stone, it calls the stone heavy, although it mieht not be more difficult to make the stone itself than the child understand what is meant by muscular contrac- tility. I own that if it be here demanded of me how a compound can be present unless every one of its com- ponents be present also, I may under pressure be con- strained to suggest that possibly, after all, the very term compound or complex idea may be somewhat of a misnomer, or at any rate that the constituents of such an idea are much fewer than is commonly supposed. Be it admitted that the idea, so styled, could not have been formed with- out the instrumentality of other and previously-formed ideas, still it does not follow that the instruments of pro- duction should for ever after accompany the product. The rackful of dry toast which is brought to you for breakfast could scarcely have been so neatly sliced without the help of a knife, but the toast is not the less in bodily presence on the breakfast-table because the knife that cut it has been left behind in the kitchen. Neither, although you may probably be aware that salt, suet, sugar, and spice enter into the composition of a Christmas pudding, do you necessarily think of those separate ingredients when you think of the pudding, any mcye than you would see them separately if }-ou saw the pudding. The only qualities which you apparently cannot help thinking of when }-ou think of the pudding are its size, shape, and colour. One word more about the assumed regularity in the succession of ideas. That when you are repeating a familiar form of words or playing a familiar piece of music, every word uttered or note struck, by reason of connexion of some sort between itself and the word or note next in order, enables you without the smallest mental effort to 124 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. utter that Avord or strike that note, is too notorious to be questioned. But I do very earnestly question whether the connexion that thus operates is an association of ideas. How can it be, when, as frequently happens, you have not the smallest idea of what it is you are saying or playing .-* Have you not often, after reverently saying grace, like the decent paterfamilias you probably are, occasioned a giggle round the table by saying it again a minute or two after- wards, in utter unconsciousness that you had said it just before .'' Or, if I may so far flatter myself as to fancy my reader a fair daughter of the house instead of the staid house father — has it never happened to you. Miss, while executing a brilliant performance on the piano, to have been so entirely engrossed by an animated flirtation carried on simultaneously, that, if at the conclusion of the piece you had been asked what you had been playing, you could not have replied whether it was La ci darcvi la inaiio or Non mi I'oglio inaritar I And is it not evident that non-existent ideas cannot have called real ideas into existence } My own modest contribution towards explanation of these mysterious phenomena is as follows. Apart from association of ideas, there is a separate and independent association — to wit, association of volitions. While com- mitting to memory a form of words, or trying a new piece of music, every separate movement of your tongue or of your fingers is consequent on some separate volition. Each series of movements is consequent on a series of volitions. By being repeatedly made to follow each other in the same order, the several volitions become connected with each other, so that whenever the mind desires to marshal them in the aforesaid order, each one, as it presents itself, DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 125 brings with it the next in succession, until the whole series is completed ; while, as each volition has consequent upon it a corresponding; movement, a scries of corresponding movements simultaneously takes place. The mind mean- while is quite unconscious of the muscular movements that arc going on. What it is conscious of are the volitions without which no voluntary movements of the muscles could have been made, and of which the mind must needs be conscious, because a volition of which the mind was not conscious would be an involuntary volition, a birth too monstrous for even metaphysics to be equal to. But although necessarily conscious of these volitions, the mind is only momentarily conscious. It pays them barely an instant's attention, and therefore instantaneously forgets them, retaining no more trace of them than if they had never been. The doctrine of Hume's which next confronts us is his famous one concerning Cause and Eftcct. lie commences it by explaining that all objects of human enquiry are di\isible into two kinds — i. Relations of Ideas, like those of which geometry, algebra, and arithmetic treat, and which arc either intuitively certain, or ' discoverable by the mere operation of thought, without dependence on what is anywhere existent in the universe,' as, for example, the truths demonstrated b}' Euclid, which would be equally incontestable even ' though there were never a circle or a triangle in nature : ' 2. Matters of Eact, as, for example, the sun's rising and setting, or the emission of light and heat by fire, which are never discoverable by unassisted reason, because of no one of them would the opposite imply a contradiction or be consequently inconceivable ; and in our knowledge of an}- one of which we can never 126 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. ' go beyond the evidence of our memory and senses,' except by means of reasons derived from experience of some fact or facts connected in some way or other with the particular matter of fact we are considering. So far, all is comparatively plain sailing, but Hume now propounds a difficulty which he at first presents as seem- ingly insurmountable, but which I cannot help thinking to be' mainly of his own creation, and which he himself, almost immediately afterwards, suggests a iiiode, though a very inadequate mode, of overcoming. His language here is not marked by his usual perspicuity, or rather — to speak without respect of persons — it contradicts itself in most astounding fashion ; but his meaning is not the less cer- tainly the following, for there is no other construction which his words will bear. ' What,' he asks, ' is the foundation of all conclusions from experience 1 ' Why is it that, having found that such an object has always been attended with such an effect, we infer that similar objects will always be attended with similar effects .-* The proposition that a certain antecedent has always been followed by a certain consequent, and the proposition that the same antecedent will be followed by the same consequent, are not identical. What, then, is the connexion between them which causes one to be inferred from the other .'' The connexion is unhesitatingly pro- nounced by him to be neither intuitively perceived, nor yet to be ' founded on any process of the understanding.' If you insist that the inference is made by a chain of reason- ing, he challenges you to produce that reasoning, and taking for granted that you have none to produce, he pro- ceeds to indicate what principle it is which, in his opinion, does determine us to form the inference. That principle DAV/D HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 137 he declares to be custom or habit, by which alone, he asserts, wc are, after the constant conjunction of two ob- jects, determined to expect the one from the appearance of the other ; adding that all inferences from experience are effects of custom, not of reasoning. What is the correct answer to this question of Hume's I shall be rash enough to endeavour to indicate a little fur- ther on ; meanwhile there can be no temerity in saying that whatever be the right answer, Hume's is certainly a wrong one. Habit plainly cannot be its own parent. It enables us to repeat more easily what we have already repeatedly done, but it cannot be the cause of our doing or being able to do anything for the first time. An infant that has once burnt its fingers by touching the flame of a candle, expects that if it touch the flame again it will burn its fingers again, but it does not expect this because it has been in the habit of expecting it. Neither, if we be here bidden to understand that the habit referred to is not any mental habit of our own, but a habit which we have observed certain phenomena to have of following each other, shall we thereby be brought one whit nearer the truth. Our infant with the burnt finger has not ob- served that flame is in the habit of burning. It only knows that flame did burn on the one occasion on which it tried the experiment, which experiment it consequently declines to repeat. Besides, no one needs to be told that inferences, though thus capable of being drawn from single occurrences, are drawn with increased confidence from observation of habit. We all know already that, having always found that fire burns, we infer that it always will burn. What we want to know is, why we draw this infer- ence. This is the question which Hume puts, and respect- 128 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. ing which he gives very positively the negative reply that the inference is not drawn either intuitively, nor yet by any process of the understanding. Yet that a body when not moving must needs be at rest, is not more certainly de- monstrable than that inferences cannot possibly be drawn except in one or other of these two ways. Is not every inference a species of belief, and must not every belief be either innate within us, or have been acquired artificially ; and, as in the latter case, it is a mental acquisition, must it not in that case have been acquired by an operation of the mind or understanding } Is it not clear, then, that infer- ences must always be either intuitive or ratiocinative ; and is it not strange that Hume should deny that they ever are so .'' Yet stranger still is it, that even while denying them to be either one or the other, he, almost in the same breath, pronounces them to be both. For, after having on one page denied that they are founded on reason, or any process of the understanding, he describes them on the next page as being not simply founded on, but as being them- selves * processes of the mind,' ' processes of thought,' and immediately afterwards ' arguments,' nay, ' reasonings from experience ; ' and, yet again, after as short a pause, these very same ' reasonings,' and ' arguments,' and ' processes of the mind and thought,' he concludes by styling 'natural instincts which no reason or process of the thought or understanding is able either to produce or to prevent ' — ' operations of the soul as unavoidable ' when the mind is placed in certain circumstances, as it is ' to feel the passion of love when we receive benefits, or hatred when we meet with injuries.' What are we to say to a description of mental operations which are and are not ' arguments ' and ' reasonings,' which DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAX. 129 arc and arc not * processes of tlioui,dit/ which arc not ' in- tuitive,' and which yet arc ' instincts ? ' How arc we to account for such amazing inconsistencies in an exposition of one of the greatest of philosophers ? With all humility, I submit the following as a possible solution of the enigma. The one solitary ground on which Hume denies the argumentative and ratiocinative character of what he nevertheless terms arguments and reasonings, is the im- possibility of producing the chains of argument or reason- ing of which they are composed. But this impossibility can at most only prove that the reasonings are elementary, and have, consequently, no component parts into which they can be resolved. But reasoning is not the less reason- ing for being elementary, or for being only a single link in a chain, instead of being itself a chain composed of many links. Still, being elementary, it may occur to, and pass through, the mind with extreme rapidity — with not less rapidity than an intuition or instinct, for which therefore it may easily be mistaken, as accordingly it has actually been by Hume. But that a reasoning from experience is not really an instinct is certain, firstly, because intuitive or in- stinctive reasoning, if not a phrase absolutely devoid of meaning, is a contradiction in terms ; and, secondl}-, because, if it were instinctive, it would precede instead of following experience, and a baby, instead of finding out that flame burns by touching it, would know beforehand that flame burns, and would therefore not touch it. From the species of Belief constituted by an inference from experience, Hume, by an easy transition, passes on to Belief in general, which he defines to be ' nothing but a more vivid, lively, forcible, firm, steady conception of an object, than what the imagination alone is ever able to K I30 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. attain,' referring, by way of illustration, to an animal with the head of a man and the body of a horse, which anyone can imagine, but no one can believe in, and desiring us apparently to suppose that if our groom were to come and tell us that he had found a centaur feeding in the paddock beside out favourite saddle-horse, our sole reason for be- lieving in the horse and for not believing in the centaur would be our greater ability to conceive the one than the other. That such a definition should for a moment have satisfied its author's curiosity, Is itself a psychological curiosity which must not, however, be suffered to detain us. Whoever, not content with knowing perfectly well what belief is, desires to have his knowledge of it set down in writing, should read the admirable notes on the subject, with which Mr. John Mill and Mr, Bain have enriched the last edition of Mr. James Mill's 'Analysis of the Human Mind.' Most readers, hov.-ever, will probably be disposed to avail themselves here of a rather favourite phrase of Hume himself, and to plead that, 'if we agree about the thing, it is needless to dispute about terms ; ' and it is not unlikely that such of them as may have formed their notion of metaphysical discussions in general from the specimens given above, may go so far as to hint a doubt whether any of the nice verbal distinctions which meta- physicians so much affect, are really worth the trouble required to understand them. Nor would anyone, perhaps, be much the w^orse for acting upon this suspicion^ provided that, in accordance with it, he kept altogether aloof from the studies which it disparages. His ideas need not be the less clear because he neither knows nor cares of what they are copies, nor whether they are copies of anything ; nor will the order of their occurrence be at all affected in con- DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 131 sequence of his hc'mg similarly careless, whether that order is or is not go\-erned by a /azu of association ; neither need his inferences from experience be the less sound in conse- quence of his never having enquired how or why they are deduced. But although the most absolute ignorance and corresponding indifference about these and kindred topics may not tend in the least to disqualify him for performance of the whole duty of man, it is not the less important that, if he do care to know aught about them, his knowledge should be exact, for there is no knowing beforehand how luxuriantly the minutest germ of theoretical error may ramify in prac- tice, or into what substantive quagmire trust in deceitful shadows may lead. These respectable aphorisms may be beneficially borne in mind during perusal of vdiat is about to be said. If the fact were really, as Ilumc supposed, that wc have 110 reason for our inferences from experience, and draw them only because either we have been in the habit of drawing them, or because we are so constituted as to be unable to help drawing them, the reason of our drawing them plainly could not be that we perceive any necessary connection between antecedent and consequent events, or any force or power binding these together as cause and effect. Accordingly, Hume does not scruple to affirm that ' we have no idea of connection or power at all, and that these words are absolutely without meaning when employed either in philosophical reasoning or in common life.' Every idea, he argues, referring to a rule which he somewhat hastily supposes himself to have already pro\ed to be without exception, must needs have been copied from some preceding sensible impression, but neither from within nor from without can we lia\"c received an K 2 132 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. impression from which this particular idea can have been copied. No keenest scrutiny of any portion of matter, no study of its external configuration or internal structure could, previously to experience, enable us to conjecture that it could produce any effect whatever, still less any particular effect : could enable us to guess, for instance, that flame would burn, or ice would chill, if touched. Nor even though on once touching flame we get our fingers burnt, are mature philosophers like us to conclude, as if we had no more intelligence than so many babies, that if we touch again we shall be burnt again. All we have as yet learnt from the experiment is that the sensation of touch- ing fire has once been followed by the sensation of burning, but nothing has occurred to suggest that in the first sensa- tion lurked any secret power of producing the second. And what a single experiment does not prove, no number of repetitions of precisely the same experiment with pre- cisely the same results can prove. Even though on a lengthened course of experience we have found that in every case of our touching flame our fingers have been burnt, we are still as far as ever from perceiving any bond of connection between the tw^o events. We do indeed believe that as flame when touched has hitherto invariably burnt, so, whenever touched hereafter, it wilt hereafter invariably burn ; but this, according to Hume, we believe simply because by long practice we have con- tracted such a habit of associating the idea of touched flame with burnt fingers, that whenever we witness the one we cannot help expecting the other. Neither, if, withdrawing our eyes from the outward world, we cast them inwardly upon the operations of our own minds, shall we, according to Hume, any the more discover DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 133 what we arc in search of. What though we know by experience that whatever, within certain limits, our will appoints, our bodily organs or mental faculties will ordi- narily perform ; that our limbs will move as we wish them, and our memory, reason, or imagination bring for- ward ideas which we desire to contemplate, what knowledge have we here beyond that of certain volitions and certain other acts taking place in succession ? What smallest evidence have wc of any connection between the volitions and the other acts ? A volition is an operation of the mind, is it not ? and body is matter, is it not ? And do you pretend to know — can you form the smallest approach to a guess — how mind is united with body, and how it is possible therefore for the refined spiritual essence to actuate the gross material substance. If you ' were empowered by a secret wish to remove mountains or to control the planets in their orbit,' would such extensive authority be one whit more inexplicable than the supposed ability of your will to raise your hand to your head or to cause your foot to make one fonvard step .'' If, nevertheless, you fancy you understand in what manner the will has some of the bodily organs under its government, how, pray, do you account for its not having all equally — the heart and liver as well as the tongue and fingers ? Without trying, you never would have dis- covered that your bowels will not, any more than without trying you could have knoA\n that your limbs will, ordi- narily move in conformity \\\\.\\ yowx wishes. Neither, if one of your limbs were to be suddenly paralysed, would )-ou, until you tried, become aware that it would no longer niove as you wished. If there be, then, a power attached to the will, it is plainly experience alone A\hich apprises 134 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. you of its existence ; whereas if you were independently conscious of it, you would know beforehand precisely what it can and what it cannot effect, and would, moreover, when you lost it, become instantly aware of your loss. Again, and above all, does not anatomy teach us that when the mind wills the movement of any bodily mem- ber, it ' is not the member itself which is immediately moved, but certain intervening nerves, muscles, and animal spirits, or possibly something still more minute and more unknown,' through which the motion is successively propa- gated until it reach the member ? So that when the mind wills one event, a series of other events, quite different and quite unthought of, take place instead ; and it is only by their means that the will's purpose is finally achieved. But how can the mind be conscious, how can it form the re- motest conception, of a power which not only never does what the mind desires, but never does aught of which the mind is cognisant .-' And as we arc thus utterly unable to perceive any power that the mind has over the body, so are we equally uncon- scious of any power of the mind over itself. We know as little of its internal nature and constitution as we do of its mode of connection with the body. We know by expe- rience that at the bidding of the will ideas are continually brought forward ; but by what means they are brought for- ward we are absolutely ignorant, as we are also of the reasons of the fluctuation of mental activity, and why mental ope- rations are more vigorous in health than in sickness, before breakfast than after a heavy dinner or deep carouse. Such, on the issue immediately before us, is Hume's reasoning, to which — though necessarily very greatly con- densing it — I shall, I am sure, be acknowledged to have DAVID HUME AS A METAPIIYS/CLLV. 135 conscientiously striven to do full justice, by bringing all its points into the strongest light, and arranging them in the most effective order. Still, with its utmost strength thus displayed before us, wc arc fully warranted in asserting a priori that its whole utmost strength is weakness. If, by following a leader who has engaged to conduct us to a certain spot, we find ourselves at our journey's end in a quite different place, no appeal that the guide can make to maps or finger-posts will persuade us that he has not mis- taken the way. Nor need our judgment be otherwise, even though our guide be Hume, if, having started with him in jjursuit of truth, we are finally landed in a patent absurdity. With all due respect for logic, we protest with Tony Lump- kin against being argufied out of our senses, as we plainly should be if we allowed ourselves to be persuaded that whenever we use the words pozvcr or connection we have no idea thereto correspondent. Since, then, Hume tells us this, we may be quite sure that he has been deluded by some fallacy which may be detected by adequate search ; and being, moreover, sensible that we really have the idea our possession of which is denied by him, wc may be equally sure that the original of which the idea is a copy is similarly discoverable. In sooth, neither the one nor the other is far to seek. The fallacy consists simply in con- fusion of the definite \\'\\\\ the indefinite article. The original of our idea of power Hume himself indicates even while rejecting it. Although constrained by Hume's de- monstration to confess that we cannot even conjecture of what kind is the authority which the will exercises over the limbs, we are not the less sensible that it does exercise an authority of some sort or other, which they are unable to disobey. Wc know that in ordinary circumstances our 136 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. limbs will move when we wish them to move, and will remain quiet when we wish them not to move. Nor this only. We moreover know, or at any rate fancy we know, that they would not have moved unless we had wished them. In examples like these of volitions followed, as the case may be, by premeditated motion or rest, we have some- thing more than the simple sequence observable in the succession of external events. We do not perceive simply that, as when fire is lighted, heat is emitted, so when the mind wills the body moves. We perceive clearly that there must be a connection of some sort between ante- cedent and consequent, without which the first certainly zvoiild not and, ^^'e fancy, could not have followed the first. We perceive, in short, that the second followed because the first preceded. If fire were an animated being, capable of forming and manifesting volitions ; and if we observed that whenever it wished to emit heat, heat was emitted ; and that whenever it wished to withhold heat, heat was with- held ; and if we were thereupon to say that fire has the power of emitting or withholding heat at its pleasure, our words surely would not be destitute of signification ; they would certainly possess some meaning, and that a very obvious one. And so they as certainly do when we say that the mind has power over those bodily movements •which we observe to take place and to cease in constant conformity with its will. I am not saying that what they mean is necessarily truth — we will come to that presently — all I say as yet is, that they mean something, and that that something, whether it be a real or only an imaginary per- ception, is perfectly fitted to be the original of that idea of ' power ' connecting cause and effect, or of ' connection ' betivcen cause and effect, which Hume maintains does not DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 137 exist, because there is no original from whicli it can have been copied. It matters not that we are quite ignorant of what nature is the something from which our idea of power possessed by the mind over the body is derived, and which, for aught we know, may reside, not in tlie mind, but in the body, and may consist, not of any strength inherent in the former, but of loyalty and docility inherent in the latter. Just as the authority of a popular general over a well-disciplined army is not the less real because the sol- diers, every one of whose lives is at the general's disposal, miglit, if so inclined, mutiny en viassc, so it can make no difference in the mind's power over the body whether the mind be intrinsically able to enforce obedience, or the limbs be so constituted as to be unable to disobey. As little does it matter that a\c are also ignorant of the mode in which the mind's behests are communicated to the mem- bers. It is not the less certain that in some mode or other they are communicated. Neither does it signify more that the mind does not communicate directly with the part of the body which it desires to influence, and acts upon that part only by means of action propagated through a series of intervening parts ; or that it is able to direct only some organs, and not others, or cannot direct even those, if by some accident they have become seriously deranged. A strong-armed blockhead is not the less obviously able to pump up water because the terms ' muscular contrac- tility ' and ' atmospheric pressure ' are as heathen Greek to him ; or because the pump-handle, which alone is directly moved by him, touches, not the water itself, but only the first link in a chain of mechanism connecting it \\\i\\ the water ; or because, if the sucker of the pump got choked, or the well were to dry up, it would be vain for him to go 138 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. on moving the pump-handle. Blockhead as he is, nothing of all this in the least diminishes his conviction that as long as the pump continues in order and there remains water in the well, he can oblige the water to rise by moving the pump-handle ; nor can anything analogous prevent the mind from feeling that whenever, in ordinary circumstances, it wills that the limbs be moved, the limbs not only will be moved, but cannot help being moved accordingly. But it is simply impossible that, from the exercise of volitions which it knovv's will be obeyed, the mind should not receive the sensation of exercising causal power ; and having thus got the sensation, it has nothing to do but to copy the sen- sation in order to get the idea of causal power. Cc n'cst que le pi'cmicr pas qui coutc ; the first step being taken the others cost nothing. The mind having, by introspection of its own operations, discovered what Hume, though profess- ing to look in the same direction, unaccountably contrived to overlook — the idea, namely, of causal pov/er — proceeds to apply that idea to the connection of external pheno- mena. Not only do we, whenever we see a horse or an ox walking of its own accord, infer that the animal Vy-alks because it wishes to walk ; but having observed that, when a stone is thrown into the air it invariably falls presently afterwards towards the ground ; that a magnet invariably attracts any light piece of iron placed near it ; that red-hot coals always burn ; and that water always moistens, we infer that the second constituent of each brace of pheno- m.ena takes place because of the first, meaning thereby that there is some strong bond counecting the two and compelling one to follow the other. If called upon to justify this infer- ence, we may do so by reducing to absurdity its only pos- sible alternative. If there be sujjposed to be no connection DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 139 between two phenomena constituting one of those invariable sequences which wc arc accustomed to denominate cause and effect, the sequence which tlicy constitute must needs be an unconnected sequence, and the only reason for styling one of the phenomena a cause is, that it is an antece- dent which the other invariably follows. But according to this, as has been pointed out over and over again, day would be the cause of night, and night the cause of day, and tidal flux and reflux likewise would be each other's causes ; and Mr. J. S. Mill has therefore proposed to inter- polate a word, and to define the cause of a phenomenon as ' the antecedent on which it (the phenomenon) is invariably and unconditionally consequent.' ' I must, however, confess myself unable to perceive how the definition is improved by this emendation. There is not, and cannot possibly be, such a thing as nnconditionally invariable sequence, as, indeed, Mr. Mill himself virtually admits by expressly assuming as an indispensable condition of all causation that ' the present constitution of things endure.' But if, notwithstanding the presence of this indispensable condition, it be permissible to call any sequence unconditionally invariable, then the sequences of night upon day and of day upon night are such sequences, and day and night continue consequently entitled to be styled each other's causes as much under the amended as under the original definition. For as long as ' the present constitution of things endures,' that is, as long as the earth continues to revolve on its axis, and the sun continues to shine, and no opaque substance intervenes be- tween earth and sun, day and night will continue to be as invariably and unconditionally each other's antecedents as sunlight will continue to be the antecedent or concomi- ' Mill's « Logic' 5th Edition, ^'ol. i. p. 377. I40 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. tant of day. True, Mr. Mill denies that the earth's diurnal motion is part of the present constitution of things, because, according to him, ' nothing can be so called which might possibly be terminated or altered by natural causes : ' but, if so, then neither ought sunlight to be so called, for it too quite possibly may, nay, in the opinion of many philoso- phers, most certainly will, be extinguished eventually by natural causes. If day ought not to be called the uncon- ditionally invariable consequent of night merely because it would cease to be so if the earth were to cease turning on its axis, then neither ought it to be called the uncondi- tionally invariable consequent of the unshrouded proximity of the sun, inasmuch as it would cease to be thereupon consequent if the sun were to become burnt out. If night be not, and if sunlight be, the cause of day, the reason is not that sunlight always hitherto has been, and, on one in- dispensable condition, always will be followed by day, for so equally has hitherto been, and on the same condition will hereafter be, night. The real reason is, that sunlight not only always has been and will be, but also always iiuist be followed by day ; that unless the constitution of nature very materially change, wherever is sunlight day must be ; whereas not only might day be, although night had never preceded, but unless night had preceded, day must have been from the beginning. In short, to constitute cause, in- variability, however unconditional, will not suffice. Another quality must be added, and that quality I contend to be obligatoriness. A cause, I maintain, Avould not be a cause unless its effect not only do or will, but must necessarily follow it. In common with the great unphilosophic mass of mankind, I hold that between cause and effect there is a binding power which constrains the one to follow the other. DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 141 If asked whence we suppose that power can have been derived, such of us, as conscious that we arc ' no very great wits,' don't mind confessing that we ' believe in a God,' will not mind cither suggesting that the power, wherever not exerted by an animated creature, may possibly be directly from God. One thing certain is, that inanimate matter cannot possibly possess or exercise any force or power whatever, so that, unless matter, although apparently dead, be really alive, attraction, cohesion, gravitation, and all its other so called forces, being incompatible with dead inert- ness, must needs be manifestations of some living, and possibly divine, power. Far from there being any diffi- culty in conceiving Omnipresent Deity to be exhibiting its might in every speck of universal space in every instant of never-ending time, it is, on the contrary, impossible to conceive otherwise. We cannot conceive one single mi- nutest point in limitless extension to be for one moment exempt from the immediate control of a di\-inc nature as- sumed to be T^ifTused throughout infinity's expanse And co-existent with eternity. Here, indeed, we hasten to acknowledge with Hume that ' our line is too short to fathom the immense abyss ' which wc have now reached. But wc need not, therefore, follow Ilumc to the lengths to \\hich liis insidious mock- modesty \\oulJ fain entice us. We may concede to him that ' we have no idea of a Supreme Being but what wc leaiiii from reflection on our own faculties,' but we need not imitate him by perversely shutting our c)-es to the evidences of an energy inherent in our own faculties, and thereby entitle him to insist on our joining him in denying that there is any evidence of energy in the Supreme Being. 142 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. We need not, because constrained to admit that we know- no more of the essence of divine, than we do of human, power, pretend that we cannot even conceive such a thing as divine power. Hume's affectation of profound ignorance on the subject must have occasioned unusual amusement in a certain quarter. The Devil can seldom have had a more hearty grin at his darling sin than when witnessing this peculiar exhibition of the pride that apes humility. That Hume's ignorance was nothing but affectation is proved by his veering completely round immediately afterwards, and in his very next chapter, and almost in his very next page, pronouncing it to be * universally allowed that matter in all its operations is actuated by a necessary force, and that every natural effect is so precisely deter- mined by the energy of its cause that no other effect in such particular circumstances could possibly have resulted from it.' Throughout the same chapter he argues in the same sense, and quite forgetting how obstinately he had just before contended that there are absolutely no such things as connection or power at all, he defies any one to ' define a cause without comprehending, as part of the definition, necessary connection with its efiect.' So highly, indeed, does he now rate that connecting power, whose very existence he had previously so vehemently denied, that he professes himself unable to set any limit to its efficacy. Even for those who should undertake to deduce from it the impossibility of any liberty of human will, and consequently of any human responsibility, pleading that, inasmuch as with a continued chain of necessary causes, reaching from the first great cause of all to every separate volition of every single human creature, it must needs be the Creator of the A\orld who is the ultimate DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 143 author of all volitions, and consequently solely accountable for every crime which man commits, he affects, witli exceedingly ill-sitting sanctimoniousness, to have no better answer than that such belief, being impious, must be absurd and cannot be true. It did not suit his purpose to point out that the volitions of Omnipotence itself, equally with human volitions, are necessary effects of causes — the causes in their case being the other attributes with which Omni- potence is conjoined — and that as it is nevertheless impos- sible for the volitions of Omnipotence to be otherwise than absolutely free and uncontrolled, so there is no reason why human volitions likewise should not, in spite of the same objection, be as thoroughly free as our own feelings assure us they are. Hume's sudden conversion, so amazing at first sight, from flattest denial to positivcst assertion of causal power, becomes intelligible when he is seen immediately after- wards using his newly adopted creed as a fulcrum whereon to rest his argumentative lever in his assault upon Miracles. About that celebrated piece of reasoning, startling as the avowal may sound, there is, to my mind, nothing more re- markable thanits celebrit}-, for, on close inspection, it will be found to be entirely made up of (i) the demonstration of a truism, and(2) the inculcation of a confessedly misleading rule. Not far from its commencement will be found a defini- tion which, if correct, would leave nothing to dispute about. A miracle, we are told, is 'a violation of the laws of nature,' of laws which a firm and unalterable experience has estab- lished. But if so, cadit quccstio. Of course, there can be no alteration of the unalterable. No need, of course, of further words to prove that a miracle thus defined is an impossibility. 144 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. Let us suppose, however, the word ^inalterable to have been used here by a sHp of the pen instead of inialtcred, and that Hume really meant by a miracle any alteration of what had previously appeared to be the constant course of nature. Even so, we shall have him contending that no amount, however great, of testimony however unimpeachable, ought to be accepted as adequate proof of such an alteration. Of what he urges in support of this position much may be at once dismissed as altogether irrelevant. That the most honest witness may be the dupe of optical or auricular illu- sion, or of a distorting or magnifying imagination ; that there is in many minds a natural predisposition to believe in the marvellous, and that the love of astonishing often gives exaggerated expression to the exaggerations of the fancy ; that self-interest and religious zeal often furnish additional motives for mendacity, and that testimony, even when sincere at first, is apt to become corrupted at every stage as it passes from hand to hand, or is committed to paper — all this, together with any further enumeration of circum- stances calculated to invalidate testimony, is quite beside the real question. It merely proves what no one needs to have proved, the propriety, viz., of weighing evidence and balancing adverse probabilities ; and even though it proved in addition that of all the so-styled miracles on record, there is not a single one the evidence for which is sufficient, it would still prove nothing to the purpose. For Hume is arguing against the credibility, not of any miracles in particular, but of all miracles in general, those included the witnesses for which are of indisputable in- telligence and undisputed veracity. Be the quality of the testimony what it may, no quantity of it, according to him, can be sufficient. This is the essence of his thesis, the DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 145 only part of it in A\liich there is an}' novelty, and in behalf of this part all that he has to say may be resolved into a sophism, followed by a repetition of the same begging of the question, as is invoh-ed in his afore-cited definition of a miracle. In substance it runs as follows. All testimony is at best but a description of the results of sensible expe- rience — of observations of the senses — but the most faithful description must needs be a less vivid presentation of truth than the reality described. A single original is better evidence than any number of copies. Your own personal experience is more trustworthy than any number of mere records of the experience of other people, and where the two conflict, the former always deserves preference. Now the personal experience of each one of us assures us that many sets of natural phenomena take place in perfectly invariable sequences, in sequences so invariable as to appear to be, and to be familiarly spoken of as, maiiifestations or operations of certain inflexible laws of nature. Within our experience there has never been a single deviation from any such law. Wherefore, though all the rest of mankind should unite in asserting that they have observed such a deviation, we ought not to believe them. Even though, for example — the example, however, being not Hume's, but my own — we were, on leaving home some morning, to hear on all sides that, while we were }'et in bed, the sun was seen to rise in the west instead of the east, and though we found the statement repeated in the ' Times ' and ' Daily News,' and presently afterwards saw it posted up at the Exchange as having been flashed by electric wire from New York and Kurrachee, we are not for a moment to doubt that these reiterated and mutually corroborative statements are utterly false. Eor, numerous and consistent L 146 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. as they may be, they are but copies of the experience of other people, while, although we may have to oppose to them only our own single experience, still that single expe- rience is original, and therefore of more worth. The value^ moreover, of any experience is, irrespective of originality, determined by the difference in number between the results of opposite kinds which it has discovered. The smaller number is deducted from the larger, and the balance repre- sents the probability that the results which have most frequently occurred hitherto will continue to occur hence- forward. The larger the deduction thus to be made, the smaller the probability, and vice versa ; and when the deduction is nil, or when there has hitherto been complete uniformity, the probability becomes virtual certainty. When two original experiences are opposed to each other, their respective values, ascertained in the same manner, are compared, and trust is reposed in one or the other accord- ingly. Now, according to these principles, difficult as it might be in the case supposed for any one to conceive what motive all the rest of the world could have for lying, it would be still more difficult to believe them to be speak- ing truth. For why do we ever believe anything that anyone says .-' Why but because we have learnt by expe- rience that, when people have no apparent motive for lying, they commonly do speak the truth .-' But the same experience which has taught us this has taught us likewise that people do now and then lie without apparent motive. At best, therefore, there is never more than a probability that people are speaking the truth, while in this instance, the supposition that they might be speaking the truth Avould imply that there may be a truth against which there is proof amounting to certainty. For what they affirm is DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. I47 that something has happened the very reverse of what has invariably happened before in the same circumstances. Is it not infinitely more likely that people should be lying as they have often done before, than that the invariable course of nature should have undergone a variation ? With evidence on the one side that has never yet deceived, with no evidence on the other save what has often proved deceptive, how can we hesitate which to accept ? Even though the unanimity of testimony be such as might otherwise be deemed complete proof, it is here met by absolutely complete proof in the shape of a law of nature. The greater probability overwhelms the lesser. The stronger proof annihilates the weaker, leaving none of it behind, so that whoever still persists in believing that a law of nature has been violated, must be content to do so without one particle of proof. No quantity of testimony can furnish the smallest proof of a miracle unless the falsehood of the testimony would be a greater departure from antecedent uniformity — in other words, would be a greater miracle — than the miracle which it attests. Unfortunately it is but too notorious that there is not, and never has been, such a thing as uniform truthfulness of testimon}- to depart from. Such, unless most unintentionally injured by compression, is Hume's famous argument against miracles, of which the author was sufficiently proud to boast openly that in it he had discovered what ' will be useful, as long as the world endures,' as ' an everlasting check to all kinds of super- stitious delusion,' but which, as I nevertheless venture to repeat, is compounded in about equal moieties of trans- parent sophism and baseless assumption. For is it not the veriest juggle of words to insist on the necessary inferi- ority of copies to an original, without adverting to the L 2 148 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. indispensable pro\iso that the original with which the copies arc compared should be the original from which the copies have been taken ? May not a copy of Leonardo Da Vinci's ' Last Supper ' quite possibly be equal in force and vividness of expression to the original painting by Benjamin West bearing the same name ? Might it not be wise to trust rather to an Airy, or a De la Rue, or a Lockyer's account of what he had observed during a solar eclipse than to your own immediate observations on the same occasion ? Besides, this first branch of Hume's argument, if sound, would tell quite as much for, as against, miracles, rendering it equally incumbent on actual witnesses to believe, as on all but actual witnesses to disbelieve. If you are always to prefer }-our own original experience to mere descriptions given by other people of theirs, then should it happen to be yourself to whom the sun appeared in the west at an hour when, according to custom, he ought to have been in the east, you are not to allow the protestations of any number of persons who, happening at the time to have been looking the other way, saw the sun in his usual place, to persuade you that what you saw was a mock sun or an ignis faiuns. Rather than imagine that your own senses can have cieceived you, you are to suppose that all about you are in a league to deceive you. For precisely the same reason for which you should reject even universal testimony in favour of a miracle which }'ou have not wit- nessed, you are equally to reject universal testimony in opposition to a miracle the similitude of which you have witnessed. Or is it possible for a question to be more distinctly begged than when, to the question whether a miracle has occurred, it is answered that a miracle is not a miracle DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 149 unless there be uniform experience a_c:^ainst it ; that \\n\- fornily adverse experience is direct and full i)roof ac^ainst anything ; and that therefore there must always be full proof against miracles ? What is here taken for granted to be full proof is the very thing requiring to be proved. If past uniformity really be a pledge for continued uniformity, of course there can be no departure from uniformity. If the whole question does not at once fall to the ground, it is because no question has ever really arisen. But what shadow of pretext is there for treating an hitherto unvaried course of events as necessarily invariable } T^'om past ex- perience we have deduced what we are pleased to call lai^'s of nature, but it is morally impossible that we can seriously think, \\ hatevcr we are in the habit of saying, that these laws are self-denying ordinances whereby nature's God has voluntarily abdicated part of His inalienable prerogative. The utmost efficacy we are warranted in ascribing to them is that of lines marking certain of the courses within which God's providence is pleased to move. But how can ^\•e pre- tend to know for how long a season such may continue to be the divine pleasure .' How do we know that the present season may not be the first of an alternating series, and that it ma}- not at an}' moment terminate, and be succeeded by one of an opposite character .' What though we have some shadow of historical evidence that most physical phenomena have been going on in much the same order for some six thousand years, is that a basis whereon to theorise with regard to the proceedings of Ilim in whose sight one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day .-* Might not as well some scientific member of an insect tribe of ephemera, Avhom ancestral tradition, confirmed by personal experience, had assured that an ISO DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. eight-day clock had ah'cady gone on for six days, pronounce it to be a law of the clock's nature that it should go on for ever without being again wound up ? Would the insect philosopher's dogmatism be one whit less absurd than that of those human ephemera who so positively lay down the law about the clockwork of the universe ? Those laws of nature to which unerring regularity and perpetuity of operation are so confidently attributed, may they not, perchance, be but single clauses of much farther reach- ing laws, according to whose other provisions the force of these isolated clauses may, in novel combinations of cir- cumstances, be counteracted by some latent and hitherto unsuspected force ? Or is it not, at all events, open to their divine promulgator to suspend their operation at his pleasure ? May it not conceivably have been preordained that the globe of our earth, after revolving for a given number of ages, in one direction, shall then, like a meat- jack, or like an Ascidian's heart,' reverse its order of pro- cedure, and commence a contrary series of revolutions ? Or might not He who prescribed to the earth its rotatory movement, will that the rotation should for some hours cease, and that the sun should in consequence seem to stand still, as it is recorded to have done at the command of Joshua ? Improbable as these suppositions may be, who that has not been taken into counsel by his Creator can ' ' There is a class of animals called Ascidians, which possess a heart and a circulation, and up to the year 1824 no one would have dreamt of questioning the propriety of the deduction, that these creatures have a circulation in one definite and invarialjle direction ; nor would any one have thought it worth ■while to verify the point. But ni that year M. von Hasselt, happening to examine a transparent animal of this class, found to his infinite sui-prise that after the heart had beat a certain number of times, it stopped, and then began beating the opposite way, so as to reverse the course of the current, which returned by-and-by to its original direction.' — Huxley s Lay Sermons, p. 95. DAVID HUME AS A METAPIIYSICIAX. 151 presume to say that tliey may not be correct ? The events which they involve are not inconceivable, and whatever is not utterly inconceivable may possibly occur, however numerous the chances against its occurrence. It is not then the fact that 'past experience,' however unvaried, affords full proof of the future existence of any event, or constitutes certainty against the future existence of the reverse of that event. Complctcst uniformity of experience cannot create a certainty by which any opposite probability would be completely annihilated. It only creates a prob- ability which, however great, is still only a probability, and which would become a smaller probability by deduction from it of any opposite probability. But mere probability, however great, always includes some doubt as to its own correctness, some suspicion that its opposite may possibly be correct. How much soever, therefore, uniform expe- rience may vouch for the inviolability of natural laws, it alwa}'s remains possible for those laws to be violated, and, as miracles arc nothing else but violations of natural laws, it alwa}'s remains possible for miracles to happen. But since miracles are possible, testimony to their occurrence ma}', with equal possibilit}', be true, and no further refuta- tion can, I submit, be needed for an argument which insists that all such testimony should be set aside without enquiry as self-evidently false. Had Hume been content to insist that testimony in favour of miracles should never be received without ex- treme doubt and hesitation, his lesson might well have passed without further objection than that of its being superfluous for any one with sense enough to profit by it. Nor might it have been easy to discover a flaw in his logic, although he had gone so far as to maintain that no one of 152 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. the miracles as yet on record is either adequately attested, or would, even if it had undoubtedly occurred, afford suf- ficient evidence of any religious truth. The best and only adequate evidence for any religious creed is the satisfac- tion which it affords to the soul's cravings and promises to the soul's aspirations ; and no rational Christian would be at all the more disposed to turn Mussulman, even though it should be demonstrated to his entire conviction that Christ did not raise Lazarus from the dead, and that Mahomet did turn the hill Safa into gold, instead of pru- dently confining himself to boasting that he could have effected the transmutation if he had thought proper. But for the purpose which Hume had in view, it was necessary to establish, not merely the doubtfulness, but the absolute falsehood of the miracular testimony on which, in his opinion, ' our holy religion ' rests, in order that the cha- racter of the superstructure being inferred from that of the foundation, both might be condemned together. There is, however, an irreligious as well as a religious fanaticism, and, though it is difficult, while looking at Hume's por- trait, to credit the owner of that plump, good-humoured face with feeling of any sort warm enough to be termed fanatical, it is humiliating to note from his example into what strange inconsistency the coolest and calmest judg- ment may be warped by irreligious prejudice. Having not long before, in order to disparage natural religion, emphati- cally denied the existence of any causal connection between successive events, he now, in order equally to discredit the very possibility of revealed religion, tacitly assumes that same connection, not simply to exist, but to be of an efficacy which no disturbing forces can impair. Admitting that ' the Indian prince who refused to believe the first DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 153 relations conccrnii\Lf tlic effects of frost ' was wrong in his belief, Ilunic will have it that the prince nevertheless * reasoned justly.' Although recognising truth to be the sole worthy object of quest, he yet enjoins rigid adherence to a rule which he is aware must inevitably lead to frequent error. Rather strikingly contrasted, in respect of execution, with Hume's chapter on Miracles, comes the one next in order on a Providence and a Future State, which, for the skill with which the fallacy involved in it is disguised, may be regarded as quite a masterpiece of false reasoning. Among its leading propositions there is but one which does not command immediate assent. That we can argue but from \\hat we know ; that of causes, known to us only by their effects, our estimate ought to be exactly pro- portioned to the effects ; that of a Creator manifested only by Mis works, no higher qualities, no greater degrees of power, intelligence, justice, or benevolence, can be con- fidently predicated — whatever be conjectured — than are apparent in his workmanship : all this, on one moment's reflection, is perceived to be indisputable. Needs must it be, however reluctantl}-, admitted that nothing can be more illogical than to return back to the cause, and infer from it other effects beyond those by which alone it is known to us, or to infer from creative attributes, distinctly manifested, the existence of other and not apparent attri- butes, endowed with some efficacy additional to that pos- sessed by the former. But does it hence follow that faith in a superintending Pro\-idence is so mere a matter of ' conceit and imagination,' a faith so absolutely irrational as Hume considered it .'' A candid examination of God's works will warrant us in coming to a widely different con- rS4 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. elusion. Among those works is man — a being who, in spite of the utter insignificance of his gvQdlQsi performances, is capable of forming most exalted conceptions of justice, benevolence, and goodness in general, and of feeling the most eager desire to act up to his own ideal. If the divine notions of goodness in its several varieties be not identical with the human, it can only be because they are superior ; and so, too, of the divine love of, and zeal for, goodness. It cannot be that the Creator is inferior to the creature in virtues which the creature derives from Him alone. Demonstrably, therefore, God is good and just in the veiy highest degree in which those qualities can be conceived by man. Demonstrably, too, since the universe is the work of His hands, He must be possessed of power which, if not necessarily unbounded, is at least as boundless as the universe. Thus, rigidly arguing from effects to causes, and scrupulously proportioning the one to the other, man sees imaged on the face of creation a creator, both real- ising his highest conception of goodness, and wielding measureless might. Is not such a being worthy to be looked up to, and confided in, and adored and loved as a superintending providence .'' Is not faith in such a pro- vidence not simply not irrational, but the direct result of a strictly inductive process 1 And would it be an ir- rational stretch of faith sanguinely to hope, if not implicitly to believe, that an union of infinite justice with measure- less might may, in some future stage of existence, afford compensation for the apparently inequitable distribution of good and evil which, according to all experience, has hitherto taken place among human beings } Were it desirable to amplify the apology with which this paper commenced, some additional justification of the DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. 155 freedom of the foregoing' criticisms might be found in hints thrown out by Ilumc in \arious parts of the treatise Avhich we liave been examining, and particularly in its concluding chapter, that in many of his most startling doctrines he was but half in earnest. Hume's tempera- ment, too cool for fanaticism, had yet in it enough of a certain tepid geniality to save him from becoming a scoffer. The character which he claims for himself, and somewhat ostentatiously parades, is that of a sceptic or general doubter — a character in which, when rightly under- stood, there is nothing to be ashamed of To take nothing on trust, to believe nothing without proof, to show no greater respect for authority than may consist in attentive and candid examination of its statements, to accept only verified facts as bases for reasoning on matters of fact and existence — these are golden rules of philosophical research, piinciples in which lies the secret of all real progress in any of the higher departments of science. By Hume the}^ were adopted coji amove, and \\ith keen appreciation, not more of their practical utility, than of the sport which he perceived them to be capable of yielding. His serious purpose was to unmask the numberless pretences which in politics, political economy, metaphysics, morals, and theo- logy he found universally current as gospel truths ; to expose the ambiguity and contradictions latent in popular thought, and in the popular forms of expression which are so apt to be mistaken for thought, and to indicate the only safe mode of investigation and the only trustworthy tests of genuine knowledge ; his favourite amusement to put time-honoured commonplaces on the rack, and demanding their raison d'etre, to pass on them summary sentence of extinction if they failed to account satisfactorily for their 156 DAVID HUME AS A METAPHYSICIAN. existence. Unfortunately, in his keen enjoyment of the fun of the thing, he not unfrequently overlooked the solid interests at stake. Like a huntsman who, for the sake of a better run, should outrace his quarry, or who, seeing that the dogs were close upon the hare, should, in order to prolong the chase, start a fresh hare, kept till then snug at his saddle-bow, so Hume, in the excitement of meta- physical pursuit, instead of stopping to gather up what- ever verified affirmations came in his way, would prefer to follow any new negation that he espied, or, if momen- tarily accepting any affirmation as established, Avould proceed forthwith to affirm its direct opposite \\\\.\\ the view of neutralising both. In this, his practice resembled that of metaphysicians in general, who take a singular delight in setting themselves riddle after riddle, which they either assume to be hopelessly insoluble, or Avhich they no sooner solve than they use the solution as the subject of another riddle involving its predecessor in redoubled per- plexity. Now, little harm, and little, perhaps, of anything but good, might thereby be done if the lovers of this game were content to play it by themselves, without inviting others to join who are constitutionally unfit for such intel- lectual wa-estling. But mental exercises may to philo- sophers be health and invigorating sport, and yet be death to the multitude ; and Hume, as an Utilitarian, stands self- condemned for making ordinary people uncomfortable by challenging them to disputations confessedly leading no whither, and bewildering them with confessedly ' vain and profane babblings, and strivings after words to no profit, but to subverting of the hearers, and overthrow of the faith of some.' And it is as poor an excuse for this wanton tampering A\ith other people's creeds, as it is poor amends DA]' ID HUME AS A M ETAPIIYSICIAN. 157 for its mischievous consequences, that Hume offers when, after watching for a while his puzzled disciples blown about by the winds of adverse doctrine that he has let loose upon thcni, he proceeds to rally them on their ' whimsical condition,' which he speaks of as a mere laugh- ing matter got up chiefly for amusement. It is only an aggravation of offence that, while, on the one hand, he solemnly pronounces everything to be ' a riddle, an enigma, an inexplicable mystery,' he, on the other hand, cheerily exhorts us not to suffer the ' doubts raised by philosophy to affect our actions.' ' Nature,' he says, ' is always too strong for principles, will always maintain her rights, and prevail, in the end, against all reasoning whatever.' ' The great subverter of Pyrrhonism,' he continues, ' is actual employment and the occupations of common life,' in pre- sence of which its overstrained scruples ' v^anish like smoke.' Although real knowledge consists solely in knowing that we know nothing, and in doubting every- thing, and although sceptics may 'justly triumph' in principles which lead them to deny even the attraction of gravitation, still they had better beware how they act on these principles, lest by stepping unconcernedl}- out of window they come fatally to grief on the stones below, and so the sect and its tenets be annihilated together. So, or to such effect, Hume : but how can there be just ground for pride in speculations which, as their own pro- fessors admit, would, on the first attempt to reduce them to practice, be shattered to pieces b}- hard facts .' That cannot possibl)', even on Hume's recommendation, be accepted as metaph}-sical truth, which flatl\- contradicts common sense, nor can there be an}- unbecoming self-confidence in seeking, even though Hume pronounce the search hopeless, for meta- physical truth, with which common sense may be reconciled. 158 CHAPTER IV. HUXLEYISM. ' A force tV esprit tout lui paroit inatiere.'' In one of his interesting ' Lay Sermons,' the most in- teresting perhaps of the whole interesting series, Professor Huxley, taking for his theme the ' Physical Basis of Life,' combats ' the widely-spread conception of life as a some- thing which works through matter, but is independent of it ; ' affirming, on the contrary, ' that matter and life are inseparably connected, and that there is one kind of matter which is common to all living beings.' The preacher may be safely allowed to have satisfactorily made out the second portion of this affirmation. With his own singular felicity of illustration, he shows how all vegetable and animal tissues, without exception, from that of the brightly coloured lichen looking so like a mere mineral incrustation on the rock that bears it, to that of the painter who admires or the botanist who dissects it, are, however diverse in aspect, essentially one in composition and struc- ture. He explains how the microscopic fungi clustering by millions within the body of a single fly, the giant pine of California towering to the height of a cathedral spire, the Indian fig-tree covering acres with its profound shadow, the animalcules of ocean's lowest deep, minute enough to dance in myriads on the point of a needle, and the Finner whale, hugcst of beasts, that disports its ninety feet of MUX LEY ISM. 159 bone and blubber on ocean's billowy heights, the flower that a girl wears in her hair, and the blood that courses through her veins, are, each and all, smaller or larger multiples or aggregates of one and the same structural unit, which, again, is invariabl}- resolvable into the same identical elements. That unit, he tells us, is an atom or corpuscle composed of ox}-gen, nitrogen, h}'drogen, and carbon, which, and which alone, seem to be required by nature for laying withal the foundations of vitality, inas- much as no substance from which any one of these ingredients is totally absent, ever exhibits any sign of life, while, on the other hand, not only are these four ingredients sufficient of themselves to form a substance capable of living, but they actually do with very little (when any) foreign admixture, form all substances whatsoever that are ever found vivified. All such substances, he informs us, are but varieties of protoplasm, differing indeed from each other in te.xture, colour, and general appearance, even as a diamond differs from granite, yet all being equally protoplasm, just as a diamond and a 'block of granite are equally stones, or as heart of oak and the outer case of a nettle's stinq; are equally wood. The human ovum, he gives us to under- stand, is in its earliest stage but a single particle of proto- plasm ; the human fcetus but an aggregation of such particles, variously modified ; the human body perfectly matured, but a larger aggregation of such particles still further modified. He proceeds to point out, as following from these pre- mises, that a solution of smelling salts, together with an infinitesimal quantit}- of certain other salts, contains all the elements that enter into the composition of protoplasm, and conscquentK' of whate\-cr substance the \'er}- highest i6o HUXLLYISM. animal requires for sustenance. He does not, however^ leave us to suppose that any abundance of the fluid in question would avail aught to save a hungry creature of any sort from starving, but continues his exposition to the following effect. Not only is there no animal, there is not even any vegetable organism, to v.hich the elements of food can serve as food, as long as they remain elementary. It is indispensable that hydrogen and oxygen should com- bine to form water, nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia, carbon and oxygen to form carbonic acid ; and even then, even at a table groaning under whole hogsheads of these primitive compounds, there is no single animal that would not find itself at a Barmecide feast. There are many plants likewise, which in the midst of such uncon- genial plenty would be equally without a drop to drink ; but there are also multitudes of others which, without the aid of any more elaborated nutriment, would be able to grow into a million, nay million million fold of their original bulk. Provided there be in the seed or germ of any of these latter one single particle of living protoplasm to begin with, that single particle may convert into animated protoplasm an indefinite quantity of inanimate ammonia, carbonic acid, and water. The protoplasm thus created in the first instance, and created, let us suppose, in the form of a lichen or a fungus, is converted by decay into vegetable mould, in which grass may take root and grow, and which, in that case, will be converted into herbaceous protoplasm ; which, being eaten by sheep or oxen, becomes ovine or bovine protoplasm, commonly called mutton or beef; which, again, being eaten by man, becomes human protoplasm, and, if eaten by a philosopher, becomes part of a mass of protoplasm capable of investigating and of HUXLEY ISM. \(^\ expounding in lectures or lay sermons, the changes which itself and its several components have undergone. So far we advance with willing steps like dutiful dis- ciples along the path of knowledge indicated by our dis- tinguished biological teacher, who here, however, pulls us up short by suddenly intimating that he sees no break in the series of transubstantiations whereby precisely such oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon as he is lecturing upon, have become metamorphosed into him, the lecturer, and us, the lectured audience, and cannot ' understand why the language which is applicable to any one term of the series should not be used in regard to any of the others.' Oxygen and hydrogen, he reminds us, are gases, whose particles, at and also much below 32° Fahrenheit, tend to rush away from each other with great force ; and this tendency we call a property of each gas. Let oxygen and hydrogen be mixed in certain proportions, and an electric spark passed through them, and they will disappear, and a quantity of water equal in weight to the sum of their weights will appear in their place. But amongst the pro- perties of the water will be some, the direct opposites of those of its components ; watery particles, for example, at an)- temperature not higher than 32° Fahrenheit, tending not to rush asunder, but to cohere into definite geometrical shapes or to build up frosty imitations of vegetable foliage. And let the water be brought into conjunction with am- monia and carbonic acid, and the three will, under certain conditions, give rise to protoplasm, which again, if sub- jected to a certain succession of processes, will rise by successive stages from protoplasm that gives no other signs of life than those of feeding and reproducing its kind, to protoplasm endowed with the power of spontaneous M i62 HUXLEYISM. motion, and finally to protoplasm that thinks and reasons, speculates and philosophises. Now why should any of the various phenomena of life exhibited by these varieties of protoplasm be supposed to be of a different class from the appearances of activity exhibited by any of the varieties of lifeless matter ? What reason is there why, for instance, thought should not be termed a property of thinking protoplasm, just as congelation is a property of water, and centrifugience of gas ? Professor Huxley pro- tests t4iat he is aware of no reason. We call, he says, the several strange phenomena which are peculiar to water, ' the properties of water, and do not hesitate to believe that in some way or other they result from the properties of the component elements of water. We do not assume that something called aquosity entered into and took possession of the oxide of hydrogen as soon as it was formed, and then guided the aqueous particles to their places in the facets of the crystal or among the leaflets of the hoar frost. On the contrary, we live i-n the hope and faith that, by the advance of molecular physics, we shall b} -and-by be able to see our way as clearly from the constituents of water to the properties of water, as we are now able to deduce the operations of a watch from the form of its parts or the manner in which they are put together.' Why, then, when carbonic acid, water, and ammonia dis- appear, and an equivalent weight of the matter of life makes its appearance in their place, should we assume the existence in the living matter of a something which has no representative or correlative in the unliving matter that gave rise to it } Why imagine that into the newly formed hydro-nitrogenised oxide of carbon a something called vitality entered and took possession t ' What better philo- NUX LEVIS M. 163 sophical status has vitality than aquosity ? ' 'If scientific language is to possess a definite and constant signification, wc are,' he considers, 'logically bound to apply to proto- plasm or the physical basis of life the same conceptions as those which are held to be legitimate elsewhere.' Where- fore, he concludes, that ' if the phenomena exhibited by water arc its properties, so are those presented by proto- plasm its properties,' and that if it be correct to describe ' the properties of water as resulting from the nature and disposition of its component molecules,' there can be no * intelligible ground for refusing to say that the properties of protoplasm result from the nature and disposition of its molecules.' Here, however, our lay preacher candidly warns us that by the vast majority of his clerical brethren this doctrine would be denounced as rankest heresy, and that whoever accepts it is placing his foot on the first rung of a ladder which, in most people's estimation, is the ' reverse of Jacob's, and leads to the antipodes of heaven.' He frankly owns that the terms of his propositions are distinctly materialistic : nay, that whoever commits himself to them will be temporarily landed in ' gross materialism.' Not the less, however, does he, mingling consolation with ad- monition, recommend us to plunge boldly into the materialistic slough, promising to point out a way of escape from it, and insisting, indeed, that through it lies the only path to genuine spiritualistic truth. In pronouncing this to be exceedingly evil counsel, as with the most unfeigned respect for its author I feel bound at once to do, it might not be necessary for me to under- take a detailed topographical survey of the path alluded to. It might, perhaps, suffice to specify the conclusions M 2 1 64 HUXLEY ISM. to which the path is represented as leading, in order to show that those conclusions cannot possibly be reached by any such route. By Professor Huxley himself they are thus described : — We know nothing of matter ' except as a name for the unknown and hypothetical cause of states of our own consciousness,' nor of spirit, except that ' it also is a name for an unknown and hypothetical cause of states of consciousness. In other words matter and spirit are but names for the imaginary siihst7-ata of groups of natural phenomena.' But if matter be not a thing, but a name, and a name too not for a real, but only an imaginary thing, one perfect certainty is that matter cannot possibly be composed either wholly or in part of molecules, and, by necessary con- sequence, that life cannot possibly be * the product of any disposition of material molecules,' nor the phenomena of life be ' expressions of molecular changes in the matter of life.' Of the particular Huxleian doctrine which we are considering, the two moieties are absolutely irreconcileable ; so that on the assumption that either moiety were true, the truth of that moiety would be decisive against the other. If matter have no real, and only a nominal exist- ence, life, which is undeniably a reality, cannot be a pro- perty of matter. If life, being an undisputed reality, be a property of matter, matter must needs be a reality also, and not merely a name. Any one, however, who, like myself, is thoroughly convinced that both halves of the doctrine are equally and utterly erroneous, is precluded from employing one for the refutation of the other, and in order to prove, as I shall now attempt to do, that life is in no sense either a product or a propert}' of matter, must resort for the purpose to independent reasoning. IIUXLEYISM. 165 I commence by defining one of tiic princi[);il terms occurring in the debate. When in scientific discourse we speak of anything as a property of an object, we mean thereby not simply that it is a tiling belonging to the object, but also that it is a thing without which the object could not subsist. We mean that it is one of the con- stituents inherent in and inseparable from the object, whose union gives to the object its distinctive character. When we call fluidity at one temperature, solidity at another, and vaporisation at a third, properties of water, we mean that matter which did not liquefy, congeal, and evaporate at different temperatures would not be water. The habits of exhibiting these phenomena, in conjunction with certain other habits, make up the aquosity or wateriness of water. They are parts of water's nature, and, in the absence of any one of them, water would not be its own self, and could not exist. But in no such sense, nor in any sense whatever, is the life or vitality whereby what we are accustomed to call animated are distinguished from inanimate objects, essential to the existence of the species of matter termed matter of life or protoplasm. Take from water its aquosity, and water ceases to be water ; but }'ou may take away vitality from protoplasm, and yet leave protoplasm as much protoplasm as before. Vitality, therefore, evidently bears to proto- plasm a quite different relation from that which a^^uosity bears to water. Protoplasm can do perfectly well with- out the one, but water cannot for a moment dispense with the other. Protoplasm, whether living or lifeless, is equally itself ; but unaqucous water is unmitigated gib- berish. But if protoplasm, although deprived of its vitalit}', still remains protoplasm, \italit\- plainl)- is not 1 66 HUXLEY ISM. indispensable to protoplasm, is not therefore a property of protoplasm. And that it is not a product of protoplasm, or a result of any particular arrangement of protoplasmic particles or molecules, is not less easily or unanswerably demonstrable. For if it were, as long as the particular molecular arrange- ment remained unaltered, life would necessarily be in attendance ; an amputated joint would, until decomposition set in, be as much alive as the trunk from w^hich it had been lopped, even as water poured from a jug into a glass is quite as much liquid as the water remaining in the jug. There would be no such thing as dead meat, which was not putrid as well as dead, any more than water can freeze without changing from a fluid to a solid ; and there would moreover be production antecedent in origin to its own producer. The force of the last at least of these objections is not to be resisted. Water, ammonia, and carbonic acid cannot, it is admitted, combine to form protoplasm, unless a principle of life preside over the operation. Unless under those auspices the combination never takes place. At present, whenever assuming its presidential functions, the principle of life seems to be invariably embodied in a portion of pre-existing protoplasm ; but there certainly was a time when the fact was otherwise. Time was, as geology places beyond all doubt, when our globe and its appur- tenances consisted wholly of inorganic matter, and possessed not one single animal or vegetable inhabitant. In order, then, that any protoplasm or the substance of any organism should have been brought into existence in the first instance, life plainly must have been already existent. It must at one time have been possible for life, without being previously embodied, to mould and vivify inert matter ; HUXLEY ISM. 167 and it must needs have been by unembodied life that inorganic matter was first or^^anised and animated. There is no possible alternative to this conclusion, except that of supposing that death may have given birth to life — that absolutely lifeless and inert matter may have spontaneously exerted itself with all the marvellous energy rec^uisite for its conversion into living matter, exerting for the purpose powers wliich, under the conditions of the case, it could not have acquired without exercising before it acquired them. Whoever declines to swallow such absurdity has no choice but to admit that unembodied life must have been the original manufacturer of protoplasm : but to admit this, and yet to suppose that when now-a-days embodied life is observed to give birth to new embodied life, the credit of the operation belongs not to the life itself but to its protoplasmic embodiment, is much the same as to suppose that when a tailor, dressed in clothes of his own making, makes a second suit of clothes, this latter is the product not of the tailor himself but of the clothes he is wearing. Thus, irrespectively of whatever grounds there may be for believing that life still docs, it is incontestable that life once did, exist apart from protoplasm ; and that proto- plasm both may and continually does exist apart from what is commonly understood by life, must be obvious to every one who is aware that protoplasm is the substance of which all plants and all animals are composed, and has observed also that plants and animals are in the habit of dying. That matter and life are inseparably connected cannot, therefore, it would seem, be asserted except in total disregard of the teachings both of reason and observation, and ' the popular conception of life as a something which works through matter but is independent of it,' would 1 68 HUXLEYISM. seem to be as true as it is popular. If the only choice allowed to us be between ' the old notion of an Archreus governing and directing blind matter,' and the new con- ception of life as the product of a certain disposition of material molecules, the absolute certainty that the latter conception is wrong, may be fairly urged as equivalent to certainty, equally absolute, that the former notion is right. How far soever it may be true that, as Professor Huxley sa}'s, ' the progress of physical science means, and has in all ages meant, the extension of the province of matter and causation,' it is certainly not true that, as he proceeds to predict, the same province will ever be extended suf- ficiently to banish from the region of human thought not 'spontaneity' simply, but likewise 'spirit.' In one direction at least, limits are clearly discernible which scientific investigation need not hope to overleap. How much soever we may eventually discover of the changes whereby inorganic matter becomes gradually adapted for the re- ception of life, physical science can never teach us what or whence is the life that eventually takes possession of the finished receptacle. Possibly we at length may, as Pro- fessor Huxley doubts not that we by-and-by shall, see how it is that the properties peculiar to water have resulted from the properties peculiar to the gases whose junction constitutes water ; and similarly how the charac- teristic properties of protoplasm have sprung from pro- perties in the water, ammonia, and carbonic acid that have united to form protoplasm ; but knowing all this, we shall not be a hair's breadth nearer to the more recondite knowledge up to which it is expected to lead. To extract the genesis of life from an}- data that completest acquaint- ance with the stages and processes of protoplasmic growth HUXLF.V/S.^r. 169 can furnish, is a truly hopeless problem. Given the plan of a house, with samples of its brick and mortar, to find the name and nationality of the householder, would be child's play in comparison. Life, as we have seen, is not the offspring of protoplasm, but something which has been superinduced upon, and may be separated from, the proto- plasm that serves as its material basis. It is, therefore, distinct from the matter which it animates, and, being thus immaterial, cannot possibly become better known by any analysis of matter. Of this emphatically vital question Professor Huxley, as has been already intimated, takes a diametrically opposite view. He does not merely, in sufficiently explicit terms, deny that there is any intrinsic difference between matter and spirit, and affirm the two to be, in spite of appearances, essentially identical. If this were all, I at any rate should not be entitled to object, for I shall myself presently have occasion to use very similar language, although attaching to it a widely different meaning from that with which it is used by Professor Huxley. But the latter goes on to avow his belief that the human body, like every other living body, is a machine, all the operations of which \\'\\\ sooner or later be explained on physical principles, insomuch that we shall eventually arrive at a mechanical equiva- lent of consciousness, even as we have already arrived at a mechanical equivalent of heat. He considers that with the same propriety with which the amount of heat which a pound weight produces by falling through the distance of a foot, may be called its equivalent in one sense, may the amount of feeling which the pcumd produces by falling through a foot of distance on a gouty big toe, be called its equivalent in another 170 HUXLEYISM. sense, to wit, that of consciousness. Yet he protests against these tenets being deemed materialistic, which, he declares, they certainly neither are nor can be, for that while he himself certainly holds them, he as certainly is not himself a materialist. Professor Huxley is among the last to be suspected of talking anything, as Monsieur Jourdain did prose, without knowing it. He knows per- fectly well that he has here been talking materialism, but he insists that his materialism is only another form of idealism. He seeks to evade the seemingly inevitable de- duction from his premises by representing both matter and spirit as mere names, and names, too, not for real things, but for fanciful hypotheses which may be spoken of indif- ferently in materialistic or in spiritualistic terms, thought in the one case being treated as a form of matter, and matter in the other as a form of thought. The identity of matter and spirit is, in short, represented by him as con- sisting in this : that the existence of both is merely nominal, or at best merely ideal. Ordinary folk may perhaps be somewhat slow to derive from this compromising theory all the comfort which its author deems it capable of affording. Most of us may, probably, be inclined to think that we might as well have been left to fret in the frying-pan of materialism as be cast headlong into idealistic fire, to no better end than that of being there fused body and soul together, and sub- limated into inapprehensible nothingness. Our immediate concern, however, is not with the pleasantness of the theory, but with its truth ; in proceeding to test which we shall probably find that there is as little warrant for ideal- ising matter after this fashion as we have already seen that there is for materialising mind. HUXLEYISM. 171 The originator of the theory about to be examined, or rather, perhaps, of a somewhat different theory out of which this has been developed — not to say perverted — may, without much inaccuracy, be pronounced to be Descartes. He it was who, perceiving tliat we are sur- rounded on all sides by illusions of all sorts, that nr^t only is there no authority or testimony implicitly to be de- pended on, but that our senses likewise often play the traitor, and that we can never be perfectly sure whether we are really seeing, hearing, or feeling, or merely thinking or dreaming that we see, hear, or feel, and looking anxiously around for one single point at least on which complete confidence might be placed, ciiscovered such a point in thought. Whatever else we may doubt about, we cannot, he justly argued, doubt that there are thoughts. If it were possible to doubt this, our very doubt would be thought, constituting and presenting as evidence the very existence doubted of. Our thoughts, then, are unquestionably real existences. They may be delusive, but they cannot possibly be fictitious. We may perhaps hereafter have occasion to note how Descartes, having thus secured one firm foothold and solid resting-place, outwent the farthest stretch of Archimedean ambition by using it, not as a fulcrum from whence to move the world, but as a site for logical foundations whereon he might, if he had persevered, have raised the superstructure of an universe at once mental and material.* Intermediately, how^evcr, we have to observe how two pre- ' Archimede, pour tirer le globe terrestrc de sa place ct le transporter en un autre lieu, ne demandait rien qu'un point qui fut ferme et immobile : ainsi j'aurai droit dc conccvoir de hautes esperances si je suis asscz hcuroux pour trouvcr seulcment une chose qui soit ccrtaine et indubitable. — Descartes, Miditation Dcuxiime, 17^ HUXLEY ISM. eminent disciples of the Cartesian school have perverted the fundamental proposition of their great master by- treating its converse as its synonyme. Descartes having demonstrated that ail thought is existence, Bishop Berkeley and Professor Huxley infer that all existence is thought. So says the Professor in so many words, and to precisely the same effect is the more diffuse language of the Bishop, where, speaking of ' all the choir of heaven and furniture of earth, of all the bodies which compose the mighty frame of the world,' he declares that their esse is pcrcipi, that their ' being ' consists in their being ' perceived or known,' and that unless they were actually perceived by, or existed in, some created or uncreate mind, they could not possibly exist at all. The reasoning in support of these assertions is in sub- stance as follows : — We know nothing of any material object except by the sensations which it produces in our minds. What we are accustomed to call the qualities of an object are nothing else but the mental sensations of various kinds which the object produces within us. Some of these qualities, such as extension, figure, solidity, motion, and number, are classed as primary ; others, as, for instance, smell, taste, colour, sound, as secondary. Now that these latter have no existence apart from mind can readily be shown thus. If I prick my finger with a needle, the pain I suffer in consequence is surely in myself, not in the needle, nor anywhere else but in myself If an orange be placed on my open hand, my sensation of touching it is in myself, not in the orange. If the orange could feel, what it would feel would be a hand, while what I am feeling is an orange. Nor are my sensations of pain and touch merely confined to myself; they are also confined to a 1/ UX LEVIS.] f. 173 particular part of myself, viz., to the brain, the scat of my consciousness, which it is, and not the finger or hand, that really feels when the one is hurt, or when anything comes in harmless contact with the other. To prove thi.s, let the fine nervous threads, which, running up the whole length of the arm, connect the skin of the finger with the spinal marrow and brain, be cut through close to the spinal cord, and no i)ain w\\\ be felt, whatever injury be done : while if the ends which remain in connection with the cord be pricked, the sensation of pricking in the finger will arise just as distinctly as before. Or let a walking-stick be held firmly by the handle, and its other end be touched, and the tactile sensation will be experienced as if at the end of the stick, where, however, it plainly cannot be. It is the mind alone which feels, but which, by a peculiar faculty of localisation or extradition, seems to remove a feeling ex- clusively its own, not only to the outside of itself, but to the outside also of the walls of its fleshly tenement. And as it is with pain or touch, so it is with every sensation with which any of the so-called secondary qualities of matter are identical. If I look at, or smell, or taste a blood orange, the sensation of colour, or scent, or flavour I receive is entirely and exclusively my own, the orange re- maining quite unconscious of its own redness, or fragrance, or sweetness, and not, indeed, possessing in itself any real qualities of the kind. For to take redness as an example ; how does the sensation of it or of any other colour arise ? The waves of a certain very attenuated medium, the par- ticles of which are vibrating with vast rapidity but with very different velocities, strike upon an object and are thrown off in all directions. Of the particles which \ibrate with any particular velocity, some are gathered by the 174 HUXLEYISM. optical apparatus of the eye, and deflected so as to impinge on the retina and on the fibres of the optic nerve therewith connected, producing in these fibres a change which is fol- lowed by other changes in the brain, which, again, by virtue of some inscrutable union between the brain and the mind, create a feeling or consciousness of colour. What the particular colour shall be, depends either on the rate of motion in the vibrating medium or on the character of the retina ; and if, while the former remained the same, the other were to be altered, or if two persons, with differently formed retinas, and one of the two colour-blind, were to be looking, what had first seemed red might now seem green, or what seemed red to one spectator might seem green to the other. But as the same object cannot itself be both red and green at the same time, it follows that what are called its redness and greenness are not in it, but in the spectator. Similarly, the sounds which an object appears to give forth neither are nor ever were in it : they originate in the mind of the hearer, and have not, and never have had any existence elsewhere. * If the whole body were an eye, where,' asks St. Paul, ' were the hearing ,'' If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling .'' ' and Pro- fessor Huxley more than meets the drift of the Apostle's questions by pronouncing it * impossible to imagine but that if the universe contained only blind and deaf beings, darkness and silence would reign everywhere.' And as with the secondary qualities of matter, so, on the same showing, must it be with the primary. If colour, taste, scent, and the like, exist nowhere but in the mind, so neither do extension, solidity, and the like. If the former could not exist unless there were intelligent minds to perceive them, then neither could the latter. For, by IIUXLEYISM. 175 extension and its cognates, \vc understand simply relations which wc conceive to exist between certain qualities of objects identical with certain of our own visual and tactile sensations, or between these and our consciousness of muscular effort ; but inasmuch as all sensations and all consciousness are purely mental, and exist nowhere but in the mind, it follows necessarily that ideas of relation between different sensations, or between sensations and consciousness, must also be purely mentnl, and non- existent save in the mind. All the qualities of matter, therefore, primary as well as secondary, are alike con- ceptions of the mind, and consequently could not exist without a mind for them to be conceived by and to exist in. But if the qualities did not exist, then matter, which cannot be conceived otherwise than as an assemblage of qualities, could not exist either. Wherefore in respect of matter itself, as well as of the qualities of matter, esse is pcrcipi, essence is perception, to be is to be perceived. Wherefore, finally, if there were no mind to perceive matter, matter could not exist. O. E. D.' Although in the foregoing summary of an argument to which not Berkeley and ITuxley alone, but others of the deepest and acutest thinkers that this country has pro- duced, have contributed, I have strenuously laboured to state all its points as convincingly as the obligations of brevity would permit, T am not myself by any means con- vinced by it. On the contrary, although to say so may seem to imply a considerable overstock of modest as- surance, still I do say that whatever portion of it is sound ' Lay Sermons, xiv. ♦ On Descartes' Discourse ;' also an article by Professor Huxley, on 'Berkeley anil the Metaphysics of Sensation,' in ' Macniillan's Magazine ' for June, 1S71. 176 HUXLEYISM. is irrelevant, and that whatever portion is relevant is not sound. So much of it as relates to the nature of the qualities of matter, is, however interesting or otherwise important, very little, if at all, to the purpose. No doubt if I prick my finger with a needle, or — to take in pre- ference an illustration employed by Locke — if my fingers ache in consequence of my handling snow, it would be supremely ridiculous to talk of the pain I feel being in the snow ; yet not a whit more ridiculous than to call the snow itself white or cold, if, by so speaking, I mean that anything in the slightest degree resembling my sensation of either snowy whiteness or snowy coldness resides in the snow itself. And as of coldness and whiteness, so of all the other so-styled secondary qualities. If I smell a rose, or listen to a piano, the rose or the piano is quite insensible to the scent or sounds by which my sense is ravished. And of primary qualities, also, precisely the same thing may with equal confidence be alleged. A stone which I perceive to be large, round, hard, and either rotating or motionless, has no more perception of its own extension, figure, solidity, motion, or rest than a snowball has of its colour or temperature. But all this, though perfectly true, has nothing to do with the question, which is not zvliat qualities of matter are, but where they are, and whether they can exist anywhere but in mind ; and this question, I submit, is distinctly begged by those who assume, as is done throughout the reasoning under examination, that our sensations with regard to material objects, and the qualities of those objects, are synonymous and convertible terms. Incontestably, sensations are afi'ections of the mind which neither have nor can have any existence out- side the mind. If, then, the qualities of objects are identical with the sensations which arise in the mind con- HUXLEYISM. 177 cerning those objects, why, of course, the quahtics likewise can exist nowhere but in the mind. On narrowly scrutin- ising, however, the supposed identity, we shall find that it involves somewhat reckless confusion of diametrical oppo- sites. When T look at or smell a rose, or eat a beefsteak, or listen to a piano, the sensations which thereupon arise within me, whether immediately or subsequently, either are the results of my seeing, smelling, eating, or hearing, or they are not. To say that they are not is equivalent to saying that an object need not be within reach of the perceptive faculties in order to be perceived ; that I may see or smell a rose, though there be no rose to be seen or smelt ; may dine sumptuously off empty dishes, and be raised to the seventh heaven of delight by the audible strains of a music which is not being executed. FortJinati niniium— only too lucky would mankind be, did this turn out to be a correct theory, affording as it would a solution of every social problem, and serving as a panacea for every social evil. Psychology would then be the only science worth attention, for of whatever things proficiency in that branch of study had qualified any one to form mental images, of those same things would he simultaneously become possessor in full property. Whoever had suc- ceeded in training himself to imagine vigorously might at once have, do, or be whatever it pleased him to imagine, becoming ipso facto, as the Stoics used to say an acquirer of virtue does, * rich, beautiful, a king.' Woe betide any one, however, who, as long as the cosmical constitution remains what it is, shall attempt to put the theorj- into practice, and desisting from all those animal functions, in- volving intercourse with a real or imaginar\' external world, which arc vulgarly supposed essential to animal N 178 HUXLF.YISM. existence, shall obstinately restrict himself to the sensa- tions which he believes the mind to be, without any such intercourse, capable of creating for the body's sustenance and delectation. The physical extinction inevitably conse- quent on such devotion to principle would speedily render all the devotees physically incapable of testifying in behalf of their peculiar opinion, and, clearing them away, would leave no witnesses surviving but such as were signifying by deeds if not in words their hearty adherence to the popular belief. Practically, then, there may be assumed to be entire unanimity of assent to the truism that for our senses to be affected by the presence of external objects, the objects must needs be present to affect them. On all hands it is in effect admitted that in some mode or other external objects exist, but if so, and if the sensations resulting from operations performed by the bodily organs with external objects would not have resulted unless the objects had been present to operate or to be operated upon, clearly there must be resident in, or inseparably bound up with, the objects a power or powers of producing sensation in conscious mind. But the power of producing sensation, and sensation itself, are not one and the same thing, but two separate and distinct things, intrinsically distinct and locally separate. The feeling, agreeable or painful, according to its intensity, which heat occasions, is not the same thing as the heat by which it is occasioned. The twofold taste, sweet to a healthy, bitter to a dis- tempered palate, of one and the same aliment, cannot be identical with the single property of the aliment whereby the taste is produced. In the sense of seeming red to a spectator with normally constructed eyes, and green ta one who is colour-blind, a ruby or a Siberian crab is at once HUXLEYISM. 179 both red and ijrccn, but the two colours which it causes to be perceived cannot be identical with the peculiar structure, or whatever else it be, whereby the ruby or Siberian crab communicates to circumambient ether the one self-same motion that terminates in different impressions on dif- ferently constructed eyes. In these and in all cases of the kind the feeling is in the mind, the source of the feeling in matter. The one is a perception, the other a quality, and to mistake the quality, not merely for a perception, but for the very perception to which the quality gives rise, and to infer thence that the quality must likewise be in the mind, is an instance as glaring as can well be imagined of that most heinous of logical offences, the confounding of cause with effect. By what steps Berkeley was led, and has since led so many after him, into so grave an error, he has himself acquainted us. Thus it is that he argues : By sensible things can be meant only such as can be perceived im- mediately by sense : and sensible qiiilities are of course sensible tilings. But the only perceptions of sense are sensations, and all perceptions are purely mental. Where- fore, sensible qualities being, as such, perceptible imme- diately by the senses, must be sensations, and being sensations must be perceptions, and being perceptions they are of course purely mental, and existent nowhere save in the mind. Carefully, however, as I^crkelcy fancied he was picking his way, he really had tripped, and that fatally, at the second step. He calls the qualities of objects sensible things; but sensible they are not according to his definition, for the)' arc not capable of being im- mediately perceived by the senses. It is not sense which perceives, but reason which infers them. The senses, as N 2 i8o HUX LEVIS M. Berkeley elsewhere repeatedly and earnestly insists, receive nothing from objects but sensations, and these they com- municate to the mind without accompanying them by the sHghtest hint as to whence they originally came. The senses suggest nothing as to any qualities resident in or appertaining to an object corresponding with the sensa- tions derived from the object. The existence of such qualities is an inference of reason which, taking for granted that sensations, in common with all other occurrences,, must have causes, and observing that certain of them commonly occur in the presence of certain objects, and never occur in the absence of those objects, infers that the causes of the sensations must exist in the objects. To the causes thus inferred the name of qualities is given, to distinguish them from the sensations whereof they are causes ; and the Berkeleian transgression consists in over- looking the distinction between things so diametrically opposite. By the commission of such a sin the most powerful intellect becomes inevitably committed to further enor- mities. Except by neglecting to distinguish between sight and hearing, the effects, and light and sound, their respec- tive causes, it would surely have been impossible for Pro- fessor Huxley to come to the strange conclusion that if all living beings were blind and deaf, 'darkness and silence would everywhere reign.' Had he not himself previously explamed that light and sound are peculiar motions com- municated to the vibrating particles of an universally diffused ether, which motions, on reaching the eye or ear, produce impressions, which, after various modifications, result eventually in seeing or hearing } How these motions are communicated to the ether matters not. Only it is IfUXLEYISM. r8i indispensable to note that they arc not communicated by the percipient owner of the eye or car, so that the fact of there bein;^ no percipient present cannot possibly furnish any reason why the motions should not go on all the same. But as long as they did go on there would neces- sarily be light and sound ; for the motions arc themselves light and sound. If, on returning to his study in which, an hour before, he had left a candle burning and a clock ticking. Professor Huxley should perceive from the appear- ance of candle and clock that they had gone on burning and ticking during his absence, would he doubt that they had likewise gone on producing the motions constituting and termed light and sound, notwithstanding that no eyes or ears had been present to see or hear .-^ But if he did not doubt this, how could he any more doubt that, although all sentient creatures suddenly became eyeless and earless, the sun might go on shining, and the wind roaring, and the sea bellowing as before } Akin to the inadvertence which, as I presume to think, has led Professor Huxley thus to misconceive sccotidary qualities, is an inattention to the differences between our ideas, or mental pictures, and the originals whereof those pictures are copies, which seems to me seriously to vitiate his reasoning with regard to primary qualities. With admirable perspicuity he shows • how it is that our notions of primary qualities arc formed ; how the mind, hy localising on distinct points of the sensory surface of the body its various tactile sensations, obtains the idea of extension, or space in two dimensions, of figure, number, and motion : how the power, combined with consciousness of the power, ' .\nicle on ' IJcrkeley and the Metaphysics of Sensation,' in ' Macmillan's M.iL^aziue' for 1871, pp. 152 ct scq. 1 82 HUXLEYISM. of moving the hand in all directions over any substance it is in contact with, adds the idea of geometrical solidity, or of space in three dimensions : how the ideas thus formed with the aid of the sense of touch are confirmed by, and blended with, others derived from visual sensations and muscular movements of the eye : and, finally, how the idea of mechanical solidity, or impenetrability, arises from experience of resistance to our muscular exertions. All these details, however, interesting as they are, are never- theless quite out of place. What we are at present con- cerned with is the nature of the things themselves, not the nature of our knowledge of them. No question that this latter is purely mental. If figure, motion, and solidity were really, as Professor Huxley says, each of them nothing but a perception of the relation of two or more sensations to one another, no question but that, since the mind is the sole seat of perception, they could exist nowhere else. But if all these suppositions be incorrect, if, as we have seen, there be in matter and apart from mind, potentialities of producing sensations, it follows that, in matter, and outside of mind, there must be rela- tions between different potentialities, and there must, moreover, be limits to, and there may be changes in, those relations. Wherefore, since there is in matter a poten- tiality of imparting to the mind those sensations whence it derives its ideas of place and distance, and since figure is but a ' limitation of distance,' and motion but a ' change of place,' it necessarily follows that there is in matter a potentiality of conveying to the mind those sensations whence it derives its ideas of figure and motion. And a similar remark applies equally to solidity, and to every other so-called quality of matter. All of them arc sub- JfUXLEYISAf. 183 stantivc potentialities of producing in the mind those sensations whence our ideas of tlicmselves (the quahties) are derived. No doubt all these qualities would be in- conceivablc in the absence of a mind by which they might be conceived, but it is not necessary that, in order to be, they should be conceived. In discussions of any abstruse- ness we cannot be too precise in our use of words, and we shall inevitably be going astray here if we allow ourselves for a moment to forget that a quality and the conception of that quality are not one single thing, but two things. Can it be seriously supposed that if all the conscious creatures, of every description, by which the universe is peopled, were to fall temporarily into complete stupor, the material universe would, at the commencement of the trance, be deprived of its extension, solidity, figure, and all its other constituent properties, recovering them again as soon as its inhabitants woke up again ? Can it be doubted that, on the contrary, all potentialities resident in its material composition would pursue the even tenor of their way just as if nothing had happened ; performing, during the temporary absence of external percipient minds, pre- cisely those operations which, as soon as consciousness returned to those minds, would be followed by the percep- tions of sight, hearing, and touch ? But if so, then plainly it is exceedingly derogatory to matter to charge it with such absolute dependence on external support that its very being consists in being perceived from without. That matter cannot exist without mind I cheerfully admit, or rather most earnestly affirm, proposing presently to explain in what sense I make the affirmation. Meanwhile let it suffice to have ascertained that the mental service with Mhich matter cannot dispense, whatever else it be, is at 1 84 HUXLEYISM. any rate not, as the whole Berkeleian school so positively insist, that of mental testimony to its existence. Let us pause here for a moment to report progress. We have seen, on the one hand, that unless mind and matter have been eternally coexistent, mind must have preceded matter, and that it is idle, therefore, to expect, by any researches into matter, to discover how mind (or life) originated. We have seen that from a materialism which represents mind as in any sense a property or product of matter there is no possible outlet to an idealism which represents matter as owing its being to mind. To see this is simply to see that the builder of a house cannot possibly have been born in the house he has himself built. On the other hand, we have seen that the idealism which repre- sents being or existence as consisting of perception is utterly incompatible with materialism of any sort or kind, unless, indeed, with a materialistic nihilism wherein would be no room for a solitary molecule, still less for any molecular structure, and least of all for that motion of molecular structures into Vvhich consistent materialists are logically bound to attempt to resolve all natural phe- nomena. We have, in short, seen that materialism and idealism, in the senses in which those terms are commonly used, are utterly incapable of amalgamation, or indeed of even being harmoniously approximated, without being first deprived of all the characteristic traits which at pre- sent entitle them to their distinguishing appellations. To which of the two belongs the larger share of blame for this implacable hostility is easily determined. Ma- terialism, in dealing with mental phenomena, begins by setting chronology at defiance ; but between idealism and the phenomena of matter there is no such aboriginal HUXLEYISM. 185 inconc,^ruity. From principles common to every form of idealism a theory is deduciblc which, while frankly acknow- ledging the reality of matter, may, with perfect consistency, maintain that reality to be mental — although mental in the sense of being, not a perception by, but a metamor- phosis of, mind. Of such a theory the outlines seem to me to have been sketched, and the foundations partly laid, by Descartes, and it cannot be otherwise than interesting to inquire in what manner and how far so consummate an artificer advanced in the work, and where and wherefore he suddenly stopped short in it. When Descartes, after convincing himself of the hollow pretentiousness of most human knowledge, proceeded to dig away the accumulated drift and sand of ages in quest of any clay or rock there might be below, the first indubi- table verity he came to was thought, about whose reality there could, as already explained, be no possibility of doubt, inasmuch as any doubt concerning it, being itself thought, would be but an additional proof of it. On the bit of firm ground thus thoroughly tested, he proceeded to place a formula not less carefully verified, his famous ' Cogito, ergo sum ' — ' I think, therefore I am.' By many of his followers, however, this second verification of his is deemed to be by no means so satisfactory as it was by himself. Professor Huxley more especially taking vehement, though, as I make bold to add, somewhat gratuitous, exception to every single word of the most celebrated of Cartesian formulae. No doubt the premiss of the formula assumes the conclusion, but it likewise includes as well as assumes it. No doubt, since ' I think ' is but another way of saying ' I am thinking,' to say that ' I think ' is to assume that ' I am ; ' na)-, the same thing is equally assumed by 1 86 HUXLEVISAf. the mere introduction of the pronoun ' I.' But Descartes was fully warranted in taking for granted the truth of his conclusion. For by previously showing incontestably that thought and consciousness are real existences, he had com- pletelyproved the premiss wherein his conclusion is included. What though, as Professor Huxley suggests, ' thought ' may possibly ' be self-existent,' ' or a given thought the result of its antecedent thought, or of some external power ' } Be thought what else it may, it must needs be, also, either an affection or an operation ; if not performed, it must be felt ; there must needs be, therefore, something by which it is either performed or felt, and that something cannot possibly be other than a thinking and conscious thing. As surely as thought is, so surely must there be a thinker. This is, in substance, affirmed even by many who deny it in terms, and Hume, in particular, when saying, as he somewhere does, that * all we are conscious of is a series of perceptions,' denies and affirms it at one and the same time. For how can there be perception without a perci- pient .'' or how consciousness without a conscious entity .'' or how can that entity be conscious of feeling without being simultaneously conscious that it is itself which feels, with- out knowing, consequently, that it has a self, or without being warranted, if it possess the gift of speech, in declar- ing, in words even more emphatic than those of Descartes, ' I myself diVa ' .'' And how, if these questions do not admit of reply, can Professor Huxley be warranted in declaring self and non-self to be mere ' hypotheses by which we account for the facts of consciousness,' and adding that of their existence we ' neither have, nor by any possibility can have' the same 'unquestionable and immediate cer- tainty as we have of the states of consciousness which we HUXLEYISM. 187 consider to be their effects ' ? Surely the existence of self is one of the most direct and immediate subjects of consciousness ; yet it does not depend for evidence on consciousness alone, but is as unanswerably demonstrable as that two strait^ht lines cannot enclose space or that parallel lines cannot meet, or as any other mathematical negation. No ratiocinative deduction can be more incon- testable than that, since / have thoughts, there must be an / to have them. Whoever thus assures himself of the existence of self obtains simultaneously equal assurance of the existence of non-self; for feeling that his conscious self is not boundless, but is confined within limits, he cannot doubt that beyond those limits there must be space, and, receiving continual sensations from without, he perceives that there are, in external space, potentialities of imparting sensations. Thus, I repeat, Descartes in laying down the first principles of his philosophy created an intellectual basis for the external universe. Unfortunately, however, instead of proceeding to place its proper superstructure on the foundation thus laid, he wilfully stepped aside from what he had just pro- nounced the only firm ground in existence, and undertook to raise a rival edifice on part of the formless void beyond. Deeply struck by the grand discoveries of his illustrious contemporaries, Galileo and Harvey, and thence discovering for himself that the phenomena of remotest worlds and also the involuntary phenomena of our own bodily frames take place in accordance with forces of uniform operation, he leaped suddenly to the conclusion that those forces are purely mechanical. The circulation of the blood, he says, ' is as much the necessary result of the structure of the parts one can see in the heart, and of the heat which one rS.S HUXLEY ISM. may feel there, and of the nature of the blood which may- be experimentally ascertained, as is the motion of a clock the result of the force, situation, and figure of its wheels and of its weight.' Nor, in his view, does the heart, by virtue of its structure and composition, merely cause the blood to circulate. ' It also generates animal spirits,' which, ' ascending like a very subtle fluid, or very pure and vivid flame, into the brain as into a reservoir, pass thence into the nerves, where, according as they more or less enter, or tend to enter, they have the power of altering the figures of the muscles into which the neives are inserted, and of so causing all the organs and limbs to move.' He puts the case thus : Even as the ordinary movements of a water- clock or of a mill are kept up by the ordinary flow of the water, and even as ' in the grottoes and fountains of royal gardens, the force wherewith the water issues from its reservoirs suffices to move various machines, and even to make them play instruments or pronounce words according to the difi'erent disposition of the pipes which lead the water'— even so do pulsation, respiration, digestion, nutri- tion, and growth, and ' other such actions as are natural and usual in the body,' result naturally from the usual course of the animal spirits. Moreover, even as intruders upon the waterworks aforesaid unconsciously by their mere presence cause special movements to take place, even as, for example, ' if they approach a bathing Diana, they tread on certain planks so arranged as to make her hide among the reeds, and, if they attempt to follow her, see approach- ing a Neptune who threatens with his trident, or rouse some other monster who vomits water into their faces ' — even so do external objects, b)' their mere presence, act upon the organs of sense ; even so do * the reception of light, HUXLEYISM. 189 sounds, odours, flavours, heat, and such Hke qualities in th.e organs of the external senses, the impression of the ideas of these in the intellect, the imagination, and the memory, the internal movements of the appetites and passions, and the external movements which follow so aptly on the pre- sentation of objects to the senses, or on the resuscitation of impressions by the memory,' yea, even so do all these ' functions proceed naturally from the arrangement of the bodily organs, neither more nor less than do the movements of a clock or other automaton from that of its weights and its wheels, without the aid of any other vegetative or sensi- tive soul or any other principle of motion or of life than the blood and the spirits agitated by the fire which burns continually within the heart, and which differs in no wise from the fire existing in inanimate bodies.' ' Quite fairly it may be urged that the writer of passages like these would, if writing in modern language, and with tile aid of modern conceptions, have expressed himself much as Professor Huxley does when, declaring that the circulation of the blood and the regular movements of the respiratory, alimentary, and other internal organs are simply 'affairs of mechanism, resulting from the structure and arrangement ' of the bodily organs concerned, from ' the contractility of those organs, and from the regulation of that contractility by an automatically acting nervous apparatus ;' that muscular contractility and the automatic activity or irritability of the nerves are ' purely the results of molecular mechanism ; ' and that ' the modes of motion which constitute the physical bases of light, sound, and heat are transmuted by the sensory organs into affections of ' Tlio (luoiation?, of which lliosc in the text are abriclgmonls, w ill ])e found ill ' Lay Scimons,' xiv. pp. 364-7. I90 HUXLEYISM. nei-vous matter,' which affections become ' a kind of physi- cal ideas constituting a physical memor}%' and may be combined in a manner answering to association and imagi- nation, or may give rise to muscular contractions in those reflex actions which are the mechanical representatives of volition.' Quite fairly may a doctrine, capable of being thus translated, be described as leading" ' straight to mate- rialism.' Quite justly may its author be claimed by Huxley as joint professor of a materialistic creed. True, Descartes lodges within his human mechanism a chose pensante or rational soul, whose principal seat is in the brain, and who is treated as corresponding to a hydraulic engineer stationed in the centre of waterworks for the purpose of increasing, slackening, or otherwise altering their movements. But this rational soul is a very needless appendage to either the Cartesian or the Huxleian system, wherein, if its post be not a literal sinecure, there is, at any rate, little or nothing for it to do which might not quite as well be done without it. The hydraulic engineer, sitting in his central office, has to wind up the whole machinery from time to time, and to turn now this tap, now that, when he wishes to set this or that particular machine in motion. But, as no one need be told, our chose pensante has nothing to do with the winding up of our digestive, circulatory, or respiratory apparatus ; and so far from inter- nally arranging those other internal organs from the mere arrangement of whose parts, according to Descartes, the reception, conversion, and retention of sensations, and the movements, whether mternal or external, thereupon conse- quent, naturally proceed, or from regulating the molecular mechanism, whence, according to Professor Huxley, results the automatic nervous activity which, in his opinion, governs HUXLEYISM. 191 the movements of the limbs not less absolutely than those of the intestines, it, nine times out of ten, neither knows nor suspects that any such orc^ans or mechanism exist. If the functions above attributed to the human frame could be shown really to belong to it, pure, not to say crass, materialism, would require no further proof. Those parti- cular functions undoubtedly take place without the cogni- sance of that particular sensitive soul which we call ourself, so that if no other sensitive soul take cognisance of them, they must needs be, not simply automatic performances, but performances of an automaton of such marvellous powers as to be quite equal to the performance likewise of whatever human operations are vulgarly classed as mental. Assume, however illogically, that motion is a function of matter, and from that premiss, whether true or false, the conclusion that thought likewise is a function of matter may be quite logically deduced. ' That thought is as much a function of matter as motion is ' must needs be conceded to Professor IIuxlc)', who, therefore, if he could show that motion is really such a function, would be fully justified in adding, that ' the distinction between spirit and matter vanishes,' that ' we lose spirit in matter.' Undeniabl}', then, of the Cartesian philosophy one moiety is, as Professor Huxley says, materialistic ; but from the self-contradictions inseparable from every species of materialism the Cartesian variety is, of course, no more exempt than any other, and it has besides one self-con- tradiction peculiar to itself A clock's pendulum vibrates, and its hands move, not simply by reason of the situation and figure of its weight and wheels, but also because some intelligent person, by winding up the clock, has com- municated an inipulsi\-e force to the weight and wheels. 192 HUXLEYISM. Waterworks perform all sorts of antics, not solely because the pipes are skilfully constructed and arranged with a view to such end, but because also an intelligent engineer has turned running water into the pipes. But the only intelligent agent to whom Descartes allows access to his corporeal machinery is one who not only has no notion how to apply a moving force except to some few portions of the machinery, but with regard to the other portions has most likely no suspicion that they even exist. But how in the absence of some other intelligence, of some other 'vegetative or sensitive soul or principle of motion or of life,' is it possible for the inert and inanimate heart to generate animal spirits t — how is it possible for death thus to give birth to life .'' — or, if the generative faculty be sup- posed to be the necessary result of a particular molecular structure, how is it that when the animal spirits become from any cause extinct, they are not immediately re- generated by the same molecular structure 1 or rather, how is it possible for animal spirits to become extinct as long as the molecular structure of which they are neces- sary concomitants remains unaltered '^. In these ques- tions the old insuperable difficulties reappear in new forms, but on these we need not dwell. Apart from anti- materialistic arguments of general applicability, there is a mode of refutation specially adapted to the Cartesian form of materialism, which, besides flatly contradicting itself, contradicts not less flatly a twin system of unimpeachable veracity. Truth cannot be opposed to truth: — a d3ctrine cannot be true, even though propounded by Descartes and Huxley, if it conflict irreconcileably with doctrines which Descartes and Huxley have unanswerably demonstrated. Now one-half of Cartesian philosophy shows conclusively that amidst the countless infinity of human notions, the HUXLE VISM. 193 one single and solitary certainty of independent and self- evident authority is the existence of thought, and nothing else whatever, therefore, can be entitled to be regarded as absolutely certain which cannot be shown to rest mediately or immediately upon this. One thing which can, by strictest logical process, be shown so to rest, is the exist- ence of a thinking self ; and another is the existence of a non-self or external universe ; but of tliis external universe we know scarcely anything beyond tiie bare fact that it exists. We know that outside the thinking self there are potentialities capable of somehow or other communicating sensations to the thinking self; but of the nature of these potentialities our senses teach us absolutely nothing, and the few particulars that reason is able to discover, are, with one single though very momentous exception, to which we are rapidly approaching, purely negative. We do know to a certain extent \\\\i\\. qualities of objects arc not. We know that they are not and cannot be in the least like the sensations which we call by the same names. We know that what we call the whiteness and coldness of snow or the hardness and weight of marble, can no more resemble the feelings we receive from looking at or handling snow or marble than the mental exaltation produced within us on hearing one of Bach's fugues is like the organ on which, or the organist by whom, it is played. We know that of the pictures which our senses form for us not one can possibly be a correct likeness. We know^ that what we fancy we see in matter we do not see ; that what we seem to feel we do not feci ; that the apparent structure and composition of matter cannot therefore possibly be real. To this conviction we are irresistibly drawn by a chain of idealistic reasoning of which Descartes forged the Hrst u 194 HUXLEYISM, link, and every link of which will stand the severest strain. But if this be the teaching of an idealism occupying as its base the only morsel of solid ground to be found in the mental universe, what scrap of footing is there left for an antagonistic materialism purporting to rest on what we can see and feel of a structure and composition which, as we have just satisfied ourselves, we cannot see or feel at all ? As plainly then as one half of Descartes' philosophy is materialistic, so plainly, that half, instead of a necessary outgrowth and exact correlative of the other or idealistic moiety is, on the contrary, the latter's diametrical and implacable opponent. As plainly, therefore, as the one is true, must the other be false, and Cartesian idealism, in so far as its character has been exhibited above, has, I submit, been demonstrated to be true. The greater the pity that it was not brought to maturity by its author. In enumera- ting its first principles, Descartes, as I must once again observe, was forming a logical basis whereon a compre- hensive and consistent conception of an external universe might forthwith, have been securely deposited, had he not unluckily, instead of himself proceeding to build on his own foundations, with congruous materials, left them free for others to build upon with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or stubble, as chance might determine. May I, without presumption, hazard a conjecture as to the sort of fabric that might have arisen, if he had steadily prosecuted his original design ,'' At the stage which we are supposing him to have reached, very little remained to complete the work. Around man, around every individual man, or other con- scious intelligence, as its centre, is ranged infinitely ex- tended space, filled with, or, as it were, composed of HUXLEYISM. 195 various kinds of matter, every kind and every separate portion of which is endowed with special qualities capable of communicatin