T OF A COMPARISON OF THE LIFE CYCLE OF CEITHIDIA WITH THAT OF TRYPANOSOMA IN THE IN- VERTEBRATE HOST A THESIS ACCEPTED IN PAETIAL SATISFACTION OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BY IRENE AGNES McCULLOCH 1919- A Comparison of the Morphology and. the Life Cycle of the Genus Gri thidia with that of the crithidial stages of Tryanosoma. Irene Agnes Lie Cul loch, A. B. , L. A. Un i v e r s i ty of Y. an s as , 1 9 1 o . A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment, c .s for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy -Committee : UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 135-190, plates 2-6, 3 figures in text October 4, 1919 A COMPARISON OF THE LIFE CYCLE OF CRITHIDIA WITH THAT OF TRYPANOSOMA IN THE INVERTEBRATE HOST BY IRENE McCULLOCH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS The University of California Publications are offered in exchange for the publi- )f learned societies and institutions, universities, and libraries. Complete lists of lublications of the University will be sent upon request. Por sample copies, lists cations or other information, address the MANAGER OF THE UNIVERSITY BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA, U. S. A. All matter sent in exchange should be i to THE EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, BERKELEY RNIA, U.S.A. WILLIAM WESLEY & SONS, LONDON jent for the series in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Botany, Geology, Physiology, and Zoology. Y. W. E. Bitter and O. A. Kofoid, Editors. Price per volume, $3.50; beginning with voL 11, 55.00. ThiB series contains the contributions from the Department of Zoology, from the *rine Laboratory of the Scripps Institution for Biological Research, at La Jolla, llfornia, and from the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in Berkeley. Cited as Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. L, 1902-1905, 317 pages, with 28 plates _________________________ '. ........... ____ ........................ $3.50 ! 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A Report upon the Physical Conditions in San Francisco Bay, Based upon the Operations of the United States Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" dur- ing the Years 1912 and 1913, by F. B. Stunner, G. D. Louderback, W. L. Schmitt, B. 0. Johnston, Pp. 1-198, plates 1-13, 20 text figures. July, 1914 .. .............. .. .......... ________ .......................... _ .................................... ______________________ 2.25 2. Molluscan Fauna from San Francisco Bay, by E. L. Packard. Pp. 199-462, plates 14-60. September, 1918 ............... _ ..................... _ .................................... 3.25 5, 1915-1916, 360 pages, with 38 plates ................................................. ................... $5.00 .6, 1915-1917, 522 pages, with 46 plates ....................................... ............................. $5.00 7, 1916-1918, 545 pages, with 24 plates ....... .. ..................................... ........... _ ........... $5.00 L-. jptagnoses'.of PSv-gn; N;ew Mammals from East-Central California, by Joseph "I wnnell "and afr&cy/I. Storer. Pp. 1-8. 2.. A Naw Bat .of tJie.GenTis Myotis from the High Sierra Nevada of Oali- , : :/OrVte{ ^y- Hilda ^p^-Grinnell. Pp. 9-10. 1 "N*osT 1 and* 1? In one cover. August, 1916 _____________________________ ........ ________ .10 J. Spelerpcs 'platycephalus, a New Alpine Salamander from the Yosemite National Park, California, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 11-14. Septem- ber, 1916 ................... _____ ....................... ................ _____ ............................ ________ .05 I. A New Spermophlle from the San Joaquin Valley, California, with Notes on Ammospermophilus nehoni nelsoni Merriam, by Walter P. Taylor. Pp. 16-20, 1 figure in text. October, 1916 _ ....... ,. ......... _ ................. --------------- .05 5. Habits and Food of the Roadrunner in California, by Harold C. Bryant. Pp. 21-58, plates 1-4, 2 figures in text. October, 1916 ................................. _ .85 5. Description of Bufo canorva, a New Toad from the Yosemite National Park, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 59-62, 4 figures in text. November, 1916 .05 7. The Subspecies of Sceloporus occidentals, with Description of a New Form from the Sierra Nevada and Systematic Notes on Other California Lizards, by Charles Lewis Camp. Pp. 63-74. December, 1916 ---------- JO UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN ZOOLOGY Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 135-190, plates 2-6, 3 figures in text October 4, 1919 A COMPARISON OF THE LIFE CYCLE OF CRITHIDIA WITH THAT OF TRYPANO- SOMA IN THE INVERTEBRATE HOST BY IRENE McCULLOCH CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 136 Historical summary 139 The comparative morphology of Crithidia and the crithidial stages of Trypanosoma 144 Nucleus 146 Blepharoplast 147 Parabasal body and rhizoplasts 149 Flagellum and undulating membrane 151 The life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi 152 The developmental series 153 Stomach phase 153 Extracellular crithidias 154 Oval spores 154 Developing crithidias 154 Multiple fission 155 Endogenous budding 155 Somatella 162 Binary fission 165 Intracellular crithidias 168 Rectal phase 170 Nectomonads 171 Haptomonads 174 Final spore forms 176 The degenerative series 177 Conclusions 178 Literature cited 180 Explanation of plates 182 136 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 INTRODUCTION In my work on the flagellate parasites of hemipteran insects during the past five years the evidence indicating a close relationship between Crithidia and the crithidial stages of Trypanosoma has been continu- ously accumulating and has become more and more convincing. The relationship is shown both in their morphology and in the stages of their life cycles. This paper presents a comparison of the morphology and the life cycle of the genus Crithidia with that of Trypanosoma in its crithidial stages. Before taking up this comparison a brief discussion of the phylo- genetic relations of Leptomonas, Herpetomonas, Crithidia, and Try- panosoma will be of value in clarifying the subject. In addition a short discussion concerning the hosts, their food, and their methods of infection will give a fundamental conception of the problem in hand. The phylogenetic relation of these intestinal flagellates, Lepto- monas, Ilerpetomonas, and Crithidia, to the haemoflagellates, or Try- panosoma, has received the attention of many investigators and consequently has been the subject of much controversy. Only a brief statement of the historical side of this controversy need be given here. Minchin (1908) discusses the possible sources from which the trypano- somes may have been evolved, namely, from the herpetomonad-like and the trypanoplasma-like ancestors. At that time as well as now the evidence pointed to the crithidial (herpetomonad-like) forms as the true recapitulative, developmental, primitive stage in the life life cycle of Trypanosoma. Minchin (1912) stated: The types denoted by the generic names, Leptomonas, Crithidia and Try- panosoma form a perfect evolutionary series with monogenetic parasites of inver- tebrates culminating in digenetic blood parasites. It must be emphasized, however, that any such conclusions are of a tentative nature and can have no finality but are liable to modification with every increase of knowledge concerning these organisms. Wenyon (1913) also discusses the whole question of the phylo- genetic relationship of Leptomonas, Herpetomonas, Crithidia and Trypanosoma. If the trypanosome be regarded as the highest stage of development then his conclusion is that the phylogenetic order of these flagellates would be : Leptomonas, Crithidia, Herpetomonas, and Trypanosoma. He makes a distinction between the genera Lepto- 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 137 monas and Herpetomonas. Leptomonas is a flagellate having the non- flagellated and herpetomonad form in its life cycle ; Herpetomonas has these two stages, together with a crithidial and a trypaniform stage. But such a distinction has not been generally accepted. His chief reason for placing Herpetomonas next to Trypanosoma is the presence of a trypaniform phase in the life cycle of a few herpeto- monad flagellates, as, for example, those found in Musca domestica and Drosophila confusa (Chatton and Leger, 1911). From the viewpoint of the present study of these flagellates the hemipteran insect hosts have been frequently divided, for convenience, into the plant-feeding and the blood-sucking types. According to Patton and Cragg (1913) some species of the three families of plant- feeding Hemiptera, the Pentatomidae, the Lygaeidae, and the Coreidae have been found to serve as hosts for either crithidial or herpetomonad flagellates. One more family should now be added to this list, namely, the Pyrrhocoridae, to which the " lupine bug" (Euryophthalmus con- vivus) belongs. Among the blood-sucking Hemiptera some species of the family Reduviidae and the family Cimicidae are parasitized by haemoflagellates having a cycle in a vertebrate host and in some cases by other flagellates having only the invertebrate or insect host. Among the hosts discovered in the family Reduviidae we find Tria- toma (== Conorhinus) megista Burm., the invertebrate host of Schizo- trypanum cruzi (Chagas, 1909) and Triatoma protracta Uhler, the invertebrate host for Trypanosoma triatomae (Kofoid and McCulloch, 1916). In addition to the hemipteran insects the Diptera (flies, sheep ticks, Siphonaptera (fleas), and Anapleura (lice) also serve as hosts for some of the herpetomonad, crithidial, and trypaniform flagellates, the rat-flea (Ceratophyllus fasciatus) is one of the invertebrate hosts of Trypanosoma lewisi. Frequent reference will be made to this flagellate in the comparison of Crithidia with Trypanosoma. The methods of infection of the above hosts have been described as casual, "cross," and hereditary. Of these three methods Patton (1908) proved that nymphs of Lygaeus militaris became infected by ingesting with their food the feces of infected adults. The feces con- tained encysted or spore forms. Porter (1910) described two addi- tional methods for the infection of sheep ticks, the "cross," and the hereditary. The former occurs among insects with cannibalistic habits, the contents and parasites of the digestive tract of one host individual being eaten by another. The hereditary infection has been 140 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 pathogenic to its vertebrate host, the rat. The invertebrate host of this haemoflagellate is normally the rat-flea, which transmits the flagellate from rat to rat. Both the vertebrate and the invertebrate host of T. lewisi are widespread, abundant, easily procurable, and adaptable to laboratory conditions. To make certain that none of the stages of the life history of the so-called natural flagellates should be confused with stages of the life history of T. lewisi a stock of un- infected fleas was procured for the breeding cages. The rat-fleas have frequently been found to be infected with Leptomonas pattoni. At the time of the publication of the Minchin and Thomson paper I was working on the morphology and life history of Crithidia eury- ophthalmi (McCulloch, 1917), a form which occurs in the alimentary tract of Euryophthalmus convivus. This material was of great in- terest; the intracellular process of multiple fission was found, and the initial infective spores were relatively abundant. Previously some time had been spent in studying the morphology and life history of Crithidia leptocoridis (McCulloch, 1915), which infects the digestive tract of the box elder bug, Leptocoris trivittatus. It had also been pointed out in a superficial way that the individuals of various forms, shapes, and structures found in a typical infection of this crithidia, C. leptocoridis, were apparently analogous to many of the correspond- ing figures of Schizotrypanum cruzi (Chagas, 1909) in the invertebrate host. As the investigation of C. euryophthalmi and C. leptocoridis proceeded it became increasingly easy to link the life history of Critkidia with the life history of Trypanosoma in the invertebrate host. This was especially true of the life history of T. lewisi. In order to demonstrate clearly the essential facts of the life cycle of one of these important flagellates a brief outline of the life history of T. lewisi will be given, based upon the work of Minchin and Thomson. The developmental cycle of T. lewisi in the flea is divided into two phases, characteristic of the parts of the digestive tract in which the trypanosomes are found, viz., the stomach and the rectal phase. The cycle in the rat-flea requires a minimum of five days for its complete course. The trypanosomes enter the stomach of the flea with the blood of an infected rat. They show the characteristic structure of a trypanosome, the " kinetonucleus, " or parabasal body, being posterior to the nucleus and the undulating membrane well developed. The change in the medium is probably responsible for the physiological changes which result in the bodies becoming more cylindrical. The trypanosomes then penetrate the epithelial cells of the stomach and 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 141 undergo the process of multiple fission, a process which characterizes the stomach phase. The initial steps in this process after the trypano- some has entered an epithelial cell of the stomach, is the formation of a "tailed" sphere. This is a spherical structure with the flagellum and some cytoplasm protruding at one point. A little later the the ' ' tailed ' ' sphere becomes ' ' tailless, ' ' and shows internally the form- ation of a variable number of daughter individuals. In the forma- tion of these daughter individuals, the nucleus, parabasal body, and blepharoplast each divide an equal number of times, forming mero- zoites of a crithidiomorphic type, i.e., a long, free type of trypano- some whose external movements are crithidial but whose structure still shows the parabasal body posterior to the nucleus. The crithidio- morphic flagellates may do one of two things: enter other epithelial cells and undergo the process of multiple fission, or collect at the pyloric opening of the stomach, to be carried down through the intes- tine into the rectum with the food. The intestine ordinarily serves as a passageway for the parasites from the stomach to the rectum, but under certain conditions rectal forms may migrate forward and attach themselves to the wall of the intestine in the postpyloric region. The rectal phase is established by the entrance of the crithidio- morphic forms into this region of the digestive tract, and this region becomes the permanent source of infection throughout the life of the flea. During the migration from the stomach to the rectum structural changes take place in the crithidiomorphic trypanosomes. The poste- rior end of the body becomes club-shaped, and this shifting of the cytoplasm assists in the forward movement of the parabasal body to a position anterior to the nucleus. Following this condition, binary fission brings about the production of the smaller, minute crithidias which characterize this phase of the life history. The established rectal phase is described as consisting of: (1) the attached or haptomonad form, which is the multiplicative stage of the rectal development; (2) the free or nectomonad form; and (3) the final trypanosome form which is instrumental in infecting another host. The above outline of the life history deals only with the develop- mental series; but in both the stomach and rectum there are present individuals which show degeneration and belong consequently to the degenerative series. I have found that the life history of Crithidia euryophthalmi can be correlated advantageously with the life his- tory of T. lewisi in the invertebrate host, the flea. The life history of C. euryophthalmi is not the life history of a haemoflagellate but 142 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 apparently that of a more primitive flagellate (pis. 2-6) found living in the medium of the fluid contents of the alimentary . tract of a plant-feeding insect. As such, C. euryophthalmi (fig. A, 2) lacks in the stomach phase the trypaniform characteristics, namely, the ble- pharoplast (bl.), the parabasal (pi).) (or kinetonucleus) located poste- rior to the nucleus (n.), and the well developed undulating membrane. In this connection it is interesting to note that, regardless of the con- trast in the initial stages of the stomach phase in each life cycle, the process of multiple fission characterizes the stomach phase for both the haemoflagellate and the more primitive crithidial flagellate. In the stomach phase of the crithidial parasite there are also found the "rounding up" forms (pi. 3, figs. 24, 25), the spheres (pi. 3, figs. 26-32), and the final stages of multiple fission wherein the resulting merozoites are about to escape from the epithelial cell of the host (pi. 3, fig. 39) . In addition to this I found numerous stages of an endogenous process of multiple fission (pi. 2, figs. 11-23). Correlation of the life histories of these forms (C. euryophthalmi and T. lewisi) became more difficult in the stage following the process of multiple fission, on account of the structure of the digestive tract of the host, Euryophthalmus convivus. The digestive tract of the flea (cf. Minchin and Thomson, 1915, text-fig. 1) shows the stomach as a prominent enlargement of the tube, followed by a comparatively long, slender intestine, at the posterior end of which is the rectal enlarge- ment. The digestive tract of Euryophthalmus convivus, or lupine bug, on the other hand, is quite unlike that of the flea (cf. McCulloch, 1917, text-fig. 1 ) . The first enlargement of the mid-gut proper is followed by a second and a third enlargement, a narrow constriction of the diges- tive tract separating the three expansions. Posterior to these there is a relatively long intestine which passes through the center of a ruffled, ribbon-like gland. The intestine opens into the slight enlargement near the entrance of the malpighian tubules, which in turn opens into the rectum. Since the several parts of the digestive tract of the hem- ipteran and other insects have not been satisfactorily homologized as yet and the nomenclature used in describing the divisions is confused, it is exceedingly difficult to ascertain the homology of these several parts of the digestive tract. However, as indicated in my preliminary paper (McCulloch, 1917), all three enlargements anterior to the intes- tine were considered as parts of the stomach proper and were accord- ingly designated as the "crop," mid-stomach, and pyloric expansion. With this disposal of the three enlargements of the digestive tract, the 1919J McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 143 question immediately arose as to whether or not all the crithidial infec- tions of these regions are a part of the stomach phase of the life history of C. euryophthalmi. A careful study of the crithidial infec- tion of each of these portions of the digestive tract together with many examinations of the contents of the intestine, the gland, and the rectum, convinced me that food conditions do not permit the parasites to establish a permanent rectal phase in the rectum but that they are forced to remain anterior to the intestine, in the pyloric expansion. Preparations of the gland and intestine have as yet shown no infection posteriorly, and the rectum has contained an occasional infection of spore forms only. To add to the difficulty in determining the extent of the stomach phase and the beginning of the rectal phase no structural changes of a striking nature occur in the stomach phase of C. euryophthalmi as is the case in T. lewisi; nevertheless, the behavior of the crithidias is of some assistance and the study of the serial sections and stained smears of the several parts have added materially to our knowledge of the phases. Taking into consideration the evidence from these sources the crithidial infection of the "crop" is interpreted as the stomach phase. The mid-stomach serves as a temporary location for the slowly migrating forms of the stomach phase, and the pyloric expansion be- comes the region of the permanent location of the "rectal" phase during the life of the lupine bug. The established "rectal" phase of the life history, of C. euryophthalmi in the pyloric expansion has three general types of individuals, the attached, or haptomonad, the free, or nectomonad, and the final spore forms, which probably serve to infect another insect. Only the last type of parasite has been found in the normal contents of the rectum. With these brief explanatory outlines of the life histories of T. lewisi and of C. euryophthalmi a detailed discussion of the more im- portant points concerning the comparative morphology of the crith- idial stages of Trypanosoma and of Crithidia will now be given. The comparison of the life cycles which follows is based upon the work of Minchin and Thomson on the life cycle of T. lewisi, and upon the life history of C. euryophthalmi with special reference to the accompanying plates (pis. 2-6). For further details of the life history of T. lewisi the reader is referred to Minchin and Thomson's paper (1915). 144 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 THE COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY OP CRITHIDIA AND THE CRITHIDIAL STAGES OF TRYPANOSOMA The morphology of Crithidia and Trypanosoma has been the sub- ject of careful investigation for a number of years, and our concep- tion of the structure of these simple organisms has been modified from time to time by additional discoveries. This is especially true of the extranuclear organelles of these flagellates, owing to the recent investigations carried on in the Zoological Laboratory of the Uni- versity of California by Dr. C. A. Kofoid (1916) and Dr. Olive Swezy (1916), the latter studying particularly the binuclear theory of Hartmann (1911). The work of these investigators has centered attention upon the extranuclear organelles of these flagellates, con- sisting of the blepharoplast (fig. A, U.) at the base of the flagellum, the parabasal body (pb.), or kinetonucleus, the rhizoplast (r/.), the parabasal rhizoplast (pb. rh.), the flagellum (fl.), and the undulating membrane (und. m.). They have homologized the kinetonucleus of the Protomonadina (Herpetomonas, Crithidia, and Trypanosoma} with the parabasal body of the Polymastigina and the Hypermasti- gina. Bearing this in mind, it at once becomes clear that this extra- nuclear complex of organelles is the neuromotor apparatus of Crith- idia and Trypanosoma (Kofoid, 1916). In a previous paper (Kofoid and McCulloch, 1916) the term parabasal body was used in place of kinetonucleus throughout and I shall employ this nomenclature in the present paper. The position of this extranuclear complex of organelles determines largely whether the flagellate is a trypanosome or a crithidia. The trypanosome is characterized by the presence of the parabasal body and the blepharoplast posterior to the nucleus, and by a well developed, undulating membrane which passes forward laterally along the edge of the ribbon-like body. These characteristics are common to the flagellates found in the blood, and modifications of this structure take place as soon as the medium is changed, as in the transfer to the stomach of the flea. The transition stages between a trypanosome and a crithidia have been designated as crithidiomorphic trypanosomes by Minchin and Thomson, as previously noted. In the transition forms the parabasal body and the blepharoplast are still posterior to the nucleus at a greater or less distance, but the movement and shape of the body of the flagellate are distinctly like those of a crithidia. In 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 145 the crithidial forms the extranuclear complex of organelles is anterior to the nucleus (fig. A, 1, 2) and the body has a tendency to be cylindrical in cross-section and to show only a slight undulating mem- brane (und. m., fig. A). These crithidial forms are common to the life cycle of both Crithidia and Trypanosoma. The next step in our Fig. A. Typical crithidial forms of: (1) Crithidia leptocoridis ; (2) C. euryophthalmi; (3) Trypanosoma lewisi (after Minchin and Thomson, 1915, pi. 37, fig. 66); (4) T. triatomae; (5) Schizotrypanum crusi (after Chagas, 1909, pi. 13, fig. 16) ; showing the similarity of the several flagellates in size, form and structure. X 3500. 1)1., blepharoplast; ft., flagellum; n., nucleus; pb., para- basal body; ph. rh., parabasal rhizoplast; n. rh., nuclear rhizoplast; und. m., undulating membrane; vac., vacuole. discussion will be directed to the demonstration of the close resem- blance of the crithidial forms of the genus Crithidia to those of Trypanosoma in the invertebrate host. A series of typical crithidial flagellates (fig. A) has been selected from the stomach phase of the life histories of both Crithidia and 146 University of California Publications in Zoology [ V OL. 19 Trypanosoma to show in detail the comparative morphology in this particular stage. C. leptocoridis (fig. A, 1) and C. euryophthalmi (fig. A, 2) have been selected to represent the structure of Crithidia and Trypanosoma leivisi (fig. A, 3, after Minchin and Thomson, 1915, pi. 37, fig. 66), T. triatomae (fig. A, 4), and Schizotrypanum cruzi (fig. A, 5, after Chagas, 1909, pi. 13, fig. 16) that of Trypanosoma. Each crithidial flagellate of this series has an elongate body, cylindrical in outline but slightly flattened at the anterior portion, which forms the undulating membrane. At the edge of this membrane there is a sharply defined flagellum of variable length (fig. A, 1, 3). The length of the flagellum has no particular significance since con- siderable variation exists within each species. Posteriorly, however, there is in the stomach phase a consistent difference between the crithidial form of Crithidia and the crithidial form of Trypanosoma. The posterior ends of the bodies of the true crithidias are more atten- uate (fig. A, 1, 2) in the stomach phase, and do not show the slight tendency to become club-shaped until the rectal phase is reached. In figure A, 4, T. triatomae is quite blunt at the posterior end, and the shifting of the cytoplasm into this region is increasing the width of the body at the expense of the length. Another difference almost as consistent as the one just noted is the variation in the nucleus (n.). In Crithidia (fig. A, 1, 2) it is usually anterior to the center, and. in the crithidial forms of Trypanosoma it is posterior to the center (fig. A, 3, 4, 5). Internally the similarity of the structure of the organelles and their relationship in general is quite marked. The nucleus (n.), the ble- pharoplast (bl.), and the parabasal body (ph.) are common to each of these flagellates. The nuclear rhizoplast (rh.) and the parabasal rhizoplast (pb. rh.) are found in all the above flagellates with the exception of T. lewisi (fig. A, 3). The absence of these organelles in the crithidial form of T. leivisi is questionable since they are present in all the others. They may have been overlooked because of the delicacy of their structure and the faintness with which they stain. The nucleus and the extranuclear organelles will now be taken up in detail. Nucleus. This organelle in each of the above flagellates may be described as round or slightly oval in shape and of the vesicular type. It varies somewhat in size from I/A in figure A, 3 to 1.7/* in figure A, 5, but it is usually about two-thirds of the width of the body in diameter. In Crithidia leptocoridis the nucleus shows clearly the ves- 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 147 icular type of structure, having a relatively large karyosome, a light area outside of this, and a clearly defined nuclear membrane. In figure A, 3 a slightly different condition exists ; the nucleus of C. euryo- phthalmi is of the vesicular type, but the nuclear membrane is en- crusted with considerable chromatin, and the central karyosome is somewhat reduced as compared with that of C. leptocoridis in figure A, 1. An examination of plate 5 indicates that the nucleus of this flagellate (C. euryophthalmi) is characterized by the heavily encrusted nuclear membrane, the small central karyosome, and the broad, clear area between the membrane and karyosome. In the trypanosomes (fig. A, 3, 4, 5) the nucleus is slightly poste- rior to the center of the body, which has a tendency to be shorter and more club-shaped at the posterior end than is that of the crithidias (fig. A, 1, 2). The nucleus of Trypanosoma lewisi (fig. A, 3) shows a peculiar structure. In this particular form it is difficult to demon- strate the nuclear membrane, since the light area encircling the more deeply stained portion could be interpreted as either intranuclear or extranuclear. However, taking into consideration other figures of T. lewisi (cf. Minchin and Thomson, 1915, pis. 37, 42) this light area has been regarded as being extranuclear and the diameter is I/A instead of 1.4/*. Within this relatively deep-staining, nucleus the chromatin is divided unequally into a large, irregularly shaped granule and a smaller one. The nucleus of T. triatomae (fig. A, 4) resembles that of C. euryophthalmi. It is also characterized by the chromatin- encrusted nuclear membrane, the wide clear area, and the small cen- tral karyosome, as in C. euryophthalmi. A nucleus of a somewhat more complex type is found in Schizotrypanum cruzi (fig. A, 5). A faint nuclear membrane limits the clear nuclear space which sur- rounds the central karyosome containing a centriole at the base of the rhizoplast. This nucleus is 1.7/x in diameter and somewhat larger than that of any other flagellate in the series. Blepharoplast. This structure is of great interest since it is the center of the extranuclear organelles, or neuromotor apparatus. In the crithidias this structure is not a sharply defined basal granule at the base of the flagellum. For instance, in Crithidia leptocoridis a slight enlargement at the base of the flagellum is noted (fig. A, 1). Since this slight enlargement stains with almost the same intensity as does the flagellum it is exceedingly difficult to get a satisfactory concep- tion of its structure. By careful focusing of the binocular microscope with Watson's no. 20 holoscopic oculars, however, the small enlarge- 148 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 ment of slightly greater staining intensity can be observed at the junction of the parabasal rhizoplast with the nuclear rhizoplast. In C. euryophthalmi (fig. A, 2) even greater difficulty is experienced in endeavoring to find the blepharoplast. In this form there is no en- largement of the base of the fllagellum, but the area at the junction of the rhizoplast is darker in appearance, and frequently a small granule at one side can be seen by careful focusing. Among the trypanosomes the blepharoplast is apparently a more clearly defined structure. Our investigations of T. triatomae (fig. A, 4) have yielded more tangible results. We found in this trypano- some a slight enlargement of the base of the flagellum but no differ- entiation in the staining capacity of the flagellum and basal granule. In T. lewisi (fig. A, 3) and in Schizotrypanum cruzi (fig. A, 5) the figures of these trypanosomes show what is evidently a well defined basal granule, or blepharoplast. This is particularly true of T. lewisi (fig. A, 3). In both the crithidias and the trypanosomes the blephar- oplast frequently divides independently of the nucleus. In the binary fission of C. euryophthalmi the blepharoplast and parabasal body may divide before the nucleus divides (pi. 3, fig. 4), or the nucleus may divide first (pi. 3, fig. 33). In figure 25, plate 3, the nucleus is divid- ing but there are no indications of the division of blepharoplast and of the parabasal body. A similar condition exists among the trypano- somes, indicating that the blepharoplast is the kinetic center of the extranuclear organelles, or neuromotor apparatus.. But this is not the only kinetic center of these simple organisms. The nucleus also contains a kinetic center which initiates division in the form of a centrosome, at the base of the nuclear rhizoplast in those flagellates containing this organelle. In the nucleus of S. cruzi (fig. A, 5) this centriole, or centrosome, at the base of the nuclear rhizoplast is clearly defined within the central karyosome of the nucleus. The origin of the blepharoplast is still the subject of investigation and as yet 110 conclusive evidence is at hand to establish beyond doub't the way in which this structure originates. In the endogenous buds, which are exceedingly small and difficult to interpret, the blepharoplast seem- ingly originates from the single nuclear structure as an outgrowth rather than by a mitotic process. The outgrowth forms a second deep-staining mass anterior to the nucleus, and at this stage the nonflagellated forms have the appearance of "binucleated" spores. As development proceeds the kinetic center of the blepharoplast is probably established as the center of the neuromotor apparatus, and 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 149 from this blepharoplast the flagellum grows anteriorly and the para- basal body to one side. Connecting the parabasal body with the centrosome, or blepharoplast, is the parabasal rhizoplast (p~b. rh.). Parallel cases indicating such an origin of the blepharoplast can be found among other flagellates. Parabasal body and rhizoplasts. In all of these flagellates the parabasal body (pb.) presents the same general appearance with respect to its location, size and shape. In C. leptocoridis (fig. A, 1) the parabasal body is a bar-shaped structure made up of two deeply stained granules lying in close proximity. Immediately surrounding this deep-staining bar is a clear area, limited by a sacklike covering of dense cytoplasm, evidently continuous with the contractile cyto- plasmic sheath of the flagellum. Between the parabasal body and the blepharoplast region the cytoplasmic sheath takes on the appearance of a cone-shaped mass of contractile fibers (p~b. rh.), the apex of which is found at the base of the flagellum and continuous with the outer contractile cytoplasm of the flagellum. The axial or central part of this parabasal rhizoplast is presumably of blepharoplastic origin and connects the blepharoplast and parabasal body. The parabasal body of C. euryopkthalmi is similar to that of C. leptocoridis. It is not so large comparatively (fig. A, 2) and it seldom has the bilobed appearance. In C. euryophthalmi the most interesting and valuable evidence has been found concerning the relation of the parabasal body to the blepharoplast. In text figure B, 1-5 a series of flagellates has been drawn from good iron-haema- toxylin preparations to show clearly that the position of the organelle is lateral and not axial. In figure B, 1 the end of the bar-shaped parabasal body, which lies lateral to the nuclear rhizoplast, extends outward to the periplast. From another angle the entire length of this organelle is visible (fig. B, 2) peripheral to the nuclear rhizoplast, which passes behind and underneath the parabasal rhizoplast. Still another aspect of the possible position of this structure is indicated in figures B, 3, 4. In each of these figures it is medial to the nuclear rhizoplast and behind or beneath it as it passes from the centro- some of the nucleus to the centrosome, or blepharoplast, at the base of the flagellum. In such a figure as B, 5 the relationship of this organ- elle to the others of the neuromotor apparatus can be seen most clearly. The cytoplasm has become exceedingly clear and does not conceal the other structure. The parabasal body in the flagellate stains very deeply and has the appearance of a chromotoidal mass suspended in 150 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 1! a sacklike structure from the region of the blepharoplast. Unlike th< suspensory apparatus of C. leptocoridis , C. euryophthalmi does no show a fan-shaped mass of contractile cytoplasmic fibrils covering this axial portion, which is of blepharoplastic origin (figs. A, 1, 2 ; figs. B 1-5). The outline of this cytoplasmic envelope in C. euryophthalmi i: definite, slightly opaque, and continuous with the cytoplasmic sheatl of the flagellum. The parabasal body of the trypanosomes (figs. A, 3, 4, 5) is simi larly a bar-shaped structure, which stains deeply, located to on< side of the nuclear rhizoplast and blepharoplast. In T. leivisi (fig A, 3) the parabasal body is relatively small while the blepharoplast ii correspondingly large. As previously noted, no parabasal rhizoplas has been figured by Minchin and Thomson in T. Lewisi. Here am there suggestions of a connection might be pointed out in their figures While it is possible that T. lewisi is exceptional in this respect, yet since the structure is found in other flagellates of this group, we ma] infer that a critical study of the preparations with a binocular micro scope will reveal the presence of such a connection in the crithidia stages of this flagellate. Trypanosoma lewisi (fig. A, 3) is likewise the only flagellate her< figured in the crithidial stages without a nuclear rhizoplast. Her< again T. leivisi is either exceptional or the structure has perhaps beer overlooked, since it is usually discerned with difficulty. Chagas (1909] has figured a nuclear rhizoplast in Schizotrypanum cruzi and we hav< found it also in T. triatomae. Therefore we may expect that it wil be found in T. lewisi. The parabasal body in Trypanosoma triatomae (fig. A) is a rela tively large structure, its width approximately equal to one-half of it! length. It is located a short distance anterior to the nucleus, and is sus pended from the blepharoplast by a fan-shaped parabasal rhizoplas like that of Crithidia leptocoridis, i.e., a suspensory apparatus with j fibrous appearance. In the crithidial stage of T. triatomae a nucleai rhizoplast was observed connecting the blepharoplast with the centriol< of the karyosome, but such a connection was not found in the trypani form individuals. If a nuclear rhizoplast be present in the trypaniforn stage, in which we did not find it, it is possible that we may have beer prevented from observing it because of the density of the cytoplasn in this stage and a tendency in this delicate thread in the trypano somes to stain lightly. In the crithidial stages of this trypanosome, or the other hand, the cytoplasm is more or less vacuolated in appear ance thus making the nuclear rhizoplast more evident. When a try 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 151 panosome rounds up for the process of multiple fission no nuclear rhizoplast is in evidence, but after the complete transition into the crithidial form the nuclear rhizoplast can be readily demonstrated with the high power binocular microscope and Watson's holoscopic eyepiece. It is also possible that further work will show that the centrosomic structure of the trypaniform flagellate differs from that of the crithidial form, and consequently that the rhizoplasts are absent in the former. In Schizotrypanum cruzi (fig. A, 5) the parabasal body is slightly bilobed in appearance, and is suspended from the blepharoplast by a clearly defined, fibrous rhizoplast. The suspensory apparatus of the parabasal body is here relatively larger and apparently more highly developed than in any of the other flagellates. A few of the trypani- form stages also show a similar parabasal rhizoplast, according to the figures of Chagas (1909). In the crithidial stages of this trypano- some, as shown in figure A, 5, there is a sharply defined nuclear rhizo- plast passing from the centriole of the nucleus to the blepharoplast. The position of the parabasal body in 8. cruzi is similar to that of Crithidia euryophthalmi and is situated apparently to one side of the nuclear rhizoplast. One of the most important discoveries in connection with the study of these organelles is the fact that the parabasal body, or the so-called kinetonucleus, is not axial in position in Crithidia euryophthalmi (figs. B, 1-4) and apparently not in the other flagellates (figs. A, 1, 3-5). With the evidence at hand to show definitely that this body is not axial but a lateral appendage of the blepharoplast in C. euryo- phthalmi it is necessary to look upon this organelle as something other than a second nucleus or a kinetonucleus. Reference has already been made to the work of Dr: Kofoid (1916) concerning the homology of this organelle with the parabasal body of other flagellates. The observations concerning the origin of this structure, the location and relation of the parabasal body to the other organelles as found in the study of C. euryophthalmi offer some of the best evidence against the binuclear conception of these flagellates (Hartmann, 1911). Flagellum and undulating membrane. Owing to the relationship which exists between the flagellum (/?.) and undulating membrane (und. m.) it is convenient to describe these two organelles together. The flagellum consists of an outgrowth from the blepharoplast and is surrounded by a cytoplasmic sheath which is continuous with the sack- like sheath covering the parabasal body. In the ordinary preparations no distinction can be made between this central portion originating 152 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 from the blepharoplast and the cytoplasmic sheath surrounding it. The entire flagellum stains as a single heavy line, almost chromatoidal in appearance. It does not stain so deeply as does the nucleus, but much deeper than the cytoplasm of the body and of the undulating membrane. As the flagellum forms and lengthens, there is an accom- panying elongation of the protoplasm which forms the undulating membrane (und. m.). Both endoplasm and ectoplasm enter into the formation of this organelle. Usually there is a thin, narrow band of clear ectoplasm lying parallel to the flagellum (fig. A, 5). The length of the membrane, and consequently of the intracellular part of the flagellum, is greater among the crithidias of the stomach phase than of the rectal phase owing to the shifting of the cytoplasm of the body in the transition. This is usually true also of the crithidias as com^ pared with the crithidial stages of the trypanosomes (fig. A, 1, 2, 3, 4). As previously noted, the length of the free flagellum (fig. A, 3) has no significance from the viewpoint of comparative morphology, since there is a wide variation in the length of this organelle for each species of Crithidia and of Trypanosoma. THE LIFE CYCLE OF CRITHIDIA EURYOPHTHALMI The life cycle of C. euryophthalmi in Euryophthalmus convivus begins, so far as known, with the casual ingestion with food of spores from the fecal matter of infected insects. E. convivus com- monly feeds upon the sap from the growing tips of the lupine, which show many indications of excreta. In these same regions of the lupine galls and other abnormal growths occur in great abundance. The pos- sibility that these insects were getting their infection of C. euryo- phthalmi from the sap of the lupine was suggested by the work of Franga (1914). Examinations of the sap of the lupine were accord- ingly made. Nematodes, numerous yeast-like spores, and bacteria were found. No organisms were discovered, however, of any descrip- tion which could be linked to the known stages of C. euryophthalmi in the digestive tract of the host. The large number of parasites in the life cycle of C. euryophthalmi can be grouped readily into two series : the developmental, or infective, and the degenerative, which are comparable to the developmental and degenerative series of T. lewisi in the flea, as described by Minchin and Thomson. That the correlation between these two life cycles is marked will become clear in following the discussion of the life cycle 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 153 of C. euryophthalmi, notwithstanding the fact that the initial stages of the two life cycles are entirely different in the insects. The initial stages of the crithidial life cycle are small, oval spores, which develop into elongate Crithidial flagellates, whereas the initial stages of the trypanosome are trypanosomes from the blood of a rat, which indirectly by a process of multiple fission, produce very similar elongate crithidial flagellates. Subsequently all of the rectal stages in each life cycle are very similar. Fig. B. Five figures of Crithidia euryophthalmi to show the relation of the parabasal body to the flagellum, blepharoplast, rhizoplast, and nucleus. X 3500. Abbreviations same as in figure A. The developmental or infective series of Crithidia euryophthalmi consists of the stomach phase or the crithidias of the ''crop," mid- stomach and upper part of the pyloric expansion. The degenerative series includes the late rectal phase or the attached crithidias of the pyloric expansion. THE DEVELOPMENTAL SERIES STOMACH PHASE The stomach phase of Crithidia euryophthalmi is apparently init- iated when the small, oval spores (pi. 2, figs. 1, 2) casually ingested- with food begin to develop in the "crop." Such initial infective spores develop rapidly into a swarm of multiplying crithidias (pi. 2, figs. 2-7). Later as mature flagellates (pi. 2, figs. 9, 10) the crithidias 154 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 may be carried immediately to the pyloric expansion through the mid- stomach by the current of food, or they may undergo a process of multiple fission extracellularly or intracellularly in the "crop." The process of multiple fission may be similar to that of the spheres of Trypanosoma leivisi (Minchin and Thomson, 1915), which have certain characteristics in common with the somatella in the multiple fission of some of the Polymastigina (trichomonad flagellates) described by Kofoid and Swezy (1915). In addition to this type of multiple fission there is a second and entirely different process of multiple fission, the internal or endogenous budding (pi. 2, figs. 11-23). These two pro- cesses of multiple fission have been described briefly in a preliminary communication (McCulloch, 1917). Endogenous budding has been emphasized in this paper and described in detail because of its interest and importance. EXTRACELULAR CRITHIDIAS Oval spores. The initial infective spores (pi. 2, fig. 1) are ovoid and stain deeply. They are found in small numbers in the "crop," and present several distinguishing marks which serve as a means of identification. They average 1.7/>t in width and about 3.4/A in length. The nucleus stains diffusely and forms a solid mass of chromatin at the extreme posterior end of the body. The parabasal body lies within the anterior half of the spore, about equally distant from the nucleus and forward end. One end of this bar-shaped structure, or parabasal body, lies close to the thick periplast. On all the other sides of this organelle there is the characteristic light area, which quickly destains in iron-haematoxylin preparations. Careful focusing has revealed a faint nuclear rhizoplast passing from the nucleus toward the region of the parabasal body. Developing crithidias. When the initial infective spores begin to develop in the "crop" a change occurs in their shape and staining capacity (pi. 2, fig. 9). The forward outgrowth of the flagellum assists in the elongation of the anterior end and the formation of the undulating membrane (pi. 2, figs. 6-9). The posterior region elon- gates less rapidly, but in time it frequently attains an even greater length than the anterior end (pi. 2, fig. 9). The length of the free flagellated crithidias which result from the developing forms varies greatly at all times regardless of their location in the digestive tract. In figure 9, plate 2, the crithidial flagellate has reached the extreme 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 155 length, comparatively, of 32/z. At the other extreme, a short crithidia of 7ju (pi. 2, fig. 12) is evidently mature, since it is undergoing a process of multiple fission of the endogenous-budding type. Between these extremes is a series of intergrading forms. The sizes and shapes of a swarm of free crithidial flagellates from the life cycle of anyone of these species of flagellates under discussion show great diversity, and Crithidia euryophthalmi is not an exception, as indi- cated in plates 2 and 4. The change in the appearance of the nucleus as development proceeds is noticeable. The deeply staining mass of chromatin (pi. 2, figs. 1, 2) becomes a nucleus containing a prominent central karyosome and a chromatin-encrusted nuclear membrane (pi. 2, figs. 3-10). Between the karyosome and membrane is a clear area, which destains very readily after iron-haematoxylin. MULTIPLE FISSION Endogenous budding. In looking over a large number of prepara- tions of the digestive tract of Euryopkthalmus convivus, in the early part of 1916, I chanced upon a splendid preparation of a "crop" from a nymph which contained an exceedingly heavy infection of crithidias of all shapes and sizes. The smear was well fixed and well stained. Among other things the nuclear structure was studied in detail to determine whether the nucleus of these crithidias divided by a mitotic process or by a more primitive method of mitosis. This search led to the discovery of a flagellate which apparently contained two nuclei (pi. 2, fig. 12), in a linear arrangement with respect to the long axis of the body. Shortly after another crithidia (pi. 2, fig. 13) was found in the same preparation, containing apparently three similar nuclei, which were arranged in a like linear series. In the latter (pi. 2, fig. 13) careful focusing revealed the outline of a fourth partially concealed beneath the most anterior nuclear structure. In each of these flagellates (pi. 2, figs. 12, 13) no indications of any ordinary process of binary fission were detected. The blepharoplast, parabasal body, and the rhizoplasts in each were still intact in so far as could be determined. The alternative hypothesis that these nucleus- like structures, which are relatively small, are internal parasites of a bacterial or protozoan nature naturally was given full consideration. Drawings of these flagellates were made with the camera lucida and the readings were taken for future reference. Owing to the abun- 156 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 dance of the parasites in this preparation of the "crop" ample material was at hand for an extensive study of the morphology of this phase of the life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi. From time to time more flagellates were observed, apparently multinucleated, but little additional light was thrown upon their peculiar nuclear struc- tures until a large flagellate, such as shown in figure 22, plate 1, was observed. This crithidia was relatively large and contained approxi- mately twelve ' * binucleated " spore-like forms. The structure of the sporelike forms within the periplast of the large flagellate was similar to that of the numerous small, oval spores in the immediately sur- rounding field, which were, beyond doubt, stages of the life cycle of C. euryophthalmi. Another large flagellate containing six nuclear structures within the periplast (pi. 2, fig. 21) was also drawn. The flagellum and parabasal body were clearly outlined, as in the former, multinucleated flagellates. Some of the enclosed nuclear-like struc- tures were deeply stained, owing to the thickness of the preparation, but the majority presented the same appearance as did the nuclear- like structures in figures 12 and 13. Investigation of the smear revealed more and more evidence of a possible endogenous, or internal budding, in the life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi. Past experience indicated that the preparations of the ' ' crops ' ' of young nymphs furnished the best smears for the study of the initial infections, of which the endogenous budding forms were evidently a part. An effort was accordingly made during the next breeding season of Euryophthalmus convivus to collect as many young nymphs as possible in order to obtain additional prepara- tions of the digestive tract, with reference to the * t crop ' ' in particular. Out of a large number of preparations of the "crops" prepared during the following season, only two contained additional stages of the process of endogenous budding. The percentage of infection of the "crops" of young nymphs was found to be approximately twenty per cent as compared with two per cent among adult insects. In the two preparations there were numerous small, "binucleated," spore-like forms, grouped near discarded flagella, with or without ble- pharoplasts, and with parabasal bodies still attached (pi. 2, fig. 23). It was easy to conceive of the degeneration of the cytoplasm surround- ing the spore-like forms, leaving a field covered with the internal spores, or zooids, and the extranuclear organelles of the parent cell. In the earlier stages of degeneration presumably the parabasal bodies were still attached by the parabasal rhizoplasts to the blepharoplasts 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 157 at the bases of the flagella. Later stages showed only flagella among the zooids. This additional evidence from the two smears at once suggested the work of Moore and Breinl (1907), in which " latent bodies ' ' were described in the life cycle of a haemoflagellate, Trypano- soma gambiense. According to these investigators T. gambiense in the blood of a vertebrate host formed latent bodies in the nuclear region, under certain conditions. These latent bodies are pictured and described as being small nucleated structures having a nuclear membrane and a single mass of chromatin in the center. The exact method of the formation of the bodies in the nucleus or from the nucleus is not clear, since none of the early stages in the formation of the latent bodies are figured or described in detail. Apparently only the results of an endogenous process in the life cycle of T. gambiense were ob- served by these investigators. The final stages of the process in the life cycle of T. gambiense are the presence of large, degenerating try- panosomes with minute, nucleated latent bodies in the nuclear area. The flagellum, kinetonucleus, or parabasal body and cytoplasm are in various stages of degeneration. Their figures of the latent bodies (Moore and Breinl, 1907) should be compared with figure 23 of this paper. The latent bodies in the life cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense and the endogenous zooids of the life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi are not the only instances of an endogenous budding in the life cycle of the Protomonadina (Trypanosoma, Crithidia, Herpetomonas, Lepto- monas). Minchin and Thomson (1915) searched for evidence of an endogenous budding in the life cycle of T. lewisi but failed to find any indications of the process. However, in the life cycle of Leptomonas pattoni, one of the so-called natural flagellates frequently found in the digestive tract of the flea, they found several crithidial-like flagel- lates containing a nucleus and an endogenous bud. These authors suggested that the endogenous buds found therein were doubtless com- parable to the latent bodies of Moore and Breinl. The early stages of the endogenous, or internal budding of Crith- idia euryophthalmi are shown in figures 11 and 12, plate 2. In figure 11 there is a relatively short flagellate undergoing multiple fission in this way. The nucleus has budded off two circular, nucleus-like buds, each showing a chromatin-encrusted nuclear membrane. The para- basal body and the flagellum of this flagellate are still intact and have no indications of binary fission. Somewhat similar to this flagellate 158 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 is the one shown in figure 12, plate 2. The anterior end of the body is slightly shortened but the nuclear structure has the same general appearance. Only one bud has been given off, and this lies directly posterior to the nucleus proper. As in the former case, the chromatin is collected on the inner surface of the nuclear membrane of both the nucleus and endogenous bud. In figure 13, plate 2, a more complex organization was observed. The nucleus and two clearly defined nuclear buds are arranged in a linear series, the two buds being pos- terior to the nucleus proper. Partially concealed by the nucleus is a third bud, which is being constricted off from the nucleus. This par- ticular view of the process is in all probability an end view and only a portion of the bud is visible. If the observations and interpretation of this structure be correct, the nucleus, with all of its chromatin col- lected on the inner surface of the membrane, repeatedly constricts or buds off a portion, forming a series of nuclear buds (pi. 2, figs. 13, 20, 21). There is at hand at present no evidence of a central karyo- some being present in the nucleus when endogenous buds are formed. The nuclear buds, therefore, in so far as our observations have gone, are due neither to a clearly defined amitosis nor to a primitive form of mitosis of the chromatin material which normally occurs in a central karyosome. Although evidence of a mitotic process in this nuclear division is wanting, nevertheless some evidence of a promitosis has been found in the division of the nucleus in an early stage of the formation of a soma- tella (pi. 3, fig. 25). The formation of the somatella involving the " rounding up " of an elongate flagellate into a sphere will be described shortly; it will suffice for our purpose here to point out salient fea- tures of the internal structure of the ''rounding up" flagellate (pi. 3, fig. 25). The blepharoplast, parabasal body, and the rhizoplast of this flagellate have not yet begun to divide but the nucleus is beginning to form two daughter-nuclei. The central karyosome which is normally present in C. euryophthalmi has formed two unequal masses of chro- matin connected by a centrodesmose. No critical evidence was found showing that there is present at each end of the controdesmose a cent- riole or centrosome differentiated from the chromatin material in this minute form. Peripherally there is the nuclear membrane still present and intact, but it is constricting in the center to form two nuclei. If a similar division of the chromatin material occurs in the nuclear bud- ding it has thus far escaped observation. The number of early stages of nuclear budding studied has been small, owing to the rarity of 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 159 preparations showing the process. In every instance of nuclear bud- ding so far observed the chromatin has been peripheral, with a more or less unequal distribution on the nuclear membrane. Frequently there is one heavy mass with a uniform amount elsewhere on the membrane (pi. 2, fig. 15). A somewhat larger, elongate flagellate, with sharply defined endo- genous buds, is shown in figure 14, plate 2. Unlike the endogenous forms just described the buds here are not posterior to the nucleus. In figure 14, opposite the parabasal body, there is a bud decidedly anterior and lateral in position. A second endogenous bud is also ante- rior between the nucleus and parabasal body. Within all of these nuclear structures the chromatin is massed irregularly upon the nuclear membrane. In addition to these elongate flagellates undergoing multiple fission of this type there are also pear-shaped crithidias (pi. 2, figs. 15-18) containing several or numerous endogenous buds. Possibly it is the greater thickness of these flagellates, with consequent decrease in destaining capacity, which makes the buds within stand out so dis- tinctly. Another marked characteristic of the pear-shaped flagellates is the lack of differentiation between the nucleus and the buds. There is no evidence of a parent nucleus which has given rise to the buds. The distribution of the chromatin within these buds presents some interesting variations. In figure 15 the buds contain a clearly defined chromatin encrusted nuclear membrane together with one distinct mass or chromatin granule. In figure 17 the massing of the chromatin may mean a more advanced stage since it is no longer on the entire nuclear membrane but has been segregated into two masses, which give the buds a bipartite appearance. Proceeding to figure 18 in this pear- shaped individual more steps in advance are portrayed, namely the unused portions of the flagellate are beginning to degenerate around the endogenous buds. The parabasal body has already disappeared, and only a portion of the discarded flagellum remains near by. The structure of the endogenous buds of this spherical crithidia is remark- ably uniform. In each bud the chromatin granule is adherent to the nuclear membrane. Other elongate flagellates undergoing multiple fission are observed in figures 19, 20, and 21. Some interesting variations can be pointed out in these crithidias. In figure 19 there is a nuclear rhizoplast, which can be traced from the edge of the nuclear membrane to the blepharoplast. Of greater interest are the variations shown in figures 160 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 20 and 21. In figure 20 the binucleated appearance of the nucleus and buds is very prominent. The chromatin granules have a paired effect which is difficult to interpret. In figure 21 a more complex structure is represented. Anterior to the nucleus there is a group of five endogenous buds. Two of these, owing to their position, are not de- stained sufficiently to make clear their nuclear structure. This large flagellate has a sharply defined parabasal body and flagellum, similar to those in figures 19 and 20. The large size of such forms has aided materially in the interpretation of the endogenous buds, which, upon developing, form the so-called zooids. The most mature stage of endogenous budding yet found, wherein the resulting zooids are still within the periplast, is pictured in figure 22. There are approximately twelve clearly defined zooids massed near the central part of this large flagellate. The structure of the zooids could be studied readily. The nucleus and parabasal body in each, because of their deep stain, helped to distinguish the several zooids. The other organelles were not visible. Another inter- esting feature concerning these zooids is the difference in the stages of their development. Some are larger and more mature and were doubtless budden off from the nucleus first. Probably the zooids of the flagellate have been retained within the periplast of the parent for a longer period than usual. If the size of these zooids be compared with that of the free zooids shown in figure 23 the former, on the whole, are larger and more fully developed. There are, moreover, no marked signs of degeneration of the parabasal body, of the flagel- lum, or of the cytoplasm. The parabasal body is almost hidden by the zooids in that region. The final step in the endogenous-budding process comes with the degeneration of the body-plasm of the parent flagellate, leaving a mass of zooids, together with the flagellum and parabasal body of the parent. Portions of smears have been observed to be literally covered with zooids and discarded flagella. As degeneration proceeds the parabasal bodies next disappear, and finally the flagella, leaving only numerous zooids of various sizes and structure. The last phase is the one most frequently observed in preparations of Crithidia euryophthalmi. I had been working with C. euryophthalmi more or less for a period of almost two years before the clue as to the origin of these small zooids was found. It had been most puzzling to find so many of these small, non-flagellated, binucleated forms (pi. 4, fig. 40), which were obviously unlike the initial infective spores (pi. 2, figs. 1, 2). They 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 161 were smaller in size, their periplast was thinner, and they destained much more rapidly after iron-haemotoxylin. Serial sections of the mid-stomach showed them grouped in pockets between the epithelial cells. Possibly the endogenous process occurred there or they were lodged there as the current of food carried the others down into the pyloric expansion. They could be arranged in a series, beginning with those averaging about 1.7/x, in length (pi. 4, fig. 40) and gradating to the size of the spores which were regarded as the initial infective spores (pi. 2, fig. 1; pi. 4, figs. 40-54). The development of the endogenous buds into binucleated zooids is not easy to interpret. In figure 23, plate 2, the numerous zooids present variations in both size and structure. Unlike the latent bodies of Trypanosoma gambiense of Moore and Breinl (1907) and the endo- genous buds of Leptomanas pattoni of Minchin and Thomson (1915), these endogenous buds show no central chromatin granule within the nuclear membrane. Their chromatin is distributed at the periphery of the nucleus usually in one of three ways. In the elongate flagellates (pi. 2, figs. 11, 14, 19) the buds have their chromatin material massed irregularly on the nuclear membrane. A second form of peripheral chromatin in the nucleus is a noticeable mass or granule at one point. This is characteristic of the buds within the pear-shaped flagellates (pi. 2, figs. 15-18). The third type of nuclear structure in the buds is possibly only a slight modification of the others. In figure 20, plate 2, the internal or endogenous buds appear to be binucleated because of the peculiar segregation of the chromatin material on the nuclear membrane. At present these several modifications of the nuclear structure are not regarded as having any special sequence or significance. In some of the smallest zooids of figure 23 there are still other modifications wherein a single, deeply staining mass is fre- quently observed. Owing to the size of these zooids it is extremely difficult, even with a binocular microscope, to form any adequate conception of their structure. A diligent search has been made among these small forms to find a series of developing zooids which would clearly show the whole process of the formation of the several organelles. While Crithidia euryophthalmi undoubtedly furnishes the necessary material for such a study, the size of the endogenous buds makes the interpretation exceedingly difficult. It is therefore disappointing that a complete series has not yet been accumulated showing the steps which are thought to take place in the development of a bud into a typical 162 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 crithidia. The results of the study now indicate that the extranuclear organelles are apparently formed as outgrowths from the nucleus. It is conceived that the centrosome of the nucleus divides, giving rise to the extranuclear centrosome, or blepharoplast. From the blepharo- plast, which is the dynamic center of the nuclear outgrowth, two other organelles are formed. The flagellum grows forward anteriorly and the parabasal body to the side. The connection which persists between the blepharoplast and the nucleus is the nuclear rhizoplast. Between the blepharoplast and the parabasal body is the parabasal rhizoplast. Careful observation of some of the larger forms reveals a cytoplasmic sheath around the flagellum, which is continuous with a similar sheath around the parabasal body. The latter sheath is like a sack, in which the deeply staining, bar-shaped parabasal body is suspended. The variation in size of the parabasal body may explain the light area which is frequently observed to surround this organelle. The fan-shaped appearance of the parabasal rhizoplast is due in all probability to this sacklike sheath. Any general con- clusions concerning the origin of these organelles would, at this time however, be premature, although the observations of the zooids under the binocular microscope tend to give this conception of their origin. It is necessary to keep in mind constantly the fact that the material with which we are dealing is the complex life cycle of a flagellate and that several stages of the life cycle have not yet been followed, step by step, in the living material. The possibility of confusing two life cycles is always present, and the fact that all of the work is done near the limits of microscopical magnification adds further possibility of misconception. Aside from these difficulties and doubtful points, however, the discovery of all of these stages of what has been interpretated as a process of endogenous budding, opens up further problems for investi- gation in the life cycles of these flagellates. The origin of the para- basal body in the endogenous bud is a big problem in itself. In addi- tion, the light thrown upon the probable origin of the numerous binucleated spores or Leishmanw-like bodies, which occur so abun- dantly in the life cycles of such flagellates as Schizotrypanum cruzi (Chagas, 1910), Crithidia melophagia (Porter, 1910), and C. lepto- coridis (McCulloch, 1915), is very suggestive. Somatella. Previous to the discovery of the multinucleated flag- ellates which were undergoing a process of internal or endogenous budding, another type of multiple fission had been studied in prepara- 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 163 tions of the "crop" of Euryopthalmus convivus, namely, that which leads to the formation of the somatella (pi. 3, figs. 28-32). These spherical crithidias have certain characteristics in common with the tailed and tailless spheres described in the life cycle of Trypanosoma lewisi by Minchin and Thomson (1915). In a general way they re- semble also the somatellas in the life cycle of some of the Polymastigina described by Kofoid and Swezy (1915). Beginning with the earliest stages of this type of multiple fission a series of flagellates can be ar- ranged which parallels the successive stages of multiple fission of T. lewisi (cf. Minchin and Thomson, 1915, pi. 37). At the beginning of this series such flagellates as shown in figures 24 and 25 of plate 3 are to be found. In figure 24 the elongate flagellate is beginning to round up. The attenuate ends are being drawn up to the central part of the body and the flagellum has become intracellular throughout its length. A somewhat different formation of the sphere is shown in figure 25, plate 3. The long, attenuate ends are being wrapped about the body and the flagellum is likewise entirely intracellular in this flagellate. Other important features to be observed in connection with this flagellate are the first indications of nuclear division in the spherical formation. The centriole or centrosome within the nucleus of the rounding-up flagellate is initiating the division of the organ- elles. It has divided into two daughter-centrosomes, which are still connected by a centrodesmose, and with each daughter-centrosome there is present a varying amount of chromatin material. No chromosomes are present at this stage of the division, and their presence at any period throughout the process in Crithidia euryophthalmi has not been established. Indications of chromosomes in the ordinary binary fission have been observed, but no definite number has been determined. The nuclear membrane has begun to constrict on either side of the centro- desmose. The entire division of the chromatin material takes place within the nuclear membrane, and the process is apparently a primi- tive type of promitosis. The centrosome within the karyosome is not always the first to divide ; on the contrary, in many instances the first indication of the division of the organelles is shown by the blepharo- plast or extranuclear centrosome. When the blepharoplast divides the division of the parabasal body follows immediately. A repetition of the division of the several organelles occurs and the spheres finally break up into a number of merozoites, or daughter individuals. The spherical formation is completed in figure 26, plate 3. A flagellum is protruding beyond the surface of the sphere. Internally 164 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 division of the blepharoplast, the parabasal body, and the nucleus has occurred. A second flagellum growing out from the daughter- blepharoplast cannot be observed. Another more advanced stage of multiple fission is shown in the somatella in figure 27. The number of nuclei and of the parabasal bodies is the same as in figure 26, but the outgrowths of the daughter-flagella are clearly shown in this sphere. Spheres without protruding flagella are to be found in figures 28 and 29, plate 3. The formation of the merozoites within the spheres, as presented in figure 29, has advanced to the point where they are clearly defined. In figure 28 another important observation can be made, namely, that the divisions of the blepharoplast and the nucleus do not occur simultaneously. In this particular sphere there are three parabasal bodies present but only two nuclei. In figure 29 there are four merozoites visible, each of which shows the outgrowth of a flag- ellum, and a similar spherical formation is shown in figure 30, wherein the four merozoites are somewhat larger and more developed. In the latter somatella, however, the thickness of the sphere prevented the usual amount of destaining necessary to show the nuclear structure. In each of these merozoites the body is elongating and the anterior end is becoming attenuate. Another thick sphere is found in figure 31, and all the nuclei therein have the appearance of being a solid mass of chromatin. In this somatella the number of merozoites which could be counted is twelve. The irregular outline of the sphere indicates that the breal\- ing up or plasmotomy of the sphere is about to occur. Possibly some of the merozoites have already escaped. In the investigation thus far the number of merozoites in a somatella has been exceedingly variable. In some of the Polymastigina, Kofoid and Swezy (1915) found the number of merozoites to be eight, which is apparently con- stant for the somatellas of these flagellates. Minchin and Thomson (1915) report a variable number of merozoites in the spheres of Trypanosoma lewisi but they found the average number to be approxi- mately ten. In the spherical mass of flagellates shown in figure 31, plate 3, the number is twelve, but in a still larger sphere (pi. 3, fig. 32) the number is probably double that, or twenty-four. The dense- ness of the latter may have obscured some of the parabasal bodies and nuclei. Protruding from the surface of this sphere are numerous flag- ella which are outgrowths from the daughter-blepharoplasts. In the somatellas of the Polymastigina the nucleus and the extranuclear organelles may divide simultaneously, but in the spheres of T. leivisi 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 165 and in the somatella of Crithidia euryophthalmi either the extra- nuclear or the nuclear organelles may divide first. The ultimate number of nuclei is equal to the number of parabasal bodies and of the blepharoplasts. The stage of development of the merozoites when plasmotomy occurs, is variable. Usually the rupture of the somatella occurs when the merozoites are just beginning to elongate, as in figure 31. All the organeles of these merozoites are definitely outlined, and the flagella are free for a certain distance of their length. In a few instances extremely elongate flagellates have been observed wriggling about within the spherical structures. There is no evidence of a residual mass of cytoplasm. A comparison of these two methods of multiple fission in the life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi reveals the fact that they are fundamentally different, In the first place, the former method, endo- genous budding, involves only one organelle of the crithidia, namely, the nucleus. In the latter method a somatella results from a repeated division of the nucleus, blepharoplast, parabasal body, and, in all probability, the nuclear and parabasal rhizoplasts. The flagella, how- ever, in each case are new outgrowths from the newly formed blepharo- plasts in endogenous buds or from the daughter-blepharoplasts in the somatella. Secondly, the flagellates undergoing endogenous budding retain their normal shape as elongate or pear-shaped crithidias. In some instances their size increases as the buds develop. The flagellates forming somatellas round up into spheres. The comparative efficiency of the two processes from the standpoint of the multiplicative phase in the host cannot be estimated. The length of time necessary 'to com- plete each process and the conditions under which each occurs are at present unknown. On the whole, the number of individuals resulting from an equal number of endogenous flagellates or of somatellas is approximately the same. Our conclusion, however, concerning the two methods is that the endogenous budding is of greater importance in the life cycle of C. euryophthalmi since in the preparations there are relatively many more evidences of the endogenous budding than of the somatella. BINAEY FISSION Another method of multiplication of Crithidia euryophthalmi in the "crop" is binary fission. This process has also been observed in the pyloric expansion. While the number of crithidias found dividing 166 University of California Publications in Zoology [ VoL - 19 in this way is relatively small, on the whole, yet crithidias of almost any stage of development apparently may thus increase their number. Some conception of the prevalence of the process throughout the life cycle may be gained by studying figures 33 to 37. In addition to these smaller crithidias in various stages of development many instances of binary fission have been observed among the elongate or mature flagellates. The blepharoplast or the centrosome of the nucleus may initiate the division of the several organelles. In figure 33, plate 3, the centrosome of the nucleus is in the process of binary fission and there are present two daughter-nuclei. In each of the nuclei the chromatin is peripheral on the nuclear membrane. The blepharoplast and the parabasal body have not yet begun to divide. The general appear- ance of this binary fission form is very similar to that of the smaller somatella. In the unflagellated crithidia shown in figure 34, plate 3, the blepharoplast and parabasal body have divided but the nucleus is still intact. A more advanced stage of binary fission is found in figure 35. In this small, unflagellated crithidia the blepharoplast, parabasal body, and the nucleus have divided, and a light, thin area, which is preliminary to the cleft in the cytoplasm, extends longi- tudinally between the two sets of organelles. The flagella can also be observed. The longer, more clearly defined flagellum is evidently that of the parent since the second is shorter and less distinct. The last stages of binary fission are shown in figures 36 and 37. In figure 36 the cleft in the cytoplasm can be traced from the anterior to the posterior end, and the daughter flagellum has also attained a greater length. ' The two flagella in figure 37 are the same length; the separa- tion of the two daughter individuals is more marked and almost com- plete in figure 38. The posterior ends are the last to remain attached and the lashing about of the anterior ends assists efficiently in the final tearing apart. One of the most interesting problems in connection with this method of reproduction has always been the origin of the daughter- flagellum. Is it due to the division of the flagellum of the parent or to a new outgrowth from the daughter-blepharoplast ? A review of the work already done on this genus indicates that with the excep- tion of Porter (1909, 1910) all authors regard the daughter-flagellum as a new outgrowth and consider that the parent-flagellum does not split to form two daughter flagella. My work on Crithidia leptocoridis and C. euryophthalmi, unlike that of Porter, is an agreement with 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 167 the results of other investigators. For some time the evidence of the new outgrowth was difficult to obtain (McCulloch, 1915), but very clear evidence of such an outgrowth from the blepharoplast has finally been discovered. Text-figure C gives a very clear picture of the origin of the daughter-flagellum in C. leptocoridis. The larger size and the greater abundance of crithidias undergoing this process make C. lepto- coridis the most desirable material to illustrate this point. The importance of binary fission in increasing the number of parasites in the multiplicative phase in the "crop" is not great. At the present time no evidence of the process has been found in the mid- stomach, which serves chiefly as a passage way for the crithidias mi- Fig. C. Flagellate stage of Crithidia leptocoridis to show the outgrowth of the new flagellum in binary fission. X 3500. Abbreviations the same as in figure A. grating from the "crop" to the pyloric expansion. In the pyloric portion of the digestive tract, however, binary fission is of great im- portance in increasing the number of crithidias, which attach them- selves to the epithelial lining of the pyloric expansion. In connection with the process of binary fission in Crithidia eury- ophthalmi another problem of interest has occurred, namely, the nature of the difference, if there be any, between the division of the several organelles in binary fission and the division of these same organelles in the somatella. Minchin and Thomson (1915) have regarded the in- crease in the number of nuclei and kinetonuclei in the spheres of Try- 168 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 panosoma lewisi as being due to a repeated binary fission wherein the resulting individuals failed to separate immediately. Kofoid and Swezy (1915) have described in detail the process of binary fission and of multiple fission for the trichomonad flagellates, and these authors found the increase of organelles in multiple fission to be due to thrice repeated mitosis. The larger size of those flagellates together with the correspondingly increased size of the organelles presents better material for the study of binary and multiple fission than do the trypanosomes or the crithidias. In C. euryophthalmi the minute size of the flagellates undergoing either process have made accurate inter- pretation thus far impossible. For this reason the relation of binary fission to multiple fission in a somatella must remain an open question for the present. INTRACELLULAR CRITHIDIAS Another salient similarity between the life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi and the life cycle of Try panosoma lewisi in the inverte- brate host is the appearance in each life cycle of a stage of intra- cellular multiple fission. In C. euryophthalmi there is figured for the first time an epithelial cell in the life cycle of a crithidia taken from a '"crop" containing numerous crithidial parasites. Careful examination of this infected cell shows that there are three distinct groups (pi. 3, fig. 39, a, b, c) of parasites and a number of scattered crithidias. Altogether there are approximately seventy parasites in this one epithelial cell. In figure 39a the crithidias are of two sizes: long, slender flagellates, and short, non-flagellated forms. Since mul- tiple fission of either the endogenous or somatella type produces zooids or merozoites of approximately the same size, it appears that several infections have occurred in this cell. It is conceivable that all the elongate flagellates are due to one infection while the short, non-flag- ellated crithidias are due to a second infection. In figure 39& there are ten small oval forms. In structure they show a diffuse nucleus, as do the other parasites within this host-cell, which is probably due in part to the thickness of the cell. A nuclear rhizoplast can be observed passing from the nucleus to the blepharoplast, and a short intracellular flagellum extends forward to the anterior end of the body. The parabasal body of each is a relatively small and deeply staining structure. At c and e of figure 39 are more of the small oval forms. In the former region the cytoplasm of the host-cell has been 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 169 completely destroyed within a certain radius of the parasites. In the latter the small forms are scattered in the cytoplasm of the host- cell. At d there is still another group of elongate flagellates, which are probably the results of another process of multiple fission. They are approximately the same size and shape, and are in the same stage of development. Whether they are merozoites from a somatella or zooids from endogenous buds is not clear, but they have broken apart some- what and are making their way to the periphery of the host-cell. At / a flagellate is protruding through the cell wall and the posterior end is directed forward to penetrate the tissue. In the study of the living material of both C. leptocoridis and C. euryophthalmi crithidias have been observed to direct their posterior ends forward and to use the flagellated ends as propellers in penetrating tissues. . The early stages of the intracellular multiple fission have not yet been found within the epithelial cells of the crop and the more ad- vanced stages, such as shown in figure 39, do not indicate definitely the method of multiple fission. These intracellular crithidias had been described as the results of multiple fission within somatellas before the discovery of the stages of the endogenous process of multiple fission in this life cycle. The evidence is not absolutely convincing either way, but there is at the present state of the investigation a preponderance of evidence in favor of their probable origin by the plasmotomy of a somatella. The circular outlines of the vacuoles in which the groups of parasites are found in figure 39 suggest the formation of the spheroidal somatella. Further there are no evi- dences of discarded flagella within these cells which suggests the possi- bility that endogenous budding might have occurred with the forma- tion of circular cavities in the cytoplasm of the host-cell. On the other hand, if the numerous small oval spores are due to a process of multiple fission within a somatella the subsequent plasmotomy has taken place very early. Usually the breaking apart of the merozoites does not occur until they have become elongate flagellates. Moreover, the exact method of the process of intracellular multiple fission is not so important as the fact that under certain conditions crithidias become intracellular and destroy the epithelial lining of the digestive tract which they penetrate. Each destruction of a host-cell thus also means a tremendous increase apparently in the number of the para- sites. The intracellular crithidias are not found frequently in the preparations. We have no proof that it is an obligatory phase, though it might well be so. Nor have we evidence that it follows the forma- 170 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 tion of a zygote, as does the somatella of Plasmodium in the wall of the digestive tract of a mosquito. There is no evidence that the zygote precedes the somatella in the Polymastigina. In the life cycle of Trypanosoma lewisi the process of intracellular multiple fission is apparently obligatory. The trypanosomes, or haemoflagellates, pene- trate epithelial cells of the "crop," undergo multiple fission, and crithidiomorphic merozoites are produced. This phase brings about the early stages of transition from a trypanosome to a crithidia. A similar need for such a phase is not present in the life cycle of Crithidia euryophthalmi. At present our knowledge of intracellular multiple fission in the life cycle of C. euryophthalmi is too meager to permit of extended correlation between the life cycle of this more primitive flagellate with that of the more highly developed haemoflagellate T. leivisi. It is conceivable that in the evolution of trypanosomes from the crithidial-like flagellates the intracellular multiple fission was carried over and became more specialized and more important in the life cycle of the haemoflagellate. RECTAL PHASE The stomach phase of Crithidia euryophthalmi, beginning with the initial infective spores and ending with the great swarm of parasites resulting from binary, extracellular, and intracellular multiple fission in the "crop," is followed by the established rectal phase of the life cycle in the pyloric expansion. Owing to the structure of the digestive tract of Euryophthalmus convivus, with its three divisions separated only by a narrow con- striction, which allows a possible intermingling under normal condi- tions of the crithidias in the "crop" with those of the mid-stomach and pyloric expansion, it is extremely difficult to say where the stomach phase ends and the rectal phase begins. In Trypanosoma lewisi the transition between the stomach and rectal phase, as has already been pointed out, is marked by definite structural changes. The trypano- somes, brought into the stomach of the flea with blood from a rat, enter epithelial cells and undergo multiple fission, producing merozoites of a crithidiomorphic type. The merozoites thus produced may do one of two things, either enter other epithelial cells of the stomach or collect at the pyloric opening and be carried down the intestine to the rectum with food. As they pass through the intestine the structural 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 171 changes which convert crithidiomorphic forms into crithidias are taking place. The frequency with which we find preparations of the "crop" free from infection with C. euryophthalmi, the less frequency of infec- tion of the mid-stomach, together with the almost invariably heavy infection in the pyloric expansion, lead us to the conclusion that the crithidias of Euryophthalmus convives have the same tendency to migrate posteriorly as does T. lewisi in the flea. In C. euryophthalmi, however, the movement is less marked than in T. lewisi. This tendency of slow progression posteriorly doubtless depends upon the move- ment of food contents from the "crop" into the mid-stomach and pyloric expansion. The migrating mass of crithidias from the ' * crop ' ' soon establishes three distinct types of parasites in the pyloric expansion: the necto- monads or free flagellates, the haptomonads or attached flagellates, and the infective spores which serve for transmitting C. euryophthalmi to another host. These types or classes of parasites are comparable in almost every way to the nectomonads, or free flagellates, the hapto- monads, or attached flagellates, and the final trypaniform stage of the rectal phase of T. lewisi. The nectomonads and haptomonads of each life-cvcle are almost identical in structure and behavior. NECTOMONADS Smear preparations of the mid-stomach and of the pyloric expan- sion show little difference in the morphological structure of their crithidial infection. The serial sections of these two parts, however, show a sharp distinction in the structure of haptomonad forms and the nature of the epithelial lining to which they are attached, and a slight distinction in the structure of the nectomonads in the mid- stomach and in the pyloric expansion. The nectomonads of the former are usually of the elongate, slender type (pi. 5, figs. 73-80). The zooids, the result of the processes of multiple fission (pi. 4, figs. 40-54) are abundant in the smear preparations of both regions. The series sections thus far have shown numerous zooids (pi. 4, figs. 40-50) in the anterior portion of the mid-stomach. These zooids (pi. 4, fig. 40) are frequently grouped together in the grooves between epithelial cells. For this reason it is possible that the cur- rent of food in passing down the digestive tract failed to carry them on into the pyloric expansion. The zooids are small forms, 172 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 (pi. 4, figs. 40-47) from I/* (pi. 4, fig. 40) to 1.5ft (pi. 4, fig. 47) in length and from 0.7 to I/A in diameter. In comparing them with the initial infective oval spores (pi. 2, figs. 1, 2) it is noticed that they are smaller, stain less densely, and do not show a heavy periplast. The nuclear structure also is unlike that of the initial spore forms, and the location of the nucleus within the zooid adds another distinguishing character. These zooids have always been found in the anterior por- tion of the mid-stomach in the serial sections while the sections imme- diately posterior contain developing crithidias (pi. 4, figs. 59-64). Groups of elongating forms are frequently found (pi. 4, fig. 59). With the elongation of the body of the zooids, especially of the ante- rior end, the nucleus instead of being filled with chromatin is now vesicular and contains a distinct karyosome. This group (pi. 4, fig. 59) shows the parabasal bodies in close proximity to the nuclear membranes. Judging from the conditions found within the great majority of forms, figure 59 is probably an exceptional case in this respect. The parabasal body normally moves anteriorly in the early development of the zooid (pi. 6, fig. 40) before the flagellum and the anterior end grow out (pi. 4, figs. 41-53). In the figures just noted the flagellum' is not yet visible. The nuclear rhizoplast, extending from the nucleus forward to the region of the blepharoplast and para- basal body, is found by focusing carefully. In figure 54 the flagellum is growing out from the blepharoplast but there is no noticeable lengthening of the anterior end of the body. In figures 55 to 58 the flagellum and anterior end of each are lengthening simultaneously. In these same figures the nuclei are like the nuclei of the zooids, being completely filled with chromatin. Farther on posteriorly are found crithidias such as are shown in figures 63 to 72. Beginning with figure 65 there is also an elongation of the posterior end, which is equal to that of the anterior. The majority of these developing crithidias have the vesicular type of nucleus. Figures 65, 67, and 68 are exceptions, but no sig- nificance can be attached to them since the position, relative thickness of the body, or the technique, could explain these exceptions in this region of the digestive tract. The study of the serial sections leads us to think that the time necessary for the stomach crithidias to reach the rectum is approximately the amount of time required for the zooids to develop into mature flagellates. Not all of the develop- ing zooids become mature in the mid-stomach. Under certain con- ditions the food current probably carries many of the non-flagelated stages or zooids back into the pyloric expansion before they have 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 173 scarcely begun to develop. As the developing forms and the fully matured forms enter the pyloric expansion, they become part of the permanent crithidial infection therein. The content of the crithidial infection of this region varies from time to time.- Nectomonads may predominate or all nectomonads may become haptomonads, or attached forms. Usually the nectomonads and haptomonads are both present in large numbers. Mature nectomonads in the mid-stomach are usually the elongate, slender crithidias (pi. 4, figs. 73-79). In figure 74 the body size is approximately 25/x in length and 1.7/* in width. Figures 75 to 78 are yet narrower, averaging about I/A in width. The nectomonads of the pyloric expansion are frequently like figures 73 to 79, long, slender forms together with numerous shorter and stouter erithidias (pi. 4, figs. 80-90). It is conceivable that the elongate slender forms give rise to the shorter, stout forms. The length of the body is decreased and the width is increased. Both the anterior and the posterior ends of the body become less attenuate. The structure of the nucleus of the elongate forms varies con- siderably. In figures 73 and 80 there are distinct central karyosomes with chromatin-encrusted membranes. In figure 74 the chromatin is in five granules scattered within the nuclear membrane. The chromatin is broken up into granules in figures 76 and 79. The break- ing up of the chromatin material in these nectomonad forms doubtless means the beginning of a degeneration, which will be discussed shortly. The nuclear structures in figures 77 and 78 are unique. In figure 77 the nuclear membrane is rather densely encrusted with chromatin and is elongate and irregular in outline. In figure 78 the nuclear membrane is oval, chromatin-encrusted, with two masses of chromatin at the anterior and posterior regions of the nucleus. In the series of figures 81, 83 to 86 a karyosome of a variable size is found in each and its location is not always central. In figure 82 a distinct chromidial fragmentation of the chromatin has taken place, which is another indication of degeneration. The short, stout forms (pi. 4, figs. 87-90) are transition forms from the nectomonads to hapto- monads. While these flagellates are still free forms they resemble the haptomonads of the pyloric expansion, which are attached in the mid- region of this division. In the anterior part of the pyloric expansion the haptomonads are relatively long, slender flagellates while posterior to the middle portion they are still short and more pear-shaped. The nuclear structure of these transition forms indicates no degeneration as yet. They all have a central karyosome and a more or less encrusted nuclear membrane. 174 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 HAPTOMONADS One of the most characteristic features of the life cycle of a crithi- dial flagellate is the great mass of attached forms which line definite parts of the digestive tract of the host. Minchin and Thomson found three regions of the digestive tract of the rat-flea where the crithidias of Trypanosoma lewisi might attach themselves, namely, the prepyloric, post-pyloric, and the rectal regions. In the lupine bug there are like- wise three regions where the haptomonads may attach themselves : ( 1 ) in the posterior part of the "crop," where they are possibly com- parable to the prepyloric crithidias in the posterior part of the stomach of the flea; (2) in the posterior half of the mid-stomach, where they are probably comparable to the post-pyloric crithidias of the rat-flea, attached to the anterior part of the intestine; and (3) in the pyloric expansion, where they are comparable to the hapto- monads of the rectum of the rat-flea. In Trypanosoma lewisi in the flea these investigators regard the prepyloric haptomonads as being due to a forward migration from the rectum,. possibly as a result of the food conditions. The prepyloric haptomonads are not found fre- quently in the flea, and in only one preparation of the "crop" of the lupine bug were haptomonads found. In the lupine bug haptomonads were found in a number of preparations of the mid-stomach, but they were commonly present in preparations of the pyloric expansion. The haptomonads observed in the single preparation of the "crop" were of the rectal type, small oval forms similar to those from the pyloric expansion shown in plate 6, figures 107 and 117. The serial sections of the digestive tract, however, showed no haptomonads in the "crop." From the serial sections of the mid-stomach abundant material was obtained for the study of the haptomonad of this region. The attached forms here (pi. 6, figs. 93-96) are relatively small, slender flagellates. They are uniform in size and shape, on the whole, and form a definite fringe on the inner surface of the epithelial lining of the sections of the mid-stomach. These flagellates attach themselves to the epithelial cells by means of the flagella. They frequently almost surround the elongate, columnar epithelial cells, which project into the lumen of the digestive tract. The grooves between masses of epi- thelial cells evidently afford a particularly good place for the hapto- monads, since they are found in compact layers in such places. Hapto- monad crithidias of this type are the only ones found in the mid- stomach and they continue to line the digestive tract posteriorly 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 175 into the pyloric expansion. Considering the attached crithidias the most anterior sections of the pyloric expansion are almost identical with the sections from the posterior part of the mid-stomach. The lumen of the narrow constriction separating the mid-stomach from the pyloric expansion is frequently almost blocked with the bodies of the flagellates extending out into the passageway between these two enlargements of the digestive tract. The structure of these haptomonads (pi. 6, figs. 93-96) is also relatively uniform. The majority of the crithidias show the vesicular type of nucleus, with a central karyosome and a nuclear membrane containing an initer lining of chromatin material. In figure 94 the nuclear membrane is slightly distorted in appearance and the karyo- some is excentric, being posterior. In figure 96 the nuclear membrane is not distinct and the enlarged mass of chromatin material is in the form of two granules. These haptomonads are usually characterized by their attenuate anterior and posterior ends. The posterior ends of these crithidias more than of any others show relatively extreme attenuation. Beginning in a region just posterior to the mid-stomach end of the pyloric expansion a series of transition haptomonads is found (pi. 6, figs. 97-106), lining the middle part of this division of the digestive tract, these transition haptomonads, which vary consider- ably in size. Figure 97 shows a broad, stout form. Such forms undergo binary fission, producing two smaller, more slender individuals. Pos- sibly figures 100 and 101 are the products of such a division. The binary fission of the broad, stout forms rapidly increases the number of haptomonads which make up the dense and compact layer of attached crithidias. The nuclear structure of these forms shows compara- tively little variation. They have the vesicular nucleus with the small central karyosome and chromatin-encrusted nuclear membrane. At the posterior portion of the pyloric expansion are found the normal rectal forms (pi. 6, figs. 107-124) which are common to the life cycles of so many of these flagellates. One of the interesting things observed in connection with these forms is that the wall of the pyloric expansion becomes exceedingly thin. There are few indica- tions left of the epithelial cells lining this part of the mid-gut. Sec- tions of this portion of the tract previous to any infection by the flagellate are not at hand, unfortunately, and consequently it is diffi- cult to estimate the total amount of destruction incurred. The pyloric expansion of an infected adult bug, however, is extremely weak and 176 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 becomes torn very readily ; it has every appearance of having been almost entirely destroyed by the crithidias. Among these small hapto- monads numerous variations of size and shape are noted. The length of the free flagellum (pi. 6, figs. 109, 110) is exceedingly variable. In other crithidias whatever flagella are present are intracellular throughout their length. The changes brought about in the flagella are probably due to their absorption. In every case the flagellum attaches the crithidia to the wall of the digestive tract. The nuclear structure of the haptomonads in this region, with the exception of the forms in figure 91, shows no indication of degeneration. The round haptomonads finally become free forms. They can be seen to drop off in the living preparations and to roll up into round or oval forms (pi. 6, figs. 118, 119, 122). The cytoplasm of these forms is vacuolate and stains lightly. These round crithidias then degenerate along with the nectomonads, which are constantly degenerating. The degenera- tion of the haptomonads and nectomonads will be described under the degenerative series. FINAL SPOEE FORMS The structure of the digestive tract of EuryophtJialmus co-nvivus, including three portions of the stomach proper and the intestine with its gland, differentiates very clearly between the degenerative series of crithidias and the final spore forms which can be transmitted to another host. In the anterior part of the digestive tract is found the developmental series which becomes the degenerative series together with the final spore forms. Posterior to the gland only the final spore forms have been observed. The preparations of the rectum show only these final spore forms (pi. 6, figs. 125-131). These are oval, non-flagellated forms containing a thick periplast, within which are the nucleus and parabasal body. In figure 126 the characteris- tics of these final spore forms may be noted. They are approximately 2.8/>t in length and 1.4ft in width. The nucleus lies in the extreme posterior end of the body and stains deeply. The parabasal body is sharply outlined within a vacuolate area. A faint nuclear rhizoplast may be visible, extending from the nucleus toward the parabasal body. As previously indicated in a preliminary paper (McCulloch, 1917) it was some time before the true rectum was discovered, and consequently the significance of these final spore forms was not en- tirely clear in the beginning of the investigation. However, with the discovery of the true rectum and the fact that it contained only these 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 177 final spores the characteristics of these rectal forms became clear and it was relatively easy to find them in both the mid-stomach and pyloric expansion. In the "crop" of the lupine bug the multiple fission gives rise to numerous small zooids. Some few of these zooids, on reaching a certain stage of development, become the well protected final spore forms. Their development into mature flagellates is ar- rested for an indefinite time, perhaps in response to some unfavorable internal or external chemical condition. The periplast becomes thick- ened and these zooids stain deeply and retain the stain much better than the unprotected zooids. Since only a few of the zooids be- come thus encysted the change cannot be regarded as a general change in response to some general stimulus. In the infections of the mid-stomach and pyloric expansion some of the final spore forms can be found at almost any period in the life history of the flagellates. Considering that these are the only stage of the life cycle of the flagellate which have been found in the rectum they have been re- garded as the final spore forms, which upon being ingested with food by another insect host become the initial infective spores. Our observa- tions upon these cannot be regarded as conclusive as yet, owing to the fact that experimentally we have not produced infection with these spores. THE DEGENERATIVE SERIES The degenerative series includes all individuals of the life cycle other than the final spore forms and their antecedents which have just been discussed. It has already been pointed out that the rectal phase of C. euryophthalmi in the pyloric expansion of the lupine bug is comparable to the rectal phase of T. lewisi in the rectum of the flea. In the lupine bug the degenerating forms abound in the poste- rior portion of the pyloric expansion and their number is apparently not decreased by constant elimination under normal conditions of such parasites from the intestinal contents, which pass through a relatively long intestine before reaching the colon and rectum. If any flagellates succeed in passing out with the intestinal matter into this long intestine they are evidently destroyed by the new chemical medium before they reach the rectum. In the flea the degenerating forms are in the rectum and it is possible that their number is repeatedly being decreased with each discharge of the feces. There is little danger of confusing the developmental and degenera- tive series in the life-cycle of C. euryopkthalmi since the differentia- 178 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 tion of the parasites into the final spore forms and the ordinary propagative forms takes place apparently in the stomach phase in the * * crop. ' ' The majority, in fact, nearly all of the parasites become ordinary propagative forms which develop and increase their num- bers in the digestive tract of the lupine bug. After passing through the various processes of the life cycle they degenerate in the late rectal phase in the pyloric expansion. The permanent rectal phase persists through the life of the lupine bug after the first infection; the degenerative series is soon formed, and likewise persists throughout the life of the host. The individuals of the degenerative series are distinguished among the mass of living crithidias by a sticky periplast, to which bacteria frequently adhere by virtue of the tendency of crithidias to adhere to each other, by slow sluggish movements, and by odd sizes and shapes. The degenerating forms are detected in stained preparations by nuclei with diffused chromatin or by a vesicular nucleus breaking up into a number of chromatin granules, and by the vacuolated cytoplasm. The size, shape, and location of the crithidias also assists in distinguishing between the developmental and degenerative crithidias. CONCLUSIONS 1. The crithidial flagellates of the life cycle of Trypanosoma are structurally like the crithidial flagellates of the life cycle of Crithidia. The extranuclear organelles, the blepharoplast, parabasal body, para- basal rhizoplast, nuclear rhizoplast, and the flagellum are all common to the crithidial flagellates of both Trypanosoma and Crithidia. 2. From the viewpoint of comparative morphology the differences existing between the crithidial forms of C. euryophthalmi and the crithidial forms of T. lewisi are less marked than are the differences between similar stages of T. lewisi and Schizotrypanum cruzi. 3. Using the life cycle of T. lewisi as a standard for comparison of the life cycle of a haemoflagellate or a trypanosome and the life cycle of C. euryophthalmi as the standard of the life cycle of a more primi- tive crithidial flagellate, there are more parallel stages and phases in these two life cycles than exist between the life cycle of any trypano- some and the life cycle of any herpetomonad or of any leptomonad now known. Furthermore the close correlation between these two life cycles of T. lewisi and of C. euryophthalmi affords new evidence that 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 179 the evolution of a trypanosome has probably taken place from a crithidial flagellate rather than from a herpetomonad or leptomonad flagellate. 4. The process of multiple fission in the somatella of C. euryoph- thalmi is fundamentally like the multiple fission (sphere formation) of T. lewisi and also like the multiple fission (somatella) of the tricho- monad flagellates. In each of these flagellates the nucleus, parabasal body, blepharoplast, and flagellum, or flagella, are concerned in the process. In each after multiple fission plasmotomy occurs. 5. The process of multiple fission by endogenous budding in the life-cycle of C. euryophthalmi tends not only to establish another link in common between the life cycles of Trypanosoma (e.g., T. gambiense) and the life cycle of Crithidia but also to link the life cycle of Crithidia more closely to the lower protozoan forms which contain numerous Leishmania-like bodies in their life cycles. 6. The endogenous buds in the life of C. euryophhtalmi are com- parable to the latent bodies in the life-cycle of T. gambiense. 180 University of California Publications in Zoology [VOL. 19 LITERATURE CITED CHATTON, E., and LEGER, A. 1911. Eutrypanosomes, Leptomonas et d'un Trypanosoma et leptotrypano- somes chez Drosophila confusa (Muscide). C. E. Soc. Biol. Paris, 70, 34-36. CHAGAS, C. 1909. Ueber eine neue Trypanosomiasis des Menschen. Mem. Tnst. Osw. Cruz, 1, 159-218, pis. 9-13, 10 figs, in text. FANTHAM, H. B., and PORTER, A. 1915a. Further experimental researches on insect flagellates introduced into vertebrates. Proc. Cambridge. Philos. Soc., 18, 137-148. 1915b. On the natural occurrence of herpetomonads (leptomonads) in mice. Parasitology, 8, 128-132, 7 figs, in text. 1915c. Some experimental researches on induced herpetomoniasis in birds. Ann. Trop. Med., 9, 543-558, pi. 39. FRANQA, C. 1914. La flagellose des Euphorbes. Arch. f. Prot., 34, 108-132, pi. 5, 4 figs, in text. HARTMANN, M. 1911. Die Konstitution der Protistenkernei Jena, Fischer, pp. 1-54, 13 figs, in text. KOFOID, C. A. 1916. The biological and medical significance of the life-history of intes- tinal flagellates. Proc. Sec. Pan-Amer. Sci. Cong., Washington, 1915-16, 10, 546-565. KOFOID, C. A., and McCuLLOCH, I. 1916. On Trypanosoma triatomae, a new flagellate from a hemipteran bug from the nests of the wood rat, Neotoma fuscipes. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 16, 113-126, pis. 14-15. KOFOID, C. A., and SWEZY, O. 1915. Mitosis and multiple fission in trichomonad flagellates. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., 51, 287-379, pis. 1-8, 7 figs, in text. MCCULLOCH, I. 1915. An outline of the morphology and life history of Crithidia leptocori- dis sp. nov. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 16, 1-22, pis. 1-4, 1 fig. in text. 1917. Crithidia euryophthalmi, sp. nov., from the hemipteran bug, Euryo- phthamus convivus, Stal. Ibid., 18, 75-88, 35 figs, in text. MINCHIN, E. A. 1908. Investigations on the development of trypanosomes in tse-tse flies and other Diptera. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., 52, 159-260, pis. 8-13-, 2 figg. in text. 1912. An introduction to the study of Protoza. London, Arnold, pp. 1-520, 194 figs, in text. 1919] McCulloch: Life Cycle of Crithidia and Trypanosoma 181 MINCHIN, E. A., and THOMSON, J. D. 1915. The rat-trypanosome, Trypanosoma lewisi, in its relation to the rat- flea, Ceratophyllus fasciatus. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., 60, 463-692, pis. 36-45, 24 figs, in text. MOORE, J. E. S., and BREINL, A. 1907. Cytology of the trypanosomes, I. Ann. Trop. Med., 1, 441-480, pis. 38-42. PATTON, W. S. 1908. Herpetomonas lygaei. Arch. f. Prot., 13, 1-18, pi. 1, 2 figs, in text. 1908. The life cycle of a species of Crithidia parasitic in the intestinal tract of Gerris fossarum Fabr. Ibid., 12, 131-146, pi. 9. 1909. The life cycle of a species of Crithidia parasitic in the intestinal tract of Tabanus hilarius and Tabanus spJ Ibid., 15, 333-362, pi. 30, 2 figs, in text. PATTON, W. S., and CRAGG, F. W. 1913. A text book of medical entomology. London, Christian Literature Society for India, pp. 1-768, pis. 1-89. PORTER, A. 1909. The morphology and the life cycle of Crithidia gerridis as found in the British water-bug, Gerris paludum. Parasitology, 2, 348-366, pi. 4. 1909. The life cycle of Herpetomonas jaculum (Leger) parasitic in the alimentary tract of Nepa cinera. Ibid., 2, 367-391, pi. 5, 1 fig. in text. 1910. The structure and life history of Crithidia melophagia (Flu) an endoparasite of the sheep-ked, Melopliagus ovinus. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., 55, pis. 12-13, 15 figs, in text. PROWAZEK, S. 1904. Die Entwicklung von Herpetomonas. Arb. kais. Gesundh., 20, 440- 452, 7 figs, in text. S\VEZY, O. 1916. The kinetonucleus of flagellates and the binuclear theory of Hart- mann. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 16, 185-240, 58 figs, in text. WENYON, C. M. 1913. Observations on Herpetomonas muscae domesticae and some allied flagellates with special reference to the structure of their nuclei. Arch. f. Prot., 31, 1-36, pis. 1-3, 6 figs, and 1 diagram in text. . EXPLANATION OF PLATES All figures were outlined with a camera lucida using a ^ objective on the binocular microscope and a Watson no. 20 holoscopic eye-piece. The magnifica- tion is in all cases approximately 3500. Unless otherwise stated all figures were made from iron-haematoxylin preparations. PLATE 2 Crithidia euryophthalmi from the ' ' crop ' ' of Euryophthalmus convivus. Fig. 1. Small, oval infective spore which has been casually ingested with food. This spore shows the structure common to these phases, thick periplast, deeply staining nucleus in extreme posterior end, heavily stained parabasal body. Faint nuclear rhizoplast. Figs. 2-8. A series of developing crithidias showing successive stages of development. Both anterior and posterior ends are becoming attenuate. The nucleus changes from a solid mass of chromatin to a vesicular nucleus, chro- matin-encrusted membrane and central karyosome. Flagellum grows forward and carries anterior end of body along with it, which forms undulating membrane. Figs. 9-10. Two mature flagellates illustrating extremes in length, width, and shape, common to C. euryophthalmi. A whole series of intergrading forms occur between these two extremes. Figs. 11-23. Multiple fission; endogenous budding. (Fig. 11). Flagellate with a nucleus, two endogenous buds posterior to nucleus. Chromatin of both nucleus and buds massed on nuclear membrane. Blepharoplast and parabasal body intact, no indications of division. Fig. 12. A short flagellate; one endogenous bud; chromatin peripheral in each nuclear structure. Fig. 13. Flagellate with three clearly defined nuclear structures and the beginning of a third bud from the most anterior, the nucleus proper. Chromatin peripheral in each of these nuclear structures. Fig. 14. Elongate flagellate nucleus; two endogenous buds anterior to the nucleus; chromatin peripheral. Figs. 15-17. Pear-shaped crithidias with endogenous buds. If nucleus be present in each there are no differences in structure between nucleus and bud. Buds in these flagellates are always sharply defined. Chromatin material on membrane but most of it is in definite granules. Fig. 18. Pear-shaped form with numerous endogenous buds but no definite nucleus. First stages of degeneration present, parabasal body has disappeared and only a fragment of discarded flagellum is near. Chromatin peripheral but also in form of one granule. Fig. 19. Elongate flagellate; two endogenous buds posterior to nucleus. Nuclear rhizoplast still present. Chromatin distributed irregularly on the nuclear membranes. Fig. 20. Elongate flagellates with nucleus and two endogenous buds; chro- matin massed in the anterior and posterior portion of each nuclear structure. Parabasal body has taken no part in this multiple fission. Fig. 21. Large endogenous flagellate with five buds, all anterior to nucleus proper. Two of the buds are not destained sufficiently to see their structure. The organelles other than nucleus have taken no part in the process of endo- genous budding. Flagellum, blepharoplast, parabasal rhizoplast and parabasal body are still intact and clearly shown. Fig. 22. Late stage in endogenous budding. Buds have formed zooids, each of which has a nucleus and a second, deeply-staining structure anterior to nucleus. Flagellum, parabasal body, parabasal rhizoplast, and the blepharo- plast are still intact. No signs of degeneration are to be observed in this flagellate. Fig. 23. Drawing made from a field literally covered by discarded flagella and small zooids. The blepharoplast and parabasal body are still attached to 8ome of the flagella, Zooids show various stages of nuclear structure. Some have a single mass of chromatin, others two granules within a chromatin-en- crusted membrane. Some few of the zooids contain a nucleus, nuclear rhizo- plast, and a second mass of chromatin anterior to these. [182] UNIV. CALIF, PUBL, ZOOL. VOL, 19 [McCULLOCH] PLATE 2 PLATE 3 Figs. 24-32. Multiple fission; somatellas. (Fig. 24). An early stage in the formation of a somatella. The flagellate is rounding up, and the flagellum is entirely intracellular. No indications of division of the nucleus, parabasal body, or the blepharoplast are present. Fig. 25. A somewhat different type of rounding up. The attenuate anterior and posterior ends are being wrapped about the body. The nucleus has begun to constrict or to divide by a process of primitive promitosis. The blepharo- plast and parabasal have not yet begun to divide. Fig. 26. A more advanced stage in the formation of the somatella. The flagellum of the rounded up flagellate is protruding and both the nucleus and blepharoplast, together with the parabasal body, have divided. The new daughter-flagellum is not yet visible. Fig. 27. A sphere, or somatella, still more advanced in its development. Not only have the blepharoplast, parabasal body, and the nucleus divided but the new outgrowth of the second flagellum from the daughter-blepharoplast is clearly visible. Fig. 28. A spherical crithidia showing a repeated process of division on the part of the nuclei and parabasal bodies. Three parabasal bodies and two nuclei are present. There are possibly indications in one of the nuclei wherein the chromatin has been divided that another division was about to occur. Fig. 29. A sphere, or somatella, without protruding flagella, containing at least four definitely outlined merozoites. The nuclei, parabasal bodies, nuclear rhizoplasts, and the outgrowths of the flagella are clearly visible. Fig. 30. A densely stained, small somatella containing four relatively large merozoites which are beginning to elongate. Fig. 31. A sphere, or somatella, breaking up and the merozoites about to escape. The destruction of the sphere has occurred later than usual and the merozoites have become almost mature flagellates. All nuclear structures are deeply stained, owing to the thickness of the sphere. Fig. 32. An exceedingly large sphere, comparatively, showing many pro- truding flagella. Here again the nuclear structures are deeply stained because of the thickness of the sphere. The exact number of merozoites cannot be determined, but approximately twenty-four nuclei and parabasal bodies can be counted. Figs. 33-38. Binary fission. (Fig. 33.) A small spherical crithidia under- going binary fission. The nucleus has divided but the blepharoplast and para- basal body show no indications of fission. Fig. 34. Binary fission, in which the blepharoplast and parabasal body have divided but the nucleus has not yet divided. A flagellum from the daughter- blepharoplast has already grown forward. Fig. 35. Binary fission taking place in a developing crithidia. Both the nucleus and parabasal body have divided, and a new flagellum can be observed growing from the daughter-blepharoplast. Fig. 36. Simple binary fission; blepharoplast, parabasal body, and nucleus have divided. The chromatin in the nuclei is peripheral, about the membrane. Figs. 37, 38. A more advanced stage of binary fission, showing in addition to the division of the blepharoplasts, parabasal bodies, and nuclei a cleavage in the cytoplasm to form two crithidias in each case. Fig. 39. Intracellular multiple fission: one of the many infected cells from the "crop" of Euryophthalmus convivus. This cell is in a degenerating condition. The nucleus stains a blue-gray color in iron-haemotoxylin. There are at least three and possibly five intracellular infections by C. euryophthalmi in this cell. There are approximately seventy parasites within this cell: (a) A group of parasites of two sizes, small oval forms, non-flagellated and elon- gated Crithidia. Nuclei of all crithidias are diffuse, possibly due to thickness of smear. Nucleus and parabasal body readily observed but the other organ- elles are not always clear, (b) Another group evidently the result of a process of intracellular multiple fission, (c) Similar to b. Circular cavity about these non-flagellated crithidias may indicate the outline of a former somatella wherein plasmotomy has occurred early, (d) Elongate merozoites probably resulting from another intracellular somatella. Plasmotomy has occurred and the merozoites are about to make their way out of the host cell, (e) A scattered group of oval merozoites. Considerable variation in size is noted. Parabasal body, nucleus, and intracellular portions of flagellum clearly shown. (/) A mature merozoite making it way out of the host cell. The non-flagellated, or posterior, end directed first. [184] UNIV, CALIF, PUBL. ZOOL VOL. 19 ^3^ V [McCULLOCH] PLATE 3 I (? 26 25 33 29 35 34 36 li 38 ' 32 '' i * *'* * .......-..-...-..*.. 2. An Unusual Extension of the Distribution of the Shipworm in San Fran- cisco Bay, California, by Albert L. Barrows. Pp. 27-43. December, 1917. .20 8. Description of Some New Species of Polynoidae from the Coast of Cali- fornia, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 45-60, plates 23. October, 1917 .20 4. New Species of AmpMnomidae from the Pacific Coast, by Christine Essen- berg. Pp. 61-74, plates 4-5. October, 1917 15 5. Crithidia euryopMhalmi, sp. nov., from the Hemipteran Bug, Euryophthalmus convivus Stal, by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 75-88, 35 text figures. Decem- ber, 1917 .15 6. On the Orientation of Erythropsis, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Pp. 89-102, 12 figures in text. December, 1917 15 7. The Transmission of Nervous Impulses in Relation to Locomotion in the Earthworm, by John F. Bovard. Pp. 103-134, 14 figures in text. January, 1918 .35 8. The Function of the Giant Fibers in Earthworms, by John F. Bovard. Pp. 135-144, 1 figure in text. January, 1918 - ._ .10 9. A Rapid Method for the Detection of Protozoan Cysts in Mammalian Faeces, by William C. Boeck. Pp. 145-149. December, 1917 ~ .05 10. The Musculature of Heptanchus maculatus, by Pirie Davidson... Pp. 151-170, 12 figures in text. March, 1918 _ 25 11. The Factors Controlling the Distribution of the Polynoidae of the Pacific Coast of North America, by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 171-238, plates 6-8, 2 figures in text. March, 1918-. ~ .75 12. Differentials in Behavior of the Two Generations of Salpa dvmocratica Relative to the Temperature of the Sea, by Ellis L. MichaeL Pp. 239-298, plates 9-11, 1 figure in text. March, 1918 13. A Quantitative Analysis of the Molluscan Fauna of San Francisco Bay, by E. L. Packard. Pp. 299-336, plates 12-13, 6 figs, in text. April, 1918 .40 14. The Neuromotor Apparatus of Euplotes patella, by Harry B. Yocom. Pp. 337-396, plates 14-16. September, 1918 _ .70 15. The Significance of Skeletal Variations in the Genus Peridinium, by A. L. Barrows. Pp. 397-478, plates 17-20, 19 figures in text. June, 1918 90 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS (Continued) 16. The Subclavian Vein and its Relations in Elasmobranch Fishes, by J. Frank DanieL Pp. 479-484, 2 figures in text. August, 1918 .10 17. The Cercaria of the Japanese Blood Fluke, Schistosoma japonicum Kat- surada, by William W. Cort. Pp. 485-507, 3 figures in text. 18. Notes on the Eggs and Miracidia of the Human Schistosomes, by William W. Cort. Pp. 509-519, 7 figures in text. Nos. 17 and 18 In one cover. January, 1919 _ 35 Index in preparation. Vol.19. 1. Reaction of Various Plankton Animals with Reference to their Diurnal Migrations, by Calvin O. Esterly. Pp. 1-83. April, 1919 85 2. The Pteropod Desmopterus pacificus (sp. nov.), by Christine Essenberg. Pp. 85-88, 2 figures in text. May, 1919 05 3. Studies on Giardia microti, by William 0. Boeck. Pp. 85-136, plate 1, 19 figures in text 60 4. A Comparison of the Life Cycle of Crithidia With that of Trypanosoma in the Invertebrate Host, by Irene McCulloch. Pp. 135-190, plates 2-6, 3 figures in text. October, 1919 60 5. A Muscid Larva of the San Francisco Bay Region which Sucks the Blood of Nestling Birds, by O. E. Plath. Pp. 191-200. February, 1919 .10 6. Binary Fission in Collodictyon triciUatum Carter, by Robert Clinton Rhodes. Pp. 201-274, plates 7-14, 4 figures in text (In press) 7. The Excretory System of a Stylet Cercaria, by William W. Cort. Pp. 275- 281, 1 figure in text. August, 1919 10 Vol.20. 1. Studies on the Parasites of the Termites I. On Streblomastix strix, a Polymastigote Flagellate with a Linear Plasmodial Phase, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Pp. 1-20, plates 1-2, 1 figure in text. July, 1919 25 2. Studies on the Parasites of the Termites II. On Trichomitus termitidis, a Polymastigote Flagellate with a Highly Developed Neuromotor System, by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Pp. 21-40, plates 3-4, 2 figures in text. July, 1919 - .25 3. Studies on the Parasites of the Termites III. On Trichonymplia campanula Sp. Nov., by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Pp. 41-98, plates 5-12, 4 figures in text. July, 1919 :. 75 4. Studies on the Parasites of the Termites IV. On Leidyopsis sphaerica Gen. Nov., Sp. Nov., by Charles Atwood Kofoid and Olive Swezy. Pp. 99-116, plates 13-14, 1 figure in text. July, 1919.._ .25 Vol. 21. 1. A Revision of the Microtus calif ornicus Group of Meadow Mice, by Rem- ington Kellogg. Pp. 1-42, 1 figure in text. December, 1918 50 2. Five New Five-toed Kangaroo Rats from California, by Joseph Grinnell. Pp. 43-47. March, 1919 05 LIBRARY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. THIS BOOK IS DUE BEFORE CLOSING TIME ON LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW ECEH 'ED M-2 3 '82 1 COAN Di ;PT; LD 62A-507n-7,'65 (F5756slO)9412A General Library University of California Berkeley NON-CIRCULATING BOOK jr. : ofi< UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY