L. A. Me NARY. TABLE OF CASES AND INDEX TO THE NOTES IN THE 160 VOLUMES OP AMERICAN DECISIONS AND AMERICAN REPORTS. TOGETHER WITH A BRIEF ENUMERATION OF THE CASES RE-REPORTED THEREIN ON EACF OF THE VARIOUS TITLES OF THE LAW. SAN FRANCISCO: BANCROFT-WHITNEY COMPANY, LAW POLISHERS AND LAW BOOKSELLERS. 1888. CONTENTS. PAGES. TABLE OP CASES REPORTED 5-207 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES 209-261 THE NUMBER OF CASES, AN ADVERTISEMENT . 263-268 A WORD WITH THE OWNERS. "A MINE of legal lore," said we as we placed the one-hundredth volume of American Decisions on the shelves. How to work it is now the ques- tion. Then we bought the American Reports- another mine -in the same vein -of the same general character, yet distinct and different. And now comes the necessity for new implements with which to work these two mines. They will not yield their wealth as did Hoses' rock, or Ali Baba's "open sesame." They are mines and they must be worked. Too many of the owners know little of what is in them, less of how to get it out, and he who simply places them on the shelves and pays for them, may rest assured that he will receive little return by way of divi- dends on his investment. This book is sent with the compliments of the publishers, to all who have either the American Decisions or American Reports, as a forerunner of an Index-Digest to both series in one alphabet, probably in three vol- umes. That will come slowly. It cannot be well made in a day or a year, but it will be satisfactory when it is done. This Table and Index is intended for permanent use-not like preceding in- dices, as mile-posts, but as marking to some extent the boundary lines between the series which are now complete and the new series of American State fid- ports. It will be of value in two directions. I. It will enable one who has reference to a case, from any source, to ascertain at once whether or not it is re-reported in either the Decisions or Reports, and it will inform the reader of a note in either series, from what State Report a case found in a cross-reference was taken. II. It will give ready reference to all the most important notes in both series. It must be understood, however, that only a small portion of the notes in either series are here referred to. It is an index to the mono- graphic notes. Notes which consist mainly of cross-references to other vol- umes of this series, are omitted, and of notes which treat mainly of the principal case, its citations, and the law of the particular state from which it is taken, no mention is here made. With due appreciation of the patronage so cordially extended to our trinity of reports, we offer this book which will reach its destination A WORD WITH THE OWNERS. about the time at which we are all prone to give thanks -as the first aid to the economical working of the two series, and we ask of our patrons: First. That they will use the books, to which it is the key; that they will learn, each for himself, how to use them to best advantage; and, Second. That having used these books, they will cite them in their opin- ions, their treatises or digests, or in their briefs. By so doing they will not only increase the reputation and popularity of the series which have helped them, but will facilitate the labors of their co-workers in the law. A double citation referring to the original report, and to the volume of American Decisions or American Reports, will much more than double the number of persons to whom the case will be access- ible. SAN FRANCISCO, THANKSGIVING DAT, 1888. POSTSCRIPT. If you fail to find here the name of the case you are in search of, go to the Digests and you will find a better one on the same subject. TABLE OF CASES He-reported in the 16O Volumes of AMERICAN DECISIONS AND AMERICAN REPORTS. The arrangement of cases Is as follows: Cases entitled " Appeal of," "Application of," "Case of," "Ex parte," "In matter of," "In re," "Petition of," will be found under the name of the party; "Will of," under name of decedent; "Borough of," "City of." "County of," "Town of," "Village of," are under the name of the county, town, etc. " Doe ex rel." " Den ex dem." etc., appear also under name of real party. " Bank," "Insurance Co.," and " Eailroad Co.," are arranged under the first important word of title, familiar name* being in some cases duplicated. Supplementary words, such as Executor, Administrator, have been omitted, or the cases arranged without reference to these words. Thus, "Jones' Executor v. Smith," will be found indexed as "Jones v. Smith." Cases consisting of a single name, as " Brown's Case," " Williams' Petition," "Thompson, Ex parte," etc., precede the cases of the same name in which the names of both parties are given. Thus, "Brown's Case" precedes Brown v. Adams. Roman letters fxlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Aaron v. Broiles, 64 Texas, 316 53, 764 Aaron v. Mendel. 73 Kentucky. 427 39, 243 Aaron ads. State, 1 Southard, 23L vii, 592 Abat v. Rion, 9 Martin, 465 xiii, 313 Abbey v. Commercial Bank, 34 Mississippi, 571..1xix, 401 Abbey ads. State, 23 Vermont, 60 Ixvii, 754 Abbott v. Abbott, 67 Maine, 304 24, 27 Abbottv. Allen, 2 Johns. Ch. 519 Tii, 554 Abbott v. Broome, 1 Caines, 232 ii, 1S7 Abbott v. Coburn, 28 Vermont, 6C3 Ixvii, 735 Abbottv. Coleman, 22 Kansas, 250 31, 186 Abbott v. Commonwealth, 8 Watts, 517 xxxiv, 492 Abbott v. Cottage City, 142 Massachusetts, 521. . .58, 143 Abbott v. Cromartie, 72 North Carolina, 292 21, 457 Abbottv. Dutton. 44 Vermont. 546 8,394 Abbott v. Gatch, 13 Maryland, 314. Ixxi, 635 Abbott v. Hutchins, 14 Maine, 390 mi, 59 Abbott v. Johnstown etc. R. Co.. 80 N. Y. 27 3C, 572 Abbott v. Kansas etc. R. R. Co., 83 Missouri, 271.53, 531 Abbott v. Kimball, 19 Vermont, 551 xlvii, 703 Abbott v. Mills, 3 Vermont, 521 xxiii, 222 Abbott ads. People, 53 California, 284 31, 59 Abbottv. Reeves. 49 Penn. State, 494 bcxxv'ii, 510 Abbottv. Rose. C2 Maine, 194 16, 427 Abbott v. Sebor, 3 Johnson's Ca. 39 ii, 139 Abby v. Billups, 35 Mississippi, 613 Ixsii, 143 Abeel v. Radcliff, 13 Johnson. 297 vii, 377 Abel v. Alexander, 45 Indiana, 523 15, 270 Abel v. Delaware etc. Co. 103 NJW York, 531 57, 773 Abel v. President etc. Co.. 103 New York, 531 57, 773 Abelesv. Cochran, 22 Kansas, 405 31,194 Abellv. Coons, 7 Calif ornia, 105 Ixviii. 229 Abell v. Munson, 13 Michigan, 306 c. 165 Abend v. Terre Haute & I. R. R. Co.. Ill 111. 203.53, 616 Aber v. Clark, 5 Halstead's L. 217 xviii. 417 Abercrombie v. Butts. 72 Georgia, 74 53, 832 Abercrombie v. Knox, 3 Alabama, 723 xxxTii, 721 Abernathj .. Boazman, 24 Alabama, 139 Ix, 459 Ablev. Chandler, 12 Texas, S3 Ixii, 518 Ablesv. Miller, 12 Texas, 109 Ixii. 520 Abney v. Kingsland, 10 Alabama, 355 xliv, 491 Abraham v. Mitchell, 112 Pennsylvania St. 230. .5fi, 312 Abraham v. Plestoro, 3 Wendell, 533 xs, 733 Abrahams v. Kidney, 101 Massachusetts, 222 , 220 Abr-Aik TABLE OF CASES. Boman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Abrahams v. Krautler, 24 Missouri, 69 Ixvi, 698 Abrahams 7. Southwestern R. R. Bk.. 1 S. C. 441. 7, 33 Abrahams ad*. State, 6 Iowa, 117 Ixxi, 399 Abrahams T. Swann, 16 West Virginia, 274 41, C92 Abramsv. Foshee, 3 Iowa, 274 Irri, 77 Acerv. Westcott, 46 New York. 384 T, 355 Acheson v. MiUer, 2 Ohio State, 203 lix, 663 Achtenhagen v. City of Watertown, IS Wis.331.1xxxvi, 769 Ackennan v. Huuaicker. 85 New York, 43 30, 621 Acklenv. Hickman. 63 Alabama, 491 35, 54 Ackley T. Chamberlain, 16 California, 181 Ixxri, 513 Ackley v. Pormenter. 93 New York, 425 50, C93 AdairT. Adair, 5 Michigan. 204. Ixxi. 779 Adairv. McDaniel, 1 Bailey's Law, 153. xix, 604 Adams Ex parte, 23 Mississippi, SS3 lix, 234 Adams v. Adams, 100 Massachusetts, 355 1,111 Adams v. Adams. 51 New Hampshire. 3S3 13, 134 A-lams v. Adams, 20 New Hampshire, 293, li, 213 Adams T. Adams, 91 New York. 331 4J, C75 Adams v. Beadle. 47 Iowa. 433 Adams T. Bean, 12 Massachusetts, 137 vii, 44 Adams v. Betz, 1 Watts, 425 xxvi, 79 Adams T. E'anlf eastern, 2 California, 413 Adams v. Blethen, 66 Maine. 19 Adams v. Blodgett. 47 New Hamp. 13 xc, 503 Adams v. Capron 4 Co., 21 Maryland. lS8....Lrxxiii, 5C3 Adams v. Clark, 9 Gushing, 215 Ivii, 41 Adams v. Clem, 41 Georgia, 65 .">, o:i Adams ads. Commonwealth, 114Mass. 323 10, 302 Adams T. Conover. 87 New York, 422 41, 3S1 Adams T. Cost, 62 Maryland, 2G1 50, 211 Adams T. Cuddy, 13 Pickering, 430 xxv, 330 Adams v. Darby, 23 Missouri, 162 Ixxv, 115 Adams T. Dickson, 19 Georgia, 513 Ixv, 603 Adams v. Dyer, 8 Johnson, 3i7 v, 31 1 Adams v. Essex, 1 Bibb, 143 iv. C23 Adams v. Filer, 7 Wisconsin, 303 Ixxiii, 410 Adams v. Freeman, 12 Johnson, 408 vii, 3C7 Adams T. Frothingham, 3 Massachusetts, C~. Adams v. Gray, 8 Connecticut, 11 xx, 82 Adams v. Guerard. 23 Georgia, 651 Ixxri. 624 Adams T. Hackensack I. Co., 15 Vroom. 633 43, 406 Adams v. Ilackett, 27 New Hampshire, 239 lix, 370 Adams v. Hall, 2 Vermont, 9 xix, 630 Adams v. Uauiell. 2 Douglas, 73 ... .xliii, 405 Adams v. Hannibal etc. R. R. Co., 74Mo. 553.. ..41, 333 Adams v. ILUcell. 6 California, 113 Isv, 431 Adams T. Haskell, 6 California, 316 Ixv, 517 Adams v. Hastings, 6 California, 123 Ixv, 496 Adams v. Holcombe, 1 Harper's EJ Adams v. Nichols, 13 Pic'Kcriug, 275 xxxi, 137 Adams v. O'Connor. 100 Massachusetts. 515 1, 137 Adams v. Park Tiro Ins. Co. 1? Alleu, 33] Ixxiix. 101 Adams v. Pearson, 7 Pickering. 311 xix, 2.0 Adams ads. People, 3 Deuio, !."'0 xiv, ! '? Adams v. People, 103 Illinois. 411 ,.50,617 Adams v. Pittsburgh I. Co., 95 Penn. Stat. 343. . .40, 663 Adams v. Reeves, 68 North Carolina. 134 12, 627 Adams v. Ross, 1 Vroom, 505 Ixsxii, 237 Adams v. Rowe, 11 Maine, 89 . ...rxv, 266 Adams v. Scales, IBaxt. 337 25, 772 Adams ads. State, 45 Iowa, 99 24,760 Adams v. Suffolk F. Ins. Co., 12 Allen. 3Sl....lxxxix. 151 Adams v. Thornton. 73 Alabama. 483 50, 49 Adams v. "Waggoner, 33 Indiana, 531 5, 230 Adams T. Walker, 34 Connecticut, 463 xci, 743 Adams v. Wiggins Ferry Co., 27 Missouri, 95...1xxii, 247 Adams v. Wilson, 12 Metcalf, 138 xlv, 240 Adamsv. Wiscasset Bank, 1 Greenleaf, 361 x, 83 Adaois v. Woods, 8 California, 102 liTiii, 313 Adams v. Young, 44 Ohio State, S3 58, 7S9 Adams Express v. Egbert. 36 Penn. St. 3G0....1xiviii, 383 Adams Express Co. T. Darnell, 31 Indiana, 20. . . .xcix, 583 Adams Express Co. T. Nock, 2 Duvall. 532. . .Ixxxvii. 510 Adams Express Co. v. Stettaners, 64 Illinois, 134.14, 57 Adams Express Co. v. Reagan, 23 Indiana, 21....xcii, 333 Adamsonv. Smith, 2 Mill, 209 xii, 665 Aday v. Echols. 18 Alabama, 353 Hi, 225 Adden v. White Mountains R. R. Co., 5 New Hampshire, 413 20, 220 Addington v. Sexton. 17 Wisconsin, 327 Ixxxiv, 745 1:1 ads. State, 2 Bailey, 516 i. Addington v. Wilson, 5 Indiana, 137 Ixi, 81 Addisonv. Hack, 2Gill, 221 xli, 421 Addyads. State, 14 Vroom, 113 30,547 Adkins v. Brewer, 3 Cowen, 203 XT, 264 -.. Columbia L. Ins. Co., 70 Missouri, 27. .35, 410 Adkinson v. State, 5 East. 563 30, 69 Auler v. State, 35 Arkansas, 517 37, 43 .. Yard, 1 Rawle, 103 :, Adriance v. Lagrave, 59 New York, 110 17, 317 Adsit v. Adsit, 2 Johns. Ch. 443 vii, 539 Srady, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 630 xl, 305 Alyov. Hanna, 47 Iowa. 234 29,434 Adye v. Smith. 41 Connecticut, 60 20, 424 j Iiis. Co. v. Tyler, 16 Wendell, 3So xxx. 90 ;tna I. Co. v. Alton City Bank, 2j 111. 243. lnix, 328 .fEtnalus. Co. v. Johnson, 11 Bush. 537 21, 223 xEtaa Ins. Co. v. Nexoen, 84 Indiana, 347 43, 91 .Etna Insurance Co. v. Phelps, 27 HI 71 Ixxxi, 217 ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Resh, 44 Michigan, 55 surance Co. T. Stivers, 47 Illinois, SO....XCT, 467 ^Etiia Live Stock v. Olmstead. 21 Michigan, 240.. 4, 433 :t. Bank v. Fourth Nat. B'k, 40 N. Y. 82. 7, 314 Agnew v. Charlotte, etc. R. R. Co., 24 S. C. IS. . . .58, 237 Agnew v. Coruntia, 15 Michigan, 423 54, 3;3 Ague w v. Dorr, 5 Wharton, 131 xxxi v, 039 Agnew v. Fcttennan, 4 Penn. State, 56 Aguew v. Johnson, 17 Penn. State, 373 Agnew v. Johnson, 22 Penn. State, 471 Ixii, 303 Agnewv. McElroy, lOSmedes&M. 552. x! Agnew v. Steamer Contra Costa, 27 Cal. 423. .Ixxxvii, 87 Agricultural Bank v. Pallen, 8 Smede.i i M. C J7..x:vii, 92 Agricultural Bank v. Robiusou, 24 Maine, 274 xll, 385 iral lus. Co. v. Montague, 33 Mich. 513.. 31, 328 Aguirre v. Packard, 14 California, 171 Ixx-ii. 615 .ads. State. 16 Nevada. 50 40,483 All Chuey ads. State. 14 Nevada. 73 33, 533 All Ngow ads. People, 5 1 California, 151 35, 69 Ahreudv. Odiorue. 113 Massachusetts, 201 10, 449 Ahreud v. Odioruc. 123 Massachusetts, 50 28, 199 All rtamada. State. 15 Nevada. 27 37, 454 Aicardiv. Rolibins, 41 Alabama, 511 xciv, 614 Aikeu v. Barkley, 2 Spew's Law, 747 x!ii, 3)7 Aikeii v. Cathcart, 3 Richardson's Law, 133 xlv, 704 Aikeu v. Pcay, 5 Strobhart's Law, 15 liii, 684 TABLE OF CASES. Alk-111 friTTnyi letters [xllx] refer to rolmnes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Report*. Aiken v. Western Union TeL Co., 69 Iowa, 31.... 58, 210 Ainsworthv. Greenlee, 3 Murphey, 470. ix, C15 Ainslie T. Wilson, 7 Cowen, CG2 xvii, 532 Akev. State, G Tex. Ct. App. 333 32,536 Akerley v. Vilas, 24 Wisconsin, 165 1, 166 Akerly v. Vilas, 23 Wisconsin, 207 xcix, 1C5 Aicrs v. Akers, 16 Lea. 7 57,207 Akera v. Hite. 94 Perm. State. 394 33, 702 Akron v. Chamberlain Co., 34 Ohio State, 323.... 32, 3C7 Akron v. McComb. IS Ohio, 229 li, 433 Alabama, Ex parte, 52 Alabama, 231 23, 567 Alabama G. L. Ins. Co. v. Johnston, 80 Ala. 467. .63, 112 Alabama G. S. R. R. Co. v. Hawk. 72 Ala, 112.... 47, 403 Alabama State E'k v. Comegys, 17 Ala. 772 xlvi, 378 Albany a- IV. R. R. Co. ads. People, 21 New York. 261 Ixzxil, 295 Albany City B'k v. Schennerhorn, 9 Paige, 372.xxxviii, 551 Albany Street, Matter of, 11 Wendell, 119 xxv. C13 Albee ads. State, 61 New Hampshire, 423 60, 325 Albers v. Commercial E'k. 85 Missouri, 173 53, 355 Albert 7. Albert, 5 Mont. 577 51, 86 Albert v. State, 63 Maryland, 325 59, 159 Albertson, Douglass Co. v. Golilsby,23 Ala. 711. .Is v, 3SD Albion v. Eetrick, 90 Indiana, 545 46, 230 Albin v. Presby, SNew Hampshire, 433 xxix, 67D Albrecht v. State, 8 Tex. Ct. App. 216 34, 737 Albright v. Lapp, 26 Perm. State, 99 Ixvii, 402 ATorittin v. Mayor etc., 60 Alabama, 4S6 .31, 43 AToro ads. Commonwealth, 1 Gray, 1 Ixi. 331 Albro v. Jaquith, 4 Grey, 99 Ixiv, 56 Alsutt v. Lakin, 33 New Hampshire, 507 Ixvi, 739 v Carver, 13 Iowa, 253 IxEd. 430 Alden v. N. Y. Cent. R. R. Co.. 26 N. Y. 102. . .Ixxxii, 401 Alderman v. Finley, 10 Arkansas, 423 lii, 2 14 Alderman v. French, 1 Pickering, 1 xi, 114 Alderman v. People, 4 Michigan, 414 Ixix, 321 Aldrich v. Albee, 1 Greenleaf, 123 x, 45 Aldrich v. Aldrich, 53 Vermont, 324 48,791 Aldrich v. Bennett, G3 New Hampshire, 415 56, 529 : T. Boston & W. R. R. Co., 103 Mass. 31. ... 1, 76 Aldrich v. Boston etc. R. R. Co., 100 Mass. 31..xcvii, 74 Aldrich v. Cheshire R. R. Co., 21 New Hamp. 359.1iii, 212 Aldrich v. Drury, 8 Rhode Island, 534 5, C2J Aldrich v. Harvey, 50 Vermont, 165 28, 501 Aldrich v. Howard, 7 Rhode Island, 87. Ixxx, 636 Aldrich v. Howard. 8 Rhode Island, 125 Ixxxvl, 615 Altlrich v. Jewell, 12 Vermont, 125 xxxvi, 330 Aldrich v. Kinney, 4 Connecticut, 330 x, 151 Alclrich v. Nimmons, 2 Richardson's Eq. 291 xM, 53 Aldrich v. Press Printing Co., 9 Minn. 133. . . .Ixxxvi, 84 Aldrich v. Smith, 37 Michigan, 4G3 26,536 Aldrich v. Tripp, 11 Rhode Island. 141 23, 434 Aldrich v. Wallace, 8 Dana, 237 xxxiLi, 405 Aldrich v. Wright, 53 New Hampshire, 393 16, 339 Aldridge v. Birney, 7 T. B. Monroe, 344 xviii, 133 j v. Dunn, 7 Blackford, 249 xli, 224 5 v. Tuscumbia R. Co., 2 Stew. & P. 199.xxiii, 307 Aldridge v. Weems, 2 Gill & J. 33 xix, 250 Alexander, Petition of, 59 Missouri, 593 21, 3?3 Alexander v. Adams, 1 Strobhart's Law, 47 xlvii, 547 Alexander v. Eeresford, 27 Mississippi, 747 lii, 533 Alexanders Dennis, 9 Porter, 174 xxxiii, 339 Alexander v. Dorsey, 12 Georgia, 12 M, 443 Alexander v. Continental Ins. Co., 67 Wis. 422... 58, 859 Alexander v. Fos, 2 Jones' Equity, 103 Mi, 211 Alexander v. Germania F. Ins. Co., C6 N. Y. 464.23, 76 Alexander v. Greenup, 1 Munford, 134 iv, 541 Alexanderv. Harrison, 33 Missouri, 53 xc, 431 Alexander v. Hickox, 34 Missouri, 493 Ixxxvi, 113 Alexander v. Kennedy, 19 Texas, 433 Ixx. 353 AlexanderT. Kerr, 2 Rawle, 83 xix, 616 Alexander v. Lively, 5 T. B. Monroe, 159 xvii, 50 Alexander v. Mayor, etc., 5 Gill, 333 xlvi, C30 Alexander v. Miller's Executors, 13 Texas, 893... Ixx, 314 Alexanderv. Morse. 14 Rhode Island, 153 51, 369 Alexander ads. State, 76 North Carolina, 231 27, C75 Alexanderv. State, 21 Tex. Ct. App., 403 57, 617 Alexanderv. Swackhamer, 105 Indiana, 81 55, 180 Alexander v.Walter, 8 Gill, 239. 1, 653 Alexander's Heirs v. Maverick, 18 Texas, 179 ...Ixvii, 693 Alexandria & F. R. Co. v. Alex. & W. R. Co. 75 Virginia. 730 40,743 Alexandria Overseers v. Overseers Bethlehem. 1 Harr. (16 N. J.) 119 xxxi,229 Alexandria W. & EL F. Co. v. Wisch, 73 Mo. 655.30, 535 Alfele v. Wright, 17 Ohio St 233 xciii. CIS Alfordv. Burke, 21 Georgia, 43 Irviii, 449 Alfordv. State. 33 Georgia, 303 lxxxi,239 Alger v. Kennedy, 49 Vermont, 109 24, 117 Alger v. Thacher, 19 Pickering, 51 xxxi, 119 Alien v. Bolan, 1 Brevard, 239 U, 660 Allain v. Lazarus, 14 Louisiana, 327 xxxiii, 583 Allaire T. Hartshorne, 1 Zabriskie, GC5 xlvii, 175 Alleghany County v. Cleveland & P. R. R. Co.. 51 Penn. State, 223....- Ixxxviil, 589 Alleghany Co. v. Gibson. 99 Penn. St. 397 33, C70 Allegheny v. Campbell. 107 Penn. St. 533 52, 473 Allegheny Co. v. Zimmerman, 95 Penn. St, 287... 40, 649 Allegro v. MO. Ins. Co., G Harris & J. 403 xiv, 233 AUegrev. Md. Ins. Co., 2 Gill & J. 136 xx, 424 Allegre v. Md. Ins. Co., 8 Gillfc J. 190 xxix, 536 AHeman Y. Stepp, 52 Iowa, C25 35, 233 AllemaniaF. Ins. Co. v. Hurd, 37 Michigan, 112..6, 491 Allen's Appeal, 99 Pennsylvania State, 193 44, 101 Allen v. Allen, 6 Robinson (La.), 104 xxxix, 553 Allen v. Allen, 13 South Carolina, 512 3G, 716 Allen v. Anderson, 3 Humphreys, 5S1 xxxix, 1?7 Allen v. Baker, SS North Carolina. 91 40, 444 Allen v.Beal, 3 A. K. Marshall, 554 xiii, 203 Allen v. Berryhill, 27 Iowa. 534 1,309 Allen v. Booker, 2 Stewart, 21 xix, 33 Allen v. Bradford, 3 Alabama, 231 xxxvi i, C39 Allen v. Bryson, C7 Iowa, 531 56,353 Allen v. Camp, 1 T. B. Monroe, 231 xv, 109 Allen v. Center Val. Co., 21 Connecticut, 133 liv, 333 Allen v. Chippewa Falls, 52 Wisconsin, 430 28, 743 Alien v. Cole, 1 Stockton's Ch. 233 lix, 416 Allen T. Cowan, 23 New York, 502 Ixsx, 316 Allen v. Clayton, 63 Iowa, 11 50,716 Allen v. Collins, 70 Missouri, 133 33, 416 Allen ads. Commonwealth, 123 Mass. 46 33, 356 Allen v. Craft. 109 Indiana. 476 58,425 Allen v. Crary, 10 Wendell, 349 xxr, 66 Allen v. Crofoot, 2 Wendell, 515 xx, G47 Allen v. Decatur City of, 23 Illinois, 332 Ixivi, C92 Allen v. Delano, 55 Maine, 113 : Allen v. Deming, 14 New Hampshire, 133 xl, 179 Allen v.Dodd, 4 Humphreys, 131 xl, C32 Duffle, 43 Michigan, 1 30, 139 Allen v. Dunn, 15 Maine, 292 xxsiii, C14 Allen v. Fox, 51 New York. 5C2 10,641 Allen v. Furbish, 4 Gray, 504 Ixir, 87 Allen v. Gaalt, 27 Penn. State, 473 !:. Allen v. Hall, 2 Nott & McCord, 114 x, 573 Allen v. Harlan. 6 Leigh, 42 xxix. 205 Allen v. Hawley, 6 Florida, 142 Ixiii, 1C3 Allen v. Holden, 9 Massachusetts, 133 vi. 46 Allen v. Huntington, 2 Aikens, 249 xvi, 702 Allen v. Inhabitants of Jay, 63 Maine, 124 1 1, 135 Allen v. Jay, 63 Maine, 124 - 11, 135 All And TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [1W to American Reports. Allen T. Lee, 1 Ind. 53; S. C., Smith, 12 xlviii, 332 Allen v. Maclellaa, 12 Penn. State, 328 li, 603 Allen v. Marney. 65 Indiana, 303 32, 73 Allen T. Martin, 13 Wendell, 300 xxv, 564 Allen T. McCaUa. 25 Iowa, 464 xcvi, 56 AUen T. McCullough. 2 Heist 174 5, 27 Allen v. Mercantile Mut. Ins. Co., 44 N. Y. 437. . . 4, 700 Allen v. Merchants 1 B'k, 22 Wendell, 215 xxxiv, 2S9 Allen v. Merchants' Mut. Ins. Co., 30 Louisiana An.1333 31,243 Allen T. Patterson, 7N. T. (3 Selden), 476 Mi, 542 Allen v. Kanson, 41 Missouri, 263 c. 232 Allen v. Rightmere, 23 Johnson, 305 xi, 2S3 Allen T. Rundle, 50 Connecticut, 9 4 7 , 509 Allenv. Sayward, 5 Greenleaf, 227 xvii, 221 Allen v. Scott, 21 Pickering, 23 xxxii. 233 Allenv. Scurry, 1 Verger, 33 xxiv, 433 Allen T. Sharpe, 37 Indiana, G7 10, 80 Allen v. Shelby Railroad Co., 16 B. Monroe, 4 . .buii, 522 Allen v. State, 40 Alabama, 331 xci. 476 Allen ads. State ex rel. Cornwell. 21 Ind. 516 .Ixxxiii. 367 Allen v. State, 21 Georgia, 217 btviii, 437 Allen v. State, 23 Georgia, 395 Ixxiii, 760 Allen ads. State, 1 Hawks, C ix, G16 AUen v. State, 61 Ind. 263 28, 673 Allen ads. State, 1 McCord, 525 x, CS7 Allen v. Suydam, 20 Wendell, 321 xxxii, 555 Allen T. Taylor, 2 Green Ch. 435 xxix, 721 Allen T. Thomas, 3 Met. (Ky.) 108 Ixxvii, ICO Allen T. Thomason, 11 Humphreys, 538 liy, 55 Allen T. Trimble, 4 Bibb, 21 vii. 723 Allen T. Vancleave, 15 B. Monroe, 236 Ixi, 184 Allen v. Wells, 22 Pickerins, 450 xxxui, 737 Allenv. Woodard, 103 Massachusetts, 400 28, 250 Allen v. Wyckoff. 43 New Jersey Law. 90 37, 5!3 Allen v. Young, G T. B. Monroe, 136 xvii, 130 Allen, Adams & Co. v. Harrison, 30 Vt. 219 ... .Ixxiii, 302 AUender v. Sussan. 33 Maryland, 11. 3, 171 Allers v. Forbes. 53 Maryland. 374 43, 137 Alley v. Carleton, 23 Texas, 74 xciv. 230 Alley v. Winn, 13 1 Massachusetts, 77 43, 207 Alliance M. Ins. Co. v. La St. Ins. Co., 8 La. l.xxviii, 117 Allin v. Shadburne's Ex'r. 1 Dana, 63 xxv, 121 Ailing v. Boston & A. R. Co.. 126 Mass. 121. 30, C67 Allisv. Billings, G Metcalf, 415 xxxix, 744 Allison v. Allison, 45 Illinois, Cl xcii, 237 Allison v. Armstrong, 23 Minnesota, 276 41, 231 Allison v. Barrow, 3 Cold. 411 xci. 201 Allison v. McCuue, 15 Ohio, 723 xlv, COS Allison v. Rheam, 3 Serg. & R. 137 viii, 644 Allison v. Shilling, 27 Texas, 450 Ixxxri. C22 Allisonv. Taylor, 6Dana,87 xxxii, C3 Allisons v. Noble, 1 Littell, 279 xiii, 230 Allmon v. Pigg. 2 Illinois, 140 23, 3:3 Ailred v. Bray, 41 Missouri. 4S1 xcvii, 233 Allshouse v. Ramsay, G Wharton, 331 xxxrii, 417 Almond v. Almond, 4 Randolph, 6:2 xv, 731 Almond v. Nugent, 34 Iowa, 300 11, 147 Almy v. Grinnell, 12 Metcalf, ~'3 xlv, 233 Alonzov. State, 15 Texas Ct. App. 373 40. 27 Aired v. Montague, 20 Texas, 732 Irxxiv. 633 Alsberry v. Hawkins, 9 Dana, 177 xxxiii, 543 Alsop v. Mather, 8 Connecticut, 5S4 xxi, 703 Alston v. Durant, 2 Strobhart's Law, 237 xl;x, 503 Altemas v. Campbell, 9 Watts. 23 xxxiv, 494 Altemus v. Long, 4 Penn. State, 254 xlv, 683 Alter's Appeal, 67 Pennsylvania State, 341 .">, !.'.! Altes v. Hinckler, 33 Illinois. 2 ;5 Ixxxv, 406 Altes v. Hinckler and Abbott, 33 Illinois, 275.. Ixxxv, 407 Althof v. Couheim, 33 California. 230 xcii, 363 Altnow v. Sibley, 30 Minnesota, 186 44, 191 Alton, City of, v. Illinois Tr. Co., 12 Illinois, 33....1ii, 479 Alton R. R. v. Deitz, 50 Illinois, 210 xcix, 509 Altoona v. Lotz, 114 Pennsylvania State. 233 60, 340 Alvarez v. Brannan, 7 California, 503 Ixviii, 274 Alverson v. Jones & Bogardus, 10 California, 9. . -!TT, CS9 Alvis T. Morrison, 63 Illinois. 1S1 14,117 Amazon Ins. Co. v. Wall, 31 Ohio State. 628 27, 533 Ambler v. State Bank, 12:.ich. L. 518 Uxviii, 463 Ambrose v. Root. 11 Illinois, 497 lii, 456 American Asylum v. Phoenix Bank, 4 Conn. 172 x, 112 American Bank v. Snow, 9 Rhode Island. 11. . .xcviii. 364 American Bible Soc'y v. Wells. CS Maine, 572 28, 83 American Central Ins. Co. v. McCrea. 8 Lea, 513.41, 647 American Contract Co. v. Cross, 8 Bush, 472 8, 471 American Express Co. v. Baldwin, 23 HI. 504 Ixxix, 339, American Express Co. v. Haggard. 37 111. 435.1xxxvii, 257 American Express Co. v. Haire. 21 Ind. 4 Ixxxiii, 334 American Express Co. v. Hockett, 33 Ind. 230. . .xcv, 691 American Ex. Co. v. Second Nat. Bank, CO Penn- sylvania State, 391 S, 263 American Ex. Co. v. Smith, 33 Ohio State, 511... .31, 561 American Ins. Co. v. Barnett. 73 Missouri. 364... 39, 517 American Ins. Co. v. Bryan. 23 Wendell, 5G3.xxrv;i, 273 American Ins. Co. T. Day, 10 Vroom, SO 23, 198 American Ins. Co. v. Foster, 92 Illinois. 334 34, 134 American Ins. Co. v. Insley, 7 Penn. State, 223. .xlvii, 509 American Ins. Co. v. Oakley, 9 Paige, 436 xxxviii, 561 American National Bank v. Bangs, 42 Mo. 450. .xcvii, 349 American Print Works v. Lawrence, 3 Zab. 590... Mi, 420 American R. F. Co. v. Haven. 101 Mass. 393 3, 377 American R. TeL Co. v. Connecticut TeL Co., 49 Connecticut. 332 44, 237 American S. Co. v. Landreth. 102 Penn. St. 131... 48, 196 American S. Co. v. Young, 89 Penn. State, 1SG....33, 743 American T. Soc'y v. Atwater, 30 Ohio St. 77 27, 422 American TJ. Ex. Co. v. St. Joseph, C6 Mr G75. . .27, 3S2 American U. Tel. Co. v. Western U. Tel. Co., 67 Alabama, 26 42, 90 Americus. Mayor etc. of. 64 Georgia. 524 .37, 89 Ames v. Colburn, 11 Gray, 390 Ix^i, 723 Ames v.Foster, 106 Massachusetts, 400 13, 343 Ames v. Jordan. 71 Maine, 540 36, 332 Amesv. Martin, 6 Wisconsin, 331 Ixx, 4(3 Ames v. N. J. FraukliniteCo., 1 Beasley'sCh..661xxii, 335 Ames v. Norman, 4 Sneed, CS3 Isx. 239 Amesv. Palmer, 42 Maine, 107 Lsvi, 271 Ames ads. People, 35 New York, 432 xci, 64 Ames v. Port Huron L.D.B. Co., UMich. 139.. lixxiii. 731 Ames v. Union R'y Co., 117 Massachusetts, 541. ..19, 426 Ames Iron Works v. Warren, 70 Indiana, 512 40, 253 Amherst Academy v. Cowls, 6 Pick. 427 xvii, 337 Amick v. Butler, 111 Indiana, 573 60, 722 Amick v. Tharp, 13 Grattan, 564 Ixvil, 787 Amidown v. Osgood, 24 Vermont, 278 Iviii, 171 Ammidown v. Freeland, 101 Massachusetts, 303. .. 3, 339 Amis v. Kyle, 2 Verger, 31 xxiv, 463 Ammant v. Turnpike Road, 13 Serg. & R. 210 xv, 593 Amory v. Flyn, 10 Johnson, 102 vi, 318 Amory v. Kamnoffsky, 117 Massachusetts, 351 19, 416 Amory v McGregor, 15 Johnson, 23 Iviii, 205 Amoskeag Bank v. Moore, 37 New Hamp. 539...1xxv, 156 Amstein v. Gardner, 132 Massachusetts, 23 42, 421 Anacosta Tribe, v. Murbach, 13 Md. 911 Ixxl, C25 Anders v. Meredith, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 199. . . .xxxiv, 376 AnJeraanv. State, 43 Connecticut, 514 21, 069 Anderson v. Anderson, 65 Georgia. 513 38, 797 Anderson v. Anderson, 4 Greenleaf, 100 xvi, 237 Anderson v. Anderson's Estate, 4 Vermont, 350.. I, 334 Anderson v. Baughman, 7 Michigan, 69 Ixsiv, 699 TABLE OF CASES. And Arm "Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Anderson v. Belcher, 1 Hill's L. (S. C.), 246 xxvi, 174 Anderson v. Burnett, 5 Howard (Miss ), 165 HIT, 425 Anderson v. Caldwell, 91 Indiana, 451 46, 613 Anderson v. Gary, 36 Ohio State, 506 38, 602 Anderson v. Commonwealth, 5 Randolph, 627.... xvi, 776 Anderson v. Critcher, 11 Gill & J. 450 ravii, 72 Anderson v. Davis, 9 "Vermont, 136 xxxi, 612 Anderson v. Drake, 14 Johnson, 114 vii, 442 Anderson v. Estate of Anderson, 4 Vermont, 350. . 1, 334 Anderson v. Fuller, 1 McMullan's Eq. 27 xxxvi, 290 Anderson v. Green, 7 J. J. Marshall, 443 xxiii, 417 Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson Anderson . Hammond, 2 Lea, 231 31, 612 . Hapler, 34 Illinois, 436 Ixxxv, 313 . Hill, 12 Smedes & 3M. 679 li, 130 . Hubble. 93 Indiana, 570 47, 394 . Jackson, 16 Johnson, 332 viii, 330 Kerns D. Co., 10 Indiana, 199 Ixxvii, 63 Newcastle & R.R. Co., 12 Ind.376..bo::v, 213 Norton, 15 Lea, 14 54.400 Pearce, 33 Arkansas, 2?3 38, 39 Anderson ads. People, 14 Johnson, 294 vii, 462 Anderson . Read, 2Overton, 205 v, 661 Anderson Roberts, 18 Johnson, 513 is, 235 Anderson . Soward, 40 Ohio S tate, 323 48, 687 Anderson Spence, 72 Indiana, 315 37, 162 Anderson State, 43 Alabama, 6C5 17, 36 Anderson . State, 43 Connecticut, 514 2 1 , 669 Anderson Taylor, 56 California, 131 38, 52 Anderson ads. State, Coxe, 318 i, 207 Anderson v. State, 3 Head, 453 Ixsv, 774 Anderson ads. State, 25 Minnesota, 66 33, 455 Anderson ads. State, 2 Overton, 6 v, 648 Anderson v. Taylor, 2 Iredell's Eq. 420 xxxviii, 639 Anderson v. Tydings, 8 Maryland, 427 ixiii, 703 Anderson v. Wanzer, 5 Howard (Miss.), 537. . . .xxxvii, 170 Anderson v. Warne, 71 Illinois, 20 22, 83 Anderson T. Whitlock, 2 Bush. 333 xcii. 489 Andiagv. Davis, 33 Mi=s. 574 Ixxvii, C53 Anding v. Levy, 57 Mississippi, 51 34, 435 Andover & M. T. Co. v. Gould, 6 Massachusetts, 40. iv, 80 Andraev. Haseltine, 53 Wisconsin, 395 46, 633 Andre v. Bodman, 13 Maryland, 241 Ixii, 623 Andrd v. State, 5 Iowa, 339 Ixviii, 70S Andres v. Koppenheaf er, 3 Serg. & R. 255 viii, 647 Andresv. Welles. 7 Johnson, 260 v, 2;,7 Andrews v. Avory, 14 Grattan, 229 Ixiiii, 355 Andrews v. Baggs, Minor, 173 xii, 47 Andrews v. Brown, 21 Alabama, 437 Ivi, 252 Andrews v. Capitol etc. R. Co., 2 Mackey. 137....47, 2G5 Andrews ads. Commonwealth, 2 Mass. 14 iii, 17 Andrews v. Cox, 42 Arkansas, 473 48, 63 Andrews v. Davison, 17 New Hampshire, 413. . . .xliii, 606 Andrews v. Denison, 16 New Hampshire, 469. . . .xliii, 565 Andrews v. Doe ex dem. Wilkes, 6 Howard (Miss.) 554 xxxriii, 450 Andrews v. Durant, 11 N. Y. (1 Kernan) 35 Ixii, 55 Andrews v. Eastman. 41 Vermont, 134 xcviii. 570 Andrews v. Estes, 11 Maine, 257 xxvi, 521 Andrews v. German Nat. Bank, 9 Heisk. 211 24, 300 Andrews v. Kibbee, 12 Michigan, 94 Ixxxiii, 766 Andrewsv. McCoy, 8 Alabama, 920 xlii, 669 Andrews T. Mich. Cen. R. R. Co., 99 Mass. 534, xcvii, 51 Andrews v. Montgomery, 19 Johnson, 1C2 x, 213 Andrews T. Morse, 12 Connecticut, 444 xxxi, 752 Andrews v. Planters' Bank, 7 Smedes & M. 192. . .xlv, 300 Andrewsv. Roach, 3 Alabama, 590 xxxvii, 713 Andrews ads. State, 29 Connecticut, 100 Ixxvi, 593 Andrewsv. State, SHeisk, 165 8, 8 Andrewsv. Sullivan, 2GUman, 327 xliii, 53 Andrus v. Coleman. 82 Illinois, 26 25, 283 Andrus v. Howard, 36 Vermont. 248 luxiv, CSO Angel v. McLellan, 16 Mass. 23 viii, 113 Angell v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 59 N. Y. 171. . . .17, 322 Angell v. Johnson, 51 Iowa, 625 33, 152 Angellv. State, 36 Texas, 542 14, 330 Angelo v. People, 96 Illinois, 209 30, 133 Angier v. Agnew, 98 Pennsylvania State, 587 42, 621 Angier v. Schieffelin, 72 Pennsylvania St. 106 13, 659 Angier v. Taunton Paper Mfg. Co., 1 Gray, 621. . .Ixi, 436 Angier v. Webber, 14 Allen, 211 xcii, 748 Angle v. Hanna, 22 Illinois, 429 Ixxiv, 161 Angus v. Radin, 2 Southard, 815 viii, C26 Angus v. Robinson. 59 Vermont. 535 5:\ 7:3 Ankeny v. Pierce, Breese, 239 xii, 174 Anketel v. Converse, 17 Ohio St. 11 xci, 115 Annan v. Houck, 4 Gill, 325 xlv, 133 Annypolis etc. R. R. Co. v. Baldwin, 63 Md, 88. ...43, 711 Annapolis etc. R. R. Co. y. Baltimore F. Ins. Co. 32 Maryland, 37 3, 112 Annas v. Milwaukee & N. R. Co. , 67 Wis. 46 58, 843 Anne Arundel County v. Duckett. 20 Md. 468. Ixxxiii. 557 Anne Arundel Co. Commrs. v. Duvall, 54 Mary- land, 350 39,393 Annville Nat. Bk. v. Kettering, 106 Pennsylvania State, 531 51, 538 Anonymous, 34 Alabama, 430 Ixxiii, 4C1 Anonymous, Minor, 52 xii, 31 A :onymous, 60 New York. 262 19, 174 Ansley v. Baker, 14 Texas, 607 Ixv, 136 Ansley v. State, 36 Arkansas, 67 38, 29 Anson v. Anson, 20 Iowa, 55 Ixxxix. 514 Ansonia B. & C. Co. v. New L. C. Co., 53 N. Y. 123. 13, 476 Anthony v. Estabrook, 1 Colorado, 75 xci, 702 Anthony v. State, Meigs, 203 Triiii, 113 Anthony v. Stephens, 1 Missouri, 254 xiii, 497 Anthony St., Matter of, 23 Wendell, 618 xxxii, 608 Antisdel v. Chicago & N. R'y Co., 26 Wis. 145 7, 44 Antomarchiv Russell, C3 Alabama, 356 35, 40 Antonidas v. Walling, 3 Green's Ch. 42 xxxi, 248 Antrobusv. Sherman, 65 Iowa, 230 54, 7 Apalachicola v. Apalachi. L. Co., 9 Fla. 340._..lxxix. 234 App v. Dreisbach, 2Rawle, 237 xxi, 447 Appeal of . See name of appellant. Apperson v. Moore, 33 Arkansas, 56 21, 170 Apperson v. Cottrell, 3 Porter, 51 xxix, 239 Apple v. Crawford. 105 Penn. St. 242 51, 2D5 Applegatev. Ernst, 3 Bush, 643 xcvi, 272 Appleton Bank v. McGilvray, 4 Gray, 518. Lriv, 93 Appleton ads. People, 103 Illinois. 474 44, 813 Appleton v. Phoenix M. Life Ins. Co.. 59 New Hampshire. 541 47, 220 Appling ails. State, 25 Missouri, 315 Ixix. 4C9 Apthorp v. Backus, Kirby, 407 i, 26 Apthorp v. Shepard, Quincy, 298 i, 6 Arayov. Currel, 1 Louisiana, 528 xx, 236 Aranzamendi v. Louisiana Ins. Co., 2 La. 432. . . .xxii, 136 Arberry v. Beavers, 6 Texas, 457 Iv, 791 Arbintrode v. State, 67 Indiana, 267 33, 86 Arcade Hotel Co. v. Wiatt, 44 Ohio St. 33 58, 785 Archibald ads. State, 59 Vermont, 543 " Arctic Fire Ins. Co. v. Austin, 69 N. Y. 470 30, 221 Arensberg ads. People, 103 New York, 338 57, 741 Arensberg ads. People, 105 New York, 123 59, 433 Argall v. Jacobs, 87 New York, 110 41, 357 Argus Co. v. Albany. 55 New York. 495 14, 296 Arians v. Brickley, 65 Wisconsin, 26 56, 611 Arkellv. Commerce Ins. Co., 69 N. Y. 191 23,168 Arlington v. Hinds, 1 D. Chipman, 431 xii, 704 Armenia Ins. Co. v. Paul. 91 Penn. St. 520 30. C~3 Armfieldads. State, 2 Hawks, 246 si, 702 Arm-All TABLE OF CASES. 10 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Armington v. Town of Barnet, 15 Vermont, 745 xl, 705 Armington T. Gaslight & B. Co. 15 La. 414 xxxv. 205 Armington v. Houston, 33 Vermont, 418 xci, 363 Armistead T. Commonwealth, 11 Leigh, 657...xxrrii, 633 Armistead T. Dangerfield, 3 Munford, 20 v, 501 Armisted v. Bowden, 5 Lot:" xxv, 178 Armleder v. Liebennan, 33 Ohio St. 77 31, 530 Armorer v. Case, 9 Louisiana An. 238 bd, 209 Armour v. Mich. Cent. R. R. Co.. 65 N. T. 111... 2?, 603 ArmsT. Burt, 1 Vermont, 303 xviii, 680 Armstrong T. Armstrong, 1 Oregon, 207 Ixxv, 535 Armstrong v. Campbell, 3 Terger, 201 xxiv, 556 Armstrong v. City of Lancaster, 5 Watts, 68 rxx, 293 Armstrong v. Gibson, 31 Wisconsin, 61 11, 539 Armstrong v. Harshman, 61 Indiana, 52 28, 665 Armstrong v. Jackson, 1 Blackford, 210 lii, 225 Armstrong T. Keith, 3 J. J. Marshall, 153 xx. 131 Armstrong v. Kleinhans. 82 Kentucky, 303 56, 894 Armstrong T. McCoy, 8 Ohio, 123 xxxi, 435 Armstrongv. Mudd, 10 B. Monroe, 144. 1, 515 Armstrong T. Prewitt, 5 Missouri, 476 mil, 338 Armstrongv. Risteau, 5 Maryland, 256. lix, 115 Armstrong Y. St. Louis, 69 Missouri, 309 33, 409 Armstrong v. Tait, 8 Alabama, 635 xlii, 656 Armstrong v. Vroman, 11 Minnesota, 220. . . .Ixxrdii, 81 Armstrong Co. T. Clarion Co., 66 Penn. St. 218... 5, 3'3 Armsworthy v. Cheshire, 2DevereuxEq. 234...xxxiv, 273 Arnett v. Arnett, 27 Illinois, 247 Lxxxi, 227 Arnold T. Arnold, 13 IredelT s Law, 174 Iv, 434 Arnold T. Brown, 24 Pickering, 83 xrxv, 238 Arnold v. Camp, 12 Johnson, 400 vii, 328 Arnold T. Commonwealth, 80 Kentucky, 300 44, 4SO Arnold v. Cost, 3 GUI & Johnson, 219 xxii, 332 Arnold T. Crowder, 81 Illinois, 56 25, 260 Arnold T. Delano, 4 Gushing, 33 1, 754 Arnold T. Illinois Cent. R. R. Co., 83 ia 273 23, 33G Arnold v. Jones, 26 Texas, 335 Ixxxii, 617 Arnold T. Lyman, 17 Massachusetts, 400. ix, 154 Arnold T. Mundy, 1 Halsted, 1 x, 35G Arnold ads. People, 43 Michigan, 303 38, 182 Arnold v. Scott, 2 Missouri, 13 xxii, 433 Arnold T. Shields, 5 Dana, 18. xxx, 6C9 Arnold v. State. 52 Indiana. 231 21,175 Arnold v. Stevens, 24 Pickering, 105 xxxv, 305 Arnold v. Wainwright, C Minnesota, 358 ITTT. 448 Arnold v. Waltz, 53 Iowa, 706 36,248 Arnot v. Alexander. 44 Missouri, 25 c, 232 Arnott v. Pittston etc. Coal Co., 68 N. Y. 558 23, 190 Arnottv. Symonds. 85 Penn. St. 99 27, 630 Arnous T. Lesassier, 10 Louisiana, 592 xxix, 470 Aroads. People, 6 California, 207 Ixv, 503 Arques v. Wasson, 51 California. 620 21, 713 Arrican v. Mann, 32 New York, 137 Ixxxviii, 324 Arrington v. Liscom, 34 California, 305 xciv, 722 Arrington v. Screws, 9 IredeU's Law, 42 xlix, 403 Arrington v. Wilmington & W. R. R. Co., 6 Jones' Law, 68 ; Ixxii, 559 Arrison ads. Commonwealth, 15 Serg. & R. 127.. .xvi, 531 Arthur v. Broadnax, 3 Alabama, 557 xxxvii, 707 Arthur v. Cole, 56 Maryland, 100 40,409 Arthur v. Com. & R. Bank, 9 Smedes & M. 334.. i Arthur v. Craig. 43 Iowa, 264 30, 395 Arthur v. Homestead Fire Ins. Co., 78 N. Y. 462.34, 530 Asay v. Hoover, 5 Penn. State, 21 xlv, 713 Asbury Life Ins. Co. v. Warren, 60 Maine, 523 Aoh v. Cuie. 97 Penn. St. 493 39, 813 Ash v. People, 11 Michigan. 317 Ixxxiii, 740 Ashbrook v. Comm., 1 Bush, 139 Ixxxix. 616 Ashbrook v. Hite. 9 Ohio State, 337 Ixxv, 4G3 Ashbrook v. Ryon, 2 Bush, 223 xcii, 4S1 Ashbury v. Sanders, 8 California, 62 Irviii, 300 Ashby T. Eastern R. R. Co., 5 Metcalf. 368. . . .xxxviii, 428 Ashby v. Johnston, 23 Arkansas, 153 ITTJT, 103 Ashcom v. Smith, 2 Penrose & Watts, 211 xxi, 437 Ashcroft v. Eastern R. R. Co., 11:6 Mass. 196 30, C7J Ashe v. De Rossett, 5 Jones' Law, 230 Ixxii, 552 Asher. Ex parte, 23 Texas Ot. App. 662 50, 733 Ashland Co. v. RichlanJ Infl., 7 Ohio St. 65 Ixx, 49 Ashley Y. Bird, 1 Missouri, 640 xiv, 313 Ashley v. Dlxon. 43 New York, 430 8, 559 Ashley v. Holman, 25 South Carolina, 394 60, 512 Ashley v. Hyde, 6 Arkansas, 92 xlii, 685 Ashley v. Laird, 14 Indiana, 222 Ixxvii, 67 Ashley v. Port Huron, 35 Michigan, 296 24, 552 Ashley v. Vischer, 34 Calif ornin, 322 Ixxxv, 65 Ashley's Adm'r v. Robinson, 29 Alabama, 112 Ixv, 387 Ashton v. Ingle. 20 Kansas, 670 27, 197 Ashworth v. Builders' Mut. F. Ins. Co., 112 Mas- sachusetts, 422 17,117 Ashworth v. Kittridge, 12 Cushing, 133 lix, 178 Askew Y. Hale County, 54 Alabama, C39 25, 730 Askew Y. LaCygnoEx. Bk. , 83 Missouri, 366 53,590 Aspinwall Y. Ohio etc. R. R. Co., 23 Ind 432. .Ixxxiii, 329 Aston Y. City of Newton, 134 Massachusetts, 507. .45, 347 Aston Y. Morgan, 2 Martin, 333 Y, 733 AstorY. Turner, 11 Paige, 436 .V Atcheson v. Mallon, 43 New York, 147 3 , 673 Atcheson v. Robc'rtson, 3 Richardson's Eq. 132 Iv, 634 Atohison y. Landsey, 6 B. Monroe, 86 xliii, 153 Atchison & N. R. Co. v. Baty, 6 Nebraska, 37.... 29, 356 Atchison, T. & S. F. R. R. Co. v. Eurlingame, 36 Kansas, C'JS 59, 578 Atchison T. & S. F. R. Co. v. Hammer, 22 Kan- sas, 763 31,216 Atchison, T. & S. F. R. Co. v. Johns, 36, Kansas, 769 56,609 Atchison, T. & S. F. R. T*. Co. v. Roach, 35 Kan- sas, 740 57,199 Atchison ads. State, 3 Lea, 729 01,663 Atchison. T. & 8. F. R. R. Co. Y. Stanford, 12 Kansas. 334 15 , 362 Atchison, T. & S. F. R. R. Co. v. Thul, 29 Kan- sas, 466 44,659 Atchison, T. & S. F. R, R, Co. v. Thul, 32 Kan 633,255 49,484 Atchison, T. & S. F. R. R. Co. Y. Weber, 33 Kan- sas. 543 52,543 Atherton Y. NewhaU, 123 Massachusetts, 141 25, 47 Athertonads. State, 53 Iowa, 139 3'?, 134 Atkins v. Bordman, 2 Metcalf (Mass.), 437 xxxrii, 100 Atkins Y. Bostwick, 20 Wendall, 241 xxxii, 534 Atkins Y. Boylston etc. Ins. Co., 5 Metcalf, 439.xxx;x, C92 Atkins v. Caywood, 23 Wendell, 241 xxxli, 534 Allans v. Gamble. 42 California, 85. 10,282 Allans Y. Johnson, 43 Vermont, 73 5, 269 Atkins Y. Kinnan, 20 Wendell, 241 xxxii, 534 Atkins v. Sawyer, 1 Pickering, 351 xi, 188 Atkinson v. Allen, 12 Vermont, C19 XT. Atki:ison T. A f ':i .son, 40 New Hamn. 249 Ixxvii, 712 Atkinson Y. Brooks, 28 Vermont, 5 J3 Ixii, 592 Atkinson v. D -24 xxx, 422 Atkinson Y. Goodrich Trans. Co.. 60 Wis, 141 50, 352 Atkinson Y. Jordan, 5 Ohio, 293 xxiv, 231 Atlanta v. Wilson. 59 Georgia, 514 27,396 Atlanta C. F. Co. Y. Speer, 69 Georgia, 137 47. 750 Atlanta Nat. Bank Y. Douglass, 51 Georgia, 205. .21, 234 Atlanta & W. Point R. R. Co. v. Speer, 32 Ga. 550.1xxix, 305 Atlantic & G. W. R. R. Co. v. Campbell 4 Ohio State, 583 Ixiv, 607 Atlanlic & G. W. R. Co. Y. Dunn, 19 Ohio St.. 162.2, 332 11 TABLE OF CASES. Atl-Bab Eoman letters [xllz] refer-to volmnefi of American Decisions, and Arabic fignrea [19] to American Reports. Atlantic M. P. Ins. Co. v. Young, 3S N. H. 451. . .lxxv,200 Atlantic & Pac. TeL Co. v. Barnes, 64 N. Y. 383.. .21, 621 Atlantic Dock Co. v. Leavitt. 54 N. Y. 35 13, 556 Atlas Bank v. Brownell, 9 Rhode Island, 1S3 11, 231 Atlas Bank v. Doyle, 9 Rhode Island, 76 11, 219 At'as Bank v. Doyle, 9 Rhode Island, 73 xcviii. 333 Atlas Engine Works v. Randall. 100 Indiana, 293. ;0, 7?3 AttalaCo. v. Grant, 9 Smcdes & M. 77. xlvii, 102 Atlee Y. Fink, 75 Missouri. 100 43,335 Atteberry v. Powell. 29 Missouri, 429 Irrrii, 579 Attorney-General v. Bay State M"g Co., 99 Mass. 15? xcvi, 717 Attorney-General v. Cohoes Co., 6 Paige's Ch.133.xxix, 755 Attorney-General v. Continental L. I. Co., 71 Now York, 325 27, 55 Attorney-General v. Detroit Board, etc., 53 Mich. 55, 675 Attorney-Gen. T. Foote, 11 Wisconsin, 14 Ixzviii, 689 Attorney-General v. Lonnan, 53 Michigan. 157... CO, 2S7 Attorney-General v. Lore, 10 Vroom, 476 33, 34 Attorney-General T, Metropolitan R. Co. , 125 Mas- sachusetts, 515 28, 264 Attorney-General v. North America It Tna Co., 91 New York, 57 43, 648 Attorney-General v. Stevens, 1 Saxton's Ch. 3C9. .xxii, E2g Attorney-General v. Tudor Ice Co., 104 Mass. 239. G, 27 Attorney-General v. Williams, 140 Mass. 329 51, 4G3 Attorney-General v. Woods, 108 Mass. 436 11,330 Att woo 1 v. Fricot, 17 California, 37 Ixrri, 5C7 Atwater v. Hough, 29 Connecticut, 508 Ixxix, 229 Atwater v. Sawyer, 76 Maine ,533 49, 634 Atwater v. Townsend, 4 Connecticut, 47 x, 97 Atwater v. Tnpper. 45 Connecticut, 144 29, C74 Atwater v. Woodbridge, 6 Connecticut, 223 xri, 46 Atwell v. Miller, 6 Maryland, 10 L\i, ?4 Atwell v. Miller, 11 Maryland, 343 MX, 206 Atwood v. Chapman, 63 Maine, 33 28, 5 Atwood v. Cobb, 10 Pickering, 227 xxvi, 657 Atwood T. Cornwall, 23 Michigan, 336 15, 219 Atwooi T. D : irborn, 1 Alle:i, 4S3 ITTJT, 755 Atwood v. Fisk, 101 Massachusetts, 363 c, 124 Atwood v. Holcomb, 33 Connecticut, 279 12, 336 Atwood v. Lucas. 53 Maine, 508 Ixxxix, 713 Atwood T. Reliance Trans. Co. 9 Watts, 87 xxxiv, 503 Atwoodv. Scott, 99 Mass. 177 xcvi, 723 Aubuchon v. McKnight, 1 Missouri, 312 xiii, 502 (Anchampaugh v. Schmidt, 70 Iowa, 644 57, 453 Audenreid's Appeal, 89 Pennsylvania State, 114. .33, 731 Audenried v. Estteley. 5 Allen, 333 Ixxxi, 755 lAudenreidv. Mercantile M. I. Co., 60N. Y.432..19, 204 Audenried v. Pliila. t R. R. Co., 63 Penn. St. 370. 8, 195 Auditor v. Atchison, T. & S. F. R. R. Co., 6 Kan- sas, 500 7,575 Auditor v. Ballard. 9 Bush, 572 15,723 Auditor v. Benoit, 29 Michigan, 176 4, 3S2 Auditor v. Woodruff, 2 Arkansas, 73 xxxiii, 3CS '.11, 6 B. Monroe, 233 xllii, 1G4 Auerv. Penn., 99 Penn. St. 370 44,114 Auerbach v. Le Sueur Mill Company, 23 Minn. 91.41, 55 Auerbach v. N. Y. & Hudson R. Co., 83 N. Y. 2S1.42, 230 Augusta v. Hafers, 61 Georgia, 48 34, 95 Augustav.X . o, 332 2,55 Augusta v. Sweeney. 44 Georgia, 463 9, 172 i Factory v. Barnes. 72 Georgia, 217 53, 833 Aulman v. Aulman, 71 Iowa, 121 60, 783 Aultman v. Mallory. 5 Nebraska, 173 25, 473 Aurora v. Reed, 57 Illinois, 29 11, 1 Aurora v. West, 22 Indiana, 83 Ixxxv, 413 Ausmanv. Veal, 13 Indiana, 355 Ixxi, 331 Austin, Case of, 5 Rawle, 131 xxria, CC7 Austin v. Austin, 50 Maine, 74 Jjotix.597 Austin v. Bailey, 37 Vermont, 219 Ixxrri, 703 Austin v. Bell, 29 Johnson, 412 xi, 297 Austin T. Bost wick, 9 Connecticut, 430 xxv 43 Austin v. Bristol, 40 Connecticut, 123 16, 23 Austin v. Burbank, 2 Day, 474 ii, 119 Austin v. Coggeshdll, 12 Rhode Island, 329 34, 648 Austin v. Charlestown Female Seminary, 8 Metcalf, 193 xli, 497 Austin v. Hall, 13 Johnson, 286 vii, 376 Austin v. Holland, 69 New York, 571 25, 246 Austin v. Huntsville Coal and Mining Company, 72 Mo. 535 3T, 446 Austin v. New Jersey S. Co.. 43 N.Y. 75 3,663 Austin v. Richardson, 3 Call, 201 ii, C43 Austin v. Rodman, 1 Eawks, 104 ix, 630 Austin v. Searing, 16 New York, 112 Ixix, 665 Austin v. Underwood, 37 Illinois, 433 Ixxxvii, 254 Austin v. Whitlock, IMunford, 437 iv, 550 Austin T. Wilson, 4 Gushing. 273 1, 768, Austin v. Winston, 1 Hening M. 33 iii, 583 Avegnov. Hart, 25 La. Ann. 235 13, 133 Avent v. Read, 2Porter, 4SO xxvii, 663 Averett's Adm'r v. Booker, 15 Grattan, 163....1rxvi, 203 Averill v. Williams & Sage, 4 Denio, 205 xlvii, 252 Avery v. Avery, 33 Kansas, 1 52, 523 Avery v. Avery, 12 Texas, 54 lirii, 513 Avery T. Bowman, 40 New Hamp. 453 Ixxvii, 728 Avery ads. Commonwealth, 14 Bush, 625 29, 429 Avery v. Chappel, 6 Connecticut, 270 xvi, 53 Avery v. demons, 18 Connecticut, 306 xlvi, 323 Avery v. Dougherty, 1C2 Indiana: 443 52, 630 Avery v. Lewis, 10 Vermont, 332 xxxiii, 203 Avery v. Moore, 1 Haywood, 32 i, 530 Avery ads. State, 7 Connecticut, 266 xviii, 105 Avery v. Stewart, 2 Connecticut, 69 vii, 240 Avery v. Tyringham, 3 Massachusetts, 103 iii, 105 Avery v. Wilson, 81 New York, 311 37, 5C3 Axford v. Matthews, 43 Michigan, 327 38, 185 Axsonv. Elakely, 2 McCord, 6 xiii, 697 Aycock v. Martin, 37 Georgia, 124 xcii, 56 Ayer v. Ashmead, 31 Connecticut, 447 Ixsxiii, 154 Ayer v. Hay, 2 Mill, 3CS xii, 681 Ayer v. Hutchins, 4 Massachusetts, 370 iii, 232 Ayer v. Norwich. 39 Connecticut, 376 12, 396 Ayerv. Tilden. 15 Gray, 173 Ixrrii, 355 Ayerv? Wilson, 2 Mill, 319 xii, 677 Ayers v. Burns, 7 Indiana, 245 44, 759 Ayers v. Mih-oy, C3 Missouri, 516 14,465 Aymarv. Beers, 7Cowen, 705 xvii. 538 Aymar v. Sheldon, 12 Wendell, 439 xxvii, 137 Ayott v. Smith, 40 Vermont, 532 xciv, 429 Ayrault v. Pacific Bank, 47 New York, 570 7, 489 Ayres v. Campbell, 9 Iowa, 213 Ixxiv, 346 Ayres v. Duprey, 27 Texas, 503 Ixxxvi, 657 Ayres v. Farmers & M. B'k, 79 Missouri, 421 49, 235 Ayres v. Harness, 1 Ohio, 333 xiii, C29 Ayres v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 17 Iowa, 176. .Ixxxv, 553 Ayres v. Hubbard. 57 Michigan, 322 58, 361 Ayres v. Penn. R. R. Co., 43 New Jersey L. 44.. .57, 538 B v. I . 22 Wisconsin, 372 xciv, 604 Baberads. State. 74 Missouri, 92 41,314 Babbv. Clemscn, 10 Serg. & R. 419 xiii, 684 Babb v. Harrison, 9 Richardson's Eq. Ill Ixx, 203 Babbv. Reed, 5Rawle, 151 xxviii, 650 ;abcock v. Booth, 2 Hill (X. Y.), 131 xxxviii, 573 f BabcockY. Erown, 23 Vermont, 553 Ix, 290 Babcock v. Case, 61 Pennsylvania State, 427 c, C54 Eabcockv. Herbert, 3 Alabama, 332 xxsvii, Cf'5 Sabcock v. Kennedy, 1 Vermont, 457 xviii, 695 Babcock ads. People, 7 Johnson, 201 v. 256 Bab-Bak TABLE OF CASES. 12 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Babcock v. Thompson, 3 Pickering, 446 xv, 233 Babcock v. Trice, 18 Illinois, 42C brriii, 533 Babcock T. Western E. R, Co., 9 Metcalf, 553 . . .xliii, 411 Babcock T. Wilson, 17 Maine, 372 xxxv, 2C3 Baca T. Ramos, 19 Louisiana, 417 xxix, 4G3 Baccigalupo v. Commonwealth, 33 Gratt. 807 36, 795 Baehelder ads. State, 5 Minnesota, 223 Ixxx, 410 Bachman v. Crawford, 3 Humphreys, 213 xxxix, 163 Bachman v. Roller, 9 Bait. 409 40, 97 Backenstoss v. Stabler. 33 Penn. State, 251 Ixxv. 592 Backman T. Wright, 27 'Vermont. 1S7 Ixv, 187 Backus T. Clark, 1 Kansas, 333 Ixxxiii. 437 Backus v. Detroit, 49 Michigan, 110 43, 447 Backus v. Lebanon, 11 New Hampshire, 19 xxxv, 466 Backus v. McCoy, 3 Ohio, 211 xvii, 585 Backus v. Murphy, 33 Penn. State, 397 Ixxs, 531 Bacon v. Bronson. 7 Johns, Ch. 134 xi, 443 Bacon v. Crown, 1 Bibb. 331 iv, C40 Bacon adj. Commonwealth. 13 Bush, 210 26, 1S3 Bacon v. Frisbio, 83 New York. 394 36, 627 Bacon v. Lincoln, 4Cushing, 210 1, 763 Bacon v. Mich. Cent. R. R. Co., 55 Michigan. 224.54, 372 Bacony. Shcppard, 6Halsted, 197 xx, 533 Bacon T. Smith, 2 Louisiana An. 441 xlvi, 5 ID Bacon v. Sondley, 3 Strobhart's Law, 542 li, 643 Bacon ads. State, 13 Oregon. 113 57, 8 Badger T. American Pop. L. I. Co., 103 Mass. 244. 4, 517 v Badjer, 83 New York, 516 42, 263 Badger v. Gilmore, 33 No w Hampshire, 3ol Ixri, 729 Badger T. Phinney, 15 Massachusetts, 333 viii, 105 Badgtr T. Titcomb, 15 Pickering, 403 xxvi, 611 Badgley v. Votrain, 63 Illinois, 23 18, 511 Badlam v. Tucker, 1 Pickering, 333 xi, 222 Badnall v. Roylance, 11 Gushing, 117 lix, 140 Appeal, 43 Pennsylvania State, 512.. . .Ixxxii, 533 Bagley v. Bowe, 105 New York, 171 59, 433 Bagley v. Peddie, 16 New York, 403 Ixix. 713 Bagley v. People. 43 Michigan, 355 38, 192 Bagley v. Smith, 10 New York (6 Selden), 483 Isi, 756 Bagley v. Ward, 37 California, 121 xcix, 256 Bagley v. Whit:-, 4 Pickering, 335 xvi, 333 Bagottv. Mullen, 92 Indiana, 332 2, 351 Bahamv. Bach, 13 Louisiana, 237 xxxiii, 5C1 Bahnv. Bahu, 62 Texas, 513 50, 539 Bailey v. Bailey, 41 Penn. State, 274 Ixxxiv, 433 Bailey v. Bancker, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 188. xxxviii, 623 Bailey v. Bryan, 3 Jones' Law, 357 Ixvii, 243 Bailey v. Carleton, 12 New Hampshire, 9 xxxvii, 130 . . Colby, 31 Xew Hampshire, 29 Ixvi, 732 Bailey ads. Commonwealth, 1 Mass. C2 ii, 3 Bailey v. Dilworth, 10 Smedes & M. 404 xlviii, 7CO Baileyv. Fain>lay, 6 Binney, 450. vi, 433 Bailey v. Filleljrown, 9 Greenleaf, 12 xxiii, 523 Bailey v. Freeman, 11 Johnson, 221....; vi, 371 Bailey v. Godfrey. 54 Illinois, 507 5, 137 Bailey T. Harris, 8 Iowa, 331 Ixxiv, 312 Bailey v. Hull, 1 1 Wisconsin, 2S3 Ixxriii, 703 Baileyv. Hyde, 3 Connecticut, 463 viii, 202 Bailey v. Irby, 2 Nott & McCord, 343 r.609 Bailey T. Jackson, 16 Johnson, 210 viii, 309 Bailey v. James, 11 Grattan, 4:3 Ixii, 653 Baileyv. Kennedy, 2 Delaware Ch, 12 ..xxix, 351 Bailey v. Kilburn, 10 Metcalf, 170 xliii, 423 Bailey v. King, 1 Wharton. 113 xxix, 42 Bailey v. Mayor of N. Y., 3 Hill (N. Y.), 531.. xxxviii, 669 Bailey v. Miller, 5 Iredell's Law, 444 xi; v. 47 Bailey v. Now England L. I. Co.. 114 Mass. 177.. .19, 323 Bailey v. Nickels, 2 Root, 407 i, 83 Bailey v. Ogrlen, 3 Johnson, 333 i:i, 503 Biiley v. Phila,. W. & B. R. R., 4 Har. (Del.) 333. .xliv. 533 Bailey v. Eagatz, 50 Wisconsin, 554 36, 863 Baileyv. Robinsons, 1 Grattan, 4 xlii, 40 Bailey v. Shaw, 24 New Hampshire, 297 1 v, 241 Bailey v. Simonds, 6 New Hampshire, 159 xxv, 454 Bailey v. Smith, 14 Ohio State, 396 Ixr. Baileyv. State, 52 Indiana, 462 21,182 Bailey ads. State, 16 Indiana, 46 Ixxix, 405 Bailey v. Stewart, 3 Watts & Serg. 560 xxxix, 50 Bailey v. Strohecker, 33 Georgia, 253 scv, 88 Bailey v. Taylor, 8 Martin, N. S., 121 six, 175 Bailey v. Taylor, 11 Connecticut, 531 xxix, 321 Bailey v. Town of Goshen. 32 Conn. 546. .'. . . .Ixxxvii. 191 Bailey v. Troy & B. R. R. Co., 57 Vermont. 232. ...";, 123 Bailey v. Wells, 8 Wisconsin, 141 bmri, 233 Bailey v. Wiggins, 5 Harrington, 4C2 Ix, 650 Baily v. Gentry, 1 Missouri, 164. xiii, 434 Bainbridge v. Sherlock, 29 Indiana, 3C4 zcv, 644 Bair v. Robinson, 108 Pennsylvania St. 247 50, 198, Baird v. Baird's Heirs, 1 Dev. & Bat. Eq., 524. . .xxxi, 399 Biirdv. Daly, 57 New York. 236 15,488 Baird v. Rice, 1 Call, 18 i, 437 Baird v. Tolliver, 6 Humphreys, 186 xliv, 298l Baity v. Cranfill. 91 North Carolina. 293 49, 641 Bajus v. Syracuse B. & N. Y. R. R, Co., 103 New York, 312 57,723 Bakeman ads. Commonwealth, 131 Mass. 577 41, 248 Bakeman v. Talbot, 31 New York, 363 lxxxvi:i, 275 Baker's Appeal, 107 Penn. St.. 381 5.% 473 Baker's Appeal. 188 Penn. St. 510 56,231 Baker v. Allegheny R. R. Co.. 95 Penn. St 211. . .-13, C34 Baker v. Baker, 4 Dutcher, 13 ! Baker v. Baker, 13 Metcalf, 125 x'.vi, 723 Baker v. Barney, 8 Johnson, 72 v. 326 Baker v. Ecssey, 73 Maine. 472 Baker v. Boston, 12 Pickering, 184 xxli, 421 . Braman, 6 Hill (N. Y), 47 xl, 387 . Briggs, 8 Pickering, 121 xix, 311 Baker Baker Baker Baker . Brinson, 9 Richardson's L. 201 bcvii, 548 .Bush, 25 Georgia, 594 Irsi, 193 . Clepper, 26 Texas, 629 Ixxxiv, 591 . Copenbarger, 15 Illinois, 103 Iviii, 600 . Cordon, 83 North Carolina. 116 41 , 443 . Crandall, 73 Missouri. 534 47, 126 Baker Baker Baker Baker v. Dodson, 4 Humphreys, 342 xl, 650 Baker v. Drake. 53 New York. 211 13, 507 Baker v. Drake, 66 New York, 513 23, 80 Baker v. Evans, Winst. Eq. 109 Ixxxvi, 456 Baker v. Freeman, 9 Wendell, 36 xxiv, 117 Baker v. Frick, 43 Maryland, 337 24, 506 Baker . Gregory, 23 Alabama, 544 Ixv, 366 Baker . Haines, 6 Wharton, 234 xxxvi, 224 Baker . Haldeman, 24 Missouri, 219 Ixix, 430 Baker . Haskell, 47 New Hampshire, 479 xclii, 455 Baker . Hoag, 7 N. Y. (3 Selden), 555 lix, 431 Baker . Hunt, 40 Illinois, 26 1 Ixxxix, 346 Baker T. Jewell, 6 Massachusetts, 460 i v, 1 2 Baker v. Kelly, 41 Mississippi. 696 xciii, 274 Baker v. Kinsey. 33 California, 631 xcix, 433 Baker v. Lever, 67 New York, 304. 23, 117 Bakerv. Lewis, 33 Penn. State, 301 Ixxv, 598 Baker v. Lovett, 6 Massachusetts, 78 iv, 88 Baker v. Marshall, 16 Vermont, 522 xlii, 523 Baker v. N. Y. Nat. B'k, 100 New York. 31 53, 150 Bakerv. Page, 11 Maine, 381 xxvi, 540 Baker v. Pendergast, 32 Ohio State, 494 30, 620 Baker ads. People, 76 New York, 73 32, 274 Baker v. Portland, 53 Maine, 199 4, 274 Baker v. Scott. 29 Kansas. 136 44,628 Baker v. Seaborn, 1 Swan, 54 Iv, 724 Baker v. Stackpoole, 9 Cowen, 420 xviii, 508 13 TABLE OF CASES. Bak Ban Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Eater ads. State. 64 Missouri, 167 27, -11 Baker v. State, CO Chio State. 184 23, 731 Baker v. Todd, 6 Texas, 273 Iv, 775 Baker v. Vining, 33 Maine, 121 1,617 Baker v, Waiawr.'g'at, 33 Maryland, 336 11, 4C5 Baker v. Wueaton, 5 Massachusetts, 509 iv, 71 Bdierv. Wheeler, 8 Wendell, 503 rxiv, 66 Baker v. Whiteside, Ereese, 171 xii, 168 Baker v. Willis, 123 Massachusetts, 194 23, Cl B-il; jr v. Young. 44 Illinois, 42 xcii, 149 Baker's Appeal, 21 Penn. State, 76 lix, 732 Bakersfield Cong. Soc. v. Baker, 15 Vt. 119 xl. 6C3 Balchv. Patten, 45 Maine, 41 Ixii, 023 fBalch v. Wilson. 23 Minnesota. 299 33, 4G7 Baldwin v. Aldrich, 34 Vermont, 526 ITTT, CS5 Baldwin v. American Express Co., 23 HI, 197....1xxiv, 1?3 Baldwin v. Baldwin, 81 Virginia, 405 50, 663 Baldwin v. Bank of La., 1 Louisiana An. 13 xlv, 72 Baldwin v. Banks, 23 Illinois, 43 lixi, 243 Baldwin v. Barney, 12 Rhode Island, 392 34, 670 Baldwin v. Carter, 17 Connecticut, 201 xlii, 735 Baldwin v. Chouteau Ins. Co., 56 Missouri, 151. ..17, C71 Baldwin a Is. Commonwealth, 11 Gray, 197 ITTJ, 703 Baldwin ads. Commonwealth, 1 Watts, 54. xxvi, 33 Baldwin v. Ensign, 49 Connecticut, 113 44, 205 Baldwin v. Farnsworth, 10 Maine, 414. xxv, 232 Baldwin v. Gray, 4 Martin, N. S. 192 xvi, 169 Baldwin v. Greenwood T. Co., 40 Conn. 238 1C, 33 Baldwin v. Hartford Ins. Co.. 60 X. Hamp. 422.. 49, 324 Baldwin v. Leonard, 39 Vermont, 260 xciv, 3lil Baldwin v. Liverpool & G. W. S. Co., 74X. Y. 125.30, 277 Baldwin T. Munn, 2 Wendell, 399 XT, 627 Baldwinv. O'Erian, Coxe, 413 i, ":, Baldwin v. Palmer, 10 New York (6 Selden), 232.. Ixi, 743 Baldwin T. Parker, 99 Massachusetts, 79 xcvi, 697 Baldwin v. Peet, 22 Texas, 708 Ixxv, 805 Baldwin v. Snowden, 11 Ohio State, 203 Ixxviii, 303 Baldwin ads. State ex rel. Mayne, 1 nalst. Ch. 454.. xlv, 399 Baldwin v. United States Tel. Co. , 45 X. Y. 744. . . 6, 165 Baley v. Homestead Fire Ins. Co., 80 N. Y. 21 36, 570 Balio v. Wilson, 12 Martin, 338 xiii, 376 Ballv. Bank of Ala., 8 Alabama, 590 xlii, 649 Ball T. Bennett, 21 Indiana, 427 Ixxxiii. 353 Ball v. Claflin, 5 Pickering, 303 rri, 407 Ballv. Deas, 2Strobhart's Eq. 24 xlix, 631 Ballv. Greaud, 14 Louisiana An. 305 Ixxiv, 431 Ball v. Liney, 43 New York, 6 8, 511 Ball v. Xye, 99 Massachusetts, 582 xcvii, 5G Ballads. People, 14 California, 101 Ixxiii, 631 Ball v. Siegel, 116 Illinois. 137 5C, 767 Ball v. Slack, 2 Wharton, 508 xxx. 273 Ballv. Stanley, 5Ycrger, 199 ixvi, 263 'Ballv. Woodbine, 61 Iowa. 83 47,805 Ballance v. Rankin, 12 Illinois, 420 liv, 412 Ballantine v. Harrison. 37 New Jersey Eq. 560 45, 6C7 Ballard v. Carter, 5 Pickering, 112 xri, 377 Ballard v. Merchant^ Ins. Co.. 9 La. 258 xxix, 444 Ballard v. Russell, 33 Maine, 196 liv, 620 Balientine v. Xorth Mo. R, R. Co., 40 Mo. 491..xciii. 315 Bailer ads. State, 23 West Virginia, 90 53, 66 Ballietv. Commonwealth, 17 Penn. State, 509 Iv, 581 Ballinger v. Bourland. 87 Illinois, 513 29, 69 Ballinger v. Tarbell. 16 Iowa. 491 Ixxxv, 527 Balliov. Poisset, 8 Martin, N. S. 336 xix, 1S5 Ballouv. Chicago, M.&St. P. R, Co., 54 Win. 259.41, 31 Ballou v. Hale, 47 Xew Hampshire, 347 xciii, 433 Ballou v. Talbot, 16 Massachusetts, 461 viii, 146 Balsley v. St. Louis, A. & T. H. R. Co, 119 El 6S..59, 7S1 Baltimore v. B. & O. R. R., 6 Gill, 233 xlviii, 531 Baltimore v. Chester, 53 Vermont, 315 38, 677 Baltimorev. Lefferman, 4 Gill, 425 xlv, K5 Baltimore v. Reynolds, 23 Maryland, 1 lxxxi : i, 535 Baltimore C. P. R. Co. v. Kemp, 61 Md. 619 48, 134 Baltimore C. P. R. Co. v. Sewell, 35 MJ. 233 6, 402 Baltimore &. H. T. Co. v. Union R'y Co., 35 Mary- land, 224 6,397 Baltimore v. Hughes, 1 Gill & J. 4S3 xix, 243 Baltimore & L. T. Co. v. Cassell, C6 Md. 419 59, 175 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. v. Ereinig, 23 Ma- ryland, 373 xc, 49 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. v. Bitner, 15 West Virginia, 455 * 36, 820 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. v. Brydou, 65 Md. 193. .57, 318 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. v. Campbell, 3'5 Ohio St 647 38,617 Baltimore & O. R.R. Co. v. Gallahue, 12 Grat.. 655,.lsv, 254 Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. Glenn, 23 Md. 2S7 xdl, 688 Baltimore & O. R. R, Co. v. Jameson. 13 W. Vir- ginia, 833 31, 775 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. v. Potomac Coal Co.. 51 Maryland. 327 34, 31S Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. v. Rathbone, 1W. Va. 87 Ixxxviii, 664 Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. Schumacher, 29 Md.163.xcvi. 510 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. v. Schwindling, 107 Penn. State, 253 47,708 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. ads. State. 15 West Virginia, 362 36, 803 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. v. State, C2 Md. 479. . . .50, 233 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. v. State, 24 Ma- ryland, 84 Ixxxvii, 600 Baltimore & 9. R. Co. v. State, 29 Md. 252 xcvi, 528 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. ads. State, 12 Gill & J. 399 xxxviii,317 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. ads. State, 24 Ma- ryland. 84 Ixxxvii, 600 Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. Strieker. 51 Md. 47 34, 291 Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. Sulphur Spring L S. Diat., 96 Pennsylvania State, 65 42, 529 Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co. v. Worthington, 21 Md. 275 Ixxxiii, 578 Baltimore & O. R. Co. v. Wightman, 29 Gratt. 431.. 20, 334 Baltimore & O. R. R. Co. v. Wilkens. 44 Md. 11.. 22, 26 Baltimore & P. R. R. Co. v. Magruder, 34 Md. 79.. 6, 310 Baltimore P. B. & L. Soc. v. Smith, 54 Md. 187. . .3ft, 374 Baltimore R. &. F. B. Co. v. Mali, 65 Md. 93 57, 334 Bait, and Susq. R. R. Co. v. Faunce, 6 Gill, CS. . .xlvi, 655 Bait, and Susq. R. R. Co. v. Woodruff, 4 Md. 242 lix, 72 Baltimore Steam Packet Co. v Smith, 23 Ma- ryland, 402 Ixxxvii, 575 Baltzell v. Nosier, 1 Iowa, 533 Ixiii, 466 Bamber v. Savage, 52 Wisconsin, 110 38, 723 Bamberg v. South Carolina R. Co., 9 S. C. 61 30, 13 Bancroft v. Grover, 23 Wisconsin, 4C3 xcix, 195 Bancroft v. Inhab. of Lynnfield, 13 Pick. 566 ... .xxix, 623 Bancroft v. Merchants' D. T. Co.. 47 Iowa, 262.. 29, 482 Bancroft v. Wardell, 13 Johnson, 439 vii, 396 Baney v. Killmer, IPenn. State, 30 xliv, 109 Banfield v. Whipple, 10 Allen, 27 Ixxxvii, 618 Bangor O. & M. R. R. Co. v. Smith, 49 Me. 9. ...Ixsvii, 246 Bangor v. Coding, 35 Maine, 73 Ivi, 683 Bangor v. Masonic Lodge, 73 Maine, 428 40, 369 Bangorv. Warren, 34 Maine, 324 Ivi, 657 Bangor Bank v. Treat, 6 Greenleaf , 207 xix, 210 Eai-gs v. Hall, 2 Pickering, 303 xiii, 437 Bangs v. Strong, 7 Hill (X. Y ) 2:3 xlii, 64 Banister v. Higginson, 15 Maine, 73 xxxii, 134 Bank v. Alexander, 85 Xorth Carolina, 352 39, 702 Bankv. Butler. 41 Ohio State, 519 52, 94 Ban Bar TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabio figures [49] to American Reports. Bank v. Cooper, 2 Yerger, 599 xxiv. 517 Bank v. Douglass, 4 Watts, 03 xxviii, GSD Bank v. Fordyce, 9 Penn. State, 273 xlix, 5S1 Bank v. Kuotts, 10 Richardson's L. 543 bcx 234 Bank v. Williams. 40 Mississippi, CIS 12, 319 Baakard v. Ealtiinore & O. R. R. Co.. 31 Md. 107.. 6, 321 Bank of . If not found here, see name of bank. Bank of Alabama v. Comegys, 12 Alabama, 772. .xlvi, C73 Bank of Eangor T. Treat, 6 Greenleaf, 2C7 xix, 210 Bank of Eatavia v. New York, L. E. . W. R, R. Co., 10G New York, 195 60,440 Bank of Brighton Smith. 12 Allen, 213 re, 141 Bank of British North Am. T. Hooper, 5 Gray, 5C7.1xvi, 330 Bank of Cadiz T. Slemmons. 3t Chio St. 142 3?, 331 Bank of Carlisle v. Hopkins, 1 T. E. Monroe, 243.. xv, 113 Bank of Cass Co. v. Morrison, 17 Nebraska, 341.. 32, 417 Bank of Charleston v. Curtiss, 18 Conn. 342 xlvi, 323 Bank of Charleston ads. State, 2McMvJ. L,439.xxxix, 135 Bank of Charleston v. Zorn, 14 S. C. 414 37, 733 Bank of Chillicothe v. Mayor etc., 7 Ohio. Pt. 2, 31 .xxx, 185 Bank of Chillicothe, v. Swayne, 8 Ohio, 237 xxxii, 707 Bank of Columbia v. Haldeman, 7 Watts & S. 233. .xlii, 223 Bank of Columbia v. Magruder, 6 Harris &. J. 172. xiv, 271 Bank of Commerce T. Earrett, 33 Georgia, 12(3. . ..xcv. 334 Bank of Commerce T. Bogy, 44 Missouri, 13 c, 247 Bank of Commerce T. Hoeber, 83 Missouri, 37 57, 339 Bank of Commerce T. Owens, 31 Maryland. 320. . . I, 60 Bank of Comrnonw'h v. McChord, 4 Dana, 191..xxix, 398 Bank of Deer Lodge v. Hope M. Co., 3 Mont. 14G.35, 433 Bank of Delaware Co. v. Broomhall, 38 Penn. St. 133 Isix, 471 Bank of Elizabeth T. Ayers, 2 Halsted, 130 xi, 533 Bank of Gallipolis v. Domigan, 12 Ohio, 220 xl, 475 Bank of Greensboro T. Chambers, 30 Gratt. 202.. 32, 661 Bank of Hamburg v. Wray, 4 Strobhart's Law, 87. .li, G39 Bank of Holly Springs v. Pinsc-n. 53 Miss, 421. .. .38, 330 Bank of Illinois T. Sloo, 16 Louisiana, 539 xxxv, 223 Bank of Indiana v. Anderson, 14 Iowa. 544. .Ixxxiii, 309 Bank of Kentucky v. Clark, 4 Missouri, 59 xxviii, 345 Bank of Kentucky v. Hancock, 6 Dana, 284 xxxii, 76 Bank of Kentucky v. Herndon, 1 Eush, 339. . .Ixxxix. 630 Bank of Kentucky v. Sanders, 3 A. K. Marshall, 184 xiii, 149 Bank of Limestone v. Penick, 2 T. B. Monroe, 98. .XT, 136 Bank of Louisiana v. Satterfield, 14 La. An. 80. .Lxxiv, 427 Bank of Louisiana v. Williams, 46 Miss. 618 12, 319 Bank of Louisville T. First Nat. Bank, S East. 101.35, 691 Bank of Manchester T. Bartlett, 13 Vt. 315. .. .xxxvii, 594 Bank of Maryland ads. State, 6 Gill & Johnson, 205 xxri, 561 Bank of Michigan T. Niles, 1 Douglass, 401 xli, 575 Bank of Missouri v. Matson, 26 Missouri, 213...1xxii. 208 Bank of Missouri T. Wells, 12 Missouri, 3C1 li, 163 Bank of Missouri v. White, 23 Missouri, 342 Ixvi, C71 Bank of Mobile v. Hall. 6 Alabama, 141 xli, 41 Bank of Mobile v. Hall, 6 Alabama, C39 xli, 72 Bank of Monroe Ex parte, 7 Hill (N. Y.), 177 xlii, 61 Bank of Monroe v. Widner, 11 Paige, 29 xliii, 7C3 Bank of Montgomery v. Walker. 9 Serg. & R. 229. . .xi, 709 Bank of Montpelier v. Dixon, 4 Vermont, 537.. .xxiv, C40 Bank of Muskingurn v. Carpenter. 7 Ohio St. 121 xxviii, 616 Bank of Mut. Redemption v. Hill, 56 Me. 335. . ..xcvi, 470 Bank of New Eruuswick T. Nelson, 3 Green's Law 337 xxlx. C91 Bank of Newbury v. Sinclair, 60 N. H. 100 49. 307 Bank of North Am. v. Wheeler, 23 Conn 433...1xxiii, CS3 Bank of Ohio Valley v. Lockwood, 13 W. Va. 392.31, 70S Bank of Old Dominion v. Dubuque and Pacific R. R. Co., Slows, 277 Ixxiv, 302 Bank of Orleans v. Whittemore, 12 Gray, 4G9. . .Ixxiv, 605 Bank of Oswego v. Doyle, 91 New York. 32 43, 634 Bank of Owensboro T. Western Ea:ik, 13 Eush. 526 .'IS, 211 Bank of Pennsylvania v. Winger, 1 Rawle, 205 . .xviii, 633 Bank of Pittsburgh T. Whitehead, 10 Watts, 3D7 xxxvi, 186 Bank of the Republic v. Carrington, 5 R. I. olS.Lxxiii, 83 Bank of Rochester v. Jones, 4 N. Y. 497 Iv, 290 Bank of Rochester v. Monteath, 1 Denio, 4C2 xliii, C31 Bank of Rome v. Village of Rome, 19 X. Y. 2). .ixxv, 272 Bank of Sonoma Co. v. Gore, 63 California, 353. .-10, 92 Bank of St. Albans v. Farm. & M. Ek., 1 Vt. 141.xxxiii, 188 Bank of St. Albans v. Gilliland, 23 Wend. 311 . .xxxv, 566 Bank of Smyrna ads. State, 2 Houston, S9 Ixxiii, 699 Bank of South Carolina T. S. C. M. Co., 3 Strob- hart's Law, 190 xlix, 640 Bank of Syracuse v. Hollister, 17 New York. 4G.lxxii, 416 Bank of Tennessee v. Beatty, 3 Sneed, 305. Ixv, 58 Bank of Tennessee v. Hill, 10 Humphreys, 173 li, G38 Bank of Tennessee v. Patterson, 8 Hump. 3C3. . .xlvii, 618 Bank of H. S. v. Beirne, 1 Grattan, 234 xlii, 551 Bank of U. S. v. Lane, 3 Hawks, 432 xiv, 595 Bank of U. S. v. Merle, 2 Robinson (La.) 117..xxxvi:i, 201 Bank of U. S. T. Patton, 5 Howard, 200 xxxv, 428 Bank of U. S. T. Sill, 5 Connecticut, 103 xiii, 44 Bank of Utica T. Bender, 21 Wendell, C43 xsxiv, 281 Bank of Utica v. City of Utica, 4 Paige Ch. 399.xxrii, 71 Bank of Utica v. Finch, 3 Earbour's Ch. 203 xlix, 175 Bank of Utica v. Mersereau, 3 Earbour's Ch. 528. xlix, 189 Bank of Utica T. Smalley. 2 Cowen, 770 xiv, 526 Bank of Whitehall, T. Pettis, 13 Vermont, SOo.xxxvii, COO Bank of Wooster T. Stevens, 1 Ohio State, 233 ... .ILs, 619 Banks v. Brown, 2 Hill Ch 558, 1 Riley Ch. 131 . . xxx, 330 Banks T. Evans, 11 Smedes & M 35 xlviii, 734 Banks v. McClella, , C J Maryland, 62 Ixxxvii, 534 Banks v. Mitchell, 8 Yerger, 111 xxix, 1C4 Banks v. Poitiaux, 3 Randolph, 136 xv, 706 Banner Pub. Co. v. State, 16 Lea, 176 57, 21C Banning v. Bleakley, 27 Louisiana An. 237 21, 554 Banning v. Bradford, 21 Minnesota, 308 18, 398 Bannon v. Brandon, 34 Penn. State, 2G3 LETV, C55 Banorgee T. Hovey, 5 Massachusetts, 11 i v, 17 Bansemer T. Mace, 18 Indiana, 27 Ixxxi, 344 Bansemer T. Toledo and Wabash Railway Co. 25 Indiana, 434 Ixxxvii. 367 Banta v. Vreeland, 2McCarter, 103 Ixxsii, 233 Bantleon T. Smith, 2 Binney, 146 iv, 430 Bantleyads. State, 44 Connecticut, 537 26,436 Barbee T. Armstead, 10 Iredell's Law, 530 11, 494 Barber . Abendroth. 102 New York, 406 55, 821 Barber . Bennett, 53 Vermont, 476 36, 5G5 Barber . Brace, 3 Connecticut, 9 viii, 149 Earber . Chandler, 17 Penn. State, 43 Iv. 533 Barber . Fire&M. Ins Co.. 16 W. Va, 633 MI, 800 Barber . Hall, 23 Vermont, 112 Ix, 30J Barber v. Slade, 30 Vermont, 191 Ixxiii, 299 Barber v. St. Louis etc. R. R. Co., 43 Iowa, 223. ...',',', C-3 Barber v. Swan, 4 G. Greene, 3 "2 bu, 124 Earber v. Wheeling F. & M. L Co., 16 W. Va. 658.37, 800 Barbour v. Bayon, 5 Louisiana An. 304 Ui, 593 Barbour ads. State, 53 Connecticut, 76 55, 65 Barclay v. Commonwealth, 23 Penn. State, 503 . .Ixiv, 715 Barclay v. Smith, 107 LUinois, 349 47,437 Barclay v. Weaver, 19 Perm. State, 396 Mi, 661 Barcus v. State. 49 Mississippi. 17 19, 1 Earden T. McKinnie, 4 Hawks, 279 xv, 519 Eardonv. Superv rs of Colombia Co.. 33 Wis. 445. ..14, 702 Bardstown etc. R. R. Co. T. Metcalf, 4 Met. (Ky.) 199 IxxsJ, 541 Bardwell v. Mobile & O. R. R. Co., 63 Miss. 574.. .56, 842 Bard well v. Perry, 19 Vermont, 292. xlvii, 687 15 TABLE OF CASES. Bar Barr Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Barer. Hoffman, 79 Pennsylvania St. 71 21, 42 Barelliv. Brown, 1 McCord, 443 x, 683 Barfield v. Britt, 2 Jones' Law, 41 Ixii, 190 Barfield v. State, 29 Georgia, 127 Ixxiv, 49 Barge v. Commonwealth, 3 Penrose & Watts, 262 .xxiii, 81 Barham v. Turbeville, 1 Swan, 437 Ivii, 782 Barhydt v. Talk, 12 Wendell, 145 xxvii, 124 Baring v. Peirce, 5 Watts & Serg. 543 xl, 534 Barkeloov. Randall, 4 Blackford, 476 xxxii, 46 Barker v. Baltimore & O. R. R. Co., 22 Ohio St. 45.10, 726 Barker v. Bates, 13 Pickering, 255 xxiii, 678 Barker v. Bradley, 42 New York, 316 1, 521 Barker v. Bucklin, 2 Denio, 45 xliii, 726 Barker v. Clark, 4 New Hampshire, 380 xvii, 423 Barker v. Dinsinore, 72 Pennsylvania St. 427 13, 697 Barker v. Havens, 17 Johnson, 234 viii, 393 Barker v. Hibbard, 5i New Hampshire, 539 20, ICO Barker v. Mann, 5 Bush, 672 xcvi, 373 Barker v. Mech. Fire Ins. Co., 3 Wendell, 94 xx, 664 Barker v. Pearce, 33 Penn. State, 173 Ixxii, 691 Barkerv. People, 3 Cowen, 683 xv, 322 Barker v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 8 Johnson, 307 v, 333 Barker v. Savage. 45 New York, 191 G, 63 Barker v. Schooner E. M. Wright, 1 Mackey, 24. .47, 231 Barker ads. State, 4 Kansas, 324 xcvi, 175 Barkerv. Stetson, 7 Gray, 53 Ixvi, 457 Barker v. Wheelip, 5 Humphreys, 329 xlii, 432 Barkhamsted v. Case, 5 Connecticut, 528 xiii, 92 Barkley v. Tarrant, 20 South Carolina, 574 47, 853 Barkley v. Wilcox. 83 New York, 140 40, 519 Barksdale v. Brown, 1 Nott & McCord, 517. ix, 720 Barksdale v. Garrett, 64 Alabama, 277 38, 6 Barks lale v. White, 28 Gratt. 224 20, 341 Barkshire v. State, 7 Indiana, 339 Ixv, 738 Barling v. West, 29 Wisconsin, 307 9, 57G Barlow v. Bell, 1 A. K. Mil-shall, 245 x, 731 Barlow v. Curtis, 50 New York, 321 10,433 Barlow v. Lambert, 28 Alabama, 704 Ixv, 374 Barlow v. Myers, C4 New York, 41 21, 532 Barlow v. St. Nicholas Nat. Bank, 63 N. Y. 393. ..20, 547 Barlow v. Wainwright, 22 Vermont, 83 lii, 73 Barmore v. Jay, 2 McCord, 371 x ii, 731 Barnacle ads. Commonwealth, 134 Mass. 215 45, 319 Barnard v. Bartlett, 10 Gushing, 501 Mi, 123 Barnard v. Campbell, 53 New York, 73 17, 233 Barnard v. Coffin, 141 Massachusetts, 37 55, 443 Barnard v. Gushing, 4 Metcalf, 233 xxxviii, 352 Barnard v. Duncan, 33 Missouri, 170 xc, 416 Barnard v. Edwards, 4 New Hampshire, 107 xvii, 433 Barnard v. Pope, 14 Massachusetts, 434 vii, 225 Barnard v. Stevens, 2 Aikens, 429 xvi, 733 Barnard v. Whipple, 23 Vermont, 401 Ixx, 422 Barnes v. Campbell, 59 New Hampshire, 123 47, 1S3 Barnes v. Chapin, 4 Allen, 441 Ixxxi, 710 Barnes v. Chicopee, 133 Massachusetts, 67 52, 259 Barnes v. Dean, 5 Watts, 543 xxx. 346 Barn.^v. Gibbs, 2 Vroom, 317. ixxxvi, 210 Barnes v. Harris, 7 Gushing, 576 liv, 734 Barnes v. Haynes, 13 Gray, 138 Ixxiv, 629 Barnes v. Irwin, 2 Dallas, 199 i. 278 Barnes v. Martin, 15 Wisconsin, 240 Ixxxii, 670 Barnes v. McClinton, 3 Penrose & Watts, 67 xxiii, 62 Barnes v. Means, 82 Illinois. 379 25, 323 Barnes v. Meeds, 8 Iredell's Law, 292 rlix, 330 Barnes v. Milne, Richardson's Eq. Cases, 459 xxiv. 422 Barnes v. Moody, 5 Howard (Miss.), 636 xxxvii, 172 Barnes v. Mott. 64 New York, 397 21, 625 Barnes v. People, 18 Illinois, 52 Ixv, C93 Barnes v. Shelton, Harper'sLaw, 33 xxiii, C42 Barnes v. Simmons. 27 Illinois. 512 Ixxxi, 243 Barnes v. Simms, 5 Iredell's Eq. 392 xlix, 435 Barnes v. Teague, 1 Jones' Equity, 277 Ixii, 200 Barnes T. Union M. F. L Co., 51 Maine, 110 Ixxxi, 562 Barnes v. Ward, Busbee's Eq. 93 Ivii, 590 Barnes v. Webster, 16 Missouri, 258. Ivii, 232 Barnet v. Barnet, 15 Serg. & R. 72 xvi, 516 Barnet v. Fergus, 51 Illinois, 352 xcix, 547 Barnet v. Smith, 30 New Hampshire, 256 Ixiv, 290 Barnet ads. State, 1 Jones' L. 539 Ixii, 188 Barnett v. Atlantic & Pacific R.R. Co., 68 Mo. 56.30, 773 Barnett v. Caruth, 22 Texas, 173 Ixxiii, 2.55 Barnett v. Goings, 8 Blackford, 284. xli v, 766 Barnett v. Nelson, 54 Iowa, 41 37, 1S3 Barnett v. Reed, 51 Penn. St. 190 Ixxxviii, 574 Barnett ads. State, 3 Kansas, 250 Ixxxvii, 471 Barnett v. Shackleford, G J. J. Marshall, 532 xxii, 100 Barnett v. Ward, 36 Ohio St. 107 38, 561 Barnett's Appeal, 46 Penn. State, 392 Ixxxvi, 502 Barnewall v. Church, 1 Caines, 217 ij, 180 Barney v. Bliss, 1 D. Chipman, 399 xii, 696 Barney v. Brown, 2 Vermont, 374 xix, 720 Barney v. Currier, 1 D. Chipman, 315 vi, 739 Barney v. Dewey, 13 Johnson, 224 vii, 372 Barney v. McCarty, 15 Iowa, 510 Ixxxiii, 427 Barney v. Parsons, 54 Vermont, 623 41 , 853 Barney v. Prentiss, 4 Harris & J. 317 vii, 670 Barney v. Smith, 4 Harris & J. 485 vii, 079 Barnitz v. Eice, 14 Maryland, 24 Ixxiv, 513 Bams v. Barrow, 61 New York, 39 1!, 247 Barns v. Graham, 4 Cowen, 452 xv, 394 Barus v. Hatch, 3 New Hampshire, 304 xiv, 369 Barnstine v. Eggart, 3 McCord, l.',2 xv, C25 Barnum v. Baltimore, 62 Maryland, 275 50, 219 Barnum v. Barnum, 8 Connecticut, 4G9 xxi, 689 Bainum v. Baraum, 26 Maryland, 119 xc, 88 Barnum v. Gilpin, 27 Minnesotta, 4C6 38, 304 Barnum v. Mayor, etc. of Baltimore, C2 Md. 275. .50, 219 Barnum v. State, 15 Ohio, 717 xlv, 601 Barnwell v. McGrath, 1 McMullan's Law, l"4..xxxvi, 234 Baron v. Abeel, 3 Johnson, 431 iii, 515 Barr v. Doe ex dem. Binford, 6 Black. 335 . . . .xxxviii, 146 Barr v. Moore, 87 Pennsylvania St. 335 30, 367 Ban-era v. Alpuente, 6 Martin, N. S., 69 xvii, 179 Barret v. Hart, 42 Ohio St. 41 51,801 Barrett v. Bell. 82 Missouri, 110 52, 361 Barrett v. Black, 55 Maine, 493 xcvi, 497 Barrett v. Buxton, 2 Aikens, 167 xvi, 691 Barrett v. Copeland, 13 Vermont, 67 xliv, 362 Barrett v. Dolan, 133 Massachusetts, 306 39, 456 Barrett v. French, 1 Connecticut, 354 vi, 241 Barrett v. Lightfoot 1 T. B. Monroe, 241 xv, 110 Barrett ads. People, 2 Caines, 304 ii, 239 Barrett v. Pritchard, 2 Pickering, 512 riii, 449 Barrett v. Rogers, 7 Massachusetts, 297 v 45 Barrett v. White, 3 New Hampshire, 210 xiv, 352) Barrett v. Wills, 4 Leigh, 114 xxvi, 315 Barriev. Earle. 143 Massachusetts, 1 58, 126 Barringerv. Sneed, 3 Stewart, 201 xx, 74 Barroilhet v. Hathaway, 31 California, 335 Ixxxix, 193 Barron v. Cobleigh, 11 New Hampshire, 557 xxxv, 505 Ban-on v. Eldredge, 100 Massachusetts, 455 1, 126 Barrou v. Tucker. 53 Vermont. 333 38, 684 Barrow v. Landry. 15 Louisiana An. 681 Ixxvii, 139 Barrow v. Paxton, 5 Johnson, 258 iv, 354 Barrow v. Richard, 8 Paige, 351 xxxv, 713 Barrow ads. State, 14 Texas, 179 Ixv, 109 Barrows v. Bell, 7 Gray. 301 Ixvi, 479 Barrows v. Downs, 9 Rhode Island, 446 11, 233 Barrows v. Knight, 6 Rhode Island, 434 Ixxviii, 452 Barrows v. Lane, 5 Vermont, 161 xxvi, 293 Barr Bax TABLE OF CASES. 18 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Barrows ads. State, 76 Maine, 401 4ft, G29 Barry v. City of Lowell. 8 Allen, 127 Ixxxv, C90 Barry v. Iseman, 14 Richardson's Law, 129 xci, 262 Barryv. Jones, 11 Heisk. 206 27,742 Barry v. Lambert, 93 New York, 300 50, 677 Barry v. N. York Cent. etc. R. Co., 92 N. Y. 289.. 44, 377 Barry v. Oyster Bay etc. S, Co. . 67 N. Y 301 23, 115 Barry v. Schmidt, 57 Wisconsin, 172 4, 35 Barstow v. Savage Mining Co.. 64 California, 388.49, 705 Barter vs. Wheeler, 49 New Hampshire, 9 6, 434 Earth ads. State. 25 South Carolina, 175 60, 496 Barthe v. Lines, 118 Illinois, 374 59, 374 Barthe v. Successid^of Lacroix, 29 La. An. 326. .29, 33D Bartholomew v. Bentley, 15 Ohio, 659 xlv, 596 Bartholomew v. Bushnell, 20 Connecticut, 271 lii, 338 Bartholomew v. Jackson, 20 Johnson, 28 xi, 237 Bartholomew v. Merchants' Ins. Co., 25 la. 507..xcvi, 65 Bartholomew v. People, 104 Illinois, 601 44, 97 Bartholomew v. St. Louis, Jacksonville, etc. R. R. Co., 53 Illinois, 227 5, 45 Bartholomew v. Warner, 32 Connecticut, 98. . .Ixxxv, 251 Bartlet v. Harlow, 12 Massachusetts, 347 vii, 76 Bartlet v. Knight, 1 Massachusetts, 401 ii, 36 Bartlett v. Bartlett, 113 Massachusetts, 312 18, 493 Bartlett v. Elaine, 83 Illinois, 25 25, 31G Bartlett v. Blake, 37 Maine, 124 Iviii, 775 Bartlett v. Boston Gas light Co. 117 Mass. 533. ... 19, 421 Bartlett v. Brown, 6 Rhode Island, 37 Ixxv, 675 Bartlett v. Crozier, 17 Johnson, 449 viii, 428 Bartlett v. Doe ex dem. Gayle, 6 Alabama, 305 ill, 52 Bartlett v. Drake, 100 Massachusetts, 174 xcvii. 92 Bartlett v. Drake, 100 Massachusetts, 174 1, 101 Bartlett v. Hoppock, 34 New York, 118 Ixxxviii, 428 Bartlett v. Isbell, 31 Connecticut, 296 Ixxxiii, 146 Bartlett y. Jones, 2 Strobhart's Law, 471 xlix, 606 Bartlett v. Judd, 21 New York, 200 Ixxviii, 131 Bartlett v. King, 12 Massachusetts, 537 vii, 99 Bartlett v. Levy, 2 Strobhart's Law, 471 xlix. 606 Bartlett v. Peaslee, 20 New Hampshire, 547. 11, 242 Bartlett v. Slater, 53 Connecticut, 102 55, 73 Bartlett ads. State, 43 New Hampshire, 224 Ixxx, 154 Bartlett v. Tucker, 104 Massachusetts, 336 G, 240 Bartlett v. Walter, 13 Massachusetts, 267 vii, 143 Bartlett v. Western Union Tel. Co., 62 Me. 209... 1C. 437 Bartley v. Richtmyer, 4 N. Y. (4 Comst.) 38 liii, 338 Barto v. Himrod, 8 New York (4 Selden), 483 lix, 506 Barto v. Schmeck, 28 Perm. State, 447 Ixx, 145 Barton v. Baker, 1 Serg. & R. 334 vii, 020 Barton v. Barbour, 3 MacArthur, 212 30, 104 Barton v. Faherty, 3 G. Greene, 327 llv, 503 Barton v. Home Ins. Co., 42 Missouri, 156 xcvii, 329 Barton v. Kane, 17 Wisconsin, 38 Ixxxiv. 728 Barton v. Murrain, 27 Missouri, 235 Ixxii, 259 Barton v. State, 67 Georgia, 653 44, 743 Barton y. St. Louis & Iron Mountain R. R. Co.. 52 Missouri. 233 14,418 Barton y. Thompson, 46Io>va,30 2G, 131 Barton y. Thompson, 56 Iowa, 571... 41, 119 Barton y. White, 144 Massachusetts, 281 59, 84 Barton Coal Co. y . Cox, 39 Maryland. 1 1 7 , 525 Bartiam's Estate, 42Penn. State, 330 Ixxxii. 517 Basford v. Brown, 22 Maine, 9 xxxviii, 281 Basford y. Pearson, 9 Allen, 387 Ixxxv, 764 Baskin's Appeal, 3 Penn. State, 304 xlv, C41 Bason v. Holt, 2 Jones' Law, 323 Ixiv, 585 Bass v, Chicago etc. R. R. Co., 23 Illinois, 9....1xxxi. 254 Bass y. Chicago & N. R'y Co., 36 Wisconsin. 450. ..17, 4'J5 Bass y. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. . 42 Wis. 654 24,437 Bass v. Mayor of Nashville, Mcigs, 421 xxxiii. 134 Bass Furnace Co. T. Glasscock, 82 Alabama, 452. .00, 7 -IS Basse v. Gallegger, 7 Wisconsin, 442 Ixxvi, 223 Bassett v. Carleton, 32 Maine, 553 liv, 605 Bassett v. Garthwaite, 22 Texas, 230 Ixxiii, 257 Bassett v. Kinney, 24 Connecticut, 2G7 Ixiii, 161 Bassett v. Salisbury Mfg. Co., 43 N. H. 569....1xxxii, 179 Bassett y. Spofford, 45 New York, 387 6, 101 Bassett v. St. Joseph, 53 Missouri, 290 14, 446 Bast y. Byrne, 51 Wisconsin. 531 ;5 7 , S41 Bastonv. Clifford, 68 Illinois, 67 IS, 547 BataviaBank v. N Y. etc. R.R. Co.. 106 N. Y. 195.60, 440 Batchelder y. Batchelder, 48 N. H. 23 xcvii, 569 Batchelder v. Carter, 2 Vermont, 168 xix, 707 Batchelder v. Kelly, 10 New Hampshire, 436. . .xxxiv, 174 Batchelder & Keniston, 51 New Hampshire, 493. .12, 143 Batchelder y. Low, 43 Vermont, 662 5, 311 Batchelder y. Putnam, 54 New Hampshire, 84. .. .20, 115 B.itchelder ads. People, 27 California. 69 Ixxxv, 231 Batchelor ads. People. 53 New York. 128 13, 4SO Batchelder v. Shapleigh, 10 Maine, 135 xxv, 213 Bates, In re, 118 Illinois, 524 '. 59, 383 Bates v. Austin, 2 A K. Marshall, 270 xii, 3D5 Bates v . Bank of Mo. , 15 Missouri, 309 1 v, 145 Batesv. Barry, 125 Massachusetts, 83 28, 207 Batesv. Bates, 27 Iowa. 110 1, i60 Bates v. Bates, 134 Massachusetts, 110 45, 3J5 Batesv. Bates, Walker, 401 xii, 572 Bates y. Chicago M. & St. P. R. R. Co., 60 Wis. 296.50, 369 Bates v. Foster, 59 Maine, 157 8, 406 Batesv. Lancaster, 10 Humphreys, 134 li, 696 Bates v. Norcross, 17 Pickering, 14 xxviii, 271 Bates ads. People, 11 Michigan, 362 Ixxxviii, 745 Bales v. Pricket, 5 Indiana, 22 Ixi, 73 Batesv. Ruddick, 2Iowa, 423 Ixv, 774 Batesv. Starr, 2 Vermont, 536 xxi, 568 Bates v. State Bank, 7 Arkansas, 394 xlvi, 293 Bathrick y. Detroit P. & T. Co. 50 Michigan, 629. .45, 63 Batson v. Murrell, 10 Humphreys, 301 li, 707 Batterton v. Chiles, 12 B. Monroe, 348 liv, 539 Battle v. Bering, 7 Yerger, 529 xxvii, 526 Battle y. Mobile, 9 Alabama, 234 xliv, 438 Battle v. Petway, 5 Ircdell's Law, 576 xliv, 59 Battle v. State, 4 Texas Ct. Appeals. 595 39, 169 Batton y. Allen, 1 Halsted's Ch. 99 xliii, C30 Batton y. South & N. Ala. R. R. Co. 77 Ala.. 591.54, 80 Batton y. Watson, 13 Georgia, 63 Iviii, 504 Batturs v. Sellers, 5Harris& J. 117 ix, 402 Baty v. Sale. 43 Illinois, 351 xcii. 123 Baudinv. Roliff, 1 Martin, N. S., 165 xiv, 181 Baugh v. Bau^h, 37 Michigan, 59 2(i, 495 Baugh v. Kirkpatrick, 54 Penn. State, 84 xciii, 675 Baugherv. Nelson, 9 Gill, 299 lii, 694 Baugher v. Wilkins, 16 Maryland, 35 Ixxvii, 279 Baughman v. Shenango and Allegheny R. Co., 92 Pennsylvania St. 335 37, 690 Baulec v. N. Y. & H. R. R. Co.. 59 New York, 356. 17, 325 Baum v. Grigsby. 21 California. 172 Ixxxi, 153 Bauman v. Bauman, 18 Arkansas, 320 Ixviii, 171 Ba irner v. Stats, 49 Indiana, 544 19, 691 Baumgard v. Mayor, 9 Louisiana 119 xxix. 437 Baumgartuer v. Hasty, 100 Indiana, 575 50, 830 Bautz v. Kuhworth, 1 Montana, 133 ...25, 737 Bavington v. Clarke, 2 Penro&e & Watts, 115 xxi, 432 Baxley v. Liuah, 16 Penn. State, 241 Iv, 494 Baxter v. Bradbury, 20 Maine, 260 xxxvii, 49 Baxter v. Bush, 29 Vermont, 465 Ixx. 429 Baxter v. Chelsea M. F. 1. Co., 1 Allen, 294. Ixxix, 730 Baxter v. Dear. 24 Texas, 17 Ixxvi, 89 Baxterv. Duren, 29 Maine, 434 1 602 Baxter v. Graves, 2 A. K. Marshall, 152 xii, 374 Baxterv. Harris, 6 Metcalf. 7 xxxix, 707 17 TABLE OF CASE?. Bax Bee Roman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Baxter v. Little, 6 Metealf, 7 xxxix, 707 Baiterv. Moses, 77 Maine, 465 Basterv. New Eng. M. Ins. Co., 6Mass. 277 iv, 123 East >rv. Roberts, 4t California, 1S7 13, 610 Baxter v. WiUey, 9 Vermont. 270 xxxi, C23 Baxter v. Winnoski T. Co., 22 Vermont, 114 Hi, 84 Bay v. Coddington, 5 Johns. Ch. 51 ix, 23 Bay v. Williams. 113 Illinois. 91 54, 2?3 Bay County v. Bradley, 3D Michigan, 163 3:5, 337 Bayard v. Malcolm, 2 Johnson, 550 iii, 450 v. Shunk, 1 Watts & Ser j 92 xxxvii, 441 Bayler v. Commonwealth, 43 Penn. State, 37 Ixxx, 551 Baylor v. Delaware L. W. R. Co., 11 Vroom. Cr Eaylev v. Onondaga Ins. Co., 6 Hill (N. Y.) 47G. . . .xli, 739 T. Taber, 5 Massachusetts, 233 iv, 57 1 v. Norris, 5 Gil!, 4:3 xM, 647 Baysinger v. State, 77 Alabama, 63 54, 46 Bay State I. Co. v. Goodall, 39 New Hamp. 223. .lirv, 219 Beach v. Beach, 2 Hill (X Y.(230 xxxriii, 534 Beach v. Beach, 14 Vermont, 23 xxxix, 234 >rd, IDoviglass, 199 xl, 45 Beach T. Catlin, 4 Day. 23t iv, 221 Beach v. Cooke, 23 New York, 503 Ixxxvi, 26D Beach v. Cwin, 2 N. Y., 2 Coinst, 85 xlix, 3:39 Beach v. Hancock, 27 New Hampshire, 233 lix, 373 Beach v. Miller. 51 Illinois, 206 2, 200 Beach v. Packard, 10 Vermont, % xxxiii, 1S5 Be ich v. Schoft, 23 Penn. State, 135 Ixx, 122 Beadles v. Bless, 27 Eliuois, 320 Ixxxi, 231 Ec j a:rd v. Foreman, Breese, 335 x:i, 107 Beal v. Boston S;>ring Car Co.. 123 Mass. 157 23, 213 Beal v. Brooks' ExYs., 7 J. J. Marshall, 232 xxiii, 401 Park Fire Ins. Co., 13 Wisconsin, 241. Ixxxii, 719 Beal ads. State, 63 Indiana, 345 ;i-l, 2:, 3 Beal ads. State, 37 Ohio State. 103 41, 490 Beale v. Delancy, 6 Martin N. S. C43 xvii, 199 Beale v. Parish. 23 New York, 407 lixv, 414 Beall v. Blake, 13 Georgia. 217 Iviii, 513 Beall v. Cunningham, 3 B. Monroe. 330 xxxix, 469 Beall v. Davenport, 43 Georgia, 165 15, 656 Beall v. Hanvood, 2 Harris & J. 167 Beall v. Hilliary, 1 Maryland, ISO liv, 643 Beall v. Leverett, 32 Georgia, 105 ITTJT. 233 Beallv. Schley, 2 Gill. 181 xli, 415 Beall v. Taylor, 2 Grattan, 532 xliv, 333 Beals v. Allen, 13 Johnson, 333 ix, 221 Beals v. Guernsey, 8 Johnson, 443 T, 313 Beals v. Olmstead, 24 Vermont, 114 Iviii, 150 Beals v. Providence Rubber Co., 11 R. I. 331 23, 472 Beals v. See, 10 Penn. State, 53 xlix, 573 Beamanv. Russell, 23 Vermont, 235 xlix, 775 Baau v. Atwater, 4 Connecticut, 3 x, 91 Bean v. Briggs, 1 Iowa, 433 Ixiii, 464 Bean v. Bnrbank, 16 Maine, 453 xxxiii, 681 Bean v. Herrick, 12 Maine, 232 xxviii, 176 Bean v. Pioneer Mining Co., 63 California, 451. ...56, 106 Bean v. Sturtevant, 8 New Hampshire, 146 rxviii, 339 Bean v. Thompson, 13 New Hampshire, 290 xlix, 154 Bean v. Tonuele. 94 New York. 3S1 46, 153 Beandet ads. State, 53 Connecticut, 533 55, 155 Bear v. Bitzer, 16 Perm. State, 175 Iv, 430 Bearce v. Barstow, 9 Massachusetts, 45 vi, 25 Beard v. Beard, 25 West Virginia, 436 52, 213 Beard v. Campbell, 2 A. K. Marshall, 125 xii, 363 Beard v. Dennis, 6 Indiana, 200 Ixiii, 333 Beard v. Knox, 5 California, 252 Isiii, 125 Beard v. Murphy, 37 Vermont, 99 Ixxxvi, 633 Beardslee v. French, 7 Connecticut, 125 xviii, 86 Beardolee v. Richardson, 11 Wendell, 23 xxv, 536 Beardsley v. Bridgeport, 53 Connecticut, 433 55, 152 INDEX, A. D. v. Bander, 75 New York, 416 31, 476 Belknap v. Gleason, 11 Connecticut, 160 xxvii, 721 Belknap v. Nat. Bank of North Am., 100 Mass- achusetts, 373 xcvii, 105 Belknap v. Reinhart, 2 Wendell, 375 xx, 621 Belknap v. Sea'.ey, 14 N. Y. (1 Kernan) 143 Isvii, 123 Bell v. Beeman, 3 Murphey, 273 ix, 6C4 Bellv. Bell, 37 Alabama, 533 bmx, 73 Ball v. Blount, 4 Hawks, 331 XT, 52G Bell v. Bouney, 7 Louisiana An. 170 IT!, 601 Ee 1 v. Byerson, 11 Iowa, 233 Ixsvii, 142 Olapp. 10 Johnson, 233 Ti, 333 Bellv. Coiel, 2 Hill Ch. 10S xxvii, 413 Bell v. Eaton, 23 Indiana, 468 xcii, 329 Bell v. Farmers' Bank. 11 Bush. 34 21, 205 < :raha:n, 1 Nott & McCord, 273 ix, C37 Be 1 v. Jossslyn, 3 Gray, 333 Ixiii, 741 L. &N. R. R., 1 Bush, 401 Ixxxix, 632 Bellv. Layman, IT. B. Monroe, 39 XT, 83 Bell v. Locke, 8 Paige. 75 xxxiv, 371 McClintock, 9 Watts, 110 xxxiv, 507 Bellv. McConnell, 37 Ohio St. 396 41,528 Bell v. McGinnis, 40 Ohio St. 204 48, 673 Monahan, Dudley's Law, 33 xxxi, 543 Bell v. Nealy, 1 Bailey's Law, 312 xix, 686 Bell v. Ohio & Penn. R. R. Co., 25 Penn. St. IM.lxiv, 637 Bell v. Packard, C3 Maine. 105 31, 251 I'arker, 3 Dana, 51 xxviii, 55 1 'eabody, G3 New Hampshire, 233 5G, 506 i'erkins, 1 Peck, 2G1 xiv, 715 Bell v. Quarles, 5 Yerger, 4C3 xxvi, 230 ;:eed, 4Binncy, 127 T, 308 Reynolds, 43 Alabama, 511 5G, 52 I lowland, Hardm, 331 iii, 723 S caramon, 15 New Hampshire, 381 xli, 706 state, 4 GilL 301 xlv, 130 State, 43 Alabama, CS1 1J, 40 . state, 2 Tex. Ct. App 216 28,429 Bell v. State, 1J> Tex. Ct. App. 53 .">!, 203 xter, 12 ::, :,!:! -.iryland, 675 xcii, 653 Bell v. Twilight, 13 New Hampshire, 159. xlv, 307 Watkius, 82 Alabama, 512 60, 756 Bell v. WesternF. Ins. Co., 5 Robinson (La.), 423.xxxix, 542 Bell County v. Alexander, 22 Texas, 350 Ixiiii, 268 Bell's Gap R. R. Co. v. Christy, 79 Penn. St. 54. . .21, 39 Bellamy v. Woodson, 4 Georgia, 175 xlviii, 221 i R. 4.7 ix, 335 Bellefontaine & I. R. R. v. Snyder, 18 Ohio St. 399 xcviii, 175 Bellefontaine R'y Co. v. Hunter. 33 Indiana, 335. . Bellemire v. Bank of U. S., 4 Wharton, 105. . . .xxxiii, 46 S jhultz, 4 1 Michigan. 523 38, 230 Belleville & I. R. R. Co. v. Gregory, 15 Illinois, 23 . . : . Bellinger v. Glenn. 80 Alibama,190 GO, 930 v. Russell, 2j New Hampshire, 427 li, 238 v. Sowles, 35 Vermont, 331 45, 621 Bellows v. Sowles, 57 Vermont, 164 ."',>, 113 Belmont v. Comau, 22 N. Y. 433 bcxvUi, 213 Belo v. Commissioners of Forsyth Co., 82 : Carolina, 415 33, 688 Beloit ads. State, 21 Wisconsin, 280 Belote v. Henderson, 5 Cold. 471 xi Belote v. State, 33 Mississippi, 93 Ixxii, 163 mia, 153 Ivi, 329 Belt v. Wilson's Adm'r, 6 J. J. Marshall, 495 ... .xxii, 83 Belton v. Avery, 2 Root, 273 i, 70 Eelton v. Baxter, 54 New York, 215 Belton ads. State, 24 South Carolina, 155 .", 2 15 Beltzhoover v. Blackstock, 3 Watts, 23 xxvii, 330 Bemis v. Connecticut R. R. Co., 42 Vermont, 375. 1, 333 Bemis v. Leonard, 113 Massachusetts, 502 10, 470 Ben v. State, 22 Alabama, 9 : Eecaway v. Bond, 2 Pinney, 440, 2 Chand. 110... TV, 117 Benbow v. N. C. R. R-, 1 Phill. L. 421 xcviii, 76 Bend v. Susquehanna etc. Co.. 6 Harris & J. 123. .xiv, 231 Bender v. Askew, 3 Devereux's Law, 119 xxii, 714 Bendall v. Bendall, 21 Alabama, 295 Ix, 4G9 Bender v. Crawford, 30 Texas, 745 T, 270 Bendernagle v. Cocks, 10 Wendell, 207 xxxii, 448 Benedict v. Bachelder, 21 Michigan, 425 Benedict v. Bray, 2 California, 2 Jl Ivi, 332 Benedict v. Cowdpn, 49 New York, 333 10, 332 Benedict v. Flanigan. 18 South Carolina, 506 Benedict v. Gaylord, 11 Connecticut, 332 xxix, 239 Benedict v. Lynch, 1 Johns. Ch. 370 Benedict v. Montgomery, 7 Watts & Sergeant, 233. xlii, 233 Benedict v. Renfro, 75 Alabama, 121 51, 429 Benedict ads. State, 11 Vermont, 233 xx . Benf ord v. Sanner, 40 Penn. State, 9 1 Benge v. Hiatt, 82 Kentucky, COG 36, B12 Benham v. Bishop, 9 Connecticut, 330 xxiii, 3:3 Benham v. Rowe, 2 California, 337 Ivi, 2i2 Benham ads. State, 23 Iowa. 151 xcii, 416 Benjamin v. Benjamin, 15 Connecticut, 347....xxsix, 334 Benjamin v. McConnell, 2 Gilman, 533 : Benn v. Hatcher, 81 Virginia, 85 Eeuners v. Howard, Taylor, N. C., 1 19 Benneson v. Aiken, 102 Illinois, 234 Bennet v. Holt, 2 Yerger, 6 xxiv, 435 Benuetv. Paine, 7 Watts, 334 U Bennett v. Baker, 1 Humphreys, 333 xx Bennett v. Beam, 42 Michigan, 340 Bennett v. B^L : or, 22 Mo., 1 ! Bennett v. Byram & Co., 33 Missi-sippi, 17 Ixxv, 90 Bennett v. Child, l.'i Wiscotisin, 332 Bennett ads. Commonwealth , 103 Mass. 30 1 1 , 304 Bennett v. Cook, 43 New York, 537 Bennett v. Everett, 3 Rhode Island, 152 1 Bennett v. Fifield, 13 Rhode Island. 139 41$, 17 Bennett v. Garlock, 79 New York, 302 35, 517 Bennett v. Gillette, 3 Minnesota, 423 K Bennett v. Goldthwait, 109 Mass. 494 1 '.', 742 Bennett v. Hood, 1 All. n, 47 K Bennett v. Lockwood, 20 Wendell, 223 xxxii, 532 19 TABLE OF CASES. Ben -Bio Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Bennett r. Lovell, 12 Rhode Island, 163 34, 623 Bennett v. Meehan, 83 Indiana, 506 43, 73 B snnett v. McGaughy, 3 Howard, 1 32 xxxiv, 77 Bennett v. O'Fallon, 2 Missouri, 69 ' xxii, 413 Bennett v. New Jersey R. R. & T. Co. , 3 5 N. J. 2-25. 13, 435 Bennett v. New York C. etc., R. Co. 69 New York, 594 35,250 Bennett v. North British etc. Ins. Co.. 81 New York, 273 3T, 501 Bennett ads. People, 29 Michigan, 451 18,107 Bennett ads. People, 37 New York, 117 xciii, 551 Bennett v. Russell, 33 Missouri, 152 xc, 457 Bennett v. Sherrod, 3 Iredell's Law, 303 xl, 410 Bennett ads. State, Harper's Law, 503 xviii, 663 Bennett v. State. 57 Wisconsin, 69 46, 25 Bennett v. Toler, 15 Gratt. 583 Ixxviii, 638 Bennett v. Truebody, 66 California, 509 50, 117 Bennett v. Welch, 25 Indiana, 140 Ixxxvii, 334 Bennington I Co. v. Rutherford, 3 Harr. 105..xxxv, 523 :c v. Whipple, 12 Maine, 343 xxviii, 1SS Benny v. Pegram, 18 Missouri, 131 lix, 2?3 Benny v. Rhodes, IS Missouri. 147 lix, 293 ' v. Chancellor, 5 Wharton, 371 xxxiv, 531 v. Mountain L. AT. Co , 13 Cal. 306 Ixxiii, 575 Eenson, Ex parte, 18 South Carolina, 33 44, 5G4 . In re, 93 New York, 439 48,616 Benson v. Adaais, 63 Indiana, 333 35, 220 Bensonv. Atwood, 13 Maryland, 20 Ixxi, Gil Bsnsonv. Monroe, 7 Gushing, 123 liv, 713 Bansonv. Smith, 42 Maine, 414 Lxvi, 233 Benson v. Thompson, 27 Maine, 470 Ixvi, 617 ads. People, 6 California, 221 Ixv, 506 Benstinev. State, 2Lea. 169 31, 593 B nt v. Cobb, 9 Gray, 397 Ldx, 293 Bentham v. Smith, Cheves' Eq. 33 xxxiv, 593 Beatley v. Bustard, 13 B. Monroe, 643 Ixiii, 531 Bantleyv. Deforest, 2 Ohio, 221 xv, 546 Bentley v. Doggett, 51 Wisconsin, 224. 3T, 827 Bsntley T. Harris, 10 Rhode Island, 434 14, 695 Bentley v. Lamb, 112 Pennsylvania State, 430.... 56, 339 Bant'.ey v. Long, 1 Strobhart's Eq. 43 xlvii, 523 Bentley v. Reynolds, 1 M:MoIlan's Law, 13 xxx.i, 231 Bentley v. Wells, 61 Illinois, 59 14, 53 Bentley v. White, 3B. Monroe, 233 xxxviii, 133 v. Whittemore, 19 New Jersey Eq. 432...xcvii, 671 Bentlj v. Terry, 53 Georgia, 533 27, 339 Benton v. Benton. 63 New Hampshire, 233 56, 512 Benton v. Pratt, 2 Wendell, 335 xx, C23 Benton v. Trustees of City Hospital, 140 Mass. 13.54, 433 Beat's Ex'r v. Graves, SM^Cord, 230 xv, C32 Bsntz v. Armstrong, 8 Watts & Serg. 40 Benz v. Hines, 3 Kansas, 390 Ixxxix, 531 v. State, 4 Indiana, 234 Iviii, C23 Bsquettev. Caulfisld. 4 California, 273 Ix, 615 Bequillard v. Bartlett, 19 Kansas, 332 27, 123 - iads. State, 73 Indiana, 133 33, 117 Berea Stone Co. v. Kraft, 31 Ohio Stats, 237 27, 510 Berg v. Abbott, S3 Pennsylvania State, 177 21, 153 !:ii v. Bastian, 35 Louisiana An. 3) 43, 216 Bergen v. Bennett, 1 Games' Cases, 1 ii, 231 Bsrgen v. Psople, 17 Illinois, 423 Ixv, C72 Bergen v. Riggs, 31 Illinois, 170 Ixxrv, 301 Bergen v. Riggs, 40 Illinois, 61 Ixxxix, 335 Sergey's Appeal, 60 Pennsylvania, 433 c, 578 Berkmeyer v. Kellennan, 32 Ohio State, 233 30, 577 Berks & D. T. Road Co. v. Myers, 6 Serg. & R. 12. . .ix. 402 Berkshire Bank v. Jones, 6 Massachusetts, 524 iv, 175 Berkshire G. Co. v. Wolcott, 2 Allen, 227 Ixxix, 737 Berkshire W. Co. v. Juillard. 75 New York, 535... 31, 433 Berlin ads. State, 21 South Carolina, 235 53, 677 i Bernal v. Hovious, 17 California, 541 Ixxix. 147 Bernard v. Campbell, 55 New York, 456 14, 289 Bernecker v. Miller, 40 Missouri, 473 xciii, 305 Berney v. Dinsmore, 141 Massachusetts, 42 55, 445 Bernheimer v. Marshall, 2 Minnesota, 73 Ixxii, 79 Bernier v. Cabot Mfg Co., 71 Maine, 536 36, 345 Berns v. GastonGas Coal Co., 27 W. Va. 285 55, 304 Bernshouse v. Abbott, 16 Vroom, 531 46, 789 Bernstein T. Humes, 60 Alabama, 532 31, 5i Berrenberg v. Boston, 137 Massachusetts, 231 50, 236 Berridgjv. Glassey, 112 Pennsylvania State, 442.. 56, 322 Berry v. Baltimore etc. R. R. Co., 41 Md. 446 20, 69 Berry v. Billings, 44 Maine, 416 Ixix, 107 Berry v. Carter, 4 Stewart & Porter, 387 xxiv, 762 Berry ads. Commonwealth, 99 Mass. 423 xcvi, 767 Berry v. Gillis, 17 New Hampshire, 9 xliii, 584 Berry v. Griffin, 10 Maryland, 27 Ixix, 123 Berry T. Griffith, 2 Harris & Gill, 337 xviii, 309 Berry v. Hamilton, 12 B. Monroe, 191 liv, 515 Berry v. Harris, 22 Maryland, 3-0 Ixxxv, 639 Berry v. Pullen, 69 Maine, 101 31,243 Berry v. Robinson, 9 Johnson, 121 vi, 267 Berry v. Snyder, 3 Bush, 266 xcvi, 219 Berry v. State, 31 Ohio State, 219 27,506 Berry v. Windham, 59 New Hampshire, 238 47,202 Bersch v. State, 13 Indiana, 434 Ixxiv, 263 Berthelemy v. Johnson, 3 B. Monroe, 90 xxxviii, 179 Bertheol ads. State. G Blackford, 474 xxxix, 442 Berthold v. Fox, 13 Minnesota, 501 xcvii, 243 Berthold v. Holman, 12 Minnesota, 335 xciii, 233 Bertholf v. O'Reilly. 74 New York. 539 30, 323 Bertles v. Numan, 92 New York, 152 44, 361 Besondy, In re, 32 Minnesota, 335 50,579 Besse v. Dyer, 9Allen, 151 Ixsxv, 747 Besse v. Pellochoux, 73 Illinois, 2S5 2 1, 242 Best v. Allen, 30 Illinois, 33 Ixxxi, 338 Best v. Crall, 23 Kansas, 432 33, 135 Bestv. Flint, 53 Vermont, 543 56,570 Best v. Strong, 2 Wendell, 313. xx, 607 Beswick ads. State, 13 Rhode Island, 211 43, 28 Betheav. Byrd, 95 North Carolina, 333 59,240 Bethel v. Bethel, 6 Bush, 65 xcix. 655 Bethel v. Sharp, 25 Illinois, 173 Ixxvl, 790 BethelS. M. Co. v. Brown. 57 Mjine, 1 x=ix, 572 Bethell v. Bethell. 51 Indiana. 423 23, 650 Bethlehem v. Annis, 40 New Hampshire, 34. . .bcxvii, 700 Bethum v. Turner, 1 Greenleaf, 111 x, 38 Bethune v. Hughes, 23 Georgia, 530 Ixxiii, 789 Bettis v. Reynolds, 12 Iredell's Law, 344 Iv, 417 a v. Budd, 17 Arkansas, 543 Ixv, 442 Battsv. Badger, 12 Johnson, 223 rii, 339 Betts v. Harper. 33 Ohio St. 639 48, 477 Betts v. Farmers' L. & T. Co., 21 Wisconsin, 80...xci, 460 Belts v. Lee, 5 Johnson, 343 iv, 368 Betts v. Norris, 21 Maine, 314 xxxviii, 264 Betts v. Starr, 5 Connecticut, 550 xiii, 94 Betts v. Union Bank, 1 Harris & Gill, 175 xviii, 283 Bevanv. Bank of U. S., 4Wharton, 301 xxxiii, 64 Bsvard v. Hoffman, 13 Maryland, 479 Ixxxi, 618 Bever v. Brown, 53 Iowa, 535 41, 118 Beverleyv. Burke, 9 Georgia, 449 liv, 351 Bevin v. Linguard, 1 Brevard, 533 ii, 684 Bevis v. Landis, 6 Jones'sEq. 312 Ixxxii, 418 Bewick v. Fletcher, 41 Michigan, C23 32, 170 Beyer v. Beyer, 50 Wisconsin, 234 36, 848 Bias v. Cockrum. 37 Mississippi, 509 Ix^v, 76 Bibb v. Hitchcock, 49 Alabama, 463 20, 283 Bibb v. Prather, Sneed, 133 ii, 711 Bickerstaff v. Doub, 19 California, 139 Ixxix, 204 BickerstaflT v. Marlin, 60 Mississippi, 509 45, 418 Bic-Bla TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [slit] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [4!)] to American Reports. Bickford v. First X. B., 42 Illinois, 233 .Ixxxix, 433 Bidau'-tv. VV.ilt.-3, 13 Missouri, 36 lix, 327 Bidault v. Wales, 2) Missouri, 513 Ixiv, 203 Biddis v. James, 6 Binney, 321 vi, 453 Biddle v. Coryell, 3 Harrison, 377 xxxviii, 521 Biddle's Appeal. 83 Penn. St. 313 'it, 133 Bidwell v. Pittsburgh, 85 Penn. St. 412 27, 662 Bidwell v. We'^b, 10 Minnesota, 59 Ixxxviii, 53 Biederman v. O'Conner, 117 111. 493 57 , 876 Bierbach v. Goodyear R. Co., 54 Wisconsin, 238.. 41, 19 Biery v. Ziegler, 83 Pennsylvania State, 367 30, 753 Biesenthall v. Williams, 1 Duval, 329 Ixxxv, 629 Bigaouette v. Paulet, 131 Massachusetts, 123 45, 307 Bigby v. Powell, 23 Georgia, 214 Lxxi, 1CS Bjslow v. Benedict, 73 New York. 202 28, 573 Bigelow v. Bsrkshircs L. Ins Co., U. S. Sup. Ct...ID, C28 Bigelow v. Bigelow, 4 Ohio, 131 xix, 591 Bigelow T. Colton, 13 Gray, 309 Ixxiv, C33 Bigelow T. Gillott, 123 Massachusetts, 102 >., 32 Bigelow T. Hartford Bridge Co., 14 Conn. 565 . .xxxvi, 502 Bigelow v. Kellar, 6 Louisiana An. 59 liv, 553 Bigelow T. Kinney, 3 Vermont, 353 xxi, 589 Bigelow v. Littlefield, 52 Maine, 24 Ixxxiii, 434 Bigelow v. Steams, 13 Johnson, 39 x, 133 Bigelow v. Topliff, 23 Vermont, 273 Ix, 2 ' 1 Bigelow v. Walker, 21 Vermont, 149 Iviii, 153 Bigelow T. Woodward, 13 Gray, 530 Ixxvii, 339 Biggam v. Merritt, Walker, 430 xii, 573 Biggs v. Garrard, 6 B. Monroe, 4S1 xliv, 773 Biggs v. McCarty, 86 Indiana, 332 44, 320 Biggs v. State, 23 Georgia, 723 Ixxvi, 633 Biles v. Commonwealth, 32 Penn. State, 529 Ixxv, 568 Billard v. State, 30 Texas, 367 xciv, 317 Billgerry T Branch & Sons, 19 Grattan, 393. c. 679 Billing T. Pilcher, 7 B. Monroe, 458 xlvi, 523 Billings v. Billings, 2 California, 107 Ivi, 313 Billings v. Gibbs, 53 Maine, 233 xcii, 537 Billings v. Morrow, 7 California, 171 Ixviii, 233 Billings v. Russell, 23 Penn. State, 189 Ixii, 333 Billings v. State, 107 Indiana. 54 57, 75 Billings T. Taylor, 10 Pickering, 450 xx, 533 Billings v. Tolland, 23 Connecticut, 139 1,2" Billings v. Worcester. 102 Mass. 329 3,460 Billingsloy T. Bates, 30 Alabama, 376 Ixriii, 12o BiUington v. Welsh, 5 Binney, 129 vi, 406 Billman v. Indianapolis C. & L. R. Co., 76 Ind. 166.40, 233 Billups v. Sears, 5 Grattan, 31 1, 105 Bimeler v. Dawsoa, 4 Scummon, 533 xxxix, 430 Binford v. Johnston, 82 Indiana, 423 42, 533 Bingham v. Barley, 55 Texas. 281 40, 801 Bingham v. Jordan, 1 Allen, 373 Lxxix, 743 Bingham v. Lamping, 23 Penn. State, 340 Ixvii, 413 Bingham v. Miller, 17 Ohio, 415 xlix, 471 Bingham v. Rogers, 6 Watts & Serg. 495 xl, 531 Binney v. Annan, 107 Massachusetts, 94 9, 10 Binney v. Plumley, 5 Vermont, 500 xxvi, 313 Binns v. State, 57 Indiana, 46 26, 48 Binsse v. Barker, 1 Green's Law, 2 '3 xxiii, 720 Birch v. Linton, 78 Virginia, 534 4!), 331 Bird v. Bird, 15 Florida, 424 21, 296 Bird v. Caritat, 2 Johuson, 342 iii, 433 Bird v. Clark, 3 Day, 272 iii. 233 Bird v. Cromwell, 1 Missouri, 81 xiii, 470 Birdv. Gardner, 10 Massachusetts, 364 vi, 137 Bird v. Lisbros, 9 California, 1 Ixx, 617 Bird v. Muhlinbrink, 1 Richardson's Law, 199 xliv, 247 Bird v. Munroc. 66 Maine, 337 22, 571 Bird v. Smuh, 8 Watts, 434 xxx'v, 40^ Birdv. Smith, 31 Maine, 63 Ivi, C35 Bird T. Ward, 1 Missouri, 398 xiii, 506 Bird v. Wilmington &M. R. R.Co., 8 Rich. Eq. 46. Ixiv, 739 Birdsall v. Clarn, 73 New York, 73 29, 135 Birdsall ads. Commonwealth, C9 Penn. St. 482 8, 283 Birdsall v. Heococfc, 32 Ohio St. 177 30, 572 Birdsall v, Hewlett, 1 Paige's Ch. 32 xix, 392 Birdzell v Birdzell, 33 Kansas, 433 52, T39 Birely's Ex'rs T. Staley, 5 Gill'& Johnson, 432 xxv, 3D3 Birge v. Gardner, 19 Connecticut, 507 Birkbeck v. Ackroyd,' 74 New York. 356 30, 304 Birke T. Abbott. 133 Indiana, 1 53, 474 Birkettv Chatterton, 13 Rhode Island, 209 Birmingham & P. M. St. R'y Co. v. Birmingham St. Ry. Co. 79Alabam.-i.4G5 5S, 615 Birmingham F. I. Co. v. Kroegher,83Penn. St.64..2i, 147 Birney v. Hann, 3 A. K. Marshall, 322 xiii, 167 Birney v. N. Y. &. Wash. P. T. Co., 13 Mary- land, 3'1 Ixxxi, C07 Bisbing v. Graham, 11 Penn. State, 14 llii, 510 Bisbing v. Third Nat. Bank. 93 Penn. St. 79 3"), 726 Bishop v. Banks, 33 Connecticut, 113 Ixxxvii, 197 Bishop v. Bishop, 11 New York (1 Kernan),.123. . .liii, C3 Bishop v. Boyle, 9 Indiana, Io3 Ixviii, C15 Bishop v. Day, 13 Vermont, 81 xx: Bishop v. Hubbard, 23 California, 514 Ixxxiii, 132 Bishop v. Mayor etc. of Macon, 7 Georgia, 200 Bishop v. Moorman, 93 Indiana, 1 40, 731 Bishop v. Morgan, 82 Illinois, 351 25, 327 Bishop ads. People, 111 Illinois. 121 Bishop v. Schneider. 43 Missouri, 472 2, 533 Bishop ads. State, 21 Maryland, 310 Ixr.- Bishop ads. State, 51 Vermont, 237 31, C90 Bishop T. Union R. R. Co., 14 Rhode Island, 311. ,51, 336 Bishop v. Weber, 139 Massachusetts, 411 Bishops v. McNary, 2 B. Monroe, 102 xv Bisquay v. Jeunelot, 9 Alabama, 245 i Bissel v. Collins, 23 Michigan, 277 15, 217 Bissell v. Brlggs, 9 Massachusetts, 402 vi, 83 Bissell v. Edwards, 5 Day, 3S3 Bissell v. Gold, 1 Wendell, 210 xix, 480 Bissell v. Hopkins. 3 Cowen, 166 xv, 259 Bissell v. Kankakee, 61 Illinois, 219 21, 554 Bissell v. N. Y. Central R. R. Co., 25 X Y. 412..1xxxii, 3G9 Bissell ads. People, 19 Illinois, 229 Ixviii, 501 Bissellv. Roden. 31 Missouri, G3 Ixsxiv, 71 Bissell v. Spencer 9 Connecticut 2G7 xxiii, 336 Bissig v. Britton, 59 Missouri, 201 21, 379 Bitting v. TenEyck, 82 Indiana, 421 42, 505 Bittinger v. Baker, 20 Penn State, 66 Ixx, 154 Bits v. Meyer. 11 Vroom, 252 '.>:>, 233 Bitzer v. Shunk, 1 Watts & Serg. 310 xxxvii, 469 Bivins v. McElroy, 11 Arkansas, 23 iii, 258 Bixby v. Bnmdige, 2 Gray, 129 Ixi, 443 Bixbyv. Dunlap, 56 New Hampshire, 436. 2'?, 475 Bixbyv. Parsons, 49 Connecticut. 483 44, 246 Bizzell v. Nix, CO Alabama, 281 31, 38 Blachley v. Laba, G3 Iowa, 22 Black- v. Baltimore, 50 Maryland, 235 Black T. Brisbin & Bigelow, 3 Minnesota, 3GO. ..Ixxiv, 7C2 Black v. Caldwell, 4 Rawle, 37G xxvii. 274 Black v. Carrollton Railroad Co., 10 La. An. 33...1siii, 588 Black v. Columbia. 19 South Carolina, 412 45, 785 Black v. Gilmore, 9 Leigh, 445 xxxiii. 253 Black v. Goodrich T. Co. 53 Wisconsin, 319 41, 713 Black v. Hair, 2 Hill's Ch. C22 xxx, 389 Black v. Hersh, 13 Indiana, 312 lixxi, 362 Black T. Hills, 36 Illinois, 370 Ixxxvii, 224 Black v. Kirgan, 3 Ore.-" Law, 45 xxviii, 334 Black v. Mayor etc. of Baltimore, 50 Md. 235 33, 320 Black v. Oliver, 1 Alabama, 410 xxxv, 38 Black T. Paul, 10 Missouri, 103 xlv, 353 21 TABLE OF CASES. Bla-BIo Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [ 19] to American Reports. . State, 33 Georgia, 417 xci. 772 ;s. Statj, 1 Winst. L. 233 Ixxxvi, 433 Black v. Wabasb St. L. & P. R'y Co. Ill HI. 351.53, 623 Black v. Ward, 27 Michigan, 191 15, 1G2 Black v. Webb. 2 3 Ohio, 3H Iv, 453 Wuitall, 1 Stockton's Ch. 572 Hx, 423 - vrharton, 309.xn, 2C3 r. Wilmington & W. R. R. Co., 92 X. C. 42.53, 433 ;: X. J. Law. 233 54, 133 Blackburn v. State, 71 Alabama. 319 46, 323 .ton v. Blackinton, 141 Massachusetts, 432. 55, 431 Blacklaws v. Milne, 82 Illinois. :03 15, 33D Blackledge v. Simpson, 2 Haywood. 33 ii, 614 Blackmanv. Gordon, 2 Richardson's EJ. 43 xliv, 2il in v. Lehman, C3 Alabama, 047 35, 57 Blick-ai in v. Xearirrg. 43 Connecticut, 5G 21, 634 Blielnujre v. Gregg, 13 Watts. 222 xxxvi, 171 . . 11 v. Parish, 6 Jones' Eq. 70 Ixxviii, 233 BlackR. I.Co. v.LaCrosseB.&T.Co.,51Wi3.C59.41, C6 : ick v. X. Y. & E. R. R. Co., 2D X. Y. 43.. bar, 372 Blackstone v. Blackstone, 3 Watts, 335 xxvii, 339 Blackstoue BTt v. Davis, 21 Pickering. 42 xxxii, 211 Blackrrell v. Lane, 4 Dev. and Bat. L. 113 xxxii, C73 Blackwe'd v. Blactwell. 33 Alabama, 57 Ixx, 53G Blac'-rn-e'.l v. State, 67 Georgia, 73 44,717 Black-well v. WUlard, 65 Xorth Carolina, 553 11, 749 Elackwell D. T. Co. v. McElwee. 96 X. C. 71 GO, 434 Blade v. Xoland, 12 Wendell, 173 xxvii, 123 Blaen A C. Co. v. McCulloh, 53 Md. 403 43, 530 Blaeser v. Milwaukee Ins. Co.. 37 Wisconsin, 31.. 10, 747 Blagge v. Illsley, 127 Massachusetts, 191 34, 331 Elaine v. Bourne, 11 Rhode Island, 119 23, 429 Elaine v. Curtis, 59 Vermont, 129 50, 7:2 Blair v. Bartlett, 75 Xew York, 150 31,455 Blair v. Cantey, 2 Speers' Law, 34 ilii, 330 Blair v. Chamblin, 39 Illinois, 521 Ixxxix, 322 Blair v. Coffman, 2 Overton, 176 v, 659 Blair v. ErieR'y Co., 63 Xow York, 313 ...23, 55 Blair v. Forehand, 130 Massachusetts, 135 1, 94 Blair v. Forehand. 130 Massachusetts. 136 xcvii. 82 Blair v. Perpetual Insurance Co., 10 Mo. 559. . . .xlvii, 129 Blair v. Ridgley, 41 Missouri, 63 xcvii, 248 Blais v. Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Co.. 34 Minnesota, 57 57, 37 Blaisdell v. Ahem, 141 Massachusetts, 333 59, 99 Blaisdell v. Eight, 69 Maine, 336 31, 273 BlaisdeU v. Stephens. 14 Xevada, 17 33, 523 Blake's Appeal, 63 Pennsylvania State, 234 8, 169 Blake v. Coleman, 22 Wisconsin, 415 xcix, 53 Blake v. Ferris, 1 Xew York (1 Selden), 48 Iv, 304 Blake v. Graham, 6 Ohio State, 530 brrli, 3:3 Blake v. Hamburg & B. F. I. Co., 67 Texas, 163. . .63, 15 Blake v. Howe, 1 Aikens, 306 xv, 631 Blake v. Jones, 1 Bailey's Eq. 141 xxi, 530 Blake v. Langdon, 13 Vermont, 435 xlvii, 701 Blake v. Maine Central R. Co., 70 Maine. 60 35, 237 Blake v. Xiles, 13 Xew Hampshire, 459 xxxviii, 506 Blake v. Watson. 45 Connecticut, 3C3 29, 633 Blake v. Williams, 6 Pickering, 233 xvii, 372 Blake v. Winona etc. R. R. Co., 19 Minn. 418 18, 345 Blakely v. Patrick, 67 Xorth Carolina, 40 12, 600 Blakely v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 23 Wisconsin, 205. . .xci, 338 Blakeney v. Blakeney, 6 Porter, 109 xxx, 574 Blakey v. Johnson, 13 Bush, 197 28, 254 Blanc v. Alsbury, 63 Texas. 4S9 51, 666 Blanc v. Banks, 10 Robinson (Louisiana), 115 xliii, 175 Blanc v. Murray. 35 Louisiana An. 162 51, 7 Blanc v. Mutual Xat. Bank, 23 Louisiana An. 921.23, 113 Blanchard v. AUain, 5 Louisiana An. 367 lii, 594 Blanchard v. Baker, 8 Greenleaf, 253. xxiii, 504 Blanchard v. Blanchard, 3 Iredell's L. 135. . . .xxxviii, 710 ..J v. Blaachard, 122 Massachusetts, 553. . . -:d v. Detroit L. etc. R. R.. 31 Mich. 43. . . .18, 142 Blanchard v. Dyer, 21 Maine, 111 xxxviii 233 Blanchard v. Ellis, 1 Gray, 195 Ixi, 417 Blaacbard v. Ely, 21 Wendell, 3i2 xxxiv, 250 Blanchard v. lisle-, 123 Massachusetts, 4S7 2!J, 535 Elaschard v. Lambert, 43 Iowa, 223 22, 215 Elanchard v. McDougal, 6 Wisconsin, 167 Ixx. 4~3 Blanchard v. Paschal, 63 Georgia, 32 45, 474 Blanchard v. Russell, 13 Massachusetts, 1 vii, 106 Blanchard v. Stevens, 3 Gushing, 132 1, 723 Blanchard v. Tyler, 12 Michigan, 339 Ixxxvi, 57 Blanchard v. Waite, 23 Maine, 51 xlviii, 474 Blanche v. Bradford, 33 Penn. Sfcite, 344 Ixix, 439 Bland v. Adams Express Co., 1 Duval, 232 Ixxxv, 623 Bland v. Muacaster, 21 Mississippi, C2 Mi, Ifi2 Bland v. Southern Pac. R. R. Co., 55 Cal 570 33, 50 Blane v. Mutual Xat. Bank, 23 Louisiana An. 921. 2G, 113 Blandfordv. Barger, 9Daaa, 22 xxxiii, 519 Blandford v. Minneapolis & St. L. R'y Co., 71 Iowa, 313 60,795 Blanding v. Columbia, 10 Richardson's Eq. 573..1xxlii, 102 Blanding ads. Commonwealth, 3 Pickering, 334 xv, 214 Blanding v. Rogers, 2 Brevard, 394 iv, 595 Blanding v. Sargent, 33 Xew Hampshire, 239 Ixvi, 720 Blanev. Proudfit, 3 Call, 237 ii, 546 Elaney v. Rice, 23 Pickering, C2 xxxii, 204 Blankenship v. Douglas, 23 Texas, 225 Ixxxii, 608 Blanks v. Rector, 21 Arkansas, 493 Ixxxviii, 780 Blann v. Crocheron, 19 Alabama, 647 liv, 203 Blann v. State. 39 Alabama, 353 ; . .Ixxxiv, 788 Blanque v. Peytavin, 4Martin, 458 vi, 705 Blanton v. Morrow, 7 Iredell's Eq. 47 liii, 391 Blasdel v. Fowler. 123 Massachusetts, 447 21 , 533 Blaufus v. People, 69 Kew York, 107 25, 143 Bleakney v. Fanners' & M. E'k, 17 Scrg. & R. 64. xvii, 635 Bledsoe v. Xixon, 69 Xorth Carolina. 89 12, 612 Bledsoe v. Thompson, 6 Richardson's Law, 44 Ivii, 777 Blen v. Bear R. & A. W. M. Co., 23 Cal. 602. .. .Ixxxi, 132 Bletz v. Columbia Xational Bank, 87 Penn, St. 87.30, 343 Blige v. State. 23 Florida, 742 51, 628 Blight v. Banks, 6T. B. Monroe, 192 xvii, 136 Blight v. Schenck, 10 Penn. State, 235 li, 478 Blight v. Tobin, 7 T. B. Monroe, 612 xviii, 219 Blinv. Hay, 2 Tyler, 304 iv, 738 Blin v. Mayo, 10 Vermont, 56 xxxiii, 175 Bliss v. Anderson, 31 Alabama, 612 Ixx. 511 Bliss v. Arnold, 8 Vermont, 252 xxx, 467 Bliss v. Clark, 39 Iffinois, 590. Ixxxix, 330 Bliss v. Commonwealth, 2Littell, 90 xiii, 231 Bliss v. Greeley, 45 X ?w York, 671 6, 137 Bliss v. Lawrence, 53 Xew York, 442 17, 273 Bliss v. Mclntyre, 13 Vermont. 46S xlvi, 165 Bliss v. Rawson, 43 Georgia. 131 9,161 Bliss v. Vedder, 81 Kansas, 57 .''5, 237 Bliss v. Weil, 14 Wisconsin, 35 Ixxx, 766 Bliss v. Whitney. 9 Allen, 114 Ixxsv, 745 Blizzard v. Hays, 43 Indiana, 166 15, 291 Bloch v. Isham, 23 Indiana, 37 xcii. 287 Block v. McMurry, 55 Mississippi, 217 31,357 Blockley v. Fowler, 21 California, 323 Ixxxii, 717 Blodgett v. Bickford and Tate, 30 Vermont, 731.1xxiii, 334 Blodgett v. Royalton, 17 Vermont, 40 xlii, 476 Blood v. Enos, 12 Vermont, 625 xxxvi, 363 Blood v. Goodrich, 9 Wendell, 63 xxiv, 121 Blood v. Goodrich, 12 Wendell, 525 xxvii, 152 Blood v. Light, 33 California. 649 xcix. 411 Blood v. Marcuse, 33 California, 590 xcix, 435 Blood v. Xashua & L. R. R. Co., 2 Gray, 137 1x1, 444 TABLE OP CASES. 22 Roman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Blood v. Palmer, 11 Maine, 414 xiri, 547 B'.oodgood v. Mohawk t II. R. R.. 18 Wend. 9. .. .xxxi, 313 Bloodworlh v. State, 6 East. G14 37, 545 Bloom v. Burdick, 1 Hill (X. T.), 130 Mtxvii, 233 Bloom v. Franklin L. I. Co.. 97 Indiana, 478. 40, 469 Bloom ads. State, GSIr.diana. 54 "4, -'.1 Bloomer T. Henderson, 8 Michigan, 395 Ixxvii, 433 Bloomfield v. Trimble. 51 Iowa, 3?3 37, 212 Blooming G. M. F. Ins. Co. v. McAnemey. 102 Perm. State, 335 48, 209 Blooming-ton v. Shrock, 110 Illinois, 219. . ... 51 , 679 Bloomington M. B. Ass'n v. Blue, 120 EL 121.... 60, 553 Bloss v. Plymale. 3 West Virginia. 303 c, 732 Blossom v. Barrett, 37 New York. 431 xcvii, 747 Blossom v. Dodd. 43 Xew York. 264 3, 701 Blossom v. Griffin, 13 Xew York (SKeman), 563. .Ixvii, 75 Blossom v. Van Court, 31 Missouri, 393 IXXXT!, 114 Blotv. Boiceau, 3 Xew York (3Comst.)78 li, 313 BlountT. Windley, 63 North Carolina, 1 It, 613 Blow v. Spear, 43 Missouri, 496 scvii, 412 Bluev. Blue, 33 Illinois, 9 Irxxvii, 237 Blue v. Kibby, 1 T. B. Monroe, 193 xv, 93 Bluittv. State, 12 Tex. Ct. App. 39 41,633 Blum v. Marks. 21 Louisiana An. 263 xcix, 725 Blum v. State, 20 Tex. Ct. App. 578 54, 533 Blumantlo v. Fitchburg R. R. Co., 127 Mass. 322.31, 370 Blumb v. Kansas. 8t Missouri, 112 54, 7 Blumenberg v. Myrea, 32 California, 93 xci, 560 Blumenthal v. Brainerd, 33 Vermont, 402 xci, 333 Blumer v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 43 Wisconsin, 535 33, 833 B.unt v. Aikin, 13WendelL 522 xxx, 72 Bluntv. Commonwealth, 4 Leigh, 683 xxvi, 341 Blunt T. Xorris. 123 Massachusetts, 55 23, 14 Blunt v. Walker, 11 Wisconsin, 334 Ixxviii, 709 Blydenburgh v. Bingham, 33 Xew York, 371 xcviii. 49 Blymire v. Boistle, G Watts, 132 xxxi, 458 Blystone v. Burgett, 10 Indiana, 23 bcviii, 653 Blythe v. Lovinggood, 2 Iredell's Law, 20 xxxvii, 402 Blythe v. Richards, 10 Serg. & R. 231 xiii, 672 Boardman v. Acer, 13 Michigan, 77 Ixxxvii. 733 Boardman T. Gore, 1 Stewart, 517 xviii, 73 Boardman T. Keeler, 1 Aikens, 158 xv, G70 Boardman v. Meriden B. Co., 33 Conn. 402. xcv. 273 Boardman v. Spooner, 13 Allen, 353 xc, 196 Board of Comm'rs v. Bradford, 72 Indiana, 455. . .37, 174 Board v. Decatur, 64 Texas. 7 .">:?. 733 Board of Comm'rs v. Elston, 32 Indiana, 27 2, 327 Board of Comm'rs v. Hurd, 49 Georgia, 462 1 5, <"S2 Board of Comm'rs T. Legg, 93 Indiana, 523 47, 393 Board of Comm'rs v. Merchant, 103 X. Y. 143. . . .57, 705 Board of Comm'rs v. O'Connor, 83 Indiana, 531. . .44, 333 Board of Comm'rs v. Reynolds, 44 Indiana, 509. . . 15, C43 Board of Comm'rs ads. State, SO Indiana, 478 41,821 Board of Education v. Edson, 18 Ohio St., 221.. xcviii, 114 Board of Education T. McLandsborough, 36 Ohio State, 227 38, 582 Board of Education v. Minor, 23 Ohio St. 211 13, 233 Board of Education ads. People, 101 HI. 308 40, 106 Board of Education ads. State. 63 Wis. 234. 53, 282 Board of Park Comm'rs T. Detroit, 23 Mich. 223. .15, 232 Bd. of Police Attala Co. T. Grant, 8 Sm. &M. 77.xlvii, 102 Board of Registration ads. People, 25 Mich. 51 .... 1 7, 207 Board of Supervisors v. Cowan, 60 Miss. 876 45, 453 Board of Trade TeL Co. v. Barnett, 107 111. 5)7. . ..47, 433 Board of Trustees v. Anderson, C3 Indiana. 367.. .30, 221 Board of Trustees, v. Serrett, 31 La. An. 719 Boas T. Updegrove, 6 Perm. State, 51G xlvii, 423 Boatman's F. & M. I. Co. v. Parker, 23 Ohio St... 13, 223 Boatman's Savings Institution v. Bank of the State of Missouri, 33 Missouri, 497 Ixxzi v, 61 Boatner v. Ventress, 8 Martin, X. S., 644. xx, 268 Boatner v. Walker, 11 Louisiana, 532 xxx, 723 Bobb T. Bosworth, Littell's Select Ca. 81 xii, 273 Bobbitt v. Liverpool, L. & G. Ins. Co., 63 X. C. 70. 8, 494 Bobo v. Bryson, 21 Arkansas, 387 Isxvi, 406 Bobo v. Patton, 6 Heisk. 172 If), 533 Bodenhammer v. Xewsom, 5 Jones' Law, 107 Ixix, 775 Bodfish v. Fox. 23 ?.Iaine, C3 xxxix, 611 Bodine v. Exchange F. Ins. Co., 51 Xew Y,ork. 117.10, 566 Bodine v. Glading, 21 Pean. State, 50. lix, 749 Bod well v. Crawford, 28 Kansas, 292 40, 336 Bod well v. Osgood, 3 Pickering, 379 XT, 228 Boehen v. Williamsburg City Ins Co ,33X.Y. 131. Boehne T. Murphy, 45 Missouri, 57 2, 4S5 Boetcher T. Staples, 27 Minnesota, 308 38, 295 Bofil v. Fisher, 3 Richardson's Eq. 1 IT, C27 Bogartv. McClung, 11 Ileisk. 105 27, 737 Bogert v. Perry, 17 Johnson, 351 viii, 411 Boggs v. Fowler & Hargrove, 13 California, 559. .Ixxvi, 501 Boggs v. Reed, 5 Martin, 673 xii, 433 Boggs v. State, 43 Alabama, 33 6, GS9 Boggs v. Walaid, 73 IlHnois, 315 27, 77 Bo'-ianon v. Walcot, 1 Howard, 336 xxix, C31 Bohannonv. Commonwealth, 8 Bush. 481 8,474 Bohannon v. State, 13 Xebraska, 57 ! Bohen v. Waseca, 32 Minnesota, 176 50, 564 Boies v. Hartford & N. H. R. R. Co.. 37 Con- necticut, 272 ft, 347 BoisJere v. Citizens' Bank, 9 Louisiana, 508 xxix, 453 Boisseau v. Aldridges, 5 Leigh, 222 xxvii, 590 Boisseiu v. Boisseau, 73 Virginia, 73 57, C16 Boker v. Hazard. G Watts & Serg. 227 xl, 5 34 Bolander v. Gentry, 33 California, 105 xcv, 162 Boles v. Johnston, 23 California, 226 Lxxxiii, 111 Bolles T. Beach, 2 Zabriskie , CS3 Boiling v. Stokes, 2 Leigh. 173 xxi, 606 Boiling v. Tate, 65 Alabama, 417 39, 5 Bolman v. Overall, 83 Alabama, 451 CO, 107 Bolton v. Hamilton, 2 Watts &. Serg. 234 xxrvii, 509 Bolton v. Harrod, 9 Martin, 326 xiii, 306 Bolton v. Johns, 5 Pena. State, 143 xlTii, 434 Bomar v. Maxwell, 9 Humphries, 620 li, C82 Bombay v. Boyer, MSerg. & R. 233 xvi, 434 Bomberger v. Turner, 13 Ohio State, 233 Ixxxii, 433 Bon v. Railway Pass. A. Co. 56 Iowa, 664 41, 127 Bonce v. Dubuque S. R. Co., 53 Iowa, 273 33, 221 Bond, Exparte. 9 South Carolina, 80 30, 20 Bondv. Aitkin, 6 Watts & Serg. 165 xl, E50 Bond v. Appleton. 8 Massachusetts, 472 v, 111 Bond v. Farnham, 5 Massachusetts, 170 IT, 47 Bond T. Hilton, Busbee's Law, 308 lix, 552 Bond v. Mount Hope Iron Co., 93 Mass. 505. . . . xcvii, 49 Bond v. Quattlebaum, 1 McCord, 584 x, 702 Bond v. Ward. 7 Massachusetts, 123 v, 23 Bond T. Wilson. 8 Kansas. 223 17,466 Bond v. Zeigler, 1 Georgia, 324 xliT, C5 Bonds v. State, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 143 xvii, 795 Bondurant v. Buford, 1 Alabama, 359 xxxv, 33 Bonesteel v. Orris. 23 Wisconsin, 536 xcix, 201 Bonesteelv. Todd, 9 Michigan, 371 Lerx, 90 Bongard v. Block, Illinois, ISC 25,276 Bonnaffe v. Fenner, 6 Smedes & M. 212 xlv, 278 Bonnemer T. Xcgrete, 16 Louisiana, 474 xxxv, 217 Bouner v. City of Chicago, 24 Illinois, 105 IISTI, 736 Bonner v. Marsh, 10 Smedes & M. 376 xh'iii, 754 Eonnett v. Bonnett. 61 Iowa, 198 47, 810 Boody v. Davis, 23 Xew Hampshire, 140 li, 210 Eooe v. Davis, 5 Blackford, 115 xxxiii, 437 Booftcr x, Rodgers. 9 Gill, 44 lii, 680 Booge v. Pacific Railroad, 33 Missouri, 212 Lxxxii, 160 23 TABLE OF CASES. Boo Bow Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Booge v. Parsons, 2 Vermont, 455 xxi, 537 r v. Life Assn. 75 Missouri, 319 42, 413 Is. Stats. 41 Iowa. 553 33. 609 Booker v. Book.r. 23 ( : rat t. (30.3 Eookerr. Bell. 3 Bibb, 173 vi, f,41 Bool r. Mix, 17 Wendell, 110 xxxi, 233 Boomer v. Cunaiagham, 22 Illinois, 320 Ixxiv, 135 Boon v. Bowers. 30 Mississippi, 213 Ixiv, 153 Is. State, 13 Iredell's Law, 244 Ivii, 555 Boon & Co. v. Steamboat Belfast, 40 Alaba- ma. 134 Ixxxviii, 761 Boonev. Citizen's S. Bank, S4X.Y. S3 ,...38, 493 Booae v. Hall. 7 Bush, G3 3, 2S3 Boonev. Pumell. 23 Maryland, 637 xcii. 713 Boonev. Sinkler, 1 Bay, 333 .i, C22 B..OIU.' v. State. 13 Tjxas, Ct. App. 413 38, 641 BooneCo. v. Jones, 54 Iowa, 633 37, 223 Boone County v. Lowry, 9 Missouri, 23 xliii, 532 Lowrey, 103 Indiana. 4G3 53, 519 Boorman v. Jenkins, 12 "Wendell, 533 xxvii, 133 F.wins, 17 Ohio. 533 xlix, 473 Booth v. Ableman, IS Wisconsin, 460 Ixxxiv. 711 Booth v. Ableinan, 23 Wisconsin, 21 Ixxxviii, 730 Adams, 1 1 Vermont, 136 xxxiv, CSO Boo'.h v. Barnrjn, 9 Connecticut, 256 xxiii, 333 . Bierce, 33 Xew York. 453 xcviii, 73 . Boston & A. R. Co.. 73 X. Y. 33 23, 97 Buacj, 33 Xew York, 133 Ixxxviii, 372 Boot'.iv. Eighaiie, 6) Xew York. 233 13, 171 Booth T. Starr, 5 Day, 275 v. lt'0 r. Starr, 1 Connecticut, 214 vi, 233 Boothby v. Plaisted, 51 Xjw Ilaaiiis'.rire, 43G 12, 143 Boozer Adm'r v. Addison, 2 Richardson's Eq.273.xlvi, 43 Borchardt v. Wausau. B. Co., 51 Wisconsin, 107.. 41, 12 Borden v. Borden, 5 Massachusetts, C7 iv, 32 Bordea v. Fitch, 15 Johnson, 121 viii, 225 Borden v. Hingham Ins. Co., 13 Pickering, 523.. .nix, 61 1 Borden v. Jenks, 110 Massachusetts, 532 54, 537 Bordea v. State, 11 Arkansas, 310 liv, 217 Borden v. Simmer, 4 Pickering, 234 xvi, 333 Boro v, Quierry, 4 Martin, J43 vi, 713 Boreel v. Lawton. 90 Xew York, 293 43, 170 Boren v. McGehee, 6Porter, 432 xxxi, 635 Boring ads. People ex rel. Dunn, 8 Cal. 400 Ixriii, 331 Borland v. Barrett, 76 Virginia, 123: 44, 152 Borland v. Boston, 132 Ma sachusotts, 89 42, 424 Borland v. Xichols, 12 Penu. State, 33 li, 576 Born v. Shaw, 23 Penn. State, 233 Ixxii, C33 Bomeman v. Sidlinger, 15 Maine, 423 xxxiii, C2G Borngesser v. Harrison, 12 Wisconsin, 544 . . . .txxviii, 757 Boruman v. Boyer, 3 Binney, 515 v, 380 Borough v. Apple, 35 Penn. State, 2S4 Ixxviii. 33G Borough of Carlisle v. Brisbane, 113Penn. St. 514.57, 433 Borough of Easton v. Xeff, 102 Penn. St. 474 48, 213 Borough of Mauch Chunk v. Kline. 103 Penu. St. 119 45,364 Borough of Xorristown v. Fitzpatrick, 94 Penn. St. 121 39,771 Borough of Susquehanna v. Sim:nons, 112 Penn. St. 334, 56,317 Borrekins v. Bevan, 3 Rawle, 23 xxiii, 83 Borrets v. Patterson, Taylor, X. C., 37 i, 576 Bort, lure, 23 Kansas. 303 37, 235 Bortz v. Bortz, 43 Tenn. State, 332 Ixxxvi, COS Bosch v. B. & Mo. R. R. Co.. 44 Iowa. 402 24, 754 Boscowitz v. Adams Ex. Co.. 93 Illinois, 523 34, 1.1 Bosler v. Exchange Bank, 4 Penn. State, 32 xlv, GG5 Bosley v. Chesapeake Ins. Co., 3 Gill & J. 450 xxii, 337 Bosley v. Taylor, 5 Daua, 137 xxx, C77 Bosnian v. Aieley, 39 Michigan, 710 33, 447 Bostick v. Blades, 59 Maryland, 231 43, 543 Bostick v. Keizer. 4 J. J. Marshall. 597 .xx, 237 Be iston v. Binney, 11 Pickering, 1 xxii, 333 Boston v. Cummins, 13 Georgia, 102 Ix, 717 Boston v. Dodge, 1 BlackTord, 19 Boston T. State. 5 Texas Ct. App. 333 32, 575 Boston &CoL S. Co. v. Smith. 13 R. I., 27 43, 3 Boston & L. R. R. v. Proctor, 1 Alien, 237 ITT-:T. 723 Boston & Maine R. Co. ads. Commonwealth, 129 Massachusetts. 530 37, 382 Boston & M. R. R. v. Portlan:! R. R.. 119 Massa- chusetts, 493 2, 333 Boston &. R. M. Corp. v. Newman, 12 Pick. 437. ..xxiii, C22 Boston & S. Ice Co. v. Royal Ir.s. Co., 12 Allen, 331 xc, 151 Boston & W. R. R. v. Sparkawk, 1 Allen, 443. . .IreiT, 750 Boston C. & M. R. R. v. Gilmore, 37 Xew Hamp. 410 xxii, 336 Boston, City of, v. Worthington, 10 Gray, 436.. . .Ixxi, 678 Boston Diatite Co. y. Florence Mfg. Co., 114 Massachusetts. 69 19. 310 Boston Glass Man. v. Langdon, 24 Pick. 43 xxxv 292 Boston Ice Co. v. Potter, 123 Massachusetts, 23. ..25, 9 Boston M. Corp. v. Bulfinch, 6 Mass. 223 iv, 120 Boston Seamen's F. Soc. v. Boston, 116 Massa- chusetts, 181 1 7 , 153 Boston Type Co. v. Mortimer, 7 Pickering, 136 xix, 2C6 Bostwick v. Dodge, 1 Douglass, 413 xli, 334 Bostwick v. Lewis, IDay, 250 i , 73 Bostsvick v. Williams, 33 Illinois, 05 Ixxxv, 385 Boswell v. Goodwin, 31 Connecticut, 74 Ixxxi, 169 Boswell v. Laird, 8 California, 439 Ixviii, 345 Bosw.ll v. State, 63 Alabama, 337 35, 20 Bosworth v. Inhab. of Swaasey, 13 Metcalf, 333.. .xliii, 441 Botkiu v. Commissioners, 1 Ohio, 375 xili, 030 Botkin ads. State, 71 Iowa, 87 GO, 730 Bott v. McCoy, 20 Alabama, 573 Ivi, 223 Bottv. Pratt. 33 Minnesota, 323 53, 47 Bott ads. State. 31 Louisiana An. 633 33, 224 Bottoms v. Mithvin, 23 Georgia, 4S1 Ixxi, 225 Boughner v. Meyer, 5 Colorado, 71 40, 139 Boulware v. Robinson, 8 Texas, 327 Iwii, 117 Bound v. Lathrop, 4 Connecticut, 33.3 x, 147 Bourgeois, Ex parte, 63 Mississippi, 633 45, 420 Bourke v. Cranberry, Gilmer, 13 ix, 589 Bours v. Zachariah, 11 California, 281 Ixx, 779 BouteOe v. Melendy, 19 Xew Hamp. 103 x'.:x. 1"2 Boutclle v. Westchester F. Ins. Co.. 51 Vt. 4 31, 1 66 Bouthemy v. Ducournau, 6 Martin, 657 xii, 436 Boutwell v. Bartlett, 11 Xew Hampshire, 418 xxxv, 503 Bow v. Allenstown, 34 New Hampshire, 351 Ixix, 439 Bowden v. Lewis, 13 Rhode Island, 189 43, 21 Bowden v. Schatzell, 1 Bailey's Eq. 330 xxiii, 170 Bowditch v. Xew England M. L. Ins. Co.. 141 Massachusetts, 292 55, 474 Bowdoinham v. Richmond, 6 Greenleaf, 112 xix, 197 Bowe v. Hunking. 135 Massachusetts, 333 41, 471 Bowen. Petition on Habeas Corpus, 20 Wis. 300, . .xci, 404 Bowen v. Allen, 113 Illinois, 53 55, 393 Boweav. Bailey, 42 Mississippi. 435 2, C01 Bowen v. Beck, 94 Xew York, 8G 40, 124 Bowen v. Bell, 20 Johnson, 333 xi, 286 Bowen ads. Commonwealth, 13 Mass. 336 vii, 154 Bowen v. Detroit C. R'y 51 Michigan. 496 52,822 Bowen v. Eichel. 91 Indiana, 22 4G, 574 Eowen v. Hope Ins. Co., 20 Pickering, 275 xxxii, 213 Bowen v. Iloskins. 45 Mississippi, 1S3 ', 7.'3 Bowen v. Johason, 6 Indiana, 110 Ixi, 110 Bowen v. Johnson, 5 Rhode Island, 112 Ixxiii. 49 Eowen v. Jones, 13 Iredell's Law, 25 Iv, 426 Bow Bra TABLE OF CASES. 24 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Bowen v. Mercb. Ins. Co., 20 Pickering, 275 xxxii, 213 Bowen v. Newell, 13 X. Y. (3 Kernau), 290 Ixiv, 550 Bowen v. New York C. R. R. Co., 18 N. Y. 408..1xxii, 529 Bowen ads. People, 43 California, 439 13, 148 Bowen v. Rutherford, CO Illinois, 41 14, 25 Bowen v. Slaughter, 24 Georgia, 338 Lxxi, 135 Bowen v. State, 9 Bast. 45 '40, 71 Eowen v. Sullivan, C2 Indiana, 231 30, 172 Bowen v. Team, G Puchardson's Law, 298 Ix, 127 Eowen v. Vickers, 1 Green's Ch. 520 xxxv, 516 Bower v. Fenn, 90 Pennsylvania St. 359 35, 6G2 Bower v. Hoffman, 23 Maryland, 263 Ixxxrii, 5:9 Bower v. State. 5 Missouri, 304 xxxii, 325 Bowers v. Bowers, 23 Penn. State, 74 Ixvii, 308 Bowers v. Bowers, 1 Richardson's Eq. 551 Ixxiii, 99 Bowers v. Whittle, 63 New Hampshire, 147 56, 499 Bowersox's Appeal, 100 Pennsylvania St. 434 45, 3S7 Bowie v. Maddox, 23 Georgia, 285 Ixxiv, 61 Bowiev. Napier, 1 McCord, 1 x, 641 Bowie v. Stonestreet, 6 Maryland, 418 Ixi, 313 Bowker v. Smith, 43 New Hampshire, 111 2, 189 Bowker v. Walker, 1 Vermont, 18 ' xviii, 670 Bowler v. Huston, 30 Gratt. 236 32, G73 Bowles v. Eingham, 2 Munford, 442 v, 437 Bowles v. Druyton, 1 Desaussure, 489 i, 689 Bowles v. Lewis, 43 Missouri, 32 8, 85 Bowlin v. Commonwealth, 2 Bush, 5 xcii, 453 Bowlin T. Lyon, 67 Iowa, 536 56, 355 Bowlsby v. Spear, 2 Vroorn, 381 Lxxxvi, 21G Bowman T. Bates, 2 Bibb, 47 iv, 677 Bowma-i v. Floyd, 3 Allen, 76 bcxx, 55 Bowman v. Gonegal, 19 La. An. 328 xcii, 537 Bowman v. Halstead, 2 A. K. Marshall, 200 xii, 380 Bowman v. Hiller, 139 Massachusetts, 153 39, 442 Bowmanv. Irons, 2 Bibb, 78 iv, CS6 Bowman v. Manter, 33 New Hampshire, 530 Ixvi, 743 Bowmanv. Miller, 25 Gratt. 331 18,686 Bowman v. People, 82 Illinois, 246 25, 316 Bowman T. Slifer, 25 Penn. State, 23 Ixiv, 680 Bowman v. Smiley, 31 Penn. State, 225 Ixxii, 738 Bowman v. State, 19 Nebraska, 523 58, 750 Bowman v. Teall, 23 Wendell, 306 xxxv, 5C2 Bowman v. Van Kuren, 23 Wisconsin, 209 1!>, 554 Bowser v. Bliss, 7 Blackford, 344 xliii, 03 Box v. Stanford, 13 Smedes & M. 93 li, 142 Boyce v. Kalbaugh, 47 Maryland, 334 28, 464 Boyce v. Lake, 17 South Carolina, 481 43, 618 Boyce v. McCulloch, 3 Watts & Serg. 429 xxxix, 35 Boyce v. Moore, 2 Dallas, 196 i, 277 Boyce v. Murphy, 91 Indiana, 1 46, 5G7 Boyce v. Owens, 2 McCord, 208 xiii, 711 Boyce v. Smith, 9 Grattan, 704 Ix, 313 Boyce v. Wabash R'y Co. , 63 Iowa, 70 50, 730 Boyce v. Williams, 84 North Carolina, 275 37, 613 Boyd T. Anderson, 1 Overton, 438 iii, 702 Eoyd v. Bank of Toledo. 32 Ohio St. 523 30, 624 Boy.l v. Barclay, 1 Alabama, 34 xxxiv, 762 Boyd v. Baynhad, 5 Humphreys, 386 xlii, 438 Boyd T. Blankinan, 29 California, 19 Ixxxvii, 146 Boyd v. Bryatit, 35 Arkansas, 63 37, 6 Boyd T. Byrd, 8 Blackford, 113 xliv. 740 Boyd v. Carlton, G9 Maine. 200 31, 263 Boyd v. Chesapeake & O. C. Co., 17 Md. 195 Ixxix, C45 Boyd v. Conklin, 54 Michigan, 583 52, 801 Boyd v. De La Montagnie, 73 New York, 408 29, 197 Boyd v. Eaton, 44 Maine, 51 Ixix, 83 Boyd v. Glass, 34 Georgia, 253 Ixxxix. 252 Eoyd v. Hitchcock, 20 Johnson, 76 xi, 247 Kennedy, 9 Vroom. 146 20,376 BoydT. Ladson, 4 McCord, 70 xvii, 707 Boyd v. Mexico Southern Bank, 67 Mo. 537 2% 515 Boyd ads. State, 2 Hill, 2S3 xxvii, 376 Boyd v. Toledo Bank. 31' Ohio St. 526 30, 624 Boyd v. Turpin, 94 North Carolina, 137 55, 597 Boyd v. Weeks, 2 Eenio, 321 xliii, 749 Eoyd v. Wilson, 83 Penn. St. 319 2 ; , 17G Boyer's Estate, 51 Penii. St. 432 x: i, 129 Boyer v. Barr, 8 Nebraska, 68 00, 14 Boyer v. Williams, 5 Missouri, 335 xxxli, C24 Boykin T. Bank of Mobile, 72 Alabama, 2C2 47, 403 Boykin v. Boykin, 70 North Carolina, 2C2 : ;>, 77G Boykin v. ip!es, 2 Hill CH. 200 xx.'x, 67 Boykin v. Mobile Bank, 72 Alabama. 262 47,403 Boykin v. Rain, 28 Alabama, 3C2 Ixv, 349 Boyle v. Agawam Canal Co., 22 Pickering, 381. .xxxD, 749 Boyle T. People, 4 Colo. 176 31, 76 Boyle v. State. 105 Indiana. 469 55, 218 Boyle v. State. 57 Wisconsin, 472 1C, 41 Boylston Ins. Co. T. Eavis, C3 North Carolina, 17. 1 ?, CC4 Boynton v. Fanners' M. F. Ins. Co., 43 Vt. 256.. . . 5, C7G Eoynton v. Hazelboom, 4 Allen, 107 xcii, 733 Boynton v. Rees, 8 Pickering, G20 xix, C26 Boyton v. Kellogg, 3 Massachusetts, 189 ili. 122 Eozarth v. Dudley, 15 Vroom, 304 43, 373 Bozeman v. State Eank, 7 Aikansas, 328 xlvi, C01 Bozza v. Rowe, 30 Illinois. 198 Ixxxiii, 1S4 Brabham T. Supervisors of Hinds Co., 54 Missis- sippi, 363 28,352 Brabrook v. Boston F. C. Sav. Bank, 104 Massa- ckusetts. 223 G, 222 Bracken v. Dillon, 64 Georgia, 243 37, 70 Bracken v. Preston, 1 Piuney, 534 x!,'v, 412 Brackenridge v. Holland, 2 Blackford, 377 xx, 123 Bracket v. McNair, 14 Johnson, 170 vii, 447 Brackett v. Elake, 7 Metcalf , 335 xii, 4 12 Brackett v. Edgerton, 14 Minnesota, 174 c, 211 Brackett v. Lubke. 4 Allen, 138 Ixxxi, C94 Erackett v. McGowan, 77 Illinois, 644 Brackett v. Norton, 4 Connecticut, 517 x, 179 Brackett v. Persons Unknown, 53 Me. 233 Ix:. i Brackett v. Rich, 23 Minnesota. 4S5 Bradbury v. Cony, 62 Maine, 223 1C, 449 Bradbury V. Furlong, 13 Rhode Island, 15 Bradbury v. Johnson, 41 M;.ine, 5S2 Isvi, 264 Braddy v. Milledgeville, 47 Georgia, 16 Braden v. La. State Ins. Co., 1 Louisiana, 220 xx, 277 Bradford v. Ahend, 89 Illinois, 78 31, 67 Bradford v. Andrews, 20 Ohio State, 233 5, 045 Bradford v. Bradford, 19 Ohio State, 546 2, 413 Bradford v. Brooks, 2 Aikeu, 234 xvi, 715 Bradford v. Greenway, 17 Alabama, 797 Iii, CJ3 Bradford v. Hill, 1 Haywood, 22 i, 516 Bradfordv. Manly, 13 Massachusetts, 133 vii, 122 Bradford v. Marbury, 12 Alabama, E20 xlvi, 234 Bradford v. Rice, 102 Massachusetts, 472 3, 433 Bradfordv. Shine. 13 Florida. 393 7,C33 Bradford v. South Carolina R R., 7 RLh. L. 201. .Lxii, 411 Bradford Oil Co. v. Blah-, 113 Penn. St. 83 57, 412 Bradlee v. Warren F. C. Sav. E k, 127 Mass. 107.34, 351 Bradley v. Aldrich, 40 New York, 504 c. 523 Bradley v. Ballard, 55 Illinois. 413 7 , 656 Eradlee v. Bauder, 3G Ohio State, 23 38, 547 Bradley v. Blodget, Kirby, 22 i, 11 Bradley v. Boynton, 22 Maine, 287 xxxix, 532 Bradley v. Broughtou, 34 Alabama, 694 lixiii, 474 Bradley v. Buford, Sueed, 12 ii. 703 Bradley v. Camp, Kirby, 77 i, 13 Bradley v. Comm'rs, 2 Humphreys, 428 xxxvii, 563 Bra'Uey v. Cramer, 59 "Wisconsin, 3y9 48,511 Bradley v. Davis, 14 Maine, 44 xxx. 723 25 TABLE OF CASES. Bra Bri Roman letters [xllx] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Bradley v. Heath, 12 Pickering, 163 xxii, 413 Bradley v. Hunt, 5 Gill & Johnson, 54 xxiii, 597 , v. Kesee, o Cold. 23 xciv, 246 v. MjAtee. 7 Bush. 637 3,309 Er-allcy v. M:itual Ben. L. Ins. Co., 43 X. Y. 422.. 6, 115 Bradley v. Nashville Ins. Co.. 3 La. An. 703 xlviii, 405 Bradley v. Xorton, 33 Connecticut, 137 Ixxxvii, 200 v. Poo'.o, 93 Massachusetts. 103 xciii, 144 y v. Potomac F. Ins. Co., 32 Md. 103 Ii, 121 Bradley v. Rea, 1J3 Massachusetts, 1S3 4. C21 s, 113 Illinois. 327 55, 422 T. Rice, 13 Maine, 193 *xix, 501 , v. Snyder, 14 Illinois, 263 Iviii, 564 ;Tord, 23 Xew Hampshire, 444 v. White, 10 Metcalf, 333 xliii, 435 ,w v. Commonwealth, 15 Gratt. 507.. .Ixxxvii, 722 .-.- v. Ellis, 2Dev. ,:; " xxxii, 686 i-.v v. Xewman, Breese. 133 xii. 149 : ; ston R. Co., 133 Mass. 407. .iG, 431 Bradstreet v. Everson, 72 Pennsylvania St. 124... 13, 635 . Ii::i. 1 Missouri, 313 xiii. 503 Is. People. 40 California, 193 6, 604 Era^v Mussie, 33 Alabama, 89 Lxxix, 82 Vermont, 45 T., 1'2 Brajle ads. People, S3 Xew York, 5S5 ',>., '2 9 Mi \\~hirter, 9 Xebraskn, 6 "5, 30o * 1 v. Williams, 15 Maryland, 150 Ixxiv, 559 Brainardv. Buck, 23 Vermont, 573 Ix, 291 ':.'. C Ivii, 74 1 v. Harris, 14 Ohio, 107 xlv, J23 Erai-.ianl v. Stili'liia, G Vermont, 9 x:. Brainerd ads. State, 53 Vermont, 532 4S, S13 Braly v. Henry, 71 California. 431 GO, 5!3 Braman v. Stiles, 2 Pickering 400 xiii, 445 B.-amliall v. Ferris, 14 X. Y. (4 Kernan), 41 Ixvii, 113 Bramhall v. Sun M. Ins. Co., 1) Muss. 510 G, 2:i tt v. Pickett, 2 A. K. Marshall, 10 xii, 350 Bramlettc v. St.it?, 21 Texas Ct. App. Gil 57, 622 Branaham v. Hotel Co., 39 Ohio State. 333 48, 437 Branch v. Corom'rs of Sinking Fd, 83 Va. 427 5G, 590 Branch v. Libbey, 73 Maine. 321 57, S10 Branch v. Sinking Fund Comm'rs. SJ Va. 42? GG, 59G Erauj'.i ads St.ite, CSXorth Carolina, 163 13, 633 Branch & Thomas v. Morrison, 5 Jones' Law, 16. .Ixix, 770 v. Daunoy, 8 Martin, X. 3., 139 xix, 17>> Brander v. Justices, 5 Call, 543 ii, 603 Brandon v. Huntsville Bank, 1 Stewart, 320 xviii. 43 Brandon Mauuf. Co. v. Frazer, 47 Vt. S3 19, 113 Brandreth v. Lance, 3 Paise, 24. fc xxxiv. 3C3 Eranham v. Turnpike Co., 1 Lea, 704 27, 739 Brann v. Chicago R. I. & P. R, Co., 53 Iowa. 595.36, 243 Brannan v. Oliver, 2 Stewart. 47 xix, 37 Branuenburg v. Ind., P. &.C. R. R.. 13 Ind. 103. .Ixxiv, 250 Erannock v. Brannock, 10 Iredell's Law, 423 li, 393 Brannon ads. State, 55 Missoiu-i, 63 17, 643 Ennsoaiv. Labrot, 31 Kentucky, 633 50, 193 Branson v. Hill, 31 Maryland, 131 1, 40 Brant v. Gallup. Ill Illinois, 487 53, 633 Brantley v. Thomas, 22 Texas, 270 bcxiii, 264 Brashear v. Burton, SBibb, 9 vi, 634 Brasker v. Davidson, 31 Texas, 190 xcviii, 525 Braswellv. Morehead, Busbee'sEq. 25 Ivii, 583 Brassfield ads. State, 81 Missouri, 151 51,235 Square Church v. Grant, 3 Gray, 142 Ixiii, 725 Braudlacht, Ex parte, 2 Hill (X. Y.), 367 xxxviii, 593 Br.um r. Keller, 43 Penn. State. 104 Ixxxii, 554 Braxtonv. Coleman, 5 Call. 433 ii, 592 Eraxton v. Freeman, 6 Richardson's L. 35 Ivii, 775 Bray v. Lamb, 2 Devereux Eq. 372 xxv, 713 Bray v. Marsh. 75 Maine, 452 46,416 Bravnard v. Hoppock, 32 Xew York, 571 Ixxxviii. 349 Brayton v. Fall River, 113 Mass. 218 18, 470 Brazier v. Ansley, 11 Iredell's Law, 12 ii, 408 Brazil y. Moran, S Minnesota, 236 Ixxx'.ii, 772 Breasted v. F. L. & T. Co., 8 X. Y. (4Seld.), 299.. ..lix, 482 Breaux v. Gallusseaux, 14 Louisiana An. 233 ..Ixxiv, 430 Breaux v. Johns, 4Louisana An. 141 1, 555 Brechbill v. Randall. 102 Indiana, 538 52,695 Brock v. Blanchard, 22 Xew Hampshire, 323 !i, 222 Breckenridge v. Brooks. 2 A. K. Marshal], 335 xii, 401 Breckeuridge v. Clinkenbeard, 2 LitteH, 127 xiii, 261 Breckenridge v. Duncan, 2 A. K. Marshall, 50 xii, 359 Breckenridge v. Ormsby, 1 J. J. Marshall, 236 xix, 71 Ereclieiiridge v. Todd, 3 T. B. Monroe, 52 xrl, 83 Breckenridge v. Waters, 5 T. B. Monroe. 150 xvii, 46 Bredin, Appeal of. 92 Pennsylvania State, 241. ...37, 677 Bree I v. Conley, 14 Iowa, 269 Ixxsi, 435 Breeding v. Davis. 77 Virginia, 639 46, 740 Breese v State, 12 Ohio State, 146 Ixxx, 340 Breese v. United States Tel. Co.. 43 X Y. 132. ... 8, 526 Breitaabach v. Bush. 41 Pean. State, 313 Ixxxiv. 442 Breneman v. Furniss, 90 Penu. St. 136 35, Bol Brengle v. Bushey. 40 Maryland, 141 17,586 Brennan v. Fairhavea & W. R. Co., 45 Conn. 234.20. 1 7 j i v. Swasey, 16 California, 140 Ixxvi, 507 Brennan v. Weatherf ord. 53 Texas. 330 3 7 , 758 Brenner v. Weaver, 1 Kansas, 433 Ixxxiii, 444 Brent v. Ervin, 3 Martin, X. S., 303 xv, 157 Brent v. Kimball, 69 Illinois, 211 14, 35 Brent v. Shouse, 16 Louisiana An. 158 ITTJT, 573 Breutual v. Helms, 1 Root, 291 i, 44 Brenton v. Davis, 8 Blackf ord, 317 xliv, 769 Bresliny. Brown, 21 Ohio St. 565 15, 627 Bressler v. Kent, 61 Illinois, 426 14, 67 Brettun ads. Commonwealth, 100 Mass. 206 xcvii, 95 Breuner v. Liverpool etc. Ins. Co., 51 CaL 101 21, 703 Brewer v. Baxter, 41 Georgia, 212 5, 530 Brewer v. Boston etc. R. R. Co., 5 Metcalf, 478..xxxix, 694 Brewer T. Bowman, 3 J. J. Marshall, 492 xx, 158 Brewer v. Davis, 9 Humphreys, 208 xlix, 706 Brewer v. Hardy, 22 Pickering, 376 xxxiii, 747 Brewer v. Harris, 2 Smedesi. M. 34 xii, 587 Brewer v. Herbert, 30 Maryland, 301 xcvi, 532 Brewer v. Lamar, 69 Georgia, 656 47, 766 Brewer v. Marshall, 10 Xew Jersey Eq. 537 xcvii, 679 Brewer v. Maurer, 33 Ohio St. 543 43, 436 Brewerv. Smith, 3 Greenleaf, 44 xiv, 213 Brewer v. Strong's Ex'rs, 10 Alabama, 9C1 xliv, 514 Erewerv. Union Ins. Co.. 12 Massachusetts, 169.. .vii, 53 Brewer y. Wall, 23 Texas, 535 Ixxvi, 76 Brewer y. Watson. 71 Alabama, 299 4G, 318 Brewery. Weakley, 2 Overton, 99 y, 656 Brewer v. Woodward, 54 Vermont, "531 41, 857 Brewer Brick Co. v. Brewer, 62 Maine, 62 1C, 395 Brewington v. Lowe, 1 Ind. 21 (Smith, 79) xlviii, 349 Brewster v. Burnett, 125 Massachusetts. 68 28, 203 Brewster v. Hartley, 37 California, 15 ^ . . xcis, 237 Brewster y. Kilduff, 15 Illinois 492 Ix, 769 Bren-ster y. Wakefield, 1 Minnesota, 352 Ixix, 343 Brewster v. Vail, 1 Spencer, 56 xxxyiii, 547 Brewster y. Van Liew. 119 Illinois. 554 59, 823 Brewster v. Warner, 136 Massachusetts, 57 49, 5 Briant ads. Commonwealth, 142 Mass. 453 56, 707 Brice ads. Commonwealth, 22 Penn. State, 211 Ix, 79 Brice v. Lide, 30 Alabama, C47 Ixriii, 143 Brickhouse y. Hunter, 4 Henning&M. 333 iv, 528 Bridge y. Eggleston, 14 Massachusetts, 245 vii, 209 Bridge v. Gray, 14 Pickering, 55 xxv, 358 Bridge v. Hubbard, 15 Massachusetts, 96 viii, 86 Bridgeford y. Masonville Mfg. Co., 34 Conn. 546..xci, 744 Bri Bro TABLE OF CAPES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Bridgeport v. New York etc. R. R. Co., 36 Con- necticut, 255 4, 63 Bridgeport Sav. Ba. k v. Eldredge, 23Conn.556.1xxiii, CSS Bridges v. Lanham, 14 Nebraska, 369 4.", 121 Bridges v. Phillips, 25 Alabama, 136 Ix, 495 Bridges v. Pleasants, 4 Iredell's Eq. 2G xliv, 94 Bridges v. Sprague P. Iron Co., 57 Maine, 513..xcix, 738 Bridges v. Winters, 42 Mississippi, 135 xcvii, 413 Bridges v. Winters, 42 Mississippi, 135 2, 538 Bridgewater Acad. v. Gilbert, 2 Pickering, 579 xiii, 4D7 Bridgman ads. State. 49 Vermont, 232 24, 124 Brieswick v. Brunswick. 51 Georgia, 639 21, 240 Brigancev. Erwin, 1 Swan, 375 Ivii, 779 Briffit v. State. 53 Wisconsin, 39 40, 621 Br'.ggv. Hilton. 95 New York, 517 52, 03 Briggs v. Boston etc. R. R. Co., 6 Allen, 246..1xxxiii, 623 Briggs v. Brushaber. 43 Michigan, 330 38, 187 Briggs v. Cent. Nat. Bank, 80 New York, 182. . . .42, 235 Briggs v. Davis, 20 New York, 15 Ixxv, 3G3 Briggs v. Ewart, 51 Missouri, 245 11, 445 Bf ggs v. Garrett. Ill Penn. St. 404 56, 271 Briggs v. Hall, 4 Leigh, 484 xxvi, 32'J Briggs v. Hill, 6 Howard, 362 xxxviii, 441 Briggs v. Latham, 85 Kansas, 255 50, 543 Briggs v. McCabe, 27 Indiana, 327 Ixxxix, 503 Briggs v. Parkman, 2 Metcalf, 258 xxxvii, 83 Briggs v. Partridge, 61 New York, 357 21, 617 Briggs v. Ponniman, 8 Cowen, 337 xviii, 454 Briggs v. Richmond, 10 Pickering, 301 xx, 52 ', Briggs v. Spencer, 3 Robinson (La.), 255 xxxviii, 230 Briggsv. Starke, 2 Mill, 111 xii, 650 Briggs ads. State, 9 Rhode Island, 361 1 1 , 270 Briggs v. Winsmith, 10 South Carolina, 133 30, 43 Brigham v. Carlisle, 78 Alabama, 243 56, 23 Brigham v. Clafflin, 31 Wisconsin, G07 1 1 , 623 Brigham v. Henderson, 1 Gushing, 430 xlviii, CIO Brigham v. Myers. 51 Iowa, 397 33, 140 Brigham v. Smith, 4 Gray, 297 Ixiv, 7G Bright v. Carpenter, 9 Ohio, 139 xxxiv; 432 Bright v. Coffman, 15 Indiana, 371 Ixxvii, 9G Bright v. Lord. 51 Indiana, 272 19, 732 Bright v. Patton, 5 Mack. 534 CO, 396 Bright ads. State, 33 Louisiana An. 1 58, 135 Brightman v. Bristol, C5 Maine, 420 20, 711 Brighton Bank v. Smith, 12 Allen. 243 xc. 144 Briley v. Cherry, 2 Devereux's Law, 2 xviii, 5G1 Briley v. Sugg, 1 Dev. & Eat. EQ. 366 xxx, 172 Brill v. Singer M. Co., 41 Ohio St. 127 52, 7 1 Brill v. Stiles, 35 Illinois. 305 Ixxxv, 36 1 Brill v. Tuttle. 81 New York, 454 3*, 515 Brimhall v. Van Campen, 8 Minnesota, 13 Ixxxii, 118 Brinagar v. Phillips, 1 B. Monroe, 283 xxxvi, 575 Brinckerhoff v. Lansing, 4 Johns. Ch. 65 viii, 538 Brinegar v. Chaffin, 3 Dev. L. 108 :. . .xxii, 711 Bringard ads. People, 39 Michigan. 22 33, 344 Bringhurst ads. Commonwealth, 103 Pennsylva- nia State, 134 40, 119 Brink v. State. 13 Tex. Ct. App. 344 51,317 Briakman vs. Hunter, 72 Missouri, 172 39, 492 Brinkley v. Brinkley, 50 New York. 184 10, 460 Brinley v. Grou, 50 Connecticut, 66 47, 618 Brinley v. Mann, 2 Gushing, 337 xlviii, CC9 Brinson v. Thomas, 2 Jones' Equity, 414 Lsvii, 224 Brisco v. State, 4 Tex. Ct. App. 219 30, 1C2 Briscoe v. Auketell, 28 Mississippi, 361 Ixi, 553 Briscoe v. Bronaugh, 1 Texas, 326 xlvi, 108 Bristol v. Burt, 7 Johnson, 254 v, 264 Bristol v. Dann, 12 Wendell, 142 xxvii, 122 Bristol Knife Co. v. First Nat. Bank, 41 Conn. 421 . 19, 517 Bristol Manuf. Co. v. Gridley, 27 Conn. 221 Lxxi, 56 Bristow v. Payton's Adin'x, 2 T. B. Monroe, 91 xv, 134 Brite v. Gi'.l, 2 T. I!. Monroe. i;~ xv, 122 British & F. M. Ins. Co. v. Gulf, C. & S. F. R'y Co.. C3 Texas, 475 .' 51, 661 British North Am. B'k v. Hooper, 5 Gray, 567 1: Britt v. Aylett, 11 Arkansas, 475 ...lit, CS2 Brittaln v. Doylestown B'k, 5 Watts & Serg. 87.xxxix, 110 Brittaiu v. McKay, 1 Iredell's Law, 2:35 xxxv, 738 Brittain v. Quiet, 1 Jones' Equity, 328 Ixii, 202 Brittin v. Handy, 20 Arkansas, 381 !\ Britton v. Atlanta & C. A. L. R. Co., 88 N. C. 536. .-i'.t, 749 Britton v. Dierker, 4 ; 3 Missouri, 591 2, 533 Britton v. Turner, 6 New H.imp. 431 xxvi. r;3 Brizendine v. Frankfort Br. Co., 2 B. Mon. 32.. xxxvi, 587 Broaduax v. Baker, 04 North Carolina, 675 Broadway Bapt. Church v. McAtee, 8 Bush, 5:8. . 8, 489 Broadway Nat. B'k. v. Adams, 133 Mass. 179 43, 501 IJroadwell v. Kansas, 75 Missouri, 213 Broadwell v. Swigert, 7 B. Monroe, 39 x'v, 47 Broadwell v. Wilcox, 22 Iowa, ;V>3 , Brobst v. Ruff, 100 Pennsylvania State, 91 45, 353 Brobst v. Skillen, 1G Ohio St. 332 Isx.-. Broburg v. Des Moines, C3 Iowa, 523 Brock v. Gale. 14 Flo: Ma, 523 14, 336 Brock v. Eastman, 23 Vermont, 6j8 Ixvii, 733 Brock v. Stimson, 1)3 M issachusetts, 520 1 1, "90 Brocket v. Ohio etc. R. R. Co., 14 Penn. St. 241.. Brockett v. McGowau, 77 Illinois, GH 2'>, -" t Brockway v. Crawford, 3 Jones' Law, 433 Ixvli, 250 Brockway v. Innes. 39 Michigan, 47 Brockway v. Mulliu, 40 New Jersey Law, 443 Broderick v. Detroit U. D. Co. 55 Michigan, 261 .. Brodhead v. Milwaukee, 19 Wis. 624 Ixxx Brodiu v. Watkius. 33 Arkansas, 545 31, 49 Broh v. Jenkins, 9 Martin, 523 xiii, 323 Brokaw v. N. J. T. & R. .;. Co., 32 New Jersey L. 328 '. Bromley v. Goodrich, 40 Wisconsin, 131 2'i, G35 Bromley v. Elliot, 33 New Ilamp^iiro, 287 Ixxv, 132 Bromley v. Hutchins, 8 Vermont, 104 xxx, 4 )3 Bronson v. Bruce, 59 Michigan, 467 G:>, 337 Brouson v. Coffin, 138 Massachusetts, 175 11, 335 Bronson v. Oberlin, 41 Ohio State, 476 52, 90 Brooke v. Now York L. E. & W. R. R. Co., 108 Penn. St. 529 56, 235 Brooke v. Washington, 8 Grattan, 243 Ivi, 1 12 Brooker v. Coffin, 5 Johnson, 1S3 iv, 337 Brooklinev. Sherman, 110 Massachusetts, 1 54, 131 Brooklyn v. Brooklyn * R R Co., 47 N. Y. 475... 7, 469 Brooklyn Park Comm'rs v. Armstrong, 45 New York. 234 6, 70 Brooklyn ads. People, 4 New York (4 Comst.), 410. Brooklyn ads. People, 1 Wendell, 318 >. Brooklyn v. Smith, 10J Illinois, 429 44, 90 Brooklyn Bank v. De Grauw, 23 Wendell, 342 . .xxxv, "63 Brookman v. Hammill. 43 New York, 554 3, 731 Brooks v. Bondsey, 17 Pickering, 441 xxviii, 313 Brooks v. Brooke, 12 Gill & J. 306 xxxviii, 313 Brooks v. Chaplin, 3 Vermont, 281 xx Brooks v. Commonwealth, Cl Penu. State, 352 c, 645 Brooks v. Cook. 44 Michigan, 617 38, 282 Brooks v. Cotton, 43 Now Hampshire. 50 2, 172 Brooks v. Cnrtis, 50 New York, C39 10, 545 Brooksv. Hubbard, 3 Connecticut, 53 viii, 1M Brooks v. Martin, 43 Alabama, 350 xdv, CSS Brooks ads. People, 1 Deuio, 457 xiiii, 704 Brooks v. People, 49 New York, 436 10, 393 Brooks ads. People, 40 Michigan. 333 2!>, 534 Brooks v. Powers, lj Massachusetts, 24! viii, 99 Brooks v. Roouey, 11 Georgia, 423 Ivi, 430 27 TABLE OF CASES. Bro Brow Roman letters [ills] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Brooks v. White, 2 Metcalf, 233 xxxvii, 93 Brooks' Syndics, v. Hamilton, 10 Martin. 233 xiii, 323 Brookshira v. Brookshire, S Ire;lcll's Law, 74 xlvii, 311 Brooksville & C. T. Co. v. Pumphrey. 53 la 1 73.. .2j, 73 BrookvUle & G. T. Co. v. McCarty, 8 Ind. 392. . . .Ur, 763 Brookville & M. H. Co. v. Butler. 91 Ind. 13t 40, 530 Brosius v. Reuter, 1 Harris & J. 551 ii, 534 Brossman v. Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.. 113 Penn. St. 493 57,470 Brothers v. Cartter, 52 Missouri. 3"3 11, 424 Brothers T. Cartwriglit, 2 Jones' Equity, 113 Ixiv, 5G3 Brothers v. Hurdle, 10 IredeU's Law, -193 li. 403 Brothers T. McCurdy, 33 Penn. State, 437 lii-viii, 3S3 Brotten v. Bateman, 2 Devereux's Eq. 115 xxii, 732 Brotzman v. Bunnell, 5 Wharton, 123 xxxiv, 537 Brought. in T. Bradley, 34 Alabama, 694 Ixiiii, 474 Broughton v. Birchmore, Harper's Law, 333 xviii, C54 Broughton T. Silloway, 114 Massachusetts, 71 13, 312 Broughton ads. State, 7 Iredell's Law. 'J * x!v, 507 Brower v. Wooten. N. C. Term. Rep. 70 vii. 692 Brown, Ex parte, 72 Missouri, 83 37, 426 Brown's Case. 112 Massachusetts, 403 17, 114 Brown's Petition. 14 Rhode Island, 371 51, 397 Brown's Will, 1 B. Monroe, 53 xxxv, 174 Brown v. Adams, 1 Stewart, 51 rviii, 3G Brown v. Austin, 1 Massachusetts, 2?S ii, 11 Brown v. Ayres, 33 Cali'omia, 525 xci, Goo Brown v. Banner C. & O. Co., P7 Illinois, 214 37, 105 Brown v. Barnes, 33 Michigan, 211 33, 375 Brown v. Easliford, 11 B. Monroe, C7 lii, 559 Brown v. Bates, 51 Maine, 523 xcii, 613 Brown v. Beattr, 34 Mississippi, --7 Ixix, 339 Brown v. Beauchamp, 5 T. B. Monroe, 413 xvii, 81 Brown v. Bearer, 3 Jones' Law, 51G Ixvii, 25") Brown v. Bebee, 1 D. Chipman, 227 vi, 7:23 Brown v. Benight, 3 Blackf ord, 33 xxiii, 373 Brown v. Bicknell, 1 Pinney, 223 (1 Burnett, 65).xxx:x, 233 Brown v. Blydenburgh, 7 X. Y. (SSelden), lil....lvii,.506 Brown v. Bonner, 8 Leigh, 1 xxxi, 637 Brown v. Bowen, 33 Xew York, 519 Ixxxvi. 406 Brown v. Brown, 13 Alabama, 233 xlviii, 52 Brown T. Brown, 18 Connecticut, 410 xlvi, 328 Brown v. Brown, 3 Connecticut, 233 viii, 1S7 Brown v. Brown, 4 Indiana, C27 Iviii, 641 Brown v. Brown. 14 Lea (Tern.) 253 52, 169 *Brown v. Brown, 47 Missouri, 133 4, 323 Brown v. Brown, 37 Xew Hampshire, 536 LTXT, 154 Brown v. Buford, 3 B. Monroe, 508 xxxix, 477 Brown v. Burkenmeyer, 9 Dana, 159 xxxiii, 541 Brown T. Butchers' etc. Bank, 6 Hill (X. Y.), 443. .xli, 755 Brown v. Caldwell, 23 West Virginia, 187 48, 376 Brown v. Caldwell, 10 Serg. R. 114 xiii, 660 Brown v. Cape Girardeau, 93 Missouri, 377 59, 23 Brown v. Carpenter, 25 Vermont, 638 Ixii, 603 Brown T. Chadboume, 31 Maine, 9 1, 641 Brown v. Chicago M. &. St. P. R,Co., 54 Wis. 342.41, 41 Brown v. Christie, 27 Texa*, 73 Ixxxiv, 607 Brown v. Clegg, 6Iredell's Eq. 90 Ii, 413 Brown v. Cl:gg, 63 Pennsylvania State, 51 3, 522 Brown v. Collins, 53 Xew Hampshire, 442 1C, 372 Brown v. Colquitt, 73 Georgia, 59 54, 867 Brown v. Commonwealth, 9 Leigh, 633 xxxiii, 2G3 Brown v. Commonwealth, 73 Pennsylvania St. 321.13, 740 Brown v. Commonwealth, 4 Rawle, 259 ..' xxvi, 130 Brown v. Coon, 36 Illinois, 243 Ixxxv. 402 Brown T. County Treasurer, 54 Michigan, 132 53, 800 Brown v. Crow ley, 39 Georgia, 376 xcix, 4C2 Brown v. Dickson, 2 Humphreys, 395 xxxvii, SCO Brown v. DiUahunty, 4 Smedes & M. 713 xliii, 499 Brown T. Donnell, 49 Maine, 421 Lxxvii, 266 Brown v. Duncanson, 4 Harris & McH. 350 i, 409 Brown v. Ferguson. 4 Leigh, 37 xxiv, 707 Brown v. Foree, 7 B. Monroe, 357 Hvi 51& Brown v. '49 and '53 Qa-r._ M Co., 15 Cal. 152..1xsvi, 468 Brown v Foster. 113 Massachusetts, 135 18. 463 Brown T. French, 125 Massachusetts. 410 38, 254 Brown v. Frost, 2 Bay. 123 i, 033 Brown v. Furer, 4 Serg. R. 213 viii, 693 Brown v. Gilmore, 8 Greenleaf, 107 xxii, 223 Brown v. Girard, 4 Yeates, 115; S. C., 1 Binney, 40. .ii, 400 Brown T. Gray, 6 Jones' Law, 103 1-rrii, 563 Brown v. Haff, 5Paige Ch. 235 xxviii, 425 Brown v. Hall. 14 Rhode Island, 249 51, 375 Brown v. Hannibal & St. J. R. R. Co , 50 Missouri, 461 11,420 Brown v. Harris, 2 G. Greene, 505 lii, 535 Brown v. Hebard, 23 Wisconsin, 323 xci, 408 Brown v. Higginbotham, 5 Leigh, 5S3 xxvii, 618 Brown T. Hobson, 3 A. K. Mai-shall, 380 xiii, 187 Brown T. Hunn, 27 Connecticut, 332 Ixxi, 71 Brown v. Ulius, 27 Connecticut, 84 Ixxi, 49 Brown v. Jaquette, 94 Pennsylvania St. 113 : .30, 770 Brown v. Johnson, 12 Smedes & M. 333 Ii, 118 Brown v. Jordhal, 32 Minnesota , 135 5O, 560 Brown v. Keller, 32 Elinois, 151 Ixxxiii, 253 Brown v. Lakeman, 17 Pickering, 444 xxviii, 314 Brown v. Lasselle, 6 Blackf ord, 147 xxxviii, 135 Brown v. Latham, 53 New Hampshire, 30 24, 568 Brown v. Leitch, 63 Alabama, 313 31, 42 Brown v. Long, 1 Iredell's Eq. 190 xxxvi, 43 : Brown v. Lynn, 31 Penn. State, 510 bcxii, 768 Brown v. Manning, 3 Minnesota, 35 Ixxiv, 736 Brown v. Manning, 6 Ohio, 233 xxvii, 255 Brown v. Manter, 21 Xew Hampshire, 528 liii, 223 Brown v. Marshall, 47 Michigan, 576 41, 723 Brown v. Mass. M. L. Ins. Co., 53 N. H. 298. 47,205 Brown v. Maxwell, 6 Hill (X. Y.), 592 xli, 771 Brown v. McCormick, 6 Watts, 60 xxxi, 450 Brown v. McDonald, 8 Yerger, 153 xxix, 113 Brown v. McFarland, 41 Penn. State, 123 Ixxx, 593 B.own v. McKinney, 9 Watts, 5G5 xxxvi, 139 Brown v. Meady, 10 Maine, 391 xxv, 243 Brown v. Metz, 33 Illinois, 333 Ixxxv, 277 Brown v. Milwaukee etc. R'y Co. , 21 Wis. 39 xci, 456 Brown v. Montgomery, 23 Xew York, 287 Ixxv, 404 Brown v. Moore, 23 Illinois, 421 Ixxix, 333 Brown v. Moore, 3 J. J. Marshall, 306 xx, 142 Brown v. Neale, 3 Allen, 74. 1-rtt, 53 Brown v. N. Y. Cent. Co., 32 Xew York, 597..1xxxviii, 353 Brown v. Xourse, 55 Maine, 233 xcii, 533 Brown v. O'Brien, 1 Richardson's Lavr, 233 xliv, 254 Brown v. O'Connell, 33 Connecticut, 432 4, 89 Brown v. People. 86 Illinois, 239 29, 25 Brown v. People, 17 Michigan, 429 xcvii, 195 Brown ads. People, 34 Michigan, 339 22, 531 Brown ads. People, 72 Xew York, 571 28, 133 Brown v. Pierce, 97 Massachusetts, 46 xciii, 57 Brown v. Pratt, 4 Wisconsin, 513 Ixv, 330 Brown v. Quincy M. F. Ins. Co., 105 Mass, 396.. 7, 538 Brown v. Randall, 36 Connecticut. 56 4, 3~> Brown v. Ray, 18 Xew Hampshire, 102 xlv, 361 Brownv. Ray, 10 Iredell's Law, 72 ., 379 Brown v. Reed, 79 Penn. State, 370 ...21 75 Brownv. Rice, 57 Maine, 55 2, 11 Brownv. Rickets, 4 Johns. Ch. 303 viii, 567 Brownv. Saul, 4 Martin. X. S., 434 xvi, 175 Brown v. Sennett. 63 California, 225 58, 8 Brown v. Slater, 16 Connecticut, 192 xli, 136 Brownv. South K. A.'Soc., 47 Maine, 275 Ixxiv, 484 Brown v. Staples, 28 Maine, 497 xlviii. 504 Brow Bnc TABLE OF CASES. 28 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Brown T. State, 55 Alabama. 123 28,693 Brown ads. State. 69 Indiana, 95 33, 210 Brown ads. State, 9 Baxter, 53 40, 81 Brown ads. State, 1 Devereux's Law, 137 xvii, 562 Brown ads. State, 1 Haywood, 100 1, 548 Brown ads. State, 4 Rhode Island, 528 Ixx, 163 Brown v. Stone, 10 Gray, 61 Ixix, 303 Brown v. Straw, 6 Nebraska, 536 29,369 Brown v. Sullivan, 22 Indiana, 353 Ixxxv, 421 Brown v. Susquehanna B. Co.. 109 Penn. St. 57... 58, 703 Brown v. Swineford, 44 Wisconsin, 282 28, 5:2 Brown v. Taylor, 13 Vermont, 631 xxxvii, CIS Brownv. Thompson, 14Bush. 533 20, 410 Brown v. Thurston, 56 Maine, 123 xcvi, 433 Brown v. Toell's Adm'r, 5 Randolph, 543-. xvi, 759 Brown v. Turner, 1 Aikens, 350 .-. . .XT, 696 Brownv. Tyler, SGray, 135 Ixix, 233 Brown v. Union Ins. Co., 4 Day, 179 iv, 204 Brownv. Union Ins. Co., 5Day, 1 v, 123 Brown v. Houston, 93 Louisiana An. 843 33, 2S4 Brown v. Howard F. Ins. Co., 42 Maryland, 334. .20, 90 Brown v. Howe, 9 Gray, 84 Ixix, 276 Brown v. Hummel. 6 Penn. State, 83 xlvii, 431 Brown v. Vandyke, 4 Halstead Ch. 795 Iv, 233 Brown v. Vinalhaven, 65 Maine, 402 20. 709 Brown v. Wadsworth, 15 Vermont, 170. xl, G74 Brown v. Wait, 19 Pickering, 470 xxxi, 154 Brown v. Ward, 53 Maryland, 376 36, 422 Brown v. Watson. 47 Maine, 161 Ixxiv, 432 Brown v. Welch, 18 Illinois, 343 Ixviii, 549 Brown v. Wellington, 106 Massachusetts, 318 8, 330 Brown v. Wentwortb, 46 New Hainp. 490 Ixxxviii, 223 Brown v. Wheeler, 17 Connecticut, 345 xliv, 550 Brown v. White, 5 Dutch. 514 box, 226 Brown v. Winona and St. P. R. Co., 27 Minn. 162.38, 235 Brown v. Wright, 7 T. B. Monroe, 396 xviii, 190 Brownv. Wright, 17 Vermont, 97 xlii, 481 Brown v. Wylie. 2 West Virginia. 502 xcTiii. 731 Brownv. Wyman, 56 Iowa, 452 : 41, 117 Browne v. Browne, 17 Florida, 637 33, 96 Browne v. Kennedy, 5 Harris & J. 195 ix, 503 Browne v. Phila. Bank, 6 Serg. & R. 434 ix, 463 Browne v. Providence etc. R. R. Co., 12 Gray, oo.lxsi, 73G Brownell v. Bradley, 16 Vermont, 105 xi i, 438 Brownell v. Winnie, 29 New York, 400 Ixxsrci. 314 Brownfield v. Brownfield, 12 Peun. State 136. li, 590 Browning v. City of Springfield, 17 111. 143 Ixiii, 345 Browning v. Estes, 3 Texas, 432 xlix, 760 Biowning v. Hanford, 5 Hill (X. Y.), 588 xl, 339 Browning v. Headley, 2 Rob. (Va. ) 343 xl, 755 Browning v. Home Ins. Co., 71 Xew York, 503. . .27, 867 Browning v. Lawson, 8 Arkansas. 330 xlvii, 723 Browning v. Roane, 9 Arkansas, 354 1, 213 Browning v. Wheeler, 24 Wend. 258 rxxv, 617 Brownson v. Hull, 16 Vermont, 309 xlii, 517 Brubakerv. Paul, 7 Dana, 423 xxxii. 111 Bruce v. Bonney, 12 Gray, 107 Ixsi, 739 Bruce v. Cloutman, 45 New Hampshire, 37 Ixxxiv. Ill Bruce v. Crews, 39 Georgia, 544 xcix, 467 Bruce v. Edwards, 1 Stewart, 11 xriii, 33 Bruce v. Fulton Nat. Bank, 79 New York. 161. .. .35, 505 Bruce v. Hastings, 41 Vermont, 380 xcviii, 592 Bruce v. Luke. 9 Kansas. 231 12, 491 Bruce v Reed. 104 Pennsylvania State, 408 40, 53G Bruco v. Scbuyler, 4 Gilman. 221 xlvi, 447 Bruce ads. State. SBrevard, 2S4. vi, 576 Bruce ads. State. 48 Iowa. 530 30, 403 Bruce ads. State. 5 Oregon, 63 20, 734 Bruce v. Wood, 1 Metcalf, 542 xxxv, 330 Bruch v. Lantz, 2 Rawle, 392 xxi, 458 Bnien v. Bragaw, 3 Green's Ch. 261 xxxviii, 519 Bruen v. Bokee, 7 Denio, 56 xlvll, 239 Bruenv. Ogden, 6 Halsted, 370 xx, 593 Brugserman v. Hoerr, 7 Minnesota, 337 Ixxxii, 97 Bruker v. Covington, 69 Indiana, 33 35, 202 Brumagimv. Tillinghast, 18 California, 265 Ixxix 176 Brumfield v. Brown, 7 Blackf ord, 142 xH, 217 Brumfleld v. Carson, 33 Indiana, 94 5, 184 Brumley v. State 21 Texas, Ct. App. 222 5 7 , 612 Brummagin v. Tallant, 29 California, 503 Ixxxix. 61 Bnimmer v. Cohn, 86 New York, 11 43, 503 Bruner v. Manlove, 3 Scammon, 339 xxxv i, 551 Brunn v. Schuett, 59 Wisconsin, 261 48, 499 Brunstads. State, 23 Wisconsin, 412 7, 84 Brunswick v. VaUeau, 50 Iowa, 12,/ 32, Ii9 Brunswick & B. Co. v. Hoover, 95 Penn. St. 508. .40, 674 Brunswick Sav. Ins. v. Commercial Ins. Co., 68 Maine, 313 28, 56 Brush v. Barrett. 82 New York, 400 37, 569, Brush v. Fowler, 36 Illinois. 53 Ixxxv, 332 Brush v. Scribner, 11 Connecticut, 338. xx!x, 3 "3 Brusie v. Griffith, 34 California, 302 xci, 6351 Bryan v. Atwater. 5 Day, 1S1 v, 13S Bryan v. Averett, 21 Georgia, 401 Ixviii, 464 Bryan v. Batcheller, 6 Rhode Island, 543 Ixxviii, 454 Bryan v. Beckley, Littell's Sel. Ca. 91 xii, 276 Bryanv. Brisbin, 23Missouri, 423 Ixxii, 219 Bryan v. Glass, 6 Louisiana An. 740 1; v, 576 Bryau v. Hunt, 4 Sneed, 543 Ixx, 262 Bryan v. Hyre, 1 Robiason (Va.) 94 xxxix, 246 Bryan v. Lofftus, 1 Robinson (Va.) 12 xxxix, 242 Bryan v. Lyon, 104 Indiana, 227 54, 309 Bryan v. Miller, 23 Missouri, 32 Lxxv, 107 Dryan v. Moore, 11 Martin, 26 xiii, 347 Bryanv. rage. 51 Texas. 532 32, 637 Eryan v. Ramirez, 8 California, 461 Ixviii, 340 Bryan v. Reynolds, 5 Wisconsin, 200 Ixviii, 55 Bryan v. Rooks, 25 Georgia, 622 Ixxi, 194 Bryanv. Stump, 8 Grattan, 241 Ivi, 139 Bryanv. Weems, 23 Alabama, 423 Ixv, 407 Bryant v. Boothe, 30 Alabama, 311 Ixviii, 117 Bryant v. Bryant, 3 Bush, 155 xcvi, 205 Bryant v. Burlington, C. R. & N. R'y Co., 66 Iowa, 335 55, 275 Bryant v. Carson Riv. Lumber Co.. 3 Nev. 313.. .xciii, 403 Bryant v. Crosby, 33 Ma'ne, 562 Iviii, 767 Bryant v. Edson, 8 Vermont, 325 xxx, 472 Bryant v. Isburgh, 13 Gray, C07 Ixsiv, C55 Bryant v. Moore, 23 Maine. 84 xlv, 96 Bryant v. Pennell. 61 Maine, 108 14, 550 Bryant v. Rich, 106 Massachusetts, 180 8, 311 Bryant v. Scott, 1 Dev. & B. Eq. 155 xxviii, 590 Bryant v. St. Paul, 33 Minnesota, 239 53, 31 Bryce v. Joynt, 63 California, 375 49, 94 Bryce v. Lorillard Fire Ins. Co., 55 N. Y. 240.... 14, 249 Brydenv. Taylor, 2 Harris & J. 396 iii, 554 Bryson v. Lucas, 84 N. C. 680 37,634 Bryson v. Rayner, 25 Maryland, 424 xc, 69 Buchan v. Sumner. 2 Barb. Ch. 165 xlvii, 305 Buchanan v. Bordley, 4 Harris & McH. 41 i. 33 Buchanan v. Curry. 19 Johnson, 137 x, 200 Buchanan v. Curtis, 25 Wisconsin, 99 3, 23 Buchanan v. Matlock, 8 Humphreys, 390 xlvii, K22 Buchanan T. Moore, 13 Serg. & R 304 xv, 601 Buchanan ads. State, 5 Hams & J. 317 ix, 534 Buchanon v. Adams. 49 N. J. L. 636 60,656 Bucber v. Fitchburg R. Co., 131 Mass. 156 41, 216 Buchman v. State. 59 Indiana, 1 26, 75 Buck v. Aikin, 1 Wendell, 466 ...xi*. 535 Buckv. Albee. 26 Vermont, 184 Ixii, 564 29 TABLE OF CASES. Btic Bnr Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Buck v. Colbath . 7 Minnesota, 310 Ixxxii, 91 Buck v. Collins. 51 Georgia. 331 21,233 Buck v. Cotton, 2 Connecticut, 126 vii, 251 Buckv. DoyK 4 Gill, 473 xlv, 176 Buck v. First Xat. Bank. 27 Michigan, 293 15, 133 Buckv. Kent, 3 Vermont, 99 xxi, 576 Buck v. Martin, 21 South Carolina, 590 53, 702 Buckv. Smith. 29 Michigan. 166 18, 84 Buck v. Svrazey, 35 Maine, 41 Ivi, C81 Buck M. Co. v. L.C. &X. Co., 50 Penn. St.91.1xxxviii, 531 Buckalew v. State. 62 Alabama, 334 34, 22 Buokey v. Snouffer, 10 Maryland, 149 Ixix, 123 Buckingham v. Elliott. 62 Mississippi, 296 52, 133 Buckland v. Adams Express Co., 97 Mass. 12i. ..xciii, 63 Buckles v. EUers, 72 Indiana, 220 37, 153 :>al, -13 Penn. State, 491 Ixxxviii, 433 Buckles v. Lafferty's Legatees, 2 Rob. (Va.) 292. . . .xl, 752 y v. Beardsk-e, 2 Southard, 570 viii, 62'J Buckley v. Garrett, 63 Pennsylvania, 333 c, 56 1 Buc'^ley v. O'Xeil, 113 Massachusetts, 193 18, 463 y T. Second Xat. Bank, 35 X. J. 400 10, 240 Buckman v. Rugjlcs, 15 Massachusetts, ISO viii, S3 Buckman ads. State, 8 New Hampshire, 203 xxix, 643 Buckmasterv. McElroy, 2J Nebraska, 557 57,843 Buckmiaster v. Buckminster, 33 Vt. 2i3 Ixxxviii, C52 Eucknall v. Story, 46 California, 589 13, 223 Eucknatn v. Thompson, 33 Maine, 171 Ixi, 237 Buckner v. Bush, 1 Duvall, 304 Ixxxv, 634 Euclcner v. Kingsbury. 53 Illinois, 310 11, 67 Buckner v. Real Estate Bank, 5 Arkansas, 536 xli, 105 Buckner v. Smith, 1 Washington (Va.\ 236 i, 4C3 Buckner v. Tamil, LittelTs Sal Ca. 29 xii, 233 Buckner v. Watt, 19 Louisiana, 216 xsxvi, C71 Buckout v. Swift, 27 California, 433 Ixxxvii, 93 Budd v. Brooke, 3 Gill, 108 xliii, 321 Budd v. Multnomah St. R'y Co., 13 Or. 271 53, 355 Budd v. The State, 3 Humphreys, 433 xxxix, 133 Buddensiack ads. People, 193 New York, 437 57, 763 Buddingtonv. Bradley, 10 Connecticut, 213; xxvi, 333 Buddington v. Smith, 13 Connecticut, 334 xxsiii, 407 Buel v. X. Y. Cent. R. R., 31 X. Y. 314 Ixxxviii, 271 Buel v. People. 73 Xew York, 432 34, 555 Buel v. Pumphrey, 2 Maryland, 2C1 Ivi, 714 Bucll v. Buckingham, 16 Iowa, 234 Ixxxv. 516 Bue'il v. Chapia, 99 Massachusetts, 594. xcvii, 53 Buell v. Flowers, 39 Connecticut, 402 12, 414 Buesching v. St. Louis Gas Light Co., 73 Mis- souri. 219 30,503 Buffalo, City of, v. Holloway, 7 X. Y. (3 Seld.) 493.1vii, 550 Buffalo v. COlalley, Cl Wisconsin, 255 50, 137 Buffalo B. S. C. Co. v. Dow, 63 Texas, 492 51 , 668 Buffalo ads. People, 76 Xew York, 553 32, 337 Buffandeau v. Edmondson, 17 California, 436. .Ixxix, 139 Bufferlow v. Xewsom, 1 Devereux's Law, 208 xvii, 505 Buffington v. Cook, 35 Alabama, 312 Ixxiii, 491 Buflington v. Curtis, 15 Massachusetts, 527 viii, 115 Bufilc^ton v. Gerrish, 15 Massachusetts, 156 viii, 97 Buffington ads. State, 20 Kansas, 599 27, 1S3 Buffurd v. Holliman 10 Texas, 560 Ix, 223 Buff urn v. Buffum, 49 Maine, 103 Ixxvii, 249 Buffum v. Green, 5 Xew Hampshire, 71 xx, 562 BuSfum v. Ramsdell, 55 Maine, 252 xcii, 583 Buffum v. Stimpson, 5 Allen, 591 Ixxxi, 767 Buford v. Buford, 4Munford, 241 vi, 511 Bufordv. Fannen, 1 Bay, 273 i, 615 Buford ads. Willis. 1 Speer's Law, 379 xl, 606 Buhl v. Kenyon, 11 Michigan, 249 Ixxxiii, 733 Bulger v. Roche, 11 Pickering, 36 xxii, 353 Bulldey v. Derby Fish Co., 2 Connecticut,' 252. .. ..vii, 271 Bulkley v. Eckert, 3 Penn. State, 308 xlv, 650 Bilkley v. Stewart, 1 Day, 133 ii, 57 Bullv. Bull, 8 Connecticut, 47 xx, 86 Bull v. Douglas, 4 Munf ord, 333 vi, 518 Ball ads. People, 46 Xew York, 57 7 , 302 Bullv. Talcot, 2 Root, 113 i, C2 Bullard v. Briggs, 7 Pickering, 533 xix, 292 Bullard v. Copps, 2 Humphreys, 409 xxxvii, 561 Bullard v. Hinkley, 6 Greenleaf, 239 xx, 304 Bullard v. Randall, 1 Gray, 635 Lxj, 433 Bullard v. State, 33 Texas, 504 10, 33 Bullen v. Runnels, 2 Xew Hampshire, 255 ix, 55 Bullion M. Co. v. Croesus M. Co., 2 Xevada, 168.. .xc, 526 Bullit v. Thatcher, 5 Howard (Miss.), 639 rxxvii, 175 Bullitt v. Taylor, 34 Mississippi, 708 Lxix, 412 Bulloch v. State, 13 Georgia, 47 liv, 363 Bullock v. Hubbard, 23 California, 495 Ixxxiii, 130 Bullock v. Pottinger, 3 J. J. Marshall, 94 xix, 134 Bullock v. Taylor, 39 Michigan, 137 33, 356 Bullock v. Tinnen, 2 Carolina Law Repos. 271 vi, 562 Bulmnn ads. Commonwealth, 118 Mass. 456 13, 469 Bumpas v. Dotson, 7 Humphreys, 310 xlvi, 81 Eumpass v. Taggart, 23 Arkansas, 393 7 , G23 Bumpass v. Webb, 1 Stewart, 19 xviii, 34 Bumpass v. Webb, 4 Porter, 65 xxix, 274 Bunch v. Hurst, 3 Desaussure, 273 v, 551 Bundy v. Hart, 46 Missouri, 463 2,525 Bundyads. Statj, 24 South Carolina, 439 5S, 262 Bungo v. Koop, 48 Xew York, 225 8, 546 Bunkerv. Miles, 33 Maine, 431 1, C32 Bunker v. Rond,49 Wisconsin, 253 Ixxivii, 684 Bunn v. Jetinore, 70 Missouri. 223 35, 425 Bunij v. Riker, 4 Johnson, 423 iv, 232 Bunn, Raiguel &, Co. v. Ahl, 29 Penn. St. 387...1xxii, 633 Bunnell v. Collmsville S. Soc. , 33 Conn. 203 9, 330 Buntain v. Mosgrove, 23 Illinois, 152 Ixxvi, 733 Bunting v. Ricks, 2 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 130 xxxii, 699 Bunting v. Willis, 27 Gratt. 144 21, 338 Buntonv. Lyfo.d, 37 Xew Hampshire, 512 txxv, 144 Bunton v. Worley, 4 Bibb 38 vii, 735 Bunts v. Cole, 7 Blackford, 235 xli, 226 Burbank v. Bethel S. M. Co., 75 Maine, 373 46, 400 Burbank v. Crocker, 7 Gray, 158 Ixvi, 470 Burbank v. Payne & Harrison, 17 La. An. 15. .Ixxxvii, 513 Burbank v. Pillsbury, 43 Xew Hampshire 5.. xcvii, 633 Burbank v. Rockingham M. F. I. Co., 24 X. H. 53.1vii, 300 Burbank v. Whitney, 24 Pickering, 146 xxxv 312 Burch v. Breckinridge, 10 B. Monroe, 482 Isiii, 553 Burch v. Davenport & St. P. R. R. Co., 46 Iowa, 443 20,150 Burch v. Hardwicke, 30 Gratt. 24 32, 640 Burch v. Smith, 15 Texas, 219 Ixv, 154 Eurchard v. Dunbar, 82 Illinois, 450 85, 334 Burckhardt v. Burckhardt, 42 Ohio State, 474.... 51, 842 Burden v. McElhenny, 2 Xott & McCord, GO x, 570 Burden v. Sheridan, 36 Iowa, 125 14, 505 Burden v. Stem, 27 Alabama, 104 Ixii, 758 Burden v. Thayer, 3 Metcalf, 76 xxxvii, 117 Burdeno v. Amperse, 14 Michigan, 91 xc, 225 Burdge v. Bolin, 106 Indiana, 175 55, 72* Burdick v. Cheadle. 26 Ohio St. 393 20, 767 Burdickads. Commonwealth, 2 Penn. State, 163..xliv, 136 Burdict v. Murray, 3 Vermont, 332 xxi, 553 Burditt v. Hunt, 25 Maine, 419 xliii, 239 Eurditt v. Swenson, 17 Texas, 489 Ixvii, 665 Burf ord v. Grand Rapids , 53 Michigan, 98 51 , 105 Burgan v. Lyell, 2 Michigan, 102 Iv, 53 Burge v. Brown, 5 Bush, 535 xcvi, 369 Burgess v. Carpenter, 2 South Carolina, 7 16, 643 Burgess v. Equitable M. Ins. Co., 123 Mass. 70... 30, 654 Burgess v. Pollock. 53 Iowa, 273 30, 218 Bur Bart TABLE OF CASES. 30 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Burgess ads. State, 24 Missouri, 381 Ixix, 433 B :rgess v. Vreelancl, 4 Zabriskie, 71 lix, 408 Burgett v. Burgett, 1 Ohio, 463 xiii, 634 Burgoon v. Bixler, 55 Maryland. 334 3f), 417 Burgoyne ads. State, 7 Lea, 173 40, 60 Burgwin v. Hostler, Taylor (N. C.), 124 i, 582 Burhans v. Hutcheson, 25 Kansas, C25 37, 274 Burk, Ex parte, 53 California, 6 43, 231 Bark's Appeal, 75 Penn. St. 141 15, 537 Burk v. Adams, 80 Missouri, 504 50, 510 Burk v. Hill, 43 Indiana, 52 17,731 Burkv. Serrill, 80 Penn. St. 413 81,103 Burk v. Simonson. 104 Indiana, 173 54,304 Burkartv. Bucher, 2Binney, 435 iv, 457 Burke v. Allen, 23 New Hampshire, 103 Ixi, 642 Burke v. Bishop. 27 Louisiana An. 465 21,567 Burke v. Cassia. 45 California, 4C7 13, 201 Burke v. Cruger, 8 Texas, C6 Iviii, 102 Burke ads. Commonwealth, 105 Mass. 376 7 , 531 Burke v. Elliot, 4 bedell's Law, 355 xlii, 142 Burke v. Louisville etc. R. R. Co., 7 Heisk. 451... If), 618 Burke v. Shaw, 59 Mississippi, 443 42,370 Burke v. Wall, 29 Louisiana An. 38 23, 313 Burket ads. State, 2 Mill, 135 xii, 02 Burkhalter v. Edwards. 16 Georgia, 533 Ix, 7i4 Burkhard v. Travelers' Ins. Co., 102 Pena. St. 262.48, 2C5 Burkhauser v. Schmitt, 45 Winconsin, 316 30, 710 Burkholder v. Ludlam, 33 Gratt. 255 37, CG3 Burks v. Albert, 4 J. J. Marshall, 97 xx, 200 Burks v.Shain 2 Bibb, 341 v, CIO Burleigh v. Bennett, 9 New Hampshire, 15 xxxi, 213 Burleigh v. Coffin, 22 New Hampshire, 118 liii, 236 Burleigh v. Clough, 52 New Hampshire, 267 13, 23 Burlen v. Shannon, 99 Massachusetts, 200 xcvi, 733 Burley v. Harris, 8 New Hampshire, 233 xxix, 650 Burley v. Russell, 10 New Hampshire, 134 xxxiv, 14G Burlingame v. Brewstcr, 79 Illinois, 515 22, 177 Burlington v. Burlington S. R. R. Co., 49 la. 144.31, 155 Burlington v. Calais, 1 Vermont, 333 xviii, C91 Burlington v. Gilbert. 31 Iowa, 333 7 , 1 43 Burlington v. Schwarzmau, 52 Connecticut, 181. ..52, 571 Burlington & II. C. F. Co. v. Davis. 48 Iowa, 133. .30, 330 Burlington & M. R. R. Co. v. Thompson, 31 Kan- sas, 180 47,497 Burlington & M. R. R. Co. v. Webb, 18 Neb 215.33, 803 Burlington & U. R. Co. v. Reinhackle. 15 Neb. 279. 4.S, 342 Burlington, Town of, v. Fosby, C Vermont, S3...xxvii, 535 Burlington University v. Barrett, 22 Iowa, 60 xcii, 376 Burnap v. Cook, 16 Iowa, 143 Ixxxv, 507 Buroellv. New York C. R. R. Co.. 45 N. Y. 134.. G, 61 Burnes v. McCubbin, 3 Kansas. 221 lx- Burnet v. Cincinnati, 3 Ohio, 73 xvii, 582 Burnr.-tt v. Burkhead, 21 Arkansas, 77 Ixxvi, 338 Burnett v. Craig, 33 Alabama, 135 Ixviii, 115 Burnett v. Eufaula II. Ins. Co., 46 Alabama, 11.. . 7, 581 Burnett v. Gustafson, 5t Iowa, SG 37 , 103 Burnett v. Mayor etc. Sacramento, 12 Cal. 7G. . .Ixxiii, 518 Burnett v. Meadows' Adm'r, 7 B. Monroe, 277 xlvi, 517 Burnettv. Snyder. 81 New York, 550 37, 527 Burnett v. State, 14 Texas, 455 Ixv, 131 Burnham v. City of Fond da Lac, 15 Wis. 193..1xxxii,^ Bumhara v. Coffin, 8 New Hampshire, 114 xxviii, 333 Buruham v. Cornwell, 15 B. Monroe, 234 Ixiii, 529 Burnbam v. Ellis, 33 Maine. 319 Ixiii, r,23 Burnham v. Grand Trunk R'y. C3 Maine, 298 18, 220 Burnham v. Hays, 3 California, 115 Iviii, 333 Burnham v. Morrissey, 14 Gray, 226 Ixxiv, i;"i! Burnham v. Nevins, 1 14 Massachusetts, 83 59, 61 Burnham v. Seaverns, 101 Massachusetts 360 c, 123 Bumham ads. State, 9 New Hampshire, 34 xxxi, 217 Burnham ads. State, 56 Vermont, 445 48, 801 Burnheimer v. Hart, 27 Iowa, 19 xcix, 641 Burnheimer v. Hart, 27 Iowa, 19 1, 209 Burnley. Cook, 13 Texas, 586 Ixv, 79 Burnley v. Stevenson, 24 Ohio St. 474 15, 621 Burns v. Anderson, 63 Indiana, 202 34, 250 Burns v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co.. 63 la. 450. . .58, 227 Burns v. Hamilton's Administrator, 33 Ala .210. .Ixx, 570 Burns v. Moore, 76 Alabama. 339 52, 332 Burns v. State, 48 Alabama, 195 17, 34 Burnside v. Grand Trunk R'y Co. 47 N. H. 554..xciii, 474 Burpee v. Sparhawk, 1 33 Mass. Ill 1 1 , 320 Burrv. Beers, 24 New York, 173 Ixxx, 327 Burr v. Byers, 13 Arkansas, 333 lii, 239 Burr v. Sickles, 17 Arkansas, 423 Ixv, 437 Burrv. Sim, 4 Wharton, 130 xxxiii, 50 Burrv. Sim, 1 Wharton, 232 xxix, 48 Burrv. Spencer, 23 Connecticut, 159 Ixviii, 379 Burr v. Smith, 7 Vermont, 241 xxix, 154 Burrage's Lessee v. Beardslcy, 13 Ohio, 438 xlvii, 332 Burrall v. Acker, 23 Wendell, 606 xxxv, 5S2 BurrellT. v. Pittsburgh etc., 62 Penn. St. 472 1, 411 Burrill v. Augusta, 73 Maine, 113 Eurrill v. Boardman. 43 New York, 251 3, 604 Burr:!l v. Dollar Sav. Bank, 92 Penn. St. 134 37, 669 Burrill v. Nahant Bank, 2 Metcalf, 163 xxxv, 395 Eurrill v. Stevens, 73 Maine, 395 40, 338 Eurritt v. Belfy, 47 Connecticut, 323 36, 79 Burrittv. Saratoga Co. M. F. I. Co. 5 Hill (N. Y.),183.xl, 345 Burritt v. SiLiman, 13 N. Y. (3 Kernan), 93 Ixiv, 520 Burroughs v. Housatouic R. R., 15 Con. 124. .xxxviii, 64 Burroughs v. North Car. R. R. Co., 67 N. C. 376.12, 611 Burroughsv. Norwich &W.R.R. Co., 103 Mass. 26. 1, 78 Burroughs v. Richman, 1 Green Law, 233 xxiii, 717 Burroughs v. Saterlee, 67 Indiana. 396 50, 359 Burrows v. Games, 1 Desaussure, 409 i, C77 Burrows v. Gallup, 32 Conneciicut, 493 Ixxxvii, 136 Burrows v. Pixley, 1 Root, 352 i, 53 Burrows v. Trieber, 21 Maryland, 320 Ixxxiii, 530 Burrows v. Turner, 2 1 Wendell, 276 xxsv, C22 Burrows v. Whitaker, 71 New York, 291 27, 42 Burrows v. Yount, 6 Blackford, 453 xxxlx, 439 Bin-singer v. Watertown Bank, C7 Wisconsin, 75.58, 848 Bursley v. Hamilton, 15 Pickering, 40 xxv, 423 Burson v. Huntington, 21 Michigan, 415 4, 497 Burson v. Nat. P. Bank, 40 Indiana, 173 13, CSS Burt v. Dewey, 40 NewYork, 2S3 c, 432 Burt v. McKinstry, 4 Minnesota, 204 Ixxvii, 507 Burt v. Merchants' Ins. Co. . 103 Mass. 356 8, 339 Burt v. Sternburgh, 4 Cowen, 539 xv, 402 Burt v. Wilson. 23 California. C 2 Ixxxvii, 142 Burteh v. Nickerson, 17 Johnson, 217 viii. 390 Bartis v. Burtis, Hopkins' Ch. 537 xiv, 563 Burt Is v. Thompson, 42 New York, 246 1 , 516 Burton v. Bridgeport Sav. Bank, 5.3 Conn. 393. . ..52, 632 Burton ads. Commonwealth, 4 Leigh, C45 xxn', 337 Burton v. Curyea, 40 Illinois, 320 Ixxxix, 350 Burton v. Hausford. 10 W. Virginia, 470 ','7, "1 Burton v. Ilo'.lcy, 23 Alabama, 318 .Ixv, 401 Burton v. Knapp, 14 Iowa, 196 Ixxxi, 465 Burton v. Larki:i, 35 Kansas, 246 53, 5J1 Burton v. Marshall, 4 Gill. 487 xlv, 171 Barton v. Patton, 2 Jones' Law, 124 Ixii, 194 Barton v. Scherpf , 1 Allen, 133 Ixxix, 717 Burton v. State, 3 Texas. Ct. App. 408 30, 146 Burton ads. State, 45 Wisconsin, 150 30, 706 Burton v. Stevens, 24 Vermont, 131 Iviii, 153 Burton v. Stewart, 3 Wendell, 23'3 xx, 692 Burton v. Wilkinson, 13 Vermont, 183 xlvi, 145 Burts v. Loyd, 45 Georgia, 104 12,574 31 TABLE OF CASES. Bnr Cal Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Burwell T. Commissioners, 93 .North Carolina 73. .53, 451 Burwell T. Corbin, 1 Randolph, 131 x, 494 Burwell v. Hobson, 12 Grattan, 322 Ixv, 247 Burwell v. Lumsden, 2t Gratt. 443 13,648 Burwell v.Vance Co.. 93 N. C., 73 53,454 Busby v. Conoway, 8 Maryland, 53 Ixiii, 683 Busby v. North Am. L. Ins. Co.. 40 Md. 572 17, 634 Busey v. Hooper, 35 Maryland, 15 6, 333 Busli v. Brainard, 1 Cowen, 78 xiii, 513 Bushv. Ereinig, 113 Pennsylvania St. 310 5*, 450 Bush v. Brown, 49 Indiana, 573 , 1!), 695 Bush v. Bush, 3 Strobhart's Eq. 131 li, C73 Bushv. Cole, 23 New York, 261 Ixxxiv. 313 Bush v. Cooper, 23 Mississippi, 503 lix, 270 Bush v. Fo-jtu, 53 Mississippi, 5 33, 310 Bush v. Lindsay, 24 Georgia, 245 Isxi, 117 . Livingston, 2 Cain-js" Cases, G6 ii, 313 Eu li v. Rogan, 63 Georgia, 323 33, 725 Bush v. Stowell, 71 Pennsylvania St. 233 10, C94 Bush T. Sullivan, 3 G. Greene, 341 liv, 500 11 v, Scott, 21 Wisconsin, 451 xciv, 553 v. McCurley, 61 Maryland, 43G 48, 117 Bussey v. McICle, 2 McC'jrd's Cli. 23 xvi, C23 :.ssippi V. T. Co., 24 La. An. 165.. .13, 120 be, 71 Georgia, 103 51,256 Busteed v. Parsons, 4 Alabama, 333 25, 6S3 '! v. Bicknell, 17 Maine, 354 xxxv, 232 Butcher v. B'k of Brownsville, 2 Kansas, 73. ..Ixxxiii, 443 : v. Peterson, 23 West Virginia, 447 53, 80 Butcher v. Providence Gas Co. ,12 R. I. 149 34, 626 * v. Yocum, 61 Pcnn. State, 168 c, 625 Butler v. Boyles, 13 Humphreys, 155 !i, 607 Butler v. Breck, 7 Metcalf, 1G4 xxxix, 7C3 Butler v. Buckingham, 5 Day, 492 v, 17i Butler v. Butler, 21 Kansas, 521 30, 411 Bu':!er v. Cutler. 77 New York, 472 33, 643 Butler v. Commonwealth, 12 Serg. & R. 237 xiv, C73 Butler v. Cowles, 4 Ohio, 233 xix, 612 ButU'r v. Craig, 27 Mississippi, G28 Ixi, 527 Butler v. Dorrnan, 63 Missouri, 238 30, 7C5 T. Duncan, 47 Michigan, 91 41, 711 Butler v. Hamilton, 2 Desaussure, 226 ii, 692 Eutler v. Iluestis, 63 Illinois, 534 23, 5G9 Butlerv. Jones, 7 Howard (Miss.), 5S7 xl, 82 Butler v. Kent, 19 Johnson, 223 x, 213 Butler v. Leavitt, 7 Metcalf, 101 xxxix, 7C8 Butlerv. Lee, 11 Alabama, 885 xlvi, 230 Eatlcrv. Maynard, 11 Wendell, 543 xxvii, 133 v. Moore, 68 Georgia, 7S3 45, 503 Butler v. Moore, 73 Maine, 151 40, 313 Butler v. Murray, 33 New York. S3 Ixxxvi, C35 Butler v. O'Hear, 1 Desaussure, 332 i, C71 Butler v . calf, 43 xxxlx, 757 v. Peck, 16 Ohio St. 335 Ixxxviii. 432 Butler v. Roys, 23 Michigan, 53 12,218 v. Scofidd, 4 J. J. Marshall, 139 xx, 211 Butler v. Slocomb, 33 Louisiana An. 170 33, 265 Butler v. Triplett, 1 Dana, 132 xxv, 136 Butlerv. Wendell, 57 Michigan, C2 58, 323 Butler v. Winona Mill Co., 28 Minnesota, 205 41 , 277 D ads. State, 61 New Hampshire, 511 CO, 332 Butte Canal & D. Co. v. Vaughn, 11 Cal. 143 Ixx, 7C9 Butts ads. People, 4 Montana, 179 47, 340 Butterfield v. Hartshorn, 7 New Hamp. 345 xxvi, 7 11 ButterSeld v. Kinzie, 1 Scammon, 445 xxx, C57 Buttji field v. Walsh, 21 Iowa, 97 ,-lxxxix, 557 Butterfield v. Western R. R., 10 Allen, 532....1xxxvii, 673 Butterick ads. Commonwealth, 100 Mass, 1 xcvii, 65 Butters v. Haughwout, 42 Illinois, 18 Ixxxix, 401 Butterton v. lloope, 3 Lea, 215 31, 633 Butterworth v. Crawford, 46 New York, 349 1, 352 Buttlar v. Rosenblath, 42 New Jersey Eq. 651 ... 59, 52 Button v. Frink, 51 Connecticut, 342 50, 24 Button v. Hoffman, 61 Wisconsin, 20 50, 131 Buttrick T. Allen, 8 Massachusetts, 273 v, 105 Buttrick v. City of Lowell, 1 Allen, 172 ITTJT, 721 Butts v. Dean, 2 Metcalf, 70 xxxv, 339 Butts T. Voorhees, 1 Green, 13 xxii, 439 Buys v. Gillespie, 2 Johnson, 115 ui, 404 Buzard v. Greenville Bank, 17 Texas, 3 CO, 77 Buzick v. Buzick, 44 Iowa, 259 24, 740 Buzzell T. Laconia M. Co., 43 Maine, 113 Ixxrii, 212 Buzzell ads. State. 53 New Hampshire, 257 42, 586 Byars v. Spencer, 101 Illinois. 429 40, 212 Byars v. Thompson, 12 Leigh, 530 xxxvii, 680 Byassee v. Reese, 4 Met. (Ky.) 372 Ixxxiii, 481 Bybee v. Ashby, 2 Oilman, 151 xliii, 47 Bybee v. State, 94 Indiana. 413 48, 175 Byerv. Etnyre, 2 Gill, 153 xli, 410 Byers v. Farmers' Ins. Co., 33 Ohio St. 636 35, 623 Byers v. Fowler, 12 Arkansas, 218 liv, 271 Byers v. Hoppe, 61 Maryland, 207 48, 89 Byers v. Martin, 2 Colorado, 6C5 25, 755 Byington v. Bookwalter, 7 Iowa, 512 Ixxiv, 279 Byington v. Simpson, 134 Massachusetts, 169 45, 314 Bynumv. Clark, 3 McCord, SC'S XT, 633 Bynum T. Miller, S6 North Carolina, 539 41, 467 ByrdT. Boyd, 4McCord, 243 xvii, 740 Byrd v. Hughes, 4 Illinois, 174 25, 442 Byrd v. State, 57 Mississippi, 243 34, 410 Byrket v. Monohon, 7 Dlackford, 83 xli, 212 Byrne v. Byrne, 3 Serg. &R.54 viii, 641 Byrne v. New York C. &. H. R. R. Co., 104 New York 332 58,512 ByrnesT. Stilwell, 103 New York, 453 57,760 Cabe v. Jameson, 10 Iredell's Law, 193 li, 386 Cabeen v. Mulligan, 27 Illinois. 233 Ixxxrii, 247 Cable T. Gaty, 31 Missouri, 573 Lxxxvi, 126 Cable v. McCune, 20 Missouri, 371 Ixxii, 214 Caborna T. Godfrey, 3 Desaussure, 514 v, 593 Cabot T. Christie, 42 Vermont, 121 1, 313 Cade T. Brownlee, 15 Indiana, 363 Ixxvii, 95 Cadens T. Teasdale, 53 Vermont, 460 38, 637 Cadiz Bank T. Slemmons, 34 Ohio State, 142 32, 364 Cady T. Shepherd, 11 Pickering, 400 xxii, 379 Caffrey T. Dudgeon, 33 Indiana, 512 10, 126 Cage T. Foster, 5 Yerger, 231 xxvi, 265 Cage v. Her, 5 Smedes & M. 410 xliii, 521 Cage ads. People, 43 California, 323 17,436 Cagill T. Wooldrige, 8 Bait. 533 35, 716 Cahen T. Platt, C9 New York. 348 25, 233 Cahill T. Eastman, 13 Minnesota, 324 10, 134 CahillT. Lajton, 57 Wisconsin. 603 43, 46 Cahill T. Kala. M. Ins. Co., 2 Douglass, 124 xliii, 457 Cahoon T. Levy, 6 California, 235 Ixv, 515 Cain v. Ligon, 71 Georgia. 632 51, 231 Cain v. Maples, 1 Hill, (3.C.) 334 xxvi, 184 Cain v. McCann, 2 Pennington, 438 iv, 384 Cam T. Wright, 5 Jones' Law, 232 Ixxii, 551 Cairo &. F. R. Co. T. Turner, 31 Arkansas, 494 25, 564 Cairo & St. L. R. Co. T. Mahoney, 82 Illinois, 73.. 25, 299 Cairo & St. L. R. Co. T. Peoples, 92 Illinois, 97.... 34, 11? Cairo & V. R. Co. T. Stevens, 73 Indiana, 278 38, 139 Cake's Appeal, 23 Perm. State, 133 Ixii, 323 Calahan v. Babcock, 21 Ohio State. 281 8, 63 Calderv. Chapman. 52 Penn. St. 353 xci. 163 CalderT. SmaUey, 66 Iowa, 219 55,270 Caldwell v. Auger, 4 Minnesota, 217 Ixxvii, 515 Caldwell v. Center, 30 California, 539 Ixxxix, 131 Caldwell T. City of Alton. 33 Illinois, 416 Ixxv, 282 Cal Can TABLE OF CASES. 32 Roman letters [xlix] refer to Toltunes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Caldwell v. Copeland, 37 Pean. State, 427 Ixxviii, 436 Caldwell v. Eneas, 2 Mill, 13 xii, 631 Caldwell v. Evans. 5 Eush. 330 xcvi, 353 Caldwell T. Fulton, 31 Penn. State, 475 Ixxii, 760 Cald-vell v. Hall. CO Mississippi, 330 44, 410 Caldwell v. Kennison, 4 Minnesota, 47 Ixrrii, 409 Caldwell v. Kirkpatrick, C Alabama, CO x! , 35 Caldwell v. Mercantile M. I. Co., 32 Penn. St. 7o..lxi:i, 773 Caldwell T. Neil Bros.. 21 La. An. 342 xcix. 733 Caldwell v. Reed, Littell's SeL Ca. 363 xii, 314 Caldwell v. Sacra., Littell's SeL Ca. 118 Caldwell v. Tutt.lOLea. 258 43,3:7 Caldwell T. Walters, 13 Penn. State, 73 Iv, C>32 Caldwell T. West'n M. & F. Ins. Co., 19 La. 42. .xxxvi, C67 Calef v. Calef. 54 Maine. 3G5 xdi, 540 Steamer Bonaparte, 1 Rob. (La.) 463 .xxxviii, 100 Calhoun v. Atchison, 4 Bush, 261, xcvi, 209 Calhoun v. Calhoun, 2 Strobhart's Eq. 231 xlix, CC7 Calhoun v. Curtis, 4 Metcalf, 413 xxxviii. SSO Calhoun v. Hays, 8 \Vatts & Serg. 127 xlii, 275 Calhoun v. Marshall, Gl Georgia, 275 34, 93 Calhoun v. Thompson, 53 Alabama, 166 28, 734 Calhoun v. Williams. 32 Gratt. 13 34, 750 California St. IT. Co. v. Wright, 6 California, 258. ..Ixv, Til Calking v. Baldwin, 4 Wendell, 6G7 xii, 13S Calkins v. Chandler, 33 Michigan, 320 24,593 Calkins T. City of Hartford, 33 Connecticut, 57.1xxxvii, 104 Calkins v. Lockwood, lo Connecticut, 273 xii, 143 Calkins v. Lockwood, 17 Connecticut, 154 xlii, 720 Calkins v. Smith, 43 New York, 614 8, 575 Calkins v. State, 13 Ohio St. 366 xcviii, 121 Calkins T. Sunmer, 13 Wisconsin, 103 ITTT, 733 Call ads. Commonwealth, 21 Pickering, 500 xxxii, 23 ; Call v. Gray, 37 New Hampshire, 423 Ixxv, 141 Call ads. People, 1 Denio, 120 xliii, 655 Call v. Ward, 4 Watts Serg. 113 xxxix. C4 Callahan v. Donnelly, 43 California, 152 13, 172 CaUahan T. First Nat. Bank, 73 Kentucky, 604. . .30, 2G2 Callahan v. Linthicum, 43 Maryland, 97 20, 106 Callahan v. Patterson, 4 Texas, 61 11, 712 CaUahan v. State, 63 Indiaaa, 133 30, 211 Callaway v. Alexander, 8 Leigh, 114 xxxi, 643 Callenv. Ellison, 13 Ohio St. 44-3 Ixxxii. 443 Callen T. Thompson, 3 Yerger, 475 xxiv, 587 Calloway v. Laydon, 47 Iowa, 45G Galloway v. Middleton. 2 A. K. Marshall, 372 xii, 40c Galloway v. Tarner, 77 Alabama, 541 54, 73 Calvert T. Aldrich, 99 Massachusetts, 74 xcvi. 633 Calvert v. Hamilton M. F. I. Co., 1 Allen, 338. .Ixxix, 74 i Calvo v. Charlotte C. & A R. R. Co., 23 S. C, 526.55, 2? Calvo v. Da vies, 73 New York, 211 29, 130 Calwell T. Boone, 51 Iowa. 637 33, 154 Camberling v. M'Call. 2 Yeates, 231 (S. C. 2 Dal- las, 230) 5, 3S1 Cambridge Sav. Bank v. Hyde, 131 Mass. 77 41, 193 Camden and A. R. Co. T. Hoosey, 99 Penn. St. 492 44,120 Camden v. Belgrade, 75 Maine. 126 4G, 2'A Camden C. O. Co. v. Schlens, 50 Maryland, 31 .... 13, 537 Camden v. McKoy, 3 Scammoa, 437 xxxriii, 91 Camden etc. R. R. Co. v. Baldauf, 10 Penn. St. 67. .lv, 4S1 Camden etc. R. R. Co. T. Burke, 13 Wend. 611..xxviii, 483 Cameron v. Cameron, 10 Smedes & M. 304 xlviii, 753 Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron . Cameron, 15 Wisconsin, 1 Ixxxii, 652 McFarland, 2 Carolina L. Rep. 415 vi, 53 3 . Rich. 5 Richardson's L. 353 Ivii, 747 . Rich, 4 Strobhart'a L. 168 liii. 670 . Seaman, 60 Xew York. 3CK3 '.'.", 212 . State, 14 Alabama, 546 xlviii, 111 . The Justices, 1 Georgia, 36 xliv, 636 Camley v. Stanfield, 10 Texas, 546 lx. 210 Camp's Appeal. C6 Connecticut, 88 4, 30 Camp v. Bates, 11 Connecticut, 51 xxTii, 707 Camp v. Bostwick, 23 Ohio St, 337 5, 669 Camp v. Camp, 5 Connecticut, 201 xiii, CO Camp v. Camp, 2 Alabama, C32 xxxvi, 423 Camp v. Grant, 21 Connecticut, 41 liv, 3.1 Campr. Western Union Telegraph Co., 1 Metcalf (Ky.)164 Ixxi. 431 Camp v. Wood, 76 Xew York. P2 1)',', C. ; 2 Campan T. Godfrey, 13 Michigan, 27 c, 133 Campau v. Gillett, 1 Michigan, 416 Campau v. Langley, 30 Michigan, 451 33, 414 Campau v. North, 30 Michigan, 606 33, 433 Campbell's Appeal, 20 Penn. State, 401 1 Campbell's Case, 2 Eland's Ch. 2 '-3 Campbell's Estate, 7 Penn. State, 100 xivii, 503 Campbell T. American P. L. Ins. Co., 1 MeAr- thur. 246 20, 591 Campbell v. Boyd, SB North Carolina, 129 43, 740 Campbell v. Brown, 64 Iowa, 42"> .">?, 446 Campbell v. Brown, 86 North Caroli:: :, "' 41, 464 Campbell ads. Commonwealth, 7 Allen, 511. .lx.\ Campbell T. Dearborn, 1 30 M.issac-l.usetts, 130 12, C71 Campbell v. Gardner, 3 Stockt on's Ch. 423 b Campbell v. Hillman, 15 B. Monroe, 508 Campbell T. Knights, 2G Maine, 224 xlv, 107 Campbell v. Kuhn, 45 Michigan, 513 Campbell v. Lambert, 36 Louisiana An. 35 51, 1 Campbell T. Lowe, 9 Maryland, 500 Ixvi, 330 Campbell v. McArthur. 2 Hawks, 33 xi. 733 Campbell v. Merchants' & Farmers' Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 37 New Hampshire, 35 Ixxii, 324 Campbell v. Mesicr, 4 Johnson's Ch. 335 Campbell v. Miller. S3 Georgia. 304 - Campbell v. Montgomery, 53 Alabama, 5-7 Campbell ads. People, 53 California, 243 Campbell v. People, 16 Illinois, 17 Lsi, 40 Campbe!! T. People. 109 Illinois, 565 Campbell T. PettengilL 7 Greenleaf, ll\3 xx, 349 Campbell & Pharo's Appeal, 3-3 Penn. St. 247. .Uxriii. 375 Campbell v. Phelps, 1 Pickering, C2 xi, 139 Campbell v. Portland S. Co., 62 M..ine, 552 I Campbellv. Poultney, 6GU1& J. 94 x , Campbell v. Race, 7 Cushing. 4 ;S Campbell T. Seaman, 63 New York, 568 Campbell T. Smith, SHalstel, 140 Campbell v. Smith, 71 New York. 26 , ','7, 5 Campbellv. Spence, 4 Alabama, 543 xxxix. 301 Campbell v. Stakes, 2 Wendell, 137 Campbell v. State, IS Indiana, 375 Ixxxi, 333 Campbellv. State, 9 Yerger, 333 xxx, 417 Campbell ads. Statp, 29 Texas, 44 \ Campbell v. Stillwater. 32 Minnesota, 33'3 ' Campbell v. Thomas, 42 Wisconsin, 437 24, 427 Campbell v. Upshaw, 7 Humphreys, 135 xlvi, 75 Campbell v. Wallace, 12 New Hampshire. 3C2..xxxvii, 210 Campbellv. Whittingham, 5 J. J. Marshall, 96.... xx, 241 CampbeH v. Whitson, 63 Illinois, 240 18, 553 Campbellv. Wilson, 23 Texas, 252 IxxvL 67 Canaday ads. People. 73 North Carolina, 198 21, 465 Canal Bridge v. Gordon, 1 Pickering, 296 xi, 170 Candee v. Deere, 54 Illinois, 439 5, 125 Candee v. Lord, 2 New York (2 Comst.), 209 Candee v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 21 Wis. 5S2. . .xciv, 566 Candce v. Western t*. Tel. Co., 34 Wisconsin, 471.17, 452 Candler v. Petti t, 1 Paige's Ch. 168 xix. 339 Canedy v. Haskins, 13 Metcalf, 380 xlvi, 739 Caneily v. Jones, 10 South Carolina, 297 45, 777 Canefox v. Creushaw, 24 Missouri, 100 Ixix, 427 33 TABLE OF CASES. Can Car Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Canfield v. Andrews. E4 Vermont, 1 41, 823 Canfield v. Baltimore, O. R. Co., 93 N. Y. 532. .45, 263 Canfield v. Squire, 2 Hoot, 303 i, 71 Canon v. Grigsby. 116 Illinois, 151 50, 709 Cannon v. Alsbury, 1 A. K. Marshall, 76 x, 7C3 Caauoav. lias, 1 MsCord, 370 x, 677 Cannon v. Cooper, S3 Mississippi, 781 ITT, 101 Cannon v. Folsom, 2 Iowa, 101 Ixiii, 474 Cannon v. Hatcher, 1 Hill, 250 xxvi, 177 Cannon v. Stoctmoa. 36 California. 535 xcv. 205 Cantling v. Hannibal etc. R. R. Co., 54 Mo. 385. .14, 476 Canto, Kxparte, 21 Texas Ct. App. Cl 57,609 Cape Fear etc. Navigation Co. v. Wilcox, 7 Jones' Law, 431 Ixxviii. 2GO CapeCirardeau v. Rilcy. 52 Missouri, 421 14, 427 Capehart v. Rankin. 3 West Virginia, 571 c, 779 Capahart v. Seaboard &Ro. R. Co., 81 N. C. 438.. 31, 505 Capen v. Foster, It Pickering, 435 xxlii, 632 Capen v. Pacific Mutual Ins. Co., 1 Dutdier, 67..1xiv, 412 Capertoa v. Martiu, 4 West Virginia, 1CS 6, 270 Caperton v. Schmidt, 23 California, 479 Ixxxv, 187 Caphart v. Dodd, 3 Bush. 5S4 xcvi. 253 v. Braiiham, 20 Missouri, 244. liiv, 183 : :r v. Sullivan, 2 Humphreys, 543 xxxvii, 575 Carbr.-y v. Willis, 7 Allen, 331 Ixxxiii. 6S8 : Conn. 432 40, 137 Card v. ElV-iworth, 65 Maine, 547 25), 722 Carder v. Foreiiaud, 1 Missouri, 704 rvi 317 Carilival v. Smith, 109 Massachusetts, 15S 13, 6S2 Cardot v. Barney, 63 New York. 231 20, 533 Cardozo ads. State, 8 South Carolina, 71 28, 275 :i v. Strother, Littell's Sel. Css. -523 xii, 325 Carew v. Rutherford, 106 Massachusetts, 1 8,287 Carewads. State, ISRich. L. 498 xci, 215 Carey, In re, 49 Vermont, 236 24,133 Carey, In ro, 40 Vermont, 236 24, 133 Carey v. Barlashirs R. R. Co., 1 Gushing, 475. . ..xlviii, S13 Carey v. Bau^hn, 36 Iowa. 540 14,534 Carey v. Eurruss, 23 West Virginia, 571 43, 793 Carey v. Gulilow, 103 Massachusetts, IS 7,494 Carhart v. Harshaw, 45 Wisconsin, 340.. 30,752 Carl ads. State. 43 Arkansas, 353 51, 565 Car!e v. Delesdernier, 13 Maine, 36^ xxix, 503 Carleton v. Bickford, 13 Gray, 591 Ixxiv, 652 Carlctoiv. Tyler, 16 M - ! .-A -. C - xxxiii, 673 Carli v. Stillwater S. Ey. etc. Co., 23 Minn. 373 ..41, 290 Carlin v. Chappel. 101 Pennsylvania St. 343 47, 722 Car'.ia v. i:;v'.;--on, 1C "* sa;. 02 btii, 521 Carlin v. Pau^ll Missouri, C? xlvii, 139 Cavlin v. Western A. Co., 57 Maryland, 515 40, 443 C.r'.is'e v. P.- isbane. 113 Pennsylvania State, 544. 57, 483 Carlislov. Chambers, 4 Bush, 268 xcvi, 3C4 Carlisle v. Holtou, 3 Louisiana An. 43 xlviii, 449 Carlisle v. Pullman P. C. Co., 8 Colorado, 320.. . .54, 553 Carl islj v.Wallace. 12 Indiana, 252 Ixxiv. 237 Carlisle Bank v. Hopkins, 1 T. B. Monroe, 245 xv, 113 Carltoa v. Cameron, 54 Texas, 72 38, 623 Carlton v. Carlton. 72 Maine, 115 3!), 307 Carlton v. King, 1 Stewart & Porter, 472 xxiii, 295 Carlton ads. People, 57 California. 83 40, 112 CarmMi v. Johnson, 9 Missouri, 1CS Ixi, 593 Carman ads. State, 63 Iowa, 130 50,741 chael v. Buck, 10 Richardson's L. 332 Ixx, 22S chael ads. People, 5 Michigan, 10 Ixxi, 760 Cannichael v. Hunter, 4 Howard (Miss.), 303. . . .xxxv, 401 Carmichel v. B'k of Pa., 4 Howard (Miss.), 537. .xxxv, 403 Carmichel v. Latimer, 11 Rhode Island, 395 23, 4S1 Carmouche v. Bouis, 6 Louisiana An. 95 liv, 558 Carnagy v. Woodcock, 2 Munf ord, 234 v, 470 Carnahan v. Western U. Tel. Co., 89 Ind. 526 46, 175 INDEX, A. D. & A. R. 3. Carnall v. Wilson, 21 Arkansas, 62 Ixxri, 331 Carnealv. May, 2 A. K. Marshall, 587 xii, 433 Carney v. Carney, 10 Yerger. 431 xxxi. 530 Carnochan v. Gould, 1 Bailey's Law, 179 xix, 608 Carolina Nat. Bank v. Wallace, 13 S. C. 347 36, 694 Carondelet C. and Nav. Co. v. Parker, 29 Lou- isiana An. 430 20,339 Carotti v. State, 42 Mississippi, 334 xcvii, 465 Carpenter v. Boston & A. R. R. Co.. 97 N. Y. 494.49, 540 Carpenter v. Branch, 13 Vermont, 161 xxxvii, 537 Carpenter v. Carpenter, 30 Kansas, 712 46, 108 Carpenter v. Carpenter, 12 Rhode Island, 544.... 34, 716 Carpenter v. Centennial M. Life Association. 68 Iowa, 453 56,855 Carpenter v. Cohoes, 81 New York. 21 37, 468 Carpenter v. Dresser, 72 Maine, 377 39, 337 Carpenter v. Farnsworth. 106 Mass. 561 8, SCO Carpenterv. Gookin. 2 Vermont. 495 xxi, 566 Carpenter v. Grand Trunk R'y Co., 72 Me. 388. . . .39, 340 Carpenter v Griffin, 9 Paige Ch., 310 _ . . . . xxxvii, 396 Carpenterv. Herrington, 25 Wendell, 370. xxxvii, 239 Carpenter v. Hollister, 13 Vermont, 552. xxxvii, 612 Carpenter K : ng, 9 Metcalf, 511 xliii, 405 Carpenter McBride, 3 Florida, 292. Ui, 379 Carpenter . McClure, 39 Vermont, 9 xci, 370 Carpenter . McLaughlin, 12 Rhode Island, 270. .34, 638 Carpenter Miller, 3 West Virginia, 174 c, 744 Carpenter Pier, 30 Vermont, 81 boiii, 288 Carpenter Soule, 83 New York. 251 42,248 Carpenter State, 4 Howard, 163 xxxiv, 116 Carpenter aJs. State, 63 Wisconsin, 165 CO, 843 Carpenter v. Thompson, 3 New Hampshire, 204. . .xiv, 343 Carpentier v. Mendenhall, 28 California. 4S4.1xxxrii, 135 Carr v. Caldwell, 10 California, 380 Ixx, 740 Carr v. Clough, 26 New Hampshire, 280 , .lix, 345 Carr ads. Commonwealth, 114 Massachusetts, 233.19, 345 Carrv. Estill, 16 B. Monroe, 309 Ixiii, 548 Carr v. Givens, 9 Bush, 679 15,747 Carr v. Nat. Sec. Bank, 107 Mass. 45 9, 6 Carr v. Northern L., 35 Perm. State, 324 Ixxviii, 342 Carr ads. People, 100 New York. 36 53. 161 Carr v. Smith, 19 Texas Ct. App. 635 53,3,5 Carrv. State, 34 Arkansas, 443 36, 15 Carr ads. State, 21 New Hampshire, 1C6 liii, 179 Carrv. Steamboat Michigan, 27 Missouri, 196...1xxii, 237 Carrv. Williams, 10 Ohio, 305 xxsri, 87 Carr v. Youse, 39 Missouri, 346 xc, 470 Carradine v. Carradine, 53 Mississipni, 86 38, 324 Carrere v. Union Ins. Co., 3 Harris Kj. 324 v, 437 Carrier v. Sears, 4 AHen, 336 bcxxi, 707 Carrier v. Cameron, 31 Michigan, 373 18,192 Carriere v. Labiche, 14 Louisiana An. 211 Ixxiv, 423 Carrigan v. Lycoming Fire Ins. Co., 53 Vt. 418 38, 637 Carriger v. Whittington, 23 Missouri. 311 Izxii, 212 Carrington v. St. Louis, 89 Missouri. 208 58, 108 Carroll v. BaUance, 2G Illinois. 9 texix, 354 Carroll v. Bosley, 6 Yerger, 220 sxvii. 4GO Carroll v. Carroll. 60 New York, 121 19, 144 Carroll Co. v. Ruggles. 69 Iowa, 269 58, 223 Carroll v. East St. Louis, 67 Illinois, 568 1C, 632 Carroll v. Lee, 3 Gill & Johnson, 504 xxii, 330 Carroll v. Minn. Valley R. R. Co. . 13 Minn. 30. ..xcvii, 221 Carroll v. Missouri R'y Co., 83 Missouri, 239 57, 332 Carroll v. State, 23 Alabama, 23 Ivi'.i, 232 Carroll v. State, 23 Arkansas, 99 18, 533 Carroll ads. State, 33 Connecticut, 449 Carroll v. Staten Island R. R. Co.. 53 N. Y. 126. .17, 221 Carroll v. Waters, 9 Martin, 503 xiii, 316 Carroll v. Weld, 13 ir.inois, CS2 Ivi, -iSl Carrollton Baukv. Tayleur, 16 Louisiana, 490...xrxv, 219 Car-Cat TABLE OF CASES. 34 Roman letters [ilix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Can-on v. Martin, 2 Butcher, 594 Ixfcs, 584 Carron aJs. State. 13 Iowa. 372 Ixxxvii, 401 Can-others v. Russell 53 Iowa, 345 36, 222 Carroway v. Cuancey. 2 Jones' Law, 170 Ixiv, 577 Carrugi v. Atlantic Fire Ins. Co.. 40 Ga. 135 2, 567 CarruthT. Grassie, 11 Gray, ill Ixxi, 707 Carruth v. W.ilker, 8 Wisconsin, 252 Isxvi, 235 Carskaddeu v. Poonnan, 10 Watts, 82 xxxvi, 145 Carsley v. White, 21 Pickering, 2:4 xxxii, 239 Carsou v. Allen, 2 Pinney. 457 (2 Chandler, 123). . .liv, 148 la, M Penn. State, 375 Ivii, C59 Carson v. Baker, 4 Bev. L. 220 xxv. 706 Carson v. Blakey, 6 Missouri, 273 xxxv, 440 Carson v. Blazer, 2 Binney, 475 iv, 463 Carson v. Burnett, 1 Bev. i Bat. L. 546 xzx, 143 Carsoa v. Clark, 1 Scammon. 113 xxv, 79 Carsou v. Boo ex d. Huntirgton, 6 Sine. & M. lll.xlv, 273 Carson v. Godley, 2G Penn. State, in Ixvii, 404 Carson v. Hunter, 4G Missouri, 467 , 2,529 Carsoa v. Jersey C. F. Ins. Co.. U Vroom, 300 39, 584 Carson v. Mcrarland, 2 Rawle, 118 xix, 627 Carson v. NoKet, 1 Carolina L. Repos. 522 vi, 554 Carson v. Ray, 7 Jones L. COO Ixrviii, 267 Carsoa v. Smith, 5 Minnesota, 73 Ixxvii, 539 Carson v. Wilson. 6 Halsted, 43 xix, 368 Carson's Alm'r v. Suggett's Adm'r, 31 Mo. 364.1xxxvi, 112 Carter v. Allen, 53 Maine. 296 8,420 Carter v. Bailey, 61 Maine, 453 18, 273 i Mills, 53 New Hampshire, 52 43,572 Carter v. Bradley, 19 Maine, C2 xixvi, 735 Carter v. Carrier's Adiu're, 3 Yerger, 411 xxiv, 585 r. Carter, 2 Day, 412 ii, 113 Cartel v. Carter, 4 Bay, 33 iv, 177 Carter v. Carter, 20 Florida. 553 51,618 Carter v. Champion, 3 Connecticut, 519 xxi, 695 Carter v. Chesapeake and O. R. R. Co., 26 West uia, C14 53,116 Carter v. Columbia and G. R. R. Co., 19 South Carolina, 2D 45 , 754 Carter v. Bale, 3 Lea, 710 31,660 Carter v. Barby, 13 Alabama, 696 1, 156 Carter v. Glass, 41 Michigan, I;! 38, 240 Carter v. Hobbs. 12 Michigan, 52 Ixxxiii. 762 v. Howe M. Co.. 01 Maryland. 290 34, 311 Carter v. Jones, 5 Iredell's Eii. 1? 3 *H*, 425 Carter v. Louisville N. A. i C. R. R. Co., 98 In- diana, K3 49,750 Carter v. Maiiuf. mt. Bank, 71 Maine. 418 36,333 Carter v. Noel, CHl.orgia, 346 Lxxi, 130 lsvii.604 Carter v. Smith. 82 Alabama, 334 CO, 738 Carter v. Spencer, 4 Howard, 42 rxxiv, 106 Carter v. State. 63 Alabama, 52 35, 4 Carter v. State, 12Texas, 500 Ixii, 539 Carter v. Taurston. 53 New Hampshire, 104 42, 584 Carterv. Towne, S3 Massachusetts, 567 xcvi, 682 Carter \ ,' . 7 Humphreys, 548 xlvi, 89 Carter v. Worr U, 93 North Carolina, 353 60,420 Carthago v. First Nat. BTj, 71 Missouri, 503 36, 494 o T. Co. v. Andrews, 102 Indiana, 133.... .V.', Ci.l Carthrae v. Brown, 3 Leigh, 98 xxiii, 255 Cartmill v. Brown, 1 A. K. Marshall, 576 x, 7C3 iisC. R. Co., 5J Iowa, 143 44, 672 CarU: i Allen, 511 Ixxix, 759 * 'arpenter, 7 Howard, 328 xl, 66 Cartwright v. Chabert, STexas, 201 xlix, 742 : Jcago & G. T. R. R. Co., 52 Mich- igan. GIG 50,274 Cartwrijht v. State. 16 Texas Ct. App. 473. 49, 82G Carutli v. Thompson, 1GB. Monroe, C72 Ixiii, 559 Caruthers v. Harbert. 5 Cold. 362 xcviii. 421 Caruthers v. Hartsfield, 3 Yerger, 366 xx>, ISO Carver v. Smith, 90 Indiana, 222 46, 210 Carver v. State, 69 Indiana. 61 35, 205 Carver ads. State, 49 Maine, 588 Ixivii, 275 Carville T. Crane, 5 Hill (N. Y.). 4S3 xl, 364 Gary v. Bancroft, 14 Pickering, 315 xxv, 393 Caryv. Courtenay, 103 Massachusetts. 316 4,559 Cary v. Baniels, 8 Metcalf, 466 xli, 532 Gary v. Gruman, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 625 xl, 299 Cary v. Hotaling. 1 Hill (N. Y.), 311 xxxrii, 323 Caryv. Pekin, 88 Illinois, 154 30,543 Case of Supervisors of Election, 114 Mass. 247 .... 10, 341 Casav. Allen, 21 Kansas, 217 30,425 Case T. Board of Co. Comm'rs. 4 Kan. 441 xcvi, 190 Case T. Cushman, 3 Watts i Serg. 544 xxxix, 47 Casev. Dennison, 9 Rhode Island. 88 11,222 Case v. Green, 5 Watts, 262 xxx, 311 Case T. Henderson, 23 La. An. 49 8,590 Casev. Hall, 24 Wendell 102 xxxv, 605 Casev. Hart, 11 Ohio, 3G4 xxxviii, 735 Case v. Jewett, 13 Wisconsin, 498 Ixxx, 752 Case T. Riker, 10 Vermont, 432 xxxiii, 211 Case ads. State, 93 North Carolina, 545. 5:5 , 471 Casev. Winship, 4Blackford, 425 xxx, C64 Case v. Woolley, 6 Bana, 17 xxxii, 54 Casebeerv. Mowry, 55 Penn. St. 419 xciii, 706 Casey v. Allen, 1 A. K. Marshall, 465 ., x, 750 Casey ads. Commonwealth, 11 Cushing, 417 lix, 150 Casey T. Gregory, 13 B. Monroe, 505 M, 31 Caseyv. Inloes, lGill,430 xxi:x, Co3 Cash v. Whitworth, 13 Louisiana An. 401 Lxii, 515 Cashman v. Henry, 75 New York. 103 3 J , 437 Cass v. Bellows, 31 New Hampshire 501 Isiv, 347 Cass v. Thompson, 1 New Hampshire, 65 viii, 36 Cass Co. Bank v. Morrison, 17 Nebraska, 341 5'i, 417 Cassell v. Backrack, 45 Mississippi, 56 xcvii, 436 Cassell v. Backrack. 42 Mississippi. 56 2, C90 Cassell v. Cooke, SSerg. & R. 2CS xi, 610 Cassell v. Fagin, 11 Missouri, 207 i Cassell v. Ross, 33 Illinois. 214 Ixxxv, 270 Casselman v. Packard, 16 Wisconsin, 114 Ixxxii, 710 Cassiday v. McKenzie, 4 Watts & Serg. 232 ... .xxxix, 76 Cassilay v. Young, 4 B. Monroe, 265 xxiix, 505 Cassidy v. AngeU, 12 Rhode Island, 447 34, C90 Cassidyads. State, 22 Minnesota. 312 2J, 7C5 Casteel v. Casteel 8 Blackford, 240 xliv. 763 Casteel v. Walker, 40 Arkansas, 117 _ 48, 5 Castle v. Houston, 10 Kansas, 417 2T, 127 Castlev. Rickly. 44 Ohio St. 490 58,839 Castleberry T. Pierce, 5 Stew. & Porter, 150 xxiv, 774 Castles ada. Commonwealth, 9 Gray, 121 Ixix, 278 Castner v. Walrod. 85 Illinois, 171 25, 339 CastonT. Dunlap, Rich Eq. Cases, 77 xiill, 1?4 Caston v. Perry, 1 Bailey's Law, 533 xxi, 482 Castro v. lilies, 22 Texas, 479 Is Caswell v. Boston etc. R. R. Co., 93 Masa 194.. .xciii, 151 Caswellv. Bavis, 58 New York, 223 17, 233 Cate v. Gate. 50 New Hampshire, 144 9, 179 Caterv. Eveleigh, 4 Besaussure, 19 vi, 596 Cates v. McKmney, 48 Indiana, 562 17, 768 Gates T. Wadlington, 1 McCord, 580 x, 699 Cathey v. Cathey, 9 Humplireys, 470 xli x, 714 Catlett v. Trustees of M. E. Church. 62Ind, 365.. ISO, 197 Catlin v. Gunter, 11 N. Y. (1 Keman), 368 Ixii, 113 Catlin v. Haddox, 49 Connecticut, 4L'2 4 1, 219 Catlin ads. State, 3 Vermont, 530 xxiii, 230 Catlin v. Tobias, 26 New York. 2U Ixxxiv, 183 Valentine, 9 Paige, 575 xxxviii, 5G7 Catlin v. Ware, 9 Massachusetts, 213 vi, 56 35 TABLE OF CASES. Cat Cha Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Catron v. Xichols, 61 Missouri, 80 51, 222 Catterlin v. Frankfort, 79 Indiana. 547 41 , 627 Catterlin v. Mitchell, 27 Indiana. 298 Ixxxix, 501 Cauley v. Pittsburg. C. & St. L. R'y Co.. 95 Penn. St. 398 40, 664 Caulkins v. Hellman, 47 New York, 449 7 , 461 ] Caulkinsv. Whisler, 29 Iowa, 405 4, 230 Causici v. lilies. 22 Texas, 479 Isxiii, 277 Causten Y. Burke, 2 Harris & Gill, 295 xviii, '2 7 Cavanagh v. Boston, 133 Massachusetts, 42G 51, 71 Cavenaugh v. Ainchbacker, 33 Georgia, 500 xci. 773 rv. Smith, 3G. Greene, 319 Ivi, 541 \ i Appeal, 8 Watts & Serg. 21 xlii, 262 il v. Yale, 3 California, 108 Iviii, 353 -- v. Rushton, 101 Indiana. 500 51, 759 Ca wein v. Browinaki. 6 Bush, 457 xcix, 684 Cayce v. Powell, 20 Texis, 707 Ixxi'i, 211 r. Taylor, 10 Gray, 274 Ixix, 317 Beaver. 23 Iowa, 241 4,174 Cecil, 19 Maryland, 72 Ixxxi. 626 Cecilv. Hicks. 39 Cratt. 1 26,391 French, 4 M ' xvi, 171 ' Tissouri, 462 Ixxxii, 140 Cecilv. Walsh, 2 Bush. 103 xcii, 4S1 Cecil Bank v. Barry, 23 Maryland, 237 Ixxxiii, 553 Cemetery Co. ads. People, E6 Illinois, 336 29, 32 ..-d, 17 Pickering, 150 xxviii, 284 Central Back of Frederick v. Copeland, 18 Mary- land, 3>15 Ixxxi. 597 Central Bank of Wis. v. Knowlton. 12 Wis. C21.1x Central r.ranch etc. R. Co. v. Fritz. 20 Kans. 430.2*, 175 Central Branch etc. R. Co. v. Henisb, 23 Kansas, 33,167 Central Branch etc. R. Co. v. Shoup, 23 Kansas, 394 42,163 Central Branch etc. R. Co. v. Twine, 23 Kans. 5S5..33, 203 Central Iowa R'y Co. ads. State, 71 Iowa. 410 60, 80G Central Xat. Bank vs. Adams. 11 S. Carolina, 452.32, 495 Central Xat. B'k v. Charlotte R. R. Co., 5 Sonth Carolina. 156 22, 12 Central Xat. B k v. Hume, 3 Mackey, 360 ~l,~:) Central Xat, B'k v. Pratt, 115 Mass. 539 15, 138 Central OMo R. R. Co. v. Lawrence, 13 Ohio State, CO Ixxxii, 434 Central R. R. v. Coaibs, 70 Georgia. 533 48, 5S2 Central R, R. v. Crosby, 74 Georgia, 737 Central R. R. v. Green, 86 Penn. St. 427 27, 71S Central R. R. & B. Co. v. Carr, 76 Alabama, 383.. 52, 339 Central R. R. i; B. Co. v. Lampley, 76 Ala. 357. . .52, 331 Central R. R. & B. Co. v. Letcber,-C9 A!a. 106. . . .44, 505 Central P.. R i:th, 75 Alabama, 57. Central Sav. Bank v. Shine, 43 Missouri, 436 8, 112 Cerf v. Home Ins. Co., 44 California. 320 13,165 Cesar v. Karutz, 60 Xew York. 229 1", 164 Cessna, v. Thurman, 1 Bush, 292 Ixxxix, C23 Chace v Chace ads. Commonwealth, 9 Pickering, 15 xix, 343 Chace v. Hinman. 8 Wendell, 432 xxiv, 39 Chacev. Trafford. US Massachusetts, 529 17,171 Chadbourn ads. State, 80 Xorth Carolina, 479 30, 94 Chadbourn v. Watts, 10 Massachusetts. 121 vi, 100 Chadbourne v. Sumner, 1G Xew Hampshire, 129. .x!i, 720 13 Massachusetts. 213 vii, 137 Chadwick y. Jeffers, 1 Richardson's Law, 397 xliv, 200 Chadwick v. Knox, 31 Xew Hampshire, 223 Ixiv, 329 Chadwick v. Moore, 3 Watts & Serg, 43 xlii, 2C7 Chadwick v. Webber, 3 Greenleaf. 141 xiv, C22 Chaddock v. Vanness, 35 Xew Jersey, 517 10, 23S ChaSee v. Bapt, Miss, of X. Y., 10 Paige, 85 xl,.22~j Chaffee v. Fourth' Xat. Bank, 71 Maine, 514 33, 315 Chahoon v. HoUenback, 16 Serg. & R. 425 xvi, 587 Chalfant v. Payton, 91 Indiana, 202 46, 536 Chalfin v. Malone, 9B. Monroe, 496 1, 525 Chalker v. Chalker, 1 Connecticut, 79 v!, 206 Chalker v. Dickinson, 1 Conn. 382 vi, 230 Challissv. McCrum, 22 Kansas, 157 31, 181 Chalmers v. McMurdo, 5 Munford, 352 vii, C34 Chamberlain v. Bates, 'J Porter, 550 xxvii, 667 Chamberlain v. Bell, 7 California, 292 Isviii. 200 Chamberlain v. Bradley, 101 Massachusetts, 1S3.. 3, 331 Chamberlain v. Cliyon, 56 Iowa, 331 41, 101 Chamberlain v. Dover, 13 Maine, 456 xxix, 517 Chamberlain v. Faris, 1 Missouri, 517 xiv, 304 Chamberlain v. Godfrey. 36 Vermont, 380 I*xxiv, C9D Chamberlain v. People, 23 Xew York, 85 IXTCT, 255 Chamberlain v. Reed, 13 Maine, 357 xx : x. ." ?6 Chamberlain v. Thompson, 10 Conn. 243 xxvi, 390 Chamberlain v. Western T. Co., 44 New York, 3C5. 4, 681 Chamberlain v. Wilson, 12 Vermont, 491 xxxvi, 356 Chamberlayne v. Temple, 2 Randolph, 384 xiv, 786 Chamberlin v. Shaw, 18 Pickering, 278 xxix, 536 Chambers v. Atlas Ins. Co., 51 Connecticut, 17. . .50, 1 Chambers v. Bedell, 2 Watts & Serg. 225 xxxvii, 508 Chambers v. Calhoun, IS Penn. State, 13 Iv, 583 Chambers v. Chalmers, 4 Gill & J. 420 xxiii, 572 Chanfters v. Chambers, 3 Hawks, 232 xiv, JS5 Chambers v. Church, 11 Rhode Island, 333 51, 410 Chambers v. Crook, 42 Alabama, 171 xciv, C37 Chambers v. Davis, Phillips Eq. 132 xciii, 605 Chambers v. Hilliard, 2 Richardson's Law, 230 . . .xiv, 732 Chambers v. Pleak, 6 Dana, 420 xxxii, 73 Chambers v. Rubey, 47 Missouri, 99 4, 318 Chambers ads. State, 22 West Virginia, 779 46, 550 Chambers v. Watson, 60 Iowa, 339 46, 70 Chambers v. Winn, Sneed, 166 ii, 713' Chambers v. Wright, 40 Missouri. 482 xciii, 311 Chamblee v. Tarbox, 27 Texas, 139 Ixxxiv, 614 Chamblyss ads. State, Cheres' Law, 223 xxxiv, 593 Champ v. Commonwealth, 2 Metcalfe (Ky.), 17.ixxiv, 383 Champeauads. State, 52 Vermont, 313 3G, 751 Champion v. Bostwick, 13 Wendell, 175 xxxi, 375 Champion v. Brown, G Johnson's Ch. 333 x, 343 Champion v. Doughty, 3 Harrison (X. J.), 3 xxxv, 523 Champion v. Gordon, 70 Penn. St. 474 10, 631 Champlin v. Detson, 13 Smedes & M. 553 liii, 103 Champlin v. Laytin, 13 Wendell, 407 xxxi, 382 Chance v. Comm'rs, 5 Blackford, 441 xxxv, 131 Chancey v. Smith, 25 West Virginia, 494 .V, 217 Chancellor v. Milly, 9 Dana, 23 xxxiii, 521 Chancellor ads. State, 1 Strobhart's Law, 347 .. .xlvii, 557 - 4 B. Monroe, 231 xxxix, 439 Chancellor v. Windham, 1 Rich. Law, 101 xlii, 411 Chaacely v. Bailey and Cleveland, 37 Ga. 532 xcv. 353 Chandler v. Barrett, 21 La. An. C3 xcix, 701 Chandler v. Belden, 18 Johnson, 157 ix, 193 Chandler v. Coe, 56 Xew Hampshire, 184 22, 4C7 Chandler v. Douglass, 8 Blackford, 10 Chandler v. Drew, 6 Xew Hampshire, 4C9 xxvi. 7'" 1 i Chandler v. Duane, 10 Wendell, 563 Chandlerv. Fulton, 10 Texas, 2 Chandler v. Howland, 7 Gray, 348 'xvi, 4S7 Chandler v. McKinney, 6 Michigan, 217 tn Chandler v. Sanger, 114 Massachusetts, 3G4 1 >, 3G7 Chandlerv. Simmons, 97 Massachusetts. 503 xciii. 117 Chandler v. Sprague, 5 Metcalf , 306 xxxviii, 404 Chandler v. St. Paul F. &. M. Ins. Co.. 21 Min- nesota. 85 18,335 Chandler ads. State, 5 Louisiana An. 439 lii, 539 Chandler ads. State, 21 Missouri, 371 Ixix, 433 Chandler v. Walker, 21 Xew Hampshire, 2S2 liii, 202 din fhe TABLE OF CA^ES. 36 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Heports. Chancy v Hoxie, 1(3 Massachusetts, 592 58,149 Chapin ads. Commonwealth, 5 Pickering, 199 xvi, 386 Chapin . Dake, 57 Illinois, 295 II, 15 Chnpin . Dobsou. 73 New York. 74 34, 512 Chapin . Fellowes, 36 Connecticut, 132 4, 49 Chapiu . Frceland. 1 J2 Massachusetts, 383 5C, 701 Chapin . James, 11 Rhode Island, 86 23,412 Chapin . Marlborough, 9 Gray, 244 Ixix, 281 Chapin . Pease, 10 Connecticut, 69 xxv, 56 Chapin . Persse, 30 Connecticut, 461 Ixxix, 2~,3 Chapin . Sullivan Rail.oad, 39 NewHamp. 564. Ixxv, 237 . Sullivan Railroad, 39XewHamp. 53.. Ixxv, 207 Chapin ads. State, 17 Arkansas, 561 Ixv, 452 ! Ch.rp!m v. Barrett. 12 Richardson's Law, 284.... Ixxv, 731 Chapline v. Atkinson, 45 Arkansas, 67 55, 531 Chapline v. Conant, 3 West Virginia, 507 c, 766 Chapliue v. Overseers of Poor, 7 Leigh, 231 xxx, 504 Chapman v. Allen, Klrby, 399 i, 24 Chapman v. Chapman, 2 Connecticut, 317 vii, 277 Chapman v. Chicago & N. Ry. Co., 26 Wis. 295. .. 7, 81 Chapman v. Cook, 10 Rhode Island, 304 14, 686 Chapman v. Colo, 12 Gray, 141 Ixxi, 739 Chapman v. Com' wealth, 5 Wharton, 427 xxxiv, 565 Chapman v. Cowles, 41 Alabama, 103 xci, 508 Chapman v. Dougherty, 87 Missouri, 617 56, 4G9 Chapman v. Dyett, 11 Wendell, 31 x A, 593 Chapman v. Glassell, 13 Alabama, 50 xlviii, 41 Chapman v. Harwood, 8 Blackford, 82 xliv, 736 Chapman v. Kimball, 9 Connecticut, 38 xxi, 707 Chapman v. Lathrop, 6 Cowen, 110 xvi, 433 Chapman v. Mcllwrath, 77 Missouri, 38 4G, 1 Chapman v. Murch, 19 Johnson, 290 x, 227 Chapman v. New Haven Railroad Co., 19 New York, 341 Ixxv, 344 Chapman T. New York Cent. R. R. Co. 33 New York. 369 Ixxxviii, 392 Chapman v. N. O. J. & G. N. R'y, 21 La. An. 224. ..xcix. 722 Chapman v. Robertson, 6 Paige's Ch. 627 xxxi, 264 Chapman Rose, 53 New York, 137 15, 401 Chapman State, 78 Alabama, 463 50, 42 Chapman . Thames Mfg. Co., 13 Conn. 209. . .xxxiii, 401 Chapman Thornburgh, 17 California, 87 Ixxvi, 571 Chapman . Turner, 1 Call, 2SO i, 514 Chapman . Twitchell, 37 Maine, 59 Iriii, 773 Chapman . White, 6 N. Y. (2 Selden), 41t Ivii, 4G4 Chappel v. Chappel, 12 N. Y. (2 Kernan), 215....1xiv, 496 Chappel v. Afarvin, 2 Aikens, 79 xvi, 684 Chapsky v. Wood, 26 Kansas. 650 40, 321 Chardon v. Oliphant, 3 Brevard, 1S3 vi, W2 n v. Barber, 54 Iowa, 360 37, 209 Charltonads. State, 11 West Virginia, 332 27, 603 Charlesv. Charles, SGrattan, 486 Ivi, 155 Charles, v. Denis, 42 Wisconsin, 56 24,383 Charles v. Haskins, 11 Iowa, 329 Ixxvii, MS Charles v. lloskins, 14 Iowa, 471 Ixxxiii. 378 Charless v. Lamberson, 1 Iowa, 435 Ixiii, 457 Charless v. Rahkin, 22 Missouri, 566 bcvi, 642 Charleston Bank v. Curtiss, 18Conu. 342 xlvi, 325 ton v. Blohme, 15 South Carolina, 124 40, 690 Charleston v. Peoples Nat. Bank, 5 S. C. 103 22, 1 Charlestorcn ads. Commonw., 1 Pick. 180 xi, 1C1 Charleston v. Reed. 27 West Virginia, 681 55, 336 Charleston v. Ryan, 22 South Carolina, 339 53, 713 Charlotte, C. etc. R. R. Co. v. Gow, 59 Ga. 6S5....27, 403 Charlotte, Steamboat, v. Hammond, 9 Mo. 5S...xIiii, ."30 Charltoa's Appeal, 34 Penn. State, 473 Ixxv, C73 Charlton v. Miller, 27 Ohio State, 293 22, 307 Churlton v. Rood. 61 Iowa, 166 47,808 Charnock v. District Township of Colfax, 51 la. 70.33, 110 Charter Oak L. Ins. Co. v. Bract, 47 Mo. 419 4, 328 Charter v. Stevens, 3 Denio, 33 xlv, 444 Chartier etc. Co. v. McXamara, 72 Penn. St. 278... 13, C73 Chase's Case, 1 Eland's Ch. 20G xvii, 77 Chase v. American S. Co.. 9 Rhode Island, 419...11, 274 Chase v. Burnham, 13 Vermont, 447 xxxvii, 602 Chase v. Cheney, 58 Illinois, 509 1 1, 95 Chase v. City of Cleveland, 44 Ohio State, 504. ... 58, 543 Chase v. Dwinal, 7 Greenleaf, 134 xx, 352 Chase v. Kittredge, 11 Allen, 49 Ixxxvii, 687 Chase v. Lockerman, 11 Gill & J. 185 xxxv, 277 Chase v. Maine C. R. Co., 77 Maine, 62 52,744 Chase v. Merrimack B'k, 13 Pickering, 564. xxxi, 103 Chase v. Plymouth, 20 Vermont, 469 1, T,2 Chase v. Second Ave. R. R. Co . 97 N. Y. 384 49, 531 Chasev. Silverstone, 62 Maine, 175 1C, 419 Chase v. Washburn, 1 Ohio State, 244 lix, C23 Chasev. Wingate, 63 Maine, 204 28, 36 Chasteen v. Phillips, 4 Jones' Law, 459 Ixix, 7CO Chatard v. O Donovan, 80 Indiana, 20 41, 732 Chatburn ads. State. CSIowa, 659 50. 760 Chatham v. Bradford, 50 Georgia, 327 15, C92 Chathams ads. Commonw. 50 Penn. St. 181. .Ixxxviii, 539 Chaudron v. Hunt, 3 Stewart, 31 xx, 60 Chautauque B'k v. White. 6 N. Y. (2 Selden) 236. .Ivii, 442 Chautauque County Bank v. Risley, 19 N. Y. 369. Ixxv, 3J7 Cheatem v. Shearon. 1 Swan, 213 Iv, 734 Cheadle v. State, 110 Indiana, 301 59, 199 Cheatham, Ex parte, 1 English, 531 xliv, 525 Cheatham v. Hatcher. 30 Gratt, 56 32, G50 Cheek v. Bellows, 17 Texas, CIS Lxvii, C86 Cheeny v. Clark, 3 Vermont, 431 xxiii, C19 Cheeney v. Lafayette, B. & M. R. Co., 68111. 570. .18, 584 Che-seborough v. Green, 10 Connecticut, 318 xxvi, 396 Cheesebrough v. MiUard, 1 Johnson's Ch. 409 vii, 494 Cheeseman, In re, 49 New Jersey Law, 137 60, 536 Cheesum v. State, 8 Blackford, 332 xliv, 771 Chenaiigo B. Co. v. Paige, 83 New York. 178 38, 407 Chenery v. Palmer, 6 California, 119 Ixv, 493 Cheney v. Arnold, 15 New York, 345 Ixix, G09 Cheney v. Boston etc. R. R. Co., 11 Metcalf, 121. .xlv, 190 Cheney ads. Commonwealth, 141 Mass. 102 55, 448 Cheney v. Dunlap, 20 Nebraska, 26o 57 , SC3 Cheney v. White, 5 Nebraska, 2G1 25, 487 Cheney v. Watkins, 1 Harris & J. 527 ii, 030 Chenowithv. Chamberlain, 6B. Monroe, 60 xliii, 145 Cheraw & S. R. R. Co. v. Eroadnax, 109 Pennsyl- vania St. 432 58, 733 Cheriot v. Barker, 2 Johnson, 346 iii, 437 Cherry v. Mann, Cooke, 263 v, 696 Cherry v. Smith, 3 Humphreys, 19 xxxix, 150 Chesapeake Bank v. First Nat. Bank, 40 Md. 269.17, 601 Chesapeake and O. C. Co. v. Co. Commr's. 57 Maryland. 201 40, 430 Chesapeake & P. Tel. Co. T. Bait. & O. TeL Co., 66 Maryland, 399 59,167 Cheshire v. Barrett, 4 McCord, 211*. xvii, 735 Che ley v. Kins. 7 4 Maine, 164 43, 569 Chesley v. Thompson, 3 New Hampshire, 9 xiv, 324 Chesneauv. Girod, 2 Martin, N. S., C12 xiv, 204 Chesnut v. Shane's Lessee, 16 Ohio, 599 xlvii, 387 Chess' Appeal, 4 Penn. State, 52 Chess' Appeal, 87 Pennsylvania State, 362 30, 361 Chess v. Chess, 1 Penrose & Watts, 32 xxi, 350 Chester v. Dickerson, 54 New York, 1 13, 550 Chester Glass Co. v. Dewey, 16 Mass. 94 viii, 128 Chesterfield Mfg. Co. v. Dehon, 5 Pickering, 7... xvi, 3C7 Chestermanv. Gardner, 5 Johns. Ch. 29 ix, 265 Chestnut II. T. Co. v. Rutter, 4Serg. &R. 6 viii, C75 Cheswell v. Chapman, 38 New Hampshire, 14.. Ixxv, 158 Chevallier v. Straham, 2 Texas, 115 xlvii, C39 37 TABLE OF CASES. Che Chr Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Chew v. Ellingwood, 86 Missouri, 260 56, 429 Chewning v. Johnson, 5 Louisiana An. 678 lii, CIO Chicago v. Bixby. 84 Illinois, 82 25, 429 Chicago v. Gage. 95 Illinois, 593 35, 132 Chicago T. Hesing, S3 Illinois, 204 25,373 Chicago v. Htienerbein, 85 Illinois, 594 2S, 626 Chicago v. Hulbert. 113 Illinois, 632 5!>, 40 Chicago v. Keefe, 114 Illinois, 222 55, SCO Chicago v. Langlass. 52 Illinois, 255 4,603 Chicago v. Major, 18 Illinois, 349 Irviii. 553 Chicago v. Martin. 49 Illinois, 241 xcv, 590 Chicago v. McGinn, 51 Illinois, 266 2, 295 Chicago v. O'Brien, 111 Illinois. 532 53, 640 Chicago ads. Peoplo, 51 Illinois. 17 2, 278 Chicago v. Powers, 42 Illinois, 169 Ixxxix, 413 Chicago v. Rumpff. 45 Illinois, 93 xcil, 196 Chicago v. Starr, 42 Illinois, 174 Ixxxix 422 Chicago v. Union Building Ass'n. 102 Illinois, 379.40, 598 Chicago v. Wheeler, 25 Illinois, 473 Ixxix, 342 Chicago & A. R. Co. v. Erickson. 91 Illinois. 613. .33, 70 Chicago & A. R. R. Co. v. Goodwin, 111 HI. 202. ..53, 622 Chicago & A. R. Co. v. Joliet etc. R. Co., 105 Il- linois, 358 44, 799 Chicago & A. R. Co. v. Kellam. f2 Illinois, 245... 34, 128 Chicago & A. R. R. Co. v. Murphy, 53 111. 333 5, 48 Chicago & Alton R. R. Co. ads. People, 55 III 95.. 8, 631 Chicago & A. R. R. Co. v. People, 67 Illinois, 11.. 1G, 539 Chicago A. R. R. Co. T. Pondrom, 51 111. 333. ... 2, 306 Chicago & A. R. R. Co. v. Randolph, 53 111. 510. .. 5, 60 Chicago & E. R. Co. v. Flexman, 103 111. 543 42, 33 Chicago & E. R. Co. v. Loeb, 113 Illinois, 203 50, 341 Chicago & E. I. R. R. Co. v. Boggs, 101 Ind. 522.. 51, 761 Chicago & I. R. Co. v. Russell, 91 Illinois, 298. . . .33, 54 Chicago ami Mississippi Railroa 1 Co. v. Patchin, 13 Illinois, 198 Ixi, 65 Chicago & N. W. Ry v. Ft. Howard. 21 Wis. 44. .. .xci, 458 Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. v. Jackson, 55 111. 492... 8, 661 Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. v. Moranda, 93 111. 332.34, 163 Chicago &. N. W. R. Co. v. Oconto, 50 Wis. 189. . .30, 840 Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. T. People, 50 111. 335. ... 8, 630 Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. T. Sawyer. 69 111. 285. ... IS, 613 Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. v. Simonson. 54 111. 504. 5, 155 Chicago & N. W. R'y T. Smith, 46 Mich. 504 41, 177 Chicago & N. W. R. R. Co. v. Swett. 45 111. 197. . .xcii, 205 Chicago & X. W. R'y Co. v. Taylor, 69 111. 461.... 18, 623 Chicagj & N. W. R'y Co. v. Williams, 55 111. 185.. 8, 641 Chicago and North-western Railway Company v. Goss, 17 Wisconsin, 428 Ixxxiv, 755 Chicago & R. I. R. Co. v. Boyce, 73 Illinois, 510. ..24, 2JS Chicago & R. I. R. Co. v. Fahey, 52 Illinois, 81. ... 4, 537 Chicago & R. I> R. R. Co. v. Still, 19 111. 499 Ixxi. 233 Chicago & R. I. R. R. Co. v. Warren, 16 111. 502. .Ixiii, 317 Chicago & W. I. R. Co. v. Englewood C. R'y Co.. 115 Illinois. 375 56,173 Chicago & W. M. R'y Co.'v. Linard. 94 Ind. 319.. .48, 155 Chicago, B. & Q. R R. Co. v. Coleman, IS 111. 297.1xviii, 544 Chicago, B. & Q. R. R. Co. v. Dewey, 26 111. 255. Ixxix, 374 Chicago, B. & Q. R. R. Co. v. Dickson, 63 111. 151.14, 114 Chicago, B. & Q. R. R. Co. v. George, 19 I1L 510. .Ixxi, 239 Chicago. B. & Q. R. R. Co. v. Parks, 18 111. 460..1xviii, 562 Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad Co. v. Steamboat W. G. Woodsides, 10 Iowa, 465. .Ixivii, 125 Chicago, B. etc. R. Co. v. Hale, 83 111. 363 25, 403 Chicago, B. etc. R. R. Co. v. Dunn, 52 111. 263 4, 606 Chicago C. R. Co. v. Chicago, 90 Illinois, 573 32, 54 Chicago C. R. Co. v. McMahon. 103 Illinois, 435. .42, 29 Chicago, D. etc. R. R. Co. v. Smith. 62 111. 263. ... 14, 99 Chicago etc. R. R. Co. v. Flagg, 43 Illinois, 3S4..xcii, 133 Chioag; ) etc. R'y Co. v. Harney. 23 In liana, 23. . .xcii, 232 Chicago M. & F. lus Co. v. Stanford. 23 111. ICS.lxxxi, 270 Chicago, M. & St. P. R. E. Co. v. K okuk etc. Co., 103 Illinois, 317 4S, 557 Chicago P. & P. Co. v. Chicago, 8 Illinois, 221... 30, 545 Chicago R. Co. v. Scurr, 53 Mississippi, 430 42, 733 Chicago, St. L. & N. O. R. Co. v. Moss, 60 Missis- sippi, 1003 15, 423 Chicago, St. P., M. etc. R. R. Co. v. Swanson, 16 Nebraska, 251 40, 718 Chicago, St. Paul, and Fond du Lac R. R. Co.- v McCarthy, 20 Illinois, 335 bcxi, 285 Chichester v. Cande, 3 Cowen, 39 xv, 233 Chichester v. Vass, 1 Call, 83 i, 509 Chichester v. Vass. 1 Munford. 98 iv. 531 Chick v. Pillsbury. 24 Maine, 438 xli, 394 Chick v. Trevett, 20 Maine, 462 xxxvii, 63 Chidsey v. Powell, 91 Missouri, 622 G!). 267 Child v. Boston & F. I. W'ks, 137 Mass. 516 50, 323 Child T. City of Boston, 4 Allen, 41 Ixxxi, 639 Childressv. Bennett, 10 Alabama, 731 xliv, 533 Childressv. McCullough & Richardson. 5 Port. 54.xxx, 549 Childs v. Childs, 10 Ohi-> State, 339 l:j?v. 512 Childs v. Clark, 3 Barbour's Ch. 52 xlix, 164 Childs v. Hyde, 10 Iowa, 2^ Lxxvii, 113 Childs v. McChesney. 20 Iowa, 431 Ixxxix, 515 Childs v. Wyman, 44 Maine, 433 l.vix, 111 Chiles v. Coleman, 2 A K. Marshall, 293 xii, 396 Chiles v. Drake, 2 Metcalfe (Ky.), 146 Ixxiv, 406 Chillcothe Bank v. Mayor etc., 7 Ohio, Pt. 2, 31. .xxx, 185 Chillicothe Bank v. Swayne. 8 Ohio, 257 xxxii. 707 Chilton v. Robbins, 4 Alabama, 223 xxxv : i, 7 U Chilton v. Willford, 2 Wisconsin, 1 ! x, 309 Chipman v. Bates, 15 Vermont. 51 xl, 663 Chipman v. Emcric, 5 California, 49 Ixiii, 83 Chipman v. Palmer, 77 New York, 51 ":$, 566 Chipman v Tucker, 33 Wisconsin, 43 2.% 1 Chisholm v. Coleman, 43 Alabama, 234 xciv, 677 Chisholm v. Gadsden, 1 Strobhart's Law, 223 . . .1 Chisholm v. National C. L. Ins. Co., 5 Mo. 213... 14, 414 Chismv. Woods, Hardin, 531 iii, 743 Chittenden v. Barney, 1 Vermont. 28 xviii, C72 Choen T. State, 52 Indiana, 317 , 2J, 179 Choice v. Mosely, 1 Bailey's Law, 133 x:x, 661 Chollar-Potosi M. Co. v Kennedy. 3 Xev. 3'.l....xciii. 409 Chope v. Detroit &H. P.'R.Co,, 37 Michigan. 193.28, 512 Chorpenning's Appeal, 32 Penn. State, 31;/ Ixxii, 739 Choteau v. Goddin. 39 Missouri. 229 xc, 462 Choteau v. Jones, 11 Illinois, 333 .*. 1, 4:0 Chouteaur. Russell, 4 Missouri, 553 x.\xi, 191 Chouteau v. Webster, 6 Metcalf, 1 xxxlx, 705 Chouteau Ins. Co. v. Holmes, 63 Missouri, 631... :JO, 807 Chouteaux v. Leech, 18 Penn. State, 224 Ivii, 002 Chowning v. Cox. 1 Randolph, 336 x, 530 Choynski v. Cohen, 33 California, 501 ',' . : 7 3 Chrisman v. Bruce, 1 Duval, 63 Ixxxv G33 Chrisman v. Harman, 29 Gratt. 494 20, 337 Chrisp ads. State, 85 North Carolina. 523 3.'), 713 Christ v. Diffeubach, 1 Serg. & R. 4J4 vii,.i;24 Christenson v. American Ex. Co., 15 Minn. 270,. . '*, 122 Christenson v. Eno, 106 New York, 97 0, 423 Christian v. Crocker, 25 Arkansas, 327 xcix. 223 Christian v. Greenwood, 23 Arkansas, 238 Ixxix, 104 Christian v. Miller, 3 Leigh, 73 xxih, 231 Christian v. Scott, 1 Stewart, 430 xviii. C3 Christian County Ct. v. Rankin, 2 Duval, 532.1xxxvii. 505 Christiauberry v. Christianberry, 3 Blackfor 1, 202.xxv, 96 Christie, Succession of. 23 Louisiana An. 333 xcvi, 411 Christy v. Barnhart, 14 Penn. State, 233 lii. 533 Christy v. Dyer, 14 Iowa, 433 Ixxxi, 493 Christy v. Flemington, 13 Penn. State, 123 xlix, 530 Christy v. Sullivan, 53 California, 337 1 9, 655 Chr Cla TABLE OF CASES. 38 Roman letters [xlii] refer to volumes of American Decisions, ?,nd Arabic figures [40] to American Report*. Christy's Adm'r v. St. Louis, 20 Missouri, 143.... Ixi, 508 Chrysler v. Canaday. 90 New York, 272 43, 166 ChunotT. Larson, 43 Wisconsin, 536 ?S, 5>'7 Church v. Bull, 2Denio, 430 xliii, 754 Church ads. Com'nwealth, 1 Penn. State, 105 xliv, 112 Church T. Oilman, 15 Wendell, 656 xxx, 82 Church T. Griffith, 9 Term. State, 117 xlix, 548 Church ads. State, 5 Oregon. 375 20, 743 Churchill T. Bradley, 58 Vermont, 403 56. 5 '3 Churchill ads. Com'nwealth, 11 Metcalf, 538. xlv, 229 Churchni v. Holt. 127 Massachusetts, 165 34, 355 Churchill v. Holt, 131 Massachusetts, 67 . .41 , 191 Churchill v. Hulbert. 110 Massachusetts. 42 14, 578 Churchill T. Morse. 23 Iowa, 229 xcii, 422 , Churchill v. Warren, 2 New Hampshire, 298 ix, 73 Churchill v. Watson, 5 Day, 140 v, 130 Churchman v. Smith, 6 Wharton, 146 xxxvi, 211 Cicot ads. People. 16 Michigan, 283 xcvii. 141 Cincinnati T. Penny. 21 Ohio State, 499 8, 73 Cincinnati & Z. R. Co. T. Smith. 22 Ohio St. 227.. 10, 729 Cincinnati B. of Ed. v. Minor, 23 Ohio State, 211.13, 233 Cincinnati, City of, v. Bryson, 15 Ohio, 625 xlv, 593 Cincinnati, City of, v. First Pr. Ch., 8 Ohio, 298..xxxii, 718 Cincinnati G. Co. v. Timberlake, 10 Ohio St. 548 .Ixxviii, 285 Cincinnati H. & D. etc. R. Co. v. Cole, 29 Ohio State, 126 23,729* Cincinnati H. & D. etc. R. Co. v. Pontius, 19 O. State, 221 2,391 Cincinnati H. & I. R. Co. v. Eaton, 94 Ind. 474. . .48, 179 Cincinnati I. & C. R'y Co. v. Gaines, 104 Indiana, 32G 54,334 Cincinnati Ins. Co. v. Duffleld, 6 Ohio St. 200. . .Ixrii, 339 Cincinnati Mut. H. A. Co. v. Rosenthal, 55111. 85. 8, 626 Ci.-uav. Beach, 15 Ohio, 300 xlv, 576 Cist v. Zeigler, 16 Serg. &R. 282 iri, 573 Citizens' Bank v. Grafflin, 31 Maryland, 507 1 , 6e Citizens' Bank v. Payne, 18 Louisiana, 222 Ixxxix, 650 Citizens' Bank of Baltimore v. Howell, 8 Mary- land, 530 Ixiii, 714 Citizens' Coach Co. v. Camden H. R. Co., 33 New Jersey Eq. 267 36,542 Citizens' Fire Ins. Co. v. Doll, 35 Maryland, 89. .. G, 3 :o Citizens' Loan Ass'n v. Nugent, 11 Vroom, 215. . .29, 230 Citizens' Nat. B'k v. Culver. 54 N. H. 327 20, 134 Citizens' Nat. Bank v. Elliott, 55 Iowa, 104 SO, 167 City Bank v. Perkins. 29 New York. 554 Ixxxri, 332 City Bank v. Weiss, 61 Texas, 331 60, 29 City Bank of Columbus v. Phillips. 22 Mo. 85. . ..Ixiv, 254 City Council v. Benjamin, 2 Strobh Law, 508.. . .xlix, 60S City Council v. Rogers, 2 McCord, 495 xiii, 751 City Council v. Ryan, 22 South Carolina, 339 .13, 713 City Council v. Townsend, 80 Alabama. 489 60, 112 City Council v. Wright. 72 Alabama, 411 47 , 422 City Council of Montgomery v. Gilmer, 33 Ala- bama, 116 lxx,562 City Fire Ins. Co. T. Corlies, 21 Wendell, 367...xxxiv, 258 City of . See name of city. City Nat Bank v. Bums, 68 Alabama, 267 44, 138 City Nat. Bank v. Phelps, 97 New York, 44 40, 513 City of . See name of city. City of Alton v. 111. Tr. Co., 12 Illinois. 38 lii, 479 City of Aurora v. West, 22 Indiana, 88 Ixxxv, 413 City of Chicago v. Martin, 49 Illinois, 241 xev, 590 City of Chicago v. Powers. 42 Illinois, 169 Ixxxix, 418 City of Chicago v. Starr, 42 Illinois 174. Ixxxix, 422 City of Chicago v. Wheeler, 25 Illinois, 478 Ixxix, 342 City of Cincinnati v. Bryson, 15 Ohio, C25 xlv, 503 City of Cincinnati v. First Pr. Ch., 8 Ohio, 298. .xxxii, 718 City of Cleveland v. State Bank, 16 Ohio State, 236 lxxxviii,445 City of Galena v. Corwith, 43 Illinois, 423 x.-r, 557 City of Joliet v. Verley, 35 Illinois, 58 Ixxxv. 342 City of Jeffersonville v. Louisville F. Co., 27 In- diana, 100 Ixxxix. 495 City of Jeffersonville v. Patterson. 26 Ind. 15. Ixxxix, 448 City of Lexington v. McQuillan, 9 Dana, 513 xxxv, 159 City of Lexington v. Milton, 12 B. Mon. 212 City of Louisville v. Commonw., 1 Duval, 295. .Ixxxv, C24 City of Louisville v. Hyatt, 2 B. Mon. 177 xxxvi, 504 City of Louisville T. Louisville R. M. Co., 3 Bush, 416 xcvi, 243 City of Lowell v. Parker, 10 Metcalf, 309 xliii, 436 City of LoweH v. Spaulding, 4 Cushing, 277 1, 775 City of Madison v. Ross, 3 Indiana, 233 City of Marshall T. Snedikt-r, 25 Texas, 460.. . .Ixx City of Natchez v. Vandervelde, 31 Miss. 706 Ixvi, 5S1 City of New Albany v. Meekin, 3 Indiana, 4S1 Ivi, 522 City of New Orleans v. Halpin, 17 Louisiana An. 185 Ixxxvii, 523 City of Olney v. Harvey, 50. Illinois, 453 xcix, 530 City of Pekin v. Reynolds, 31 Illinois, 529....1xxxi;i 214 City of Pekin v. Smelzel, 21 Illinois, 454 1:. City of Pella v. Scholte, 24 Iowa, 2S3 xcv, 729 C ty of Philadelphia v. Girard's Heirs, 45 Penn. State, 9 Ixxxiv, 470 City of Portland v. Richardson, 54 Me. 46 Ixxxix. 720 City of Richmond v. Long, 17 Graft. 375 xciv, 461 City of Salem v. Eastern R. R. Co. , 98 Mass. 431 . xcvi, C50 City of Springfield v. Harris, 4 Allen, 494 Ixxxi, 715 City of St. Paul v. Colter, 12 Minn. 41 xc, C73 City of St. Paul v. Laidler, 2 Minnesota, 190. .. .Ixxii, 89 City of St. Paul v. Seitz, 3 Minnesota, 297 Ix City of Tallahassee v. Fortune, 3 Florida, 19 lii, 353 Claasen v.Shaw, 5 Watts, 463 xxx, 338 Clabaugh v. Byerly, 2 Gill, 354. x' Clafliu v. Carpenter, 4 Metcalf, 580 xxxviii, 331 Claflin v. McDonough, 33 Missouri, 412 Ixxxiv, 54 Claflin v. Meyer, 75 New York, 260 31, 467 Claflin v. Rosenberg, 42 Missouri, 439 xcvii, 336 Clague v. His Creditors, 2 Louisana, 114 xx, 300 Clairv. Barr, 2 A. K. Marshall, 255 xii, 391 Clamageran v. Bucks, 4 Martin, N. S., 437 xvi, 185 Clancy v. Byrne, 5 J New York, 129 15, 391 Clap ads. Commonwealth, 4 Massachusetts, 103,. . .iii, 212 Clap v. Day, 2 Greenleaf, 305 xi, 99 Clip v. Draper, 4 Massachusetts, 2Gt> iii, 215 Clapp v. Burlington, 42 Vermont, 579.. 1, 335 Clappv. County of Cedar, 5 Iowa, 15 Ix. Clappv. Fullerton, 34 New York, 190 xc, CS1 Clapp v. Hale, 112 Massachusetts, 368 1 7 , 111 Clapp v. Nelson. 12 Texas, 370 Ixii, 530 Clapp v. Phelps, 19 Louisiana An 461 xcii, 545 Clappv. Rice, 15 Gray, 557 Ixxvii, 337 Clappv. Rice, 13 Gray, 403 Ixxiv, C39 Clapp v. Stanton, 20 Louisiana An. 495 .xcvi, 4r7 Claremont v. Carlton, 2 New Hampshire, 369 ix, 88 Clark Exparte, 1 Spencer, C48 xlv. 394 Clark's Case. 1 Black-ford, 122 xii, 213 Clark v. Adams, 18 Vermont, 425 xlvi, 101 Clark v. Allen, 11 Rhode Island, 439 23, 496 Clark v. Atkins, 90 North Carolina, 623 47,533 Clark v. Avorill, 31 Vermont, 512 Ixxvi, 131 Clark v. Baker, 14 California, 612 Ixxvi, 449 Clarkv. Baker, 11 Metcalf, 1SG xlv, 199 Clark v. Barnes. 70 New York. 301..'. 32,306 Clarkv. Bayer. 32 Ohio St. 299 30,591 Clark v. Board of Comm'rs, 33 Kansas, 202 52, 526 Clark v. Boggs, 6 Alabama, 809 xii, 85 Clark v. Burns, 118 Massachusetts, 275 10, 456 Clarkv. Carter, 12 Georgia, 500 Iviii, 485 39 TABLE OF CASES. Cla Cle Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Clark T. Cilley, 33 Alabama, 652 Irsvi, 313 Clark T. City of Des Moines, 19 Iowa, 199. .. .IxxxTii. 423 Clark v. Clark, 10 New Hampshire, 330 xxxiv, 1G5 Clark v. Clark, 8 Paige's Ch., 152. xxxv, C76 Clark v. Crane, 5 Michigan, 151 bcxi, 776 Clark v. Depew, 25 Penn. State, 509 Ixir, 717 Clark v. Downing, 55 Vermont, 259 43, 612 Clark v. Edgar, 84 Missouri, 106 34, Si Clark v. Eckstein, 22 Penn. State, 507 Ixii, 307 Clark v. Eighth Avenue R R. Co., 36 N. Y. 135-xciii. 4D5 Clark v. Farrow, 10 B. Monroe, 446 lii, 0:2 Clark v. Fisher, 1 Paige's Ch. 171 xix, 402 Clark v. Fitch, 2 Wendell. 459 ., xx, C33 Clark v. Flint, 22 Pickering, 231 xxxiii, 733 Clark v. Foxcroft, 6 Greenleaf, 296 xx, 309 Clark v. French. 23 Maine, 221 xxxix, CIS Clarkv. Fry. 8 Ohio State, 353 Ixxii, 530 Clarkv. Gifford, 7 Loxtisiana, 524 xxiv, 511 Clark v. Gilbert, 26 New York, 279 Ixxxiv, 139 Clark v. Goddard. 39 Alabama, 1G4 Ixxxiv, 777 Clarkv. Goss, 12 Texas, 395 Ixii, 531 Clarkv. Haney, G2 Texas, 511 30,535 Clarkv. Holden, 7 Gray, 8 Irri, 400 Clark v. Hyman, 55 Iowa, 14 3!>, 1 ^ Clark v. Jones, 1 Denio, 516 xliii, 706 Clarkv. Knox, 70 Alabama, 607 43, 93 Clark v. Laidlaw, 4 Robinson (La.), 345 xxxix, 525 Clarkv. Lamb, SPickering, 415 xix, 332 Clark v. Lavrrence, G Jones' Eq. 83 Ixsviii, 241 Clark v. Marsiglia, 1 Denio, 317 xliii, C70 Clark v. Mass. F. & M. I::s. Co., 2 Pickering, 104..xiii, 400 Clark v. Mayor of X. Y., 4 N. Y. (4Comst.), 338. ..liii, 379 Clarkv. Morton, 5 Rawle, 235 xxviii, 667 Clark v. Mosely, 1 Richardson's Eq. 39G xliv, 229 Clark v. Munyan, 22 Pickering, 410 xxxiii, 752 Clark v. New Eng. Mu. F. In. Co., 6 Cashing, 342.1iii, 44 Clarkv. Ostrander, 1 Cowen, 437 xiii. 546 Clarkv. Pacific R. R., 39 Missouri, 181 xc, 453 Clark v. Parkinson, 10 Allen, 133 Ixxxvii, 623 Clarkv. Parr, 14Ohio, 118 xl/. 529 Clark v. Patton, 4 J. J. Marshall, 33 xx, 203 Clark v. Peck, 41 Vermont, 145 xcviii, 573 Clark v. Peckham. 10 Rhode Island, 35 14, 654 Clark v. People, Breese, 340 xii, 177 Clark v. Randall, 9 Wisconsin, 135. . Ixxvi, 252 Clark v. Rowling. 3 X. Y. (3 Comst.) 216 liii, 290 Clark v. Richmord & D. R. R. Co., 78 Va. 709. . . .40, 394 Clark v. Russel, 3 Watts, 213 xxvii, 343 Clarkv. Sanderson, 3 Binney, 192 v, 3C3 Clark v. Seirer, 7 Watts, 107 xxxii, 745 Clark v. Sickler, G4New York, 231 21, 606 Clark v. Skinner, 20 Johnson, 465 xi, 302 Clark v. Smith, 10 Connecticut, 1 xxv, 47 Clark v. South Bend, 85 Indiana, 276 44, 13 Clark v. Spencer, 14 Kansas, 393 10, 96 Clark v. State. 73 Alabama. 474 5C, 45 Clark v. State, 12 Ohio, 483 xl, 4S1 Clarke v. State, 2 M'Cord, 47 xiii, 701 Clark ads. State, 23 New Hampshire, 176 Ixi, 611 Clark v. Stoughton, 13 Vermont, 50 xliv, 3C1 Clark v. Thayer, 105 Massachusetts, 21G T, 511 Clark v. Thompson. 47 Illinois, 25 xcv, 457 Clark v. Turnbull, 47 New Jersey L. 265 54, 157 Clark v. Union Ferry Co., 35 New York, 4S5 xci, 66 Clark v. Union F. Ins. Co., 40 New Hamp. 333.1xxTii, 721 Clark v. United Ins. Co., 7 Massachusetts, 365 v, 50 Clark v. Van Court, 100 Indiana, 113 30, 774 Clark v. Vorce, 15 Wendell, 193 xxx, 53 Clark v. Washington Ins. Co., 100 Mass. 509 1, 135 Clark v. Waterman, 7 Vermont, 76 xxix, 100 Clark v. Weis, 87 Illinois, 433 20, 60 Clark v. Wells, 45 Vermont, 4 13, 187 Clark v. Whitaker, 13 Connecticut, 543 xlvi, 337 Clark v. Whitaker, 19 Connecticut, 319 xlviii, 160 Clark v. Whitaker, 5D New Hampshire, 474 0, 2S6 Clark v. Wilmington & W. R. R. Co., 91 N. C. 506.40, 647 Clark v. Wilson, 103 Massachusetts, 219 4, 532 Clark v. Wyatt, 15 Indiana, 271 Ixxvii, 90 Clarke v. Bank of Mississippi, 10 Arkansas, 516 lii, 248 Clarke v. Burke. 65 Wisconsin, 309 50, 631 Clarke v. Brook-field, 81 Missouri, 503 51,243 Clarke v. Calloway, 1 Sneed (Ky.), 46 ii, 706 Clarke v. Cotton, 2 Devereux's Eq. 301 xxiv, 279 Clarke v. Curtis, 11 Leigh, 509 xxxvii, 625 Clarke v. Diggs, 6 Iredell's Law, 159 xliv, 73 Clarke v. Gordon, 3 Richardson's Law, 311 xlv, 768 Clarke v. Inhabitants etc., 81 Missouri, 503 51, 243 Clarke v. Lancaster, 36 Maryland, 196 1 1, 486 Clarke v. May, 2Gray, 410 lii, 470 Clarke v. Perry, 5 California, 53 Ixiii, 82 Clarke v. Rochester & S. R. R. Co., 14 N. Y. 570. .Ixvii, 205 Clarke v. State, 6 Gill & J. 2S3 xxvi, 576 Clarke ads. State, 33 New Hampshire, 329 Ixvi, 723 Clarke ads. State, 54 Missouri, 17 14,471 Clarkson v. White, 4 J. J. Marshall, 529 xx, 229 Clauser v. Stone, 29 Illinois, 114 Ixxxi, 299 Clay v. Ballard, 9 Robinson (Louisiana), 308 xli, 323 Clay v. Bynum, 1 Martin. N. S.. COS xiv, 192 Clay v. Caperton, 1 T. B. Monroe, 10 xv, 77 Clay v. Edgerton. 19 Ohio St. 549 2,422 Clay v. Fry, SBibb, 243 vi, 654 Clay v. Williams, 2 Munf ord, 105 v, 453 Claybom v. Hill, 1 Washington, 177 1,452 Clayburghv. City, 25 Illinois, 535 ITTJ-I, 346 Clayton v. Akin, 33 Georgia, 320 xcv,393 Clayton v. Bussey, 30 Georgia, 946 .". Ixxvi, 680 Clayton v. Johnson, 33 Arkansas, 406 38, 40 Clayton ads. State, 27 Kansas, 442 41,418 Clealandv. Walker, 11 Alabama, 1058 xlvi, 233 Cleaver v. Cleaver, 39 Wisconsin, 96 20, 30 Cleaves ads. State, 69 Maine, 298 8, 422 Cleere v. Cleere, 82 Alabama, 581 CO, 750 Clegg v. Fields. 7 Jones' L. 37 lxxv,450 Cleghorn v. N. Y. & H. R. R. Co., 5G N. Y. 44. . . .13, 375 Cleland v. Porter, 74 Illinois, 76 24,273 Clem v. Holmes, 33 Gratt. 722 3G, 793 Clem v. Newcastle & D. R. R. Co., 9 Ind. 483.. .Ixviii, 653 Clemv. State. 42 Indiana, 420 13,369 Clemence v. Steere, 1 Rhode Island, 272. .. liii, 621 Clemens v. Clemens, 28 Wisconsin, 637 0, 520 Clemens v. Hannibal etc. R. R. Co., 53 Mo. 366... 14, 460 Clemens v. Runckel, 34 Missouri. 41 Ixxxiv, 69 Clement v. Hyde. 50 Vermont, 716 28, 522 Clements v. Henderson, 4 Georgia, 148 xlviii, 216 Clemmerv. Cooper, 24 Iowa, 135 xcv, 720 Clendennen v. Paulsel, 3 Missouri, 230 xxv, 435 Clendenning v. Lanius, 3 Indiana, 441 Ivi, 518 Clendinen v. Black, 2 Bailey, 488 xxii, 149 Clerk's Office v. President etc. Cape Fear Bank, 66 North Carolina, 214 8,506 Clevelandv. Creviston, 93 Indiana, 31 47,367 Cleveland v. Havens, 2 Beasley, 101 Ixxviii. 90 Clevelandv. State Bank, 16 Ohio State, 236..1zxxviii. 445 Cleveland v. Williams, 29 Texas, 204 xciv, 274 Cleveland v. Woodward, 15 Vermont, 302 xl, CS2 Cleveland, C. & C. R. R. Co. v. Crawford, 24 Ohio St. 631 15,633 Cleveland. C. C. & L R. R. Co. v. Newell, 104 Indiana, 264 54,312 Cleveland, etc. R. R. Co. v. Speer, 56 Pa. St. 325..xciv. 84 Clo Cok TABLE 0" CASES. 40 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [491 to American Reports. Cleveland, P. etc. R. R. Co. v. Curran. 19 Ohio St-1 2,302 Cleveland Paper Co. v. Banks. 15 Nebraska, 20. . .48, 334 Clews v. New York Nat. B. As?. . SO X. Y. 413 42, 303 Clifford v. Thomaston M. I. Co., 50 Me, 197 Ixxix. 606 Clifford ads. State, 14 Nevada. 72 33, 523 Clifton v. Foster, 103 Massachusetts, 233 Clifton v. Howard, 80 Missouri, 102 53, 97 Clifton v. Murray, 7 Georgia, 5G4 1, 411 Climer v. Wallace, 23 Missouri, 555 Ixxv, 135 Cline v. Guthrie, 42 Indiana, C27. 13,357 Cline v. Libby, 46 Wisconsin. 123 32, 700 Clinton T. Croswell, 2 Caines, 244 ii, 235 Clinton v. Myers, 46 New York. 511 T, 373 Clinton v. Phillips. 53 Illinois, 102 II, 52 Clinton v. Root, 53 Michigan, 132 33, 671 Clinton ads. State. 67 Missouri, 380 20, 506 Clippenger T. Hepbaugh, 5 Watts & Serg. 315 xl, 519 Clodfelter v. Cox, 1 Sneed, 330 Ix, 157 Clodfelter v. State, 86 North Carolina, 51 41, 440 Clonts T. Ritch, 12 Florida. 633 xcv, 315 Clopper v. Union B'k, 7 Harris & J. P2 xvi, 294 Closson T. Morrison, 47 New Hampshire, 482 xciii. 459 Closson T. Staples. 42 Vermont, 209 1,316 Closson v. Stearns, 4 Vermont, 11 xxiii, 245 Cloud T. Clinkinbeard's Ex'is, 8B. Mbn. 397...x'.vi:i, 337 Cloud T. El Dorado County, 12 California. 123. .Ixriii, 525 Cloud T. Hamilton, 11 Humphreys, 104 liii, 778 Cloud T. Webb, 4 Dev. L. 290 xxv, 711 Clongh v. Clough, 73 Maine. 437 40, 3S6 Clough ads. People, 17 Wendell, 331 xxxi, 303 Cloughessey v. Waterbury, 51 Connecticut, 405. . .50, 38 Clowv. Woods, 5 Serg. & R, 275 ix, 346 Clower v. Rawlings, 9 Smedes & M. 122 xlvii, 103 Cluggage T. Swan, 4 Binney, 150 T, 400 Cluley v. Lockhart, 59 Penn. St. 376 xcvlii, 3JO Clute T. Carr, 20 Wisconsin, 531 sci. 442 Clute ads. People, 50 New York, 431 10,503 Clute T. Wiggins, 14 Johnson, 175 TIJ, 443 Clymer T. Willis, 3 California, 363 Iviii, 414 Coal Creek M. & M. Co. v. Moses. 15 Lea, 300. . . .54. 415 Coalter v. Hunter, 4 Randolph, 58 xv, 7-3 Coate T. Speer, 3 M^Cord. 227 xv, C27 Coates T. Penn. F. Ins. Co., 53 Maryland, 172 42, 327 Cobb T. Bennett, 75 Pennsylvania State, 326 1 ">, 752 Cobb v. Charter, 32 Connecticut, 353 Ixxxvii, 178 Cobb T. Comegay, 6 Iredell's Law, 358 xlv, 497 Cobb v. Cowtleiy, 40 Vermont. 25 xcir, 370 Cobb v. Davenport, 33 New Jersey L. 223 xcvii, 713 Cobb v. Duke, 36 Mississippi, 60 Ixxii, 157 Cobby. Hall, 29 Vermont, 510 lix, 432 Cobb T. Haskell, 14 Maine, 303 xxxi, 56 CobbT. Hines, Busbee's Law, 343 l:x, 539 Cobbv. Knapp, 71 New York, 348 27, 51 Cobb v. Lavalle. 89 Illinois, 331 31, 91 CobbT. Little, 2Greenleaf, 261 xt, 72 Cobb v. Portland, 55 Maine, 331 xcii, 598 Cobb v. Stewart, 4 Mot. (Ky.) 255 Ixxxiii, 465 Cobbv. Wallace, 5 Cold. 539 xcviii, 435 Cobb, Welsh & Co. v Johnson, 2 Sneed, 73 Ixii, 457 Cobham v. Adm'rs, 2 Haywood, 6 ii, 612 Cobbey v. Burks, 11 Nebraska, 157 38, 364 Coble v. Coble, 79 North Carolina, 5S9 28,333 Coburn v. Ames, 52 California, 385 28,634 Coburn v. Harwood, Minor, 93 :. .xii, 37 Coburn v. Pickering, 3 New Hampshire, 415 xiv, 375 Coburn v. Webb, 56 Indiana, 96 26, 15 Cochecho Nat. Bank v. Haskell. 51 N. H. 116 12, 63 Cochran's Will, 1 T. B. Monroe, 264 xv, 116 Cochiau v. Butterfield, 18 New Hampshire, 113 . .xlv, 363 Cochran v. Cunningham, 16 Alabama, 448 1 136 Cochraa v. Guild, 106 Massachusetts, 29 .... 8. 296 Cochran v. O'Hem, 4 Watts Serg. 95 xxxix, CO Cochran v. Tucker. 3 Cold. 186 xci, C76 Cochran v. Van Sin-lay, 23 Wendell, 365 xxxii, 570 Cochran v. Walker, 82 Kentucky, 220 53, 91 Cochran v. Wheeler, 7 New Hampshire, 202 . ...xxvi, 732 Cock v. Taylor, 2Overton, 49 v. C50 Cockev. Chapman, 2 English, 197 xHv, 536 Cocke v. Dickens, 4 Yei-ger, 20 xxvi, 214 Cockev. Hoffman, 5 Lea. 105 40, 23 Cocke v. McGinnis, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 361 xvii, 809 Cockey v. Cole, 28 Maryland, 27G xcii. C34 Cockey v. Leister, 12 Man-land, 124 Ira, 533 Cockfield v. Braveboy, 2 McMuT.an's Law, 270.xxxix, 123 Coddington v. Bay, 20 Johnson, 637 xi, 343 Codington v. Mott, 1 McCarter, 430 Ixxsii, 253 Codman v. Evans, 5 Allen. 308 Ixxxi, 743 Codyy. Quinn, 6 Iredell's Law, 191 xliv, 75 Coe v. Col. P. & I. R. R. 10 Ohio St. 372 Ixsv, 513 Coe v. Hobby, 72 New York, 141 23, 120 COCT. Smith, 4 Indiana, 79 Iviii, CIS Coffey v. Nat. B'k cf Missouri, 43 Mo. 140 2, 4S3 Coffee T. Planters' B'k, 11 Smedes & M. 458 xlix, C3 Coffee v. Silvan, 15 Texas, 334 !-v, I'D Coffee v. State, 3 Yerger, 233 xx>. "0 Coffin v. Bramlitt, 42 Mississippi, 194 xcvii, 449 Coffin*. Coffin, 4 Massachusetts, 1 iii, 133 Coffin v. Coffin, 23 New York, 9 Ixxx. 2:5 Coffinv. Dunham, 8Cushing, 404 liv, 7C9 Coffin v.Knott, 2 G. Green, 582 Hi. 1:7 Coffin v. Rich, 45 Maine, 507 Ixxi, 539 Coffin v. Storer, 5 Massachusetts, 1~J2 iv, 54 Coffmaa v. Bank of Ky., 40 Mississippi, 29 xc, 311 Coffman v. Bank of Ky. . 41 Mississippi, 212. so, 371 Coffman v. Brown, 7 Smedes & M. 125 Coffman v. Hampton, 2 Watts & Serg. 377 xxxvii, 511 Coffman v. Lockout Bank, 5 Lea, 232 40, 31 Cogburn T. Spence, 15 Alabama, 540 1, liO CogdeU v. Exum, C9 North Carolina, 464 12, C57 Cogdcll ads. People, 1 Hill (N. Y.), T4 xxxrii. 2D7 Cogerv. M'Gee, 2 Bibb. 321 T, 610 Coghillv. Hord, 1 Dana, 350 xxv, 148 Cogswell v. Dolliver, 2 Massachusetts, 217 iii, 45 Cogswell v. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Co., 103 New York, 10 5 " , 731 Coggeshall v. Pelton, 7 Johns. Ch. 2?2 xi, 471 Coggill v. Am. Ex. B'k, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst.), 113.. xlix, 310 Coggin v. Central R. R. Co., 62 Georgia, 685 35, 133 Coggswell v. Baldwin, 15 Vermont, 404 xi, 686 Coggswell ads. State, 3 Blackford, 54 xxiii, 379 Cohea v. Hunt, 2 Smedes & M. 227 xli, 589 Cohen v. Carroll, 5 Sme les & M. 545 xlv, 267 Cohen v. Continental F. I. Co., 67 Tex. 325 GO, 24 Cohen v. Charleston F. & M. Ins. Co., Dudley'a Law, 147 xxxi, 549 Coh jn v. Dubose, 1 Harper's Eo.uity, 102 xiv, 709 Cohen v. N. Y. M, L. Ins. Co., 50 New York. 610.10, 522 Cohen v. Pemberton, 53 Connecticut, 221 55, 101 Cohen v. St. Louis, F. 8. & W. R. R. Co.. 34 Kansas, 158 55,243 Cohn v. Chapman, Phill. Eq. 92 xciii, 600 Cohoon ads. State, 12 Iredell's Law, 178 Iv, 407 Coit v. Com. Ins. Co., 7 Johnson, 335 v, 282 Coit v. Comstock, 51 Connecticut. 352 50, 29 Coit v. Fitch. Kirby, 254 i. 20 Coit v. Haven, 30 Conn. 190 lixix, 244 Coit v. Humbert, 5 California, 260 Ixiii, 128 Coit v. Tracy, 8 Connecticut, 2C3 xx, 110 Coke v. Gutkese, 80 Kentucky. 593 44,499 41 TABLE OF CASES. Cok-Col Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Coker v. Birge, 9 Georgia, 425 liv, 347 Colburn T. Arerill, 3D Maine, 310 1, 630 Colburn v. Mason, 25 Maine, 434 xliii, 2:2 Colburn v. Merrill, 117 Massachusetts, 262 19, 415 Colburn v. Richards, 13 Massachusetts, 420 vii, 160 Colby v. Reynolds 6 Vermont, 439 xxvii, 574 Coldwater v. Tucker, 3(3 Michigan, 474 24, 631 Cole v. Berry, 13 Yroom, 308 36, 511 Cole v. Cassidy. 138 Massachusetts, 437 52,234 Cole v. Cole, 5 Sneed, 57 In, 275 Cole ads. Commonwealth, 7 B. Monroe, 250 xlvi, 5C6 Cole v. Covington, 86 North Carolina, 295 41, 453 Co:e v. Creyoa, 1 Hill Ch, 311 ixvi, 208 Cole v. Drew, 44 Vermont, 49 8, 363 Cole v. Goodall. 39 Vermont, 400 xciv, 334 Cole v. Goodwin, 19 Wendell, 251 xxxii. 470 Cole v. Hughes, 54 New York, 444 13, 611 Cole v. Marple, 98 Illinois, 58 38, 63 Cole v. McKey. 66 Wisconsin, 500. 57, 293 Cole v. Newburyport, 129 Massachusetts, 594 37, 394 Colo v. Parker, 7 Iowa, 1G7 Ixxi, 439 Colev. Robertson, 6 Texas, 356 Iv, 7S4 Cole v. Ross. ID. Monroe, 393 1. 517 Cole v. Seeley, 25 Vermont, 220 be, 258 Cole v. Shurtleff , 41 Vermont, 311 xcviii, 537 Coler. Smith, 29 Louisiana An. 551 22, 313 Colev. Sprowl, 35 Maine, 161 Ivi, 606 Cole ads. State, 19 Wisconsin, 129 Ixxxriii, 673 Cole v. Superior Court, 63 California, 86 49, 78 Cole v. Swanston, 1 California, 51 lii, 288 Cole v. Tyng, 24 Illinois, 99 Ixxri, 735 Cole v. Union Mutual Ins. Co., 12 Gray, 501 Lsxiv, 609 Cole's Widow v. His Ex'rs, 7 Martin, X. S., 41...xviii, 2tl Colebrook v. Stewartstown, 30 New Hamp. 9 Ixiv, 275 Colegrove v. Xew York & N. H. R. R. Co., 20 New York 492 .Ixxv, 418 Coleman v. B'k of Hamburg, 2 Strobh. Eq. 2S5. ..xlix, 671 Coleman v. Burr, 93 New Yoik, 17 45, 160 Coleman v. Carpenter, 9 Penn. State, 178 xlix, 55.2 Coleman v. Coleman, 3 Dana, 308 xsviil, 83 Coleman v. Coleman, 19 Penn. State. 100 Ivii, 641 Colemat v. Cocke, 6 Randolph, CIS xviii, 757 Colemauv. Chadwick, 80 Penu St. 81 21, 93 Coleman v. Commonwealth, 25 Gratt. 865 23, 711 Coleman v. Darling, 60 Wisconsin, 155 57,253 Coleman v. Fobes, 22 Penn. State, 156 Ix, 75 Coleman v. Frazier, 4 Richardson's Law, 146 liii, 727 Coleman v. Henderson, Littell's Sel. Ca. 171 xii, 290 Coleman v. Holmes, 44 Alaoama, 124 4, 121 Coleman v. Hutchenson, 3 Bibb, 209 vi, 649 Coleman v. McAnulty, 16 Missouri, 173 Ivii, 229 Coleman ads. People, 4 California, 46 Ix, 581 Coleman v. Rowe, 5 Howard (Miss), 460 xxxvii, 164 Coleman v. Shelton, 2 McCord's Ch. 126 xvi, 639 Coleman v. Southwiek, 9 Johnson, 45 vi, 253 Coleman v. Talbot, 2 Bibb, 129 iv, 687 Coleman ads. Territory of Oregon, 1 Or. 191 Ixxv, 554 Coleman v. Walker, 3 Met. (Ky.)65..* Ixxvii, 163 Coleman v. White, 14 Wisconsin, 700 ITTT, 797 Coleman v. Wilmington, C. & A. R. R. Co., 25 South Carolina, 446 60, 516 Colerickv. Hooper, 3 Indiana, 316 Ivi, 505 Coles v. Coles, 15 Johnson, 159 viii, 231 Coles v. Co. of Madison, Breese, 154 xii, 161 Coles v. Kelsey, 2 Texas, 541 xlvii, 661 Coles v. Peck. 96 Indiana. 333. 49,161 Cole's Widow v. His Ex'rs, 7 Martin, N. S., 41..xviii, 241 Colgate ads. State, 31 Kansas. 511 47,507 Colgrovev. Tallman. 67 New York. 95 23, 90 Collais v. McLeod, 8 IredeU's Law, 221 xlix, 376 Collard's Adm'r v. Tuttle, 4 Vermont, 491 xxiv, 627 Collberg ads. Commonwealth, 119 Mass. 350 20, 323 Collender v. Dinsmore, 55 New York, 200 14, 224 Colley v. Westbrook, 57 Maine, 181 2, 30 Collett v. Jones, 2 B. Monroe, 19 xxxvi, 586 Collier v. Collier, 3 Richardson's Eq. 555 Iv, 653 Collier v. Davis, 47 Arkansas, 367 ., 58, 753 Collier v. Harkness, 26 Georgia, 362, - irri. 216 Collier v. Lattimer, 8 Baxt. 420 35, 711 Collier ads. People, 1 Michigan, 137 xlviii, C39 Collier v. Pierce, 7 Gray, 18 Ixvi, 453 Collier v. State, 39 Georgia, 31 xcix, 449 Collier ads. State, 72 Missouri, 13 37, 417 Collier v. Valentine, 11 Missou' i, 299 xlix, 81 Collier v. Vason, 12Georgia, 440 Iviii, 431 Collier's Adm'r v. Windhaai, 27 Alabama, 291. .. .Isii. 767 CoUin v. Collin, 1 Barbour's Ch. 633 xlv, 423 Collinssworth v. Horn, 4 Stew. & Port. 237 xxiv, 753 Collins" Appeal, 107 Pennsylvania State, 90 52, 479 Collins v. Allen, 12 Wendell, 35G xxvii, 130 Collins v. Benbury, 3 IredelTs Law, 277 . . .xxxvlii, 722 Collins v. Benbury, 5 IredeU's Law, 118 xlii, 155 Collins v. Buckeye State Ins. Co., 17 Ohio St. 215.xciii, 612 Collins v. Champ's Heirs, 15 B. Monroe, 118 Ixi, 179 Collins v. Collins. 51 Mississippi, 311 24, 632 Collins v. Collins. Phill. Eq. 153 xciii, 606 Collins v. Council Bluffs, 32 Iowa, 324 7,200 Collins v. Dawley, 4 Colorado, 138 34, 72 Collins v. Farmville I. & B. Co.. 79 N. C. 279 28, 322 Collins v. Foley, 63 Maryland, K3 52, 5J5 Collins v. Hasbrouck, 56 Now York, 157 15, 407 Collinsv. Hatch, 18 Ohio, 523 li, 4G5 Collins v. Hayte, 53 Illinois, 337 xcix, 521 Collins v. Jones, 6 Leigh, 530 xxix, 216 Collins v. Lemasters, 1 Bailey's Law, 348 xxi, 439 Collinsv. Lofftus, 10 Leigh, 5 xxx;v, 719 Collinsv. People. 93 Illinois. 534 38,105 Collins v. Prentice, 15 Connecticut, 39 xxxviii, 61 Collinsv. Smith, 6 Wharton, 294 xxxvi, 223 Collins v. South Boston R. R. Co., 142 Mass. 301.56, 675 Collins v. State, 33 Alabama, 434 Lrriii, 426 Collins v. State, 3 Tex. Ct. App. 323 30, 142 Collins ads. State, 70 North Carolina, 241 IS, 771 Collins ads. State, 15 South Carolina, 373 40, 697 Collins v. Tillou's Adm'r, 26 Connecticut, 368. . .Ixviii, 338 Collinsv. Torrey, 7 Johnson, 278 v, 273 Collins v. Welch. 58 Iowa, 72 43,111 Collins v. Westbury, 2 Bay. 211 i. 643 Collyer v. Moulton, 9 Rhode Island, 90 xcviii, 370 Colman v. Post, 10 Michigan, 422 Ixxxii, 49 Colorado Nat. B'k v. Boettcher, 4 Colorado. 135. .40, 142 Colson v. Arnot. 57 New York. 253 15, 496 Coltv. Barnard, 13 Pickering, 260 xxix, 584 Colt v. Ives, 31 Connecticut, 25 Ixxxi, 161 Coltv. McMechen, 6 Johnson, 160 v, 200 Coltart v. Allen, 40 Alabama, 155 Ixxxviii, 757 Colter v. Lower. 35 Indiana. 285 9,735 Colton v. Cleveland & P. R. Co., 67 Penn. St. 211. . 5, 424 Colton v. Onderdonk, 69 California, 155 58, 553 Coltonv. Ross, 2Paige's Ch. 396 xxii, f43 Colton v. Smith, 11 Pickering, 311 xxii, 375 Coltraine v. Causey, 3 Iredell's Eq. 246 xlii, 163 Coltraine v. McCaine, 3 Deveroux's Law, 3C3 xxiv, 256 Columbia B. and L. A. v. Bellinger, 12 Rich. Eq. 124i Ixxviii, 463 Columbia Bank v. Jacobs, 10 Michigan, 343. .. .Ixsxi, 792 Columbia B'k v. Haldeman, 7 Watts & Serg. 233.. xlii, 229 Columbia Bank v. Ma^ruder, 6 Harr. & J. 172 xiv, 271 Columbia City v. Anthes, 81 Indiana. 31 43, 80 Columbia Ins. Co. v. Buckley, 83 Penn. St 293... 24, 173 Col Com TABLE OF CASES. 42 Roman letters [xliz] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Colombia, Mayorof v. Beasley, 1 Humph. 232... .xxxiv, 646 Columbus 0. & 1. C. R. R. Co, v. Troesch, 63 Illinois, 545 18,573 Columbus City Bank T. Phillips, 22 Missouri, 85..1xiv, 254 Columbus G. L. & C. Co. ads. State, 34 O. St. 572.32, 330 Columbus 3. P. Co. T. Ganser. 53 Michigan, 335. . 55, 637 Columbus & L R'y T. Arnold, 31 Indiana. 174....xciz, 615 Colvin v. Colvin. 2Paige'sCh. 335. xxii, 644 CoMaads. State, 11 Humphreys, 599 .*. liv. 58 CoMn v. Williams, 3 Harris i J. 38 Y. 417 Colwellv. Woods, 3 Watts, 183. xxvii, 345 Colyer v. Higgins. 1 Duval. 6 Ixxxv. 601 Coman v. Thompson, 47 Michigan, 22 41, 706 Combs v. Hannibal S. & Ins. Co., 43 Mo. 148.. ..xcvii. 383 Combs T. Jackson, 2 Wendell, 153 xix, 563 Combs v. Little, SGreeu'sCh. 310 xl, 237 Combs y. Winchester, 33 New Hampshire, 13...1xxv, 203 Combs v. Young's Widow, 4Terger, 218 xxvi, 225 Comegys v. Carley, 3 Watts,. 2SD xxvii, 356 Comegys v. Cox, 1 Stewart, 262 xviii, 45 Comer T. Cunningham, 77 New York, 391 33, 626 Comfort v. Mather, 2 Watts & Serg. 450 xxxvii, 523 Comly 7. Hillegass. 91 Pennsylvania State, 132... 39, 774 Commerce, Bank of, v. Barrett, 33 Ga. 126 xcv, 334 Commerce Bank v. Hoeber, 83 Missouri, 37 57, 359 Com'l Bank v. Cor. of Yazoo Co., 6 How. 530. .xxxviii, 447 Com'l Bank v. Cunningham, 24 Pick. 2/0 xxxv, 3i2 Com! Bank v. French, 21 Pickering, 433 xxxii, 230 Com'l Bank v. Martin, 1 Louisiana An. 344. xlv, 87 Com'l Bark v. Perry, 10 Robinson (La), 61 xlili, 1C8 Co'n'l Bank ads. State, 6 Smedes & M xlv, 233 Com'l Bank ads. State, 13 Smedes & M. 569 liii, 136 Com'l B'k v. Western R. Bk, 11 Ohio, 444. xxxviii, 733 Com! Bank of Albany T. Strong, 23 Vt. 313....1xvii, 714 Com'l Bank of Buffalo v. Kortright, 22 Wen- dell, 313 xxxiv, 317 Com'l B'k of N. O. T. Newport M. Co., 1 B. Mon- roe, 13 xxxv, 171 Commercial Ex. Bk. v. McLeod, 65 Iowa, 665 54, 33 Com'l and R. R. Bank T. Hamer, 7 Howard, 443. . .xl, 80 Commercial P. Ins. Co. T. Capital C. Ins. Co., 81 Alabama, 323 GO, 162 Commercial Ins. Co. v. Hallock, 3 Dutcher, 645.1xxii, 373 Commercial Ins. Co. v. Mehlman, 43 111. 313 xcv, 543 Commercial Ins. Co. T. Robinson, C4 Illinois, 235. 1G, 537 Commercial Ins. Co. T. Spankneble, 52 m. 53 4, 532 Commercial Ins. Co. v. Treasury Bank, 61 111. 432.14, 73 Commercial Nat. Bank v. Gillette, 90 Ind. 268. .. .46, 222 Commercial & F. Nat. Bank v. First Nat. Bank, 33 Maryland, 11 xcvi, 554 Commissioners See Board of Commissioners. Commissioners v. Elston, 32 Indiana, 27 2, 327 Comm'rsv. Gansett, 2 Bailey, 320 xxiii, 133 Commissioners v. Holyoke Water Power Co., 104 Massachusetts, 446 6,217 Comm'rsv. Lecky, 6 Serg. i R. 1(30 ix, 418 Comm'rsv. Martin, 4 Michigan, 557 Ixix, 333 Commissioners v. Reynolds, 44 Indiana, 539 .15, 215 Comm'rsv. Ross, 3 Binney, 523 .....T, 383 Comm'rs v. State, 2 Car. L. Repos. 617 vi, 567 Commissioners ads. State, 9 Vroom, 193 20, 330 Comm'rs ads. State, 3 Zabriskie. 510 Ivii, 403 Comm'rsv. Taylor, 2 Bay, 282 1, 647 Comm'rs v. Walker, 6 Howard (Miss.), 143....xxxviii, 433 Comm'rs v. Wood. 10 Penn. State, f'3 xlix, 532 Comm'rs of Ashland Co. v. Directors Richland Co. Infirmary, 7 Ohio State, 65 Ixx, 49 Commissioners of County. See name of County. Commissioners of Funded Debt of City of San Jose v. Younger. 29 California, 147 Ixxxrii, 164 Commissioners of Homochitto River v. Withers, 29 Mississippi, 21 Ixiv, 126 Commissioners of Highways ads. People, 54 New York. 276 13,581 Commissioners of Inland Fisheries v. Holyoke W. P. Co.. 104 Massachusetts, 446 6,247 Commissioners of Jefferson v. Lineberger. 3 Montana, 231 35,463 Commiss'oners of Leavenworth v. Miller, 7 Kan- sas. 479 12,425 Comm'rs of Lucas Co. v. Hunt, 5 Ohio St. 488. .Ixvii, 303 Commissioners of Ottawa v. Nelson, 13 Kans. 234.27, 101 Comm'rs of Roads ads. State, 1 Mill, 55 xii, 596 Commissioners of Saline v. Anderson, 23 Kans. 293.27, 171 Commons v. Walters, 1 Porter, 377 xxvii, 635 Common Council ads. People, 23 Michigan, 223. ..II, C?2 Common Council ads. People, 77 New York, 503. .33, 659 Common Council ads. People, 73 New York, 33. . .34, 500 Common Pleas ads. State, 36 New Jersey, 72 13, 422 Commonwealth v. Adams, 114 Mass. 323 10, 362 Commonw. v. Albro, 1 Gray, 1 Ixi, 331 Commonwealth v. Allen, 128 Massachusetts, 46.. .35, 356 Commonw. T. Andrews, 2 Massachusetts, 14 Li, 17 Commonw. ads. Armistead.ll Leigh, Co7 xxxvii, 633 Commonw. v. Arriaon, 15 Serg. & R. 127 xvi, 531 Commonwealth v. Avery. 14 Bush, C25 23, 4C9 Commonwealth v. Bacon, 13 Bush. 213 26, 189 Commonw. v. Bailey, 1 Massachusetts, C2. ii, 3 Commonwealth v. Bakeman, 131 Mass. 577 41, 248 Commonw. v. Baldwin, 11 Gray, 137 LEO, 703 Commonw. v. Baldwin, 1 Watts, 54 xrri, 33 Commonw. ads. Barge, 3 Penrose & W. 202 xxiii, 81 Commonwealth v. Barnacle, 134 Mass. 215 45, 319 Commonwealth T. Bearse, 132 Mass. 542 42, 450 Commonwealth v. Bennett, 108 Mass. 30 11, 304 Commonw. v. Berry, 99 Mass. 428 xcvi, 767 Commonw. ads. Biles, 32 Penn. State, 523 Lsxv, 568 Commonwealth-v. Birdsall, 69 Penn. St. 432 8, 283 Commonw. v. Blanding, 3 Pickering, 304 xv, 214 Commonw. ads. Blurt, 4 Leigh, 639 xxvi, 341 Commonwealth v. Boston and Me. R. Co.. 129 Massachusetts, 500 37, 382 Commonwealth v. Bosworth. 113 Mass. 230 18, 467 Commonw. v. Bowen, 13 Massachusetts, 356 vii, 154 Commonw. ads. Bowlin, 2 Bush, 5 xcii, 4C8 Commonw. v. Brettun, 100 Mass. 206 xcvii, 95 Commonwealth v. Briant, 142 Mass. 463 56, 707 Commonw. v. Brice, 22 Penn. State, 211 Ix, 79 Commonwealth v. Bringhurst, 103 Penn. St. 134.. 49, 119 Commonw. ads. Brown, 9 Leigh, 633 xxxiii, 253 Commonw. ads. Brown, 4Rawle, 253 xxri, 130 Commonwealth v. Bulman. 118 Mass.436 19, 469 Commonw. v. Burdick, 2 Penn. State, 133 xliv, 186 Commonwealth v. Burke, 105 Massachusetts. 376. . 7, 531 Commonw. v. Burton, 4 Leifch, 645 xxvi, 337 Commonw. v. Butterick. 100 Mass. 1 xcvii, 65 Commonw. T. Call, 1 Pickering. 503 xxxii, 284 Commonw. v. Campbell, 7 Allen, 541 Ixxxiii, 705 Commonwealth v. Carr. 114 Massachusetts, 280. . .19, 345 Commonw. v. Casey, 11 Gushing, 417 lix, 19 Commonw. v. Castles, 9Gray, 121 Ixix, 278 Commonw. T. Chace, 9 Pickering, 15 xix. 348 Commonw. v. Chapin, 5 Pickering, 199 xvi, 336 Commonw. ads. Chapman, 5 Wharton, 427 xxxiv, 565 Commonw. v. Charlestown, 1 Pickering, 133 xi, 161 Commonw. v. Chathams, 50 Penn. St. 1311... xxxvii i, 539 Commonwealth v. Cheney, 141 Massachusetts, 102.55, 443 Commonw. v. Church, 1 Penn. State, 105 xliv, 112 Commonw. v. Churchill, 11 Metcalf, 533 xlv, 229 43 TABLE OF. CASES. Coin Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Common w. v. Clap, 4 Massachusetts, 163 iii, 212 Commonw. v. Cluley, 56 Penn. St. 270 xciv. 75 Commonw. v. Cole, 7 B. Monroe, 250 xlvi, 506 Commonwealth v. Collberg, 119 Mass. 350. 20, 328 Commonwealth v. Cook, 8 Bush, 220 8, 456 Commonw. v. Cook, 6 Serg. & R. 577 ix, 4C5 Commonw. v. Cooper, 5 Allen, 495 Ixxxi, 7C2 Commonwealth v. Costello, 121 Mass. 371 23, 277 Commonw. v. Crotty, 10 Allen, 403 Ixxxvii, C69 CommoDw. v. Cullen, 13 Penn. State, 133 liii, 450 Commcaw. v. Cumniings, 3 Cushing, 212 1, 732 Commonw. v. Cushiug, 11 Massachusetts, 67 vi, 156 Commouw, v. Dabney, 1 Robinson (Va.) 696 si, 717 Commonwealth v. Dejardin, 120 Mass. 46 30, 652 Commonw. v. Dickinson, 5 B. Monroe, 506 xliii, 139 Commouw. v. Donovan, 99 Mass. 425 xcvi, 7G5 Commonwealth v. Duffy, 96 Pennsylvania, 506 42, 554 Commouw. v. Duane, 1 Binuey, 601 ii, 497 Commonwealth v. Eastern R. R. Co., 103 Mass. 25.4 4, 555 Commonw. v. Eastman, 1 Cushing, 139 xlviii, 596 Commonw. v. El well, 5 Metcalf, 1 00 xxxv, 398 Commonw. v. Emigrant I. S. Bank, 98 Mass. 12..xciii, 126 Commouw. v. Erie & N. E. R. R. Co., 27 Penn. State, 339 Ixvii, 471 Commonwealth v. Erie R'y Co., 62 Penn. Pt. 286. . 1, 399 Commonw. v. Farm. &Mech. E'k, 21 Tick. 542..xxxii, 290 Commonw. v. First Nat. Bank, 4 Bush, 98 xcvi, 285 Commonw. v. Fogerty, 8 Gray, 489 Isix, 2C4 Commonwealth v. Ford, 130 Massachusetts, 64 39, 426 Commonwealth v. Fuster, 114 Massachusetts, 311.1?, 3,~3 Commonwealth v. Fost r, 122 Massachusetts, 317. 23, 32G Commonw. ads. French, 5 Leigh, 512 xxvii, 613 Commonw. v. Fuller, 8 Metcalf, 313 xli, 509 Commonwealth v. Gamble, C2 Penn. St. 343 1 , 422 Commonw. v. Gannett, 1 Allen, 7 Ixxix, 693 Commonw. v. Garrig'ies, 23 Penn. State, 9 Ixx, 103 Commonwealth v. Gavin, 121 Massachusetts, 54.. 23, 255 Commonwealth v. Gazzolo, 123 Mass. 220 23, 79 Commonw. v. Gillespie, 7 Serg. & R. 469 x, 475 Commonw ads. Golliher, 2 Duval, 1C3 Ixxxvii. 493 Commonwealth v. Grady, 13 Bush, 285 2G, 192 Commonwealth v. Gray, 129 Massachusetts, 474.. 37, 378 Commonw. v. Grey, 2 Gray, 501 Ixi, 476 Commonw. v. Grimes, 10 Gray, 470. . .' bod, 666 Commonwealth v. Haines, 97 Penn. St. 228 39, 805 iCommonw. v. Hall, 9 Gray, 222 Ixix, 285 Commonw. ads. Hall, G Leigh, G15 xxix, 236 Commonwealth v. Hall, 128 Massachusetts, 410.. .35, 387 Ccmmonw. v. Halloway, 44 Penn. St., 210 Ixxxiv, 431 Commonw. v. Halloway, 42 Peun. St. 446 Ixxxii, 526 Commonw. v. Harney, 2 Cushing, 5G2 xlviii, 679 Commonwealth v. Hartwell, 123 Mass. 415 33, 391 Commonw. v. Harwood, 4 Gray, 41 Ixiv, 49 Commonwealth v. Hawes, 13 Bush, 697 26, 242 Commonw. v. Hays, 14 Gray, 62 Ixxiv, 662 Commonw. v. Haynes, 2 Gray, 72 Ixi, 437 Commonw. ads. Helfrich, 33 Penn. St. 68 Ixxv, 579 Commonwealth v. Hide & L. Ins. Co., 112 Massa- chusetts, 136 17, 72 Commonw. v. Hite, 6 Leigh, 588 xxix, 226 Commonwealth v. Holmes, 127 Mass. 424 34, 391 Commonwealth v. Hopkins, 133 Mass. 381 43, 527 Commonw. v. Hunt, 4 Metcalf, 111 xxxviii, 346 Commonw. ads. Hord, 4 Leigh, 674 xxvi, 340 Commonw. ads. Hughes, 17 Grattan, 565 xciv, 498 Commonw. ads. Hunt, 13 Grattan, 757 Ixx, 443 Commonw. v. Hutchinson, 1 Massachusetts, 7 ii, 1 Commonw. v. Hutton, 5 Gray, 89 Ixvi, 352 Commonwealth v. Jackson, 11 Bush, 679 21, 225 Commonw. v. Jeffries, 7 Allen, 548 Ixxxiii, 712 Commonwealth v. Jennings. 121 Mass. 47 23, 249 Commonwealth v. Jones, 121 Massachusetts, 57.. 23, 257 Commonw. v. Judd, 2 Massachusetts, 329 iii, 54 Commonwealth v. Kane, 108 Massachusetts, 423..11, 373 Commonw. ads. Keenan, 44 Penn. St. 55 Ixxxiv, 414 Commonwealth v. Kendall, 113 Mass. 210 18, 469 Commonw. v. Kenny, 12 Metcalf, 235 xlvi, 672 Commonwealth v. Ketner, 92 Penn. St. 372 37 , 692 Commonwealth v. Kiliian, 109 Mass. 345 1 2, 714 Commonw. v. Kimball, 24 Pickering, 3C9 xxxv, 326 Commonw. v. Knapp, 9 Pickering, 43G .' . . . xx, 491 Commonw. v. Knapp, 10 Pickering, 477 xx, 534 Commonw. v. Knight, 12 Massachusetts, 273 vii, 72 Commonwealth v. Lane, 113 Massachusetts, 453. .18, 509 Commonwealth v. Lay, 12 Bush, 283 23, 718 Commonw. v. Lecky, 1 Watts, 66 xxvi, 37 Commonwealth v. Leonard, 140 Mass, 473 54, 485 Commonw. v. Libbey, 11 Metcalf, C4 xlv, 185 Commonwealth v. Lockwood, 109 Mass. 323 12, 699 Commonw. v. Loud, 3 Metcalf, 328 xxxvii, 139 Commonwealth v. Louisville & Nashville R. R. Co.. SO Kentucky, 291 44,475 Commonw. v. Luckis. 99 Mass. 431 xcvi, 769 Commonw. ads. Lynch, 6 Watts, 495 xxxi, 490 Commonwealth v. Lynes, 142 Massachusetts, 577.. 5G, 709 Commonwealth v. Mason, 105 Massachusetts, 163. 7,507 Commonwealth v. McAfee, 108 Mass. 453 11,383 Commonw. v. McAllister, 1 Watts, 307 xxvi, 70 Commonwealth v. McConnick, 130 Mass. 61 30, 423 Commonw. v. McCoy, S Watts, 1S3 xxx>, 445 Commonwealth v. McDermott, 123 Mass. 440 23, 120 Commonw. v. McGinnis, 3 Cushing, 212 1, 732 Commonw. v. McGowan, 4 Bibb, 62 vii, 737 Commonwealth v. McHale, 97 Penn. St. 397 39, 808 Commonw. v. McKie, 1 Gray, 61 Ixi, 410 Commonw. v. McKisson, 8 Serg. & R. 423 xi, 630 Commonw. v. McLoon, 5 Gray, 91 Ixvi, 354 Commonw v. MacLoon, 101 Massachusetts, 1 c, 89 Commonw. v. McPike, 3 Cushing, 181 1, 727 Commonw. v. Magee, 8 Penn. State, 240 xliv, 509 Commonw. v. Mag >wa : i, 1 M-tcalfe (Ky.), 368 Ixxi, 430 Commonw. v. Marshall, 11 Pickering, 35D xxii, 377 Commonw. v. Mead, 12 Gray, 1G7 Ixxi, 741 Commonw. v. Merriam, 14 Pickering, 518 xxv, 420 Commonw. v. Merrill, 14 Gray, 415 Ixxvii, 336 Commonw. v. Messinger, 1 Binney, 273 ii, 441 Commonw. ads. Million, 1 B. Monroe, 310 xxxvi, 580 Commonw. v. Milton, 12 B. Monroe, 212 liv, 522 Commonwealth v. Mink, 123 Massachusetts, 422.. 23, 109 Commonw. v. Mitchell, 3 Bush, 25 xcvi, 192 Commonw. v. Mohn, 52 Penn. St. 243 xci. 153 Commonw. v. Moltz, 10 Penn. State, 527 Ii, 499 Commonw. v. Montgomery, 11 Metcalf, 534 xlv, 227 Commonwealth v. Moore, 143 Mass. 136 58, 128 Commonw. v. Morris, 1 Virginia Cases, 175 v, 515 Commonwealth v. Muuson, 127 Mass. 459 34, 411 Commonw. v. Murray, 4 Binney, 487 v, 412 Commonw. v. Murray, 11 Serg. & R. 73 xiv, 614 Commonw. v. Neal, 10 Massachusetts, 152 vi, 105 Commonwealth v. Nichols, 114 Mass. 285 19, 346 Commonw. v. Nichols, 10 Metcalf, 259 xliii, 432 Commonwealth v. O'Brien, 119 Mass. 342 20, 325 Commonw. ads. Osiander, 3 Leigh, 780 xxiv, 693 Commonwealth v. Overby, 80 Kentucky, 208 44, 471 Commonw. v. Parker, 9 Metcalf, 263 xliii, 396 Commonw. ads. Pendleton, 4 Leigh, 694 xxvi, 342 Commonwealth v. Pennsylvania C. Co., 66 Penn- sylvania State. 41 5,329 Commonw. ads. Philips, 2 Duval. 328 Ixxxvii, 499 Commonw. v. Phoenix Iron Co.. 105 Pa. St. Ill 51, 184 Com Con TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, -"i.-if.-s r if)] to American R- Commonw. v. Pickering, 8 Grattan. 623 Ivi, 153 Commonwealth T. Pierce, 133 MissMhusetts, 165. Commonwealth v. Pomphret, 137 Mass. 504 50, 340 Commonw. v. P. 4 C R. R. Co., 24 Penn. St. 159. .Ixii, 372 Commonw. v. Posey, 4 Call, 103 . ii, 560 Commonw. v. Power, 7 Metcalf. 596 xli, 4C5 Commonw. v. Price, 10 Graj-, 472 Ixxi, 663 Commonw. v. Purchase, 2 Pickering, 521 xiii. 452 Commonw. v. Rand, 7 Metcalf, 475 xli, 435 Commonwealth v. Reading Savings Bank, 133 Massachusetts. 16 43, 495 Commonw. v. Reed, 34 Penn. State, 275 Lxxv. 661 Commonw. T. Reynolds, 14 Gray, 87 Uxiv, 665 Commonwealth v. Reynolds. 120 Mass. 190 21, 510 Commonw. v. Richards, 13 Pickering. 434 nix. 6C3 Commonwealth v Richardson, 126 Mass. 34 30, 647 Commonw. v. Riggs, It Gray. 37-' '. Ixxvii, 333 Commonwealth v. Robinson, 125 Mass. 259 30, C74 Commonw. v. Rogers, 7 Metcalf, 500 xli, 453 Commonw. r. Rosseter, 2 Binn. 360 iv, 451 Commonw. v. Runnels, 10 Massachusetts, 518 vi, 143 Commonw. v. Sanders, 14 Gray, 334 Ixrrii. 335 Commonw. v. Sankey, 22 Penn. State, 390 Ix, 91 Commonwealth v. Scott, 123 Mass. 222 25, 81 Commonwealth v. Scott. 123 Massachusetts, 2S9....25, 87 Commonw. v. Searle, 2 Binney, 332 iv, 445 Commonw. v. Sharpless, 2 Serg. & R. 91 vii, 632 Commonw. v. Shaw. 4 Allen, 333 Ixxxi, 7C6 Commonw. v. Shaw, 4 Cushing, 594 1, 813 Commonw. v. Shepherd, 6 Binney, 233 vi, 449 Commonw. ads. Sherban. S "Watts, 212 xxxiv, 460 Commonw. v. Shouse, 15 B. Monroe, 325. Ixiii, 551 Commonw. ads. Slaughter, 11 Leigh, 681 xnvl-i, C33 Commonw. v. Slifer, 25 Penn. State, 23 btiv. 680 Commonw. ads. Smith. 51 Penn. St. 239 xciii, 6S6 Commonw v. Smith, 10 Allen, 443 Ixxxv.i, 672 Commonw. v. Smith, 2 Gray, 516 bd, 478 Commonw. v. SomervUle, 1 Virginia Cases, 1C3 v, 514 Commonw. v. Sowle, 9 Gray, 334 liix, 233 Commonw. ads. Sperry, 9 Leigh. 623 xxxiii, 2J1 Commonwealth v. Spilman. 124 Mass. 327 26, 663 Commonw. v. Stauffer, 10 Pean. State, 350 li, 483 Commonw. v. Stephenson, 11 Cushing, 481 lix, 154 Commonw. v. Stodder, 2 Cushing, 5C2 xlviii, 679 Commonw. v. St. Patrick's Soc., 2 Binney, 441 iv, 453 Commonwealth v. Stratton, 114 Mass 303 19, 350 Commonwealth v. Stratton, 111 Mass. 303 20, 350 Commonw. v. Strembach, 3 Rawle, 311 xxiv, 351 Commonwealth v. Strupney. 105 Mass. 588 7, 556 Commonw. v. Stub, 11 Penn. State, 150 li, 515 Commonw. v. Stump, 53 Pean. St. 132 xci. 108 Commonwealth v. Stnrtivant, 117 Mass. 122 19, 401 Commonw. v. Swinney, 1 Virginia Cases, 146 v, 512 Commonw. v. Swope. 45 Penn. State, 535 Ixxxiv, 518 Commonweal th v. Teevens. 1 43 Mass 210 58 , 131 Commonw. v. Thacher, 97 Mass. 533 xciii, 125 Commonw. v. Thompson, 6 Allen, 591 Ixxxiii, 653 Commonw. v. Thompson, U Allen, 23 Ixxxvii, 685 Commonw. v. Thompson, 4 Leigh, 667 xxvi, 339 Commonw. v. Thompson, 2 Cushing, 562 xlviii, 679 Commonwealth v. Titus, 116 Mass. 42 17, 138 Commonw. v. Tivnon, 8 Gray, 375 Ixix, 243 Commonwealth v. Tobin. 103 Mass. 426 1 1 , 375 Commonwealth v. Tobin. 125 Mass.|203 28, 220 Commonw. v. Tolliver, 8 Gray. 336 ITJT, 252 Commonw. v. Union F. Ins. Co., 5 Mass. 230 iv, 50 Commonw. v. Uprichard, 3 Gray, 434. liiii, 7G2 Commonw. v. Van Tuyl, 1 Metcalfe (Ky.), 1 Ixxi, 455 Commonw. ads. Vass, 3 Leigh, 736 xxiv, 605 Commonw. v. Vt&M.R.R. Co.. 108 Mass, 7 11,331 Commonw. v. Waite, 11 Allen. 264 Ixxxvii, 711 Commonwealth v. Wallace. 114 Penn. St 45.. Commonwealth v. Walter. S3 P. ; . 154 Commonwealth v. Waruell, 128 Massachusetts. 52 3.J, 357 Commonw. v. Webster, 5 Cushing. 2.5 lii. 711 Commonwealth v. Weller, 14 Bush. 213 I Commonw. v. Weymouth, 2 Ai.c . 1 it Ixxlx. Commonwealth v. vr.iite, 123 MasstcL;: . 110 Comm .nw. v. Wilde, 5 Gray, 3 br Commonw. aus. Williams. 2 < ; Coiumouw. v. Wilkinson, 1J Pickering, 175 xxvi, 654 Commonwealth v. Williams, 79 Kentucky, 42 Commonw. v. Wing, 9 Pickering, 1 xix, 347 Conunouw. v. Wuelper. Commouw. v. Wolbart. 6 Blimey. 22 Commonw. v. Wonnley. 8 Grattan, 712 Commonwealth v. Wright, 70 Kentucky. 22 : Commonwealth v. Wright. 137 M.i. 250 Commonw. v. York, 9 Metcalf, .3 xl Commonw. for Lee v. O'Cuil, 7 J. J. Marshal, 143. x>. Commonw. Bank v. McChord, 4 Dana. 11 xxix, 398 Commonw. L Co. v. Sennett, 37 Peunsylv;::. 205 Ixsviii, 418 Commonw. Insurance Co. v. Berger and Butz, 42 Penn. State, 235 Ixx- Compton v. Barnes, 4 Gill, 55 Compton v. Bunker Hill Bank, 96 Illinois, 301.. . .36, 147 Compton v Gilmau, 13 West Virgin;.:. 313 Compton v. Mathews, 3 Louisia: L 1-5 \ Compton v. State. 13 Texas Ct. Ap;>. 271 Comstock v. Adams. 23 Kansas. 513 Comstock v. Draper, 1 Mich: ja:i, 4S1 1 Comstock v. Hadlyine EC. Soc., 8 Conn. 254 ? Comstock v. Hier, 73 New York, CC9 Comstock v. Rayford. 1 Smedes i M. 423 Comstock v. Smith, 13 Pickering. 116 xx Conan', Ex parte, 77 Maine. 275 " Conant v. Bumham, 133 Massachusetts, 53 -!:'>, 5 2 Coaant v. Conant, 10 California, 243 Ixx, 717 Conant v. Smith, 1 Aikens, G7 Concklin v. Coddington. 1 Beasley's Ch. 250 Ixxii, S?3 Concord i P. R R. v. Forsaith 53 X. II. 122 47 . 131 Condit v. Baldwin, 21 New York, 219 Ixi- Condon v. Barr. 47 New Jersey Law, 113 54, 121 Condon v. Marquette & O. R. R. Co., 55 Michi- gan, 218 54,367 Cone v. Delaware etc. R. Co., 81 Xew York, 206. .37 , 4C'l Cone v. Lewis, C4 Texas. 331 ' Congar v. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co., 24 Wis. 187... 1 . 1 1 Congdon v. Central Vt R. ( o.. 56 Vt. 390 48, 793 Conger v. Atwood. 28 Ohio St. 134 Congerv. Dean, 3 Iowa, 463 Ixvj, 53 Conger v. Weaver, C California, 543 Ixv, "23 Congregational Soc. v. Fleming. 11 Iowa, 533...1xxix, 511 Cong. Soc. v. Perry, 6 New Hampshire, 164 xxv, 455 Congress & E. Spring Co. v High Rock C. S. Co.. 45 New York. 291 C>, t"2 Congreve v. Morgan, 13 New York. 84 Ixxii, 495 Conhocton S. R. v. Buffalo etc R. R. Co., 51 New York, 573 10, 646 Conigland T. N. C. M. L. Ins. Co., 1 Phill. Eq. 341 xcviii. 89 Conine v. J. & B. R. R. Co.. 3 Houston. 233. . .Ixxxii, 230 Conkey v. Amis, 13 Indiana, 2GO Ix-xvi, 251 Conkey v. Milwaukee & St. P. Ry Co . 31 Wis. 619. 11, 630 Couklin v. Smith, 7 Indiana, 107 Ixiii, 416 Coukling v. Ridgely i Co.. 112 Illinois, 336 54, 204 Conkling v. Shelley, 23 New York, 300 Ixxxiv. 348 Conley v. Flinn, 3 Blackf ord, 72 xxiii, 380 Conn v. Coburn, 7 Xew Hampshire, 368 xxvi, 746 45 TABLE OF CASES. Con Coo Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Conn v. Gano, 1 Ohio, 483 xjii, 639 Conn v. Manifee, 2 A. K. Marshall, 395 xii, 417 Conn v. "Wilson, 2Overton, 233 v, 663 Connaughty v. State. 1 Wisconsin, 159 Ix, 370 Connecticut v. Jackson, 1 Johns. Ch. 13 vii, 471 Connecticut F. Ins. Co. v. Erie R'y Co., 73 New York, 399 29,171 Connecticut M. L. Ins. Co. v. Groom, 86 Pennsyl- vania State, 92 27,689 Connecticut M. L. Ins. Co. v. Burroughs, 31 Con- necticut, 305 xcl, 725 Connecticut M. L. Ins, Co. v. N. Y. & New Haven R. It.., 25 Connecticut, 265 Ixv, 571 Conn. & P. R. R. v. Cooper, 3 Vt. 476 Ixxiii, 319 Conn. &Passump. Riv. R. Co. v. Bailey, 21 Vt. 435.1viii, 181 Connecticut R. R. Co. v. County Comm'rs, 127 Massachusetts, 50 34,333 Connell v. Chandler, 13 Texas, 5 btii, 545 Connell v.Eeed. 123 Massachusetts, 477 35, 397 Connell v. \Voodanl, 5 Howard, 665 xxxvii, 173 Counely v. Bourg, 16 Louisiana An. 108 Ixxix, 5~S Connelly v. State, 69 Alabama, 89 31, 34 Conner v. Banks, 13 Alabama, 42 lii, 2^9 Conner v. Citizens St. TVy Co., 105 Indiana, G2. . .55, 177 Conner v. Clark. 12 California, r S Ixxiii, E29 Connerv. Henderson, 1.5 Massachusetts, 319 viii, 103 Conner v. New Albany, 1 Blackford, 83 xii, 237 Conner v. Robertson, 37 Louisiana An. 814 55, 521 Conner v. Routh, 7 Howard, 170 /xl, 59 Conner v. Southern Ex. Co., 42 Georgia, 37 5, 543 Conner v. Slate, "j Georgia, 515 IYTJ, 184 Conner v. State, 4 Yerger, 137 xxvi, 217 Conner v. Trawrick, 37 Alabama, 289 Ixxix, 58 Conner v. Winton, 8 Indiana, 315 Ixv, 7G1 Conner, In re, 39 California, 93 2, 427 Conners v. Burlin ton etc. R'y Co., 71 Iowa, 490. .60, 814 Connersville v. Wadleish, 7 Blackford, 102 xli, 214 Connolly v. Boston, 117 Massachusetts, 61 10, 396 Connolly v. Branstler, 3 Bush, 702 xcvi, 278 Connolly v. Davidson, 15 Minnesota, 519 2, 154 V v. Pardon, 1 Paige's Ch. 231 xix, 433 Con-oily v. Warren, 105 Massachusetts, 146 8, 300 Connor v. Berry, 46 Illinois, 370 xcv, 417 Connor v. Hillier, 11 Richardson's L. 193 Ixxi'.i, 103 Connor v. Sullivan, 49 Connecticut, 26 1C, 10 Connor ads. State, 59 Iowa, 337 44, C86 Conover v. Berdine, 69 Missouri, 125 33, 496 Conoverv. Commonw., 2 A. K. Marshall, 566 xii, 451 Conover v. Smith, 2 C. E. Green, 51 Ixxxvi, 217 Conoverv. Warren, 1 Gilaian, 493 xli, 193 Coaover v. Wr!g'.:t. 2 Ilalstead's Ch. 613 xlvii, 213 Conover ads. State, 4 Dutcher, 224 Ixxviii, 54 Conrad v. Lane, 26 Minnesota, 239 37, 412 Conrad v. Saginaw R. Co., 54 Michigan, 219 52, S17 Conradt v. Clauve, 93 Indiana. 476 47, 388 Conradt v. Sullivan, 4' Indiana, ISO 15, 261 Conroe v. Birdsall, 1 Johnson's Cases, 127 i, 105 Conroy v. Warren, 3 Johnson's Cases, 259 ii, 136 Conroy v. Woods. 13 California, 623 Irxiii, 605 Conser v. Snowden, 51 Maryland, 175 39, 368 Consol Gas. Co. v. Baltimore, 60 Maryland, 588.. 50, 237 Constantino ads. State, 42 Ohio State, 437 51, 833 Continental Ins. Co. v. H\ilm.ji. 92 Illinois, 115.. 34, 122 Continental In--. Co. v. Jachnicheu, 110 Ind. 59.. 59, 194 Continental Ins. Co. v. Kasey, 25 Gratt. 233 18, 631 Continental L. Ins. Co. v. Palmer, 42 Conn. 60. . .19, 530 Continental L. Ins. Co. v. Rogers, 119 111. 474 59, 810 Continental L. Ins. Co. v. Voider, 89 Ind. 572 40, 1S5 Converse v. P-lumrich, 14 Michigan, 109 xc, 230 Converse v. Converse, 21 Vermont, 168 lii, 53 Conway v. Cable, 37 Illinois, 82 Ixxxvii, 240 Conway v. Hale, 4 Haywood, 1 ix, 748 Conway v. Jett, 3 Yerger, 481 xxiv, 590 Conway v. Reed, 66 Missouri, 316 27, 354 Conway v. Seamons. 55 Vermont, 8 45, 579 Conway v Williams' Adm'r, 10 Louisiana, 568...xxix, 456 Conway Tool Co. v. Hudson R. I. Co., 12 Gush, 114..1ix, 172 Conwell v. Brookhart, 4 B. Monroe, 580 xli, 244 Conwell v. Pumphrey, 9 Indiana, 135 Ixviii, 611 Conwell v. State, SIndiana, 387 Ivi, 512 Conwell v. Voorhees, 13 Ohio, 523 xlii, 206 Conyers v. State. 50 Georgia, 103 15, 686 Conyers' Adm'r v. Kenan, 4 Georgia, 308 xlviii, 226 Coogau v. Parker, 2 South Carolina, 255 1C, 659 Cook v. Baldwin, 120 Massachusetts, 317. 21, 517 Cook v. Barkley, 1 Pennington, 169 ii, 313 Cook v. Bradley, 7 Connecticut, 57 xviii, 79 Cook v. Brown, 1C5 Massachusetts, 503 28, 259 Cook v. Burlington, 39 Iowa, 94 6, 619 Cook v. Burlington, 53 Iowa, 231 44, 679 Cook v. Carpenter, 34 Vermont, 121 I*TT, 670 Cook v. Cockrill, 1 Stewart, 473 xviii, 67 Cook v. Combs, 3D New Hampshire, 592 Ixxv, 241 Cook v. Comm'l Ins. Co. 11 Johnson, 40 vi, 353 Cook ads. Commonwealth. 8 Bush, 220 8, 456 Cook ads. Commonw., 6 Serg. & R. 577 ix, 405 Cook v. Continental Ins. Co., 73 Missouri, 610 35, 433 Cook v. Cook. 53 Wisconsin, 195 43, 706 Cook v. Corthell, 11 Rhode Island. 4S2 23, 518 Cookv. Courtright, 49 Ohio St. 248 48,681 Cook v. Darby, 4Munford, 444 vi, 329 Cook v. Deerfield, 61 Penn. St. 445 3, 605 Cookv. Dillon, 9Iowa, 437 Ixxiv, 354 Cookv. Ellis, 6 Hill (New York), 466 xli, 757 Cookv. Field, 3 Alabama, 53 xxxvi, 436 Cook v. Grant, 16 Serg. & R. 193 xvi, 564 Cookv. Gray, 2 Houston, 455 Ixxxi, 185 Cookv. Holmes, 29 Missouri, 61 Ixxvii, 548 Cook v. Hull, 3 Pick. 269 xv, 208 Cook v. Irvine, 5 Serg. & R. 492 ix, 397 Cook v. Johnson, 1 Beasley's Ch. 51 Ixxii, 381 Cook v. Johnson, 47 Connecticut, 175 36, 64 Cook v. Johnson, 53 Michigan, 437 55, 703 Cookv. Kane, 13 Oregon, 482 57, 28 Cook v. McCabe, 53 Wisconsin, 250 40, 765 Cook v. McClure, 53 New York, 437 17,270 Cook v. Milwaukee, 24 Wisconsin, 270 1, 183 Cook ads. People, 39 Mic'.iigan, 23G 33, 380 Cook ads. People, 8 New York (4 Seld.), 67 lix, 451 Cookv. Pridgen, 45 Georgia, 331 12,582 Cook v. Rives, 13 Smedes & M. 323 liii, 83 Cookv. Sanders, 15 Rich. L. 63 xciv, 139 Cookv. Satterlee, 6 Cowen, 133 xvi, 432 Cook v. Skelton, 20 Illinois, 107 Ixsi, 230 Cook v. Southwick, 9 Texas, 615 Ix, 181 Cookv. State, 60 Alabama, 39 31, 31 Cookv. State, 11 Georgia, 53 Ivi, 410 Cook v. State Company, 36 Ohio State, 135, 38, 5G3 Cookv. State Nat. Bank, 52 New York, 96 11,657 Cook v. ThornhiU, 13 Texas, 293 Ixv, 63 Cook v. Vimont, 6 T. B. Monroe, 234 xvii, 137 Cook v. Walker, 21 Georgia, 370 Ixviii, 4G1 Cookv. Whipple, 55 New York, 130 14,202 Cook v. Wood, 30 Georgia, 891 Ixxvi, 677 Cookev. Bremond, 27 Texas, 437 Ixxxvi, C23 Cooke v. Crawford, 1 Texas, 9 xlvi, C3 Cookev. England, 27 Maryland, 14 xcii, 618 Cooke v. Spears, 2 California, 409 Ivi, 3!S Cookev. Millard, 65 New York, 352 22, 619 Cooke ads. State, 24 Minnesota, 217 31, 344 Coo Cot TABLE OF CASES. 46 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Cooley v. Broad, 29 Louisiana An. 345 20, 332 Cooley v. Dewey, 4 Pickering, 93 xvi, 326 Cooley v. Perrine. 12 Vroom. 322 38, 210 Cooley v. Scarlett, 33 Illinois, 316 Ixxxvii, 298 Cooley v. Willard. 34 Illinois, 63 Ixxxv, 296 Coolidge v. Eager, 43 Vermont, 9 5,236 Coombs v. Jordan, 3 Bland. Ch. 234 xxii, 236 Coombs v. New Bedford C. Co. . 102 Mass. 572 3, 506 Coombsv. Parker, 17 Ohio, 289 xlix, 459 Coombs ads. State. 55 Maine, 477 xcii, 610 Coon v. Knap, 8 New York (4 Selden), 402 lix, 502 Coon v. Moffett, 2Pennington, 583 , iv, 392 Coonv. People. 99 Illinois, 368 39, 28 Cooney v. Hayes, 40 Vermont, 478 xciv, 425 Cooney T. Wade, 4 Humphreys, 444 xl, 657 Coons T. Renick, 11 Texas, 134 Ix, 230 Cooper, Ex parte, 3 Texas Ct. App. 439 30,152 Coopers Estate, 4 Perm. State. 88 xlv, 673 Cooper v. Chambers, 4 Deveraux's Law, 261 xxv, 710 Cooper ads. Commonwealth, 5 Allen, 495 Ixxxi. 762 Cooper v. Cooper, 17 Michigan, 205 xcvii, 1S2 Cooper v. F. M. F. Ins. Co., 50 Penn. St.. 299.1xxxviii. 544 Cooper v. Kane, 19 Wendell, 386 xxxii, 512 Cooperv. Massachusetts L. Ins. Co., 102 Mass. 227. 3,451 Cooper v. Maupin, 6 Missouri, 624 xxxv, 456 Cooperv. McCrimmin, 33 Texas, 383 7,268 Cooperv. McKenna, 124 Massachusetts, 284 26, 667 Cooper v. Mullins, 30 Georgia, 146 Ixrri, 638 Cooper v. Pacific Mutual Ins. Co., 7 Nevada, 116. . 8, 705 Coopsr v. Page, 24 Maine, 73 xli, 371 Cooper v. Pogue, 92 Pennsylvania State, 254 37, 681 Cooper v. Poston, 1 Duval, 92 Ixxxv. 610 Cooper v. Sandf ord, 4 Yerger, 452 xxvi, 239 Cooperv. Singleton, 19 Texas, 230 Ixx, 333 Cooperv. Smith, 9 Serg. & R. 23 xl, 658 Cooper v. Stats, 5 Texas Ct App. 215 3?, 571 Cooperv. State, 8 Baxt. 324 35, 704 Cooper ads. State, 2Overton, 96 v, 656 Cooper ads. State, 1 Green's Law, 3C1 xxv, 490 Cooper ads. State, 2 Zabriskie, 52 li, 243 Cooper v. Sunderland, 3 Iowa, 114 Ixvi, 52 Cooper v. Thompson, 23 Louisiana An. 182. xcvi, 392 Cooper v. Tyler, 46 Illinois, 432 xcv, 442 Cooper v. Wilcox, 2 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 90 xxxii, 695 Cooper v. Williams, 4 Ohio, 253 xxii, 745 Cooperv. Williams, 5 Ohio, 331 xxiv, 299 Cooper v. Young, 22 Georgia, 259 Ixviii, 502 Cooper and Boykin v. Berry, 21 Georgia, 526. . . .Ixviii, 468 Coover's Appeal, 29 Penn. State, 9 Ixx, 149 Copsv. District F. Ass'n, 99 Illinois. 489 39, 30 Copev. Smith, SSerg. &R. 110 xl,582 Copeland v. Boaz, 9 Baxt. 223 40, 89 Copeland v. Touchstone, 16 Alabama, 333 1, 131 Cop;'lin v. Phcenix Ins. Co.. 46 Missouri, 211 2, 504 Copley v. Sanf ord's Ex'r, 2 Louisiana An. 335 xlvi, 548 Copliav. McCalley, 1 Leigh, 280 xix, 743 Coppv. Henniker, 55New Hampshire, 179 20, 194 Coppage v. Alexander's Heirs, 2 B. Mon. 313. ..xxxviii, 153 Copper v. Dolvin, 63 Iowa. 757 56, 872 Coppin v. Greenlees & R. Co., 38 Ohio St. 275.... 43, 425 Coqnillard's Adm'r v. Bearss, 21 Indiana. 479. .Ixxxiii, 362 Corbett v Cochran, 3 Hill L. 41 (1 Riley L. 44) xxx, 348 Corbcttv. Clark, 45 Wisconsin, 403 30,763 Corbettv. Roche, 2 Hill, 307 xxvii, 387 Corbett v. Underwood, 83 Illinois, 324 25, 392 Corbin v. American Mills, 27 Connecticut, 274. . .Ixxl, 63 Corbin v. Jackson, 14 Wendell, 619 xxviii, 550 .da. People, 56 New York, 363 15, 427 Corbit v. Bank of Smyrna, 2 Harrington, 235.... xxx, 635 Corbit T. Smith, 7 Iowa, 60 Ixxi, 431 Corbittv. Salem Gas-Light Co., 6 Oregon, 405. ...25, 511 Corbley v. Wilson. 71 Illinois. 209 22, 93 Corbleys v. Ripley, 22 West Virginia, 131 46, 502 Corcoran v. Holbrook, 59 New York, 517 17, 369 Corcoran v. White, 117 Illinois, 118 57, 858 Cordell v. New York C. etc. R. Co., 70 N. Y. 119.90, 550 Cordesv. Miller, 39 Michigan, 581 33,430 Corey v. Corey, 19 Pickering, 23 xxxi, 117 Corey v. Perry, 67 Maine, 140 24, 15 Corey v. Ripley, 57 Maine, 69 2, 19 Corgan v. Frew, 39 Illinois, 31 Ixxxix, 286 Coriell v. Ham, 4 G. Greene, 455 1x1, 134 Cork v. Bacon, 45 Wisconsin. 192 30, 712 Corlies v. Howe, 11 Cray, 125 ITYJ, C93 Corliss, In re. 11 Rhode Island, 638 23, 533 Cornelius v. Burford, 28 Texas, 203 xci, 309 Corneliusv. Wash, Breese. 98 xii, 145 Cormier v. Bienvenu, 22 Louisiana An. 300 2, 723 Corn Ex. Bank v. Nassau Bank, 91 New York, 74.43, G55 Corn Ex. Ins. Co. v. Babcock, 42 New York, 613. . I, 601 Corning v. McCullough, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst.)47....x!ix, 237 Corning ads. People, 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.), 9 xlix, 334 Corning v. White, 2 Paige's Ch. 567 xxii, 659 Cornwell v. Isham, 1 Day, 35 ii, 50 Cornwell, State ex rel. v. Allen, 21 Ind. 516. . .Ixxxiii, 3C7 Corp. of Albany ads. People, 11 Wendell, 539. ..xxvii, 95 Corporation of Knoxville v. Bird, 12 Lea, 131 47, 3'-'6 Corr v. Sellers, 100 Pennsylvania State 1C9 14, 370 Correll v. B. C. R. & M. B. R. Co. 33 Iowa, 120. . .18, 22 Corrigan Con. St. R'y Co. ads. State, 85 Mo. 263. .55, 361 Corrigan v. Union Sugar Refinery, 98 Massachu- setts, 577 xcvi, 685 Cor?er v. Paul, 41 New Hampshire, 24 Ixxvii, 753 Corson's Appeal, 113 Pennsylvania State, 438. . . .57, 479 Corsonv.Hunt, 14Pemx State, 510 Corson v. Mulvany, 49 Penn. State, 88 Ixxxviii, 4S5 Cortleyeu v. Hathaway, 3 Stockton's Ch. 33 Ixiv, 478 Cortelyou v. Van Brundt, 2 Johnson, 357 iii, 439 Corvallis v. Carlile, 10 Oregon, 139 45, 134 Corwin v. Corwin, 6 N. Y. (2 Selden), 342 Ivii, 453 Corwin v. Walton, 18 Missouri, 71 lix, 2S5 Corwin v. Ward, 33 California, 195 xcv, 93 Corwith v. State Bank, 11 Wisconsin, 430 Ixxviii, 719 Corwith v. State Bank, 18 Wisconsin, 560 Ixxxvi, 703 Cory v. Boylston F. & M. Ins. Co., 107 Mass. 140. . fl, 14 Cory v. Carter, 43 Indiana, 327 17, 738 Cory v. Little, 6 Nev "lampshire, 213 xsv, 458 Coryell v. Colbaugh, Coxe, 77 i, 192 Coryell v. Dunton 7 Penn. State, 530 xlix, 489 Cosack v. Descoudres, 1 McCord, 425 x, C81 Cosbyv. Ross 1 Adm'rs. 3 J. J. Marshall, 230 xx, 140 Cosgrove v. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co.. 87 N. Y. 83.41, 355 Cosgrove v. Ogden, 49 Iew York, 255 10, 361 Costarv. Davies, 8 Arkansas, 213 xlvi, 311 Coste ads. State. 36 Mo., 437 Ixxxviii. 143 Costelo v. Cave, 2 Hill, 528 xxvii, 404 Costello ads. Commonwealth, 121 M.iss. 371 23, 277 Costello v. Crowell, 127 Massachusetts, 293, 34, 367 Costigan v. Hawkins, 22 Wisconsin, 74 xciv, 583 Costigan v. Mohawk etc. R. R. Co., 2 Denio, 609..xliii, 758 Cotav. Buck, 7 Metcalf, 588 xli, 464 Cotheal v. Talmage, 9 New York (5 Selden), 551.. .1x1, 716 Cottage S. Church v. Kendall, 121 Mass. 523 23, 288 Gotten v. Willoughby, 83 North Carolina, 75 35, 564 Cottle v. Cottle, 6 Greenleaf, 140 xix, 200 Cottle v. Spitzer. 65 California, 456 52, 306 Cotton S. L. Ins. Co. v. Lester, 62 Georgia, 247... 35, 123 Cotton v. Sharpstein, 14 Wisconsin, 226 Ixxx, 774 Cotton v. Ulmer, 45 Alabama, 378 6, 703 Cottrell v. Varnum, 5 Alabama, 229 xxxix, 323 47 TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Report*. Cottrill v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co., 47 Wis- consin. 63t S3, 796 Cotzhausen v. Jud 1, 43 Wisconsin. 213 88, 539 Couch v. City F. Ins. Co.. 33 Connecticut. 181.... 9, 375 Couch v. Couch, 7 Alabama, 510 xlii, 602 Couch v. Eastham, 27 West Virginia, 796 55, 345 Couch v. Meeker, 2 Connecticut, 302 v ii, 27 4 Coughlan v. Knowles, 7 Metcalf, 57 xxxix, 759 Coughlin v. N. V. C. & H. R. R. Co., 71 N. Y. 443.27, 75 Coughlin v. People, IS Illinois, 266. Irriii, 541 Coughlin v. Ryan, 43 Missouri, E9 xcvii, 375 Coughtryv. Globe Woolen Co. , :6 N. Y. 124 15,387 Coulter v. Robertson, 21 Mississippi. 278 Ivii, 168 Council ails. State, 9 Vroom. 430 20, 404 Council Bluffs v. Kansasetc. R. R. Co., 45 la. 333.2 J, 773 Coring Joannes v. Bennett, 5 Allen, 169 Ixxxi, 738 Count Joannes v. Burt, 6 Allen. 236 Ixxxiii, C25 Co. Com. of Anno A. Co. v. Duckttt, 21 Mel. 46S.lxxxiii, 557 County Coinm'rs v. Duvall, 54 Maryland, 330 30, 3?3 County Comm'rs v. Hamilton, 60 Maryland, 340. .45, 739 County Comm'rs of Prince George's Co. v. Bur- gess, Cl Maryland, 23 48, 3 County Cominr's ads. State, 4 Nebraska, 537 19, 641 County Court of Boone Co. ads. State. 53 Mo. 317.11, 415 County Court ads. State, 51 Missouri, 350 11, 454 County of Allegheny v. C. & P. R. R. Co., 51 Penn. State, 223 Ixxxviii, 579 County of St. Charles v. Powell, 22 Mo. 525 Ixvi, 637 County of Wapello v. Bigham, 10 Iowa, 39 Ixxiv, 370 Coup v. Wabash, St. L. & P. R'y Co.. 56 Mich. 111.5G, 374 Course v. Prince, 1 Mill. 41G xii, 649 Coursey v. Davis, 43 Penn. State, 25 Ixxxiv, 519 Courtis v. Cane, 32 Vermont, 232 Ixxvi, 174 Couse v. Boyles, 3 Green's Ch., 212 xxxviii, 514 Court of C. P. ads. State, 33 Now Jersey, 72 13, 422 Court of O. & T. ads. People, 101 New York, 24S..54, 691 Cousins v. State. 50 Alabama, 113 20, 290 Coutts v. Greenhow, 2 Munford, 3/3 v, 472 | Covellv. Loud, 135 Massachusetts, 41 46,446 Cover v. Davenport, 1 Heisk. 3:8 2, 706 Covert v. Rogers, 33 Michigan, 363 31, 319 Covington S. R'y Co. v. Packer, 9 Bush, 455 15, 725 Covington ads. State, 94 North Carolina, 913 55, G53 Covanhovan v. Hart, 21 Penn. State, 495 Ix, 57 Coveney v. Tannahill, 1 Hill (N. Y.), 33 xxxvii, 287 Covenhoven v. Shuler, 2 Paige's Ch., 122 xxi, 73 Coventry v. Barton, 17 Johnson, 142 'viii, 376 Cowan v. Adams, 10 Maine, 374 xxv, 242 Cowan v. Buyers, Cooke, 53 v, 638 Cowan v. Campbell's Adm'r, 17 B. Monroe, 522. .Ixvi, 184 Cowan v. Iowa S. Ins. Co. , 43 Iowa, 551 20, 583 Cowan v. Price, 1 Bibb, 173 iv, C27 Cowan v. Wheeler, 25 Maine, 267 xliii. 283 Coward v East Tenn. & G. R R.Co., 16 Lea, 225.5T, 227 Cowden v. Wright, 2i Wendell, 423 xxxv, G33 Cowdrey, In re, 69 California, 32 58, 545 Cowdrey v. Coit, 44 New York. 332 4,690 Coweev. Cornell, 75 New York. 91 31,423 Cowell v. Thayer, 5 Metcalf, 253 ;xxxviii, 400 Cowell v. Lumley, 39 California, 131 2, 430 Coweta Falls Mfg. Co. v. Rogers, 19 Georgia, 416. .Ixv, 602 Cowing v. Altman, 71 N. Y. 435 27, 70 Cowles y. Bacon, 21 Connecticut, 451 Ivi, 371 Cowles v. Kidder, 24 New Hampshire, 3'U IT;:, C37 Cowles v. Richmond & D. R. Co., 84 N. C. 309 37, 620 Cowles v. Whitman, 10 Connecticut, 121 xxv, 60 Cowley v. People, 83 New York, 464 38, 464 Cowley v. Pulsifer, 137 Massachusetts, 332 50, 318 Cowley v. Smyth, 46 New Jersey Law, 330 SO, 432 Cowls v. Cowls, 3 Gilman, 435 xliv. 708 ' Cox v. Bailey, 9 Georgia, 467 liv, 358 Cox v. Baird, 6 Halsted, 105 xix, 336 Cox v. Beltzhoover, 11 Missouri, 142 xlvii, 145 Cox T. Boone, 8 West Virginia, 500 23, 627 Cox v. Charleston F. & M. Ins. Co., 3 Rich. L. 331.xlv, 771 Cox v. Cox. 19 Ohio State, 502 2,415 Cox v. Cox, 23 Penn. State, 375 Ixvii, 432 Cox v.Davis, 17 Alabama, 714 "lii, 199 Cox v. Eayres, 53 Vermont, 24 45, 583 Cox v. Ellsworth, 13 Nebraska, 664 53, 827 Cox v. Foscue, 37 Alabama, 505 Ixxix, 69 Cox v. Freedley, 33 Penn. State, 121 Ixxv, 534 Cox v. Jagger, 2 Cowen, 638 xiv. 522 Coxv. Keahey, 36 Alabama, 340 Ixxrl, 325 Cox v. Livingston, 2 Watts & Serg. 103 xxxvii, 486 Cox v. Marlatt, 36 New Jersey, 339 13, 454 Coxv. Nelson, 1 T. B. Monroe, 94 xv, 89 Cox v. O'Riley, 4 Indiana, 303 Iviii, C33 Cox v. Peterson, 30 Alabama, 608 Ixviii, 145 Cox v. Skeen, 2 Iredc-U's Law, 223 xxxvlii, C91 Coxv. Smith, 1 Nevada, 131 ! xc, 476 Coxv. State.STex. Ct. App. 254 34, 746 Coxv. State, C4 Georgia, 374 37,76 Coxv. Strode, 2 Bibb, 273 .v, 603 Coxv. Sullivan, 7 Georgia, 144 1, 386 Cox v. Wells, 7 Blackforil, 410 xliii, 98 Coxe v. Blanden, 1 Watts, 533 xxvi, 83 Coxe v. Gibson, 27 Penn. State, 160 Ixvii, 454 Coxe v. Post, 1 Watts, 533 xxvi, 83 Coxe v. State Bank, 3 Halsted, 172 xiv, 417 Coy v. City Council of Lyons, 17 Iowa, 1 Ixxxv, 539 Coye v. Leach, 8 Metcalf, 371 xli, 518 Coyle v. Commonwealth, 100 Pennsylvania St. 573.45, 397 Cozzensv. Farnan, 33 Ohio State, 491 27,470 Crabtree v. Baker, 75 Alabama. 91 51, 424 Crabtree v. Hagenbaugh, 23 Illinois, 349 Ixxvi, 694 Crabtree v. Hagenbaugh, 25 Illinois, 233 Isxix, 324 Cradlebaugh v. Pritchett, 8 Ohio State, 646 lixii, 610 Craft v. Bloom, 59 Mississippi, 69 42, 351 Craft v. Commonwealth, 81 Kentucky, 250 50, 160 Craft v McConoughy, 79 Illinois, 346 12, 171 Craft v. Snook, 2 Beasley, 121 Ixxviii, 94 Crafts v. Dexter, 8 Alabama, 767 xlii, GG6 Crafts v. Sikes, 4 Gray, 194 Ixiv, C2 Cragie v. Hadley, 99 Now York, 131 52, 9 Cragin v. Cragin. 66 Maine, 517 22, 588 Cragin v. N. Y. C. R. R. Co.. 51 New York, 61.. .10, 559 Cragin v. Fowler, 34 Vermont. 326 Isxx, C80 Craig v. Childress, 1 Peck, 270 xiv, 751 Craig v. Cox, 2Bibb, 303 .v, 609 Craig v. Craig, SRawle, 472 xxiv, 390 Craig v. Dale, 1 Watts & Serg. 509 xxxvii, 477. Craig T. Durrett, 1 J. J. Marshall, 363 xix, 103 Craig v. First Pres. Church, 83 Penn. St. 42 32, 417 Craig v. Godfrey, 1 California, 415 liv, 299 Craig v. Henderson, 2 Penn. State, 2J1 xliv, 193 Craig v. Kline, 65 Penn. St. 399 3, 636 Craig v. Leiper, 2 Yerger, 193 xxiv, 479 Craig v. Martin. 3 J. J. Marshall, 50 xix, 157 Craig v Parkis, 40 Kevr York, 181 c, 4C9 Craig v. United Ins. Co.. 6 Johnson, 226 v. c:2 Craig v. Warner, 5 Mack, 460 -GO, 381 Craig v Z.mmerman, 87 Missouri, 475 58, 466 Craigeads. State, 89 North Carolina, 475 45,698 Craighead v.Peterson, 72 New York, 279 28, 150 Craighead v. Wells. SBaxt. 38 35, 635 Crain v. McGoon, 86 Illinois, 431 29, 37 Grain v. Paine, 4 Gushing, 483 1, 807 Crain v. Petrie, 6 Hill (N. Y.) 522 xli, 705 Cram v. Aiken, 13 Maine, 223 xxix, 503 Cra Cro TAJ^JLE OF CASES. 48 Roman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Cram v. Burnham, 5 Greenleaf , 213 xvii, 218 Cramer v. Lepper, 26 Ohio State. 39 20, 756 Cramer v.Reford. 17 N.J. Eq. 367 xc, 594 Crandall v. Bacon, 20 Wisconsin, 639 xci, 451 Crandallv. Lincoln, 52 Connecticut, 73 52,560 Crane . ConkHn, 1 Saxton Ch. 346 xxii, 519 Crane Dwyer, 9 Michigan, 350 lux, 87 Crane March, 4 Pickering, 131 xri, 329 Crane Marshall, 16 Maine, 27 xxxiii, 631 Crane Meginnis, IGin&J. 463 xix, 237 Crane Newell, 2 Pickering, 612 xiii, 4C1 Crane . Reeder, 21 Michigan, 24 4,430 Crane . Reeder, 23 Michigan, 527 l.". 253 Crane . Thayer, 18 Vermont, 1C2 xlvi, ! 42 Crane . Waggoner, 27 Indiana, 52 Ixxxix, 4?3 Crank ads. State, 2 Bailey, 66 xxiii, 117 Cranson Y. Cranson, 4 Michigan, 230 Ixvi, 534 Cranson v Goss, 107 Massachusetts, 439 9, 45 Cranson v. Smiih, 37 Michigan, 309 26, 514 Cranstone v. Crane, C7 Massachusetts, 459 xciii, 106 Cranwell v. Ship Fosdick, J5 Louisiana An. 436.1zrrii, 190 Cranzv. White, 27 Kansas, 319 41,408 Crapo ads. People, 76 New York, 288 32, 302 Crary v. Goodman, 12 X Y. (2 Keman), 266 Ixfv, 506 Crary v. Sprague, 12WendeU, 41 xrrii, 110 Crater v. Binninger, 33 New Jersey L. 13 xcvii, 737 Cratty v. Bangor, 57 Maine, 423 ',', 5o Craufurd v. Black hum, 17 Maryland, 49 Ixrrii, 323 Cravens v. Booth, 8 Texas, 243 Wii, 112 Craw v. Village of Tolono, 96 Illinois, 255 36, 143 Crawford's Appeal. 61 Penn, State, 52 c. 609 Crawford v. Br. B"k of Mobile, 6 Alabama, 12. xli. 33 Crawford v. Clute, 7 Alabama, 157 xli, 92 Crawford v. Foster, 6 Georgia, 202 1, 327 Crawford v. Kirksey. 55 Alabama, 2S2 27, 704 Crawford T. ScoveH, 94 Penn. St. 43 39, 766 Crawford v. Southern R. R. Ass'n, 51 Mass. 222. .21, 626 Crawford v. Slade, 9 Alabama, 8S7 xKv, 463 Crawford T. State. 15 Lea, 343 54, 423 Crawford v. State, 2 Yerger, 60 rxiv, 4S7 Crawford ads. State, 23 Kansas. 726 47,182 Crawford v. Taylor, 6 Gill &. Johnson, 323 i Crawford v. Thompson, 91 Indiana, 2C6 46, 598 Crawford v. West Side Bank, 100 New York. 50. .53, 152 Crawford v. Wick, 13 Ohio State, 190 xcviii. 103 Crawford v. Williams, 1 Sneed, 205 Ix, 146 Crawfordsville v. Smith. 79 Indiana, 303 41, 812 Craycroft ads. People. 2 California, 243 Ivi. 331 Creager T. Brengle, 5 Harris & J. 234 ix, 516 Cream City R R. Co. v. Chicago. M. & St. P. R'y Co., 63 Wisconsin. 93 53, 267 Creamer v. Perry, 17 Pickering. 332 xrrri, 207 Creamer & Graham T. Shannon, 17 Georgia. C5. .Ixiii, 223 Crease v. Babcock, 23 Pickering, 334 xxxiv, 61 Creed.T. Hartmann, 29 New York, 501 Ixxxvi. 341 Creed v. Penn. R. Co., 8 j Penn. St. 139 27, 693 Crcevy T. Cummings, 3 Louisiana An. 1G3 xlviij, 444 Cregier, In Matter of Infant, 1 Barb. Ch. 538 xlv, 416 Cresin T. Brooklyn C. R. Co.. 75 New York. 192. .31, 459 Cresin T. Brooklyn C. R. Co.. 83 New York, 595. .38, 474 Crehore T. Crehore, 97 Massachusetts, 330 1 Creisht ads. State, 1 Brevard, 1C9 ii, 656 Crenshaw v. Carpenter, 69 Alabama, 572 44, 539 Crenshaw T. Davenport, C Alabama, 330 xli, 56 Crenshaw v. Jackson, 6 Georgia, 509 1, 361 CrenBhaw T. State, 1 Martin & Yerg. 122 irii, 7SS Crescent y. Anderson, 114 Pennsylvania St. 643... 60, 3C7 Cresingerv. Welch, 15 Ohio, 15G xlv, 5C5 Cressey v. Northern R. Co., 53 New Hamp. 564.. .47, 227 Cressey v. Parks, 75 Maine, 337 4C, 406 Grossman's Appeal, 42 Pennsylvania St. 147.... Ixrrii, 498 Cressonv. Stout, 17 Johnson, 116 viii, 373 Crest v.Jack, 3 Waits, 233 xxvil, 353 Creveling v. Blocmsbury Nat. B'k, 46 New Jersey Law. 255 50,417 Crews v. Eleakley, 16 IBinois, 21 M,323 Crewsv. Pendleton, 1 Leigh, 297 xix, 750 Crewsv. WiUams, 2 Bibb, 232 iv, 701 Cribb v. Rogers, 12 Sou h Carolina, 564 ;V>. 5:1 Cribben v. Marwell. 34 Kansas, 8 55, 233 Cribbins v. M^rkwood, 13 Grattan, 495 1\ Grim v. Starkweather, 88 New York, 339 41, 253 Crippen v. Chappel, 35 Kansas, 495 57, 187 C:isfieldv. Storr, 36 Maryland, 129 11, 480 Crisler v. Garland, n Smedes & M. 136. X~T, 49 Crisman v. Matthews, 1 Scammon, 148 sx i. 417 Crispin v. Babbitt, 81 New York. 516 Cristv. Crist, 1 Indiana, 570 1. 4S1 Critcher v. Walker, 1 Murphey, 488 iv, 576 Critchfield v. Humbert, 33 Penn. State, 427 ITTT. 533 Critchett v. American Ins. Co.. 53 Iowa, 404 3:, C30 Crittenden v. Lingle. 14 Ohio State, 182 Inriv, S70 Crittenden v White. 23 Minnesota, 24 Crittenden v. Wilson, 5 Cowen, 165 iv, 462 Cnttendon v. Fiske, 46 Michigan, 70 41, 146 Crittendon v. Schermerhorn, 33 Michigan, 661 C 1 ), 40 Croaker v. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co.. 36 Wis. 657 .17, 504 Crocker v. Bellangee, 6 Wisconsin, 645 Isx, 489 Crocker v. Crane, 21 Wendell. 211 ixiiv. 223 Crocker v. Crocker. 31 New York, 507 luiviii, 291 Crocker v. Gti'.lifer, 44 Maine, 4:1 Ixix, 118 Crocker v. Hill, 61 New Hampshire, 315 60, 323 Crocker v. McGregor, 76 Maine, 282 40, 611 Crocker v. Mann, 3 Missouri, 472 xivi, CS4 Crocker v. Marine Nat. Bank, 101 Mass. 240 3, 336 Crocker v. Monrose, 18 Louisiana, 5C3 xixvi, C60 Crocker v. Spencer, 2 D. Chipman, 68 ..xv, 653 Crockettv. Dodge, 12 Maine, 190 x.v Crockett v. Lashbrook, 5 T. B. Monroe, 531 xvii, 98 Crockett v. State. 52 Wisconsin, 211 38, 733 Crofut v. Brandt, 53 New York, 106 17, 213 Croff v. Ballinger, 18 Illinois, 200 Croganv Shiele, 53 Connecticut, 166 55, 88 Cromarty v. Boston, 127 Massachusetts, 329 34, 3&1 Cromer v. Platt, 37 Michigan, 132 26,503 Crommelin v. Coxe, 30 Alabama, 318 Ixviii, 120 Crommelin v. Thiess, 31 Alabama, 412 hex. 499 Cromwell v. Brooklyn Fire Ins. Co., 44 N. Y. 42. . 4, 641 Cromwell v. Clay, 1 Dana, 573 xxv, 165 Cromwell v. Hewitt, 40 New York. 491 Cromwell v. Rnyal Can. Ins. Co. . 49 Md. 366 Cromwell v. Tate's Ex'r, 7 Leigh, 331 xxx, 506 Cronan v. Cottins. 104 Massachusetts, 2i5 6, 233 Cronin v. People, 82 New York. 318 37, 564 Cronisterv. Weise, 8 Watts, 215 xxxiv, 461 Cronkhite v. Nebeker. 81 Indiana, 319 42, 127 Cronly v. Hall, 67 North Carolina, 9 12,597 Crookerv. Bragg, 10 Wendell, 260 xxv, 555 Crocker v. Crooker. 52 Maine, 207 Ixxxiii, 509 Crookerv. Holmes. 65 Maine, 193 20,687 Crookshank v. EurreS, 18 Johnson, 58. ... f. ix, 187 Crosby v. Berger, 11 Paige, 377 xlii. 117 Crosby v. Bessey, 49 Maine, 539 Ixsvii, 271 Crosby v. Fitch, 12 Connecticut, 410 xxxi. 745 Crosby v. Ilarioiv, 21 Maine, 499 xxxviii. 276 Crosby v. Ross' Adci'rs, 3 J. J. Marshall, 290 rx, 140 Crosby v. Roub, M Wisconsin, 616 Ixxxiv, 720 Crosby v. Taylor, 15 Gray, 64 Ixxvii, 353 Cross v. Carson, 8 Blackf ord, 133 xliv, 743 Cross v. Cross, SPaigesCh. 133 xxiii, 773 49 TABLE OF CASES. Cro Cur Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Cross v. Guthery, 2 Root, 90 i, 61 Cross v. KJtts, 63 California. 217 58,553 Cross v. O'Donnell, 41 New York, 661 4, 721 Cross v. Kansas, 90 Missouri, 13 59 1 Cross v. Marston, 17 Vermont, 533 xliv, 353 Crossv. McMaken, 17 Michigan, 511 xcvii, 203 Cross v. People, 47 Illinois, 152 xcv, 474 Crossv. Peters, 1 Greenleaf, 376 x, 78 Crossv. Shutliffe, 2 Bay, 223 i, 645 Cross ads. State, 12 lovra, 66 Ixxix, 519 Crossen v. Hutchinson, 9 Massachusetts, 205 vi, 53 Crossen v. White, 19 Iowa, 109 Ixxxvii, 420 Crossley v. O'Brien, 21 Indiana, 325 Ixxxvii, 329 Crostwaight v. Hutchinson, 2 Bibb, 407 v, 613 Crosthwait v. Ross, 1 Humphreys, 23 xxxiv, 613 Crosswell v. Lehman, 54 Alabama, 3G3 25, 634 Crosswell ads. People, 13 Michigan, 427 Irxxvii, 774 Croteau ads. State, 23 Vermont, 14 liv, 90 Crotty ads. Commonwealth, 10 Allen, 403 Ixxxvii, 6C9 Crouch v. Eriles, 7 J. J. Marshall, 255 xxiii, 404 Crouch v. Carrier, 15 Connecticut, 505 xli, 153 Crouch v. Fowle. 9 New Hampshire, 219 xxxli, 350 Crouch v. Puryear, 1 Randolph, 253 x, 523 Crouse v. Derbyshire, 10 Michigan. 473 Ixxxii. 51 Crousillat v. Ba!l, 3 Yeates, 375 (S. C., 4 Dallas, 294).ii, 375 Crowe v. Wilson. 65 Maryland, 479 57, 343 Crowell v. Eeebe, 10 Vermont, 33 xxxiii, 172 Crowell v. Maughs, 2 Oilman. 413 xliii, 62 Crowley ads. State. 41 Wisconsin, 271 22, 719 Crowner v. Crowner, 44 Michigan. ISO 38, 245 Croylev. Moses, 90 Pena. St. 250 35,6:4 Crozierv. Kirker, 4 Texas, 252 li, 724 Crozier's Appeal, 90 Perm. St. 3S4 35, 650 Cruger v. Armstrong, 3 Johnson's Cases, 5 ii, 123 Cruger ads. People, 102 New York, 510 55, 830 Cruin v. Moore, 1 McCarter, 436 Ixxsii, 2G2 Crum v. State, G4 Mississippi, 1 60, 44 Crump v. Black, 6 Iredell's Equity, 321 li, 422 Crumpv. Morgan, 3 Iredell's Equity, 91 xl, 4^7 Crump v. United States M. Co., 7 Grattan, 352 Ivi, 110 Crumpton v. Newman, 12 Alabama, 199 xlvi, 251 Cruse v. McKee, 2 Head, 1 Ivriii 133 Cruselle v. Pugh, 67 Georgia, 430. 44, 724 Cnitcher v. Ryon, 2 Bush, 223 xcii,481 Crutch^ld v. Donathon, 49 Texas, 691 30, 112 Crutchfield v. Robins, 5 Humphreys, 15 xlii, 417 Cucullu v. La. Ins. Co., 5 Martin, N. S., 464. xvi, 199 Cudworth v. S. Car. Ins. Co., 4 Rich. Law, 416 Iv, 692 Cud worth v. Thompson, 3 Desaussure, 256 iv, 617 Cuddy v. Horn, 46 Michigan, 593 41, 173 Cuff v. Newark etc. R. R Co., 35 N. J. 17 10,205 Culbertson v. Cox, 29 Minnesota, 309 43, C04 Colbertsmi v. Milhollin, 22 Indiana, 332 Ixxxv, 428 Culbertson v. Smith, 52 Maryland, 623 36, 334 Culbreath v. Culbreath, 7 Georgia, 64 1, 375 Cullea v Carthage, 103 Indiana. 193 53, 504 Cullen ads. Commonw., 13 Penn. State, 133 liii, 450 Culler v. Motzer, 13 Serg. & R. 356 xv, 604 Culley v Edwards, 44 Arkansas, 423 51, 614 Cullum v. Branch Bank, 4 Alabama, 21 xxxvii, 725 Cullurn v. Casey, 9 Porter, 131 xxxiii, 304 Cullum v. Emanuel, 1 Alabama, 23 xxxiv, 757 Gulp v. State, 1 Porter, 33 xxvi, 357 Culpeper Mfg. Soc. v. Digges, 6 Randolph, 1G5. .xviii, 708 Culver v. Avery, 7 Wendell, 330 xxii, 586 Culver v. Hill, 63 Alabama, 63 41,134 Culver ads. State, 65 Missouri, 607 27, 235 Culver v. Wilbern, 43 Iowa, 26 30, 38-' Cumberland v. Codrington, 3 Johns. Ch. 223 viii, 492 Cumberland v. Pennell, C9 Maine, 357 31, 284 INDEX A.D. & A. R. 4, Cumberland Mut. F. Ins. Co. v. Giltinan, 43 N. J. L. 495 57,586 Cumberland Valley M. P. Co. v. Douglas, 53 Iowa State, 419 xcviii, 298 Cumberl. Val. R. R. Co. v. Baab, 9 Watts, 45S.xxxvi, 132 CumberL Val. R. R. Co. v. Hughes, 11 Penn. St. 141.11, 513 Cumberland Valley R. R. Co. v. Maugans, 61 Maryland, 53 48, 88 Cumins v. Wood, 44 Illinois, 416 xcil, 189 Cummer v. Butts, 40 Michigan, 322 29, 530 Cummings' Appeal, 25 Penn. State, 2o8 Ixiv, 6?5 dimming v. Cummir/g, 125 Massachusetts, 336. .46, 476 Cummings v. Arnold, 3 Metcalf , 48fa xxxvii, 155 Cummings v. Coleman, 7 Richardson's Eq. 509. . .Ixii, 402 Cummings ads. Commonw., SCushing, 212 1, 732 Cummings v. Dudley, 63 California, 333 44, 58 Cumrnings v. Friedman, 65 Wisconsin, 183 56, 628 Cummings v. Harris, 3 Vermont, 244 xxiii, 206 Cummings v. Kent, 44 Ohio St. 92 58, 798 Cummings v. Lebo, 2Rawle, 23 xix, 615 Cummings v. Long, 16 Iowa, 41 Ixxxv. 502 Cummings v. Nichols, 13 New Hamp. 420 xxrviii, 501 Cummings v. Plummer, 94 Indiana, 403 48, 167 Cummings v. Smith, 50 Maine, 563 Ixxix, C29 Cummins v. Agricultural Ins. Co.. 67 N. Y. 263. .23, 111 Cummins v. Crawford, 88 Illinois, 312 30, 558 Cummins v. Griggs, 2Duval, 87 Ixxxvii, 482 Cummins v. Heald, 24 Kansas, 600 36, 264 Cummins v. Kennedy, 3 Littell, 118 xiv, 45 Cummins v. Scott, 6 Watts, 519 xxxi, 493 Cummins v. Seymour, 79 Indiana, 491 41, 618 Cumnock v. Newburyport .Sav. Inst., 142 Mas- sachusetts, 342 56, 679 Cumpstonv. Lambert, 18 Ohio, 81 li, 442 Cuncle v. Dripps, 3 Penrose & Watts, 2?1 xxiii, 84 Cunningham v. Ashley, 16 Arkansas, 181 Ixiii, 62 Cunningham v. Brown. 13 Vermont, 123 xlvi, 140 Cunningham v. Bucklin, 8 Co .ven, 173 xviii, ^32 Cunningham v. Butler, 142 Massachusetts, 47 56, 657 Cunningham v. Cochran, 18 Alabama, 479 lii, 239 Cunningham v. Cunningham, IS B. Monroe, W.lxviii, 718 Cunningham v. Evansville & T. H. R. R. Co., 102 Indiana, 473 52,683 Cunningham v. Hawkins, 24 California, 403. . . .Ixxxv, 73 Cunningham v. International R. Co., 51 Tex. 503.32, 632 Cunningham v. Irwin, 7 Serg. & R. 247 x, 453 Cunningham v. Moore, 55 Texas, 373 40, 812 Cunningham v. Morrell, 10 Johnson, 203 vi, 332 Cunningham v. Morris, 19 Georgia, 533 Ixv, 611 Cunningham v. Nat. Bank, 71 Georgia, 400 51, 263 Cunningham ads. People, 1 Denio, 521 xliii, 709 Cunningham v. Pitzer, 2 West Virginia, 264 xciv, 526 Cunningham v. Reardan, 93 Massachusetts, SSS.xcvi, 670 Cunningham v. Smith, 10 Grattan, 235 , . .Is, 333 Cunningham v. Squires, 2 Wesb Virginia,, 422. .xcviii, 770 Cunningham v. State. 56 Mississippi, 239 21, 360 Cupps v. Irvin, 2 Blackford, 112 xviii, 136 Curan v. Colbert, 3 Georgia, 239 xlvi, 427 Curd v. Wallace, 7 Dana, 190 xxxii, 85 Curell v. Miss. etc. Ins. Co., 9 Louisiana, 1C3 xxix, 439 Cureton v. Doby, 10 Richardson's Eq. 411 Ixxiii, 96 Cureton v. Massey, 13 Richardson's Eq. 104 xciv, 151 Cureton v. Mills, 13 South Carolina, 409 36, 700 Curl v. Watson, 25 Iowa, 35 xcv. 763 Ciu-le's Heirs and Adm'r v. Eddy, 24 Mo. 117. ... Ixvi, 699 Curley v. Dean, 4 Connecticut, 259 x, 140 Curling v. Curling, S Dana, 33 xxxiii, 475 Curran v. Merchants' Manuf. Co., 130 Mass. 374.39, 457 Curran v Witter, 63 Wisconsin, 10 60, 827 Currell v. Johnson, 12 Louisiana, 230 xxxii, 117 Cnr Dan TABLE OF CASES. 50 Boman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Currie v. Mut. Asso'd Society, 4 Hen. & M. 315. . . .iv, 517 Curriov. Stewart, 27 Mississippi, 52 Isi, 503 Currier v. Continental L. L Co.,-57Vt. 496 52,134 Currier v. Currier, 2 New Hampshire, 75 ix, 43 Currier v. Gale, 14 Gray, 504 Ixxvii, 343 Currier v. Lockwood. 40 Connecticut, 349. 1C, 40 Currier v. Sutherland, 51 New Hampshire, 473. .. .20, 143 Curry v. Commonwealth Ins. Co., 10 Pick. 535 xx, 547 Curry r. Fowler. 87 New York, 33 41, 313 Curry v. Larcr, 7 Penn. State, 470 xlix, 485 Curry v. Powers, 70 New York. 212 2G, 577 Curry v. Savannah, 64 Georgia. 290 37, 74 Curry v. Spencer, 61 New Hampshire, 624 60, 337 Curryer v. Merrill, 23 Minnesota, 1 33, 450 Curtis v. Aaronson, 49 New Jersey Law, 63 CO, 534 Curtis v. Aspinwall, 114 Massachusetts, 187 19, 332 Curtis v. Berais, 23 Connecticut, 1 Ixviii, 377 Curtis v. Blair, 20 Mississippi, 309 lis, 237 Curtis v. Curtis, 40 Maine, 24 Ixili, C51 Curtis v. Delaware, L. & W R. Co . 74N. Y. 116.30, 271 Curtis v. Groat, 6 Johnson, 168 v, 201 Curtis v. Herrick, 14 California, 117 Isxiii, 032 Curtis T. Ilubbard, 4 Hill (N.Y.)437 xl, 232 Curtis v. Lyman, 24 Vermont, 333 Iviii, 174 Curtis v. Millard & Co., 11 Iowa. 123 Ixxxi, 4G3 Curtis v. Murphy, 63 Wisconsin, 4 .",:*., 2!2 Curtis v. O'Brien, 23 Iowa, 378 Ixxxix, 543 Curtis aJi Poople, 53 New Y >rk, 321 10, 4S3 Curtis v. Portland S. Bank, 77 Maine, 151 ."2, 753 Curtis v. Rochester & S. R. R. Co., 13 X. Y. 534.1xxv, 253 Cnrtis v. State, 22 Tex. Ct. App. 227 58, 633 Curtis v. State Bank, 6 Elackford, 312 xxxviii, 113 Curtis ads. State, 33 Connecticr.it. 37 1 xcv, 293 Curtis T. Woodward. 5S Wisconsin, 499 4G, 647 Curtis T. Whipple, 53 Wisconsin, 330 1 , 1S7 Curtiss T. Hoyt, 19 Connecticut, 154 xlviii, 149 Curtiss v. Strong, 4 Day, 51 iv, 179 Cusackv. White, 2 Mill, 279 xii, 609 Cushing v. Boston, 128 Mass. 330 35, 3S3 Gushing v. Breed, 14 Allen, 376 xcii, 777 Cushing ads. Commonw., 11 Massachusetts, 67. ...vi, 1C6 Cushing v. Field, 70 Maine. 50 35, 203 Cushing v. Hurd, 4 Pickering, 253 xvi, 335 Cushios v. Rice, 43 Maine, 303 Ixxi, 570 Cushman v. BlancharJ, 2 Greenleaf, 266 xi, 70 Cushmin v. Glover, 11 Illinois, 600 lii, 461 Cushman v. Thayer Man. Jewelry Co., 76 New York. 3". 32,315 Cusic v. Douglass, 3 Kansas. 123 Ixxxvii. 433 Custis v. Aukins, Adm'r of Potter, Houst. 3S2.1xviii, 422 Cuthbert v. Kuhn, 3 Wharton, 357 mi, 513 Cutler v. E.illou, 135 Massachusetts, 337 49, 35 Cutler v. Eonney, 30 Michigan, 25J 18,127 Cutlerv. Cox, 2 Blackford, 173 xvMi, i;>2 Cutler T. James, Cl Wisconsin, 173 54, 603 Cutler v. Roberts, 7 Nebraska 4 2ft, 371 Cutler v. Winsor, 6 Pickering, 335 xvii, 385 Cutter vs. Butler, 23 New Hampshire, 343 Ivii, 330 Cutter v Davenport, 1 Pickering, 81 xi, 149 Cutts T. Brainerd, 42 Vermont, 5G6 1, 353 Cults T. Gordon, 13 Maine 474 xxix, 520 Dabney ads. Commonw., 1 Robinson, (Va.) 696 xl, 717 Dabncy v. Dabney, 2 Robinson (Va.), C22. . ., xl, 761 Dabney v. G reen, 4 Hcning & M. 131 '.' iv, 503 Dabney v. Manning, 3 Ohio, 321 xvii, 507 Dabbsv ':ansas, 353 415,275 -ett, 5 Paige's Ch. 509 xxviii, 442 Daggettv. Davis, 53 Michigan, 35 51, 91 Daggett v. Burden, 23 Georgia, 4C7 Ixv, 033 Das -ett v. Hudson, 43 Ohio State. 543 54, S32 Daggett v. Robins, 2 Blackford, 415 xxi, 752 Daggett v. Shaw, 3 Missouri, 2C4 xxv, 429 Dasgett v. State, 4 Connecticut, 60 x, 100 DahiU v. Booker, 140 Massachusetts. 308 3 1 , -565 Dahlberg v. Minneapolis St. R'y. Co. , 32 Minn. 4C ; . Dailey v. Coker, 33 Texas, 815 7,279 Daily v. New York and New Haven Railroad Company, 32 Connecticut, 356 Ixxxvii, 176 Dain v. Cowing, 22 Maine, 347 n Dain v. Wyckoff, 18 New York, 45 Ixxii, 4C3 Daingerfield v. Thompson, 33 Gratt. 136 Dakiu v. Dunning, 7 Hill, 30 xlii, 33 Dale v. Gear, 33 Connecticut, 13 !\ 3"3 Dale v. Knepp, 93 Pennsyl . ania State, 333 Dale v. Robinson, 51 Vermont, 20 31, 669 Dale v. Smith, 1 Delaware Ch. 1 xli, 64 Daley v. Norwich & W. R.R. Co., 23 Conn. 591. Ixviii, 413 Daley ada. State, 53 Vermont, 442 S3, 634 Dall v. Confidence Silver M. Co.. 3 Nevada, Sol.xciii. 419 Dallas v. Sellers, 17 Indiana, 479 lixix, 489 Dallas & W. R'y Co. v. Spicker, 61 Texas, 4-7. . . .48, 237 Dalryrnple v. Hillenbrand, 62 New York. 5 23, 438 Dalrymple v. Williams, 63 New York ,331 20, 511 Dalton, Ex parte, 44 Ohio State, 142 58, 800 Daly v. Butchers, & D. Bank, 53 Missouri, 91 17, 663 Daly v. Maitland. 88 Penn. St. 3S1 32, 457 Damainville v. Mann, 32 New York, 107 lxs\ Darno v. Dame, 38 New Hampshire, 423 Ixxv, 135 Damo ads. State, 11 New Hampshire, 271 XHT, 435 Dame ads. State, 6) New Hampshire, 479 Damon v. Bache, 55 Pennsylvania State, 67 x Damon T. Osborn, 1 Pickering, 47o si, 229 Damon v. Scituate. 119 Massachusetts, 66 Damont v. N. O. & C. R. R. Co., 9 La. An. 441 Isi, 214 Dan T. Brown, 4 Cowen, 483 Dana v. Coombs, 6 Greenleaf, S? x:x, 104 Dana v. Fiedler, 12 N. Y. (2 Kernan) 40 Ixli, 130 Dana v. Gill, 5 J. J. Marshall, 242 xx, 235 Dana v. Jackson St. Wharf Co., 31 Cal. 118. . ..Ixxxix. 164 Dana v. Merrill, 6 Cushing, 2S2 Hi, 7S2 Danav. Roberts, 1 Root, 134 i, 35 Dana v. Sawyer, 22 Maine, 241 x:. Dana v. Third N. B.. 13 Allen, 445 xc. 216 Danbury v. Robinson, 1 MeCarter, 213 Isxiii, 214 Dancy T. Stricklinge, 15 Texas, 537 ^v, 179 Dandridge v. Harris, 1 Washington, 323 .i, 465 Dane v. Corduan, 24 Calif ornia, 157 Ixxxv, 53 Dane v. Derby, 54 Maine, f3 Ixsxix, 722 Dane, County of, T. Smith, 13 Wisconsin, 583 isxx, 751 Danenhoffer T. State. 09 Indiana, 205 :;.*>, 216 Danforth v. Culver, 11 Johnson, 113 vi, 361 Danforth v. Grant, 14 Vermont, 233 xxslx, 224 Danforth v. State, 75 Georgia, 611 r.S, 430 Danforth ads. State, 43 Iowa, 43 Danforth v. Woodward, 10 Pickering, 423 Daniel v. Daniel, 2 Richardson's Eq. 115 Daniel v. Ellis, 1 A. K. Marshall, CO x, 707 Daniel v. Gibson, 72 Georgia, 3G7 53, 815 Daniel v. McRae, 2 Hawks, 500 xi, 737 Daniel 7. Modawell. 22 Alabama, 305 | Daniel v. Pogue, Sneed, 98 ii, 708 Daniel v. Swearengen, 6 South Carolina, 207 2t, 471 Daniel v. Western ~U. Tel. Co., 61 Texas, 452 48, 305 Daniel T.Wood, 1 Pickering, 102 ii, 151 Daniels v. Ballautine, 23 Ohio State, 532 13, 264 Dauiels v. Brown, 34 New Hampshire, 434 Uix, 505 Daniels v. Chicago etc. R. R. Co.. 33 Iowa, 129 . ..14, 490 Daniels v. Hatch, 1 Zabriskie, 391 xlvii, 169 Daniels v. Hayward, 5 Allen. 43 Ixxxi. 731 Daniels v. Hudson Riv. F. I. Co., 12 Cush. 410. . . .lix, 133 51 TABLE OF CASES. Dan Dav Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Daniels v. Nelson, 41 Vermont, 161 xcviii, 577 Daniels v. Newton, 114 Massachusetts. 530 19, 384 Daniels v. Pond, 21 Pickering 3:7 xxxii, 269 Daniels v. Bowe, 25 Iowa, 403 xcv, 797 Danley v. Rector, 10 Arkansas, 211 1, 242 Daniel v. Hunter, 61 Pennsylvania St. 382 c, 651 Dann v. Cudney. 13 Michigan, 239 Ixxxvii, 755 Dann ads. People, 53 Michigan, 49D 51, 151 Danner v. S. Car. R. R. Co., 4 Rich. Law, 329 Iv, 678 Danner v. State, 54 Alabama, 127 25,662 Danol Is v. State, 83 New York, 36 42, 277 Danvillev. Pace, 25 Gratt. 1 18, 663 Danville v. Pace, 25 Gratt. 1 18, 663 D'Arcy v. Miller, 83 Illinois, 102 2!>, 11 Darby v. Russell, 5 Haywood, 133 ix, 767 Darden v. Cow^er, 7 Jones' Law, 210 Ixxv, 461 D.irgan v. Mayor etc. of Mobile, 31 Ala. 469 Ixx, 505 Dargan v. Waddill, 9 Iivdcll's Lav.-, 214 xlix, 421 Dargan v. Waring, 11 Alabama, 983 xlvi, 234 Dark v. Johnston, 55 Pennsylvania St. 164 xciii. 732 Darland v. Taylor, E2 Iowa, 503 35, 235 Darling, Ex parte, 16 Nevada, PS 40, 49o Darling v. Bryant, 17 Alabama, 10 Hi, 102 - v. Westmoreland, 52 New Hampshire, 401.13, 55 Dariingv. Wilson, GO New Hampshire, 59 49,305 Darling v Younker. 37 Ohio State, 437 41,532 Darlington's Appeal, 85 Pennsylvania State, 512.. 27, 726 Darlington v. Mayor of Now York, 31 New York 164 Ixxxviii. 243 Darlington v. United States, 82 Penn. St., 332.. . .2 .'. 7 1 .'. D' Armond v. Dubois, 22 Loxiisiana An. 131 9, 718 Dan-ell v. Eden, 3 Desaussure, 241 iv, 613 Darrigan v. New York & N. E. R. R. Co. . 52 Connecticut, 285 52, 590 Darrow v. Harlow, 21 Wisconsin, 302 xciv, 541 Darst v. People, 51 Illinois. 236 2, 301 Dart v. Sherwood, 7 Wisconsin, 523 Ixxvi, 223 Dart ads. State, 23 Connocticut, 153 Ixxvi, 530 Dart v. Woodhouse, 40 Michigan, 339 29, 544 D'Arusment v. Jones, 4 Lea, 251 40, 12 Darwin v. Charlotte, C. & A. R. R. Co., 23 South Carolina, 531 , 55, 32 Dash v. Van Kleeck, 7 Johnson, 477 v, 291 Dashiell v. Atfy Gen., 5 Harris & J. 332 ix, 572 Dauenhauer v. Devine, 51 Texas, 4SO 32, 627 Dau.jb.tery v. Am. Union Tsl. Co., 75 Ala. 163 51, 435 Dauterive v. Broussard, 5 Robinson (La.), 516. .xxxlx, 550 Davenport v. Foulke, 63 Indiana, 3S2 34, 265 Davenport v. Hubbard, 46 Vermont. 200 14, 620 Davenport v. Magoou, 13 Oregon, 1 57, 1 Davenport v. Muir, 3 J. J. Marshall, 310 xx, 143 Davenport v. Parsons, 10 Michigan, 42 Ixxxi, 772 Davenport v Richmond, 81 Virginia, 633 50, 604 Davenport v. Sleight, 2 Dev. & Eat. Law, 381 xxxi, 420 Davenport v. Wynne, 6 IredeU's Law, 123 xliv, 70 Davenport v. Young, 16 Illinois, 543 Ixiii, 320 Davenport Nat. B'k v. Homeyer, 45 Missouri, 145. .c, 363 Davey v. Jones, 13 Vroom, 28 36, 505 David v. New Orleans, 16 Louisiana An. 404 Ixxix, 583 David v. Sittig, 1 Martin, N. S.. 147 xiv, 179 David v. Williamsburgh C. F. Ins. Co., 83 New York, 205 38, 413 Davidson v. Abbott, 52 Vermont, 570 36, 767 Davidson v. Follett, 27 Iowa, 217 xcix, 645 Davidson v. Frew, 3 Dev. L. 3 xxii. 708 Davidson v. Givins, 2 Bibb, 200 iv, 695 Davidson v. Hawkeye Ins. Co., 71 Iowa, 532 60, 818 Davidson v. Keyes, 2 Robinson (La,), 254 xxsviii, 2CO Davidson v. Little, 22 Penn. State, 245 Ix, 81 Davidson v. Nebaker, 21 Indiana, 334 Ixxxiii, 350 Davidson v. Phillips, 9 Terser, 93 xxx, 393 Davidson y. Portland. 63 Maine, 116 31,2:3 Davidson v. Reed, 111 Illinois, 167 53,613 Davidson v. Root, 11 Ohio, 98 xxxvii, 411 Davidson v. State. 4 Tex Ct. App. 545 30, 16G Davidson ads. State, 20 Missouri, 212 Ixi, 603 Davidson ads. State, 30 Vermont, 377 Ixxiii, 312 Davidson v. Waldron. 31 Illinois, 123 Ixxxiii, 2D6 Davies v. Skinner, 58 Wisconsin, 638 46, 665 D i vies, In re. 93 Pennsylvania State, 116 39, 723 Davis' Appeal, 21 Penn. State, 76 lix, 752 Davis v. Allen, 11 Pickering, 456 xxii, 3SS Davis v. Arledge, 3 Hill's Law (S. C.), 170 xxx, 3GO Davis v. Bagley. 40 Georgia, 181 2,570 Davis v. Ball, 6 Gushing, 505 liii, 53 Davis v. Bartlett, 12 Ohio State, 534 Ixxx, 375 Davis v. Bechslein. 69 New York, 443 25, 218 Davis v. Bell, 8 New Hampshire, 500 xxxi, 232 Davis v. Bigler. 62 Penn. St. 212 1, 393 Davis v. Blunt, 6 Massachusetts, 4S7 iv. 1C8 Davisv. Bradley, 23 Vermont, 118 Ixv, 22J Davis v. Burgess, 51 Michigan, 514 52, 828 Davis v. Burnett, 4 Jones' Law, 71 Ixvii, 263 Davis v. Burton, 3 Scammon, 41 xxxvi, 511 DavL-. v. Calvert, 5 GUI & J. 233 xxv, 282 Davis v. Galloway, 33 Indiana, 112 icv, 670 Davis v. Cent Cong. Soc., 129 Massachusetts, 367.37, 368 Davis v. Cent. Vt. R. Co., 55 Vermont, 84 45, 590 Davis v. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co., 53 Wis. 643 46, 667 Davis v. Cilley, 44 New Hampshire, 443 Ixxxiv, 83 Davis v. Clark, 26 Indiana, 424 Ixxiix, 471 Davis v. Clinton W. W. Co., 54 Iowa, 59 .37 , 185 Davisv. Crawford, 2 Mill, 431 xii, CS2 Davis v. Cross, 14 Lea, 637 52, 177 Davis v. Davis, 26 California, 23 Ixxxv, 157 Davis v. Detroit & Mil. R. R. Co., ^3 Mich. 105. . . 4, 354 Davis v. Dixon's Adrn'r, 1 Howard, 64 xxvi, 635 Davis v. Drew, C New Hampshire. 393 xxv, 467 Davis v. Dudley. 73 Maine, 236 35, 313 Davis v. Emery, 61 Maine, 110. 14, 5o3 Davis v. Eppinger, 13 California, 378 Ixxix, 184 Davis v. First Nat. Bank, 5 Nebraska, 242 25, 4S4 Davis v. Fish, 1 G. Greene, 406 xlviii, 387 Davis v. Francisco, 11 Missouri, 572 xlix, 93 Davisv. French. 20 Maine, 21 xxxvii, 36 Davis v. Fuller, 12 Vermont, 173 xxxvi, 334 Davis v. Funk, 33 Penn. State, 243 Ixxx, 519 Davis v. Gale. 32 California, 26 xcl, 554 Davis v. Garr, 6 N. Y. (2 Selden) 124 Iv, 337 Davis v. Getchell, 53 Maine, 602 Ixxix, 636 Davis v. Gorton, 16 New York, 255 Ixix, 694 Davisv. Hamlin, 103 Illinois, 39 48, 541 Davis v. Hall, 3 New Hampshire, 332 xiv, 373 Davis v. Harkness, 1 Gilman, 173 xli, 184 Davis v. Havard, 15 Serg. & R. 105 xvi, 537 Davisv. Helbig, 27 Maryland, 4o2 xcii, 646 Davis v. Henderson, 23 Mississippi, 543 lix, 229 Davisv. Hooper, 4 Stewart &. P. 231 xxiv, 751 Davis v. Justice. 31 Ohio St. 359 27,514 Davisv. Kansas City R. R.. 53 Missouri, 317 14, 457 Davisv. Lane, 2 Indiana, 543 Hv, 453 Davisv. Lee. 23 Mississippi, 505 lix, 267 Davis v. McCready, 17 New York, 230 Ixxii, 461 Davis v. McFarlane, 37 California, 634 xcix, 340 Davis v. McNalley, 5 Sneed, 583 Ixxiii, 159 Davisv. Macon, 61 Georgia, 123 37, 60 Davis v. Mayor of New York, 14 N. Y. 536 Ixvii, 186 Davis v. Michigan S. etc. R. R. Co., 22 111. 273. .Ixxiv, 151 Davis v. MillauJon, 17 Louisiana An. S7 Ixxxvii. 517 Davisv. Minor, 1 Howard (Miss.), 183 xxviii, 325 Day Dec TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Davis T. Montgomery, 51 Alabama, 139 23, 545 Davis v. Morton. 4 Bush, 442 xcvi, 309 Davis v. Morton. 5 Bush, 160 xcvi, 345 Davis v. Munson, 43 Vermont, 676 5, 315 Davis v. Murphy, 2 Richardson's Law, 5GO xiv, 749 Davis v. Miuvuy. 2 Mill, 143 xii, 661 Davis v. Newman, 2 Robinson (Va.), 6G4 xl, 7C4 Davis v. New York & N. E. R R. 143 Mass. 301. . .58, 138 Davis v. Ney, 125 Massachusetts, 500 28, 272 Davisv. Old Colony R. R., 131 Mass. 25S 41,221 Davis v. Oswalt, 18 Arkansas, 414 Ixviii, 182 Davis v. Ownsby, 14 Missouri, 170 Iv, 10 3 Davis v. Parish, Littell's Sel. Ca. 153 xii, 237 Davis v. Pawlette, 3 Wisconsin, 300 btii, 630 Davisv. Petway, 3 Head, 667 liiv, 7SD Davis T. Pierse, 7 Minnesota, 13 Ixxxii, 65 Davis v. Randall, 115 Massachusetts, 547 15, 116 Davis v. Richardson, 45 Mississippi, 499 7 , 732 Davis T. Richardson, 10 Yerger, 290 xxxi, 581 Davisv. Robertson, 1 Mill, 71 xii, 611 Davis v. Rock Creek L. F. & M. Co.. 55 CaL 359. .30, 40 Davisv. Rowell, 2 Pickering, 64 xiii, 398 Davis v. Ruff, Cheves' Law, 17 xxxiv, 531 Davisv. Russell, 52 California. 611 28,647 Davis v. Sawyer, 133 Massachusetts, 289 43, 519 Davisv. Shaver. PhiU. L. IS xci, 92 Davis v. Shreve, 3 Littell, 2GO xiv, 63 Davis v. Simma, 14 Iowa, 151 Ixxxi. 462 Davis v. Simpson, 5 Harris & J. 147 ix, 500 Davis v. Smith, 5 Georgia, 274. xlvii, 279 Davis v. Somerville, 128 Massachusetts, 594 35, 399 Davis v. State, 63 Alabama, 58 44, 123 Davis v. State. 35 Indiana, 496 9, 763 Davisv. State, 7 Maryland, 151 Ixi, 331 Darisv. State, 15 Ohio, 72 xlv, 55D Davis ads. State, 3 BreTard, 3 v, 529 Davis ads. State, 1 Iredell's Law, 125 xxxv, 735 Davis ads. State. 66 Missouri, 634 27, 337 Davis ads. State, 14 Nevada, 439 33, 563 Davis ads. Statu. 80 North Carolina, 351 30, 8 J Davis ads. State, 12 Rhode Island, 492 34, 704 Davis ads. State, 9 Vioom, 176 30, 367 Davis v. Statts, 43 Indiana, 103 13, 3^2 Davis v. Sterner, 14 Penn. State; 275 liii, 547 Davisv. Swanson, 54 Alabama, 277 25, 673 Davis v. Waterman, 10 Vermont, 525 xxxiii, 21t3 Davis v. Wetherell. 13 Mien, 60 xc, 177 Davisv. Whitesides, 1 Dana, 177 xxv, 138 Davis v. WUbourne, 1 Hill's Law (S, C.), 27 xxvi, 154 Davis v. Winslow, 51 Maine. 2G1 Ixxxi, 573 Davis & Desauque's Est., 5 Wharton, 530 xxxiv, 574 Davisonv. Johonnot, 7 Metcalf, 388 xli, 443 Davison v. State, 4 Vermont, 235 xxiv, 508 Davy v. Hallett, 3 Caines, 16 ii, 241 Dawell ads People, 25 Alicliigan, 247 12, 260 Dawes v. Boylston, 9 Massachusetts, 337 vi, 72 Dawes v. Shed, 15 Massachusetts, 6 viii, 83 Dawkins v. State, 58 Alabama, 376 29, 751 Dawson v. Dawson, 1 Devereux's Eq. 93 xviii, 573 Dawson v. Holcomb, 1 Ohio, 275 xiii, C13 Dawson v. Holt, 11 Lea, 533 47,312 Dawson v. Lawrence, 13 Ohio, 513 xlii, 210 Dawson v. Miller's Administrator, 20 Texas, 171. .Ixx, 380 Dawson v. Powell, 9 Bush, 663 15, 745 Dawson v. St. Paul F. Ins. Co , 115 Minn. 136.... 2, 109 Dawson v. State, 16 Indiana, 423 Irxix, 439 Day v. Caton, 119 Massachusetts, 513 20, 317 Day v. Connecticut G. L. Ins. Co., 45 Conn. 480. .29, G93 Day v. Hammond, 57 New York, 479 15, 5-2 Day v. Highland Street R'y Co., 135 Mass. 113.... 44, 447 Dayv. Hill, 2 Speer's Law, 628 xlii, 390 Day v. Mechanics' & T. Ins. Co., 88 Missouri, 325.57, 416 Day v. Mut. B. L. Ins. Co.. 1 McArthur. 41 29, 565 Day v. New England L. Ins. Co., Ill Pennsyl- vania State, 507 56,297 Dayv. Noble, 2 Pickering, 615 xiii, 403 Day v. Owen, 5 Michigan, 520 Ixxii, 62 Dayv. Pool, 52 New York, 416 11, 719 Day v. Ridley, 13 Vermont, 43 xlii, 489 Dayv. Sharp, 4 Wharton, 339 xxiiv, 509 Day v. Spiral S. B. Co , 57 Michigan, 146 58, 563 Day v. Stevens, 88 North Carolina, 83 43, 732 Dayv. Valletta, 25 Indiana, 42 Ixxxvii, 353 Day v. Wilson. 83 Indiana, 463 43, 76 Day v. Zimmerman, 68 Pennsylvania State, 72.,. 8,157 Day-light Burner Co. v. Odlin, 51 N. H. 56 12, 45 Dayton v. Rutland, 81 Illinois, 279 25, 457 Dayton ads. State, 3 Zabriskie, 49 liii, 270 Dayton v. Walsh. 47 Wisconsin, 113 3'i, 757 Dayton Ins. Co. v. Kelly, 24 Ohio State, 345 15, 612 Deadrick v. Cantrell, 10 Yerger, 2G3 xxxi, 576 Dealv. Bogue, 23 Penn. State, 228 Ivii, 702 Deal v. Harris, 8 Maryland, 40 Ixiii, 686 Dean, Exparte, 2Cowen, 605 xiv, 521 Dean v. Bailey, 53 Illinois, 431 xcix, 533 Dean v. Erown, 23 Maryland, 11 Ixxxvii, 535 Dean v. Charlton, 23 Wisconsin, 590 xcix, 235 Dean v. Duffield, 8 Texas, 233 Iviii, 108 Dean v. Goddard, 13 Iowa, 292 Ixxxi, 433 Dean v. McLean, 43 Vermont. 412 21, 130 Dean v. Mason, 4 Connecticut, 423 x, 162 Dean v. Negley, 41 Peun. State, 312 Ixxx, C23 Dean v. Shelly, 57 Penn. St., 426 xcviii, 235 Dean v. Smith, 23 Wisconsin, 483 xcix, 198 Dean ads. State, 49 Iowa, 73 31, 143 Dean v. Vaccaro, 2 Head, 483 Lxxv, 744 L>eau v. Walker, 107 Illinois, 543 47, 467 Deane v. Hodge, 35 Minnesota, 146 59, 321 Deausville C^m. Ass'u, In re, 66 New York, 569. ..23, 86 Dgansville Cem, Ass'n, Matter of, 6GN.Y.569....23, 86 Dearborn v. North Western Sav. B'k, 42 Ohio St. 617 51,851 Dearborn v. Parks, 5 Grcenleaf, 81 xvii, 206 Dearborn v. Turner, 16 Maine, 17 xxxiii, 630 Deardorf v. Thacher, 78 Missouri, 123 47, 95 Dearing v. Bank of Charleston, 5 Georgia, 497..xlviii, 300 Dearmon v. Blackburn, 1 Sneed, 390 Ix, 160 Dearth v. Williamson, 2 Serg. & R. 493 vii, 652 Deaverv. Bedford, 5 Robinson (La.), 215 xxxix, 535 Deaver v. Rice, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 431 xxxiv, 388 Deaverv. Savage, 3 Missouri, 252 xxv, 437 Debardv. Crow, 7 J. J. Marshall, 7 xxii, 113 Debevoise v New York L. E. & W. R. R. Co.. 98 New York. 377 50,633 Debesse v. Napier, 1 McCord, 106 x, C53 Deblieux v. Eullard, 1 Robinson (La.), GG xxxvi, CS4 Deblois v. Ocean Ins. Co., 16 Pickering, 3D3....xxviii, 215 Do Bollo v. Penn. Ins. Co., 4 Wharton, 08 xxxiii, 38 Debuys v. Mollere, 3 Martin (N. S.), 313 xv, 159 Decamp v. Feay, 5 Serg. & R. 323 ix, 372 Decamp v. Hewett, 11 Robinson (La.), 290 xliii, 204 Dec.ni v. Shipper, 33 Penu. State, 233 Ixxviii, 334 Decell v. Lewenthal, 57 Mississippi, 331 34, 449 De Chastellux v. Fairchild, 15 Penn. St.lS liii, 570 Deck v. Gerke, 12 California, 433 Ixxiii, 555 Deekardv. Case, 5 Watts. 22 xxx, 237 Decker v. Adams, 4 Dutcher, 511 Ixxviii, 65 Decker v. Ganiinou, 44 Maine, 322 Ixix, 99 De Cordova v. Smith, 9 Texas, 123 Iviii, 136 Deeouelio v. Savotier, 3 Johns. Ch. 190 viii, 478 53 TABLE OF CASES. Dec Den Roman letters [ills] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. De Con's Appeal, 47 Perm. State, 214 Ixxxvi, 535 Delwayv. Powell, 4 Bush, 77 xc.i. 253 Deel v. Berry, 21 Texas, 403 Ixxiii, 233 D^ere v. Chapman, 23 Illinois, 610 Ixxix, 33") DesrSell. Inhab. of, v. Arms, 17Pickering, 41..xxv;ii, 273 DeorajU, Inliab. of, v. Arms, 23 Pickering, 433.xxxii, 223 Deeriug v. Boyle, 8 Kansas, 525 12, 430 Deering v. Chapman, 22 Maine, 433 xxx!x, 502 Deering v Cobb, 7JMaine, 332 43, 536 Deer Lodge B'k v. Hope M. Co.. 3 Montana, 115. .35, 453 De Feriet v Bank of America. 23 La An 310 8, 5?7 Deford v. Mercer, 2i Iowa, 118 xcii, 460 De Forth v. Wis. & M. R. R. Co., 52 Wls. 320 38, 737 De France v. Spencer, 2 G. Greene, 4 32 Ui, 533 De Freest v. Warner. 93 Xew York. 217 50, 657 Defreeze v. Truinper, 1 Johnson, 274 iii, 323 Defrese v. State, 3 Heisk 53 8, 1 De Graffenreid v. Mitchell, 3 McCord, 536 IT, 648 DegraSenreid v. Scruggs, 4 Humphreys, 451 xl, 653 De Grove v. Metropolitan Ins. Co.. 61 X. Y. 591. .10, 305 De Haasv. Bunn, 2 Penn. State, 335 xMv, 2.1] De Haven v. Williams. 80 Pennsylvania St. 433.. 21, 107 Deichman's Appeal, 2 Wharton, 335 xxx, 271 Deihlv. King, 6 Serg. & R. 23 ix, 407 Dejardin ads. Commonwealth, 126 Mass 46 33, 652 De Jarnette's Ex'r v. McQueen, 31 Ala. 230 ....'. I Delacy v. Xeuse R. Xav. Co., 1 Hawks, 274 ix, C33 De la Garza v. Booth, 23 Texas. 473 xci. 323 Delahaaty v. Warner, 75 Illinois, 135 23, 237 Delaho issaye v. Judice, 13 Louisiana An. 587 . . .Ixxi, 521 Delaire v. Keenan, 3 Desaussure, 74 iv, 634 Delamaterv. Miller, 1 Cowen, 73 xiii, 512 Deland v. Hiett. 27 California, 611 Ixxxvii, 132 Delaney v. Rochereau, 34 La. An. 1123 44,456 Delaney v. Root, 99 Massachusetts, 5 16 xcvii. 52 Delano v. Bedf d M. Ins. Co., 10 Mass. 347 vi, 132 Delano v. Blake, 11 Wendell, 85 xxv, 617 Delano v. Goodwin, 43 Xew Hampshire, 203 xcvii, 631 Delano v. Wild, 6 Allen, 1 Ixxxili. 633 Delano T. Wilde, 11 Gray, 17 Ixxi, 637 Delano's case. 53 Xew Hampshire, 5 42, 553 Delany v. Errickson, 10 Xebraska. 492 35, 487 Delaplaine v. Chicago etc. R'y Co., 42 Wis. 214.. .24, 386 Delasham v. Berry. 23 Michiiwn. 292 4, 3?2 De Lavallette v. Wendt. 75 Xew York. 579 31 , 434 DeLa Vergnev. Evertson, 1 Paige's Ch. 181 xix, 411 De La Vergne v. Xorris, 7 Johnson, 353 v, 231 Delaware Co. B'k v. Broomhall, 33 P_nn. St. 135.1xxx, 417 Delaware D. C. Co. v. Commonwealth, 60 Pa. 367. .c, 570 Delaware etc. R. R. Co. v. Stump, 8 Gill & J. 470..xxix, 561 Delaware L. & W. R. R. Co. v. Salmon, 10 Vrooni, 293 23,214 Delaware L. & W. R. R. Co. T. Sanderson. 109 Pennsylvania State, 533 58, 7 13 DeL, L. & W. R. R. Co. ads. State. 43 X. J. L. 53.57, 513 De Leon v. Trevino. 49 Texas. S3 .'50, 1"! Delhi v. Youmans, 45 Xew York, 302. C, 100 Delkv. State. 63 Mississippi, 77 03, 4G Delmos v. Margo, 23 Texas, 1 Ixxriii, 51'3 De Louis T. -Meek, 2 G. Greene, 55 1, 491 'Delphi v. Evans, 31 Indiana, 93 10, 12 Delphi T. Lowery. 74 Indiana, 523 33, 93 DeUs T. Kennedy, 49 Wisconsin. 5:5 35, 783 Demarest v. Wynkoop, 3 Johns. Ch. 129 viii, 437 De May v. Roberts, 46 Michigan, 163 41 , 154 Dement v. State. 2 Head, 505 Ixxv, 747 Dement. Ex parte, 53 Alabama. 339 25, Cll De Mill ads. People, 13 Michigan. 161 xci.'i, 173 Demingv. Carrington, 12 Connecticut, 1 xxx, 531 Deming v. Grand Trunk R'y Co.. 53 X. H, 455 2, 267 Demingv. Houlton, 64 Maine, 251 18,253 Demingv. Williams, 23 Connecticut, 226 Irviii, 336 DeMoss v.Robinson. 46 Michigan, 62 41, 1!4 De Mott v. Hagerman, 8 Cowen, 220 xviii, 443 DeMott v. Laraway, 14 Wend 11, 223 xxviii, 523 Dempsey v. Gardener, 127 Massachusetts, 331 34, 339 Dempsey v. State, 3 Tex. Ct. App. 429 30, 148 Den v. Tomlin, 3 Harrison (N". J.). 14 xxxv, 525 Den v. Westbrook, 3 Green's Law, 371 xsix, 692 Denegre v. Haun, 14 Iowa, 240 Ixxxi, 480 Den ex d. Aber v. Clark, 5 Halsted, 217 xviii, 417 Den ex d. Brinegar v. Chaflin, 3 Dev. L. 108 xxii, 711 Den ex d. Clarke v. Diggs, 6 Ired. L. 159 xliv 73 Den ex d. Cloud v. Webb, 4 Dev. L. 293 xxv, 711 Den ex d. Davenport v. Wynne, 6 Ired. L. 128 xliv, 70 Den ex d. Davidson v. Frew, 3 Dev. L. 3 xxii, 703 Den ex d. Hardenbergh v. Hardenbergh, 5 Hal- sted, 42 xviii, 371 Den ex d. Harry v. Graham, 1 Dev. & Bat. 73. ..xxvii, 223 Den ex d. Houser v. Belton, 13 IreJ. L. 339 li, 331 Den ex d. Johnson v. Morris, 2 Halsted, 6 xi, 508 Den ex d. Jones v. Lewis, Sired. L. 33 xlvii, 333 Den ex d. Lyerly v. Wheeler, 11 Ired. L. 283 liii, 41t Den ex d. McEntire v. Durham, 7 Ired. L. 151. . . .xlv, 512 Den ex d. Meredith v. Andres, 7 Ired. L. 5 xlv, 504- Den ex d. Merritt v. Johnson, 2 Southard, 435 vlii, 610 Den ex d. Murrell v. Roberts, 11 Ired. L. 424. liii, 419 Den ex d. Xeedham v. Branson, 5 Ired. L. 426. . .xliv, 45 Den ex d. Seawell v. B'k of Caps Fear, 3 Dev. L. 279 xxii, 722 Den ex d. Smith v. Fore, 13 Ired. L. 37 li, 376 Den ex d. Stith v. Barnes, 1 Carolina L. Repos. 4S4.vi, 547 Den ex d. Swan T. Despreaux, 7 Halsted, 182. xxii, 4S5 Den ex d. Tours v. Vreelandt, 2 Halsted, 352 xi, 551 Den ex d. Trumbull v. Gibbons, 2 Zab. 117 li, 233 Den ex d. Walker v. Marshall, 7 Ired. L. 1 xlv, 502 De:i ex d. White v. Albertson, 3 Dev. L. 241 xxii, 719 Den ex d. Williamson v. Snowhill, 1 Green, 23. . .xxii, 496 Den ex d. Wright v. Wright, 2 Halsted, 175 x% 516 Den ex d. Wyckoff v. Gardner, 1 Spencer, 556 xlv, 333 De:i ex d. Wynne v. Alexander, 7 Ired L. 237. . .xlvii, 326 Densler v. Kiehner, 13 Penn. State, 38 liii, 441 Denham v. Holeman, 2 3 Georgia, 132 Ixxi, 193 Denis v. LecU-rc, 1 Martin, 2?7 v, 712 Denison v. Shuler, 47 Michigan, 538 41, 731 Denn v. Sparks, Coxe, 56 1, 188 Dennet v. Hopkinson. 63 Maine, 353 18, 227 Denpett, Petitioner, 32 Maine, 508 liv, 602 Dennett v. Chick, 2 Greenleaf, 191 xi, 59 Dennett v. Dennett, 44 Xew Hampshire, 531.. Ixxxiv, 97 Dennett v. Penooscot F. G. Co.. 57 Maine, 425 .... 2, 5 8 Dennett v. Short, 7 Greenleaf, 130 xx, 356 Dennis v. Chapman, 19 Alabama, 23 liv, 186 Dennis v. Clark, 2 Gushing, 347 x'.viii, C71 Dennis v. Cummii-s, 3 Johns. Cases, 237 ii, 160 Dennis v. Heath, 11 Smedes & M. 233 x'.ix, 51 Dennis v. Huyck, 48 Michigan, 623 42, 479 Dennis v. Ryan, 63 Xew York, 335 22, C35 Dennis ads. People, 4 Michigan, 609 Ixix, 333 Denuison v. Foster, 9 Ohio, 123 xxxiv, 429 Dennison v. Goehring, 7 Penn. State, 175 xlvii, 503 Dennison v. Page, 23 Penn. State, 423 Ixxii, C44 Dennison v. Thomaston M. I. Co., 23 Me. 125..xxxvii, 42 Densmorev. State, 67 Indiana, 306 33, 96 Denny v. Dana, 2 Cushing, 130 xlviii, 655 Denny v. Lyon, 33 Penn. State, 98 Ixxx. 4 '3 Djnny v. Mattoon, 2 All.n, 301 Ixxix, 734 Denny v. Xew York C. R. R. Co., 13 Gray, 481. .bcxiv, 645 Denny v. White, 2 Coldwell, 233 Ixxxviii, 596 Denny v. Wiliard, 11 Pickering, 519 xxii, 389 Den Die TABLE OF CASES. 54 Roman letters [xllx] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. DentT. Chiles, 5 Stewart & P. 333 xxvi, 330 Dent v. Cotzhausen. 23 Wisconsin, 120 xcix. Ill Dentv. Kins, 1 Georgia, 200 xliv, 638 Denton v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R Co., 52 Iowa. 161 .35, 263 Denton v. English, 2 Nott. & McC. 331 x, 633 Denton T. Livingston, 9 Johnson, 96 vi, 231 Denton T. McKenzie, 1 Desaussure, 2S9 i, 661 Denton v. Noyea, 6 Johnson, 293 T, 237 Denver Y. Capelli, 4 Colorado, 25 34, 63 Denver F. Ins. Co. v. McClellan, 9 Colorado, 11 ..59, 134 Denver S. P. &P. R. R. Co. v. Conway. 8 Colo. 1.51, 537 Depas v. Mayo, 11 Missouri, 314 xlix, 83 Depau v. Ocean Ins. Co., 5 Cowen, 63 xv, 431 DePeau v. Russell, 1 Brevard, 441 ii, G70 Depeau v. \Vaddington, 6 Wharton, 220 xxxvi, 216 Depere . Town of Bellevue, 31 Wisconsin, 120.... 11, 602 Depeyster T. Gould, 2 Green Ch. 474 xxix, 723 DePeyster Y. Howland, 8 Cowen, 277 xviii, 445 De Peyster v. Michael, G N. Y. (2 Selden), 467 ....Ivii, 470 De Peyster v. Sun Mut. Ins. Co., 19 N. Y., 272 . .Ixxv, 331 Deputy v. Tobias, 1 Blackford, 311 xii, 243 Depuy v. Swart, 3 Wendell, 135 xx, 673 De Ranee ads. State, 34 Louisiana An. 136 44, 426 Derby v. Thrall, 41 Vermont, 413 8, 339 Derby Turnpike Co. v. Parks, 10 Conn. 522 xxvii, 700 Derby v. Weyrich, 8 Nebraska, 174 30,827 De RivafinolL v. Corsetti, 4 Paige's Ch. 234 xxv, 532 Dormani v. Home M. Ins. Co.. 25 La. An. 69 21,514 Derocher v. Continental Mills, 53 Maine, 217 4, 236 Derrickson v. Edwards, 5 Dutch. 468 Ixxx, 220 Derringer v. Plate, 29 California, 292 Ixxxvii. 170 Derwin v. Parsons, 52 Michigan, 425 50, 252 Descombesv. Wood, 91 Missouri, 196 60,239 Desesbata v. Berquier, 1 Binney, 330 ii, 448 Des Farges v. Pugh, 93 North Carolina, 31 53, 446 Desha v. Holland, 12 Alabama, 513 xlvi, 261 Deshav. Pope, 6 Alabama, 690 xli, 76 Deshazo Y. Lewis, 5 Stewart & P. 91 xxi v, 7G9 Deshler Y. Beers, 32 Illinois, 338 Lxxxiii, 274 Desilver, Matter of, 5 Rawle, 111 xxviii, C 15 Deskins v. Gose, 85 Missouri, 435 5o, 337 Deslondes Y. Wilson, 5 Louisiana, 397 xxv, 137 Dus Moines v. Gilchrist, 67 Iowa, 210 56, 341 Des Monies Gas Co. Y. Des Moines, 44 Iowa, 505. .24, 756 Des Moines Valley R. R. v. Graff, 27 Iowa, 99. .... 1 , 2 56 Desmond's Appeal, 103 Pennsylvania State, 126.. 49, 113 Desmond Y. Brown, 29 Iowa, 53 , 4,194 DeSobry Y. DeLaistre, 2 Harris & J. 191 iii. 535 Desobry Y. Tete. 31 La. An. 809 33,232 Do Soto Bank Y. Memphis, 6 Baxt. 415 32, 530 Despatch Line Y. Bellamy Co., 12 N. II. 205. . .xxxvii, 203 Desribes v. Wilmer, 69 Alabama, 25 44, 501 De St. Romes Y. Blai.c, 20 La. An. 424 xcvi, 415 Desvergersv. Willis, 56 Georgia, 515 21, 289 De Thomas v. Witherby, 61 California, 92 44, 512 DeTollenere Y. Fuller, 1 Mill, 117 xii, 616 DeTreville v. Ellis, 1 Bailey's Eq. 35 xxi, 518 Detrick v. Migatt, 19 Illinois, 145 Ixviii, 534 Detroit Y. Beckman, 34 Michigan, 125 22, 507 Detroit Y. Blakeby, 21 Michigan. 84 4, 430 Detroit v. Corey, 9 Michigan, 1G5 Ixxx, 78 Detroit v. Martin, 31 Michigan, 170 Detroit ads. People, 28 Michigan, 223 15, 202 Detroit & M. R. R. Co. Y. Curtis, 23 Wis. 152 xcix, 141 Detroit Savings B'k v. Ziegler, 4J Michigan, 157. .43, 456 De Uprey Y. Del/prey, 27 California, 329.... Ixxxvii, 81 Deusting ads. State, 33 Minnesota, 102 53 , 12 Devanbagh Y. Devanbagh, 5 Paige's Ch. 554 xxviii, 413 Dever v. Steamboat Hope, 42 Mississippi, 715 2, 613 Devers Y. Ross, 10 Grattan, 252 Ix, 331 Devereux v. Buckley, 31 Ohio State, 16 32, 342 Devlin v. Commonwealth, 101 Penn. St. 273 47, 710 Dev'.in v. Devlin, 63 New York, 212 25, 173 Devlin ads. People. 33 New York, 269 Ixxrriii, 377 Devlin v. Smith, 89 New York, 470 12,311 De Voin v. Michigan Lumber Co., 61 Wis. 616.... 54, 649 Devore Y. Sunderland, 17 Ohio, 52 xlix, 443 De Voss v. Richmond, 13 Gratt, 333 xcviii, 647 Dew Y. Cunningham, 23 Alabama, 466 Ixv, 362 Dew Y. Judges, 3 Hening &. M. 1 iii, C39 Dewar Y. People, 40 Michigan, 401 2t>, 545 Dewar Y. Spence, 2 Wharton, 211 xxx, 241 Dewey Y. Alpena School Dis. . 43 Michigan, 480. . . .38, 206 Deweyv. Brownell, 54 Vermont, 441 41,832 Dewey v. Dewey, 1 Metcalf, 349 xxxv, 367 Dewey v. Erie Borough, 14 Penn. State, 211 liii, 533 Dewey v. Field, 4 Metcalf, 381 xxxviii, 376 Dewey v. McLain, 7 Kansas, 126 12, 418 Dewey v. St. Albans T. Co., 56 Vermont, 476 48, 803 Dewey Y. Warriner, 71 Illinois, 193 22, 91 Dewey v. Williams, 40 New Hampshire, 222 Ixxvii, 708 Dewire v. Bailey. 131 Massachusetts, 169 41, 219 De Witt v. Elmira N. Manuf'g Co., 66 New York, 459 23, 73 DeWitt Y. Hayes, 2 California, 4G3 Ivi, 352 Dewitt v. Pierson, 112 Massachusetts, 8 17, 58 DeWitt ads. State, 2 Hill (S. C.), 282. xivii, 371 De-Witt v. Yates, 10 Johnson, 156 vi, 326 DeWolf v. Gardner, 12 Joshing, 19 lix, 165 De Wolf Y. Lawson. 61 Wisconsin. 469 50, 148 De Wolf v Stradei, 26 Illinois, 225 Isxix. 371 DeWolf ads. State, 8 Connecticut, 93 xx, 90 Dcyo v. N. Y. Cent. R. R. Co. 34 N. Y. 9. . . . Ixxxviii, 418 Dexter Y. Cole, 6 Wisconsin, 319 Ixx. 465 Dexter v. Norton, 47 New York, C2 7, 415 Dexter v. Phillips. 121 Massachusetts, 178 23, 261 Dexter v. Snow, 12 Gushing, 594 lix, 200 Dexter Y. Syracuse etc. R. R. Co., 42 N. Y. 326. ... I, 527 Deyv. Dox, 9Wendell, 129 xxiv, 137 De Young v. Buchanan, 10 Gill & J., 149 xxxii, 156 Dezellv. Odell, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 215 xxxv'ii, 023 Dial Y. Farrow, 1 McMullan's L. 292 xxxvi, 2C7 Dial v. Gary. 14 Souih Carolina, 573 37, 737 Dialv. Hair, 18 Alabama, 798 liv, 179 Diamond v. Lawrence Co., 37 Penn. St. 353 . . .Ixxviii, 429 Diamond Match Co. v. Roeber, 105 N. Y. 473 CO, 464 Diasv. Chickering, 64 Maryland, 348 54,770 Dias v. State, 7 Blackf onl, 20 xxxix, 448 Dibble v. Brown, 12 Georgia, 217 Ivi, 460 Dibble v. Taylor, 2 Speer's Law, 308 xlii, 308 Dibblee v. Mitchell, 15 Indiana, 435 Ixxvii, 99 Dibrell v. Miller, 8 Yerger, 476 xxix, 126 Dice v. Willamette T. & L. Co., 8 Oregon, 60 34, ."5 Dickv. Bailey, 2 Louisiana An. 974 xlvi, 531 Dick Y. Cooper, 24 Penn. State, 217 0. .Ixiv, C52 Dickv. Page, 17 Missouri, 234 Ivii, 207 Dick ads. State, 2 Winst. L. 45 Ixxxvi. 439 Dickason v. Williams. 129 Massachusetts, 182.... 37, 316 Dicken's Case. 67 Penn. St. 169 5.420 Dickenson Y. Chamber of Comm., 29 Wis. 45 9, 544 Dickerman v. Day, 31 Iowa.414 7, 1"6 Dickerniau v. Graves, 6 Gushing, 308 iiii, 41 Dickerman v. Lord, 21 Iowa, 338 Ixxxix. 579 Dickerson Y. Bd. of Com. of Ripley Co., 6 Ind. 128.1xiii, 373 Dickerson v. Nabb, Sneed, 320 ii, 725 Dickerson v. Robinson, 1 Halsted, 195 x. 396 Dickerson Y. Rogers, 4 Humphreys, 179 xl, 643 Dickerson v. Tillinghast, 4 Paige's Ch. 215. ......xxv. 523 >u v. Wason, 47 NUW York, 439 7,435 Dickey v. Am. Ins. Co., 3 Wendell, C53 xx, 703 55 TABLE OF CASES. Tic Doe Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Dickey v. Linscott,*23 Maine, 453 xxxvii, 66 Dickey v. Malechi, G Missouri, 177 xxxiv. 130 Dickins v. Jones, G Yerger, 483 xxrii, 433 Dickiuson's Appeal, 42 Connecticut, 491 19, 533 Dickinson v. Barber, 9 Massachusetts, 225. , 132 D llenbeck v. lygert. 97 New York. 303 49, :2.i Diller v. Brubaker, 52 Pennsylvania St. 498 xci, 177 Diller v. Roberts, 13 Serg. & R. 60 xv, 573 Dilliard ads. State, 3 Iredell's Law, 102 xxxviii, 703 Dilling v^urray, G Indiana, 324 Ixiii, 335 Dillinghaffi v. Roberts, 73 Maine, 469 -13,413 Dillon v. Allen. 46 Iowa, 299 23, 143 Dillon v. Brown, 11 Gray, 179 Ixxi, 700 Dilts v. Zeigler, 1 G. Greene, 1C4. xlviii, 370 Dilworthr. Commonwealth, 12Grattan, 633 liv. 2' I Dilwortb v. Sinderling, 1 Binney. 433 ii, 469 Dimick ads. State, 12 New Hampshire, 194-....xxxvii, 197 Dimond v. Petit, 2 Louisiana An. 537 xlvi, 553 Dimmey v R. R. Co., 27 West Virginia, 33 53, 292 Dinkey v. Commonw., 17 Penn. State, 126 Iv, 542 Dinsmore v. Duncan. 57 New York, 573 15, 534 Diskiu ads. State, 34 Louisiana An. 919 44, 443 Dis-.nukes v. Board of Sup., 53 Mississippi, 612. . . .38, 333 District of Columbia v. Oystsr, 4 Mackey, 233. ...54, 275 District o: Columbia v. SaviUe, 1 McArthur, 531..29, 616 District T'p of Union v. Smith, 39 Iowa, 9 18, 39 Ditch v. Edwards, 1 Scammon, 127 xxvi, 414 Dittman v. Repp, 50 Maryland, 516 33, tt Dittmer & P. v. Germania L Co., 23 La. An. 433. . S, 630* Diversy v. Kellogg. 41 Illinois. 114 xcii, 154 Diversy v. Moor, 22 Illinois, 330 Ixxiv, 157 Diversy v. Smith, 103 Illinois, 378 42, 14 Divine v. Harvie, 7 T. B. Monroe, 433 rriii, 194 Di ine v. Mitchum, 4 B. Monroe, 483 xli, 241 Divver v. McLaughlin, 2 WendeH, 596 xx, 653 Dixon, E-x parte. 1 Delaware Ch. 231 x:i, 92 Dixon v. Baker, 65 Illinois. 518 lii, 391 Diion v. Caldwell, 15 Ohio State, 412 lixxvi, 487 Dixon v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R'y Co. . 64 la, 531. . . 52, 463 Dixon v. Dixon, 31 Vermont, 450 Ixxvi, 123 Dixon v. Dixon's Err s, 4 Louisiana, 183 xxiii, 478 Dixon v. Ewing, 3 Ohio, 230 xvii, 530 Dixon v. Hood, 7 M ssouri, 414 xxxviii, 461 Dixon v. Niccolls, 39 Illinois, 372 lxxxix,312 Dixon v. Olrnstead, 9 Vermont, 310 xxxi, 623 Dixon v. Sinclair, 4 Vermont, 354 xxiv, 610 Doak v. Donelson's Lessee, 2 Yerger, 243 xxiv, 485 Doak v. Swann, 8 Greenleaf, 170 xxii, 233 Doane v. Keating, 12 Leigh, 331 xxxvii, 671 Doanev. Lake, 32 Maine, 2G8 lii, 654 Doane v. Willcutt, 5 Gray, 323 Ixvi, 369 Dob v. Halsey, T 3 Johnson, 34 viii, 293 Dobbin v. Hubbard, 17 Arkansas, 189 .' Ixv, 425 Dobbin T. Richmond & D. R. C.'..81X. C. 446....3I,512 1 Dobbins v. Walton, 37 Georgia, 614 xcv, 37 Dobson v. Pearce, 12 Xew York (2 Kernan), 156..1xii, 152 Dockham v. Parker, 9 Greeuleaf, 137 xxiii, 547 Dockham v. Smith, 113 Massachusetts, 320 13, 495 Dodd v. Brott, 1 Minnesota, 270 Ixvi, 541 Dodd v. Farlow, 11 Allen. 426 Ixxxvii, 726 Dodd v. McCraw, 8 Arkansas, S3 xlvi, 301 Dodd v. Watson, 4 Jones' Eq. 48 Ixxii, 577 Dodd v. Witt, 133 Massachusetts, 63 32,700 Dodds v. Combs & Co. , 3 Met. (Ky. ), 28 Ixxvii, 150 Dodge v. Bartol, 5 Greenleaf, 236 xvii, 233 Dodge v. Cole, 97 Illinois. 333 37, 111 Dodge v. Dodge, 1 Root, 233 i, 40 Dodge v. Hollinshead, 6 Minnesota, 25 Ixxx, 433 Dodge v. Nat. Ex. Bank, 23 Ohio State, 231. 5, 648 Dodge v. Walley, 22 California, 224 Ixxxiii, 61 Dodge & S. M. Co., Matterof. 77 Xew York, 101. ..33, 579 Dodge County ads. State, & Nebraska, 124 30, 819 Dodge's Appeal, 106 Pennsylvania St., 216 51, 519 Dodsonv. Ball. 6D Pennsylvania, 432 c, 533 Dodson v. Cocke, 1 Overton, 314 iii, 757 Dodson v. Me Adams. 96 North Carolina, 149 CO, 408 Dodsonv. Mock, 4 Dev. & Bat. L. 146 xxxii, C77 Dodsonv. Swan, 2 W. Va. 511 xcviii, 737 Doe v. Brown, 7 Blackford, 142 xli, 217 Doe ex dem . See. name of Real Plaintiff. Doe ex d. Barnes v. Provoost, 4 Johnson, 61) iv, 249 Doe ex d. Brannock v. Brannock, 10 Iredell's L. 428.11, 398 Doe ex d. Brumfield v. Brown, 7 Blackford, 112. ...xli, 217 Doe ex d. Carson v. Baker, 4 Devereux's Law, 22).xxv, 706 Doe ex d. Chandler v. Douglass, 8 Blackford, 10..xliv, 732 Doe ex dem. Clegg v. Fields, 7 Jones' Law, 37. . .Ixxv, 450 Doe ex d. Clements v. Henderson, 4 Ga. 143 xlviii, 216 Doe ex d. Clendenning v. Lanius, 3 Indiana, 441 . .Ivi, 518 Doe ex d. Cobbv. Hines, Busbee's Law, 343 lix, 553 Doe ex d, De Peyster v. Rowland, 8 Cowen, 277.xviii, 445 Doe ex d. Foster v. Dugan, S Ohio, S7 xxxi, 432 Doe ex d. Glenn v. Peters, Busbee's Law, 457 lix, 533 Doe ex d. Hit-tuk-ho-mi v. Watts, 7 Sm. & M. 333.xlv, 308 Doo cxd Hosier v. Hall, 2 Indiana. 553 liv, 430 Doe ex d. Hutchinson v. Horn, 1 Indiana, 363 1, 470 Doc Dou TABLE OF CASES. 56 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Doe ex d. Mace v. Dutt-m, 2 Indiana, 309 lii, 510 Doe ex dem. Mitchell v. Bowen, 8 Indiana, 197.. .Ixv, 758 Doe on d. Maxwell v. Moore, 4 Blackford, 445. ...xxx, 63ti Doe ex d. McPherson v. Walters, 15 Alabama, 714. .1, 230 Doe ex d. Morton v. Jackson, 1 Smedes & M. 494. .xl, 107 Doe ex d. Nickles v. Haskins, 15 Alabama, 619 1, 154 Doe ex d. Phillips' Heirs v. Porter, 3 Ark. lS....xxxvi, 448 Doe ex d. Reynolds v. Ingersoll, 11 Sm. & M. 243.. xlix, 57 Doe ex d. Robinson v. Parker, 3 Sm. & M. 114 xli, 614 Doe ex dem. Saltonstall v. Riley, 23 Ala. 164 Ixv, 334 Doe ex d. Sholton v. Hamilton, 23 Miss. 496 Ivii, 149 Doe exd. Smith v. Smith, 1 Jones' Law, 135 lix, 531 Doe ex d. Smith v. Tupper, 4 Smedes & M. 2ol...xliii, 433 Doe exd. Stevens v. Hays, 1 Indiana, 217 xlviii, 353 Doe ex d. Sutton v. Reagan, 5 Blackf. 217 xxxiii, 466 Doe exd. Tatem v. Paine, 4 Hawks, 64 xv, 507 Doe ex d. Thomas v. Orrell, 5 Iredell's Law, 539. .xliv, 58 Doe ex d. Vancainpen v. Snyder, 3 Howard, 63..xxxii, 311 Doe ex d. Wallace v. Maxwell, 10 Ired. Law, 110. . ..li, 333 Doe exd. Wilkins v. Rue, 4 Blackf ord, 263 xxix, 333 Doe ex d. Williams v. Harrington, 11 Ired. L. 616...1iii, 421 Doe exd. Wynne v. Wynne, 23 Mississippi, 251...1vii, 139 Doe d. Potts v. Dowdall, 3 Houst. 369 11,757 Doe ads. State, 79 Indiana, 9 4 1 , 539 Doepke ads. State, 63 Missouri, 208 $0, 785 Doering v. State, 43 Indiana, 56 1!), 663 Dogsett v. Dill. 133 Illinois, 560 48,565 Doggett v. Hart, 5 Florida, 215 Iviii. 464 Doherty v. Dolan, 65 Maine, 87 20, 677 Doherty ads. State, 25 Louisiana An. 119 13, 131 Dohring ads. People, 59 New York. 374 1 7 , 349 Doig v. Barkley, 3 Richardson'^ Law, 125 xlv, 762 Dolan v. Mayor, 63 New York. 274 23, 163 Dolby v. Mullins, 3 Humphreys, 437 xxxix, 180 Dolby ads. State, 49 New Hampshire, 483 G, 583 Dolev. Lyon, 10 Johnson, 447 vi, 343 Dole v. Olmstead, 36 Illinois, 150 Ixxxv, 337 Dole v. Olmstead. 41 Illinois, 341 Ixxxix, 336 Dolev. Warren, 32 Maine, 94 lii, 640 Doll v. Rizotti, 23 Louisiana Ann. 2C3 xcvi, 393 Dollarhide v. United States, 1 Morris, 233 xxxix, 4CO Dollfusv. Frosch, 5 Hill (X. Y.}, 403 xl, 368 Dolliver v St. Joseph F. & M. Ins. Co.. 123 Mas- sachusetts, 3i5 35, 373 Dolph v. Ferris, 7 WatU & Serg. 337 xlii, 243 Dolph v. Rice, 13 Wisconsin, 397 Ixxxvi. 778 DoicJnges v. The Stata, 7 Smedes & M. 475 xlv, 315 Dominick v. State, 40 Alabama, 680 xci, 49G Donahoe v. Richards, 38 Maine, 379 Ixi, 256 Donahoe v.Wabash. St. L. & P. R'yCo., 83 Mis- souri. 560 53,591 Donahue T. Drexler, 82 Kentucky, 157 50, 836 Donahue v. McXulty, 24 California. 411 Ixxxv, 78 Donald T. Hewitt, 33 Alabama, 534 Ixxiii, 431 Donaldson v. B'k of Cape Fear, 1 Dev. Eq. 103. .xviii, 577 Donaldson v. Mississippi and Missouri Railroad Co., 18 Iowa, 283 Ixxxvil, 391 Donaldson v. Phillips, 18 Perm. State, 170 Iv, 614 Donegan v. Wood. 49 Alabama, 2-!2 20, 275 Donerv. Stauffer, 1 Peurosefc Watts, 198 ..xxi, 370 Donham v. Wild, 19 Pickering, 520 xxxi, 161 Donlan v Provident Instit. for Savings, 127 Mas- sachusetts, 183 34,353 Donley v. Camp, 22 Alabama, C59 Iviii, 271 Donley v. Tiulall, 32 Texas, 43 5,231 Don Moran v. People, 25 Michigan, 356 12, 2S3 Donnally v. Merchants' Mut. Ins. Co. .28 Lou- isiana An. 939 20,129 Donnelv. United States, 1 Morris, 141 xxix, 457 Donnell v. Jones. 13 Alabama, 490 xlviii. 59 Donnell v. Jones, 17 Alabama, 689....' lii, 194 Donnell v. Stato, 43 Mississippi, 631 12, 375 Donnell v. Thompson, 10 Maine, 170 nv, 216 Don.iell v. Walsh, 33 New York, 43 Lxxxviii, 361 Donnelly v. Decker, 58 Wisconsin, 461 10, C37 Donnelly T. People, 11 Illinois, 552 lii, 459 Donnelly ads. State, 69 Iowa, 705 58, 234 Donohoe v. Gamble, 33 California, 341 xc x, 399 Douohoo v. Lea, 1 Swan, 119 Iv, 7^5 Doaohue v. Woodbury, 6 Gushing, 143 lii, 777 Donovan ads. Commonwealth, 99 Mass. 425 xcvi, 765 Donovan v. Finn, Hopkins' Ch. 59 xiv, 531 Donovan v. Mayor of Vicksburg, 23 Miss. 247 Isiv, 143 Donovan v. McAlpin, 85 Xew York, 135 30, 649 Donovan v. Pitcher. 53 Alabama, 411 25, 631 Dooley v Kansas, 82 Missouri, 44J 52, 330 Dooley v. Meriden, 44 Connecticut, 117 20, 433 Dooling T. Budget Pub. Co. . 144 Mass. 258 59, 83 Doolittlev. Blakesley, 4 Day, 205. iv, 218 Doolittle v. Ferry, 29 Kansas, 230 27, 166 Doolittlev. Holton, 28 Vermont, 819 Ixvii. 715 Doolittlev. Lewis, 7 Johns. Ch. 45 xi, 389 Doolittlev. Malcolm, 8 Leigh, 608 xxxi, C71 Dord v. Bounaffoe, 6 Louisiana An. 5G3 liv, 573 Doremus v. Walker, 8 Alabama, 104 xlii, C34 Dorman v. Jacksonville, 13 Florida, 538 7,253 Dorr v. Harkness, 49 N. J. L. 571 GO, 6:6 Dorr v. Harrahan, 101 Massachusetts, 531 3, 398 Dorr v. X. Jersey S. X. Co., li X. Y. (lKern.)435.1iii, 125 "Dorr" Tug-boat v. Waldron. 62 Illinois, 221 14, 86 Dorrance v. Scott, 3 Whrjton, 309 xxxi. 539 Dorsey v. Abrams. 85 Penn. St. 299 27 , G">7 Dorsey v. Allen, 85 North Carolina, 353 3f), 704 Dorsey v. Barbee, Littell's Sel. Cases, 204 xii, 236 Dorsey v. Dorsey, 5 J. J. Marshall, 280 xxii, 33 Dorsey v. Dorsey, 3 Harris & J. 410 vi, 506 Dorsey v. Dorsey, 33 Maryland, 522 xcvi, 633 Dorsey v. Dorsey, 37 Maryland. 64. ft 11, 528 Dorsey v. Dorsey, 7 Watts, 349 xxxii, 767 Dorsey v. Gassaway, 2 Harris & J. 402 iii, 557 Dorsey v. Jackman, 1 Serg. & R. 42 vii, 611 Dorsey v. Kyle, 33 Maryland. 512 xcvi. 61 Dorsey v. Sheppard, 12 Gill & J. 192 xxxvii, 77 Dosdall v. Olmstead, 30 Minnesota, 96 44, 185 Dossv. Campbell, 19 Alabama, 530 liv, 198 Doss v. Missouri etc. R. R. Co., 59 Mo. 27 21, 371 Dossv State, 21 Texas Ct. App. 505 57,613 Doster v. Brown, 25 Georgia, 24 Ixxi, 153 Doswell v. Buchanan's Ex'rs, 3 Leigh, 365. xxiii, 280 Dotson v. State. 62 Alabama, 141 04, 2 Dottv. Cunnington, 1 Bay, 453. i, 624 Dotyv. Brown, 4 X. Y. (4 Comst.) 71 liii, 350 Doty v. Gorham, 5 Pickering, 487 xvi, 417 Doty v. Hawkins, 6 New Hampshire, 247 xxv, 459 Doty v. Strong, 1 Pinney, 313 (Burnett, 158),.^.. .xl, 773 Dotyv. Wilder, 15 Illinois, 407 Ix, 753 Doubleday v. Kress. 50 New York, 410 10, 502 Doubleday v. Makepeace, 4 Blackford, 9 xxviii, 33 Doud v. Wisconsin, P. & 8. R'y Co., 65 Wis- consin, 108 56,620 Dougal v. Fryer. 3 Missouri, 40 xxii, 453 Dougherty v. Cent. Nat. Bank. 93 Penn. St. 227. .39, 750 Dougherty v. Creary, 33 California, 290 Ixxxix, 116 Dougherty v. Jack, 5 Watts, 456 xxx, 335 Dougherty v. Matthews, 35 Missouri, 520....1xxxviii. 126 Dougherty v. Missouri R. R. Co., 81 Missouri, 325.51, 239 Dougherty v. Snyder, 15 Serg. & R. 81 xvi, 520 Dougherty's Estate, 9 Watts & Serg. 189 xlii, 326 Doughty v. Somerville etc. R. R. Co., 3 Hal- stead's Ch. 629 li. 267 57 TABLE OF CASES. Dou Dud Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Doughty v. State, 18 Tex. Ct. App. 179 5 1 , 303 Douglas v. Matting, C9 Iowa, 493 4, 233 Douglas T. Montgomery tc W. P. R. R Co., 37 Alabama, CSS Ixxix, 76 Douglas ads. State, 17 Maine, 103 xxxv, 213 Douglass T. Boonsborough Turnpike Road Co. 22 Maryland, 219 Ixxxv, 647 Douglass v. Harri.sville, 9 West Virginia, 162 27, 513 Douglass v. Massie, 13 Ohio. 271 xlvii, 375 Douglass ads. People, 4 Cowen, 23 xv, 332 Douglass v. Spears, 2 Nott & McC. 207 x, 533 Douglass ads. State, 2'3 Wisconsin, 428 7 , 87 Douglass v. Tousey, 2 Wendell, 352 xx, 616 Douglass v. Waddle, 1 Ohio, 413 xiii, C33 Doupe v. Genin, 43 New York, 119 6, 47 Douthitt v. Apples-ate, 33 Kansas, 393 32, 533 Dow v. Irasburgh Nat. Bank, 53 Vermont, 112. .. .28, 493 Dow v. Jewell, 13 New Hampshire, 340 xlv 371 Dow y. Norris, 4 New Hampshire, 16 xvii, 400 Dow v. Sargent, 15 New Hampshire, 115 ill, 684 Dow v. Smith, 7 Vermont, 413 xx!x, 232 Dow v. Swett, 131 Massachusetts, 110 4,">, 310 Dow v. Tuttio, 4 Massachusetts, 414 iii, 223 Dowd v. WaJsworth. 2 Deverjux's Law, 130 xviii, 5C7 Dowdy v. Commonwealth, 9 Grattan, 727 Jx. 314 Dowe ads. State, C7 lov.-a, 273 1, 271 Dower v. SeeJs, 23 West Virginia, 113 57, C18 Dowling v. Allen, 74 Missouri, 13 41, 2C8 Dowlingv. Hennings. 20 Maryland, 17? Ixxxiii, 515 Downer v. Cheesebrough, 36 Connecticut, 39 4, 29 Downer v. Hol'.ister, 1 1 New liampshire, 122 xl, 173 Downer v. I ent, 6 California, 94 Ixv, <89 Downer v. Smith, 32 Vermont, 1 Ixxvi, 143 Downer ads. State, S Vermont, 424 xxx, 432 Downey v. Hendrie, 43 Michigan, 493 41, 177 Downiev. Hoover, 12 Wisconsin, 174 Ixxviii, 733 Downie v. White, 12 Wisconsin, 175 Ixxviii, 731 Downing v. Marshall, 23 New York, 366 Ixxx, 290 Downing v. Rugar, 21 Wendell, 173 xxxiv, 2C3 Downing v. Wherrin, 19 New Hampshire, 9 xlix, 139 Downs v. Fuller, 2 Mt-tcalf, 135 xxxv. 3D3 Downs T. Jackson, 33 ITmois, 44 IXXXT, 239 Downs v. New York & X. H. R R. Co., 36 Con- necticut, 237 4, 77 Downs v. Planters' Bank, 1 Smedes & M. 2ol xl, 92 Downs v. Quarles, LitteU's Sel. Ca. 439 xii, 337 Dows v. Faneuil Hall Ins. Co., 127 Mass. 346 154, 334 DOWST. Harper, 6 Ohio 513 xxvii, 270 Dowsv Merchants' Ins. Co., lC7Mass. 316. 34, 384 Dows v. Traders' & M. Ins. Co., 127 Mass. 346 34, .Jl Doyle v. Bixon, 97 Massachusetts, 203 xciii, 80 Doylev Lord, 61 If ew York. 432 21, 623 Doyle v. Lynn & B. R. R. Co., 113 Mass. 195 19, 431 Doyle v. Murphy, 22 Illinois, 502 .Ixxi v, 1C5 Doylev. RaJeigh, 89 North Carolina. 133 4.">, 677 Doylev. Reilly, 18 Iowa. 108 Ixxxv, 582 Doyle ads. State. 43 Wisconsin, 175 22,692 Doylev. White. 28 Maine, 341 xlv, 110 Drago v. Moso, 1 Speers' Law,212 xl, 5?2 Drake v. Chandler. ISGratt. 909 xcviii, 762 Drake v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R'y Co.. 63 Iowa, 302 50,746 Drake v. Doyle, 40 Wisconsin. 175 22 , 692 Drake v. Markle. 21 Indiana, 433 Ixxxlii, 333 Drake v. Mooney, 31 Vermont, 617 Ixxvi, l;3 Drake, State ex rel. v. Doyle, 40 Wis. ITS 22, 692 Drake ads. State, 36 Maine, 366 Ivlii, 737 Draper v. Baker, 61 Wisconsin. 433 50, 113 Draper v. Bryson, 17 Missouri, 71 Ivii, 237 Draper v. Bryson, 26 Missouri, 103 Ixix, 433 Draper v. Hitt, 43 Vermont. 439 5,292 Draper v. Joiner, 9 Humphreys, 612 xlix, 719 Draper v. Owsley, 15 Missouri, 613 Ivii, 218 Draper v. Rice, 56 Ipwa, 114 41, 88 Draper v. Shoot, 25 Missouri, 197 bus, 462 Draper v. Snow, 23 New York, 331 Ixxv, 408 Draperv. Wood, 112 Massachusetts, 315 17, 92 Draper ads. State. 65 Missouri, 335 27, 287 Dtaughan v. Tombeckbee B'k, 1 Stewart, 66 xviii, 33 Drayton v. Grimke, Rich. Eq. Ca. 321 xxiv, 419 Drayton v. Marshall, Rice's Ch. 373 xxxiii. 84 Drayton v. Rose, 7 Richardson's Eq. 328 buv, 731 Drayton v. Wells, 1 Nott & McC. 409 ix, 713 Dreher v. Fitchburg, 22 Wisconsin. 675 xcis, 91 Drehman v. Stifel, 41 Missouri. 1S4 xcvii, 268 Dreanan v. Douglas, 102 Illinois, 311 40, 593> Dresher v. Allentown Water Co., 52 Penn. State, 223 :;ci, 153 Dreucker v. Salomon, 21 Wisconsin, 621 xciv. 571 Drewv. Clarke, Cooke, 373 v, 693 Drew v. Davis. 13 Vermoi.t, 503 xxxiii. 213 Drewv. Kimball,, 43 New Hampshire 282 ITTTT, 153 Drew v Mason, 81 Illinois, 498 25, 288 Drew v. Sutton, 53 Vermont, 586 43, 614 Drew v. Towle, 30 New Hampshire, 531 Ixiv, 309 Drew v. Towlj. 27 New Hampshire, 412 lix, 333 Drexel v. Man, 6 Watts Serg. 386 xl, 573 Drexelv.Mau, 2Penn. State, 271 xli.-, 195 Drigjs v. Abbott, 27 Vermont, 580 Ixv, 2 1 1 Driggs v. Dwight, 17 Wendell, 71 xxxi, 283 Drinkard v. Ingrain, 21 Texas, C53 Ixxiii, 230 Drinkwater v. Dinsmore, S3 New York, 390 36, 624 Driscoll v. Newark L. & C. Co. . 37 N. Y. 637. . . .xcvii, 761 Driskell v. Mateer, 31 Missouri, 325 Ixxx, 105 Dritt v. Snodgrass, 66 Missouri, 236 27, 313 Driver v. Western Un. R. R. Co. . 32 Wis. 569 14, 7i6 Drover's Nat. B'k v. Anglo-American P. & P. Co., 117 Illinois, 103 57, 855 Drucke v. Manhattan R'y Co., 106 N. Y. 137. . . .GO, -:37 Druke v. Heiken, 61 California, 346 44, 553 Drum v. Simpson, 6 Binney, 478 vi, 4^0 Drumrnond v. Hyams, Harper's Law, 2G8 xviii, 649 Drumright v. Philpot, 13 Georgia, 424. Ix, 738 Drury v. Shuniway, 1 D. Chapman, 110 i, 704 Drury v. Young. 53 Maryland, 546 42, 343 Dryden v. Hanway, 31 Maryland, 254 c, 61 Duane ads. Commonwealth, 1 Binney, C01 ii, 4?7 Duboia' Appeal, 33 Penn. State, 231 Ixxx, 478 Duboisv. Baaver, 25 New York, 123 Ixxxii, 326 DuBoisv. Kingston, 103 New York. 219 53,804 Dubois v. Mason. 127 Massachusetts, 37 34, 335 Dubose v. Dubose, 7 Alabama, 235 xlii, 538 Dubreuil v. Soulie, 4 Martin, N. S., 91 xvi, 135 Dubuc v. Voss, 19 La. Ann. 210 xcii, 528 Dubuque, City of, v. Maloney, 9 Iowa, 431 Ixxiv, 339 Dubuquev. Stout, 32 Iowa. 80 7, 171 Ducat v. City of Chicago, 43 Illinois, 172 xcv. 529 Ducker ads. State, 8 Oregon, 394 34, 590 Duckett, Ex parte, 15 South Carolina, 210 40, 691 Dudley v. Bosworth, 10 Humphreys, 9 li, C?0 Dudley v. Briggs, 111 Massachusetts, 582 55, 491 Dudley v. Camden & P. F. Co., 13 Vroom, 23 3G, 531 Dudley v. Camden & Phila. F. Co.. 16 Vroom, 363.4G, 731 Dudley v. Foote. 63 New Hampshire, 57 5G, 439 Dudley v. Lindsey. 9 B. Monroe, 430 1, 322 Dudleyv. Little, 2Ohio,534 xv, 575 Dudley v. McCluer. 63 Missouri, 211 27,273 Dudley v. Odoin, 5 South Carolina, 131 22, 6 Dudley v. Sautbine, 49 Iowa, 630 31,165 Dudley v. Shaw, 70 Maino. 236 3.1, 313 Duf Dur TABLE OF CASES. Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Duff v. Allegheny R. R. Co., 91 Penn. St. 438. . . .36, 675 Puff v. Bayard, 4 Watts & Serg. 240 xxxix, 73 Duffin v. People, 107 Illinois, 113 47,431 Duffy ads. Commonwealth, 93 Pennsylvania, 506.47, 55 1 Duffy v. Dubuque, 63 Iowa, 171 50, 743 Duffy v. Hobson, 40 California, 210 6, 617 Duffy v. Rutherford and Dawson, 21 Ga. 363 . . .Ixviii, 459 Duffy v. Shockey, 11 Indiana, 70 lxsi, 348 Duffy ads. State, 7 Nevada. 342 8, 713 Duffy T. Wunsch, 43 New York, 243 1, 514 Dufolt v. Gorman, 1 Minnesota, 301 Lrri, 543 DufourY. Camfranc, 11 Martin, 607 liii, 330 Dusan v. Anderson, 36 Maryland, 567 11,509 Dugan v. Bridge Company, 27 Penn. State, 303. .IxTii, 4:t Dugan v. Cureton, 1 Arkansas, 31 TTTJ, 727 Dugan v. Gittings, 3 Gill, 138 xliii, 303 Dusan v. Vattier, 3 Blackford, 245 xxr, 105 Dugas v. Mathews, 9 Georgia, 510 liv, 361 Duggan v. Bliss, 4 Colorado, 223 34, 80 Duggan v. Kiag, 1 Rice's Law, 239 xxxiii, 107 Duggen v. McGruder, Walker, 112 xii, 527 Dugsins v. Watson, 15 Arkansas, 118 Lx, 530 Duke v. Cahawba Nav. Co., 10 Alabama, 82 xliv, 472 Duke v. Fuller, 9 New Hampshire, 535 TTTJJ, 332 Duke v. Harper, 66 Missouri, 51 37,314 Duke v. Harper, 6 Yerger, 280 xxvli, 4:2 Dukerv. Franz, 7 Bush, 273 3,311 Dukes v. State, 11 Indiana, 557 ITTJ, 370 Dula v. Cowles, 7 Jones' Law, 290 Ixxv, 4C3 Dulaneyv. Hoffman, 7GU1& J., 170 xxviii, 207 Dulaney v. Payne, 101 Illinois, 325 40, 205 Du Laurans v. First Division St. P P. R. R. Co., 13 Minnesota. 49 2,102 Dullam v. Willson, 53 Michigan, 392 51, 123 Dumas v. State, 11 Tex. Ct. App. 461 46, 241 DumeU and Wife v. Terstegge, 23 Ind. 397 Lxxxv, 436 Dummer ads. Den ex d. Selectman, 1 Spenc. 83 xl, 213 Dumesnil v. Dupont, 18 B. Monroe, 800. Irviii, 750 Dumey v. Schoeffler, 24 Missouri, 170 Isix, 422 Dumont v. Kellogg, 29 Michigan, 420 18, 132 Dumont v. Williamson. 18 Ohio St. 515 xcviii, 18G Dun v. Seaboard etc. R. R. Co.. 73 Va. 645 49,333 Dunawayv. People, 110 Illinois, 333 51, 635 Dunbar Y. Armor, 5 Robinson (La.), 1 xxxix, 523 Dunbar T. Boston & Prov. R. R. Co., 110 Mass. 26. 14, 576 Dunbar v. Glenn, 42 Wisconsin. 118 24, 335 Dunbar v. Rawles, 23 Indiana, 225 xcii, 311 Dunbar ads. State, 13 Oregon, 591 .'.57, 33 Dunbier v. Day, 12 Nebraska. 536 41 , 772 Duncan v. Batenmj, 23 Arkansas, 327 ITT-T 109 Duncan v. Baraett, 11 South Carolina, 333 3?, 476 Duncan v. Bloomstock, 2 M'Cord, 318 xiii, 728 Duncan v. Brown, 1 M'Cord, 375 x, 679 Duncan v. Commonwealth, 2 B. Mon. 281 xxxviii, 152 Duncan T. Drury, 9 Penn. State, 332 xlix, 5:5 Duncan T. Duncan, 23 Illinois, 364 Ixxvi, 699 Duncan v. Hodges, 4 M'Cord, 233 xvii, 734 Duncan v. Jeter, 5 Alabama, 604 xxxix, 342 Duncan T. Klinefelter, 5 Watts, 141 xxx, 295 Duncanr. Louisville. 13 Bush. 378 2G, 231 Duncan v. Lyon, 3 Johns. Ch. 351 viii, 513 Duncan v. Martin, 7 Yerger, 519 xxvii, 525 Duncan v. Matney, 23 Missouri, 3*38 Ixxvii, ;7o Duncan v. Niles, 32 Illinois, 532 Ixxxiii, 293 Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan . Potts, 5 Stewart & P. 82 xxiv, 706 . Reed, 39 Maine, 415 Lxiii, C33 . Stewart, 25 Alabama, 403 Ix, 527 . Sun Fire Ins. Co., 6 Wendell, 433 xxii, 503 . Sylvester, 13 Maine, 417 xxix, 512 . Sylvester. 24 .Maiuf. 4S2 xii, 400 Duncan T. Tobin, Cheves' Eq. 143 xxxiv, 603 Duncan v. Ware's Ex'rs, 5 Stewart & P. 113 xxi-. 772 Duagan's Appeal, 63 Pennsylvania St. 204 8, 169 Dunham v. Arerill, 45 Connecticut, 61 29, 612 Dunham v Boston & M. R. Co., 70 Maine, 161. . .35, 314 Dunham v. Bower, 77 New York, 76 33, 570 Dunham v. Chatham, 21 Texas, 231 Ixxiii, 228 Dunham v. Cornai 1 Ins. Co., 11 Johnson, 315 vi, 374 Dunham v. Cox, 2 Stockton's Ch. 437 Lxiv, 460 Dunham v. Dey, 15 Johnson, 551 viii. 232 Dunham v. Elford. 13 Rich. EH. 190 xeiv, 162 Dunham v. Gould, 1-3 Johnson. 367 viii, 323 Dunham Y. Kirkpatrick. 101 Pennsylvania St. 36.47. 698 Dunliam v. Waterman, 17 New York, 9 Ixxii, 406 Dunham v. Wyckoff, 3 Wendell, 230 Dunkirk etc. R. R. Co. v. Batchelur, 53 N. Y. 1:3.13, 430 Dunklee v. Adams, 23 Vermont, i35 1, 44 Dunlap v. Bartlett, 10 Gray, 232 ITJT, 320 Dunlap v. Berry, 4 Scammon, 327 xxxix, 413 Dunlap v. Burnett, 5 Smedes & M. 7.2 Dualapv. Cody, 31 Iowa. 263 7, 129 Dunlap v. Freret, 10 Louisiana An. S3 Lsiii, 590 Dunlap v. Gleason, 16 Michigan, 153 xciii, 231 Dunlap v. Glidden, 31 Maine, 435 Dunlap v. Hunting, 2 Denio, C43 Dunlap v. Kaapp, 14 Ohio State, 64 Is:. Dunlap v Rogers, 47 New Hampshire, 251 xciii. 433 Dunlap v. State. 9 Tex. Ct. App. 179 35, 736 Dunlap ads. State, C5 North Carolina, 491 G, 746 Dunlap v. Wagner. 85 Indiana, 529 44, 42 Dunlap's Adm'r v. Wright, 11 Texas, 5J7 Mi, 506 Dunlop v. Gregory, 10 N. Y. (6 Seldea), 241 lii, 746 Dunlopv. Keith, 1 Leigh, 430 xix, 755 Dunlop v. Patterson F. Ins. Co., 74 N. Y. 145. ... .30, 283 Dunman v. Hartwell, 9 Texas. 435 Ix, 176 Dunman v. Strother, 1 Texas, S3 xlvi, 97 Dunn v. Adams, 1 Alabama, 527 xxxv, 42 Dunn v. Boring, 8 California, 406 Ixviii, 331 Dunnv. Grand Trunk R'y, 58 Maine, 1S7 4, 2>37 Dunn v. Johnson, 33 Indiana, 54 5, 177 Dunnv. Lancaster, 4Bush, 581 xcvi, 317 Dunn T. Oneal, 1 Sneed, 106 . . . : Ix, 140 Dunn T. People. 23 New York, 523 Ixrxvi, 319 Dunn v. Sparks, 1 Indiana, 337 1, 473 Dunn v. State, 2 Arkansas, 223 xxxv, 54 Dunn ads. State, Minor. 46 xii, 23 Dunn v. Vail, 7 Martin, 416 xii, 512 Dunn v. Weston, 71 Maine, 270 36, 310 Dunn. In re. 14 Vroom, 359 39, 600 Dunnavant ads. State, 3 Erevard, 9 v, 530 Dunne v. People, 94 Illinois, 120 34, 213 Dunnica v. Coy, 24 Missouri, 167 Ixix, 420 Dnnnica v. Coy, 23 Missouri, 525 Ixxv, 133 Dunnigan v. Chicago etc. R. R. Co.. 13 Wis. 23.1xxxvi, 741 Dunning v. Leavitt, 85 New York, 30 39, 617 Dunning v. Ocean Nat. Bank. 61 N. Y. 497 19, 293 Dunning Y. Vandusen.47 Indiana, 423 17, 709 Dunscomb v. Dunscomb, 1 Johns. Ch. 508. vii, 504 Duperron v. Van Wickle, 4 Robinson (La.), 33. xxxix, 509 Dupeyre Y. Westerning. Co., 2 Rob. (La.), 457.xxxviii, 218 Duplex S. B. Co. v. Garden, 101 New York, 337. . .54, 709 Dupont v. Dupont, 10 Iowa, 112 Ixxiv, 373 Dupre v. Richard, 11 Robinson (La.). 495 xliii, 211 Dupree Y. Dupree, Busbee's Eq. 164 lix, 530 Dupree Y. Dupree, 4 Jones' Law, 387 Ixix, 757 Dupree v. State, 33 Alabama, 350 Ixxiii, 422 Dupy Y. Wickwire, 1 D. Chipman, 237 vi, 729 Durant v. Abendroth, 69 New York, 143 25, 158 Durant v. Essex Company, 8 Allen, 103 txxxv. 685 Diudinr. Hill. 75 Georgia, 22S 58, 487 59 TABLE OF CASES. Dnr Eas Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Durell y Haley, 1 Paige's Ch. 492 xix, 444 Durell v. Hayward, 9 Gray, 243 Ixix. 2S4 Durfee v. Jones, 11 Rhode Island, 588 23, 523 Durgia v. Munson, 9 Allen, 390 Ixxxv, 770 Durham v. Alden, 20 Mr.ine, 223 xisvii, 4S Durham v. Arlclge, 1 Strobhart's Law, 5 xlvii, 5'A Durham v. Heaton, 23 Illinois, 2C4 Ixxxi, 273 Durham v. Musselman, SBlackford, 93 xviii, 1C3 Durham v. Oddie, 1 Martin, X. S., 444 xiv, 100 Durham v. People, 4Scammon, 172 xxxix, 407 Durham v. Price, 5 Yerger, 300 xxvi, 2:7 Purkee v. Central P. R. Co.. 6 California, 383. . .38, 50 Durkee v. Cent. Pac. R. R. Co., 63 California, 533.58, 562 Durkee v. Janesville, 23 Wisconsin, 464. 9, 500 Durkco v. Kenosha, 50 Wisconsin, 123 48, 430 Durnford v. Eegruys, S Martin, 223 xili, 285 Durnford v. Patterson, 7 Martin, 4CO xii, 514 Durrv. Hervey, 41 Arkansas, 301 51, 591 Durrett v. Simpson, 3 T. E. Monroe, 517 xvi, 115 Durst v. Burton, 47 Xew York, 167 7, 423 Dusenbury v. Ellis, 3 Johnson's Cases, 70 li, 144 Dusenbury v. Hoyt, 3 New York, 521 13, 5 13 Dut:her v. Beckwith, 45 Illinois, 460 xcii, 232 Dutcherv. Hill, 23 Missouri, 271 Ixxvii, 572 Dutchess Mfg. Co. v. Davis, 14 Johnson, 238 vii, 450 Dutil v. Pacheco. 21 Ca'ifornia, 433 Ixxxii, 74C> Duttenhofer v. State. 31 Ohio St. 91 32, 3 32 Button v. Gerrisli, 9 Gushing, 83 Iv, 45 Dutton v. P^ilaret, 1'2 Penc. St. 109 xci, 135 Dutton v. Simmons, Go Maine, :S3 20, 723 Duttoa v. Warschauer, 21 California, G09 Ixxxii, 765 Dutton v. \Vearc, 17 Xew Hampshire, 34 xliii, 530 Dutton v. Woodman, 9 Gushing, 255 l?ii, 43 Duty v. Graham, 12 Texas, 427 btii, 531 Duval v. B:U>, 4 Hening & M. 113 iv, 506 Duvall v. Farmer's Bank, 4GU1&J. 232 xxiii, 553 Duvall v. Waters, 1 Eland's Ch. 539 xviii, 350 DuVivier v. Hopkins, 116 Massachusetts, 125 17,141 Dwiggins v. Clark, 9t Indiana, <9 48, 110 Dwight v. Blackniar, 2 Michigan, 330 Ivii, 130 Dwight v. Brewster, 1 Pickering, 53 xi, !33 Dwight v. Cutler, 3 Michigan, 566 Ixiv, 105 Dwig'at v. Gel-mania L. Ins. Co., 103 X. Y. 341.... 57, 729 Dwisht v. Mayor of Boston, 12 Allen, 316 xc. 143 Dwight v. Pomeroy, 17 Massachusetts, 303 ix, 143 Dwinel v. Barnard, 23 Maine, 554 xlviii, 537 Dwinel v. Soper, 33 Maine, 119 lii, 643 Dwinel v. Veazie, 44 Maine, 1C7 Ixix, 94 Dwinell v. Brown, 65 Georgia. 433. 33, 792 Dyas v. Dinksrave, 15 Louisiana An. 502 Ixxvii, 133 Dye v. Dye, 21 Ohio St. 83 8, 43 Dyev. Scott, 35 Ohio St. 131 35,601 Dyer v. Brannock, 63 Missouri, 391 27,359 Dyer v. Clark, 5 Metcalf, 532 xxxxix, 697 Dyer v. Flint, 21 Illinois, 80 Ixxiv, 73 Dyer v. Grand Trunk R y Co. , 42 Vermont, 441 ... 1 , 350 Dyer v. Osborne, 11 Rhode Island, 321 23, 460 Dyer v. Sanford, 9 Metcalf, 335 xliii, 399 Dyer v. Shurtleff, 112 Massachusetts, 165 17, 77 Dyer v. Tuskaloosa Bridge Co., 2 Porter, 296. ...xxvii, 655 Dyer v. Wittier, 83 Missouri. 81 58, 85 Dyett v. Xorth Am. Coal Co., 20 Wendell, 570..xxxii, 593 Dygert v. Schenck, 23 Wendell, 445 xxxv, 575 Dykev. ErieR'yCo.. 45 Xew York, 113. 6, 43 Dykersv. Allen, 7 Hill, 497 xlii, 87 Eades ads. State, 63 Missouri, 153 30, 730 Eadiev. Slimrnon, 26 Xew York, 9 Ixxxii, 335 Eadsv. Brazelton, 22 Arkansas, 493 lixix, S3 Eadsads. State, 15 Iowa, 114 Ixxxiii, S33 Eagan v. Call, 34Penn. State, 236 Ixxv, 653 Eager v. Atlas Ins. Co., 14 Pickering, 141 xrv, 363 Eagle v. Bucher, 6 Ohio State, 295 Ixvii, 343 Eaglo v. Eichelberger, 6 Watts, 29 xxxi, 443 Eagle v. White, 6 Wharton, 505 xxxvii, 434 Ea^le Bank v. Smith, 5 Connecticut, 71 xiii, 37 :.:-Juf. Co. v. Jennings, 23 Kansas, 657 44, 6G8 Eagle Mow. M. Co v. Shattuck, 53 W:s. 455 40, 780 Eagle Packet Co. v. Defries, 94 Illinois, 593 34, 245 Eakin v. Doe ex d. Vance, 13 Sm. M. 543 xlviii, 770 Eames v. Salem & L. R. R. Co., 98 Mass. 530. . . .xcvi, 676 Tames v. Savage, 77 Maine, 212 52, 751 Eanes v. The State, 6 Humphreys, 53 xliv, 289 Earl v. Da Hart, 1 Beasley's Ch. 283 Ixxii, 395 Earl v. Dresser, 30 Indiana, 11 xcv, 660 Earlv. Page, 6 Xew Hampshire, 477 xxvi, 711 Earl v. Rowe, 35 Maine, 414 , . .Mil, 714 Earl v. Shaw, 1 Johnson's, Cases, 314 ! i, 117 Earle v. Bickford, 6 Allen, 549 Ixxxiii, 651 Earle ads. State. 24 Louisiana An. 38. 13, 109 Early v. Friend, 16 Gratt. 21 Lxxviii, 649 Early T. Mahon, 19 Johnson, 147 x, 204 Early v. Stato, 1 Tex. Ct App. 218 28,409 Earnest v. Parke, 4 Rawle, 452 xxvii, 280 Earp v. Cummins, 54 Penn. St. 334 xciii, 718 Eason v. S. & E. T. R'y Co., 65 Texas, 577 57, 606 East v. Matheny, 1 A. K. Marshall, 132 x, 721 Eastabrook R. R. v. IT. X. L. I. Co., 54 Me. 224.1xxxix, 743 Easter ads. State, 33 Ohio St. 542 27 , 473 Fastening v. Blythe, 7 Texas, 210 Ivi, 45 Easterly v. Goodwin. 35 Connecticut, 279 xcv, 237 Eastern Railroad Co. v. Benedict, 5 Gray, 561 Ixvi, 384 Eastern R. R. Co. v. Boston & M. R. R., Ill Mas- sachusetts, 125 15, 13 Eastern R. R. Co. ads. Commonwealth, 1C3 Mas- sachusetts. 254 4, 555 Eastern Townships Bank v. Beebe, 53 Vt. 177. .. .38, 665 Easterwood v. Quin, 2 Brevard, 64 iii, 700 Eastin v Bank of Stockton. 63 California, 123. . . .56, 77 Eastia v. Dugat, 10 Louisiana, 183 xxix, 461 Eastland v. CaldweU, 2 Bibb, 21 iv, 668 Eastman v. Amoskeag Mfg. Co., 44 Xew Hamp- ghire, 143 Ixxxii, 201 Eastman v. Batchelder, 33 Xew Hampshire, 141. .Ixsii, 295 Eastman v. Clark, 53 Xew Hampshire, 270 1G, 192 Eastman ads. Commonwealth, 1 Gushing, 183.. xlviii, 536 Eastman v. Cooper, 15 Pickering, 276 xxvi, 600 Eastman v. Fitield, 3 Xew Hampshire, 333 xiv, 371 Eastman v Hibbard, 54 Xew Hampshire, 534 20, 157 Eastman v. Howard, 30 Maine, 53 1, Cll Eastman v. Meredith, 36 Xew Hampshire, 234. .Lsxii, 302 Eastman v. Potter, 4 Vermont, 313 xxiv, 609 Eastman v. Premo. 49 Vermont, 355 24, 142 Eastman v. Sanborn, 3 Allen, 594 Ixxxi, C77 Eastman v. State, 109 Indiana, 273 58, 400 Eastman v. Wadleigh, C5 Maine, 251 20, 695 Easton v. Xeff , 102 Pennsylvania State, 474 43, 213 Easton v. State. 39 Alabama, 551 Ixxxvii, 49 East Kingston v. Towle, 43 Xew Hampshire, 57.xcvii, 575 East Kingston v. Towle, 48 Xew Hamp. 57 2, 174 East SaginawM. Co. v. E. Saginaw, 19 Mich. 259., 2, 82 East St. Louis v. East St., Louis G. L. & C. Co.. 98 Illinois, 415 , 38, 97 fast St. Louis v. O'Flynn, 119 Illinois. 200 59, 795 East St. Louis v. Trustees, 102 Illinois, 439 40, 606 East Tennessee and Georgia R. R. Co. v. St. John, 5Sneed, 524. Ixxiii, 1*9 East Tennessee and Georgia R. R. Co. v. Whittle, 27 Georgia, 535 Ixxiii, 741 EastTenn. & V. and G. R. Co. v. Duffield, 12 Lea, 63.... 47,319 Eas-Ell TABLE OF CASES. 60 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. East Tennessee I. M. Co. T. Bynum, 3 Sneed, 263. .Ixv, 56 ! East Tenn. K. R. Co. v. Rogers, 6 Heisk. 143 10, 583 I East Tenn., V. &G. R. R. Co. v. Bayliss. 77 Ala- bama, 429 54, 69 E. Tenn. V. & G. R. Co. v Johnston, 75 Ala. 596. .51, 489 Eatherly v. Eatherly. 1 Coldwea 461 Ixxviii, 493 Eaton v. Boissonnault, 67 Maine, 540 24, 52 Eaton v. Boston. Concord etc. R. R. Co.. 51 New Hampshire, 501 18,147 Eaton v. Boston and Lowell R. R. Co., 11 Allen, 500 Ixxxvii, 733 Eaton v.B. &L. R. R., 11 Allen, 500 Ixxxvii, 730 Eatoa v. Delaware etc. R. R. Co.. 57 N. Y. 332.. 15, 513 Eatonv. Eaton, 8 Vroom. 108 18,716 Eaton v. European & X. RyCo.. 59 Maine. 520. ...8, 433 Eaton T. Gay, 44 Michigan, 431 38,276 Eaton T. Hasty. 6 Nebraska, 419 29,365 Eaton T. Hill. 50 NewHamphire. 235 9,139 Eaton v. Winnie. 23 Michigan, 136 4,377 Eaton v. Whitaker, 13 Connecticut, 222 xliv, 536 Eaton C. & B. Co. v. Avery, 83 New Tork. 31 38, 339 Eaves v. Estes, 10 Kansas, 314 15, 313 Eaves v. People's Savings Bank, 27 Conn. 229 Ixxi, 59 Ebaugh v. Hendel, 5 Watts, 43 ; xxx, 291 Eberhart's Appeal, 39 Penn. State, 509 lux, 536 Ebert v. Wood, 1 Binney, 216 ii, 433 Eberts v. Selover, 4 ^ Michigan, 519 38, 278 Eborn v. Zimpelman. 47 Texas, 503 20, 315 Ecfert v. Des Coudres, 1 Mill, 69 x:i, 639 Echols, Ex parte, 39 Alabama, 698 Ixxrviii, 749 Eckel v. Murphey, 15 Penn. State, 433 liii, 607 Eckert v. Long Island R R. Co., 43 N. Y., 502 3, 721 Eckert v. Triplett, -S3 Indiana, 174 17,735 Eckhardt v. People, S3 New York, 462 38, 462 Eddingsads State. 70 Missouri. 545 36,4% Eddy v. Bond, 19 Maine, 431 xxxvi, 767 Eddy v. Capron, 4 Rhode Island, 394 Irvii, 541 Eddy v. Hawkeyelns. Co., 70 Iowa, 472. 59,414 Eddy T. Herrin, 17 Maine, 333 xxxv, 231 Eddy v. Livingston, 35 Missouri. 487 Ixxxviii, 122 Eddy ads. People. 43 California. 331 13, 113 Eddy v. Simpson, 3 California, 249 Iviii, 403 Eddy v. St. Mars, 53 Vermont, 462 38, 693 Eddy v. Traver et al., 6 Paiges Ch. 521 xxxi, 2G1 Edelen v. Hardey, 7 HarriaiJ. 61 xvi, 232 Edelin v. Clarkson, 3 B. Monroe, 31 xxxviii, 177 Edens ads. State. 93 North Carolina, 6% 59, 294 Edgar v. Castello. 14 South Carolina. 20 37, 714 Edgar v. Greer, Slowa, 334 Ixxiv, 316 Edgar v. Richardson, 33 Ohio St. 581 31, 571 Edgell T. Hart, 9N. Y. (jSelden), 213 lix, 532 Edgell v. McLaughlin, 6 Wharton, 176 xxxvi, 214 Edgerly v. Emerson, 23 New Hampshire, 555 Iv, 207 Edgerly v. Shaw, 25 New Hampshire, 514 Ivii, 319 Edgertonv. Bird, 6 Wisconsin, 527 Ixx, 473 Edgerton v. State. 67 Indiana, 583 33, 110 Edinboro Ac. r. Robinson. 37 Pa. State, 210. . Ixxviii, 421 Edmands v. Mutual S. F. I. Co., 1 Allen, 311. . .lixix, 746 Edmestonv. Lyde, 1 Paige's Ch. 637 xix, 454 Edminson v. Baxter, 4 Haywood, 112 ix, 751 Edmonds v. Eanbury. 23 Iowa, 267 4,177 Edmonds v. State, 70 Alabama, 8 45, 67 Edmunds v. Diggea, 1 Grattan, 359 xlii, 501 Edmundson v. Penny, 1 Penn. State, 334 xliv, 137 Edmundaon v. State, 17 Alabama, 179 lii, 169 Edmundson v. Wragg, 104 Penn. St. 500 49, SCO Edrington v. Harper, 3 J. J. Marshall, 353 xx, 145 Edson v. Edson. 108 Massachusetts, 590. 1 1 , 353 Edwards, in re, 14 Vroom, 555 39,610 Edwards v. Allouez M. Co , 33 Michigan. 46 31, 301 Edwards v. Chandler. 14 Michigan, 471 xc, 249 Edwards v. Commonv.- inia. 33 49, 377 Edwards v. Edwards, 11 Vermont, 537 XXX:T, 711 Edwards v. Elliott, 36 New Jersey. 443 13, 463 Edwards v. Handley, Hardin, 602 ui, 745 Edwards v. McKee, 1 Missouri. 123 xiii, 474 Edwards v. Moses. 2 Nott & McC. 433 x. CIS Edwards v. N. Y. &. H R. R. Co , 93 N. Y. 215. . ..>0, C'9 Edwards ads. State, 2 Nott & McC. 13 x, 557 Edwards v. University, 1 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 3C5. . . .xxx, 170 Edwards v. White L. T. Co . 104 "ass. 139 C, 213 Eelbeck v. Cranberry, 2 Haywood, 232 ii, C24 Egbert v. Greenwalt, 44 Michigan, 215 Egberts v. Wood, 3 Paige Ch. 517 xiiv, 236 Egerton v. Carr, 94 North Carolina, 618 55, 630 Eggers v. Hink, 63 California. 415 49, % Egglesht ads State. 41 Iowa. 57! 20, 612 Egyptian Levee Co. v. Cummins, 27 Mo. 493 lxx:i, 276 Egyptian Levee Co. v. Hardin, C7 Missouri, 435.. Ixxii, 276 Ehrenberg's Succession, 21 La. An. 233 xcix, 729 Ehrgott v. Mayor etc, , 96 New York, 264 48,622 Eichar v. Kirsler, 14 Penn. State, 282 liii, 551 Eichbaum v. Irons, 6 Watts & Serg. 67 xl, 540 Eichelberger v. Finley, 7 Harris & J. 331 xvi, 313 Eichelberger v. McCauley, 5 Harris & J. 213 ix, 514 Eichelberger v. Murdock, 10 Maryland, 373 bus, 140 Eichels v. Evansville S. R'y Co., 73 Indiana, 261. .41, 561 Eicks v. Copeland, 53 Texas, 581 37, 760 Eidman v. Bowman. 58 Illinois, 444 11, 90 Eiglebergerv. Kibler, 1 Hill Ch. 113 xxvi. 192 Eikenberry v. Bazaar, 22 Kansas, 5C6 31, 198 Eikenberry v. Edwards, 67 Iowa, 619 56, 360 Eilandv. Radford, 7 Alabama. 721 xlii. CIO Eilbert v. Finkbeiner, 63 Pennsylvania State, 243. 8, 176 Einer v. Beste, 32 Missouri, 243 Ixxxii, 129 Einstein v. Marshall, 53 Alabama, 133 25, 7C9 Eisenlohr v. Swain, 35 Penn. State, 107 Ixxviii, 328 Ekel v. Snevily, 3 Watts & Serg. 272 xxxviii, 758 Ela v. American Mer. Un. Ex. Co. , 29 Wis. 611. . . 9, 619 Ela v. Card, 2 New Hampshire, 175 ix, 46 Ela v.Edwards, 13 Allen. 43 xc, 174 Ela v. Knox. 46 New Hampshire, 16 lxxrvi:i, 179 Elav. Smith, 5 Gray, 121 Ixvi. 356 Elarn v. Keen. 4 Leigh, 333 xxvi, 322 Elcock's Will, 4 McCord. 39 xvii, 703 Elder v. Dyer. 26 Kansas, 634. 40, 320 Elder v. Elder, 13 Maine, 83 xxv, 205 Elderv. Larrabee, 43 Maine. 530 Ixxi, 567 Elder v. Morrison, 10 Wendell, 123 xxv, 548 Elder v. Reel. 62 Pennsylvania State, 308 1 , 414 Elder ads. State, 63 Indiana, 232. 32, 69 Elderkin v. Spurbeck, 2 Phi. 123. 1 Chand. C3 lii, 148 Eldred v. Malloy. 2 Colorado. 320. 20, 752 Eldridge v. Rowe, 2Gilman, 91 xliii, 41 Eldridge In re, S2New York, 161 37, 553 Elgin v. Eaton. 83 lUinois. 535 25,412 Elickads. State. 2 Wlnst. L. 56 Ixxxvi. 442 Eliotv. Lawton, 7 Allen, 274 Ixxxiii, 683 Eliott v. Cower, 12 Rhode Island, 79 34, 600 Elizabeth Bank T. Ayres, 2 Halsted, 130 xi, 535 Elizabeth City Acad. v. Lindsey, 6 Ired. L. 476. . .xlv, 500 Elizabeth etc. R. R. Co. v. Combs, 10 Bush, 382. . .19, 67 Elkhart Co. Lodge v. Crary. 93 Indiana. 238 49, 746 Elkhart M. A. B. & R. Ass'n v. Houghton. 103 Indiana, 236 53, 514 Elkin v. People, 3 Scammon, 207 xxxvi, 541 Elkins v. Boston etc. R. R. 19 New Hamp. 337. .. .11, 184 Elledge v. Todd, 1 Humphreys, 43 xxxiv, 616 Ellerbev. Ellerbe, 1 Speers' Eq. 323 xl, 623 Ellerman v. McMains. 33 La Ann. 190 31,213 61 TABLE OF CASES. Ell Eng Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Ellicott v. Chamberlin. 33 N. J. Eq. 601 4S, 327 Ellicott v. Martin, C Maryland, 509 Ixi, 327 Ellicott v. Nichols, 7 Gill, 83 xlviii, 40 Elliot v. Abbot, 12 New Hampshire, 549 rxrvii, 227 Elliot r. Ailsberry, 2 Bibb, 473 v, C31 Elliot v. Fitch Vg E. E. Co., 10 Gushing, 191 Mi, 85 Elliot v. Porter, 5 Dana, 239 xxx, CS3 Elliot T. Small. 35 Minnesota, 306 50,329 E1T ot v. Waring, 5 T. B. Monroe, 338 xvii, CD Elliott Ex parte, SWharton, 21 xxsiv, 572 Elliott's Appeal, 53 Term. State, 75 ixxxviii, 523 v Booth, 41 Texas. 133 23,593 Elliott v. Brown, 2 Wendell, -107 xx, C44 Elliott v. Coggshall, 4 Elackford, 238 xxix, 3G5 Elliott v. HJI-J, 13 Alabama, 313 xliv. 483 Elliott v. Kalkaska Supervisors, 58 Mich. 452.... 55, 706 ; Lcssoo v. Knott, 14 Maryland, 121 Ixxiv, 513 Elliott-. v-.ouri, 233 xxxii, 314 Elliot b v. Ly coming Co. Mut. Ins. Co., 66 Perm. St. 22 5,323 Elliott v. Philadelphia, 75 Penn. St. 342 15, T91 Elliott v. Powell, 10 Watts, 453 xxxri, COO I v. Pray, 10 Allca, 373 Ixxxvii, C33 Elliott v. Ehett, 5 Kichardson's L. 435 Ira, 733 Elliott v. Eossell, 10 Johnson, 1 vi, 303 Elliott v. Thompson, 4 Humphreys, 99 xl, C33 Elliott v. Van Euren, 33 Midi. 43 20, GG3 Ellis T. Albany City Ins. Co., 50 ST. Y. 402 10,493 Ellis v. Andrews. C6 New York, S3 15, 373 Ellis v. Beale, IS Maine, 337 xxxvi, 726 Ellis v. Bitzer, 2 Ohio, S3 XT, 534 Ell's v. Buzzell, 63 Maine, 209 11,231 Ellis v. Clark, 110 Massachusetts, 389 14, 609 Ellis v. Clarke, 19 Arkansas, 423 Ixx, CC3 Ellis T. Comm'l B'k of Natchez, 7 Howard, 204. . . .xl, C3 Ellis v. Ellis, 15 Alabama, 233 1, 132 Ellis v. Tsson, H Wisconsin, 133 33, 833 Ellis v. Fisher, 3 Sneed, 231 Ixv, 2 Ellis v. Kansas City E. E. Co., 63 Mo. 131 21, 43G Ellis v. Kreutzinger, 27 Missouri, 311 Ixxii, 270 Ellis v. Little, 27 Kansas, 707 41, 404 Ellis T. Marshall, 2 Massachusetts, 2:0 iii, 49 Ellis v. Mithews. 13 Tesas. 333 Ixx, 333 Ellis v. Maxson, 19 Michigan, 186 2, 81 Ellis v. Milwaukee City E'y Co., 67Wis. 135 58,833 Ellis v. Secor, 31 Michigan, 133 18,173 Ellis ads. State, 3 Connecticut, 185 , viii, 175 Ellis ads. State, 44 Missouri, 333 41, "21 Ellis ads. State, 33 N. J. L. 102 xcvii, 737 Ellis v. State Ins. Co., CS Iowa. 578 ,"G, SG3 Ellis v. Temple, 4 Cold. 315 xciv, 233 Ellis v. Welch, C Massachusetts, 246 iv, 122 Ellis v. Wire, 33 Indiana, 127 5, 133 Ellis & Morton v. OhioL. I. &T. Co., 4 Ohio St. C2S.lxiv, CIO Ellison v. Commissioners, 5 Jones' Eq. 57 Ixxv, 430 Ellsworth v. Tartt, 23 Alabama, 733 Ixii, 7-iO Elmendorf v. Harris, 23 Wendell, 623 xxxv, 587 ElmondorS v. Carmichael, 3 Littell, 472 xiv, 83 Elmore v. Naugatuck, E. E. Co., 23 Conn. 437. . .Ixiii, 143 Elmore v. Overton. 404 Indiana. 313 54, 313 Elmore v. Sands, 51 New York, 512 13, G17 Elmore v. Spear, 27 Georgia, 193 Ixxlii, 723 Eloi v. Mader, 1 Eobinson (Louisiana), 531...xxxviii, 102 Elrod v. Lancaster, 2 Head, 571 Ixxv, 749 Elston v. Castor, 101 Indiana. 426 51, 734 Elston T. Chicago. 40 Illinois, 514 Ixxxix, 3G1 Elterson v. Leeds, 97 Indiana, 336 49, 438 Elton T. Johnson, 16 Connecticut, 233 xli, 1 11 Eltzroth v. Webster, 15 Indiana, 21 Ixxrii, 73 Elwell ads. Commonwealth, 2 Metcalf, 190 xxxv, 338 Elwell v. Shaw, 10 Massachusetts, 42 yiii, 128 Elwood v. Western Un. Tel. Co., 45 N. Y. 549. . . . C, 110 Elyv. Wilbur, <9 N. J. L. 635 CO, 633 Ely v. Wilcox. 23 Wisconsin, 523 xci, 436 Emans v. Turnbull, 2 Johnson, 313 iii, 427 Emaiiuel v. Bird, 19 A abama, 533 liv, 200 Emanuel v. White, 34 Mississippi, 53 box, 385 Embry v. Millar, 1 A. K. Marshall, 333 x, 732 Embury y. Conner, 3 N. Y. (3 Comst.) 511 liii, 325 Emeric T. Gilman, 10 California, 404 Ixx, 742 Emerick v. Tavener, 9 Grattan, 223 Iviii, 217 Emerson v. Babcock, 66 Iowa, 237 55, 273 Emerson v. Brigham, 10 Massachusetts, 197 vi, 109 Emerson v. Durand, 61 Wisconsin, 111 54, 593 Emerson v. European etc. E'y Co., 67 Me. 337 24, 39 Emerson v. Fisk, 6 Greenleaf, 203 xix, 208 Emerson v. Lee, 18 Louisiana, 134 Ixxxix, 613 Emerson v. Lowell Gaslight Co., 6 Allen, 146. .Ixxxiii, 621 Emerson T. Murray, 4 New Hampshire, 171 xvii, 407 Emerson T. Navarro, 31 Texas, 334 xcviii, 531 Emerson v. Patridge, 27 Vermont, 8 Ixii, C17 Emerson v. Peteler. 33 Minnesota, 481 59, 337 Emerson v. Proprietors, 1 Massachusetts, 464 ii, 34 Emerson v. Prov. Hat Co., 12 Mass. 237 vii, 66 Emerson v. Simpson, 43 New Hamp. 475 Ixxxii, 168 Emerson v. Smith, 51 Penn. State, 93 Ixxxriii, 566 Emerson T. Taylor, 9 Greenleaf, 42 xxiii, 31 Emerson v. Udall, 13 Vermont, 477 xxxvii, 604 Emerson v. Wilson, 11 Vermont, 357 xxxiv, 695 Emery's Case, 107 Massachusetts, 172 0, 22 Emery v. Berry, 8 New Hampshire, 473 Iii, 622 Emery v. Clough, 63 New Hampshire, 532 50,513 Emery v. Fowler, 33 Maine, 326 Ixiii, 627 Emery v. Goodwin, 13 Maine, 14 xxix, 475 Emery v. Gowen, 4 Greenleaf, 33 xvi, 233 Emery v. Hapgood, 7 Gray, 55 Ixvi, 459 Emery v. Hersey, 4Greenleaf, 437 xvi, 258 Emery v. Hobson, 62 Maine. 578 16, 13 Emery v. Huntington, 1C9 Massachusetts, 431. . . . 12, 723 Emery T. Irvin Nat. Bank. 23 Ohio St. SCO 18, 299 Emery v. Mutual C. & V. F. Ins. Co., 51 Michi- gan. 469 47,590 Emery v. Neighbor, 2 Halsted, 142 xi, 541 Emery v. Owings, 7 GUI, 488 xlviii, 80 Emery ads. State, 73 Missouri, 77 47, 92 Emery v. Vroman, 19 Wisconsin, 639 Ixxxviii, 726 Emery v. Webster, 42 Maine) 204 Ixvi, 274 Emory v. Hazard P. Co., 22 South Carolina, 476.. 53, 730 Emigrant I. S. Bank v. Commonwealth, 98 Mass. 12 xciii, 126 Emlen v. Lehigh Coal etc. Co., 47 Pa. St. 76...1xxxvi, 518 Emmerson v. Claywell, 14 B. Monroe, 13 Iviii, 645 Empire Trans. Co. T. Wallace, 08 Penn. St. 332. .. 8, 178 Empire Trans. Co. T. Wamsutta Oil Co., 63 Penn- sylvania State, 14 3, 515 Emporia v. Soden, 25 Kansas, 583 37, 2C5 Emporia Nat. Bank v. Shotwell, 35 Kansas, 363. .57, 171 Enautv. Tax Collector. 36 Louisiana An. 804 51, 14 Endsley v. Johns, 123 Illinois, 409 GO, 572 Eneu v. Clark, 2 Penn. State, 234 xliv, 191 Enfield v. Permit, 8 New Hampshire, 512 xxxi, 207 Enfield, Prop'rs of, v. Day, 7 New Hamp. 437. .xxviii, 300 EufieldT. B. v. Hartford E. E. 17 Conn. 40 xlii, 716 Enfield T. B. v. Hartford E. E. 17 Conn. 454. .. .xliv, 556 Eng,:l v. Fischer, 102 Now York, 400 55, 818 England ads. State, 8 Jones L. 393 Ixxx, 334 Englev. Burns, 5 Call, 463 ii, 593 Engle v. Haines, 1 Halst. Ch. 183 xiiii, C24 Eagle v. Scheuennan, 40 Georgia, 20G 2, 573 Engle T. Sohn. 41 Ohio State t C91 53,103 Eng Eve TABLE OF CASES. 62 Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Engleman v. State, 2 Indiana, 91 lii, 494 v. Eraington, 4 Yeates, 315 ii, 411 Englesv. Engles, 4 Arkansas, 2S3 ixxviii, 37 English v. Cce'ile. 32 Missouri, ISO Ixxxii, 126 English v. Delaware & H. C. Co., 66 N. Y. 454. . . .23, 69 English v. English, 2 Green Ch. 504 xxix, 730 English v. Franklin F. Ins. Co., 55 Mich. 273 54,377 English v. Johnson, 17 California, 107 Ixxvi, 574 English v. Smock, 31 Indiana, 115 ... 7,215 English v. State, 35Texas. 472 14,074 Eno v. Woodworth, 4 X. Y. ( 1 Comst.) 249 liii, 370 Enoch ads. People, 13 Wendell, 159 xxvii, 107 Enscoe T. Dunn, 44 Connecticut, 93 26, 430 Ensig:iv. Harney, 15 Nebraska, 330. 48,311 Ensign T. Webster, 1 Johns. Ca. 145 i, 108 Ensign, In re Estate of, 103 Xew York, 284 5 7 , 717 EnsrniiigcT v. People, 47 Illinois, 331 xcv, 495 rise Ins. Co. v. Parisot, 35 Ohio St. 35 3 5, 3S9 Enterprise Trans Co. v. Sheedy, 103 Penn. St 492.40, 130 Episc. Church of Macon v. Wiley, 2 Hill Ch. 584, 1 Rilsy Ch. 156 .'. xxx, 386 Eppendorf v. Brooklyn C. etc. R. Co., 69 New York. 195 25,171 Epperson v. Xugent, 57 Mississippi, 45 3-i, 434 Eppes v. Cole, 4 Hening & M. 1 :i iv, 512 Eppinger v. Kirby, 23 IUi.:ois, 521 Ixxvi, 709 Epps v. Hinds, 27 Mississippi, 657 Ixi, 523 Equitable L. A. Soc. v. Vogel. 7G Alabama, 411. ..."',', 314 Equitable Life Ins Co. v. Paterson. 41 Ga. 333. . . 5, 5"5 Ericsson v. Eell, 3 Iowa. 617 30, 216 Erie v. Caulklns, 85 Penn. St. 247 27,612 Erie T. Magill, 101 Penn St C16 47, 730 Erie v. Schwingle, 22 Penn. Stato, 384 Ix, 87 Erie & N. E. R. R. Co. ads. Commonwealth, 27 Penn. State, 339 Ixvii, 471 Erie & P R. R. Co. v. Douthet, 3 Penn St. 213. . .37, 451 Erie & W. T. R. Co. v. Dater, 01 Illinois, 195 33, El Erie C P. R'y Co. T. Schuster, 113 Penn. St. 412.. 57, 471 Erie G I. Wks v. Earber, 1C3 Penn. St 125. 51, 5C8 Erie Pros. Co. v. Miller, 52 Connecticut, 444 52, C07 Erie R'y Co. v. Commonwealth, 60 Penn. St. 81. . 5, 351 Erie R'y Co. ads. Commonwealth, 62 Penn. St. 23a 1,399 Erie Railway Co. v. State, 2 Vroom, 531 Ixxxvi, 226 ErieR'yCo. v. Wilcox, Si niinois, 233 25,451 Ernst v. Hudson R. R. Co., 35 Xew York 9 xc, 761 Ernst v. H. R. R. R. Co. 33 Xew York. 61 c, 405 Ernst v. Steckman, 74 Penn. St. 13 15, 542 Erskine v. De la Eaum, 3 Texas, 406 xlix, 751 Erskine v. Plummer, 7 Greenleaf, 447 xxii, 216 Erskine v. Townsend, 2 Massachusetts, 493 iii, 71 Ervine's Appeal, 16 Penn. State, 256 Iv, 4C9 Erwin's Appeal, 39 Perm. State, 535 lux, 542 Erwin v. Eulla,- 29 Indiana, 95 xcii, 341 Erw in v. Com'l & R. R. B'k, 3 La. An. 186 xlviii, 447 Errein T. Lowry, 2 Louisiana An. 314 xlvi, 545 Envin v. Maxwell, 3 Mur; hey, 241 ix, 602 Erwin v. Oldham, 6 Yerger, 185 xxvii, 458 Erwin v. Saunders, 1 Cowen. 249 xiii, 520 Erwiu v. Shaffer, 9 Ohio State, 43 Ixxii, 613 Erwin v. State, 29 Ohio St. 186 23,733 Erwiii v. Torrey, SMartin, 90 xiii, 279 Eschbach v. Collins, 61 Maryland, 473 48, 123 Esdon T. Colbum, 28 Vermont, 631 Ixvii, 730 Eskridge v. Glover, 5 Stewart & Porter, 204 xxvi, 344 Eslava v. Elliott, 5 Alabama, 264 xxxix, 326 Eslava v. Lepretre, 21 Alabama, 504. Ivi, 2GG Esmond v. Tarbox, 7 Greenleaf, 61 xx, 346 Essex Company v. Edmands, 12 Gray, 273 Ixxi, 758 Estabrook v. Smith, 6 Gray, 570 Ixvi, 443 Estabrook v. Smith, 6 Gray, 572 Ixvi, 445 Estate of . See name of decedent, etc. Estate of Davis and Desauque, 5 Whartoa, 530.rxxiv, 574 Estate of Hinds, 5 Wharton, 138 xsxiv, 542 Estate of Knight, 12 California, 200 Ixsiii, 531 Estate of Xerac, 35 California, 392 xcv. 111 Estep v. Lacy, 35 Iowa, 419 14,498 Estes v. Antrobus, 1 Missouri, 197 xiii, 496 Estes v. Erowning, 11 Texas, 237 Estes v. Tower, 102 Massachusetts. 65 3, 433 Estill v. Fox, 7T. E. Monroe, 552 xviii, 213 Estill v. Taul, 2 Yerger, 4G6 xxlv, 49g Esty v. Baker, 50 Maine, 325 Iv-tir, 616 Esty v. Clark. 101 Massachusetts. 36 3, 320 Etting v. SchuylkUl Eank, 2 Penn. State, 355 xliv, 205 Eufaala v. McXab, 67 Alabama, 588 42, 118 Eugsterv. West. 55 Louisiana An. 119 48, 232 Eureka Co. v. Bass, 81 Alabama, 200 CO, 153 Eureka Co. v. Edwards, 71 Alabama, 248 4G, 314 Eureka Ins. Co. v. Robinson, Rea & Co., 53 Penn. St. 256 xciv, 65 Evans v. Browne, 3D Indiana, 514 xcv, 710 Evansv. Bryan, 95 Xorth Carolina, 174 59,233 Evans v. Clapp, 123 Massachusetts, 165 2 ~> , :2 Evans v. Columbian Ins. Co., -14 Xew York, 1IC. . . -I, 650 Evans v. Commonwealth, 4 Serg. & R. 272 viii, 711 Evans v. Commonwealth, 8 Watts, 338 xxxiv, 477 Evans v. Davidson. 53 Maryland, 245 38, 400 Evans v. Dendy, 2 Speers' Law, 9 xiii, 356 Evans v. Dravo, 24 Penn. State, 62 Ixii, 359 Evans v. Elliott, 23 Indiana, 2C3 Ixxxiii, 319 Evans v. Fearne, 13 Alabama, C33 1, 197 Evani v. Fitchburgh R. R. Co., Ill M;:ss. 112 15, 19 Evans v. Gale, 17 Xew Hampshire, 573 xliii, C14 Evans T. Gibson, 29 Missouri, 223 Lsxvii, 565 Evans v. Governor, 18 Alabama, 653 liv, 172 Evans v. Hamrick & Cole, 61 Penn. St. 19 c, 595 Evans v. Kingsberry, 2 Randolph, 12 J xiv, 779 Evans v. McDermott, 49 Xew Jersey Law, 163. .. .60, 602 Evans v. Matson. 51 Penn. State, 3:6 Ixxxviii, 584 Evan! v. Memphis&C. R. Co., 53 Ala. 246 2S. 771 Evans v. Merri weather, 3 Scammoa, 432 xxxviii, 106 Evans v. Miller. 53 Mississippi, 120 38, 313 Evans v. Pearce, 15 Gratt 513 Ixxviii, C33 Evans v. Root, 7 X. Y. (3 Selden), ISO Mi, 512 Evans v. Sanders, 8 Porter, 497 xxxiii, 297 Evans v. Smith, 28 Georgia, 93 Ixxiii, 751 Evans v. Smith, 5 T. B. Monroe, 263 xvii, 74 Evansv. Spurgin. 6 Grattan, 107 lii, 135 Evans v. State, 8 Ohio State, 196 In, 98 Evans ads. State, 3 Arkansas, 535 xxxvi, 468 Evans v. Tatem, 9Serg. & R. 2^2 xi, 717 Evans v. Utica. 63 Xew York, 166 25, 1C5 Evansv. Walsh. 12 Vroom, 281 32,201 Evansv. Webb, 1 Yates, 421 i, 308 Evansich v. G. C. & 8. F. R'y Co., 57 Tex. 126. ... .44, 586 Evansville v. Decker, 84 Indiana, 325 43, 86 Evansville v. Morris, 87 Indiana. 263 44, 703 Evansville v. Pfisterer, 34 Indiana, 36 7,214 Evansville & T. H. R. K, Co. v. Griffin, 100 Ind- iana, 221 50,783 Evansville & T: H. R. R. Co. v. McKee, 99 Ind- iana, 519 50, 102 Evansville etc. R. R. Co. v. Duncan, 23 In- diana, 441 xcii, 322 Evausville G. L. Co. T. State, 73 Indiana, 219 38, 129 Evansville Xat. E'k v. Kaufman, 93 X. Y. 273. . . .45, 204 Evants v. Strode, 11 Ohio, 430 xxxviii, 744 Evarts v. Midalebury, 53 Vermont, 626 38, 707 Eveleth v. Blossom, 54 Maine, 447 sen. 555 TABLE OF CASES. Ere Far Bomair letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Eveleth v. Scribner, 12 Maine, 24 xxviii, 147 ETening Journal Ass'n v. McDermott, 15 Troom. 430 43,392 Evening Journal Asso. v. State Board of Asses- sors, 47 Xew Jersey Law, 36 54, 114 Evening Xews Ass'n v. Tyron. 42 Mich. 549 3G, 450 Evens v. Griscom, 13Vroom, 579 36, 542 Everett v. Coffin, 6 Wendell, 603 xxii, 551 Everett v. Chicago, R I. & P. R'y Co., C9 Iowa, 15. .58, 207 Everett r. Ilerrin, 40 Maine, 3" Ixxiv, 455 Everett v. United States, G Porter, 166 xxx, 584 Evergreen Cem. Ass'u v. Xew Haven, 43 Con- necticut. 231 21, 643 Everhart v. Terre Haute and I. R. R. Co., 73 Indiana, 292 41,567 Evennan v. Robb, 52 Mississippi, 653 2 1, 6S2 Everson v. Kirtland, 4 Paige Ch. 623 xxvii, 91 Evcrsou v. Powers, ? Xew York, 527 42, 319 Evert 3 v. Agnes, 4 Wisconsin, 343 Ixv, 314 Everts v. Beach, 31 Michigan, 136 18, 169 Everts v. Brown, 1 D. Chipman, % i, 699 Everts v. Chittendon, 2 Day, 333 ii, 97 Evertson v. Nat. Baals, 66 Xew York, II 23, 9 Evertsou v. Satton, 5 Wendell, 231 xxi, 217 Evillv. ConweU.2Blackford, 133 xviii, 133 Ewaa v. Lippiucott, 47 X. J. Law, 192 54,143 Ewart v. Street, 2 Bailey, 157 xxiii, 131 Ewell v. State, 6 Yerger, 334 xxvii, 480 E-.ver v. Coffin, 1 Gushing, 23 xlviii, 537 Ewor v. Washington Ins. Co., 16 Pick. 502 xxviii, 253 Ewing v. Glidwell, 3 Howard, 332 xxxiv, 96 Ewingv. Handler. 4 Littell, 345 xiv, 140 Ewin:: v. Higby. 7 Ohio, Pt. 1, 198 xxviii, 633 Ewingv. Smith, 3 Desaussure, 417 v, 557 Ewing v. Tees, 1 Binney, 450 ii, 455 Excelsior F. Ins. Co. v. Royal Ins. Co., 55 Xew York, 313 14,271 Exchange Bank v. McLoon, 73 Maine, 493 40, 3S8 Exchange Bank v. Rice, 107 Mass. 37 9, 1 Ex'rs of Thomas v. Erwin's Ex'rs.Cheves' L. 22.xrxiv, 580 Executors of Ware v. Murph, Rice's Law, 54. ..xxxiii, 97 Exeter Bank v. Stowel!, 13 Xew Hamp. Cl xli, 716 Exhaust V. Co. v. Chicago, Mil. & St. P. R. R. Co. , 63 Wisconsin, 218 57, 257 Ex parte Gibson, 31 California, 619 xci, 510 Eyler v. Cra' ita, '2 Maryland, 137 Iri, 711 Eyler v. County Comm., 49 Maryland, 257 33, 249 Eyre v. Jacob, 14 Grattan, 422 Ixxiii, 307 Eyster v. natheway, 50 Illinois, 521 , xcix, 537 Eze'J, Ex parte, 40 Texas, 451 19, 32 Ezzard v. Findley G. M Co., 74 Georgia, 520. . . .58, 445 Fabens v. Merc. Bank, 23 Pickering, 330 xxxiv, 59 Fab.r v. Hovey, 117 Massachusetts. 107 19, 393 Faber ads. People, 92 Xew York. 146 44, 357 Fagg v. Hambel, 21 Iowa, 140 Ixxxix, 5C1 Fagin v. Connoly, 25 Missouri, 94 l\ix, 453 Fahie v. Pressey, 2 Oregon, 23 Lxxx 401 Fahn v. Reichart, 8 Wisconsiii, 255 Ixxvi 237 Fahnestock v. Bailey, 3 Met. (Ky.), 48 Ixxvii, 101 Fuiu v. Commonwealth, 78 Kentucky, 183 39, 213 Fain v. Inman, 6 Heisk. 5 19, 577 Fainv. Smith, 14 Oregon,S2 58,281 Fair v. Philadelphia, 88 Penn. St. 309 32, 455 Fairbanks v. Kerr, 70 Penn. St. 86 10, 6G4 Fairbanks v Sargent, 104 Xew York, 108 56,490 Fairbanks v. Witter, 18 Wisconsin, 237 Ixxxvi, 765 Fairchild v. Bell, 2 Erevan], 129 iii, 702 Fan-child v. Chastelleux, 1 Penn. State, 176 xliv, 117 Fairchild v. Xew Orleans & N. E. R. Co., 60 Mississippi, 931 45, 427 Fairchild T. Ogdensburgh R. R., 15 X. Y. 337 Ixix, 606 Fairclough ads. State, 20 Connecticut, 47 Ixxvi, 530 Fairfax v. Xew York Cent. etc. R. Co., 73 Xew York, 167 29,119 Fan-field v. Lawson, 50 Connecticut, 501 47, 669 Fairfield v. Paine, 23 Maine, 438 xli, 357 Fairfield Sav. B'k v. Chase, 72 Maine, 226 39, 319 Fairley v. Smith. 87 Xorth Carolina, 367 42, 522 Fairly v. Kline, 2 Pennington, 754 iv, 114 Fairmount etc. R'y Co. v. Stutler, 54 Perm. St. 375 xciii, 714 Falconer v. Smith, 18 Penn State, 153 Iv, 611 Falkinburg v. Lucy, .35 California, 52 xcv, 73 Falkner v. Streator, 3 Jones' Eq. 33 Ixvii, 230 Fall v. Hazeh-egg. 45 Indiana, 576 15, 273 Falliett v. German, 5 Cold. 580 xcv, 111 Fallon v. Builer, 21 California, 24 Ixxxi, 1 SO Fallon v. Chldester, 46 Iowa, 5S8 26, 161 Fallon v. Kehoe, 33 Cal. 44 xcix, 347 Fallon v. O'Brien. 12 Rhode Island, 518 34, 713 Falloon v. Schilling, 29 i ansas, 292 44, 642 Falls v. Carpenter, 1 Dev. & B. Eq. 237 xxviii, 592 Fanning v. Chadwick, 3 Pickering, 420 xv, 233 Fanning v. Consequa, 17 Johnson, 511 viii, 443 Fanning v. Dunham, 5 Johns. Ch. 122 ix, 283 Fanning v. Ins. Co , 37 Ohio St. 339 41, 517 Fanning ads. State, 94 Xorth Carolina, 940 55, 653 Fant v. McDaniel, 1 Brevard, 172 ii, 660 Faran v. Robinson, 17 Ohio St. 242 xcili, 617 Farham v. Thompson, 34 Minnesota, 331 57, 59 Faris v. Durham, 5T. B. Monroe, 397 xvii, 77 Faris v. Starke, 9 Dana, 123 xxxiii, 536 Farishv. Cook, 93 Missouri, 212 47,107 Farish v. Reigle, 11 Grattan, 697 Ixii, 666 Farley v. Cleveland, 4 Cowen, 432 xv, 387 Farley v. Gihner, 12 Alabama, 141 xlvi, 249 Farley v. Lea, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 169 xxxii, 680 Farley v. Lincoln, 51 Xew Hampshire, 577 12, 182 Farley v. Moog, 79 Alabama, K3 58, 585 Farley v. Parker. 6 Oregon. 105 25, 504 Farlinv. Sook, 30 Kansas. 401 46,100 Farmer v. Kimball, 43 Xew Hampshire, 435.. Ixxxviii, 219 Farmer v. Lewis, 1 Bush, 66 Ixxxix, 610 Farmer v. Lewis. 9? Indiana. 444 47, 153 Fanner v.Ray, 42 Alabama. 125 xciv. 633 Farmer v. Samuel. 4 Littell, 1S7 xiv. 106 Farmers' Bank v. Beirne, 1 Grattan, 234. xlii, 551 Farmer's Bank v. Ewing, 73 Kentucky, 261 39, 231 Farmers' Bank v. Little, 8 Watts & Serg. 207 xiii, 233 Fanners' Bank v. Winslow, 3 Minnesota, 86 ... .Ixxiv, 740 Farmers' and Cit. B'k v. Payne, 25Conn. 444. . .Ixviii, 362 Fanners & M, Bank v. Baldwin, 23 Minnesota, 198.. 23, 653, Farmers' & M. B'k v. Champ. T. Co., 10 Vt. 52. . .xlii, 491 Farmers' & M. B'k v. Champ. T. Co., 23 Vt. 186. . . .Ivi, 68 Farmers'&M. B'k v. Chester, 6 Humpt. 453 xliv, 318 Farmers & M. Bank v. Downey, 53 CaL 466 31 , 62 Farmers' & M. B'k v. Ege, 9 Watts, 430 xxxvi, 130 Farmers' & M. B'k v. Flint, 17 Vermont, 508 xliv, 351 Farmers & M. B'k v. Galbraith, 10 Penn. St. 490. . . .Ii, 498 Farmers & M. Bank v. Hazeltine, 73 X. Y. 104 . .. .34, 518 Farmers" & M. X. B'k v. King, 57 Penn. St. 2?2.xcviii, 215 Farmers' & M. B'k v. Rathbone, 26 Vermont, 19.1viii, 200 Farmers' & M. Bankv. Wasson. 48 Iowa, 333 30,398 Fanners' and Mechanics' Bank v. Butchers' and White, 2 Sneed, 432 Ixiv, 772 Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank v. Drovers' Bank, 16 New York, 125 box, 678 Fanners' and Merchants' Ins. Co. v. Chesnut, 50 Illinois, 111 xcix. 492 Farmers' and Planters' Bank v. Martin, 7 Md. 342.1xi, 350 Far Fer TABLE OF CASES. 64 Roman letters [slix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Exports. Farmers' & M. Bit ads. Commonw., 21 Pick. 512.xxxii, 290 Farmers 1 Bit of Del. v. Beaston, 7 Gil. & J., 421 .xxviii, 226 Farmers' etc. Bank v. Humphrey, 36 Vt, 554. .Ixxxvi. 671 Farmers & D. Ins. Co v. Curry, 13 Bush, 312 26, 194 Farmers' Ins. & L. Co. T. Snyder, IS Wend. 481. . .xxx, 118 Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. T. Commercial Bank of Racine. 15 Wisconsin, 424 Ixxxii, 689 Farmington Academy T. Allen, 14 Mass 172 vii, 201 Famham v. Pierce. 141 Massachusetts, 203 55, 452 Farnsworth T. Guilds, 4 Massachusetts, 637 iii, 2l9 Farnsworth Y. Chase, 19 New Hampshire, 534 II. 206 Farnsworth v. Fowler, 1 Swan, 1 Iv, 718 Famsworth v. Hemmer, 1 Allen, 494 Ix m, 753 Famum v. Fowle, 12 Massachusetts, 89 vii, 35 Faraum T. Pntch, 60 New Hampshire, 294 40, 313 FaraumY. Platt, 8 Pickering, 339 xix, 330 EarrY. Farr, 34 Mississippi, 597 Ixix, 406 Farr v. Rasco, 9 Michigan, 353 1-nrr, 83 Farr v. Sims. Rich. Eq. Ca. 122 xxiv, 396 yarrv. Smith, 9 Wendell, 338 xxiv, 162 Fair Y. Sumner, 12 Vermont, 23 xxrvi, 327 Farrar Y. Bridges, 5 Humphreys, 411 xlii, 439 Farrar Y. Farrar, 4 New Hampshire, 191 xvii, 410 Farrar Y. Gilman, 19 Maine, 440 xxxvi, 766 Farrar Y Pearson, 57 Maine, 561 8, 439 Farrar Y. Stackpole, 6 Greenleaf, 154 xix, 201 Farrar Y. Wingate, 4 Richardson's L. 35 liii, 709 Fan-ell Y. Cook. 16 Nebraska, 483 43, 721 Farrell Y. Lovett. '68 Maine, 326 28, 59 Farrell v. State, 32 Ohio St. 436 3O, 614 Fan-ell's Y. Brennan, 32 Missouri, 323 Ixxxii, 137 Farrington Y. Kimball. 125 Massachusetts. 313. . . .30, 680 Farrington Y. Meek. 30 Missouri, 578 bcxvii, 627 Farrington Y. Turner, 53 Michigan, 72 51, SS Farris Y. Dudley. 73 Alabama. 124 56, 24 Farris Y. Richardson, 6 Allen, 118 Ixxxiii, 618 Farrow Y. Commonw. Insurance Co., 18 Pick, 53.xxix, 5S4 Farrow Y. Edmundson, 4 B. Monroe, 605 xli, 250 Farrow ads. State, Phill. Law, 161 xciii. 5S5 Farwell Y. Boston etc. R. R, Co., 4 Met. 49.. . .xxxviii, 339 Farwell Y. Mather. 10 Allen, 322 Ixxxvii. 641 Fassitt Y. Middleton, 47 Penn. State. 214 Ixxrvi, 535 Faucett Y. Faucett, 1 Bush. 511 Ixxxix, 639 FauldsY. Yates, 57 Illinois. 416 11, 24 Faulk Y. Dashiell. 62 Texas, 642 50, 512 Faulkner Y. Aug. Ins. Co., 2 McMulL L. 158. . .xxxix, 119 Faulkner Y. Aurora, 85 Indiana, 130 44, 1 Faulkner Y. Davis. 18 Grattan, 651 xcviii, 698 Faulkner Y. Faulkner's Ex'rs, 3 Leigh, 255 xxiii. 2:4 Faulkner Y. Hart, 82 New York. 413 3*, 574 Faulks v. People, 39 Michigan. 200 33, 374 Faunce Y. Burke, 16 Penn. State, 463 Iv, 519 Faure v. Martin, 7 N. Y. (3 SelJen), 210 IvM, clo Faure Y. Winans, Hopkins' Ch. 283 xiv, 5!5 Faurie v. Morin. 4 Martin. 33 vi. 701 Fausler v. Parsons, 6 West Virginia, 4S6 20, 431 Favor v. Boston & L. R. R. Co., 1H Mass. 350 If), 361 Favors Y. Glass, 22 Alabama, 621 Iviii, 272 Fawcettv. Osbora. 32 Illinois, 411 li- Fawsett v. Clark. 48 Maryland. 491 30, 481 Fawsettv. Nat. L. las. Co.. 97 Illinois. 11 3T, 15 Fayv. Eurditt, 81 Indiana, 433 47,142 Fay Y. Harlan, 1^8 Massachusetts, 244 35, 372 Fay v. Muzzey, 13 Gray, 53 Ixxiv, 619 Fay v. Oliver, 20 Vermont, 113 xlii, 764 Fay v. Parker, 53 New Hampshire, 342 1G, 270 Fay v. Smith, 1 Allen. 477 Ixxix, 752 Fay Y. Valentine, 12 Pickering, 40 xiii, 337 Fayettev. Chesterville. 77 Maine. C3 .V.'. 711 Faysouxv. Prather, 1 Nott & McC. 296 ix, C91 Fearing v. Clark, 16 Gray, 74 Ixxvii, 394 Fearingv. Kimball. 4 Allen. 125 Ixxxi, 690 Fear'.e v. Lewis, Ex parte, 13 Missouri, 467 liii, 155 Feara v. Shirley and Wife, 31 Mississippi, 301... .Ixvi, 575 Fcarsv. Merrill, 9 Arkansas, 559 1, 226 Feather v. Strohoecker, 3 Penrose & W. 505 xxiv, 342 Fee v. Cowdry, 45 Arkansas, 410 55, 560 Fee v. Fee, 10 Ohio, 469 nxvi, 103 Feemsterv. May, 13 Smedes & M. 275 liii, 83 Feemster v. Markham, 2 J. J. Marshall, 303 xix, 131 Feigley v. Feigley, 7 Maryland, 537 Ixi, 375 Feigley v. Whitaker. 22 Ohio St 606 10,778 Feilenads. People, 58 California, 218 41,258 Feineman v. Sachs. 33 Kansas, 621 52, 547 Feital v. Middlesex R R. Co., 109 Mass. 398 1.2, 700 Fejavary v Broesch. 52 Iowa, 88 35, 261 Felch v. Bugbee, 48 Maine, 9 Ixxrii, 203 Felderv. Bonnett, 2McMnUen'sL. 44 xxrrii, 545 Felder v. Columbia & G. R R. Co., 21 S. C. 35. . . .53, 656 Felder v. State, 23 Tex. Ct. App. 477 50, 777 FeZdman v. Charleston, 23 S. C. 57 5", 6 Felix v. Grand Lodge, 31 Kansas. 81 47, 479 Felker v. Emerson, 16 Vermont, 6% xlii, 532 Fell v. State, 42 Maryland, 71 20, S3 Feller v. Alden, 23 Wisconsin. 301 xcix. 173 Fellowes v. New Haven. 44 Connecticut, 2 W 26, 447 Fellows Y . Allen, 60 New Hamphire, 439 40, 323 Fellows v. Fellows, 4 Cowen, C82 xv, 412 Fellows v. Lewis, 63 Alabama, 313 30, 1 Fellowsv. Prentiss, 3 Denio, 512. xlv, 484 Fellows v. Steamer R. W. Powell, 16 Louisiana An. 316 Ixx-x, 581 Fells Point Savings Inst.tution v. Weedon, 18 Maryland, 320 lixxi, 603 Felrath v. Schonfield, 76 Alabama, 199 52, 319 Felton v. Deall, 22 Vermont, 170 liv, 61 Felton v. Smith, 88 Indiana, 149 : Fenderson v. Owen, 54 Maine, 372 xcii. 551 Fenncll v. Henry, 70 Alabama, 484 45, S3 Fenner v. Buffalo & S. L. R. R. Co . 4 1 N. Y. 503. . 4, 709 Fennesy v. Gonsoulin, 11 Louisiana, 419 xxx, 720 Fent Y. Toledo etc. R'y Co.. 59 Illinois, 349 14, 13 Fenton v Reed, 4 Johnson, 52 iv. 244 Fentress v. Robins, N. C. Terci Rep. 177 vii, 704 Fereirav. Sayres, 5 Wattsi Serg, 210 xl, 496 Ferguson's Case, 3 Grattan, 594 x!vi, 196 Ferguson v. Coleman. 3 Richardson's L. 99 xlv, 701 Ferguson v. Crawford. 73 New York. 253 Ferguson v. Etter, 21 Arkansas, 160 Ixi-. i, 361 Ferguson v. Hill. 3 Stewart, 485 xxi, C41 Ferguson v. Hubble, 97 New York, 507 40, 514 Ferguson v. Kennedy, Peck, 321 X!T. 701 Ferguson v. Landram, 5 Bush, 230 xcvi, 350 Ferguson v. Lowcry, SI Alabama. 510 25, 713 Ferguson v. Miles. C Gilman, 353 x Ferguson v. Milbr, 1 Cowen. 543 xlii, 519 v Northern Bank. It Bush, :"'> 2f>, -118 Ferguson v. Smethers, 70 Indiana, 519 36, 136 J Ili'l (S C.), 619 xxvii. 412 Ferguson v. Williams. 3 B. Monroe. 3^ xxxix. 466 : : v. Witsell. 5 Richardson's L. 280 : Fergusson v. Brent. 12 Marlyand, 9 Ixxi, 582 Ferlat v. Gojon, Hopkins' Ch. 478 xiv, 554 Femander v. Dunn. 19 Georgia 4 r '7 Ixv, 607 stern Ins Co., 1SN. Y.571.. S. .'71 Fernsler v. Moyer. 3 V xxxix, 33 "uffalo & S. L. R. R., 22 N. Y., 209....1xxviii, 178 I Bradford, 2 Florida, 508 1. :T>3 Knipe, 23 Calif mia, 340 Ixxxvii. 123 Ftrrco v. Oxford F. i L. I. Co.. 67 Penn. St. 373. . . 5, 436 65 TABLE OP CASES. Fer Fir Roman letters [xiix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Ferrell v. Maxwell, 23 Ohio St. 383 21,333 Fen-ell v. Scott, 2 Spcer's Law, 344 xlii, 371 Ferrenbach v. Turner, 86 Missouri, 416 50, 437 Terrier's Petition, 103 Illinois, 367. 43, 10 Ferrier v. Storer, 63 Iowa, 464 50, 752 Ferris v. Carson W. Co., 1G Nevada, 44 40,485 Ferris v. Henderson, 12 Perm. State, 49 li, 580 Ferris v. Mosher, 27 Vermont, 218 Ixv, 192 Ferris v. Wilcox, 51 Michigan, 105 47, 5ol Ferries v. Harshea, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 48 xvii, 782 Ferriterv. Tyler. 48 Vermont. 444 21,133 Ferry v. Williams, 12 Vroom. 332 32, 219 Fertich v. Michener, 111 Indiana. 472 60, 709 Fessenden v. Joiies, 7 Jones' Law, 14 Ixxv, 445 Fessenden v. Willey, 2 Allen, 67 Ixxix, 7C2 Fetter, Matter of, 3 Zabriskie, 311 Ivii, 382 Fetterman v. Murphy, 4 Watts, 424 xxvili, 720 Fetters v. Muncie Nat. Bank, 3-1 Indiana, 251 7, 225 Fettyplace v. Dutch, 13 Pickering, 388 rriii, G83 Fichthorn v. Boyer, 5 Watts, 139 xxx, 300 Fick v. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co.. 63 Wis. 469 GO, 873 Fickett v. Swift, 41 Maine, 65 .Ixvi, 214 Fickle v. Rnc-pl\ 97 Indiana, 289 49, 449 Field's Estate, 2 Rawle, 351 xxi, 454 Field v. Arrowsmith, 3 Humphries, 442 TTTJX, 185 Field v. Chipley, 79 Kentucky, 260 42, 215 Field v. Des Moines, 39 Iowa, 575 28, 46 Field v. Dickinson, 3 Arkansas, 409 xxxvi, 458 Field v. Hitchcock, 17 Pickering, 1S2 rsviii, 2S3 Field v. Langsdorf, 43 Missouri, 32 xcvii, 367 Field v. Mayor etc. of N. Y., 6 X. Y. (2 Seld.) 179. Ivii, 435 Field v. New Orleans D. N. Co., 21 La. An. 24. . .xcix, 699 Field v. Sanderson, 3 1 Missouri, 542 Ixxxvi. 124 Field v. Schieffelin, 7 Johns. Ch. 150 xi, 441 Field v. Stags, 52 Missouri, 534 14, 435 Field v. State, 57 Mississippi, 471 34,476 Field ads. State, 14 Maine, 244 xxxi, 52 Field ads. State, 17 Missouri, 529 lix, 275 Field v. Tibbetts. 57 Maine, 353 xcix. 779 Field and Adams v. Lucas, 21 Georgia, 447 Ixviii, 4G5 Field's Heirs v. Goldsby, 23 Alabama, 218 Ixv, 341 Fields v. State, 47 Alabama, 603 11,771 Fields v. Stokley. 99 Pennsylvania State, 306 44, 109 Fife v. State, 31 Arkansas, 455 25, 55G Fifieldv. Penn. St. Ins. Co., 47 Penn. St. 166.. Ixxxvi. 523 Fifth Xat. Bank v. Hyde Park. 101 Illinois, 595. ..40, 218 Fifty Associates v. Grace, 125 Massachusetts, 161.28, 218 Fight v. State, 7 Ohio, Pfr. 1, 180 xxviii, 620 Filbert v. Hoff . 42 Penn. State, 97 Ixxxii. 493 Fildew v. Besley, 52 Michigan. 100 3G, 433 Filer v. X. Y. C. R. R. Co., 49 New York, 47 .'lO, 327 Filkins v. People, 69 New York, 101 25, 143 Fillebrowa v. Grand Trunk R'y Co., 55 Me. 452. .xcii, 606 Filley v. Duncan, 1 Nebraska, 134 xciii, 337 Filley v. Fassett, 44 Missouri, 1C9 c, 275 Filley v. Register, 4 Minnesota, 391 Ixxvii, 522 Filson v. Himes, 5 Penn. State, 452 xlvii, 422 Finch v. Board of Ed., 30 Ohio State, 37 27, 414 Finch v. Sink, 46 Illinois, 1C9 xcii. 246 Finch ads. State, 70 Iowa, 313 59, 443 Finch v. York County. 19 Nebraska, 50 50 , 7 11 Finch's Ex'rs v. Alston, 2 Stewart & Porter, 83. .xxiii, 299 Findlay v. Riddle, 3 Binney, 139 v, 355 Findlay v. Smith, 6 Munford, 134 viii, 733 Findley v. Hill, 8 Oregon, 217. .. 34, C73 Findley v. State, 5 Blackford, 576 xxxvi, 557 Findley v. Wilson, 3 Littell, 390 x:v, 72 Finkv. Cox, 18 Johnson, 145 ix, 191 Fink v. Missouri F. Co., 82 Missouri, 276 52, 376 Finkv. Tatman, 33 Indiana, 259 10, 19 A. D. & A. R.-5 Finley v. Carothers, 9 Texas, 517 Ix. 179 Finleyv. Finley, 9 Dana, 52 xxxiii, 523 Finley v. Lynch, 2 Bibb, 536 v, 635 Finley v. LycomingCo. M. I. Co., 30 Penn. St. Sll.lxxii, 705 Finley v. Quirk, 9 Minnesota, 194 Ixxxvi. 93 Finley v. Simpson, 2 Zabriskie, 311 liii, 252 Finn v. Western R. Co., 112 Massachusetts, 524. . .17, 128 Finnegan v. Fernandina, 15 Florida, 379 21, 292 Finneran v. Leonard, 7 Allen, 54 Ixxxiii, 665 Finney v. Bedford Com! Ins. Co , 8 Metcalf, 348. .xli, 515 Finney v. Cist, 34 Missouri, 303 Ixxxiv, 83 Finney v. Cochran, 1 Watts & Serg. 112 xxxvii, 450 Finney v. Fairhaven Ins. Co., 5 Metcalf, 192. .xxxviii, 397 Finney v. Smith, 31 Ohio State. 529 27,524 Finney v. Warren Ins. Co, 1 Metcalf, 16 xxxv, 343 Fiquet v. Allison, 12 Michigan, 328 Ixxxvi, 54 Fire Ass'n ads. People, 92 New York, 311 44, 380 Fire Ins. Co. v. Felrath. 77 Alabama, 194 54, 53 Fire Ins. Ass'n v. Merchants & M. T. Co. , 66 Mary- land, 339 59,162 Fireman's Ins. Co. of Dayton v. Holt, 35 Ohio St. 1S9 35,601 Fireman's Ins. Co. v. Walden, 12 Johns. 513 vii, 340 Firemen's Benev. Ass. v. Lounsbury, 21 HI. 5H..lxxiv, 115 Firmstone v. Mack, 49 Penn. State, 3S7 Ixxxviii, 507 First Baptist Ch. v. Witherell, 3 Paige's Ch. 296.xxiv, 223 First Mass. T. Co. v. Field, 3 Massachusetts, 201. .iii, 124 First Nat. Bank v. Barnum W. & I. Works, 58 Michigan, 124. 55, 668 First Nat. Bank v. Boyce, 78 Kentucky, 42 39, 198 First Nat. Bank v. Burkett, 101 Illinois, 391 40, 209 First Nat. Eankv. Bynum, 81 North Carolina, 24.37, 604 First Nat. Bk. v. Childs. 130 Mass. 519 39, 474 First Nat. Bankv. Christopher, 11 Vroom, 435... 29, 263 First Nat. Bank v. Clark, 61 Maryland, 400 48, lit First Nat. Bank v. Co. Comm'rs, 14 Minn. 77 c. 194 First Nat. Bank ads. Commonwealth, 4 Bush,98, xcvi. 285 First National Bank v. Dearborn, 115 Mass. 219. . 15, 92 First Nat. Bank v Drake, 29 Kansas. 311 44, 64S First Nat. Bank v. Drake, 35 Kansas, 554 57, 193 First Nat. Bank v. Dubuque South Western R'y Co. , 52 Iowa. 373 35, 289 First Nat. Bank v. Dunn, 97 New York, 149 49, 517 First Nat. Bank v. First National Bank, 76 In- diana, 561 40, 261 First Nat. B'k v. Fourth Nat. B'k, 77 N. Y. 320. . .33, 613 First Nat. Bank v. Fowler, 36 Ohio St. 524 38, 610 First Nat Bank v. Fricke, 75 Missouri, 173 42, 397 First Nat. Bankv. Garlinghouse, 22 Ohio St. 492.10, 751 First Nat. Bank v. Gay, 63 Missouri, 33 21, 430 First Nat. Bank v. Graham, 79 Penn. St. 106 21, 49 First Nat. Bank v. Graham. 85 Penn. St. 91 27, 628 First Nat. Bank v. Grant, 71 Maine, 374 3G, 334 Fir,t N;-.t Bank v. Gruber, 87 Penn. St 468 30, 378 First Nat. Bank v. Hall. 44 New York, 395 4, 693 First Nat. Bank v. Hendrie, 49 Iowa, 402 31, 153 First Nat. Bank v Hoch, 89 Penn. St. 324 3~, 79 First Nat. Bank v. Hubbard, 49 Vermont, 1 24, 97 First Nat. Bank v. Jassers, 31 Maryland, 33 c, 53 First Nat. Bank v Johns, 22 West Virginia, 520. .46, 506 First Nat. Bank v. Lamb, 50 New York, 95. ; 10, 438 First Nat. Bank v. Larsen, 60 Wisconsin, 206 50, 363 First Nat. Bank v. Leach, 52 New York, 350 11, 708 First Nat. Bank v. Lineberger, 83 N. C. 451 ; .35, 582 First Nat. Bank v. Marietta etc. R. R. Co., 20 Ohio St. 239 5,655 First Nat. Bank v. Mason, 9j Penn. St. 113 40, 632 First Nat. Bank v. Mayor etc., 63 Georgia, 119. . ..45, 476 First Nat. Bank v. McAndrews, 5 Mont. 325 51, 51 First Nat. Bank v. McClung, 7 Lea, 492 40, 66 Fir-Flo TABLE OP CASES. G6 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. First Nat. Bank v. McManigle, 69 Penn. St. 156.. 8, 236 First Nat. Bank v. Nelson, 33 Georgia, 391 xcv, 400 First Nat. Bank v. Ocean Nat. Bank, SON. Y. 278.10, 181 First Nat. Bank v. Paul. 75 Virginia, 594 40, 740 First Nat. Bauk v. Peterborough, 5G N. H. 38.... 32, 416 First Nat. Bank v. Pierson, 24 Minnesota, 140.... 31, 341 First Nat. Bank v. Plankinton. 27 Wisconsin, 177. 9, 453 First Nat. Bank v. Price, 33 Maryland, 487 3, 204 First Nat. Bank v. Rex, 89 Perm. St. 308 33, 767 First Nat. Bank v. Ricker, 71 Illinois, 439 22, 104 First Nat. Bank v. Rogefs. 13 Minnesota, 407. . .xcvii, 239 First Nat. Bank v. Tappan, 6 Kansas, 456 7, 563 First Nat. Bank v. Telegraph Co.. 30 Ohio St. 555.27, 485 First Nat. Bank v. Town of Mt. Tabor, 52 Vt. 87..3G, 734 First Nat. Bank v. Turnbull, 32 Gratt. 695 34, 791 First National Bank v. Williams, 100 Pa. St. 123. .45, 365 First Nat. Bauk v. Wood, 71 New York, 405 27, 66 First Nat. Bank v. Wood, 51 Vermont, 473 31, 692 First Par. in Slierburne v. Fiske, 8 Gushing, 264.. liv, 755 First Pre's. Church v. Fort Wayne, 36 Ind. 338... 10, 35 Fit Pres. Church T. N. O , 33 La. An. 259 31, 224 Fischliv. Fischli, 1 Blackford, 360 xii, 251 Fish v. Chapman, 2 Georgia, 349 xlvi, 393 Fish v. Dodge, 4 Denio, 311 xlvii, 254 Fish v. Jackman, 19 Maine, 467 xxxvi, 769 Fish v. Thomas, SGray, 45 Ixvi, 343 Fishback v. Woodford, 1 J. J. Marshall, 84 xix, 55 Fisher, Edward, In re, 4 Wisconsin, 254 Ixv, 309 Fisher . Anderson, 25 Iowa, 28 .xcv, 761 Fisher . Bartlett, 8 Greenleaf , 122 xxii, 225 Fisher . Bassett, 9 Leigh, 119 xxxiii, 227 Fisher . Beckwith, 19 Vermont, 31 xlvi, 174 Fisher . Boston, 104 Massachusetts, 87 G, 196 Fisher . Brown, 104 Massachusetts, 259 G, 235 Fisher .Brown, 1 Tyler, 387 iv, 72G Fisher . Butcher, 10 Ohio, 406 liii, 430 Fisher . Comm. . 1 Bush, 211 Ixxxix. 620 Fisher . Conway, 21 Kansas, 18 30, 419 Fisher . Dennis, 6 Calif ornia, 577 Ixv, 534 Fisher . Duncan, IHening&M. 563 iii, 605 Fisherv. Knox, ISPenn. State, 622 liii, 503 Fisher v. Leland, 4 Gushing, 456 1, 805 Fisher v. Lii'hthall, 4 Mackey. 82 54, 2D3 Fisherv. May, 2 Bibb, 443 v, C2G Fisherv. McGirr, 1 Gray, 1 Ixi, 331 Fisherv. Milliken, 8 Penn. State, 111 xlix, 437 Fisher v. New Jersey Bank, 48 N. J. L.390 57,561 Fisher ads. People, 14 Wendell, 9 xxviii, 501 Fisher v. Pollard, 2 Head, 314 Ixxv, 740 Fisher v. Salmon, 1 California, 413 ,liv, 297 Fisher . Seltzer, 23 Penn. State, 308 Ixii, 335 Fisher . Strickler, 10 Penn. State, 348 li, 488 Fisher Thirkell, 21 Michigan, 1 4, 422 Fisher . Van Meter, 9 Leigh, 18 xxx, 221 Fisher Von Behren, 70 Indiana, 19 3G, 162 Fisher . Vose, SRobinson (La.), 457 xxxviii, 243 FishkiU Sav. Ins. v. Nat. Bank, 80 New York. 162. 3G, 595 Fisk v. Brackett, 32 Vermont, 798 Ixxviii, 612 Fiskv. Chandler, 30 Maine, 79 1,612 Fiskv. Cotteaet, 41 New York, 538 4,713 Fiskv. Cushman, 6Cushing,20 Iii, 701 Fiskv. Newton, 1 Denio, 45 xliii, 649 Fiskv. Nortel, 9 Texas, 13 Iviii, 123 Fisk v. Tank, 12 Wisconsin, 276 Ixxviii, 737 Fiske v. Tolman, 12 1 Massachusetts, 254 26, 659 Fitch's Appeal, 10 Penn. State, 461 li, 405 Fitch v. American P. L. Ins. Co. , 59 N. Y. 557 1 7 , 372 Fitch v. Harrington, 13 Gray, 468 Ixxiv, 641 Fitch v. Newl.'erry, 1 Douglass, 1 xl, 33 Fitch ads. People, 1 Wendell, 108 xix, 477 Fitch v. Scott, 3 Howard (Miss.), 314 xxxiv, 86 Fitch v. Snedaker, 38 New York, 243 xcvii, 791 Fitchburg R. R. Co. v. Freeman, 12 Gray, 401 . .Ixxiv, 600 FItchburg R. R. Co. v. Hanna, G Gray, 539 Ixvi, 427 Fitler v. Fossard, 7 Penn. State, 540 xlix, 492 Fitzgerald v. Adams Ex. Co., 24 Ind. 44.7 Ixxxvii, 341 Fitzgerald v. Arel, 63 Iowa, 104 50,733 Fitzgerald v. Beebe, 7 Arkansas, 305 xlvi, 235 Fitzgerald v. Berlin, 51 Wisconsin, 81 37, 814 Fitzgerald v. Blocher, 32 Arkansas, 742 2!>, 3 Fitzgerald v. Gorham, 4 California, 289 Ix, 616 Fitzgerald v. New Brunswick, 47 N J. L. 479 54, 182 Fitzgerald ads. People, 105 New York, 116 5ft, 483 Fitzgerald v. St. Paul, M. & M. R'y Co., 23 Min- nesota, 336 43, 212 Fitzgerald v. Staples, 88 Illinois, 234 30, 5"i Fitzgerald ads. State, 49 Iowa, 260 31, 143 Fitzgibbon v. Lake, 29 Illinois, 165 Ixxxi, 302 Fitzhugh v. Anderson, 2 H. & M. 289 iii, 625 Fitzhugh v. Bank, 3 T. B. Monroe, 126 xvi, 90 Fitzhugh v. Croghan, 2 J. J. Marshall, 423 xix, 139 Fitzhugh v. Ouster, 4 Texas, 391 li, 728 Fitzhugh v. Love, 6 Call, 5 iii, 568 Fitzhugh's Ex'r v. Fitzhugh, 11 Grattan, 300 Ixii, G53 Fitzpatrick v. Fitzpatrick, 36 Iowa, 67 1 1 4, 538 Fitzpatrick v. Fitzpatrick, 6 Rhode Island, 64. . .Ixxv, C81 Fitzpatrick v. Hearne, 44 Alabama, 171 G, 128 Fitzpatrick v. School Comm'rs, 7 Humph. 22 1 xlvi, 76 Fitzsimmons v. Brooklyn, 102 New York, 536 55, 835 Fitzsimmons v. Chapman, 37 Michigan, 139 28, 508 Fitzsiminons v. City Fire Ins. Co., IS Wis. 231. .Ixxxvi, 761 Fitzsimmons v. Joslin, 21 Vermont, 123 Hi, 46 Fitzsimmons v. Southern Ex. Co. , 40 Georgia, 330. 2, 577 FTack v. Harrington, Breese, 213 xii, 170 Flags v. Baldwin, 38 New Jersey Eq. 219 4S, 333 Flagg v. Eaines, 40 Vermont, 16 xciv, 363 Flagg v. Hudson, 142 Massachusetts, 230. 56, 674 Flanagan v. Hoyt, 36 Vermont, 5C5 Ixxxvi, C75 Flanagan v. Pearson, 42 Texas, 1 10, 40 Flanagan v. People, 52 New York, 467 1 1 , 731 Flanagan v. People, 60 California, 2 44, 52 Flanders v. Flanders, 23 Georgia, 243 Ixviii, 523 Flanigan v. People, 86 New York, 554 40, 536 Flanneryv. Rohrmayer, 46 Connecticut, 553 33, 36 Flash v. Connecticut, 16 Florida, 423 26, 721 Fleigv. Sleet, 43 Ohio State, 51 54,800 Fleming v. Beaver, 2 Rawle, 128 xix, 629 Flemingv. Harrison, 2 Bibb, 171 iv, 691 Fleming v. Lockart, 10 Martin, 398 xiii, 333 Fleming v. McClure, 1 Brevard, 428. ii, 671 Fleming v. M cDonald, 50 Indiana, 273 1 9, 711 Fleming v. Marine I. Co., 3 Watts& Serg. 144. .xxxviii, 747 Fleming v. Riddick, 5 Grattan, 272 1, 119 Fleming v. Shenandoah, 67 Iowa, 505 56, 354 Flemingv. Shields, 21 La. An. 118 xcix, 719 Fleming v. Slocum, 18 Johnson, 403 ix, 224 Fleming v. Townsend, 6 Georgia, 103 1, 313 Fleming ads. State, 7 Humphreys, 152 xlvi, 73 Flemming v. Marine In. Co., 4 Wharton, 53.... xxxiii, 33 Flemming v. Mulligan, 2 McCord, 173 xiii, 707 Flemming v. Prescott, 3 Richardson's L. 307 x!v, 766 Flemming ads. Mate, 66 Maine, 142 >;, 5"2 Fletcher v. Austin, 11 Vermont, 447 xxxiv, 638 Fletcherv. Blodgett, 16 Vermont, 25 xi:i, 487 Fletcher v. Boston & M. R. R., 1 AUen, 9 Ixxix, 635 Fletcherv. Bradley, 12 Vermont, 22 xxxvi, 324 Fletcher v. Edson, 8 Vermont, 234. xxx, 470 Fletcherv. Ferrel, 9Dana, 372 xxxv, 143 Fletcherv. Fletcher, 7 New Hampshire, 452. ...xxviii, 359 L Fli-tcher v. Grover, 11 New Hampshire, 303 xxxv, 497 67 TABLE OF CASES. Fie For Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Fetcherv. Howard, 2 Aikena, 115. xvi, GS5 Fletcher v. Jackson, 23 Vermont, 581 Ivi, 93 Fletcher v. Pierson, C9 Indiana, 231 3 5 , 214 Fletcherv. Sanders, 7 Dana, 3i3 xxxii, 93 r v. State, 43 Indiana, 1C4 19,673 nollentemp, 13 B. Monroe, 219 Ivi, 5:3 -. State, 2Brevard, 333 iv, 533 Flevtas v. Pontchart'n R. R. Co., 13 La. 339 rxxvi, 653 Flike v. Boston A R. R. Co., 53 New York, 519.. 13, 543 Flint v. Board of Aldermen, 90 Mass. 141 xcvi, 713 Cany, 7 Louisiana, 373 xxvi, 535 Flint v. Flint, G Allen, 34 Ixxxiii, 615 Flint v. Pattee, 33 New Hampshire, 520 Irri, 742 Flint T. Pierce, 93 Massachusetts. 63 xcvi, 691 Flint v. Sheldon, 13 Massachusetts, 443 vii, 1C2 Flint t F. P. Co. v. Woodhall, 23 Michigan, 99.... 1?, 233 Flint & P. M. R. Co. v. Wier, 37 Michigan. 111. . . .28, 493 Flint R, Steamb. Co. v. Foster, 5 Georgia, 194. .xlviii, 213 Flint R. Steamb. Co. T. Roberts, 2 Florida, 102. xlviii, 173 Florance v. Adams, 2 Robinson (La.), 553 xxxviii, 22G Florence S. 31. Co. v. Grover & B.S. M. Co., 110 Massachusetts, 70 14,579 Florida v. Gibbs, 13 Florida. 55 7,233 Flori v. St. Louis, 63 Missouri, 3tl 33, 504 Floryv. Becker, 2Penn. State, 470 xlv, G33 Floumoy v. City of Jeffersonville, 17 Ind. 169 . .Ixxix, 433 Flower v. Penn. R. R. Co.. 69 Penn. St. 210 8, 251 Browne, 1 Rawle, 121 xviii. c:2 Floyd v. Comm'rs of Eatonton, 14 Georgia, 35t. . .Iviii, 553 -.-. Day, 3 Massachusetts, 403 iii, 171 . . Erie P.'y Co. , 45 New York. 113 0, 43 v. Floyd, 3 Strobhart's Law, 44 xlix, 623 . Goodwin, 8 Yerger, 431 xxix, 133 Floyd v. Johnson, 2 Littell, 1C9 xlii, 233 . Neel, 10 Richardson's Eq. 333 Ixxiii, 94 Floyd v. Ri:ks, 14 Arkansas, 236 Iviii, 374 - State, 12 Arkansas, 43 liv, 253 Floyd v. State, 33 Georgia, 91 xci, 7CO Floy 1 acls. State, 5 Strobhart's Law, 53 liii, 639 Floyd Co. v. Hurd, 49 Georgia, 462 15, 632 F.uckT. Hager. 51 Penn. St. 459 xci. 132 Flynn v. Boumeuf . 143 Massachusetts, 247 58, 135 Flynnv. Canton Co., 43 Maryland, 312 17,603 Fynn v. Equitable L. A. Soc., 67 New York, 503. .23, 13t Flvnn v. Equitable L. Ins. Co.. 73 New York, 5G3.34, 561 Flynn v. Kansas C.. St. J. & C. B. R. Co., 73 Mis- souri, 105 47, 99 Flynn v. Messenger, 23 Minnesota, 233 41, 279 Flynn v. San Francisco & S. J. H. R. Co. , 43 CaL 14. C, 593 Flynt v. Conrad, Phillips' Law, 190 xciii, 533 Foard v. Johnson, 2 Alabama, 5Z5 xxxvi, 421 Foard v. N. C. R. R. Co., 8 Jones' Law, 233 lx:: Fogarties v. State Bank, 12 Rich, L. 513 Ixxviii. 403 Fogarty v. Finlay, 10 CaliTornia, 233 Lxx, 714 Fogsrty ads. Commonwealth, 8 Gray, 439 !x:x. 211 Fogg v. Fogg, 43 New Hampshire, 232 Ixxvii, 713 Fojg v. Jolmston, 27 Alabama, 432 Ixii, 771 Foggy. Lawry. 63 Maine, 73 28, 19 Fogg v. Pew, 10 Gray, 409 Ixxi, 602 Fogg T. Portsmouth Atheneum, 44 N. H. 115. .Lirxii, 191 Virgin, 19 Maine, 352 xxxvi, 757 Foley v. Cowgill, 5 Blackford, 18 xxxii, 49 Foley v. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co., 43 Mich. 622. . .43, 4S1 Foley v Greene, 14 Rhode Island, 618 51 , 419 Folev v. McKeegan, 4 Iowa, 1 Ixvi, 107 Foleyv. Wyeth, 2 Allen, 131 Ixxix, 771 Foley ads. State, 31 Iowa, 327 7,1GG Foley ads. State, 15 Nevada, 64 37, 433 Folger v. Columbian Ins. Co., 93 Mass. 267 xcvi, 747 Folk and Smith v. Wilson. 21 Maryland. 53S.. Ixxxiii, 599 Follansbe v. Kilbreth, 17 Illinois, 522 Ixv, 691 Follansbee v. Walker, 72 Pennsylvania St. 223. ... 13, 671 Follett v. Hall, 13 Ohio, 111 i Follett v. Reese, 23 Ohio, 51G Folger. In re, 77 Maine, 273 Tollman v. City of Milwaukee, 33 Minn. 5C2 Foils' Appeal, 91 Penn. St. 434 03, 671 Folsom v. Carli, 5 Minnesota, 333 Ixxx, 429 Folsom v. Carli, 6 Minnesota, 423 Ixxx, 436 Folsom v. Mussey, 8 Greenleaf, 403 .v I Foltier v. Schroeder & Schreiber, 19 La. An. 17.... Foltz v. Kerlin, 133 Indiana. 221 55,197 Fonda v. Jones, 42 Mississippi, 792 7, 639 Fonda v. Van Home, 13 Wendell, C31 xxx, 77 Fones v. Phillips, 39 Arkansas. 17 Fontaine's Admr. v. Thompson, 83 Virginia, 229. . Fonville v. Casey, 1 Murphey, 333 Fonville v. McNease, Dudley's Law, 303 s : Fooks v. Waples, 1 Harrington, 131 xxv, 64 Foose v. Whitmore, 82 New York, 103 37 , 573 Foot v. Bentley, 44 New York, 1G3 4, 632 Foot v. Ketchum, 15 Vermont, 253 xl, 673 Foot T. Sabin, 19 Johnson, 154 Foote ads. Att'y-Genl., 11 Wis. 14 to Foote v. Blanchard, 6 Allen. 221 Isxxiii. C24 Foote v. Burnet, 10Ohio,317 xxxvi, 90 Foote v. City pf Cincinnati, 9 Ohio, "1 xxxlv, 420 Foote v. City of Cincinnati, 11 Ohio, 433 xxxvili, 737 Foote T. Colvin,3 Johnson, 216 Foote v. Emerson, 10 Vermont, 333 xx : Foote T. Gooch, S3 North Carolina, 205 CO, 411 Foote v. Merrill, 51 New Hampshire, 490 CO, 131 Footman v. Stetson, 32 Maine, 17 Iii, 634 Forbes T. American M. L. L Co., 15 Gray, 219. .Ixxvii, 330 Forbes T. Foot, 2 McCord, 331. xiii, 732 Forbesv. Hall, 34 Illinois, 159 , .Ixxxv, 301 Forbes v. Howe, 102 Massachusetts, 427 ." , 473 Forbes v. Omaha Nat. Bank, 10 Nebraska, 333. . ..33, 480 Forbesv. Rice, 2Erevard, 333 iv, 539 Forbes v. Smith, 5 Iredell's Eq. 363 xlix, 432 Forcheimerv. Stewart, 65 Iowa, 594 54, 30 Ford v. Angelrodt, 37 Missouri, 50 Ixsxriii, 174 Ford v. Buckeye State Ins. Co,. 6 Bush, 133 xcix, CS3 Ford v. Campfield, GHalsted, 327 xx, 533 Ford v. Chicago & N. W. R. R., 11 Wis. 603 Ixxx, 731 Ford v. Clough, 8 Greenleaf, 334 xxia, 513 Ford ads. Commonwealth, 130 Mass. 64 3D, 426 Fordv. Fitchburg R. R. Co., 113 Mass. 240 14, 593 Fordv. Ford, 2 Martin, N. S., 574 xiv, 201 Ford v. Ford, Walker, 535 x::, 537 Fordv. Hays, 1 Harrington, 43 xsiii, 369 Ford v. Keith, 1 Massachusetts, 139 ii, 4 Ford v. Knapp, 102 New York, 133 Ford v. Langel, 4 Ohio State, 434 ' Fordv. Magnolia Ins. Co., 6 Bush, 133 : Ford v. Sproule, 2 A. K. Marshal], 523 x!:, 433 Ford v. State, 23 Indiana, 541 Ford v. Tirrell, 9 Gray, 401 lx:x, 207 Ford v. Williams, 13 N. Y. (3 Kernan), 577..... .Ixvii, 83 Ford v. Wilson, 33 Mississippi, 493 Ixxii, 137 Foreman v. Wikoff, 13 Louisiana, 20 xxxv, 213 Forester v. Guard, Ereese, 74 Forney v. Gldmacher, 75 Missouri, 113 42,333 Forney v. Hallacher, 8 Serg. & R. 13? xi, 530 FornshiU v. Murray, 1 Eland's Ch. 479 xri.'i, 341 Forrest v. Collier, 20 Alabama, 175 Ivi, 190 Forsee v. Alabama G. S. R. R. Co., 63 Mian. 6G. .50, 801 Forshner ads. State, 43 New Hampshire, S3 Ixxx, 132 Forster v. Fuller, 6 Massachusetts, 53 iv, 87 Forster v. Juniata Br. Co., 16 Penn. St. 393 Iv, 508 For Fra TABLE OF CASES. 63 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Forsyth v. Ganson, 5 Wendell, 553 xzi, 241 Forsyth v. Hopkins, 14 Penn. State, 29 liii, 513 Forsyth v. Matthews, HPenn. State, 100 liii, 522 Forsyth v. Mayqr, 43 Georgia. 152 1 .% C 73 Forsyth v. Palmer, 14 Penn. State, 93 liii, 519 Forsyth v. "Wells, 41 Pena. State, 2D1 Ixxx, C17 Forsyths v. Eeveridge. 52 Elinois. 263 4, C12 Forsythev. Ellis, 4 J. J. Marshall, 208 xx, 213 Forsytho v. Korcross, 5 "Watts, 432 xxx, 334 Forsytho v. Price, 8 "Watts, 2S2 xxxiv, 4C5 Fort Clark IL E'y Co. v. Anderson, 103 EL 64 ... .48, 543 Fort Dearborn Lodge v. Klein, 115 Elinois, 177. ..3G, 133 Fort Madison Lumber Co. v. Batavian Bank, 71 Iowa, 270 60,789 Fort Smith v. Dodson, 40 Arkansas, 296 55, 530 Fort Smith v. McKibbin, 41 Arkansas, 45 48, 10 Fort Wayne v. Coombs, 107 Indiana, 75 57 , 82 Fort "Wayne v. Roseathal, 73 Indiana, 156 39, 127 Fort Worth v. Crawford, 64 Texas, 202 53, 75 g Fortenberry v. Frazier, 5 Arkansas, 200 xxxix, 37J Fortin v. U. S. Wind & P. Co., 43 Elinois, 451 xcv. 5CO Fortman v. Eottier, 8 Ohio State, 543 Ixxii, C03 Forward v. Armstead, 12 Alabama, 121. xlvi, 2 16 Fosdick v. Cornell, 1 Johnson, 440 iii, 340 Fosdick v. Gooding, 1 Greenleaf, 30 x, 25 . v. Green, 27 Ohio St., 434 ....27, 323 Fosdick v. Eisk, 13 Ohio, 84 xlv, 5C2 Foshay T. Glea Haven, 23 Wisconsin, 233 3, 73 Foss v. Isett, 4 G. Greene, 7G Ixi, 117 Foster. Ex parte. 5 Tex. Ct. App. 623 32, 577 Foster's Appeal, 74 Pennsylvania, St. 331 15, C53 Foster's Appeal, 87 Pennsylvania, St. 67 30, 313 Foster v. Brown, 1 Bailey's Law, 221 xix. 672 Foster v. Browning, 4 Rhode Island, 47 Ixvii, 503 Foster v. Clifford, 44 "Wisconsin. 569 28, 603 Foster ads. Commonwealth, 111 Mass. 311 10, 353 Foster ads. Commonwealth, 122 Mass. 317 23, 326 Foster v. Dupre, 5 Martin, 6. xii, 466 Foster v. Essex Bank, 16 Massachusetts, 245 viii, 135 Foster v. Essex Bank, 17 Massachusetts, 479 ix. 163 Foster v. Fletcher, 7 T. B. Monroe, 534 xviii, 203 Fosterv. Hall, 12 Pickering. SO xxii, 400 Foster v. Jones. 73 Virginia, 612 52, 637 Foster v. Julien. 24 New Tork, 23 Ixxx, 320 Foster v. Kelsey, 36 Vermont, 109 Irxsiv, C73 Foster v. Kennedy's Adm'r, 33 Alabama, 359 . . .Ixxxi, 56 Fosterv. Mabe, 4 Alabama, 402 xxxvii, 740 Fosterv. Mansfield, 3 Met calf, 412 xxxvii. 134 Foster v. McGregor, 11 Vermont, 595 xxxiv, 713 Fosterv. Means, ISpeer'sEq. 569 ...xlii, 332 Fosterv. Metts, 53 Mississippi, 77 30, 501 Foster v. Morris, 3 A. K. Marshall, 609 xiii, 205 Foster v. Morse, 132 Massachusetts, 33J 42, 433 Foster v. Pettibone, 7 New Tork (3 Selden), 433. .Ivii, 530 Fosterv. Peyser, 9 Cushing, 242 Ivii, 43 Foster v. Pierce, 11 Cashing, -137 lix, 152 Foster v. Runk, 109 Pennsylvania St. 291 58 , 723 Foster v. Scripps. 39 Michigan, 376 33, 403 Foster v. Smith. 2 Coldwell, 474 Ixxxv::;, CM Foster ads. State, 8 Louisiana An. 200 Iviii, C73 Foster ads. State, 23 New Hampshire, 313 Ir, 131 Foster v. " Tho Richard Basteed," 100 Mass. 409. . 1, 123 Fosterv. Tucker, 3 Greenleaf, 433 xiv, 243 Fosterv. Van Reed, 70 New Tork, 19 26, 544 Fosterv. Wilcox, 10 Ehodo Island. 413 11, COS Fosterv. Wiley, 27 Michigan, 211 15, 1S3 Fotheringham v. Price, 1 Eay, 201 i, CIS Fottrell v. German, 5 Cold. 533 xcviii, 442 Fouchr. Wilson, 60 Indiana, Cl 23, C:i Foulk v. McFarlane, 1 Watts Serg. 207 xxxvii, 4G7 Fountain Co. C. & M. Co. v. Beckleheimer, 102 Indiana, 76 52, 645 Fountain v. West, 23 Iowa. 9 xeii, 405 Fourth N. H. Turn. ads. State, 13 N. II. 1C2 : Fowkev. Slaughter, 3 A. K. Marshall, 53 xiii, 133 Fowle v. New Haven & N. Co. , 112 Mass. 334 1 7 , 1C6 Fowlev. Springfield Ins. Co.. 122 Mass. 101 23,303 Fowle v. "Ward. 113 Massachusetts, 513 IS, 531 Fowler v. .(Etna F. Ins. Co., 6 Cowen, C73 x-. i, 4:0 Fowler v. Austin, 1 Howard, 156 xxvi, 701 Fowler v. Bebee, 9 Massachusetts, 231 vi, 62 Fowler v. Butterly, 73 New Tork, CS .34, 507 Fovrlerv. Cravens, 3 J. J. Marshall, 428 xx, l;3 Fowler v. Currie, 2 Dana, 52 xxvi, 433 Fowlerv. Lee, 10 GU1& J. 333 xxxj, 172 Fowler v. Pearce, 2 English, 23 xliv, :2G Fowlerv. Scully, 72 Pennsylvania State, 436 13, 699 Fowler v. Stoneum, 11 Texas, 478 Ixii, 490 Fowler v. Trebein, 13 Ohio St. 493 xci, 95 Fowlerv. Williams, 2 Brevard, 304 iv, 579 Fowlkes v. Baker, 29 Texas, 135 xclv, 270 Fox, Will of, 52 New Tork, 530 11, 731 Fox v. City of New Orleans, 12 La. An. 134 Ixviii, 766 Fox v. Cronan, 47 New Jersey Law, 493 54, 190 Fox v. Davis, 113 Massachusetts, 235 IS, 476 Fox v. Hall, 74 Missouri, 313 41, 316 Fox v. Hatch, 14 Vermont, 340 xxs'x, 223 Fox v. Horah, 1 Iredell's Eq. 358 xxxvi, 48 Fox v. Hoyt, 12 Connecticut, 471 xxsi, 700 Fox v. Jones, 1 West Virginia, 233 xci, 3S3 Foxv. Minor, 32 California, 111 .ici, 566 Fox v. Reedcr, 23 Ohio State. 181 C .', 373 Fox v. Sackett. 10 Allen, 533 Ixxxvii, 682 Foxv. S..ndford, 4Sneed, 36 Ix Fox v. State, 3 Texas Ct. App. 323 30, 144 Fox v. Wilcocks, 1 Binney, 1C4 ii, 433 Foy v. Blackstone, 31 Illinois, 533 Iii.- Fcyev. Leighton, 22 New Hampshire, 71 liii, 231 Frakerv. Little. 24 Kansas, 5C3 Go, 262 Fraler v. Sears' Ucion Water Co., 12 Cal. C33 . .Ixxiii, CG2 Fraley v. Bispham, 10 Penn. State, 323 li, 433 Fraley v. Kelly, S3 North Carolina, 227 43, 743 Fralick v. Norton, 2 Michigan, 130 Iv, 58 Fralick v. Presley, 23 Alabama, 457 Ixv, 413 Frame v. Kenny, 2 A. K. Marshall, 145 xii, 307 Francis v. Baker, 11 Rhode Island, 103 23, 421 Francis v. Dubuque etc. R. E. Co., 23 Iowa, 60. . .XLV, 7u9 Frank. Ex parte, 52 California. 606 23, GJ2 Frank v. Chemical Nat. Bank, 84 New York, 209.38, 501 Frank v Morris, 57 Illinois, 133 11, 4 Frank v. Mut. L. I. Co., 102 New Tork, 2C6 55, 807 Frankford &, C. P. R. R. v. Philadelphia, 53 Penn. St. 119 xcviii, 242 Frankford Tea Co. v. Philadelphia R. R. Co., 54 Penn. St. 343 xciii. 703 Frankfort Br. Co. v. Williams, 9 Dana, 403 xxxv, 155 Frankfort and S. T. Co. v. Churchill, 6 T. B. Monroe, 427 xvii, 139 Frankhouser v. Ellett, 22 Kansas, 127 31, 171 Fraukland v. Hallowell, 26 Texas, 473 Ixxxiv, 582 Frankliu v. Coffee, 13 Texas, 413 Ixx, 2C2 Franklin v. Dorland. 23 California, 175 Ixxxvii, 111 Franklin v. Fisk, 13 Allen, 211 xc, 194 Franklin v. Gorham, 2 Day, 142 ji, 86 Franklin v. McCorkle, 16 Lea, 600 57,244 Franklin v. March, 6 New Hampshire, 334 xxv, 402 Franklin v. MeriJa. 33 California, 553 xcv, 129 i v. State, C9 Georgia, 3; 47, 743 Franklin v. Twogood. 23 Iowa, 520 xcvi, 73 Franklin B'k, Matter of, 1 Paige's Ch. 249 xix, 413 69 TABLE OF CASES. FraFro Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Franklin Bank v. Byram, 39 Maine, 489 Ixiii, G43 Franklin B'k v. Bachelcler, 23 Maine, 60 xxxix, 601 Franklin B'k v. Commercial B'k, 36 Oliio St. 330. .38, 594 Franklin B'k v Lynch. 52 Maryland, 270 .30, 375 Franklin B'k v. Pa. D. & M. St. Nav. Co., 11 Gill &.J. 23 xxxiii, 687 Franklin Coal Co. v. McMillan, 49 Maryland, 519.33,280 Franklin Co. v. Lewiston Ins.t, CS Maine, 43 28, 9 Franklin Falls Co. v. State, 49 N. H. 240... v 6, 513 Franklin Fire Ins. Co. v. Chicago Ice Co., 35 Maryland, 102 11,469 Franklin F. Ins. Co. v. Findlay, 6 Whart. 483..xxxvii, 430 Franklin Fire Ins. Co. v. Martin, 11 Vroom, 563. .29, 271 Franklin Glass Co. v. Alexander, 2 IT. H. 380 ix, 92 Franklin Ins. Co. v. Humphrey, 65 Ind. 549 3?, 78 Franklin L. Ins. Co. v. Hazzard, 41 Ind. 116 13, 313 Franklin Sav. B k v. Greene, 14 R. I. 1 51,336 Franklin Wharf Co. v. Portland, 67 Maine, 46.. 24, 1 Frantz v. Dobson, 61 Mississippi, 631 60, 63 Frary v. Frary, 10 New Hampshire, 61 xxxii, 395 Fraser v. Boone, 1 Hill Ch. SCO xxvii, 422 Fraser v. Freeman, 43 New York, 566 3, 740 Fraser T. Little, 13 Michigan, 193 Ixxxvii, 741 Frasher v. State, 3 Texas Ct. App. 263 30, 131 Fratt v. Whittier. 53 California. 126 41, 251 Fratt v. Woodward, 32 California, 219 xci, 573 Frazer v. D'lnviHiers, 2 Penn. State, 200 xliv, 190 Frazerv. McCloskey, 60 New York, 337 19,193 Frazer v. South & X. A, R. R. Co., 81 Ala. 185 60, Ho Frazier T. Earnum, 19 New Jersey Eq. 316 xcvii, 666 Frazier v. Brownlow, 3 IredeU's Eq. 237 xlii, 165 Frazier v. Pa. R. R., 33 Penn. St te, 104 Ixxx, 467 Frazier v. Steenrod, 7 Iowa, 339 Ixxi, 447 Frazier v. Syas. 10 Nebraska, 113 35, 466 Frear v. Hardenbergh, 5 Johnson, 272 iv, 356 Freburg v. Davenport. 63 Iowa, 119 50, 737 Freeh v. Yawger, 47 X. J. L. 157 54, 123 Fredendall v. Taylor, 23 Wisconsin, 533 xcix, 203 Frederick's Appeal, 52 Penn. St. 333 xci, 159 Frederick v. Marquette, H. & O. R. Co., 37 Michigan, 342 26,531 Frederick ads. State, 45 A kansas, 3 17 55, 555 Frederick v. Youugblood, 13 Alabama, 680 liT, 239 Frederick, Mayor of, T. Groshon, 33 Md. 436. .. .xcvi, 591 Freedom, Inhabitants of, v.Weed, 40 Me. 333. . . .Ixiii, 670 Freehold Sussex v. Srader, 3 Harr. (N. J.), 103...xxxv, 530 Freelaud v. Edwards, 2 Haywood, 49 ii, C20 Freeland v. McCullough, 1 Denio, 414 xliii, 685 Freeman v. Bass, 3 1 Georgia, 353 Ixxxix, 255 Freeman T. Boland, 14 Rhode Island, 39 51, 340 Freeman v. Bridger, 4 Joues' Law, 1 Ixrii, 233 Freeman v. Carpenter, 10 Vermont, 433 xxxiii, 210 Freeman v. Curtis, 51 Maiue, 140 Ixxxi, 564 Freeman v. Eatman, 3 Iredell's Eq. 81 xl, 444 Freeman v. Freeman, 43 New York, 34 3, 637 Freeman v. Hartman, 45 Illinois, 57 xcii, 193 Freeman v. Howell, 4 Louisiana An. 196 1, 561 Freeman v. Morey, 45 Maine, 50 Ixxi, 527 Freeman v. Otis, 9 Massachusetts, 272 vi, 66 Freeman v. Paul, 3 Greenleaf, 230 xiv, 237 Freeman v. People, 4 Denio, 9 xlvii, 216 Freeman v. Robinson, 9 'Vroom, 383 20, 399 Freeman y. Sedwick, 6 Gill, 23 xlvi, 630 Freeman v. State, 11 Texas Ct. App. 92 40, 737 Freeman ads. State, 8 Iowa, 423 Ixxiv, 317 Freeman's Nat. Bank v. Savery, 127 Mass. 75 34, 345 Freeport v. Isbell. 83 Illinois, 440 25, 407 Freer v. Cameron, 4 Richardson's L 223 IT, 6>3 Freese v. Brownell, 35 New Jersey, 285 10, 233 yreidenheit v. Edmundson, 35 Mo. 227 Ixxxviii, 141 Friedlander v. Pugh etc., 43 Mississippi, 111 5, 478 Freight Discrimination Cases, 95 N. C. 4^8 59, 247 Freight Discrimination Cases, 95 N. C. 434 59, 250 Freight etc. Co. T. Standard, 4 1 Mo. 71 c, 255 Fremont v. Crippen, 10 California, 212 Ixx, 711 French v Boston. 129 Massachusetts, 592 37, 333 French v. Brunswick, 21 Maine, 29 xxxviii, 250 French v. Camp, 13 Maine, 433 xxxri, 723 French v. Commonwealth, 5 Leigh, 512 xxvii, 613 French v. French, 8 Ohio, 214 xxxi, 441 French v. Hall, 9 New Hampshire, 137 xxxii, 341 French v. Hays, 43 New Hampshire, 30 Ixxx, 197 French v. Hoyt, 6 New Hampshire, 370 xxv, 464 French T. Irwin, 4 Baxt. 401 27, 769 French v. Lund, 1 New Hampshire, 42 viii, 31 French v. Marstin, 24 New Hampshire, 440 Ivii, 29i French v. Pearce, 8 Connecticut, 439 xxi, 680 French v. Seely, 7 Watts, 231 xxxii, 758 French v. Sheplor, 83 Indiana, 266 43, 67 French v. Smith, 4 Vermont, 333 xxiv, 616 French v. Snyder, 33 Illinois, 339 Ixxxiii, 193 French v. State, 12 Indiana, 670 Ixxiv, 229 French v. State, 18 Indiana, 386 Ixxxi. 364 French v. Vining, 102 Massachusetts, 132 3, 44(J Frenkel v. Hudson, 82 Alabama, 153 60, 736 Freuzel v. Miller, 37 Indiana, 1 10, 62 Freon T. Carriage Co.. 42 Ohio St 30 51,731 Prevail v. Fitch, 5 Wharton, 325 xxxiv, 553 Frew ads. State, 24 West Virginia. 416 49, 237 Frey v. Drahos, 6 Nebraska, 1 30, 333 Frey v. Kirk, 4 Gill & Johnson, 509 xxiii, 581 Frey v. Witman, 7 Penn. State, 440 xlix, 484 Fridenberg v. Pierson, 13 California, 152 Ixsix, 1G2 Friedeborn v. Commonwealth, 113 Penn St. 212.57, 461 Fridge v. State, 3 Gill & Johnson, 103 xx, 463 Friedley v. Hamilton, 17 Serg. & R. 70 xvii, 638 Friedly v. Sheetz, 9 Serg. & R. 15G xi, 691 Friend v, Duryee, 17 Florida, 111 35, 89 Friend v. Friend, 53 Michigan, 543 51, 161 Friend v. Garcelon, 77 Maine, 25 52, 739 Friend v. Woods, 6 Grattan, 189 -. lii, 119 Frierson v. Brenham, 5 Louisiana An. 540 Hi, 603 Frierson v. Harris, 5 Cold. 146 xciv, 220 Frierson v. Van Buren. 7 Yerger, 603 xxvii, 528 Fries v. Eoisselet, 9 Serg. &R. 123 xi, 633 Fries v. Brugler, 7 Halsted, 79 xxi, 52 Friess v. Rider, 21 New York, 337 Ixxxii, 333 Frink v. Bellis, 33 Indiana, 135 5,193 Frink v. Coe, 4 G. Greene, 535 Ixi, 141 Frinkv. Darst, 14 Illinois, 304 Iviii. 575 Frink v. Frink, 43 New Hampshire, 503 Ixxx, 189 Frink v. Lawrence, 23 Connecticut, 117 1, 274 Frink v. Luyten, 2 Bay, 166 i, 638 Frink v. Murphy, 21 California, 103 Ixixi, 149 Frisby v. Ballance, 4 Scammon, 287 xxxix, 409* Frisby v. Parkhurst. 29 Maryland, 53 xcvi, 503 Frische v. Kramer's Lessee, 16 Ohio, 125 xlvii, 363 Frith v. Frith, 18 Georgia. 273 Ixiii, 289 Fritz v. Thomas, 1 Wharton, 66 xxix, 39 Frogg's Ex'rs v. Long's Adm'r, 3 Dana, 157 xxviii, 69 Frommer v. Richmond, 31 Grattan, 646 31, 716 Frontier B'k v. Morse, 22 Maine, 88 rxxviii, 284 Frosch v. Schlumpf , 2 Texas, 422 xlvii, 655 Frost v. Brisbin, 19 Wendell, 11 xxxii, 423 Frost v. Butler, 7 Greenleaf , 225 xxii, 199 Frost v. Cloutman, 7 New Hampshire, 9 xxvi, 723 Frost v. Grand Trunk R. R. Co., 13 Allen, 3S7..1xxxvii, 668 Frost v. Martin, 23 New Hampshire, 422 lix, 353 Frost v. Plumb, 40 Connecticut, 111 16, 18 Frost v. Raymond, 2 Caines, 183 il, 223 Fre Gal TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Frost v. Saratoga Mut. Ins. Co., 5 Denio, 154. . . .xlix, 234 Frost v. Spaulding, 19 Pickering, 445 xxxi, 150 Frost v. Yonkers Sav. Bank. 70 N. Y. 553 20, 627 Frothingham v. Jenkins, 1 California, 42 lii, 286 Froutv. Hardin, 56 Indiana, 165 20, 18 Frowman v. Smith, Littell's Select Cases, 7 xii. 2d5 Fry v. Manlove. 1 Baxter, 256 25, 775 Fry T. State, 63 Indiana, 552 30, 238 Fry's Election Case. 71 Penn. St. 302 10, 398 Frye v. Sanders, 21 Kansas, 26 30,421 Fugate T. Clarkson, 2 B. Monroe, 41 xxxvi, 589 Fugua v. Carriel, Minor, 170 xii, 46 Fuhrv. Dean, 26 Missouri, 116 Ixix, 484 Fuhnnan v. Loudon, 13 Serg. &R. 386 XT, 608 Fullam v. New York U. Ins. Co., 7 Gray, 6L Ixvi, 402 Fuller v. Cowell, 8 Louisiana An. 136 Mil, 676 Fuller v. Crittenden, 9 Connecticut, 401 xxiii, 364 Fuller v. Curtis, 100 Indiana, 237 50, 786 Fullerv. Duren, 36 Alabama, 73 Ixxvi, 318 Fullerv. Ellis, 39 Vermont, 345 xciv, 327 Fullerv. Green, 64 Wisconsin, 159 54, 600 Fullerv. Hovey, 2 Allen, 324 Ixxix, 782 Fullerv. Hubbard, 6 Cowen, 13 xvi, 423 fuller v. Hutchings and Sweetzer, 10 Cal 523 ... .Ixx, 746 Fullei v. Jewett, 80 New York, 46 36, 575 Fullerv. McCall. 1 Yeates, 464 i, 312 Fuller v. McDonald, Adm'r, 8 Greenleaf, 213. . . .xxiii, 499 Fullerv. Paige, 26 Illinois, 358 Ixxix, 379 Fuller v. Robinson, 86 New York, 306 40, 540 Fuller v. Shattuck, 13 Gray, 70 Ixxiv, 622 Fuller v. Steiglitz. 27 Ohio St. 355 22,312 Fullerv. Sweet. 30 Michigan, 237 18,122 Fuller v. Wadsworth, 2 Iredell's Law, 263 xxxviii, 692 Fuller v. "Williams, 7 Cowen, 53 xvu, 498 Fuller ads. Commonwealth, 8 Metcalf, 313 xli, 509 Fuller ads. State, 1 Bay, 245 i. 610 Fuller & J. M. Co. v. Bartlett, 68 Wis. 73 CO, 833 Fullerton v. Warrick, 3 Blackford, 219 xxv, 99 Fulmerv. Seitz, 68 Penn. St. 237 8, 172 Fulshearv. Randon, 18 Texas, 275 Ixx, 281 Fulton v. Hood, 34 Penn. State, 365 Ixxv, 664 Fulton v. Maccracken, 18 Maryland, 528 Ixxxi, 620 Fulton v. Matthews, 15 Johnson, 433 viii, 261 Fulton v. Rosevelt, 1 Paige's Ch. 178 xix, 409 Fulton v. Stuart, 2 Ohio, 215 xv, 542 Funk v Eggleston, 92 Illinois, 515 34, 136 Funk v. Gallivan, 49 Connecticut, 124 44, 210 Funk v. Paul, 44 Wisconsin. 35 54, 576 Funk v. Smith, 66 Penn. St. 27 5,326 Funk v. Voneida, 11 Serg. & R. 110 xiv, G17 Funkev. Dreyfus. 34 La. An. 80 44,413 Funke v. Minnesota F. Mut. Fire Ins. Ass'n, 29 Minnesota. 347 43,216 Fuqua v. Hunt, 1 Alabama, 197 xxxiv, 771 Furgisonv. State, 4 G. Greene, 302 Ixi, 120 Furlong v. Polleys, 30 Maine, 491 1,635 Furman v. Fisher, 4 Cold. 626 xciv, 210 Furman v. Van Sise, 56New York, 435 15, 441 Furnas v. Durgin, 119 Massachusetts, 500 20, 341 Furness v. Fox, 1 Gushing, 134 xlviii, 593 Furrow v. Athey , 21 Nebraska, 671 59,867 Fuss v. Fuss, 24 Wisconsin, 256 1, 180 Fyffe v. Beers, 18 Iowa, 4 Ixxxv. 577 Gaar v. Louisville Banking Co., 11 Bush, 180. 21, 209 Gable v. Wetherholt, 116 Illinois, 313 50, 774 Gabbert v. Jeffersonville R. R. Co., 11 Ind. 365. .Ixxi, 353 Gackenbach v. Brouse, 4 Watts & Serg. 546 xxxix, 104 Gadsden v. Carson, 9 Richardson's Eq. 252 Ixx, 207 Gadsden v. Lance, 1 McMullan's Eq. 87 xxxvii, 548 Gaff v. Greer. 88 Indiana. 1! 45,440 Gaffield v. Hapgood, 17 Pickering, 192 xxriii. 290 Gaffney v. Hayden, 110 Massachusetts, 137 14, 530 Gage v. Allison, 1 Brevard, 405 ii, G32 Gage v. Censors of N. H. etc. Soc'y, 63 N. H. 92. .56, 492 Gage v. Dubuque & P. R. R., 11 Iowa, 310 Ixxvii, 145 Gage v. Morse, 12 Allen, 410 xc, 155 Gagerv. Babcock, 48New York, 154 8, 532 Gaggv. Vetter, 41 Indiana, 223 13,322 Gahagan v. Boston & L. R. R., 1 Allen, 187 Ixxix, 724 Gaiennie v. A kin's Ex'r, 17 Louisiana, 42 xxxvi, 604 Gailor ads. State, 71 North Carolina, S3 17, 3 Gaillard v. Anceline, 10 Martin, 479 xiii, 338 Gaillardads. State, 2Bay, 11 i, 623 Gains v. Gains, 2 A. K. Marshall, 190 xii, 375 Gains v. Park, 3B. Monroe, 223 xxxviii, 185 Gaines v. Poor, 3 Met. (Ky.) 503 Ixxix, 559 Gaines v. Gaines, 9B. Monroe, 295 xlviii, 4C5 Gaines v. Smiley, 7 Smedes & M. 53 xlv, 295 Gainesv. State, 7Lea,410 40, 64 Gaineyv. People, 97 Illinois, 270 37, 109 Gaither v. Ballew. 4 Jones' Law, 488 Ixix, 763 Gaither v. Myrick, 9 Maryland, 118 Ixvi, 316 Galbraith v. McFarland. 3 Cold. 267 xci, 281 Galbreath v. Davidson, 25 Arkansas, 490 xcix, 233 Gale v. Green, Walker, 159 xii, 513 Gale v. Kalamazoo, 23 Michigan. 344 0, 80 Gale v. Mensing, 20 Missouri, 461 Ixiv, 197 Gale v. Tappan, 12 New Hampshire, 145 xxrvii, 194 Gale v. Ward, 14 Massachusetts, 352 vii, 223 Galena, City of, v. Corwith, 43 Illinois, 423 xcv, 557 Galena etc. U. R. R. Co. v. Loomis, 13 HI. 543.... Ivi, 471 Galena Insurance Co. v. Kupfer, 28 HI. 332 Ixxxi, 234 Galena & C. U. R. R. Co. v. Fay, 16 Illinois, 558.1xiii, 323 Galena & C. TJ. R. R. Co. v. Rae, 18 Illinois, 4S3.1xviii, 574 Galena &. C. TT. R. R. Co. v. Yarwood, 17 11L 509 . .Ixv. 682 Gallagher v. Dodge, 43 Connecticut. 387 40, 182 Gallagher v. Market St. R. R. Co, 67 Cal. 13 53, 713 Gallagher v. Shipley, 24 Maryland, 418 1 xxxvii, 611 Gallagher v. Williamson, 23 California, 331....1xxxiii, 114 Gallagher ads. People, 93 New York, 438 45, 232 Gallagher's Appeal, 114 Pennsylvania St. 353 CD, 350 Galland v. Galland, 44 Calif ornia. 475 13,167 Gailand v. Jackman, 26 California, 79 Ixxxv, 172 Gallego's Ex'rs v. Attorney General, 3 Leigh, 450.rriv, 650 Gallery v. Nat. Ex. Bank. 41 Michigan, 169 32, 149 Galliano v. Pierre, 18 Louisiana, An. 10 Ixxxix. 643 Gallinger v. Pomeroy, 3 G. Greene, 173 liv, 496 Gallion v. McCaslin, 1 Blackford, 91 xii, 208 Galliott v. Plant. & M. Bank, 1 McMulL L. 209.arsvi, 2o6 Gallipolis Bank v. Doigan, 12 Ohio St. 220 xl, 475 Galloway v. Bonestell, 65 Wisconsin, 79 50, 616 Galloway v. McKeitheu, 5 Iredell's Law, 12 xlii, 153 Galloway v. Stewart, 49 Indiana, 156 10,677 Galloway, Matter of, 21 Wendell, 32 xxxiv, 209 Galpin v. Critchlew, 112 Massachusetts, 339 17, 176 Galpin v. Fishbume, 3 McCord, 22 xv, 614 Galpin v. Hard, 3 McCord, 334 xv, 640 Gait v. Adams' Ex. Co., McArth. & Mack, 124. . . .48, 742 Gait's Ex'r v. Swam, 9 Grattan, 633 Is, 311 Galveston v. Barbour, 62 Texas, 172 50, 519 Galveston v. Posnainsky, 62 Texas. US 50,517 Galveston C. R. Co. v. Hewitt, 67 Texas. 473 60, 32 Galv. C. & Santa Fe R'y Co. v. Levy, 59 Texas, 542 46, 269 Galv. II. & H. R'y Co. v. Moore, 59 Texas, 64 46, 265 Galv H. & San Antoine R'y Co. v. Drew, 59 Texas, 10 46,261 Galvin v. Bacon, 11 Maine, 23 xxv, 253 Calvin v. Prentice, 45 New York, 162 6, 5S Galway v. Shields, 66 Missouri, 313 27,351 71 TABLE OF CASES. Gain Gan Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Gamble ads. Commonwealth, 62 Penn. St. 343.... I, 422 Gambril v. Doe ex d. Rose, 8 Blackford, 140 xliv, 760 Gammon v. Everett, 25 Maine, 66 xliii, 255 Gandy v. Chicago & N. W. R. R.Co., 30 Iowa, 420. C. CS2 Gangwerv. Fry, 17 Penn. State, 491 lv, 573 Gangwere's Estate, In re, H Penn. State, 417 liii, 554 Gannett ads. Commonwealth, 1 Allen, 7 Ixxix, 633 Gannon v. Hargadon, 13 Allen, 106 Ixxxvii, 625 Gannon v. Housatonic R. R. Co., 112 Mass. 234. . .17, 82 Ganov. Fisk, 43 Ohio State, 462 54.819 Cans v. Reashaw, 2 Penn. State, 34 xliv, 152 Cans v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co., 43 Wis. 108 28, 535 Ganson v. Maligan, 15 Wisconsin, 144. Ixxxii, 659 Gant v. Gant, 13 Humphreys, 404 liii, 736 Gant v. Hunsucker, 12 Iredell's Law, 254. lv, 408 Garbracht v. Commonwealth. 93 Penn. St. 449 4'J, 553 Garbuttads. People, 17 Michigan, 9 xcvii. 1C2 Garcia v. State, 25 Texas, 2?9 Ixxxii, 605 Card v. Stevens, 12 Mich igan. 292 Ixxxvi. 52 Garden v. Derrickson, 2 Del. Ch. 336 xcv. 236 Gardiner v. Nutting, 5 Greenleaf, 140 xvii, 211 Gardiner v. Tisdale, 2 Wisconsin, 153 Ix, 407 Gardiner Mfg. Co. v. Heald, 5 Greenleaf, 331....xvil, 248 Gardner. In re, 103 New York. 533 57,7:3 Gardner v. Allen's Ex'r, 6 Alabama, 187 xli, 45 Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner Gardner . Astar, 3 Johns. Ch. 53 viii, 465 . Buckbee, 3 Cowen, 120 xv, 253 . Ferree, 15 Serg. & R. 28 xvi, 513 . Gardner, 22 Wendell, 526 xxxiv, 340 . Gardner, 5 dishing, 483 lil, 740 . Hope Ins. Co., 9 Rhode Island. 194.. ..II, 233 . Kersey, 39 Georgia, 664 xcix. 484 . Keteltas, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 330 xxrviii, 637 Gardner . Klutts, 8 Jones' L. 375 Ixxx, 381 Gardner . Ladue, 47 Illinois, 211 xcv, 487 Gardner . Lane. 9 Allen, 492 Ixxxv, 779 Gardner . M lynard. 7 Allen, 456 Ixxxiii, 699 Gardner . Merritt, 32 Maryland, 78 3, 115 Gardner . Mitchell, 6 Pickering, 114 xvii, 319 Gardner . Moore, 75 Alabama, 394 51, 454 Gardner . Newburgh, 2 Johns. Ch. 161 vii, 525 Gardner . New Haven & N. Co., 51 Conn. 143. . .50, 12 Gardner . Ogden, 22 New York, 327 Ixxriii, 192 Gardner . Preston, 2 Day, 205 ii, 91 Gardner . Smith, 7 Michigan, 410 lixi v, 722 Gardner ads. State. 13 Lea, 134 49,663 Gardner v. Thomas, 14 Johnson, 134 vii, 445 Gardt v. Brown, 113 Illinois, 475 55, 434 Garfield v. Douglass, 22 Illinois, 100 Ixxiv, 137 Garland v. Britton, 12 Illinois, 232 lii, 437 Garland v. Chambers, 11 Smedefc M. 337 xlix, G3 Garland v. Hull, 13 Smedes & M. 76 li, 140 Garland v. Rives, 4 Randolph, 282 xv, 755 Garland v. Salem Bank, 9 Massachusetts, 408 vi, 83 Garland v. Towne, 55 New Hampshire, 55 20, 164 Garland v. Watt, 4 IredelTs Law, 287 xlii, 120 Garlick v. James, 12 Johnson, 146 vii, 294 Garner v. Byard, 23 Georgia, 2S9 Ixviii, 527 Garner v. Garner, Busbee's Equity, 1 Ivii, 5S3 Garner v. Hudgins, 46 Missouri, 399 2, 520 Garnet v. State. 1 Texas Ct. Appeals, 605 28, 425 Garnett v. Gamett. 114 Massachusetts, 379 19, 3C9 Garnett ads. People, 35 California, 470 xcv, 125 Garnhart v. Finney, 40 Missouri, 449 xciii, 333 Garnseyv Rogers, 47 New York, 233 7,440 Garrard v. Dollar, 4 Jones' Law, 175 Ixvii, 271 Garrard v. Hadden, 67 Pennsylvania State, 82 5, 412 Garret v. Rex, 6 Watts, 14 xxxi, 447 Garretsie v. Van Ness, 1 Pennington, 20 ii, 333 Garretsoii v. Selby. 37 Iowa, 529 18, 14 Garretson v. Vanloon, 3 G. Greene, 123 liv, 493 Garrett v. Burlington P. Co., 70 Iowa, G97 59, 461 Garrett v. Cheshire. 69 North Carolina. 393 12, 647 Garrett v. City of St. Louis, 25 Missouri, 505. . . .lx:x, 475 Garrett v. Day, 2 McCords Ch. 27 XT!, C29 Garrett v. Dewart, 43 Penn. State, 3J2 Ixxxii, 570 Garrett v. Doe ex d. Wiggins, 1 Scam. 335 xxx, 653 Garrett v. Hamblin, 11 Smedes & M. 219 xlix, 53 Garrett v. McKie, 1 Richardson's L. 444 xliv, 263 Garrett v. Patchin, 29 Vermont, 248 Ixx, 414 Garrett v. Rhame, 9 Richardson's L. 407 Ixvii, 557 Garrett v. State, 49 New Jersey Law, 9t 60, 592 Garrett ads. State, 17 North Carolina, 85 17, 1 Garrett ads. State, 1 Winst. L. 144 Ixxxiv, 359 Garrett & Martin's Appeal, 32 Penn. State, 160..1xx:i, 773 Garretzen v. Duenckel, 53 Missouri, 104 11, 405 Garrey v. Stadler, 67 Wisconsin, 512 58, 877 Garrigues ads. Commonwealth, 23) Penn. St. 9... Ixx, 103 Garrigues v. Coxe, 1 Binney, 532 ii, 493 Garrison v. Combs, 7 J. J. Marshall, 84 xxii, 120 Garrison v. Haydon, 1 J. J. Marshall, 222 xix, 70 Garrison v. Savignac, 25 Missouri, 47 Ixix, 448 Garrott v. Johnson, 11 Gill& J. 173 xxxv, 272 Garrow v. Brown, Winst. Eq. 46 Ixrxvi, 450 Garth v. Robards, 20 Missouri, 523 Ixiv, 203 Girthwaite v. Tatum, 21 Arkansas, 336 Ixxvi, 402 Carton ads. State, 32 Indiana, 1 2,315 Gartrell v. Stafford. 12 Nebraska, 515 41 , 767 Gartside v. Conn. M. L Ins. Co., 76 Mo. 446 43, 765 Gartsidev. Outley, 53 Illinois, 210 11,59 Garvey's Case, 7 Colorado, 384 49, 353 Garveyv. Jarvis, 46 New York, 310 ,.... 7,335 Garvey v. People, 6Colorado, 559 45, 531 Garvey ads. State. 23 Louisiana An. 925 28, 123 Garvin v. Squires, 9 Arkansas, 533 1, 224 Garvin v. Williams, 44 Missouri, 465 c. 314 Garwood v. Eldridge, 1 Green's Ch. 145 xrxiv, 195 Garwood v. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co., 83 N. Y. 400.38, 452 Gary v. Jacobson, 55 Mississippi, 204 30, 514 Garzav. Booth, 23 Texas, 473 xci, 323 Gasherieads. People, 9 Johnson, 71 vi, 2C3 Gashweiler v. Wabash, St. L. & P. R'y Co., 83 Missouri, 112 53,558 Gashwiler v. Willis, 33 California, 11 xci, 607 Gaskill v. Dudley, 6 Metcalf, 543 xxxix, 750 Gaskill v. Sine, 2 Beasley's Ch. 400 Ixxviii, 105 Gass's Appeal, 73 Pennsylvania St. 39 13, 726 Gass v. N. Y., Prov. & B. R. Co., 99 Mass. 220...xcvi, 742 Gass v. Wilhite, 2 Dana, 170 xxvi, 440 Gastonv Drake, 14 Nevada, 175. 33,543 Gaston ads. State, 73 North Carolina, 93 21 , 459 Gates v. Andrews, 37 New York, 657 xcvii, 764 Gatesv. Beecher. 60 New York, 513 19,207 Gates v. Blincoe, 2 Dana, 153 xxvi, 440 Gates v. Brower, 9 N. Y. (5 Selden), 205 lix, 530 Gatesv. Goreham, 5 Vermont, 317 xxvi, 303 Gatesv. Green, 4 Paige Ch. 355 xxvii, 68 Gates v. Hacketahl, 57 Illinois. 534 11, 45 Gates v. Madison Ins. Co., 5 N. Y. (1 Seld.), 469... lv, 360 Gates v. McDaniel, 2 Stewart, 211 xix, 49 Gates v. McKee, 13 N. Y. (3 Keman), 2J2 Ixiv, 545 Gates v. Salmon, 35 California, 576 xcv, 139 Gatesv. Thompson, 57 Miine. 442 xcix, 7S2 Gates v. Whetstone, 8 South Carolina, 24 J 28, 231 Gathings v. Williams, 5 Iredells Law. 437 xliv. 49 Gatlin v. Kilpatrick, 1 Carolina Law Repos. 534. . . .vi, 557 Gatling v. Comm'rs of Carteret, 92 N. C. 533 53 , -132 Gatzweiler ads. State, 49 Missouri. 17 8, 119 Gauchv. St. Louis M. L. Ins. Co., 83 m. 251 .30, 534 Gault v. Brown, 48 New Hampshire, 1S3 2, 210 Gan Gib TABLE OF CASES. 72 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumrs of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Gaullagher v. Caldwell, 22 Pean. State, 390 Ix, 85 Cause v. Perkins, 3 Jones' Eq. 177 Ixix, 723 Gaut v. Reed Brothers & Co., 21 Texas, 46 Ixxvi, 94 Gavett v. Manchester & L. R. R., 16 Gray, 501. .Ixxvii. 422 Gavin v. Chicago, 97 Illinois, 66 37, 99 Gavin ads. Commonwealth, 121 Miss. 54. 23, 255 Gay v. Baker, 5 Jones' Eq. 344 Ixxviii, 220 Gay v. Baker, 17 Massachusetts, 435. ix, 153 Gay v. Ballou, 4 Wendell, 403 xxi, 153 Gay v. Bradstreet. 43 Maine, 580 Ixxvii. 272 Gayv. Gay, 60 Iowa, 415 46, 73 Gayv. Hunt, 1 Murphey, 141 iii, 681 Gay v. Lloyd, 1 G. Greene, 78 xlvi, 499 Gay v. Mitchell, 35 Georgia. 133 Ixxxix, 273 Gayv. Moffit, 2 Bibb, 506 v, 633 Gayv. Rainey, 89 Illinois, 221 31, 73 Gayv. Seibold, 97 New York, 472 4i>, 533 Gayv. Walker, 33 Maine, 54. Iviii, 734 Gayetty v. Bethune, 14 Massachusetts, 49 vii, 188 Gayles v. Johnson, 72 Alabama, 254 17. 405 Gaylord v. Imhoff, 28 Ohio St. 317 23, 7/2 Gaylord v. Lamar Fire Ins. Co., 40 Missouri, 13..xciii. 283 Gaylord v. Soragen, 32 Vermont, 110 Lxxvi, 154 Gaynor v. Old Colony & N. R. Co., 100 Mass.233..xcvij. 96 Gazzam v. Poyntz, 4 Alabama, 374. xxxvii, 745 Gazzolo ads. Commonwealth, 123 Mass. 220 25, 79 Gear v. D. &. S. C. R. R., 20 Iowa, 523 Ixxxix. 550 Gebhardv. Gamier, 12 Bush. 321 23,721 Gebhart v. Adams, 23 H'.inois, 397 Ixxvi, 702 Gebhart v. Burkett, 57 Indiana, 378. 26, 61 Geddes, Ex parte, 4 Richarflson's Eq. 301 Ivii, 730 Gee v. Cheshire Co. Ins. Co., 55 New Hamp. 65. . .20, 171 Geev. McMillan, 14 Oregon, 268 58,315 Gee v.Pharr, 5 Alabama, 586. xxxix, 333 Geev. Scott, 48 Texas, 510 26,331 Gee's Adm'r v. Williamson, 1 Porter, 313 xxvii, 623 Geery's Appeal. 43 Connecticut, 289 21, 653 Geiser v. Kershner, 4 Gill & Johnson, 335 xxiii, 536 Geiser Threshing Mach. Co. v. Smith, 36 Wis 295.17, 494 Geismer v. Lake Shore & M. S. R'y Co., 102 New York, 563 55,837 Geiss v. Odenheimer, 4 Yeates, 278 ii, 407 Gelpckev. Blake, 15 Iowa, 337 Ixxxiii, 418 Gelstrop v. Moore, 26 Mississippi, 206 lix, 251 Gelzenleuchter v. Niemeyer, 61 Wisconsin, 316 . . .54, C1G Gelzer v. Gelzer, 1 Bailey's Eq. 387 xxiii, 180 General German A. P. Home v. Hammerbacker, 61 Maryland. 595. 54,782 General Ins. Co. T. IT. S. Ins. Co., 10 Md. 517. .. .Ixix, 174 Gent v. Lynch, 23 Maryland, 53 Ixxxvii, 553 Genet ads. People, 59 New York, 80 17,315 Gentleman v. Soule, 32 Illinois, 271 Ixxxiii, 264 Gentry v. Gentry, 1-Sneed, 87 Ix, 137 Gentry v. Hutchcraft, 7 T, B. Monroe, 241 xviii, 172 Gentry v. Owen, 14 Arkansas, 396 Ix, 519 Genung ads. People, 11 Wendell, 18 xxv, 594 Geoghegan v. Ditto, 2 Metcalfe (Ky.), 433 Ixxiv, 413 George v. Andrews, 63 Maryland, 26 45, 706 George v. Cutting, 46 New Hampshire, 130 . .Ixxxviii, 195 George v. East Term. Coal Co., 15 Lea, 455 54, 425 George v. Gobey, 123 Massachusetts, 289 35, 376 George v. Harris, 4 New Hampshire, 533 xvii, 446 George v. Johnson, 6 Humphreys, 36 xliv, 283 George v. McXeill, 7 Louisiana, 124. xxvi, 498 George v. Pilcher, 28 Gratt. 299 26,350 George v. Putney, 4 Gushing, 351 1, 733 George v. Ransom, 15 California, 322 Ixxvi, 490 George ids. State, 8 IredeU's Law, 524 xlix, 332 Georgev. Thomas, 16 Texas, 74 Ixvii, 612 George v. Williamson, 26 Missouri, 190 Ixxii, 203 George v. Wood, 9 Allen, 80 Ixxxv, 741 Georgia M. S. ads. State ex rel. Waring, 33 Ga. 60S xcv, 408 Georgia Nat. Bankv. Henderson, 46 Ga. 487 12, 590 Georgia Pen. Co. v. Nelms, 65 Georgi*. 499 3S, 793 GeorgiaRv Beatie, 66 Georgia, 438 -12, 75 Georgia R. R. v. Garr. 57 Georgia, 277 24,493 Georgia R. R. v. Hayden, 71 Georgia, 513 51,274 Georgia R. R. v. McCurdy, 45 Georgia, 2S3. 12,577 G.'>r.jUR. v. Spears, 63 Georgia, 435 42, 81 Gerard v. Basse, 1 Dallas, 119 i, 226 Gerard v. Gateau. 84 Illinois. 121 25,433 Gerard v. LaCoste, 1 Dallas, 194 i, 236 Gerault v. Anderson, Walker, 30 xii, 521 Gerber v. Ackley, 37 Wisconsin, 43 1 0, 751 Gerdes v. Weiser, 54 Iowa. 591 37, 223 i Gerhardt v. Boatman's lar Inst. 38 Mo. 60 xc, 407 Gerke v. Cal. Steam. Nav. Co., 9 California, 251. .Ixx. 650 Gerlachv. Skinner, 34 Kansas, 88 55, 240 German Am. Bankrv. Auth, 87 Penn. St. 419 30, 374 Germanv. Gabbald, 3 Binney, 302 T, 372 German v. German, 27 Perm. State, 116 Ixvii, 451 Germanads. State, 49 Missouri, 52S 14, 481 German Mut. Ins. Co. v. Grim, 32Indiana, 249.... 2, 311 German Nat. Bank v. Meadowcroft, 95 HI 124. .. .35, 1-37 Germania F Ins. Co. v. Francis, 52 Miss. 457 24, 674 Germania F. Ins. Co. v. Memphis C. R. Co., 72 New York, 90 28,113 Germantown F. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Dhein, 43 Wis- consin, 420 28,549 Germantown P. R'y Co. v. Fitler, 63 Pa. 121 c, 546 Germantown Pass. R'y Co. v. Walling, 97 Penn. St. 55 39,796 Germond v. Germond, 6 Johns. Ch. 347 x, 335 Geron v. Geron, 15 Alabama, 553 1. 113 Gerrishv. Brown, 51 Maine, 256 Ixxxi, 569 Gerrish v. Clough, 48 New Hampshire, 9 xcvii, 561 Gerrish v. Clough, 43 New Hampshire, 9 2, 165 Gerrishv. Gerrish, 8 Oregon, 351 a4, 585 Gerrish v. Nason, 22 Maine, 438 '. xxxix, 539 Gerrishv. New Bedford Ins.. 123 Mass. 159 35, 365 Gerrish v. Prop's Union Wharf, 26 Maine, 331. . . .xlvi, 5J8 Gerst v. Jones, 32 Grattan, 518 34,773 Gertz v. Fitchburg R. R. Co., 137 Mass. 77 50, 285 Geter v. Commissioners, 1 Bay, 354. i, 621 Getty v. Binsse, 49 New York, 3S5 10, 379 Getty v. Rountree, 2 Pinney, 379, 2 Chand. 28 liv, 138 Gettys v. Gettys, 3Lea,260 31, 637 Geyer v. Hancock Mut. L. Ins. Co., 50 N. H. 224.. 9, 185 Gholson v. State, 53 Alabama, 519 25, 652 Gibbons v. DillinghamJO Arkansas, 9 1, 233 Gibbensv. Gibbens, 14^Mass. 102 54, 453 Gibbons v. Mahon, 4 Mackey, 130 54, 262 Gibbsv. Cannon, 9 Serg. & R, 198 xi, 699 Gibbsv. Chisolm, 2 Nott & McC. 38. x, 560 Gibbsv. Drew. 16 Florida, 117 26,700 Gibbs v. Linabury, 22 Michigan. 479 7,675 Gibbs v. Queen Ins. Co., 63 N. Y. Ill 20, 513 Gibbs v. Shaw, 17 Wisconsin, 107 Ixxxiv. 737 Gibbsv. State. 16 Vrooman, 379 46,783 Gibbsv. Williams, 25 Kansas, 214 37,211 Gibert v. Colt, Hopkins' Ch, 496 xiv. 557 Gibertv. Peteler, 33 New York, 165 xcvii. 7S5 Gibson's Case, 1 Bland'sCh, 138 xvii, 257 Gibson, Ex parte, 31 California, 619 xci, 546 Gibson v. Bingham, 43 Vermont. 410 . 5, 289 Gibson v. Brockway, 8 New Hampshire, 465 xxxi, 200 Gibson v. Chedic, 1 Nevada, 497 xc, 503 Gibson v. Chouteau. 45 Missouri, 171 c, 366 Gibson v. Cooke, 20 Pickering, 15 xxxii, 134 Gibson v. Cranage, 39 Michigan, 49 33, 351 73 TABLE OF CASES. Gib-Gin Roman letters [xiii] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Gibson v. Culver, 17 Wendell, 305 xxxl, 237 Gibson v. Dunnarn, 1 Hill, 239 xxvi, 133 Gibson v. E.-ieR'yCo., 63 New York. 449 20, 552 Gibson v. Fristoe, 1 Call, C2 i, 502 Gibson v. Gibson, 15 Massachusetts, 106 viii, 94 Gibson v. Gibson, 43 Wisconsin, 23 28, 527 Gibson v. Goldthwaite. 7 Alabama, 281 xl.i, 5.~2 Gibson v. Hasgorty, 37 New York, 555 xcvii, 732 Gibson v. Hawkins, 63 Georgia, 351 47, 757 Gibson v. Ilolden, 115 Illinois, 199 53, 1-16 Gibson v. Hutchins, 12 Louisiana An. 545 Ixvili, 772 Gibson v. Miller. 29 Michigan, 355 18, 93 Gibson v. Pacific R. R. Co.. 46 Missouri. 163 2, 497 Gibson v. Poor, 21 New Hampshire, 440 liii, 210 Gibsonv. Roll, 27 Illinois. S3 lxxxi.219 Gibson v. Roll, 30 Illinois, 172 Ixxxiii, 1S1 Gibson v. Seymour, 132 Indiana, 485 32, C33 Gibsonv. Soper, 6 Gray, 279 Ixvi, 414 Gibson ads. State. 26 Indiana, 339 10, 42 Gibsonv. Tilton, 1 Eland's Ch. 352 xvii, 303 Gibson v. Tobey. 46 New York. 637 7, 307 Gibson v. Vaughn, 2 Bailey, 333 xxili 1 13 Gibsonv. Winslow, 46 Penn. State, 330 Ixxxiv, 552 Gibson v. Zimmerman, 12 Missouri, 381 1:, 1 '3 G:a.lins3 v. Antonia, 47 Texas. 518 26,3:1 Giddinjs v. Giddings, 51 Vermont, 227 31, GS2 3 v. Steele, 23 Texas, 733 xci, 333 Gifford v. Dyer, 2 Rhode Island, 99 Ivii, 703 ( fiord v Morrison, 37 Ohio St. 502 41, 537 Gil v. Williams, 12 Louisiana An. 219 Irriii, 77 Gilbert v. Anthony, 1 Yerger, 63 xxiv, 433 Gilbert v. Bulkley, 5 Connecticut, 2C2 xiii, 57 Gilbert v. Carter, 10 Indiana, 16 Ixviii, 655 Gilbert v. Dennis, 3 M etcalf . 405 xxxviii, 320 Gilbert v. Dickerson, 7 Wendell, 449 xxii. 5'J2 Gilbert v. Emmo.is, 42 Illinois, 143 Ixxxix, 412 Gilbert v. Flint P. M. R'y Co.. 51 Mich. 4S8. . . .47, 5C2 Gilbert v. Gilbert, 22 Alabama, 523 Iviii, 203 Gilbert v. Hoffman. C6 Iowa. 235 35, 2G3 Gilbert v. Hoffman, 2 Watts, 66 xxvi, 103 Gilbert v. Moose. 101 Penn. St. 74 40, 573 Gilbert v. X. Am. Fire Its. Co., 23 Wend. 43. . . . XSXT, 5 13 Gilbert v. People, 1 Denio, 41 xliii, 6i6 Gilbert v. Sanderson, 50 Iowa, 349 41, 103 Gilbert ads. State, .37 North Carolina. 527 42, 513 Gilbert v. Williams, 8 Massachusetts, 51 v, 77 Gilbert v. Wiman, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst.) 550 xlix, 339 Gilbreth v. Grewell, 13 Indiana, 484 Ixxiv, 2G6 Gilclirist v. Bale, S Watts, 355 xxxiv, 4^3 Gilchrlst v. Gough, 63 Indiana, 5Zfi. 30, 250 Gilchrist v. Hffiiard. 53 Vermon<^92 3S, 706 Gilchrut v. McKee, 4 Watts, 380 xxviii, 721 Gilchrist v. West Va. Oil & O. L. Co.. 21 West Virginia, 115 45, 555 Gildersleeve v. Caraway, 10 Alabama, 230 xliv, 435 Giles v. Ackles, 9 Penn. State, 147 xlix, 551 Giles v. Comstock, 4 N. Y. (4 Comst.). 270 i:ii, 374 Giles v. Halsted, 4 Zabriskie, 366 Ixi, 6G3 Giles v. Palmer, 4 Jones' Law, 335 Ixix, 75J Giles v. Pratt, 1 Hill (S. C.), 239 xxvi, 170 Giles v. Simonds, 15 Gray, 441 Ixxvii, 373 Giles ads. State, 2 Pinney, 166 (1 Chand. 112) lii. 149 Giles v. Vigoreux, 35 Maine, 300 Iviii. 704 Giles v. Williams, 3 Alabama, 316 xxxvii, 692 Gilham v. Madison Co. R Co., 49 Illinois. 484. .. .xcv, 627 Gilham v. State Bank of Illinois, 2 Scam. 255 . .xxxv, 105 Glllv Benjamin, 61 Wisconsin, 362 54,619 Gill v. Cole, 1 Harris & J. 403 ii, 527 Gill v. Denton. 71 North Carolina. 341 17, 8 Gill v. Frank. 12 Oregon. 507 53,373 GiU v. Middleton, 105 Massachusetts. 477 7, 548 Gill v. Morris. 11 Heisk. 614 27, 744 GiU v. Read, 5 Rhode Island, 343. Ixxili, 73 GUI v. Woods, 81 Illinois, 64 23, 264 Gillaspio v. Kelley. 41 Indiana, 158 13, 318 GUlaspio v. Osburn, 3 A. K. Marshall, 77 xiii, 136 Gillaspie v. Wesson, 7 Porter, 454 xxxi, 715 Gillenwater v. Madison & I. R..5Ind.339 Ixi. 101 GUlespie v. Bailey. 12 W. Virginia, 70 20, 445 Gillespie v. Bradford, 7 Yerger, 163 xxvii, 494 GUlespie v. Commercial M. Ins. Co., 12 Gray, 201. Uxi, 743 Gillespie ads. Commonwealth, 7 Serg. & R. 469 x, 475 Gillespie v. Dew, 1 Stewart, 229 xviii, 43 GUlespie v. Holland, 40 Arkansas, 23 48, 1 Gillespio v. McGowen. 100 Penn. St. 144 45, 365 Gillespie v. Moon, 2 Johns. Ch. 535 vii, 559 Gillespie v. Nabors, 59 Alabama, 441 31, 20 GUlespie v. Smith. 29 Illinois, 473 Ixxxi. 323 Gillespie v. State, 8 Yerger, 507 xxix, 137 Gillespie v. Torrance, 25 New York, 306 Ixxxii, 355 Glllet v. Maynard, 5 Johnson, 85 iv, 323 Giliet v. Mead, 7 WendeU, 193 xxii, 573 Gillett v. Missouri V. R R. Co., 55 Mo. 315 17, 653 GUliam v. Bird, 8 Iredell's Law, 280 xlix, 379 Gilliam v. Chancellor. 43 Mississippi, 437 5, 498 GUliam v. Moore, 4 Leigh, 30 xxiv, 704 Gilliam v. State, 1 Head, 38 Ixxiii, 161 Gilliat v. Pawtucket M. F. Ins. Co., 8 R. I. 232. . .xci, 229 Gillis v. Martin, 2 Devereux's Eq. 470 xxv, 723 Gillis v. Penn. R. R., 59 Penu. St. 129 xcviii. 317 GUlison v. Charleston, 16 W. Va. 282 37,763 Gillott v. Esterbrook, 43 New York, 371 8, 533 GUluly v. Madison, 63 Wisconsin, 513 52, 299 Gillyv. Henry, 8 Martin, 402 xiii, 291 Gilman v. Andrus, 23 Vermont, 241 Ixvii, 713 GUman v. County of Contra Costa, 8 CaL 52. . .Irriii, 230 Gllmau v. Douglas, 6 Nevada. 27 3, 237 Oilman v. Dwight, 13 Cray, 356 Ixxiv, C34 Gilman v. Eastern R. R. Corp. 10 Allen, 233..1xxxvii, C35 GUman v. Eastern R. R. Corp., 13 Allen, 433 xc, 210 Gilman v. Gilman, 52 Maine, 165 Ixxxiii, 532 Gilman v. GUman, 126 Mass. 26 30,616 Gilman v. Hall, 11 Vermont, 510 xxxiv, 700 GUiaan v. Lowell, 8 Wendell, 573 xxiv, 96 Gilman v. Laconia, 55 New Hampshire. 130 20, 175 GUman v. McArdle. 99 New York. 451 52, 41 Gilman v. Peck, 11 Vermont, 513 xxxiv, 703 Gilman ads. State, 69 Maine, 163 31,257 GUman v. Thompson, 11 Vermont, 643 xxxiv, 714 Gilman v. Williams, 7 Wisconsin, 329 Ixxvi, 219 Gilmerv. MobUe&M. R - y Co., 79 Ala. 563 58, 623 GUmer v. Morris, 80 Alabama, 73 60, 85 GUmore v. Burch, 7 Oregon, 374 33, 710 Gilmore v. Carman, 1 Smedes &. M. 279 xl, 96) Gilmore v. Driscoll, 122 Massachusetts, 199 23, 31$ GUmore v. Newton, 9 Allen, 171 .Ixxsv. 749 CUmore ads. People, 4 California, 376 Ix, 620 Gilmore ads. State, 20 Kansas, 5ol 27,139 Gilmore v. Wkitesides, Dudley'sEq. 11 xxxi, 563 GUmore v. Wilbur, 12 Pickering, 120 xxii. 410 Gilmore v. Woodcock, 69 Maine, 118 31 , 255 Cilpatrick v. Hunter, 24 Maine, 13 xli, 370 GUpin v. Davis, 2 Bibb, 416 v, C22 GUpin v. HoweU, 5 Penn. State, 41 xlv, 720 GUpiu v. Hollingsworth, 3 Maryland, 190 Ivi. 737 GUson v. Gwinn, 107 Massachusetts, 126 9, 13 GUson v. Spear, 33 Vermont, 311 Ixxxviii, 659 Gimblin v. Harrison, Sneed (Ky.), 315 ii. 720 Gindrat v. Montgomery Gas L. Co., 82 Ala. 596. ..60, 769 Gingrich v. Foltz, 19 Penn. State, 33 Mi, 631 G!o-Goo TABLE OF CASES. 74 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Giovanni v. First Nat Bank of Montgomery. 55 Alabama, 305 2S, 723 Girard v. Philadelphia, 4 Rawle, 323 xxvi, 145 Girard v. Taggart, 5 Serg. R. 19 ix, 327 Girard Bank v. Bank of Penn. T. 39 Penn. St. 92..1xxx 507 Girard L. L etc. Co. T. Chambers, 46 Penn. State, 435 Ixxxvi. 513 Girard M. I. Co. v. Stephenson, 37 Penn.St. 293.1xxviii, 423 Girdnerv. Stephens, 1 Heisk. 280 2,700 Gist v. Cole, 2 Nott & McC. 456 x, 616 Gist v. Davis, 2 Hill Ch. 335 xxix, SO Gist v. Drakely. 2 Gill, 330 xli, 42G Gistv. Lybrand, 3 Ohio, 307 xvii, 505 Gittings v. Hall, 1 Harris & J. 14 ii, 502 GiveasT. Bradley, 3 Bibb, 192 vi, 643 GiTensT. Branford, 2 M'Cord, 152. riii, 702 Givens Y. Calder, 2Desaussure, 172 ii, CS3 GiTens T. Higgins, 4 M'Cord, 236 xrii, 742 Givens T. Mullinax, 4 Eichardson's L. 530 IT, 70G GiTens T. Van Studdiford, 83 Missouri, 149 56, 421 Glacius v. Black, 50 New York, 145 10,443 Gladwin T. Lewis, 6 Connecticut, 49 xvi, 33 Glanz v. Gloeckler, 104 Illinois, 573 44, 94 Glascock T. Lyons, 20 Indiana, 1 In-riii, 299 GlascockT. Robards, HMissonri, 350 IT. 103 Glasgow v. Pratte, 8 Missouri, 333 xl, 142 Glasgow ads. State, Conference Rep. 33 ii, C23 Glass v. Hulbert. 102 Massachusetts, 24 3,418 Glass ads. State. 50 Wisconsin. 213 36, 845 Glass T. Warwick, 40 Penn. State, 140 Ixxx, 563 Glasscock T. Batton, 6 Randolph, 78 Xriii, 703 GlaTin T. Rhode Island Hospital, 12 R. L 411 4, C75 Gleason v. Beers, 59 Vermont, 5S1 59, 737 GleasonT. Goodrich Trans. Co.. 32 Wis. 85 14, 716 Gleason v. Knapp, 53 Michigan, 291 56,333 Gleason v. Peck, 12 Vermont, 56 xxxvi, 329 Gleason T. Smith, 9 Gushing, 484 Ivii, 62 Gleises v. Maignan, 3 Louisiana, 530 xxiii, 466 Glen T. Fisher, 6 Johns. Ch. 33 x, 310 Glen etc. Manuf. Co. T. Hall, 61 New Tork. 226. .19, 273 Glendale W. Co. T. Protection Ins. Co., 21 Conn. 19.1iT, 309 Glendon Iron Co. v. TJhler, 75 Penn. St. 467 15, 539 Glenn T. Bank of United States, 8 Ohio, 72 xxxi, 429 GlennT Davis, 35 Maryland, 238 6,330 Glenn T. McCullough, Harper's Law, 434 xviii, 631 Glenn T. Peters, Busbee's L. 457 lix, 533 Glennr. Semple, 89 Alabama, 159 60, 92 GlennT. Sims, 1 Richardson's Law, 34 xlii, 405 Glenn T. Smith, 2 Gill & J. 493 xx, 452 Glenn T. Wallace, 4 Strobhart s Eq. 1 49 Uu, 657 Glen's Falls Ins Co. T. J udge of Jackson Circuit, 21 Michigan, 577 4,504 Glickauf T. Maurer, 75 Illinois, 289 20, 233 GliddenT. Chase, 35 Maine, 90 ivi, 693 GlUden T. Henry 101 Indiana, 278 54, 31 '3 GEddenv. Moore. U Nebraska, 84 45, 93 Glidden T. Taylor, 16 Ohio St. 509 xci, 93 Glidden T. Town of Reading, 33 Vermont, 52.1xxxviii, 639 Glisson T. Newton, 1 Haywoo-1, 333 i, 533 Globe Ins. Co. T. Lansing, 5 Cowen, 330 XT, 474 Globe Marble M. Co. T. Quinn, 76 New York, 23..S2, 2:3 Gloninger T. Franklin Coal Co.. 53 Penn. St. 9...xciii, 723 Gloucester Mfg. Co. T. Howard Fire Ins. Co., 5 Gray, 437 Ixrl, 376 Glover v. Robbins, 49 Alabama. 219 *0, 272 Glover v. Smith, 1 Desaussure, 433 i, CS7 Glover T. Stamps, 73 Georgia, 203 54, 870 Goble T. Gale, 7 Blackford, 213 xli, 219 Goble T. Dillon, 36 Indiana, 327 44, 303 Godbold T. Br'ch B * at Mobile, 11 Alabama, 191.xlvi, 211 Godbold T. Lambert, 8 Richardson's Eq. 155 Lrx, 192 Godchaux T. Mulford, 26 California, 316 Ixxxv, 178 Goddard, Petitioner, etc., 16 Pickering, 5?4 xxviii, 259 GoddardT. Bjnney, 115 Massachusetts. 453 15, 112 Goddard T. Bolster, 6 Greenleaf , 427 xx, 320 GoddardT. Bulow, 1 Nott & McC. 45 ix, 663 GoddardT. Chaffee, 2 Allen, 335 Ixxix, 796 Goddird v. East Texas F. Ins. Co.. 67 Texas, 63.. .60, 1 Goddard T. Grand Trunk R'y Co., 57 Maine, 202.. 2, 39 Goddard T. Hapgood and Trustees, 3 Vt. 331 Ix, 272 Goddard T. Monitor Mut. F. Ins. Co.. 108 Massa- chusetts, 56 11,307 Goddard T. Pres. Town of Jacksonville, 15 Hi SSS.lx, 773 Godeau T. Blood, 52 Vermont, 251 38, 751 Godeffroy T. Caldwell, 2 California, 489 IT i, 350 GodfreyT. City of Alton, 12 Illinois, 29 lii, 476 GodfreyT. Godfrey, 17Indiania,6 Ixxix, 448 GodfreyT. Hays, 6 Alabama, 501 xli, 58 Godfrey T. Humphrey, 13 Pickering, 537 xiix, 621 GodfreyT. State, 31 Alabama, 323 Ixx, 494 Godfrey ads. State, 24 Maine, 232 xli, 382 Godley T. Goodloe, 6SmedesM. 255 xlv, 287 Godley T. Hagerty, 20 Penn. State, 337 lix, 731 Godwin T. Gregg, 23 Maine, 188 xlviii, 439 Godwin ads. State, 5 IredeU's Law, 401 xliT, 42 Godwinsville etc. R. Co. ads. State, 49 New Jer- sey L. 206 6O, 611 Goebel v. Linn, 47 Michigan, 489 41, 723 Goersen T. Commonwealth, 106 Penn. St. 477 51, 534 Goetz T. Foos. 14 Minnesota, 265 c, 213 Goforth T. Longworth, 4 Ohio, 129 xix, 588 Gogel v. Jacoby, 5 Serg. & R. 117 ix, 339 Goggans T. Turnipseed, 1 South Carolina, 80...xcviii, 397 Goggans T. Turnipseed. 1 South Carolina, 80 7 , C3 Goicoechea T. Louisiana In. Co., 6 Mart., N. S. 51.xvii, 175 Going T. Emery, 16 Pickering, 107 xxvi, 645 GoldT. Bailey. 44 Dlinois, 491 xcii, 190 Gold T. Carter, 9 Humphreys, 369 xlix, 712 Golden T. Cockril, 1 Kansas, 259 Ixxxi, 510 Goldsn T. Clock. 57 Wisconsin, 113 46, 32 Golden T. Levy, 1 Carolina L. Rep. 527 vi, 555 Golden T. Newbrand, 52 Iowa, 59 35, 257 Colder T. Ogden, 15 Penn. State, 528 liii, 618 Goldey T. Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 30 Penn. State, 242 Ixxii, 703 Golding's Petition, 57 New Hampshire, 146 24, 66 Gold Run Ditch & Mining Co. ads. People. 66 California. 138 56, 80 Golliher T. Commonwealth. 2 Duval, 163 Ixxxvii, 493 Comber T. Hackett, ^Yisconsin, 323 Ixx, 467 Gonzales v. Hukil, 49mlabama, 260 20, 232 Gonzales T. New York & H. R. R. 33 N. Y. 440.xcviii, 53 Gooch T. McGee, 83 North Carolina, 59 35, 553 GoodT. Fogg, 61 Illinois, 449 14, 71 GoodT. Herr, 7 Watts&Serg. 253 xlii, 236 Good T. Martin. 1 Colorado, 165 xci, 706 Good T. Mylin, 8 Penn. State, 51 xlix, 493 Good T. Towns. 56 Vermont, 410 48, 799 Goodal T. Godfrey, 53 Vermont, 219 38, 671 GoodaleT. Pennell. 27 Ohio St. 426 22,321 Goodale T. Lawrence, 83 New York, 513 42, 259 Goodale T. Mooney. 60 New Hampshire, 523 49, 334 GoodallT. Crofton. 33 Ohio St. 271 31,535 Goodall T. Marshall, 11 New Hampshire, 83 xxxv, 472 Goodall v. State, 1 Oregon, 333 Ixxx, 396 GoodoT. Goode, 22 Missouri, 518 Ixvi, 630 Goode T. Martin. 57 Maryland, 606 40, 448 Goode & TJlrick T. Longmire, 33 Alabama, 668. .Ixxvi, 309 Goodell, Matter of. 39 Wisconsin, 232 20, 42 GoodellT. Jackson. 20 Johnson, 693 xi, 351 75 TABLE OF CASES. Goo Gra Roman letters [xlli] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Goodell v. Fairbrother, 12 Rhode Island. 233 34, G31 Goodeuow v. Ewer, 15 California, 4C1 Ixxvi, 540 Goodenow v. Tyler, 7 Massachusetts, 3d v, '22 Goodin v. Cin. & W. Canal Co., 13 O. St. 169...xcviii, 5 Gooclingv. Shea, 103 Massachusetts, SCO 4, 5G3 Goodlct v. Sroithson, 5 Porter, 243 xxx, 501 Goouloe T. City of Cincinnati, 4 Ohio, 500 xxii, 701 Goodloev. Godley, 13Smedes& M. 233 li, 133 Goo.Uoe v. Rogers, 9 Louisiana An. 273 Ixi, 233 Goodman v. Cody, 1 Washington, 329 34, 80S Go.idma'.iv. Cay, 15 Penn. State, 1S3 liii, 533 Goodman v. Hannibal etc. R. Co., 45 Mo. 33 c, S3G Goodiuauv. Litaker, 31 North Carolina, 8 37, 602 Goodman v. Newell, 13 Connecticut, 75 xxxi:i, 373 Goodman ads. State, 6 Rich. Law, 337 Ix, 132 Goodman v. Walker, 30 Alabama, 432 Ixviii, 134 Goodman v. Winter, 64 Alabama, 410 38, 13 Goodnough v. Qshkosh. 24 Wisconsin, 549 I, 202 Goodnow T. Empire Lumber Company, 31 Min- nesota, 463 47,793 Goodnow v. Howe, 20 Maine, 1G4 xxxvii, 46 Goodnow v. Smith, 13 Pickering, 414 xxix, GOO Goodnow v. Warren, 122 Massachusetts, 79 23, 239 Goodpaster v. Voris, 8 Iowa, 334 Ixxiv, 313 Goodrich v. Curbauk, 12 Allen, 459 xc, i:i Goodrich v. Hathaway, 1 Vermont, 435 rviii, 701 Goodrich v. Hooper, 07 Massachusetts, 1 xciii, 49 Goodrich v. Hulbert, 123 Massachusetts, 190 2 >, 60 Goodrich v. Moore, 2 Minnesota, 61 Ixxii, 74 Goodrich v. Reynolds, Wilder & Co., 31111. 490..1xxxiii, 240 Goodrich ads. State, 19 Vermont, 116 xlvii, C70 Goodrich v. Tracy, 43 Vermont, 314 5, 2S1 GoodricL v. Weston. 102 Massachusetts, 362. ..... 3, 4C9 Goo Iright v. McCausland, 1 Yeates, 372 i, 306 Goodrum v. Carroll, 2 Humphreys, 400 xxxvii, 564 Goodsell v. Seeley, 46 Michigan, 623 41, 133 Goodspeed v. East Haddam E'k, 22 Ccnn. 530....1viii, 433 i:eil v. Fuller, 48 Maine, 141 ixxl, 572 Goodwin v. Ave: y, -3 Connecticut, 533 Ixviii, 410 Goodwin v. Ealt. & O. R. R. Co., 50 X. Y. 151. ... 10, 437 Goodwin v. Blake, 3 T. B. Monroe, 103 xvi, 87 Goodwin v. Davenport, 47 Maine, 112 Ixxiv, 473 Goodwin v. Hammond, 13 California, 1C8 Ixxiii, 574 Goodwin v. Hardy, 57 Maine, 143 xcix, 733 Goodwin v. Jones, 3 Massachusetts, 514 iii, 173 Goodwin ads. People, 13 Johnson, 1S7 ix, 203 Goodwinv. Smith. 72 Indiana, 113 37, 114 Goodwin T. Thompson, 15 Lea. 209 54, 410 Googius r. Gilmore, 47 Maine, 9 Ixxiv, 472 Gookin v. New England Mutual Marine Ins. Co., 12 Gray, 501 Ixxiv, 609 Gookin v. Richardson, 11 Alabama, 839 xlvi, 232 Goold v. Chapin, 20 New York, 239 Ixxv, 303 Gordon v. Camp, 3 Penn. State, 319 xlv, 647 Gordon v. Commonwealth, 92 Penn. St. 216 37, 672 Gordon v. Goodwin, 2Xott&McC. 70 x. 573 Gordon v. Gordon, 83 Xorth Carolina, 45 43, 729 Gordon v. Ellison, 9 Iowa, 317 Ixxiv, 353 Gordon v. Hutchinson, 1 Watts & Serg. 233. ...xxxvii, 4C4 Gordon v. Little, 8 Serg. & R. 533 xi, C32 Gordon v. Manchester & L. R. Co., 52 N. IL 596.. 13, 97 Gordon v. Maupin, 10 Missouri, 352 xlvii, 113 Gordon v. Moore, 44 Arkansas, 349 51, 606 Gordon v. Preston, 1 Watts, 335 xxvi, 75 Gordon v. Stevens, 2 Hill Ch. 46 xxvii, 445 Gordon v. State, 52 Alabama, 303 23, 575 Gordon 7. Torrey, 2 McCarter, 112 Ixxxii, 73 Gordon v. Tweedy. 7 1 Alabama. 232 40, 813 Gordon v. Winchester B. Ass'n, 12 Bush. 110 23, 713 Gore v. Brazier, 3 Massachusetts, 523 iii, 1S2 Gore v. Stevens, 1 Dana, 201 xxv, 141 Gorgerat v. McCarty, 2 Dallas, 144 (S. C.I Yates, S4).i, 270 Gorham v. Canton, 5 Greenleaf, 2G6 xvii, 231 Gorham v. Gale, ZCowen, 733 xvii, 543 Gorham v. Gross, 125 Massachusetts, 232 28, 234 Gorman v. Pacific Railroad, 23 Missouri. 441 Ixxii, 220 Gorman v. State, 38 Texas, 112 13, 29 Gorman ads. State, 2 Xott & McC. 90 x, 576 Gorton v. Brown, 27 Illinois, 439 Ixxxi, 215 Goshen v. Kern, C3 Indiana, 4 J3. 30, 234 Goshenv. Shoemaker, 12 Ohio State, C24 Ixxx, 338 Goshen v. Stonington, 4 Connecticut, 203 x, 121 Goshen etc. T. Corp. v. Hurtin, 9 Johnson, 217 vi, 273 Gosling v. Caldwell, 1 T.ea, 451 27, 774 Gosman v. Cruger, 69 Xcw York. 87 2,>, 141 Gossv. Coffin, 66 Maine. 432 22,535 Goss v. McClaren, 17 Texas, 107 Ixvii, 645 Goss ads. State, 59 Vermont, 102 .59, 706 Gossom v. Badgett, 6 Bush. 97 xcix, 653 Gossom v. Donaldson, 18 B. Monroe. 230 Ixviii, 723 Gott v. Pulsif er, 122 Massachusetts .235 23, 323 Gottschalk v. Jennings, 1 Louisiana An. 5 xlv, 70 Gottsman v. Penn. Ins. Co., 50 Penn. St., 210....xciv, 55 Gotzian, In re, 31 Minnesota, 139 57, 43 Goudy v. Hall, 3G Illinois. 313 Ixxxvii, 217 Gough v. Goldsmith, 44 Wisconsin, 2G2 :28, 579 Gould v. Banks, 53 Connecticut, 415 55, 1 13 Gould v. Banks, 8 Wendell, 532 xxiv, 90 Goald v. Emerson, 93 Massachusetts, 154 xcvi, 723 Gould v. Lamb, 11 Metcalf, 81 xlv, 187 Gould v. Mansfield, 103 Mass. 403 4, 573 Gould v. McKenna, 86 Penn. St. 297 27,703 Gould v. Murch, 70 Maine. 233 35, 325 Gould v. Norfolk Lead Co.. 9 Gushing, 333 Ivii, 50 Gould v. Stevens, 43 Vermont, 125 5,265 Gould T. Topeka, 32 Kansas, 435 40, 496 Gould v. York Co. M. F. Ins. Co., 47 Maine, 403.1xxiv, 494 Gourdin v. Davis, 2 Richardson's Law, 431 xlv, 745 Gove v. Blethen, 21 Minnesota, 80 IS, 330 Gove v. Gather, 23 Illinois, 634 Ixxvi, 711 Gove v. Fanner's Mut. F. Ins. Co., 43 New Hampshire, 41 2,163 Gove v. Farmers' Mut. Fire Ins. Co. , 48 N. H. 41 .xcvii, 572 Gove v. Vining, 7 Metcalf, 212 xxxix, 770 Governor v. Carter, 3 Hawks, 323 xiv, 583 Governor v. Foster, 6 Georgia, 202 1, 327 Governor ads. People, 20 Michigan, 320 18, 89 Governor v. White, 4 Stewart & Porter, 441 xxiv, 763 Governor v. Williams, 3 Iredell's Law,152 xxxviii, 712 Governor v. Withers, 5 Grattan, 24 1, -5 Governor for Fisher v. Vanmeter, 9 Leigh, 13. .xxxiii, 221 Gowen v. Phila. Exch. Co. ,5 Watts & Serg. 141....xl, 439 Gower v. Andrew, 59 California, 119 43, 242 Gower v. Carter, 3 Iowa, 214 Ixvi, 71 Gower v. Moore, 25 Maine, 16 xliii, 247 Gower v. Stevens, 10 Maine, 92 xxxvi, 737 Grabiil v. Barr, 5 Penn. State, 411 xlvii, 418 Grablev .'.iargrave, 3 Scammon. 372 xxxviii, 88 Grace f Adams, 100 Massachusetts, 505 xcvii, 117 Grace v. Adams, 1 DO Massachusetts, 503 I, 131 Grace v. Hale, 2 Humphreys, 27 xxxvi, 296 Grace v. Mitchell, 31 Wisconsin, 533 11, 613 Grace, Ex parte, 12 Iowa, 203 Ixxix, 529 Gracey v. Davis, 3 Strobhart's EL 55 li, 663 Grady ads. Commonwealth, 13 Bush, 235 28, 192 Grady v. McCorkle. 57 Missouri, 172 17, 678 Grady v. Wolsner, 48 Alabama, 331 7,593 Graemev. Adams, 23 Grattan, 225 11, 130 Graff v. Bonnett. 31 New York, 9 Ixxxviu, 238 GraS v. Castleman, 5 Randolph, 105 xvl, 741 Gra TABLE OF CASES. 76 Roman letters [xllx] refer to Yoluines of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Graff T. Fitch. 58 Illinois. 373 11, 85 Graff T. Kelly. 43 Penn. Stats. 453 Ixxxii, 530 Graffenstein v. Eppstein. 23 Kansas, 413 33, 171 Graffius v. Tottenham, 1 Watts & Serg. 433 xxxvii, 472 Grafftyv. RushviUe,. 107 Indiana. 502 57,123 Graf ton Bank v. Doe, 19 Vermont^ 433 xlvii, C97 Grafton Bank v. Kent, 4 New Hampshire, 221. ..xvii, 414 Graf ton Bank v. Mooro, 13 New Hamp. 90 xxxviii, 473 Grafton Bank v. Woodward, 5 New Hamp. 99 xx. 5'36 Grafton. Town of, v. Follansbee, 1G N . Hamp. 453.. xli, 736 Gra^ v. Martin. 12 Allen, 403 xc.104 Grass v. Richardson, 25 Georgia, 566 Ixxi, 190 Graham v. Anderson. 42 Illinois, 514 xcii, 89 Graham T. Bickham, 2 Yates, 32 (S. C. 4 Dallas, 143). i, 323 'Graham v. Comm'wcalth 51 Penn., St. 255. . .IxxxTiii, 531 Graham v. C. & I. C. R. R., 27 Indiana, 260....1xxxix, 498 Graham v. Connersville etc. R. R. Co.. 36 In- diana, 463 10, 56 Graham v. Davis, 4 Ohio State, 332 hoi, 285 Graham v. Fircmans Ins. Co., 87 N. Y. 69 41,343 Graham v. First Nat. Bank, 81 N. Y. 393 38, 528 Graham T. Graham, 6T. B. Monroe, 531 xvii, 1C6 Graham v. Graham, 9 Penn. State, 251 xlix, 557 Graham v. Graham, 23 W. Va. 36 48, 361 Graham v. Holt, 3 Iredell's Law, 300 xl, 403 Graham T. King. 50 Missouri, 22 11, 401 Graham v. Lynn, 4 B. Monroe, 17 xxxix, 493 Graham v. McCompbell, Meiss, 52 xxxiii, 123 Graham v. McCreary, 43 Penn. State, 515 Ixxx, 591 Graham v. Mount Sterling C. Co.. 11 Bush. 425... 29, 412 Graham v. Pierce. 19 Gratt. 23 c, 653 Graham T. Plate, 43 California, 593 6,639 Graham v. Price, 3 A. K. Marshall, 522 xiii, 199 Graham ads. State, 25 La. An. 563 21, 531 Graham ads. State. 12 Vroom. 15 33, 174 Graliam ads. State, 74 North Carolina. 6 16 21, 493 Graham v. Stata ei rel. Reynolds, 7 Ind. 470 Ixv, 745 Graham v. Stevens, 34 Vermont, 166 bcxx, 675 Graham v. Warner's Exrs. 3 Dana, 146 xxviii, 65 Graham v. Williams, 16 Serg. & R. 257 xvi, 539 Grain v. Aldrich. 38 California, 514 xcix. 423 Grainser v. State, 5 Yerger, 453 xxvi, 273 Gramlich v. Wurst, 86 Perm. St. 74 27, 6S1 Grammel T. Carmei , 55 Michigan, 201 54, 3C3 Cranberry v. Cranberry, 1 Washington, 246 i, 453 Grandin v. Grandin, 49 New Jersey Law, 508 60, G-2 Grandy v. McCleese, 2 Jones' Law, 142 Ixiv, 574 Granite Bank v. Ayers, 1G Pickering, 392 xxviii, 233 Grannis v. Branden, 5 Day, 230 v, 143 Grand Rapids v. Elake'.y. 40 Michigan, 367 29, 539 Grand Rapids B. Co. v. Prange, 35 Mich. 400 24, 585 Grand Rapids etc. R. Co. v. Gr. Rap. etc. R. Co. 33 Michigan, 265 24,545 Grand Rapids and L R. Co. T. Heisel, 38 Mich- igan. 62 31,306 Grand Rapids and L R. Co. T. Huntley, 33 Mich- igan, 537 31 , 321 Grand Trunk R'j ads. State. T3 Maine, 176 4 , 2:3 Granger v. Batchelder, 51 Vermont, 243 41,Si6 Grangers' L. L Co. v. Brown. 57 Miss. 303 34, 416 Grant v. Chase, 17 Massachusetts, 443 ix, 1C1 Grant T. Dabnsy, 19 Kansas. 333 27,125 Grant v. Doucl, 3 Robinson (La.). 17 xxrviii, 223 Grant v. Erie, 6) Pennsylvania State, 420 8,272 Grant T. Grant. 12 South Carolina. 29 32, 506 Granl v. Groshon, Haruiu, S3 iii, 725 Grant v. Leach, 23 Lousiana An. 329 xcvi, 403 Grant v. Lewis, 14 Wisconsin, 487 ITTT, 785 Grant v. LexiugtonF., L. andM. Ins. Co.,5Ind.23.1ii, 74 Grant v. Shaw, 1G Massachusetts, 341 viii, 142 Grant ads. State. 17 Missouri, 113 4 \ ?' 3 Grant v. TaUmau, 2} New York, 131 tav, 384 Grant v. Thompson, 4 Connecticut, 203 x, 119 Grant T. Van Schoonhoven, 9 Paige's Ch. 255, .xixvii, 393 Grant v. Wood, 1 Zabriskie, 2?2 . ;. Grapengether v. Fcjervary, 9 Iowa, 163 1 . Grassmeyer T. Beeson, IS Texas, 753 lix, "09 Grattaa v. Grattan, 13 Illinois, 1C7 Grattan T. Metropolitan L. I. Co., 80 New York, 281 30,617 Grattan T. Metropolitan L. I. Co., 92 N. Y. 271. . 1 J, 073 Graul v. Strutzel, 53 Iowa. 712 Gravely v. Gravely, 25 South Carolina. 1 OS, 473 Graves T. Atwood, 52 Connecticut, 512 52, 610 Graves v. Bulkley, 25 Kansas, 219 Graves v. Carter, 2 Hawks, 57<3 xi, 736 Graves v. Dawson. 133 Massachusetts, 73 :IO, 429 Graves v. Fisher, 5 Greeuleaf, 63 xvii, 233 Graves v. Flowers. 51 Alabama, 402 23, 555 Graves v. Graves, 2 Bibb, 207 Graves v. Graves, 35 Iowa, 310 14, 525 Graves v. Hartford & N. Y. S. Co , 33 Connecticut, 143 ft, 369 Graves v. Johnson, 48 Connecticut, 160 40, 162 Graves v. Lake Shore & M. S R. R. Co., 137 Mas- sachusetts, 33 50, 232 Graves v. Lebanon Nat. Bank. 10 Bush, 23 ID, ;"0 Graves v. Merry, 6 Cowen, 701 xvi, 471 Graves v. Moore, 7 T. B. Monroe, 341 xviii, 1S1 Graves v. Northern Pac. R. R. Co.. 5 Mont. 533. .31, 81 Graves v. Roy, 13 Louisiana, 454 s Graves v. Shattuck, 35 New Hampshire, 237 Lxix. 533 Graves v. Sheldon, 2 D. Chipman, 71 xv, C33 Graves v. Smith, 14 Wisconsin, 5 Ixxx, 762 Graves v. State, 16 Vroom, 347 46, 778 Graves v. Thomas, 95 Indiana, 361 Graves v. Tilford, 2 Duvall. 103 Ixxxvii, 43 Graves ads. S:ate ex rel. McClellan, 19 Md. 351 .Ixxxi, 639 Graves v. Woodbury, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 559 xl, 203 Gravier v. Carraby, 17 Louisiana, 113 xnvi, COS GraviUe v. Manhattan R R. Co., 103 N. Y. SC3. ,5f, 516 Gravillon v. Richards' Ex'r, 13 Louisiana, 293. .xxx:ii, 5:3 Gray v. Allen, 14 Ohio, 53 xlv, 522 Gray v. Ayrcs, 7 Dana, 375 xxxii, 107 Gray v. Bartlett, 20 Pickering, 133 xxxii, 233 Gray v. Barton. 53 New York, 68 14, 131 Gray v. Bell, 2 Richardson's Law, 07 xl:v, C77 Gray v. Boston Gas-light Co., 114 Mass. 149 10, 321 Gray v. Christian Soc., 137 Massachusetts. 329.. . .50, 310 Gray v. Combs, 7 J. J. Marshall, 473 xxiii, 431 Cray v. Commonwealth, 9 Dana, 300 xxxv, 136 Gray v. Commonwealth, 101 Penn. St. 330 47. 733 Gray ads. Commonwealth, 129 Mass 474 .'57, 373 Gray v. Fox. 43 Missouri. 570 xcvii, 416 Gray v. Fox, ISaxton Ch. 259 xiii, 533 Gray v. Gillilan, 15 Illinois, 453 Ix. 7C1 Gray v. Harris, 107 Massachusetts, 492 0, 61 Gray v. Hawkins' Adm'x, 8 Ohio St. 449 Ixxii, 600 Gray v. Holdship, 17 Serg. & R. 413 xvii, 680 Gray v. Jackson, 51 New Hampshire, 9 12, 1 Gray v. McReynolds, 65 Iowa, 461 54, 16 Gray v. Monongahela Nav. Co., 2 Watts & Serg. 156 xxxvii, 500 Gray v. Osborae, 24 Texas, 137 lixvi, 99 Gray ads. People, 61 California, 164 44, 519 Gray v. Pingry, 17 Vermont, 419 xl;v, 313 Gray v. Pope, 33 Mississippi. 11(1 Isxii, 117 Gray v. Portland Bauk, 3 Massachusetts, 3G4. iii, 156 Gray v. Roberts, 2 A. K. Marshall, 203 xii, 383 Gray v. Scott, C6 Pennsylvania St. 345 5. 371 77 TABLE OF CASES. Gra Gre Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Gray v. State. 73 In liana, CS 41,515 Gray v. Stevens, 23 Vermont. 1 Ixv, 213 Gray v. Wain, 2 Serg. & II. 23 vii, 642 Gray v. West, 93 North Carolina. 412 53, 462 Graydon, Swan wick & Co. v. Patterson & Co., 13 Iowa, 253 Ixxxi, 4C2 Grayson T. Veeche, 12 Martin, CSS xiii, 334 Graysoa v. Williams, Walker, 2"3 zii, 503 Grear ads. State, 23 Minnesota, -J23 41, 296 GreathousD v. Ero^m, 5 T. B. Monroe, 233 xvii, 67 Great Works M. & M. Co. ads. State, 20 Me. 41.xxxvii, 38 Groat Western R. R. Co. v. Bacon, 33 Illinois 317 Ixxxiii, 199 Great Western R. R. Co. v. Helm. 7 HI. 133. ..Ixxxi. 225 Great Western Turnpike Road Co. v. Loomis, 32 New York. 127 Ixxxviii, 311 Greeley v. Dison, 21 Florida, 413 58, 673 Greelsy v. It. raid, M. & M. R'y Co , 33 Minne- sota, 136 53, 16 Greeley v. Thurston, 4 Greenleaf, 473 xvi, 2S5 Greeley v. Waterhouse, 13 Maine, 9 xxxvi, 730 Greely v. Bartlett, 1 Greenleaf, 172 x, 51 Green v. Adams, 13 Vermont. 632 50,701 Green v. Arnold, 11 Rhode Isbn.l. 331 23, 466 Greea v. Borons'.! of Reading, 9 Watts, 332 xxxvi, 127 Green v. Boston & L. R. Co. , 12S -Mass. C21 3.">, 370 Green v. Bridge Creek. 33 Wisconsin, 419 20, 13 Green v. Erooluns, 23 Michigan. 43 9, 74 Greea v. Broyles, 3 Humphreys, 137 xxxix, 155 Green v. Caldcleugh, 1 Dev. & Bat. L, 321 xxviii, 537 Green v. Carrington, 13 Oliio State, 513 xci. 1C3 Greeu v. Chilton. 57 Mississippi, 533 34, 483 Green v. Collins, 86 New York, 216 40, 531 Green v. Clay, 13 Allen, 93 Ixxxvii, 622 Green v. Covillaud, 10 California, 317 Ixx, 725 Green v. Cox, 10 Allen, 93 IxxxTii, 622 Green v. Creighton, 13 Smedes & M. 133 xlviii, 742 Green v. Disbrow, 73 New York, 1 33, 495 Green v. Dodge, 6Ohio, 83 xxv, 733 Green v. Drummond, 31 Maryland, 71 1, 11 Green v. Green, 16 Indiana. 253 Lxxix, 423 Greea T. Green, 31 Kansas, 743 55, 256 Green v. Green, 63 New York, 553 25, 2C3 Greea T Greensboro F. CoL 83 N. C. 449 35,579 Green v. Hamilton, 1J Maryland, 317 Ixxvii, 235 Green v. Harrison, 6 Jones Eq., 253 Ixxxii, 415 Green T. Hewitt. 97 Illinois, 113 37, 102 Green v. Holway, 101 Massachusetts, 213 3, 339 Green T. Hollingsworth, 5 Dana, 173 xxx, 680 Green v. Irving. 51 Mississippi, 453 28, 350 Green v. Johnson, 2 Hawis, 333 xi, 733 Green v. Kellum, 23 Penn. State, 254 Lxii, 332 Greenv. Kemp, 13 Massachusetts, 515 vii, 103 Green v. Kornegay, 4 Jones' Law, Co hmi. 231 Green v. Lake. 51 Mississippi, 510 28, 378 Greenv. Miller, 6 Johnson, 33 v, 131 Green v. Palmer, 15 California, 411 Isxri, 432 Green ads. People, 7 Colorado, 237 49, 331 Green v. Petting!!!, 47 Xaw Hampshire, 37o xciii, 414 Greenv Phillips, 26 Gratt. 752 21, 323 Green v. R.image, 13 Ohio, 423 li, 453 Green v. Raymond, 58 Texas, 80 44, 601 Green v. Sargeant, 23 Vermont, 4-36 Ivi, 83 Greenv. Scranage, 19 Iowa, 461 Ixxxvii. 417 Green v. Spencer, 3 Missouri, 313 xxvi, C72 Green v. Sperry, 16 Vermont, 390 xlii, 519 Greenv. State. 58 Alabama, 190 29,739 Greenv. State. 66 Alabama, 40 41,744 Green v. State, 21 Florida. 403 58, 670 Green v. State, 59 Maryland, 123 43, 542 Greenv Watson, 75 Georgia, 471 45, 479 Green v. Wardwell, 17 Illinois, 273 Ixiii, 368 Greenv. Wilding, 59 Iowa, 679 44,696 Green v. Winter, 1 Johns. Ch. 27 vii, 475 Green v. Young, Adm'r. 8 Greenleaf, 14. xxii, 218 Green Bay & M. C. Co. v. Hewett, 55 Wis. 96 42, 701 Greenabaumv. King, 4 Kansas, 284 xcvi, 17j Greenawalt v. Kreider, 3 Perm. State, 2G4. xlv, 63J Greenby v. Wilcocks, 2 Johnson, 1 iii, 373 Greencastle v. Martin, 71 Indiana, 449 33, 93 Greene v. Dennis, 6 Connecticut, 233 xvi, 53 Greene v. Greene, 2 Gray, 331 , Iii, 454 Greene v. Greene. 1 Ohio, 535 xiii, 643 Greenev. Keene, 14 Rhode Island, 338 51,400 Greene v. Linton, 7 Pcrter, 133 xxxj, 707 Greene v. Minneapolis & St. L. R'y -Co., 31 Min- nesota, 218 47,785 Greene v. Mumford, 5 Rhode Island, 472 Ixxiii, 79 Greene v. Tallman, 20 New York, 191 Ixsv, 384 GreenSeld Bank v. Leavitt, 17 Pickering, 1 rxviii, 263 Greenfield v. People, 83 New York, 75 3D, 638 Greenfield Sav. Bankv. Stowell, 123 Mass. 196. ...25, 67 Greenhow v. Harris, 6 Munford, 472 viii, 751 Greenhow v. James, 83 Vermont, 60S 5G, 633 Greenleaf v. m. Cent. R. R. Co., 29 Iowa, 11 4, 181 Greenleaf v. Ludington, 15 Wisconsin, 553 Ixxxii, 693 Greenleaf v. Quincy, 12 Maine, 11 xxviii, 145 Greenlee v. Gaines, 13 Alabama, 198 xlvui, 49 Greeno v. Munson, 9 Vermont, 37 xxxi, COS Greenough v. Greenough, 11 Penn. State, 439 li, 567 Green Ridge R. R. Co. v. Brinkman, 61 Md. 52.. .51, 753 Greensboro v. Ehrenreich, 83 Alabama. 579. 69, 130 Greensboro Bankv. Chambers, 30 Gratt. 232 32, 661 Greensdale ads. State, 106 Indiana, 36} 55,753 Greenstinev. Borchard, 50 Michigan, 434 45, 51 Greenup v. Stoker, 12 Uliaois, 21 iii, 474 Greenville & C. R. v. Woodsides, 4 Rich. L. 145. . . .lv, 708 Greenway v. Cannon, 3 Humphreys, 177 xxxix, 161 Greenwell v. Haydon, 73 Kentucky, 332 39, 231 Green-wood v. Curtis, 6 -Massachusetts, 353 iv, 145 Greenwood v. Ligon, 10 Smedes&M. 615 xlviii, 775 Greenwood v. Louisville, 13 Bush, 226 20, 263 Greenwood v. Murdock, 9 Gray, 23 Ms, 273 Greenwood v. State, 6 Bait. 567 32,539 Greer v. Caldwell, 14 Georgia, 207 Iviii, 553 Greer v. Chartier R. Co., 96 Pennsylvania St. 391.42, 513 Greer v. McCrackin, Peck, 301 xiv, 755 Greer v. State, 50 Indiana, 267 10,709 Greer v. Wright, 6 Grattan, 151 Iii, 111 Gregg v. Bigham, 1 Hill, 203 xxvi, 181 Gregg v. Bostwick. 33 California, 220 xci, 637 Gregg v. Crawford, 4 Alabama, ISO xxsvii, 733 Gregg v. James, Breese, 143 xii, 151 Gregg v. Massachusetts Med. Soc'y, 111 Mass. 1S5.15, 21 Gregg v. Palmer, 46 Illinois, 393 xcv, 413 Gregg v. Sanford, 21 Illinois, 17 ksvi, 713 Gregory Ex parte. 20 Tex. Ct. App. 210 54,518 Gregory v. Bridgeport, 41 Connecticut, 76 19, 458 Gregory v. Brooks, 35 Connecticut, 437 xcv. 273 Gregory v. Brown, 4 Bibb 23 vii, 731 Gregory v. Ford, 14 California, 133 Isiiii, C33 Gregory v. German Bank, 3 Colorado, 332 25, 760 Gregory v. Gregory, 73 Maine, 137 57, 7d2 Gregory . Hooker, 1 HawL's, 334 ix, 645 Gregory v. King, 53 Illinois, 163 11, 56 Gregory v. Litsey, 9 B. Monroe, 43 xlviii, 415 Gregory v. State, 91 Indiana, 334 48, 162 Gregory v. State, 26 Ohio State, 510 20, 774 Gregory ads. State, 83 Missouri, 123 53, 565 Gregory v. Taber, 19 California, 3D7 Ixsix, 219 Ore Gnl TABLE OF CASES. 78 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [491 to Amirican Reports. Gregory v. Thomas, 2 Bibb, 23G v, 633 Gregory T. Wendell. 39 Michigan. 337. 33, 393 Gregory v. AVilson. 35 New Jersey, 315 13,443 Greirv. Taylor, 4 M'Cord, 236 xvii, 731 Gresham v. Thum, 3 Met. (Ky.), 287 Ixxvii, 174 Greusel v. Hubbard, 51 Michigan.*95 41, 549 Greve v. Coffin, 14 Minnesota, 345 c, 229 Grevemeyer T. Southern Ins. Co., 62 Penn. St. 343. .1, 423 Grew v. Breed, 12 Metcalf, 3G3 xbi, 637 Greyv. Mobile T. Co., 55 Alabama, 387 28,729 Grey ads. Commonwealth, 2 Gray, 501 1x1, 476 Gricev. Scarborough, 2Speer'sLaw, 649 xlii, 331 GriJerv. Tally, 77 Alabama, 422 54, 65 Gridley v. Bloomington, S3 Illinois, 554 33, 5GG Gridley v. Dorn, 57 California, 73. 40, 110 Grieff v. Boudousquie, 18 Louisiana, 631 Ixxxix, 693 Griel v. Solomon. 82 Alabama, 85 69, 733 Grierv. Huston, 8 Serg. &R. 402 xi, G27 Griffeyv. New York Cent. I. Co, 100 N.Y. 417.... 53, 232 Griffin v. Bixby, 12 New Hampshire, 454 xxxvii, 223 Griffin v. Camack, 33 Alabama, 695 Ixxri, 344 Griffin T. Chubb, 7 Texas, 60S Iviii, 85 Griffin v. Coffey, 9B. Monroe, 452 1, 519 Griffinv. Colver, 13 New York, 483 Ixix, 713 Griffin v. Eaton, 27 Illinois, 379 Ixxxi, 233 Griffin v. Graham, 1 Hawks, 96. ix, 619 Griffin v. Kentucky Ins. Co., 3 Bush. 592 xcvi, 259 Griffin v. Mayor etc. of New York, 9 N. Y. 456. . ..Ixi, 700 Griffin T. McKenzie, 7 Georgia, 163 1, 389 Griffin T. Seymour, 15 Iowa, 39 Ixxxiii, 393 Griffin v. Sheffield, 38 Mississippi, 359 Ixxvii, 643 Griffin v. Western M. L. Ass'n.. 23 Neb. 620 5", SIS Griffisv. Sellars, 2 Dev. &Bat. L. 492 xxxi, 422 Griffisv. Younger, 6 Iredell'sEq. 520 U, 433 Griffithv. BuSum, 22 Vermont, 181 lir, 64 Griffith v. Cave, 22 California, 534. Ixxxiii. 82 Griffith v. Charlotte R. R. Co., 23 8. C. 250 53, 1 Griffithv. Chew, SSerg. &R. 17 xi, 556 Griffith v. Depew, 3 A. K. Marshall, 177 xiii, 141 Griffith v. Douglass, 73 Maine, 532 40, 395 Griffithv. Furry, 33 Illinois, 251 Ixxxiii, 13G Griffithv. Ingledew, 6 Serg. & R. 429 ix, 444 Griffith v. Reed, 21 Wendell, 502 xxxir, 267 Griffithv. Smith, 22 Wisconsin, 646 xcix, 93 Griffith v. Townley, 69 Missouri, 13 33,476 Griffiths v. Kellogg. 39 Wisconsin, 290 20, 43 Griggs v. Austin, 3 Pickering, 20 xv, 175 Griggs v. Dodge, 2Day, 23 ii, 82 Griggs v. Fleckenstein, 14 Minnesota, 81 c, 199 Griggs v. State. 53 Alabama, 425 29, 762 Grigsby v. Breckinridge, 2 Bush, 480 xcii, 509 Grigsby v. Napa County, 3G California, 5S5 xcv, 213 Grim v. Norris, 19 California, 140 Ixxix, 206 Grim v. Weissenberg S. D.,57 Penn. St. 433....xcviii, 237 Grimes ads. Commonwealth, 10 Gray, 470 ITTJ, 666 Grimes v. Gates, 47 Vermont, 594 , 19,129 Grimes v Harmon, 35 Indiana, 193 9, 690 Grimes' Estate v. Norris, 6 California, 621 Ixv, 545 Grimisonv. Russell. 14 Nebraska, 521 45,126 Grimmettv. State, 22 Tex. Ct. App, 36 58,630 Grimmett v. Witherington, 16 Arkansas, 377....1xiii, 66 Grimsley v. Hooker, 3 Jones' Equity, 4 Ixvii, 227 Grimsley v. Riley, 5 Missouri, 230 xxxii. 319 Grimstono v. Carter, 3 Paige's Ch. 421 xxiv, 230 Grindle v. Eastern Express Co., 67 Me. 317 24, 31 Grinerv. Butler, 61 Indiana, 3G2 28, 675 Gring v. Lerch, 112 Peun. St. 244 50, 314 Grinnell v. Cook, 3 11:11 (N. Y.), 435 xxxviii, 003 Gricnell v. W. U. Tel. Co., 113 Mass. 299 IS, 435 Griscom v. Evens, 11 Vroom. 402 .....29,251 Grissler v. Powers.81 New York, 57 37,475 Grissom v. Moore, 106 Indiana, 296 53, 742 Griswold v. Brown, 1 Day, 130 ii, 71 Griswold v. Haven, 25 New York, 595 Ixxxii, 330 Griswold v. N. Y. Ins. Co., 3 Johnson, 321 iii, 490 Griswold v. N. Y. & New Eng. R. R. Co., C3 Conn. 371 53,115 Griswold v. Sabin, 51 New Hampshire,'lG7 12, 76 Griswold v. Steamboat Otter, 12 Minn. 465 xciii, 239 Griswold v. Stoughton, 2 Oregon, 61 Ixxxiv, 4C9 Griswold v. Trustees of Peoria Univ., 23 HI. 41. Ixxix, 3G1 Grocers' Bank v. Penfield. 69 N. Y. 502 23, 231 Groflf, In re. 21 Nebraska, 6t7 59,859 Groff v. Jones, 6 Wendell, 522 xxii, 545 Grogan v. Adams Ex. Co., 114 Penn. St. 23 GO, 300 Groll v. Tower. 85 Missouri, 219 35, 353 Groome v. Lewis, 23 Maryland, 137 Ixxxvii, 563 Grosvenor v. Austin's Adm'rs, 6 Ohio, 103 xxv, 743 Grossenbach v. Milwaukee, 65 Wis. 31 56, 614 Groth v. Gyger, 31 Penn. State, 271 Ixxii, 745 Groton v. Waldoborough, 11 Maine, 306 xxvi, 530 Grove v. Port Wayne, 15 Indiana, 429 1 5, 282 Grove v.Mott, 46 N. J. L. 328 50,424 Grove v. Todd, 41 Maryland, G33 20, 76 Grove v. Van Duyn, 15 Vroom, G54 43, 412 Grover v. Gould, 20 Wendell, 227 xxxii, 533 Grover v. Grover, 24 Pickering, 2;i XXTT, 319 Grover v. Wakeman, 11 Wendell, 137 xxv, C24 Grover and Baker S. M. Co. v. Butler, 53 In- diana, 454 21,200 Grover and Baker S. M. Co. v. Missouri P. R'y Co., 70 Missouri, C72 35, 444 Groves v. Cook, S3 Indiana, 1G9 45, 462 Groves v. Fulsome, 16 Missouri, 513 Mi, 247 Groves v. Steel, 2 Louisiana An. 430 xlvi. 551 Growv. Seligman, 47 Michigan, 607 41, 737 Grubb v. Guilford, 4 Watts, 223 xxviii, 700 Grubbv. Suit, 32Grattan, 203 34,765 Cruder v. Bowles, 1 Brevard, 2G5 ii, C65 Grumbine v. Mayor etc., 2 Me Arthur, 573 .29, 6C6 Crumley v. Webb, 44 Missouri. 444 c, 304 Grumon v. Raymond, 1 Connecticut, 40 vi, 200 Grundy v. Edwards, 7 J. J. Marshall, 358 xxiii, 409 Grunson v. State. 89 Indiana, 533 46, 178 Grymes v. Hone, 49 New York, 17 10, 313 G. S. ads. State, 1 Tyler, 295 iv, 724 Guardian Mut. L. Ins. Co. v. Hogan, 80 111 35. .. .22, 180 Guilgell v. Mead, 8 Missouri, 53 xl, 120 Guelich v. Nat. St. Bank. 56 Iowa, 434 41, 110 Guerand v. Dandelet, 32 Maryland, 561 3, 164 Guernsey v. Carver, 8 Wendell, 492 xxiv, CO Guernsey v. Pitkin, 32 Vermont, 224 Ixxvi, 171 Guest v. Reynolds, 63 Illinois, 473 18, 570 Guetigv. State, 66 Indiana, 94 32, 99 Guffey v. O'Reiley, 83 Missouri, 418 57 , 424, Gugins v. Van Gorder, 10 Michigan, 523 Ixxxii, 55 Guggenheimer v. Groeschel, 23 S. C. 274 55, 20 Guice v. Sellers, 43 Mississippi, 52 5, 476 Guidry v. G*-ot, 2 Martin, N. S., 13 xiv, 193 Guidry v. Woods, 19 Louisiana, 334 xxxvi, G77 Guild v. Butler, 122 Mass. 498 23, 378 Guild ads. State, 5 Halsted, 163. xviii, 404 Guild v. Thomas, 54 Alabama, 414 23, 703 Guile v. McNanny, 14 Minnesota, 520 e, 244 GuiUaume v. Hamburg etc. Co.. 42 N. Y. 212.... I, 512 Guille v. Swan, 19 Johnson, 3S1 x, 234 Guilleaume v. Rowe, 9 J New York, 263 46, 141 Guillot v. Dossat, 4Martin, 203 vi, 702 Guiod v. Guiod, 14 California, 506 Ixxvi, 440 Guion v. Guion, 16 Missouri, 48 Ivii 223 TABLE OF CASES. Gui-Hal Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Guion v. Knapp, 6 Paige Ch. 35 XTJX, 741 Gulf, C. & S. F. R'y Co. v. Levy, 59 Texas, 563. . . .43, 273 Gulf, C. S. F. R'y Co v. Redeker. 67 Texas.190. .63, 20 Gulick v. Grover, 33Xew Jersey Law, 4G3 xcvii, 728 GuKck v. Loder, C New Hampshire, 63 xxii, 711 Gulick v, Xew, U Indiana, 93 Ixxvii, 49 Gulick v. War J, 5 Halste>l,S7 xviii, 389 Gulline v Lowell. 141 Massachusetts, 491 50, 1C2 Gullion v. Eowlware, Sneed (Xy.), 76 ii, 7C3 Gumbel v. Abrams, 23 Louisiana An. 5G8 xcvi, 426 Guadersoa T. Richardson, 5G Iowa, 56 41, 81 Gunn v. Gunn, 71 Georgia, 55; 58, 417 Guna T. Hov.-ell, 27 Alabama, 6C3 Ixii, 783 Guna v. Howell, 33 Alabama, 144 Ixsiii, 4S4 Guun v. Scovil, 4 Day, 22S iv, 203 Guan's Administrator v. Todd, 21 Missouri, 333.. Ixiv, 231 Gunning v. Royi.l, 53 Mississippi, 45 42, 330 ' 1:1 v. Gunnisou, 41 New Hamp. 121 Ixxvii, 73 1 Gunterv. Cramtevillo Mf. Co., 18 S. C. 262 44,573 Gunther v. Lee, 43 Maryland, 60 24, 504 Guphill v. Isbell, 1 Bailey's Law, 230 xix, C75 Gurnee v. Maloney, 33 California, 85 xcix, 352 Gurney v. Howe, 9 Gray, 434 Isix, 209 Gurney ads. State, 37 Maine, 153 Iviii, 72 Gurney v. Tufts, 37 Maine, 130 Iviii, 777 Gurvia v. Cromartie, 11 Iredell's Law, 174 lia, 43G Gusheev. Eddy. 11 Gray, 502 Ixxi, 723 Gushee v. Leavitt, 5 California, ICO Ixiii, 11G Gusman v. Hearscy, C3 La. Aa. 700 20, 1C4 Guthrie v. Imbrie. 12 Oregon, 1S2 53, 331 Guthriov. Louisville & X. R. Co.. 11 Lea, 372. ...47, 23G Guthrie T. Murphy, 4 Watts, 80 xxviii, 631 Guthrie v. Owen, 2 Humphreys, 202 TTCTJ, 311 Guthrie v. Russell, 40 Iowa, 2G9 26, 133 Guthrie v. Wickliffs, 4 Bibb, 541 vii, 746 Guy v. Du Uprey, 16 California, 195 bavi, 513 Guy v. Hermance, 5 California, 73 Ixiii, 85 Guy T. Ide, GCalifornia, 90 Ixv, 490 Guyer v. Smith, 22 Maryland, 239 Ixxxv, 650 Guynae v. City of Cincinnati, 3 Ohio, 24 xvii, 573 Guyther v. Pettijohn, 6 Iredell's Law, 388 xlv, 499 Gwathney v. Cason, 74 North Carolina, 5 21, 481 Gwitkia v. Commonwealth, 9 Leigh, 678 xxxiii, 264 Gwinnell v. Earner, Eng 15, 3CS Gwinneth v. Thompson, 9 Pickering, 31 xix, 333 Gwyn v. Richmond & D. R. R. Co., 85 N. C. 429. . .39, 703 Gwynnv. Duffield, Cl Iowa, 64 47,802 Gwynn v. DuSeld, 63 Iowa, 708 53, 2SG Gygers Appeal, C2Penn. St. 73 1,3S2 Haag v. Board of Comm'rs, 60 Indiana, 511 28, C54 Haak v. Linderman, 61 Pennsylvania St. 499 3, 612 Haas T. Myers, 111 Illinois, 421 .- 53, C31 Haas v Shaw, 91 Indiana, 334 46, 637 Habeaicht v. Rawls, 21 South Carolina, 461 58, 1:68 Habersham v. Hopkins, 4 Strobhart's Law, 238 liii, 673 Haliersham v. Sears. 11 Oregon, 431 50,431 Hackett v. Hewitt, 57 Vermont, 412 52, 132 Hackettv. King. 8 Allen, 144 Ixxxv, 6?5 Hackett v. Multnomah R'y Co. , 12 Or. 124 53, 327 Hackett v. State, 105 Indiana, 250 55, L01 Hackley v. Swigert, 5 B. Monroe, 86 xli, 230 Hackney v. Welsh, 1C<7 Indiana, 253 57, 101 Haddv. United States &C. Express Co., 52 Ver- mont, 335 36,737 Haddenv Knickerbocker. 70 Illinois, 677 27, S3 Haddock v. Boston & Maine R. R., 3 Allen, 293.. Ixxxi, 653 Haddock v. Crocheron, 32 Texas, 276 5, 214 Hadduck v. Murray, 1 New Hampshire, 140 viii, 43 Hadduck v. Wilmarth, 5 New Hampshire, 181 xx. 570 Hadley v. City of Albany, 33 New York, 6j3..1xxxviii. 412 Hadley v. Clinton County Importing Co., 13 Ohio State, 502 Ixxxii, 454 Hadley v. Cross, 34 Vermont, 586 ITTT. 699 Hadley v. TTpshaw, 27 Texas, 547 Ixxxvi, 634 Ilaehnlen v. Commonwealth, 13 Penn. State, 617.1iii, 502 Hall v. Marino Ins. Co., 8 Johnson, 163 T, 331 Hafcerv. Irwin, 4Dev. Eat. L. 433 xxxiv, 390 Ilagan v. Campbell, 8 Porter, 9 TTTJJJ, 267 Hagan v Deuell & Vaughn, 24 Ark, 216 Ixxxriii, 769 Hagaa T. Providence & W. R. R. Co., 3 R. I. 83. . .Ixii, 377 Ila-ar v. Buck, 44 Vermont, 285. 5,363 Hagedon v. Bank of Wisconsin, 1 Pinney, 61. . .xxxix, 275 Hagemaa v. Sharkey, 1 Howard, 277 xxix, 627 Haser v. Rice, 4 Colorado, SO 34, 68 Hagerstown Bank T. Adams Express Co. , 45 Penn. State, 410 Ixxxiv, 499 Hagerstown T. Co. v. Creeger, 5 Harris & J. 122. . . .ix, 495 Uagcrty v. Powers, C6 Cal 368 56, 101 Hageyv. Hill, 73Penn..St. 108 15,583 Haggard v. Conkwright. 7Bush, 16 3,297 Haggart v. Morgan, 5 N. T. (1 Seld.) 422 Iv, 350 Haggaity v. Pittman, 1 Paige's Ch. 298 xix, 434 Haggerty v. FUnt & P. M. R, R. Co.. 59 Michi- gan, 366 60,301 Haggerty v. Wilber, 16 Johnson, 286 Tiii, 321 Hagner v. Heyberger, 7 Watts Serg. 104 xlii, 220 Hagthorpv. Neale, 7 GiU& J. 13 xxvi, 594 Hahn v. Doolittle, 18 Wisconbin, 196 Ixxxvi, 757 Hahn v. Fredericks, 30 Michigan, 223. 18, 119 Hahn v. Kelly. 31 California, 391 xciv, 742 Hahnemannian L. Ins. Co. v. Beebe, 48 Ei 87 xcv, 519 Haight v. Gay, 8 California, 297 Ixviii, 323 Haight v. Joyce, 2 California, 61 M, 311 Haight v. Steamboat Henrietta, 4 Iowa, 472 ...Ixviii, 669 Hailo v. Peirce, 32 Maryland, 327 3,139 Haile v. State, 38 Arkansas, 564 42, 3 Hain v. Kalbach, 14 Serg. &R. 159 xvi, 484 Haine v. Lindsay, 4 Ohio, 88 xix, 586 Haines v. Allen. 78 Indiana, 100 41,553 Haines v. Chicago, St. P. & M. R.. 29 Mum. 169 ..43, 199 Haines ads. Commonwealth, 97 Penn. St. 228 39,805 Haines v. Lewis, 54 Iowa, 301 37, 202 Haines v. O'Connor, 10 Watts, 313 xxxvi, ISO Haines v. StauSer, 13 Penn. State, 541 liii, 493 Hairston v. Hairston, 27 Mississippi, 704 Ixi, 5CO Hairston v. State, 51 Mississippi, 689 28, 332 Halbert v. McCuUoch, 3 Met. (Ky ) 456 Ixxix, 556 Halbrook v. State, 34 Arkansas, 511 36, 17 Haldemao* Bruckhart, 43 Penn. St.. 514 Ixxxiv. 511 Haldeman v. Michael, 6 Watts & Serg. 123 xl, 546 HaHeman & Grubb v. ETj of M. . 23 Penn. St. 440. .Ixx, 142 Haider ads. State, 2 M'Cord, 377 xij, 738 Halev. Ames, 2 T. B. Monroe, 143 x/, 150 Halev. Barrett, 23 Illinois, 195 ITTJT, 3:7 Halev. Brown, 59 New Hampshire, 531 47, C24 Halev. Crowell, 2 Florida, 534 1, 301 Halev. Everett, 53 New Hampshire, 9 16, 82 Halev. Hale, 1 Coldwell, 233 Ixxviii, 490 Halev. Hale, 47 Texas, 336 20,294 Halev. Henrie, 2 Watts, 143 xxvii, 289 Halev. Huston, 41 Alabama, 134 4,121 Hale v. James, C Johns. Ch. 258 x, C23 Hale v. Jewell, 7 Greenleaf, 435 xxii, 212 Halev. Lawrence, 1 Zabriskie, 714 xlvii, 190 Halo v. Lawrence, 3 Zabriskie, 530 Ivii, 420 Hale v. Mechanics' M. F. Ins. Co., G Gray, 139. . .Ixvi, 410 Halev. Mil Dock Co., 23 Wisconsin, 276 xcix. 169 Hale v. Milwaukee Dock Co., 29 Wisconsin, 482. .. 9, 603 Hale v. N. J. Steam Nav. Co., 15 Conn. 539. . . .xxxix, 333 Halev. Patton, 63 New York, 233 10, 163 Hal Ham TABLE OF CASES. 80 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Hale T. Sherwood, 40 Connecticut, 332 1C, 37 Haley. State, 1 ColdwelL 167 taviii, 4S3 Hale T. Union M. F. Ins. Co., 32 X. H. 205 Ixiv, 370 Halev. "Walker. 31 Iowa, 311 7,137 Hale v. Woods, 10 New Hampshire, 470 xxxiv, 175 Haley v. Colcord, 50 New Hampshire, 7 47, 17G Haley v. Philadelphia, 63 Pennsylvania St. 45. .... 8, 153 Haley v. Rowan, 5 Yerger, 331 xxvi, 263 Haleys v. Williams, 1 Leigh. 140 x:x, 713 Hall, In re, 50 Connecticut, 131 47, 625 Hall's Appeal, 60 Penn. 453 c, 5S4 Hall's Case, 1 Eland's Ch. 203 rv!i, 273 Hall v. Amos, 5 T. B. Monroe, 89 xvii, 42 Hall v. Ashby, 9 Ohio, 93 xxxiv, 421 Hall v. Auburn Turnpike Co., 27 Cal. 253. .. .Ixxxvii, 75 Hall v. Bank of Commonwealth, 5 Dana, 258. . . .xxx, 635 Hall v. Beaner, 1 Pezrose & W. 402 xxi 304 Hall v. Bliss, 118 Massachusetts, 554 10, 473 Hall v. Boston etc. R. R. Corp., 14 Allen, 439.... xcii, 73 Hall v. Brooks; 8 Vermont, 435 xxx, 425 Hall v. Burton, 20 Illinois, 321 Ixxxi. 310 Hall v. Butterfleld, 50 New Hampshire, 351 47, COO Hallv. Carmichael. 8 Baxter, 211 3% 603 Hallv. Carpen. 27 Illinois, 336 Ixxxi, 234 Hall v. Click, 5 Alabama, C33 xxxix, 327 Hall v. Commonwealth, 6 Leigh, 615 MIX, 233 Hall ads. Commonwealth, 128 Massachusetts, 410 .35, 3S7 Hall ads. Commonwealth, 9 Gray, 232 Ixix, 235 Hall v. Corcoran, 107 Massachusetts, 251 !), 30 Hall v. Costello, 48 New Hampshire, 176 2, 207 Hall v. Crandall. 23 California. 5G7 Ixxxix, C4 Hall v. Crowley. 5 Allen, 3D4 Ixxxi, 745 Hall v. Cushman, 1C New Hampshire, 4C2 xliii, 5C2 Hall v. Dclaplaine, 5 Wisconsin, 203 Irviii, 57 Hall v. Dorchester Mut. Ins. Co., Ill Mass. 53. . . .13, 1 Hallv. Finch. 23 Wisconsin. 278 9,550 Hall v. Freeman, 2 Nott & McC. 479 x, C21 Hall v. Green, 1 Houston, 546 Ixxi, 93 Hallv. Hill. 43 Alabama, 433 xciv, 703 Hall v. Hall, 8 Richardson's L., 407 Ixiv, 733 Hall v. Hall, 52 Texas, 294 36, 725 Hall v. Hancock, 15 Pbkering, 253 xxvi, 503 Hall v. Harrison, 21 Missouri, 227 Isiv, 225 Hall v. Howard, Rice's Law, 310 xxxiii, 115 Hall v. Howd, 10 Connecticut, 514 xrvii, G06 Hall v. Hozey, 2 Robinson (Louisiana), 479 . . .rxxviii, 222 Hallv. Huntoon, 17 Vermont, 214 xliv, 332 Hall v. Insurance Co. . 3 New York, 232 17,253 Hall v. Klinck, 25 South Carolina, 313 9 . .CO, 503 Hall v. Lambert, 3 Halsted's Ch, 651 li, 272 Hall T. Lawrence, 2 Rhode Island, 218 Ivii, 713 Hall v. Learning, 2 Vroom, 321 Ixxxvi, 213 Hall v. McHenry, 19 Iowa, 521 Lxxxvii, 451 Hall v. McLeod, 2 Metcalfe (Ky.), 93 Ixxiv, 400 Hall v. Monohan, 6 Iowa, 216 bcxi, 404 Hallv. Naylor, ISNew York, 538 Ixxv, 269 Hall v. Newcomb, 7 Hill (N. Y.), 416 xlii, 82 Hall T. Page, 4 Georgia, 423 xlviii, 233 Hall v. Parker, 37 Michigan, 590 2C, 510 Hall T. Penney, 11 Wendell, 44 xxv, 601 Hall ads. People, 43 Michigan, 432 45,477 Hall v. Powel, 4 Serg. & R. 453 viii, 722 Hallv. Power, 12 Metcalf, 4S2 xlvi.603 Hall v. Ray. 40 Vermont, 576 xciv, 440 Hall v. Richardson, 15 Maryland, 307 Ixxvii, 303 Hall v. Rood, 40 Michigan. 46 23,523 Hall v. Sampson. 35 New York, 274 xci, 53 Hall v. Savill, 3G. Greene, 37 liv, 435 Hal! v. Slmltz, 4 Johnson, 243 iv, 270 Hallv. Sprigg. 7 Martin, 243 xii, 506 Hallv. State, 9 Florida, 203 Ixzrt 617 Hallv. State, IS Tex. Ct. App. 6 40, 824 Hallv. Stephens, 05 Missouri, 670 ',17,302 Hall v. Tanner, 4 Pena. State, 244 xlv, C38 Hall v. Thayer, 105 Massachusetts, 219 7, 513 Hall v. Tuttle, 6 Hill (X. Y.), 33 xl, 382 Hall v. Williams, 6 Pickering, 232 xvu, 355 Hall v. Young, 3 Pickering, 80 xv, 180 Hallgartenv Oldham. 135 Massachusetts, 1 43,433 Halleckv. Guy, 9 California, 181 Ixx, 643 Hallenbake v. Fish, 8 Wendell, 547 xxiv, 83 Hallett v. Chicago ets. R'y Co. . 22 Iowa, 253 xcii. 393 Hallett v. Wylie, 3 Johnson, 44 Ui, 437 Hallerv. F'ne, 8 Blackford, 175 : Halley v. Oldham, 5 B. Monroe, 233 xii, 2"3 Halliday v. Martinet, 20 Johnson, 168 ,.si, 2"2 Ha'.'.Klay v. St. Louis. K. & N. R. Co., 74 Mo. ICO. 41, 309 Halligan v. Wade, 21 Illinois, 470 ! Halloch a Js. State, 1 1 Nevada. 202 33, 559 Hal'.oway ads. Commonwealth, 44 Penn. State, 210 Ixxxiv. 431 Halloway ads. Commonwealth ex reL Johnson, 42 Penn. State, 446 Ixxxii, 528 Halloway ads. Commonwealth, ex reL Langham- mer. 42 Penn. State. 443 Ixxxii, 528 Halloway v. Plainer, 20 Iowa, 121 Ixxsix, 517 Halluckv. Bush, 2Root, 26 i, 60 Halsey v. McLean, 12 Allen, 439 xc, 157 Halsey v. Norton. 43 Mississippi, 703 7,7.'3 Halstead v. Seaman, 82 New York, 27 37, 36 Halstedv State, 12 Vroom, 552. S.*,217 Halty v. Markel. 44 Illinois, 225 xcii, 1S2 Halwerson v. Cole, 1 Speer's Law, 321 xl, C03 Halyard v. Dechelman, 20 Missouri, 439 Ixxrii, 583 Ham v. Boody, 20 New Hampshire, 411 11, 235 Ham v. Santa Rosa Bank, 62 California, 125 43, 654 Hamaker v. Elanchard, 90 Pennsylvania St. 377. .33, 664 Hamaker v. Eberley, 2 Binney, 506 iv, 477 Hamakcr v. Hamaker, 13 Illinois, 137 Ixv, 705 Hamblen v. namblen, 33 Mississippi, 455 Ixix, 353 Hambriglit v. Nat. Bank. 3 Lea, 40 31,629 Hamburg Bank v. Wray, 4 Strobhart's Law, 87 li, 659 Hamburg Bremen F. I. Co. v. Garlington. 66 Tex- as. 103 59,613 Hamet v. Letcher, 37 Ohio St. 356 41, 519 Hamilton v. Adams, 15 Alabama, 538 1, 150 Hamilton v. Batlin, 8 Minnesota, 403 Ixxxiii, 787 Hamilton v. Bishop, 8 Yerger, 33 TTJT, 101 Hamilton v. Booth. 55 Mississippi, 6") 30, 500 Hamilton v. Buckwalter, 2 Yeatos, 333 i, 350 Hamilton v. Cawood, 3 Harris &. McH. 437 i, C73 Hamilton v. Commonwealth. 16 Penn. State, 129.. Iv, 485 Hamilton v. Conine, 23 Maryland, 635 xcii, 724 Hamilton v. Cooper, Walker, 542 xii, 538 Hamilton v. Cutts, 4 Massachusetts, 349 iii, 222 Hamilton v. Dent, 1 Haywood, 117 i, 552 Hamilton v. Elliot, 4 New Hampshire, 182 xvii, 403 Hamilton v. Greenwood, 1 Bay, 173 i, C07 Hamilton v. Hamilton, 2 Richardson's Eq. 355. ..xlvi, 58 Hamilton v. Hamilton, 13 Penn. State, 25........ .Iv, 535 Hamilton v. Hooper. 46 Iowa. 515. 26, 161 Ilamilton v. Huntley, 73 Indiana, 521 41, 593 Hamilton v. Lubukee, 51 Illinois, 415 xcix, 562 Iliniilton v. McPherson. 23 New York, 72 Ixxxiv, 330 Ilamilton v. Marks, . r 2 Missouri, 73 1 4, 391 i v. Orerton, OBlackford, 206 xxxviii, 136 Hamilton v. Pearson, 1 Indiana, 540 1,430 Hamilton v. People, 113 Illinois, 34 35, 396 Hamilton v. Pleasints. 31 Texas, 633 xcviii, 551 Hamilton v. Prouty, 50 Wisconsin. 592 3C, 66 81 TABLE OF CASES. H,m Har Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Hamilton v. Railroad Co., 34 La. An. 970 44, 451 Hamilton v. Scull's Adm'r, 25 Missouri, 165 Ixix, 4CO Hamilton v. Seitz, 25 Perm. Stat'j, 223 Ixiv, 694 Hamilton v. Shrewsbury, 4 Randolph. 427 XT, 779 Hamiltonv. Smith. 57 Iowa, 15 42, 33 Hamilton v. State, 33 Indiana, 280 10, 22 Hamilton v. State, 60 Indiana, 193 28, 633 HamUton v. State, 103 Indiana, 96 53, 491 Hamilton v. Summers, 13 B. Monroe, 11 liv, 509 Hamilton v. Texas & P. R'y Co., 64 Texas, 251. .. .53, 756 Hamilton v. Warfield, 2 Gill & J. 482 xx,443 HamUton v. Whitridge, 11 Maryland, 123 ITJT, 184 Hamilton v. Wilson, 4 Johnson, 72 iv, 253 Hamilton v. Windolf. 36 Maryland, 301 11,491 Hamlin v. Parsons, 12 Minnesota, 108 xe, 2S4 Hamlin ads State, 47 Connecticut, 95 36, 54 Hamliu's Lessee v. Bevans, 7 Ohio, Ft. 1, 161...xxriii, 625 Hammat, Es'r., v. Emerson, 27 Maine, 308 xlvi, 593 Hammel v. Queens Ins. Co. , 54 Wisconsin, 72 ... .41 , 1 Haminett v. Philadelphia, 65 Penn. St. 146 3, 615 Hammond's Case, 2 Greenleaf, 33 xi, 3D Hammond v. Corbstt, 50 New Hampshire, 501. ... 0, 288 Hammond v. Ilaincs, 25 Maryland. 541 xc, 77 Hammond v. Hannin, 21 Michigan, "74. 4, 490 Hammond v. Hussey, 51 New Hampshire, 40 12, 41 Hammond v. Myers, 33 Texas, 375 xciv, 322 TTammrmrl v. North Eastern R. R. Co. , 6 South Carolina, 130 24,, 467 Hammond v. People. 32 Illinois, 443 Ixxxiii, 286 Hammond v. Ridgely, 5 Harris & J. 245 ix, 522 Hammond ads. State, 80 Indiana, 80 41, 791 Hammond v. Woodman, 41 Maine, 177 Ixvi, 219 Hammons v. State. 59 Alabama, 164 31, 13 Hampson v. Edelen, 2 Harris & J. 64 iii, 530 Hampson v. Weare, 4 Iowa, 13 Ixvi, 116 Hampton v. Speckenagle, 6 Serg. R. 212 xi, 704 Hampton v. State, 8 Humphreys, 69 xlvii, 599 Hanauer v. Gray, 23 Arkansas, 353 xcix, 226 Hanawalt v. State, GJ Wisconsin, 84 54, 5S3 Hanby v. Tucker, 23 Georgia, 132 Ixriii, 514 Hancock v. Colyer, 99 Massachusetts , 137 xcvi, 730 Hancock v. Day, 1 McMullan's Eq. 69 xxxvi, 293 Hancock v. Hancock, 1 T. B. Monroe, 121 XT, 92 Hancock v. Jordan, 7 Alabama, 443 xlii, 600 Hancosk v. Rand, 91 New York. 1 4G, 112 Hancock, Inhab. of, T. Hazzard, 12 Gushing, 112.. lix, 171 Hancock M. L. L Co. v Patterson, 103 Ind. 532... 53, 550 Hand v. Baynes, 4 Wharton, 204 xxxiii, 54 Hand v. Grant, 5 Smedes & M. 503 Tliii, 528 Handv. Hand, 63 California, 135 58, 5 Hand v. Phillips. 13 Nebraska, 593 53, 824 Hand ads. State, 6 Arkansas, 169 xlii, CS9 Hand ads. State, 7 Iowa, 411 Ixxi, 453 Handley v. Pfister. 39 California, 2S3 2, 449 Handy v. Collins, 63 Maryland, 229 45, 725 Handy v. Foley. 121 Massachusetts. CO) 23, 270 Handy v. State, 63 Mississippi, 207 56,803 Handy v. Stockbridge, 62 Maryland, 422 50, 229 HandysiJe v. Cameron, 21 Illinois, 533 lxx>, 119 Haneyv. Trost, 34 Lou:siana An 1146 44,461 Hanf ord v. Paine, 32 Vermont, 442 Ixxviii, 533 Hanger v. Des Moines, 52 Iowa. 193 35, 266 Hankinson v. Lambard, 25 Illinois, 572. Ixxix, 343 Hanks v. McKee, 2 Littell, 227 xlii, 2:3 Hanks v. Naglee, 54 California. 51 35, 67 Hanley v. Donoghue, 59 Maryland, 239 43, 554 Hanley v. Gandy, 23 Texas, 213 xci, 313 Hanlon v. Keokuk, 7 Iowa, 488 Ixxiv, 276 Hanlon v. Thayer, Quincy, 99 i, 1 Hardy v. Blackford, 1 Dana, 1 xxv, 114 A, D. & A. R.-& Hanna v. Bry, 5 Louisiana An. 651 Hi, 606 Hanna v. Holton, 73 reunsylvania State, 33t 21, 20 Hanna v. McKenzie, 5 B. Monroe, 314 xliii, 122 Hanna v. Mills, 21 Wendell, 90 xxxiv, 216 Hanna v. Palmer, 6 Colorado, 156 45, 521 Hanna v. Phelps, 7 Indiana, 21 Ixiii, 410 Hanna v. Reed, 101 Illinois, 596 40, 608 Hanna v. Spotts' Heirs, 5 B. Monroe, 362 xliii, 132 Hanna v. Wilson, 3 Grattan, 243 xlvi, 190 Hanna's Syndics v. Lauring, 10 Martin, 5C8 xiii, 333 Hannah v. Swarner, 8 Watts, 9 xxxiv, 442 Hannah v. Swarner, 3 Watts & Serg. 223 xxxviii, 754 Hannan T. Hannan, 123 Massachusetts, 441 25, 121 Hannan v. Towers, 3 Harris & J. 147 v, 427 Hannibal & St. J. R. Co. v. Crane, 102 El. 2 19. .. .40, 531 Hannon v. Williams, 34 New Jersey Eq. 253 3S, 373 Hannum v. Richardson, 43 Vermont, 503 21, 152 Hanoff v. State. 37 Ohio State, 178 41, 496 Hanover Nat. Bank v. Klein, 64 Mississippi, 111. .60, 47 Hanover v. Turner, 14 Massachusetts, 227 vii, 203 Hansbergv. People, 120 Illinois, 71 60,549 Hansbrough v. Hooe, 12 Leigh, 316 xxsvii, 633 Hanse v. New Orleans etc. Ins. Co., 10 La. 1 TTI>, 453 Hansen v. Meyer, 81 Illinois, 321 25, 232 Hanson v. Barnes, 3 Gill & J. 359 xxii, 322 Hanson v. Buckner's Ex'r, 4 Dana, 251 xxix, 401 Hanson v. European & N. A. R'y Co., 62 Me. Si. ..16, 404 Hanson v. Johnson. 62Maryland,25 50,199 Hanson v. Mansfield R'v & Trans. Co., 38 Louis- iana An. Ill 58, 162 Hanson v. McCue, 42 California, 303 10, 2S9 Hanson v. Vernon, 27 Iowa, 23 1, 213 Hanson v. Willard, 12 Maine, 142 xsvili, 1C2 Hapgood v. Corn well, 48 Eiinois, 64 xcv, 515 Hapgood v. Fisher, 34 Maine, 407. Ivi, C63 Happel v. Brethauer, 70 Illinois. 166 22, 73 Harberger v. State, 4 Tex. Ct App. 26 30, 157 Harbers v. Gadsden, 6 Richardson's Eq. 231 Ixii, 390 Harbison v. Bank of Indiana, 23 Indiana, 133 xcii, 303 Harbison v. 1st Pres. Soc. of Hartford, 40 Con- necticut, 529 33 t 34 Harbison v. Lemon 3 Blackford, 51 xxiii, 376 Hardaway v. Drummond, 27 Georgia, 221 Ixxiii, 730 Hardee & Co. v. Howard, 33 Georgia, 533 Ixxxiii, 176 Hardeman v. State, 16 Tex. Ct. App. 1 49, 821 Hardenbergh v. Hardenbergh, 5 Halstead, 42 xviii, 371 Hardesty v. Newby, 23 Missouri, 5C7 Uxv, 137 Hardesty v. Richardson, 44 Maryland, 617 22, 57 Hardesty v. Tatt, 23 Maryland, 513 Ixxxvii, 534 Hardesty v. Wilson, 2 Gill, 481 sli, 433 Hardieads. State, 47 Iowa, 647 29,496 Hardin v. Cheek, 3 Jones' Law, 135 My, 603 Hardin v. Cumstock, 2 A. K. Marshall, 4SO xii, 427 Hardin v. Hardiu, 17 Alabama, 250 Iii, 170 Hardiu v. Kirk, 43 Illinois, 153 xcv. 5S1 Hardin ads. State, 46 Iowa, 623 26, 174 Hardin v. Trustees, 51 Michigan. 137 47, 555 Harding v. Alden, 9 Greenleaf, 140 siiii, 549 Harding v. Coburn, 12 Metcalf, 333 xlvi, CSO Harding v. Evans, 3 Porter, 221 xxix, 255 Harding v. Goodlett, 3 Yerger, 40 xsiv, 546 Harding ads. People, 53 Michigan. 48 51, 95 Hardingv. Springer, 14 Maine, 407., xxxi, 61 Harding v. Strong. 42 Illinois, 143 luxix, 415 Harding v. Townshend, 43 Vermont, 536 5, 304 nardister ads. State, 33 Arkansas, GG3 42, 5 Hardy v. Blazer, 29 Indiana. 226 xcii, 347 Hardy v. Brooklyn. 90 New York, 435 43, 1S2 Hardy v. Chesapeake Bank, 51 Maryland, S?2 34, 325 Hardy v. Hunt, 11 California, 343 Ixx, 737 flar TABLE OF CASES. 82 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Hardy v. Merrill, 56 New Hampshire. 227 ?'I. 441 Harlyv P ". '.>.er. 57 Mississippi. 13 "4,432 Hardy v. Summers, 10 Gill & J. 316 xxxii, 167 Hardly v. Thomas, 23 Mississippi, 544. Kii, 132 Hardj-T.Tiltoa.G3 Maine, 193 78, 31 Harov. Fury, 3 Yeates, 13 ii, 358 Harev. Gibson, 32 Ohio Stats. 33 30,563 HaroT. Marsh, 61 Wisconsin, 435 50, 111 Harger v. Thomas, 44 Fenn. State, 123 Ixxxiv, 422 Harger v. Worrall, 63 New York. 370 Hargous v. Ablon, 3Denio,40S. xlv, 431 Hargraver. Penrod, Ereese,401.. Hargreaves T. Kimberly, 23 W Va, 737 57 , 121 Harms v. Kauffman, 2 Beasley Ch.. 397 Ixxviii, 102 Harkerv. Conra 1,12 Serg.fcR. 301 xiv, 631 Harker v. Dement, 9 Gill, 7 lii. 670 Harkerv. Smith. 41 Ohio St. 236 5?, S3 Harkins, Ex porte, 6 Alabama, 63 xli, 33 Harkinsoa's Appeal. 73 Pennsylvania St. 196 21, 9 Harkness v. Pears, 23 Alabama, 493 Ixii, 742 Harkreader v. Clayton. 56 Mississippi, 333 31,363 Harlan, Estate of, 21 California, 182 Ixxiv. 53 Harlan v. Ber:.ie & Meyer, 22 Arkansas. 217 Ixxvi, 42? Harlan v. Brown, 2 Gill, 475 xli, 436 Harlan v. Harlan, 15 Penn. State, 507 liii, 612 Harlan T. Peck, 33 California, 515 xci, 653 Harlan v. Read, 3 Ohio, 235 xrii, 534 Harlev. M'Coy, 7J. J. Marshall, 318 rriii, 407 Harleyv. Heist. 86 Indiana, 196 45,235 Harlow v. Drew. 21 Maine, 499 xxxviii, 273 Harlow T. Wiggin, 21 Maine, 439 xxrriii, 276 Harlow Y. St. Louis M. L. L Co.. 51 Miss. 425. . . .23, 353 Harman v. Gartman, Harper's Law, 430 xviii, 653 Ha" v. Kelley, 14 Ohio, 532 xlv, 552 Harman v. Sanderson, 6 Smedes & M. 41. xlv, 27:3 Harmonv. Chicago, 110 Illinois, 400 51, 603 Harmon T. Hale, 1 Wash. 422 34,816 Harmon T. Harmon, 61 Maine, 227 14, 536 Harmon v. James, 7 Smedes & M. Ill xlv, 296 Harmon T. Omaha, 17 Nebraska, 543. 5'i, 423 Harmon T. Salmon Falls Mfg. Co., 35 Me. 447 Ivni, 713 Harmony v. Binsham, 12 N. Y. (2 Keman), 99 Ixii, 142 Harned v. Churchman, 4 Louisiana An. 310 1, 573 Harnerv. Dipple. 31 Ohio St 72 27.495 Hamey T. Dutcher, 15 Missouri, 89 lv, 131 Harney v. Owen, 4 Blackford, 337 xxx, 6C2 Hamcy ads. Commonwealth, 2 Gushing, 5C2. . . .xlTiii, C73 Harpending T. Haight, 39 California. 189 ,432 Harper T. Archer, 4 Smedes & M. 99 xliii, 472 Harper v. Baker, 3 T. B. Monroe, 422 xvi, 112 Harper v. Bibb, 34 Mississippi. 472 Ixix, 307 Harper T. Elean, 3 Watts, 471 xrvii, 367 Harperv. Crain. 36OhioSt. 338 .". 38,589 Harper v Indianapolis & St L. R. R. Co., 47 Mis- souri, i ; 7 4, 353 Harperv. Little, 2 Greenleaf, 14 xi, 25 Harper ads. State. 33 Ohio St 73 35,506 HariKrads. State, 6 Ohio State, 607 Iivii, 3'3 Harral v. Harral. 36 X. J. Eq. 189 (12 Stew.) 379. .51, 17 Harral T. Leverty. 50 Connecticut, 46 47.C.S Harratt v. Harratt, 7 New Hampshire, 196 xxvi, 730 Haml v. Stuto, 33 Mississippi, 702. lux, 05 Harrell v. Hill, 13 Arkansas, 102 Ixviii, 202 Harrell v. Miller, 35 Mississippi, 700 Ixxii, lot Harrigan v. Connecticut R. L, Co.. 129 Mass. 530 Harriman ads State. 75 Maine, 502 46, 423 Harriiuon v. First Bryan Bap. Church, 63 Ga. 186. .30, 117 Harrington v. Comm'rs, 22 Pickering, 2C3 xxxiii 741 Harrington T. : Ixxxiv, 763 Harrincton v. Fuller, 13 Maine, 277 xxxvi, 719 Harrington T. Harrington, 13 Gray, 513 Ixx: v, 648 Harrington T. Inhab. of Lincoln, 4 Cray, 563 Ixiv, 95 Harrington T. McShane, 2 Watts, 4 13 xsrii, 321 Harrington v. Miles, 11 Kansas. 433 15,355 Harrington v. O'Reilly, 9 S:i._ slviii, 704 Harrington ads. People, -12 California, 165 10,298 Harrington v. Sharp, 1 G. Greene, 131 s' Harrington T. Stees, K ?*, COO Harrington T. Watson, 11 Oregon. 1J3 "0, 465 Harris, Ex parte, 52 Alabama, 87 73, 539 Harris v. Alcock, 10 Gill & J. ::' i Harris T, Board of Supervisors, 105 HI. 445 4 1, 08 Harris T. Bridges, 57 Geor~in, 47 ... .14, 495 Harris v. Brooks, 21 Pickjrins. 1?J STT", 254 Harris v. Carmody. IT! M "1 4J, 183 Harris v. Carson, 7 Leigh, C32 TT-T, 510 Harris T. Clap, 1 Massachusott.-. :?< HarrisT. Clark, 3 N. Y. (SC.imst.), ?3 li, 333 Harris v. Columbiana etc. Ins. Co., 13 Ohio, 116.... li, 448 Harris T. Commonwealth, SI Virginia, 213 50, 668 Harris v. Ellis. 33 Texas, 4 xciv, 296 HarrisT. Frink. 49 New Yor!:, 21 13.313 Harris v. Gillingham, 6 New Ilamrishire, 9 r. Harris T. Gray. 49 Georgia. 585 15,684 Harris v Hannibal & St. L. R. R. Co., S3 Mis- souri. 233 -9,111 HarrisT. Harris, 7 IredelTs Law, 111 Harris Y. HOI, 7 Arkansas, 432 Harris Y. Hopkins. 43 Michij.-n. 272 :JS, 130 Harris Y. Homer, 1 DCY. & B. Eq. 435 nx, 182 HarrisY. Huntington. 2Tjlcr,120 Harris Y. Jex. 55 New York, 421 Harris Y. Lynn, 25 Kansas, 2S1 37,233 HarrisY. Miller, Meigs, 13S ...ixxiii, 138 Harris Y. Mills, 28 Illinois, 41 1: Harris v. Moody, 30 New York, 23G IXIIT-, 375 Harris Y. Morse, 43 Maine. 432 lx: Harris v. Mullins, 32 Georgi i, 7 1 1 Ixx'x, 320 Harris v. Murray, 23 New Y,-r: ; , 57 1 Is?. I Harris v. Muskingum Mfg. Co., 4 Elackf. 2". . . .sx:x. 373 Harris Y. Pullman, 84 Illinois, 2.1 23, 416 HarrisY. Rand, 4 New Hampshire, 233 xv!i, 421 Harris Y. Reynolds, 13 California, 514 Ixxiii, 630 Harris Y Roberts, 12 Nebraska, f31 41,779 HarrisY. Ross, 86 Missouri, 83 50, 411 Harris v. Rutledge, 1? Ixxxxu. 411 Harris Y. Simpson, 41 xiv, 101 Harris Y. Social Mfg. Co., 4? : . i:3. . . . 5, 549 Harris v. Social Mfg. Co., 9 Rho \o Island, 99 11,224 Harris ads. State, 3 Arkansas, ~~1 xxxvi, 460 Harris ads. State. 89 I 46, 169 Hams ads. State, 8 Jones L. 13' lx- Harris Y. Stevens, 31 Vermont. 73 '.xxiii, 237 Harris Y. Taylor, 3 Sneed. 53J b Harris Y. Tisereau, 52 Georgia, 133 21, 212 Harris Y. Tumbridge, 83 New York, 02 Harris v. Tyson, C3 Georgia, C20 31, 126 Harris Y. Tyson. 2 IIV Ixiv, G61 Harrisv. Waite, 51 Varmont, 431 31,694 Harris Y. Woodruff, 124 Massachusetts, 2V) 'JG, C58 Harrison v. Bailey, 00 ' xevii. 63 Harrison Y. Berkley, 1 StroV " xMi, 573 Harrison v. City Fire Ins. Co.. 9 Allen. 231.... Is Harrison Y. Close, 2 Johnson, 443 Hi, 444 Harrison v. Collins, 86 Pennsylvania Stite, 133 . Harrison Y. Commonv.. Jt 57, 634 Harrison v. Crowder, 6 Smedes & M. 4 ' 1 xiv, 290 Harrison Y. Edwards, 12 Vermont, C43 .xxxvi, 364 Harrison v. Fi.: Ixxxv, 456 Harrison Y. Harrison. - ? 83 TABLE OF CASES. Har-Hat Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Harrison v. Harrison, 20 Alabama, 623 Ivi, 227 Harrison v. Hicks, 1 Porter, 423 xxvii, 633 Harrison t. Lane, 5 Leigh, 414 xxvii, 607 Harrison v. Laverty, 8 Martin, L'13 xiii, 283 Harrison v. Martinsville & F. R. R., 16 Ind. 505.1xxix, 447 Harrison v. Maxwell, 2 Nott & McC. 347 x, 611 Harrison v. Mayor of Vicksb'g, 3 Sm. & M. 581.... xli, 633 Harrison v. McHenry, 9 Georgia, 164 lii, 435 Harrison v. Missouri P. R. Co.. 74 Missouri, 3G4.. .41, 318 Harrison v. New Orleans, 33 Louisiana An. 222. ...39, 272 Harrison v. New Orleans & P. R. Co., 34 Louis- iana An. 462 44,433 Harrison v. Pender, Busbee's Law, 78 Ivii, 573 Harrison v. People, 50 New York, 518 10, 517 Harrison v. Sawtel, 10 Johnson, 242 vi, 337 Harrison v. Smith, 83 Missouri, 210 53, 571 Harrison v. State, 24 Alabama, 67 Ix, 450 Harrison v. State, 22 Maryland, 463 Ixxxv, C53 Harrison v. State, 20 Texas Ct. App 387 54, 529 Harrison v. Taylor, 33 Missouri, 211 Ixxxii, 159 Harrison v. Wyse, 24 Connecticut, 1 Ixiii, 131 Harrison v. Willis. 7 Husk. 35 10,604 Harrison v. Wright, 100 Indiana, 515 58, 835 Harrissv. Williams, 3 Jones' Law, 433 Ixvii, 233 Harrod v. Myers, 21 Arkansas, 592 Ixxvi, 409 Harrod v. Norris, 11 Martin, 237 xiii, 350 Harrow v. Farrow, 7 B. Monroe, 126 xlv, 60 Harry v. Graham, 1 Dev. & Bat. 76 xxvii, 226 Harshey v. Blackmarr, 23 Iowa, 101 Ixxxix, 520 Hart v. Boller ; 15 Serg. & R. 162 XT!, 536 Hart v. Brand, 1 A. K. Marshall, 150 x, 715 Hart v. Chicago. R. I. & P. R. Co., 55 Iowa. 166. .41, 93 Hart v. Dorman, 2 Florida, 443 1, 285 Hart v. Fitzgerald, 2 Massachusetts, 509 iii, 75 Hart v. Gregg, 10 Watts, 133 xxxvi, 166 Hart v. Hampton, 7 T. B. Monroe, 381 xviii, ISO Hart v. Hart, 33 Mississippi, 221 Ixxvii, 668 Hart v. Hawkins, 3 Bibb, 502 Hart v. Lindsey, 17 New Hampshire, 235 xli i, 5D7 Hart v. Mayor, etc., of Albany, 9 Wendell, 571. .xxiv, 165 Hart v. N. Orleans etc. R. R. Co., 1 Rob. 178. . .xxxvi, 633 Hart v. Reed, 1 B. Monroe, 166 xxxv, 173 Hart v. Rensselaer etc. R. R. Co., 8 N. Y. 37 lix, 447 Hart v. Roper, eiredelTsEq. 349 li, 425 Hart v. Sk''nner, 16 Vermont, 133 xlii, 530 Hart v. Smith, 15 Alabama, 837 1, 1C1 Hart v. State. 40 Alabama, 32 Ixxxviii, 752 Hart v. State, 13 Texas Ct. App. 202 49, 183 Hart v. Stickney, 41 Wisconsin, 630 22, 723 Hart v. TaUmadge, 2 Day, 331 ii, 105 Hart v. Western R. R. Co., 13 Metcalf, 99 xlvi, 719 Hart v. Western Union Tel. Co. 66 CaL 579 55, 119 Hart v. Wills, 52 Iowa, 55 35,235 Hart v. Withers, 1 Penrose & W. 2S5 xxi, 382 Harteau v. Harteau, 14 Pickering, 131 xxv, 372 HartSeld v. Roper, 21 Wendell, 615 xxxiv, 273 Hartford Bank v. Hart, 3 Day, 491 iii, 274 Hartford v. Brady, 114 Massachusetts, 466 19, 377 Hartford v. State, 96 Indiana, 461 49, 135 Hartford ads. State, 50 Connecticut, 89 47, 622 Hartford v. Talcott, 48 Connecticut, 525 40, 1S9 Hartford v. West Middle District, 45 Conn. 462. .29, 637 Hartford Co. Comm're v. Hamilton, 60 Md. 340. .45, 739 Hartford F. Ins. Co. v. Walsh, 54 I1L 164 5, 115 Hartford Fire Ins. Co. v. Ross, 23 Ind. 179. .. .Ixxxv. 452 Hartford P. Ins. Co. v. Harmer, 2 Ohio St. 452 lix, C34 Hartford & N. H. R. R. v. Jackson, 24 Conn. 514.1xiii, 177 Hartford etc. R. R. Co. v. Croswell, 5 Hill (N. Y.), 333 xl, 354 Hartigan ads. State, 32 Vermont, 607 Ixxviii, 609 Hartleib v. McLane's Adm'rs.,44 Perm. St. 510.1xxxiv, 464 Hartley v. Frosh, 6 Texas, 208 Iv, 772 Hartley v. McAnulty, 4 Yeates, 95 ii, 396 Hartley ads. People, 21 California, 585 Ixxxii. 753 Hartley and Minor's Appeal, 53 Penn. St. 212. .. .xci, 207 Hartman v. Aveline, 63 Indiana, 314 30, 217 Hartman v. Ogborn, 54 Penn. St. 120 xciii. 679 Hartnett v. Wandell. 63 New York, 346 19, 194 Hartranffs Appeal, 85 Penn. St. 433 2*, 667 Hartsock v. Reddick, 6 Blackford, 255 xxxvii', 141 Hartt v. Rector, 13 Missouri, 497 liii, 157 Hart well v. Alabama G. Life Ins. Co., 33 La. An. 1353 39,294 Hartwell v. Caminan, 2 Stockton's Ch. 123 Ixiv, 443 Hartwell ads. Commonwealth, 128 Mass.415 35, 391 Hartwell v. Root, 19 Johnson, 345 x, 233 Hartwell v. Walker, 4 Louisiana An. 457 1, 577 Hartzellv. Saunders, 49 Mo. 433 8,136 Harvey v. Alexander, 1 Randolph, 219 x, 519 Harvey v. Childs, 23 Ohio St. 219 22,337 Harvey v. Chouteau, 14 Missouri, 537 Iv, 120 Harvey v. Connecticut & P. R . 121 Mass. 421 23, 673 Harvey v. Kelly, 41 Mississippi, 430 xeiii, 267 Harvey v Nelson, 31 La. Ann. 434 33, 222 Harvey T. Pike, N. C. Term Rep. 82 vii, 698 Harvey v. Potter, 19 La. An. 264 xcii. 533 Harvey v. Rose, 26 Arkansas, 3 7, 595 Harvey v. Spaulding, 16 Iowa, 397 Ixxxv, 526 Harvey v. S. S. M. Co., 1 Nevada, 539 xc, 510 Harvey v. Sullens, 46 Missouri. 147 2,491 Harvey v. Thomas, 10 Watts, 63 xxxvi, 141 Harvey v. Thorpe, 23 Alabama, 250 Ixv, 3!4 Harvey v. Tobey, 15 Pickering, 99 xxv, 430 Harwell v Lively, 30 Georgia, 315 Ixxvi, 649 Harwell v. "Worsham, 2 Humphreys, 524 xxxvii, 572 Harwood ads. Commonwealth, 4 Gray, 41 Ixiv, 49 Harwood v. People, 26 New York, 190 Ixxxiv, 175 Harwood v. Smethurst, 5 Dutch. 195 Ixxx 207 Hasbrouck v. Milwaukee, 13 Wisconsin, 37 Ixxx, 718 Hascall v. Whitmore, 13 Maine, 102 xxxvi, 738 Ilascall ads. People ex rel Lent, 22 N. Y. 138. .Ixxviii. 178 Haskell v. Haskell, 2 Greenleaf, 157 xi, 54 Haskell v. Mitchell, 53 Maine, 463 Ixxxix, 711 Haskett v. Flint, 5 Blackford, 69 xxxiii, 452 Haskill v. Andros, 4 Vermont, 609 xxiv, 645 Haskins v. Lombard, 16 Maine, 140 xxxiii, 645 Haskins v. Royster, 70 N. C. 601 10,780 Haskins v. Young, 2 Dev. & Bat. L., 527 xxxi, 426 Haslen v. Kean, N. C. Term Rep. 273 vii, 718 Haslem v. Lockwood, 37 Connecticut, 500 9, 3~0 Haslet v. Street, 2 M'Cord, 310 xiii, 724 Ilass v. Philadelphia and S. M. S. S. Co., 88 Penn. St. 269 32,462 Hass v. Plautz, 56 Wisconsin, 105 ' Ilassam v. Day, 39 Mississippi, 332 Ixxvii, 634 Hassam v. Griffin, 13 Johnson, 43 ix, 184 Ilassam v. St. Louis Perp. Ins. Co., 7 La. An 11. .Ivi, 531 Hassenyer v. Michigan C. R. R. Co., 43 Mich. 205.42, 470 Hassinger v. Newman, 83 Indiana, 124 43, 64 Hastings v. Dickinson, 7 Massachusetts, 133 v, 34 Hastings v. Lovejoy, 140 Massachusetts, 261 54, 463 Hastings v. Lovering, 2 Pickering, 214 xiii, 420 Hastings v. Lusk, 22 Wendell, 410. A xxxiv, 330 Hastings v. Stetson, 126 Massachusetts, 329 30, 683 Hastings v. Weber, 112 Massachusetts, 232 56.671 Ilaswell v. Parsons, 15 California, 206 Ixxvi, 480 Hatch v. Atkinson, 53 Maine. 324 xcvi. 4'4 Hatch v. Bartle, 45 Penn. State, 1G6 Ixxxiv, 4 C 4 Hatch v. Barnum, 23 Vermont, 133 Ivi, 59 Hatchv. Cohen, 8 1 North Carolina. 602 37,630 Hat Hay TABLE OF CASES. 84 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Hatch v. Douglas, 48 Connecticut, 116 40,154 Ilut.h v. Dwight, 17 Massachusetts, 283 is, 145 Hatch v. Hatch, 9 Massachusetts, 307 vi, 67 Hatch v. Hyde, 14 Vermont, 25 xxxix, 203 Hatch v. Mutual L. Ins. Co.. 120 Mass. 550 21, 511 Hatch v. Potter, 2 Gilman, 725 xliii, 83 Hatch v. Spofford, 22 Connecticut, 485 Iviii, 433 Hatch v. State, 8 Texas Ct. App. 416 34, 751 Hatch T. Straight, 3 Connecticut, 31 viii, 152 Hatch v. Tucker. 12 Rhode Island. 501 34, 707 Hatchett v. St'r Compromise, 12 La. An. 783 Ixviii, 782 Hatfleld v. St. Paul & D. R. R. Co., 33 Minn. 130.53, 14 Hathaway v. Bennett, 10 N. Y. (6 Selden) 108 Ixi, 739 Hathawayv. Burr, 21 Maine, 5C7 xxxviii, 278 Hathaway v. Brayman, 42 New York, 322 1, 524 Hathaway v. Johnson. 55 New York, 93 14, 186 Hathaway v. Michigan C. R, Co., 51 Mich. 253. ...47, 569 Hathaway v. State Ins. Co.. 64 Iowa, 229 52, 438 Hathcock ads. State, 20 South Carolina. 419. 47, 842 Hathorn v. King, 8 Massachusetts, 371 T, 106 Hathornv. Stinson, 10 Maine, 224. xxv, 228 Hathorne v. Stinson, 12 Maine, 183 xrviii, 167 Hat Sweat M'f Co. v. Reinoehl, 102 N Y. 167... .55, 793 Hattaway ads. State, 2 Nott & McC. 118. x, 530 Hatter v. Greenlee, 1 Porter, 222 xxvi, 370 Hatton v. Robinson, 14 Pickering, 416 xxv, 415 Hatzfield v. Gulden, 7 Watts, 152 xxxi, 750 Haughabaugh v. Honald, 3 Brevard, 97 v, 548 Haugh's Appeal, 102 Pennsylvania State. 442 48, 193 Haugheyv. Hart, 62 Iowa, 96 40,133 Haughy v. Strang, 2 Porter, 177 xxvii, 643 Haunv. State, 13 Texas, 383 44,706 Hause v. Judson, 4 ?Dana, 7 xxix, 377 Hauserv. Tate, 85 North Carolina, 81 39, C89 Hausman v. Nye, 62 Indiana, 485 30, 199 Hauss ads. State, 43 Indiana, 105 13, 384 Haven v. Brown, 7 Greenleaf, 421 xxii, 208 Haven v. Foster, 9 Pickering, 112 xix, 353 Haven v. Hobbs, 1 Vermont, 233 xviii, 678 Haven v. Low, 2 New Hampshire, 13 ix, 25 Haven v. New Hamp. Asylum, 13 N. H. 532.. xxxviii, 512 Haven v. Winnisimmet Co., 11 Allen. 377 Ixxxvii, 723 Havens v Home Ins. Co.. Ill Indiana, 90 60, 689 Haverhill Bridge Prop. v. County Comm'rs, 103 Massachusetts, 120 4,518 Haverhill L Co. v. Prescott, 42 N. Hamp. 547. . .Ixxx, 123 Hawev. State. 11 Nebraska, 537 38,375 Hawes ads. Commonwealth, 13 Bush, 697 26, 242 Hawesr. Dunton, 1 Bailey's Law, 146 xix, 663 Hawes v. Humphrey, 9 Pickering, 350 xx, 481 Hawes v. Knowles, 114 Massachusetts, 518 19, 383 Hawker v. Baltimore & O. R. R. Co., 15 West Virginia, 628 36,825 Hawkes v. Pike, 105 Massachusetts, 560 7, 554 Hawkesworth v. Thompson, 98 Mass. 77 xciii, 137 Hawkins v. Ball's Administrator,18 B. Mon. 816.1xviii, 755 Hawkins v. Commonwealth, 14 B. Monroe, 395. . . .1x1, 147 Hawkins v. Garland, 76 Virginia, 149 44, 158 Hawkins v. Governor, 1 Arkansas, 570 xxxiii, 346 Hawkins v. Great Western R. R. Co., 17 Michi- gan, 57 xcvii. 179 Hawkins v. Hatton, 1 Nott & McC. 318 ix, 700 Hawkins v. Hill, 15 California, 499 Ixxvi, 499 Hawkins v. Hoffman, 6 Hill (N. Y.), 536. ill, 767 Hawkins v. Johnson, 105 Indiana, 39 55, 1C9 Hawkins v. Mims, 36 Arkansas, 115 38, 30 Hawkins v. Nelson, 40 Alabama. 553 xci, 492 Hawkins v. Pemberton, 51 New York, 198 10, 595 Hawkms v. Providence etc. R. R. Co., 119 Massa- chusetts. 596 20,353 Hawkins v. Ragsdale, 80 Kentucky, "353 44, 483 Hawkins v. Rochester, 1 Wendell, 53 xix, 462 Hawkins v. State, 9 Alabama, 137 xliv, 431 Hawkins v. State, 13 Georgia, 322 Iviii, 517 Hawkins v. State, 25 Georgia, 207 Ixxi, 166 Hawkins v. State, 1 Porter, 475 xxvii, C41 Hawkins v. State. 17 Texas Ct. App. 593 50, 129 Hawkins ads. State, 8 Porter, 461 xxxiii, 294 Hawkms v. Vineyard, 14 Illinois, 26 Ivi, 487 Hawks 7. Baker, 6 Greenleaf, 72 xix, 191 Hawks v. Locke, 139 Massachusetts, 205 52, 702 Hawks v. Patton, IS Georgia, 52 Ixiii, 2C6 Hawley v. Bradford, 9 Paige's Ch. 200 xxxvii, 390 Hawley v. Hunt, 27 Iowa, 303 1,273 Hawley v. James, 7 Paige, 213 xxxii, 623 Hawley v. Jette, 10 Oregon, 31 45, 129 Hawley v. Mason, 9 Dana, 32 xxxiii, 522 Hawley T. Northampton, 8 Massachusetts, 3 v, 68 Hawley v. Screven, 62 Georgia, 347 35, 126 Hawralty v. Warren, 18 New Jersey Eq. 124. xc, 613 Hawthorn v. People, 109 Illinois. 302 50,610 Hawthorn T. St. Louis, 11 Missouri, 59 xlvii, 141 Hawthorne v. Smith, 3 Nevada 182 xciii, 397 Hawyer v. Seldenridge. 2 West Virginia. 274 xciv, 532 Haxall v. Shippen, 10 Leigh, 536 xxxiv, 745 Hay v. CohoesCo., 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.), 159 li, 279 Hayv. Mayer, 8 Watts, 203 xxxir, 453 Hay v. Star Fire Ins. Co., 77 New York, 235 33, 607 Hayden v. Bradley, 6 Gray, 425 Ixvi, 421 Hayden v. Merrill, 44 Vermont, 336 8, 372 Hayden v. Middlesex T. Corp. 10 Mass. 397 vi, 143 Hayden T. Snell, 9 Gray, 365 Ixix, 294 Hayden v. Souger, 56 Indiana, 42 20, 1 Hayden v. Vreeland, 8 Vroom, 372 8, 723 Hayden v. Weldon, 14 Vroom, 123 3ft, 551 Haydock v. Haydock. 31 N. J. Eq. (7 Stew.) 570. ..38, 385 Hayes v. Berwick, 2 Martin, 138 v, 727 Hayes v. Campbell, 55 California, 421 36, 43 Hayes v. Ferguson, 15 Lea, 1 54, 398 Hayes v. Hayes, 2 Delaware Ch. 191 Itxiii, 709 Hayes v. Matthews. 63 Indiana. 412 30, 226 Hayes v. Livingston, 34 Michigan. 384 22, 533 Hayes v. Oshkosh. 33 Wisconsin, 314 14,760 Hayes v. People, 25 New York, 390 Ixxxii, 364 Hayes v. Waldron. 44 New Hamp. 580 Ixxxiv, 105 Hayes v. Ward, 4 Johns. Ch. 123 viii, 554 Hayes v. Wells, Fargo & Co.. 23 Gal. 185 Ixxxiii, 89 Haymond ads. State, 20 West Virginia. 18 43. 787 Haynerv. Cowden. 27 Ohio St. 292 22,303 Haynerv. Smith, 63 Illinois, 430 14,124 Haynesv. Carter, 12 Heist 7 27,747 Haynes ads. Commonwealth, 2 Gray, 72 Ixi, 437 Haynes v. Haynes, 33 Ohio St. 593 1 31, 579 Haynes v. Meeks, 10 California, 110 Ixx, 703 Haynes v. Nice, 100 Massachusetts, 327 1, 109 Haynes ads. People, 14 Wendell, 546 xxviii, 530 Haynes v. Ritchey, 30 Iowa, 76 , 6, 612 Haynes T. Rudd, 102 New York, 372 55, 815 Haynes v. Second Baptist Church, 88 Mo. 285 57, 413 Haynes v. Sledge, 2 Porter, 530 xxvii, C65 Haynes ads. State, 66 Maine, 307 22,569 Haynes v. The State, 3 Humphreys, 480 xxxix, 187 Haynie v. Hall, 5 Humphreys, 290 xlii, 427 Hays v. Commonwealth, 14 Gray, 62 Ixxiv, 662 Hays v. Hall, 4 Porter, 374 six, 530 Hays v. Horine, 12 Iowa, 61 Ixxix, 518 Hays v. Kennedy, 41 Penn. State, 378 Ixxx, 627 Hays v. McFarlan, 32 Georgia, 699 Ixxix, 317 Hays v. Millar. 77 Pennsylvania State, 238 18, 445 Hays v. Miles, 9GU1& J. 193 xxxi, 70 85 TABLE OF CASES. Hay-Hem Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Hays v. Paul, 51 Penn. State, 134 Ixxxviii, 569 Hays ads. State, 50 Missouri, 34 11, 402 Hays v. Wood, 4 Randolph, 272 xv, 754 Haythorn v. Eushf orth, 4 Harrison (N. J.), 160.xxxviii, 540 Hayward v. Barker, 52 Vermont, 429 36, 762 Hayward v. Grant, 13 Minnesota, 165 xcvii, 228 Hayward v. Howe, 12 Gray, 43 Ini, 734 Hayward v. Leonard, 7 Pickering, 181 xix, 269 Hayward v. Middleton, 3 McCord, 121 XT, 615 Hayward v. Miller, 94 Illinois, 349 a*, 229 Hayward v. National Ins Co., 52 Missouri, 181. . .14, 400 Hayward v. Sedgley, 14 Maine, 439 ixxi, 64 Hayworth v. Worthington, 5 Blackford, 361 xxxv, 126 Hazard v. Caswell, 93 New York, 259 45, 198 Hazard v. Day. 14 Allen. 487 xcii. 790 Hazard v. Israel, 1 Binney, 240 ii, 438 Hazard ads State, 2 Rhode Island, 474 Ix, 96 Hazeltine v. Case, 46 Wisconsin, 391 32, 715 Hazeltine v. Edgmand, 35 Kansas, 202 57,157 Hazelton Coal Co. v. Ryerson, 1 Spencer, 129 xl, 217 Hazelton v. Putnam, 3 Pinney, 107 (3 Chand. 117)..liv, 158 Hazelton v. Week, 49 Wisconsin. f>61 35, 796 Hazlettv. Sinclair. 77 Indiana, 488 40,254 Hazzard v. Shelton, 15 Alabama, 62 xlviii, 129 Head v. Gervais, Walker, 431 xii, 577 Headv. Hughes, 1 A. K. Marshall, 372 x, 742 Headrick ads. State, 3 Jones' Law, 375 Ixvii, 249 Heald v. Davis, 11 Cushing, 318 lix, 147 Heald v. Sargeant, 15 Vermont, 50o xl, 694 Healeyv. Gray. 68 Maine, 489 28, 80 Healey v. Toppan, 45 New Hampshire, 243 Ixxxvi, 159 Healey, In re, 53 Vermont, 69i 38, 713 Health Dept of N. Y. Y. Purdon. 99 N. Y. 237. . . .52, 22 Healy v. Batemaa, 2 Rhode Island, 454 Ix, 94 Healy v. Rowan, 5 Grattan, 414 lii, 94 Heard v. Dubuque C. Bank. 8 Nebraska. 10. 30, 811 Heard v. Eldredge, 109 Massachusetts. 253 12, 687 Heard v. Fairbanks, 5 Metcalf, 111 xxxviii, 394 Heard v. Horton, 1 Denio, 165 xliii, 659 Heard v. Lodge, 20 Pickering, 53 xxxii, D7 Heard v. Pierce, 8 Cushing, 338 liv, 757 Hearn v. Cannon, 4 Houst. 20 15, 701 Hearn v. Kiehl, 33 Penn. State, 147 Ixxx, 472 Hearst ads. State, 12 Missouri, 3C5 li, 167 Heastou v. Cincinnati & F. W. R. R., 16 Ind. 275.1xxix, 430 Heath T. Bates, 49 Connecticut. 342 44,234 Heath v. Bishop, 4 Richardson's Eq. 46 Iv, 654 Heath v. Frackleton, 20 Wisconsin. 320 xci, 405 Heath v. Goslin, 80 Missouri, 310 50,505 Heath v. Page, 63 Pennsylvania State. 108 3, 533 Heath v. Portsmouth Sav. Bank, 46 New Hamp- shire, 73 Ixxxviii, 194 Heath ads. State. 29 Louisiana An. 172. xcvi, 390 Heath v. Wells, 5 Pickering, 139 xvi, 383 Heath v. Williams, 25 Maine, 209 xliii, 265 Heatou v. Angier, 7 New Hampshire, 397 xxviii, 353 Heaton v. Hodges, 14 Maine, 66 xxx, 731 Heaverin v. Donnell, 7 Smedes & M. 244 xlv. 302 Hebrew Cong. ads. State, 33 Louisiana An. 205. . .33, 217 Hebron G. R, Co. v. Harvey. 90 Indiana. 192 46, 199 Heburn v. Warner, 112 Massachusetts, 271 17, 86 Hecht v. Dettman, 56 Iowa. 679 41, 131 Hecht v. Spears, 27 Arkansas, 229 11, 784 Heck v. Shener, 4 Ser^r. & R, 249 viii, 700 Heckle v. Lurvey. 101 Massachusetts. 314. 3, 3-36 Hector v. State, 2 Missouri, 1C6 xxii, 454 Hedden v. Griffin, 136 Massachusetts, 229 49, 25 Hedden v. Roberts, 131 Massachusetts, 33 45, 276 Hedderichv. Smith, 103 Indiana, 203 53, o!0 Hedderichv. State, 101 Indiana, 564 51,703 Hedenberg v. Hedenberg, 46 Connecticut, 30 33, 10 Hedge v. Clapp, 22 Connecticut, 262 Iviii, 424 Hedge v. Drew, 12Pickering, 141 xxii, 416 Hedges v. Price, 2 West Virginia, 192 xciv. 507 Hedges v. Wallace. 2 Bush, 442. xcii, 497 Heebnerv. Eagle Insurance Co., 10 Gray, 131...1six, 303 Heegv. Licht, 80 New York, 579 36,654 Heenan v. Nash, 8 Minnesota. 407 Ixxxiii, 790 Heeney v. Sprague. 11 Rhode Island, 456 23, 502 Heeterv. Glasgow, 79 Pennsylvania State, 79 21, 46 Hefferlin v. Sinsinderfer, 2 Kansas, 40L Ixxxv, 593 Hefferman v. Burt, 7Iowa, 320 Ixxi, 445 Hefferman v. Porter. 6 Cold. 391 xcviii. 459 Hefflinv. McMinn, 2 Stewart, 492 xx, 58 Heffren v. Jayne. 39 Indiana, 463 13, 281 Heflin T. Bingham, 56 Alabama, 566 28, 776 Hefner v. Dawson, 63 Illinois, 403 14,123 Hefner v. Vandolah, 57 Illinois, 520 11, 39 Hefner v. Vandolah. 62 Illinois, 4S3 14, 106 Hegeman v. Western R. R. . 13 N. Y. 9. Ixiv, 517 Hegerich v. Keddie, 99 New York, 258 52, 25 Heichewr. Hamilton, 4G. Greene, 317 Ixi, 1C2 Heidelberg v. Lynn, 5 Wharton, 430 xxxiv, 503 Heighev. Littig, 63 Maryland, 301 52, 510 Heil v. Glanding, 42 Penn. State, 493 Ixxxii, 537 Hei & Lauer's Appeal, 40 Penn. State, 453. Ixsi, 590 Heilig v. Lemly, 7 North Carolina, 250 21, 439 Heilnerv. Union County. 7 Oregon, 83 33, 703 Heim v. First National Bank, 43 Indiana, 167 13, 335 Heiman v. Phcenix M. L. Ins. Co., 17 Minn. 153. .10, 151 Hein v. Davidson, 96 New York, 175 47, 613 Heinbockle v. Zugbaum, 5 Montana, 344 51 , 59 Heinemanv. Newman, 55 Georgia, 262 21, 279 Hiinemann's Appeal, 96 Pennsylvania St. 112.... 42, 532 Heirn v. Carron, 11 Smedes & M. 361 xlix, 65 Heirn T. McCaughan, 32 Mississippi, 17 Ixvi, 588 Heiskell v. Farmers' and Mechanics' Nat Bank, 89 Pennsylvania State, 155 33, 745 Heiskell v. Mayor etc, of Baltimore, 65 Ind. 125...57, 308 Heisrodt v. Hackett, 34 Michigan, 283 22, 529 Heisse v. Markland, 2 Rawle, 274 xxi, 445 Heister v. Fortner, 2 Binney, 40 iv, 417 Heizer v. Heizer, 71 Indiana, 526 36, 202 Heland y. City of Lowell. 3 Allen, 407 Ixxxi, 670 Helbing v. Svea Ins. Co. , 54 California. 156 35, 72 Heidi v. State, 20 Nebraska, 492 57, 835 Helfenstein's Estate, 77 Pennsylvania State, 328. .18, 449 Helfrich v. Commonwealth, 33 Penn. State, 68.1xxv, 579 Helfrid ads. State, 2 Nott & McCord, 233 x, 591 Hellams v. Abercrombie, 15 South Carolina, 110. 40, 684 Hellen v. Crawford, 44 Penn. State, 105 Ixxxiv, 421 Heller v. Sedalia, 53 Missouri, 159 14,444 Helm v. Boone, 6 J. J. Marshall, 351 xxii, 75 Helmv. First Nat. Bank, 43 Indiana, 167 13,395 Helm v. Van Vleet, 1 Blackford, 342 xii, 248 Helmv. Wilson, 4 Missouri, 41 xiviii, 336 Helme v. Philadelphia Life Ins. Co., 61 Pennsyl- vania State. 107 c, 621 Helmetag v. Miller, 76 Alabama, 183 52, 316 Helms v. Franciscus, 2 Eland's Ch. 544 xx, 402 Helms v. Wayne Agricultural Co., 73 Indiana, 325.38, 147 Helphenstine v. Vincennes Nat. B'k, 65 Ind. 582. .32, 86 Helwigv. Jordan, 53 Indiana, 21 21,189 Hemingway v. Coleman, 49 Connecticut, 390 44, 243 Hemingway v. Scales. 42 Mississippi, 1 2, 536 Hemingway v. Scales, 42 Mississippi, 1 xcvii, 425 Hemiaaker v. State, 12 Missouri, 453 li, 172 Hemmenway v. Stone, 7 Massachusetts, 58 v, 27 Hemmenway v. Wheeler, 14 Pickering, 403 xxv, 411 Hemmich v. High, 2 Watts, 153 xxvii, 235 Hem Her TABLE OF CASES. 86 Roman letters ixlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Hemphill v. City of Boston, 8 Gushing, 195 liv, 749 Kemphill v. Hemphill, 2 Devereux's Law, 291 xxi, 331 Hempstead v. Dickson, 20 Illinois, 193 Ixxi, 260 Hempstead v Johnston, IS Arkansas, 123 Ixv, 433 "Hempstead Y. Watkins, 6 Arkansas, 317 xiii, 696 Hempstead v. Weed, 20 Johnson, 64 xi, 244 Henback T. State, 53 Alabama, 523 25, 650 Henckv. Todhunter, 7 Harris & J. 275 xvi, 300 Henderlite T. Thurman.22 Gratt. 46G 12,526 Hendershott v. Ottumwa, 46 Iowa, 653 20, 1S2 Henderson T. Blackburn, 105 Illinois, 227 41, 730 Henderson v. Bondurant, 39 Missouri, 3S9 xciii, 2S1 Henderson v. Brown, 1 Caines, 92 ii, 104 Henderson v. Cardwell, 9 Baxter, 339 40, 93 Henderson v. Commonwealth, SGrattan, 708 Ivi, 160 Henderson T. Green, 31 Iowa, 437 ....11, 119 Henderson T. Hackney, 23 Georgia, 3S3 Ixviii, 529 Henderson v. Hsley.Use of Woodlief, 11 S. & M. 9.xlix, 41 Henderson Jones, 10 Serg. 4 R. 322 xiii, 676 Henderson . Lewis, 9 Serg. & R. 379 xi, 733 Henderson Lynd, 2 Martin, 57 v, 726 Henderson Martin, 19 Arkansas, 477 Ixx, 606 Henderson Mayhew, 2 Gill, 393 xli, 434 Henderson McDuffee, 5 New Hampshire, 38 xx, 557 Henderson Mitchell, 1 Bailey's Eq. 113 xxi, 526 Henderson O verton, 2 Yerger, 394 xxiv, 492 Henderson Ownby, 56 Texas, 617 42, 691 Henderson Palmer, 71 Illinois, 579 22, 117 Henderson Pickett, 4 T. B. Monroe, 54 xvi, 130 Henderson Pitman, 20 Georgia, 735 Ixv, 649 Henderson San A. & M. G. R. R., 17 Tex. 560.1xvii, C75 Henderson Simmons, 33 Alabama, 291 Ixx, 590 Henderson Smith, 26 West Virginia, 829. 33, 139 Henderson Stamford, 105 Mass. 504 7,551 Henderson State, 70 Alabama, 23 43, 72 Henderson . Thornton, 37 Mississippi, 448 Inr, 70 Henderson Waggoner, 2 Lea, 133 31, 591 Henderson . Western M. & F. Ins. Co., 10 Rob- inson (La.), 164 xliii, 176 Henderson & N. R. R. v. Dickerson, 17 B. Mon.173.lxvi, 148 Hendrick T. Davis, 27 Georgia, 1C7 Ixxiii, 72o Hendricks v. Comstock, 12 Indiana, 238 Ixxi , 203 Hendricksv. Judah, 2Caines, 25 ii, 213 Hendricks Y. Mount, 2 Southard, 738 viii, 623 Hendricks T. Robinson, 56 Mississippi, 694 31, 382 Hendricks T. Spring Valley M. and Irr. Co., 58 California. 190 41,257 Hendricks v. Stark, 37 New York. 1CK5 xciii, 549 Hendrickson v. People, 10 N. Y. (6 Selden), 13. .. .Ixi, 721 Hendrickson T. St. Louis and Iron Mountain R. R. Co., 34 Missouri, 188 Ixxxiv, 76 Hendrie v. Berkowitz, 37 California, 113 xcix, 251 Hcndrix T. McBeth. 61 Indiana, 473 2.8, 030 Hendrix Y. Seaborn, 25 South Carolina, 481 60, 520 Hendy v. Dinkerhoff, 57 California, 3 40, 107 Heneky T. Smith, 10 Oregon, 319 43, 143 Heuepin T. Gethsemane Brotherhood, 27 Min- nesota, 460 38,298 Heney v. Dennis, 93 Indiana, 452 47,378 Henkel Y. Detroit, 49 Michigan, 219 43, 461 Henly v. Franklin. 3 Cold. 472 xci, 296 Henly Y. Henning. 7 Baiter, 521 32, 563 Hennen Y. Gilman, 20 Louisiana An. 241 xcvi, 306 Hennequin Y. Clews, 77 New York, 427 33,641 Hennessey Y. Old C. & N. R. Co., 101 Massachu- setts. 540 c, 127 Hennessey v. State. 23 Ohio St. 339 1 ;;, 2 '3 Hennessy Y. Western Bank, 6 Watts & Serg. 300. . .xl. 510 Hennesy Y. Wheeler. 69 New York, 271 23, 183 Henning v. State, 106 Indiana, 386 53, 716 Henning Y. TJ. S. Ins. Co., 47 Missouri, 425 4, 332 Henning Y. Withers, 3 Brcvard, 453 vi, 5S9 Henry Co. Turnpike Co. Y. Jackson. 86 Inci 111. .44, 274 Henry Y. Henry, 11 Indiana, 236 Led, 354 Henry Y. Henry, 1 Phill. Eq. 334 xcviii.87 Henry v. Kaufman, 21 Maryland, 1 Ixxxvli, 591 Henry Y. Koch. 80 Kentucky, 391 44, 484 Henry v. Raiman, 25 Penn. State, 354 Ixiv, 703 Henry v. Sargent, 13 New Hampshire, 32 1 xl, 1 46 Henry Y. Sheldon, 35 Vermont, 427 lixxii, 644 Henry Y. St. Louis, K. and N. R'y Co., 76 Mis- souri, 288 43,762 Henry Y. Vermont Cent. R. R. Co., 30 Vt. 638. .Ixxiii, 329 Henry Y. Welch, 4 Louisiana, 547 xxiii, 490 Hensel Y. Nob^ 95 Penn. St. 315 40, 639 HenshawY. Robins, 9 Metcalf, 83 xliii, 367 Henshaw Y. Rollins, 5 Louisiana, 335 xxv, 150 Hensley Y. Commonwealth. 1 Bush, 11 Ixxxix, 604 Hensley Y. Lytle, 5 Texas. 437 lv, 711 Henson Y. State, 62 Maryland, 231 50, 204 Hepburn Y. Citizens' Bk. of La. 2 La. An. 1007. . .xlvi, 554 Hepburn Y. Curts, 7 Watts, 300 xxxii, 760 Hepburn Y. Kerr, 9 Humphreys, 726 Ii, CSS Hepburn Y. McDowell, 17 Serg. & R. 383 xvii, 677 Hepburn Y. Sewell, 5 Harris* J. 211 ix, 512 Hepburn Y. Toledano, 10 Martin, 643 xiii, 345 Hepler Y. Mt. Carmel Sav. Bank. 97 Penn. St. 420 3J),813 Hepp Y. Glover, 15 Louisiana, 4G1 xxxv, 206 HeranY. Hall, IB. Monroe, 150 xxxv, 178 Herbage Y. McEntee, 40 Michigan, 337 2!), 53S Herbert Y. Herbert, Breese, 334 tii, 1?2 Herbert Y. Huie, 1 Alabama, 18 xxxiv, 755 Herbert Y. Much. B. & L. Assn., 17 New Jersey Eq. 497 xc, 601 Herdic v. Young, 55 Pennsylvania St. 176 xciii, 739 Herkimer ads. People, 4 Cowen, 345 xv, 379 Herkimer County Bank Y. Cox, 21 Wend. 119 . .xxxiv, 220 Herman Y. Lynch, 26 Kansas. 435 40, 320 Herman Y. Martineau, 1 Wisconsin, 151 Ix, 368 Hermann v. Goodrich, 21 Wisconsin, 543 xciv, 562 Hermann v. Niagara F. Ins. Co., 100 N. Y. 411. . .53, 197 Hernandez v. State, 13 Texas Ct. App. 131 51,295 Herndon v. Harrisson, 34 Mississippi, 486 Ixix, 399 Herndon Y. Kimball, 7 Georgia, 432 1, 406 Herndon Y. Swearengen, 1 Porter, 192 xxvi, 353 Herr Y. Herr, 5 Penn. State, 42? xlvii, 416 Herrick v. Baldwin, 17 Minnesota, 209 10, 161 Herrick v. Minneapolis & St. L. R. R. Co., 31 Minnesota 11 47,771 Herrick v. Smith, 1 Gray, 1 Ixi, 381 Herrick Y. Union M. F. I. Co., 43 Maine, 558...1xxvii, 244 Herrick Y. Woolverton. 41 New York, 5S1 1 , 461 Herrick ads. People, 13 Johnson, 82 vii, 364 Herrimanv. Shomon, 21 Kansas, 337 30,261 Hei-rin v. Eaton, 13 Maine, 193 xxix, 499 Herring Y. Cannon. 21 South Carolina, 212 53, 661 Herring Y. Pollard, 4 Humphreys, 362 xl, 653 Herringv. Skaggs, 62 Alabama. 180 31, 4 Herring Y. Wickham, 29 Grattau, C23 20, 405 Herring Y. Wilmington etc. R. R. Co., 10 Ired. L. 402. Ii, 395 Herring v. Woodhull, 2D Illinois, 92 Ixxsi, 296 Hurrington Y. Ilubbard, 1 Scammon, 5f>9 xxxiii, 426 Hemnan v. Merchants' Ins. Co., SI N. Y. 131. ...37, 188 ILrrman Y. Adriatic F. Ins. Co.. 85 N. Y. 162.... 39, 614 Herrod v. Blackburn, 55 Pennsylvania St. 103 xciv, 49 Herron v. Keeran. '0 In.liana. 472 .', S7 Herron v. Marshall. 5 Humphreys. 4 13 xiii, 414 Ilc-rron v. Peoria M. & F. Ins. Co.. 23 111. 235. . .Ixxxi. 272 lUiv-ty v. Bennett, 23 Minnesota, 86 41, 271 87 TABLE OF CASES. Her-Hil Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Hersey v. Board of Supervisors of Milwaukee Co., 1C Wisconsin, 153 Ixxxi', 713 Hersey v. Elliot, 67 Maine, 52S 24, 50 Hersey v. Yeazie, 24 Maine. 9 xli, 364 Hersh v. Ringwalt, 3 Yeates, 508 ii, 392 Hershfielcl v. Clafliu, 23 Kansas, 165 37, 237 Hershy v. Clark, 35 Arkansas, 17 37, 1 Herskell v. Bushnell, 37 Conn. 35 0,209 Hersora v. Henderson, 21 Xew Hampshire, 224. ...liii, 1S3 Herrey v. Moseley, 7 Gray. 473 Ixvi, 515 Hestoaville Pass. R'yCo. v. Connell, 83 Perm. St. 520 37, -!72 Hess v. State, 5 Ohio, 5 xxii, 7G7 Hess's Appeal, 43 Pena. State, 73 Ixxxii, 531 Hesseltiae v. Stockwell, 30 Maine, 237 1, C27 Hester v. Wilkinson, G Humphreys, 215 xliv, 303 Hetfield v. Baum, 13 Iredell's Law, 334 Ivii, 5^) Heth v. Fond du Lac, C3 Wisconsin, 223 53,279 Heth v. Richmond etc. R. R. Co., 4 Grattaa, 482 1, 83 Heth v. Wooldridge. 6 Randolph, 605 iviii, 731 Hetherington v. Sterry, 23 Kansas, 426 42, 160 Hettrick v. Wilson, 12 Ohio State, 136 Ixxx, 337 Heuertematte v. Morris, 101 Xew York, 63 54, 6^7 Heuitt v. State, 6 Harris i J. ?5 xiv, 230 Hewesv. Jordan, 30 Maryland. 172 17, "S Hewett v. Buck, 17 Maine, 147 xxxv, 243 Hewison T. City of Xew Haven, 34 Conn. 136 xci, 713 Hewisoa v. Xew Haven, 37 Connecticut, 475 9,342 Hewitt v. Anderson. 5G California, 476 38, 63 Hewitt v. Pioneer Press Co., 23 Mina. 173 23, G30 Hewitt v. Watertown F. I. Co., 53 Iowa, 323 36, 174 Hezamer v Webb, 101 Xew York, 377 54, 703 Hey v. Commonwealth, 32 Gratt. 916 34, 700 Heyv. Philadelphia, 81 Pennsylvania State. 44.. 27, 733 Heyder v. Excelsior B. L. Asso., 42 X. J. Eq. 403.50, -19 Heyerv. Lee, 40 Michigan, 3"3 ,....2!>, 5C7 Heyer v. Pruyn, 7 Paige, 465 xxxiv, 353 Heyman v. Covell, 44 Michigan, 332 38, 272 Heyneman v. Dannenberg, 6 California, 376 Ixv, 519 Heyward ads. State, 2 Xott &. McC. 312 x, 601 Heywood v. Heywood, 42 Maine, 229 Ixvi, 277 Heywood v. Perrin, 10 Pickering, 223 xx, 513 Heywood v. Tillson, 75 Maine, 223 4C, 373 Hiatt v. Williams, 72 Missouri. 214 37, 433 Hibbardv. Clark, 53 Xew Hampshire, 155 22,442 Hibbard v. Eastman, 47 Xew Hampshire, 507 xcii, 467 Hibbard v. Russell, 16 Xew Hampshire, 410 xli, 733 Hibberdv. Smith, 67 California, 317 56,726 Hlbbits v. Jack, 97 Indiana, 570 43,473 Hibernia Bank ads. People, 51 California, 243 21, 701 Hibernia Nat. Bank v. Lacombe, Si X Y. 367.... 38, 51 Hibernia R. R. Co. v. De Camp, 47 X. J. L 513. . .54, 197 Hibernia T. Corp. v. Henderson, 8 Serg. & R. 219.. xi, 593 Hichb'om v. Fletcher, 6 J Maine, 209 22, 5 VJ Hickerson v. Benso , 8 Missouri, 3 xl, 115 Hickerson v. Benson, S Missouri, 11 xl, 113 Hickey v. Hinsdale, 8 Michigan, 207 Ixxvii, 430 Hickey v. Morrell, 102 Xew York, 454 55, SC! Hickey v. Taaffe, 99 Xcw York. 231 52, 1? Hicklingads. State, 12Vroom, 203 32, 193 Hickman v. Caldwe'J, 4 Rawle, 376 xxvii. 271 Hickman v. CantrelL 9 Yerger, 172 xxx, 3?" Hickman v. Griffin, 6 Missouri, 37 xxxiv, 124 Hickman v. Grimes, 1 A. K. Marshall, 86 x, 71J Hickok v. Coates, 2 Wendell, 419 xx, 632 Hickok v. Hine, 23 Ohio St. 523 13, 23" Hickox v. City of Cleveland, SOhio, 543 xxxii, IZ'i Hickox v. XaugatuckR. R. Co., 31 Conn. 231..1xx:iii, 143 Hicks v. Coleman, 25 California, 122 Ixxxv, 10" Hicks v. Farmers' Ins. Co., 71 Iowa, 119 60, 7S1 Hicks v. Goode, 12 Leigh, 479 xxxvii, 677 Hicks v. Hotchkiss, 7 Johns. Ch, 297 xi, 472 Hic'-:s v. Lovell, 61 California, 14 4!), 679 Hicksv. Martin, 9 Martin, 47 xiii, "04 Hicks v. Parham, 3 Haywood, 224 ix, 745 Hicks v. Pope, 8 Louisiana, 534. xxviii, 142 Hicksv. Randolph, 3 Bast. 332 27,760 Hicks v. Skinner, 71 X. C. 539 17, 18 Hicks ads. State, 2 Blackford, 336 xx, 118 Hicks ads. State, 9 Yergsr, 436 xxx, 423 Hide & L. L Co. ads. Commonwealth, 112 Mas-. sachusetts, 133 17, 72 Hidden v. Cozzens, 2 Rhode Island, 401 Ix, 93 Ilieatt v. Morris, 10 Ohio St. 523 Ixxviii, 280 Hiensburgh, Town of, T. Sumner, 9 Yermont, 23.xxxi, 599 Hier v. Abrahams, 82 Xew York, 519 37, 589 Hiestand v. Runs, 8 Blackford, 343 xlvi, 431 Hiester v. Green, 43 Pena. State, 93 Ixxxri, 569 Higbee v. Rice, 5 Massachusetts, 341. iv, 63 Higdon's Will, 6 J. J. Marshall, 414 xxii, 84 Higginbotham v. Cornwell, 8 Grattan, 83 Ivi, 130 Higginbottom v. Short, 25 Mississippi, 160 Ivii, 193 Higgins v. Brown, 20 Maine, 332 xxxvii, 54 Higgins v. Carlton, 23 Maryland, 115 xcii, 666 Higgins v. Dewey, 107 Massachusetts, 491 9, 63 Higgins v. Emmons, 5 Connecticut, 73 xiii, 41 Iliggins v. Johnson, 14 Arkansas, 309 Ix, 544 Higgins v. Johnson's Heirs, 20 Texas, 339 Ixx, 394 Higgins v. Kusterer. 41 Michigan, 318 32,163 Higgins v. McCabe, 123 Massachusetts. 13 33, 612 Higginsv. Reed, Slowa, 2:8 Ixxiv, 305 Higgirs v. Watervliet T. Co., 46 Xew York, 23. ... 7, 293 Highv. Xelms, 14 Alabama, 353 xlviii, 103 Highberger v. Stiffler, 21 Maryland, 333 Ixxxiii, 593 Highland T. Co. v. McKean, 10 Johnson, 151 vi, 324 night v. Bacon, 126 Massachusetts. 10 30, 639 Ilight v. Robbins, 23 Missouri, 103 Ixxv, 118 Hight v. United States, Morris, 407 xliii, 111 Hightower v. Slat .n, 54 Georgia, 103 21,273 Hightower v. Thornton, 8 Georgia, 486. lii, 412 Higler v. People, 44 Michigan, 299 38, 267 Higley v. First Xat. Bank, 26 Ohio St. 75 20, 759 Iliglcy v. Gilmer, 3 Montana. 90 33, 450 Iligley v. Smith, 1 D. Chipman, 409 xii, 701 HUands v. Commonwealth, 111 Penn, St. 1 .16, 235 Hilborn v. Bucknam, 78 Maine. 432 57, 816 Hilbourne v. County of Suffolk, 120 Mass. 333. . . .21, 322 Hilderbrand v. People, 56 Xew York, 394 15, 435 Ilildreth v. Griffin, 2 Speers' Law, 116 xiii, 362 Ilildreth v. Mclntire, 1 J. J. Marshall, 21Q xix, 61 Ilildreth v. Tomlinson, 2 G. Greene, 330 1, 510 Hildreth v. Troy, 101 Xew York, 234 54, 686 Iliidreth ads. State, 9 Iredell's Law, 429 li, 364 Ilildreth ads. State, 9 Iredell's Law. 440 li, 369 Ilileman v. Bouslaugh, 13 Penn. State, 344 liii, 474 Ililes v Hanover F. I. Co., 65 Wisconsin, 533 56, 637 Ilillv. Baker, 32 Iowa. 302 7,193 Hillv. Bell,Phill Law, 122 xciii, 583 Hill v. Bishop, 25 Illinois, 349 Ixxlx, 333 Ilillv. Board of Aldermen, 72 North Carolina, 53.21, 451 Hill v. Boston, 122 Massachusetts, 314 23, 332 II'.ll v. Caverly, 7 Xew Hampshire, 215 xxvi, 733 Ilillv. Crosby, 2Pickering, 466 xiii, 443 Hill v. Ely, 5 Serg. & R. 363 ix, 376 Ilillv. Felton. 43 Georgia, 455 13, 643 "I:!l v. Freeman. 73 Alabama, 200 4!>, 48 Hill v. Harris, 10 B. Monroe, 120 1,542 Hill v. Higdon, 5 Ohio State, 243 Ixvii, 289 Ilillv. Hill, Coxe, 261.. i, 206 Hill v. Hill, 49 Maryland, 450 33,271 Hil Hod TABLE OF CASES. 88 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [-49] to American Reports. Hillv. Hill, 71 Pennsylvania State, 173 IS, 545 Hillv. Hill. 113 Massachusetts, 103 18,455 Hill v. Hoover, 5 Wisconsin, 333 Ixviii, 70 Hill v. Humphreys, 5 Watts & Serg. 123 xxxix, 117 Hill v. Jamieson, 16 Indiana, 125 Ixxix, 414 Hill v. Lacrosse & M. R. R., 14 Wisconsin, 291. . .Ixxx, 783 Hill v. Leadbetter, 42 Maine, 572. Ixvi, 305 Hillv. Martin, 12 Martin, 177 xiii, 372 Hill v. Mclntire, 39 New Hampshire, 410 Ixxv, 229 Hillv. McPherson, 15 Missouri, 204 lv, 142 Hillv. Nash, 41 Maine, 583 Ixvi, 263 Hill v. National T. Co., 108 Pennsylvania State, 1.56, 189 Hill v. New Haven, 37 Vermont, 501 Ixxxviii. C13 Hill v. Newman, 5 California, 445 Ixiii, 140 Hill v. Newman, 38 Penn. State, 151 Ixxx, 473 Hill v. Owen, 5 Blackford, 323 xxxv, 124 Hill v. Palmer, 56 Wisconsin, 123 43, 703 Hill v. Portland etc. R. R. Co., 55 Maine, 438..,xcii, 601 Hill v. Reno, 112 Illinois, 154 54,222 HO v. Sewald. 53 Pennsylvania St. 271 xci, 209 Hill v. Shields, 81 North Carolina, 250 31 , 499 Hill v> Southwick, 9 Rhode Island, 299 1 1, 250 Hill v. Spear. 50 New Hampshire, 253 9, 205 Eillv. State, 63 Georgia, 578 30,120 Hillv. State, 17 Wisconsin, 675 Ixxxvi, 736 HU1 v. State, 1 Terser, 76 xxiv, 441 Hill ads. State, 2 Hill (S. 0.) 607 xxvii, 406 Hill ads. State, 4 Dev. & Bat. L. 491 xxxiv, 396 Hillv. Stevenson, 63 Maine, 364 18, 231 Hill v. Sturgeon, 35 Missouri, 212 Ixxxvi, 149 Hill v. Syracuse, B. & N. Y. R. Co., 73 N. Y. 351. .39, 163 Hillv. Walker. 6Cold. 424 xcviii, 465 Hill v. West, 8 Ohio, 222 .' xxxi, 442 Hill v. Wilker. 41 Georgia, 449 5,540 HOI v. Wilson, 4 Richardson's L. 521 lv, 696 Hill Manuf. Co. v. Boston & L. R. Co., 104 Mas- sachusetts, 122.. C,202 Hill Manuf. Co. v. Providence, eta S. S. Co., 113 Massachusetts, -195 18, 527 Hillard v. New York & Cleveland G. C. Co., 41 Ohio State, 662 52, 99 Hillebrant v. Brewer, 6 Texas, 45 lv, 757 Hillegas v. Stephenson, 75 Missouri, 118 42, 393 Hillhouse v. Chester, 3 Day, 166 iii, 265 Effllhouse v. Mix, 1 Root, 246 i, 41 Billiard v. Goold, 34 New Hampshire, 230 Ixvi, 765 Hilliard v. Richardson, 3 Gray, 349 Ixiii, 743 Hillier v. Allegheny Co. M. I. Co., 3 Pa. St. 470.. xlv, 656 Hilliker v. Loop, 5 Vermont, 116 xxvi, 286 Hillman v. Shannahan, -I Oregon, 163 18,281 Hills v. Eliot, 12 Massachusetts, 26 vii, 26 Hills v. Goodyear, 4 Lea, 233 40, 5 Hills v. Miller, 3 Paige Ch. 254 xxiv, 218 Hills v. Parker, 111 Massachusetts, 508 15, 63 HilJs v. Place, 48 New York. 520 8,568 Hills v. Snell, 104 Massachusetts, 173 C, 216 Hillyard v. Crabtree's Adm'r, 11 Texas, 264 Ixii, 475 Hilsdorf v. St. Louis, 45 Missouri, 94 c, 352 Hiltabiddle v. State. 35 Ohio State. 52 35, 592 Hilton v. Southwick, 17 Maine, 303 xxxv, 253 Hilton ads. State. 3 Richardson's L. 434 xlv, 783 Himmelmaun v. Hotaling, 40 Calif ornia. 111 C, 600 Himclyv. S. C. Ins. Co., 1 Mill, 153 xii, 623 Hinchman v. Horse R. R. Company, 2 C. E. Green, 75 Ixxxvi, 252 Hinchman v. Lawson, 5 Leigh, 695 xxvii, 622 Hinckley v. Emerson, 4 Cowen, 351 xv, 333 Hinckley v. Germania F. I. Co., 140 Mass. 38 54, 415 Hinckley v. Kersting, 21 Illinois, 217 Ixxiv, 102 Hinckley v. Thatcher, 139 Massachusetts, 477 52, 719 Hinckley v. Union P. R. Co., 129 Mass. 52 37, 297 Hinckley v. Williams, 1 Gushing, 490 xlviii, 642 Ilincks v. Milwaukee, 46 Wisconsin, 559 32, 735 Hind v. Holdship, 2 Watts, 104 xxvi, 107 Hinds v. Erazealle, 2 Howard, 837 xxxii, 307 Hinds v. Overacker, 66 Indiana, 547 32, 114 Hindsv. Scott, 11 Penn. State, 19 li, 506 Hinds' Estate, 5 Wharton, 138 xxxiv, 542 Hine, In re, v. Woolworth, 93 New York, 75 45, 176 Hinev. Roberts, 48 Connecticut, 267 40,170 Hine v. Stephens, 33 Connecticut, 497 Ixxxix, 217 Hines v. Allen, 55 Maine, 114 xcii, 574 Hines v. Duncan, 79 Alabama, 112 58, 580 Hinesv. Rawson, 40 Georgia, 336 2,581 Hines v. Robinson, 57 Maine, 321 xcix, 772 Hinkley v. Davis, 6 New Hampshire, 210 xxv, 457 Hinkley v. House of Refuge, 40 Maryland, 461 17, 617 Hinkley & Egery Iron Co. v. Black, 70 Me. 473. . . .35, 346 Hinman v. Borden, 10 Wendell, 367 xxv, 533 Hinman v. Hapgood, 1 Denio, 188 xliii, 663 ITinson v. Hinson, 5 Sneed, 322 Ixxiii, 129 Hintonv. McNeil, 5 Ohio, 509 xxiv, 315 Hipp v. State, 5Blackford, 149 xxxiii, 4G3 Hiram v. Pierce, 45 Maine, 3G7 Ixxi, 555 Hise v. Fincher, 10 Iredell's Law, 139 li, 383 Hiss v. Baltimore & H. P. R'y Co., 52 Md. 242.. ..36, 371 Hiss v. Bartlett, 3 Gray, 468 Ixiii, 70S Hissem v. Johnson, 27 West Virginia, 614 55, 327 Hitchcockv. Harrington, 6 Johnson, 2DO , v, 229 Hitchcock v. North, 5 Robinson (La). 323 xxxix, 540 Hitchcock ads. State, 1 Kansas, 178 Ixxxi, 503 Hite ads. Commonwealth, 6 Leigh, 588 xxix, 226 Hite v. Long, 6Randolph, 457 xviii, 719 Hitt v. Lacey, SAlabama, 104 xxxvi, 440 Hit-tuk-ho-mi v. Watts. 7 Smedes & M. 363 xlv, 308 Hoadley v. House, 32 Vermont, 179 Ixxvi, 167 Hoadley v. Northern Trans. Co., 115 Mass. 304. .. .15, 106 Hoadley v. Watson, 45 Vermont, 289 12, 197 Hoag v. Lake Shore etc. R Co., 85 Penn. St. 203..27, 653 Hoagland v. Crum. 113 Illinois, 365 55, 421 Hoar v. Maine C. R. Co., 70 Maine. G5 35,299 Hobackv, Kilgore, 25 Gratt. 442 21,317 Hobart v. Detroit, 17 Michigan, 246 xcvii, 185 Hobart v. Dodge, 10 Maine, 15G xxv, 214 Hobart v. Haggett, 12 Maine, C7 xxviii, 159 Hobart v. Milwaukee City R. Co., 27 Wis. 194. ... 9, 461 Hobart v. Sanborn, 13 New Hampshire, 226. . .xxxviii, 483 Hobbs v. Beavers, 2 Indiana, 142 Iii, 500 Hobbs v. Getchell, 8 Greenleaf, 187 xxiii, 497 Hobbsv. Harlan, 10 Lea, 268 43, 309 Hobbs v. Lowell, 19 Pickering, 405 xxxi, 145 Hobbsv. Manhattan Ins. Co., 56 Maine, 417....xcvi, 472 Hobein v. Murphy, 20 Missouri, 447 Ixiv, 194 Hobson v. Davidson's Syndic, 8 Martin, 422. ...... xiii, 294 Hobson v. Watson, 34 Maine, 20. Ivi, 632 Hockaday ads. Willis, 1 Speers' Law, 379 xl, 606 Hoddy v. Hoard, 2 Indiana, 474 liv, 456 Hodgdon v. Libbey, 44 New Hampshire, 321 . .Ixxxii, 223 Hodgdon v. New Haven & II. R. Co,, 46 Connec- ticut. 276 33, 21 Hodgdon v. People, 55 California, 72 36, 30 Hodge v. Manley, 25 Vermont, 210 Ix, 253 Hodge v. Mitchell, 27 Mississippi, 560 Ixi, 524 Hodsev. State. 11 Lea. 528 47.307 Hodgeden v. Hubbard, 18 Vermont, 504 xlvi, 167 Hodges v. Adams, 19 Vermont, 74 xlvi, 181 Hodges v. Blount, 1 Haywood, 415 i, 5G3 Hodges v. Eddy, 41 Vermont, 485 xcviii. 612 Hodges v. Hodges, 6 Iowa, 78 Ixxi, 383 Hodges v. Kirnball, 49 Iowa, 577 31,153 -89 TABLE OF CASES. Hod Hoi Roman l 'er~to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Holcomb v. Winchester, 52 Connecticut, 447 32, 609 Holcomb v. Wyckoff, 35 New Jersey, 35 10, CIS Holden v. Crawford, 1 Aikens, 390 XT, 700 Holdenv. FitchburgR. Co,129Mass. 263 37,313 Holden v. James, 11 Massachusetts, 396 vi, 174 Holdenv. Peace, 4 IredeU's Eq. 223 xlv, 514 Holden v. Putnam F. Ins. Co., 46 New York, 1. . . 7, 287 Holden v. Shuttuck, 34 Vermont, 336 Ixxx, 684 Holder v. Lafayette etc. R. R. Co. , 71 HI. 106. 22, 89 Holderbaugh v. Turpin, 75 Indiana, 84 39, 124 Holdridge v. AHin, 2 Root, 139 i, 63 Holeman v. Fort, 3 Strobhart's Eq. 63 li, 685 Holf ord v. Alexander, 12 Alabama, 280. xlvi, 233 Holladay v. Marsh, 3 Wendell. 142 xx. 673 Holland v. Barnes, 53 Alabama, 83 23, 595 Holland v. Beard, 53 Mississippi, 161 42, 363 Holland v. Hatch, 11 Indiana, 497 Ixxi, 363 Holland v. Mayor etc. Baltimore, 11 Md. 136 Ixix, 195 Holland v. State, 83 North Carolina, 624 35, 587 Holland v. Wheaton, 6 Louisiana, 443 xxvi, 481 Hollen v. Davis, 53 Iowa, 441 44, 633 Hollenbeck v. Winnebago Co., 95 Illinois, 143.... 33, 151 Hollerv. State, 37 Indiana, 57 10, 74 Holley v. Adams, IS Vermont, 206 xlii, 508 Holley v. Hawley, 39 Vermont, 525 xciv, 350 Holley v. Holley, Littell's SeL Ca. 505 xii, 342 Holley v. Mix, 3 Wendell, 350 xx, 703 Holley v. Young, 63 Maine, 215 28, 40 Hollidav. Hunt, 70 Illinois, 109 22, 63 Hollidav. Shoop, 4 Maryland, 465 lix, 88 Holliday v. Rheem, 18 Penn. State, 465 Ivii, 628 Holliday v. Ward, 19 Penn. State, 485 lv:i, 671 Holliman v. Carroll's Adm'rs. 27 Texas, 23 Ixxxiv, 606 Hollingsworth v. Germania Ins. Co , 45 Ga. 291. . .12, 579 Hollingsworth v. McDonald, 2 Harris & J. 230 iii, 5J5 Hollingsworth v. Napier, 3 Caines, 132 ii, 2C3 Hollingsworth v. Shaw, 19 Ohio St. 430 2, 411 Hollingsworth v. Swedenborg, 49 Indiana, 378 If), 637 Hollis v. Burns, 103 Pennsylvania St. 206 45, 379 Hollisv. Francois, 5Texas, 195 li, 760 Hollis v. Meux, 69 California, 625 58,574 Hollis v. Staley, 3 Baxt. 167 27,759 HoUister v. Abbott, 31 New Hampshire, 442 Ixiv, 312 Hollister v. Goodale, 8 Connecticut, 332 xxi, C74 Hollister v. Nowlen, 19 Wendell, 231. . . ' xxxii, 455 Hollister v. Union Co., 9 Connecticut, 433 xxv, 3d Hollister and Smith v. Judges of Dist. Ct. of Lu- cas County, 8 Ohio State, 201 bo, 100 Hollister Bank of Buffalo, In the Matter of, 27 New York. 393 Lsxxiv.292 Holloway v. Griffith, 32 Iowa, 409 7,208 HoUoway v. Memphis etc. R. R. Co., 23 Tex. 465.1xrri, 68 Holloway v. Sherman, 12 Iowa, 282 Ixxix, 537 Hollowell v. Skinner, 4 IredelTs Law, 165 xl, 431 Holly v. Atlanta Street R. R., 61 Georgia, 215 34, 97 Holly v. Boston Gaslight Co., 8 Gray, 123 Ixix, 233 Holly v. Huggef ord, 8 Pickering, 73 xix, 303 HoUy Springs Bank v. Pinson, 58 Mississippi, 421 .38, 330 Holly Springs S. & L Co v. Supervisors, 52 Mis- sissippi, 281 24,668 HoUyway ads. State. 41 Iowa, 200 20, 586 Holman, Ex parte, 28 Iowa, 83 5, 159 Hodges v. New Eng. Screw Co., 1 R. I. 312 liii, 624 Hodges v. Parker, 17 Vermont, 212 xliv, 331 Hodges v. Powell, 96 North Carolina, 64 GO, 401 Hodges v. Williams, 93 North Carolina. 331 30, 242 Hodgin v. Toole, 70 Iowa, 21 5;), 433 Hodgskins ads. State, ID Maine, 153 xxxvi, 742 Hodgson T. Earr.tt, 33 Ohio St. 63. 31,527 Hodgson v. Lovell, 25 Iowa. 97 xcv, 775 Hodgson v. Payson, 3 Harris & J. 339 v, 430 Hodsdon Y. Guardian Life Ins. Co., 97 Mass. 144.xciii, 73 Hodsdon v. Wilkins, 7 Greenleaf, 113 xx, 347 Hoe v. Sanborn, 21 New York, 552 Ixxviii 163 Hoeger v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co., 63 Wis- consin, 100 53,271 Hoehne v. TrugiUo, 1 Colorado, 161 xci, 703 Hoen v. Simmons, 1 Calif ornia, 119 Iii, 291 Hoey v. Furman, 1 Perm. State, 295 xliv, 129 Hofer v. Hodge, 52 Michigan, 372. 30, 236 Hoff v. Baldwin, 12 Martin, 699 xiii, 3S5 Hoffarv. Dement, 5GU1, 132 xlvi, C28 Hoffoauer v. Delhi & N. W. R. Co., 52 Iowa, 342. .33, 273 Hoffman v. ^Etna Ins. Co., 32 N. Y. 405 Ixrsviii, 337 Hoffman v. Anthony, 6 Rhode Island, 282 Ixxv. 701 Hoffman v. Armstrong. 43 New York, 201 8, 537 Hoffman v. Barthelmess. 63 Georgia, 759 36, 129 Hoffman v. Chamberlain, 40 N. J. Eq. (13 Stew.) 663 53, 783 Hoffman v, Hoffman, 46 New York, 30 7 '209 Hoffman v. Kuhn, 57 Mississippi, 746 34, 491 Hoffman v. Mackall, 5 Ohio State, 124 Ixiv, 637 Hoffman v. Neuhaus. 30 Texas. 633 xcviii, 492 Hoffman v. New York C. & H. R. R. Co., 87 New York, 23 41,337 Hoffman v. Noble, 6 Metcalf, 63 xxxix, 711 Hoffman v. People, 116 Illinois. 537 36, 793 Hoffman v. Struhecker, 7 Watts, 83 xxxii, 740 Hoffman S. C. Co. v. Cumberland C. & I. Co., 16 Maryland, 456 Ixxvii, 311 Hoffman T. Union Ferry Co., 47 New York, 173. . 7, 435 Hofmire v. Hofmire, 7 Paige, 60 xxxii, 611 Hogan v. Curtin, 83 New York, 1G2 4?, 214 Hogan v. Grosvenor, 13 Metcalf, 54 xliii, 414 Hogan r. Jaques, 19 N. J. Eq. 123 xcvii, 644 Hagan v. Manners, 23 Kansas, 551 33, 109 Hogan v. Reynolds, 21 Alabama, 53 Ivi, 233 Hogauv. S^ate. 33 Wisconsin, 423 11,575 Hogan v. Stone, 1 Alabama, 496 xxxv, 39 Hoge v. Hoge, 1 Watts, 163 xxvi, 52 Hogaev. Penn, 3 Eush, 663 xcvi, 274 Hoggv. Beerman, 41 Ohio St. 81. 32, 71 HoUes v. United States, SMacArthur, 370 33,106 Hoit v. Hodge, 6 New Hampshire, 104. SIT, 451 Hoit v. Hoit, 42 New Jersey Eq., 383 59, 43 Hoit v. Stratton Mills, 54 New Hampshire. 109. . .20, 119 Hoit v. Underbill, 9 New Hampshire, 436. .... .xxxii, 330 Hoit v. Underbill, 10 New Hampshire, 220 xxxiv, 148 Hoitt v. Hoitt. 63 New Hampshire, 475. 36, 530 Hokev. Field, 10 Bush, 144 19, 53 Hoke v. Henderson, 4 Devereux's Law, 1 xxv, 677 Holbert v. Edens, 5 Lea, 204 40, 26 Holbert v. State, 9 Tex. Ct. App. 219 35, 733 Holbrook v. Baker, 5 Greenleaf, 309 XT! i, 23G Holbrook v. Chamberlin, 116 Massachusetts, 155.17, 146 Holbrook v. Connor, 60 Maine, 578 II, 212 Holbrook v. Finney, 4 Massachusetts, 566 iii, 243 Holbrook v. Lackey, 13 Metcalf, 132 xlvi, 726 Holbrook v. Tobey, 66 Maine, 410 22, 5S1 Holbrook v. Utica & S. R. R., 12 N. Y. 236 Ixiv, 502 Holbrook v. Wight, 24 Wendell, 169 xxxv, 607 Holcomb ads. State, 63 Iowa, 107 56,833 Holman Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Price. 84 North Carolina, 86. 37, 614 Broughton, 10 Wendell, 75 xxv, 536 Burton, 9 Vermont, 252 xxxi, 621 Charlestown M. F. I. Co., 10 Met. Sll.xlui. 428 DeCamp, 1 Johnson, 34 iii, 293 Evans, 43 Mississippi, 217 12, 372 Halde, 74 Maine, 23 43, 567 Hall, 8 Michigan, 66 Ixxvii, 444 flol Hoo TABLE OF CASES 90 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Holmes v. Holmes. 37 Coanectio it, 278 0, 324 Holmes v. Holmes, 6 Louisiana, 463 xxvi, 482 Holmes v. Hunt, 122 Massachusetts, 505 23, 331 Holmesv. Mather, Eng 16,331 Holmes v. Mattoon, 111 Illinois, 27 53, C02 Holmes v. McCray, 51 Indiana. 358 10, 733 Holmesv. Mitchell, 2 Murphey, 228 v, 527 Holmes v. National Bank. 13 South Carolina, 31.44, 558 Holmesv. Remsen. 20 Johnson, 229 xi, 269 Holmesv. Remsen, 4 Johns. Ch. 460 viii, 581 Holmes v. Richet. 5G California. 307 38, 5J Holmes v. Schofield, 4 Blackford, 171 xxix, 36 4 Holmes v. Simons, 3 Desaussure, 119 iv, 60C Holmes ads. State, 23 La. An, 765 26.110 Holmes ads. State, 56 Iowa, 583 41,121 Holmes v. Tremper, 20 Johnson, 29 xi, 233 Holmes v. Trumper, 22 Michigan, 427 7, 6G1 Holmes v. Wakefield, 12 Allen, 580 xc, 171 Holmes v. Williams, 1 Root, 335 i, 49 Holmes v. Williams, 10 Paige, 326 xl, 250 Holoman v. State, 2 Texas Ct. App. 610 28, 433 Hoist v. Roe, 39 Ohio St. 310 48,439 Hoist v. State, 23 Texas Ct. App. 1 59,770 Holt v. Baldwin, 46 Missouri, 265 2,515 Holt v. Barton, 42 Mississippi. 711 2, 640 Holt v. Humming, 102 Pennsylvania St 212 48, 199 Holtv. Green, 73 Pennsylvania State, 198 13, 737 Holt v. Inhabitants of Penobscot, 56 Maine, 15..xcvi, 429 Holtv. Parsons, 23 Texas, 9 Ixxvi, 49 Holt v. Rice, 51 New Hampshire, 398. 20, 133 Holt v. Robinson, 21 Alabama, 106 Ivi, 243 Holt v. Ross, 5 4 New York, 472 13, 615 Holt ads. State, 27 Missouri, 340 Ixxii, 273 Holt ads. State, 90 North Carolina. 749 47, 544 Holtv. Walker, 26 Maine, 107 xlv, 98 Holtv. Westcott, 43 Maine, 445 bax, 74 Holtv. Wood, 23Texas, 474. Ixxvi, 72 Holton v. Brown, 13 Vermont, 224 xlvi, 143 Holtz v. Dick, 42 Ohio State. 23 51,791 Holtzman v. Hoy, 113 Kinois, 534 59, 390 Holyoke v. Haskins, 5 Pickering, 20 xvi, 372 Holzab v. N. O. & Carrollton R. R. Co.. 33 Louis- iana An. IS 3 58, 177 Homan v. Stanley, 66 Pennsylvania St. 461 5, 3S9 Homov. Richards, 4 Call, 441 ii, 574 Home Insurance Co. v. Green, 19 N. Y. 518 Ixxv, 3C1 Home Ins. Co. v. Holway. 55 Iowa. 571 39, 179 Home Ins. Co. v. N. W. P. Co.. 32 Iowa, 223 7, 183 HomoL. L Co. v. Dunn, 22 Ohio State. 175 5,642 Home M. P. Ins. Co. v. Garfield, 63 Illinois, 124. .14. 27 Home Sav. Bank v. Traube, 75 Missouri. 199 42, 402 Homer . Commonwealth. 106 Penn. St. 221 51,521 Homer . Fish, 1 Pickering, 435 xi, 213 Homer . Perkins, 124 Massachusetts, 431 27, 677 Homer . Wallis, 11 Massachusetts, 309 vi, 169 Homes . Dana, 12 Massachusetts, 190 vii, 55 Homes v. Smyth, 16 Maine, 177 xxxiii, 650 Homos ads. State, 17 Missouri, 379 Mi, 2u3 Homestead Cases, 31 Texas, 677 xcviii, 553 Homestead Cases, 22 Gratt. 266 12,507 Hone v. Henriquez, 13 Wendell, 240 xxvii, 204 Honeyman v. Oregon & C. R. R. Co.. 13 Or. 352. ...57, 20 Honore's Ex'r v. Bakewell, 6 B. Monroe, 67 xliii, 147 Hounett v. Honnett, 33 Arkansas, 136 34, 39 Honzik v. Delaglise, 65 Wisconsin, 494 56, C34 Hooban v. Eidwell, 16Ohio, 539 xlvii, 3S6 Hood v. Adams. 124 Massachusetts, 481 26, 6S7 Hood v. Falmostock, 8 Watts, 4S9 xxxiv, 489 Hood v. Fahnestock, 1 Penn. State, 470 xliv, 147 Hood v. Hartshorn. 100 Massachusetts, 117 1, 89 Hoodv. Hood, 11 Allen. 196 Ixxxvii, 709 Hood v. Nesbit, 2 Dallas, 137; 8. C., 1 Yeates, 114. . .i, 265 Hood v. State, 56 Indiana, 263 10, 21 Hoodv. State, 56 Indiana, 203 26, 21 Hooe v. Marquess, 4 Call, 416 ii, 570 Hooe v. Oxley, 1 Washington (Ya.), 19 i, 425 Hookv. Pratt, 78 New York, 371 34,539 Hooker v. Cummings, 20 Johnson, 90 xi, 249 Hooker v. Eagle Bank, 30 New York, 83 Ixxxvi, 331 Hooker v. Miller, 37 Iowa, CIS. 18, 18 Hooker v. New Haven etc. Co., 14 Conn. 146. . .xxxvi, 477 Hooker v. Smith, 19 Vermont, 151 xlv ii, 679 Hooker v. Vandewater, 4 Denio, 349 xlvii, 258 Hooks v. Anderson, 58 Alabama, 233 29, 745 Hoope's Appeal, 60 Pennsylvania, 220 c, 502 Hooper v. Chicago & North. R'y Co., 27 Wis. 81. .. 9, 439 Hooper v. Columbia & G. R. R. Co., 21 S. C. 541. .53, 691 Hooper v. Day, 19 Maine, 56 xxxvi, 734 Hooper v. Hobson, 57 Maine, 273 xcix, 7C9 Hooperv. Pah-, 3 Porter, 401 xxix, 233 Hooper v. Welch. 43 Vermont, 169 5, 267 Hooper v. Wells. Fargo & Co., 27 Cal. 11 Ixxxv, 211 Hooperv. Wilkinson, 15 Louisiana An 497 Ixxvii, 194 Hoopes v. Strasburger, 37 Maryland, 390 1 1, 538 Hoosac T. D. & E. Co. v. O'Brien, 137 Mass. 424. ..50, 323 Hooser v. Hays, 10 B. Monroe, 72 1, 5iO Hoover ads. State, 4Dev. & Bat. Law, 363 xxxiv, 333 Hope v. Deadrick, 8 Humphreys, 1 xlvii, 537 Hope v. People. 83 New York, 418 33, 460 Hopev. Wilkinson. 14 Lea, 21 52,149 Hope M. I. Co. v. Flynn, 33 Missouri, 483 xc, 438 Hopkins v. Atlantic& St. L. R. R., 33 N. H. 9. .Ixxii, 287 Hopkins v. Beedle, 1 Caines' Cases, 347 ii, 131 Hopkins v. Commonw., 50 Penn. State, 9 Ixxxviii, 513 Hopkins ads. Commonwealth. 133 Mass. 331 Hopkins v. Forsyth, 14 Penn. State, 34 liii, 513 Hopkins v. Hawkeye Ins. Co. , 57 Iowa, 233 42, 41 Hopkins v. Hopkins, 4 Strobhart's Eq. 207 liii, 663 Hopkins v. Towns, 4 B. Monroe, 124 xxxix, 4. 1 ? Hopkins v. Upshur, 2(yTexas, 83 Ixx. 375 Hopkinson v. Sears, 14 Vermont, 494 xxxix, 236 Hoppin v. Buffum, 9 Rhode Island, 513 11,291 Hoppin v. Jenckes, 8 Rhode Island, 453 5, 597 Hopps v. People, 31 Illinois, 385 Ixxxiii, 231 Hopson v. Brunwankel, 24 Texas, 607 Ixxvi, 124 Horah v. Long, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 274. xxxiv, 378 Horan ads State. 32 Minnesota, 394 50, 533 Horan v. Wahrenberger, 9 Texas, 313 Iviii, 145 Hord v. Baugh, 7 Humphreys, 576 xlvi, 91 Hord v. Commonwealth, 4 Leigh, 674 xxvi, 340 Hord v. Walker, 2 Littell, 22 xv, 39 Horder v. Horder, 23 Kansas, 391 33, 167 Hornv. Bray.51 Indiana, 533 19, 742 Horn v. Cole. 51 New Hampshire. 287 12,111 Hornv. Nash, 1 Iowa, 204. Ixiii, 437 Horn v. New Lots. 83 New York, 100 38, 402 Horn v. Ross, 20 Georgia, 210 Ixv, C21 Horn ads. State, 70 Missouri. 466 35, 437 Horn v. Volcano Water Co.. 13 California, C2. .ixxiii, 5C9 Hornbeck v. State. 35 Ohio St. 277 35, 608 Hombrooks v. Lucas, 24 West Virginia, 493 49, 277 Home v. State, 37 Georgia, 80 xcii, 49 Home v. State, 1 Kansas, 42 Ixxxi, 499 Homo ads. State. 92 North Carolina, 805 53, -142 Homer v. Doe ex d. State B"k, 1 Indiana, 130. . .xlviii, 355 Honicr v. Watson, 79 Penu. St. 242 21, 55 Hornkethv. Barr, SSerg. &R. 36 xi, 568 Horusbyads. State, 8 Robinson (La.), 334 xli, 305 Hornsby ads. State, 8 Robinson (La.), 583 xli, 314 Uorr v. Barker, 11 Calif oruia, 3D3 lix, 791 91 TABLE OF CASES. Hor HOTT Roman letters [ills] refer to Yolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Hereford v. Wright, Kirby, 3 i, 8 Horskius v. Williamson, T. TJ. P. Charlton, 145.... iv, 703 Horsley v. Garth, 2 Grattan, 471 xliv, 333 Horsleyv. Graeme, 2 Grattan, 471 xliv, 303 Horst v. Wasner, 43 Iowa, 373 22, -."o Horstman v. Gerker, 43 Perm. St. 232 Ixxxviii. 501 Horstman v. Kaufman. 97 Penn. St. 147 30, 802 Horton v. ChampKu, 12 Rhode Island, 550 34, 722 Horton v. Cook, 13 Watts, 124 xxxvi, 151 Horton v. CritchfieU, 13 Illinois, 133 Ixv, 701 Hortonv. Maffit. 14 Minnesota, 239 c, 222 Horton T. Mayor and City Council, 4 Lea, 33. 40, 1 Hortoa v. Morgan, lOXewYork, 170 Ixxv, 311 Horton v. Smith, 3 Alabama, 73 xlii, G23 Horwitz v. Equitable Mut. Ins. Co., 40 Mo. 557.xciii, 321 Hosey v. Crasher, S Porter, 553 xxxili, 293 Hoshall v. Hoshall, 51 Maryland, 72 34, 293 H isier v . Hall, 2 Indiana, 556 liv, 460 Hoskinsv. Helm. 4 Littell, 333 xiv, 133 Hoskius v. Litchfield and Wife, 31 III 137 Ixxxiii, 215 Hoslnns v. Paul, 4 Halsted, 110 xvii, 455 Hoskias v. People. 84 Illinois, S7 25, 433 Hoskins v. Tarrence, 5 Blackford, 417 xxxv, 129 .-. Eru./js, 23 Illinois, 115 Ixxi, 252 .Hosmerv. Sargont, S Allen, 97 Ixxxv, 633 Hosiner v. Wilson, 7 Michigan, 204 Ixxiv, 71G Hostler v. Skull, Taylor (X. C.), 152; 2 Hayw. 179 i, 5S3 .o3V. Barnes, 31 Connecticut, 27 xci, 713 Hotc'ukiss v. H-ggius, 52 Connecticut, 233 .">.'. ": Hotehiiss v. Ladd, 33 Vermont, 533 Ixxrvi, 679 rings E. E. T. Trippe, 42 Arkansas, 465 48, C3 Hotz's Estate, 33 Penn. State, 422 Ixxx, 493 Houck T. Graham, 106 Indiana, 195 53, 7-7 Houck v. Wachter, 34 Maryland, 265 6, 332 Houfe v. Fulton, 23 Wisconsin, 236 9, 563 Houfe v. Fulton, 34 Wisconsin. 635 17, 463 Hougan v. Milwaukee & St. P. R. E. Co., 33 Iowa, 553 14,502 Hough v. ;F,tna Life Ins. Co., 57 Illinois, 313 11, 13 Hjughv. Birge, 11 Vermont, 133 xxsiv, 632 Hough v. City Fire Insurance Co., 23 Conn. 10. .Ixxvi, 531 Hough v. Cook County Land Co., 73 111. 23 24, 233 Hough v. Horsey, 33 Maryland, 131 II, 43! Hough v. Hunt, 2 Ohio, 495 XT, 53.1 Hough v. Martin, 2 Dev. & Eat. Eq. 373 xxxiv, 403 Houghkirk T. President etc. Delaware etc. Co., 92 York, 219 44, 370 Houghtaling v. Ball, 13 Missouri, 84. lix 331 Houghton v Ely, 23 Wisconsin. 181 7 , 52 Hjug'.iton v. First Xat. Bank, 26 Wis 663 7, 107 Houghton v. Iloughton, 14 Indiana, 505, Ixxvii, C3 Houghton T. Mfg. etc. Fire Ins. Co., 8 Metcalf, 114. xli, 483 Houghton v. Page, 2 Xew Hampshire, 42 ix. 30 House v. Adams & Co.. 43 Penn. State. 261 Ixxxvi, 533 House v. Alexander, 105 Indiana. 109 55, 183 House T. Board of Comm'rs, 63 Indiana, 580 28, 637 House T. Fuller, 13 Vermont, 165. , xxxrii, 530 House ads. State, 65 Xorth Carolina, 315 G, 711 House v. Vintoa Xat. E'k, 43 Ohio State, 346. ...54, 813 Housealv. Gibbes, IBailey'sEq. 432 xxiii, 136 Houser v. Belton, 10 Iredell's Law, 353 li, 331 Houser v. Chicago E. I. & P. E. R. Co., 60 Iowa, 230 4G, 65 Houser v. Irvine. 3 Watts & Serg. 345 xxxviii, 763 Houser v. Lainout, 55 Penn. St. 311 xciii. 755 Houser v. Reynolds, 1 Hay wood, 114 i, 551 Houser v. Tully, 62 Pennsylvania State, 92 . 1 , 300 Houston v. Aycock, 5 Sneed. 403 Ixxiii, 131 Houston T. Blackman, 66 Alabama, 559 41, 736 Houstouv. Deloach, 43 Alabama, 364 xciv, 633 Houston T. Dyche, Meigs, 73 xxxiii, 130 Houston v. Gilbert, 3 Brevard, 63 v, 543 Houston v. Houston, 3 McCord, 431 xv, 647 Houston ads. State, 73 Alabama, 576 53, 59 Houston v. Townsend, 1 Delaware Cli. 416 xii, 109 Houston T. Williams, 13 California, 21 Ixxiii, 565 Houston etc. E. Co. v Adams. 43 Texas, 713 33, 116 Houston etc. E. C. Co. v. Willis. 53 Texas. 313. . . .37, 756 Houston and T. C. R. Co. T. Borke. 55 Texas, 323.40, 803 Houston and T. C. R. Co. v. Clenmons, 55 Tex. 3.40, 799 Houston and T. C. E. Co. v. Mjore, 13 Texas. 31, 30, 98 Houston andT. C. E Co. v. Sympkins, 51 Tex. 615.38, 632 Houston & T. C. E. Co. v. Hill. 63 Texas, 331.... 51, 643 Houton T. Holliday, 2 Murphey, 111 v, 522 Hoax v. Seat, 26 Missouri, 173 IxxJ, 203 Hoverson v. Xoker, 60 Wisconsin. 511 50, 381 Hovey v. Chase, 52 Maine, 304 Ixxxiii, 514 Ilovey v. Hobson, 53 Maine, 451 Ixxxix, 705 Hovey v. MorrTJ, 61 Xew Han;; sl.ire, 9 GO, 315 Hovey T. Eubber T. P. Co. . 57 Xew York, 119. .... 15, 470 II jvey v. Sebring, 24 Michigan, 232 9, 123 How v. Kane, 2 Pinney, 531 (2 Chaud. 222) liv, 152 Howard's Will, 5T. B. Monroe, 193 xvii, 60 Howard v. Cannon, 11 Richardson's Eq. 23 Ixxv. 736 Howard v. Daly. 61 New York, 332 19, 285 Howard T. Durand, 35 Georgia, 313 xci, 767 Howard v. Emerson, 110 Massachusetts, 320 14, 608 H jward v. Gould, 23 Vermont, 523 Ixvii, 728 Howard v. Grover, 23 Maine, C7 xlriii, 473 Howard v. Hoey, 23 Wendell, 330 xxxv, 572 Howard v. Huffman, 3 Head, 502 Ixxv, 733 Howard v. Kennedy, 4 Alabama, 5. 2 xxxix, 337 Howard v. Kimball, 65 .North Carolina, 175 G, 739 IIowar-1 v. Lee, 25 Connecticut, 1 Ixr, 550 Howard v. Mississippi V. Bank, 23 La. An. 727. . .20, 105 Howard v. Xorth, 5 Texas, 230 li, 769 Howard T. Reedy, 29 Georgia, 152 Ixxiv, 58 Howard v. Richards, 2 .Nevada, 123 xc, 520 Howard v. Steamship Co., S3 X. C. 153 o."*, 571 Howard v. Thompson, 21 Wendell, 319 xxxiv, 238 Howard v. Williams, 1 Bailey's Law, C75 xxi, 433 Howard Ins. Co. v. Halsey, 8 X. Y. (4 Selden), 271. lix, 473 Howattv. Davis, SMunford, 34 vii, 681 Howe v. Bass, 2 Massachusetts, 333 iii, 59 Howe v. Butterfield, 4 Gushing, 302 1, 735 Howe v. Hartness, 11 Ohio State, 443 IxxviLi, 312 Howev. Hayward, 103 Massachusetts, 54 11,306 Howe v. Lawrence, 1 Zabriskie, 714 xlvii, 190 Howe v. Lawrence, 9 Gushing, 553 Ivil, 63 Howev. Mitchell, 17 Maine, 85 xxxv. 231 Howe v. O'Maily, 1 Murphey, 237 iii, 693 Howev. Pike, 41 Maine, 340 Ixvi, 243 Howe ads. State, 25 Oliio State. 533 IS, 321 Howe v. Waysman, 12 Missouri, 163 xlix, 126 Howe v. Wilson. 91 Missouri. 45 GO, 226 Howe Machine Co. v. Bryson, 44 Iowa, 159 24, 735 Howe Machine Co. v. Sloan. 87 Peun. St. 433 30, 376 Howe, Matter of, 1 Paige's Ch. 124 xix, 395 Howell v. Ashmore, 1 Stockton, S2 Ivii, 371 Howell v. Cobb, 2 Coldwell, 104 Ixxxviii, 591 Howell v. Crane, 12 Louisiana An. 126 ;lxviu, 765 Howell v. Fountain, 3 Georgia, 170 xlvi, 415 Howell v. Harvey, 5 Arkansas, C7) xxxix, 376 Howell v. Howell, 7 Iredell's Law, 401 xlvii, 335 Howell v. Knickerbocker L. I. Co, 44 X. i'. 276... 4, 675 Howell v. McCrie, 36 Kansas, 636 59, 5S4 Howell v. Sevier, 1 Lea, 333 27, 771 Howell v. State, 71 Georgia, 221 51, 259 Howes v. Barker, 3 Johnson, 506 iii, 526 Howeth v. Anderson, 25 Texas, 557 .Ixxviii, 538 How Hnm TABLE OF CASES. 92 Boman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of Amsrican Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Howey v. Goings, 13 Illinois, 95 liv, 427 Howkv. Minnick, 19 Ohio St. 462 2, 413 Howland v. Howland, 111 Massachusetts, 517 10, 381 Howlaad v. Lounds, 51 New York, 604 10, 634 Howland v. Shurtleff, 2 Metcalf, 26 xxxv, 334 Howland v. Vincent, 10 Metcalf, 371 xliii, 442 Howth v. Franklin, 20 Texas, 798 Ixxiii, 213 Howzo v. Patterson, 53 Alabama, 205 25, 607 Hoxie v. Chancy, 143 Massachusetts, 592 5S, 119 Hoxie v. Home Insurance Co., 32 Conn. 21....1xxxv, 240 Hoy v. Bramhall, 19 N. J. Eq. 563 xcvii. 637 Hoy v. Gronoble, 34 Penn. State, 9 Ixxv, 623 Hoy v. Holt. 91 Pennsylvania St. 83 3C, 659 Hoy v. Morris, 13 Gray, 519 Ixxiv, 650 Hoyv. Sterrett,2Watts,327 xx.il, 313 Hoyev. Penn, 2Harris&G. 473 xviii. 316 Hoyle v. Jones, 35 Georgia, 40 Ixxxix, 273 Hoyle v. Pittsburgh & M. E. E. Co.. (Vilas) 54 New York. 314 13,595 Hoyle v. Young, 1 Washington, 150 i, 446 Hoysv. Tuttle, 8 Arkansas, 124 xlvi, 309 Hoytv. Casey, 114 Massachusetts, 397 10,371 Hoytv. Holly, 39 Connecticut. 326 12,390 Hoyt v. Howe, 3 Wisconsin, 752 Ixii, 705 Hoyt v. Hudson, 41 Wisconsin, 105 I22, 714 Hoytv. Hudson. 27 Wisconsin, 656 0,473 Hoyt v. Mackenzie, 3 Harbour's Ch. 320 xlix, 173 Hoyt v. Xewbold, 16 Vroom. 219 46, 757 Hoyt v. Saginaw, 19 Michigan, 39 2, 76 Hoyt T. Smith, 23 Connecticut, 177 Ix, 632 Hoyt ads. State, 47 Connecticut, 518 36, 89 Hoytv. Swift, ISVermont, 123 xxxvii, 5S6 Hubbard v. Ascutney M. D. Co., 20 Vermont, 402. . .1, 41 Hubbard T. Bell, 54 Illinois, 110 5, 93 Hubbard v. Bugbee, 55 Vermont, 506 45, 637 Hubbard v. Callahan, 42 Connecticut, 521 10, 561 Hubbard v. City of Concord, 35 New Hamp. 52. .Ixix, 520 Hubbard v. Curtis, 8 Iowa, 1 Ixxiv. 2S3 Hubbard v. Dubois, 37 Vermont, 94 Ixxxvi. 690 Hubbard v. Elmer, 7 Wendell, 446 xxii, 500 Hubbard v. Hartford F. Ins. Co.. 33 Iowa, 323... 11, 12.5 Hubbard v. Hickman. 4 Bush, 205 xcvi, 297 Hubbard v. Hubbard, 97 Massachusetts, 183 xciii, 75 Hubbard v. Lloyd, 6 dishing, 522 liii, 55 Hubbard v. Matthews, 54 New York, 43 13, 562 Hubbard v. McXaughton. 43 Michigan, 220 38, 176 Hubbard v. Miller, 27 Michigan. 15 15, 133 Hubbard v. Moore. 21 La. An. 531 13, 128 Hubbard v. Moscly, 11 Gray, 170 Ixxi, 6D3 Hubbardads. People, 24 Wendell, 369 xxxv, 628 Hubbard v. Eicart, 3 Vermont, 207 xxiii, 198 Hubbard v. Western Union TeL Co., 33 Wis. 538.14, 773 Hubbard v. Williams, 1 Minnesota, 54 lv, 6C Hnbbcll v. E. CarabrMh'e Sav. Bk. 132 Mass. 447. .43, 416 Hubbell v. Forgartie, 1 Hill, 167 xxvi, 163 Hubbell v. Hubbell, 3 Wisconsin, C52 Ixii, 702 Hubbell v. Moiilson, S3 Now York, 225 13, 51!) H'llibell v. Viroaua. C7 Wisconsin. 343 58, S66 Hubbell v. Yonkors, 101 Xew York, 434. 58, 522 Hubble v. Fogartie, 3 Eichardson's law, 413 xlv, 775 Hubby v. Hubby, 5 Gushing, 516 lii, 742 Huber v. State. 57 Indiana, 311, 23, 57 Huber v. Teuber. 3 McArtlmr, 484 36, 110 Huber v. Zimmerman, 21 Alabama, 488 hi, 255 Hubert v. Fera, 90 Massachusetts, 198. xcv), 732 Hubgh v. N. O. & C. R. R. Co., C La. An. 495 Hv, 565 Hubler v. Gaston. 9 Oregon. 66 42, 79 1 Hubler v. Pulleu, 9 Indiana, 273 Ixviii, C20 Huchting v. Engt-1, 17 Wisconsin, 230 Ixxxiv, 741 Huck v. Globe Ins. Co., 127 Massachusetts, 306. . .34, 373 Huckabee v. Billingsly, 16 Alabama, 414 1, 133 Huckenstein's Appeal, 70 Pennsylvania St 102. . .10, 669 Huddleson v. Eeynolds, 8 Gill, 332 1, 702 Hudjlson v. State, 91 Indiana, 426 48, 171 Hudgin v. Hudgin, 6 Grattan, 320 lii, 124 Hudnalv. TeasdaU, 1 McCord, 227 x, 671 Hudnal v. Wilder, 4 McCord, 294 xvii, 744 Hudson's Appeal, 27 Penn. State, 46 Ixvii, 445 Hudson v. Chicago & N. W. E. R Co., 59 Iowa, 531 44,602 Hudson T. Cuero L. & E. Co., 47 Texas, 56 26, 239 Hudson v. Dangerfield, 2 Louisiana, C3 xx, 297 Hudson v. Hudson, 20 Alabama, 364 Ivi, 230 Hudson v. Layton, 5 Harrington, 74 xlviii, 167 Hudson v. State, 6 Texas Ct. App. 563 32, 533 Hudson v. State, 9 Texas Ct. App. 151 35, 732 Hudson TeL Co. v. Jersey City, 49 N. J. L. 333. . .63, 619 Hudspeth v. Wilson, 2 Devereux Law, 372 xxi, 344 Huelskamp v. Citizens' E. E. Co., 37 Mo. 537 xc, 399 Huffv. Ames. 16 Nebraska, 139 4!>, 716 Huff v. Aultman, 69 Iowa, 71 58, 213 Huff v. Ford, 126 Massachusetts, 24 30, 645 Huff v. McCauley. 53 Penn. St. 206 xci. 233 Huff v. McDonald, 22 Georgia, 131 Ixviii, 437 Huff v. Watkius, 15 South Carolina, 82 40, 630 nuffsmith v. People, 8 Colorado, 175 54, 530 Hugg v. Baltimore & C 8. and M. Co.. 35 Md. 414 . 0. 123 Huggins v. Perrine, 30 Alabama, 396 Ixviii, 131 Hughes v. Anderson, 63 Alabama, 230 44, 1 17 Hughes v. Commonwealth, 17 Grattan, 565 xciv, 493 Hughes v. Creyon, 2 Mill, 257 xii, C63 Hughes v. Easten, 4 J. J. Marshall, 472 xx. 230 Hughes v. Graves, 39 Vermont, 359 sciv, 331 Hughes v. Heiser, 1 Binney, 463 ii, 453 Hughes v. Lane, 11 Illinois, 123 1, 436 Hughes v. McAlister, 15 Missouri, 296 lv, 1 13 Hughes v. McDonough, 14 Vroom, 459 30, 633 Hughes v. Mercantile M. Ins. Co., 55 N. Y. 263. . .14, 234 Hughes v. Meredith, 24 Georgia, 325 Ixxi, 127 Hughes v. Eobertsou, 1 T. B. Monroe, 215 xv, 104 Hughes ads. State, 2 Alabama, 102 xxxvi, 411 Huebes ads. State, 33 Kansas, 6-6 57, 195 Hughes v. Streeter, 24 Illinois, 647 Ixxvi, 777 Hughes v. Worthington, 4 Penr. State, 153 xlv, 632 Hughlett v. Harris, 1 Delaware Ch. 349 xii, 104 Hugillv. Kinuey, 9Oregon. 250 42,801 Uuguenln v. Courtenay. 21 South Carolina, 403... 53, 033 Hiignnin v. Cochrane, 51 Illinois, 302 2, 303 Hniev. Bailey, 16 Louisiana, 213 xxxv. C14 Hulbut ads. People, 4 Denio, 133 xlvii, 244 Hulett v. Inlow. 57 Indiana. 412 26, 61 HiUctt v. Swift, 33 New York, 571 Ixxxviii, 405 Huling v. Cabell, 9 West Virginia, 522 2T, 533 Hull v. Kansas, 51 Missouri. 593 1 1, -1S7 Hull v. Hull, 43 Connecticut, 250 40, 165 Hull v. Louth, 100 Indiana. 315 58, 403 Hullv. Sacramento V. E. E. Co., 14Cal. 337...1xxiii, C36 Hull v. Sigsworth, 43 Connecticut, 253 40, 167 Hull v. Supervisors, 19 Johnson, 230 x, 223 Hull's Assignees v. Connolly, 3 McCord, 6 xv, 612 Hullin v. Second Mun. of N. O., 11 Rob. (La.),97.xl!:i, 202 Hulme v. Janes, 6Texas, 242 lv, 774 Hultz v. Wright, 16 Serg. & E. 345 xvi, 575 Humble v. Hinkson, 3 A. K. Marshall, 463 xiii, 195 Hume v. Arrasmith, 1 Bibb, 165 iv, CC6 Hume v. Commercial Bank, 10 Lea, 1 43, 290 Humes v. Mayor of Knoxville, 1 Humph. 403..xxxiv, 657 Humes v. Missouri P. E'y Co.. 82 Missouri, 221.. ,52, 369 Hummer v. Lamphear, 32 Kansas, 433 4!), 491 Humphrey v. Browning, 46 Illinois, 476 xcv, 446 93 ' TABLE OF CASES. . Hum Hut Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Humphrey v. Case, 8 Connecticut, 101 xx, 95 Humphrey v. Douglass, 10 Vermont, 71 xxxiii, 177 Humphrey v. Douglass, 11 Vermont, 22 xxxiv, 663 Humphrey v. Hitt, 6 Grattan, 5Q9 lii, 133 Humphrey ads. People, 23 Michigan, 471 0, 94 Humphrey ads. State, 32 Vermont, 569 Ixxviii, 605 Humphrey v. Taylor, 45 Wisconsin, 251 30, 733 Humphreys v. Guillow, 13 Xew Hamp. 385. . . .xxxviii, 499 Humphreys v: McCall, 9 California, 59 Ixx, 621 Humphries v. Bicknell, 2 Littell, 296 xiii, 263 Humphries v. Chastain, 5 Georgia, 166 ilriii, 247 Humphries v. Davis, 100 Indiana, 274 50, 783 Humphry v. Beeson, 1 G. Greene, 199 xlviii, 370 Hunv. Gary, 82 Xew York, 65 37,546 Hundley v. Lyons, 5 Munford, 342 '. vii, 685 Hundley v. Webb, 3 J.J. Marshall, 644 rx, 189 Hunerv. Doolittle, 3G. Greene, 76 liv, 489 Hunsaker v. Borden, 5 California, 288. v Ixiii, 130 Hunnicuttv. State, 18 Tex. Ct App. 498 51, 330 Hunt v. Adams, 5 Massachusetts, 358 iv, 68 Hunt v. Amidon, 4 Hill (X. Y.), 345 zl, 283 Hunt v. Bass, 2 Deverenx's Eq. 292 xxiv, 274 Hunt v. Bates, 7 Rhode Island, 217 Ixxxii, 592 Hunt T. Boyier, 1 J. J. Marshall, 484 xix, 116 Hunt v. Boonrille, 65 Missouri, 620 27, 2S9 Hontv. Breading, 12 Serg. & R. 37 xiv, 695 Huntv. Bridgham, 2 Pickering, 5SL xiii, 453 Hunt v. Bu'.terworth, 21 Texas, 133 Ixxiii, 223 Huntv. Chamberlain. 3 Hoisted, 336 xiv, 427 Hunt v. Commonwealth, 13 Grattan, 757 Ixx, 443 Hunt ads. Commonwealth, 4 Metcalf, 111 xxrriii, 346 Hunt v. Columbian Insurance Co., 55 Maine, 290.xcii, 592 Hunt v. Crane, 33 Mississippi, 669 Ixix, 3S1 Huntv. Elliott, 80 Indiana, 215 41,794 Huntv. Field, 1 Stockton, 36 Ivii, 365 Huntv. Gray, Jr . 35 Xew Jersey. 227 10,232 Hunt v. Haskell, 24 Maine, 333 xli, 387 Hunt v. Hazeltori, 5 Xew Hampshire, 216 xx, 575 Huntv. Hunt, 4 Xew Hampshire, 434 xvii, 434 Huntv. Hunt, 72 Xew York, 217 28, 12 Hunt v. Hunt, 14 Pickering, 374. xxr, 400 Huntv. Hunt, SMetcalf, 175 xxxvii, 130 Hunt v. Jennings, 5 Blackford, 195. xxxiii, 465 Hunt v. Johnson, 44 Xew York, 27 4,631 Hunt v. Jones, 12 Rhode Island, 265. 34, 635 Hunt v. Jucks, 1 Haywood, 173 i, 555 Hunt v. Loucks, 33 California, 372 xcix, 404 Hunt v. Lowell Gas Light Co., 8 Allen 169 Ixxxv, 697 Huntv. Morris, 6 Martin, 675 xii, 489 Huntv. Morris, 7 Halsted, 175 xxii, 483 Huntv. Mollanphy, 1 Missouri, 503 xiv, 300 Hunt v. Xevers, 15 Pickering, 500 xxvi, 616 Huntv. Orwig, 17 B. Monroe, 73 Ixvi, 144 Hunt v. Peake, 5 Cowen, 475 xv, 475 Hunt v. Purdy, 82 Xew York, 486 37,587 Huntv. Rogers. 7 Allen. 469 Ixxxiii. 704 Huntv. Roylance, 11 Gushing, 117 lix, 140 Hunt v. School District, 14 Vermont, 300 xxxix, 225 Huntv. Smith, 17 Wendell, 179 xxxi, 236 Hunt v. Standart, 15 Indiana, 33 Lxxvii, 79 Hunt v. State. 49 Georgia, 255 15,677 Huntv. State, 3 Tex. Ct. App. 116 30,126 Huntv. Test, 8 Alabama, 713 xiii, 659 Huntv. Thompson, SScammon, 179 xxxvi, 533 Hunt v. Thurman, 15 Vermont, 336 xl, 683 Hunt v. Turner, 9Texas, 335 Ix, 1C7 Huntv. Wadleigh, 26 Maine, 271 xiv, 108 Hnntv. Wickwire, 10 Wendell, 102. xrv, 545 Huntv. Wilkinson, 2 Call, 49 i, 534 Hunt v. Winfie'.a. 36 Wisconsin, 154 17, 482 Hunt v. Wright. 47 Xew Hampshire, 396 xciii, 451 Hunter v. Anthony, 8 Jones' L. 335 Ixxx, 333 Hunter v. Blanchard, 18 Illinois, 313 Ixviii, 547 Hunter v. Bryan, 2 Murphey, 173 v, 528 Hunter v. Bryson, 5 Gill & J. 483 xxv, 313 Hunter v. Commonwealth, 7 Grattan, 641 M, 121 Hunterv. Commonwealth, 79 Perm. St. 503 21, 83 Hunter v. Farren, 127 Massachusetts, 4SL 34, 423 Hunter v. Fulcher, 5 Randolph, 123 xvi, 738 Hunter v. Giddings, 97 Massachusetts, 41 xciii, 54 Hunter v. Hatton, 4 Gill, 115 xiv, 117 Hunter v. Hempstead, 1 Missouri, 67 xiii, 468 Hunter v. Lawrence's Adm'r, 11 Grattan, 111 . . . .Ixii, 640 Hunterv. Moore, 44 Arkansas. 1S4 51,589 Hunter v. Moul, 93 Pennsylvania State. 13 42, 610 Hunter v. Postlethwaite. 5 Martin, 226 xii, 334 Hunter v. Randall. 62 Maine. 423 16,490 Hunterv. Spurlock, 3 Louisiana, 97 xxii, 165 Hunterv. State, 1 Head, 160 Ixxiii, 164 Hunter v. State, 18 Texas Ct App. 444 51, 319 Hunter ads. State, 5 Iredell's Law, 369 xliv, 41 Hunter v. Supervisors. 33 Iowa, 376 11, 133 Hunter v. United States, 1 Pinney, 91 xxxix, 277 Hunter v. Watson, 12 California, 333 Ixxiii, 543 Hunterv. Wetsell, 57 Xew York. 375 15,508 Hunter v. Wetsell, 84 Xew York. 549. 38, 544 Huntingdon Asher, 96 Xew York. 604 48, 653 Huntingdon . TTall, 36 Maine, 501 Iviii, 765 Huntington Jewett, 25 Iowa, 249 xcv. 788 Huntington Lyman, 1 D. Chipman, 438 xii, 716 Huntington Shultz, Harper's Law, 452 xviii, 660 Huntington Winchell, 8 Connecticut, 45 xx, 84 Huntley v. Mathias, 90 North Carolina, 10L 47, 516 Huntley ads. State, 3 Iredell's Law, 418 zl, 416 Huntley v. Whittier, 105 Massachusetts, 391 7, 536 Huntoon v. Dow, 29 Vermont, 215 Ixx, 404 Huntsville Bank v. HiH, lStewart,201 xviii, 39 Huntt v. Townshend. 31 Maryland, 33(5 c, 63 Hnrdv. Case, 32 Illinois, 45 Ixxxiii, 249 Hurdv. Kelly, 78 Xew York, 588 34,567 Hurd v. Silsby, 10 Xew Hampshire, 108 xxxiv, 142 Hurffv. Hires. 11 Vroom, 531 29,283 Hurlburt v. Hicks, 17 Vermont, 193 xliv, 329 Hurlburt ads. People, 24 Michigan, 44 9,103 Hurley v. Brown, 98 Massachusetts, 545 xcvi, 671 Hurley v. Morgan, 1 Dev. &Bat. L. 425 zxviii, 579 Hurley ads. People, 60 California, 74 44, 55 Hurstv. Hill, SMaryland, 399 Ixiii, 705 Hurst v. Lithgrow, 2 Yeates, 24 i, 326 Hurstv. Robinson, 13 Missouri, S2 liii, 134 Hurt v. Clarke, 56 Alabama, 19 28,751 Hurt v. State, 25 Mississippi, 373 lix, 225 Husband v. Epling, 81 Illinois, 172 2.', 273 Husband v. Husband, 67 Indiana, 533. 33, 107 Huse v. Flint, 29 Iowa, 501 4,244 Husev. Hamblin, 29 Iowa. 501 4,244 Huse v. McDanlels, 29 Iowa, 501 4,244 Husonv. Dale, 19 Michigan, 17 2, 68 Hussey v. Elrod, 2 Alabama, 333 xxxri, 420 Hussey v. Ryan. 64 Maryland, 426 54,772 Hussey v. Sibley, 66 Maine, 192 22, 557 Hussey ads. State, 60 Maine, 410 11, 206 Hussey v. Thornton, 4 Massachusetts. 4 J5 iii, 224 Huskey v. Maples, 2 Coldwell, 25 Ixxxv-ii, 533 Hustonv. Curl, STexas, 233 Iviii, 110 Huston v. Mitchell, 14 Serg. &R. 307 xri, 506 Huston v. Williams, 3 Blackf . 170 xxv, 8t Hutchcraft v. Strout's Heirs, 1 T. B. Monroe, 206. .xv, 100 Hutehings v. Miner, 46 Xew York, 453 7, 369 Hutehings v. Western & Atlantic R R. 25 Ga. 61.1xxi, 156 r In TABLE OF CASES Roman letters [xlix! refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Hutchins v. Brackett, 22 New Hampshire, 252 liii, 213 Hutchins v. Flintc"-. 2 Texas, 473 xlvii, 659 Hutcbins v. Gerrish, 53 New Hampshire, 205 13, 19 Hutchins v. Johnson, 12 Connecticut, 376 xxx, 622 Hutchins v. Kimmdl, 31 Michigan, 126 18, 104 Hutchins v. Masterson, 43 Texas, 531 28,236 Hutchins v. Olcutt, 4 Vermont, 549 xxiv, 634 Hutchins v. SpraTiie. 4 Xcw Hampshire, 469 xvii, 439 Hutchinson v. Bank of Wheeling, 41 Penn. St. 42.1xxx, 596 Hutchinson v. Chasa, 33 Maine, 503 Ixiii, Ci5 Hutchinson ads. Commonwealth, 1 Mass. 7 ii, 1 Hutchinson v. Concord. 41 Vermont, 271 xcviii, 584 Hutchinson v. Ford, 9 Bush, 318 15,711 Hutehinsou v. Forehand, 133 Massachusetts, 136.. 1, 94 Hutchinson v. Forehand, 100 Mass. 136 xcvil, 82 Hutchinson v. Horn, 1 Indiana, 3G3 1, 470 Hutchinson v. Kelly, 1 Robinson (Va.), 123 xxxix, 250 Hutchinson v. Lord, 1 Wisconsin, 286 Ix, 3S1 Hutchinson v. Perley, 4 California, 33 Ix, 578 Hutchinson v. Sandt, 4 Rawle, 234 xxvi, 127 Hutchinson v. Schimmclfeder, 40 Penn. St. 396.1xxx, 5S2 Hutchinson v. Sprague, 4 New Hampshire, 469. . .xvii, 439 Hutchinson v. State, C2 Alabama, 3 34, 1 Hutchinson v. Western Ins. Co., 21 Missouri, 97. .Ixiv, 218 Hutchinson v. Wetmore, 2 California, 310 W, 337 Huthmacker v. Harris, TS Penn. State, 491 Ixxx, 502 Hutson v. Mayor X. Y. City, 9 N. Y. (SSelden), 163.1ix, 526 Hutson v. Me'rrifield, 51 Indiana, 24 10,722 Hutton T. Camden, 10 Vroom, 122 23, 203 Hutton ads. Commonwealth, 5 Gray, 89 Ixvi, 352 Hutton v. State, 23 Tex. Ct. App. 386 50, 776 Hutton v. Williams, 35 Alabama, 503 Ixxvi, 297 Hyatt v. Allen, 53 N.>w York, 553 15, 449 Hyatt v. Boyle, 5 Gill & J. 110 xxv, 276 Hyatt v. James, 2 Bush, 463 xcii, 505 Hyatt v. Wood, 4 Johnson, 150 iv, 258 Hyde v. Barney, 17 Vermont, 280 xli v, 335 Hyde v. La. State Ins. Co., 2 Martin, N. S., 410.. . .xiv, 196 Hyde v. Mississippi etc. Ins: Co., 10 La. 543 xxix, 465 Hyde v. Noble, 13 New Hampshire, 494 xxxviii, 508 Hyde v. Planters' Dank, 17 Louisiana, 560 xxxvi, 621 Hyde v. State, 16 Texas. 445 Ixvii, C33 Hyde v. Stone, 9 Cowen, 233 xviii, 501 Hydev. Stone, 7 Wendell'354 xxii, 582 Hyde v. Wabash, St. L. & P. B. Co.. 61 Iowa, 441. 4T, 820 Hyde v. Wolf, 4 LoUalaua, 234 xxiii, 434 Hydesv. Joyes. 4 Bush, 464 xcvi, 311 Hyland v. Blodgett, 9 Oregon, 166 42,799 Hyndman v. Ilyn'lman, 19 Vermont, 9 xlvi, 171 Hynes v. McDermott,S2 New York. 41 37, 538 Hynes v. McDermott, 91 New York, 451 43, 677 Hynson v. Dunn, 5 Arkansas, 335 xli, 100 Hypes T. Griffin, 89 Illinois, 134 31, 71 Hyrne v. Erwin, 23 South Carolina, 226 55, 15 laege v. Eossieux, l~> Grattau, 83 Ixxvi, 189 I. & G. N. R'y Co v. Folliard. 66 Texas. 603 50, C32 Iddings v. Iddings, 7 Serg. & R. Ill x, 450 Ide Y. Stanton, 15 Vermont, 685 xl, G98 leek v. Anderson. 57 California, 251 40, 115 Ihl v. Forty-second St. etc. R. R. Co., 47 N. Y. 317. .7, 450 Biff v. Brazill, 27 Iowa, 131 xcix, 615 Illinois Bank v. Sloo, 16 Louisiana, 539 xxxv, 223 Illinois Cent. Ins. Co. v. Wolf, 37 Illinois, 354..1xxxvii, 551 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Adams, 42 111. 474 xcii, 85 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Buckner, 28 111. 239..1xxxi. 282 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Copeland, 24 111. 332. .Ixxvi, 710 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Cox, 21 Illinois, 20 lui, 298 Illinois Cont. R. R. v. Dickerson, 27 Illinois, 55. .Ixxix, 334 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v Frankenberg, 54 111 88. . 5, 92 Illinois Cont. R. Co. v. Godfrey, 71 Illinois, 500.. ..22, 112 Illinois Cent R. Co. v. Green, 81 Illinois, 19 25, 255 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Handy, G3 Miss. 639. . . .50, 846 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Jewell. 46 111. 99 xcii, 240 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Kanouse,33 111. 272..1xxxix, 307 Illinois Cent. R. R Co. v. McClellan, 54 ia 58.... 5, 83 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Mitchell, 63 111. 471. . . .IS, 564 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Read. 37 111. 4S4. . .Ixxxvii. 260 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Srayser, 33 m. 354..1xxxrii, 301 Illinois Central R. R. Co v. Slatton, 54 III 133... 5, 109 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Sutton. 42 111. 433 xcii. 81 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Welch, 52 Illinois, 133.. 4, 593 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. Whittemore, 43 Illi- nois, 420 . xii, 133 Illinois Cent. R. R. Co. v. WiUenborg. 117 111. 203.57, 862 Illinois etc. Trustees v. People, 12 111. 218 lii, 488 Illinois & St. L. R. Co. v. Ogle, 82 Illinois, 627.... 2", 312 Illinois & St. L. R. R. Co. v. Switzer, 117 111. 399. .57, 875 Illinois D. & S. R. R. Co. v. Ervin, 113 IU. 250 50, 369 Illinois tf I. Co. v. Fix, 53 Illinois, 131 5, 38 Illinois M. I. Co. v. Andes Ins. Co. . 67 HI. 332. . . .Ifi, 620 Illinois M F. I. Co. v. Archdeacon, 82 111. 233 25, 313 Illinois R. R. ads. State, 27 Illinois, C4 Ixxix, 336 Ilsley T. Merriam, 7 Gushing, 242 liv, 721 Ilsley v. Nichols, 12 Pickering, 270 xxii, 425 Ilsley v. Stubbs, 9 Massachusetts, 65 vi, 29 Imboden v. Hunter, 23 Arkansas, C22 Ixxix, 116 Imlay v. Union Branch R. R. Co., 23 Conn. 249. .Ixviii, 332 Imler v. Springfield, 63 Missouri, 119 1 7, 615 Inches v. Dickenson, 2 Allen, 71 Ixxix, 7C5 Independent M. I. Co. v. Agnew, 31 Pa. St. 90. .Ixxv, CCS Indiana Bank v. Anderson, 14 Iowa, 541 Ixxxiii, 390 Indiana, B. and West. R'y Co. v. Eberle, 110 In- diana. 542 50,225 Indiana, B. and West. R'y Co. v. Greene, 106 In- diana, 279 55, 736 Ind. Cent. R. R. Co. v. Mundy, 21 Ind. 48. . . .Ixxxiii, 339 Ind. O. R. Co. v. Hudelson, 13 Indiana, 325....1xxiv, 2.34 Ind. etc. R. R. Co. v. Davis, 20 Ind. 6 Ixxxiii, 333 Ind. & Cin. R. R. Co. v. Guard. 21 Ind. 222. ..Ixxxvii, 327 Ind. & Cin. R. R. v. McClure, 26 Ind. 370 Ixxxix, 467 Indianapolis v. Emmelman, 103 Ind. 530 58, 65 Indianapolis v. Kingsbury , 101 Ind. 200 5 1 , 749 Indianapolis, B. and W. West. R'y Co. v. Hart- ley, 67 Illinois. 439 1C, 624 Indianapolis, B. and West. R'y Co. v. Toy, 91 Illinois, 474 33, 57 Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago R'y Co. v. Pitz- zer, 109 Indiana, 179 58,387 Indianapolis ads. State, 69 Ind. 375 35, 223 Indianapolis etc. R. R. Co. y. Cox, 23 Ind. 360. . .xcv, 640 Indianapolis etc. R. R. Co. v. Jones, 29 Ind. 465. .xcv, 654 Indianapolis etc. R. R. Co. v. Rutherford, 29 In- diana, 82 xcii, 336 Ingallsv. Bills, 9 Metcalf, 1 xliii, 346 Ingalls y. Herrick, 108 Massachusetts, 351 1 1 , 360 Ingallsbeey. Wood, 33 New York, 577 Ixxxviii. 409 Ingell v. Nooney, 2 Pickering, 302 xiii, 431 Ingersoll v. Ingersoll. 49 Penn. St. 2!3 Ixxxviii. 530 Ingersoll v. Lewis, 11 Penn. State, 212 li, 536 Ingersolly. Martin, 58 Maryland, 67 4'J, 322 Ingersoll ads. People, 53 New York. 1 1 7 , 173 Inglebright y. Hammond, 19 Ohio, 337 liii, -130 Ingleoy. Bosworth, 5 Pickering, 498 xvi, 419 Inglishy. Brcneman, 5Arkansas, 377 xli, 96 Inglish y. Breneman, 9 Arkansas, 122 xlvii, 735 Ingoldads. State, 4 Jones' Law, 21G .Ixvii, 283 Ingrahamy. Bockius, 9 Serg. &R. 23o xi, 730 Ingraham y. Geyer, 13 Massachusetts, 110 vii, 132 Ingraham v. Wilkinson, 4 Pickering, 263 xvi, 3 12 Ingram y. Belk, 2 Strobbart'g Law, 2j7 xJvii. 531 95 TABLE OF CASES. Ing Jac Roman letters [x'.ix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Ingram v. Kirkpatrick, P> Tredell's Eq. 433 li, 423 Ingrain v. Little, 14 G'jorr a, 173 Iviii. 549 Ingra:u v. Morgan, 4 Humphreys, G3 xl, f""> Ingr;im v. Rankin. 47 Wisconsin, 406 32, 762 Ingram v. Robblns. 33 New York, 409 Ixxxviii, 3^3 Ingram v. State, 39 Alabama, 2 17 Ixxxiv. 7?2 Ingwersenv. Rankiu, 47 N. J. L. 18 54,103 Inhabitants of . See Name of Town, City, County, etc. Inhabitants of Deerfield v. Arms, 17 Pick. 41...xxviii, 27G Inhabitants of Decrfield v. Arms, 20 Pick. 480...xxxii, 228 Inhabitants of Freed: .m v. Weed, 40 Maine, 333. .Ixiii, <'70 Inhab. of Hancock v. Hazzard, 12 Cushing, 112.. .lix, 171 Milford v. Holbrook. 9 Allen, 17..1xxxv, 733 Inhab. of Oro'.io v. Wedgewood, 44 Maine, 49. .. .Ixix, 81 Ichab. of Pelham v. AUlrich, 8 Gray, 515 Ixix, 2 '.3 Inhab. of Phillips v. KingsSeld, 13 Me. 375...xxxvi, 700 Inhab. of Port jr v. Stanley, 47 Maine, 515 Ixxiv, 531 Inhab. of Saco v. Weatworth, 37 Maine, 135 Iviii, 733 Inhab. of S. Berwick v. Huntress, 53 Me. 89 . .Ixxxvii, 535 Inhab. of School Dist. in Winthrop v. Benson, 31 Maine, 3S1 Ui, G18 Inhab. of Warren v. Inhab. of Thomaston, 43 ,-, 4DG Ixix, C3 Inloes v. American Exchange Bank, 11 Md. 173.. Ixix, 199 Inmau v. Funk, 7 B. Monroe, 533 xlvi, 523 Inmau T. Tripp. 11 Rh-jde Island, 523 23, 523 In matter of . See Name of Party. Innerarity v. Merchants' Nat. Bank, 139 Mas- sachusetts, 332 52, 710 Innu v. Templjton, 93 Penn. St. 262 40,613 Innis v. McCruinmm, 12 Martin, 425 xiii, 379 Innis v vtin, 233 xiii, 333 Innis v. Steamer Senator, 1 California, 459 liv, 305 Innis v. Steamer Senator, 4 California, 5 Ix, 577 In re . See Name of I' Insurance Co. v. Commonwealth, 87 Penn- :iia St. 173 30, 352 Insurance Co. v. Hope, 53 Illinois, 75 11, 43 Insurance Co. v. Ins. Co. , 33 Ohio St 11 43, 413 Insurance Co. v. O'Maley, 82 Penn. St. 400 2'J, 700 Insurance Co v. Pylo, 4! O'.iio St. 19 58,781 Insurance Co. v. Williams. 33 Ohio St. 581 48, 474 Insurance Co. of N. America v. Commonwealth, 87 Penn. St. 173 30,3*2 Ins. Co. of N. A. v. McDowell, 59 Illinois, 120. . .xcix, 497 Insurance Oil Tank Co. v. Scott, 33 Louisiana Ann. 9!6 39,236 Inslee v. Flagg, 2 Dutcher, 333 Ixix, 583 Instone v. Frankfort Bridge Co., 2 Bibbs, 576 v, 638 International Bank v. Franklin Co., 65 Mo. 105.. 27, 261 International Bar.k v. German Bank, 71 Mo. 183.36, 463 International Bank v. Jones. 119 Illinois, 407 59, 807 International G. N. Railway Co. v. Hassell, 62 Texas, 233 50, 525 International G. N. R'y Co v. Terry, 62 Tex. 380.50, 529 Intoxicating Liquor Cases, 25 Kansas, 751 ;57 . 23 1 Iowa Lumbar Co. v. Foster, 43 Iowa, 23 31, 110 Iowa Seed Co. v. Dorr. 70 Iowa, 481.... 59, 446 Ireland v Emmsrson, 93 Indiana, 1 47, 36 J Ireland v. Elliott, 5 Iowa, 473 Ixviii, 715 Irish v. Cloyes. S Vermont, 3D ..xxx, 446 Irish v. Milwaukee & St. P. R'y Co., 19 Minn. 376.. 18, 340 Irish v. Newell. 62- Illinois, 106 14, 73 Irish v. Smith, SSerg. & R. 537 xi, 643 Iron R R Co v. Fink, 41 Ohio St. 321 52, 81 Iron R. C. v. Mowery, 33 Ohio St. 418 38, 537 Irons v. Kentner, ."1 Iowa, 83 33,119 Irons T. McQuewan, 27 Penn. State, 196 Ixvii, 453 Irons T. Webb, 12 Vroom, 203 32,193 Irvin v. Nashville, C. & St. L. R Co., 92 IlL 103. .34, 118 Irvia v. Turnpike Co., 2 Penrosa & Watts, 466...xxiii, 53 Irvine v. Adams, 48 Wisconsin, 463 33, 817 Irvine v. Bull. 4 Watts, 237 xxviii, 708 Irvine v. McRee, 5 Humphreys, 534 x'.ii, 468 Irvine v. Wood, 51 New York, 224 10, 603 Irwia v. Backus, 25 California, 211 Ixxxv, 125 Inrin v. Hubbard, 49 Indiana, 330 13, 679 Irwin v. Ivers, 7 Indiana, 333 Ixiii, 420 Irwin.v. New Orleans, St. L. & C. R. R. Co., 94 Illinois, 105 31,208 Irwin v. Nixon, 11 Penn. State, 419 li, 559 Irwin v. Phillips, 5 California, 140 Ixiii, 113 Irwin v. Sherrill, Taylor (N. C.), 1 i, 574 Irwia v. Sprigg, 6 Gill, 200 xlvi, 667 Isaac v. Swift, 10 California, 71 !xx, 698 Isaacks v. Edwards, 7 Humphreys, 465 xlvi, 83 Isaacs v. Clark, 12 Vermont, 692 xxxvi, 372 Isaacs v. Third Avenue R. R. Co.. 47 N Y. 122. . 7, 418 Isaacson v. New York C. H. R. R. Co., 94 New York, 278 46,142 Isbell v. N. Y. & N. H. R. R., 27 Connecticut, 333.1xxi, 73 Isett & Brewster v. Lucas, 17 Iowa, 503 Ixxxv, 572 Isett v. Stuart, 80 Illinois, 404 22, 194 Isham v. Eggleston, 2 Vermont, 270 xix, 714 Isham v. Morgan, 9 Connecticut. 374 xxiii, 361 Isle R. M. Co v. Hertin, 37 Michigan, 332 20, 520 Israel v. Israel, 30 Maryland, 123 xcvi, 571 Iverson v. Loberg, 23 Illinois, 179 Ixxix, 364 Ives v. Bosley. 35 Maryland, 262 6, 411 Ivesv. Cress, 5 Penn. State, 118 xlvii, 401 Ivesv. Gilbert, 1 Root, 89 i, 35 Ives v. Hazard, 4 Rhode Island, 14 Ixvii, 500 Ives v. Jones, 3 Iredell's Law, 533 xl, 421 Ives v. Mills, 37 Illinois, 73 Ixxxvii, 238 Ivey v. Lalland, 42 Mississippi, 4 14 2, 606 Ivey v. Lalland, 42 Mississippi, 444 xcvii, 475 Ivins' Appeal, 106 Penn. St. 176 51, 516 Ivory v. Bank St., 33 Missouri 475 Ixxxviii, 150 Izard v. Bodine, 3 Stockton's Cb. 403 Ixix, 595 Jacaway v. Dula, 7 Yerger, 82 xxvii, 492 Jackv. Hudnall, 25 Ohio St. 255 18, 298 Jack v. Weiennett, 115 Illinois. 105 56, 129 Jackman v. Hallock, 1 Ohio, 318 xiii, 627 Jackson v. Adams, 9 Massachusetts, 484 vi, 94 Jackson v. Alexander, 3 Johnson, 484 iii, 517 Jackson v. Bard, 4 Johnson, 233 iv, 237 Jackson v. Bowen, 1 Caines, 358 ii, 193 Jackson v. Blanshan, 3 Johnson, 292 iii, 485 Jackson v. Blanshan, 6 Johnson, 54 v, 188 Jackson v. Brownell, 1 Johnson, 267 iii, 326 Jackson v. Brownson, 7 Johnson, 227 v, 258 Jackson v. Bryan, 3 J. J. Marshall, 338 xx, 142 Jackson v. Bull, 10 Johnson, 143 vi, 321 Jackson v. Burgott, 10 Johnson, 457 vi, 349 Jackson v. Catlin, 2 Johnson, 243 iii, 415 Jackson v. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co. , 31 Iowa, 176 .. 7 , 129 Jackson v. Churchill, 7 Cowen, 237 xvii, 514 Jackson v. Cleveland, 15 Michigan, 94 xc, 236 Jackson v. Com'l B'k, 2 Robinson (La.), 128. . .xxxviii, 234 Jackson ads. Commonwealth, 11 Bush, 679 21 . 225 Jackson v. Cullum, 2 Blackford, 223 xviii, 158 Jackson v. Davis, 5 Cowen, 123 xv, 451 Jackson v. Delancy, 13 Johnson, 536 vii, 403 Jackson v. Demont, 9 Johnson, 55 vi, 259 Jackson v. Dickenson, 15 Johnson, 339. viii, 236 Jackson T. Dunlap, 1 Johnson's Cases, 114 i, 130 Jackson v. Fitz Simmons, 10 Wendell, 9 xxiv, 198 Jackson v. French, 3 Wendell. 337 xx. 699 Jackson v. Given, 8 Johnson, 137 v , 328 Jac Jar TABLE OF CASES. 96 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Jackson v. Goes, 13 Johnson, 518 vii, 399 Jackson v. Harder, 4 Johnson, 202 iv, 262 Jackson v. Harsen, 7Cowen, 323 xvii, 517 Jackson v. Hart, 12 Johnson, 77 vii, 2SO Jackson v. Hathaway, 15 Johnson, 447 viii, 263 Jackson v. Henry, 10 Johnson, 185 vi, 323 Jackson v. Hudson, 3 Johnson, 375 iii, 500 Jackson v. Huey, 10 Lea, 184 42,301 Jackson v. Jackson, 78 Kentucky, 390 39, 246 Jackson v. Jackson, 28 Mississippi, 674 Ixiv, 114 Jackson v. Jackson, 51 Vermont, 253 31, 683 Jackson v. Jennings, 13 Richardson's Eq. 172 ...xciv, 160 Jackson v. Johnson, 5 Cowen, 74 xv, 433 Jackson v. Johnson 34 Georgia, 511 Ixxxix, 263 Jackson v. King, 4 Cowen, 207 xv, 354 Jackson v. King, 5 Cowen, 237 xv, 468 Jackson v. Kisselhrack, 10 Johnson, 333 vi, 311 Jackson v. Kniffen, 2 Johnson, 31 iii, 393 Jackson v. Lawton, 10 Johnson, 23 vi, 311 Jackson v. LeGrange, 19 Johnson, 386 x, 237 Jackson v. Loornis, 4 Cowen, 168 xv, 347 Jackson v. Love, 82 North Carolina, 405 33, 685 Jackson V Marshall, 1 Murphey, 323 iii, 635 Jackson v. Mass. Mut. I. Co., 23 Pick. 418 xxxiv, 69 Jackson v. Matsdorf, 11 Johnson, 91 vi, 355 Jackson v.- Mayo, 11 Massachusetts, 147 vi, 167 Jackson v. McAliley, 1 Speers' Eq. 303 xl, 620 Jackson v. McCall, 10 Johnson, 377 vi, 313 Jackson v. McChesney, 7 Cowen, 360 xvii, 521 Jackson v. McKenny, 3 Wendell, 233 xx, 690 Jackson v. Merrill, 6 Johnson, 185 . .v, 213 Jackson v. Moore, 13 Johnson, 513 vii, 393 Jackson v. Morse, 16 Johnson, 197 viii, 306 Jackson v. Morse, 13 Johnson, 441 ix, 225 Jackson v. Murray, 5 T. B. Monroe, 184 xvii, 53 Jackson v. Murray, 1 Cowen, 153 xiii, 517 Jackson v. Myers, 3 Johnson, 338 iii, 504 Jackson v. Nashville C. & St. L. R. R., 13 Lea, 491 49, 663 Jackson v. Newman, 53 Mississippi. 385 42, 367 Jackson v. Oshorn 2 Wendell, 555 , .xx. 649 Jackson ads. People. 3 Denio, 101 xlv, 449 Jackson v. People, 9 Michigan, 111 Ixxvii, 491 Jackson v. Pixley, 9 Gushing, 490 Ivii. 64 Jackson v. Ramsay, 3 Cowen, 75 xv, 242 Jackson v. Rendleman, 100 Illinois, 379 39, 44 Jackson v. Rice, 3 Wendell, 180 xx, 683 Jackson v. Robinson, 1 Yoates, 101 i, 293 Jackson v. Rutland etc. R. R. Co., 52 Vt. 150... Ix, 246 Jackson v. Rutledge. 3 Lea, 626 31, 655 Jackson v. Schutz, 18 Johnson, 174 ix, 105 Jackson v. Sebring, 10 Johnson, 515 viii, 357 Jackson v. Second Ave. R. R Co., 47 N. Y. 274... 7, 448 Jackson v. Sharp, 9 Johnson, 133 vt, 267 Jackson v. Shepard, 7 Cowen, 88 xvii, 502 Jackson ads. State, 73 Maine, 91 40, 312 Jackson ads. State, 17 Missouri, 544 lix, 231 Jackson ads. State, 80 Missouri, 174 50, 49D Jackson ate. State, 78 North Carolina, 283 24, 476 Jackson v. Stockbridge, 29 Texas, 394 xciv, 290 Jackson v. Sill, 11 Johnson, 201 vi, 363 Jackson v. Staats, 11 Johnson, 337 vi, 376 Jackson v. Stackhouse, 1 Cowen, 122 xiii, 514 Jackson v. Stanley, 10 Johnson, 133 vi, 319 Jackson v. St. Louis L M. & S. R'yCo., 87 Missouri, 422 . r >6, 460 Jackson v. Topping, 1 Wendell, 388 xix, 515 Jackson v. Town, 4 Cowen, 599 xv, 405 Jackson v, Traer, 64 Indiana, 469 52, 449 Jackson v. Vandorhoyden, 17 Johnson, 167 viii, 373 Jackson v. Van Dusen, 5 Johnson, 144 iv, 330 Jackson v. Vickory, 1 Wendell, 406 six, 523 Jackson v. Vosburgh, 9 Johnson, 270 vi, 276 Jackson v. Whitbeck, 6 Cowen, 632 xvi, 454 Jackson v. Wood, 12 Johnson, 242 vii, 315 Jackson v. Woodruff, 1 Cowen, 276 xiii, 525 Jackson v. Young, 5 Cowen, 269 xv, 473 Jackson ex dem. Dies v. Whine, 7 Wendell, 47. . .xxii, 563 Jackson ex d. Grignon v. Astor, 1 Pinney, 137..xxxix, 281 Jackson ex d. Hendr'ks v, Andrews, 7 Wend. 132. .xxii, 574 Jackson ex d. Russell v. Rowland, 6 Wend. 666.. xxii, 557 Jackson ex d. Suflfern v. McConnell, 19 Wend- ell, 175 xxxii, 439 Jackson ex d. Williams v. Miller, 6 Wendell, 223 318 Jackson Co. v. Boylston M. Ins. Co., 139 Mas- sachusetts, 508 52, 728 Jacksonville v. Drew, 19 Florida, 106 45, 5 Jacob v. City of Louisville, 9 Dana, 114 xxxiii, 533 Jacob v. TJrsuline Nuns, 2 Martin, 269 v, 730 Jacobs, In re, 93 New York, 98 50, 638 Jacobs v. Allard,42 Vermont, 303 1,331 Jacobs v. Bangor, 16 Maine, 187 xxxiii, 652 Jacobs v. Benson, 39 Maine, 132 Ixiii, 609 Jacobs v. Bull, 1 Watts, 370 xxvi, 72 Jacobs v. Pollard, 10 Gushing, 287 Ivii, 105 Jacobs v. Shorey, 48 New Hampshire, 100 xcvii, 586 Jacobs v. Tobiason, 65 Iowa. 215 54, 9 Jacobsen v. Siddal, 12 Oregon, 2SO 53, 360 Jacobus v. St. Paul etc. R'y Co., 20 Miun. 125 18, 350 Jacoway v. Gault, 20 Arkansas, 190 Ixxiii, 494 Jacox v. Jacox, 40 Michigan, 473 23, 547 Jacques v. Bridgeport R. R. Co., 41 Conn. 61 19, 483 Jaffo v. Harteau, 56 New York, 308 15, 438 Jager v. Adams, 123 Massachusetts, 23 25, 7 Jaggers v. Estes, 2 Strobhart's Eq. 313 xlix, 674 James v. Allen Co., 44 Ohio State, 223 5S, 821 James v. Bird's Adm'r, 8 Leigh, 510 xxx!, 668 James v. Fisk, 9 Smedes & M. 144 xlvii, 111 James v. Fulcrod, 5 Texas, 512 Iv, 743 James v. Jacques, 26 Texas, 320 Ixxxii, 613 James v. Jellison, 94 Indiana, 202 48, 131 James v. Mayrant, 4 Desaussure, 501 vi, G30 James v. McCredie, 1 Bay, 204 i, 617 James v. Morey, 2 Cowen, 246 xiv, 475 James v. Newton, 142 Massachusetts, S5S 56, 692 James v. O'Drissoll, 2Bay, 101 i, 632 James v. Patten, 6 N. Y. (2 Selden), 9 Iv, 376 James v. Patterson, 1 Swan, 309 Iv, 737 Jamesv. San Francisco, 6 California, 523 Ixv, 523 James v. State, 55 Mississippi, 57 30, 496 Jameson v. People, 15 Illinois, 237 Ixiii, 304 Jamieson v. Bruce, 6GU1&J. 72 xxvi, 537 Jamison v. Beaubien, 3 Scammon, 113 xxxvi, 531 Jamison v. Brady, 6 Serg. & R. 4 '/> ix, 460 Jamison v. Fopiana. 43 Missouri, 5G3 xcvii, 414 Jamison v. Hendricks, 2 Blackford, 94 xviii, 131 Jamison v. Jamison, 3 Wharton, 437 xxxi, 538 Jamison v. State, 37 Arkansas, 1 1") 10, 103 Janes v. Horton, 32 Georgia, 245 Ixxix, 300 Janes v. Jenkins, 34 Maryland, 1 0, 300 Janes v. Scott, 59 Penn. St. 178 xcviii, 323 Janney v. Sprigg, 7 Gill, 197 xlviii, 557 Jansen v. McCahill, 22 California, 553 Ixxxiii. 84 Jansen ads. People, 7 Johnson, 332 v, 275 January v. January, 7 T. B. Monroe, 542 xviii. 211 Janvrin v. Exeter, 48 New Hampshire, 83 2, 185 Jaqua v. Montgomery, 33 Indiana, 38 5, 168 Jaques v. M. E. Church, 17 Johnson, 549 viii, 447 Jaquith v. Scott, 63 New Hampshire, 5 56, 478 Jarboe v. Smith, 10 B. Monroe, 257 Iii. 541 97 TABLE OF CASES. Jar Jeh Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Jarechi v. Philharmonic Soc'y. 79 Penn. St. 403. . .81, 78 Jarnigan v. Fleming. 43 Mississippi, 710 5, Jarrard v. Harper, 42 Illinois. 457 xcii, 84 Jarvis v. Brooks, 27 Ncw^Iampshire, 37 lix, 359 Jarvisv. Davis, 14 B. Monroe, 424 1x1, 166 Jarvisv. Hatheway, SJohnson, ISO iii,473 Jarvis v. Robinson, 21 Wisconsin, 530 xciv, 5GO Jarvis v. Wilson, 46 Connecticut, 90 33, 13 Jauchv. Jauch,50 Indiana, 135 19,699 Jauncey v. Thome, 2 Harbour's Ch. 40 xiv, 424 JeflFerson Co. Comm's v. Lineberger, 3 Mont. 231. .35, 462 Jefferson Ins. Co. v. Cotheal, 7 Wendell, 72 Txii, 567 Jeffersonville v. Louisville & T. S. F. Co., 27 In- diana, 100 Ixxxix, 495 Jeffersonville R. R. Co. v. Cotton, 29 Ind. 498.. .xcv, 656 JeffersonvilleR. R. Co. v. Rogers, 23 Ind. 1 xcii, 276 Jeffersouville R. R. Co. v. Rogers, 38 Ind. 116. . ..10, 103 Jeffrey v. Bigelow, 13 Wendell, 518 xxviii, 476 Jeffrey v. Fincklin, 3 Arkansas, 227 xxxvi, 456 Jefivies v. Evans, 6 B. Monroe, 119 xliil, 158 Jeffries ads. Commonwealth, 7 Allen, 548 Ixzxiii, 712 Jefts v. York, 4 Cusbing, 3ZI 1,791 Jellison v. Goodwin, 43 Maine, 287 Ixix, 62 Jemison v. Southwestern R. R., 75 Ga. 444 58, 476 Jeneson v. Garden, 29 Illinois, 199 Ixxxi, 306 Jenkinsv. Atkins, 1 Humphreys, 294 xxxiv, 648 Jenkins v. Bacon, 111 Massachusetts, 373 15, 33 Jenkins v. Charleston, 5 South Carolina, 393 23, 14 Jenkins v. Clement, 1 Harper's Eq. 72 xiv, 698 Jenkins v. Eichelberger, 4 Watts, 121 xxviii, 691 Jenkins v. Frink, 30 California, 586 Ixxxix, 134 Jenkins v. Gillespie, 10 Smedes & M. 31 xlviii, 732 Jenkins v. Jenkins, G3 Indiana, 415 30, 229 Jenkins v. Jenkins' Heirs, 2 Dana, 102 xxvi, 437 Jenkins v. Kelrea, 12 Gray, 330 Ixxiv, 598 Jenkins v. Long, 19 Indiana, 23 Ixxxi, 374 Jenkins v. Lykes. 19 Florida, 143 45, 19 Jenkins v. McCurdy, 48 Wisconsin, 623 33, 841 Jenkins v. McNall. 27 Kansas, 532 41,422 Jenkinsv. Motlow, 1 Sneed, 248 lx, 154 Jenkins v. Putnam, 1 Bay, 8 i, 594 Jenkins v. Richardson, 6 J. J. Marshall, 441 xxii, 82 Jenkins v. Spooner, 5 Cushing, 419 lii, 739 Jenkinsv. State, 53 Georgia, 33 31,253 Jenkins ads. State. 84 North Carolina. 812 37, 643 Jenkins ads. State, 14 Richardson's Law, 215 xciv, 132 Jenkins v. Steanka, 19 Wisconsin, 126 Ixxxviii, 675 .Jenkins v. Temples, 39 Georgia, 655 xcix, 482 Jenkins v. Waldron, 11 Johnson, 114 vi, 359 Jenkins v. Walter, 8 Gill & Johnson, 218 xxix, 539 Jenks v. Fritz, 7 Watts & Serg. 201 xlii, 227 Jennev. Button, 14 Vroom. 257 39,578 Jenness v. Eean, 10 New Hampshire, 266 xxxiv, 132 Jenness v. Jenness, 24 Indiana, 355 Ixxxvii, 335 Jenness v. Wendell, 51 New Hampshire, 63 13, 43 Jennings, ex parte, 6 Cowen, 513 xvi, 447 Jennings v. Camp, 13 Johnson, 94 vii, 673 Jennings v. Carter, 2Wendell, 44(5 xx, 635 Jennings v. Collins, 99 Massachusetts, 29 xcri, 687 Jennings ads. Commonwealth, 121 Mass. 47 23, 249 Jennings v. Crider. 2 Bush, 322 xcii, 487 Jennings v. Flanagan, 5 Dana, 217 xxx, 633 Jennings v. Gage, 13 Illinois, 610 Ivi, 476 Jennings v. Gratz, 3 Rawle, 168 zxiii, 111 Jennings v. Ins. Co. of Penn., 4 Binney, 244 v, 404 Jennings v. Johnson, 17 Ohio, 154 xlix, 451 Jennings v. Lyons, 39 Wisconsin, 553 20, 57 Jennings v. Mcllroy, 42 Arkansas, 236 48, 61 Jennings ads. State, 81 Missouri. 1S5 51, 236 Jennings v. Wubster, 8 Paige, 503 xxxv, 722 A.D. & A. R. 7. Jennisonv. Hapgood, 7Pickering, 1 xix, 258 Jennison v. Stafford, 1 Cushing, 168 xlviii, 594 Jericho ads. State, 40 Vermont, 121 xciv, 387 Jerome v. Bigelow. 66 Illinois, 452 16,597 Jerome v. Ross, 7 Johnson's Ch. 315 xi, 484 Jerome v. Smith, 43 Vermont, 230 21,125 Jersey City v. Riker, 9 Vroom, 225 20, 386 Jersey City Ins. Co. v. Nichol, 35 N. J. Eq. 291. . .40, 625 Jersey City ads. State, 2 Vroom, 575 Ixxxvi, 240 Jesse v. Parker, 6 Grattan, 57 lii, 102 Jessup v. Bridge, 11 Iowa, 572 Ixxix, 513 Jessup v. Carnegie, 80 New York, 441 36,643 Jessup v. Johnston, 3 Jones' Law, 335 Ixvii, 243 Jesup v. City Bank of Racine, 15 Wis. 604 Ixxxil, 703 Jeter v. Penn, 28 Louisiana An. 230 26, 98 Jewell v. Chicago, St P. &M. R. Co., 54 Wis. 610. .41, 63 Jewell v. Lee, 14 Allen, 145 xcii, 744 Jewell v. Mahood, 44 New Hampshire, 474 ... .Ixxxiv. 90 Jewell v. Wright, 30 New York, 259 Ixxxvi, 372 Jewett v. Gage, 55 Maine, 538 xcii, 615 Jewettv. Lincoln, 14 Maine, 116 .....xxxi, 36 Jewett v. Mffler, 10 N. Y. (6 Selden), 402 Ixv, 751 Jewett v. New Haven, 33 Connecticut, 368 9, 382 Jewett v. Palmer, 7 Johnson's Ch. 65 xi, 401 Jewett v. Partridge, 12 Maine, 243 xxvii, ] 73 Jewett v. Stockton, 3 Yerger, 492 xxiv, 594 Jewett v. Warren, 12 Massachusetts, 300 vii, 74 J. G. v. H. G., 33 Maryland, 401 3,183 Jilson v. Gilbert, 26 Wisconsin, 637 1,100 Jilz, Ex parte, 64 Missouri, 205 27, 218 Jocelyn v. Donnel, 1 Peck, 274 xiv, 753 Jochem v. Robinson, 66 Wisconsin, 638 57, 298 Jockers v. Borgman, 29 Kansas, 109 44, 625 Joe v. State, 6 Florida, 591 Ixv, 579 Joeckel v. Easton, 11 Missouri, 118 xlvii, 142 Joest v Williams, 42 Maryland, 565 13,377 Johannesv. Phenixlns. Co., 66 Wisconsin, fO 57,248 John v. City Nat Bank, 62 Alabama, 529 34, 35 John v. Farmers* eta Bank, 2 Blackford, 367 xx, 119 John v. Hunt, 1 Blackford, 324 xii, 245 John ads. State, 8 Iredell's Law, 330 xlix, 396 John ads. State, 5 Jones' Law, 163 box, 777 John Hancock M, L. L Co. v. Patterson. 103 In- diana, 582 53,550 Johns v. Church, 12 Pickering, 557 xxiii, 651 Johns v. Hodges, 60 Maryland, 215 45,723 Johnsv. State, 78 Indiana, "332 41, 577 Johns v. State, 19 Indiana, 421 Ixxxi, 408 Johnson v. Albany etc. R.Co.. 54 N. Y. 416.... 13, 607 Johnson v. Allen, 78 Alabama, 387 56, 34 Johnson v. Armrine, 13 Vroom. 451 36,527 Johnson v. Atlantic & St L R. R., 35 N. H. 569.1xix, 560 Johnson v. Baker. 38 Illinois, 98 Ixxxvii, 293 Johnson v. Baker, 3 Murphey, 318 ix, 605 Johnson v. Ball, 1 Yerger, 290 xxiv, 451 Johnson v. Barber, 5 Oilman, 425 1, 416 Johnson v. Beazley, 65 Missouri, 250 27, 276 Johnson v. Berlizh jimer, 84 Illinois, 54 25, 427 Johnson v. Elasdale, 1 Smedes & M. 17 xl, 85 Johnson v. Bloodgood, 1 Johnson's Cases, 1 i, 93 Johnson v. Boston Tow Boat Co., 135 Mass. 209. .46, 458 Johnson v. Boyer, 3 Watts, 376 xxvii, 363 Johnsonv. Bounethea. 3 Hill (S. C.) 15, lPvi!cy,9..xxx, 347 Johnson v. Brailsford, 2 Nott & McCor.i, 272 x, 601 Johnson v. Brook, 31 Mississippi, 17 Ixri, 547 Johnson v. Brown, 2 Humphreys, 327 xxxvii, 556 Johnson v. Bruner, 61 Penn. State, 53 c, 613 Johnson v. Buck, 35 New Jersey, 338 10, 243 Johnson v. Burden, 40 Vermont, 567 xciv. 436 Johnson v. Byerly, 3 Head, 194 , Ixxv, 764 Joh TABLE OF CASES. 93 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Johnson v. Carnley, 10 N. Y. (6 Selden), 570 Ixi. 762 Johnson v. Catlin, 27 Vermont, 87 Ixii, 622 Johnson v. CaulMns, 1 Johnson's Cases, 116 i, 102 Johnson v. Cawthom, 1 Dev. & Bat Eq. 32 xxvii, 250 Johnson v. Coleman, 23 Wisconsin, 452 xcix. 193 Johnson v. Commercial Bank, 27 "West Va. 3J3. . .55, 315 Johnson v. Concord R. R. Corp., 46 N. H. 213.1xxx7iii, 199 Johnson 7. Cooper, 2 Yerger, 524 xxiv, 502 Johnson v. Corpenning, 4 Iredell's Eq. 216 iliv, 106 Johnson v. Cummins, 16 X. J. Eq. 97 Ixxxi7, 142 Johnson v. Gushing, 15 New Hampshire, 238 xli, 694 Johnson v. Cuttle, 105 Massachusetts, 447 7, 515 Johnson 7. Dalton, 1 Cowen, 543 xiii, 564 Johnson v. Daverne, 19 Johnson, 134 x, 198 Johnson v. Duncan. 3 Martin, 530 vi, 675 Johnson v. Ellison, 4 T. B. Monroe, 526 xri, 163 Johnson v. Evans, 8 GUI, 155 1, 669 Johnson v. Fall, 6California, 359 Irv, 513 Johnson T. Farwell, 7 Greenleaf, 370 xxii, 203 Johnson v. Fletcher, 54 Mississippi, 628. 28, 388 Johnson v. Friar, 4 Yerger, 48 mi. 215 Johnson T. Frisbie, 29 Maryland, 76 xcvi, 508 Johnson 7. Gorham, 6 California, 195 Irv, 501 Johnson v. Haines, 2 Ohio, 55 X7, 533 Johnson T. Halloway, 42 Penn. State, 446....1xxxxii. 526 Johnson v. Hanson, 6 Alabama, 351 xli, 54 Johnson v. Harris, SBlackford, 387 xxvi, 424 Johnson v. Hart, 6 Watts & Serg. 319 xl, 565 Johnson v. Harvey, 84 New York, 363 38, 515 Johnson v. Hcdrick, 33 Indiana, 129 5,101 Johnson 7. Hersey, 70 Maine, 74 35,303 Johnson T. Holifleld, 79 Alabama, 423 58, 596 Johnson v. Howard, 41 Vermont. 122 xcriii, 563 Johnson v. Hubbell. 2 Stockton's Ch. 332 Ixvi, 773 Johnson 7. Hudson River R. R. Co., 20 ST. Y. G5..1xxv, 375 Johnson 7. Hillings, 103 Pennsylvania St. 498. 49, 131 Johnsou 7. Humbbldt Ins. Co., 91 Illinois, 92 33, 47 Johnson 7. Irasburgh, 47 Vermont, 28 19, 111 Johnson 7. Ivey. 4 Cold. 608 xciv, 206 Johnson v. Jackson, 56 Georgia, 326 21, 2S5 Johnson 7. Jackson, 27 Mississippi, 498 Izi, 522 Johnson 7. Jennings' Adm'r, 10 Grat. 1 Ix, 323 Johnson 7. Johnson, 7 Allen, 196 Ixxxiii, C76 Johnson v. Johnson, 11 California, 200 Ixx, 774 Johnson v. Johnson, 2 Hill Ch. 277 xxix, 72 Johnsou 7. Johnson, 106 Indiana, 475 55, 762 Johnson 7. Johnson, 114 Illinois, 611 55, 833 Johnson 7. Johnson, 30 Missouri, 72 Ixxvii, 598 Johnson v. Jones, 44 Illinois. 142 xcii, 159 Johnson 7. Jordan, 2 Metcalf, 234. xxxvii, 85 Johnson v. Kimbro, 3 Head, 557 Ixxv, 781 Johnson v. Lewis, 13 Connecticut, 303 xxxiii, 405 Johnson v. Lightscy, 34 Alabama, 169 Ixxiii, 450 Johnson v. lines, 6 Watts & Serg. 80 xl, 542 Johnson v. Lowry, 47 Georgia, 560 15, 655 Johnsou 7. Lusk, 6 Cold. 113 xcviii, 445 Johnson 7. Martin, 11 Louisiana An. 27 Lxvi, 193 Johnson 7. Martinus, 4 Halsted, 144 xvii, 464 Johnson v. McGrew, 11 Iowa, 151 Ixxvii, 137 Johnson 7. McLane, 7 Blackford, ....501 xliii, 102 Johnson 7. Meeker. 96 New York. 93 48,609 Johnson 7. Mehafley. 43 Penn. State. 308 Ixxxii, 563 Johnson 7. Miller, 47 Indiana, 376 17, 6D9 Johnson 7. Miller, 63 Iowa. 529 50,758 Johnson 7. Miller, 69 Iowa. 562 58,231 Johnson 7. Mitchell, 50 Texas, 212 33, 602 Johnson 7. Moor, 2 Root, 252 i, 63 Johnson 7. Morris, 2 Halsted, 6 xi, 508 Johnson 7. Nat. Bank. 74 Now York, 329 30, 302 Johnson 7. Noble, 13 New Hampshire, 2SG....xxxviii, 435 Johnson 7. Nyce, 17"Ohio. 66 xlix, 444 Johnson 7. N. Y. Cen. Trans. Co., 33 New York, 610 IxxxTiii. 416 Johnson v. Parkersburg, 16 West Virginia, 402. . .27, 779 Johnson 7. Patterson, 14 Connecticut, 1 xsi7, 96 Johnson 7. Patterson, 2 Hawks, 183 xi, 756 Johnson 7. Pelot, 24 South Carolina, 251 58, 253 Johnson 7. Pensacola and P. R. Co., 16 Fla. 623. .26, 731 Johnson 7. People, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 178 xix Johnson ads. People, 100 Illinois, 537 39, 63 Johnson ads. People, 38 New York, 67 xcvii. 770 Johnson v. Perley, 2New Hampshire, 56 ix, 35 Johnson 7. Perry, 56 Vermont, 703 48, 826 Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson. Johnson Johnson Johnson . Phoenix Ins. Co.. 112 Mass. 49 17, 65 . Pinney, 1 Paige's Ch. 646 xix, 459 . Planters' B'k, 4 Smedes & M. 165 xliii, 480 . ProTincial las. Co., 12 Mich. 216..1xxxvi, 49 . Ramsey. 14 Vroom, 279 39,580 . Reed, 9 Massachusetts, 73 iv, 36 . Reese, 23 Georjia, 353 Isxiii, 7J7 . Richardson, IT Illinois, 302 Ixiii, 369 Johnsons Sharp, 31 Ohio St. 611 27,529 Johnson 7. Sherman, 15 Calif ornia, 287 Ixxvi, 481 Johnson 7. SkUlman, 29 Minnesota. 95 43, 192 Johnson 7. Smith, 3 Penrose & Watts, 4% xxi7, 339 Johnson . State, 29 Arkansas, 31 21, 154 Johnson . State, 29 Alabama, C2 Ixv, 383 Johnson . State, 2 Humphreys, 283 xxxvi, 322 Johnson . State,3Lea. 469 31,648 Johnson . State. 19 Tex. Ct App. 453 53,333 Johnson . State, 20 Tex. Ct App. 603 54, 535 Johnson ads. State, 12 Alabama, 810 ilri, 233 Johnson ads. State, 8 Iowa, 525 Ixxiv, 321 Johnson ads. State, 26 Iowa. 407 xcvi, 153 Johnson ads. State, 1 Iredell s Law, 354. xxxv, 742 Johnson ads. State, 2 Jones' Law, 2i~ Ui v, 532 Johnson ads. State, 12 Minnesota, 47o sciii, 211 Johnson ads. State, 75 North Carolina. 123 22, 666 Johnson ads. State, Phillips' Law, 18G xciii, 537 Johnson ads. State, 1 Wiast. L. 233 Ixxxvi, 434 Johnson 7. Steamboat Lehigh, 13 Missouri, 533. . . .liii, 163 Johnson v. Stone, 40 New Hampshire. 197 Ixxvii, 706 Johnson 7. St. Louis D. Co.. C5 Missouri, 539 27, 293 Johnson 7. Thompson, 72 Indiana, 167 37, 152 JohnsonT. Tool, 1 Dana, 473 XX7, 163 Johnson 7. Totten & Kellogg, 3 California, 343. . .Iviii, 412 Johnson 7. Toulmin, IS Alabama, bO Hi, 213 Johnson 7. Weed, 9 Johnson, 310 7i, 279 Johnson 7. Wells, Fargo & Co., 6 Nevada, 224 3, 245 Johnson 7. Whitefield, 18 Maine, 28G xxxvi, 721 Johnson 7. Wilkinson, 139 Massachusetts, 3. 52, C98 Johnson 7. Williams. 3 G. Greene, ?7 Ii7, 491 Johnson 7. Winona R. R. Co.. 11 Minn. 296. . .Ixxxviii, 83 Johnson 7. Yancey, 23 Georgia, 707 Ixv, G46 Johnson Harvester Co. v McLean, 57 Wis. 253. ...4G, 33 Johnsons?. Muzzy, 45 Vermont, 419 12, 214 Johnson's 7. Wiseman's Exr., 4 Met. (Ky.)357.1xxxi!i. 475 Johnston 7. Charleston, 3 South Carolina, 232. ... 1C, 721 Johnston 7. Cleveland & T. R. R., 7 Ohio St. 336. Ixx, 75 Johnston v. Commonwealth, 85 Penn. St. 54 27, 622 Johnston 7. Cope, 3 Harris & J. 89 7, 423 Johnston 7. Crawloy, 25 Georgia, 316 Ixxi, 173 Johnston 7. Duncan, 3 Littell, 163 xiv, 54 Johnston 7. Fessler, 7 Watts, 43 xxxii, 733 Johnston 7. Glancey, 4 Blackford, 94 xxviii, 45 Johnston 7. Governor, 2Bibb, 136 iv, 694 Johnston v. Gray, 16 Serg. & R.351 xvi, 577 Johnston v. Gwathmey, 4 Littell, 317 xiv, 135 Johnston v. Go7ernor, 2 Bibb, 135 iv. 694 Johnston 7. Har7y, 2 Penrose & W. 82 zzl, 428 TABLE OP CASES. Job Jon Roman letters [xlix] refer to -volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Johnston v. Hunly, Taylor (N. C.),305 , i, 590 Johnston v. KimbaU T.. 36 Michigan. 187 33, 372 Johnston v. Lewis, 1 Rice's Eq. 40. xxxiii, 74 Johnston T. Mitchell, 1 A. K. Marshall, 225 x, 727 Johnston T. Quarles, 3 Louisiana 90 xxi? 163 Johnston v. Speer, 92 Penn. St. 227 37 675 Johnston v. Wallace, 53 Mississippi. 331 34, 699 Johnston v. "Wilson, 2 New Hampshire, 202 ix, 50 Johnstown Cheese Mfg. Co. v. Yeghte, 69 New York. 16 25,123 Johnstown L Co. v. Cambria I. Co., 32 Pa. St. 241.1xxii, 7S3 Joicev. Taylor, 6Gill& J. 54 xxv, 325 Joint School District ads. State, 65 Wia. 631 56, 653 Jolietv. Harwood. 8S Elinois, 110 29, 17 Joliet v. Seward, 85 Illinois, 402 2;), 35 Joliet L Co. v. Scioto F. B. Co. . 82 111. 584 25, 341 Joliet v. Verley, 35 Illinois, 58 Ixxxv, 342 v. Hite.l Call, 301 i, 519 JoliSfs T. Malison Mutual Ins. Co., 39 Wis. 111. . .20, 35 Jolly v. Baltimore E. Society, 1 Harris & G. 295.xviii, 283 Jolly ads. State, 3 Dev. & Bat. Law, 110 xxxii, 656 Jonekin v. Holland, 7 Georgia, 589 1, 414 Jones, In re, 133 New York, 621 57, 775 Jones' Appeal, 8 Watts & Serg. 143 xlii, 232 Jonesy. Bacon. 63 Maine, 34 28, 1 Jones v. Bangs, 40 Ohio State. 139 48, 664 Jones v. Bank of Tennessee, 8 B. Monroe, 122. . . .xlvi, 540 Jones v. Berkshire, 15 Iowa, 24S Ixxxiii. 412 Jones v. ElackliJge. 9 Kansas, 532 12, 503 Jones v. Blanton, 6 Ire Jell's Eq. 115 li, 415 Jones T. Board of Registrar;, 53 Mississippi, 765. .31, 385 Jones v. Boston. 1C4 Massachusetts, 75 6. 194 Jones v. Boston Mill Corp., 4 Pickering, 507 xvi, 358 Jones v. Bragj, 33 Missouri, 337 ITTTJV, 49 Jones v. Brown, 54 Iowa, 74 37, 185 Jones T. Burnham. 67 Maine, 93 21, 10 Jones T. Burr, 5 Strobhart's Law, 147 liii, 699 Jones v. Call, 96 North Carolina, 337 60, 416 Jones T. Casirell, 3 Johnson's Cases, 23 ii, 134 JonesV Com'IB'kof Columbus, 5 Howard, 43.xxxv, 419 Jones v. Commonwealth, 1 Bush, 34 Ixxxix, 605 Jones v. Cooper, 2 Aikins, 54 xvi, 678 Jones v. Costigan, 12 "Wisconsin, 677 Ixxviii, 771 Jones T. Council Bluffs Branch of the State Bank of Iowa. 34 HI. 313 Ixxxv, 306 Jones v. Crittenden, 1 Car. Law Repos. 335 vi, 531 Jonesv. Darnall, 103 Indiana, 553 53,545 Jones v. Detroit Chair Co., 38 Mich. 92 31, 314 Jones v. Dexter, 130 Massachusetts, 380 39, 459 Jones v. Dorr, 19 Indiana, 334 Ixxxi, 406 Jonesv. Earl, 37 Calif oraia, 633 .....xcix.333 Jones v. Everman, 15 B. Monroe, 631 Ixiii, 521 Jones v. Finch, 37 Mississippi. 461 Ixxv, 73 Jonesv. Florence M Co., 66 Wisconsin, L'6S 57, -63 Jones v. Freidenburg, 63 Georgia, 533 42, 86 Jpnes v. Fuller, 19 South Carolina, 66 45,761 Jones v. George, 56 Texas, 149 42, G39 Jones v. George, 61 Texas, 345 48, 230 Jones T. Gibson, N. C. Term Rep. 41 vii, 690 Jones v. Goodwin, 39 California, 493 2, 473 Jones v. Granite Mills, 123 Massachusetts, 84 30, 661 Jonesv. Greaves, 26OhioSt.2 20, 732 Jonesv. Harflesty, 13 Gill & J. 404 xxxii, ISO Jones T. Hays, 3 Iredell's Eq. 502 x!iv, 73 Jonesv. Henry, 84 North Carolina, 3"JO 37, 624 Jones v. Holiiday, 11 Texas, 412 Ixii, 437 Jones v. Hook, 2 Randolph, 303 xir, 783 Jonesv. Horsey, 4 Maryland, 3)6 lix, 81 Jonesv. Howland, 8 Metcalf, 377 xli, 525 Joaes v. Huggins, 1 Devereux"s L. 223 xvii, 567 Jonesv. Hughes, SSerg. &R. 298 ix, 364 Jonesv. Inh. of Waltham, 4 Gushing. 299 1, 783 Jones v. Janney, 8 Watts & Serg. 436 xlii, 309 Jones v. Johnson, 3 Watts & Serg. 276 xr^: Jones T. Jones, 1 Eland's Ch. 443 xv: ;i, 317 Jones v. Jones, 6 Connecticut, 111 XT!, 35 Jonesv. Jones, 18 Maine, 303 xxxvi 723 Jonesv. Jones, 36 Maryland, 447 11, 505 Jonesv. Jones, 48 Maryland, 391 30, 466 Jonesv. Jones, 18 N. J. Eq. 33 xc, 607 Jonesv. Jones, 2Overton, 2 v, 645 Jones v. Jones, 12 Penn. State, 350 li, 611 Jones v. Jones, 66 Wisconsin, 310 57, 266 Jones v. Jones's Heirs, 15 Texas, 463 Ixv, 174 Jones v. Judkins, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 454 xxxiv, 393 Jonesv. Keith. 37 Texas 399 14.333 Jones v. Knox, 46 Alabama, 53 7, 583 Jones v. Leonard. 50 Iowa, 106 32, 116 Jones v. Lewis, 8 Iredell's Law, 70 xlvii, 333 Jones v. Loving, 55 Mississippi, 109 30, 503 Jones v. McGuirk. 51 Illinois, 382 xcix, 556 Jonesv. McKee, SPenn. State, 496 xlv, 661 Jonesv. McNarrin, 63 Maine, 334 28, 65 Jonesv. Mason, 5 Randolph, 577 xri, 761 Jones v. Matthews, 8Lea, 81 41,633 Jones v. Mechanics' Bank, 29 Maryland, 2S7 xcvi, 533 Jones T. Mechanics' F. L Co., 35 New Jersey, 29. .13, 405 Jones v. Morgan. 39 Georgia, 310 xcix, 458 Jones v. Morgan, 90 New York, 4 43, 131 Jones v. Moore, 5 Binney, 573 vi, 423 Jones v. Moseley, 40 Mississippi, 261 xc, 327 Jones v Nellis, 41 Illinois. 4S? Ixxxix, 339 Jones v. Newhall, 115 Massachusetts, 244 15, 97 Jones v. Nichols, 46 Arkansas, 207 55, 575 Jones v. Pacific W. L. & E. Co., 13 Nevada, 359. ..:: Jones v. People. 6 Colorado, 452 ' Jones v. Percival, 5 Pickering, 485 xvi, 415 Jones v. Perkins, 23 Mississippi, 139 Ixiv, 136 Jones v. Perry, 10 Yerger, 59 xxx, 439 Jonesv. Peterman, SSerg. & R 543 ^ Jones v. Pitcher, 3 Stewart & P. 135 xsiv, 716 Jones v. Planters' Bank. 5 Humphreys, 619 xlii, 471 Jones T. Plater, 2 Gill, 125 xli, 403 Jones v. Reid, 12 "West Virginia, 350 29, 455 Jones T. Rice, 18 Pickering, 440 xxix, 612 Jones v. Richmond, 13 Gratt. 517 xcviii, 695 Jonesv. Robbins, 29 Maine, 351 1, 593 Jonesv. Roberts, 6 Call, 187 iii, 576 Jones T. Robertson, 116 Illinois, 543 56, 786 Jones v. Robinson, 11 Arkansas, 504 1: v, 212 Jonesv. Scanland, 6 Humphreys, 195 xliv, 300 Jonesv. Sevier, 1 Littell, 50 xii:, 213 Jonesv. Shorter, 1 Georgia, 294 xliv, 649 Jonesv. Sims, 9 Porter, 236 xxxiii, 313 Jones v. Sinclair, 2 New Hampshire, 319. ix, 75 Jonesv. State, 7 Missouri, 81 xxxvii, 180 Jonesv. State, 30 Mississippi, 653 Ixiv, 175 Jonesv. State, 13Texas,16S Ix'i, 530 Jonesv. State, 51 Wisconsin, 718 24,653 Jones ads. State, 50 New Hampshire, 369 9, 242 Jones ads. State, S3 North Carolina, 605 35, 586 Jones ads. State. P3 North Carolina, 588 50, 232 Jones ads. State, 4 Halsted, 357 xrii, 483 Jones ads. State, 1 McMullan's Law, 236 xxxvi, 257 Jones ads. State ex rel. Leal, 19 Indiana, 356. . .Ixxsi, 403 Jones . Steamship Cortes, 17 California, 487...1xxix, 142 Jones . Syer, 32 Maryland, 211 30,366 Jones . Taylor, 7 Texas, 240 Ivi, 43 Jones . Tevis, 4 Littell, 25 xiv, 93 Jones .Thayer, 12Gray, 443 Ixxiv, 602 Jon Kea TABLE OF CASES 100 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Jones v. Tincher, 15 Indiana, 303 Ixxvii, 92 Jones T. Towne. 58 New Hampshire, 462 42, 602 Jones v. Townsend, 21 Florida, 431 58,676 Jones v. Wagner, 66 Pennsylvania St. 429 5, 333 Jones v. Walker, 13 B. Monroe, 163 Ivi, 557 Jcnes v, Waltham, 4 Cushing, 299 1,783 Jones v. Ward, 3 Jones' Law, 21 Ixiv, 590 Jones v. Weathersbee, 4 Strobhart's Law, 50 11, 653 Jones v. Westcott, 2 Brevard, 166 ili, 704 Jones v. Western V. R. R, 27 Vt 399 Ixv, 206 Jones v. Wight, 4 Scammon, 333 xxxix, 417 Jones v. Witherspoon, 7 Jones' Law, 555 Ixxviii, 233 Jones v. Young, 1 Dev. & B. Law, 332 xxviii, 569 Jones v. Zollicoffer, N. C. Term Rep. 212.... vii, 708 Jones v. Zollicoffer, 2 Hawks, 623 xi. 795 Jones & Mackay v. Martin, 26 Texas, 57 Ixxx, 641 Jones Mfg. Co. v. M. Mut. F. I. Co., 8 Cushing, 82.1iv, 742 Jones S. & P. C. v. Case, 26 Kansas, 99 40, 310 Jonesboro etc. Turnpike Co. v. Brown, 8 Bax- ter. 490 35,713 Jopling v. Dooley, 1 Terger, 239, xxiv, 450 Jordan v. Alabama G. S. R. R. Co.. 74 Ala. 85. .. .49, 800 Jordan v. Bradshaw, 17 Arkansas, 106 Ixv, 419 Jordan v. Corey, 2 Indiana, 335 lii, 516 Jordan v. Dobbins, 122 Massachusetts, 168 23, 303 Jordin v. Dyer, 34 Vermont, 104 Ixxx, 6C8 Jordan v. Fall River R. R. Co., 5 Cushing, 69 Ii, 44 Jordan v. Hanson, 49 New Hampshire, 199 6, 508 Jordan v. Hovey, 72 Missouri, 574 37, 447 Jordan v. Jordan, 4 Greenleaf , 175 xvi, 249 Jordan v. Jordan, 10 Lea, 124 43, 294 Jordan v. Meredith, 3 Yeates, 318 ii, 373 Jordan v. National S. & L. Bank, 74 N. Y. 467. .. .39, 319 Jordan v. Osgood, 109 Massachusetts, 457 12, 731 Jordan ads. People. 66 California, 10 56, 73 Jordan v. Phelps, SCushing. 515 1, 747 Jordan v. Porterfield, 19 Georgia, 133 Ixiii, 301 Jordan v. Sharlock. 84 Pennsylvania St. 363 24, 198 Jordan v. Stevens, 51 Maine, 78 Ixxxi, 556 Jordan v. Thomas, 34 Mississippi, 72 Ixix. 337 Jordan v. Thornton, 2 English, 224 xliv, 516 Jordan v. Wyatt, 4 Grattan, 151 xlvii, 720 Jordtv. State, 31 Texas. 571, xcviii, 550 Joseph v. Eidwell. 23 La. An. 332 20,102 Joseph v. Randolph. 71 Alabama, 499 46, 347 Joslin v. Grand Rapids Ice Co.. 50 Michigan. 510.45, 5t Jouettv.Wagnon, 2Bibb, 269 v, 602 Jourdan v. Jourdan, 9 Serg. &R. 263 xi, 724 Journey v. Hunt, Coxe, 235 :...i, -02 Joy v. Hull, 4 Vermont, 455 xxiv, 625 Joyce v. Duplessis, 15 Louisiana An. 242 Ixxvii, 185 Joyce v. Maine Insurance Co., 45 Maine, 168 Ixxi, 536 Joyce v. McAvoy, 31 California, 273 Ixxxix. 172 Joyner r. Joyner, 6 Jones Eq. 322 Ixxxii. 421 Judah v. Dyott. 3 Elackf ord, 324 xxv, 112 Judd ads. Commonwealth, 2 Massachusetts, 323. . .iii, 54 Judge v. Braswell, 13 Bush, 69 26, 185 Judge ads. Fiskc, 2 Speers' Law, 433 xlii, 333 Judge v. Hibbard. 44 Vermont, 597 8, 396 Judge ads People, 27 Michigan. 406 15,195 Judge ads. People, 21 Michigan, 577 4,504 Jndgev. State, 58 Alabama, 406 29,757 Judge ads. State, 23 La. An. 29 8,583 Judge ads. State, 28 La. An. 905 26,115 Judge ads. State, 33 La. An. 13 58,153 Judge of Probate v. Claggett, 36 N. H. 381 Ixxii. 314 Judkins v. Walker, 17 Maine, 33. xxxv, 229 Judson v. Eslava, Minor, 71 xii, 32 Judson v. Rossie Galena Co., 9 Paige. 508 xxxviu, 569 Judson v. Thacher, G5 New York, 523 14,312 Judson v. Wass, 11 Johnson, 525 vi, 392 Judson v. Western R. R. Corp'n, 4 Allen, 520. . .Ixxxi, 718 Judson v. Western R. R. Corp'n, 6 Allen, 4S6. .Ixxxiu, 646 Judy v. Gilbert;, 77 Indiana, 96 40,289 Judy v. KeUey, 11 Illinois, 211 1,455 Julian v. Bell, 26 Indiana. 220 Ixxxix, 460 Julia B'ld'g Asso. T. Bell TeL Co., 88 Mo. 258.. ..57, 393 Jumelv. Marine ns. Co., 7 Johnson, 412 v, 283 Jump v. Batton's Creditors, 35 Missouri, 193 . .Ixxxvi, 148 Junction R. R. Co. v. Harris, 9 Indiana, 184....1xviii, 618 Jung v. Second Ward Sav. Bank, 55 Wis. 364 42, 719 Juniata Bank v. Hale, 16 Serg. & R. 157 xvi, 558 Justice v. Lang, 42 New York, 493 1,576 Justices etc. v. Henderson, 90 New York, 13 43, 135 Justus ads. State, 11 Oregon, 173 5O, 470 Juzan v. Toulmin, 9 Alabama, 662 xliv. 448 K v. H .20 Wisconsin, 239 xci. 397 Kadishv. Young. 103 Illinois, 170. 43,548 Kaiser v. Lawrence Sav. Bank, 56 Iowa, 104 41, 85 Kalbfleisch v. Long Island R. Q. Co., 102 New York, 520 55,832 Kalis v. Shattuck. 69 Calif ornia, 593 58,568 Kalienbach v. Dickinson. 100 Illinois, 427 39, 47 Kanaga v. Taylor, 7 Ohio State, 134 .Ixx, 62 Kane v. Bloodgood, 7 Johns. Ch. 90 xi, 417 Kaner. Clough, 35 Michigan, 436 24,599 Kane v. Commonwealth, 89 Penn. St. 522 33,787 Kane ads. Commonwealth, 103 Mass. 423 11,373 Kanev. Gott, 24 Wendell, 641 xxsv, 641 Kanev. HiberniaM.L Co.. 33 N. J. 441 20,409 Kanev. HiberniaM.L Co.. 10 Vroom. 697 23,239 Kansas Cent. R. Co. v. Allen, 22 Kansas, 2S5 31, 190 Kansas Cent. Ry. Co. v. Fitzsimmons, 22 Kan- sas. 686 31,203 Kansas City F. S. & G. R. R. Co. v. Kelly, 36 Kansas, 635 59, 596 Kansas City F. S. & G. R. R. Co. v. Morrison, 34 Kansas, 502 55,252 Kansas City, St. J. and C. B. R. R. Co v. Simp- son, 30 Kansas. 615 46, 104 Kansas Const. Co. v. Topeka, S. and W. R R. Co., 135 Massachusetts, 34 46,439 Kansas Manuf. Co. v. Gandy, 11 Neb. 448 38,370 Kansas Pac. R'; Co. v. Nichols, 9 Kansas, 235. ... 12, 494 Kansas Pac. R'y Co. v. Peavey, 29 Kansas, 169. .. .44, 630 Kansas Pro. Un. v. Whitt. 36 Kansas, 760 59, 607 Kantrowitz v. Prather, 31 Indiana. 92 xcix. 587 Karow v. Continental Tna Co. of New York. 57 Wisconsin, 56 46, 17 Kasev.Best, 15 Penn. State, 101 liii, 573 Kasev. John, 10 Watts, 107 xxxvi, 148 Kaster v. Pierson, 27 Iowa, 90 1,251 Kaucherv. Blinn, 29 Ohio St. 62 23,727 Kaufman v. Crawford, 9Watts&S.131 xlii, 323 Kaufman v. Dickensheets, 30 Indiana, 258 xcv, G04 Kaufman v. Smallwood, 36 Illinois, 504 Ixxxvii, 230 Kaufman ads. State, 51 Iowa. 576 33,143 Kauffeltv. Bower, 7 Serg. &R. 64 x, 428 Kauffman v. Griesemer, 26 Penn. State, 407 Ixvii, 437 Kauffman v. Robey, 60 Texas, 303 48, 264 Kanghley v. Brewer, 16 Serg. & Ii. 133. . .t xvi, 554 Kausal v. Minnesota F. M. F. Ins. Ass'n, 31 Minnesota, 17 .* J7, 776 Kavanaugh v. Day, 10 Rhode Island, 393 14, 691 Kay v. Connor, 8 Humphreys, 624 xlix, 690 Kay v. Penn. R. R. Co.,63renn. St. 269 3, 628 Kay v. Scate.?, 37 Penn. State, 31 Ixxri ii, 399 Kayserv. Hall, 83 Illinois, 511 2S, 021 Kealing v. Vansickle, 74 Indiana, 529 39, 101 Kean v. Commonwealth, 10 Bush, 190 19, 63 101 TABLE OF CASES. Kea Ken Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Kean v Connelly, 25 Minnesota, 222 33, 458 Kean v. Davis, 1 Zabriskie, GS3 xlvii, 132 Keanv. Hoffecker, 2 Harrington, 103 .Mix, 335 Kean v. .Newell, 1 Missouri, 754 .....xiv, 321 Kean ads. State, 10 New Hampshire, 347. xxxiv, 362 Keane v. Cannovan, 21 California. 291 Ixxxii, 738 Kearley v. Duncan, 1 Head, 397 Ixxiii, 179 Kearney v. Farrell, 23 Connecticut, 317 Ixxiii, 677 Kearney v. Smith, 3 Yerger. 127 xxiv, 550 Kearney v. Tanner, 17 Serg. & R. 94 xvii, 643 Keasy Y. City of Louisville, 4 Dana, 154 xxix, 335 Keating v. Cincinnati. 33 Ohio St. 141 43, 421 Keating v. Price, Uohnson's Cases, 22. i, 92 Keating v. Spink, 3 Ohio State, 105. Ixii, 214 Keaton v. Banks, 10 Iredell's Law, 381 li, 333 Keaton v. Cobb, 1 Devereux Eq. 439 xviii, 595 Keatonv. Scott, 25 Georgia, 652 Ixxi, 196 Keaton v. Thomasson's Lessee, 2 Swan, 138. Mil, 55 Keats v.Hugo, 115 Mass, 204 15, 80 Keddie v. Moore, 2 Murphey, 41 v, 518 Keev. Yasser, 2 Iredell's Eq. 553... xl, 442 Keffer v. Grayson. 76 Virginia, 517 44, 171 Keeganv. Western R. R., 8N. Y. 175 lix, 476 Keeler v. Fassett, 21 Vermont, 539 lii, 71 Keeler v. Niagara Fire Ins. Co., 16 Wis. 523. . .Ixxxiv, 714 Keeler ads. People, 99 New York, 463 52, 49 Keeler v. Taylor, 53 Penn. St. 467 xci, 221 Keeley v. Boston & M. R. R. Co., 67 Maine, 163. .24, 19 Keen v. Coleman, 39 Penn. State, 239 Ixxx, 524 Keen v. Hartman and Wife, 43 Penn. St. 497..1xxxvi, 606 Keen v. Hartman and "Wife. 48 Penn. St. 497.1xxxviii, 472 Keen v. James, 36 N. J. Eq. (12 Stew.) 527 51, 29 Keenan v. Commonwealth. 44 Penn. St. 55. . . .Ixxxiv, 414 Keenan v. Southworth, 110 Mass. 474 14,613 Keeney v. Home Ins. Co.. 71 New York, 396 27, 60 Keene v. Kimball, 16Gray, 545 Ixxvii, 426 Keenev. Lizardi, 5 Louisiana, 431 xxv, 197 Keene v. Lizardi, 6 Louisiana, 315 xxvi, 473 Keener v. Harrod, 2 Maryland, 63 Ivi, 706 Keener v. State, 18 Georgia, 194. , Ixiii, 269 Keep v. Sanderson, 2 Wisconsin, 42 Ix, 404 Keeter v. Smith, 32 Georgia, 445 Ixxix, 303 Keeton v. Audsley, 19 Missouri, 362 Ixi, 560 Keffe v. Milwaukee & St. P. R. R. Co., 21 Min- ne?ota, 207 18,393 Kegler v. Miles, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 425 rrii, 819 Keighlerv. Savage Mfg. Co., 12 Maryland, 333... Ixxi, 600 Kehrv. Snyder, 114 Illinois, 313 35, SoG Keil v. Healey. 84 Illinois, 104 23, 434 Keim v. Home M. F. & M. Ins. Co., 42 Mo. 33.. . .xcvii. 291 Keiser v. Lovett, 85 Indiana, 2 JO 44, 10 Keiser v. Smith, 71 Alabama, 481 46, 342 Keith v. Globe Ins. Co., 52 Illinois, 518 4,634 Keith v. Goodwin, 31 Vermont, 233 Ixxiii, 345 Keith v. Granite Mills, 126 Mass. 90 30, 666 Keith v. Johnson, 1 Dana, 604 xxv, 167 Keith v. Miles, 39 Mississippi, 442 Ixrvii, 685 Keith v. Pinkham, 43 Maine, 501 Ixix, 80 Keith v. Wilson, 6 Missouri, 435 xxxv, 443 Keiwert v Meyer, 62 Indiana, 587 30, 206 Keleher v. Putnam, 60 New Hampshire, 30 49, 304 Kellenbeck v. State, 10 Maryland, 431 Ixix 166 Kellers Appeal, 8 Penn. State, 283 xlix, 516 Keller v. Auble, 58 Penn. St. 410 xcviii. 297 Keller v. Corpus Christi. 50 Texas. 614 32, C13 Keller v. Hicks, 22 California, 457 Ixxxiii, 73 Keller v. Holdennan, 11 Michigan, 248 Ixxxiii, 737 Keller v. Johnson, 11 Indiana, 337 Ixxi, 335 Keller v. Rhoads, 39 Penn. State, 513 Ixxx, 533 Keller v. State, 11 Maryland, 525 Ixix, 223 Kellerv. State, 12 Maryland, 322 tud, 598 Keller v. Webb, 125 Massachusetts, 83 28,209 Kelley v. Bowker, 11 Gray, 423 Ixxi, 725 Kelley v. Caplice, 23 Kansas, 474 33,179 Kelley v. Hemmingway, 13 Illinois, 604 Ivi, 474 Kelley v. Jeaness, 50 Maine, 455 Ixxix, 623 Kelley v. Madison, 43 Wisconsin, 633 28,576 Kelley v. Mtrason, 7 Massachusetts, 319 v, 47 Kelley v. People. 55 New York, 565 14,343 KeUey v. Silver Spring Co., 12 R. I. 113.. 34, 615 Kelley v. Smith, 27 Maine, 237 xM, 5?5 Kelley v. Vigas, 112 Illinois, 242 54,233 Kelley v. Whitney. 45 Wisconsin. 110 30, 637 Kellogg v. Adams. 51 Wisconsin. 133 37, SIS, Kellogg v. Chicago & N. W. R. R. Co., 26 Wis- consin, 223 7, 69 KeUogg v,. Churchill, 2 New Hampshire, 412 ix, 1C4 Kellogg v. Curtis. 69 Maine. 212 31,273 Kellogg v. Fancher, 23 Wisconsin, 21 xcix, 96 KeUogg v. Gilbert, 10 Johnson, 220 vi, 335 Kellogg v. Krauser, 14 Serg. & R. 137 rvi, 430 Kellogg v. Larkin, 3 Pinney, 123, 3 Chand. 133 Ivi, 164 Kellogg v. Lavender, 15 Nebraska, 256 48, 339 Kellogg v. Lovely, 46 Michigan, 131 41, 151 Kellogg v. Malin. 50 Missouri. 496 11,426 KeUogg v. Page, 44 Vermont, 356 8,383 CeUogg v. Robinson, 6 Vermont, 276 xxvii, 550 KeUogg v. Sweeney, 46 New York, 291 17, 333 KeUogg v. Turpie, 93 Illinois. 265 34,163 KeUowv. Central Iowa R'y Co., 63 Iowa, 470 56,853 Kelly v. Abbott, 63 Wisconsin. 307 53,292 Kelly v. Altemus. 34 Arkansas, 184 36, 6 Kelly v. Austin. 46 Illinois, 156 xcii, 243 Kelly v. Bemis, 4Gray, 83 Ixiv, 50 KeUy v. Benedict, 5 Robinson (La.) 138. xxxix, 530 Kelly v. Bradford, 3 Bibb, 317 ...vi, 656 KeUy v. Crapo, 45 New York, 86 6, 35 Kelly v. Davis. 49 New Hampshire, 176 6, 499 Kelly v.Drew. 12 Alien, 107 xc, 133 Kelly v. Evans, 3 Penrose & Watts, 387 xxiv, 325 Kelly v. GiUespie, 12 Iowa, 55 Ixxix, 516 KeUy v. Oilman, 29 New Hampshire, 385 Ixi, 648 Kelly v. Harrison, 2 Johnson's Cases, 29. i, 154 Kelly v. Johnson, 123 Massachusetts, 530. 35, 398 KeUyv. KeUy, 9 Alabama, 908 xh'v, 469 KeUyv. Kelly. 13 Nevada, 49 51,733 KeUy v. KeUy, 6 Randolph, 176 xviii, 710 KeUy v. McGrath, 70 Alabama, 75 45, 75 KeUyv. Neely, 12 Arkansas, 657 Ivi, 288 KeUyv. Paris, 10 Vermont, 261 xxxiii, 199 KeUyv. People, 115 Illinois, 533 56,181 KeUy v. Pittsburgh, 85 Pennsylvania St. 170 27, 733 KeUy v. Rembert, Harper's Law, 65 xviii, 643 KeUy v. Renf ro, 9 Alabama, 325 xliv, 441 KeUy v. Reynolds, 39 Michigan. 464 33, 413 KeUy v. Riley, 106 Massachusetts. 339 8, 336 KeUyv, State, 75 Alabama. 21 51,422 Kelly ads. State, 76 Maine, 331 49,620 Kelse/s Appeal, 113 Pa. St. 119 57,444 Kelsey v. Remer, 43 Connecticut, 129 21, 638 Kelsiev. Lane, 28 Kansas, 218 42,153 Keltonv. Bevins, Cooke, 90 v, 670 Kelton v. Taylor, 11 Lea, 264 47,254 Kember v. Southern Ex. Co.. 22 La. An. 158 2, 719 Kemblev. Dresser, 1 Metcalf, 271 xxxv, 364 Kemp v. Cook, 13 Maryland, 130 Ixxix, 631 Kemper v. Kemper, 1 Dev. 401 Ixxxv, 636 Kempner v. Cohn, 47 Arkansas, 519 38, 775 Kempton v. HaUoweU, 24 Georgia, 52 Ixxi, 112 Kenan v. HoUoway, 16 Alabama, 53 1, 163 Ken Kil TABLE OF CASES. 102 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Kendall v. Boston, 118 Massachusetts, 234 19, 446 Kendall v. Camden, 47 New Jersey Law, 64 54, 117 Kendall v. Clark, 10 California, 17 Ixx, 691 Kendall v. Commonwealth, 113 Mass. 210 18, 469 Kendall v. Field, 14 Maine, 30. EK, 728 Kendall v. Galvin, 15 Maine, 131 rail, 141 Kendall v. Grice. 1 Mackey. 279 47,243 KendaH ads. People. 25WendelL 399 xxxvii, 240 Kendall v. Russell, 5 Dana, 501 XK, 696 Kendrick T. Eggleston, 56 Iowa, 128. . . . ! 41, 90 Keninssberger v. Wingate, 31 Texas, 42 xcriil, 512 Kenist on v. Little, 30 New Hampshire, 318. Ixiv, 297 Keniston v. State, 63 New Hampshire, 37 56, 436 Kenley T. Hudelson, 99 Illinois, 493 39, 31 Kennardv. Burton, 25 Maine, 39 xliil, 249 Kenncbec Bank T. Tuckennan, 5 Greenleaf, 130..xvii, 209 Kennebec Purchase v. Laboree, 2 Greenleaf, 275. . .xi, 79 Kennebec Purchase T. Springer, 4 Mass. 416 iii, 227 Kennebec Purchase T. Tiffany, 1 Greenleaf, 219.... x, 60 Kennedy T. Baltimore Ins. Co., 3 Harris & J. 367. . .vi, 499 Kennedy v. Bradbury, 55 Maine. 107 xcii, 572 Kennedy v. Geddes, 8 Porter, 263 .xxxiii, 289 Kennedy v. Geddes, 3 Alabama, 581 xxxvii, 714 Kennedy T. House, 41 Perm. State, 39 Ixxx, 594 Kennedy T. Johnson, 2 Bibb, 12 iv, 666 Kennedy v. Johnston, 65 Pennsylvania St. 451. . . . 3, 650 Kennedy v. Kennedy, 2 Bibb, 464 v. 629 Kennedy v. Kennedy, 43 Penn. State, 413 Ixxxii, 574 Kennedy v. Knight, 21 Wisconsin, 340 xciv, 513 Kennedy v. Mayor, 73 New York, 365 29, 169 Kennedy v. Mayor, 65 Maryland, 514 57, 3!u Kennedy v. McFadon, 3 Harris&J. 194 v, 434 Kennedy v. McKay, 14Vroom,2S8 39,581 Kennedy v. Shea, 110 Massachusetts, 147 14, 584 Kennedy v. Standard S. Ref.. 125 Mass. 90 28, 214 Kennedy Y. State, 107 Indiana, 144 57, 99 Kennedy ads. State, 76 North Carolina, 251 2?, 633 Kennedyv. Wachsmuth, 12Serg. &R.171 xiv, 676 Kennedyy. Ware, IPenn. State, 445 xliv, 145 Kenner v. Caldwell, 1 Bailey's Eq. 149 xxi, 533 Kennerv. Harding, 85 Illinois, 264 28,615 Kennerly v. Shepley, 15 Missouri, 640 Mi, 219 Kennertyv. EtiwanP. Co., 21 S. C. 226 53,669 Kennerty v. Etiwan P. Co., 17 8. C. 411 43, 607 Kenneth v. S. C. R Co., 15 Rich. Law, 284 xcviii, 382 Kenney ads. Commonwealth, 12 Metcalf, 235 xlvi, 672 Kenney v. Dow, 10 Martin, 577. xiii, 342 Kenney v. Greer, 13 Illinois, 432 liv, 439 Kenney v. McLaughlin, 5 Gray, 3 Ixvi, 345 Kenniston v. Mer. Co. M. Ins. Co., 14 N. H. 341... .xl, 103 Kennon v. Dickons, Conference Rep. 357 ii, 642 Kennon r. Ficklin, 6 B. Monroe, 414 xliv, 776 Kennon v. Gilmer, 5 Montana, 257 51, 45 Kennon T. McRoberts, 1 Washington. 96 1, 428 Kenny v. Clarkson, 1 Johnson, 333 iii, 336 Kensington Bank v. Patten, 14 Penn. State, 479... liii, 564 Kent v. Dunham, 142 Massachusetts, 216 56, 667 Kent v. Gerhard, 12 Rhode Island, 92 34,612 Kent v. Judkins, 53 Maine, 160 Ixxxvii. 544 Kentv. Kent, 62New York, 560 20, 502 Kent v. Kentland. C2 Indiana, 291 30, 182 Kentv. Lawson, 12 Indiana, 675 Ixxiv. 233 Kentv. L. V. L. Ins. Co., 26 Indiana, 294 Ixxxix. 463 Kentv. Lyon, 4 Florida, 474 Ivt, 404 Kentv. State, 22 Minnesota, 41 21,764 Kentv. Welch, 7 Johnson, 253 r, 2C6 Kentv. Whitney, 9 Allen, 62 Ixxxv, 739 Kentonlns. Co. v. Shea, 6 Bush, 174 xclx, C76 Kentucky Bank v. Clark, 4 Missouri, 59 xrviii, 345 Kentucky Bank v. Hancock, 6 Dana, 234 xxrii, 76 Kentucky Bank v. Herndon, 1 Bush, 359 Ixsxix, 630 Kentucky Bank v. Sanders, 3 A. K. Marsh. 184. . .xiii, 149 Kentucky Cent. R, Co. v. Thomas, 79 Ky. 160 4?, 203 Kentucky F. M. Ins. Co. v. Mathers, 7 Bush, 23v . 3. 286 Kenyon v. Baker, 16 Michigan, 373 xcvii, 158 Kenyon v. Farris, 47 Connecticut, 510 36, 86 Kenyon v. People, 26 New York, 203 Ixxxiv, 177 Kenyon v. Welty, 20 California, 637 Ixxxi. 137 Keokuk v. Independent District. 53 Iowa, 352. . . .35, 226 Keokuk v. Keokuk I. District, 53 Iowa, 352 36,226 Kepnerv. Keefer, 6 Watts, 231 xxxi, 460 Ker v. People, 110 Illinois. 627 51,706 Kereheval v. Ambler, 7 J. J. Marshall, 626 xxiii, 446 Kern v. Hazlerigg, 11 Indiana, 443 Ixxi, 360 Kern v. Von Phul, 7 Minnesota, 426 Ixxxii, 105 Kerney's Adm'r. v. Kerney's Heirs, 6 Leigh, 478..xxix, 213 Kemsv. Schoonmaker, 4Ohio, 331 xxii, 757 Kerrv. Calvit, Walker, 115 iii, 537 Kerrv. Day, 14 Penn. State, 112 liii, 526 Kerrv. Forgue, 54 Illinois, 4S2 5,116 Kerrv, Kingsbury. 39 Michigan, 150 33,362 Kerr v. Russell. 69 Illinois, 666 18,634 Kerrainsv. People, 60 New York. 221 14,153 Kerry v. State, 17 Tex. Ct. App. 173 50,122 Kershaw v. Kelsey. 100 Massachusetts, 561 1, 143 Kershaw v. Kelsey, 100 Massachusetts, 561 xcvii, 124 Kershaw v. Merch. Bit of N. Y., 7 Howard, 386. ...xl, 70 Kerwhacker v. Clev. C. &C. R R, 3 Ohio St. 172. .Ixii, 246 Kesee v. Chicago and N. W. R. R. Co., 30 la. 73. . 6, 643 Kessel v. Zeiser, 102 New York, 114 55, 7C9 Kessler v. Draub. 52 Texas. 573 36, 727 Ketcham v. Clark, 6 Johnson, 144 v, 197 Ketchum v. Durkee, 1 Barbour's Ch. 480 xlv, 412 Ketchumv. Evertson, 13 Johnson, 359 vii, 334 Ketchum v. Foot, 15 Vermont, 258 xl, 678 Ketchum v. Walsworth, 5 Wisconsin, 95 Ixriii, 49 Keteltas v. Keteltas, 72 New York, 312 28, 155 Ketner ads. Commonwealth. 92 Penn. St. 372. . . .37, 692 Kevanv. Waller, 11 Leigh, 414 xxxvi, 391 Keyes v. Carleton, 141 Massachusetts, 45 55, 446 Keyes v. MarceUus, 50 Michigan, 439 45, 52 Keyes v. Rines, 37 Vermont, 260 Ixxxvi, 707 Keyes v. Shannon, 8 Robinson (La.), 172 xli, 299 Keyes ads. State, 8 Vermont, 57 xxx, 450 Keyser v. Chicago & G. T. R'y Co.. 56 Mich. 539.. 50, 405 Keyser v. Rice, 47 Maryland, 203 28,448 Keysets Appeal, 13 Penn. State, 409 liii, 487 Keystone B. Co. v. Newberry, 96 Penn. St 240. . .4?, 5J3 Kibbee v. Andrews, 12 Michigan, 94 Ixxxiii, 766 Kibby v. Chitwood, 4 T. B. Monroe, 91 xvi, 143 Kickv. Merry, 23 Missouri, 72 Ixrl, 658 Kickland v. Menasha W. W. Co., 68 Wis. 34 60, S31 Kid v. Mitchell, 1 Nott & McC. 334 ix, 702 Kidd v. Laird, 15 California, Ifil Ixxri, 472 Kiddell v. Ford, 3 Brevard, 178 vi, 569 Kidder v. Hunt, 1 Pickering, 328 xi, 183 Kidder v. Rixf ord, 16 Vermont, 169 xlii, 504 Kidney v. Persons, 41 Vermont, 386 xcriii, 595 Kiewert v. Rindskopf. 46 Wisconsin, 481 32, 731 Kiff v. OldColony&N. Ry. Co., 117 Mass. 591. ...19, 429 Kiff v. Weaver. 94 North Carolina, 274 55, 601 Kiff v. Youmans, 86 New York, 324 40, M3 Kiger v. Coats, 18 Indiana, 153 Ixxxi, 351 Kilbourn v. Bradley, 3 Day, 356 iii, 273 Kilboumv. Latta, 5 Mack, 304 6O, 373 Kilbourne v. Fay, 29 Ohio St. 264 23,741 Kflbonrne v. St. John, 59 New York. 21 17, 291 Kilburn v. Adams, 7 Metcalf, 33 J ixix, 751 Kilburn v. Demming, 2 Vermont. 404 , . .xxi, 543 Kilbum v. Ritchie, 2 California. 145 lvi.32* 103 TABLE OF CASES. Kil-Kln Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Kilburn v. Woodworth. 5 Johnson, 37 IT. 321 Kilduff ads. People ex reL Brewster. 15 EL, 492.... Ix. 769 Kileyv. Kansas. 63 Missouri. 102 33,491 Kiley v. Kansas. 87 Missouri, 103 56,413 Kilgo T. Castleberry, 33 Georgia, 512. xcv, 406 Kilgore Kilgore Killian . Dempsey, 25 Ohio St. 413 18,303 . Grevemberg, 10 Louisiana An. 689 Ixiii, 597 Kilgore . Wood, 5G Maine. 150 .................. xcvi. 401 Kilheffe v. Herr, 17 Serg. i R. 319 ............... xvii, G53 .Schoeps, 26 Kansas, 310 ................ 40,313 Ashley. 24 Arkansas, 511 ............... xci. 519 Killian ads. Commonwealth. 109 Mass. 345. ....... 12, 711 Killionv. Power, 51 Penn. St. 429 ................ xci, 127 Kiliips v. Putnam Ins. Co., 23 Wisconsin, 472 ..... 0, 506 Killman v. State. 2 Tex. Ct App. 222 ............. 28, 432 Killmer v. N. Y. Cent. & H. R. R. R. Co.. ICO New York. 395 ................................ 33,19! Killough v. Alford, 32 Texas, 457 .................. 5,249 Kilmer v. Smith. 77 New York, 226 ............... 33, 613 Kilpatrick v. Kilpatrick, 23 Mississippi, 124 ........ IT, 79 Kilpatrick v. Penrose F. B. Co., 49 Pennsylvania State, US ................................ lxxxviii.497 Kimball v. ^tna Ins. Co., 9 Allen, 540 ........ Ixxxv. 7SG Kimball v. Eallard, 19 Wisconsin, 601 ........ Ixxxviii, 705 Kimball v. Billings, 55 Maine, 147 ................ xcii, 5S1 Kimball v. Blaisdell, 5 New Hampshire, 533 ...... xxii, 476 Kimball v. City, of Bath, 33 Maine, 219 ............ Ixi, 243 Kimball v. Cochecho R. R., 27 New Hamp. 448.. ..lix, 387 Kimball ads. Commonwealth, 24 Pick. 359 ...... xxxv, 326 Kimball v. Cunningham, 4 Massachusetts, 502 ..... iii, 230 Kimball v. Cushman, 103 Massachusetts, 194 ..... 4, 528 Kimball v. Donald, 20 Missouri, 577 .............. Iriv, 209 Kimball v. Fisk, 33 New Hampshire, 110 ........ Ixxv, 213 Kimball T. Harman, 34 Maryland, 407 ............. 6,340 Kimball v. Huntington, 10 Wendell, 675 .......... xrv, 590 Kimball v. Jenkins, 11 Florida, 111 ........... IXTTJT. 237 Kimball v. Kimball, 44 New Hampshire, 122. . .Ixxxii, 19J Kimball v. Morton, 1 Halstead's Ch. 26 ........... liii, 621 Kimball v. Myers, 21 Michigan. 276 .............. 4, 487 Kimball v. Norton, 59 New Hampshire, 1 ........ 47, 171 Kimball v. Reding, 31 New Hampshire, 352 ...... Ixiv, 333 Kimball v. Rosendale, 42 Wisconsin, 407 ......... 24, 421 Kimball v. Rutland & B. R. R. Co., 23 Vt. 247. . . .Ixii, 5C7 Kimball v. Sattley, 55 Vermont, 285 .............. 45, 614 Kimball v. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, 9 Allen, 540 ..................... Ixxxv, 786 Kimball v. Thompson, 4 Cushing, 441 ............... 1, 7?9 Kimball v. Union Water Co., 44 California, 173. ..13, 157 Kimball v. Wilson, 3 New Hampshire, % ........ xiv, 312 Kimball & A. M. Co. v. Vroman, 35 Michigan, 310.24, 553 Kimberly v. Patchin, 19 New York, 330 .......... Ixxv, 334 Kimbro v. Lamb, 4 Humphreys, 95 ................ xl, 628 Kimbro v. Lytle, 10 Yerger, 417 ................. rxxi, 585 Kimins v. Boston F. C. Sav. B'k, 111 Mass. 33 ..... 55, 441 Kimm v. Weippert, 49 Missouri, 532 ............... 2,541 Kimmel v. Kimmel, 3 Serg. & R. 333 .............. viii, 655 Kinard v. Hiers, 3 Richardson's Eq. 423 ............ lv, 643 Kincannon v. Carroll, 9 Yerger, 11 ............... xxx, 391 Kincaid v. Eaton, 93 Massachusetts, 139 ........ xciii, 142 Kincheloe v. Holmes, 7 B. Monroe, 5 ............. xlv, 41 Kincaid's Appeal, 60 Pennsylvania State, 411 ..... 5, 377 Kincaid v. Hardin, 53 Iowa, 430 .................. 36,236 Kincheloe v. Priest, 89 Missouri, 240 .............. 58, 117 King, Matter of, 2 Devereux's Law, 341 ........... xxi, 335 King v. Baldwin, 17 Johnson, 334 ................. viii, 415 King v. Bardeau. 6 Johnson's Ch. 33 ................ x, 312 King v. Batterson, 13 Rhode Island, 117 .......... 43, 13 Kingv. Blackmore, 72 Pennsylvania State, 347.. .13, 684 Kingv. Burdett, 23 West Virginia, 601 ........... 57,687 King T. Caase, 15 New Hampshire, 9 ...... .......i i, 675 Kingv. Cohorn, 6 Yerger, 75 xxvii, 455 Kingv. Cook, T. TJ. P. Charlton, 236 iv, 715 King v. Crowell, 51 Maine, 244 14,560 Kingv. Cusbman, 41 Illinois. 31 Ixxxix, 366 Kingv. Davenport, 98 Illinois, 305 38, 83 King v - Dedham Bank, 15 Massachusetts, 447 viii, 112 King v. Donahue, 110 Massachusetts, 155 14, 539 Kingv. Fleming, 72 Illinois, 21 22,131 Kingv. Fowler, 11 Pickering, 302 xxii, 370 Kingv. Gilson. 32 Illinois. 348 Ixxxiii, 269 Kingv. Green, 2 Stewart, 133 M, 46 Kingv. Haley. 86 Illinois, 103 20, 14 Kingv. Haney, 46 California, 560 13,217 King v. Harman's Heirs, 6 Louisiana, 607 xxvi, 485 King v. Harrington, 2 Aikens, 33 xvi, 675 Kingv. Henkie, 80 Alabama, 505 6O,I19 Kins v - Hunter, 65 North Carolina, 603. 6, 754 King v. Jarman, 35 Arkansas, 190 37, 11 King v. Jefferson C. S. Board, 71 Missouri, 628. . .36, 499 King v. Kerr's Adm'rs, 5 Onio, 154 xxii, 777 King v. Kincey, 1 Iredell'sEq. 187 xxxvi, 40 Kingv. King, 1 Watts & Serg. 205 xxxvii, 459 Kinsv. Lane, 7 Missouri, 241 xxxvii, 187 King v. Mason, 42 Illinois, 223 Ixxxix, 426 Kingv. Miller, 4 Halstead's Ch. 559 lv, 246 Kingv. Moore, 6 Alabama, 160 xli, 44 King v. N. Y. Cent etc. R R. Co.. 66 N. Y. 1S1. . .23, 37 King v. Patterson, 49 New Jersey Law, 417 60, 622 King v. Phillips, 95 North Carolina, 245 59, 238 King ads. People, 27 California, 507 Ixxxvii, 95 King v. Reynolds, 67 Alabama, 229 42, 107 Kingv. Richards, 6Wharton, 418 xxxvii, 420 Kingv. Robinson, .33 Maine, 114 liv, 614 Kingv. Root, 4 Wendell, 113 xxi, 102 Kingv. Sarria, 69 New York, 24 25,128 King v. Scoggin, 92 North Carolina, 99 53, 410 Kingv. State Bank, 9 Arkansas, 185 xlvii, 739 King v. State Mut. F. Ins. Co., 7 Gushing, 1 liv, 683 King v. State, 58 Mississippi, 737 38, 344 King v. State, 4 Texas Ct. App. 54 30, 160 King v. Steiren, 44 Penn, State, 90 Ixxxiv, 419 King v. St. Louis Gaslight Co. , 34 Mo. 341 Ixxxiv. 63 King v. Summitt. 73 Indiana, 312 38, 145 Kins v. Thompson, 87 Pennsylvania State, 365. . ..30, 364 Kingv. TJpton, 4 Greenleaf, 387 svi, 263 King v. Vaughan, 8 Yerger, 59 xxix, 104 King v. Winants, 71 North Carolina, 469 17, 11 Kins v. Woodruff, 23 Connecticut, 53 Ix, 625 Kingv. Young, 76 Maine, 76 49,596 King of Prussia v. Kuepper's, 22 Missouri, 550. . .Ixvi, 639 King Philip Mills v. Slater, 12 R. I. 82 34, COS King William Justices v. Munday, 2 Leigh, 165. . .xxi, 604 Kingman v. Glover, 3 Richardson's Law, 27 xlv, 756 Kingmanv. Holmquist, 36 Kansas, 735 59,604 Kinssbury v. Burnside, 58 Illinois, 310 11, 67 Kingsbury v. Dedham, 13 Allen, 186 xc, 191 Kingsbury v. Flowers, 65 Alabama, 479 39, 14 Kingsbury v. Taylor, 29 Maine, 508 L 607 Kingsbury v. Whitaker, 32 La. An. 1055 36, 273 Kings Co. F. L Co. v. Stevens, 87 N. Y. 237 41, 361 Kinssland v. Forrest, 18 Alabama, 519 Iii, 232 Kingsley v. Holbrook, 45 New Hamp. 313 Ixxxvi. 173 Kingsley v. Lake Shore & M. S. R. Co., 125 Mas- sachusetts, 51 28,200 Kingsley ads. People, 2 Cowen, 522 xiv, 520 Kingston v. Wharton, 2 Serg. & R. 208 vii, 633 Kingston Bank v. Eltinge, 40 New York, 391 c, 516 Kingston etc. Co. ads. People, 23 Wendell, 193. .xxxv, 551 KinJey v. Fitzpatriek, 4 Howard (Miss.), 59 xxxiv, 103 Kinlochv. Hamlin, 2 Hill Ch. 19 xxvii, 441 Kin-Kiii TABLE 07 CASES. 104 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volume* of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Kinloch v. I'On, 1 Hill Co, (S. C.) 190 xxvi, 190 Kinnaird v. Williams, 8 Leigh, 400 xxxi, C53 Kinne v. Kiunc, Connecticut, 102 xii, 732 Kinneenv. We^s. 1U Massachusetts, 497 59,103 Kinney v Central R. R. Co., 31 New Jersey, 513. . 3, 263 Kinney v. C. R. R., 32 New Jersey L. 407 xc. 675 Kinney T Commonwealth, 30 Gratt. 838 32, 090 Kinney v. McDermot. 55 Iowa, 674 39, 191 Kinney ads. State, 41 Connecticut, 133 26, 436 Kinneyv. Whiton. 4 i Connecticut. 262 20, 462 Kinney's Executors v. Harvey, 2 Leigh, 70 xxi, 537 Kinnier v. Kinnier. 55 New York, 535 6,132 Kinsler v. McCauts, 4 Richardson's Law, 46 liii, 711 Kinsman v. Kinsman, 1 Root, 180 i, 37 Kinyon v. Stanton, 44 Wisconsin, 479 28, 601 Kinyon v. Wohlford, 17 Minnesota,239 10, 165 Kinzie v. Trustees of Chicago, 2 Scammon, 187.. xxxiii, 413 Kipv. Norton, 12 Wendell. 127 xxvii, 120 Kirby v. Boylstou M. Ass'n, 14 Gray. 249 Ixxiv, 682 Kirby v. Bruns. 45 Missouri, 234 c, 376 Kirby v. Citizens' Ry Co.. 48 Maryland, 168 30, 455 Kirby v. Commonwealth. 77 Virginia. 681 46, 747 Kirby v. Harrison, 2 Ohio State, 326 lix, 677 Kirby v. Mi:!*, 73 North Carolina. 124 24, 460 Kirby v. Schooomaker, 3 Harbour's Ch. 46 xlix, 160 Kirby v. State, 9 Terger, 3S3 xxx, 420 Kirchner v. Myers, 33 Ohio St. 85 35,593 Kirk's Appeal. 87 Penn. St. 213 30,357 Kirkv. Atlanta &C. A. L. R. R. Co.. 94 North Carolina, 625 53, 621 Kirkv. Dodge County M. L Co.. 39 Wis. 133 15, 30 Kirkv. Murphy, 10 Texas, 654 Ixvii, 640 Kirk ads. State. 44 Indiana. 401 15,239 Kirkaldie v. Larrabee, 31 California. 455 Ixxxix. 205 Kirke ads. State, 12 Florida. 278 xcv, 314 Kirkham v. Sharp, 1 Wharton, 323 xxix, 57 trii-vian v. Brown, 4 Humphreys, 174 xl, 635 Kirklandv. Dinsmore, 62 New York, 171 20,475 Kirkland v. Lott, 1 Scammon, 13 xxxiii, 433 Kirklandv. Lowe, 33 Mississippi, 423 Ixix, 335 Kirkland v. Narramore, 105 Massachusetts, 31 7, 497 Kirklandv. Randon, 8 Texas, 10 Iviii, 9i Kirkland v. Way, 3 Richardsop's L. 4. xlv, 752 Kirkman v. Handy, 11 Humphreys, 406 liv, 45 Kirkpatrick v. Black, 10 Watts, 328 xxxvi, 182 Kirkpatrick v. Buf ord, 21 Arkansas, 2G8 Ixxvi, 3C3 Kirkpatrick v. Downing, 58 Missouri, 32 17,678 Kirkpatrick v. Eaglo Lodge, 26 Kansas^ 3S4 40, 316 Kirkpatrick v. McCullough, 3 Humphreys, 171.xxs.ix, 158 Kirksey v. Bates, 7 Porter, 529 xxxi, 722 Kirksey v. Fryor, 13 Alabama, 190 xlviii, 47 Kirksey v. Fike, 27 Alabama, 383 liii, 7C3 Kirksey v. Florida & Ga. P. Road Co., 7 Fla. 23..1xviii, 426 Kirkwood v. Gordon, 7 Richardson's Law, 474. . . .Ixii, 418 Kirkwood v. Miller, 5 Sneed, 455 Ixxiii, 134 Kirlandv. State, 43 Indiana, 146 13,386 Kirsted v. Orange & A. R. Co., 69 N. Y. 343 25,199 Kirtland v. Hotchkiss, 42 Connecticut, 426 19, 54G Kirtley v. Deck, 2Munford, 10 v, 445 Kirwan v. Latour, 1 Harris & J. 289 il, 519 Kisler v. Kisler, 2 Watts, 323 xxvii, 308 Kisling v. Shaw. 33 Calif omia. 425 xci, 644 Kisterv. Reeser. 98 Pennsylvania St. 1 42,608 Kisten v. Hildebrand, 9 B. Monroe, 72 xlviii, 416 Kistler v. Htreth, 73 Indiana, 177 39,131 Kissecker v. Monn, 36 Penn. State, 313 Ixxviii, 379 Kitchell v. Vanadar, 1 Blackf ord, 356 xii, 249 Kitchen v. Hartford F. Ins. Co., 57 Mich. 135 58, 344 Kitchen v. Lee, 11 Paige, 107 xlii, 101 Kitchen v. Pridgen, 3 Jones' Law. 49 Ixir, 'J3 Kitchens v. Kitchens, 39 Georgia. 163 xcix. 453 Kitchens ads. State, 2 Hill, C12 xxvii, 410 Kittredge v. Elliott. 16 New Hampshire, 77 xli, 717 Kittredge v. Proprietors, etc., 17 Pickering, 24G.xxviii, 296 Kittredge v. Woods, 3 New Hampshire, 503 xiv, 393 Kittridge v. Breaud, 4 Robinson (La.), 79 xxxix, 513 Klapworth v. Dressier, 2 Beasley Ch. 62 Ixxviii, 69 Klattv. Milwaukee, 53 Wisconsin, 196 10,759 Klauber v. American Express Co., 21 Wis. 21. . . .xci, 452 Klauberv. Biggerstaff, 47 Wisconsin. 551 32, 773 Klauder v. McGrath, 35 Penn. State, 128 Ixxriii, 329 Kleine v. Katzenberger. 20 Ohio State, 110 5, C30 Klien v. Gehrung, 25 Tex. Supp. 233 Ixxviii, 565 Klinck v. Price, 4 West Virginia, 4 6,263 Kline v. C. P. R. R., 37 California. 400 xcix. 282 Kline v. Kline, 57 Iowa. 386 42, 47 Kline v. Kline, 57 Pennsylvania State, 120 xcviii, 206 Kline v. L'Amoreux, 2 Paige's Ch. 419 xxii, 652 Kline v. Nat. Benefit Ass'n. Ill Indiana, 462 60, 703 Kline v. Shuler, 8 Iredell's Law, 484 xlix, 402 Klingensmith v. Bean, 2 Watts, 486. xxvii, 328 Klinkv. C&lby, 46 New York. 427 7, SCO Klixv. Nieman, 68 Wisconsin, 271 60,854 Kloppv. Witmoyer, 43 Penn. State, 219 Ixxiii, 561 Klumph v. Dunn, 66 Pennsylvania State. 141 5, 355 Knabbv. Drake, 23 Penn. State, 489 Ixii, 352 Knabb's Appeal, 10 Penn. State, 186 li, 472 Knaggsv. Green, 48 Wisconsin, 601 33,838 Knap v. Sprague, 9 Massachusetts, 238. vi, 64 Knapp v. Alvord, 10 Paige, 205 xl, 241 Knapp v. Bartlett. 23 Wisconsin. 68 xcix, 109 Knapp ads. Commonwealth, 9 Pickering, 496 xx, 491 Knapp ads. Commonwealth, 10 Pickering, 477 xx, 534 Knapp v. Fuller, 55 Vermont, 311 45, 6'.8 Knapp v. Hoyt, 57 Iowa. 5.91 42, 59 Knapp ads. People, 42 Michigan, 267 36,438 Knapp v. Sioux C. & P. R'y Co., 65 Iowa. 91 54, 1 Knapp ads. State, 6 Connecticut, 415 xvi, 68 Knapp v. Swaney, 56 Michigan, 345 56,397 Knappv. Thomas, 39 Ohio State, 377 48,462 Knausv. Jenkins, 11 Vroom, 288 29,237 Knecht v. Mut L. Ins. Co.. 90 Penn. State, US. ..35, 641 Kneedler v. Borough of Norristown, 100 Pennsyl- vania State. 368 45,384 Kneeland v. Ensley, Meigs, 20 xxxiii, 168 Kneeland v. Van Valkenburgh, 46 Wis. 434 32, 719 Kneettle v. Newcomb, 22 New York, 249 Ixxviii, 186 Knickerbocker ads. People, 111 Illinois. 539 55, 879 Knifongv. Hendricks, 2 Grattan, 212 xliv, 335 Knight, Estate of, 12 California, 200 Ixxiii, 531 Knight v. Abert, 6 Penn. State, 472 xlvii, 478 Knight v. Blackford, 3 Mackey. 177 ."1,772 Knightv. Clark, 48 New Jersey L. 22 57,534 Knight v. Clements. 45 Alabama, 89 6, 693 Knight v. Coleman, 10 New Hampshire, 118 xlix, 147 Knight ads. Commonwealth, 12 Mass. 273 vii, 72 Knight v. Dyer, 57 Maine, 174 xcix, 765 Knight v. Eureka Ins. Co.. 26 Ohio State, 664. . . .20, 778 Knight v. Goodyear I. R. & S. M. Co., 38 Connec- ticut, 433 9,406 Knight v. House, 29 Maryland, 194 xcvi, 515 Knightv Indiana C. & I. Co., 47 Ind. 105 17,692 Knight v. Packer, 1 Beasley's Ch. 214 Ixxii, 388 Knightv. Providence andW. R. Co., 13 Rhode Island, 572 .43, 46 Knightv. Pugh, 4 Wattsfc Serg. 445 xxxix, 99 Knight v. Portland etc. R. R. Co. 56 Maine, 234..xcvi, 449 Knightv. West Jersey R. R. Co., 108 Pennsylva- nia State, 250 56,200 Knight v. Whitman, 6 Bush, 51... ...... ........ xcix, 653 105 TABLE OF CASES. Kni-Laf Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Knight v. Wilder, 2 Cushing, 199 xlviii, 660 Knightonv. Tuft, 12 Missouri, 531 li, 174 Knisely v. Williams, SGrattan, 265 xlvi, 193 Knittel T. Cushing, 57 Texas, 351 44,598 KnoH v. State, 5o Wisconsin, 249 47, 704 Knorr T. Home Ins. Co., 25 Wisconsin, 143 3, 26 Knott v. Carpenter, SHead, 5*2 Ixxv, 779 Knotts v. Bailey, 54 Mississippi, 235 28, 318 Knotts v. Preble, 50 Ulinois, 226 xcix, 514 Knotts ads. State, 2Speer'sLaw, 692 xlii, 335 Knowles v. Atlantic &. St. L. R. Co., 33 Maine, 55.1xi, 234 Knowles v. Dow, 22 New Hampshire, 387 lv, 163 Knowles v. Harris, 5 Rhode Island, 402 : .Ixxiii, 77 Knowles v. Lawton, 18 Georgia, 476 Ixiii, 290 Knowles v. Lord, 4 Wharton, 500 xxxiv, 525 Knowles v. Peck, 42 Connecticut. 336 19, 542 Knowlton v. Bradley, 17 New Hampshire, 458. . .xliii, 609 Knowlton v. Culver, 2 Pinney, 243 (1 Chand. 214) . .lii, 156 Knowlton v. Erie R'y Co., 19 Ohio State, 260 2, 395 Knowlton v. McMahon, 13 Minnesota, 386 xcvii, 235 Knowlton v. Sanford, 32 Maine, 148 lii, 619 Knowlton v. Smith, 35 Missouri, 507 Ixsxviii, 152 Knowlton v. Williams, 5 Wisconsin, 308 Ixviii, 65 Knox v. Campbell, 1 Penn. State, 366 xliv, 139 Knox v. Chadbourne, 28 Maine, 160 xlviii, 487 Knox v. Clifford. 33 Wisconsin, 631 20, 28 Knox v. Dixon's Widow, 4 Louisiana, 466 xxiii, 483 Knox v. Knox. 59 Wisconsin, 172 48, 487 Knox v. Protection Ins. Co., 9 Connecticut, 430. .xxv, 33 Knox v. Rives, 14 Alabama, 249 xlriii, 97 Knox v. Steele, 18 Alabama, 815 liv, 181 Knox v. Thompson, 1 Littell, 350 xiii, 246 Knox v. Tucker, 48 Maine, 373 Ixxvii, 233 Knox v. Webster. 13 Wisconsin, 406 Ixxxvi, 779 Knox County Bank v. Doty, 9 Ohio State, 506. . .Ixxv, 479 Knoxvillev. Bird, 12 Lea, 121 47,326 Knoxville Nat Bank v. Clarke, 51 Iowa, 264 33, 129 Kochv. Branch, 44 Missouri, 5*2 c, 324 Koch v. Brig^s, 14 California, 256 Ixxiii, 651 Koch v. Melhorn, 25 Penn. State, 89 Ixiv, 685 Kocourekv. Marak, 54 Texas, 201 33,623 Koechlept v. Hook's Lessee, 10 Maryland, 173. . . .Ixix, 133 Kcehlerv. Ball, 2 Kansas, 160 Ixxxiii, 45^ Koehring v. Muemminshoff, 61 Missouri, 403 21, 402 Koernerv. Oberly, 56 Indiana. 284 26, 34 Kohl v. Lindley, 39 Illinois, 195 lixxix, 294 Kohler v. Smith, 2 California, 597 Ivi, 339 Kohlheimer v. State, 39 Mississippi, 543 Ixxrii, 689 Kohn v. Koehler, 96 New York, 362 48, 628 Kohn v. Packard, 3 Louisiana, 224 xxiii, 453 Kohn v. Schooner Renaisance, 5 La. An. 25 lii, 577 Kohnv. Washer, 64 Texas, 131 53,745 Kohnv. Watkins, 26 Kansas, 691 40,336 Konigmacher v. Kimmel, 1 Penrose & Watts, 207. xii, 374 Konvalinka v Schlegel, 104 New York, 125 58, 494 Koones v. Disk of Columbia, 4 Mackey, 339 54, 278 Koontz v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R. R. Co.. 65 Iowa, 221 54, 5 Koontz v. Hannibal S. & I. Co., 42 Mo. 123 xcvii, 325 Kopperv. Dyer, 59 Vermont, 477 59,742 Korah v. City of Ottawa, 32 Illinois, 121 bcxxiii, 255 Kortright v. Cady, 21 New York, 343 Ixxviii, 145 Kottinan, In Matter of, 2 Hill, 363 xxvii, 390 Kountz v. Kennedy, 63 Pennsylvania St. 187 3, 541 Kountz v. Kirkpatrick, 72 Pennsylvania St. 376. . .13, 687 Kowing v Manley, 49 New York, 192 10, 346 Kraft v. Wickey, 4 Gill & Johnson, 332 xxiii, 569 Kramer v. Sandford, 4 Watts & Serg. 328 xxxix, 92 Kramer v. Lott, 50 Penn. State, 495 Ixxxviii, 556 Kraus v. Thompson, 3d Minnesota, 64 .44, 182 Krause v. Beitel, 3RawIe, 199 xxiii, 113 Krause v. Commonwealth, 93 Penn. St. 418 39, 762 Krausev. Dorrance, 10 Penn. State, 462 li, 496 Kraut v. Crawford, 18 Iowa, 549 Ixxxvii, 414 Kraxberger v. Roiter, 91 Missouri. 404 60, 262 Krebs v. O'Grady, 23 Alabama, 726 Iviii, 312 Kreiter v. Bomberger. 82 Pennslyvania St 59. . . .22, 750 Krens v. Peeler, 4 Jones' Law, 226 Ixrii, 286 Kroeger v. Pitcairn, 101 Pennsylvania St. 311.... 47, 713 Kromer v. Heim, 75 New York, 574 31, 491 Krouskopv. Shontz, 51 Wisconsin, 204. 37,817 Krudlerv. Ellison, 47 New York, 36 7,402 Krueger v. Ferrant, 29 Minnesota, 385 43, 223 Kubeads. State, 20 Wisconsin. 217 xci, 390 Kuenzi & Co. v. Elvers, Boje & Co. , 14 La. An. 391.1xxiv, 434 Kuhn v. Stansfield. 23 Maryland, 210 xcii, 681 Kuhtman, Ex parte, 3 Richardson's Eq. 257 lv, 642 Kunkel v. Spooner, 9 Maryland. 462 Ixvi, 332 Kunkle v. Franklin, 13 Minn. 127 xcvii, 226 Kunz v.Troy. 104 New York, 344 58,508 Kuntzman v. Weaver, 20 Penn. State, 422 lix, 740 Kupfer v. Bank of Galena. 34 Illinois, 323 Ixxxv, 309 Kurz v. Brusch. 13 Iowa, 371 Ixxxi, 435 Kurtz v. Frank, 76 Indiana, 594 40, 275 Kurtz v. Hibner, 45 Illinois, 514 8,665 Kusterer v. Beaver Dam, 56 Wisconsin. 471 43, 725 Kutz v. McCune, 22 Wisconsin, 628 xcix, 85 Kuykendall v. McDonald, 15 Missouri, 416 Ivii, 212 Kyle v. Evans, 3 Alabama, 481 xxxvii, 705 Kyle v. Harveys. 25 West Virginia, 716 52, 235 Kyle v. Kavanagh, 103 Massachusetts, 356 4, 560 Kyle v. Laurens R. R., 10 Richardson's L. 382 Ixx, 231 Kyle v. Wells, 17Penn. State, 286 lv, 555 Labadie v. Hawley, 61 Texas, 177 48, 278 Labbe's Heirs v. Abat, 2 Louisiana, 553 xxii, 151 Laborde v. Consol. Ass'n, 4 Rob. (La.) 190 xxxix, 517 Labrie v. Manchester, 59 New Hampshire, 120 47, 179 Lacefield v. State, 34 Arkansas, 275 36, 8 Laceyv. Davis, 4 Michigan, 140 Ixvi, 524 Lacey v. Giboney, 35 Missouri, 320 Ixxxviii, 145 Lackawanna & B. R. R. Co. v. Chenewith, 52 Pennsylvania State, 382 xci. 168 Lackawanna & B. R. R. Co. v. Doak, 52 Pennsyl- nia State. 379 xci, 166 Lacostev. Duffy, 49 Texas, 767 30,122 Lacoste v. Harper, 3 Louisiana An. 385 xlviii, 449 La Croix v. County Comm'rs, 50 Conn. 321 47 , 643 Lacroix v. Menard, 3 Martin, N. S., 339 xv, 161 La Crossefc M. R. R. v. Vanderpool, 11 Wis. 119.1xxviii, 691 Lacy v. Weaver, 49 Indiana. 373 19,683 Ladd'sWill, 60 Wisconsin, 187 -...50,355 Laddv. Baker, 26 New Hampshire, 76 Ivii, 355 Laddv. Griswold, 4 Oilman, 25 xlvi, 443 Ladd v. Hildebrant, 27 Wisconsin, 135 9,445 Ladd v. Kenney, 2 New Hampshire, 340 ix, 77 Laddv. King, 1 Rhode Island, 224 li, 624 Ladd v. New Bedford R. R. Co.. 119 Mass. 412. . . .20, 331 Ladd v. Wiggin, 35 New Hampshire, 421 Ixix, 551 Ladue v. Detroit & M. R. R.. 13 Mich. 380 Ixxxvii. 759 Ladue v. Griffith, 25 New York. 364 Ixxxii, 360 Lady Sup'r of Montr'l v. McNamara, 3 Barb. Ch. 375 xlvi, 184 La Farge v. Rickert, SWendell, 187 xxi, 209 Lafargue v. Harrison, 70 California, 330 59, 418 Lafayette v. James, 92 Indiana, 240 47, 140 Lafayette etc. Railroad Co. v. Huffman, 23 In- diana, 287 xcii, 318 Lafayette Plank Road Co. v. New Albany and Salem Hi R. Co., 13 Indiana, 90 Ixxiv, 245 Laffan v. Naglee, 9 Calif ornia, 662 bat, 678 Laf tan TABLE OF CASES. 106 Roman letters [xllx] refer to Yolnm^a of American Decisions, and Arable figures [49] to American Reports. Lafflin Y. Buffalo & S. W. R. R. Co., 106 New York, 13-5 60,433 Laflin v. Willard, 16 Pickering, 64 xxvi, 629 Laflin & R. P. Co. Y. Sinsheimer. 46 Md. 315 24, 522 Laflin & R. P. Co. Y. Sinaheimer, 43 Md. 411 30, 472 LaFromboisY. Jackson, SCowen, 539. xviii, 463 Lagow v. Badollet, 1 Blackford, 416 :..xii, 253 La Grange C. Inst v. Anderson, 63 Ind. 367 3O, 224 Lagravev. Merle, 5 Louisiana An. 273 lii, 539 Lahy T. Holland, 8 Gill, 445. 1,7)5 Laingv. Colder. SPenn. State, 479 xlix, 533 Laing v. McKee, 13 Michigan, 124 Ixxxvii. 733 Laird v. Conn. & Pass.R. R., 55 N. H. 375. 20, ilJ Laird v. Eichold, 10 Indiana, 212 Ixxi, 323 Laird v. Wilder. 9 Bush. 131 15,707 Laird T. Winters, 27 Texas. 440 Lxxxvi, 620 Lake T. Columbus Insurance Co., 13 Ohio, 48 xlii, 183 Lakev. MUiiken, 62 Maine, 240 16,456 Lakev Reed. 23 Iowa. 258 4,209 Lakeman T. Butler, 17 Pickering, 436. xxriii, 311 LakemanT. Pollard, 43 Maine, 463 Ix'.x, 77 Lake Erie & W. Ry Co. v. Fix, 83 Indiana, 381. . .45, 464 Lake Shore & M. S. R. Co. T. Foster. 104 Ind. 29i54, 319 Lake Shore & M. S. R. R. Co. T. Perkins, 25 Mich- igan. 329 12,275 Lake Superior L Co. v. Erickson, 33 Michigan. 492.33, 423 Lake View v. Rose Hill C. Ass.. 70 HL 191 23, 71 Lakin v. Willamette V. & C. R. R. Co., 13 Or. 433.57, 25 Lalorv. Chicago B. &Q. R. R. Co., 52 Hi 401.... 4,616 Lamarv. McNamee, 10GU1& J. 116 xxxii, 152 Lamar T. Simpson, 1 Richardson's Eq. 71 xlii, 345 Lamar Ins. Co. v. McGlashen, 54 Illinois. 513 5, 162 Lamb v. Camden & A. R. R. & T. Co., 46 New York, 271 7,327 Lamb T. Danforth, 59 Maine, 322 8,426 Lamb T. Day, 8 Vermont, 407 xxx.479 Lamb T. Durant, 12 Massachusetts, 54. vii, 31 Lamb v. Lamb, 1 Speers* Eq. 289 xl, 618 Lambv. Lathro?, 13 Wendell, 95 xxvii, 174 Lamb T. Old Colony R. R. Co.. 140 Mass. 79 54, 449 Lambert v. Sandford, 2 Blackford. 137 xviii, 149 Lambert T. People. 76 New York, 220 32, 293 Lambert ads. People, 5 Michigan, 349 Ixxii, 43 Lamberton v. Windom, 12 Minnesota, 232. xc, 301 Lambeth v. North Carolina R. R. Co., 66 North Carolina, 434 8,508 Lambeth v. Turnbull, 5 Robinson (La.), 264 TTTJT, 535 Lambier ads. People, 5 Denio, 9 xlvii, 273 Lamborn v. Watson, 6Harris& J. 252 xiv, 275 Tamm T . Port Deposit H. Ass.. 49 Md. 233 33, 246 lam me T. Cress, 1 Metcalfe (Ky.), 444 Ixxi, 489 Lammert v. Lidwell, 62 Missouri, 138 21, 411 LammotT. Gist, 1 Harris &G. 433 xviii, 295 Lammott v. Ewers, 106 Indiana, 310 55, 710 Lamoille Co. Nat. Bank T. Bingham, 50 Vt. 105. . .28, 490 Lamont v. Stimson, 3 Wisconsin, 545 Ixii, 696 Lament T. Washington & G. R. Co. ,2 Mackey, 502 47,268 L'Amoreuxv. Crosby, 2 Paige Ch. 422 xxii, 655 L'Amoreux v. Gould, 7 N. Y. (3 Selden), 349 Ivii, 524 Lamos T. Snell, 6 New Hampshire, 413 xxv, 468 L'Amoureux v. Yandenburgh, 7 Paige, 316 xxxii, 635 Lamparter v. Walbaum, 45 Illinois, 444. xcii, 225 Lampson v. Fletcher, 1 Vermont, 1G8 xviii, 676 Lampton v. Preston, 1 J. J. Marshall, 454 xix, 104 Lamson T. Clarkson, 113 Massachusetts. 348 18, 498 Lamson v. Patch, 5 Allen, 586 Ixxxi. 765 Lamy v. Burr. 35 Missouri, 85 Ixxxviii, 135 Lancaster T. Baltzell, 7 Gill 4 Johnson, 463.*.xxviii, 233 Lancaster Y. Dolan, 1 Rawle, 231 xviii, 625 Lancaster T. Mishler, 100 Perm. St. 624 45,403 Lancaster v. State, 53 Alabama, 398 25,625 Lancaster T. State, 3 Cold. 310 sci, 238 Lancaster Bank v. Woodward, 13 Penn. St. 357. . .Uii, 618 Lancaster Co. Bank T. Moore, 78 Penn. St. -T7. . .21, 21 Lancaster F. Ins. Co. v. Leuheim, 89 Penn. St. 497 3,1,778 Lancaster N. Bank T. Taylor, 100 Mass. 18 xcvii. 70 Lancaster Nat. Bank T. Taylor, 100 Mass. IS 1, 71 Lancaster T. Co. v. Rogers, 2 Penn. State, 114. . .xliv, 179 Lance's Appeal, 55 Pennsylvania State, 16 xciii, 722 Lance v. Hunter, 72 North Carolina, 178 21,454 Lance v. Lance, 5 Jones' Law, 413 Ixxii, 555 Lanceyv. Clark. 64 New York, 209 21,604 Lanceyv. Clifford, 54 Maine. 487 xcii. 561 LandT. Williams, 12 Smedes & M. 362. li, 117 Lander v. Seaver, 32 Vermont, 114 Ixxvi, 156 Landers v. Watertown F. Ins. Co., 86N. Y. 414. ..40, 554 LandisT. Campbell, 79 Missouri. 433 49.239 Landisv Roth, 109 Penn. St. 621 58,747 Landisv. State, 70 Georgia. 652 48,538 Landon v. Humphrey, 9 Connecticut, 209 xxiii, 333 Landrigan v. State, 31 Arkansas, 50 25, 547 Landrum T. Hatcher, 11 Richardson's L. 54 lix, 237 Landry T. Baugnon, 17 Louisiana, 82 xxxri, 606 Lane's Appeal, 105 Pennsylvania St. 49 51, 166 Lane v. Baughman & 8. R. R. Co., 17 O. St. 642.xcui, 653 Lane r. Borland, 14 Maine, 77 xxxi, 33 Lane T. Bryant, 9 Gray, 245 Ixix, 282 Lane ads. Commonwealth, 113 Mass. 458 18, 509 Lane v. Dorman, 3 Scammon, 233 xxxvi, 543 Lane v. Dudley, 2 Murphey, 119 v, 523 Lane v. Ewing, 31 Missouri, 75 Ixrrii, 633 Lane T. Gluckauf . 28 California, 283 Ixxxvii, 121 Lane v. King, 8 Wendell, 534 xxiv, 105 Lane v. Levillian, 4 Arkansas, 76 xxxvii, 769 Laner. Maine M. F. L Co., 12 Maine, 44 xxviii; 150 Lane T. Manning, 8 Yerger, 435 xxix, 125 Lane y. Winthrop, IBay, 116 i, 599 Lanfear T. Blossman, 1 Louisiana An. 143 x!v, 76 Lanfear T. Mayor, 4 Louisiana, 97 ,.xslii 477 Lanfear T. Mestier. 18 Loukiana An. 497 Ixxxix, 658 Lanfear T. Sumner, 17 Massachusetts, 110 ix, 119 Lang T. Brown, 21 Alabama, 179 Ivi, 244 Langv. Scott, 1 Blackford, 405 xii, 257 Lang v. Waring, 25 Alabama, 625. Ix, 533 Langabier v. Fairbury etc. R. R. Co., 64 HI. 243. .16, 550 Langan T. Atkinson, 35 Kansas, 313 57, 165 Langdon v. Baxter Nat. B'k, 57 Vermont. 1 52, 113 Langdonv. Dond, 6 Allen. 423 Ixxxiii, C41 Langdon v. Langdon, 25 Vermont, 67S Ix, 296 Langdon v. Lockett, 6 Alabama, 727 xli, 78 Langdon T. Roane, 6 Alabama, 518 xli, 60 Laoge Y. Benedict, 73New York, 12 29, 80 Langev. Wagner, 52 Maryland, 310 36,330 Langenberger T. Kroeger, 48 California. 147 17,418 Langfordv. Owsley, 2 Bibb, 215 iv, 699 Langhammer v. Halloway, 42 Penn. State. 4*3..1xxxii 1 526 Langley T. Palmer, 30 Maine, 467 1, 634 Langston T. Bates, 84 Illinois, 524 25, 466 Langworthy T. Connelly, 14 Nebraska, 340 45, 117 Laugworthy Y. Smith, 2 Wendell, 587 xx, 652 Lanier v. Auld, 1 Murphey, 133 iii, 680 LanierY. McCabe, 2 Florida, 32 xlviii, 173 Lanierv. Trigg, 6 Smedes & M. G41 xlv, 293 Lanigan T. Kille, 97 Pennsylvania St. 120 39, 797 Laning Y. New York Cent. R. R. Co.. 49 N. Y. 521 . 10, 417 LanmanY. Crocker, 97 Indiana, 163 49,437 LanningY. Christy. 30 Ohio St. 115 27,431 LaNomav. State, 13 Texas Ct. App. 33 44,699 107 TABLE OF CASES. Lan Lea Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Lansing v. Carpenter, 9 Wisconsin, 540 Ixxvi, 281 Lansing v. Floet, 2 Johnson's Cases, 3 i, 112 Lansing v. Gaine, 2 Johnson, 300 iii, 422 Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wendell, 9 xxi, 89 Lant's Appeal, 93 Pennsylvania St. 279 40, 6 J6 Lantis, In re, 9 Michigan, 324 Ixxx, 53 Lantry v. Lantry, 51 Illinois, 458 2,310 Lantzads. State, 23 Kansas, 728 32,215 Lantz v. Worthington, 4 Penn. State, 153. xlv, 682 La page v. State, 57 New Hampshire, 245 24, 69 Lapene v. Suu Mutual Ins. Co., 8 La. An. 1 Iviii, 668 . Lapere v. Luckey, 23 Kansas, 534 33, 196 Lapham v. Curtis, 5 Vermont, 371 xxvi, 310 ^Laphainv. Whipple, 8 Metcalf, 59 xli, 437 Lapice v. Smith, 13 Louisiana, 91 TTTJJJ, 555 Large v. Keen's Creek Draining Co., 30 Indiana, 263 xev.696 Larisonr. State. 49 N. J. L. 256 60,606 Larkin v. Bank of Montgomery, 9 Porter, 434..xxsiii, 324 Larkin v. County of Saginaw, 11 Michigan, 88...1xrxii, 63 Larkin v. Hardenbrook, 90 New York, 333 43, 173 Larkin ads. State, 49 New Hampshire, 35 6, 453 Larkins v. Eclnv-urzel, 42 Ala. 322 xciv, 651 Larmore v. Crown Point I. Co.. 101 N. Y. 291 54, 718 Larnedv Andrews. 106 Massachusetts, 435 8,316 Lamed v. Buffiaton, 3 Massachusetts, 546 iii, 1S5 Lamed v. Wheeler, 140 Massachusetts, 390. 54, 483 Larrabee v. Fairbanks, 24 Maine, 363 xli 333 Larrr.bee v. Lewis, 67 Georgia, 561 44, 735 Larrabeo v. Talbott, 5 Gill, 426 xlvi, 637 Larrabee v. Van Alstyne, 1 Johnson, 397 iii, 333 Larson v. Berquist, 31 Kansas, 331 55, 249 Larson v. Reynolds and Packard, 13 Iowa, 579. ..Ixxxi, 444 Larthet v. Forgay, 2 Louisiana An. 524 xlvi, 55 1 La Rue v. Gilkyson, 4 Penn. State, 375 xlv, 700 Lary v. Cleveland etc. R. R Co., 73 Ind. 323 41, 572 Lary v. Young, 13 Arkansas, 401 Iviii, 332 Lasala v. Holbrook, 4Paige Ch. 169 xxv, 524 Laselle v. Burnett, 1 Elackford, 150 iii, 217 Lash v. Lambert, 13 Minnesota. 416 2, 142 Lash ads. State, 1 Harrison (N. J.), 330 xxxii, 307 Laspeyre v. McFarlaad, N. C. Term. Rep. 187 vii, 703 Lassen v. Vance, 8 California, 271 Ixviii, 322 Lassly v. Fontaine, 4 Hening & M. 146 iv, 510 Latham v. Sumner, 89 Illinois, 233 31, 79 Lathrop v. Bampton, 31 California, 17 Ixxxix, 141 Lathrop v. Clapp, 40 New York, 328 c, 493 Lathrop v. Comm'l B'k of Scioto, 8 Dana, 114...xxxiii, 481 Lathrop v. Cook, 44 Maine, 414 xxxi, 62 Lithrop v. Lawson, 5 Louisiana An. 233 Iii, 585 Lathrop v. Middleton, 23 California, 257 IxxAii, 112 Latimer v. Union Pacific R'y, 43 Missouri, 105. .xcvii, 373 Latimore v. Davis, 14 Louisiana, 161 xxxiii, 531 Latterett v. Cook, 1 Iowa, I Ixiii, 423 Laub v. Paine, 4G Iowa, 550 26, 1C3 Lauer v. Baiidow, 43 Wisconsin, 556 28, 571 Laughlin v. Chicago & N. R'y Co., 23 Wis. 204. ... 9, 493 Laughlin v. Lorenz's Ad., 43 Penn. State, 275.1xxxvi, 502 Laughlin v. State, 18 Ohio, 99 li, 444 Lauman v. Lebanon V. R. R., 30 Penn. St. 42. . .burii, 685 Launder v. Chicago, 111 Illinois, 291 53, 623 Launtz v. People, 113 Illinois, 137 55,405 Laurissini v. Corquette, 25 Mississippi, 177 Ivii, 200 Lausman v. Drahos, 10 Nebraska, 172 35, 468 Laussatt v. Lippincott, 6 Serg. & R. 386 ix, 440 Lavake ads State, 26 Minnesota, 526 37,415 Laveronev. Mangianti, 41 California, 138 10, 2 "0 Laverty v. Snethen, 63 New York, 522 23, 184 Lavery v. Crooke, 52 Wisconsin, 612 38, 763 Law v. Commonwealth, 75 Virginia. 885 40, 750 Law v. Stokes. 32 New Jersey L. 249 xc. 655 Lawler v. Androscoggin R. R. Co., 62 Me. 463.... 16, 493 Lawrence, Exparte, 4 Cowen, 417 xv, 336 Lawrence v. Beaubien, 2 Bailey, G23 xxiii, 155 Lawrence v. Bumham, 4 Nevada, 3G1 xcvii, 540 Lawrence v. Clark, 9 Dana, 257 xrxv, 133 Lawrence v. Combs, 37 New Hampshire, 331 . . . .Ixxii, 333 Lawrence v. Cooke, 56 Maine, 187 xcvi, 443 Lawrence v. Ely, 33 New York, 42 xcvii, 768 Lawrence v. Fast, 20 Illinois, 333 Ixxi, 274 Lawrence v. Green, 70 California, 417 59, 423 Lawrence v. Hagerman 56 Ulinoir, 63 8, 674 Lawrence v. Haynes, 5 New Hampshire, 33 xx, 554 Lawrence v. Hodges, 92 North Carolina, 672 53, 436 Lawrence? Hunt, 10 Wendell, 80 xxv, 539 Lawrence v. Kitteridge, 21 Connecticut, 577 Ivi, 385 Lawrence v. Knap, 1 Root, 243 i, 43 Lawrence v. Mabry, 2 Devereux's L. 473 xxi, 346 Lawrence v. Parker, 1 Massachusetts, 191 il, 10 Lawrence v. Pullman's P. C. Co. , 1 44 Mass, 1 59, 58 Lawrence v. Schmidt, 35 Illinois, 440 Ixxxv, 371 Lawrence r. Smith, 45 New Hampshire, 533. ..Ixxxvi, 183 Lawrence v. State, 1 Humphreys, 223 xxxiv, 644 Lawrence v. Winona etc. R. R. Co., 15 Min- nesota.. 390 2,130 Lawrence Manuf. Co. v. Lowell H. Mills, 129 Massachusetts, 325 37, 363 Lawson v. Chicago, St. P. M. & O. R'y Co., 64 Wisconsin, 447 54,631 Lawson v. Hicks, 33 Alabama, 279 Ixxxi, 49 Lawson v. Jeffries, 47 Mississippi, 686 12,343 Lawson v. Jordan, 19 Arkansas, 207 .Ixx, 596 Lawson v. Lovejoy, 8 Greenleaf, 405 xxiii, 529 Lawson v. Menasha W. Co., 53 Wis. 393 48, 528 Lawson T. Miller, 44 Alabama, 616 4,147 Lawson v. Morrison, 2Dallas, 236 i, 283 Lawson v. Powell, 31 Georgia, 681 Ixxix, 296 Lawson v. State, 20 Alabama, 65 Ivi, 183 Lawson v. State, 10 Arkansas, 23 1, 238 Lawson ads. State, 7 Arkansas, 391 xlvi, 293 Lawson's Ex. v. Lawson, 15 Gratt. 230 Ixxx, 703 Lawton v. Adams, 29 Georgia, 273 Ixxiv, 59 Lawton v. Fitchburg R. R. Co., 8 Cushing, 230 liv, 753 Lawton v. Cordon, 34 California, 36 xci, 670 Lawton v. Rivers, 2 M"Cord, 445 xiii, 741 Lawyerv. Smith, SMichigan, 411 Ixxvii, 460 Lay ads. Commonwealth, 12 Bush, 283 23, 718 Layv. Gibbons, 14 Iowa, 377 Ixxxi, 437 Lay v. Shaubhut, 6 Minnesota, 273 Ixxx, 446 Lazear v. Nat. U. Bank, 52 Maryland, 73 36, 335 Lazear v. Porter, 87 Penn. St. 513 30, 380 Lazell v. Lazell, 12 Vermont, 443 xxxvi, 353 Lazell v. Pinnick, 1 Tyler, 247 iv, 723 Lazier v. Horan, 55 Iowa, 75 39, 167 Lazierv. Westcott, 26 New York, 146 Ixxxii, 404 Lea v. Lea, 99 Massachusetts, 493 xcvi, 773 Leav. White, 4Sneed,73 Ixvii, 599 Leaboads. State, SI Missouri, 168 54, 91 Leach v. Fobes, 11 Gray, 503 Ixxi, 733 Leach v. Forney, 21 Iowa, 271 Ixxxix, 574 Leach v. French, 69 Maine, 339 31,296 Leachv. Hale, 31 Iowa, 63 7,113 Leach v. Hannibal and St. J. R. R. Co., 86 Mis- souri, 27 56,408 Leachv. Leach, 4 Indiana, 628 Iviii, 643 Leach v. Marsh, 47 Maine, 5i3 Ixxiv, 503 Leachv. Perkins, 17 Maine, 462 xxxv, 268 Leach v. Pine, 41 Illinois, 65 Ixxxix, 375 Leach ads. State, 7 Connecticut, 452 xviii, 118 Leach ads. State, 60 Maine, 53 11,173 Lea Ler TABLE OF CASES. 108 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Leache v. State. 22 Texas Ct. App. 279 58, 633 Leaclbetter v. JEtna Ins. Co., 13 Maine, 265 xxix, 505 Leakey v. Maupin, 10 Missouri, 353 xlvii, 123 Learned v. Tillotson. 97 New York, 1 49, 503 Learyv. Boston & A. R. R., 139 Mass. 580 53,733 LeasT. Walls, 101 Penn. St. 57 47,699 Leathers Y. Commercial Ins. Co., 2 Bush, 296....xcii, 4S3 Leavenworth v. Delafleld, 1 Caines, 573 ii, 201 Leaven worth Co. Comm'rs v. Miller. 7 Kans. 479 .11, 425 Leavitt y. Jones, 54 Vermont, 423 41,819 Leavitt v. Lamprey, 13 Pickering, 382 xxiii, 635 Learitt T. Metcalf, 2 Vermont, 342 xix, 713 Leavittv. Morrow, 6 Ohio State, 71 btvii, 334 Leavittv. Palmer, 3N. Y. (3 Comst.) 19 li, 333 Leavitt v. Peck, 3 Connecticut, 125 viii, 1:7 Leavitt T. Putnam, 3 N. Y. (3 Comst.), 494 liii, 322 Lebanon Mut. Ins. Co. v. Hoover. 113 Penn- sylvania St. 591 57,511 Lebanon, Town of, v. Comm'rs, 9 Ohio, 80 xxxiv, 422 Le Barron v. East Boston Ferry Company, 11 Allen. 312 Ixxxvii, 717 LeBlanov. Sanglair, 12 Martin, 402 xiii, 377 LeBreton v. Nouchet, 3 Martin, 60 v, 736 Lecatt v. Merchants' Ins. Co., 16 Alabama, 177 1, 169 Lecattv. Bailee, 3 Porter, 115 xxix, 249 Lecky ads. Commonwealth, 1 Watts, 66 xxvi, 37 LeClercq v. Trustees of Gallipolis, 7 Ohio, 217.xxviii, 641 Ledden v. Colby, 14 New Hampshire, 33 xl, 173 Ledyardv. Butler, 9 Paige, 132 xxxvii, 373 Ledyard v. Hibbard, 43 Michigan, 421 42,474 Leev. Abbe, 2 Root, 359 i, 73 Leev. Alexander, 9B. Monroe, 25 xlviii, 412 Leev. Ashbrook, 14 Missouri, 378 IT, 110 Lee v. Boardman, 3 Massachusetts, 233 iii, 134 Leev. Cato, 27 Georgia, 637 Ixxiii, 746 Leev. Davis, 1 A. K. Marshall, 397 x, 746 Leev. Feamster, 21 West Virginia. 108 45,519 Lee v. Figg, 37 California, 328 xcix. 271 Leev. Fontaine, 10 Alabama, 755 xliv, 505 Leev. Giles, 1 Bailey's Law, 449 xri, 476 Lee v. Kingsbnry, 13 Texas, 68 Ixii, 546 Leev. Lake, HMichigan. 12 xc, 220 Leev. Lee, 31 Georgia, 26 Ixxvi. CS1 Leev. Lee's Executor, 4 M'Cord, 183 v xrii, 722 Lee v. Lindell, 22 Missouri, 202 Ixiv, 2G2 Leev. Mathews, 10 Alabama, 632 xliv, 498 Leev. Murphy, 22 Grattan, 739 12,563 Lee v. O'Cull, 7 J. J. Marshall, 149 xxiii, 393 Leev. Pembroke Iron Co.. 57 Maine, 481 2, 59 Leev. Perry, 3 M'Cord, 552 xv, 650 Lee v. Smith, 42 Ohio St. 458 ^51,839 Leev. Smith, 84 Missouri, 304 ~5i, 101 Leev. State, 26 Arkansas. 260 7, 611 Leev State, 61 Georgia, 203 37, 67 Lee ads. State, 22 Minnesota, 407 21,769 Leev. Stone, 5 Gill & J. 1 xxiii, 589 Leev. Stewart, 2Leigh, 76 xxi, 599 Lee v. Tillotson, 24 Wendell, 337 xxxv, 624 Leev. Union R. R. Co., 12 Rhode Island, 383.. ..34, 663 Lee v. Woolsey, 19 Johnson, 319 x, 230 LeeBankv. Spencer, 6 Metcalf, 308 xxxix, 734 Lee's Administratrix v. Lee, 21 Missouri, 531 ... .Ixiv, 247 Lee's Adm'r v. Smead, 1 Metcalfey (K.), 628 Ixxi, 494 Leeman v. State, 35 Arkansas, 433 37, 41 Lefebvre v. Dutruit, 51 Wisconsin, 326 37, 833 Lefevre's Appeal, 69 Pennsylvania State, 122 8, 229 LeFevre v. LeFevre, 4 Serg. & R. 241 viii, 606 Le Forest v. Tolman, 117 Massachusetts, 109 19, 400 Lefflngwell v. Elliott, 8 Pickering, 455 xix, 343 Leffiugwell v. White, 1 Johnson's Ca. 99 i, 97 Leffler v. Armstrong, 4 Iowa, 482 Ixriii, 673 Lefrancois v. Charbonnet, 5 Rob. (La.), 135 xxxix. 533 Leger v. Doyle, 11 Richardson's Law, 109 !xx, C40 Legs v - Dunleavy, 80 Missouri. 553 33, 512 Lesgv. Overbagh, 4 Wendell, 138 xxi, 115 Legg v. Willard, 17 Pickering, 110 xxviii, 282 Lessett v. Blount, N. C. Term Rep. 123 vii, 702 Leggett v. Dubois, 5 Paige Ch. Ill ixviii, 413 Leggett v. Goodrich. 20 La. An. 1G5 xcvi. 338 Leggett v. Hyde, 58 New York, 272 1 7, 214 Leggett v. New Jersey etc. Co., 1 Saxton Ch. 541. xxiii, 728 Le Grand v. Eufaula Nat. B'k, 81 Alabama, 123. .GO, 140 LeGuen v. Gouverneur, 1 Johnson's Ca. 436 i, 121 Lehigh Bridge Co. v. Lehigh Coal Co., 4 Rawlo, O.xxvi, 111 Lehigh Coal & Nav. Co. v. Mohr, 83 Pennsylva- nia State, 228 24,161 Lehigh V. R. Co. v. McKeen, 90 Penn. St. 122. . . .35, 644 Lehman v. Jones, 1 Watts&Serg. 126 xxxTli, 455 Lehman v. State, 18 Texas Ct. App. 174 51, 298. Lehr v. Beaver, 8 Watts & Serg. 102 xlii, 271 Lehre ads. State, 2 Brevard, 446 iv 596 Leiber v. Liverpool L. & G. Ins. Co.. Bush. 639...xcix. 695 Leidig v. Rawson, 1 Scammon, 272 xxix, 351 Leigh v. Everheart, 4 T. B. Monroe, 373 xvi, 160 Leigh v. Smith, 3 Iredell's Eq. 442 xlii, 182 Leightman v. Kadetska, 58 Iowa, 676 : :5, 1L>9 Leighton v. Hall. 31 Illinois, 108 Ixxxiii, 205 Leighton v. Harwood, 111 Massachusetts, 67 15, 4 Leighton v. Sargent, 27 New Hampshire, 4C9 lix, 388 Leighton v. Sargent, 31 New Hampshire, 119 . . . .Ixiv, 323 Leiman, Matter of, 32 Maryland, 225 0, 132 Leinkauf v. Brinker. 62 Mississippi, 255 5 1 ?, 1S3 Leiper's Appeal, 35 Penn. St. 420 Ixxviii, 347 Leisenring v. Black, 5 Watts, 303 xxx, 322 Leitensdorfer v. Delphy, 15 Missouri, 160 Iv, 137 Leland v. Creyon, 1 M'Cord, 100 x, 654 Lemcke v. Booth, 47 Missouri, 3S5 4, 326 Lemon v. Chanslor, 68 Missouri, 310 30, 799 Lemon v. Craddock, Littell's 8. C. 251 xii, 301 Lemon v. Grosskopf , 22 Wisconsin, 447 xcix, 53 Lemons v. State. 4 West Virginia, 755 6, 293 Lemont v. Washington & G. R. Co.,1 Mackey. 180.47, 238 Lemmon v. Whitman, 75 Indiana, 313 39, 150 Lenfersv. Henke, 73 Illinois. 405 24,263 Lenoirv. Winn, 4.Desaussure, 65 vi, 507 Lenox v. Leverett, 10 Massachusetts, 1 vi, 97 Lennig v. Ocean City Ass'n, 41 New Jersey Eq. (14 Stew.) 606 56, 16 Lent v. Padelf ord, 10 Massachusetts, 230 ri, 119 Lentz v. Chambers, 5 Iredell's Law, 5S7 xliv, 63 Lentzv. PUert, GO Maryland, 296 45,732 Lentz v. Wallace, 17 Penn. State, 412 Iv, 569 Leonard, In re, 12 Oregon, 93 53, 323 Leonard v. Brooklyn, 71 New York. 498 27, 80 Leonard v. Columbia S. 8. Co.. 84 N. Y 43 38, 491 Leonard ads. Commonwealth, 140 Mass. 473 54, 485 Leonard v. Dunton, 51 Illinois, 482 xcix, 5C8 Leonard v. Dyer, 26 Connecticut, 172 Ixriii, 382 Leonard v. Hendrickson, 18 Penn. State, 40 Iv, 587 Leonard v. New York etc. Tel. Co., 41 N. Y. 544. . 1, 446 Leonard v. Phillips, 39 Michigan, 132. 33, 370 Leonard v Putnam. 51 New Hampshire, 247 12, 106 Leonard v. Storer. 115 Massachusetts, 86 15, 76 Leonard v. Vredenburgh, 8 Johnson, 29 v, 317 Leonard v. White, 7 Massachusetts, 6 v, 19 Leonard v. Yohnk, 68 Wisconsin, 587 60, 8S4 LePage v. McCrea, 1 Wendell, 164 xix, 469 Leopold v. Salkey. 89 Illinois, 412 31, 93 Lerow v. Wilmarth. 7 Allen. 463 Ixxxiii, 701 LeRoy v. E. SaginawC. R., 18 Michigan. 233 c, 162 109 TABLE OF CASES. ler Lin Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Le Roy T. Mayor of New York, 20 Johnson, 430 xi, 2S9 Leroyv. Rogers, 30 Calif ornia, 229 Ixxxix, 88 Lesher v. Wabash Nav. Co., 14 Illinois, 85 Ivi, 494 Leshey v. Gardner, 3 \7atts & Serg. 314 xxxviii, 764 Lesley v. Rosson, 39 M:ss. 363 Ixxvii, 679 Lessardv. Stram, 62 Wisconsin, 112 51,715 Lester v. Howard Bank, 33 Maryland, 558 3, 211 Lester v. Mahan, 25 Alabama, 445 Ix, 530 Lester T. Mayor of Baltimore, 29 Md. 415 xcvi, 542 LetcherT. Bates, 6 J. J. Marshall. 524 xxii 92 Leuckerv. Steileu, 9 Illinois, 545 31, 101 Levaroni v. Mi^er, 31 California, 231 xci, 692 Levering T. Union T. & lus. Co., 42 Mo. 83 xcvii, 320 Leviv. Booth, 53 Maryland, 305 43.332 Levi T. Lynn and Boston R. R. Company, 11 Al- len, 300 Ixxxvil. 713 Levi v. Latham, 15 Nebraska, 509 48, 361 Levicks v. "Walker, 15 Louisiana An. 245 Ixxvu, 187 Levison ads. People, 16 California, 98 Ixxvi, 505 Levy, Exparfe, 13 Arkansas, 42 51,550 Levy v. Bank of America, 24 Louisiana An. 220. ..13, 124 Levy v. Bondy, lo Louisiana An 573 Ixxvii, 198 Levy v. Boas. 2 Railey, 217 xxiii, 134 Levy v. Cadet, 17 Serg. &R. 125 xvu, 650 Levy v. Levy, 73 Pennsylvania St. 507 31, 35 Levy v. Peabody Ins. Co.. 10 West Virginia, 560. .27, 598 Levy v. Peters, 9 Serg. &R.125 xi, 679 Levyv. Shurman, 6 Arkansas, 1S2 xlii, 690 Levy ads. State, 23 Minnesota, 101 33,678 Leweys L R. R. v. Bolton, 43 Maine, 451 Ixxvii, 236 Lewellen v. Gorrett, 53 Indiana. 442 36, 74 Lewis, Succession of, 19 Louisiana An. 789. briii, 600 Lewis v. Adams, 70 California, 403. 59, 423 Lewis v. Atkinson, 15 Iowa, 361 Ixxxiu. 417 Lewis v. Avery, 8 Vermont, 287 xxx, 469 Lewis v. Bakewell, 6 Louisiana An. 359 liv, 561 Lewis v. Baltimore & O. R. R. Co., 38 Md. 588. . . .17, 521 Lewis v. Bank of Kentucky, 12 Ohio, 132 xl, 469 Lewis v. Brackenridge, 1 Blackford, 220 xii, 223 Lewis v. Erelime, 33 Maryland, 412 3, 190 Lewis v. Bruton, 74 Alabama, 317 49,816 Lewis v. Buck, 7 Minnesota, 104 Irxxii, 73 Lewis v. Campau, 14Michigan, 453 xc, 245 Lewis v. Chadbourne, 5! Maine, 484 xcii. 558 Lewis v. Claiborne, 5 Yerger, 369 xxvi, 270 Lewis v. Coffee Co., 77 Alabama, 190 54, 55 Lewis v. Commissioners, 16 Kansas, 102. 27,275 Lewis v. Culbertson, 11 Serg. &R. 48 xiv, 607 Lewis v. Davis, 3 Missouri, 133 xxiii, 693 Lewis v. Flint & P. M. R. Co., 54 Michigan, 55.. ..53, 790 Lewis v. Gray, 1 Massachusetts, 297 li, 21 ^Lewis v. Harvey, 13 Missouri, 74 lix, 286 *Lewis v. Hawley, 2Day, 435 a, 121 Lewis v. Headley, 33 Illinois, 433 Ixxxvii, 227 Lewisv. Herndon, 3 Littell, 353 xiv, 63 Lewis v. Hoover, 1 J. J. Marshall, 500 xix, 120 Lewisv. Hubbard, 1 Lea, 433 27,775 Lewis v. Johns, 24 California, 93 Ixxxv, 49 Lewisv. Jones, 1 Penn. State, 336 xliv, 138 Lewis v. Jones, 17 Penn. State, 262 Iv, 550 Lewis v. Keeling, 1 Jones' Law, 299 Ixii, 163 Lewis v. Kirk, 23 Kansas. 497 42,173 Lewis v. Lewis, 9 Missouri, 1S2 xliii, 540 Lewisv. Lewis, 13 Penn. State, 79 liii, 443 Lewis v. Love's Heirs, 2 B. Monroe, 345 xxxviii, 161 Lewis v. Ludwick, 6 Cold. 358 xcviii, 454 Lewisv. Lusk, 35 Mississippi, 696 Ixxii, 153 Lewis v. McCabe, 49 Connecticut, 140 44, 217 Lewis v. Mobley, 4 Dev. & Bat. L. 323 xxxiv, 379 Lewis v. New York S. C. Co., 113 Mass. 269 58, 135 Lewisv. Payn, SCowen, 71 xviil, 427 Lewisv. Phillips, 17 Indiana, 103 Ixxix, 457 Lewis v. Prenatt, 24 Indiana, 98 Ixxrrii, 321 Lewis v. Ross, 37 Maine, 230 lix, 49 Lewis v. Rountree, 79 North Carolina, 122 28, 309 Lewis v. Scofield, 26 Connecticut, 452 Ixviii, 404 Lewis v. Schenck, 18 New Jersey Eq. 459 xc, 631 Lewis v. Seabury, 74 New York, 409 30, 311 Lewis v. Smith, 9 New York (5 Selden), 502 Ixi, 706 Lewis v. 7 Spencer, West Virginia, 689 23, 619 Lewisv. State, 39 Alabama, 54 Ixviii, 113 Lewisv. State, 72 Georgia, 164 53,835 Lewisv. State. 96 New York, 71 48,607 Lewis ads. State, 2 Hawks, 98 xi, 741 Lewis ads. State, 19 Kansas. 260 27, 113 Lewis ads. State, 43 Iowa. 578 30,407 Lewis ads. State, 73 North Carolina, 133. 31, 461 Lewis v. Stein, 16 Alabama, 214 1, 177 Lewis v. St. Louis etc. R. R. Co.. 59 Missouri, 495.31, 385 Lewisv. Taton, 64 Iowa, 220. 53,436 Lewisv. Tipton, WOhio State, 83 Ixxv, 498 Lewis v. Whittemore, 5 New Hampshire, 364 xxii, 466 Lewis v. Woods, 4 Howard (Miss.), 86 xxxiv, 110 Lewis v. Woodworth, 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.), 512 li, 319 Lewiston Falls Bank v. Leonard, 43 Maine, 144. .Ixix, 49 Lexington, City of, v. McQiullan, 9 Dana, 513. ..xxxv, 159 Lexington, City of, v. Milton, 12 B. Monroe, 212.. liv, 522 Lexington Life & M. F. Ins. Co. v. Page & Rich- ardson, 17 B. Monroe, 412 Ixvi, 165 Lexington & Ohio R. R. Co. v. Applegate, 8 Dana, 289 xxxiii, 497 Lexington &O. R.R. Co. v. Bridges, 7 B. Mon. 556.xlvi, 528 Libbey ads. Commonwealth, 11 Metcalf, 64 xiv, 185 Libbey v. Tolford, 43 Maine, 316 Ixxvii, 229 Libby v. Berry, 74 Maine, 280 43,589 Libby ads. State, 44 Maine, 469 Ixix, 115 Libby ads. State exrel. Hodgdon, 34 N. B. 321..1xxxii, 223 Libhart v. Wood, 1 Watts & Serg. 265 xxxvu, 461 Liceyv. Licey, 7 Penn. State, 251 xlvu, 513 Lichtenthaler v. Thompson, 13 Serg. & R. 157 xv, 581 Lichtenstein, Ex parte, 67 California. 359 56, 713 Lichtenstein v. M -His, 8 Oregon, 464 34, 592 Lick v. Madden, 36 California, 208 xcv, 175 Lick v. ODonnell, 3 California, 59 Iviii, 383 Liddel v. McVickar, 6 Halsted, 44 xix, 369 Liddle v. Needham, 39 Michigan, 147 33,359 Lidev. Hadley, 36 Alabama, 627 Ixxvi, 338 Lide v. Thomas, 2 Brevard, 334 iv, 581 Liebke v. Knapp, 79 Missouri, 22. 49, 212 Liebschutz v. Moore, 70 Indiana, 142 36, 132 Lieper's Appeal, 35 Perm. State, 420 Ixxviii, 347 Ligget v. Smith, 3 Watts, 331 xxvu, 353 Lightner v. Steinagel, 33 Illinois. 510 Ixxxv, 292 " Lighty v. Shorb, 3 Penrose & Watts, 447 xxiv, 334 Ligonia v. Buxton, 2 Greenleaf, 102 xl, 46 Ligonier v. Ackerman, 46 Indiana, 552 15, 323 likefield v. Likefield, 82 Kentucky, 539 56, 908 Lile T. Hopkins, 12 Smecles & M. 299 li, 115 Liles v. Fleming, 1 Devereux's L. 1S5 xviii, 585 Laes v. State, 30 Alabama, 24. Ixviii, 108 Lilliev. Hoyt, 5 HiH (N. Y.), 395 xl, 360 T.illia T. St. Louis etc. R. Co., 64 Mo. 464 27,255 Lima v. Cemetery Ass'n, 42 Ohio State, 128 51, 809 Limekffler v Hannibal & St. J . R. R. Co. , 33 Kan- sas, 83 52,523 Lime Rock Bank v. Mallett, 31 Maine, 547 M, 673 Lime Rock Bankv. Plimpton, 17Pickering, 159.xxviii, 236 Limestone Bank v. Penick, 2 T. B. Monroe, 98.... xv, 136 Linard v. Crossland, 10 Texas, 462 .Ix, 213 Linaweaver ads. State, U 3 Head, 51.,.........lxxv. 757 Un-Llo TABLE OF CASES. 110 Roman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Unckv. Kelley, 25 Indiana, 278 Ixxxvii, 362 Lincoln v. Alexander, 52 Calif ornia, 482 28,639 Lincoln v. Davis, 53 Michigan, 375 51, 116 Lincoln v. Purcell, 2 Head, 143 Ixxiii, 196 Lincoln v. Wright, 23 Penn. State, 76. Ixii, 316 Lincoln etc. Bank v. Page, 9 Massachusetts, 155. ...vi, 52 Lincoln etc. Bank v. Richardson, IGreenleaf. 79... x, 34 Lindv. Adams, 10 Iowa, 398 Ixxvii, 123 Lindell v. Liggett, 1 Missouri, 432 xvi, 298 LindeU v. McLaughlin, 30 Missouri. 28 Ixxvii, 593 Linden v. Rokes. 60 Missouri, 219 31,393 Lindeman v. Lindsey, 69 Pennsylvania State, 93. .. 8, 219 Lindeman v. Kosenfield, 67 Indiana, 246 33, 79 Lindenthall ads. State, 5 Rich. Law, 237 Ivii, 743 Lindley v. Cross, 31 Indiana, 106 xcix, 610 Lindley v. Union Ins. Co., 63 Maine, 368 20, 701 Lindley ads. State. 51 Iowa, 343 33, 139 Lindsay v. Armfield, 3 Hawks, 543 xiv, 6C3 Lindsayv. Hill, 66 Maine, 212 22,564 Lindsay v. McCormack, 2 A. K. Marshall, 229 xii, 387 Lindsay v. Smith, 78 North Carolina, 328 24, 463 Lindsay v. Winona & St. P. R. Co., 29 Minn. 411..43, 228 Lindsey v. Lindsey, 50 Illinois, 79 xcix. 489 Lindsey v. McClelland. 18 Wisconsin. 431 Ixxxvi. 786 Liness v. Hesins, 44 Illinois, 113 xcii, 153 Lineweaver v. Stagle. 64 Maryland, 465 54, 775 Linfield v. Old Colony R. R. Corp. 10 Gush. 562. .Ivii, 124 Lingenf elter v. Ritchey, 53 Penn. St. 485 xcviii, 308 Lining v. Geddes, 1 MoCord Ch. 304. xvi, 606 Link v. Doerfer, 42 Wisconsin, 391 24, 417 Linkenhoker v. Detrick. 81 Virginia. 44 50, 613 Linkhaw ads. State, 69 North Carolina, 214 12, 645 Linn Co. v. Farris, 52 Missouri. 75 14,339 Linn v. Ross, 10 Ohio, 412 xxxvi, 95 Linn v. State Bank, 1 Scammon, 87 xxv, 71 Linn v. Wright, 13 Texas, 317 Ixx, 282 Linnard's Appeal, 93 Pennsylvania State, 313. .. .3?), 733 Linnehan v Rollins, 137 Massachusetts, 123 50, 2S7 Linnehan v. Sampson, 126 Massachusetts, 506... 30, 632 Linney v. State, 6 Texas, 1.. Iv, 756 Linscott v. Mclntire, 15 Maine, 201 xxxiii, 602 Linsenbigler v. Gourley, 56 Penn. St. 166 xciv, 51 Linsley v. Bushnell, 15 Connecticut, 225 xxxviii, 79 Linsley v. Hubtard, 44 Connecticut, 109 26, 431 Linthicum v. Coan, 64 Maryland, 439 54, 773 Lintonv. Butz, 7 Penn. State, 89 xlvii, 501 Linton v. Crosby. 56 Iowa, 336 41,107 Llnton v. Hart, 23 Penn. State, 193 Iriv, 691 Linton v. Walker, 8 Florida, 144 Ixxi, 105 Lintz v. Thompson, 1 Head, 456 Ixxiii, 182 Lipcsv. State, 15 Lea, 125 54,402 Lipman's Appeal, 30 Penn. State, ISO Ixxii, 692 Lippcncott v. Allander, 27 Iowa, 460 1,299 Lippincott v. Barker, 2 Binney, 174 iv, 433 Lippincott v. Insurance Co., 3 Louisiana, 546. . ..xxiii, 467 Lippitt v. Huston, 8 Rhode Island, 415 xciv, 115 Upscombv. Grace, 28 Arkansas, 231 7,607 Lipecombv. Posted 38 Mississippi, 476. Ixxvii, 651 Lipsky v. Borgmann, 52 Wisconsin, 256 3S, 735 Lisav. LindelL 21 Missouri, 127 Ixiv, 222 Liscombads. People, 60 New York. 559 19,211 Lisherv. Pierson,2 Wendell, 345 xx, C12 Usloff v. Hart, 23 Mississippi, 245 Ivii, 203 Lister v. Allen, 31 Maryland. 543 c, 78 Litchfield's Appeal, 23 Connecticut, 127 Ixxiii, 662 Litchfield v. Whito, 7 N. Y. (3 SeMen), 433 Ivii, 534 Litowich v. Litowich, 10 Kansas, 451 27, 143 Littauer v. Goldman. 72 Xew York, 506 2S, 171 Littell v. Zuntz. 2 Alabama, 25'. xxxvi, 415 Little v. Barlow, 20 Georgia, 423 Ixxi, 219 Little Beazley, 2 Alabama, 703 xrxvi, 431 Little BirdweU, 21 Texas, 597 Ixxiii, 243 little Eunce, 7 New Hampshire, 435 xxviii, 363 Little Cook, 1 Aikens, 383 xv, 698 Little Duncan, 9 Richardson's L. 55 Ixiv, 7CO Little Dusenberry, 46 New Jersey Law, G14 50, 445 Little Fossett, 34 Maine, 545 Ivi, 671 Little Gardner, 5 New Hampshire, 415 x xii, 468 Little . Hobbs, 8 Jones' Law, 179 Lxxviij, 275 Little Knox, 15 Alabama, 576 1, 145 Little Larrabee, 2 Greenleaf , 37 xi, 43 Little Libby. 2 Greenleaf , 242 xi, 68 Little Little, 5 Missouri, 227 xxxii, 317 Little Madison, 49 Wisconsin. 605 35, 793 Little Madison, 42 Wisconsin. 643 24, 435 Little Martin, 3 Wendell. 219 xx, 688 Little Moore, 1 Southard, 74 vii, 574 Little Pearson, 7 Pickering, 301 xix, 289 Little Phoenix Ins. Co. , 123 Massachusetts. 380.25, % Little Semple, 8 Missouri, 99 xL 123 Little . Sleeper, 37 Vermont. 105 Ixxxvi, 697 Little State, 90 Indiana, 338 46, 224 Little Schuylkill N. R. Co. v. Norton, 2* Penn. St. 465 liiv, 673 Little S. Nav. Co.v. Richards. 57 Penn, St. 142. xcviii, 209 Littlefield v. Littlefield, 91 New York. 203 43, 663 Littlefield v. Maxwell, 31 Maine, 134 1, 653 Littlefield ads. State, 70 Maine, 452 35, 335 Littlejohn v. Jones, 2 McMullan's Law, 365 xxxix, 132 Little Miami R. R. Co. v. Naylor, 2 Ohio St. 235. ..lix, 667 Little Miami R. R. Co. v. Wetmore, 19 O. St. 110. 2, 373 Little Rock & F. S. R. Co. v. Barker, 33 Arkan- sas, 350 34, 44 Little Rock & F. S. R. Co. v. Chapman. 39 Arkan- sas, 463 43,280 Little Rock & F. S. R. Co. v. Dean, 43 Ark. 529. . .51, 534 Little Rock & F. S. R. Co. v. Miles, 40 Ark. COS. . .48, 10 Little Rock & F. S. R. Co. v. Payne, 32 Ark 973. . .4, 55 Little Rock & F. S. R'y Co. v. Payne, 33 Ark. 816. .34, 55 Little Rock, M R. & T. R. Co. v. Brooks, 39 Ar- kansas, 403 43,277 Littleton v. Fritz, 65 Iowa, 488 54, 19 Littleton v. Richardson, 34 New Hamp. 179 !zu, 7CO Littlewood v. Mayor, 89 New York, 24 42, 271 Litton v. Baldwin, 8 Humphreys, 209 xlvii, 605 Lively v. Paschal, 35 Georgia, 218 Ixxxix, 232 Livennore v. Boutelle, 11 Gray, 217 Ixxi, 708 Livermore v. Tenney, 11 Gray, 217 Ixxi, 708 Livennore v. White. 74 Maine, 452 43,600 Liverpool L. & G L Co. v. Orr. 63 Miss. 431 56, 810 Livezey v. Philadelphia, 64 Penn. St. 106 3, 578 Livingston v. Bishop, 1 Johnson, 290 iii, 330 Livingston v. Gaussen, 21 La. An. 286 xcii, 731 Livingston v. Kettelle, 1 Oilman, 116 xii, 1C6 Livingston v. Livingston, 4 Johnson's Ch. 2S7 viii, 562 Livingston v. Livingston, 6 Johnson's Ch. 497 x, 353 Livingston T. Livingston. 2 Mill, 428 xii, 634 Livingston v. Mayor of New York, 8 Wendell, So.xxii, 623 Livingston v. McDonald, 21 Iowa, 160 Ixxxix. 563 Livingston v. Moingona Coal Co., 49 Iowa, 369 31, 150 Livingston v. Roosevelt, 4 Johnson, 251 iv, 273 Livingston v. Ten Broeck, 16 Johnson. 14. viii, 2S7 Livingston v. Tompkins, 4 Johns. Ch. 415 viii, 5?3 Lloyd v. Brewster, 4 Paige Ch. 537 xxvii, 83 Lloyd v. Farrell, 43 Pennsylvania State, 73.... Ixxxvi, 5S3 Lloyd v. Hart, 2 Penn. State, 473 xlv, 613 Lloyd v. Jewell. 1 Greenleaf, 352 x, 73 Lloyd v. Keach, 2 Connecticut, 175 vii, 256 Lloyd v. Lynch, 28 Penn. State, 419 Ixx, 137 Lloyd v. Mayor of N. Y., 5 N. Y. (1 Selden), 309. . .Iv, 347 Ill TABLE OF CASES. Llo Lon Roman letters [xlix] refer to~volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Lloyd v. Warne C. Julge, 26 Michigan, 236 53, 37S Lloyd v. West Branch Bank, 15 Penn. State, 172..1iii, 531 Lobdell v. Baker, 1 Metcalf, 193 xxxv, 33S Lobdell v. Bullitt, 13 Louisiana, 3i8 xxxiii, 567 Lobdell v. Simpson, 2 Nevada, 274 xc, 537 Locke's Appeal, 72 Penn. St. 491 13,716 Locke T. Alexander, 2 Hawks, 155 xi, 750 Locke T. Coleman, 2 T. B. Monroe, 12 XT, 118 Locke v. Central, 4 Colorado, 65 34, 66 Locke v. Eomer. 131 Massachusetts, 93 41, 199 Locke T. Lewis, 121 Massachusetts,! 38, 631 Locke v. Steams, 1 Metcalf, 560 xxxv, 3S2 Lockenow T. Sides, 57 Indiana, 360 26, 58 Lockhardt v. Van Alstyne. 31 Michigan, 76 18, 156 Lockhart v. Cooper, 87 North Carolina, 119 43, 514 Lockhart v. House, 43 Indiana, 105 13, 384 Lockhart v. Van Alstyne. 31 Michigan, 76 18, 156 Lockhart v. West. & A, Pv. R , 73 Georgia, 492 54, 833 Lockhart v. Wyatt, 10 Alabama, 231 xliv, 481 Lockridge v. BalJYrin, 20 Texas, 303 Ixx, 3S5 Lockridsev. Eijserstaif, 2 Duval, 281 Ixxxvii, 498 Lockridgo %'. Lockridge, 3 Dana, 23 xxviii, 52 Lockwood v. Barnes, 3 Hill (X. T.), 128 xxxviii, 620 Lockwood v. Bates, 1 Delaware Ch. 435 xli, 121 Lockwood v. Eeckwith, 6 Michigan, 1G8 Ixxii, 69 Lockwood v. Bull, 1 Cowen, 322 xiii, 539 Lockwood ads. Commonwealth, 103 Mass. 323.... 12, 699 Lockwood v. Mechanics' Nat. Bank, 9 R. L 308. . .11, 253 Lockwood v. Mitchell, 19 Ohio, 448 liii, 433 Lockwood v. Mitchell, 7 Ohio State, 387 Ixx, 78 Lockwood T. N. Y. Cent. R. R. Co.. 49 New York, 2G3 10,366 Lockwood v. Xj-e, 2 Swan, 515 Iviii, 73 Lockwood v. Stradley, 1 Delaware Ch. 298 xii, 97 Lockwood v. Thome, 11 N. Y. (1 Kernan), 170. .. .Ixii, 81 Lockwood Co. T. Lawrence, 77 Maine, 297 5?, 763 Lockyear ads. State, 95 North Carolina, 633 59, 237 Lodge v. Patterson, 3 Watts, 74 xxvii, 335 Lodge v. Simonton, 2 Penrose & W. 439 xxiii, 36 Lodgev. "White, 30 Ohio St. 569 27,492 Loebv. Attica, 82 Indiana, 175 47,494 Loeb v. Peters, 63 Alabama, 243 35, 17 Loebv. Pierpoint, 58 Iowa, 469 42,122 Loeserv. Humphrey, 41 Ohio St. 378 53, 86 Lofland v. Ewing, 5LitteU,42 rv, 41 Lofland v. Maull, 1 Delaware Ch. 359 xii, 103 Loftia v. Cobb, 1 Jones' Law, 406 Ixii, 173 Loftus v. Union F. Co.. 81 New York. 455 38, 533 Logan v. Cassell. S3 Pennsylvania St. 288 32,433 Logan v. Drlscoll, 19 California, 623 Ixxxi, 90 Logan v. Mechanics' ETc, 13 Georgia, 201 Iviii, 507 Logan v. Moulder. 1 Arkansas, 313 xxxiii, 333 Logan v. Murray, 6 Serg. & R. 175 ix, 422 Logan v. Pontchartrain R. R., 11 Rob. (La.) 24. . .xliii, 199 Logan v. Pyne.43 Iowa, 524 22,261 Logan v. Steele, 1 Bibb, 593 iv, 659 Logan v. Sumter, 23 Georgia, 242 Ixxiii, 755 Logansportv. Dick, 70 Indiana, 65. 30,166 Logaasportv. Justice, 74 Indiana, 378 39, 79 Logansportv. Thl, 99 Indiana. 531 49, 109 Logue v. Commonwealth, 33 Perm. State, 265....1xxx, 431 Lohman v. People, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst.) 379 xlix, 340 Londonderry T. Chester, 2 New Hampshire, 2C8 ix, 61 Long Y. Allen, 2 Florida, 403 1, 281 Long v. Bank of Cynthiana, 1 Littell, 290 xiii, 234 Long v. Baugas, 2 Iredell's Law, 290 xxxriii, 694 Longv. Battle Creek, 39 Michigan, 323 33,384 Longv. Besber, 106 Pennsylvania St. 466 51,532 Long v. Buchanan, 27 Maryland, 502 xcii, 653 Longv. Burnett, 13 Iowa, 28 Ixxxi, 4 Longv. Colburn, 11 Massachusetts, 97 vi, 160 Long v. Constant, 19 Missouri, 320 Ixi, 559 Long v. Dooley, 4 Haywood, 128 ix, 754 Longv. HicMngbottom, 23 Mississippi, 772 bdv, 118 Longv. Long, 77 North Carolina, 304 24, 449 Longv. Merrill, N. C. TennRep. 112. vii, 700 Long v. Morrison, 14 Indiana. 595 Ixxvii, 73 Long v. Mulford, 17 Ohio State, 484 xciii, 638 Long v. Neville, 36 California, 455 xcv, 199 Longv. State, 56 Indiana, 182 26, 19 Long v. State, 22 Texas Ct. App. 194 58, 633 Long ads. State, 95 North Carolina, 582 59,263 Longv. Straus, 107 Indiana, 94 57, 87 Longv. Taxing District. 7 Lea, 134 40, 55 Long v. Towl, 42 Missouri, 545 xcvii, 355 Long v. "Wier. 2 Rich. Eq. 283 xlvi, 51 Longfellow v. Quimby, 29 Maine, 196 xlviii, 525 Longueville v. Western Ass. Co., 51 Iowa, 553 33, 146 Long Island R. R. Co., Matter of, 19 Wend. 37. .xxxii, 429 Longworth v. Screven, 2 TTill, 298 xxvli, 331 Loockerman v. McBlair, 6 GUI, 177 xlvi, 661 Lookv. Dean, 108 Massachusetts, 116 11,323 Loomis v. Bragg, 50 Connecticut, 228 47,638 Loomis v. Lane, 29 Penn. State, 242 Ixxii, 625 Loomis v. Marshall, 12 Connecticut, 69 xxx, 596 Loomis v. People, 67 New York, 322 23, 123 Loomis ads. People, 8 Wendell, 396 xxiv, 33 Loomis v. Terry, 17 Wendell, 496 xxxi, 303 Loonie v. Hogan, 9 N. Y. (5 Selden), 435 Ixi, 683 Looney v McLean, 129 Massachusetts, 33 37, 295 Looney v. State, 19 Texas Ct. App. 520 38, 648 Loopv. Litchfield, 42 New York, 351 1,513 Lordv. Bourne, 63 Maine, 368 18,234 Lord v. Chadbourne, 42 Maine, 429 Ixvi, 290 Lord v. Colley, 6 New Hampshire, 99 xxv, 4-15 Lord v. Dall, 12 Massachusetts, 115 vii, 33 Lord v. Devendorf , 54 Wisconsin, 491 41, 53 Lord v. Grow, 33 Penn. State, 88 Ixxx, 5:4 Lord T. Hardie, 82 North Carolina, 241 33, 683 Lord v. Jones, 24 Maine, 439 xli, 391 Lord v. Litchfield, 36 Connecticut, 116 4, 41 Lord v. Lord, 58 New Hampshire, 7 42, 565 Lordv. Ocean Bank, 20 Penn. State, 384. Ux, 728 Lord v. Shaler, 3 Connecticut, 132 viii, 160 Lord v. State, 16 New Hampshire, 325 xli, 729 Lord v. State, 20 New Hampshire, 404 li, 231 Lordv. Tiffany, 93 New York. 412 50,639 Lordv. Wormwood, 29 Maine, 232 1, 586 Lorieux v. Keller, 5 Iowa, 196 Ixviii, 696 Lorillard v. Town of Monroe, 11 N. Y. 392 Ixii, 120 LorillardF. I. Co. v. McCulloeh, 21 Ohio St. 176.. 8, 52 Lorimier v. Lewis, 1 Morris, 253 xxxix, 461 Loring v. Small, 50 Iowa, 271 32,136 Lormaa v. Benson, 8 Michigan, 18 Ixxrii, 435 Lorton v. State, 7 Missouri, 55 xxxvii, 179 Lorry ads. State. 7 Baxt. 95 33,5:5 Losee v. Buchanan, 51 New York, 476 10,623 Losee v. Clute, 51 New York, 494 10, 638 Loseev. Dunkin, 7 Johnson, 70 v, 245 Lot v. Thomas, 1 Pennington, 407 ii, 354 Lothrop v. Adams, 133 Massachusetts, 471 43, 523 Lothropv. Arnold, 25 Maine, 136.... v xliii, 256 Lothrop v. Thayer, 138 Massachusetts, 466 52, 286 Lott v. New Orleans C. & L. R. R. Co., 37 La. An. 337 55,500 Loud ads. Commonwealth, 3 Metcalf, 323. xxxvii, 139 Louden v. Blythe, 16 Penn. State, 532 Iv, 527 Louden v. Blythe, 27 Penn. State, 22 Ixrii, 443 Loudon Savings Fund Soc. v. Hagerstown Sav. Bank, 35 Penn. State, 498 Ixxviii, 390 Lon Lnc TABLE OF CASES. 112 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Ixjushranv. Ross, 45 New York. 792..'. 6,173 Loughridse ads. People. 1 Nebraska. 11 xciii. 325 Louisiana v. Taylor, 27 Louisiana An. 393 81, 561 Louisiana v. Holmes, 23 Louisiana An. 765 36, 110 Louisiana Baak v. Satterfield, 11 La. An. SO... .Uxiv, 427 Louisiana Nat Bank v. Citizens Bank, 28 La. An. 139 26, 92 Louisiana State Lot Co. v. Richoux. 23 La. An. 743 8,602 Louisvfller. Anderson, 79 Kentucky, 334 42,220 Louisville T. Commonwealth. 1 Duval, 295 boor, 624 Louisiana T. Holmes, 28 Louisiana An. 765 26, 110 Louisville v. Louisville R. Mill Co., 3 Bush. 416. xcvi. 243 Louisville T. Nevin. 10 Bush. 549 19, 78 Louisville & F. R. R, v. Milton, 14 B. Monroe, 75.1viii. 647 Louisville and If. A. R. R, Co. v. State ex reL McCarty,25 Indiana. 177 Ixxrrti. 358 LouisviHe & If . R. R. Co. v. Buckner, 8 Bush, 277 .. 8, 462 Louisville & If . R. R. T. Collins, 2Duval, 114..1xxrvii, 4S6 Louisville & If . R. R. Co. ads. Commonwealth. 80 Kentucky. 291 44,475 Louisville & If. R. Co. T. FCbem, 6 Bush. 574. .. .xcix. 690 Louisville & If . R. R. Co. v. Garrett, 8 Lea, 438. . . .41, 640 Louisville & N. R. R. Co. v. Goodnight. 10 Bush. 552 19, 80 Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Hays. 11 Lea. 382 47, 291 Louisville & If. R Co. v. Kelly. 92 Indiana, 371.. 47, 149 Louisville & If. R. Co. v. Sickings, 5 Bush, 1 xcvl, 320 Louisville & If. R. R. Co. v. State, 3 Head, 523. .Ixxv, 778 Louisville & If . R. Co. v. Weaver. 9 Lea, 33 42, 654 Louisville & If . R. R. v. County C. of D. 1 Sneed, 637.1xU. 424 Louisville Bank v. First Nat Bank 1 8 Baxt. 101. . . .35, 691 Louisville, City of, v. Hyatt 2 B. Monroe, 177..xxxri, 594 Louisville etc. R. R Co. v. Commonwealth, 13 BushSSS 26,205 Louisville etc R. R. Co. v. Hedger, 9 Bash, 645. . .15, 740 Louisville, C. i L. R. R. Co. T. Commonwealth, 80 Kentucky. 113 44,468 Louisville, C. & L. R. R. Co. v. Goetz, 79 Ky 442. .42, 227 Louisville, C. & L. R. R. Co. v. Sullivan, 81 Ken- tuckv. 621 5O,186 Louisville, E. St. L. R. R. Co. v. McVay. 98 Indiana, 391 49,770 Louisville, If . & G. S. R. R. Co. T. Guinan. 11 Lea, 93 47,279 Louisville. N. & G. S. R R. Co. v. Harris, 9 Lea, 180 42,668 Louisville. N. & G. a R. R. Co. v. Katzenberger, 16 Lea, 330 57,232 Louisville, N. O. & C. Ry. Co. v. Richardson, 66 Indiana. 43. 32, 91 Louisville, N. A. & C. R'y Co. v Sumner, 106 In- diana, 53 55,719 Louisville, N. A. & C. R'y Co. v. Thompson. 107 Indiana, 442 57.120 Louisville, N. O. & T. R. R. Co. v. Conroy, 63 Mississippi. 552 56,835 Louisville N. O. & T. R. R. Co. v. Dickson, 63 Mississippi. 330 56, 809 Lounsbury v. Protection Ins. Co. 8 Conn. 459 xxi, 686 Lou than v. Commonwealth, 73 Virginia, 196 52, CCG Louvalle v. Menajri, 1 Oilman, 3? ill, 161 Lovev. Camp, 6 Jredell's Eq. 209 li, 419 Love v. Fairfield, 13 Missouri, 300 liii. 148 Lover. Masoner, 6 Bart. 24 32, 522 Lovev. Miller, 53 Indiana. 294 21,192 Lovev. Moynehan, 16 Illinois, 277 Ixiii, 306 Lover. Payne, 73 Indiana. SO 38,111 Lovev. Robertson, 7 Texas, 6 Ivi, 41 Love v. Sierra N. L. W. & M. Co., 32 CaL 639 ....xci, 602 Love v. Watkins. 40 California, 547 G, 694 Love v. Wells, 25 Indiana, 503 Ixxxvii, 375 Lovejoy v. Albee, 33 Maine, 414. liv, 630 Lovejoy v. Boston & L. R. Co., 125 Mass. 79 28, 208 Lovejoy v. Irelan, 17 Maryland, 525 tetix, 667 Lovejoy v. Whipple, 16 Vermont, 379 ilvi, 157 Loveland v. Burke, 120 Massachusetts. 139 21, 507 Lovell v. Minot 20 Pickering, 116 xxxii, 208 Lovell v. Nelson. 11 Allen, 101 Ixixvii, 708 Lovell v. Quitman.88 New York. 377 42,254 Lovett v. Pike. 41 Maine, 340 Ivi, 248 Lovewell v. Westchester F. L Co.. 124 Mass. 413. .26, 671 Lovingv. Pairo, 10 Iowa, 232 Irxvii, 108 Lovingston v. St. Clair. 64 Illinois, 56 16, 516 Low's Case, 4 Greenleaf, 439 rvi, 271 Low v. Central Pac. R. Co. 52 California, 53 28, 629 Low . Elwell, 121 Massachusetts, 303 23, 273 Low Grand Trunk R'y Co. , 72 Maine, 31? 24, 331 Low Knowlton, 26 Maine, 123 xlv, 100 Low Mumford, 14 Johnson, 426 vii, 469 Low Perkins, 10 Vermont 532 xxxiii, 217 Low Pew, 108 Massachusetts, 347 11,357 Low Tibbetts.72 Maine. 92 39,303 Lowber v. Wilmer's Appeal, 8 Watts & Serg. 387. .xlii, 302 Lowder v. State, 63 Alabama, 143 33, 9 Lowe v. Beckwith, 14 B.Monroe, 184. Iviii, 659 Lowe v. Bliss, 24 Illinois, 1G8 bcrri, 742 Lowe r . Boteler, 4 Harris & McH. 346 i, 410 Lowe v. Bryant 30 Georgia, 523 bovi, 673 Lower. Lowry, 4 Ohio, 77 six, 585 Lower. McDonald, 3 A. K. Marshall, 354. xiii, 181 Lowe T. Miller, 3 Grattan, 205 xlvi, 188 Lowe ads. State. 21 West Virginia, 783 45, 570 Lowell r. Boston. Ill Massachusetts, 454 15, 39 Lowell r. Boston etc. Corp., 23 Pickering, 24. .. .xxxiv, 33 Lowellr. Daniels, 2 Gray, 161 Ixi, 448 Lowell r. Reding, 9 Greenleaf, 85 xxiii, 545 Lowell v. Robinson, 13 Maine, 357 xxxiii, 671 Lowell, City of. v. Parker, 10 Metcalf, 309 xliii, 436 Lowell, City of, r. Spaulding, 4 Gushing, 277 1. 775 Lowenburg v. Jones, 56 Mississippi, 6S8 31, 379 Lowery v. Manhattan R'y Co. . 90 N. Y. 158 32, 12 Lowery v. Scott 24 Wendell, 358 xxxv, 627 Lowery v. Steward, 25 New York, 239 lisxii, 346 Lowery v. Western Union Tel Co. . 60 N. Y. 198. ..19, 154 Lowndes r. Chisolm, 2 McCord's Ch. 455 rvi, 667 Lownsdale r. Hunsaker, 2 Oregon, 101 Ixxrriii, 455 Lowremoro v. Bsrry, 19 Alabama, 130 liv, 188 Lowrie, In re 8 Colorado, 499 54, 558 Lowrey r. Murrel], 2 Porter, 250 xxvii, 651 Lowry r. Bradley, 1 Speer's Ecj. 1 xxxix, 142 Lowry r. Cady, 4 Vermont 504 niv, CCS Lowryr.Erwiu 6 Robinson (La.), 192 xxxil, 556 Lowry r. Fisher. 2 Bush, 70 xcii, 475 Lowry v. Hall, 2 Watts Sers. 129 xxxviii, 495 Lowry v. Howard. 35 Indiana, 170 9, 676 Lowry v. McMillan. 35 Mississippi, 147 lixii, 119 Lowry v. McMillan, 8 Penn. State, 157 xlix, 501 Lowry v. O'Bryan, 4 Richardson's Eq. 262 Ivii, 727 Lowry v. Pinsoa, 2 Bailey, 324 xxiii, 140 Lowry r. Polk Co. . 51 Iowa, 50 33, 114 Lowry r. Rainwater, 70 Missouri, lj'2 33, 420 Lowtherr. Chappcll, 8 Alabama, 353 xlii, 364 Loyr. Home Ins. Co, 24 Minnesota. 315 31, 346 Loy r. Steamboat F. X. Anbury, 28 ni 412. Ixxxi, 293 Loyd r. Malone, 23 Illinois, 43 bcriv, 179 Loydr. Wight, 20 Georgia, 574 lir. 636 Lozav. State, 1 Texas Ct. App. 488 28, 416 Lubert v. Chauritean, 3 California, 453 Iviii, 415 Lucas v. Bishop, 15 Lea, 165 54, 410 113 TABLE OP OASES Lnc Mao Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports Lucas v. Government Nat. Bank, 73 Penn St. 228.21, 17 Lucas v. Hickman, 2 Stewart, 111 six, 44 Lucas v. Ins. Co. , 23 West Virginia, 258 48, 383 Lucas v. Lockhart, 10 Smedes & M. 466 xlviii, 7C6 Lucas v. Lucas, 30 Georgia, 191 Ixxvi, 642 Lucas v. Milwaukee & St. P R. Co., 33 Wis. 41. .14, 735 Lucas v. New Bedford & T. R. R. Co., 6 Gray, 64.1xvi, 406 Lucas v. Parsons, 24 Georgia, 640 Ixxi, 147 Lucas v. Wasson, 3 Devereux's Law, 398 xxiv, 266 Lucasv. White Line T. Co.. 70 Iowa, 541 59,449 Lucas County v. Hunt, 5 Ohio State, 438 toil, 303 Luce v. Carley, 24 Wendell, 451 xxxv, 637 Luce v. Dorchester M. F. Ins. Co. . 105 Mass. 297. . 7, 522 Luce v. Snively, 4 Watts, 3% xxviii, 725 Luchtv Behrens, 23 Ohio State, 231 82,378 Lucich v. Medin, 3 Nevada, 93 xciii, 376 Lucketts v. Townsend, 3 Texas, R9 xlix, 723 Luckis ads. Commonwealth, 99 Mass. . 431 xcvi, 769 Ludden v. Leavitt, 9 Massachusetts, 104 vi, 45 Luddington v. Bell, 77 New York, K8. 33, 601 Lndeke v. Sutherland, 87 Illinois, 481 . . . 29, 66 Ludlam v. Ludlam, 26 New York, 356 Ixxxiv, 193 Ludlow v. Bowne, 1 Johnson, 1 iii, 277 Ludlow v. Gill, N. Chipman, 33 1,694 Ludlowv. Johnson, SOhio, 553 xvil, 609 Ludlow v. Simond, 2 Caines' Cases, 1 ii, 291 Ludlow v. Van Camp, 2 Halsted, 113 xi, 529 Ludwick v. Croll, 2 Yeates, 464 i, 362 Ludwick v. Fair, 7 Iredell's Law, 422 xlvii, 333 Ludwig v. Jersey City Ins Co., 48 N. Y. 379 8, 556 Ludwin v. Fuller, 17 Maine, 162 xxxv, 245 Lubke v. Chicago, M^and St. P. R. Co., 59 Wis- consin. 127 48, 483 ljuebke v. Chicago, M. & S. P. Ry. Co., 63 Wis. 91.53, 266 Luey v. Bundy, 9 New Hampshire, 298 xxxii, 359 Luke v. State, 49 Alabama 38 20, 269 Lukens v. Freiund. 27 Kansas. 664 51, 429 Lumbard v. Aldrich, 8 New Hampshire, 31 xxviii, 331 Lund v. Fletcher, 39 Arkansas, 323 43, 270 Lund v. Inhab. of Tynssborough, 11 Cushing, 563. lix, 159 Lund v. Lund, 1 New Hampshire, 39 viii, 29 Lundy v. Central Pac. R. R. Co., 66 CaL 191. 56, 100 Lungstrass v. German Ins. Co., 48 Missouri, 201... 8, 103 Luning v. State, 2 Pinney, 215, 1 Chand. 178 1, 153 Lunnv. Gags, 37 Illinois, 19 Ixxxvii, 233 Lunsfordv. State, 1 Texas Ct. App. 448 28,414 Lunsford v. Turner, 5 J. J. Marshall, 104 xx, 243 Lupin v. Marie, 6 Wendell, 77. xxi, 256 Lnpton ads. State, C4 Missouri, 415 27, 253 Lurton v. Gilliam, 1 Scammon, 577 xxxiii, 430 Luscomb v. Ballard, 5 Gray, 403 Irvi, 374 Luse v. Isthmus Transit R'y Co., 6 Oregon, 125. . .25, 506 Lush v. McDaniel, 13 Iredell's Law, 485 Ivii, 566 Luske v. Hotchkiss, 37 Connecticut, 219 9, 314 Luster v. Middlecoff, 8 Grattan, 54 Ivi, 129 Luter v. Hunter, 30 Texas, 689 xcviii, 494 Luther v. Arnold, 3 Richardson's L. 24 Isii, 422 Luxv. Hoff, 47 Illinois. 425 xcv, 502 Lybe's Appeal, 106 Pennsylvania State, 626 51, 542 Lycominj v. Union, 15 Penn. State, 106 liii, 575 Lycomins F. Ins. Co. v. Jackson, 83 Illinois, 302.. .25, 386 Lycoming F. I. Co. v. Schwenk, 95 Penn. St. 89. ..40, 629 Lycoming Ins. Co. v. Schreffler. 42 Pa. St. 188. .Ixxxii, 501 Lyerly v. Wheeler, 11 Iredell's Law, 238 liii, 414 Lyerly v. Wheeler, Busbee's Eq. 267 lix, 596 Lyles v. Digges, 6 Harris & J. 3G4 xiv, 281 Lylesv. McClure, 1 Bailey's Law, 7 xix, 648 Lyles v. State, 41 Texas, 172 19, 33 Lyman v. Edgerton, 29 Vermont, 305 Ixx, 415 Lyman T. Fiske, 17 Pickering, 231 xxviii, 293 INDEX A. D. & A. R. 8. Lyman v. Gedney,114 Illinois, 333 55, STL Lyman v. Hale, 11 Connecticut, 177 xxvii, 728 Lyman v. Lyman, 32 Vermont, 79. Ixxvi, 151 Lyman v. White River Bridge Co., 2 Aikens, 255..xvi, 705 Lymburnads. State, 1 Brevard, 397 ii, 669 Lymus ads. State, 26 Ohio State, 400 20, 772 Lynch v. Allen, 4 Dq|r. & Bat. Law, 62. xxxii, 671 Lynch v. Baxter, 4 Texas, 431 Ii, 735 Lynch v. Commonwealth, 83 Penn. St. 189 33, 445 Lynch v. Commonwealth, 6 Watts, 495 xxxi, 490 Lynch v. Commonwealth, 16 Serg. & R. 368 xvi, 582 Lynch v. Fallon, 11 Rhode Island. 311 23, 453 Lynch v. Mayor, 76 New York, 60 33, 271 Lynch v. Merchants Nat. Bank, 22 W. Va. 554. .. .46, 529 Lynch v. Metropolitan E. R. Co., 90 N. Y. 77 43, 14i Lynch ads. People, 51 California, 15 21, 677 Lynch v. Postlethwaite, 7 Martin, 69 xii, 495 Lynch v. Smith, 104 Massachusetts, 52 6, 188 Lynchbnrg v. Norfolk & W. R. R. Co., 80 Va. 237.56, 592 Lynchburg F. I. Co. v. West, 76 Virginia, 575 44, 177 Lynd v. Picket, 7 Minnesota, 184 Ixxxii, 79 Lynde v. Budd, 2 Paige's Ch. 191 xxi, 84 Lynde v. McGregor, 13 Allen, 182 xc, 188 Lynde v. Melvin, 11 Vermont, 683 xxxiv, 717 Lyne v. Guardian, 1 Missouri, 410 xiii, 509 Lynes ads. Commonwealth, 142 Mass. 577 56, 709 Lynes v. State, 5 Porter, 233 xxx, 557 Lynn's Appeal, 31 Penn. State, 44 bcdi, 721 Lynn v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 60 Maryland, 404.45, 741 Lynn v. Gridley, Walker, 543 xii, 531 Lynx, Steamboat v. King, 12 Missouri, 272 xlix, 135 Lyonv. Boiling, 9 Alabama, 463 xliv, 444 Lyon v. Boiling, 14 Alabama, 753 xlviii, 122 Lyonv. Briggs, 14 Rhode Island, 222 51,372 Lyonv. Culbertson, 83 Illinois, 33 25,319 Lyonv. Hunt, 11 Alabama, 295 xM, 216 Lyon v. Jerome, 26 Wendell,485 xxxvii, 271 Lyonv. King, 11 Metcalf, 411 xlv, 219 Lyon v. McGuffey, 4 Penn. State, 126 xlv, 675 Lyon v. Mitchell, 36 New York, 235 xciii, 502 Lyon v. Traveler's Ins. Co., 55 Michigan, 141 54, 354 Lyon ads. State, 81 North Carolina, 600. . . . : 31, 518 Lyon's Adm'r v. Cleveland & T. R. R. , 7 Ohio St. 338.1xx, 75 Lyons v. Holmes, 11 South Carolina, 429 32, 483 Lyons v. Miller, 6 Grattan, 427 Iii, 129 Lyons v. Providence W Ins. Co., 13 R. I. 347 43, 32 Lyons v. Providence Washington Ins. Co., 14 Rhode Island, 109 51,364 Lyons & Co. v. HOI & Co., 46 N. H., 49 Ixxxviii, 189 Mabire v. Canal Bank, 11 Louisiana, 83 xxx, 710 Mably v. Staiuback, 1 Martin (N. C. ), 75 i, 545 Mabry v. Matheny, 10 Smedes & M. 323 xlviii, 753 Mace v. Button, 2 Indiana, 309 Hi, 510 Machias Hotel Co. v. Coyle, 35 Maine, 405 Iviii, 712 Mac . See Me . Macdonough v. Elam, 1 Louisiana, 489 xx, 284 Macdougall v. Maguire, 35 California, 274 xcv, 98 MackT. Parks, SGray, 517 Ixix, 267 Mack v. Parsons, Kirby, 155 i, 17 Mack v. Patchin, 42 New Y^ik, 167 1,506 Mackason's Appeal, 42 Penn. SUto, 3oO Ixxxii, 517 Mackey v. Collins, 2 Now & McCord, 196 x, 586 Mackey v. Peterson, 29 Minnesota, 298 43, 211 Mackiev. Cairns, 5Cowen, 547 xv, 477 Mackie v. Davis, 2 Washington, 119 i, 482 Mackie v. Smith, 5 Louisiana An. 717 Iii, 615 Mackin v. Boston & A. R. R. , 135 Mass. 201 46, 456 Mackin v. People, 105 Illinois, 312 55, 167 Mackinley v. Hewitt, 3 Wharton, 369 xxxi, 522 Mackinley v. McGregor, 3 Wharton, 369 xxxi, 522 Mac Man TABLE OF CASES. 114 Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Maclay v. Harvey, 90 Illinois, 525 32, 35 MacLeod v. Skiles, 81 Missouri, 595 51,254 Micklin v. Crutcher, 6 Bush, 401 xcix, 630 Macklot v. Dubreuil, 9Missouri, 473 .xliii, 550 Maclay v. Love et Ux, 25 California, 367 Ixxxv, 133 Macomber v. Ciodfrey. 108 Massachusetts, 219 II, 340 Macomber v. Nichols, 34 Michigan, 2^2 22, 522 Macon v Patty. 57 Mississippi, 373 34, 451 Macon & A R. R. Co. v. Mayes, 49 Georgia, 355. .1 ">, 673 Macon & W. R. R. Co. v. McConnell, 31 Ga. 133. .Ixxvi, 685 Macpero v. Pedesclaux, 22 Louisiana An. 227 2, 727 Mactier's Adm'rs v. Frith, 6 Wendell, 103 xxi, 262 Macy v. Combs, 15 Indiana, 469 Ixxvii, 103 Madanv. Sherard, 73 New York, 329 20,153 Madden v. Barnes, 45 Wisconsin, 135 30, 703 Madden v. Chesapeake & O. R'y Co . 28 West Vir- ginia, 610 57,695 Maddox v. Brown. 71 Maine, 432 36,336 Maddox v. Cunningham, 68 Georgia, 431 45, 500 Maddox v. Goddard, 15 Maine, 18 xxxiii, 604 Maddox v. Heal. 45 Arkansas, 121 55, 540 Maddoxv. Rowe, 23 Georgia, 431 Ixviii, 535 Maddox v. State, 32 Georgia, 581 Ixxix, 307 Maddox v. Sullivan, 2 Richardson's Eq. 4 xliv, 234 Maddox v. White, 4 Maryland, 72 lix, 67 Madigan v. McCarthy, 108 Massachusetts, S76....11, 371 Madison, City of v. Ross, 3 Indiana, 236 liv, 431 Mad River etc. R. R. Co. v. Barber, 5 Ohio St. Ml.lxvii, 312 Maeck v. Nason, 21 Vermont, 115 lii, 41 Maeris v Bicknell, 7 California, 261 Lrviii, 257 Magee v. Badger, 34 New York, 247 xc, 691 Magee ads. Commonwealth, 8 Penn. State, 240 . .xLv, 509 Mageev. Holand, SDuteher, 83 Lsxii. 341 Magee v. Keegan, 35 Mississippi, 244 Ixxii, 123 Magee v. Magee, 51 Illinois, 500 xcix, 571 Magee v. McNeil. 41 Mississippi, 17 xc, 354 Magee v. O'Neill, 19 South Carolina, 170 45, 7G5 Magee v. Scott, 9 Cushing, 148 lv, 49 Magee v. Young, 40 Mississippi, 164 xc, 322 Maggrath v. Church, 1 Caines, 1% ii, 173 Maghee v. Camden & A. R. R. Co., 45 N. Y. 514. . C, 124 Magic v. Stoddar J, 25 Connecticut, 565 Ixriii, 375 Magfflv. Hinsdale, 6 Connecticut, 464 xvi, 70 Magillv. Kauffman, 4 Serg. & R. 317 viii, 713 Magowan ads. Commonwealth, 1 Met. (Ky.), 368. .Ixxi, 480 Magnin v. Dinsmore, 62 New York, 35 20, 442 Magnia v. Dinsmore. 70 New York, 410 26, 608 Magrath v. Magrath. 103 Massachusetts, 577 4, 579 Magruder v. Colston, 44 Maryland, 349 22, 47 Magruder v. Gage, 33 Maryland. 344 3, 177 Maguire, In re, 57 California, 604 40,125 Magwire v. Marks, 23 Missouri. 193 Ixxv, Kl Mahady v. Bushwick R. Co., 91 New York. 148. . .43, 661 Mahala v. State, 10 Yerger, 532 xxxi, 591 Mahanv. Brown, 13 Wendell, 261 xxviii, 461 Maherv. Ashmead, 30 Penn. State, 344 Ixxii, 708 Maherv. Millers. 61 Georgia. 556 34, 101 Maher v. People, 10 Michigan, 212 Ixxxi, 781 Maher v. State, 53 Georgia, 448 21,260 MaherT. State, 1 Porter, 265 xxvi, 379 Mahler v. Newbaur, 32 California. 168 xci, 571 Mahon v. Columbus, 58 Mississippi, 310 38, 327 Mahone, Ex parte, 30 Alabama, 49 Ixviii, 111 Mahone v. Mahone. 19 California, 626 Ixxxi, 91 Mahone v. Manchester & L. R. R. Co., Ill Mas- sachusetts, 72 15, 9 Mahoney v. Fitzpatrick, 133 Mass . 151 43, 502 Mahoney v. Libbey, 123 Massachusets, 20 2>, 6 Kahoney v. Young, 3 Dana, 588 xxviii, 114 MahornerT. Hooe, 9 Smedes & M. 247 xlviii, 706 Mahood v. Tealza. 26 La. An. 108 21,546 Mahurin v. Harding, 28 New Hampshire, 128 lix, 401 Main v. Alexander, 9 Arkansis, 112 xlvii, 733 Main v. North-E. R. R., 12 Richardson's L. 82...1xxv, 725 Maine Cent. R. R. Co ads. State, 76 Me. 357. ...4t, 622 Maine ads. State, 27 Connect icut, 641 !xxi, 89 Mains v. State. 42 Indiana, 327 13,364 Maise v. Garner, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 383 xvii, 817 Maitland v. Citizens' Wat. Bank. 40 Md. 540.... 17, 620 Majors v. Everton, 89 Illinois, 56 31, 65 Majors ads. People, 65 California, 138 52, 295 Makepeace v. Lukens, 27 Indiana, 435 xcii, 263 Makin v. Inst. for Savings, 19 Maine, 128 xxxvl, 740 Makin v. Sav. Inst. at Portland, 23 Maine, 350. ... xll, 389 Malcolm T Hall, 9 Gill, 177 lii, 688 Malcolm v. Rogers, 5 Cowen, 188 xv, 464 Malcom v. Spoor, 12 Metcalf, 279 xl i, 675 Maiden Bank v. Baldwin, 13 Gray, 154 Ixxiv, 627 Mali v. Lord. 39 New York. 381 c, 448 Mallet v. Smith, 6 Richardson's Eq. 12 Ix, 107 Mallett v. Simpson, 94 North Carolina, 37 55, 595 Mallett v. Stona, 17 Iowa, 64 Ixxxv, 545 Mallett v. U. S. M. Co.. 1 Nevada, 188 xc, 434 Malloneyv. Horan, 49 New York, 111 10,335 Mallory v. Leach, 35 Vermont, 156 Ixxxii, 625 Mallory v. Russell, 71 Iowa, 63 60, 776 Mallory v. Travellers' Ins. Co.. 47 N. Y. 52 7,410 Malone v. Boston & W. R. R., 12 Gray, 388 Ixxiv, 598 Malone T. Burlington. C. R. & N. R'y Co., 61 Iowa, 326 47,813 Malone T Burlington, C. R. & N. R'y Co.. 65 Iowa, 417 54, 11 Malone v. Hamilton, Minor, 286 xii, 49 Malone v Hathaway, 64 New York. 5 21. 573 Malone v. Hobbs, 1 Rob. (Va.), 346 xxxix, 263 Malone v. MeLaurin, 40 Mississippi, 161 xc, 320 Maloney v. Newton, 85 Indiana, 565 44, 46 Malone v. Samuel, 3 A. K. Marshall, 350 xiii, 172 Malone v. Stewart, 15 Ohio, 319 xlv, 577 Maloney v. Doane, 15 Louisiana, 278 xxxv, 204 Maltbie v. HotchMss, 38 Connecticut. 80 J, 364 Malpica v. McKown, 1 Louisiana, 213 xx, ~279 Mamlock v. Fairbanks, 46 Wisconsin, 415 32, 716 Mana, McGregor & Co. v. Elvers, Bog6 & Co., 14 Louisiana An. 391 Ixxiv, 434 Manadue v. Kitchen, 3 Robinson (La.), 261. . .xxxviii, 237 Manchester Bank v. Bartlett, 13 Vermont, Slo.xxxrii, 594 Mand v. Trail. 92 Indiana, 521 47, 163 Mandelbaum v. Gregovich, 17 Nevada, 87 45, 433 Manderschid v. Dubuque, 29 Iowa, 73 4, 19G Manderson v. Lukens, 23 Penn. State, 31 Ixii, 312 Mandevile v. BTi of La., 19 La. An. 392 xcii, 541 Mandlebaum v McDonell, 29 Michigan, 73 18, 61 Maneely v. McGee, 6 Massachusetts, 142 iv, 105 Manes v. Durant, 2 Richardson's Eq. 404 xlvi, 65 Mangam v. Brooklyn R. Co., 38 N. Y. 455 xcviii, 66 Mangam v. Brooklyn, 98 New York, 585 50, 705 Mangold v. Barlow. 61 Mississippi, 593 48, 84 Mangum v. Ball, 43 Mississippi. 288 5, 433 Manhattan B. & Mfg. Co. v. Sears, 45 N. Y. 797. . 6, 177 Manhattan Co. v. Lydig, 4 Johnson, 377 iv, 280 Manhattan F. Ins. Co. v. Weal, 28 Gratt. 389. . . .26, 364 Manhattan L Ins. Co. v. Smith, 44 Ohio St. 156.. 58, 806 Manhattan L. Ins. Co. v. Warwick, 20 Gratt. 614. . 3, 218 Manhattan Ins. Co. v. Webster, 50 Pa. St. 227.. xcviii. 333 Mankato v. Willard, 13 Minnesota, 1 xcvii, 208 Manlove v. Bender. 39 Indiana, 371 13, 280 Manly v. Slason, 21 Vermont, 271 lii, 60 Manly v. United Ins. Co., 9 Massachusetts, 85 vi, 40 Maun v. Buford, 3 Alabama, 312 xxxvii, 691 115 TABLE OF CASES. Man Mar Roman letters [xlix] refer *o volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Mann v. Central V. R. Co.. 55 Vermont, 481 45, 623 Markham v. Buckingham, 21 Iowa, 494 Ixxxix. 590 Mann v. Lewis, 3 West Virginia, 215 c, 747 Mann v. Afann, 14 Johnson, 1 vii, 416 Mannv. McDowell, 3 Penn. State, 357 xlv, 649 Mann ads. People, 15 New York, 484 31, 482 Mann ads. People, 97 New York, 530 49, 556 Mannv. Robinson, 19 W. Va. 49 42, 7 Mann v. Taylor, 4 Jones' Law, 272 Ixix, 750 Mann v White River L. & B. Co., 46 Mich. 38. .41, 141 Mann & Wheeler v. Birchard & Page, 40 Vt. 326..xciv, 398 Manners v. Manners, 1 Greens Ch. 384 xxxv, 512 Manners v. Phila. Library Co., 93Penn. St. 165... 39, 741 Manningv. Albee, 14 Allen, 7 xcii, 736 Manning v. Craig, 3 Green's Ch. 436 xli, 739 Manning v. Johnson, 25 Alabama, 446 Ixii, 732 Manning v. Keyes. 9 Rhode Island, 224 11,249 Manning v. Manning, 79 North Carolina, 293 28, 324 Manning v. Mitcherson, 69 Georgia, 447 47, 764 Manning ads. People, S Cowen, 2' f xviii, 451 Manning v. San Antonio Club, 63 Texas, 166. 51, 639 Manning v. Shotwell, 2 Southard, 584 viii, 622 Manning v. Wells, 9 Humphreys, 746 li, 688 Mannville Co. v. Worcester, 133 Mass. 89 52, 261 Manny v. Harris, 2 Johnson, 24 iii, 386 Mansfield v. Mansfield, 6 Connecticut, 559 xvi, 76 Mansfield v. Edwards, 13G Massachusetts, 15 49, 1 Mansfield C. & C. Co. v. McEnery. 91 Pennsylva- nia St. 185 36, 662 Manson v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 64 Wisconsin, 26 54, 573 Manuel ads. State, 72 North Carolina, 201 21, 4.55 Manufacturers' Bank v. Gore, 15 Mass. 73 viii, 83 Manufacturers' Bank v. Winship, 5 Pickering, ll.xvi, 369 Manufacturers' Ins. Co. v. Loud, 99 Mass. 146. . .xcvi, 715 Manufacturers' Nat. Bank v. Barnes, 65 111. 69 16, 576 Manufacturers' N. B'k v. Dickerson, 12Vroom, 448.32, 237 Manufacturers' Nat. Bank v. Thompson, 129 Mas- sachusetts, 438 31, 376 Manufacturers' & M. B'k v. Follett, 11 R. L 92. . .23, 413 Manuf. & Mech. B'k v. B'k of Pa., 7 Watts 335 . .xlii, 240 Manufacturing Co. v. Morrissey, 40 Ohio St. 143.. 48, 669 Manville v. Gay, 1 Wisconsin, 250 Ix, 379 Manville v. Western XT. TeL Co., 37 Iowa, 214. . . .18, 8 Maple v. Kussart, 53 Pa. St. 349 xci,214 Maple v. Railroad Co., 40 Ohio St. 313 48, 683 Maplesv. Mediin, 1 Murphey, 219 iii, 687 Maples v New York & X. H. R. R. Co., 33 Con- necticut, 557 9, 434 Maples v. Tunis, 11 Humphreys, 108 liii, 773 Maples v. Wightman, 4 Connecticut, 376 x, 149 Mapstrick v. Ramge, 9 Nebraska, 390 31, 415 Marable v. Jordan, 5 Humphreys, 417 xlii, 441 Maraman v. Trunnell, 3 Met. (Ky.) 146 Ixxvii, 167 Marberger v. Pott, 16 Penn. State, 9 Iv, 473 Marburg v. Cole, 49 Maryland, 402 33, 266 Marburg v. Marburg. 26 Maryland. 8 xc, 81 March v. Eastern R. R. Co., 40 New Hamp. 543.. Ixxvii, 732 March v. Leckie, 13 IredeU's Law, 172 Iv, 431 Marcy v. Amazeen, 61 New Hampshire, 131 60, 320 Marcy v. Barnes, 16 Gray, 161 Ixxvii, 405 Marcy v. Crawford, 16 Connecticut, 549 xli, 153 Marcy v. Stone, 8 Gushing, 4 liv, 736 Mariatigui v. La. Ins. Co., 8 Louisiana, Co xxvla, 12? Marigny v. Home M. I. Co., 13 La. An. 338 Ixxi, 511 Marigny v. Remy, 3 Martin, N. S., 607 xv, 172 Marine B'k of Chicago v. Chandler, 27 111. 523. .Ixx5i, 2iO Marine Nat. Bank v. Nat City Bank. 53 N. Y. 07.17, 305 Marion v. Chicago, R. I. & Pac. R. Co. 59 la. 423 .44, 6S7 Marion v. State, 20 Nebraska, 233 57, S23 Markham v. Brown, 37 Georgia, 277 xcii, 73 Markham v. Brown, 8 New Hampshire, 523 xxxi, 209 Markham v. Merrett, 7 Howard (Miss.), 437 xl, 76 Markham v. O'Connor, 52 Georgia, 183 21, 249 Markham ads. People, 64 California, 157 49, 700 Markham v. Russell, 12 Allen, 573 xc. 169 Markins ads. People, 95 Indiana. 464 48, 733 Markland v. Crumo, 1 Dev. & B. 94 xxvii, 230 Markle v. HatfieldT 2 Johnson, 455 iii, 446 Marks Ex parte, 64 California, 29 49, 684 Marks's Appeal, 34 Penn. State, 36 Ixxv, 631 Marks v. Borum, 1 Baxt. 87 25,764 Marks v. First Nat. Bank, 49 Alabama, 550 58, 620 Marks v. Morris, 2 Munford, 407 v, 481 Marlatt v. Leree Steam C. P. Co., 10 La,, 583. . .xxix, 468 Marlerv. State, 67 Alabama, 55 42, 95 Marler ads. State, 2 Alabama, 43 xxxvi, 398 Marling v. Marling, 9 West Virginia, 79 27, 535 Marlborough B. R. R. v. Arnold, 9 Gray, 159 ... .Ixix, 279 Marmaduke, Ex parte, 91 Missouri, 228 60, 250 Maroney T. Old Colony etc. R'y Co., 106 Massa- chusetts, 153 8,305 Marqnette H. & O. R. Co., v. Harlow. 37 Michi- gan, 554 26,538 Marquette H. & O. R. Co v. Kirkwood, 45 Michi- gan, 51 40, 453 Marquette H. & O. R. Co. v. Spear, 44 Mich. 169.38, 242 Marr v. Given, 23 Maine, 55 xxxix, 600 Marrv. Hanna, 7 J. J. Marshall, 643 xxiii, 449 Marr v. Lewis, 31 Arkansas, 203 25, 553 Marr v. Peay, 2 Murphey, 84 v, 521 Marsau v. French, 61 Texas, 173 48, 272 Marsellis v. Thalhimer, 2 Paige's Ch. 35 xxi, 66 Marsh's Appeal, 69 Pennsylvania St. 30 8, 206 Marsh v. Armstrong, 20 Minnesota, 81 18, 355 Marsh v. Billings, 7 Cushing, 322 liv, 723 Marsh v. Colby, 39 Michigan, 626 33, 439 Marsh v. Fairbury etc. R. R. Co., 64111. 414 16,564 Marsh v. Hall, 9 Rhode Island, 218 11,245 Marsh v. Jones, 21 Vermont, 378 Iii, 67 Marsh v. Marsh, 3 Jones' Law, 77 Ixir, 598 Marsh v. Marsh, J McCarter, 315 Ixxiii. 231 Marsh v. Marsh, 16 N. J. Eq.,391 Ixxxiv, 164 Marsh v. Marshall, 19 New Hampshire, 301 xlix, 156 Marsh v. Muir, 1 Brevard, 134 ii, 648 Marsh v. Pier, 4Rawle, 273 xxri, 131 Marsh v. Scarboro, 2 Dev. Eq. 551 xxvii, 243 Marsh v. Small, 3 Louisiana An. 402 xlviii, 452 Marsh v. Stephenson, 7 Ohio State, 264 Ixx, 73 Marsh v. Steele. 9 Nebraska. 96 31, 406 Marshall v. American Express Co., 7 Wis. 1 . . .Ixxiii, 381 Marshall v. Buchanan, 35 California, 264 xcv, 95 Marshall v. Carson, 38 N. J. Eq. 250 48, 319 Marshall v. Chicago etc. Ry. Co., 48 Illinois, 475..xcv, 561 Marshall v. Christmas, 3 Humphreys 616 xxxix, 199 Marshall v. Cohen, 44 Georgia. 489 P , 170 Marshall v. Colvert, 5 Leigh, 146 xxvii, 589 Marshall ads. Commonwealth, 11 Pickering, 350. .xxii, 377 Marshall v. Cook, 38 Illinois, 44 Ixxxvii, .282 Marshall v. Craig, 1 Bibb, 373 iv, 647 Marshall v. Davis, 1 Wendell, 109 xix, 463 Marshall v. Fisk, 6 Massachusetts, 24 iv, 76 Marshall v. Greenfield, 8 Gill & J. 343 xxix, 559 Marshall v. Haney, 4 Maryland, 433 lix, 92 Marshall v. Jones, 11 Maine, 54 xxv, 260 Marshall v. Means, 12 Georgia, 61 Ivi, 444 Marshall v. Meech, 51 New York. 140 10, 572 Marshall v. Mitchell, 35 Maine, 221 Iviii, 637 Marshall v. Pinkham, 52 Wisconsin, 572 38, 756 Marshall v. Roberts, IS Minnesota, 405 10, 201 Marshall v. Snediker, 25 Texas, 460 Ixxviii, 531 Mar Mas TABLE OF CASES. 116 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Marshall T. State, C Nebraska, 120 29,363 Marshall T. Stephens, 8 Humphreys, 159 xlvii, 60' Marshall T. Sumner, 59 New Hampshire, 213.. . .47, 19 Marshall T. Tenant, 2 J. J. Marshall, 155 xix, 126 Marshall T. Trambuil, 28 Connecticut, 183 .Ixxiii, 667 Marshall v. Wellwood, 9 Vroom. 309 20, 394 Marshall v. Winslow, 11 Maine, 58 f. xxv, 264 Marshalltown T. Blum, 58 Iowa, 184 43,115 Marston v. Brashaw, 13 Michigan, 81 c, 152 Marston v. Hobbs, 2 Massachusetts, 433 iii, 6: Marston v. Marston, 17 New Hampshire, 503 xliii, 61! Marston T. Seabury, 2Pennington, 702 IT, 405 Marston v. Swett. 66 New York. 206 23, 43 .rtin, Ex parte, 13 Arkansas. 198 Iviii, 321 martin, Ex parte, 7 Nevada, 140 8,707 Martin, Ex parte, 5Yerger, 456... xxvi, 276 Martin v. Atkinson, 7 Georgia, 223 1,403 Martin v. Bell, 9 Richardson's Eg,. 42 Ixx, 200 Martin v. Bigelow, 2 Aikens, 184 xvi, 696 Martin v. Black, 9 Paige, 641 ixxviii, 574 Martin T. Blight's Heirs, 4 J. J. Marshall, 491 xx, 226 Martin v. Bliss, 5 Blackford, 35 xxxii, 52 Martin ads. Bobo, 1 Speers' Law, 26 si, 537 Martin v. Boyd, 11 New Hampshire, 335 xxxv, 501 Martin v. Branch Bank, 15 Alabama, 537 1, 147 Martin v. Broach, 6 Georgia, 21 1,306 Martin v. Carlin, 19 Wisconsin, 454 Ixixviii, 606 Martin T. Clarke, 8 Rhode Island, 333 5,536 Martin ads. Commissioners, 4 Michigan, 557 Ixix, 333 Martin v. Dix, 52 Mississippi, 53 24,661 Martin v. Dwelly, 6 "Wendell, 9 xxi, 245 Martin v. Fales, 18 Maine, 3 xxxvi, C93 Martin v. Fishing Ins. Co., 20 Pickering, 389. . . .xxxii, 220 Martin v. Franklin Fire Ins. Co., 9 Vroom, 140.. . .20, 372 Martin v. Funk. 75NewYork, 131 31,446 Martin v. Good, 14 Maryland, 338 Ixxiv, 545 Martin v. Hamlin. 18 Michigan, 354 c, 181 Martin v. Hamlin, 4 Strobhart's Law, 188 liii, 673 Martin v. Hardesty, 27 Alabama, 458 Ixii, 773 Martin v. Hodge, 47 Arkansas, 373 58, 763 Martin v. Jackson, 27 Penn. State, 504 Ixvii, 489 Martin v. Jett, 12 Louisiana, 501 xxxii, 120 Martin v. Lewis. 30 Gratt. 6T2 32, CS? Martin v. Maner, 10 Richardson's L. 271 Ixx, 223 Martin v. Martin, 7 Maryland, 3CS Ixi, 3G4 Martin v. Martin, 1 Vermont, 91 xviii, 675 Martin v. Mathiot, U Serg. & R. 214 xvi, 491 Martin v. Mayo, 10 Massachusetts, 137 vi, 103 Martin v. McCord, 5 Watts, 433 xxx, 342 Martin v. Merritt, 57 Indiana. 34 20, 45 Martin v. Michael, 23 Missouri, 50 Ixvi, 656 Martin v. Miller, 4 Missouri, 47 xxviii, 342 Martin v. 'New Orleans, 33 La. An. 397 58,194 Martin v. Olliver, 9 Humphreys, 561 xlix, 717 Martin v. Parker, 14 Minnesota, 13 c, 188 Martin v. Payne, 9 Johnson, 387 vl, 288 Martin v. Pensacola & G. R. R. Co., 8 Fla. 370. .. Ixxiii, 713 Martin T. Pope, 6 Alabama, 532 xli, 66 Martin v. Potter 11 Gray, 37 Ixxi, 689 Martin v. Ranlett, 5 Puckardson's L. 541 Ivii, 770 Martin v. Reeves, 3 Martin, N. S., 22 xv, 154 Martin v. Robson, 65 Illinois. 129 16,573 Martin v. Searcy, SStewart, 50 xx, 64 Martin v. Smith, 5 Binney, 16 vi, 395 Martin v. State, C3 Mississippi, 505 56, 813 Martin v. State Ins. Co., 15 Vrcom, 485 43, 397 Martin ads. State. 14 Lea. 92 52, 1'7 Martin ads. State, 85 North Carolina, 508 39, 711 Martin ads. State, 30 Wisconsin, 216 11,567 Martin v. Stiilweil, 13 Johnson. 275 vii, 374 Martin v. Thompson, 62 California, 618 45,663 Martin v. United States, 2 T. B. Monroe, 89 xv, 123 Martin v. Webb, 5 Arkansas, 72 xxxix, 363 Martin v. Wilbourne, 2 HO, 335 xxvii, 393 Martin v. Williams, 42 Mississippi, 210 xcvii, 436 Martin v. Wright's Adm'rs, 13 WendeB, 460. . . .xxviii, 468 Martin v. W. U. R. R. Co.. 23 Wisconsin. 437.. .xcix, 189 Martin v. Wyncoop, 12 Indiana, 266 Ixxiv, 209 Martin v. ZeHerbach, 33 California, 300 xcix. 365 Martindale v. Alexander, 26 Indiana, 101 Ixxxix. 458 Marline v. International Life Ins. Soc., 53 New York, 339 13,529 Martrick v. LinfielJ, 21 Pickering, 325 xxxii, 265 Martusv. Houck, 33 Michigan, 439 33,409 Marvel v. Manouvrier, 14 Louisiana An. 3 Ixxiv, 424 Marvin v. Brewster Iron Mining Co., 55 New York. 538 14,323 Marvin v. Hawley, 9 Missouri, 378 x_!ii, 547 Marvin v. Treat, 37 Connecticut. 96 9, 307 Mervin v. Universal L. I. Co., 85 N. Y. 278 39, 657 Marvin Safe Co. v. Norton. 43 N. J. L. 412 57, 566 Manv. Fore, 51 Missouri, 69 11,432 Marxads. People, 99 New York, 377 52, 34 Mary v. State, 24 Arkansas. 44 Ixxxi, 60 Maryland Bank ads. State, 6 Gin & J. 205 xxvi, 561 Maryland F. L Co. v. Dalrymple. 25 Md. 242.. . .Ixxxix, 779 Maryland F. I. Co. v. Whiteford, 31 Md. 219 1, 45 Maryland F. and M. Co v. Newman. 60 Md. 584 ..45, 750 Maryland Mut Benev. Soc'y v. Clendinen, 44 Maryland, 429 22, 52 Maryland Sav. I. v. Schroeder, 8 Gill & J. 93 ... .xxix, 528 Maryland TTnir. v. Williams, 9 Gill & J. 365 xxxi, 72 Maslin v. Baltimore and O. R. Co., 14 West Virginia, 130 35, 748 Mason v. Alston, 9 N. Y. (5 Selden), 23 Ux, 515 Mason v. Atlanta F. Co.. 70 Georgia. 604 48,585 Mason v. Baker. 1 A. K. Marshall, 208 x, 724 Mason v. Bond, 9 Leigh, 181 xxxiii, 243 Mason v. Bridge, 14 Maine/ 468 xxxi, 66 Mason v. Brock, 12 Illinois, 273 Iii, 490 Mason v. Caldwell, 5 Oilman, 196 xlviii, 330 Mason v. CaUender, 2 Minnesota, 350 Ixxii, 102 Mason ads. Commonwealth, 105 Mass. 163 7, 507 Mason T. Decker. 72 New York, 595 28, 190 Mason v. Dousay, 35 Illinois, 424 Ixxxv, 368 Mason v. Dunbar, 43 Michigan, 407 38,201 Masonv. Prick. 105 Pennsylvania St 162... 51, 191 Hason v. Hawes, 52 Connecticut, 12 52, 552 Mason v. Johnson, 21 Illinois, 159 Ixxvi, 740 Mason v. Mason, 33 Georgia, 435 Ixxxiii, 172 Mason v. Missouri Pacific R'y Co., 27 Kans. 83. . .41, 405 Mason v. Stiles, 21 Missouri, 374 Ixiv, 243 Mason v. Thompson, 9 Pickering, 280 xx, 471 Jason v. Vance, 1 Sneed (Term.), 178. Ix, 144 Hason v. Wash, Breese, 39 xii, 138 Mason v. Williams, 3 Munford, 12.' v, 505 Mason v. Wilson, 81 North Carolina, 51 37, 613 Masonic Mutual Benefit Ass'n v. Beck, 77 In- diana, 203 40,295 Massachusetti G. Hos. v. Fairbanks, 129 Massa- chusetts. 73 37,303 Masser v. Bowen, 29 Penn. State, 128 Ixxii, 619 Masser v. Strickland, 17 Serg. & R. 354 xvii, 668 Masseyv. ColvUle. 16 Vroom, 119] 46,754 (lassey v. Gorton, 12 Minnesota, 1 15 xc, 287 lassey v. Taylor, Wood & Co., 5 Cold. 447 xcviii. 429 lassey ads. State, 86 North Carolina, 658 41, 473 lassie's Heirs v. Long, 2 Ohio, 287 xv, 547 Masson v. Bovet, 1 Denio, 69 xliii, 651 Massot v. Moses, 3 South Caiolina, 168 16,697 117 TABLE OF CASES Mas May Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, nd Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Mast v. Pearce, 58 Iowa, 579 43, 125 Masters v. Varner, 5 Grattan, 168 1, 114 Masterton v. Mayor of Brooklyn, 7 HQ OS". Y.), 61.xL!i, 33 Masterson v. N. Y. C. R. Co., 84 New York, 217. .3S, 510 Mastin v. Gray, 19 Kansas, 458 27, 119 Matasch v. Hughes, 7 Oregon, 39 33, 693 Matchin v. Matchln, 6 Perm. State, 332 xlTii, 466 Mateer v. Brown, 1 California. 221 lii, 303 Matheny v. Mason, 73 Missouri, 677 39, 541 Mather y Am Ex. Co.. 138 Massachusetts, 55 5'J,2:S Mather v. Bush, 16 Johnson, 233 viii, 313 Mather v. Chapman, 40 Connecticut, 382 16, 46 Mather v. Phelps, 2 Root, 150 i, 65 Mather ads. People, 4 Wendell, 229 xxi, 122 Mather v. Trinity Church, 3 Serg. & R. 509 viii, 663 Mathes v. Robinson, 8 Metcalf, 269 xli, 505 Matheson T. Equitable F. Ins. Co., HS Mass. 209. .19, 411 Mathews v. Case, 61 Wisconsin, 491 ^ 50, 151 Mathews v. Chrisman, 12 Smedes & M. 595 li, 124 MathewsT. Fogg, 1 Richardson's L. 369 xliv, 257 Mathews v. Kelsey, 53 Maine, 56 4, 248 Mathews v. Lawrence, 1 Denio, 212 xliii, 665 Mathewson v. Jones, 30 Georgia, 306 Ixxvi, 647 v. Sellers, S3 Perm. St. 436 27, T23 Mathiasv. Morgan, 72 Georgia 517 53,847 Mathis v. Clark, 2 Mill, 456 xii, 6S8 Matson v. Farm Buildings I. Co., 73 N. Y. 310. . . .29, 149 Matter of . See name of party. Matteson v. Ellsworth, 33 Wisconsin, 488 14, 766 Matteson v. N. Y. Central R. R. Co., 35 New York. 487 xci. 67 Matthews v. Allen, 16 Gray, 594 Ixxrii, 430 Matthews v. Alexandria, 63 Missouri, 115 30, 776 Matthews v. Coe, 70 New York, 239 26, 583 Matthews v. CopSah Co., 53 Mississippi, 715 24, 715 Matthews v. Douthitt, 27 Alabama, 273 Ixii, 765 Matthews v. Milton, 4 Yerger, 576 XXTI, 247 Matthews v. Skinker, 62 Missouri, 329 21, 425 Matthews v. State, 9 Lea, 128 42,667 Matthews v. State, 55 Alabama, 187 28, 698 Matthews v. Warner, 29 Gratt. 570 26, 396 Matthewson v. Perry, 37 Connecticut, 435 9, 339 Matthey v. Gaily, 4 California, 62 Ix, 595 Mattingly v. Read, 3 Met. (Ky.) 52i Ixxix, 565 Mattison v. Marks, 31 Michigan, 421 18, 197 Mattison v. Mattison, 1 Strobhart's Eq. 387 xlvii, 541 Mattocks v. Lyman, 18 Vermont, 98. . . . xM, 138 Mattox v. Bays, 4 Dana, 461 xxx, 694 Mattox v. Helm, SLittell, 185 XT, 64 Mattox v. Mattox, 2Ohio, 233 XT, 547 Mauch Chunk T. Kline, 100 Pa. St. 119 45, 354 Maught T. Getzendanner, 65 Maryland, 527 57, 352 Maulding v. Scott, 13 Arkansas, 88 Ivi, 293 Mauney T. Coit, 80 North Carolina, 300 30, 83 Maupin's Ex'r v. Dulany's Devisees, 5 Dana, 589. xxx, 699 Mauran T. Smith, SfRhode Island, 192 5, 564 Maurice T. Worden, 54 Maryland, 233 39, 3S4 Maury T. Coleman, 24 Alabama, 381 Ix, 478 Maury T. Ranger, 38 La. An. 485 58, 197 Maute v. Gross, 56 Penn. St. 250 xciv. 62 Mau-zau-mau-ne-kah v. U. S., 1 Pinney, 124. . . .xxxix, 279 Mavrich T. Grier, 3 NeTada, 52 xciii, 373 Mazham v. Day, 16 Gray, 213 Ixxrii, 409 Maxmilian v. Mayor, 62 New York, 16.0 20, 4G3 MaxoiiT. Perrott, 17 Michigan, 332 xcvii, 191 Maxwell, Ex parte 37 Alabama, 3C2 Ixxix, C2 Maxwell v. Allen, 78 Maine, 32 57, 733 Maxwell T. Brown, 39 Maine, 98 Ixiii, 605 Maxwell T. ETans, 90 Indiana, 596 46, 234 Maxwell v Goetschins, 11 Vroom, 333 29, 242 Maxwell T. Harrison, 8 Georgia, 61 lii, 385 Maxwell v. Maxwe J, 31 Maine, 184 Maxwell T. McAtee. 9 B. Monroe, 20 xMii, 409 Maxwell T. Moore. 4 Blackford, 445 xxx, 666 May T. Armstrong, 3 J. J. Marshall, 260 xx, 137 MayT. Breed, 7 Gushing, 15 !!T, 700 May T. Buckeye Mut. Ins. Co., 25 Wis. 291 3, 76 May v. Cassiday, 7 Arkansas, 376 xlTi, 292 Mayv. Frazee, 4Littetl, 391 XIT, 159 May v. Hanson, 5 California, 360 Iziii, 135 May T. Little, 3 Iredell's Law, 27 xxxviii, 707 May v. May, 7 Florida, 207 IXT ; ;:, 431 MayT. May, 9 Nebraska. 16 31,399 May T. Parker, 12 Pickering, 34 xxii, 393 MayT. Rice, 108 Massachusetts, 150 11,328 May T. Shuinway, 16 Gray, 86 Ixxvii, 401 May T. Smith, Busbee's Eq. 136 lix, 594 MayT. State, 14 Ohio, 461 X!T, 548 May T. State Bank of N. Carolina, 2 Rob. (Va.), 56. xl, 726 May T. Williams, 61 Mississippi, 125 48, 80 Mayall T. Boston and Maine R. R., 19 N. H. 122.x!ix, 149 Mayberry T. WUloughby. 5 Nebraska. 368 25, 4?1 Maybin v. S. C. R. R., 8 Richardson's L. 240 Ixiv, 753 Mayer T. Mordecai. 1 S. C. N. S. 383 7, 26 Mayer T. Mutual L. Ins. Co., 38 Iowa, 304 18, 34 Mayer T. Taylor, 60 Alabama. 403 44, 522 Mayer & Co., T. McLure, 36 Mississippi, 389 Ixxii, 190 Mayes ads. People, 66 California, 597 56, 126 MayesT. People, 106 Illinois, 336 48,693 Mayes T. State, 64 Mississippi, 329 60, 58 Mayfield T. Moore, 53 IJiinois, 428 5, 52 MayhewT. Boyd, 5 Maryland, 102 lix, 101 Mayhew T Henderson, 2 Gill, 393 xli, 434 Mayhew T. Norton, 17 Pickering, 357 xxTiii, 300 Maynard T. Beardsley, 7 Wendell, 560 xxii, 595 MaynardT. Boston & M. R. R.. 115 Mass. 453 15,119 Maynard T. F. F. Ins. Co., 34 California, 43 xci, 672 llaynard T. Maynard, 10 Mass. 456 ri, 146 Maynard T. Vinton, 59 Michigan, 139 60, 276 Mayne T. Baldwin, 1 Halsted Ch. 454 xlv, 399 Mayo T. Ah Loy, 32 California, 477 xci, 595 MayoT. Carrington, 4 Call, 472 ii, 580 MayorT. Meigs, 1 McArthur, 53 2fl, 573 Mayor T. MusgraTe, 43 Maryland. 272 30, 458 Mayor T. Morgan, 7 Martin, N. S., 1 xviii, 232 Mayor and Aldermen T. Maberry, 6 Humph. 368.xliT, 315 Mayor etc. T. Baldwin. 57 Alabama, 61 29, 712 Mayor etc. v. Crowell, 11 Vroom, 207 29, 224 Mayor etc. T. Harwood, 32 Maryland, 471 3, 161 Mayor etc. T. Kelly , 93 New York, 467 50, 699 Mayor etc. T. Radecke, 49 Maryland, 217 33, 239 Mayor etc. T. Willison, 50 Maryland, 138 33, 304 Mayor etc. of Baltimore v. Marriott, 9 Md. 160. . .Ixvi, 326 Mayor etc. of Baltimore T. Porter, 18 Md. 234..1xx:x, 686 Mayor etc. of Baltimore T. Root, 8 Md. 95 Ixiii, 692 Mayor etc. of Baltimore T. State ex rel. Board of Police of Baltimore, 15 Maryland, 375 Ixxiv, 72 Mayorof Baltimore T. B. & O. R. R., 6Gill, 288..xlTiii, 531 Mayor of Baltimore T. Lefierman, 4 Gill, 425 xlv, 145 Mayor of Brooklyn ads. People, 4 N. Y. 419 IT, 266 Mayor of Columbia T. Beasley, 1 Humph. 232. .xxxiv, 646 Mayorof Frederick T. Groshon, 30 Md. 436 xcvi, 591 Mayor of Jersey City ads. State, 2 Vroom, 5"5..1xxxvi, 240 Mayorof Memphis T. Wright, 6 Yerger, 497 xxvii, 489 Mayor of Mobile T. Eslava, 9 Porter, 577 xxxiii, 325 Mayor of Mobile ads. State, 5 Porter, 279 xxx, 564 Mayor of Mobile T. Yuiile, 3 Alabama, 137 xxxr!. 441 Mayor etc. of Monroe T. Hoffman, 29 La. An. 651 . .29, 345 Mayor of New Orleans v. Ripley, 5 Louisiana, 121 .XXT, 175 Mayor etc. of New York v. Mabie, 13 N. Y. 151..1xiT, 538 May Mean TABLE OF CASES. 118 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Mayor of New York ads. People, 25 Wend. 252. .xxxv, 6C9 Mayor of IT. Y. v. H. F. Sns. Co.. 39 N. Y. 45 c, 400 Mayor of Phila. v. Randolph, 4 Watts & S. Sllxxxix, 102 Mayor etc. of Rome v. Omberg, 28 Georgia, 46. .Ixxiil, 718 Mayor etc. of Savannah v. Hussey, 21 Ga. 80. .. livi'i, 452 Mayor of Savannah v. Cullens, 38 Ga. 334 xcv. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore v. Reynolds. 20 Maryland, 1 laxxiii, 535 Mayor & City Council v. O'DonneJl, 53Md. 110. . . .36, 395 Mayrant v. Richardson, 1 Nott & McCord, 347 ix, 707 Mays v. HasselL 4 Stewart & Porter, 222 xxiv, 750 Mays v. JIanuf. Nat. Bank, 64 Penn. St. '. * 3, 573 Mayton v. Texas &Pac. R. R Co., 63 Texas, 77.. .51, 637 Mazozon v. Foote, 1 ABcens, 282 xv, 679 Maxwell v. Evans, 90 Indiana, 596 46,234 Maxwell v. Goetschius. 1 1 Vroom, 383 29, 212 McAfee ads. Commonwealth, 108 Mass. 458 1 1 , 383 McAfee v. Covington, 71 Georgia, 272 51,263 McAfee v. Keirn, 7 Smedes & M. 780 xlv, 331 McAff erty v. Conover a Lessee, 7 Ohio St. 99 Ixx, 57 Me Alexander v. Wright, 3 T. B. Monroe, 189 rvl, 93 McAllister v. Brooks, 22 Maine, 80 xxxviii, 282 McAllister ads. Commonwealth, 1 Watts, 307. . .xxvi, 70 McAllister v. Hoffman, 16 Serg. & R. 14T xvi, 556 McAllister v. Marshall, 6 Binney, 338 vi, 458 McAllister v. New England Mut. Ins Co., 101 Massachusetts, 558 3,404 McAllister v. Scrice, 7 Yerger, 277 xxvii, 504 McAllister v. Smith, 17 Illinois, 328 Ixv, 651 McAllister v. State, 17 Alabama, 434 HI, 180 McAllister v. Tate, 11 Richardson's Law, 509. . .Ixxiii, 113 McAlpin v. Lee, 12 Connecticut, 129 xxx, 609 McAlpin v. Powell, 70 New York, 126 26, 5^5 McAnally, Ex parte, 53 Alabama, 495 25,646 McAndrewv. Whltlock, 52New York, 40 11, 657 McAndrews v. Collerd, 13 Vroom, 189 36, 508 Me Anear v. Epperson, 54 Texas, 220 38, 625 McAnnulty v. McAnnulty, 120 Illinois, 26 60, 552 McArthurv. Carrie's Adm'r, 32 Alabama, 75 Ixx, 529 McArthur v. Johnson, PhlU. Law, 317 xciii, 593 McA-thur v. Luce. 43 Michigan, 435 38, 204 McArthur v. Saginaw, 58 Michigan, 357 55, 687 McArthurv. Schenck, 31 Wisconsin, 673 11,6)3 McAulay v. Birkhead, 13 Iredell's Law, 28 Iv, 427 McAulay v. Western V. R. R., 33 Vt. 311 Ixxviii, 627 McAuley v. Wilson, 1 Devereux's Eq. 276 xviii, 587 McAusland v. Pundt, 1 Nebraska, 211 xciii, 353 Me Avoy v. Medina, 11 Allen, 548 Ixxxvii, 733 McBain v. Austin, 16 Wisconsin, 87 Ixxxii , 705 McBaii v McBain. 15 Ohio State, 337 Ixxxvi, 478 McBean v. Chandler, 9 Heisk. 349 24, 308 McBee v. Fulton, 47 Maryland, 403 28, 463 McBratney v. Chandler, 22 Kansas, 692 31,213 McBrayer v. Hardin, 7 IredelTa Eq. 1 liii, 389 KcBride v. Ellis, 9 Richardson's Law, 313 Ixvii, 553 McBridev. Longworth, 14 Ohio St. 349 Ixxxiv, 383 McBride ads. State, 4 Missouri, 303 ixix, 636 McCabe v. Bellows, 7 Gray, 148 Ixvi, 467 McCafferty v. Spuyten Duyvil etc. R. R. Co., 61 New York, 1 78 19, 267 McCaffrey v. Woodin, 65 New York, 459. 22, 01 1 McCagg v. Heacook, 34 Illinois, 476 Ixxxv, 327 McCallv. Cohen, 16 South Carolina, 445 42,611 McCall v. Corning, 3 Louisiana An. 409 xlviH, 454 McCallv. Davis, 56 Penn. St. 431 xciv, 92 McCall v. McCall, 4 Richardson's Eq. 447 Ivii, 733 McCall v. Parker, 13 Metcalf , 372 xlvi, 735 McCall v. Phoenix M. L. Ins. Co., 9 W. Va. 237. . .27, 558 McCall ada. State, 4 Alabama, 643 xxxix, 314 McCallie v. Walton. 37 Ga. 611 xcv, 369 McCallum v. Germantown W. Co., 54 Penn. St. 40 xciii, 656 McCalhun v. Jobe, 9 Baxt 168 40, 84 McCalmont v. Whitaker, 3 Rawle, 84 xxiii, 102 McCampbell v. McCampbell, 2 Lea, 661 31,623 McCampbell v. McCampbell, 5 Littell, 92 x v, 48 McCampbell v. State, 9 Texas Ct. App. 124 35, 725 McCann ads. People, 16 New York, 58 Ixix, 642 McCants v. Bee, 1 McCord's Ch. 383 xvi, 610 McCaraher v. Commonw., 5 Watts & Sere. 21. .xxxix, 106 McCardle v. McGinley. 86 Indiana, 538 44, 343 McCargo v. New O. I. Co., 10 Rob. (La.) 202 xliii, 180 McCarley v. Board of Supervisors, 58 Miss. 483. . .38, 338 McCarney v. People, 83 New York, 408 38, 436 McCartee v. Chambers, 6Wendel, 649 xxii, 556 McCartee v. Orph. Asylum Soc. 9 Cowen, 437. . .xviii, 516 McCarthy v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R. Co.. 18 Kan- sas, 46 26,742 McCarthy v. Kitchenman, 47 Penn. St. 239.... Ixxxvi, 538 McCarthy v Lavascbe. 89 Illinois, 270 31, 83 McCarthy v. Mayor etc., 96 New York, 1 48, 601 McCarthy v. Nicrosi. 72 Alabama. 332 47, 418 McCarthy v. Portland. 67 Maine, 167 24, 23 McCarthy v. Second Parish, 71 Maine, 318 36, 320 McCarthy v. White, 21 California, 495 Ixxxii, 754 McCarthy v. York Co. Sav. Bank. 74 Maine, 315. .43, 591 McCartney v. Gamhart. 45 Missouri, 593 c, 397 McCartney v. Shepard, 21 Missouri, 573 Ixiv, 250 McCartney v. State, 3 Indiana, 353 Ivi, 510 McCarty v. Blevins, 5 Yerger, 195 xxvi, 202 McCarty v. Carter. 49 Illinois, 53 xcv, 572 McCarty v. McCarty, 2 Strobhart's Law, 6 xlvii, 585 McCarty v. People, 51 Illinois, 231 xcix, 542 McCarty v State. 44 Indiana, 214 15, 232 McCarty ads. State, 2 Pinney, 513 (2 Chand. 199). .liv, 150 McCaskellv. Elliot, 5 Strobhart's Law, 196 liii, 706 McCaskey v. Graff, 23 Penn. State, 321 Ixii, 336 McCauley v. Grimes, 2 Gill & J. 318 xx, 434 McCauley v. Gordon, 64 Georgia, 221 37, 68 McCauley v. Hargroves, 48 Georgia, 50 15, 660 McCausiand v. Ralston, 12 Nevada, 195 28, 781 McCayv. Burr, 6 Penn. State, 147 xlvii, 441 McClaln v. Todd's Heirs, 5 J. J. Marshall, 335... xxii, 37 McClain. Ex parte. 61 California, 436 44, 554 McClallen v. Adams, 19 Pickering, 333 xxxi, 140 McClanahan v. Henderson, 2 A. K. Marshall, 388.. xii, 412 McClaughry v. Wetmore, 6 Johnson, 82 T, 194 McClary v. Lowell, 44 Vermont, 116 8, 366 McClary v. Sioux City etc. R. Co., 3 Neb 44 19, C31 McClave v. Paine, 49 New York, 561 10, 431 McCleary v. Ellis, 54 Iowa, 311 37,205 McCleery v. AUen, 7 Nebraska. 21 29, 377 McClellan v. Filson. 41 Ohio State. 184 58, 814 McCJellan v. Marshall. 19 Iowa. 561 Ixxsvii, 454 MeClelland v. Slingluff, 7 Watts & Serg. 134 xlii, 224 McClelland ads. State, 18 Nebraska, 236 53, 814 McCleBen v. Hetherington, 10 Rich. Eq. 202 . . .Ixxhi, 89 McClenaghan v. McClenaghan, 1 Strob. Eq. 295.. xlvii, 532 McClenney v. McClenney, 3 Texas, 192 xlix, 738 McCllnticv. Wise. 25 Gratt. 448 18, C94 McClenticks v. Bryant, 1 Missouri, 598 xiv, 310 McClintock v. Brydon, 5 California, 97 Ixiii, 87 McCloskey v. Gleason, 56 Vermont, 264 48, 770 McCloskey v. Indianapolis M. & C. TJn., 67 Indi- ana, 86 33, 76 McCluer v. Girard Ins. Co., 43 Iowa, 349 22, 249 McCluer v. Manchester & L. R. R., 13 Gray, 124.1xxiv, C24 McClung v. Beirne, 10 Leigh, 3?4 xxxiv, 739 McClure v. Bennett, 1 Blackford, 189 xil, 223 McClure v. Briggs, 58 Vermont. 82 56, 557 119 TABLE OF CASES. McCIu McDer Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. McClure v. Herring, 70 Missouri. 13 35,401 McClure v. Miller, 1 Baileys Eq. 107 xxi. 522 McClure v. Philadelphia W. & B. R R. Co., 31 Maryland, 532 6,315 McClure v. Richardson, Rice's Law, 215 xxiiii, 105 McClure T. Watertown F. I. Co.. 90 Penn. St. 277.35, 656 McClure & Co. v. Cox, B. & Co., 32 Ala. 617 In, 552 McClures v. Hammond, 1 Bay, 03 i, EC3 McClurg v. Howard, 43 Missouri, 363 c, 373 McClurs v. Lecky, 3 Penrosj Watts, S3 xxiii, Cl McClurg T. Price, 59 Penn. St. 420 xcviii, 355 McCluskey T. Gerhauser, 2 Nevada, 47 , xc, 512 McCobb v. Richardson, 24 Maine, 82 xli, 374 McCollum v. Hubbert, 13 Alabama, 282 xlviii, 56 McCollum v. Smith, Meigs, 312 xxxiii, 147 McColroan v. Wilkes. 3 Strobhart's Law, 465 11, 637 McCoinas v. Krug. 81 Indiana, 327 42, 133 McCosb v. Reed. 23 California, 231 Irxrvii, 115 McComb v. Thompson, 2 Minnesota, 139 Ixxii, 84 McCombs v. McKennan, 2 Watts & Serg. 216. .xxxvii, 505 McConihe T. X. Y. & E. R. R., 2) Xew York, 493.1xxv, 420 McConnel v. Reed, 4 Scammon, 117 xxxviii, 124 McConnel v. Kibbe, 33 Illinois, 175 Ixxxv, 265 McConnel v. Kibbe, 43 Illinois, 12 xcii, 93 McConnell v. Blood, 123 Massachusetts. 47 25, 12 McConnell T. Brillhart, 17 Illinois, 351 Ixv, 6C1 McConnell v. Denver, 35 California, 365 xcv, 107 McConnell v. Dunlap, Hardin, 41 iii, 723 McConnell T. Kitcl:ens, 20 South Carolina, 430... 47, 843 McConnell v. Maxwell. 3 Blackf ord, 419 xsvi, 423 McConnell v. Merrill. 53 Vermont. 149 38, 633 McConnell v. Sc: tt, 15 Ohio, 401 xlv, 5S3 McConnell v. Sherwood, 8t Xew Tori, 522 38, 537 McConnell T. State, 22 T^xas Ct. App. 354 58, 647 McConnico v. Curzen, 2 Call. 353 i, 540 McCool T. Grand Rapids. 53 Michigan, 41 55, 035 McCoonv. Smith, 3 HOI, 147 xirriii, 623 McCord v. Oakland Quicksilver Mining Co., 64 California. 131 4,68G McCord v. McCord, 77 Missouri, 166 46, 9 McCord ads. State. 8 Kan-as, 232 12, 469 M"Corkle v. Binns, SBinaey, 340 vi, 423 McCorkle T. Doby, 1 Strobhart's Law. 336 xlvii, 530 McCormack v. Obannon, 3 Munfor J, 431 v, 503 McConnack v. Patchin, 53 Missouri. 33 14, 440 McCormick, Petition of, 21 Wisconsin. 492 1, 197 McCormick's Appeal, 57 Perm. St. 54 xcviii, 101 M3Conn:ck v. Burt. 93 Illinois, 233 35, 163 McCormick v. Brown. 35 California. ISO xcv, 170 McCormick ads. Commonwealth. 130 Mass. 61. . . .33, 423 MjConnick v. Dist. of Columbia, 4 Mackey, 333. .54, 23! McCormick v. Holbrook, ?J Iowa. 437 xcii, 400 McCormick v. Horan, 81 Xew York, 86 37,479 McCormick v. Kansas City, St, J. & C. B. R. Co.. 70 Missouri, 339 35.431 McCormick v. Littler, 85 Illinois, 62 28 , Cl McCormick v. MoClure, 6 Blackf ord, 466 TTXJT, 441 McCormick v. Miller, 102 Illinois, 208 40, 577 McCormick v. Penn. Ct. R. R Co., 99 X. Y. 65. . .52, 6 McCuimick v. Rusch, 15 Iowa, 127 Irxxiii, 4C1 McCormick v. Sarson, 45 Xew York, 2G5 6, 80 McCormick v. Wheeler, Mellick & Co., 36 Illi- nois, 114 Ixxxv, 3S3 McCourt v. Eckstein, 22 Wisconsin, 148 xciv, 5S4 McCurdy v. Rogers. 21 Wisconsin, 197 xci, 463 McCorry v. King's Heirs, 3 Humphreys, 267 mix, 165 McCortle v. Bates, 20 Ohio St. 419 >.;, 791 McCoun v. Delany, SBibb, 46 vi. C35 McCown v. Schrimpf. 21 Texas, 22 bctiii, 221 McCoy v. Beard, 2 Hawks, 377 vi, 773 McCoy v. Bixbee's Adm'rs, 6 Ohio, 310 xxvii, 253 McCoy v. California Pac. R R. Co., 40 CaL 532. . . 6, 623 McCoy T. Chilicothe, 3Ohio, 370 xvii, 607 McCoy v. Curtice, 9 Wendell, 17 xxiv, 113 McCoy ads. Commonwealth, S Watts, 153 xxxiv, 445 McCoy v. Danley, 20 Penn. State, 85 Ivii, 680 McCoyv. Galloway, 3 Ohio, 282 xvii, 591 McCoy v. Herbert, 9 Leigh, 543 ..xxxiii, 256 McCoy v. Lemon, 11 Rishardson's L. 133 In, 246 McCoy T. McKowea, 23 Mississirpi, 4S7 lix, 264 McCoy v. Morrow, IS Illinois, 519 Irriii, 578 McCoyv. Scott, 2 Rawle, 222 six, 640 McCoy v. State, 23 Tex.'.s, S3 l^xriii, 520 McCoy ads. State, 34 Missouri, 531 Ixirri, 121 McCoy ads. State, 8 Robinson (La.), 545 xli, 301 McCrady v. Brisbane, 1 Nott & McC. 104 is, 676 McCraney v. "cCraney, 5 Iowa, 232 Ixviii, 702 McCravey v. Remson, 19 Alabama, 430 liv, 194 McCrea v. Port Royal R. R. Co., 3 S. C. 381 16, 729 McCrea v. Purmort, 16 Wendell, 460 xxx, 103 McCrea v. Marsh, 12 Gray, 211 Ixxi, 745 McCready v. Guardians, 9 Serg. & R. 94 xi, 667 HcC;-eady v. Sexton, 20 Iowa, 336 4, 214 McCreary v. Gaines, 53 Texas, 485 40, 813 McCreery v. Clafflin. 37 Maryland, 435 11, 542 McCreery v. Sutherland, 23 Maryland, 471 Irxxvii, 573 McCriS is v. Carlton, 37 Vermont, 139 Ixxxvi. 700 s v. Wilson, 31 Maine, 2:3 Ivi, 655 HcCrinus ads. State, 4 Kansas, 214 xcvi. 169 McCue v. Commonwealth, 73 Penn. St. 183 21, 7 McCuev. Klein. 63 Texas, 1G3 48,260 McCue v. Smith, 19 Minnesota, 232 lixxvi, 100 McCuev. Wapello Co.. 56 Iowa, 698 411,131 McCulloch v. Hopper, 47 N. J. L. 18? 54, 146 McCulloch v. Hutchinson, 7 Watts, 434 xxxii, 776 McCulloch v. Scott, 13 B. Monroe, 172 Ivi, 561 McCulloh v. Dashiell, 1 Harris & G. 96 xviii, 271 McCullough v. Porter, 4 Watts & Serg. 177 xxxix, 63 McCulloughv. Shoneman, 103 Penn. St. 109 51,194 McCullough v. Wall, 4 Richardson's Law, 63 liii. 715 McCully v. Clarke, 43 Penn. State, 339 H-TT, 534 McCumberads. People, 13 Xew York, 315 Ixxii, 515 McCune v. Norwich C. G. Co., 30 Conn. 521.... Imx, 273 McCune ads. State, 5 Rhode Island, 60 Ixs, 176 McCune's Devisees v. House, 8 Ohio, 1 14 xxxi. 433 McCurdy.v. Breathitt, 5 T. B. Monroe, 232 xvii, 65 McCurley v. McCurley, 60 Maryland, 185 45, 717 McCurley v. Stockbridge, 62 Maryland, 422 50, 229 McCurry v. Hooper, 12 Alabama, 823 xlvi, 280 McCusker v. McEvey. 9 Rhode Island, 523 11, 295 McCutchen v. McGahay, 11 Johnson, 231 vi, 373 McCutcheon T. Homer, 43 Michigan, 483 38, 212 McDade v. Burch, 7 Georgia, 553 1, 407 McDaniel v. Baca, 2 California, 32S Ivi, 339 McDaniel v. Colvin, 16 Vermont, 303 xlii, 512 McDaniel v. Correll, 10 Illinois, 226 Ixviii, 587 McDaniel v. E^war.ls, 7 Iredall's Law, 4 r ? slvii, 331 McDaniel v. Marygold, 2 Iowa, 500 Ixv, 786 McDaniel v. State, 8 Smedes & M. 401 xlvii, 93 McDaniels v. Bank of Rutland, 23 Vermont, 23J..Lsx, 406 McDaniels v. Robinson, 2\3 Vermont, 316 Isii, 574 McDaniels v. Robinson, 23 Vermont, 337 Isvii, 720 McDaniels v. McDaniels. 40 Vermont. 363 xciv, 403 McDermot v. Lawrence, 7 Serg. & R. S3 ; x, 468 McDermott's Appeal, 105 Penn. St. 333 ....31,523 McDsnnott ads. Commonwealth, 12; ! .'3, 120 McDermott v. Evening Journal, 14 Vroom, 43^.. .39, 606 McDermott v. Evening Journal, 15 Vroom, 4CO. . .43, 332 McDermott v. Hannibal & St. J. R Co., 73 Mis- souri, 516 39, 526 McDer MeQni TABLE OF CASES. 120 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. McDermott v. State. ISOhio State, 332 Ixxxii. 444 McDonald v. Allen. 37 Wisconsin. 108 19, 754 McDonald v. Badger. 23 California. 393 Ixxxiii, 123 McDonald T. Black, 20 Ohio, 185 IT. 448 McDonald v. Bosing. 43 Michigan, 334 38, 199 McDonald v. Bradshaw, 2 Georgia, 248 xlvi, 385 McDonald v. Chicago & N. W. R. R. Co.. 25 Iowa. 124 xcv, 114 McDonald v. Crandall. 43 Illinois, 231 xcii, 112 McDonald v. Egglestoo, 26 Vermont, 15L Ix, 303 McDonald v. Gray. 11 Iowa. 503 Ixxix, 509 McDonald T. Hewett, 15 Johnson, 349 viii. 211 McDonald v. Ingraham, 30 Mississippi, 389 briv, 16o McDonald v. Leewright, 31 Missouri, 29 Ixxvii, C31 McDonald v. McDonald, 5 Jones' Eq. 211 Ixxv. 434 McDonald v. Mallory. 77 New York, 546 33, 664 McDonald T. Massachusetts G. H., 120 Mass. 432. . .21. 529 McDonald T. Mayor. 68 New York, 23 23, 144 McDonald v. Neilson, 2 Cowen, 139 xiv, 431 McDonald v. Frescott, 2 Nevada, 109 xc, 517 McDonald v. Scaif e, 11 Penn. State, 331 li, 556 McDonald v. Simpson, 4 Ark3" fl a, 523 xxxviii, 45 McDonald v. Snelling. 14 Allen, 290 xcii. 70S McDonald T. State, 81 Alabama. 279 00,158 McDonald ads. State, 1 McCord, 532 x, 631 McDonald v. Walton, 1 Missouri, 726. xiv, 318 McDonald v. WUkie, 13 Illinois, 22 liv, 423 McDonnell v. Battle House Co., 67 Alabama, 90. .42, 99 McDonough v. Elam, 1 Louisiana, 489 xx, 284 McDonough T. Oilman, 3 A'Jen, 264 Ixxx. 72 McDonough v. Templeman, 1 Harris & J. 06 ii, 510 McDougall v. Page. 55 Vermont. 187 45,602 McDowel T. Chambers, 1 Strobhart's Eq. M7... .xMi, 539 McDowell v. Caldwell, 2 McCord's Ch. 43. xH 635 McDowell T. Cook, 6 Smedes&M. 420 xlv, 289 McDowell v. Gen. Mut. Ins. Co., 7 La. An. 684.. . .Ivi, 619 McDowell v. Goldsmith, 6 Maryland, 319 bci, 305 McDowell T. Goodwyn, 2 Mill, 44L xii, 685 McDowell v. Murdock, 1 Nott & McC. 237 ix, 6S4 McDowell v. Potter, 8 Penn. State, 189 xlix, 533 McDowell T. Simms, Busbee'sEq. 130 Mi, 535 McDowell v. Simpson, 3 Watts, 129 xxvii, 333 McDuffee v. Portland & R. R. R. Co., 52 New Hampshire. 430 13, 72 McDufflu v. Melntyre, 11 South Carolina. 551. ...32, 500 McDuffle ads. State, 34 New Hampshire, 523... 4 bcix, 516 McElderry Y. Shipley, 2 Maryland, 25 Ivi, 703 McElderyv. McKenzie, 2 Porter, 33 xxvii, 643 McElhenny T. Wylie, 3 Strobhart's Law, 284 xlix, 643 McElroy T. Albany, 65 Georgia. 387 38,791 McElroy v. Bixby, 36 Vermont, 254. ITTTJT. 684 McElroy v. Nashua etc. R. R. Corp., 4 Gush. 400. .. .1, 794 McElroy v. Seery, 61 Maryland, 389 48,110 McElvainv. Mudd. 44 Alabama. 48 4,106 McElyea T. Hayter, 2 Porter, 148 xxvii, 645 McEntee v. New Jersey S. Co.. 45 New York. 34. . 6, 28 McEntire T. Durham, 7 Iredell's Law, 15L xlv, 512 McEwanv. Zimmer, 38 Michigan, 765 31,332 McEwen v. Jeffersonville, Mad. & Ind. R. R. Co.. 33 Indiana. 368 5,216 McEwen v. Welles, 1 Root, 202 i, 30 M:Faddenv. Commonwealth, 23 Penn. St. 12 ...Isii, 308 McFadden v. Haley, 2 Bay, 457 i, 653 McFadden v. Johnson. 72 Penn. St. 335 13, 681 McFadinv. David 73 Indiana. 445 41,587 McFarland v. Febiger, 7 Ohio. Pt. 1, 194 xxiii, 632 McFarland v. Newman, 9 Watts, 55 xxxiv, 497 McFarland v. State. 68 Wisconsin, 400 60, 867 McFarland v. State Bank, 4 Arkansas, 44 xxxvii, 761 McFarland v. Stewart, 2 Watts, 111 xxvi, 109 McFarland v. Stone, 17 Vermont, 165 xliv, 325 McFarlane v. Clark, 39 Michigan, 44 33, 346 McFarlane v. Moore, 1 Overton, 174. iii, 753 McFeev. 8. C. Ins. Co., ZMCord, 503 xiii, 757 McFeely"s Lessee v. Moore's Heirs, 5 Ohio, 464. .xxiv, 314 McGahen v. Carr, 6 Iowa, 331 led, 421 McGaffln v. Cohoes. 74 New York. 387 30, 307 McGarv. Williams, 23 Alabama, 469 Uii, 739 McGaryv. Hastings. 39 Calif ornia. 360 2,45$ McGaryv. Loomis. 63 New York. 104 20,510 McGee v. Anderson, 1 B. Monroe, 187 xxrri, 570 McGee v. Campbell, 7 Watts, 545..... xxxii, 78S McGeeT. McGee, 8 Georgia, 295 Iii, 407 McGeev. Metcalf, 12 Smedes&M 535. li, 128 McGee v. Porter. 14 Missouri, 611 lv. 129 McGeev. Prouty. 9 Metcalf, 547. xliii.409 McGeev. Sodusky, 5 J. J. Marsh-all, 185 xx, 251 McGeev. Wallis, 57 Mississippi, 633 34,484 McGeheev. Hill, 4 Porter, 170 xxix, 27J McGehee v. State. 62 Mississippi, 772 52,209 McGheev. Ellis. 4 LitteU, 244 xiv, 124 McGill v. Dist. of Columbia. 4 Mackey. 70 54, 258 McGOlv. Rowand, 3 Penn. State, 451 xlv, 654 McGilvery v. Stackpole, 38 Maine, 283 Ixi, 245 McGimseyads. State. 80 North Carolina, S77 30, 90 McGinnis ads. Commonwealth, 3 Cushing, 212 1, 732 McGinaisv. Cook, 54 Vermont. 36 52,115 McGinnis v. State, 9 Humphreys, 43 xlix, 697 McGinty ads. State, 41 Mississippi. 435 xciii, 264 McGirr v. Aaron, 1 Penrose W. 49 xxi, 361 McGlynn ads. State, 20 California. 233 Ixxxi, 118 McGoon v. Irvin, 1 Pinney, 526 xliv, 409 McGoonv. Shirk. 64 Illinois. 408 5,122 McGough T. Ins. Bani of Columbus, 2 Ga. 151 . .xlvi, 382 McGovern T. Knox, 21 Ohio St 547 8, 80. McGovern v. Lewis, 56 Penn. St. 231 xciv, 60 McGowan's Appeal, 21 Penn. State, 76 lix, 752 McGowan ads. Commonwealth, 4 Bibb, 62 vii, 737 McGowan v. Hit.t, 16 South Carolina. 602 42, 650 McGowan v. McGowan, 14 Gray, 119 Ixxiv, 668 McGowan v. Manifee, 7 T. B. Monroe, 314 xviii, 178 McGowan v. People. 101 Illinois, 100 44, 87 McGowan v. People's M. F. L Co., 54 Vt 211 41,843 McGowanads. People, 77 Illinois. 644 20,251 McGowan ads. State, 20 Connecticut, 245 Iii, 336 McGowenv. Stark, 1 Nott & McCord, 337 ix, 713 McGowen v. West, 7 Missouri, 569 xxxviii. 468 McGowin v. Remington, 12 Penn. State, 56 li, 584 McGraftv. Rugee, 60 Wisconsin, 406 50,373 McGrathv. Barnes, 13 South Carolina, 328 36,687 McGrathv. Clark, 56 New York, 34 15,373 McGrathv Merwin, 112 Massachusetts, 467 17, 119 McGrath v. N. Y. Cent etc. R. R. Co., 59 New fork, 468 17,359 McGrath v. Seagrave, 2 Alien, 443 Ixxix, 797 McGraw v. Baltimore & O. R. Co.. 18 West Vir- ginia, 361 41,696 McGray v. City of Lafayette, 12 Rob. (La.) 674. . .xliii, 239 McGregor v. Balch, 14 Vermont, 428 xxxix, 231 McGregor v. Kilgore, 6 Ohio, 358 xxvii, 260 McGregor v. Wait, 10 Gray, 72 Ixix, 305 McGuinness v. Boyle, 123 Massachusetts, 5<0 25, 123 McGuire, Matter of. 57 California. 604 40, 125 McGuirev. Grant, 1 Dutcher, 356 Ixvil, 49 McGuire v. Kouns, 7 T. B. Monroe, 386. xviii, 187 McGuire v. People. 44 Michigan. 286 38,265 McGuirev. Smock. 42 Indiana, 1 13,353 McGuire v. Spence, 91 New York. 303 43, 668 McGuirev. Stevens, 32 Mississippi, 724 2,649 McGuire v. State, 35 Mississippi, 366 ITIJJ, 124 121 TABLE OP CASES McGnn Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to Amer can Reports. MeGunnigle Y. McKee, 77 Perm. St. 81 18, 428 McHale ads. Commonwealth, 97 Penn. St. 397. . . .39, 808 McHenryv. Day, 13 Iowa, 443 Ixxxi, 433 JIcHenry v. Ridgley, 2 Scammon, 309 xxxv, 110 McHugh v. Schuylkill Co., 67 Penn. St. 391 5,445 Mcllvaine v. Harris, 20 Missouri, 457 Ixiv, 195 Mellvaine v. Lantz, 100 Penn. St. 586 45, 400 McHvaiaei. SmitL, 42 Missouri, 45 xcvii, 295 McHwrath v. Hollander, 73 Missouri, 105 39, 484 Mcludoc v. HaiUton, 19 Wisconsin, 567 Ixxxviii. 701 Mclndoe v. Morman, 26 Wisconsin, 588 7, 96 Mclntire v. McLaurin, 2 Humphreys, 71 xxxvi, 300 Mclntire v. Norwich las. Co. , 102 Mass. 230 3, 453 Mclntire v. Oliver, 2 Hawks, 209 si, 760 Mclntire v. Preston, 5 Oilman, 48 xlviii, 321 Mclntire ads. State, 1 Jones' Law, 1 lix, 563 Mclntire v. Ward, 5 Binney, 296 vi, 417 Mclntire T. Young, 6 Blackford, 496 xxxix, 443 Mclntire v. Zanesville C. & M. Co., 9 Ohio, 203.xxxiv, 436 Mclntosh v. Hambleton, 35 Georgia, 94 Ixxxix. 276 Mclntosh T. Lytle, 23 Minnesota, 336 37, 410. Mclntyre v. Carver, 2 Watts & Serg. 392 xxxvii, 519 Mclntyre v. Kline, 30 Mississippi, 361 liiv, It3 Mclntyre v. Park, 11 Gray, 102 Ixxi, 690 McJilton v. Love, 13 Illinois, 4S6 liv, 449 McJimsey v. Traverse, 1 Stewart, 244 xviiit 43 McKainv. Love, 2 Hill (S. C.), 506 xxvii, 401 McKay ads. People, 46 Michigan, 439 41, 169 McKeagev. Hanover F. Ins. Co., 81 N. Y. 38 37,471 McKean v. Mitchell, 35 Penn. State, 269 Ixxviii, 335 McICean v. Reed, LittelTs Sel. Ca. 395 xii, 318 McKean ads. State, 36 Iowa, 343 14,530 McKecknie v. Ward, 53 New York, 541 17,281 McKte v. Carce'.on, 60 Maine, 105 11, 200 McKee v. JuJd, 12 New York (2 Keman), 622. . ..liiv, 515 McKee v. Nelson, 4 Cowen, 355 xv, 331 McKee v. Phoenix Insurance Co., 23 Mo. 383. .. .Irxv, 123 McKee ads. State, 1 Bailey's LS.W, C51 xxi, 493 McKee v. Wilcox, 11 M:cn*.^aa, 253 Ixixiii, 743 McKeen v. Northampton, 43 Penn. St. 519. ..Ixxxviii. 515 McKellar v. Detroit, 17 Miclusc.3, 133*. oS, 3." McKellip v. Mcllhenny. 4 Watts, 317 xrviii, 711 McKelway v. Armour, 2 Stockton's Cb. 115 liiv, 4-15 MoKenna v. Hammond, 3 Hill's Law, 331 xxx, 363 McKennan v. Phillips, 6 Wharton, 571 xxxvii, 438 McKenzie's Appeal, 41 Connecticut, 607 19, 525 McKenzie v. Branch Bank at Montgomery, 23 Alabama, 600 Ixv, 369 McKenzie v. Nevius, 22 Maine, 138 xxxviii, 291 McKeon v. Bisbee, 9 California, 137 Ixx, 642 McKeon v. McDermott, 22 California, 667 Ixxsiii. 86 McKeon v. See. 51 New York. 300 10, 659 McKeown v. Johnson, 1 M'Cord, 578 x, COS McKesson v. Stanton, 50 Wisconsin, 297 36, 850 McKey v. Garth, 2 Robinson (Va.), 33 xl, 725 McKibbin v. Martin, 61 Penn. St. 352 3, 5S8 McKio ads. Commonwealth, 1 Gray, 61 Ixi, 410 McKim y. Aulbach, 133 Massachusetts, 481 30, 470 McKimv. King, 58 Maryland, T02 42,340 McKim v. McKim, 12 Rhode Island, 462 34, 694 McKindlyv. Dunham, 55 Wisconsin, 515 42,710 McKinley v. Chicago etc. R. R. Co., 44 Iowa, 314. .24, 713 McKinney v. Brights, 16 Penn. State, 399 Iv, 512 McKinney v. Clarke, 2 Swan, 321 Mil, 59 McKinney v. Griggs, 5 Bush, 401 xcvi, 360 McKinney v. Haiter, 7 Elackford, 385 xliii, 96 McKinney v. Jones, 7 Texas, 598 Iviii 83 McKinney v. Monongahela Nav. Co., 14 Pa. St. Go.liii, 517 McKinney v. People, 2 Gilman, 540 xliii, 65 McKinney v. Piuckard, 2 Leigh, 149 xxi, 601 McKinney v. Springer, 3 Indiana, 59 liv, 470 McKinnon T. McDonald, 4 Jones' Equity, 1 Ixsii, 574 McKinnon v. McEwan, 48 Michigan, 106 42, 453 McKinstry v. Davis, 3 Cowen, 333 xv, 2C9 McKinziev. Hill, 51 Missouri. 303 11,450 McKisson ads. Commonw., 8 Serg. & R. 420 xi, 630 McKleroy & Bradford v. Southern Bank of Ken- tucky, 14 Louisiana An. 458 bmr, 438 McKnight v. Devlin. 52 New York, 399 11,715 McKnight v. Dunlop, 5 N. Y. (1 Selden), 537 Iv, 370 McKnight v. Gordon, 13 Rich. Eq. 222 xciv, 164 McKnight v. Grant Pariih, 30 La, An. 361 31,228 McKnight v. Knisely, 25 Indiana. 336 Ixxxvii. 364 McKone v. Michigan Cent. R. Co., 57 Mich. 601.. 47, 596 McKowen v. McDonald, 43 Penn. St. 441 Ixxxii, 576 McKyring v. Bull, 16 New York, 297 Ixix, 696 McLain v. Carson's Ex'r, 4 Arkansas, 164 xxxvii, 777 McLain v. Matlock, 7 Indiana, 525 Ixv, 748 McLain v. State, 10 Yerger, 241 xrxi, 573 McLane v. Curran, 133 Massachusetts, 531 43, 535 McLanahan v. Brandon, 1 Martin, N. S., 321 xiv, 188 McLanahan v. Reeside, 9 Watts, 508 xxxvi, 136 McLanahan v. Wyant, 1 Penrose & W. 96 xxi, 363 McLaren v. Hutchinson, 22 California, 187. .. .Ixxxiii, 59 McLaren v. Kehler, 23 La, An. 80 8,593 McLaren v. Watson's Ex'r, 20 Wendell, 425 . . .xxxvii, 260 McLaughlin. Ex parte, 41 California, 211 10, 272 McLaughlinv. Corry, 77 Penn. St. 109 18,433 McLaughlin v. McLaughlin, 4 Ohio State, 508. . .Ixiv, 603 McLaughlin y. Nash, 14 Allen, 136 xcii, 741 McLaughlin v. Shepherd, 32 Maine, 143 lii, 646 McLaughlin ads. State, 15 Kansas, 228 22, 264 McLaughlin v. Waite, 5 Wendell, 404. xxi, 232 McLaughlin v. Winner, 63 Wisconsin, 120 53, 273 McLawrin v. Salmons, 11 B. Monroe, 96 lii, 563 McLean v. Bovee, 21 Wisconsin, 295 1, 185 M cLean v. Equitable L. A. Soc. , 100 Ind. 1C7 50, 779 McLean v. Hardin, 3 Jones' Eq. 294 Ixix, 740 "cLean v. Hosea, 14 Alabama, 1?4 xlviii, 94 McLean Co. B'k v. Flagg. 31 niinois, 290 Ixxxiii, 224 McLean Co. C. Co. v. L ennon, 91 EJ. 561 33, 64 McLeery v. McLeery, 65 Maine, 172 20, 683 McLellan v. Cox, 36 Maine, 95 Iviii, 736 McLellan v. Hayford, 7-1 Maine, 410 30, 353 McLellan v. Jenness, 43 Vermont, 133 5, 270 McLellan v. Longfellow, Z2 Maine, 494 liv, 599 McLellan v. Young, 54 Georgia, 3C9 21, 276 McLemore v. Pinkston, 31 Alabama, 266 Ixviii, 167 McLendon v. Jones, 8 Alabama, 298 xlii, 640 McLennon v. Richardson, 15 Gray, 74 Ixxvii, 353 McLeod v. Bertschy, S3 Wisconsin, 176, 14, 755 McLeod v. Board, 30 Texas, 233 xciv, 301 McLeod v. Evans, 66 Wisconsin, 401 57, 28 J McLeod v. Jones, 105 Massachusetts, 403 7, 539 McLeod v. Pearce, 2 Hawks, 110 xi, 742 McLeod ads. People, 1 Hill, 377 (25 Wend. 483) .xxxvii, 328 McLeran v. Shartzer, 5 California, 70 Ixiii, 84 McLoon v. C. M. Ins. Co. 100 Mass. 472 xcvii, 116 McLoonv. Commercial Mut. Ins. Co., 709 Mas- sachusetts, 472 ." 1, 129 McLoon ads. Commonwealth, 5 Gray, 91 Ixvi, 354 McLoud v. Selby, 10 Connecticut, 390 xxvii, 689 McLure v. Benceni, 2 Iredell's Eq. 513 xl, 437 McLure v. Lancaster, 24 South Carolina, 273 58, 239 McLure v. Melton, 24 South Carolina, 559 58, 273 McMahan v. Eowe, 114 Massachusetts, 140 10,321 McMahan v. Geiger, 73 Missouri, 145 39, 489 McMahan v. Green, 12 Alabama, 71 xlvi, 242 McMahan v. Green, 34 Vermont. 69 Ixxx, 665 McMahan v. McMahan, 13 Penn. State, 376 liii, 481 McMah Mee TABLE OF CASES. 122 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. McMahan v. Morrison, 16 Ind. 172 bail, 413 McMabill v. McMahill, 103 Illinois. 596 44, 819 McMahon v. Armstrong, 2 Stewart & P. 151 xxiii, 334 McMahon v. Fawcett, 2 Randolph, 514 xiv, 79G McMahon v. Mayor etc.. of Savannah, 66 Georgia. 2J7 42, 65 McMahonv. Palmer, 102Xew York. 176 .">, 736 McMilion v. Sloan, 12 Perm. State. 229 li, 601 on v. Smith, 47 Connecticut, 221 3, 67 McMahon ads. State, 53 Connecticut. 407 5.">, 1 13 McManaus v. Lee, 43 Missouri. 236 xcvii, S86 McMartin v. Biugham. 27 Iowa, 231 1, 263 McMnster v. Ins. Co. of N. A..55N. Y. 222 14, 239 McMasters v. Penn. R. R Co., 63 Penn. St. 374. ... 8, 261 McMechan v. Griffing, 'a Pickering, 149 xv, 198 McMechen v. McMechen. 17 West Virginia, 683.. 41, 682 McMeelnn v. Edmonds, 1 Hill Ch. 2?3 xxvi, 2C3 McMichael v. McDermott, 17 Penn. State, 353 IT, 560 McMillanv. Birch, 1 Binney, 173 ii, 425 McMillan v. Bull's Head Bank, 32 Indiana, 11. ... 2, 323 MciOan v. Hyatt, 9 California, 335 Ixx, CC5 McMillan v. Malloy, 10 Nebraska, 223 33, 471 McMillanv. Masoa, 5 Cold. 263 xcviii, 401 McMillan v. Maysville & L. R. R., 15 B. Mon. 218.1xi, 181 McMillan v. Mich. S. & X. 1. R. R. 10 Mich. 79. .xciii, 2CS McMillan v. Richards, 9 California, 365 Ixx, C33 McMillan v. Ritchie, 3 T. B. Monroe, 343 xvi, 107 McMillan v. Solomon, 42 Alabama, 336 xciv, 654 McMillan v. Sprague, 4 Howard (Miss.), 647 xxxv, 412 McMillan v. Union Ins. Co., Rice's Law, 2t8. . .xxxiii, 112 McMillan v. Vanderlip, 12 Johnson, 165. vii, 233 McMorine v. Storey, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 189. . . .xxxiv, 374 McMorris v. Hemdon, 2 Bailey's Law, 56 xxi, 515 McMorris v. Webb, 17 South Carolina, 558 43, 629 McMullen v. Wenner, 16 Serg. & R. 13 xvi, 543 McMurray v. Xoyes, 72 Xew York, 523 28, ISO McMnrray v. Shuck, 6 Bush, 111 xcix. 662 McMurray v. Taylor, 30 Missouri, 263 Ixxvii, 611 McXair.Ex parte, 13 Xebraska, 195 42,765 McXair v. Lot, 34 Missouri, 285 Ixxxiv, 73 McXairv. Ragland, 2 Devereux's Eq. 42 xxii, 723 McXairy v. Bell, 1 Yerger, 502 xxiv, 454 McXally ads. State, 34 Maine, 210 Ivi, 650 McXamara v. Clintonville, 62 Wisconsin, 207 51, 722 McXamara v. Dwyer, 7 Paige, 239 xxxii, 27 McXary v. Chamberliin. 31 Connecticut, 384 xci, 732 McXaughtv. McClaughry,42New York, 22 1, 487 McXaughten v. Partridge, 11 Ohio, 223 xxxriii, 731 McXeeley v. Hart, 8 IredeU's Law, 492 xlix, 404 McXeeley v. Hart, 10 Iredell's Law, C3 li, 377 McXcil v. Call, 19 New Hampshire, 403 11, 188 McXeil v. Dixon, 1 A. K. Marshall. 365 x, 740 McXeil v Kendall, 128 Massachusetts, 245 35, 373 McXeil v. Tenth Nat Bk., 46 Xew York. 325 7, 341 McXeill v. McNeill. 36 Alabama, 109 Ixxvi, 320 McXeilly v. Patchin, 23 Missouri, 40 Ixvi, 6M McXeilledge v. Galbraith, 8 Serg. & R. 43 xi, 572 McO'Blenis ads. State, 24 Missouri, 402 liix, 433 McPadden v. X. Y. Cent R. R. Co..44N. Y. 478.. 4, 705 MoPherson, In re, lOt Xew York. 306 68, 502 McPherson v. Acker, McA. & Mack 150 48, 749 McPherson v. Cunliff, 11 Serg. & R. 422 xiv, 642 McPherson T. Chebanse, 114 Illinois, 46 55, 857 McPherson v. Foster, 43 Iowa, 48 22, 215 McPherson v. McPherson, 11 IredeU's L.391 liii, 410 McPherson v. Parker, 30 California, 455 Ixxxix. 129 McPherson ads. State, 70 Xorth Carolina. 239 .... 16, 769 McPherson v. Talbott, 10 Gill & J. 499 xxxii, 191 McPherson v. Walters, 16 Alabama. 714 1, 200 McPiko ads. Commonwealth, 3 Gushing, 181 1, 727 McQuade v. O'Xeil, 15 Gray, 52 Ixxvii, 350 McQueen's Appeal, 104 Pennsylvania St. 59G 49. 593 McQueen v. Chouteau's Heirs, 23 Missouri, 222. .Ixiv, 178 McQueen v. McQueen, 2 Jones' Eq. 15 !iii, 205 McRae v. Reckon, 1 Alabama, 205 xxxiv, 777 McIIae v. Stokes, 3 Alabama, 491 xxxvii, C98 McRae v. Wilmington & W. R. Co., 83 X. C. 525. .43, 715 McReav. Mayor. 59 Georgia, 163 27,330 McReady t. Rogers, 1 Xebraska, 121 xclii, 333 McTavish v. Carroll, 7 Maryland, 3CC Ixi, 333 McVeany v Mayor, 80 New York, 135 36, COO McVicker v. Beedy, 31 Maine, 314 1, 666 McVickerv. May, 3 Peun. State, 224 xiv, G37 McVey v. Cantrell. 70 Xew York, 203 28, 605 McWhirt's Case, 3 Grattan, 504 xlvi, 196 McWhorter v. McDonald, 30 Mississ'.rri 770 . . .Ixxx, 97 Me Williams v. Martin. 12 Serg. & R. 2 :0 xiv, 688 McWilliams v. Xisley, 2 Serg. & R. 5;7 vii, CM McWilliev. Kirkpatrick, 23 Mississirpi, 802 Ixiv, 125 McWillie v. Van Yacter, 33 Mississippi, 423 Ixxii, 127 Meach v. Perry, ID. Chipman, 1S2 vi, 719 Meacher v. Fort, 3HU1L. 227 (S.C.) (IPuleyL. 24S).xxx, 364 Mead v. Ames, 3 Vermont, 143 xxi, 581 Mead v. Carnal, 6 Robinson (La.), 73 xxxix. 553 Mead ads. Commonwealth, 12 Gray, 107 Ixxi, 741 Figh, 4 Alabama, 279 xxxvii, 742 Mead v. Hughes, 15 Alabama, 141 1, 123 Mead v. Husted, 52 Connectic-t, '3 "?, G34 Mead v. Mitchell, 17 Xew York, 210 Ixxii, 455 Mead v. New Haven, 40 Connecticut, 72 16, 14 Mead v. Parker, 115 Massachusetts, -113 20, 110 Mead v. Small, 2 Greenleaf, 237 xi, 62 Mead ads. State, 4 Blackf ord, 309 xxx, 661 Mead v. Stratton. 87 Xew York, 4?3 41, 388 Mead v. Tomlinson, 1 Day, 143 ii, 63 Mead v. York, 6 Xew York (2 Selden),^49 Ivii 467 Meaderv. White, G6 Maine, 90 22,551 Meaders v. Gray, 60 Mississippi, 400 45, 414 Meador v. Sorsby, 2 Alabama, 712 xxxvi, 433 Meadow Valley Mining Co. v. Dodds, 7 Xev. 143. . 8, 709 Meadows v. Hopfflns, Meigs, 181 xxxiii, 140 Meadows v. Meadows, 3 McCord, 433 xv, 645 Meads v. Merchants' Bank of Albany, 25 Xew York, 143 Ixxxii, 331 Meagher v. Driscoll, 99 Massachusetts, 281 xcvi, 759 Meaghcr v. Morgan, 3 Kansas, 372 Ixxxvii, 476 Means v. State, 10 Texas Ct. App. 16 38, 640 Means v. Swormstedt, 32 Indiana, 87 2, 330 Meara v. Holbrook. 20 Ohio State, 137 5, 633 Meares v. Comm'rs, 9 Iredell's Law, 73 xlix, 412 Mearsv. Humboldt Ins. Co., 92 Penn. St. 15 37,617 Mears v. Xichols. 41 Illinois, 207 Ixxxix, 331 Meauxv. Helm, Snecd (Ky.), 232 :i, 716 Mebane v. Mebane, 4 Iredell's Eq. 131 xliv, 108 Mechanics' B'k v. Merchants' E'k, 43 Mo. 513 c, 388 Mechanics Nat. Bank v. Frazer, 86 Illinois, 133.. .29, 20 Mechanics & T. Ins. Co. v. Richardson, 33 Louis- iana An. 1308 39,290 Mecklem v. Blake, 16 Wisconsin, 102 Ixxxii, 707 Mecklem v. Blaks, 22 Wisconsin, 495 xcix, 68 Medbury v. Watson, 6 Metcalf, 24>3 xxxii, 726 Medlin v. Platte County, 8 Missouri, 235 xl, 135 Medway v. Xeedham, 16 Massachusetts, 157 viii, 131 Meech v. Allen, 17 Xew York, 300 Ixxii, 465 Meech v. Ensign, 49 Connecticut, 191 44, 225 Meech v. Lamon. 103 Indiana, 5J5 53,540 Meech v. Robinson, 4 Wharton, SCO xxxiv. 514 Meehan v. Hudson Freeholders, 4G X. J. L. 276. ..50, -121 Meek v. Atkinson, 1 Bailey's Law, 84 x:x, 653 Meek ads. State, 70 Missouri. 335 35,427 123 TABLE OF CASES. Mee Mcr Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Meeker v. Harris, 19 California, 278 Ixxix, 215 Meeks v. Southern Pac. R. Co., SO California, 513.38, 67 Meeks v. Thompson, 8 Grattan, 134 Ivi, 134 Meerchouse ads. State, 34 Missouri, 344 Ixxxvi, 109 Megehev. Draper, 21 Missouri, 510 Ixiv, 243 Megerle v. Ashe. 27 California, 322 Ixsxvii. 76 Meibusv. Dodge, 33 'Wisconsin, 333 23, Meickley v. Parsons, 66 Iowa, C3 55, 2G1 Meier v. McCrillus, 4 Kansas, 214 xcvi, 1C9 Meier v. Penn. E. E. Co.. 61 Penn. St. 225 3,581 Meighen v. Strong, 6 Minnesota, 177 Ixxx, 441 Meigs' Appeal, C2 Pennsylvania State, 28 1 , 372 Meily v. Wood, 71 Pennsylvania State, 4S8 10, 719 Meinckev. Falk, 15 Wisconsin, 427 43,722 Meincke v. Falk. Cl Wisconsin, 623 50, 157 Meiswinkle v. Jung. 30 Wisconsin, 351 11, 572 ,Me!cLoirv. McCarty. 31 Wisconsin, 232 11,605 Meldrumv. Snow, 9 Pickering, 441 xx, 489 Melizet's Appeal, 17 Penn. State, 449 Iv, 573 Meley v. Collins. -II California, 663 10, 279 Melhopv. Doane.31 Iowa, 397 7,147 3IeUa v. Simmons, 45 Wisconsin, 334 30, 746 Me'Jedge v. Boston Iron Co., : Cushing, 158 li, 59 Mellen v. Goldsmith, 47 Wisconsin, 573 32,781 Mellon v. Moore, 63 Maine, 390 23, 77 Mellen v. Merrill. 126 Massachusetts, 545 3C, 605 v. DeSeelhorst, Creese, 221 xii, 172 Mellon v. Croghan, 3 Martin, X. S. 423 xv, 1C3 Melsoa v. Bickson, 63 Georgia. 6S2 36, 1C3 Melton v. McDonald, 2 Missouri, 45 xxii, 437 Melton v. Watkins, 24 Alabama, 433 Ix, 481 Melvin v. Easley, 1 Jones' Law, 386 Ixii, 171 Melvin v. Lamar Ins. Co., SO Illinois, 446 22, 199 Melvinv. Lisenby, 72 Illinois, 63 22,111 Melvin v. Melvin, 8 Xew Hampshire, 569 42, 6C5 Melvin v. Weiant, 3t5 Ohio State, 184 38, 572 Melvin v. Proprietors, 5 Metcalf, 15 xxxviii, 384 Melvin v. Whiting, 10 Pickering, 295 is, 524 Memphis v. At 3 - ss. 9 Heisk.518 24,331 Memphis v. Battle, 9 Heist 524 24, 285 Memphis v Ensley. 6 Bait. 553 32,532 Memphisv. Laski, 9Heisk, 511 24,327 Memphis v. Woodward, 12 Heisk. 499 27, 750 Memphis & C. R. R. Co. v. Whitfield, 44 Miss. 466. 7,699 Memphis & L. R. E. Co. v State, 9 Lea, 218 42, 673 Memphis & L. E. E'y Co. v. Stringfellow, 44 Ar- kansas, 322 51, 598 Memphis & O. R. P. Co. v. McCool, 83 Ind 392. .43, 71 Memphis Bell TeL Co. v. Hunt, 16 Lea. 456 57, 237 Memphis G. L. Co. v. State. 6 Cold. 310 icviii, 45-' Memphis, Mayor of, v. Wright, 6 Yerger, 497. . .xxvii, 489 Menagh v. WhitweU, 52 Xew York, 1 IG 11, 683 Menard v. Scudder, 7 Louisiana An. 3S5 Ivi, 610 Mendel v. Wheeling. 28 West Virginia, 233 57, 665 Mendenhall v. Lenwell, 5 Blackford, 125 ixiiii, 453 Mendenhall v. Parish, 8 Jones' Law, 105 Ixxviii, 2G9 Mendenhall v. Steckel. 47 Maryland, 453 28, 481 Meneely v. Meneely , 62 Xew York, 427 20, 483 Menges v. Dentler, 33 Penn. State, 495 Ixxv, 616 Menges v. Frick, 73 Pennsylvania State, 137 13, 731 Menges v. Oyster, 4 Watts & Serg. 20 xxxix, 56 Mentz v. Armenia F. Ins. Co., 79 Penn. St. 478. . .21, 80 Mentz v. Hamman, 5 Wharton, 150 xxxiv, 546 Meraman's Heirs v. Caldwell'sH., 8B. Mon. 32..xlvi, 537 Merced Mining Co. v. Fremont, 7 Cal. 317 Ixviii, 2C2 Mercein v. People, 25 Wendell, C4 xxxv, 653 . Mercein ads. People, 3 Hill (Xew York), 399. .xxxviji, 644 ; Mercer v. Stark, Walker, 451 xii, 583 ; Mercer v. Walmsley, 5 Harris & J. 27 ix, 486 ! Mercereau v. Bergen, 3 Green Law, 244 xxix, 6S4 , Merchants' and M. Bank v. Hewitt, 3 Iowa, 93. .Ixvl, 49 Merchants' & M. Bank v. Hibbard, 48 Michi- gan. 118 42,465 Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank ads. People, 78 Xew York, 2C9 34, 533 Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank of Pitts- burgh v. Watson, 46 Penn. St. 310. Irrxiv, 549 Merchants' & M. T. Co. v. Story, 50 Maryland, 4.. 33, 293 Merchants' & M. T. Co.. v. AsSo. F. Ins. Co.. 53 Maryland, 448 36,428 Merchants' B'k v. Birch, 17 Johnson, 25 viii, 367 Merchants' B'k v. Central B'k, 1 Georgia, 418.. . .xliv, 665 Merchants' E'k v. Easley. 44 Missouri, 2SG c, 287 Merchants' Bank v. Griswold, 72 Xew York, 472. .28, 159 Merchants' E'k v. Harrison, 39 Missouri, 433 xciii. 285 Merchants' B'k v. Marine B'k, 3 Gill, 96 xliii, 300 Merchants' B'k v. Rawls, 7 Georgia, 191 1, 394 Merchants' D. & T. Co. v. Cornforth, 3 Colora- do, 280 25,757 Merchants' D. & T. Co. T. Moore. 88 Illinois, 136. .30, 541 Merchants' etc. Ins. Co. T. Shillito, 15 Ohio State. 5"9 Ixxxvi. 491 Merchants' etc. Ins. Co. v. Curran, 45 Missouri, 142. .c, 361 Merchants' Ins. Co. v. DeWolf, 33Penn. State, 45.1xxv, 577 Merchants' Ins. Co. v. Morrison, 62 Illinois, 242.. 14, 93 Merchants' Mut. Ins. Co. v. Lacroix, 35 Tex. 249. . 14, 370 Merchants' X. B'k v. X. Eagle B'k, 101 Mass. 2S1 c, 120 Merchants' Xat. Bank v. Comstock, 55 X. Y. 24. .14, 168 Merchants' Xat. Bank v. Goodman, 109 Pennsyl- vania State, 422 58, 728 Merchants' Xat. Bank v. Hanson. 33 Minn. 40 53, 5 Merchants' Xat. Bank v. Hall, 83 X. Y. 338 38, 434 Merchants' Xat. Bankv. Weeks, 53 Vermont, 115.38, 661 Merchants' W. B. ASS'D v. Wood, 64 Miss. 661. .. .60, 76 Mercierv. Mercier, 50 Georgia. 546 15, 694 Meredith, Ex parte, 33 Gratt. 119 36,771 Meredith v. Andres, 7 Iredell's Law, 5 xlv, 504 Meriden Britannia Co. v. Parker, 39 Conn. 450. . .12, 401 Meriden Britannia Co. v. Zingsen, 48 X Y. 247.. . 8, 549 Merkle v. Ben .ington T , 58 Michigan. 156 55, 668 Merklein v. Trapnell, 34 Penn. State, 42 Ixxv, 634 Merrell v. Campb. 11, 49 Wisconsin, 535 35, 785 Merriam v. Bayley, 1 Cushing, 77 xlviii, 591 Merriamads. Commonwealth, 14 Pick. 518 ixv, 420 Merriam v. Hartford etc. R. R. Co., 20 Conn. 354. .lii, 344 Merriam v. Hassam, 14 Allen, 516 xcii, 795 Merriam v. Middlesex M. F. I. Co., 21 Pick. 162.xxxii, 252 Merriam v. Mitchell 1 , 13 Maine, 439 xxii, 514 Merriam v. ATilkins, 6 Xew Hampshire, 432 xxv, 472 Merriam v. Wolcott, 3 Allen, 258. Ixxx, 69 Merriek v. Merrick, 37 Ohio St.. 126 41, 493 Merrifeldv. Lombard, 13 Allen. 16 xc, 172 Merrifield v. Worcester, 110 Mass. 216 1 S, 592 Merrihew ads. State, 47 Iowa, 112 20, 464 Merrill v. Agricultural Ins. Co., 73 X. Y. 452 29, 184 Merrill ads. Commonwealth, 14 Gray, 415 Ixxvii, 336 Merrill v. Eastern E. R. Co., 139 Mass. 238 52,705 Merrill v. Harris, 23 Xew Hampshire, 142 Ivii, 359 Merrill v. Ithaca & O. R. R. Co., 16 Wend. 586. ..xxx, 130 Merrill v. Kenyon, 48 Connecticut. 314 40, 174 Merrill v. Lake, 16 Ohio, 373 xlvii, 377 Merrill v. Merrill, 6 Greenlettf, 463 xiv, 247 Merrill v. Moore's Heirs, 7 Howard, 271 xl, 60 Merrill v. Xew Eng. M. L. I. Co., 103 Mass. 245. ... 4, 548 Merrill v. Xorth Yarmouth. 78 Maine, 200 57, 794 Merrill v. Sherbume, 1 Xew Hampshire, 199 vlii, 52 Merrill v. St. Louis, 83 Missouri, 244 53, 576 Merrill v. Suffolk Bank, 31 Maine, 57 1,649 Merrills v. Swift, 18 Connecticut, 257 xlvi, 315 Merrills v. Tariff Mfg. Co., 10 Conn. 384 xxvii, 682 Mar Mil TABLE OF CASES. 124 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Merrimac Mining Co. v Levy, 54 Penn. St. 227. ..xciii, 697 Merritt v. Brinkerhoff, 17 Johnson, 306 viii, 404 Merritt v. Clason, 12 Johnson, 102 vii, 286 Merritt v. Day. 9 Vroom, 32 80, 362 Merritt v. Duncan. 7 Heisk. 156... 19,612 Merritt v. Earle, 29 New York, 115 Ixxxvi. 292 Merritt v. Glidden, 33 California, 559 2, 479 Merritt v. Home, 5 Ohio State, 307 Ixvii, 298 Merritt r. Hosmer, 11 Gray, 276 Ixxi, 713 Merritt v. Johnson, 2 Southard, 455 viii, CIO Merritt v. Johnson, 7 Johnson, 473 v, 289 Merritt v. Portchester. 71 New York. 309 27, 47 Merritt v. Scott, 6 Georgia, 563 1,365 Merritt v. Todd, 23 New York, 28 Ixxx, 243 Merritt v. Yates, 71 Illinois, 636 23,128 Merriwether v. Garvin, 2 Porter, 199 xrvii, 650 Merry v. Bostwick. 13 Illinois, 398 liv, 434 Merryfieldv. "Wilson, 14 Texas, 224 Ixv, 117 Merrymanv. Euler, 59 Indiana, 588 43, 561 Merwin v. Chicago, 45 Illinois, 133 xcii. 204 Menriu v. People, 26 Michigan, 298 12, 314 Messenger v. Dennie, 137 Massachusetts, 197 50, 295 Messenger v. Pennsylvania E. E. Co., 36 New Jer- sey, 407 13,457 Messenger v. Pennsylvania E. E. Co., 8 Vroom, 531 18,754 Messer v. Woodman, 22 New Hampshire, 172 liii, 241 Messier v. Amery, 1 Yeates, 533 i, 316 Messinger ads. Commonwealth, 1 Binney, 273 ii, 441 Metallic Comp. Co. v. FitchburghE. E. Co.. 106 Massachusetts. 277 12, 639 Metcalf v. Gilmore, 59 New Hampshire, 417 47, 217 Metcalf v. Metcalf, 19 Alabama, 319 liv, 190 Metcalf e v. Conner, LitteU's 8. C. 497 xii, 340 Methodist Church v. Eemington, 1 "Watts, 218...xxvi, 61 Methodist E. Church of Hoboken v. Hoboken. 33 New Jersey L. 13 xcvii, 696 Methodist Prot. Church v. Mayor of Baltimore, 6 Gill, 391 xlviii. 540 Methvin v. Methvin, 15 Georgia, 97 Ix, 664 Metropolitan L. L Co. v. McTague, 49 New Jer- sey L. 587 60, 661 Metz v. Anderson, 23 Illinois, 463 bum, 704 Metzv. Buffalo etc. E. E. Co.. 58N. Y. 61 17,201 Metzgerv Post, 15 Vroom. 74 43,341 Metzler v. Kilgore, 3 Penrose & Watts, 245 xxiii, 7G Metts v. Bright, 4 Dev. & Bat. L. 173 xxxii, 683 Meurer, Will of, 44 Wisconsin, 393. ..* 28, 591 Meux v. Anthony, 11 Arkansas, 411 lii, 274 Mewhirter v. Hatten, 42 Iowa, 288 20, 618 Mexican Mill v. Yellow J. S. M Co.. 4 Nev. 40. .xcvii, 510 Meyer v. Chicago etc. E'y Co., 24 Wisconsin, 566. . 1, 207 Meyerv. Fogg, 7 Florida, 292 Ixviii, 441 Meyer v. Kinzer, 12 California, 247 Ixxiii. 538 Meyer v. Knickerbocker Life Tn Co., 73 New York, 516 59,200 Meyerv. Meyer, 23 Iowa, 359 xcii, 432 Meyer v. Morgan, 51 Mississippi, 21 24, 617 Meyer v. Phillips. 97 New York, 485 49, 538 Meyerv. Eoberts, 46 Arkansas, 80 55, 567 Meyer v. Stone. 46 Arkansas, 210 55, 577 Meyers v. Baker, 123 Illinois, 5W 60, 580 Meyers v. Chicago. E I. & P. E. Co., 57 Iowa, 555.43, 50 Michael v. Bacon, 49 Missouri, 474 8, 133 Michael v. Baker, 12 Maryland, 158 Ixxi, 593 Michael v. Dunkle. 84 Indiana, 544 43, 100 Michael v. Morey, 26 Maryland, 239 xc, 106 Michaels v. N. Y. Cent. E. E. Co., 30 N. Y. 564..1xxsvi, 415 Michenerv. Cavender 38 Penn. State, 334 Ixxx, 436 Michie v. Planters' Bank, 4 Howard (Miss.), ISO.xjxiv, 112 Michigan Bank v. Niles, 1 Douglass, 401 xli, 575 Michigan Cent E. E. Co. v. Carrow, 73 Illinois, 318 24,248 Michigan S. etc. E. E. v. Day, 20 Illinois, 375.. .Ixxi, 278 Michigan South, etc. E. E. Co. v. Heaton, 37 In- diana. 448 10, 89 Michigan South, etc. E. E. v. McDonough, 21 Michigan, 165 4, 466 Michigan State Bank v. Hastings, 1 Douglas, 225. xli, 549 Michigan State Bank v. Niles, 1 Douglass, 401.... xli, 575 Michigan State Bank v. Peck, 28 Vermont, 200... Ixv, 234 Mickelv. Hicks, 19 Kansas, 578 27, 161 Mickey v. Burlington Ins. Co., 35 Iowa. 174 14, 494 Mickles v. Rochester City B"k, 11 Paige, 118 xlii, 103 Middle Bridge Prop's v. Brooks, 13 Me. 391 xxix, 510 Middlebrook v. Broadbents, 47 New York, 413. ... 7, 457 Middlebrook v. State, 43 Connecticut, 257 21, 650 Middlebury College v. Chandler, 16 Vt. 683 xlii, 537 Middle Dist. Bank, Matter of, 1 Paige's Ch. 5S5. . .xix, 452 Middlesex T. Corp. v. Swan, 10 Mass. 384 vi, 139 Middlesworth v. Nixon, 2 Michigan, 425 Ivii, 136 Middleton v. Hayward, 2 Nott & McC. 9 x, 554 Middleton v. Pritchard, 3 Scammon, 510 xxrviii, 112 Middleton v. Eobinson, 1 Bay, 58 i, 596 Middletown Bank v. Euss, 3 Connecticut, 135. .. .viii, 16* Midget* v. Brooks, 12 Iredell's Law, 145 Iv 405 Mifflin v. Commonwealth, 5 Watts & Serg. 461 xl, 527 MUarkey v. Foster. 6 Oregon, 378 25, 531 Milberyv. Storer, 75 Maine, 69 46,361 Milburn v. Beach, 14 Missouri, 104 Iv, 91 Milburn v. Bellbni, 39 New York, 53 c. 403 Milburn v. Guyther, 8 Gill, 92 1, 681 Milburn v. State, 11 Missouri, 1S8 slvii, 148 Miles v. Bradford, 22 Maryland, 170 Ixxxv, 643 Miles v. Erwin, 1 McCord's Ch. 524 xvi, 623 Miles v. Fisher, 10 Ohio, 1 xxxvi, 61 Miles v. Kaigler, 10 Yerger, 10 xxx, 425 Miles v. Loomis. 75 New York, 288 31, 470 Miles v. Miles, 6 Oregon. 267 25, 22 Miles v. Miles, 32 New Hampshire, 147 Ixiv, 362 Miles v. Miles. 46 New Hampshire, 261 Ixxxviii, 208 Milesv. Oden, 8 Martin, N. S., 214 xix, 177 Milesv. Oldfleld, 4 Yeates, 423 ii, 413 Milesv. Richard, Walker, 477 xii, 584 Milesv. Richwine, 2Rawle, 199 xix, 638 Milesv. Stevens, SPenn. State, 21 xlv, 621 Milesv. Thorne, 38 California, 335 xcix, 384 Miles v. Vanhorn, 17 Indiana, 245 Ixxix, 477 Milesv. Wise, 11 Rich. Eq. 536 Ixxviii, 461 Milfordv. Holbrook, 9 Allen, 17 Ixxxv, 735 Milford and C. T. Co. v. Brush, 10 Ohio, 111. . . .xxsvi, 78 Milhau v. Sharp, 27 New York. 611 Ixxxiv. 314 Milks v. Eich, 80 New York, 269 36, 615 Mill ads. People, 15 Michigan, 164 xciii, 179 MUlandon v. N. O. Ins. Co., 11 Martin, 602 xiii, 358 Millar v. Cuddy, 43 Michigan, 273 38, 181 Millard v. Barton, 13 Ehode Island, 601 43, 51 Millard ads. State, 18 Tennont, 574 xl vi, 170 Millaudon v. New Orleans Ins. Co., 4 La. An. 15 1, 550 Millaudon v. Western Ins. Co., 9 Louisiana, 27. .xxix, 433 Millen v. Guerrard, 67 Georgia, 284 44, 720 Miller's Appeal. 100 Penn. St. 568 45, 394 Miller's Appeal, 40 Penn. State. 57 lux, 555 Miller's Estate, 82 Penn. St. 113 22. 734 Miller's Estate, 3 Eawle, 312 xxiv, 345 Miller, In re, 48 California, 165 ?, 422 Miller v. Anderson, 43 Ohio St. 473 54, 823 Millerv. Antle, 2 Bush, 407 xcii. 495 Miller v. Alexander, 13 Texas, 497 Ix'v, 73 Miller v. Bank of New Orleans, 5 Whart. 503...xxxiT, 571 125 TABLE OF CASES. Mil Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller MHler Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Easchore, 83 Penn. St. 356 24, 1S7 . Baynard, 2 Houst. 559 Ixxxiii, 168 . Eeates, 3 Serg. & R. 490 viii, 658 Eingham, 1 Iredeli's Eq. 423 xxxvi. 58 Bledsoe, 1 Scammon, 530 rail, 37 Brinterhoff, 4 Denio, US. xlvii, 212 Brown, SMissouri, 127 xxiii, 693 Brown. 47 Missouri, 504 4,315 Burch, 32Texas,208 5,242 Butler, 6 Cushing, 71 lii, 768 Commonwealth, 78 Kentucky. 15 39, 194 ConklinfcCo., 17 Georgia, 430 Ixiii, 248 Consolidation Bank. 43 Pennsylvania St. 514 Ixxxviii, 475 Miller Davidson, 3 Oilman, 518. xliv, 715 Miller Elliott, 1 Indiana. 484 1,475 Miller Estill, 5 Ohio State, 508 Irrii, 305 Miller Ewer, 27 Maine. 509 xlvi, 619 Miller Finley, 26 Michigan, 249 12,306 Miller Fletcher. 27 Gratt. 403 21, 35G Miller Ford, 4 Richardson L. 376 Iv, 687 Miller Gettysburg Bank, 8 Watts, 102 xxxiv, 449 Miller Goddard, 34 Maine, 102 Ivi, C33 Miller Grice, 2 Richardson's L. 27 xliv,271 Miller Hackley, 5 Johnson, 375 IT, 372 Miller Hannibal & St. J. R. Co., 90 N. Y. 430. .43, 179 Hanover. J. & S. R, Co., 87 Penn St. 95.30, 349 Miller v. Hatch. 72 Maine, 481 39,3-16 Miller v. Hayes, 34 Iowa, 496 11,154 Miller v. Heller, 7 Serg. R. 32 x, 413 Miller . Howell, 1 Scammon, 499 xxxii, 36 Miller . Howry, 3 Penrose & Watts, 374 xxiv, 320 Miller . Hughes, 1 A. K. Marshall, 181 x, 719 Miller . Ins. Co., 12 West Virginia. 116 29, 452 Miller Kerr, 2 MTCord, 2S5 xiii, 722 Miller Kershaw, 1 Bailey's Eq. 479 xxiii, 183 Miller Lash, 85 North Carolina, 51 39, 678 Miller Laubach, 47 Penn. State, 154 lixxvi, 521 MUler Law, 10 Richardson's Eq. 320 Ixxiii, 92 Miller Lea. 35 Indiana, 396 6,417 Mi^cr Lynde, 2 Root, 444 1, 86 Miller Mackenzie, 43 Maryland, 404 20, 111 Miller Mariners' Church, 7 Greenleaf, 51 n, 341 Miller Marston, 35 Maine, 153 Ivi, 694 Miller Martin, 16 Missouri, 503 Mi, 242 Miller McNeil, 35 Penn. State, 217 Ixxviii. 333 Miller . McKenzie, 95 New York, 575 47, 85 Miller McWilliams, 50 Alabama. 427 20,297 Miller Mayor, 47 Alabama, 163 11,768 Miller Mercier, 3 Martin, N". S., 236 TV, 156 Miller Miller, 1 Green's Ch. 139 xxxii, 417 Miller Miller, Meigs, 484 xxxiii, 167 Miller Miller, 23 Maine, 22 xxxix, 507 Miller . Miller, 91 New York, 315 43,669 Miller Miller. MacA. Mack. 109 48,738 Miller Miller, 9 Penn. State, 74 xllx, 545 Miner Miller, 3 Serg. & R. 266 viii, 651 Miller Miller, 1 J. J. Marshall, 169 xix, 59 Miller Miller, 60 Pennsylvania, 16 c, 538 Miller Miller, 7 Pickering, 133 xix, 2G4 Miller Morris, 55 Texas, 412 40, 8M Miller Munson, 34 Wisconsin, 579 IT, 461 Miller v. Mutual B. L. L Co. , 31 Iowa, 216 7,122 Miller v. NeweK, 20 South Carolina, 122 47, 833 Miller v. Peeples, 60 Mississippi. 819 45, 423 Miller v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 27 Iowa, 203 1,262 Miller v. People. 52 New York, 304 11,706 Miller ads. People, 24 Michigan, 458 9,131 Miller v. Pittsburg & C. R: R., 40 Penn. St. 237. .Ixxx, 570 Miller v. Plumb, 6 Cowen, 665. xvi, 456 Mfller v. Poage, 56 Iowa, 96 41, 83 Millerv. Reed, 27 Penn. State, 244 Ixvii, 459 Miller v. Roberts, 18 Texas, 16 Ixvii, 688 Miller v. Rutland etc. R. R. Co., 40 Vt. 399. xciv, 414 Millerv. Schneider, 19 La. An. 300 xcii, 535 Miner v. S. C. Ins. Co., 2M'Cord,336. xiii, 734 Mfflerv. Smith, 26 Minnesota, 243 37,407 Miller v. Stagner, 3 B. Monroe, 53 xxxviii, 178 Miller T. State, 33 Mississippi, 356 Ixix, 351 Miller ads. State, 93 ITorth Carolina, 511 53, 469 Miller ads. State, 1 Vroom, 368 Inxvi, 188 Miller v. Steen, 39 California, 402 Ixxxix. 124 Miller v. Stevens. 100 Massachusetts, 518 xcvii, 123 Miller v. Stevens, 100 Massachusetts, 518 1, 139 Miller v. Surls, 19 Georgia, 331 Ixv, 592 MillerT. Thatcher, 9 Texas, 482 lx, 173 Mfller v. Tollison, 1 Harper's Eq. 145 xiv, 713 Millerv, White, Taylor, N.C., 309 i, 591 Millerv. Woods. 21 Ohio St. 485 8, 71 Miller Tobacco Manufactory v. Commerce, 16 Vroom, 18 46,750 Millett v. People, 117 lUiiois, 294 57,869 Mil'iken v. Chapman, 75 Maine, 306 46, 486 Milliken v. City Council, 54 Texas, 388 38,629 Milliken v. Coombs, 1 Greenleaf, 343 x, 70 Mulikin v. Shapleigh, 36 Missouri, 596 Ixxxviii, in Milliken v. Pratt, 125 Massachusetts, 374 28, 241 Million v. Commonwealth, 1 B. Monroe, 310. .. .xxxvi, 580 Million v. Riley, lDana,359 xxv, 149 Million v. Withers, 1 B. Monroe, 310 xxxvi, 580 Millnerv. Eglin, 61 Indiana, 197 31,121 Mills v. Camp, 14 Connecticut, 219 xxxvi, 488 Mills v. Charleton, 29 Wisconsin, 400 9,578 Mills v. Gflbreth, 47 Maine, 320 Ixxiv, 487 Mills v. Gleason, 11 Wisconsin, 470 Ixxviii, 721 Mfflsv. Goodsell, 5 Connecticut, 475 xiii 90 Mills v. Graves, 38 Illinois, 455 Ixxxvii, 314 MOls v. Hall. 9 Wendell, 315 xxiv, 160 Millsv. Hoag, 7Paige, 13 xxxi, 271 Mills v. Howeth, 19 Texas, 257 Ixx, 331 Millsv. Hyde, 19 Vermont, 59 xlvi, 177 Millsv. Lee, 6T. B. Monroe, 91 xvii, 118 Millsv. Lumpkin, 1 Georgia, 511 xliv. 677 MiUs v. Mich. Cent. R. R. Co., 45 N. Y. 622 6, 152 Mills v. Mills, 40 New York, 513. c, 535 Mills v. Newberry. 112 Illinois, 123 '. 54,213 Millsv. Rogers, 2 Littell, 217 xiii, 263 MOsv. Stark, 4 New Hampshire, 512 xvii, 4i4 Millsv. Thornton, 26 Illinois, 300 Ixxix, 377 Mills v. Tukey, 22 Calif omia, 373 Ixxxiii, 74 Mills Y. Van Horn, 17 Ind. 245 Ixxix, 477 Millar. Warner, 19Vermont, 609 xlvii, 711 Mniapaugh v. McBride, 7 Paige, 509 xxxiv, 360 MOroy v. Quinn. 69 Indiana, 406 33,287 Milne v. Davidson, 5 Martin, N. S., 409 xvi, 139 Milne v. Moreton, 6 Binney, 3o3 vi, 466 Milton ads. Commonwealth, 12 B. Monroe, 212 liv, 522 Milton v. Haden, 32 Alabama, 30 Ixx, 523 Milton, Town of, v. Story, 11 Vermont, 101 xxxiv, 671 Milwaukee Gas Light Co. ads. State, 29 Wis. 454. . .9, 596 Milwaukee v. Gross, 21 Wisconsin, 241 xci, 473 MSwaukee Ind. School v. Supervisor, 40 Wis- consin, 323 22, 703 Milwaukee Iron Co. v. Schubel, 29 Wis. 44 1 9, 591 Milwaukee and Minnesota R. R. Co. v. Milwau- kee and West. R. R. Co., 23 Wis. 174 Ixxxviii, 740 Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R. v. Milwaukee and Minnesota R. R.. 20 Wisconsin, 165 Ixxxviii, 735 Milwaukee Gas L. Co. v. Schooner. 23 Wis. 144. .xcix, 138 Milwaukee & C. R. Co. v. Hunter, 11 Wis. 160. .Ixxviii, 639 Mim Mof TABLE OF CASES. 126 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Mims v. Armstrong. 31 Maryland, 87 1, 22 Moms v. Armstrong. 42 Mississippi, 429. xcvii, 472 Mims v. Lockett, 23 Georgia, 237 Ixviii, 521 Mimsv. West, 33 Georgia. 18 xcv. 379 Miner T. Austin. 45 Iowa, 221 24,763 Miner v. Robinson, 1 D. Chipman, 392 xii, 694 Miner T. Phoenix Ins. Co.. 27 Wis. 693 9, 479 Mineral Point Railroad Co. v. Keep, 22 HI. 9. . . .Ixxiv, 124 Miners' Bank of Dubuque v. "U. S., Morris, 482. .xliii, 115 Miners' Ditch Co. v. Zellerbach, 37 Cal. 543. xcix. 30 Mink ads. Commonwealth, 123 Mass. 422 25, 109 Minkv. State, 60 Wisconsin, 583 50,'386 Minkev. Hofeman, 87 Illinois, 450 29, 63 Minke v. McNamee. 30 Md. 294 xcvi, 577 Minneapolis & St. L. R. R. Co. v. Bassett. 20 Minnesota, 535 18,376 Minns v. Morse, 15 Ohio, 568 xlv, 590 Minor v. Cardwell. 37 Missouri, 350 , xc, 390 Minor v. Chicago and N. W. R., 19 WSs. 40. .Ixxxriii. 670 Minor v. Edwards, 12 Missouri, 137 xlix, 121 Minor v Hill, 53 Indiana, 176 26, 71 Minor T. Natchez, 4 Smedes & M. 602 xliii, 488 Minor v. Rogers, 40 Connecticut, 512 16, 69 Minor v. Sharon, 112 Massachusetts, 477 27, 122 Minor v. Staples, 71 Maine, 316 36, 318 Minot v. Cart wright, 7 Metcalf, 348 xli, 444 Minot' v. Manuf. Ins. Co.. 7 Metcalf, 348 xli, 444 Minot v. Mitchell, 30 Indiana, 228 xcv. 685 Minot v. Paine. 99 Massachusetts, 101 xcvi, 705 Minot v. Thacher, 7 Metcalf, 348...... xli, 444 Minot v. West Roxbury, 112 Mass. 1 17, 52 Mins v. Armstrong, 37 Maryland, 87 c, Minter v. Branch ETc at Mobile, 23 Alabama, 762.1viii, 315 Minter v. Pacific Railroad, 41 Missouri, 508 xcvii, 288 Mintum v. Hays, 2 California, 590 Ivi, 366 Minusev. Cox, 5 Johns. Ch. 441 ix, 313 Miranda v. City Bank, 6 Louisiana, 740 xxvi. 493 Mishler v Commonwealth, 62 Penn. St. 55 1, 377 Misner v. Knapp, 13Oregon,135 57, 6 Mississippi & Term. R. R. Co. T. Devaney, 42 Mississippi, 555 2,608 Mississippi Society v. Musgrove, 44 Miss. 820 7, 723 Mississippi Valley Co. v. Chicago, St. L. & N. O. R. Co., 58 Mississippi. 896 38,348 Missouri Bank v. Matson, 26 Missouri, 243 Ixxii, 203 Missouri Bank v. Wells, 12 Missouri, 361 li, 163 Missouri Bank v. White, 23 Missouri. 342 Ixvi, 671 Missouri Furnace Co. v. Abend, 107 El. 44 47,425 Missouri Pac. R'yCo. v. Tygard, 84 Mo. 263 54, 97 Missouri Valley L. Ins. Co. v. McCrum. 36 Kan- sas, 146 59,537 Missouri Valley L. Ins. Co. v. Sturges. 18 Kan- sas, 93 26,761 MStchel v. McMillan, 3 Martin, 676 vi, 690 Mitchel v. Mitchel, 4 B. Monroe, 380 xli, 237 Mitchell v. Anderson, 1 Hill, 69 xxvi, 158 Mitchell v. Beal, 8 Terger, 134 xxix, 108 Mitchell v. Bell, Conference Rep. 17 ii, 627 Mitchell v. Bowen, 8 Indiana, 197 Ixv, 758 Mitche'.l v. Bromberger, 2 Nevada, 345 xc, 550 Mitchellv. Bunch, 2PaigeCh. 606. xxii, 669 Mitchell v. Chambers, 43 Michigan, 150 48, 167 Mitchell v. Chicago and G. T. R'y Co.. 51 Mich- igan, 236 38,566 Mitchell v. Clarke, 71 California, 163 60, 529 Mitchell v. Commonwealth. 78 Kentucky, 201 39, 227 Mitchell ads. Commonwealth, 3 Bush, 25 xcvi, 192 Mitahell v. Deeds, 49 Illinois, 416 xcv, 621 Mitchell v. Denson, 20 Alabama, 327 Ixv, 403 Mitchell v. Dewitt, 23 Tex. Supp. 180 Ixxviii, 561 Mitchell v. Evans, 5 Howard, 543 xxxvii, 169 Mitchell v. Fuller, 15 Penn. State, 268 liii, 594 Mitchellv. Gregory, 1 Bibb, 449 iv. 655 Mitchell v. Hazen, 4 Connecticut, 495 x, 169 Mitchell v. Hawley, 4 Denio, 414 xlvii, 260 Mitchell v. Hockett and Dickenson, 25 Califor- nia, 538. Ixxxv. 151 Mitchell v. Hotchkiss, 43 Connecticut, 9 40, 146 Mitchell v. Kintzer, 5 Penn. State, 216 xlvii. 408 Mitchell v. Ladew, 36 Missouri, 526 Ixxxviii, 156 Mitchell v. Lipe, 8 Yerger, If9 xxix, 116 Mitchell v. McBee, 1 McMullan's L. 267 xxxvi, 264 Mitchell v. Mayor, 49 Georgia, 19 15,669 Mitchell v. Merrill, 2 Blackford, 87 xviii, 128, Mitchell v. Morse, 77 Maine, 423 52, 731' Mitchell v. Petty, 2 West Virginia, 470 xcviii, 777 Mitchell v. Reed, 9 Calif ornia, 204 lu, 647 Mitchell v. Reed, 61 New York, 123 19, 232 Mitchellv. Ringgold, 3 Harris & J. 159 v, 433 Mitchell v. Robinson, 80 Indiana, 281 41,813 Mitchell v. Rockland, 41 Maine, 363. Ixvi, 252 Mitchell v. Seipel, 53 Maryland, 251 36, 404 Mitchell v. Smith, 1 Binney, 110 u, 417 Mitchell v. State, 12 Arkansas, 50 liv, 253 Mitchellv. State, 22 Georgia, 211 Ixviii, 493 Mitchellv. State, SMissonri, 233 xxv, 442 Mitchell v. Toale, 25 South CaroKna, 238 60, 502 Mitchell v. Treanor, 11 Georgia, 324 Ivi, 421 Mitchell v. Union Life Ins. Co., 45 Maine, 104. . .Ixxi, 529 Mitchell v. Vance, 5T. B. Monroe, 528. xvii, 96 Mitchell v. Walker, 2 Aikens, 266 xri, 710 Mitchell v. Welch, 17 Penn. State, 339 Iv, 557 Mitchell v. Wheaton, 46 Connecticut. 315 33, 24 Mitchell v. Zimmerman, 109 Penn. St. 183 58, 715 Mitchellv. Zimmerman, 4 Texas, 75 li, 717 Mitcherson v. Dozier, 7 J. J. Marshal, 53 xxii, 116 Mittnight v. Smith, 2C. E. Green. 259 Ixxxviii, 233 Mix's Appeal, 35 Connecticut, 121 xcv, 222 Mix v. Andes Ins. Co.. 74 New York. 53 30, 260 Mix v. National Bank. 91 Illinois, 20 33, 44 Mixv. Shattuck, SOVermont, 421 28, 511 Mixer v. Cobum, 11 Metcalf, 559 xlv, 230 Mixer v. Howarth, 21 Pickering, 205 xxxii, 256 Mixon v. State, 55 Alabama, 129 28, G95 Mizell v. Burnett, 4 Jones' Law, 249 bix, 744 Mizner v. Frazier, 40 Michigan, 592 29, 563 Miznerads. State, 45 Iowa, 248 24, 769 Mizner ads. State, 50 Iowa, 145 3'i, 123 Moakeley v. Riggs, 19 Johnson, 69 x, 196 Moale v. Baltimore, 5 Maryland, 314 Ixi, 276 Moalov. Hollins, 11 Gill & Johnson, 11 xxxiii, 684 Moats v. Rymer, 13 West Virginia, 642 41, 703 Mobile Bank v. Hall. 6 Alabama, 141 xli, 41 Mobile Bank v. Hall, 6 Alabama, 639 xli, 72 Mobile & G. R. Co. v. Copeland, 63 Ala. 219 35, 13 Mobile & G. R. Co. v. Prewitt. 46 Alabama, 63. ... 7, 586 Mobile & M. R. Co. v. Clanton, 59 Ala. 392 31, 15 Mobile L. L Co. v. Morris, 3 Lea, 101 31, 631 Mobile tc. R. R. Co. v. Hopkins, 41 Ala. 486. . . .xciv. 607 Mobile, Mayor of, v. Eslava, 9 Porter, 577 xxxiii, 325 Mobile, Mayor of, ads. State, 5 Porter, 279 xxx, 564 Mobile, Mayor of. v. Yuille, 3 Alabama, 137 . . .xxxvi. 441 Mobleyv. Bruner. 59 Penn. St. 481 xcviii. 360 Mobley v. Davega. 16 South Carolina, 73 42, 633 Mobley T. Ryan, 14 Illinois, 51 Ivi, 488 Mochler v. Shaftsbury, 46 Vermont, 580 14, 634 Mock v. Kennedy, 11 Louisiana An. 525 Ixvi, 203 Mock's Heirs v. Steels, 34 Alabama, 198 Ixxiii, 455 Moeck v. People, 100 Illinois, 242 39, 38 MoSatt v. Buchanan, 11 Humphreys, 369 llv, 41 127 TABLE OF CASES. Mof Moo Roman letters fxlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Moffatt v. Shepard, 2 Pinney, 66 (1 Chand.) lii, 14 Moffatt v. Thomson, 5 Richardson's Eq. 155 Mi, 73 Moffit v. State, 2 Humphreys, 99 xxxvi, 30 Mohawk Bank v. Broderick, 13 Wendell, 133....xxvii, 19 Holder's Appeal, 5 Penn. State, 418 xlvii, 413 Moon ads. Commonwealth, 52 Penn. St. 243 xci, Mohney v. Cook, 26 Penn. State, 342 Irrii, 41S Mohr, In re, 73 Alabama, 503 49, 63 Mohr v. Gault, 10 Wisconsin, 33 Ixrviii, 687 Moies v. Bird, 11 Massachusetts, 436 vi, 179 Moir v. Hopkins, 16 Illinois, 313 Ixiii, 312 Moke v. Fellman, 17 Texas, 367 Irrii, 656 Mokelumne H. M. Co. v. Woodbury, 14CaL424.1xxiii, 653 Moliere v. Pa. Fire Ins. Co., 5 Rawle, 342 xxviii, 675 Moline Scale Co. v. Beed. 52 Iowa, 307 35, 272 Molisseads. State, 38 La. An. 381 58, 181 Molony v. Dixon, 63 Iowa, 136 54, Moltz ads. Commonwealth, 10 Penn. State, 527 li, 499 Molyneux v. Seymour, Fanning&Co., 30G. 440..1xxvi, 662 Mollisonv. Eaton, 16 Minnesota, 426 10, 150 Monatt v. Parker, 3D La. An. 585 31, 229 Moncrief v. Goldsborough, 4 Harris & McH. 281 1, 407 Monday v. State, 32 Georgia, 672 Irxix, 314 Mondon Y. People. 103New York. 211 57, 709 Monell v. Colden, 13 Johnson, 395 vii, 390 Monell v. Monell, 5 Johnson Ch. 283 ix, 238 Monk v. Home, 38 Mississippi, 100 Ixxv, 94 Monk v. Packard. 71 Maine. 309 36, 315 Monongahela v. Fischer, 111 Penn. St. 9 56, 211 Monongahela Bridge Co. v. Kirk, 46 Pennsylvania State, 112 Ixxxiv, 527 Monongahela Nav. Co. v. Coon, 6 Penn. St. 379.xlvii, 474 Monroe v. Barclay, 17 Ohio St, 313 xciii, 620 Monroe v. Conner, 15 Maine, 178 xxxii, 143 Monroe v. Hussey, 1 Oregon, 188 Ixxv, 532 Monroe v. Smelly, 25 Texas, 586 Ixxviii, 541 Monroe v. State, 23 Texas, 210 Ixxvi, 53 Monroe v. West, 12 Iowa, 119 Ixxix, 524 Monroe Bank v. Widner, 11 Paige, 529 xliii, 768 Monroe Bank, Ex parte, 7 Hill, 177 xlii, 61 Monsonv. Drakeley, 40 Connecticut, 552 16, 74 Monson v. Hawley, 30 Connecticut, 51 Ixxix, 233 Montague v. Allan, 73 Virginia, 592 4", 334 Montague v. Dent, 10 Richardson's L. 135 Ixvii, 572 Montague v. Richardson, 24 Connecticut, 338....1xiii, 173 Montana v. Whitcomb, 1 Montana, 359 25, 740 Montandon v. Deas, 14 Alabama, 33 xlviii, 84 Montesquieu v. Heil, 4 Louisiana, 51 xxiii, 471 Montgomery's Appeal, 92 Pennsylvania St. 202. . .37, 670 Montgomery v. Board of Commissioners, 76 In- diana, 3 '2 40, 250 Montgomery ads. Commonwealth, 11 Metcalf, 534. xlv, 227 Montgomery v. Edwards, 46 Vermont, 151 14, 618 Montgomery v. Gilmer, 33 Alabama, 116 Ixx, 552 Montgomery v. Hemy, 1 Dallas, 43 i, 223 Montgomery v. Houston's Heirs, 4 J. J. Marsh. 48S.xx, 223 Montgomery v. Kellogg, 43 Mississippi, 486. 5, 508 Montgomery v. Kerr, 6 Cold. 199 xcviii, 450 Montgomery v. Koester, 35 La. An. 1091 48, 253 Montgomery v. McElroy, 3 Watts & Serg. 370.xxxviii, 771 Montgomery v. Middlemiss, 21 Cal. 103 Ixxxi, 146 Montgomery v. ililliken, 5 Smedes & M. 151 xliii, 507 Montgomery v. Murphy, 19 Maryland, 576 Ixxxi, 632 Montgomery v. Perkins, 2 Metcalfe (Ky.), 448. .Ixxiv, 419 Montgomery v. Scott, 9 South Carolina, 20 30, 1 Montgomery v. Ship Abby Pratt, 6 La. An, 410. .. .liv, 562 Montgomery v. State, 80 Indiana, 338 41, 815 Montgomery Bank v. Walker, 9 Serg. & R. 229 xi, 709 Montgomery Co. v. Elston, 32 Indiana, 27 2, 327 Montgomery & E. R'y Co. v. Culver, 75 Ala. 578. ..51, 483 Montgomery & E. R. Co. v. Kolb, 73 Ala/396 49, St Montgomery & E. R'y Co. v. Thompson, 77 Ala- bama, 448 54, 72 Montgomery S. R'y Co. v. Matthews, 77 Ala. 357. .54, 60 MonticeUov. Kendall, 72 Indiana, 91 37,139 Monticello Sem. v. People, 106 Illinois, 398 46, 702 Mont joy v. Holden, Littell's Sel. Cas. 447 xii, 331 Montour v Purdy, 11 Minnesota, 384 Irxxviii, 83 Montpelier v. East Montpelier, 29 Vt. 12 Ixvii, 743 Montpelier Academy v. George, 14 La. 395 xxxiii, 585 Montpelier Bank v. Dixon, 4 Vermont, 587 xxiv, 640 Montross v. Doak, 7 Robinson (La.), 170 xli, 278 Montross v. State, 72 Georgia, 261 53, 840 Monument Nat. Bank v. Globe Works, 101 Mas- sachusetts, 57 3,322 Moody v. Blake, 117 Massachusetts, 23 19, 394 Moody v. Brown, 34 Maine, 107 Ivi, 640 Moody v. Burton, 27 Maine, 427 xlvi, 612 Moody v. Fleming, 4 Georgia, 115 xlviii, 210 Moody v. McClelland, 39 Alabama, 45. Ixxxiv, 770 Moody v. Rowell, 17 Pickering, 490 xxviii, 317 Moody v. State, 48 Alabama, 115 17, 23 Moody ads. State, 2 Haywood, 31 ii, 616 Moody v. Van Dyke, 4Binney, 31 v, 335 Moody v. Whitney, 38 Maine, 174 Ixi, 239 Moody v. Wright, 13 Metcalf, 17 xlvi, 706 Mooers v. Allen, 35 Maine, 276 Iviii, 700 Mooersv. Wait, 3 Wendell, 104 xx, 667 Moomey v. Maas, 22 Iowa, 380 xcii, 395 Moon v. Hawks, 2 Aikens, 390 xvi, 725 Moon v. Richmond & A R. R. Co., 78 Va. 745 49, 401 Moon v. Rollins, 36 California, 333 xcv, 181 Mooney, Ex parte, 26 West Virginia, 36 53, 59 Mooneyv Howard Ins. Co., 138 Mass. 375 52,277 Mooney v. Kennett, 19 Missouri, 551 ,lxi, 576 Mooney v. Maynard, 1 Vermont, 470 xviii, 699 Mooney ads. State, 74 North Carolina. 98 21,437 Moorv. Folsom, 14 Minnesota, 340 c, 227 Moor ads. State, Walker, 134 xii, 541 Moorv. Veazie, 32Maine,343 lii, 655 Moore's Appeal, 88 Pennsylvania St. 450 32, 469 Moorev. Adams, SOhio, 372 xxxii, 723 Moore v. Anders, 14 Arkansas, 628 Ix, 551 Moore v. Appleton, 34 Alabama, 147 Ixxiii, 448 Moore v. Armstrong, 10 Ohio, 11 xxxvi, 63 Moore v. Bettis, 11 Humphreys, 67 liii, 771 Moore v. Byrum, 10 South Carolina, 452 30, 53 Moore v. Chapman, 2 Stewart, 466 xx, 56 Moore v. Chicago I. & B. R'y Co., 65 Iowa, 505. . ..54, 26 Moore v. Christian, 56 Mississippi, 408 31, 375 Moore v. Church, 70 Iowa, 208 59, 439 Moorev. Clay, 24 Alabama, 235 Ix, 461 Moore v. Commonwealth, 6 Metcalf, 243 xxxix, 724 Moore ads. Commonwealth, 143 Mass. 136 58, 123 Moore v. Cross, 19 New York, 227. Ixxv, 326 Moore v. Davis, 49 New Hampshire, 45 6, 460 Moore v. Dunning, 23 Illinois, 130 Ixxxi, 301 Moorev. Ewing, Coxe, 144 ...i, 195 Moore v. Tall, 42 Maine, 450 Ixv-i, 297 Moore v Fitchburg R. R. Corp., 4 Gray, 463 Ixiv, 83 Moore T. Fitz Randolph, 6 Leigh, ] 7 , , . . xxix. 203 Uoore v. Fletcher, 13 Maine, 63 , xxxiii, 633 Moorev. Fox, 10 Johnson, 244 vi, 333 Moorev. Fuller, 6Oregon, 272 25,524 Moorev. Gadsden, 87 New York, 84 41,352 Moore v. Green, 73 North Carolina, 394 21, 470 Moore v. Hegeman, 92 New York, 521 44, 408 iloore v. Hillebrant, 14 Texas, 312 Ixv, 118 kloore v. Holcombe, 3 Leigh, 597 xxiv, 633 Moorev. Hood, 9 Richardson's E(,. 311 Ixx, 210 Moo Mor TABLE OF CASES. 123 Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Moore v. Jordan, 36 Kansas, 271 50, 550 Moore T. Kelley, 5 Vermont, 34 nvi, 233 Moore T. Kendall, 2 Pinney, 99 (1 Chand. 33) lii, 145 Moore v. Kent, 37 Iowa, 20 18, 1 Moore v. Langdon, 2 Mackey, 127 47, 262 Moore v. Letchford, 35 Texas, 185 14,363 Moore v. Lockett, 2Bibb,67 iv, CS3 Moorev. Lowrey, 25 Iowa, 336 xcv, 790 Moore T. Luce. 29 Perm. State, 260 Ixxii, C29 Moore Y. Madden, 7 Arkansas, 530 xlvi, 298 Moorev. Mayor, 73 New York, 233 30,T34 Moore v. Mayor & Com.. SO North Carolina, 154. .30, 73 Moorev. Merrill, 17 New Hampshire, 75 xliii. 5P3 Moore v. Metrop. Nat. Bank, 55 New York, 41. . . .14, 173 Moorev. Miller, 6 Oregon, 254 25,518 Moorev. Monroe, 64 Iowa, 367 52,444 Moore v. Moore's Devisees, 4 Dana, 354. xxix, 417 Moorev. Moore, 4 Hawks, 353 TV, 523 Moore v. Moore, 47 New York, 467 7, 466 Moorev. Neil. 39 Illinois, 256 Ixxxix. 3D3 Moore v. New York, 8 Nw York (4 Selden), 110. . .lix, 473 Moorev. Pennell, 52 Maine, 162 Ixxxiii, 500 Moore v. Pennsylvania R. Co.. 99 Perm. St 301. .44, 106 Moorev. Philbrick. 32 Maine, 102 lii, 642 Moore v. Pierson, 6 Iowa, 279 Ixxi, 409 Moore v. Protection Ins. Co., 29 Maine, 97 xlviii, 514 Moorev. Quirk. 105 Massachusetts, 49 7, 499 Moorev. Sanborne, 2 Michigan, 519 lix, 209 Moore v. Sanders, 15 South Carolina, 440 40, 703 Moore v. Settle, 82 Kentucky, 187 56, 839 Moorev. Shenk, 3 Penn. State, 13 xlv, 613 Moorev. Shultz, 13 Penn. State, 98 liii, 446 Moore v. Skidmore, LittelTs S. C. 453 xii, 333 Moore v. Smaw, 17 CaL 199 Ixxix, 123 Moore v. Smith, 11 Richardson's Law, 569 Ixxiii, 122 Moore v. State, 12 Alabama, 764 xlvl, 276 Moorev. State, 47 Maryland. 467 28, 483 Moorev. State, 48 Missouri, 147 12, 367 Moorev. State. 14 Vroom, 203 30, 553 Moore ads. State, 31 Connecticut, 479 IxxxMi. 159 Moore ads. State, 25 Iowa, 128 xcv, 776 Moore ads. State, 11 IredelTs Law, 160 liii, 401 Moore ads. State, 19 Missouri, 339. bd, 563 Moore ads. State. 74 Missouri. 413 41,322 Moore ads. State, 64 New Hampshire, 9 56, 473 Moore ads. State, 26 New Hampshire, 448 lix, 354 Moore ads. State, 24 South Carolina, 150 58, 241 Moore . Tanner's Adm'r, 5 T. B. Monroe, 42. . .xxvii, 35 Moore . Tarlton, 3 Alabama, 4J4 xxxvii, 701 Moore . Thomson, Busbee's Law, 221 lix, 550 Moore . TurbevUle, 2 Bibbs. 602 v, 642 Moore . Turpin, 1 Speer's Law. 32 xl, 589 Moore . Vick, 2 Howard (Miss.), 746 xxxii. 301 Moore . Virginia F. & M. L Co., 23 Gratt 508. ..28, 373 Moore . Weber. 71 Pennsylvania State, 429 10, 708 Moore . Williamson, 10 Richardson's Eq. 323. .Ixxiii. 93 Moorehead v. GUmore, 77 Pennsylvania St 113.. .18, 435 Moorehusev. Northrop, 33 Connecticut, 3S0...1xxxix. 211 Mooresads. People, 4Denio, 518 xlvii, 272 Mborhouse v. Crangle, 35 Ohio State. 130 38, 564 Mootry v. Danbury, 45 Connecticut. 550 99, 703 Morales v. State. 1 Texas Ct. App. 494 28, 419 Morain v. Devlin, 132 Massachusetts, 87 42, 423 Moran v. Dawes, Hooking' Ch. 305 xiv, 550 Moran v. Goodwin, 130 Massachusetts, 153 39, 443 Mordecai v. Speight, 3 Devereux's Law, 428 xxiv, 266 Morev. Bagley, Breese, 94 xii. 144 More v. Bonnet. 40 California. 231 6,621 Moreaiv. Saffarans, 3 Sneed. 535 Ixvii, 582 Morehead v. Jones, 2B. Monroe, 210 xxxvi, 600 Morehead v. Parkersburgh Nat Bank. 5 West Virginia. 74 13, 638 Moreland v. Brady, 8 Oregon, 303 34, 5>1 Moreland v. Metz, 24 West Virginia, 119 49. 249 Morey v. Fitzgerald, 56 Vermont. 487 48, 811 Morey v. Sohier, 63 New Hampshire, 507 56, 533 Morey. v. Wakefleld, 41 Vermont, 24. xcviii, 562 Morey ads. State, 2 Wisconsin, 494 Ix, 439 Morford v. Mastin, 6 T. B. Monroe, 609 xrii, 168 Morgan v. Bank of N. A., 8 Serg. & R. 73 xi, 575 Morgan v. Boone, 4 T. B. Monroe, 231 svi, 153 Morgan v. Boyer. 39 Ohio State, 324 48, 454 Morgan v. Burrows, 45 Wisconsin, 211 30, 717 Morgan v. Cox, 22 Missouri, 373 Ixvi, 623 Morgan v. Creditors, 1 Louisiana, 527 sx, 2S5 Morgan v. Cree, 46 Vermont, 773 14, 640 Morgan v. Des Moines & St. L. R'y Co.. 64 Iowa. 589 52,463 Morgan v. Dibble. 29 Texas. 107 xciv, 264 Morgan v. Dodge, 44 New Hampshire. 255 Ixxxii, 213 Morgan v. Dudley, 13 B. Monroe, 693 Ixviii, 735 Morgan v. Durfee, 69 Missouri. 439 33, 503 Morgan v. Edwards. 53 Wisconsin, 539 40, 731 Morgan v. Evans, 72 Illinois, 586 22, 154 Morgan v. Furst, 4 Martin, N. S., 116 xri, 166 Morganv. Groff, SDenio, 264 x'.ix. 273 Morgan v. Hays, Breese, 126 xii, 147 Morganv. His Creditors, 8 Martin, N. S., 599 xx, 262 Morganv. "King. 35 New York, 453 sci. 58 Morgan v. King, 23 West Virginia, 1 57, 633 Morgan v. Lowe, 5 California, 325 Ixiii, 133 Morganv. Mason, 20 Ohio, 401 Morgan v. Morgan, 3 Stewart, 333 xsi, C33 Morgan v. New York etc. R. R., 10 Paige, 290 xl, 214 Morgan v. Nolte, 37 Ohio St. 23 41, 435 Morgan v. Perhamus, 36 Ohio St 517 3S, 607 Morgan v. Richardson, 16 Missouri, 309 Morgan v. Robinson, 12 Martin, 76 Morgan v. Schermerhom, 1 Paige's Ch. 544 xii, 449 Morgan v. Schnyler, 79 New York. 490 35, 513 Morgan v. State, 42 Arkansas, 131 iS, 55 Morgan ads. State, 3 Iredell's Law, 186 xxxriii, 714 Morgan ads. State, 7 IredeH's Law, 337 x!vii, 329 Morgan v. Scott, Minor, 81 xii, 35 Morgan v. Towles, 8 Martin, 730 xiii, 300 Morgan v. Yarborough, 13 Louisiana, 74 x :: Morgan's Sons Co. v. Troxell, 89 New Yo: '.-. Morier v. St Paul, M. & M R'y Co.. 31 Minneso- ta, 351 47,793 Moring v. Abies, 62 Mississippi, 233 Moritz v. Garnhart, 7 Watts, 32 x Morley v. Green, 11 Paige, 240 xlii, 113 Morley v. Town of Metamora. 73 Illinois. 331 Morningstar v. Cunningham. 110 Indiana, 323. ...59, 211 Morningstar v. Selby, 15 Ohio. 345 x!v, 579 Morphyads. State. 33 Iowa. 270 11, 123 MorreU v. Irving Fire Ins. Co., 33 N. Y. 429. .Ixxxviii, 396 Morrell v. Trenton M. L. 4 F. In. Co. , 10 Cush. 2S2.1rii, 93 Morrill v. Mackman, 24 Michigan, 273 9, 124 Morrill v. MorriH. 53 Vermont. 74 28, 659 Morrill v. Noyes. 56 Maine, 453 xcvi. 486 Morrill v. Raymond, 23 Kansas, 415 42, 167 Morrillv. St. Anthony F. W. P. Co.,2GMinn- sota, 222 37,399 Morrillv. State, 33 Wisconsin, 423 20, 11 Morrisv. Bacon, K3 Massachusetts, 58 25, 17 Morris v. Chicago, R, I. & P. By Co.. 65 la. 72T. . .54, 39 Morris ads. Commonwealth, 1 Virginia Cases, 175. . . v, 515 Morris v. Council Bluffs. 67 Iowa, 343 56, 343 Morris v. Evans, 2 B. Monroe, 84 xxxvi, 591 129 TABLE OF CASES. Mor Mou Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Aranfc figures [49] to American Reports. Morris v. Faurot, 21 Ohio St. 153 8, 45 Morris v. Foreman, 1 Dallas, 103 1, 235 Morris v. Hockaday, 91 North Carolina, 286 55, 607 Morris v. Hogle, 37 Illinois, 150 Ixxxvii. 243 Morris v. Hyde, 8 Vermont, 3"2 xxx, 475 Morris v. Joseph, 1 "West Virginia, 253 xci, 38G Morris T. Kennedy, 23 Kansas, 403 53, 169 Morris v. Lake, 9 Smedes & M. 521 xlviii, 724 Morris v. McMorris, 44 Mississippi, 441 7, 695 Morris v. Morris, 14 California, 78 Ixxiii, 615 Morris v. Mowatt, 2 Paige's Ch. 586 xxil, 661 Morris v. Patchin, 24 N. Y. 394 Ixxxii, 311 Morris v. Pearson, 73 North Carolina, 253 38, 315 Morris v. Penniman, 14 Gray, 220 Ixxiv, 675 Morris v. Phelps, 5 Johnson, 49 iv, 323 Morris v. Scott, 21 Wendell, 231 xxxiv, 236 Morris v. State. 95 Indiana. 73 48, 700 Morris v. Tarin, 1 Dallas, 147 1,233 Morris v. Wallace, SPenn. State, 319 xlv, 642 Morris Canal Co. v. Emmett, 9 Paige's Ch. 168..xxxvii, 3SS Morris Canal Co. v. Fisher, 1 Stock. Ch. 667 briv, 423 Morris & E. R. R. Co. v. Ayers, 5 Dutch. 393 Ixxx, 215 Morris Turnpike Co. ads. State, 1 Southard, 165. . .vii, 579 Morrison v. Bailey and Burgess, 5 OMo St. 13.. . .Ixiv, 632 Morrison v. Beckwith, 4 T. B. Monroe, 73 xvi, 136 Morrison v. Berry, 43 Michigan, 333 36, 445 Morrison v. Blodgett, 8 New Hampshire, 238 xxix, 653 Morrison v. C.ldwoll, 5 T. B. Monroe, 426 xvii, 84 Morrison v. Davis, 20 Penn. State, 171 Ml, 695 Morrison v. Edgar, 16 Missouri, 411 Mi, 236 Morrison v. Hart, 2 Bibb, 4 iv, 663 Morrison v Hinkson, 87 Illinois, 587 29, 77 Morrison v. Holt, 43 New Hampshire, 478 Ixxx, 120 Morrison v. Kelly, 22 Illinois, 610 Ixxiv, 169 Morrison v. Marquardt, 24 Iowa, 35 xcii, 444 Morrison v. McMillan, 4 LitteO, 210 xiv, 115 Morrison v. Morrison, 142 Massachusetts, 361 56, 683 Morrison v. Orr, 3 Stewart & Porter, 4? xxiii, 319 Morrison v. Phillips & C. C. Co. , 44 Wis. 405 28, 599 Morrison v. Porter. 35 Minnesota, 425 59, 331 Morrison v. Poyntz, 7 Dana, 307 xrxii, 92 Morrison v. Smith, 13 Missouri, 234 liii, 145 Morrison v. State, 17 Texas Ct. App. 34 50, 120 Morrison r. Ten. M. and F. Ins. Co., 18 Mo. 262. . .lix, 239 Morrison v. Thurman, 17 B. Monroe, 249 Ixvi, 153 Morrison v. Whiteside, 17 Maryland, 452 Ixxix, 661 IMorrisou v. Wilson, 13 California, 494 Ixxiii, 593 {Morris Run Coal Co. v Barclay Coal Co., 63 Pennsylvania State, 173 8, 159 Morrissey v. Eastern R. Co. , 123 Mass. 377 30, 686 Morrisseyv. Wiggins Ferry Co. , 43 Missouri, 330..xcrii, 402 Morrow v. Campbell, 7 Porter, 41 xxxi, 704 Morrow v. Hanson, 9 Georgia, 338 liv, 346 Morrow v. Weed, 4 Iowa, 77 Ixvi, 122 Morrow v. Wool, 35 Wisconsin, 59 IT, 471 Morse v. Bellows, 7 New Hampshire, 549 xxviii, 372 Morse v. Buffalo F. Ins. Co., 33 Wisconsin, 534. . .11, 587 Morse v Curtis, 140 Massachusetts, 112. 54, 456 Morse v. Goddard, 13 Metcalf, 177 xlvi, 723 Morse v. Goold, 11 New York (1 Kernan) 2S1 Ixii, 103 Morse v. Crawford, 17 Vermont, 499 xliv, 349 Morse v. Garner, 1 Strobhart's Law, 514 xlvii, 565 Morse v. Green, 13 New Hampshire, 32 xxxviii, 471 Morse v. Home Ins. Co., U. S. Sup. Court 13,297 Morse v. Home Ins. Co., 30 Wisconsin. 496 11, 580 Morse v. Iman, 42 Illinois, 150 Ixxxix, 417 Morse v. Rathburn, 42 Missouri, 594 xcvii, 359 Morse v. Richmond, 41 Vermont, 435 .xcviii, 600 Morse v. Shattuck, 4 New Hampshire, 229 xvii, 419 Morse v. Welton, 6 Connecticut, 547 xvi, 73 INDEX A.D. & A. B 9. Morse T. D. & M. Co. v. Morse, 103 Mass. 72 4, 513 Mortland v. Smith, 32 Missouri, 225 Ixxxii, 123 Mortmain v. Lefaux, 6 Martin, 654 xii, 4*55 Morton v. Bailey, 1 Scammon, 213 xxvii, 767 Morton v. Barrett, 22 Maine, 257 xxxix, 575 Morton . Cowell, 65 Maryland, 359 57,331 Morton . Fletcher, 2 A. K. Marshall, 137 xii, 3 J6 Morton . JacksDn, 1 Smedes & M. 494 xl, 107 Morton . Mut. L. I Co., 105 Massachusetts, 141.. 7, 505 Morton . Noble, 57 Illinois, 176 11, 7 Morton . Preston, 18 Michigan, 60 c, 146 Morton . Rainey, 82 Illinois, 215 ..25, 311 Morton . Reynold's, 16 Vroom, 326 46, 776 Morton . Sanders, 2 J. J. Marshall, 192 xix, 128 Morton . Smith, 48 Wisconsin, 265 33, 811 Morton v. State, 27 Vermont, 310 Ixv, 201 Morton v. Young, 55 Maine, 24 . xcii, 565 Morville v. American T. Soc., 123 Mass. 129. 25, 40 Mosby, Ex parte, 31 Texas, 536 xcviii, 547 Mosbyv.Wall, 23 Mississippi, 81 Iv, 11 Moseleyv. Buck, SMunford, 232 v, 508 Moseley v. Vanhooser, 6 Lea, 286 , 40, 37 Mosely v. Lane, 27 Alabama, 62 Ixii, 752 Mosely v. Tuthill, 45 Alabama, 621 6, 710 Moses v. Arnold, 43 Iowa, 187 22,239 Moses v. Boston & M. R. R., 32 N. H. 523 Ixiv, 381 Moses v. Boston and Maine R. R, 24 N. Hamp. 71.lv, 222 Moses v. Ela, 43 New Hampshire, 557 Jxxxii, 175 Moses v. Julian, 45 New Hampshire, 52 Jxxxiv, 114 Moses v. Mead, 1 Denio, 378 xliii, 676 Moses v. Murgatroyd, 1 Johns. Ch. 119 vii, 478 Moses v. Norton, 36 Maine, 113 Mil, 738 Moses v. Ross, 41 Maine, 360 Ixvi, 250 Moses v. Trice, 21 Gratt. 556 8,609 Mosher v. Berry, 30 Maine, 83 1, 614 Mosher v. Griffin, 51 Illinois, 184 xcix, 541 Moshier v. Shear, 102 Illinois, 163 40, 573 Mosier's Appeal, 56 Pennylvania- State, 76 xciii, 783 Mosness, Matter of, 39 Wisconsin. 509 20, 55 Moss' Appeal, 83 Pennsylvania State, 264 24, 164 Moss v. Bettis, 4 Heist 661 13, 1 Moss v. Burlington, 60 Iowa, 438 46, 82 Moss v. Cully, 1 Oregon, 147 Ixii, 301 Moss v. Culver, 64 Pennsylvania State, 414 3, 601 Mossv. Green, 10 Leigh, 251 xxxiv, 731 Mossv. McCall, 12 Alabama, 630 xlvi, 272 Moss v. Pacific R. R. Co., 49 Missouri, 167 8, 126 Moss v. Shear, 25 California, 38 Ixxxv, 94 Mossv. State, 17 Arkansas, 327 Ixv, 433 Moss v. State, 10 Missouri, 338 xlvii, 116 Mote v. Chicago etc. R. R. Co., 27 Iowa, 22 1, 212 Mothland v. Wireman, 3 Penrose Watts, ISo.rxxiii, 71 Motley v. Manuf. Ins. Co., 29 Maine, 337 1, 531 Mott v. Central Railroad, 70 Georgia, 680 48, 595 Mottv. Clark, 9 Penn. State, 399 xlix, 566 Mottv. Danforth, 6 Watts, 304 xxxi, 463 Mott v. Hicks, 1 Cowen, 513 xiii, 550 Mott v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 30 Penn. St. 9. .Ixxii, 664 Mott v. Robbins, 1 Hill (N. Y.), 21 xxxvii, 286 Mott ads. State, 16 Minnesota, 472 10,152 Mottev. Dorrell, 1 McCord, 350 x, 675 Mottev. Schult, 1 Hill Ch. 146 xxvi, 194 Moulton v. Bowker, 115 Massachusetts. 36 15, 72 Moulton v. Hurd, 20 Illinois, 137 Ixxi, 257 Moulton v. Kershaw, 59 Wisconsin, 316 48, 516 Moulton v. Libbey, 37 Maine, 472 lix, 57 Moulton v. Phillips, 10 Rhode Island, 213 14, 653 Moulton v. Scarborough, 71 Maine, 257 36, 308 Moulton v. St. Paul M & M R'y Co., 31 Minn. 85.47, 731 L Mount v. Brown, 33 Mississippi, ECC Ixix, 363 Mon Mnr TABLE OF CASES. 130 Jlomaa letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Mount v. Harris, 1 Smedes&M. 185 xl, 89 Mount v. Mount, 2 McCarter, 162 Ixxxii, 276 Mount v. State, 90 Indiana, 29 46, 192 Mountv. State, 14 Ohio, 295 , xlv, 542 Mount Moriali Cem. Asso. v. Comar, 81 Pennsyl- vania St. 235 23,743 Mount Pleasant v. Van Sice. 43 Michigan, 361. .. .38, 193 Mount S. & J. T. Co. v. Looney, 1 Met. (Ky.), 550. .Ixxi, 491 Mount, State ex rel., v. Steele, 21 Indiana, 207.1xxxiii, 346 Mount Vcruon v. Dusouchett, 2 Indiana, 586 liv. 467 Mount Vornon B'k v. Stone, 2 Rhode Island, 129.1yii, 709 Mountholly, Town of, v. Andover, 11 Vt. 226... xxxiv, 635 Mouriquand v. Hart. 22 Kansas, 594 31, 200 Mousler v. Harding, 33 Indiana, 176 5, 195 Mowatt v. Carow, 7 Paige, 328 xxxii, 641 Mowatt v. Wright, 1 Wendell, 355 xix, 508 Mower v. Kip, 6 Paige Ch. 83 xxix, 748 Mower v. Leicester, 9 Massachusetts, 247 vi, 63 Mower v. Watson, 11 Vermont, 536 xxxiv, 704 Mowers v. Fethers, 61 New York, 34 19, 244 Mowry v. Charleston I. & T. Co., 6 Rich. Law, 146 .lx, 122 Mowry v. Miller, SLeigh, 561 xxiv, 680 Moxley v. Ragan, 10 Bush, 156 19, 61 Moyer v. Lobengeir, 4 Watts, 390 xxviii, 723 Moynaham v. Moore, 9 Michigan, 9 Ixxvii, 4G8 Moynihau v. State, 70 Indiana, 126 36, 178 Muckenburg v. Holler, 29 Indiana, 139 xcii, 345 Muddv. Harper, 1 Maryland, 110 ..liv, C1J Mueller v. State, 76 Indiana, 310 40, 245 Mugf orcl v. Richardson, 6 Allen, 76 Ixxxiii, 617 Mugler ads. State, 29 Kansas, 252 44, 634 Muh, Succession of, 25 Louisiana An. 394 48, 242 Muhlenbrinck v. Comm'rs, 13 Vroom, 364. 36, 518 Muhling v. Sattler, 3 Met, (Ky.), 285 hncvii, 172 Muirv. Craig, 3 Blackford, 293 xxv, 111 Muir v. Schenck, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 288 xxxviii, 633 Muldon v. Whitlock, 1 Cowen, 290 xiii, 533 Muldoon v. Rickey, 103 Pennsylvania St. 110 49, 117 Muldrow v. Norris, 2 Calif ornia, 74 M, 313 Mulford v. Minch, 3 Stockton's Ch. 16 Ixir, 472 Mulford v. Shepard, 1 Scammon, 583 xxxiii, 432 Mulhall v. Quinn, 1 Gray, 105 Ixi, 414 Mulholland v. Ellitson, 1 Coldwell, 307 Ixxviii, 495 Mulholland ads. People, 82 New York, 324 37, 568 Mullan v. Phila. S. Co.. 78 Pennsylvania St. 25. ...21, 2 Mullany v. Mullany, 3 Green's Ch. 16 xxxi, 238 Mullen v. Comm'rs, 85 Pennsylvania St. 288 27, 650 Mullen v. Old Colony R. Co. , 127 Mass. 86 34, 349 Mullen v. State, 45 Alabama, 43 C, 631 Mullen v. St. John, 57 New York, 567 15, 530 Mullen v. Strieker, 19 Ohio State. 135 2, 379 Mullen v. Wilson, 44 Perm. St. 413 Ixxxiv, 461 Mullendore v. Wertz, 75 Indiana, 431 39, 155 Mullens v. State. 82 Alabama, 42 00,731 Muller v. Hilton, 13 Louisiana An. 1 Ixxi, 504 MuUer v. McKesson, 73 New York, 195 29, 123 Muller v. Landa, 31 Texas, 265 xcviii, 529 Muller v. Pondir, 55 New York, 325 14, 259 Mullerv. Riviere, 59 Texas, 640 46,291 Muller ads. People, 96 New York, 408 48, 635 Mullery v. Hamilton, 71 Georgia, 720 51,288 Mulligan v. Curtis. 100 Massachusetts, 612 xcvii, 121 Mulligan v. Illinois Cent. R'y Co.. 36 Iowa, 181. ... 14, 514 Mulliken v. Winter, 2 Duval, 256 Ixxxvii, 495 Mulrey v. Shawmut M. F. Insurance Co., 4 Allen, 116 Ixxxi, 689 Mulry v. Mohawk Valley Ins. Co., 5 Gray, 541. . ..livi, 380 Mulry v. Norton, 100 New York, 426 53, 200 Mulvehillv. Bates, 31 Minnesota, 364 47,796 Mulvey v. State, 13 Alabama, 316 xciv, CS4 Mumford v. Brown, 6 Cowen, .475 xvi, 440 Mumford v. Brown, 1 Wendell, 52 xix, 461 Mumford v. Canty, 50 Illinois, 370 xeis, 525 Mumford v. Freeman, 8 Metcal f , 432 xli, 532 Mumford v. McKay, 8 Wendell, 442 xxiv, 34 Mumford v. McPherson, 1 Johnson, 413 iii, 339 Mumford v. Memphis &. C. R. Co.. 2 Lea, 393 31, 616 Mumford v. Sewall, 11 Oregon, 67 50, 462 Mumford ads. State, 1 Devereux Law, 519 xvii, 573 Mumford ads. State, 73 Missouri, 617 39, 532 Mumford v. Whitney, 15 Wendell, 380 xxx, 60 Mundorff v. Wickersham, 63 Penn. St. 87 3, 531 Munger v. Tonawanda R. R. Co., 4 N. Y., 340. . . .liii, 384 Municipality v. Orleans C. P. C., 8 La. 122 xxx?i, 624 Munn v. Commission Co., 15 Johnson, 44 viii, 219 Munn v. Taulman, 1 Kansas, 254 Ixxxi, 508 Munn v. Worrall, 53 New York, 44 13, 470 Munnerlin v. Birmingham, 2 Dev. & B. L. 358. .xxxiv, 402 Munro v. Allaire, 2 Caine's Cases, 183 ii, 330 Munro v. Gairdner, 3 Brevard, 31 v, 531 Munroe v. Newport Steam F., 6 R. I. 154 Ixxv, 688 Munroe v. Perkins, 9 Pickering, 298 xx, 475 Munroe v. Pritchett, 16 Alabama, 785 1, 203 Munshower v. Patton, 10 Serg. & R. 334 xiii, 678 Munshower v. State, 55 Maryland, 11 30, 41 1 Munsonv. Boston etc. R, R. Co., 120 Mass. 81.... 21, 498 Munson ads. Commonwealth, 127 Mass. 459 34, 411 Munson v. Derby, 37 Connecticut, 298 fl, 332 Munson v. Hallowell. 26 Texas. 475 Ixxxir. 582 Munson v. Harroun, 34 Illinois, 422 Ixxxv, 316 Munson v. Hastings, 12 Vermont, 346 xxxvi, 345 Munson v. Mallory, 33 Connecticut, 165 4, 52 Munson v. Munson, 28 Connecticut, 582 Ixxiii, C93 Munsonv. Washband, 31 Connecticut, 303 Ixxxiii, 151 Murch v. Concord R. R. Corp'n, 29 N. Hamp. 9. . .Ixi, 631 Murchv. Wright, 46 Illinois, 4S7 xcv, 455 Murchison v. Sergent, 69 Georgia, 206 47, 754 Murdock's Case, 2 Eland's Ch. 461 xx, 331 Murdockv. Boston & A. R. Co., 133 Massachu- setts, 15 43,480 Murdock v. Boston & A. R. R. Co., 137 Massa- chusetts, 293 50, 397 Murdock v. Mitchell, 30 Georgia, 74 Ixxvi, C34 Murdock v. Union B'k, 2 Robinson (La.), 112..xxxviii, 197 Murfree's Heirs v. Carmack, 4 Yerger, 270 xxvi, 232 Murphy v. Adams, 71 Maine, 113 36,299 Murphyv. Boston& A. R. Co., 88 N. Y. 146 42, 240 Murphy v. Chicago, 29 Illinois, 279 Ixxxi, 307 Murphyv. Chicago & N. W. R'y Co., 45 Wiscon- sin, 222 30,721 Murphy v. Copeland, 58 Iowa, 409 43, 118 Murphy v. Crafts, 13 Louisiana An. 519 Ixxi, 519 Murphy v. Deane, 101 Massachusetts, 455 3, 390 Murphy v. Fond du Lac, 23 Wisconsin, 365 xcix, 181 Murphyv. Guion, 2 Haywood, 162 ii, 623 Murphy v. Higginbottom, 2 Hill (S. C.), 397 xxvii, 335 Murphyv. Hobbs, 7 Colorado, 541 49,366 Murphy v. Jackson ville, 18 Florida, 318 43, 323 Murphy v. Lowell, 123 Massachusetts, 396 35, 381 Murphyv. Murphy, 5 Martin, 83 xii, 475 Murphyv. Ottenheimer, 84 Illinois. 39 25,424 Murphy ads. People, 101 New York, 126 54, 6G1 Murphyv. Red, 61 Mississippi, 614 CO, 63 . Murphy v. Ryon, 2 Cush, 223 xcii, 481 Murphy v. S. C. & Pac. R. Co.. 55 Iowa, 473 39, 175 Murphyv. Southern L. I. Co.. 3 Baxt. 440 27, 761 Murphyv. State, 106 Indiana, 96 55, 722 Murphy ads. State, 6 Alabama, 765 xli, 79 Murphyv. Wilson, 44 Missouri, 313 c, 290 Murray v. Able, 19 Texas, 213, Ixx. 330 131 TABLE OP CASES. Mur Nat Roman letters [xlii] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Murray v. Blatchf ord, 1 Wendell, 583 six, 537 Murray v. Bogert, 14 Johnson, 318 vii, 466 Murray v. Clay, 9 Arkansas, 33 xlvu, 731 Murray ads. Commonwealth, 4 Binney, 487 v, 412 Murray ads. Commonwealth, 11 Serg. & R. 73 xiv, G14 Murray v. Coster, 20 Johnson, 576 xi, 333 Murray v. Gulf C. & S. F. R. Co.. 63 Tex. 407 51, 650 Murray v. Governeur, 2 Johns. Cases, 438 i, 177 Murray v. Hay, 1 Barbour's Ch. 59 xliii, 773 Murray v. Jennings, 42 Connecticut, 9 19, 527 Murray v. Judson, 9 New York (5 Selden), 73 lix, 516 Murray v. Kennedy, 15 Louisiana An. 385 Ixxvii, 189 Murray v. Marshall. 9 Colorado, 482 59, 152 Murray v. McShane. 52 Maryland, 217 36, 367 Murray v. New York L. L Co.. 96 New York, 614.4.8, 633 Murray v. S. C. R. R., 10 Richardson's L. 227. . . .Ixx, 219 Murray v. S. C. R. Co., 1 McMullan's L. 385. . . .xxxvi, 268 Murray v. State, 21 Tex. Ct. App. 620 57, 623 Murray ads. State 33 "Wisconsin. 96 9, 489 Murray v. Ware, 1 Bibb, 325 iv, 637 Murray v. Warner. 55 New Hampshire, 546 20, 227 Murray v. Windley, 7 Iredell's Law, 201 xlvii, 324 Murrel v. Murrel, 2 Strobhart's Eq. 143 xlix, 664 MureU v. Roberts, 11 bedell's Law, 424 liii, 419 Murrell v. State, 46 Alabama, 89 7,592 Muscatine v. Stememan. 30 Iowa, 526 6, 685 Muscatine v. Sterneman, 30 Iowa, 526 G, 685 Muscogeo Lumber Co. v. Hyer, 18 Fla. 698 43, 332 Muse v. Donelson, 2 Humphreys 166 xxxvi, 309 Musev. Swayne,2 Lea, 251 31,607 Musgrove v. Bonser, 5 Oregon, 313 20, 737 Musick v. Dodson. 76 Missouri, 624 43, 7SO Muskingum Bank v. Carpenter, 7 O. St. 121....xxviii, 616 Muskingum Valley T. Co. v. Ward, 13 Ohio, 120. .xlii, 191 Musselman's Appeal, 62 Penn. State, 81 1, 3C2 Musselman v. Eshleman, 10 Penn. State, 394 li, 403 Musselman v. Marquis. 1 Bush, 463 Ixxxix, 637 Musselman v. McElhenny, 23 Indiana, 4. Ixxxv, 445 Musselman v. Oakes, 19 Illinois, 81 Ixviii, 583 Musser v. Johnson. 42 Missouri, 74 xcvii, 316 Mussey v. Holt, 24 New Hampshire, 243 IT, 234 Mussey v. Perkins, 36 Vermont, 690 turn, 688 Mussey v. Scott, 7 Gushing, 215 liv, 719 Mussina v. Goldthwaite, 34 Texas, 125 7 , 281 Mustard v. Wohlford's Heirs, 15 Grattan, 329. .Ixxvi, 209 Muster v. Chicago, M & St. P. R. R. Co.. Cl Wis- consin. 325 50, 141 Mutcha v. Pierce 49 Wisconsin, 231 35, 77G Mutual B. L. L Co. v. Atwood, 24 Gratt. 497 18, 652 Mutual Ben. L. Ins. Co. v. Hillyard, 8 Vroom, 4-14.18, 741 Mutual Ben. L. I. Co. v. Robertson, 59 HI. 123. ... 14, 8 Mutual Ins. Co. v. Deale, 18 Maryland, 26 Ixxix, 673 Mutual L. I. Co. v. Allen. 138 Massachusetts. 24 . . 52, 245 Mutual L. I. Co. T. French, 30 Ohio St. 240 27,443 Mutual Loan & B. Ass. v. Price, 16 Florida, 204. . .26, 703 Mutual Nat. Bank v. Rotge", 2S La. An. 933 26, 126 Mutual Redemption Bank v. Hill, 56 Maine, SSS.xcvi, 470 Mutual Safety Ins. Co. v. Cohen, 3 Gill, 459 xliii, 341 Myer v. Fegaly, 39 Penn. State, 429 Ixxx, 534 Myer v. Grafflin, 31 Maryland, 350 c, 66 Myer v. Hart, 40 Michigan, 517 29, 553 Myer v. Hobbs, 57 Alabama, 175 29, 719 Myers T. Anderson, 1 Strobhart's Eq. 344 xlvii, 537 Myers v. Baymore, 10 Penn. State, 114 xlix, 586 Myersv. Brownell, 2 Aikens, 407 xvi, 729 Myers v. Byerly. 45 Penn. State, 368 Ixxxiv, 497 Myers T. Dodd, 9 Indiana, 290 Ixviii, 624 Myersv. Entriken, 6Watts& Serg. 44 xl, 533 Myers v. Harvey, 2 Penrose & W. 478 xxiii, 63 Myersv. Hodges, 2 Watts, 381 xxvii, 319 Myers . Kalamazoo B. Co., 54 Michigan, 215 52, 811 Myers . Kauffman, 37 Georgia, 600 xcv, 367 Myers . Keystone M. L. I. Co., 27 P. St. 268. . .Ixvii, 462 Myers . Malcom, 6 Hill (New York), 292 xli, 744 Myers . Meinrath, 101 Massachusetts, 366 3, 363 Myers Mott. 29 California, 359 Ixxxix. 49 Myers . Myers, 8 Louisiana An. 369 ..Iviii, 689 Myers . Myers, 2 McCord's Ch. 214 xvi, 648 Myers ads. State, 82 Missouri, 558 52, 389 Myers v. Vanderbelt, 84 Pennsylvania St. 510. ... .24, 227 Mygatt v. Wilcox, 45 New York, 306 6, 90 Mynard v. Syracuse etc. R. Co., 71 N. Y. 180 27, 23 Myrick v. Hasey, 27 Maine, 9 xlvi, 583 Mytingerv. Springer, 3 Watts & Serg. 405 xxxviii, 774 Nagel v. Missouri Pac. R. Co.. 75 Mo. 653 42, 418 Nagle v. Allegheny V. R Co., 88 Penn. St. 35. . . .32, 413 Nagle v. Stroh, 4 Watts, 124 xxviii, 695 Naglee ads. People, 1 California, 232 lii, 312 Nailerv. Stanley, 10 Serg. & R. 450 xiii, 691 Najac v. Boston etc. R. R. Co., 7 Allen, 329. . Ixxxiii, 686 Nail v. Granger, 8 Michigan, 450 Ixxvii, 462 NaUey v. Hartford C. Co. , 51 Conn. 524 50, 47 Nally v. NaUy, 74 Georgia. 669 58,453 Naltner v. Dolan, 108 Indiana, 500 58, 61 Nancev. Gregory, 6 Lea, 343 40, 41 Nantz v. McPherson, 7 T. B. Monroe, 597 xviii, 216 Napier v. Gidiere, 1 Speers' Eq. 215 xl, 613 Nash v. Church, 10 Wisconsin, 303 Ixxviii, 678 Nash v. Fugate, 24 Gratt. 202 18,640 Nash v. Fugate, 32 Gratt. 595 34,780 Nash v. Harrington, 2 Aikens, 9 xvi, 672 Nash v. Hermosilla, 9 California, 584 .Ixx. 676 Nash v. Lull, 102 Massachusetts, 60 3, 435 Nash v. Minneapolis M. Co. , 21 Minnesota, 501 . . .31 , 349 Nash v. Mitchell, 71 New York. 199 27, 38 Nash v. Orr, SBrevard, 94 v, 547 Nashv. Page, 80 Kentucky, 539 44,490 Nash v. Skinner, 12 Vermont, 219 xxxvi, 338 Nash ads. State, 86 North Carolina, 650 41, 472 Nash v. Spofford, 10 Metcalf, 192 xliii, 425 Nash v. Tupper, 1 Caines, 402 ii, 197 Nash v. Union Mutual Ins. Co., 43 Maine, 313. . .Ixix, 65 Nashua Lock Co. v. Worcester & N. R. R. Co., 48 New Hampshire, 339 2,242 Nashville Bank v. Henderson, 5 Yerger, 104 xxvi, 257 Nashville v. Brown, 9 Heisk. 1 24, 289 Nashville etc. R R. Co. v. David, 6 Heisk. 261. . ..19, 594 Nashville etc. R. R. Co. v. Starnes, 9 Heisk. 52. . .24, 296 Nashville & C. R. R. v. Elliott, 1 Cold. 611....1xxriii, 508 Nashville &C. R. R. Co. v. Sprayberry.8 Baxt. 341.35, 705 Nashville, C. & St. L. R. R. Co. v. Wheless, 10 Lea, 741 43,317 Nassau Bank v. Jones. 95 New York, 115 47, 14 Nason v. Blaisdell, 12 Vermont. 165 xxxvi, 331 Natchez v. Minor, 9 Sm. & M. 544 xlviii, 727 Natchez v. Vandervelde, 31 Mississippi, 706 Ixvi, 581 Natchez Ins. Co. v. Stanton, 2 Smedes & M. 340. ..xli, 592 Nathan v. Shivers, 71 Alabama, 117 46, 303 National B'k v. Armstrong, 66 Maryland, 113 59, 156 National Bank v. Bangs, 106 Massachusetts. 441 .. 8, 349 National Bank v. Bruhn, 64 Texas, 571 53, 771 National Bank v. Lewis, 75 New York, 516 31, 484 National Bank v. Lewis, 50 Vermont, 622 28, 514 National B'k v. Nat. M. Bkg. ASSO. 55 N. Y. 211.. 14, 232 National Bank v. Peabody, 55 Vermont, 492 45, 632 National Bank v. Second Nat. Bank, 69 Ind. 479.35, 236 National Bank v. Smith, 66 New York, 271 23, 48 National Commercial Bank v. Mayor etc. of Mobile, 62 Alabama, 284 34, 15 National Commercial B'k v. Miller, 77 Ala. 168. ..54, 50 TABLE OF CA*ES. 132 Roman letters [xlix] refer to renames of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. National, Copper Co. T. Minn. M. Co., 57 Mich. 83. 58,333 National, Ex. Bank T. Boylen. 26._West Vir- ginia, 551 53, 113 National Exchange Bank v. Hartford etc. R. K. Co.. 8 Rhode Island, 375 5, 582 National Ex. Bank T. Hartford etc. R. Co., 8 Rhode Island, 375 xci. 237 National Exchange Bank v. Watson, 13 Rhode Island. 91 43, 132 National Filtering Oil Co. v. Citizens' Ins. Co. of Mo. , 106 New York, 535 60, 473 National F. Ins. Co. T. Crane, 16 Maryland, 260 Ixxvii, 289 National Gold Bank T. McDonald, 51 CaL 64 91, 697 at kraal etc. Ins. Co. T. Yeomans, 8 Rhode Island, 25 Ixxxrl. 610 National Life Ins. Co. T. Haley, 73 Maine, 268. . . 57, 807 National Loan & B. Soc. T. Lichtenwalner. 100 Penn. St. 100 45,359 National Mahaiwe Bank v. Peck. 127 Mass. 298. .34, 3C8 National Mechanics' Banking Asso. T. Conk- Ing. 90 New York. 116 43,146 National Park BTcv. Fourth Nat. B'k, 46 N.Y 77. 7,310 National Pemberton Bank v. Lougee, 108 Mas- sachusetts, 371 11, 367 National Pemberton Bank v. Porter, 125 Mas- sachusetts, 333 28,235 National Trust Co. v. Gleason, 77 N. Y. 400 33, 632 Naumberg v. Young, 15 Vroom, 331 43, 380 Navasotoa v Pearce, 46 Texas, 525 26, 279 Nave T. Flack, 90 Indiana, 205 46.205 Navev. H. N.I. Co.. 37 Missouri, 430 xc, 394 Navigation Co. T. Wilcox, 7 Jones' Law, 481. . .Ixxviii, 260 Navigation etc. Co. v. Richards, 57 Pennsylvania State, 142 xcviii, 209 Nayler, Ex parto 11 Rich. Eq. 259 bcxviii, 457 Naylor v. Dennie, 8 Pickering, 193 six, 319 Naylor v. Fosdick, 4 Day, 146 IT, 187 Naylor v. Throckmorton, 7 Leigh, 98 xxx, 432 Neafie v. Neafie, 7 Johns. Ch. 1 xi, 330 Neal ads. Commonwealth, 10 Mass. 152 vi, 105 Neal v. Gillaspy, 56 Indiana. 451 26, 37 Neal v. Han Iley, 116 Illinois, 418 56,784 Nealv. Henry, Meigs, 17 xxxiii, 125 Neal v. Lewis, 2Bay, 204 i, 640 Neal v. Saline County Court, 48 Missouri. 390. ... 8, 108 Neal v. Saunderson, 2 Smedes & M. 572 xli, 609 Neal v. Wilcox, 4 Jones' Law, 146 Ixvii, 266 Neale v. Newland, 4 Arkansas, 506 xxxviii, 42 Neall T. Hfll, 16 California. 143 Ixxvi, 508 Neally T. Wilhelm, 4G. Greene, 240.. Ixi, 118 Neaves v. North State M. Co . 90 N. C. 412 47, 529 Nebraska TeL Co. ads. State, 17 Neb. 126 52, 404 Needham v. Branson, 5 Iredell's L. 426 xliv, 45 Needles T. Burk. 81 Missouri, 569 51,251 Needles' Executor v. Needles, 7 Ohio St. 432 Ixx, 85 Neel v. State, 9 Arkansas, 259 1, 209 Neelly v. Lancaster. 47 Arkansas, 175 58, 752 Neelson v. Sanborne, 2 New Hampshire, 413 ix, 103 Neely v. Jones. 16 West Virginia, 625. 37,794 Neely v.Morris, 2 Head, 595...... Ixxr, 753 Neely v. Rood. 54 Michigan. 134* 52, 802 Neely ads. State, 74 North Carolina, 425 21,496 Neff v. Horner, 63 Penn. St. 327 3, 555 Negley v. Farrow. 60 Maryland, 158 45, 715 Negley v. Lindsay, 67 Penn. St. 217 5,427 Negus v. Negus, 46 Iowa, 487 26,157 Neidefer T. Chastain, 71 Indiana, 363 36, 198 Neil v. Case, 25 Kansas, 510 37,259 Neil ads. State, 7 Ohio, Pt. 1, 132 rsviii, 623 Neill v. Keese, 5 Texas, 23 li, 746 Neilson v. Brown, 13 Rhode Island, 651 43, 58 Neilsonv. Fry, 16 Ohio State, 552 xci. 110 Neilson v. Iowa Eastern R. Co., 21 Iowa. 184..... S.'?, 124 Nelligan v. Citizens' Bank, 21 La. An. 332 xcix. 734 Nellis v. Lathrop, 22 Wendell, 121 x v Nelms v. State, 13 Smedes & M. 500 liii, 94 Nelson v. Bostwick, 5 Hill (Xew York), 37 xl, 310 Nelson v. Boyce, 7 J. J. Marshall, 401 xxiii 411 Nelson v. Boynton, 3 Metcalf, 396 xxrvii, 148 Nelson v. Brodhack, 44 Missouri, 596 c, 328 Nelson v. Carrington, 4 Munford, 332 vi, 519 Nelson v. Cheboygan N. Co., 44 Michigan. 7 38, 222 Nelson v. Clay's H'rs, 7 J. J. Marshall, 133 xxiii, 357 Nelson T: Emerson, 1 Brevard, 48 ii, 646 Nelson v. First Bank. 48 Illinois, 36 xcv. 510 Nelson v. Iverson, 24 Alabama, 9 Ix, 442 Nelson v. Johansen, 18 Nebraska, ISO 53, 806 Nelson v. Matthews, 2 Henning & M. 164 iii, 620 Nelson v. McGiffert, 3 Barbour's Ch. 158 xlix, 170 Nelson v. Morgan, 2 Martin, 256 v, 729 Nelson T. Suns, 23 Mississippi, 383 Ivii, 144 Nelson v. State. 57 Mississippi, 286 34, 444 Nelson ads. State. 33 La. An. 912 58,203 Nelson ads. State, 14 Richardson's Law, 1C9 xciv, 130 Xelson v. Stewart, 54 Alabama. 115 23, 660 Nelson v. Suffolk Ins. Co., 8 Gushing, 477 Nelson T. Vermont & C. R. R. Co., 26 Vt. 717 Ixii, G14 Nerac. Estate of, 35 California, 392 xcv. 111 Nerhooth v. Althonse, 8 Watts, 427 xxxiv, 480 Nesbitt v. Dallarn, 7 Gill & Johnson, 494 xxviii, 236 Nesbitt v. Trumbo, 39 Illinois, 110 lixxix, 290 Nesmithv. Drum, 8 Watts i Serg. 9 xlii, 260 Nettlesv. S. C. R. R., 7 Richardson's L 190 Ixii, 409 Nettleton v. Gridley, 21 Connecticut, 531 Ivi, 378 Neu T. McKechnie, 95 New York, 632 47, 89 Neuendorff v. Duryea, 69 New York, 557 25, 233 Neuer v. O'Fallon, 18 Missouri, 27? lix, 313 Nevada Water Co. v. Powell, 34 California,. 109. ..xci, 685 Nevin v. Pullman P. C. Co., 106 Illinois, 222 4C, CSS Nevins v. City of Peoria, 41 Illinois, 502 Ixxxix. 392 Nevitt v. Bacon, 32 Mississippi, 212 Ixvi, 609 Nevitt v. Gillespie, 1 Howard, 108 xxvi. 696 New T. Nicoll. 73 Now York. 127 20, 111 Newv. Walker. 103 Indiana, 365 58, 40 New Albany v. Meekin, 3 Indiana, 481 Ivi, 522 New Albany & S. R. v. McCormick, 10 Ind. 499..1xxi, 337 New Albany & S. R. v Peterson, 14 Ind. 112. ..Ixxvii, 60 New Albany 4 8. R. v. Tilton, 12 Ind. 3 Ixxiv, 195 Newall v. Hussey, 18 Maine, 240 xxxvi. 717 Newall v. Wright, 3 Massachusetts, 133 iii, 98 Newark ads. State, 36 N. J. L. 478 13,464 New Bedford Inst S. v. Hathaway, 134 Mass. 69.. 1"., 2S9 New Bedford T. Corp. v. Adams, 8 Mass. 138 v. 81 Newbegin v. Langley, 39 Maine, 200 Ixiii, 612 Newbert v. Cunningham, 50 Maine, 231 Ixxix, 612 Newbery Bank v. Sinclair, 60 N. H. 100 40, 307 Newbit v. Statuek, 35 Maine, 315 Iviii, 706 Xewbold v. J. M. Bradstreet, 57 Maryland, 33 .... 4O, 426 Newbrauv. Snider, 1 West,Virginia, 153 Ixxxviii, 667 Newbrough v. Walker, 8 Grattan, 16 Ivi, 127 New Brunswick B'k v. Nelson, 3 Green's L. 337..xxix, 691 Xew Brunswick etc. Co. v. Tiers, 4 Zab. 697 Ixiv, 394 New Brunswick Rubber Co. v. Commissioners, 9 Vroom. 190 20, 3SO NewburghT. Road v. Miller, 2 Johns. Ch. 101 ix, 274 Newburg v. Munshower, 29 Ohio St. 617 23, 7C9 Ncwbury v. Brunswick. 2 Vermont, 151 xix, 703 Newby v. Perkins, 1 Dana, 440 xxv, 160 Newby v. Skinuer, 1 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 438 xxxi, 307 133 TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumea of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports, New Castle Man. Co. v. Red Riv. R. Co., 1 Rob. (La.), 145 xxxvi, 636 Newcomb v. Cincinnati Ins. Co.. 22 Ohio St. 332. . 10. 746 Newcomb v. Hale, 90 New York, 326 43, 173 Newcomb v. Newcomb, 13 Bush. 544 26, 222 Newcomb v. Peck, 17 Vermont, 302 xliv, 340 Newcomb v. Raynor, 21 Wendell, 108 xxxiv, 219 Newcomev. Light. 58 Texas, 141 44, 6 4 Newcomer v. Kline, 11 Gill & J. 457 xxxvii, 74 Newcomer v. Orem, 2 Maryland, 271 Ivi, 717 Newell v. Adams, 1 D. Chipman, 345 xii, 690 Newell v. Fisher, 11 Smedes & M. 431 xlix, 66 Newell v. Hamer, 4 Howard (Hiss.), 6S4 xxxv, 415 Newell v. Mayberry, 3 Leigh, 250 xxiii, 261 Newell v Minneapolis L. & M. R'y Co.. 35 Min- nesota, 112 59, 303 Newell v. Nichols. 75 New York, 78 31,424 Newell v. Randall, 32 Minnesota, 171 50, 562 Newell v. Whitcher. 53 Vermont, 539 38, 703 New England Commercial Bank v. Newport Steam Factory, 6 Rhode Island, 154 Ixxv, 683 New England C. S. Co. v. B. & O. R., 11 Md. 81. Ixix, 181 New England Ex. Co. v. Maine C. R. R. Co., 57 Maine. 138 2, 31 New England T. Co. v. Eaton, 140 Mass. 532 54, 493 New Gloucester Tr. v. Bradbury, 11 Me. 113 xxvi, 515 New Jersey Ex. Co. v. Nichols, 33 N. J. L. 434. .xcvii. 722 i T. Central Pacific R. R. Co., 51 CaL 345. .21, 713 Newhallv. Clark, 3 Gushing, 376 1, 741 Ne whall v. Dunlap, 14 Maine, ISO xxxi, 45 Newhallv. Ireson, SCushing, 595 '. liv, 790 Newhallv. Langdon, 39 Ohio St. 87 48,420 Newhall v. Lynn F. C. Sav. Bank, 101 Mass. 428. . 3, 337 Newhall v. Vargas, 15 Maine, 314 xxxiil, 617 Newhall v. Vargas, 13 Maine, 93 xxix, 489 New Hampshire B"k v. Colcord, 15 N. Hamp. 110. xli 685 New Hampshire C. R. v. Johnson, 30 N. H. 390.1xiv, 300 New Haven v. Fairhaven W. R. R. Co., 33 Con- necticut, 422 9, 399 New Haven v. Sargent, 33 Connecticut, 50 9, 360 New Haven & N. Co. v. Campbell, 128 Mass. 104..35, 300 New Haven S. Co. v. Sargent, 59 Conn. 199 4T, 32 New Hope etc. B. Co. v. Perry, 11 Illinois, 467 lii, 443 New Iberia v. Serrett, 31 Louisiana An. 719 33, 223 New Ipswich Factory v. Batchelder, 3 N. H. 190. .xiv, 346 Newkirkv. Neild. 19 Indiana, 194 Ixxxi. 383 Newlands ads. State, 7 Iowa, 242 Ixxi, 444 Newlin v. Duncan, 1 Harrington, 204 xxv, 66 Newlin v. Osborne, 4 Jones' Law, 157 Ixvii, 2G9 Newlin v. Osborne, 6 Jones' Law, 123 Ixxii, 566 New London etc. Bank v. Lee, 11 Conn. 112 xxvii, 713 Newman v. Alvord, 51 New York, 189 10, 583 Newman v. Chapman, 2 Randolph, 93 xiv, 766 Newman v. Foster, 3 Howard (Miss.), 383 xxxiv, 98 Newman v. Hook, 37 Missouri, 207 xc, 373 Newman v. Kaufman, 28 Louisiana An. 865 26, 114 Newman v. Landrine, 1 McCarter, 291 Ixxxii, 240 Newman v. McGregor, 5 Ohio, 349 xxiv, 293 Newman ads. State, 9 Nevada, 48 16, 3 Newman v. Tymeson, 13 Wisconsin, 172 Ixxx, 735 Newman v. Waterman. 63 Wisconsin, 612 53, 310 Newmark v. Liverpool etc. Co., 30 Mo. 160 Ixxvii, 603 New Market Sav. Bank v. Gillet, 100 HI. 254 39, 39 Newmeyer v. Missouri etc. R. R, Co., 52 Mo. 81. ..14, 391 New Orleans v. Davidson. 30 La. An. 541 31, C2S New Orleans v. Dubarry, 33 La. An. 431 30, 273 New Orleans v. Eclipse Tow Boat Co., 33 La. An. 647 39,279 New Orleans v. Finnerty. 27 La. An. 681 21, 569 Jlew Orleans v. Kaufman. 29 La. An. 283 29, 323 New Orleans v. . Mechanics' and T. Ins. Co., 30 La. An. 876 31,232 New Orleans v. Stafford, 27 La. An. 417 21,563 New Orleans ads. State. 38 La. An. 119 58, 168 New Orleans C. and B. Co. v. Briggs, 12 Rob. (La.), 175 xliii, 224 New Orleans C. and B. Co. v. Beard, 16 Louis- iana 345 Ixxix, 582 New Orleans C. and B. Co. v. Templeton, 20 Lou- isiana An. 141 xcvi, 385 New Orleans, City of, v. Halpin, 17 Louisiana An. 185 Ixxxvii, 523 New Orleans etc. R. R. Co. T. Kerr, 9 Rob. (La.) 122 xli, 323 New Orleans etc. R. R. Co. v. Statham. 42 Mis- sissippi, 607 xcvii, 478 New Orleans F. & H. S. T. v. Ocean Dry Dock Co., 28La. An. 173 26, 90 New Orleans, Jackson and Great Northern R. R. Co. v. AUbritton, 33 Mississippi, 242 Ixxv. 98 New Orleans J. & G. N. R. R. Co. v. Hurst, 36 Mississippi, 660 Ixxiv, 785 New Orleans Nat. Bank v. Raymond, 29 La. An. 355 29, 335 New Orleans Nat. Bank v. Wells, 28 La. An. 736 26, 107 New Orleans P. Co v. Brown. 33 La. An. 138 51, 5 New Orleans etc. R. R. Co. v. Burke, 53 Mis- sissippi 200 24, 689 New Orleans etc. R. R. Co. v. Harrison, 48 Mis- sissippi, 112 12, 356 New Orleans etc. R. R. Co. v. Norwood, 62 Mis- sissippi, 565 52, 191 New Orleans Sav. B'k v. Harper, 12 Rob. (La. ), 231 . xliii, 226 Newport M. M. Co. v. Starbird, 10 New Hamp Bhire, 123 xxxiv, 145 Newsom v. Adams, 2 Louisiana, 153 xxii, 126 Newsom v. Anderson, 2 Iredell's Law, 42 xxxvii, 406 Newsom v. Cocke, 44 Mississippi, 352 J, 636 Newsom v. Jacksom, 26 Georgia, 241 Ixxi, 206 Newsom v. Thornton, 82 Alabama, 402 60, 743 Newson v. Axon, 1 McCord, 509 y x,685 Newson v. Douglass, 7 Harris & J. 417 xvi, 317 Newson v. Lycan, 3 J. J. Marshall, 440. xx, 156 Newsum v. Newsum, 1 Leigh, 86 xix, 739 Newton v. Atchison, 31 Kansas, 151 47, 486 Newton v. Bushong, 22 Grattan, 628 12, 553 Newton v. Booth, 13 Vermont, 320 xxxvii, 596 Newton v. Bronson, 13 N. Y. (3 Kernan), 587. . . .Ixvii, 89 Newton v. Howe, 29 Wisconsin, 531 9, 616 Newton v. Kennerly , 31 Arkansas, 626 25, 592 N wton v. Mutual B. L. Ins. Co., 76 N. Y. 426. . . .32, 335 Newton v. Newton, 11 Rhode Island, 390 23, 476 Newton v. Porter, 69 New York, 133 25, 152 Newton v. Seaman's Friend Soc. , 130 Mass. 91 39, 433 Newton v. Snyder, 44 Arkansas, 42 51, 587 Newton ads. State, 1 G. Greene, 160 xlviii, 367 Newton v. State Bank, 14 Arkansas, 9 Iviii, 363 Newton v. Turner, 5 Louisiana, 46 xxv, 173 New York C. P. ads. People, 13 Wendell, 649 .... xxviii, 495 New York Fire Ins. Co,v. Bennett, 5 Conn. 574. .xiii, 109 New York Fire Ins. Co. v. Ely, 5 Connecticut, 560. xiii, 100 New York Life Ins. Co. v. Flack, 3 Maryland, 341. Ivi, 742 New York & Ala. C. Co. v. Sehna Sav. Bank, 51 Alabama, 305 23, 552 New York & B D. Ex. Co. v. Traders' and M. Ins. Co., 132 Massachusetts, 377 42, 440 New York* H. R. R Co. v. Kip, 46 N. Y. 546. ... T, 385 New York & N. H. R. R. Co. v. New Haven, 42 Connecticut, 279 19, 534 Nor TABLE OF CASES. 134 Roman letters [xllx] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. New York C. & St. L. R'y Co. v. Auer. 106 In- diana. 219 55,734 New York, L. E. & W. R'y Co. v. Haring, 47 N. J. L.137 54,123 New York, L. E. & W R. R. Co. ads. People, 104 New York, 58 58,485 New York, L, E. & W. R. R. Co. v. Steinbren- ner, 47 N. J. L. 161 54,126 New York. L. & W. R. Co., In re. 105 N. Y. 89. . .59, -178 New York L Ins. Co. v. Clopton. 7 Bush. 179 3, 290 New York L. Ins Co. v. Statham. 93 U. S. 24.... 19, 512 New York. Mayor of v. 2nd Ave. R R. Co.. 102 New York, 572 55,839 New York. Mayor of. v. H. F. Ins. Co.. 39 New York, 45 : c, New York, Mayor of, ads. People, 25 Wend. 252.xxxv, 669 New York & W. P. T. Co. v. Dryburg, 35 Penn. State, 298 .Ixxviii, 333 New York W. & S. Co. v. Loomis, 122 Mass. 431. .23, 372 Niblettv. Nashville. 12 Heisk. 684 27,755 Niccollsv. Rugg. 47 Illinois, 47 xcv. 462 Nicely v. Boyles, 4 Humphreys, 177 xl, 633 Nichol v. Bate, 7 Yerger, 305. xxvii, 505 Nichol v. Lytle's Lessee, 4 Yerger, 456 xxvi, 240 Nichol v. Ridley, 5 Yerger, 63 xxvi, 254 Nichol v. State, 63 'Wisconsin. 410 00,870 Nicholas v. Purczell. 21 Iowa, 265 Ixxxix, 572 Nicholas v. Ward, 1 Head, 323 Lxxiii, 177 Nicholay v. Kay, 6 Arkansas, 59 xlii, 680 Nichols v. Allen. 130 Massachusetts, 211 39, 445 Nichols v. Blakeslee, 2 Day, 218 ii, 95 Nieholsv. Bellows, 22 Vermont, 581 Uv, 85 Nichols v. Boston, 98 Mass. 39 xciii, 132 Nichols v. City of Bridgeport, 23 Connecticut, 189.1x, 636 Nichols ads. Commonwealth, 114 Mass. 285 19,346 Nichols ads. Commonwealth, 10 Metcalf, 259....xliii, 432 Nichols v. Day, 32 New Hampshire, 133 Ixiv, 358 Nichols v. Dissler, 2 Vroom, 461 Ixxxvi, 219 Nichols v. Frothingham, 45 Maine, 220 lixi, 539 Nichols v. Kribs, 10 Wisconsin, 76 Ixxvi, 294 Nichols v. Lee, 10 Michigan, 526 Ixxxii, 57 Nichols v. Lucer 24 Pickering, 102 xxxv, 302 Nichols v. Michael, 23 New York, 2,34 ITTT, 259 Nichols v. Minneapolis, 33 Minnesota, 430 53, 56 Nichols v. MacLean. 101 New York, 526 54, 730 Nichols T. McCarthy, 53 Connecticut, 299 55, 105 Nichols v. Nichols, 28 Vermont, 228 Lxvii, 699 Nichols v. Nichols, 31 Vermont, 328 Ixxiii, 352 Nichols v. Parsons, 6 New Hampshire, 30 xxiii, 706 Nichols v. Patten, 18 Maine, 231 xxxvi. 713 Nichols ads. People, 52 New York, 478 1 1, 734 Nicholsv. Porter,2 W. Va. 13 xciv, 500 Nichols v. Reynolds, 1 Rhode Island, 30 xxxvi, 233 Nicholsv. Ruggles, 3 Day, 145 iii, 262 Nichols v. School Directors, 93 Illinois, 61 34, 1GO Nichols v. Sixth Ave. R. R. Co.. 38 N. Y. 131...xcvii, 780 Nichols ads. State, 26 Arkansas, 74 7,600 Nichols ads. State. 83 Indiana, 228 43, 66 Nicholson v. Barnes. 11 Nebraska, 452 38, 373 Nicholson v. Combs, 90 Indiana. 515 40, 2.9 Nicholson v. Cox, 83 North Carolina, 44 35, 556 Nicholson v. Leavitt, 6 N. Y. (2 Selden), 510 Ivii, 499 Nicholson v. N. Y. etc. R. R. Co., 22 Conn. 74 ... .Ivi, 390 Nicholson v. State, 18 Alabama, 529 liv, 168 Nicholson v. Taylor, 31 Penn. State, 128 Ixxil. 728 Nicholson v. Withers, 2 McCord, 428 xiii, 733 Nickerson v. Bridgeport H. Co.. 46 Conn. 24 33, 1 Nickerson v. Gilliam, 29 Missouri, 456 Ixxvii, 583 Nickcrson v. Sheldon, 33 Illinois, 372 Ixxxv, 280 Nickles v. Haskins, 15 Alabama, 619 1, 154 Nickleson v. Stryker, 10 Johnson, 115 vi, 313 Nicklin v. Betts Spring Co., 11 Oregon, 406 30,477 Nicks v. Martiudale, Harper's Law, 135 xviii, 647 Nicoll v. Ogden, 29 Illinois. 323 Ixxxi, 311 Nicolet v. Insurance Co., 3 Louisiana, 366 xxiii, 453 Niemeyer v. Wright, 75 Virginia, 239 40, 720 Nightingale v. Chafee, 11 Rhode Island, 609 2:5, 531 Nightingale v. Scanneil, 6 California, 506 Ixv, 525 Nightingale v. WUhington, 15 Mass. 272 viii, 101 Nilesv. Muzzy, 33 Michigan, 61 20,670 Niles v. Ransford, 1 Michigan, 333 li, S5 Nill v. Comparet, 16 Indiana, 107 Ixxix, 411 Ximick v. Holmes, 25 Penn. State, 366 Ixiv, 710 Nimmo v. Commonwealth, 4 Hening & M. 57 iv, 488 Nims v. Rood, 11 Vermont, 96 xxxiv, 669 Niningerv. Norwood, 72 Alabama, 277 47, 412 Niolon v. Douglas, 2 Hill Ch. 443 xxx, 368 Nipp v. Diskey. 81 Indiana. 211 4',M-4 Nisbet v. Patton, 4 Rawle, 120 xxvi, 122 Nix v. CaldweU, 81 Kentucky, 293 50, 163 Nixon v. Bumpass, 5 Yerger, 16 xxvi, 249 Nixon v. People, 2 Scammon, 267 xxxv, 107 Nixon v. Nash, 12 Ohio State, 647 Ixxx, 390 Nixon v. Porter, 34 Mississippi, 697 Ixix, 408 Nixon v. State, 2 Smedes & M. 497 xli, 601 Nixon ads. State, 18 Vermont, 70 xlvi, 135 Nixon v. Vanhise, 2 Southard, 491 viii, 618 Noble v. Eullis, 23 Iowa, 559 xcii, 442 Noble v. Milliken. 74 Maine, 225 43,581 Noble v Moses, 81 Alabama, 530 GO, 175 Noble v. Richmond, 31 Grattan, 271 31, 726 Noble v. School Directors, 11T Illinois, 30 57, 852 Noble v. Thompson Oil Co., 79 Penn. St. 354 21, 66 Noblev. Smith, 2 Johnson, 52 iii, 399 Nobleboro v. Clark, 68 Maine, 87 28, 22 Noblet v. Green, 2 Devereux's Law, 517 xxi, 347 Noblesville & E. G. R. Co. v. Cause. 76 Ind. 142. .40, 224 Nodine v. Greenfield, 7 Paige, 544 xxxiv, 363 Noel v. Drake, 28 Kansas, 265 42, 1C2 Noel v. Kinney, 106 New York, 74 CO, 423 Noelke ads. People. 94 New York. 137 40, 123 JTofsinger v. Ring, 71 Missouri, 149 30, 456 Nogees v. Nogees, 7 Texas, 538 Iviii, 78 Noice v. Brown, 9 Vroom. 228 20,388 Noice v. Brown, 39 Vroom, 133 23, 213 Nolan v. Brooklyn C. N. R. Co.. 87 N. Y. 63. . . .41, 345 Nolan v. King, 97 New York. 565 49,561 Nolan v. Manton, 46 New Jersey Law, 231 50, 403 Nolan v. State. 55 Georgia, 521 21,281 Nolan v. Traber, 49 Maryland. 460 33, 277 Noland v. Einggold, 3 Harris & J. 216 v, 435 Noland v. Wickh im, 9 Alabama, 169 xli v, 435 Nolen v. Harden, 43 Arkansas. 307 51,563 Nolenv. State. 14 Tex. Ct. App. 474 40,247 Noles v. State, 26 Alabama, 31 Ixii, 711 Nolin v. Blackwell, 2 Vroom, 170 Ixxxvi, 206 Nollv. Smith, 64 Indiana, 511 31,131 Nolton v. Western R. R. Corp., 15 N. Y. 444 Lux, 623 Nomaque v. People, Breese, 145... xii, 157 Noonan v. Albany, 79Ne\v York, 470 35, 540 Noonan v. Ilsley, 17 Wisconsin. 314 Ixxxiv. 742 Noonan v. Kemp, 34 Maryland, 73 0, 307 Noonan v. Orton, 34 Wisconsin, 259 17, 441 Noonan v. Stilhvater, 33 Minnesota, 198 .V:, 23 Norcross v. Grifiiths, 65 Wisconsin, 599 50, 642 Norcross v. Rodgers, 30 Vermont, 588 Ixxiii, 323 Xorcross v. Ins. Comp's, 17 Penn. State, 429 Iv, 571 Norcross v. Thorns, 51 Maine. 503 Ixxxi, 588 Xorcum v. Sheahan, 21 Missouri, 2o Ixiv, 214 Norden v. Jones, 33 Wisconsin, 600 14, 783 135 TABLE OF CASES. Nor Roman letters [ilix] refer to volumes ot American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Norfleetv. Cronrvrell, 70 North Carolina, 634 16,787 Norfleet v. Riddick, 3 Devereux's Law, 221 mi, 711 Norfolk, Overseers v. B'k of Virginia, 2 Grattan. 5J4 xliv, 399 Norman v. Heist, 5 Watte & Serg. 171 xl, 493 Norris v. Androsccggin R. R. Co., 39 Maine, 273.1xiii, 621 Norrisv. Blair, 39 Indiana, 90 10, 1S3 Norrisv. Breed, 7 Gushing, 15 liv, 700 Norrisv. Cortill, 32 Kansas, 409 49,439 Norrisv. Edwards. 90 North Carolina, 382 47, 526 Norris v. Farmers' & T. Co., 6 California, 590 Ixv, 535 Norris v. Hume, 2 Leigh, 334 and, 631 Norris v. Ins. Co. N. America, 3 Yeates, 84. ii, SCO Norris v. Litchfield, 35 New Hampshire, 271 Ixix, 546 Norris v. Milwaukee Dock Co., 21 Wis. 130 xci, 464 Norris v. Norris' Adm'r, 9 Dana, 317 xxxv, 138 Norris v. School District, 12 Maine, 293 xxviii, 182 Norris v. State, 3 Humphreys, 333 mix, 175 Norris v. State, 25 Ohio State, 217 18,291 Norris ads. State. 1 Haywood, 429 i. 564 Norriav. Tayloe, 49 Illinois, 17 xcv, 568 Norris v. Wait, 2 Richardson's Law, 143 xliv, 2S3 Norris v. Watson, 22 Xew Hampshire, 364 Iv, 160 Norristown v. Fitzpatrick. 94 Penn. St. 121 39, 771 North v. Belden, 13 Connecticut, 376 xxrv, 83 North v. Mallet, 2 Haywood, 151 ii, <"22 North v. Mendel, 73 Georgia, 400 54, S79 North v. Mudge & Co., 13 Iowa, 496 Ixxxi. 441 North v. New York P. & B. R. R. Co., 99 Mas- sachusetts, 220 xcvi, 742 North v. North, 1 Barbour's Ch. 241.... xliii, 778 North Am. Bank v. Wheeler, 28 Conn. 433 Ixxiii. 683 North American Building Association v. Button, 35 Penn. State, 463 Ixxviii, 349 North American Ins. Co. v. Burroughs, 69 Penn- sylvania State, 43 8, 212 North American Ins. Co. v. Commonwealth, 87 Pennsylvania State, 173 30,352 North America Ins. Co. v. McDowell. 50 HI 120.xcix, 497 North American Ing, Co. v. Throop, 22 Michigan, 146 7,638 Northampton B'k v. Balliet, 8 Watts & S. 311. . . .xlii 297 Northampton Nat. Bank v. KMder. 106 New York, 221 60,443 North Bait. B. Ass'n. v. Caldwell, 25 Md. 420 xc, 67 North Bank v. Abbot, 13 Pickering, 465 xxv, 334 Xorth Bank v. Brown. 50 Maine, 214 Ixxix, 609 North Canal St. Road, 10 Watts, 351 xxxvi, 1S5 North Carolina Univ. v. Foy, 1 Murphy. 53 iii, 672 North Carolina 8. L. Ins. Co. v. Williams, 91 North Carolina. C9 49,637 Northern Central R'y Co. v. Husson, 101 Penn- sylvania State, 1 47, 690 North Chicago C. R'y Co. v. Lake View, 105 Illi- nois, 207 44,788 North-Eastem R. R. Co. ads. State, 9 Richard- son's L. 247 Irrii, 551 Northern B'k of Ky. v. Squires, 8 La. An. 318....1viii, 632 Northern C. R. Co. v. State, 29 Maryland, 420. . . .xcvi, 545 Northern C. R. Co. v. State, 31 Maryland, 357 c, 69 Northington Ex parte, 37 Alabama, 433 Ixxix, 67 North Lebanon Railroad Co. v. McGrann, 33 Pennsylvania State, 530 Ixiv. f 24 North Missouri R. R. Co. v. Akers, 4 Kansas. 3S3. xvi, 183 North Missouri R. R. Co. v. Maguire, 49 Mis- souri, 490 8,141 North Missouri R. R, Co. v. Stephens. 36 Mis- souri, 150 Ixxxviii. 138 North Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Snowden, 42 Pennsylvania State, 4S8 Ixxxii, 530 | North Penn. Coal Co.'s Appeal, 45 Penn. State, 181 IxxxiT, 487 North Pennsylvania R. R. Co. T. Adams, 54 Penn- sylvania State, 94. xciii, 677 North Penn. R. R. v. Heileman, 49 Penn. State, 60 Ixxxviii, 482 North Penn. R, B. T. Rehman, 49 Penn. State, 101 Isxxvifl. 491 North Presbyterian Church of Chicago v. Jevne, 32 Illinois, 214. lxxxiii,261 North Riv. M. Co. v. Shrewsbury Ch., 2 Zab. 424. .lio, 258 Northrop v. Graves, 19 Connecticut, 548 1,264 Northrop v. Hale, 76 Maine, 306 49,615 Northrop v. Knowles, 52 Connecticut, 522. 52, 613 Northrop v. Sanborn, 22 Vermont, 433 UY, 83 Northrop v. Speary, 1 Day, 23 ii, 48 Northrup v. Germania Fire Ins. Co., 48 Wis. 420. .33, 815 Northrup v. Hill. 57 New York, 351 15, 501 Northrup v. Mississippi VaL Ins. Co., 47 Missouri. 435 4,337 Northrup v. Railway P. Ass. Co. , 43 N. Y. 516. ... 3, 724 Northrup ad* State, 43 Iowa, 5S3 30,403 Northumberland B'k T. McMiehael, 107 Penn. St. 460 51,529 Northwestern Distilling Co. v. Brant, 69 EL 658. .18, 631 Northwestern Ins. Co. v. Atkins, 3 Bush, 328.. . . .xcvi, 239 Northwestern Iron Co. T. Etna Ins. Co., 23 Wis- consin, 1QO. xcix, 145 Northwestern Iron Co. v. Meade, 21 Wis. 47J....xciv. 557 Northwestern Manuf. Co. v. Wayne C. Judge, 58 Michigan, SSL 55,693 Northwestern M. F. Ins. Co. v. Blankenship, 94 Indiana, 535 48,185 Northwestern M. L. Ins. Co. v. Amerman, 119 Illinois, 329 59,799 Northwestern M. L. Ins. Co. v. Hazelett. 105 In- diana, 212 55,192 Northwestern Union Packet Co. v. Shaw, 37 Wisconsin, 655. 19,781 Northwestern Univ. v. People, 80 Illinois, 333 23, 187 North Whitehall v. Keller, 100 Pa. St. 105 45, 361 Xorth Yarmouth v. Skillings, 45 Maine, 133 Ixxi, 530 North Yarmouth v. West Gardiner, 58 Me. 207. . . 4, 279 Norton v. Cook, 9 Connecticut, 314 xxiii, 342 Norton v. Dawson, 19 La. An. 464 xcii, 543 Norton v. Derby Nat. B'k, 61 X. H. 589 60, 335 Norton v. Doherty, 3 Gray, 372 Ixiii, 758 Nortonv. Gale, 95 Illinois, 533 35,173 Norton v. Hixon. 25 Illinois, 439 Ixxix, 338 Norton v. Ladd, 5 New Hampshire, 203 ix, 573 Norton v. Larco, 30 California, 127 Ixxxix. 70 Xorton v. Marden, 15 Maine, 45 xxxii, 132 Norton v. Pettibone, 7 Connecticut, 319 xviii, 116 Nortonv. Fhcenix Mut. L. Inn, Co., SCConnec ticut, 503 4, 93 Norton v. Preston, 15 Maine, 14 xxxii, 128 Norton v. Sewall, 106 Massachusetts, 143 8, 238 Norton v. Shepard, 43 Connecticut. 141 40, 157 Norton v. Volentine, 14 Vermont, 239 xxxix, 220 Nortonv. Webb, 36 Maine, 270 Iviii, 745 Nortonv. Whiter, 1 Oregon, 47 ni, 297 Norvellv. Camm, 6 Mnnf ord, 233 viii, 742 NorveUv. Deval, 50 Missooi. 272 11,413 Norvell ads. State, 2 Yerger, 24 xxiv, 458 Xorway Plains Company v. Boston & Maine Rail- road, 1 Gray, 252 !xi, 423 Norwich Fire Ins. Co. v. Broomer. 52 111. -542 4, 618 Norwood v. Byrd, 1 Richardson's Law, 135 xlii, 406 Norwood v. Fa-.ltner, 22 South Carolina, 367 5v>, 717 Norwood v. Harness, ?8 Indiana, 134 49, 733 * Sot-Oki TABLE OF CASES. 136 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of Aauricia Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Noteholders Term. B"k v. Funding Board, 16 Lea. 46 37,211 Nott v. Dowming, 6 Louisiana, 683 xxvi, 491 Nott v. Stoddard, 33 Vermont, 25 lixivia. 633 Nourse v. Prime, 4 Johnson's Ch. 490 xiii, 603 Nourse v. Prime, 7 Johnson's Ch. 63 xi, 403 Nowellv. Tripp.Gl Maine, 123 14, 572 Newell v. Wright, 3 Allen, 156 Ixxx, 62 Nowlan v. Griffin, 63 Maine. 235 3S, 45 X >w:ea v. Colt, 6 Hill (Xsw York). 461 xii, 75G NowlerY. Coit, 1 Ohio, 513 xiii. C40 NoyesY. Clark, 7 Paige, 17D xxxii, 623 ^Noyesv. Evans, 6 Vermont, 623 xxvii, 579 Noyes v. Northwestern Nat Ins. Co., 61 Wis- consin, 415 54, 631 Noyes T. Shepherd, 3D Maine, 173 1, 625 Noyesv. Smith, 23Vormont, 59 Ixv, 222 Noyes v. Southworth, 55 Michigan, 173 54, 333 Noyesv. State. 43 Wisconsin, 253 33,713 Noyes ads. State, 38 Connecticut, 80 4, 37 Nudd T. Moutayne, 33 Wisconsin, 511 3O, 25 Nugent 'v. Bates, 51 Iowa, 77 . 33, 117 Nugsutv. Riley, 1 Metcalf, 117 xxxv. 3^ Nugent v. Roland, 12 Martin, 659 xiii, 331 Nugentv. State, 4Stewart& P. 72 xxiv, 746 Nugent T. Wolfe. Ill Perm. St. 471 56,231 Nulton v. Clayton. 51 Iowa, 425 37,213 Nunn v. Georgia R. R., 71 Georgia, 710 51,281 Nunnery v. Carter, 5 Jones Eq. 370 Ixxviii, 231 Nussbaumer v. Becker, 87 Illinois. 2S1 33, 53 Nutt v. Wheeler, 30 Vermont, 433 Ixxiii, 316 Nyce's Estate, 5 Watts & Serg. 2^4 xl, 493 Nye v. Denny, 13 Ohio State, 246 xcviii, 118 Nyj v. Iowa City A. Wks, 51 Iowa, 123 33, 121 Nye v. Otis, 8 Massachusetts, 121 T, 79 Nye v. Vau Husan, 6 Michigan, 329 Ixxir. 690 Oakes v. Moore, 24 Maine, 214 x!i, 373 Oakes v. Spaulding, 40 Vermont, 347 xciv, 404 Oakland Cot. Man. Co. v. Jennings, 4G CaL 175 ..13, 209 Oakland R. R. Co. v. Oakland, B. etc. R. R Co.. 45 California, 335 13, 131 Oakley T. Farrington, 1 Johnson's Gas. 139 i, 137 Oakley v. Hibbard, 1 Pinney, 674 xliv, 425 Oakley y. Hibbard, 2 Pinney, 21 lii. 139 Oakley v. Morton. 11 N. T. (1 Kernan), 25 liii, 49 Oaksv. Weller, 13 Vermont, 106 xxxvii, 583 O'Bannonv. Myers' Executors, 33 Ala. 551 Ixxri, 335 Obart v. Letson, 2 Harrison (N. J.), 78 xxxiv, 182 Obaugh v. Finn, 4 Arkansas, 110 xxxvii, 773 Ober ads. State, 52 New Hampshire, 459 13, 83 Obermyer v. Nichols, 6 Binney, 159 vi. 439 Oberndorf v. Union Bank, 31 Maryland, 126 I, 31 O'Brian v. Commonwealth, 9 Bush, 333 15, 715 O Brian T. Barry. 106 Massachusetts, 300 8, 329 O'Brien v. Boston & W. R. R. Co., 15 Gray, 20.1xxvii, 347 O'Brien T. Boston & A. R. R. Co., 138 Mass. 387. .53, 279 O'Brien T. Bound. 2 Speers' Law, 435 xlii, 334 O.Brien ads. Commonwealth, 119 Mass. 312 30, 325 O'Brien v. Elliot, 15 Maine, 125 xxxii, 137 O'Brien v. Frasier. 47 New Jersey Law, 349 54,170 O'Brien v. Gilchrist, 31 Maine, 554 Ivi, 676 O'Frieii v. Norris, 16 Maryland, 122 Ixxvii, 284 O'Brien v. St. Paul, 25 Minnesota. 333 33, 470 O'Brien v Young, 95 New York, 428 47, 64 O*Bryan Y. O'Bryan, 13 Missouri, 16 liii, 128 O'Byruo v. Mayor, 41 Georgia. 331 5, 532 Ocean Ins. Co. v. Francis, 2 Wendell, 64 xix, 543 O'Conlcy v. City of Natchez, 1 Smedos & M. 31 xl, 87 O'Connell v. Bait. etc. R. R. Co., 20 Md. 212...1xxxiii, 549 O'Connell T. Duke, 29 Texas, 299 xciv, 282 O'Connell v. Lewiston, 65 Maine, 34 30,673 O'Connell v. People, 87 New York. 377 41,379 O'Connor. In re, 37 Wisconsin. 379 19, 76S O'Connor v. Ohicogo Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y Co.. 27 Minnesota. 166 38,288 O'Connor v. Fond DuLac, A. & P. R. R. Co., 52 Wisconsin, 526 38, 754 O'Connor ads. State, 65 Missouri, 374 37, 291 O'Connor v. State, 64 Georgia, 125 37, 58 Odd Fellows' Hall v. Masser. 24 Penn. State, 507.1xiv, 675 Odd Fellows' M A. Asso. v. James, 63 CaL 538. . .49, 107 Oddie v. Nat. City Bank, 45 New York. 735 C, 160 Odell T. Culbert, 9 Watts & Serg. 66 xlii, 317 OdellT. Gray, 15 Missouri, 337 Iv, 147 Odione T. New Eng. Ins. Co. , 101 Mass. 551 3, 401 Odiorne's Appeal, 54 Pennsylvania State, 175. ....xciii, 683 OdiorneT. CoUey, 2 New Hampshire, 66 ix, 39 Odiorne T. Lyford, 9 New Hampshire, 502. . ... . .xxxii, 387 Odlin T. Gore, 41 New Hampshire, 465 Ixxvii, 773 Odlin Y. Stetson, 17 Maine, 244 xxxv, 248 O'Donnell v. Allegheny R. R., 59 Pa. St. 239....xcviii, 336 O'Donnell v. Leeman, 43 Maine, 158 Ixix, 54 O'Donnell v. Mullin, 27 Penn. State, 199 Ixvii, 458 O'DonnellY. Rodiger, 76 Alabama. 222 33,322 O'Donnell Y. Sweeney, 5 Alabama, 467 xxxix, 336 O'Donovan Y. Chatard, 97 Indiana, 421 49, 462 Oertle, Estate of, 34 Minnesota, Iff3 57, 43 Oetgen Y. Ross. 47 Illinois. 142 ICY, 468 O'Fallon Y. Boismenu, 3 Missouri, 405 xxvi, 673 O'Fallon Y. Daggett, 4 Missouri, 313. xxix, 640 Offerman Y. Starr, 2 Penn. State, 394 xliv, 211 Officer Y. Young, 5 Yerger, 320 xxvi, 268 Offutt Y. Earlywine, 4 Blackf ord. 460 xxxii, 40 Offutt Y. John, SMissouri, 120 xl, 125 Offutt Y. Offutt. 3 B. Monroe. 162 xxsviii, 133 O'Flaherty Y. Union R. Co.. 45 Missouri, 70 c, 343 Ogborn Y. Francis, 15 Vroom. 441 43, 391 Ogburn Y. Connor. 46 California, 346 13, 213 Ogden Y. East River Ins. Co., 50 N. Y. 388 10, 492 Ogden Y. Marshall, 8 N. Y. (4 Selden), 340 lix, 497 Ogden Y. Peters, 21 New York, 23 Ixxviii, 123 Ogden Y. Raymond, 22 Connecticut, 379 1 viii, 429 Ogden Y. R2ey, 2 Green's Law, 186 xxv, 513 Ogden Y. State, 12 Wisconsin, 532 Ixxviii, 754 Ogden Y. Stock, 34 Illinois, 522 Ixxxv, 332 Oggv. Lansing, 35 Iowa. 495 14, 499 Oglev. Brooks. 87 Indiana, 600 44, 778 Ogletree Y. McQuaggs, 67 Alabama, 530 43, 112 O'Gorman Y. Fink, 57 Wisconsin, 649 46, 53 O'Hara Y. Carpenter, 23 Michigan, 410 9, 89 O'Hara v. Dudley, 95 New York, 403 47, 53 O'Hear v. De Goesbriand, 33 Vermont, 593 Ixxx, 653 Ohio etc. R. R. Co. Y. Davis, 23 Indiana, 553. . .Ixxxv, 477 Ohio etc. R. R. Co. Y. McPherson, 35 Mo. 13. .Ixxxvi, 128 Ohio etc. R. R. Co. Y. Muhling, 30 Illinois, 9....1xxxi, 336 Ohio etc. R. R. Co. Y. Shanefelt, 47 HI. 497 xcv, 504 Ohio Life Ins. & T. Co. Y. Merch. Ins. & T. Co., 11 Humph. 1 Hii, 742 Ohio & M. R. Co. Y. Collarn, 73 Indiana, 261 38, 134 Ohio & Mississippi R. Co. Y. Dunbar, 20 HI. 623. .Ixxi, 291 Ohio & M. R'y Co. v. Lackey. 78 Illinois, 55 30, 259 Ohio & M. R'y Co. Y. Selby, 47 Indiana. 471 17,719 Ohio & M. R. Co. Y. Swarthout, 67 Indiana, 567. .33, 104 Ohio & Mississippi Railroad Co. Y. Tindall, 13 Indiana, 366 Ixxiv, 259 Ohio i Mississippi R'y Co. v. Yohe, 51 Ind. 181. . 19, 727 Ohio Falls Car Co. v. Menzies, 90 Indiana, 83.. ..46, 195 Ohio Bank v. Lockwood, 13 W. Va. 392 31, 768 Oinson Y. Heritage. 45 In-liana. 73 11. C'; Okie Y. Spencer, 2 Wharton, 253 xxx, 251 137 TABLE OF CASES. Olc OH Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Olcott v. Little. 9 New Hampshire, 259 xxxii, 357 Olcott ads. People, 2 Johnson's Cas. 301 i, 168 Olcott v. Robinson, 21 New York, 150 Ixxviii, 126 Olcott v. Scales, 3 Vermont, 173 xxi, 585 Olcott v. Thompson, 59 New Hampshire, 154 47, 184 Olcott v. Tioga R. R. Co., 20 New York, 210 Ixxv, 393 Olcott v. Tioga R. R. Co., 27 New York, 546.. .Ixxxiv, 298 Old Colony 7. Miller, 125 Massachusetts, 1 28, 194 Old Colony R. R. Corp. v. Evans, 6 Gray, 25 Ixvi, 394 Old Dominion Bank v. Dubuque & P. R. R. Co., 8 Iowa, 277 Ixxiv, 302 Oldham, In re, 89 North Carolina. 23 45, 673 Oldham v. Kerchner, 73 North Carolina, 106 28, 302 Oldham v. Ledbctter, 1 Howard, 43 xxvi, 690 Old South Soc. v. Crocker, 119 Mass. 1 20, 299 Olds v. Powell, 7 Alabama, 652 xlii, 605 Olds ads. People ex rel. Smith, 3 California, 167.1viii, 398 O'Leary v. Board of Ed, 93 New York, 1 45, 156 Olendorf v. Swartz, 5 California, 480 Ixiii, 141 Olesonv. Merrill, 20 Wisconsin, 462 xci, 428 Oleson v. State, 11 Nebraska, 276 38, 366 Olrav. Bate, 93 Illinois, 53 38. 78 Oliphantv. Dallas, 15 Texas, 138 Ixv, 146 Oliverv. Berry, 53 Maine, 206 Ixxxvii, 547 Olive Cem. Co. v. Philadelphia, 93Penn. St. 129.39, 732 Oliver, Information against. 21 S. C. 318 53, 631 Oliver v. Commonwealth, 101 Perm. St. 215 47, 704 Oliver v. Greene, 3 Massachusetts, 133 iii, 96 Oliver v. Holt, 11 Alabama, 074 xlvi, 22g Oliner v. Houdlet, 13 Massachusetts, 237 vii, 134 Oliver v. Newburyport Ins. Co., 3 Mass. 37 iii, 77 Oliver v. Oliver, 4 Tlawle, 141 xzvi, 123 Oliver v. Persons, 30 Georgia, 391 Ixxri, 657 Oliverv. Pray, 4 Ohio, 175 xix, 595 Oliver v. Suowden, 18 Florida, 823 43, 333 Oliver ads. State, 26 West Virginia, 422 53, 79 Oliver v. Worcester, 102 Massachusetts, 489 3, 485 Olmsteadv. Camp, 33 Connecticut, 532 Ixxxix, 221 Olmsted v. Winsted Bank, 32 Conn. 278 Ixxxv. 260 Olney v. Angell, 5 Rhode Island, 198 Ixxiii, 62 Olney v. Femier. 2'Rhode Island, 211 Mi, 711 Olney v. Harvey, 50 Illinois, 433 xcix, 530 Olney v. Howe. 89 Illinois, 556 31, 105 Olney v. Wharf Co. , 115 Illinois, 519 50, 173 Olson v. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co., 35 Minn. 432. .59, 333 Omaha ads. State, 14 Nebraska, 265 45, 10? O'Maley v. Freeport, 96 Pennsylvania St. 24 43, 527 O'Malley v. Doru, 7 Wisconsin, 236 Ixxiii, 403 O'Mara v. Hudson R. R. Co., 38 New York, 445.. xcviii, 61 Omelvany v. Jaggers, 2 Hill, 634 xxvii, 417 O'Neal v. Virginia & M. Bridge Co., 18 Md. 1. . .Ixxix, 669 O'Neale v. Lodge, 3 Harris & McH. 433. i, 377 O'Neil v. Percival, 20 Florida, 937 51, 634 O'Neill v. Annett, 3 Dutcher, 291 Ixxii, 364 O'Nefflv. Bradford, 1 Pinney, 390 xlii, 574 O'Neill v. Honderson, 15 Arkansas, 235 Ix, 568 O'Neill v. New Orleans, 30 La. An. 220 31, 221 O'Neill v. O'Neill. 18 South Carolina. 360 44, 579 O'Neill ads. State, 53 Vermont, 140 56,557 Onstatt v. Ream, 30 Indiana, 259 xcv, 695 Ontario Bank v. Lightbody, 13 Wendell, 101 xxvii, 179 Onthank v. Lake Shore etc. R. Co., 71 N. Y. 194. .27, 35 Ophir Silver M. Co. v. Carpenter, 4 Nev. 534 xcvii, 550 Oppenheimer T. United States Ex. Co., 69 Illi- nois, 62 18,596 Orange County Bank T. Brown, 9 Wendell, 85. . .xxiv, 129 Orchard v. Williamson, 6 J. J. Marshall, 558 xxii, 102 Orcutt v. Carpenter, 1 Tyler, 250 iv, 722 Orcutt v. Moore, 134 Massachusetts, 48 45, 273 Ordinary of N. J. v. Thatcher, 12 Vroom, 403 32, 225 Ordinary v. Steedman, Harper's Law, 287 xviii, 658 Ordway v. Central Nat. Bank. 47 Md. 217 28, 455 Ordway v. Remington, 12 Rhode Island, 319 34, 646 Ordway v. Wilbur, 16 Maine, 263 xxxiii, 663 Orearv. McDonald, 9 Gill, 350 Iii, 703 Oregon R'y & N. Co. v. Mosier, 14 Or. 519 58. 321 Oregon S. N. Co. v. Hale, 1 Wash. 233 34, 803 Oregon 8. Co. v. Otis, 100 New York, 446 53,221 Oregon, Territory of, v. Coleman, 1 Or. 191 Ixxv, 554 O'Reilly v. Guardian Mut. L. Ins. Co., 60 N. Y. 169.19, 151 O'Reilly v. People, 86 New York, 154 40, 525 Orem v. Wrightson, 51 Maryland, 34 34, 286 Oriental Bank v. Freeze, 18 Maine, 109 xxxvi, 701 Oriental Bank T. Hanking, 3 Metcalf, 332 xxxvii, 140 Orleans Bank T. Whittemore, 12 Gray, 469 Ixxiv. 605 Orleans Nav. Co. v. Sch'r Amelia, 7 Martin, 590. . .xii, 516 Ormerod v. Dearman, 100 Pennsylvania St. 561 . . .45, 391 Orman v. State, 22 Texas Ct. App. 604 58, 662 Ormes v. Dauchy. 82 New York, 443 37, 583 Ormsbee v. Boston P. R. R. Co., 14 R. L 102 51, 354 Ormsbee v. Howe, 54 Vermont, 182 .41, 841 Orndoff v. Tunnan, 2 Leigh, 200 xxi, 608 Orndorff v. Adams Exp. Co., 3 Bush, 194 xcvi, 207 Orne v. Sullivan, 3 Howard, 161 xxxiv, 74 Orono, Inhab. of, v. Wedgewood, 44 Maine, 49. . .Ixix, 81 O'Rorke v. Smith, 11 Rhode Island, 259 23, 440 Orrv. Bank of TT. S., 1 Ohio, 36 xiii, 583 Orr T. Home Mutual Ins. Co., 12 La. ATI. 255. . .Ixviii, 770 Orrell v. People. 94 HUnois, 456 34, 241 Orrell ads. State, 1 Devereux's L. 139 xvii, 563 Orrock v. Commonw. Ins. Co., 21 Pick. 456 xxxii, 271 Orser v. Storms, 9 Cowen, 687 xviii, 543 Ortv. Fowler, 31 Kansas, 478 47,501 Ortonv. Orton, 7Oregon, 478 33,717 Ortwein v. Commonwealth, 76 Penn. St. 414. 18, 420 Osawkee T'p ads. State, 14 Kansas, 418 19, 99 Osborn v. Baird, 45 Wisconsin, 189 30, 710 Osbornv. Bell, 5Denio, 370 xlix, 275 Osborn v. Byrne, 43 Connecticut, 155 21, 641 Osbornv. Cloud, 23 Iowa, 104 xcii, 413 Osbornv. Cook, 11 Gushing, 532 lix, 155 Osbornv. Farwell, 87 Illinois, 89 29, 47 Osbornv. Hart, 24 Wisconsin, 89 1,161 Osborn v. Ordinary of Harris Co., 17 Ga. 123. . . .Ixiii, 230 Osborn v. Phelps, 19 Connecticut, 63 xlviii, 133 Osborn & Co. v. Stanley, 35 Illinois, 102. Ixxxv, 347 Osborne v. Baker, 34 Minnesota, 307 57, 55 Osborne v. Brennan, 2 Nott & McC. 427 x, 614 Osborne v. Endicott, 6 California. 149 Ixv, 498 Osborne v. Knife F. B. Co., 32 Minnesota, 412. . . .50, 590 Osborne v. Knox & L. R., 68 Maine, 49 28, 16 Osborne v. Morgan, 130 Massachusetts, 102 39, 437 Osborne v. Moss, 7 Johnson, 161 v, 252 Osburn v. Staley. 5 West Virginia, 85 13, 640 Osgood v. Bliss, 141 Massachusetts, 474 55, 483 Osgood v. Davis, 18 Maine, 146 xxxvi, 708 Osgood v. Franklin, 2 Johns. Ch. 1 vii, 513 Osgood v. Howard, 6 Greenleaf, 432 xx, 322 Osgood v. Lewis, 2 Harris & G. 495 xviii, 317 Osgood v. Manhattan Co., 3 Cowen, 612 xv, 304 O'Shea v. Collier W. L O. Co., 42 Mo. 397 xcvii. 332 Osiander v. Commonwealth, 3 Leigh, 730 xxiv, 693 Osment v. McElrath, 68 California, 466 58, 17 Ostrander v. Brown, 15 Johnson, 39 viii, 211 O'Sullivan ads. People, 104 New York, 481 58, 530 Oswego Bank v. Doyle, 91 New York, 32 43, 634 Oswego S. F. v. Lendrum, 57 Iowa, 573 43, 53 Otey v. Moore, 17 Alabama, 280 Hi, 173 Otisv. Gross, 96 Illinois, 612 36,157 Otis v. Spencer, 102 Illinois, 622 40, 617 Otl-Pal TABLE OF CASES. 138 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Otis T. Thorn, 23 Alabama, 469 Iviii, 303 Ottv Rape, 23 Wisconsin, 336 1,186 Ottawa Co. Comm'rs v. Nelson, 19 Kansas, 234 . . .27, 101 Ottawa Gaslight and Coke Co. v. Graham, 28 Illinois, 73 Ixxxi. 263 Ottawa, Town of, v. Walker, 21 Illinois. 605 Ixxi, 121 Otterson v. Hofford, 36 New Jersey, 129 13, 429 Ottumwa Lodge v. Lewis, 34 Iowa, 67 11, 18 Ottumwa W. M. Co. v. Hawley, 44 Iowa, 57 24, 719 Ouimit v. Henshaw, 35 Vermont, 605 Ixxxiv, 646 Ould v. Richmond, 23 Gratt 464 14,139 Ould v. Washington Hosp., 1 Me Arthur, 541 20, 605 Outon T. Rodes, 3 A K. Marshall, 432 xiii, 193 Overbach v. Heennance, Hopkins' Ch. 337 xiv, 546 Overby v. McGee, 15 Arkansas, 459 Ixiii, 49 Overby ads. Commonwealth, 80 Kentucky, 208 44, 471 Overdeer v. Lewis, 1 Watts & Serg. 90 xxxvii, 440 Overholt's Appeal, 12 Penn. State, 222 li, 598 Overseers v. Gullifer, 49 Maine, 360 btxvii, 265 Overseers Alexandria v. Ov. Bethlehem, 1 Harri- son, 119 xxxi, 229 Overseers Norfolk v. B'k of Va., 2 Gratt. 644 xliv, 399 Overstreetv. Rice. 4 Bush, 1 xcvi, 279 Overton v. Beavers, 19 Arkansas, 623 Ixx, 610 Overtonv. Bolton. 9 Heist 762 24,367 Overton v. Campbell, 5 Haywood, 165 , is, 780 Overtonv. Cranford, 7 Jones Law, 415 Ixrriii, 244 Overton v. Davisson, 1 G rattan, 211 xlii, 544 Overton v. Lacy, 6 T. B. Monroe, 13 xvii, 111 Overton v. Matthews, 35 Arkansas, 146 37, 9 Overton v. Sawyer, 1 Jones' Law, 308 Ixii, 170 Overton v. Sawyer, 7 Jones' Law, 6 Ixxv, 444 Overton v. Searcy, Cooke, 36 v, 665 Overton ads. State, 4 Zabriskie, 435 Ixi, 671 Overton v. St. Louis M. L. Co., 39 Mo. 122 xc, 455 Overtonv. Tyler, 4 Penn. State, 346 xlv, 645 Oviatt v. Brown, 14 Ohio, 285 xlv, 539 Owen v. Barksdale, 8 Iredell's Law, 81 xlvii, 348 Owenv. Boyle, 15 Maine, 147. xxxii, 143 Owen v. Henman, 1 Watts & Serg. 548 xxxvii, 481 Owen v. Hyde, 6 Yerger, 334 xxvii, 467 Owen v. Miller, 10 Ohio State, 136 Ixxv, 502 Owen v. Perry, 25 Iowa, 412 xcvi, 49 Owen v. Slatter, 26 Alabama, 547 Ixii, 745 Owen v. State, 78 Alabama, 425 56, 40 Owen ads. State, 1 Murphey, 452 iv, 571 Owen v. Western Sav. Fund, 97 Penn. St. 47 3ft, 794 Owenv. Weston, 63 New Hampshire, 599 50, 547 Owenv. White, 5 Porter, 435 xxx, 572 Owens v. Dawson, 1 Watts, 149 xxvi, 49 Owens v. Geiger, 2 Missouri, 39 xxii, 435 Owens v. Lewis, 46 Indiana, 488 15, 295 Owens v. Missionary Society, 14 N. Y. 380 Ixvii, 160 Owens v. Myers, 20 Penn. State, 134 Ivii, 693 Owens v. Patterson, 6 B. Monroe, 488 xliv, 780 Owensboro Bank v. Westeru Bank, 13 Bush. 526. .20, 211 Owing'sCase, 1 Eland's Ch. 370 xvii, 311 Owings v. Baker, 54 Maryland, 82 30, 353 Owings v. Frier, 2 A. K. Marshall, 268 xii, 303 Owsley v. Philips, 78 Kentucky, 517 30, 258 Oxford Bankv. Haynes, 8 Pickering, 423 xix, 334 Oxnard v. Vamum, 111 Pennsylvania St. 193 56, 255 Oxtonv. Groves, 68 Maine, 371 28, 75 Oyon's Succession, 6 Robinson (La.), 504 xli, 274 Oystead v. Shed, 13 Massachusetts, 520 vii. 172 Oyster v. Oyster, 100 Pennsylvania St. 533 45, 388 Pacev. State, 69 Alabama, 231 44,513 Pacific Bank v. Robinson. 57 California, 520 40, 120 Pacific Mut. Ins. Co. v. Guse, 49 Missouri, 329.... 8, 132 Pacific Railroad v. The Governor, 23 MO. 353. .. .Ixvi, 673 Pacific Railroad v. Hughes, 22 Missouri, 291 Ixiv, 265 Pacific R. R. Co. v. Seely, 45 Missouri, 212 c, 369 Pack v. Thomas, 13 Srnedes & M. 11 li, 135 Packard v. Getman, 6 Cowen, 757 xvi, 475 Packard v. Getman, 4 Wendell, 613 xxi, 166 Packard v. Richardson, 17 Massachusetts, 122 ix, 123 Packard v. Ryder, 144 Massachusetts, 440 50, 101 Packard v. Taylor, 35 Arkansas, 402 37, 37 Packard v. United States, 1 G. Green, 225 xlviii, 375 Packer v. Beaton, 25 Conn. 343 xcv, 246 Packwood's Succession, 9 Robinson (La.) 433 xli, 341 Packwood's Succession, 12 Robinson (La.), 334...xliii, 230 Paddock v. Robinson, 63 Illinois, 99 14, 112 Padelford v. Providence M. F. I. Co., 3R. I. 102, Ixvii, 49S Padgett v. Lawrence, 10 Paige, 170 xl, 232 Page, Matter of, 118 Illinois. 576 50,395 Page v. Allen, 58 Penn. St. 338 xcviii, 272 Page v. Bucksport, 64 Maine, 51 18,239 Page v. Carter, 16 New Hampshire, 524 xlii, 726 Page v. Dickerson. 28 Wisconsin, 694 0, 532 Page v. Fowler, 39 California, 412 2, 462 Page v. Heineberg, 40 Vermort, 81 xciv, 378 Page v. Loud, Harper's Law, 269 xviii, 650 Page v. McKee, 3 Bush, 135 xcvi, 201 Page v. Mitchell, 13 Michigan, 63 Ixxxvi, 75 Page v. Parker, 43 New Hampshire, 363 Ixxx, 172 Page ads. State, 21 Missouri, 257 Ixiv, 229 Page ads. State, 1 Speer's Law, 408 xl, 608 Page v. Symonds, 63 New Hampshire, 17 50, 481 Pagev. Thomas, 43 Ohio St. 38 54,788 Page v. Trufant, 2 Massachusetts, 159 iii, 41 Page v. Webster, 15 Maine, 249 xxxiii, 608 Page v. Webster, 8 Michigan, 263 Ixxvii, 446 Pahquioque Bank v. Bethel Bank, 36 Conn. 325.. . 4, 80 Paige v. Cagwin, 7 Hill, 361 xlii, 68 Paige v. Paige, 71 Iowa. 313 60,799 Paige v. Stone, 10 Metcalf, 160 xliii, 420 Pain v. Packard, 13 Johnson, 174 vii, 369 Paine v. CasweH, 68 Maine, 80 28, 21 Paine v. Dwinel, 53 Maine, 52 Ixxxvii, 533 Paine v. Lester, 44 Connecticut, 196 26, 442 Paine v. Mooreland, 15 Ohio, 435 xlv, 585 Paine v. Tucker, 21 Maine, 133 xxxviii, 255 Paine v. Upton, 87 New York, 327 41, 371 Palairet's Appeal, 67 Pennsylvania St. 479 5, 450 Palfrey Boston, 101 Massachusetts, 329 3, 364 Palmer Clarke, 2 Devereux's Law, 354 xxi, 340 Palmer . Concord, 48 N. H. 211 xcvii. 605 Palmer DeWitt. 47 New York, 532 7, 480 Palmer Dodge, 4 Ohio State, 21 Ixii, 271 Palmer Dougherty, 33 Maine, 502 liv, 636 Palmer Fogg, 35 Maine, 368 Iviii, 703 Palmer Gillespie, 95 Pennsylvania St. 340 40, 657 Palmer Hand, 13 Johnson, 434 vii, 392 Palmer Harris, 60 Pennsylvania, 156 c, 557 Palmer Holland. 51 New York, 416 10, 616 Palmer Hummer, 10 Kansas, 464 15, 353 Palmer Largent, 5 Nebraska. 223 25, 479 Palmer Lincoln. 5 Nebraska. 136 25, 470 Palmer Merrill, 6 Gushing. 282 Iii, 782 Palmer Miller's Legatees, Cheves' Eq. 62 xxxiv, 602 Palmer Mulligan, 3 Caines, 307 ii, 270 Palmer Oakley, 2 Douglass, 433 xlv ii, 41 Palmer Palmer, 36 Michigan. 487 24,605 Palmer Palmer, 45 Michigan, 150 40, 461 Palmer People, 10 Wendell, 165 xxv, 551 Palmer ads. People for Use of Gregg, 46 111. 398.. xcv. 418 Palmer v. Preston, 45 Vermont. 154 12, 191 Palmer v. Providence Inst., 14 Rhode Island, 68.. 51, 341 Palmer v. Railroad, 3 South Carolina, 580 16, 759 139 TABLE OF CASES. Pal -Par Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Palmer v: Rowan, 21 Nebraska, 452 59, 544 Palmerv. State. 33 Ohio St. 236 48,429 Palmer v. Stebbins, 3 Pickering, 188 IT, 204 Palmer v. York Bank, IS Maine, 166 xxxvi, 710 Palmetto Lodge v. Fleming, 2 Strobhart's L. 437. xlix, 604 Palmetto Lodge v. Hubbell, 2 Strobhart's L. 457..xlix, 604 Palmtag v. Doutrick. 59 California, 154 43, 245 Pancoast v. Addison, 1 Harris & J. 350 ii, 520 Pangburn v. Patridge, 7 Johnson, 140 v, 250 Panton v. Holland, 17 Johnson, 92 viii, 369 Pape v. Capital Bank, 20 Kansas, 440 27, 183 Papinger v. Thorburn, 34 New York, 634 Parchen v. Anderson, SMontgomery, 438 51, 65 Parcher v. Marathon Co., 52 Wisconsin, 388 38, 745 Parchman v. State, 2 Texas Ct. App. 228. 27, 435 Pardee v. Fish, 60 New York. 265 19,176 Pardee v. Lindley, 31 Illinois, 174 Ixxxiii, 219 Pardee v. Markle, 111 Pennsylvania St. 648 56, 299 Pargond v. Guice, 6 Louisiana, 75 xxv, 202 Parham v. Randolph, 4 Howard (Miss.), 435 xxxv, 403 Parish v. Parish, 9 Ohio State, 534 Ixxv, 482 Parish v. Stone, 14 Pickering, 193 xxv, 378 Park v. Baker, 7 Allen, 73 Ixxxiii. 663 Park v. Barron, 20 Georgia, 702 Ixv, 641 Park v. Bates, 12 Vermont, 331 xxxvi, 347 Park B'k v. 4th Nat. B'k N.Y., 46 N. Y. 77 7, 310 Park Bank v. Watson, 42 New York, 490 1,573 Park Comm'rs v. Detroit. 23 Michigan, 228 15, 202 Parke v. Foster, 26 Georgia, 465 Ixxi, 221 Parke v. Kilham, 8 California, 77 Ixviii, 310 Parke v. Roser, 7 Indiana, 500 33, 102 Parker v. Adams, 12 Metcalf, 415 xlvi, 694 Parker v. Barker, 42 New Hampshire, 78 Ixxvii, 789 Parker v. Barker, 43 New Hampshire, 35 Ixxx, 130 Parker v. Barnard, 135 Massachusetts, 116 46,450 Parker v. Boston etc. E. R., 3 Gushing, 107 1, 709 Parker v. Browning, 8 Paige, 333 xxxv, 717 Parker v, Butterworth, 46 New Jersey Law, 244. . .50, 407 Parker v. Canfleld. 37 Connecticut, 250 9, 317 Parker v. Carter, 4 Munford, 273 vi, 513 Parker v. Commonwealth, 6Penn. State, 507....xlvii, 430 Parker ads. Commonwealth, 9 Metcalf, 263 xliii, 396 Parker v. Conner, 93 New York. 118 45, 178 Parker v. Cousins, 2 Grattan, 372 xliv, 388 Parker v. Cutler Milldam Co., 20 Maine, 353. ..xxxvii, 56 Parker r. Enslow, 102 Illinois, 272 40, 588 Parkerv. Flags, 26 Maine, 181 xlv, 101 Parker v. Foy, 43 Mississippi, 260 55, 484 Parker v. Griswold, 17 Connecticut, 238 xlii, 739 Parker v. Huntington, 7 Gray, 33 Ixvi, 455 Parker v. Jacobs, 14 South Carolina, 112 37, 724 Parker v. Jones, 5 Jones' Law, 276 Ixxv, 441 Parker v. Kane, 4 Wisconsin, 1 Ixv, 283 Parker v. Kuhn, 21 Nebraska, 413 59, 833 Parker v. Latner, 60 Maine, 523 1 1 , 210 Parker v. McDowell, 95 North Carolina, 219 59, 235 Parker v. Mclver, 1 Desaussure, 274 i, 656 Parker v. Mayor of Macon, 39 Georgia, 725 xcix, 486 Parker v. Mercer, 6 Howard (Miss.), 320 xxxviii, 433 Parker v. Mise, 27 Alabama, 480 Ixii, 776 Parker v. Moulton. 114 Massachusetts, 99 19, 315 Parker v. Nightingale. 6 Allen. 341 Ixxxiii, 632 Parker v. Parmele, 20 Johnson, 130 xi, 253 Parker ads. People, 3 Nebraska, 409 19, 634 Parker ads. People. 33 New York, 85 xcvii, 774 Parker v. Pitts, 73 Indiana, 597 38, 135 Parker v. Portland Pub. Co., 69 Maine, 173 31, 262 Parker v. Prop. Locks & Canals, 3 Metcalf, 91..xxxvii, 121 Parkerv. Smith, 17 Massachusetts, 413 ix, 157 Parker v. Smith, 3 Minnesota, 240 Ixxiv, 749 Parkerv. Stallings, 1 Phill. Law, 590 xcviii. 84 Parkerv. State, 77 Alabama, 47 54, 43 Parkerv. State, 111 Illinois, 531 53,643 Parker ads. State. 34 Arkansas. 153 30, 5 Parkerv. Stephens, 1 Haywood, 218 i, 557 Parkerv. Stroud, 93 New York, 379 50,635 Parker v. Swan, 1 Humphreys, 80 xxxiv, 619 Parker v. Thomas, 19 Indiana, 213 Ixxxi, 385 Parkerv. Wallis, 60 Maryland. 15 45,703 Parkerv. Walrod, 16 Wendell, 514 xxx, 124 Parker ads. State, 1 D. Chipman, 298 xi, 735 Parker ads. State. 75 North Carolina, 249 22, 669 Parkhurst v. Gloucester F. Ins. Co., 100 Massa- chusetts, 301 1,103 Parkhurst v. Gloucester M. F. Ins. Co.. 100 Mas- sachusetts, 301 xcvii, 100 Parkhurst v. Johnson, 50 Michigan, 70 45, 28 Parkhurst v. Ketchum. 6 Allen, 406 Ixxxiii. 639 Parkhurst v. Northern Central R. R. Co.. 19 Ma- ryland, 472 Ixxxi, 648 Parkhurst v. Summer, 23 Vermont, 538 Ivi, 94 Parkhurst v. Van Cortland, 14 Johnson, 15 vii, 427 Parkins v. Campbell, 5 Martin, N. S., 149 xri, 188 Parkinson v. Brandenburg, 35 Minnesota. 291. .. .5?), 326 Parkinson v. Sherman, 74 New York, 88 30, 268 Parkinson v. State, 14 Maryland, 184 Ixxiv, 522 Parkison v. Bracken, 1 Pinney, 174 (1 Bur. 18)..xxxix, 296 Parkman's Admr. v. Aicardi, 34 Ala. 333 'xxiii, 457 Parks v. Alta California Tel. Co., 13 CaL 422. . .Ixxiii, 589 Parks v. Bishop, 120 Massachusetts, 340 21,519 Parks v. Boston, 8 Pickering, 218 xix, 322 Parks v. Francis, 50 Vermont, 626 28, 517 Parks v. Hazlerigg, 7 Blackford, 533 xliii, 106 Parks v. Ingram, 22 New Hampshire, 283 Iv, 153 Parks v. Jackson, 11 Wendell, 442 xxv, 656 Parks v. Moore, 13 Vermont, 183 xxxvii, 539 Parks v. Nashville C. St L. R. R,, 13 Lea. 1.... 49, 655 Parks v. Sheldon, 36 Connecticut, 466 4, 95 Parmele v. Guthery, 2 Root, 185 i, 65 Parmelee v. Fischer, 22 Illinois, 212 Ixxiv, 138 Parmelee v. Thompson, 45 New York, 58 6, 33 Parmelee v. Lowitz, 74 Illinois, 116 24, 276 Parnell ads. State, 16 Arkansas, 506 Ixiii, 72 Parret v. Shaubhut, 5 Minnesota, 323 Ixxx, 424 Parrill v. McKinley, 9 Grattan, 1 Iviii, 212 Parrisv. Roberts, 12 Iredell's Law, 268 Iv, 415 Parrott v. Bridgeport, 44 Connecticut, ISO 26, 439 Parrott v. Hartsfield, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 110. . ..xxxii, 673 Parrott ads. State. 71 North Carolina, 311 17, 5 Parry v. Spikes, 49 Wisconsin, 331 35, 7S2 Parry v. Woodson, 33 Missouri, 347 Ixxxiv, 51 Parshley v. Heath, 69 Maine, 90 31, 246 Parsley v. Martin, 77 Virginia, 376 46, 733 Parsons v. Bellows, 6 New Hampshire, 289 xxv, 461 Parsons v. Copeland, 33 Maine, 370 liv, 628 Parsons v. Hardy, 14 Wendell, 215. xxviii, 521 Parsons v. Hosmer, 2 Root, 1 i, 58 Parsons v. Johnson, 63 New York, 62 23, 149 Parsons v. Livingston, 11 Iowa, 104 Ixxrii, 135 Parsons v. Loucks, 43 New York, 17 8, 517 Parsonsv. Massachusetts Ins. Co., 6Mass. 197 iv, 115 Parsons v. Parsons, 9 New Hampshire, 309 xxxii, 362 Parsons v. Russell, 11 Michigan. 113 Ixxxiii, 728 Parsons v. State. 81 Alabama, 577 60, 193 Parsons v. Swett, 32 New Hampshire, 87 Ixiv, 352 Parsons v. Trask, 7 Gray, 473 Ixvi, 502 Parsons v. Tuolumne Co. Water Co., 5 CaL 43 . .Ixiii, 76 Parsonsv. Webb, 8 Greenleaf, 38 xxii, 220 Parsons v. Winchell, 5 Gushing, 592 lii, 745 Parsons v. Winslow, 6 Massachusetts, 169 iv, 107 Par Pea TABLE OF CASES. 140 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [491 to American Reports Partee v. Badget, 4 Yerger, 174 xrri, 220 Partlow v. Lane, 3 B. Monroe, 424 xxxix, 473 Partlow ads. State, 90 Missouri, 608 59, 31 Partlow ads. State, 91 NortlTCarolina, 550 49, 652 Partridge T. Gilbert, 15 New York, 601 Ixix, 632 Partridge v. Harrow, 27 Iowa, 96 xcix, 613 Partridge T. Hood, 20 Massachusetts, 403 31. 524 Partridge T. Menck, ? Harbour's Ch. 101 xlvii, 231 Partridge v. Patten, 33 Maine, 483. liv, 633 Partridge v. Stocker, 3G Vermont. 108 Ixxxiv. 664 Parys & Co.'s Appeal, 41 Penn. State, 273 Ixxx, 615 Pascalv. Ducros, 8 Robinson (La.), 112 xli, 294 Passano T. Acosta, 4 Louisiana, 26 xxiii, 470 Passenger R. Co. v. Young, 21 Ohio St. 518 8, 73 Passinger T. Thorbum, 34 New York, 634 xc, 753 Passmore T. Passmore, 50 Michigan, 626 45, C2 Patapsco Ins. Co. v. Biscoe, 7 Gill & J. 293 xxriii, 219 Patapsco Ins. Co. T. Smith, 6 Harris & J. 166 xiv, 2C8 Patch v. City of Covington, 17 B. Monroe, 722. . .Ixvi, 186 Pate T. Mitchell, 23 Arkansas, 590 Ixxix, 114 Pate T. Wright, 30 Indiana, 476 xcv, 705 Paterson G. L. Co. T. Brady, 3 Dutcher, 245 Ixxii, 360 Pateshall v. Apthorp, Quincy, 179 1, 3 Patnote T. Sanders, 41 Vermont, 66 xcTiii, 564 Paton T. Coit, 5 Michigan, 505 Ixxii, 58 Patrick T. Beazley, 6 Howard (Miss ), 609 xxxviii, 456 Patrick T. Carr, Winst. Eq. 87 Ixxxvi, 454 Patrick v. Fanners' I. Co., 43 New Hamp. 621. . .Ixxx, 197 Patrick T. Littell, 36 Ohio State, 79 38, 552 Patrick T. Ludlow, 3 Johnson's Cases, 10 ii, 130 Patrick T. Marshall, 2 Bibb, 41 iv, C70 Patrick T. Morehead. 85 North Carolina, 62 39,634 Patrick v. Ruffners, 2 Robinson (La. ), 209 xl, 740 Patrick ads. State, 79 North Carolina, 655 28, 340 Pattee v. Gilmore, 18 New Hampshire, 460 xlv, 385 Patten's Appeal, 45 Penn. State, 151 Ixxxiv, 479 Patten v. Clarke, SPickering, 5 xvi, 365 Patten v. Gurney, 17 Massachusetts, 182 is, 141 Patten v. Northern C. R. R., 33 Penn. St. 426. . ..Ixxv, 612 Patten v. People. 18 Michigan, 314 c, 173 Patten v. Smith, 4 Connecticut, 450. x, 166 Patten ads. State, 10 Louisiana An. 299 Ixiii, 594 Patten v. Wiggin, 51 Maine, 594 Ixxxi, 593 Patterson v. Anderson, 40 Penn. State, 359 Ixxx, 579 Patterson v. Birdsall, 64 New York, 294 21, 609 Patterson v. Bloomer, 35 Connecticut, 57 xcv, 218 Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson F:Ut a '!! Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson v. Pittsburg & C. R. R. Co., 76 Penn- sylvania St. 389 18,412 Patterson v. Pointdexter, 6 Watts & Serg. 227 xl, 554 Patterson v. Prior, 18 Indiana. 440 Ixxxi, 367 Patterson v. Reigle, 4Penn. State, 201 xlv, 684 Patterson v. State, 2English, 59 xliv, 530 Patterson ada. State, 2 Iredell's Law, 346 xxxviii, 699 Bloss, 4 Louisiana, 374. xxiii, 486 Carneal, 3 A. K. Marshall, 618 xiii, 208 Collier, 75 Georgia. 419 58,472 Commonwealth. 11 Bush, 311 21,220 D'Auterive, 6 Louisiana An. 465 liv, 564 Gage, 23 Vermont, 558 M, 96 Jones, 13 Arkansas, 69 Ivi, 296 Lanning, 10 Watts, 135 xxxvi, 154 Lawrence, 90 Illinois, 174 32, 22 Leavitt, 4 Connecticut, 50 x, 98 Lippincott. 47 New Jersey Law. 457.54. 173 Martz, 8 Watts, 374 xxxiv, 474 Maryland Ins. Co., 3 Harris & J. 71 ... .T, 419 McGahey, 8 Martin, 486. xiii, 298 Nichol, 6 Watts, 379 xxxi, 473 Nutter. 78 Maine, 509 57,813 . Patterson. 59 New York. 574 17, 3S4 Patterson Patterson Patterson Patterson Patton Patton Patton Patton Patton Patton Patterson ads. State. 7 Iredell's Law, 70 xlv, 508 Patterson ads. State, 88 Missouri. 83 57,374 Patterson ads State, 45 Vermont, 303 1 2, 200 Patterson ads. State. 16 Vroom. 310 40, 772 Patterson v. Stewart, 6 Watts & Serg. 527 xl, 536 v. Stoddard, 47 Maine, 335 Ixxiv, 490 v. Todd, 18 Penn. State, 426 Ivii, 622 v. Trask, 30 Maine, 28 v. Tucker, 4 Halsted. 322 x v. Wilkinson, 55 Maine, 42 xcii, 538 Pattison's Appeal, 61 Pennsylvania St. 294 c, 637 Pattison v. Adams, 7 Hill (N. H.). 126 xiii. 59 Pattison v. Culton, 33 Indiana, 210 5, 199 Pattison v. Syracuse Nat. Bank. SO N. Y. 82 36, 532 Patton v. Gilmer,42 Alabama, 543 xciv, 665 Patton v. Kennedy, 1 A. K. Marshall, 389 x, 714 Patton v. King. 26 Texas, 685 Ixxxiv. 596 Patton v. Magrath, Rice's Law, 162 xxxiii, 98 Magrath, Dudley's Law, 159 xxxi, 552 Moore, 16 Wesi Virginia, 428 37,759 Patton. Winst. Eq. 20 Ixxxri, 448 Rankin. 63 Indiana. 245 34, 2'>4 St. Louis & S. F. R'y Co., S7 Mo. 117 ... .56, 146 Thompson, 2 Jones' Eq. 411 > Patty v. Pease. 8 Paige, 277 xxxv, 633 Paul v. Carver, 24 Penn. State, 207 Ixiv, G49 Paul v. Carver, 26 Penn. State, 223 Ixrii, 413 Paul v. Frazier, 3 Massachusetts, 71 iii, 95 Paul v. Fulton and Brotherton, 32 Mo. 110 Ixxxii, 125 Paul v. Hummel, 43 Missouri, 119 xcvii. 331 Paulv. Kenosha, 22 Wisconsin. 266 Paul v. Slason, 22 Vermont, 231 liv, 75 Paul v. Smith, 32 N. J. Law. 13 xc, C47 Paull v. Halferty, 63 Pennsylvania St. 46 3, 513 Paup ads. State, 13 Arkansas, 129 Ivi, 303 Pavey v. Burch. 3 Missouri, 447 xxvi, 632 Pawelski v. Hargreaves. 47 New Jersey Law, 331. .54, 1G2 Pawling v. Speed, Littell's S. C. 77 xii, 269 Pawson v. Donnell, 1 Gill & J. 1 xix, 213 Pawtuxet Turnpike Co. ads. State, 8 R. I. 521. . .x iv, 1:3 Paxton v. Boyer, 67 Illinois, 132 16, 615 Paxton Cattle Co. v. First Nat. B'k, 21 Neb. 621 . .59, S:-3 Paxton v. Freeman, 6 J. J. Marshall, 234 xxii, 74 Paynev. Able, 7 Bush, 344 3,316 Payne v. Bensley, 8 California, 260 Ixviii, 313 Payne v. Bullard, 23 Mississippi, 88. Iv, 74 Paynev. Clark, 19 Missouri, 152 , lix, 333 Paynev. Couch, 1 G. Greene, 64. xlvi, 497 Payne v. Danley, 18 Arkansas, 441 Ixviii, 187 Payne v. Dotson, 81 Missouri, 115 51, 225 Payne v. Elliot. 54 CaL 339 35, 80 Paynev. Freer, 91 New York. 43 43,610 Paynev. Matthews, 6PaigeCh. 19 xxix, 738 Payne v. Mayor etc. of Mobile, 4 Ala. 333 xxxvii, 744 Paynev. Moore, 2 Bibb, 163 iv, 689 Payne v. Morgans L. & T. R. R. & S. Co., 33 La. An. 164 58,174 Payne v. Newcomb, 100 Illinois, 611 39, 69 Payne v. Parker, 10 Maine, 178 xxv, 221 Payne v. Payne, 4 Hum hreys, 500 xl, 660 Payne v. Rodden, 4 Bibb, 304 vii, 739 Payne v. Snow, 12 Gushing, 443 lix, 203 Payne v. Western SL A. R. R. Co., 13 Lea, 507 ... .49, 666 Payne's Administrator v. Payne, 29 Vt. 172 Ixx, 402 Payson v. Lamson, 131 Massachusetts, 593 45, 3*3 Peabody v. Carrol, 9 Martin, 295 xiii, 305 Peabody v. Harvey, 4 Connecticut, 119 x, 103 Peabody v. Hewett, 52 Maine, 33 Ixxxiii, 486 Peabody v. Norfolk, 98 Massachusetts, 452 xcvi, 664 Peabody B. &L. A. v. Houseman. 89 Pa. St. 261.. .33, 757 141 TABLE OF CASES. Pea Pen Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. PeabodyH. Co. Y. Sadtler. 63 Maryland, 533 52, 519 Peagramv. King, 2 Hawks, 605 xi, 793 Peakv. Ellicot, 30 Kansas, 155 46, 90 Peak v. Shasted, 21 Illinois, 137 Ixxiv, 83 Pearce v. Austin, 4 Wharton, 439 xxxiv, 523 Pearcev. Chastain, 3 Georgia, 223 xlvi. 423 Pearce T. Foot, 113 Illinois, 223 53,414 Pearce v. Hawkins, 2 Swan, 87 Iviii, 54 Pearcev. Kyzer, 16 Lea, 521 57,240 Pearce T. Langfit, 101 Pennsylvania State, 507.... 47, 737 Pearcev. McClenaghan, 5 Richardson's L. 178 Iv, 710 Pearcev. Patton, 7B. Monroe, 162 xlv, 61 Pearcev. Smith, 2 Brevard, 360 iv, 533 Pearcev. State, 1 Sneed, 63 Ix. 135 Pearcev. Wilson, 111 Penn. St. 14 36,243 Pearcy v. Michigan Mut. L. Ins. Co., Ill Ind. 59. . .60, 673 !Pearsall v. Kenan, 79 North Carolina, 472 38, 336 Peareson v. Arledge, 2 Bailey, 401 xxiii, 145 Pearson v. Portland, G3 Maine, 273 31,276 Pearis v. Covillaud, 6 California, 617 lxv, 543 Pearl v. McDowell, 3 J. J. Marshall, 653 xx, 199 Pearl v. Wells, 6 Wendell, 291 xxi, 323 PearsaHv. Dnight, 2 Massachusetts 84 iii, 35 Pearson v. Bunlitt, 23 Texas, 157 Ixxx, 649 Pearson v. Inlow, 20 Missouri, 322 Ixiv, 139 Pearson v. Keedy, 6 B. Monroe, 123 xliii, 160 Pearson v. Moreland, 7Smedes&M.609 xlv, 319 Pearson v. Nesbit, 1 Devereux Law, 315 xvii, 569 Pearson ads. People, 2 Scammon, 183 xxxiii, 445 Pearson v. Thomason, 15 Alabama, 700 1, 159 Pearson v. Wightman. 1 Mill, 336 xii, 636 Pease v. Allis, 110 Massachusetts. 157 14, 591 Pease v. Cole, 53 Connecticut, 53 55, 53 Pease v. Delaware, L. & W. R. Co., 101 N. Y. 367. .54, 609 Peasev. Folger, 14 Massachusetts, 2G4 vii, 213 Pease v. Landauer, 63 Wisconsin, 20 53, 247 Peasev. Pease, 35 Connecticut, 131 xcv, 225 Pease v. Sabin, 33 Vermont, 432 xci, 361 Pease v. Shippen, 80 Penn. St. 513 21, 116 Peasev. Warren, 29 Michigan, 9 18, 53 Peasleev. Barney, ID. Chipman, 331 vi, 743 Peaslee v. Breed, 10 New Hampsihre, 439 xxxiv, 178 Peavey v. Tilton, 18 New Hampshire, 151 xlv, 365 Peay v. Briggs, 2 Mill, 93 xii, 656 Peck's Appeal, 50 Connecticut, 5C2 47, 635 Peck v. Batchelder, 40 Vermont, 233 xciv, 392 Peck v. Botsf ord, 7 Connecticut, 172 xvii, 92 Peck v. Brummagim, 31 California. 440 Ixxxix, 195 Peckv. Carpenter, 7 Gray, 283 Ixvl, 477 Peckv. Cary, 27 New York, 9 Ixxxiv. 220 Peck v. Chouteau, 91 Missouri, 140 60, 236 Peckv. City of Austin, 22 Texas, 261 Ixxiii. 261 Peck v. City Nat. Bank. 51 Michigan, 353 47, 577 Peckv. Cooper, 112 Illinois, 192 54,231 Peckv. Frink, 10 Iowa. 103 Ixxiv, 384 Peckv. Harriott, 6 Serg. & R. 146 Ix, 415 Peckv. Herrington, 109 Illinois, 611 50,627 Peckv. Hibbarl, 26 Vermont, 693 tail, 605 Peck v. Jenness, 16 New Hampshire, 516 xliii, 573 Peck v.Land, 2Georgia, 1 xlvi, 3G8 Peckv. List, 23 West Virginia, 333 48,393 Peckv. Mayo, 14 Vermont, 33 xxxix, 205 Peckv. Peck, 12 Rhode Island, 435 34,702 Peck ads. People, 11 Wendell, 604. xxvii, 104 Peck v. Smith, 1 Connecticut, 103 vi, 216 Peckham v. Van Waganen, S3 New York, 40 3S, 392 Peckslayv. Hozey, 2 Robinson (La.), 479 xxxviii, 222 Peden v. Moore, 1 Stewart & Porter, 71 xxi, 643 Peebles v. Pittsburgh, 101 Penn. St. 304 47,714 Peebles v. Patapsco Guano Co., 77 N. C. 233 34,447 Peebles v. Stephens, 3 Bibb, 321 vi, 660 Peebles v. Watts' Adm'r, 9 Dana, 102. .' xxxiii, 531 Peed v. McKee, 42 Iowa, 60S 20,631 Peel v. January, 35 Arkansas, 331 37, 27 Peele v. Suffolk Ins. Co., 7 Pickering, 254. six, 236 Peeples v. Stevens, 8 Richardson's Law, 198 Ixiv, 750 Peerce v. Carskadon, 4 West Virginia, 234 6, 2S1 Peet v. Chicago etc. Railway Co., 20 Wis. 594.... xci, 446 Pegram v. Charlotte & A. R. Co. 84 N. C. 696 37, 639 Peiffer v. Commonwealth, 15 Penn. State, 468 ... .liii, 605 Peignev. Sutclife, 4McCord,387 xvii, 756 Peircev. Goddard, 22 Pickering, 559 xxxiii, 764 Peircev. Hill, 9Porter, 151 xxxiii, 306 Peirce v. New Orleans Building Co., 9 La. 397. . .xxix, 443 Peirce v. Ocean Ins. Co., 13 Pickering, 83 xxix, 567 Peiserv. Peticolas, 50 Texas, 633 32,621 Peixotti v. McLaughlin, 1 Strobhart's L. 468 . . . .xlvii, 563 Pejepscot Prop'rs v. Nichols, 8 Greenleaf, 362... xxiii, 521 Pekin v. Brereton, 67 Illinois, 477 16, 629 Pekin v. Newell, 28 Illinois, 320 Ixxix, 378 Pekm v. Reynolds, 31 Illinois, 529 Ixxxiii, 244 Pekin v. Smelzel, 21 Illinois, 464. Ixxiv, 105 Pelhamv. Taylor, Uones' Eq. 121 lix, 695 Pelham, Inhab. of, v. Aldrich, 8 Gray, 515 Ixix, 266 Pell v. Newark, 12 Vroom, 550 29,266 Pellav. Scholte.24 Iowa, 283 xcv, 729 Peltier v. Collins, 3 Wendell, 459 xx, 711 Pelton v. Mott, 11 Vermont, 148 xxxiv, 678 Pelton v. Platner, 13 Ohio, 209 xlii, 197 Pelton v. Rensselaer & a R. R. Co., 54 New York. 214 13,568 Pelton v. Ward, 3 Caines, 73 ii, 251 Pelzer v. Campbell, 15 South Carolina. 581 40,705 Pembertonv. Parke, SBinney, 601 vi, 433 Pena v. New Orleans and B., 13 La, An. 85 Ixxi, 506 Pender v. Lancaster, 14 South Carolina, 25 37, 720 Pendergast v. Meserve, 22 New Hampshire, 109... liii, 234 Pendergast v. Reed, 29 Maryland, 393 xcvi, 539 Pendergrass ads. State, 2 Dev. & Bat. L. 365 ....xxxi, 416 Pendletonv. Commonwealth, 4 Leigh, 694 xxvi, 342 Pendleton v. Galloway, 9 Ohio, 178 xxxiv, 434 Pendletonv. Stewart, 5 Call, 1 ii, 583 Penfold v. Universal L. L Co.. 85 N. Y. 317 39, 660 Penhallow v. Dwight, 7 Massachusetts, 34 v, 21 Penistonv. Chicago, St. L. & N. O. R. Co,, 34 La. An. 777 44,444 Penn v. Heiaey, 19 Illinois, 295 tariii, 597 Penn v. Spencer, 17 Gratt. 85 xci, 375 Penn v. Whitehead, 17 Grattan, 503 xciv, 478 Penn Jr. v. Buffalo & E. R. R. Co., 49 N. Y. 201. .10, 355 Penniman, Will of, 20 Minnesota, 245. 18,363 Penniman v. French, 17 Pickering, 404 xxviii, 309 Pennington v. Western U. TeL Co:, 67 la. 631.. ..56, 367 Pennington v. Yell, 11 Arkansas, 212 Iii, 262 Pennington ads. State, 3 Head, 299 Ixxv, 771 Pennock's Appeal, 14 Penn. State, 446 liii, 561 Pennock's Estate, 20 Penn. State, 203 lix, 718 Pennock v. Fuller. 41 Michigan, 153 32, 148 Pennoyerv. Allen, 56 Wisconsin. 502 43,728 Pennsylvania v. Bell, Addison, 156 i, 293 Pennsylvania Bank v. Winger, 1 Rawle, 295 xviii, 633 Pennsylvania Co. v. Commonwealth, 36 Pa. St.i.41. 5, 329 Pennsylvania Co. v. Gallagher, 40 Ohio St. 637.. ~48, 639 Pennsylvania Co. v. Hensil, 70 Indiana, 569 36, 138 Pennsylvania Co. v. Miller, 35 Ohio St. 541 33, 620 Pennsylvania Co. v. Roney, 89 Indiana, 453 46, 173 Pennsylvania Co. v. Sinclair, 62 Indiana, 301 30, 1S5 Pennsylvania C. Co. v. Sanderson. 94 Pennsyl- vania St. 302 39,785 Pennsylvania C. Co. v. Sanderson, 113 Pa. St. 12.6.57, 445 Pen Peo TABLE OF CASES. 142 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Pennsylvania Co. v. Whitlock, 99 Indiana, 16. 50, 71 Pennsylvania C. Co. v. Winchester, 109 Pennsyl- vania St. 572 58,740 Pennsylvania L. Co., Appeal of, 96 Pa. St. 116. . ..42, 534 Pennsylvania M. L. I. Co. v. Crane, 134 Mass. 53. .45, 2S2 Pennsylvania M. L. L Co. v. Crane, 131 Mass. 56.45, 2S2 Pennsylvania M. L. I. Co. v. Wiler, 100 Ind. 92. . .50, 769 Pennsylvania Nav. Co. v. Dandridge, 8 Gill & J. 248 xxix, 543 Pennsylvania R. R. v. Aspell, 23 Pa. St. 147 Ixii, 323 Pennsylvania N. Y. C. & R. R. Co. v. Mason, 107 Pennsylvania St. 296 58, 722 Pennsylvania & O. Canal Co. v. Graham, 63 Penn- sylvania St. 290 3,549 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Angel, 41 N. J. Eq. (14 Stew.) 316 56, 1 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Beale, 73 Penn. St. 504... 13, 753 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Connell, 112 EL 295. 54, 233 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Hope, SO Penn. St. 373 21, 100 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Kerr, 62 Penn. St. 353 1, 431 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Langdon, 92 Penn. St. 21.37, 631 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Leuffer. 84 Penn. St. 168.. 24, 189 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Riblet, 66 Penn. St. 164. .. 5, 360 Pennsylvania R. Co. v. Weber, 76 Penn. St. 157.. 18, 407 Penn. R. R. v. Barnett, 59 Penn. St. 259 xcviii. 346 Penn. R. R. v. Books. 57 Penn. St. 339 xcviii. 229 Penn. R. R. v. Colwell. 33 Penn, St. 337 Ixxx, 322 Penn. R. R. v. Kilgore, 32 Penn. St. 292 Ixxii, 7S7 Penn. R.R. v. Ogier, SSPenn. State, 60 Ixxviii, 322 Penn. R. R. Co. v. Schwarzenberger, 45 Pennsyl- vania State. 208 Ixxxiv, 490 Penn. R. R. Co. v. Vandiver, 42 Penn. St., 365.1xxxii, 520 Penny v. N. Y. Ins. Co., 3 Caines, 155 ii, SCO Penny v. Walker, 64 Maine, 430 18,209 Pennywit v. Foote, 7 Ohio State, 600 22, 340 Penobscot Boom Corp. v. Lamson, 16 Me. 224..xxxiii, 656 Penobscot & K. R. R. v. Bartlett, 12 Gray, 244.. . .lxxi,753 Penobscot R. R. Co. v. Dummer, 40 Me. 172 Ixiii, 654 Penobscot R. R. Co. v. Mayo, 67 Maine, 470 24, 45 Penobscot R. R. Co. v. White, 41 Maine, 512 Ixvi, 237 Penoyer v. Hallett, 15 Johnson, 332 viii, 239 Penrose v. Curren, 3 Rawle, 351 xxiv, 35G Penrose v. Erie Canal Co., 56 Pa. St. 46 xciii, 778 Pensacola etc. R. R. Co. v. Spratt, 12 Fla. 26 ....xci, 747 Pentz v. Stanton, 10 Wendell, 271 xxv, 558 People v. Abbott, 53 California, 2S4 31, 59 People v. Adams, 3 Denio, 190 xlv, 468 People v. Ah Ngow, 54 California, J51 35, 69 People v. Albany, 11 Wendell, 539 xxvii, 95 People v. Albany, etc. R. R. Co., 24 N. Y., 261..1xxxii. 295 People v. Ames ; "5 New York, 482 xci, 64 People v. Anderjon, 14 Johnson, 294 vii,462 People v. Appleton, 105 Illinois, 474 44, 812 Peoplev. Aro, 6California, 207 Ixv, 503 People v. Arensberg, 103 New York, 388 57, 741 People v. Arensberg, 105 New York. 123 59, 483 People v. Arnold, 43 Michigan, 303 38, 182 People ads. Ash, 11 Michigan, 347 Ixxxiii, 740 Peoplev. Babcock, 7 Johnson, 201 v, 25G People v. Baier, 76 New York, 78 32, 274 People v. Bacthelor, 53 New York, 128 13, 480 Peoplev. Ball, 14 Calif ornia, 101 Ixxiii, 631 Peoplev. Barrett, 2 Caines, 304 ii, 233 People v. Batchelder, 27 California. 69 Ixxxv, 231 People v. Bates, 11 Michigan, 362 Ixxxiii, 745 Peoplev. Bennett, 29 Michigan, 451 18, 107 People v. Bennett, 37 New York, 117 xciii, 531 People v. Benson, 6 California, 221 Ixv, 506 People v. Bishop. Ill Illinois, 124 53.605 Peoplev. Bishop, 111 Illinois, 124 53.605 People v. Bissell, 19 Illinois, 229 Ixviii, 591 People v. Board of Education, 101 Illinois, 303. .. .40, 196 People v. Board of Registration, 26 Michigan, 51.. 12, 297 People v. Bowen, 43 California, 439 13, 148 Peoplev. Brady, 40 California, 198 6,604 People v. Bragle, 88 New York, 585 42, 269 People v. Bringard. 39 Michigan, 22 33, 344 Peoplev. Brooklyn, 77 New York, 503 33, 659 People v. Brooklyn, 1 Wendell, 318 xix, 502 People v. Brooklyn, 4 New York (4 Comst.), 419 . . .lv, 266 Peoplev. Brooks, 1 Denio, 457 xliii, 704 Peoplev. Brooks, 40 Michigan, 333 20,534 Peoplev. Brown, 34 Michigan, 339 22, 531 People v. Brown, 72 New York, 571 28, 1S3 People v. Buddensieck, 103 New York, 487 57, 766 People v. Buffalo. 76 New York, 558 32,337 People v. Bull, 46 New York, 57 7,302 Peoplev. Butte, 4 Montana, 179 47,346 Peoplev. Cage, 48 California, 323 17,436 People v. Call, 1 Denio, 120 xliii 655 People v. Campbell, 59 California. 243 43, 257 People v. Canaday, 73 North Carolina. 198 21, 465 People v. Carmichael, 5 Michigan, 10 Ixxi, 769 People v. Carlton, 57 California, 83 40, 112 People v. Carr, 100 New York, 236 53,161 People v. Cemetery Co. , 86 Illinois, 336 29, 32 People v. Chicago, 51 Illinois, 17 2,278 People v. Chicago & A. R. R. Co., 55 Illinois, 95. .. 8, 631 Peoplev. Cicott, 16 Michigan, 283 xcvii, 141 People v. City of St. Louis, 5 Gilman, 351 xlviii, 339 People v. Clough, 17 Wendell, 351 xxxi, 303 People v. Clute, 50 New York, 451 10, 508 People v. Cogdell, 1 Hill (X. Y.), 94 xxxvii, 297 People v. Coleman, 4 California, 46 lx, 581 People v. Collier, 1 Michigan, 137 xlviii, 699 People v. Comm'rs of Highways, 54 N. Y. 276 13, 5S1 People v. Common Council, 23 Michigan, 223 15, 202 People v. Common Council, 77 New York, 503 33, 659 People v. Common Council, 78 New York, 33 34, 500 People v. Cook, 39 Michigan, 236 33, 350 Peoplev. Cook, 8N. Y. (4 Selden), 67 lix, 451 People v. Corbin, 56 New York, 363 15, 427 People v. Corning, 2 N. Y. (2 Comst. ), 9 xlix, 364 People v. Corp. of Albany, 11 Wendell, 539 xxvii, 95 People v. Court of Oyer & Terminer, 101 N. Y. 245. 54, 691 People v. Crapo. 76 New York, 238 32,302 People v. Craycroft, 2 California, 243 Ivi, 331 People v. Crosswell, 13 Michigan, 427 Ixxxvii, 774 People v. Cruger, 102 New York, 510 55, S30 Peoplev. Cunningham, 1 Denio, 524 xliii, 709 People v. Curtis, 50 New York, 321 10, 433 People v. Dann, 53 Michigan, 490 51, 151 People v. Dawell, 25 Michigan, 247 12, 260 People v. De Mill, 15 Michigan, 164 xciii, 179 People v. Dennis, 4 Michigan, C09 Ixix, 338 People v. Detroit, 23 Michigan, 223 1 5 , 202 People v. Devlin, 33 New York, 269 Ixxxviii, 377 People v. Dohring, 59 New York, 374 1 7, 349 People v. Douglass, 4 Cowen, 26 xv, 332 People v. Eddy, 43 California. 331 13, 143 Peoplev. Enoch, 13 Wendell. 159 xxvii, 197 People ads. Ensmlnger, 47 Illinois, 384 xcv. 495 People v. Faber. 92 New York. 146 44, 357 People v. Feilen. 58 California, 218 41,253 People v. Fire Ass'n 92 New York. 311 44, 3?0 Peoplev. Fisher, 14 Wendell, 9 xxviii, 301 People v. Fitch, 1 Wendell, 198 xix, 477 People v. Fitzgerald, 105 New York, 146 5:>, 4S3 People v. Flanagan, 60 California, 2 44, 52 People v. Gallagher. 93 New York, 438 45, 232 143 TABLE OF CASES. Peo Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. People v. Garbutt. 17 Michigan, 9 xcvii, 162 People v. Garnett, 35 California, 470 xcv, 125 People v. Gasherie, 9 Johnson, 71 vi. 2-33 People v. Genet, 59 New York, 80 17, 315 People v. Genung, 11 Wendell, 18 xxv, 594 People T. Gilmore, 4 California, 376 Ix, 620 People v. Goodwin, IS Johnson, 187 ix, 233 People v. Gold Run D. & M. Co., 66 CaL 138 56, 80 People T. Governor, 29 Michigan, 320 18, 89 People v. Gray, 61 California, 164 44, 549 People v. Green, 7 Colorado, 237 40, 331 People v. Hall, 43 Michigan, 482 42, 477 Peopleads. Hammond, 32 Illinois, 446 Ixxxiii, 286 Peoplev. Harding, 53 Michigan, 4S 51, 93 People v. Harrington, 42 California, 165 10, 296 Peoplev. Hartley, 21 California, 585 Ixxxii, 753 People v. Hartwell, 12 Michigan, 508 Ixxxvi. 70 People ads. Hanvood, 26 New York, 190^ Ixxxiv, 175 People v. Hascall, 22 New York, 188 Ixxviii, 176 Peopleads. Hayes, 25 New York, 390 Ixxxii, 364 People v. Haynes, 14 Wendell, 545 xxviii, 530 Peoplev. Herkimer, 4Cowen, 345 xv, 379 People v. Herrick, 13 Johnson, 82. vii, 364 People v. Hibernia Bank, 51 California, 243 21, 704 People v. Hodgdon, 55 California, 72 36, 30 People v. Hoffman, 116 Illinois, 537 56 793 Peoplev. Horn, 62 California, 120 45,651 Peopleads. Hopps, 31 Illinois, 3S5 Ixxxiii, 231 People v. Hubbard, 24 Wendell, 369 xxxv, 628 People v. Hulbut, 4 Denio, 133 xlvii, 244 People v. Humphrey , 23 Michigan, 471 9, 94 People v Hurlbut, 24 Michigan, 44 9, 103 Peoplev. Hurley, 60 California, 74 44, 55 Peoplev. Ingersoll, 53 New York, 1 IT, 178 People v. Jackson, 3 Denio, 101 xlv, 449 People v. Jackson, 7 Michigan, 432 Ixxiv, 729 People v. Jameson, 40 Illinois, 93 Ixxxix, 337 People v. Jansen, 7 Johnson, 332 v, 275 Peoplev. Johnson, 33 New York, 63 xcvii, 770 People v. Johnson, 100 Illinois, 537 39, 63 People v. Jordan, 66 California, 10 56, 73 People v. Judge of Jackson C., 21 Michigan, 577.. 4, 504 People v. Judges, 27 Michigan, 406 15, 195 People v. Kelly, 38 California, 145 xcix, 360 People v. Keeler. 99 New York, 463 52, 49 People v. Kendall, 25 Wendell, 399 xxxvii, 240 People ads. Kenyon, 26 New York, 203 Ixxxiv, 177 People v. Keyser, 28 New York, 228 Ixxxiv, 338 People v. Kilduff, 15 Illinois, 492 Ix, 769 People v. King, 27 California, 507 Ixxxvii, 95 People v. Kingsley, 2 Cowen, 522 xiv, 520 People v. Kingston etc. Co., 23 Wend. 193 xxxv, 551 People v. Knapp, 42 Michigan, 267 36, 438 Peoplev. Knickerbocker, 114 Illinois, 539 55, 879 People v. Lambert, 5 Michigan, 349 Ixxii, 49 People v. Lambier, 5 Denio, 9 xlvii, 273 People v. Levison, 16 California, 98 Ixxvi, 505 Peoplev. Liscomb. 60 New York, 559 19, 211 People v. Loomis, 8 Wendell, 396 xxiv, 33 Peoplev. Loughridge, 1 Nebraska, 11 xciii, 325 People v. Lynch, 51 California, 15 21, 677 People v. McCann, 16 New York, 58 Ixix, 642 People v. McCumber, 18 New York, 315 Ixxii, 515 People v. McGowan, 77 Illinois, 644 20, 2.54 People v. McKay, 46 Michigan, 439 41, 169 People v. McLeod, 1 Hill, 377 (25 Wendell, 483).xxxvii, 328 People ads. Maher, 10 Michigan, 212 Ixxxi, 781 Peoplev. Majors, 65 California, 138 52,295 People v. Mann, 75 New York, 484 31,"4S2 People v. Mann, 97 New York. 530 49, 556 People v. Manning, 8 Cowen, 297 xviil, 451 People v. Markham, 64 California, 157 49, 700 People v. Marx, 99 New York, 377 52, 34 People v. Mather, 4 Wendell, 229 xxi, 122 People v. Mayes, 66 California, 597 56, 126 People v. Mayor of Brooklyn, 4 N. Y. 419 Iv, 268 People; v. Mayor of New York, 23 Wendell, 252. xxxv, 669 People v. Mercein, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 39D xxxviii, 644 People v. Merchants' and M. Bank. 78 N. Y. 269. .34, 532 People v. Miller, 24 Michigan, 458 9, 131 Peoplev. Mondon, 103 New York, 211 57,709 People v. Moores, 4 Denio, 518 xlvii, 272 People v. Mulholland, 82 New York, 324 37, 568 People v. Muller, 90 New York, 403 48, 635 People v. Murphy, 101 New York, 126 5 4, 661 People v. Naglee, 1 California, 232 Ui, 312 Peoplev. New York, L. E. & W. R. R. Co., 104 New York. 53 58,484 People v. New York, 25 Wendell, 252 xxxv, 669 Peoplev. N. Y. Com. Pleas, 13 Wendell, 649...xxviii, 495 People v. Nichols, 52 New York. 473 11,734 People ads. Nixon, 2 Scammon, 267 xxxv, 107 People v. Noelke, 94 New York, 137 46, 128 People v. Olcott, 2 Johns. Cases, 301 i, 168 People v. Olds, 3 California, 167 Iviii, 398 Peoplev. Organ, 27 Illinois, 27 Ixxix, 391 Peoplev O'Sullivan, 104 New York, 481 58,530 Peoplev. Palmer, 46 HI, 398 xcv, 418 People ads. Palmer, 10 Wendell, 165 xxv, 551 People v. Parker, 3 Nebraska, 409 19, 634 People v. Parker, 38 New York, 35 xcvii, 774 People v. Pearson, 2 Scammon, 189 xxxiii, 445 People v. Peck, 11 Wendell, 634 xxvii, 104 People v. Phoenix Bank, 24 Wendell, 431 xxxv, 634 People v. Plath, 100 New York, 590 53,238 People v. Platt, 17 Johnsno, 195 viii, 382 Peoplev. Potter, SMichigan, 1 Ixxi, 763 Peoplev. Rae, 66 California, 123 56,102 People v. Ramirez, 56 California, 533 38, 73 People v. Redinger, 55 California, 290 36, 32 People v. Reilly, 50 Michigan, 384 45, 47 People v. Rens. & Sar. R. R. Co., 15 Wend. 113. . .xxx, 33 Peoplev. Richards, 67 California, 412 56, 716 People v. Richards, 1 Michigan, 216 li, 75 People v. River Raisin etc. R. R. Co., 12 Michi- gan, 389 Ixxxvi, 64 Peoplev. Roby, 52 Michigan, 577 50,270 People v. Rogers, 18 New York, 9 Ixxii, 484 People v. Ruggles, 8 Johnson, 239 v, 335 People v. Russell , 49 Michigan, 617 43, 478 Peoplev. Ryan, 88 New York, 142 42,238 Peoplev. Sands, 1 Johnson, 78 iii,296 People v. Salem, 20 Michigan, 452 4, 400 People v. Saxton, 22 New York, 309 Ixxviii, 191 People v Schryver, 42 New York, 1 1, 480 People v. Security L. I. and A Co., 78 N. Y. 114.34, 522 People v. Seymour, 16 California, 332 Ixxvi, 521 Peoplev Shaw, 57 Michigan, 403 58,372 People v. Sherman, 10 Wendell, 298 xxv, 563 People v. Skinner, 13 Illinois, 287 liv, 432 Peep le ads. Slomer, 25 Illinois. 70 Ixxvi, 736 Peoplev. Smith, 43 Illinois, 219 xcii, 109 People v. Smith. 104 New York. 491 58, 537 People ads. Smith, 25 Illinois, 17 Ixxvi, 780 People v. Spooner, 1 Denio, 313 xliii, 672 Peoplev. Stanley, 47 California, 113 17,401 People v. Staton, 73 North Carolina. 546 21 , 479 People v. Stockton & V. R. R. Co., 45 Cal. 305.. ..13, 178 People v. Sturtevant, 9 N . Y. (5 Selden) 263 l!x, 536 Peoplev. Supervisors, 84 Illinois, 333 25,461 Feo Pet TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. People v. Supervisors, 67 New York, 109 23, 94 People v. Thacher, 55 New York, 125 14, 312 People y. Tinder, 19 California, 539 Ixxxi. 77 People ads. Thomson, 24 Illinois, 60 Ixxri, 733 People v. Treasurer Detroit, 8 Michigan, 14. .. .Ixxvii, 433 People T. Troy, 78 New York, 33 34,500 People v. Turner, 1 California. 143 Hi, 295 People T. Turner, 55 Illinois, 280 8,645 People v. Tyler, 7 Michigan, 161 Ixxiv, 703 Peoplev. TJ. S.Am., 93 Illinois, 30 34,155 People v. TJtica Ins. Co., 15 Johnson, 353 viii, 243 People v. Van Cleve, 1 Michigan, 362 liii, 69 Peoplev. Vanderbilt, 28 New York, 396 Ixxxiv, 351 People v. Vernon, 35 California, 49 xcv, 49 Peoplev. Vilas. 36 New York, 459 xciii. 520 Peoplev. Walsh, %Illinois, 232 36, 135 People v. Wayne Circuit Court, 11 Mich. 393. .Ixxxiii, 754 Peoplev. Weithoff. 51 Michigan, 203 47,557 People v. West, 106 New York, 293 60, 452 People v. Wheeler, 60 California, 581 44, 70 People v. Williams, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 9 xl, 258 People v. Williams, 24 Michigan, 156 ft, 119 Peoplev. Wilson, 64 Illinois, 195 16,528 People v. Woodward, 45 California, 293 13, 176 People v. Worthington, 21 Illinois, 171 Ixxiv. 86 People v. Wright, 33 Michigan, 744 31,331 People ex rel. Barnes v. Starne, 35 Illinois, 121..1xxxv, 348 People ex rel. Brewster v. Kilduff, 15 Illinois, 492. .Ix, 769 People ex reL Dunn v. Boring, 8 Cal. 406 Ixviii, 331 People ex rel. Lake v. Higgins, 3 Michigan, 233. . .Ixi, 491 People ex rel. Lent v. Hascall, 22 N. Y. 188 . . .Ixxviii, 176 People ex rel. McKune v. Weller, 11 Cal. 49 Ixx, 754 People ex rel. McMillan v. Vischer, 9 Cal. 365.... Ixx, 655 People ex rel. Polhemus v. Pratt, 28 Cal. 166. Ixxxvii, 110 People ex rel. Smith v. Olds, 3 California, 167. .. .Iviii, 393 People ex rel. Smith v. Pease, 27 N. Y. 45 Ixxxiv, 242 Peoples' Bank Appeal, 93 Pennsylvania St. 107. . . .39, 723 Peoples' Bank v. Bogart, 8} New York, 101 37, 481 Peoples' Bank v. Brooke, 31 Maryland, 7 1 , 11 People's Bank v. Keech, 23 Maryland, 521 xc, 118 Peoples' Bank v. Kurtz, 99 Pennsylvania St. S44..44, 112 Peoples' Bank v. Legrand, 103 Penn. St. 309 49, 126 Peoples' Bank v. Shryock, 43 Maryland, 427 30, 476 Peoples' Ice Company v. Steamer Excelsior, 44 Michigan, 229 38,246 People's Ins. Co. v. Spencer, 53 Pa. St. 353 xci, 217 People for the Use of A. W. Neece ads. Seely 27 Illinois, 173 Ixxxi, 224 Peoriav. Simpson, 110 Illinois, 291 51, 683 Pcx>ria Bridge Ass'n v. Loomis, 29 Illinois, 233. . .Ixxi, 2G3 Peoria, D. & E. R'y Co. v. Duggan, 109 HL 537.. ..50, 619 Peoria & P. U. R'y Co. v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R'y Co., 109 Illinois. 135 50,605 Pepper v. State ex rel. Harvey, 22 Ind. 399 Ixxxv, 430 Pepper ads. State, 63 North Carolina, 259 12, 637 Pequawkett Bridge v. Mathes, 7 N. H. 230- xxvi, 737 Percival v. Hickey, 13 Johnson, 257 ix, 210 Percy v. Millandon, 6 Martin, N. S., 616 xvii, 196 Pereuilhet, Succession of, 23 Louisiana An. 294 ... 8, 595 Perkins' Appeal, 103 Penn. St. 314 56, 203 Perkins v. Augusta I. & B. Co., 10 Gray. 312 Ixxi, 654 Perkins v. Bailey, 99 Massachusetts, 61 xcvi, 689 Perkins v. Cartmell, 4 Harrington, 270 xlii, 753 Perkins v. Catlin, 11 Connecticut, 213 xxix, 232 Perkins v. Commonwealth, 7 Grattan, 651 Ivi, 123 Perkins v. Corbin, 45 Alabama, 103 6, 693 Perkins v. Conant, 29 Illinois, 184 Ixxxi, 305 Perkins v. Dibble, 10 Ohio, 433 xxxvi, 97 Perkins v. Eastern etc. R. R. Co., 29 Maine, 307. ... .1, 539 PerldnsT. Gay, 3Serg. &R.327 vii, 653 Perkins v. Giles, 9 Leigh, 397 ' xxxiii, 249 Perkinsv. Gibson, 51 Mississippi, 699 24,644 Perkins v. Guy, 55 Mississippi. 153 30, 510 Perkins v. Hackleman, 26 Mississippi, 41 lix, 243 Perkins v. Hays, Cooke, 163 v, 680 Perkins v. Inhabitants of Fayette, 68 Maine, 152.. 28, 84 Perkins v. Ladd, 114 Massachusetts, 420 19, 374 Perkins v. Lewis, 41 Alabama, 649 xciv, 616 Perkins v. Lockwood, 100 Massachusetts, 249 1, 103 Perkins v. Lyman, 11 Massachusetts, 76 vi, 158 Perkins v Morse. 78 Maine, 17 57, 780 Perkins v. N. Y. Cent. R. R. Co., 24 N. Y. 196.. .Ixxxii. 281 Perkins v. Perkins, 7 Connecticut, 558 xviii, 120 Perkins v. Pike, 42 Maine, 141 Ixvi, 267 Perkins v. Portland, S., and P. R. R.. 47 Me. 573.1xxiv, 507 Perkins v. Front, 47 New Hampshire, 337 xciii, 449 Perkinsv. Rice, Littell's S. C. 218 xii, 298 Perkins v. Rogers, 35 Indiana, 124 9, 639 Perkins v. State, 67 Indiana, 270 33, 89 Perkinsv. Sterne, 23 Texas, 561 Ixxvi, 72 Perkins v. Towle, 43 New Hampshire, 220 Ixxx, 149 Perley v. Balch, 23 Pickering, 233 xxxi v, 56 Perley v. Chandler, 6 Massachusetts, 453 iv, 159 Perley v. Eastern Railroad Co,, 93 Mass. 414 xcvi, C45 Perley v. Muskegon Co., 32 Michigan, 132 20, 637 Perminter v. Kelly, 18 Alabama, 716 liv, 177 Perminter v. McDaniel, 1 Hill (S. C.), 267 xxvi, 179 Pernam v. Wead, 2 Massachusetts, 203 iii, ' 43 Perre v. Castro, 14 California, 519 Ixxvi, 444 Perret v. King, 33 La. Ann. 1363 31, 240 Perrin v. Keene, 19 Maine, 335 xxxvi, 759 Perrin v. Noyes, 39 Maine, 384 Ixiii, 633 Perrin v. Protection Ins. Co., 11 Ohio, 147 xxxviii, 728 Perrine v. Bergen, 2 Green's Law, 355 xxvii, 63 Perrinev. Cheeseman, 6 Halsted, 174 xix, 388 Perrine v. Perrine, 1 Halsted, 133 x, 392 Perry's Appeal, 22 Penn. State, 43 Ix, 63 Perry v. Aldrich, 13 New Hampshire, 313 xxxviii, 493 Perry v. City of Worcester, 6 Gray, 544 Ixvi, 431 Perry v. Dicken, 105 Penn. St. 83 rl, 181 Perry v. Dickerson, 85 New York, 345 39, 663 Perry v. Green, 4 Harrison (N. J.), 61 xxxviii, 536 Perry v. Harrington, 2 Metcalf, 368 xxxvii, 98 Perry v. Hensley, 14 B. Monroe, 474 Ixi, 164 Perry v. House of Refuge, 63 Maryland, 20 52. 495 Perry v. LoriUard F. Ins. Co., 61 New York, 214.. 19, 272 Perryv New Orleans etc. R. Co. 55 Ala. 413 28, 740 Perry v. O'Hanlon, 11 Missouri, 585 xlix, 100 Perry v. Patterson, 5 Humphreys, 133 xlii, 424 Perry v. Phipps, 10 Iredell's Law, 259 H, 387 Perryv. Price, 1 Missouri, 664 xiv, 316 Perry v. Roberts, 30 Indiana, 244 xcv, 689 Perry v. Smith, 4 Yerger. 323 xxvi, 236 Perry ads. State, 5 Jones' Law, 9 Ixix, 768 Perry v. Torrence, 8 Ohio, 521 xxxii, 725 Perry Ins. & T. Co. v. Foster, 53 Ala 502 29, 779 Ferryman v. McCall, 66 Alabama, 402 4 1 , 752 Ferryman, Ex Parte, 25 Alabama, 73 Ix, 494 Person v. Barlow, 35 Mississippi, 174 Ixxii, 21 Person v. Chase, 37 Vermont, C47 Ixxxviii, 63 Person v. Grier, 66 New York, 124 23, 35 Persons v. Jones, 12 Georgia, 371 Iviii, 476 Persons v. McKibben. 5Indiana, 2G1 Ixi, 85 Peru and I. R. R. v. Basket, 10 Ind. 409 Ixxi, 335 Peshine v. Shepperson, 17 Gratt. 472 xciv, 468 Peterborough Nat. Bank v. Childs, 130 Mass. 519.39, 474 Peterborough Nat. Bank v. Childs, 133 Mass. 243. 43, 509 Potors v. Allison, 1 B. Monroe, 232 xxxvi, 574 Petersv. Farnsworth, 15 Vermont, 135 xl, 671 Peters v. Henry, 6 Johnson, 121 v, 196 145 TABLE OF CASES. Pet-Phi Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Peters v. Hobbs, 25 Arkansas, 67 xci, 526 Peters v. Jamestown Bridge Co., 5 Cal. 334' Ixiii, 134 Peters v. Lake, 06 Illinois, 206 16, 593 Peters v. League, 13 Maryland, 58 Ixxi, G22 Peters v. "Sew Orleans etc. R. R., 16 La. An. 222.1xxix, 578 Peters v. Phillips, 10 Texas, 70 Ixx, 319 Peters v. R. R Co , 42 Ohio St. 275 51,814 Peters v. Ryland, 20Penn. State, 497 lix, 746 Peters v. Siders, 123 Massachusetts, 135 30, 671 Peters v. Stotrart, 43 Connecticut, 103 29, 663 Peters v. Westborough, 19 Pickering, 304 xxxi, 142 Petersburg v. Applegart'i, 23 Gratt..321 28, 357 Petersburg v. Mappin, 14 Illinois, 193 Ivi, 501 3 Lone. 113 Massachusetts, 465. 20, 335 Petersen v. Ch:mical Bank, 32 N. Y. 21 Ixxxviii, 298 Peterson v. I!rown, 17 Nevada, 172 45, 437 Petersrn v. Haffner, 59 Indiana. 130 20, 81 Peterson v. Johnson, 23 Wisconsin, 21 xciv, 581 Peterson v. Laik, 24 Missouri, 541 Ixix, 441 Peterson v. Mississippi V. Ins. Co., 24 Iowa, 494.. xcv, 748 Peterson v. Orr, 12 Georgia, 464 Iviii, 481 Peterson v. Roach, 32 Ohio St. 371 30, 607 Peterson v. Sentman, 37 Maryland, 140 11,534 Peterson v. Tarlor, 15 Georgia, 483 Ix, 705 Peterson v. Union National Bank. 52 Pa. St. 206.. xci, 146 Peterson v. Whitebreast C. &M. Co., 50 Iowa, 673 .32, 143 Petillpn v. Hippie, 90 Illinois, 420. 32, 31 Petition of . See name of petitioner. Petriev. Clark, 11 Serg. &R.377 xiv, 636 Petteev. Prout, 3 Gray, 502 Ixiii, 778 Pettes v. Marsh, 15 Vermont, 454 xl, 689 Pettibone v. Griswold, 4 Connecticut, 158 x, 106 Pettibone v. Phelps, 13 Connecticut, 445 xxxv, 83 Pettibone v. Stevens, 15 Connecticut, 19 xxxviii, 57 Pettie ads. State, 80 North Carolina, 337 30, 83 Pettigrew v. Barnum, 11 Maryland, 434 Ixix, 212 Pettigrew v. Evansville, 25 Wisconsin, 223 3, 50 Pettingill v. Rkleout, 6 New Hampshire, 454 xxv, 473 Pettingill v. Moss, 3 Minnesota, 222 Ixxi v, 747 Pettingill v. Porter, 8 Allen, 1 Ixxxv, 671 Pettit v. Shepherd, 5 Paige's Ch. 493 xxviii, 437 Pettsv. Ison, 11 Georgia, 131 Ivi, 419 Petty v. Fleishel, 31 Texas, 169 xcviii, 521 Petty v. Hannum, 2 Humphreys, 102 xxxvi, "303 Petty v. Overall, 42 Alabama, 145 xciv, 634 Petty v. Potty. 4B. Monroe, 215 xxxix, 501 Peverly v. Boston, 135 Massachusetts, 366 49, 37 Peyser v. Cole, 11 Oregon, 39 50, 451 Peyser v. Mayor, 70 New York, 497 26, 624 Peyton v. Smith, 4 McCord, 476 xvii, 758 Pfeifer v. Sheboygan etc. R. R. Co., 18 Wiscon- sin, 155 Ixxxvi, 751 Pfeuffer v. Maltby, 54 Texas, 4.54 38, 631 Pfister v. Central P. R. R. Co., 70 California, 169.59, 404 Phadenhauer v. Gennania L. Ins. Co., 7 Heisk. 567 19,623 Phalen v. Clark, 19 Connecticut, 421 1, 233 Phares v. State, 3 West Virginia, 5S7 c, 777 Phares v. Stewart, 9 Porter, 336 xxxiii. 317 Pharr v. Collins, 35 La. An. 939 48, 251 Phegleyv. Steamb't David Tatum, 33 Mo. 461..1xxxiv, 57 Phelan v. Hutchinsor., Phill. Eq. 116 xciii, 602 Phelan v. Moss, C7 Pennsylvania St. 59 5, 402 Phelps v. Borland, 103 New York, 406 57, 755 Phelps v. Brewer, 9 Cusliing. 390 Mi, 56 Phelps v. Call, 7 Iredell's Law, 262 xlvii, 327 Phelps v. Garrow, 8 Paige, 322 xxxv, 88 Phelpsv. GodJard, 1 Tyler, CO iv, 720 Phelpsv. Jepson, 1 Root, 48 i, 33 Pielpsv. McNeely, 66 Missouri, 554.. 27,378 A. D. & A. R.-10. Phelps v. Northup, 56 Illinois, 156 8, 681 Phelps v. Nowlen. 72 New York, 39 '... .28, 93 Phelps v. Palmer, 15 Gray, 499 Ixxvii, 378 Phelps v. Plielps, 72 Illinois, 545 22, 149 Phelps v. Racy, 60 New York, 10 19, 140 Phelps v. Rooney, 9 Wisconsin, 70 Ixxvi, 244 Phelps v. Sheldon, 13 Pickering, 50 xxiii, 659 Phelps ads. State, 11 Vermont, 116 xxxiv, 672 Phelps v. Steams, 4 Gray, 105 Ixiv, 61 Phelps v. Sullivan, 140 Massachusetts. 36 54, 442 Phelps v. Vischer. 50 New York, 69 10, 433 Phelpsv. Walther, 78 Missouri, 320 47,112 Phenix Ins. Co. v. Larnar, 106 Indiana, 513 55, 764 Phifer v. Carolina Central Railroad Company. 89 North Carolina, 311 45,687 Phifer v. Cox, 21 Ohio St. 248 8, 53 Philadelphia v. Scott, 81 Pennsylvania St. 80 22, 738 Philadelphia and Reading R. R. Co. v. Hummel, 44 Perm. State, 375 Ixxxiv, 457 Philadelphia & R. R. R. Co. v. Adams, 89 Penn- sylvania St. 31 33,721 Philadelphia & R. R. R. Co. v. Anderson, 9i Pennsylvania St. 351 39,787 Philadelphia & R. R. R. Company v. Ervin, 89 Pennsylvania St. 71 33,726 Philadelphia & R. R. R. Co. v. Hendrickson, 80 Pennsylvania St. 182 21, 97 Phi'adelpMa and S. R. R. r. Lewis, 33 Pa. St. 33.1xxv, 574 Philadelphia etc. R. R. Co., Case of, 6 Whar- ton, 25 xxxvi, 202 Philadelphia etc. R. R. T. Cowell, 23 Pa. St.. 329.. Ixx, 123 Philadelphia etc. R. R. Co. v. Hagan, 47 Penn. State, 244 ,.lxxxvi. 541 Philadelphia etc. R. R. Co. v. Spcaren, 47 Penn. State, 300 Ixxxvi, 54* Philadelphia etc. R. R. Co. ads. State, 45 Md. 361.24, 511 Philadelphia. City of, v. Girard's Heirs, 45 Perm. State, 9 Ixxxiv, 470 Philadelphia C. P. R'y Co. v. Henrice, 92 Penn- sylvania St. 431 37, 699 Philadelphia Fire and Life Insurance Co. v Mills, 44 Penn. State, 241 Ixxxiv, 437 Philadelphia I. & S. Co. v. Davis, 111 Penn. St. 597.56, 053 Philadelphia, Mayor of, v. Randolph, 4 Watts & Serg. 514 xxxix, 102 Phila. Sav. Institution, Case of, 1 Wharton, 461. .xxx, 226 Philadelphia, W. & B. R. R. Co. v. Hoeflich, 62 Maryland. 300 50,223 Philadelphia, W. & B. R. R. Co. v. Hogeland, 66 Maryland, 149 59,159 Philadelphia, W. & B. R. R. Co. v. Larkin. 47 Maryland, 155 28,442 Philadelphia, W. & B. R. R. Co. v. Lehman, 56 Maryland, 209 40,415 Philadelphia, W. & B. R. R. Co. v. Woelpper, 64 Pennsylvania St. 356 3, 596 Philbrick v. Preble, 18 Maine, 255 xxxvi, 718 Philleo v. Sanford, 17 Texas, 227 Ixvii, 654 Philomath College v. Hartless, 6 Oregon, 15S 25, 510 Philpot v. Taylor, 75 Illinois, 309 20, 241 Philips v. Berick, 16 Johnson, 136 viii, 299 Philips v. Commonwealth, 2 Duval. 328 Ixxxvii, 499 Philips v. Morrison, 3 Bibb, 105 vi, 633 Philips v. State ex rel. Harter, 5 Ohio St. 122. . . .Ixiv, 635 Phillips v. Allen, 41 Penn. State, 4S1 Ixxxii, 480 Phillips v. Brigham, 26 Georgia, 617 Ixxi, 227 Phillips v. Clark, 4 Met. (Ky.) 348 Ixxiiii, 471 Phillips v. Coffee, 17 Illinois, 154 Ixiii, 357 Phillips v. Davis, 2 Sneed, 520 Ixii, 472 Phillips v. Dickerson. 85 Illinois, 11 28, 607 Phi-Pik TABLE OF CASES. 146 Romau letters [xlis] refer to Tolumea of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Phillips v. Dugan. 21 Ohio St. 466 8, 6 Phillips v. Elwell. 14 Ohio State, 240 Ixxxiv, 37 Phillips v. Graves. 20 Ohio St. 371 5,67 Phillips v. Green, 3 A. K. Marshall, 7 xiii, 1 Phillips v. Gross. 10 Watts, 158 xxxvi, 15 Phillips v. Hall, 8 Wendell, 610 xxiv, 10 Phillips v. Harriss, 3 J. J. Marshall, 122 xix, 16f Phillips v. Hcefer, 1 Penn. State, 62 xliv, 11: Phillips v. Johnson, 7 Martin, 226 xii, 501 Phillips v. Kingfield, 19 Maine, 375. xxxvi, 761 Phillips v. Laniar, 27 Georgia, 228 Ixxiii, 731 Phillips y. Louisiana Equit. L. Ins. Co., 23 La. An. 404 .'...21,549 Phillips v. Meyers, 82 Illinois. 67 25,29! Phillips v. Phillips, 19 Georgia, 261 Ixv, 501 Phillips v. Phillips, 48 Penn. State, 178 brexvi, 577 Phillips v. Porter, 3 Arkansas, 18 xxxvi, 443 Phillips v. Potter. 7 Rhode Island, 289 Ixxxii, 598 Phillips v. Reichert, 17 Indiana, 120 Ixxix, 463 Phillips v. Ronald, 3 Bush. 244 xcvi, 216 Phillips v. Runnels, Morris, 391 xliii, 109 Phillips v. Scott, 43 Missouri, 86 xcvii, 36! Phillips v. Smith, 1 Carolina Law Repos. 475 vi, 542 Phillips v. State, 9 Humphreys, 246 xlix, 709 Phillips ads, State, 63 Texas, 390 51, 646 Phillips T. Thompson, 2 Johns. Ch. 418 vil, 535 Phillips v. Thorn, 84 Indiana, 84 43, 83 Phillips T. Tudor, 10 Gray, 78 Ixix, 306 Phillips v. Waterhouse, 69 Iowa, 199 58, 220 Phillips v. Window, 18 B. Monroe, 431 Ixviii, 729 Phillips' Acadeiny v. Davis, 11 Massachusetts, 113. vi, 1C2 Phillips' Devisees v. Beall, 9 Dana, 1 xxxiii, 518 Phillips, Inhab. of, v. Kingfield, 19 Maine, 3T5.xxxvi, 760 PhiUipsburg Bank v. Fulmer, 2 Vroom, 52 lixxvi, 193 Philipson v. Bates, 2 Missouri, 116 xxii, 444 Philly v. Sanders, 11 Ohio State, 490 Ixxviii, 316 Phinney v. Baldwin, 16 Illinois, 108 Ixi, 62 Phinney v. Tracey, 1 Penn. State, 173 xliv, 116 Phinney v. Watts, 9 Gray, 269 Ixix, 2SS Phipps v. Jones, 20 Penn. State, 260. lix, 708 Phipps v. McFarlane, 3 Minnesota, 109 Ixxiv, 743 Phipps v. State, 22 Maryland, 380 Ixxxv, 654 Phoebe v. Boggess, 1 Grattan, 129 xlii, 543 Phoenix Bank v. Curtis, 14 Connecticut, 437 xxxvi, 492 Phoenix Bank ads. People, 24 Wendell, 431 xxxv, 634 Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. v. Gurnee, 1 Paige's Ch. 278. xix, 431 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Allen, 11 Michigan, 501 ... .Ixxxiii, 753 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Church, 81 New York. 213 37, 494 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Commonwealth, 5 Bush, 68.. .xcvi, 331 Phoenix Ins. Co. T. Lawrence, 4 Met. (Ky.) 9. ..Ixxxi, 521 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Moog. 78 Alabama, 284 50, 31 Phoenix Ins. Co. v. Tucker, 92 Illinois, 64 34, 100 Phoenix Iron Co. ads. Commonwealth, 105 Penn- sylvania State. Ill 51, ISt Phoenix M. O. Ins. Co. v. Dunham, 46 Conn. 79. ..33, 14 Phoenix M. L. Ins. Co. v. Holloway, 51 Conn. 311.50, 21 Phyfe v. Riley, ISWendell, 243 xxx, 55 Phyfe v. Wardell, 6 Paige's Ch. 268 xxviii, 430 Piazzek v. White, 23 Kansas, 621 33,211 Pickard v. Perley, 45 New Hampshire, 188 Ixxxvi, 153 Pickens v. Davis, 134 Massachusetts, 252 45, 322 Pickens v. Diecker, 21 Ohio State, 212 8, 55 Pickens v. Rymer, 90 North Carolina, 2?2 47, 521 Pickens v. Yarborough's Adm'r, 26 Alabama, 417.1xii, 728 Pickering ads. Commonwealth, 8 Grattan, 623 Ivi, 158 Pickering v. Cording, 92 Indiana, 306 47, 145 Pickering v. Day. 3 Houst. 474. xcv. 291 Pickering v. Orange, 1 Scammon, 492 xxxii, 35 Pickering v. Stapler, 5 Serg. & R. 107 Ix, 336 Pickert v. Marston, 63 Wisconsin, 465 60, 877 Pickett v. Breckenridge, 22 Pickering, 297 xxxiii, 745 Pickett v. Doe, 5 Sinedes & M. 470 xliii, E23 Pickett v. Ferguson, 45 Arkansas, 177 55, 545 Pickett v. Peay, 3 Brevard, 543. ... vi, 594 Pickett v. School District, 25 Wisconsin. 551 3, 105 Pickett ads. State, 11 Nevada, 235 3 1 , 754 Pickman v. Trinity Church. 123 Mass. 1 -5^ 1 Pico v. Columbet, 12 California, 414 Ixxiii' 550 Pico v. Webster, 14 California. 202 ixxiiii C47 Picot v. Biddle's Executor, 35 Missouri, 29 Ixxxvi', 134 Pidcock v. Potter, 63 Pennsylvania St. 342 8,' 181 Piedmont C. & I. Co. v. Green, 3 W. Va. 54. .. .xcviii, 799 Piedmont & A L. Ins. Co. v. Young, 58 Ala. 476..2S, 770 Piel v. Brayer, 30 Indiana, 332. . . : XC v, 699 Pier v. Heinrichshoffen, 67 Missouri, 163 29, 501 Pierce v. Andrews, 6 Cushing, 4 m 743 Pierce v. Benjamin, 14 Pickering, 356 xxv [ 333 Pierce v. Boston F. C. Sav. Bank, 129 Massachu- setts, 425 37,371 Pierce v. Carleton, 12 Illinois, 358 lj 7) 405 Pierce v. Gate, 12 Cushing, 190 lixi 176 Pierce v. Cloud. 42 Penn. State, 102 ixxxii, 496 Pierce ads. Commonwealth, 133 Mass. 165 52," 204 Pierce v. Drew, 13G Massachusetts, 75 49, 7 Pierce v. Dyer, 109 Massachusetts, 371 12, 716 Pierce r. Fuller, 8 Massachusetts, 223 v, 102 Pierce v. George, 108 Massachusetts, 78 1 1 ^ 310 Pierce v. Guittard, 68 California, 63 58,- i Pierce T. Hill, 35 Michigan 194 24, 511 Pierce v. Jones, 8 South Carolina, 273 28, 238 Pierce v. Keator. 70 New York. 419 2(j t C12 Pierce v. Kimball, 9 Greenleaf, 54 xxiii' 37 Pierce v. Kneeland. 16 Wisconsin, 672 Ixxxiv! 726 Pierce v. Lamson, 5 Allen, 60 Ixxxi. 732 Pierce v. McKeehan, 3 Penn. State, 136 xlv! C35 Pierce v. Massenburg, 4 Leigh, 493 i xv i, 333 Pierce v. Milwaukee etc. R. R. Co., 21 Wis. 551. ... I j 203 Piarce v. Nashua Ins. Co., 50 N. H. 297 ft, 235 Pierce T. New Bedford, 129 Massachusetts, 534. . .37, 387 Pierce v. O'Brien, 129 Massachusetts, 314 37, 300 Pierce v. People, 106 Illinois, 11 40 633 Pierce v. Pierce, 71 New York, 154 ^7, 22 Pierce v. Pierce, 3 Pickering, 239 xv, 210 Pierce v. Pierce, 64 Wisconsin, 72 54 53^ Pierce v. Ricker, 16 New Hampshire, 322 xli, 728 Pierce v. Ridley, 1 Baxter, 145 33 759 Piercev. Robie, 39 Maine, 205 j^;^ d4. Pierce v. Seymour, 52 Wisconsin, 272 38 737 Pierce v. Swan Point Cemetery, 10 R. I. 227 1 1, 667 "ierce v. Whitcomb, 43 Vermont, 127 ;>!, 120 Piercy v. Hedrick, 2 West Virginia, 453 xcviii, 774 Picrcyv. Sabin, 10 Calif ornia, 22 1 XX| C92 Pierre v. Fernald, 26 Maine, 43G x ivi, 573 Piersol v. Grimes, 30 Indiana, 129 XCT> 673 ~'ierson v. Armstrong, 1 Iowa, 282 Ixiii, 440 'ierson v. Gale, 8 Vermont, 509 XXXi 437 'ierson v. Glean, 2 Green's Law, 36 X jv, 437 'ieraon T. Hooker, 3 Johnson, 63 ii i, -107 Pierson T. People, 79 New York, 424 35, 524 "'ierson ads. People, 2 Scammon, 139 xxxiii, 445 'ierson v. Post, 3Caines, 173 j;, 2G4 'ierson v. Smith, 9 Ohio State, 554 ixjv! 436 iester v. Piester, 22 South Carolina, 139 53, 711 iggott v. Addicks, 3 G. Greene, 427 Ivi, 547 'igman v. State, 14 Ohio, 555 X 1 T . 553 'ike v. Bacon, 21 Maine, 230 xxxviii, 259 ike v. Balch, 38 Maine, 302 ] x i r 343 ikev. Brittau, 71 California, 159 GO, 527 'ike v. Clarke, 40 New Hampshire, 9 Ixxvii, 698 Pike v. Emerson, 5 New Hampshire, 393 xxji, 468 147 TABLE OF CASES. Pik-Plo Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Pike v. Hayes, 14 New Hampshire, 19 xl, 171 Pike v. McDonald, 32 Maine, 413 li r, 507 Pike v. Miles, 23 Wisconsin, 134 xcix, 143 Pike v. Monroe, 36 Maine. 309 Iviii, 751 Pike ads. State, 49 New Hampshire, 399 6, 533 Pike v. Thomas, 4 Bibb, 485 vii, 741 Pile v. Pile, 6 Lea, 503 4O 50 Pillow v. Hardeman, 3 Humphreys, 53S xxxix, 195 Piilsbury v. Dunn's Adm'r, 9 Ohio, 117 xxxiv, 427 Piilsbury v. Kingon, 33 New Jersey Ec[. 237 36, 553 Pillsbury v. Locke, 33 New Hampshire, 9G Ixvi, 711 Piilsbury v. Moore, 44 Maine, 154 Ixix, 91 Pinckard v. Pinckard, 22 Georgia, 31 Ixviii, 481 Pinckney v. Henegan, 2 Strobhart's Law, 250 xlix, 532 Pinckney v. Western 17. Tel. Co.. 19 S. C. 71 43, 765 Pindar v. Continental Ins. Co., 38 N. Y. 304 xcvii, 795 Pindar v. Kings County Ins. Co. , 36 N. Y. 364. .. xciii, 544 Pingry v. Washburne, 1 Aikens, 234 xv, 676 Finkard v. Pinkard, 14 Texas, 356 bcv, 123 Pmkertou v. Woodward, 33 California, 557 xei, 657 Pinneo v. Hart, 30 Missouri, 531 Ixxvii, 625 Pinney v. Gleason, 5 Wendell, 393 xxi, 223 Pinnock v. dough, 16 Vermont, 500 xlii, 521 Pinov. Merchants' Mut. Ins. Co., 19 La. An.214....xcii, 529 Pintard v. Davis, 1 Zabriskie, C32 xlvii, 172 Piollet v. Simmers, 106 Pennsylvania St. 95 51, 496 Piper v. Menif ee, 12 B. Monroe, 465 liv, 547 Piper v. Pearson, 2 Gray, 120 Ixi, 438 Pipes v. Hardesty, 9 Louisiana An. 152 Ixi, 202 Pipkin v. James, 1 Humphreys, 325 ? . . . .xxxiv, 652 Pippin v. Ellison, 12 Iredell's Law, 61 Iv, 403 Piquegno v. Chicago & Grand Trunk R. R. Co., 52 Michigan. 40 50, 2J3 Pirtle v. Penn, 3 Dana, 247 xxviii, 70 Pi3cataqua Exchange Bank v. Carter, 20 N. H. 213 .li, 217 Pitcher v. Barrows, 17 Pickering, 361 xxviii, 330 Pitcher v. Livingston, 4 Johnson, 1 iv, 229 Pitcher v. Patrick, Minor, 321 xii, 4 Pitkin v. Brainerd, 5 Connecticut, 451 xiii, 79 Pitkin v. Flannagan, 23 Vermont, 160 Ivi, 61 Pitkin v. L. I. R. R., 2 Barbour's Ch. 221 xlvii, 320 Pitkin v. Noyes, 48 New Hampshire, 294 xcvii, C15 Pitkin v. Noyes, 48 New Hampshire, 294 2, 213 Pitkin v. Pitkin, 7 Connecticut, 307 xviii, 111 Pitman v. Kituer, 5 Blackford, 250 xxxiii, 4C1 Pitman ads. State, 1 Brevard, 32 ii, 615 Pitre v. Offutt, 21 La. An. 679 xcix, 749 Pitt v. Congdon, 2 New York (2 Comst.), 352 li, 299 Pittock v. O'Neill, 63 Pennsylvania St 253 3, 514 Pitts v. Brown, 49 Vermont, 86 24, 114 Pitts v. Bullard, 3 Georgia, 5 xlvi, 405 Pitts v. Foglesong, 37 Ohio St. 676] 41, 540 Pitts v. McWhorter, 3 Georgia, 5 xlvi, 405 Pitts v. Mower, 18 Maine, 331 xxxvi, 727 Pitts v. Shubert, 11 Louisiana, 286 xxx, 718 Pitts v. State. 12 South Carolina, ISO 32, 503 Pittsburg & C. R. R. Co. v. Byers, 32 Penn. St. 22.1xxii, 770 Pittsburg & C. R. R. Co. v. Pillow, 79 Pennsyl- sylvaniaSt. 510 18,424 Pittsburg etc. R. Co. v. Bumsteacl, 48 111. 221. .. .xcv, 539 Pittsburg etc. R'y v. Gilleland, 56 Penn. St. 445..xciv, 98 Pittsburg etc. R'y Co. v. Hinds, 53 Penn. St. 512. .xci, 224 Pittsburg etc. R'y v. McClinton, 56 Pa. St. 445...xciv, 97 Pittsburg etc. R. Co. v. Vining, 27 Indiana, 513..xcii, 269 Pittsburg R. R. Co. ads. Commonw., 24 Pa. St. 159.1xii, 372 Pittsburgh & C. R. R Co. v. Andrews, 39 Md. 329.17, 563 Pittsburgh v. Grier, 22 Penn. State, 54 Ix, 65 Pittsburgh & C. R. Co. v. Sentmeyer, 92 Pennsyl- vania St. 276 3T, eat Pittsburgh etc. R'y Co. v. Bingham, 29 Ohio St.364.23, 751 Pittsburgh etc. R'y Co. v. Heck, 50 Ind. 303 19, 713 Pittsburgh etc R'y Co. v. Nuzum, 50 Ind. 141.... 19, 703 Pittsburgh, A. & M. P. R'y Co. v. McCurdy. 114 Pennsylvania St. 554 60, 363 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Brown, 67 In- diana, 45. 33, 73 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R'y Co. v. Heck, 50 Ind. 303 19,713 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Hollowell, 63 In- diana, 188 32, 63 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Jones, 86 In- diana, 496 44,334 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L R. Co. v. Kirk, 102 Ind. 399.52, 675 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Moore. 33 Ohio St. 384 31,543 Pittsburgh, C. & St L. R. Co. v. Morton, 61 In- diana, 539 28, 632 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Vandyne, 57 In- diana, 576 26, 63 Pittsburgh, C. & St. L. R. Co. v. Yundt, 78 In- diana, 373. 41, 580 Pittsburgh, F. W. & C. R. Co. v. Collins, 87 Penn- sylvania St. 405 33, 371 Pittsburg, F. W. & C. R. R, Co. v. Comm., CQ Pennsylvania St. 73 5, 344 Pittsburgh, F. W. & C. R. Co. v. Hazen, 84 Illi- nois, 36 23,422 Pittsburgh. F. W. & C. R. R. Co. v. Ruby, 33 Indiana, 294 10, 111 Pittsburgh & L. E. R. R. Co. v. Jones, 111 Penn- sylvania St. 204 50, 260 Pittsburgh S. R. Co. v. Taylor, 104 Penn. St. 306.. 49, 530 Pittsburgh Bank v. Whitehead, 10 Watts, 397. .xxxvi, 186 Pitzer v. Harmon, 8 Blackford, 112 xliv, 733 Pixler v. Nichols, Slowa, 108 Ixxiv, 298 Pixley v. Clark, 35 New York, 520 xci, 72 Pixley v. Western P. R. R. Co., 33 Cal 183 xci, 623 Pixley v. Winchell, 7 Cowen, 366 xvii, 525 Pizano v. State. 20 Tex. Ct. App. 139 54, Til Place v. Langworthy, 13 Wisconsin, 629 Ixxx, 753 Place v. Mcllvain, 38 New York. 96 xcvii, 777 Plaistsd v. Boston & K. S. N. Co., 27 Maine, 132. .xlvi, 587 Planter's Bank v. Calvit, 3 Smedes & M. 143 xli, 616 Planter's Bank v. George, 6 Martin, 670 xii, 437 Planter's Bank v. Markham, 5 Howard, 397. . . .xxxvii, 162 Planter's Bank v. Neely, 7 Howard (Miss.), 80 xl, 51 Planter's Bank v. Sharp, 4 Smedes &. M. 75 xliii, 470 Planter's Bank v. White, 2 Humphreys, 112.... xxxvi, 305 Planters' Ins. Co. v. Myers, 55 Mississippi. 479 30, 521 Planters' Ins. Co. v. Sorrels. 1 Baxt. 352 25, 780 Plants ads. State, 25 West Virginia 119 52, 211 Plath v. Minnesota F. M. F. Ins. Ass'n 23 Min- nesota, 479 23,697 Plath ads. People, 100 New York, 530 53, 236 Platt r. Harrison, 6 Iowa, 79 Ixxi, 389 Plattv. Kirk, 44 Indiana, 401 15,239 Platt v. Johnson, 15 Johnson, 213 .. ..viii, 233 Platt ads. People, 17 Johnson, 195 viii, 382 Plattv. Potts, 11 Iredell's Law, 266 liil, 412 Platt v. Robins, 1 Johnson's Cases, 276 i, 110 Platt v. Scott, 6 Blackford, 389 xxxix, 436 Flatz v. Cohoes, 89 New York, 219 42, 235 Platto v. Cady, 12 Wisconsin, 461 Ixxviii, 752 Plazencia ads. State, 6 Robinson (La.), 441 xli, 271 Pleasantsv. Pendleton, 6Randolph, 473 xviii, 726 Pleasants v. Ross, 1 Washington, 156 i, 449 Pleasants v. Scott, 21 Arkansas, 370 Ixxvi, 403 Pledger v. Ellerbe, 6 Richardson's Law, 266 Ix, 123 Plimpton v. Farmers' M. Ins. Co., 43 Vt. 497.... 5,297 Plowman v. Riddle, 14 Alabama, 169 xlviii, C2 Pin For TABLE OF CASES. 143 Boman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Plumb v. Cattaraugus C. M. I. Co., 18 N. T. 392.taii, 52 Plume v. Seward, 4 California, 94 Ix, 599 Plumer v. Harper, 3 New Hampshire, 83 xiv, 333 Plumer T. Lord. 9 Allen. 455 Ixxxv. 773 Plumer v. Smith, 5 New Hampshire, 553 xxil, 473 Plumleigh v. Dawson, 1 G ilman, 544 xli, 199 Plumley v. Birge. 121 Massachusetts, 57 26, 645 Plummerv. Dennett, 6 Greenleaf, 421 xx, 316 Hummer v. Douglass & Watson, 14 Iowa. 69. . ..Ixxxi, 453 Plummerv. Gheen, 3 Hawks, 66 xiv, 572 Plummer v. Lane, 4 Harr. & McH. 72 i, 3?5 Plummer v. Newdigate, 2 Duval, 1 Ixxxvii, 479 Plummer v. Rigdon, 73 Illinois, 222 20, 2G1 Plummer v. State, 4 Tex. Ct. App. 310 30, 163 Plymouth v. Painter, 17 Connecticut, 585 xliv, 574 Plymouth R. R, v. Colwell, 39 Penn. State, 337. .Ixxx, 526 Pochelu v. Kemper, 14 Louisiana An. 308 Ixxiv, 433 Pocock v. Redinger, 103 Indiana, 573 58, 71 Poev. Dorrah, 20 Alabama, 288 Ivi, 196 Poeppers v. Missouri, K. & T. R'y Co., 67 Mo. 715.20, 518 Pogue v. Joyner, 6 Arkansas, 241 xlii, 633 Poggensee v. Mut. F. L. & T. Ins. Co., 69 la. 157. .58, 215 Poindexter v. Henderson, Walker, 176 xii, 550 Poindexter v. McCannon, 1 Devereux's Eq. 373. .xviii, 531 Poindexter T. Waddy, 6 Munford, 418 viii, 740 Polack v. Mansfield, 44 California, 33 13, 151 Polack v. Pioche, 35 California, 416 xcv, 115 Poland v. Brownell, 131 Massachusetts, 133 41, 215 Poland T. Miller, 95 Indiana, 337 48,730 , Poland v. O'Connor, 1 Nebraska, 50 xciii. 32" Police Jury v. Haw, 2 Louisiana, 41 xx, 294 Polk v. Faris. 9 Yerger, 209 xxx, 400 Polkv. Frash. 61 Indiana, 2% 28,C69 Polk v. Gallant, 2 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 395 xxxiv, 410 Polk v. Plummer, 2 Humphreys, 500 xixvii, 5GG Polk v. Rose, 25 Maryland, 153 Ixxxix. 773 Polkv. Spinks. 5 Cold. 431 xcviii, 426 Polkv.State. 40 Arkansas, 4S2 48, 17 Polkv. State, 19 Indiana, 170 Ixxri, 332 Polk County v. Sypher, 17 Iowa, 358 Ixxx v, 563 Poll ads. State, 1 Hawks, 442 ix, G55 Pollard v. Lyman, 1 Day, 156 ii, 03 Pollard v. Lumpkin, 6 Grattan, 398 lii, 123 Pollard v. Phoenix Ins. Co., C3 Mississippi, 244. . . .56, SOo Pollardv. Shaaffer, 1 Dallas, 210 i, 239 Pollard v. Slaughter, 92 North Carolina, 72 53, 402 Pollard v. ^sears' Administrator, 28 Ala. 484 Ixv, 3C4 Pollard v. State, 53 Mississippi, 410 24, 703 Pollock v. Gantt, 69 Alabama, 373 44, 519 Pollockv. Gilbert, 16 Georgia, 398 Ix, 732 Pollock v. Helm, 54 Mississippi, 1 28, 312 Pollock v, Louisville, 13 Bush, 221 26, 260 Pollock v. Nat. Bank, 7 N. Y. (3 Selden), 274 Ivii, 520 Pollock v. Sullivan, 53 Vermont, 507 38, 702 Pollock v. TJ. S. M. A. Ass'n, 102 Penn. St. 230.. ..48, 204 Pollok ads. State, 4 Iredell's Law, 305 xlii, 140 Polo Manuf. Co. v. Parr, 8 Nebraska, 379 30, 830 Polsley v. Anderson, 7 West Virginia. 202 23, 613 Pomeroy v. Lambetb, 1 Iredell's Eq. 65 xxxvi, 33 Pomeroy v. Mills, 3 Vermont, 279 xxiii, 207 Pomeroy v. Rocky Mountain I. & S. Inst., 9 Colo- rado, 295 5ft, 144 Pomeroy v. State, 91 Indiana, 96 48, 146 Pomeroy v. Trim per, 8 Allen, 398 Ixxxv, 714 Pomeroy v. Winship, 12 Massachusetts, 513 vii, 91 Pomphret ads. Commonwealth, 137 Mass. 564 50, 3 :0 Pomroy v. Parmlee, 9 Iowa, 140 Ixxiv, 328 Pond v. Cooke, 45 Connecticut, 126 2!>, 663 Pond v. Gibson, 5 Allen. 10 Ixxxi, 724 Pond v. Negus, 3 Massachusetts, 230 Ui, 131 Ponder v. Moseley, 2 Florida, 207 xlviii, 194 Pons v. Kelley, 2 Haywood, 45 ii, C17 Pontalbav. Phoenix Ass. Co., 2 Rob. (La.) 131..xxxvii, 2C5 Pontchartrain R. R. Co. v. Paulding, 11 La. 41... xxx, 708 Poolv. Alger, 11 Gray, 489 Ixxi, 726 Pool v. Lewis, 41 Georgia, 162 5, 26 Pool v. McCrary, 1 Georgia, 319 xliv, C55 Poolv. Morris, 29 Georgia, 374 Ixxiv, 68 Pool v. Tuttle, 11 Maine, 4G8 xxvi, 553 Poole.In re, 2 McArthur. 533 2<),C28 Poolev.Cox, 9 bedell's Law, 69 xlix, 410 Poole v. Gerrard, G California, 71 Ixv, 481 Poolev. Hennessy, 39 Iowa, 102 18, 44 Poole v. Symonds, 1 New Hampshire, 289 viii, 71 Poolev. Tolleson, IMcCord, 199 x, 663 Pooley v. Whitmore, 10 Heisk. 629 27, 733 Poor v. Guilford, 10 New York (6 Selden), 273 Ixi, 749 Poorv. Humboldt Ins. Co., 125 Massachusetts, 271.28, 228 Poor v. Poor, 8 New Hampshire, 307 xxix, G~4 Poor ads. State, 4 Dev. & Bat. L. 384. sftiv, 387 Poore v. Price, 5 Leigh, 52 ixvii, 583 Poorman v. Kilgore, 26 Penn. State, 365 Lsvii, 24 Poonnan v. Mills, 35 California, 118 xcv, 90 Poormam v. Mills, 39 California, 345 2, 451 Pope v. Askew, 1 Iredell's Law, 16 xxxv, 729 Popev. Brandon, 2 Stewart, 401 xx, 49 Pope v. Burlington Sav. Bank, 56 Venront, 234. . .48, 731 Popev. Campbell, Hardin, 31 iii, 723 Pope v. Cole. 55 New York. 124 14, 198 Popev. Nance, Minor, 299 '. jii, 51 Popev. Nance, 1 Stewart, 354 iviii, 60 Popham v. Cole, 66 New York. 69 23, 22 Popkin v. Bumstead, 8 Massachusetts, 401 v, 113 Poposkey v. Munkivitz, 63 Wisconsin, 322 CO, 858 Poppen v. Holmes, 41 Illinois. 360 xcii, 186 Porschetv. Porschet, 82 Kentucky, 93 56, ?30 Port v. Russell, 36 Indiana. 60 10, 5 Porter v. Allen, 8 Indiana, 1 liv, 739 Porter v. Briggs, 33 Iowa. 1GG is, 27 Porter v. Bryne, 10 Indiana, 146 Ixsi, 305 Porter v. Chandler, 27 Minnesota. 301 38, 293 Porter v. Chicago etc. R. R. Co., 20 Illinois, 407..1xxi, 236 Porter v. Curry, 50 Illinois, 319 xcix, 520 Porter v. Elam, 25 California, 291 Ixixv. 133 Porterv. Foster, 20 Maine, 391 xxxvii, 59 Porter v. Haley, 5:> Mississippi, 66 SO, 503 Porter v. Hannibal & St. J. R. Co. , 71 Mo. 66 36, 451 Porter v. Henderson, 11 Michigan. 20 Ixxxii, 59 Porterv. Hill, 9 Massachusetts, 34 vi, 22 Porterv. Hooper, 13 Maine, 25 xxix, 430 Porter v. Jackson. 95 Indiana, 210 48, 704 Porter v. Liscom, 22 California, 430 Ixxxiii, 76 Porter v. Milwaukee, 19 Wis. 624 Ixxxviii, 711 Porterv. Noyes, 2 Greenleaf, 22 xj, 30 Porter v. Perkins, 5 Massachusetts, 233 iv, 52 Porter v. Pierce, 22 New Hampshire, 275 Iv, 151 Porter v. Purdy. 29 New York, 106 Ixxxvi, 283 Porter v. Robinson, 3 A. K. Marshall, 253 xiii, 153 Porterv. Rose, 12 Johnson, 209 vii, 306 Porter v. Seiler, 23 Penn. State, 424 Ldi,' 3-11 Porterv. Southern Ex. Co., 48. C. 135 16,762 Porter v. Williams, 9 N. Y. (5 Selden), 142 lix, 519 Porter v. Woods, 3 Humphreys, 56 xxxix, 153 Porter, Inhabitants of, v. Stunl, y, 47 Me. 515. ..Ixxiv, 501 Porter's Heirs v. Porter, 7 Howard (Miss.), 106 xl, 55 Porterfield v. Butler. 47 Mississippi. 165 12, 323 Portis v. Hill, 14 Texas, 69 lir, 99 Portisv. Hill. 30 Texas, 529 xcviii, 481 Portis v. Parker, STexas. 23 ]-. Portland v. Bangor, Co Maine, 120 20,681 149 TABLE OF CASES. For Pro Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Po--tbn IT. Richardson. 5i Maine. 46 Ixxxix, 720 Portland Bank v. Staeey, 4 Massachusetts, 661 iii, 253 Portlan 1 Bank v. Stubbs, 6 Massachusetts, 422 iv, 151 Portland R. R. R. Co. v. Inhab. of Deering, 73 Maine. G7 57, 7S4 Portland & W. V. R. R. Co. v. Portland. 14 OregDn, 1SS 58,299 Port Madison L. Co. v. Batavian BT, 71 la. 270. . .GO, 730 Portsmouth v. Donaldson, 32 Perm. State, 2C2. .Ixsii, 7S2 Port wood v. State. 29 Texas. 47 xciv, 253 Posey ads. Commonwealth, 4 Call, 109 ii, SCO Posey v. Garth, 7 Missouri, 94 xxxvii, 183 Posey ads. State, 17 Louisiana An. 252 Ixxxvii, 525 POSST. Western Ass. Co., 7 Lea, 704 40, 63 Post T. CarruaH, 2 Watts & S<:rg. 70 xxxvu, 4&4 Post v. Chicago & K. W. R. Co., 14 Neb. 110 45, 100 Post v. Hampshire M. F. I. Co., 12 Metcalf, 555 .xlvi, 702 Post v. Kearney, 2 New York (2 Comst), 334 11, SOS Post v. Losey, 111 Indiana, 75 CO, 677 Post v. Mason. 91 New York. 539 43, 639 Post v. Munn, 1 Southard, 61 vii, 570 Post v. Toledo. C. & St. L. R. R. Co., 114 Mas- sachusetts, 311 59, SO Postens v. Postens, 3 "Watts & Serg. 1S2 xxxviii. 7^2 Poston v. Gillespie, 5 Jones' Eq. 253 Ixxv, 437 Poston v. Jones, 2Iredeli's Eq. 350 xxxviii, 6S3 Pote's Appeal. 103 Perm. St. 574 51, 540 Potelte v. State. 9Baxt, 261 40, 90 Pott T. Nathans, 1 Watts & Serg. 155 xxxvii, 450 Potter v. Chicago etc. R'y Co., 20 Wis. 533 xci, 444 Potter v. Chicago etc. E'y Co., 21 Wis. 372 xciv, 548 Potter v. Cromwell, 40 New York, 287 c, 435 Potter v. Dillon, 7 Missouri, 223 xxxvii, 185 Potter v. Gracie. 53 Alabama, 303 29, 748 Potterv. Greene, 9 Gray, 309 Ixix, 290 Potter v. Hall, 3 Pickering, 353 xv, 226 Potter v. Lansing, 1 Johnson, 215 iii, 310 Potter v. Mayo, 3 Greenleaf. 31 xiv, 211 Potter v. Merchants' Bank, 28 New York, 641.1xxxvi, 273 Potter ads. People, 5 Michigan, 1 Ixxi, 763 Potter ads. State, 63 Missouri, 212 21 , 440 Potter v. Stephens M. Co. , 127 Mass. 592 34, 423 Potter v. Warner, 91 Perm. St. 332 36, 663 Potter v. Washburn, 13 Vermont, 553 xxxvii, 615 Pottmeyer ads. State, 33 Indiana, 402 5, 224 Potts v. Commonwealth, 4 J. J. Marshall, 202 xx, 213 Potis v. DowdaH, 3 Houst. 369 11, 757 Potts v. Gray, 3 Cold. 463 xci, 294 Potts v. House, 6 Georgia, 324 1, 323 Potts v. Imlay, 1 Southard, 330 vii, 693 Potts v. New York & X. E. R. Co., 131 Massa- chusetts, 455 4 1 , 247 Potts v. Rider, 3 Ohio, 70 xvii, 531 Potts T. Smith, 3 Rawle, 361 xxiv, 359 Potts ads. State, 4 Halsted, 26 xvii, 449 Poucherv. New York C. R. R. Co.. 49 N. Y. 233. .10, 3C4 Powell. Exparte, 73 Alabama. 517 49, 71 Powell v. Bagg, 8 Gray. 441 Ixix, 262 Powell v. Biddle, 2 Dallas, 70 Powellv. Board of Ed., 97 Illinois, 375 37, 123 Powell T. Cheshire, 70 Georgia, 337 48, 572 Powell v. Commonwealth, 11 1 Penn. St. 265 60, 350 Powell v. Clark, 5 Massachusetts, 355 iv, 67 Powell v. Deveaey, 3 dishing, 300 1, 733 Powell v. Gott, 13 Missouri, 433 liii. 153 Powell v. Inman, 8 Jones L. 436 Ixxsii, *2j Powell v. Matthis, 4 Iredell's Law, S3 xl, 427 v. Mills, 30 Mississippi, 231 Ixiv, 133 Powell T. North, 3 Indiana, 332 Ivi, 513 Powell v. Pennsylvania R. R..32P. St. 414 Ixsv, 504 Powellv. Powell. 5 Bush, 619 xcvi, 372 Powellv. Powell, 27 Georgia, 36 lxs::i. 721 Powellv. Powell. 13 Kansas. 371 2:5, 774 Powellv. Sims. 5 West Virginia, 1 } 13, 629 Powellv. Thomas, 7 Missouri, 440 xxx- Powell v. Waldron, 89 New York, K3 42, 331 Powellv. Williams, 14 Alabama, 476 xlviii, 105 Power v. Cassidy . 79 New York, 602 35, 550 Power v. Kindschl, 53 Wisconsin, 539 46,652 Power v. Ocean Ins. Co. 13 Louisiana, 28 xxxvi, 665 Power ads. Commonwealth, 7 Metcalf, 596 xli, 465 Powers v. Bears, 12 Wisconsin, 215 Ixiv; i I. 733 Powerav. Briggs, 79 Illinois. 493 23, 175 Powers v. Council Bluffs, 45 Iowa, 652 24, 792 Powers v. Davenport, 7 Blackford, 497 xliii, 100 Powers v. Douglass, 53 Vermont, 471 38, 693 Powers v. Guardian F. & L. I. Co. , 136 Mass. 108 . . 40, 2D Powersv. Harlow. 53 Michigan, 507 51, 134 Powers v. Kueckhoff, 41 Missouri, 425 xcvii, 231 Powersv. Shepard, 21 New Hampshire, 60 liii, 163 Powers v. Skinner, 34 Vermont, 274 Ixix, C77 Powers v. Southgate, 15 Vermont, 471 xl, 601 Powers ads. State. 10 Oregon, 145 45, 133 Powcshiek Co. v. Dennison, 36 Iowa, 244 14, 521 Pownal v. Taylor, 10 Leigh, 172 xxxiv, 723 Prairie F. Co. v. Taylcr, 69 Illinois, 440 18, 621 Prater v. Miller, 25 Alabama, 320 Prather v. City of Lexington, 13 B. Monroe, 559. . .Ivi, 5S5 Pratt v. Am. Bell TeL Co.. HI Mass. 225 55, 463 Pratt v. Bank of Bennington, 10 Vermont, 233.xxxiii, 201 Pratt v. Chase. 44 New York, 597 4, 713 Pratt v. Gardner, 2 Gushing, 63 xlviii, 652 Pratt v. Jones, 22 Vermont, 341 liv, 80 Pratt v. Langdon, 97 Massachusetts, 97 xciii, 61 Pratt v Morrow. 45 Missouri, 404. c, 381 Pratt v. New York Cent. Ins. Co. , 55 N. Y. 505. ... 14, 304 Pratt v. Phillips, 1 Sneed, 543 Ix, 163 Pratt v. Pierce, 33 Maine, 448 Iviii, 753 Pratt v. Short, 79 New York, 437 35, 531 Pratt v. State, 33 Ohio State, 514 35, 617 Pratt v. Taunton Copper Co. . 123 Mass. 110 25, 37 Pratt v. Thornton, 23 Maine, 355 xlviii, 402 Pratt v. Trustees of B. Soc'y. 93 Illinois, 475 .34, 1S7 Pratt v. Wright, 13 Grattan, 175 Ixvii, 767 Pratt ads. People ex reL Polhemus, 8 Cali- fornia. 165 Ixxxvii. 110 Pratteads. State, 8 Missouri, 286 xL 140 Pray v. Pierce, 7 Massachusetts, 381 v, 59 Pray v. Stebbins. 141 Massachusetts. 19 55, 462 Preble v. Longfellow, 48 Maine, 279 Ixxvii, 227 PregnaU v. Miller. 21 South Carolina, 335 53, 634 Prellv. McDonald, 7 Kansas. 426 12,423 Prendergast v. Prendergast, 16 La. An. 219 Ixxix, 575 Prentice v. Knickerbocker L. I. Co.. 77 N. Y. 4S3.33, 651 Prentis v. Commonwealth, SRandolph, 697 xvi, 732 Prentiss, Matter of, 7 Ohio, Pt. 2, 123 xxx. 2(3 Prentiss v. Bliss, 4 Vermont, 513 xxiv, 631 Preutiss v. Brewer, 17 Wisconsin, C35 Ixxxvi, 730 Prentiss v. Danielson, 5 Connecticut, 175 xiii, 52 Prentiss v. Shaw, 56 Maine. 427 xcvi, 475 Prentiss v. Sinclair, 5 Vermont, 149 xxvi, 2S3 Prescott v. Brown, 23 Maine, 305 xxxix, 623 Prescott v. Carr, 29 New Hampshire, 453 Ixi, 652 Prescott v. Fellows, 41 New York, 9 Ixxvii, 752 Prescott v. Locke, 51 New Hampshire. 91 12, 55 Prescott v. State, 19 Ohio State, 1S4 2, 333 Prescott v. Trueman, 4 Massachusetts, 627 iii, 249 Proscott v. Union Ins. Co., 1 Wharton, 339 xxs. 207 Prescott v. White, 21 Pickering, 341 xxxii, 266 Prescott v. Williams, 5 Metcalf, 429 xxxix, 688 Pre Pal TABLE OF CASES 150 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Prescott Bank v. Caverly, 7 Gray, 217 Ixvi, 473 Pres. B'k of Chillicothe v. Mayor, 7 Ohio, 31 xxx, 185 Pres't of Coml Bank v. French, 21 Pick. 486 xxxii, 280 Pres't of Connersville v. Wadleigh, 7 Black. 102... xli, 214 Pres't of Mt. Vernon T. Dusouchett, 2 Ind. 586. . ..liv, 467 Pres't of Natchez v. Minor, 9 Sm. & M. 544....xlviii, 727 Pres't and Corp. B'k of Mich. v. Niles, 1 Doug. 401 .xli, 575 President etc. v. Leonhardt, 66 Maryland, 70 50, 136 Presley v. Davis, 7 Richardson's Eq. 105 Ixii, 396 Pressler v. State, 13 Tex. Ct App. 52 53,333 Pressley v. Kemp, 1G South Carolina, 334 42, 635 Prestonv. Bowers, 13 Ohio State. 1 Ixxxii, 430 Preston T. Drew, 33 Maine, 538 liv, 639 Preston T. Hill. 50 California. 43 10,647 Preston v. Hull, 23 Gratt. 600 14,153 Preston T. Preston, 4 Grattan, 83 xlvii, 717 Preston v. Walker, 26 Iowa, 205 xcvi, 140 Preston T. Witherspoon, 109 Indiana, 457 58, 417 Preston v. Young, 46 Michigan, 103 41, 148 Prettyman v. Tazewell Co., 19 Illinois, 406 Ixxi, 230 Prewett v. Marsh, 1 Stewart i Porter, 17 xxi, 645 Prewittv. Garrett, 6 Alabama, 128 xli, 40 Pribble v. Kent, 10 Indiana, 325 Ixxi, 327 Price T. Alexander, 2 G. Greene, 427. lii, 526 Price T. Baker, 41 Indiana, 572 13,346 Price v. Campbell, 2 Call, 110 i, 535 Price v. Commonwealth, 33 Gratt. 819 36, 797 Price ads. Commonwealth, 10 Gray, 472 Ixxi, 668 Price T. Courtney, 87 Missouri, 387 56,453 PriceT. Cutts, 29 Georgia, 142 Ixxiv, 52 Pricev. DePeau, IBrevard, 452. ii, 680 Pricev. Furman, 27 Vermont, 268 Ixv, 194 Price v. Hartshorn, 44 New York, 94 4, 645 Price T. Jones, 105 Indiana, 543 55,230 Pricev. Junkin, 4\Vatts,85 xxvui, 685 Price T.Lewis, 17Penn. State, 51 Iv, 536 Price v. Lyons Bank, 33 New York, 55 lixrriii, 308 Pricev. McDonald, 1 Maryland, 403 liv, 657 Pricev. Mclver, 25 Texas, 769 lixviii, 558 Price v. Oswego & S. R'y Co., 50 New York, 213. . .10, 475 Pricev. Phoenix M. L. Ins. Co., 17 Minn. 497.... 10, 166 Price v. Poynter, 1 Bush, 387 Ixxxix, 631 Pricev. Price, Cheves'Eq. 167 xxxiv, 608 Price v. Price. 75 New York, 244 31, 4C3 Pricev. Ralston, 2 Dallas, 60 i, 260 Pricev. State, 36 Mississippi, 531 Ixxii, 195 Pricev. State, 18 Tex. Ct App. 474 51,322 Price ads. State, 12 Gill & J. 260 xxxrii, 81 Pricev. Taylor, 28 Penn. State, 95 Ixx, 105 Pricev. Towsey, 3Littell,423 xiv, 81 Pricev. Tyson, 3BlandCh.392 xxii, 279 Pricev. Watkins, 1 Dallas, 8 i, 222 Pricev. Wiley, 19 Texas, 142 Ixx, 323 Pride v. Boyce, Rice's Eq. 275 xxxiii, 78 Prichard v. Thompson, 95 New York, 76 47, 9 Prideaux v. Mineral Point, 43 Wisconsin, 5U 28, 558 Priiginv. Strickland, 8 Texas, 427 Mil, 124 Priest v. Chouteau, 85 Missouri, 398 55, 373 Priest v. Cone, 51 Vermont, 495 31 , 695 Priestv. Rice, 1 Pickering, 164 xi, 156 Priest v. Watkins, 2 Hill (X. Y. ), 225 xxxviii, 584 Priest v. Watson. 75 Missouri, 310 43, 409 Priester v. Priester, Rich Eq. Cases, 20 xviii, 191 Priestly v. Northern I. & C. R. R., 26 111. 205. . . .Ixxix, 369 Prince v. Boston & L R. Co.. 101 Mass 542. c. 129 Prince v. Case, 10 Connecticut, 375 xxvii, 675 Prince v. Com'l Bank of Columbus, 1 Ala. 241. .iniv, 773 Prince v. Hazleton, 20 Johnson, 503 xi, 307 Prince v. Lynch, 38 California, 523 xcix, 427 Prince v. Ocean Insurance Co., 40 Maine, 431... .liiii, 676 Prince v. Quincy, 105 Illinois, 133 44,785 Prince v. Skillin, 71 Maine, 361 36, 3C5 Princeton B'k v. Crozer, 2 Zabriskie, 383 liii, 254 Pringle v. Dunkley, 14 Smedes & M. 16 liii, 110 Pringlev. Dunn 37 Wisconsin, 449 19,772 Pringle v. Leverich. 97 New York, 181 40, 522 | Pringle v. McPhersou, 2 Brevard, 279 iii, 713 ' Pringlev. Rhame, 10 Richardson's L. 72 Ixvii, 569 Pringlev. Samuel, 1 Littell, 43. xiii, 214 Pringlev. Witten, 1 Bay, 256 i, 612 Printup v. Mitchell, 17 Georgia, 558 .Ixiii, 258 Printzv. People, 42 Michigan, 144 '.....36,437 Pritchard v. Brown, 4 New Hampshire, 397 xvii, 431 Pritchard v. Citizen's Bank, 8 La. 130 xrriii, 132 Pritchard v. Hewitt. 91 Missouri, 547 60.265 Pritchard v. Ho well, 1 Wisconsin, 131 Ix, 363 Pritchard v. Wallace, 4 Sneed, 405 Ixx, 254 Pritchett v. Mitchell, 17 Kansas. 355 22, 287 Pritchett v. State, 22 Alabama, 39 Iriii, 250 Pritchett v. State, 2 Sneed. 285 !xii, 468 Privettv Bickford. 26 Kansas. 52 40,301 Prizerads. State. 49 Iowa. 531 31, 155 Probate Court v. Strong, 27 Vermont, 202 Ixv, 190 Proctor v. Adams, 113 Massachusetts. 376 IS, 500 Proctorv. Ferebee, 1 Iredell's Eq. 143 xirvi, 34 Proctor v. Jennings, 6 Nevada, S3 3, 240 Proctor v. McCall, 2 Eafley, 298 xxiii, 135 Proctor v. Owens, 13 Indiana, 21 Ixxxi, 341 Proprietors v. Abbott, 14 New Hampshire, 157 xl, 184 Proprietors v. Day, 7 N. Hamp. 457 xxviii, 360 Proprietors v. Nashua etc. R. R., 104 Mass. 1 6, 181 Proprietors v. Newcomb, 7 Metcalf, 276. xxxix, 778 Proprietors v. Permit, 8 New Hampshire, 512 xxxi, 207 Proprietors v. Permit, 5 New Hampshire, 280 xx, 580 Proprietors Mexican Mill v. Yellow J. S. M. Co., 4 Nevada, 40 xcvii, 510 Piwser v. Leatherman, 4 Howard (Miss.) 237. . .xxxiv, 121 Prosser v. Luqueer, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 420 xl, 288 Prosser v. Warner, 47 Vermont, 667 10, 132 Protzman v. Indianapolis R. R., 9 Ind. 467 Ixviii, 650 Prouty v. Roberts, 6 Gushing, 19 lii, 761 Providence Bank v. Wilkinson, 4 R. I. 507 Ixx, 160 Providence Gas Co. v. Thurber, 2 R. I. 15 IT, C21 Providence v. Miller, 11 Rhode Island, 272 23, 453 Providence Institution etc. v. Boston, 101 Massa- chusetts, 575 3,407 Providence S. E. Co. v. Providence etc. 8. Co., 12 Rhode Island, 348 34,652 Providence Tool Co. v. Prader, 32 California, C34.xci, 598 Providence W. Ins. Co. v. Adler, 65 Md 162 57,314 Provis v. Cheves. 9 Rhode Isalnd. 53 xcviii, 367 Pruden v. Alden, 23 Pickering, 184 xxxiv, 51 Pruden v. Paxton, 79 North Carolina, 446 28, 333 Pruner v. Pendleton, 75 Virginia, 516 40, 733 Prutsmanv. Baker, 30 Wisconsin, 644 11,592 Pryor. In re. 18 Kansas, 72 26,747 Pryojv. Adams, 1 Call, 382 i, 533 Pryor v. Downey. 50 California, 338 19, 656 Pryorv. Stone, 19 Texas, 371 Ixx, 341 Puckett v. Smith, 5 Strobhart's Law, 26 liii, 686 Pueblo & A. V. R, Co. v. Taylor, 6 Colo. 1 45, 512 Puettv. Beard, 86 Indiana. 172 44,280 Puffer v. Orange, 122 Massachusetts, 389 23, 368 Pugh v. Bell, 2T. B. Monroe, 1C5 xv, 143 Pughv. Chesseldine, 11 Ohio, 109 xxxvii, 414 Pughv. Good, SWatts&Serg. 56 xxxvii, 5i4 Pugh ads. State, 2 Haywood, 55 ii, 621 Puitt v. Comm. of Gaston Co., 94 N. C. 709 55, 633 Pulcifer v. Page, 32 Maine, 404 liv, 582 Pullan v. State, 78 A'*h%, 31 56, 21 151 TABLE OF CASES. Pul Ram Roman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumss of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to Amer can Reports. Pulliam v. Burlingame, 81 Missouri. Ill 51,229 PuZliamv. Withers, SDana, 93 xxxiii, 479 Pullis v. Eobison, 73 Missouri, 201 3!>, 497 Pullman P. C. Co. v. Barker, 4 Colorado. 344 34, 89 Pullman P. C. Co. v. Bluhm, 109 Illinois, 20 50, 601 Pullman P. 0. Co. v. Rged, 73 Illinois, 125 30, 232 Pullman P. C. Co. v. Smith, 73 Illinois, 360 24, 253 Pullman P. C. Co. T. State, 64 Texas, 274 53, 753 Pullman P. C. Co. v. Taylor, 65 Indiana, 153 32, 5' Pumpelly v. Phelps, 40 New York, 59 c, 468 Pumphrey v. Mayor etc. of Baltimore, 47 Mary- land, 115 2S, 446 Punderson v. Brovrn, 1 Day, 93 ii, 53 Pupko v. Resolute Fire Ins. Co., 17 Wis. 373. . .Ixxxiv, 754 Purcell v. English, 86 Indiana, 31 44, 255 Purcell T. Goshorn, 17 Ohio, 1C5 xlix, 448 Purcell v. McCoinber, 11 Nebraska, 209 38, 366 Purcell v. McFarland, 1 Iredell's Law, 34 xxxv, 734 Purcell's Administrator v. Mather, 35 Ala. 570. .Irxvi, 307 Purchase ads. Commonwealth, 2 Pick. 521 xiii, 452 Purdy v. Comm'rsof Highways, 54 Is. Y. 276 13, 531 Purdy T. Huat.ngton, 42 New York, 331 1 , 532 Purdy T. Rochester P. Co., % New York, 372.... 48, 632 Purdy ads. State, 33 Wisconsin, 213 1 7 , 485 Purl v. Duvall, 5Harris& J. 69 is, 490 Purner v. Piercy, 40 Maryland, 212 II, 591 Purple v. Horton, 13 Wendell, 9 xxvii, 167 Parsley T. Hayes, 23 Iowa, 11 xcii, 353 Pursley v. Morrison, 7 Indiana, 356 Ixiii, 424 Purvis T. Tunno, 1 Brevard, 259 ii, 634 Purvis v. Wilson, 5 Jones' Law, 22 Ixir, 773 Pusey v. Adams, 5 B. Monroe, 334 xliv, 772 Putnam v. Bond, 100 Massachusetts, 58 1, 82 Putnam v. Broadway eta R. R Co., 55 New York, 103 14, 190 Putnam T. Crymes. 1 MoMullan'sL. 9 xxxvi, 250 Putnam v. Douglass Co., 6 Oregon. 373 25, 527 Putnam v. Farnham, 2-7 Wisconsin, 1S7 9, 459 Put am v. Fisher, C2 Vermont, 191 30, 7i'3 Putnam v. French, 53 Vermont, 402 38, 632 Putnam v. Home Ins Co. , 123 Mass. 324 25 , 93 Putnam v. Man, 3 Wendell, 202 xx, 636 Putnam v. Russell, 17 Vermont, 54 xKi, 473 Putnam ads. State, 13 South Carolina, 175 44, 5G3 Putnam v. Sullivan, 4 Massachusetts, 45 iii, 206 Putnam T. Wise, 1 Hill (N. Y.). 234 xxrvli, 3 Putnam T. Woo !, 3 Massachusetts, 431 iii, 17D Putnam v. Wyley, 8 Johnson, 432 v, 3J>3 Putney v. Day, 6 New Hampshire, 430 xxv, 470 Pylant v Reeves. 53 Alabama, 132 25, C95 Pyle v. Pennock, 2 Watts & Serg. 390 xxxvii, 517 Pynchon v. Stearns, 11 Metcalf, 301 xlv, 207 Pynchon v. Stearns, 11 Metcalf, 312 xlv, 210 Pyne v. Chicago, B. and Q. R. R. Co., 54 la, 223. .37, 193 Quackenbos v. Kingsland, 102 New York, 123 55, 771 Quackenbush v. Van Riper, 2 Green's Ch. 353. . .xxix, 716 Quaife v. Chicago and N. W. R. Co., 48 Wis. 513. .33, S21 Quarriery Peabodylns. Co., 10 W. Va. 507 27, 532 Quarl v. Abbett, 102 Indiana, 233 52, 6G2 Quarles v. Littlepage, 2 Hening & M. 400 iii, 637 Quarrel ads. State, 2 Bay, 150 i, 637 Quarry Co. v. Clements, 33 Ohio St. 537 43, 442 Quick v. Milligan, 103 Indiana, 419 58, 40 Quigley v. Central Pac. R. R. Co., 11 Nevada, 350.. 21, 757 Quigley v. Gorham, 5 California, 418 Ixlii, 133 Quigley T. McKee, 12 Oregon. 22 53, 320 Quigley T. Mexico Southern B'k, 80 Missouri. 239. .50, 503 Quimby v. Vanderbilt, 17 New York, 306 Ixxii, 400 Quin v. Sterne, 26 Georgia, 223 Ixxi. 204 Quincy v. Barker, SI Illinois, 300. 25, 273 Quincy v. Hall, 1 Pickering, 357 xi, rs Quincy v. Jones, 76 Illinois, 23L 2% C43 Quincy, City of, v. Warfield, 25 Illinois, 317 Ixxix, 330 Ouinebaug B'k v. Leavens, 20 Connecticut, 87 1, 272 Quinnv. Green, 1 Iredell's Eq. 229 xxxvi, 48 Quinn v. Hard, 43 Vermont, 375 5, 2; 1 Quinnv. Biggins, 63 Wisconsin, 6C4 .53,305 Quinnv. People, 71 New York, 561 27, 87 Quinnv. Power, 87 New York, 535 41,392 Quinn v. Shields, 62 Iowa, 129 49, i;i Quinn v. State, 35 Indiana, 435. 9, 754 Quintard v. Knoedler, 52 Connecticut, 435 55, 1 :3 Quintini v. Board of Aldermen. 64 Miss 4S3 60, G2 Quirk \. Holt, 99 Massachusetts, 164 .'. .xcvi, 7C5 Quitzowv. State, 1 Tex. Ct. App.47 28,303 Quynn v. Whetcrof t, 3 Harris McH. 133 i, 375 Rabassav. Orleans Nav. Co., 5 Louisiana, 461.... xxv, 230 Rabev. Fyler, 10 Smedes&M. 440 xlriii, 733 Race v. Oldridge, 90 Illinois, 250 32, 27 Racine v. Crotsenberg, 61 Wisconsin, 431 50, 149 Racine & M. R. R. Co. v. Farmers' L. & Trust Co., 49 Illinois. 331 xcv. 595 Radcliff v. Mayorof Brooklyt, 4 N. Y. 195 liii, 357 Rae ads. People, 66 California. 423 56, 102 Rafferty v. N. Brun. F. I. Co., 3Har. (N. J.)430rxrviii, 525 Rafferty v. People, 69 Illinois, 111 18, 601 Ragan v. Aiken, 9 Lea, 609 42,684 Rafland v. Morton, 41 Ala. 344 xc i, 513 Ragland v. Wood, 71 Alabama, 1 15 46, 305 Ragsdale v. Norwood, 33 Alabama, 21 Ixxix, 79 Ragsdale v. Williams, 8 Iredell's Law, 498 xlix, 406 Raht v. Attrill, 106 New York. 423 60, 456 Railey v. Porter, 32 Missouri, 471 Ixxxii, 141 Railroad v. Norton, 24 Penn. State, 465 Ixiv, 672 Railroad Comm'rs v. Portland & O. C. R. R. Co., C3 Maine, 2S9 18,208 Railroad Co. v. Carr, 33 Ohio State, 443 43, 423 Railroad Cn. v. Furnace Co., 37 Ohio St. 321 41,509 Railroad Co. v. Halloren, 53 Texas, 46 37, 741 Railroad Co. v. Shultz, 43 Ohio State, 270 54, 805 Railroad Co. ads. State, 24 West Virginia, 733 49, 290 Railroad Co. v. Walrath, 33 Ohio State, 461 43, 433 Railway Co. v. Hutchins, 32 Ohio State, 571 30, 629 Railway Co. v. Lawrence, 38 Ohio State, 41 43, 419 Railroad Co. v. Skinner, 19 Penn. State, 208 Ivii, 654 Railway Co. v. Spangle, 44 Ohio State. 471 58, 833 Railway Co. v. Staley. 42 Ohio State, 113 52, 74 Railway Co. v. Valleley, 32 Ohio State, 315. 30, 601 Rainbolt v. East, 56 Indiana. 538 26, 40 Rainbolt v. Eddy, 31 Iowa. 440 11,152 Raines v. Barker, 13 Grattan, 128 Ixvii, 7G2 Rainey v. Link, 3 Iredell's Law, 376 xl, 411 Rainey v. State, 8 Texas Ct. App. 62 34, 735 Rainey v. Yarborough, 2 Iredell's Eq. 249 xxxviii, 681 Rains v. Hays, 6 Lea, 303 40, 39 Rains v. McNairy, 4 Humphreys, 356 xl, 651 Rams v. Simpson, 50 Texas Ct. App. 495 32, 609 Rains v. St. Louis etc. R, Co.. 71 Missouri, 164. . .30, 459 Rainwater v. Durham, 2 Nott & McC. 524 x, 637 Raisin v. Clark. 41 Maryland, 153 20, 66 Elaisler v. Springer, 33 Alabama, 703 Ixxxii, 733 Raleigh, Corp. of, v. Dougherty, 3 Humph. IL.xxxix, 149 Ralph v. Chicago &N. R'y Co. 32 Wisconsin, 177.. 1 4, 725 Ralston v. Barclay, G Martin, 643 xii, 483 Halston v. Lahee, 8 Iowa, 17 Ixxiv, 291 Ralston v. Miller, 3 Randolph, 44 xv, 704 Ralston v. Wood, 15 Illinois, 159 Iviii, 604 Ramaley v. Leland, 43 New York. 533 3, 728 Rambler v. Tryon, 7 Serg. &R. 93 x, 444 Rambo v Metz, 5 Strobhart's Law, 103 liii, 694 Ram Rea 152 Roman letters [xlix] reter to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Rambo v. Wyatt's Adm'r, 32 Alabama, 3G3 Ixx, 511 Ramirez ads. People, 56CaL 533 38, 73 Ramot v. Schotenfels, 15 Iowa, 457 Ixxxiii. 425 Ramsayv. Bell, 3 Iredell's Eq. 209.. xlii. 163 Ramsay v. Brailsford, 2 Dcsaussure, 532 ii, 693 Ramsayv. Clark, 4 Humphreys, 241 xl, 645 Ramsayv. Gervais, 2 Bay. 115 1,635 Ramsay v. Joyce, 1 McMullan's Eq. 236 xxxvii, 5cO Ramsayv. Marsh, 2 McCord, 252 xiii, 717 Ramsden v. Boston & A. R. R. Co. . 104 Mass. 117. .6, 209 RamsdeU v. Edgarton, SMetcalf. 227 xli, 503 Ramsden v. Fuller, 23 Calif ornia, 37 Ixxxvii, 103 Ramsey's Appeal, 2 Watts, 223 xxvii, 331 Ramsey T*. McCauley, 9 Texas, 106 Iviii, 131 Ramsey T. Ramsey's Executor, 13 Grattan, 664.... Ixx, 433 Ramsey v. Stevenson, 5 Martin, 23 xii, 458 Ranahan v. O'Neale, 6GJ11& J. 298 xxvi, 57<3 Rand. Estate of. 61 California. 463 44, 555 Rand ads. Commonwealth, 7 Met. 475 xli, 455 Rand v. Hale, 3 West Virginia. 495 c, 761 Rand v. Hubbell. 115 Massachusetts. 461 15. 121 Rand v. Mather, 11 Gushing, 1 lix, 131 Rand v. North Carolina, 6* North Carolina, 194. . 6, 711 Rand v. Sargent, 23 Maine, 326 xxxix, 625 Rand ads. State, 51 New Hampshire. 361 12, 127 Randall v. Bacon, 49 Vermont, 20 34,100 Randall v. Chubb, 46 Michigan. 311 41,165 Randall v. Eastern R. R. Co, 106 Mass. 276 8,327 Randall v. ElwelL 52 New York. 521 11,747 Randall v. Johnson, 59 Mississippi, 317 42, 365 Randall v. Kehlor, 60 Maine, 37 11,169 Randall v. Marble. 69 Maine, 310 31,231 Randall v. N. W. TeL Co.. 54 Wisconsin, 110 41, 17 Randall v. Proprietors, 6 New Hamp. 147 xxv, 453 Randallv. Roche, 1 Vroom, 220 Ixxxii, 233 Randall v. Smith. 63 Maine. 105 18,200 Randall ads. State, 1 Strobhart's Law, 110 xlvii, 543 Randallv. Thornton, 43 Maine, 225 Ixix, 56 Randall v. Van Vechten, 19 Johnson, 60 x, 193 Randlette v. Judkins, 77 Maine, 114 5?, 747 Randolphv. Gwynne, 3 Halsted's Ch. 83 li, 265 Randolph v. Harris, 28 California. 561 Ixxxvii, 139 Randolphv. Perry, 2 Porter, 376 xxvii, 659 Randolph v. Ringgold, 10 Arkansas, 279 lii, 235 Randolphv. State, 82 Alabama, 527 GO, 761 Rands v. Redington, 13 New Hamp. 72 xxxviii, 475 Raney v. McRae, 14 Georgia, 589 xl, 660 Rankv. Hill, 2 Watts & Serg. 53 xxxvii, 483 Rankin v. Charless, 19 Missouri. 490 Ixi, 574 RanMnv. Darnell, 11 B. Monroe, 30 lii, 557 Rankin v. Goddard. 54 Maine. 28 Ixxxix, 713 Rankin T. Maxwell. 2 A. K. Marshall, 488 xii, 431 Rankin v. Memphis etc. Packet Co.. 9 Heisk. 564.. 24, 339 Rankin v. Merchants' & M. T. Co., 73 Ga. 229. ... .54, 874 Rankin v. Rankin, 36 Illinois, 293 Ixxxvii, 2'5 Rankin v. Sanders, 6 Howard (Miss.) 52 xxviii, 431 Rankin v. Simpson, 19 Penn. State, 471 Mi, 663 Rankin ads. State, 3 South Carolina, 438 1C, 737 Rankin's Heirs v. Raukin, 6 T. B. Monroe, 531 . .xvii, 161 Ranlet v. Cook, 44 New Hampshire, 512 Ixxxiv, 92 Ranlett v. Blodgett, 17 New Hampshire, 298 xliii, 603 Ransom v. Boal, 29 Iowa. 63 4,195 Ransom v. Chicago, St. P. M. & O. R'y Co. 62 Wis- consin, 173 51,718 Ransom v. Mack, 2 Hill (N. T.), 587 xxxviii, 602 Rape v. Heaton, 9 Wisconsin, 323 lnvi, 269 Rapelye v. Bailey, 3 Connecticut, 438 viii, 199 Rapelye v. Bailey, 5 Connecticut, 149 x lii, 4'J Rapelye v. Prince, 4 Hill (N. Y.), 119 xl, 267 Rapho & W. H. Townships v. Moore, 63 Pa. St. 401. 8, 202 Rapp v Phoenix las. Co., 113 Illinois, 390 55, 427 Rash ads State, 12 Iredale's Law, 332 Iv, 420 Rasorv. Quails, 4 Blackf ord, 2S6 xxx, 653 Rasurev Hart, 13 Kansas, 340 7G, 772 Ratcliff v. Bridger, 1 Robinson (La.), 57 xxivi, 633 Ratcliffe v. Anderson, 31 Gratt. 105. 31, 716 Rath ads. State, 12 Iredell's Law, 3S2 Iv, 430 Rathbone v. Neal, 4 Louisana An. 563 1, 579 Rathbun v. Citizens' S. Co., 76 N. Y. 376 32, 321 Ratliff v.Baldwin, 29 Indiana, 16 xcii, 330 Ratliffv. Ellis, 2 Iowa, 89 Ixiii, 471 Rauch v. Lloyd. 31 Penn. State, 358 Ixxii, 747 Rauschv. Moore, 48 Iowa, 611 30,412 Ravenswood v. Flemings. 22 West Virginia, 52 46, 485 Raver v. Webster, 3 Iowa, 502 Ixvi, 96 Rawdon v. Rapley, 14 Arkansas, 203 Iviii, 370 Rawlings v. Commonwealth, 1 Leigh, 581 xix, 757 Pvawlings v. Poindexter, 14 Smedes & M. 66 liii, 125 Rawls v. American M. L. Insurance Co., 27 New York, 282 Ixxxiv, 280 Rawls v. Doe ex dem. Kennedy, 23 Ala. 240 Iviii, 289 Rawson v. Holland, 59 New York, 611 18, 394 Rawson v. Inhabitants of School District No. 5, In TTxbridge, 7 Alien, 125 Ixxxiii, 670 Rawson v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 43 N. Y. 212. .. 8, 543 Rawson v. Taylor, 30 Ohio St. 339 27,464 Ray v. Adden, 50 New Hampshire, 82 9, 175 Ray v. Bank of Kentucky, 3 B. Monroe, 510 xxxix, 479 Rayv. Burbank. Cl Georgia. 505 34, 103 Rayv. City of Manchester, 46 N. H. 59 Ixxxviii. 192 Rayv. Hill, 3 Strobhart's Law, 297 xlix, 647 Rayv. McMurtry, 20 Indiana, 307 Ixxxiii. 322 Ray v. Roe, 2 Blackford, 253 x viii, 159 Ray v. Simmons, 11 Rhode Island, 266 23, 447 Rayv. State, 1 G. Green. 316 ,.xl viii, 379 Ray ads. State, 63 New Hampshire. 406 ~>&, 529 Ray ads. State, Rice's Law, 1 xxxiii, 90 Ray T. Sweeney, 14 Bush, 1 29, 388 Ray v. Thompson. 43 Alabama, 434 xciv . 696 Rayv. Thompson, 12 Gushing, 281 lix, 187 Ray v. Tubbs. 50 Vermont. 638 27,519 Ray v. Wight, 119 Massachusetts. 426 20, 333 Raymerv. Sun, 3 Harris & McH. 451 i, 379 Raymond v. Baar, 13 Serg. &R. 318 xv, 603 Raymond v. Bearnard, 12 Johnson, 274 vii, 317 Raymond v. City of Lowell, b Cushing, 524 liii, 57 Raymond v. Fish, 51 Connecticut, 80 50, 3 Raymond v Green, 12 Nebraska, 215 41, 763 Raymond v. Hillhouse, 45 Connecticut, 467 29, 638 Raymond v. Holborn. 23 Wisconsin, 57 xcix, 105 Raymond v. Leavitt. 46 Michigan, 447 41, 170 Raymond v. Roberts, 2 Aftena, 204 xvi, 698 Raymond v. Russell, 143 Massachusetts, 295 58, 137 Raymond v. Smith, 1 Metcalfe (Ky.), 65 Ixxi, 458 Raymond v. State, 54 Mississippi, 562 28, 382 Raynoldsv. Carter, 12 Leigh, 166 xxxvii, 642 Raynorv. Nims, 37 Michigan, 34 26,493 Raynsford v. Phelps. 43 Michigan, 3 12 38, 189 Eeav. Harrington. 58 Veimont.lSl 56, 561 Reav. McEachron, 13 Wendell, 465 xxviii, 471 Rea v. Simmons, 141 Massachusetts, 561 55, 493 Reav. Tucker, 51 Illinois, 110 xcix. 539 Read v. Amidon. 41 Vermont, 15 xcviii, 560 Read v. Bank of Kentucky, 1 T. B. Monroe, 91. ...xv, 86 Read v. Cambridge, 124 Massachusetts, 567 26, 690 Read v. Case, i Connecticut, 166 x, 110 Read v. Cramer. 1 Green'sCh. 277 xxxiv, 201 Read v. Cutts, 7 Greenleaf, 186 xxii, 184 Readv. Gaillard, 2Desaussure, 552 ii, 696 Read v. Marsh. 5 B. Monroe, 8 xli, 253 153 TABLE OF CASES. Kea TJei Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [19] to American Reports. Head v. McNulty, 12 Rich. 445 Ixxviii, 467 Rjal v. Payne, 3 Call, 225 ii. 550 Read v Spaulding, 30 New York, 630 Ixxxvi, 426 Readv. Staton, 3 Haywood, 159 is, 740 Read v. Tuttle, 35 Connecticut, 25 xcv, 215 Read v. Wilson, 22 Illinois, 377 Ixxiv, 159 Readev. Comm'l. Ins. Co., 3 Johnson, 352 iii, 495 Reade v. Livingston, 3 Johnson's Ch. 481 viii, 520 ReadSeld v. Shaver, 50 Maine, 36 Ixxix, 592 Reading v. Commonwealth, 11 Penn. State, 196.... li, 534 : v. Price, 3 J. J. Marshall, 61 xix, 162 Reading v. Weston, 7 Connecticut, 143 xviii, 89 Reading v. Weston, 8 Connecticut, 117 xx, 97 Reading Sav. Bank ads. Commonwealth, 133 Mas- sachusetts, 16 43, 495 Reading F. Ins. &T. Co., Appeal of, 113 Pennsyl- vania St. 204 57,448 Ready v. Iluebner, 46 Wisconsin, 792 32, 719 Real Estate Bank ads. State, 5 Arkansas, 595 xli, 109 Pveal Estate T. 0. v. Keech, 69 New York, 213. . . .23, 1-1 Ream v. Watkins, 27 Missouri, 516 Ixxii, 283 Reando v. Misplay. 90 Missouri, 251 50, 13 Reaper City Ins. Co. v. Brennan, 53 Illinois, 153. .11, 54 Reapers' Bank v. Willard, 24 Illinois, 433 Ixxvi, 755 Reardon v. San Francisco, 66 California, 492 56, 109 Rearich v. Swinehart, 11 Penn. State, 233 li, 540 Reaves v. Waterman, 2 Speers' Law, 187 xlii, 364 Rebhanv. Mueller, 111 Illinois, 313 55,869 Receivers Bank of New Brunswick v. Neilson, 3 Green's Law, 337 xxix, 691 Recht v. Kelly, 82 Illinois. 1 17 25, 301 Rector v. Collins. 43 Arkansas, 137 55, 571 Rector v. Hartt, 8 Missouri, 448 xli, 650 Rector v. M.irk, 1 Missouri, 233 xiii, 503 Rector v. Purdy, 1 Missouri, 186 xiii, 494 Rector v. Waugh, 17 Missouri, 13 Mi, 251 Rect :r etc. Christ P. E. Church v. Mack, 93 New York. 438 45,26) v. Bryan, 1 1 Maryland, 444 Ixxiv, 550 Reddick v. Jones, 6 IredeU's Law, 107 xliv, 68 I v. South Carolina R. R. Co., 3 South Carolina, 1 16,651 Kedflald v. Buck. 35 Connecticut, 323 XCT. 211 Redington v. Chise, 44 New Hampshire, 36 Ixxxii. 139 Redington v. Woods, 45 California, 403 13, 190 Eedemeer ads. State, 71 Missouri, 173 3G, 462 Redfield v. Holland, P. Ins. Co., 56 N. Y. 354 15, 424 Rsdick v. Woolworth, 17 Nebraska, 260 52, 410 Redinger ads. People, 55 California. 290 38, 32 Redlich v. Bauerlee, 98 Illinois, 134 38, 87 Redlichv. Doll, 51 New York, 234 13,573 Redlon v. Barker, 4 Kansas, 382 xcvi, 180 Redlon v. Churchill. 73 Maine, 146 40, 315 Rsdman v. Hartford F. Ins. Co.. 47 Wisconsin, 89.32, 751 Redmond v. Bowles, 5 Sneed, 547 Ixxiii, 153 Redmond v. Collins, 4 Devereux's, 430 xxvii, 203 Redmond v. Dickerson, 1 Stockton's Ch. 507 lix, 418 Redmond v. Liverpool, N. Y. &, Phila. S. Co., 46 New York. 573 7,390 Redmond v. Phoenix F. Ins. Co., 51 Wis. 293 37, 830 Redmond v. State, 36 Arkansas, 53 38, 24 Redpath v. Western U. TeL Co. . 112 Mass. 71 17, 69 Red River B. Co. v. Mayor, 1 Sneed, 176 Ix, 143 Red River R. Mills v. Wright, 30 Minn. 219 44, 194 Reecev. Allen, 5 Oilman, 236 xlviii, 336 Reed v. Austin, 9 Missouri, 722 xlv, 336 Reedv. Blaisdell, 16 New Hampshire, 194 xli, 722 Reed v. Buckley, 5 Watts & Serg. 517 xl, 531 Reed v. Bullock, Littell's S. C. 510 xii, 345 Reedv. Carter, 3 Blackford, 376 xxvi, 422 Reed ads. Commonwealth, 34 Penn. State, 275 . .Ixxv, 661 Reedv. Copeland, 53 Connecticut, 472 47, 663 Reed v. Cremer. Ill Pennsylvania State. 432 50, 295 Reed v. Crosthwait, 6 Iowa, 219 Ixxi, 406 Reed v. Emery, 8 Paige, 417 xxxv, 720 Reedv. Golden, 23 Kansas, 632 42,130 Reed v. Harper, 25 Iowa, 87 xcv, 774 Reed v. Home Sav. Bank, 133 Massachusetts 443. .3?, 463 Reedv. Lewis, 74 Indiana, 433 3!), S3 Reedv. Lukens. 44 Pennsylvania State, 200....1xxxiv.425 Reed v. Northfield, 13 Pickering. 94 xxiii, 662 Reed v. Pierce, 36 Maine, 435 Iviii, 761 Reed v. Prentiss, 1 New Hampshire, 174 viii, 50 Reed v. Pruyn, 7 Johnson, 426 v, 287 Reed v. Randall, 29 New York, 353 Ixxxvi, 305 Rx-d v. Reed, 3 Head, 491 Ixxv, 777 Reedv.Reed. 52 Michigan, 117 50,217 Reedv. Rice, 2 J. J. Marshall, 44 six, 122 Reed v. Richardson, 98 Marsachusetts, 216 xciii, 155 Reed v. Roark, 14 Texas, 329 Ixv, 127 Reed v. Roberts, 25 Georgia, 294 Ixxi, 21D Reed v. Samuels, 22 Texas, 114 Ixxiii, 2c3 Reed v. Shepardson, 2 Vermont, 120 xix. 097 Reedv. State, 8 Tex. Ct. App. 40 34,732 Reed v. State. 11 Tex. Ct. App. 509 40, 795 Reed ads. State, 35 Maine, 489 Iviii, 727 Reed ads. State, 39 Vermont, 417 xciv, 337 Reed v. Taylor, 32 Iowa. 209 7 , ISO Reed v. United States Ex. Co., 43 N. Y. 462 7, 531 Reed v. Upton, 10 Pickering, 522 xx, 545 Reed v. Vancleve, 3 Dutcher, 352 Ixxii, 3S9 Reed v. Van Ostrand, 1 Wendell, 424 xix, 9!9 Reedv. Vaughan, 15 Missouri, 137 Iv, 133 Reed v. Wheaton, 7 Paige's Ch. 6C3 xxxiv, 356 Reed v. Williams, 5 Sneed, 580 Ixxiii, 157 Eeeder v. Barr, 4 Ohio, 44G xxii, 762 Reeder v. Sayre, 70 New York, ISO 26, 537 Reelv. Reel, 1 Hawks, 243 ix, 632 Reels v. Knight, 8 Martin, N. S., 2G7 xix, 184 Reesv. Conococheague Bank, 5 Randolph, 326... xvi, 755 Rees v. Eames, 20 Illinois, 282 Ixxi, 267 Rees v. Jackson, 64 Pennsylvania State, 4CS 3, 633 Rses v. Lawless, Littell's S. C. 184 xii, 235 Rees v. Ludington, 13 Wisconsin, 276 Ixxx, 711 Rees v. Smith, 1 Ohio, 124 xiii, 599 Reese v. Bank of Commerce, 14 Maryland, 271. .Ixxiv, 538 Reese v. B'k Montgomery Co., 31 P. St. 78 Ixxii, 723 Reese v. Jared, 15 Indiana, 142 Ixxvii, 83 Reese v. Medlock, 27 Texas, 120 Ixxxiv, 611 Reese v. Reese, 90 Pennsylvania State, 89 35, 634 Reese v. Steamer Mary Foley, 6 La. An. 71 liv, 557 Reeside v. Knox, 2 Wharton, 233 xsx, 247 Reesides v. Reeside, 49 Penn. State, 322 Ixxxviii, 503 Reeves v. Booth, 2 Mill, 334 xii, C79 Reeves v. Delaware L.W.&R.R.. 30 P. St. 454.... Ixxii, 713 Reeves v. Dougherty, 7 Yerger, 222 xxvii, 496 Reevesv. Hogan, Cooke,174 v, 634 Reeves v. Sebern, 16 Iowa, 234 Ixxxv. 513 Ref. Prot. Dutch Church v. Mott, 7 Paige, 77. .xxxii, C13 Regan v. Baldwin, 126 Massachusetts, 4S5 30, 689 Reg'ts University v. Williams, 9 Gill & J. 365 xxxi, 72 Rehberg v. Mayor etc. of N. Y., 91 N. Y. 137 43, 657 Rehill v. McTaguc, 114 Pennsylvania State, 82. . . .60, 341 Reichart v. Castator, 5 Binney, 109 vi, 402 Reichert v. Geers, 93 Indiana, 73 49,736 Reich v. State, 53 Georgia, 73 21, 265 Reid v. Boyd, 13 Texas, 241 Ixv, 61 Reid v. Colcock, 1 Nott & McC. 592 ix, 729 Reid *. Edwards, 7 Porter, 508 xxxi, 720 Eaid v. Gray, 37 Penn. State, 505 Isxviii, 444 Rei Ric TABLE OF CASES. 154 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Reidv. Hood, 2 Nott & McC. 168 x.582 R Ml v. Payne, 13 Johnson, 213 viii, 311 Reidv. Reid, 2 Devereux's Law, 247 xviii, 573 Reidv. State. 53 Alabama. 402 25, 6-7 Reidv. Strider. 7 Grattan, 76 liv, 120 Reidads. State, 1 Alabama, 612 xxxv. 44 Reid ads. State. 1 Dev. & Bat L. 377 xxviii, 572 Reierr. Strauss, 54 Maryland, 273 33,390 Reif v. Paige. 55 Wisconsin, 496 42, 731 Reifsnyderv. Lee. 44 Iowa. 101 24,733 Reigartads. State, 1 Gill, 1 xxxix. 623 Reilly v. Franklin Ins. Co. of St. Louis, 43 Wis- consin, 449 28 , 552 Reilly ads. People, 50 Michigan, 334 45, 47 Reimer's Appeal, 100 Pennsylvania State, 182 15, 373 Reimer v. Stuber, 20 Penn. State, 453 lix, 74J Reindersv. Koppelmann, 63 Missouri. 4S2 30,802 Reinhartv. Miller, 22 Georgia, 402 Ixviii, 503 Reis v. Lawrence, 63 California, 129 49, S3 Reitenbach v. Reitenbach, 1 Rawle, 362 xviii, 633 Reitz v. Martin, 12 Indiana, 306 Ixxiv, C1D Relf v. Rapp, 3 Watts & Serg. 21 xxxvii, 523 Relfe v. McComb. 2 Head, 558 Ixxv, 743 Relfe v. Relfe, 34 Alabama, 500 Ixxiii, 437 Reliance L. Co. v. Western IT. TeL Co., 53 Texas, 394 44,620 Rembert v. State, 53 Alabama, 467 23, C33 Remelee v. Hall, 31 Vermont, 532 Ixxvi, 143 Remick v. Atkinson. 11 New Hampshire, 256. . .xxxv, 493 Remickv. Butterfield, 31 New Hamp. 70 Ixiv, 31G Remington v. Congdon, 2 Pickering, 310 xlii, 401 Bemsenv. Brinckerhoff, 26 Wendell, 325 xxxvii, 251 Rendellv. Harriman, 75 Maine, 497 46, 421 Reneauv. State, 2 Lea, 720 31, 626 Renfrov. Heard, 14 Alabama, 23 xlviii, 82 Renick v. Bank of West Union, 13 Ohio, 298 xlii, 203 Renick v. Boyd, 99 Pennsylvania St. 555 44, 124 Renihan v. Dennin, 103New York. 573 57, 77) Rennyson's Appeal. 94 Pennsylvania St 147 33, 777 Reno, Exparte, 63 Missouri, 263 27, 337 Renov. Hogan, 12 B. Monroe, 63 liv, 513 Rens. & Sar. R. R. Co. ads. People, 15 Wend. HS.xxx, 33 Republic Bank v. Carrington, 5 R. I. 515 Ixxiii, 83 Republican Valley R. R. Co. ads. State, 17 Ne- braska, 617 52,424 Requa v. Rochester, 45 New York, 129 6, 52 Rerickv. Kern, 14Serg. &R. 267 xvi, 497 Reserve Mut. Ins. Co. v. Kane. 81 Penn. St. 154..27, 741 Reskev. Reske, 51 Michigan, 511 47,531 Respublicav. Davis, 3 Yeates, 128 ii, 363 Respublicav. Dennie, 4 Yeates, 267 ii, 402 Respublicav. Newell, 3 Yeates, 407 ii, 331 Respublicav. Oswald. 1 Dallas, 319 i, 240 Respublicav. Passmore, 3 Yeates, 441 ii, 333 Ressequie v. Byera, 52 Wisconsin, 650 38, 775 Revalk v. Kraemer, 8 California, 66 Ixviii, 334 Revells ads. State, 34 Louisiana An. 381 44, 4^6 Revurev. Powell. 61 Georgia, 30 31, 94 Revolving Scraper Co. v. Tuttie, 61 Iowa. 423 47, 816 Rew v. Barker, 2 Cowen, 403 xiv, 515 Rey T. Toney, 24 Missouri, 600 Ixix, 444 Reybold v. Dodd's Adm'r, 1 Harrington, 401. .. .xxvi, 401 Reyhurn v. Brackett and Bassett. 2 TTan 227. .Ixxxiii, 457 Reynolds, Matter of, 8 Rhode Island, 435 5, 615 Reynolds v. Adams. 93 Illinois, 134 3'.', 13 Reynolds v. Cleveland, 4 Cowen, 282 xv, 369 Reynolds ads. Commonwealth, 14 Gray, 87 Ixxiv, 665 Reynolds ads. Commonwealth, 120 Mass. 190 21, 510 Reynolds v. Dechaums, 24 Texas, 174 Ixxvi, 101 Reyuoldsv. Ellis, 103 New York, 115 57, 701 Reynolds v. Fleming, 30 Kansas, 106 46, 86 Reynoldsv. French, 8 Vermont, 83 xxx, 456 Reynolds v. Harris, 14 California, 667 Ixxvi. 459 Reynolds v. Ingersoll, 11 Smedes & M. 249 xlix, 57 Reynolds v. McKinney, 4 Kansas, 94 Imix. 603 Reynolds v. McMullen, 55 Michigan. 563 54, 336 Reynoldsv. Moore, 9 Wendell, 35 xxiv, 116 Reynolds v. Mutual Fire Ins. Co., 34 Md. 230 6, 337 Reynolds v. Ocean Ins. Co., 22 Pickering, 191 .xxxiii, 727 Reynolds v. People, 83 Illinois, 479 25, 410 Reynolds v. Pool, 84 North Carolina. 37 37, 60 7 Reynolds v. Reynolds, 1 Speers' Law, 233 xl, 599 Reynoldsv. Robinson, 82New York, 103 37, 555 Reynolds v. Rowley, 3 Robinson (La.), 201 xxxviii, 233 Reynoldsv. Stansbury, 20 Ohio, 344 Iv, 459 Reynolds v. Toppan, 15 Massachusetts, 370 via, 110 Reynolds v. Tucker, 6 Ohio State, 516 Ixvii, 353 Reynoldsv. Vilas, 8 Wisconsin, 471 Ixxri, 238 Reynoldsv. Wilson, 15 Illinois, 394 Ix, 753 Reynolds v. Witte, 13 South Carolina, 5 36, 678 Rhame v. Rhame, 1 McCord's Ch. 197 xvi, 597 Rhawnv. Pearce, 110 Illinois, 350 51,691 Rhea v. Forsyth, 37 Penn. State, 503 Ixrriii, 441 Rhea v. Hughes, 1 Alabama, 219 xxxiv, 773 Rheinstrom v. Cone, 2-3 Wisconsin, 163 7, 48 Rhindv. Hyndman. 54 Maryland, 327 1 Rhine v. Evans. 63 Pennsylvania State. 192 5, 364 Rhinehartv. Lance, 14 Vroom, 311 33,592 Rhoades v. Blackiston. 106 Massachusetts, 331 8, 333. Rhoadsv. Gaul, 4 Rawle, 404 xxvii, 277 Ehoda v. Annis. 75 Maine. 17 46,354 Rhodes v. City of Cleveland, 10 Ohio, 159 xxxvi. 83 Rhodesv. Cousins, 6 Randolph, 188 xviii, 715 Rhodes v. Dunbar. 57 Penn. St. 274 xcviii. 221 Rhodesv. Ijames, 7 Alabama, 574 xlii, 604 Rhodes v. Leeds, 3 Stewart & Porter, 212 xxiv, 744 Rhodesv. Lindley, 3 Ohio, 51 xvii, 580 Rhodesv. McCormick, 4 Iowa, 308 Ixviii, 663 Rhodesv. Neal. 64 Georgia. 704 37, 93 Rhodesv. Otis, 33 Alabama, 578 Ixxiii, 439 Rhodes v. Risley, N. Chipman, 44 (1 D. Chipman, 52) .i, 696 Rhodes ads. State, PhilL L. 453 xcviii, 78 Rhodes v. Vinson, 9 Gill, 1G9 lii, 685 Rhodesv. Whitehead, 27 Texas. 304. Ixxxiv, 631 Rhymer's Appeal, 93 Pennsylvania State, 142 30, 736 Ricev. Austin. 19 Minnesota, 103 18, 330 Ricev. Barnard, 20 Vermont, 479 1, 54 Ricev. Boyer. 108 Indiana, 472 58, 53 Ricev. Bunce. 49 Missouri. 231 8,129 Rice ads. Burnett, 1 Speers' Eq. 579 xlii, 336 Ricev. Chase. 9 New Hampshire, 178 xxxii, 3!6 Rice v. Coolidge, 121 Massachusetts, 393 23, 279 Ricev. Courtis, 32 Vermont, 460 Ixxviii, 537 Rice v. Cutler, 17 Wisconsin, 351 Ixixi v. 747 Rice v. Evansville, 108 Indiana, 7 58, 22 Ricev. Gamhart, 31 Wisconsin, 453 17,448 Ricev. Gove, 22 Pickering. 153 xxxiii, 724 Rice v. Hart, 118 Massachusetts, 201 1!), 433 Rico v. King Phillip Mills. 144 Massachusetts, 229.5!), SO Rice v. Manley. 66 New York, 82 23, 30 Rice v. Maxwell, 13 Smedes&M.289 liii. 85 Ricev. Nickerson, 9 Allen. 478 Ixxiv, 777 Rice v. Nixon, 97 Indiana. 97 49, 430 Rice v. Ragland, 10 Humphreys, 545 liii 737 Ricev. Railroad Co.. 32 Ohio State, 330 30,610 Rice v. Roberts, 24 Wisconsin. 461 1, 195 Ricev. Shook. 27 Arkansas. 137 11,733 Rice v. Simmons, 2 Harrington (Del.), 417 xxxi, 766 Rice v. Spotswood, 6 T. B. Monroe, 40 xvii, 115 Rice v. Stearns, 3 Massachusetts, 225 iii. 129 155 TABLE OF CASES. Ric Bin Roman letters [ills] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Rice v. Tavemier, 8 Minnesota, 248 Ixixiii, 778 Rice v. Thayer, 105 Massachusetts, 258 7, 516 Rice v. Township of Sidney, 44 Michigan, 37 38, 227 Rice v. Wilburn, 31 Arkansas, 108 2">, 5 19 Rice T. Wood, 113 Massachusetts, 133 18, 459 Rich v. Bolton, 46 Vermont, 84 14, 615 Rich v. Johnson, 2 Pinney, 88 (1 Chand. 19) lii, 144 Rich v. Marsh, 4 Iredell's Eq. 396 xiv, 520 Rich v State Xat. Bank, 7 Nebraska, 201 29, 332 Rich v. Zeilsdorff, 22 Wisconsin, 544 xcix, 81 Richard v. Bent, 59 Illinois, 33 14, 1 Richard T. Brehm, 73 Pennsylvania St. 140 13,733 Richard's Appeal, 57 Penn. St. 105 xcviii, 202 Richards ads. Commonwealth, 13 Pick. 434 xxix, 608 : Richardsv. Doyle, 38 Ohio St. 37 38, 550 Richards v. Fuqua, 23 Mirsissippi, 732 Ixiv, 121 Richards v. Griggs, 10 Missouri, 416 Ivii, 240 Richards v. Grinnell, 03 Iowa, 44 50, 727 Richards v. Hubbard, 59 New Hamp hire, 158. . . .47, 183 Richards v. Hunt, G Vermont, 251 xxvii, 545 Richards v. Iowa Homestead Co., 44 Iowa, 304 24, 745 Richards v. Jackson, 31 Maryland, 230 1, 49 Richards v. Learning, 7 Illinois, 431 Ixzxi, 239 Richards v. McMillan, 6 California, 419 Ixv, 521 Richards v. Meeks, 11 Humphreys, 455 liv, 49 Richards ads. People, 67 California, 412 5G, 716 Richards ads. People, 1 Michigan, 210 li, 75 EL'.iards v. Raymond, 92 Illinois, 612 34, 151 Rlcharlson v. Eorden, 42 Mississippi, 71 2, 595 Richardson v. Boyutou, 12 Allen, 138 xc, 141 Richardson v. Bricker, 7 Colorado, 58 49,344 Richardson T. Buswell, 10 Metcalf, 506 xliii, 450 Richardson v. Cambridge, 2 Allen, 118 Ixxix, 707 Richardson v. Carr, 1 Harrington, 142 xxv, 65 Richardson v. Chickering, 41 New York, 381 . . .Ixxvii, 7G9 Richardson v. Clements, 89 Penn. St. 503 33, 7S4 Richardson ads. Commonwealth, 12G Mass. 34 30, 074 Richardson v. Cook, 37 Vermont, 599 Ixxxviii. C22 Richardson v. Copeland, 6 Gray, 535 Ixvi, 424 Richardson v. Eagle M. Works, 73 Indiana, 422. . . .41, 534 Richardson v. Emerson, 3 Wisconsin, 319 Ixii, 094 Richardson v. Farmer, 35 Missouri. 35 Ixxxviii, 129 Richardson v. Hobart, 1 Stewart, 500 xviii, 70 Richardson v. Hughitt, 76 New York, 55 32, 267 Richardson v. Johnson, 41 Wisconsin, 100 22, 712 Richardson v. Jones, 3 Gill & Johnson, 163 xxii, 293 Richardson v. Kier, 34 California, 63 xci, 681 Richardson v. Learitt, 1 Louisiana An. 439 xlv, 90 Richardson v. Maine Ins. Co, 6 Mass. 102 iv, 92 Richardson v. Maine Ins. Co., 45 Maine, 394....1xxiv, 459 Richardson v. Marqueze, 53 Mississippi, SO 42, 353 Richardson v. McKinson, Littell's S. C. 320 xii, 308 Richardson v. Noyes, 2 Massachusetts, 56 iii, 24 Richardson v. Pate, 93 Indiana, 423 47, 374 Richar 1 son v. Reed, 4 Gray, 441 Ixiv, 77 Richardson v. Rice, 9 Baxt. 290 40, 92 Richardson v. Rich, 104 Massachusetts, 156 6, 210 Richardson v. Richardson, 75 Maine, 570 40, 428 Richardson v. Richardson. 6 Ohio, 125 xxv, 745 Richardson v. Richardson, 4 Porter, 467 xxx, 533 Richardson v. Sibley, 11 Allen, 65 Ixxxvii, 700 Richardson v. Snider, 72 Indiana, 425 .37, 163 Richardson v. St. Joseph I. Co., 5 Blackf. 146. . .xxxiii, 400 Richardson ads. State, 38 New Hamp. 208 Ixxv, 173 Richardson T. Strong, 13 Iredell's Law, 106 Iv, 430 Richardson v. Thomas, 13 Gray, 381 Ixxiv, 636 Richardson v. Tobey, 121 Massachusetts, 457 23, 283 Richardson v. Vermont Central R. R., 25 Vt. 465. . .lx, 283 Richardson v. Wyman, 62 Maine, 280 1C, 459 Richartv. Scott. 7 Watts, 460 xxxii, 779 Richeson v. Ryan, 14 Illinois, 74 llvi, 493 Richie ads. State, 28 La. An. 327 26, 100 Richmond v. Crudup, Meigs, 581 xxxiii, 164 Richmond v. Moore, 107 Illinois, 429 47, 445 Richmond & D. R. Co. v. Anderson, SIGratt. 812.31, 750 Richmond & D. R. Co. v. Medley, 75 Va. 499. 40, 734 Richmond, Duke of, v. Milne, 17 La. 312 xxxvi, 613 Richmond etc. R. R. Co. v. Snead, 19 Gratt. 354. ...c, 670 Richmond etc. R. R. Co. ads. State, 73 North Carolina, 527 21,473 Richmond F. & P. R. R. Co. v. Ashby, 79 Va. 130.52, 620 Richmond Man. Co. v. Atlantic DeLaine Co., 10 Rhode Island, 106 14,658 Rickenbacker v. Zimmerman, 10 S. C. 110 30, 37 Ricker v. Charter Oak L. Ins. Co., 27 Minn. 193. . .38, 239 Ricker v. Cross, 5 New Hampshire, 570 xxii, 480 Ricker v. Freeman, 50 New Hampshire, 420 9, 287 Rickerv. Kelly, 1 Greenleaf, 117 x, 38 Rickets v. Dickens, 1 Murphey, 343 iv, 555 Rickets v. Livingston, 2 Johnson's Cases, 97 i, 158 Rickettsv. Sisson, 9 Dana, 358 xxxv, 141 Ricketts v. Unangst, 15 Penn. State, 90 h'ii, 572 Ridabockr. Levy, 8 Paige, 197 xxxv, 682 Riddle v. Brown, 20 Alabama, 412 Ivi, 202 Riddle v. Dison, 2 Penn. State, 372 xliv, 207 Riddle v. Gage, 37 New Hampshire, 519 Ixrv, 151 Riddle v. Littlefield, 53 New Hampshire, 503 1C, 338 Riddle v. Proprietors, 7 Massachusetts, 169 v, 33 Riddle v. Stevens, 32 Connecticut, 378 Ixxxvii, 181 Rider v. Gray, 10 Maryland, 282 Ixix, 135 Rider v. Kelley, 32 Vermont, 268 Ixxvi, 176 Rider v. Nelson and A U. F., 7 Leigh, 54 TTT, 455 Rider v. White, 65 New York, 54 22,600 Ridgely v. Iglehart, 6 Gill & Johnson, 43. xxv, 322 Ridgely ads. State, 2 Harris & McII. 120 i, 372 Ridgeway, Budd & Co.'s Appeal, 15 Pa. St. 177. . .liii, 586 Ridgeway v. Potter, 114 Illinois. 457 55, 875 Ridgway v. Fanners' Bank, 12 Serg. & R. 256 xiv, 681 Ridgway v. Ingram, 50 Indiana, 145 19, 706 Ridgway v. Masting. 23 Ohio State, 294 13, 251 Rifev. Geyer, 59 Penn. St. 393 xcviii, 351 Riggv. Cook, 4Gilman, 336 xlvi, 462 Riggv. Wilton, 13 Illinois, 15 liv, 419 Riggan v. Green, 80 North Carolina, 236 30, 77 Riggiu v. Patapsco Ins. Co., 7 Harris & J. 279 xvi, 302 Riggsads. Commonwealth, 14 Gray, 376 Ixxvii, 333 Riggs v. Denniston, 3 Johnson's Cases, 138 ii, 145 Riggs v. Dickinson, 2 Scammon, 437 xxxv, 113 Riggs v. Horde, 25 Texas Supp. 456 Ixrviii, 584 Riggs v. Martin, 5 Arkansas, 536 xli, 103 Riggs v. Riggs, 135 Massachusetts, 233 46, 464 Riggsv. Roberts, 85 North Carolina, 151 39,692 Riggs v. State, 3 Cold. 85 xci, 272 Riggsv. "Waldo, 2 California, 485 Ivi, 356 Rigs v. Cage, 2 Humphreys, 350 .*. xxrvii, 559 Riker v. Hooper, 35 Vermont, 457 Ixxxii, 646 Riker v. Sprague Man. Co., 14 Rhode Island, 402. .51, 413 Riley v. City of Louisville, 2 Louisiana An. 965. . .xlvi, 560 Riley v. Griffin, 16 Georgia, 141 lx, 726 Riley v. Jameson, 3 New Hampshire, 23 xiv, 325 Riley v. Quigley, 50 Illinois, 304 xcix, 516 Riley v. Riley, 3Day, 74. iil, 260 Rileyv. State Line S. Co., 29 La. An. 791. 29,249 Riley v. Whittiker, 49 New Hampshire, 145 6, 474 Rimer v. Dugan, 39 Mississippi, 477 Ixxvii, 687 Rinchey v. Stryker, 23 New York, 45 Ixxxiv, 324 Rindge v. Baker, 57 New York, 209 15, 475 Rindskoff v. Malone, 9 Iowa, 540 Ixxiv, 367 Rindskopf v. De Ruyter, 36 Michigan, 1 33, 340 Rinehart v. Bills, 82 Missouri, 534 52,385 Bin Rob TABLE OF CASES. 156 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Eineyv. Hill, 14 Missouri. 500 IT. 119 Eingv. Burt, 17 Michigan. 465 xcvii, 200 Eingv. Cohoes, 77 New York, 83 33,574 Ring T. Xeale. 11 1 Massachusetts. Ill 19, 316 Einggold v. Barley, 5 Miry laud, 186 lix, 107 Eins^oU v. RuiKgold, 1 Harris & G. 1L xviii. 250 Rion v. Gilly, 6Martin,417 xii, 483 Eior Jon v. Davis, 9 Louisiana, 239 xxis, 442 Ripka v. Pope, 5 Louisi.-.na An. 61 lii. 579 Ripka v. Sergeant, 7 Watts & Serg. 9 xiii, 214 Ripley v. ^Etna Insurance Co., 30 N. Y. 136. ..Ixxxvi, 362 Bipley v. Berry, 5 Greenleaf, 24 xvii, 201 Ripley v. Crooker, 47 Maine, 370 Ixxiv, 431 Ripley v. Davis, 15 Michigan, 75 xc, 262 Ripley v. Gelston, 9 Johnson, 20L vi, 271 Ripley v. Severance, 6 Pickering, 474 xvii, 397 Eippey v. Miller, 1 Jones' Law, 479 Ixii, 177 Risk's Appeal, 52 Penn. St. 269 xci, 156 Eiser v. Snoddy, 7 Indiana, 442. Ixv, 740 Eisherv. Roush, 2 Missouri, 95 xxii, 442 Eisley v. Phoenix Bank, 3 New York, 313 38, 421 Eison v. Farr, 24 Arkansas, 161 Ixxxvii, 52 Eitdiiev. Moore, 5 Munf ord, 388 vii, 6S3 Eitchiev. Sweet, 32 Texas. 333 5,245 Eitgerv. Parker, 8 Gushing, 145 liv, 744 Ritteuhouso v. Amm -nnan, 61 Missouri, 197 27, 215 Eittenhouse T. Independent Line of TeL, 44 New York, 263 4,673 Eitt, C70 Robertsv. Jacks, 31 Arkansas, 597 Roberts T. Jenkins, 21 New Hampshire, 116 liii, 169 Roberts T. Lane, 64 Maine, 103 18, 212 Roberts T. Lisenbee, 80 North Carolina. 436 11, 450 Roberts v. Marston, 20 Maine, 275 xxxvii, 52 Roberts v. McCarty, 9 Indiana, 16 Ix Robertsv. McLean. 16 Vermont. 608 xiii. 529. Roberts v. McNeely, 7 Jones' Law, 506 Ixxviii, 261 Roberts v. Ogle, 30 Illinois, 459 Ixxxiii, 201 Roberts v. Roberts, 13 Grattan, 639 Ixx, 435 Roberts v. Riley, 15 Louisiana An. 103 Ixxvii, 183 Robertsv. Roberts, 2McCord,268 xiii, 721 Robertsv. Robertson, 53 Vermont, 690 38,710 Robertsv. Rogers, 28 Mississippi, 152 Ixi, 42 Robertsv. Smith, 64 Texas, 94 53, 714 Roberts v. Smith. 58 Vermont, 492. 56, C67 Robertsv. Stanton, 2 Munf ord, 129 v, 4C3 Robertsv. State, HGeorgia, 8 1- Robertsv. State, 14 Missouri, 138 Iv, 97 Roberts ads. State, 7 Halsted, 114 xxi, 62 Roberts ads. State, 1 Hawks, 349 ix, 643 obertsads. State, 63 Missouri, 234 30,738 Roberts ads. State. 59 New Hampshire. 256 -17, 199 Roberts v. Strang, Adriance & Co., 38 Ala. 566. .Ixxxii, 72 J Robertsv. Swift, 1 Yeates, 200 i, 235 Roberts v. Thompson, 14 Ohio State, 1 lixxii, 4C5 Robertsv. Thorn, 25 Texas, 723 Ixxviii, 553 Robertsv. Trawick, 17 Alabama, 55 Roberts v. Turner, 12 Johnson, 232 rii, 311 Roberts v. Wiggin, 1 New Hampshire, 73 viii, 38 Robrets v. Williams, 5 Wharton, 170 xxxiv, C4J Robertson v. American H. Ass'n, 10 Md. 337 lx;x, 145 Robertson T. Berry. 53 Maryland, 591 33, 323 Robertson v. Coleman. Ill Massachusetts, 231 55, 471 Robertson v. Crane, 27 Mississippi, 362 Ixi, C23 Robertson v. Dodge, 23 Illinois, 101 Ixxxi, 207 Robertson v. Dunn, 2 Murphey, 133 v, 525 Robertson v. Kennedy, 2 Dana, 430 xxvi, 466 Robertson v. Pope, 1 Richardson's Law, 501 xiir, 267 Robertson v. Robinson, 65 Alabama, 610 39, 17 Robertson v. Robertson, 2 B. Monroe, 235 xxxviii, 143 Robertson v. Smith, 11 Texas, 211 Ix, 234 Robertson v. Smith, 18 Johnson, 459 is, 227 Robertson v. Smith, lattell's S. C. 296 xii, 334 Robertson ads. State. 33 La. An. 613 58, 201 Robertson v. State. 2 Lea, 239 31, 603 Robertson v. United Ins. Co., 2 Johnson's Cas. 253. .i, 106 Robertson v. Western M. & F. I. Co., 19 La. 227.xxxvi, 673 Robertson v. Wood, 15 Texas, 1 Ixv. 140 Robertson v. Terre Haute & L R. Co., 78 Indi- ana. 77 41,552 Robesonv. French, 12 Metcalf, 24 xlv, 236 Robeson v. Pittenger, 1 Green's Ch. 57 xxxii, 412 Robeson v. Roberts. 20 Indiana. 155 Ixxxui, 308 Robie v. Briggs, 59 Vermont, 413 59,737 Robinius v. Lister. 30 Indiana, 142 xcv, 674 Robins T. McClure. 100 New York, 328 53, 134 Robinson's Case. 131 Massachusetts, 376 41, 239 Robinson, Exparte,12 Nevada, 263 28,794 Robinson v. Adams, 62 Maine. 3*.9 16, 473 Robinson v. Ames, 20 Johnson, 146 xi, 259 Robinson v. Baker, 5 Gushing, 137 li, 54 157 TABLE OF CASES. Kob Rogr Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Robinson v. Barnett, 18 Florida, 602 43, 327 Robinson T. Bamett, 13 Florida, 670 45, 24 Robinson v. Blask Diamond Coal Co., 57 Cali- fornia, -112 40,113 Robinson v. Blakeley, 4 Richardson's Law, 585 Iv, 703 Robinson v. Chamberlain, 31 New York. 389 xc, 713 Robinson v. Charleston, 2 Richardson's Law, 317. xlv, 739 Robinson v. Clark, 7 Jones' L. 562 Ixxviii, 233 Robinson v. Collier, 11 B. Monroe, 332 Hi, 572 Robinson v. Cone, 22 Vermont, 213 liv, 67 Robinson y. Crowder, 4 McCord, 519 xvii. 7:2 Robinson T. Dart's Ex'rs, Dudleys Eq. 123 xxxi, 569 Robinson v. Davis, 3 Stockton's Ch. 332 Iris, 591 Robinson v. Duvall, 79 Kentucky, 83 42,203 Robinson v. Evansville, 87 Indiana, 334 44, 770 Robinson T. Frost, 54 Vermont, 105 41,835 Robinson v. Garth, 6 Alabama, 204 xli, 47 Robinson v. Georges Ins. Co., 17 Maine, 131 xxxv, 239 Robinson v. Greenville, 42 Ohio St. 623 51 , 857 Robinson v. Hamilton, 60 Iowa, 134 46, 63 Robinson v. Harbour, 42 Mississippi, 795 xcvii, 501 Robinson v. Harbour, 42 Mississippi, 797 2, 671 Robinson v. Holt, 33 New Hampshire, 557 Ixxv, 233 Robinson v. Huffman, 15 B. Monroe, 80 Ixi, 177 Robinson v. Hurley, 11 Iowa, 410 .-Ixxix, 437 Robinson v. Hutchinson, 23 Vermont, 33 Ix, 2,13 Robinson v. International L. A. Soc., 42 N. Y. 54. . 1, 400 Robinson v. Jones, 8 Massachusetts, 533 v, 114 Robinson v. Justice, 2 Penrose & Watts, 19 xxi, 437 Robinson v. Kanawha V. Bk. 44 Ohio St. 411 58, 829 Robinson v. Lyman, 11 Connecticut, 30 xxv, 52 Robinson v. Magee, 9 California, 81 Ixx, 633 Robinson v. Mayor of Franklin, 1 Humph. 156.ro.iv, C25 Ro'oinson v. McDonald, 11 Tens, 385 Ixii, 4S3 Robinson v. Nat. Bank, 81 New York, 3S5 37, 503 Robinson v. New York Cent. etc. R. R. Co., 66 New York, 11 23, 1 Robinson v. Parker, 3 Smedes & M. 114 xli, 614 Robinson v. Perry & Martin, 21 Georgia, 133 . . .Ixviii, 453 Robinson v. Pittsburgh & C. R. Co., 32 Pa. St. 334.1xxii, 792 Robinson v. Randolph, 21 Florida, 629 58, G92 Robinson v. Reynolds, 1 Aikens, 174 xv, 673 Robinson v. Ring, 72 Maine, 143 30, 303 Robinson v. Robinson, 9 Gray, 417 Ixix, 331 Robinson v. Sherman, 2 Grattan, 173 xliv, 381 Robinson v. Smith, 3 Paige Ch. 222 xxiv, 212 Robinson v. State, 1 CoUwell, 120 Ixxviii, 437 Robinson v. State, 53 Maryland, 151 36, 393 Robinson v. State, 11 Tex. Ct. App. 403 40, 733 Robinson ads. State, 3 Dev. & Bat. L. 133 rcrii, 631 Robinson als. State. 23 West Virginia, 713 43, 799 Robinson v. Ward, 8 Johnson, 83 v, 327 Robinson v. Wilson, 13 Kansas, 593 22,272 Robinson v. Wilson, 22 Vermont, 35 lii, 77 Robinson v. Woelpper, 1 Wharton, 173 xxix, 44 Robion v. Walk.r, 82 Kentucky, 63 55, 873 Robson v. Miller. 12 South Carolina. 533 32, 513 Robson v. Swart, 11 Minnesota, 371 c, 238 Roby v. Labuzan, 21 Alabama, 6-3 M, 237 Roby ads. People, 52 Michigan, 577 50, 270 Roby v. West, 4 New Hampshire, 235 xvii, 423 Roche v. Brooklyn City & N. R. R. Co., 105 New York. 231 59,506 Roche v. Ware, 71 California, 375 60,539 Roche v. Washington, 19 Indiana, 53 Ixxxi, 376 Rocheblave v. Potter, 1 Missouri, 561 xiv, 303 Rochester Bank v. Jones, 4 N. Y. (4 Comst.), 497. . .Iv, 230 Rochester Bank v. Monteath, 1 Denio, 402 xliii, CS1 Rochester, Town of, v. Alfred Bank. 13 Wis. 432.1xxx, 746 Rochester v. Randall, 105 Massachusetts, 295. 8, 519 Rochester W. L. Co. v. Rochester. 3 N. Y. 463 liii, 316 Rockafellow v. Baker, 41 Perm. State, 319 Ixxx, C24 Rockingham M. F. I. Co. v. Bosher, 39 Me. 253. . .Ixiii, 618 Rockford, R. L etc. R. Co. v. Delaney, S2 EL 198. .25, 308 Rockford, R. L & St. L. R. R. Co. v. Sage, 65 Illi- nois, 323 18,537 Rockford v. Tripp, S3 Illinois, 247 25,331 Rockhill v. Spraggs, 9 Indiana, 30 Ixviii, 607 Rockmore v. Davenport, 14 Texas. 602 Ixv, 132 Rockport v. Walden, 54 New Hampshire, 167 20, 131 Rock River Bk. v. Sherwood, 10 Wis. 230 Ixxviii, 666 Rockwell v. Hubbell, 2 Douglass, 197 xlv, 246 Roddy v. Cox, 29 Georgia, 293 Ixxiv, 64 Rodemacher v. Ma & St. P. R. R. Co., 41 la. 297.20, 592 Roderigas v. East Paver Inst., 63 New York, 460. .80, 555 Roderigas v. East River Sav. Inst., 75 N. Y. 316. ..3?, 3-39 Rodesv. Crockett, 2 Yerger, 346 niv, 489 Rodgers v. Burchard, 24 Texas, 441 7, 283 Rodgers v. Evans, 8 Georgia, 143 lii, 330 Rodgers v. Kline, 53 Mississippi, 803 31,339 Rodgers v. McCluer, 4 Grattan, 81 xlvii, 715 Rodgers v. Niles, 11 Ohio State, 43 Ixxviii, 290 Rodgers v. People, 86 New York, 330 40, 543 Rodgers v. Stophel, 32 Penn. State, 111 Ixxii, 775 Roclliff v. Dallinger, 141 Massachusetts. 1 55, 439 Rodman v. Mich. Cent. R. R. Co., E3 Mich. 57. . ..54, 348 Rodman v. Musselman, 12 Bash, 334 23, 724 Rodney v. Shankland, 1 Delaware Ch. 35 xii, 70 Rodney v. Wilson, 67 Missouri, 123 20, 499 Roehl v. Pleasaats, 31 Texas, 45 xcviii, 514 Rogers, Ex parte, 10 Tex. Ct. App. 655 38, 654 Rogers v. Brent, 5 Oilman, 573 1, 422 Rogers v. Carey, 47 Missouri, 232 4,322 Rogers v. Cawood, 1 Swan, 142 iv, 729 Rogers v. Collier, 2 Bailey, 531 xxiii, 153 Rogers v. Coleman, Hardin, 418 iii, 733 Rogers ads. Commonwealth, 7 Met. '500 xli, 458 Rogers v. Cox, 93 Indiana, 157 49, 152 Rogers v. Crow, 40 Missouri, 91 xciii, 299 Rogers v. Dickey, 1 Gilman, 635 Rogers v. Elliott, 59 New Hampshire, 201 47, 192 Rogers v. Evans, 3 Indiana, 574 M, 537 Rogers v. Gallagher. 49 Illinois, 182 xcv, 533 Rogers v. Gilinger, 30 Penn. State, 185 Ixxii, 694 Rogersv. Greenbush, 53 Maine, 390 4,292 Rogers v. Highland, 69 Iowa, 534 58,230 Rogersv. Huie, 1 California, 429 liv, 300 Rogers v. Huie, 2 California, 571 Ivi, 363 Rogersv. Hurd, 4Day, 57 iv, 132 Rogers v. Jones, 1 Wendell, 237 six, 493 Rogers v. Judd, 5 Vermont, 223 xxvi, 239 Rogers v. Judd, 5 Vermont, 231 xrvi, 301 Rogersv. LutllowM. Co., 144 Mass. 193 5?, 63 Rogers v. Mulliner, 6 Wendell, 537 xsii, 546 Rogers v. People, 9 Colorado, 450 53, 146 Rogers ads. People, 13 New York, 9 Ixxii, 484 Rogers v. Phillips, 8 Arkansas. 3.36 ? Rogers v. Prattville Mfg. Co., 81 Alabama, 4C3. ..GO, 171 Rogers v. Rogers, 53 Connecticut, 121 55, 78 Rogersv. Rogers, 4 Paige Ch. 516 xxvii, 84 Rogers v. Rogers, 3 Wendell, 503 xx, 716 Rogers v. Rogers, 53 Wisconsin, 36 40, 756 Rogers v. Ross, 4 Johns. Ch. 338 Rogersv. Salmon, 8 Paige, 559 xxxv, 725 Rogers v. Sa::;p!e, 33 Mississippi, 310 Ixix, 349 Rogers v. Saunders, 16 Maine, 92 x:. Rogers v. Smith. 17 Indiana, 323 Ixxix, IS3 Rogers ads. State, 13 Kansas, 78 26, 754 Rogers ads. State, 10 Nevada. 250 21,733 Rogers v. Stewart, 5 Vermont, 215 xxvi, 296 Hog Sow TABLE OF CASES. 158 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of Americsa Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Rogers v. Union C. Ins. Co., Ill Indiana. 313 60, 701 Rogers v. Union S. Co., 130 Massachusetts, 581... 39, 478 Rogers v. Waller, 4 Haywood, 205 is, 758 Rogers v. Walker, 6 Penn. State, 371 xlvii, 470 Rogers v. Ward, 8 Allen. 387 Ixxxv. 710 Rogers v. Watrous, 8 Texas, 62 Iviii, 100 Rogers v. Western Union Tel. Co., 78 Ind. 169. . . .41, 558 Rogers v. Wiley, 14 Illinois, 65. Ivi, 491 Rogers v. Wilson, 1 Minor, 407 xii, 61 Rogers v. Woodruff, 23 Ohio State, 632 13, 27G Rohr v. Kindt, 3 Watts to Serjr. 5C3 xxxix, 53 Rohrbach v. Germania P. Ins. Co., 62 N. Y. 47.. . .30, 451 Rohrschneider v. Knickerbocker L. I. Co.. 7G Hew York, 21G .33,290 Rokes v. Amazon Ins. Co., 51 Maryland. 512 34, ?23 Rolette v. Eolette, 1 Pinney. 370, Burnett, 226 xl, 782 Roll v. Raguet, 4 Ohio, 400 xxii, 759 Roland v. State, 9 Tex. Ct. App. 277 35, 713 ROland v. Commonwealth, 82 Penn. St. 303 3'), 733 Rolland v. Commonwealth, 85 Peon. St. 63 37. 625 Rolle ads. State. 30 La. An. 991 31,231 Rollins v. Awes, 2 New Hampshire, 319 ix, 7J Rollinsv. State, 13 Missouri, 437 liii, 151 Rollins v. State, 22 Tex. Ct. App. 543 58,639 Rollo v.Andes Ins. Co., 23Gratt. 509 14,147 Rome, Bank of, T. Village of Rome, 19 N. Y. 20. Ixxv, 272 Rome, Mayor etc. of, v. Omberg, 28 Ga. 46 Ixxiii, 718 Rondeau v. Pedesclaux, 3 Louisiana, 510 xxiii, 1G3 Roman v. Peters, 2 Robinson (La.), 497 xxrviii, 222 Rombach v. Piedmont and A. L. Ins. Co., 35 La. An. 233 48,239 Rome R. R. v. Wimberly, 75 Georgia, 316 58, 463 Romisf v. Erdman, 5 Wharton, 112 xxxiv, 533 Rona v. Meier, 47 Iowa, 607 33, 493 Roodev. State, 5 Nebraska. 174 35, 475 Rooks v. Moore, Busbee's Law. 1 Ivii, 569 Roomev. Counter, 1 Halsted, 111 x, 393 Roosa v. Crist, 17 Illinois, 450 Ixv, 679 Roose v. Perkins, 9 Nebraska, 304 31, 409 Roosevelt v. Doherty, 123 Massachusetts, 301 37, 336 Root v. Chandler, 10 Wendell, 110 xxv, 546 Root v. Commonwealth, 93 Pennsylvania St. 170.. 43, 611 Root v. French, 13 Wendell, 570 xxviii, 482 Rootv. Lowndes, 6 Hill (N. Y.) 518 xll, 762 Root v. McFerrin, 37 Mississippi, 17 Ixxv, 49 Root v. Sherwood, 6 Johnson, 68 v, 191 Rootv. Sinnock, 129 Illinois, 350 60, 553 Root v. Wagner, 30 New York, 9 Ixxxvi, 348 Root v. Wright, 31 New York. 72. 38, 495 Rootes v. Wellf ord, 4 Munf ord, 215 vi, 510 Roper v. Clay, 13 Missouri. 383 lix, 314 Roper v. Roper, 5 Jones' Eq. 16 Ixxv, 427 Roper v. Sangamon Lodge, 91 Illinois, 51S 33, 60 Roper ads. State, 3 De vereux Law, 473. xxi v, 268 Rose v. Baltimore, 51 Maryland, 256 34, 307 Rosev. Bevan, 10 Maryland, 466 Ixix, 170 Rose v. Brown, Kirby, 293 i, 22 Rosev. Coffield, 53 Maryland, 13 36, 3S9 Rose v. First Nat. Bk. 91 Missouri, 399. 60, 258 Rose T. Hall, 2G Connecticut, 332 Ixviii, 402 Rosev. Haydea, 35 Kansas, 106 57, 145 Rosev. Houston, 11 Texas, 324 , lx:i, 473 Rose v. Laffan, 2 Speers' Law, 424 xlii, 376 Rosev. Mayor, 51 Maryland, 25G 34, 307 Rose v. Mitchell. 6 Colorado, 102 45, 520 Rosev. Newman, 26 Texas, 131 Ixxx, 64G Rose v. Park Bank, 20 Indiana, 94 Ixxxiii, 306 Rosev. Smith, 4 Cowen, 17 xv, 331 Rosev. Story, 1 Penn. State, 190 xliv, 121 Roaev. Teeplc, 1C Indiana, 37 Ixxix, 403 Rose v. Treadway, 4 Nevada, 415 xcvii. 546 Rose v. Vertin, 46 Michigan, 457 41, 174 Roselius v. Delachaise, 5 Louisiana An. 4S1 lii, 597 Rosenbaum v. Weeden, 18 Gratt. 785 xcviii, 737 RosenfeUl v. Peoria, D. & E. R'y Co., 103 Ind. 121.53, 500 Roseufield v. Haight, 53 Wisconsin, 2GO 40, 770 Rosenkrans v. Barker, 115 Illinois, 331 58, 169 Rosenkrans v. Snover, 19 New Jersey Eq. 420. ..xcYii, 6G8 Rosenmueller v. Lampe, 89 Illinois, 212. 31, 74 Rosenstock v. Tonney, 32 Maryland. 169 3, 125 Roshi's Appeal, 69 Pennsylvania St. 462 8, 275 Rosierv. Hale, 10 Iowa, 470 Ixxvii, 127 Ross v. Armstrong, 25 Texas Supp. 354 Ixxriii, 574 Ross v. Bank of Eurlington, 1 Aikens, 43 xv, 664 Ross v. Barclay, 18 Penn. State, 179 Iv, 616 Ross v. Bray-lon, 2 Dana, 161 xxvi, 445 Ross v. Butler, 19 New Jersey Eq. 294 xcvii, 654 Ross v. Carpenter, 9 B. Monroe, 367 1, 513 Ross v. City of Madison, 1 Indiana, 281 xlviii, 361 Ross v. Clinton, 46 Iowa, 606 36,169 Ross v. Draper, 55 Vermont, 404 45, GC4 Ross v. Espy, 63 Pennsylvania State, 481 5, 394 Ross v. Faust, 54 Indiana, 471 33, 655 Ross v. Fuller, 12 Vermont, 265 xxxvi, 312 Ross v. Grimball, T. U. P. Charlton, 268 iv, 711 Ross v. Houston, 25 Miss. 591 lix, 231 Rossv. Hard, 71 New York, 11 37, 1 Ross v. Luther, 4 Cowen, 158 xv, 311 Ross v. Mather, 51 New York, 108 10, 562 Ross v. Milne, 12 Leigh, 201 xxxvii, 616 Ross v. Norvell, 1 Washington, 14 i, 422 Ross v. Overton, 3 Call, 309. ii, 552 Ross v. Ross, 129 Massachusetts, 243 37, 321 Ross v. Singleton, 1 Delaware Ch. 119 xii, 86 Rossv. Smith, 19 Texas, 171 Ixx, 327 Rossv. State, 55 Georgia, 192 31,278 Ross v. State, 10 Tex. Ct. App. 455 38, 613 Ross ads. State, 4 Jones' Law, 315 Ixix, 751 Ross ads. State, 76 North Carolina, 242 33, 73 Ross v. Sutton, 1 Bailey's Law, 126 six, 660 Ross v. Troy & B. R. R. Co., 49 Vermont, 3G1 34, 144 Ross v. Turner, 2 English 132 xliv, 531 Ross v. Worthington, 11 Minnesota, 438 Ixxxviii, 95 Ross and Company v. Innis, 35 Illinois, 487 Ixxxv, 373 Rosser v. Depriest, 5 Gratton, 6 1, 94 Rosser v. Franklin, 6 Grattan, 1 lii, -97 Rosser v. Randolph, 7 Porter, 238 xxxi, 712 Rosseter ads. Commonwealth, 2 Binney, 360 iv, 451 Rossiter v. Rossiter, 8 Wendell, 494 xxiv, 62 Rossman v. Townsend, 17 Wisconsin, 98 Ixxxiv, 733 Rost v. Mayor, 15 Louisiana, 129 xxxv, 186 Rostetterv. Grant. 18 Ohio St. 126 xcviii, 9g Rotch v. Hawes, 12 Pickering, 136 xxii, 414 Roth v. B. R. St. L. R. R., 34 New York, 548 xc, 734 Roth v. Roth, 104 Illinois, 35 44, 81 Rothmaler v. Myers, 4 Desaussure, 215 vi, 613 RothschUd v. American C. Ins. Co., 71 Mo. 41 41, 303 Rothschild v. Grix, 31 Michigan. 150 18, 171 Rounds v. City of Bangor, 46 Maine, 541 Ixxir, 469 Rounds v. Del L. & W. R. R. Co.. 64 N. Y. 129. . . .21, 597 Roundtree v. Baker, 52 Illinois, 241 4, 597 Roundtree v. Brantley, 34 Alabama, 544 Ixxiii, 470 Roundtree v. Dennard, 59 Georgia, 629 37,401 Rounsaville v. Kohlheim, 63 Georgia, 668 45, 505 Rouquierv. Rouquier, 5 Martin, N. S., 98 xvi, 186 Rouse v. Martin, 75 Alabama, 510 51,463 Rouse v. Whited, 25 New York, 170 Lixxii. 337 Routh v. Routh, 9 Robinson (La.) 224 xli, 326 Roverads. State, 10 Nevada. 338 31,745 Rowan v. State, 30 Wisconsin, 129 11,559 159 TABLE OF CASES. Row Bom ir, letters [i'l] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Rowand v. Anderson, 33 Kansas, 264 52, 529 Eowe v :;LU,ma, 154, xcv, C76 Rowe v E:;I.. '..:; i, '3 Wisconsin, 441 Ixxxvi. 733 Eowe T. IlaivLj, 15 Indiana, 445 Ixxvii, 101 Rowev. Mjsej, Richardson's L. 423 livii, 5^0 Eowe v. Portsmouth. 53 Now Hampshire, 291 ''. !"i Rowev. Smith, 51 Connecticut, 266 50, 13 Howe's Executors v. White, 16 N. J. Eq. 411. .Ixxxiv, 169 Eowell v. City of Lowell, 7 Gray, 100 .....Ixvi, 464 Bowellv. Klein, 44 Indiana. 290 15, C35 Eowell v. Rr.iir.ia.l, "7 Xo^r Hampshire, 132 24, 59 Rowlaudv. Callatiu, 75 Missour , 134 42,393 Eowlancl v. Carman, 1 J. J. Marshall, 76 xix, 54 Rowland v. Wolfe. 1 Bailey's Law, 56 xix, 651 Eowlett T. Gri jve'3 Syndics, 8 Martin, 483 xiii, 236 Eowley v. Ball. 3 Co wen, 303 rv, 2So Rowley v. Bi -elow, 12 Pickering, 307 , ziiii, 607 Eoxbor : k, 6 Ohio State, 443 lxv;i, 34j Roy v. Roy's Executor, 16 Gratt. 413 Ixxxiv, 633 Roy v. Goings. 93 Illinois, 331 3G, 151 Roy v. Horsley, 6 Oregon, 32 25, 537 Royal B. P. Co. v. Sherrell, 93 New York, 331.... 45, 229 Royal B'k of L. v. Grand J. R. etc. Co. , 100 Mas- sachusetts, 444 xcviii, 115 Royal Ins. Co. v. Daviss. 4) Iowa, 4.39 20,531 Royal Ins. Co. v. McCrea, 8 Lea, 53! 41, 606 Royal Iiis. Co. v. Roedel, 73 Penn. St. 19 21, 1 Royall v. Lessee of Lisle, 15 Georgia, 543 Ix, 712 Royall v. Thomas, 23 Gratt. 133 20,333 Royce v. Gu;;euhei:-, 1 "J Massachusetts, 231 8,322 Rozet v. McClellan, 43 Illinois. 345 xcv, 551 Rubenstein v. Cruikshanks. 11 Michigan, 199 52, 806 Rubey v. Burnett, 12 .Missouri, 3 xlix, 112 Rubey v. Huntsman, 32 Missouri, 531 Ixxxii. 143 Rubottom v. Morrow, 21 Indiana, 202 Ixxxvii, 324 Ruckerv. Abell, 8 B. Monroe, 566 xlviii, 405 Rucker v. Donovan, 13 Kansas, 251 10, 8 1 Rucker v. Dooley, 47 Illinois, 377 xcv, 614 Rucker v. Robinson, 33 Missouri, 154 xc, 412 Euil.1 v. M.i;:hiW3. 73 Kentucky, 479 42, 231 Ruddell T. DiUman, 73 Indiana, 518 37, 152 Ruddell v. Landers, 25 Arkansas, 233 xciv, 719 Ruddell v. Phalor, 72 Indiana, 533 3", 177 Ruddick v. Lloyd, 15 Iowa, 441 Ixxxiii, 423 Rudy v. Commonwealth, 35 Pa. State, 166 Ixxriii, 303 Eudy v. Ulrica, 69 Pennsylvania State, 177 8, 238 Euev. Mitchell, 2 Dallas, 53 i, 253 Ruff v. Bull, 7Harris& J. 14 rri, 230 Ruffin v. Armstrong. 2 Hawks, 411 xi, 774 Ruffner v. ilcConnel, 17 Illinois, 212 Ixiii, 3:0 Ruffners v. Lewis's Ex'rs, 7 Leigh, 720 xxx, 513 Rugely v. Sun Mut. Ins. Co., 7 Louisiana An. 273. .Ivi, C?3 Buggies v. Keeler, 3 Johnson, 233 iii, 4S2 Ruggles T. Lawson, 13 Johnson, 235 vii, 375 Ruggles ads. People, 8 Johnson, 239 v, 335 Rush v. Ottenheimer, 6 Oregon, 231 25, 513 Ruhl v. Phillips, 43 New York, 125 8, 522 Ruiz Y. Norton, 4 Calif ornia, 355 Ix, t>18 Rung v. Shoneberger, 2 Watts, 23 xxvi, 95 Runkel v. Winemiller, 4 Harris &McH. 429 i, 411 Runkle v. Johnson, 30 111. 328 Ixxxiii, 191 Runkley. Meyer, 3 Yates, 513 ii, 393 Runnels ads. Commonwealth, 10 Mass. 518 vi, 143 Runyan v. Mersereau, 11 Johnson, 534 vi, 333 Runyan v. Price, 15 Ohio State, 1 Ixxxvi, 459 Runyan v. State, 57 Indiana, 83 2G, 52 Runyon v. Bennett, 4 Dana, 598 xxix, 431 Ruohs v. Backer, 6 Heisk. 395 13, 598 Ruohs v. Hooke, 3 Lea, 302 31 , 642 Rupp v. Sampson, 16 Gray, 338 Ixxvii, 416 Rush T. Vought, 53 Penn. St.437 xciii. 766 Rush v. Wic'c. 31 Ohio State, 521 27, 523 Rushin v. Shields, 11 Georgia, 636 Ivi, 436 R is'oing ads. State, 69 North Carolina. 29 12, 641 Rushville v. Adams, 107 Indiana, 476 57, 124 Rusk v. Fenton, 14 Bush, 493 29, 413 Russ v. Alpaugh, 118 Massachusetts, 369 19, 464 Russel v. People's Sav. Bank, 39 Michigan. 671 33, 444 Russell, In ro, 51 Connecticut, 577 50, 55 Russell v. Abbott, 13 New Hampshire, 475 xl, 169 PvUssell v. Annable, 109 Massachusetts, 72. 12, 665 Russell v.Anthony, 21 Kansas, 450 30,436 Russell v. Billard, 16 B. Monroe, 201 Ixiii, 526 Russell v. Buckley, 4 Rhode Island. 525 !xx, 167 Russell v. C irrington, 42 New York, 118. 1 , 498 Russell v. Columbia, 74 Missouri, 430 41,325 Russell v. Cowles, 15 Gray, 582 Ixxvii, 391 Russell v. Fabyan, 28 New Hampshire, 543 Ixi, C29 Russell v. Failor, 1 Ohio State, 327 lix, 631 Russell v. Falls, 3 Harris&McH. 457 1, 380 Russell v. Favier, 13 Louisiana, 585 rorvi, 662 Russell v. Hadduck, 3 Oilman, 233 sliv, 693 Russell v. Hanley. 20 Iowa, 219 Ixxxix, 535 Russell v. Harris, 33 Calif ornia, 426 xcix, 421 Russell T. Husunin, 1 Scammon, 562. xxxiii, 423 Russell v. Kelly, 44 California, 641 13,169 Husscll v. Lawton, 14 Wisconsin, 202 Lxxx, 769 Russell v. Lennon, 39 Wisconsin. 570 20, 60 Russell v. Lowth, 21 Minnesota, 167 18,389 Russell T. Lytle, 6 Wendell, 390 rrii, 537 Russ-U v. Maloney, 39 Vermont, 579 xciv, 353 Russell v. McCormick, 45 Alabama, 5S7 G, 707 Russell v. Nicoll, SWendell, 112 xx, G70 Russell ads. People, 49 Michigan, 617 43, 478 Russell v. Pistor, 7 New York (3 Selden), 171 Ivii, 509 Russell v. Pyland, 2 Humphreys, 131 xxxri, 307 Russell v. Richards, 10 Maine, 429 xxv, 254 Russell v. Richards, 11 Maine, 371 rrvi, 532 Russell v. Rogers, 9 Martin, 588 sili, 326 Russell v. Rogers, 10 Wendell, 473 xxv, 574 Russell v. Russell, 4 G. Greene, 23 Ixi, 112 Russell T. Russell, 36 New York, 581 xciii, 540 Russell v. Sunbury, 37 Ohio State. 372 41, 523 Russell v. Turner, 7 Johnson, 183 v, 254 Russell v. Watt, 41 Mississippi, 602 xciii, 270 Russell v. Winne, 37 New York, 531 xcvii, 755 Rustv. Conrad, 47 Michigan, 449 41,720 Rustv. Gott, 9Cowen, 169 xriii, 497 Rust v. Larue, 4 Littell, 412 xiv, 172 Rustv. Ware, 6Grattan. 50 Iii, 100 Ruston v. Ruston, 2 Dallas, 243, 2 Yeates, 60 i, 233 Ruth v. Rush, 46 Iowa, 648 2C, 179 Rutherford's Case. 72 Pennsylvania State, 82 13, 655 Rutherford v. Jones, 14 Georgia, 521 Ix, 655 Rutherford v. Newman, 8 Minnesota, 47 Ixxxii, 122 Rutherford v. Rutherford, 1 Denio, 33 xliii, 644 Rutherford ads. State, 1 Hawks, 457 ix, 658 Rutherford v. Tracy, 43 Missouri, 325 8, 104 Rutledge v. Fogg, 3 Cold. 554 xci. 299 Rutledge, Ex parte, 1 Harper's Eq. 65 xiv, 696 Rutterv. Blake, 2Harris&J. 353 iii, 550 Ryan . Bagaley, 50 Michigan, 179 45, 35 Ryan . Brown, 18 Michigan, 196 Ryan . Chicago & N. W. R Co., 60 Illinois. 171. ..14, 32 Ryan . Copes, 11 Richardson's L. 217 btxiii, 106 Ryan . Curran, 64 Indiana, 315 31,123 Ryan . Dayton, 25 Connecticut, 138 Ixv, 5CO Ryan . Box. 34 New York. 337 xc, 698 Ryan . Dunlap, 17Hlinois, 40 Ixiii, 334 Ryan . Dunphy, 4 Montana, 356 :*, 355 Bya San 160 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [19] to American Reports. Ryan v. Fowler, 24 New York, 410 Ixxxii, 315 Ryan.,v. Gihner, 2 Montana, 517 25, 744 Ryanv. Harrow, 27 Iowa, 494 1,302 Ryan v. M. K. & T. R'y Co. . 65 Texas. 13 57, 589 Ryan T. New York Central R. R. Co.. 35 New Ryan ads. People, 83 New York, 142 4?, 23S Ryan ads. State, 4 McCord, 16 xvii, 702 Ryan ads. State, 12 Nevada, 401 28,802 York, 210 xci. 50 Ryan T. TJlmer, 103 Pennsylvania State. 332 56, 210 Ryanv. Ward, 48 New York, 204 8, 539 Ryanv. Wilson. 87 New York. 471 41,384 Ryan v. World Mut. L. Ins. Co.. 41 Conn. 163.... 19, 490 Ryckmanv. Gillis, 57 New York. 68 15,464 Ryden v. Jones, 1 Hawks, 497 ix, 660 Ryder, Matter of, 11 Paige, 185 xlii, 109 Ryev. Peterson, 45 Texas, 312 23,603 Ryer v. Stockwell, 14 California, 134 Ixxiii, 634 Ryers, In re, 72New York, 1 23, 83 Ryerson v. Brown. 35 Michigan, 333 24, 564 Ryerss v. Wheeler, 25 Wendell, 434 xxxvii, 243 Ryhiner v. Feickert, 92 Illinois. 305 34, 130 Sabin v. Harkness, 4 New Hampshire, 415 xrii, 437 Sacalaris v. Eureka & P. R. R. Co., 13 Nev. 155. . .51, 737 Backett v. New Albany, 88 Indiana, 473 45, 467 Sackett v. Twining, 13 Penn. State, 199 Ivii, 590 Saco, Inhab. of, v. Wentworth, 37 Me. 165 Iviii, 78C Saco Nat. Bank v. Sanborn, 63 Miine, 340 18, 224 Saddlerv. Lee. 6S Georgia, 45..., 42, 62 Safe Deposit Co. v. Pollock. 85 Penn. St. 391 21, 660 Safely v. Gilmore, 21 Iowa, 583 Ixxxix, 592 Safford v. Safford, 7 Paige, 239 xxxii, 633 Sage v. Hawley, 16 Connecticut, 106 xli, 128 Baser v. Portsmouth R. R. Co., 31 Maine, 228 1, 650 Sahlman v. Mills, 3 Strobhart's Law, 331 li, 630 Saint . See St. Saint v. . See St. . Saint Clara Female Academy v. Sullivan, 116 HI. 375 56,776 Sale v. First Reg. Bap. Church, 62 Iowa, 26 48, 133 Sale v. Saunders, 24 Mississippi, 24 Ivii, 157 Salem v. Eastern R. R. Co., OS Mass. 431 xcvi, 650 Salem ads. People, 20 Michigan, 452 4, 400 Salem Bank v. Gloucester Bank, 17 Mass. 1 ix. Ill Salem etc. Corp. v. Ropes, 9 Pickering, 187 xix, 363 Saline Co. Comm'rs v. Anderson, 20 Kan. 298 27, 171 Saline Co. Court ads. State, 48 Missouri, 390 8, 103 Saline Co. Subscription, In re, 45 Missouri, 52 c, 337 Salisbury v. Black, 6 Harris & J. 293 xiv, 279 Salisbury v. Herchenroder. 106 Mass. 458 8, 354 Salisbury v. Marine Co -of St. Louis, 23 Mo. 553. .Ixvi, GS7 Salisbury v. Stainer, 19 Wendell, 159 rxxii, 437 Salle v. Light's Ex'rs, 4 Alabama, 700 xxxii, 317 Bailee v. Arnold, 32 Missouri, 532 Ixxxii, 144 Sailing v. McKinney, 1 Leigh, 42 xix, 722 Bally v. Samlifer, 2 Mill, 445 xii, 687 Salmon v. Bennett, 1 Connecticut, K5 vii, 237 Salmon v. Davis, 4 Binney, 373 v, 410 Salmon v. Del. etc. R. R. Co. . 9 Vroom, 5 20, 356 Salmon v. Hoffman, 2 California, 133 Ivi. 322 Salmon v. Richardson, 30 Connecticut, 360 Ixxix, 255 Salmondv. Price, 13 Ohio, 368 xlii, 204 Salomon v. Pioneer C. Co., 21 Florida. 374 .* S, C 07 Salsbury v. Ellison. 7 Colorado, 167 49, 347 Salt Springs Nat. Bank v. Burton, 53 N. Y. 430. . .17, 265 Salt Springs Nat. Bank v. Wheeler. 43 N. Y. 492. . 8, 564 Baiter v. Eurt, 20 Wendell. 205 xxxii, 530 Salter v. Jonas, 10 Vroom, 469 23, 220 Salter v. Williamson, 1 dean's Ch. 480 xxxv, 513 S*ltmarsh v. Bccne, 4 Perter, 283 xxx, 525 Saltonstall v. Little, 90 Pennsylvania St. 422 35, 683 Saltonstall v. Riley, 28 Alabama, 164. Ixv, 334 Saltus v. Everett, 20 Wendell, 267 xxxii, 541 Saltus v. Ocean Ins. Co., 12 Johnson, 107 vii, 290 Sammis v. McLaughlin, 35 New York, 647 xci. 83 Sammons v. Holloway, 21 Michigan, 162 4, 465 Sammsv. Stewart, 20 Ohio, 69 Iv, 445 Sampson v. Gazzam, 6 Porter, 123 xxx, 578 Sampson ads. State, 12 South Carolina, 567 32,513 Sampson v. Williamson, 6 Texas, 102 Iv, 762 Samson v. Shaw, 101 Massachusetts, 145 3, 327 Samson v. Thornton, 3Metcalf, 275..... xxxvii, 135 Samuelv. Cheney, 135 Massachusetts, 278 46,467 Samuel v. Dinkins, 12 Richardson's Law, 172 IXXT, 729 Samuel ads. State, 3 Jones' Law, 74 Ixiv, 596 Samuelson v. Cleveland I. M. Co., 49 Mich. 164. . .43, 456 Sanborn v. Colman, 6 New Hampshire, 14 xxiii, 703 Sanborn v. Fireman's Ins. Co., 1G Gray, 448 Ixxvii, 419 Sanbom v. Goodhue, 28 New Hampshire, 48 lix, 398 Sanborn v. Kittredge, 20 Vermont, 632 1, 58 Sanborn v. Morrill, 15 Vermont, 700 xl, 701 Sanborn v. Neal, 4 Minnesota, 126 Ixxvii, 503 Sanborn v. Southard, 25 Maine, 409 xliii, 288 Sanderlin v. Baxter, 76 Virginia, 299 44, 165 Sanders v. Blain's Adm'rs, 6 J. J. Marshall, 446..xxii, 86 Sanders ads. Commonwealth, 14 Gray, 394 Ixxvii, 335 Sanders v. Getchell, 76 Maine. 158 49,606 Sanders v. Johnson, 6 Blackf ord, 50 xxzvi, 534 Sandersv. Martin,2Lea, 213 31,598 Sanders v. Miller. 79 Kentucky, 517 42, i J7 Sanders v. Morrison, 7 T. B. Monroe, 54 xviii, 161 Sanders v. Morrison's Ex'r, 2 T. B. Monroe, 109. . .xv, 140 Sandersv. Ochiltree, 5 Porter, 73 xxx, 551 Sanders v. Ruddle, 2 T. B. Monroe, 139 xv, 148 Sandersv. State, 85 Indiana, 318 44, 29 Sanders ads. State. 62 Indiana, 562 SO, 203 Sanders ads. State, 63 Missouri, 202 30, 782 Sandersv. Vance, 7T. B. Monroe, 209 xviii, 167 Sanders v. Young, 1 Head, 210 Ixxiii, 175 Sanderson v. Caldwell, 45 New York, 393 6, 105 Sanderson v. Frazier, 8 Colorado, 79 54, 544 Sanderson v. Jones, 6 Florida, 430 Ixiii, 217 Sanderson v. Pennsylvania C. Co., 86 Pennsyl- vania St. 401 27, 711 Sanderson v. White, 18 Pickering, 328 xxix, 591 Sandford v. Catawissa, R. R., 24 Penn. S. 373. . . .1 xiv, 667 Sandford v. Dillaway 10 Massachusetts, 52 Ji, 93 Sandford v. Nichols, 13 Massachusetts, 23G vii, 151 Sands v. Codwise, 4 Johnson, 536 iv, 305 Sandsv. Lynham, 27 Gratt. 201 21,343 Sands v. Marburg, 36 Georgia, 534 xci, 731 Sands v. N. Y. L. Ins. Co. . 53 New York, 626 10, 535 Sands ads. People, 1 Johnson, 78 iii, 209 Sands v. Richmond, 31 Gratt. 571 31,742 Sands v. Robinson, 12 Smedes & M. 704 li, 132 Sands v. Smith, 1 Nebraska. 108 xciii, 331 Sandsv. Taylor, 5 Johnson, 335 iv, 374 Sanford v. Court of Commo i Pleas, Sti.N. Y. 72. .13, 422 Sanford v. Eighth Av. R. R., 23 New York, 343. .Ixxx, 286 Sanford v. Howard, 29 Alabama, 634. Ixviii, 101 Sanford v. Huxf ord, 32 Michigan, 313 20, 647 Sanford v. McLean, 3 Paige Ch. 117 xxiii, 773 Sanford v. Sanford. 53 New York. 67 17.206 Sanford v. Wheeler, 13 Connecticut, 165 /...xxxiii, 389 Sanford Mfg. Co. v. Wiggin, 14New Ilamp. 441. ...xl, 198 San F:ancisco v. Calderwood, 31 California, 585. .xci, 542 Sau Francisco v. C. P. R R. Co. , 63 Cal. 467 49, 98 San Francisco v. Fulde, 37 California. 3t3 xcix, 278 San Francisco v. Lawton, 13 Calif ornia, 465 Ixxix, 187 Sangatnoii R. R. Co. v. Morgan Co., 14 111. 163.... Ivi, 497 161 TABLE OF CASES. San Sch Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Banger v. Dun, 47 Wisconsin, 615 32, 7S9 Sangslaff v. Sti x, 64 Mississippi, 171 GO, 49 Sankey v. McElevey, 104 Pennsylvania St. 265. . . .49, 575 Sankey ads. Common-wealth, 22 Perm. State, 390. ..Ix, 91 Banner v. Smith, S9 Illinois. 123 31, 70 Bants Clara P. Acad. v. Sullivan, 116 HI 375 56, 776 Santa Clara M. Asso. v. Meredith 49 Md. 3S9. . . .33, 264 Santov. State, 2Iowa, 105 Ixiii, 4S7 Sarah v. State, 28 Mississippi, 267 bd, 544 Saratoga etc. R. R. Co. v. Row, 24 Wendell, 74 . .xxxv, 598 Sarbecker v. State. 65 Wisconsin. 171 56,624 Bargeant v. Daunoy, 14 Louisiana, 43 zzxiii, 573 Sargeant Y. Stryker, 1 Harrison, 464 mil, 404 Sargent v.Adams, 3 Gray, 72 Ixiii, 718 Sargent v. Appleton, 6 Massachusetts, 85 iv, 90 Sargent v Currier, 43 New Hampshire, 310 6, 524 Sargent v. Franklin Ins. Co. 8 Pickering, 90 xix, 306 Sargent v. Graham, 5 New Hampshire, 440 xxii, 409 Sargentv. Metealf, 5 Gray, 306 lxvi,363 Sargent v. Roberts, 1 Pickering, 337 xi, 185 Sargentv. Slack. 47 Vermont, 674 19,138 Sargentv. Southgate, 5 Pickering, 312 xvi, 409 Sargent v. Sturm, 23 California, 359 Ixxxiii, 118 Sargent v. Usher, 55 New Hampshire, 2S7 20, 208 Sargent v. Webster, 13 Metealf, 497 xlvi, 743 Sarpy v. Municipality No, 2, 9 Louisiana An. 597. .Ixi, 221 Sartain v. Hamilton, 12 Texas, 219 Ixii, 524 Sartain v. State, 10 Texas Ct App. 631 38, 649 Sasscerv. Walker's Ex'rs, 5 Gill&J. 102 xxv, 272 Sasscer v. Whitely, 10 Maryland, 98 Ixix, 126 Batcher v. Satcher. 41 Alabama, 26 xci, 493 Satterthwaite v. Doughty, Busbee's Law, 314 lix, 554 Satterthwaite v. Emley, 3 Green's Ch. 489 xliii, 618 Satterwhite v. Hicks, Busbee's Law, 105 Mi, 577 Bauer v. Schulenberg, 33 Maryland, 233 3, 174 Saul v. His Creditors, 5 Martin, N. 8., 5G9 xvi, 212 Baulet v. Dreux's Syndics, 3 Martin. N. S., 615.... xv, 173 Baulsburyv. Ithaca, 91 New York, 27 46, 122 Saulter v. New York & W. S. Co., 83 N. C. 123. . . .43, 735 Saunders v. Frost, 5 Pickering, 259 xvi, 394 Saunders v. Hatterman, 2 Iredell's Law, 32. ...xxxvii, 404 Saunders v. Haughton, 8 Iredell's Eq. 217 Ivii, 531 Saundersv. Reilly, 105 New York. 12 59,472 Saundersv. Stotts, 6Ohio,330 xxvii,263 Blunders ads. State. 19 Kansas, 127 27, 93 Baunderson v. Ballance, 2 Jones' Eq. 322 Ixvii, 218 Saune v. Tourne, 9 Louisiana, 423 xxix, 432 Bauter v N. Y. C. R. R. Co.. 66 New York, 50.... 23, IS Sauvinetads. State, 24 La. An. 119 13,115 Savacool v. Boughton, 5 Wendell, 170 xxi, 181 Savage v. Bangor, 40 Maine, 176 Ixiii, 658 Savage v. Brewer, 16 Pickering, 433 xxviii, 235 Savage v. Dooley, 23 Connecticut, 411..... Ixxiii, 680 Savage v. Everman, 70 Penn. St 315 10, 676 Savage v. Howard Ins. Co., 52 New York, 502... .11, 741 Savage v. Knight, 92 North Carolina, 493 53, 423 Savage v. Lee, 90 North Carolina, 320 47, 523 Bavagev. Murphy, 34 New York, 503 xc, 733 Savage v. Pleasants, 5 Binney, 403 vi, 424 Bavage Mfg. Co. v. Armstrong, 17 Maine, 34. . . .xxxv, 227 Savannah ads. State, T. U. P. Charlton, 235 iv, 708 Savannah, F. & W. R'y Co. v. Geiger. 21 Fla. 669. .58, 607 Savannah, Mayor etc. of. v. Cullens, 33 Ga. 334.. xcv, 333 Savannah Nat. Bank v. Haskins, 101 Mass. 370. ... 3, 373 Baveland v. Fidelity & C. Co.. 67 Wis. 174 58, 863 Bavery v. Hays, 20 Iowa, 23 Ixxxix, 511 Baveryv. Spaulding, 8 Iowa, 239 IxxiT, 300 Savings B"k v. Albee, 63 New Hampshire, 152 56, 501 Savings Bankv. Hunt, 72 Missouri, 597 37,449 Savoye v. Marsh, 10 Metealf, 594 xliii, 451 IHDEX A.D. & A. R. 11. Sawyerv. Adams, 8 Vermont, 172. xxx, 459 Sawyer v. Brossart, 67 Iowa, 678 : 5G, 371 Sawyer v. Brownell, 13 Rhode Island, 141 43, 19 Sawyer v. C. i N. W. R'y, 22 Wisconsin, 402. ... xcix, 49 Sawyerv. Corse. 17Gratt. 230 xcix, 445 Sawyer v. Davis, 136 Massachusetts, 239 49, 27 Sawyer v. Eastern Steamboat Co., 46 Me. 400. . .Ixxiv, 463 Sawyerv. Eifert, 2 Nott&McC. 511 x, 633 Sawyer v. Fellows, 6 New Hampshire, 107. xxv, 452 Sawyer v. Gerrish, 70 Maine. 254 23, 323 Sawyer v. Harm. & St. J. R. R., 37 Mo. 240. ...... .xc, 382 Sawyerv. Hovey, 3 Allen. 331 Ixxsi, 659 Sawyerv. Joslyn, 20 Vermont. 172 xlix, 768 Sawyerv. Woodbury, 7 Gray, 499 Ixvi, 518 Sawyers T. Cator, 8 Humphreys, 256 xlvii. 608 Saxtonv. People, 22N.Y. 309 Ixxviii, 191 Say v. Barnes, 4Serg. &R. 112 viii, 679 Sayerav. Wall. 26Gratt354 21,303 Sayles T. Sayles, 21 New Hampshire, 312 liii, 208 Saylesv. Smith, 12 Wendell, 57 xxvii, 117 Saylorv. Daniels, 37 Illinois, 331 lxxxvii.250 Saylorv. Bushong, 100 Penn. St 23 45,353 Saylor v. Plaine, 31 Maryland, 153 I, 34 Sayre v. Craig, 4 Arkansas, 10 xxxvii, 757 Sayrev. Frick, 7 Watts & Serg. 3S3 Ixii, 249 Sayre v. Louisville U. B. A., 2 Duval, 143 Ixxxv. 613 Sayre v. Lucas, 2 Stewart, 259 xx, 33 Sayrev. Nichols, 7 Calif ornia, 535 Ixviii, 288 Sayward v. Sayward, 7 Greenleaf. 210 xxii, 191 Scales v. Alvis, 12 Alabama, 617 : . .xlvi, 269 Scalesv. State, 47 Arkansas, 476 58,763 Scammon v. Citizens of Chicago, 25 Illinois, 424.1xxix, 334 Scanlan v. Keith, 102 Illinois, 634 40,624 Scanlan v. Wright, 13 Pickering, 523 xxv, 344 Scarborough v. Harris, IBay. 177 i.609 Scarborough v. Watkins, 9 B. Monroe, 540 1, 528 Scarritt, In re, 76 Missouri, 565 43, 768 Scattergood v. Wood, 79 New York, 263 35, 515 Schaeferv. Marthaler, 34 Minnesota, 4S7 57, 73 Schaefer v. Osterbrink, 67 Wisconsin, 495 58, 875 Schaefler v. Sandusky, 33 Ohio St. 213 31, 533 Schafer v. Farmers' & M. B'k, 59 Pa. St. 144 xcviii, 323 Schafennan v. O'Brien, 28 Maryland, 565 xcii, 708 Schatzill v. Eolton, 2 McCord, 478 xiii, 748 Schaub v. Clark, 1 Strobhart's Law, 299 xlvii, 554 Scheferling v. Huffman, 4 Ohio State, 24L Ixii, 281 Scheiderer v. Travelers' Ins. Co.. 53 Wis. 13 46, 618 Scheiffelin v. Stevens, 1 Winst. L. 106 Ixxxiv, 355 Schell v. Stem, 76 Penn. St. 398 18,416 Schemerhorn v. Vanderheyden, 1 Johnson, 139 iii, 304 Schenck v. Conover, 2 Beasley, Ch. 220 Ixxviii, 95 Schenley v. Commonwealth, 36 Penn. State, 23 Ixxviii, 359 Schenner v. Neurath. 54 Maryland. 491 39, 397 SchiefEelin v. Harvey, 6 Johnson, 170 v, 206 SchieSelin v. Stewart, 1 Johns. Ch. 620 vii, 507 Schilling v. Abcrnethy, 112 Penn. St. 437 56, 320 Schindelv. Gates, 46 Maryland, 604 24,526 Schlencker v. Risley, 3 Scammon, 433 xxxviii, 100 Schley v. Dixon, 24 Georgia. 273 lixi, 121 Schmertz v. Shreeve. 62 Penn. St. 437 1, 439 Schmid v. Humphrey. 48 Iowa, 632 30, 414 Schmidlapp v. Currie. 55 Mississippi, 507 30, 530 Schmidt v. Barker, 17 Louisiana An., 261 Ixxxvii, 527 Schmidt v. Blood, 9 Wendell, 263 xxiv, 143 Schmidt v. Kansas C. D. Co., 90 Mo. 254 59, 16 Schmidt v. M. & St. P. R. R. 23 Wisconsin. 186.. xcix. 158 Schmidt v. Mitchell. 84 niinois, 195 25, 446 Schmidt v. Radcliff, 4 Strobhart's Law, 296 liii, 678 Schmidt v. United Ins. Co., 1 Johnson, 249 iii, 319 Schmittler v. Simon, 101 New York, 554 54, 737 Sch Scr TABLE OF CASES. 162 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [19] to American Reports. Sohmitz T. Schmitz, 19 Wisconsin, 207 Ixxxviii, 681 SchmuckerT. Sibert. 13 Kansas, 104 20, 753 Schnebly v. Ragan, 7 GUI & Johns. 120. xxviii, 1J5 Schnee v. Schnee. 23 Wisconsin, 377 zcix, 1S3 Schneider T. .(Etna L. Ins. Co., 32 La. An. 1019. . .3G, 273 Schneider T. Cochrane, 9 Louisiana An. 235. Ixi, 201 Schneider T. Evans, 25 Wisconsin. 211 3, 56 Schneider v. Haas, 11 Oregon, 171 58,296 Schneider T. Provident L. L Co.. 24 Wis. 23 I, 157 Schneiderv. Sansom, 62 Texas, 201 50, 521 Schnell r. City of Chicago, 38 Illinois, 3S2 Ixxxvii. 304 Schnell v. Nell, 17 Indiana, 29 Ixxix, 453 Schneller, Curator etc. T. Vance, 8 La. 60S xxviii, 110 Schnorr's Appeal, 67 Penn. St 133 5,415 Schofield T. Homestead Co., 32 Iowa, 317 7, 197 Schompv. Schenck, 11 Vroom, 195 29,219 School District T. Boston H. & E. R. R. Co.. 102 Massachusetts, 552 3,502 School District v. Fuess, 93 Penn. St. 600 42,627 School District v. Gage, 39 Michigan. 434 33,421 School Directors T. James, 2 Watts & Serg. 558.xxxvii, 525 School District T. McCoy. 30 Kansas, 263 4C, 92 School District T. Neil, 36 Kansas, 617 59, 575 School District T. Perkins, 21 Kansas. 536 30, 447 School District in Winthrop T. Benson, 31 Me. 331. Li, CIS School District So. 1 T. Danchy, 25 Conn. 530. ..Ixviii, 371 School Town v. Kendall, 72 Indiana, 91 31,139 Schooler v. Asherst 1 Littell, 216. xiii, 232 Schooley v. Eomain, 31 Maryland, 571 c, 87 Schoonhoven v. Gott, 20 Illinois, 46 . lixi, 247 Schopmanv. Boston eta R. R. Co. ,9 Gushing, 24.. Iv, 41 Schott v. Harrey, 105 Pennsylvania St. 222 51, 201 Schraderv. Decker, 9 Penn. State, 14 xlix, 533 Schreiber v. Board of Assessors. 37 La. An. 933.. .55, 523 Schreiner v. MUler, 67 Iowa, 91 58,333 Schreveportv. Levy. 26 La. An. 671 21,553 Schriberv. Rapp, 5 Watts, 351 , xxx, 327 Schriverv. Meyer, 19 Penn. State, 87 Ivii, 634 Schroederv. Crawford, 94 Illinois. 357 34,236 Schroeder v.Paterson, 4 Rhode Island, 516... ....In,, 163 Schroederv. Schweizer L. T. V. G., 60 CaL 467... .44, 61 Schofield v. Ferrers, 47 Penn. State. 194. Ixxxvi, 532 Schryverads. People. 42New York. 1 1,430 Schuchardtv. Hall, 36 Maryland, 590 . 11, 514 SchuchardtT. People. 99 Illinois. 501 30, 34 Schuessler v. Dudley, 80 Alabama, 547 CO, 124 Schuessler v. Watson's Adm'r, 37 Alabama, 93..1xxvi, 313 Schuetzen Bund T. Agitations Verein, 44 Michi- gan. 313 38, 270 Schuislcrv. Ames, 16 Alabama, 73 1, 168 Schultz v. Chicago i N. W. R. R. Co., 67 Wis. 616.58, 831 Schultz v. Coon, 51 Wisconsin, 416 37, 833 Schultzv. Ins. Co.. 40 Ohio St.. 217 48, 676 Schultz v. Milwaukee. 49 Wisconsin. 254 35, 779 Schultz v. Schultz, 10 Grattan, 353 Ix. 335 Schultz v. Schultz, 35 Hew York, 653 xci, 88 Schultz v State, 15 Texas Ct App. 253 49, 194 Schulz ads. State, 55 Iowa. 698 39, 137 Schum v. Penn. R R. Co.. 107 Penn. St 8 52, 463 Schumaker v. Schmidt, 44 Alabama, 454 4, 135 Schurmeir v. St. Paul etc. R. R. Co., 8 Minneso- ta. 113 lxxxiu.770 Schnnneier v. St. Paul & Pacific R. R, Co.. 10 Minnesota, 82 Ixxxriil, 59 Schuylerv. Smith, 51 New York, 309 10, 609 Schuylkill Co. v. Copley, 67 Pennsylvania St. 336. . .5, 411 Schwartz T. Commonwealth. 27 Gratt 1025 21, 365 Schwartz v. Gilmore, 45 Illinois. 451 xcii, 227 Schwartz v. Kuhn, 10 Maine, 271 xxv, 233 Schwartz v. Thomas, 2 Washington, 167 i, 473 Schwarzbach v. Ohio V. P. TJ., 25 W. Va. 622.. ..52, 227 Schwarzenbach v. Odorless Ex App. Co., 65 Maryland, 34 57,301 Schweider v. Lang, 29 Minnesota. 251 43, 203 Schwerinv. McKie. 51 Xew York, 130 .....10, 531 Schwinger v. Raymond. 83 New York, 192 38, 415 Scobey v. Gibson, 17 Indiana, 572 Ixxix, 490 Scofieldv. R'y Co.. 43 Ohio St., 571 54, 840 Scofield v. State Nat. Bank, 9 Nebraska, 316 31, 412 Scofield v. Tompkins. 95 Illinois, 190 35, 160 Scott v. Battle. 85 North Carolina. 131 39, G94 Scott v. Brown, 3 Jones' Law, 541 Ixvii, 256 ScottT. Burton, 6 Texas, 322. Iv, 782 Scott v. Bush, 26 Michigan. 418 12, 311 Scott v. Coleman, 5 Littell, 313 XT, 71 Scott v. Commonwealth, 4 Met. (Ky.) 227 Ixxxiii. 461, Scott ads. Commonwealth, 123 Mass. 222 23, 81 Scott v. Dickson. 103 Pennsylvania St. 6.. 56, 192 Scottv. Dunn, 1 Dev. &Bat Eq. 425 xxx, 174 Scott T. Freeland, 7Smedes&M. 409 xlv, 313 ScottT. Gallagher, 14 Serg. & R. 333 xvi, 508 ScottT. Gorton, 14 Louisiana, 111 xxxiii, 576 ScottT. Gorton, 14 Louisiana, 115. xxxiii, 578 ScottT. Grover, 56 Vermont, 499 48, 814 ScottT. Harmon. 109 Massachusetts, 237 12, 635 Scott T. Hill, 3 Missouri, 88 xxii, 4C2 Scott T. Hix, 2 Sneed. 192. Ixii, 458 Scott T. Hunter, 43 Penn. State, 192 Ixxxiv, 542 ScottT. KirkendaU, S3 Illinois, 465 39, 562 Scott T. Kittanning Coal Co.. 89 Penn St. 231... .33, 753 ScottT. Libby, 1 Johnson, 333 iii, 431 Scottv. Martin. 56 Michigan, 551 56, 402 Scott T. McAlpin, N. C. Term Rep. 155 vii, 703 Scott T. McMillen, 1 Littell, 302 xiii, 239 Scott T. Moore, 41 Vermont, 205 xcviii, 531 Scott T. Myatt, 24 Alabama, 489 Ix, 485 Scott v. Nat Bank, 72 Pennsylvania St. 471 13, 711 ScottT. Nelson, 3 Porter, 452 sxix, 266 Scott T. Nichols. 27 Mississippi, 94 Ixi, 503 Scott T. Noble. 72 Pennsylvania St 115 13, 663 Scott v. Onderdonk, 14 N. Y. (4 Keman), 9 Ixvii, 106 Scottv. Perkins, 23 Maine, 22 ilrili, 473 ScottT. Perlee. 39 Ohio State. 63 48, 421 Scott T. Porter. 93 Pennsylvania State, 33 39, 719 ScottT. Price, 2Serg, &R. 53 vii, 623 ScottT. Purcell, 7 Blackford.66 xxxix, 453 Scott T. Renick, IB. Monroe, 63 xxxv, 177 ScottT. Richardson, 2 B. Monroe, 507 xxrriii, 170 ScottT. Rivers, 1 Stewart i Porter, 24. xxi, 646 Scott T. Scott 1 Bay, 504 i, 625 Scott T. Searles, 7 Smedes & M. 498 xlv, 317 Scott ads. State, 4 Iredell's Law, 409 xiii, 113 ScottT. Watson. 46 Maine. 362 Ixxiv457 Scott T. WeUs, 6 Watts & Serg. 357 xl, 568 Scovil T. Kelsey. 46 niinois, 344 xcv. 415 Scoville T. Canfield, 14 Johnson, 333 vii, 467 Scow "M. Tuttle" T. Buck, 23 Ohio St 565 13, 270 Scrantonv. Clark. 39 New York, 220 c, 430 ScrantonT. Hill, 102 Pennsylvania St 373 48, 211 Screven T. Bostick, 2 McCord's Cb, 410 xvi, 664 Screven T. Gregorie, 8 Richardson's Law. 153. . . .Ixiv, 747 Screven T. Joyner, 1 Hill's Ch. (3. C.), 252. xxvi, 199 Scribner v. Beach, 4 Denio, 418 xlvii, 265 Scribnerv. Collar, 40 Michigan, 375 29, 541 ScribnerT. Crane, 2 Paige's Ch. 147 xxt 81 Scribner T. Whitcher, 6 New Hampshire, 63....xriii. 708 Scripps T. Reilly. 35 Michigan, 371 24, 575 Scripture v. Lowell Mut F. I. Co., 10 Cushing.356.lvu. Ill Scriverv. Smith, 100 New York. 471 53, 224 Scruggs T. Gass, 8 Yerger. 175 xxix. 114 163 TABLE OP CASES. Scr Sha Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Scrugham v. Wood, 15 Wendell, 545 six, 75 Scudder v. Bradford, 14 Pickering, 13 xxv, 355 Scudder v. Delaskmut, 7 Iowa, 39 Ixxi, 42! Scudder v. Morris, 2 Pennington, 419 iv, 382 Scudder v. Trenton etc. Co., 1 Saxton's Ch. 694.xxiii, 753 Scull v. Edwards, 13 Arkansas, 24 Ivi, 294 Scull v. Beeves, 2 Green's Ch. 84 xxix, 694 Scull v. Reeves, 2 Green's Ch. 131 xxix, 703 Scully v. Kirkpatrick, 79 Pennsylvania St. . 324. . .21, 62 Scully v. Murray, 34 Missouri, 420 ; Ixxxvi, 116 Sea'oury v. Doe ex dem. Stewart, 22 Ala. 207 ....Iviii, 25J Seagler ads. State, 1 Richardson's Law, 30 xlii, Seal v. Duffy, 4Penn. State, 274 xlv, 691 Seale v. Gulf. 0. & S. F. R'y Co., 65 Texas, 274. ...57, 602 Scaly v. State, 1 Georgia, 213 xliv, 641 Seals v. Edmondson. 73 Alabama, 295 49, 51 Seaman v. Aschermann, 51 Wisconsin, 678 37, Seaman v. Mayor of N. Y., SO New York, 239 36, 612 Seaman v. Riggins, 1 Green's Ch. 214 xxixv, 200 Seaman v. Whitney, 24 Wendell, 260 xxxv, 618 Seamans v. Carter, 15 Wisconsin, 548 Ixxxii, 696 Searle v. Adams, 3 Kansas, 515 Ixxxix, 598 Searle v. Sawyer, 127 Massachusetts, 491 34, 425 Searle ads. Commonwealth, 2 Binney, 332 iv, 446 Sears v. Brink, 3 Johnson, 210 iii, 475 Sears v. Eastern P.. R. Co., 14 Allen, 433 xcii, 780 Searsv. Giddly, 41 Michigan, 590 32, 168 Searsv. Hanks, 14 Ohio State, 298 Ixxxiv, 378 Sears v. HotchMss, 25 Connecticut, 171 Ixv, 557 Sears v. Livennore, 17 Iowa, 297 Ixxxv, 564 Searsv. Warren Co.. 36 Indiana, 267 10, 62 Searsv. West, 1 Murphey, 231 iii, 694 Beaton v. Marshall, 6 Bush, 429 xcix, 683 Beaton v. Scovill. 18 Kansas, 433 26, 779 Seatonv. Scoville. 13 Kansas ..21,212 Sea ver v. Phelps, 11 Pickering, 304 xxii, 372 Seaward v. Lord, 1 Greenleaf, 163 x, 50 Seawell v. Bank of Cape Fear, 3 Dev. L. 279 xxii, 722 Seawell v. Greenway, 22 Texas, 691 Ixxr, 794 Seay v. Bacon, 4Sneed, 99 Ixvii, 601 Seay v. Bank of Tennessee, 3 Sneed, 558 Ixvii, 579 Seay ads. State, 64 Missouri, 89 27,206 Seay ads. State, 3 Stewart, 123 xx, 66 Sebastian v. Johnson, 72 Illinois, 282 22, 144 Second Nat. Bank v. Hill, 76 Indiana, 233 40, 239 Second Nat. Bank v. McGuire, 33 Ohio St. 295. . .31 , 539 Second Nat. Bank v. Walbridge, 19 Ohio St. 419. . 2, 408 Second Nat. Bank v. Western Nat. Bank, 51 Maryland, 128 34,300 Security Bank v. Nat. Bank. 57 New York, 458. . .23, 129 Security Co. v. Bryant, 52 Connecticut, 311 52, 599 Security F. Ins. Co. v. Kentucky M. Ins. Co., 7 Bush, 81 3,301 Security Ins. Co. v. Fay, 22 Michigan, 467. 7, 670 Security L. Ins. & A, Co. ads. People, 78 New York, 114 34,522 Seechrist v. BasMn, 7 Watts & Serg. 403 xlii, 251 Seegarv. State, 6Harris& J. 162 xiv, 265 Seeger v. Pettit, 77 Pennsylvania State, 437 18, 452 Seekinsv. Goodale, 61 Maine, 400. 14,568 Seeley v. Litchfield, 49 Connecticut, 134 44, 213 Seeley v. Pittsburgh, 82 Pennsylvania St. 360. 22, 760 Seeley v. Westport. 47 Connecticut, 294 ....36, 70 Seeligson v. Lewis, 65 Texas, 215. 57, 593 Seely v. Aldea. 61 Penn. State, 302 c, 642 Seely v. People for the Use of A, W. Neece, 27 Illinois, 173 Ixxxi, 224 Seemuller v. Fuchs, 64 Maryland, 217 54, 766 Beevers v. Delashmutt, 11 Iowa, 174 Ixxvii, 139 Seguiuv. Debon,3 Martin, 6 v, 735 Seguin v. Maverick, 24 Texas, 526 Ixxvi, 117 Seguin v. Peterson, 45 Vermont, 255 1 2, 194 Seibert v. Levan, 8 Penn. State, 383 xlix, 525 Seibert v. Price, 5 Watts & Serg. 438 xl, 525 Seidenbender v. Charles, 4 Serg. & R. 151 viii, 682 Seidensparger v. Spear, 17 Maine, 123 xxxv, 234 Seifertv. Brooklyn, 101 New York, 136 5-1,664 Seifried v. Hays, 81 Kentucky, 377 50, 167 Seig v. Acord. 21 Gratt 365 8,605 Seim v. State. 55 Maryland, 566 39,419 Seip v. Storch, 52 Penn. St. 210 xci, 143 Seixasv. Woods, 2 Caines, 48 ii, 215 Selby v. Portland, 14 Oregon, 243 58, 307 Selchow v. Baker, 93 New York, 59 45, 169 Selden v. Cashman, 20 California, 56 Ixxxi, 93 Selden v. Washington, 17 Maryland, 379 Ixxix, 659 Seldner v. Mount Jackson Nat. B'k, 66 Md. 488... 59, 190 Selfv. Dunn, 42 Georgia, 528 5,544 Selleck v. French, 1 Connecticut, 32 vi, 185 Seller v. Corwin, 5 Ohio, 398 xxiv, 301 Sellickv. Munson, 2 Aikens, 150 xvi, 689 Sellman v. Bowen, 8 Gill & Johnson, 50 xxix, 524 Selma & G. R. R. Co., Ex parte, 45 Ala. 696 6, 722 Selma & M. R. Co. Butts & Foster, 43 Ala. 385. ..xciv, 694 Selma etc. R. R. Co. v. Tipton, 5 Ala. 787 xxxix, 344 Semple v. Vicksburg, 62 Mississippi, 63 52, 181 Sensenbrenner v. Matthews, 48 Wisconsin, 250. . .33, 809 Sequestration Cases, 30 Texas, 689 xcviii, 494 Sequin v. Peterson, 45 Vermont, 255 1 2, 194 Sere v. Armitage, 9 Martin, 394 xiii, 311 Sergeant-v? Stryker, 1 Har. 464 xxxii,404 Sergeant v. Steinberger, 2 Ohio, 305 xv, 553 Serril v. Penrose F. B. Co., 49 Pa. St. 118 Ixxxviii, 497 Sessengut v Posey, 67 Indiana, 408 33, 93 Sessions v. Stevens, 1 Florida, 233 xlvi, 339 Settle v. Alison, 8 Georgia, 201 Iii, 393 Seventh Nat. Bankv. Cook, 73 Penn. St. 483 13, 751 Severv. Russell, 4Cushing, 513 1, 811 Severyv. Nickercon, 120 Massachusetts, 306 21,514 Sevier v. Vicksburg & M. R. Co., 61 Miss. 8 48, 74 Sevierv. Wilson, 1 Peck, 146 xiv, 741 Sewall v. Boston Water Power Co., 4Allen, 277. Ixxxi. 701 Sewall v. Cocoes, 75 New York, 45 .31 , 413 Sewallv. Sewall, 122 Massachusetts, 156 23, 299 Sewellv. Eaton, 6 Wisconsin, 490 Ixx, 471 Sewellv. Harrington, 11 Vermont, 141 xxxiv, 675 Sexey v. Adkinson, 34 Calif ornia, 346. xci, 698 Sexton v. Nevers, 20 Pickering, 451 xxxii, 225 Sexton ads. State, SHawks, 184 xiv, 584 Seybel v. Nat. Currency Bank, 54 N. Y. 288 13, 583 Seybolt v. New York, L. E. & W. R. R. Co., 95 New York, 562 47, 75 Seymour v. Continental L. L Co., 44 Conn. 300. .. .26, 469 Seymour v. Delancey, 3 Cowen, 445 xv, 270 Seymour v. De Lancey, Hopkins' Ch. 436 xiv, 552 Seymour v. Lewis, 2 Beasley Ch. 439 Ixxviii, 103 Seymour v. Minturn, 17 Johnson, 169 viii, 330 Seymour ads. People, 16 California, 332 Ixxvi, 521 Seymour v. Watson, 5 Blackf ord, 555 xxxvi, 556 Sliackelton v. Sun Fire Office, 55 Michigan, 288.. 54, 379 ihackleford v. Fountain's Heirs, 1 T. B. Mon. 252. xv, 115 Shacklefordv. Handley, 1 A. K. Marshall, 496 x, 753 ihackleford v. Patrick, 1 Mill, 311 xii, C32 Shackleford v. Purket, 2 A, K. Marshall, 435 xii, 422 ifcackleford v. Ward, 3 Alabama, 37 xixvi, 435 Shaddock v. Clifton, 22 Wisconsin, 114.... xciv, 583 Shaddon v. Knott, 2 Swan, 358 Iviii, 63 Shader v. Railway P. A. Co. , 66 New York, 441 . . .23, 65 Shaef er v. Gates, 2 B. Monroe, 453 xxxviii, 164 Shaeffer v. Chambers, 2 Halstead's Ch. 543 xlvii, 211 Sha She TABLE CASES. 164 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Bhaeffer v. Shaeffer, 54 Maryland, 679 39, 40 Shafer v. Ahalt. 43 Maryland, 171 - 30,45 Shafer v. MMmma, 17 Maryland, 331 Ixxix, 65 Shaffer T. Kintzer, 1 Binney, 537 ii, 48. Shaffner T. Briggs, 36 Indiana, 55 10, Shaffner v. Commonwealth, 72 Perm. St. 60 13, 64 Shaft v. Phoenix M.I. Co.. 67 New York, 544 83, 13 Sham v. Mark-ham, 4 J. J. Marshall, 578 xx, % Shallerv. Brand, 6Binney, 435 vi, 48 Shalter and Ebling's Appeal. 43 Penn. St. 83. .Ixxxii. 55 Shamokin Valley R. R. Co. v. Livermore, 47 Penn. State. 465 Ixxxvi. 55 Shane T. Kansas City etc. R. R. Co., 71 Mo. 237. .36, 4S Shanks v. Lancaster, 5 Grattan, 110 1, 10 Shanks v. Seamonds, 24 Iowa. 131 xcii. 465 fihn.nnn.hitn T. Commonwealth, 8 Bush. 463 8, 46* Shannon T. Comstock, 21 Wendell, 457 v xxxiv, 26 Shannon v. Hall. 72 Illinois, 354 Shannon v. Kinny, 1 A. K. Marshall, 3 x, 70 Shannon ads. State, 36 Ohio St. 423 38, 59< Shannon v. White, 6 Richardson's Equity, % Ix, 11 Shannon's Heirs v. Dillon, 8 B. Monroe, 389 . . .xlviii, 3$ Shapley v. Abbott, 42 New York, 443 1,54 Share v. Anderson, 7 Serg. & E. 43 x, 42 Sharkey v. Mansfield, 90 New York, 227 43, 16 Sharkey v . McDennott, 91 Missouri, 647 60, 271 Sharlock v. Rivers. 13 Rich. L. 4SS xci. 24; Sharman v. Howell, 40 Georgia, 257 2,576 Sharon v. Shaw, 2 Nevada, 289 xc. 546 Sharp v. Bailey. 14Iowa, 337 Ixxii. 489 Sharp v. Chcatham, 83 Missouri, 498 5 7 , 433 Sharp v. Emmet, 5 Wharton, 288 xxxiv, 554 Sharp v. Johnson, 4 Hill (N. Y.) 92 xl, 259 Sharp v. Jones. 18 Indiana, 314. Ixxxi, 359 Sharp v. Parks, 48 Illinois, 511 xcv, 565 Sharp v. Teese, 4 Halsted, 352 xvii, 479 Sharp v. Thompson, 100 Illinois, 447 39, 61 Sharp v. United States, 4 Watts, 21 xxviii, 676 Sharp v. Wickliffe, 3 Littell, 10 xlv, 37 Sharp, Petition of , 56 New York, 257 15,415 Sharp's Rifle Mfg Co. v. Rowan, 34 Conn. 329 xci, 723 Sharpe v. Belli*. 61 Pennsylvania St. 69 c. 618 Sharpev. Bingley, 1 Mill, 373 xii. 643 Sharpe v. Gibson, 1 Harris & J. 447 ii, 529 Sharplesa v. Mayor of Phila., 21 Pennsylvania State, 147 lix, 759 Sharpless ads. Commonwealth, 2 Serg. & R. 91 . . . vii, 632 Shartzerv. State, 63 Maryland, 149 52,501 Shattuck v. Hammond, 46 Vermont, 466 11, 631 Shattuck v. Lamb, 65 New York, 499 22,656 Shattuck v. Myers, 13 Indiana, 47 Ixxiv, 236 Shattuck v. State, 51 Mississippi, 50 24, 624 Shaul v. Brown. 23 Iowa, 37 4,151 Shaver v. Ingham, 53 Michigan, 649 55,712 Shaverv. Shaver, 54 Iowa. 208 37,194 Shaver v. White, G Munford, 110. viii, 730 Shaw, Ex parte, 7 Ohio State, 81 Ixx, 55 Shawv. ^tnalns. Co., 49 Missouri, 578 8,150 Shaw v. Barnes, 5 Penn. State, 18. xlvii, 399 Shawv. Berry, 31 Maine, 478 lii, 623 Bhawv. Berry, 35 Maine, 273 Iviii, 702 Bhaw T. Beveridge, 3 Hill (X. Y.), 26 xxxviii, 616 Bhawv. Boyd, 5 Serg. & R. 309 ix, 368 Shawv. Burney,86 North Carolina, 331 41,461 Bhawv. Carpenter, 54 Vermont, 135 41,837 Shawv. Clark, 49 Michigan, 334 43,474 Shawv. Clark, 6 Vermont, 507 xxvii, 573 Bhaw v. Coffin, 58 Maine, 254 4,290 Bhaw ads. Commonwealth, 4 Allen, 308 Ixxxi, 706 Bhaw ads. Commonwealth, 4 Gushing, 594 1, 813 Shawv. Coster, 8 Paige, 339 xxxv, 690 Shawv. Dudley. 70 Maine. 236 35,318 Shaw v. Dwight, 27 New York, 244 Ixxxiv, 275 Shawv. Fisk, 21 Wisconsin, 368 xciv, 547 Shawv. HaUihan, 46 Vermont, 389 14,628 Shaw v. Hill. 20 La. An. 531 xcvi. 420 Shawv. OswegoL Co.. 10 Oregon. 371 45,116 Shawads. People. 57 Michigan. 403 58,372 Shawv. Poor, 6 Pickering, 86 xvii, 347 Shawv. Rigby, 84 Indiana, 375 43, 96 Shaw v. S. C. R. R. Co., 5 Rich. Law, 462 Ivii, 768 Shawv. Shaw, 50 Maine, 94 Ixxix, G05 Shawv. Smith, 48 Connecticut. 306 40,170 Shaw v. Spencer. 100 Massachusetts, 382 1 , 115 Shaw v. Spencer, 100 Massachusetts, 332 xcrii, 107 Shawv. Spooner, 9 New Hampshire, 197 xxxii, 348 Shawv. Thompson, 16 Pickering, 198 xxvi, 655 Shawv. Wilkins, 8 Humphreys, 647 xlix, 692 Shawv. Williams, 87 Indiana. 153 44,756 Shawhan v. Long, 25 Iowa, 488 xcvi, 164 Shawhan v. Van Nest, 25 Ohio St. 490 18, 313 Shawneetown v. Mason, 82 Illinois, 337 25, 321 Shay v. Thompson, 59 Wisconsin. 540 48, 533 Shea v. Donahue, 15 Lea. 160 54,407 Shea v. Sixth Ave. R. R. Co.. 62 New York. ISO. .20, 430 Sheafe v. People. 87 Illinois. 189 29, 49 Sheahanv. Collins, 20 Illinois, 325 Ixxi, 271 Shealy v. Edwards, 73 Alabama, 175 49. 43 Shean v. Shay, 42 Indiana, 375 13,366 Shearman v. Angel, 1 Bailey's Eq. 351 xxiii, 166 Shearman v. Niagara F. I. Co.. 46 N. Y. 526 7, 330 Shearman v. State, 1 Texas Ct. App. 215 28, 402 Shecut v. McDowell, 3 Brevard, 38 v, 536 Shed v.Brett, 1 Pickering, 401 xi, 209 Sheedy v. Roach, 124 Massachusetts, 472 26, 630 Sheedy v. Second Nat. Bank, 62 Missouri, 17 21,407 Sheehan's Case, 122 Massachusetts, 445 23, 374 Sheehanv. Good Samaritan Hosp., 50 Mo. 155. ...11, 412 Sheehey v. Cokley, 43 Iowa, 183 22, 236 Sheehy v. Adarene, 41 Vermont, 541 xcviii, 623 Sheeler v. Chesapeake 4 O. R. R. Co.. 81 Va. 188. .59, 651 Sheely v. Biggs, 2 Harris & J. 363 iii, 552 Sheets v. Culver, 14 Louisiana, 449 xxxii, 593 Sheets v. Hawk. 14 Serg. & R. 173 xvi, 486 Sheets v. Peabody, 6 Blackf ord, 120 xxxriii, 132 Sheets v. Peabody, 7 Blackford, 613 xliii, 107 Sheffield v. Balmer. 52 Missouri. 474 14,430 Sheffield v.Ladue. 16 Minnesota. 388 10, 145 heffill v. Van Deusen, 13 Gray, 304 Ixxiv, 632 Sheffil v. Van Deusen, 15 Gray, 485 Ixxvii, 377 Shelburne F. Nat. Bank v. Townsley, 102 Mas- sachusetts, 177 3,445 toelby v. Alcorn, 33 Mississippi, 273 Ixxii, 169 helbyv. Shelby, Cooke, 179 v, 636 helden v. Robinson, 7 New Hampshire, 157.... xxvi, 726 heldon v. Atlantic F. &M. LCo..26N.Y.460.1xxxiv. 231 heldon v. Benham. 4 Hill (N. Y.) 129 xl, 271 heldon v. Carpenter, 4 N. Y. (4 Comst.), 579 lv, 301 heldon v. Connecticut Co., 25 Conn. 207 Ixv, 565 heldon v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 22 Conn. 235. .Iviii, 420 heldon v. Horton, 43 New York, 93 3, 669 heldon v. Hudson River R. R. Co., 14 N. Y. 218.1xvii, 155 heldon v. Kibbe, 3 Connecticut, 214, viii, 176 heldon v. Rice. 30 Michigan. 296 18,136 heldon v. Rockwell, 9 Wisconsin, 166 Ixxvi, 265 heldon v. Root, 16 Pickering, 567 xxviii, 266 heldonv. Sherman, 42 New York, 484 1,569 heldon v. Skinner. 4 Wendell, 525 xxl, 161 heldon v. Steamship U. S., 18 California, 527. .Ixxix, 193 helleyv. Boothe, 73 Missouri, 74 39,481 165 TABLE OF CASES. She Shr Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Shelters ads. State, 51 Vermont, 102 Shelton v. Berry, 19 Texas, 154 Ixx, 32G Shelton v. Fels, Phill. Law, 178 xcfii, 58C Shelton v. Hamilton, 23 Mississippi, 496 Ivii, 149 Shelton v. Johnson, 4Sneed, C72 Ixx, 265 Shelton v. Mayor of Mobile, 30 Alabama, 540. . .Ixviii, 143 Shelton v. State, 53 Indiana. 331 21,197 Shelton ads. State, 2 Jones' Law, SCO Ixiv, 587 Shelton Y. Wade, 4 Texas, 148 li, 722 Shelton and Tuttle, Trustees, v. Hurd, 7 Rhode Island, 403 Ixxxiv. 564 Shenk v. Pa. S. P. Co..60Penn. 109... c. 541 Shepard v. Hawley, 1 Connecticut, 367 vi, 244 Shepard v. Milwaukee Gas Light Co., 6 Wis. 539. .Ixx, 479 Shepard v. Moffat, 2Pinney, 66 lii, 141 Shepard v. Richards, 2 Gray, 424 Ixi, 473 Shepard v. Shepard, 7 Johns. Ch. 57 xi, 396 Shepard v. Milwaukee Gaslight Co., 15 Wiscon- sin, 318 Ixxxii, 679 Shepard Y. Mo. Pac. R'y Co., 85 Missouri, 629 55, 390 Shepard v. Rhodes, 7 Rhode Island, 470 Ixxxiv, 573 Shepard Y. Whetstone, 51 Iowa, 457 33, 143 Sheperd v. Cassiday, 20 Texas, 24 Ixx, 372 Sheperd v. Rand, 48 Maine, 244 Ixxrii, 225 Shephard T. Butterfield, 4 Gushing, 425 1, 796 Shephard Y. Shephard, 2 Richardson's Eq. 142. . .xlvi, 41 Shepherd v. Burkhalter, 13 Georgia, 443 Iviii, 523 Shepherd v. Chamberlain, 8 Gray, 225 Ixix, 243 Shepherd ads. Commonwealth, 6 Binney, 283 vi, 443 Shepherd v. Lanfear, 5 Louisiana, 336 xxv, 1S1 Shepherd v. McEvers. 4 Johns. Ch. 136 viii, 5C1 Shepherd T. New Orleans, 6 Robinson (La.), 349. . .xli, 2C9 Shepherd v. Sawyer, 2 Murphey, 26 v, 517 Shepherd v. Turner, 3 McCord, 249 XT, C31 Shepherd T. Young, 8 Gray, 152 Ixix, 242 Sheppard v. State, 1 Texaa Ct. App. 522 28, 422 Sheppard T. Steele, 43 New York, 52 3, 660 Shepperd Y. County Comm'rs, 59 Georgia ,535 27, 394 Sherban v. Commonwealth, 8 Watts, 212 xxxiv, 4GO Sherbourne v. Yuba County, 21 California, llS.lxxxi, 151 Sherburne v. Shaw, 1 New Hampshire, 157 viii, 47 Sherfeyv. Bartley, 4 Sneed, 58 Ixvii, 597 Sherfyv. Argenbright. 1 Heisk. 123 2,690 Sheridan v. Bean, 8 Metcalf, 284 xli, 507 SheriMan v. Brooklyn etc. R. R. Co., 36 New York. 39 xciii, 490 Sheridan v. Medara, 2 Stockton's Ch. 469 Ixiv, 464 Sheriffs v. Pugh, 22 Wisconsin, 273 xciv, 600 Sherley v. Billings. 8 Bush, 147 8,451 Sherlock v. Bainbridge, 41 Indiana, 35 13, 302 Sherlock v. Thayer, 4 Michigan, 355 Ixvi, 539 Sherman v. Anderson, 27 Kansas, 333 41, 414 Sherman v. Buick, 32 California, 241 xci, 577 Sherman v. Clark, 4 Nevada, 138 xcvii, 516 Sherman v. Dill, 4 Yeates, 205 ii, 408 Sherman v. Fall Riv. I. Co., 2 Allen, 524 Ixxix, 799 Sherman v. Hannibal & St. J. R. Co., 72 Mo. 62,. .37, 423 Sherman v. People, 10 Wendell, 298 xxv, 5C3 Sherman v. Stanton, 1 Tyler, 350 iv, 724 Sherman v. Story, 30 California, 253 Ixxxix, 93 Sherman v. Williams, 113 Massachusetts, 481 18, 522 Shermer Y. Shermer, 1 Washington, 266 i, 460 Sherrard v. Nevius, 2 Indiana, 241 lii, 508 Sherrod v. Woodard, 4 Devereux Law, 360 xrv, 714 Ehenrin v. Sanders, 59 Vermont, 499 50, 750 Sherwood v. Agricultural Co., 73 New York, 447. .20, ISO Sherwood v. Burr. 4 Day. 244 iv, 211 Sherwood v. Collier, 3 Devereux Law, 330 xxiv. 264 Sherwood v. Dist. of Columbia, 3 Mackey, 276. . ..51, 776 Sherwood v. Lafayette, 109 Indiana, 411 58, 414 Sherwood v. Reed, 35 Connecticut, 450 xcv, 234 Sherwood v. Salmon, 5 Day, 439 v, 167 Sherwood v. Sherwood, 45 Wisconsin, 357 30, 73 7 Sherwood v. Snow, 46 Iowa, 481 2u, 153 Sherwood ads. State, 15 Minnesota, 221 2, 116 Shewell Y. Keen, 2 AVbartcn, 332 xxx, 266 Shields Y. Fuller, 4 Wisconsin, 102 Ixv. 293 Shields Y. Jolly. 1 Richardson's Equity, 99 xlii, 343 Shields Y. Lozear, 34 New Jersey, 496 3, 256 Shields ads. State, 13 Missouri, 236 liii. 147 Shields Y. Yonge. 15 Georgia. 349 Ix. 6P8 Shiflett ads. State, 20 Missouri, 415 Lxiv, 190 Shilling Y. Carson, 27 Md. 175 xcii. 632 Shimer Y. Mann, 99 Indiana, 190 50, 82 Shinborn ads. State, 46 New Hampshire, 497.1xxxviii, 224 Shiadelbeck Y. Moon, 32Ohio State, 261 30, 5S4 Shindler Y. Houston, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst.), 201 xlix, 316 Shinn Y. Bodine, 60 Pennsylvania, 182 ;> c, 560 Shinn Y. Roberts, 1 Spencer, 435 xliii. 636 Shinn Y. State, 64 Indiana. 13 31, 110 Shinn v. Zimmerman. 3 Zabriskie, 150 Shipley Y. Alexander, 3 Harris & J. 84 v, 421 Shipley Y. Fifty Associates, 101 Mass. 251 3, 346 Shipley Y. Fifty Associates, 106 Mass. 194 8, 318 Shipley Y. Eitter, 7 Maryland, 408 lii, 371 ShipmanY. Clark, 4Denio. 446 x: Shipman Y. Furniss, 69 Alabama, 555 44, 523 Shipp v. McCraw, 3 Murphey, 4C3 ix, Cll Shippey Y. Henderson, 14 Johnson, 173. vii, 453 Shippey ads. State, 10 Minnesota, 223 Ixxxviii, 70 Shipply Y. People. 86 New York. 375 40, 551 ShirasY. Olinger. 50 Iowa, 571 33, 133 Shirkey Y. Hanna, 2 Blackford, 403 xivi, 425 ShirleyY. Ayres, 14 Ohio, 307 xlv, 543 Shirley v. Fearne, 33 Mississippi, C53 Ixix, 375 Shirley Y. Welty, 19 Illinois, 623 Ixxi. 244 Shirtliff Y. Whitfield, 2 Brevard, 71 iii, 701 Shisler Y. Baxter, 109 Pennsylvania St 443. Shisler Y. Vandike, 92 Pennsylvania St. 447 37, 7G2 ShiversY. Simmons. 54 Mississippi, 520. 28, 372 ShiYersY. Wilson, 5 Harris & J. 130 Shobert, Ex parte, 70 California. 632 50, 432 Shock Y. McChesney, 4 Yeates. 507 ii, 415 Shockey Y. Mills, 71 Indiana, 238. 3G, 196 Shockley v. Davis, 17 Georgia, 177 Ixiii, 233 Shoe and L. Nat. Bank v. Dix, 1C3 Mass. 14S 25, 49 Shoemaker Y. Benedict, 11 N. Y. (1 Keman), 176. .Ixii, 95 Shoemaker Y. Mechanics' Bank, 59 Penn. St. 79, xcviii, 315 Shoemaker Y. N. M. Bank of Bait., 31 Md.396....c. 73 Shoemaker ads. State, 62 Iowa, 343 40, 146 Sholl Y. German Coal Co.. 118 Illinois, 427 59, 379 Short Y. Baltimore C. P. R'y Co., 50 Md. 73 .33, 298 Short Y. Home Ins. Co.. 90 New York. 16 43, 138 ShortY. Tinsley, 1 Metcalfe (Ky.), 397 Ixxi, 482 Shorter Y. People, 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.). 193 li, 286 Shotts Y. Poe, 47 Maryland. 513 28, 485 Shotwell Y. Hamblin, 23 Mississippi. 156 Iv, S3 Shotwell Y. Lawson, 30 Mississippi, 27 Ixiv, 145 Shouse ads. Commonwealth, 10 B. Monroe, 325. .Ixiii, 551 Showers Y. Showers, 27 Penn. State, 485 Ixvii, 487 Shown Y. McMackin, 9 Lea, 601 42, 6SO Shreck Y. Shreck, 32 Texas, 573 5, 251 ShreYeY. Grimes, 4 Littell, 220 siv. 117 Shreve Y. Joyce, 36 New Jersey, 44 13, 417 Shreveport v. Levy, 26 La. An. 671 21, 553 Shreveport Y. Red River & Coast Line. 37 La. An. 562 55, 504 ShrieYe v. Stokes, 8 B. Monroe, 453 xlviii, 401 Shriver Y. Sioux City and St. Paul E'y Co., 24 Minnesota, 506 31,353 Shr-Sin TABLE OF CASES. 166 Roman letters [xllx] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Shropshire v. Glascock, 4 Missouri, 535 mi, 189 Bhufeltr. Shufelt, 9 Paige's Ch. 137 xxxvii. 381 Bhuflin v. People, 62 New York, 229 20,483 Bhugart v. Egan, 83 Illinois, 56 25, 359 Bhular v. State, 105 Indiana, 289 55,211 Bhultz T. Young. 3 Iredell's Law, 3S5 xl. 413 Bhulze's Appeal, 1 Penn. State, 251 xliv, 126 Bhumway v. Holbrook, 1 Pickering, 114. xi, 153 Shumway v. Reed. 34 Maine, 500 Ivi. 679 Bhumway T. Rutter, 8 Pickering, 443 xix. 340 Bhumway T. Stillmau, 4 Cowan, 232 rv, 374 Bhunk v First Nat. Bank, 22 Ohio St. 508 10, 762 Ehupeads. State, 16 Iowa, 30 Ixxxv. 485 Bhurtleffv. Millard. 12 Rhode Island, 272 34, 640 BhurUeff T. Parker. 130 Massachusetts, 293 39, 454 BhurtleffY. Stevens, 51 Vermont, 501 31, 698 Ehute Y. Harder, 1 Terger, 3 xxiv, 427 Bhuttlesworth Y. Hughey. 6 Richardson's L. 329. . .Ix, 130 Bhutts Y. Fingar, 100 New York, 539 53,231 Bibbald Y. Bethlehem I. Co., S3 New York, 373. . ..22, 441 Bibert Y. Wilder, 16 Kansas. 176 22,280 Bibley v. Aldrich, 33 New Hampshire, 553 Ixvi, 745 Bibley Y. Holden, 10 Pickering, 249 xx, 521 Bibley Y. Howard, 3 Denio, 72 xlv, 443 Bibley Y. Smith, 46 Arkansas, 275 55,584 Bibley Y. Spring, 12 Maine, 460 xxviii, 191 BickelsY. Pattison, 14 Wendell, 257 xxviii, 527 Sickles Y. Mather, 20 Wendell, 72 xxxii, 521 Bickman Y. Lapsley, 13 Serg. &. R. 224 , IT, 596 BidenberdY. Ely. 90 New York, 257 43,163 Bidensparker Y. Sidensparker, 52 Maine, 481. .Ixxxiii, 527 Bides Y. McCullough, 7 Martin. 654 xii, 519 Sidwell Y. Evans, 1 Penrose & Watts, 333 ni, 387 Siegel v. Chidsey, 28 Penn. State, 279 Ixx, 124 Biegelv. Robinson, SoPa. St. 19 xciii, 775 Biegert Y. Abbott, 61 Maryland, 276 48, 101 Biegrist v. Amot, 86 Missouri, 200 56,424 SigfriedY. Levan, 6 Serg. & R. 308 ix, 427 Sigouraey Y. Eaton, 14 Pickering, 414 xxv, 414 Bigourney Y. Sibley, 21 Pickering, 101 xxxii, 248 Bigourney Y. Sibley, 22 Pickering, 507 Txriii, 762 Bikes Y Paine, 10 Iredell's Law, 230 li, 389 SUknitter's Appeal, 43 Penn. State, 365 Ixxxiv. 494 SUabury Y. McCoon, 6 Hill (New York), 425 xli, 753 Silsbury Y. McCoon, 3 New York (3 Comst.), 379. .liii, 307 Silvan v. Coffee, 20 Texas, 4 Ixx, 371 Silver v. Frazier, 3 Allen, 382 Ixxxi, 662 Silver v. Kansas City, St. L. and C. R. Co., 78 Missouri, 528 47,118 Simar Y. Canaday, 53 New York, 298 13,523 Simmonds Y. New York & N. E. R. R. Co., 52 Connecticut, 264 52, 587 Simmons v. Brown, 7 Rhode Island. 427 Ixxxiv, 569 Simmons Y. Brown, 5 R. I. 299 Ixxiii, 66 Simmons Y. Bull, 21 Alabama, 501 Ivi, 257 Simmons v. Camden, 26 Arkansas, -7G 7, 620 Simmons Y. Cincinnati Sav. Soc., 31 Ohio St. 457. .27, 521 Simmons Y. Hill, 4 Harris & McH. 252 i, 398 Simmons Y. Hendricks, 8 IredelTs Eq. 85 Iv, 439 Simmons v. Mumford, 5 Rhode Island, 472 Ixxiii, 79 Simmons v. New Bedford V. etc. S. Co., 97 Mas- sachusetts, 361 xciii, 99 Simmons v. State, 73 Georgia, 609 54, 885 Simmons Y. State, 12 Missouri, 2G8 xlix, 131 Simmons Y. Taylor, 83 North Carolina, 148 .35, 56 Simmons Y. Thomas, 43 Mississippi, 31 5, 470 Simon v. Atlanta, 67 Georgia, 013 44,739 Simon v. Brashear, 9 Robinson (Louisiana), 59 xli, 321 Simon v. Brown. 3 Yeates, 186 ii, 368 Simon v. Gratz, 2 Penrose & W. 412. xiiii, 33 Simonds Y. Heard, 23 Pickering, 120 xxxiv, 41 Simonds Y. Henry, 39 Maine, 155 Ixiii, 611 Simonds Y. Simonds, 103 Massachusetts, 572 4, "6 Simons v. Vulcan O. & M. Co., 61 Penn. State, 2^2.. c, 628 Simonton Ex parte, 9 Porter, 390 xxxiii, 320 Simonton Y. Clark, 65 North Carolina, 525 G, 7~2 Simonton Y. Loring, 68 Maine, 164 28, 29 Simpson Y. Ammons, IBinney, 175 ii, 425 Simpson Y. Carleton, 1 Allen, 109 Ixxix, 707 Simpson Y. City Sav. Bank, 56 N. H. 466 22, 491 Simpson v. Cochran, 23 Iowa, 81 xcii, 410 Simpson Y. Davis, 119 Massachusetts, 269 20, 3C4 Simpson Y. Feltz, 1 McCord's Ch. 213 xvi, 602 Simpson Y. Garland. 72 Maine, 40 39, 297 Simpson Y. Hand, 6 Wharton, 311 xxrvi, 31 Simpson v. Levering, 3 Bush, 458 xcvi, 252 Simpson Y. McFarland, 18 Pickering, 427 xxix, 602 Simpson Y. Montgomery, 25 Arkansas, 365 xcii, 228 Simpson Y. Nadeau, Conference Rep. 115 ii, 634 Simpson v. Pearson, 31 Indiana, 1 xcix, 577 Simpson Y. Seavey, 8 Greenleaf, 138 xxii, 228 Simpson v. Stackhouse, 9 Penn. State, 186 xlix, 554 Simpson Y. State, 59 Alabama, 1 31, 1 Simpson ads. State, 23 Minnesota, 66 4 1 , 269 Simpson Y. Turney, 5 Humphreys, 419 xlii. 443 Simpson Y. Watts, 6 Richardson's Eq. 364. Ixii, 392 Simpson v. Welcome, 72 Maine. 496 3P, 349 Simpson v. Westenberger, 28 Kansas, 756 42, 195 Simpson v. Wrenn, 50 Illinois, 2-J2 xcix, 511 Sims v. Bardoner, 86 Indiana, ?7 44, 263 Suns Y. Boynton, 32 Alabama, 353 Irx, 540 s Y. Campbell, 1 McCord's Ch, 53 rri, 505 Simsv. Conger, 39 Mississippi, 231 Ixr. Sims Y. Cox, 40 Georgia, 76 2,560 Sims v. Davis, Cheves' Law, 1 xxxiv, 581 Sims Y. Glazener, 14 Alabama, 695 xlviii, 120 Sims Y. Hutching TJ. of T.. 8 Smedes & M. 328. . .xlvii, 90 Sims v. Lyles, 1 Hill (S. C.).39 xxvi, 155 Sims v. McLure, 8 Richardson's Eq. 236 Ixx, 196 Sims v. Rickets, 35 Indiana. 131 !), 679 Simsv. Sims. 39 Georgia, 108 xcix, 450 Simsv. Sims, SPorter, 449 xxxiii. 203 Suns v. Smith, 7 Calif ornia, 148 Ixviii, 233 Sims v. Smith. 99 Indiana, 469 50, 99 Sims v. State Ins. Co., 47 Missouri, 54 4, 311 Sinclair Y. Board of Co. Comm., 23 Minn. 404 23, 694 Sinclairv. Healy, 40 Penn. State, 417 Ixxx, 589 Sinclair v. Jackson, 47 Maine, 102 Ixxiv, 476 Sinclair v. Hathaway, 57 Michigan, 60 58, 327 Sinclair v. Slawson, 44 Michigan, 123 38, 235 Sinclair v. Worthy, 1 Winst. L. 114 Ixxxiv, 357 Siner's Appeal, 36 Penn. State, C47 lx.v Singerly v.Thayer, 103 Pennsylvania St. 291 50,207 Singer Manuf. Co., v. Cole, 4 Lea, 439 40, 20 Singer Manuf. Co. v. Domestic S. M. Co., 49 Georgia, 70 15, 674 Singer Manuf. Co. v. Graham, 8 Oregon, 17 "4, 572 Singer Manuf. Co. v. Holdfodt, S6 Illinois, 455. ...29, 43 Singer Manuf. Co. v. Rook, 84 Penn. St. 442 24, 204 Singerly v. Swain's Adm'rs, 33 Penn. State, 102. .Ixxv, 581 Singletary v. Carter, 1 Bailey'sLaw, 467 xxi, 480 Singleton v. Bremar, 4 McCord, 12 xvii, 699 Singleton v. Carroll, 6 J. J. Marshall, 527 xxii, 95 Singleton v. St. Louis Ins. Co., 66 Missouri, 63 27, 321 Singleton v. S W. R. Co., 70 Georgia, 464 4S. 574 Singstack v. Harding, 4Harria& J. 186 vii, 669 Sinks v. Reese, 19 Ohio State, 306 2, 397 Sinnicksou v. Johnson, 2 Hsrr. (X. J.), 129 xxxiv, 184 Sinton v. Royd. 19 Ohio State, 30 2, 369 Sinton v. Steamboat Roberts, 34 Indiana. 448 7 , 229 167 TABLE OF CASES. Sio Sml Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Sioux C. & P. R. R. Co. T. Finlayson, 16 Ne- braska, 578 49,724 Sioux C. and P. R. Co. v. First Nat. Bank, 10 Ne- braska, 556 35,483 Sisson v. Cleveland and T. R. R., 14 Mich. 489 xc, 252 Sitler v. Gear, 105 Pennsylvania State, 577 51, 207 Sitton v. MacdonaKl. 23 South Carolina, 63 GO, 434 Skillmg v. Bollman, 73 Missouri, 665 3f), 537 Skillrnan v. Lachman, 23 California, 138 Ixxxiii, % Skillman v. Skilknan, 2 McCarter. 478 Ixxxii, 279 Skilton v. Winslow, 4 Gray, 441 lx ; v, 77 Skinnerv. Conant, 2 Vermont, 453 xxi, 554 Skinner v. Dayton, 19 Johnson, 513 x, 236 Skinner v. Deming, 2 Indiana, 558 liv, 463 Skinner v. Hendrick, 1 Root, 253 i, 43 Skinner v. Housatonic R. R. Co., 1 Cush. 475. ..xlviii, 616 Skinner v. Judson, 8 Connecticut, 523 xxi, 631 Skinnerv. Moore,2Dev. & Bat. L. 133 xxx, 155 Skinner v. Pinney, 19 Florida, 42 45, 1 Skinner v. Reynick, 10 Nebraska, 323 33, 479 Skinnerv. Shannon, 44 Michigan, 86 38, 232 Skinner v. Wilder, 33 Vermont, 115 Ixxxviii, 645 Skinner ads. People, 13 Illinois, 237 liv, 432 Skipper v. Foster, 29 Alabama, 330 Ixv, 405 Skipper v. Stokes, 42 Alabama, 255 xciv, 646 Skipwith v. Cunningham, 8 Leigh, 271 xxxi, 642 Skoneld v. Haley, 22 Maine. 164 xxxviii, 307 Skrine v. Simmons, 36 Georgia, 402 xci, 771 Slack v. Kirk, 67 Pennsylvania State, 3SO 5, 438 Slack v. Orillion. 11 Louisiana, 537 xxx, 724 Slack v. Orillion. 13 Louisiana, 56 xxxiii, 551 Slade v. Etheridge, 13 Iredell's Law, 353 Mi, 557 Slaut-r v. Favorite, 107 Indiana, 291 57, 106 Slater v. Jewett, 85 New York, 61 2J\ 627 Slatten v. Des Moines V. R. R. Co., 29 Iowa, 143. . 4, 205 Slatter v. Glover, 14 Alabama, 643 xlviii, 118 Slattery v. St. Louis & N. O. F. Co., 91 Mo. 217.. .60, 215 Slaughter v. Barnes, 3 A. K. Marshall, 412 xiii, 190 Slaughter v. Commonwealth, 11 Leigh, 681 xxxvii, 633 Slaughter v. Cunningham, 24 Alabama, 260 Ix, 463 Slaughter v. Froman, 5 T. B. Monroe, 19 xvii, 33 Slaughter v. Green, 1 Randolph, 3 x, 438 Slaughter v. Slaughter, 23 Arkansas, 356 Ixxix, 111 Slawson v. Loring, 5 Allen, 340 Ixxxi, 730 . Carey, 11 B. Monroe, 131 lii, 570 Slee v. Bloom, 19 Johnson, 456 x, 273 Sleeper v. Laconia, 63 New Hampshire, 201 40, 311 Sleeper v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 100Penn.St.259..45, 330 Sleeper v. Pollard. 23 Vermont, 709 Ixvii, 741 Sleeper v. Union Ins. Co.. 65 Maine, 335 20, 706 Sleeth v. Murphy. Morris, 321 xli, 232 Sleighter v. Harrinston, N. C. Term Rep. 249 vii, 715 Slemmer's Appeal, 53 Pennsylvania St. 155 xcviii, 243 Slemmer's Appeal, 58 Pennsylvania St. 168 xeviii, 255 Sl:fer ads. Com. exrel. Bowman, 25 Pa. St. 23...1xiv, 680 Slight v. Gutzlaff, 35 Wisconsin. 675 17,476 Sloan v. Campbell, 71 Missouri, 387 30,493 Sloan v. Case. 10 Wendell. 370 xxv, 569 Sloan v. Gilbert, 12 Bush. 51 23, 703 Sloan v. Pac. R. R. Co., 61 Missouri, 24 21. 337 Sloan T. Wilson, 4 Harris & J. 322 vii, 672 Sloat v. Royal Ins. Co., 49 Penn. State, 14. . .Ixxxviii, 477 Slocomb v. De Lizardi, 21 Louisiana An. 355 xcix, 740 Slocuin v Seymour, 36 New Jersey, 138 13, 432 Slocumb v. Breedlove, 3 Louisiana, 143 xxviii, 135 Sloc.uub v. Kuykendall, 1 Seammon, 137 xxvii, 764 Slomer v. People, 25 Illinois, 70 Ixxvi, 786 Sloss ads. State, 25 Missouri, 291 Ixix, 467 Slowey v. McMurray, 27 Missouri, 113 Ixxii, 231 Small v. Clewley. C2 Maine. 155 16, 410 Small v. Howard, 123 Massachusetts, 131 33, 383 Small v. Robinson, 69 Maine. 425 31,299 Smallv. Small, 4 Greenleaf, 220. xvi. 253 Small v. Trickey. 41 Maine, 507 Ixvi, 255 Smalley v. Anderson, 2 T. B. Monroe, 56 xv, 121 Smalley v. Greene, 52Iowa, 241 35, 267 Smalley v. Masten, 8 Michigan, 523 Ixxvii, 467 Smalley v. Smalley, 70 Maine, 545 33, 333 Smalley v. Wight, 44 Maine, 442 Ixix, 112 Smallman v. Whilter, 87 Illinois, 545 29, 76 Smallwood v. Norton. 20 Maine, 83 xxxvii, 39 Smart v. King, Meigs. 149 xxxiii. 137 Smart ads. State, 4 Rich. Law, 356 .lv, 683 Smartv. White, 73 Maine, 332 40,336 Smedes v. Hooghtaling, 3 Caines, 43 ii, 250 Smiley v. Bell, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 373 xvii, 813 Smilie v. Biffle, 2 Penn, State. 52 xliv, 156 Smily ads. State, 37 Ohio St. 30 41,487 Smith, In re. 4 Nevada, 254 xcvii, 531 Smith v. Allen, 5 Allen. 454 Ixxxi. 758 Smith v. Allen, 1 Saxtou, 43 xxi, 33 Smith v. Ashcraft, 25 Georgia, 132 Ixxi, 163 Smith v. Ashley, 11 Metcalf, 307 xlv, 216 Smith v. Babcock, 36 New York. 167 xciii. 498 Smith v. Bagwell. 19 Florida, 117..... 45, 12 Smith v. Barham, 2 Devereux's Eq. 420 xxv, 721 Smith v. Barrie. 58 Michigan. 314 56, 391 Smith v. Bartholomew, 1 Metcalf, 276 xxv, 365 Smith v. Beatty, 2IredelTs Eq . 456 xl, 435 Smith v. Bell. 1 Mart. &Y. 352 xvii, 798 Smith v. Benson, 9 Vermont, 138 xxxi, 614 Smith v. Bettger, 63 Indiana, 254 34, 256 Smith v. Bishop, 9 Vermont, 110 xxxi, 607 Smith v. Black. 9 Serg. & R. 142 xi 686 Smith v. Blatchford, 2 Indiana, 184 lii, 504 Smith v. Bondurant, 74 Georgia. 416 58, 438 Smith v. Boston & M. R. R. Co., 120 Mass. 490. . . .21, 533 Smith v. Brady, 17 New York, 173 Ixxii, 442 Smith v. Brazelton, 1 Heisk. 44 8,678 Smith v. Brinker, 17 Missouri, 143 Mi. 265 Smith v. Erittain, 3 Iredell's Eq. 347 xlii, 175 Smith v. Brooklyn Savings B'k, 101 N. Y. 58 54, 653 Smith v. Brown, 3 Texas, 360 xlix, 748 Smith v. Bryan, 5 Maryland, 141 lix, 104 Smith v. Bryson, Phill. Eq. 267 xciii, 610 Smith v. Burtis, 6 Johnson, 197 v, 218 Smith v. Burton, 3 Vermont, 233. xxiii, 203 Smith v. Busby, 15 Missouri, 337 Ivii, 207 Smith v. Bythewood, Rice's Law, 245 xxxiii, 111 Smith v. Cassity, 9 B. Monroe, 192 xlviii, 420 Smith v. Causey. 23 Alabama, G55 Ixv, 372 Smith v. City Council. 33 Gratt. 203 36, 788 Smith v. City Council of Rome, 19 Georgia. 89. . .Ixiii, 293 Smith v. Clark, 21 Wendell, S3 xxxiv, 213 Smith v. Clews, 105 New York, 233 3!), 502 Smith v. Columbia Ins. Co., 17 Penn. State, 233 lv, 546 Smith v. Commonwealth, 14 Bush, 31 29, 402 Smith v. Commonwealth, 54 Penn. St. , 209 xciii, 636 Smith ads. Commonwealth, 10 Allen, 4-18 Ixxxvii, 672 Smith ads. Commonwealth, 2 Gray, 516 Ixi, 478 Smith v. Cook, 31 Maryland, 174 c, 58 Smith v. Crane. 33 Minnesota. 144 53, 20 Smith v. Creason's Executors, 5 Dana, 298 xxx, 688 Smith v. Cutler, 10 Wendell, 589 xxv, 580 Smith v. Daniel, 2 McCord's Ch. 143 xvi, 641 Smith v. Davis, 1 Wisconsin. 447 Ix, 390 Smith v. DelaGarza, 15 Texas, 150 Ixv, 147 Smith v. Dennie, 6 Pickering, 202 xvii, 368 Smith v. Dorr's Adm'rs, 34 Penn. State, 126 Ixxv, 641 Smith v. Dibrell, 31 Texas. 239 xcviii. 526 Smi TABLE OF CASES. 163 Komaa lattera [xlix] refer to volumes of Aoiarican Dscisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Smith v. Dickinson, 6 Humphreys, 261 xliv, 305 Smith T. Donohue. 49 N. J. L. 543 60, 652 Smith v. Dorsey. 33 Indiana, 451 10, 113 Smithv. Dudley, 1 Littell, 66 xiii, 222 Smith T. Durell, 16 New Hampshire, 344 xli, 732 Smith T. Durrett, Sneed, 236 ii, 714 Smith v. Eames, 3 Scammon, 76 xxxvi, 515 Smith v. Easton, 54 Maryland, 138 3!), 355 Smith T. Eaton, 36 Maine, 298 Iviii, 746 Smith T. Edwards, 7 Humphreys, 106 xlvi, 71 Smith v. Estate of Steele, 25 Vermont, 427 Ix, 276 Smith v. Evans, 6Binney, 102 vi, 436 Smith v. Ferguson, 90 Indiana. 229 46, 216 Smith v. First N. Bank, 99 Massachusetts, 605. . .xlvii, 59 Smith v. Flint & P. M. R'y Co.. 46 Michigan, 253. .41, 161 Smith v. Fly, 24 Texas, 345 Ixxvi, 109 Smith v. Foran. 43 Connecticut, 244 21, 647 Smith T. Fore, 10 Iredell's Law, 37 li, 376 Smith v. Forehand, 100 Massachusetts, 136 1, 94 Smith v. Forehand, 100 Massachusetts, 136 xcvii, 82 Smith v. Fortescue, Busbee's Eq. 127 Ivii, 593 Smith v. Freyler, 4 Montana, 389 47,358 Smith v. Gardner, 12 Oregon, 221 53,342 Smith v. Gates, 2 Root, 532. i, 89 Smith v. Gerlach, 2 Texas, 424 xlvii, 657 Smith v. Glanton, 39 Texas, 365 10, 31 Smith v. Godfrey, 28 New Hampshire, 379 Ixi. 617 Smith v. Gore, 23 Kansas, 438 33,188 Smith v. Cranberry, 39 Georgia, 381 xcix, 464 Smith v. Greenlee, 2 Devereux's Law, 126 xviii, 564 Smith v. Griffith, 3 Hill (N. Y.) 333. xxxviii, 639 Smith v. Grim, 26 Penn. State, 95 Ixvii, 400 Smith v. Hamilton, 20 Michigan, 433 4,398 Smith v. Harkins, 3 IredelTs Equity, 613 xliv, 83 Smith T. Haverhill M. F. L Co., 1 Allen, 297. . .Ixxix, 733 Smith v. Henry, 2 English, 207 xliv, 540 Smith v. Hestonville M. & F. P. R'y Co., 92 Penn- sylvania State, 450 37,705 Smith v. Houston, 6 Ohio, 101 xxv, 741 Smith v. Hill. 45 Vermont, 90. 12,189 Smith v. Hood, 23 Penn. State. 218 Ixiv, 692 Smith v. Hornback, 4Littell, 232 xiv, 122 Smith v. Hosmer, 7 New Hampshire, 436 xxviii, 354 Smith v. Hunt, 13 Ohio, 260 xiii, 201 Smith v. Huntington, 3 New Hampshire, 76 xiv, 331 Smith v. Hurd, 12Metcalf, 371 xlvi, 690 Smith T. Irwin,37 Missouri, 169 xc. 375 Smith v. Janes, 20 Wendell, 192 xxxii, 527 Smith v. Jansen, 12 Nebraska, 125 41, 761 Smith v. Johnston, 1 Penrose & Watts, 471 xxi, 404 Smith v. Jones, 66 Georgia, 338 42, 72 Smith T. Jones, 7 Leigh, 165 xxx, 498 Smithy. Jones. 76 Maine, 138 49, 593 Smith v. Jordan, 13 Minnesota, 264 xcvii, 232 Smithy. KeUey, 27 Maine, 237 xlvi, 595 Smith v. Kelly, 23 Mississippi, 167 Iv, 87 Smithv. Kemper, 4Martin, 409 vi, 708 Smith v. Kendall, 9 Michigan, 241 Ixxx, 83 Smithv. Kidd, 63 New York. 130 23,157 Smithv. Kitchens, 51 Georgia, 158 21, 232 Smith v. Knight, 71 Illinois. 148 22, 94 Smithv. Lamb, 26 Illinois, 396 Ixxix. 381 Smith y. Lathrop, 44 Penn. State, 326 Ixxxiv, 448 Smith v. Lawrence, 38 California, 24 xcix, 344 Smith y. Lawrence, 1 Haywood, 175 t 556 Smith v. La wson, 18 West Virginia, 212 41, 688 Smith v. Lewis, 24 Connecticut, 624. Ixiii, 180 Smithy. Lewis, 3 Johnson, 157 iii, 4C9 Smith y. Long, 40 Michigan, 555 29,553 Smithv. Loyd, 11 Leigh, 512 xxxvii, 621 Smith v. Mariner, 5 Wisconsin, 551 Ixviii, 73 Smith v. Martin, 80 Indiana, 260 4 1, 806 Smithv. Mayo, 9Mass. 62. yj, 28 Smith v. Mayor, 66New York, 295 23, 53 Smith v. McAtee, 27 Maryland, 420 xcii, 641 Smithv. McCall, 1 McCord, 220 x, 666 Smithv. McConnell, 17 Illinois, 135 Ixiii. 340 Smithv. McLean, N. C. Term Rep. 72 vii, 693 Smithv. McManus, 7 Yerger, 477 xxvii, 519 Smithv. McNair, 19 Kansas, 330 27, 117 Smithv.Mead. 3 Connecticut, 253 viii, 183 Smith v. Meegan, 22 Missouri, 150 Ixiv, 259 Smithy. Merchand, 7 Serg. & R. 260 x, 465 Smithv. Miller, SHalsted, 175.x xiv, 418 Smith v. Miller, 43 New York. 171 3, 690 Smithy. Miss. M. & F. Ins. Co., 11 La. 142 xxx, 714 Smithv. Mitchell, Rice's Law, 316 rxxiii, 119 Smithy. Moberly, 10 B. Monroe, 266 lil, 543 Smith v. Moore, 7 South Carolina, 209 24, 479 Smithy. Mundy, 18 Alabama, 182. Iii, 221 Smith y. Myers. 109 Indiana, 1 58,375 Smithy. N. H. & N. R. R., 12 Allen, 531 xc, 166 Smith v. Nashua & Lowell R. R, 27 N. H. 86 l:x, 3G4 Smith v. Nat. L. Ins. Co., 103 Penn. St. 177 49, 121 Smith v. Nevitt, Walker, 370 xii, 715 Smith v. Newbern, 70 North Carolina, 14 16, 766 Smith v. New York & H. R. R. Co., 19 N. Y. 127.1xxv, 305 Smithy. Niles, 20 Vermont, 315 xlix, 782 Smith v. Oakes, 141 Massachusetts, 451 55, 437 Smith v. O'Connor, 48 Penn. State, 218. Ixxxvi, 582 Smithy. Olds,3 California, 167 Iviii, 398 Smith v. Oxford I. Co.. 13 Vroom, 467 36, 535 Smithy. Painter, 5 Serg. & R. 223 ix, 344 Smithv. Parsons, 1 Ohio, 236 xiii, 608 Smith v. Pendell, 19 Connecticut, 107 xlviii, 146 Smithy. People, 25 Illinois, 17 Ixxvi, 780 Smith v. People, 53 New York, 111 13, 474 Smithy. Perry, 18 Texas, 510 Ixx, 295 Smithv. Pettingill, 15 Vermont, 82 xl, 667 Smith y. Philadelphia, 81 Pennsylvania St. 38 22, 731 Smith v. Philbrick, 10 Gray, 252 Ixix, 315 Smithv. Picket, 7 Georgia, 104 1, 3S3 Smith v. Plummer, 5Wharton, 89 xxxiv, 530 Smith v. Poillon, 87 New York. 590 41, 402 Smithy. Poor, 40 Maine, 415 Ixiii, 672 Smithv. Potter, 27 Vermont, 304 Ixy, 198 Smithy. Poythress, 2 Florida, 96 xlviii, 176 Smithy. Price, 39 Illinois, 28 Ixxxix. 284 Smithy. Race, 27 Illinois, 387 Ixxxi, 235 Smithy. Randall, 6 California, 47 Ixv, 475 Smithy. Rankin, 4 Yerger, 1 xivi, 213 Smithy. Redus, 9 Alabama, 99 xliv, 429 Smith v. Rice, 27 Missouri, 505 Ixxii, 281 Smith y. Rochester, 92 New York, 463 44, 393 Smith v. Rogers, 24 Kansas, 140 36,254 Smithy Rollins, 11 Rhode Island, 464 23,509 Smith v. Russ, 17 Wisconsin, 227 Ixxxiv, 739 Smith v. Ryan, 66 New York, 352 23, 60 Smith v. Salomon, 1 Colorado, 176 xci. 711 Smith y. Sanford, 12 Pickering, 139 xxii, 415 Smithv. Sawyer, 55 Maine. 139 xcii. 576 Smith v. Sharpe, Busbee's Law, 91 Ivii, 574 Smith v. Sheldon, 35 Michigan, 42 24, 529 Smithy. Shell, 82 Missouri, 215 52, 365 Smith y. Shepard, 15 Pickering, 147 xxv, 432 Smith v. Sherwood, 4 Connecticut, 276 x, 143 Smithy. Shultz, 1 Scammon, 490 xxxii, 33 Smithy. Silence, 4Iowa, 321 Ixri, 137 Smith y. Silver V. M. Co., 64 Maryland, 85 54, 760 Smith v. Simmons, 103 Pennsylvania St. 32 49, 113 169 TABLE OF CASES. SmI Sno Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Smithv. Simons, 1 Root, 318 i, 48 Smith T. Singleton, 2 McMullan's Law, 184. xxxix, 122 Sin'.th v. Sloan, 37 Wisconsin, 2S5 19,757 Smith v. Slocomb, 9 Gray, 36 Ixix, 274 Smith T. Smith, 12 California, 216 Ixxiii, 533 Smith T. Smith, 4 Dutcher, 203 Ixxviii, 49 Smith v. Smith, 36 Georgia, 184 xci, 761 Smith v. Smith, 21 Illinois, 244 Ixxiv, 100 Smithy. Smith, 2 Johnson, 235 iii, 410 Smith T. Smith, 1 Jones' L. 135 lix. 581 Smith v. Smith, 4 Paige Ch. 432 xxvii. 75 Smith v. Smith, 21 Penn. State, 367 lx, 51 Smith T. Smith, 2 Pickering, 621 xiii, 4C4 Smithv. Smith, 1 Rhode Island, 398 liii, 652 Smithv. Smith, 1 Texas, 621 xM, 121 Smith v. Smith, 19 Wisconsin, 615 Ixxxviii, 707 Smithv. Smith, 23 Wisconsin, 176 xcix. 153 Smithv. South RoyaltonBank, 32 Vermont, 341, Ixxvi, 179 Smith v. Sparkman. 55 Mississippi, 649 30, 537 Smithv. Stanley, 37 Maine, 11 Iviii, 771 Smithv. Starr, SWharton, 62 xxxi, 493 Smith v. State, 59 Georgia, 513 27,393 Smithv. State, 33 Maine, 48 liv, 607 Smith v. State, 64 Maryland, 25 54,752 Smithv. State, 20 Nebraska. 284 57,832 Smithv. State, 13 Ohio State, 466 Ixxx, 355 Smith v. State, 23 Texas, Ct. App. 357 59,773 Smith v. State, 51 Wisconsin, 615 37, 845 Smith ads. State, 1 Bailey's Law, 283 xix, 679 Smith ads. State, 5 Day, 175 v, 132 Smith ads. State, 6 Greenleaf, 462 xx, 324 Smith ads. State, 3 Hawks, 378 xiv, 594 Smith ads. State, 54 Iowa, 104 37,192 Smith ads. State, 11 Louisiana An. 633. Ixvi, 208 Smith ads. State, 32 Maine, 369 liv, 578 Smith ads. State. 78 Maine, 260 5 7, 802 Smith ads. State, Meigs, 99 xxxiii, 132 Smith ads. State, 25 Missouri, 226. Ixxii, 204 Smith ads. State, 90 Missouri, 37 59, 4 Smith ads. State, 49 Sew Hampshire, 155 6, 480 Smith ads. State, 104 If ew York, 491 58, 537 Smith ads. State, 2 Strobhart's Law, 77 xlvii, 539 Smith v. St. Joseph. 55 Missouri, 456 17, 669 Smith v. St. Louis, K. C. & N. R. Co., 69 Mo. S2..33, 4S4 Smithv. St. Louis & S. F. R'y Co., 85 Mo. 418 55,330 Smith v. St. Paul C. R'y Co., 32 Minnesota, 1 50, 550 Smith v. Steele's Estate, 25 Vermont, 427 . . .' be, 276 Smithv. Stewart, 6 Johnson, 46 v, 186 Smith v. Stewart, 21 Louisiana An 67 xcix, 709 Smithv. Stoddard, 10 Michigan, 148 Ixxxi, 778 Smith v. Strahan, 16 Texas, 314 Uxvii, C22 Smith v. Thompson, 7 Grattan, 112 liv, 126 Smith v. Thompson, 55 Maryland, 5 39, 409 Smithv. Thompson, 2McArthur, 291 29,621 Smith v. Townshend, 27 Maryland, 368 xcii, 637 Smith v. Tritt, 1 Dev. Bat. L. 241 xxviii, 565 Smith v. Tunno, 1 McCord's Ch. 443 xvi, 617 Smith v. Tupper, 4 Smedes & M. 261 xliii, 483 Smithv. Turner, 4 Iredell's Eg.. 433 xlvii, 353 Smith v. TJUman, 53 Maryland, 183 42, 329 Smith v. Vanderhost, 1 McCord, 328 x, 674 Smithv. Vincent, 15 Connecticut, 1 xxxviii, 52 Smithv. Walker, 33 Calif ornla, 385. xcix. 415 Smithv. Ward, 2Root, 378 i, 80 Smith v. Washington G. L. Co., 31 Maryland, 12. ...c, 49 Smithv. Weed, 20 Wendell, 184 zxxii, 525 Smith v. Wheeler, 7 Oregon, 49 33, 693 Smith v. Wells, 7 Metcalf, 240 xxxix, 772 Smith v. Whildin, 10 Penn. State, 39 xlix, 572 Smith v. Whiting, 12 Massachusetts, 6 vii, 25 Smith v. Wilcox, 24 New York, 353 Ixxxii, 302 Smithv. Wiley, 22 Alabama, 396. Iviii, 2c3 Smithy. Williams, IMurphey, 426 iv, 5S4 Smith v. Wilson, 17 Maryland, 460 Ixxix. 665 Smithv. Winton, 1 Overton, 230 iii, 755 Smith T. Wright, 1 Caines, 43 ii, 162 Smith v. Yaryan, 69 Indiana, 445 35, 233 Smith v. Yule, 31 California. 180. Ixxxix. 167 Smith v. Zent, 83 Indiana, 86 43, 61 Smith ads. State, 12 Arkansas, 622 Ivi, 287 Smith Bridge Co. v. Bowman, 41 Ohio St. 37 52, 66 Smith, Doe ex dem. v. Smith, 1 Jones' L. 135 lix, 531 Smith T. v. Bell, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 302 xvii, 798 Smith, WU1 of , 52 Wisconsin, 543 38,756 Smith & Co. etc. v. Ewer & Peck, 22 Pa. St. 116. . . .lx, 73 Smitheal v. Gray, 1 Humphreys, 491 xxxiv, 664 Smithpeter v. Ison, 4 Richardson's L. 203 liii, 732 Smithwick v. Ellison, 2 Iredell's Law, 326 xxxviii, 697 Smithwickv. Ward, 7 Jones' Law, 64 Ixxv, 453 Smock v. Dade, 5 Randolph, 639 xvi, 780 Smock v. Pierson, 63 Indiana, 405 34,269 Smoot v. Cook, 3 West Virginia, 172 c, 741 Smoot v. Eslava, 23 Alabama, 659 Iviii, S10 Smoot v. Morehouse, 8 Alabama, 370 xlii, ^U Smothersv. Hanks, 34 Iowa. 286 11, 141 Smyley v. Head, 2 Richardson's Law, 590 xlv, 750 Smyleyv. Reese. 53 Alabama, 89 25,598 Smyrl v. Niolon, 2 Bailey, 421 xxiii, 146 Smyrna Bank ads. State, 2 Houst. 99 Ixxiii, 699 Smyth v. Harvie and Tuley, 31 Illinois, 62 Ixxxiii, 203 Smyth ads. State, 4 Rhode Island, 100 51, 311 Smyth v. Tankersley, 20 Alabama, 212 Ivi, 103 Snap and Francis v. People, 19 Illinois, 80 Ixviii, 583 Snavely v. Wagner, 3 Penn. State, 275 xlv, 640 Snead v. Coleman, 7 Grattan, 300 Ivi, 113 Sneed v. Atherton, 6 Dana, 276 xxxii, 70 Sneed v. Ewing, 5 J. J. Marshall, 460 xxii, 41 Sneed v. Hooper, Cooke, 200 v,691 Sneed v. State, 5 Arkansas, 431 xli, 103 Sneed v. White, 3 J. J. Marshall, 525 xx, 175 Snell v. Kirby, 3 Missouri, 21 xxii, 456 Snellv. Snow, 13 Metcalf, 278 xlvi, 730 Snelling v. TTtterback, 1 Bibb, 609 iv, 661 Snethen v. Memphis Ins. Co., 3 La. An. 474....xlviii, 462 inider v. Greathouse, 16 Arkansas, 72 Ixiil, 54 Snider v. Lackenour, 2 Iredell's Eq. 360 xxxviii, 685 Snoddy v. Finch, 9 Richardson's Eq. 355. Ixx, 216 Snoddy v. Howard. 51 Indiana, 411 19, 733 Snodgrass v. Andrews, 30 Mississippi, 472 Ixiv, 169 Snodgrass v. Branch B'k at Decatur, 25 Ala. 161. . .lx, 505 Snodgrass v. Reynolds, 79 Alabama, 452 58, 601 Snow v. Alley, 144 Massachusetts, 546 59, 119 Snow v. Carr, 61 Alabama, 363 32, 3 Snow v. Chandler, 10 New Hampshire, 92 xxxiv, 140 Snow v. Columbian Ins. Co., 43 New York, 624. .. 8, 57& Snow v. Fitchburg R. R. Co., 136 Mass. 552 49, 40 Snow v. Flannery. 10 lowi, 318 Ixxvii, 120 Snow v. Gould, 74 Maine. 540 43,604 Snow v. Housatonic R. R. Co. , 8 Allen, 441 Ixxrv, 720 Snow v. Lake. 20 Florida. 656 51,623 Snow v. Parsons, 28 Vermont, 459 Ixvii, 723 Snow v. Perkins, 60 New Hampshire, 493 49, 333 Snow v. Schomacker Manuf. Co., 69 Ala. Ill 44, 509 Snow v. Sheldon, 126 Massachusetts, 332 30, 634 Snow v. Union Ins. Co., 1!9 Massachusetts, 592.. .20, 349 Snow v. Warner, 10 Metcalf, 132 xliii, 417 Snowdenv. Noah, Hopkins Ch. 347 xiv, 547 Snowden v. State, 12 Tex. Ct. App. 105 41, 667 Snowden v. Wilas, 19 Indiana, 10 Ixxxi, 370 SnowhiU v. Reed, 49 New Jersey, L. 292 GO, US Sny Spe TABLE OF CASES. 170 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Snydacker y. Brosse, 51 Illinois, 357. xcix, 551 Snyder's App., 35 Penn. State, 153 Ixxviii, 372 Snyder v. Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co.. 95 If. Y. 196..47, 29 Snyler Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyiler Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder . Findley, Coxe, 78 1,193 Fulton. 34 Maryland, 123 6,314 Laframboise, Breese, 343 xii, 187 Martin, 17 West Virginia, 276 41,670 People, 26 Michigan. 106 13,302 Biley, 6 Penn. State, 154 xMi, 452 ads. RUey, 1 Spesrs' Law, 272 xl. 602 . Robinson, 35 Indiana, 311 9,733 . Snyder, 6 Binney, 483 vi, 493 . Studebaker, 19 Indiana, 462 Ixxxi, 415 .Summers, 1 Lea, 534 Snyder T. Van Doran, 46 Wisconsin, 602. 32,739 SnyJer y. Vaux, 2 Rawle, 423 111,466 Snyder y. Warford, 11 Missouri, 513 xlix, 94 Snyder T. Warren, 2 Cowen. 518 xiv, 519 SnydeFV.Wolford. 33 Minnesota. 175 53, 22 Society Y. Morris Canal etc. Co.. 1 Saxton, 157... xxi, 41 Society for the Visitation of the Sick, etc.. T. Commonwealth, 52 Pennsylvania St., 125. xci, 139 Sodiker v. Applegate, 24 West Virginia, 411 49, 252 Soles v. Hickman, 29 Penn. State, 342 Irrii, 635 Solinger y. Jewett, 25 Indiana, 479 1"" 1 ", 372 Solomon v. BoshneU. 11 Oregon, 277 50, 475 Solomon v. Manhattan R'y Co.. 103 N.Y. 437 57,760 Solomon T. Peters, 37 Georgia, 251 xcii, 69 Solomons v. Jones, 3 Brevard, 54 T, 533 Solomons ads. State, 6Yerger, 350 xxyii, 469 Solverson T. Peterson. 64 Wisconsin, 193 54,607 SomerfieldT. State Ins. Co., 8 Lea, 547 41662 Somerby y. Buntin, 113 Massachusetts, 279 19, 453 Earners Y. Schmidt, 24 Wisconsin. 417 1, 191 SomersT. Sloan, 3 Harrison (N. J.),4S xxxv, 526 Somerset Co. M. F. I. Co. T. TJsaw. 112 Pennsyl- Tania State. 80 56,307 Somervelly. SomeryelL 3 Gill, 276 xliii, 340 Somemlle ads. State, 21 Maine, 14 xxxriii, 243 Somerville T. Trueman, 4 Harris & McH. 43. i, 339 SomesT. Brewer, 2 Pickering, 134 riii, 406 Somes T. White. 65 Maine, 512 20, 713 Sommers v. Johnson, 4 Vermont, 273 xxiv, 604 Sommers v. Torrey, 5 Paige Ch. 54 xxyiii, 411 Sommeryflle T. Horton, 4 Yerger, 54L xxvi, 242 Bommerrille ads. Commonw., 1 Virginia Cases, 153. v, 514 Sonfield v. Thompson, 42 Arkansas, 46 48, 49 Sonneborny. Ins. Co- 15 Vroom, 220 43,365 Sonoma Co. B'k T. Gore, 63 California, 355- 49, 92 Soonhoven v. Gott, 20 Illinois, 46 bud, 247 Sopery. Harrard College, 1 Pickering, 177 xi, 159 Soperads. State, 16 Maine, 293 xxxiii, 665 So Eelle T. Western U. Tel. Co.. 55 Tex. Ct. App. 303 4*, 805 SornbergerT. Lee, 14 Nebraska, 193 45,106 Sorrey v. Bright, 1 Dey. & Bat Eq. 113 xzriii, 584 Soule v. Atkinson. 13 California, 225 Ixxix, 174 Bouter T. Codman. 14 Rhode Island. 119 51,364 Souter y. Baymore, 7 Penn. State, 415 xlni, 513 South y . South, 91 Indiana, 221 46, 591 South & N. Al. R. R. Co. v. Henlein. 52 Ala. 606.. 83, 578 South & N. Al. R. R. Co. T. Huffman, 76 Ala. 492..S2, 349 South & N. Al. R. R. Co. T. Wood, 66 Ala. 167. ...41, 740 South & N. Al. R. R. Co. T. Wood. 71 Ala. 215... .46, 309 South 4 N. Al. R. R. Co. T. Wood, 74 Ala. 449. . . .49, 819 South Bend T. Hardy, 93 Indiana. 577 49,792 South ads. State, 4 Dutcher, 28 Ixxr, 250 South Berwick v. Huntress, 53 Maine, 89 Ixxrvii, 535 South Carolina Bank T. S. C. M. Co., 3 Strobh. Law. 190 xlixj640 South Carolina Railroad Co. T. Moore, 23 Ga. 393.1xxiii, 773 South Carolina Soc. v. Johnson, 1 McCord, 41 x, 644 SouthardT. Hill, 44 Maine, 92 Ixix, 85 Southard T. Perry, 21 Iowa, 433 Ixxxix. 537 Southerland v. Jackson, 30 Maine, 462 1, 633 Southern Bank v. Wood, 14 Louisiana An 531. .Ixxiv, 446 Southern D. D. Co. T. Steamboat J. D. Percy. etc., 23 La. An. 39 8,535 Southern Ex. Co. T. Caperton, 44 Alabama, 101. .. 4, 113 Southern Ex. Co. v. Craft. 49 Mississippi, 430 19, 4 Southern Ex. Co. T. Crook. 44 Alabama, 463 4, 140 Southern Ex. Co. T. Fitzner, 59 Mississippi. 531. . .42, 379 Southern Ex. Co. y. Hood, 15 Rich. L. 66 xciv, 141 Southern Ex. Co. T. Hunnicutt, 54 Miss. 566 28, 335 Southern Express Co. y. Newby, 36 Georgia, 635. .xci, 783 Southern Express Co. y. Purcell, 37 Georgia, 103. xcii, 53 Southern Ex. Co. T. Van Meter, 17 Florida, 733. . .33, 107 Southern L. Ins. Co. y. Booker. 9 Heisk. 636 24, 344 Southern Life L & T. Co. y. Lanier, 5 Florida, HO.lviii, 448 Southern Loan Co. T. Morris, 2 Penn. State, 175.xliy, 183 Southern R. R, y. Kendrick, 40 Miss. 374 xc. 333 Southern Steamship Co. y. Sparks, 22 Tex. 657. .Ixxv, 7^3 Southwestern F. & C. P. Co. y. Stanard. 44 Mo. 71.. c, 255 Southwestern R. R. Co. y. Southern etc. Tel. Co., 46 Georgia, 43 12,535 Southwick y. Southwick, 97 Massachusetts, 327. . ;. Southworth y. Old Colony and N. R. R. C Massachusetts, 342 Southworth y. Smith, 27 Connecticut, 355 Ixxi, 72 Soutter y. Atwood, 34 Maine, 153 M, C47 Sowden v. Craig, 26 Iowa, 156 -_ Sowersy. Cyrenius, 39 Ohio S:ate, 29 43, 413 Sowle ads. Commonwealth, 9 Gray, 334 Sowles and Wife y. Harvey, 20 Indiana, 217. . .Lssxi-i, 315 Soye y. McCallister, 18 Texas, 80 ixvii, 689 Spader y. Lawler. 17 Ohio, 371 xlix, 461 Spafford y. First Nat. Bank, 37 Iowa, 131 18, 6 Spaids y. Barrett. 57 Illinois. 239 11, 10 Spaits y. Poundstone, 87 Indiana, 522 4 1, 773 Spalding y. Archibald, 52 Michigan. 365 53, 253 Spalding y. Henshaw, 80 Kentucky. 55 44, 461 Spalding y. Rosa, 71 New York. 40 '.':. 7 Spaldingy. Preston, 21 Vermont, 9 1, 63 Spalding ads. State, 19 Connecticut, 233 xlviii, 153 Spangler y. Commonwealth, IS Serg. & R. 63 xvi, 548 Spanglery. Jacoby, 14 Illinois, 237 Spangler y. Pugh, 21 Illinois, 85 :i Spann y. Baltzell. 1 Florida, 301 xlvi, 346 Sparhawk y. Salem, 1 Allen, 30 irxix, 730 Spark's Appeal, 89 Pennsylvania St. US Sparks y. Commonwealth, 3 Bush, 111 xcvi, 196 Spartanburg & Union R. R. Co. y. DeGraffen- reid, 12 Rich. L. 675 :x:: Sparrenberger v. State, 53 Alabama, 4S1 Sparrowy. Kohn, 102 Pennsylvania St. 359 .*>S, 726 Spaulding y. Backus, 122 Massachusetts, 553 23, 331 Spauldingy. Chamberlin, 12 Vermont, 533 xxxvi, 353 Spaulding y. Chicago & N. W. R.Co., 30 Wis.U0...11, 550 Spauldingy. Thompson. 12 Indiana, 477 Ixxiv, 221 Spaulding y. Wakefield, 53 Vermont, 660 38, 709 Spaulding y. Woodward, 53 New Hampshire, 573.16, 333 Spawn y. Veeder, 4 Cowen, 503 xv, 401 Spearv. Carter, 1 Michigan, 19 xlviii, 688 Spear y. Crawford, 14 Wendell, 20 xxviii, 513 Speary. Cummings, 23 Pickering, 224 xxxiv, 53 Spear y. Fuller, 8 New Hampshire, 174 xv Speary. Pratt, 2HU1 (N. Y.), 532 xxrviii, 600 Spears y. Shropshire, 11 Louisiana An. 559 Ixri, 236 Spears y. Toland, 1 A. K. Marshall, 203. i, 7C2 Speciit y. Commonwealth, 8 Penn. st^te, 3i- xlix, 518 171 TABLE OF CASES. Sp&-Sta Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic Bgaiea [49] to American Report*. Speed v.May, 17 Penn. State, 91 Iv. 549 Speed v. Hann, 1 T.B.Monroe, 16. XT, 78 BpeerT. Barker, 4 Kansas, 324 xcvi, 175 Speer T. Commonwealth, 23 Gratt. 935 14,164 Speer T. Speer, 7 Indiana, 178 Ixiil, 418 Speers v. Flack, 34 Missouri, 101 Ixxxlv. 74 Speiden T. State, STexas Ct. App. 153 30, 126 Speise T. McCoy, 6 Watts & Serg. 485 xl, 579 Spence v. Harvey, 22 California. 333 bcxxiii, 69 Spence v. Robins, 6 Gill & Johnson, 507 xxvi, 5S7 Spencer T. Bait. & O. R. R. Co., 4 Mackey, 133. . . .54, 269 Spencer T. Board of Registration, 1 McArthur, 169.29, 582 Spencer T. Blaisdell, 4 New Hampshire, 198 xrii, 412 Spencer v. Brockway, 1 Ohio, 259 xiii, 615 (Spencer T.Brower, 32 Texas, 663 5,234 |6pencerv. Carr, 45New York. 4C6 6, 112 (SpencerT. Eustis, 21 Maine, 519 xxxviii, 277 Spencer v. Geissman, 37 California, 96 xcix, 218 Spencer T. Hale, 30 Vermont, 314 Ixxiii, 309 Spencer T. Joint School Dist., 15 Kansas, 259 22, 268 Spencer T. Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien R. R. Co.. 17 'Wisconsin. 487 Ixxxiv. 758 Spencer T. Sloan, 108 Indiana, 133 58, 35 Spencer T. Williams, 2 Vermont, 209 xix, 711 Spencer ads. People's Ins. Co., 53 Pennsylvania St. 353 xci. 217 Spencer ads. State, 64 Missouri, 355 27, 244 Spering's Appeal, 71 Pennsylvania St. 11 10, 684 Sperry v. Commonwealth, 9 Leigh, G23 xxxiii, 261 Sperry v. Pond, 5 Ohio, 337 xxiv, 296 Speyer v. Dimels, 21 California, 230 Ixxxi, 157 Spicer v. Earl, 41 Michigan, 191 32, 152 Spicerv. Rees, 5Rawle, 119 xxviii, 648 Spiering v. Andrae, 45 Wisconsin. 330 30, 744 Spigener v. Cooner, 8 Richardson's L. 301 liiv, 755 Spilman ads. Commonwealth, 124 Mass. 327 26, 663 Spindler T. Atkinson, 3 Maryland, 409 M, 755 Spinetti v. Atlas S. Co., 80 New York, 71 30, 579 Spiro v. Paxton. 3 Lea, 75 31,630 Spitler v. James, 32 Indiana, 202 2,334 Spivey v. Morris, 13 Alabama, 254 lii, 224 Splivallo v. Patten, 33 California, 138 xcix, 358 Spofford v. Hobbs, 29 Maine, 148 xlTiii, 521 Spofford v. True, 33 Maine, 233 liT, 621 Spooner T. Brooklyn C. R. R. Co.. 54 N. Y. 230. . . . 13, 570 Spooner v. Dunn, 7 Indiana, 81 Ixiii, 414 .Spooner T. Fletcher, 3 Vermont, 133 xxi, 579 Spooner T. Holmes, 102 Massachusetts, 503 3, 491 Spooner v. Manchester, 133 Massachusetts, 270... 43, 514 Spooner v. Mattoon, 40 Vermont, 300 xciv, 395 Spooner ads. People, 1 Denio, 343 xliii, 672 Spoor v. Holland, 8 Wendell, 445 xxiT, 37 Spraggv. Shriver, 25 Penn. State, 232 Ixiv, 693 Sprague v. Birchard, 1 Wisconsin, 457 Iz, 393 Sprague v. Fletcher, 8 Oregon, 367 34, 537 Sprague v. Dodge, 48 Illinois, 142 xcv, 523 Sprague v. Rhodes, 6 Rhode Island, 56 Ixxv, 678 Sprague v. Rooney, 82 Missouri, 493 52, 3S3 Sprague v. Smith, 29 Vermont, 421 Ixx, 424 Sprague T. Tripp, 13 Rhode Island, 33 43, 11 Spraights v. Hawley , 39 New York, 441 c, 452 Sprayberryv. Merk, 30 Georgia, 81 Ixxvi, 637 Sprigg v. Moale, 28 Maryland, 497 xcii, 693 Spring T. Bourland, 11 Arkansas, 653 UT, 243 SpringT. Chase, 22 Maine, 505 xxxix, 535 Spring T. Hyde Park, 137 Massachusetts, 554 50, 334 SpringT. Hight, 22 Maine, 408 xxxix.587 Springv. Tongue, 9 Massachusetts, 23....... vi, 21 Spring Garden M. L Co. v. Evans, 9 Md. 1 Ixvi, 30 Spring Garden M. I. Co. v. Evans, 15 Md. 54 . . .Ixxiv, 555 Springery. Drosch, 32 Indiana, 436 2, 358 Springerv. Hall. 83 Missouri, 693 53, 593 Springer T. Toothaker, 43 Maine, 331 Ixix, 66 Springfield, City of, v. Harris, 4 Allen, 494. Ixxxi, 715 Springfield F. Ins. Co. v. Allen, 43 N. Y. 3S9 3, 711 Springle v. Morrison, SLittell, 52 xiv, 41 SproatT. Donnell, 26 Maine, 185 xlv, 103 Sprott T. Reid, 3 G. Greene, 489 Ivi, 549 Sproul T. Hemmingway, 14 Pickering, 1 xxv, 350 Sproule T. Winaut's Heirs, 7 T. B. Monroe, 195. .xviii, 164 Spruill T. Moore, 5 Iredell's Eq. 234 xlix, 428 Spurgeon T. McElwain, 6 Ohio, 442 xxvii, 266 Squiery. Stockton, 5 Louisiana An. 120 lii, 583 SquireT. Harder, 1 Paige's Ch. 494 xix, 446 Squire T. Hollenbeck, 9 Pickering, 551 xx, 506 Squire T. N. Y. Cent. R. R. Co., 93 Mass. 239. . .xciii. 162 Squire T. Western Union TeL Co., 93 Mass. 232. xciii, 157 Squires v. Riggs, 2 Carolina Law Repos. 274 vi 554 Squires v. Squires, 53 Vermont, 208 38, 668 Staaden T. People, 82 Illinois, 432 25,333 Staates T. Burough of Washington, 15 Vroom, 605. .43, 402 StaatST. TenEyck, SCaines, 111 ji, 254 StablerT. Commonwealth, 95 Penn. St. 318 40, 653 StaceyT. Miller, 14 Missouri, 478 Iv, 112 Stache T. St. Paul F. & M. Ins. Co., 49 Wia. 89. .. .35, 772 StackT. Beach, 74 Indiana, 571 39,113 Stack T. East St. Louis, 85 Illinois, 377 28, 619 Stackhouse v. Lafayette, 26 Indiana, 17 Ixxxix, 450 StackpoleT. Arnold, 11 Massachusetts, 27 vi, 150 Stackpolev. Healy, 16 Massachusetts, 33.... viii, 121 Stackpole v. Hennen, 6 Martin, N. 8., 481 xvii, 187 Stacy T.Foss, 19 Maine, 335 xxxvi, 755 Stacy v. Ross, 27 Texas, 3 Ixxxiv, 604 Stadtfield v. Huntsman, 92 Penn. St. 53 37,661 Staff, Inre, 63 Wisconsin, 285 53,283 Stafford T. Bacon, 1 Hill (N. Y.), 532 xxxvii, 366 Stafford v. King, 30 Texas, 257 xciv, 304 Stafford v. ProTidence, 10 Rhode Island, 567 14, 710 Stahlv. Berger, 10 Serg. &R. 170 xiii, 666 Stainback v. Read & Co., 11 Grattan, 281 Ixii, 648 Staines v. Shore, 16 Penn. State, 200 IT, 492 Stairv. State, 87 Missouri, 268 56, 449 Stair v. York National Bank, 55 Penn. St. 364. .xciii, 759 Staleyv. Jameson, 46 Indiana, 159 15,285 St. Albansv. Bush, 4 Vermont, 53 xxiii, 246 St. Albans Bank v. Dillon, 30 Vermont, 122. .. .Ixxiii, 295 St. Albans B'k T. Farmers' & M. B'k, 10 Vt. 141 .xxxiii, 188 St. Albans Bank v. Gilliland, 23 Wend. 311 xxxv. 566 St. Andrew's B. L. Co. T. Mitchell, 4 Fla. 192 liv, 340 Stalbird v. Beattie, 35 New Hampshire, 455 Ixxii, 317 Stalcup ads. State, 1 Iredell's Law, 30 xxxv, 732 Stalker v. McDonald, 6 Hill (N. Y.), 93 xl, 389 StallingST. Corbett, 2 Speers' Law, 613 xlii, 388 Stallings v. Newman, 28 Alabama, 300 Ixii, 723 Stamp T. Case, 41 Michigan, 257 32, 156 Stamps T. Commercial F. Ins. Co., 77 N. C. 209. . . 24, 443 Stamper v. Griffin, 20 Georgia, 312 Ixv, 628 Stamper v. Hooks, 22 Georgia, 603 Ixviii, 511 Stamper v. Temple, 6 Humphreys, 113 xliv, 296 Standard Oil Co. T. Combs. 96 Indiana, 179 49, 156 Standef ord T. DeTol, 21 Indiana, 404 Ixxxiii, 351 Standish T. Parker, 2 Pickering, 20 xiii. 393 Standish T. Narragansett S. Co., Ill Mass. 512.. ..15, 66 StanciU T. Branch. PhilL Law. 306 xciii. 592 Stanfordv. Lyon. 8 Vrooin, 426 18, 736 Stanford T. Pruet, 27 Georgia, 243 Ixxiii, 734 Stamford v. Barry, 1 Aikens, 314 XT, 691 Staniford v. Barry, 1 Aikens. 321 XT, 692 Stanley's Appeal, 8 Penn. State, 431 xlix, 530 Stanley T. Brunswick etc. Corp., 13 Maine, 51...xxix, 435 Sta TABLE 07 CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, an! Arabic figures [401 to American Reports. Stanley T. Davenport. 54Iowa. 463 37, 215 Stanley v. Earl. 5 Littell, 231 xv, 68 Stanley T. Gaylord, 1 Cusiiinj. 533 xlviii, 613 Stanley v. Gree iwooJ, 2 1 Texas. 224 Ixxri, 103 Stanley ads. People, 47 California. 113 1 7, 401 Stanley v. State. 24 Ohio St. 166 15. 604 Stanley ads. State. 66 North Carolina, 53 8, 4S3 Stansell v. Roberts, 13 Ohio, 113 xlii, 193 St. Anthony F. VV. P. Co. v. King Bridge Co., 23 Minnesota. 136 73.632 Stanton T. Allen, SDenio, 434 xlix, 232 Stanton T. Bell, 2 Hawks, 145 xi, 744 Stanton v. Blossom, 14 Massachusetts, 116 vil, 193 Stanton v. Ellis, 12 New York (2 Keman) 575....1xiv, 512 Stanton v. Haskin 1 McArthur. 553 23,612 Stanton T. Parker. 5 Robinson (La.). 108 xxxix. 523 Stanton v. Thomas, 24 Wendell, 70 xxxv, 595 Stanton v. Willson, 3 Day, 37 iii, 255 Staplesv. Bradbury, SGreenleaf. 131 xriii, 494 Staples v. Bradley. 23 Connecticut, 167 Is, 630 Staplesv. Franklin Bank. 1 Metcalf . 43 xxxv. 345 Stapleton v. King, 33 Iowa. 23. 11,109 Starbuck v. Dunklee. 10 Minnesota. 168 Uxxviii, 63 Starbuck v. Murray. 5 Wendell. 148 xxi, 172 Starck v. State. 63 Indiana, 285 30,214 Stark v. Boswell, 6 Hill ($. T.). 405 xli, 752 Stark v. Brown, 12 Wisconsin, 582 batviii, 762 Stark v. Cannady, 3 Littell, 399 xiv. 76 Stark v. Mather. Walker, 181 xil, 553 Stark v. Parker. 2 Pickering, 267 xiii, 425 Starkv. Sperry. 6 Lea. 411 40, 47 Starksv. Sikes, 8 Gray, 609 Ixix, 270 Starkweather v. American Bible Society, 72 Illi- nois. 50 25,133 Starkweather v. Goodman. 48 Conn. 101 40, 152 Starne ads. People. x reL Barnes, 35 DL 121. .Ixxxv. 348 Stanrv. Leavitt, 2 Connecticut, 243 vil, 268 Starr v. Light. 22 Wisconsin, 433 xcix, 55 Starr v. Richmond, 33 Illinois, 276 Ixxxiii, 139 Starr v. Robinson, ID. Chipman. 257 vi. 732 Starr v. Vanderheyden, 9 Johnson, 253 vi, 275 Starrett v. Wynn. 17Serg. &R. 130 xvii. 654 Start ads. State, 7 Iowa, 501 Ixiiv, 278 State v. Aaron, 1 Southard, 23L vii, 592 State v. Abbey, 29 Vermont, 60 li vii, 754 State v. Abrahams, 6 Iowa, 117 buci, 399 State v. Adams. 45 Iowa, 99 24,760 Statev. Addington. 2 Bailey, 516 xxiii. 150 Statev. Addy, 14 Vroom. 113 39,547 Statev. Ah Chew, 16 Nevada, 50 40,488 Statev. Ah Chuey, 14 Nevada, 79 33,530 State v. Ah Sam, ISNevada. 27 37.454 Statev. Alexander. 76 North Carolina, 231 22, 675 State ada. Alford, 33 Georgia. 303 Ixxxi. 209 State v. Albee. 61 New Hampshire. 423 60,325 Statev. Allen, 1 Hawks, 6 ix, 616 State v. Allen. 1 McCord. 525. x. 687 State ads. Allen, 40 Alabama, 334 xci. 476 Statev. Anderson, Coxa, 318. i, 207 Statev. Anderson, 2 Overton, 6 v, 643 State v. Anderson, 25 Minnesota, 66 33,455 State ads. Anderson, 3 Head, 455 Ixxv, 774 State v. Andrews, 29 Connecticut. 100 Ixxvi. 533 State ads. Anthony,, Meigs, 265 xxxiii, 143 Statev. Appling, 25 Missouri, 315 Ixix, 469 Btatev. Archibald, 59 Vermont, 548 5!), 755 Statev. Arledge, 2 Bailey, 401. xxiii, 145 Btatev. Annfield, 2 Hawks, 246 xi, 762 State v. Atchison, 3 Lea, 729 31,663 State v. Atherton. 50 Iowa, 189 32,134 Statev. Avery, 7 Connecticut 266 xviii, 105 State v. Bacon. 13 Oregon, 113 r>7, 8 Statev. Bacon, 41 Vermont, 526 xcviii, 616 State v. BachelJer, 5 Minnesota, 223 Ixxx, 410 Statev. Bailey, 15 Indiana, 46 Lxx : .x, 405 State v. Baker, 64 Missouri, 167 T., Cll State v. Baber, 74 Missouri. 292 4 1 , 314 State v. Baldwin, 1 Halstead's Ch. 454 xlv. 337 State v. Bailer, 26 West Virginia. 90 5:j, C6 State v. Baltimore & O. R. Co., 15 W. Va. 362 State v. Bait, and O. R. R. Co., 24 Md. S4 Ixxxvii. 600 State v. Bait. etc. R. R. Co., 12 Gill & J. 399. . .xxxviii, 319 State v.BTc of Charleston, 2 MeMull. L. 433....xsx:x, 135 Statev. Bank of Maryland. 6 Gill & J. 205 :, Statev. Bank of Smyrna, 2 Houston, 99 l.v. State v. Bantley. 44 Connecticut, 537 State v. Barbour, 53 Connecticut, 76 ">, Co Statev. Barker, 4 Kansas, 324 xcvi. 175 State v. Barnett, 1 Jones' Law, 539 Ixii, 188 Statev. Barnett. 3 Kansas, 250 Ixxxvii. 471 State v. Barrow, 14 Texas, 179 Ixv, 109 State v. Barrows, 76 Maine, 401 40,629 State v. Bartlett, 43 Now Hampshire, 224 Ixxx, 154 State v. Earth. 25 South Carolina, 175 63, -198 State v. Beal. 63 Indiana, 345 34,263 Statev. Beal. 37 Ohio State, 103 11,490 Statev. Beandel, 53 Connecticut, 536 5.">, 155 State v. Beck. 1 Hill (3. C.), 363 State v. Beckwith, 1 Stewart, 318 xviii. 46 State v. Beekman, 3 Dutcher, 124 Ixxii, 352 State v. Beebe, 13 Kansas. 539 i:>, 93 State v. Belden, 33 Wisconsin, 121 14, 743 State ads. Belding, 25 Arkansas, 315 xcix. 214 Statev. Bell, 7 Baxter, 12 32,549 Statev. Bell. 27 Maryland, 675 xcii, 653 Statev. Beloit, 21 Wisconsin. 230 xci. 474 State ads. Belote, 36 Mississippi, 96 btxii, 163 State v. Belton, 24 South Carolina, 1S5 58, 245 Statev. Benedict, 11 Vermont, 236 xr: State v. Benham, 23 Iowa. 154 xcii. 416 State ads. Bennett. Harper's Law. 503 xviii, 663 State v. Berdetta. 73 Indiana. 135 38, 117 State v. Berlin, 21 South Carolina. 235 State v. Berthoel. 6 Blackwood. 474. xxxix. 442 State v. Beswick, 13 Rhode Island. 211.: 43, 26 State ads. Bigjs, 29 Georgia, 723 Ixxvi, 630 State ads. Billard, 30 Texas, 367 xciv, 317 State v. Bishop and Murray, 24 Maryland. SlO.lxxxvii. 603 State v. Bishop and Murray. 24 Md. 310 Ixxxvii. GJ3 State v. Bishop, 51 Vermont, 237 31,690 Statev. Black, 1 Winst. L. 266 Ixxxvi, 438 State ads. Black, 36 Georgia, 447 x i, 772 State ads. Blann, 39 Alabama, 353 Ixxxiv, 733 State v. Bloom. 63 Indiana, 54 34,247 State v. Board of Comm., 80 Indiana, 473 41, 21 State v. Board of Comm., 4 Nebraska, 537 11>, 611 State v. Board of Ed., 63 Wisconsin. 234 State v. Book, 41 Iowa, 550 20,609 Statev. Boon. 13 Iredell's Law. 244 Ivii, 555 State v. Botkin, 71 Iowa. 87 60,730 State v. Bott, 31 La. An. 663 31$, 224 State ads. Bower. 5 Missouri, 364 xxxii, 325 Statev. Boyd. 2 Hill (S. C.), 233 xxvii.376 Statev. Brady, 40 California. 198 6, 604 State v. Bralnerd, 56 Vermont, 532 4S, S13 Statev. Branch. 63 North Carolina. 186 12,633 State v. Braunon, 55 Missouri, 63 17, 643 State v. Brassfield, SI Missouri. 151 51,234 State v. Bridgman, 49 Vermont, 202 2 1, 124 Statev. Briggs, 9 Rhode Island, 361 11,270 173 TABLE OF CASES. Sta Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. State v. Bright, 33 La. An. 1 : 58,155 State v. Broughton, 7 Iredell's Law. 96 xlv. 507 State v. Brown, 9 Baxt. 53 40, 81 State v. Brown, 1 Devereux's Law, 137 xvii, 562 State T. Brown, 1 Haywood, 100 i, 543 State v. Brown, 69 Indiana, 95 35,210 State T. Brown, 4 Rhode Island, 523 Ixx, 163 State v. Bruce, 3 Brevard, 231 vi, 576 State T. Bruce. 43 Iowa, 530 30,403 State v. Bruce, 5 Oregon. 63 30,734 Stato v. Brunst, 28 Wisconsin. 412 7, 84 State v. Buchanan, 5 Harris & Johnson, 317 ix, 534 State v. Buckman. 8 New Hampshire, 203 xxix. 64G State v. Buckncr, 1 PhilL Law, 558 xcviii, 83 State ads. Budd, 3 Humphreys. 483 xxxix, 189 State T. Buffington, 20 Kansas, 599 27,193 State v. Bundy, 24 South Carolina, 439 58, 263 State v. Burjess, 24 Missouri, 331 Ixix, 433 State v. Burgoyne, 7 Lea, 173 40, 60 State v. Burket, 2 Mill. 153 xii, 662 State v. Burnham, 9 New Hampshire, 34 am'. 217 State v. Burnham, 58 Vermont, 445 48, SOI State v. Burton. 45 Wisconsin. 150 35, 706 State v. Butman, 61 New Hampshire, 511 60,332 Cuzzell, 53 New Hampshire. 257 42, 586 Stats v. Campbell. 29 Texas. 44 xciv, 251 State ads. Campbell, 13 Indiana, 375 Ixxxi, 363 State ads. Campbell, 9 Terger. 333 xxx, 417 State v. Cardozo, 8 South Carolina, 71 28, 275 State T. Carew, 13 Richardson's Law, 493 xci, 245 State v.Carl. 43 Arkansas, 353 51,565 State v. Carman, 63 Iowa, 130 50,741 State v. Carpenter, 63 Wisconsin, 165 60, 843 State v. Carr, 21 New Hampshire, 166 liii, 179 State v. Carroll, 33 Connecticut, 449 9, 409 Carron, 18 Iowa, 372 Ixxxvii, 401 . Carver, 43 Maine, 5S8 Ixxvii, 275 State v. Case, 93 North Carolina, 515 53, 471 State v. Ciissidy, 22 Minnesota, 312 21,765 State v. Catlin, 3 Vermont. 530 xxiii. 230 State v. Cent. la. R'y Co., 71 Iowa, 410 60, 806 State v. Cbadbourn, SO North Carolina, 479 30, 94 State v. Chambers, 22 West Virginia, 779 46, 550 State v. Chamblyss, Cheves' Law. 220 xxxiv, 593 State v. Champeau, 52 Vermont, 313 36, 754 State v. Chancellor, 1 Strobhart's Law, 347 xlvii, 557 State v. Chandler, 5 Louisiana An. 4S3 lii, 599 Stat e v. Chandler, 24 Missouri, 37i MX, 432 State v. Chapin, 17 Arkansas, 561 Ixv, 452 Statev. Charlton. 11 West Virginia, 332 27,603 State v. Chatburn, 63 Iowa. 6n9 50,760 State ads. Cheesxim, 8 Blackf ord, 332 xliv, 771 State v. Chrisp, 85 North Carolina, 523 39, 713 Statev. Church, 5 Oregon, 3T5 20,746 State v. Clark, 28 New Hampshire, 176 Ixi, 611 State v. Clarke, 54 Missouri, 17 14, 471 State v. Clarke, 33 New Hampshire, 329 Ixvi, 723 State ads. Clarke, 6 Gill & Johnson, 283 xxvi, 578 Statev. Clayton, 27 Kansas. 442 41,418 State v. Cleaves. 69 Maine. 298 8, 422 State v. Clifford, 14 Nevada, 72 33,526 Statev. Cliaton. 67 Missouri. 330 29,506 State ads. Coffee, 3 Yerger, 233 xxiv. 570 Statev. Coggswell, 3 Blackwood, 54 xxiii, 379 State v. Cohoon. 12 Iredell's Law, 178 Iv, 407 Statev. Cole, 19 Wisconsin, 129 Ixxxviii, 678 Statev. Colgate, 31 Kansas, 511 47,507 Statev. Collier, 72 Missouri, 13 37, 417 Statev. Collins, 70 North Carolina, 241 16, 771 State v. Collins, 15 South Carolina, 373 40.697 State ads. Collins, 33 Alabama, 43* Ixriii, 428 State v. Columbus G. L. & 0. Co.. 34 Ohio St. 572. .32, 390 State v. Colvin. 11 Humphreys, 599 liv, 53 State v. Commercial Bank. 6 Smedes & M. 218. . . .xlv, 230 State v. Commercial Bank, 13 Smedes & M. 569... liii, 106 State v. Commissioners, 2 Carolina L. Repos. 617. . .vi, 567 State v. Commissioners of Roads, 1 Mill, 55 xii. 596 State v. Commissioners, 9 Vroom, 190 20, 380 State v. Commissioners, 3 ZabrisMe, 510 Ivii, 409 State v. Common Pleas, 36 New Jersey, 72 13,422 State v. Connor, 59 Iowa, 337 44, 68J State ads. Conner, 25 Georgia, 515 Ixxi, 134 State ads. Conner, 4 Terger, 137 xxvi, 217 Statev. Connover, 4 Dutcher, 221 Ixxviii, 54 State v. Constantino, 42 Ohio St. 437 51,833 State v. Cooke, 24 Minnesota, 247 31,344 State v. Coombs, 55 Maine, 477 xcii, 610 State v. Cooper, 2 Overton, 96 v, 656 State v. Cooper, 1 Green's Law, 331 xxv, 490 Statev. Cooper. 2 Zabriskie. 52 11,243 State v. Corrigan C. St. R'y Co., 85 Mo. 263 55, 361 State v. Coste, 36 Missouri, 437 Ixxxviii, 148 State v. Council, 9 Vroom, 430 20,404 State v. County Commissioners. 4 Neb. 537 19, 641 State v. County Court, 51 Missouri, 350 11,454 Statev. County Court. 50 Missouri, 317 11,415 State v. Covington. 94 North Carolina, 913 53, 650 Statev. Craige, 89 North Carolina, 475 45,693 Statev. Crank, 2 Bailey, 63 xxiii. 117 State v. Crawford, 23 Kansas. 726 42, 182 State ads. Crawford, 2 Yerger, 60 xxiv, 467 Statev. Creight, 1 Brevard. 189 ii, 656 State v. Cross, 12 Iowa, 66 Ixxix, 519 Statev. Croteau, 23 Vermont. 14 liv. 90 Statev. Crowley, 41 Wisconsin, 271 22,719 State ads. Gulp, 1 Porter, 33 ixvi. 357 State v. Culver, 65 Missouri, 697 27, 295 State v. Cummings, 33 Connecticut, 260 Ixxxix, 208 Statev. Curtis, 35 Connecticut, 374 xcv, 263 State v. Ouster, 3 Heisk. 163 8, 8 State v. Daley, 53 Vermont, 442 38,694 Statev. Dame, 60 New Hampshire, 479 49,331 State v. Dame, 11 New Hampshire, 271 xxxv, 495 State v. Danforth, 43 Iowa, 43 30,337 Statev. Dart, 23 Connecticut, 153 Ixxvi, 596 Statev. Davidson, 23 Missouri, 212 Ixi, 603 State v. Davidson, 30 Vermont, 377 bcxiii, 312 Statev. Davis, 3 Brevard, 3 v, 529 State v. Davis, 1 Iredell's Law, 125 xxxv, 735 Statev. Davis, 66 Missouri, C34 27, 387 State v. Davis, 14 Nevada, 439 33, 563 State v. r avis, 80 North Carolina, 351 30, 86 State v. Davis. 12 Rhode Island, 492 31,704 State v. Davis, 9Vroom, 176 20, 367 State ads. Davis, 15 Ohio, 72 xlv, 559 State ads. Davison. 4 Vermont, 235...- xxiv, 598 State v. Dayton, 3 Zabriskie, 49 liii, 270 State v. Dean, 49 Iowa, 73 31,143 Statev. Del., L. &W. R. R. Co., 43 N. J. L. 55....S7, 543 State ads. Dement, 2 Head, 505 Ixxv, 747 Statev. DeRanc^, 34 La. An. 1S6 44,426 State v. Deusting, 33 Minnesota, 102 53, 12 Statev. DeWitt, 2 Hill (S. C.), 232 xxvii, 371 State v. DeWolf , 8 Connecticut, 93 xx, 90 State ads. Dias, 7 Blackf ord, C3 xxxix, 448 State v. Dick, 2 Winst. L. 45 Ixxxvi, 439 State v. Dillard, 5 Blackford, 3^5 xxxv, 128 Statev. Dilliard, 3 Iredell's Law, 102 xxxviii, 708 State v. Dimick, 12 New Hampshire, 194 xxxvii, 197 State v. Diskin. 34 La. An. 919 44,448 Sta TABLE OF CASES. 171 Roman letters [xllx] refer to volume of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. State y. Dodge Co., 8 Nebraska, 124 30,819 Btate v. Doe. 79 Indiana. 9 41,599 Btate v. Doepke, 68 Missouri, 208 30,755 State v. Doherty. Co La. An. 119 .13,131 State v. Dolby. 49 New Hampshire. 483 , 583 State ads. Dominges, 7 Smedes & M. 475 xlv, 315 State ads. Dominick, 40 Alabama. 630 zci. 496 Stater. Donaldson, 32 New Jersey L. 151 xc, 619 State T. Donnelly, 69 Iowa. 705 68,234 State v. Doty, 32 New Jersey L 403 xc, 671 State T. Douglas, 17 Maine, 193 xxxv,248 State T. Douglass, 26 Wisconsin, 428 7, 87 State*. Dowe. 27 Iowa, 273 1,271 State T. Downer, 8 Vermont, 424 xxx, 482 State T. Doyle, 40 Wisconsin. 175 22,692 Statev. Drake, 36 Maine, 366 Iviii, 757 State v. Draper, 63 Missouri. 335 2T, 2?7 Stata v. Ducker. 8 Oregon, 394 31, 500 Statev. Duffy. 7 Nevada. 312 8,713 State v. Dunbar, 13 Oregon, 591 57, 33 State T. Dtuilap. G5 North Carolina, 491 6,746 Statev. Dunn, Minor, 46 xii, 25 State v. Dnnnavant. 3 Brevard, 9 v. 530 State ads. Dukes, 11 Indiana, 557 Ixxi, 370 State ads. Dupree. 33 Alabama, 380 luriii, 422 Statev. Eads, 15 Iowa, 114 taxiii, 399 Statev. Eades. 63 Missouri. 150 30,730 State ads. Eanes, 6 Humphreys, 53 xliv, 289 State v. Earle, 24 La. An. 33 13,109 State v. Easter, 30 Ohio State. 542 27,478 State ads. Boston, 39 Alabama, 551 taxrii, 49 State v. Eddings. 70 Missouri. 545 36,496 State v. E Jens. 95 North Carolina, 696 59, 294 State v. Edwards, 2 Nott & McC. 13 x, 557 State v. Egglesht, 41 Iowa. 574 20,612 State v. Eldsr. 63 Indiana, 2S2 32, 69 Statev. EUick, 2 Winst. L. 56 Ixxxvi. 442 State v. Ellis. 3 Connecticut. 185 viii, 175 Statev. Ellis, 71 Missouri, 335 41,321 State v. Ellis, 33 New Jersey Law, 102 xevii. 707 State v. Emery. 78 Missouri. 77 47, 92 Statev. England, 8 Jones' Law, 399 Ixn, 334 Statev. Evans. 3 Arkansas, 585 mvi, 468 State ads. Evans, 8 Ohio State, 196 Ixr, 98 Btate ads. Ewell, 6Yerger, 364 rxvil.480 State v. Fairclough, 29 Connecticut, 47 Ixxvi, 590 State v. Fanning, 94 North Carolina, 940 55, 653 Btate v. Farrow, Phillips' Law, 161 xciii, 5S5 Stater. Ferguson, 2 Hill (S. C.), 619 xxrii, 412 State r. Field, 14 Maine. 244 xxxi, 52 State r. Field. 17 Missouri. 529 lix, 275 State ads. Fight, 7 Ohio, Pt L 180 xxviii. 626 State r. Finch, 70 Iowa, 316 59,443 State v. Fitzgerald. 49 Iowa, 260 31,148 Stater. Fleming, 7 Humphreys, 152 xlvi, 73 Statev. Hemming. 66 Maine, 142 22, 552 Btatev. Fley, 2 Brevard. 333 iv. 583 Btate v. Flinn, 3 Blackford. 72 xxiii, 330 State v. Floyd. 5 Strobhart's Law. 58 liii, 689 State ads. Floyd, 36 Georgia, 91 .*. xd, 760 Statev. Foley. 31 Iowa, 527 7,166 Statev. Foley. 15 Nevada, 64 .37,453 State ads. Ford, 29 Indiana. 541 xcv. 653 State v. Forshner, 43 New Hampshire, 89 lixx, 132 Statev. Foster, 23 New Hampshire, 348 Iv. 191 Statev. Foster, 8 Louisiana An. 290 Iviii, 678 State v. Fourth N. H. Turnpike. 15 N. H. 162 xll. 690 State v. Franklin Falls Co.. 49 N. H. 240 6, 513 State v. Frederick, 45 Arkansas, 347 55,555 Statev. Freeman, 8 Iowa, 428 Ixxiv, 317 State ads. French. 13 Indiana, 386 taxi. 364 State v. Frew, 24 West Virginia, 416 49,257 State v. Fuller, lBay.245 i, G10 State v. Gaillard, 2 Bay. 11 i, 628 State v. Gailor. 71 North Carolina, 88 17, 3 Statev. Galloway, 5 Cold. 326 xcviii. 404 State ads. Garcia, 26 Texas, 209 Ixxxii. 605 State v. Gardner, 13 Lea. 131 49,660 State v. Garrett, 71 North Carolina, 5 17, 1 Statev. Garrett. 1 Winst. L. 144 Ixxxiv, 359 State v. Carton. 32 Indiana, 1 2,315 State v. Carrey, 28 La. An. 9C5 28, 123 State v. Gaston. 73 North Carolina. 93 21, 459 State v. Gatzweiler. 49 Missouri, 17 8, 119 Statev. George, 8 IredelTs Law, 324 xlix, 393 State v. Georgia Med. Soc'y. 33 Georgia, 603 xcv, 408 State v. German. 54 Missouri. 526 14,481 State v. Gibson, 36 Indiana, 339 10, 42 State v. Gilbert, 87 North Carolina, 527 42, 518 State v. Giles. 2 Pinney. 166, 1 Chand. 112 lii. 149 State ads. Gillespie, 8 Yerger, 507 xiix. 137 State ads. Gilliam, 1 Head, 38 Lxxiu, 161 Statev. Oilman. 69 Maine, 163 31,257 State v. Gilmore, 20 Kansas, 551 27,189 State v. Glass, 50 Wisconsin, 213 36,845 Statev. Glasgow, Conference Eep. 38 ii. C29 State v. Godfrey, 31 Alabama, 323 Ixx, 494 State v. Godfrey. 24 Maine, 232 xli. 382 State v. Godwin. 5 Iredell's Law, 401 xliv. 42 State v. Godwinsville & P. M. R. Co., 49 N. J. L. 266 60,611 State v. Goodman. 6 Richardson's Law, 337 Ix. 132 State r. Goodrich. 19 Vermont, 116 xlvii, G76 Statev. Gorman, 2 Nott & McC. 90 x. 576 State v. Goss, 59 Vermont. 102 59,706 State v. Graham, 26 La. An. 568 21,551 State v. Graham, 74 North Carolina, 646 21,493 Statev. Graham, 12 Vroom, 15 32,174 State ads. Grainger, 5 Yerger, 459 xxri, C73 State v. Grand Trunk R'y. 53 Maine, 176 4,253 State v. Grand Trunk R'y. 61 Maine. 114 14, 552 State v. Grant, 79 Missouri. 113 49,213 State v. Grear, 23 Minnesota. 426_ 41,296 State v. Great Works M, & M. Co.,20 Me. 41. . . -xxxvii. 33 State v. Greensdale. 106 Indiana. 364 55, 753 State v. Gregory. 83 Missouri, 123 53,565 Statev. G. S., 1 Tyler, 295 iv, 724 State v. Guild, 5 Hals ted, 163 xviii, 404 State v. Gumey, 37 Maine, 156 Iviii, 782 Statev. Haider, 2 McCord, 377 xiii. 738 State ads. Hall, 9 Florida, 203 Ixxvi, 617 State v. Hallock, 14 Nevada. 202 33,559 State v. Hamlin, 47 Connecticut, 95 36, 54 State v. Hammond. 80 Indiana, 80 41, 791 Stater. Hand, 6 Arkansas, 169 xlii, 689 Stater. Hand, 7 Iowa, 411 Ixxi, 453 State v. Hardie, 47 Iowa, 647 26,496 State v. Hardin. 46 Iowa. 623 26,174 State v. Hardister. 33 Arkansas. 605 4'. 1 , 5 Statev. Harper, 35 Ohio State, 78 35,596 Statev. Harper, 6 Ohio State, 607 U State v. Harriman. 75 Maine, 562 46,423 Statev. Harris, 3 Arkansas, 570 xxxvi. 460 State v. Harris. 89 Indiana, 363 46,169 Statev. Harris, 8 Jones' Law, 136 Ixxviii, 278 State ads. Harrison. 22 Maryland, 468 Ixxxv. G58 State ads. Hart, 40 Alabama, 32 Ixxxviii, 752 State v. Hartford, 50 Connecticut. 89 IT, G23 State v. Hartigan, 32 Vermont, 607 Ixxviii, 609 State v. Hathcock. 20 South Carolina, 419 47,842 175 Roman letters [slix] refer to volumes of American D3ci3ions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Report*. State v. HatiaTray. 2 Xott & McC. 118 x. 530 Btatov. Hauss, 43 Indiana, 105 13,384 Statov. Hawkins, 25 Georgia, 207 Ixxi, 153 State v. Hawkins, 8 Porter, 431 xxxiii. C34 State ads. Hawkins, 1 Porter, 475 xxvii, 641 State ads. Hawkins, 9 Alabama, 137 xliv, 431 State v. Haymond, CO West Virginia, IS 43, 787 Statev. Haynes, C3 Maine, 307 ?;.""> State ads. Haynes, 3 Humphreys, 430 xxxix, 1S7 Statev. Hays, 53 Missouri, 31 11, 402 State v. Hazard, 2 Rhode Island, 474 Ix, 96 State v. Headrick, 3 Jones' Law, 375 Ixvii, 2 19 Statev. Hearst, 12 Missouri, 3C5 li,i;7 Statev. Heath, 23 Louisiana Annual, 172 xcvi, 390 State v. Hebrew Congregation, 30 La. An. 205 33, 217 State ads. Hector, 2 Missouri, 166 xxii, 454 Statev. IIv.'lfrM. 2 Nott&McC. 233 x, 591 Statev. Hennessey, 23 Ohio State, 339 13, 2'3 State ads. Hess, SOhio, 5 xxii, 7C7 State v. Hejrrard, 2 Nott & McC. 312 x, 604 Statev. Hickling, 12 Vroom, 203 33,193 Statev. Hicks, 2 Blackford, 333 xx, 118 Statev. Hicks, 9 Yerser, 483 xxx, 423 Statev. Hildreth.9 Iredell's Law, 429 11, 304 State v. Hildreth, 9 IredeU's Law, 440 li. 3:3 Statev. Hill, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 431 xxxiv, 333 Statev. Hill, 2 Hill (S. C.), 607 xxvii, 406 State ads. Hill, 1 Verger, 76 xxiv, 441 Hilton, 3 Richardson's Law, 434 xlv, 7S3 State ads. Hipp, 5 Blackford, 149 xxxiii, 463 State v. Hitchcock, 1 Kansas, 178 Ixxxi, 503 St:it.- v. Hodgskins, 19 Maine, 155 xxxvi. 742 Statev. Holcomb. 68 Iowa, 107 50, S52 Statev, Holder, 81 North Carolina, 527 31,517 Holland, S3 North Carolina, 624 33, 537 Statev. Hollyway, 41 Iowa, 200 20, 536 State v. Holmes, 23 La. An. 765 26,110 Statev. Holmes, 56 Iowa, 538 41,121 Statev. Holt, 27 Missouri, 340 Ixxii, 273 State v. Holt, 90 North Carolina, 749 47, 544 State v. Homes, 17 Missouri, 379 Ivii, 2G9 State v. Hoover, 4 Dev. & Bat. Law, 365 xxxiv, 333 State v. Horau, 32 Minnesota. 394 50,533 State v. Horn, 70 Missouri. 466 33,437 State v. Home, 92 North Carolina, 805 53412 State ads. Home, 37 Georgia, 80 xcii, 49 State ads. Horne, 1 Kansas, 42 lxxxi.499 State v. Hornsby. 8 Robinson (La.), 554 xli, 335 State v. Hornsby, 8 Robinson (La.), 583 xli, 314 State v. House, 65 North Carolina, 315 6, 744 Statev. Houston, 73 Alabama, 576 56, 59 State v. Howe, 25 Ohio State, 538 18, 321 State v. Hoyt, 47 Connecticut, 513 36, 89 Statev. Hughes, 2 Alabama, 102 xxxvi, 411 Statev. Hushes, 35 Kansas, 626 37, 195 State v. Humphrey, 32 Vermont, 569 Ixxviii, 605 State v. Hunter, 5 Iredell's Law, 339 xliv, 41 State ads. Hunter, 1 Head, 160 Ixxiii, 154 State v. Huntly, 3 Iredell's Law, 418 xl, 416 State v. Hussey, 60 Maine, 410 11,206 State v. Illinois Central R. R., 27 Ullnow, 64. .. .Ixxix, 333 State v. Indianapolis, 69 Indiana, 375 35, 223 Statev. Ingold, 4 Jones' Law, 216 Ixrii, 283 State ads. Ingram, 39 Alabama, 247 Ixxxiv, 782 State v. Jackson, 27 Kansas, 581 41, 424 Statev. Jackson, 73 Maine, 91 40,342 State v. Jackson, 80 Missouri, 175 50,499 State v. Jackson, 17 Missouri, 544 lix, 231 State v. Jackson, 78 North Carolina, 233 24, 476 State v. Jenkins. 84 North Carolina, 812 37,613 State v. Jenkins, 14 Richardson's Law, 215 xcir, 133 State v. Jennings. 81 Missouri, 135 51,236 Statev. Jericho. 40 Vermont, 121 xciv. 337 Jersey City, 2Vroom. 575 Ixxrri, 240 Statev. John. 8 Iredell's Law, 330 xlix. 336 Statev. John, 5 Jones' Law, 1G3 Ixix, 777 State ads Johns, 19 Indiana, 421 Ixxxi, 408 State v. Johnson, 12 Alabama, 840 xlvi, 283 Statev. Johnson, 8 Iowa, 5.5 Ixxiv, 321 Statev. Johnson, 26 Iowa, 437 xcvi, 158 Statev. Johnson, 1 Iredell's Law, 354 xsxv, 748 Statj v. Johnson, 2 Jones' Law, 247 Ixiv, 582 State v. Johnson, 12 Minnesota, 476 xciii, 241 Statev. Johnson, 75 North Carolina, 123 22, 666 State v. Johnson, Phillips' Law, 186 xciii, 587 State v. Johnson, 1 Winst. L. 233 Ixxivi, 434 State v. Joint School Dist., 65 Wis. 631 56, 653 State T. Jolly, 3 Dev. & Bat. Law, 110 xxxii. 656 State v. Jones. 50 New Hampshire, 369 9, 243 State v. Jones. 83 North Carolina, 605. 35, 586 State v. Jones, 95 North Carolina, 533 59, 283 State T. Jones, 4 Halsted, 357 xvii,483 State v. Jones. 1 McMullan's Law. 233 xxxvi. 257 State ads. Jones, 7 Missouri, 81 xxxvii, 180 State ads. Jones, 13 Texas, 163 Ixii, 550 State v. Judge, 23 Louisiana, 905 28, 115 State v. Judge of C. D. Court. 33 La.An. 43 58, 158 State v. Judge of T. J. Dist. 23 La. An. 29 8, 533 State v. Justus, 11 Oregon, 173 50,470 State v. Kaufman. 51 Iowa, 573 33,143 State v. Kean. 10 New Hampshire, 347 xxxiv. 162 State ads. Keller. 12 Maryland, 322. Ixxi, 596 State v. Kelly. 76 Maine, 331 49,620 State v. Kennedy, 76 North Carolina, 251 22,683 Statev. Kent, 22 Minnesota, 41 21,764 Stater. Keyes, 8 Vermont, 57 xxx. 450 State v. Kinney. 44 Connecticut. 153 26, 436 State ads. Kirby. 9 Yerger, 333 xxx, 420 Statev.Kirk. 44 Indiana, 401 15,239 State v. Kirke, 12 Florida, 278 xcv,314 State v. Kitchens, 2 Hill. 612 xxvii, 410 State v. Knapp, 6 Connecticut, 415 xvi, 68 State v. Knotts, 2 Speers' Law, 692 xlii, 395 Statev. Kube, 20 Wisconsin, 217 xci, 390 State v. Kupferle, 44 Missouri, 154 c. 265 State ads. Lancaster, 3 Cold. 340 xci, 283 State v. Lantz. 23 Kansas, 728 33,215 State v. Lapage, 57 New Hampshire, 245 24, 69 State v. Larkin, 43 New Hampshire, 36 G, 456 State v. Lash. 1 Harrison (N. J.).3S3 xxxii, 397 State ads. Lawrence, 1 Humphreys, 223 xxxiv. 644 Statev. Lawson, 7 Arkansas, 391 xlvi, 293 State v. Lavake, 26 Minnesota. 526 37,415 State v. Leabo, 84 Missouri. 168 54, 91 State v. Leach, 7 Connecticut, 452 xriii. 113 Statev. Leach. 60 Maine, 58 11,172 State v. Lee. 22 Minnesota. 407 21,769 State v. Lehre, 2 Brevard, 446 iv. 596 Statev. Levy, 23 Minnesota, 104 23,678 Statev. Lewis. 2 Hawks. 98 xi. 741 State v. Lewis. 19 Kansas. 260 27,113 State v. Lewis. 48 Iowa, 573 30,407 State v.Lewis. 73 North Carolina, 133 21,461 State v. Libby, 44 Maine, 469. Ixix, 115 State v. Lindenthall. 5 Richardson's L. 237 Ivii. 743 State v. Lindley, 51 Iowa, 343 33, 139 State v. Linkhaw, 69 North Carolina, 214 12, 645 State v. Littlefield, 70 Maine, 452 35, 335 StatJ v. Lockyear, 95 North Carolina, 633 59, 237 State v. Long, 95 North Carolina, 532 59, 263 Sta TABLE OF CASES. 178 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic Scores [49] to American Reports. State T. Lorry. 7 Bart. 95 33,555 State ads. Lorton. 7 Missouri. 55 rrrrii. 179 Stater. Lowe. 21 West Virginia, 783 45,570 State v. Lupton. 64 Missouri. 415 27,253 State v. Lymburn. 1 Brevard. 397. ii. e?0 State r. Lymus, 26 Ohio St. 400 20,772 State ads. Lynes. 5 Porter. 233 TXT, 557 State r.Lyon, 81 North Carolina. 600 31,513 State ads. Mahala. 10 Yerger, 532 mi. 591 State ads. Maher, 1 Porter. 265 xxvi. 379 State v. Maine Cent. E.R. Co.. 76 Me. 357 49,622 State T. Maine, 27 Connecticut, 641 ....Ird, 89 State T.Manuel. 72 North Carolina. 201 21,455 State T. Markins. 95 Indiana, 461 48,733 tetate v. Marler. 2 Alabama, 43 xnri. 393 State v. Martin. 14 Lea. 92.. 52,167 State T. Martin, 85 North Carolina. 5C8 .....39,711 State T. Martin, 30 Wisconsin, 216 1 1, 567 State ads. Mary, 24 Arkansas, 44 Ixxxi. 60 State r.Massey. 86 North Carolina, 653 41,473 State ads. May. 14 Ohio. 431 xlr. 543 State T. Mayor Jersey City, 2 Vroom,575...lTTrvi. 240 State T. Mayor etc. of Mobile, 5 Porter, 279 TXT, 564 State T. Mayor etc., 35 New Jersey. 157 10, 223 State v. Mayor. 8 Vroom. 415 18,729 State T. Mayor, 49 N. J. L. 540 60,643 State v. Mayor. 12 Lea, 146 47, 331 State T. Mayor. 15 Lea. 697 54,427 State v. McBride. 4 Missouri, 303. nix. 636 State T. McCall. 4 Alabama. G43 mix, 314 State v. McCarty. 2 Pinney. 513; 2 Chand. 199 liv, 150 State v. McClelland, 13 Nebraska. 233 33, 814 State v. McCoy, 34 Missouri, 531 Ixrxvi, 121 State T. McCoy, 8 Robinson (La.), 545 xli, 301 State v. McCord. 8 Kansas, 232 12,460 State T. McCrillus, 4 Kan. 214 TCvi. 169 Statev. McCune, 5 Rhode Island, 60 Ixx, 176 State ads. McDermott, 13 Ohio State, 322 Inxii, 444 State v. McDonald. 1 McCord. 532 x, 631 State T. McDuffie, 34 New Hampshire, 523 IxiT, 516 State v. McGimsey, 80 North Carolina. 377 30, 90 State v. McGinty. 41 Mississippi. 435 iciii, 264 State v. McGIynn. 20 California, 233 Ixxxi, 113 State T. McGowan. 20 Connecticut, 245 lii. 330 State ads. McGuire, 33 Mississippi, 306 Ixxii, 124 State v. Mclntire, 1 Jones' Law, 1 luc, 566 State T. McKean, 36 Iowa. 343 14,530 State T. McKee. 1 Bailey's Law. 651 xxi. 499 State ada. McLain, 10 Yerger, 241 xxxi, 573 State v. McLaughlin, 15 Kansas. 223 22,264 State T. McMahon, 53 Connecticut, 407 53, 140 Statev. McNally, 34 Maine, 210 Ivi. 650 State T. McO'Blenis, 24 Missouri, 402 Ixix. 435 State T. McPherson. 70 North Carolina, 239 IG, 769 Stater. Mead. 4 Blackford, 309 xxx, 631 ^Statev. Meagher, 44 Missouri, 356 c, 293 Stater.Meek. 70 Missouri, 335 33,427 State r. Meerchouse. 3 J Missouri, 344 Ixxxvi, 109 State r. Merrihew, 47 Iowa, 112 29,464 Stater. Mfflard. 18 Vermont, 574 xlvi, 170 State r. Mi ler. 93 North Caroline. 511 53,469 Stater. Miller, 1 Vroom. 353 Irrxvi, 183 State r. Milwaukee Gas-light Co.. 29 WU 454 .... 9, 598 State ads. Mitchell, 3 Missouri, 233. TTT. 442 State r. Mizner, 45 Iowa. 243 24,769 State r. Mizner. 50 Iowa, 145 32, 123 State T. MoUsse. 33 La. An. 381 58,131 State ads. Monroe, 23 Texas, 210 Uxvi, 58 State r. Moody, 2 Haywood, 3L ii. 616 State r. Mooney. 47 North Carolina. 93 91, 487 State r. Moor, Walker. 134 xii, 541 State r. Moore. 31 Connecticut. 479 Ixxxiii. 159 State v. Moore, 25 Iowa, 128 ICY, 775 State r. Moore, 11 Iredell's Law, 160 liii. 401 State r. Moore, 74 Missouri, 413 41,322 Statev. Moore, 19 Missouri, 359 Ixi, 563 State r. Moore, 26 New Hampshire, 448 lix, 354 State v. Moore, 64 New Hampshire, 9 58,473 State v. Moore, 24 South Carolina. 150 58, 241 State v. Morey, 2 Wisconsin, 494 IT, 439 Statev. Morgan, 3 Iredell's Law, 185 TxxrUi, 714 State v. Morgan, 7 Iredell's Law. 337 xlvii, 329 State r. Morphy. 33 Iowa. 270 11,123 State v. Morris Turnpike Co.. 1 Southard, 165 vii, 579 Stater. Morton, 27 Vermont, 310 Irr. 201 State r. Mott, 61 Maryland, 297 43,105 State r. Mott. 16 Minnesota. 472 10,153 State ads. Mount, 14 Ohio. 295 x>, 542 State r. Mugler, 23 Kansas, 252 44,634 State ads. Mulvey, 43 Alabama, 316 xciv, 634 State r. Mumford. 1 Devereux's Law, 519 xrii 573 State v. Mumford, 73 Missouri. 647 39,532 Stater. Murphy, 6 Alabama, 705 x'.i, 73 State r. Murray, 23 Wisconsin, 98 9,439 State r. Myers, 82 Missouri. 558 51,339 State r . Nash. 86 North Carolina, 650 41 , 472 State v. Nebraska Tel. Co., 17 Nebraska, 123 State v. Neely, 74 North Carolina. 425 21, 496 State v. Neil. 7 Ohio. Pt 1. 132 xs State r. Nelson, 33 La. An. 942 58, 202 Statev. Nelson, 14 Richardson's Law, 169 xciv, 130 State v. New Orleans, 33 La. An. 119 38, 169 State v. Newark, 35 New Jersey, 473 13, 464 State v. Newland, 7 Iowa, 242 Ixxi, 444 State r. Newman, 9 Nevada. 43 10, 3 State v. Newton. 1 G. Greene, ICO xlviii, 337 State v. Nichols, 26 Arkansas, 74 7, 600 State r. Nichols. 83 Indiana. 223 43, 68 Stater. Nixon, 18 Vermont, 70 xlri, 135 State ads. Niron, 2 Smedes & M. 497 xli. 601 Statev. Norris. 1 Haywood. 423 i, 5:4 State ads. Norris, 3 Humphreys, 333 Trxix, 175 State v. North-eastern R. R.. 9 Pcich. L. 247 Ixvii, 551 State v. Northrnp. 43 Iowa, 583 30,408 Statev. Norvell, 2 Yerger, 24 ixiv, 453 State r. Noyes. 36 Connecticut, 80 4, 37 State ads. Nugent, 4 Stewart & Porter, 72 xxiv, 746 State v. Ober, 52 New Hampshire. 459 13, 88 Statev. O'Connor. 65 Missouri. 374 ...27, 291 State v. Oliver. 26 West Virginia, 422 53, 79 Statev. Omaha, 14 Nebraska. 235 45, 108 State v.O'Neil. 53 Vermont. 140 5G, 556 State v. Orrell, 1 Devereux Law, 133 xrii, 533 State v. Osawkee Township, 14 Kansas, 418 19, 99 State v. O'Toole, 3 Heisk. 165 8, 8 State v. Overton, 4 Zabriskie, 435 Ixi, 671 Statev. Owen, 1 Murphey, 452 iv, 571 Stater. Page, 21 Missouri, 257 Ixiv, 229 State v. Page. 1 Speers' Law, 403 xl, 608 State v. Parker. 34 Arkansas, 153 36, 5 Statev. Parker, 1 D. Chipman, 238 xi, 735 State v. Parker. 75 North Carolina, 249 22, 669 State v. Farad], 16 Arkansas, 50G Ixni, 72 State v. Parrott, 71 North C u-olina, 311 17, 5 State v. Partlow. 99 Missouri, 603 59, 31 State v. Partlow. 91 North Carolina, 550 49, 652 State v. Patrick, 79 North Carolina. 655 23, 340 Statev. Patten, 10 Louisiana An. 299 Ixiii, 594 State r. Patterson, 2 Iredell's Law, 346 xxxviii. 699 State r. Patterson, 7 IredeU's Law, 70 xlv, 506 177 TABLE OF CASES. Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Sa State v. Patterson, ?8 Missouri. 88 57,374 State v. Patterson. 45 Vermont, 333 12, 20t State v. Patterson, 1G -Vroom. 310 .40, 77 State ads. Patterson, 2 English, 53 xliv, 53' State v. Paup, 13 Arkansas, 123 M, 303 Statev. Pawtuxct Turnpike Co., 8 R. I. 531 xciv, 123 State v. Pendergrass, 2 Dev. & Bat. Law, 365. .. .xxxi, 416 State v. Peunington, 3 Head, 299 lire, 77! State v . Pepper, Co North Carolina, 259 12,637 State v. Perry, 5 Jones' Law, 9 Ixix, 768 Statev. Pettie. 80 North Carolina, 367 30, 88 Statev. Phelps, 11 Vermont, 116 mav, 672 State v. Philadelphia etc. K. R. Co.. 45 Md. 361... .24, 511 State v. Phillips, G3 Texas, 390 51,646 State ads. Phipps, 22 Maryland. 330 Ixxxv, 654 State v. Pickett, 11 Nevada, 235 21 , 754 State ads. Piginaii. 14Ohio, 535 xlv, 553 Statev. Pike, 43 New Hampshire. 399 6,533 Statev. Pitman.1 Brevard.32 ii, 645 State v. Pitts. 12 South Carolina, ISO 32, 503 Stato v. Plants. 23 West Virginia. 119 52,211 State v. Platt, 2 South Carolina. 160 16,647 State v. Plazencia, 6 Robinson (La.). 441 sli, 271 State ads. Polk, 19 Indiana. 170 Ixxxi. 382 Statev. Poll, 1 Hawks, 442 ix, 655 State v. Pollok, 4 Iredell's Law, 305 ilii, 140 Statev. Poor. 4 Dev. & Bat. L. 3S4 xxxiv, 387 State v. Portland, 74 Maine. 263 43,536 State ads. Portwood, 29 Texas, 47 xciv, 258 State v. Posey, 17 Louisiana An. 252 Ixxrvil, 525 State v. Potter, 63 Missouri, 212 21,440 State v . Pottmeyer, 33 Indiana, 402 5, 224 State v. Potts, 4 Ualsted, 2>3 xvii, 449 State v. Powers. DOregon. 145 43,133 State v. Powell, 67 Missouri, 935 29,512 Statev. Pratte, S Missouri, 235 xL 140 Statev. Price, 12GU1& J.2GO xxxvii, 81 State aus. Price, 3J Mississippi, 531 Ixxii, 195 State v. Prizer, 49 Iowa, 531 31, 135 State v. Pugh, 2 Haywood, 55 ii, C21 State v. I'urdy, 3G Wisconsin, 213 1 7, 435 State v. Putman, 13 South Carolina. 175 44, 569 Statev. Quarrel, 2 Bay. 150 i. 637 Statev. R. R. Co., 24 West Virginia, 783 49,230 State v. Raud, 31 New Hampshire. 361 12, 127 State v. Randall, 1 Strobhart's Law, 110 xlvii, 43 State v. Rankin, 3 South Carolina, 433 16, 737 Statev. Rash, 12 Iredeil's Law, 332 Iv, 420 State v. Ray, 63 New Hampshire. 408 56, 529 Statev. Ray, Rice'sLaw, 1 xxxiii. 90 State v. Real Estate B'k. 5 Arkansas. 595 xli, 109 State v. Redemeier, 71 Missouri. 173 36,462 State v. Reed, 35 Maine, 489 Iviii. 727 Statev. Reed, 3D Vermont, 417 xciv, 337 Statev. Reid. 1 Alabama, 612 xnv. 44 Statev. Reid, 1 Oev. & Bat. L. 377 xxviii, 572 Statev. Reigart, 1 Gill, 1 xxxix, 623 State v. Republican V. R. R. Co., 17 Neb. 647.... 52, 424 Statev. Revells, 34 La. An. 331 44,436 State v. Rhodes, 1 Phillip s' Law, 453 xcviii, 7S State v. Richardson, 33 New Hampshire, 208 Ixxv, 173 State v.Richie. 28 La. An. 327 26,100 State v. Richmond etc. R. R. Co., 73 N. C. 527. ...21, 473 Statev. Ridgely, 2 Harr. & McH. 120 i. 372 State ads. Riggs, 3 Cold. 85 xci. 272 State v. Rivers, 53 Iowa, 102 43,112 State v. Roach, 2 Haywood, 352 ii, 620 State v. Robbing 6 Iredell's Law, 23 xliv, 64 State v. Roberts, 1 Hawks, 349 ix, 643 State v. Roberts, 7 Halstead. 114 xxi. 62 llfD*X A. D. & A. R.-li State v. Roberts. K> Wew Hampshire, 256 47, 199 State v. Roberts. 68 Missouri, 234 SO, 788 State ads. Roberts, 14 Georgia, 8 Iviii. 523 State v. Robertson, 33 La. An. 618 58, 201 State v. Robinson, 3 Dev. & Bat. L. 130 rxxii, 661 State v. Robinson, 20 West Virginia. 713 43, 799 State v. Rogers. 18 Kansas, 78 26,754 State v. Rogers, 10 Nevada, 250 21,733 State v. Rolle. 30 La. An. 991 31,234 Statev. Roper, SDevereux's L. 473 xxiv, 268 State v. Ross, 4 Jones' Law, 315. Ixix, 751 State v. Ross, 76 North Carolina, 242 22, 678 State v. Rover, 10 Nevada, 338 21 , 745 State v. Rushing, 69 North Carolina, 29 12, 641 State v. Rutherford, 1 Hawks, 457 ix, 658 State T. Ryan, 4 M*Cord. 16 xvii, 702 Statev. Ryan, 12 Nevada, 401 ...28,802 State v. Saline Co. Court. 43 Missouri, 390 8, 108 State v. Sampson, 12 South Carolina, 567 32, 513 State v. Samuel, 3 Jones' Law, 74 Lriv, 596 State v. Sanders, 68 Missouri, 202. 30, 782 State v. Sanders. 62 Indiana, 5G2 30, 203 Statev. Saunders, 19 Kansas, 127 27, 98 State v. Sauvinet, 24 La. An. 119 13, 115 State v. Savannah, T. U. P. Charlton, 235 iv. 708 State v. Scott, 4 Iredell's Law, 409 xlii. 148 Stats v. Schulz, 55 Iowa, 698 39, 187 State v. Seagler, 1 Richardson's Law, 3D xlii, 404 State ads. Sealy, 1 Georgia, 213 xliv, 641 State v. Seay, 64 Missouri, 89 27,206 Statev. Seay, 3 Stewart, 123 xx, 66 Statev. Sexton, SHawks, 184 xiv, 584 State v. Shannon, 36 Ohio State, 423 38, 599 Statev. Shelters, 51 Vermont, 102 31,679 Statev. Shelton, 2 Jones' Law, S'O Lxiv, 587 Statev. Sherwood, 15 Minnesota, 221 2, 116 State v. Shields, 13 Missouri, 236 liii, 147 State v. Shiflett, 20 Missouri. 415 Ixiv, 190 State v. Shinborn, 46 New Hampshire, 497. .. Ixxxviii, 22-t Stato v. Suippey, 10 Minnesota. 223 Ixxxviii, 70 Statev. Shoemaker, 62 Iowa, 313 4?, 146 State v. Shorts. 32 New Jersey L. 338 xc, 668 State v. Shupe, 16 Iowa, 36 Ixxxv, 485 Statev. Simpson, 28 Minnesota, 65 41,269 State v. Sloss, 25 Missouri, 291 Ixix, 467 State v. Smart, 4 Richardson's Law, 356 Iv, 683 State v. Smily, 37 Ohio State. 30 41,487 State v. Smith, 12 Arkansas, 622 Iv:, 287 Statev. Smith. 1 Bailey's L. 283 xix, 679 State v. Smith, 5 Day. 175 v. 132 Statev. Smith, 6 Greenleaf , 462 xx, 324 ' State v. Smith, 3 Hawks. 378 ; . xiv. 594 State v. Smith, 54 Iowa, 104 37, 192 State v. Smith, 11 Louisiana An. 633 Ixvi, 208 State v. Smith, 32 Maine, 369 liv, 578 Statev. Smith. 78 Maine. 260 57,802 Statev. Smith, Meigs, 93 rxxiii, 132 totev. Smith, 26 Missouri, 226 Ixxii, 204 Statev. Smith, 90 Missouri, 37 59, 4 State v Smith, 49 New Hampshire, 155 6, 480 tate v. Smith. 2 Strobhart's Law, 77 xlvii, 539 State ads. Smith, 33 Maine, 43 liv, 637 Statev. Smyth, 14 Rhode Island, 100.... 51,344 State ads. Sneed, 5 Arkansas, 431 xli, 102 State v. Solomons. 6 Yerger, 350 xxvii, 469 State v. Somerville, 21 Maine, 14 xxxviii, 243 State'. Soper, 16 Maine, 293 xxxiii.6;5 tate South, 4 Dutcher, 28 Ixxv. 250 State T. Spilding, 19 Connecticut, 233 xlviii. 153 ;tatc v. Spencer, 64 Missouri, 355 2: , 244 Sta TABLE OF CASES. ITS Roman letters [xlix] rarer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports, State v. Stair, 87 Missouri. 263 5fi, 41 State v. Stalcup, 1 Lredell's Law. 30 xxrv, 73 State v. Stanley, 66 North Carolina, 59 8, 4S State T. Staples, 47 New Hampshire, 113 xc, 56. State T. SUrt, 7 Iowa. 501 Ixtiv. 27 State T. State. 64 Mississippi, 644 GO, 7 State T. State B'd of Assessors. 48 N. J.L. 1 57, 51 State v. State Mod. Ex.Board. 32 Minnesota, 324.50, 57 State T. Steamship " Constitution," 42 Cal. 578. . .M>, 30 State v. Stebbins, 29 Connecticut, 463 Ixxix, 22 State v. Stueley, U3 Missouri, 213 27,27 State v. Stevens. 103 Indiana, 65 53, 43 State v. Stevens, 23 Kansas, 456 33,17 State ads. Stevens, 2 Arkansas, 291 xxxv. 7: State T. Stewart, 59 Vermont. 273 59, 71' State T. Stewart, 7 West Virginia, 731 23, 62. State v. Stewart. 60 Wisconsin. 537 50,33, State ads. Stewart, 19 Ohio. 302 liii, 42 State T. St. Paul, M. & M. R'y Co., 35 Minn. 131.. 59, 313 Stater. StoyeU, 54 Maine. 24 Ixxxix, 716 State v. Stratton. 27 Iowa, 420 1,232 State v. Strauder. 11 West Virginia. 715 27. 6C6 State v. Street. 1 Murphey, 156 iii, 6S2 State v. Street, Taylor. N. C..153 i, 539 State ads. Stringf ellow, 26 Mississippi, 157 liz, 247 State v. Simmer, 2 Speers' Law, 533 xlii. 337 State v. Sunmer, 10 Vermont, 537 xxxiii. 21S State ads. Suuiner, 5 Blackf ord, 579 xxxvi, 5C1 State v. Swails, 8 Indiana, 521 Ixv, 7 State ads. Swang. 2 Colorado. 212 Ixxxviii, 593 State v. Swift. 10 Nevada. 176 21,721 State ads. Swindle. 2 Yerger, 581 xxiv, 51 State v. Swianey, 60 Mississippi, 39 45,405 State v. Tabener, 14 Rhode Island. 272 51, 332 State ads. Tackett. 3 Yerger, 332 niv, 532 State v. Tappan. 29 Wisconsin. 664 9, 6: State v. Taylor, 3 Butcher, 117 Ixxii, 347 State v. Taylor, 27 La. An. 393 21,561 State v. Telephone Co.. 36 Ohio State, 296 38, 5S3 State v. Terry. 93 North Carolina, 5S5 53, 472 State v. Thomas, 47 Connecticut, 546 30, State v. Thomas, 111 Indiana, 515 CO, 720 Statev. Thompson, 9 Iowa, 183 Ixxiv, 342 Statsv. Thompson. 23 Kansas. 333 83, 165 State v. Thompson, 2 Strobhart's Law. 12 xlvii, 5S8 State ads. Thompson, 18 Indiana, 386 Ixxxi. 364 State v. Thornburg. 6 Iredell's Law, 79 xliv, 67 State v. Thurstin, 35 Maine. 205 Iviii. 695 State v. Tiedemann. 69 Missouri, 306 33, 498 State T. TUletson, 7 Jones' Law, 114 Ixxv, 450 State v. TUman, 30 La. An. 1249 31,236 Statev. Toole, 29 Connecticut, 342. Ixxvi, 602 State v. Topeka. 36 Kansas, 76 59,529 Statev. Torinus, 26 Minnesota. 1 37,393 State v. Town of Jericho, 40 Vermont, 121 xciv. 387 State v. Trapp, 17 South Carolina, 467 43, 614 Statev. Trask, 6 Vermont, 355 xxvii, 534 State v. Trexler, 2 Carolina L. Repos.90 vi. 553 State v Trezevant, 20 South Carolina, 363 47 , 840 State v. Trivas. 32 La. An. 1036 36,293 Stater. Tudor, 5 Day, 329 v. 162 State v. Tutt. 2 Bailey's Law. 44 xxi, 508 Statev. Twitty, 2 Hawks, 441 ii, 779 Statev. Turpin. 77 North Carolina, 473 24,455 State ads. Tyler. 2 Humphreys. 37 xxxvi. 293 State v. Underwood, 49 Maine, 181 Ixxvii, 234 State v. Vanderpool. 39 Ohio State. 273 48, 431 Statev. Van Houten, 2 Pennington. 672 iv, 4.7 Stato v. Viuccct, 21 Iowa, 570 xcv, 753 State v. Viuia. 93 North Carolina. 433 03, -iM Stato v. Wade. 43 Arkansas, 77 51,550 Statev. Wagner. 78 Missouri. C14 47,131 Statev. Walker, 36 Kansas, 297 59,556 State ads. Wall, 18 Texas, 82 Ixx, 303 State v. Ward. 43 Connecticut, 4S9 21,665 State ads. Ward, 2Cold. 605 xci, 270 State ads. Ward, 2 Missouri. 120 xxii, 449 State v. Warmoth. 22 La. An. 1 2,712 State v. Warmouth, 24 La. An. 351 13, 126 State v. Washington, 1 Bay. 120 i, 601 State v. Washington. 89 North Carolina. 533 45, 703 State v. Washington, 19 Texas, 123 Isx. 323 State v. Watkins, 9 Connecticut. 47 xxi . 7 12 State v. Watts. 7 Louisiana, 440 xxvi, 507 State v. Weatherby, 43 Maine, 258 Isix. 59 State v. Weaver, 84 North Carolina, S3"< . . ..V>, 617 Statev. Webber, 108 Indiana, 31 58, 30 State v. Weed. 21 New Hampshire. 262 liii. 188 State v. Weir. 33 Iowa. 134 11,115 Statev. Welch. 26 Maine. 30 x!v. 94 State v. Welch. 73 Missouri, 234 39,515 State v. Wells. Coxe. 424 i, 211 State v. Wells, 61 Iowa. 629 47,822 State v. Wentworth, 65 Maine, 234 20, 63 State ads. Wesley, 37 Mississippi, 327 lixv, 62 State v. West, 69 Missouri. 401 33, 503 State v. Weston. 9 Connecticut, 527 xxv, 46 State ads. Wharton. 5 Cold. 1 xciv, 214 State v. Wheeler. 3 Vermont. 344 -. xxiii. 212 State ads. Whilden, 25 Georgia, 396 Ixxi, 1?1 Statev. Whit, 5 Jones' Law, 224 Ixxii, 533 State v. Whitcomb, 52 Iowa, 85 35, 258 State v. White, 82 Indiana, 278 42,498 Statev. White, 41 Iowa. 316 20,603 Statev. White, 19 Kansas. 445 27,137 State v. Whittemore, 50 New Hampshire, 245 9, 136 State v. Whiting, 14 Connecticut, 487 xxxvi, 439 Stato v. Whittier, 21 Maine, 341 xxxviii. 272 State v. Wilbor, 1 Rhode Island, 199 xxxvi, 245 Statev. Wilburn. 7 Baxt. 57 32,531 State v. Wilcox, 42 Connecticut, 364 19, 536 State v. Wilcox, 3 Yerger. 278 xxiv, 569 State v. WUf orth, 74 Missouri, 523 1 1 , 330 Statev. Wilkinson, 2 Vermont, 480 xxi, 560 State v. Williams, 19 Alabama, 15 liv, 184 State v. Williams, 4 Indiana, 234 Iviii, ''27 State v. Williams, 7 Jones' Law, 446 Ixxviii, 2 J3 tote v. Williams. 32 La. An. 335 36, 272 Statev. Williams, 90 North Carolina, 724 47, 541 itatev. Williams, 2 Richardson's Law, 418 xlv, 741 State ads. Williams, 14 Ohio, 222 xlv. 536 State v. Williford. 36 Arkansas. 155 38, 34 itate v. Wilson, Coxe, 439 i. 216 State v. Wilson. 50 Indiana. 487 19,719 Statev. Wilson, 24 Kansas. 139 30, 257 Statev. Wilson. 43 New Hampshire. 415 Ixxxii, 163 Statev. Wingo. 66 Missouri, 181 27, 329 State v. Winthrop. 43 Iowa, 51 9 22 , 257 itate v. Winton, 11 Oregon, 456 50, 436 Stato ads. Wise, 2Kansas,419 Ixxxv, 595 statev. Wohlman, 34 Missouri, 482 Ixxxvi. 117 itate v. Woodward, 89 Indiana, 110 46, 160 tate v. Woodfln, 5 Iredell's Law, 199 xlii, 161 tatev. Woodruff.2 Day, 504 ii, 122 tate v. Woram. 6 Hill (N. Y.). 33 xl. 378 tate v. Worden, 46 Connecticut, 349 3:!, 27 tatev. Wright, 32 La. An. 1017 3G, 274 tatev. Wright. 41 Arkansas. 410 48, 43 tate ads. Wright, 30 Georgia, 325 Ixxvi, 656 tate ads. Wright, 5 Blackf ord, 358 xx 179 TABLE OF CASES. Sta-Ste Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. State ads. Wright, 5 Terger. 154 xxvi, 253 State v. Wyman, 59 Vermont, 527 59, 753 State v. Yancy, 1 Carolina L. Repos. 519 vi, 553 State v. Tearby, 82 North Carolina, 561 33, 694 State T. Young, 46 New Hampshire, 266 lixivia, 212 State v. Younger, 1 Devereux Law, 357 rrii, 571 State Bank v. Aersten, 3 Scammon, 135 xxxvi, 536 State Bank v. Cor, 11 Rich. Equity, 344 Ixxviii, 453 State Bank T. Evans, 3 Green Law, 155 xxviii, 400 State Bank v. Fearing, 16 Pickering, 533 xxviii, 235 State Bank v. Holcomb, 2 Hoisted, 193 xi, 549 State Bank v. Johnson, 1 Mill. 434 xii, 645 State Eauk v. McCoy, G9 Pennsylvania St. 204. ... 8, 246 State Bank v. Napier. 6 Humphreys, 270 xliv, 303 State Hank v. State. 1 Blackford, 237 xii, 234 State Bank v. Tweedy, 8 Blackf ord, 447 xlri. 433 State Bank v. Young, 2 Indiana, 171 lii, 501 State Bank of . See name of State, or un- der word Bank. State Board v. Citizens' St. R'y Co., 47 Ind.407...17, 702 State Board of Assessors ads. State, 43 N. J. L. 1.37,516 State ex rel. Conley v. Finn, 3 Blackf ord, 72 XTiii, 330 State ex rel. Corn well v. Allen, 21 Ind. 516 Ixxxiii. 367 State ex rel. Dox v. Board of Equalization of Johnson County, 10 Iowa, 157 Ixxiv, 381 s rel. Harvey ads. Pepper, 22 Ind. 399. ..Ixxxv, 433 State ex rel. Bodgdon T. Libbey, 44 New Hamp- shire, 321 Ixxxii, 223 State ex rel. Jenkins v. Troutman, 7 Jones' Law, 133 Ixxv, 459 :: rel. Knowlton v. 'Williams, 5 Wis. 308. .Ixriii, 65 s rel. Leal v. Jones. 19 Indiana, 353 Ixxxi, 403 x rel. Mayne v. Baldwin, 1 Hoist. Ch. 454. xlv, 393 State ex ral. MjCarty ads. Louisville & New Al- bany R. R. Co., 25 Indiana, 177 Ixxxvii, 358 x rel. McClellaa v. Graves, 19 Md. 351. . .Ixxxi, 639 State ex rJl. Pearson v. Arledge, 2 Bailey, 401. . .xxiii, 145 State ex rel. "White v. Winn, 13 Wis. 334. . . .Ixxxviii, 639 State for the Use of Arnold v. Linaweaver, 3 Head, 51 Ixxv, 757 State of . See name of State. S^at3 of Kansas ads. Wise, 2 Kansas, 419 Irxxv, 595 : I^d. Ex. B'd ads. State, 32 Minnesota, 321. .50, 573 IT. Bank v. Kircheval, 63 Missouri, 632 27, 310 State Sav. Bank v. Shaffer. 9 Nebraska. 1 .31, 394 ; jwnship v. Powell, 67 Missouri, 935 29, 512 State Treasorar v. Cross, 9 Vermont, 239 xxxi, 626 ."; vasuivr v. Mann, 34 Vermont, 371 Ixxx, 633 State, Use of Roe v. Thomas, 19 Missouri, 613 ... .Ixi, 580 Slats, Use of Browning, v. Lawson, 8 Ark. 380...xlvii, 72S i T. New York L. Ins. Co., 45 Miss. 531. ... 7, 737 Staton ads. People, 73 North Carolina, 546 21,479 Stauffer v. Commissioners, 1 Watts, 330 xxvi, 69 Sta-offer a Is. Commonw., 10 Penn. State, 353 li, 489 Stayton v. Newcomer, 1 English, 451 xliv, 524 Steacy v. Rice, 27 Penn. State, 75 fcrrii, 447 Steamboat Charlotte v. Hammond, t Mo. 58 xliii, 53S Steamboat Farmer v. McCraw, 26 Alabama. 189. .Mi, 718 Steamboat Keystone v. Moies, 23 Missouri, 243. .Ixxv, 123 Steamboat Lynx v. King, 12 Missouri, 272 xlix, 135 Steamer Petrel v. Dumont, 23 Ohio St. 632 22, 337 Steamship Constitution ads. State, 42 Cal. 573 10, 303 Stearns v. Barrett, 1 Pickering, 443 xi, 223 Stearns v. Buraham, 5 Greenleaf, 261 xvii, 228 Stearns v. Dillingham, 22 Vermont, 624 liv. 88 Stearns v. Doe, 12 Gray, 432 Ixxiv, 608 Stearns v. Henderass, 9 Gushing. 497 Mi, 65 Stoarns v. Marsh, 4 Denio, 227 xlvii, 243 Stearns v. Quincy M. L. Ins. Co.. 124 Mass. 61 2G, 647 Stearns T. Sampson," 53 Maine, 563 8,442 Stearns Y.Vincent, 50 Michigan. 209 45, 37 Stebbins v. Central V. R. Co.. 54 Vermont, 464 . . . . 4 1 , S^5 Stebbins v. Crawford Co.. 92 Pennsylvania St. 239.37, 637 Stebbins v. Palmer, 1 Pickering, 71 si. 145 Stebbins ads. State, 29 Connecticut, 463 Ixxix, 223 Stebbins v. Walker, 2 Green Law, 90 xxv, 499 Steckel v. First Nat. Bank. 93 Penn. St. 376 3.1. 753 Stedman v. Mclntosh, 4 IredeU's Law, 231 Steedman v. Weeks, 2 Strobhart's Eq. 145 xlix, 660 Steel v. Cazeaux, 8 Martin, 318 xiii, 233 Steel T.Fife. 43 Iowa, 99 30,333 Steele T. Atkinson. 14 South Carolina, 151 37, 723 Steele v. Bates, 2 Aikens, 338 xvi, 720 Steele y. Boyd, 6 Leigh, 547 xxix, 218 Steele v.Buck. 61 Illinois. 343 14, 60 Steele T. Burkhardt, 104 Massachusetts, 59 6, 191 Steele v. Lord, 70 New York. 230 26,602 Steele v. Lowry, 4 Ohio, 72 xix, 531 Steele v. McTyer's Adm'r, 31 Alabama, 667 Ixx, 516 Steele v.Renn. 50 Texas, 467 32,605 Steele v. Steele. 64 Alabama, 433 33, 15 Steele T. Taylor, 3 A. K. Marshall, 225 xiii, 151 Steele v. Townsend, 37 Alabama, 247 Ixxix, 49 Steele v. Williams, Dudley's Law, 16 xxxi, 546 Steele v. Wyatt's Adm'r, 23 Alabama, 764 Iviii, 317 Steele ads. State ex. reL Mount. 21 Ind. 207..1xxxiii. 346 Steeley ads. State, 65 Missouri. 218 2 7 , 271 Steelman v. Mattix, 9 Vroom, 247 20, 389 Steen v. Niagara F. I. Co., 89 New York, 315 47, 207 Steeples v. Newton, 7 Oregon. 110 33, 705 Steere v. Steere, 5 Johnson's Ch. 1 ix, 256 Steers v. Liverpool S. Co.. 57 New York, 1 1 1, 433 Steff ens v. Earl, 11 Vroom, 128 2f), 21* Stegar v. State, 39 Georgia, 533 xcix. 472 Steigleman v. Jeffries, 1 Serg. & R. 477 .vii, 628 Stein T. Burden, 24 Alabama, 130 Ix. 453 Stein v. Burden, 29 Alabama, 127 Ixv, 334 Stein v. Chambless, 18 Iowa, 474 Ixxxvii, 411 Stein v. Indianapolis B. L. F. S. Association, 13 Indiana, 237. Ixxxi. 35* Stein v. Hauck, 56 Indiana, 65 26, 10 Stein v. Mayor, 49 Alabama, 362 20,283 Stem T. Steamboat Prairie Rose, 17 Ohio St. 47Lxciii, 631 Stembach v. Relief F. I. Co.. 77 New York. 498. .. .33, 655 Steines v. Franklin Co., 43 Missouri, 167 8, 87 Steininger v. Hoch's Ex., 39 Penn. State, 263. .. .Ixxx, 521 Steinman, Ex. parte, 95 Pennsylvania St. 220 40, 637 Steinman v. WUMns, 7 Watts & Serg. 466 xiii, 254 Steinmetz v. Kelly, 72 Indiana, 442 37, 170 Steinwes v. Erie Railway. 43 New York, 123 3, 673 Stem's Appeal, 5 Wharton, 472 xxxiv, 569 Steman, Baker & Co. v. Harrison & Hooper. 42 Penn. State. 49 Ixxxii. 491 Stephen v. Muir, 8 Indiana, 352 Ixv, 764 Stephens v. Bichnell. 27 Illinois, 444 Ixxxi. 242 Stephens v. Board of Education, 79 N. Y. 153 33, 511 Stephens v. Crawford, 1 Georgia, 574 xliv, 630 Stephens v. Graham, 7 Serg. & R. 595 x, 435 Stephens v. Jack, 3 Yerger, 403 xxiv, 533 Stephens v. Monongahela Nat. Bank, 83 Pennsyl- vania State, 157 32,433 Stephens v. Shaf er, 43 Wisconsin 54 33, 793 Stephens v. Sherrod, 6 Texas, 294 Iv, 776 Stephens v. Vaughan, 4 J. J. Marshall, 206 xx, 216 Stephenson ads. Commonwealth, 11 Gushing, 481 .lix, 154 Stephenson v. Dickson, 24 Penn. State, 148; Ixii, 363 Stephenson v. Doe, 8 Blackf ord, 508 i Stephenson v. Goff, 10 Robinson (La.) 99 x! Stephenson v. King, 81 Kentucky, 425 50, 173 Stephenson v. Osborne, 41 Mississippi, 119 xc, 353 Ste-Sti TABLE OF CASES. 130 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Stephenson v. Pacific Mutual Ins. Co., 7 Allen, C32 Ixxxiil. 631 Stephenson v. Primrose, 8 Porter, 153 xxxiii, 281 Stephenson v. State, 110 Indiana, 353 50, CGI Sterling's Appeal. Ill Penn. St. 35. . . 56, 216 Sterling v. Bonder, 2 English, 201 xliv, 539 Sterling T. Bright bill, 5 Watts. 220 xxx, 304 Sterling v.Drake, 29 Ohio St. 457 23,702 Sterling v. Klepsattle, 24 Indiana, 94 Ixxxvii. 319 Sterling v. Mercantile M. I. Co., 32 Pennsylvania St. 75 lxxli,773 Sterling v. Stewart, 74 Penn. St. 445 15, 559 Sterling v. Warden, 51 New Hampshire. 217 12, 80 Stem v. State. 53 Georgia. 229 21,266 Stetson v. Faxon, 19 Pickering, 147 xxxi, 123 Stetson v. Kempton. 13 Massachusetts, 272 vii, 145 Stetson v. Mass. F. Ins. Co.. 4 Mass. 330 iii, 217 Stetson v. Patten, 2 Greenleaf. 358 xi. 111 Steubenville v. Culp, 33 Ohio St. 18 43,417 Stevens v. Beach, 12 Vermont, 535 ravi. 359 Stevens v. Beals, 10 Cashing, 201 Mi, 1C8 Stevens v. Briggs, 14 Vermont, 44 xxxix, 203 Stevens v. Brown, 3 Vermont, 420 xxiii, 215 Et ovens v. Chadwick. 10 Kansas, 406 1 5, 343 Stevens v. Chouteau, 11 Missouri, 332 xlix, 92 Stevens v. Columbia Ins. Co., SCaines, 43., u, 247 Stevens v. Cooper, 1 Johnson's Ch. 425 vii, 499 Stevens v. Gushing, 1 New Hampshire, 17 viii, 27 Stevens v. Davison. 18 Gratt. 819 xcviii, 692 Stevens v. Ellis, 43 Maine, 501 Ixxrii, 240 Stevens v. Gage, 55 New Hampshire, 175 20, 191 Stevensv. Hays. 1 Indiana, 247 xlviii, 353 Stevens v. Head, 9 Vermont. 174 nil, 017 Stevens v. Hollister, 18 Vermont, 294 xlvi, 154 Stevensv. Irwin, 15 Calif ornia, 503 Ixxvi, 500 Stevens v. Kelley, 78 Maine, 415 57, 813 Stevens v. King, 76 Maine, 197 43, 6:9 Stevens v. Lockwood, 13 Wendell, 644 xxviii. 492 Stevens v. M.Namara. 38 Maine, 17G Iviii, 740 Stevens v. Mechanics' Sav. Bank, 101 Mass. 109. . . 3, 325 Stevens v. Morse, 7 Greenleaf, 35 xx,337 Stevensv. Osman, 1 Michigan, 92 xlviii, 696 Stevens v. Parish, 29 Indiana. 200 xcv, 636 Stevensv. Paterson etc. R. R. Co., 34 N. J.532.... 3,269 Stevens v. Pillsbury, 57 Vermont, 205 52, 121 Stevens v. Rowe, 59 New Hampshire. 573 47,231 Stevensv. Smith, 4 J. J. Marshall, 64 xx, 205 Stevens v. State, 2 Arkansas, 291 rxxv, 72 Stevens v. State, 31 Indiana, 485 xcix, 634 Stev^nsv. State, 23 Kansas. 450 33, 175 Stevens ads. State. 103 Indiana. 55 53, 482 Stevens v. Stevens. 10 Allen, 146 Ixxxvii, 630 Stevens v. Stevens, 11 Metcalf, 231 xlv, 203 Stevensv. West, 1 Howard, 308 xxix. 630 Stevens v. Winship, 1 Pickering. 318 xi, 173 Stevenson . Belknap, 6 Iowa, 97 Ixxi, 332 Stevenson . Loehr, 57 Illinois. 509 11, 36 Stevenson . McLean, 5 Humphreys, 332 xlii, 434 Stevenson . McReary, 12 Smedes & M. 9 li, 102 Stevenson . Miller, 2 Littell, 306 xiii, 271 Stevenson . Morris, 37 Ohio St. 10 41,451 Stevenson . Mudgett, 10 New Hamp. 333 xxxiv, 155 Stevenson . Reigart, 1 Gill, 1 xxxix, 623 Stevenson . Sherwood, 22 Illinois, 238 Ixxiv, 140 Stevenson . Smith, 28 California, 102 Ixxxvii, 1C7 Stewart v. Allison, 6 Serg. & R. 324 ix, 433 Stewart v. Brown, 37 New York, 350 xciii, 573 Stewart v. Brooklyn & C.R.Co., 90 N. Y. 588.... 43, 185 Stewart v. Campbell. 53 Maine, 439 4, 296 Stewart v. Cass, 1G Vermont, 003 xlii. 534 Stewart v. City of New Orleans, 9 La An. 461.... Ixi, 218 Stewart v. Cooley, 23 Minnesota. 347 2,J, 090 Stewart v. Coulter, 12 Serg. & R. 452 xiv, 680 Stewart v. Davis, 31 Arkansas, 518 Stewart v. Dugin, 4 Missouri, 245 xxviii, 343 Stewart v. Eden, 2 Caines. 121 Stewart v. Flowers, 44 Mississippi, 513 7, 707 Stewart v, Frink, 94 North Carolina, 4S7 55, 619 Stewart v. Garrett. 65 Maryland. 392 57,333 Stewart v. Griffith, 33 Missouri, 13 Ixxxii. 148 Stewart v. Harriman. 56 New Hampshire, 25 22, 408 Stewart v. Huntingdon Bank, 11 Serg. & R. 2C7. . .xiv, 628 Stewart v. Iglehart. 7 Gill & Johnson, 133 xxviii, 202 Stewart v. International etc. R. Co.. 53 Tex. 289,. .37, 753 Stewart v. Jessup, 51 Indiana, 413 19, 739 Stewart v. Kearney, 6 Watts, 453 xxxi, 4S3 Stewart v. Kelly, 16 Penn. State, 160 Iv. 487 Stewart v. Lang, 37 Penn. State, 201 Ixxviii, 414 Stewart v. Long Island R. R. Co.. 102 N. Y. 601. .. Stewart v. Loring. 5 Allen. 306 Ixxxi. 747 Stewart v. Mackey, 16 Texas, 56 Lrtii, 609 Stewart v.McClung. 12 Oregon. 431 53,374 Stewart v. Mapness. 2 Coldwell, 310 Ixxxviii, 598 Stewart v. Merchants' D. T. Co., 47 Iowa, 229 29, 476 Stewart v. Mobile. 9 Alabama, 234 xliv. 438 Stewart v. McMinn. 5 Watts & Serg. 100 xxxix, 115 Stewart v. Mordecai, 40 Georgia, 1 2, 555 Stewart v. Murray, 92 Indiana, 543 47, 1<07 Stewart v. Nuckols, 15 Alabama, 225 1, 127 Stewart v. People, 23 Michigan, 63 9, 78 Stewart v. Petree, 55 New Hampshire, 621 14, 352 Stewart v. Preston, 1 Florida. 10 xliv, 621 Stewart v. Roderick, 4 Watts & Serg. 188 mix, 71 Stewart v. Rogers, 25 Iowa, 395 xcv, 794 Stewart v. SchaU, C5 Maryland. 239 .)7,327 Stewart v. Severance, 43 Missouri, 322 xcvii, 392 Stewart v. Southard. 17 Ohio, 402 xlix. 433 Stewart v. State, 19 Ohio, 302 liii. 426 Stewart ads. State, 7 West Virginia. 731 Stewart ads. State, 59 Vermont, 273 59, 710 Stewart ads. State, 60 Wisconsin, 587 50,388 Stewart v. Stearns. 63 New Hampshire, 99 5G, 406 Stewart v. Stewart, 73 Maine, 543 57, 822 Stewart v. Stewart, 7 J. J. Marshall, 183 xxiii, 336 Stewart v. Stocker, 13 Serg. & R. 199 xv, 589 Stewart v. Stokes, 33 Alabama, 494 Ixxiii, 429 Stewart v. Stringer, 41 Missouri, 400 xcvii, 278 Stewartv. Supervisors c^ Polk Co., 30 Iowa, 9 1, 238 Stewart v. Warner, 1 Day, 142 ii, 61 Stewart v. Waterloo Turn Verein, 71 Iowa, 226. . .GO, 786 Stewart v. Woodward, 50 Vermont, 78 23, 488 Stickney v. Jordan. 53 Maine, 106 4, 251 Stigers v. Brent, 50 Maryland, 214 33, 317 Stiles v. Hitchcock, 47 Vermont, 419 19, 121 Stiles v. L lird, 5 California, 120 Ixiii, 110 Stiles v. Stewart, 12 Wendell, 473 xxvii, 143 Stiles v. Western R. R. Co.. 8 Metcalf, 44. xii, 486 Stiles v. White, 11 Metcalf, 353 xlv, 214 Stille v. McDowell. 2 Kansas, 374 Ixxxv, 590 Stilling v. Thorp, 54 Wisconsin. 528 41, 60 Stillman v. Canales, 25 Texas, 313 Ixxviii, 530 Stillman v. Flcnuiken, 53 Iowa, 450 43, 120 Stilhnan v. Stillman, 99 Illinois, 196 39, 21 Stiilwell v. Aaron, 69 Missouri. 539 33, 517 Still well v. Kn;ipper, 63 Indiana, 553 35, 240 Stilphen v. Stilphen, 58 Maine, 508 4, 305 Stilwell v. Corwin. 55 Indiana, 433 23, 672 Stimson v. Conn. R. R. Co., 98 Mass. 83 xciii, 140 Stinchfield v. Emerson, 52 Maine, 465 Ixxxiii, 524 Stinchfieldv. Little, 1 Greenleaf, 231 x, 65 131 TABLE OF CASES. Sti Sto Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Stinson v. City of Gardiner, 42 Maine, 248 Ixvi, 231 Stinson v. N. Y. Central R. R. Company, 32 New York. 333. Ixxxviii. 332 Stinson v. Ross, 51 Maine, 556 Ixxxi, 591 Stinson v. Snow, 10 Maine, 2C3 xxv, 23S Stinson v. Sumner, 9 Massachusetts, 143 vi, 43 Stiresv. Stires, 1 Halstead's Ch. 224 xliii, 626 Stith v. Barnes, 1 Carolina Law Repository, 434 vi, 517 Stitzell v. Reynolds, 67 Pennsylvania State, 54 .... 5, 396 Stirling v. Xevassa Phosphate Co., 35 Md. 123. ... 6, 372 St. Charles v. 'Nolle, 51 Missouri. 122 11,440 St. Charles County v. Powell, 22 Missouri, 525... Ixvi, 637 St. Clair v. Morris, 9 Ohio, 15 xxxiv, 415 St. Clair v. Williams, 7 Ohio, Pt. II, 110 xxx, 194 St. Helena W.Co. v. Forbes, 62 Cal. 1S2 45, 659 St. James's Church v. Arrington, 33 Ala. 546 . . .Ixxvi, 332 St. John v. Am. M. L Co., 13 New York, 31 Ixiv, 529 St. Johnv. Garrow, 4 Porter, 223 xxix, 230 St. Johnv. Holmes, 20 Wendell, 609 xxxii, 603 St. Jo. .n v. McFarlan, 33 Michigan, 72 30, 671 St. John v. Roberts, 31 New York, 441 Ixxxviii, 287 St. John's Parish v. Bronson, 40 Connecticut, 75.. 16, 17 St. Johnsbury & L. C. R. Co. v. Hunt, 55 Ver- mont, 570 45, 639 St. Johusbury v. Thompson. 59 Vermont, 301 59, 731 St. Joseph v. Merlatt, 2 3 Missouri, 233 Ixxii, 207 St. Joseph & D. C. R. R. Co. v. Ryan, 11 Kansas, 602 15,357 St. Joseph's Church T. Assessors of Taxes, 12 'Rhode Island, 19 34,597 St. Joseph F. & M. Ins. Co. v. Leland, 90 Mo. 177..59, 9 St. Leger's Appeal, 34 Connecticut, 434 xci, 735 St. Louis v. Gorman, 29 Mo. 593 Ixxvii, 533 St. Louis v. St. Louis R. R. Co., 89 Mo. 44 58, 82 St. Louis & S. F. R'y Co. T. Weaver, 35 Kan. 412..57, 176 St. Louis A. T. R. R. v. Linder, 39 HI. 433 Ixxxix. 319 St. Louis County Court v. Sparks, 10 Mo. 117 ....xlv, 355 St. Louis etc. R. R. Co. v. South, 43 El. 176.. v .xcii, 103 St. Louis etc. R. R. Co. v. Terhune, 53 HI. 151. xcix, 504 St. Louis, etc. R. R. Co. v. Mathers. 71 HI. 592. . . .22, 122 St.Louis, I. M. & S. R. Co. v. Cantrell, 37 Ark. 519..40, 105 St. Louis, I. M. & S. R'y v. Leigh, 45 Ark. 363 55, 553 St. Louis Ins. Co. T. Glasgow, 8 Missouri, 713 xli, 661 St. Louis Ins. Co. v. Kyle, 11 Missouri, 273 xlix, 74 St. Louis, K. C. & IT. R. R. Co. v. Cleary, 77 Mis- souri, 634 46, 13 St. Louis N. S. Y. v. Wiggins F. Co., 112 HI. 334... 54, 243 St. Louis Public Schools v. Risley, 23 Mo. 415 Ixxv, 131 St. Louis, V. etc. R. Co. v. Bell, 81 HI. 76 25, 269 St. Luke's Church v. Mathews, 4 Desaussure, 573. .vi, 619 St. Luke's Home v. An Association, etc., 52 New York, 191 11,697 St. Martin v. Desnoyer, 1 Minnesota, 156 Ixi, 494 St. Patricks' R. C. Church v. Gavalon, 82 HI. 170. .35, 305 St. Patrick's Soc. ads. Commonw., 2 Binney, 441.. iv, 453 St. Paul, City of v. Smith. 27 Minnesota, 3G4. . . .38, 236 St. Paul, City of v. Traeger, 25 Minnesota, 248... 33, 462 St. Paul v. Colter, 12 Minnesota, 41 xc, 278 St. Paul v. Laidler, 2 Minnesota, 190 Ixxii, 89 St. Paul v. Seitz, 3 Minnesota, 297 Ixxiv, 753 St. Paul & S. C. R. E. Co. v. Gardner, 19 Minne- sota, 132 18,334 St. Paul & S. C. R. Co. v. Minneapolis & St. Louis R'y Co., 26 Minnesota, 243 37,404 St. Paul M. & M. R'y Co., In re, 35 Minn. 13 59, 313 St. Peter v . Denison, 58 New York, 416 1 7 , 253 St. Romes v Blanc, 20 Lousiana An. 424 xcri, 415 St. Victor v. Doubert, 9 Louisiana, 314 xxix, 447 St. Vincent O. A. v. Troy, 76 New York, 108 32, 2S6 Stockard v. Stockard's Adm'r, 7 Humph. 303 xlvi, 79 Stockbridge T. Crocker, 34 Maine, 349 Ivi, 662 Stockdale v. Ullery, 37 Penn. State, 486 Ixxviii, 440 Stockett v. Watkins, 2 Gill & J. 323 xx, 433 Stocksdale v. Conaway, 14 Maryland, 99 Ixxiv, 515 Stockton v. Cook, 3Munford,C8 v. 504 Stockton v. Demuth, 7 Watts, 39. xxxii, 735 Stockton v. Farsey, 10 West Virginia, 171 27,5:53 Stockton v. Fireman's L Co.. 33 La. An. 577 39, 277 Stockton v. Frey, 4 Gill, 406. xlv, 138 Stockton v. Owings, Littell's SeL Ca. 25S xii, 302 Stockton & V. R. R. Co. ads People, 45 Califor- nia, 306 13, 173 Stockwell v. Campbell, 39 Connecticut. 362. 11, 393 Stockwell v. Dillingham, 50 Maine, 442 Ixxix, C21 Stockwell v. Hunter, 11 Metcalf, 443 xlv, 220 Stockwell v. McHenry. 107 Pennsylvania St. 237. .52, 475 Stockwell T. Marks, 17 Maine, 455 xxxv, 236 Stockwell v. Phelps, 34 New York, 363 xc, 710 Stoddard Y. Ham, 129 Massachusetts, 383 37, 369 Stoddardv. Harrington, 100 Massachusetts, 87.... 1, 92 Stoddard v. Harrington, 109 Mass. 87 xcvii, 80 Stoddard v. Martin, 1 Rhode Island, 1 xix, 643 Stoddard v. Locke, 43 Vermont, 574 5, 308 Stoddard v. Penniman, 103 Massachusetts, 366 11, 363 Stoddard Woolen M. v. Huntley, 8 N. H. 441 xxxi, 193 Stodder ads. Commonwealth, 2 Gushing, 532. . .xlviii, 679 Stoddert v. Ward. 31 Maryland, 562 c, 83 Stodghffl v. Chicago etc. R. R. Co.,42 Iowa, 26. . . .22, 210 Stoever v. Rice, 3 Wharton, 21 xxxi, 495 Stoffer v. State, 15 Ohio State, 47 Ixxxvi, 470 Stokesv. Payne, 53 Mississippi, 614 38,340 Stokes v. People, 53 New York, 164 13,492 Stokes v. Skipper, 42 Alabama, 255 xciv. 646 Stokes v. State, 5 Bait. 619 30, 72 Stokes v. State, 46Georgia, 412 12,588 Stokes v. Tift, 64 Georgia, 312 37, 75 Stokoe v. Upton, 40 Michigan, 581 29, 560 Stolle v. .(Etna F. & M. I. Co., 10 West Vir- ginia, 546 27,593 Stone v. C. N. W. R. Co., 47 Iowa, 82 29,458 Stone v. Cheshire R. R. Co., 19 New Hamp. 427. . . .li, 192 Stone v. Clark, 1 Metcalf, 378 xxxv, 370 Stone v. Connelly, 1 Metcalf e (Ky.),652 Ixxi, 493 Stone v. Darnell, 25 Texas Supp. 430 Ixxviii, 582 Stone v. Dennison, 13 Pickering, 1 xxiii, 654 Stone v. Dickinson, 5 Allen, 29 Ixxxi, 727 Stone v. Fairbury P. & N. R. R. Co., 68 HI. 394. .18, 556 Stonev. Gardner, 20 Illinois, 304 Ixxi, 268 Stone v. Graves, 8 Missouri, 148 xl, 131 Stonev. Hale, 17 Alabama, 557 lii. 185 Stone v. Hawkeye Ins. Co., 68 Iowa, 737 56, 870 Stonev. Hills, 45 Com. 44 29, 635 Stone v. King, 7 Rhode Island, 358 Ixxxi v, 557 Stone v. Magruder, 10 Gill & Johnson. 383 xxxii, 177 Stone v. Manning, 2 Scammon, 530 xxxv, 119 Stonev. Massey.2 Yeates, 383 i. 345 Stone v. Mayor, etc., 57 Alabama, 61 29, 712 Stone T. Myers, 9 Minnesota, 3,'3 Ixxxvi, 104 Stone v. Patterson, 19 Pickering, 476 xxxi, 156 Stonev. Sanborn, 104 Massachusetts, 319 6, 233 Stone v. Smith, 30 Texag, 138 xciv, 299 Stone v. Stevens, 2 Connecticut, 219 xxx, 611 Stonev. Swift, 4 Pickering, 389 xvi, 349 Stonev. Varney, 7 Metcalf , 86 xxxix, 762 Stone v. Waitt, 31 Maine, 409 lii. 621 Stone v. Wood, 7 Cowen, 453 xrii, 529 Stonev. Yazoo & M. V. R. R. Co., 62 Miss. 607.... 52, 193 Stonebraker v. Zollickoffer, 52 Maryland, 154 36, 384 Stoneman v. Pyle, 35 Indiana, 103 9,637 Stoner & Barr's Appeal, 2 Penn. State, 428 xlv, 608 Sto-Stn TABLE OF CASES. 182 Roman letters [xllx] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Stoner v. Pennsylvania Co., 93 Indiana, 334 4% 734 Stonestreet v. Doyle, 75 Virginia, 356 40, 731 Btoney v. Eeaubien. 2 McMullen's Law, 313 xxxix. 128 Stoney v. McNeil. Harper's Law, 557 xviii. 666 Stoney v. Shultz. 1 Hill Ch. 465 xxvii. 429 Stoney v. Union Insurance Co., 3 McCord, 387 xv, 634 Stoops v. Commonwealth, 7 Serg. & R, 491 x, 482 Stoops v. Smith, 100 Massachusetts, 63 xcvii, 76 Stoops v. Smith, 100 Massachusetts, 63 1, 85 Storerv. Eaton, 50 Maine, 219 Ixxix, 611 Storer v. Freeman, 6 Massachusetts, 435 iv, 155 Storey v. Breunan, 15 New York, 524 Ixix, 629 Storey v. Krewson, 55 Indiana. 397 23,668 Storey v. People. 79 Illinois. 45 2?, 158 Etorrs v. Barker. 6 Johnson's Ch. 166 x, 316 Storrs v. City of Utica, 17 New York, 104 Ixxii, 437 Story v. Black, 5 Montana. 26 51, 37 Story v. Conger, 36 New York, 673 xciii, 546 Story v. Elliott, 8 Cowen, 27 xviii. 423 Story v. Marshall, 24 Texas, 305 Ixxri, 106 Story v. New York E. R. Co.. 90 New York, 122. . .43, 146 Story v. Odin, 12 Massachusetts, 157 vii, 46 Story v. Jersey City and Bergen Point Plank Road Company, 16 New Jersey Eq. 13. Ixxxiv, 134 Story v. Ware, 35 Mississippi, 399 Ixxii, 125 Story v. Walker, 11 Lea, 515 47,305 Stose v. Heissler, 120 Illinois, 433 60,563 Stouffer v. Latshaw, 2 Watts, 1C5 xrvii, 237 Stoughton v. Baker, 4 Massachusetts, 522 iii, 236 Stoughton v. Pasco, 5 Connecticut, 442 xiii, 72 Stoughton v. Swan, 4 California, 218 Ix, 605 Stout v. Benoist, 39 Missouri, 277 xc. 466 Stout v. Calver, 6 Missouri. 254 xxxv, 438 Stout v. City P. L Co., 12 Iowa, 371 Ixxix, 539 Stout v. Folger, 34 Iowa, 71 1 1, 133 Stout v. Keyes, 2 Douglass. 184 xliii, 465 Stout v. McAdams, 2 Scammon, 67 xxxiii, 441 Stout v. Shew, 1 Pinney, 438 xlii, 579 Stout v. Smith, 98 New York. 25 50,632 Stout v. Wren, 1 Hawks. 420 ix, C53 Stovall v. F. & M. Bank, 8 Smedes & M. 305 xlvii. 85 Stover v. Duren, 3 Strobhart's Law, 448 li, 631 Stover v. Herrington, 7 Alabama, 142 xli, 83 Stover v. Jack. 60 Pennsylvania, 339 c, 566 Stow v. Converse, 3 Connecticut, 325 viii, 189 Stow 7. Stevens, 7 Vermont, 27 xxix, 139 Stowv. TifEt, 15 Johnson. 458 viii, 266 Stow v. Wyse, 7 Connecticut, 214 xviii, 99 Stowev. Bishop, 58 Vermont, 498 5:. 30 Stowe v. Girard F. & M. I. Co., 127 Mass. 306 3 J, 373 Stowe v. Phinney, 78 Maine, 244 5T , 793 Stowell v. Hastings, 59 Vermont, 494 59,743 Stowell v. Read, 16 New Hampshire, 20. xli, 714 Stowers v. Milledge, 1 Iowa, 150 Ixiii, 434 Stoyelv. Westcott, 2 Day, 418 ii, 109 Stramn v. Newell, T. U. P. Charlton, 1G3 iv, 705 Strahorn v. Union 8. Y. & T. Co., 43 HI. 424 xcii, 142 Strait v. Brown, 16Nevada,317 40,497 Strung v. Beach, 11 Ohio State, 283 Ixxviii, 308 Strasburgh R. R. v. Echternacht, 21 Penn. St. 220. Ix, 49 Stratton ads. Commonwealth, 114 Mass. 303 19, 350 Stratton v. Ham, 8 Indiana, 84 Ixv, 751 Stratton v. Sabia, 9 Ohio, 28 , xxxiv, 418 Stratton ads. State, 27 Iowa. 420 1,282 Stratton v. Stratton, 77 Maine, 373 57, 779 Stratton v. Stratton, 53 New Hampshire. 473 47, 604 Strauchv. Hathaway, 101 Illinois, 11 40,193 Strauder ads. State, 11 West Virginia, 745 27, 606 Strauss v. Meertief. 64 Alabama. 299 :IS, 8 Strawbridge v. B. and O. R. R., 14 M. 360 Ixxiv, 541 Strawbridge v. Robinson, 5 Oilman, 470 1, 420 Strayhorn v. Webb, 2 Jones' Law, 199 Ixiv, 580 ' Streaper v. Fisher, 1 Rawle, 155 xviii, 604 Streepcr v. Eckart, 2 Wkarton, 302 xxx, 258 Street v. Augusta Ins. Co., 12 Rich. L. 13 Ixxv, 714 Street v. Beal, 16 Iowa. 68 Ixxxv, 504 Street v. Holyoke, 105 Massachusetts, 82 7, 590 Street ads. State, 1 Murphey, 156 iii, G82 Street ads. State, Taylor (X. C.), 158 i, 539 Street R'y v. Eadie, 43 Ohio St. 91 54,802 Street R'y Co. v. Bolton. 43 Ohio St. 224 54,803 Stremback ads. Commou wealth, 3 Rawle, 34 1 . . .xxiv, 351 Strieker v. Tinkham, 35 Georgia, 176 Ixxxix, 280 Strtckler v. Todd, 10 Serg. & R.63 xiii, 649 Striker v. Mott, 2 Paige Ch. 337 xxii, C46 Strimpfler v. Roberts, 18 Penn. State, 283 Ivii, 606 Stringer v. Coombs. 62 Maine, 160 10,414 Stringer v. Jacobs, 9 Arkansas, 497 1, 121 Stringfellow v. State, 26 Mississippi, 157. lix, 2 J7 Strobe v. Downer, 13 Wisconsin, 10 Ixxx, 709 Stroble v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co., 70 Iowa. 555 50,456 Strode v. Strode. 3 Bush, 227 xcvi, 211 Stroher v. Elting, 97 New York. 102 49, 515 Strohn v. Detroit etc. R. R. Co., 21 Wis. 554....xciv, 564 Strohn v. Detroit etc. R. R.. 23 Wis. 126 xcix, 114 Strohn v. Hartford F. I. Co., 37 Wisconsin, C25...19, 777 Strong v. Adams, 30 Vermont, 221 Ixxiii, 305 Strong v. Barnes, 11 Vermont, 221 xxxiv, 684 Strongv. Clem, 12 Indiana, 37 Ixxiv, 200 Strong v. Converse, 8 Allen, 557 Ixxxv, 733 Strong v. Grand Trunk R. R. Co., 15 Mich. 206. .xciii, 184 Strong v. High, 2 Robinson (La..), 103 xxxviii, 195 Strongv. King. 25 Illinois. 1 Ixxxv, 338 Strong v. Jackson, 123 Massachusetts, 60 25, 19 Strong v. Manufrs' Ins. Co., 10 Pickering, 40 xx, 507 Strong v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 62 Missouri, 289 21, 417 Strongv. State, 86 Indiana, 208 41,292 Strong v. Sun Mutual Ins. Co., 31 N. Y. lOa.lxxxriii. 212 Strong v. Williams, 12 Massachusetts, 390 vii, 81 Strorgv. Willis, 3 Florida, 124 Iii, 3G4 Strother v. Cathey, 1 Murphey, 162 iii. CSS Stroud v. Casey, 25 Texas, 740 Ixxriii, 556 Stroup v. Sullivan. 2Georgia, 275 xlvi, 389 Strouse's Ex. v. Becker, 38 Penn. State, 190 Ixxx, 474 Strout v. Packard, 76 Maine. 143 49,601 Strubbee v. Trustees C. R'y, 73 Kentucky, 481 39, 251 Strupney ads. Commonwealth. 105 Mass. 588 7, 556 Struthers v. Kendall, 41 Penn. State, 214 Ixxx, 610 Stryker v. Cassidy, 7G New York, 50 IV.', '2 '2 Stuartv. Allen, 16 California, 473 Ixxvi, 531 Stuart v. Clark's Lessee, 2 Swan, 9 Iviii, 49 Stuartv. Coalter, 4 Randolph, 74 iv. 731 Stuartv. Lander, 16 California, 372 Ixxvi, 538 Stuart v. Luddington, 1 Randolph, 403 x, 550 Stuart v. Palmer, 74 New York. 183 30, 239 Stuart v. Supervisors, 83 Illinois, 341 25, 397 Stuart v. Walker, 72 Maine, 146 39,311 Stuart v. Western U. Tel. Co., 66 Texas, 580 59, 623 Stub ads. Commonwealth, 11 Penn. State, 150 li, 515 Stubblefield v. McRaven, 5 Sniedesfc M. 130 xliii, 502 Stubbsv. Lee, 64 Illinois, 195 18, 231 Stubbs v. Lund, 7 Massachusetts, 453 v. 63 Stucky v. Clyburn, Chevos 1 Law, 186 xxxiv, 590 Studabaker v. White, 31 Indiana, 211 xcix, 628 Stuhr v. Curran, 15 Vroom, 131 43, 353 Stultz v. Dickey. 5 Binncy, 235 vi, 411 Stump ads. Commonwealth, 53 Penn. St. 132 xci, 198 Stump v. Findlay, 2 lUwlc, 16S xix. C32 Stump v. Henry, 6 Maryland, 201 lxi.300 183 TABLE OF CASES. S!u Swe Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Btumpv. McNairy, 5 Humphreys, 303 rill. 437 Stupetske v.Trans-Atlantic Fire Ins. Co., 43 Mich. 373 .38,195 Sturdivar.t v. Hull. 59 Maine, 172 8,409 Sturges v. Bank of CirclevUle, 11 Ohio St. 153.1xxviii, 296 Sturges v. Burton, 8 Ohio State, 215 Ixxii, 5S2 Sturgesv. Keith, 57 Illi :ois, 431 11, 23 Sturges Y. Theol. Ed. Society. 130 Mass. 414 39, 463 Sturges v. Williams, 9 Ohio State, 443 Ixxv, 473 Sturjis v. Fay, 16 Indiana, 429 Ixziz. 445 Sturgisv Galindo. 59 California, 28 43,239 Bturoc. In the Matter of. 43 X. H. 423 xcvii, 626 Sturtevant Y. Ballard, 9 Johnson. 337 vi, 251 St-.irtevant v. Goode, 5 Leigh, 83 xxvii. 538 Sturtevant v. Orsor. 24 New York, 538 Ixxxii. 321 Sturtevant ads. People, 9 New York (5 Seld.), 263. .iix. 536 Sturtevant v. State, 15 Nebraska, 439 8.349 Stortevant Y. Sturtevant, 20 New York, 39 Ixxv, 371 Svjrtivant ads. Commonwealth, 117 Mass. 122 10, 401 S'.uyvesant v. Woodruff, 1 Zabriskie, 133 xlvii, 15G Styles v. McNeil's Heirs. 6 Martin, N. S., 296....xvii, 183 S'iblett v. Bedwell. 47 Mississippi, 266 12,333 Succession of . See Name of Party. Succession of Aiice Packwood, 9 Rob. (La.), 433. . .xli, 341 Succession of Christie, 23 La. An. 383 xcvi. 411 Succession of Lewis, 10 Louisiana An. 739 liiii, C.,9 Succession of Packwood, 12 Robinson (La.), 334.xliii. 23) Buckley's Adm'r v. Rotchford, 12 Grattan, 60 Ixv, 240 Suiem v. Johnson, 1 Paige Ch. 459 xix. 44) Sufield v. Hathaway, 44 Connecticut, 521 2 ',', , 4 :3 Suffolk v. Parker, 79.Virginia. 660 52,650 Sufolk Bank v. Kidder, 12 Vermont, 434 xxxvi. 354 Buttings v. Fachmond, 5 Allen, 187 Ixxxi, 712 Suitings v. Shakespeare, 46 Michigan. 403 41, 103 Sulivan v. Conway, SI Ala ama, 153 60, 142 Sullivan v. Kuykendall, S3 Kentucky, 483 50, O.'l Sulivan v. Lewiston L S., 56 Maine, 507 xcvi. 5DO SuUvan v. McLeaans, 2 Iowa, 437 IXY, 730 Sulivan v. Mitchell. 1 Carolina L. ,Repos. 482 vi, 546 Sullivan T. Or. R'y & Nav. Co., 12 Oregon. 392 53, 334 Sullivan v. Philadelphia and Reading R. R. Co., 30 Pena. State. 2 34 Ixxii, 698 Sullivan v. Smith, 15 Nebraska. 476 48, 354 Sullivan v. State, 6 Tex. Ct. App. 319 33.530 Sullivan v. Sullivan, 105 Massachusetts, 474 8, 356 Bummerlin v. Hesterly, 20 Georgia, 689 Ixv, G39 Summers v. Bd. of Comm., 103 Indiana. 262 53 512 Summers v. Crescent C. R. Co., 34 La. An. 139... 44, 419 Summers v. Roos, 42 Mississippi, 749 2, 65J Simmers v. State. 5 T.'X. Ct. App. 365 3?, 573 Simmers v. Vaughan, 35 Indiana, 323 9, 741 Simmersett v. Summersett's Adminstrator, 40 Alabama, 596 xci, 494 Stmmey v. Patton, Winst. Eq. 52 Ixxxvi. 451 Simmitt v. State, S Lea. 413 41, G."7 Sumner v. Beeler, 50 Indiana, 341 19, 713 Eumner v. Blakslee, 59 New Hampshire, 242 4 7 , 1 "'6 Suinner v. Gray, 4 Arkansas, 47 xxrviii, 39 Simmer v. Hampson. 8 Ohio. 323 xxxii, 722 Bumner v. Murphy, 2 HU1. 4SS xxxii, 397 Bumncr T. Southern R. Ass'n, 7 Baxt. 315 32, 565 Sumner v. State. 5 EUckford. 579 xxrvi, 51 Sumner ads. State. 2 Sheers' Law, 599 xlii, 337 Bumner ads. State. 10 Vermont, 537 xxxiii, 219 Stunner v. Williams. 8 Massachusetts, 162 v, 83 Sumner v. "Woods, 67 Alabama, 139 42, 114 Sumpter Co. v. Nat. Bank, 62 Alabama, 464 34, 30 Bunderlinv. Bralstreet, 1-3 New York, 133 7,322 Superintendent v. Bennett. 3 Dutcher, 513 lisa, 373 Supervisors ads. People, 84 Illinois, 333 25, 461 [ Supervisors ads. People, 67 New York, 109 23, 94 Supervisors of Election, Case of, 114 Massachu- setts, 247 19, 341 Supervisors of Marshall County v. Cook, 33 Illi- nois, 44 Ixxxvii, 282 Supreme Commandery Knights Golden Rule Y. Ainsworth. 71 Alabama, 436 4, 333 Supreme Council Order Chosen Friends v. Gar- rigus, 104 Indiana, 133 54,293 Surget v. Arighi, 11 Smedes & M. 87 xiix, 46 Surocco v. Geary. 3 California, 69 Iviii, 3C5 Susong v. Vaiden. 10 South Carolina. 247 30, 50 Susquehanna B. Co. v. Gen. Ins. Co., 3 M.I. 3 J5. . . .Ivi, 740 Susquehanna C. Co. v. Bonham, 9 Watts & S. 27.. xlii, 315 Susquehanna C. Co. v. Wright, 9 Watts & S. 9 xlii, 313 Susquehauna Dep. v. Simmons, 112 Pennsylvania State, 3,-4 5G, 317 Snsquehanna F. Co. v. White, 65 Maryland, 444.. 59, 188 Susqueljanna M. Fire Ins. Co. v. Tunkhannock T. Co.. 97 Pennsylvania State, 424 39, 816 Susqu.hanna V. Bank v. Loomis, Co N. Y. 27 39, 652 Sussex v. Strader, 3 Har. (N. J.) 1C3 xxxv. 533 Sutcliffe v. Atlantic Mills. 13 Rhode Island. 4SO. .43, 39 Sutcliffe v. Dohrman. 13 Ohio, 181 li, 453 Sutcliffe v. State, 13 Oliio. 4:30 .li, 453 Sutcr T. Halliard. 1C2 Massachusetts. 412 . .42, 444 Sutherland v. Brush. 7 Johns. Ch. 17 xi. 333 Sutherland v. De Leon, 1 Texas, 250 xh i, 100 Sutherland v. Goodnow, 103 Illinois. 523 43, 530 Sutton v. Askew. 6S North Carolina. 172 8, 500 Sutton T. Burruss, 9 Leigh, 331 xrxin, 246 Sutton v. Fox, 55 Wisconsin. 531 42, 744 Sutton v. Jervis. 31 Indiana, 265 xcix, C31 Sutton v. Mandeville, 1 Munford, 407 iv. 543 Sutton v. Reagan. 5 Blackford, 217 xs:; Sutton v. Schonwald. 5 North Carolina, 193 41, 455 Suttou v. Suttoa, 7 Grattan, 234 Ivl. 109 Sutton v. Tiller, 6 Cold. 5:3 *.. Sutton v. Wauwatosa, 29 Wisconsin, 21 9, 5J4 Suydam v. Barber, 13 New York, 438 Ixxr, 2:>4 Suydam v. Jones, 13 Wendell. ISO xxv, 552 Suydam v. Marine Ins. Co., 1 Johnson, 131 Swafford v. Ferguson. 3 Lea. 292 31, 639 Swafford v. Whipple, 3 G. Greene, 231 liv, 438 Swails ads. State, 8 Indiana, 524 Ixv, 772 Swain v. Mfener, SGray, 182 Ixlx, 244 Swain T. Rascoe, 3 Iredell's Law, 200 xxxviii, 723 Swaine v. Ferine, 5 Johns. Ch. 482 ix. 318 Swamscct Machine Co. T. Walker. 22 N. H. 457. . . .Iv 172 Swan v. Bournes, 47 Iowa, 501 29, 492 'jwan v. Despreaus, 7 Halsted, 1S2 xxii, 485 Swan v. Hammond. 13S Massachusetts. 45 52, 255 Swan v Manchester & L. R. R. 132 Mass. 116 42, 432 Swan v. Nesmith, 7 Pickering, 220 xix, 283 Swan's Lessee v. Parker, 7 Yerger. 490 xxvii, 522 Swang v. State, 2 ColJwell .212 Ixxx viii, 593 Swann v. Brown, 6 Jones' Law, 150 Is Swanzey v. Moore, 22 Illinois, C3 Ixxiv, 134 Swanzeyv. Parker, 50 Pennsylvania St. 441...1xxxviii, 549 Swart v. Service. 21 Wendell. 33 xxx: v, 211 Swarthout v. New Jersey S. Co.. 43 N Y. 2,'9 8. 541 Swarthout v. Curtis, 5 N. Y. (1 SeUlen), 301 Iv, 345 Swarts v. Stees. 2 Kansas, 235 Ixxxv, 588 Swart wout v. Payne, 13 Johnson. 204 x, 228 Swartz v. Ballou. 47 Iowa, 103 v Swartz v. Swartz, 4Penn. State. 353 :. Jaques. 144 Massachusetts, 135 50, 65 Swnyza v. Hull, 3 Halste:!, ~1 xir, 399 Sweat v. Shura- 3,471 Sweeney v. Baker. 13 West Virginia, 133 31, 757 Sire Tat TABLE OF CASES. 184 Bom in letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Sweeney v. Berlin &J. E. Co.. 101 N. Y. 520 54,722 Sweeney v. Muldoon, 139 Massachusetts, 394 5'.% 70" Sweeney v. Smith, 15 B. Monroe, 325 Ixi, 1SS Sweeney v. Thomason, 9 Lea, 359 42, C76 Sweeny v. Delany, 1 Penn. State, 320 xliv, 130 Sweeny v. Old Colony and Newport E. E. Com- pany. 10 Allen, 368 Ixxxvii, C44 Sweet v. Brown. 12 Metcalf, 175 xlv, 213 Sweet T. Button, 103 Massachusetts, 589 12, 744 Sweet v. Green, 1 Paise Ch. 473 xix, 442 Sweet v. Jacocks, 6 Paige's Ch. 355 : . . .xxxi, 252 Sweet v. Jenkins, 1 Rhode Island, 147 xxxvi, 242 Sweetland v. Illinois etc. Tel. Co., 27 Iowa, 433. ... 1, 235 Sweetser v. French, 2 dishing, 309 xlviii, C6G Sweetzer v. Jones, 35 Vermont, 317 Ixxxii. 639 Swepson v. Eouse, 65 North Carolina, 34 G, 735 Swerinten v. Eberius, 7 Missouri 421 xxxvili, 433 Swett v. Boardman, 1 Mass. 258 ii, 16 Swett v. Colgate, 20 Johnson, 196 xi, 250 Swett v. Curtis, 51 Maine, 140 Ixxxi, 564 Swett v. Cutts, 50 New Hampshire, 439 0, 276 Swezey T. Lott, 21 New York, 481 Ixxviii, ICO Swift v. Dean, 11 Vermont, 323 xxxiv, 693 Swift v. Ellsworth, 10 Indiana, 205 Ixxi, 316 Swift v. Holdridge, 10 Ohio, 230 xxxvi, 85 Swift v. Kraemer, 13 California, 526. Ixxiiii. 603 Swift v. Mass. Mut. L. Ins. Co., 63 New York, 186.80, 22 Swift v. Moseley, 10 Vermont, 208 xxxiii, 197 Swift v. Smith, 65 Maryland, 428 57,336 Swift v. Stark, 2 Oregon, 97 Ixxxriii, 4G3 Swift ads. State, 10 Nevada, 176 81,721 Swift v. Thompson, 9 Connecticut, 63. xxi, 71 8 Swigert, In re, 112 Illinois. 83 59,789 Swiggart v. Harber, 4 Scammon, 364. xxxix, 418 Swindle v. State, 2 Yerger, 581 xxiv, 515 Swindler v. nilliard, 2 Richardson's Law, 286 xlv, 732 Swink T. French, 11 Lea, 78 47,277 Swink v. Snodgrass, 17 Alabama, 653 lii, 190 Swinnerton v. Columbian Ins. Co.. 37 New York, 174 xciii.560 Swinney ads. Commonwealth, 1 Virginia Cases, 146. v, 512 Swinney ads. State, 60 Mississippi, 39 45,405 Swires v. Brotherline, 41 Penu. State, 135 Ixxx, 001 Swisher v. Commonwealth, 26 Gratt. 963 21, 330 Swisshelm's Appeal, 56 Penn. St. 475 xciv, 107 Switzer v. Knapps, 10 Iowa, 72. Ixxiv, 375 Switzerv. Skiles, SGilman, 529 xliv, 723 Switzer v. Wilvers, 24 Kansas, 384 3G, 259 Swope ads. Commonwealth, 45 Penn. St. 535. . .Ixxxiv, 518 Swope v. Eoss, 40 Penn. State, 186 Ixxx, 567 8 words v.Edgar, 59 New York, 28 17,295 Sydnorv. Roberts, 13 Texas, 598 Ixv, 84 Sykesv. McRory, 10 Georgia, 465 liv, 402 Sykes v. Pawlet, 43 Vermont, 446 5, 595 Sykes v. Sykes, 2 Stewart, 364 xx, 40 Sylvester v. Downer, 20 Vermont, 355 xlix, 786 Sylvester v. Swan, 5 Allen, 134 Ixxxi, 734 Symmes v. Frazier, 6 Mass. 344. iv, 142 Symonds v. Cincinnati, 14 Ohio, 147. xlv, 529 Symonds v. Hall, 37 Maine, 354 lix, 53 Symonds v. Harris, 51 Maine, 14. Ixxxi, 553 Syracuse Bank v. Hollister, 17 New York, 46. . .Ixxii, 416 Szymanski v. Plassan, 20 La. An. 90 xcvi, 3S2 Symonds v. Barnes, 59 Maine, 191 8,413 Tabbv. Archer, 3 Hening & M.. 398. Ui, 657 Tabbv.Binford, 4 Leigh, 132 xxvi, 317 Tabbv. Harris, 4 Bibb, 29 vii, 732 Tabenerads. State, 14 Rhode Island, 272 51, 383 Taber v. Hamlin. 97 Massachusetts, 489 xciii, 113 Taberv. Hutaon, 5 Indiana, 322 1x1, 96 Table Mountain G. and S. Co. v. Waller. 4 Ne- vada, 218 xcvii, E28 Tabler v. Sheffield L. I. & C. Co., 79 Ala. 377 58, 593 Tabor v. Bradley, 18 New York, 109 Ixxii, 498 Tabor v. Missouri Valley R. R. Co., 46 Mo. 353. ... 2, 517 Tabor v. Peters, 74 Alabama, 90 40, 804 Tackett v. State. 3 Yerger. 3?2 xxiv, 532 Taddiken v. Cautrell, 60 New York, 597. 25, 253 Tadlock v. Eccles, 20 Texas, 782 Ixxiii, 213 Taffe v. Wai-nick, 3 Blackford, 111 xxiii, 383 Taffts v. Manlove, 14 California, 47 Ixxiii, CIO Taftv. Brewster, 9 Johnson, 334 vi, 280 Taft v. Fiske, 140 Massachusetts, 250 54, 459 Taft v. Hartford etc. R. R. Co.. 8 R. I. 310 5, 575 Taft v. Montague, 14 Massachusetts, 281 vii, 215 Taft v. Pike. 14 Vermont. 405 xxxix, 228 Taft v. Taft, 59 Michigan. 185 60,291 Taft v. Taft, 40 Vermont. 229 xciv. 339 Tagg v. Bowman, 108 Pennsylvania State, 273 56, 204 Taggard v. Loring, 16 Massachusetts, 336 viii, 140 Taggart v. W. M. Jtt. R.. 24 Maryland, 563 Ixxxix, 760 Tainter v. Lombard, 53 Maine, 3C9 Ixxxvii. 552 Tainter v. Woicester, 123 Massachusetts, 311 25, 9) Taintor v. Prendergast, 3 Hill (N. Y.), 72 xxxviii, 618 Taintor v. Taylor, 36 Connecticut, 242 4, ?3 Talbot v. Bowen. 1 A. K. Marshall, 463 x, 747 Talbot T. Nat. Bank, 129 Massachusetts, 67 37, 3J2 Talbott v. Bell, 5 B. Monroe, 320 xliii, 136 Talbott v. Merchants Des. T. Co.. 41 Iowa, 247... .20, 559 Talcot v. Com. Ins. Co. . 2 Johnson, 124 iii, 436 Talbott v. Grace, 30 Indiana, 339 xcv, 704 Talcott v Henderson, ?1 OhioState, 162 27, 531 Tallahassee, City of, v. Fortune, 3 Florida, 19 lii, 358 Talliaferrov. King, 9 Dana, 331 xxxv. 140 Tally v. Reynolds, 1 Arkansas, 99 xxxi, 7J7 Tally v. Tally, 2 Dev. & Bat. Eq. 385. xxiv, 4)7 Tancil v. Seaton, 28 Gratt. 601 26, 380 Taiiey v.Kemp, 4 Harris & J. 348 vii. <73 Tannahillv. Tuttle, 3 Michigan, 104. Ixi, 480 Tannatt v. Rocky Mtn. Nat. Bank, 1 Colo. 278 !), 136 Tanner v. Billings, 18 Wisconsin, 1C3 Ixxxvi, 755 Tanner v. Stine, 18 Missouri, 580 lix, 320 Tanner v. Trustees, 5 Hill (N. Y.), 121 xl, 337 Tapley v. Butterfield, 1 Metcalf, 515 xxxv, 374 Tapley v. Tapley, 10 Minnesota, 448 Ixxxviii, 76 Tappan ads. State, 29 Wisconsin. 664 J), 622 Tarbell v. Griggs, 3 Paige Ch. 207 xxxiii, 790 Tarble, In re, 25 Wisconsin, 390 3, 85 Tarbox v. Hays, 6 Watts, 398 xxxi, 478 Tardeveau v. Smith, Hardin, 175 iii, 72! Tardos v. Ship Toulon, 14 La. An. 429 Ixxiv, 435 Tardy v. Creasy, 81 Virginia. 553 59, C7< Tarleton v. Baker, 18 Vermont, 9 xli v. 351 Tarleton v. Goldthwaite's Heirs, 23 Ala. 346 Iviii, 29t Tarleton v. Johnson, 25 Alabama, 300 Ix, 515 Tarleton v. Vietes, 1 Gilman, 470 xli, 193 Tarr v. Northy, 17 Maine, 113 xxxv, 232 Tarwater v. Davis. 2 English, 153 xliv, 534 Tassey v. Church, 4 Watts & Serg., 141 xxxix, 65 Tassey v. Church. 6 Watts & Serg, 465 xl, 575 Tate Y. Bell. 4 Yerger, 202. xxvi. 221 Tate v. Clements, 16 Florida, 339 26, 7 09 Tate v. Hawkins, 81 Kentucky, 577 50, 131 Tate v. Ohio & Mississippi R. R. Co.. 10 Ind. 174..1xxi, 309 Tate v. Protection Ins. Co.. 20 Connecticut, 481 lii, 350 Tate v. Schackelford's Adtn'r, 24 Alabama, 510 lx, 483 Tate v. Southard, SHawks, 119 xiv, 578 Tate v. Stoolzfoos, 16 Serg. &. R. 35 xvi, 546 Tate v. Sullivan, 30 Maryland, 464 xcvi, 597 Tatem v. Paine, 4 Hawks. 64 xv, 507 185 TABLE OF CASES. Tat Tcr Boman letters [xlij] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [45] to American Reports, Tatlow v. Jaquett, 1 Harrington, 333 xrvi, 399 .. Tatro, 13 Xebraska. 295 53,821 Tatum v. Keller, "5 Arkansas, 209 ,.,xciv, 717 Taul v. Campbell, 7Yerger, 319 xxvii.SOS Taiinton T. Corp v. Whiting, 10 Mass. 327 vi, :24 Tayv. Ladd, 15 Gray, 296 Ixxvii, 364 Taylor, Ex parte, 53 Mississippi. 473 38, 338 Taylor. In re, 43 Maryland, 23 30,4ol Taylor v. Adams, 12 Serg. & R. 534 vii, 665 Taylor v. Atcffison, 51 Illinois, 196 5,113 Taylor T. Baldwin, 27 Georgia, 433 . Ixxiii, 736 Taylor v. Barren, 30 Xew Hampshire, 73 Ixiv, 281 Taylor v. Blanchard, 13 Allen, 370 xc, 203 Taylor v. Board of Health, 31 Penn. St. 73 Ixxii, 724 Taylorv. Boulware, 17 Texas, 74 Ixvii, 642 Taylor . Boyd, 3 Ohio, 337 xvii. 603 Taylor . Bradley, 33 Xew York. 123 c, 415 Taylor Bradshaw. 6. T. B. Monroe, 145 xvii, 132 Taylor Branch. 1 Stewart & P. 243 xxiii. 203 Tay or Brown, 4 California. 183 Ix, 604 Taylor Buekner, 2 A. 1C. Marshall. 18 xii.334 Taylor Carpenter, 11 Paige, 232 xiii. 114 Taylor Cole, 4 MunforJ, 351 ri, 526 Taylor Com'rs of Xewberne, 2 Jones' Eq. 141 . . .Ixiv, 566 Taylor T. Conner, 41 I _: xcvii, -U9 . jr. lOLeigh, 317 x: Taylor . Cohort, 4 Humphreys, 433 si, Cio Taylor . Curry, 109 Massachusetts, 35 1?, 631 Taylor . Del. & H. C. Co.. 113 Penn. St. 162 51, 446 Taylor . Dral, ,'s Law, 431 ....liu,6SO . Fi:!;as. CI Indiana, 107 31, 114 Taylor . Fowler, 13 Ohio. 537 ,. li, 4"3 Taylor . French. 2 Lea, 257 31,609 Taylor . Galloway, 1 Ohio, 272 xiii. 605 Taylor . Gillies, 53 Xew York. 331 17,333 Taylor v. Graham, 13 Louisiana. 65u Ixxxix, 693 Taylor v. Grand Trunk R'y Co., 43 N. H. 304 2, 229 Taylor Taylor . Green, 37 Georgia, 600 xcv. 3C7 . Griswold, 3 Green Law, 222 xrrii, 33 . Hampton. 4 M"Cord. % xvii. 710 Taylor . Harmons, 4 California, 2> Ix, 606 Taylor . Harrison, 47 Texas. 454 20, 304 Taylor T. Honry. 48 Maryland, 550 30,436 Taylor v. Hillyer, 3 Blickwood, 433 xrri, 430 Taylor v. Hutchison, 25 Gratt. 536 18, 699 Taylor v. Jacoby, 2 Penn. State, 495 xlv, CIS Taylor v. Jenkins, 24 Arkansas, 337 Ixxxviii. 773 Taylorv. Jeter, 33 Georgia. 195 Ixixi. 292 Taylor v. Kelly, 31 Alabama, 59 Ixviii, 150 Taylorv. King, 6 Munford, 353.., viii, 746 Taylor v. Lake Shore etc. R. Co., 45 Mich. 74 40, 457 Taylorv. Lanier, SMurphey, 93 is, 509 Taylor v. Larkin, 12 Missouri. 103 xlix, 119 Taylorv. Lewis. 2 J.J.Marshall, 400 six, 135 Taylor v. Little Rock, M. R. & T. R. R. Co.. 32 Arkansas, 393 29, 1 Taylor v. Lowell, 3 Massachusetts, 331 iii, 141 Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylo Taylo Taylo Taylo Taylo . Mayor etc. of Cumberland, 64 Md. 63.. .54, 750 . Miami Exporting Co., 5 Ohio, 162 xxii, 785 Miles, 5 Kansas, 498 7,558 Mitchell, 87 Pennsylvania State, 518. . . .30, 333 Morrison, 23 Alabama, 723 Ixii, 747 Mueller. 30 Minnesota, 343 44, 199 X. &C. R. R., 6 Cold. 646 xcviii. 474 Owen, 2 Blackford, 301 xx. 115 Peckham, 8 Rhode Island, 349 5, 573 v. Peckham, 8 Rhode Island, 349 xci, 235 v. Pennsylvania Co., 73 Kentucky. 343 3ft, 244 v. Porter, 1 Dana, 421 xxr, 155 v. Porter, 4 Hill (X.Y.). 140 xl. 274 Taylorv. Shew, 39 California, 536 2,473 Taylorv. Short. 27 Iowa, 301 1,230 Taylorv. Shufford, 4 Hawks, 116 XT, 512 Taylor v. Snow, 47 Texas, 462 2C, 3U Taylor v. Snyder. 3 Denio, 145 xlv, 457 Taylorv. Spears, 1 English, 381 xliv, 519 Taylor v. St. Louis, 14 Missouri, 20 IT, 89 Taylor v. Staples, 8 Rhode Island. 170 5, 556 Taylor v. State. 22 Texas Ct. App. 529 58, 656 Taylor ads. State, 3 Dutcher, 117 Ixxii, 317 Taylorv. Sutton, 15 Georgia, 103 lx."683 Taylor v. Swett, 3 Louisiana, 33 xxii, 156 Taylor v. Taylor, 8 B. Monroe, 419 xlviii, 430 Taylor v. Taylor. 6 Iredell's Eq. 26 li, 412 Taylor v. Taylor, 93 Xorth Carolina, 418 53, 460 Taylor v. Taylor, C3 Pennsylvania St. 431 3, o63 Taylor v. Townsend, 8 Massachusetts, 411 v, 107 Taylor v. Vincent, 12 Lea, 232 47, 333 Taylor v. Wilburn, 20 Missouri, 336 Ixiv, 186 Taylorv. WUson, 11 Metcalf 44 xlv. 180 Taylorv. Yonkers, 105 Xew York. 208 53, -i02 Taylorv. Zepp. 14 Missouri. 482 Iv, 113 Taylor ads. State. 27 La. An. 393 21,561 TazeweH v. Smith, 1 Randolph, 313 x. 533 Teafl v. Hewitt, 1 Ohio State, 511 lix, 634 Teajarden v. McLaujhlia, S3 Truli.ina, 476 44 , 332 Teague v. Dendy. 2McCord'sCh. 207 xvi, 643 Teal v. State, 22 Georgia, 75 Ixviii, 432 Teallv. Felton, IN. Y. (1 Corust.) 537 xllx, 3C2 Teas v. McDonald, lo Texas, 343 Ixv, 65 TeasJale v. Charleston Ins. Co., 2 Brevard, 130. .. .iii, 705 Teatv. State. 53 Mississippi, 439 24, 703 Tebbetts v. Pickering, 5 Gushing, S3 li, 48 Tebbetta v. Hamilton M. F. L Co., 1 Allen, SOo.lxxlx, 749 Tedderv. Odom. 2 Heisk. 63 5, 25 Teeter v. Williams, 3 B. Monroe, 562 xxxix, 485 Teetzman v. Clamageran, 2 Louisiana, 195 xxii, 127 Teevens ads. Commonwealth, 143 Mass. 210 58, 131 Tegler v. Shipman, 33 Iowa, 194 11, 118 Telegraph Co. v. Griswold, 37 Ohio St. 302 41, 500 Telephone Co. ads. State. 36 Ohio St. 296 38, 583 Telfair v. Howe, 3 Richardson's Equity, 235 Iv, G37 Temple v. Commonwealth, 14 Bush, 769 23, 442 Templev. Gove,8Iowa, 511 li Temple v.. State, 15 Texas Ct. App. 304 49,200 Temple v. Summer, 51 Mississippi, 13 2 1, 615 Templeton v. Voshloe, 72 Indiana, 134 37, 153 Templeton v. Walker, 3 Richardson's Eq. 543 Iv, 646 Templin v. Iowa City, 14 Iowa, 59 Ixxxi, 455 Ten Eyck v. Del. & R. C. Co., 3 Harr. (X. J.) 200.xxxvii, 233 Tennant v. Stoney, 1 Richardson's Equity, 222. . .xli?, 213 Tennessee Bank v. Beatty, 3 Sneed, 305 Ixv, 58 Tennessee Bank v. Hill, 10 Humphreys, 176 li, 698 Tennessee Bank v. Patterson, 8 Humph. 363 xlvii, 618 Tennessee C. R. R. Co. v. East Ala. R'y Co., 75 Alabama, 516 51,475 Tennessee Club v. Dwyer, 11 Lei, 452 47, 298 Tenney v. Berger, 93 Xew York. 524 45, 263 Tenney v. Evans, 13 Xew Hampshire, 402 xl, 166 Tenney v. Evans, 14 Xew Hampshire, 343 xl, 194 Tenney v. Poor, 14 Gray, 500 Ixxvii, 340 Tenney v. Prince, 4 Pickering, 385 xvi, 347 Terbell v. Downer, 27 Vermont, 509 Ixv, 212 Torre Haute & I. R. R. Co. v. Buck, 96 Ind. 346 . .49, 168 Terre Haute & I. R. Co. v. Graham, 95 Ind. 230. .48, 719 Terre Haute & I. R. R. Co. v. MjMurray, 93 In- diana, 358 49, 753 Terre Haute & S. R. Co. v. Rodel, 87 Ind. 123. .. .46, 164 Terre Hauta Railroad v. Vana;ta, 21 HI. 183. . . .Ixxiv, 96 Terrell's Heirs v. Cropper, 9 Martin, 350. . .'. xiii, 309 Ter Tho TABLE OF CASES. 186 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Ten-ill v. Rankin, 2 Bush. 453 xcii, 500 Terriwy v. Ah \Vah, 4 Montana, 149 47,341 Territory T. McFarlane, 1 Martin, 211 T, 706 Territory v. Nugent. 1 Martin, 103. . . J T, 702 Territory v. Ross, 1 Martin, 145 v, 705 Terry v. Bleight, 3 T. B. Monroe, 270 rvi, 101 Terry v. Buffinjton, 11 Georgia, 337 Ivi, 423 Terry v. Chandler, 16 New York, 354 Ixix, 707 Ter y v. Eslava, 1 Porter, 273 xxvii, 626 Terry v. Foster, 1 Mass. 145 ii, 6 Terry v. Megerle, 21 California. 609 .Ixxxv. 84 Terry ails. State. 93 North Carolina, 535 5:5, 472 Terry v. Woo.ls, 6 gniedes & M. 133 xlv, 274 Terstsgge v. First Germ. Ben. Soc., 92 Ind. 32 47, 135 Tenviniser v. Wands, 17 New York, 54 Ixxii, 420 Tcschcmacher v. Thompson, 18 California, 11. . .Ixxix, 151 Tesson v. Atlantic Mut Ins. Co., 40 Missouri, 33. .xciii, 203 Teter v. Teter, 101 Indiana, 129 51, 742 Tetzv. Butterflcld, 54 Wisconsin, 242 41, 29 Teuchcr v. Iliatt, 23 Iowa, 527 xcii, 440 Tevis v. Randall, 6 California, 632 Ixv, 547 Tevis v. Young, 1 Metcalfe (Ky.). 197 Ixxi, 474 Tew T. Tew, 80 North Carolina, 316 30, 84 Texada v. Beaman, 6 Louisiana, 84 xxv, 204 Texas & P. R'y Co. v. Bradford, 66 Texas, 732.... 59, 739 Texas & P. R. Co. v. Murphy, 46 Texas, 336 20, 272 Texas & P. R'y Co. v. Bond, C2 Texas, 412 , . .50, 532 Texas & P. R'y Co. v. Rosedale St. R'y Co., 64 Texas. 80 53,739 Texas and St. L. R. Co. v. Robards, 60 Tex. 545. . .48, 268 Texas Bank. Co. T. Hutchins, 53 Texas, 61 37, ?50 Texas Bank and Ins. Co. v Cohen, 47 Tex. 406.. .26, 298 Texas C. P. and M. Co. v. Mechanics' F. Co., 54 Texas, 319 38,627 Textor v. Baltimore and O R. Co., 53 Md. 63 43, 540 Thacherv. Dinsmore, 5 Mass, 299 iv, 61 Thacherv. Pray, 113 Massachusetts, 291 18,430 Thacher v . Stevens, 46 Connecticut, 561 33, 39 Thacher ads. Commonwealth, .97 Mass. 583 xciii, 125 Thacher ads. People, 55 New York, 525 14,312 Thacker v. Chambers, 5 Humphreys, 313 xlii, 431 Thallheimer v. Brinckerhoff, 3 Cowen ,623 xv, 303 Thallhimer v. Brinckerhoff, 4 Wendell, 394 xxi, 155 Thames Bank v. Lovell, 13 Connecticut, 500 xlvi, 332 Thames St. Co. v. Housatonic R. R., 24 Conn. 40.1xiii, 154 Thatcher v. Mills, 14 Texas, 13 Ixv, 95 Thayer v. Augustine, 53 Michigan, 187 54, 361 Thayer v. Bacon, 3 Allen, 163 Ixxx, 50 Thayer v. Boston, 124 Massachusetts, 132 20, 65D Thayer v. Boston, 19 Pickering, 511 xxxi, 157 Thayer v. Brooks, 17 Ohio, 489 xlix, 474 Thayer v. Finnegan, 133 Massachusetts, C2 45, 285 Thayer v. Hutchinson, 13 Vermont, 504 xxxvii. 607 Thayer v. Kelley, 28 Vermont, 19 Ixv, 220 Thayer v. King, 15 Ohio, 242 xlv, 571 Thayer v. St. Louis etc. R. R. Co., 22 Ind. 26.. Ixxx v, 409 Thayer v. Thayer, 101 Massachusetts, 111 c. 110 Thayer v. Thayer, 14 Vermont, 107 xxxix, 211 Thayer v. Wellington, 9 Allen, 283 Ixxxv, 753 "The Count Joannes" v. Bennett, 5 Allen, 169. Ixxxi. 738 Theall v. Theall, 7 Louisiana, 226 xxvi, 501 Theilan v. Porter, 14 Lea, 622 52,173 Thielman v. Gueble, 32 La. An. 260 30, 267 Third Nat. Bank v. Boyd, 44 Maryland, 47 22, 35 Third Nat. Bank v. Langc, 51 Maryland, 138 34, 304 Thir.l National Bank v. Vioksburg Bank, 61 Mis- sissippi, 112 48, 78 Thirteenth & F. St. P. R. Co., v. Boudrou, 92 Penn. St. 475 37, 707 Thomas v. Boston & Prov. R. R. Co., 10 Met 472.xliil, 444 Thomas v. Builders' F. Ins. Co., 119 Mass. 121. . . .20, 317 Thomas v. Burrus, 23 Mississippi, 530 Ivii. 154 Thomas v. Caulkett, 57 Michigan, 302 58, 369 Thomas v. Croft, 2 Richardson's Law, 113 xliv, 279 Thomas v. Croswe'l, 7 Johnson, 264 v, 269 Thomas v. Davis, 76 Missouri, 7? 13,736 Thomas v. Dike, 17 Vermont, 273 xxxi v, 690 Thomas v. Errin, Cheves' Law, 22 xxxiv, 583 Thomas v. Evans, 105, New York, 601 59, 519 Thomas v. Folwell, 2 Wharton, 11 .. xxx, 230 Thomas v. Ford, 63 Maryland, 346 '. 52, 513 Thomas v. Gain, 35 Michigan, 133 21,535 Thomas v. Garvan, 4 Devereux's Law, 2C3 xxv, 708 Thomas v. Harrodsburg, 3 A. 1C. Marshall, 238. . . .xiii, 165 Thomas v. Hesse, 34 Missouri, 13 Ixxxi v. 66 Thomas v. Hot Springs. 34 Arkansas, 553 36, 24 Thomas v. Hubbell, 15 New York, 405 Ixix. 619 Thomas v. Kelly, 3 South Carolina. 214 16, 716 Thomas v. Kennedy, 24 Iowa, 397 xcv, 740 Thomas v. Kerr, SBush, 619 xcvi, 262 Thomas v. Knighton, 23 Maryland, 318 Ixxxvii, 571 Thomas v. Malcom, 39 Georgia, 328 xcix, 459 Thomas v. Mead, 8 Martin, N. S . 341 xix, 187 Thomas v. Orrell, 5 Iredale's Law, 569 xliv, 58 Thomasv. People, 107 Illinois, 517..., 47,458 Thomas v. Record, 47 Maine, 500 Ixxiv, 500 Thomas v. Sheppard, 2 McCord's Ch. 33 xvi, 632 Thomas v. Ship Morning Glory, 13 La. An. 269.. .Ixxi, 509 Thomas ads. State, 47 Connecticut, 546 36, 98 Thomas ads. State. Ill Indiana, 515 60, 720 Thomas ads. State, use of Roe, 19 Missouri, 013. .Ixi, 580 Thomas v. Stetson, 62 Iowa, 537 49, 148 Thomas v. Taylor, 42 Mississippi, 651 2, 625 Thomasv. Thomas, 1 Littell, 62 xiii, 220 Thomas v. White, 3 Littell, 177 xiv, 53 Thomas v. Winchester, 6 N. Y, (2 Selden) 397. . . .Mi, 455 Thomas v. Woodman, 23 Kansas, 217 33, 153 Thomas v. Wyatt, 25 Missouri, 24 Ixix, 446 Thomas v. Wyatt, 31 Missouri, 133 Ixxvii, 640 Thomas, B. & W. M. Co. v. Wabash, St. L. & P. R'y Co., 62 Wisconsin, 642 ....51,725 Thomasonv. Odum. 31 Alabama, 108 Ixviii, 159 Thompson's Case, 122 Massachusetts, 423 23, 370 Thompson v. Allen, 103 Pa. St. 44 49, 116 Thompson v. B'kof S. C.. 3 Hill's L. 77 xxx, 334 Thompson v. Boardman, 1 Vermont, 367 xviii, C84 Thompson v. Bondurant, 15 Alabama, 34 ) 1, 136 Thompson v. Branch, Meigs, 330 xxxiii, 153 Thompson v. Carpenter, 4 Penn. State, 132 xlv, 681 Thompson v. Cart wright, 1 Texas, 87 xl vi, 05 Thompson v. Chauveau, 7 Martin, N. S., 3)1.... xviii, 245 Thompson v. Cochran, 7 Humphreys, 72 xlvi, 68 Thompson ads. Commonwealth, 6 Allen. 5?l..lxxxiii, 653 Thompson ads. Commonwealth, 11 Allen, 23. .Ixxxvii, 685 Thompson ads. Commonwealth. 2 dishing. 5 ">2.xlviii, C79 Thompson ads. Commonwealth, 4 Leigh, 6G7 xxvi, 339 Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Clay. 3 T. B. Monroe, 359 xvi. 108 Craigmyle. 4 B. Monroe, 391 xli, 240 Fargo, 49 New York, 183 10,343 Garwood, 3 Wharton. 287 xxxi, 503 Gaillard, 3 Richardson's Law, 418. . .xlv, 778 Glover, 78 Kentucky. 193 39, 220 Gr. Gulf etc. Co., 3 How. 240 xxxiv, 81 . Gregory, 4 Johnson, 81 iv, 255 Guthrie. 9 Leigh, 101 xxxiii. 225 Hamilton, 12 Pickering, 425 xxiii, 619 Haskell, 21 Illinois, 215 Ixxiv. 98 Hermann, 47 WUc'-usIn, 602 32, 7S4 Jackson. 3 KanuuVu. 501 xv, 721 . Julius D. Jlortou, St., 2 Oh ! o S>. 26.1ix. C58 187 TABLE OF CASES. Tho-Til Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Thompson v. Kelly, 101 Massachusetts, 291 3, 353 Thompson v. Ketcham, 8 Johnson, 190 v, 332 Thompson . Kilbome, 23 Vermont, 750. Ixvii, 742 Thompson . Lay, 4 Pickering, 43. xvi, 325 Thompson . Linscott, 2 Greenleaf , 133 xi, 57 Thompson . Lusk, 1 Watts, 17 xxvi, 91 Thompson . Lyon, 23 Missouri, 155 Ixi, 599 Thompson . Mankin, 26 Arkansas, 586 7,623 Thompson Marshall, 33 Alabama, 504 Ixxvi, 323 Thompson Mawhimiey. 17 Alabama, 352 lii, 176 Thompson . McCtillough, 31 Missouri, 22L . . . .Ixxvii, 644 Thom-ison Mississ. etc. Ins. Co., 2 La. 223 xxii. 129 Thompson Monrow, 2 California, 99 Ivi, 313 IThompson Morrow, 5 Berg. & R. 239 ix. 353 'Thompson Munger, 15 Texas, 523 Irv, 176 Thompson Murray, 2 Hill's Ch. 2D4 xxix. 68 Thompson v. N O.. J. & G. N. E. R. Co., 50 Mis- sissippi, 315 19, 12 Thompson v. Newlin, 3 Iredell's Eq. 333 xlii, 169 Thompson v. North Missouri R. R. Co., 51 Mis- souri. 190 11,443 Thompson v. Patton, SLittell, 74 XT, 44 Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Phoenix Ins. Co., 73 Me. 55 4C, 357 Rose, 16 Connecticut, 71 xli, 121 Sanborn, 11 New Hampshire. 201 .xxxv, 490 . Schermerhorn, 6 X. Y. (2 Selden),. 92.lv, 335 . Schlater, 13 Louisiana, 115 xxxiii. 556 . Shepherd, 12 Metcalf , 311 xlvi. C7G Thompson v. Sloan. 23 Wendell, 71 xxxv, 543 Thompson Y. Smith, 7 Serg. & R. 209 x, 453 Thompson v. Snow, 4 Greenleaf, 234 svi, " '3 Thompson Y. South Car. Bank, 3 Hill's (S.C.) L. 77. xxx, 354 Thompson Y. Spraigue, 69 Georgia, 409 47,700 Thompson Y. State, 67 Alabama. 106 42, 101 Thompson v. State. 18 Indiana, 333 Ixxxi, 334 Thompson ads. State, 9 Iowa, 133 Ixxiv, 342 Thompson ads. State. 23 Kansas, 333 33, 163 Thompson ads. State, 2 Strobhart's Law, 12 xlvii, 533 Thompson Y. Stewart, 3 Connecticut, 171 viii, 103 Thompson Y. Tate, 1 Murphey, 97 iii, 673 Thompson Y. Thompson, 9 Indiana, 323 Ixviii, 633 Thompson Y. Thompson, 19 Maine, 233 xxxvi, 731 Thompson Y. Waters, 25 Michigan, 214 12, 243 Thompson v. Western U. Tel. Co., 64 Wis. 531 ... 54, 644 Thompson Y. Wharton, 7 Bush, 563 3,306 Thompsonv. White. 1 Dallas. 424 i, 232 /Thorns Y. Dingley, 70 Missouri, 100 33, 310 Thorns Y. Southard, 2 Dana, 475 xxvi, 4G7 Thomson v. Porter, 4 Strobhart's Eq. 53 liii, 653 Thomson Y. People, 24 Illinois, 60 Ixxvi, 733 Thomson v. Winchester, 19 Pickering, 214 xxxi, 135 Thorn v. Knapp, 42 New York. 474 1,561 Thorn Y. Morgan, 4 Martin, N. S., 292 xvi, 173 Thorn Y. Newsom, 64 Texas, 161 53,747 Thorn Y. Thorn, 14 Iowa, 49 Ixxxi, 451 Thorn Y. Wilson, 110 Indiana, 323 59, 209 Thornberry Y. Churchill, 4 T. B. Monroe, 29 xvi, 125 Thornburg ads. State, 6 Iredell's Law, 79 xliv, 67 Thorndike Y. Bath, 114 Massachusetts, 116 19, 313 Thorne v. Traveler's Ins. Co.. 80 Penn. St. 15 21, 89 Thome v. Turck, 94 New York, 90 46,126 Thorner v. Batory, 41 Maryland, 593 20, 74 Thornton Y. Davenport, 1 Scammon, 296 xxix, 35? Thornton Y. Dean, 19 South Carolina, 533 45, 796 Thornton Y. Grant, 10 Rhode Island, 477 14, 701 Thornton v. Mulquinne, 12 Iowa, 549 Ixxix, 548 Thornton Y. Rankin. 19 Missouri, 133 lix, 338 Thornton Y. Thornton, 27 Missouri, 302 Ixxii, 2>36 Thorp Y. Bateman, 37 Michigan, 63 26,497 ThorpY. Thorp, 90 New York, 602 43, 1S9 Thorp Y. Wegefarth, 56 Penn. St. 82 xciii, 739 Thorpe Y. Missouri P. R'y Co.. 89 Missouri. 650. ..58, 123 Thorpe Y. N. Y. C. & H. R. R.Co.,7-3N. Y. 402... 37, 325 Thorpe Y. Rankin, 4 Harrison (N. J.), 86 xxxrui, 531 Thorpe Y. Rutland & B. R. R. Co., 27 Vt. 143 Ixii, 625 Thorsen Y. Schooner J. B. Martin, 26 Wis. 483 7, 91 Thoubboron Y. Lewis. 43 Michigan. 633 33, 218 Thrallv. Lathrop, 30 Vermont, 307 lixiii, 306 Thrall Y. Newell, 13 Vermont, 202 xlvii, 683 Thrall Y.Omaha Hotel Co., 5 Nebraska, 295 13,433 Thrall Y. Waller, 13 Vennont,231 K Threlkelds Y. Campbell, 2 Grattan, 1C3 x^v. 334 Throckmorton Y. Price, 23 Texas, 606 xci, 334 Thrower Y. Cureton, 4 Strobhart's Eq. 155 liii, 660 Thrower Y. Mclctire, 4 Dev. & Eat. Law, 353. . .xxxlv, 332 Thunder Bay Co. Y. Speechly, 31 Michigan, 336. . .IS, 184 Thurber Y. Martin, 2 Gray, 334 Ixi, 468 Thuret Y. Jenkins, 7 Martin, 318 xii, 538 Thurmond r. Rees:;, 3 Georgia, 449 xlvi, 440 Thurmond Y. Trammell, 23 Texas. 372 xci, 321 Thurstinads. State, 35 Maine, 2J3 Mil, 695 Thurston Y. Elanc'oard. 22 Pickering, 13 xxxiii, 700 Thurston Y. Dickinson, 2 Richardson's Eq. 317. . .xlvi, 56 Thurston v. Hancock, 12 Massachusetts, 223 vii. 57 ThurstoaY. Ludwig, 6 Ohio State, 1 '.:: Thurston Y. Rosenfield, 42 Missouri, 474 i Thurston Y. St. Joseph. 51 Missouri, 510 11,453 Thurston Y. Wolfborough Bank, 18 N. Hamp. SOl.xlv, 332 Thweattv. Joaes, 1 Randolph, 323 x, 533 Thwing Y. Great Western Ins. Co., 133 Mass. 401 . 4, 567 Tibbets Y. Gerrish, 25 New Hampshire, 41 Ivii, 307 TibeauY. Tibeau, 10 Missouri, 73 lix, 329 Tichenorv. Hayes, 12 Vroom. 193 32, 136 Tickner Y. Roberts, 11 Louisiana, 14 xxx, 706 Ticknor v. Harris, 11 New Hampshire, 272 xl, 186 Ticonic Bank v. Stackpole, 41 Maine, 321 Ixvi, 246 Ticonic Bank v. Smiley, 27 Maine, 225 xlvi, 593 Tide Water Co. T. Coster, 18 N. J. Eq. 513 xc, 634 Tidwell Y. Witherspoon, 21 Florida, 333 58, 665 Tiedernann ads. State, 69 Missouri, 303 33, 498 Tiemyer v. Turnquist, 85 .Sew York, 516 39, 674 Tier v. Lampson, 33 Vermont, 179 Ixxxii, 634 Tiernan Y. Beam, 2 Ohio, 333 xv, 557 Tiernan v. Commercial B'k, 7 Howard (Miss.), G4S.xl, 83 Tiernanv. Poor, 1GU1& J. 216 xix, 225 Tierney v. Minneapolis & St. L. R. R. Co., 33 Minnesota, 311 53, 35 Tiffany Y. St. John, 65 New York, 314 22, 612 Tiffin v. McCormack, 34 Ohio St. 633 .32, 408 Tifft Y. Horton. 53 Hew York, 377 13,537 Tiftv. Harden, 22 Georgia, C23 Ixviu, 512 Tilden Y. Barnard, 43 Micioigan, 376 33, 197 Tilden Y. Johnson, 52 Vermont, 623 33, 769 Tilden v. Rosenthal. 41 Illinois, 3S5 Ixxxix, 388 Tilletson ads. State, 7 Jones' Law, 114 Ixxr, 456 Tilley Y. Hudson River R. R. Co. 23 N. Y. 232.1xxsvi, 297 Tillinghast v. Champlin, 4 Rhode Island, 173. . . .Ixvii, 510 Tillinghast v. Wheaton, 8 Rhode Island. 533 5, 621 Tillinghast v. Wheaton, 8 R. I. 536 xciv, 126 TUlman v. Ailles, 5 Smedes & M. 373 xli ii, 520 Tillmanv. Davis, 23 Georgia, 434 Ixxiii, 786 Tillman Y. Davis, 95 New York, 17 47, 1 Tillman Y. Shackleton, 15 Michigan, 447 xciii, 193 Tillotsonv. Cheetham, 3 Johnson, 5G iii, 459 Tillotson Y. Kennedy, 5 Alabama, 407 xxxix, 330 Tillotson v. MiHarJ, 7 Minnesota, 513 Ixxxii, 112 Tillotson v. Smith, 32 New Hampshire, 90 Ixiv, 355 Tillson Y. Robbins. 63 Maine, 295 28, 50 Tilman ads. State, 30 La. An. 1249 31 , 236 Tilton Y. Am. Bible Socy, 60 N. H. 377 49, 321 Til Tow TABLE OF CASES. 133 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Tiltonv. Beecher. 59 New York. 175 17,337 Tilton v. Miller, G3 Pennsylvania State. 333 5, 373 Tilton v. Wright. 74 Maine. 214 43,573 Timmennan v. Dover, 52 Michigan, 34 50, 210 Tianaons v. State. 31 Ohio State. 426 32,373 Timms v. Shannon. 19 Maryland. 296 Ixxxi, G32 Timrod v. Shoolbred. 1 Bay, 324 i, 620 Tindal v. Touchberry, 3 Strobhart's Law, 177 xlix, 637 Tindal ads. Den ex dem. Conover, 1 Spencer. 214... xl, 220 Tinder ads. People, 19 Calif ornia, 539 Ixxxi. 77 Tindley v. Salem. 137 Massachusetts. 171 50, 239 Tinges v. Moale. 23 Maryland, 480 xe, 73 Tinicuci F. Co. v. Carter, 90 Pennsylvania St. 85. .33, G32 Tinicum Fishing Co v. Carter, 61 Penn. St. 21 c, 597 Tinker v. Morrffl, 39 Vermont. 477 xciv. 315 Tinnen v. Mebane, 10 Texas, 246 lx, 233 Tinney v. Ashley, 13 Pickering, 543 xxvi, C20 Tinsman v. Belvidere Del. R. R. Co., 1 Dutch. 255..1xiv, 415 Tinsman v. Belvidere D. R. R., 2 Dutcher, 148. . .Ixix, 5G5 Tio v. Vance, 11 Louisiana, 199 xxx, 715 Tios v. Radovich, 10 Louisiana An. 101 .Ixui, 502 Tippet v. Mize, 30 Texas. 361 xciv.313 Tisdale v. Conn. M. L. Ins. Co., 26 Iowa, 170....xcvi. 133 Tisdale v. Tisdala, 2Sneed, 596 Ixiv, 775 Tisher v. Beckwith, 30 .Wisconsin. 53 11, 546 Tissue v. Baltimore & O. R. R. Co., 112 Pennsyl- vania State. 91 50,310 Tison v. Bowden, 8 Florida, 61 Ixxi, 101 Tisonv. Yawn, 15 Georgia, 491 Ix, 708 Titlow v. Titlow. 54 renn. St. 216 xciii, 691 Titsworth v. Stout, 49 Illinois, 78 xcv, 577 Tittle v. Thomas, 30 Mississippi, 122 Ixiv, 134 Titus ads. Commonwealth, 116 Massachusetts, 42.17, 138 Titus v. Inhab. of Northbridge, 97 Mass. 258 ... .xciii. 91 Titus v. Morse. 40 Maine, 343 Ixiii, 665 Titus v. Whitney, 1 Harrison, 85 xxxi, 228 Tivnonads. Commonwealth, SGray, 375 Ixix, 248 Tobey v. Barber, 5 Johnson, 68 iv, 32G Tobey v. Wood, 123 Massachusetts, 83 25, 27 Tobias v. Francis, 3 Vermont, 425 xxiii, 217 Tobias v. Xissberger. 105 New York, 404 59, 509 Tobinv. Bass, 85 Missouri, 654 55,392 Tobin ads. Commonwealth, 123 Mass. 203 28, 220 Tobiuv. Deal, 60 Wisconsin, 87 50,345 Tobin v.Portland S. & P, R. R. Co., 59 Maine, 1S3. 8, 415 Tobinv. Shaw, 45 Maine, 331 Ixxi, 547 Tod v. Gallagher, 16 Serg. & R. 261 xvi, 571 Toddv. Birdsall, 1 Cowen, 260 xiii, 522 Todd v. Flournoy, 56 Alabama, 99 28,753 Toddv. Landry, 5 Martin, 459 xii, 479 Todd v. Old Colony & F. R. R. R., 3 Allen, 18. . .Ixxx, 49 Todd v. Old Colony etc. R. R. Co., 7 Allen. 207.1xxxiii, C79 Todd v. Summers, 2 Grattan, 167 xliv, 379 Todd v. Weber, 95 New York, 181 47, 20 Tognini v. Kyle, 17 Nevada, 209 45,442 Tolar v. Tolar, 1 Devereux's Eq. 456 xv:ii, 5^8 Tolar v. Tolar, 3 Hawks, 74: xiv, 575 Toledo etc. R. R. Co. v. Harmon, 47 HI. 293 xcv, 489 Toledo etc. R. R. Co. v. Rodrigues, 47 111.. 183 xcv, 484 Toledo, P. & W. R'y Co. v. Pindar, 53 DJ. 447 5, 57 Toledo P. & W. R'y Co. v. Merriman, 52 HL 123. . . 4, 590 Toledo W. etc. R. R. Co. v. Baddeley. 54 Illi- nois, 19 5, 71 Toledo. W. & W. R. Co. v. Beggs, 85 El. SO 28, 613 Toledo W. & W. R. R. Co. v. Crush, 67 Illi- nois. 262 10,618 Toledo, W. & W. R. R Co. v. Hammond, 33 In- diana. 379 5,221 Toledo. W. & W. R. R. Co. V.Jacksonville, 67 Illi- nois, 37 10,611 Toledo. W. & W. R. Co. v. Wright, 68 Ind. 536. . .34, 277 Tolenv. Tolen, 2 Blackford, 4D7 xxi. 7:3 Tolle v. Correth, 31 Texas. 352 r; Tolle v. Orth. 73 Indiana, C93 Tolliver ads. Commonwealth, S Gray, 333 !x;x, 253 Tolman v, SjTacuse. B. & N. Y. R. R. Co., 93 New York. 193 5O, 649 Tombeckbee Bank v. Godbold, 3 Stewart, 240 xx, 80 Tombeckbee Bank v. Strong, 1 Stew. & P. 137 ....sii, C57 Tombs v. Alexander, 101 Massachusetts, C"3 15, 319 Tomev. Parkersburg R. R. Co:, 39 Maryland, 33.. 17, 510 Tomkins v. Tomkins, 1 Bailey's Law, "2 xix, C56 Tomlin v. Dubuque. B. & M. R. R. Co.. 32 Iowa, 103 7,176 Tomlin v. Hilyard. 43 Illinois, 300 scli. 113 Tomlinson v. Roberts, 25 Connecticut, 477 Ix Tompkins v. Batie, 11 Nebraska, 117 Tompkins v. Dudley, 23 New York, 272 Ixsi^i, Ci9 Tompkins v. Halleck, 133 Massachusetts, 32 43, 430 Tompkins v. Sands, 8 Wendell, 432 xxiv, 43 Tompkins v. Vintroux. 3 West Virsinia, 143 c, 733 Tomppert v. Tomppert, 13 Bush, 3CG 23, 197 Tonawanda R. R. Co. v. Munger, 5 Denio, 233. . .s'.:x, 239 Tone v. Columbus, 33 Ohio State. 231 $3, 438 Toner v. Collins, 67 Indiana, 309 Tongue v. Nutwell, 17 Maryland, 212 Is Toole v. Beckett. 67 Maine. 544 Toole ads. State, 29 Connecticut, 342 Is . Tooley v. Gridley, 3 Smedes & M. 433 Toomer v. Purkey, 1 Mill, 323 x:i, C34 Toomer v. Rutland. 57 Alabama, 373 ', " , 722 Toomes, Estate of, 54 California, 509 35, 83 Tootle v. Clifton, 22 Ohio State, 247 10, 732 Tootle v. Elgutter, 14 Nebraska, 153 45, 103 Topham v. Chapman, 1 Mill, 283 xii, 627 Topsham v. Lewiston. 74 Maine, 236 43, 534 Topham v. Roche, 2 Hill, 307 xxvii, 337 Torbush v. Norwich, 33 Connecticut, 225 9, 395 Torinus ads. State, 26 Minnesota, 1 37 , 395 Torrev. Summers, 2 Nott&McC. 237 x, 597 Torrence v. Davidson, 92 North Carolina, 437 53, 419 Torrence v. Irwin, 2 Yeates, 210 i, 340 Torrent v. Common Council, 47 Michigan, 115 41,715 Torreyv. Burnett, 9 Vroom, 457 23,421 Totten v. Cole. 33 Missouri. 138 Ixxxli, 157 Touchard v. Crow, 20 California, 150 Ixxxi, 103 Tournev. Lee, 8 Martin, N. S., 518 xx, 260 Touro v. Cassin, 1 Nott & McC. 173 ix, 680 Tours v. Vreelandt, 2 Halsted, 352 xi, 551 Towell v. Gatewood, 2 Scammon, 22 xxxiii, 437 Tower v. President, Directors and Company of Appleton Bank, 3 Allen, 387 Ixxxi. 665 Tower v. Utica etc. R. R. Co., 7 Hill (N. Y.), 47. .xlii, 36 Tower's Appropriation, 9 Watts & Serg. 103 xlii, 319 Towle v. Eastern R., 13 New Hampshire, 547....xlvii, 153 Towle v. Ewing,23 Wisconsin, 336 xcix, 179 Towle v: Leavitt, 23 New Hampshire, 360 Iv, 195 Towle v. Marrett, 3 Greenleaf, 22 xiv, 206 Towlev. Pierce, 12 Metcalf, 329 xlvi, C79 Towle v. Wood, 60 New Hampshire, 434 49, 326 Towles v. Burton, Rich. Eq. Cases, 146 xxiv, 409 Town of . See Name of Town. Town v. Needham, 3 Paige's Ch. 545 xxiv, 248 Town v. Syndics of Morgan, 2 Louisiana, 112 xx, 299 Town v. Washburn, 14 Minnesota, 263 c, 219 Town of East Kingston v. Towle, 48 N. H. 57...xcvii, 575 Town of Graf ton v. Follansbee, 16 N. Harnp. 450.. xii, 736 Town of Hinesburgh v. Sumner, 9 Vermont, 23.. xxxi, 599 Town of Jericho ads. State, 40 Vermont, 121 xciv, 387 Town of St. Albans v. Bush, 4 Vermont, 58 xxiii, 246 1S9 TABLE OF CASES. Tow Tra Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Town Council of Akron v. McComb, 18 Ohio, 229.. li, 453 Towns v. Fiske, 127 Massachusetts, 125 34, 353 Towue v. Jaquith, 6 Massachusetts, 46 iv, 84 Towne v. Wiley, 23 Vermont, 355 Ivi, 85 Townes v. Durbiii, 3 Met. (Ky.) 352 Ixxrii, 176 Towns v. Nims, 5 New Hampshire, 259 xx, 573 Towns v. Pratt, 33 New Hampshire, 345 Ivxi, 726 Towns v. Vicksburg. S. & P. E. R. Co., 37 Louis- iana An. 630 55,538 Townsend v. Board of Water Comm'rs, 63 111. 26. .14, 109 Townsend v. Davis, 1 Georgia, 435 xliv, 675 Townsend v. Goewey, 19 Wendell, 424 xxxii, 514 Townseud v. Houston, 1 Harrington, 532 xxvii, 732 Townsend v. Kendall. 4 Minnesota, 412 Ixxvii, 534 Townsend v. Long, 77 Pennsylvania St. 143 IS, 433 Townsead v. McDonald, 12 N. Y. (2Kernan), 331.1xiv, 50S Townsend v. N. Y. Cent. etc. R. R. Co., 56 New York, 295 15,419 Townsend v. Smith, 1 B^asley's Ch. 353 Ixxii, 403 Towaseadv. Smith, 23 Texas, 465 Ixx, 403 Townsand v. Smith, 47 Wisconsin, 623 32, 703 Townsend v. Star Wagon Co.. 10 Nebraska, 615.. 35, 493 Townseud v. Tallant, 33 California. 45 xci, 617 Townsend v. Townsend, 4 Cold. 70 xciv, 1S5 Towasend v. Townsend, 1 Peck, 1 xiv, 722 Townssad's Appeal, 106 Pennsylvania St. 233 51, 523 ToTvnsMp of , See Name of Township. Towsey v. Shook, 3 Blackf ord, 237 TTT, 103 Towsley v. Moore, 33 Ohio St, 135 27,431 Towson v. Havre de Grace B'k, 6 Harris & J. 47.. .xiv, 254 Trabue v. Mays, 3 Dana, 133 xxviii, 61 Tracy v. Albany Ex. Co., 7 N. Y. (SSelden), 472.. .Mi, 533 Tracy v. Atherton, 35 Vermont, 52 Ixxxii, 621 Tracy v. Sacket, 1 Ohio State, 54 lix, 610 Tracy v. Talmage, 14 N. Y. (4 Kernan), 132 Ixvii, 132 Tracy v. Troy & B. R. R., 33 New York, 433.... xcviii, 51 Tracy v. Williams, 4 Connecticut, 107 x, 103 Trale Ins. Co. v. Barracliff, 16 Vrooru, 513 46, 792 Trader v. Chidester, 41 Arkansas, 212 48, 33 TraftonT. Hawes, 102 Massachusetts, 533 3, 491 Trafford v. Hall, 7 Rhode Island. 101 Ixxxii, 53) Train v. Boston D. Co., 141 Massachusetts, 523. . .59, 113 Trainorv. Morrison, 73 Maine, 163 57, 793 Trammellv. Russellville, 31 Arkansas, 105 3fi, 1 Transatlantic F Ins. Co. v. Dorsey, 56 Md. 70.... 40, 403 Transfer Co. v. Kelly, 35 Ohio St. 86 38, 553 Transylvania Univ. v. Lexington, 3 B. Mon. 25.xxxviii, 173 Trapnall v. McAfee, 3 Met. (Kentucky), 34..... Ixxrii, 152 Trapaall v. Richardson, W. & Co., 13 Ark. 543...1viii, 333 Trapnall, Ex parte, 6 Arkansas, 9. .'. xlii, C7 3 Trask v. State F. & M. Ins. Co., 29 Penn. St. 193.1xxii, 622 Tra.sk ads. State, 6 Vermont, 355 xxvii, 554 Traub v. Miiliken, 57 Maine, 63 2, 11 Traver v. Merrick County. 14 Nebraska. 327 45, 111 Travis v. Brown, 43 Penn. State, 9 Ixxxii, 513 Travis v. Smith. 1 Penn. State, 234 xliv, 125 Traynham v. Jackson, 15 Texas, 170 Ixv, 152 Treadwell v. Bulkley, 4 Day, 335 iv. 225 Treadwell v. Davis, 34 California, 631 xciv. 770 Treadwell v. Mardeu, 123 Massachusetts, 393 25,103 Treadwell v. Salisbury Mfg. Co., 7 Gray, 393 Ixvi, 430 Treasurer of Vermont v. Mann, 34 Vt. 371 Ixxx, 683 Treasurers v. McDowell, 1 Hill, 134 rxvi, 166 Treat v. Browning, 4 Connecticut, 403 x, 156 Treat v. Hiles, 63 Wisconsin, 314 60,853 Treat v. Lord, 42 Maine, 552 Ixvi, 293 Treat v. Union Insurance Co., 55 Maine, 231 xcvi, 447 Tremain v. Cohoes Co., 2 New York (2 Comst.)163..1i, 234 Tremouletv. Cenas' Heirs. 6 Martin, N. S., 541..xvii, 105 Tremper v. Hemphill, 8 Leigh, 623 xxxi, 673 Trenholm v. Charleston. 3 South Carolina, 347. ..1G, 732 Trentv. Trent, Gilmer, 174 ix, 594 Trenton etc. Co. v. Perrine, 3 Zab. 402 Ivii, 400 Tresca v. Maddox, 11 Louisiana An 206 Ixvi, 198 Trevor v. Wood, 36 New York, 337 xciii, 511 Trexler ads. State, 2 Carolina Law Repos. 90. vi, 558 Tribble v. Frame, 7 J. J. Marshall, 599 rxiii, 439 Trice v. Cockran, 8 Grattan, 412 Ivi, 151 Trieber v. Knabe, 12 Maryland, 491 Ixxi, 607 Trisjv. Read, 5 Humphreys, 529 xlii, 447 Trigg v. St. Louis, K. C. & N. R. Co., 74 Mo. 147. ..41, 305 Trigg v. Taylor, 27 Missouri, 245 Ixxii, 263 Trim v. Commonwealth. IS Gratt. 983 xcviii, 765 Trimble v. Boothby, 14Ohio, 109 xiv, 526 Trimble v. Coons, 2 A. K. Marshall, 375 xii, 411 Trimble v. Foster, 87 Missouri, 49 56, 440 Trimble v. Spiller, 7T. B. Monroe, 334 xviii, 189 Trimble v. Thome, 16 Johnson, 152 viii, 302 Trimble v. Turner, 13 Smedes & M. 343 liii, 90 Trimm v. Marsh, 54 New York, 599 13, 623 Trimmier v. Vise, 17 South Carolina, 499 43, 621 Trinkle v. Reeves, 25 Illinois, 214 Ixxvi, 793 Triplettv. Allen. 25 Gratt. 721 21,320 Tripp v. Curtenius. 33 Michigan, 491 24, 610 Trippv. Hasceig, 23 Michigan, 25! 4, 338 Trisler v. Williamson, 4 Harris & McH. 219 i, 396 Troewert v. Decker, 51 Wisconsin, 45 37, 838 Trotter v. Cassidy, 3 A. K. Marshall, 335 xiii, 133 Trotter v. Curtis, 19 Johnson, 160 x, 211 Trotter v. Howard, 1 Hawks, 323 ix, 640 Trotter v. Hughes, 12 N. Y. (2 Keman), 74 Ixii, 137 Troughton v. Johnston, 2 Haywood, 328 ii, 626 Trout v. Emmons, 29 Illinois, 433 Ixxxi, 326 Troutman ads. Jenkins, 7 Jones' L. 169 Ixxv, 459 Trovillo v. Tilford. 6 Watts, 468 xxxi, 484 Trow v. Vermont C. R. R. Co., 24 Vermont, 487..1viii, 191 Trowbridge v. Means, 5 Arkansas, 135 xxxix, 368 Trowbridge v. True, 52 Connecticut, 190 52, 579 Troy v. Cheshire R. R. Co. 23 New Hamp. 83 Iv, 177 Troy & B. R. R. Co. v. Potter, 42 Vermont, 255 ... I, 325 Trubee v. Miller, 43 Connecticut. 347 40, 177 Trudo v. Anderson. 10 Michigan. 357 Ixxxi. 795 True v. International Tel. Co.. 60 Maine, 9 11, 156 True v. Ranney, 21 New Hampshire, 52 liii, 164 Trueblood v. Trueblood, 8 Indiana, 195 Ixv, 756 Truitt Brothers & Co. v. Caldwell, 3 Minn. 364. .Ixxiv, 764 Trull v. Bigelow, 15 Massachusetts, 403 viii, 144 Trull v. Eastman. 3 Metcalf, 121 xxxvii, 126 Trull v. Howland, 10 Gushing, 109 Ivii, 82 Trullinger v. Kof oed, 7 Oregon, 223 33, 708 Truly v. Lane, 7 Smedes & M. 325 xiv. 305 Tnunbov. Sorrency, 3T. B. Monroe, 2S4 xvi, 103 TrumbuU v. Gibbons, 2Zabriskie, 117 li, 253 Truss v. Old, 6 Randolph, 553 xriii. 748 Trussel v. Lewis, 13 Nebraska, 415 42,767 Trustees v. Garvey, 53 Illinois, 401 5, 51 Trustees v. Kirk, 84 New York, 215 38,505 Trustees v. Lynch, 70 New York, 440 2G, 615 Trustees of Brooke Academy v. George, 14 West Virginia. 411 35,760 Trustees of Columbia Coll. v. Thacher. 87 New fork. 311 41,369 Trustees of Exempt F. F. T. Roome, 93 N. Y. 313..45, 217 Trustees of First Evang. Church v. Walsh, 57 Illi- nois, 363 11, 21 Trustees of Griswold Coll. v. State. 45 Iowa, 275. .20, 138 Trustees of Howard Coll. v. Turner, 71 Ala. 429. .46, 326 Trusteas of Int. Imp. F. v. Bailey. lOFla. 112.. Ixxxi, 194 Trustees of I. & M. Canal v. People, 12 Hi 243 lii, 488 Trustees of Jacobs T. Bull, 1 Watts, 370 .xxri, 72 Trn Tyr TABLE OP CASES. 190 Ronun letters [xlix] rafsr to volomss of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [ 19] to American Reports. Trustees of Methodist Church T. Hoboken, 33 N. J. L. 13 xcvii, 696 Trustees of New Gloucester v. Bradbury, 11 Me. US xxvi. 515 Trustees of X. C. TJniv. v. Foy, 1 Murphey, 53 Hi, 672 Trustees of Philips E. Acad. v. Exeter. 53 New Hampshire, 308 > 42,539 Trustees of Schools v. People, 87 Illinois. 333 29, 55 Trustees of Schools T. Schroll, 120 Illinois, 509.... 60, 575 Trustees of Schools T. Sheik. 119 Illinois, 579 50, 830 Trustees of Schools v. Snell, 19 Illinois, 156 Ixviii. 53G Trustees of Yernon v. Hills, 6 Cowen, 23 rri, 429 Trustees of Watertown T. Cowen, 4 Paige's Ch. 510 xxvii, 80 Trutch v. Bunnell, 11 Oregon. 53 50,456 Tryon v. Whitmarsh, 1 Metcalf, 1 xxxv, 339 TubbsT. Richardson, 6 Vermont, 442 xxvii, 570 Tubbs v. Tukey, 3 Gushing, 438 1, 7-14 Tuckahoe C. Co. v. Tuck. R. R., 11 Leigh, 42...xxxvi, 374 Tucker v. Atkinson, 1 Humphreys, 300 xxxiv, 650 Tucker v. Baldwin, 13 Connecticut, 136 xxxiii, 3S4 Tucker T. Donald, 60 Mississippi, 460 43, 43 6 Tucker v. Frederick, 23 Missouri, 574 Ixxv, 133 Tucker v. Harris, 13 Georgia, 1 Iviii, 438 Tucker v. Kenmston. 47 N. H. 207 xciii. 425 Tucker v. New Hampshire Sav. Bit, 53 N. H. 83. .42, 530 Tucker v. Tower, 9 Pickering, 109 xix, 350 Tucker v. Welsh, 17 Massachusetts, 160 ix, 137 Tucker v. Williams, Dudley's Law, 329 xxxi, 561 Tucker v. Woods, 12 Johnson, 190 vii, 335 Tuckerman v. Brown. 33 New York, 297 Ixxxviii, 33G Tuckerman v. Hartwe'J, 3 Greenleaf. 147 xiv, 225 Tudor ads. State, 5 Day, 329 T, 162 Tucsley T. Robinson, 103 Massachusetts, 553 4, 575 Tufts v. McCUntock, 23 Maine, 424 xlviii. 501 Tug Boat Dorr v. Waldron. 62 Illinois. 221 14, 83 Tuigg v. Sheehan, 101 Pennsylvania St. 363 47, 727 Tukey T. Smith. 13 Maine, 125 xxxvi. 704 Tullv. David, 45 Missouri. 414 c. 335 Tullerv. Talbot, 23 Illinois, 357 Ixxvi, 695 Tuller. In re, 79 Illinois. 99. 22, 16fr Tully. Ex parte. 4 Arkansas. 220 xxxviii, 33 Tully v. Davis, 33 Illinois, 103 Ixxxiii, 179 Tully v. Harloe, 35 California, 302 xcv. 102 Tumlinson v. Swinney. 22 Arkansas, 400 Ixxvi, 432 Tunstall Y. Christian. 80 Virginia, 1 5G, 531 Tunisv. Withrow, 10 Iowa, 305 Ixxvii, 117 Tunno v. Lague, 2 Johns. Cases, 1 i, 14 Tupperv. Cad well. 12 Metcalf, 559 xlvi, 704 Turbett v. Turbett, 3 Yeates, 187 ii, 330 Turbeville v. Ryan. 1 Humphreys, 113 xxxiv, 622 Turk v. Funk. 65 Missouri, 13 30,771 Tnrkv. Turk, SGeorgia, 422 xlvi, 434 Turleyr. Tucker, G Missouri, 533 xxxv, 449 Turman, Ex parte, 26 Texas, 708 Ixxxiv, 593 Turnage v. Greene, 2 Jones' Equity, 63 Ixii, 203 Turnbull v. Bowyer, 40 New York. 456 c. 523 Turnbull Y. Rivers, SMcCord, 131 xv, 622 Turner Y. Baker. 64 Missouri, 218 27,226 Turner v. Buchanan, 82 Indiana, 147 42, 435 Turner Y. Chambers, 10 Smedes & M. 303 xlviii, 751 Turner Y. Child, Devereux's Law, 25, 133, 331 xvii, 555 Turner v. Commonwealth, 86 Pennsylvania St. 54.27, 633 Turner v. Cool, 23 Indiana. 56 Ixxxv, 449 Turner Y. Davis, 7 Leigh. 227 xxx, 502 Turnerv. Egerton, 1 Gill & J. 430 xix. 235 Turner v. Estabrook, 129 Massachusetts. 425 37, 371 Turner Y. Gaither, 83 North Carolina, 357 33, 574 Turner Y. Grangers' L. and H. Ins. Co., 65 Ga. 649.38, 831 Turner Y. Hawkere TL Co.. 41 Iowa, 453 20, COS Turnerv. Holtzman. 51 Maryland, 143 39,361 Turnerv. Hibbell, 2 Day, 457 ii, 115 Turner v. Huff. 46 Arkansas. 222 35, 580 Turner v. King. 2 bedell's Eq. 132 xxxviii, 679 Turnerv. Miller. 42 Texas. 413 19, 47 Turner ads. People, 1 California, 143 lii, 295 Turnerv. Peoria andS. R. Co., 95 nUnois. 134.... 3~>, 144 Turner v. Plowdeu, 5 Gil& Johnson, 52 xxiii, 5?6 Turnerv. Protection Ins. Co., 25 Maine, 515 xliii, 294 Tu: ner v. State. 60 Mississippi. 351 43, 412 Turner v. Street. 2Randolph, 404 xiv, 792 Turner v. Thompson, 53 Georgia. 2G3 36, 297 Turner v. Vicksburg S. & P. R. R. Co.. 37 La. An. 613 53,514 Turner v. Walker, 3 Gill & Johnson, 377 xxii. 329 Turnerv. Webster. 24 Kansas, 38 36, 251 Turner v. Young, 27 Indiana, 373 Ixxxix, 508 Turney v. State. 8 Smedes & M. 104 xlvii, 74 Turney v. Wilson, 7 Yerger, 340 xxvii, 515 Turnipseed v. Cunningham, 16 Alabama, 531 1, 190 Turnipseed v. Hudson. 50 Mississippi. 429 19, 15 Turnham v. Shouse, 8 Dana, 3 xxxiii, 473 Turnpike Road Co. Y. Loomis, 32 N. Y. 127. .Ixxxviii. 311 Turpen v. Booth, 56 California, 65 38, 43 Tuipin Y. Thomas, 2Hening M. 139 lii, 615 Turrell v. Morgan. 7 Minnesota, 368 Ixxxii, 101 Tutein v. Hurley, 93 Massachusetts. 211 xciii. 154 Tutbill v. Scott, 43 Vermont. 525 5, 301 Tutt v. Brown, 5 Littell, 1 xv. 33 Tuttads. State, 2 Bailey'sLaw. 44. xxi, 533 Tuttle v. Bigelow, 1 Root, 103 i, 35 Tuttte v. Brown. 4 Gray, 457 Ixiv, 8D Tuttle Y. Catlin. 1 D. Chipman 333 xli, GDI Tuttle v. Everett, 51 Mississippi, 27 24, G22 Tuttle v. Hoag, 46 Missouri. 38 2,431 Tuttle v. Howe. 14 Minnesota. 145 Tuttle v. Jackson ex Dem. Hills, 6 Wendell, 213. .xxi, 306 Tuttle v. Russell. 2 Day, 201 ii, 89 Tuttle v. Standish and Trustees. 4 Allen, 481..1xxxi, 713 Tuttle v. Strout, 7 Minnesota. 465 Ixxiii, 103 Tuttle v. Travellers' Ins. Co., 134 Mass. 175 45, 318 Tuttle v. Tuttle, 12 Metcalf, 551 xlvi, 701 Tuttle Y. White, 46 Michigan. 4S5 41,175 Tuxworth v. Moore, 9 Pickering, 347 xx, 479 Tweed v. Liscomb. 60 New York, 559 19, 211 Tweedy ads. State Bank, 8 Blackford, 447 xlvi, 436 Twelves v. Williams, 3 Wharton, 485 xxxi, 542 Twiggv. Ryland. C2 Maryland. 330 30,223 Twitchellv. Shaw, 10 Gushing, 46. Mi, 80 Twittyads. State, 2 Hawks, 441 xi, 779 Twomley v. Central P\rk etc. R. Co., 69 New York. 153 25, 162 Twymau v. Hawley, 24 Gratt. 512 18,661 Tyler v. Baacher. 41 Vermont. 643 8,333 Tyler v. Carlton, 7 Greenleaf, 175 xx, 357 Tyler Y. Green, 23 California, 405 Ixxxvii, 130 Tyler v. Hammersley, 44 Connecticut, 393 26, 471 Tyler v. Hammersley, 44 Connecticut, 419 'iiJ, 473 Tylerv. Morris, 4Dev & Bat. L. 437 xxxiv, 335 Tylerv. People, Breese. 233 xii, 176 Tylerv. State, 2 Humphreys, 37 xxxvi. 233 Tyler v. Stevens, 4 New Hampshire, 116. xvii, 404 Tyler Y. Young, 2 Scammon, 444 xxxv, 116 Tyler Y. Western IT. Tel. Co.. 60 Illinois. 421 II, 33 Tylor Y. Thompson, 44 Texas, 497 23, 600 Tymannus v. Williams, 7 Humphrey, 80 xlvi, C9 Tynan v. Paschal, 27 Texas, 236 Ixxxiv, 619 Tynan v. Walker. 35 California, 634 xcv, 152 Tyner Y. Stoops, 11 Indiana, 22 Ixxi, 341 Tyree v. Williams, 3 Bibb, 365 191 TABLE OP OASES. Tyr Tal Roman l^ttDrs fxlii] rsfsr to volumes of American Decisioas, and Arabic figures [13] to American Reports. Tyree T. Wilson, 9 Grattari, 5? Iviii. 213 Tyson v A:.. II. Co., 61 Ala. 534. ...3?, 3 Tyson T. Passmoro, 2 Psan. State, 122 xliv, 131 Tyson v. Kiekard. 3 Harris & J. 133 v, 421 Tyson T. State Bank, 6 Blackford, 225 xxxviii, 139 Tyus v. Eust, 37 Georgia, 574 xcv. 365 Uecker v. Ko3ha. 21 NebrasL-a, 559 53,843 Uhlv. DUlion, 10 Maryland, 503 lx:x, 172 TTliue v. N. T. C. & H. R. R., 53 Am. Rep. 123. . .51, 661 Ullman v. Lion, 8 Minnesota, 331 Ixxxiii, 733 Ullman v. State. 1 Texas Ct, App. 220 28, 435 Ulmerv. Lelaacl, 1 Greenleaf . 135 x, 43 Ulster Co. Sav. Ins. v. L ;ake, 73 New York, 161. . .23, 115 Umlaut v. Umlauf. 117 Illinois, 530 57,833 Underbill v. Gibson, 2 New Hampshire, 352 ix. 82 Underwool v. Brockman, 4 Dana, 333 xxix, 437 Underwood v. French, 6 Oregon, 63 2.">, 533 Underwood v. HcDuffse, 15 Michigan, 361 xciii, 134 Underwood v. Newport Lyceum, 5 B. Monroe, 123. xli, 233 Undarwood T. People. 32 M.chigan, 1 30, 633 Underwood v. Stuyvesant, 13 Johnson, 131 x, 215 Underwood ads. State, 43 Maine, 131 Ixxvii, 254 Uagerv. Mooney, 63 California, 536 49, 103 Union Bank v. Hyde. 7 Robinson (La.),:418 xli, 233 Union Bank v. Knapp, 3 Pickering, 96 XT, 181 Union Bank T. Lea, 7 Robinson (La.), 76 xli, 75 Union Bank v. Meeker, 4 Louisiana An. 139 1, 553 Union Bank v. Planters' B'k etc., 9 Gill & J. 433.xxxi, 113 Union Bank v. Powell, 3 Florida, 175 lii, 337 Union Bank T. Stone, 53Miins, 593 Ixxix, 631 Union Bank v. Willis, S Metcalf . 534 xli, 541 Union Bank of La. v. Coster, 3 N. T. (3 Com.) 203..1:ii, 233 Union Canal Co. v. Young, 1 Wharton, 410 xxx, 212 Union Cen. L. I. Co. v. Cheever, 33 Ohio St. 201. .331 573 Union Central L. I. Co. v. Pottker, 33 O. St. 453.. 31, 553 Union Ch. of Africans v. Sanders, 1 Houst. 100.... Ixiii, 187 Union Depot, etc. Co. v. Brunswick, 31 Minn. 297.47, 733 Union Dims Savings Ins. v. Wilmot. 94 N. Y. 221 .40, 137 Union Fire las. Co. v. Commonw., 5 Mass. 233 ....iv, 53 Union Hotel Co. v. Hersee. 79 New York, 454 35, 533 Union Ins. Co. v. Grant, 63 Maine, 229 28, 42 Union Ins. for Savings v. Boston, 129 Mass. 82 37, 335 Union Locks and Canal Co. v. Towne. 1 N. H. 44.viii, 32 Union Mut. Ins. Co. v. Campbell, 95 Illinois, 267.. 35, 163 Union Mut. L. I. Co. v. Frear Stone Manuf. Co., 97 Illinois, 537 37,129 Union Mat. Fire. Ins. Co. v. Keyssr, 32 N. H. 313..1x;v, 375 Union Mut. L. I. Co. v. Reif, 36 Ohio St. 596.38...., 613 Union Nat. Bank v. Oceana Co. Bank, 80 HI. 212.3?, 135 Union Nat. Bank v. Rowan, 23 S. C. 339 55, 26 Union Nat. Bank v. Sixth Nat. Bank, 43 New York, 452 3,713 Union P. R'y Co. v. Beatty, 35 Kansas. 265 57, lf>0 Union P. R'y Co. v. Nichols, 8 Kansas. 505 12, 475 Union S. Co. v. Nottiushams, 17 Gratt. 115 xci, 373 Union T. v. Smith, 33 Iowa, 9 18, 39 Union, Town of v. Bermes, 15 Vroom, 269 43, 369 Union Trust Co. v. Monticello etc. R. R. Co., 63 New York. 311 20,541 Union Water Company v. Crary, 25 CaL 504.. .Ixxxv, 145 United Companies v. Weldon. 47 N. J. L. 59 54, 114 United L. F. etc. Ins. Co. v. Foote, 22 Ohio State, 340 10,735 United Soc. of S. v. Underwood, 11 Bush, 265 21, 214 United Soc. of S. T. Underwood, 9 Bush, 609 15, 731 United States v. Cottingham, 1 Rob. (Va.), 615. . . .xl, 710 United States T. Guiteau, 1 Mackey, 498 47, 24 U. S. T. Ferguson, 16 Missouri, 253 Ivii, 233 U.S.v. Lee, 4 Mackey, 489: 51,293 U. S. T. Morgan, Morris, 341 x'i, 234 U. S. y. Murdock, 13 Louisiana, 335 Ixxxix, 651 Unit:d States v. Murphy. MacArthur and Mack, 373 48,754 U. S. T. Sacramento, 2 Mont. 233 25, 743 U. S. v. Simpson, 3 Penrose & Watts, 437 xxiv, 331 U. S. v. Vaushan, 3 Binney, 334 T. 375 U. S. v. White. 2 Hill (N. Y.), 53 xxxrii, 374 U. S. Dank v. Beirne, 1 Grattaa. 234 xlii, 551 U. S. Bank v. Fleckner, SMartia, 333 xiii, 2^7 U. S. Bank v. Lane, 3 Haw'-as. 452 xiv. 5"5 U. S. Bank v. Marie, 2 Robinson (La.), 117.... xxxviii, 231 U. S. Bank v. Patton. 5 Howard, 230 xxxv, 423 U. S. Bank v. Sill, 5 Connecticut, 108 xiii. 41 U. S. Banl v. Southard, 2 Harrison (N. J.), 473.xxxv. 521 United States F. & M. Ins. Co. T. Kimberly, 34 Maryland, 224 6,325 United States R. S. Co. v. Atlantic & G. W. R. R. Co.. 34 Ohio State, 453 32,380 U. S. TeL Co. v. Gildersleve, 23 Maryland, 232..xcvi, 519 U. S. Tel. Co. v. Wenger, 55 Perm. St. 262 xciii, 751 United States Trust Co v. Lee, 73 Illinois, 142... .24, 236 Universal L. Ins. Co. v. Whitehead, 53 Miss. 226. .38, 323 Dmversalist Church v. Trustees, 6 Ohio, 445 . . . .xxvii, 267 University v. North Carolina R. R. Co., 76 North Carolina, 103 22,671 University of Des Moines v. Livingston, 57 Iowa, 307 42, 43 University of Md. v. Wiliiams, 9 GUI & J., 3:5. . .xxxi, 72 University of Vt. v. Reynold's Ex'r. 3 Vt. 512. . .xxiii, 234 Unknown He rs v. Kimball, 4 Indiana, 543 Iviii, 638 Upaam v. Hamill, 11 Rhode Island. 565 23, 525 Uprichard ads. Commonwealth, 3 Gray, 434 Ixiii, 762 Upshaw v. Upshaw, 2 Hening & M. 333 iii. 632 Upson v. Arnold, 19 Georgia, 190 Ixiii, 302 Upson v. Horn, 3 Strobhart's Law, 108 xlix, 633 Upton v. Archer, 41 California. 85 10, 266 Upton v. Hubbard, 23 Connecticut, 274 Ixxiii, 670 Upton v. Suffolk Co. Mills. 11 Gushing, 536 lix, 163 Upton v. Vail, 6 Johnson, 131 v, 210 Urich's Appeal. So Pennsylvania State, 336 27, 707 Unney's Executors v. Wooden, 1 Ohio State, 160. .lix, 615 Urquhardt v. City of Ogdensburg, 91 N. Y. 67. .. .43, 655 Urquharts v. Robinson, 1 Martin, 233 v, 710 Usher v. Hazeltine. 5 Greealeaf, 471 xvii, 233 Usher v. Pease, 116 Massachusetts, 440 22, 169 Usher v. Severance, 23 Maine, 9 xxxvii, 33 UticaBank v. Bender, 21 Wendell. 643 xxxiv. 231 Utica Bank v. City of Utica, 4 Paige, 339 xxvii, 71 Utica Bank v. Finch, 3 Barb. Ch. 293 xlix, 175 Utica Bank v. Mersereau, 3 Barb. Ch, 523. xlix, 189 Utica Bank v. Smaller, 2 Cowen, 770 xiv, 526 Utica Ins. Co. ads. People, 15 Johnson, 353 viii, 243 Utica etc. R. R. v. Brinckerhoff, 21 Wend. 139... xxxiv, 22& Utley v. Smith, 24 Connecticut, 230 Ixiii, 16$ Utleyv. Smith, 7Vermont, 154 xxix. 152- Uzzell v. Mack, 4 Humphreys, 319 xl, 643 Vailv. Durant, 7 Allen, 433 Ixxxiii, 695 Vail v. Lewis, 4 Johnson, 450 iv, 300 Vail v. Loag Island R. R. Co. , 106 N. Y. 233 60, 449 Vairin v. Hobson, 8 Louisiana, 50 xxviii, 125 Valencia v. Couch, 32 Calif ornia, 339 xci. 589 Valentine v. Boston, 22 Pickering, 75 xxxiii, 711 Valentine v. Conner, 40 New York, 248 .c, 478 Valentine v. Wheeler, 122 Massachusetts, 566 23, 404 Valentine v. Cooley, Meigs, 613 xxxiii, 166 Valentine v. Foster, 1 Metcalf, 520 xxxv, 377 Valentiae v. Piper, 22 Pickering, 85 xxxiii, 715 Valle v. Cerre's Administrator, 33 Mo. 575. . .Ixxxviii, 161 Valle v. Fleming. 13 Missouri, 454 Ixi, 566 Valle v. Fleming, 23 Missouri, 152 Ixxvii, 557 Tal Tas TABLE OF CASES. 192 Roman letters [slli] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Valle T. State. 9 Tex. Ct. App. 57 33,719 Valparaiso, City of v. Gardner, 97 Indiana, 1 49, 416 Valsain v. Cloutier, 3 Louisiana, 170 xrii. 179 Vanada T. Hopkins. 1J. J. Marshall, 285 xix, 92 Van Alenv. Rogers, 1 Johnson's Cases, 281 i, 113 Van Alen T. Vanderpool, 6 Johnson, 69 v, 192 Van Amburg T. Vicksburg S. & P. R. R. Co.. 37 La. An. C50 55,517 Van Amrinse v. Morton. 4 Wharton, 3S2 xxxiv, 517 Vananken T. Hornbeck, 2 Green's Law, 173 xrv, 509 Van Antwerp T. Newman, 4Cowen. 82 XT, 340 Van Benschooten T. Lawson, 6 Johns. Ch. 313 x, 333 Van Bergen v. Van Bergen, 3 Johns. Ch. 282.^..vui, 511 Van Beuren v. Wilson, 9 Cowen, 158 *.xviii, 431 Vanbibberr. Sawyers, 10 Humphreys, 81 li, 694 Vanbibber & Co. T. Bank of La., 14 La. An. 481...1xxiv, 412 Van Blaricum v. People, 16 Illinois, 364 Ixiii, 316 Van Bracklin v. Fonda, 12 Johnson, 463 vii, 333 Van Bramer T Hoffman, 2 Johnson's Cases, 200. . . .i, 1 "2 Van Brunt T. Pike, 4 Gill, 270 xlv. 123 Van Brunt v. Vaughn, 47 Iowa, 145 29, 463 Vanbuskirk T. Hartf. F. Ins. Co., 14 Conn. 141. xxxvi, 473 Van Buskirk v. Harden, 22 Illinois, 446 Ixxiv, 1G3 VanCampenv. Snyder, 3 How. (Miss.), 66 mii, 311 Vance v. Blair, 13 Ohio, 532 li, 4:7 Vance T. Erie, 22 New Jersey L. 334 xc, 665 Vance T. Throckmorton, 5 Bush, 41 xcvi, 31'7 Vance's Heirs v. McNairy, 3 Terser, 171 xriv. 553 Vanchv. Hall, 2 Pennington, 573 iv, 330 Van CleTe ads. People, 1 Michigan, 3G2 i:ii, 69 Vandegraaff T. Medloek, 3 Porter, 339 xxix, 256 Vandegriftv. Rediker, 2 Zabriskie, 185 li. 262 Vandenburgh T. Truax. 4 Denio. 464 xlvii, 233 Vandenheufel v. United Ins. Co., 2 Johns. Gas. 45J.i, 13D Vanderbilt v. Richm. T. Co.. 2 N. Y. (2Comst.),473.1i, 315 Vanderheyden T. Vanderheyden, 2 Paige Ch. 287. xxi, 86 Vanderhorst v. Bacon. 33 Michigan, 669 31, 308 Vanderhost v. McTaggart, 1 Brevard. 269 ii, 6C7 Vanderpool v. O'Hanlon. 53 Iowa, 246 33, 216 Vandersmissen and Wife, Ex parte, 4 Rich. Eq. 3: Vanderzee v. McGregor, 12 Wendell, 545 xxvii, 153 Vanderzeev. Slingerland, 103New York, 47 57, 701 Van Deusen v. Blum, 13 Pickering, 223 rxix, 532 Vandever's Appeal, 8 Watts & Serg. 4D5 xlii. 335 Vandever's Adm'rs v. Freeman, 20 Texas, 333 Ixx, 3D1 Vandine v. Burpee, 13 Metcalf, 238 xlvi, 733 Vandine, Petitioner, 6 Pickering, 187 xrii, 351 VanDoranv. Tjader, 1 Nevada, 380. xc. 498 Van Doren T. Everett, 2 Southard, 460 viii, 615 Van Doren v. Olden, 19 New Jersey Eq. 176....xcvii. 650 Van Doren v. Van Doren, 2 Pennington, 637 iv.43 VanDresorv. King. 34Penn. State, 201 Uxv, 643 Van Dusen v. Star Quartz M. Co., 36 Califor- nia, 571 xcv. 209 Van Duzer v. Van Dozer, 6 Paige's Ch. 306 xxii, 237 Van Dyke v. Johns, 1 Delaware Ch. 93 xii, 76 VanEppsv. Harrison, 5 Hill (N. Y.), 63 xl. 314 VanEppsv. Van Deusen, 4 Paige Ch. 64. xxv, 516 'Van Eps v. Schenectady. 12 Johns. 436 vii. 330 Van Etta v. Evenson, 23 Wisconsin, 33 9, 436 Van Etten v. Hurst. 6 Hill (X. Y.). 311 xli, 748 Van Every v. Fitzgerald, 21 Nebraska, 36 59,835 VanFossenv. State. 37 Ohio State. 317 41,507 Van Hem v. Taylor, 7 Robinson (La.). 201 xli, 273 Van Heusen v. Radcliff, 17 New York, 580 Ixxii, 480 Van Hook v. Selma, 70 Alabama, 361 45, 85 Van Hook v. Simmons, 25 Texas Supp. 323 Ixxviii, 573 Van Hook v. Somerville M. Co., 1 Hals. Ch. 633. . .xlv, 401 Van Hook v. Whitlock, 25 Wendell, 43 xxxrii. 246 Vanhooser v. Logan, 3 Scammon. 389 xxrviii, 90 Van Horn v. Bell, 11 Iowa, 465 Ixxix, 506 Vanhorn v. Des Moines, 63 Iowa. 447 50, 733 Vanhorn v. Harrison, 1 Dallas, 137 i, 223 Van Horn v. People. 46 Michigan, 1S3 41, 159 Van Horn v. Rucker. 33 Missouri, 391 Ixxxiv, 53 Van Horn v. Taylor, 2 Louisiana An. 537 xlvi, 538 Van Home v. Campbell, 100 New York, 2S7 53, 1C6 Van Home Y. McLaren. SPaige, 235 xxxv, 685 Van Houten v. State, 46 New Jersey Law, 16 50, 397 Van Houten ads. Stats. 2 Pennington, 672 iv, 407 Van Houten, Matter of, 2 Green's Ch. 223 xxix, 707 Van Keuren v. Parmelee. 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.). 523. . .lj, 323 Vankirk v. Pennsylvania R. R. Co.. 76 Pennsyl- vania St. 66 18,404 Van Lenven v. Lyke, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst.), 515 xlix, 348 Vann v. Hargett, 2 Dev. &Bat. Eq. 31 v. Vannice v. Bergen, 16 Iowa, 555 Ixxxv. "31 Vanorden v. Johnson, 1 McCartsr. 376 Jsxxii, 254 Van Orden v. Van Orden, 10 Johnson. 33 '. . . . .vi, 314 Van Orden v. Sauvinet, 24 Louisiana An. 119 13, 115- Vannoyv. Martin, 6 IredeU's Eq. 169 Van O'Linda v. Lothrop, 21 Pickering, 232 x : Van Pelt v. Davenport, 42 Iowa, 303 20, C23 VanRaugh v. Van Arsdain, 3 Caines, 154 Van Rensselaer v. Bradley. 3 Denio, 135 xlv, 451 Van Rensselaar v. Clark. 17 Wendell, 25 xxxi. 230 Van Rensselaer v. Hays, 13 New York, 63 Ixiv, 278 Van Rensselaer v. Jewett. 6 Hill (N. Y ), 373 xli. 753 Van Rensselaer v. Jewett. 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.). 135. .li, C75 Van Rensselaer v. Radcliff. 10 Wendell. 639 xxv , 533 Van Riper v. Parsons. 11 Vroom. 123 2J>, CIO Van Riper v. Van Riper, 1 Southard, 156 Van Sandt v. Dows, 63 Iowa, 534 Van' Steenburgh v. Tobias, 17 Wendell. 5:2 xsxi, 310 Van Sickel v. Buffalo, 13 XV 1?, 753 Van Sb ke v. Tremi>ealeau Ins. Co., 39 Wis. 390. . .20, 50 Van Steenwyck v. Washburn, 53 Wisconsin, 4;3..48, 532 Van Storch v. Winslow. 13 Rhode Island, 23 43, 10 Van Tassel v. Capron, 1 Denio, 25? -. Van Tuyl ads. Commonwealth, 1 Matcalfe, 1 Ixxi, 433 Vanuxem v. Hazlehursts. 1 Southar.l, 1 ? Van Vacter v. Flack. 1 Sraeii Van Valkenburgh v. Brown. 43 California, 43 : Van Valkinburgh v. Watson. 13 Johnson, 4 Van Vechten v. Hopkins, 5 Johnson, 211 Van Vechtenv. Paddock, 12 Johnson, 178 vii. 3 3 Van Vleet v. Olin. 4 Nevada, 93 xcrii. 513 Van Vliet v. Jones. 1 Spencer, 340 xliii, 633 Van Voorhis v. BrintnaU. So Now York. 13 40, 505 Van Wert, Board of Education, v. Edson, 13 Ohio State, 221 icviii.114 Van Winkle v. Johnson. 11 Oregon, 469 50, 135 VanWormer v. Crane. 51 Michigan, 333 47, 532 Van Wyck v. Allen, 69 New York. 61 25, 136 Van Zandt v. Mut.ial B. L. Ins. Co., 55 N y. 169.14, 215 Varble v Bigley, 14 Bush, 603 : '>, 435 Varden v. Mount, 73 Kentucky, 86 39,208 Vargas v. Newhall. 15 Maine, 314 xxiiii, C17 Varick v. Jackson. 2 Wendell, 106 xix, 571 Varickv. Smith, 5 Paige Ch. 137 xxviii. 417 Vamedoe v. State, 75 Georgia, 131 58, 405 Varner v. Nobleborough. 2 Greenleaf , 121 xi. 43 Varney v. Manchester, 53 New Hampshire, 430. . .40, f 92 Varney v. Varney. 52 Wisconsin, 120 38, 726 Varnum v. Abbot, 12 Massachusetts. 474 vii, 87 Varnum v. Camp. 1 Green Law. 326 xxv. 476 Vasqnez v. Ewing, 24 Missouri, 31 Ixvi, 694 Vass v. Commonwealth, 3 Leigh, 733 sxiv. G95 Vaae v. Freeman, 3 Jones' Eq. 221 Ixix, 734 Vasser v. Henderson, 40 Mississippi, 519 xc. 351 193 TABLE OP CASES. Tad-Wag Eoman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Vastine v. Wilding, 45 Missouri, 89 c, 347 Vater v. Lewis, 35 Indiana, 238 10, 29 Vaughan v. Eacon, 13 Maine, 455 xxxiii, 628 Vaughanv. Cravens, 1 Head, 103 Ixxiii, 163 Vaughan v. Fowler, 14 South Carolina, 335 37, 731 Vaughan v. Murfreesboro, 96 North Carolina, 317.60, 413 Vaughan T. Phebe, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 1 xvii, 770 Vaughan v. Rhodes, 2 M'Cord, 227 xiii, 713 Vaughen v. Haldeman, 33 Penn. State, 522 Ixxv, 622 Vaughn v. Barret, 5 Vermont, 333 xxvi, 306 Vaughn v. Brown, 9 Arkansas, 20 xlvii, 730 Vaughn v. Congdon, 50 Vermont, 111 48, 753 Vaughn v. Perine, 2 Pennington, 723 iv, 411 Vaughn v. Tracy, 23 Missouri, 313 Ixix, 471 Vaussev. Lee.lffilKS. C.), 107 xxvi, 153 Vawter v. Missouri Pac. R'y Co., 84 Missouri, 670.54, 105 Veasey v. Gra'oani, 17 Georgia, 99 Ixiii, 223 Veatch v. State, 55 Indiana, 534 26, 44 Veerkamp v. Hulburd C. & D. Co., 53 Cal. 229. . . .41, 265 Venable v. Beauchamp, 3 Dana, 321 xxviii. 74 Venice v. Woodruff. C2 New York, 462 20, 495 .Verdier v. Youngblood, Rich Eq. Ca. 220 xxiv. 417 Vermilya v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co., 66 la. 606.55, 279 Vermont Bank v. Porter, 5 Day, 316 v, 157 Vermont University v. Reynolds, 3 Vt. 542 xxiii, 234 Vermont & Mass. R. R. Co. v. Fitchburg R. R. Co., 14 Allen, 462 xcii, 785 Vernon, County of v. Stewart, 64 Missouri, 408.. 2 T, 250 Vernon ads. People, 35 California, 49 xcv, 49 Vernon's Trustee v. Hills, 6 Cowen, 23 xvi, 429 Verplaak v. Sterry, 12 Johnston, 533 vii, 343 Verry v. McClellan, 6 Gray, 535 Ixvi, 423 Verry v. Robinson, 23 Indiana, 14 Ixxxvii, 346 Versailles v. Hall, 5Louisiana, 281 xxv, 178 Vest v. Michie, 31 Gratt. 149 31,722 Vicary v. Moore, 2 Watts, 451 xxvii, 323 Vick v. Mayor of Vicksburg, 1 How. (Miss.), 379.xxxi, 167 Vick v. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Co., 95 New York, 267.47, 36 Vickv. Percy, 7 Smedes & M. 256 xlv, 303 Vickery v. Hobbs, 21 Texas, 570 Ixxiii, 238 Vicksburg & M. R. Co. v. Lowry, 61 Miss. 102 48, 76 Vicksburg, City of v. Hennessy, 54 Miss. 331 28, 354 Vicksburg & J. R. R. Co. v. Patton, 31 Miss. 156. .Ixvi, 552 Vicksburg & M. R. Co. v. McGowan, 62 Miss. 632 . .52, 205 Viele v. Germania Ins. Co., 26 Iowa, 9 xcvi 83 Vierheller's Appeal, 24 Penn. State, 105 Ixii, 365 Viets v. Union Nat. B'k. 101 New York. 5S3 54, 743 Vigers v. Carlon, 14 Louisiana, 89 xxxiii, 575 Vigers v. Ocean Ins. Co., 12 La. 352 xxxii, 118 Vigo Agric. Soc. v. Brumfiel, 102 Indiana, 146. ...52, 637 Vigoreaux v. Lime Rock Ins. Co., 59 Maine, 457. .. 8, 428 Vilas v. New York C. Ins. Co., 72 New York, 590. .28, 136 Vilas ads. People, 36 New York, 459 xciii, 520 Village of . See Name of Village. Village of Mankato v. Willard, 13 Minn. 1 xcvii, 208 Villard v. Robert, 2 Strobhart's Equity, 40 xlix, 654 Vinal v. Gilman, 21 West Virginia, 301 45, 5^2 Vincent, Expartc, 2G Alabama, 145 Ixii, 714 Vincent v. Cornell, 13 Pickering, 294 xxiii, 683 Vincent v. Michel, 7 Louisiana, 52 xxvi, 495 Vincent v. Rather, 31 Texas, 77 xcviii, 516 Vincent v. Stinehour, 7. Vermont, 62 xxix, 145 Vincent ads. State, 24 Iowa, 570 xcv, 753 Vinson v. Beveridge, 3 McArthur, 597 30, 113 Vintou's Appeal, 99 Pennsylvania State, 434 44, 116 Vintonv. Baldwin, S3 Indiana, 104 45, 447 Vinton v. Bradford, 13 Massachusetts, 113 vii, 119 Vinton v. Middlesex R. R. Co., 11 Allen, 304. Ixxxvii, 714 Vioiett v. Powell, 10 B. Monroe, 347 lii, 548 Visalia v.Jacob, 65 California, 434 52,303 ISDKX A.D. & A. R. 13, I Vischerads. People exrel. McMillan, 9 Cal. 365... Ixx, 655 | Vivian v. Otis, 24 Wisconsin, 513 1,199 Vogel v. Mayor etc. of New York, 92 N. Y. 10. . . .44, 349 Vogel v. Melms, 31 Wisconsin, 336 11,608 Vogel's Succession, 16 Louisiana An. 139 Ixxix, 571 Vogle v. Ripper, 34 Illinois. 100 Ixxxv, 298 Volans v. Owea, 74 New York, 526 30, 337 Voltz, Exparte, 37 Indiana, 175 10, 86 Von Baumbach v. Bade, 9 Wisconsin, 559, Ixxvi, 283 Von Phul v. Sloan, 2 Robinson (La.) 143 xxxviii, 207 Voorhees v. Earl, 2 Hill (N. Y.), 283 xxxviii, 533 Voorhees '. Voorhees, 39 New York, 463 c, 453 Voorhies v. Chicago, R. I. & P. R'y Co., 71 la. 735.00, 823 Voorhies v. Frisbie, 25 Michigan, 476 12, 201 Voorhis v. Freeman, 2 Watts & Serg. 116 xxxvii, 490 Vore v. Hurst, 13 Indiana, 551 Ixxiv, 268 Vosburgh v. Lake Shore & M. S. R. Co., 94 New York, 374 46,148 Vosburgh v. Moak, 1 Cushing, 4"3 xlviii, 613 Vosev.Dolan, 108 Massachusetts, 153 11,331 Vose v. Handy, 2 Greenleaf, 322 xi, 101 Vose v. Morton, 4 Cushing, 27 1, 750 Vose v. Singer, 4 Allen, 227 Ixxxi, 696 Voss v. German Amer. B'k, 83 Illinois, 599 25, 415 Voss v. Richmond, 18 Gratt. 333 xcviii. 646 Vossel v. Cole, 10 Missouri. 634 xlvii, 136 Vroom v. Van Home, 10 Paige, 543 xlii, 94 Vrooman v. McKaig, 4 Maryland. 433 lix, 85 Vrooman v. Turner, 69 New York, 230 25, 195 W v. W , 141 Massachusetts. 495 55, 491 Wabash, St. L. & P. R'y Ca v. Farver, 111 In- diana, 195 60,696 Wabash, St. L. & P. R'y Co. v. Peyton, 103 111. 534.46, 705 Wabash, St. L. & P. R'y Co. v. Shacklet, 105 Illi- nois, 364 44,791 Wabash & E. C. Co. v. Spears, 13 Iml. 411 Ixxix, 444 Wachstetter v. State, 93 Indiana, 21U 50, 94 Wachtel v. Noah W. & O. Soc., 81 N. Y. 23 38, 478 Wack v. Sorber, 2 Wharton, 3_7 xxx, 269 Waddell v. Cook, 2 Hill ( N. Y. ) . 47 xxxvii, 372 Waddell v. Glassell, 13 Alabama, 5J1 liv, 170 Waddingham v. Loker, 44 Missouri, 132 c, 260 Wade v. American Col. Soc., 7 Smedss & M. 663. .xTv, 324 Wade v. Chaff ee, 8 Rhode Island. 224 5, 572 Wadev. Clark, 52 Iowa, 153 35,262 Wadev. Colvert, 2 Mill, 27 xii. 632 Wade v. Greenwood, 2 Robinson ( Va.). 474 xl, 759 Wade v. Johnson, 5 Humphreys, 117 xlii, 422 Wadev. Jones, 20 Missouri, 75 Ixi, 584 Wade v. Kalbfleisch, 53 New York, 232 1 7, 250 Wadev. Mason, 12 Gray, 335 Ixxiv, 597 Wade v. Moffett. 21 Illinois. 110 Ixxiv, 79 Wadev. N. O. Canal etc. Co., 8 Rob. (La.). 140.... xli. 296 Wade v. Pettibone, 11 Ohio, 57 xxxvii, 408 Wadleigh v. Gilman, 12 Maine, 403 xxviii, 188 Wadleigh v. Glines, 6 New Hampshire, 17 xxiii, 705 Wadleigh v. Janvrin, 41 New Hamp. 503 Ixxvii, 780 Wadleigh T. Town of Sutton, 6 New Hamp. 15. .xxiii, 704 Wadsworth v. Allen, 8 Grattan, 174 Ivi, 137 Wadsworthv. Lyon, 93 New York, 201 45,190 Wadsworth v. Sharpsteen. 8 N. Y. (4 Selden,) 383. .lix, 499 Wadsworth v. Smith, 11 Maine, 273 xxvi, 525 Wadsworth v. Tillotson, 15 Connecticut, 366...xxxix. 391 Wadsworthv. Walliker, 45 Iowa. 395 24,788 Wafer v. Pratt, 1 Robinson (La.), 41 xxxvi, 681 Waffle v. N. Y. Central R. R. Co., 53 N. Y. 11.... 13, 467 Wagers v. Dickey, 17 Ohio, 439 xlix. 467 Waggoner v. Jermaine, 3 Denio, 306 xlv, 474 Wagner v. Cleveland etc. R. R. Co., 22 Ohio St. 563 M.770 Wai TABLE OF CASES. 194 Boman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Wagner T. Cohen, 6 Gill, 97 xlvi, 650 Wagner v. Ellis, 7 Penn. State. 411 xlvii. 515 Wagner v. Hanna, 33 California, 111 xcix. 354 Wagnerv. State, 107 Indiana, 71 57, 73 Wagonerv. State. 5 Lea, 352 40, 36 Wainwright v. Straw, 15 Vermont, 215 xl. 675 Wainwright v. Webster. 11 Vermont, 576 xxxiv, 707 Wait v. Maxwell, 5 Pickering, 217 xvi. 391 Wait T. Richardson, 33 Vermont, 190 . . .IxiTiii, C22 Wait T. Pomeroy, 2) Michigan, 425 4,303 Wait. Appellant, 7 Pickering, 100 xix. 262 Waite v. Leggett. 8 Cowen, 195 xriii. 441 Waite v. Merrill. 4 Greenleaf, 102 IT i. 233 Waite ads. Commonwealth. 11 Allen, 264 Ixxxvii, 7H Waitt v. Thompson, 43 Sew Hampshire, 161 Ixxx, 13 J Wakefield T. Campbell. 20 Maine. 393 xxxvii. 60 Wakefield v. Conn. etc. R. R. Co.. 37 Vt. 330. ..lixivi, 711 Wakefield T. Newell, 12 Rhode Island, 75 34, 593 Wakeman v. Chambers, 69 Iowa, 169 58, 213 Wakeman v. Dalley, 51 New York, 27 10,551 Wakeman T. Wheeler & W. Mfg. Co., 101 New York. 205 54,676 Walbridgev. Day. 31 Illinois, 379 Ixxxiii, 227 Waldele v. New York C. & Hudson R. R. R. Co., 95 New York. 274 47, 41 Waldenv. Davison, 11 Wendell, 65. xxv, 602 Walden Y. La. Ins. Co.. 12 Louisiana. 134. xxxii. 116 Waldenv. Leroy, 2 Caines, 263 ii. 233 Walden v. Murdock, 23 California, 540 Ixxxiii, 135 Walden v. Peters, 2 Robinson (La.), 331 xxxviii. 213 Walden v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 5 Johnson, 310 iv, 353 Waldronv. Chase, 37 Maine, 414 lix, 56 Waldron v. Turpin, 15 Louisiana, 552. xxxv. 210 Wales v. Stetson, 2 Massachusetts, 143 iii. 39 Walker v. Brown, 3 Bush, 686 xcvi, 277 Walker v. Brown, 23 Illinois, 378 Ixxxi, 287 Walkerv. Cassaway, 4 La. Ann. 19 1.551 Walker v. Cincinnati, 21 Ohio St. 14 8, 24 Walker v. Coleman, 81 Illinois. 390 23,255 Walkerv. Comm.. 18 Gratt., 13 xcviii, 631 Walker v. Crawford, 56 Illinois, 444 8, 701 Walkerv. Dunbar, 7 Martin, N. S., 586 xviii. 218 Walkerv. Dunlop, 5Haywood,271 ix, 737 Walker v. Egbert, 29 Wisconsin. 194 9,548 Walkerv. Emerson, 20 Texas, 706 Ixxiii, 207 Walkerv. Forbes. 25 Alabama, 139 Ix. 498 Walker v. Furbush, 11 Gushing. 366 lix. 143 Walkerv. Geisse. 4 Wharton, 252 xxxiii, 60 Walker v. Hall, 15 Ohio State, 355. Ixxxvi, 432 Walker v. Herring, 21 Gratt. 678 8,616 Walker v. Hunt, 2 West Virginia, 491 xcviii, 779 Walker v. Lide, 1 Richardson's Law, 249 xliv, 252 Walker v. Lovell, 23 New Hampshire, 138. Ixi, 605 Walkerv. Marshall, 7 Iredell's Law, 1 xlv, 502 Walker v. McDowell, 4 Smedes & M. 118 xliii. 476 Walkerv. McKnight, 15 B. Monroe, 467 Ixi, 190 Walker v. Old Colony & N. R'y Co.. 103 Mass. 10. . 4, 509 Walker v. Osgood. 98 Massachusetts. 348 xdii, 168 Walker v. Quigg, 6 Watts, 87 xxxi, 452 Walker v. Queen Ins. Co. 127 Massachusetts, 306.34, 373 Walkerv. Roirers. 40 Illinois. 278 Ixxxix. 343 Walker v. Shepardson. 2 Wisconsin. 384 Ix. 423 Walker v. Shepardson, 4 Wisconsin, 486 Ixv, 324 Walkerv. Simpson, 7 Watts &Serg. 83 xlii. 216 Walkerv. Skipwith. Meigs, 502 xxxiii, 161 Walker v. State, 63 Alabama, 49 .'$.-,. 1 Walker v. State, 7 Texas Ct. App. 245 32, 595 Walker v. Stetson. 19 Ohio St. 400 2,405 Walker v. Stetson, 14 Ohio State, 89 Ixrxiv, 362 Walker v. Swartwout, 13 Johnson, 444 vii. 334 Walker v. Tirrel, 101 Massachusetts. 257 3, 358 Walker . U. S. Insurance Co.. 11 Serg. & R, 61. . .xiv. 610 Walker . Walker. 42 Illinois, 311 Ixxxix. 445 Walker . Walker 63 New Hampshire, 321 56, 514 Walker . Walker, 14 Ohio State, 157 Ixxxii, 474 Walker . Watrous, 8 Alabama. 493 xlii, 646 Walker .Wells, 17 Georgia, 547 Ixiii, 252 Walker . Wells, 25 Georgia, 141 Ixxi, 164 Walker . Wilkinson, 35 Alabama, 725 IxiTi, 315 Walker Wall,E . Woollen, 54 Indiana, 164 23,639 parte, 43 California, 279 17,425 Wall's Appeal, 111 Pennsylvania St. 460 3G, 238 Wallv. Hill, IB. Monroe. 290.., xxxvi, 578 Wallv. Hinds, 4 Gray, 256 Ixiv, 64 Wallv. Robson. 2 Nott & McC. 498 x, 623 Wallv. Simpson, 6 J. J. Marshall, 155 xxii. 75f Wallv. Schneider, 59 Wisconsin, 352 48,520 Wall v. State.51 Mississippi. 3% 24,640 Wallv. State. 18 Texas, 632 Ixx, 302 Wallv. Wall, 30 Mississippi, 91 Ixiv, 147 Wall v. Williams, 93 North Carolina, 327 53,458 Wallacev. Ah Sam, a California, 197 GO, 534 Wallace v. Battle. 21 Iowa, 346 Ixxxix. 584 Wallace v. Brown, 22 Arkansas, 118. Ixxvi, 421 Wallace v. Canaday, 4 Sneed, 364 Ixx, 250 Wallace v. Cannon, 38 Georgia. 199 xcv. 385 Wallace v. City of Muscatine, 4 G. Greene, 373. .. .Ixi, 131 Wallacev. Clarke. 2 Overton. 93 v, 654 Wallacev. Collins. 5 Arkansas. 41 xxxix, 359 Wallacev. De Pau, 1 Brevard, 252 ii, 662 Wallace v. De Young, 98 Illinois, 633 38,108 Wallace v. Duffield, 2 Serg. & R. 521 vii. 660 Wallacev. Finnegan. 14 Michigan, 170 xc, 243 Wallace v. Floyd. 29 Penn. State, 134 Ixxii, 620 Wallace v. Gwin. 15 Louisiana, 223 xxrv, 202 Wallace v. Hannum, 1 Humphreys, 443 xxxiv, 659 Wallace v. Harmstad, 15 Penn. State, 462. liii, 603 Wallacev. Holly. 13 Georgia, 339 Iviii, 518 Wallace v.Jewell. 21 Ohio St. 163 8, 43 Wallace v. Lawyer. 54 Indiana, 531 23, 651 Wallace v. Lark, 12 South Carolina, 576 32, 516 Wallace v. Long, 105 Indiana, 522 55, 222 Wallace v. Matthews, 39 Georgia. 617 xcix, 473 Wallace v. Maxwell, 10 Iredell's Law, 110 li.380 Wallacev. Menasha, 43 Wisconsin. 79 33,804 Wallace v. Merrimac R. & N. E. Co., 134 Massa- chusetts. 95 43,301 Wallacev. Shaffer, 12 Leigh, 622 xxxvii, 687 Wallace v. Townsend, 43 Ohio St. 537 54,829 Wallace v. Walker, 37 Georgia, 265 xcii. 70 Wallace v. Wortham, 25 Mississippi, 119 Ivii. 197 Wallen v. Huff, 3 Sneed, 82 Ixv, 49 Wallerv. Armisted. 2 Leigh. 11 xxi. 594 Wallerv. Demint, 1 Dana, 92 xxv. 134 Wallerv. Harris, 20 Wendell, 555 xxxii, 590 Wallerv. Todd. 3 Dana, 503 xxriii, 94 Wallerv. Waller. lGrattan.454 xlii. 564 Wallerstein v. Columbian Ins. Co., 44 N. Y. 204. . 4, 664 WaUey v.Schr. Liberty, 12 Louisiana, 98 xxxii, 114 Walling v. Kinnard, 10 Texas, 508 A Ix. 216 Walling v. Mayor, 5 Louisiana An. 660 lii, 608 Wallis v. Wallis, 4 Massachusetts, 135 iii. 210 Walls v. Bailey, 49 New York 464 10,407 Walls v. Walker. 37 California, 424 xcix. 290 Wally's Heirs v. Kennedy, 2 Yerger, 554 xxi v, 511 Walmsley v. Robinson. 63 Illinois, 41 14, 111 Wain v. Shearman, 8 Serg. & R. 357 xi, 624 Walnv. Thompson, 9 Serg. & R. 115 xi. 675 Walpole v. Elliot, 13 Indiana. 233 Ixxxi, 358 Walradt v. Brown, 1 GUman. 397 xli, 190 195 TABLE OF CASES. Wai War Roman letters [xlixj refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Walrod v. Manson. 23 Wisconsin, 393 xcix, 187 Walsh v. ^Etna Life Ins. Co., 30 Iowa. 133 6, 664 Walsh T. Blatchley, 6 Wisconsin, 422 Ixx, 469 Walsh v. Chicago etc. R'y Co. , 43 Wis. 23 24 , 376 Walsh v. Commonwealth, 89Tenn._St. 419 33, 771 "Walsh T. Dart, 23 Wisconsin, 334 xcix, 177 Walsh v. Gilmor, 3 Harris & J. 383 vi, 503 Walsh v. Homer, 10 Missouri, 6 xlv, 342 Walsh v. Kirkpatrick. 30 California, 202 Ixxxix, 85 Walsh v. Lennon, 93 Illinois, 27 38, 75 Walsh v. People, 65 Illinois, 58 16,569 Walsh v. Powers, 43 New York, 23 3,654 Walsh v. Walsh, 116 Massachusetts, 377 17, 162 Walsh's Lessee v. Ringer, 2 Ohio, 327 XT, 555 Walter. Will of, 64 Wisconsin. 4S7 54,640 Walter v. Commonwealth. 83 Penn. St. 137 32, 429 Walterv. Ford. 74 Missouri. 195 41,312 Walterv. Garnant, 13 Penn. State, 515 liii, 491 Walter A Wood M. M. Co. v. Caldwell, 54 Indi- ana, 270 23,641 Walters v. Brown, 15 Maryland, 235, Ixxiv, 566 "Walters v. Jordan, 13 IredelTs Law, 351 Ivii, 533 Walters v. Junkins, 16 Serg. & R. 414 xvi, 535 Walters v. Kraft, 23 South Carolina. 578 55, 44 Walters v. Munroe, 17 Maryland, 154 Ixxvii, 323 Waltersv. People, 18 Illinois, 194 Ixv, 730 Walters v. State, 17 Texas Ct. App. 226 50, 128 "Walters v. Stm. Mollie Dozier, 24 Iowa, 192 xcv. 722 Walters v. Walters, 12 Iredell's Law, 28 Iv, 401 Walters v. Washington Ins. Co., 1 Iowa, 404 Ixiii, 451 Walters & Walker v. Whitlock, 9 Florida, 83. .. .Ixrvi, 607 Walthamv.-Kemper, 55 Illinois, 346 8, 652 Walton v. Bethune, 2 Brevard, 453 iv, 597 "Walton v. Hargroves, 42 Mississippi, 13 xcvii, 429 Walton v. Mandeville. 56 Iowa, 537 41,123 Walton v. Singleton, 7 Serg. & R. 451 x, 472 Walton v. Sugs, Phill. Law, 93 xciii, 580 Walton v. Walton, 7 Johns. Ch. 253 xi. 453 Walworth v. Seaver, 30 Vermont, 723 Ixxiii, 332 Wamsutta Mills v. Old Colony Steamboat Co , 137 Massachusetts, 471 50,325 Wanmaker v. Van Buskirk, 1 Saxton's Ch. 635. .xxiii. 743 j Wann v. McNulty. 2 Oilman, 355 xliii, 58 Wann v. W. U. T.Co.. 37 Missouri. 472 xc, 395 ' Wapello County v. Bigham, 10 Iowa, 39 Ixxiv, 370 Wardv. Allen, 2 Metcalf, 53 xxxv, 387 i Wardv. Arredondo, Hopkins' Ch. 213 xiv, 543 ! Ward v. Atlanticfc P. Tel. Co., 71 If. Y. 81 IT, 10 Wardv. Bevill, 10 Alabama, 197 xliv, 478 j Wardv. Blackwood, 41 Arkansas, 295 48, 41 Ward v. Brandt, 11 Martin, 331 ..'. xiii, 352 Ward v. Brewer, 19 Illinois, 231 Ixviii, 596 Ward v. Brown, 64 Illinois, 337 16, 561 Wardv. Buell, 18 Indiana, 104 Ixxxi. 349 Ward v. Charleston City U'y Co., 19 S. 0. 521 45, 794 Ward v. Churn, 18 Grattan, 801 xcviii, 749 Ward v.Clark, 2 Johnson, 10 iii, 333 Ward v. Cole, 32 New Hampshire, 452 Ixiv, 378 Ward v. Dick, 45 Connecticut, 235 29, 677 Ward v. Dick, 47"Connecticut, 300 36, 57 Ward v. Fl<*> 1, 43 California, 36 17,405 Wardv. Green, 6 Cowen, 173 xvi, 437 ' Ward v. Hackett, 30 Minnesota, 150 41, 187 \ Wardv. Henry, 5 Connecticut, 505 xiii, 119 Wardv. Henry, 19 Wisconsin, 76 Ixxxviii, 672 ! Wardv. Johnson, 6 Munf ord, 6 viii, 723 Wardv. Kelsey, 33 New York, 80 xcvii. 773 ' Ward v. Kilpatrick, 85 New York, 413 39, 674 Wardv. Little Rock, 41 Arkansas, 526 48, 46 Wardv. Mayor. 8 Baxt. 228 35,700 i Ward v. McKenzie. 33 Texas, 297 7,261 Ward v. N. Y. C. R. R. Co., 47 New York, 29 7, 405 Ward v. Proctor, 7 Metcalf, 318 xxxix, 782 Wardv. Ringo, 2 Texas, 420 xlvii, lot Ward v. Ruckman, 36 New York, 26. . . .' xciii, 479 Ward v. School District, 10 Nebraska, 293 35, 477 Wardv. Sheppard. 2Haywood, 283 ii, 625 Wardv. State, 48 Alabama, 161 17, 31 Wardv. State, 2 Cold. 605 xci. 270 Ward v. State, 31 Maryland, 279 1, 53 Wardv. State, 2 Missouri, 123 xxii, 449 Ward v. Stow, 2 Dev. Eq. 509 xxvii, 233 Wardv. Williams, 26 Illinois, 447 Ixxix, 335 Wardv. Willis, 6 Jones'Law, 183 Ixxii, 570 Ward v. Wilson, 100 Indiana. 52 50, 763 Ward's Cent. & P. L. Co. v. Elkins. 34 Michi- gan. 439 22,544 Warde v. Manchester. 56 New Hampshire, 538. . .22, 534 Wardell v. Fosdick, 13 Johnson, 325 vii, 333 Warden v. Neilson, 1 Murphey. 275 iii, 691 Warden v. Tucker, 7 Massachusetts, 449 v, 62 Warder v. Arell, 2 Washington, 232 i. 433 Warder v. Newdigate. 11 B. Monroe, 174 Iii, 537 Wardlaw v. Buzzard, 15 Rich. L. 153 xoiv, 113 Wardrobe v. California Stage Co., 7 Cal. 118 Ixviii, 231 Ware v. Allen. 64 Mississippi, 545 60, 67 Ware v. Barataria & Laf. Canal Co., 15 La. 169.xxxv, 189 Warev. Bradford, 2 Alabama, 676 xxxvi, 427 Warev. Cartledge, 24 Alabama, 622 Ix. 439 Warev. Collins, 35 Mississippi, 223 Ixxii, 122 Warev. Cowles, 24 Alabama, 446 Ix, 432 Warev. Hewey, 57 Maine. 391 xcix, 780 Ware v. Houghton, 41 Mississippi, 370 xciii, 253 Warev. Murph, Rice's Law, 54 xxxiii, 97 Ware v. Owens, 42 Alabama, 212 xciv, 6 J2 Warev. Percival, 61 Maine, 391 14,565 Ware v. Richardson, SMaryland, 505 Ivi, 732 Warev. Russell, 57 Alabama, 43 29, 719 Ware v. Russell, 70 Alabama, 174 45, 82 Ware v. Street, 2 Head, 609 Ixxv, 755 Warfield's Will. 22 California. 51 Ixxxiii. 49 Warfield v. Campbell, 33 Alabama, 527 Ixxxii, 724 Warfield v. Dorsey, 39 Maryland, 299 17,562 Warfield v. Lindell, 30 Missouri, 272 Ixxvii 614 Warfield v. Lindell, 33 Missouri, 561 xc, 443 Waring v. Indemnity F. Ins. Co., 45 N. Y. 606. ... 6, 146 Wariugv. Crane, 2Paige'sCh. 79 xxi, 70 Waring v. Georgia Med. Soc'y, 33 Ga. 608 xcv, 403 Waring v.Grady. 49 Alabama, 465 20,236 Waring v. Smyth, 2 Barbour's Ch. 119 xlvii, 299 Warlick v. Barnett, 1 Jones' Law, 533 Ixii, 183 Warlick v. White, 86 North Carolina, 139 41, 453 Waruecke v. Lembca, 71 Illinois, 91 12, 85 Warner v. Bacon, 8 Gray, 397 Ixix, 253, Warner v. Burlington etc. R. R. Co., 22 Iowa, 166.xcii. 339 Warner v. Commonwealth, 1 Penn. State, 154.. ..xliv, 114 Warnerv. Conant, 24 Vermont, 351 Iviii, 173 Warner v. Heiden, 23 Wisconsin, 517 9, 515 Warner v. Hopkins, 111 Penn. St. 328 56,266 Warner v. Jaffray, % New York, 248 48, 618 Warner v. Miltenberger, 21 Maryland, 264 Ixxxiii, 573 Warner v. New York Cent. R. R. Co., 52 New York, 437 11,724 Warner . Page, 4 Vermont, 291 .xxiv, 607 Warner . People, 2 Demo, 272 xliii, 740 Warner . Robinson. 1 Root. 194 i, 33 Warner . Wheeler, 1 D. Chipman, 159 vi,717 Warner . Whittaker, 6 Micliigan, 133 Ixxii, 65 Warren . Aller, 1 Pinney, 479 xliv, 406 Warren . Blake, 54 Maine, 276 Ixxxix, 743 War Way TABLE oF CASES. 196 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Warren v. Brown, 25 Mississippi. 66 Ivil, 191 Warren v. Chambers. 25 Arkansas, 12D xci, 533 Warren T. Chambers, 25 Arkansas. 120 4, 23 Warren v. Crabtree, 1 Greenleaf, 167 x, 51 Warren v. Davenport Fire Ins. Co., 31 Iowa, 461. . . 7, 163 Warren v. Edgerton. 22 Vermont, 199 liv, 66 Warren v. Fitchburg R. R. Co.. 8 Allen, 227.. . .Ixxxv, 700 Warren v. Manuf . Ins. Co.. 13 Pickering, 518 xxv, 341 Warren v. Ocean Ins. Co., 16 Maine, 439 xxxiii, 674 Warren v. Pierce, CGreenleaf, 9 xix, 189 Warren v. Pres. of Jacksonville, 15 El. 236 Iviii, 610 Warren v. Slade, 23 Michigan, 1 9, 70 Warren v. Smith, 24 Texas, 484 Ixxvi, 115 Warren v. State, 9 Texas, Ct. App. 619 35, 745 Warren v. State, 19 Arkansas, 214 Ixviii, 214 Warren v. Thomaston, 75 Maine, 329 4C, 397 Warren v. United Ins. Co., 2 Johns. Cases, 232 i, K4 Warren v. Wagner, 75 Alabama. 183 51, 446 Warren v. Whitney, 24 Maine, 561 xli, 406 Warren, Inh. of v. Inh. of Thomaston. 43 Me. 406..1xix, 69 Warriner v. State, 3 Tex. Ct. App. 104 30, 121 Warrington v. Pollard, 24 Iowa, 231 xcv, 727 Warwick v. Monmouth Co. Mut. F. Ins. Co., 15 Vroom. 83 43,343 Warwick v. State, 73 Alabama, 436 49, 59 Warwick v. Underwood, 3 Head, 233 Ixxv, 767 Washburn v. Bd. of Comm'rs, 104 Indiana, 321. . ..54, 332 Washburn v. Dosch, 63 Wisconsin, 436 60, 873 Washburn v. Gilman, 64 Maine, 163 18,246 Washburnv. Merrills. 1 Day. 139 ii. 53 Washburn T. Nashville R. R. 3 Head, 638 Ixxv, 784 Washburn v. Tracy, 2 D. Chipman, 123 XT, 601 Washington v. Planters' Bank, 1 Howard, 233..xxviii, 333 Washington v. Sanders, 2 Devereux's Law, 313 xxi, 336 Washington v. State, 60 Alabama, 10 31, 28 Washington v. State, 63 Alabama. 135 35, 8 Washington v. State, 75 Alabama, 532 51,479 Washington v. State, 19 Tex. Ct. App. 521 53, 337 Washington ads. State, 1 Bay, 120 i, 601 Washington ads. State, 19 Texas, 123 Ixx, 323 Wash.. Alex. & G. R. R. v. Alex. & Wash. R. R.. 19 Gratt. 592 c, HO Washington Ave., 69 Pennsylvania St. 352 8,255 Washington B. E. Ass'n v. Wood. 4 Mackey. 19. .54, 251 ' Washington Fire Ins. Co. v. Kelly. 32 M.I. 421 .... 3, 149 Washington Ice Co. v. Shortall, 101 Illinois, 46. . .40, 198 Washington Ice Co. T. Webster, 62 Maine, 3 11 .... 16, 462 Washington Ins. Co. v. Hayes. 17 Ohio St. 432..xciii, 623 Washington Ins. Co v. White, 103 Mass. 233 4, 513 Washburn, In re. 4 Johnson's Ch. 106 viii, 548 | Wasmer v. Del., L. & W. R. Co., 86 IT. Y. 212 36, 608 ' Wassell v. Reardon, 11 Arkansas. 705 liv, 245 Wassum v. Feeney, 121 Massachusetts, 93 23, 253 Waterbury v. Lockwood, 4 Day, 257 iv. 215 Water Com. of J. City, Matter of, 2 Vroom, 72.1xxxvi, 199 Waterman v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R. R. Co., 61 Wisconsin. 461 50,145 Waterman v. Conn, and P. R. R. R. 39 Vt. 610. .Ixxiii, 326 Waterman v. Hall. 17 Vermont, 123 xlii. 484 Waterman v. Lawrence, 13 Calfornia, 210 Ixxix, 212 Waterman v. Treat, 49 Maine, 303 Ixxvii, 201 Waterman T. Whitney, 11 N. Y. (1 Kernan). 157. .!xii, 71 Waters' Appeal, 35 Penn. State, 523 Ixxviii, 354 Waters v. Duvall. 11 Gill & J. 37 xxxiii, 093 Waters v. Gooch, 6 J. J. Marshall, 536 xxii, 108 j Waters v. Jones, 3 Porter, 442 xxix, 261 Waters v. Lilley. 4 Pickering, 115 xvi, 333 Waters v. Mattingly, 1 Bibb, 214 iv. 631 Watersv. Moss, 12 California, 535 ls\ Waters v. Reuber. 16 Nebraska. 99 49,710 ' Watersv. Riley. 2 Harris & G. 305 xviii, 303 Watersv. Stevenson, 13 Nevada, 157 29, 293 Watersv. Stickney, 12 Allen. 1 xc. 122 Waters v. Van Winkle, 2 Pennington, 567 iv, 387 Watersv. Waters, 20 Iowa, 363 Ixxxix. 540 Watersv. Young, 11 Rhode Island, 1 '33,409 Waterston v. Getchell, 5 Greenleaf , 433 xrii, 251 Watertown v. Mayo, 109 Massachusetts, 315 13, 694 Watertown Fire Ins. Co. v. Grover & B. S. M. Co.. 41 Michigan. 131 37,148 Watertown Fire Tns. Co. v. Simmons, 131 Massa- chusetts, 85 41,196 Water-town's Tr. v. Cowen, 4 Paige Ch. 510 xxvii. 80 Watkins v. Baird, 6 Massachusetts, 506 iv, 170 Watkinsv. Dean, 10 Yerger. 320 xxxi, 583 Watkins v. Eaton, 3) Maine, 529 1, 637 Watkins v. Martin, 24 Arkansas, 14 '. Ixxxi, 59 Watkins v. Peck. 13 New Hampshire, 360 xl. 158 Watfains v. State, 63 Indian . 427 34, 273 Watkins ads. State. 9 Connecticut, 47 xxi, 712 Watkinsv. Taylor, 2 Munford. 424 .v. 186 Watkins v. Walker County, 13 Texas, 585 Ixx, 2.13 Watkins v. Wyatt. 9 Baxt. 2.50 10, 90 Watkinson v. Bank of Penn., 4 Wharton, 482. .xxxiv, 521 Watriss v. First Nat. Bank. 124 Mass. 571 SB, 694 Watrous v. Allen, 57 Michigan. 362 r >8, 363 Watrous v. Steel, 4 Vermont. 629 xxiv, 613 Watry v. Ferber. 18 Wisconsin, 500 Ixsxvi, 739 Watson v. Bagaley, 12 Penn. State, 164 li, 535 Watson v. Bailey, 1 Binney. 470 u, 462 . Billings, 33 Arkansas, 278 I'.', 1 . Bioren, 1 Serg. & R. 227 vii. 617 Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watsoa Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson Watson . Elaine, 12 Serg. & R. 131 xiv, 669 . Bourne, 10 Massachusetts, 337 vi, 129 . Chesire. 18 Iowa, 202 Ixxxvii, 332 . Cresap, 1 B. Monroe, 195 xxxvi, 572 Gregg, 10 Watts. 233 xxsu, 176 Hunter. 5 Johnson's Ch. 163 ix. 295 McCarthy, 2 Georgia, 57 x'.vi, 330 Mercer, 6 Serg. & R. 49 ix, 411 Muirhead, 57 PC na St. 161 xcviii, 213 Pennsylvania, 108 Illinois, 21 18, 26 Phoenix Bank, 8 Metcalf, 217 xli, 500 People. 87 New York. 561 41,397 Prop'rs Lisbon Bridge. 14 Me. 201....xxxi. 49 Reissig, 24 Illinois, 281 Ixxvi, 746 Stone, 40 Alabama, 451 xci, 484 State, 70 Alabama, 13 45, 70 Templeton, 11 Louisiana An. 137 Ixvi, 194 Tindal, 24 Georgia, 491 Ixxi, 142 Trask. 6 Ohio, 531 xxvii, 271 Tripp, 11 Rhode Island, 93 33,420 Watson. 9 Connecticut, 140 xxiii, 324 Watson v. Watson, 53 Michigan. 163 51, 111 Watson v. Watson, 24 South Carolina, 228 58. 217 Watson v. Wilcox, 39 Wisconsin, 643 20, 63 Watson v. Williams, 4 Blackford. 26 xxviii, 36 Watson v. Wilson, 2 Dana, 406 xxvi, 159 Watterson v. Reynolds, 95 Pennsylvania St. 474 . .40, 672 Watts v. Griswold, 20 Georgia, 732 ,....liv, 617 Watts v. Kinney. 3 Leigh. 272 xxiii. 206 Watts v. Savannah &O. C. Co., 64 Georgia, 88.... 37, 53 Watts ads. State, 7 Louisiana, 440 xxvi. 507 Watts v. Steele, 19 Alabama. 656 liv, 207 Watts v. Ward, 1 Oregon, 86 Ixii, 299 Waugh v. Beck, 114 Pennsylvania St. 422 GO, 354 Waugh v. Waugh, 84 Pennsylvania St. 350 24, 191 Wauii v. W. U. Tel. Co. , 37 Missouri, 472 Waupun v. Moore, 31 Wisconsin, 150 IT, 446 Way v. Bragaw, 16 New Jersey Eo.. 213 Ixxxiv, 147 197 TABLE OF CASES. Way Wei Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Way v Chicago, R. I. & P. R. R. Co. 64 Iowa, 43 . .5?, 431 Way T. Davidson, 12 Gray, 465 Ixxi v, C~4 Way v. Howe, 103 Massachusetts, 502 11, 336 Wayv. Richardson, 3 Gray, 412 Ixiii, 760 Way T. Sperry, 6 Gushing, 233 lii, 773 Wayland v. Mosely, 5 Alabama, 430 mix, 335 Wayland v. Tucker, 4 Gr.:ttan, 267 1, 76 Wayne Cir. Court ads. People, 11 Mich. 393...1xxxiii, 754 Wayne Co. v. Waller, 90 Pennsylvania St. 99 35, 636 Wayne Co. Sav. Bank v. Low. 81 N. Y.;566 37,533 Waynesboro M. F. Ins. Co. v. Conover, 98 Penn- sylvania State, 384 42, 613 Waynesburg College, Appeal of. Ill Pa. St. 130. .56, 252 Wer.lv. Larton, 54 Illinois, 4S9 5, 119 Weaklandv. Hoffman, 5D Penn. Swte, 513...1xxxviii, 560 v. BeD, 9 Watts, 273 . . . ,xxxvi, 116 Weakly v. Hall, 13 Ohio. 157 xlii, 194 Weamer v. Juart, 23 Penn. State, 257 Ixxii, 627 Wear v. Skinner. 46 Maryland. 257 24,517 Weare v. Van Meter, 42 Iowa, 123 20, 616 Weathered v. Smith, 9 Texas. 622 Ix. 186 Weatherford v. Weatherford, 23 Alabama, 548... .Ivi, 233 Weatherhead v. Stoddard, 53 Vermont, 612 56, 573 Weatherby v. Covington, 3 Strobharts L. 27 xlix. 623 Weatherly v. Smith, 40 Iowa, 131 6,663 Weatherby ads. State, 43 Maine, 253 Ixix, 59 Weathersly v. Weatb.2rsly. 40 Miss. 432 xc, 344 Weaver v. Bachert, 2 Penn. State, 80 xliv, 159 Weaver v. Carnall, 35 Arkansas, 193 37, 22 Weaverv. Fegely, 29 Penn. State, 27 Ixx, 151 Weaverv. Gregg, 6 Ohio, 547 Ixvii, 355 Weaver v. Lapsley, 42 Alabama, 601 xciv, 671 Weaver v. Lynch, 25 Penn. State, 449 Ixiv, 713 Weaver v. State, 19 Texas Ct. App. 547 53, 3S9 Weaver v. Wible, 25 Penn. State, 270 liiv, 696 Webb v. Baird, 27 Indiana, 338 Ixxxix, 507 Webb v. Buinpass, 9 Porter, 201 xxxiii, 310 Webb v. Cecil, 9 B. Monroe, 198 xlviii, 423 Webb v. Conn, 1 Littell. 82 xiii, 225 Webb v. Duckingfield, 13 Johnson, 390 vii, 383 Webb v. Fleming, 30 Georgia, 803 Ixxvi, 675 Webb v. Fulchire, 3 IredeU's Law, 485 xl, 419 Webb v. GranitevilleManuf. Co., 11 S. C.. 396.... 32, 479 Webb v. Hoselton, 4 Nebraska, 303 19, 638 Webbv.Laird, 59 Vermont, 103 59,699 Webb v. Miller, 24 Mississippi, 638 Mi, 189 Webb v. Peele, 7 Pickering, 247 xix, 2S4 Webb v. Rome etc. R. R. Co., 49 New York 420. .10, 3g9 Webb v. Townsend, 1 Pickering, 21 xi, 132 Webber v. Blunt, 19 Wendell, 188 xxxii, 445 Webber v. Chapman, 42 New Hampshire, 326 Ixxx, 111 Webberv. Cox, 6T. B. Monroe, 110 xvii,127 Webber v. Davis, 44 Maine, 147 Ixix. 87 Webber v. Howe, 36 Michigan, 150 24, 590 Webberv. Minor.6 Bush, 463 xcix, 688 Webber v. Townley, 43 Michigan, 534 38, 213 Webbs v. Hynes, 9 B. Monroe, 333 1, 515 Weber v. Couch, 134 Massachusetts, 26 43, 274 Weber v. Hartman, 7 Colorado, 13 49, 339 Weber v. Morris & E. R. R. Co., 35 N. J. 409 10, 253 Weber v. Reinhard, 73 Pennsylvania St. 370 13, 747 Webster v. Anderson, 42 Michigan, 554 36, 452 Webster v. Buss, 61 New Hampshire, 40 60, 317 Webster ads. Commonwealth, 5 Cashing, 295 lii, 711 Webster v. Conley, 46 Elinois, 13 xcii, 234 Webster v. Drinkwater, 5 Greenleaf, 319 xvii, 233 Webster v. Hall, 2 Harris & McH. 19 i, 370 Webster v. Ha worth, 8 California, 21 Ixviii, 287 Webster v. Hildreth, 33 Vermont, 457 Ixxviii, 632 Webster v. Mann, 56 Texas, 119 42,683 Webster v. Morris, 65 Wisconsin, 366 57, 278 Websterv. Newbold. 41 Penn. State, 432 Ixxxii. 4S7 Webster v. Phoenix Ins. Co., 36 Wisconsin, 67. ... 1 T , 479 j Webster v. Rose, 6 Heisk. 93 19,5:3 Webster v. Singley, 53 Alabama. 208 25, 609 Webster v. Supt's of Election, 1 McArthur, 169. . Webster T. Wade, 19 California, 291 Ixxix. 218 Websterv. Webster, 33 New Hampshire, 18 Ixvi, 705 Webster v. Webster, 53 Maine, 139 4, 2"3 Webster T. Wray, 19 Nebraska, 558 56, 75t Weckler v. First Nat. Bank, 42 Maryland. 581 .... 20, 95 Weed v. Barney, 45 New York, 344 6, 96 Weed v. Black, 2 McArthur, 268 29,618 Weed v. BouteUe, 56 Vermont, 570 48, 821 Weedv. Jewett, 2 Metcalf . 608 xxxvii, 115 Weed v. Panama R. R. Co., 17 New York, 362...1xxii, 474 Weed ads. State, 21 New Hampshire,262 liii, 188 Weedv. Terry, 2 Douglass, 344 xlv,257 Weed v. Van Houten, 4 Halsted, 489 xrii, 468 Weeden v. Richmond, 9 R. I. 128 xcviii. 373 Weeks v. Haas, 3 Watts & Serg. 520 xxxix, 39 Weeks v. Hull, 19 Connecticut, 376 1,249 Weeks T. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. Co., 72 N. Y. 50. . .28, 104 Weeks v. Patten, 18 Maine, 42 xxxvi, 696 Weeks v. Weeks, 5 Iredell's Eq. Ill xlvii, 358 Weems v. McCaughan, 7 Smedes & M. 422 xlv, 314 Wehlitz, In re, 16 Wisconsin, 443 Ixxxiv. 700 Wehn v. Commissioners, 5 Nebraska, 494 25, 497 Weichselbaum v. Curlett, 20 Kansas, 709 27,201 Weider v. Maddox, 66 Texas, 372. 59, 617 Weil v. Tyler, 38 Missouri 545 xc, 441 Weimer v. Clement, 37 Penn. State, 147 Ixxviii, 411 Wen- v. Weir, 3 B. Monroe. 645 xxxix, 487 Weire v. Davenport, 11 Iowa, 49 Ixxvii, 132 Weis v. Madison, 75 Indiana, 241 39, 133 Weisbrod v. Chicago, etc. R'yCo. ISWis. 35....1xxxvi, 743 Weisenger v. Taylor, 1 Bush. 275 Ixxxix, 626 Weiser v. Weiser. 5 Watts, 279 xxx, 313 Weiss v. Devlin, 67 Texas, 507 60, 38 Weise v. Smith, 3 Oregon, 445 8,621 Weisenbergv. Appleton, 26 Wisconsin, 56.: 7, 39 Weismer v. Douglas, 64New York, 91 21,586 Weisser v. Denison, 10 N. Y. (6 Selden), 68 Ixi, 731 Welch v. Adams, 63 New Hampshire, 344 56, 521 Welch v. Barber, 52 Conn. 147 52,567 Welch v. Clark, 12 Vermont, 681 xxxvi, 368 Welch v. Durand, 36 Connecticut, 182 4. 55 Welch v. Frost, 1 Michigan, 30 xlviii, 692 Welch T. Goodwin, 123 Massachusetts, 71 25, 24 Welch v. Hicks, 6 Cowen, 504 xvi, 443 Welch v. Hotchkiss, 36 Connecticut, 140 12,383 Welch v. Jugenheimer, 56 Iowa, 11 41, 77 Welch v. Lawson, 32 Mississippi, 170 Ixvi, 606 Welch v. Rice, 31 Texas, 683 xcviii. 556 Welch v. Sage, 47 New York, 143 7,423 Welch v. State, 50 Georgia, 128 15,690 Welch ads. State, 26 Maine, 30 xlv, 94 Welch v. Sykes. 3 Gilman. 197 xliv, 689 Welch v. Wadsworth, 30 Connecticut, 149 Ixxix, 23g Welch v. Welch, 2 T. B. Monroe, 83 xv. 126 Welch v. Wilcox, 101 Massachusetts, 162 c. 113 Welchel v. Thompson, 39 Georgia, 559 xcix, 470 Weld v. Walker, 130 Massachusetts, 422 39, 465 Weld v. Sabin, 20 New Hampshire, 533 li, 240 Welland Can. Co. v. Hathaway, 8 Wend. 480 xxiv, 51 Wellborn v. Weaver, 17 Georgia, 267 Ixiii, 235 Wellborn v. Williams, 9 Georgia, 86 lii. 427 Weldon v. Colquitt, 62 Georgia, 449 35, 123 Weller v. Eames, 15 Minnesota, 461 2,150 Weller v. McConnick, 47 New Jersey Law, 397. . . .54, 175 TVes TABLE OF CASES. 193 Roman letters [xlix] refar to volumss of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Weller ads. People ex. rel. McKune, 11 CaL 49 Ixx, 751 'Welles v. Cowles, 4 Connecticut. 182 x, 115 Wellington v. Small. 3 Cashing. 145 1. 719 Wellington, City of T. Greyson. 31 Kansas. 99 47, 482 Wellington et aL, Petitioners, 16 Pickering. 87. .xxvi. 631 Wells T. American Ex. Co, 55 Wisconsin. 23 43, 695 Wells T. Archer, 10 Serg. & R. 412 riii. 682 Wells v. Bain, 75 Pennsylvania St. 30 15, 563 Wells v. Bridgeport H. Co., 30 Conn. 316 Ixxix, 250 Wells v. Brigham. 6 Gushing, 6 lii, 750 Wells v. City of Weston, 22 Missouri, 384 Ixvi, 627 Wells v. Cook, 16 Ohio St. 67 lxxxviii,436 Wells T. Calnan, 107 Massachusetts, 514 0, 65 Wells v. Higgins. 1 Littell, 299 xiii, 235 Wells v. J. L M. Co..47N. H. 235 xc. 575 Wens v.Mann, 45 New York, 327 6, 93 Wells T. Mitchell, 1 Iredell's Law, 484 xxxv. 757 Wellsv. Smith, 13 Gray, 207 IxxiT, 631 Wells v. Smith. 7 Paige's Ch. 22 xxxi. 274 Wells ads. State. Coxe. 424 i, 211 Wellsv. Thomas, 27 Missouri, 17 Ixxii, 228 Wells T. Thompson, 13 Alabama, 793 xlviii. 76 Wells v. Wells, 4 T. B. Monroe, 152 xri, 150 Wells T. Wilmington R. R. Co., 6 Jones' Law, 47.1xxii, 556 Welsch T. Hannibal & St. J. R. Co.. 72 Mo. 451. . .37, 440 Welsh T. Carter. 1 Wendell, 185. xix. 473 Welsh v. Cochran. 63 New York, 131 20,519 Welsh T. Davis, 3 South Carolina, 110 16,690 Welsh v. German Am. Bank 73 New York, 424. ..29, 175 Welsh v. Phillips, 54 Alabama, 309 25,679 Welsh v. Pittsburg P. & C. R. R., 10 O. St. 65. . . .Ixxv, 490 Welsh v. Rutland, 56 Vermont, 223 48,762 Welsh v. Usher. 2 Hill's Ch. 167 xxix, 63 Welsh v. Wilson, 101 New York. 254 54,698 Welton v. Adams & Co.. 4 CaL 37 Ix, 573 Welts v. Connecticut Mut. L. Ins. Co., 48 New York, 34 8,518 Welz v. Rhodius, 87 Indiana, 1 44, 747 Wemple v. Knopf. 15 Minnesota, 440 2, 147 Wendell v. Jackson, ex d. People. 8 Wend. 133. . .xxii, 635 Wendell v. Johnson, 8 New Hampshire, 220 xxix, 648 Wendlinger v. Smith. 75 Virginia. 309 40,727 Wenman v. Mohawk Ins. Co., 13 Wendell, 267 .xxviii 464 Wentworthv. Day, SMetcalf, 352 xxxvii, 145 Wentworth v. Remick, 47 New Hamp. 226 xc, 573 Wentworthv. Smith. 44N.H. 419 Ixxxii. 228 Wentworth v. Wentworth, 2 Minnesota, 277. .. .Ixxii, 97 Wentzv. Fincher, 12 Iredell's Law, 297 Iv. 416 Wenzlick v. McCotter. 87 New York. 122 41, 353 Werely v. Persons, 28 New York, 344 . .Ixxxiv, 346 Werner v. Bergman, 28 Kansas, 60 42, 152 ^Ternwag v. Brown, 3 Blackford. 457 xxvi, 433 Wemwag v. Pawling, 5 Gill & Johnson, 500 xxv, 317 Wertheimer v. Howard, 30 Missouri, 420 Ixxvii, 623 Wesley v. State, 37 Mississippi, 327 Ixxv, 62 Wessel v. Rathjohn, 89 North Carolina, 377 45, 696 ' Wesson v. Garrison, 8 Louisiana An. 135 Iviii. 674 Wesson v. W. L Co.. 13 Allen, 95 xc, 181 West v. Anderson. 9 Connecticut. 107 xxi, 737 West v. Bagby, 12 Texas, 34 Ixii, 512 West v. Citizens' Ins. Co.. 27 Ohio St. 1 22, 294 West v. Colquitt, 71 Georgia, 559 51,277 West v. Cunningham. 9 Porter, 104 xxxiii. 300 West v. Drawhom, 20 Georgia, 170 Ixv, 614 West v. Emery, 17 Vermont, 5S3 xliv, 356 Westv. Flemming, 18 Illinois, 243 Ixviii, 539 Westv. Hughes, 1 Harris & J. 574 ii. 539 West v. Kelly. 19 Alabama, 353 liv, 192 West v. Martin, 31 Missouri, 375 Ixxx, 107 West v. McCoanell. 5 Louisiana, 424 xxv, 191 Westv. Moore, 14 Vermont, 447 xxxix, 235 Westv. Thornton, 7 Grattan, 177 liv. 134 West B. Ins. Co. v. Helfenstein, 40 Perm. St. 289..1xxx, 573 West Branch Bank v. Chester, 11 Perm, State, 2S2 .li, 547 West Branch Bank v. Fulmer. 3 Penn. State, 3 'O.xlv, 651 West Cambridge v. Lexington, 1 Pickering, 505. . . .xi, 231 West Chester etc. R. R. Co. v. Miles, 55 Penn. St. 209 xciii,744 West FelicianaR.R. v. Thornton, 12 La. An. 73-^. Ixviii, 778 West Mahanoy, Township of v. Watson, 112 Pa. St. 574 56,336 West Orange v. Field, 37 N. J. Eq. 600 45, 670 West Virginia T. Co. v. Ohio R. P. L. Co., 22 West Virginia, 600 46, 527 West Winstead S. B. Ass'n v. Ford, 27 Conn. 2S2.!xxi, 68 Westbrook v. McMillan, 1 Hill (S. C.). 317 xxvi, 187 Westbrook Mfg. Co. v. Grant. 60 Maine, 88 11,131 Westchester, Boro' of, v. Apple, 35 Pa. S. 2S4.1xxviii, 336 Westcottv. Cady. 5 Johns. Ch. 334 is, 306 Westcott v. Fargo. 61 New York. 542 19, 30* Westerfield, Ex parte, 55 California, 550 36, 47 Westerio v. De Witt, 36 New York, 341 xciii, 517 Western & A. R. R. v. Turner, 72 Georgia, 292..... 53, S42 Western Ins. Co. v. Cropper, 32 Penn. St. 351.. 1\ Western Ma. R. R. v. Berryman, 15 Md. 199....1xiiv, 563 Western Md. R. R. v. Owings, 15 Md. 199 Ixxiv, 663 Western M. R. Co. v. Stanley. 61 Maryland, 206. .48, 96 Western R. v. Thomas. 60 Georgia. 313 27, 411 Western S. F. S. v. Philadelphia, 31 Pa. St. 175. .Ixxii, 730 Western Stage Co. v. Walker, 2 Iowa, 504 Ixv, 789 Western Transp. Co. v. Newhall, 24 111 466 Ixxri, 760 Western T. Co. v. Hoyt. 69 New York, 230 25, 175 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Adams, 87 Indiana, 593. . . .44, 776 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. American TJ. Tel. Co. 65 Georgia, 160 38,781 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Blanchard, 68 Georgia, 299.45, 480 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Brown, 53 Texas, 170 44, 610 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Buchanan, 35 Indiana, 429. 9, 744 Western IT. Tel. Co. v. Chicago & P. R. Co., 86 Illinois, 246 29, 28 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Cobb, 47 Arkansas, 344. ... 58, 756 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Dickinson, 40 Indiana, 444.13, 295 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Fatman, 73 Georgia, 285. . .54, 877 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Foster, 64 Texas, 220 53, 754 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Graham. 1 Colorado, 230.. . 9, 136 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Jones, 95 Indiana, 223 48, 713 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. McGuire. 104 Indiana, 130.54. 296 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Meyer, 61 Alabama, 158. . .3?, 1 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Neill, 57 Texas, 283 44, 589 Western TJ Tel. Co. v. Pendleton. 93 Indiana, 12.48, 693 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Reynolds, 77 Virginia, 173.46, 715 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. Rich, 19 Kansas, 517 27, 159 Western TJ. TeL Co. v. State. 9 Baxt. 509 40, 99 Western TJ. Tel. Co. v. State Board of Assess- ment, 80 Alabama, 273 60, 99 Western U. Tel. Co. v. Tyler, 74 Illinois. 168 24, 279 Western Union Telegraph Co. v. Ward, 23 Ind- iana. 377 Ixxxv, 462 Westervelt v. Demarest, 46 N. J. L. 37 50, 400 Westervelt v. Gregg, 12 N. Y. (2 Kernan), 202.... Ixii, 160 Westervelt v. Pinckney, 14 Wendell, 123 xxriii, 516 Westfall v. Braley, 10 Ohio State, 188 bcxv. 509 Westfield Bank v. Cornen, 37 New York. 320. . . .xciii, 573 Westfield v. Mayo, 122 Massachusetts, 100 23, 292 Westlake v. Westlake, 34 Ohio State, 621 32, 397 Westlake & B. v. St. Louis. 77 Missouri, 47 46, 4 Westmoreland v. Dixon, 4 Haywood, 223 ix, 763 Weston v. Barker, 12 Johnson, 276 vii, 319 Weston v. Bear River Etc. Co., 5 California, ISo.lxiii, 117 Weton v. Dorr, 25 Maine, 176 xliii, 258 199 TABLE OF CASES. Whi Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of Amsrioan Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Weston v. Grand Trunk R'y Co.. 54 Maine, 376...xcii, 552 Westonv. Hight, 17 Maine, 237 xxxv. 250 Weston v. Sampson, 8 Gushing, 347 liv, 764 Weston ads. State, 9 Connecticut. 527 xxv. 46 Westover v. ^Etna L. Ins. Co.. 99 N. Y. 56 52, 1 Wexherbee v. Dunn, 36 California, 147 xcv, 166 Wetherbee v. Green, 22 Michigan, 311 7, 653 Wetherbee v. Marsh, 20 New Hampshire, 56L li, 244 WetherUl T. Neilson. 20 Penn. State, 448 lix, 741 Wetaore v. McMillan, 57 Iowa, 344 42, 45 Wetnnrev. MeU. 1 Ohio State, 26. lix. 607 Wetmore v. Mellinger. C4 Iowa. 741 52,465 Wetmore v. Tracy, 14 Wendell, 250 xxviii, 525 Wetmore v. White, 2Caines'Cas. 87 ii, 323 Wetter?. Kiley, 95 Pennsylvania State, 461 40, 670 Weyh v. Boylan, 85 New York, 394 39, 669 Weymoath v. Chicago etc. Railway Co., 17 Wis- consin, 550 Ixxxiv, 763 Weymouth ads. Commonwealth, 2 Allen, 144...1xxix, 776 Weymouth v. Sanborn, 43 New Hampshire, 171. .1m, 144 Whalen v. Layman, 2 Elackford. 194 xviii, 157 Whaley v. Eliot, 1 A. K. Marshall, 343. T, 737 Whaley v. Whaley, 1 Speers' Law, 225 x], 594 Wliarton T. Moore, 84 North Carolina, 479 3T, 627 Wharton v. State. 5 Cold. 1. xciv, 214 Wheat v. Cross. 31 Maryland, 99 1, 28 Wheat v. Owens, 15 Texas, 241 Ixv, 164 Wheatley v. Baugh, 25 Penn. State, 528 Ixiv, 721 Wheatley T. Chrisman, 24 Penn. State, 298 Ixiv, 657 Wheatley v. Harris, 4 Sneed, 468 Ixx, 258 Wheatley v. Strobe, 12 California, 92 Ixxiii, 522 Wheatly v. Calhoun, 12 Leigh, 264 xxxvil, 654 Wheaton v. East, 5 Yerger, 41 xxvi, 251 Wheaton v. Hibbard, 20 Johnson, 290 xi, 284 Wheaton v. Pike, 9 Rhode Island, 132 xcviii, 377 Wheaton v. Pike, 9 Rhode Island, 132 11,227 Wheeler v. Cincinnati, 19 Ohio State, 19 2, 368 Wheeler v. City of Chicago, 24 Illinois, 105 Ixxvi, 736 Wheeler v. Connecticut M. L. Ins. Co., 82 New York, 543 37,594 Wheeler v. Constantino, 39 Michigan, 62 33, 355 Wheeler v. Earle, 5 Cushing, 31 li, 41 Wheeler v. Guild, 20 Pickering, 545 xxxii, 231 Wheeler v. Hollis, 19Texas, 522 Ixx, 363 Wheeler v. Mather, 5S Illinois, 241 8,683 Wheeler, v. Mayfield, 31 Texas, 395 xcviii, 545 Wheeler v. Patterson, 1 New Hampshire, 88 viii, 41 Wheeler v. Robb, 1 Blackford, 330 xii, 245 Wheeler v. Ruthven, 74 New York, 428 30, 315 Wheeler v. S. F. & A. R. R. , 31 Cal. 46 Ixxxix, 147 Wheeler v. State, 34 Ohio State, 394 32, 372 Wheeler ads. State, 3 Vermont, 344 xxiii, 212 Wheeler v. Warner, 47 New York, 519 7, 478 Wheeler v. Walker, 2 Connecticut, 196 vii, 264 Wheeler v. Wheeler. 53 Iowa, 511 36 240 Wheeler v. Wheelock, 33 Vermont, 144 Ixxviii, 617 Wheeler v. Winn, 53 Pennsylvania State, 122 xci, 186 Wheeler & W. M. Co. v. Boyce, 36 Kansas, 350. . . .59, 571 Wheeler's Ex'rs v. Wheeler, 2 Met. (Ky.), 474. . .Ixxiv, 421 Wheeless v. Second Nat. Bank, 1 Paxt. 469 25, 783 Wheeless v. Williams. 62 Mississippi, 369 52, 190 Wheeling Ins. Co. v. Morrison, 11 Leigh, 354. . .xxxvi, 3S5 Wheeling etc. Trans. Co. v. Wheeling, 9 West Virginia, 170 27,552 Wheelock v. Doolittle, 18 Vermont, 440 xlvi, 163 Wheelock v. Freeman, 13 Pickering, 165 xxiii, 674 Wheelwright v. Depeyster, 2 Johnson, 471 iii, 345 Wheelwright v. V-'heelwright, 2 Massachusetts, 447.iii, 66 Whelan v. Lynch, 60 New York, 469 19,202 Whelpley v. Van Epps, 9 Paige. 332 xxxvii, 400 Wherry v. McCammon, 12 Richardson's Eq, 337. .xci, 240 Whiddenv. Seelye, 40 Maine, 247 Ixiii, 661 Whilden v. Merchants' & P. Nat. Bank. 64 Ala- bama, 1 38, 1 Whilden v. State, 25 Georgia, 396 Ixxi, 181 Whippv. State, 34 Ohio St. 87 32,359 Whipple v. Farrar, 3 Michigan, 436 Ixir, 99 Whipplev. Foot, 2 Johnson, 418 Ui, 442 Whipple v. Fuller, 11 Connecticut. 582 xxix, 330 Whipplev. Kent, 2Gray, 410 Ixi, 470 Whipple v. Robbins, 97 Massachusetts, 107 xciii, 64 Whipple v. Thayer, 16 Pickering. 25 xxvi, 626 Whipple v. Whitman. 18 Rhode Island, 512 43, 42 Whislerv. Hicks, 5 Blackford, 100 xxxiii,454 Whiston v. Stodder, 8 Martin, 95 xiii, 281 Whit ads. State, 5 Jones' Law, 224 Ixxii, 533 Whitaker v. Hartford etc. R. R. Co, 8 R. 1. 47. .Ixxxvi, 614 Whitaker v. Hartford etc. R. R. Co., 8 R. L 47. . . . 5, 547 Whitaker v. Hawley, 25 Kansas, 674 37, 277 Whitaker v. Morrison, 1 Florida, 25 xliv, 627 Whitaker v. Rice, 9 Minnesota, 13 Ixxxvi. 78 Whitaker v. Smith, 81 North Carolina, 340 31, 503 Whitakerv. Sumner, 7 PirVering, 551 xix,298 Whitaker v. Warren, 60 New Hampshire, 20 49, 302 Whitaker v. Whitaker, 52 New York, 363 11, 711 WhitaJlv. Brig William Henry,4La. 223 xxiii, 483 Whitbeck T. Cook. 15 Johnson, 483 viii. 272 Whitbeck v. Van Ness, 11 Johnson, 409 vi, 383 Whitbeck v. Whitbeck. 9 Cowen. 266 xviii, 503 Whitcher v. Town of Benton, 48 N. H. 157 xcvii, 597 Whitcher v. Whitcher. 49 New Hamp. 176 6, 486 Whitcomb's Case. 120 Massachusetts, 118 21, 502 Whitcomb v. Converse, 119 Massachusetts, 38 20,311 Whitcomb v. Joslyn, 51 Vermont, 79 31, 678 Whitcomb v. Reid, 31 Mississippi, 567 Ixvi, 579 White, Ex parte, 15 Nevada, 146 31, 466 White v. Albertson, 3 Devereux L. 241 xxii, 719 White v. Atkinson, 2 Washington, 94 i, 470 White v. Attorney General, 4 L-edells Eq. 19. . - .xliv, 92 White v. Banks, 21 Alabama, 705 Ivi, 223 White v. Beard, 5 Porter, 94 xxx, 552 White v. Bird, 20 Louisiana Annual, 138 xcvi, 393 Whitev. Bond Co., 58 Illinois, 297 11, 65 White v. Canfield. 7 Johnson, 117 v, 249 White v. Carr, 71 Maine, 555 36, 533 White v. Carroll, 42 New York, 161 1, 503 White v. Casten, 1 Jones' Law, 197 lix, 535 White v. Commonwealth. 6 Binney, 179 vi, 443 White v. Comm'rs of Chowan, 90 N. C. 437 47, 534 White v. Comm'rs of Mutnomah Co., 13 Or. 317. . .57, 20 White v. Conly, 14 Lea, 51 52,154 White v. Continental Nat. Bank, 64 N. Y. 316 21, 612 Whitev. Crenshaw, 5 Mack, 113 60,370 White v. Davidson, 8 Maryland, 169 Jxiii, 699 White v. Ditson, 140 Massachusetts, 351 54, 473 White v. Dolliver, 113 Massachusetts, 400 18, 502 White v. Dougherty, 1 Mart. & Yerg. 309 xvii, 802 White v. Dresser, 135 Massachusetts, 150 46, 454 White v. Duggan, 140 Massachusetts, 18 54, 437 Whitev. Elwell, 48 Maine, 360 Ixxvii, 231 White v. Equitable N. B. Union, 76 Ala. 251 52, 325 Whitev. Fisher. 77 Indiana, 65 40, 237 Whitev. Flannigain, 1 Maryland, 525. liv.668 Whitev. Fox, lBibb.369 iv,643 White v. Gay, 9 New Hampshire, 126 xxxi, 224 White v. Graves, 107 Massachusetts, 325 0, 38 Whitev. Hale, 3 Pickering. 291 xv, 209 White v. Hapeman, 43 Michigan, 267 38, 178 Whitev. Hass, 32 Alabama, 430 Ixx, 548 White v. Heffner, 30 Louisiana An. 1280 31, 33 Whi-Wic TABLE OF CASES. 200 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [491 to American Reports. White v. Hermann. 51 Illinois, 243 *rix, 543 White v. Hopkins, 3 Watts & Serg. 99 xxxvii, 54? White v. How-land, 9 Massachusetts, 314 vi. 71 White v. Hutchings, 40 Alabama, 253 Ixxxviii. 763 White v. HutcUinson, 43 .Maine, 360 Ixxvii, 23 White v. Jones, 4 Call, 253 . 5->4 White v. Lans, 123 Massachusetts. 598 35, 402 White T. Life Ass'n of America, 63 Ala. 419 33, 45 White v. Martin, 1 Porter. 215 xxvi, 365 White v. Mary Ann, The, 6 California, 462 Ixv, 523 White v.Miyaara, 111 Massachusetts, 250. 15, 23 White v. Merritt. 7 N. Y.. (3 Selden). 352 Mi. 527 White v. Miller, 71 New York, 118 27, 13 White?. Miller, 73 New York. 393 34 544 White v. Milwaukee City R. R. Co.. 61 Vis. 536. .50, 154 White T. Morton, 22 Vermont, 15 111. 75 White v. Murtlaud, 71 Illinois. 250 22, 100 Whiter. Nellis. 31 New York. 405 Ixxxviii, 2S2 White v. Parish, 20 Texas, 688 Ixxiii, 204 White v. People, 90 Illinois. 117 32, 12 White v. Phelps, 14 Minnesota, 27 c, 190 Whitev. Philbrick, 5 Greenleaf. 147 *, 214 White v. Polleys, 20 Wisconsin, 503 xci. 432 White v. Rspublic Fire Ins. Co., 57 Maine, 91 2, 22 White v. Rowland, 67 Georgia, 546 44, 731 Whitev. S.mnnds, 33 Vermont, 173 Ixxviii, 620 Whitev. Skinner. 13 Johnson. 307 vii, 381 White v. Smith, 77 Illinois, 351 20,251 White v. Smith, 33 Penn. State, 186 Ixxv, 589 White v. Smith. 15 Vroom, 105 43,347 White v. St. Guirons, Minor, 331 xii, 56 White v. Stender, 21 West Virginia, 615 41), 283 Whitev. Stoadard,ll Gray, 253 Ixxi, 711 White v. St. Philip's Ch., 2 McMullan's L. 306..xxxix. 125 White v. Thomas, 12 Ohio State, 312 Ixzx, 347 White v. Todds V. W. Co., 8 California, 443. . .Ixviii, 333 White v. Trotter, 14 Smedes & M. 30. liii. 112 White v. Trumbull, 3 Green Law, 314 xxix, 687 Whitev. Tudor, 24 Texas, 639 Ixxvi, 126 White v. Twitchell, 25 Vermont, 620 Ix, 294 White v. Union Ins. Co., 1 Nott & McO. 556 ix, 726 White v. Vann. 6 Humphreys, 70 xliv, 294 White v. Wagner, 4 Harris & J. 373 vii, 674 White v. Westport Mfg. Co., 1 Pickering, 215 xi, 168 Whitev. White, 16 Gratt. 264 Ixxx, 706 Whitev. White, 1 Harrison, 202 xxxi. 232 White v. White, 105 Massachusetts, 325 7, 526 White v. Wilson, 6 Blackford, 448 xxxix, 437 White's Bank v. Myles, 73 New York. 335 29, 157 Whiteacre v. Rector, 29 Gratt, 714 26, 420 Whited v. Germania Fire Ins. Co., 76 N. Y. 415. .32, 330 Whitefleldv. McLeod, 2 Bay, 380 i, 650 Whiteford v. Burckmyer, 1 Gill, 127 xxxix, 640 Whiteford v. Commonwealth, 6 Randolph, 721. .xviii. 771 Whitehall v. Pettis, 13 Vermont, 395 xxxvii, 600 Whitehead v. Herron, 15 Texas, 127 Ixv, 145 Whithead v. Keyes, 3 Allen, 495 Ixxxi, 672 Whithead v. N. Y. Life Ins. Co.. 102 N. Y. 143. ... 5.-,, 7S7 Whltehillv. Wilson, 3 Penrose & W. 405 xxiv. 326 Whitehurst v. Gaskill, 69 North Carolina, 449. ... 12, 655 Whitehurst v. Hickey, 3 Martin, N. 8.. 589 xv, 167 Whitehurst v. N. O. M. L Co., 7 Jones L. 433. .Ixxviii, 246 Whitehurst v. Pettipher, 87 North Carolina, 179.42, 520 Whitely v. Allen, 56 Iowa, 224 41, 99 Whiteman v. Wil'gtonR.R., 2Harr. (Del.), 514..xxxiii, 411 WMtesidesv. Hunt, 97 Indiana, 191 49,441 Whitesides v. Northern Bank, 10 Bush. 501 19, 74 Whitesides v. Thurlkill, 12 Smedes & M. 599 li, 128 Whitford v. Laidler. 94 New York, 145 46, 131 Whitfield T. Rogers, 20 Mississippi, 84 lii, 244 Whitfield v. Whitfleld, STredell's L. 163 xlvii, 350 Whiting v. Barney, 30 New York, 330 Ixxxvi, 385 Whiting v. Earle, 3 Pickering, 201 xv, 207 Whiting v. Johnson, 11 Serg. &R. 328 xiv, 633 Whiting v. Massachusetts Ins. Co., 129 Mass. 240..3T, 517 Whiting v. Nicholl, 46 Illinois, 230 xcii, 248 Whiting v. Ohlert, 52 Michigan, 462 50, 265 Whiting v. Sheboygan R. R. Co., 25 Wis. 167 3, 30 Whiting v. State, 14 Connecticut, 487 xxxri. 499 Whiting v. Story Co.. 54 Iowa, 81 37,189 Whitledgev. Wait, Sneed, 335 ii, 721 Whitley v. Black, 2 Hawks, 179 xi. 753 Whitley v. Foy. 6 Jones' Eq. 34 Ixxriii 236 Whitley v. Murphy, 5 Oregon, 328 20, 741 Whitlock v. Heard, 13 Alabama, 776 ilviii. 73 Whitmarsh v. Conway F. I. Co.. 16 Gray, 359. .Ixxvii, 414 Whitmire v. Wright, 22 South Carolina, 446 53, 725 Whitmore v. Nickerson, 125 Massachusetts. 493.. .28, 257 Whitney v. Atlantic etc. R. R. Co., 44 Maine, SGMxix, 103 Whitney v. Bacon, 9 Gray, 206 Ixix, 281 Whitney v. Black River Ins. Co.. 72 N. Y. 117 28, 116 Whitney v. Butterfield, 13 California, 335 Ixxiii, 584 Whitney v. Chambers. 17 Nebraska, 70 52, 398 Whitney v. Clifford, 46 Wisconsin. 138 32, 703 Whitney v. Dutch. 14 Massachusetts, 457 vii. 229 Whitney v. Eliot Nat. B'k. 137 Massachusetts, 351. 50, 316 Whitney v. Esson, 99 Massachusetts, SOS xcvi, 762 Whitney v. First Nat. Bank. 50 Vermont. 388 28, 503 Whitney v. First Nat. Bank, 55 Vermont, 155 45, 598 Whitney v. Goddard. 20 Pickering, 304 xxxii, 216 Whitneyv. Higgins, 10 California, 547 Ixx, 748 Whitney v. Hunting-ton, 34 Minnesota, 458 57, 68 Whitney v. Lee, 1 Allen, 198 Ixxix, 727 Whitneyv. Ludington, 17 Wisconsin, 140 Ixxxiv. 734 Whitney v. Merchants' Tin. Ex. Co., 104 Mass. 152. 6, 207 Whitney v. Monroe, 19 Maine, 42 xxxvi, 732 Whitney v. Ocean Ins. Co., 14 Louisiana, 485. . ..ixiii, 595 Whitney v.Ragsdale, 33 Indiana, 107 5,185 Whitney v. Stark, 8 California, 514 Ixviii, 360 Whitney v.Swett, 22 New Hampshire, 10 liii, 228 Whitneyv. TTnion Railway Co., 11 Gray, 359.... Ixxi, 715 Whitneyv. Walsh, ICushing, 29 xlviii, 590 Whitney Arms Co. v. Barlow. 63 New York, 62. ...20, 504 Whitney's Adm'r v. Clarendon, 18 Vt. 232 xlvi, 150 Whiton v. Chicago & N. W. Ry Co., 25 Wis. 424... 3, 101 Whitonv. Mears, 11 Metcalf, 563 xlv, 233 Whitson v. Fowlkes, 1 Head, 533 Uxiii, 184 Whittaker v. Collins, 34 Minnesota, 299 57, 65 Whittaker v. Dick, 5 Howard, 296 ixxv, 436 Whittaker v. State. 50 Wisconsin, 518 36, 856 Whittemore v. Coster, 3 Green's Ch. 438 xli, 740 Whittenton Mills v. TTpton, 10 Gray, 582 Ixxi, 681 Whittier v. Cocheco Mfg. Co., 9 N H. 454 xxxii. 332 Whittier v. Hartford Ins. Co. . 55 N. H. 141 20, 185 Whittier v. Heminway, 22 Maine, 233 xxxviii, 309 Whittier v. Town of Franklin, 46 N. H. 23. . .Ixxxviii, 185 Whittier ads. State, 21 Maine, 341 xxxviii, 272 Whittington v. Flint, 43 Arkansas, 504. 51, 572 Whittlesey v. McMahon, 10 Connecticut, 137 xxvi, 382 Whitton v. Whitton, 38 New Hampshire, 127 Ixxv, 163 Whitwell v. Crehore, Exr.. 8 Louisiana, 540....xxviii, 141 Whitwell v. Emory. 3 Michigan. 84 lix. 220 Whitwell v. Johnson, 17 Massachusetts, 449 ix. 165 Whitwell v. Vincent. 4 Pickering. 449 xvi. 355 Wickev. Lake, 21 Wisconsin, 410 xciv, 552 Wicker v. Hotchkiss, 62 Illinois, 107 14, 75 Wicker v. Pope, 12 Richardson L. 387 Ixxv, 732 Wickersham v. Chicago Zinc Co., 13 Kansas, 481. .26, 784 Wickersham v. Nicholson, 14 Serg. & R. 118 xvi, 478 Wickereham v. Orr, 9 Iowa, 253 Ixxiv. 348 Wickmanv. Robinson, U Wisconsin, 493 ....... 1 . 7S3 WicksT. Sra 412 .................... 30,433 Widgery v. n.uke'J, 3 Massachusetts. 144 .......... iv, 1 Widoe v. We'o '.>, 2) Ohio State, 431 ................ 5,664 Wieslebv. Thomsen. 102 Illinois, 156 ............. 40,571 Wieland v. Kobick, 110 Illinois, 16. ............... 51, 676 Wieman v. Mabee. 45 Michigan, 434 .............. 40,477 Wiener v. "W^ipY.e, 53 Wisconsin, 298 ............ 40, 773 Wigginv. A:norr, 14 Massachusetts, 1 ............ vii, 175 v. Bush, 12 Johnson. 306 .................. vii, 324 Wiggin y. Suffolk Ins. Co., 13 Pickering, 145 ____ xxix. 576 Wiggin v. Swctt, 6 Mstcaif , 194 ................ mix, 716 Wijjia v. Wi^u, 43 Xow Hampshire, 561 ...... Ixxx, 192 Wiggins F. Co. T. Chicago i A. R. Co., 73 Mis- souri. 333 ...................................... 39, 519 Wigglesworth v. Steers, 1 Heuing M. 70 ......... iii, 602 Wight v. Hale, 2 Gushing, 4So .................. xlviii, 677 Wight v. Shelby R. R. Co., 16 B. Monroe, 4 ...... liiii, 522 Wight v. Springfield i X. L. R. R. Co.. 117 Mas- sachusetts. 226 .................................. 19,412 Wightman v. Coatea, 15 Massachusetts, 1 ........ viii, 77 Wikoff s Appeal, 15 Penn. State, 231 .............. liii, 597 Wilbor ads. State, 1 Rhode Island, 199 ......... xxxvi, 245 Wilbur T. Fiood, 16 Michigan, 40 ................ xciii, 203 Wilbourn v. Shell. 59 Mississippi. 205 ............. 43, 3u3 Wilbur T. Lynde. 43 California, 290 ............... 19, 645 Wilcocks v. Union Ins. Co., 2 Binney, 574 ......... iv. 430 Wilcombe T. Dodge, 3 California, 260 ............ Iviii, 411 Wilcox T. Aultman, 64 Georgia, 544 .............. 37, 92 Wilcox v. Chicago. 107 Illinois, 331 ................ 47, 431 Wilcox v. Draper, 12 Nebraska, 133 ............... 41, 7C3 Wilcox v. Ellis, 14 Kansas, 553. . .................. 19, 107 Wilcox T. Emerson, 10 Rhode Island, 270 ......... 14, 633 Wilcox v. Hemming, 58 Wisconsin, 144 ........... 40, 625 Wileox T. McNutt, 2 Howard, 776 .............. xxxii, 304 Wilcox T. Matteson, 53 Wisconsin. 23 ............. 40, 754 Wilcox v. Morris, 1 Murphey, 116 ................. iii 673 Wilcox v. Rome, W. & Oj. R. R., 39 N. Y. 353 ...... c. 440 Wilcox v. Smith, 5 Wendell, 231 .................. xxi, 213 Wilcox v. State, 6Lea, 571 ........................ 40, 53 Wilcox ads. State, 3 Yerger, 278 ................. xxiv, 569 Wilcox T. Steamboat Philadelphia, 9 La. 80 ..... xxix, 436 Wilcoxsonv. Burton, 27 California, 223 ....... Ixxxvii, 66 Wilcoxson v. Stitt, 65 California, 596 .............. 52, 310 Wilcoxon T. McGhee, 12 Illinois, 331 .............. liv, 409 Wildv. Davenport, 43 N.J. L. 129.'. .............. 57,552 Wild v. Deig. 43 Indiana. 455 ..................... 13,399 Wildev. Merchants' D. T. Co., 47 Iowa. 247 ...... 29, 479 Wilde ads. Commonwealth, 5 Gray, 83 .......... Ixvi, 350 Wildee v. McKee, 111 Pennsylvania St. 335 ....... 56, 271 Wilder^ Succession. 22 La. An. 219 ............... 2,721 Wilderv. Abernethy, 51 Alabama, 644. .......... 25, 734 Wilder v. Brooks, 10 Minnesota, 50 .......... Ixxxviii, 49 Wilder v. Heeler, 3 Paige Ch. 167 ............... xxiii, 781 Wilder v. Maine Cent. R. R. Co.. 65 Maine, 332. . .20, 693 Wilder v. Mayor etc. of Savannah, 70 Ga. 761 ..... 48, 593 Wildey v. Coflier, 7 Maryland, 273 ................ Lxi, 346 Wilds v. Layton, 1 Delaware Ch. 226 .............. xii, 91 Wiles Laundering Co. v. Hahlo, 105 N. Y. 234 ---- 59, 496 Wiles v. Wiles, 3 Maryland, 1 ..................... Ivi, 733 Wiley v. Baumgardner. 97 Indiana, 66 ............ 49, 427 Wiley T. First Nat. Bank. 47 Vermont, 546 ........ 19, 122 Wiley v. Holmes, 23 Missouri, 236 ............... Ixxv, 126 Wiley v. Moor, 17 Serg. & R. 433 ................. xvii, 696 Wiley v. Pavey, 61 Indiana, 457 ................... 28,677 WUhelm v. Fimple. 31 Iowa, 131 .................. 7, 117 Wilkerson v. State, 13 Missouri, 91 ................ liii, 137 Wilkes v. Ferris, 5 Johnson, 335 ................... iv, 364 201 TABLE OF CASES. Wic WU Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reporta. Wilfcins v. Gillis, 20 Louisiana Annual, 538 xcvi. 425 Wiikins v. Ordway. 59 New Hampshire. 378 47J "15 Wilkins v. Philips, 3 Ohio, 49 xvii. 579 Wilkins v. Reed, 6 Greenleaf. 220 ^ 211 Wilkins v. Rue. 4 Blackford. 2^3 xxix. 368 Wilkins v. Stidger, 22 California. 231 Ixxxiii,' 64 Wilkins v. Tobacco Ins. Co., 33 Ohio St. 317 27J 455 Wilkinson ads. Commonwealth, 16 Pickering, 175.xxvi! 654 Wilkinson v. Conn. Mut. L. Ins. Co., 30 Iowa. 119. 6, 657 Wilkinson v. Deming, SO Illinois. 342 22, 192 Wilkinson v. First Nat. F. Ins. Co.. 72 N. Y. 499. .28 166 Wilkinson v. Flowers, 37 Mississippi 579 .Ixxv! 78 Wilkinson v. Getty, 13 Iowa, 157 Ixxxi, 423 Wilkinson v. Gill, 74 New York. 63 '.'.!. .30^ 264 WHkinson v. Heavenrich. 53 Michigan, 574 55, 708 Wilkinson y. Jett, 7 Leigh, 115 xxx, 433, Wilkinson v. State, 59 Indiana, 416 2G ? S4 Wilkinson ads. State, 2 Vermont, 480 .'xxi! 560 Wilkinson v. Tousley, 16 Minnesota, 299 10J 139 Wilkinson v. Wait, 44 Vermont. 503 8,' 391 Wilkowski v. Halle. 37 Georgia. 678 V^w. 374 Wilks v. Fitzpatrick, 1 Humphreys, 54 xxxiv, 618 Wilks v. Walker. 22 South Carolina, 103 53J 706 Will of . See Name of Testator. Will of Warfield. Matter of. 22 California. 51..1xxxiii. 49 Willard v. Bassett, 27 Illinois, 37 Ixxix, 393 Willard v. Comstock, 53 Wisconsin. 565 46, 657 Willard v. Eastham, 13 Gray, 323 ..Ixxvtt! 366 Willard v. KimbalL 10 Allen, 211 Ixxxvii. 632 Willard v. Rice, 11 Metcalf, 433 xlv, 226 Willard v. Stone, 7 Cowen, 23 xvii,' 436 Willard v. Strong, 14 Vermont, 532 xxxixi 240 Willard y. Willard, 6 Baxt. 297 32J.529 Willcocks, Exparte, 7Cowan, 402 xvii, 525 Willet v. Brown, 65 Missouri, 133 27^265 Willetsv. Sun Mut. Ins. Co., 45 New York, 45.... G, 31 Willett v. Overton, 2Root, 333 i, 73 Willett y Rich. 142 Massachusetts, 356 56, 634 Wffley v. Day, 51 Penn. State. 51 Ixxxviii, 562 William B. S. Works v. Atkinson. 68 Illinois. 421.18, 560 Williams, Ex parte, 4 Arkansas, 537 xxxviii, 46 Williams v. Albany City Ins. Co., 19 Mich. 451. ... 2, 95 Williams v. Allen, 10 Humphreys, 337 li, 709 Williams v. Androsc. & Ken. R. R. Co., .36 Me. 231 . viii[ 742 Williams y. Babbitt, 14 Gray, 141 Ixxiv. 670 Williams T. Ball. 52 Texas. 603 36^730 WiUiamsy. Ballance. 23 Illinois, 193 Ixxiv, 187 Williams v. Bemis, 103 Massachusetts, 91 11,318 Williamsv. Bowers, 15 California, 321 Ixxvi, 489 Williamsv. Branson. 1 Murphey. 417 iv. 562 Williams v. Brickell, 37 Mississippi, 682 .Ixxv, 88 Williams v. Briggs, 11 Rhode Island, 176 23, 518 Williams v. Brooks, 50 Connecticut, 278 47, 642 Williams v. Buchanan, 1 Iredell's Law, 535 xxxv, 760 Williamsy. Cammack, 27 Mississippi, 209 Ixi. 508 Williams y. Carpenter, 36 Alabama, 9 Ixxvi, 316 Wuliams v. Cash, 27 Georgia, 507 Ixxiii, 739 Williams y. 0. F. College, 29 Missouri, 250 Ixxvii, 569 Williams v. Chapman, 17 Illinois, 423 Ixv, 669 Williams y . Churchill, 137 Massachusetts, 243 50, 304 Williams v. Commonwealth, 2 GrattA, 507 xliv, 403 Williams v. Co. Court, 26 West Virginia, 4S3 53, 94 Williamsy. Cowden, 13 Missouri, 211 liti, 143 Williamsv. Crutcher, 5 Howard, 71 xxxv, 422 Williamsv. Dickerson, 2Root, 191 i, 66 Williamsv. Durst, 25 Texas, 667 Ixxriii, 548 Williams v. Esling, 4 Penn, State, 436 xlv, 710 Williams v. Field, 2Wisconsin, 421 Ix, 426 Williams v. Firemen's Fund Ins. Co., 54 N.H. 569.13, 620 Wilkie v. Roosevelt, 3 Johnson's Cases, 206 ii, 149 Wilkins v. Earle, 44 New York, 172 3,655 Williamsv. Getty, 31 Penn. State, 461 Ixxii, 757 Wil TABLE OF CASES. 202 Boman letters [xlix] refer to Tolumes of American Decisions. and.Arablc figures [49] to American Reports. Williams T. Glenn. 92 North Carolina. 253 53,416 [ Williams ads. State, 7 Jones' Law, 446 Ixxviii, 248 Williams v. Grant, 1 Connecticut, 487 vii, 235 WilliamsT. Gray, SGreenleaf, 207 xiv, 234 Williams v. Hadley. 21 Kansas, 350 30,430 Williams v. Haig, 3 Richardson's Law, 362 xlv, 774 Williams ads. State. 2 Richardson's Law, 418 xlv, 741 Williams ads. State ex rel. Knowlton, 5 Wis. 308. Ixviii, 65 Williams v. Steamboat David Tatum, 33 Mis- souri. 461 Ixxxiv, 57 Williams v. Harrell, 8 Iredells Equity, 123 IT, 442 Willliams v. Stein. 38 Indiana. 89 10, 97 Williams v. Harrington, 11 Iredell's Law. 616 liii, 421 Williams v.Hartford Ins. Co.. 54 California, 442..S5, 77 WiKiamsv. Haynes, 27 Iowa. 251 1,263 Williams v. Helme, 1 Devereux's Equity, 151.... xviii, 530 WOliamsv. Henshaw, 11 Pickering, 79 xxii, 366 Williams v. Henshaw, 12 Pickering, 378 xxiii. 614 Williams v. Herndon, 12 B. Monroe, 484 liv, 551 Williamsv. Hicks, SVermont, 36 xix, 693 Williamsv. Hilton. 35 Maine. 547 Iviii. 723 Williamsv. Hodgson. 2 Harris & J. 474 iii, 563 Williams v. Hoffingsworth, 1 Strobh. Eq. 103 ...xlvii, 527 Williamsv. Hugunin. 69 Dlinois, 214 18,637 Williams v. Hunter, 3 Hawks, 545 xiv, 597 Williamsv. Hutchinson, 3 N. Y. (3 Comst.), 312 ..liii, 301 Williams v. Johnson, Littell's Sel. Cases, 84 xii, 275 Williams v. Johnson, 30 Maryland, 500 xcvi, 613 Williams v. Johnston, 92 North Carolina, 532 53, 428 Williams v. Judy, 3 Oilman, 282 xliv, 699 Williams v. Keyser. 11 Florida, 235 Unix, 243 Williams v. Lane, 2 Carolina Law Repos. 266 vi, 561 Williams v. Love, 2 Head. 80 Lxxiii, 191 Williams v. McKay, 40 New Jersey Eq. (13 Stew.) 1S9 53,775 Williams v. McManus, 33 Louisiana An. 161 58, 171 Williamsv. Maus, 6 Watts, 278 xxxi, 465 Williamsv. Merle, 11 Wendell, 80 xxv, 604 Williams v. Merritt, 103 Massachusetts, 184 4,521 Williams v. Mich. Cent. R. R. Co., 2 Mich. 259 lv, 59 Williams v. Moray, 74 Indiana, 25 39, 76 Williamsv. Morton, 33 Maine, 47 1x1,229 Williams v. Mut. Gas Co., 52 Michigan, 499 50, 266 Williams v. Neel, 10 Richardson's Eq. 338 Ixxiii, 94 Williams v. Nelson, 23 Pickering, 141 xxxiv, 45 Williams v. N. Y. Cent. R. R. Co., 16 N. Y. 97....1xix, 651 Williamsv. Otey, SHumphreys, 563 xlvii, 632 Williams ads. People. 4 Hill (N. Y.),9 xl.258 Williamsv. Perry,20 Indiana, 437 Ixxxiii, 327 Williams v. Planters' Ins. Co.. 57 Mississippi. 759.34, 491 Williams v. Powell, 66 Alabama, 20 41,742 Williamsv. Powell. 101 Massachusetts, 467 3, 396 Williams v. Preston, 3 J. J. Marshall, 600 xx. 179 Williams v. Putnam, 14 New Hampshire, 540 xl. 204 Williamsv. Robbins, 16 Gray, 77 Ixxvil, 3% Wflliams v. Robinson, 73 Maine. 186 40,352 Williams v. Robinson, 42 Vermont, 658 1, 359 Williams v. Roger Williams Ins. Co., 107 Massa- chusetts, 377 9, 41 Williams v. Sadler, 4 Jones Equity, 378 Ixxv, 424 Williams v. School Dist. No. 1, 21 Pickering, 75.xxxii, 243 Williams v. Shaw. N. C. Term Rep. 197 vii, 706 Williamsv. Smith, 2 Caines, 1 ii, 200 Williamsv. State, 54 Alabama, 131 25, 665 Williamsv State, 81 Alabama, 1 60,133 Williamsv. Stat* 60 Georgia, 367 27,412 Williamsv. State, 61 Georgia, 417 34,102 Williamsv. State, 64 Indiana, 553 31, 135 Williams v. State, 15 Lea, 129 54,404 Williamsv. State, 32 Mississippi, 389 Ixvi, 615 Williams v. State, 14 Ohio, 222 xlv, 53G Williamsv. State, 1 Tex. Ct. App. 90 28,399 Williams v. State, 14 Tex. Ct. App. 102 46, 237 Williams v. State, 43 Texas. 132 23, 590 Williams ads. State, 19 Alabama, 15 liv, 1S4 William* ads. State. 4 Indiana, 234 Iviii. 627 WHiiams v. Stoll. 79 Indiana, 80 41,60 Williamsv. Storrs, 6 Johns. Ch. 353 x, 340 Williams v. Tipton, 5 Humphreys, 66 xlii, 420 Williams v. Urmston, 35 Ohio State. 296 35, 611 Williams v. Vail, 9 Michigan, 162 Ixxx. 76 Wflliams v. Vance, 9 South Carolina, 344 30, 26 Wiuaams v. Vanderbilt, 28 New York, 217 Ixxxiv, 333 Williams v. Vanmeter, 8 Missouri, 339 xli, 644 Williams v. Veach. 17 Ohio. 171 xlix, 453 Williams v. Walker, 2 Richardson's Eq. 291 slvi, 53 Williams v. Walton, 8 Yerger, 3S7 xxix, 122 Williams v. Williams, 2 Devereur's Eq. 69 xxii, 729 Williams v. Williams, 79 North Carolina, 417 28, 330 Williams v. Williams, 46 Wisconsin, 464 S'l, 722 Williams v. Williams. 55 Wisconsin, 300 42,708 Williams v. Williams, 63 Wisconsin 58 53,253 Williams v. Williamson, 6 Iredell's Law, 2S1 xlv, 494 Williams v. Worthington, 49 Maryland, 572 33, 286 Williams' & Harding's Appeals, 106 Penn. St. 116..51, 505 Williamson's Case, 26 Penn. State, 9 Ixrii, 374 Williamson v. Branch Bank, 7 Alabama, 906 xlii, 617 Williamson v. Chicago. R. I. and P. R. Co., 53 Iowa. 126 26,206 Williamson v. Culpepper, 16 Alabama, 211 1, 175 Williamson v. Farrow, 1 Bailey's Law, 611 rxi, 492 Williamson v. Foreman, 23 Indiana, 540 Ixxxv, 475 Williamson v. Harris, 57 Alabama, 40 2f>, 707 Williamson v. McGinnis, 11 B. Monroe, 74 Iii, 561 Williamson v. Smart, Conference Rep. 146 ii, 638 Williamson v. Smith, 1 Coldwell, 1 Ixxviii, 478 Williamson v. Smoot, 7 Martin, 31 xii, 494 Williamson v. Snowhill, 1 Green, 23 xiii, 496 Williamson v. Steele. 3 Lea, 527 31,652 Williamson v. Tunno, IBrevard, 151 ii, 654 Williamson v. Turner, 2 Bay, 410 i, 652 Williamson v. Walker, 24 Georgia, 257 Ixxi, 119 Williamson v. Williamson, 3 Smedes & M. 715 xli, 636 Williamsportv. Commonwealth, 84Pean. St. 437.. 24, 208 Willingham v. Hooven, 74 Georgia, 233 58, 435 Willis v. Freeman, 35 Vermont, 44 Ixxiii. 619 Willis v. Gay. 48 Texas. 463 26,328 WiUis v. Green, 5 Hill, 232 xl, 351 Willis v. Henderson, 4 Scammon, 13 xxxviii, 120 Willis v. Missouri P. R. Co., 61 Texas, 432 48, 301 Willis v.Moore, 59 Texas, 628 40, 2.?4 Willis v. Morris. 63 Texas. 458 51, 655 Willis v. Morris. 66 Texas. 623 59. 634 Willoughby v. Irish. 35 Minnesota. 63 59, 297 Willoughby v. Lawrence. 116 Illinois, 11 56, 758 Wilmaser v. Continental Life Ins. Co., 66 la. 417.55, '-'77 Willmering v. McGaughey. 30 Iowa, 205 6, 673 Willsv. Hill, 2Dev. &Bat. Law, 231 xxxi, 412 Wills v. Home Ins.'Co., 28 Iowa, 545 4, 180 Wills v. Ross, 77 Indiana, 1 40,279 Willson v. Foree, 6 Johnson, 110 v, 195 Willson v. Willson, 25 New Hampshire, 229 Ivii, 320 Willy v. Mulledy. 78 New York. 310 34,536 Willyardv. Hamilton. 7 Ohio. Pt. II, 111 xxx, 195 Wilmington & Reading R. R. Co. v. Btauffer, 60 Pennsylvania State. 374 c, 574 Wilmington, City of v. Macks, 86 N. C. 88 41,443 Wilmington etc. R. Co. v. Greenville etc. R. Co., 9 South Carolina. 325 30, 23 Wilmot v. Howard, 39 Vermont, 447 xciv, 338 203 TABLE OF CASES. Wil-Win Roman letters [ills] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [40] to American Reports. Wilmotv. Talbot, 3 Harris McH. 2 i. 371 WUms v.Jess, 94 Illinois. 464 34,242 Wilms v. White, 26 Maryland, 380 xc,113 Wilson's Accounts, 4 Penn. State, 430 xiv, 701 Wilson's Appeal, 103 Pennsylvania State, 344 56, 214 Wilson v. Armstrong, 42 Alabama, 163 xciv, 635 WUson v. Bailer, 3 Strobhart's Eq. 253 li, 678 Wilson v. Berryman, 5 California, 44 briii, 78 Wilson v. Branch, 77 Virginia, 65 40, 709 Wilson v. Brown, 53 Alabama, 62 29, 727 Wilson v. Brownlee, 24 Arkansas. 586 xci, 523 Wilson v. Campbell, 33 Alabama, 249 In, 583 Wilson v. Chalfant, 15 Ohio, 248 xiv, 574 Wilson v. City of Charlestown, 8 Allen, 137 Ixxrv, 693 Wilson v. Cochran, 48 Penn. State, 107 Ixxxvi. 574 Wilson v. Cochran, 31 Texas, 677 xcviii, 553 Wilson v. Commonwealth, 10 Bush, 526 19, 76 Wilson v. Crocket, 43 Missouri, 216 xcvii, 389 Wilson v. Cunningham, 3 California, 241 Iviii, 407 Wilson v. Dubois, 35 Minnesota, 471 59, 33o Wilson v. Fleming, 16 Vermont, 649 xlii, 531 Wilson v. Forder. 20 Ohio State, 89 5, 627 Wilson v. Fosket, 6 Metcalf , 400 xxxix, 733 Wilson v. Gen. Mut. Ins. Co., 12 Cush. 360 lix, 1S8 Wilson v. Granby, 47 Connecticut, 59 36, 51 Wilson v. Grand Trunk Railway, 53 Maine, 60. .xcvi. 435 Wilson v. Grand Trunk R'y, 57 Maine, 133 2, 26 Wilsonv. Green, 25Vennont, 450 Ix, 279 Wilson v. Henderson, 9 Smedes & M. 375 xlviii, 716 Wilson v. Herbert, 12 Vroom, 454 32, 243 Wilson v. Holmes, 5 Massachusetts, 543 iv, 75 Wilson v. Hooper, 12 Vermont, 653 xxxvi. 366 Wilsonv. Hunter, 14 Wisconsin, 633 Ixxx, 795 Wilson v. Huston, 13 Missouri, 146 liii, 133 Wilson v. King, 3 Littell, 437 xiv, 84 Wilsonv. Lemon, 23 Indiana, 433 Ixxxv, 471 Wilson v. Lineberger, 9i North Carolina, 641 55, 628 Wilson v. Little, 2 N. Y. (2 Comst.), 443 li, 337 Wilson v. Mayor of N. Y., 1 Denio, 535 xliii, 719 Wilson v. Mackenzie, 7 Hill, 95 xlii, 51 Wilsonv. McCuUough, 23 Penn. State, 440 Ixii, 347 Wilson v. McMillan, 62 Georgia. 16 35, 115 Wilson v. Miller, 30 Maryland, 82 xcvi, 563 Wilsonv. Myers, 4 Hawks, 73 xv, 510 Wilson v. New Bedford, 103 Massachusetts, 251. ..11, 352 Wilson v. Northern P. R. Co., 23 Michigan, 278. .37, 410 Wilson v. Ohio & M. R. R. Co., 64 Illinois, 542... .16, 565 Wilsonv. Polk, 13 Smedes&M. 131... li, 151 WUson v. Randall, 37 Alabama, 74 Ixxvi. 347 Wilson v. Russell, 13 Maryland, 495 Ixxi, 645 Wilsonv. Rybolt, 17 Indiana, 331 Ixxix, 486 Wilson v. Soper, 13 B. Monore, 411 Ivi, 573 Wilsonv. Sparkman, 17 Florida, 871 35, 110 Wilsonv. Spencer, 1 Randolph, 76 x, 491 Wilson v. State, 33 Arkansas, 557 34, 52 Wilson v. State, 13 Tex. Ct. App. 270 .' . . . .51 , 309 Wilsonv. State, 45 Texas, 76 23,602 Wilson ads. State, Coxe, 439 i, 216 Wilson ads. State, 43 N. Hampshire, 415 Ixxxii, 163 WUson v. Stillwell, 9 Ohio State, 467 Ixxv, 477 Wilsonv. Stoner, 9 Serg. fc R. 39 xi, 664 Wilsonv. Stripe, 4G. Greene, 551 Ixi, 138 WUson v. Taylor's Executors, 9 Ohio State, 595..1xxv, 488 Wilson v. Tebbetts, 29 Arkansas, 579 21, 165 Wilson T. Torbert, 3 Stewart, 296 xxi, 632 Wilsonv Troup, 2 Cowen, 195 xiv, 458 Wilson v. Twitty, 3 Hawks, 44 xiv, 569 Wilson v. Webster, Morris, 312 xli, 230 Wilson v. Wheeling, 19 West Virginia, 323 42, 780 Wilson v. White. 71 Georgia, 506 51,269 Wilson v. Williams, 14 Wendell. 146 xxviii, 518 Wilson v. Willimantic L. Co., 53 Conn. 433 47, 653 Wilson v. Wilson. 35 California, 447 xcv, 194 Wilson .Wilson, 8 Gill, 192 1,685 Wilson . Wilson, 38 Maine, 18 Ixi, 227 Wilson .Wilson, 37 Maryland, 1 11,518 Wilson . Wilson. 17 Ohio State, 150 xci, 125 Wilson . Wood, 2 C. E. Green, 216 Ixxxviii, 231 Wilson . Woodruff, 5 Missouri, 40 xxxi, 194 Wilson & Jones' Appeal, 8 Watts & Serg. 387 xlii, 302 Wilsons v. Bibb, 1 Dana, 7 xxv, 118 Wilt v. Franklin, 1 Binney, 502 ii, 474 WUtbank's Appeal. 64 Pennsylvania St. 256 3, 585 Wilton v. Middlesex R. R. Co.. 107 Mass. 108 9, 11 Wimberly v. Hurst, 33 Ulnois, 166 Ixxxiii, 295 Winansv. Christy. 4 California, 70 Ix, 597 Winborn v. Gorrell, 3 Iredell's Eo.. 117 xl, 456 Winchell v. Carey, 115 Massachusetts, 560 15, 151 Wincher v. Shrewsbury, 2 Seammon, 233 xxxv, 103 Winchester v. Beardin, 10 Humphreys, 247 li, 702 Winchester v. Capron, 63 New Hampshire, 605. . .56, 554 Winchester v. Howard, 97 Massachusetts, 303...xciii, 93 Winchesterv. Nutter, 52 New Hampshire, 507.. ..13, 93 Winchester v. Union Bank, 2 GUI & J. 73 xix, 253 Winchester v. Union Bank, 2 GUI & J. 79 xix, 255 Winchester Wag. W'ks & M. Co. v. Carman, 109 Indiana, 31 58,333 Windham v. Rhame, 11 Richardson's L. 233 Ixxiii, 116 Windham Bank v. Norton, 22 Connecticut, 213. . ..Ivi, 397 Windle v. Canaday, 21 Indiana, 243 Ixxxiii, 348 Wineland v. Coonce, 5 Missouri, 2% xxxii, 320 Winfieldv. Dodge, 45 Michigan, 355 40,476 Wing ads. Commonwealth, 9 Pickering, 1 xix, 347 Wingv. Glick, 56 Iowa, 473 41,118 Wingv. Hurlburt, 15 Vermont, 607 xl, 695 Wingv. Wing, 66 Maine, 62 22,543 Winlack v. Geist. 107 Pennsylvania St. 297 52, 473 Winkley v. Foye, C3 New Hampshire, 171 Ixvi, 715 Winkleyv. Hill, 9 New Hampshire, 31 xxxi, 215 Winnv. Abeles, 35 Kansas, 85 57, 138 Winnv. Bob, SLeigh, 140 xxiii, 258 Winn v. Young, 1 J. J. Marshall, 51 six, 52 Winn ads. State exreL White, 19 Wis. 304...1xxxviii, 689 Winne v. Elderkin, 2 Pinn. 218, 1 Chand. 219 lii, 159 Winner v. Hoyt, 66 Wisconsin, 227 57, 257 Winner v. Penniman, 35 Maryland, 163. 6, 385 Winnesheik Ins. Co. v. Holzgrafe, 53 Illinois, 516. 5, 64 Winona R. R. Co. v. Waldron, 11 Minn. 515. .Ixxxviii, 100 WinoosMe Turnp. Co. v. Ridley, 8 Vermont, 404..xxx, 476 Winslow v. Anderson, 3 Dev. & Bat. Law, 9 xxxii, 651 Winslow v. Brown, 7 Rhode Island, 95 Ixxx, 633 Winslow & Cannon v. Stokes, 3 Jones' Law, 285..1xvit, 242 Winslow v. Fletcher, 53 Connecticut, 390 55, 122 Winslow v. Merch. Ins. Co., 4 Metcalf, 306. . ..xxxviii, 368 Winslow v. Minn. & Pac. R. R., 4 Minn. 313 Ixxvii, 519 Winslow v. Norton, 29 Maine, 419 1, 601 Winslow v. Vermont R. R. Co., 42 Vermont, 700.. 1, 3fi5 Winslow, Lanier & Co. v. Leonard, 24 Penn. St. 14.. Ixii, 354 Winstead v. Reid, Busbee's Law, 76 Ivii, 571 Winsted Bank v. Webb, 39 New York, 325 c, 435 Winston v. Ewing, 1 Alabama, 129 xxxiv, 768 Winston v. Franklin Academy, 28 Miss. 118 Ixi, 540 Winston v. Taylor, 23 Missouri, 82 Ixxv, 112 Winston v. Vaughn, 22 Arkansas, 72 Ixxvi, 418 Winston v. Webb, Phillips Eq. 1 xciii,599 Winston v. Westfeldt, 22 Alabama, 760 Iviii, 278 Whiter v. Coit, 7 N. Y. (3 Selden). 288 Ivii, 522 Winter v. Jones, 10 Georgia, 190' liv, 379 Winter v. Peterson, 4 Zabriskie, 524 Ixi, 678 Winter v. Stock, 29 California, 407 Ixxxix. 57 Win Woo TABLE OF CASES. 204 Roman letters [xllx] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Winthrop v. Curtis, 3 Greenleaf, 110 xiv, 216 Winthrop v. Huntington, 3 Ohio, 327 xvii, 601 Wintlirop. Inhab. of. v. Benson. 31 Maine, 331 lii. 618 Winthrop Savings Bank v. Jackson. 67 Maine. 570.34, 56 Wintz v. Morrison, 17 Texas, 372 Ixvii, 653 Wireback v. First Nat. Bank. 97 Penn. St. 543. . ...39, 821 Wiresv. Brisss, 5 Vermont, 101 xxvi. 284 Wisconsin R. I. Co. v. Mauson. 43 Wisconsin, 255.28, 542 Wise v. Frey. 7 Nebraska. 134 89,380 Wiser. State of Kansas, 2 Kansas, 419 Ixxxv, 595 Wise v. Wynn, 59 Mississippi, 588 4?, 331 Wiseleyv. Findlay, 3 Randolph, 361 XT, 712 Wiseman v. Luoksinger. 84 New York, 31 38, 479 Wiseman T. Macy, 20 Indiana, 239 Ixrxiii. 316 Wiseman T. Wiseman, 73 Indiana. 112 38, 115 Wistar v. McManes. 54 Penn. St. 318 xciii. 700 Wistar v. Philadelphia, 80 Pennsylvania St. 505.. .81, 112 Wistar v. Scott, 105 Pennsylvania State, 200 51, 197 Wiswall v. Stewart & Easton, 32 Alabama, 433.. .Ixx, 549 Witbeck v. Holland. 45 New York. 13 6, 23 Witham v. Osburn, 4 Oregon, 318 18,287 Witham v. Witham. 57 Maine, 447 xcix. 7S7 Witheringtoa v. McDonald, 1 Hening & M. 306. . . .iii, 603 Withers' Appeal, 14 Serg. & R. 185 xvi, 483 Withers v. Baird, 7 Watts, 227 xxxii, 754 Withers v. Carter, 4Grattan,407 '. 1, 78 Withers v. Fiseus. 40 Indiana, 131 13,283 Withers v. Patterson, 27 Texas, 491 Ixxxvi, 643 Withers v. Richardson, 5 T. B. Monroe, 94 xvii, 44 Witherspoon v. Farmers' Bank, 2 Duval, 4%..lxxxvii, 503 Witherspoon v. Spring, 3 Howard (Miss.) 60 xxxii, 310 Witherspoon v. Musselman, 14 Bush, 214 89, 404 Witmanv. Lex, 17 Serg. &R. 88 xvii, C44 Witmer's Appeal, 45 Penn. State, 455 Ixxxiv, 505 Witt v. Russey, 10 Humphreys, 203 li, 701 Witte v. Williams, 8 South Carolina. 290 88, 294 Witter v. Harvey, 1 McCord, 67 x, 650 Witthaus v. Braun, 44 Maryland, 303 22, 44 Wittich v. First Nat. Bank, 20 Florida, 843 51, 631 Wittickv. Traun, 27 Alabama, 562 Ixii, 778 Wittkowski v. Smith, 84 North Carolina, 671 37, 632 Witzler v. Collins, 70 Maine, 290 35,327 Wixom v. Stephens, 17 Michigan, 518 xcvii, 205 Wixon v. Bear River and Auburn Water and Mining Company, 24 California, 367 Ixxxv, 69 Wixon v. Newport, 13 Rhode Island, 454 43, 35 Woart v. Winnick, 3 New Hampshire, 473 xiv, 384 Woburn v. Henshaw, 101 Massachusetts, 193 3, 333 Wodell v. Coggeshall, 2 Metcalf, 89 xxxv. 391 Woelper ads. Commonwealth, 3 Serg. & R. 29 viii, 628 Wofford v. McKinna, 23 Texas, 36 Ixxvi, 53 Wohlfahrt v. Beckert, 92 New York, 490 44, 406 Wohlman ads. State, 34 Missouri, 482 Ixxxvi, 117 Wolbert v. Lucas. 10 Penn. State, 73 xlix, 578 Wolbert ads. Commonwealth, 6 Binney, 292 vi, 452 Wolcott v. Frissell, 134 Massachusetts, 1 45, 272 Wolcott v. Hall. 6 Massachusetts. 514 iv. 173 Wolcott v. Hodge, 15 Gray, 547 Ixxvii, 381 Wolcott v. Melick, 3 Stockton's Ch., 204 Ixvi, 790 Wolcott v. Mount, 36 New Jersey, 262 13, 438 Wolcott v. Mount, 33 New Jersey, 496 20, 425 Wolcott v. Van Santvoord, 17 Johnson, 248 viii, 3% Wolf v. American Express Co. . 43 Missouri. 421 . .xcvii, 406 Wolf v. Beoles, 6 Serg. & R. 212 ix. 425 Wolf v. Fink, 1 Penn. State, 435 xliv, 141 Wolf v. Fleischacker, 5 California, 244 Ixiii, 121 Wolf v. Fogarty, 6 California, 224 Ixv, 509 Wolf v. Kilpatrick. 101 New York, 146 54, 672 Wolf v. Western Un. Tel. Co., 62 Penn. St. 83. ... 1 , 387 Wolf v. Wolf. 2 Harris & G. 333 xviii. 313 Wolfe v. Bamett, 24 Louisiana An. 97 13, 111 Wolfe v. Doe ex dem. Dowell, 13 Smedes & M. 103. .li, 147 Wolfe v. Howes, 20 New York, 197 Ixxv. 3S3 Wolff v. Central R. Co., 63 Georgia, 653 45,501 Wolff v. Koppel, 2 Denio, 363 xliii. 751 Wolffev. Eberlein, 74 Alabama. 99 49,809 Wolffe v. State, 79 Alabama, 201 58,590 Wolffev. Wolff, 69 Alabama, 549 44,526 Wolford v. Andrews, 29 Minnesota, 250 43, 201 Wolford v. Baxter, 33 Minnesota, 32 53, 1 Wolford v. Herrington, 74 Pennsylvania St. 311. . .15, 548 Wolford v. Powers. 85 Indiana, 294 44, 16 Wolfsheimer v. Rivinus, 64 Maryland, 230 5 1, 7C9 Wolke v. Fleming, 103 Indiana, 105 53,435 Wolverton v. State, 16 Ohio, 173 xlvii, S73 Womack v. McQuarry, 28 Indiana. 1 03 xcii. 306 Womack v. Smith. 11 Humphreys, 478 liv. 51 Womack v. Western IT. Tel. Co., 53 Texas, 176. . . .44, 614 Womack v. Womack, 8 Texas, 397 Iviii, 119 Wonder v. Baltimorefc O. R. R. Co.. 32 Md. 411. . 3, 143 Wonson v. Sayward, 13 Pickering, 402 rxiii, 691 Wood's Appeal, 92 Pa. St. 379 37,694 Wood v. Barker, 37 Alabama, 60 Ixxvi, 346 Wood v. Boylston, Nat. Bank, 129 Mass. 353 37, 366 Wood v. Boynton, 64 Wisconsin. 265 54, 610 Wood v. Broadley. 76 Missouri, 23 43, 754 Wood v. Chambers, 20 Texas, 247 Ixx, 332 Wood v. Chapin, 13 New York (3 Keman), 509. .Ixvii, 62 Wood v. Chicago, M. & St. P. R'y Co., 63 la. 491. .56, 861 Wood v. Cohen, 6 Indiana, 453 Ixiii, 389 Wood v. Colvin, 2 Hill (N. Y.), 566 xxxviii. 598 Wood v. Crocker, 18 Wisconsin, 345 Ixxxvi, 773 Wood T. Detroit C. St. R. R. Co., 52 Mich. 402... .50, 259 Wood v. Erie R'y Co., 72 New York, 1% 28, 125 Wood v.Evans, 113 Illinois. 186 55,409 Wood v. Fales, 24 Penn. State, 246 liiv, 655 Wood v. Fisk, 63 New York, 245 20,523 Wood v. Fleet, 36 New York, 499. xciii, 528 Wood v. Foster, 8 Allen, 24 Ixxxv, 681 Wood v. Fowler, 26 Kansas, 632 40, 330 Wood v. Gale, 10 New Hampshire, 247 xxiiv, 150 Wood v. Gamble, 11 Gushing, 8 lix, 135 Wood v. Goodridge. 6 Gushing, 117 lii, 771 Wood v. Goodwin, 49 Maine, 230 Ixxvii, 259 Woodv. Graves, 144 Massachusetts, 365 59, 95 Wood v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co, 13 Conn, 202. . .xxxlii, 395 Wood v. Hartford Ins. Co.. 13 Conn. 533 xxxv, 92 Wood v. Ingraham, 3 Strobhart's Eq. 105. K, 671 Wood v. Jackson, ex d. Genet, 8 Wendell, 9 xxii, 603 Wood v. Kingston Coal Co., 43 Illinois. 356 xcv, 554 Wood v. Lincoln Ins. Co, 6 Massachusetts. 479 iv, 163 Wood v. McCain. 7 Alabama, 800 xlii, 613 Wood v. McGuire's Children, 17 Georgia, 361 ... .Ixiii, 246 Woodv. Mears, 12 Indiana, 515 Ixxiv, 222 Wood v. Milwaukee & St. P. H"y Co., 27 Mo. 541. . 9, 465 Wood T. New England Ins. Co, 14 Mass. 31 vii, 182 Woodv.Rabe, 96 New York, 414 48,640 Wood v. Roach, 2 Dallas, 180 i, 276 Wood v. Robbins. 11 Massachusetts, 504 vi, 183 W ood v. Sheldon, 13 Vroom, 421 30, 523 Wood T. State. 34 Arkansas, 341 36, 13 Wood v. State, 48 Georgia, 192 15,664 Wood v. State, 13 Tex. Ct. App. 135 44,701 Wood v. Stone, 2 Coldwell, 369 Ixxxviii, 601 Wood v. Sugg, 91 North Carolina. 93 49, 639 Woodv.TiptonCo., 7 Baxt. 112 32,561 Woodv. Trask, 7Wisconsin, 566 Ixxvi, 230 Wood v. Waters, 1 lattell. 176 xiii, 223 Wood v. Watkinson, 17 Connecticut, 500 xliv, 562 Wood T. White, 32 Maine. 340 lii, 65* 205 TABLE OF CASES. Woo Wor Roman letters [ills] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Report*. Wood v. Willard, 35 Vermont. 82 Ixxxiv, 659 Wood v. Willard, 37 Vermont, 377. Ixxxvi, 716 Wood v. Wood, 5 Paige Ch. 596 xxviii, 451 Wood Co. Pet. Co. v. W. Va. Trans. Co. 28 West Virginia, 210 57,659 WoodR. & M. M. Co. v. Smith. 50 Mich. 565 45, 57 Woodardv. Spiller, 1 Dana, 180 xrv , 139 Woodbridge v. Austin, 2 Tyler, 364 iv, 740 Woodbridge v. Erigham, 12 Massachusetts, 403... vii, 85 Woodbridge v. Chilicotbe, 7 Ohio, 31 xxx, 185 Woodbridge v. Conner, 49 Maine, 353 hcrvii, 263 Woodbury v. Eo winan, 14 Maine, 15L xni, 40 Woodbury v. Fisher, 20 Indiana, 3S7 Ixxxiii, 325 Woodbury v. Long, 8 Pickering, 543 ziz. 345 'Woodbury v. Luddy, 14 Allen, 1 xcii, 731 Woodbury v. Northy, 3 Greenleaf , 85 xiv, 214 Woodbury v. Parker. 19 Vermont, 353 xlvii, 695 Woodbury v. Parshley, 7 New Hampshire, 237. . .xivi. 73'J Woodbury v. Perkins, 5 Cushing. 86 H. 51 Woodbury v. Roberts, 59 Iowa, 313 44, 685 Woodbury v. Short, 17 Vermont, 337 xliv. 311 Woodbury v. State, G9 Alabama. 242 44, 515 Woodbury v. Woodbury, 141 Massachusetts, 329. .5.5, 479 Woodburyv. Woodbury, 47 N. H. 11 xc, 555 Woodcock v. Bennet, 1 Cowen. 711 xiii, 568 Wooddy v. Old Dominion Ins. Co., 31 Gratt. 332.31, 732 WoodfiU v. Patton, 76 Indiana, 575 40, 233 WooOfin a Is. Stat.-, 5 IredeLTs Law, 199 xMi. 1 31 Woodfolk v. Blount, 3 Haywood, 147 is, 736 Woodford v. Dorwin, 3 Vermont, 82 xxi, 573 Woodford v. People, 62 New York, 117 20, 404 Woodin v. Phoenix, 42 Michigan, 655 3 1 ', 172 Woodle v. Whitney, 23 Wisconsin, 55 xclx, 102 Woodman v. How^ll. 45 Illinois, 3G7 xcii, 221 Woodman v. Hubbard, 25 New Hampshire, 67 vii, 310 Woodman v. Nottingham, 49 X. H. 337 6,526 Woodring v. Forks Township, 23 Penn. St. 355. . .Ixx, 134 Woodruff v. A lams, 5 Blackford, 317 xxxv, 122 Woodruff v. Bunce, 9 Paige, 443 xxx viii. 559 Woodruff v. Chapin, 3 Zabriskie, 566 Mi, 416 Woodruff v. Halsoy, 8 Pickering. 333 six, S?3 WoodrufE y. Hinman, 11 Vermont, 592 xxxiv, 712 Woodruff y. Johnson, 4 Halsted's Ch. 729 ly, 217 Woodruff y. Logan, 6 Arkansas, 276 xlii. 695 Woodruff y. Garner, 27 Indiana, 4. lixxix, 477 Woodruff y. Scruggs, 27 Arkansas, 26 11,777 Woodruff ads. State, 2 Day, 594 ii. 122 Woodruff S. & P. C. Co. y. Diehl, 84 Indiana. 474.4:}, 102 Woods T. Armstrong, 51 Alabama, 150 25, 671 Woodsy. Ayres, 39 Michigan, 345 33,393 Woods y. Brown, 93 Indiana, 164 47, 3'39 Woodsv. Deyin, 13 Illinois. 747 lri,4S3 Woods y. Farmere, 7 Watts, 372 xxxii, 772 Woods v. Hilderbrand. 46 Missouri. 284 2, 513 Woods v. Keyes, 14 Allen, 236 xcii, 766 Woods y. Kirk, 23 New Hampshire, 324 Ixi, 614 Woodsy. McGee. 7 Ohio. Pt. 11,127 xxx, 220 Woods y. Miller, 55 Iowa, 1G3 39, 170 Woodsy. Naumkeag S. C. Co., 134 Mass. 357 45, 344 Woodsv. Nixon, Addison, 131 i, 364 Woods y. North, 6 Humphreys, 309 xliv, 312 Woods y. North, 84 Pennsylvania State, 407 24, 201 Woods v. People, 55 New York, 515 14,339 Woods v. State, 76 Alabama, 35 52,315 Woodsy. State, 36 Arkansas. 36 38. 22 Woods y. Wilder. 43 New York, 164 3, 684 Woodson v. Barrett, 2 Honing & M. 80 iii, 612 Woodson Y. Gordon, 1 Peck. 196 xiv. 743 Woodstock Bank v. Downer, 27 Vermont, 482 Ixv. 210 Woodward y. Abom, 35 Maine, 271 Iviii, 699 Woodward y. Barnes, 46 Vermont, 332 14, 628 Woodward v. Cowing, 41 Maine, 9 Irvi, 211 Woodward y. Harbin, 4 Alabama, 53 1 xxxvii, 753 Woodward v. James, 3 Strobhart's Law. 552 li, 649 Woodward v. Lazar, 21 California, 44S Ixxxii, 751 Woodward v. Leavitt, 107 Massachusetts, 453 9, 49 Woodward v. Powers, 1C5 Massachusetts, 108 7, 503 Woodward y. Seely, 11 Illinois, 157 1. 445 Woodward y. Thacher. 21 Vermont, 530 Iii, 73 Woodward y . Towne. 127 Massachusetts, 41 34, 337 Woodward v. Winslow, 18 B. Monroe, 431 Ixviii, 729 Woodward y. Woodward, 4 Halsted, 115 ,xvii, 462 Woodworth v. Bank of America, 16 Johns. 391 x, 239 Woodworth y. Bennett, 43 New York. 273 3, 706 Woodworth v. Downer, 13 Vermont, 522 xxxvii, 611 Woodworth "v. Huntoon, 40 Illinois, 131 Ixxxix, 340 Woodworth y. Mills, 61 Wisconsin. 41 50, 135 Woodworth y. Payne, 74 New York, 193 30, 298 Woodyear y . Shaefer, 57 Maryland, 1 40, 419 Wooldridge v. State, 13 Texas Ct. App.443 44,708 Woolery v. Louisville N. A. & C. R'y Co., 107 In- diana, 331 57, 114 Woolery v . Woolery, 29 Indiana, 249 xcv, 629 Woolever v. Stewart, 36 Ohio St. 146 38, 569 Wooley v. Carter, 2 Halsted, 85 xi, 520 Wooley v. Constant. 4 Johnson, 54 iv, 246 Wooley y. Lyon, 117 Illinois, 244 5T, 8G7 Wooley v. Sergeant, 3 Halsted, 262 xiv. 419 Woolf v. Chalker. 31 Connecticut, 121 Ixxxi, 175 Woolfolk v. Overton, 3 A. K. Marshall, 63 xiii, 134 Woolford v. Dugan, 2 Arkansas, 131 xxxv. 52 Woolfork's Adin'r y. Sullivan, 23 Alabama, 548. .Iviii, 305 Woollen v. Hillen. 9 Gill. 185 Iii, 690 Woolsey v. Cade. 54 Alabama, 378 25, 711 Wooster v. Blossom, 5 Jones' Law, 244 Ixxii, 549 Wooster v. Page, 54 New Hampshire, 125 20, 128 Wooster v. Tarr, 8 Allen, 270 Ixxxv, 707 Wooster Bank y. Stevens, 1 Ohio State, 233 lix, 619 Wooten v. Wilkins, 39 Georgia, 223 xcix, 456 Woram.ads. State, 6 Hill (New York). 33 xl, 373 Worcester y. Eaton, 13 Massachusetts, 371 vii, 155 Worcester v. Great Falls Mfg. Co., 41 Me. 159. ...Ixvi, 217 Worcester v. Lord, 56 Maine, 265 xcvi, 456 Worcester v. Worcester, 116 Massachusetts, 193 ..17, 159 Worcester Bank t. Reed. 9 Massachusetts, 267 vi. 65 Worcester B'k v. Hartf. F. L Co., 11 Cush. 265.... lix, 145 Worcester Co. B'k v. Dorchester and Milton B'k, 10 Gushing. 488 Mi, 120 Worcester T. P. Corp. v. Willard, 5 Mass. 80 iv, 39 Wordv. Vance, 1 Nott &McC. 197 ix, 683 Worden v. Dodge, 4 Denio, 159 xlvii, 247 Worden y. New Bedford, 131 Massachusetts, 23 . .41, 185 Wordin v. Beinis, 32 Connecticut, 268. Ixxxv, 255 Worf ord y. Isbel, 1 Bibb, 247 iv, 633 Worgang's Adm'r. y. Clipp, 21 Indiana. 119....1xxxiii, 343 Work v. Corrington, 34 Ohio St. 64 32,343 Work v. Harper, 31 Mississippi, 107 Ixvi, 549 Workv. State, 2 Ohio State, 236 lix, 671 Workingmen's B. Co. v. Rautenberg, 103 HI. 460..42, 26 Workman v. Guthrie, 29 Penn. State, 4D5 Ixxii, 654 Workman v. Insurance Co., 2 Louisiana, 507 xxii, 141 Workman v. Wright, 33 Ohio St. 405 31, 546 Worland v. Kimberlin, 6 B. Monroe, 608 xliv, 785 Worailey ads. Commonwealth, 8 Grattan, 712 Ivi, 162 Wormouth y . Cramer, 3 Wendell, 335 xx, 706 Worrall v. Munn, 5 N. Y. (1 Selden), 223 Iv. 330 Worrall v. Parmelee, 1 N. Y. (1 Comst), 519 xlix, 350 Worrall v. RhoaJs, 2 Wharton, 427 xxx. 274 Worsley v. Second Municipality. 9 Rob. (La.), 324.xli, 333 Worten v. Howard, 2 Smedes &. M. 527 xli, 607 Wor Tos TABLE OF CASES. 206 Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports. Worth v. Comm'rs of Ashe Co., 82 N. C. 420 33, 692 Worth v. "Wilmington & W. R. R. Co.. 89 North Carolina. 291 45,679 Worthen v. Pearson. 33 Georgia, 385 Ixxxi, 213 Worthing v. Webster, 45 Maine, 270 Ixxi. 543 Worthingtoa v. Bearse, 12 Allen, 332 xc, 152 Worthington v. Charter Oak L. I. Co., 41 Connec- ticut, 372 , 19,495 Worthington v. Scribuer, 109 Mass. 4S7 13, 736 Worthiagton v. State, 58 Maryland, 403 42, 333 Worthy v. Johnson, 8 Georgia, 236 lii, 399 Worthy v. Johnson, 10 Georgia, 358 liv, 393 Worthy v. Jones, 11 Gray, 168 Ixxi, 696 Worthy v. Worthy. 36 Georgia. 45 xd. 758 Wragg T. Perm. T., 94 Illinois. 11 34, 199 Wren, Ex parte, 63 Mississippi. 512 56, 825 Wren v. Wardlaw, Minor, 363 xii, 60 Wright T. Andrews, 70 Missouri. 86 35, 308 Wright v. Arnold, 14 B. Monroe, 638 Ixi, 172 Wright v. Bircher, 72 Missouri, 179 37, 433 Wright v. Bowden, 1 Jones' Equity, 15 lix, 600 Wright v. Boynton, 37 New Hampshire, 9 Ixxii, 319 Wright v. Brown, 4 Indiana, 95 Mii, 622 Wright v. Butler. 6 Wendell, 284 xxi, 323 Wright v. Chicago. B. & Q. R. R. Co.. 19 Neb. 175..56, 747 Wright v. Clark. 50 Vermont, 130 88,496 Wright v. Crcckery Ware Co., 1 N. Hamp. 281. .. .via, 68 Wright v. Dunning, 46 Illinois, '271 xcii. 257 Wright v. Ft. Howard, 60 Wisconsin, 119 50, 350 WrightT. Geer, 6 Vermont, 151 xxvii, 533 Wright v. Guier, 9 Watts, 172 xxxvi, 108 Wright T. Hamilton, 2 Bailey's Law, 51 xxi, 513 Wrightv. Hays, 10 Texas, 130 Ix, 200 Wrightv. Hicks, 12 Georgia, 155 Ivi, 451 Wrightv. Hicks. 15 Georgia, 160 Ix. 687 Wright v. Holbrook. 52 New Hampshire, 120 13, 12 Wright v. Lathrop. 2 Ohio, 33 xv, 529 Wright v. Lewis, 5 Richardson's L. 212 Iv, 714 Wright v. Marks, 21 Louisiana An. 268 xcix, 725 Wright v. Miller, 8 N. Y. (4 Selden). 9 lix, 438 Wright v. Moore, 33 Alabama, 593 Ixxxii. 731 Wrightv. Morse, 9 Gray, 337 Ixix, 291 Wright v. Paine. 62 Alabama, 340 34, 24 Wrightv. Pipe Line Co.. 101 Penn. St. 204 47,701 Wright v. Rawson, 52 Iowa, 329 35, 275 Wright v. Remington. 12 Vroom. 48 32, 180 Wright v. Ryder. 36 California. 342 xcv. 186 Wrightv. Solomon, 19 California, 64 Ixxix, 196 Wright v. Spencer, 1 Stewart, 576 xviii, 7G Wrightv. State, SBlackford, 358 xxxv, 126 Wrightv. State, 30 Georgia, 325 Ixxvi, 656 Wrightv. State, 5 Indiana, 290 Ixi, 90 Wright v. State, 69 Indiana, 163 35, 212 Wright v. State. 7 Tex. Ct. App. 545 32, 599 Wrightv. State, 5 Yerger, 154 xxvi, 258 Wrightv. Turner, 1 Stewart,29 xviii, 35 Wright v. West, 2 Lea, 73 31,586 Wrightv. Wilcox, 19 Wendell, 343 xxxii, 507 Wright v. Winningham, 2 Heisk. 254 5, 35 Wrightv. Wright, 2 Maryland. 429 Ivi, 723 Wright v. Wright. 2 Halsted. 175 xi. 546 Wrightv. Yell, 13 Arkansas, 503 Mii, 333 Wright v. Young, 6 Wisconsin, 127. . . . Ixx, 453 Wyatt v. Elam, 23 Georgia, 201 Ixviii, 518 Wyatt's Adm'r v. Rambo, 29 Alabama, 510 Ixviii, 89 Wyckofl v. Gardner, 1 Spencer, 556 xlv, 388 Wyckoff v. Queens Co. F. Co., 52 N. Y. 32 1 1, 650 Wyer v. Andrews, 13 Maine, 168 xxix. 497 Wyer v. Dorch. and Milton Bank, 11 Gushing, 51. .lix, 137 Wykoff v.Irvine. 6 Minnesota, 496. Ixxx, 461 Wylie v. Lewis, 7 Connecticut, 301 xviii, 108 Wyman v. Campbell, 6 Porter, 2D xxxi, 077 Wyman v. Colorado Nat. Bank, 5 Colo. 30 10, 133 Wyman v. Fiske, 3 Allen, 233 Ixxx, 66 Wyman v. Hallowell Bank. 14 Massachusetts, 57. .vii. 194 Wyman v. Hurlburt, 12 Ohio. 81 xl, 461 Wyman v. Leavitt. 71 Maine. 227 36,303 Wymaa v. People's E. I. Co., 1 Allen, 301 Ixxix, 737 Wyman v. Rae, 11 Gill & Johnson.416 xsxvii, 70 Wyman v. Robinson. 73 Maine, 3S4 Wyman v. Winslow, 11 Maine, 3;S xrvi. 542 Wynkoop v. Niagara F. Ins. Co., 91 N. Y. 473 43, CSS Wynkoop v. Wynkoop, 42 Penn. State, 293 Ixxxii, 506 Wynn v. Garland, 19 Arkansas, 23 Ixviii, 190 Wynne v. Alexander, 7 Iredell's Law, 237 V Wynne v. Allen. 7 Baxt. 312 Wynne v. The Governor, 1 Yerger, 149 xxiv, 4i3 Wynne v. Wynne. 23 Mississippi. 251 Ivii. 139 Wynnev. Wynne, 2 Swan. 405 Mii. 66 Wyse v. Dandridge, 35 Mississippi, 672 Ixxii, 149 Yale, Ex parte. 24 California. 211 Ixxxv, 62 Yale v. Dederer, 18 New York, "J5 Ixxii, 503 Yale v. Dederer, 22 New York, 450 Ixx . Yale v. Yale, 13 Connecticut, 185 xxxiii, 303 Yanceyv Downer, 5 Littell, 8 xv, 35 Yancey ads. State, 1 Carolina Law Repos. 519 vi, 553 Yancy v. Yancy, 5 Heisk. 353 13, 5 Yandes v. Wright, 66 Indiana, 319 32, 109 Yandle v. Kingsbury. 17 Kansas, 195 Yanez v. State, 6 Tex. Ct. App. 429 32, 531 Yaple v. Titus, 41 Penn. State, 195 Ixxx, 604 Yarborough v. Thompson, 3 Smedes & M. 291 xli, 626 Yarborough v. Wood, 42 Texas, 91 19, 44 Yard v. Pacific Mutual Insurance Co., 2 Stock- ton's Chancery. 480 Ixiv, 467 Yardley v. Cuthbertson. 108 Penn. St. 395 56, 213 Yardley v. Raub, 5 Wharton, 117 xxxiv, 535 Yarmouth v. North Yarmouth. 34 Maine. 411 Ivi. 666 Yarnall's Will, 4 Rawle. 46 xxvi, 115 Yatesv. Cole, 1 Jones' Eq. 110 Yates v. Donaldson, 5 Maryland, 389 Ixi, 233 Yates v. Lansing, 9 Johnson, 395 vi, 290 Yates v. Squires, 19 Iowa, 26 Ixxxvii, 418 Yawkey v. Richardson, 9 Michigan, 529 Ixxxi, 769 Yeackel v. Litchfield. 13 Allen. 417 Yeagerv. Carpenter. 8 Leigh. 454 xxxi, 665 Yeaker's Heirs v. Yeaker's Heirs. 4 Metcalf (Ken- tucky), 33 lixxi, 530 Yealyv. Fink, 43 Penn. State, 212 Ixxxii, 353 Yeargain v. Johnston, Taylor, N. 0., 80 i. 5S1 Yeatesv. Reed. 4 Blackford. 463 xxxii. 43 Yeatmanv. Woods, 6 Yerger, 20 xxvii, 452 Yeomansv. Chatterton, 9 Johnson. 205 vi, 277 Yerkes v. National Bank, 69 New York, 3S3 25, 203 Yerkes v. Sabin, 97 Indiana. 141 49,434 Yerrington v. Greene, 7 Rhode Island, 589. . . .Ixxxiv. 578 Yetzerv. Thoman. 17 Ohio St. 130 xci, 123 Yick Wo, Matter of. 63 Calif ornia. 294 58, 12 Yoakum v. Tilden, 3 West Virginia. 1C7 c, 733 Yocumv. Bullit. 6 Martin, N. S.,324 xvii, 184 Yocum v. Polly, 1 B. Monroe, 353 xxxvi, 583 Yocum v. Smith, 63 Illinois. 321 14,120 Yonge & Bryan v. McConnick, 6 Florida, 368. . .Ixiii, 2H Yonoskl v. State, 79 Indiana, 393 41, 614 York v. McNatt, 16 Texas, 13 Ixvii, 607 York Co. v. Watson, 15 South Carolina 1 40, 675 York Co. Bankv. Carter, 33 Penn. State, 446... Ixxx, 4S4 Yorton v. Milwaukee L S. &W.R. Co., 5i Wis- consin. 234 41. 23 Yost v. Conroy. 92 Indiana, 464 47, 156 207 TABLE OF CASES. Yos Znl Roman letters [xlix] refer to volumes of American Decisions, and Arabic figures [49] to American Reports, Tost v. Derault, 3 Iowa, 345 Ixvi, 92 Tost v. Shaffer, 3 Indiana, 331 M, 509 Tost v. Smith, 105 Penn. St. 628 51, 219 Yostv. Stout, 4 Cold. 205 xciv, 194 Toule v. Richards, 1 Saxton Ch. 534 xxiii, 722 Toungv. Adams, 14 B. Monroe, 127 Iviii, C54 Young v. Bank of Alabama, 5 Alabama, 179. . . .xxxix. 322 Toung v. Bircher, 31 Missouri, 136 lnvii, 638 Toung v. City Council of Charleston, 20 S. C. 116.47, 827 Toungv. Cleveland, 33 Missouri, 126 Ixxxii, 155 Toungv. Covell, 8 Johnson, 23 v, 316 Toung v. Dake, 5 X. Y. (1 Selden). 463 Iv, 356 Toung v. Daniels, 2 Iowa, 126 Ixiii, 477 Toung v. De Bruhl, 11 Richardson's L. 638 Ixxiii, 127 Toui^[ v. Eagle Fire Ins. Co., 14 Gray, 150 Ixxiv, 673 Toung v. Glendenning, 6 Watts, 509 xxxi, 492 Toungv. Gregoria, 3 Can, 446 - ii, 556 Toungv. Harris 14 B. Monroo, 556 Ixi, 170 Toung v. Hartford Fire Ins. Co., 45 Iowa, 377.. ..24, 784 Toungv. Hill, 67 New York, 162 23, 99 Toungv. Jones, 64 Maine. 563 18,279 Toung v. Lathrop, 67 North Carolina, 63 12, 603 Toungv. Lorain, 11 Illinois. 624 lii, 463 Toungv. Paul, 2 Stockton's Ch. 401 Ixiv, 456 Toungv. Rathbone, 16 X. J. Eq. 224 Ixxxiv, 151 Toung v. Rummel. 2 Hfll (N. T). 478 . . .xxxviii, 594 Toung v. Ship Princess Royal, 22 La. Ann. 388. ... 2, 731 Toungv. Smith, 3 Dana, 91 xrviii. 57 Toungv. Smith, 23 Missouri, 65 Ixxv, 109 Toung v. Smith, 23 Texas, 598 Ixxvi, 81 Toung v. State Bank, 4 Indiana, 301 Mii. 630 Toung ads. State, 46 New Hampshire, 263. . . Ixxxviii, 212 Toung v. Stevens, 43 New Hampshire, 133 2, 202 Toung v. Stevens, 43 New Hampshire, 133 xcvii, 592 Toung v. Templeton, 4 Louisiana An. 254 1, 563 Touag v.Thomas. 17 Florida, 169 35, 93 Toung v. Young. 80 New York. 422 36,634 Toung v. Wiseman, 7 T. B. Monroe, 270 xviii, 17G Toung v. Wright, 4 Wisconsin, 144 Ixv. 303 Toungblood v. Lowry , 2 McCord, 39 xiii. 698 Toungblood v. Sexton, 32 Michigan. 406 20, 654 Toungblood v Vastine. 46 Missouri, 239 2,509 Younger v. Duffie, 94New York, 535 40,156 Youngerv. State, 2 West Virginia, 579 xcviii, 791 Younger ads. State, 1 Devereux's Law, 357 xrii, 571 Youngs' Appeal, 39 Penn. State, 115 Ixxx, 513 Youse v. Norcoms, 12 Missouri, 549 li, 175 Yowell v. Dodd, 3 Bush, 581 xcvi, 256 Yoxtheimer v. Keyser. 11 Penn. State, 364. li, 555 Yundt's Appeal, 13 Penn. State, 575 liii, 496 Zabriskie T. H. & N. T. R. R., 18 New Jersey Eq. 178 xc, 617 Zabriskiev. Meade, 2 Nevada, 285 xc, 542 Zabriskie v. Smith, 13 N. T. (3 Keman), 322 Ixiv, 551 Zabriskie v. State, 14 Vroom, 640 39, 610 Zachariev. Godfrey, 50 Illinois, 136 xcix. 506 Zacharyv. Pace, 9Arkansas, 212 xlvii, 744 Zaleskiv. Clark, 44 Connecticut, 218 26,446 Zann v. Haller, 71 Indiana, 136 .36, 193 Zebachv. Smith, 3Binney,69 v, 353 Zecharie v. Bowers, 1 Smedes & M. 584 xL 111 Zeigler v. Eckert, 6 Penn, State, 13 xlvii, 428 Z-jigler v. Scott, 10 Georgia, 389 liv, 395 Zeigler v. Sentzner, 3 Gill & J. 150 xxix, 534 Zeigler v. Wells, Fargo & Co., 23 CaL 179 Ixxxiii, 87 Zeisweiss v. James, 63 Penn, St. 465 3,553 Zeiter v. Zeiter, 4Watts, 212 xxviii, 693 Zemp v. Wilmington & M. R. R., 9 Richardson's Law. 84 Ixiv, 763 Zerbyv. Wilson, 3 Ohio, 42 xvii, 577 Zickafosse v. Hulick, 1 Morris, 175 xxxix, 458 Zierv.Hofflin. 33 Minnesota, 66 53, 9 Zimmerman v. Anders, 6 Watts & Serg. 218 xl. 552 Zimmerman v. Anderson, 67 Penn. St. 421 5, 447 Zimmerman v. Cowan, 107 Illinois, 631 .47, 476 Zimmerman v. Erhard, 83 New York, 74 38,396 Zimmerman v. McMakin, 22 South Carolina, 372. .33, 720 Zink v. People, 77 New York. 114 33,589 Zinn v. New Jersey Steamboat Co., 49 N. Y. 442. . 10, 402 Zoebisch v. Tarbell, 10 Allen, 385 Ixxxvii, 660 Zoeller v. Riley. 100 New York. 102 53,157 Zollar v. Janvrin, 49 New Hampshire, 114 6, 469 Zottman v. San Francisco, 20 California, 96 Ixxxi, 96 Zuchtmann v. Roberts, 109 Massachusetts, 53. ... 12, 663 Zule v. Zule. 14 Wendell, 76 xxxv, 600 Zulkeev. Wing, 20 Wisconsin, 408 xci. 428 A BRIEF INDEX MONOGRAPHIC NOTES IN THE ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY VOLUMES OF AND AMEEIOAJST EEPOETS Abandonment. What is, and effect of. 40 Am. Dec., 464-469. Of infants. 47 Am. Dec., 443-451. Of homestead. Am. Dec., 607-615. Abatement Of one action by pendency of another. 84 Am. Dec., 452-4^7. Abortion Crime of causing. 66 Am. Dec., 82-91. Acceptance For honor. 92 Am. Dec., 578-580. Accession Title by. 54 Am. Dec., 583-597. Accomplices Conviction, when may be sustained on evidence of. 71 Am. Dec., 671-678. Account stated Definition and elements of. 62 Am. Dec., 85-94. Accounts Mutual, what are. 89 Am. Dec., 75-85. Accretions Right of riparian proprietor to. 53 Am. Rep., 215 221. Acknowledgement Of conveyances. 41 Am. Dec., 168-184. What disqualification prevents officer from taking. 32 Am. Dec., 757-758. Amending and perfecting certificate of. 52*Am. Dec., 519-525. When fatally defective. 83 Am. Dec., 180-181. Acquittal When verdict of may be vacat- ed. 27 Am. Dec., 471-480. Action Commencement of, what deemed to be. 15 Am. Dec., 344-347. For wrongful arrest. 44 Am. Dec., 291- 294. On account stated. 62 Am. Dec., 85-94. INDEX A. D. & A. R. 14 Action For wrongful attachment, and defenses thereto. 81 Am. Dec., 467- 480. Attorney and client, respective powers in management of. 87 Am. Dec., 166- 170. For breach of promise of marriage. 63 Am. Dec., 5^2-548. Consolidation of. 58 Am. Dec., 508-512. Costs in, what recoverable as. 88 Am. Dec., 181-185. Damages accruing during pendency of, when recoverable. 92. Am Dec., 627- 632. For decoying one into the state to be ar- rested on civil process. 28 Am. Rep., 262-263. For false imprisonment. 54 Am. Dec., 258-271. Injuries occasioned by, who answerahle for. 29 Am. Dec., 149-150. For injuries to relatives. 48 Am. Dec., 619-641. For injuries to real estate held adversely to plaintiff. 85 Am. Dec., 321-327. For injuries to lands in one county caused by acts committed in another. 49 Am. Dec., 476-477. On instrument executed in wrong name. 42 Am. Dec., 684-685. On lost or destroyed notes. 27 Am. Dec., 128-129. On lost instruments. 13 Am. Dec., 479- 483. "Dpon coupons 64 Am. Dec., 442-445. (209) Action Animals INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 210 Action Limitation by contract of time for commencing. 25 Am. Rep., 104-107. For malicious prosecution of civil suit. 14 Am. Dec., 599-603. For money had and received, what ad- missible in evidence in. 52 Am. Dec., 751-700. For money had and received to recover money paid as taxes. 22 Am. Rep., 519- To recover money voluntarily paid. 22 Am. Hep., 519-521. 51 Am. Rep., 820-83:5. Party-holder of prior lien, when neces- sary or proper. 80 Am. Dec., 714-717. Pendency of one as defense to another. 84 Am. Dec., 452-457. Plaintiffs right to discontinue. 14 Am. Rep., 755. By pledgee. 79 Am. Dec., 499^506. For possession of chattels levied upon under execution. 20 Am. Dec., 096- 699. For seduction. 44 Am. Dec., 162-179. For slander of title. 87 Am. Dec., 562- 563. Splitting entire demand into several causes of. 24 Am. Dec., 61-62. Against stockholders for debts of corpo- ration. 43 Am. Dec., 694-703. Compulsory reference of . 79 Am. Dec., 208-211. In which title to real estate may not be tried or questioned. 89 Am. Dec., 427- 430. Survivorship of. 53 Am. Rep., 525-539. Survivorship of, on death of one of sev- eral makers of joint promissory note. 30 Am. Rep., 56-58. For use and occupation. 46 Am. Dec., 289-290. Against vessels in state courts. 62 Am. Dec., 234-246. Act of God Liability for loss occasioned paitly by, and partly by other means. 97 Am. Dec.,4oS-411. Collision, when not regarded as being within. 46 Am. Dec., 592. Acts Ministerial Mid judicial distinguish- ed. 7;> Am. Dec., 472-477. Ademption Of legacies. 11 Am. Dec., 470- 471. 37 Am. Dec., 669-671. Admiralty Jurisdiction. Territorial lim- its of. '.'-2 Am. Dec., 65-68. Administration Grant* of and their valid- ity. 79 Am. Dec., 05-67. On estate of living person. 73 Am Dec 126. 47 Am. Rep., 465-466. Administrators De bonis non. 24 Am. Dei'., 379-390. Adulterated Foods Statutes forbidding sal;- < i. " 1 Am. Krp., 347-354. Adultery What is. 32 Am. Dec., 289-290. Adulterer Killing of. whether justifiable or not. 51 Am. Rep., 328-330. Advancement What constitutes; effect of. 80 Am. Dec., 559-5C5. Adverse Possession What .sufficient to terminate. 83 Am. Dec., 497-"' 1 0. Of part, when treated as of whole. 12 Am. Dec., 357-359. Affiliation What is. 56 Am. Dec., 210-223. Agency See principal and agent. Agent Presumed authority of. 47 Am. Rep., 518-521. Representing adverse interests When cannot. 46 Am. Rep.. 37-36. Signing contract by What sufficient to bind principal. 47 Am. Rep., 318-319. Agreement To make particular disposi- tion of propertv bv will. 66 Am. Dec., 783-790. Aliens Who are. 84 Am. Dec., 210-213. Alien Right of to hold lands. 14 Am. Dec., 97-98. Alienation Conditions against. 67 Am. Dec., 119-120. Restraint upon. 9 Am. Dec., 20' 1-202. Upon validity and effect of. 57 Am. Dec., 488-99. Alimony Power of court to decree after divorce granted. 88 Am. Dec., (i"> 7-659. Allowance of, when proper. 60 Am. Dec., 665-682. After remarriage of wife. 39 Am. Rep., 27-28. Alluvion Law of. 33 Am. Dec., 276.281. Almanac When admissible as evidence. 39 Am. Rep., 4 16. Alteration In form of property, what affects owner's right to recover. 4 Am. Dec., 369-371. In written instruments, general rules applicable to. 10 Am. Dec., 267-273. Amendment Of record and proceedings pending appeal. 14 Arn.Dec., 516-518. Of return to writ. 13 Am. Dec., 173-181. Of writs .of attachment and of papers on wliich they are based. 61 Am. Dec.. 12V131. Ancient Lights and Windows 46 Am. Dec., 578-583. Ancillary Administration 35 Am. Dec., 483-490. Animals Legislative power to provide for summary pale and seizure of. !8 Am. Dec., 88-"91. 33 Am. IVp., 41U-417. Property in inferior. 70 Am. Dec., Trespasses of, liability of owner for. 49 Am. Dec., 248-273. 10 Am. Rep., 270-271. 6 J Am. Rep., 605. Liability of carriers of. 67 Am. Dec., 208-217. Trespassing on track of railroad, liability of company for injury to. 9u Am. Dec., 681-682. fc8 Am. Rep., 702-707. Wounding of, whether an indictable offense. 72 Am. Dec., 357-3GO. 211 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Answer-Attorney Answer Striking out as sham. 72 Am. Dec., 621-626. (See Pleading.) Ante-Nuptial Debts Of married woman. 60 Am. Dec., 259-204. Ante-Nuptial Settlements "\Vhen valid against creditors, 4J Am. Rep., 622-624. Appeal Waiver of right to, what is. 1J Am. Dec., 546-550. Amendment of record after. 14 Am. Dec., 516-518. Appellate Courts Power of, after remit- titur issued. 21 Am. Dec., 118-121. Apothecary Liability of, to husband for sale of laudanum to his wife. 52 Am. Rep., 3SS-3S9. Appurtenances When paps by convey- ance. 40 Am. Rep., 381-386. Apportionment Of contracts. 31 Am. Dec., 51 7-522. Apprentice See infant. Appropriation Of water rights acquired by. 43 Am. Dec., 2'5f)-2~S3. Appurtenances What pass as. 13 Am. l>e'., 6.7-660. Arbitration Agreement that difference shall be submitted to, whether valid. 29 Am. Kep., 602-604. Essentials of valid. 6 Am. Rep., 498-499. A'j-rvnu'nt to submit to. 14 Am. Dec., 296-297. Who has power to submit to when act- ing for others. 30 Am. Dec., 626- 634. Award by majority, when and how, may be made. 1 Aon. Dec., 200- 202". Award, for what causes may be im- peached. 14 Am. Dec., 764-755. Effect on cause of action, of agreement to submit. 56 Am. Dec., 331-385. Notice to parties. Failure to give. 35 Am. Dec., 591-594. Grounds for setting aside. 25 Am. Rep., 46-47. Married woman, whether may act as arbitrator. 39 Am. Rep. , 36-38. Arms The right to bear. 13 Am. Dec., 254-255. Arrest What is, and effect of. 19 Am. Dec., 485-493. What is, and acts which may lawfully be done for purpose of making. 61 Am. Dec. ,151-164. Liability for making, on wrong person. 44 Am. Dec., 291-294. Without warrant. 55 Am. Dec., 104. Arson What is. 81 Am. Dec., 65-76. Assessments Nature of, and when valid. 55 Am. Dec., 235-290. Assignee of Foreign Executor or Adminis- trator- -Right of to rue. 88 Am. Dec., 308-311. Assignments For benefit of creditors, au- thorizing continuance of business. 29 Am. Rep., 787-789. Assignments For benefit of creditors, executed by one member of firm for partnership. 48 Am. Rep., 359- 361. For benefit of creditors in bankruptcy, and extra-territorial effect of. 78 Am. Dec., 594-597. 55 Am. Rep., 129-140. For benefit of creditors. Clauses in per- mitting sales upon credit. 57 Am. Dec., 540-546. For benefit of creditors, does it pre- clude discharge of bankrupt under in- solvent laws? 28 Am. Dec., 212- 129. For benefit of creditors, exacting re- leases, w r hen valid. 16 Am. Dec., 340-342. For benefit of creditors, revocation of. 44 Am. Dec., 426-28. 90 Am. Dec., 507- 510. Of choses in action, necessity of notice to debtor. 36 Am. Dec., 475-477. Of debts to become due. 41 Am. Dec., 44:M44. Of dower. 79 Am. Dec., 600-604. Of judgment. 54 Am. Dec., 366-369. Of pos.-ibilities or contingencies. 70 Am. Dec., 96-98. 94 Am. Dec., 648-651. Of mere right to file bill in equity. 56 Am. Dec., 449-51. Assistance Writ of. 51 Am. Dec., 152-158. Associations Voluntary, validity of laws and proceedings of. 69 Am. Dec., 670^78. Building and loan. 69 Am. Dec., 150- 165. Assumpsit For money paid, when lies. 38 Am. Dec., 44-^5. Attachment Levy of, and what essential to. 21 Am. Dec., 677-680. Lien, origin and general nature of. 39 Am. Dec., 606-611. Actions for wrongful, and defenses thereto. 81 Am. Dec., 467^80. Irregularities and defects which will avoid. 79 Am. Dec., 164-174. When receiptor for property attached may show that it is not defendant's. 25 Am. Dec., 426-430. Money in officer's hands, whether sub- ject to. 55 Am. Dec., 264-265. Attorney's fee, recovery of under bond for. 77 Am. Dec., 155-160. Amendment of writs of, and of papers on which they are based. 61 Am. Dec., 125-131. Dissolution of by death. 80 Am. Dec., 139-143. Attorney-in-Fact Whether must sign his own name in addition to that of prin- cipal. 52 Am. Dec., 775-777. Attorney-at-Law Powers of. 66 Am. Dec., 256-265. 30 Am. Rep., 358-361. Attorney Beneficial INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 212 Attorney-at-Law Power of client over. 87 Am. Dec., 106-170. Disbarment of, causes and proceedings therefor. 95 Am. Dec., 333-343. Presumption in favor of authority of. 16 Am. Dec., 98-100. Judgment based on unauthorized ap- pearance of. 75 Am. Doc., 146-151. Acts not done in practice of profession, when cause for disbarment. 42 Am. Hep., 557-565. Agreement of, to become liable in place of their client. 27 Am. Rep., 319-321. Authority of, to accept as payment a sum less than that due. 41 Am. Rep., 847- 849. Communications to, when privileged. 37 Am. Dec., 296-297. 36 Am. Rep., 631-633. Liability of, for negligence and want of skill. 34 Am. Dec. 89-96. Liability of, for words spoken at trial. 17 Am. Dec., 194-95. Liability of, to officers for their fees. 43 Am. Rep., 580-81. Not liable, except to h : s employer for in- correct certificate of title. 33 Am. Rep., 760-766. Fees of as elements of damages. 12 Am. Rep., 199-200. Fees of, whether recoverable on disso- lution of injunction. 39 Am. Rep., 13. Fee, recovery of on attachment and other similar statutory bonds. 77 Am. Dec., 155-1GO. Lien for compensation and costs. 31 Am. Dec., 7.35-760. Fee, liability of estates of decedents for. 93 Am. Dec., 393-397. Defending prisoner by appointment, has no claim for compensation. 35 Am. Rep., 640-ti41. Auction Sales at and loss at, law apper- taining to. 96 Am. Dec., 264-27-'. Memorandum of sales at. 13 Am. Dec., 398-400. Auction Sale Agreement to stifle bidding. 2 Am. Dec., 138-139. Audila Quereda, proceedings by writ of. 15 Am. Dec., 695-696. Bail What will excuse from producing principal. 99 Am. Dec., 216-223. Bailee Sale by, of property bailed. 66 Am. Dec., 758-759. Bailment Action of trespass for injury to Bubject of, who may maintain. 18 Am. Dec., 556-558. Bailee's liability for misuse of property. 12 Am. Dec., 619-623. Banks Bills, law of. 52 Am. Dec., 447- 455. Depositors, rights and remedies of. 19 Am. Dec., 418-431. Deposit in, creates relation of debtor and creditor. 23 Am. Rep., 50-52. Banks Deposit of money in name of or for trust of another. 23 Am. Rep., 451-4.33. Offset in favor of depositor in insolvent. 38 Am Rep., 383-384. Certificates of deposit. 42 Am. Dec., 576- 579. Certificate of deposit, construction and effect of. 57 Am. Rep., 97-98. Special deposits, liability for. 9 Am. Dec., 183. Check on, right of holder to maintain action. 96 Am. Dec., 132-135. Check, drawee has no action on unac- cepted. 45 Am. Rep., 355-357. Certified check. 89 Am, Dec., 442-444. Certified check, liability for. 69 Am. Dec., 691-694. Certified check " raised" before certifi- cation. 14 Am. Rep., 237-238. Payment on forged check. 39 Am. Dec., 519-526. 7 Am. Rep., 313. Unaccepted on, constitutes no cause of action against. 35 Am. Rep., 23S-'239. Cashier, implied powers of. 77 Am. Dec., 759-763. Cashier, liability for acts of. 39 Am. Rep., 760-762. Cashier's authority to receive valuables for safe keeping. 36 Am. Rep., 592-594. Cashier, note payable to, who must sue upon. 42 Am. Dec., 378-379. Teller, liability of for act of, in certifying check. 42 Am. Rep., 308-311. Notary employed by, liability for negli- gence of. 41 Am. Rep., 114-116. Usages of. 50 Am. Dec., 97-98. Liability of when acting as collecting agents. 34 Am. Dec., 307-317. Savings Bank Payment to wrong person, what will excuse. 47 Am. Rep., 174- 175. Bankruptcy Fiduciary debts within meaning of statute of. 33 Am. Rep., 235-238. 645-647. 39 Am. Rep., 722- 726. 77 Am. Dec., 384-387. Promise to pay debt discharged by. 27 Am. Dec., 287-289. 42 Am. Rep., 60- 61. Judgment against for pre-existing debt. 46 Am. Rep., 577-580. Judgment against after petition, and be- fore discharge. 53 Am. Dec., 296-301. Chattel mortgage may be unlawful pre- ference. 57 Am. Rep., 262-266. Foreign discharge in, effect of. 62 Am. Dec., 611-613. Bastards Law with respect to custody, maintenance, and rights of. 66 Am. Dec., 2.38-206. Bastardy Acts Proceedings under. 56 Am. Deo., 213-223. Beneficial Associations Action of, when may be reviewed and controlled. 50 Am. Rep., 313-316. See Associations. 213 IXBEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Bigamy Carriers Bigamy What constitutes. 93 Am. Dec. , 252-257. Bills ci Credit What are. 25 Am. Dec., 78-70. Bills of Lading Construction and effect of. 3> Am. Dec., 407-426. As transfer of title. 55 Am. Dec., 299- 301. Estoppel, to show that it was fraudulent- ly issued by clerk or agent. 53 Am. Rep.. 453-454. Bills of Peace : Am. Dec., 449-454. Bills of Review Their nature and scope. 20 Am. Kep., 1(30-175. Blanks la written instruments, filling in. 13 Am. Dec., 609-071. Bonds Delivery upon condition that it shall bo executed by other persons. 25 Am. Rep., 700-711. Not signed by all who were expected to sign. '23 Am. Dec., 079-681. Taken without authority. 14 Am. Dec., lo.J-106. Under 8?al, made without consideration, whether may be enforced. 9o Am. Dec., 287-290. Liability on, of executors and adminis- trators. 51 Am. Dae., 519-534. Penalty, recovery cannot exceed amount of. 87 Am. Dec., 745-7-35. Official, when valid, and when void. 82 Am. Dec., 760-764. Official, effect on of statutes increasing or modifying duties of principal. 0." Am. Dec", 771-775. 93 Am. Dec., 525- 523. Official, informalities which do not in- validate. 15 Am. Dec., 170-172. Official, of sheriffs and constables, what constitutes breach thereof. 46 Am. Dec., 509-517. Of municipalities, defenses thereto. 93 Am. Dec., 604-691. Books of Account As evidence. 15 Am. Dec., 191-198. Boundaries Agreement establishing. 38 Am. Rep., 315-321. Settlement of by express or implied agreement. 27 Am. Dec., 121-li'2. Established by parol agreement or ac- quiescence. 09 Am. Dec., 711-713. Settlement by parol contract. 13 Am. Dec, 224-2 25. Acquiescence in location of, 'and its ef- fect. 27 Am. Rep., 239-244. Confusion of, equity jurisdiction in cases of. 15 Am. Dec., 745-754. Whether extend to center of street or highway. 23 Am. Rep., 233-231. Highway, when excluded from. 39 Am. Rep., 305-307. Declaration of land owner as evidence of. 30 Am. Rep., 749-750. Declarations of decedent as evidence of. 60 Am. Rep., 5S9-591. Boundaries Hearsay evidence regarding. 15 Am. Dec., 028-031. Navigable river as a. 10 Am. Dec., 385- 389".' 16 Am. Rep., 524-525. Line-trees growing across or adjacent thereto. 82 Am. Dec., 330-331. Statute of limitations founded on mis- take in. 62 Am. Dec., 527-529. Boycotting When actionable. 59 Am. Rep., 720-731. As a criminal conspiracv. 76 Am. Dec., 783-785. Brokers Duties, liabilities, and rights of. 93 Am. Dec., 171-178. Stock, duties of. 75 Am. Dec., 313 326. Buildings and Structures Meaning of within the mechanic's lien law. 78 Am. Dec., 694-099. Building and Loan Associations Law of. 69 Am. Dec., 1-"Q-166. Contracts of, when usurious. 83 Am. Dec., 612-014. Burden of Proof General rules respect- ing. 28 Am. Rep., 308. In insanity. 35 Am. Rep., 32-40. By-Laws Of private corporation, what may be adopted as. 85 Am. Dec., 617- 22. Burg'ary Entry by consent of owner is not, 91 Am. Dec., 482-83. Candidate for Office Publications con- cerning, when libelous. 57 Am. Rep., 223-220. 56 Am. Rep., 286-288. 58 Am. Rep., 685-692. Carriage What is. 53 Am. Rep., 709. Carriers Act of God. Definition of. 18 Am. Rep., 618-621. Who liable as. 47 Am. Dec., 648-654. Liability, power of to limit. 32 Am. Dec., 495-507. Power to limit liability by contract. 82 Am. Dec., 379-80. Contract limiting time for presenting claim against, for loss or damages. 31 Am. Rep., 509-511. Liability of, when terminates. 7 Am. Rep., 5917592. Bills of lading construction and effect of. 38 Am. Dec., 407-426. Contract limiting liability for negli- gence. 10 Am. Rep., 300-373. Discrimination by. 54 Am. Rep., 862- 800. Of passengers. Degree of care exacted of. 51 Am. Rep., 602-606. Of passengers. Insures safety of his vehicles. 63 Am. Dec., 521-528. 31 Am Rep., 224-226. Passenger, liability of for injury suffer- ed by passenger. 43 Am. Dec. , 355- 367. Exemption by contract from liability for injury to passengers. 82 Am. Dec., 290^295. Carriers-Conditions INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 214 Carriers Passenger, expulsion of. power of, when, where and how may be ex- ercised. 68 Am. Dec., 570-73. Pass -n^'ers, baggage, liability for trans- portation and delivery of. 8 Am. Rep., 302-304. Liability of for loss of merchandise car- ried as baggage. 34 Am. Rep., 379- 381. Passenger, baggage, to which entitled. 71 Am. Dec., 158-163. Passenger, proof required to raise pre- fluuaption of negligence. 61 Am. Dec., 671M3S9. Damages to goods, duties respecting. 13 Am. Dec., 472-473. Freight, nature of, and when recover- able. 60 Am. Dec., 149-154. Fire, liability for loss by. 31 Am. Dec., 554-556. Liability of, what constitutes delivery. 42 Am. Dec., 497-498. Delivery, what sufficient to terminate liability of. 8 Am. Dec., 214-219. Right to detain goods against owner, when possession was not received from him. 40 Am. Dec., 44-45. Liability of, for loss or deterioration from delay in transporting goods. 31 Am. Rep. .567-5 70. Of live stock, liability of. 12 Am. Rep., 500-502; 13 Am. Rep., 53-55. Connecting lines, liability for each other. 29 Am. Rep., 166-69. Connecting lines, respective liability of. : 5 Am. Rep., 708-711. Liability of for goods received to a point beyond his own line. 2 Am. Rep., 141-142; 36 Am. Rep., 761-762; 12 Am. Rep., 40. Liability for receiving goods to a point beyond its line. 12 Am. Rep., 40; 2 Am. Rep., 141-142; 36 Am. Rep., 761- 762. Transporting goods beyond its own route, powers and liabilities with re- spect to. 72 Am. Dec., _230-247. Usages and customs of. 11 Am. Dec., 647; 50 Am. Dec., 99-101. Carrier and Warehouseman Liability of one who exercises both employments. 07 Am. Dec. ,82-83. Cashier of Bank Implied powers of. 77 Am. Dec., 759-703. (See Banks.) Case Action of, against persons assisting debtor in defrauding creditor. 5u Am. Dec., 722-723. Cause of Action Entire cannot be split ' up so as to authorize several suits. ." - Am. Dec., 454-455. Cemeteries Statutes authorizing and re- quiting removal of dead from. 32 Am. Hep., 424-429. Equity will enjoin disturbing of. 19 Am". Rep., 79-80. Certificate of Deposit Construction and effect of. 57 Am. Rep., 97-! H. Certiorari Writ of and proceedings there- on. 12 Am. Dec., 529-537. Legislative acts cannot be controlled or reviewed by. 18 Am. Dec., 2^8-239. Cestui que Trust Conveyance of legal title to, when presumed. 58 Am. Dec., 472-475. Chancery Jurisdiction of, how far divest- ed by probate system. 73 Am. Dec., 55 ^-560. Character E vidence of, in civil action. 53 Am. Dec., 133-134. Of plaintiff, when admissible in evi- dence. 13 Am. Dec., 499-500. Charitable Bequests What valid. 39 Am T Rep., 738-741 ; 743-750. When void for uncertainty. 44 Am. Dec., 98-101. Charitable Uses And devises thereto. 67 Am. Dec., 184-185. 60 Am. Rep., 230-236. Doctrines of, how far applicable in United States. 9 Am. Dec,, 577-588. Charitable Trusts and Uses Instances of void bequests for. 58 Am. Rep., 599. Chattel Mortgage Description of goods in. 72 Am. Dec., 433. Check Negotiable instrument, certified liability of banks for. 69 Am. Dec., 690-694. 89 Am. Dec., 442-444. (See Banks.) Church Pew, nature of property in. 80 Am. Dec., 662-665. Civil Actions Crime, evidence of in, amount of proof required. 96 Am. Dec., 525-529. Civil Liability Of military officer to citi- zens. 89 Am. Dec., 612-616. Cloud on Title Injunction to prevent. 62 Am. Dec., 523-524. Collision Of vessels, liability of, and of their owners therefor. 45 Am. Dec., 51-60. Color of Title What is. 14 Am. Dec., 580-584. Common Recovery 26 Am. Dec.. 725- 728. Community Property What is, and pre- sumptions regarding. 86 Am. Dec., <>2S-043. Computation Of degrees of consanguini- ty and affinity. 56 Am. Dec., 293- 294. Concealed Weapons Constitutionality of laws against carrying. 25 Am. Rep., 561-563. Conditions Precedent Strict performance essential to recovery under. 62 Am. Dec., 54-55. Conditions Subsequent in Deed What are, validity of. 57 Am. Rep., 63-68. When may be avoided for, and at whose instance. 44 Am . Dec., 743-759. 215 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Confed. Constitu. Confederate States Judgment of courts of. 88 Am. Dee.. 261-263. Conditional Sales Validity and effect of. 57 Am. Rep., 572-585. Reserving title to vendor. 42 Am. Rep., 134-135. Computation of Time Within which act is to be done. 46 Am. Rep., 41U- 416. Compounding 1 Felony As consideration for contract. 49 Am. Rep., 49-51. Agreement based upon is invalid. 31 Am. Rep., 550-555. Conflict of Laws Lex loci contractus, when prevails. 8 Am. Dec., 490-492. Contracts, by what laws governed. 20 Am. Dec., 293-2U4. Distribution of estates, by what law governed. 13 Am. Dec., 349-350. Transfers of personal property, extra- territorial effect of. 55 Am. Rep., 129- 140. Relating to age of majority. 17 Am. Dec., 180-183. Interest on promissory note made in one state and payable in another. 55 Am. Rep., 609-618. Action in one state for damages con- ceded by laws of another. 37 Am. Rep., 160-162. Assignments for benefit of creditors, extra-territorial effect of. 78 Am. Dec., 594-697. Law of place where contract is made, when controls. 27 Am. Dec. , 141-142. Mortgage of chattels, removal to another state. 70 Am. Dec., 66-72. Power of court to compel conveyance of land, delivery of property, or surren- der of children situated in another state. 67 Am. Dec., 95-106. Vessels at sea, transfers of. 12 Am.Dec., 511-512. Transfers of personality, by what laws governed. 12 Am. Dec., 573-575. Statutes of limitations, demands barred by. 22 Am. Doc., 362-366. Testator's domicile governs disposition of his personality. 43 Am. Dec., 518- 520. Transfer of property in other jurisdic- tion. 12 Am. Dec., 470-474. Validity of contract must be determined by lex loci. 59 Am. Dec., 557-559. Consanguinity and Affinity Degrees of, how computed. 56 Am. Dec., 293-294. Consideration Bond under seal, whether may be enforced, though made with- out. 95 Am. Dec., 287-290. Conspiracy What is. 51 Am. Dec., 82-94. Boycotting. 76 Am. Dec., 783-785. Of workmen to control wages. 28 Am. Dec., 507-512. Constitution Rules for construing. 60 Am. Rep., 125-130. Constitutional Law "Law of the land," meaning of the phrase as used in the constitution. 24 Am. Dec., 537-545. Remedies, legislative control over. 62 Am. Dec., 112-113. Statutes embracing subject not express- ed in title. 69 Am. Dec., 643-331. Statutes embracing more than one sub- ject. 61 Am. Dec.; 337-346. 82 Am. Dec., 110-111. Statutes embracing subjects not ex- pressed in their title, instances of. 25 Am. Rep., 239-246. Statutes requiring registration of voters. 23 Am. Dec., 642-651. 29 Am. Rep., 586-591. 54 Am. Rep., 843-846. Voters, qualification of, whether may be added to by legislature. 87 Am. Dec., G4-65. Sunday laws, when valid. 49 Am. Dec., 616-623. 58 Am. Rep., 772-775. Statutes staying execution. 13 Am. Dec., 493-494. Statutes validating contracts and deeds of married women. 16 Am. Dec., 518-520. Statutes authorizing removal of dead from cemeteries. 32 Am. Rep. , 424-429. Statutes forbidding sale of adulterated foods. 51 Am. Rep., 347-354. Statutes prohibiting the manufacture of oleomargarine. 50 Am. Rep., 643-648. Statutes authorizing destruction of prop- erty in case of fire. 47 Am. Doc., 207- 210. Statutes authorizing judgment without notice. 48 Am. Dec., 269-279. Statutes exempting personal property from execution. 45 Am. Dec., 251-256. Jury trial, how far legislature may regu- late right of. 58 Am. Dec., 791-793. Jury trial, in what cases legislature may dispense with. 48 Am. Dec., 185-194. Speedy trial. 41 Am. Dec., 604-607. Statutes affecting right to bear arms. 13 Am. Dec., 254-255. Obligations and contracts, statutes im- pairing. 79 Am. Dec., 494-496. Foreign corporations, statutes imposing particular conditions and restrictions upon. 22 Am. Rep., 67-70. Statutes prohibiting or regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors* 35 Am. Dec., 331-339. . Statutes granting divorces. 48 Am. Dec., 437-439. Statutes of limitations, when constitu- tional. 50 Am. Dec., 391-394. Statutes prohibiting the carrying of con- cealed weapons. 25 Am. Rep. ,561-503. Statutes declaring certain acts to be prima facie evidence of guilt. 43 Am. Rep., 24-29. Statutes repealing corporate franchises un ler conditional reservation of right to such repeal. 43 Am. Dec., 118-121. Constitu. Contracts INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 216 Constitutional Law Statutes permitting municipal corporations to subscribe for stock. 68 Am. Dec., 694-096 Statutes authorizing cities to subscribe to stock of and make donations to cor- porations, whether valid. 59 Am. Dec., 782-790. Municipal corporation, legislative power to validate invalid contracts of, and to iuipof-e liabilities upon. 80 Am. Dec., 730-735. Statutes providing for inspection of illu- minating oils. 26 Am. Rep., 5 17 520. Statutes requiring fencing in of rail- roads. 34 Am. Rep., 115-117. Retrospective statutes, curing defects in legal proceedings. 37 Am. Rep., 397- 399. Taxation, delegation of powers of by leg- islature. 74 Am. Dec., 590-595. Taxes, power of legislature to supply de- fects in assessments, 76 Am. Dec. ,527- 537. Immunity from taxation, power of leg- islature to grant. 72 Am. Dec., 682- 684. License, power of state to exact and charge therefor. 52 Am. Dec., 331-335. License taxes, validity of state statutes concerning. 59 Am. Rep., 207-282. Statutes creating presumptions of guilt. 36 Am. Rep., 102-103. Constitutional Convention Nature and powers of. 72 Art. Dec., 78-79. Contempt of Court In publication of evi- dence or proceedings. 98 Am. Dec. , 414-420. Power of courts to punish for. 12 Am. Dec., 178-186. By insulting written communications addressed to judge. 26 Am. Rep., 752- 753. Continuance of Trial Discretionary na- ture of, power to grant. 74 Am. Dec., 141-151. Contract Alterations of, marginal memo- randa, when deemed to be. 25 Am. Rep., 481-484. Alteration or erasure in, onus probandi regarding. 37 Am. Rep., 260-264. Apportionment of. 3 1 Am. Dec .,51 7-522. By letter, when complete. 32 Am. Rep., 40-53. Cohabitation, unlawful, as a considera- tion. 12 Am. Dec., 676-677. Consideration, agreement to compound or stifle criminal prosecution. 31 Am. Dec., 600^-604. 49 Am. Rep., 49-51. Consideration that party injured by fel- ony will ask for mitigation of punish- ment. 22 Am. Rep., 121-122. Consideration, defense of, failure of. 13 Am. Dec., 378-379. Consideration, forbearance to sue, when suffcient. 60 Am. Dec., 524-527. Contract Consideration, inadequacy of, when constitutes no defense. 50 Am. Rep., 332-336. Consideration of, which is contract based on violation of law. 30 Am. Rep., 106-112. Construed by aid of surrounding cir- cumstances and pre-existing relations of the parties. 67 Am. Dec., 8J-81. Continuing, force of against decedent, and how may be enforced. 08 Am. Dec., 758-764. Of corporations forbidden by charter. 51 Am. Dec., 343-345. Custom or usage to vary terms in. 6 Am. Rep., 67 8-682. Duress of imprisonment, when avoids. 37 Am. Rep., 203-205. Entirety of. 54 Am. Rep., 624-630. Exempting carrier from liability for in- jury to passengers. 82 Am. Dec., 290-295. Facilitating dissolution of marriage, are void. 53 Am. Dec., 212. For production or discovery of evidence. 94 Am. Dec., 375-378. Fraud, when may be urged as defense by guilty party. 82 Am. Dec. , 423-429. Illegal, because in violation of law. 30 Am. Rep., 106-112. Illegal, for or about things prohibited by law. 25 Am. Rep., 674-078. Illegal or immoral, defense of against recovery of money collected on. 99 Am. Dec., 61-68. Illegal, actions on. 8 Am. Dec., 691-693. Illegal, rights of parties thereto. 67 Am. Dec., 153-154. Illegal, recovery of money paid under. 12 Am. Dec., 385-387. Inadequacy of price or consideration no ground for evading. 54 Am. Rep., 616. Horse-racing, in aid of, whether valid. 39 Am. Rep., 775-777. In restraint of trade. 7 Am. Dec., 743- 746. In restraint of trade, validity of. 92 Am. Dec., 751-765. In restraint of trade, when reasonable and valid. 35 Am. Rep., 269-272. Made on Sunday, validity of. 45 Am. Dec., 237-238. 38 Am. Rep., 165-167. Maritime, what are. 13 Am. Rep., 273- 276. Married women, power to execute under American statutes. 99 Am. Dec., 598- 610. Mi-take of fact, avoidance f^r. 45 Am. Dec., 631-634. Mutuality of. 53 Am. Dec., 373-374. Mutuality of, necessity for. 7 Am. Dec., 492-494. Obligation of, statutes impairing. 79 Am. Dec., 494-496. Optional. 39 Am. Dec., 152-153. 217 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Contracts Copyright Contracts Part performance of, verbal. 53 Am. Dae., 539-547. Parol evidence, how far admissible to aid construction of. 5 Am. liep. , 241- 242. Part performance, when authorizes re- covery. 31 Am. Rep., 100-103. 38 Am. Rep., 208-214. Place where deemed to have been made. 99 Am. Dec., 668-675. Quantum meruit under special. 19 Am. Dec., 272-282. Receipt in full for less than amount due, whether binding. 28 Am. Rep., 293-294. Recoupment, in actions for breach of. 40 Am. Dec., 320-337. Rescission, how and within what time right of must be exercised. 74 Am. Dec., 657-662. Rescission of, when no fraud. 15 Am. Dec., 572-575. Rescission, duty of party seeking. 50 Am. Dec., 672-681 Time, stipulations which show it to be of the essence of. 50 Am. Dec., 597- 600. Of sale or lease at option of vendee or lessee. 89 Am. Dec., 127-129. Specific performance, requisites of cer- tainty. 26 Am. Dec., 661-671. By telegraph. 93 Am. Dec., 514-517. That an article shall be satisfactory, construction of. 33 Am. Rep. , 353-354; 54 Am. Rep., 711-718. To convey realty, measure of damages on breach of. 100 Am. Dec., 467- 46S. Unconscionable, what is. 33 Am. Rep., 183-184. Usurious, what are, law governing. 55 Am. Dec., 391-400. Usurious, what are. 81 Am. Dec., 736- 733. Void as against public policy. 66 Am. Dec., 506-ol4. With alien enemies. 96 Am. Dec., 624- 633. Within statute of fraud, parol altera- tion of. 100 Am. Dec., 169-171'. Contractors Employers, when liable for acts of. 51 Am. Dec., 200- 206. Contribution Among holders of incum- bered land. 13 Am. Dec., 695-696. Among joint debtors, one being insol- vent. 20 Am. Dec., 559-562. Between endorsers. 42 Am. Dec., 402- 403. Contributory Negligence Burden of proof respecting. 28 Am. Rep., 563-567. Conveyance What constitutes, to satisfy contract to make good. 11 Am. Dec., 34-39. Acknowledgment of. 41 Am. Dec., 168-184. Conveyance Acknowledgment of, what disqualification prevents officer from taking. 32 Am. Dec., 757-758. Acknowledgment, parol evidence af- fecting. 1 Am. Dec., 81-83. Certificate of acknowledgment, amend- ing and perfecting. 52 Am . Dec. ,519- o'2o. Acknowledgment of payment of con- sideration in deed, effect of as evi- dence. 17 Am. Dec., 523-^524. Assignment and record of. 14 Am. Dec., 513-514. By administrators and executors. 56 Am. Dec., 55-58. Conditions subsequent, what are val- idity of. 57 Am. Rep., 63-68. Construction of. 56 Am. Rep., 324-330. Covenants, grantee by acceptance of deed, is bound by it. 47 Am. Rep., 473-175. Delivery of, what is, and necessity for. 16 Am. Dec., 39-45. Description in, rules for construing in- consistent and uncertain. 30 Am. Dec., 734-742. Description.uncertain construction of ,by subsequent acts of party. 35 Am. Dec., 373-374. Easements and appurtenances passing by. 40 Am. Rep., 3S1-386. Effect of by relation. 15 Am. Dec., 246- 25>. To take effect after death of grantor. 63 Am. Dec., 243-246. Fraudulent, what creditor may not at- tack. 18 Am. Dec., 621-625. Fraud which will avoid at law. 55 Am. Dec., 411-415. Of married women, certificate of ac- knowledgment of. 50 Am. Dec., 444. Notice by recitals in. 16 Am. Dec., 754- 755. To party by wrong name. 99 Am. Dec., 350-351. Quit claim deed, effect of on prior un- recorded deed. 25 Am. Dec., 164-165. By quit claim, effect of. 53 Am. Rep., 749-752. Recording irregularities in. 30 Am. Dec., 463-465. Signed by party not named therein. 25 Am. Dec., 226-228. By trustee, effect of. 64 Am. Dec., 199- 2J3. Voluntary, and who may avoid. 14 Am. Dec., 703-709. Words of present grant, when do not convey title. 48 Am. Dec. , 45-47. Confession, judgment by. 64 Am. Dec., 501-502. Copyright Of State in judicial opinions. 55 Am. Rep., 144-149. When and how subject to execution. 40 Am. Rep., 123-125. Copyr. Co-Trustee INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 218 Copyright Play, right to reproduce from memory or stenographic notes. 43 Am. Rep., 493-495. Corporation Affected by legislative amendments to charter. 53 Am. Dec., 460-474. By-laws, what may be adopted as. 85 Am. Dec., 617-623. Consolidation of. 79 Am. Dec. , 421-428. Contracts of, forbidden by charter. 51 Am. Dec., 341-345. De facto. 19 Am. Dec., 67. Directors, liability and duties of. 53 Am. Dec., 637-651. Directors, mortgage made to. 59 Am. Rep., 466-471. Directors, power to make contracts with. 59 Am. Rep., 466-71. Dissolution of, power of courts to decree. 96 Am. Dec., 756-758. Dissolution, effect of. 12 Am. Dec., 239- 243. 40 Am. Dec., 737-740. Dividends, rights and remedies of stock- holders with respect thereto. 99 Am. Dec., 761-765. Dividends, right of tenant for life to. 54 Am. Rep., 264-269. Estoppel against pleading that contract is ultra vires. 13 Am. Dec., 108-109. Existence of, whether must be alleged in pleading. 29 Am. Dec., 375-376. Failure to record corporate resolution and acts, effect of. 74 Am. Dec., 309- 312. Foreign, discrimination against by state legislation. 95 Am. Dec., 536-539. Foreign, application of statutes of limita- tions to. 52 Am. Dec., 256-258. Foreign taxation of, by states. 96 Am. Dec., 338-345. Form of signing contract necessary to appoint. 39 Am. Rep., 299-303. Franchise, grant to one corporation does not prevent like grant to another. 26 Am. Rep., 293-294. Lien of, on stock. 11 Am. Dec., 581- 582. Nature of stockholder's liability for debts of. 99 Am. Dec., 432-435. Notice to agent, when affects corpora- tion. 36 Am. Dec., 188-200. Officers of, power of equity to remove or control. 76 Am. Dec., 515. Power of legislature to repeal corporate franchise. 43 Am. Dec., 118-121. Power of to convey or otherwise dispose of property. 23 Am. Dec., 740-748. Power of to deal in shares of other cor- poration. 28 Am. Rep., 15-16. Proxy, voting by. 27 Am. Dec., 60-63. Public duty, by-law to compel perfor- mance of. 88 Am. Dec., 537-538. Quasi, what are. 13 Am. Dec., 523-525. Railroad, capacity of, to take title to. 94 Am. Dec., 381-387. Corporation Residence of, where deemed to be for jurisdictional purposes. 33 Am. Dec., 399-401. Sale by, of all its assets. 99 Am. Dec., 333-338. Service of process on. 66 Am. Dec., 119-122. Stockholders, actions and suits against for debts of. 43 Am. Dec., 694-703. Stockholders, actions against officers, to call them to accounting or to set aside their acts. 41 Am. Dec., 3o7-3t>9. Stockholders, liability for debts of. 49 Am. Dec., 308-310. Stockholders of, are liable to creditors jointly but not severally. 31 Am. Rep., 88-90. Stockholders, subscription, liability for. 9 Am. Dec., 96-104. Subscriptions, power of equity to compel payment qf , at instance of creditor of insolvent corporation. 100 Am. Dec., 552-557. Subscriptions to stock of. 81 Am. Dec., 892-402. Torts, liability for. 34 Am. Rep., 495- 499. 13 Am. Dec. 596-598. Transfers of, not perfected on books of company. 37 Am. Rep., 353-o56. Ultra vires, doctrine of, does not relieve from liability for torts. 52 Am. Rep., 338-7360. Validity of acts done at meeting not properly called. 18 Am. Dec. 102-103. Costs Allowance of at law and in equity. 16 Am. Dec., 405-407. What recoverable as. 88 Am. Dec., 181- 185. Co-tenancy Liability of colenant to ac- count for rents and profits, and for use and occupation. 78 Am. Dec., 665- 668. Partition by parol, validity and effect of. 92 Am. Dec., 121-128. Ouster of one co-tenant by another. 7 Am. Dec.. 228-229. Ouster by, from what inferred. 13 Am. Dec., 140-141. Purchase by, of outstanding superior title. 28 Am. Dec., 83-86. Redemption from execution by. 95 Am. Dec., 766-768. Right of co-tenants to common use of estate. 18 Am. Dec., 6,39-660. Right of to contribution for repairs and improvements. 62 Am. Dec., 482- 487. Action by one against the other for rents and profits. 14 Am. Dec., 586-., 87. Trespass by one against another. 29 Am. Dec., 483-485. Co-Trespassers Liability of, and who are. 73 Am. Dec., 137-149. Co-Trustees Survivorship of. 18 Am. Dec.. 163-164. 219 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Counter Criminal Counter-CIaim Scope and office of. under the code. 89 Am. Dec., 482-492. County Boundaries, legal results of change of. 85 Am. Doc., 100-103. Liability of, mode of its enforcement, and po'.ver of legislature to modify or impair. 68 Am. Dec. , 291-300. New legal proceedings, effect of on. 85 Am. Dec., 100-103. . Coupon Bonds Definition, form, and na- ture of. 64 Am. Dec., 428-445. Character of, as negotiable instrument. 23 Am. Rep., 15-17. Court (. ontempt of, publication in news- paper, when constitutes. 97 Am. Dec., 630-632. Contempts, power of to punish. 12 Am. Dec.. 178-186. Jurisdiction of, over foreigners and then* property. 76 Am. Dec., 665-673. Jurisdiction of state over officers of na- tional. 82 Am. Dec., 94-96. Power of, to compel parties to convey land or surrender property or children situated in another state. 67 Am. Doc., 95-106. Power to prevent publication of evidence or proceedings. 98 Am. Dec. , 41442 J. Of State, jurisdiction of, over cases aris- ing under United States laws. 49 Am. Dec., 358-359. Sentence, power of, to revise or amend. 79 Am. Dec., 7 79-780. Of State, cannot interfere with execu- tion of process of federal. 76 Am. Dec;., 223-224. Covenants Distinction between real and personal. 47 Am. Dec., 569-577. Implied, for title other than statutory. 32 Am. Dec., 353-356. Covenant of Seisin Measure of damages for breach of. 99 Am. Dae., 73-81. When runs with the land. 57 Am. Rep., 443-444. Creditors Who are, within meaning of law authorizing avoidance of volun- tary conveyances. 52 Am. Dec., 113- 119. Creditors -Bills Before complainant has exhausted his remedy at law. 52 Am. Rep., 673-674. Proceedings in equity, in aid of exe- cution. 90 Am. Dec., 288-301. Choses in action, subject to. 14 Am. Dec., 542-543. To compel payment of subscription, to stock of insolvent corporation. 100 Am. Dec., 552-557. Creditors' Suits Receiver's appointment and powers of in. 57 Am. Dec., 450- 453. On judgment of United States Court, 23 Am. Dec., 790-792. Judgment as evidence in. 51 ;Am. Dec., 298-299. Credits Taxation of . 74 Am. Dec., 93- _ 96. Crime Evidence of in civil action, amount of proof required. 95 Am. Dec., 525- . 5 . 29 - Criminal Law Abortion, crime of caus- ing, 66 Am Dec., 82-91. Abortion Procuring of, when a crime. 31 Am. Rep , 149. Abortion Prosecution for causing death of mothers. 95 Am. Dec., 733-788. Accessories after the fact. SO Am. Dec.. 97. Accomplice, evidence of. 31 Am. Rep., 522-526. 34 Am. Rep., 408-411. Acquittal, verdict of, whether may be vacated. 27 Am. Dec., 471-480. Adultery. 32 Am. Dec., 289-290. Adulterer, killing of. 51 Am. Rep., 328- 330. Aiding and abetting crime, what is. 51 Am. Dec., 373-376. Aiding commission of a felony. 13 Am. Rep., 177. Aid or connivance of person injured by crime. 81 Am. Dec., 365-367. Animals, wanton wounding of, what suf- ficient to sustain conviction for. 47 Am. Rep., 3107312. Animals, wounding of, whether an in- dictable offense. 72 Am. Dec. , 357-360. Appeal, prisoner's rights, while a fugi- tive from justice. 41 Am. Dec., 272- 273. Arson, what constitutes. 81 Am. Dec., 65-76. Arson, burning unintentionally but un- lawfully caused. 21 Am. Rep., 257- 265. Assault, what is. 39 Am. Rep., 712. Bail, admission to, after indictment for murder. 81 Am. Dec., 87-89. Bigamy, evidence of marriage on prose- cution for, 36 Am. Rep., 22-24. Bigamy, what constitutes crime of. 93 Am. Dec., 252-257. Bribery, what constitutes crime of. 97 Am. Dec., 711-718. Burglary, entry by consent of owner ia not. 91 Am. Dec., 482-483. Cantharides, administration of to wo- men. 19 Am. Rep., 352. Cohabiting with more than one wo- man, what constitutes offense of. 57 Am. Rep., 467-463. Confessions, when receivable in evi- dence. 46 Am. Rep., 2:3-260. Confessions, when inadmissible. 57 Am. Rep., 839-842. Conspiracy, definition and nature of. 51 Am. Dec., 82-94. Conspiracy, to control wages of work- man. 23 Am. Dec., 507-512. Contract to compound or stifle criminal prosecution. 31 Am. Dec., 600-604. Criminal Law INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 220 Criminal Law Conviction of felony, when bars other prosecution. 17 Am. Dec., 791-795. Conviction or acquittal of lesser offense when bar to prosecution for greater, in -which it is included. 35 Am. Eep. , 339-345. Corpus delicti, proof of. 78 Am. Dec., 252-259. Crime unintentionally committed in the perpetration of another. 21 Am. Rep., 257-265. Declarations of decedent as evidence against defendant. 37 Am. Rep., 83-89. Decoying person into the commission of a ciime. 30 Am. Rep. , 129-130. Dying declarations, what admissible as. 34 Am. Rep., 479-482. Evidence of general character of defend- ant. 50 Am. Rep., 98-99. Evidence of marriage. 48 Am. Dec., 115-117. Evidence of other crimes, when admiss- ible. 44 Am. Rep., 299-308. Extortion, what constitutes crime of. 96 Am. Dec., 193-196. Failure of defendant to testify, comment- ing on, whether permissible. 27 Am. Rep., 142-144. Failure to ask defendant whether he has anything to say why judgment should not be pronounced against him. 21 Am. Rep., 8-9; 36 Am. Rep., 97-98. False pretenses, what are. 40 Am. Rep., 75-80, 104-105. False pretenses, instances of. 33 Am. Rep., 94-95. Forgery. 22 Am. Dec., 306-321. Forgery, false entries in pass and ac- count books. 75 Am. Dec. , 572-573. Forgery of railroad ticket or pass. 55 Am. 'Rep., 649. Former acquittal or conviction, plea of, what facts sustain. 58 Am. Dec., 536- 549. Fraudulent representations, when in- dictable. 40 Am. Rep., 75-80. Grand juror, incompetency of, whether can be taken advantage of after in- dictment. 34 Am. Rep. , 705-706. Homicide, where death was result of deceased's want of care of his wounds. 11 Am. Rep., 125. Homicide, when justifiable on ground of self defense. 51 Am. Dec., 293. Homicide, proof of death, what essen- tial. 14 Am. Rep., 486. Homicide, killing one person while try- ing to kill another. 19 Am. Rep., 4-5. Homicide .committed in defense of dwell- ing. 12 Am. Rep., 212-214. Imprisonment suffered before convic- tion cannot be computed as part of period of punishment. 38 Am. Rep., 652-654. Criminal Law Indictment, testimony of grand jurors to impeach. 16 Am. Dec., 281-285. Indictment, loss of, whether may be re- placed. 86 Am. Dec., 728-729. Indictment, charged in language of statute, when sufficient. 94 Am. Dec., 253-258. Indictment, description of money and property in. 51 Am. Dec., 232-235. Indictment, election between counts, when compelled. 92 Am. Dec., 660- 666. Indictment, extension of statute of lim- itations relating to. 39 Am. Rep., 577- 578. Indictment, joinder of two or more offenses, when permissible. 58 Am. Dec., 238-250. Indictment, joinder in, of charge of rape- and incest. 41 Am. Rep., 240-250. Infants, responsibility of for crime. 70 Am. Dec., 496-499. Insanity, as a defense to indictment or crime. 36 Am. Dec., 402-411. Insanity, burden of proof regarding. 35 Am. Rep., 32-40. 60 Am. Rep., 212- 225. Intoxication, voluntary, whether a de- fense. 40 Am. Rep., 560-570. In jeopardy, what is. 21 Am. Dec., 505- 518. Larceny, definition of. 30 Am Rep. 159-160. 51 Am. Rep., 312-317. 57 Am. Dec., 271-286. Larceny in appropriating money paid to defendant by mistake. 34 Am. Rep., 791-792. Larceny of dogs. 15 Am. Rep., 357. Larceny of lost property. 34 Am. Rep., 734-735. Larceny, possession of stolen property as evidence of. 70 Am. Dec., 447-452. Larceny, where property is obtained by falsa pretext. 46 Am. Rep., 183-185. Lost property, larceny of. 17 Am. Rep., 140-141. Lotteries, gift enterprises are. 28 Am. Rep., 441. Malicious mischief. 32 Am. Dec., 662- 671. Manslaughter, homicide committed in perpetration of practical joke. 31 Am. Rep., 06. Manslaughter, causing death by careless act is. 40 Am. Rep., 591. Murder, statutory degrees of. 18 Am. Dec., 774-787. New trial, conviction of defendant for higher crime than on first trial. 12 Am. Rep., 473-475. 14 Am. Rep., 751-754. Nolle prosequi, when no bar to second indictment. 36 Am. Rep., 755-757. 221 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Criminal-Damages Criminal Law Omission to inquire of prisoner whether he had any reason to urge why sentence should not be pronounced against him. 36 Am. Rep., 97-98. Perjury. 85 Am. Dec., 488-501. Personal presence of accused, when necessary. 63 Am. Dec., 219-228. Plea of former acquittal, when sustain- able. 41 Am. Rep., 475-77. Prosecution for causing death of mother produced by abortion. 95 Am. Dec., 783-788. Prosecution and civil action may pro- ceed at same time, for same wrong. 28 Am. Rep., 46-50. Rape. 80 Am. Dec., 361-375. Rape, complaints of prosecutrix. evi- dence of, when admissible. 38 Am. Rep., 369-370. Rape, resistance on part of prosecutrix, to what extent must be carried. 36 Am. Hep., 860-862. Rape, where assent was procured by fraud. 12 Am. Rep. 290. Receiving stolen property. 26 Am. Dec., 261. Riot, what essential to offense of. 94 Am. Dec., 136-138. Robbery, what constitutes. 70 Am. Dec., 173-191. Seduction. 87 Am. Dec., 405-411. ^ Sentence, power of court to revise or amend. 79 Am. Dec., 779-780. Separation of jury during, trial. 60 Am. Rep., 73-75. Shackles should be removed on trial of prisoner. 27 Am. Rep., 116-117. Solicitation to commit a crime. 40 Am. Rep., 6o6-G57. Statutes declaring certain acts to be prima facie, evidence of guilt. 43 Am. Rep., 24-29. Threats of deceased, when admissible on trial for murder. 61 Am. Dec., 53- 58. Trial in absence of accused, when may be had. 28 Am. Dec., 629-631. Crops Inchoate interest of croppers not subject to execution. 51 Am. Dec., 410-411. What subject to execution as personalty. 55 Am. Dec.. 161-163. Whether pass by execution sale of land. 19 Am. Dec., 752-755. Cropping On shares, agreements for, and interest of parties therein. 37 Am. Dec., 317-323. Cropping Contracts When constitute co- partnership. 37 Am. Rep., 609-612. Cross Bills Isature and extent of. 83 Am. Dec., 251-254. Cross Examination Of witness involving crimination of. 27 Am. Rep., 140- 145. Custom and Usage Definition and effect of. 18 Am. Rep., 204-207. Varying terms of contract by. 6 Am. Rep., 678-682. Customs and their validity. 50 Am. Dec., 97-105. Damages Accruing during pendency of action. 92 Am. Dec., 627-632. Actions for injuries to relatives. 51 Am. Dec., 619-041. Compensatory, what are. 27 Am. Rep., 528-529. Consequential, statutes of limitations in actions for. 38 Am. Dec. , 270-272. Counsel fees and costs of suit as ele- ments of. 12 Am. Rep., 199-2.0. Distinction between liquidated and penalty. 1 Am. Dec., 331-340. Elements of in actions for slander and libel. 72 Am. Dec., 426-436. Eminent domain, measure of in cases of condemnation of property. 88 Am. Dec., 113-121. Exemplary, general rules with respect to allowance of. 50 Am. Dec., 767- 775. Exemplary, liability of master for act of servant. 62 Am. Dec., 379-389. Exemplary, when allowed for injuries to property. 27 Am. Dec., 684-689. From acting on advice given or repre- sentations made to another. 88 Am. Dec., 442-444. Grief and disappointment, when ele- ments of. 36 Ana. Rep., 306-308. Injunction, whether counsel fees re- coverable on dissolution of. 39 Am. Rep., 13. Liability of remote wrong-doer for. 57 Am. Dec., 461-464. Liquidated, what are. 30 Am. Rep., 28-36. Loss of profits as an element of. 60 Am. Rep., 488-496. 69 Am. Dec., 724-727. Loss of profits arising from delay in furnishing machinery. 42 Am. Rep., 461-465. Malicious prosecution of civil action, whether recoverable for. 44 Am. Rep., 346-348. Measure of, as affected by pecuniary cir- cumstances of parties. 67 Am. Dec., 562-568. Measure of, for breach of contract to de- liver goods. 62 Am. Dec., 136-137. Measure of, for breach of executory contract. 42 Am. Dec., 48-51. Measure of, for breach of warranty of title. 53 Am. Rep., 788-790. Measure of, for cutting and carrying away timber. 43 Am. Rep., 560-563. Measure of, for failure to deliver goods at time and place specified. 63 Am. Dec., 476-477. Damages Deeds INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 222 Damages Measure of, for failure to give lessee possession. 58 Am. Rep., 606- 614. Measure of, for innocently working coal mine beyond its boundaries. 33 Am. Rep., 68-09. Measure of, in action of replevin. 22 Am. Rep., 284-287. Measure of, in action of trover -where value of property has been increased by act of wrong-doer. 24 Am. Dec., 70-88. Measure of, in cases of breach of war- ranty of soundness. 40 Am. Dec., 303-305. Measure of, in trespass or trover, for property taken by mistake. 36 Am. Rep., 770. Measure of, in trover. 11 Am. Dec., 526- 528. Measure of, in trover when owner of special interest is plaintiff. 52 Am. Dec., 678-680. Measure of, on breach of contract to con- vey realty. 100 Am. Dec., 467-468. Measure of, on breach of contract to purchase. 67 Am. Dec., 275-283. Measure of, when lessee is prevented from taking possession. 100 Am. Dec., 428-429. Measure of, when servant is wrongfully discharged before expiration of con- tract of service. 43 Am. Dec., 209- "214. Measure of, where value of property has been increased by act of wrong-doer. 26 Am. Rep., 525-530. Measure of, where want of skill of phy- sician increased. 50 Am. Rep., 603- 605. Measure of, whether limited by fact that injured plaintiff employed physician who did not exercise proper care. 23 Am. Rep., 22. For nuisance or tort, whether includes injuries subsequently developed. 53 Am. Rep., 123-139. For continuing nuisance, by whom may be recovered. 59 Am. Rep., 351- 369. Proximate cause for which recovery may be had. 35 Am. Rep., 649-651. 52 Am. Rep., 157-166. 41 Am. Rep., 53-58. 50 Am. Rep., 574-579. Proximate cause of. 35 Am. Rep. , 649- 651. Proximate, what are. 47 Am. Rep., 381-387. 42 Am. Rep., 390-393. Remote and consequential. 36 Am. Rep., 382-383. Against telegraph company for non-de- livery of message. 46 Am. Rep., 731- 733. Arising from tortious acts, what recov- erable. 92 Am. Dec., 776-777. Damages Trover, measure of in, where value of property has been increased by act of wrong-doer. 54 Am. Rep., 421-4-23. "Where value of property has been in- creased by act of him who converted it. 33 Am. Rep., 2cS2-2S6. Damnum absque Injuria Consequential injuries through work authorized by law. 53 Am. Dec., 366-370. Day Fractions of, when will be consid- ered. 26 Am. Dec., 234-236. Death Action for causing, whether sus- tainable in absence of statute. 37 Am. Rep., 7 16-719. How proved. 91 Am. Dec , 526-529. Of grantor, conveyance to take effect after. 63 Am. Dec., 243-246. Of joint maker of promissory note. 30 Am. Rep., 56-58. Dissolution of attachment by. 80 Am. Dec., 139-143. Presumption of. 92 Am. Dec. , 704-708. Presumption of, when indulged. 46 Am. Rep., 761-772. Debt Imprisonment for. 56 Am. Rep., 363-307. Debtor and Creditor Composition giving one creditor a preference, effect of. 57 Am. Rep., 363-374. Deceased Persons Rights and duties of relatives and others respecting bodies of. 82 Am. Dec., 509-ulO. Judgment against, validity of. 52 Am. Dec., 107-110. Declarations of Decedent as evidence of boundaries. 60 Am. Rep., 589-591. Decree of Divorce-JEffect of. 65 Am. Dec., 355-361. Dedication of Property To public use. 27 Am. Dec., 559-570. Deed (See Conveyance.) Acknowledge- ment of, when defective. 83 Am. Dec., 180-181. Amending acknowledgment of. 52 Am. Dec 519-525. Acknowledgment of, whether may be impeached and disproved. 26 Am. Rep., 309-311. Conditions subsequent, what are, valid- ity of. 57 Am. Rep., 63-68. Conveyance from husband to wife. 88 Am. Dec., 54-56. Delivery of, \\hat sufficient. 58 Am. Rep., 289-296. 40 Am. Rep., 217- 218. Delivery of, whether presumed to have been at its date. 86 Am. Dec., 63-64. Fraud, what will avoid at law. 93 Am. Dec., 596-598. Married woman's, reform in. 51 Am. Rep.. 4-58-462. Trusts in favor of grantor, whether may be established by paiol. 90 Am. Dec., 270-277. 223 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Deed Easement Deed Validity of, under power of attor- ney. 81 Am. Dec., 7 76-773. With name of grantee in blank. 10 Arn. K, ;'., 2 , Defective registration of. 91 Am. Dec., 110. Distinction between and wills or con- tract*. 92 Am. Dec., 333-339. Defense Of property, what acts may law- fully be committed in. 82 Am. Dec., 674-075. Definition Act of God. 18 Am. Rep., 618- 621. Carriage. 53 Am. Rep., 769. Cart. "53 Am. Rep., 763. Of dying without issue. 55 Am. Rep., 774-732. Householder and head of family. 32 Am. Rep., 30-31. Laborer, workman, and servant. 32 Am. Rep., 264-267. Of larceny. 30 Am. Rep., 159-160. Manufacture and manufacturer. 52 Am. Rep.? 107-112. Of manufacturer, manufacture, and manufactoiy. 40 Am. Rep., 446-443. Of peddler. 57 Am. Rep., 136-137. Of public pLico and public house. 31 Am. Rep., 138-139. Spiritu >u-; li juors. 53 Am. Rep., 86-SS. Strong liquors and intoxicating bever- atres. 53 Am. Rep., S6-S8. Of tax. 1 Am. Rep., 228. Wagon. 53 Am. Rep., 763. Demand For the delivery of specific arti- cles, when essential. 46 Am. Rep., 307-309. Deposits Rights, and remedies for. 19 Am. Dec., 419-431. Devise Of property, net to be subject to execution. 32 Am. Dec., 242-243. In restraint of marriage. 38 Am. Dec., 156-161. Disease Temporary ailment is not. 60 Am. Rep., 663. Distress 1 or rent. 15 Am. Dec. , 584-588. What exempt from seizure under. 17 Am. Dec., 433161. Dividends Apportionment of. 14 Am. Dec. , 694-'. 95. 31 Am. Dae., 522. Divorce Action for, instituted at instance of thi.-d person. 82 Am. Dec. ,197-201. Adultery, allegation of. 84 Am. Dec., 168. Adultery, as a bar to. 90 Am. Dec., 610-613. Adultery, by insane wife as ground of. 47 Am. Dec., 469-470. After death of one of the spouses. 82 Am. Dec., 197-201. Cruelty, as a ground for. 29 Am. Dec., 674-679. 73 Am. Dec., 619-631. Cruelty, use of profane and indecent language may be. 40 Am. Rep., 463- 465. Divorce Defenses in. 15 Am. Dec,. 211- 214. Foreign, effect of. 21 Am. Dec., 747- 754. Granted in another state. 7 Am. Dec., 20J-209. Judgment, prohibiting party in fault, from again marrying. 8 "Am. Dec., 133-134. Legislative, constitutionally of. 48 Am. Dec., 437-439. Physical incapacity, as a ground for. 23 Am. Dec., 446-451. Statutory causes of. 65 Am. Dec., 708- 726. Vacating and annulling decrees of. 61 Am. Dec., 459-i68. Dogs Larceny of. 15 Am. Rep., 357. Liability of owner of, for injuries sus- tained from. 36 Am. Rep., 772-773. Ownership in. 46 Am. Reo., 425-423. Dollar Mark Omission of. 54 Am. Rep., 48-49. Domicile Definition of, and rules for de- termining. 59 Am. Dec., 111-115. Terms inhabitancy, residence and cit- izenship. 32 A-n. Dec., 427-429. Donatio Causa Mortis Note payable to or- der. 23 Am. Dec., 600-606". What valid as a. 48 Am. Rep. , 506-511. Dower Adultery as a bar to claim for. 19 Am. Dec., 633-639. Assignment of. 79 Am. Dec., 600-G04. Etfect on, of execution sale against hus- band. 22 Am. Dec., 710-711. In aliened land. 9 Am. Dec., 363-364. In mortgaged premises. 5 Am. Dec.. 232-237. When barred by provisions of will. 51 Am. Dec., 579-^580. Drunkenness Validity of instruments ex- ecuted during. 21 Am. Rep., 29-34. Duress What is, and what is not. 26 Am. Dec., 374-378. Dwelling House Right (f officer to enter to serve civil process. 25 Am. Dec., 171-172. Dying Without Issue What is. 55 Am. Rep.. 774-732. Easements Ancient lights and windows. 46 Am. Dec., 578-583. 29 Am. Rep., 401. Devise or grant of. 23 Am. Rep., 446- 447. Of drainage, when passes by deed. 40 Am. Rep., 537-539. Implied grant of on conveyance of part of heritage. 57 Am. Dec., 759-768. Implied reservation of. 57 Am. Dec. ,768. Of lateral support. 29 Am. Rep., 399- 401. 7 Am. Dec., 63-64. 66 Am. Dec., 647-651. Of light and air. 7 Am. Dec., 49-53. Purchase of land subject to. 99 Am. Dec., 89. Easement Estate INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 224 Easements License, when irrevocable. 43 Am. Rep., 195-199. Party wall. 92 Am. Dec., 289-306. Private ways, in what manner may be u-695. Statutes of limitations, whether may be acquired by operation of. 11 Am. Dec., 663. Ways, right? and remedies of parties en- titled thereto. 100 Am. Dec., 114-119. Ways by necessity. 13 Am. Dec., 746- 747. 35 Am. Dec., 464-105. 85 Am. Dec 675-681. 36 Am. Rep., 415-422 Ejectment Cestui que trust, when may maintain. 58 Am. Dec., 472^175. For lands dedicated as a street. 51 Am. Rep., 578. Improvements, allowance for in. 2 Am. Dec., 724-725. 15 Am. Dec., 349-354. Judgment in, collusiveness of. 85 Am. Dec., 2087211. Judgment in proceedings for, effect of upon statute of limitations. 54 Am. Dec., 545-546. Recovery of part under claim for whole. 54 Am. Dec., 415-419. Who may be dispossessed under judg- ment in. 39 Am. Dec., 311-314. Election Of grantee, where deed may be taken in different ways. 50 Am. Dec., 54S-549. Between benefits conferred by will and share in community property. 26 Am. Dec., 503-505. Elections What essential to validity of. 83 Am. Dec., 749-754. Contest because of illegal votes. 84 Am. Dec.,263-L'74. Devices on ballots, what prohibited. 51 Am. Rep., 648-649. Ineligibility of candidate receiving highest number of votes, effect of. 52 Am. Dec., 151-153. Ineligible candidate, candidate receiv- ing next highest number of votes when elected. 12 Am. Rep. , 341-342. Irregularity in notice of. 27 Am.Dec.,110. Registration laws, constitutionality of. 23 Am. Dec., 642-651. Registration laws, whether valid. 29 Am. Rep., 585-591. Registration, statutes requiring registra- tion of voters, whether constitutional. 54 Am. Rep., 843-846. Embezzlement What constitutes crime of. 98 Am. Dec., 126-174. 40 Am. Rep., 96. Eminent Domain Compensation for pro- peity taken by government. 31 Am. Dec., 373-375. Benefits, how far may be considered as offsets to damages in proceedings in. 45 Am. Dec., 532-536. Eminent Domain Damages, measure of, in casos of condemnation of property for. 88 Am. Dec., 113-121. Discontinuance of proceedings, at what time may take place. 86 Am. Dec., 202-206. Interest acquired by condemnation of right of way. 93 Am. Dec., 729-730. Private road, right to condemn lands for. 91 Am. Dec., 585-589. Right of one railroad to condemn proper- ty of another. 24 Am Rep 5ol-552. Taking for public use, what is. 26 Am. Rep., 457-462. Uses which will justify exercise of power of 22 Am. Dec., 686-707. Employer Liability of for acts of con- tractor. 51 Am. Dec., 20J-206. Employer and Employee Action for caus- ing latter to quit service of former. 59 Am. Rep., 720-731. Equity Bills of peace. 50 Am. Dec., 449-454. Clouds on title, proceedings to remove. 67 Am. Dec., 110-112. Interpleader. 35 Am. Dec., 695-712. Joinder of defendants in. 15 Am. Dec., 427-430. Joinder of parties in. 71 Am. Dec., 311-316. Jurisdiction in cases of confusion of boundaries. 15 Am. Dec., 745-754. Jurisdiction of, how affected by statute conferring similar jurisdiction on other courts. 55 Am. Dec., 77-79. Jurisdiction over land and property in another State. 78 Am. Dec., 211-212. Laches, when will refuse relief on ac- count of. 54 Am. Dec., 130-134. Power of, to appoint person to continue partnership for benefit of infant heirs. 56 Am. Dec., 517-518. Power of, to correct or set aside settle- ment of accounts or distribution of estates in probate. 48 Am. Dec., 744- 751. Power of, to perfect conveyance of mar- ried woman. 19 Am. Dec., 230-234. Power of, to relieve against judgment at law. 19 Am. Dec., 603-(u2. Relief against forfeitures. 68 Am. Dec.. 85-38. Rescinding contracts in, where there is no actual fraud, accident or mistake. 15 Am. Dec., 572-575. Sheriffs deed , power to reform. 78 Am. Dec., 136-137. Error Writ of. 46 Am. Dec., 257-261. Escheat What is, and proceedings there- for. 29 Am. Dec., 232-235. Estates Merger of, when takes place. 15 Am. Dec., 81-83. Of decedents, administrator, actions by in other States than that in which he is appointed. 88 Am. Dec., 308-311. 225 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Estate Evidence Estates Of decedents, administrators de bonisnon. 24 Am. Doc., 379-390. Of decedents, advancements. 80 Am. Dec., 5-39-565. Of decedents, ancillary administration. 35 Am. Dec., 433-49 J. Of decedents, annual settlement of ac- counts of executors and administra- tors, effect of as res adjudicata. 86 Am. Dec., 143-146. Of decedonts, attorney's fee, power of administrator to make estate liable for. 93 Am. Dec., 393-397. Of decedents, claims against, effect of their allowance. 65 Am Dec 121-127. Of decedents, conclnsiveness of decrees of distribution and power of chancery to correct or set aside accounts in pro- bate. 43 Am. Dec., 744-751. Of decedents, demonstrative and general legacies. 11 Am. Dec., 4G9-470. Of decedents, distribution of, by what laws governed. 13 Am. Dec., 349- 350. Of decedents, enforcement of contracts against. 68 Am. Dec., 758-764. Of decedents, foreign administrator, powers of. 90 Am. Dec., 175-177. Of decedents, funeral expenses, who liable for. 9 Am. Dec. , 652-653. Of decedents, grants of administration, validity of. 79 Am. Dec., 63-67. Of decedents, grants of letter of admin- istration, when and how may be pre- vented. 46 Am. Dec., 437-440. Of decedents' heirs, actions by, to recov- er real and personal property before distribution and probate. 23 Am. Dec., 200-203. Of decedents, heirs and legatees, inter- est of, whether subject to execution. 44 Am. Dec.,33S-340. Of decedents, heirs, liability of for debts of ancestors. 48 Am. Dec., 395- 397. Of decedents, legacy, assent of executor, when necessary. 50 Am. Dec., 485- 490. Of decedents, lost will, probate of. 84 Am. Dec., 623-631. Of decedents, probate of will and letters of administration, when void for want of jurisdiction. 33 Am. Dec., 239-243. Of decedents, probate of wills, what per- sons are bound bv decrees and orders granting or refusing. 60 Am. Dec., 353-362. Of decedents, revocation cf probate of will, power of court to grant. 90 Am. Dec., 136-138. Of decedents, specific legacies. 11 Am. Dec., 468-469. Of decedents, statutes of limitation, op- eration of against administrator of. 65 Am. Dec., 594-602. INDEX A. D. & A. K. 15 Estates Of decedents, statutes reviving right to present claim against. 16 Am. Dec., 718-720. Of decedents, subrogation of specific leg- atees to rights of creditors. 16 Am. Dec., 105-107. Of decedents, widow's rights to admin- ister upon. 93 Am. Dec., 685-686. In fee, interest in property with power of disposition, when does and when does not amount to. 49 Am. Dec., 115-119. Estoppel acquisition of, after acquired title by. 37 Am. Dec., 129-130. Arising from business being conducted in name of wife. 84 Am. Dec. , 673-676. Against pleading that contract is ultra vires. 13 Am. Dec., 108-1C9. By judgment, what facts included with- in. 96 Am. Dec., 775-788. By judgment, who concluded by. 73 Am. Dec., 217-218. By mortgage. 45 Am. Dec., 392-394. In pais, as applicable to infants. 44 Am. Dec., 2b5-2S7. Of married woman by recitals in her deed. 28 Am. Rep., 374-377. To deny marriage. 96 Am. Dec., 214- 215. Against married woman. 61 Am. Dec., 453. Plea of former acquittal or conviction, what sustains. 58 Am. Dec. , 536-549. Persons claiming under common source of title. 49 Am. Dec., 383-389. From not giving notice of claim of title. 57 Am. Rep., 429-433. 47 Am. Rep., 401-402. Of tenant to deny title of landlord. 13 Am. Dec., 68-72. To urge that signature on note is forgery. 37 Am. Rep., 704-705. Estovers Right of tenant for life to. 64 Am. Dec., 366-370. Evidence Of accomplices. 71 Am. Dec., 671-678. Accomplices in criminal prosecutions. 34 Am. Rep., 408-411; 31 Am. Rep., 522-526. Admissions and declarations. 30 Am. Dec., 544-549. Admission of agent, when admissible against principal. 53 Am. Dec., 773- 778. Admission of irrelevant or immaterial, as ground for new trial. 66 Am. Dec. 717-720. Admission, withdrawal of. 99 Am. Dec., 480-489 Almanac, when admissible as. 39 Am. Rep., 416. Amount required to prove crime in civil action. 20 Am. Rep. , 420-421. Books of account as. 15 Am. Dec., 191- 198. Evidence INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 226 Evidence Books of account of public of- ficer are conclusive against him and bis sureties. 37 Am. Rep., 234-236. Books, scientific, whether admissible. 41 Am. Rep., 61-63. Burden of proof in negligence. 50 Am. Rep., 533-560; 49 Am. Rep., 623-629. Burden of proof respecting contributory negligence. 79 Am. Dec., 72G-727. Burdon of proof on plea of statute of limitations. 81 Am. Dec., 723-727. Burden of proof in quo warranto pro- ceedings. 100 Am. Dec., 268-27-i. Circumstantial, rules respecting. 62 Am. Dec., 179-188. Collateral or irrelevant matter to dis- credit witness. 88 Am. Dec., 323-324. Comparison of handwriting. 6 Am. D,v., 171-173. Complaints of prosecutrix, when ad- missible in prosecutions for rape. 33 Am. Rep., 369-370. Confession, when receivable. 46 Am. Rep., 253-260: 57 Am. Rep., 839- 842. Contemporaneous expressions and ex- clamations, when part of res gestae. 59 Am. Rep., 733. Contracts for discovery or production of. 94 Am. Dec., 375-378. Contributory negligence, burden of proof respecting. 28 Am. Rep., 563- 567. Conversation, admission of part, when entitles balance to be admitted. 82 Am. Dec., 342-345. Corpus delicti, proof of. 78 Am. Dec., 252-259. Corroborative statements made by wit- ness out of court, when admissible. 11 Am. Dec., 757-760. Of crime in civil action, proof required. 95 Am. Dec., 525-529. Of crimo other than one charged. 44 Am. Rep., 299-303. Death, presumption of. 92 Am. Dec., 7v;4-703. Death, proof of. 91 Am. Dec., 526-529. Death, letters of administrator as. 19 Am. Rep., 143-150. Declaration of testator to show undue influence, insanity or imposition. 3 Am. Dec., 395-397. Declarations and complaints of injured person. 33 Am. Rep., 828-829. Declarations of accused. 1 Am. Dec., 373. Declarations of decedent, when admissi- ble against defendant. 37 Am. Rep., 83-89. Declarations of decedent with respect to boundaries. 60 Am. Rep., 589-591. Declaration of employee at or after acci- dent, when part of res gestse. 58 Am. Rep , 5G5-5G3; 36 Am. Rep., 829. Evidence Declarations of former owner of chattel or chose inaction. 42 Am. Dec., 80-81. Declarations of landowners with respect to boundaries. So Am. Rep., 740-750. Declarations of party in his favor, when admissible. 93 Am. Dec. Declarations of testator to impeach or invalidate his will. 52 Am. Dec.. 167-169. Declarations of testator to impeach or invalidate will. G2 Am. Dec., 80-81. Declarations of testator, when a Imissi- ble. 59 Am. Rep., 399. Declarations of vendor, when admissible against vendee to show fraud. 42 Am. Dec., 631-633. Dying declarations, what admissible as. 34 Am. Rep., 479-4-2. Experiments and tests, when admissible as. 49 Am. Rop., 191-194. Expert, where admissible. 63 Am. Dec., 223-246; 49 Am. Rep., 551- Foreign judgment, authentication of. 82 Am. Dec., 41 1-414. Fraud, what sufficient. 65 Am. Dec., 157-164. Inadequacy of, consideration as. 58 Am. Dec., 217. General character of defendant in crim- inal prosecution. 50 Am. Rep., 93-99. General reputation, to prove partner- ship. 38 Am. Dec., 43 1- Hearsay, regarding boundaries. 15 Am. Dec., 628-631. Husband and wife, to criminate each other. 27 Am. Dec., 174-179. Illegitimacy, what admissible. 72 Am. Dec., 649-654. Insanity, burden of proof regarding. 35 Am. Rep., 32-40. Insanity, hereditary. 97 Am. Dec., 174- 179. In proceedings under bastardy acts. 56 Am. Dec., 213-223 Judgment against principal, effect of as against surety. 33 Am , Dec. , 330-39 J. Judgment, as in creditors' suit. 51 Am. Dec., 29S- Judicial admissions. 26 Am. Dec., 52. Judicial notice. 49 Am. Rep., 201-207. Judicial notice of, what must be taken. 89 Am. Dec., 663-697. Judicial notice, of officers. 13 Am. Dec. , 192-193. Judicial notice taken, of what laws. 11 Am. Dec., 780 Leading questions, definition of, and when permissible. 47 Am. Dec., 81-85. Legislative journals, to show due pass- age of statute. 53 Am. Dec., 574-575. Of character in civil and crimiual ac- tions. 53 Am. Deo., 133-134. Of character of plaintiff, when admissi- ble. 13 Am. Dec., 499-oUO. 227 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Evidence Evidence Of character in prosecutions for homicide. 11 Am. Rep.. 776. Of good character, when admissible. 41 Am. Rep., 120-121. Of marriage, what sufficient. 57 Am. Rep., 451-463. Of marriage, in criminal cases. 36 Am. Dec., 745-751. 48 Am. Dec., 115-117. Medical works, when admissible. 59 Am. Dec., ISO-Is?. 51 Am. Rep., 680-683. Memoranda, the use of by witne.-s t - refresh memory. 98 Am. Dec., 619- 623. Money had and received. 52 Am. Dec., 751-760. Newspaper reports as. 90 Am. Dec., 258-282. Non est factum, plea of. 9 Ana. Dec., 432-433. Onus probandi, general rules regarding. 37 Am. Rep. , 143-150. Opinion as to probable effect if parties had acted in different manner. 71 Am. Dec., 538-539. Opinion of non-expert, when admissi- ble. 19 Am. Rep., 410-412. Opinions, when admissible as. 46 Am. Dec., 735. 59 Am. Rep., 176-186. Opinions of witness respecting sanity. 6 Am. Dec., 59-61. Parol, to ai 1 acknowledgement of deed. 1 Am. Dec., 81-83. Parol, to control or vary effect of en- dorsement. 39 Am. Rep., 116-119. Parol, to aid in construction of con- tracts. 5 Am. Rep., 241-242. Parol, to establi h trust in a bequest. 24 Am. Dec., 41 3-41 7. Parol, to explain descriptive Avords. 40 Am. Dec., 109-111. Parol, to explain mercantile contracts. 28 Am. Rep., 210-213. Parol, to prove waiver of right to de- mand and notice on part of endorser. 57 Am. Dec., 665-667. Parol, to show that deed was intended as mortgage. 15 Am. Dec., 47-48. Parol, touching consideration in deed. 3 Am. Dec., 306-307. Parol, to show that real estate is held by grantees as partners. 54 Am. Rep., 792-800. Parol, to vary effect of indorement. 9 Am. Dec., 381-385. Parol, to vary writing. 45 Am. Dec., 242-243. Pecuniary circumstances of defendant, when a'dmissible in actions for seduc- tion. 36 Am. Rep., 445. Of pecuniary circumstances of parties, as affects measure of damages. 67 Am. Dee., 562-568. Photographic copies, when admissible as. 26 Am. Rep., 319-321. Evidence Physical examination, power of court to compel. 49 Am. Rep. , 7 26- 730. Physician's disclosure of, when not per- mitted. 56 Am. Rep., 527-529. Poisoning, how proved. 65 Am. Dec., 587-590. Possession, when sufficient proof of title. 60 Am. Dec., 601-61 4. Preponderance of, all that is required in any civil action. 48 Am. Rep., 675. Presumption of continuance of fact once shown to exist. 50 Am. Rep., 297- 303. Presumption of death, when indulged, 46 Am. Rep., 761-77:.'. Presumption of guilt, statutes creating. 36 Am. Rep., 102-1C3. Privileged, communications to physi- cian. 52 Am. Rep. , 4. Promise of marriage in action by father for seduction of daughter. 22 Am. Dec., 579-582. Protest of negotiable instruments. 96 Am. Dec., 602-612. Protest of master of vessel. 13 Am. Dec., 735-736. Publication of, power of court to pre- vent. 98 Am. Dec., 414-420. Recitals in tax deed. 17 Am. Dec., 505- 514. Repairs, to show prior negligence. 57 Am. Rep., 183-187. Reputation of a house as that of ill-fame. 50 Am. Rep., 209-211. Res adjudicata, what admissible as. 95 Am. Dec., 51-76. Seduction, in actions for breach of prom- ise of marriage. 26 Am. Dec., 677- 678. Seduction, in actions for. 44 Am. Dec., 172-179. Separate plea, in libel. 11 Am. Dec., 130-132. Statute, whether properly enacted. 51 Am. Dec., 616-623. 85 Am. Dec., 356- 364. Stolen property as proof of larceny. 70 Am. Dec., 447-452. Threats by deceased on trial for mur- der. 61 Am. Dec., 53-58. Title in actions of forcible entry and un- lawful detainer. 77 Am. Dec., 552- 557. Votes, to show that illegal were cast. 84 Am. Dec., 263-274. Wills, to explain. 46 Am. Rep., 72-78. Witness given on former trial. 65 Am. Dec., 676-679. Witness must answer question intended to discredit. 57 Am. Rep., 16-19. Witness, cross-examination involving crimination of. 27 Am. Rep., 14u- 145. Execution INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 228 Evidence Wealth of defendant, when ad- missible in actions for slander and libel. 33 Am. Rep., 377-380. Execution Action for possession of chat- tels levied upon under. 20 Am. Dec. 696-699. Amending return of. 13 Am. Dec., 173-181. Creditors bills in aid of. 90 Am. Dec., 288-301. Crops that are subject to as personalty. 55 Am. Dec., 161-163. Crops, whether pass by sale of land. 19 Am. Dec., 752-755. Device, intended to prevent property from being subjected to. 32 Am. Dec., 242-243. Effect of officer exacting and collecting too much fee. 56 Am. Dec., 692-694. Ejectment by purchaser under, de- fenses which may be urged against. 84 Am. Dec., 570-573. Equity of redemption, when may be sold under. 11 Am. Dec. , 193-198. Exemption from statutes granting, whether constitutional. 45 Am. Dec. , 251-256. Exemption from waiver of, by executory contract. 72 Am. Dec., 741-745. Exemption of partnership property. 27 Am. Rep., 246-250. Exemption of tools from. 21 Am. Dec. , 545-554. Exemption of wages. 91 Am. Dec., 411-125. Exemptions, actions to vindicate right of. 75 Am. Dec., 645-653. Exemption, whether must be claimed. 31 Am. Rep., 44-46. Exempt property, conveyance of can- not be fraudulent. 20 Am. Rep., 150- 151. Failure to return, liability of officer for. 25 Am. Dec., 571-575. Franchises not subject to. 15 Am. Dec., 595-596. Homestead, sale of, under. 87 Am. Dec., 275-282. Inchoate interest of croppers and others, when subject to. 51 Am. Dec 410-411. Interest of heir or legatee, when sub- ject to. 44 Am. Dec., 338-340. Judgment, when and how subject to. 92 Am. Dec., 415-416. Justification of officer under. 21 Am. Dec., 190-209. Justification un^er writ which officer has failed to return. 74 Am. Dec. , 672. Levy effected by unlawful or fraudu- lent means. 93 Am. Dec., 466. Levy, necessity of, to sustain a sale. 33 Am. Dec., 697-699. Levy of, leaving debtor in possession after. 27 Am. Dec., 103-104. Execution Levy of, on partnership pro- perty for partner's private debts. 29 Am." Dec., 663-664. Levy of, on property in use or posses- sion of debtor. 38 Am. Dec., 709- 710. Levy, right to resist. 75 Am. Dec., 176-182. Lien of judgment, whether continued by levy of. 99 Am. Dec., 267-271 Life insurance policies, when subject to. 88 Am. Dec., 530-534. Loss of property in Sheriff's hands, whether plaintiff or defendant must suffer. 91 Am. Dec., 313-;>.4. Moneys in officer's hands, whether sub- ject to. 55 Am. Dec., 264-265. Officer's right to enter house for pur- pose of serving. 25 Am. Dec., 171- 172. Patent rights, when and how subject to. 40 Am. Rep., 123-125. Pension money, exemption of, when ceases. 41 Am. Rep., 411-413. Proceedings supplemental to. 100 Am. Dec., 5jO-515. Quashing writ, effect of. 32 Am. Dec., 312-313. Redemptiou from by one co-tenant. 95 Am. Dec., 766-7(38. Replevin of property levied upon. 9 Am. Dec., 105-107. Retention of possession, chattels sold on. 15 Am. Dec., 671-672. Return day of writ, power of officer af- terward to sell real or personal pro- perty. 76 Am. Dec., 83-89. Return day, pales made after. 15 Am. Dec. ,522-323. Notice of sale, sufficiency of. 75 Am. Dec., 704-713. Sale of more land than is necessary. 13 Am. Dec., 212-213. Sale under junior writ. 12 Am. Dec., 595. Sale, notice of, failure of, or defects in. 44 Am Dec., 238-240. Sale, notice of, secret vices in. 12 Am. Dec., 212. Sale, power of officer to adjourn. 28 Am. Dec., 536-540. Sale, quashing, effect of. 15 Am. Dec., 92. Sale, Sheriff's duty to inform purchaser of existence of prior incumbrance. 43. Am. Dec., 143-144. Sale, when passes interest of plaintiff as well as of defendant, 89 Am. Dec., 370-372. Sales, caveat emptor, rule of, when ap- plicable to. 14 Am. Dec., 131-133. Sale, agreement to hold lands purchased for benefit of defendant. 40 Am. Dec., 210-212. 229 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Execution-Fixtures Execution Satisfaction of, by levy o real or personal property. 58 Ain. Dec., 350-363. Sheriff's deed, reforming. 78 Am. Dec., 13J-137. Sheriff, diligence exacted of, in serving. 95 Am. Dec., 423-441. Stay laws, constitutionality of. 6 Am. Doc , 540-541. Title under sale. 11 Am. Dec., 708-709. Tooli and utensils, ^vhat exempt as, and who may claim. 23 Am. Rep., 03-67. Tools, what exempt as. 47 Am. Kep., 190-192. Transfer of property not subject to, whether can be fraudulent. 31 Am. Rep., 645-648. Trust estates, when and when not sub- ject to. 97 Am. Dec., 303-315. Variance between and judgment. 13 Am. Dec., 201-203. Executors and Administrators Sureties of and extent of their liability. 51 Am. Dec., 519-534. Who may be. 54 Am. Dec., 518-522. De son tort. 17 Am. Dec., 561-502. De son tort. Who are, and rights and liabilities of. 85 Am. Dec., 423-427. Annual settlements of accounts of, effect as res adjudicata. 86 Am. Dec., 143- 146. Conveyances by, form and contents of. 56 Am. Dec., 55-58. Covenants of, in their conveyances. 17 Am. Dec., 224-228. Foreign, actions by. 88 Am. Dec., 308- 311. Powers of. 26 Am. Dec., 309. 90 Am. Dec., 175-177. Rights of foreign. 11 Am. Dec. , 394-395. Interest, when should be charged with. 99 Am. Dec., 296-299. Judgment against, effect of upon sure- ties. 32 Am. Dec., 202-204. Liability for default of co-executor or co- administrator. 42 Am. Dec., 238-293. Liability of, in foreign jurisdiction, for property of decedent. 32 Am. Dec., 632-633. Loss of property, liability for. 87 Am. Dec., 326-327. Neglect, liability for. 14 Am. Dec., 65- 66. Power of administrator with will an- nexed to exercise authority conferred upon executor. 12 Am. Dec., 102-104. Powers of executor before admission of will to probate. 55 Am. Dec., 43u-439. Power of executor to dispose of assets. 14 Am. Dec., 64 1-642. Power of, to revive debt barred by stat- ute of limitations. 12 Am. Dec., 659- 661. Purchase in interest of, at their own sales. 12 Am. Dec., 85-86. Executors and Administrators Purchase from, when valid. 11 Am. Dec. ,386- 389. Sales by, void, because in excess of order of sale. 37. Am. Dec., 65-66. Exemption (^ee Execution ; Homestead.) From seizure under distress. 17 Am. Dec., 458-461. Expectancies Conveyance of. 37 Am. Dec., 128-130. Experts Who are. 66 Am. Dec., 228-246. Extradition Fugitives from justice, pro- ceedings for arrest and surrender of. 57 Am. Dec., 389-40J. Factors Definition, duties and liability of. 58 Am. Dec., 158-171. False Imprisonment What is, and actions thorefor. 54 Am. Dec., 238-271. Family Head of, who is. 61 Am. Dec., 586-593. Felony Civil remedy of party injured by. 14 Am. Dec., 243-247. Con victir-n, when bars other prosecu- tions. 17 Am. Dec., 791-795. Fences Partition. 63 Am. Dec., 626-638. Ferry Duties and liabilities of keeper. 87 Am. Dec., 720-722. Fictitious Person or Firm Promissory note payable to. 55 Am. Rep., 472- 474. Fiduciary Debts What are, within mean- ing of insolvent laws. 77 Am. Dec., 384-387. Fire Common carrier, liability for loss occasioned by. 31 Ana. Dec., 554- 556. Lo.-s by, what included within. 45 Am. Dec., 657-661. Liability of railroad companies for. 38 Am. Dec. , 70-79. Statutes authorizing destruction of pro- perty in case of. 47 Am. Dec., 2o7- 210. Fishery Right of, along shore of sea. 16 Am. Rep. ; 51-68. Right of riparian owner to, in non- nadgable waters. 38 Am. Rep., 255-260. Fixtures Chandeliers and other gas fix- tures, whether are. 29 Am. Rep., 4o3-404. 34 Am. Rep., 354-355. Machinery, when are. 11 Am. Rep., 314-317" Manure, when deemed to be. 14 Am. Dec., 396-397. Pictures, show cases, etc., when are. 37 Am. Rep., 472-475. Portable furnaces. 42 Am. Rep., 447- 449. Rule of, between vendor and vendee. 24 Am. Rep., 726-732. Tenant's right to remove. 11 Am. Dec., 241-244. What are. 14 Am. Dec., 303-304. 17 Am. Dec., 686-696. Floods Guaranty INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 230 Floods Rights and liabilities of owners of property set adrift by. 55 Am. Dec., 503-512. Food Liability for selling noxious and unsound. 73 Am. Dec., 1J5-175. Forbearance to Sue As consideration to support a promise. 60 Am. Dec., 524-527. Forcible Entry 18 Am. Dec., 139-148. Upon oue'd own property, liability for. 51 Ann Rep., 366-368. Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer- Title, when may be given in evidence in actions of. 77 Am. Dec., 552-557. Foreign Corporations Statutes imposing particular conditions and restrictions upon. 22 Am. Rep., 67-70. (See Corporations.) Foreigners Jurisdiction of courts over their persons and property. 76 Am. Dec., 665-673. Foreign Law Presumption with respect to. 37 Am. Rep., 584-587. Foreign States and Countries Injunction against judicial proceedings in. 56 Am. Rep., 663-666. Forfeiture Of title to office. 83 Am. Dec., 372-377. Forfeitures Relief in equity against. 68 Am. Dec., 85-88. Forged Not 2 Ratification of. 31 Am, Rep., 550-555. Forgery 22 Am. Dec., 306-321. False entries in pass and account books. 75 Am. Dec., 571-573. Of note or endorsement, effect of. 49 Am. Dec., 315-316. Franchise Granted to one corporation does not prevent like grant to an- other. 26 Am. Rep., 293-294. Not subject to execution. 15 Am. Dec., 595-596. Fraud As preventing operation of statute of limitations. 60 Am. Dec., 511- 515. Declarations of vendor, when admissi- ble against vendee, to show. 42 Am. Dec., 631-634. How may be pleaded. 25 Am Dec., 95- 96. Illegal transaction, rights of parties to. 34 Am. Dec., 765-767. Inadequacy of consideration as evidence of. 57 Am. Dec., 217. In sale of real estate. 2 Am. Dec., 77-81. Of agent, liability of principal for. 52 Am. Dec., 57-58. Participant in, when may urge as de- fense. 82 Am. Dec. , 428-429. Proof of, what sufficient. 65 Am. Dec., 157-164. What sufficient at law to avoid convey- ance. 55 Am. Dec., 411-415. "What will avoid deed at law. 93 Am. Dec., 596-598. (See Statute of.) Fraudulent Contracts Enforcing between the parties. 30 Am. Rep., 517-520. Fraudulent Conveyances Instances of. 28 Am. Rep,, 721-723. Of property exempt from execution. 20 Am. Rep., 150-151. Fraudulent Transfer Action of case against person assisting in. - 50 Am. Dec., 722-723. Gi antor or donor cannot avoid. 15 Am. Dec., 599-610. Judgment granting relief against, form of. 75 Am. Dec., 359-361. What creditors may not attack. 18 Am. Dec., 621-625. Freight Nature of, and when recovera- ble. 60 Am. Dec. , 149-154. Fugitive from Justice. Right of to an appeal. 41 Am. Dec.. 272-273. Proceeding for arrest and surrender of. 57 Am. Dec., 389-400. Proceedings for their surrender. 32 Am. Rep., 355-359. Furniture Defined. 47 Am. Rep., 197- 199. Gaming What is. 33 Am. Dec., 134-136. Garnishees Judgment against. 46 Am. Dec., 341-346. Garnishment Counties, states, and Uni- ted States not subject to. 18 Am. Dec., 2CO-207. Defenses of garnishee. 13 Am. Dec., 341-342. Of money due on negotiable instrument. 55 Am. Dec., 68-70. Of property in hands of assignee in bankruptcy. 28 Am. Rep., 35. General Average Wages of crew and pro- visions as subject of. 2 Am. Dec., 207-209. What is, and when enforceable. 14 Am. Dec., 613-614. Gift Causa mortis. 56 Am. Rep. , 253-254. Delivery, what sufficient to sustain. 48 Am. Rep., 787-790. Of deposits in bank, sufficiency of. 26 Am. Rep., 684-687. To medical adviser. 39 Am. Rep., 250- 251. What is sufficient delivery of possession. 5j Am. Rep., 178. Government Co upensation for property taken by. 31 Am. Deo., 373-::'7">. Governor Power of judiciary to issue mandamus against. 33 Am. Dec., 361-368. Grand Juror Incompetency of, whether can be taken advantage of after in- dictment. 34 Am. Rep., 705-706. Guarantor Notice to. 11 Am. Dec., 703. Guaranty Consideration, sufficiency of expression of, in contract. 53 Am. Dec., 288-289. Continuing, what is. 55 Am. Rep., 701- 703. 231 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Guaranty-Househ'ld'r Guaranty Notice of acceptance, when must be given. 39 Am. Rep., 221-227.' Guardian Personal liability of. 75 Am. Dee., 447-43 i. Guardian and Ward Foreign guardian, proceedings to transmit estate of in- fant to. 95 Am. Doe., 6GG-G70. Guardians in chancery, powers of. 18 Am. Dec., 689-691. Guardian's rig'-t to recover for expendi- tures in excess of income of ward. 49 Am. Dec., G57-G60. Power of guardian to waive service of jurisdictional process on infants. 95 Atn. Dec., 461-462. Settlements between, on the latter's coming of age. 25 Am. Rep., 728-730. Testamentary guardians and their pow- ers and duties. 29 Am. Dec., 712- 716. Habeas Corpus Authority of State court upon. 37 Am. Dec., 200-203. Custody of child on. 34 Am. Dec., 6G8-669. Custody of infant, to whom awarded on. 34 Am. Rep., 693-7'j2. Custody of legitimate child on. 20 Am. Dec. ,"330-337. Infant, into whose custody will be de- livered on. 43 Am. Rep., 779-780. Right of court to refuse. 67 Am. Dec., 395-398. To what extent court may go behind judgment or process on. 26 Am. Dec., 4J-49. Hackman Persons employing, not liable for negligence of. 54 Am. Rep., 135- 145. Half Blood Inheritance by and through. 61 Am. Dec., 6G5-G67. Handwriting Proof of by comparison. 6 Am. Dec., 171-173. Head of Family Who is. 61 Am. Dec., 586-593. Heir Expectant, transfers and incum- brance> by, when voidable. 41 Am. Rep., 713-714. High Seas Torts on, jurisdiction over. 13 Am. Dec., 566-568. Highway Action for frightening horses thereon by traction and other engines. 22 Am. Rep., 523-529. Cul de sac, whether may be. 29 Am. Rep., 51-53. Duty of traveller on to avoid danger at railway crossings. 90 Am. Dec., 780- 787. Duty of travellers to pass to right. 13 Am. Rep., 235. Excavation adjacent to, liability of land owner for. 23 Am. Rep., 183. Nuisance in, liability of erector to pri- vate action. 25 Am. Rep., 533-537. Obstructions in, injunction against. 52 Am. Rep., 574-578. Highway Right to go on adjoining land in event of impassability of. 54 Am. Dec. , 731-734. Crossings of, duty of railroad company to keep flagmen at. 100 Am. Dec,, 412-414. Frightening of horses in, liability of municipalities therefor. 98 Am. Dec. , 60S-G12. Law of road. 73 Am. Dec., 404-410. Liability of individuals or towns for not guarding excavations in or adjacent thereto. 79 Am. Dec., 702-705. Liability of public officer for neglect of his duty concerning. 83 Am. Dec., 5G3-566. Liability of towns and cities for defects in. 24 Am. Rep., 25-23. Private, right to condemn land for. 91 Am. Dec., 585-589. Rights and remedies of persons over whose lands they have been estab- lished. 28 Am. Dec., 302-306. Streams fit to fl -at logs, whether are. 5 Am. Rep., 108-109. Town and cities, obligations of to keep in repair. 11 Am. Rep., 66. Water-courses, right to use as, and rem- edies available to vindicate the right. 81 Am. Dec., 582-588. Homestead Al >andonement of. 60 Am. Dec., 607-G15. Ceasing to be a householder, whether terminates right to claim as exempt. 36 Am. Rep., 728-730. Exemption of from antecedent debts. 87 Am. Dec., 464-468. Execution sale of. 87 Am. Dec., 273- 282. Fraudulent conveyance of, whether waives to. 31 Am. Rep., 645-648. In land held in undivided interest. 63 Am. Dee., 122-125. Necessity of joinder of husband and wife in conveyance or release. 65 Am. Dec., 485-489. Non-resident widow, rights of in. 96 Am. Dec., 412-415. Right of, whether an estate or a privi- lege. 65 Am. Dec., 482-4S9. Suits by Rife for or concerning. 76 Am. Dec., 442-443. Vendor's lien for purchase money. 99 Am. Dec., 574-576. "What may be exempt as. 70 Am. Dec., 344-353. Homicide When justifiable on ground of self-defense. 51 Am. Dec. , ^93. Horse Racing Contracts in aid of, wheth- er valid. 39 Am. Rep., 775-777. House Meaning of. 22 Am. Dec., 144- 151. Householder and Head of Family Who are. 32 Am. Rep., 30-31. House Infant INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 232 House of Refuge Constitutionality of statutes concerning. 55 Am. Rep., 456-462. Husband and Wife Action by husband for sale of laudanum to wife. 52 Am. Eep.,388-3S9. Admission of evidence by one to crimi- nate the other. 27 Am. Dec., 377- 381. Adultery as bar to claim of dower. 19 Am. Dec., 6SS-6S9. Alimony after re-marriage of wife. 39 Am. Kep., 27-28. Alimony, power of court to decree after divorce granted. 88 Am. Dec., 657- 659. Allimony, Allowance of, when proper. 60 Am. Dec., 665-682. Ante-nuptial settlements, when valid against creditors. 40 Am. Rep., 622- 624. Business conducted in name of wife. 84 Am. Dec., 673-676. \ Change of domicile of, after marriage. 12 Am. Dec., 478-479. Choses hi action taken in name of wife. 46 Am. Dec., 47-51. Community property, lands given by sovereign to either spouse. 16 Am. Dec., 186-187. Community property, what is, and pre- sumptions regarding. 86 Am. Dec., 628-643. Competency of one to testify to the other's adultery. 35 Am. Rep., 744. Conveyance from former to latter. 88 Am. Dec., 54-56. Conveyance, to vest estate by the entire- ties. 26 Am. Rep., 65-68. Divorce, action for at instance of third person, or after death of one of the spouses. 82 Am. Dec., 197-201. Divorces in other State. 7 Am. Dec., 206-2C9. Dower, as&ignment of. 79 Am. Dec., 600-604. Effect of purchase by and deed to mar- ried woman. 58 Am. Dec., 194-197. Execution sale against husband, effect on wife's right of dower. 22 Am. Dec., 710-711. Foreign divorce, effect of. 21 Am. Dec., 747-752. Husband's interest in wife's chattels and choses in action. 29 Am. Dec., 47-48. Husband's liability for torts of wife. 6 Am. Dec., 106-109. Marriage settlements, validity and con- struction of. 50 Am. Dec., 371-37"). Necessaries for which husband is liable, what are. 10 Am. Dec., 462-465. Power of former to acquire title to lat- ter 's land by judicial proceeding. 94 Am. Dec., 114. Husband apd Wife Refusal of latter to join in conveyance in pursuance of agreement of former. 89 Am. Dec., 576-579. Right of husband to use force to restrain or control wife. 86 Am. Dec. , 437-439. Separate property of wife, as affected by American statutes. 76 Am. Dec., 367-401. Separation, agreements for, validity and effect of. 90 Am. Dec. , 367-370. Tenancy by curtesy, when exists. 15 Am. Dec., 449-451. Tenancy of, by entireties. 18 Am. Dec.. 377-389. Torts of married woman. 83 Am. Dec., 776-778. Transfers by husband in fraud of wife. 39 Am. Dec., 218-220. Wife's choses in action, reducing of, to possession. 37 Am. Dec., 577-581. Ice In streams and ponds, property in, in whom vested. 32 Am. Rep., 164- 168. Idam Sonans Instances of. 28 Am. Rep., 439. Doctrine of. 13 Am. Dec., 233-234. Ignorance of Fact As a defense. 30 Am. Rep.,G17-G20. Illegitimacy Evidence of, what admissi- ble. 72 Am. Dec., 649-654. Ill Fame Whether opening of house of, may be enjoined! 48 Am. Rep., 274- 278. Impeachment of Witnesses Practice upon, 73 Am. Dec., 762-777. Improvements by Co-tenant Right to con- tribution for. 62 Am. Dec. , 483-487. Indemnity Against consequences of ille- gal act, agreement for, when void. 40 Am. Dec., 425-427. Contract of, right of action, when ac- crues under. 49 Am. Dec., 362-363. Indictment Election of counts when com- pelled. 92 Am. Dec., 660-666. Joinder of two or more offenses, when permissible. 58 Am. Dec., 238-250. Industrial Schools Constitutionality of statutes concerning. 55 Am. Rep., 456-462. Infancy Disability of, effect on statute of limitations. 36 Am. Dec. , 68-69. Infant Abandonment of, when occurs. 47 Am. Dec., 443-451. Avoidance of contracts by. 13 Am. Dec., 131-133. Contracts of apprenticeship by. 44 Am. Dec., 538-539. Custody of, respective rights of father and mother to. 40 Am. Rep. , 327-330. Custody of, to whom awarded on habeas corpus. 34 Am. Rep. , 69S-700. Disaffirming contract, whether must re- store consideration. 62 Am. Dec., 734-738. 233 IXDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC XOTES. Infant Insurance Infant Employe", duty to warn of danger. 43 Am. Rep., 269-270. Estoppel in pais, as applied to. 44 Am. Dec., 285-287. Guardian of, power to waive service oi jurisdictional process. 95 Am. Dec., 461-462. Judgments against. 13 Am. Dec., 159- 160; 89 Am. Dec., 185-193. Liability of, for their torts. 33 Am. Dec., 179-186. Negligence of parent or guardian of. 5 Am. Rep., 148. Non-resident, proceedings to transmit property to foreign guardians. 95 Am. Dec., 666-670. Not liable for false representations or breach of contract. 37 Am. Rep., 412-414. Power of equity over their estates. Am. Dec., 733-737. Ratification bv, on attaining his major- ity. 25 Am". Rep., 30-32. Residence and citizenship, distinction between. 32 Am. Dec., 427-429. Responsibility for crime. 70 Am. Dec., 496-499. To whom custody will be delivered on habeas corpus. 43 Am. Rep., 779- 780. Witness, adjourning trial to instruct as to nature of an oath. 58 Am. Rep., 658. Injunction When becomes binding. 55 Am. Dec., 722-723. Counsel fees, whether allowable as dam- asres on dissolution of. 39 Am. Rep., 13. To prevent cloud on title by execution sale. 62 Am. Dec., 523-524. Against judicial proceedings in other States or countries. 56 Am. Rep., 663-666. Against obstructions in highway. 52 Am. Rep., 574-578. Against opening of house of ill fame. 48 Am. Rep., 274-278. Against threatened nuisances. 73 Am. Dec., 113-116. Against pleading statute of limitations. 75 Am. Dec., 84-87 ; 51 Am. Dec., 70J. To restrain collection of taxes or assess- ments. 69 Am. Dec., 198-205. Against collection of taxes. 49 Am. Rep., 287-289; 53 Am. Rep., 110-113. Against collection of personal tax. 23 Am. Rep., 622-623. Against maintenance of certain trades and businesses as nuisances. 51 Am. Rep., 467-475. Against trespass. 11 Am. Dec., 498- 507; 53 Am. Rep., 346-355. To prevent improper use of leased prem- ises. 59 Am. Dec., 70-72. Mandatory. 20 Am. Dec., 389-402. Injuries Proximate cause, for which re- covery may be had. 5u Am. Rep., 569; 41 Am. Rep., 53-58; 42 Am. Rep., 390-393; Proximate causes, instances of. 52 Am. Rep., 157-166. Inns Guests at, who are. 62 Am. Dec., 586-592. 14 Am. Dec., 258-359. Innkeeper Contributory negligence, of guest, when prevents recovery. 41 Am. Rep., 777-778. Customer of, whon loses his character as guest. 46 Am. Rep., 119-121. Liability of, for goods of guest. 18 Am. Rep.,"l3j-136. Lien of. 57 Am. Rep., 31-32. Travelers, who are, within the meaning of the law respecting. 25 Am. Rep., 654-656. For what goods of guest liable. 69 Am. Dec., 221-226. Who are, and their respective rights, remedies, and obligations. 7 Am. Dec., 449-458. Insane (See Lunatic). Insanity As a defence to crime. 36 Am, Dec., 402-411. As a defence to crime, and burden of proof regarding same. 60 Am. Rep., 212-225. Evidence of, 11 Am. Dec., 656-657. Evidence of hereditary, when admissi- ble. 97 Am. Dec., 174-179. Lucid interval, when presumed. 41 Am. Rep., 686-688. Opinion of non-expert witness. 8 Am. Rep., 184-195. Insolvency Assignment for benefit of creditors, relation to bankruptcy. 28 Am. Dec., 212-219. Contribution of joint d ;btors, one being insolvent. 20 Am. Dec., 559-562. Fiduciary debts, what are, under. 77 Am. D'ec., 384-387. Insurance Agent's knowledge, when at- tributable to principal. 82 Am. Dec., 722-723. Agent, powers of, presumptions respect- ing. 7 Am. Rep., 128-129. Alienation, when defeats claim for. 28 Am. Dec., 154-159. Answers of applicant, when deemed representations and when warranties. 33 Am. Rep., 832-838. Assignment of policy, when valid, and what constitutes. 56 Am. Dec., 747-75 2. Beneficiaries, when may maintain ac. tion upon insurance effected upon an- other. 19 Am. Rep., 331-332. Beneficiary of, surrender or assignment, must be with his assent. 38 Am. Rep., 292-293. Breach of condition as to part of prop- erty, whether avoids whole policy. 38 Am. Rep. , 230-232. Insurance INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 234 Insurance Condition against property be- coming vacant or unoccupied. 35 Am. Rep., 443. Condition requiring notice of other in- surance to be endorsed on policy. 04 Am. Dec. ,221. Condition that policy shall not be bind- ing until actual payment of premium in cash. 57 Am. Rep., 514-515. Conditions in restraint of alienation. 59 Am. Dec., 304.312. Constitutionality of retaliatory insurance law. 44 Am. Rep., 391-392. Explosion, loss caused by. 34 Am. Rep., 387-389. Forfeiture, when non-payment of pre- mium. 29 Am. Rep., 2..5-207. "For whom it may concern. " 16 Am. Dec., 323-324. Incumbrances, concealment of. 35 Am. Dec., 629-631. Insurable interest in property, what is. 7 Am. Dec., 42-44. 20 Am. Dec., 510- 518. Keeping in stock, goods containing arti- cles prohibited as hazardous. 24 Am. Rep., 150-154. Loss byfire, what included within. 45 Am. Dec., 657-661. Misdescription of property insured. 30 Am. Dec., 101-103. Mistake in answers and warranties an- swered by agent of insurers. 26 Am. Rep., 370-373. On house, what is included as accessory or appurtenant thereto. 22" Am. Rep. , 253-255. On merchandise, when void, because hazardous articles are kept as part of. 33 Am. Rep., 781-784. On movable property, effect of removal. 95 Am. Dec., 751-753. Over- valuation of property insured. 29 Am. Dec., 616-621 ; 35 Am. Rep., 74- 76. Policy of, void as to part of property, whether void as to total. 74 Am. Dec., 498.500. Premiums, waiver of payment of. 29 Am. Kep., 777-779. Right of insurer to rebuild or repair. 11 Am. Rep., 51. Right of mortgagee under insurance of mortgaged property. 54 Am. Dec., 693-700. Sale by one partner to others, whether avoids. 52 Am. Rep., 442-443. Sale of interest of one partner to others, whether avoids. 49 Am. Rep., 22- 24. Stipulations seeking to make agent of insurer the agent of assured. 77 Am. Dec., 724-728. Subsequent, invalid, whether avoids prior. 43 Am. Rep., Insurance Subsequent, when avoids prior. 20 Am. Rep., 319-323. Successive insurers, liability of. 28 Am. Dec., 121-125. Vendor and vendee, which entitled to proceeds of. 84 Am. Dec., 420-431. Wager policies. 52 Am. Kep., 135-137. Waiver of, condition against over-insur- ance. 27 Am. Rep., 597- Waiver in writing, when essential. 42 Am. Rep., 621-024. Warranties and representations, Distinc- tion between. 16 Am. Dec., 463-471. Warranties and representations on con- tracts of. 54 Am. Dec. , 320-321 . Warranty, what is, and effect of. 40 Am. Dec. ,349-351. Withdrawal of moneys for, when a fraud on creditors. 88 Am. Dec., 53J-D34. Accidental death, condition against lia- bility for. 8 Am. Kep., 218-219. Against accident. 34 Am. Rep. , 240. Insurable interest hi life of another, ne- cessity for, and what constitutes. 57 Am. Dec. ,93-105. Insurance, Life Agreement not to question after death of assured. 60 Am. Rep.. 708. Answer in application, when warranty. 29 Am. Rep., 575-578. Answers of applicant, when deemed warranties. 59 Am. Rep., 816-8--'. Assignment of. 52 Am. Kep. 143-148. Assignment of, to one having no insura- ble interest. 27 Am. Kep., 327-328. Beneficiary of, whirl i has no incurable interest. 58 Am. Kep., S52-S58. Civil war, effect of upon. 9 Am. Rep., 169. Condition, against party dying by his own hand. 3 Am. Kep., 454^457. Death by suicide, "sane or insane." 19 Am. Rep., 621-630. Effected, by creditor on life of his debtor, when declared a mure wager. 60 Am. Rep., 729. Execution of party insured for commis- sion of felony. 21 Am. Kep., ViU- 543. Insurable interest, when exists. 46 Am. Rep., 189-191; 52 Am. Rep., 137-148. Letters of administration upon estate of insured, whether evidence of death. 19 Am. Rep., 148-150. Policy of, whether subjected to exection. 88 Am. Dec., 531-534. Premium, failure to pay on account of war. 19 Am. Rep., 512-517. Suicide of assured, when a defense to action. 59 Am. Dec., 487^197. Warranty of temperate habits, when broken. 38 Am. Rep., 615-617. Insurance, Marine Deviation of vessel from route. 33 Am. Dec., 60. 235 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Insurance- Judgment Insurance, Marine Liability for injuries caused one vessel through colli-ion with another. 54 Arn. Dec., 787-79 J. Loss occasioned by neglect to employ pilot. 33 Am. Pec., 599-601. Perils of the sea, what included within. 41 Am. Dec., 2S1-290. Seaworthiness, implied warranty of. 58 Am. Dec., 071-074. Whether CO*XT< lo=s of goods stowed on de.-k and jettisoned. 8*3 Am. Dec., 500-501. Interest Administrator or executor, when should be charged with. 99 Am. Dec., 200-299. After maturity, whether controlled by the contract or by statute. 47 Am. Rep., 70-75. Allowance of. 6 Am. Dec., 188-199. 51 Am. Dec., 277-278. Beyond penalty of bond. 29 Am. Dec., 754. Non-payment if when due, whether re- garded as dishonor of negotiable in- strument. 100 Am. Dec., 196-199. On interest, when recoverable. 34 Am. Rep., 101. On overdue coupons. 04 Am. Dec., 441-442. Partn T, when may be charged there- with in partnership account. 45 Am. Dec., 51S-V20. Rate prevailing after maturity of obliga- tion. 30 Am. Rep., 47-50. Rules for computing. 50 Am. Dec., 287- 292. Stipulation to pay higher rate after ma. turity. 63 Am" Dec., 438-440. When due on contracts generally. 28 Am. Rep., 314-315. Interpleader In equity. 35 Am. Dec., 695- ,712. Intervention Origin and nature of. 16 Am. Dec., 177-184. Who may become interveners. 15 Am. Dec., 162-163. Intoxicating Liquors Civil damages against party for sale of, and who may recover. 25 Am. Rep.. 362-369. Devices to evade law against selling. 32 Am. Rep., 433-437. Sale of by druggists, when criminal. 38 Am. Rep., 34: -347. Intoxication Validity of instruments exe- cuted in a state of. 21 Am. Rep., 29-34. Voluntary, whether a defense to person accused of crime. 40 Am. Rep., 560- 570. Islands Arising from sea, to whom be- long. 53 Am. Rep., 215-221. Jeopardy Punishment suffered. 77 Am. Dec., 690-697. What is. 21 Am. Dec., 505-508. Joinder of defendants in equity. 15 Am. Dec., 427-430. Joint Debtor New promise by one of sev- eral. 10 Am. Dec., 695-097. Joint Wills. 68 Am. Dec. , 407-410. Judge Disqualified, validity of judgment l.y. 84 Am. Dec., 120-133. Liability of, for acts done in their judi- cial capacity. 25 Am. Rep., 694-702. Liability of. for judicial acts. 23 Am. Rep., 692-094. Liability of, for unlawful commitment. 42 Am. Rep., 64S-650. Liability of judicial officers. 6 Am. Dec., 303-305. Judgment and Decrees Final and inter- locutory, what are. 60 Am. Dec., 427-439. Against bankrupt, after petition and be- fore discharge. 3 Am. Dec. , 296-301. Actions and defenses in conflict with. 52 Am. Dec., 636-639. Against deceased person, validity of. 52 Am. Dec., 107-110. Against executors and administrators, effect of upon sureties. 32 Am. Dec., 202-204. Against garnishees. 46 Am. Dec., 341- 346. Against infants. 13 Am. Dec., 159-160. 89 Am. Dec., 185-193. Against married woman. 55 Am. Dec., 599-611. Against one co-tresspasser, effect of aa bar to action against others. 54 Ana. Dec., 205-206. Against partnership or joint debtors baod the instruc- tions. 43 Am. Dec., 376-379. Affidavits of jurors to impeach their verdict. 24 Am. Dec. 475-479. Argument of counsel, improper stat- ments and allusions in. 53 Am. Rep., 648-655. Argument of counsel, what remarks are improper in. 43 Am. Rep., 336-339. Argument, reading from law in books as part of. 33 Am. Rep., 578-582. Argument, use of improper language and allusions in. 56 Am. Rep., 814- 824. Association between juror and attorney pending. 43 Am. Rep., 347-349. Chance verdict. 1 Am. Dec., 38-39. Credibility of witness, rules concerning. 8G Am. Dec., 328-331. Discharge of jury without verdict. 1 Am. Dec., 176-177. Disqualification of juror as ground for new trial. 9 Am. Dec., 81-82. Disregard by jury of uncontradicted and unimpeached witness. 81 Am. Dec., 268-270. English language, inability to under- stand as ground for challenge to juror. 35 Am. Rep., 728-731. Food, delivery of, to juryman after re- tiring to consider verdict. 16 Am. Rep., 4 34-4 "5. How far legislature may regulate right of. 53 Am. Dec., 791-7 3. Inability of jury to agree authorizes their discharge in criminal cases. 12 Am. Dec. , o4r-543. Inspection by court or jury of property or place in dispute. 92 Am. Dec., 342-345. Instructions, erroneous, jury, whether bound by. 2j Am. Dec., 133-137. Instructions to jury, mode of obtaining and of reviewing errors in giving or refusing. 99 Am. Dec., 118-138. Instructions to jury, pr )per subjects of, and to what extant judge may com- ment on evidence. 12. Am. Dec., 538- 549. Knowledge of juror, when may be em- S'.oyed in rendering verdict. 81 Am. ec., 266-267. Misconduct of jurors as ground for new trial. 35 Am. Dec., 2-34-260. Obtaining of jurors. 53 Am. Dec., 101. Opinions of jurors as ground for chal- lenge. 33 Am. Dec., 521-334. Power of legislature to dispense with. 43 Am. Dec.. 135-194. Presence of officer in jury room during deliberations of jury. 36 Am. Rep., 441-142. Eight of party to poll the jury. 30 Am. Rep., 497-500. Jury Trial Separation of jury in criminal trials. 60 Am. Rep., 73-75. Verdict, resulting from dividing by 12 the aggregates of the Bums found by each juror. 34 Am. Rep., 815-816. Voir dire, examinatien of jurors upon. 23 Am. Dec., 128-131. Justice's Courts Time for appearance in. 40 Am. Dec., 177-178. Laborer Who is. 32 Am. Rep., 264-267. Laches Refusal of relief in equity because of. 54 Am. Dec., 130-1S4. Land Partnership in. 13 Am. Dec., 646- 643. Landlord and Tenant Apportionment of rent on destruction of part of rented premises. 37 Am. Rep., 233- Assignment and subletting, distinctions between. 51 Am. Dec. , 3C6-307. Covenants to pay rent or make improve- ments, whether dependent or inde- pendent. 87 Am. Dec., 237. Covenants to repair. 49 Am. Dec., 374- 375. Covenants to repair, and liability of landlord and tenant therein. 95 Am. Dec., 118-123. Damages, measure of, for refusing to give tenant possession. 58 Am. Rep., 606-614. Destruction of leasehold property, effect of. 94 Am. Dec., 662^665. Disseisin by tenant. 15 Am. Dec., 460- 462. Distress for rent. 15 Am. Dec., 584- 588. Estoppel of latter to deny title of former. 13 Am. Dae. , 68-72. Eviction, what equivalent to. 17 Am. Rep., 62-64. Eviction, when a defense. 53 Am. Dec., 378-379. Expiration of lease, tenant's rights after. 69 Am. Dec., 508-516. Fixtures, tenant's right to remove. 11 Am. Dec., 241-244. Implied, renewal and continuance of leases, and terms for which deemed renewed. 91 Am. Dec., 563-566. Judgment against tenant, when binds landlord. 95 Am. Dec., 473-474. Lease of premises for illegal purposes. 8 Am. Rep., 140-141. Lessor's remedy against eublessees and as-ignees. 15 Am. Dec., 54-5-543. Liability for injuries sustained by visitor of his tenant. 50 Am. Rep., 53-57. Liability of lessor when premises are out of repair or in dangerous condi- tion. cOAm. Dec., 776-733. Me -ure of damages when lessee is pre- vented from taking possession. luO Ara. Dec., 423-429. Notice to quit, necessity and construc- tion of: 42 Am. Dec.," 125-140. Landlord Lien INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 233 Landlord and Tenant Nuisances, respec- tive liability for. 59 Am. Dec., 73o-7-iO. Kent, when deemed due so as to be gar- nishable. 29 Am. Rep., 218. Eight of landlord to enter after termina- tion of lea.=e. 69 Am. Dec., 754-7-;6. Unhealthy condition of premises, liabil- ity of landlord for. 5 : > Am. Rep., 265-269. 46 Am. Rep., 47-1-175. Usages and customs applicable to rela- tion of. 50 Am. Dec., 101-1UU. Land Officers Actions and decisions of, when conclusive. 20 Am. Dec., 273- 277. Land Owner Draining neighbor's land, when not liable for. 9 Am. Rep., 284-285. Liability, for damage done to others from acts committed on his own land. 51 Am. Dec., 283-284. Liability, for injuries arising from use of his property. 17 Am. Rep., 263-264. Traps, liability for dangerous, set on his premises. 83 Am. Dec., 166-167. Liability, for injuries suffered by persons on his premises by his invitation. 26 Am. Rep., 562-507. Liability, for injuries sustained by. 59 Am. Rep., 23-28. Liability of, to person injured by danger- ous condition of premises. 28 Am. Rep., 32-34. 31 Am. Rep., 206-213. 34 Am. Rep., 233-236. 87 Am. Dec., 661-667. Eeservoir, liability for breakage of. 28 Am. Rep., 101- : 03. Right to protect himself from overflow from rivers and other waters. 97 Am. Dec., 565^569. Eight to erect buildings over ways. 59 Am. Rep., C4. Trespasser, liability for injuries to. 40 Am. Rep. , 667-670. Larceny Dogs, whether subject of. 40 Am. Rep., 83-84. Possession of stolen property as evidence of. 70 Am. Dec., 447. What constitutes offense of. 57 Am. Dec., 271-286. What subject of. 47 Am. Rep., 765-766. Lateral Support Easement of. 7 Am. Dec., 64. Easement of. 66 Am. Dec., 647-651. Law Ignorance of, as a ground of action or defense. 10 Am. Dec., 323-328. ignorance of, as a defense or excuse. 15 Am. Rep., 177-184. Journals of legislature as evidence of. 13 Am. Rep., 643. Of road. 73 Am. Dec., 404-410. Of the land, meaning of this phrase as used in the constitution. L'4 Am. Dec., 537-545. Of other states and countries, how proved. 11 Am. Dec., 780-765. Legacies Ademption of. 37 Am. Dec., 967-671. Lapse of, by death of beneficiary before testator. " 94 Am. Dec., loo-loO. Specific and general interpretation of. 11 Am. Dec, 468-471. Legislative Body rower of to expel mem- ber. 63 Am. Dec., 772-" Legislators Privilege of . 16 Am. Dec., 784-786. Letter of Credit Party advancing money on, whether may sustain action. 23 Am. kep., 347-348. Property in, and description thereof. 49 Am. Dec., 180-184. Writer's property in. 5 Am. Dec., 725- 726. Libel Candidate, publications concern- ing, what justifiable. 86 Am. Dec., 88-93. Colloquium and innuendo. 4 Am.Dec., 348-3-31. Comments upon officers and candidates for office. 58 Am. Rep. . On candidate for office, what is. 56 Am. Rep., 286-288; 57 Am. Rep., 223-2-' >. Privileged communication. 15 Am. Dec., 232-233. Province of court and jury. 4 Am. Dec., 351-352. Venue in action for. 15 Am. Dec., 224- 225. Witness's impressions with respect to persons to whom words were applic- able. 4 Am. Dec., 352-354. Words actionable per se, what are. 41 Am. Rep., 590-592. Slander, privileged communications. 27 Am. Dec., 158. License Parol, when revocable and when irrevocable. 10 Am. Dec., 40- 45; 16 Am. Dec., 501-506; 54 Am. Dec., 166-167; 43 Am. Rep., 195-199. Power of state to impose. 52 Am. Dec., 331-335. Tax, validity of state statutes impos- ing. 59 Am. Rep., 267-282. Lien At common law for services. 37 Am. Dec., 522-523. Of attachment, origin and general na- ture of. 39 Am. Dec. , 606-011. Of attorney for compensation. 31 Am. Dec., 755-760. Existence, waiver, and assignability of. 28 Am. Dec., 199-202. Of innkeeper. 57 Am. Rep., 31-32. Of judgment, estates and interests affected by. 93 Am. Dec., 345-358. Of judgment in United States. 24 Am. Dec., 310-314. Of judgment, when attaches, nature, and extent of. 47 Am. Dec., 319- 320. Of material men. 79 Am. Dec., 268-278. 239 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Lien Marriage Lien Of vendors. 12 Am. Dee.. 262-264. Of warehousemen. 42 Am. Dec., 237- -2IH). Waiver of, by refusing to deliver prop- erty. (i:5 Am. Dec.. 413-414. Life Estate in Personal Property. 67 Am. Dec., 4 j 3-454. Security for, when exacted. 84 Am. Dej., 17;;. Life Insurance. (See Insurance.) Agreement not to question after death of as ured. GJ Am. Rep., 708. Beneficiary of which has no insurable intjre^t." 53 Am. Rep., 8-3 2-858. Effected by creditor on life of his debt- or, when declared a mere wager. GO Am. Rep., 729. Insurublo interest in life of another, necessity for and what constitutes. 57 Am. Dec., 93-105. When answers of applicant deemeJ warranties. 59 Am. Rep., 816-822. Limitations. (See Statute of.) Liquors, Intoxicating Power of state to regulate or prohibit the sale of. 3o Am. Dec., 331-339. Lis Pendens Law of. 14 Am. Dec., 774- 779. Effect of in other state. 25 Am. Dec., 193-197. Modern modification of doctrine of. 39 Am. Rep., 487^188. Loss Liability for, when occasioned part- ly by act of God and partly by other means. 97 Am. Dec. , 408-41 1 . In sheriff's hands, whether plaintiff or defendant must bear. 91 Am. Dec., 313-bl4. Lost Chattel Trover by finder of. 18 Am. Dae., 5J-59. Instruments, actions on. 13 Am. Dec., 479-483. Property, finder of, and his duty. 21 Am. Rep , 187-189. Property, finder of, who is. 30 Am. Rep., 180-182. Property, larcony of bv finder. 17 Am. Rep., 140-141. Lunacy Disability of, prevents operation of' statute of limitations. 36 Am. Dec., 71-72. Lunatic Who deemed to be. 29 Am. Dec., 38-39. Deed of, whether void or voidable. 39 Am. Dec., 749. Liability of on contracts. 15 Am. Dec., 361-369. Lucid intervals, presumption of. 15 Am. Dec., 116-117. Machinery Defective, liability of mas- ters for injuries occasioned to servant by. 77 Am. Dec., 218-225. Mail Loss in, liability of postmaster. 42 Am. Dec., 208-210. Maintenance and Champerty What are. 15 Am. Dec., 316-3i'2. Majority Ago of, conflict of laws relating to. 17 Am. Dec., 180-183. Malicious Prosecution Judgment in, as a bar to prosecution for slander. 55 Am. Dec., 303-304. Liability of corporation for. 34 Am. Rep., 493-499. Of civil action, damages, whether re- coverable for. 14 Am. Dec., 599-603; 44 Am. Rep.. 346-348. Mandamus 89 Am. Dec., 728-742. Against governor. 33 Am. Dec., 361- 368. Legislative acts not subject to. 18 Am. Dec., 238-241. To control exercise of discretion. 98 Am. Dec., 375-377. To restore officer unlawfully removed. 12 Am. Dec., 28-31. When allowable. 51 Am. Rep., 798- 801. Mandatory Injunctions. 20 Am. Dec., 389- 402. Manslaughter Homicide committed in perpetration of practical joke. 31 Am. Rep., 606. Manufactured Article Property in, when passes. 62 Am. Dec., 65-68. Property, delivery, whether necessary to vest ownership of- in purchaser. 56 Am. Dec., 643-644. Effect of payment in instalments of price. 56 Am. Dec., 643-647. Remedy of manufacturer when pur- chaser refuses to accept. 56 Am. Dec., 642-647. Manufacturer Who is. 52 Am. Rep., 107- 112. 40 Am. Rep., 446-448. Manure When deemed real estate. 28 Am. Rep., 39-40. Markets Ordinances limiting and regu- lating. 85 Am. Dec., 286-289. Marriage Action for breach of promise of. 63 Am. Dec., 532-548. Annulment of, for want of physical ca- pacity. 28 Am. Dec., 446-451. Bequest in restraint of. 80 Am. Dec., 493-494. By law of nature. 77 Am. Dec., 606- 607. Concealment of pregnancy as ground for annulment. 44 Am. Rep. , 104-106. Contract during continuance of prior valid marriage. 46 Am. Dec., 130-134. Contract of, per verba de futuro, fol- lowed by cohabitation. 69 Am. Dec., 615-619. Contracts facilitating dissolution of, are void. 53 Am. Dec., 212. Devises and conditions in restraint of. 38 Am. Dec., 156-161. Devises in restraint of. 4 Am. Dec., 114-115. Marriage Master INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 240 Marriage Estoppel to deny. 96 Am. Dec.. 214-215. Evidence of, in criminal cases. 36 Am. Dec., 745-751. 43 Am. Dec., 115-117. Evidence of, in prosecution for bigamy. 36 Am. Rep., 2:2-24. Evidence of, what sufficient. 57Am.Rep., 451-463. Nullity of, -when decreed. 24 Am. Rep., 453-455. Revocation of will by. 80 Am. Dec., 516-619. Settlement, relief against, for fraud. 27 Am. Rep., 26-28. Settlement, validity and construction of. '50 Am. Dec., 371-375. Solemnized out of the state, validity of. 18 Am. Rep., 521-522. Void, when. 44 Am. Dec., 54-57. 56 Am. Rep., 607-610. Married Woman Agreement of, to pay ante-nuptial obligations. 43 Am.Rep., 785-786. Ante-nuptial debts. 60 Am. Dec., 2";9- 264. Choses in action, taken in name of. 46 Am. Dec., 47-51. Conveyance, certificate of acknowledg- ment of. 50 Am. Dec. , 444. Covenant contained in deed of. 43 Am. Dec., 426-428. Disability of, effect on statute of limita- tions. 36 Am. Dec., 69-71. Estoppel of, by recitals in her deed. 28 Am. Rep., 374-377. Estoppel of, by voluntary acts and rep- resentations. 58 Am. Dec., 114-117. Estoppel of, to deny validity of her deed. 49 Am. Rep.,87"-92. Judgments against. 55 Am. Dec., 599- 611. Liability of, for family necessaries. 31 Am. Rep., 697-698. Living apart from her husband, capacity to contract. 36 Am. Rep., 764-766. Permitting husband to appropriate in- come of her separate estate. 58 Am. Rep., 261. Power of equity to compel her to perfect defectively executed instrument. 19 Am. Dec.; 230-234. Power of, to contract under American statutes. 99 Am. Dec., 598-610. Reform in deed of. 51 Am. Rep., 458- 462. Remedies for injury to person and rep- utation of. 94 Am. Dec., 591-594. Separate estate, control of, over. 53 Am. Dec., 399-401. Separate estate of, when chargeable with her debts. 72 Am. Dec., 512-515. Separate estate, power over in absence of statutory regulations. 30 Am. Dec. , 233-241. Married Woman Separate estate, power to contract with respect to. 78 Am. Dec., 226-228. Separate property, liability of. 5 Am. ^Dec., 589-593. "\Vhen may be regarded as a femme sole. 37 Am. Dec., 709-714. Separate estate, whether deed can vest property as. 96 Am. Dec., 423-425. Statutes affecting property rights of. 76 Am. Dec., 367-401. Statutes validating deeds and contracts of. 16 Am. Dec., 518-520. When estopped. 61 Am. Dec., 453. Will, power to make. 57 Am. Deo., 340-349. Marshal of U. S. Liability to suit in state courts. 82 Am. Dec. ,"94-96. Martial Law 92 Am. Dec., 1SO-IS2. Master and Servant Absence of latter as ground for his discharge. 55 Ana. Rep., 717-718. ActB of servant which are deemed in the course of his employment. 60 Am. Rep.,8SO-8S4. Contract by servant to waive right of action for injuries sustained by negli- gence of master. 58 Am. Rep., 836- 838. Danger of employment, duty of master to instruct servant on. 53 Am. Rep., 699-702. Defective machinery, liability of master to servant injured bv. 34 Am. Rep., 621-625. Discharge of servant without sufficient excuse. 58 Am. Rep., 828. Exemplary damages, master, when an- swerable for, for wrong of servant. 62 Am. Dec., 379-389. Fellow servant, employee and conductor of railway company not. 49 Arn. Rep., 406-416. Fellow servants, who are. 54 Am. Rep., 154-156. 53 Am. Rep., 621. 16 Am. Rep., 495-002. 67 Am. Dec., 588- 597. Fellow servants, who are and who are not. 53 Am. Rep., 4547. Liability of master for act of servant 2 Am. Rep., 54. Liability of master for injuries occasioned to one servant by neglect of another. 3 Am. Rep., 147-149. 36 Am. Dec., 2797290. Machinery, liability of master for inju- ries resulting from defective. 77 Am. Dec., 218-225. 57 Am. Rep., 727- 729. Liability of master for negligence or misconduct of servant. 55 Am. Dec., 317-321. Liability of master for torts of servant. 35 Am. Dec., 192-201. 59 Am. Rep., 601-604. 241 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Master -Mortgage Master and Servant Liability of master for unauthorizevl acts of servant. 29 Am. Rep., 640-042. Machinery #nd appliances, master's duty to look to safety of. 54 Am. Rep., 726-730. 59 Am. Rep., 75-79. Machinery, liability of a master for defects in. GO Am. Kep., 1)7. Malicious act of servant, liability of master for. 8 Am. Rep., 316-317. Master's duty to keep in safe condition premises in which servants are em- ployed. 21 Am. Rep., 579-582. Eegulations for government of em- ployes. 58 Am. Dec., 7-3-727. Saf < machinery and appliances, duty of master to furnish. 92 Am. Dec., 213- 221. Serv mt's remedy when wrongfully dis- charged before expiration of contract of service. 43 Am. Dec., 205-214. Will fal or malicious act of servant, lia- bility of master for. 51 Am. Dec., 318-319. 4J Am. Rep., 226-229. Material Men Lien of. 79 Am. Dec., -278. "May" When construed as equivalent to "must." 15 Am. Dec., 467^168. Measure of Damages (See Damages.) For breach ^f covenant of seisin, or good right to convey. 99 Am. Dec., 73-81. Mechanics' Lien Buildings and struct- ures against whu-h may be enforced. 78 Am. Dec., 694-699. Estates and interests affected by. 45 Am. Dec., 678-68 J. For materials furnished to b3 used, but not in fact used. 64 Am. Dec., 678- 679. Lien of material men, whether included within. 79 Am. Dec., 268-278. Waiver of. 41 Am. Dec. , 221-224. Who has such ownership in or relation to the property tUat he can bind it by. 61 Am. Dec., 638-70 \ Medical Works As evidence and author- ity. 59 Am. Dec., 180-187. Merchant Who is, and who is not. 52 Am. Rep., 761-762. Merger Of estates, when takes place. 15 Am. Dec., 81-83. Of mortgage in judgment. 38 Am. Rep., 133-134. Military Authority Civil liability of offi- cers for acts done under color of. 42 Am. Dec. ,54-58. Military Officers Civil liability of, to citizens. 89 Am. Dec., 612-616. Militia Commanding officer, when liable for acts of. 66 Am. Dec. , 366-367. Mine Right to. 63 Am. Dec. , 91-110. Miners Rights of, on public lands. 91 Am. Dec., 694-695. INDEX A. D. <& A. R. 16 Miners and Mining Claims Rights to under statutes of U. S. 63 Am. Dec., 91-110. Mining Partnerships 83 Am. Dec., 103- 111. Mistake Actions to recover back money paid by. 50 Am. Rep., 139-141. Of facts, avoidance of contract for. 45 Am. Dec., 631-634. Of law, when a ground for equitable re- lief. 23 Am Dec., 164-165. Mobs Liability of municipal corporation for property destroyed by. 56 Am. Dec., 589-590. Municipal corporations, liability for in- juries committed by. 88 Am. Dec., 266-271. Money Construction of contracts omit- ting dollar mark. 54 Am. Rep., 48-49. Had and received, what causes of ac- tion admissible in evidence under count for. 52 Am. Dae., 751-760. When and to what extent courts will recognize different kinds of, both being legal tender. 87 Am. Dec., 125- 12S. Mortgage Absolute deed and agreement to reconvey, when constitutes. 17 Am. Dec., 300-306. After acquired title, when embraced within. 76 Am. Dec., 723-733. Assignee of, when regarded as trustee for mortgagor. 89 Am. Dae., 372-375. Assumption of by grantee. 44 Am. Rep., 232-233. Assumption of by grantee, rights and remedies of parties thereon. 78 Am. Dec., 72-80. Assumption of by purchaser. 26 Am. Rep., 660-667. Attorney's fee, provision for, whether valid. 29 Am. Rep., 406-407 Continuance of, as security notwith- standing changes in form of debt. 85 Am. Dec., 467-471. Contribution among persons holding lands affected by. 16 Am. Dec., 141- 143. Conveyance of property subject to, obli- gations of piu - chaser. 62 Am. Dec., 141-142. Description in, of debt secured by. 35 Am. Dec., 86-87. Equity of redemption, when may be sold under execution. 11 Am. Dec., 193- 198. Estoppel by. 45 Am. Dec., 392-394. Foreclosure of, prior mortgage, whether necessary or proper party to. 80 Am. Dec., 714-717. Lien of, whether terminated by sale under. 58 Am. Dec., 569-571. Merger of, in judgment and decree. 38 Am. Rep., 133-134. Mortgage-Municipal TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 242 Mortgage Of chattels, right of mortgagee to take possession when he deems himself unsafe. 51 Am. Rep., 805-809. On chattels to be acquired. 22 Am. Rep., 653-656. Of property not in existence. 76 Am. Dec., 723-733. On after acquired property, and property having only a potential existence. 46 Am. Dec., 712-718. On property not in existence. 30 Am. Rep., C;;-68. Parol evidence to show that deed or bill of sale was intended as. 15 Am. Dec. , 47-43. Payment after default, whether revests legal title. 20 Am. Rep., 41-43. Power of sale in. 14 Am. Dec., 473-475. Purchaser of premises, whether can as- sert defense of usury. 22 Am. Rep., 290-293. Removal to another state of subject of. 70 Am. Dec., 67-72. Retention of possession by mortgagor as evidence of fraud. 31 Am. Rep., 178- 180. Revivor of. 12 Am. Dec., 222. Rights of mortgagee under insurance of mortgaged property. 54 Am. Dec., 693-700. Securing several notes. 38 Am. Dec., 440-441. To secure future advances. 20 Am. Dec., 6">S-663. Municipal Bonds And defenses thereto. 93 Am. Dec., 664-691. Municipal Corporation Agent of, liability for negligence and want of skill. 32 Am. Rep., 615-G20. Authority to subscribe for stock in rail- roads. 59 Am. Dec., 782-790. 68 Am. Dec., 694-696. Bona fidj holder of bonds of. 18 Am. Rep., 259-2i 19. Boundaries, extension of, to subject farm lands to taxation. 27 Am. Rep., 639- 642. Fire limits, power to establish and en- force. 29 Am. Rep., 347-349. Garnishment of. 18 Am. Dec. , 204-208. Highways, def -ctive^iability of, for. 52 Am. Dec., 92-93. Implied power to borrow money. 30 Am. Dec., 190-194. Judicial and ministerial powers of. 79 Am. Dec., 475-477. Legislative power to validate invalid contracts of, and to impose liabilities upon. 80 Am. Dec., 730-735. Legislative acts of, not reviewable by certiorari. 18 Am. Dec., 236-241. Levy of tax by, to pay debt, when and how may be" compelled. 85 Am. Dec., 544-545. Municipal Corporation Liability for mak- ing excavations in streets. 8G Am. Dec., 347-3^. Liability for neglect of contractor. 22 Am. Rep., 610-511. Liability where damages are occasioned in execution of sovereign powers. 66 Am. Dec., 434-442. Liability for negligence or unskillful- ness of agents. 53 Am. Dec., 320- 322. Liability of, for grading and regrading streets. 43 Am. Dec., 72:5-7 Liability of for injuries received through want of rep.iir or defects in public buildings. 5 Am. Dec., 4;;'-4o. Liability of for insufficient system of drainage. 54 Am. Rep., G71-u<2. Liability of for neglect to repair streets. 63 Am. Dec., 350-337. Liability of, for injuries caused by horses becoming frightened in streets. 98 Am. Dec., 608-012. Liability of, for property destroyed by mobs. 56 Am. Dec., 689-690. " Liability of, as affected by employment of contractors. 74 Am. Dec.", 701- 762. Liability of, for unauthorized acts of ^officers. 100 Am. D,-c., 3.38-360. Liability of, with respect to exercise of governmental and private powers. 55 ^Am. Dec., 849-350. Licenses, right to impose on business. 54 Am. Rep. , 528. Markets, power to establish and regu- late. 43 Am. Rep., 473; 85 Am. Dec., 286-289. Mobs, liability for. 27 Am. Rep., 83- 85. 88 Am. Dec., 260-271. Notice of councilman, wh ther notice to corporation. 39 Am. Rep., 84-S8. Ordinances, limitations on power to en- act. 34 Am . Dec. , (.127-043. Ordinances intended to prevent intro- duction of infectious or contagious diseases. 59 Am. Rep., 116-118. Ordinances) when and over what terri- tory valid. 16 Am. Dec., 191-198. Ordinances regulating markets. 57 Am. Rep., Gli. Ordinances, unreasonable and invalid, Instances of. 3-3 Am. Rep., 702-703. Pest-houses, power of, to e^-tabli-h and compel removal to. 92 Am. Dec., 76- 80. Power of, to indemnify officer for ex- ceeding his powers. 53 Am. Rep., 508-509. Public parks, buildings, liability for in- juries sustained in. 35 Am. Rep., 159-160, 4u3. Public streets, steam railway upon, whether a new servitude. 28 Am. Rep., 2G7-271. 243 IXPEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES!. Mumcipal-NegHg'ce Municipal Corporation Sewerage, liability to private action for not providing. 20 Am. Rep., 626-631. Sewers, liability for damages occasioned by. 24 Am. Kep., 556-5"i7. Statute of limitations operating against. 32 Am. Dec., 719-721. Streets and highways, non-repair of, lial .ility for. 53 Am. Dec. , 67-68. Streets and public squares, prescriptive title cannot be acquired to. 48 Am. Ecp., 24-33. Streets, coasting in. 51 Am. Rep., 860-861. Streets, contributory negligence in pass- ing over when known to be out of. repair. 44 Am. Rep., 276-279. Streets, duty of owners to erect barri- ers adjoining, f r security of travel- lers. 58 Am. Rep., 526-530. Streets, duty of, to keep clear of ice and snow. 7 "Am. Rep., 206-208. 47 Am. Rep., 744-<47. Streets, grade in, liability for. 7 Am. Rep., 260. Obstructions in, restraining as nui- sances. 33 Am. Rep., 127-128. Streets, injunction against, obstruc- tions in it. 52 Am. Rep., 574-578. Streets, liability for failure to keep in repair. 7 Am. Rep., 43-44. Streets, liability for not guarding exca- vations in. 79 Am. Dec., 702-705. Streets, liability for injuries produced by defects in, to a runaway horse. 27 Am. Rep., 398-399. Streets, liability for neglect of, contract- ors on. 27 Am. Rep., 647-650. Stre'ets of, distinguished from common highways. 27 Am. Rep., 757-758. Streets, rights of, land-owner in. 58 Am. Rep., 500-502. Stre ts, uses of, for railway purposes, whether making of private property. 37 Am. Rep. , 224-229. Streets, uses to which may be lawfully put. 56 Am. Rep., 250-252. Taxation in aid of, for private purposes. 15 Am. Rep., 56-62. Telegraph poles in public streets. 54 Am. Rep., 290-293. Telephone poles, right to erect in streets of. 57 Am. Rep., 409-412. Murder. (See Criminal Law.) Statutory degrees of. 18 Am. Dec., 774- 787. When evidence of, threats of deceased admissible. 61 Am. Dec., 53-58. Mutual Accounts What are. 89 Am. Dec., 75-85. Name Christian, but one known to the law. 21 Am. Rep., 181-182. Conveyance to party by wrong. 99 Am. Dec., 350-331. Name Instrument executed in wrong, suits on. 42 Am. Dec., 684-685. National Banks Cashier's authority to receive valuables for safe keeping. 36 Am. Rep., 592-594. Power of states to tax property of. 96 Am. Dec., 290-297. Navigation Rights and duties of vessels engaged in. 75 Am. Dec., 6ul-612. Ne exeat Writ of. 14 Am. Dec., 560- 563. Negligence. (See Attorney Master and Servant.) Act done in violation of law or ordi- nance. 53 Am. Rep., 52-55. Burden of proof regarding. 50 Am. Rep., 533-560. Burden of proof respecting, when pas sengers injured. 62 Am. Dec., 679-689* Concurrence of that of third person with defendant's. 54 Am. Rep., 135- 145. 57 Am. Rep., 488-541. Contributory, bar to recover in action for personal injuries. 75 Am. Dec., 333-0-4. Contributory, burden of proof, on whom rests. 39 Am. Rep., 511-515. Contributory, general principles of law of. 55 Am. Dec., 666-678. Contributory, in case of railroad acci- dent, instances of. 38 Am. Rep., 637-639. Contributory, in passing over street known to be out of repair. 44 Am. Rep., 276-279. Contributory, in railroad accidents, in- stances of. 54 Am. Rep., 272-274. Contributory, in riding on front plat- form of street car. 37 Am. Rep., 7KKT13. Contributory, leaping from railroad car. 44 Am. Rep., 503-509. Contributory, on part of person injured. 53 Am. Dec., 387-388. Contributory, of person whom plaintiff employed. 23 Am. Rep., 4-^9. Contributory, of plaintiff, when will not bar a recovery. 30 Am. Rep., 190- 197. Contributory, on part of persons in- jured, instances of. 51 Am. Rep., 360-364. For what consequence of, one is liable. 96 Am. Dec., 649-650. In leaving a blank in note. 7 Am. Rep., 669. Liability of physicians and surgeons for. 48 Am. Dec., 481-487. Liability of railroad for fires. 38 Am. Dec., "70-79. Of driver, when imputed to passenger. 54 Am. Rep., 135-145. Of one party docs not exonerate the other from using due care to avoid in- jury. 30 Am. Rep., 190-197. Negligence Neglile INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 244 Negligence Of parent, as a bar to re- covery for injuries sustained by child. 57 Am. Rep., 474-479. Onus of proof respecting. 49 Am. Rep., 688-629. Presumption of, from injury to passen- gor. 43 Am. Rep., 73-75. Privity of contract required to authorize recovery for. 33 Am. Rep., 760-766. 42 Am. Rep., 315-319. Servants, liability of fellow servant for, 64 Am. Dec., 58-GO. Negotiable Instrument Accommodation paper received after maturity. 36 Am. Rep., 335-336. Alteration in. 79 Am. Dec., 754. Alterations in, and their effect. 17 AJU. Rep., 97-106. Banks as collecting agencies. 34 Am. Dec., 307-317. Bill of exchange, payable on acceptance of, when valid. 44 Am. Dec., 253- 254. Blank endorsement of. 13 Am. Dec., 5-3-57. Bona fide holder of, one acquiring in consideration of antecedent indebted- ness is not. 35 Am. Rep., 68S-691. Bona fide holder of, right to recover on. 26 Am. Dec., 156-158. Bona fide holder of, who is. 9 Am. Dec., 272-273. Cashier, note payable to, who must sue upon. 42 Am* Dec., 378-379. Certificates of deposit. 42 Am. Dec., 57G-579. Demand and notice, when excused. 1 Am. Dec., 99. Demand and notice, waiver, proof of, by parol. 57 Am. Dec., 665-667. Dishonor of, non-t>ayment of interest. 30 Am. Rep., 701-703. Donatio causa mortis, whether subject of. 23 Am. Dec., 600-606. Drunkenness as a defense to action on. 21 Am. Rep., 29-35. Endorser as witness to impeach. 22 Am. Rep., 93-94. Endorsement at time of making, when constitutes one a maker. 2 AJXI. Rep., 475. Endorsement in blank by person other than payee or holder. 29 Am. Dec., 297-299. Endorsempn t obtained by fraud. 4 Am. Rep., 240-243. Endorsement of, by one not holder or payee. 5fi Am. Dec , 358-359. Endorsement, parol evidence to control or vary effect of. 39 Am. Rep., 116- 123. ' Endorsement, parole evidence to vary effect of. 9 Am. Dec., 381-385. Endorsement without recourse, effect of. 87 Am. Dec., 389-391. Negotiable Instrument Endorser of, be- fore delivery, liability of. 27 Am. Rep., 580-582. Endorser, taking security, whether waives ri'jrht to demand "and notice. 11 Am. Dec., G7. Endorsers, contribution between. 42 Am. Dec., 402-403. Estoppel against payor by representing note as valid. 83" Am. Dec., 324. Executed in blank. 2 .Am. Rep., 341- 342. Forged check, payment of, effect of, on rights of part}- defrauded. 39 Am. Dec., 519-526. Forgery of note or endorsement. 49 Am. Dec.', 315-16. Garnishment of money due on. 55 Am. Dec., 68-70. Holder of, as collateral security, dili- gence which must exercise for its collection. 34 Am. Dec., 451- Lost, action on. 27 Am. Dec., 1 '23-1 29. Maker of promissory note who signs as surety, what alteration will discharge. 17 Am. Rep., 97-106. Memorandum upon, effect of. 14 Am. Dec., 232-234. Non-payment of interest when due, whether may be regarded as dishonor of. 100 Am. Dec., 196-100. Notice of dishonor, how given, and suf- ficiency of. 33 Am. Dec., 6' 7-616. Notice of di.-honor, what should consti- tute. 26 Am. Rep. , 5<:5-5< S. Payable on demand or at sight. 80 Am. Dec., 250-254. Payee in, how may be designated. 64 Am. Dec., 156-168. Payment or acceptance to prevent dis- honor. 92 Am. Dec., 579-580. Presentment, place of. what sufficient. 24 Am. Rep., 160-161. 15 Am. Dec., 643-644. Promise by endorser to pay it after ma- turity. 8 Am. Dec., 304-306. Promissory note, what instruments con- strued to be. 16 Am. 'Rep., 43-46. Protest, definition and object of. 43 Am. Dec., 216-224. Protest as evidence. 96 Am. Dec., 602- 612. Public officer as maker. 37 Am. Rep., 142-143. Removal of maker out of state. 13 Am Dec., 346-347. Reissue of, afterpayment. 95 Am. Dec., 587-590. Signing of which is procured by fraudu- lent representations. 41 Am. Rep., 607-611. Subsequent sale upon usurious consider- ation, effect of. 62 Am. Dec., 118-120. Usurious sale of. 13 Am. Dec., 710. 245 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Negotiable- Officer Negotiable Instrument Waiver of demand and notice by taking security. 39 Am. Dec., 95-99. What are. 14 Am. Dec., 421-427. Newspaper Reports As evidence. 90 Am. Dec., 258-262. Publication in, when contempt of court. 97 Am. Dec., 630-632. New Trial Admission of irrelevant or immaterial evidence as ground for. 66 Am. Dec., 717-720. Jurisdiction of equity to grant, after judgment at law. 67 Am. Dec., 664. Surprise as ground for granting. 78 Am. Dec., 518-520. Nonsuit Granting compulsory. 24 Am. Dec., 620-624. Notaries Public Power of, to act, when they are parties in interest. 95 Am. Dec., 378-379. Notary Omissi n of, to affix seal to certi- ficate. 74 Am. Dec., 3G8-37U. Notes. (See Negotiable Instruments.) Payable in specific articles. 21 Am. Dec., 42J-426. f Notice Arising from newspaper articles or publications not authorized by law. 62 Am. Dec., 320-323. By recitals in deed. 16 Am. Dec., 754- 755. Constructive, what is. 45 Am. Rep., 184-190. From circumstances putting one on in- quiry. 23 Am. Dec., 47-53. Judicial. 49 Am. Rep., 201-207. Judicial, of laws. 11 Am. Dec., 780-785. Judicial, of what must be taken. 89 Am. Dec., 663-697. Of dishonor of negotiable instruments, how given, and sufficiency of. 38 Am. Dec., 607-616. Of dissolution of partnership, what suffi- cient, and when necessary. 26 Am., Dec., 290-293. Of .sale, what proper and sufficient. 75 Am. Dec., 704-713. Of termination of agent's authority, ne- cessity and method of giving. 82 Am. Dec., 637-638. To agent, when imputed to principal. 39 Am. Rep., 322-331. To director, whether notice to corpora- tion. 39 Am. Rep., 84-88. To officer or agent of corporation, when affects his principal. 36 Am. Dec., 188-200. To quit, necessity and construction of. _42 Am. Dec.. 125-140. Nuisance Brick burning .whether maybe restrained as. 10 Am. Rep., 674-676. Coasting in streets of city. 51 Am. Rep., 860-861. By use of land so as to pollute the water on land of another. 48 Am. Rep., 194-196. Nuisance Damages for erecting improve- ment, by whom recovered. 59 Am. Rop., 351-369. E-tjppel, to object to, by reason of ac- quiescence or laches. 50 Am. Rep., 117-119. House calculated to breed disease. 44 Am. Rep., 111. House of ill fame, whether opening of can be enjoined. 48 Am. Rep., 274- 278. Injunction against. 73 Am. Dec., 113- 116. Landlord's liability for. 15 Am. Rep., 78-79,398-100. Lawful business may be. 42 Am. Rep. , 540-542. Liability of landlord to tenant for. 55 Am. Rep., 2(35-269. Obstruction in public street. 38 Am. Rep., 127-123. Power of legislature to declare what is. 23 Am. Rep., 212-213. Private, abatement of. 43 Am. Rep., 24-26. Public, private action for. 31 Am. Dae., 13J-135. Public, lapse of time will not legalize. 43 Am. Rep., 24-38. Recovery for, whether includes future injuries. 53 Am. Rep., 123-139. Respective liability of landlord and tenant for. 59 Am. Dec., 733-740. Respective liability of erector and his grantee for continuance of. 14 Am. Dec., 336-341. Right of private person to abate without suit. 26 Am. Dec., 443-445. Ringing of church bells, whether may be restrained as. 43 Am. Rep., 523- 526. Stables in cities. 32 Am. Rep., 141-143. Trades and businesses which may be enjoined as. 51 Am. Rep., 407-475. Who may recover for damage occa- sioned by. 59 Am. Rep., 3/>l-369. Nuncupative Wills 20 Am. Dec., 44-48. Offer Of consent, when and how made. 32 Am. Rep., 40-53. Office F .rfeiture of title to. 83 Am. Dec., 372-;;: ?. How far subject to legislative control. 25 Am. Dec., 701-705. Judicial notice of. 13 Am. Dec., 192-193. What is, and how distinguished from employment. 72 Am. Dec., 179-189. Officer Deputy, whether must act in principal's name. 26 Am. Dec., 415- 416. Legislative alteration of duties of, whether releases his sureties. 93 Am. Dec., 525-528. Liability of, to action by private indi- vidual for non-performance of public duty. 90 Am. Dec., 726-732. Officer Partnership JXDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 246 Officer Mandamus to restore to his office. 12 Am. Dec., 23-31. Bonds of, when valid, and when void. 82 Am. Dec., 760-704. De facto. 19 Am. Dec., 63-69. De facto, who are. 58 Am. Hep., 440- 443. Justification of by process. 21 Am. Dec., 190-209. Military, civil liability of. 42 Am. Dec., 54-53. Military, civil liability of, to citizens 89 Am.Dec., 612-616. Neglect of duty to highways, liability for. 83 Am. Dec. , 563-566. What will exonerate from payment of money once in their custody. 67 Am. Dec., 365373. Offices Burden of proof respecting, and quo warranto proceedings. 100 Am. Dec., 268-274. Qualification for holding, power of state to impose. 97 Am. Dec., 263-263. Official Bonds Informalities which do not invalidate. 15 Am. Dec., 170-172. Oleomargarine Lawn regulating or pro- hibiting the manufacture and sale of. 57 Am. Rep., 742-754. Olographic Wills -32 Am. Dec., 591-593. Onus Probandi Contributory negligence, when rer-ts on defendant. 39 Am. Rep., 51 1-515. General rules regarding. 37 Am. Rep. , 148-150. Where instrument appears to have been altered or erased. 37 Am. Rep., 260- 264. Opinions of Witness When admissible. 59 Am. Rep., 17(5-186. Optional Contracts 39 Am. Dec., 152-153. Orphan's Court Conelusivencss of pro- ceedings in. 14 Am. D?c., 663-665. Owners Of property set adrift by floods, wrecks, and other causes, rights and liabilities of. 55 Am. Dec., 508-512. Pardon Conditional. 59 Am. Dec., 576- 578. Effect of. 59 Am Dec., 578-581. For what offenses and at what time may be granted. 59 Am. Dec., 573-574. Power to grant, in whom vested. 59 Am. Dec., 572-573. Valiiifyof. 59 Am. Dec., 575-576. Parent and Child Action by parent for taking away child. 13 Am. Dec., 715- 717. Authority of child to use property of parent and to represent parent. 74 Am. Dec., 77C-7S4. Bastards, law with respect to. 56 Am. Dec., 258-266. Child in venire sa mere, when regarded as in esse. 43 Am. Dec., 474-4 70. Children born in wedlock, presumption of legitimacy. 5l> Am. Dec., 211-212. Parent and Child Claim of parent for maintenance of child. 58 Am. Dec., 226-229. Claim of parent or one standing in loco parentis fc-r maintenance and educa. tion of child. 57 Am. Dec., 22i>-229- Custody of infant, to whom awarded. 4J Am. Rep., 327-33 J. Custody of legitimate child on habeas corpus. 20 Am. Dec., 330-337. Liability of parent for act of his child. 50 Am. Rep., SS3-3S6. Liability of parent for necessaries fur- ni-he'l child. 50 Am. Rep., 7_")-7i'7. Negligence of parent, when prevents re- covery for injuries sustained by child. 57 Am. Rep., 474-479. Relinquishinent by parent of right to child'sservices. 3") Am. Rep., 117-121. Right of parent to chastise child, limits of. 59 Am. Rep., 286. Stepfathers, rights, duties, and liabili- ties of. 53 Am. Dec., 345-3-">0. When parent may support child out of its estate. 16 Am. Dec., 6G1-GC4. Parties Action for injury to person or reputation of married woman, who may bring. 94 Am. Dec., 591-594. Partition by Parol Validity and effect of. 92 Am. Dec., 121-128. Fences. 68 Am. Dec., 626-633. Judgment in, effect of. 40 Am. Dec., 640-642. Who may compel. 67 Am. Dec., 703- 712. Partnership Actions between partners, what maintainable. 12 Am. Dec., 649-651. Assignment for benefit of creditors, whether one partner may make. 48 Am. Rep., 359-361. Levy on property of, for partner's pri- vato debts. 29 Am. Dec., 6G3-GG4. Confidential relations of partners. 39 Am. Rep., 461-463. Contract to raise crops on shares "when constitutes. 37 Am. Rep., C09-G12. Death of partner, proceedings to enforce partnership liability against his rep- resentatives. 77 Am. Dec., 114-117. Deceased partner, liability of represen- tative of for carrying on business. 8(5 Am. Dec., 600-602. Dissolution, causes for and effect of. 98 Am. Dec., 260-271. Dissolution of, power of partner after. 6 Am. Dec., 674-578. Dormant partners, who are, powers and liabilities of. fit) Am. Dec., 147-151. Exemption of property of, from execu- tion. 27 Am. Rep., 246-250. In land. 13 Am. Dec., G46-648. In re;;l c.-tuto, effect of, and from what evidmre established. 54 Am. Rep., 792-800. 247 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Partnership- Plead'g Partnership In real estate, oral agree- ment to form. 60 Am. Kep. , 379-380. Interest, when may be charged against partner. 45 Am. Dec., 518-520. Joint and separate creditors of, respec- tive rights of. 49 Am. Dec.. 163-^64. Liability of executor of deceased part- ner for debts of. 57 Am. Rep.,53<3-537. Mining, law of. 83 Am. Dec., 103-111. Misappropriation of property of firm by payment of individual debt of part- ner. 8 Am. Dec., 297-239. Note of partner for firm debt. 1 Am. Dec., 4-6. Notice of dissolution of, what pufficient, and when necessary. 26 Am. Dec., 290-293. Partner's power to authorize appearance by attorney for firm. 13 Am. Dec., 726-727. Partner's power to bind firm as surety. 13 Am. Dec., 11-5-118. Power of equity to appoint person to continue for benefit of infant heirs. 56 Am. Dec., 517-518. Power of partner after dissolution of. 51 Am. Dec., 330-332. Power of partner to make sale of all property of firm. 30 Am. Dec., 290- 291. Proof of, by general reputation. 33 Am. Dec., 4S1-482. Real estate purchased with funds of. 27 Am. Kep., 270-271. Eeal estate, when impressed with char- acteristics of. 98 Am. Dec., 197-201. Bight of partner who has sold good will to solicit cus.omers of old firm. 48 Am. Kep., 223-232. Sale by one partner of tbe entire prop- erty'of. 30 Am. Kep., 533-587. Separate property of partner, when liable for partnership debts. 18 Am. Dee., 280-28.,. Surviving partner, powers and duties of. 6-5 Am. Dec., 293-303. When implied from sharing in profits. 49 Am. Kep., 255-256. Part Owners of Vessels Rights and liabilities of. 88 Am. Dec., 364-368. Part Performance What constitutes, and effect of. 53 Am. Dec., 539-547. Party Walls. 92 Am . Dec. , 289-306. Patent Issued to decedent or to heirs of deceased. 83 Am. Dec., 467-470. Rights, specifications for, what must contain. 31 Am. Dec.', 204-206. Rights, when and bow subject to execu- tion. 40 Am. Rep., 123-1 25. Pawn Right of pawnee to sell or dispose of goods pawned. 42 Am. Dec., 93. Payment Certified check, when deemed to be. 54 Am. Rep. , 781-782. Compulsory, what constitutes. 45 Am. Dec., 153-171. Payment In bills of insolvent bank. 27 Am. Dec., 188-192. In specific articles, notes or other con- tracts calling for. 21 Am. Dec., 422- 426. Of a sum less than that due, whether may release entire contract. 64 Am. Dec., 138-143. Presumption of, from lapse of time. 88 Am. Dec., 590-591. What a^ent may receive. 15 Am. Dec., 130-133. Application of. 13 Am. Dec., 505-506. 14 Am. Dec., 694-695. When deemed voluntary, and when compulsory. 51 Am. Kep., 820-833. Peddlers Definition of. 57 Am. Rep., 136-137. Penalty Distinction between, and liqui- dated damages. 1 Am. Dec., 331- 340. Perils of the Sea What included within. 41 Am. Dec., 281-290. Perjury I )efined indictment for, evidence of. 85 Am. Dec., 488-501. Perpetuities What forbidden in the Uni- ted States. 90 Am. Dec., 101-106. Personal Property Equity jurisdiction for recovery of. 51 Am. Dec., 589-590. Life estate in. 67 Am. Dec., 453-454. Recaption of. 82 Am. Dec., 673-679. Rights of, acts which owner may com- mit in taking or retaking. 82 Am. Dec., 673-679. Tenant for life in, rights of. 57 Am. Dec., 587-590. Pews Nature of pew-holder's title. 80 Am. Dec., 662-665. Photographs When admissible as evi- d.-nce. 2<> Am. Rep., 319-321. Physical Examination of Party Right of court to compel. 49 Am. Rep., 726- 730. Physician Giftn to from patient, when maintainable. ' 33 Am. Rep., 736- 739. Physician and Surgeon Negligence for which liable. 48 Am. Dec., 481-487. Contributory negligence of p itients which will bar recovery for malprac- tice. 36 Am. Rep., 670-671. Disclosures by, when not permitted. 56 Am. Rep. , 527-529. Knowledge obtained in course of pro- fessional employment, whether may be disclosed. 33 Am. Rep., 435-439. Skill and knowledge exacted of. 59 Am. Kep., 392-599. Place of Making Contract What deemed to be. 99 Am. Dec. , 66S-C75. Pleading Allegation of corporate exist- ence. 29 Am. Dec., 375-376. Amendments varying or altering causa of action, how far allowed. 34 Am. Dec., 158-162. Pleading-Principal INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 248 Pleading Common counts, allowance of, under code system . 57 Am. Deo., 544-550. Countor-claim, scope and office of un Jer the code. 89 Am. Dec., 482- 492. Counts, stating cause of action in differ- ent, under the code. 72 Am. Dec., 583-590. Cross-hills, nature and extent of. 83 Am. Dec., 251-254. Defenses that are admissible -without being specially pleaded. 69 Am. Dec., 705-707. Denials on information and belief, when permissible. 70 Am. Dec., 625-' Divorce, adultery, how alleged. 84 Am. Dec., 163. In quo warranto proceedings. 30 Am. Dec., 44-52. Joinder of parties in equity. 71 Am. Dec., 311-o] 6. Of judgments of justices and Bother inferior officers. 27 Am. Deo., 144- 150. Replevin, sufficiency of description of property in complaint for. 43 Am. Dec., 698-699. Statute of frauds, when and how pleaded. 86 Am. Dec., 684-688. Striking out answer as sham. 72 Am. Dec., 521-526. Pledge Definition and nature of. 49 Am. Dec., 730-738. Distinction between, and mortgage. 51 Am. Dec., 313-314. Eemedies of pledger. 79 Am. Dec., 499-506. Poisoning Evidence of, what permissible. 65 Am. Dec., 587-590. Poor Children Constitutionality of stat- utes awarding custody of, to overseers of poor. 55 Am. Rep., 456-4G2. Possession Change of, what sufficient as a_niust creditors and subsequent pur- chasers. 97 Am. Dec. , 340-348. Possibilities and Contingencies Assign- ment of. 94 Am. Dec. , 648-651 . Postmasters Liability of, for loss of mail. 42 Am. Dec., 208-210. Power Execution of, when may be dele- gated to agent. 14 Am. Dec., 170- 172. Majority, when may execute. 11 Am. Dec., 67-1-675. Of appointment, interest of donee in. 41 Am. Dec., 704-706. Of attorney, construction and effect of. 81 Am. Dec., 770-77-. Revocation of. what accomplishes. 47 Am. Dec., 34P>- Of Bale, whether includes power to rnort- 33 Am. Rep., 340-343. Precatory Trusts Validity and effect of. 44 Am. Dec., 372-379. Precatory Trusts What enforceable as. \m. Rep., 494-499. Preferences To creditors, what lawful and \\hat unlawful. 26 Am. Dec., 5S-5- Prescription Adverse holder admitting one co-tenant into possession, eifect of. r,;> Am. Dec., 629-630. Attacking successive a 1 verse possession. I.: Am. Dec., 331-333. Continuity of adverse possession essen- tial to. 13 Am. Dec., 185-i Title bv, what establishes. 14 Am. Dec., 71-72. Presumption Of continuance of fact once shown to exist. 50 Am. Rep., 297- 303. Of conveyance of legal titlo tocestui quo trust. "58 Am. Dec., 472-j475. Of date of delivery of deed. 86 Am. Dec., 63-64. Of death. 92 Am. Dec., 704-708. ' Of death, when indulged. 46 Am. Rep., 761-772. Of legitimacy of children born in wed- lock. 56 Am. Dec., 211-212. Of marriage, when exists. 57 Am. Rep., 451-463. Of negligence, from injury to passenger. 43 Am. Rep., 7: ; -7~>. Of survivorship, when death of two or more persons results from same catas- trophe. 41 Am. Dec., 522325. Payment from lapse of time. 88 Am. Dec., 590-591. "What survey was made by magnetic meridian, w Am. Dec., 592-593. "With respect to legality of enactment of statute. 85 Am. Dec., 356-: Of negligence. 62 Am. Dec., 679-689. Principal and Agent Action by principal on obligation made to age^t. 12 Am. Dec., 709-716. Admission of agent, when evidence against principal. 53 Am. Dec., 773- 778. Agent liable when contract executed without authority. 50 Am. Dec., 793- 794. Agent's liability under contract. 26 Am. Dec., 524- Agent to collect, what may receive as payment. 15 Am. Dec., 13J-133. Bill of lading, liability of former for fraudulent issue of, by latter. o3 Am. Rep., 453-454. Contract of airent must show that it was intended as the act of the principal. 2 Am. Rep. , 3o2-;);;'5. Contract, \\hen deemed to be that of agent. 57 Am. Rep., rvJit-537. Custom and usage regulating relation of. 50 Am. Dec., 103-106. Death of principal, acts of agent after. 39 Am. Dec., 81-91. 249 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Principal Public Principal and Agent Deposit of money ia name of age:;t, right of principal to. 78 Am. Dec., 233. Endorsement by anent, in what form may be made, 13 Am. Dec. , 562-503. Form of executing contract ^o as to bind principal. 2 Am. Dec., 513-518. Fr.iuds of agent, liability of principal for. 52 Am. Dec., 57-03. Instrument executed in name of agent without de-ignating principal. 22 Am. Rep., 179-18U. Liability of principal for omiesion of duty by a rent. ">4 Am. Rep. , 233-235. Notice to Litter, when affects former. 39 Am. Kep., 322-331. Potter of attorney, construction and effect of. 81 Am. Dec., 776-7." 8. Principal's liability on different contracts of agent. 25 Am. Dec., 562-563. Ratification by principal of unauthorized assignment by a.;c;it, effect of. 61 Am. Dec.,8S-fl . Ratification of unau'horized, what con- stitutes. 27 Am. De.'., 3-13-345. Set-off, by puiclia; erfrom agent in action by principal. 41 Am. Dec., 40-47. Silence, when may be construed as rati- fication. 79 Am. Dec., 3S7-3S9. Termination of agent's authority, neces- sity and method of giving notice of. 82 Am. Dec., G3;-(,33. Principal and Surety Caves i i which surety is or may be bound although piincipal is not. 73 Am. Dec., 297- 299. Judgment against former, effect of, a^ain't latter. 33 Am. liep.. 8J2-S 4. Probate Courts How far chancery juris- d: tion is divested. 73 Am. Dec., 558- Power of equity to correct or set aside settlemen.s of accounts or decrees of distribution. 48 Am. Dec., 744-751. Process Abuse of, when renders officer a trespasser ab initio. 14 Am. Dec., 363-3^9. Of federal court, state court cannot in- terfere with. 70 Am. Dec., 223-224. Service on corporations. 06 Am. Dec., 119-122. Service of, on one of several partners. 44 Am. Dec., 5 J 0-5 74. Service of, right of officer to enter for purpose of. 25 Am. Dec., 171-172. Profits Loss of, as an element of damages. 60 Am. Rep., 48S-49o. Prohibition Legislative acts cannot be arrested by. 18 Am. Dec., 238-239. Writ of. 12" Am. Dec. , 604-6' 9. Promissory Note .Made in one state pay- able in another, interest on. 55 Am. Rep., 609-618. Non-negotiable, instances of. 41 Am. Kep., 83-85. Promissory Note Payable on demand. 80 Am. Dec., 250-264. Payable to fictitious person or firm. 55 Am. Rep., 472-474. Property In animals. 70 Am. Dec., 259- 262. Interest in, with power of disposition, when does, and when does not amount to estate in fee. 49 Am. Dec., 115-119. In vessel or article to be bu'.lt or manu- factured, when passes. 62 Am. Dec., 65-68. Owner, not answerable for damages caused by his property when in charge of another. 27 Am. Rep., 702-704. Protest Notice of, how served. 38 Am. Dec., 607-616. Of negotiable instrument, definition and object of. 43 Am. Dec., 21G-224. Proximate Cause of Injuries Damages, what authorizes recovery for. 41 Am. Rep., 53-58. Of ie juries, instances of. 52 Am. Rep., 157-166. LO Am. Rep., 569-574. What authorizes recovery. 42 Am. Rep., 390-393. Proxy Voting by. 27 Am. Dec., 63-63. Public Charities "What are. 38 Ana. Rep., 330-303. Public Duties Action by private person for non-performance of. 33 Am. Rep., 5-9. Action for private injuries sustained by omission of. 51 Am. Rep., 10-14. Right of action by private individual for nn-performauce of. 90 Am. Dec., 720-73-'. Private action for non-performance of. 2J Am. Rep., 626-631. Public Lands Decisions of land officers, when conclusive. 20 Am. Dec., 273- 277. ^ii .ing. rights upon. 63 Am. Dec., 91- 110. Patent for, impeachment of. 85 Am. Dec., 93-94. Patent for, its effect, and how avoided. 12 Am. Dec., 564-568. Patent to decedent or to heirs of decedent 83 "Am. Dec. , 467-470. Pre-emption rights in. 23 Am. Dec., 492-493. Pre-emptors on, rights of. 87 Am. Dec., 132-134. Respective rights of miners and others upon. 91 Am. Dec., 694-695. Public Officers Account books of, admis- sibility as evidence against principal and surety. 37 Am. Rep., 234-230. Negotiable instruments, made by, with- out disclosing name of principal. 37 Am. Rep., 142-143. Promises made before election to serve for less, compensation than that al- lowed by law. 37 Ani. Rep., 422-123. Public Railroad INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. $50 Public Officers Reward, whether may recover. 26 Am. Rep., 5-10. Sureties of, not liable for default occur- ring after term. 7 Am. Rep., 521-322. Salary of, to whom belongs. 27 Am. Rep., 75-1-75"). Public Places and Public Houses What are. 31 Am. Rep., 138-130. Public Policy Contracts which are void as against. 66 Am. Dec., 506-514. Contract to locate depot at particular place is against. 36 Am. Rep., 214- 216. Public Records Right of private person to examine and make copies of. 60 Am. Rep., 764-768. Use, dedication of property to. 27 Am. Dec.. 559-5 70. Purchaser Amount necessary to consti- tute purchaser for value. 84 Am. Dec., 4jl-4U5. For value, one acquiring note in consid- eration of antecedent indebtedness is not. 35 Am. Rep., 688-691. Quantum Meruit On special contract. 3J Am. Doc., 142. Under special contract. 19 Am. Dec., 272-282. Quarantine Powers of municipality to es- tablish and enforce. 92 Am. Dec., 76-80. Quit Claim Deed Effect of. 53 Am. Rep., 749-752. Quo Warranto Burden of proof in. 100 Am. Dec., 268-274. Pleading and proceedings in. 30 Am. Dec., 44-52. Railroad Animals, liability of railroad for injuries to. 58 Am. Rep., 703- 707. Assault of employe", liability for. 28 Am. Rep., 112-113. Assault by employe", when answerable for. 41 Am. Rep., 340-342. 42 Am. Rep., 36-38. Baggage to which passenger entitled. 71 Am. Dec., 158-1 G3. Companies, flagmen, duty of, to keep at crossings. 100 Am. Dec., 412-414. Company, carrying live animals, liabili- ties and duties of. 67 Am. Dec., 208- 217. Company, liability for injury to animals trespassing on its track. 96 Am. Dec., 681-682. Company, rules and regulations which may make respecting passengers and others not employes. 41 Am. Dec., 471-486. Connecting lines, respective liability of. 42 Am. Rep., 664-067. Contracts to locato depots at particular place are against public policv. 36 Am. Rep., 214-216. Railroad Contributory negligence, in cases of accident, instances of. 38 Am. Rep., 637-639. Corporations, capacity of, to acquire title to. 94 Am. Dec., 381-387. Crossings of, duty of traveller to take precautions to avoid danger at. 90 Am. Dec. . 780-787. Crossing of highway, duty to keep flag- man at. 17 Am. Rep., 363-308. Declaration of employe at or after acci- dent, whe'i part of res gestse. 58 Am. Rep., 565-568. Declaration of employ^ immediately after accident. 36 Am. Rep., 829. Defects in track, whether engineer must take notice of. 47 Am. Rep., 430-431. Discrimination by. 44 Am. Rep., 568- 509. Duty and liability of, to persons with whom it has no contract relations, but who are lawfully upon its cars or premises. 90 Am. Dec., 55-07. Duty of, to give warning to person upon its truck. 37 Am. Rep., 443- 446. Duty of, to halt trains at convenient places. 7 Am. Rep., 706-707. Employe's, liability to, for using dan- gerous and defective cars. 41 Am. Rep., 48-51. Exemption, by contract from liability to passengers. 82 Am. Dec., 29J-295. Fences, obligation of to build. 7 Am. Rep., 47. Fire from locomotives, liability for. 6 Am. Rep., 597-600. Fires, liability for. 38 Am. Dec., 70-79. Gratuitous passes, acceptor of, liability for injuries sustained by. 57 Am. Rep., 388-398. Highway crossings, care which must use to prevent accidents at. 26 Am. Rep., 207-211. Injuries, damages recoverable for, prox- imate cause of. 41 Am. Rep., 53-58. Injury to person crossing track of, lia- bility for. 30 Am. Rep., 6S7-OS9. In street, power of state to authorize. 09 Am. Dec., 062-G05. Leased road, liability for injuries sus- tained on. 48 Am. Rep., 580-582. Lessee of, duties and liabilities of. 93 Am. Dec., 227-2:11. Liability for defects in roadway. 37 Am. Rep., 710. Liability for injuries suffered by persons wrongfully riding on cars. 52 Am. Rep., 434-436. Liability for injuries sustained by party in his endeavoring to escape from im- pending collision. 25 Am. Rep., 104-105. Liability for injury to person permitted to ride on engine. 48 Am. Rep., 15-17. 251 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Railroad Referees Railroad Liability of, for acts of conduc tor and agent. 5'J Am. liep. , 001-004 Liability of, to employe for defects in machinery. 57 Am. Rep., 7-7-729. liabil'ty of, to employe" injured by negligence of conductor. 49 Am. Rr p. T 4,0-410. Liability of, to passengers injured while not ridi g i;i passenger car. 55 Am. Rep., 43-44. Liability to employes fcr ri ling upon train." 52 Am. Rep.. 230-184. Malicious net of employe, when liable for. 42 Am. Rep., 30"-33. Mortgage of property, what included within. 38 Am. Rep., 353-3"-". Moving train, injuries received in jump- ing from or on. 37 Am. Rep., 3S4- 887. Negligence in crossing track of, when imputed to person injured. CO Am. Rep., 630-080. Negligee e omission of flagman at sta- tion, whether evidence of. 37 Am. Rep., 414-410. Negligence, running of trains in viola- tion of law cr ordinance. 53 Am. Rep. , 52-55. Negligence, whether presumed from injury to passenger. 43 Am.. Rep., 73-75. Obligation of, to stop for passenger at times advertised. GO Am. Dec., 003- COG. Passenger, duty of to ascertain destina- tion of trains. 50 Am. Rep., 527-529. Passenger, expulsion of, power of, when, where, and how may be exercised. 63 Am. Dec., 570-573." Passenger riding i:i dangerous place, when liable for, injuries to. 41 Am. Rep., 347-349. Passengers, care which must exercise to protect themselves from injuries. 50 Am. Rep., 277-281. Passenger?, liability of for injuries sufllredby. 43 Am. Dec., 355-307. Passenger's right to stop over. 24 Am. Rep., 22-23. Power of, to transfer franchise and prop- erty. 75 Am. Dec., 543-551. Repair of track, whether admissible as evidence to show prior negligence. 57 Am. Rep., 183-187. Right of, to exclude persons because ap- prehending danger. 87 Am. Dec., 716-717. Rules and regulations, what may be prescribed by. 45 Am. Dec. , 192-199. Sick passengers, whether owe any special duty or care to. 97 Am. Dec., 499-500. Sleeping car companies, liability of for loss of property. 50 Am. Rep., 850- 852. Railroad Sleeping cars, liability for wrongfully ejecting passenger "from. . 28 Am. Rep., 202. Track, subsidence of, liability for injury caused by. 29 Am. Rep., 102-1 4. Statutes requiring frncinr in. ro:vtitu- tionality of. 34 Am. Rep., 115-117. Torts of "lessee, liability for. 71 Am. Dec. , 295-298. Rape. 8) Am. Dec., 361-375. Ratification By infant on attaining his majority. '25 Am. Rep., 3 .,-32. Silence. 79 Am. Dec., 387-3S9. Of forced signature. 14 Am. Rep., 103-109. Of unauthorized execution of written instrument. 27 Am. Dec., 343-345. Real Estate Actior.s in which title to may not be tried or questioned. 89 Am. Dec., 427-430. Entry of owner, what sufficient to ter- minate adverse possession. 83 Am. Dec., 497- OJ. Equita' 1 t't'\ purchaser of, when, and whether entitled to protection as pur- chaser in good faith. 97 Ata. Dec., 433-436. Held adversely to plaintiff, remedy for injury to. 85 Am. Dec., 321-327. Oral agreement to form partnership for purchase of. 60 Am. Rep. , 379-380. Overflow from rivers and other waters, right of land-owner to protect himself against. 97 Am. Dec., 565-509. Paroi evidence to show that it is held by grantees as partners. 54 Am. Rep., 792-800. Partnership in, when exists. 98 Am. Dec., 197-2 1. Realty Contract to convey, measure of damages on breach of. 100 Am. Dec., 467-4U8. Reasonable Time What is, when a ques- tion of law. 17 Am. Dec., 544-549. Receipt Of warehouseman, whether con- clusive against him. 100 Am. Dec., 243-244. Recetptor For attached property, when may show that property was not de- fendant's, or subject to attachment. 2") Am. Dec., 420-432. Receiver When, and over what property will be appointed. 64 Am. Dec., 482- 495. In creditor's suits, appointment and powers of. 57 Am. Dec., 450-453. Recommendations for Credit Liability of party for giving. 25 Am. Dec., 447- 451. Recordari Facias Loquelam Writ of. 67 Am. Dec.. 247-249. Recoupment In case of breach of con- tract. 40 Am. Dec., 320-337. Referees Power of court to refer actions to. 79 Am. Dec., 208-211. Registration Sale INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Registration Defects in. 91 Am. Dec., 106-110. Of voters, constitutionality of statutes requiring. 23 Am. Dec., 642-651. Statutes requiring, whether constitu- tional. 54 Am. Rep., 843-S4G. Registry Of deeds, irregularities in. 30 Am. Dec., 4U3-465. Regulations Of employers for govern- ment of employes, validity and con- struction of. 58 Am. Dec., 723-727. Relation Law of, and when it will be applied. 15 Am. Dec., 246-255. Relatives Actions for injuries to. 48 Am. Dec., GlO^l. Poor, liability for support of. 64 Am. Dec., 279-281. Release Granted ' on payment of part due. 64 Am. Dec., 138-143. Removal of Causes from State to National Courts. 12 Am. Rep., 545-552. Rent Apportionment of, on destruction of part of rented premises. 37 Am. Rep., 283-284. Repairs By co-tenant, contribution for. 62 Am. Dec., 482-483. Replevin Damages, what may be recov- ered in suit for. 22 Am. Rep. , 284-287. Description of property in complaint for, sufficiency of . 48 Am. Dec., 698- 699. Of property levied upon ,under execution . 9 Am. Dec., 105-107. Res Adjudicata General principles of. 25 Am. Dec., 542-544. "What admissible in evidence as. 95 Am. Dec., 51-76. Rescission Duty of party seeking. 50 Am. Dec., 672-681. Residence How lost. 32 Am. Dec., 428- 429. Restitution Of property upon reversal of judgment. 28 Am. Dec.. 368-372. Restraint of Trade Contracts in. 13 Am. Rep., 173-176. Contracts in, when reasonable and valid. 33 Am. Rep., 261-272. Contracts in, when sustainable. 59 Am. Rep., 686-693. "What will be enforced against a partner who has sold his good will. 48 Am. Rep., 223-234. Restraints Upon alienation. 57 Am. Dec. , 488-499. Retaking One's Property Acts which may lawfully be committed in attempting. 82 Am. Dec., 6767679. Review Bills Of their nature and scope. 20 Am. Dec., 16J-175. Revocation Of agency, by death of prin- cipal. 39 Am. Dec., 81-91. Of assignments for benefit of creditors. 44 Am. Dec., 426-428. Power of attorney, what accomplishes. 47 Am. Dec., 343-348. Reward Advertisement often may be- come a contract. 73 Am. Dec., 638- 6;;:). For lost property, ri-ht of finder to. 25 Am. Dec., 1SU-19L When and by whom may be recovered. 26 Am. Rep., 5-10. Right Writ of, nature of, and proceedings in. 50 Am. Doc., 17-'-] 75. Riot What essential to offence of. 94 Am. Dec.,130-lo3. Riparian Owner Right of, to fishery with- in non-navigable waters. 38 Am. Rep., 255-260. Eight to use and flow of water. 79 Am. Dec., 638-645. Proprietors, dams and levees causing injuries to property of. 57 Am. Dec., 684-693. Right of, to accretions. 53 Am. Rep., 215-221. Rights, who entitled to. 43 Am. Dec., 275-283. River Navigable, as a boundary. 10 Am. Dec., 38o-389. Rivers Navigable, what are. 13 Am. Rep., 262-263. Of capacity to float logs, whether are public hi. hways. 5 Am. Rep., 108-109. Overflow of, right of laud-owner to pro- tect himself against. 97 Am. Dec., 565-569. Road Law of. 73 Am. Dec., 404-410. Robbery What constitutes. 70 Am. Dec., 178-191. Rule In Shelley's case. 30 Am. Dec., 415-417. Rules and Regulations Which railway company may lawfully prescribe and enforce. 45 Am. Dec., 192-199. Sale Amount of payment required to constitute purchaser for value. 84 Am. Dec., 401-403. Bona fide purchaser. 86 Am. Dec., 662. By corporation of all its assets. 99 Am. Dec., 333-338. By manufacturer, implied warranty that article will answer the purpose. 24 Am. Rep., 104-114. Caveat emptor, rule of, when applicable. 90 Am. Dec., 424-431. Change of possession and, what suffi- cient as against creditors and subse- quent purchasers. 97 Am. Dec., 340- 348. * Change of possession, when required. 6 Am. Dec., 287-288. Conditional, distinction between, and mortgage. n.lAm. Dec., 193-197. Conditional, reserving title to vendor. 42 Am. Rep., 105-107. Contracts of, or lease at option of lessee. 89 Am. Dec., 127-129. Fraudulent purchase, right of vendor to reclaim. 33 Am. Dec., 702-711. 233 IXDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Sale Sheriff Sale Implied warranty that chattel is sound and merchantable. 1 Am. Dec., 84-86. Of chattels, by one having no authority to make, when mav transfer title. 25 Am. Dec., 605-616. Delivery and acceptance sufficient to take verbal contract for, out of statute of frauds. 49 Am. Dec., 323-340. Implied warranty of title on. 62 Am. Dec., 460-463. Of growing trees, when sale of interest in land. 86 Am. Dec., 182-183. Of real estate, fraud in. 2 Am. Dec., 77-81. Official, power of officer to adjourn. 26 Am. Dec., 536-540. Of goods for illegal purpose, when a de- fense to action for purchase price. 32 Am. Hop., 1-2-2-1 -27. Of goods forwarded C. O. D. 51 Am. Rep., 57i - Power of, executors and other trustees, when vested with by implication. 87 Am. Dec., 209-217. Purchaser rf equitable title, whether and when entitled to protection as pur- chaser in good faith. 97 Am. Dec., 433-436. Purchase made by one knowing he is in- solvent, when fraudulent. 27 Am. Rep., 504-:.OU. Representations of vendor, when con- strued to be warranties. 15 Am. Rep., 3S2-386. Warranty of quality in executory con- tracts of. 86 Am. Dec., 312-314. Warranty of soundness or fitness, when implied. 6 Am. Dec., 113-119. Sales At auction and loss, law apper- taining thereto. 96 Am. Dec., 2u4- 27J. By sample. 7 Am. Dec., 125-132. By sample, implied warranty on. 55 Am. Dec., 3-28-329. Condition, validity and effect of. 57 Am. Rep., 572-5S5. Contracts for, when within statute of frauds. 51 Am. Rep., 164-170. Fraudulent concealment in. 15 Am. Dec., 106-108. Of chattels, implied warranties in. 24 Am. Rep.,] 81-183. Satisfaction Of judgment and execution, by levy on real or personal property. 53 Am. Dec., 3 50-363. Savings Bank Payment to wrong person, what will excuse. 47 Am. Rep., 174- 175. School Teachers Authority, duties, and powers of. 76 Am. Dec., 164-167. Power to inflict corporal punishment. 31 Am. Dec., 419. Scire Facias To revive judgment. 94 Am, Dec., 222-246. Sea Perils of, what included within. 41 Am. Dec.. 231-290. Search Warrant. 40 Am. Dec., 666-667. Seashore Eight of citizens in and upon. 16 Am. Rep., 51-68. Seaworthiness Implied warranty of, in marine insurance. 58 Am. Dec.. 671- 674. Seduction Actions for. 44 Am. Dec., 162-179. Evidence of pecuniary circumstances of defendant, when admissible. 36 Am. Rep., 445. Evidence of promise of marriage in ac- tion for by father. 22 Am. Dec., 579- 682. Right of action for, in whom vested. 4 Am. Dec., 403-407. What is. 87 Am. Dec., 405-411. Servant Action for enticing. 22 Am. Rep., 485-490. Liability of. 1 5 fellow servant for negli- gence. 64 Am. Dec. , 8-60. Who is. 32 Am. Rep., 264-267. Services When deemed gratuitous. 53 Am. Dec., 306-3 j7. Servitude To receive flow of water. 32 Am. Dec., 123-127. Set-off By purchaser from agent in ac- tion by principal. 41 Am. Dec., 46- 47. What demands are available as. 12 Am. Dec., 152-157. Shelley's Case Rule in. 30 Am. Dec., 415-417. Sheriff Abu -ing process, "becomes tress- passer. 14 Am. Dec., 3G5-369. Deed, reforming iu equity. 78 Am. Dec., 136-,;;7. Relation of. 58 Am. Dec., 57-59. Diligence required in making levy. 12 Am. Dec., 203-204. Diligence required of, in serving execu- tion. 14 Am. Dec., 456-457. 95 Am. Dec., 423-441. Duty of, to inform purchaser of exist- ence of prior incumbrance. 43 Am. Dec., 143-144. Expiration of term of office, powers of afterwards. 3G Am. Dec., 705-707. Failure to return execution, liability for. 25 Am. Dec., 571-575. Indemnity, right of, to. 16 Am. Dec., 551-554. Liability of, for torts of deputy. 11 Am. Dec., '145-146. Return day of writ, power to sell prop- erty after. 76 Am. Dec. , 83-89. Right of, to indemnity held by co- surety. 43 Am. Dec., 563-565. Unlawful levy by, right of defendant to resist. 75 Am. Dec., 176-182. Sheriffs and Constables Official bonds, and what constitutes breach thereof. 46 Am. Dec., 509-517. Signature Statute INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 254 Signature Printing of. 53 Am. Rep., 493-495. What is sufficient. 55 Am. Rep., 651- 653. Slander and Libel Damages in, what are proper elements of. 72 Am. Dec., 412G-436. Evidence in mitigation of damages, what receivable under general issue. 11 Am. Dec., 130-132. Evidence of defendant's wealth, to en- hance damages. 33 Am. Rep., 377- 380. Privileged communications, what are. 31 Am. Rep., 708-715. Privileged expressions occurring in trial of actions for. 2 Am. Dec., 431- 433. Words charging commission of offense in a foreign state. 9 Am. Dec., 613-614. Words spoken at trial, liability of attor- ney for. 17 Am. Dec., 194-195. Variance between allegation and proof. 12 Am. Dec., 246-248. Words, what actionable per ee. 12 Am. Dec., 39-46. Sleeping Car Companies Liability of for loss of property. 56 Am. Rep., 850- 852. Societies Unincorporated, suits by and against. 59 Am. Dec., 711-718. Sovereign Actions against. 12 Am. Dec., 5 18-5 19. Statute, general words in do not bind. 15 Am. Dec., 3SJ-3S3. Specific Articles Contracts payable in. 21 Am. Dec., 422-426. Promise to pay on delivery, what neces- sary to put promissor in default. 46 Am. Rep., 307-309. Specific Performance Certainty in con- tracts, what sufficient. 26 Am. Dec., 66i-671. Inadequacy of price as ground for re- fusing. 15 Am. Dec., 299-304. Of contracts, by courts of equity, general principles of. 23 Am. Dec., 423-431. Of contract, within statute of frauds. 14 Am. Dec., 277-279. On part of wife pursuant to husband's agreement to convey, when compella- ble. 89 Am. Dec., 576-579. Partial, when may be compelled. 12 Am. Dec., 324. Spiritualism Belief in, effect on testa- mentary capacity. 36 Am. Rep., 426-428: Spirituous Strong, and intoxicating li- quors, what are. 53 Am. Rep. ,-86-88. Stare Decisis Law of. 27 Am. Dec., 631- . 635. State Absence from, what constitutes. 83 Am. Dec., 644-G45. Insolvent laws, what demands may be discharged by. 23 Am. Dec., 347-358. Statutes American, affecting separate property of married women. 76 Am. Dec., 367-401. Criminal, repeal, effect of. 94 Am. Dec., 217-22.J. Embracing more than one subject, con- stitutionality of. 61 Am. Dec., 337- 346. Embracing subjects not embraced in title. 69 Am. Dec., 648-651. Evidence, to show want of le^al enact- ment. 85 Am. Dec., 856-364. Power of courts to receive evidence to determine whether they were properly enacted. 51 Am. Dec., 616-6^3. Repeal, effect of. 12 Am. Dec., 480- 481. Repeal of, by implication. 14 Am. Dec., 209-210. Retrospective operation of. 11 Am. Dec., 98. Retrospective operation of, when per- missible. 10 Am. Dec., 131-140. Sovereign or State, not bound by gen- eral words in. 15 Am. Dec., 380-383. Unconstitutional, liability for acts done under. 64 Am. Dec., 51-55. Statute of Frauds Agreements not to be performed within a year. 38 Am. Dec., 622. Contract not executed in accordance with, how far may be relied upon as ground of defense or relief. 15 Ain. Dec., 62-64. Contracts of sale, when within. 54 Am. Rep., 164-170. Contract to manufacture article, when not within. 9 Am. Dec., 188-190. Contracts affecting real estate. 17 Am. Dec., 58-59. Contracts made beyond state, whether applicable to. 93 Am. Dec., 776-778. Delivery and acceptance of goods, what sufficient to take contract out of. 55 Am. Dec., 375. Delivery and acceptance sufficient to take verbal sale of goods out of. 49 Am. Dec., 325-340. Delivery, what sufficient to satisfy. 37 Am. Rep., 16-22. Effect of where it is part of original agreement that contract is to be put in writing. 51 Am. Dec., 144-146. Growing trees, sale of, whether within. 17 Am. Rep., 595-601. Memorandum signed by one party only. 25 Am. Rep., 543-546. 42 Am. Rep., 347-349. Memorandum, who must sign. 47 Am. Rep., 532-534. Oral agreement to form partnership for purchase of real estate, whether with- in. 60 Am. Rep., 379-380. Parol, alteration of contracts within. 100 Am. Dec., 169-172. INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Statute Summons Statute of Frauds Part performance, en- for. e.iient L contract. 32 Am. Dec., 1.9-131. Part performance, payment is not. 27 Am. Do' ..-. , - 45. Bart performance, wh-tt constitutes, and Am. Dec., 539-547. Pleading, contract need not bo alle.zod to be in writing. 10 Am. Dec., 149- Promiso to answer for debt of another. 5 Am. Dec., 321-325. 43 Am. Kep., 290-302. 43 Am. DCJ., 739-740. Promises to pay d--bt of another, when required to bo in writing. 95 Am. Doc., 1:01-1:03. What a_ts constitutes part performance. 53 Am. Dec., 539-547. What contracts are within, because not to be peri'ormed within one year. 93 Am. Doc., 83-9 J. When and how pleaded. 86 Am. Dec., 0- Statute of Limitations Absence from state, What constitutes. 83 Am. Dec., 644-645. Acknowledgment of debt made to a stranger. 57 Am. Kep., 334- Acknowledgmcnt of exist ng liability, what is. 40 Am. Kep., 160-102. Acknowledgment, or new promise, by ono jcint debtor. 10 Am. Dec,, 095- 697. Acknowledgment sufficient to take debt out of. 35 Am. Kep., 417-4-0. c8 Am. Rep., 740-7,31. 02 Am. Dec., 101- 102. 3JAm. Rep., 197-198. Affect tho remedy without discharging thodebt. 31 Am. Rep., 41-42. Against actions for damages resulting from continuing nuisance. 59 Am. Rep., 351-309. Against estate of decedent before ad- ministration granted. 05 Am. Dec., 594-0.2. As between trustor and trustee. 99 Am. Dec., 3S9-399. Burden of proof on plea of. 81 Am. Dec., 725-727. Constitutionality of. 50 Am. Dec., 391- 394. Demands barred by law of country where they originate, whether barred elsewhere". 22 Am. Dec., 302-300. Disabilities which interrupt operation of. 36 Am. Dec., 68-78. Effect of in equity. 12 Am. Dec., 308- 373. Effect of judgment in proceedings for ejectment upon. 54 Am. Dec., 545- 546. _ Exceptions to, not implied unless ex- press3d. 13 Am. Dec., 368-372. Foreign corporation, application of. 52 Am. Dec., 256-258. Statute of Limitations Founded on mis- take in boundary line. 62 Am. Dec., 5-7-529. Fraud as preventing operation of. 60 Am. Dec., 509t15. Fraud at law, as preventing operation of. Am. Dec., 511-515. In actions between sureties, compromis- ers, etc. 61 Am. Dec., 504- Indeiinite acknowledgment of indebted- ness. 23 Am. Dec., 467-408. Injunction against pleading. 51 Am. Dec., 700. 75 Am. Dec., 84-S7. Municipal corpoiations not exempt from oporation of. 32 Am. Dee., 719-721. Mutual accounts, application of to. 89 Am. Dec., 75-85. Not applicable in favor of possessor of publio streets and squares. 4S Am. Kep., 24-38. Payment of dividond by assignee of insolvent dobtor does not take debt out of. 52 Am. Rep., 401-404. Re pecting criminal prosecutions, ex- tension of. 39 Am. Rep. , 577-578. Whero damages are consequential. 33 Am. Dec., 270-272. Statute of Uses Legal estate, when vests in b.-neiiciary under. 78 Am. Dec., 406-410. Statutory Duty Action by private person for non-performance of. 33 Am. Rep., 5-9. Stepfathers Rights, duties, and liabili- ties of to stepchildren. 53 Am. Dec., 345-350. Stockbrokers Duties of. 75 Am. Dec., 313-3.6. Stockholder Nature of liability for debts of corporation. 99 Am. Dec., 432-435. Stoppage in Transitu Ri^ht of. 29 Am. Dec,, 384-394. When and by whom may be exercised. 19 Am. Rep., 87-92. When right to effect ceases. GO Am. Rep., 51-57. Street Cars Contributory negligence in riding on front platform of. 37 Am. Kep., 710-713. Streets Liability of property owner fo>. neglect to repair. 03 Am. Dec., 355 357. Subrogation Of specific legatees to rights of creditor of decedent. 16 Am. Dec., 105-107. Right of purchaser at, void, judicial sale to. 77 Am. Dec., 564-505. Rights of purchasers to, by reason of void sales, to claims on real estate. 3) Am. Dec., 177-1-2. Suicide of Assured When precludes re- covery. 59 Am. Dec., 487-497. Summons 'by Publication Attack on judg- ment for want of jurisdiction. 94 Am. Dec., 702-770. Sunday Third INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 256 Sunday Acts that are illegal whc n done on. 3 Am. Rep., 371-372. Contracts made on. 38 Am. Rep., 165- 107. 45 Am. Dec., 237-238. requiring Am. Rep., 557-560. What acts may lawfully be done upon. 12 Am. Dec., 290-295. Supercargoes Who are, rights, duties, and liabilities of. 66 Am. Dec., 325- 326. Supplemental Proceedings. 100 Am. Dec. , 500-515. Sureties Of executors and administrators, extent of their liability. 5 1 Am . Dec. , 519-534. Apparent principal, when may show himself to be a surety. 17 Am. Dec., 416-419. Judgment against principal, effect of, as evidence against. 83 Am. Dec., 380- 390. May sue principal without demand or notice. 13 Am. Dec., 122-123. Release of, by accepting non-negotiable note of principal. 33 Am. Rep., 85- 86. Release of surety by indulgence of prin- cipal. 3J Am. Dec., 257-258. To indemnify, right of co-surety. 43 Am. Dec., 563-564. Whether entitled to dividend for whole debt against estate of insolvent co- surety. 45 Am. Rep., 295-297. Surprise As ground for new trial. 78 Am. Dec., 518-520. Survey When presumed to have been made by magnetic instead of true meridian. 90 Am. Dec., 592-593. Survivorship Of actions. 53 Am. Rep., 525-539. Of co-trustees. 18 Am. Dec. , 163-164. Presumption of, when death of two or more persons results from game catas- trophe. 41 Am. Dee. , 52 1-- . Tavern What is. 35 Am. Dec., 137-138. Taxation Deleg ition of powers of, by legislature. 74 Am. Dec. , 590-595. Of credits. 74 Am. Dec., 93-96. Of foreign corporations. 96 Am. Dec., 338-345. Of property of national banks by states. 96 Am. Dec. , 290- Of property, place at which may be ex- ercised. "56 Am. Dec., 523-537. Power of legislature to grant perpetual immunity f r nn . 72|Arn. Dec. , 682-684. Tax Deed Recitals of, as evidence. 17 Am. Dec., 50~>-514. Definition of. 1 Am. Rep., 228. Injunction against collection of. 23 Am. Rep., 622-623. 49 Am. Rep., 287-289. 53 Am. Rep., 110-113. Tax Deed Sales, combinations at. 15 Am. Dec., 576-577. Sales, who may purchase at. 15 Am. Dec., 684-690. When and how municipal corporation may be compelled to levy. S3 Am. Dec., 544-545. Taxes Action to recover back money paid as. 22 Am. Rep., 519-521. Defects in assessments, power of legisla- ture to supply omissions. 76 Am. Dec. 527-537. And assessments, injunction to restrain collection of. 69 Am. Dec., 198-2 Jo. Telegraph Companies, conditions, power of, to impose. 71 Am. Dec., 463- 474. Company, conditions exempting from liability for error. 24 Am. Rep., 2S3. Conditions on printed blanks. 11 Am. Rep., 168-169. Damages against, for non-delivery of message. 46 Am. Rep. , 731-733. General duties and liabilities of. 81 Am. Dec., 613-618. Is agent of party sending message. 39 Am. Rep., 869-361. Liability of, for mistakes in transmitting message. 9 Am. Rep., 149-156. Rights, duties, and liabilities of. 45 Am. Rep., 486-500. Contracts by. 93 Am. Dec., 514-517. Poles in public streets, and proceedings to abate the same. 54 Am. Rep. 290- 293. Telephone Companies Duty of, to serve public without discrimination. 59 Am. Rep., 172-175. Mandamus to prevent discrimination. by. 38 Am. Rep., 587-589. 44 Am. Rep., 241-243. Telephone Poles Right to erect in streets of cities. 57 Am. Rep., 4^9-412. Tenancy By entireties. 18 Am. Dec., 877-380. By the entireties, conveyance to hus- band and wife creates. 26 Am. Rep., 65-68. Tenant for Life In moneys and personal property, rights of. 57 Am. Dec., 587-590. Ri_'ht of, to estovers. 64 Am. Dec. , 366- 370. Ri^rht to dividends on stocks. 54 Am. Rep., 26-1- Tender Duty of debtor to seek creditor for purpose of making. 86 Am. Dec., 520-r.L'l . Its sufficiency and effect. 77 Am. Dec., 470-4D1. Of specific articles. 12 Am. Dec., 700- 701. Theatres Law of. 71 Am. Dec., 746-753. Third Person Promise for benefit of. 3 Am. Dec., 305-306. 257 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Time Trustee Time Computation. 7 Am. Dec., 250- 251. Reasonable, what is, when a question of la\v. 17 Am. Dec., 545-^49. Stipulations which show it to be of the essence of the contract. 50 Am. Dec. , 5< 17-000. Within which act is to be done, how computed. 4G Am. Rep., 410-41(3. Title Color of, what is. 14 Am. Dec., 580-5S4. Po.-see-sion as evidence of. 60 Am. Dec., 601-604. Slander of, action for. 87 Am. Dec., 562-563. To chattels,. when passess by transfer of. 55 Am. Dec., 299-301. "When divested by judgment or decree per se. 36 Am." Dec., 37-40. Tools Exemption of, from execution. 21 Am. Dec., 545-554. Torts Committed by married women in presence, or by direction of husband. 6 Am. Dec., 106-109. Liability of corporation for. 13 Am. Dec., 596593. Liability of infants for. 33 Am. Dec., 179-185. Liability of sheriff for acts of deputy. 11 Am. Dec., 145-146. Married women. 83 Am. Dec., 776-778. On high ssas, jurisdiction over. 13 Am. Dec., 566-568. Waiver of, to sue in assumpsit. 17 Am. Dec., 242-247. Wrong-doer, changing form of property, whether acquires title. 53 Arn. Dec., 315-316. Towns To what extent corporations. 62 Am. DJC., 123-125. Trade Contracts in restraint of. 7 Am. Dec., 743-746. Contracts in restraint of, validity of. 92 Am. Dec., 751-705. Trade Mark Letters of the alphabet, when may be. 34 Am. Rep., 593- 596. False representation in, debars party from protection in equity. 25 Am. Rep., 191-195. Injunctions against infringement. 23 Am. Rep., 27-30. Instances of valid. 39 Am. Rep., 290. Numbers, when may be. 37 Am. Rep., 365-366. What constitutes and when infringed. 47 Am. Dec , 284-299. Trade Name Enjoining one from using his own name. 12 Am. Rep., 410-414. Infringements of, what are. 33 Am. Rep., 335-339. Infringement of, where referring to one's self as being formerly connected with firm or business. 35 Am. Rep., 546- 550. INDEX A. D. & A. R. 17 Trade Name Use of defendant's true name, what will be sustained. 38 Am. Rep., 81-83. Traps Liability of land owner for dan- gerous, sot on his premises. 83 Am. Dec., 166-167. Treasurers and Public Officers Liability of, for money in their custody. 67 Am. Dec., 365-373. Treaties Effect of, as laws, and power to annul by hostile legislation. 81 Am. Dec., 53''-540. Trespass By one cotenant aeainst an- other. 29 Am. Dec., 483-4*5. Trespassers, liability of, and who are. 73 Am. Dec., 137-149. Effect of judgment against one co-tres- passer as bar to action against others. 54 Am. Dec. , 205-206. Incases of chattels, what plaintiff must prove to sustain. 18 Am. Dec., 546- 560. In forcibly entering upon one's own property. 51 Am. Rep., 306-368. Injunction against. 11 Am. Dec., 498- 507. 53 Am. Rep., 346-355. Title to property cannot be acquired by. _ 26 Am. Rep., 525-530. Trial Continuance of, discretionary na- ture of power to grant. 74 Am. Dec., 141-151. Right to speedy. 41 Am. Dec., 604- G07. Venue, change of. 74 Am. Dec.. 241- 245. Trover By finder of lost article. 18 Am. Dec., 55-59. Conversion, what, is. 15 Am. Dec., 151-153. Damages, measure of, where property is taken by mistake. 36 Am. Rep., 770. Damages, measure of, where value of property has been increased by a wrong-doer. 33 Am. Rep., 232-286. 54 Am. Rep., 421-423. Measure of damages in. 11 Am. Dec., 526-523. Measure of damages in, when owner of special interest is plaintiff. 52 Am. Dec., 678-680. Measure of damages in, where value of property has been increased by wrong- doer. 24 Am. Dec., 70-88. Title in third person, when a defence to action of. 100 Am. Dec., 742-744. Title, when pa c ses by judgment in. 11 Am. Dec., 523-328. What title or possession sufficient to maintain action of. 1 Am. Dec., 585- 589. Trust In bequest, parol evidence to es- tablish. 24 Am. Dec., 413-417. Trustee Conveyance by, effect of. 64 Am. Dec., 199-203. Trustee Voters LXDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC XOTES. 258 Trustee Dealings of, -with cestui que trust. 16 Am. Dec., 616-617. Judgments against, when bind cestui que trust. 34 Am. Dec., 722-725. Liability of, for acts and defaults of co- trustee. 42 Am. Dec., 288-293. Compensation of. 17 Am. Dec., 266- 274. Investments by, and liability for. 57 Am. Rep., 111-114. Investments which may make without being liable for resulting loss. 40 Am. Dec., 506-5 18. Loss of trust, property for which are not liable. 75 Am. Dec., 799-805. Power of Bale, when vested with by im- plication. 87 Am. Dec., 209-217. Trust Funds Extra dividends, whether go to corpus of. 24 Am. Rep., 169- 172. Trustor and Trustee Statute of limitation between. 99 Am. Dec., 389-399. Trusts In favor of grantor, wjiether may be ehown by parol evidence which contradicts recital of payment of con- sideration. 90 Am. Dec., 270-271. Legal estate, when vests in beneficiary under statute of uses. 78 Am. Dec., 406-410. Precatory, validity and effect of. 44 Am. Dec., 372-379. Precatory, what enforceable as. 48 Am. Rep., 494-499. Resulting, when exists, and effect of. 51 Am. Dec., 751-760. Use and Occupation Action for. 46 Am. Dec., 289-290. Uses Legal estate, when vests in benefi- ciary under statute of. 78 Am. Dec., 4J6-410. Usurious Contracts What are, law gov- erning. 55 Am. Dec., 391400. What prohibited by law. 81 Am. Dec., 736-738. Usury Bonus paid to agent of borrower, whether constitutes. 29 Am. Rep., 70-75. Defense of is personal. 55 Am. Dec., 398-400. Grantee of mortgaged premises, wheth- er can urge against mortgage which he had promised to pay. 22 Am. Rep., 290-293. Place where contract is made controls question of. 55 Am. Rep., 609-618. Recovery of money paid as. 54 Am. Dec., 400-402. Vendor's Lien Waiver of. 12 Am. Dec., 262-264. Existence, waiver and assignability of. 28 Am. Dec., 199-202. On homestead. 99 Am. Dec. , 574-576. j Rights of vendee to rescission and reim- ' bursemenu 12 Am. Dec., 312-314. Vendor and Vendee Conveyance, what satisfies contract for good and suffi- cient deed. 11 Am. Dec., 34-39. Covenants, distinction between real and personal. 47 Am. Dec.. 569 577. Covenant restricting use of property to particular persons. 35 Am. Dec., 716-717. Declarations of vendor, when admissi- ble against vendee to show fraud. 42 Am. Dec., 63 1-633. Election of grantee, where deed may be taken in different ways. 50 Am. Dec., 54S-M9. Goods fraudulently purchased, right of vendor to reclaim. 33 Am. Dec., 702- , 711. Incumbrances, purchaser's right to de- duct for. 49 Am. Dec., 579-582. Insurance, which entitled to proceeds of. 84 Am. Dec., 429-431. Measure of damages against vendee for refusing to perform contract of pur- chase. 67 Am. Dec., 275-283. Subsequent title acquired by vendor, when vests in vendee. 58 Am. Dec., 583-589. Warrantor, when and how may be brought in to defend. 43 Am. Dec., 569-573. Warranty of soundness, whether im- plied from sound price. 43 Am. Dec., 680-681. Veuue Change of. 74 Am. Dec., 241- 245. Vessels Actions in state courts against. 62 Am. Dec., 234-246. Liability for injury caused by towed vessel. 25 Am. Dec., 354-355. Liability of and of their owners for injuries caused by collision. 45 Am. Dec., 51-60. Liability when it is hired to another. 13 Am. Dec., 87-90. Master's power to hypothecate ship, freight, or cargo. 63 Am. Dec., 641- 643. Master's power to sell. 63 Am. Dec., 6G8-641. Part owners, rights and liabilities of. 88 Am. Deo., 364-368. Protest of master as evidence. 13 Am. Dec., 736-736. Rights and duties of in navigable waters. 75 Am. Dec., 601-612. Where taxable. 56 Am. Dec., 526-527. Void Marriages 56 Am. Rep. , 607-610. Voluntary Associations Validity of con- stitution, by-laws, and proceedings of. 69 Am. Dec., 67-M578. Conveyance, creditors' claims which make void. 52 Am. Dec., 113-119. Voters Qualification of, power of state to impose. 97 Am. Dec., 263-268. 259 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Voters Wills Voters Whether may be added to by legislature. 87 Am. Dec., 64-65. Registration of, whether may be re- quired. 29 Am. Rep., 585-591. Statutes requiring registration of , wheth- er constitutional. 54 Am. Rep., 843- 846. Wagers Actions on. 12 Am. Dec., 339- 340. When valid. 11 Am. Rep., 58-59. Wages Exemption of from execution. 91 Am. Dec., 411-423. Wagon What is. 53 Am. Rep., 768. Waiver Of demand and notice, by tak- ing security. 39 Am. Dec., 95-99. Of mechanic's lien. 41 Am. Dec., 221- 224. War Belligerent rights. 91 Am. Dec., 279-280. Contracts with alien enemies, and rights to sue them in our courts. 96 Am. Dec., 624-633. Destruction of property during, liabilitv of S9ldiersfor. 87 Am. Dec., 509-510. Enemies, who are. 88 Am. Dec., 779- 780. Levying against United States, what is. 94" Am. Dec., 579-581. Martial law. 92 Am. Dec., 180-182. Warehouse Receipts, their transfer, and negotiability. 84 Am. Dec., 752-754. Warehouseman Duties and liabilities of. 24 Am. Dec., 145-160. Lien of. 42 Am. Dec., 257-260. Receipt of, whether conclusive against him. 1UO Am. Dec., 243-244. Warrantor When and how may be brought in to defend. 43 Am. Dec., 569-573. Warranty Breach of covenant of, what is. 14 Am. Dec., 53-54. Covenant of in deed, executed by married woman. 43 Am. Dec., 426-428. Damages on breach of covenant of. 1 Am. Dec. 9-10. Implied, on sale by sample. 55 Am. Dec., 328-329. Of quality, in executory contracts of sale. 86 Am. Dec., 312-314. Of quality, vendee's remedy on breach of. 54' Am. Dec., 146. Of soundness, measure of damages for breach of. 40 Am. Dec., 303-305. Of horse, what is and effect of. 41 Am. Rep., 401. What defects amount to breach of. 53 Am. Dec., 173-179. Of title, damages for breach of. 53 Am. Rep. , 788-790. Implied, on sale of chattels. 62 Am. Dec., 460-468. Water Appropriation of right required by. 98 Am. Dec., 543-545. Appropriation of, rights which may be acquired by. 43 Am. Dec., 269-283. Water Cutting embankment, whereby it is turned on land of another. 47 Am. Rep., 296-2-38. Overflowing or otherwise injuring prop- erty of riparian proprietor or other land owner. 57 Am. Dec., 684-693. Property in. 7 Am. Dec., 531-534. Right of land proprietor to change flow or obstruct natural course of. 3(3 Ana. Rep., 490-492. Riparian proprietor's right to flow and use of. 79 Am. Dec., 638-645. Servitude, to receive flow of. 32 Am. Dec., 123-127. Watercourses Highways, right to use as, and remedies available to vindicate the right. 81 Am. Dec., 582-588. Waters-^-Percolating and subterranean. 64 Am. Dec., 727-730. Ways From necessity. 35 Am. Dec., 464-465. Of necessity. 36 Am. Rep., 415-422. 85 Am. Dec., 675-681. Private, what use of, proper. 88 Am. Dec., 279-282. Right of land owner to erect buildings over. 59 Am. Rep. , 64. Rights and remedies of parties entitled thereto. 100 Am. Dec., 114-119. Wills Admitted to probate in another state, effect of. 73 Am. Dec., 53-62. Adopting existing paper by reference. 49 Am. Rep. , 454-457. Agreement to dispose of property by. 60 Am. Rep.. 111. Agreement to make particular disposi- tion of property by. 66 Am. Dec., 783-790. Alteration and erasures made by testa- tor. 25 Am. Rep., 35-37. Attempts to control or supplement by other papers. 85 Am. Dec., 761-704. Attestation and publication of. 45 Am. Dec., 442-443. Attestation and execution of. 80 Am. Dec., 242. Bequest for keeping burial places in re- pair. 39 Am. Rep., 748-750. Bequest for superstitious or religious uses, when valid. 39 Am. Rep., 738- 741, 748-750. Bequest to terminate on marriage of beneficiary. 80 Am. Dec., 493-494. Bequest void for indefiniteness. 54 Am. Rep. ,222. 44 Am . Dec. ,93-101. Child or issue unintentionally omitted from, rights of. 39 Am. Dec., 740- 744. Children, devises and bequests to. 46 Am. Dec., 666-667. Codicil, what is, construction and effect of. 55 Am. Dec., 126-129. Conditions in imposing forfeiture upon legatee for contesting. 60 Am. Dec., 113-115. Wills Witness INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. 260 Wills Construction of " and " when con- strued to mean "or," and vice versa. 48 Am. Dec., 565-^74. Construction of terra "dying without issue." 55 Am. Hep., 774-7 J. Death of devisee or legatee before testa- tor, effect of. 94 Am. Dec., 156-16 J. Declarations of testator, when admis- sible. 59 Am. Rep., 399. 3 Am. Dec., 395-399. Declarations of testator, to impeach or invalidate. 52 Am. Dec., 167-109. 62 Am. Dec., 80-81. Distinction between, and deeds or con- tracts. 92 Am. Dec., 383-389. Devise absolute, limitation cannot be imposed upon. 28 Am. Rep., 4. Domicile of testator governs disposition of personalty. 43 Am. Dec. , 518-520. Dower, when barred by provisions of. 51 Am. Dec., 579-580. Election between benefits conferred by, and share of community property. 26 Am. Dec., 503-505. Execution, publication, and attestation of. 40 Am. Dec., 231-232. Extrinsic evidence to explain. 46 Am. Rep., 72-78. Influence or importunity sufficient to in- validate. 16 Am. Dec., 257-263. Instances of instruments construed to be. 38 Am. Rep., 621-622. Joint. 68 Am. Dec., 407-410. Law of domicile controls validity with respect to personalty. 2 Am. Dec., 454-455. Legacy, assent of executor, when neces- sary. 50 Am. Dec., 485-490. Legacy, vesting of, notwithstanding fail- ure to perform conditions. 78 Am. Dec., 234-23(3. Lost or destroyed, probate of. 84 Am. Dec., 628-631. Lucid interval, presumption in favor of. 41 Am. Rep., 686-688. Marriage, when revokes. 49 Am. Rep., 329-331. Married woman, power to make. 57 Am. Dec., 340-349. Mistakes in, whether and how may be corrected. 40 Am. Rep., 292-295. Nuncupative. 20 Am. Dec., 44-48. Nuncupative, what constitute. 81 Am. Dec., 230-231. Objection that heirs shall not contest. 59 Am. Rep., 46-48. Olographic. 52 Am. Dec., 591-593. Parol evidence to explain or identify subject or beneficiary of. 8 Am. Rep. , 669-673. Precatory trusts, what enforceable as. 48 Am. Rep., 494-499. Probate of, what persons are bound by decrees and orders granting or refus- ing. 60 Am* Dec., 353-362. Wills Probate of, when void for want of jurisdiction. 33 Am. Dec., 239-243. Probate of, who may oppose. 68 Am. Dec., 447-448. Proving by one witness. 15 Am. Dec., 127-129. Realty, what words pass an estate in. 14 Am. Dec., 576-578. Reforming and correcting in equity. 66 Am. Dec., 633-637. Revival of one by revocation of another. 76 Am. Dec., 652-656. Revivor of one will by revocation of an- other. 45 Am. Rep., 327-341. Revocation, evidence of. 45 Am. Rep., 342-344. Revocation of, by marriage. 80 Am. Dec., 516-519. Revocation of, by subsequent marriage or birth of issue. 26 Am. Rep., 159- 161. Revocation of what is. 12 Am. Dec., 377-380. Revocation of, probate of, power of courts to grant. 90 Am. Dec., 136-138. Revocation of, when implied. 15 Am. Dec., 659-661. Signing and attesting. 60 Am. Rep., 285-287. 42 Am. Dec., 571-573. Spiritualism, belief in, effect on testa- mentary capacity. 36 Am. Rep., 426- 428. Testamentary capacity. 84 Am. Dec., 240-242. Unexecuted, effect of. 36 Am. Dec., 316-322. Witnessing and attesting, what suffi- cient. 28 Am. Rep., 595-598. Words in, that vest estate in wife to ex- clusion of husband. 39 Am. Dec., 773-778. Written by beneficiary. 71 Am. Dec., 129-134. Witness Absent, admissibility of testi- mony given on former trial. 65 Am. Dec.", 676-679. Absent, testimony of. 8 Am. Dec., 717- 718. Contradicting party's own witness by showing that he made prior inconsis- tent statements. 74 Am. Dec., 398- 400. Credibility of, rules concerning. 86 Am. Dec., 328-331. Cross-examination, involving crimina- tion of. 27 Am. Rep., 140-145. Defendant in criminal prosecution, cross-examination of. 19 Am. Rep., 348-349. Discrediting by inquiries concerning collateral or irrelevant matter. 88 Am. Dec., 321-324. Endorser of negotiable instrument, whether competent to impeach its validity. 22 Am. Rep., 93-94. 261 INDEX TO MONOGRAPHIC NOTES. Witness Witness Husband and wife, competency of one to testify to the other's adul- tery. 35 Am. Rep., 744. Hypothetical questions, when may be put to. 53 Am. Rep., 307-309. Impeachment of, by party calling. 60 Am. Dec., 749-752. Incompetency of, because of race, reli- gious belief, or previous condition. 92 Am. Dec., 472-475. Infant, adjourning trial to instruct as to nature of oath. 58 Am. Rep., 658. Memoranda, use of, to refresh memory. 98 Am. Dec., 619-623. Memorandum, use of while testifying. 35 Am. Rep., 56-57. Memory, person without is incompetent to be. 35 Am. Rep., 291-292. Must answer question intended to dis- credit. 57 Am. Rep., 16-19. Non-expert, opinion of, when admissi- ble. 19 Am. Rep., 410-412. Opinions of experts, when admissible. 53 Am. Rep., 307-309. Opinions of non-expert on question of insanity. 8 Am. Rep., 184-195. Opinions of, when admissible. 59 Am. Rep., 176-186. Professional, whether may be compelled to give an opinion without a profes- sional fee. 25 Am. Rep., 619-625. Religious belief, whether may be ques- tioned concerning. 35 Am. Rep., 7. Unimpeached, disregard of evidence of, by jury or ourt. 81 Am. Dec., 268- 270. When and by whom may be impeached. 15 Am. Dec., 96-100. Witness Husband and wife against each other. 27 Am. Dec., 377-381. Impeachment of. 17 Am. Dec., 76-77. Impeachment of, practice upon. 73 Am. Dec., 762-777. Power of grand jury to compel attend- ance in testifying. 54 Am. Dec., 763- 764. Privilege of. 21 Am. Dec., 55^62. Privilege of, from service of civil process. 38 Am. Rep., 717-722. Woman Right of, to admission as law- yers. 53 Am. Rep., 325-326. Workman Who is. 32 Am. Rep., 264- 267. Wrecks Rights and liabilities of owners of property set adrift by. 55 Am. Dec., 5U8-512. Writing Construction of, when a question for court, and when for jury. 69 Am. Dec., 454-460. Writ Of assistance. 51 Am. Dec., 152- 158. Of certiorari. 12 Am. Dec., 529-537. Of ne exeat. 14 Am. Dec., 560-563. Of possession, who may be dispossessed under. 39 Am. Dec., 311-314. Of prohibition. 12 Am. Dec., 604-609. Of recordari facias loquelam. 67 Am. Dec., 247-249. Of right, nature of, and proceedings in. 50 Am. Dec., 172-175. Of error. 91 Am. Dec., 193-198. Of error, coran nobis. 46 Am. Dec., 257-261. Written Instruments Filling blanks in. 13 Am. Dec., 669-671. A TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF CASES RE-REPORTED IN THE 160 VOLUMES OJT AND AMEBICAIST EEPOETS ON THE VARIOUS TITLES AND SUBDIVISIONS OF TITLES OF THE LAW. Abandonment 5 Abatement 24 Accession 21 Accident, liability for 6 Accord and Satisfaction 35 Account 29 Acknowledgements 74 Who may take, place of taking, SO. Sufficiency of certificate. 10 Acts to cure defective, t>. Evidence to explain, and proof of, 3. Married women, 21. Parol evidence to explain or impeach, 5. Act of God 2 Actions 194 Advancements 3 Adverse Possession 311 What constitutes, 151. Extent of and to whose benefit inures, 7. Effect of, 70. Of real property, 80. Of personal property, 3. Agency " 595 Agent's authority, 299. Rights, of principal, 178. Rights, etc., of agent, 111. Public agents, 7. Agistors 6 Alienage 12 Aliens 16 Alteration of Instru- ments 78 How effected, assent to and proof 9f, 10 Presumptions as to, 6. Materiality and effect of, -16. How, and by whom deter- mined, 3. Generally, 43. Ancient Lights 6 Animals 92 Property in wild, 9. Injuries done by, 48. Ownership in, 6. At large, or tresspassing, 26. Vicior. Annuities 4 Appeal 7 Arbitration and A\vard..l38 What includes, generally, 44 Revocation of submission, 2 Appointment and compen- sation, etc., 4. Awards, 50. Making the awards, 8. Sufficiency of, 5. Construction of, 3. Impeachment of, 8. Effect of, 14. Arrest and Bail 73 Assault and Battery 39 Assessments 6 Assignments 33 Assignment for Benefit of Creditors 235 What constitutes, validity of, ICO. What property passes, 21. Foreign, 29. Powers and rights of as- signees, 28. Revocation and avoidance, 3. Miscellaneous, 4. Assignment of Con- tracts Ill What constitutes, generally, 36. What is subject of, 12. Validity of, who may make, 15. Riehts of assignee, 8. Effect and notice of, 40. Assumpsit 106 Lies, when, 69. Pleading, practice and evi- dence, 37, 19. Attachments 559 Statutes concerning, gener- ally, 16. Jurisdiction, issuance, validity, effect of, 8L Levy, 102. Receipt or forthcoming bond, 39. Attachment lien, 52. Exemption, 12. Garnishment or trustee pro- cess, 13o. Sale under, 2. Return of attachment, 8. Judgment in attachment suits, 2. Rights, etc., of attaching officers, 73. Rights, etc., of attaching creditors, 30. Foreign, 2, Abandonment, 5. Attorney and Client 165 Appointment and appear- ance of, 6. Employment of, licensing, disbarring, 23. Attorney's powers, notice to, 49. Duties and liabilities, 24. Compensation and lien of, 15 Privileged communications, 44. Office of, 1. Liabilities of, 3. Auctions 47 Authentication of In- struments 3 Auditor Querela 8 Bailments 163 Deposits and mandates, ;">. Gratuitous loan for use. 1. Pledsres and hypothecations, 14. Hiring and letting to hire, 8. Right of pawnee or bailee to sell, oO. (263) THE NUMBER OF CASES. 264 What constitutes, subjects of. Title and rights of bailors au'l b-ulees, 33. Bights of third parties to pledge, 2. Duties and liabilities of baile Bankruptcy and Insol- vency 25O Validity of state insolvent laws, 21. Jurisdiction, 12. Construction and effect of, 07. Fidiciary debts, 8. Fraudulent preferences, 3. Insolvent debtors, rights au'l powers, 21. What passes to assignee, 9. Insolvent laws, jurisdiction, . 66. Proof of debt, 12. Assignees or commissioners in, powers of, 4. Composition, 2. Discharge, 25. Ke'.v promise. 10. l;r:ijl.saml Banking 365 Powers, duties, and liabili- ties, Bank notes, bills, checks, etc., of deposit, 119. Officers and agents; powers ami duties of, 49. . suspension and insolvency. 8. Jurisdiction and powers of, 20. Liability for collections, 14. Natioua'l banks, 73. - banks, 13. Bastards 16 {Lading 14 Bona Fide 1'urchasers... 95 1 who are not, 59. Tit:e and rights of, 36. Bonds 166 ..lly, private, 112. Official and statutory, 54. Boundaries 15O Jurisdiction over. 65. Determination of, 83. Tarty walls, 2. Bridges 19 Brokers 39 Case 4 Certiorari 13 Champerty - 5 Charitable uses 55 Civil Damage Act 22 < Mil nights 5 Commissioners 3 Common Carriers 1182 Who are, 49. Freight, 23. Kight< and liabilities, 479. i-rer carriers, 354. Delivery of goods, 261. Connecting carriers, 16. Common Law 16 Common Kecovery 2 Commons _ 3 Composition 2 Compromise 9 Conflict of Laws 2O8 General principles, 12. Foreign laws, eil'ect of, 35. Contra Lex Loci contractus, 58. I. ex Fori, .". Lex Domiclii. 15. i ociRei Sitael,6. Governing marriage rela- tions. '.'. Administration, succession, devis Remedies, what law gov- erns, 11. Conspiracy 8 Const itutioual Law 477 General principles, 79. Impairing obligations of contract, 17. Not impairing the obliga- tions of contract, 7. Retrospective laws, 16. Ex post facto, 3. Statutes, constitutionality of, 22. State and National govern- ments, i/9. Departments of govern- ments, separation of, iO. Constitutional convention and bill of rights, 4. Constitutionality of various classes of statutes, 220. Contempt _ 61 Contracts 1O81 What are, 4-'. Classification, 4. Implied, when and when not, 3. Execution, 169. Legality and validity, 3M. Extinction, 113. Construction of, 228. Joint obligations, 17. Conditions and covenants, 33. Performance of, 110. Reforma:ion of, 1. Modification, substitution, 4. Discharge, abandonment, 1. Rescission of, 30. Actions on, 22. Contribution _ 21 Conversion 18 Corporations 1868 Nature and organization of, Powers and liabilities of, 620. Officers and ageuts, 197. Stock and stockholders, 343. i 1 elections, 36. Dissolution, 124. Foreign, 4-.". Societies, 180. Covenants 336 General doctrines concern- ing, 89. Particular classes of, 199. Creation of, what consti- tutes, 17. Validity and construction of, 14. Performance of, liability under, 7. Breach of, 3. Actions on, 7. Criminal Conversations..! 3 Criminal Law 1917 General principles, 135. Indictment and iuforma- ti n, i :. Practice and evidence, 23L Particular crimes, 9S2. " defenses, 103. Former jeopardy, what con- stitutes, 25. Trial Verdict and judgment, 51. Appeals and writs of error, 2'3. Pardons, 7. Curtesey 16 Custom 2O Damages 536 ral ,6. Liability for, who may sue, 36. Right of recovery of, 16. Measure of, 218. Personal injuries, 65. Injuries to property, 50. On contract and covenant, 109. Eminent don ain, 14. Proximate and remote, 12. Debtor and Creditor 24 Deceit 38 Dedication 88 What constitutes and how made, 53. Evidence of, 17. - of parties under, 13. ance and non-accept- ance, s. Effect of, 9. Abandonment, L Deeds 7O8 In general, 35. What constitutes, object of, SO. Bargain and sale, 6. When considered as coven- ant to stand seized, 7. When a mortgage, 2. Void deeds, 13. Delivery of, execution, form, sufficiency. 1G7. Validity, impeachment, rescission > Consideration in, 2 ;. Description of lauds in, 35. Execution of, 2f>. Recording of, 75. Construction of, 178. Alter.it ion and destruction of, 8. Condition in, 8. Effect of, . i. Reservation in, 12. Appurtenances, 7. In escrow, t>. Contract to give, 17. Lost, 17. Depositions 1O Detinue 25 Domicile 36 Dower ISO Nature of, rights to, etc., in genci What is or not subject to, what is, 54. Priority of, 3. How l.arred, or lost, 50. Election in cases of, 19. Settiui.' apart of, 5. Proceedings to recover, 9. Druggists _ 3 Duress 4O What constitutes and what not. Effects of, 6. Eviden Easements and Servi- tudes 203 Nature and character of, 22. Creation of, 103. Continuance and convey- ance of, 4. Incidents, use and repair of, 52. Obstruction of and remedies for, 17. Abandonment and extin- guishment of, 5. Ejectment 199 Who may maintain, neces- sary to support, i 5. What will and will not de- feat action, 13. Pleading and practice in, 8L : and judgment in, 35. Miscellaneo: Election and Klections, 73 Eminent Domain 2O9 General principles. 72. Who may exercise right, 21. 265 THE NUMBER OF CASES. For what uses may be exer- cised, 15. Limitations upon right, 19. Property subject to power Compensation, 48. Destruction of property to prevent spread of fire, 6. Enticement 1 Equity 569 Principles of, maxims, 83. Jurisdiction, 201. Equitable assets and con- versions, 20. Procedure, pleading, etc., 265. Escheat 15 .Estates of Deceased Persons 167 Necessity of administration, 2. Claims against the estate, 114. Eights of heirs and distribu- tees, 01. Estates Tail 3 Estoppel 31O General principles, 60. By deed, 70. In pa-V Equitable estoppel, 12. By matter of record, 40. Eviueiioe 1515 Burden of proof and pre- sumptions, 104. Primary and secondary evi- dence, 103. Judicial notice, 57. Documentary evidence, 186. Judicial records and pro- ceeding'!, 11. Parol evidence, 270. Admissions, declarations, Hearsay, 26. Laws, proof of, 10. Depositions, etc,, 71. Character or poverty, as to; 4. On particular subjects, 162. Handwritin Affecting competency, rele- vancy, etc., 102. Objections to, order of proof. 11. Weight and sufficiency of, etc., on ground of re- versal, 1C. Province of jury, as to. miscellaneous, 11. Executions 1498 Issuance and delivery of, 93. Form, contents and defects of, 21. Amendment of writ, 7. Death of plaintiff, etc., be- fore or after issuance of levy, 8. On asking writ of levy, 16. Property subject to execu- tion, 11 j. Exemptions, 108. Lien of, priority, 67. Supersedeas. or stay of exe- cution, 18. Levy, resisting officer, 111. Receiptors, receipts and forthcoming bonds, 26. Claim of property, 13. Sale, r.iM. Redemption, 29. Sheriff's deed. 75. Purchaser's title, rights and remedies, 134. Retur Btayiutr or renewing, setting 'aside, 13. Proceedings in equity in aid of, 4. Satisfaction, 40. Equitable relief against, 8. Rights of debtor in posses- sion of tenants, 1. Officers' powers, duties, lia- bilities, etc., ID". Appeal and reversal, effect of, 3. Rights and liabilities of par- ties, ol>. Executors and Admin- istrators 851 Appointment and removal, jurisdiction over, 77. Title, rignts, powers and lia- bilities, 549. Actions by, 31. Actions against, 38. Administrators de bonis non, 41. Executors de son tort, 20. Foreign executors and ad- ministrators, 60. Administrators' and execu- tors' bonds, 19. Miscellaneous, 26. Exemptions 2O (See execution.) Extradition _ 18 Factors 82 In general, 13. Who liable as, 2. Rights, duties and liabili- ties, 63. Rights, etc., of principal, 2. and custom, effect of, False Imprisonment 21 Fences 1O Ferries 31 Fishery 6 Fixtures 151 What are, right of, Ml. As between grantor and grantee, 12. Between mortgagor and mortgagee, 13. Between landlord and ten- ant, debtor and creditor, 16. Trade fixtures, 15. Severance, and remedies for wrongful severance, 6. Forcible entry and de- tainer 37 Forfeitures _ 12 Franchises 6 Fraud _ 374 General principles, 79. What constitutes, 34. Jurisdicti9u, in cases of, 49. Constructive fraud, 20. Fraudulent representation,18 Fraudulent concealment, 9. Undue influence, 5. Evidence of, 11. Who determines, pleading and practice, 17. Effect of, 32. Fraudulent convey- ances 762 What are, 'J1'2. Voluntary conveyances and gifts, 35. Evidences of fraud in, 60. Effect of, and who may im- peach, 126. Proceeedings to set aside, 20. Jurisdiction and procedure as to impeachment of, 11 Assignment, l. Miscellaneous, 15. Gaming 6O What constitutes, gaming contract, 18. Legality of, validity and en- forcement of contracts, 16. Recovery of money advanc- ed or lost by, 26. Gas Companies 5 General Average 23 Gifts _131 Generally, 66. Particular classes of, 65. Grant 57 In general, 21. Construction of, 2. Location and survey of, IL Collateral attack on, 9. When void, 2. Presumptions as to, 3. Confirmation of, 4. Pre-emption, 3. Decisions of land officers concerning, 2. Growing Crops 18 Growing Trees- 5 Guaranty 124 What constitutes, validity, construction, effect of, 80. As affected by the statute of frauds, 21. Actions on, 18. Discharge, release, or pay- ment, 5. Guardian and "Ward 215 Who entitled to guardian- ship, 6. Appointment, removal, etc., of guardians, 23. Powers, duties, and liabili- ties of, 126. Rights of ward as against, 29. Liability of surety on bond of, 6. Powers of court over, L Foreign guardians, 2. Actions by and against, 13. Miscellaneous, 9. Habeas Corpus 31 Highways 187 In general, 22. Creation of, and what are, 31. Ownership, use of, 46. Defects, etc., in, and injury from, 28. Rights in, adjoining owners, 57. Land bounded on, 9. Proceedings for opening, vacation, abandonment of, 14. Collisions, 2. Bond commissions, assess- ments, 6. Holidays 28 Sunday laws, 2. Sunday contracts, 20. Miscellaneous, 6. Homesteads ..._12O Generally, 51. Statutes,"relating to, 12. Creation of, 26. Termination of, 12. Rights of wife, children, widow in, 13. For what debts liable, waiver of, 6. Hnsband and Wife 356 lu general, 54. Mutual relations and deal- ings, 42. Joint and several property rights, 14 '. Powers of husband over wife's property, 38. Husband's liability for wife's necessaries, 16". THE NUMBER OF CASES. 266 Contracts between, 8. Conveyance to and by, 8. Settlement and maintenance of wife, 8. Trusts in favor of wife, 6. Separate and community property, IL Torts of wife, 2. Actions by and between, 23. Idem Son ans 5 Improvements _ 19 Indemnity 15 Validity of contracts, 9. Remedies on contracts, who entitled to benefit of, 6. Indians and Indian Ti- tles 7 Infancy 311 Contracts of infants, 83. Jurisdiction of equity over infants, 14. Custody and domicile of, 13. Powers and liabilities of, Io3. Actions and suits by and against, 50. Child in Ventre sa Mere, 4. Torts or crimes, 9. Posthumous children, 6. Injunctions 349 General principles, 42. Bond for, 2. Jurisdiction to issue, and is- suance of, 151. Violation of, 3. Dissolution of, 7. Pleading and practice In suits of, 37. Effect of, who bound by; abuse of, 4. Injunction bond, and ac- tions thereon, 3. Innkeepers] 29 Inns and Taverns 41 What are, and who are inn- keepers 6. Powers, duties, liabilities'of innkeepers, 34. Actions by and against, 1. Insanity ....158 Forms of, 5. What constitutes, jurisdic- tion and procedure, 91. Inquisition of lunacy, 8. Afl'ecting capacity to con- tract, 81. Affecting criminal liability ,4. Eights, etc;, of committees of lunatics, 2. Actions and judgments against, 5. Guardians of, domicile, miscellaneous, 12. Insolvency 21 Insurance 97O General principles, 230. Warranties, representations, concealment, 133. Relating especially to fire, 360. Relating especially to ma- - rine, 39. Relating to life, 168. Actions by and against com- panies, 19. Actions on insurance poli- cies, 21. Interest 183 Allowance, in general, 112, Rule of, and law governing, 4. Compound, and herein of interest on rents, 7. When accrues, computation, etc., 13. Usury, 40. International Law 1O Interpleader 22 Bill of, when lies and when not, 1'i. Pleading and practice on, 6. Intervention 6 Intoxication 22 Judgments 1197 Generally, 51. Nature, rendition, entry, and amendment of, 175. Validity and regularity, 131. Effect of, 4.4. Impeachment and avoid- ance of, relief against, 154. Payment, discharge, or sale of, 11. Revival of, 29. Assignment of, 14. Equitable interference, 14. Void, voidable and errone- ous, 2 1. Sales under and assignments of, 14. Actions on, 80. Satisfaction or discharge 24 Foreign federal, and sister states. 117. Res adjudicata, 4. Judicial Sales _ 65 Validity of, effect of, 44. Setting aside and resale, 5. Confirmation and convey- ance, 8. Purchasers rights and liabili- ties, 8. Jurisdiction 244 As to the person, 5. As to the subject-matter, 29. What constitutes, when exists, generally, 46. Of particular courts, 109. Consent and waiver, 3. Miscellaneous, 52. Jury and Jurors 33O Right of trial by, 10. Summoning aiid impaneling, 55. Challenges, 49. Deliberation, and what are Separation of, misconduct, 20 questions for, 63. Verdict, 120. Grand jury, 4. Testimony of, to impeach verdict, 9. Justices of the Peace 38 Nature jurisdiction and pow- ers of courts of, 34. Liability of, 4. Landlord and Tenant 4O4 General, 9. Relation between, 69. Lease contracts and con- struction of, 129. Rights, etc.. arising out of the relation, 104. Letting on shares, or for the rent in kind, 19. Termination of tenancy, notice of rights of parties after, 30. Landlord's remedies against tenant, 7. Measure of damages and nuisance, 35. Destruction of premises, 2. Libel 163 Who liable for, 6. What constitutes, 74. Malice. 'J f '>. Defenses in actions for, 28. Evidence and damages in 27 Functions of court and jury ,2. License 87 What constitutes and evi- dence of 42. Rights of licensor and licen- see, 14. Statute of frauds, effect of, on parol,4. Termination and revocation of 23. Statutory or municipal li- censes, 4 . Liens _ 174 In general, 17. Definition, signification, whether favored 9. How far dependent upon pos- session 5. Arising from contract, 1. Validity of, 2. Mechanics, material men, raftsmen, 23. When and upon what pro- perty attaches. 6. Who entitled, kinds and class- es of, 58. Jurisdiction over and en- forcement of, 9. Priority of relative rights of lienors, 16 Assign ability and recording of 3. Waiver of, effect of writ of error on, release, 12. Termination of, 13. Les Peiidens 18 Lost Articles 21 Lotteries 7 Mail Contracts, and Mails 3 Maintenance 1 4 Malieiousrrosocutiou...l33 Action for, right of, lies when, form of, 23. Malice, want of probable cause, proof of, si. Pleading and practice in ac- tions of, 18. Malpractice 5 Mandamus 107 Nature of, lies when and when not, 77. Parties to and practice in cases of, 30. Maritime law, 1. Markets, 1. Marriage and Divorce...378 Generally, 5. Contract" to marry, and ac- tion for breach of, 57. Marriage 40. Rights of spouses, 117. Divorce contracts and con- veyances, 104. Alimony, 34. Dower, 25. Curtesy, 3. M.-irriaRO Settlements... 9 Married Women 263 Generally, 6. Rights, powers and liabilities of, 133. Separate estate of, 124. Marshalling 1 of Assets... 9 Master and Servant 32O What constitutes relation, 29 Rights and liabilities of third persons, 'J7. Mutual rights, 189, Apprentices, 5. Maxims 17 Mechanics' Liens 46 Merger 21 Mesne 1'rolits 13 Military Law 14 Miners 13 Mines and Mining 19 Mistake 103 Of fact, 58. Of law, 45. Mortgages 81O 267 THE NUMBER OF CASES. Nature of, 18. What are, S3. Requisites, validity and ef- fect c Chattel mortgages, 84. Assignments and rights of assignors, 31. Execution, sale of property, 15. Adverse possession by mort- gagor, 5. Discharge, cancellation, or release of, 41. Foreclosure aud sale, and purchasers at, 150. Equity of redemption, effect of, 40. Municipal Corporations .. 962 Creatiou aud powers of, 126. Ordinances, 70. Nuisances, 22. Streets and highways, 228. Wharves, 16. Officers and agents, 92. Rights aud liabilities, 234. Meetiu Actions by and against, 24. Bonds, 74. Ne Exeat 9 Negligence 545 What constitutes, and lia- bility for, 235. Contributory, 236. Actions for," pleading, prac- tice and evidence, 74. Negotiable Instruments 2978 What C9nstitutes, 116. Execution, delivery, evi- dence relating to, 66. Consideration, legality, suf- ficiency of, 73. Who chargeable as maker, 5. Guaranty, guarantors of, 23. Joint and several notes, 22. Maturity of, computation and extension of time. 20. Parties, 100. Assignment and transfer of, without endorsing, 87. Indorsement, 152. Presentment and accept- ance, 68. Demand, protest and notice, 3S7. Waiver and excuse of de- mand and notice, 110. Discharge of indorser, etc., by indulgence or laches. 23. Overdue notes or bills, 49. Accommodation indorsers or makers, 60. Title and rights of holder, 109. Actions and suits on, de- fenses therein, 172. Actions on lost or destroyed notes, 43. Payment or renewal of, 55. Actions on generally, 231. Miscellaneous, 7. New Trial 212 What is, authority to grant, 22. Grounds of, 170. Pleadings and practice on motions for, 20. Notaries 30 Notice 230 What constitutes, in gen- eral, 36. Actual, 52. Statutory, manner of mak- ing or proving, 13. pa- Construction, 24. Effect of, how may be given, 75. Notice on judicial proceed- ings, 7. Of unrecorded conveyance, 21. To agent, 2. Novation 5 Nuisance 257 What is, 126. Remedies and liabilities for, 117. Legislative control of, 11. Lapse of time as effecting, 3. Office and Officers 295 Qualifications for, appoint- ment and nature of, 28. Rights, duties, powers, etc., of, 151. Deputies, 3. Liabilities of, 83. Compensation, 4. De facto, 17. Change in, removal of, 2. Do facto officer, 7. Orphans' Courts 1O Pardons 2 Parent and Child 163 Rights aud liabilities of pa- rents over person and property of. 96. Rights of child against rent, 12. Gifts and advancements to child, 29. Illegitimacy, 26. Partition 174 Nature of, who entitled to, 36. How made, 67. By proceedings at law, 39. Effects and impeachment of, 22. Warranty in deeds of, rights on eviction, 10. Partnership 734 What constitutes, and evi- dence of, 110. Mutual rights, etc., of part- ners, 163. Powers and liabilities of partners, 145. Powers to third persons, 32. Partnership realiy, 41. Actions by and against part- ners, 20. Dissolution, 145. Partnership and separate creditors, 78. Patents 37 Payment 244 What constitutes, effect of, evidence, 130. Money sent by mail, 3. Application of, 33. Action to recover money paid, 72. Pleading, proof of, 6. Pensions 6 Pews 6 Physicians and Sur- geons 3O Pleading and Practice.,1653 Cause and form of actiou,44. Consolidation and sever- ance of actions, 36. Parties to the action, 106. Place of trial, 13. Commencement of the ac- tion, 8. Appearance, 19. Pleadings, 533. The issue, 12. The trial, 82. Amendments, 99. Reviving actions, 5. Orders, 3. Continuance, discontinue ance, nonsuit, 67. Reference, 3. Miscellaneous motions, o> ders and proceedings, 23. Trial aud proceedings con- nected therewith, 124. Instructions, 272. Exceptions, 11. The verdict, 31. Motions in arrest of judg- ment, new trials, 5. Death of party during suit, 2. The judgment, 11. Appeals and writs of error, 324. Law of the case, 33. General provisions, 4. Pledge 1O Poor Laws 8 Possessions 55 Postmasters 6 Powers 57 Generally, 88. Of appointment, 11. Of sale or lease, 8. Prescription 16 Privies 4 Probate Courts 58 Jurisdiction of, 31. Procedure, decrees and or- ders of, 25. Appeals from, 2. Process 203 Issuance, form and validity of, 50. Service of, 43. Return of, and amendments thereof, 38. Officers' powers, etc., justifi- cation by, 55. Liability of magistrate and parties, 16. Prohibition _ 7 Public tands 128 What constitutes, govern- ment title to, 4. Preemption and purchase, possessory rights, 70. Patents and grants, 48. Land officers, jurisdiction, powers, decisions, 6. Ouantum Meruit 23 Recovery cannot be had on, when, 15. Recovery may be had on, when, 8. Questions of I.aw and Fact 5 Ouo Warranto 28 Railroads 357 Real Property, see vari- ous titles concerning. Records 17 Referees 2O Registration 12 Release _ 17 Religious Secieties _ 13 Removal of Causes. 46 Remainders and Rever- sions 37 Replevin 131 When lies and not, who may maintain, 94. Procedure in, 31. Damages in, 6. Reward _ 12 Sales 607 What constitutes, 195. Warranties. 192. Mutual rights and liabili- ties, 171. Miscellaneous, 49. Schools 55 Seals 16 THE NUMBER OF CASES. 268 Search Warrant 3 Seduction 61 Servitudes 6 Set off _ 136 Generally, 45. At law, 44. Between what parties, 15. Eight of, how exercised, ef- fect of, 10. In equity .equitable set off,22. Sheriffs 76 Duties, rights, liabilities in general. 60. Escapes, liabilities with re- spect to, 10. Appointment of deputies, liabilities for, 14. Powers, etc., after expira- tion of term, 2. Shipping _.... 217 Eights and liabilities of ow- ners, 65. Eights and liabilities of mas- ters, lien of, 22. Carriage, 30. Voyage, delay in, duty to ob- . taiu or transport cargo, 3 Eights of seameii, duties of, master's control of, 8. Bottomry bonds, towage, col- lisions, miscellaneous, 38. Towage, jettisons, collis- ions, moorage, 6. Eepairs and supplies, 12. Wrecks, salvage,* general average, 18. Master's power to pledge or to employ pilot, 4. Consignees, supercargoes, questions relating to, 6. Proceedings against vessel, Jurisdiction over, 2. Hirers of vessels on shares, 3 Slander 381 What constitutes, 124. Construction of words, 23. Priveleged communications, 22. Pleading evidence and prac- tice in cases of, 102. Blander of title, 10. Slavery 18 Sovereignty 34 Specific Performance .. 23O What necessary to, 31. Jurisdiction, 8. When granted or refused, 173 Pleading and practice, 28. Stare decisis _ 15 Statute of Frauds 445 To what cases apply, 100 Construction of, generally, 98. Other contracts embraced by the, 9. Part performance or deliv- ery, taking case out of, 47. The memorandum, 53. Pleading and evidence un- der, 8. Contracts wholly or partly invalid under, 8. Contracts relating to land, 72 Statute of Limitations. ..608 Construction and operation, validity, etc., 61. Conflict of laws as to, 14. Running of statute, 90. Personsjmd actions affected by, 222. Revival of debts, 126. Lex fori prevails, 10. Pleading of, how taken ad- vantage of, 21. Debt barred by, as co^sider- ation, action on, 4. Effect of on debt, presump- tion of payment, 8. Limitations in equity, 52, Statutes _ 389 General, 5. Private, 4. Passage and proof of, 12. Operation and validityof, 11. Various kinds of, 14. Construction of, 293 Exceptions in and protection under, 5. Repeal and revival of, amendment, 45. Stoppage in Transitu..._ 224 Subrogation 11 Subscription _ 25 Succession IS Suretyship 445 General principles, < 4. Liabilities of sureties, 122. Rights of sureties generally, 69. Release of surety, 102. Sureties' rights on payment of debt, 55. Official and statutory bonds, sureties on, 33. Survey 6 Taxation _ 469 Power of, 87. Taxable property and per- son s, 98. The assessment and levy, 42. Validity of, for what pur- posemaybe exercised,98. Collection and enforcement Of, 97. Liability of assessor and collector, 7. Telegraphs _ 84 Tenants for Life _ 8 Tender _ 69 Time 25 Toll 3 Trade Marks 65 Trespass 3O8 What constitutes, 121. Who has title or possession sufficient to maintain, 32. Pleading, practice, evi- dence, damages, 121. Right of self-protection against, 16. Right to distrain cattle tres- passing, 5. Joint trespassing, 8. Trespass to try title, 5. Trover ISO Title of possession, necessity of, to maintain, 64. Property necessary to main- tain, 41. Conversion and evidence of, 47. Demand before suit, 4. Defenses, 4. Pleading, practice, evidence, judgment in, 8. Damages, 12. Trust needs 34 Trusts and Trustees 433 Creation of, appointment of, jurisdiction, 71. Classification, 103. Validity of trusts, 9. How established, 16. Powers of trustees, 10. Rights, liabilities of, I r 9. Compensation and allow- ances to, 9. Sales by trustees and rights of purchaser, 11. Co-trustees, rights and lia- biliti- Extinguishment of the trust, 12. Uses.questions relating to, 13. Unincorporated Socie- ties _ 4 Usages 87 Nature and requisites, plead- ing and proof, 02. Validity of, 5. Effect and competency of, as evidence, 20. Customs, 14. Usury 1O9 What necessary to 'consti- tute, 6. What is and is not usurious, 73. Effect of, 14. Relief against, 16. Vendor and Vendee. .-523 Generally, 28. Contract for conveyance, 32, Rights and remedies of par- ties, 221. Vendee's possession, use aud occupation, 26. The executed contract and the rights conferred. 13. Title deeds, vendee's right to, 9. Deficiency or excess in land conveyed, 35. Right of grantor in posses- sion, 5. Fraud in sale, 9. Defects in title and encum- brances, 52. Rescission and its effects, 38. Price, payment or recovery of, 18. Parol stipulations between the parties, 11. Lien of vendor, 11. Conditions and forfeitures, 4. Damages, measure of, for breach of contract, 18. Wagers 13 War 51 Warehousemen 35 Waste 25 Watercourses 500 Navigable waters, 77. Public streams, what are, ownership of, 15. Non-navigable, 44. Lands, bounded on, 32, Navigation, stream as high- v. ay, 57. Rights of fishery, 11. Mills and dams, rights, etc., of mill owners, 90. Alluvion and accretions, 20. 20. Rights of riparian proprie- tor, use of water, 93. Tide lands and lands cov- ered by water, 41. Wharves, 8. Dikes, levees, ditches, drain- age, 3. Percolating water, wells or springs, 15. Ways _ 29 Wlft* - 981 Nature, execution, validity of, 207. Revocation and alteration, 40. Probate of, 12. Proof of, evidence admissi- ble for, 21. Admissibility of, as evi- dence, 4. Construction, effect and In- terpretation of, 631. Jurisdiction over and pro- bate of, 52. Codicils, 6. Foreign wills, 3. A 000663613 8 >; ;