EAli LY NEW ENGLAND CA > i 'I ISMS A BIBLIQGUAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF SOME CATECHISMS PUBLISHED IE YEAR 1800, FOR USE IN NEW ENGLAND 1JKAI'. IN I'UU, }': HI Illl: A MKKHAN A N I n.'IMI! \ s SOOIl PV, AT IIS .\\M-\I. ! :- VV'oitcKSTEK, Or i < 'liui: _'l. IMIT WILBERFORCE KA.MKS Worcester, I' U K 1 S OK C !i A U I, K S H A M I I. T O X 311 MAI X 8 I K K K I SANTA BARBARA ORDKR OF ARRANGEMENT. Preliminary Account, 5-1!). Salem Catechisms ( ir,41-104K?), 19-21. Hoston Catccliisins < KM'.' 100!l ), 21-27. Rowley Catechism (1042), 27-29. Newbury Catechism i 1042? ), 30, 31. Ipswich Catechism (1648), 32. Cambridge Catechism i 1C.4S i, :cj :!4. Dorchester Catechisms (1650), 34-37. Roxbury Catechism (1(550?), 37, 38. Clielmsfonl Catechisms (1657-1706), 38-42. New lla\en Catechism (1050), 42-44. Hartford Catechism (before lOli-'i?), 44-46. Hamilton Catechism (1003), 4(i, 47. Norwich Catechism (1079), 47, 48. Andover Catechism ( 17::* i. in .".1. Sandwich Catechism i 17'.':;:.. :,1. :,_. llingham Catechisms . 17!U 1*17 i. :.2-S4. Macliias Catechism i 17'.i7 i. .V., :<(',. Indian Catechisms < ir,:,i i;:i;, ,, ;,7 <;s. Westminster Assembly's Shorter Cate- chism ( It;t7 i. C.s 71. Westminster Assembly's Larger Cate- chism (1047), 74 77. Miscellaneous Catechisms (1668?-1798), 77-103. Appendix (English Catechisms, 1556- 1057), 104-111. CATECfflSMS. Abbot, Robert, Milk for Babes ( 1646), 23. Allen, Robert, Treasurie of Catechisme (1600), 106. Ball, John, Short Catechisme (1616?- 1653), 106, 107. Short Treatise (1629-1670), 107-108. Baptist Catechism (1795), 98, 99. Kiddle, John, Twofold Catechism (1054), 109, 110. - Duae Catecheses (1665), 110. Blake, William, Farmers Catechize (1057), 110, 111. Brown, Clark. Catechism in Three Parts (1797), 55, 50. Broxolme, Charles, Good Old Way (1053), 15/i. Burr, Jonathan, Catechism in Four Parts (1793), 51, 52. Calvin, John, Catechisme (1550-1580), 104, 105. Calvinus, Anniniiis. Catechism (1795), 98. Cobhead, Thomas, Hriefe Instruction (1579), 105. Colman, Henry, Catechisms (1817), 54. Cotton. John, Doctrine of the Church ( 1042-1644), 21-23. Milk for Babes (1040-1090?), 23-26. Spiritual Milk i Hot; 1072 >, 24, 25. (in Indian, 1091 >. 02. Cotton. Sealiorn, Brief Summe (1663), 46, 47. Crashaw, William. Milke for Babes Dan forth, Samuel. Catechism (1650?), 37,38. Davenport, John, Catechism r. the Faithful Instruc- tor < 1702 ), si. 88. Much in a Little .. 1, Scriptural Catechism i ic.iin, 79,80. Sum of the Matter (1709), 89. IV Supplies from the Tower of David (1708), 87-89. Way of Truth laid out (1721), 91. Mather, Richard, Catechisme (1650), 34- 37. Mayhew, Thomas, Indian Catechism (165-?), 58. Norris, Edward, Catechism (1648?), 19, 20. Norton, John, Brief Catechisme (1660- 1666), 26, 27. Brief and Excellent Treatise (1648), 32. Noyes, James, Short Catechism (1642?- 1797), 30, 31. Packard, Hezekiah, Catechism (1796), 41, 42. Perkins, William, Foundation of Chris- tian Religion (1591-1682), 7-16; (in Indian), 62. Peters, Hugh, Milke for Bahes (1641), 19. Phillips, Samuel, Orthodox Christian (1738), 49-51. Pierson, Abraham. Some Helps for the Indians (1658-1873), 58-60. Primer (1668?), 77. Protestant Tutor for Children (1685), 78. Racovian Catechisme (1652), 109. Rawson, (irindal, Nasliauanittue Menin- nunk(16()l), 02. Robinson, John, Appendix to Mr. Per- kins (1625?-1050), 11-14. Briefe Catechisme (1642), 12. I \ st and Necessary Apologie (1644), 12. Rogers, Daniel, Practicall Catechisme (1632-1640), 108, 109. KogL'rs, Ezekiel, Chief (r rounds of Chris- tian Religion (1642-1048), 27-29. Scripture Catechism (1750?), 94. Scripture Truths and Precepts ( 1791 ), 97, Sergeant, John, Morning Prayer, etc. (in Indian, 1740?), 66. Shepard, Thomas, First Principles (1648- 1747), 32-34. Short Catechisme (1646), 15n. Shorter Catechism (1739), 92. Shute, Daniel, and Ware, Henry, Com- pendious and Plain Catechism (1794), 52-54. So shorte a Catechisme (1591), 106. Some Deductions from Divine Revela- tion (1782), 96, 97. Stinton, Benjamin, Short Catechism (1730), 93rt.; (1745), 93; (1766), 95. Stone, Samuel, Short Catechism (1684- 1720), 44-46. Vincent, Thomas, Explicatory Catechism (1673), 89,.; (1711), 89; (1729), 92. Wadsworth, Benjamin, Help to get Knowledge (1714), 90, 91. Watts, Isaac, Catechisms and Prayers (1745-1747), 93, 94. Catechisms for Children (1792), 98. First Catechism (1788), 97. First Set of Catechisms ( 1748, 1753), 94; (1770, 1773), 95, 96. Preservative (1745-1765), 93-95. Second Set of Catechisms (1748), 94. Westminster Assembly, Confession of Faith (1656-1723), 75, 76. Larger Catechism (1647-1 762), 74-77. Shorter Catechism (1647-1786), 68- 74; (in Indian, 1795-1818?), 67, 68. \Villard, Samuel, Compleat Body of Divinity (1720). 91, 92. Worcester Association of Ministers, Cat- echism (1821-1849), 99, 99, 100,. EARLY NEW ENGLAND CATECHISMS. THE early New England Catechisms forerunners of the New England Primer form a branch of the literature of education in America which is worthy of retrospective study. Although the subject offers an interesting field for bibliographical research, a satisfactory treatment is difficult because of the scarcity of material. Notwithstanding the many catechisms that were printed, both in this country and abroad, for the use of children here, but few copies have come down to our own times, and of many editions nearly every vestige has been lost. It has been truly said of these early books for the education of youth, that "they were considered too small and unimportant to be preserved in the libraries of the learned, and the copies that were used by children, were generally worn out by hard service or otherwise destroyed." 1 One phase of the history of educational and entertaining books for children has been treated by Mr. Charles Welsh. in his work entitled, A Bookseller of the Last Century, being some Account of the Life of John Newbery, and of the Books he published, with a Notice of the later New- beri/s, London, 1885. This volume contains a descriptive catalogue of children's books, filling one hundred and eighty pages of an appendix. The same author's paper. On some of the Children's Books of the Last Centur;/. was read before the "Sette of Odd Volumes," in London, and was privately printed in 188(5 for members of the club. Newbery was one of the pioneer publishers of children's 1 Livermore's Origin of the New Engluml i-rhm r (184U), preface. 6 books in England, and his example was followed by Isaiah Thomas in this country. In 1890 Mr. Andrew W. Tuer's ///.v/ory of the Horn Book appeared in London, in two volumes, quarto, treating that subject fully ; and in Sep- tember of 1897, there was published Mr. Paul Leicester Ford's masterly treatment of The New England Primer a model of critical research and fine bookmakinsf. O My remarks will relate chiefly to some of the catechisms for children and older persons, which were used in New England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It would not have been possible to gather material, in the way it is here presented, without the use of the remarkable collection of catechisms brought together half a century ago by Mr. George Livermore of Dana Hill in Cambridge. When his library was dispersed by public sale in 1894, the collection referred to was secured almost intact for the Lenox Library, now a part of the New York Public Library. The credit for this paper, therefore, is largely due to Mr. Livermore, to whom we are indebted for gath- ering the material and saving it from destruction. There was, moreover, an earlier owner of a portion of this col- lection of catechisms, a contemporary of the Rev. Thomas Prince, in the last century, to whom we are under obliga- tions for the preservation of some of the oldest American catechisms now extant. I do not know his name, and can only say that he had nine of these little publications, dating between 1 !>.">(; and 1740, bound together in one volume. 1 The catechisms are now separate, having been broken apart some time before the Livermore sale, but the evidence of their former condition still remains. 'Tli"y were arranged ;ind bound in tlie following order: (1) Cotton's S/tirifniil Mill.- for lloxtoii IliilH-x, Cambridge. \(\M\ rj) N'oyes's Slinrl ('"/< i-li i.tin. Hoston, 1714; :; I i~U "'s ll'u/i riin/<>i' tin- o/iri' I'/ii/it. Cambridge. ir,:,7; (4) Norton's llrirf ('ittf- i-liisnif, C;uiibi I'l- . llli'i'l; . .1 i S.'unorll Cotton's lirii'f Sinn mr . . . of nur < 'li rift/inn /'nil/,. Cambridge. 1IK!; (li> Stone's S/ior/ Culri-lt ism . Boston, 1684; (7) Kiteli's /'//s/ I'l-hiri/i/r* tit' tlii' lini'/ri/K' i,f t'lirist. Boston. KiT'.l ; (8) Perkins's l-'oinnlnti/ni nf CliriaHnii HiHi/inii, lioston, ItiS'j; and (9) the Westminster Assembly's Shorter <''ili i-li ism, Boston, 1740. Ill the preparation of these note- I have made some use of Mr. Livermore 's articles on the New England Primer, 1 printed in 1849, and of two articles on Catechisms, bv Dr. J. Hammond Trumbull, which were |)rinted in the "Sundav School Times" in 188H. 2 The fifth article of Mr. Liver- more's hook, just mentioned, relates to "the catechisms, their origin and history, with some account of the authors and their contemporaries." My descriptions of the eate- cliisms are made, in most cases, from the hooks themselves. What catechism was most used, in the early part of the seventeenth century, by the Puritans in England, the Pil- grims at Leyden and Plymouth, and the first settlers on the Bay? The evidence seems to point to the Rev. William Perkins's Six Principles of Christian Religion* The author was born in 1558 and died in 1002. He was edu- cated at Christ's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated in 1577. In 1584 he was elected fellow of the college, and became catechist there, and afterwards lecturer at Great St. Andrews. From this time he began to be widely known as a preacher, and on account of his sympathy with the Puritan movement. His publications began about the year 1589, and their influence among the Puritans is said to have been but little inferior to that of the writings of Calvin and Hooker. There has been some uncertainty as to the date of the first edition of his catechism. Mr. J. Bass Mullinger, in the Dictionary of National Biography, puts it at 1592 ; the British Museum has an edition of 1591 : and the Livermore collection contains one dated 'The Origin, History and Character of the New England Primer: l>eing a series of articles contributed to the ('iniilirii/'ti- <'/i rmi />/<, by " The Antiquary." t'mit- l,rii/i/i-: MIX'CCXLIX. 4, (44) pp. These articles, eight in number, were con- tributed by Mr. Livermore to the Ciuiilirifl'/i- Clirmiirtr for April f>, I 1 .'. 1!> and '-'i;, :m///.- ,,/' (Hil mill \t-ir Eiii/lnnil (supplementary to the two former papers ), September 8 and 15, 1883. 3 For the titles of some other catechisms see the Appendix. 8 1590, which is probably the first edition, as it is one of the author's earliest publications. Its title is as follows : The | Foundation of Chri- | stian Religion, ga- | thered into sixe | Principle. | And it is to be learned of ig- | norant people, that they ma}' be | fit to heare Sermons with pro- | fit, and to receiue the | Lords Supper with | eonifort. | Psal. 111). 30. | The entrance into thy words sheweth | light, and giueth vnderstanding to | the simple. | [London:^ Printed by Thomas Orwin for \ lohn Porter. 15JK). | , (20) leaves. A C 4 in eights. The title is within a pictorial border. The epistle to the reader is as follows : "To all ignorant people that desire to be instructed. Poore people, your manner is to sooth vp your selues, as thogh ye wer in a most happy estate : but if the matter come to hist triall, it \vil fall out farre otherwise. For yee lead your lines in great ignoraunce, as may appeare by these your common oj)inions which follow. 1 That faith is a mans good meaning c his good sein- ing of ( Jod. 1 That God is serued by the rehearsing of the ten Commandements, the Lords praier, and the Creede. 3 That yee haue beleeued in Christ cuer since you could remember. 4 That it is pitie that he should line which dooth anie whit That liowsoeuer a man line, yet if hee call vppon * (Jod on his death bedde, and say, Lord haue mercie on me, <>c so goe away like a Lambe, he is certainly sailed. 7 That, if anie be strangely visited, hee is either taken with a Pla.net, or bewitched. S That a man may lawfully sweare wlien hee speakes nothing but the truth: and swearcs by nothing but that which is good, as by his faith or troth. '. That a Preacher is a good man no longer than hee is in the pnlpet. They t/nnlo- all like themselues. 9 10 That a man may repent when he will, because the Scripture saith, At irliat f/'it/r somer a xiiuicr lease our neighbour. 12 That yet 1 can keepe the ( 'ommandements, as well as God will giue you leaue. 13 That it is the safest, to doo in Religion as most doo. 14 That merrie ballads X bookes. a> Nror/v///, /ieuis of Southampton^ ic. are good to driue away time, & to reinoue hart quaiiies. 15 That yee can serue God with all your hearts : and that yee would be sorrie else. 1() That a man need not heare so manic Sermons, except he could follow the better. 17 That a man which conieth at no Sermons, may aswell beleeue as he which heares all the sermons in the world. is That } r e knowe all the Preacher can tell you: For he can say nothing, but that euery man is a sinner, that we must lone our neighbours as our seines, that euerie man must bee saued by Christ: and all this ye can tell aswell as he. 19 That it was a good world when the old Religion was, because all things were cheape. 20 That drinking and bezeling in the alehouse or tauerne is good fellowship, & shews a good kinde nature. 21 That a man may swearc by the Masse, because it is nothing now : and byr Ladie, because she is gone out of the ( 'omit rev. 22 That euerie man must be for himself e, and God for vs all. 28 That a man may make of his owne whatsoeuer he can. 24 That if a man remeber to say his praiers in the morning (thogh he neiicr vnderstad them) he hath blerd himself e for all the daie following. 2.~> That a man praieth when he saith the ten Com- mandements. 21) That a man eates his maker in the Sacra. 27 That if a man be no adulterer, no thcefe. nor mur- derer, and doo no man harme, he is a right honest man. 10 28 That a man need not haue any knowlodg of religio, because ho is not book learnd. 29 That one may haw a good meaning', when ho sa.it h and dooth that which is euill. These iSc such like sayings, what argue they but your grose ignorance V Now, whore ignorance raigneth, there raignos sinne : & where sinno raignes. there the diuell rules : and whore lie rules, men are in a damnable case. Ye will replie vnto me thus, that ye are not so bad as I would make you : if need be you can say the Creede, the Lords praier, & the 10. coniandements : and therefore ye will be of Gods beleefe say all men what they will, and you defie the cliuell from your hearts. I answere againe, that it is not sufficient to say all these without booke, vnlesse ye can vnderstand the meaning of the words, and bee able to make a right vso of the Com- andements, of the Creede, of the Lords praier, by apply- ing them inwardly to your hearts and consciences, and outwardly to your liues and conuersations. This is the verie point in which ye faile. And for an helpe in this your ignorance, to bring you to true knowledge, vnfained faith, and sound repentance : here I haue set downe the principal! points of Christian Religion in sixe plaine t<; easie rules, euen such as the simplest may easel y learne : and hereunto is adioyned an exposition of them word by word. If ye do want other good directions, then vso this my labour for your instruc- tion : In reading of it first learne the six principles, & when ye haue thorn without booko, iSc the moaning of them withall, then learne the exposition also: which being well conceaued, iSc in some measure felt in the heart, ye shall bee able to profito by Sermons, whereas now ye can- not : and the ordinarie parts of the Catechisme, namely, the ten Commandements, the Creede, the Lords praier, and the institution of the two Sacraments, shall more easel v be \ nderstood. Thine in Christ lesus : WILLIAM PKIIKINS." The "Six Principles" arc expressed in answer to the following questions : " (Jin-niton. What doost thoii bcleeue concerning ( lod. I. There i> one (iod creator and gouernour of all things, 11 distinguished into the Father, the Sonne, and the holy (ihost. Q. \Vhat doost thou beleeue concerning man : Mini concerning thine o\vnc selfe. II. All men arc whollie corrupted with sinne thorough Adams fal : & so are become shines of Sathan, and ^niltie of eternal! damnation. Q. What meanes is there for thee to escape this damna- ble estate? III. [esus Christ the et ernall sonne of (iod, beini: made man, by his death vpon the Crosse, and by his riirhteons- nes, hath perfectly alone by himselfe, accomplished all tliino-es that are needful for the sal nation of mankinde. Q. But how inaist thou bee made partaker of Christ and his benefits V IIII. A man of a contrite and humble spirit by faith alone, apprehending and applying Christ with all his merits vnto himselfe, is Justified before (iod and sanctified. Q. What are the ordinarie ineanes for the obteinini: of faith? V. Faith commeth onelie by the preach in ' ended the irodly shal pos- sesse the kingdome of Heanen : but vnbeleeuers and repro- bates shal be in hel tormented with the diuel and his Angels, for euer." The exposition of the Principles then follows, in form of question and answer. This, then, is the book that has helped to form the early New Knirland character and creed. Tt is stated on irood authority that John Robinson was largely influenced by its author, and that he repnblished the catechism, some time dnrinir his Leydeii residence, for the rood of the voting people of his congregation, appending a few pap-s of (jiiestions and an^wei's " touching: the more solemn fellow- ship of Christians." 1 No copy of "this first edition," Bays 'Dexter's Co)ujrcyatiotialisni (1880), pp. 372, 373. 12 Dr. Dexter, " with Robinson's appendix (which must have been previous to 1625) is known to exist." The Appendix was also published separately, and is extant in several edi- tions, dated 1636 (the earliest known), 1642 (two edi- tions), 1644, and 1656, as described below: An Appendix to Mr. Perkins his Six Principles of Christian Religion. By John Robinson. [London?] 1636. 8, (16) pp. A copy was in the first Brinley sale (1879), No. 531, which was bought by Dr. J. Hammond Trum- bull. An Appendix to Mr. Perkins' Six Principles of the Christ- ian Religion.* By John Robinson. [London?] 1642. 8. Title from Ashton's edition of Robinson's works. A Briefe Catechisme concerning Church-Government, by that Reverend Divine, Mr. John Robinson, and may fitly be adjoyned to M r . Perkins Six Principles, as appendix thereto. 1 Timothy iii. 14, 15. London: Printed in the year 1642. 8. (British Museum.) A | Ivst and Necessary | Apologie | of certain | Christ- ians, | No lesse contumeliously then com- | monly called Brovvnists, | or Barrovvists. | By M r . lohn Robin- | son, Pastor of the English | Church at Leyden. | Pub- lished first in latin in his and | the Churches name over which he | was set: After translated into Kn- | glish by himself, and now republished for | the >peciall and com- mon good of | our own countrymen. | . . . | [Let/den?~\ Printed in the yeer of our Lord, \ M.nr.xum. | 12, 66, (6) j>p. A-C in twelves. (Tnion Theological Semi- nary; Maachusetts Historical Society.) Mr. Robin- son's catechism, entitled "An Appendix to M. Perkins his six principles of Christian Religion," begins on p. 66, and takes up the remaining six pages. 13 An Appendix to Mr. Perkins, his Six Principles of the Christian Religion; touching the more solemn fellowship of Christians (the Church of (Joel) as being a Divine Institution. Very fit and necessary to he learned l>\ .-ill sorts of people in these perilous times. Acts ii. 47. [London :] Printed by J. L.,for N. Bourne, and are to be sol< I at hi* .s-//o/>, at the South Entrance of the Royal Exchange, in Cornhill, 1655. 8. This is the date (1(555) given by Mr. Robert Ashton, in his edition of The Works of John Robinson (London, 1X51 ), \vhere the catechism is reprinted in vol. 3, pp. 421- 4.")i). In one place he refers to it as published in lli(!5, which is plainly a typographical error. The title given below, from the British Museum catalogue, is dated 1656 : An Appendix to Mr. Perkins his Six Principles of Christian Religion ; touching the more solemn fellowship of Christ- ians (the Church of God) as being a divine institution. London, 1656. 8. (British Museum.) The edition of 1655, according to Mr. Ashton, contains a preface, not found in the editions before-mentioned, written unquestionably by Mr. Robinson, in which he says : "Unto the former principles published by that reverend man, Mr. Will. Perkins, fully containing what every Christian is to believe touching God and himself, I have thought it fit, for the good of those especially over whom I am set (the younger sort of whom I have formerly cate- chised in private, according to the same principles), to annex a few others, touching the more Solemn Fellowship of Christians; the Church of God as being a Divine In-ti- tution, Rev. ii. 7 : the Spiritual Paradise and Temple of the living (Jod, -> Cor. vi. 16; Rom. ix. 4: in which his most solemn services are to be performed : and to which he addeth daily such as he saved, promising to d\vell in the midst of them by his most powerful and gracious presence. JOHN ROBINSON." 14 The first two questions and answers in Robinson's cate- chism are : " Q. 1 . What is the church ? A. A company of faithful and holy people, with their seed, called by the Word of God into public covenant with Christ and amongst themselves, for mutual fellowship in the use of all the means of God's glory and their salvation. Q. 2. Of what sort or number of people must this company consist? A. It is all one whether they be high or low, few or many ; so as they exceed not such a number as may ordi- narily meet together in one place for the worshipping of God and sanctification of the Lord's-day." Perkins's catechism was printed many times in England ; l it was reprinted in New England ; it was translated by John Eliot into the Indian language of Massachusetts ; and it was borrowed from by Abraham Pierson, in preparing 'Among the many editions of later date are the following: i l.,,i,_'. 8. London, 1595. 8. (British Museum, according to Mitchell's list.) London, 1597. 8. ifi' : /. Li '/a/, IGQQ. 4. (In his collected works, British Museum.) i. 8. Camliritlt/r : J. Lrf/fit,lGO3. F. (In his collected works, British Museum.) Cniiil, ri,l,/, : /. l.i'ijnil. 1W)5-(K>. F. (In his collected works, British Museum.) [London:} /'ri/i/nl In/ John l.i-ijult fur J. Porter, 1606. 12. (British Museum.) Cin/i/iri,/!/,' : /. J.ii/n/l , 160K-09. F. (In his collected works, British Museum.) Lni, I/UK : J. Li'ijiitt, 1612-13. F. (In his collected works, British Museum.) l.ninlini, 1015. 8. (Bodleian.) I.,, ml, ,n . ./. Li ''.ill, 1616-18. F. (In his collected works, British Museum.) l.unilun, 161H. 8. (Emmanuel College, Cambridge.) l.iu, ,l,in : I',-', lit,, I Ini J. L,;,,,lt s,,l,l //// A'. All, ,11. Hi'.'! I. 12'. (British Museum.) i : J. /.i, /nt/. Ktti. v*. (In his collected works, British Museum.) : I'rinli-il hi/.l. I.ninlt.jnr K. Allot, 1^33. 12. (British Museum ; Bodleian.) lnn, I'rin.ti-il In/ lulni l.'-intt. 1B35. F. (In his collected works, t'nion iloMical Seminary.) i , 1'rinli'il In/ lulni l.i i/nl, . n, nl tin In In;- so/, I In/ lliilu rt Allul . . . 1635. 8. (Library of the Church of Scotland, i l.nnilnii, la'je. 8. (Bodleian.) l.,iiiii,ni.\M\. s '. Two editions. (Bodleian.) f.i>'s Histnn/ f \< // Kinjlnnd (Savage), vol. '2, p. :t7. *Plahi< h, ,iii,i'// IK- s//o/i/t/ <-, did not reach to Ministers catechi/ings. Hut, God be thanked, the generall Court was so wise, in June last, as to enjoyn, or take sonic course for such catechizing, as I am informed, but know not the way laid down in particular, how it should be done." In 1(542 a law about catechizing was passed by the General Court, which is here copied from the original printed digest of 1660, page 16 : "CHILDREN & YOUTH, "Forasmuch as the good education of children is of singu- lar behoofe & benefitt to any Common-wealth, & where- as many parents & masters are too indulgent & negli- gent of their duty in that kind. It is Ordered . . . Also that all masters of families, do once a week (at the least ) catachise their children and servants in the grounds and principles of Religion, & if any be unable to do so much : that then at the least they procure such children and apprentices, to learn some short orthodox catechism with- out book, that they may be able to answer unto the questions, that shall be propounded to them, out of such catachism by their parents or masters or any of the Select- men, when they shall call them to a try all,, of what they have learned in this kind." The following title, from Haven's list of Ante~Hei*olu- tiaiKtri/ Publications, is probably based only upon the state- ment of Winthrop given above : A Catechism agreed upon by the Elders at the Desire of the General Court. Cambridge. \_Daye.~\ 1611. No record has been found of the publication of such an edition, and it mav welj he doubted that the elder- ever agreed upon a uniform catechism. "The fact seem- t<> 18 be," as Dr. Tnmibull expresses it, "that the early Congre- gationalists in New Kngland did not object to catechizing, but had some differences of opinion about m/VW/ /.s//?.s-; and, moreover, they regarded the catechetical instruction of the young as a duty of the household, rather than a distinct office of the church." Increase Mather, in speaking of cate- chisms, says: "These last Ages have abounded in labours of this kind ; one speaketh of no less then five hundred Catechisms extant: which of these is most elegible, I shall leave unto others to determine. I suppose there is no particular Catechism, of which it may be said, it is the best for every Family, or for every Congregation." 1 The remarks of Cotton Mather are much to the same effect. "Few Pastors of Mankind," he says, "ever took such pains at Catechising, as have been taken by our New- English Divines : Now let any Man living read the most judicious and elaborate Catechisms published, a lesser and a larger by Mr. Norton, a lesser and a larger by Mr. Mather, several by Mr. Cotton, one by Mr. Davenport, one by Mr. Stone, one by Mr. Norris, one by Mr. Noyes, one by Mr. Fisk, several by Mr. Eliot, one by Mr. Sea- born Cotton, a large one by Mr. Fitch; and say, whether true Divinity were ever better handled." 5 The first toAvn to adopt the practice of catechising chil- dren was Concord, as mentioned in the extract from Lech- ford. The church there was organized in 1(18(1, its teacher being the Rev. Peter Hulkeley, who was horn in 1.">S,">, came to New England in 111.")! or 111;-)"), and died in 1(I">S). Mr. Shattuck, in his ///.sVory of Concord (183")), states that catechi/ing was one of the constant exercises of the Sabbath. "All the unmarried people," he suvs, "were required to answer questions, after which expositions and applications were made by Mr. Bulkeley to (he whole con- gregation. This exercise was, however, soon after adopted /;,*/ />i-iii<-; !,!<:< >,f UK- Doft rint> of Clirinf, Hoston, 1C79. ii i 17(v.'), book r., p. ;;. 1!) in other churches." Salem and Boston were among the earliest to have printed eateeliisins of their own. Kowlev, ' and probably Newbun , began about the same time, and then came, at intervals, Ipswich, Cambridge, Dorchester, Koxhury, Chelmsford, New Haven, Hartford, Hampton, Xoruich, Andover, and several other places. Tin: SALKM CATECHISMS. [1641-1648?] If we may judge by the material now at hand, Salem come- first among the New Kngland towns, in point of time, with a printed catechism. The author was the Rev. Hugh Peters (born 1.">!IS, died 1(51)0), who came to New Kngland in 1(535, and was chosen teacher of the first church in Salem in lU.'Jd. In August, 1(541, he obtained leave from, the church, and was sent to Kngland on official business by the General Court of Massachusetts. It i- likely that the recommendation of the General Court in the preceding June, about catechising and catechisms, influ- enced him in bringing out the publication described below, which was printed at London in 1641 ; and as he therein called himself, "now teacher in New Kngland," it i> evi- dent that he intended to return to his Salem congregation, and that the catechism was prepared for their use. The title is as follows : t Milke for Babes, and Meat for Men. Or, Principles neces- sary to be knowne and learned of such as would know Christ here or be known of him hereafter. By Hugh Peters, sometime lecturer at St. Sepulchre's. London, now teacher in New Kngland. London, Prfnf'-tj E. P. for J. W. 1(541. X, :14 pp. (BritMi MiiM-mn : New College, Edinburgh.) Another Salem catechism seems to have been printed seven or eight years later. In a memorandum of several 20 books printed at Cambridge by Stephen Day, preserved among the Dunster manuscripts in the archives of Harvard University, for the knowledge of which I am indebted to Mr. Andrew McFarland Davis's paper on "The Cambridge Press," 1 the following entry appears : "In Norriss's Katechism about 3 Rheam Paper 7. 10. 00" The name of "Mr. Norris," and the valuation, are repeated in another column of the memorandum, preceded by the titles of the "Psa Booke" and "Law Booke." The six titles which precede the entry first mentioned are seem- ingly given in the order of their printing. 2 From this it would appear that Mr. Norris's Catechism was one of the last of Day's publications, and that it came from the press after the Law Book, probably in 1648 or 1649. Cotton Mather, as already quoted, mentions the book, but no cop} is known to be extant. It is placed, provisionally, under Salem, because Elder Edward Norris, the associate of Rev. IIuiHi Peters in the first church there, was the best known O person of the name, at that time. He came to New Eng- land, probably in 1639, was ordained as Mr. Peters's col- league in 1(540, and had sole charge of the Salem church from 1641 to 16f)7, when Mr. John Whiting was called to assist him. Mr. Norris preached the election sermon in 1646, represented his church at the Cambridge Synod in 16-17, and died in 1659. His son of the same name taught the grammar school in Salem from 1640 to 167 1. 3 In July, 1660, Mr. John Higginson was ordained minis- ter of the Salem church. On September 10th it was voted ' /'rtx'/'d/int/s ,,j- llu .I//,. Anl . 800., vol. 5(1889), pp. 295-30'_'. -They arc as follows, the dates being added in brackets: Krr.-niaiiV Oath. [1639.] Fsabooke. [1640.] Tin- Capital I.aw.'S. [1642.] The Spelling Hooks. [164-?] The Declaration of the Narra^anst-tt Warr. [.1645.] The I.awc Uooko. [1648.] Norri.-s's Katccliisin. ( It'.isy Kelt's Annul* ,,/ *,,/, / ( IX'JT), pp. 200-202. 21 "that Mr. Cotton's Catechism should be used in families for teaching children, so that tl icy might be ; prepared tor public catechising in the Congregation." 1 In No\ -ember, ir>7">, it is stated that "according to notice from the General Court, Mr. Iligginson revives his attention to the children of his Congregation. lie proposed to chatechize them every second week on the 5th and 6th days as formerly." 8 THE BOSTON CATECHISMS. [1642-1669.] Four Boston catechisms will be mentioned, two of them being by John Cotton, one by John Norton, and one by John Davenport. Cotton was teacher of the church in Boston from 1633 to his death in 1652, and Norton was associate and then teacher in the same church from 1652 to 1663. The first of Cotton's catechisms to be mentioned is the one for adults, which ran through the following editions : The Doctrine of the Church, to which is committed the Keyes of the Kingdoine of Heaven. By John Co'. Ion . . . London, 1642. 4. (Bodleian.) The | Doctrine of the | Church, | To which is committed the Keys of the | Kingdoine of Heaven. | Wherein is demonstrated by way of Question and | Answere, what a visible Church is according to the order | of the Gospel: and what Officers, Members, Worship and | Government Christ hath ordained in the New Te-ta- ment. | By that Reverend and learned Divine. Mr. Jo. Cotton, B. D. and Teacher of the Church at Boston, in New England. | London: Benjamin Allen. 1643. | 4, 13 pp. Title from Sabin's Dictionary. 1 Felt, p. 207. *Felt, p. 251. 22 The | Doctrine | of the | Church, | To which are committed the Keys of the | Kingdome of Heaven. | Wherein is demonstrated by way of Question and | Answere, What a visible Church is, according to the order | of the Gospel : And What Officers, Members, Worship and | Government Christ hath ordained in the New Testament. | B} r that Reverend and learned Divine Mr. John Cot- ton, | B. D. and Teacher of the Church in Boston in New-England. | The Second Edition : | Printed accord- ing to a more exact Copy; the Marginal! | proofes in the former Edition misplaced, being herein placed more | directly ; and many other faults both in the Line and Margent, are | here Corrected : And some few proofes and \\ords are added in the | Margent, for the better preventing or satisfying of some doubts in | some Con- troversall Points. | . . . | London, \ Printed for Ben : Allen & 8am: Satterthivaite, and are to be sold in Popes | head Alley 44. 4, title and 14 pp. The | Doctrine | of the Church, | To which is committed the Keys of the | Kingdome of Heaven. | AVherein is demonstrated byway of (^notion and | Answer, What a visible Church is, according to the order | of the Gospel: And what Officers, Members, Worship, and j Govern- ment Christ hath ordained in the New Testament. | By that Reverend and learned Divine Mr. Jo. Cotton, B. D. | and Teacher of the Church at Boston in New-England. | The Third Edition: | More exactly corrected, the Marginal! proofes in | the former Edition misplaced, being herein placed | more directly: and many other faults both in the | Line and Margent, are here Cor- 28 rected. (...) London, Printed for Ben : Allen, and are to be sold in Popes-head AH c i/. 1(144. | 4, title and 14 pp. A-B in fours. (Lenox collection.) The first two questions and answers of Cotton's Doctrine of the Church are these : "Question, What is a Visible Church:' Answer, A Church is a mysticall body, Avherof Christ is the Head, the Members be Saints, called out of the world, and united together into one Congregation, by a holy Covenant to worship the Lord, and to edifie one another, in all his holy Ordinances. Qu. What sort of members hath God set in his Church y Ans. Some that are Ministers or Officers in the Church : others commonly called by the generall name, which belongeth to all the Members, Brethren and Saints." Cotton's other catechism is the one for children, entitled Milk for Babes "that incomparable Catechism," as Cotton Mather calls it. The title was perhaps suggested by Crashaw's older work. 1 Appearing first in 1046, or earlier, it ran through many editions : Milk | For | Babes. | Drawn | Out of the Breasts of both | Testaments. | Chiefly, for the spiritual] nourishment | of Boston Babes in either England : | But may be of 1 Milke for Babes. Or, A North -Countrie Catechisme. Made plaine and easie, to the Capacitie of the Countrie people. The Second Impression. By William Crashaw Batchellor in Diuinity, and Preacher of the Word. Lonilun, /'riiitfit hi/ \irln,/,is o/.rs, tniil tin- In I"' st;/ Tliy the author, William C'rashaw, B. I)., and Preacher of the Word of (iod at Whiteeliapell. l.innloi,. 1'rml"! Inj \i<-/i, >/!;*. UH. 8 3 . Hugh Peters's catechism, Milkvfiir ll n, is dcM-rilied among the Salem e,ate(;hisms. Still another publication lias the i ; Milk for l!ahes: or. a MotherV Cateclii>m for her Children . . . W hereunto also annexed Three Sermons. By Robert Abbot. London, 1646. 8. (British Museum.) 24 like use for any | Children. | By John Cotton, B. D. | and Teacher to the Church of Boston | in New-England. | London, \ Printed by J. Coe,for Henry Overtoil, \ and are to be sold at his Shop, in \ Popes-head Alley, \ 1040. | 8, 13 pp. (British Museum; Dr. Charles Deane.) Another edition, printed at London, in 1048, is also in the British Museum, bound in the same volume with the edition of 1040, with press-mark E. 1180. (15.) The old- est known edition printed in New England has come down to us in but a single copy, with title as follows : Spiritual | Milk for Boston Babes | In either England. | Drawn out of the | Breasts of both Testaments | for their souls nourishment | But may be of like use to any | Children. | By John Cotton, B. D. | late Teacher to the Church of | Boston in New-England. | Oambridg \ Printed by 8. G. for Hezekiah Vsher \ at Boston in New-England \ 1050. | 8, (2), 13 pp. (Livermore collection.) The running heading is "Milk for Babes." On the back of the title of this copy is the autograph signature of " Jno. Hull," master of the mint, whose diaries are printed in the third volume of our Society's Transactions. Hull became a Member of the first church in Boston, under John Cotton's teaching, in 104X. The catechism beins : " Q. What hath God done for you V , I />*//-. (iod hath made me, He keepeth me, and He can save inc. (jHcxf. Who is (iod? A. (iod is a Spirit of himself, and for himself. Q. I low many Gods be there? J//.s. There is but one God in three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost." 25 Other editions were printed in ll!(if> (probably), 1 at Cam- bridge in Kil>8, and at London in 16li8 and IdT-J. Spiritual Milk for Babes. A catechism. By John Cotton. Catiiln-i> pp. Title from the addenda to Haven's list. In September, ll!(>7, shortly alter John Wilson's death, John Davenport was Called from New Haven to the First Church in Boston. lie was ordained minister December !', 1()()xl. was graduated M.A. from Christ's College, Cam- bridge, in I(i04, and became chaplain in the family of Sir Francis Barrington, in Essex, who obtained for him the living of Rowley in Yorkshire. In 1038 he removed to This edition of the J'liilj'onn was " Ke]rol>ul>ly edited by Rev. James Allen, who had been Davenport's colleague. Set- A. B. Ellis's Ifix/tiri/ of tin' I'h-sl Clnn-rli (Boston, 1881), p. 159. "I am indebted to the Rev. Egbert C'. Sinxtli. I'.D., <>f Andover, for calling my :it: v.it ion to this car- rlii>m. and for iudii'.il Ing the sources of information. "Sv-e the Appendix. 28 New England, with a large company of his townsmen, and in 1631) commenced a new settlement named Rowley. Here he remained as minister of the church until his death, January 23, 1661. * The catechism described below as having been " gathered long since for the use of an honour- able family," was probably made while Rogers was in the service of Sir Francis Barrington. It seems not to have been published until 1642, when it was printed at London. Two editions have been traced : The Chief Grounds of Christian Religion set down by way of catechising, gathered long since for the use of an honourable family. By Exekiel Rogers, Minister of God's Word, sometime of Rowley in Yorkshire, now in New England. . . . London: Printed by I. L. for Christopher Meredith, at the sign of the Crane in Paul's Churchyard, 1642. 8. (Bodleian ; New College, Edinburgh.) The Chief Grounds of Christian Religion set down by way of catechising . . . By Ezekiel Rogers . . . London, 1648. 8. (British Museum; Bodleian.) The edition of 164*2 is reprinted in Rev. Dr. Alexander F. Mitchell's Catechisms of the Second Reformation (Lon- don, 1886), pp. 53-64, from which source the above title and the opening questions, as below, are extracted : "Question. Wherefore hath God given to man a reason- able and an immortal soul? A. That he above all other creatures should seek God's glory and his own salvation. Q. Where is he taught how this is to be done? A. In the Scriptures or Word of God. Q. What are the Scriptures? A. The Canonicall books of the Old and Newe Testa- ment. /listnri/ nj limrlfii, pp. 10-15, 66-7; J. A. Doyle in the DiHiinm nj J \." The catechism is grouped under headings, as follows : "The first general I head; of God," "The second general! head; of Man," "The first estate," "The second estate of misery," "The third estate of grace," "The fourth estate of immortality." At the end is the text from Rev. 20. 6: "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection : for on such the second death hath no power." In the work by Dr. Mitchell, referred to above, an attempt is made to trace out the sources of the several answers in the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism; and those manuals which seem to have been most closely tf followed and deserve to be most carefully compared, are reprinted in full or in part. The conclusion to which he comes is stated in these words : "I may say generally, that so far as plan and the order of the questions or interrogatories is concerned, I still regard the little catechism of Ezekiel Rogers, who was a minister first in Yorkshire, and latterly in New England, as most closely resembling the Assembly's Shorter Cate- chism. The answers in his little treatise are much more simple and elementary, the exposition of the ten com- mandments is in the briefest possible form, and the verbal coincidences in individual answers are few. But all is there in miniature, and almost all in the same order a- in the later and fuller catechism." 1 A little farther on he adds : "It contains in miniature almost all that is in the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly. It is decidedly similar to it in plan and type of doctrine, though the verbal coincidences are by no means so numerous a> in some of the other catechisms reprinted in this volume." 1 Mitrlicll's Cj tin X.,;,,,,l /.1>. XXX', XXXJi. See also the same author's '/>/,/,//(>//; Am n,i>l ; i. its //;.>//// .//,./ xt,i,i>lnr<>rl : Printed by Barrett & March, 1797. 12, 13 pp. Title from Sab in's Dictionary. The edition of 1714 is reprinted by Mr. .Coffin in his History of Newbury, pp. 287-291. "It is the only copy," he says, "I have ever seen in Newbury, and was found 1 Coffin's History of Newbury (1845), p. 33. 31 among the papers of Mr. Ichabod Coffin." Another copy was in Part III. of the Brinley sale, No. 58fil. The cate- chism begins thus : "Quest. How do the Scriptures prove themselves to be true ? Answ. By the holiness of the matter, by the majesty of the style, by the accomplishment of the Prophesies, by the efficacy of their power on the hearts of men, besides the holy Ghost beareth witness, helping us to discern the truth of them. Q. What is the sum of the Scriptures? A. A Doctrine of a godly life. Q. Wherein consists a godly life ? A. In the obedience of Faith." Many of the questions are very brief, as the following specimens will show : What is Faith? What is Election? AVhat is Reprobation? What is Sin? What is Original Sin? What is Actual Sin? What is Guilt? What is Punishment? What is Christ? What is Redemption? What is Vocation? What is Repentance? What is Justi- fication? What is Adoption? What is Glorification? What is a Sacrament? What is Discipline? What is Hope? What is Love? What is Fear? What is Humility? What is Gratitude? What is Obedience? What is Good- ness? What is Mercy? What is Meekness? What is Patience? What is Temperance? What is Chastity? What is Modesty? What is Gravity? What is Righteous- ness? What is Liberality? What is Frugality? What is Verity? What is Fidelity? The last question is one that would puzzle even some adults of now-a-days : AVhat is Contentation ? The answer is : "A grace which inclineth us to accept our own portion, whether good or evil, with Thanksgiving." 32 THE IPSWICH CATECHISM. [1648.] This catechism was prepared by Mr. John Norton, who was born in 1606, graduated B.A. at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, in 1(527, and came to New England in 163"). In 1636 he settled at Ipswich as minister of the church, of which he was formally ordained teacher, October 20, 1638. Here he remained until 1652, when he was called to the first church in Boston, on the death of John Cotton. Mr. Norton was also the author of a brief catechism for chil- dren, with a somewhat similar title, which is described among the Boston catechisms. The Ipswich catechism has this title : A Brief and Excellent Treatise containing the Doctrine of Godlinesse, or Living unto God. Wherein the Body of Divinity is substantially proposed and methodically digested, by way of Question and Answer . . . By John Norton . . . London, 1648. [1647, o. s.] 8. (British Museum.) THE CAMBRIDGE CATECHISM. [1648.] The Cambridge catechism was by Thomas Shepard, minister of the church there from 1636 to 1649.* It was published first at London, with a preface "to the Christian Render " by William Adderley, dated from Charterhouse. in London, February 1, 1(147 [1648, x. s.], and a joint opinion by John Geree and Will. Greenhill, dated March 27, 1648. No separate edition has been found, the editions described below having been appended to other works by the same author : The First | Principles | of the Oracles of | God. | Collected | By Thomas Shepheard, | Sometimes of Emanuel-Col- ledge. Now Preacher | of Gods Word in | New-Knir- 33 land. | ... London, | I'riiifeil />// .17. Siniinonx, 104 i-!iifcil />// II'. limit. Apj)ended to Shepard's Certain Enfland. | 1 li.")(). | K Cases Resolved, 1050, of which it forms pp. .">.~>-S7. (Lenox collection.) The First | Principles of the | Oracles | 'of | God. | Col- lected by | Thomas Shephard, Sometimes of Kmanuel College in | Cambridge, Xo\v Preacher of | Gods Word in New-England. I ... I London. \ Printed for John C | J 7 I */ RotJ/u-cl. 1 (;;"). | 8, (.")), 17 pp. (Lenox collection.) This edition was originally appended to Shepard's V'//'.-'* SabbaticcK, 1055, and the signatures run in continuation of that volume, Z 2 Aa 4 . The First | Principles | of the | Oracles | of | God. | Col- lected | By Thomas Shephard, Sometime of Kmanuel Col- | led ( ire in Cambridge; Now | Preacher of (Jod'> Word | in New-Knu'land. | . . . | \_Londou>'\ l!<- l>i-inl< j ', if<-!>), p. 24. On September 15, IS'll, it came into the possession of our Society, by purchase from C. C. G. Thornton. Its title is as follows: A | Catechisme | Or, | The Grounds and Princi- | pies of Christian Religion, set | forth by way of Question | and Answer. | Wherein the summe of the Doctrine of | Religion is comprised, familiarly opened, | and clearly 1 Mather's Magnolia, (1702), book 3, p. 128. 85 confirmed from the | Holy Scriptures. | By Rirlmrd Mather, Teacher to the | Church at Dorchester in New- England. | Hold last the lonn of sound words which thou hast heard of me | iu faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus. '1 Tim. i. 13. When lor the time ve ought to he Teachers, ye have need that | one teach vou again the first principles of the Oracles oi (iod. and are become such as have need of Milke, and not ot" strong | meat. Heb. 5. 12. | London, \ /V///W fur John Rothwell, and are to be sold at | his shoj> <>. 124, (2) pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) The volume contains Mr. Thornton's name written in it, and on the title is the manuscript inscription : "Ex Libris Ed. Wigglesworfch," being the signature of the first Ilollis professor of divinity in Harvard College, who died in 1 7<>.">. In an address to the reader, by John Cotton and John Wilson, it is stated that : "Our reverend brother (according to the precious Talent of wisdom, and sound judgement given unto him, <> d of all men. And faile not herein vppon such penaltie as the Court shal see reson to inflict vppon Information giuen against such as shalbe found Delinquent herein : this 11 of the 12: m 1655." 1 On the 2d of the last month, 1650, there was recorded " a memorandome that the Gran Jurymen were with us to speake with us aboute som things that the}' thought were lyable to bee presented as narnly this that the Chatecysing of Children is neglected in ower towne." 2 In 1665, it seems that a new edition of one of the cate- chisms had been printed, for it was then voted that "the new impression of M r Mathers Catechismes should be payd for, out of a Towne Rate, and so the books to become the Towns." Anthony Fisher was authorized to pay 4. 10*. for the printing of said catechism, and the books were dis- tributed to each family in town by the elders, the select- men and Deacon Capen. 3 No copy of this "new impres- sion " has been found. THE ROXBURY CATECHISM. [1650?] The only authority for this publication is the Dunster manuscript previously mentioned, as printed in Mr. Andrew McFarland Davis's paper on "The Cambridge Press." 4 The entry comes in a list of several books printed at Cambridge by Samuel Green, during the first five year> of his management of the press, and it is placed between 1 Dorchester Toivn Records, p. 73. 2 Dorchester Town Records, p. 84. 3 History of Dorchester (1859), pp. 202, 203; Don'lu'xtn- 'l'<>n /.',,/,/*, pp. rjc, 127, 135. Proceedings of the Am. Ant. Soc., vol. 5 (1889), pp. 295-302. 38 the "Sinod Books" [Cambridge Platform] of 1649 and the Psalm Book of 1651, as follows : " Mr Danforth's Katechism 10 00 00 abate for printing & paper 6 00 00 4 00 00 Cost 4. 00. 00 &a 100 books 1. 00. 00 5. 00. 00" As the person referred to is probably the Rev. Samuel Dan forth of Roxbtiry, the catechism is placed under the heading of that town. Mr. Danforth was born in England in 1626. He was brought to New England in 1634, was graduated at Harvard College in 1643, and was ordained as colleague to Rev. John Eliot at Roxbury, September 24, 1650. He died in 1674. 1 If he is the author of this catechism, it was most likely printed at Cambridge not long after his ordination, in 1650 or 1(551. No copy is known to be extant. THE CIIELMSFORD CATECHISMS. [1657-1796.] The town of Chelmsford was settled in 1653, and in 1655 the Rev. John Fiske removed to it from Wen ham, with the greater part of his congregation. Mr. Fiske was born in 1601, came to New England in 1637, became pastor of the Wen ham church (then part of Salem village) in 1(544, and died at Chehnsford, January 14, 1676-7. At the earnest solicitation of the inhabitants of Chehns- ford, to compose a new catechism for the use and instruc- tion of their children, he prepared and published, at the cost of the town, the following: 'See C. M. Ellis's /////// f lt,,.rl,in- t i Ton-it ( 1S47 ). p. i)f, ; F. S. Drake's Town of lin ,l,nry (1878), pp. 140-142; and Sibley's H yours: for looking to the poor-Penman, as Relating to you: to the external moving Cause., as arising firstly iSc freely from you, to the End X use as centering in you, to the reason of the Publishing thereof, as resting with you, and the care & costs, as to that end expended by you : It must not otherwise be determined but Yorus. Which being so, you have saved me the labour, of prefacing on behalfe, either of this so necessary & fruitfull an exen-i-c of Catechising, or of this present draught: or of publish- ing it. The present encumbrances of our new-begining you know to have declined me till of late, from the former, and mine own inabilities much more from the latter, a> be. ing rather desirous to have made use of some others labours that way, or at least-wise to have acted mine own feeble apprehensions in a more private manner amongst our selves. But God hath moved your minds, first to see, and seeing to cause, as it must be as it is. I shall add only a word or two touching use ; 1. The Scripture quo- tations in the margent, are so severed by those distinct marks as it is not hard to discern to which an.-wer they pertayn. 2. They are orderly set down (for the gem-rail as they relate to the severall sentences or part- in the answers. 3. Where more then one, are mentioned to the 40 same purpose, it is not without special cause, and may serve for help of memory, when we may have occasion to branch out such a subject, into its particulars. 4. Profitably you may reduce Promises to their proper heads in the Lords Prayer, and Dutves or fay lings to their proper places in the Decalogue. As for the annexing of these with the Doctrine of the Sacraments, by way of Appendix, It is because the same will more suit with such capacities as are all ready entered, then such as are but in their enteraiiee. I say no more but this, If now you & yours, (as is hoped) shall gain any Spiritual fruit by these poor weak Travells of mine, I have my desire : and no small encouragement, in the midst of many wilderness-discouragements. To His Blessing therefore I commit both } r ou iSc yours, who is the God of all Blessing : and Rest Yours in the Lord JOHN FISKE. Chelmesford this 25 of i. mo: 1(557." The catechism (pp. 5-1(5) has the running heading, "The Olive-Plant watered," and begins thus : "Q. Who made thee, or gave thee thy Being? Anxn\ God, the giver of Beings. Quest. What is God? Answ. The Maker, Preserver and Governour of all things. Q. Are there not more Gods than one? A. No, there is but One God in three Persons; the Father, Son, and Holy-Ghost." The "three-fold Appendix," mentioned in the title, fills pp. H5-S.S, and is divided thus: "First touching Prayer," pp. 11511 ; "Second touching the Nature and use of the two Sacraments of the Gospel," pp. 4150; and "Third touching Obedience and the Rule thereof," pp. ."iO-88. A copy ot this edition was used by Mr. Allen, in his Ilixtori/ of ('lifhiixfortl (Ilaverhill, 1820), where some extract- I'roni it are printed. We learn from the addenda to Haven's list that there was subsequently published an : 41 Appendix of Catechism, Touching Church ( io\ eminent. By John Fiske. Cambridge, KKJS. H, 1(5 pp. was another Chelmsford catechism ])ul)lished manv years after, in 17 ( .H>, which is somewhat of a cnriositv. It was prepared by Rev. Ile/ekiah Packard, who was minis- ter of the Chelmsford church from 17JK-J to 1X0^. It has this title : A | Catechism, containing | The First Principles | of | Religious and Social Duties. | Adapted to the Capacities of Children and Youth, and | Beneficial to Heads of Families. | By He/ekiah Packard, | Minister of Chelms- ford. | ... | Printed by Samuel Hall, No. 53, Corn- hill, Boston. | 17!M!. | 12, S4 pp. (American Antiqua- rian Society.) The book has the following dedication: "To impartial Inquirers after Truth; To real Patrons of the Christian Faith; and To sincere Followers of Christ, our Lord and Master, This Catechism, Designed for the Benefit of the rising Generation, Is humbly dedicated by the Author, Who wishes to be numbered \vith such Inquirers, is a Pro- fessor of the same Faith, and a Servant of the same Master." Prefixed is the recommendation of a committee of three, Joseph Willard, Simeon Howard and David Tappan, in which the}' say : "Though the Catechism in common use be, in the main, an accurate, learned, and comprehensive summary, which retlects much honor on its venerable Compilers: yet many parts of it, both in sentiment and language, greatly exceed the capacities of children : and thus tend not only to fill their memories with mere words and phrases, but to induce an early habit of substituting these in the room of ideas, yea. of considering them as the very >ultauce of religion." 42 Another recommendation, signed by Henry Cumings, of Billerica, states that : "This catechism has one obvious excellence to recom- mend it, which is, That it meets all denominations of christians upon harmonious ground, neither embracing nor censuring the distinguishing peculiarities of different per- suasions." Part second contains "A Political Catechism, designed to lead Children into the Knowledge of Society, and to train them to the Duties of Citizens," the first question being: "What is Civil Government?" Part third was "designed for the benefit and instruction of young people and heads of families." The first three questions and answers of the first part are : "Question. Can you tell me, child, who made } r ou? Answer. God made me, and all things in Heaven and earth. Q. For what end and design did God make you? A.. God made me to know and do His will, and to praise and enjoy Him forever. Q. What must you do to please and enjoy God forever? A. I must love and serve God; I must love and obey my Parents ; I must speak the truth, and be just and kind." THK NK\V HAVKX CATECHISM. [1059.] John Davenport, the principal author of this catechism, was horn in 1">!>7, came to New Kngland in 111.')?, and in 1(>38 was one of the founders of New Haven. He was pastor of the church there from 1(538 to 1(5(57, when he was called to Boston, where he died in 1(570. In 1(544 or 1(54"), William Ilookc was associated with Davenport as teacher in the New Haven church. Hooke returned to 43 England in lii'x!. where he died in 1(!77. The catechism here described 1 contains the two names as joint authors: A | Catechisme | containing the | Chief Heads | of I Christian Religion. | Published, at the desire, and for the | use of the Church of Christ at | New-Haven. | ^ John Davenport, Pastor. By ) And ( William Hooke, Teacher. London: Printed by John Brudenell, and | are to be no] (I !>i/ John Allen | at the Sign of the Sun-R'i&ing in I St. Paul* Chni-ch-i/ar't, 1<;:>!). | 8, 54 pp. (Vale University; British Museum; Williams Library, Lon- don.) On the back of the title is an advertisement of books printed for John Allen. The catechism begins on page 3 with : "(Jn. What is true Religion? Answ. A wisdom from above, wherebv we live unto God. (Jit. How may a man live unto God? Answ. By faith in God, and obedience towards God. Qu. What is faith in God? Answ. It is the first act and meanes of spiritual! life, whereby the soul, believing God, resteth in God, as in the only Author and principle of life." In 1853 the catechism was reprinted as below, under the editorship of Rev. Leonard Bacon : Ancient Waymarks. A Profession of Faith, | By John Davenport, | at the Institution of the | First Church in New Haven; | and the New 1 laven Catechism, | originally prepared for that Church, I By j John Davenport, Pa>tor, "The titles and description of Davenport's New Haven catechism have le'ii fur- nished by the courtesy of Prof. Franklin U. Dexter, Secretary of Yale University. The title of the original edition is entered anonymously in the "Catalogue of the Library in Hed Cross Street, Cripple>rate; founded pursuant to will of the Reverend Daniel Williams." (London, 1841), vol. 2, p. 69. 44 | and | William Hooke, Teacher. | With a Preface, | Bv | Leonard Bacon, | Pastor of the same Church. | JVew Haven: \ Printed !>;/ B. L. Ilamlen, \ Printer to Yale College. \ 1853. 12, 72 pp. (Yale University.) For another catechism by Davenport, printed in 1661) for the use of the First Church in Boston, see the account of Boston Catechisms. THE HAKTFORD CATECHISM. [Before 16(53?] Hartford had a catechism at an early date, under the ministry of Rev. Samuel Stone, \vho came to New England in 1633, and was teacher of the church at Hartford from 1636 until his death in 1663. No record has been found, however, of its having been printed- during his lifetime, and it may have been used for some time in manuscript copies only. The earliest edition known was published in 1684, for use in Farniington, Hartford County, under the direction or at the expense of John Wadsvvorth, one of the two men in the town, besides the minister, who bore the appellation of "Mister." Mr. Wads worth was one of the standing Council during Philip's war, having been Deputy from 1672 to 1677, and Assistant from 16711 until his death in 1689. Mr. Brinley's copy of this edition (No. 867) was bought for the Watkinson Library, Hartford. Below is a description of the Livermore copy : A Short | Catechism | Drawn out of the Word of God. | By Sanivel Stone, Minister | of the Word at Hartford, | on Connect icot. | Boston in New-England, \ Printed !>;/ Samuel Green, for John Wadsworth \ of Farmin\_g~\- ton, 1684. | 8, lf> pp. (Livermore-collection ; Watkin- son Library. ) On the last (blank) page of the Livermore copy is writ- ten : " Eli/b" 1 Ellis mother died November : 83," and below, 45 in another hand, ".John Marion His Book." The question* in this edition be^'iii as follows : 4 What is Divinity or Religion? Anxii\ A Doctrine of living well. Q. What is it to live well? A. To will the good Will of God. Q. What are the parts of Divinity ? A. Faith in God, and Observance towards God. Q. What is Faith in God? A. A confidence in trusting in the name of God for life." It was printed again as below : A | Short | Catechism | Drawn out of the | Word | of | God. | By Samuel Stone, | Minister of the Word at Hartford in 1 Connecticut. Boston. Printed by J. y Franklin, for D. Henchman, 1720. 8, title and 13 pp. (Watkinson Library.) This copy of the 1720 edition, said to be "hardly less rare than the first [1084] edition," \vas in the Brinley sale, No. 58IJ2. Mr. Stone also left in manuscript, "A Body of Divinity, in a catechetical way," of which several copies are extant. 1 Cotton Mather states that "This Rich Treasure has often been Transcribed b the vast Pains of our Candidates for the Ministry ; and it ha* miulc some of our mo*t Con.-idera- ble Divines. But all Attempts for the Printing of it, hitherto proved Abortive."' The widow of Mr. Stone married George Gardner, a merchant of Salem. In Octo- ber, ll>.SH, her son, Samuel Stone, of Hartford, brought an action against the administrator of her e-tatr, " for unjust detaining from him-the product of a certain book or Cattc- One MS. of this work, 540 i>]>. in quarto, is in the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and another is in the Watkitison Library at Hartford. See Winthroji's History <>f \in- Km/In n. 108, note; and <. L. Walker's History <>j the l-'irsl cinin-li in ll. 11^. 46 chism bequeathed to him by his Father, and sold by his mother, Mrs. Gardner, to the vallue of sixty pounds." 1 THE IlA.Mi'Tox CATKCIIISM. [ieea.] The Hampton catechism was made by Mr. Seaborn Cotton, John Cotton's eldest son, who was born on the ocean voyage to New England in 1633. He was a gradu- ate of Harvard College, and began to preach at Hampton, then in Massachusetts but now in New Hampshire, in 1657. He was ordained in 1658, and died in 1686. The latest historian of Hampton repeats the statement of Dr. Cotton Mather, that Seaborn Cotton was the author of a catechism, but he adds, "we know nothing of the charac- ter of this work, nor whether any copies are still extant." 2 Mr. Sabin, in his Dictionary of Books relating to America, copies the title from Thomas Prince's MS. catalogue of his New England Library, and adds : " I have met with no other notice of the pamphlet, which has probably perished." Prince's title is: "Brief Summ of y e Cheif Articles of y e X" Faith - - a Catechism. Camb. 1663. 8, pp. 36. This is s (l to be By Mr Seaborn Cotton, in y e Title Page, in y e Hand- Writing of ." Even Mr. Sibley was not able to trace a copy, and had to content himself with Prince's account, for his Harvard Graduates. The descrip- tion below is from the Livermore copy : A | Brief Suniine | of the cheif articles | of our Christian Faith, | Composed | in way of | Question and Answer, | Now | Published, especially for the Benefit of | the Town of | Hampton. | Cambridg \ Printed by Samuel Green, 1663. | 8, title and 36 pp. (Livermore col- lection.) The first few questions and answers are : 1 //istnrir,!/ M,ii/,i--i,,i-. \ni. :: i is,v i >, pp. :>s, :, March, KIC4, it was "voted, and agreed, y* tho.se y* are willing to have their children called forth to be catechised, shall give in their names to Mr. Cotton for that end, between this and the second day of next month." 1 THE NORWICH CATECHISM. [K57D.] The author of the Norwich catechism was the Rev. James Fitch, one of the first settlers of the town, in lililo, and its first minister. He was born in the County of Kssex, England, in 1(>22, came to New England in ir>;;s, and died in 1702. In l(57i) the catechism was printed, with the following title : The first P[r]inciples of the Doctrine of | Christ; | Together with stronger Meat for them that | are skil'd in the AYord of Righteousness. | Or | The Doctrine of living unto (iod, wherein the j Body of Divinity | Is Briefly and methodically handled by way of | Question and Answer. | Published at the desire, and for the use of | the Church of Christ in Norwich in | New-England. | By .lame- Fitch Pastor | of that Church. | Psal. :U. 11. Come ye Children, hearken unto me, I will | teach you the fear of the Lord. | '2 Tim. 1. 13. Hold fast the form of sound words | which thou hast heard of me, in Faith and Love | which is in Christ lesus. | Boston, Printed 'Sibley's llun-nril <;rn, (2) pp. (Liver- more collection; Watkinson Library.) The address "To the Reader" is signed by Increase Mather, and dated, "Boston, 4. in. 23. d. 1079." In it he says : "As for the worthy Author, although the Lord hath seen meet to fix his present station not only in a wilderm --. but in one of the obscurest places therein, yet is his praise in the Gospel throughout all the Churches. And by what is here presented, (as well as by other things formerly published) it doth appear that the Author is a Workman that needeth not to be ashamed. For here is not only Milk for Babes in respect to Principles, with much solid dexterity asserted, but strong Meat in respect of rational explications, and Demonstrations of those Principles, that the ablest men, who have their senses exercised in discern- ing things of this nature, may be edified." Each answer is followed by an, exposition and definition. The first questions are : "Q. What is Religion ? A. Religion is a Doctrine of living unto God, and con- n-is of two parts, Faith and Observance. Q. What is Faith ? A. Faith is the first part of Religion, and is a trusting in God for life, proceeding from a gifmnded knowledge of God, as he hath made known himself in his suliiciency. and in his efficiency." 1 The last page contains on one side the form of Church Covenant, and on the other a list of errata. On page 76 of the Livennore copy is the following manuscript memorandum : "Read June 1720. Read 1741." The Watkinson Library copy was from the Brinley sale, No. 7(5H. A writer in the Historical Magaxine, vol. 3 (18;")!)), pp. 59, 93, describe^ a- a catechism another work by Mr. Fitch, which is not a catechism at all. 49 THK ANDUVKI: C \TI:< IIIMI. [1738.] The catechism for Andovcr was prepared bv Rev. Samuel Phillips, minister of the South Parish there, from 1710 to 1771. It is dedicated "To the Children under inv Pastoral Care," Mareh 30th, 17oS, and has the title: The Orthodox Christian: | Or, | A Child | well instructed in the | Prineij)les | of the | Christian Religion: | Exhib- ited in a Discourse by Way of | Catechi/in-. | Designed for the l T se and Benefit of the | Children, in the South "Parish in Andover : | To whom it i.s Dedicated. | Bv Samuel Phillips. M. A | And V. D. M. | Published at the Desire of many of his own People, | and of some others. | > Tim. I. 13. Hold fast the Form of sound | Words. And, | Eph. 4. 14. Henceforth, be no more Children, | tossed to and fro, and carried about with every Wind | of Doctrine . | Boston, Printed by S. Kneeland; and T. Green, | for D. IIenchmo. and ('*i><'cieriou> perusal ; hoping, that by means of f/fcsf^ together with that .Kfiiiiniif of !!< Uixlonj of out- X/V/V, you will be- come, as you grow up, intelligent and jiidieious'( 'hristiaus." The delightful entertainment that was provided for the child is foreshadowed in the opening paragraphs : "Minister. I am very glad, Child, that we have the Opportunity of meeting airain, at the appointed Time, and Place. Child. I am so likewise: And I must needs say, Sir, that I have thought the Interval longer than common. Miii. I rejoice to hear it; I hope then, that you take Delight in .such Opportunities. Ch. 1 think, I do Sir : And, I desire to be very thank- ful to God for it. M. What you have said, gives me great Kncounige- ment to proceed ; and, if you please, we will enter, now, without any further Introduction, upon the intended Kxer- cise. G. With all my Heart, Sir." At the end of the catechism is a page of Errata, and then "To supply a few vacant Pages the following Hymns from Dr. Watts are here inserted," filling the last six pages. The copy here described bears the manuscript inscription on the fly-leaf: "For his Son William Phillips," and has the autograph : "George Livermore, Dana Hill, Cambridge. 1840." THE SANDWICH C\ TKCIIISM. [1793.] The Rev. Jonathan Burr, the author of this cateehism. graduated from Harvard College in 1 7S4, and was minis- ter of the church in Sandwich from 17*7 to IMS. He was one of the founders of Sandwich Academy, and died in 1842, aged 85 years. The catechism is entitled: 52 A | Catechism, | in Four Parts. | Compiled for the assist- ance of | Parents, | in the instruction of their | Children ) in the first principles of | Piety and Morality | . . . | Printed at Boston, \ by I. Thomas and E. T. Andrews, | Fausfs Statue, No. 45, Newbury Street. \ MDCC- xcm. | 12, 24 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) On the back of the title is the following notice : "To Rev. Mr. Jonathan Burr. Sir, Your proposal of statedly catechising, and judicious selection for that pur- pose, were received, by the people of your charge, with approbation and a grateful sense of your benevolence and pious care to cultivate, in the tender minds of their chil- dren, the principles of virtue and religion. In full parish meeting, they unanimously directed us the subscribers to present you their thanks, and request a copy, for the press, of the proposed Catechism ; which, with this testimony of their hearty concurrence in your laudable design, they have ordered to be printed. We are very happy, Sir, in complying with their direc- tion ; and are in their names, as well as our own, your most obedient humble servants, NATHANIEL FREEMAN, JOSEPH NYE, M. BOURN. SANDWICH, February, 17J)3." The first few questions are : "Question. Can you tell me, child, who made you? J//.S//Y-/'. (io<1 make you? A. To be good and happy. Q. What must you do to be good? A. I must love and reverence God ; love and obey my parents; speak the truth always; and be just and kind to all persons." ^ THE HINGHAM CATECHISMS. [1794-1817.] The authors of the first Ilingliam catechism were Daniel Shute and Henrv Ware. The former was minister of the 58 Second (formerly the Third) Church in Hingham in>m 174(j to his death in 1802. He was a delegate to the Massachusetts and Federal Conventions. Rev. Dr. Ware was minister of the First Church from 1787 to 180"), when he was chosen Hollis Professor of Divinity in Harvard College. He died in 1845, aged 81 years. Their joint catechism appeared with this title : A | Compendious and Plain | Catechism, | designed for the | benefit | of the | rising generation, | and | Recom- mended to the attentive Use | of | Heads of Families | in the | Education of their Children, | as adapted to improve them | in piety and virtue. | It is better to die without Children, than to have them that | are ungodly. Son of Sirach. I Train up a Child in the Way he should i go ; and when he | is old, he will not depart from it. Solomon. | Suffer little Children to come unto me ; for of such is the | Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ. | Printed by Samuel Hall, No. 53, Cornhill, Boston, 1794. | 12, 34 pp. (Livermore collection.) The address : "To the Respectable Inhabitants of Hing- ham," signed by Daniel Shute and Henry Ware, states that "the model of instruction presented in this pamphlet is, in part, extracted from the catechism of the pious and learned Dr. Watts, with a little variation, and some addi- tional questions and answers." The first questions and answers are : "Q. Can yon tell me, child, who made you? A. The great God, who made heaven and earth. Q. Why did the great God make you and all other creatures? A. Perfectly happy in himself, his infinite goo. On May 1, 1797, he was invited to preach at Brhnfield upon probation, and thereupon resigned his charge at Machias, was dismissed by vote of the town, Mav 10, and by vote of the church, November 2, 1797. He had preached at Brimfield the year before, during the illness of Rev. Nehemiah Williams, and while absent on a vacation from his people in Machias. On November 20, the town and church of Brimfield voted to give him a call, and in June, 179*, he was formally installed. In 1803 he was dismissed by vote of the church, and after preaching in several places, died in Maryland, January 12, 1817. He received honorary degrees from Harvard in 1797 and in 1811, and also from Dartmouth and several other colleges. While pastor at Machias, it is stated that he "reformed the articles of faith, abrogating the doctrines of the Trinity and total depravity, and admitting persons to the Com- munion without any evidence of regeneration. About half of the Church refused to unite with it in its new form, and were suspended from Church privileges." According to Mr. Hyde's "Historical Address" at Brimfield, 1 Mr. Brown "was an avowed unbeliever in those Evangelical doctrines which this church has, during all its history, maintained as fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith." After men- tioning several of his publications, 9 he adds : "Reference is made in one of these pamphlets to a catechism published by Mr. Brown, while at Machias, but no copy of it i> known to be in existence." The following is evidently the work referred to : i Hi*lori<;,l <;!, -I, ration oj'tl,,- ToW "/' liri nijh'lil (Springfield, 1879), pp. 97-106. S 8ee Williamson's Bibliography of Maine, where titles are given of two of these pamphlets, both printed at New Bedford. 56 A | Catechism, | in | Three Parts : | designed for the use of | Children. | Part I. Containing general In- j struetions i;i Religious Know- | ledge. | Part II. Con- taining explanatory | Directions, respecting the gen- | eral design &. use of the Bible. | Part III. Containing ;i Know- | ledge of the Christian Kelig- | ion in particular. | By Clark Brown, B. I). M. | Newbedford: | Printed by John Spooner. \ 1797. | 12, 31 pp. (American Antiquarian Societ} r .) On the back of the title-page is the following : "Advertisement. The Author has no design, to disre- spect the Catechism of the Assembly of Divines, by the pivMMit ( Compilation : But is fully sensible that it is beyond the comprehension of Children and that it contains some sentiments, with which, many sincere Christians are not pleased, and of consequence unwilling to have their Chil- dren taught them. As many of the People of his Charge, considered the Assemblys' Catechism in this light, the Author was induced to devote a few hours, in making the present Compilation : and at their request & expence it is published, particularly for the use of their Children." The catechism begins : "Question 1. For what end were we made? Answer. To glorify God, and to be happy in his enjoy ment forever. >. What is (iod? (iod is a Spirit; and though we cannot see him in this life, yet he sees us, and knows all our words, thoughts, and actions; for he is present in all places. (JtH'.vf. I). What are (iod's attributes? Jy/.svr. Eternity in his existence; uuchaiigeableness in his purposes; and in his communications to us, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth." 57 Tin: INDIAN C \TKrinsMs. 1 [1654-1795.] At the end of Samuel Danforth's Aliii of "A chronological table of sonic few memorable occurrences'' in New England, in whieh, sifter mentioning the earth- quakes, the violent tempests, the great droughts, and how "the Lord sent multitudes of Caterpillars amongst us, whieh marched thorow our fields, like armed men, and >povled much corn," it is noted, under the date of October, Ili4(>, that "Mr. Eliot began to preach to v' Indians in their owne Language." John Eliot's short catechism was the first publication in the Indian language of Massachusetts. Compiled hv him ;i^ early as 1 ()")!, it was used in manuscript form for several years, and finally was printed at Cambridge, in 1(>">4, at the expense of the Corporation for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England. On Se|)tember '24, It')."),'), the Commissioners of the United Colonies wrote to England that "M r Eliot is preparing to print a Cattichisme of the Indian langwige," of which they had authority to give order for the printing of ")()() or 1000 copies, and to allow paper and the charge of printino-. At the next annual meetinr, September jJ.">, 1 1)")4, they wrote that "one Gattachesme is alreddy printed." A new impression was called for seven years later, when the Commissioners wrote to Mr. I 'slier in Boston (Sept, 13, IGOl), to take order for tin- printing of "a thousand coppyes of Mr. Elliotts Catichismes which wee vnderstand are much wanting amongst the Indians." The charire of })rinting, which was presented in September, Kili2, was "To printing 1/iOO Cattaehismes," 15. >Nnt a 1 In a series of articles contributed to 1'illinn's .-llt/<>iti/iii>ni /,'-/-/"<;/;'//.////< \\..~li injituii, IS'.H >. 1 liave described these catechisms and primers with nmn- ilctail. Those who desire further particulars are referred to that work, under the artii-les Eliot, Indiaue Friiner, Mayhew, Pierson, Quinney, Rawsou an4(>, and in 1(>52 he opened a school for the teaching of Indian children. The catechism is thus referred to in a letter by the author's grandson, Experience Mayhew, written in 1722 : "My Grand Father in his time composed a large and Excellent Catechism for the Indians of this Island, agreable unto their own Dialect ; but not being printed the Original is, I think, utterly lost, and there only remains of it, about 40 pages in Octavo, transcribed as I suppose, by some Indian after his Death ; but this goes not so far as to have the Lord's Prayer in it." 1 Mr. Mayhew sailed for England in November, 1657, and was lost at sea. The catechism was probably never printed. The third Indian catechism the second to be published at the expense of the Corporation was the one by Rev. Abraham Pierson, minister of the church at Branford, in NC\v Haven Colony. It was prepared for the use of the Quiripi Indians of southwestern Connecticut, and was begun as early as 11)54, although not finished until 1<>57. It was put to the press in 1(558, and after some delay, \va> issued in the fall or winter of 1(>59, with the following title: Some | Helps for the | Indians | Shewing them | How to improve their natural Rea- | son, To know the True God, and I the true Christian Religion. I 1. Bv leading them i *> c to see the Di- | vine authority of the Scriptures. | 2. By the Scriptures the Divine | Truths necessary to Kter- nal Salvation. | Undertaken I At the Motion, and pub- 1 ( >l>siTvat ions y Experience Mayhew, A. M., Preacher of the Gospel to the Indians of Manila's Vineyard in New Kngland. in IT'.".'. Now pub- lished from the original MS. by John S. H. Fogg. Host on, 1884. 4, 12 pp. 59 lished by | the Order of the ( 'ommission- | ers of the I'nited Colonies. | by Abraham I'eii-son. | Examined, and approved by Thomas | Stanton Interpreter-General to tin- V- | nited Colonies for tho Indian Liin^na^c, | and by some others of the most aide | Interp[r]et( i - amo[n]7 pp. (Lenox collection.) The catechism is in Indian and English, the latter bcinr in smaller type, interlined with the Indian. In its com- pilation it is said that much use was made of Perkins's /S'/./- Priiirijtlfx. The first question is: "How prove you that there is a (Jod?" Some Helps for the | Indians; | Shewing them how to | Improve their Natural Reason, | to know the true (iod, and the | Christian Religion. | 1 By leading them to see the Divine | Authority of the Scriptures. | -2. By the Scriptures, the Divine | truths necessary to Eternal >al- | vation. | By | Abraham Peirson | Pastor of the Church at Branford. | Examined and approved by that | Experi- cncecl Gentleman (in the Tn- | dian Laniriiaire) Captain | .John Scot. | Cambridge: \ Printed for Samuel Green, l(>f>8. | 8, l!7 pp. (British Museum.) The above is the same edition as the one preceding, l>ut with a substituted title, the history of which I have riven in another place. 1 Some | Helps | for the | Indians | sheuinr them | How to improve their natural Reason, To know | the True (Jod, and the true Christian Religion. | 1. By leading them to see the Divine Authority of the | Scriptures. | '1, By the Scriptui-esthe Divine Truths necessary to | Kternall Salva- tion. | rndertaken | At the Motion, and published l>y the Order of the Connnis- I sioners of the I'nited Colonies. t In an article contributed to Pilling's Ali/'in'/niint /tii>li,,j>. 397-400. 60 | by Abraham Peirson. | Examined and approved by Thomas Stanton Interpre- | ter-Generall to the United Colonies for the Indian | Language, and by some others of the most al)le | Interpreters amongst us. | London, \ Printed by M. Simmom, 1(559. | 4, appended to : "A further Aecompt of the Progresse of the Gospel" (Lon- don, 1(559), of which it forms pp. 22-35. (Lenox col- lection.) When the Commissioners of the United Colonies wrote to the Corporation in England, in December, 1(558, they enclosed the first sheet (1(5 pp.) of the catechism, then being printed by Samuel Green at Cambridge. This speci- men was reprinted in England as above, "for publicke satisfaction." Some Helps for the Indians : | a Catechism | in the lan- guage of the Quiripi Indians | of New Haven Colony, | by the Rev. Abraham Pierson. | Reprinted from the original edition, Cambridge, 1058. | With an introduc- tion, | by J. Hammond TrumbulL From the Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society, vol. in. | lint- ford : | Printed by M. II. Malory i Co. \ 1873. | (>{). | 32, (54 leaves. In the Indian language. (University of Edinburgh.) The | Indian Primer; | or, | The way of training up of our Indian Youth in | the good knowledge of God. | By John Eliot. | Reprinted from the original edition of 1 (>(>{). | With an introduction by | .John Small, M.A.. | Libra- rian, University of Edinburgh. | Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot. 1877. | 1(>, (2), xl pp., 64 leaves. (Lenox collection.) The | Indian Primer ; | or, | The way of training up of our Indian Youth in | the good knowledge of God. KiiJii. | By John Eliot, | To which is Prefixed | The Indian Covenanting Confession. | Reprinted from the Originals in the Library of | the University of Edinburgh. | With an introduction | By John Small, M. A., F. S. A. Scot. | Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot. I 1880. | 11), (2), liv pp., r>4 leaves, folded sheet. [The Indian Primer.] Prov. 22. (5. | Xehtuhpeh peie ut | mavut ne woh ayont kali | kehchisuit matta pish | wunnukkodtumuoon. | [Cambridge, />//'/!/(// // Siimm-l Green, 1(>H7?] 1(5, 40 leaves. A-K in eights. ( Ma a- chusetts Historical Society.) This seems to be a new impression of Eliot's Indian Primer of 1(51)9, with which it closely agrees. In 1(>.S(>, August 21), Mr Eliot wrote to Boyle, requesting "that we may again reini})ose the primer and catechism : for though 62 the 1,-tst impression be not quite spent, vet quickly they will ; and J am old, ready to be gone, and desire to leave as many books as I can." A inanuseript note on this copy, in the handwiting of Rev. Thomas Prince, is as follows : "Mr. B. Green says, composed by Mr. Eliot, & Print' 1 at Camb. ab 1 1684." Eliot's translation of Perkins's Six Principles of Relig- ion may be counted as the sixth Indian catechism. The year of its printing, if published at all, is unknown. Increase Mather mentions it in a letter to Dr. Leusden, in 1(>87 ; and it is referred to by Mr. Mayhew, in his Indian Converts, p. 108. The book is not extant as far as known. The seventh Indian Catechism was Grindal Rawsoifs translation of Cotton's /Spiritual Mills for Babes, which appeared with the following title : Nashauanittue Menimmnk wutch | Mukkiesog, | Wus- sesemumun Avutch Sogkodtunganash | Naneeswe Testa- mentsash ; | wutch | Ukkesitchippooonganoo Ukketea- hogkounooh. | Negonae wussukhumun ut Euglishmanne Unnon- | toowaonganit, nashpe ne amie, wuniiegenue | Nohtompeantog. | Xoh asanvesit | John Cotton. | Kali yeuyeu qushkinnuinun en Indiane Unnontoo- waonganit wutch oonenehikqunaout Indiane | Mukkiesog, | Xashpe | (Jrindal Kawson.^ WunnaunchenKX)kae Nohtompean- tog ut Uenugke | Indianog. | . . . | Cambridge: \ Printeucop nashpe Samuel Green, kah \ Bartholomew Green. l(it)l. | 8, 1H pp. (American Antiquarian Society; Lenox collection.) Kighth in our list of Indian catechisms may be placed Cotton Mather's little manual for the Iroquois Indians. In the life of the author by his son it is stated that "he learned the French and Spanish Tongues and in his Forty- litth Year conquered Iroquois Indian : in each of which lie published Treatises for their Instruction." The accuracy 68 of Mather's knowledge of the Indian lantniaires has been 1 i questioned. In the M contain Grindal Rawson's translation of Cotton's /Spiritual Milk for Babes, with changes in the orthography. Two editions of this primer-catechism are known, as follows : Indiane | Primer | Asuh | Negonneycuuk. | \e na>hpe Mukkiesog | Woh | tauog wimnamnhknttee | ogketa- niunnate Indiane | Unnontoowaonk. | Kali | Meninnnnk wutch | Mukkiesog. | Mushauwomuk : \ Printeuun \ nashpe B. Green. I 1720. | [Second title :] The Indian | Primer | or | The First Book. | By whieh Children | may | know trnely | to read the Indian | Language. | And | Milk for | Babes. | /faston : \ Printed} by B. Green. \ 1720. | 12, * 1 leaves. In Indian and English, alternate pages. ( Lenox collection : American Antiquarian Society, fragment.) 66 Imlia,nc | Primer | asuh | Negonneyeuuk | Ne nashpe Mukkiesog | Woh | tauog wunnumuhkuttee | Ogketa- munnate Indiane | Unnontoowuonk. | Kah | Meninnunk wutch | Mukkiesog. | Mushauwomuk : \ Printeuun MDCCXLVII. | [Second title :] The Indian | Primer | or | The First Book | By which Children I May I Know truelv I To read the Indian I I ^ I / I I Language. | And | Milk for | Babes. | Boston: \ Printed MncgxLvn. | 12,, 84 leaves. In Indian and English, alternate pages. (Edward E. Ayer, Chicago ; Lenox collection, incomplete ; American Antiquarian Society, fragment.) The edition of 1747 was probably printed by S. Knee- land and T. Green. The tenth Indian catechism forms part of a little manual prepared for the Moheakunnuk or Stockbridge Indians, by Rev. John Sergeant, who was missionary among them from 1735 until his death in 1749. The publication consists of two pamphlets, sewed together, of which the first contains on pp. 8-15, a translation of Dr. Watts's Shorter Cate- chism for Children. There is no title, but headings only, us below : A Morning Prayer [pp. !-(>]. An Evening Prayer [pp. (5, 7]. Catechism [pp. 8-15]. A Prayer before Sermon [pp. 1-8]. A Prayer after Sermon and Baptism [pp. 8- 10]. A Prayer to be used at the Sarr:mient, &c. [pp. K)_14] ._ A Prayer for the Sick [pp. 15, 1(5]. For the Alllicted [pp. 1(>, 17]. Thanks returned for Recovery, <. [pp. 17, 18]. A Prayer after Sermon [pp. 18-21]. -A General Prayer [pp. 4 2, 23]. [Boston? 1740?] 12, 15, 23 pp. In the Mohegan or Stockbridge Indian language. (American Antiquarian Society.) 67 The eleventh Indian catechism in our enumeration i-> M translation of the Westminster Assembly's Shorter Cate- chism, etc., made for the Moheakunnuk or Stock bridge Indians. The version is attributed to John Quinney, one of the tribe, who probably was interpreter to the Rev. .John Sergeant, during his ministry among the Indians, from 1735 to 1741). There is no record, however, of the print- ing of an edition at that early date. The work described below was published after the Indians had removed from Stockbridge, Mass., to New Stockbridge, X. Y., and it was probably done under the supervision of Rev. .John Sergeant the younger, who at that time was their pastor: The | Assembly's | Catechism. | Printed at 8tockl)ri">. | 8, 31 pp. In the Mohegan or Stockbridge Indian language. (Lenox collection.) The Assembly's Shorter Catechism (pp. 3-27), is fol- lowed by Dr. Watts's Shorter Catechism for Children, pp. 27-31. The latter is a revision, with changes in spelling, of the elder Mr. Sergeant's version of about 1740. A. later edition is as follows : The Assembly's | Shorter Catechism. | [Slocfcbridgef 1818?] 18, 34 pp. In the Mohegan or Stockbridge Indian language. (Massachusetts Historical Society.) The first twenty-five pages contain a reprint of the edition of 1795 ; the remainder of the pamphlet consi>t- of scripture verses and metrical psalms, probably translated by Capt. Hendrik Aupaumut, a chief of the Stockbridge tribe. This edition was also prepared, without doubt, at the instance of Rev. John Sergeant, about the time of the removal of the Stockbridge Indians from New York State to Indiana in 1818, and to Fox River, Wisconsin, in IM'-J. In 1821, Mr. Sergeant wrote: "I am in hopes to obtain 68 copies of Elliot's Bible in the Indian language, and am of opinion, that this Bible will be understood by a good part of the natives in the N. W. Territory." THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY'S SHORTER CATECHISM. [1647.] The Assembly's Shorter Catechism, "that Golden Com- posure," as Cotton Mather calls it, took the place in course of time of nearly every other catechism in New England. It was first printed at London in November, 1647, in quarto and in octavo, and at Edinburgh in the same year in quarto, all for official use and without the Scripture proofs. After a careful Consideration by Parliament, and the addition of the proofs, it was finally ordered to be printed for public use, September 15, 1648, and it was forthwith published with this title : The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concern- ing A Shorter Catechism ; presented by them latch' to both Houses of Parliament. With the proofs thereof out of the Scriptures. London, 1648. 4 . 1 The editions of 1647 have the same title, omitting the line about the proofs. The edition I have consulted is the following : The Humble | Advice | Of the | Assemblie | of | Divines | Now by Authority of | Parliament | Sitting at | West- minster, | Concerning | A Shorter Cateehisine : | With the Proofs thereof at large out of the Scriptures. | Pre sented by them lately to both Houses of | Parliament. | "See Mitchell's f >//j ' //,t x,,;,iul /{i/im,. 69 London, \ Printed by A. Maxey for John Rothwell at the Fountain in \ Gold-Smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1658. | 4, 43 pp. (Lenox collection.) This copy is bound with "The Humble Advice of the Assembly" concerning the Confession of Faith and concern- ing the Larger Catechism, both printed in the same year. In the early editions all three parts were usually issued together, in one volume. Prefixed to the Shorter Cate- chism is this order : "Die Lunae 15. Septemb. 1648. It is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That this Shorter Catechisme he forthwith Printed and Published, wherein M r . Henry Eoborough and Mr. Adonirain Byfield, Scribes of the Assembly of Divines, are required to use all possible care and diligence, that it be from time to time faithfully and exactly done : and, for preventing of all abuse therein ; It is further Ordered, That no person whatsoever, do presume to Print, or Reprint the same in any Volume, but onely such as shall be appointed and authorized thereunto by the said Scribes. And that no person or persons, shall pre- sume to sell, barter, or any way to spread or convey any Book or Copies of the said Catechisme, Printed without the appointment aforesaid, upon pain of forfeiture of the whole Impression, if any such be so Printed ; and of all such Books or Copies thereof, as shall be offered to sale, barter- ing, or be any other wayes spread ; and all and every person offending in any of the premises, to be liable to such farther punishment, as the contempt of an Ordinance of Parliament shall deserve, provided that this restriction of Printing shall continue for one whole year, and no longer. Jo. BROWN Cleric. Parliaments ruin. H. ELSYNGE Cler. Parl. D. Com." The well-known questions and answers are preceded by this heading: "To the Right Honorable the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament : The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines Sitting at Westminster: Con- cerning A Shorter Catechisme." 70 " Quest. What is the chief end of Man ? Answ. Man's chief end is to glorifie God, and to enjoy him for ever. Q. What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glorifie and enjoy him? A. The Word of God (which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament) is the onely rule to direct us how we may glorifie and enjoy him. Q. What do the Scriptures principally teach? . A. The Scriptures principally teach, what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man." The earliest American edition of which I have found any mention is the following title from the addenda to Haven's list, which would seem to be something more than the ordinary catechism : The Assembly's Shorter Catechism, divided into 52 Parts. Cambridge, 1665. 8. Another edition was probably printed at Cambridge in 1668, for the knowledge of which I am indebted to Dr. Samuel A. Green's Remarks on the Early History of Printing in JVew Emjland, made before the Massachusetts Historical Society, February 11, 1897, and printed in the Society's Proceedings, as well as in a separate pamphlet. The General Court had ordered, May 21, 1(567, that no books should be printed without license, under penalty of a fine of five pounds and forfeiture of all the impressions. On September ;}, 166S, Samuel Green and Marmaduke .Johnson were summoned before the Council in Boston, and were required to give an account of what books they had lately printed, and by what authority. The list sub- mitted by Mi'. Green contains seven titles, as given below, all of which were probably issued in 1668. The fourth title is without doubt the Shorter Catechism : "The warrants were Read y l were sent for for Samuel I Grene Printer ^c. being :is|e noted : The Shorter | Catechism | Composed by the | Reverend Assembly | of | Divines | With the | Proofs thereof | Out of the Scriptures, | In Words at length. | Which are either some of the formerly | Quoted Places, or others gathered from | their other Writings ; All fitted, both | for Brevity and Clearness, to this their | Form of Sound Words. | For the benefit of Christians in General, and of Youth, | and Children in Vnderstanding, in Par- ticular ; that they | may with more Ease acquaint them- selves with the Truths | according to the Scriptures, and with the Scriptures | themselves. | Boston in New E mi- land, | Printed by /Samuel Sewall. 1(583. | 8, (2), 54 pp. (Fisher Howe, Jr., Esq., Chestnut Hill, Mass.) The Shorter | Catechism | Composed by the | Reverend Assembly of | Divines | At Westminster. | With 1 'root's thereof out of the Scriptures | Which are either some of the former- | ly quoted places, or others gathered | from their other Writings; all fitted | both for Brevity < Clearness, to this | their Form of Sound Words. | For . the Benefit of Christians in ge- | neral, and of Youth X Children in un- | del-standing in particular ; that they | may with more ease acquaint them- | selves with tin- Truth according to the I Scriptures, and with the Script- 72 ures | themselves. | [Boston :~\ Printed by B. Harris, and J. Allen, \ and are to be Sold at the London- \ Coffee House. 101H | 8, 31, (3) pp. (Prince col- lection in the Boston Public Library.) The Shorter | Catechism, | Composed by the | Reverend Assembly of | Divines | With the Proofs thereof out of the | Scriptures, in Words at length. | Which are either some of the formerly quoted | Places, or others gathered from their other | Writings ; All fitted, both for brevity & | Clearness, to this their Form of Sound Words. | For the benefit of Christians in General, and | of Youth, and Children of Understanding, in | Particular ; that they may with more Ease | acquaint themselves with the Truth according | to the Scriptures, and with the Script- ures | themselves. | Boston, in New-England. \ Printed 1 1/ B. Green, and J. Allen. \ KHI8. | 8, (2), 46 pp. (Massachusetts Historical Society.) Title from Dr. Samuel A. Green's Early American Imprints, p. 110. The Shorter | Catechism, | Agreed upon by the | Reverend Assembly | of | Divines | at | Westminster | Boston: \ Printed for Samuel Gerrish, \ in Cornhill. \ 1729. | 12, 24 pp. (American Antiquarian Society, lacking pp. 21-24.) The Shorter | Catechism | Composed by the | Reverend Assemblv I of I Divines. I With the Proofs thereof out * I of the | Scriptures, in Words at length. | Which are cither some of the formerly | quoted Places, or other- gathered from j their other Writings: All fitted, both for | Brevity and Clearness, to this their Form | of Sound Words. | For the Benefit of ( 'hrist ians in general, and of | Youth, and Children in Understanding in | par- ticular; that they may with more Ka.se | acquaint them- selves with the Truth according | to the Scriptures, and 73 with the Scriptures | themselves. | Boston: Printed by J. Draper, for (he \ llookxi'llcrs. 1740. | H, (2), 46 pp. (American Aiili|ii:irisui Society; Livermore col- lection.) The Shorter Catechism . . . with Scripture Proofs . . . N'ew London, 174(5. 12. A cop}' was in the Brinley collection, No. 5872. The Assembly's Shorter Catechism : with a brief Explica- tion, by I. Watts. The Sixth Edition. Boston, 1748. 12. (Watkinson Library, Hartford.) A copy was in the Brinley collection, No. 5875. The Shorter | Catechism, | agreed upon by the | Reverend Assembly | of | Divines | at | Westminster. | Boston: \ Printed and Sold by Thomas Fleet, \ at the Heart and Grown in Cornhill. \ 1751. | 8, 24 pp. (Boston Public Library.) The Shorter | Cathechism | Agreed upon by the | Reverend Assembly | of | Divines | at | Westminster. | Jiosfon : | Printed and sold by T. and J. Fleet, \ at the Heart and Crown, 1759. | 8, 24 pp. (New York Historical Society.) The Shorter Catechism, with the Proofs at length. Boston, 1762. 12, 48 pp. Title from Haven's list. There was a copy in the Brinley collection, No. 587^. The Shorter | Catechism, | Agreed upon by the | Reverend Assembly | of | Divines | at | Westminster. | Boston: Printed for the \ Bonks,-!!,*,-*. 17U2. | 12, 24 pp. (Livennore collection. ) The Shorter | Catechism, | Agreed upon by the | Revcivn.l Assembly | of | Divines | at | Westminster. | Boston: I Printed and Sold by Thomas and John \ Fleet, at 74 the Heart and Crown, \ in Corn/rill, 1765. | 8, 23, (1) pp. (American -Antiquarian Society.) The Shorter Catechism . . . with Scripture Proofs . . . Jloston, 1768. 12. There was a copy in the Brinley collection, No. 5872. The Shorter Catechism, agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with Scripture Proofs. New Haven: Meigs & Dana, 1786. 8, 30 pp. Title from Stevens's Historical Collections, part 1 (London, 1881), No. 105. The form in which the Shorter Catechism came to be most widely used, especially in the latter half of the eigh- teenth century, was in the numerous editions of the New England Primer, the bibliography of which is fully treated in Mr. Ford's careful monograph. Every edition examined by him, from 1727 to 1800, contained the Shorter Cate- chism, which in some cases was followed by Cotton's Milk for Babes. THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY'S LARGER CATECHISM. [1647.] The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Assembly was first printed a little before the Shorter Catechism. The official edition, without the Scripture proofs, appeared in October, 1647, in quarto and in octavo, and it was reprinted at Edinburgh in the same year, in quarto. Par- liament authorized its publication in September, 1(548, with the addition of the proofs, and it came out with this title : The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines, now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concern- ing A larger Catechism ; presented by them lately to 75 both Houses of Parliament. With the proof* thereof out of the Scriptures. London, KHX. 4 . 1 The Larger Catechism Avas originally issued with the Confession of Faith and the Shorter Catechism, bound in oiie volume. Some of the early editions have a general title, like the two following: The Humble Advice of the Assembly of Divines now by authority of Parliament sitting at Westminster, concern- ing I. A Confession of Faith, II. A Larger Catechism, III. A Shorter Catechism, presented by them lately to both Houses of Parliament. Printed at London, and reprinted at Edinl>ni-5(5. | 12, (8), 1X2, (2) pp. Followed by the Directory for the Pnblique Worship of God, (2), Jl pp. The Larger Catechism fills pp. <>{)-! ;">:{; the Shorter Catechism, pp. 155-182. (Union Theological Seminary.) The edition I have used is bound with the Confession of Faith and the Shorter Catechism of Hi/iX, and has the fol- lowing title : The Humble | Advice | of the | Assembly | of | Divines, | Now by Authority of Parliament sitting at | Westmins- 1 See Mitchell's ('\>. Ixxii, Ixxiil. The titles of the editions of 1647 are the same, omitting the line about the proofs. ter, | Concerning | A Larger ( 'atechisme, | Presented by them lately to both Houses of | Parliament, | With the Proofs thereof at large out of the Scriptures. | London, | Printed by A. Maxey for the Company of /Stationers, and | J. Rothwel, at the Fountain in Cheapside. \ [1658.] 4, (2), 157 pp. Pages 137, 138 are omitted in the pagination. (Lenox collection.) The Catechism begins thus : " The Larger Catechism Agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines At Westminster." "Quest. What is the chief and highest end of man? Answ. Mans Chief and Highest P^nd, is, to glorifie God, and fully to enjoy him for ever. Quest. How doth it appear, that there is a God? Answ. The very light of Nature in man, and the works of God, declare that there is a God, but his Word and Spirit only, do sufficiently, and effectually reveal him unto men for their salvation. Q. What is thfc Word of God? A. The Holy Scriptures of the old and new Testament are the Word of God, the only rule of Faith and Obedi- ence." The Larger Catechism was reprinted in New England as follows : The | Confession of Faith, | Together with the | Larger Catechism ; | Composed by the Reverend | Assembly of Divines | Then Sitting at Westminster. | Presented to Both Houses of Parliament. | With a brief Sum of | Christian Doctrine, | Contained in Holy Scripture, And | holden forth in the Confession of | Faith and Cate- chism. | ... | Boston : hi N. E. \ Re-printed by 8. Kheeland, for D. Henchman, at li'ts | tfltop in Corn- II ill. 1723. | 8, (2), 1(51, (1) pp. The Larger Cate- chism fills pp. f)7-124. (Lenox collection.) The Larger Catechism first agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster . . . Boston, 1750. 12. Title from Haven's list. 77 The | Larger Catechism | First agreed upon by the | Assembly of Divines | at | Westminster. | And now appointed by the | (ieneral Assembly | of the | Church of Scotland, I To be a Part of rniformitv in Kclio-ion / * between the I Churches of Christ in the Three Kingdoms. I Q | Boston; New-England : \ lie-printed hi/ Fotrl,< ,n,,l Draper, and to be Sold at their \ Office opposite the Founder 's- Arms, Marlborough- Street. \ M.DCC.LXII. I 8, 41 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) MISCELLANEOUS CATECHISMS. [166S?-1798.] Besides the catechisms already described, there are other- which fall into a general group, including some of New England origin, and some reprinted from English publica- tions. At the examination of Marmaduke Johnson before the Council in Boston, September 3, 161)8, l referred to on a preceding page, he was asked what books he had lately printed and by what authority, to which he answered : [1] " he printed the primer : & and [2] y e psalter : [3] 2. ^Meditations on death & eternity [4] 3 ( : 4 y e Rise spring &c of y e Annabaptists [5] 5 Isle of Pines : [(>] he hath y ( ' Righteous mans: euidenc for heauen. by M r Rog r s he had licenc for all by m r . Presidnt &. ni r . Chanccy but \ '' Isle of Pines." If the Primer mentioned in the first title of this li-t \\.-i- not in Indian, and if it \\;i^ .-inything like the later New England Primers in character, it is probable that it con- tained something of a catechism. The following publica- tions are arranged chronologically : 1 Dr. Samuel A. Green's Remark* n tin Kurlii lli*t<,nj / I'rhiting in New Eng- land., p. 11. 78 1685. The Protestant T[utor?] | for | Childr[en.] | The Doner thereof v[ ] | Health and Persev[ ] | the Gospel in Jesus Christ. | To which is Added Verses made by Mr. John | Rogers ;i Martyr in Queen Maries Reign. | I Kings 18. 21. And Elijah came unto all the | People, and said, How long halt ye between | two Opinions? If the Lord be God, follow | him : But if Baal, then fol- low him. And the | People answered him not a word. | Boston in New-England, Printed by Samuel \ Green, And are to be Sold by John Griffin \ in Boston, 16 [8f>.] | 24, title (mutilated) and 19 pp., Mr. Rogers'** verses (10) pp. A and B in eights, including 2 blank leaves, at front and end. (American Antiquarian Societ} r .) The first three questions and answers are : " Quest. What Religion do you profess ? Ans. The Christian Religion commonly called the Pro- testant, in opposition to Popery. Q. What Miracles is [Relijgion confirmed by? A. By Divine Miracles [etc]. Q. What confirmation hath the Popish way? A. Devilish [etc]." I am indebted to Mr. Paul L. Ford for information that the first edition of The Protestant Tutor, of which the above is merely an extract, was printed at London by Benjamin Harris in 1(>79. Harris was probably the author. 1688, An | Exposition | On the | Church-Catechism : | Or the | Practice | of | Divine Love. | Composed | For the Diocese of Bath & Wells. | London. | Printed for Charles Brome, at the West-end of St. Paul's, | and William Clarke in Winchester l(IKf). | Boston in New- England, | Reprinted by Richard Pierce Anno Domini | Mix'Lxxxvm. I 4, (<>), 120, (1) pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) 79 The Exposition is usually hound with : Articles | Agreed upon by the | Archbishops and Bishops | of both Provinces, and the whole | Clergy | In the Convocation holden at London | In the Year MDLXII. | For the avoiding of Diver- sities of Opinions, and for the | Stablishing of Consent touching True Religion. | [Boston:"] Printed in the year MDCLXXXVIII. | 4, (2), 14 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) The above title and description is from Mr. Nathaniel Paine's Early American Imprints (Worcester, 189(i), pp. 43, 44. 1690. Addresses | To Old Men, and .Young Men, and | Little Children. | In Three | Discourses | I. The Old Mans Honour ; or, The Hoary | Head found in the way of Righteousness. | A Discourse Recommending unto | Old Men, A Saving Acquaintance with the | Lord Jesus Christ. | IT. The Young Man's Glory; or, A | Wreath of Graces for the Head of Youths. | A Discourse Recom- mending unto Young | Men, A Blessed Victory over the Devil. | III. The Little Child's Lesson ; Or, A Child | Wise unto Salvation. | A Discourse instructing and inviting Little | Children to the Exercises of Early Piety. | To which may be added, A Short Scriptural Cate- | chism accomodated unto their Capacities. | By Cotton Mather. | Boston : Printed by R. Pierce, for Nicholas It ut- | talfJi, at the Corner Shop, next to Gut- \ teridge's Coffee-House. 1<>9(). | , (2), 122 pp. (Boston Athe- luvum ; Massachusetts Historical Society.) The Scriptural Catechism referred to in the above title is dated 1(591, and has an independent title, pagination and register, as follows : 1691. A Scriptural Catechism. | The Heads of the Christian | Religion 1 Plainly, briefly, and fully delivered in a | 80 Catechism, | Which endeavours a sufficient Answer to every I Question, barely with a pertinent Sentence of | Sacred Scripture, and Enables the Learner at | once with ease to confirm as well as assert the | great Articles of the Faith once delivered unto I the Saints. I By Cotton I I Mather. | . . . | Boston, Printed by R. Pierce, for Nicholas Biittolph, j at the corner /Shop, next to Gut- tridg's Coffee- \ House. 1691. | 8, (2), 21 pp. (Boston Athen;eum ; Massachusetts Historical Society.) The two titles above are from Dr. Samuel A. Green's Early American Imprints (Cambridge, 1895), pp. 77, 86. 1692. The | Jacobites Catechism, | That is to say, | An Instruc- tion to be learned of every Person | who either desires, or expects to be confirmed by | the late Bishop of Eby | To which is Added, | The | Williainites Catechism, | Or, | Instructions to be learned of all those who | are Well- wishers to the Protestant Religion, and the | English Liberties. | Both Written by Benjamin Bird, Rector of Wotton fits | Pain, near Lyme Regis in the County of Dorset. | Licensed according to Order. | London, Printed for T. Wesly, and Re-printed at Boston, \ for Benjamin Harris, at the London- Coffee- House. \ KJii^. | 8, (2), 14 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) Title from Paine's Early American Imprints, p. 53. 1702. Caree about the Nurseries, j Two brief | Discourses. | The One, offering | Methods and Motives for | Parents | To Catechise their Children | While yet under the Tuition of | their Parents. | The Other, offering | Some Instruc- tions for | Children, | How they may Do Well, when | they come to Years of Doing for | Themselves. | Boston, N. E. Printed by T. Green, \ for Benjamin Eliot. 81 1702. | - that Excellent Composure, | with no more than Thirty Two | Questions. | />*/, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, is an Infinite llein^. X Eternal in Power, Wisdom, Justice, (Joodness, and Holi- ness. Q. What are the Works of ( iod V A. God, who in His Eternal purpose hath fore-ordained whatsoever conies to pass, made all thiii_ r s of nothing, iSc all very Good, in his works of Creation, and Pre-ervo and Governs all in His works of Providence." 1707. Frontiers Well-Defended. | An | Essay, | To Direct the | Frontiers | of a | Countrey Exposed unto the Incur- | 84 sions of a Barbarous Enemy, | How to behave themselves in their | Uneasy Station? | Containing Admonitions of Pictv, | Proposed by the Compassion of | some Friends unto their Welfare, | to be Lodg'd in the Families of | our Frontier Plantations. | JJoxton, in JV. E. Printed lj T. Green. \ 1707. | 12, 52 pp. ; The Fall of Baby- lon, (2), 20 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) The publication is anonymous, but the author was Cotton Mather. The appended " Fall of Babylon " is a catechism, with a preface of two pages headed, "The Protestant Armed from the Tower of David." The catechism begins with the following questions and answers : "Quest. Is the Sacred Scripture a Sufficient Rule both for what we are to Believe, and what we are to Practice, in the matters of Religion? AHKW. The Rule given us, by the Spirit of God Speak- ing in the Scripture, is a Rule of such sufficiency and per- fection, that we are to Believe & Practice nothing in the matters of Salvation, but what is therein Revealed unto us : It is a vile Reproach upon those Holy Oracles, to imagine otherwise. * * * Q. Is there any Need of any Traditions, to make up the want of any Directions for us in the Sacred Scripture? A. The Additions of our Traditions to Direct us in the Service of God, beyond the Directions of the Scripture, arc Needless, I'seless, and Sinful. The Faithful care of our Lord Jesus Christ over His Church, is Reproached in such Traditions." , 1708. The Man of (Jod Furnished. | The | Way of Truth, | Laid out : with a Threefold | Catechism, | I. The famous Catechism, Entituled, Milk | for Babes, rendred now a little more | Easy & Proper for Children of the Smallest | Capacity. | II. An Abridgment of the Assem- | blies Catechism; Kpitomi/ing that Ex- | cellent Composure of One Hundred & Seven, | with no more than Thirty 85 Two Questions. | III. Supplies from the Tower of DVAII). | Or, A Catechism, which arms Christian.-. .t all | Ages, to refute the Errors, which most | commonly assault the cause of Christianity. | To which are Added : Several other In- | struments of Piety ; To Serve the | great Interests of Religion, which ly near | to the Hearts of all Faithful Ministers | and all Godly Housholders. | Offered unto the Publick Service, by several | Minis- ters of the Gospel in the I Churches of New-Enrland. I I l I III Job. 4. I have no greater Joy, than to | hear that my Children walk in Truth. | Boston: Printed by B. Green, for /Samuel \ Phillips at the Brick Shop. 1708. | 12, (2), 140, (2) pp. A-F in twelves. (Livermore col- lection.) Cotton Mather was the author of this anonymous publica- tion, which he mentions in his diary as follows : " The Apostasy of some few of o r people to popery in Canada, awakened my concern, to have o r people better fortified, not onely against y e wiles of popery, but also against y e Snares of all other Errors, wherein' they may be endangered. Wherefore, having fitted, both y" New English Catechism, and the Assemblies Catechism, to be more easily conquered by o r children, I accompanied these composures, with /Supplies from the Tower of David ; or, A Catechism, which arms Christians of all Ages to refute y e Errors, which most commonly y* Saints: In Seven Essay es, (namely, Again>t y^y "'///, and Quakerism, and Socinianism, and Pelagianism, and Antinomianisnt, and Anabaptism, and Anti Sabbatarian- ism.) Each of y 1 ' Answers, which have in them y' marrow & Substance of all y e volumes written on Controversial Divinity, concludes with a pertinent tin-ijiftrrc, which alone may serve to Answer and to Defend y Que.-jion. And all y e Essayes End with Desires relating to y' Truths which had been defended; such Desires, as, if y Hearts of men come to be enflamed with them, they will never part w th y e Truths, which have made such Impressions upon y" 1 . In this Book, there are Several other Instrument* <>/ I'iety; 86 The whole is Entituled, The Man of God furnished. My is, to liavc it published with the countenance of iiixlci-x of l>u*f! Ti;i TII has here prepared for them, or, at least, the Scriptural part of it, in the Memories of their Children and Servants, they will not wonder at it, that we make the First Burdens that we lay upon them, as easy as ever we can." The catechism, "Milk for Babes, a Little Shorten'd, and Suited, for the Lowest Capacities," fills pp. 20-30; The most Ancient Creed, etc., pp. 31, 32 ; A very Short Cate- chism ; To Begin with Negro's, and others like them, of the Dullest and Lowest Capacity, p. 32; An Al>ridgiuent, of the Renowned Assemblies Catechism, pp. 3342 ; Pro- posals and Additional, pp. 42-44 ; The Lords Prayer, according to the Paraphrase in the Assemblies Catechism, pp. 45, 46. Then conies a second title-page : i Supplies from the Tower of | David. | A | Catechism | Which Arms | Christians of all Ages, to Refute the | Errors which most commonly | assault the cause of Christianity. | And | To Preserve the Faith once de- livered | unto the Saints. | In Seven Essays . | . . . | Boston: Printed for 8, Phillips. 170. | -S, 47-140 pp., appended to "The Man of God Furnished." The above title is on page 47, on the verso of which is "An Introduction, Directing, How to manage the Armour of Christianity here Provided for the Churches of God," pp. 48-53, from which the following extracts are taken : "In these Essay's the Substance & Marrow of what has fill'd many Volumns of Controversal Divinity, is with all possible Brevity Digested, and compri/ed into a very tew Pages: The Questions do not amount unto the Number of those in the Excellent Assemblies Catechism, which yet our Children have comconly [/. c., commonly] mastered. And the People of God have a Little Manual, that will not be a Burdensom and I'nwieldy Armour: but, an. Enchiri- dion militis Christian!, Such a-> every Christian Souldier may easily carry it. 88 The Work is contrived in such a manner, that every Answer Ends with a Scripture, which alone would be a full and fair Answer to the Question. The Force of an, IT is WIMTTKN, to defeat the Wiles ot" Satan, has been admirably Exemplified, when our Saviour took that way to answer the Tempter. And if the Younger Children, at their first going over this Catechism should be Set only to Learn the Scripture, this may be sufficient. But then, it will be Good, that the Teacher, do both show the Learner where the Force of the Quoted Scripture Lies, and also Read- over to him the whole Answer, with Midi a I'M i-;i phrase as to make him sensible of the matter. The very Character, shall by a Difference of the Letter show where the Main Stress of the matter lies. ****** But by all means, Let the Instructors always Labour to get the Truth into the Understandings as well as into the Memories of the Little Folks, that are under their Instruc- tions. Let them form therefore many Lesser Questions, out of the Answers here Set before them ; Such Questions, as will oblige them, with a, Yes, or, Xo, or a Pertinent Word or two, to discover, whether they Understand the Thing discoursed on. ****** O Lovers ot Souls ; Arise and be doing. Set upon tin- Lovely Exercise. Make the Experiment, whether it prove not incomparably Useful, inexpressibly Pleasant. Go to Work ; And God prosper you." The " Supplies from the Tower of David " consists of seven catechisms, with the following headings: Armour against the Wiles of Popery, Essay I., The Fall of Babylon, pp. ">4-71 ; Armour against the Wiles of Quakerism, ESSMV TL, The True Child of Light, pp. 7L ; -S;> ; Armour against the Wiles of Socinianism. Essay III., Divine Revelation Victorious over carnal Reason, pp. S J-'.I-J : Armour against the Wiles of Pelagia-nism, Essay IV., Free-Grace in Tri- umph, pp. !i:;-l()L>; Armour against the Wiles of Antiiio- mianism, ESSMV V., The Justified Believer, pp. 103-114; Armour against the Mistake* of Aiiabaptism, Essay VI., 89 Infants admitted into the Kingdom, pp. llf>-12H; and Armour Against the Works of the Sal>l>ata.rians. Kssav \'II., The Delightful Sabbath, of the Holy One of the Lord, pp. 124-127. At the end are Proposals, To Parents of the IVtter Sort, Relating to the Kducation of Children, pp. 12X-140. The last leaf (unpaged) contains The Body of Divinity Versifyed. 1709. The Sum of the Matter: Abridgment of the Assemblies Catechism. Boston, 17<>!>. K. Anonymous, but by Cotton Mather. The title is men- tioned in Thomas Prince's manuscript catalogue, from which source it was copied by Mr. Sibley. 1 1711. An Explicatory Catechism ; or, an K*cplanation of the Assemblies Shorter Catechism. Wherein all the Answers in the Assemblies Catechism are taken abroad in Under Questions and Answers, . . . By Thomas Vincent, sometime Minister of Maudline Milk Street in London. Boston, reprinted by John Allen, 1711. H, (K), .">2r> pp. The author of this catechism died in U571. The earliest edition I have seen was printed at London in lii~.">.- There is another edition, London, 170N; and it wa> reprinted again at Boston in 1729. 1 lliiri-in-, ryi- <'. .\i in/in a. Hi7:!. | 8, (4), 355 pp. (Union Theological Seminary.) 90 1713. The A, B, C, of Religion. Lessons relating to the Fear of (iod. Fitted unto the Youngest & Lowest Capacities, and Children suitably instructed in the Maxims of Relig- ion. Hoxton: Printed by Timothy Green, 1713. 12, (>), 4-2 pp. Cotton Mather is the author of this anonymous catechism. At the end are "Instructions for Children, in Verse," pp. 37-42, ending with "The Body of Divinity Versified." Mr. Brinley's copy was bought by Mr. C. Fiske Harris of Providence, but the title does not appear in Stockbridge's Catalogue of the Harris Collection of American Poetry, Providence, 1-ssii. 1714. An Help | to get | Knowledge: | or, | An -Essay, familiarly to Explain the | Assemblies Catechism, | to the | Capaei- tv of the Weakest Learners; I And I To Prove the *- Truths therein contained, | by plain Scripture. | By Benjamin Wadsworth A. M. | Pastor of a Church of Christ in Boston, X. K. | Psal. 34. 11. Come ye Chil- dren, hearken unto me : I will | teach you the Fear of the Lord. | 2 Tim. 3. 15. From a Child thou hast Known the Holy | Scriptures, which are able to make thec Wise unto Salvation; | through Faith which is in Christ .Jesus. | Prov . '1~1. pp. (American Anti- (juarian Society.) Mr. Wadsworth was minister of the First Church in Boston from ICiM! to the time of his election to the presi- dency oi Harvard College in 1725. He died March 1C, 17.")7. aged (17 \ears. The first lew <|iiestions and answers of the catechism are : 91 "Quest. What is the ( 'hief End of Man? Answ. Man's Chief End is to glorifie (iod, and to Enjoy Him for Ever. Q. What's here meant by Man V A. Man, here signifies. Every Man, or All Mankind. Q. What's here meant by Mans Chief End? A. Mans Chief End means, that which he should desire, design, aim at, endeavour after, Chiefly, and above all other things whatsoever." 1721. The Way of Truth laid out. | A | Catechism | which, as with | Supplies from the Tower of David, | Arm> Christians of all Ages, to | refute the Errors which most commonly assault the Cause of Christianity : and To Pre- serve the Faith once delivered unto the Saints. In Seven Essays. The Second Edition. J i< ml on ; Re- printed by 8. Kneeland for D. Henchman at his Shop in Corn-Hill. 1721. 12, 8, 95, (2) pp. Published anonymously, but by Cotton Mather. The first edition was printed in 170K, as pp. 47-140 of "Tin- Man of God furnished with Supplies from the Tower of David," which see fora description of contents. It begins with "The Eall of Babylon," and ends with "The Body of Divinity Versified," and "An Addition," on pp. 91-95, of "A Short Catechism for the Conscience, on the Condition of Ungospellized Plantations." Mr. Brinley's copy was bought by Mr. C. Eiske Harris of Providence, but the title is not found in Stockbridge's Catalogue, of fin- llurrix Col- lection of American Poetry. 1726. A Compleat | Body of Divinity | in | Two Hundred and Fifty | Expository Lectures | on the | Assembly's Shorter Catechism | Wherein | The Doctrine.- of the Christian Religion are unfolded, | their Truth confirm 'd, their Excellence display 'd, their Usefulness | improv'd ; 92 contrary Errors & Vices refuted & expos'd, Objections | :iiis\ver'*, at the Stationers- Arms, and \ T. Hancock, at the Bible and Three Crowns \ near the Town-Dock. 172!). | pj). (Lenox collection.) 1739. A Shorter Catechism: proper to learn before that of the Assembly. Boston, 1739. Title from Haven's list. 9$ 174f>. A Short | Catechism, | Wherein the | Prineij)les | of the | Christian Religion | Are taught in the Words of the sacred | Scriptures themselves. | By Benjamin Stinton. | Minister of the (iospel in London. | The Fourth Edition. | . . . | London: Printed. \ Boston: Re- priufcil in the Year 174"). | 8, 1(! pp. (American Antiquarian Society. ) The author, Benjamin Stinton, was a Baptist minister in London, who died in 1718. I have not seen the first edition of his catechism, but the second edition was printed at London in 1730, 1 and contains a preface (pp. 3, 4), signed Benj. Stinton, which was omitted in the Boston reprints of 1745 and 17(>ti. There are sixty-four questions and answers, beginning with : "Quest. 1. How came this World into Being?" 1745. Catechisms and Prayers. Or some Helps to Religion. By Isaac Watts. Ninth edition. Boston, 1745. 12. Title from Haven's list. First printed at London in 1730. 1745. A Preservative from the Sins and Follies of Childhood and Youth. By Way of Question and Answer. By Isaac Watts. Boston, 1745. 12. Title from Haven's list. First printed at London about the year IT.'U. J A Short I Catechism, | Wherein the | Principles | of the | Christian Religion | Are Taught in the Words of the | Sacred Scriptures themselves. | . . . | The Second Kdition. | Lout/on : \ I'rindil Jm' Ilii-lm nl /','/, t //n .(//' ' in l/n 1'nnlt n . I [ /ViVr Tl< !< /v,/,v.] i U! .-!:!,< 1 ) pp. ( American Antiqua- rian Society.) In this copy Question 04 and its answer end on page 18, with the catchword " The," and pages 19-2-2 are lacking. 94 4 1747. Catechisms and Prayers. Or some Helps to Religion. Bv Isaac Watts. London printed, Boston reprinted, 1747. 12. Title from Haven's list. 1748. The First Set of Catechisms and Prayers. By Isaac Watts. Boston reprinted, 1748. 12. Title from Haven's list. 1748. The Second Set of Catechisms and Prayers. B} r Isaac Watts. Boston reprinted, 1748. 12. Title from Haven's list. [1750?] A | Scripture-Catechism ; | Or, the | Principles | of the | Christian Religion, | Laid down in the | Words of the Bible. | [Boston? 1750?] 8, (2), 32 pp. (Ameri- can Antiquarian Society.) The title is printed between an upper and lower line of harps, blank on verso, and is followed by a preface of two pages, unsigned. The catechism begins : "Quest. What are the first principles of religion, both natural and revealed ? " 1753. The First Set <>t Catechisms and Prayers ; or, The Religion of Little Children. By Isaac Watts. The Eleventh Fdition. Boston, 1753. 8, 1(> pp. (Massachusetts Historical Society.) 1755. A Preservative from the Sins and Follies of Childhood and Youth. Written by Way of Question and Answer. To \vhich are added some Religious and Moral Instructions 95 in Verse. By I. Watts. Boston r< j />riit/ftl , 17")"). \'2. Title from I IMA en's list . 1765. A | Preservative | from the | Sins | and Follies | of | Childhood and Youth, Written by Way of (Question i\c Answer. To which are added, | Some Religious and Moral | Instructions, | In verse. | By I. Watts, D.I). | The Fourth Edition. Boxloii : | I'rinfcil t/nt/ Solil // Z. Foirle at ///* I*rinti)i(>. | 8, 1(> pp. (American Antiquarian So- ciety.) This is an anonymous reprint of Benjamin Stinton's catechism, containing sixty-lour questions and answers, for an account of which, see under the year 1745. 1770. The First Set | of Catechisms | and | Prayers: | or, the | Religion | of | Little Children | Under Seven or Eight Years of Age. | Collected out of the larger Books of Prayers and | Catechisms for Childhood and Youth. | By I. Watts, D.I). | The Eighth Edition. | Ilothm : Printed and Sold by Kin-i'linul doathcd with that authority which constitutes the very essence of (iodhead. From whence we nationally conclude, that his paternal char- aeter will lead him to consult the good of his family, while his omnipotence will enable him to pursue everv step which his sacred wisdom plans. Q. But what idea (give me leave to ask) ought I to form of a Being whom I have never seen? A.. The Deity is invisible, incomprehensible; it is im- possible, my dear, for a finite being to form an idea of infinite perfection." 1787. The | Master and Scholar | Attending Catechising: | or | an attempt to imitate | Timothy's Catechism: | who | From a Child knew the Holy Scriptures, | that were able to make him Wise to Sal- | ration, through the Faith which is in | Christ Jesus. | 2d. Tim. iii. 15. | Being an attention to two Questions arising from what | the Scriptures principally Teach, viz. | 1st. What is Man to believe concern- | ing God? | 2d. What doth (iod require of Man? | Introduced by the first four Questions and Answers | of the Assembles Catechism. | Jtoxlon : | Printed by B. Edes and Son, \ No. 42, Comhffl, \ MDCCLXXXVII. | 8, 1(> pp. (American Antiquarian Society. ) The Master begins : " What is the chief end of man ? " 1788. The First Catechism of the Principles of Religion: . . . To which is added, the Second Catechism ... By Isaac Watts. Norwich, 1788. 8. (British Mn>eum.; 1791. Scripture Truths and Precepts. | A | Short Catechism, | with | Proofs. | Designed for the Assistance of >uch Per- sons as wish | to search the Scriptures fora consistent 7 98 View | of the | Doctrines and Duties contained in them. | With | An Appendix, | concerning | Baptism. | And j A concluding Remark | on the Lord's-Supper. | When it shall turn to the Lord, the Vail shall he taken away, which is done | away in Christ. Paul to the Corin- thians. | Boston: \ Printed and sold by Samuel Hall, JVo. 53, Cornhill. \ MDCCXCI. (Price 9d.) \ 8, 23 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) The anonymous introduction states that, "Having heen requested, by some worthy friends, to endeavour to put into their hands, something in this way, as an assistant in instructing their children, I have thought, that as the Assembly's shorter Catechism had been made familiar by use, and contained many excellent things, it might comport with the request of my friends, to endeavour a more plain, scriptural answer to some parts of it ; and to present it in every answer agreeable to the scriptures of truth, an acquaintance .with which, is a principal end we ought to have in view in the instruction of children and youth," etc. The Catechism begins : "Question. What is the chief end of man?" 1792. Dr. Watts' Catechisms for Children, with the Westminster Catechism . . . Exeter, 1792. 12. A copy was in the Brinley Collection, No. 5874. 1795. A Catechism containing the First Principles of our Re- ligious and Social Duties; by Arminius Calvinus. Boston: Printed by Samuel Hall, 1795. 12. (Wat- Uinson Library. 1795. The | Baptist Catechism; | or, a | Brief Instruction | in | The Principles of | the | Christian Religion, I agreea- blv to the | Confession of Faith | Put forth by upwards of an Hundred Congregations in (Jivat- | Britain, .lulv the Hd, l(58!>; adopted by the (iencral As- | soeiiition of Philadelphia, September the 22d, 1 742 ; | and now received by ( 'hurches of the same I )e- | nomination in most of the Tinted States. | To which are added, | The Proofs from Scriptures. I Jiosfon : I Printed and 9old bi/ i ' Manning and Loring, in \ /Spring-Lane. 17!l~>. | 8, 24pp. (American Ant iijiiarian Society.) 1798. Extracts | from a | Catechism. | in which the | Plainness and Simplicity of | Doctor Watts | are imitated : | And from which the | Technical Terms of particular Systems I are excluded. I Boston: \ Printed a nil soft/ l>ii Sdnnii-l \ I ' Hall, in Corn/till. \ 1798. | 18, 22 pp. (American Antiquarian Society.) The Catechism begins : "Question. Can yon tell me who made you?" Our record of catechisms, incomplete as it is, clo><^ with the year 1800, thus excluding the publications of the present century. The only exception that has been made is in the case of the Hingham catechisms, which are brought down to 1817. The Worcester Association of Minister-, about the year 1820, put forth a catechism for children, which ran through a number of editions. 1 In 1*22, the same Association prepared a larger catechism,'-' the fifteenth edition of which appeared in 184i). 'A Catechism: compiled and recommended by the Worcester Association of Ministers, for the instruction and improvement of children and youth. . . . Fifth edition, with hymns. Wtn-i-i s/< / . /'<(////*// part*, part I. licjMimiiif: : >,>! stiott. Can you tell me, child, who made yon?" 2 A Catechism, in Three Parts. Part First, containing the elemonts of rfliu r i>>n and inovality: di-si^ncil for children. Part Second, consisting of question-, ami answers, chiefly historical, on the Old Testament. Part Third, consisting of.Minilar questions and answers on the New Testament, designed for children and young 100 Several of the catechisms that had been prepared for particular towns were used also in other places. The adoption of the Hartford catechism in Farmington has already been referred to. In Salem, in 1660, it "was voted that Mr. Cotton's catechism should be used in fami- lies for teaching children, so that they might be prepared for public catechising in the congregation." 1 The Governor and Council of Massachusetts, on March 10, 1669, advised the clergymen of all towns " to chatechize and instruct all people (especially youth) in the sound principles of the Christian Religion, and that not only in public, but privately from house to house, or at least three, four or more fami- lies meeting together as time and strength may permit ; taking to your assistance such godly and grave persons as to you may seem expedient." 5 * The younger John Cotton, son of John Cotton of Boston, was minister of the church at Plymouth from 1(569, the date of his ordination, to 1(597. In November of the first mentioned year, "began Catechising of the Children by the Pastor (constantly attended by the Ruling Elder) once a Fortnight, the Males at one time and the Females at the other," Perkins's catechism being used at first, and the Assembly's some years afterward. 3 In the spring of the ye;:r liI'.U, Mr. Cotton "introduced a new Method of Cate- chising (in which he used the Assemblies shorter Cate- chism) attending it on Sabbath Day Noons at the Meeting I Imi^e, the Males one Sabbath and the Females another successively ; and then preach'd on each Head of Divinity, as they lie in order in that Catechism: this Course was constantly attended for more than '.\ Years from Sabbath PIT-DU-. Compiled and recommended by the Ministers of the Worcester Associa- tion in .Massachusetts. Second edition. Huston : I'lihlishfil hi/ finitiiihti/s. Hi Hi aril, A- Co. tfo. 184 Wathtngton Stret. 18'J6. 18, 54 pp. It begins: "Question i, \\lien \on ]ok up to the sky. what do you see?" The prefatory advertisement is dated Won-eMer. Ma\ i:>, ls_>. 1 Keifs Annul* of Sdli'in ( 1K27), p. '.'(IT. 'Felt's Annul* of Snti'in, p. 236. S 8ibley's //nrrnnl Hnninnti^, vol. i. p. t:i:i. 101 to Sabbath, till the Pastor's Dismission." 1 In 1 i:\i-Kcrs KVKKY M \N TO DO HIS IHTY!' That proclamation woke all the national enthusiasm of his officers and men, and strung every nerve for the awful conflict. Scarcely less impera- 'Sibley's Hnrva.nl Graduates, vol. i, p. 601. "Sibley's ffitri'uril a rcc. 4. 1878. By Dorus Clarke, D.D., Boston. Boston : Lee and Shepnrd, 1879. 16, 46 pp. 102 live :ui(l exciting was the annual announcement by Father Hale: 'Siihlxilh afli-r next, the first division of the Cate- clu'xnt /'// l>e recited here,' It sent a thrill through the town. There was 'no discharge in that war.' Public sentiment demanded the most implicit obedience by all conqerned. The old Primers were looked up, new ones bought, and the parents set their children to the work at once and in earnest. Kvery question and every answer must be most thoroughly committed to memory, verbatim et literatim et l>iincliiiifnii. The time for recitation was at the close of the afternoon service. All the children in the town, dressed in their ' Sabba-day clothes,' were arranged shoulder to shoulder, the boys on the one side, and the girls on the other of the broad aisle, beginning at the 'deacon's seat' beneath the pulpit, and extending down that aisle, and round through the side aisles as far as was necessary. The parents 'children of a larger growth ' crowded the pews and galleries, tremblingly anxious that their little ones might acquit themselves well. Many a mother bent over that scene with solemn interest, handkerchief in hand, the tears of joy ready to fall if their children should suc- ceed, and tears of sorrow if they should happen to fail. It was a spectacle worthy of a painter. Father Hale, standing in the pulpit, put out the questions to the children in order ; and each one, when the question came to him, was expected to wheel out of the line, a la iiiililr.irc, into the broad aisle, and face the minister, and make his very best obeisance, and answer the question put to him without the slightest mistake. To be told, that is, to be prompted or corrected by the minister, was not a thing to be permitted by any child, who expected there- after to have any reputation in that town for good scholar- ship. In this manner the three divisions of the Catechism were >urre>M\elv recited, while many were the ' knees which smote one against another;' and many are the per- sons who recollect, and will long recollect, the palpitating heart, the tremulous voice, the quivering frame, with which for several vears they went through that terrible ordeal. Hut, if the nervous effects of that exercise were appalling, the moral influence was most salutary; and I desire, in this presence, to acknowledge my dee}) obligations to my 103 parents, who long since, as I trust, 'passed into the skies/ for their fidelity in requiring me, inuch against niv will, to eonnnit to memory the Assembly's Catechism, and to 'say' it six or se\'en years in succession in the old meeting-house in Westhampton, amid tremblings and agitations I can never cease to remember." In conclusion I will mention a singular penalty, in one of the New England town records, the name of which is not given, entered against a boy who had been convicted of stealing apples. The culprit was permitted to choose his punishment, either to be imprisoned for a certain speci- fied time, or, before the next Saturday night, to learn and repeat to the magistrate the whole of the catechism ! The record does not tell which of the two he chose. 1 Besides the acknowledgments made in several places, to gentlemen who have kindly furnished information for these notes, my thanks are due to Mr. Edmund M. Barton, librarian of the American Antiquarian Society, and to his assistant, Miss Mary Robinson, for their courtesy and help. I am also indebted to Rev. Charles A. Briggs, D.I)., and to Rev. Charles R. Gillett, librarian of Union Theological Seminary, for similar courtesies and for the use of books. 1 Livermore's Origin . . . of the New England Primer, p. 8. 104 APPENDIX. To enumerate the other Catechisms used by the English non- conformists and others in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries would require more space than can be spared here. The follow- ing are described as specimens : 1556. The Gate- | chisme or manner | to teache children the Christian religion, | wherin the Minister demandeth the que- | stion, and the childe maketh answere. | Made by the excellent Doctor and Pastor | in Christes Churche, lohn Caluin. | [Printer's mark with large letter Y.] | Ephe. ii. | The doctrine of the Apos- tells and Prophetes is j the fondation of Christes Churche. | [Geneva :] By lohn Crespin. \ M. n. LVI. | [Colophon:] 7m- l>r!nt<'il at Geneua by lohn \ Crespin. Anno D. M. i>. LVI. | the tenthe of february. \ Sm. 8, 167, (1) pp. (Lenox col- lection.) This is appended to, and forms part of : The forme of pray- | ers and ministra- | tion of the Sacraments, &c. vsed in the | Englishe Congregation at Geneua : and | approued, by the famous and godly lear- | ned man, lohn ( '.-iluyn. | [Printer's mark with large letter Y and Bible verses.] | Imprinted at Geneva by \ lohn Crespin M. D. LVI. | Sm. 8, title with contents on verso, preface pp. 3-24 ; the form of prayers, etc., pp. 33-93, (1) ; One and fiftie Psalmes of David in Englishe metre, by Thomas Sterneholde and others, title and pp. 1-15!), (1) ; the Catechism as above, title and pp. .'5-1(57, (1). (Lenox collection.) The first two questions of the catechism MIV : - "f The Minister. What is the pniiripall and chiefe ende of mans life? f The Childe. To kiiowe God. 105 f The minister. What moueth the to say so? IT The childe. Because he hath created vs, and placed vs in this worlde, to set forth his glory in vs. And it is good reason that we employ our whole life to the auauncement of hys glory, seing he is the originall, beginning, & fountayne thereof." An edition of the above catechism, Edinbrough, R. Lekpri- vik, 1564, is in the British Museum; one with the colophon, Tin l> rinted at London, by Ihon Kingston. Anno Domini. 1568, is in the Union Theological Seminary, New York ; and another, Imprinted at London, by Ihon Kyngston, 1580, is in the Liver- more Collection. The later editions of Calvin's catechism are too numerous to mention. 1579. A briefe Instruction, | collected for the exercise of youth, | and simple sort of people. | [Colophon : London,] 1579. Sm. 8, 18 leaves (2-19), unpaged. A 2 C 3 in eights, the title (Aj) lacking. (Livermore collection.) The author was Thomas Cobhead, and the book was printed by Ralph Newbery. The first two questions are : " Demaund. How wast y u created? Aunswer. By the hand of God. Demaund. Wherof wast thou created? Aunswer. Of the dust of the grounde." 1591. A Short | and plaine Instruction, for the | help and furtherance of such | as are carefull to know the | way to euerlasting life. | Whereto are added the places of | Scripture, which serue to prooue the | points of doctrine herein contained : | together with certaine profitable notes j set downe in the margent, to make | euery proofe more plaine con- | cerning that point for the | which it is alleadged. | By Robert Linaker. | Seeke ye first the kingdome of heaven, and the righteous- | nes thereof, and all these things shalbe ministred vn- | to you. Mat. 6, 33. | At London \ Printed by Thomas Orwin, for Thomas \ Woodcock. 1591. | Sm. 8, (36) leaves. A E 4 in eights. (Livermore collection.) 106 The address "To the Reader" states that this is an improved edition of a catechism published some time before. The first two questions are : " Question. Who hath giuen you your life : that is, your bodie and soule? Answere. That God in whome all creatures Hue, mooue, and haue all their being. Q. To what ende hath God giuen you your life ? A. To seeke his glory." 1591. So shorte a Gate- | chisme, that whosoe- | uer cannot, or wil not learne, | are not in any wise to be ad- | mitted to the Lords supper. | Imprinted at London \ by the Deputie of Christo- \ pher Barker, printer to \ the Queenes most excel- \ lent Maiestie. | 1591. | Sm. 8, (4) leaves. A in four. (Livermore col- lection.) The first two questions are : . " Qiiestion. Who made thee? Answere. God. Q. What is God? A. He is Almightie, the maker and gouernour of all things." 1600. A Treasvrie | of Catechisme, or Chri- | stian Instrvction. | The first part, which is concerning the morall | Law or ten Com- mandements of Almightie | God : with certaine Questions and | Aunswers preparatory to | the same. | . . . | London, \ Printed by Richard Field for Thomas Man. \ 1600. | Large 8, (10), 308, (1) pp. (Union Theological Seminary.) The dedication and preface are signed by Robert Allen, a Minister of the word of God. The second part was published in 1606, under the title of The Doctrine of the Gospel. [1616?] A Short Catechisme, contayning the Principles of Religion, verie profitable for ajl sorts of People. The twelfth Impression. London, 1628. 8. (Library of the Church of Scotland.) KIT The Miithor was the Rev. John Ball, minister of Whitmore, near Newcastle, in Staffordshire, who died in 1640. According to Mitchell's Catechisms of the Second Reform s,fnr fohn Bellaniie, at, the three yohlen. | L//O//X in Cormhitl, neere flu' lti/alf. Exchange. l(i;53. | 4, (40), 115, 244, 192 pp. (Union Theological Seminary.) 109 The Third Edition . . . much enlarged. London: Printed jor John Bellamie & Ralph Smith, 1640. 4. (British Museum.) 1G52. The | Rnoiviaii Catechisme; | wherein | You have the substance | <>f the Confession of those Churches, | which in the Kingdom of Poland, and | Great Dukedome of Lithuania, and other | Provinces appertaining to that Kingdom, | do affirm, That no other save the Father | of our Lord Jesus Christ, is that one God of | Israel, and that the man Jesus of Nazareth, who | was born of the Virgin, and no other be- | sides, or before him, is the onely | begotten Sonne of | God. | Printed at A/itxterledam, for Brooer \ Janz, 1G52. | 8, (6), 176 pp. (Liverrnore collection.) Was this Unitarian catechism edited by John Biddle? The first two questions and answers are : " Question. I would fain learn of you what the Christian Religion is? Answer. The Christian Religion is the way of attaining eter- nall life, discovered by God. Q. But where is it discovered ? A. In the holy Scriptures, especially that of the new Cove- nant." 1654. A | Twofold Catechism : | The One simply called | A Scripture- Catechism ; | The Other, | A brief Scripture-Catechism | for Children. | . . . | By John Biddle, Master of Arts | of the University of Oxford. | . . . | London, Printed by J. Cottrel, for Ri. Moone, at \ the seven star* in Paul's Church-yard, neer | the f/r<<// | the Market-place, 1657. | 8, (2), 75 pp. (Livermore collection.) The catechism begins : ''Father. Come Sirrah, if you will be a good boy, learn your ('uU'diizi', and then teach your Brothers and Sisters, I will give you a farthing. Son. Well, Sir, do you ask and I will answer. Father. Quest. Who was the first man God made? Son. Ansiv. Adam. Q. What did he make him of? A. Dust." THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW. 50m-5,'64(E547488)9482