HG MSD 7? '^NSURANCE LAWS STATE OF TEXAS DIGEST OF 192 BY ED. HALL COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE AND BANKING VON BOECKMANN- JONES CO., PHISTEnd, APSTIN, TEXAS 1922 GIFT OF INSURANCE LAWS STATE OF TEXAS DIGEST OF 1921 BY ED. HALL COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE AND BANKING VON BOECKMANN-JONES CO., PRINTERS, AUSTIN, TEXAS 1922 A1-122-2000-L TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Chapter I Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, Sections 1-8. 5 Chapter II Duties of the Commissioner, Sections 9-48 6 Chapter III Incorporation of Insurance Companies Home Com- panies, Sections 49-67 16 Chapter IV Life, Health and Accident Insurance Companies Home, Sections 68-120 19 Chapter V Life, Health and Accident Insurance Companies Foreign, Sections 121-131 42 Chapter VI Investments and Premium Eeceipts Taxes on Life Insurance Companies, Sections 132-148 46 Chapter VII Assessment or Natural Premium Companies, Sec- tions 149-151 _ 54 Chapter VIII Mutual Life Insurance Companies, Sections 152- 169 55 Chapter IX Fire and Marine Companies, Sections 170-221 61 Chapter X Live Stock Insurance, Section 222 83 Chapter XI Casualty Insurance Companies, Sections 223-248 ... 84 Chapter XII Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, Sections 249-262 ". 92 Chapter XIII General Provisions applies to various companies, Sections 263-295 100 Chapter XIV Workmen's Compensation Act, Sections 296-390. . . 110 Chapter XV Mutual Assessment Accident Insurance Home Companies, Sections 391-407 143 Chapter XVI Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Insur- ance Companies Their regulation, government and control, Sections 408-427 149 Chapter -XVII Mutual Hail Insurance Companies, Sections 428- 437 157 Chapter XVIII Beciprocal Indemnity Contracts Begulation thereof Powers of Commissioner, Sections 438-450 160 Chapter XIX Printers Mutual Fire and Storm Insurance Asso- ciations, Sections 451-453 164 Chapter XX Mutual plan of Insurance against loss or damage resulting from Burglary, Eobbery, and loss of Money and Se- curities in Transportation, Sections 454-461 165 Chapter XXI Agents Definition of Powers Eestrictions Penalties, Sections 462-484 167 Chapter XXII Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, Sections 485- 526 174 Chapter XXIII Eegulating the Sale of Stock of Corporations, Sections 527-550 (Blue Sky Law) 196 Chapter XXIV Anti-Trust Law, Sections 551-573 203 Chapter XXV Eegulating the Business of Insurance Issued on the Llodys Plan, Sections 574-584 211 Chapter XXVI Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Compa- nies, Sections 585-622 .^ 215 468972 INSURANCE LAWS A COMPILATION OF THE STATUTES OF THE STATE OF TEXAS WHICH BEAR UPON THE SUBJECT OF INSURANCE DIGEST OF 1 92 1 CHAPTER I. COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE AND BANKING. Appointment of. SECTION 1. The Governor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, who shall be a citizen of the State and experienced in matters of insur- ance. (R. S., Art. 4485.) Term of Office. 2. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall hold his office for the term of two years, and until the appointment and qualification of his successor. (R. S., Art. 4486.) Vacancies in Office, How Filled. 3. The Governor may fill any vacancy occurring in the office of Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and report the name of the person so appointed to the Senate, if in session, or at the next succeed- ing session of the Legislature. Should the Senate fail to confirm the appointment made by the Governor within ten days after being advised thereof, then the said office shall be deemed vacant and a new appoint- ment shall be made until the office is filled. (R. S., Art. 4487.) Oath and Bond. 4. Within fifteen days after notice of his appointment, and before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution, and shall give a bond to the State of Texas in the sum of five thousand dollars, with two or more good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Governor, and conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, which oath and bond shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. (R. S., Art. 4488.) Clerks, May Appoint. 5. Said Commissioner may appoint a competent chief clerk and such other clerks as the labors of his office may require; and all clerks shall be removable at the pleasure of the Commissioner. (R. S., Art. 4489.) Chief Clerk, Duties of. 6. The chief clerk shall possess all the power and perform all the duties attached by law to the office of Commissioner during the neces- 6 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. sary or unavoidable absence of the Commissioner, or his inability to act from any cause. The Commissioner shall be responsible for the acts of his chief clerk, who shall, before entering upon the duties of his position, take the oath required of the Commissioner; he may also be required by the Commissioner to enter into bond with security, payable to said Commissioner for the faithful performance of the duties of his position. (R. S., Art. 4490.) Shall Be Styled Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and Have a Seal. 7. The said Commissioner shall be styled the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking and shall have a seal of office, the design of which shall consist of a star with five points with letters composing the word "Texas" arranged between the respective points thereof; said seal to be not less than one and a half and not more than two inches in diameter, and on the margin "Department of Insurance and Banking," or an intelligible abbreviation thereof. Such seal thus formed and impressed shall be the seal of office of the Department of Insurance and Banking. (R. S., Art. 4491.) Ineligibility of Certain Persons. 8. No person who is a director, officer or agent of, or directly or indirectly interested in, any insurance company, except as insured, shall be a commissioner or clerk; and it shall be unlawful for such commis- sioner, or any person employed by him, or in any way connected with his office, to purchase all or any part of any mine or mineral land, to be in any manner interested in such purchase, during the term of his office or employment. (R. S., Art. 4492.) CHAPTER II. DUTIES OF THE COMMISSIONER. 9. In addition to the duties required of the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking, he shall perform other duties as follows: (R. S., Art. 4493.) Shall Execute the Laws. 10. (1) To see that all laws respecting insurance and insurance companies are faithfully executed. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 1.) File Articles of Incorporation and Other Papers. 11. (2) To file and preserve in his office all acts or articles of incor- poration of insurance companies and all other papers required by law to be deposited with him, and, upon application of any party interested therein to furnish certified copies thereof upon payment of the fees prescribed by law. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 2.) Shall Calculate Net Value of Policies. 12. (3) He shall, as soon as practicable, in each year, calculate or cause to be calculated in his office, by an officer or employe of his depart- ment, the net value on the 31st day of December of the previous year INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 7 of all the policies in force on that day in each life or health insurance company doing business in this State, upon the basis and in the manner prescribed by law. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 3.) Shall See That Company Has Net Value of Policies on Hand. 13. (4) Having determined the net value of all the policies in force, it shall be his duty to see that the company has in safe securities of the class and character required by the laws of this State the amount of said net value of all its policies, after all its debts and claims against it and at least one hundred thousand dollars of surplus to policyholders have been provided for. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 4.) May Accept the Valuation of Commissioners of Other States. 14. (5) He may accept the valuation made by the Insurance Com- missioner of the State under whose authority a life insurance company was organized when such valuation has been properly made on sound and recognized principles, as a legal basis as above; provided, the com- pany shall furnish to him a certificate of the Insurance Commissioner of such States, setting forth the value calculated on the data designated above of all the policies in force in the company on the previous 31st day of December, and stating that after all other debts of the company and claims against it at that time, and one hundred thousand dollars surplus to policyholders, were provided for, the company had in safe securities of the character required by the laws of this State, an amount equal to the net value of all its policies in force, and that said company ' is entitled to do business in its own State. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 5.) Shall See That Companies Furnish Certificates. 15. (6) Every life insurance company doing business in this State during the year for which the statement is made that fails promptly to furnish the certificate aforesaid, shall be required to make full detailed lists of policies and securities to the Insurance Commissioner, and shall be liable for all charges and expenses consequent upon not having fur- nished said certificate. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 6.) Shall Calculate the Reserve on Fire Insurance. 16. (7) For every company doing fire insurance business in this State he shall calculate the reinsurance reserve for unexpired fire risks by taking 50 per cent of the premiums received on all unexpired risks that have less than one year to run, and a pro rata of all premiums received on risks that have more than one year to run; provided, that, when the reinsurance reserve, calculated as above, is less than 40 per cent of all the premiums received during the year, the reinsurance reserve in this case shall be the whole of the premiums received on all of its unexpired risks. For every company transacting any kind of insurance business in this State for which no basis is prescribed by law, he shall calculate the reinsurance reserve upon the same basis prescribed in this section [article] as to companies transacting fire insurance business. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 7.) Note. A title and guaranty company insuring titles to real estate, issuing contracts for a specified number of years, for which it collects a single premium 8 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. at once (not annually) must set aside as a reserve 50 per cent of such single premium and maintain the same during the entire life of the contract. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, February 27, 1912.) Shall Charge Premiums in Marine and Inland Insurance. 17. (8) In marine and inland insurance he shall charge all the premiums received on unexpired risks as a reinsurance reserve. (E. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 8.) Duties When Company's Capital Is Impaired. 18. (9) Having charged against a company other than life, the reinsurance reserve, as prescribed by the laws of this State and adding thereto all other debts and claims against the company, he shall, in case he finds the capital stock of the company impaired to the extent of 20 per cent, give notice to the company to make good its whole capital stock within sixty days, and if this is not done he shall require the company to cease to do business within this State, and shall thereupon, in case the company is organized under authority of the State, imme- diately institute legal proceedings to determine what further shall be done in the case. (E. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 9.) Shall Publish Result of Examinations. 19. (10) The Commissioner shall publish the result of his exami- nation of the affairs of any company whenever he deems it for the interest of the public. (E. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 10.) Shall Suspend or Revoke Certificate of Authority. 20. (11) He shall suspend the entire business of any company of this State and the business within this State of any other company during its non-compliance with any provision of the laws relative to insurance or when its business is being fraudulently conducted, by suspending or revoking the certificate granted by him; and he shall give notice thereof to the Insurance Commissioner or other similar officer of every State and shall publish notice thereof; provided, that he shall give such company at least ten days' notice in writing of his intention to suspend its right to do business or revoke the certificate of authority granted by him, stating specifically the reason why he intends to so suspend, or revoke such certificate of authority. (E. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 11.) Shall Report to Attorney General. 21. (12) He shall report promptly and in detail to the Attorney General any violation of law relative to insurance companies or the business of insurance. (E. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 12.) Shall Furnish Blanks. 22. (13) He shall furnish to the companies required to report to him the necessary blank forms for the statements required. (E. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 13.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 9 Siiall Keep Records. 23. (14) He shall preserve in a permanent form a full record of his proceedings and a concise statement of the condition of each com- pany or agency visited or examined. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 14.) Shall Give Certified Copies. 24. (15) At the request of any person, and on the payment of the legal fee, he shall give certified copies of any record or papers in his office when he deems it not prejudicial to public interest, and shall give such other certificates as are provided for by law. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 15.) Shall Report Annually to Governor. 25. (16) He shall report annually to the Governor the names and compensations of his clerks, the receipts and expenses of his department for the year, his official acts, the conditions of companies doing business in this State, and such other information as will exhibit the affairs of said department. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 16.) . The Printing Board is without authority to decline to have the report of the Commissioner printed. (Opinion of Attorney General, May 6, 1918.) Shall Send Copy of Reports to. 26. (17) He shall send a copy of such annual report to the in- surance commissioner or other similar officer of every State, and to each company doing business in the State. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 17.) Shall Report Laws to Commissioners of Other States, When. 27. (18) On request he shall communicate to the insurance com- missioner or other similar officer of any other State, in which the sub- stantial provisions of the law of this State relative to insurance have been or shall be enacted, any facts which by law it is his duty to ascer- tain respecting the companies of this State doing business within such other State. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 18.) Shall See That No Company Does Life Business, When. 28. (19) He shall see that no company is permitted to transact the business of life insurance in this State whose charter authorizes it to do a fire, marine, lightning, tornado or inland insurance business, and that no company authorized to do a life or health insurance business in this State be permitted to take fire, marine or inland risks. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 19.) Shall Admit Mutual Companies, When. 29. (20) The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall admit into this State mutual insurance companies organized under the laws of other States and who have $200,000 assets in excess of liabilities en- gaged in cyclone, tornado, hail and storm insurance. (R. S., Art. 4493, Subdivision 20.) 10 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. May Change Form of Annual Statement. 30. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may from time to time make such changes in the forms of the annual statements required of insurance companies of any kind as shall seem to him best adapted to elicit a true exhibit of their condition and methods of transacting business; provided, that such terms and requirements shall elicit only such information as shall pertain to the business of the company. (R. S., Art. 4494.) Duties When Parties Refuse to Appear and Testify. 31. Whenever any person shall refuse to appear and testify, or to give information authorized by this chapter to be demanded by the Commissioner of Insurance, such Commissioner may file his application under oath with any district judge or district court within this State where said witness is summoned to appear, and it shall be the duty of said judge to summon said witness, administer oaths as required by law and require answers to such questions, and such judge or court shall have power to punish for contempt as now provided by law. (R. S., Art. 4495.) Sheriff and Other Peace Officers Shall Execute Service. 32. Sheriffs and other peace officers of this State shall execute pro- cess directed to them by the Commissioner of Insurance and make return thereof to him as in the case of process issued from any of the courts. (R. S., Art. 4496.) Shall Issue Certificate of Authority, When Shall Revoke Certificate When Suit Removed to Federal Court. 33. Should the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking be satisfied that any company applying for a certificate of authority has in all respects fully complied with the law, and that, if a stock company, its capital stock has been fully paid up; that it has the required amount of capital or surplus to policyholders, it shall be his duty to issue to such company a certificate of authority under the seal of his office, authorizing such company to transact insurance business, naming therein the particular kind of insurance, for the period of not less than three months nor extending beyond the last day of February next following the date of such certificate. And if any such insurance company organized under the laws of any State, or country, after having obtained a certificate of authority from the Commissioner of Insurance and Bank- ing, or other officer authorized to issue such permit to do business in this State, shall bring in any Federal court any suit or action against any citizen of this State, or shall remove any suit or action heretofore or hereafter commenced in any court of this State, to which it is a party, to any Federal court, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall forthwith revoke and recall the certificate of authority of such insurance company to do and transact business in this State, and no renewal, of authority shall be granted to such insurance company to do business in this State for a period of three years after such revocation, and such insurance company shall thereafter be prohibited from transacting any INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 11 business in this State until again duly authorized by law. (R. S., Art. 4497.) Note. (1) Fidelity, guaranty and surety companies and insurance companies are subject to the provisions in regard to removal or bringing of suits in Fed- eral court. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 15, 1909.) (2) A foreign life insurance company must have all its capital stock, author- ized by its charter, fully paid up, before it can obtain a license to do busi- ness in Texas. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 27, 1913.) (3) The statute authorizing revocation of license for filing suit in, or re- moving suit to, a Federal court, does not apply to fraternal beneficiary soci- eties. Such statute, however, is not unconstitutional. (Opinion of Attorney General, May 5, 1915.) (4) A company which does only a fidelity, guaranty and surety business is not required to have its entire authorized capital paid up in order to obtain a certificate of authority to do business in Texas. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, June 1, 1915.) Shall Compute Reserve Liability of Companies. 34. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, as soon as practicable, in each year, to compute the reserve liability on the 31st day of December of the preceding year of every company organized under the laws of this State or authorized to trans- act business in this State, which has outstanding policies of insurance on the lives of citizens of this State in accordance with the following rules: 1. The net value on the first day of December of the preceding year of all outstanding policies of life insurance in the company issued prior to the first day of January, 1910, shall be computed according to the terms of said policies on the basis of the American Experience Table of Mortality and 4 per cent interest per annum. 2. The net value on the last day of December of the preceding year of all policies of life insurance issued after the 31st day of December, 1909, upon the basis of the Actuaries' or Combined Experience Table of Mortality, with 4 per cent interest per annum; provided, that the policies of any such life insurance company thereafter issued upon the reserve basis of an interest rate lower than 4 per cent shall be computed upon the basis of the American Experience Table of Mortality with interest at such lower rate per annum; provided, that any company which on January 1, 1909, was writing policies on the basis of 4J per cent may continue on that basis until January 1, 1912, and its policies shall be so valued. 3. In every case in which the actual premium charged for an insur- ance is less than the net premium for such insurance computed ace 3rd- ing to its respective tables of mortality and rate of interest aforesaid, the company shall also be charged with the value of annuity, the amount of which shall equal the difference between the premium charged and that required by the rules above stated and the term of which in years shall equal the number of future annual payments, due on the insur- ance at the date of the valuation. (R. S., Art. 4498.) Note. A life insurance company has outstanding contracts containing the following provisions: "On the first day of August of each year, during the continuance of this con- tract, the company shall compute the number of thousands of insurance in force 12 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. written for a period of ten years from and after August 1, 1906, in the State of Texas, upon which there shall have been paid in cash during the preceding year one full annual premium, two semi-annual or four quarter-annual pre- miums. "The company further agrees on the dates aforesaid to credit said member with such a sum of money from the expense element of premiums paid on in- surance written in said State, during said period, after said date, as shall be obtained by dividing an amount of money equal to one dollar for each one thou- sand dollars of insurance in force at said dates, written during said period, after August 1, 1906, by the number of said members' contracts in force at the time of such distribution. "The amount so credited to said member shall each year, on the anniversary of the date of this contract, or within sixty days thereafter, provided this con- tract be then in force, be paid to him by said company, subject to the agreement of said member in his application herefor." The amount which may be properly charged on December 31st any year against the company as a liability on account of the issuance of such contracts is the amount of money credited to the various special contract holders on August 1st of any such year the last distribution period. The money paid in after that date and which is being held in a general fund for coming distribution dates, should not be charged as a liability. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 30, 1912.) Shall Calculate Reinsurance Reserve. 35. On the 31st day of December of each and every year, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall have calculated in his office the reinsurance reserve for all unexpired risks of all insurance companies organized under the laws of this State, or transacting business in this State, transacting any kind of insurance other than life, fire, marine, inland, lightning or tornado in- surance, by taking 50 per cent of the gross premiums on all unexpired risks that have less than one year to run and a pro rata of all premiums received on risks that have more than one year to run. (E. S., Art. 4499.) Shall Examine Companies Have Free Access to Books May Revoke or Modify Certificate Expenses for Examinations. 36. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall, at the end of each two years, or oftener if he deems necessary, in person or by one or more examiners commissioned in writing, visit each company organized under the laws of this State and examine its financial con- dition and its ability to meet its liabilities. He shall have free access to all the books and papers of the company or agents thereof relating to the business and affairs of such company, and shall have power to summon and examine under oath the officers, agents and employes of such company and any other person within the State relative to the affairs of such insurance company. He may revoke or modify any certificate of authority issued by him when any conditions or require- ments prescribed by law for granting it no longer exist; provided, that he shall give such company at least ten days' notice in writing of his intention to revoke or modify such certificate of authority issued by him, stating specifically the reasons why he intends to revoke or modify such certificate. The expense of every such examination shall be paid by the company so examined, but the Commissioner shall not make any charge for services except for traveling or other actual expenses INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 13 and shall furnish the company with an itemized statement of such expenses. (E. S., Art. 4500.) Powers and Duties of Commissioner in Case of Examination. 37. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, for the purpose of examination authorized by law, has power, either in person or by one or more examiners by him commissioned in writing: 1. To require free access to all books and papers within this State of any insurance companies or the agents thereof doing business within this State. 2. To summon and examine any person within this State, under oath, which he or any examiner may administer, relative to the affairs and conditions of any insurance company. 3. To visit at its principal office, wherever situated, any insurance company doing business in this State, for the purpose of investigating its affairs and conditions, and shall revoke the certificate of authority of any such company in this State refusing to permit such examination. The reasonable expenses of all such examinations shall be paid by the company examined. 4. He may revoke or modify any certificate of authority issued by him when any conditions prescribed by law for granting it no longer exist. 5. He shall also have power to institute suits and prosecutions either by the Attorney General or such other attorney as the Attorney Gen- eral may designate, for any violations of the Jaw of this State relat- ing to insurance, and no action shall be brought or maintained by any person other than the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking for clos- ing up the affairs or to enjoin, restrain or interfere with the prosecution of the business of any such insurance company organized under the laws of this State. (E. S., Art. 4501.) f- Transfer of Securities, Must Be Countersigned. 38. No transfer by the Commissioner of Insurance of securities of any kind, in any way held by him in his official capacity, shall be valid unless countersigned by the Treasurer of the State. (E. S., Art. 4502.) State Treasurer, Duty in Regard to Transfers. 39. It is the duty of the State Treasurer (1) To countersign any -such transfer presented to him by the Com- missioner. (2) To keep a record of all transfers, stating the name of the trans- feree, unless transferred in blank, and a description of the security. (3) Upon countersigning, to advise by mail the company concerned the particulars of the transaction. (4) In his annual report to the Legislature, to state the transfers and the amount thereof countersigned by him. (E. S., Art. 4503.) Free Access to Records, Books, Etc., Given to Commissioner and State Treasurer. 40. For the purpose of verifying the correctness of records, the Com- missioner of Insurance shall be entitled to free access to the Treas- 14 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. urer's records required by the preceding article, and the Treasurer shall be entitled to free access to the books and other documents of the Insurance Department relating to securities held by the Commissioner. (E. S., Art. 4504.) Instruments Executed and Copies of Papers Made Evidence. 41. Every instrument executed by the Commissioner of Insurance of this State, or of any other State in which the substantial provisions of the laws of this State relating to insurance have been or shall be en- acted, pursuant to authority conferred by law, and authenticated by his seal of office, shall be received as evidence, and copies of papers and rec- ords in his office certified by him and so authenticated shall be received as evidence with the same effect as the originals. (E. S., Art. 4505.) Commissioner Authorized to Make Inquiries of Companies. 42. The Commissioner of Insurance is authorized to address any inquiries to any insurance company in relation to its business and con- dition, or any matter connected with its transaction, which he may deem necessary for the public good, or for a proper discharge of his duty and it shall be the duty of the company so addressed to promptly answer such inquiries in writing. (E. S., Art. 4506.) Commissioner's Report. 43. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to cause the informa- tion contained in the annual statements of companies to be arranged in tabular form, and prepare the same in a single document for printing and submit the same to the Legislature as a portion of his regular report to that body. (E. S., Art. 4507.) Valid Final Judgment Insurance Company's Certificate of Authority Revoked, When. 44. Should any insurance company fail or neglect to pay off and discharge any execution, issued upon a valid final judgment against said company, within thirty days after the notice of the issuance thereof,, then in that event the certificate of authority of said company to trans- act business of insurance shall be revoked, canceled and annulled, and said company shall be prohibited from transacting business of insurance in this State until said execution be satisfied. (E. S., Art. 4508.) Note. Commissioner cannot revoke permit for failure to pay judgment un- less it be a final and also a valid judgment. As long as there is pending an independent original suit to determine the validity of a default judgment, it is not final and Commissioner cannot revoke permit. Commissioner cannot de- termine validity of judgment while suit is pending to set it aside, nor pass- upon the jurisdiction of the courts with reference to such suit. (Opinion of Attorney General, September 30, 1915.) Commissioners to Give Certificates, Attested by Seal. 45. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, Commissioner of the General Land Office, Comptroller, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, State Librarian, Adjutant General and Attorney General to furnish any person who may apply for the same, with a copy of any paper, document or record INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 15 in their respective offices, and also to give certificates, attested by the seals of their respective offices, certifying to any fact or facts contained in the papers, documents or records of their offices, to any person apply- ing for the same. (E. S., Art. 3833.) Fees. 46. It shall be lawful for the officers named in the preceding article to demand and receive the following fees for the services mentioned therein : For copies of any paper, document or record in their offices in the English language, including certificate and seal, and for each hundred words $ 15 For copies of any paper, document or record in their offices, in any other language than the English, including certificate and seal, for each hundred words 25 For each translated copy of any paper, document or record in their offices, including certificate and seal, for each hundred words 30 For the copy of any plat or map in their offices, such fee as may be established by the officer in whose office the same is made, to be determined with reference to the amount of labor re- quired. For each certificate not otherwise provided for 50 (R. S., Art. 3834.) 47. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall charge and receive for the use of the State the following fees, towit: For filing each declaration or certified copy of charter of insur- ance company $ 25 00 Note.- Companies must pay $25 filing fee for each amended declaration or certified copy. (Attorney General's opinion, November 4, 1901.) For filing the annual statement of an insurance company, or certificate in lieu thereof 20 00 For certificate of authority and certified copy thereof 1 00 For every copy of any paper filed in his department, for each folio 20 For affixing his official seal and certifying to the same 100 For valuing policies of life insurance companies, for each one million of insurance or fraction thereof 10 00 For official examinations of companies under the law, the actual expense incurred, and ten dollars a day, not to exceed 250 00 (R. S., Art. 3844.) Note. Filing fees should be returned to an insurance company if license is not granted. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 14, 1908.) Shall Keep Fee Book and Bender Account of Fees Quarterly. 48. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, Commissioner of General Land Office, Comptroller, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agricul- ture, Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, State Librarian, Adju- tant General and Attorney General, respectively, to keep fee books in their several offices, in which they shall enter all the fees received for 16 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. any of the services named in this chapter, and they shall quarterly file with the Comptroller an account of all fees so received by them., respec- tively; which accounts shall be verified by the affidavit of the officer ren- dering the same, and such officer shall, also at the end of each quarter, pay over to the Treasurer of the State all moneys received by them > respectively, under the provisions of this chapter. (E. S., Art. 3836.) CHAPTEE III. INCOKPOEATION OF INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME COMPANIES. Formation of Company. 49. Any number of persons desiring to form a company for the purpose of transacting insurance business shall adopt and sign articles of incorporation, and submit the same to the Attorney General, and if said articles shall be found by him to be in accordance with the laws of this State, and of the United States, he shall attach thereto his cer- tificate to that effect, whereupon such articles shall be deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (E. S., Art. 4705.) Note. The business of guaranteeing titles to land is insurance business, and a corporation organized and chartered under this statute for such purpose must conduct its business under the supervision of the Insurance Department. (Opinion of Attorney General, May 1, 1913.) Articles of Incorporation Shall Contain. 50. Such articles shall contain (1) The name of the company, and the name selected shall not be so similar to that of any other insurance company as to be likely to mislead the public. Note. Courts must pass upon question of similarity of names. (Attorney General's opinion, July 1, 1902.) (2) The locality of the principal business office of such company. (3) The kind of insurance business which the company proposes to engage in, (4) The amount of its capital stock, which shall in no case be less than one hundred dollars. (E. S., Art. 4706.) Note. A corporation issuing certificates guaranteeing and warranting titles to real estate is an insurance company and its charter should be filed with Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Opinion of Attorney General, Jan- uary 29, 1910.) Duty of Commissioner of Insurance When Articles Are Deposited With Him. 51. When the said articles of incorporation have been deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and the law in all other respects has been complied with by the company, the Commissioner shall make an examination, or cause one to be made by some competent and disinterested person appointed by him for that purpose; and if it shall be found that the capital stock of the company, to the amount INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 17 required by law, has been paid in, and is possessed by it, in money or in such stock, notes, bonds or mortgages as are required by law, and that the same is the bond fide property of such company, and that such com- pany has in all respects complied with the law relating to insurance, then the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall issue to such company a certificate of authority to commence business as proposed in their articles of incorporation. (R. S., Art. 4707.) Note. Certificates of stock issued by a fire insurance company, which stock was not paid for in cash, but in a certificate of deposit of a bank due at a future time, were unlawfully issued, and should be canceled. (Opinion of Attorney General, November 13, 1912.) Company Shall Certify Under Oath That the Capital Is Bona Fide Its Property. 52. The corporators or officers of any such company shall be required to certify under oath to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking that the capital exhibited to the person making the examination is the bona fide property of the company so examined, which certificates shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (R. S., Art. 4708.) Where Examination Is Made by Other Than Commissioner. 53. If the examination be made by any other person than the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking, the finding shall be certified under the oath of the person making such examination, and such finding and certificate shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (R. S., Art. 4709.) Stock Divided Into Shares. 54. The stock of any company organized under the laws of this State shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. (R. S., Art. 4710.) Capital Stock Shall Consist of What. 55. The capital stock of a company shall consist : ( 1 ) In lawful money of the United States ; or (2) In the bonds of this State or any county or incorporated town or city thereof, or the stock of any national bank; or Heal Estate Must Be Worth Double Amount Loaned on It. (3) In first mortgages upon unencumbered real estate in this State, the title to which is valid and the market value of which is double the amount loaned thereon, exclusive of buildings, unless such buildings are insured in some responsible company and the policy or policies trans- ferred to the company taking such mortgage. (R. S., Art. 4711.) Surplus Money May Be Invested, How Current Value of Investment. 56. The surplus money of a company over and above its paid-up capital stock may be invested in or loaned upon the pledge of public stocks or bonds of the United States, or any of the States, or stocks, bonds, or other evidence of indebtedness of any solvent dividend-paying 18 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. corporation, or in bills of exchange or other commercial notes or bills, except its own stock; provided always that the current market value of such stocks, bonds, notes, bills, or other evidences of indebtedness shall be at all times during the continuance of such loans at least 20 per cent more than the sum loaned thereon. (E. S., Art. 4712.) Note. The title guaranty companies are insurance companies and are subject to the insurance laws. A title guaranty company may invest part of its capital in an abstract plant to be used as incident to its business. It cannot sell ab- stracts to the public. It cannot invest any part of its capital in stock of an abstract company, but may invest its surplus in such stock as an investment, but not for the purpose of conducting the business of an abstract company. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 11, 1913.) Company May Change and Reinvest Stock. 57. A company may change and reinvest its capital stock in like securities as occasion may from time to time require. (E. S., Art. 4713.) Number and Qualification of Directors. 58. The affairs of any company organized under the laws of this State shall be managed by not more than thirteen nor fewer than seven directors, all of whom shall be stockholders in the company. (E. S., Art. 4714.) Election of Directors. 59. Within thirty days after the subscription books of the company have been filed, a majority of the stockholders shall hold a meeting for the election of directors, each share entitling the holder thereof to one vote; and the directors then in office shall continue in office until their successors have been duly chosen and have accepted the trust. (E. S., Art. 4715.) Annual Meeting for Election of. 60. The annual meeting for the election of directors of a company shall be held during the month of January, as the by-laws of the com- pany may direct. (E. S., Art. 4716.) Special Meetings for Election of. 61. If from any cause the stockholders should fail to elect directors at an annual meeting, they may hold a special meeting for that pur- pose, by giving thirty days' notice thereof in some newspaper in general circulation in the county in which the principal office of the company is located, and the directors chosen at such special meeting shall con- tinue in office until their successors are duly elected and have accepted. (E. S., Art. 4717.) Quorum of Stockholders. 62. No meeting of stockholders shall elect directors or transact such other business of the company unless there shall be present at such meeting, in person or by proxy, a majority in value of the stockholders equal to two-thirds of the stock of such company. (E. S., Art. 4718.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 19 Directors Shall Choose President and Other Officers. 63. The directors shall choose by ballot from their own number a president and such other officers as the by-laws of the company may designate, who shall perform such duties, receive such compensation and give such security as the by-laws of such company may require. (E. S., Art. 4719.) Directors to Make By-Laws. 64. The directors may ordain and establish such by-laws and regu- lations, not inconsistent with law, as shall appear to them necessary for regulating and conducting the business of the company. (R. S., Art. 4720.) Shall Keep a Record of Transactions. 65. It shall be the duty of the directors to keep a full and correct record of their transactions, which shall at all times during business hours be open to the inspection of the stockholders and other persons interested therein. (R. S., Art. 4721.) Shall Fill Vacancies What Shall Constitute a Quorum. 66. The directors shall fill all vacancies which shall occur in the board or in any of the offices of the company, and a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (R. S., Art. 4722.) General Incorporation Law Shall Apply. 67. The laws relating to and governing corporations in general shall apply to and govern insurance companies incorporated in this State in so far as the same may not be inconsistent with the provisions of this title. (R. S., Art. 4723.) CHAPTER IV. LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME. Terms Denned. 68. A life insurance company shall be deemed to be a corporation doing business under any charter involving the payment of money or other thing of value, conditioned on the continuance or cessation of human life, or involving an insurance, guaranty, contract or pledge for the payment of endowments or annuities. An accident insurance com- pany shall be deemed to be a corporation doing business under any char- ter involving the payment of money or other thing of value, conditioned upon the injury, disablement or death of persons resulting from travel- ing or general accidents by land or water. A health insurance company shall be deemed to be a corporation doing business under any charter involving the payment of any amount of money or other thing of value, conditioned upon loss by reason of disability due to sickness or ill health. When consistent with the context and not obviously used in a different sense, the term "company' 5 or "insurance company," as used herein, 20 INSURANCE LAWS or TEXAS. includes all corporations engaged as principals in the business of life, accident or health insurance. The term "home" or domestic company, as used herein, designates those life, accident or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance companies incorpo- rated and formed in this State. The term "foreign company" means any life, accident or health insurance company organized under the laws of any other State or Territory of the United States, or foreign country. The term "home office" of a company means its principal office within the State or country in which it is incorporated and formed. The "in- sured" or "policyholder" is the person on whose life a policy of insurance is effected. The "beneficiary" is the person to whom a policy of insur- ance effected is payable. By the term "net assets" is meant the funds of the company available for the payment of its obligations in this State, including uncollected premiums not more than three months past due and deferred premiums on policies actually in force, after deducting from such funds all unpaid losses and claims for losses, and all other debts, exclusive of capital stock. The "profits" of a company are that portion of its funds not required for the payment of losses and expenses, nor set apart for any other purpose required by law. (E. S., Art. 4724.) Note. A contract of an insurance company in which the company undertakes to indemnify the mayor of a city for the benefit of every person who shall sus- tain bodily injury through the negligent operation of an automobile, and for the benefit of every passenger injured or negligently allowed to be injured by an employe of the principal, is an accident or casualty insurance policy rather than a surety bond. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 8, 1921.) Who May Incorporate What Articles of Incorporation Shall Contain. 69. Any three or more citizens of this State who shall be known as corporators, may associate themselves for the purpose of forming a life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and acci- dent, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance com- pany, provided, that no such company shall transact more than one of the foregoing classes of business, except in separate and distinct departments. In order to form such a company the corporators shall sign and acknowledge its articles of incorporation before any officer authorized to take acknowledgments to deeds, and file the same in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. Such articles of incorporation shall specify: (a) The name and place of residence of each of the incorporates. (b) The name of the proposed company, which shall contain the words "insurance company" as a part thereof, and which must not so closely resemble the name of any existing company transacting insur- ance business in this State as to mislead the public. Note. ( 1 ) The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking has no authority to pass upon question of similarity of names. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 25, 1906.) (2) A foreign or domestic corporation is not entitled to the use of the same or a similar corporate name in the same general territory as would render de- ception of the public as well as injury to the first user of the corporate name probable. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 16, 1921.) (c) The location of its home office. (d) The kind or kinds of insurance business it purposes to transact. INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 21 (e) The amount of its capital stock, not less than $100,000, all of which capital stock must be subscribed and fully paid up and in the hands of the corporators before said articles of incorporation are filed, such capital stock to be divided into shares of $100 each. Note. (1) A share of stock of a life insurance company cannot be divided and sold in fractional parts of a share. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 3, 1909.) (2) Stock, paid for in notes or other evidence of promise to pay, cannot be lawfully issued, and unless fully paid for and issued, it cannot be voted. A stock subscription agreement, failing to show what portion of money paid under it is used for promotion and commissions for selling the stock, is fraud- ulent. (Opinion of Attorney General, September 10, 1909.) (f) The period of time it is to exist, which shall not exceed five hundred years. (g) The number of shares of such capital stock. (h) Such other provisions not inconsistent with the law as the cor- porators may deem proper to insert therein. (R. S., Art. 4725.) Fee for Filing Articles of Incorporation Duties of Commissioner When Articles Are Filed. 70. When such articles of incorporation are filed with the Com- sioner of Insurance and Banking, together with an affidavit made by two or more of its incorporators that all the stock has been subscribed in good faith and fully paid for, together with a charter fee of $20, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to submit such articles of incorporation to the Attorney General for examination, and if he ap- proves the same as conforming with the law he shall so certify and deliver such articles of incorporation, together with his certificate of ap- proval attached thereto, to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, who shall, upon receipt thereof, record the same in a book kept for that purpose, and upon receipt of a fee of $1.00 he shall furnish a certified copy of the same to the corporators, upon which they shall be a body politic and corporate, and may proceed to complete the organization of the company, for which purpose they shall forthwith call a meeting of the stockholders, who shall adopt by-laws for the government of the company, and elect a board of directors, not less than five, composed of stockholders, which board shall have full control and management of the affairs of the corporation, subject to the by-laws thereof as adopted or amended from time to time by the stockholders or directors and to the laws of this State. The board of directors so elected shall serve until the second Tuesday in March thereafter, on which date annually there- after there shall be held an annual meeting of the stockholders at the home office, and a board of directors elected for the ensuing year. At all meetings of the stockholders, each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock fully paid up appearing in his name on the books of the company, which vote may be given in person or by written proxy. The majority of the paid-up capital stock at any meet- ing of the stockholders shall constitute a quorum. (R. S., Art. 4726.) Charter May Be Amended Capital Stock May Be Increased or Reduced. 71. At any regular meeting or called meeting of the stockholders 22 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. they may, by resolution, provide for any lawful amendment to the charter or articles of incorporation,, and such amendment, accompanied by a copy of such resolution duly certified by the president and secretary of the company, shall be filed and recorded in the same manner as the original charter, and shall thereupon become effective. Stockholders representing a majority of the capital stock of any such company may in such manner also increase or reduce the amount of its capital stock; provided, that the capital stock shall in no case be reduced to less than $100,000 fully paid up. A statement of any such increase or reduction shall be signed and acknowledged by two officers of the company and filed and recorded along with the certified copy of the resolution of the stockholders provided therefor in the same manner as the charter or amendment thereto. For any such increase or reduction the company may require the return of the original certificates as other evidences of stock in exchange for new certificates issued in lieu thereof. (K. S., Art. 4727.) Note. (1) A charter cannot be amended prior to meetings of stockholders called by the corporators for adoption of by-laws and election of board of directors. The corporators cannot sell or assign their right or interest in the charter nor in the unorganized corporation. The assignee of such corporators, acting alone or with the corporators who did not assign or sell out, cannot amend the charter nor call a meeting of stockholders to adopt by-laws and elect a board of directors. The subscribers to the capital stock are not stockholders and cannot amend the charter prior to being called together by the corporators to adopt by-laws and elect a board of directors. After being called together by the corporators, and after the adoption of by-laws and election of a board of directors, the subscribers to the stock thereupon become stockholders and may amend the charter, notwithstanding the fact that no certificate of authority to do business has been issued. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 2, 1910.) (2) A life insurance company having amended its charter and reduced its capital stock from $150,000 to $100,000, the par value of each share being $100, should recall the certificates of stock representing the reduction and cancel them. Should a shareholder own a number of shares not capable of being so divided as to leave his interest in the capital stock as a multiple of 100, he should retain the whole shares and the company should issue to him a cer- tificate of interest showing the fractional part of a share of which he is owner. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 18, 1919.) (3) The reduction of its capital stock by a life insurance company for the purpose of distributing ratably among its stockholders the proceeds of such re- duction would be for an illegal purpose, in that it would be the payment of a dividend from funds other than profits made by said company as prohibited by Articles 4738 and 4763 of the Revised Statutes of Texas. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 16, 1920.) Fractional Shares of Stock May Be Voted Whenever Capital of Company Shall Have Been Reduced as Provided by Law. 72. Whenever any corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas shall reduce its capital stock under the provisions of law ap- plying thereto, and by reason thereof, fractional shares of its stock shall be issued to or held by any of its stockholders, the holder of any such fractional share or shares shall be entitled to vote the same at any meeting of the stockholders in accordance with the proportionate or ratable value of such share or shares. (Sec. 1, Chap. 112, Acts Thirty- sixth Legislature.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 23 Shares of Stock Shall Be Transferable. 73. The shares of stock of such company shall be transferable on its books in accordance with law and the by-laws of the company by the owner in person or his authorized agent, and every person becom- ing a stockholder by such transfer shall succeed to all rights of the former holder of the stock transferred, by reason of such ownership. (E. S., Art. 4727.) Shall Be Examined When Certificate of Authority Issued. 74. When the first meeting of the stockholders shall be held and the officers of the company elected it shall be the duty of the president or secretary to notify the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and he shall thereupon immediately make or cause to be made at the expense of the company a full and thorough examination thereof, and if he shall find that all of the capital stock of the company, amounting to not less than $100,000, has been fully paid up and is in the custody of the officers, either in cash or securities of the class in which such companies are authorized by this chapter to invest or loan their funds, he shall issue to such company a certificate of authority to transact such kind or kinds of insurance business within this State as such officers may apply for and as may be authorized by its charter, which certificate shall expire on the last day of February next after the date of its issuance. Before such certificate is issued not less than two officers of such company shall execute and file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a sworn schedule of all the assets of the company exhibited to him upon such examination, showing the value thereof, together with a sworn statement that the same are bona fide, the unconditional and unencumbered property of the company and are worth the amounts stated in such schedule. No original or first certificate of authority shall be granted except in conformity herewith, regardless of the date of filing of the articles of incorporation with the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking. (E. S., Art. 4728.) Annual Statement, Shall Contain Commissioner May Change Form of. 75. Each life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company, organized under the laws of this State, shall, after the first day of January of each year and before the first day of March following, and before the renewal of its certificate of authority to trans- act business, prepare under oath of two of its officers, and deposit in the office of Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, a statement accom- panied with the fee for filing annual statements of $10, showing the condition of the company on the 31st day of December the next pre- ceding, which shall include a statement in detail, showing the character of its assets and liabilities on that date, the amount and character of business transacted, moneys received and how expended during the year, and the number and amount of its policies in force on that date in Texas, and the total amount of all policies in force; and the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may from time to time make such changes in the form and requirements of the annual statements of companies as shall seem to him best adapted to elicit from the companies a true exhibit of 4 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. their condition and methods of conducting business, and such state- ment shall also contain and set forth an exhibit of the investments of such company; provided, that such terms and requirements shall elicit only such information as shall pertain to the business of the company. (E. S., Art. 4729.) Renewal Certificate of Authority, Issued When. 76. Whenever any life insurance company or accident insurance company or life and accident, or health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company transacting insurance business in this State shall have filed its annual statement in accordance with the pre- ceding article, showing a condition which entitles it to transact busi- ness in this State in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall, upon receipt of a fee of $1.00, issue a renewal certificate of authority to such company, which shall expire on the last day of February of the subsequent year. (R. S., Art. 4730.) Shall Receive Certified Copy of Certificate of Authority for Agents. 77. Any such company organized under the laws of this State, hav- ing received authority from the Commissioner of Insurance and Bank- ing to transact business in this State, shall receive from such Commis- sioner upon written request therefor a certified copy of this certificate of authority for each of its agents in this State. (R. S., Art. 4731.) Actions by Company or Policyholder. 78. Actions may be maintained by a company organized under the laws of this State against any of its policyholders, stockholders, or other persons for any cause relating to the business of such company, and actions may also be prosecuted and maintained by any policyholder or the heirs or legal representative of any such policyholder against the company for losses which accrue on any policy, but no action shall be brought or maintained by any person other than the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State for the enjoining, restraining or interfering with the prosecution of the business of the company. (R. S., Art. 4732.) Laws Relating to Corporations Shall Govern. 79. The laws relating to and governing corporations in general shall apply to and govern companies organized under this chapter, in so far as the same are pertinent and not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter. (R. S., Art. 4733.) May Invest in or Loan Upon, What Securities. 80. A life insurance company organized under the laws of this State may invest in or loan upon the following securities, viz. : (a) It may invest any of its funds or accumulations in the bonds of the United States, or of any State, county or city of the United States, or the bonds of any independent or common school district, or first mortgage bonds of any dividend-paying railroad or electric rail- INSURANCE LAWS or TEXAS. 25 way company duly incorporated under the laws of the United States or any State thereof. (b) It may loan any of its funds and accumulations, taking as security therefor such collateral as under the previous subdivision it may invest in; and upon first liens upon real estate, the title to which is valid, and the value of which is double the amount loaned thereon ; provided, that if any part of such value is in buildings, such build- ings shall be insured against loss by fire for at least 50 per cent of the value thereof, with loss clause payable to such company. It may also make loans upon the security of or purchase its own policies, but no loan on any policy shall exceed the reserve value thereof. No invest- ment or loan, except policy loans, shall be made by any such insurance company unless the same shall first have been authorized by the board of directors, or by committee charged with the duty of supervising such investments or loans. No such company shall subscribe to, or participate in, any underwriting of the purchase or sale of securities or property or enter into any such transaction for such purpose or sell on account of such company jointly with any other person, firm or corporation; nor shall any such company enter into any agreement to withhold from sale any of its property; but the disposition of its property shall be at all times within the control of its board of directors. Every such com- pany possessed of assets not authorized by this chapter shall dispose of the same within five years after July 10, 1909, unless such time is ex- tended for good cause by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (E. S., Art. 4734.) Note. (1) A company may invest its funds in a portion of a series of notes or bonds, secured by first lien on real estate -worth double amount of entire loan. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 10, 1910.) (2) A life insurance company cannot invest in bonds of the Republic of Mexico. (Opinion of Attorney General, November 3, 1910.) (3) A life insurance company may make loan to a church, where it is secured by bonds constituting a first lien on real estate. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 17, 1911.) (4) A home life insurance company cannot lawfully count, as admitted assets, time certificates of deposit which are not due or payable on demand by the bank issuing them. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 2, 1912.) (5) A life insurance company, chartered in Texas, may lawfully borrow money and pledge its assets as security, and the excess of such collateral may be regarded as available or admitted assets of the company. An investment in paper secured by real estate worth less than double amount of loan is not void, but is unauthorized and therefore an ultra vires act, but where amount is small and is part of purchase and sale of an office building is not ground for withholding permit to the company or declining to consider the investment as part of its available assets. (Attorney General's opinion, March 15, 1915.) (6) Loans made by a company to its agents are without authority of law. "Advances" may be divided into three classes: First, gifts which would be clearly unlawful ; second, money advanced in anticipation of a debt to mature at some future time, and if in insignificant amounts, they would probably be lawful, otherwise they would be in open violation of the law; and, third, money put in the hands of an agent to be expended in the management of the business of his principal, and advances made in this way and for this purpose would be lawful. Whether or not an "advance" is a lawful one, or whether a loan is in violation of law is a question of fact. (Attorney General's opinion, August 9, 1916.) 26 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Real Estate, May Hold. 81. Every such insurance company may secure, hold and convey real property only for the following purposes and in the following manner : 1. One building site and office building for its accommodation in the transaction of its business and for lease and rental. 2. Such as shall have been acquired in good faith by way of secur- ity for loans previously contracted, or for moneys due. 3. Such as shall have been conveyed to it in the satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the course of its dealings. 4. Such as shall have been purchased at sales under judgment or decrees of court, or mortgage, or other liens held by such company. Note. (1) A company may invest in a lot, for an office building, upon which there is an encumbrance, provided the company definitely undertakes to pay off the encumbrance. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 10, 1910.) (2) The word "purchase," in this statute, means acquired either by pur- chase or rental. A life insurance company has the right to secure, hold and convey a lease on a building for a period of time, with option of purchase at expiration of lease. .The aggregate amount to be paid for the lease extend- ing over a long period of time is not a debt which could amount to an impair- ment of the capital of the company. Ownership of such building or lease is a chattel real and, as such, is real property and the investment is lawful. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 22, 1914.) All such real property specified in Subdivisions 2, 3 and 4, of this article, which shall not be necessary for its accommodation in the con- venient transaction of its business shall be sold and disposed of within five years after the company shall have acquired title to the same, or within five years after the -same shall have ceased to be necessary for the accommodation of its business, and it shall not hold such property for a longer period unless it shall procure a certificate from the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking that its interests will suffer ma- terially by the forced sale thereof; in which event the time for the sale may be extended to such time as the Commissioner shall direct in such certificate. (E. S., Art. 4735.) Directors Shall Not Receive Money in Connection With Nor Be Interested in Purchase, Loan or Sale of Company. 82. No director or officer of any insurance company transacting busi- ness in this State, or organized under the laws of this State, shall re- ceive any money or valuable thing for negotiating, procuring, recom- mending or aiding in any purchase or sale by such company of any property or any loan from such company, nor be pecuniarily interested, either as principal, co-principal, agent or beneficiary, in any such pur- chase, sale or loan; provided, that nothing contained in this article shall prevent a life insurance corporation from making a loan upon a policy held therein by the borrower not in excess of the reserve value thereof. Any person violating any provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction .thereof shall be punished by fine of not less than $300 nor more than $1000. (E. S., Art. 4736. P. C., Art. 687.) Note. (1) See Section 113. (2) It is unlawful for a company to buy securities from or sell securities INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 27 to or loan money to a banking or other corporation in which the officers or directors of the life insurance company are interested as stockholders, officers or directors. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 10, 1910.) (3) A life insurance company may lease a property from another corpora- tion, notwithstanding certain officers of the insurance company are also officers and large stockholders of the other corporation. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, March 27, 1911.) (4) The president of a fire insurance company may lawfully sell the capital stock of his company on commission. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 3, 1911.) (5) A life insurance company ordinarily has no authority to buy or sell its own stock. Exigencies, however, might arise where the buying of its own stock would be to the interest of the company, and where such occasions arise and there is no fraud in the transaction, it would probably not be in violation of law. In such cases, the certificate of authority of the company should not be revoked by the Commissioner, but the company should be required to file with him a transcript of all minutes, correspondence and other papers connected with the transaction. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 19, 1914.) (6) An accident and health insurance company organized under Texas laws, any of whose officers or directors are likewise officers or directors of a loan and trust company cannot lawfully make such loan and trust company its fiscal agent. The fact that the officers or directors of such insurance company are stockholders of a loan and trust company would not prevent the insurance company from employing such loan and trust company as its fiscal agent. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 16, 1914.) (7) As a general rule, the directors of a life insurance company could not lawfully be the directors of a corporation lessee of the life insurance company; but where the stockholders of the life insurance company authorize some of its directors to organize and become directors in a corporation for the purpose of taking over a lease made by such insurance company to an individual, in order that the individual's part of the contract under the lease might be carried out and the insurance company's interest therein preserved, the general rule would not apply. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 17, 1915.) (8) A life insurance company would have no authority to purchase its own stock and hold same subject to resale at a price not in excess of the price paid for it, and where no one would be benefited except the stockholder selling his stock. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 8, 1921.) May Reinsure. 83. Any life insurance company organized under the laws of this State may reinsure in any insurance company authorized to transact business in this State any risk or part of a risk which it may assume; provided, that no such company shall have the power to so reinsure its entire outstanding business until the contract therefor shall be sub- mitted to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking and be by him approved as protecting fully the interests of all the policy holders. (R. S., Art. 4737.) Note. A foreign life insurance company may lawfully reinsure the business of a Texas life insurance company which deposits securities covering its re- serves with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Opinion of Attor- ney General, January 16, 1915.) Dividends, Shall Not Pay, Except From Profits. 84. No life insurance company organized under the laws of this State shall declare or pay any dividends to its policyholders except from the profits made by such company; provided, that this shall not prohibit the issuance of policies guaranteeing a definite payment, or 28 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. reduction in premiums, not exceeding the expense of loading on said premiums, but where said reduction exceeds said expense loading the proper reserve therefor must be held by the company to provide for the deficiency so arising in the net premium; and, provided further, that this shall not apply to payments to holders of special or board contracts heretofore issued. No such life insurance company shall de- clare or pay any dividends to its stockholders except from the profits made by said company, not including surplus arising from the sale of stock. (R. S., Art. 4738.) Note. The issuance of guaranteed dividend policies is not prohibited. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, January 5, 1911.) Salaries, Shall Not Pay Excessive. 85. No domestic life insurance company shall pay any salary, com- pensation or emolument to any officer, trustee or director thereof, nor any salary, compensation or emolument amounting in any year to more than $5000 to any person, firm or corporation, unless such pay- ment be first authorized by a vote of the board of directors of such life insurance company; provided, that the limitation as to time con- tained herein shall not be construed as preventing a life insurance com- pany from entering into contracts with its agents for the payment of renewal commissions. No such company shall grant any pension to any officer, director or trustee thereof, or to any member of his family after his death. (R. S., Art. 4739.) Shall Not Make Disbursements Without Voucher. 86. No domestic life insurance company shall make any disburse- ment of $100 or more unless the same be evidenced by a voucher signed by or on behalf of the person, firm or corporation receiving the money, and correctly describing the consideration for the payment. If the ex- penditure be for both services and disbursements, the voucher shall set forth the seryice rendered and statement of the disbursement made. If the expenditure be in connection with any matter pending before any Legislature or public body or before any department or officer of any State or government, the voucher shall correctly describe, in addition, the nature of the matter and of the interest of such company therein. When such voucher cannot be obtained, the expenditure shall be evi- denced by a paid check or an affidavit describing the character and ob- ject of the expenditure and stating the reasons for not obtaining such voucher. (R. S., Art. 4740.) Policies Shall Contain. 87. No policy of life insurance shall be issued or delivered in this State, or be issued by a life insurance company organized under the laws of this State, unless the same shall contain provisions substantially as follows: 1. A provision that all premiums shall be payable in advance either at the home office of the company, or to an agent of the company upon the delivery of a receipt signed by one or more of the officers who are designated in the policy. 2. A provision for a grace of at least one month for the payment INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 29 of every premium after the first, which may be subject to an interest charge, during which month the insurance shall continue in force, which provision may contain a stipulation that if the insured shall die during the period of grace the overdue premium will be deducted in any settle- ment under the policy. Note. The grace provision, above referred to, is not limited to policies pro- viding for an annual premium, but must be in, and applies to, policies in which the premium is payable monthly, quarterly or semi-annually, and such grace period applies immediately when the date for payment of each premium, except the first, occurs. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 17, 1912.) 3. A provision that the policy or policy and application shall con- stitute the entire contract between the parties and shall be incontest- able not later than two years from its date except for non-payment of premiums, and which provision may or may not, at the option of the company, contain an exception for violations of the conditions of the policy relating to naval and military services in time of war. Note. If application is made part of contract it must be attached to policy. (Department ruling.) 4. A provision that all statements made by the insured shall, in the absence of fraud, be deemed representations, and not warranties. 5. A provision that, if the age of the insured has been understated, the amount payable under the" policy shall be such as the premium paid would have purchased at the correct age. 6. A provision that after three full years' premiums have been paid the company, at any time while the policy is in force, will advance upon proper assignment of the policy and upon the sole security thereof at a specified rate of interest a sum equal to, or at the option of the owner of the policy, less than the legal reserve at the end of the cur- rent policy year on the policy and on any dividend additions thereto, less than, a sum not more than two and one-half per centum of the amount insured by the policy and of any dividend addition thereto; and that the company may deduct from such loan value any existing indebtedness on the policy and any unpaid balance of the premium for the current policy year and may collect interest in advance on the loan to the end of the current policy year; which provision may further provide that such loans may be deferred for not exceeding six months after application therefor is made. It shall further be stipulated in the policy that failure to repay any such advance or to pay interest shall not void the policy until the total indebtedness thereon to the company shall equal or exceed the loan value. No condition other than is herein provided shall be exacted as a prerequisite to any such advance. This provision shall not be required in term insurances nor in pure endow- ments issued or granted as original policies, or in exchange for lapsed or surrendered policies, and no provision herein required shall compel any company to loan on any policy an amount greater than 97 per centum of the face value thereof, including net dividend additions thereto. 7. A provision which, in event of default in premium payments, after premium shall have been paid for three full years, shall secure to the owner of the policy a stipulated form of insurance, the net value 30 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. of which shall be at least equal to the reserve at the date of default on the policy and on any dividend additions thereto, specifying the mor- tality table and rate of interest adopted for computing such reserves, less a sum not more than 2J per cent of the amount insured by the policy and of any existing dividend additions thereto, and less any existing indebtedness to the company on the policy. Such provision shall stipulate that the policy may be surrendered to the company at its home office within one month from date of default for a specified cash value, at least equal to the sum which would otherwise be avail- able for the purchase of insurance, as aforesaid, and may stipulate that the company may defer payment for not more than six months after the application therefor is made. This provision shall not be required in term insurances. 8. A table showing in figures the loan values, and the options avail- able under the policies each year upon default in premium payments during the first twenty years of the policy, or the period during which premiums are payable, beginning with the year in which such values and options become available. 9. A provision that if, in event of default in premium payments, the value of the policy shall be applied to the purchase of other insur- ances; and if such insurance shall be in force and the original policy shall not have been surrendered to the company and canceled, the policy may be reinstated within' three years from such default, upon evidence of insurability satisfactory to the company and payments of arrears of premiums with interest. Note. Reinstatement clause not necessary in policies of term insurance. (De- partment ruling.) 10. A provision that, when a policy shall become a claim by the death of the insured, settlement shall be made upon receipt of due proof of death, and the right of the claimant to the proceeds, or not later than two months after the receipt of such proof. 11. A table showing the amounts of installments in which the policy may provide its proceeds may be payable. Note. A monthly income policy, payable one hundred dollars per month for two hundred and forty months, need not contain a table of amounts of install- ments,, as the face of the policy shows the installments in which it is payable and is the only table necessary under this law. Where the policy provides for commutation and stipulates that the commuted value, at the option of the insured, may be paid in a lump sum, if such option is exercised then the monthly income provisions would not constitute a table of installments, and as the policy would not then be payable in installments, no installment table is necessary. Where the policy does not provide that its benefits may be pay- able in installments, no installment table is necessary. The statute does not require that all life insurance policies be payable in installments at the option of the insured or beneficiary. Where a policy is issued without provision for payment of benefits in installments, then no table of installments should be inserted in the policy. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 16, 1919.) Any of the foregoing provisions or portions thereof not applicable to single premium policies shall, to that extent, not be incorporated therein. (E. S., Art. 4741.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 31 Note. (1) Subdivisions 4 and 5 of above section, and specifications of mor- tality table and rate of interest not necessary in paid-up policies issued upon default in premium payments. (Department ruling.) (2) Issuance of guaranteed dividend policies are not prohibited. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 5, 1911.) Policies Shall Not Contain. 88. No policy of life insurance shall be issued or delivered in this State, or be issued by a life insurance company incorporated under the laws of this State if it contains any of the following provisions : 1. A provision limiting the time within which any action at law or in equity may be commenced to less than two years after the cause of action shall accrue. 2. A provision by which the policy shall purport to be issued or to take effect more than six months before the original application for insurance was made, if thereby the insured would rate at any age younger fhan his age at date when the application was made, according to his age at nearest birthday. 3. A provision for any mode of settlement at maturity of less value than the amounts insured on the face of the policy, plus dividend ad- ditions, if any, less any indebtedness to the company on the policy, and less any premium that may by the terms of the policy be de- ducted; provided, that any company may issue a policy promising a benefit less than the full benefit in case of the death of the insured by his own hand while sane or insane, or by following stated hazardous occupations. This provision shall not apply to purely accident and health policies; none of the foregoing provisions relating to policy forms shall apply to policies issued in lieu of or in exchange for any other policy issued before July 10, 1909. (E. S., Art. 4742.) Note. ( 1 ) Some benefit, however small, must be provided in case of suicide. (Department ruling.) (2) A rider on a life insurance policy providing that "Death caused by smallpox is a risk not covered by this policy unless the insured submits proof to the company of a successful vaccination," is in violation of above provision. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 12, 1912.) (3) The life insurance companies cannot agree upon a uniform policy at a uniform rate, to be sold for the benefit of the students loan fund or the as- sured, as this controverts the anti-trust laws of this State. The students loan fund could not retain the proceeds of a policy in its favor, because it would have no insurable interest in the life of the assured. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 11, 1914.) Policies of Foreign Companies May Contain. 89. The policies of a life insurance company not organized under the laws of this State may contain any provision which the law of the State, Territory, district or country under which the company is organ- ized prescribes shall be in such policies when issued in this State, and the policies of a life insurance company organized under the laws of this State may, when issued or delivered in any other State, Terri- tory, district or country, contain any provision required by the laws of the State, Territory, district or country in which the same are is- sued, anything in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding. (R. S., Art. 4743.) 32 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Interest of Beneficiary Forfeited if Interested in Causing Ueath of Insured. 90. That the interest of a beneficiary in a life insurance policy or contract heretofore or hereafter issued shall be forfeited when the bene- ficiary is the principal or an accomplice in wilfully bringing about the death of the insured. However,, providing when such is the case, the nearest relative of insured shall receive said insurance. (Sec. 1, Chap. 16, Acts Thirty-sixth Legislature.) Taxes, Shall Pay. 91. Insurance companies incorporated under the laws of this State shall hereafter be required to render for State, county and municipal taxation all of their real estate as other real estate is rendered, and all of the personal property of such insurance companies shall be valued as other property is valued for assessment in this State in the follow- ing manner: From the total valuation of its assets shall be deducted the reserve, being the amount of the debts of insurance companies By reason of their outstanding policies in gross, and from the remainder shall be deducted the assessed value of all real estate owned by the com- pany and the remainder shall be the assessed taxable value of its per- sonal property. Home insurance companies shall not be required to pay any occupation or gross receipt tax. (E. S., Art. 4764.) Note. A life insurance company in rendering its personal assets for tax- ation, in making the deduction on account of its real estate, is permitted to deduct the "assessed" valuation of such real estate, and not an appraised value, which might be different in amount from the assessed valuation. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 15, 1912.) Venue of Suits on Policies (Home and Foreign Companies). 92. Suits on policies may be instituted and prosecuted against any life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and acci- dent, or health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance com- pany, in the county where .the home office of such company is located, or in the county where loss has occurred, or where the policyholder or beneficiary instituting such suit resides. (E. S., Art. 4744.) Service of Process. 93. Process in any civil suit against any domestic life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company, may be served only on the president, or any active vice-president or secretary or general counsel residing at the city of the home office of the com- pany, or by leaving a copy of same at the home office of such company during business hours. (E. S., Art. 4745.) Losses Shall Be Paid When (Home and Foreign Companies). 94. In all cases where a loss occurs and the life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and accident, health and acci- dent, or life, health and accident insurance company liable therefor shall fail to pay the same within thirty days, after demand therefor, such company shall be liable to pay the holder of such policy, in addi- tion to the amount of the loss, 12 per cent damages on the amount INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 33 of such loss, together with reasonable attorney fees for the prosecution and collection of such loss. (E. S., Art. 4746.) Certificate Shall Be Declared Null and Void Upon Failure to Pay Losses (Home and Foreign Companies). 95. Should any life insurance company, accident insurance com- pany, life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company fail to pay off and satisfy any execution that may lawfully issue on any final judgment against said company within thirty days after the officer holding such execution has demanded payment thereof from any officer or attorney of record of such company, in this State, or out of it, such officer shall immediately certify such demand and failure to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and there- upon the Commissioner shall forthwith declare null and void the cer- tificate of authority of such company, and such company shall be pro- hibited from transacting any business in this State until such execution shall be fully satisfied and discharged, and until such Commissioner shall renew his certificate of authority to such company. (K. S., Art. 4747.) Companies Cannot Transact Business of Both Fire, Marine, Etc., and Life and Health (Home and Foreign Companies). 96. It shall be unlawful for any life insurance company, accident insurance company, life and accident, health and accident, and life, health and accident insurance company to take any kind of risks, or issue any policies of insurance, except those of life, accident or health, nor shall the business of life, accident or health insurance in this State be in anywise conducted or transacted by any company which in this or any other State or country is engaged or concerned in the business of marine, fire or inland insurance. (E. S., Art. 4748.) May Deposit With State Treasurer Commissioner Shall Approve Deposit Situs of Property for Taxation. 97. Any life insurance company, accident insurance company, life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company, organized under the laws of this State, may at its option deposit with the Treasurer of this State securities equal to amount of its capital stock, and may at its option withdraw the same, or any part thereof, first having deposited in the treasury in lieu thereof other securities equal in value to those withdrawn. Any such securities, before being so originally deposited or substituted, shall be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and when any such deposit is made the Treasurer shall execute to the company making the deposit a receipt therefor, giving such description to such securities as will identify the same, and such company shall have the right to advertise such fact or print a copy of the Treasurer's receipt on the policies it may issue, and the proper officers or agents of each insurance company making such deposit shall be permitted at all reasonable times to examine such securities and to detach coupons therefrom and to collect interest thereon under such reasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Treasurer and the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State. The deposit herein provided for, when made by any company. 34 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. shall thereafter be maintained as long as said company shall have out- standing any liability to its policyholders. For the purpose of State, county and municipal taxation the situs of all personal property be- longing to such companies shall be at the home office of such company. (E. S., Art. 4749.) Note. (1) A life insurance company in making the deposit above author- ized, may execute a conveyance in trust of its home office building to the State Treasurer, and after approval by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, may deposit such conveyance in trust with the State Treasurer. The convey- ance should be recorded in the county where the building is situated, and should be properly authorized by resolution of the company's board of directors, or by a duly appointed and authorized finance committee acting for the company. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 6, 1912.) (2) A life insurance company may deposit and the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking may approve for deposit securities worth more than the capital stock of the company, and such securities may be appraised at their market value at the time of the deposit, and not merely to the amount of the capital stock. As a part of such deposit, the company may convey in trust to the State Treasurer its home office lot and building, which may be appraised and approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking at its market value at the time of the deposit. Such approval as to valuation may be changed at any time by the Commissioner, and the amount of the deposit thereby in- creased or reduced whenever any change in the market value of the property occurs. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 30, 1912.) (3) In depositing registered bonds, it is sufficient for the insurance com- pany to accompany the same by a declaration of trust. It is not necessary that the title to such registered bonds be transferred to or vested in the State Treasurer, who is a mere holder or inactive trustee. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, May 4, 1918.) May Deposit Commissioner May Appraise Deposit. 98. Any life insurance company now incorporated, or which may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this State, may deposit with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of the State of Texas, for the common benefit of all the holders of its policies and annuity bonds, securities of the kinds in which by the laws of this State it is permitted to invest or loan its funds, equal to the legal reserve on all its outstand- ing policies in force, which securities shall be held by said Commissioner in trust for the purpose and objects herein specified. Any such company may deposit lawful money of the United States in lieu of the securities above referred to, or any portion thereof and may also, for the purposes of such deposit, convey to said Commissioner in trust the real estate in which any portion of its said reserve may be lawfully invested, and in such case said Commissioner shall hold the title thereto in trust until other securities in lieu thereof shall be deposited with him, whereupon he shall reconvey the same to such company; said Commissioner may cause any such securities or real estate to be appraised and valued prior to their being deposited with or conveyed to him in trust as aforesaid; the reasonable expense of such appraisement or valuation to be paid by the company. (R. S., Art. 4750.) Note. (1) A company having invested in a building site, upon wh'ch there is an encumbrance, for office purposes, may convey its equity in such site at the properly appraised value, to the Commissioner in trust as a part of its reserve deposit, and may be credited with the amount of such appraised value. When portions of the encumbrance are paid off, the company will be entitled to INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 35 credits on its reserve deposits for the amounts of the encumbrance so dis- charged as they are paid off or discharged. As the building on the site pro- gresses, the amount expended for construction, from time to time, may be ap- praised, and the company will be entitled to credit on its reserve deposit i<>r the amount so expended in construction, or such proportion of said amount as the Commissioner shall determine to be the increase in value of the property as a result of such expenditure. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 10, 1910.) (2) A foreign life insurance company may lawfully reinsure the business of a Texas life insurance company which deposits securities under above section of the law. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 16, 1915.) (3) It is not within the province of the Commissioner of insurance and Banking to give his consent for a company to discontinue the practice of regis- tering policies and depositing securities against its reserve, and there is no provision in the law authorizing such discontinuance. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 6, 1921.) Policies Shall Have Upon Face Commissioner Shall Sign Policy. 99. After making the deposit mentioned above, no company shall thereafter issue a policy of insurance or endowment or annuity bond, except policies of industrial insurance, unless it shall have upon its face a certificate substantially in the following words : "This policy is registered and approved securities equal in value to the legal reserve hereon are held in trust by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of the State of Texas." Which certificate shall be signed by such Com- missioner and sealed with the seal of his office. (R. ., Art. 4751.) Policies Shall Have Printed Thereon. 100. All policies and bonds of each kind and class issued and the forms thereof filed in the office of said Commissioner shall have printed thereon some appropriate designating letter or figure, combination of letters or figures or terms identifying the particular form of contract, together with the year of adoption of such form, and whenever any change or modification is made in the form of contracts, policy or bond, the designating letters, figures or terms and year of adoption thereon shall be correspondingly changed. (R. S., Art. 4751.) Commissioner Shall Keep Record of Policies Commissioner Shall Value Policies. 101. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall prepare and keep such registers thereof as will enable him to compute their value at any time. Upon written proof, attested by the president or vice- president and secretary of the company which shall have issued such policies or annuity bonds, that any of them have been commuted or terminated, the Commissioner shall commute or cancel them upon his register, and until such proof is furnished all registered contracts shall be considered in force for the purposes of this chapter. The net value of every policy or annuity bond, according to the standard prescribed by the laws of this State for the valuation of policies of life insurance com- panies, when the first premium shall have been paid thereon, less the amount of such liens as the company may have against it (not exceed- ing such value), shall be entered opposite the record of said policy or annuity bond in the register aforesaid at the time such record is made. On the first day of January of each year, or within sixty days thereafter, 36 INSURANCE LAWS or TEXAS. the Commissioner shall cause the policies and annuity bonds of each company accepting the terms of this chapter to be carefully valued, and the actual value thereof at the time fixed for such valuation, less such liens as the company may have against it, not exceeding such value, shall be entered upon the register opposite the record of such policy or bond, and the Commissioner shall furnish a certificate of the aggregate of such value to the company. (E. S., Art. 4751.) Commissioner Shall Cancel Mutilated Policies. 102. It stall be -the duty of the Commissioner to cancel mutilated or surrendered policies and annuity bonds issued by any such company and register other like policies or bonds issued in lieu thereof. (E. S., Art. 4751.) Shall Make Additional Deposits. 103. Each company which shall have made the deposit herein pro- vided for shall make additional deposits from time to time, in amounts not less than five thousand dollars, and of such securities as are per- mitted by this chapter to be deposited, so that the market value of the securities deposited shall always be equal to the net value of the policies and annuity bonds, issued by said company, less such liens as the com- pany may have against them, not exceeding such net value. So long as any company shall maintain its deposits as herein prescribed at an amount equal to or in excess of the net value of its policies and annuity bonds as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said Commissioner to sign and affix his seal to the certificate before mentioned on every policy and annuity bond presented to him for that purpose by any company so depositing. (E. S., Art. 4751.) Commissioner Shall Keep Record of Securities. 104. The Commissioner shall keep a careful record of the securities deposited by each company, showing by item the amount and market value thereof. If at any time it shall appear therefrom that the value of the securities held on deposit is less than the actual value of the policies and annuity bonds issued by such company and then in force, it shall be unlawful for the Commissioner to execute the certificate on any additional policies or annuity bonds of such company until it shall have made good the deficit. (E. S., Art. 4751.) Deposits May Be Increased. 105. Any company depositing under the provisions of this act may increase its deposits at any time by making additional deposits of not less than five thousand dollars of such securities as are authorized by this chapter. Any such company whose deposits exceed the net value of all policies and annuity bonds it has in force, less such liens (not ex- ceeding such net value), as the company may hold against them, may withdraw such excess, and it may withdraw any of such securities at any time by depositing others of equal value and of the character authorized by this chapter in their stead, and it may collect the interest, coupons, rents and other income on the securities deposited as the same accrue. (E. S., Art. 4751.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 37 Commissioner Shall Keep Securities. 106. The securities deposited under this chapter by each company shall be placed and kept by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of the State in some secure, safe deposit fireproof box or vault in the city or town in or near which the home office of the company is located, and the officers of the company shall have access to such securities for the purpose of detaching interest coupons and crediting payment and exchanging securities as above provided, under such reasonable rules and regulations as the Commissioner may establish. (R. S., Art. 4751.) Fees for Making Deposit. 107. Every company making deposit under the provisions of this chapter shall pay to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking for each certificate placed on registered policies or annuity bonds issued by the company after the original or first deposit is made hereunder, a fee of 25 cents, and the fee so received shall be disposed of by said Commis- sioner as follows: (1) The payment of the annual rent or hire of the safety deposit fireproof box above provided. (2) Payment for the services of a competent and reliable representa- tive of said Commissioner, to be appointed by him, who shall have direct charge of the securities and safety box containing same, and through whom and under whose supervision the insurance company may have access to its securities for the purpose above provided. The sum paid such representative shall not exceed sixty dollars per annum for each company. (3) The balance of such fees shall be paid to or deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the general fund. (R. S., Art. 4752.) Note. The fees collected for certificates on registered policies are a special fund in the hands of the Commissioner to be used by him primarily to defray expenses incurred in the keeping of the securities. Any excess over the amount of the necessary expense becomes the property of the State and must be deposited in the Treasury by the Commissioner. The Commissioner should retain these fees and pay therefrom the expenses authorized by the statute, and at intervals when a surplus is ascertained to be on hand, he should deposit same in the Treasury. These funds should not be deposited on the day they are received. The surplus only, if any, belongs to the State and should be deposited in the Treasury. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 8, 1919.) Securities May Consist of Capital Stock. 108. Any life insurance company organized under the laws of this State and making the deposit provided for by this chapter, may include as a part thereof securities representing its capital stock, and any de- posits of its securities heretofore or hereafter made in compliance with the laws of this State representing its capital stock, and shall only be required to deposit in addition thereto the remainder of its total reserve on outstanding policies and annuity bonds after deducting therefrom the amount of its capital stock securities so deposited. (R. S., Art. 4753.) 33 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Deposits Must Be Constantly Maintained. 109. Deposits of securities made hereunder to the value of the re- serve on all outstanding policies and annuity bonds shall be added to and maintained from time to time as the reserve values increase, by the company issuing such contracts, or by any company which may reinsure or assume them, and such securities shall be held by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking and his successors in office in trust for the benefit of such policies and annuity bonds so long as the same shall remain in force. No company making the deposit provided for herein shall reinsure its outstanding business, or the whole of any one or more of its risks except in or with a company or companies incorporated and organized under the laws of this State, or a company having permission to do business in this State. (E. S., Art. 4743.) Note. (1) A foreign life insurance company, while doing business in Texas under certificate of authority, had securities on deposit with the State Treas- urer and with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking as required by law. It merged with another foreign company under a new charter and a new name. The merged or consolidated company has no authority to do business in Texas :and does not seek to do business in this State. Under these circumstances, the ^consolidated company may substitute its securities for those on deposit those on deposit being withdrawn upon the deposit of new securities of equal value, when approved for deposit. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 10, 1912.) (2) A foreign life insurance company, which has reinsured policies of a Texas company which is depositing its reserve with the Commissioner, and which foreign company afterwards merged with another foreign company, the consolidated company not being authorized to do business in Texas, may with- draw securities in excess of the reserve on the reinsured policies. The reserve which must be covered by the deposit must be calculated down to the date of withdrawal in determining the excess amount which may be withdrawn. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, August 1, 1914.) Commissioner Shall Compute and Charge Extra Reserve (Home and For- eign Companies). 110. If any life insurance company doing business under the law of this State has written or assumed risks that are substandard or extra hazardous, and has charged therefor more than its published rates of premium, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall in valuing such policies, compute and charge such extra reserve thereon as is war- ranted by reason of the extra hazard assumed and the extra premium charged. (R. S., Art. 4754.) Companies Shall Not Pay Commissions to Officers. 111. No life insurance company transacting business in this State shall pay or contract to pay, directly or indirectly, to its president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, actuary, medical director or other physician charged with the duty of examining risks or applications for insurance or to any officer of the company other than an agent or solic- itor, any commission or other compensation contingent upon the writing % or procuring of any policy of insurance in such company or procuring an application therefor by any person whomsoever, or contingent upon the payment of any renewal premium, or upon the assumption of any life insurance risk by such company, and should any company violate the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 3!) of Insurance and Banking to revoke its certificate of authority to trans- act business in this State. (R. S., Art. 4755.) Note. There is no lawful reason why a number of agents of a life insurance company may not associate themselves into a limited or general partnership. The officers and directors of a company, however, could not lawfully enter such a partnership or relation of agency to their own company in conflict with Article 4755 of the Revised Statutes of Texas, which prohibit the officers and directors of a company from being paid any commission for their services as agents. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 5, 1921.) Provisions Shall Govern Co-operative Companies. 112. The provisions of Article 4750 to Article 4755, Sections 98 to 111, this digest, inclusive, shall likewise apply to and govern co- operative life insurance companies organized under the laws of this State. (R. S., Art. 4756.) Funds Shall Be Deposited in the Name of the Company. 113. Any director, member of a committee or officer or any clerk of a home company who is charged with the duty of .handling or in- vesting its funds shall not deposit or invest such funds except in the corporate name of such company; shall not borrow the funds of such company; shall not be interested in any way in any loan, pledge, secu- rity, or property of such company, except as stockholder; shall not take or receive to his own use any fee, brokerage, commission, gift or other consideration for or on account of a loan made by or on behalf of such . company. (R. S., Art. 4757.) Note. See Section 82. Capital Stock, Impairment of Duties of Commissioner When Impaired. 114. Any such insurance company transacting business within this State whose capital stock shall become impaired to the extent of 33J per cent thereof, computing its liabilities according to the terms of this chapter shall make good such impairment within sixty days by reduc- tion of its capital stock (provided such capital stock shall in no case be less than $100,000) or otherwise, and failure to make good such impairment within said time shall forfeit its rights to write new business in this State until said impairment shall have been made good ; and provided that the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver to wind up the affairs of such company when its capital stock shall become impaired to the extent of 50 per cent thereof, computing its policy liabilities according to the American Experience Table of Mor- tality and 4J per cent interest; and, provided further, that no company shall write new business in Texas when its net surplus to policyholders is less than $100,000. (R. S., Art. 4758.) Note. See reference to opinion of Attorney General under Section 230. Form of Policies Shall Be Filed With Commissioner (Home and Foreign Companies). 115. Life insurance companies shall within five days after the issu- ance of and the placing upon the market any form of policies of life 40 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. insurance, file a copy of such form of policy with the Department of Insurance and Banking. (E. S., Art. 4759.) Note. (1) The laws of Texas do not authorize the Commissioner to approve or disapprove the forms of life insurance policies. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, May 20, 1915.) (2) There is no law which authorizes the Commissioner to either approve or disapprove a life insurance policy. He is merely required to file such policy. However, he should not file a policy which in any way violates any statutory provision. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 16, 1919.) Commissioner Shall Approve Form of Industrial, Accident or Health Policy (Home and Foreign Companies). 116. No insurance company transacting business in this State shall hereafter be permitted to issue or sell any policy of industrial life in- surance, or any policy of accident or health insurance, until the form thereof has been submitted to the Commissioner of Insurance and Bank- ing. If the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall approve the form of such policy as complying with the requirements of the laws of this State, the same may thereafter be issued and sold. If he shall dis- approve the same, any such company may institute a proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction to review his action thereon. (E. S., Art. 4760.) Note. (1) Policies of industrial insurance are not subject to provisions of Sections 86 and 87. (Department ruling.) (2) An accident policy was properly disapproved by the Commissioner because it contained the following provision in the application: "I hereby apply for a policy * * * to be based on the following statements, all of which I warrant to be complete and true * * *, and I agree that if any of said statements shall be untrue * * * said policy of insurance shall be null and void"; on the ground that the law provides that a policy shall be null and void in case of misrepresentation only when the misrepresentation is material, while the agreement quoted attempts to make the policy void whether the untrue statements be material or not. A provision in an accident policy requiring written notice of accident to be given at the home office of the company within fifteen days from date of in- jury "(subject, however, to any statutory provision respecting such notice)," was also properly disapproved by the Commissioner because the policy should not require such notice to be given within less than ninety days as provided by Texas statute, notwithstanding the parenthetical expression. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 2, 1910.) (3) An accident policy which requires notice of the accident or injury to be delivered to an agent "authorized to receive the same," is more restrictive than the statute requires and should not be approved. A provision in such a policy requiring notice of accident to be given within five days is contrary to the statute and should not be approved. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 17, 1914.) (4) A workmen's compensation policy is an accident policy, and the form must be filed with, and approved by, the Commissioner before it can be law- fully issued in Texas. Any company failing to obtain such approval before issuing in Texas should have its license revoked. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, June 22, 1914.) (5) The Commissioner is not required to approve or disapprove a policy issued by a reciprocal association. (Opinion of Attorney General. June 12, 1919.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 41 Certificate of Authority, Must Have. 117. No foreign or domestic insurance company shall transact any insurance business in this State, other than the lending of money, unless it shall first procure from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a certificate of authority stating that the requirements of the laws of this State have been fully complied with by it, and authorizing it to do busi- ness in this State. Such certificate of authority shall expire on the last day of February in each year, and shall be renewed annually so long as the company shall continue to comply with the laws of the State, such renewals to be granted upon the same terms and consideration as the original certificate. (E. S., Art. 4761.) Companies May Be Incorporated to Transact Monthly and Weekly Insur- ance Premium Plan, With Capital of $25,000. 118. Companies may be incorporated in the manner prescribed by this chapter for the incorporation of life, accident and health insurance companies generally, which shall have power only to transact business within the State of Texas, and to write insurance only on the weekly or monthly premiums plan, and to issue no policy promising to pay more than one thousand dollars in the event of the death of the injured from natural causes, nor more than two thousand dollars in the event of death of any person from accidental causes, which may issue combined or separately, life, accident or health insurance policies with not less than an actual paid up capital of twenty-five thousand dollars, provided, that all such companies shall be subject to all the laws regulating life in- surance companies in this State not inconsistent with the provisions of this article (section) ; and provided further, that such companies shall not be permitted to invest their assets in other than Texas securities as defined by the laws of this State regulating the investments of life insurance companies. (E. S., Art. 4762.) Note. A life insurance company cannpt amend its charter, reducing its cap- ital stock below $100,000, nor thereby place itself in a position where it can transact business by authority or above provision on the industrial plan. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, August 20, 1910.) Dividends, Unlawful Commissioner Shall Revoke Authority. 119. It shall not be lawful for any insurance company organized under the laws of this State to make any dividends except from surplus- profits arising from its business, and in estimating such profits there shall be reserved therefrom the lawful reserve on 'all unexpired risks, and also the amount of all unpaid losses whether adjusted or unadjusted and all other debts due and payable, or to become due and payable by the company. Any dividends made contrary to the provisions of this article shall subject the company making them to a forfeiture of its charter, and the Commissioner of Insurance shall forthwith revoke its certificate of authority; provided, that he shall give such company at least ten days' notice in writing of his intention to revoke such cer- tificate, stating specifically the reasons why he intends to revoke same. (E. S., Art. 4763.) 42 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Corporations, Partnerships, Joint Stock Associations or Trust Estates May Be Beneficiaries in Life Insurance Policies. 120.. Any corporation, partnership, joint stock association or any trust estate doing business for profit, may be named beneficiary in any policy of insurance issued by a legal reserve life insurance company on the life of any officer or stockholder of said corporation, joint stock association or trust estate or any partnership or member thereof may be the beneficiary in any policy of insurance issued by a legal reserve life insurance company upon the life of any member of said partner- ship, or any religious, educational, eleemosynary, charitable or benevolent institution or undertaking may be named beneficiary in any policy of life insurance issued by any legal reserve life insurance company upon the life of any individual. The beneficiaries aforenamed shall have an insurable interest for the full face of the policy and shall be entitled to collect same. On all policies of life insurance heretofore issued by legal reserve companies in which any of the aforenamed shall have been desig- nated beneficiaries in the policies,, said beneficiaries shall have an in- surable interest to the full extent of the face of the policy and be entitled to collect same. (Sec. 1, Chap. 84, Acts 37th Leg.) CHAPTER V. XIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIES FOREIGN. 'Shall File Statement Statement Shall Contain. 121. Any life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company, incorporated under the laws of any other State, 'Territory or country, desiring to transact the business of such insur- ance in this State shall furnish said Commissioner of Insurance and Banking with a written or printed statement under oath of the presi- dent or vice-president or treasurer and secretary of such company, which statement shall show: (a) The name and locality of the company. (b) The amount of its capital stock. (c) Amount of its capital stock paid up. (d) The assets of the company, including, first, the amount of cash on hand and in the hands of other persons, naming such persons and their residences; second, real estate unencumbered, where situated and its value; third, the bonds owned by the company and how they are secured, with the rate of interest thereon; fourth, debts due the company secured by mortgage, describing the property mortgaged and its market value; fifth, debts otherwise secured, stating how secured; sixth, debts for premiums ; seventh, all other moneys and securities. (e) Amount of liabilities to the company, stating the name of the person or corporation to whom liable. (f) Losses adjusted and due. {g) Losses adjusted and not due. (h) Losses adjusted. (i) Losses in suspense and from what cause. INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 4? (j) All other claims against the company, describing the same; provided, that the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may re- quire any additional fact to be shown by such annual statement; each such company shall be required to file a similar statement not later than March 1st of each year. (E. S., Art. 4765.) Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws Shall Be Filed. 122. Such foreign life insurance company, or accident insurance company, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company, shall accompany such statement with a certified copy of its acts or articles of incorporation, and all amend- ments thereto, and a copy of its by-laws, together with the name and residence of each of its officers and directors, and all of which shall be certified under the hand of the president or secretary of such com- pany. (E. S., Art. 4766.) Capital Stock, Shall Have. 123. No such foreign life insurance company, accident insurance company, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company, shall transact any business of insurance- in this State unless such company is possessed of at least $100,000' of actual paid up in cash money capital invested in such securities as provided under the laws of the State, Territory or country of its crea- tion ; and no mutual life insurance company or accident insurance com- pany, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company operating on the old line or legal reserve basis, shall transact any business of insurance in this State, unless such company is possessed of at least $100,000 of net surplus assets invested in securities provided for under the, laws of the State, Terri- tory or country of its creation., (E. S., Art. 4767.) Note. The guaranty fund certificates of a foreign life insurance company- which were issued by authority of a statute of the State in which the company was incorporated and organized, and which certificates contain the following provisions: 1st, the holders shall receive at least 6 per cent per annum inter- est hereon from the expense fund of the company; 2nd, the claims of the holders shall be inferior to the claims of the policyholders as against the funds of the company, and 3rd, in case the company ceased to do business, upon the winding up of the affairs of the company, the certificate holders shall be en- titled to receive payment pro rata from the assets of the company after the claims of the policy holders have been met; while these provisions and the issu- ance of such certificates create a contingent liability of the company, such a liability is not such a one as should be charged against the assets of the com- pany in its statement of financial condition, in ascertaining whether or not it has the net surplus assets required in above section. (Opinion of Attorney General, October 24, 1912.) bhall Make Deposits as Is Required of Companies of This State in Their Home State. 124. Whenever the existing or future laws of any other State or Territory of the United States, or of any other country, shall require of life insurance companies, accident insurance companies, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance companies, incorporated by this State, any deposit of securities in such 44 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. other State, Territory or country before transacting insurance busi- ness therein, then, and in every such case, all insurance companies of such State shall, before doing any insurance business in this State, be required to make the same deposit of securities with the Treasurer of this State. (E. S., Art. 4768.) Shall Deposit With State Treasurer. 125. No foreign life insurance company, or accident insurance com- pany, or life and accident, health and accident, or life, health and accident insurance company incorporated by or organized under the laws of any foreign government shall transact business in this State, unless it shall first deposit and keep deposited with the Treasurer of this State, for the benefit of the policyholders of such company, citi- zens or residents of the United States, bonds or securities of the United States or the State of Texas to the amount of $100,000. (E. S., Art. 4769.) Deposit Liable for Judgment. 126. The deposit required by the preceding article (section) shall be held liable to pay the judgments of policyholders in such company and may be so decreed by the court adjudicating the same. (E. S., Art. 4770.) deposit Not Required, When Shall File Certificate of Deposit. 127. If the deposit required by Article 4769 (Section 125) has been made in any State of the United States, under the laws of such State in such manner as to secure equally all the policyholders of such com- pany who are citizens and residents of the United States, then no de- posit shall be required in this State, but a certificate of such deposit under the hand and seal of the officer of such other State with whom the same has been made shall be filed with Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. ; (E. S., Art. 4771.) Assets Shall Be Invested In. 128. The assets of any company not organized under the laws of this State shall be invested in securities or property of the same classes permitted by the laws of this State as to home companies or by other laws of this State in other securities approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, as being of substantially the same grade. (E. S., Art. 4772.) Officer Making False Statement Guilty of. 129. Any officer of any insurance company not organized under the laws of this State, who shall file with the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking any statement, report or other paper required or provided for by law to be so filed, which shall contain any material statement or fact known to be false by the person filing the same, or any person who shall execute or cause to be executed any such false statement, report or other paper" to be so filed, shall be deemed guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall be punished by imprisonment in INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 45 the penitentiary for a term of not less than one year. (P. C v Art. 693.) Power of Attorney, Shall File. 130. That each life insurance company engaged in doing or de- siring to do business in this State shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State an irrevocable power of attorney duly executed, constituting and appointing the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking of this State and his successors in office, or any officer or board which may hereafter be clothed with the powers and duties now devolving upon said Commissioner, its duly authorized agent and attorney in fact for the purpose of accepting service for it or being served with citation in any suit brought against it in any court of this State, by any person, or by or to or for the use of the State of Texas, and consenting that the service of any civil process upon him as its attorney for such purpose in any such suit or proceeding shall be taken and held to be valid, waiving all claim and right to object to such service or to any error by reason of such service; and such appointment, agency and power of attorney shall by its terms and recitals provide that it shall continue and remain in force and effect so long as such company continues to do business in this State or to collect premiums of insurance from citizens of this State, and so long as it shall have outstanding policies in this State, and until all claims of every character held by the citizens of this State, or by the State of Texas against such company shall have been settled. And said power of attorney shall be signed by the president or a vice-presi- dent and the secretary of such company, whose signatures shall be attested by the seal of the company, and said officer signing the same shall acknowledge its execution before an officer authorized by the laws of this State to take acknowledgments; and the said power of attorney shall be embodied in and approved by a resolution of the board of directors of such company, and a copy of such resolution, duly certified to by the proper officers of said company, shall be filed with the said power of attorney in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State and shall be recorded by him in a book kept for that purpose, there to remain a permanent record of said department. (E. S., Art. 4773.) Commissioner Shall Accept Service Duties When Accepting Same. 131. Whenever the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State shall accept service or be served with citation in any suit pend- ing against any life insurance company in this State as provided by the preceding article (Sec. 130) he shall immediately enclose the copy of the citation served upon him, or a substantial copy thereof, in a letter properly addressed to the general manager or general agent of the com- pany against whom such service is had, if it shall have a general manager or general agent within this State, and if not, then to the home office of the company, and shall forward the same by registered mail, postage prepaid, and no judgment by default shall be taken in any such cause until after the expiration of at least ten days after the general agent or general manager of such company, or the com- 'J6 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. pany at its home office, as the case may be, shall have received such copy of such citation, and the presumption shall obtain until rebutted that such notice was received by such agent or company in due course of mail after being deposited in the mail at Austin. (E. S., Art. 4774.) CHAPTEE VI. INVESTMENT AND PREMIUM RECEIPTS TAXES OF LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Shall Invest. 132. Each and every life insurance company now engaged or that may hereafter engage in transacting the business of life insurance in this State shall, as a condition of its right to transact such busi- ness in this State, invest and keep invested in Texas securities, as hereinafter defined and in Texas real estate as hereinafter provided, a sum of money equal to at least 75 per cent of the aggregate amount of the legal reserve required by the laws of the % State of its domicile to be maintained on account of its policies of insurance in force writ- ten upon the lives of citizens of this State, which reserve is herein- after denominated as its "Texas Eeserves," and each such company securing a certificate of authority to do business in this State shall be deemed to have accepted such certificate subject to all of the con- ditions and requirements of this chapter. (E. S., Art. 4775.) Note. (1) Life insurance companies doing a re-insurance business only are not required to invest their reserves in Texas securities. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 17, 1911.) (2) Foreign insurance companies must have their funds invested in securi- ties of substantially the grade as is required of domestic companies, and unless they do, they cannot receive a permit to transact business in this State. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, August 9, 1916.) Texas Securities, Definition of. 133. The phrase "Texas Securities" as used in this chapter shall be held to include bonds of the State of Texas, or of any county, city, town, school district or other municipality or subdivision which is now or may hereafter be constituted or organized and authorized to issue bonds under the Constitution and laws of this State, promissory notes and other obligations, the payment of which is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust or other valid lien upon unencumbered real estate situated in this State, the title to which real estate is valid and the market value for which is double . the amount loaned thereon, ex- clusive of buildings, unless such buildings are insured and kept in- sured in some company authorized to transact business in this State, and the policy or policies transferred to the company taking such mortgage or lien; the first mortgage bonds of any solvent corporation incorporated under the laws of this State and doing business in this State, which has not in five years next preceding the date of the in- vestment by such company in such mortgage bonds defaulted for more than three months in the payment of interest upon its bonds or in- debtedness, the market value of which bonds is equal to the amount INSURANCE LAWS OB' TEXAS. 47 invested therein; and loans made to policyholders on the sole security of the reserve values of their policies. And the investments required by this act or any part thereof may be made by the purchase of not more than one building site, and in the erection thereon of not more than one office building or in the purchase at its reasonable market value of such office building already constructed and the ground upon which the same is located in any city of the State, having a popula- tion of more than 4000 inhabitants. And all real estate owned by life insurance companies in this State on December 31, 1909, and all there- after acquired under the provisions of this chapter, or by foreclosure of a lien thereon shall be treated, to the extent of its reasonable mar- ket value, as a part of the investments required by this chapter. And "Texas Securities" as used in the following sections of this chapter shall be held to include every character of investment authorized by the terms of this article (section). (E. S., Art. 4776.) Note. A life insurance company, organized under the laws of Texas, may law- fully invest its legal reserve in district road and bridge bonds issued by a sub- division of a county. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 13, 1920.) Bonds Issued Under Farm Loan Act Are Texas Securities. 134. All bonds issued under and by virtue of the Federal Farm Loan Act, approved by the President of the United States July 17, 1916, which is "An Act to provide capital for agricultural development, to create standard forms of investments based upon farm mortgages; to equalize rates of interest upon farm loans, to furnish a market for United States bonds, to create government depositaries and financial agents for the United States, and for other purposes," shall hereafter be lawful investment for all fiduciary and trust funds in this State and may be accepted as security for all public deposits where deposits of bonds or mortgages are authorized by law to be accepted; such bonds shall be lawful investment for all funds which may be lawfully invested by guardians, administrators, trustees and receivers, for saving depart- ments of banks incorporated under the laws of Texas, for banks, sav- ings banks and trust companies chartered under the laws of Texas, and for all insurance companies of every kind and character chartered or transacting business under the laws of Texas, where investments are required or permitted by the laws of this State; provided further, that where such bonds are issued against and secured by promissory notes or other obligations, the payment of which is secured by mortgage, deed of trust or other valid lien upon unencumbered real estate situated in this State, then such bond or bonds so issued and so secured shall be regarded for investment purposes by insurance companies as "Texas Securities/' within the meaning of the laws of this State governing such investments. (Sec. 1, Chap. 63, Acts 35th Leg.) Investments Shall Be Made, How. 135. The investments required by this chapter shall be made as follows : (a) Each life insurance company which had a certificate of au- thority to transact business in this State April 2, 1909, the total amount of whose investments in Texas securities as of December 31, 1908, was 4S INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. equal to or exceeded 75 per cent of the amount of its Texas reserves as of that date, shall have so invested not later than January 31st in each year a sum of money equal to 75 per cent of the amount of its Texas reserves as of the preceding December 31st. (b) Each life insurance company which had a certificate of au- thority to transact business in this State on April 2, 1909, the amount of whose investments in Texas securities as of December 31, 1908, was less than 75 per cent of the amount of its Texas reserves as of said date, shall have so invested, not later than January 31st in each year, a sum at least equal to 75 per cent of the amount by which its Texas reserves as of December 31st preceding exceeded the amount of its Texas reserves as of December 31, 1908, added to the amount of its total investments in Texas securities as of said date; and each such company shall, in addition, have so invested not later than January 31, 1910, a sum at least equal to 10 per cent of the amount by which 75 per cent of its Texas reserves as of December 31, 1908, exceeded the amount of its investments in Texas securities as of said date, and annually thereafter it shall have invested, not later than January 31st, an additional 10 per cent of the amount of such excess until the total amount of its investments in Texas securities shall at least equal 75 per cent of its Texas reserves. (c) Each life insurance company not having a certificate of au- thority to transact business in this State on April 2, 1909, or that may thereafter discontinue writing new business under such certificate, shall, if it again obtain a certificate of authority to transact business in this State, be required to have invested in Texas securities annually as above provided, a sum equal to 75 per cent of its Texas reserves; provided, that if on December 31st preceding the issuance of such cer- tificate of authority the amount of its investments in Texas securities was less than 75 per cent of the amount of its Texas reserves, it 'shall be required to have so invested annually, as above provided, -a sum equal to 75 per cent of the increase in its Texas reserves since Decem- ber 31st last preceding the issuance of its certificate of authority, added to the amount of its total investment in Texas securities as of said date; and in addition it shall, not later than January 31st in each year after the issuance of its certificate of authority, have so invested 10 per cent of the amount by which 75 per cent of its Texas reserves as of December 31st preceding the date of said certificate exceeded the amount of its total investments in Texas securities as of that date, and shall have invested annually thereafter, not later than January 31st, an additional 10 per cent of such excess until the total amount of its investments in Texas securities shall at least equal 75 per cent of the amount of its Texas reserves. The proportionate amount of the Texas reserves required by this section to be invested in Texas securities as of any date, shall thereafter be maintained; provided, that such investment shall not be required to be made by any life insurance company after it has ceased to do business of Ufa insur- ance or to write policies of life insurance in this State, (E. S., Art. 4777.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 49 Shall File Report of Reserve. 136. That each life insurance company doing business in this State shall, not later than ten days after January 31st of each year, file with the* Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State, on a blank prepared and furnished by him for that purpose, a report showing the entire amount of the reserve on its entire business in force in this State on December 31st preceding, and an itemized schedule of its investments in Texas securities, which report shall be sworn to by either the president or a vice-president and the secretary of such company. Such report shall contain such other information as may be required by the Commissioner to determine whether or not such company has continuously and in good faith complied with this law, and for that purpose the Commissioner may, whenever he shall deem it proper, require such special or supplemental reports as he may deem necessary. (E. S., Art. 4778.) Shall File Report of Premiums. 137. Each life insurance company not organized under the laws of this State transacting business in this State shall on or before the first day of March make a report to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State, which report shall be sworn to by either the president or vice-president and secretary or treasurer of such company, and which shall show the gross amount of premiums collected during the year ending on December 31st preceding from citizens of this State upon policies of insurance and each such company shall pay annually an occupation tax equal to 3 per cent of such gross premium receipts; provided, that when the report of the investment in Texas securities, as defined by law, of any such companies as of December 31st of any year, shall show that it has invested on said date as much as 30 per cent of its total Texas reserves, as defined by law, in promissory notes or other obligations secured by mortgage, deed of trust or other lien on Texas real estate, the rate of occupation tax shall be reduced to 2.6 per cent; and when such report shall show that such company has so invested on said date as much as 60 per cent of its total Texas reserve, the rate of such occupation tax shall be reduced to 2.3 per cent; and when such a report shall show that such company has so invested, on said date, as much as 75 per cent of its total Texas reserve, the rate of such occupation tax shall be reduced to 2 per cent; provided, that all such companies shall in any event make the investments in Texas se- curities in proportion to the amount of Texas reserves as required by law. Such occupation taxes shall be for and on account of the business transacted within this State during the calendar year in which such premiums were collected or for that portion thereof during which the company shall have transacted business in this State while this act was in force and effect. (E. S., Art. 4779.) Note. ( 1 ) Reserves on life insurance policies represent what the company issuing the policies must at all times have on hand to meet its liabilities on its policies. In determining the percentage of total Texas reserves which must be invested in Texas real estate securities to secure a reduction of taxes, no de- duction should be made from amount of legal reserve on Texas policies on ac- count of Texas policy loans. (Opinion of Attorney General, May 1, 1914.) (2) A life insurance company doing business under the assessment or nat- 50 INSUHANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. ural premium plan is required to pay occupation taxes, as required by above Section 137. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 27, 1914.) (3) Certain bonds issued by the Union Terminal Company of Dallas, although secured by mortgage on the real estate and other property of the Terminal Com- pany as an investment of a life insurance company, come under the class of securities described in the statute as bonds of a corporation, and are not of the same class of securities as those referred to in Articles 4776 and 4779 of the Revised Statutes as "promissory notes and other obligations the payment of which is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other lien on Texas real estate," etc. The mere fact that the bonds of a railway company or other corporation are secured by property including real estate does not take them out of their classification as corporation or railroad bonds. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 19, 1921.) Commissioner's Duties on Receiving Report. 138. Upon the receipt of sworn statements showing the gross pre- mium receipts of such company the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State shall certify to the Treasurer of this State the amount of taxes due by such company for the preceding year; which taxes shall be paid to the State Treasurer for the use of the State by such company. Upon his receipt of such certificate and the payment of such tax, the Treasurer shall execute a receipt therefor, which re- ceipt shall be evidence of the payment of such taxes and no such life insurance company shall receive a certificate of authority to do busi- ness in this State until such taxes are paid. If upon the examination of any company, or in any other manner, the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking shall be informed that the gross premium receipts of any year exceed in amount those shown by the report thereof thereto- fore made as above provided, it shall be the duty of such Commissioner to file with the State Treasurer a supplemental certificate showing the additional amount of taxes due by such company, which shall be paid by such company upon notice thereof. It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer of this State, if within fifteen days after the re- ceipt by him of any certificate or supplemental certificate provided for by this article the taxes due as shown thereby have not been paid, to report the facts to the Attorney General, who shall immediately insti- tute suit in the proper court of Travis county to recover such taxes. (R. S., Art. 4780.) Other Occupation Tax Shall Not Be Paid. 139. No occupation tax other than herein imposed shall be levied by the State or any county, city or town upon any life insurance com- pany herein subject to the occupation tax in proportion to its gross premium receipts or its agents. The occupation tax imposed by this act upon life insurance companies shall be the sole occupation tax which any company doing business in this State under the provisions of this chapter shall be required to pay. (R. S., Art. 4781.) Companies 'Accepting Certificate Shall Hereafter Pay Occupation Tax. 140. Each life insurance company not organized under the laws of this State hereafter granted a certificate of authority to transact business in this State shall be deemed to have accepted such certifi- cate and to transact such business hereunder subject to the condi- tions and requirements that after it shall cease to transact new busi- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 51 ness in this State under a certificate of authority and so long as it shall continue to collect renewal premiums from citizens of this State it shall be subject to the payment of the same occupation tax in pro- portion to its gross premiums during any year from, citizens of this State as is or may be imposed by law on such companies transacting new business within this State under certificate of authority during such year; provided, that the rate of such, tax to be so paid by any such company shall never exceed the rate imposed by this chapter upon insurance companies transacting business in this State, and each such company shall make the same reports of its gross premium receipts for each such year and within the same period as is or may be required of such companies holding certificates of authority; and shall at all times be subject to examination by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking or some one selected by him for that purpose, in the same way and to the same extent as is or may be required of companies transacting new business under certificates of authority in this State, the expenses of such examination to be paid by the company examined; and the respective duties of the Commissioner of Insurance and Bank- ing in certifying the amount of such taxes and of the State Treasurer and Attorney General in their collection shall be the same as are or may be prescribed respecting taxes due from companies authorized to transact new business within this State. (E. S., Art. 4782.) Companies Heretofore, Now or Hereafter Doing Business Shall Report After Ceasing to Do Business. 141. Any life insurance company which has heretofore been, may now be, or may hereafter be engaged in writing policies of insurance upon the lives of citizens of this State which has heretofore ceased or may hereafter cease writing such policies and which does not now or may not hereafter have a certificate of authority to transact the business of life insurance in this State but which has continued or may continue to collect renewal or other premiums upon such .policies shall, before it may again obtain a certificate of authority to transact the business of life insurance in this State, report under oath to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State, the gross amount of premiums so collected from citizens of this State upon policies of insurance during each calendar year since the end of the period covered by the last preceding report by such company of gross premium re- ceipts upon which it paid an occupation tax, and shall pay to the State a sum equal to the percentage of its gross premium receipts for each such year that was required by law to be paid as occupation taxes by companies doing business in this State during such year or years and upon the payment of such sum and securing a certificate of author- ity to do business in this State the penalties provided for the failure to pay such taxes and make such reports in the past shall be remitted. (R. S., Art. 4783.) May Maintain Agents After Failing to Renew Certificate. 142. Any company which shall fail to renew its certificate of au- thority or continue to write new business in this State shall, never- theless, have the right to maintain an agent or agents in Texas for 52 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. the purpose of collecting renewal premiums on outstanding business written by it under certificate of authority,, and also for the purpose of making investments as provided by this chapter. (E. S., Art. 4784.) Duties of Commissioner When Company Fails to Comply With Provisions of La"w. 143. If any life insurance company, while holding a certificate of authority to transact business in this State, shall fail or refuse to com- ly with any of the provisions or requirements of this chapter, it shall the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, upon ascer- taining such fact, to notify such company by registered letter, prop- erly addressed and mailed, or by any other form, of actual notice in writing delivered to an executive officer of such company, of his inten- tion to revoke its certificate of authority to transact business in this State at the expiration of thirty days after the mailing of such regis- tered letter, or the date upon which such actual notice is served; and if such provision or requirements are not fully complied with upon the expiration of said thirty days, it shall be the duty of the Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking to revoke the certificate of authority of such company, and in case of such revocation such company shall not be entitled to receive another certificate of authority for a period of one year and until it shall have fully and in good faith complied with all such provisions and requirements of this chapter. Any company feeling itself aggrieved by the action of the Commissioner in revoking its certificate of authority to do business in this State may bring suit against him in the court of Travis county having jurisdiction thereof, to annul and vacate the order revoking such certificate. (R. S., Art. 4785.) Penalty for Failure to Make Investment. 144. If any company shall intentionally fail or refuse to make the investments required by this chapter or make any report required by this chapter, or to make any special report requested by the Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking under the authority of this chapter, or generally to comply with any provision or requirement of this chap- ter while holding a certificate of authority to transact business in this State, or after it shall cease to write new business or cease to hold such certificate, such failure or refusal shall subject such company, in addi- tion to the penalty provided in the preceding article (Section 143), in cases of which said article (section) may be applicable to the pay- ment of a penalty of $25 per day for each day that such company shall remain in default after the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall notify such company of such default, in the manner provided in the preceding article (Section 143 hereof), to be recovered in a suit to be brought by the Attorney General in behalf of. the State in the dis- trict court of Travis county. And in any suit that may be brought to recover such penalty or penalties there shall be a prima facie presump- tion subject to rebuttal that any default that may have occurred was intentional, and that the notice required by this chapter was given and the burden of proof shall be on the defendant company to prove that the investments required by this chapter were made as herein required INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 53 whenever the question of whether or not such investments were thus made is in issue. (R. S., Art. 4786.) Companies Organized in This State May Deposit. 145. Any life insurance company organized under the laws of this State may, at its option, deposit with the Treasurer of this State se- curities in which its capital stock is invested, or securities equal in amount to its capital stock of the class in which the law of this State permits insurance companies to invest their capital stock, and may, at its option, withdraw the same or any part thereof, first having de- posited with the Treasurer in lieu thereof other securities of like class and equal amount and value to those withdrawn. Any such securities before being so originally deposited or substituted shall be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and when any such deposit is made the Treasurer shall execute to the company making such deposit a receipt therefor, giving such description of said stock or securities as will identify the same, and stating that the same are held on deposit as the capital stock investments of such company, and such company shall have the right to advertise such fact or print a copy of the Treasurer's receipt on the policies it may issue; and the proper officers or agent of each insurance company making such de- posit shall be permitted at all reasonable times to examine such securi- ties and to detach coupons therefrom and to collect interest thereon, under such reasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Treasurer and the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State. The deposit herein provided for, when made by any com- pany, shall thereafter be maintained so long as said company shall have outstanding any liability to its policyholders in this State. (R. S., Art. 4787.) Note. See Section 97 and notes thereunder. Investment in Texas Securities Does Not Apply To. 146. The provisions of this chapter requiring investment in Texas securities shall not apply to any life insurance company the total amount of whose Texas reserve does not exceed $5000, or to any such company doing only a reinsurance business in this State, but all of the other provisions of this chapter shall apply to such companies. (R. S., Art. 4788.) Fraternal Beneficiary Association Exempt. 147. The provisions of this chapter shall not be held to apply to fraternal beneficiary associations, as defined by the laws of this State. (R. S., Art. 4789.) Companies Desiring to Loan Funds May Secure Permit. 148. That any life insurance company not desiring to engage in the business of writing life insurance in this State, but desiring to loan its funds in this State, may obtain a permit to do so by complying with the laws of this State relating to foreign corporations engaged in loaning money in this State without being required to secure a cer- tificate of authority to write life insurance in this State. (R. S., Art. 4790.) 54 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. CHAPTEE VII. ASSESSMENT OR NATURAL PREMIUM COMPANIES. Life and Casualty Companies Assessment of Natural Premium Admis- sion of. 149. Companies or associations organized under the laws of any other State of the United States, carrying on the business of life or cas- ualty insurance on the assessment or natural premium plan, and having cash assets of a sum not less than one hundred thousand dollars, invested as required by the laws of this State regulating other insurance com- panies, shall be licensed by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking to do business in this State, and be subject only to the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that such company or association shall first file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a certified copy of its charter, a written agreement appointing the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking and his successor in office to be its true and lawful at- torney, upon whom all lawful process in any action or proceeding against it may be served; a certificate under oath of its president and secretary that it is paying, and for the twelve months next preceding has paid, the maximum amount named in its policies or certificates in full, a state- ment under oath of its president and secretary of its business for the year ending December 31, preceding; a certified copy of its constitution and by-laws and a copy of its policy and application; a certificate from the proper authority in its home State that said company or association is legally entitled to do business in. such home State and has at least one hundred thousand dollars surplus assets subject to its indebtedness. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking to issue a license to any company or association complying with the provisions of this chapter, and every such company or association shall annually thereafter, before such license is renewed, file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, on or before the first day of March, a statement under oath of its president and secretary, or like officers, of its business for the year ending December 31st preceding. (B. S., Art. 4791.) . (1) Power of attorney to Commissioner not revocable. (Attorney General's opinion, December 10, 1900.) (2) This article does not require $200,000 assets over all liabilities, but only $100,000 over all liabilities. (Attorney General's opinion, February 14, 1895, and March 13, 1895.) (3) The provision in above Section 149 that foreign assessment companies are subject only to the provisions of this Act, means as to admission into the State and does not exempt such companies from taxes and other regulatory laws. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 27, 1914.) Schedule of Tees. 150. Every such company or association shall pay to the Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking, for the use of the State, the follow- ing fees: For filing copy of its charter, twenty-five dollars; for filing statement preliminary to admission, twenty dollars; for filing each an- nual statement after admission, twenty dollars; for license to company or association, one dollar. (E. S., Art. 4792.) I NSI i; \\ri-: LAWS OF Ti:x \s. 55 Exemptions. 151. The provisions of this chapter shall in nowise apply to mutual benefit organizations doing business in this State through lodges or councils, such as the order of Chosen Friends, Knights of Honor, or kindred organizations. (R. S., Art. 4793.) CHAPTER VIII. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Requisites for Obtaining Charter and Certificate of Authority to Do Busi- ness. 152. Nine or more persons, residents of the State of Texas, may form a mutual life insurance company for the purpose of insuring the lives of individuals on the mutual, level premium, legal reserve plan, subject to the conditions and limitations prescribed in this chapter, by executing and acknowledging before some officer authorized to take ac- knowledgments to conveyances of real estate, articles of incorporation for that purpose. Such articles shall set forth : 1. The name and residence of each of the incorporate rs. 2. The name of the proposed company, which shall contain the words, "Mutual Life Insurance Company," as a part thereof, and which shall not be so similar to that of any other life insurance company or association now authorized to transact business in this State as to mis- lead the public. 3. The location of the principal office from which the business of the company is to be transacted. 4. The number of directors and the name and place of residence of each of those who are to serve until the first regular election of directors as provided by this chapter. Such articles of incorporation shall be filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, who shall im- mediately submit them to the Attorney General for his examination and approval as complying in all respects with the law. If the Attorney General approves them, he shall so certify thereon in writing, and re- turn them to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, who shall file the same in his office and issue to the coihpany a certificate of au- thority, to which shall be attached a certified copy of the articles of incorporation, authorizing it to receive applications for insurance as provided in this chapter, and to collect premiums thereon, and to issue receipts therefor; which certificate shall expressly state that such com- pany is not authorized to issue policies of insurance or transact any business other than that specifically authorized therein until it has re- ceived bona fide applications for insurance on the lives of at least two hundred individuals for not less than five hundred dollars, each, aggregating at least two hundred thousand dollars of insurance, on which the aggregate net premiums shall be equal to the largest net risk assumed on any one life, which applications have been approved by a competent physician and on which the first annual pre- miums at adequate rates have been paid to the company, nor until these facts shall have been fully shown to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and he shall have issued to the company a certificate of au- 56 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. thority to transact business as a mutual life insurance company. If this showing is not made within six months after the date upon which such articles of incorporation are filed with the Commissioner of In-] surance and Banking, it shall be his duty to cancel the certificate of] authority of such company to receive applications for insurance, and to j notify each incorporator of such action. When the Commissioner of] Insurance and Banking shall be notified that any such company has complied with all the foregoing provisions of this article, he shall make, or cause to be made, at the expense of such company, an examination thereof; and if he shall find that the law has been in all respects fully complied with, it shall be his duty to issue to it a certificate of authority to transact the business of a mutual life insurance company, in accord- ance with the terms of this chapter. (E. S., Art. 4809, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Directors Officers Meetings Voting Powers of Policy-holders. 153. The business of a mutual life insurance company shall be con- trolled and directed by a board of directors consisting of not less than five nor more than twenty-five members, who shall be elected annually as provided in this chapter, those to serve until the first annual election to be named in the charter, and who shall hold office until their suc- cessors shall be elected and qualified, or until they shall be removed for improper practices. Such board of directors shall elect the officers of the company, which shall be a president and such number of vice- presidents as their by-laws may provide ; a secretary, a treasurer, a med- ical director and such other officers as the by-laws may provide for, and shall fix the compensation of all such officers. The duties of all officers shall be prescribed by the by-laws. The by-laws governing the company until the date of its first annual meeting, as provided by this chapter, shall be adopted by the board of directors at their first meeting after the certificate of authority shall be issued authorizing the company to transact the business of a mutual life insurance company. There shall be an annual meeting of all the policyholders of each mutual life insur- ance company at the home office of such company, or at such other place as may be properly announced to the policyholders, on the second Tuesday in March after it shall have received a certificate of authority to transact the business of life insurance, and annually thereafter, at which the directors shall be elected for the succeeding year, and at which by-laws for the government of the company, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter or with the laws of this State may be adopted, and at which the existing by-laws may be repealed or amended. At such annual meeting every policyholder shall be entitled to one vote for each five hundred dollars of insurance held by him; and any policyholder may execute his proxy authorizing and entitling the holder to exercise his voting powers, unless such proxy shall be revoked previous to such annual meeting. The president, secretary and treasurer shall each give bond for the protection of the policyholders in amount and with securi- ties to be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, conditioned for the faithful performance of their respective duties. (E. S., Art. 4810, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) INSURANCE LAWS OP TEXAS. 57 Lvestments and Deposits of Moneys Penalty for Violation of These Re- quirements. 154. Mutual life insurance companies shall invest their funds in >rdance with the provisions of Articles 4734 and 4735, Chapter 2, this title, concerning investments of life insurance companies in this Jtate; all moneys of mutual life insurance companies, coming into the ids of any officer or officers thereof, when not invested as prescribed the above named articles, shall be deposited in the name of such com- iy or companies in some bank or banks which are subject to either Jtate or national regulation and supervision, and which have been ipproved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking as depos- itories therefor. Any officer or director of any such company who shall lowingly and wilfully violate or assent to the violation of the pro- isions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and upon con- dction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not less than one nor more than five years. (E. S., Art. ill, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) >mpany May Borrow Money or Incur Debt Only 'as Herein Provided. 155. No mutual life insurance company shall have the power except provided in this chapter, to borrow money for any purpose other than e payment of death losses. No such company shall have the power to incur any debt or any account except under policies issued by it or for money borrowed to pay death losses, for which any portion of its its over and above that which may represent or be derived from the mse loading of the premiums collected by it, shall in any event be ibject to execution upon a judgment therefor. (R. S., Art. 4812, as icnded by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) ianner of Valuing Policies. 156. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall annually [make valuations of all outstanding policies of mutual life insurance companies as of December 31, of each year, in accordance with the one year preliminary term method based upon the American Experience Table of Mortality and 3J per cent interest per annum, assuming an average risk exposure of six months on all new policies issued within each calendar year. (E. S., Art. 4813, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) | Method of Computing Net Premiums, Which Net Premiums Shall Not Be Used for Expenses. 157. The net premiums upon all policies issued by any such company I shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Article 4813, this chapter and title, the net premiums on all new policies issued to be obtained by deducting from the total premium paid the amount of the premium in their return premium as above provided and allow- |ing the remainder of the first annual premium as expense loading; I no portion of such net premium collected upon any such policy shall lever be used or applied for the payment of any expenses of the company of any kind or character, or for any other purpose than the payment of death losses, surrender values, or lawful dividends to policyholders, loans on policies, or for the purposes of such investments of the company as 58 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. are prescribed in the laws of this State. (E. S., Art. 4814, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Company May Maintain a Contingency Reserve in Excess of Net Value of Its Policies. 158. Every mutual life insurance company may maintain and set aside, before declaring any dividends to policy holders, in addition to an amount equal to the net value of all its policies, computed as required by this chapter, a contingency reserve not exceeding the following re- spective percentages of said net values, towit: When said net values are less than one hundred thousand dollars, 20 per centum thereof, or the sum of ten thousand dollars, whichever is the greater, the percentage thereof measuring the contingency reserve shall decrease one-half of one per cent for each one hundred thousand dollars of said net values up to one million dollars, and thereafter, one-half of one per cent for each additional one million dollars of said net values; provided, that as the said net values of said policies increase, and as the maximum percentage measuring the contingency reserve decrease, such company may main- tain the contingency reserve already accumulated hereunder, although for the time being it may exceed the maximum percentage herein pre- scribed, but may not add to the contingency reserve when the addition will bring it beyond the maximum percentage. (R. S., Art. 4815, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Company May Declare Dividends to Policyholders on Approval of Com- missioner. 159. Every mutual life insurance company organized under this chapter shall make an annual accounting and apportionment of divisible surplus to each policyholder, beginning not later than the end of the second policy year on all policies issued ; and each such policyholder shall be entitled to and credited with or paid such a portion of the entire divisible surplus as has been contributed thereto by his policy. Upon the thirty-first day of December of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, every such company shall well and truly ascertain the surplus earned by it during such year; and, after setting aside from such surplus the contingency reserve provided in this chapter, it shall apportion to each of its policies upon which all premiums due and pay- able for at least one year have been paid, the proportion of the remainder of such surplus which has been contributed by each such policy, and shall immediately submit a detailed report of such apportionment under oath of its president or secretary to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. If such Commissioner shall find such apportionment to be equitable and just to the policyholders and to be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, he shall approve the same, and it shall become effective; and, if he shall not approve such apportionment, he shall make such changes therein as he shall deem equitable and just and necessary to make the same comply with the provisions of this chapter, and shall certify such changes to such company, whereupon such appor- tionment as changed by the Commissioner shall become effective. Each dividend declared as aforesaid shall be paid in cash, or in the equivalent of its cash value in any option stated in the policy and selected by the policyholder, notice of which selection by the policyholder shall be given INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 50 to the company in writing. (R. S., Art. 4816, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Company May Bo Business in Texas and Other States Must Have Its Policy Forms Approved by the Commissioner Cannot Issue Policies in Excess of Five Thousand Dollars Until Its Insurance in Force Is Ten Million Dollars. 160. Mutual life insurance companies are authorized to transact business throughout the State of Texas, and in other States to which they may be admitted; they shall issue no policies except upon the par- ticipating plan with dividends payable annually as elsewhere provided in this chapter; the forms of all policies issued by any such company shall be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and all such policies shall have plainly written on both the face and the re- verse sides thereof the words, "The form of this policy is approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of the State of Texas"; and it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to revoke the certificate of au- thority of any company which shall issue any policy except upon such form so approved. No such company shall issue any policy or policies by which, after deducting reinsurance, if any, it shall be bound for more than five thousand dollars upon any one life at any time when the total amount of its insurance in force is less than ten million dollars. (R. S., Art. 4817, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Medical Examinations Are Required. 161. No mutual life insurance company shall enter into any contract of insurance amounting to $500 or more, upon the life of any person, without having previously made a medical examination, prescribed by its medical director and approved by its board of directors, of the in- sured, by a duly qualified and licensed practitioner, and without his cer- tificate that the insured was in sound health at the date of examination. Any officer or agent or employe of such company violating the provi- sions of this section or effecting or attempting to effect a contract of insurance contrary to the provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hun- dred nor more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than six months or by both such fine and im- prisonment. (R. S., Art. 4818, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) No Deductions Shall Be Made on Policies Where Premiums Are Paid at Periods Less Than Annual. 162. The policies issued by a mutual life insurance company shall provide, in the event that premiums are payable other than annually, that no deduction shall be made from the amount due on any policy in the event that the death of the policyholder shall occur prior to the due date of any premium less than annual. (R. S., Art. 4819, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Policies Shall Contain Table of Guaranteed Values. 163. Each policy issued by a mutual life insurance company shall contain a table of guaranteed values, which shall become iioii-forfei table not later than upon the payment of the third full annual premium; such 60 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. tables of values shall be drawn in accordance with the provisions of Article 4741, Chapter 2, of this title. (E. S., Art. 4820, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Company Shall File Animal Statement and Obtain Certificate of Authority. 164. Mutual life insurance companies organized under the provisions of this chapter shall file their annual statements with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and receive from him their certificates of authority to transact the business of life insurance, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4729 and 4730, Chapter 2, of this title. (E. S., Art. 4821, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Company's Agents Must Be Licensed Commissions of Agents Shall Not Be in Excess of Expense Loading. 165. Any mutual life insurance company organized under the pro- visions of this chapter, having received authority from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking to transact business in this State shall receive from such Commissioner, upon written request therefor, a certificate of authority for each of its agents in this State. Contracts between such companies and such agents shall not provide for commissions or other compensation to such agents in excess of the expense loading in the pre- miums of policies issued upon the applications procured by such agents, collected therefor, and paid to the company in cash. (E. S., Art. 4822, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Company Is Required to Be Examined. 166. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Bank- ing to have made, once in each calendar year, a thorough and full exam- ination of the affairs of each mutual life insurance company, the report of which examination shall be made to such Commissioner under oath ; and it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, if he shall approve the report of such examination, to furnish the com- pany with certificate of approval. The expense of each such examination shall be borne by the company examined. (E. S., Art. 4823, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Officers, Directors or Policyholders May Advance Money for Promotion, But No Commissions for promotion Shall Be Permitted Receiver May Be Appointed. 167. Any officer, director, or policyholder of a mutual life insurance company, or any other person, may advance to such company any sum or sums of money for the purpose of promoting or conserving its busi- ness, or to enable it to comply with any requirements of the law; and such money, together with such interest thereon as may have been agreed upon, not exceeding 10 per cent per annum, shall be payable only out of the surplus remaining after providing for all reserves and other liabili- ties, and shall not otherwise be a liability or claim against the company or any of its assets. No commission or promotion expenses shall be paid in connection with the advance of any such money to the company, and the amount of such advance shall be reported in each annual statement as provided in Article 4821, this chapter and title. At any time when the liabilities of any such company, computing its reserve liability upon INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 61 the American Experience Table of Mortality and 3 per cent per annum interest, shall be in excess of its assets, the company shall cease the issu- ance of new policies until the impairment in its reserve shall be made good. Whenever the liabilities of any such company, computing its re- serve liability upon the American Experience Table of Mortality and 4J per cent interest per annum, exceed its assets, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may request the Attorney General to file suit in the name of the State in the district court of the county in which such company is located for the appointment of a receiver to terminate and liquidate the affairs of the company, and such action may be main- tained. In any such action such district court, or judge thereof, in vacation, shall have the power, if in his opinion the interests of the policyholders of the company require it, to enter an order for the re- insurance of all outstanding risks of such company in some other life insurance company authorized to do business in this State upon such terms and conditions as may be approved by the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking, and by such court, or the judge thereof, in vaca- tion; and such court or judge may for that purpose direct the convey- ance of the entire assets of any such company, or any portion thereof, to such reinsuring company in consideration of such reinsurance. (R. S., Art. 4824, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) For Taxation Purposes the Reserve of the Company Shall Be Treated as Debts Due to Policyholders. 168. For the purposes of State, county and city taxation, the amount of the reserve and contingency reserve of all mutual life insurance com- panies shall be treated as debts due by them to their policyholders; and the total value of their property for such purposes shall be ascertained by deducting from the total amount of their gross assets the amount of such reserves and contingency reserves. (R. S., Art. 4825, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) Articles 4724 to 4774, Inclusive, Revised Statutes of Texas, and All Laws in Conflict With This Chapter Are Repealed. 169. The provisions of Articles 4724 to 4774, inclusive, in Chapter 2 of this title, when not in conflict with the several articles of this chap- ter, shall likewise apply to and govern mutual life insurance companies organized under the provisions of this chapter. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed; provided, that such repeals and the provisions of this act shall not apply to or affect any company or association now organized and doing business under the laws of this State. (R. S., Art. 4826, as amended by Chap. 77, Acts 37th Leg.) CHAPTER IX. FIKE AND MARINE COMPANIES. May Do What. 170. It shall be lawful for any insurance company doing business in this State under the proper certificate of authority, except a life or health insurance company to insure houses, buildings and all other 62 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. kinds of property against loss or damage by fire, and to take all kinds of insurance on goods, merchandise or other property in the course of transportation, whether on land or water, or any vessel' afloat, wher- ever the same may be; to lend money on bottomry or respondentia; and to cause itself to be insured against any loss or risk it may have incurred in the course of its business and upon the interest which it may liave in any property by means of any loan or loans which it may have made on bottomry or respondentia; and generally to do and perform all other matters and things proper to promote these objects; to insure automo- biles or other motor vehicles, whether stationary or being operated under their own power, against all or any of the risks of fire, lightning, wind storms, hail storms, tornadoes, cyclones, explosions, transportation by land or water, theft and collisions upon filing with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of the State, notification of their purpose to do so. (Acts Thirty-third Legislature, Chapter 108, Section 1.) Note. (1) The notification of the company's purpose to engage in any par- ticular kind of insurance must be in the form of an amendment to its charter. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 27, 1913.) (2) A mutual fire insurance company, organized under the laws governing mutual fire insurance companies, cannot amend its charter so as to authorize it to do any other kinds of insurance than such as are mentioned in said law governing mutual fire insurance companies, and cannot therefore avail itself of the provisions of Chapter 108, Acts of the Thirty-third Legislature, which refers only to capital stock companies, and not to mutual companies. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 8, 1914.) Capital Stock May Be Reduced, When. 171. Whenever the joint stock of any fire, fire and marine, or marine insurance company of this State becomes impaired, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may, in his discretion, permit the said com- pany to reduce its capital stock and par value of its shares in proportion to the extent of impairment, but in fixing such reduced capital no sum exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars shall be deducted from the assets and property on hand, which shall be retained as surplus assets, and no part of such assets and property shall be distributed to the stockholders, nor shall the capital stock of a company in any case be reduced to an amount less than one hundred thousand dollars. (E. S., Art. 4863.) Company Must Make Good Its Whole Capital Stock. 172. Any fire, marine or inland insurance company having received notice from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, to make good its whole capital stock within sixty days, shall forthwith call upon its stockholders for such amounts as shall make its capital equal to the amount fixed by the charter of such company. (E. S., Art. 4864.) What Course Shall Be Taken When Stockholder Fails to Pay. 173. In case any stockholder of such fire, marine or inland insurance company shall neglect or refuse to pay the amount so called for, after notice personally given, or by advertisement for such time and in such manner as said Commissioner shall approve, it shall be lawful for said company to require the return of the original certificate of stock held by such stockholder, and in lieu thereof to issue new certificates for such INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. G,3 number of shares as such defaulting stockholders may be entitled to, in the proportion that the ascertained value of the funds of said company may be found to bear to the original capital of said company ; the value of such shares, for which new certificates are issued, to be ascertained under the direction of said Commissioner, and the company shall pay for the fractional part of shares. (R. S., Art. 4865.) Company May Create and Dispose of New Stock. 174. It shall be lawful for such fire, marine or inland insurance company to create new stock and dispose of the same, and to issue new certificates therefor to any amounts sufficient to make up the original capital of the company. (R. S., Art. 4866.) Texas Companies When Insurance Companies Organized Under the Laws of the State Shall Purchase or Hold Real Estate. 175. No fire, marine or inland insurance company organized under the laws of the State shall purchase or hold any real estate except (1) Such as shall be requisite for its convenient accommodation in the transaction of its business. (2) Such as shall have been mortgaged to it in good faith by way of security for loans previously contracted or for money due. (3) Such as shall have been conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted in the legitimate business of the company or for money due. (4) Such as shall have been purchased at sales under judgments, decrees or mortgages, obtained or made for such debts. All lands pur- chased or held in violation of this article shall be forfeited to the State. (R. S., Art. 4869.) Shall File Bond. 176. Every fire insurance company not organized under the laws of this State applying for a certificate of authority to transact any kind of insurance in this State shall, before obtaining such certificate, file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, a bond, with good and sufficient surety or sureties to be approved by the Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking, payable to the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking, and his successors in office, in a sum equal to 25 per cent of its premiums collected from citizens or upon property in this State during the preceding calendar year, as shown by its annual reports for such year; provided, however, the bond in no case shall ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars, nor be less than ten thousand dollars, con- ditioned that said company will pay all its lawful obligations to citizens of this State. Such bonds shall be subject to successive suits by citi- zens of this State so long as any part of the same shall not be exhausted and the same shall be kept in force unimpaired until all claims of citi- zens of this State arising out of obligations of said company have been fully satisfied. (R. S., Art. 4870.) Note. ( 1 ) Bond cannot be canceled nor can Commissioner furnish evidence of cancellation. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 29, 1909.) (2) Companies doing only a marine business are not required to give bond. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 23. 1910.) (3) Bond is based upon, and in amount must be one-fourth of the gross 64 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. premium receipts of the company for the preceding year, and such gross pre- mium receipts are defined to be the premium receipts reported to the Commis- sioner in the annual statement of the company less returned premiums and reinsurance in authorized companies. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 19, 1912.) (4) Insuring automobiles against fire is fire insurance and a company writ- ing such insurance is subject to the laws governing fire insurance, and if a foreign company, it must give the bond required of foreign fire insurance com- panies. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 14, 1914.) Bond Shall Provide. 177. Such bonds shall provide that in the event the company shall become insolvent, or cease to transact business in this State at any time when it has outstanding policies of insurance in favor of citizens of this State, or upon property in this State, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall have the power, after having given ten days' notice to the officers of such company or any receiver in charge of its property and affairs, to contract with any other insurance company transacting business in this State for the assumption and reinsurance by it of all the insurance risks outstanding in this State of such com- pany which is insolvent or which has ceased to transact business in this State, which contract shall also provide for the assumption of such re- insuring company of all outstanding and unsatisfied lawful claims then outstanding against such company which has become, insolvent or ceased to transact business in this State, and in the event of the Commissioner making any such contract, and if the same shall be approved as reason- able by the Attorney General and the Governor of this State the re- insuring company shall be entitled to recover from the makers of such bond the amount of the premium or compensation so agreed upon for such reinsurance. (E. S., Art. 4870.) May Deposit Securities in Lieu of Bond. 178. Any company desiring to do so may at its option in lieu of giving the bond required by this section deposit securities of any kind in which it may lawfully invest its funds with the State Treasurer of this State upon such terms and conditions as will in all respects afford the same protection and indemnity as is herein provided for to be af- forded by said bond. (E. S., Art. 4870.) Note. A company having deposit instead of bond may withdraw deposit by first protecting all its policyholders by reinsurance. (Attorney General's opin- ion, March 14, 1911.) Shall Pile Bond. 179. Every fire insurance company not organized under the laws of this State, hereafter issuing or causing or authorizing to be issued any policy of insurance other than life insurance, shall first have filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking during the calendar year in which such policy may issue or authorize or cause to be issued a bond of good and sufficient sureties to be approved by such Commis- sioner in a sum not less than ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the payment of all lawful obligations to citizens of this State arising out of any policies or contracts issued by such fire insurance company; which such bond shall be subject to successive suits by citizens of this INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 65 State so long as any part of the same shall not be adjusted and so long as there remains outstanding any such obligations or contracts of such fire insurance company. This article shall not apply to any person, firm or corporation or association doing an inter-insurance, co-operative or reciprocal business. (R. S., Art. 4871.) Annual Statement Required of Fire, Marine and Inland Companies. 180. It shall be the duty of the president or of the vice-president and secretary, of each fire, marine or inland insurance company doing business in this State, annually, on the first day of January of each year, or within sixty days thereafter, to prepare under oath and deposit with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State, a full, true and complete statement of the condition of such company on the last day of the month of December preceding. (R. S., Art. 4872.) What the Statement Shall Show. 181. The annual statement required by the preceding article shall exhibit the following items and facts : (1) The name of the company and where located. (2) The names and residences of the officers. (3) The amount of capital stock of the company. (4) The amount of capital stock paid up. (5) The property or assets held by the company, viz.: The real estate owned by such company, its location, description and value as near as may be; and if said company be one organized under the laws of this State, shall accompany such statement with an abstract of title to the same; the amount of cash on hand and deposited in banks to the credit of the company and in what bank or banks the same is deposited ; the amount of cash in the hands of agents, naming such agents; the amount of cash in course of transmission; the amount of loans secured by first mortgages on real estate, with the rate of interest thereon, specifying the location of such real estate, its value and the name of the mortgagor; the amount of all bonds and other loans, with the rate of interest thereon and how secured; the amount due the company in which judgments have been obtained; describing such judgments; the amount of stocks in this State, of the United States, or any incorporated city of this State, and of any other stock owned by the company, de- scribing the same and specifying the amount and number of shares, and the par and market value of each kind of stock; the amount of stock held by 'such company as collateral security for loans, with amount loaned on each kind of stock, its par and market value; the amount of interest actually due to the company and unpaid; all other securities, their description and value. (6) The liabilities of such company, specifying the losses adjusted and due; losses adjusted and not due; losses unadjusted; losses in sus- pense, and the causes thereof ; losses resisted and in litigation ; dividend, either in scrip or cash, specifying the amount of each declared, but not due; dividends declared and due; the amount required to reinsure all outstanding risks on the basis of 40 per cent of the premium on all unexpired fire risks, and 100 per cent of the premiums on all unexpired marine and inland transportation risks; the amount due banks or other 66 . INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. creditors, naming such banks or other creditors, and the amount due to each, the amount of money borrowed by the company, of whom bor- rowed, the rate of interest thereon, and how secured; all other claims against the company, describing the same. (7) The income of the company during the preceding year, stating the amount received for premiums, specifying separately fire, marine and inland transportation premiums, deducting reinsurance ; the amount received for interest, and from all other sources. (8) The expenditures during the preceding year, specifying the amount of losses paid during said term, stating how much of same accrued prior and how much subsequent to the date of the preceding statement, and the amount at which losses were estimated in such pre- ceding statement; the amount paid for dividends; the amount paid for return premiums, commissions, salaries, expenses and other charges of officers, agents, clerks and other employes; the amount paid for local, State, national, internal revenue and other taxes and duties ; the amount paid for all other expenses, such as fees, printing, stationery, rents, furniture, etc. (9) The largest amount insured in any one risk, naming the risk. (10) The amount of risks written during the year then ending. (11) The amount of risks in force having less than one year to run. (12) The amount of risks in force having more than one and not over three years to run. (13) The amount of risks having more than three years to run. (14) It shall be stated whether or not dividends are declared on premiums received for risks not terminated. (E. S., Art. 4873.) Limit to Extent of Insurance. 182. (1) No fire, fire and marine, marine or inland insurance company doing business in this State shall expose itself to any one risk, except when insuring cotton in bales and grain, to an amount exceeding 10 per cent of its paid up capital stock, unless the excess shall be insured by such company in some other solvent insurance com- pany legally authorized to do business in this State. Note. (1) The term "one risk" means one building, irrespective of its mode of construction; one building cannot be divided into a number of risks upon the theory that each room is a separate risk because it is fireproof. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 17, 1910.) (2) Casualty, surety, fidelity and guaranty companies cannot issue a policy or bond in excess of 10 per cent of their capital without reinsuring the excess. (Opinion of Attorney General, May 7, 1915.) (3) Limiting the amount of insurance which an insurance company may write in any one risk, and requiring surplus lines to be insured in authorized companies, has no application to surety companies. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, January 7, 1918.) Reinsurance Must Be Placed in Licensed Companies. (2) Every fire, fire and marine, marine or inland insurance com- pany doing business in this State may reinsure the whole or any part of any policy obligation in any other insurance company legally au- thorized to do business in this State. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall require every year, from every insurance company INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 67 doing business in this State, a certificate, sworn to before an officer legally qualified to administer oaths in the State of Texas, to the effect that no part of the business written by such company in this State has been reinsured in whole or in part by any company, corporation, association or society not authorized to do business in this State. Every insurance company doing business shall also furnish the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking with a list of all reinsurances during the year in authorized companies, showing the name, amount and premium effected in each company. Note. (1) Reinsurance, including cotton and grain risks, must be placed in companies licensed by Texas Insurance Department, and the fact that licensed companies will not accept reinsurance at terms and rates obtainable elsewhere will not authorize reinsuring with unlicensed companies or associations. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, October 4, 1911.) (2) A general complaint, made under oath, charging that certain insurance companies licensed to do business in Texas, have violated the law requiring all reinsurance of Texas business to be placed with companies authorized to do business in Texas, although not specifying the times, places and circumstances of such violation of law is sufficient to require the Commissioner to make an investigation of such charges. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 9, 1914.) Violation of Law Bevocation of License. (3) Any insurance company authorized to transact the business of fire, fire and marine, marine and inland insurance in this State failing to comply with the provisions of this article shall forfeit its authority to do such business for a period of one year, and it is hereby made the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking to investigate any complaint as to violation of said act, and upon satisfactory proof that any company authorized to transact the business of fire, fire and marine, marine or inland insurance in this State has violated the pro- visions of this act, the said Commissioner shall revoke the certificate of authority of the offending company. Note. (1) Reinsuring in unauthorized company forfeits certificate of au- thority for one year, and the penalty cannot be avoided by afterwards rein- suring in authorized companies. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 29, 1910.) (2) A licensed company may accept reinsurance of Texas risks from un- authorized company. (Opinion of Attorney General, September 21, 1911.) Pee for Agent's License $25 Affidavit to Be Piled. (4) That the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, upon the payment of license fee of twenty-five dollars, issue to an agent who is regularly commissioned to represent one or more fire, fire and marine insurance companies authorized to do business in this State, a cer- tificate of authority to place excess lines of insurance in companies not au- thorized to do business in this State; provided, that the party desiring such excess insurance shall first file with the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking an affidavit that he has exhausted all the insur- ance obtainable from companies duly authorized to do business in the State. Must Pile a Bond. (5) Before receiving license provided for in * Section 4 of this *Paragraph 4. 68 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. article, party applying for same shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the Governor of the State for the faithful observance of the provisions of this article. Said bond to be approved by the Commis- sioner, and to be for the benefit of the State of Texas. Agent to Report on Oath and Keep a Separate Record of All Transac- tions. (6) Every agent so licensed shall report, under oath, to the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking within thirty days from the first day of January and July of each year the amount of gross premiums received by him for such excess insurance, and shall pay the said Com- missioner a tax of 5 per cent thereon. The agent procuring a license as provided in this article shall keep a separate record of all transactions herein provided open at all times to the inspection of the Commissioner or his legally appointed representative. In default of the payment of any sums which may be due the State under this article, the said Com- missioner may sue for the same in any court of record in this State. (E. S., Art. 4875.) Valued Policy Shall Be Considered a Liquidated Demand. 183. A fire insurance policy, in case of a total loss by fire of prop- erty insured, shall be held and considered to be a liquidated demand against the company for the full amount of such policy; provided, that the provisions of this article shall not apply to personal property. (E. S., Art. 4874.) Breach of Warranty or Other Provision, Unless Contributing to the Loss Will Not Render Contract Void. 184. No breach or violation by the insured of any of the warranties, conditions or provisions of any fire insurance policy, contract of insur- ance, or application therefor, upon personal property, shall render void the policy or contract, or constitute a defense to a suit for loss thereon, unless such breach or violation contributed to bring about the destruc- tion of the property. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 105, Sec. 1.) Article 4874, Revised Statutes, Not Repealed. 185. That* the provisions hereof (Section 184 above) shall in no way affect or repeal the provisions of Article 4874 of the Ee vised Civil Statutes of 1911 in so far as the same relates to fire insurance policies upon real or mixed property. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 105, Sec. 2.) Co-insurance Clause in Policies Forbidden. 186. No company subject to the provisions of this chapter shall issue any policy or contract of insurance covering property, real or personal, situated in this State which shall contain any clause or provision re- quiring the assured to take out and maintain a larger amount of insur- ance than that expressed in such policy, nor in any way providing that the assured will be liable as a co-insurer with the company issuing the policy for any part of the loss or damage which may be caused by fire to the property described in the policy, and any such clause or provi- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 69 sion shall be null and void and of no effect, whether written with or without the consent of the assured; and any company issuing a policy with such provision or provisions therein shall nevertheless be liable to the assured for the full amount of the damage and loss sustained by the property holder, not exceeding the face of the policy, notwithstanding such provision or provisions. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 104, Sec. 1.) Exceptions as to Co-insurance Clause. 187. Provided, that oil in tanks, wool, mohair, grain, rice, cotton, cotton seed oil mills and products attached thereto, are hereby exempted from the provisions of this act. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 104, Sec. 2.) Stipulation in Fire Insurance Policy Attempting- to Invalidate Policy Account of Condition or Neglect Beyond Control of Owner or Mort- gagor, Void. 188. The interest of a mortgagee or trustee under any fire insurance contract hereafter issued covering any property situated in this State shall not be invalidated by any act or neglect of the mortgagor or owner of said described property or the happening of any condition beyond his control, and any stipulation in any contract in conflict herewith shall be null and void. (Sec. 1, Chap. 15, Acts 36th Leg.) State Insurance Board Law Repealed. 189. The act approved September 6, 1910, known and published as Chapter 8 of the General Laws of the Fourth Called Session of the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Texas, entitled "An Act pro- viding conditions upon which insurance companies writing contracts or policies of insurance against the hazard of fire may transact business in the State of Texas, and providing for the making, promulgation, regu- lation and control of general basis schedules, insurance rates and pre- miums and forms of insurance policies ; providing certain conditions and limitations on insurance contracts or policies; providing for maximum insurance rates and how companies may write contracts of insurance at rates lower than the maximum rates and the filing of statements of re- duced rates with the State Insurance Board and certified copies thereof with city secretaries and county clerks and fixing fees of said last two officers for such service; to prevent discrimination in insurance rates or premiums; except as provided in this act to create a State Insurance Board, and prescribing the duties and authority of said board and each member thereof, and fixing the salaries of the members thereof; and providing for their appointment and removal; providing certain duties for and to give certain authority to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking; appropriating money necessary to carry out the provisions of this act; providing penalties for the violation of certain provisions of this act; fixing the time when this act shall go into effect and repealing Chapter 18 of the General Laws of the State of Texas, passed by the First Called Session of the Thirty-first Legislature and all other laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency," is hereby repealed. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 1.) 70 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Maximum Premium Rates Shall Be Fixed by the Commission. 190. After this act shall take effect, a maximum rate of premiums to be charged or collected by all companies transacting in this State the business of fire insurance, as herein defined, shall be exclusively fixed and determined and promulgated by the State Fire Insurance Commis- sion created by this act, and no such fire insurance company shall, after this act takes effect, charge or collect any premium or other compen- sation for or on account of any policy or contract of fire insurance as herein defined in excess of the maximum rate as herein provided for, but may write insurance at a less rate than the maximum rate as herein provided for; provided, that when insurance is written for less than the maximum rate, such lesser rate shall be applicable to all risks of the same character situated in the same community. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 2.) Every Company Writing Fire Insurance in This State Is Subject to Pro- visions of State Insurance Commission Act. 191. Every fire insurance company, every marine insurance com- pany, every fire and marine insurance company, every fire and tornado insurance company, and each and every insurance company of every kind and name issuing a contract or policy of insurance, or contracts or policies of insurance against loss by fire on property within this State, whether such property be fixed or movable, stationary or in transit, or whether such property is consigned or billed for shipment within or be- yond the boundary of this State, or to some foreign country, whether such company is organized under the laws of this State, or under the laws of any other State, Territory or possession of the United States or foreign country, or by authority of the Federal government, now hold- ing a certificate of authority to transact business in this State, shall be deemed to have accepted such certificate and to transact business there- under, upon condition that it consents to the terms and provisions of this act and that it agrees to transact business in this State, subject thereto; it being intended that every contract or policy of insurance against the hazard of fire shall be issued in accordance with the terms and provisions of this act, and the company issuing the same governed thereby, regardless of the kind and character of such property and whether the same is fixed or movable, stationary or in transit, including the shore end of all marine risks insured against loss by fire. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 3.) Commission Created Who Compose How and When Appointed. 192. That there may be reasonable and just insurance rates in Texas, there is hereby created a Commission to be known as the "State In- surance Commission," which shall be composed of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, who shall be chairman thereof, and two com- missioners who shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the con- sent of the Senate, subject to removal as provided for removal of State officers by Article 3528 of the Eevised Statutes of Texas; the members of said Commission, other than the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, shall be appointed as herein provided within ten days after this act takes effect; one of said members tp be so appointed shall be INSURANCE LAWS OP TEXAS. 71 appointed for a term ending February 1, 1914, and biennially there- after; the other of said members of said Commission shall be appointed for a term ending February 1, 1915, and biennially thereafter, and the Governor in making his first appointments to fill these respective offices shall designate which of said officers shall fill the term expiring Febru- ary 1, 1914, and which of said officers shall fill the term expiring Feb- ruary 1, 1915. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, for the purpose of this act, may be referred to as the Commissioner of Insur- ance. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 4.) Compensation of Members of Commission Expenses of Commission. 193. The members of the Commission other than the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, shall each receive as compensation for their services the sum of thirty-six hundred dollars ($3600) per annum; and the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall receive as com- pensation or salary for his services, under this act, the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) per annum, in addition to his compensation as now fixed by law. Such salary of the two appointed members of said Commission and the said five hundred dollars ($500) salary of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, together with the necessary compensation of experts, clerical force, and other persons employed by said Commission, and all necessary traveling expenses, and such other expenses as may be necessary, incurred in carrying out the provisions of this act, shall be paid by warrants drawn by the Comptroller upon the State Treasurer upon the order of said Commission; provided, that the total amount of salaries and said other expenses shall not exceed the sum produced by the assessment of one and one-fourth (1J) per cent of the gross premium of all fire insurance companies doing business in this State as provided in Section 29 of said act. (Acts 35th Leg., Chap. 73, Sec. 1.) Commission Shall Fix, Alter or Amend Rates Shall Employ Necessary Experts and Assistants. 194. The State Fire Insurance Commission shall have the sole and exclusive power and authority and it shall be its duty to prescribe, fix, determine and promulgate the rates of premiums to be charged and collected by fire insurance companies transacting business in this State. As soon as practicable after this act shall take effect, the State Fire Insurance Commission shall begin the work of fixing and determining and promulgating the rates of premiums to be charged and collected by fire insurance companies throughout the State, and the making and adoption of its schedules of such rates, and then until such time as this work shall have been fully completed said Commission shall have full power and authority to adopt and continue in force the rates of premiums which may be lawfully charged and collected when this act shall take effect, or any portion thereof, for such time as it may pre- scribe, or until the work of making such schedules for the entire State shall be completed. Said Commission shall also have authority to alter or amend any and all such rates of premiums so fixed and determined and adopted by it, and to raise or lower the same, or any part thereof, as herein provided. Said Commission shall have authority to employ 7# INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. clerical help, inspectors, experts and other assistants, and to incur such other expenses as may be necessary in carrying out the provisions of this act; provided, that such expenses, including the salaries of the members of the Commission, shall not exceed in the aggregate, for any fiscal year, the sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($130,000). (Acts 35th Leg., Chap. 73, Sec. 2.) Shall Classify Fire Losses and Amount of Premium Collected Therefor. 195. It shall be the duty of said Commission to ascertain, as soon as practicable, the annual fire loss in this State; to obtain, to make and maintain a record thereof and collect such data, and information with respect thereto as will enable said Commission to classify the fire losses of this State, the causes thereof, and the amount of premiums collected therefor for each class of risks and the amount paid thereon, in such manner as will be of assistance in determining equitable insurance rates, methods of reducing such fire losses and reducing the insurance rates of the State, or subdivision of the State. (Acts 35th Leg., Chap. 73, Sec. 2.) Selection of Secretary and Fire Marshal of the Commission. 196. For the purpose of facilitating the work of said Commission, one of the appointed members thereof shall be selected by the Commis- sion as its secretary, who shall perform the duties which shall appertain to that position, and whose official title shall be "Secretary of the State Insurance Commission"; the other of said appointed members thereof shall be selected by said Commission as Fire Marshal of the State In- surance Commission, and his official title shall be "Fire Marshal of the State Insurance Commission" ; but the said members so selected as Sec- tary and Fire Marshal as aforesaid, shall receive no compensation for filling their respective positions other than their salaries as members of the State Insurance Commission, and shall perform the duties of those respective positions at the will of the Commission, but their expenses incurred in performing the duties of these positions shall be paid as provided in this act. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 7.) Duties of Fire Marshal. 197. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal of the State Fire In- surance Commission, who, for the purpose of this act, shall be referred to as the State Fire Marshal, at the discretion of the board and upon the request of the mayor of any city or village, or the chief of a fire department of any city or village, or any fire marshal where a fire occurs within such city or village, or of a county or a district judge or of a sheriff or county attorney of any county where a fire occurs within the district or county of the officers making such request, or of any fire insurance company, or its general, State or special agent, in- terested in a loss, or of a policyholder sustaining a loss, or upon the direction of the State Fire Insurance Commission to forthwith investi- gate at the place of such fire before loss can be paid, the origin, cause and circumstances of any fire occurring within this State, whereby property has been destroyed or damaged, and shall ascertain if possible whether the same was the result of any accident, carelessness or de- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 73 sign, and shall make a written report thereof to the State Insurance Commission. The State Fire Marshal shall have the power to admin- ister oaths, take testimony, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of documents. When, in his opinion, further investigation is necessary, he shall take or cause to be taken the testimony on oath of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any facts, or to have knowl- edge in relation to the matter under investigation, and shall cause the same to be reduced to writing, and if he shall be of the opinion that there is evidence sufficient to charge any person with the crime of arson, or with the attempt to commit arson, or of conspiracy to defraud OT criminal conduct in connection with such, he shall arrest or cause to be arrested such person, and shall furnish to the proper prosecuting attorney all evidence secured, together with the names of witnesses and all information obtained by him, including a copy of all pertinent and material testimony taken in the case, and it shall be the duty of the State Fire Marshal to assist in the prosecution of all such complaints filed by him. Provided, that all investigations held by or under the direction of the State Fire Marshal may, in his discretion, be private, and persons other than those required to be present may be excluded from the place where such investigation is held, and the witnesses may be kept separate and apart from each other and not allowed to com- municate with such others until they have been examined; and all tes- timony taken in an investigation under the provisions of this act may at the election of the State Fire Marshal be withheld from the public. (Acts 35th Leg., Chap. 73, Sec. 3.) Authority and Powers of Fire Marshal. 198. The State Fire Marshal is hereby authorized to enter at any time any buildings or premises where fire occurred or is in progress, or any place contiguous thereto, for the purpose of investigating the cause, origin and circumstances of such fire. The State Fire Marshal, upon complaint of any person, shall, at all reasonable hours, for the purpose of examination, enter into and upon all buildings and premises within this State, and it shall be his duty to enter upon and make or cause to be entered upon or made, at any time, a thorough exam- ination of mercantile, manufacturing and public buildings, and all places of public amusement, or where public gatherings are held, to- gether with the premises belonging thereto. Whenever he shall find any building or other structure which, for want of repair or by reason of age or dilapidated condition, or which for any cause is liable to fire, and which is so situated as to endanger other buildings or prop- erty, or is so occupied that fire would endanger persons or property therein, and whenever he shall find an improper or dangerous arrange- ment of stoves, ranges, furnaces or other heating appliances of any kind whatsdever, including chimneys, flues and pipes with which the same may be connected, or dangerous arrangement of lighting systems or devices, or a dangerous storage of explosives, compounds, petroleum, gasoline, kerosene, dangerous chemicals, vegetable products, ashes, com- bustible, inflammable and refuse materials, or other conditions which may be dangerous in character, or liable to cause or promote fire, or create conditions dangerous to firemen or occupants, he shall order the 74 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. same to be removed or remedied, and such order shall be forthwith complied with by the occupant or owner of such building or premises, and the State Fire Marshal is hereby authorized, when necessary, to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the necessary writs or orders to enforce the provisions of this section, and in such case he shall not be required to give bond. (Acts 35th Leg., Chap. 73, Sec. 4.) Pire Marshal May Designate a Local Fire Marshal or Other Person to Act for Him Expenses of Investigation, by Whom Paid. 199. If for any reason the State Fire Marshal is unable to make any required investigation in person, he may designate the fire marshal of such city or town or some other suitable person to act for him; and such person so designated shall have the same authority as is herein given the State Fire Marshal with reference to the particular matter to be investigated by him, and shall receive such compensation for his services as may be allowed by the State Insurance Commission. If the investigation of a fire is made at the request of an insurance company, or at the request of a policyholder sustaining loss, or at the request of the mayor, town clerk or chief of the fire department of any city, vil- lage or town in which the fire occurred, then the expenses of the Fire Marshal, clerical expenses, witnesses and officers' fees incident and neces- sary to such investigation shall be paid by such insurance company, or such policyholder of such city or town, as the case may be, otherwise the expenses of such investigation are to be paid as part of the expenses of the State Insurance Commission. Provided, the party or parties, company or companies, requesting such investigation shall before such investigation is commenced deposit with the State Insurance Commis- sion an amount of money in the judgment of said Commission suffi- cient to defray the expenses of said Fire Marshal in conducting such investigation. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 10.) No Action or Investigation by Pire Marshal Shall in Any Way Affect Bights of Policyholders. 200. No action taken by the State Fire Marshal shall affect the rights of any policyholder or any company in respect to a loss by reason of any fire so investigated; nor shall the result of any such investigation be given in evidence upon the trial of any civil action upon such pol- icy, nor shall any statement made by any insurance company, its officers, agents or adjusters, nor by any policyholder, or any one repre- senting him, made with reference to the origin, cause or supposed origin or cause of a fire to the Fire Marshal or to any one acting for him or under his direction, be admitted in evidence or made the basis for any civil action for damages. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 11.) Authority and Powers of Commission and Its Agents or Representatives. 201. That said Commission is authorized and empowered to require sworn statements from any insurance company affected by this act, and from any of its directors, officers, representatives, general agents, State agents, special agents and local agents of the rates and premiums col- lected for fire insurance on each class of risks, on all property in this State during any or all years for the five years next preceding the first day of January, 1913, and of the causes of fire, if such be known, if they INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 75 are in possession of such data, and information, or can obtain it at a reasonable expense; and said Commission is empowered to require such statements for any period of time after the first day of January, 1913, and said Commission is empowered to require such statements showing all necessary facts and information to enable said Commission to make, amend and maintain the general basis schedules provided for in this act, and the rules and regulations for applying same and to determine rea- sonable and proper maximum specific rates and to determine and assist in the enforcement of the provisions of this act. The said Commission shall also have the right, at its discretion, either personally, or by some one duly authorized by it to visit the office whether general, local or otherwise, of any insurance company doing business in this State, and the home office of said company outside of this State, if there be such, and the office of any officers, directors, general agents, State agents, local agents or representatives of such company, and there require such com- pany, its officers, agents or representatives to produce for inspection by said Commission or any of its duly authorized representatives all books, records and papers of such company or such agents and representatives; and the said Commission or its duly authorized agents or representa- tives shall have the right to examine such books and papers and make or cause to be made copies thereof ; and shall have the right to take tes- timony under oath with reference thereto, and to compel the attend- ance of witnesses for such purpose ; and any company, its officers, agents or representatives failing to make such statements and reports herein referred to and failing or refusing to permit the examination of books, papers and records as herein required, when so called upon or declin- ing or failing to comply with any provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided for in Section 26 of this act. Said! Commission shall be further authorized and empowered to require the fire insurance companies, transacting business in this State or any of them, to furnish said Commission with any and all data which may be in their possession, either jointly or severally, including maps, tariffs, inspection reports and any and all data affecting fire insurance risks in this State, or in any portion thereof, and said Commission shall be authorized and empowered to require any two or more of said com- panies, or any joint agent or representative of them, to turn over any and all such data in their possession, or any part thereof, to said Com- mission for its use in carrying out the provisions of this act. (Acts, 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 12.) Bates Fixed, Promulgated and Published by Commission Under Certaini Limitations and Conditions. 202. The rates of premium fixed by said Commission under and in pursuance of the provisions of this act shall be at all times reason- able and the schedules thereof made and promulgated by -said Commis- sion as herein provided, shall be in such form as will in the judgment: of the Commission, most clearly and definitely and in detail disclose- the rate so fixed and determined by said Commission to be charged and collected for policies of fire insurance. Said Commission may employ and use any facts and information now in the possession of the present State Insurance Board, as well as all facts obtainable from and con- cerning fire insurance companies transacting business in this State,. 76 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. showing their expense and charges for fire insurance premiums, for any period or periods, said Commission may deem advisable, which in their opinion will enable them to devise and fix and determine reason- able rates of premium for fire insurance. The said Commission in making and publishing schedules of the rates fixed and determined by it shall show all charges, credits, terms, privileges and conditions which in anywise affect such rates, and copies of all such schedules shall be furnished by said Commission to any and all companies affected by this act applying therefor, and the same shall be furnished to any citizens of this State applying therefor, upon the payment of the actual cost thereof. No rate or rates fixed or determined by the Commission shall take effect until it shall have entered an order or orders fixing and de- termining same, and shall give notice thereof to all fire insurance com- panies affected by this act, authorized to transact business in the State. It shall be the duty of the State Fire Insurance Commission, and of any inspector or other agent or employe thereof, who shall inspect any risk for the purpose of enabling the Commission to fix and determine the reasonable rate to be charged thereon, to furnish to the owner of such risk at the date of such inspection, a copy of the inspection re- port, showing all defects that may operate as charges to increase the insurance rate. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 13.) Commission May Amend or Change Bate, and Prescribe Rules and Regu- lations for Certain Risks. 203. Said Commission shall have full power and authority to alter, amend, modify, or change any rate fixed and determined by it on thirty days' notice, or to prescribe that any such rate or rates shall be in effect for a limited time, and said Commission shall also have full power and authority to prescribe reasonable rules whereby in cases where no rate of premium shall have been fixed and determined by the Commission, for certain risks or classes of risks, policies may be writ- ten thereon at rates to be determined by the company; provided, how- ever, that such company or companies shall immediately report to said Commission such risk so written, and the rates collected therefor, and such rates shall always be subject to review by the Commission. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 13.) Commission Has Power to Fix and Regulate Rates According to Hazard. 204. Any fire insurance company or companies affected by this act shall have the right at any time to petition the Commission for an order changing or modifying any rate or rates fixed and determined by the Commission, and the Commission shall consider such petition in the manner provided in this act, and enter such order thereon as it may deem just and equitable. The Commission shall have full au- thority and power to give each city, town, village or locality credit for each and every hazard they may reduce or entirely remove, and also for all added fire fighting equipment, increased police protection, or any other equipment or improvement that has a tendency to reduce the fire hazard of any such city, town, village or locality, and also to give credit for a good fire record made by any city, town, village or locality. Said Commission shall also have the power and authority to compel INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 77 any company to give any or all policyholders credit for any and all hazards that said policyholder or holders may reduce or remove. Said credit shall be in proportion to such reduction or removal of such hazard and said company or companies shall return to such policy- holder or holders such proportional part of the unearned premium charged for such hazard that may be reduced or removed. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 14.) Company Shall Furnish Analysis of Bate Commission Schedules Shall Be Open to Public. 205. When a policy of fire insurance shall be issued by any company transacting the business of fire insurance in this State, such company shall furnish the policy holder with a written or printed analysis of the rate or premium charged for such policy, showing the items of charge and credit which determine the rate, unless such policyholder has theretofore been furnished with such analysis of such rate. All schedules of rates promulgated by said Commission shall be open to the public at all times, and every local agent of a fire insurance com- pany transacting business in this State shall have and exhibit to the public copies of such schedules covering all risks upon which he is au- thorized to write insurance. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 15.) Commission, After Giving Notice, May Change Bates to Be Collected by All Companies. 206. The Commission shall have full power and authority after having given reasonable notice, not exceeding thirty days, of its inten- tion to do so, to alter, amend or revise any rates of premium fixed and determined by it in any schedules of such rates promulgated by it as herein provided, and to give reasonable notice of such alteration, amend- ment or revision to the public, or to any company or companies affected thereby. Such altered, amended or revised rates shall be the rates thereafter to be charged and collected by all fire insurance companies affected by this act; provided, that no policy in force prior to the tak- ing effect of such changes, or amendments shall be affected thereby, unless there shall be a change in the hazard of the risk, necessitating a change in the rate, applicable to such risk, in which event such policy shall be subject to the new rates. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 16.) Commission Shall Establish and Furnish Uniform Policy Forms, Includ- ing Endorsements and Clauses Placed Thereon. 207. It shall be the duty of the State Insurance Commission to make, promulgate and establish uniform policies of insurance appli- cable to the various risks of this State, copies of which uniform policies shall be furnished each company doing business in this State or which may hereafter do business in this State. That after such uniform pol- icies shall have been established and promulgated and furnished the re- spective companies doing business in this State, such companies shall, within sixty days after the receipt of such forms of policies, adopt and use said form or forms and no other; also all companies which may commence business in this State after the adoption and promulgation of such forms of policies, shall adopt and use the same and no other forms of policies. 78 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. The said State Fire Insurance Commission shall also prescribe all standard forms, clauses and endorsements used on or in connection with insurance policies. All other forms, clauses and endorsements placed upon insurance policies shall be placed thereon subject to the approval of the Commission. The Commission shall also have authority in its discretion to change, alter or amend such form or forms of policy or policies, and such clauses and endorsements used in connection there- with, upon giving notice and proceedings in accordance with Section 21 of this act. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 17.) Any Provision in a Policy Declaring It Void Because of a Lien on the Insured Property Shall Be Void. 208. Any provision in any policy of insurance issued by any com- pany subject to the provisions of this act to the effect that if said prop- erty is encumbered by a lien of any character, or shall after the issu- ance of such policy become encumbered by a lien of any character, that such encumbrance shall render such policy void, shall be of no force and effect, and any such provision within or placed upon any such policy shall be absolutely null and void. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 18.) Co-insurance Clause Prohibited. 209. No company subject to the provisions of this act may issue any policy or contract of insurance covering property in this State, which shall contain any clause or provision requiring the assured to take out or maintain a larger amount of insurance than that expressed in such policy, nor in any way providing that the assured shall be liable as co- insurer with the company issuing the policy for any part of the loss or damage which may be caused by fire to the property described in such policy, and any such clause, or provision shall be null and void, and of no effect; provided, that the co-insurance clauses and provisions may be inserted in policies written upon cotton, grain or other products in process of marketing, shipping, storing or manufacture. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 19.) Complaints as to Bates Fixed by the Commission Shall Be Heard and Adjusted by the Commission. 210. Any citizen or number of citizens of this State or any policy- holder OT policyholders, or any insurance company affected by this act, or any Board of Trade, Chamber of Commerce, or other civic organiza- tion, or the civil authorities of any town, city or village, shall have the right to file a petition with the State Fire Insurance Commission, set- ting forth any cause of complaint that they may have as to any order made by this Commission, or any rate fixed and determined by the Commission, and they shall have the right to offer evidence in support of the allegations of such petition by witnesses, or by depositions, or by affidavits; upon the filing of such petition, the party complained of, if other than the Commission shall be notified by the Commission of the filing of such petition and a copy thereof furnished the party or par- ties, company or companies, of whom complaint is made, and the said petition shall be set down for a hearing at a time not exceeding thirty INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 79 days after the filing of such petition and the Commission shall hear and determine said petition; but it shall not be necessary for the peti- tioners or any one of them to be present to present the cause to the Commission, but they shall consider the testimony of all witnesses, whether such witnesses testify in person or by depositions, or by affi- davits, and if it be found that the complaint made in such petition is a just one, then the matter complained of shall be corrected or required to be corrected by said Commission. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 20.) Commission Shall Give Notice to All Parties Affected by Its Orders Shall Hear Protests Any Dissatisfied Party' May Bring Suit Pro- ceedings in Case of Suit. 211. The State Fire Insurance Commission shall give the public and all insurance companies to be affected by its orders or decisions, reasonable notice thereof, not exceeding thirty days, and an opportunity to appear and be heard with respect to the same; which notice to the public shall be published in one or more daily papers of the State, and such notice to the insurance company or companies to be affected thereby shall be by letter deposited in the postoffice, addressed to the State or general agent of such company or companies, if the address of such State or general agent be known to the Commission, or if not known, then such letter shall be addressed to some local agent of such company or companies, or if the address of a local agent be unknown to the Com- mission, then by publication in one or more of the daily papers of the State, and the Commission shall hear all protests or complaints from any insurance company or any citizen or any city, or town, or village or any commercial or civic organization as to the inadequacy or unrea- sonableness of any rates fixed by it or approved by it, or as to the in- adequacy or unreasonableness of any general basis schedules promul- gated by it or the injustice of any order or decision by it, and if any insurance company, or other person, or commercial or civic organiza- tion, or any city, town or village, which shall be interested in any such order or decision, shall be dissatisfied with any regulations, schedule or rate adopted by such Commission, such company or person, commer- cial or civic organization, city, town or village shall have the right, within thirty days after the making of such regulation or order, or rate, or schedule or within thirty days after the hearing above provided for, to bring an action against said Commission in the district court of Travis county to have such regulation or order or schedule or rate vacated or modified; and shall set forth in a petition therefor the prin- cipal ground or grounds of objection to any or all of such regulations, schedules, rates or orders; in any such suit the issue shall be formed and the controversy tried and determined as in other civil cases, and the court may set aside and vacate or annul any one or more or any part of any of the regulations, schedules, orders or rates promulgated or adopted by said Commission, which shall be found by the court to be unreasonable, unjust, excessive or inadequate without disturbing others. No injunction, interlocutory order or decree suspending or restraing (restraining) directly or indirectly the enforcement of any schedule, rate, order or regulation of said Commission shall be granted; provided, that in such suit the court, by interlocutory order, may au- thorize the writing and acceptance of fire insurance policies at any rate 80 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. which in the judgment of the court is fair and reasonable, during the pending of such suit, upon condition that the party to such suit in whose favor the said interlocutory order of said court may be shall ex- ecute and file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a good and sufficient bond to be first approved by said court, conditioned that the party giving said bond will abide the final judgment of said court and will pay to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking whatever difference in the rate of insurance it may be finally determined to exist between the rates as fixed by said State Fire Insurance Commission complained of in such. suit, and the rate finally determined to be fair and reasonable by the court in said suit, and the said Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, when he receives such difference in money,, shall transmit the same to the parties entitled thereto. Whenever any action shall be brought by any company under the provisions of this section within said period of thirty days, no penalties nor forfeitures shall attach or accrue on account of the failure of the plaintiff to comply with the orders, schedules, rates or regulations sought to be vacated in such action until the final determination of the same. Either party to any such action, if dissatisfied with the judgment or decree of said court, may appeal therefrom as in other civil cases. No- action shall be brought in any court of the United States to set aside any orders, rates, schedules or regulations made by said Commission under the provisions of this act until all of the remedies provided herein shall have been exhausted by the party complaining. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 21.) Company's Certificate of Authority May Be Canceled for Violating Any Provision of This Act. 212. If any insurance company affected by the provisions of this act shall violate any of the provisions of this act, the Commissioner of Insurance shall, by and with the consent of the Attorney General, can- cel its certificate of authority to transact business in this State. (Acts. 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 21.) Rebatings and Discrimination Prohibited. 213. No company shall engage or participate in the insuring or reinsuring of any property in this State against loss or damage by fire except in compliance with the terms and provisions of this act; nor shall any such company knowingly write insurance at any lesser rate than the rates herein provided for, and it shall be unlawful for any company so to do, unless it shall thereafter file an analysis of same with the Commission, and it shall be unlawful for any company, or its- , officers, directors, general agents, State agents, special agents, local agents, or its representatives, to grant or contract for any special favor or advantages in the dividends or other profits to come thereon, or in commissions in the dividends or other profits to accrue thereon, or in commissions or division of commission, or any position or any valuable- consideration, or any inducement not specified in the policy contract of insurance; nor shall such company give, sell or purchase, offer ta give, sell or purchase, directly or indirectly, as an inducement to insure or in connection therewith, any stocks, bonds or other securities of any insurance company or other corporation, partnership or individual, or INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 81 any dividends or profits accrued or to accrue thereon, or anything of value whatsoever not specified in the policy; but nothing in this sec- tion or in this act shall be construed to prohibit a company from shar- ing its profits with its policyholders, provided that such agreement as to profit-sharing shall be placed on or in the face of the policy, and such profit-sharing shall be uniform and shall not discriminate between individuals or between classes; provided, however, that no part of the profit shall be paid until the expiration of the policy. Any company, or any of its officers, directors, general agents, State agents, special agents, local agents or its representatives, doing any of the acts in this section prohibited, shall be deemed guilty of unjust discrimination; provided, however, that if any agent of (or) company shall issue a policy without authority, and any policyholder holding such policy shall sustain a loss or damage thereunder, said company or companies shall be liable to the policyholder thereunder, in the same manner and to the same extent as if said company had been authorized to issue said policies, although the company issued said policy in violation of the provisions of this act. But this shall not be construed to give any company the right to issue any contract or policy of insurance other than as provided in this act. (-Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 22.) Rebating and Discrimination Prohibited. 214. No person shall knowingly receive or accept from any insur- ance company or from any of its agents, sub-agents, brokers, solicitors, employes, intermediaries or representatives, or any other person, any rebate or premium payable on the policy, or any special favor or ad- vantage in the dividends or other financial profits accrued or to ac- crue thereon, or any valuable consideration, position or inducement not specified in the policy of insurance, and any person so doing shall be guilty of a violation of the provisions of this section, and shall be pun- ished by a fine of not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 23.) Extension of Credit for Payment of Premiums Not Forbidden, and Is Not Discrimination. 215. The provisions of this law shall not deal with the collection of premiums, but each company shall be permitted to make such rules and regulations as it may deem just between the company, its agents, and its policyholders, and no bona fide extension of credit shall be con- strued as a discrimination or in violation of the provisions of this act. All policies heretofore issued or which shall hereafter be issued by any insurance company prior to the taking effect of this act, which provide that said policies shall be void for non-payment of premiums at a certain specified time, shall be and the same are in full force and effect; provided, that the company or any of its agents, have accepted the premium on said policies after the expiration of the dates named in said provision fixing the date of payment. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 24.) 82 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Certificate of Authority of Company May Be Revoked, Subject to Review by Courts. 216. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, upon ascertain- ing that any insurance company or officer, agent or representative thereof, has violated any of the provisions of this act, may, at his dis- cretion, and with the consent and approval of the Attorney General, revoke the certificate of authority of such company, officer, agent or representative; but such revocation of any certificate shall in no man- ner affect the liability of such company, officer, agent or representative to the infliction of any other penalty provided by this act, and pro- vided, that any action, decision or determination of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking and the Attorney General in such cases shall be subject to the review of the courts of this State as herein provided. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 25.) Penalty for Violation of Any Provision of State Fire Commission Act. 217. Any insurance company affected by this act, or any officer or director thereof, or any agent or person acting for or employed by any insurance company, who, alone or in conjunction with any corporation, company or person, who shall wilfully do or cause to be done, or shall wilfully suffer or permit to be done any act, matter or thing prohibited or declared to be unlawful by this act, or who shall wilfully omit or fail to do any act, matter or thing required to be done by this act or shall cause or wilfully suffer or permit any act, matter or thing directed not to be done, or who shall be guilty of any wilful infraction of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than three hundred dollars ($300.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) for each offense. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 26.) No Person Excused Prom Testifying; nor Subject to Penalty on Account of Giving Testimony Under Fire Commission Act. 218. No person shall be excused from giving testimony or produc- ing evidence when legally called upon to do so at the trial of any other person or company charged with violating any of the provisions . of this act on the ground that it may incriminate him under the laws of this State; but no person shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing, concerning which he may testify or produce evidence under this act except for perjury in so testifying. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 27.) Eire Commission Act Does Not Apply to Mutual Companies nor Recip- rocal Associations. 219. This act shall not apply to purely mutual or to purely profit- sharing fire insurance companies incorporated or unincorporated under the laws of this State, and carried on by the members thereof solely for the protection of their property and not for profit; nor to purely co-operative inter-insurance and reciprocal exchange carried on by the members thereof solely for the protection of their property and not for profit. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 28.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 83 Additional Tax Assessed and Collected for Meeting Expenses of State Fire Insurance Commission. 220. There shall be assessed and collected by the State of Texas an additional one and one-fourth (1J) per cent of the gross fire in- surance premiums of all fire insurance companies doing business in this State, according to the reports made to the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking as required by law; and said taxes when col- lected shall be placed in a separate fund with the State Treasurer to be expended during the current year in carrying out the provisions of this act; provided, that such expenditures, including the salaries of the members of the Commission, shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($130,000.00) per annum; and should there be an unexpended balance at the end of any year, the State Fire Insurance Commission shall reduce the assessment for the succeeding year so that the amount produced and paid into the State Treasury, together with said unexpended balance in the Treas- ury, will not exceed the amount appropriated for the current year, to pay all necessary expenses of maintaining the Commission, which funds shall be paid out upon requisition made out and filed by a majority of the Commission, when the Comptroller shall issue warrants therefor. (Acts 35th Leg., Chap. 73, Sec. 5.) Note. ( 1 ) The tax on gross premiums of fire insurance companies required to be collected for the support of the State Fire Insurance Commission must be levied and collected on the premiums on fire insurance only and cannot be levied on any other class of insurance. (Opinion of Attorney General, Feb- ruary 25, 1914.) (2) Insurance companies insuring automobiles against fire must pay the tax for the support of the State Fire Insurance Commission. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 14, 1915.) If Any Part of State Fire Commission Act, Declared Unconstitutional, This Does not Affect Any Other Part. 221. If any part of this act be for any reason held unconstitutional, it shall not affect any other portion or part of this act. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 106, Sec. 30.) CHAPTEE X. LIVE STOCK INSURANCE. Must Have Capital Stock not Less Than $10,000 Paid in and Comply With Laws Governing Insurance. 222. The purposes for which private corporations may be formed are: * * * rjphg or g an i za tion of fire, marine, life and live stock insurance companies; provided, that such live stock insurance com- panies may be organized with an authorized and paid-up capital stock of not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) ; and provided fur- ther, that all insurance companies mentioned in this subdivision shall be in all other respects subject to and shall comply with all the provi- sions of Title 71 of the Eevised Statutes of Texas. (E. S., Art. 1121.) Note. ( 1 ) Live stock insurance companies must be chartered as other in- surance companies, by filing charter in Department of Insurance and Banking 84 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. and not with Secretary of State. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 13, 1906.) (2) A foreign live stock insurance company must have a paid-up capital stock of at least $100,000, in order to obtain authority to do business in Texas. (Opinion of Attorney General, October 8, 1909.) CHAPTEE XL CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANIES. Who May Incorporate a Casualty Insurance Company Kinds of Insur- ance It May Do. 223. Any three (3) or more persons, a majority of whom shall be residents of the State of Texas, may associate in accordance with the provisions of this act, and form an incorporated company for any one or more of the following purposes : A. To insure any person against bodily injury, disablement or death resulting from accident and against disablement resulting from disease. B. To insure against loss or damage resulting from accident to, or injury sustained by, an employe or other person for which accident or injury the assured is liable. C. To insure* against loss or damage by burglary, theft or house breaking. D. To insure glass against breakage. E. To insure against loss from injury to person or property which results accidentally from steam boilers, elevators, electrical devices, en- gines and all machinery and appliances used in connection therewith or operated thereby; and to boilers, elevators, electrical devices, engines, machinery and appliances. F. To insure against loss or damage by water to any goods or premises arising from the breakage or leakage of sprinkler and water pipes. G. To insure against loss resulting from accidental damage to auto- mobiles, or caused accidentally by automobiles. H. To insure against loss or damage resulting from accident to, or injury suffered by any person, for which loss and damage the in- sured is liable; excepting employer's liability insurance as authorized under subdivision "B" of this section. I. To insure persons, associations or corporations against loss or damage by reason of giving or extending of credit. J. To insure against loss or damage on account of circumstances (incumbrances) upon or defects in the title to real estate and against loss by reason of the non-payment of the principal or interest of bonds, mortgages or other evidences of indebtedness. K. To insure against any other casualty or insurance risk specified in the articles of incorporation which may be lawfully made the subject of insurance; and the formation of a corporation for issuing (insur- ing) against which is not otherwise provided for by this act, excepting fire, marine and life insurance. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 1.) Note. (1) A mutual casualty insurance company cannot lawfully be organ- ized in Texas, and a foreign mutual casualty company cannot be permitted or INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 85 licensed to do business in Texas, because the laws of this State have made no provision for such license. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 12, 1914.) (2) A title insurance company, in its policies insuring titles, must specify the time during which such policies are to run, and cannot issue such a policy without fixing a date therein when the risk assumed shall cease. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 18, 1915.) (3) A title insurance company which owns an abstract plant for facilitat- ing its business may likewise sell abstracts to the public. (Opinion of At- torney General, February 18, 1915.) Requisites of Charter. 224. Such persons shall associate themselves together by articles of incorporation in writing, for the purpose of forming an accident or casualty insurance company, which articles shall specify the name by which the company shall be known, the place in which its principal office will be established or located, the amount of its capital stock, the general object of the company and the proposed duration of the same. Any name not previously in use by any existing company may be adopted. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall reject any name or title, when in his judgment it too closely resembles that of any existing company or is likely to mislead the public. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 2.) Manner of Filing Charter, Calling First Meeting of Stockholders and Electing Board of Directors. 2.25. When such articles of incorporation are filed with the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking, together with an affidavit made by two or more of its incorporators that all the stock has been sub- scribed in good faith and fully paid for, together with a charter fee of $20.00, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to submit such articles of incorporation to the Attorney General for examination, and if he approves the same as conforming with the law, he shall (so) certify and deliver such articles of incorporation, together with his certificate of approval attached thereto, to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, who shall, upon receipt thereof, record the same in a book kept for that purpose, and upon receipt of a fee of $1.00 he shall fur- nish a certified copy of the same to the corporators, upon which they shall be a body politic and corporate, and may proceed to complete the organization of the company, for which purpose they shall forthwith call a meeting of the stockholders, who shall adopt by-laws for the government of the company, and elect a board of directors not less than three composed of stockholders, which board shall haVe full control and management of the affairs of the corporation, subject to the by- laws thereof as adopted or amended from time to time by the stock- holders or directors, and to the laws of this State. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 3.) Corporators Shall Elect Officers and Directors, and Open Books of Sub- scription for Stock. 226. The subscribers to said articles of incorporation shall choose from their number a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and such num- ber of directors, not less than three (3) who shall continue in office for the period of one year from the date of filing articles of incorpora- 86 INSURANCE LAWS or TEXAS. tion and until their successors shall be duly chosen and qualified, as hereinafter provided. They shall open books for the subscription of stock in the company at such times and places as they shall deem con- venient and proper, and shall keep them open until the full amount specified in the certificate (charter) is subscribed. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 4.) Capital Stock Amount Required Must Be Fully Paid Up Before Obtain- ing Certificate of Authority to Do Business Cannot Be Loaned to Company's Officer Company Must Also Deposit With State Treasurer $50,000 in Securities, and More if Required, in Order to Do Business in Another State How Deposit May Be Withdrawn. 227. Any company organized under the provisions of this act shall have not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of cap- ital stock subscribed, (and fully) paid in, in cash, with an additional fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) of capital stock subscribed and fully paid in, in cash, for every kind of insurance, more than one of which it is authorized to transact as specified in any of the subdivisions; pro- vided, that such companies with two hundred thousand dollars ($200,- 000.00) of capital stock subscribed and fully paid in, in cash, shall be authorized to transact all and every kind of insurance specified in any and all of the subdivisions of Section 1 of this act; all of which said capital stock shall be paid up or invested in bonds of the United States or of this State or of any county or of any municipality of this State or in bonds or first liens upon unencumbered real estate in this State or in any other State in which such company may previously have been duly licensed to conduct an insurance business; and provided in either instance such real estate shall be worth at least twice the amount loaned thereon. The value of such real estate shall be determined by a val- uation made under oath by two freeholders of the county where the real estate is located, and if buildings are considered as a part of the value of such real estate they must be insured for the benefit of the mortgagee. Upon such company furnishing evidence satisfactory to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking that the capital stock as herein prescribed has been all subscribed and paid up in cash in good faith and that such capital stock has been invested as herein prescribed, and upon the deposit of the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) of such securities or in cash with the State Treasurer, then the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall issue to said company a certificate authorizing it to do business. No part of the capital paid in dhall be loaned to any officer of said company. In the event any such company shall be required by law of any other State, country or province as requirement prior to doing an insurance busi- ness therein, to deposit with the duly appointed officer of such other State, county or province, or with the State Treasurer of this State, any securities or cash in excess of the said deposit of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) hereinbefore mentioned, such company at its dis- cretion may deposit with the State Treasurer securities of the character authorized by this act, or cash, sufficient to enable it to meet such re- quirements. The State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to receive such deposit and to hold it exclusively for the protection of all policyholders of the company. Any deposit so made to meet the INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 87 requirements of any such other State, county or province shall not be withdrawn by the company, except upon filing with the Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking evidence satisfactory to him that the company has withdrawn from business, and has no unsecured liabilities outstanding in any such other State, county or province by which such additional deposit was required, and upon the filing of such evidence the company may withdraw such additional deposit at any time. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 5.) Note. A corporation chartered for the purpose of doing a title insurance business cannot have its capital stock paid in by conveying an abstract plant or company to the corporation. Such capital stock can only be paid in in cash or be invested in bonds of the United States or this State or of any county or municipality of the State, or in bonds or first liens upon unencumbered real estate. "Cash" means ready money, either in current coin or legal tender, in bank bills or checks, payable and receivable as money. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 10, 1916.) Corporate Powers of the Company. 228. A corporation organized or doing business under the provi- sions of this act shall, by the name adopted by such corporation, in law, be capable of suing or being sued, and may have the power to make or enforce contracts in relation to the business of such corpora- tion; may have and use a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure, and in the name of the corporation or by a trustee chosen by the Board of Directors, shall, in law, be capable of taking, purchasing, holding and disposing of real and personal property for carrying into effect the purposes of their organization; and may by their Board of Directors, trustees or managers, make by-laws and amendments thereto, not inconsistent with the laws or the Constitu- tion of the State, or of the United States, which by-laws shall define the manner of electing directors, trustees or managers and officers of such corporations, together with the qualifications and duties of the same and fixing the term of office. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 6.) Annual Statement Bequired to Be Filed. 229. The president, vice-president, and secretary, or a majority of directors or trustees of such company, organized under the provisions of this act, shall annually, on the first day of January, or within sixty days thereafter, prepare and deposit in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a verified statement of the condition of such company on the 31st day of December of the preceding year, showing: First. Name and where located, (a) Names of officers, (b) The amount of capital stock, (c) The amount of capital stock paid in. Second. Assets, (a) The value of real estate owned by said com- pany, (b) The amount of cash on hand, (c) The amount of cash deposited in bank or trust company, (d) The amount of bonds of the United States, and all other bonds, giving names and amounts, with par and market values of each kind, (e) The amount of loans secured by first mortgage on real estate, (f ) The amount of all other bonds, loans and how secured, with rate of interest, (g) The amount of notes given for unpaid stock and how secured, (h) The amount of interest due and unpaid, (i) All other credits or assets. 88 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Third. Liabilities, (a) The amount of losses due and unpaid, (b) The amount of claims for losses unadjusted, (c) The amount of claims for losses resisted. Fourth. Income during the year, (a) The amount of fees re- ceived during the year, (b) The amount of interest received from all sources, (c) The amount of receipts from all other sources. Fifth. Expenditures during the year, (a) The amount paid for losses, (b) The amount of dividends paid to stockholders, (c) The amount of commissions and salaries paid to agents, (d) The amount paid to officers for salaries, (e) The amount paid for taxes, (f) The amount of all other payments or expenditures. Sixth. Miscellaneous, (a) The amount paid in fees during the year, (b) The amount paid for losses during the year, (c) The whole amount of insurance issued and in force on the 31st day of De- cember of the previous year. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 7.) Commissioner May Amend Annual Statement Form. 230. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking is authorized to amend the form of statement and to exact such additional informa- tion as he may think necessary in order that a full exhibit of the stand- ing of the companies organized and doing business under this act may be shown. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 8.) Company Cannot Issue Policy Until Deposit Is Made and Annual State- ment Filed. 231. Upon the failure of any company organized or doing business under this act to make the deposit or to file the statement in time as stated in the preceding section, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall notify such company to issue no new insurance until there should have been a compliance with said requirements, and it shall be unlawful for any such company to thereafter issue any policy of insurance until such requirements shall be complied with. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 9.) Commissioner May Examine Company. 232. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may at any time make a personal examination of the books, papers and securities of any company organized and doing business under the provisions of this act, or may authorize or empower any other suitable person to make such examinations, and for the purpose of securing a full and true exhibit of its affairs, he or the person selected by him shall have power to examine under oath any officer of said company relative to its business management. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 10.) Commissioner Must Revoke Certificate of Authority for Failure to Com- ply With the Law, and Refer Facts to Attorney General. 233. If the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall at any time (find) from the report or examination that the company has not complied with the provisions of this act, he shall revoke its certificate of authority to do business in this State and shall refer the facts to the Attorney General, who shall proceed to ask the proper court to appoint a receiver for said company, who shall under the direction of INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 89 the court wind up the affairs of said company. But in no other way can the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, or any other person, restrain or interfere with the prosecution of business of any company doing business under the provisions of this act, except in actions by judgment creditor or in proceedings supplementary to execution. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 11.) Note. The insolvency of an insurance company is a breach of its contract to each existing policyholder, upon the occurrence of which the policyholder is entitled to recover a portion of the premium paid which is unearned at the time of the insolvency. Upon such a company going into the hands of a receiver the proper course for the claimant of a premium is to file his claim in the receivership proceedings, and have the same allowed in due course and ordered paid by the court. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 22, 1916.) Securities on Deposit May Be Withdrawn by Substituting Others. 234. Companies organized under the provisions of this act shall have the right at any time to change their securities on deposit with the State Treasurer, by substituting for those withdrawn a like amount in other securities of the character provided for in this act. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 12.) How Capital Stock May Be Increased. 235. Any company organized under the provisions of this act may increase the capital stock of the same at any time after the intention to so increase the capital stock shall have been ratified by a two-thirds vote of the stockholders and after notice of the purpose to so increase the capital stock has been given by publication in some newspaper of general circulation for the period of four consecutive weeks; but no increase of capital stock in less amount than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) is hereby authorized. (Acts 32d Leg., Chap. 117, Sec. 13.) Dividends May Be Declared From Surplus Profits Only, and at End of Year. 236. The directors of any company organized under this act shall not make any dividends except from the surplus profit arising from their business. No dividends shall be declared except at the -close of the year an or offer or promise to pay or allow, to any person any death or dis- ability benefit until actual bona fide applications for death benefit cer- tificates have been secured upon at least five hundred lives for at least one thousand dollars each, and all such applications for death benefits shall have been regularly examined by legally qualified practicing phy- sicians and certificates of such examination have been duly filed and approved by the chief medical examiner of such society; nor until there shall be established ten subordinate lodges or branches into which said five hundred applicants have been initiated; nor until there has been submitted to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, under oath of the president and secretary or corresponding officers of such society, a list of such applicants, giving their names, addresses, date examined, date approved, date initiated, name and number of the subordinate branch of which each applicant is a member, amount of benefits to be granted, rate of stated periodical contributions, which shall be suffi- cient to provide for meeting the mortuary obligation contracted, when valued for death benefits upon the basis of the National Fraternal Con- gress Table of Mortality, as adopted by the National Fraternal Con- gress, August 23, 1899, or any higher standard, at the option of the society, and for disability benefits by tables based upon reliable experi- ence and for combined death and permanent total disability benefits by tables based upon reliable experience, with an interest assumption not higher than four per cent per annum; nor until it shall be shown to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking by the sworn statement of the treasurer or corresponding officer of such society that at least five hundred applicants have each paid in cash at least one regular monthly payment as herein provided per one thousand dollars of indemnity to be effected, which payments in the aggregate shall amount to at least twenty-five hundred dollars; all of which shall be credited to the mor- tuary or disability fund on account of such applicants and no part of which may be used for expenses. Said advanced payments shall, during the period of organization, be held in trust, and if the organization is not completed within one year as hereinafter provided, returned to said applicants. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may make such exam- ination and require such further information as he deems advisable, and upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that the society has com- piled (complied) with all the provisions of law, he shall issue to such society a certificate to that effect. Such certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the existence of such society at the date of such certificate. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall cause a record of such certificate to be made and a certified copy of such record may be given in evidence with like effect as the original certificate. No preliminary certificate granted under the provisions of this sec- tion shall be valid after one year from its date, or after such further period, not exceeding one year, as may be authorized by the Commis- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 183 sioner of Banking and Insurance upon cause shown; unless the five hundred applicants herein required have been secured and the organi- zation has been completed as herein provided; and the articles of in- corporation and all proceedings thereunder shall become null and void in one year from the date of said preliminary certificate, or at the expiration of said extended period, unless such society shall have com- pleted its organization and commenced business as herein provided. When any domestic society shall have discontinued business for the period of one year, or has less than four hundred members, its charter shall become null and void. Every such society shall have the power to make a constitution and by-laws for the government of the society, the admission of its members, the management of its affairs and the fixing and readjusting of the rates of contribution of its members from time to time; and it shall have the power to change, alter, add to, or amend such constitution and by-laws and shall have such other powers as are necessary and incidental to carrying into effect the object and purposes of the society. (Id., Sec. 12.) Note. (1) The organizers of a fraternal beneficiary association and to whom a preliminary certificate authorizing them to solicit members, but not to issue certificates or policies, cannot assign their rights under such preliminary certifi- cate to other parties, nor can any other parties than those named in the prelim- inary certificate perfect the organization and obtain a charter. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 25, 1913.) (2) The bond mentioned in above section should be signed and acknowl- edged by the incorporafbrs of the association as principal and should be made payable to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 21, 1909.) Powers Retained Beincorporation Amendments. 504. Any society now engaged in transacting business in this State may exercise, after the passage of this act, all of the rights conferred thereby, and all of the rights, powers and privileges now exercised or possessed by it under its charter or articles of incorporation not incon- sistent with this act, if incorporated; or if it be a voluntary associa- tion, it may incorporate hereunder. But no society already organized shall be required to reincorporate hereunder, and any such society may amend its articles of incorporation from time to time in the manner provided therein or in its constitution and laws, and all such amend- ments shall be filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking and shall become operative upon such filing, unless a later time be provided in such amendments or in its articles of incorporation, con- stitution or laws. (Id., Sec. 13.) Mergers and Transfers. 505. No domestic society shall merge with or accept the transfer of the membership or funds of any other society unless such merger or transfer is evidenced by a contract in writing, setting out in full the terms and conditions of such merger, or transfer, and filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State, together with a sworn statement of the financial condition of each of said societies by its president and secretary, or corresponding officers, and a certificate of such officers, duly verified under oath of said officers of each of the 184 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. contracting societies, that such merger or transfer has been approved by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the supreme legislative or gov- erning body of each of said societies. Upon the submission of said contract, financial statements and cer- tificates, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall examine the same, and if he shall find such financial statements to be correct and the said contract to be in conformity with the provisions of this section, and that such merger or transfer is just and equitable to the members of each of said societies, he shall approve said merger or trans- fer, issue his certificate to that effect, and thereupon the said contract or merger or transfer shall be of full force and effect. In case such contract is not approved, the fact of its submission and its contents shall not be disclosed by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Id., Sec. 14.) Annual License. 506. Societies which are now authorized to transact business in this State may continue such business until the first day of April next succeeding the passage of this act, and the authority of such societies may thereafter be renewed annually, but in all cases to terminate on the first day of the succeeding April; provided, however, the license shall continue in full force and effect until the new license be issued or specifically refused. For each such license or renewal the society shall pay the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking ten dollars. A duly certified copy or duplicate of such license shall be prima facie eVi- dence that the license (licensee) is a fraternal benefit society within the meaning of this act. (Id., Sec. 15.) Admission of Foreign Society. 507. No foreign society now transacting business, organized prior to the passage of this act, which is not now authorized to transact business in this State, shall transact any business herein without a license from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. Any such society shall be entitled to a license to transact business within this State upon filing with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a duly certified copy of its charter or articles of association; a copy of its constitution and laws, certified by its secretary or corresponding officer; a power of attorney to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking as hereinafter provided; a statement of its business under oath of its president and secretary or corresponding officers in the form required by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, duly verified by an examination made by the supervising insurance official of its home State or other State satisfactory to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State; a certificate from the proper official in its home State, province or country that the society is legally organized; a copy of its contract, which must show that benefits are provided for by periodical or other payments by persons holding sim- ilar contracts; and upon furnishing the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking such other information as he may deem necessary to a proper exhibit of its business and plan of working, and upon showing that its assets are invested in accordance with the laws of the State, INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 185 Territory, district, province or country where it is organized, he shall issue a license to such society to do business in this State until the first day of the succeeding April, and such license shall, upon compliance with the provisions of this act, be renewed annually, but in all cases to terminate on the first day of the succeeding April; provided, how- ever, that license shall continue in full force and effect until the new license be issued or specifically refused. Any foreign society desiring admission to this State shall have the qualifications required of domestic societies organized under this act and have its assets invested as re- quired by the laws of the State, Territory, district, country or province where it is organized. For each such license or renewal the society shall pay the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking ten dollars. When the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking refuses to license any society or revoke its authority to do business in this State, he shall reduce his ruling, order or decision to writing and file the same in his office, and shall furnish a copy thereof, together with a statement of his reasons, to the officers of the society, upon request, and the action of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall be reviewable by proper proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction within the State; provided, however, that nothing contained in this or the pre- ceding section shall be taken or construed as preventing any such so- ciety from continuing in good faith all contracts made in this State during the time such society was legally authorized to transact business herein. (Id., Sec. 16.) Note. ( 1 ) All the provisions of above section must be complied with before a foreign association can be lawfully licensed, and if the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking desires further information, he may also make, or have an examination made, of the association before issuing a license to do business in Texas. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 18, 1910.) (2) A foreign fraternal benefit society, seeking admission into the State, may be admitted, although its funds in hand do not equal its policy valuations and although the rate of premium on old policies is not in compliance with the statutory rate. But all business written by the company after its admission must be written at a rate of premium equal to or in excess of that based on the National Fraternal Congress Table of Mortality. As to its old business, the terms of Section 23a, Chapter 113 of the Acts of the Thirty-third Legisla- ture, must be complied with. A joint life fund provided by a fraternal benefit society policy, by which one-half of the amount specified in the policy upon the death of the policyholder becomes "payable to the first and oldest out- standing certificate in force in the same division and class of members of cor- responding age, etc.," is unauthorized by the laws of this State, is what is called a wagering contract, and is contrary to the public policy of this State, and a society writing such a contract cannot be admitted to transact business in Texas. (Opinion of Attorney General, January 25, 1918.) Power of Attorney and Service of Process. 508. Every society, whether domestic or foreign, now transacting business in this State shall, within thirty days after the passage of this act, any (and) every such society hereafter applying for admission, shall, before being licensed, appoint in writing the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and his successors in office to be its true and lawful attorney upon whom all legal process in any action or proceed- ing against it shall be served, and in such writing shall agree that any lawful process against it which is served upon such attorney shall be 186 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. of the same legal force and validity as if served upon the society and that the authority shall continue in force so long as any liability re- mains outstanding in this State. Copies of such appointment certified by said Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking shall be deemed sufficient evidence thereof and shall be admitted in evidence with the same force and effect as the original thereof might be admitted. Service shall only be made upon such at- torney, must be made in duplicate upon the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, or, in his absence, upon the person in charge of his office, and shall be deemed sufficient service upon such society; provided, however, that no such service shall be valid or binding against any such society when it is required thereunder to file its answer, ploding (pleading) or defense in less than thirty days from the date of mailing the copy of such service to such society. When legal process against any such society is served upon said Commissioner of Insurance and Banking he shall forthwith forward by registered mail one of the duplicate copies prepaid and directed to its secretary or corresponding officer. Legal process shall not be served upon any such society except in the manner provided herein. (Id., Sec. 17.) Place of Meeting Location of Office. 509. Any domestic society may provide that the meetings of its legislative or governing body may be held in any State, district, prov- ince or Territory wherein such society has subordinate branches, and all business transacted at such meetings shall be as valid in all respects as if such meetings were held in this State; but its principal office shall be located in this State. (Id., Sec. 18.) No Personal Liability. 510. Officers and members of the supreme, grand or any subordinate body of any such incorporated society shall not be individually liable for the payment of any disability or death benefit provided for in the laws and agreements of such society; but the same shall be payable only out of the funds of such society and in the manner provided by its laws. (Id., Sec. 19.) Waiver of the Provisions of the Laws. 511. The constitution and laws of the society may provide that no subordinate body nor any of its subordinate officers or members shall have the power or authority to waive any of the provisions of the laws and constitution of the society, and the same shall be binding on the society and each and every member thereof and on all beneficiaries of members. All grand lodges, by whatever name known, whether incorporated or not, holding charters from any supreme governing body, which were conducting business in this State upon the passage of this act, as a fraternal beneficiary association, upon what is known as the separate jurisdiction plan, shall be treated as single State organizations, and all reports required by the provisions of this act shall be made and furnished by the officers of such supreme State governing body and shall embrace and contain the transactions, liabilities and assets of such State organization. (Id., Sec. 20.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 187 Benefit Not Attachable. 512. No money or other benefit, charity or relief or aid to be paid, provided or rendered by any such society shall be liable to attachment, garnishment or other process, or be seized, taken, or appropriated or applied by any legal or equitable process or operation of law to pay any debt or liability of a member or beneficiary or any other person who may have a right thereunder, either before or after payment. (Id., Sec. 21.) Constitution and Laws Amendments. 513. Every society transacting business under this act shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a duly certified copy of all amendments of, or additions to its constitution and laws within ninety days after the enactment of the same. Printed copies of the constitution and laws, as amended, changed, or added to, certified by the secretary or corresponding officer of the society, shall be prima facie evidence of the legal adoption thereof. (Id., Sec. 22.) Annual Reports. 514. Every society transacting business in this State shall annu- ally, on or before the 1st day of March, file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking in such form as he may require, a statement under oath of its president and secretary or corresponding officers, of its condition and standing on the 31st day of December next preced- ing, and of its transactions for the year ending on that date, and also shall furnish such other information as the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking may deem necessary to a proper exhibit of its busi- ness and plan of working. The Commissioner of Insurance and Bank- ing may at other times require any further statement he may deem necessary to be made relating to such society. In addition to the annual report herein required, each society shall annually report to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a valuation of its certificates in force on December 31st last preceding, excluding those issued within the year for which the report is filed, in cases where the contribution for the first year in whole or in part are used for current mortality and expenses; provided, the first report of valuation shall be made as of December 31, 1913, such report of val- uation shall show, as contingent liabilities the present mid-year value of the promised benefits provided in the constitution and laws of such society, under certificates the subject to valuation; and, as contingent assets, the present mid-year value of the future net contributions pro- vided in the constitution and laws as the same are in practice actually collected. At the option of any society, in lieu of the above, the val- uation may show the net value of the certificates subject to valuation hereinbefore provided, and said net value, when computed in case of monthly contributions, may be the means of the terminal values for the end of the preceding and of the current insurance years. Such valuation shall be certified by a competent accountant or actu- ary, or, at the request and expense of the society, verified by the actuary of the Department of Insurance of the home State of the society, and shall be filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking within ninety days after the submission of the last preceding annal (annual) 188 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. report. The legal minimum standard of valuation for all certificates, except for disability benefits, shall be the National Fraternal Congress Table of Mortality, as adopted by the National Congress, August 23, 1899; or, at the option of the society, any higher table; or, at its option, it may use a table based upon the society's own experience of at least twenty years, and covering not less than one hundred thou- sand lives with interest assumption not more than four per centum per annum. Each such valuation report shall set forth clearly and fully the mortality and interest basis and the method of valuation. Any society providing for disability benefits shall keep the net contri- butions for such benefits in a fund separate and apart from all other benefit and expense funds and the valuation of all other business of the society ; provided, that where a combined contribution table is used by a society for both death and permanent total disability benefits, the valuation shall be according to tables of reliable experiences, and in such cases a separation of the funds shall not be required. The valuation herein provided for shall not be considered or regarded as a test of the financial solvency of the society, but each society shall be held to be legally solvet (solvent) so long as the founds (funds) in its possession are equal to or in excess of its matured liabilities. Beginning with the year 1914, a report of such valuation and an explanation of the facts concerning the condition of the society thereby disclosed, shall be printed and mailed to each beneficiary member of the society not later than June 1st of each year; or, in lieu thereof such report of valuation and showing of the society's condition as thereby disclosed, may be published in the society's official paper, and the issue containing the same mailed to each beneficiary member of the society. The laws of such society shall .provide that if the stated periodical contributions of the members are insufficient to pay all matured death and disability claims in full, and to provide for the creation and maintenance of the funds required by its laws additional, increased or extra rates of contribution shall be collected from the members to meet such deficiency; and such laws may provide that, upon the written application or consent of the member, his certificate may be charged with its proportion of any deficiency disclosed by valuation, with interest not exceeding five per centum per annum. (Id v Sec. 23.) Note. All business written by a foreign fraternal benefit society after its admission to Texas must be written at a premium equal to or in excess of that based on the National Fraternal Congress Table of Mortality. As to its old business the terms of Section 23a, Chapter 113, Acts of the Thirty -third Legislature (Sec. 515), must be complied with. (Opinion of Attorney Gen- eral, January 25, 1918.) Provisions to Insure Future Security. 515. If the valuation of the certificates, as hereinbefore provided, on December 31, 1917, shall show that the present value of future net contributions, together with the admitted assets, is less than the pres- ent value of the promised benefits and accrued liability, such society shall thereafter maintain said financial condition at each succeeding triennial valuation in respect of the degree of deficiency as shown in the valuation of December 31, 1917. If at any succeeding triennial valuation such society does not show at least the same condition, the INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 189 Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall direct that it thereafter comply with the requirements herein specified. If the next succeeding triennial valuation after the receipt of such notice shall show that the society has failed to maintain the condition required herein, the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking may, in the absence of good cause shown for such failure, institute proceedings for the dissolution of such society, in accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of this act, or in the case of a foreign society, its license may be canceled in the manner provided in this act. Any such society, shown by any triennial valuation, subsequent to December 31, 1917, not to have maintained the condition herein re- quired, shall, within two years thereafter, make such improvement as to show a percentage of deficiency not greater than as of December 31, 1917, or thereafter, as to all new members admitted, be subject, so far as stated rates of contributions are concerned, to the provisions of Sec- tion 12 of this act, applicable in the organization of new societies; provided, that the net mortuary or beneficiary contributions and funds of such new members shall be kept separate and apart from the other funds of the society. If such required improvement is not shown by the succeeding triennial valuation, then the said new members may be placed in a separate class and their certificates valued as an independ- ent society in respect of contributions and funds. (Id., Sec. 23a.) Same. 516. In lieu of the requirements of Sections 23 and 23a, any society accepting in its laws the provisions of this section may value its cer- tificates on a basis herein designated, "accumulation basis," by credit- ing each member with the net amount contributed for each year and with interest at approximately the next (net) rate earned and by charging him with his share of the losses for each year, herein desig- nated "cost of insurance/' and carrying the balance, if any, to his credit. The charge for the cost of insurance may be accordingly to the actual experience of the society applied to a table of mortality recog- nized by the law of this State, and shall take into consideration the amount at risk during each year, which shall be the amount payable at death less the credit to the member, except as specifically provided in its articles of laws or contracts no- charge shall be carried forward from the first valuation hereunder against any member for any past share of losses exceeding the contributions and credit. If, after the first val- uation, any member's share of losses for any year exceeds his credit, including the contribution for the year, the contribution shall be in- creased to cover his share of the losses. Any such excess share of losses chargeable to any member may be paid out of a fund or contribution especially created or required for such purpose. Any member may transfer to any plan adopted by the society with net rates on which tabular reserves are maintained and on such transfer shall be entitled to make such application of his credit as provided in the laws of the society. Certificates issued, rerated or readjusted on a basis provided for ade- quate rates with adequate reserves to mature such certificates upon assumption for mortality and interest recognized by the law of this State shall be valued on such basis, herein designated the "Tabular 190 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Basis"; provided, that if on the first valuation under this section a deficiency in reserve shall be shown for any such certificate, the same shall be valued on the accumulation basis. Whenever in any society having members upon the tabular basis and upon the accumulation basis, the total of all costs of insurance provided for any year shall be insufficient to meet the actual death and disabil- ity losses for the year, the deficiency shall be met for the year from the available funds after setting aside all credits in the reserve or from increased contributions or by an increase in the number of assess- ments applied to the society, as a whole or to classes of members as may be specified in its laws, savings from a lower amount of death losses may be returned in like manner as may be specified in its laws. If the laws of the society so provide, the assets representing the reserves of any separate class of members may be carried separately for such class as if in an independent society, and the required reserve accummula- tion (accumulation) of such class, so set apart shall not thereafter be mingled with the assets of other classes of the society. A table showing the credits to individual members for each age and year of entry and showing opposite each credit the tabular reserve re-, quired on the whole life or other plan of insurance specified in the con- tract, according to assumptions for mortality and interest recognized by the law of this State and adopted by the society, shall be filed by the society with each annual report and also be furnished to each member before July 1st of each year. In lieu of the aforesaid statement there may be furnished fo each member within the same time a statement giving the credit for such member and giving the tabular reserve and level rate required for a transfer carrying out the plan of insurance specified in the contract. No table or statement need be made or furnished where the reserves are maintained on the tabular basis. For this purpose individual book- keeping accounts for each member shall not be required and all calcu- lations may be made by actuarial methods. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the maintenance of such sur- plus over and above the credits on the accumulation basis, and the re- serves on the tabular basis pursuant to its laws; nor be construed as giving to the individual member any right or claim to any such reserve or credit other than in manner as expressed in the contract and its laws; nor as making any such reserve or credits a liability in deter- mining the legal solvency of the society. (Id., Sec. 23b.) Examination of Domestic Societies. 517. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, or any person he may appoint, shall have the power of visitation and examination into the affairs of any domestic society. He may employ assistants for the purpose of such examination, and he, or any person he may appoint, shall have free access to all the books, papers and documents that re- late to the business of the society, and may summon and qualify as wit- nesses under oath and examine its officers, agents and employes or other person in relation to the affairs, transactions and conditions of the society. The expense of such examination shall be paid by the society ex- amined upon statement furnished by the Commissioner of Insurance INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 191 and Banking and the examination shall be made at least once in three years. Whenever after examination the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking is satisfied that any domestic society has failed to comply with any provisions of this act, or is exceeding its powers, or is not carrying out its contracts in good faith, or is transacting business fraudulently; or whenever any domestic society, after the existence of one year or more, shall have a membership of less than four hundred (or shall de- termine to discontinue business) the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may present the facts relating thereto to the Attorney General, who shall, if he deem the circumstance warrant, commence an action in quo warranto in a court of competent jurisdiction, and such court shall thereupon notify the officers of such society of a hearing, and if it shall then appear that such society should be closed, said society shall be enjoined from carrying on any further business and some person shall be appointed receiver of such society and shall proceed at once to take possession of the books, papers, moneys and other assets of the society, and shall forthwith, under the direction of the court, proceed to close the affairs of the society, and to distribute its funds to those entitled thereto. No such proceedings shall be commenced by the Attorney General against any such society until after notice has been duly served on the chief executive officer of the society and a reasonable opportunity given to it, on a date to be named in said notice, to show cause why such proceeding should not be commenced. (Id., Sec. 24.) Application for Receiver, Etc. 518. No application for injunction against or proceedings for the dissolution of or the appointment of a receiver for any such domestic society or branch thereof shall be entertained by any court in the State unless the same is made by the Attorney General. (Id., Sec. 25.) Examination of Foreign Societies. 519. Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, or any person whom he may appoint, may examine any foreign society transacting or ap- plying for admission to transact business in this State. The said Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may employ assistants, and he, or any person he may appoint, shall have free access to all the books, papers and documents that relate to the business of the society, and may summon and qualify as witnesses under oath and examine its officers, agents and employes and other persons in relation to the affairs, transactions and conditions of the society. He may, in his discretion, accept, in lieu of such examination, [an examination] of the Insurance Department of the State, territory, district, province or country where such society is organized. The actual expense of examiners making any such examination shall be paid by the society, upon statements furnished by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. If any such society or its officers refuse to submit (to) such examination or to comply with the provisions of the section relative thereto, the authority of such society to write new business in this State shall be suspended, or license refused until satisfactory evidence is furnished the Com- 192 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. missioner of Insurance and Banking relating to the condition and affairs of the society, and during such suspension the society shall not write any new business in this State. (Id., Sec. 26.) Note. See note under Section 507. "No Adverse Publications. 520. Pending, during or after an examination or investigation of any such society, either domestic or foreign, the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking shall make public no financial statement, report or finding, nor shall he permit to become public any financial state- ment, report or finding affecting the status, standing or rights of any such society until a copy thereof shall have been served upon such society, at its home office, nor until such society shall have been afforded a reasonable opportunity to answer any such financial statement, re- port of (or) finding, and to make such showing in connection there- with as it may desire. (Id., Sec. 27.) Revocation of License. 521. When the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking on investi- gation is satisfied that any foreign society transacting business under this act has exceeded its powers, or has failed to comply with any pro- visions of this act, or is conducting business fraudulently, or is not car- rying out its contracts in good faith, he shall notify the society of his findings, and state in writing the grounds of his dissatisfaction, and after reasonable notice require said society, on a date named, to show cause why its license should not be revoked. If, on the date named in said notice, such objections have not been removed to the satisfaction of said Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, or the society does not present good and sufficient reason why its authority to transact busi- ness in this State should not at that time be revoked, he may revoke the authority of the society to continue business in this State. All de- cisions and findings of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking made under the provisions of this section may be reviewed by proper proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction, as provided in Sec- tion 16 (Sec. 507) of this act. (Id., Sec. 28.) Exemption of Certain Societies. 522. Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to affect or apply to grand or subordinate lodges of Masons, Odd Fellows or Knights of Pythias (exclusive of the insurance department of the supreme lodge Knights of Pythias) and the Junior Order of the United American Mechanics (exclusive of the beneficiary degree or insurance branch of the National Council Junior Order United States American Mechanics) or societies which limit their membership to any one hazardous occupa- tion nor to similar societies which do not issue insurance certificates nor to an association of local lodges of a society now doing business in this State which provides death benefits not exceeding five hundred dollars to any one person or disability benefits not exceeding three hundred dollars in any one year to pay one person or both, nor to any contracts of reinsurance business on such plan in this State, nor to domestic so- cieties which limit their membership to the employes of a particular INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 193 city or town, designated firm, business house or corporation, nor to domestic lodges, orders or associations of a purely religious, charitable and benevolent description which do not provide for a death benefit of more than one hundred dollars or for disability benefits of more than one hundred and fifty dollars to any person in one year. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may require from any society such information as will enable him to determine whether such society is exempt from the provisions of this act. Any fraternal benefit society heretofore organized and incorporated and operating within the definition set forth in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this act, providing for the benefits in case of death or disability result- ing solely from accidents, but which does not obligate itself to pay death or sick benefits, may be licensed under the provisions of this act and shall have all the privileges and shall be subject to all the provisions and regulations of this act, except that the provisions of this act re- quiring medical examinations, valuations of benefit certificates and that the certificates shall specify the amount of benefits, shall not apply to such society. (Id,, Sec. 29.) Note. ( 1 ) A fraternal benefit society chartered and operating under a license of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking prior to the enactment of the statute of 1913, governing such societies, cannot be exempted from complying with the requirements of the last mentioned statute by merely reducing the amount of its benefits below $300 for death benefits or $500 for disability bene- fits in one year, but is nevertheless subject to said statute regardless of the amount of its benefits. The exemption of certain associations under Section 29 of said Act if the benefits are not in excess of the above amounts, refers only to a voluntary unincorporated association and not to a corporation already operating under a charter and a license. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 27, 1913.) (2) A fraternal benefit society issuing certificates, which are in effect in- surance policies, is thereby doing an insurance business, and must comply with the laws governing fraternal benefit societies, including the provisions requiring such organizations to obtain a certificate of authority to do such business. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 8, 1913.) Taxation. 523. Every fraternal benefit society organized or licensed under this act is hereby declared to be a charitable and benevolent institution, and all of its funds and property shall be exempt from all and every State, county, district, municipal and school tax, other than taxes on real estate and office equipment, when same is used for other than lodge purposes. (Id., Sec. 30.) Local Mutual Aid or Burial Associations Exempt. 524. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to incorporated or unincorporated mutual relief or benefits, or burial associations, oper- ating upon the assessment plan, whose business is confined to not more than one county in the State of Texas, or to a territory in two or more adjacent counties included within a radius of not more than fifty miles surrounding the city or town in which its principal office is to be lo- cated, which is designated in its charter and which at no time shall have a membership exceeding 2000 members which are hereby denom- inated local mutual aid associations; provided, that such associations 194 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. are in no manner directly or indirectly connected, federated or asso- ciated with any such association and do not directly or indirectly con- tribute to the expense or support of any other such association,, or to the officers, promoters, or managers thereof; and, provided, that no per- son or officer shall receive from said association any payment on ac- count of organization or other expenses or salaries who is not a bona fide resident of the county or area in which such association is domi- ciled. The association above mentioned shall annually, on or before March 1, file a statement with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, which shall be signed and sworn to by the president, secre- tary, and treasurer, or the officer holding positions corresponding thereto. Such statement shall show whether the association has, during the pre r ceding year, done any business outside of the county or area in which it is domiciled, and shall state whether or not said association is asso- ciated, federated or directly or indirectly connected with any other, and shall show what, if anything, has been contributed during the pre- ceding year by said association, or the members, to any person or offi- cer, or director thereof for salaries, commissions or promotion expenses, and the name and residence of the party or parties receiving the same. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may, at his option, and it shall be his duty, if not satisfied with said statement, to demand other and additional statements and examine the books, papers, and records of said association, either himself or by some other suitable person authorized by him. Should it appear to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking that any such local mutual aid association is not carrying on business as set forth in this article, and is not entitled to the exemption therein set forth, such association shall be subject to and comply with all provision of this chapter as a fraternal beneficiary association. Every such local association claiming to be entitled to the benefit of the exemption created by this article shall plainly state upon its certificates, applications and all advertising matter, in a con- spicuous manner, that said association is a local mutual aid association or same shall be deemed subject to all provisions of this chapter con- cerning fraternal beneficiary associations. (Acts 36th Leg., Chap. 50, Sec. 1.) Note. ( 1 ) Every corporation which issues policies of insurance must comply with the insurance laws governing insurance corporations. If it assumes, as a fraternal benefit society, to issue indemnity against death, accident or bad health, for a stipulated or periodical premium or assessment, it thereby undertakes to do an insurance business and is not a charitable organization. Such a con- cern must comply with all the laws regulating fraternal benefit societies, in- cluding the obtaining and holding a certificate of the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking, authorizing it to engage in that business. (Opinion of At- torney General, March 7, 1913.) (2) Local mutual aid associations which confine their business to a single county are not limited as to the number of members one such association may have. Such an association doing business in more than one county and within a territory of not more than fifty miles from its home office, must limit the number of its members to not exceeding two thousand. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 23, 1920.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 195 Penalties. 525. Any person, officer, member or examining physician of any society authorized to do business under this act who shall knowingly or wilfully make any false or fraudulent statement or representation in or with reference to any application for membership, or for the pur- pose of obtaining money from or benefit in any society transacting busi- ness under this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- virtion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for not less than thirty days, nor more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court; any person who shall wilfully make a false statement of any material fact or thing in a sworn statement as to the death or disability of a certificate holder in any such society, for the purpose of procuring payment of a benefit named in the cer- tificate of such holder and any person who shall wilfully make any false statement in any verified report or declaration under oath required or authorized by this act, shall be guilty of perjury, and shall be proceeded against and punished as provided by the statutes of this State in rela- tion to the crime of perjury. Any person who shall solicit membership for, or in any manner as- sist in procuring membership in any fraternal benefit society, not li- censed to do business in this State, or who shall solicit membership for, or in any manner assist in procuring membership in such society, not authorized as herein provided to do business as herein defined in the State, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars. Any person who solicits for or organizes lodges of such association as are described in the first section of this act without first obtaining from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a certificate of au- thority showing that the association has complied with' the provisions of this act, and is entitled to do business in this State, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than three nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprison- ment; provided, the provisions of this section shall not be so construed as to prohibit any member or members of a local or subordinate lodge from soliciting any person or persons to become a member of any local or subordinate lodge already in existence; and providing, further, the provisions of this section, shall not apply to any member or members of any local or subordinate lodge who participate in, supervise or directs or conducts the organization or establishment of any local or subordi- nate lodge within the limits of the county of his or their residence or lodge district. All certificates of authority for agents or solicitors shall be issued by the Commissioner upon application made therefor by any of the general officers of the association, or by any agent whom the properly authorized governing body of the association has, by resolution filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, duly empow- ered to make such application, and all such certificates shall be revoked by the Commissioner upon the request of the association, and may be revoked for cause upon like ground, and in like manner as the certifi- 196 INSURANCE LAWS or TEXAS. cates of authority of agents for life insurance companies under the laws of this State. All such certificates shall be renewed annually and shall expire on the first day of April of each year, and a fee of $1.00 shall be paid for the use of the State for the issuance of said such certificate. Any society or any officer, agent or employe thereof neglecting or refusing to comply x with or violating any of the provisions of this act, the penalty for which neglect, refusal or violation is not specified in this section, shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars upon con- viction thereof. (Acts 33d Leg., Chap. 113, Sec. 32.) Repeal of Former Acts. 526. Chapter 36, Acts of the First Called Session of the Thirty- first Legislature and Chapter 22, Acts of the Second Called Session of the Thirty-first Legislature, and Chapter 92, Acts of the Regular Ses- sion of the Thirty-second Legislature, and all other laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. (Id., Sec. 33.) CHAPTER XXIII. What Companies Are Subject to the Provisions of This Act. 527. Every private corporation, foreign or domestic, organized for profit, which is now attempting or shall hereafter attempt to increase its capital stock, and every proposed corporation attempted to be or- ganized which shall, directly or indirectly, through itself, its agents or employes, or through any person or association of persons, holding companies, sales companies or otherwise, or through any other agents, sell or contract to sell any stock of such corporation or proposed cor- poration, upon which sale or proposed sale or contracts of sale any part of the proceeds derived or to be derived therefrom are used or to be used, directly or indirectly for the payment of any commission, promo- tion, organization fee or other expenses incident, directly or indirectly, to the sale of its shares of stock, except attorney's fees, charter fees, franchise tax, permit fees and stationery and supplies, shall be subject to the provisions of this act. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 1.) Applies to Mining, Oil or Gas and Townsite Corporations. 528. This act shall also apply to any mining, oil or gas corpora- tion increasing its stock or proposed mining, oil or gas corporation at- tempting to sell stock in which any land or mineral or thing of value is to be procured from, in or under such land that has been or is to be placed as an asset with or in the corporation or proposed corporation, whether any promotion fee is charged or not, and to any townsite cor- poration or proposed townsite corporation. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chapter 32, Sec. 2.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. i97 Filing of Statements With Secretary of State or Commissioner Before Offering- for Sale Filing Fees. 529. Before offering for sale or contracting to sell, directly or indi- rectly, any stock of such proposed corporation, or such increased stock of any existing corporation, or before selling any stock in any townsite corporation as provided in Section 2, such corporation, or those pro- moting or having charge of the sale of stock of any proposed corpora- tion, shall file, under oath, in the office of the Secretary of State, where, under the law, a charter would be filed in his department, or in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, where, under the law, a charter would be filed in 'his department, together with a filing fee of twenty dollars, the following document: A statement showing in full detail the plan upon which the corporation proposes to increase its capital stock or upon which the promoters or those having charge of the sale of stock of any proposed corporation proposes to sell its stock and organize the corporation, together with a copy of all the forms of contracts, stock (or deeds, if the same shall come under Sec- tion 2 hereof) to be used by the corporation or promoters, or those hav- ing charge of the sale of stocks of any proposed corporation in con- nection with such stock sales. The statement shall further show the name, location and domicile of such corporation, and the names of its officers or proposed officers, if any, or promoters, and the addresses of all the parties; the amount of capital stock of any corporation already organized, the proposed increase, or the proposed capital stock of the corporation to be organized, and the price at which the stock is pro- posed to be sold; and the price at which the stock is proposed to be sold shall not be changed without filing with the 'Secretary or Commis- sioner, as the case may be, a statement of such change, which shall be subject to his approval. Any such corporation or promoters of such proposed corporation shall furnish the Secretary or Commissioner such other information as may be necessary or proper concerning the sale of its stock. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 3.) Filing of Copy of Charter and Other Evidence, When Statement of Esti- mated Fees and Expenses. 530. If it shall be a corporation organized under the laws of any other jurisdiction, it shall file with the Secretary or Commissioner a copy of its charter, and such other evidence of its authority as the Sec- retary or Commissioner may require. Said statement shall also show the commission, promotion fee and other estimated incidental expenses proposed to be charged for the or- ganization of such proposed corporation, or the increase in the capital stock of any corporation already organized, and how the commissions or fees are to be paid. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 3.) Mining, Oil, Gas and Townsite Companies Must Give Estimate of Actual Value of Property Employment of Experts. 531. If the corporation or proposed corporation comes under Sec- tion 2 hereof, the officers of the corporation, or the promoters of the proposed corporation, shall state the facts upon which they base their estimate of the actual value of the property which is to become an asset 198 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. of the corporation, and the Secretary or Commissioner shall require such proof as he may deem proper to establish the actual value of the property. The Secretary or Commissioner shall have the right to employ such experts as he may deem necessary, and the experts shall be employed at the expense of the corporation or promoters of a proposed corpora- tion. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 3.) Filing" of Statements Relating to Townsite Corporations Issue of Permit. 532. No corporation proposed to be organized for the purpose of buying or selling townsites and town lots shall hereafter be granted a charter by the Secretary of State, or if a foreign corporation shall not be granted a permit to do business in the State of Texas unless the incorporators of said proposed corporation or officer of such foreign corporation shall file with the Secretary of State each and every docu- ment, contract and all papers referred to in Section 3 of this act ? as well as a general statement of the plan of its proposed townsite, and a general statement of its methods of advertising same, together with a sample copy of its advertising literature, and no charter shall be granted any corporation unless after the compliance with the provisions of this act and in the judgment of the Secretary of State, such business of any proposed townsite corporation will be honestly and fairly conducted both to the corporation and to the public. And each and every cor- poration in this State now existing or hereafter organized desiring to engage in the sale of townsite lots or sites shall, prior to such sale, file with the Secretary of State a general plan of said proposed lots to be sold, as well as a copy of any and all proposed contracts to be made with the public in the sale thereof, and a general statement of the lit- erature proposed to be issued, and all matters referred to in Section 3 hereof, and if in the judgment of the Secretary of State said sale will be conducted both honestly and fairly to the corporation and to the pub- lic, a permit to conduct said sale shall be granted. This provision shall not be construed to authorize the creation of any corporation for any purpose not now authorized by the laws of this State. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 3.) Secretary or Commissioner Shall Grant or Refuse the Permit. 533. The Secretary or Commissioner, upon the receipt of the infor- mation as provided for in Section 3, shall grant or refuse such permit. If the Secretary or Commissioner shall decide that the sale of stock will be fairly and honestly conducted, both to the corporation and to the public, such permit shall be granted, provided that the commissions, promotion and other incidental expenses, exclusive of the exempted ex- penses mentioned in Section 1 of this act, shall not be more than fifteen (15) per cent of the price at which such stock is to be sold as shown by the application or amended application. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 4.) Note. Where the application of a life insurance company for a permit to sell an increased amount of its capital stock exhibited a contract between the company and the agent employed to sell the increased stock, such contract provided that the said agent was to receive as compensation the sum of $250 per month and expenses incurred in the sale of the stock, together with ex- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 1^)9 penses in moving from a city in a distant State to a city in the State of Texas. Such salary and expenses were to be paid from the stock sales account, which account is money derived from a deduction of $10 from the selling price of each share of stock sold, the price being $160 per share, $100 being the par value, $50 surplus and $10 for expense of selling. Ten dollars per share is within the 15 per cent which the law allows for selling the stock, and if the stock sales account, being said $10 per share of stock sold, were sufficient to pay the salary and expenses, there would be no legal objection to such con- tract. But, if the contract further provided that the company would be authorized "to repay itself for such sums advanced by it from time to time by withdrawal of funds to the credit of the stock sales account," such lan- guage indicates that the company out of its general assets would advance the necessary salary and expenses if there should be nothing to the credit of the stock sales account, or not enough to meet the demands on same under the contract, in which event the salary and expenses actually incurred might ex- ceed 15 per cent of the stock actually sold, and would be in violation of law. In such a contract 'the language of same should clearly show that the salary and expenses paid should never exceed the amount to the credit of the stock sales account accruing on a basis of $10 per share of stock actually sold, or such language as would clearly show that the company would not be required to pay out of its general assets, or become indebted to the agent selling the stock, in excess of $10 per share of stock actually sold. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 5, 1919.) This Act Shall Not Affect Stock Previously Sold or Subscribed; Unsold or Unsubscribed Part of It Falls Under Condition of This Act. 534. Provided, that where any proposed corporation has already sold its stock, or a part thereof, or any part thereof has been subscribed at the time this act shall take effect, this act shall not affect* stock previ- ously sold or subscribed nor any contracts made in reference to same; but, if any of the stock of said proposed corporation remains unsold or unsubscribed, said corporation shall, nevertheless, be entitled to a per- mit upon complying with the other conditions of this act, including the future sale or subscription of any of its stock. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 4.) Commissions or Promotion Fee Paid to Agent or Promoter, When Kind of Payments of Stock. 535. The commission or promotion fee shall be paid to the agent or promoter as the stock is sold by him and paid for by the purchaser. The stock shall be considered as paid for when paid for in cash, prop- erty or labor. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 4.) Issue of Permit Depends on Compliance With Certain Requirements, Amongst Them the Filing of a Bond Approved by Secretary or Com- missioner. 536. No permit shall be granted unless there shall appear upon the subscription lists and contracts of such corporation or proposed cor- poration, in bold type, the amount of the commissions, promotion fees and other estimated expenses incident to the sale of such stock, and the interest which the officer, agent, employe or promoter selling or contracting to sell such stock has in such sale; nor shall such permit be granted until the applicants therefor have entered into a bond for not less than one thousand dollars ($1000) nor more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), the same to be fixed by the Secretary or 200 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Commissioner at not more than ten per cent of the stock proposed to be issued. The said bond shall be payable to the Secretary or Commis- sioner as the case may be, and his successor in office, conditioned that the facts set forth in the application for such permit, and the proof and statement offered to such Secretary or Commissioner, upon which the application is based, are true, and that they will comply with the provision of this act in the sale of the stock of such corporation or proposed corporation. Said bond may be made with individual sureties or a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, and the bond shall be approved by the Secretary or Commissioner. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 4.) Appeal to the District Court of Travis County When Permit Refused. 537. If a permit shall be refused by the Secretary or Commissioner the parties applying therefor may bring suit in the district court of Travis county, Texas, to require said Secretary or Commissioner to issue such permit. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 5.) Suit Upon the Bond Amount Recoverable Requisition of a New Bond Cancellation of Permit. 538. Any person who shall be induced to purchase any stock of any corporation or proposed corporation by the officers, agents, em- ployes, promoters or trustees, by reason of any misrepresentation of any material fact concerning such stock, such person or persons shall have the right to bring suit upon the bond above provided for, and such bond shall be subject to, and security for, such person so purchasing the stock; provided, that such person shall not be entitled to recover more than the money paid, or the actual value of the property given, or the labor performed, in exchange for such stock, with legal interest from the date of the payment or the performance of the services, or the transfer of the property. One or more recoveries upon such bond shall not vitiate the same, but it shall remain in full force and effect, but no recoveries upon such bond shall ever exceed the full amount of same, and upon suits being filed in excess of the amount of same, the Secretary or Commissioner may require a new bond, and, if the same is not given within thirty days, he may cancel the permit herein provided for. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 6.) List of Authorized Officers, Agents and Employes and Its Changes Filed With Secretary or Commissioner. 539. Whenever any permit has been issued, the corporation or per- sons receiving the same shall file a list of the names of their or its authorized officers, agents or employes, and the postoffice address of each; and, in case of the change of any of its officers, agents or em- ployes, it shall file a list of such changes with the Secretary or Com- missioner. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 6.) All Collected Money for the Sale of Stock Shall Be Deposited With Bank. 540. All money or other things of value collected by such corpora- tion or the promoters of a proposed corporation, for the sale of its INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 201 stock, or contract for the sale of its stock, shall be deposited by said corporation to its credit, or by the promoters of a proposed corporation, to the credit of its proposed officers or trustees, with the exception of the amount allowed for commissions, promotion fees and other inci- dental expenses, with a bank, bank and trust company or trust com- pany incorporated under the laws of this State, or of the United States. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 7.) All Corporations or Proposed Corporations Must Keep a Set of Books Open for Inspection by the Authorities. 541. All such corporations, and the organizers or trustees of pro- posed corporations, shall keep a set of books, which shall show the amount of money, or other things of value received by such corporation or proposed corporation from the sale of its stock, or from contracts of sale of its stock, and such books shall show the number and amounts of stock sold or contracted to be sold, by whom sold, and to whom sold, or contracted to be sold, and the postoffice address of each. Said books shall at all times be open for inspection by the Secretary or Commis- sioner, or his duly authorized agent. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Ses- sion, Chap. 32, Sec. 8.) Cause for Cancellation of Permit Bight to Bring Suit in the District Court of Travis County. 542. Whenever the Secretary or Commissioner shall have informa- tion that any corporation, or the promoters of the proposed corporation, its officers, agents or employes, are not complying with the terms of this act in the sale of its stock, they shall notify such corporation, or its officers, agents or employes or the promoters of the proposed corpora- tion to appear, within twenty days, and show cause why such permit should not be canceled, and after the hearing such Secretary or Com- missioner shall have the right to cancel such permit if the proof shall show that such corporation or proposed corporation, or its officers, agents or employes are not complying with, the terms of this act, but the parties or corporation holding such permit shall have the right to bring suit, in the district court of Travis county, Texas, against the Secretary or Commissioner to reinstate such permit to sell stock. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 9.) Foreign Corporations Must Show 50 Per Cent Paid-in Capital Does Not Apply to Loan and Insurance Corporations. 543. No permit to sell stock shall ever be issued to any foreign cor- poration which has not at the time of making application for permit at least fifty per cent of its capital stock subscribed and paid in, provid- ing that this shall not apply to any foreign corporation engaged exclu- sively in the bus ; ness of lending money in this State, nor to any in- surance company that is required by law to obtain a permit from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 10.) Foreign Corporations Shall File Po"wer of Attorney Like That Provided in Article 4773, B. S. Duty of Secretary or Commissioner in Accept- ing Service. 544. Each foreign corporation or the promoters of any proposed foreign corporation desiring to sell or contract to sell its stock in this 202 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. State shall first file with the Secretary or Commissioner a like power of attorney to that provided for life insurance corporations in Article 4773, Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas of 1911, and service may be had upon the corporation and the Secretary or Commissioner, as the case may be, as therein provided for, and the Secretary or Com- missioner, as the case may be, upon receipt of such process as is therein provided for, shall proceed as is provided for him to do in Article 4774, Kevised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas of 1911, and the Secretary or Commissioner's acts and conduct in regard to such power of attor- ney, and such process shall be the same as is provided for in said Articles 4774 and 4773, and the effect, force and result of such acts shall be the same as therein provided for. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 11.) Violation of This Law Misdemeanor Imprisonment. 545. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any officer, agent or employe or trustee, or holding company, or sales agents, or person, or associa- tion of persons in this State to sell, or offer to sell, or contract to sell, directly or indirectly, for such concern, any stock of any corporation or proposed corporation, subject to this act, which has been, proposed to be, is now being, or may hereafter be organized for profit, without first complying with the provisions of this act, and any person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two thousand dollars, and in addition thereto may be imprisoned in the county jail for any period not more than one year, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 12.) Subscribers Must Be Refunded at the Expiration of Two Years Exten- sion of Time May be Granted. 546. At the expiration of two years from the granting of a permit under this act if the proposed corporation has failed to .organize, then all subscribers must be refunded the amount paid to the promoter or trustee; provided, however, that the Secretary or Commissioner may grant an extension of time for the sale of securities. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 12a.) Cumulative Power of This Act. 547. This act shall be construed to be cumulative of any other law or laws of this State. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 13.) Exemptions of This Act for Certain Corporations. 548. The terms of this act shall not apply to -any national bank, nor to any corporation having a charter granted under any act of the Congress of the United States, nor to any State bank, bank and trust company or trust company organized under the laws of this State, nor to any corporation organized under the Federal Reclamation Act, ap- proved June 17, 1902, or the regulations established by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior in pursuance thereof. Nor shall the terms of this act apply to any corporation or the promoters of any cor- poration organized under the laws of Texas which does not sell or con- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 203 tract to sell its stock to more than twenty-five bona fide purchasers; provided, it does not act as the agent or trustee, holding company or sales company in the promotion of any concern which is included under the terms of this act. Nor shall this act apply to any railroad or rail- way company or interurban railroad or railway company, or street rail- road or railway company. Nor shall this act apply to the sale of stock of a corporation by a bona fide owner of same, who had in good faith bought the same, and who in the purchase and sale of same was and is not acting directly or indirectly as promoter or agent of such cor- poration. Nor shall this act apply to a bona fide stock or stock broker in the sale of stock, which stock has been by such corporation sold and issued to a bona fide purchaser prior to the offering of same for sale by such broker; provided, that such purchaser or broker was not acting, directly or indirectly, as promoter of such corporation. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 14.) Quarterly Deposit of Collected Money Examinations Made at the Ex- pense of Corporations. 549. All moneys collected under the terms of this act by the Sec- retary or Commissioner shall be quarterly deposited by him with the State Treasurer and credited to the general fund. Whenever the Sec- retary or Commissioner shall deem it necessary to examine the books of any corporation or proposed corporation, subject to the provisions of this act, or investigate its financial condition, he shall do so at the ex- pense of the corporation or proposed corporation under investigation, and the corporation or the agents of the corporation or proposed corpo- ration being investigated shall pay to the Secretary or Commissioner, or his agent, making the investigation his actual expenses and seven dol- lars and fifty cents per day for such investigation, which said expenses shall be paid at the termination of such investigation by the concern investigated. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 15.) Definitions. 550. Whenever the word "Secretary' 5 is used in this act it shall be considered to mean Secretary of the State of Texas, and whenever "Commissioner" is used in this act it shall be considered to mean Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking of the State of Texas. (Acts 33d Leg., 1st Called Session, Chap. 32, Sec. 16.) CHAPTER XXIV. ANTI-TRUST LAW. Definition of a Trust. 551. A trust is a combination of capital, skill or acts by two or more persons, firms, corporations or associations of persons, or either two or more of them for either, any or all of the following purposes: (1) To create or which may tend to create or carry out restrictions in trade or commerce or aids to commerce or in the preparation of any product for market or transportation, or to create or carry out restrictions in the free pursuit of any business authorized or permitted by the laws of this State. 204 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. (2) To fix, maintain, increase or reduce the price of merchandise, produce or commodities or the cost of insurance or of the preparation of any product for market or transportation. (3) To prevent or lessen competition in the manufacture, making, transportation, sale or purchase of merchandise, produce or commod- ities or the business of insurance, or to prevent or lessen competition in aids to commerce, or in the preparation of any product for market or transportation. (4) To fix or maintain any standard or figure whereby the price of any article or commodity of merchandise, produce or commerce, or the cost of transportation, or insurance, or the preparation of any product for market transportation, shall be in any manner affected, controlled or established. (5) To make, enter into, maintain, execute or carry out any con- tract, obligation or agreement by which the parties thereto bind, or have bound themselves not to sell, dispose of, transport or to prepare for market or transportation any article or commodity, or to make any contract of insurance at a price below a common standard or fig- ure, or by which they shall agree in any manner to keep the price of such article or commodity or charge for transportation or insur- ance, or the cost of the preparation of any product for market or transportation at a fixed or graded figure, or by which they shall in any manner affect or maintain the price of any commodity or article or the cost of transportation or insurance or the cost of the prepara- tion of any product for market or transportation between them, or themselves and others, to preclude a free and unrestricted competi- tion among themselves or others in the sale or transportation of any such article or commodity or business of transportation or insurance or the preparation of any product for market or transportation or by which they shall agree to pool, combine or unite any interest they may have in connection with the sale or purchase of any article or com- modity or charge for transportation or insurance or charge for the preparation of any product for market or transportation whereby its price or such charge might be in any manner affected. (6) To regulate, fix or limit the output of any article or com- modity which may be manufactured, mined, produced or sold, or the amount of insurance which may be undertaken, or the amount of work that may be done in the preparation of any product for market or transportation. (7) To abstain from engaging in or continuing business or from the purchase or sale of merchandise, produce or commodities partially or entirely within the State of Texas, or any portion thereof. (R. S., Art. 7796.) Note. ( 1 ) Three insurance companies may make a contract between them- selves to reinsure by one of the companies in the others of a part of the busi- ness of each, respectively, provided the rates are not agreed upon and fixed between the companies, each company to keep in the business in its own name and with its own agents and in constant competition with the others, and each to be left free to reject any reinsurance risk not satisfactory to it, and pro- vided further, that the affairs of the several companies are not brought under such common management or control as tends to fix or maintain cost of in- surance, or lessen competition, or to fix or maintain any standard affecting, controlling or managing the price of insurance, and there is no agreement to INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 205 pool, combine or unite any interest in connection with the sale of insurance, nor to regulate, fix, or limit the amount of insurance to be undertaken. (Opin- ion of Attorney General, June 27, 1905.) (2) A joint contract of two or more insurance companies, being a policy of insurance of the combined companies, issued under the name of certain under- writers, is a violation of the anti-trust law. (Opinion of Attorney General, March 17, 1905.) (3) A corporation organized for the purpose of conducting insurance bureau having as one of its purposes the right to "make estimates of the cost of carry- ing fire insurance" would be in violation of the anti-trust law. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 21, 1905.) (4) An agreement between two surety companies that both shall hold them- selves jointly and equally liable under each and every liquor dealer's bond written by either company would be unlawful. (Opinion of Attorney General. February 6, 1906.) - { (5) The State Insurance Board law does not repeal, affect or modify the anti-trust laws, and, notwithstanding the powers of the State Insurance Board to regulate insurance rates, it would nevertheless be a violation of the anti- trust law for two or more companies, under the name of certain underwriters, to write an insurance contract or policy which would be the joint contract of such companies. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 6, 1911.) (6) The anti-trust laws of this State apply only to transactions in this State, and it would not be a violation of the anti-trust laws of Texas for two or more insurance companies, though chartered in Texas, to write and issue a joint policy in some other State. (Attorney General's opinion, April 11, 1911.) (7) Relative to constitution and by-laws of proposed organization of local chapter or boards of local fire insurance agents in different cities and towns in Texas. (Opinion of Attorney General, April 29, 1911.) (8) The life insurance companies cannot agree upon a uniform policy at a uniform rate, to be sold for the benefit of the students' loan fund or the assured, because it would controvert the anti-trust law. The students' loan fund could not retain the proceeds of a policy in its favor, having no insurable interest in the life of the assured. (Opinion of Attorney General, December 11, 1914.) (9) The anti-trust statutes prohibit the formation of a combination on the part of two or more insurance companies for the purpose of jointly executing bonds guaranteeing cotton warehouse receipts. (Opinion of Attorney General, February 3, 1916.) (10) Where two insurance companies, both of which are authorized to do an automobile insurance business, issue an insurance policy executed by both companies, under the terms of which the two companies do not assume any joint liability, but one company assumes liability for certain things for which the other company is not liable, while the other assumes liability for other certain specified risks in fhe policy; this would be a violation of the anti-trust law, which prohibits the preventing or lessening competition in the insurance business. Such a policy jointly executed clearly shows that the companies have agreed in dividing the risks, one company carrying one portion and the other a separate portion. This agreement not only violates the law which prohibits the preventing or lessening of competition, but is also contrary to the pro- vision of the anti-trust law which prohibits an agreement, which would, in effect, fix or maintain any standard or figure whereby the cost of insurance shall be affected, controlled or established. The Commissioner should not approve any contract in violation of the statutes of Texas. (Opinion of the Attorney Gen- eral, November 22, 1920.) Monopoly Definition. 552. A monopoly is a combination or consolidation of two or more corporations when effected in either of the following methods : (1) When the direction of the affairs of two or more corporations is in any manner brought under the same management or control for 206 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. the purpose of producing, or where such common management or con- trol tends to create a trust, as defined in the first article of this chapter. (2) Where any corporation acquires the shares of certificates of stock or bonds, franchise or other rights, or the physical properties, or any part thereof, of any other corporation or corporations, for the purpose of preventing or lessening, or where the effect of such acqui- sition tends to affect or lessen competition, whether such acquisition is accomplished directly or through the instrumentality of trustees or otherwise. (R. S., Art. 7797.) What Constitutes Conspiracy in Restraint of Trade. 553. Either or any of the following acts shall constitute a con- spiracy in restraint of trade: , (1) Where any two or more persons, firms, corporations or asso- ciations of persons who are engaged in buying or selling any articles of merchandise, produce or any commodity, enter into any agreement or understanding to refuse to buy from or sell to any other person, firm, corporation or association of persons any article of merchandise, produce or commodity. (2) Where any two or more persons, firms, corporations or asso- ciations of persons shall agree to boycott or threaten to refuse to buy from or sell to any person, firm, corporation or association of persons for buying from or selling to any other person, firm, corporation or association of persons. (R. S., Art. 7798.) Declared to Be Illegal. 554. Any and all trusts, monopolies and conspiracies in restraint of trade, as herein defined, are prohibited and declared to be illegal. (R. S., Art. 7799.) Shall Forfeit Charter. 555. Any corporation holding a charter under the laws of the State of Texas, which shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall thereby forfeit its charter and franchise, and its corporate existence shall cease and determine. (R. S., Art. 7800.) Attorney General Must Institute Suit Upon His Own Motion. 556. For a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or any anti-trust laws of this State, by any corporation, it shall be the duty of the Attorney General upon his motion and without leave or order of any judge or court, to institute suit or quo warranto proceed- ings in Travis county, or at the county seat of any county in the State which the Attorney General may select, for the forfeiture of its charter, rights' and franchises, and the dissolution of its corporate existence; and for such purposes, venue is hereby given to each district court in the State of Texas. (R. S., Art. 7801.) The Corporation to Which Defaulting Corporation May Have Transferred Its Properties Shall Not Be Permitted to Transact Business in Texas. 557. When a corporation organized under the laws of this State shall have been convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this act, and its charter and franchise has been forfeited, as provided INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 207 in Section 5, no other corporation to which the defaulting corporation may have transferred its properties and business, or which has assumed the payment of its obligations, shall be permitted to incorporate or do business in Texas. (R. S., Art. 7802.) Every Foreign Corporation Violating Law Denied the Bight to Transact Business To Be Enjoined. 558. Every foreign corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter is hereby denied the right, and is prohibited from doing any business within this State, and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General to enforce its provision by injunction or other proceedings, in the district court of Travis county, in the name of the State of Texas. (R. S., Art. 7803.) To Control Proceedings Instituted to Forfeit Charter. 559. The provisions of Title 114, Revised Statutes of this State of 1911, to prescribe the remedy and regulate the proceedings by quo warranto, etc., shall, except in so far as they conflict herewith, govern and control the proceedings when instituted to forfeit any charter under this title. (R. S., Art. 7804.) The Corporation to Which Foreign Corporation May Have Transferred Its Properties Shall Not Be Permitted to Do Business. 560. When any foreign corporation has been convicted of a viola- tion of any of the provisions of this chapter, and its right to do busi- ness in this State has been forfeited, as provided in Section 8 of this act, no other corporation to which the defaulting corporation may have transferred its properties and business, or which has assumed the pay- ment of its obligations, shall be permitted to incorporate to do busi- ness in Texas. (R. S., Art. 7805.) Penalties Venue Fees of Attorney General. 561. Each and every firm, person, corporation or association of per- sons, who shall in any manner violate the provisions of this chapter, shall, for each and every day that such violation shall be committed or continued, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than fifty nor more than fifteen hundred dollars, which may be recovered in the name of the State of Texas in the district court of any county in the State of Texas, and venue is hereby given to such district court; provided, that when any such suit shall have been filed in any county or jurisdiction thereof acquired, it shall not be transferred to any other county, except upon change of venue allowed by the court and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General, or the district or county attorney under the direction of the Attorney General, to prosecute for the recovery of the same; and the fees of the district or county attorney for representing the State in all anti-trust proceedings, or for the collection of penalties for the violation of the anti-trust laws of this State, shall be ten per cent of the amount collected up to and including the sum of fifty thou- sand dollars, and five per cent on all sums in excess of the first fifty thousand dollars, to be retained by him when collected; and all such fees which he may collect shall be over and above the fees allowed under the general fee bill; provided, that the provisions of this chapter as to 208 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. the fees allowed the prosecuting attorney shall not apply to any case in which judgment has heretofore been rendered in any court, nor to any moneys to be hereafter collected upon any such judgment heretofore rendered in any court, whether such judgment or judgments are pend- ing upon appeal or otherwise; and providud, further, that the district or county attorney who joins in the institution of prosecution of any suit for the recovery of penalties for a violation of any of the anti-trust laws of this State, who shall, previous to the collection of such penal- ties, cease to hold office, he shall be entitled to an equal division with his successor of the fee collected in said cause; and in case of the em- ployment of special counsel by any such district or county attorney, the contract so made shall be binding upon such prosecuting officer making such contract and thereafter retiring from office; provided further, that in case any suit is compromised before any final judgment in the trial court is had, then the fees herein provided for shall be reduced one- half. (E. S., Art. 7806.) Contract Void. 562. Any contract or agreement in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be absolutely void and not enforceable either in law or equity. (R. S., Art. 7807.) Additional Penalties and Forfeitures. 563. And in addition to all other penalties and forfeitures herein provided for, every person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be further punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than ten years. (P. C., Art. 1466.) Act of Agent Regarded as That of Corporation, When. 564. In prosecutions for the violations of any of the provisions of this chapter, evidence that any person has acted as the agent of a cor- poration in the transaction of its business in this State shall be re- ceived as prima facie proof that his act in the name, behalf or inter- est of the corporation of which he was acting as the agent, was the act of the corporation. (P. C., Art. 1467.) Duty of Justices of the Peace to Have Summoned and to Have Examined Witnesses in Relation to Violation of This Act, When. 565. Upon the application of' the Attorney General, or of any of his assistants, or of any district or county attorney, acting under the direction of the Attorney General, made to any county judge or any jus- tice of the peace in this State, and stating that he has reason to believe that a witness who is to be found in the county of which such justice of the peace is an officer, knows of a violation of any of the provisions of the preceding chapter, it shall be the duty of the county judge or of the justice of the peace to whom such application is made to have summoned and to have examined such witness in relation to violations of any of the provisions of this chapter, said witness to be summoned as provided for in criminal cases. The said witness shall be duly sworn and the county judge or the justice of the peace, as the case may be, shall cause the statement of the witness to be reduced to writing and signed and sworn to before him, and such sworn statement shall be de- INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 209 livered to the Attorney General, his assistants or the district or county attorney upon whose application the witness was summoned. Should the witness summoned, as aforesaid, fail to appear, or to. make state- ment of the facts within his knowledge under oath, or to sign the same after it has been reduced to writing, he shall be guilty of contempt of court and may be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and may be attached and imprisoned in the county jail until he shall make a full statement of all the facts within his knowledge with reference to the matter inquired about. Any person who shall testify before any county judge, or justice of the peace, as provided for in this article, or who shall testify as a witness for the State in the course of any statutory proceeding to secure testimony for the enforcement of the provisions of the preceding chapters, or in the course of any judicial proceeding to enforce the provisions of said chapter, shall not be subject to indict- ment or prosecution for any transaction, matter or thing concerning which he shall so give evidence, documentary or otherwise. (R. S., Art. 7810.) Actions to Have Precedence. 566. All actions authorized and brought under this chapter shall have precedence, on motion of the prosecuting attorney or Attorney General, or all other business, civil and criminal, except criminal cases where the defendants are in jail. (R. S., Art. 7808.) Must Not Form, Aid or Become a Party to a Trust Applies to Trusts Outside of the State, When Penalty. 567. If any person shall enter into an agreement or understand- ing of any character to form a trust, or to form a monopoly, or to form a conspiracy in restraint of trade, as these offenses are defined by this chapter, or shall form a trust, monopoly or conspiracy in re- straint of trade, or shall be a party to the formation of a trust or monopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade, or shall become a party to a trust or monopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade, or shall do any act in furtherance of, or aid to, such trust or monopoly or con- spiracy in restraint of trade, he shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a period of not less than two years nor more than ten years. (P. C., Art. 1470.) Person, Member, Agent, Employe, Etc., Operating in Violation of This Law Penalty. 568. If any person shall, as a member, agent, employe, officer, di- rector or stockholder of any business, firm, corporation or association of persons, form, in violation of the provisions of this chapter, or shall operate in violation of the provisions of this chapter any such busi- ness, firm, corporation or association formed in violation of this chap- ter, or shall make any sale or purchase, or any other contract, or do business for such business, firm, corporation or association, or shall do any other act which has the effect of violating or aiding in the viola- tion of the provisions of this chapter, or shall, with the intent or pur- pose of driving out competition or for the purpose of financially injur- ing competitors, sell within the State at less than cost of manufacture or production, or sell in such a way or give away within this State 210 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. products for the purpose of driving out competition or financially in- juring competitors engaged in a similar business, or give secret rebates on such purchase for the purpose aforesaid, he shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for a period of not less than two years nor more than ten years. (P. C., Art. 1471.) Persons Outside State Liable to Punishment, When. 569. If any person shall, outside of this State, do anything which, if done within this State, would constitute the formation of a trust or monopoly or conspiracy in the restraint of trade, as defined in this chapter, and shall cause or permit the trust or monopoly so formed by him to do business within this State, or shall cause or permit such trust, monopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade to have any opera- tion or effect within this State, or if such trust, monopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade having been formed outside of this State, any per- son shall give effect to such trust, monopoly or conspiracy in this State, or shall do anything to help or aid it doing business in -this State, or otherwise violate the anti-trust laws of this State, or if any person shall buy or sell, or otherwise make contracts for or aid any other business, firm, corporation or association of persons formed or operated in viola- tion of the provisions of this chapter, or so formed or operated as would be in violation of the laws of this State, if it had been formed within this State, shall be punished by confinement in the peniten- tiary for a period of not less than two years nor more than ten- years. (P. C., Art. 1472.) Persons, Etc., Who Have Formed Trusts, Etc. Penalty Tor. 570. If any person, or employe or employes, or agent or agents, stockholder or stockholders, officer or officers, of any person, firm, asso- ciation of persons or corporation, now doing business in this State, who has formed a trust as defined in this chapter, or formed a monopoly as defined in this chapter, or has formed a conspiracy in restraint of trade, as defined in this chapter, or shall do or perform any act of any character to carry out such trust, monopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade, such person, employe or employes, agent or agents, stockholder or stockholders, officer or officers, shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for not less than two years nor more than ten years. (P. C., Art. 1473.) Criminal Prosecution in Travis County Must Not Sell for Less Than Cost of Production. 571. Criminal prosecutions under this chapter may be conducted in Travis county, Texas, or in any county in this State .wherein a trust, monopoly or conspiracy in restraint of trade is being carried on, a re- covery or prosecution against any person for any violation of this act, shall not bar a prosecution of or recovery against any other person or persons for the same offense. (P. C., Art. 1474.) Prosecutions in Any County Must Notify the Attorney General. 572. Prosecutions under this chapter may be instituted and prose- cuted by any county or district attorney of this State, and when any such prosecutions have been instituted by any county or district attor- INSURANCE LAWS OF TKN\-. 211 ney, such officer shall forthwith notify the Attorney General of such fact; and it is hereby made the duty of the Attorney General, when he shall receive such notice, to join such officer in such prosecution and do all in his power to secure the enforcement of this chapter. (P. C., Art. 1475.) For Every Conviction the State to Pay the District or County Attorney Fees Divided, When. 573. For every conviction obtained under the provisions of this chapter the State shall pay to the county or district attorney in such prosecution the sum of $250, and if both the county and district attor- ney shall serve together in such prosecution, such fee shall be divided between them as follows: $100 to the county attorney and $150 to the district attorney. (P. C., Art. 1476.) CHAPTER XXV. REGULATING THE BUSINESS OF INSURANCE ISSUED ON LLOYDS PLAN. Declaring Who May Make Any Insurance Except Life Insurance on Lloyds Plan. 574. That individuals, partnerships or associations ot individuals, hereby designated "underwriters" are authorized to make any insurance, except life insurance, on the Lloyds plan, by executing articles of agree- ment expressing their purpose so to do and complying with the require- ments set forth in this Act. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 1.) Attorney in Fact May Execute for Underwriters Articles of Agreement Designates His Place of Office. 575. That policies of insurance may be executed by an attorney in fact or other representatives, hereby designated "attorneys" authorized by and acting for such underwriters under powers of attorney. The principal office of such attorney shall be maintained at such place as may be designated by the underwriters in their articles of agreement. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 2.) Requisites of Application for License to Be Filed by Attorney. 576. The attorney shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a verified application for license setting forth and accom- panied by: (a) The name of the attorney and the title under which the busi- ness is to be conducted, which title shall contain the name Lloyds and shall not be so similar to any name or title in use in this State as to be likely to confuse or deceive. (b) The location of the principal office. (c) The kind or kinds of insurance to be effected, which kinds of insurance may be as follows : 1. Fire insurance, which term shall be construed to include tornado, hail, crop and floater insurance. 2. Automobile insurance, which term shall be construed to include 212 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. fire, theft, transportation, property damage, collision, liability and tornado. 3. Liability insurance. 4. Marine insurance. 5. Accident and health insurance. 6. Burglary and plate glass insurance. 7. Fidelity and surety bonds insurance. 8. Any other kind or kinds of insurance, not above specified, the making of which is not otherwise unlawful in this State, except life insurance. (d) A copy of each form of policy or contract by which such in- surance is to be effected. (e) A copy of the form of power of attorney by virtue of which the attorney is to act for and bind the several underwriters and a copy of the articles of agreement entered into between the underwriters them- selves and the attorney. (f) The names and addresses of all underwriters, whose number shall not be less than ten. (g) A financial statement showing in detail the assets and liabili- ties accumulated and incurred and the income and disbursements re- ceived and made by the attorney for the underwriters. (h) An instrument executed by each and all of the underwriters specially empowering the attorney to accept service of process for each underwriter in any action on any policy or contract of insurance, and an instrument from the attorney to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking delegating the attorney's powers in this respect to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 3.) License Fee. 577. That upon compliance with the requirements of this act, and upon a showing of assets as provided in Section 5 hereof the Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking shall, upon payment of a fee of ten ($10.00) dollars issue a license to any attorney applying therefor speci- fying the kind or kinds of insurance which he is authorized to make and containing the name of the attorney, the location of his principal office, and the title under which such business of insurance is to be con- ducted. Such license shall continue in force until surrendered by the attorney or revoked or suspended by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking as authorized by this act. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 4.) Net Assets, Including- the Guarantee Fund, Must Be at Least $40,000 If More Than Two Kinds of Insurance Are Transacted, Net Assets Must Be $10,000 Additional for Each Additional Kind of Insurance; if Net Assets Amount to $100,000 Any Kind May Be Written Except Life Insurance. 578. That no attorney shall be licensed for the underwriters at a Lloyds under this act, unless the net assets, including the guarantee fund provided for in the articles of agreement, held by the attorney, committee of underwriters, trustee or other officer, as provided for in the articles of agreement, shall be at least forty thousand ($40,000.00) dollars in cash or convertible securities; nor shall any attorney be INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 213 licensed for the underwriters at a Lloyds to transact more than two kinds of insurance as defined in Section 3 hereof, unless the net assets as above defined and held shall be as much as ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars additional for each additional kind of insurance designated in the application for license; provided that if the underwriters have net assets as above described in an amount equal to one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars, they may write any kind of insurance that may be lawfully written in this State except life insurance. If the Com- missioner of Insurance and Banking shall find upon any examination of a Lloyds that the net assets as above defined are less than the amount required, the impairment shall be made good within thirty days from the service of a requisition for that purpose by the Commissioner of In- surance and Banking upon the attorney for the underwriters. If any such attorney or other person shall make any advancement to make good any such impairment, the claim for the same against the assets of the underwriters shall- be deferred to claims for losses under policies or con- tracts of insurance. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 5.) Shall Be Subject to Examination. 579. That the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may make examinations of the books and affairs of any attorney for underwriters at a Lloyds, the expense of any such examination to be borne by the underwriters and the attorney and his deputies shall facilitate such examinations and furnish all information which the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may reasonably demand. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may revoke or suspend the license of any attorney in case of breach of any of the conditions imposed by this act and upon reasonable notice in writing to the attorney so that he may appear and show cause why such license should not be revoked or sus- pended. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 6.) Additional or Substituted Underwriters Bound Same as Original Sub- scribers. 580. That additional or substituted underwriters shall be bound in the same manner and to the same extent as though they had been orig- inal subscribers to the articles of agreement and power of attorney on file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking; and that the acts of the duly appointed deputy or substitute attorney of any attorney licensed under this act in accepting powers of attorney from under- writers and in making and issuing policies and contracts of insurance and in doing any additional acts incident thereto shall be deemed au- thorized by the license issued to the original attorney. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 7.) No Attorney Shall Assume Any One Insurance Risk Exceeding One-fifth of the Amount of the Net Assets. 581. That no attorney for underwriters at a Lloyds shall assume any one insurance risk exceeding one-fifth of the amount of the net assets of the underwriters as above defined and the additional liability assumed by the individual underwriters in the articles of agreement and in the policies or contracts of insurance, unless such excess shall be promptly reinsured. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 8.) 214 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. How Action May Be Brought; Service May Be Made on the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking; Fee for Such Service. 582. That action on any policy or contract of insurance made by the attorney for the underwriters may be brought against the attorney or against the attorney and the underwriters or any of them. In such action, summons and process shall be served on the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking or on the attorney in fact and when so served shall have the same force and effect as if served on the attorney and on each underwriter personally. A judgment in any such action against the attorney or against any of the underwriters shall be binding upon and be a judgment against each and all of the underwriters as their several liabilities may appear in the contract of insurance on which the action is brought. Whenever any summons or other process is served on the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking the same shall be served in duplicate and the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall forthwith by registered mail send one copy of the summons or other process to the attorney for the underwriters at the principal office designated in the application for license or latest amendment thereof. The party commencing any such action against the underwriters at a Lloyds and securing service of process in this manner shall at the time of such service pay to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking for the use of the Department a fee of two ($2.00) dollars, which he shall be entitled to collect as taxable costs in the action if he shall prevail. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 9.) Commissioner of Insurance and Banking May Revoke or Suspend Cer- tificate of Authority Upon the Violation of This Act; Penalty for Operating Without Complying With This Act. 583. That all such underwriters, their attorneys, agents and repre- sentatives transacting the business of insurance in this State on the Lloyds plan shall be governed and regulated by the provisions of this act and upon violation of any of the provisions hereof the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may revoke or suspend any license or cer- tificate of authority issued under the provisions of this act, and any person who, as principal attorney, agent, broker or other representative, shall engage in the business contemplated by this act, or any variety or part thereof, without complying with the requirements hereof, or who shall violate any of its provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in an amount not exceeding five hundred ($500.00) dollars. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 10.) No Other Insurance Law of This State Shall Apply Unless Specifically so Provided. 584. That except as herein provided no other insurance law of this State shall apply to insurance on the Lloyds plan unless it is specifically so provided in such, other law that the same shall be applicable. (Acts 37th Leg., Chap. 127, Sec. 11.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 215 CHAPTER XXVI. CO-OPERATIVE SAVINGS AND CONTRACT LOAN COMPANIES. May Be Organized Shall File Certified Copy of Charter. 585. Co-operative savings and contract loan institutions organized under the general corporation laws of this State in the manner therein provided, and all such institutions as may be organized hereafter, shall file certified copy of the charter issued to such companies by the Secre- tary of State with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. (Sec. 1, Chap. 5, 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Note. Any corporation, whether organized in this State or elsewhere, whose purposes include the issuance of what are ordinarily classed as contract saving certificates, whose character or plan is similar to the stock of a building and loan association, whereby the subscribers pay or deposit installments at stated intervals until the maturity of such contract or certificates comes within the operation of Chapter 5, Acts of the First Called Session, Thirty-fourth Legis- lature, it being also Chapter 25, Title 25, of Complete Texas Statutes. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 21, 1921.) Commissioner Has Supervision. 586. All such corporations shall be under the supervision and con- trol of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and it shall be his duty, at least once every twelve months to cause the books of such cor- poration to be examined, the expense of such examination to be paid by such corporations in the same manner as now required by law for the examination of insurance companies. (Sec. 2, Chap. 5, 1st Called Ses- sion 34th Leg., as amended by Chap. 45, 4th Called Session, 35th Leg.) Capital Stock How Paid. 587. The capital stock of all such institutions hereafter organized shall not be less than twenty-five thousand dollars, and not less than one-half of the capital stock must be paid in in actual currency, bank notes, or certified checks; while the remainder may be paid in deferred payments, payable in equal or greater installments annually; for a period of time not exceeding two years ; but the deferred payments must be evidenced by the subscriber's note secured by the paid-up stock cer- tificates issued him equal in amount to his deferred payments and by collateral equal to said amount of such character as the corporation shall have the right to invest its funds in, which said notes of the sub- scriber and the collateral attached thereto must be examined and ap- proved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking and certified by him to be ample and sufficient. (Sec. 3, Chap. 5, 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Note. A corporation of this kind having been organized more than two years must show its entire capital stock to have been fully paid in money. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 21, 1921.) Powers and Authority. 588. Corporations chartered hereunder shall have all the powers of building and loan associations chartered under the laws of this State and in addition shall have authority to engage in the business of issuing 216 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. contracts or agreements, whether in the nature of bonds, debentures, certificates, or otherwise, providing for the redemption or for the ful- filling of such contracts or agreements by the accumulation of a fund or funds by the contributions made by a subscriber to or to the holders of such contracts or agreements; or providing for the maturing or ful- filling of such contracts or agreements in the order of their issue or in series or in some other fixed or arbitrarily determined order or manner; or providing for the payment of moneys or the granting or giving of any consideration of any money or personal property, real or mixed, greater in value or represented to be greater in value than the amount paid in upon such contracts or agreements, together with the actual net earnings accrued and accumulated thereon ; or providing for the loaning of the funds contributed by the subscribers to or the holders of such contracts or agreements to such subscribers or holders in any fixed or arbitrarily determined order or manner; or for the making of loans or advance from such funds to or for such subscribers or holders to be repaid in installments; and shall have the right to place or sell bonds, certificates or debentures on the partial payment or installment plan (Sec. 4, Chap. 5, 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Investment of Capital Shall Make Deposits With Commissioner. 589. All corporations hereafter chartered shall invest not less than thirty-three and one-third per cent of its capital stock in securities of the kinds in which by law it is permitted to invest or loan its funds and shall deposit the same with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking for the common benefit of all the holders of all contracts issued by it. All savings and contract loan companies as herein defined shall keep on deposit with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking at all times an amount equal to the legal reserve required by this act on all its out- standing contracts, which amount shall be either in cash or in such securities as it is permitted by law to invest in ? which said deposit of capital stock and reserve securities shall be held by the said Commis- sioner in trust for the common benefit of all the holders of contracts issued by such corporations. Any such company may deposit the law- ful money of the United States in lieu of the securities above referred to or any portion thereof and may also for the purpose of such deposit convey to said Commissioner in trust the real estate in which any por- tion of said capital or reserve may be lawfully invested, and in such case said Commissioner shall hold the title thereto in trust until other securi- ties in lieu thereof shall be deposited with him, whereupon he shall re- convey the same to such company; said Commissioner may cause any such securities or real estate to be appraised and valued prior to their being deposited with or conveyed to him in trust as aforesaid ; the reason- able expense of which is to be paid by the company. (Sec. 5, Chap. 5, 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Commissioner Shall Certify Registration of All Contracts. 590. All contracts issued by any such company shall have upon their face a certificate substantially in the following words: "This contract is registered, and approved securities equal in value to the legal reserve hereon are held in trust by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 217 of the State of Texas," which certificate shall be signed by the Com- missioner and sealed with the seal of his office. (Id.) All Contracts Shall Be Approved and Marked for Identification. 591. All contracts, whether bonds, debentures, or whatsoever form or class, shall be first submitted to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking before their issuance and be approved by him as fair to the purchaser thereof, to the corporation and to its stockholders, and .shall have printed thereon some appropriate designating letter or figure, com- bination of letters or figures or terms identifying the particular form of contract, together with the year of the adoption of such form, and whenever any change or modification is made in the form of contract, the designating letters, figures or terms and year of adoption shall be correspondingly changed. (Sec. 5, Chap. 5, 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Commissioner Shall Register Contracts and Make Annual Valuation of Same. 592. The Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall prepare and keep such registers thereof as will enable him to commute the value of such contracts at any time. Upon written proof, attested by the presi- dent or vice-president and secretary -of the company which shall have issued such contracts that any of them have been commuted or termi- nated, the Commissioner shall commute or cancel them upon his register, and until such proof is furnished, all registered contracts sjiall be con- sidered in force for the purpose of this act. The net value of every contract according to the standard prescribed herein for the valuation of such contracts, when the first installment shall have been paid thereon, less the amount of such liens as the company may have against it (not exceeding such value) shall be entered opposite the records of each con- tract in the register aforesaid at the time such record is made. On the first day of January of each year, or within sixty days thereafter, the Commissioner shall cause the contracts of each company chartered here- under or operating hereunder to be carefully valued, and the actual value thereof at the time fixed for such valuation, less such liens as the com- pany may have against it, not exceeding such valuation, shall be entered upon the register opposite the record of such policy or bond, and the Commissioner shall furnish a certificate of the aggregate of such val- uation. (Id.) Additional Deposits Shall Be Made and the Amount on Deposit Shall Always Be Equal to the Value of the Contracts. 593. Each company shall make additional deposits from time to time, in amounts of not less than one thousand dollars, and of such securities as are permitted by this act to be deposited, so that the market value of the securities deposited shall always be equal to the net value of the contracts issued by said company, less such items as the company may have against them not exceeding such net value. So long as any company shall maintain its deposit as herein prescribed at an amount equal to or in excess of the net value of its contracts, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to sign and affix his seal to the certificate 218 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. before mentioned on every contract presented to him for that purpose by any such company. (Id.) Company May Increase or Withdraw Deposits. 594. Any company depositing under the provisions of this act may increase its deposits at any time by making additional deposits of not less than one thousand dollars of such securities as are authorized by this chapter. Any such company whose deposits exceed the net value of the contracts which it has in force, less its liens thereon (not exceed- ing such value) may withdraw such excess and it may withdraw such securities at any time by depositing others of equal value and of the character authorized by this act in their stead, and it may collect in- terest, coupons, rents, and other income on the securities deposited, as the same accrues. (Id.) How and Where Securities Shall Be Kept. 595. The securities deposited under this act shall be placed and kept by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of the State in some secure, safety deposit fireproof box or vault in the city or town in or near the home office of the company, and the officers of the company shall have access to such securities for the purpose of detaching interest coupons and crediting payments and exchanging securities as above provided, under such reasonable rules and regulations as the Commis- sioner may establish. (Id.) Fees for Placing Certificate of Commissioner on Contracts and Disposition of Same. 596. Every company making deposit under the provisions of this act shall pay to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking for each certificate placed on such contracts a fee of ten cents, and the fee so received shall be disposed of by the said Commissioner as follows: (1) The payment of the rent or hire of the safety deposit fireproof box as above provided. (2) Payment of the services of a competent and reliable represent- ative of said Commissioner to be appointed by him, who shall have direct charge of the securities and the safety deposit containing same, and through whom and under whose supervision the company may have access to the securities for the purpose above provided. The sum paid such representative shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars per annum for each such company. (3) The balance of such fees shall be paid to or be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the general fund. (Sec. 7, Chap. 5, 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Securities in Which Capital Is Invested May Be Included in Reserve De- posit Deposits Shall Be Increased as Reserves Increase Company Cannot Pay Commissions to Officers for Writing Contract. " 597. Any company chartered hereunder may include as a part of its reserve deposits the remaining of its capital stock, if the same has been paid in and invested in such securities as such company is permitted by law to invest in. Deposits of securities hereunder to the value of the reserve on all outstanding contracts shall be added to and maintained INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 21'J from time to time as the reserve values increase, by the company issuing such contracts, or by any company which may assume them, and such securities shall be held by the Commissioner and his successors in office in trust for the benefit of such contracts as long as they shall remain in force. No company chartered hereunder shall pay or contract to pay, directly or indirectly, to its president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer or actuary, any commission or compensation contingent upon the writing of contracts or upon the continuous payment of installments upon such contracts, and should any company violate the provisions of this section, .it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking to revoke its certificate of authority to transact business until such illegal contract has been abrogated and all funds paid thereunder paid into the company. (Sec. 8, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Officers Shall Give Bond. 598. All officers of the company having charge or through whose hands pass any funds or securities of any such company shall give bond to the company in the form approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and in such amount as may be fixed by the board of direc- tors to be not less than five per cent of the capital stock of any such corporation and in no event less than one thousand dollars. (Id.) By-Laws, Contract Forms and Advertising 1 Matter Shall Be Approved by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. 599. The by-laws, all forms of contracts and all literature in circular or permanent form, which undertake to state the benefits and advantages of the contract to the investor or holder thereof, shall be first submitted to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking for his examination and approval before such advertisements are promulgated and before such contracts are issued. If the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall approve such literature or contracts, then the same may be thereafter issued and sold. If he should disapprove the same, such company may institute a proceed- ing in any court of competent jurisdiction and venue to review his action thereon. (Sec. 9, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Impairment of Capital Forfeits Authority to Do Business Receiver May Be Appointed. 600. Any such company chartered hereunder whose capital stock shall become impaired to the extent of thirty-three and one-third per cent thereof, computing its liabilities according to the terms of this act, shall make good such impairment within sixty days by reduction of its capital stock or otherwise, provided its capital stock may never be re- duced below the minimum required by this act, and failure to make good such impairment within said time shall forfeit its right to write new business in this State until such impairment shall have been made good ; and provided that the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver to wind up the affairs of the company when its capital stock shall become impaired to the extent of fifty per cent, provided also that its affairs may be placed in the hands of a receiver by the Commissioner 220 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. and by the State, acting through the Attorney General, when its assets shall not equal its liabilities, in which shall be included its outstanding debts, and its contract reserves, plus fifty per cent of its capital stock. (id.) Company Must Have Certificate of Authority to Do Business. 601. No foreign or domestic company shall transact ' business under this act unless it shall first procure from the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a certificate of authority stating that the requirements of the laws of this State have been fully complied with by it and authorizing it to do business in this State. Such certificate of authority shall expire on the last day of February in each year and shall be renewed annually so long as the company shall continue to comply with the laws of the State, such renewals to be granted upon the same terms and conditions as the original certificate. (Sec. 10, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Requisites for Obtaining Authority to Do Business. 602. In order to obtain a certificate of authority the corporation must deposit with the Commissioner certified copy of its articles of asso- ciation or incorporation, its by-laws, and the detailed statement of its plans for doing business, together with copies of all contracts and agree- ments proposed to be used in the conduct of its business. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner to investigate and thoroughly examine into all such matters and if he finds that the law has been complied with and that the business proposed to be done is not in conflict with laws and Constitution of this State, he shall grant a certificate authorizing such corporation to do business and such contracts and plans so sub- mitted and approved shall not in any manner be changed or altered until the portion changed is submitted to and approved by the Commissioner. (W.) Contract May Be Surrendered and Cancelled for Cash or Paid Up Cer- tificate. 603. No contract or agreement by any corporation chartered or doing business hereunder shall be forfeited for non-payment but upon a failure to pay upon the same according to the terms thereof for a period of three months, the same may be cancelled and the holder thereof shall be credited with all payments made to the reserve fund as provided in Sec- tion 12 hereof and such payments and such credit shall be payable to the holder in cash or paid-up certificate within sixty days thereafter at the option of the holder provided he surrenders at the time of demand such cancelled contract or agreement. (Sec. 11, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Conditions Under Which Contract May Be Withdrawn Before Maturity. 604. The holder of any contract issued hereunder may withdraw the same at any time upon ninety days written notice and shall be entitled to receive thereafter on demand the full amount paid into the 3aid loan or reserve fund, provided six consecutive monthly payments of dues have been paid on the contract, in addition to the purchase price of said INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 221 contract, less 15 per cent if the same is withdrawn after six months and before twelve months. If the same is withdrawn after one year and before two years after date the amount paid into the loan and reserve fund less ten per cent of such amount, and if withdrawn after two years and before three years after the date hereof he shall receive the full amount paid into said reserve fund, less five per cent, and if withdrawn after three years after date hereof, he shall receive the full amount paid into said reserve fund, together with three per cent interest thereon; provided that the certificate holder may at his option accept a paid-up certificate of contract for the amount to the credit of the contract in the reserve fund, plus three per cent interest to the date of withdrawal, which certificate shall bear five per cent annual interest, and be payable not later than the maturity date of the original contract. (Sec. 12, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Note.^A savings and contract loan company has a provision in its contract issued to its customers to the effect that when a member has paid the required installments for six consecutive months, he shall be entitled to receive a loan out of the loan or trust fund, provided his contract has been reached and funds accumulated for a loan in its regular numerical order, and if such funds are accumulated prior to 15 per cent of the face value of the contract having been paid thereon, the member shall have the right, at his option, to advance the difference required to make up said 15 per cent, and immediately secure the loan. In connection with the provision, if a company has on hand more than $250,000, this would indicate that the operation of such contracts does not enable the members to procure loans as rapidly as the funds accumulate and in accordance with the privileges guaranteed them, or the members are not making applica- tions for loans with ordinary rapidity. Such a condition would indicate that a different form of contract should be used. (Opinion of Attorney General, August 8, 1921.) Liabilities of Contracts and Expense Deduction Denned. 605. The liabilities of the contracts issued by any corporation trans- acting business hereunder shall at all times be the amount paid into the loan or reserve fund, together with interest at the rate of three per cent per annum thereon, less sixteen and two-thirds per cent paid to loan or reserve fund, which may be deducted for expenses, to become the actual property of the corporation, eighty-three and one-third per cent of amount paid into loan or reserve fund, together with three per cent thereon shall constitute the certificate or contract reserve of the company, which must be invested in approved securities to be deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking as herein provided. The six- teen and two-thirds per cent of all sums collected and here referred to as the expense deduction shall become the absolute property of the corpora- tion, and shall be carried on its books as an expense and profit deduction. Provided, however, that any corporation may require the payments into the expense fund before any amount shall be paid into the reserve fund of a loaning charge of not exceeding two and four-tenths per cent of the face of the loan value of the contract as the expense of selling and book- ing the contract. (Sec. 13, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Dividends Must Be Paid From Surplus Profits Only Penalty for Viola- tion of This Requirement. 606. It shall not be lawful for any company organized hereunder to make any dividends, except from surplus profits arising from its busi- 222 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. ness, and in estimating such profits there shall be reserved therefrom the lawful reserve on all unexpired contracts, and also the amount of all unpaid withdrawals or cancelled certificates and all other debts due and payable or to become due and payable by the company. Any dividends made contrary to the provisions of this article shall subject the company making them to a forfeiture of its charter, and the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall forthwith revoke its certificate of author- ity; provided, that he shall give such company at least ten days notice in writing of his intention to revoke such certificate, stating specifically the reason why he intends to revoke the same. (Sec. 14, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Securities in Which Funds of Company May Be Invested. 607. Corporations chartered hereunder shall invest their funds in the following and no other way : (1) If building or loan association, in such manner and in such property as building and loan associations are permitted to invest their funds under the building and loan laws of this State. (2) In the purchase of lands or building lots and erecting build- ings and improvements thereon, or in the purchase of lands and improve- ments, shall be or be contracted to be sold to a certificate holder of the company, payable by the periodical contribution of the certificates of the association or in periodical installments of such period of time as shall be agreed upon and designated in the by-laws of the company; at the expiration of which term all payments having been made, the lands, dwelling and improvements so sold and conveyed to such certificate holder shall become the property of the grantee discharged from further payment. (3) In loans to certificate holders- on bonds secured by mortgage which shall be a first lien on real estate located in the State where the contract holder resides at the time such contract is issued and not to exceed sixty-five per cent of the cash value thereof, payable in certifi- cates of the company or by periodical installments; except where any company holds a mortgage on real estate which is a first lien, such com- pany may increase its loan thereon and secure the same by a second or subsequent mortgage; provided, the total indebtedness to the company, less the amount paid on certificates pledged for such loan shall not exceed sixty-five per centum of the cash value of the real estate loaned on and all mortgages held by such company shall be prior to any other incumbrance on said real estate. (4) In the redemption of certificates or contracts of the company. (5) In loans upon the pledged or collateral security of the certifi- cates or contracts of the company not to exceed ninety per cent of the withdrawal value of such contracts. (6) In loans to persons not certificate holders without pledge or their contracts as collateral security, on bonds secured by mortgage which shall be a first lien on improved real estate in this 'State not to exceed two-thirds of the cash value thereof; provided, however, a purchase money mortgage or vendor's lien given to any company upon real estate sold by it shall not be considered a loan within the meaning of this subdivision. (7) In the purchase, so long as the present war between the United INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. 223 States of America and the Imperial Government of Germany shall con- tinue, of liberty bonds issued by the United States Congress and in such short time certificates of indebtedness as may have been heretofore or as may hereafter be authorized by the United States Congress. (Sec. 15, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg., as amended by Chap. 45, Acts 4th Called Session, 35th Leg.) May Invest in Such Securities as Life Insurance Companies May In- vest in. 608. Corporations chartered hereunder may invest in or loan upon any of the securities in which life insurance companies are permitted to invest in or loan upon in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 4734, Revised Civil Statutes, 1911. (Sec. 16, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Note. Where a savings and contract loan company invests its funds in notes or bonds secured by a first lien on real estate and where such security consists in part of improvements insured against fire, such fire insurance in amount need not be in excess of an amount sufficient to cover the loan and all incidental lia- bility. (Opinion of Attorney General, July 19, 1921.) Purchases and Loans Shall Be Made Only Upon Report of Loan Com- mittee. 609. No real estate shall be purchased by any such company or any loan made upon bond and mortgage except upon a report in writing of the loan committee of such corporation signed by them, certifying to the kind and quality, and value of the real estate in question to the best of their judgment; such report shall be filed and preserved among the records of the company and any stockholder shall have access to such reports. (Sec. 17, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) How Property of Company Shall Be Rendered for Taxation. 610. Corporations chartered hereunder shall be required to render for State, county and municipal taxation all of their real estate as other real estate is rendered, and all of the personal property of such company shall be valued as other property is valued for assessment in this State in the following manner: From the total valuation of its assets shall be deducted the reserve, being the amount of the debts of such com- pany by reason of its outstanding certificates or contracts, and from the remainder shall be deducted the assessed valuation of all the real estate owned by the company and the then remainder shall be the assessed taxable valuation of its personal property. For the purpose of State, county and municipal taxation, the sites of all personal property be- longing to such companies shall be at the home office of. such company. (Sec. 18, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Annual Report Required of Foreign Company. 611. Any corporation having authority to transact the business per- mitted by this act incorporated under the laws of any other State, ter- ritory or country desiring to transact such business in this State, shall furnish the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking with a written or printed statement under oath of the president or vice-president or treas- urer and secretary of such company, which shall show: 224 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. (a) The name and locality of the company. (b) The amount of its capital stock. (c) The amount of its capital stock paid up. (d) The assets of the company., including: (1) The amount. of cash on hand and in the hands of other persons, naming such persons and their residences. (2) Real estate income, where situated and its value. (3) The bonds owned by the company and how they are secured and the rate of interest thereon. (4) Debts due the company secured by mortgage, describing the property mortgaged and the market value. (5) Debts otherwise secured stating how secured. (6) Debts due or to become due on certificates oT contracts. (7) All other moneys and securities. (e) Amount of liabilities of the company, stating the name of the person or corporation to whom liable. (f) Contracts surrendered or cancelled and unliquidated and all other matters of liability in suspense. (g) Provided, however, that the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may require other additional facts to be shown by such state- ment. The same character of statement shall be made annually and each company shall be required to file a similar statement not later than March 1st of each year. (Sec. 19, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Other Papers Required to Be Filed by Foreign Companies. 612. Such foreign company shall accompany such statement with a certified copy of its articles of incorporation, of all amendments thereto, and a copy of its by-laws, together with the name and residence of each of its officers and directors, all of which must be certified to under the hand of the president or secretary of such corporation; he shall also furnish copies of its contracts and a detailed statement of its plans for doing business in the same manner that these are required to be fur- nished by domestic companies. (Sec. 20, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Ses- sion, 34th Leg.) Capital Stock and Deposits of Foreign Companies. 613. Such foreign company must as to its capital stock be in con- formity with the provisions of this act relative to domestic companies. Whenever the existing or future laws of any other State, or territory of the United States, or of any other country, shall require of companies chartered under this act any deposit of securities from such other State, territory or country before transacting business therein, then in all such cases such company shall before doing any business in this State be required to make the same deposit of securities with the Treasurer of this State. (Sec. 21, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Note. Such corporations, if foreign, in order to obtain a permit to operate in Texas, must show compliance with the requirements of this Act as to the subscription of the entire capital stock the payment of one-half thereof in money at the time of organization and the payment in money of the remainder within two years from the date of its organization. (Opinion of Attorney General, June 21, 1921.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TKX \-. 225 Deposits of Securities Covering Part of Capital and Also Covering Re- serves of Foreign Companies Are Required. 614. No company, incorporated or organized under the laws of any other State, territory or country, shall transact business in this State, unless it shall first deposit and keep deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State for the benefit of all the contract holders of such company, an amount of securities, such as domestic com- panies may invest in, equal to not less than thirty-three and one-third per cent of its capital stock; provided, however, that if a deposit of approved securities has been made under the laws of the State, territory or country chartering such corporation in such manner as to secure equally all the contract holders of such company, then no deposit shall be required in this State as to said thirty- three and one-third per cent of the capital stock, but a certificate of such deposit under the hand and seal of the officer of such other State with whom the same has been made shall be filed with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking. The reserves of such company, however, not organized under the laws of this State shall be invested in securities or property of the same classes as that in which home companies are required to invest their reserves and such reserves shall be deposited with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking in the same manner as that of domestic com- panies. (Sec. 22, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Foreign Companies Shall File Power of Attorney Designating Commis- sioner of Insurance and Banking as Attorney for Service. 615. Each such foreign company shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking of this State an irrevocable power of attorney, duly executed, constituting and appointing the Commissioner of Insur- ance and Banking of this State and his successors in office, or any officer or board which may hereafter be clothed with the powers and duties now devolved upon said Commissioner, its duly authorized agent and attorney in fact for the purpose of accepting service for it, or being served with citation in any suit brought against it in any court of this State, by any person, or by or to or for the use of the State of Texas, and consenting that the service of any civil service upon him as its attorney for such purpose in any suit or proceeding shall be taken and held to be valid, waiving all claim and right to object to such service or to any error by reason of such service ; and said appointment, agency and power of attorney shall by its terms and recitals provide that it shall continue and remain in force and effect so long as such company con- tinues to do business in this State or to collect amounts due on its con- tracts from citizens of this State, and so long as it shall have outstand- ing contracts in this State and until all claims of every character held by citizens of this State or by the State of Texas against such company shall have been settled. Said power of attorney shall be signed by the president or vice-president and the secretary of such company, wlv>se signature shall be attested by the seal of the company, and the officers signing the same shall acknowledge the same before some officer author- ized to take acknowledgments ; said power of attorney shall be embodied in and be approved and its execution authorized by resolution of the board of directors of such company, and a copy of such resolution duly certified by the proper officers of such company, shall be filed with the 226 INSURANCE LAWS or TEXAS. said power of attorney in the office of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking in this State and shall be recorded by him in a book kept for that purpose, there to remain a permanent record of said depart- ment. The provisions of Revised Civil Statutes, Article 4773 and Article 4774 shall apply to powers of attorney provided for herein, and the duties of the Commissioner shall be the same as they are provided for in said article of the statute with reference to foreign life insurance com- panies. (Sec. 23, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Venue of Suits Against Company. 616. Suit on contracts may be instituted and prosecuted against any company issuing the same in the county where the home office of such company is located or where it may have an agent. (Sec. 24, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Agents of Company Must Be Licensed and Must Give Bond. 617. All agents of any company transacting business hereunder must be licensed by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and in order to obtain such license, it must be made to appear that such agent or agents are of good moral character and of good repute in their com- munities for honesty and fair dealing; and they must tender to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a bond in form to be furnished by him in any sum not less than one thousand nor more than five thousand dollars, payable to the State of Texas for the use and benefit of any person who may be aggrieved by the action and conduct of such agent in the sale of any contract for the company of which he is licensed as an agent. Such agents must be licensed annually in the same man- ner that life insurance agents are licensed and such bond must be given by them. Such bond may be sued upon by any person having cause of action against such agent in any court of competent jurisdiction with- out the necessity of making the State of Texas or the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking a party to the suit; and repeated suits may be brought thereon until the entire amount thereof has been exhausted. (Sec. 24, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Officers and Directors Prohibited Under Penalty From Having Any In- terest in Purchases or Loans of the Company. 618. No director or officer of any company transacting business in this State or organized under the laws of this State shall receive any money or valuable thing for negotiating, procuring, recommending or aiding in any purchase or sale by any such company of any property or any loan from such company, nor be pecuniarily in- terested, directly or indirectly, either as principal, co-principal, agent or beneficiary in any such purchase, sale or loan; provided that nothing contained in this article shall prevent the company from making a lo&n upon a contract by the borrower not in excess of the reserve value thereof. Any person violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. (Sec. 25, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. Officer and Agents Prohibited Under Penalty From Misrepresenting Con- tracts. 619. Any officer or agent of any company acting under the provi- sions of this act who shall knowingly misrepresent any material fact relative to the contract or certificate issued or to be issued and sold by any such company to any purchaser thereof, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall be punished by fine of not less than five hun- dred dollars or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a period of time not more than three years or by both such imprisonment and fine. (Sec. 26, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Penalties for Doing- Business Without First Complying With the Law. 620. No person, firm, corporation, or association of persons or joint stock company shall hereafter engage in this State in the business pro- vided for in this act, except in compliance with this act, and any cor- poration which does so engage shall have its charter forfeited by suit of the Attorney General and shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars a day nor greater than five hundred dollars a day for each day that it does so engage ; all such suits to be brought as other penalty suits which the Attorney General is authorized to bring; any person who does so engage in violation of the provisions hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor for each and every day such person is so en- gaged and shall be punished by fine not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars for each offense; provided each day shall be a separate offense; provided, however, that existing corporations, in- dividuals, associations and joint stock companies engaged in the busi- ness defined in this act at the time this measure goes into effect shall have twelve months thereafter to adjust their business affairs and bring their business under the terms of this act; provided, however, that they must within sixty days after this act goes into effect submit a statement of their business to the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, to- gether with the certificate of their intention to accept the provisions of this act, and comply therewith. (Sec. 27, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Note. Co-operative savings and contract companies or associations are sub- ject to the supervision of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking whether such concerns are incorporated or unincorporated and are required to comply with all the provisions of the law, Chapter 5, Acts of the First Called Session of the Thirty -fourth Legislature and all amendments thereto. (Opinion of At- torney General, April 10, 1919.) Certain Companies, Associations and Persons Are Governed by This Act. 621. All bond investment companies operating in this State under the. terms and provisions of Chapter 25 of Title 25, Revised Civil Stat- utes of this State, 1911, and all corporations engaging in the business in this State defined in this act, and all individuals, associations and joint stock companies unincorporated, shall be governed by this act in the manner herein set forth. Individuals, joint stock associations and associations unincorporated shall instead of a charter file a certificate with the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking acknowledged by them by their officers accepting the provisions of this act and specifying and setting apart the amount of capital stock to be used in their business. 228 INSURANCE LAWS OF TEXAS. In all other respects they shall be governed by the terms and provisions thereof. (Sec. 28, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) Any Section of This Act Held Unconstitutional Shall Not Apply to Be- mainder General Corporation Laws and General Laws as to Charges Shall Apply to Corporations Operating Under This Act. 622. Should any section of this act be held unconstitutional or void for any reason or as to any particular company, corporation, individual or association, such holding shall not affect the remainder of the" act. The general corporation laws of this State where not in conflict here- with shall govern corporations chartered or operating under this act; and the general laws specifying charges which may be made by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking shall apply to corporations chartered or operating hereunder. (Sec. 29, Chap. 5, Acts 1st Called Session, 34th Leg.) INDEX. (Figures Refer to Sections.) Access to Books Commissioner shall have, 36, 37, 517. Commissioner and treasurer are entitled to, 40. Accident Insurance Affidavits, 393. Agents, 462 to 484. Amendments to charter, 71, 122. Annual meeting, 396. Annual statement, 75, 121, 129, 400. Assessment, 395, 401, 402, 403. Beneficiary, 402, 404. Business, what constitutes, 395. By-laws, 122, 394, 397, 401, 404, 405. Capital stock, 69, 71, 72, 114, 118, 123. Certificate of authority, 74, 76, 77. Certificate of membership, 401. Charter, 49, 50, 51, 69, 70, 71, 118, 122, 271, 392, 393, 394. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Deposits, 98, 124 to 127. Defined, 68. Directors, 70, 82, 122, 392, 394, 397. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Dividends, 119, 396. Examination,, 74, 398, 399. Fees, 70, 394, 400. Fire, Marine or Inland Insurance, 96. Foreign, 121 to 131. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 489, 522. Incorporation, 69, 70, 122, 228, 391. Industrial Accident Board, 335 to 349. Industrial Insurance, 118. Inquiries must answer, 42. Investments and loans, 55, 56, 57, 128, 240. Liabilities on policies, 94, 95, 401, 402. Life, Health and Accident Insurance Co. (Home), 68 to 120. Life, Health and Accident Insurance Co. (Foreign), 121 to 131. Mutual Assessment Accident Insurance Co. (Home), 391 to 407. Losses, when payable, 94, 95. Non-competing companies may consolidate, 267. Officers, 122. Policy forms, 116. Real estate holdings, 81. Reinsurance, 83. Reserve, 16. Reserve fund, 401. Service of process, 93. Stock certificates, 396. Stockholders, 59, 60, 61, 62, 65, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 84, 267, 268. Suits on policies, 92. Taxation, 91, 97, 275 to 279. Terms defined, 68. Workmen's Compensation, 380. 23'0 INDEX. Action Anti-trust law, 556, 558, 561, 564, 565, 566, 572. Attorney General, 37, 138, 144, 168, 233, 238, 420, 517, 558, 561, 565, 566, 572. Citizens, city, town or village, 211. Civic organization, 211. Cause of, shall survive, 331. Commissioner, 78. Company, 143, 211. County or district attorney, 565, 566. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 517. Policyholders, 78, 211. State Fire Insurance Commission, 211. Stockholders, 78. Surety company bonds, 256. Workmen's Compensation Law, 299 to 303, 331, 342, 343, 375, 382. Administrator Fidelity,, Guaranty and Surety Companies may act as, 250. Admission Fees Mutual Accident Companies, 394, 395. Advertising Mutual Aid Association, 524. State Treasurer's receipt, 97, 145. Sales of stock, 532. Affidavit- Agents for excessive insurance, 182 (4). Corporators, 70, 225, 393. False, 129. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503. Mutual Accident Company's Corporators, 393. Reinsurance, 182 (2). Resident agents, as to, 471. Agents r- Affidavit as to resident agents, 471. Anti-trust law, 564, 568, 570. Application for license, 165, 440, 477, 525. Attorneys exempt from agency laws, 465. Blue Sky Law, under, 527, 535, .536, 538, 545. 'Cause to revoke license, how ascertained, 217, 478. Certificate of authority, 77, 165, 446, 462, 466, 476, 477, 524, 525. Commissioner or clerk cannot be, 8. Commissions paid to licensed agents only, 472. Common carriers, property exempt from Resident Agent Law, 470. Company only, shall be agent of, 475. Contract with company, 165. Co-Operative Savings -and Contract Loan Companies, 617-619. Corporation cannot be agent, 476. Defined, 258, 465. Designation of officer to employ, 477. Dividing commissions with unlicensed persons, 472. Embezzlement, 481. Examination of, 36. Excess insurance in unauthorized companies, 182 (457). Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 228, 470. INDEX. 231 Agents Continued. Fire, Marine, Fidelity and Casualty Companies, 201, 213, 217, 463, 470 to 474. Fraudulent insurance, 469, 480, 481, 482. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 525. General agents' occupation tax, 483, 484. Liable to policyholder, 468. License, 77, 165, 456, 462, 463, 467, 468, 477, 478, 479. Life Companies, 77, 111, 142, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482. List of, 539. Misdemeanor, 289, 466, 479, 480, 482, 525, 545. Misrepresentation of policy, 293, 469. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 456. Mutual Life Insurance Co., 165. Non-resident, 470 to 474. Officer designated to employ, 474. Penalties, 463, 464, 466 to 470, 472, 473, 479, 480, 481, 482. Policyholder, when personally liable to, 468. Rebates and discriminations, 213, 214, 289. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 446, 439 to 442, 444, 447, 448. Requisition for license, 477, 525. Resident agents, all policies must be issued through, 470 to 474. Revocation of license, 473, 477, 478. Stock company cannot be agent, 476. Taxes, subject to payment of, 467, 483, 484. Unlicensed, 462, 463, 466, 472. Withdrawn companies, 142. Annual Report To Governor by Commissioner, 25. To Insurance Commissioners, copy of, 26. To Legislature, 43. Annual Statement Arranged in tabular form for report, 43. Assessment Companies, 149. Casualty Companies, 229, 230, 231. County Mutual, 453. Commissioner's report, 43. Co-Opera tive Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 611. Fee for filing, 47, 75, 150, 245, 400, 425, 437. Filed when, 180. Fire and Marine Companies, 180, 181. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 252. Foreign Companies, 121, 507, 611. Form, Commissioner may change, 30, 75, 230, 514. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 496, 507, 514. Gross premiums collected, 229, 275. Investments in Texas Securities, 136, 137. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 75, 121, 136, 137. Local Mutual Aid Societies, 524. Mutual Accident Companies, 400. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 456, 460. Mutual Fire, Storm, Lightning and Hail Companies, 412. Mutual Hail Companies, 436. Mutual Life Companies, 164. Premium receipts, 137. Printers' Mutual Companies, ,453. Reciprocal Indemnity, attorney of, 444. Taxes, 137, 138, 140, 141, 275, 276, 277. 232 INDEX. Anti-Rebate Laws Fire companies,, 213, 214. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 289. Anti-Trust Law, 551 to 573 Actions, have precedence, 566. Agents' actions, 564, 568, 570. Attorney General, 556, 558, 561, 565, 566, 572. Boycott, 553. Business, to abstain from engaging or continuing in, 551. Combinations of persons, firms or corporations, 551, 552, 553. Competition, to prevent or lessen, 551, 552, 568. Consolidation of Insurance Companies, 267. Consolidation of stock, bonds, franchise or properties, 552. Conspiracy in restraint of trade, 553, 554, 567, 569. Contract or agreement void, 562. County or District Attorney, 561, 572. Defaulting corporations, successor to, 557, 560. Definitions, 551, 552, 553. Fees of County and District Attorney, 561, 573. Felony, 568 to 571. Foreign Corporations, 558. Forfeiture of charter and franchise, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560. Injunction, 558. Investigation of violation of law, 565. Justice of the Peace, 565. Management or control, two or more corporations under same, 552. Monopoly, 552, 554, 567, 569. Outside this State, trusts formed, 569. . Penalties, 555, 557, 561, 562, 563, 564, 567 to 570. Prices, to fix, maintain or control, 551. Prohibited trusts, monopolies and conspiracies, 554. Quo warranto proceedings, 556, 559. Rebates, 567, 568. Restrictions of trade, 551, 553. Trusts, 551, 552, 554, 567, 569. Venue, 556, 558, 561, 571. Witnesses, sworn and subject to contempt, 565. Appeal Industrial Accident Board, 340, 341. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 340, 341. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 521. Application for Policy Agent cannot change, 475. Defense, account of misrepresentation, 280, 281, 282, 286, 294. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 499, 503. Fraudulent misrepresentation, 282. May be made part of policy, 286, 288. Misrepresentation, 280, 281, 286, 288. Mutual Accident Companies, 393. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 410, 415. Notice of misrepresentation, 280, 286. Photographic or printed copy, 286. Part of contract, 283, 288. Reciprocal contracts ; 440. INDI:\. 233 Application Charter, Mutual Hail Company, 431. For receiver, domestic fraternal societies, 518. Insurance on mutual plan, 393, 409, 429. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 447. Shall contain, 409, 429. Apportionment of Surplus to Policyholders Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 159. Appointment Clerks, 5. Commissioner, 1. Commissioner as Attorney for Service, 130, 149, 252, 256, 459, 507, 508, 582, 615. Directors Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 351. Industrial Accident Board, members of, 335, 336. State Fire Insurance Commission, members of, 192. Assessment Life or Natural Premium Company, 149 to 151. Assessment Life or Casualty Companies Annual statement, 149. Assets necessary, 149. Certificate of compliance, 149. Certificate of payment in full, 149. Charter, must file certified copy, 149. Commissioner appointed Attorney for Service, 149. Constitution and by-laws, certified copy, 149. Exempt from certain laws, 292. Fees, 150. Fraternal Benefit Societies exempt, 151. Licensed, 149. Prerequisites to being licensed, 149. Assessments Fraternal Benefit Societies, 494, 500, 503, 514> 516. Mutual Accident Companies, 395, 401, 402, 403, 405. Mutual Burglary, Robbery or Transportation Loss Companies, 458. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 410, 414, 415, 417. Mutual Hail Companies, 429, 430, 433. Natural Premium Companies, 149. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 363 to 370. Assets and Liabilities Assessment Companies, 149. Casualty Companies, 229. Consolidation of companies, 269, 270. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 252. Fire and Marine Insurance Companies, 181. Life, Health and Accident Insurance Companies, 75, 121. Mutual Fire, Lightning, 'Hail and Storm Insurance Companies, 419, 420. Mutual Life Insurance Companies. 164. Assignee Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, may act as, 250. Association Definition of "Association," 378. Corporate powers of, shall not expire, 376. 23'4 INDEX. Assumed Bisk Workmen's Compensation Law, no defense, 297, 302. Attachment Compensation exempt from, 299. Deposits, exempt from, 252. Fraternal Benefit Society benefit, exempt, 512. Attorney for Service Assessment Companies, 149. Blue Sky Law, 544. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 615. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 251, 252, 256. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 507, 508. Life Companies, 130. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 459. Reciprocal Exchange, 441. Attorney General Anti -trust laws, 556, 558, 561, 565, 566, 572. Approving charter, 49, 70, 152, 225, 393, 394. Approve reinsurance contract under fire insurance company's bond, 177. Certificate of authority revoked, 212, 216. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 517. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152, 168. Receiver, skall ask for, 233, 517. Reports to, 21, 138, 411, 517. Suits filed, 37, 138, 140, 144, 168, 233, 239, 382, 420, 517, 556, .558, 561, 565, 566, 572. Taxes, 138, 140. Mutual Accident Companies, 393, 394. Mutual Hail Companies, inspection of records, 434, 436. Automobile Insurance Fire Companies, 170. Casualty Companies, 223. i Average Weekly Wages Definition, 378. Paid to injured employe, 310, 314, 315, 317, 326. Beneficiary Definition, 68. Fraternal Benefit Society, 490, 491, 495, 498, 500, 511, 512. Life Insurance Company, 120. Mutual Accident Company, 402, 403. Workmen's Compensation Act, 299, 302, 309, 310, 311, 313, 332, 341, 343, 378, 383, 384, 386. Benefits Fraternal Benefit Society, 489, 493, 500, 512, 516. Mutual Accident Companies, 401. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 413. Blanks- Commissioner shall furnish, 22. Mutual Hail Companies, 436. INDEX. 235 Blue Sky Law, 527 to 550 Advertising literature, 532. Addresses of promoters or corporation officers, 529. Agents of corporation, 527, 535, 536, 538, 545. Appeal from refusal to issue permit, 537. Attorney for Service, 544. Banks and Trust Companies exempt, 548. Bonds, 536, 538. Books of corporation, 541. Cancellation of permit, 538, 542. Capital stock, amount of, 529, 543. Change of price of stock, 529. Charter, copy filed, 530. Commissions, 527, 530, 533, 536, 540. Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, 529, 530, 531, 533, 536, 537, 538 539, 541, 542, 543, 544, 546, 549, 550. Corporations subject to this act, 527. Cumulative, this act is, 547. Definitions of Commissioner and Secretary, 550. Deposit of collections on sales, 540. Deposit of fees, 549. Domicile of corporation, 529. Examinations, 549. Exemption for certain corporations, 548. Expenses, incident to sale of stock, 527, 530, 533, 536. Expert employed, 531. Extension of time for sale, 546. Failure to organize, 546. . Filing of documents, 529, 530, 532, 539. Filing fee, 529. Form of contracts, stocks or deeds, 529. Foreign Companies, 530, 543, 544. Future sale of stock, 534. Inspection of books, 541. Insurance Companies Act, does not apply to, 543. Interest of salesman in sale, 536. Increase of stock, 527 to 530. List of names of officers, agents, etc., 539. Loan Companies, 543. Location of corporation, 529. Mining, Oil or Gas Corporation, 528, 531. Misdemeanor, 545. Misrepresentation, 538. Money for sale of stock deposited in bank, 540. Name of corporation, 529. New bond, 538. Officers of corporation, 531, 539, 540, 545. Organizer, 541. Organization fee, 527. Penalties, 545. Permit, 532, 533, 534, 538, 542, 543, 545. Power of attorney, 544. Price of stock, 529, 533. Promoter, 529, 531, 535, 539, 541, 546, 548. Promotion fee, 527, 528, 530, 533, 535, 536, 540. Railroad Companies exempt, 548. Sale of stock, 527, 529, 542, 543, 544, 545. Secretary of State, 529 to 533, 538, 539, 541, 546, 549, 550. Service of legal process, 544. Statements to be filed, 529 to 532. Stock, already sold, 534. 23'6 INDEX. Blue Sky Law, 527 to 550 Continued. Stock brokers exempt, 548. Stock, considered paid for when ; 535. Stock, unsold, 534. Subscriber must be refunded, when, 546. Subscription list and contracts, 537. Suit to reinstate permit, 542. Suit upon bond, 538. Townsite Corporation, 528, 529, 531, 532. Value of property must be given, 531. Board Contracts Dividends of Life Companies, 84, 119, 289. Bonds Approval of, 250. Blue Sky Law, 536, 537, 538. Cancellation by Surety Companies, 260. Chief clerk, 6. Commissioner, 4. Co-Opera tive Savings and Contract Loan Company's officers, 598, 617. Deposit in lieu of, 178. Excess insurance broker, 182 (5). Farmers Loan Act, issued under, 134. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies may make, 250, 251, 253. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies may withdraw, 254, 260. Foreign Fire Company, 176, 177, 178, 179. .Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 501, 503. Mutual Life Insurance Company's officers, 153. Officers of company. 153. 415. 432. 452. Printers' Mutual Company. 452. Securities withdrawn, in lieu of. 254. State and county officials. 250, 251, 252. Suit on. 256. Unauthorized Surety Company, made by, 259. Withdrawal from, 255. 260. Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Mutual Companies, 454 to 461. Burglary and Theft Insurance Companies Agents, 462 to 484. Application, 455. Certificate of authority, Mutual Companies, 456. Organization, 223, 454, 455. Resident agents, 470 to 474. Business of Insurance Companies cannot transact both fire and life, 96. Life Insurance Companies, 28. Mutual Assessment Accident Companies, 395. Mutual Burglary and Robbery Companies, 456. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 153, 160. Must be transacted through agents, 470. By-Laws Adoptions, 70, 153, 352. Assessment Companies, 149, 252. Casualty Companies, 225, 228. Co-Operative Life Companies, 153. INDEX. 237 By-Laws Continued. Foreign Companies, 122. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 486, 487, 490, 499, 501, 503, 507, 510, 511, 513, 514. Home Companies, 64. Mutual Accident Companies, 394, 397, 401, 404, 405. Mutual Fire, Storm, Lightning and Hail Companies, 410, 414, 415. Mutual Hail Companies, 432. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 352, 353, 354. Capital Stock- Annual statement, 181, 229. Bona fide property of company, 52, 74. Blue Sky Law, 527, 529, 530, 533 to 536, 538, 540, 541, 543, 544, 545. Casualty Companies, 50, 51, 226, 227, 235, 247. Change and reinvest, 57. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 587, 589, 600, 613. Consists of what, 55. Consolidated Companies, 268, 269, 270. Deposits, 97, 108, 145. Fidelity and Surety Companies, 72, 250, 252, 291. Foreign Companies, 123. Fractional snares may be voted, 72. Home Company, all kinds, 50, 54, 55, 57, 72. Impairment, 18, 114, 172, 173, 174. Increased or reduced, 71, 72, 114, 235, 247. Industrial Companies, 72, 118. Investments of, 55, 57, 80, 227. Liability Companies, 227, 291. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 69, 72, 73, 114, 118, 123. Live Stock Companies, 222. Mutual Accident Companies have none, 391, 396. New, 174. Paid up, 33, 51, 69, 74, 123. Shares, 54, 69, 72, 73. Casualty Insurance Companies, 223 to 248 Affidavit of corporators, 225. Agents, 462 to 474, 478 to 482. Annual statement, 229, 230, 231, 236. By-laws, 225, 228. Capital stock, 50, 55, 57, 72, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 235, 247. Certificate of authority, 51, 227, 238, 243. Charter, 49, 50, 51, 224, 225, 271. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Corporate powers, 228. Corporators, number of, 223. Cumulative statute, 248. Deposits, 227, 231, 234, 237. Directors, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 225, 226, 228, 236. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Dividends, 236. Employers' liability, experience, reports and calculation, 388 to 390. Examination, 51, 52, 232, 233. Fees, 244, 245. Forfeit for doing business without license, 238. Fraternal- Benefit Society, 489. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Investments and loans, 227, 240. Laws applicable to Fire and Life Companies govern, 290, 291. 238 INDEX. Casualty Insurance Companies, 223 to 248 Continued. Name, 50, 224. Officers, 226, 227, 228. Organization, 49, 223, 291. Penalty suits, 239. Purposes for which incorporated, 223. Real estate holdings, 241, 242, Service of process, 246. Statute applies only to companies under it, 244. Taxation, 275 to 279. Stock subscription books, 226. Venue for penalty suits, 239. Certified Copies of Papers Charter, 122, 409. Commissioner shall furnish, 11, 24, 45, 46, 70, 77, 152. Evidence, received as, 41. Fees for, 46, 47, 70, 225, 394, 400. Certificate of Authority- Agents 77, 166, 447, 462, 463, 466, 476, 478, 479, 525. Assessment Companies, 149. Blue Sky Law, 532, 533, 536. Burglary, Robbery and Loss in Transportation Mutual Companies, 456. Casualty Companies, 20, 33, 44, 51, 227, 233, 243. Certified copy for agent, 77. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 601, 602. Excess insurance broker, 182 (4), (5), (6). Expiration, 33, 74, 76, 117, 142, 165, 166, 506. Fees, 46, 47, 76, 165, 245, 400, 506, 507. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 253, 254, 257, 259. Fire Companies, 20, 33, 44, 51, 409, 447. Foreign Companies, conditions precedent, 117, 507. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 506, 507. Home Companies, 51. Issued, 33, 51, 74, 76, 117, 243, 447, 452, 470, 473, 474, 506, 507, 532, 533. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 20, 33, 36, 44, 74, 76, 117, 132, 135, 140, 142, 476, 477 to 482. Mutual Accident Companies, 394, 399. Mutual Fire, Storm and Lightning Companies, Printers' Mutual Companies, 409, 410, 411, 420, 423, 429, 430. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152, 153, 164. Publication of, 263, 274. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 447. Renewals, 76, 95, 117. Revocation, 18, 20, 33, 36, 44, 111, 119, 161, 182 (3), 212, 216, 233, 257,. 261, 399, 411, 420, 423, 447, 477, 478, 515, 519, 521. Surrender by Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 254. Suspension, 20, 36, 411, 423. Taxes must be paid before issuance, 276. Void, 95. Certificate- Compliance, 149, 507. Fraternal Benefit Society, of, 489, 494, 495, 497, 498, 503, 507, 514, 521. Preliminary, to solicit members, 152, 409, 429, 503. Taxes, 138, 140, 276. Certificate of Deposit Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 252. Foreign Companies, 127, 252. Life Companies, registration of policies, 99. INDEX. 239 Certificate of Membership Mutual Assessment Accident Company, 401. Certificate of Payment in Full Assessment Companies, 149. Certificate of Re-Insurance Casualty Companies, 182. Fire Companies, 182. Marine Companies, 182. Certificate of Stock- Issue' of new after impairment, 173, 174. Return of, after impairment, 173. Mutual Accident Company has none, 396. Certificate of Valuation Foreign Companies, 14, 15. Charter Amendments, 71, 122, 499, 504. Assessment Companies, 149, 392, 393, 394, 406. Attorney General, submitted to, 49, 70, 225, 393, 394. Casualty Companies, 49, 50, 51, 224, 225. Consolidated Companies, 271. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 585. Fee for filing, 47, 70, 225, 394, 425, 437. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 249, 252. Filing, 11, 49, 70, 225, 410, 494, 503, 504, 507. Foreign Companies, 122, 506, 507. Forfeiture, 119, 406, 420, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 499, 503, 504, 507. Home Companies, 49, 50, 51. Investment Companies, 531, 532. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 69, 70, 71, 122. Mutual Accident Companies, 392, 393, 394. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 456. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 410, 420. Mutual Hail Companies, 430, 431. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152. Chief Clerk Appointment, 5. Bond, 6. Duties, 6. Claims State Treasurer to pay, when company has defaulted, 257. Filing claims, time limited, 338. Clerks Department, 5. Insurance Commission, 198, 199. Industrial Accident Board, 337. Co-insurance Clause Exemption, as to, 187, 209. Forbidden in policies, 186, 208, 209. 240 INDEX. Collection of Interest On securities, may be permitted by Treasurer, 237. Commissioner Appointment, 1. Bond and oath, 4. Clerks, 5, 6. Inability to act, 6. Insurance Commission Chairman, 192, 193. Of other States, 26, 27. Records of State Treasurer, access to, 40. Seal, 7. Term of office, 2. Title, 7. Vacancies, 3. Commissioner's Duties, 9 to 48 Action, may maintain, 78. Annual statement, for, 30, 75, 121, 165, 230, 231, 400, 611. Approval, 370, 505, 591. Apportionment of surplus, 160. Blanks, shall furnish, 22. Blue Sky Law, 529, 530, 533, 536 to 539, 541, 542, 549, 550. Bonds, shall approve, 176, 182 (5), 501, 503, 598, 617. Books, access to companies, 37. Business, shall suspend, 20, 28, 600, 606. Casualty Companies' policies, 231. Capital, impairment, 18, 114, 123, 172, 173, 174, 600. Certified copies of records given, 11, 24, 45, 77, 225, 394. Certificate of authority, shall issue, 33, 51, 74, 76, 117, 149, 152, 227, 243, 253. 409, 410, 424, 429, 430, 447, 452, 477, 503, 533, 601, 602. Certificate of registration of policies, 99, 103, 104. Certificate of reinsurance, 182. Certificate of valuation, 14, 15. Certificate revoked, 18, 20, 33, 36, 37, 44, 111, 119, 143, 152, 168, 182, 212, 216, 233, 257, 261, 289, 399, 411, 420, 447, 477, 478, 515, 519, 521, 538, 542, 600, 606. Certify taxes to Treasurer, 138, 276. Charters, 28, 49, 51, 69, 70, 71, 152, 224, 225, 393, 394, 456, 585. Contracts, shall approve, 591, 599, 602. Deposits, must approve, 97, 98, 128, 252, 589. Examinations, 19, 36, 51, 52, 74, 140, 153, 167, 168, 232, 233, 399, 411, 419, 444, 474, 517, 519, 549, 586. Examiners, may appoint, 37, 232, 517, 519, 586. Fees, 46, 47, 107, 165, 400, 425, 437, 503, 506. Fee book, 48. File papers, 11. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 505, 506, 517, 519. Inquiry, may make, 42. Insurance Commission, 189, 211, 212, 216, 220. Laws, shall execute, 10. License granted, 362. License refused, 266. Mutilated policies, shall cancel, 102. Mutual Accident Companies, 394, 399. Mutual Companies, shall admit, 29, 409, 410, 424, 430. Net value of policies, 12, 13, 14, 34. Policies, shall value, 12, 13, 14, 16, 34, 35, 101, 156. Policy forms, shall approve, 116, 160. Real estate, forced sale, 242. Registration of policies, 99, 101, 103, 590, 592. INDEX. 241 Commissioner's Lfuties Continued. Registration fees, how distributed, 107, 596. Reports, 21, 25, 26, 27, 43, 136, 137, 138. Reinsurance contracts, 83, 177. Reserve calculation, 12, 16, 17, 34, 35, 264, 390, 592. Resident agents' law, 473, 474. Securities, shall keep record, 104, 106, 109, 110, 614. Securities, transfer to Treasurer, 38, 39, 40. Service of process, 131, 252, 256, 508, 615. State Fire Insurance Commission, member of, 192. Suits, shall institute, 18, 37. Witness refusing to testify, 31. Workmen's Compensation, 333, 360, 362, 370, 380, 381. Complaints Insurance Commission, 210. Rates of Fire Insurance, 210. Commission Blue Sky Law, 527, 530, 533. Companies shall not pay to officers, 111, 113. Agent of company prohibited from paying, 472. Compensation Actions for, 309, 339, 340, 341, 342. Amount of, 310 to 317, 330. Begins on eighth day, 304. Beneficiaries, 310, 311, 313, 332. Death cases, 311, 312. Employes of subcontractor, 342. Funeral benefit, 313. Medical aid, medicine and hospital service, 304, 305, 306, 307. Minors or mentally incompetent injured workmen, 326, 327. Payable when, 314, 315, 318, 319, 320, 329, 338, 343, 347, 348, 349, 386. Partial incapacity, 315, 316. Specified injuries, 317. Total incapacity, 314, 316. Waiver of rights to, 328. Consolidation of Companies, 267 to 273 Anti-trust laws must not be violated, 267. Assets, 269, 270. Capital stock, 268, 269, 270. Charter, 271. Dissolution of absorbed companies, 272. Name, 269. Non-Competing Companies, 267. Policies assumed by reorganized companies, 273. Stockholders' meeting, 268. Value of stock, 269. Conspiracy in Restraint of Trade Defined, 553. Penalties, 555, 557, 561, 563, 567 to 571. Prohibited, 554. Constitution and By-La'ws Amendments, 499, 503, 504, 513. Assessment Companies, 149. Fraternal Beneficiary Association, 486, 487, 489, 493, 497, 499, 501, 503, 504, 507, 514. Mutual Accident Companies, 396, 397, 401, 405. 242 INDEX. Contributory Negligence Workmen's Compensation Law, no defense, 297, 302. Contracts Co-operative Savings and Contract Loan Compani Approval, 591, 599, 602. Cancellation, 603. Registration, 590, 592, 596. Withdrawal, 604. Valuation, 592. Co-operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies Agents, 617, 619. Annual statement, 611. Attorney for Service, 615. Bonds, 598, 617. Capital stock, 587, 589, 600, 613. Certificate of authority, 601, 602. Charter, 585. Contracts, approval, 591, 599, 602. Contracts, cancellation and withdrawal, 603, 604. Contracts, registration and valuation, 590, 592, 596. Constitutionality, 622. Custodian, 596. Deposits, 589, 593, 594, 597, 605. Dividends, 606. Examinations, 586. Fees, 596. Foreign companies, 611 to 615. Investments, 607, 608, 609. . Loan or reserve fund, 605. Officers, 597, 598, 618, 619. Organization, 585, 602. (Other companies included, 621.) Penalties, 600, 606, 618, 619, 620. Powers and authority, 588. Receiver, 600. Reserves, 592, 597, 605. Securities, 589, 595, 607, 614. Taxation, 610. Venue, 616. Corporation Agent, cannot be, 476. Blue Sky Law, 527 to 550. Casualty Companies, 228. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 250. May be organized to do one or more kinds of insurance, 291. Mutual Hail Companies, 428. Printers' Mutual Associations, 451. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, may exchange, 438, 445. Corporation Laws Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 585. Govern insurance companies, 67, 79. Life Companies, 148. Corporators Casualty Companies, 225, 226. Certify to capital stock, 52. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 69, 70. Mutual Fire, Lightning and Hail Companies, 408, 409. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152. Stockholders' meetings, 70, 225. INDEX. 243 Credit Insurance Companies Organization, 223. County Occupation Tax Prohibited,. 278. Debts- Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Company, 252. Mutual Life Insurance Company, 155. Declaration Reciprocal indemnity attorney shall be filed, 440. Defense Misrepresentation in policy application, 280, 281, 282, 286. Technical provisions in fire policy, 184, 185. Workmen's Compensation Act, 297, 302. Definitions Agents of insurance companies, 258, 465. Association, 378. Average weekly wages, 378. Beneficiary, 68, 378. Board, 384. Company, 68. Conspiracy in restraint of trade, 553. Employe, 378. Employer, 378. Foreign Companies, 68. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 485. Gross premium receipts, 275. Home office of company, 68. Home or domestic companies, 68. Insured, 68. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 68. Lloyds, 594. Lodge system, 486. Monopoly, 552. Mutual Accident Companies, 395. Net assets, 68. Policyholders, 68. Profits, 68. Representative form of government, 487. Subscriber, Workmen's Compensation, 378. Texas securities, 133, 134. Trust, 551. Workmen's Compensation Act, 316, 378, 384. Deposits Approved by Commissioner, 97, 145, 252. Blue Sky Law, under, 540, 549. Casualty Companies, 227, 231, 234, 237. Commissioner shall keep record, 104. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 589, 593, 594, 597, 605. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 250, 252, 254. Fire Companies, 178, 426. Foreign Companies, 124,, 125, 126, 127, 178, 250, 252. Home Companies, 97, 98, 145, 227, 231, 234, 237, 250, 252, 254. Increased, may be, 105, 227. Interest on, 237, 252. INDEX. Deposits Continued. Liable for judgment, 126. Life Companies, reserve, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112. Life, Health and Accident Companies, capital stock, 97, 145. Mutual Fire, Storm, Lightning and Hail Companies, 426, 434. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 154. Not required, when, 127. Reciprocal, 124. Reciprocal Exchange, 440 (g). Trustee, with, 252. Withdrawal, 105, 234, 237, 254 ; 426. Directors Casualty Companies, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 225, 228. Choose officers, 63, 153. Commissioner or clerk ineligible, 8. Co-Operative Life Companies, 153, 154. Election and term of office, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 70, 153, 225, 226. Foreign Companies, 122, 130. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503. Investments, loans and deposits, 82, 113. Keep records, 65. Make by-laws, 64, 153, 225. Meetings, 60, 61, 62. Misrepresentation of policy, 293. Mutual Accident Companies, 392, 394, 397. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 410. Mutual Hail Companies, 431, 432, 435. Number and qualifications, 58, 70, 503. Purchase, sale or loan, by or to companies, 82, 113. Quorum, 66. Resolution of, designating person to employ agents, 477. Vacancies, 66. Workmen's Compensation, Employers' Insurance Association, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 363, 369. Disbursements Life Companies, 86. Discrimination Fire Companies, 213, 214. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 289. Distribution of Funds Fraternal and Benefit Societies, 495, 502. Dividends Casualty Companies, 119, 236. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 606. Fire Companies, 264, 265. Health Companies, 119, 264, 265. Life Companies, 84, 119, 159, 264, 265, 293. Marine and Inland Companies, 264, 265. Misrepresentation of, 293. Mutual Accident Companies, 396. Reciprocal Exchange, 444. Surplus profits, 119, 236, 293. Workmen's Compensation Act, 363, 366, 370. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 418. Mutual Hail Companies, 433. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 159. Unlawful, 84, 119, 236, 264, 265. INDEX. 245 Domestic Servants Exempt from Workmen's Compensation Law, 298. Embezzlement Agent of company, 481. Employers Workmen's Compensation Act, 299, 300, 302, 303, 324, 325, 336, 342, 344, 356, 357, 372, 378. Employes Action against employer, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303. Assumed risk, 297, 302. Contributory negligence shall not be a defense, 297, 302. Deceased, leaves legal beneficiaries, 310. Deceased, loaves no legal beneficiaries, 313. Definition, 378, 379. Death of injured, 302, 303, 310 to 313, 319, 329, 331. Fellow servant, 297, 302. Injured, what compensation shall receive, 301, 304 to 323, 326, 329, 330, 334, 341, 342, 343, 349, 375. Examination of, before board, 338. Number necessary, 358, 359, 360, 361. Non-subscriber, employes of, 302. Record of injuries, 344. Suits by, 302. Employers' Liability Reports as to experience, 388, 389, 390. Reserve liability of company, 388, 389, 390. Workmen's Compensation Law, 325, 375. Evidence Fire Marshal's acts, 200. Instruments and certified copies of records, 41. Insurance Commission Law, 218. Examinations Agents, 36, 201. All companies, 51, 474. Blue Sky Law, 549. Casualty Companies, 51, 52, 53, 232, 233. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 586. Expenses, by whom paid, 36, 74, 140, 152, 166, 250, 399, 411, 474, 517, 519, 549. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 250. Fire Companies, 51, 52, 53, 411, 419, 420. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 517, 519, 520. Home Companies, 51, 52, 53, 411, 419, 436, 503, 507, 517, 520. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 36, 37, 74, 140. Lloyds Exchange, 579. Medical, shall make, 161. Mutual Accident Companies, 398, 399. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 411, 419, 420, 436. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 166, 167. Reciprocal Exchanges, 444. Reports made and filed, 53. Reports published, 19. Resident agent's law, 474. State Fire Insurance Commission, 201. When and how made, 36, 37, 51, -52, 53, 74, 140, 152, 167, 168, 232, 411, 419, 436, 517, 519, 549. 246 INDEX. Excess Insurance Unauthorized companies, in, 182 (4, 5, 6). Executor Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 250. Exemplary Damages Workmen's Compensation Law, 303, 375. Exemption of Certain Societies Blue Sky Law, 548.- Fraternal Benefit Society Law, 147, 151, 275, 292, 488, 522, 523, 524. Expenses Blue Sky Law, incident to stock sales, 527, 529, 530. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 605. Examinations, 36, 74, 140, 152, 166, 250, 399, 411, 474, 517, 519, 549. Fire Marshal, 199. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 500, 502, 517, 519. Insurance Commission, 193, 194, 220, 278. Local Mutual Aid Societies, 524. Mutual Accident Companies, 401. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 417. Mutual Hail Companies, 433, 434, 436. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 157. Workmen's Compensation Act, 313, 337. Fees Assessment Companies, 150. Attorneys in anti-trust suits, 561, 573. Blue Sky Law, 529, 549. Casualty Companies, 245. Certificate, 46, 245. Certificate of authority, 47, 76, 164, 245, 410, 425, 437, 506, 507, 525. Certified copy of records, 46, 47, 70, 225, 394, 400. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 596. Examinations, 47, 517, 519. Excess insurance broker, 182 (4). Fee book, 48. Filing documents, 11, 47, 70, 75, 150, 164, 225, 245, 250, 394, 425, 437. Filing statement, Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Company, 250. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 506, 507, 525. Industrial Accident Board, 346. Lloyds Exchange, 577 to 582. Mutual Accident Companies, 394, 400. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 461. Mutual Fire, Storm, Lightning and Hail Companies, 409, 410, 425. Mutual Hail Insurance Companies, 430, 437. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 164. Must be paid, 266. Printers' Mutual Companies, 452. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 448. Registration of policies, 107. State Treasurer, paid over to, 48, 107. Valuing policies, 47. Federal Court Removal of suit, 33. Fellow Servant's Negligence Workmen's Compensation Law, no defense, 297, 301. INDEX. 247 Felony Agent, 481. Anti-trust laws, 563, 567, 569, 570. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies' officers and agents, 619. False statement or report, 129. Misappropriation of funtfs, 421. Mutual Accident Companies, 407. Officer's false statement, 129. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 421. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 154. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Company Administrator, executor or guardian, may act as, 250. Agents, 251, 258, 462 to 484. Annual statement, 252. Assets, 252. Assignee may act as, 250. Attorney for service, 251, 252, 256. Bond in lieu of deposits, 254. Bonds, may be surety on, 250, 251, 252. Bond of State or county official, 250, 251. Capital stock, 50, 51, 55, 57, 250, 252, 291. Cancellation of bond, 254, 260. Certificate of authority, 51, 253, 257, 259, 261. Charter, 49, 50, 252. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Deposits, 250, 252, 254, 257. Directors, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Examination, 51, 52, 53, 250. Fee for filing copy of statement, 250. Fiduciary and depository business, may do, 250. Foreign, 250, 252. Home Companies, in Texas only, deposit, 252. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Interest on deposits, 252. Investments, 55, 56, 57. Liabilities, 252. Loss, failure to pay, 257. Name, 50. Organization, 49, 250, 291. Penalty for accepting bond made by unlicensed company, 259. Penalty when bond is improperly canceled, 260. Powers, 250, 251. Publication of statement, 251. Public use, charged with, 262. Purpose for which incorporated, 249, 250. Receiver, may act as, 250. Refusal to guarantee again, 260. Reinsurance, 254. Reserve, 16, 252, 254. Resident agents, 470 to 474. Securities deposited, 250, 252, 254. Service of process, 252, 256. Surrender of certificate of authority, 254. Surety or guarantor, may act as, 250, 251, 252. Taxation, 275 to 279. Trustee, may act as, 250. Unlicensed companies, accepting bonds made by, 259. Venue, suit on bonds, 251, 256. Withdrawal from bond, 255, 260. 248 INDEX. Fiduciary and Depository Business Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies may do, 250. Fire Companies Agents, 201, 213, 217, 462 to 484. Annual statement, 180, 181. Assets shown in annual statement, 181 (5). Association of companies, 266. Automobiles, may insure, 170. Bond, 176 to 179. Capital stock, 50, 51, 55, 57, 171, 172, 173, 174. Certificate of authority, 51, 182, 191, 261. Charter, 49, 50, 51, 271. Co-insurance clause, 186, 187, 209. Companies subject to commission law, 191. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Directors, 58, 59. 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Disbursements shown in annual statement, 181 (8). Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Dividends, 264, 265. Examination, 51, 52, 201. Excess insurance, 182, 470. Expenses of Insurance Board, 220, 278. Fees and taxes must be paid, 266. Fire loss, may insure, 170. Foreign, 176, 177, 178, 179. Impairment of capital stock, 172, 173, 174. Income shown in annual statement, 181 (7). Inquiries, must answer, 42. Insurance Board Law repealed, 189. Investments and loans, 55, 56, 175. Joint policies, 266. Laws governing other companies, 290. Liabilities shown in annual statement, 181 (6). Life and health business, cannot do, 28, 96. Losses, record and classification of, 195. Marine loss, may insure, 170. Mortgagee, interest in policy, 188. Mutual, 219, 278, 408 to 427, 451, 452, 453. Name, 49. Organization, 49, 408, 409, 410. Penalties, 214, 216, 217, 264, 420, 421. Policy, 183, 184, 185,' 186, 187, 188, 208, 209, 215, 266, 273. Powers, 170, 175. Premium collections, 215. Premium rates, regulation of, 190, 194, 195, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215. Publication of certificate of authority, 263, 274. Real estate holdings, 175. Rebates and discriminations, 213, 214. Reinsurance, 170, 177, 182. Reserve, 16, 264, 418. Resident agents, 470 to 474. Risk, limit of one, 182. Securities deposited in lieu of bond, 178. Surplus profits, 264. State Fire Insurance Commission Law, 221, 278. Taxation, 266, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279. Technical provisions in policies, 184, 185. Unauthorized companies, 182, 465. Valued policy, 183. INDEX. 249 Fire Losses Annual, to be ascertained and make record, 195. Fire Marshal Authority and powers of, 198, 199, 200. Duties of, 197. State Fire Insurance Commission, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200. Foreign Companies .* Annual statement, 121, 180, 181, 207, 611. Anti-trust laws, 558. Bond, 176, 177, 178, 179, 617. Blue Sky Law, 530, 543, 544. By-laws, 122, 149, 507. Charter, 122, 149, 507, 612. Conditions under which they operate, 295. Defined, 68. Directors, 122. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 252. Fire Companies, 176, 177, 178, 179. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 507, 519, 521. Investments, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 144, 146. Life, policy may contain, 89. Losses, 94, 95. Mutual Fjre, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 424. Officers, 122. Suits on policies, 92. Forfeiture Casualty Companies, unlicensed, 238. Charter and franchise, 119, 400, 406, 420, 503, 515, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 515. Mutual Accident Companies, 406. Form Number Policies shall have printed thereon, 100. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 485 to 526 Accident, 489. Accumulation basis of valuation, 516. Advanced payment during organization, 503. Affidavit relating to organization, 503. Age limit of members, 592, 593, 595. Agents, 525. Amendments to charter, constitution and laws, 499, 503, 504, 513. Annual license, 506, 507. Annual statements, 496, 507, 514. Annual valuation, 489, 514, 515, 516. Application for membership, 498, 503. Assessments, or premiums, 494, 500, 503, 514, 516. Attorney for service, 507, 508. Attorney General, Commissioner report to, 517. Beneficiaries, 490, 491, 495, 498, 500, 511, 512. Benefits 489, 493, 500, 512, 516. Benefit not attachable, 512. Bond, 501, 503. Burial Association, 524. Certificate of authority, 503, 506, 507, 515, 519, 521, 525. Certificate of compliance, 507. Certificate or policy, 489, 494, 495, 497, 498, 499, 503, 507. 250 INDEX. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 485 to 526- Continued. Charter, 499, 503, 507, 511. Children's insurance, 493 to 499. Constitution, 486, 487, 493, 499, 501, 503, 504, 507. Credits to individual members, 516. Death and disability benefits, 489, 493, 494, 500. Defined, 485. Deferred payments, 500. Disease, 489. Distribution of funds, 502. Dissolution, 517, 518. Eleemosynary and educational societies may be beneficiaries, 500. Enjoined from carrying on business, 517. Examination, 503, 507, 517, 519, 520. Exceeding its powers, 517. Exempt from certain laws, 147, 151, 275, 292, 488. Exemptions, 147, 151, 275, 292, 488, 522, 523, 524. Expenses, 500, 502, 507, 517, 519. Extra assessments may be levied, 514. Extended protection, 489. Failure to comply with law, 517, 521. False statements, 525. Fees, 506, 507, 525. Fixed liabilities, 500. Foreign, 507, 519, 521. Forfeiture of charter, 479, 503. Funds, 495, 496, 497, 500, 501, 502, 505, 510, 514, 515, 516. Future security, provisions to insure, 514, 515, 516. Funeral benefits, 489. Governing body, 487, 503, 505, 509. Installments of claims, 500. Investment of funds, 147, 501, 507. Laws of association, 485, 486, 487, 490, 493, 497, 499, 501, 503, 504, 507, 510, 513, 514. Laws repealed, 526. Limitation as to amount of benefit certificate, 522. Loans of local lodges, 501. Loan on policy, 489. Local Mutual Aid Societies, 524. Lodge system, 485, 486, 493. Maintaining a certain financial condition, 515. Medical examination, 492, 494, 522. Meetings of governing body, 487, 509. Meetings of subordinate lodge, 486. Membership, 492, 498, 503, 505, 510, 511, 515 to 517, 522, 524. Mergers and transfers, 496, 505. Minimum assessment collection in organizing, 503. Misdemeanor, 525. Mortuary funds, 502, 503. Name of association, 503. Notice of actions against, 517, 521. Number of members necessary, 503, 517, 522, 524. Office location, 509. Officers and directors, 487, 503, 510, 511. Old age, 489. One hazardous occupation, 522. Organization, 503. Paid up protection, 489. Payment of benefits, 510. Penalties, 519, 521, 524. Periodical contributions, 500, 514. INDEX. 251 Fraternal Benefit Societies, 485 to 526 Continued. Personal liability, officers and members, 510. Power of attorney, appointing attorney for service, 507, 508. Powers of associations, 503, 504. Preliminary certificate of authority, 503. Proceedings for dissolution, 521. Process, service of legal, 507, 508. Publication of affairs, 520. Purpose of organization, 503. Quo warranto action, 517. Receiver appointed, 517, 518. Refusal of license, 507. Reincorporation, 504. Reinsurance, 505. Religious or charitable societies, 491, 522. Report of valuation, 514. Representative form of government, 485, 487. Reserve, 489, 495, 500, 503. Revocation or refusal of license, 507, 515, 519, 521. Separate class of members or certificates, 493 to 498, 515. Separate jurisdiction plan, 511. Solvency, 514, 516. State organization, 511. Subordinate lodge, investments by, 501. Supreme governing body, 487. Surplus, 501, 516. Tabular basis of valuation, 516. Tables of mortality, 489, 500, 503, 514, 516. Taxes, exempt from occupation, 523. Term certificate, 489. Temporary or permanent disability, 489. Tombstones, 489. Transfer or consolidation of membership, 505. Valuation of policies, 489, 500, 503, 514, 515, 522. Waiver of constitution and laws forbidden, 511. Whole family insurance, 493 to 498. Withdrawal equities, 489. Funds Fraternal Benefit Societies, 495, 496, 497, 500, 501, 502, 505, 510, 514, 515, 516. Handling of, by directors or officers, 114. Mutual Companies may invest, 416, 434. Garnishment Compensation exempt from. 299. Fraternal Benefit Society benefit exempt, 512. General Basis Schedule State Fire Insurance Commission, 194, 201, 202, 203, 206, 211. Governor Insurance Commission, appoints members, 192. Reinsurance contracts, approves, 177. Report of Commissioner, 25. Government Representative form of, defined, 487. 252 INDEX. Gross Premium Receipts Defined, 275. Reported, 137, 140, 141, 275, 276. Taxation, 137, 138, 140, 141, 275, 276. Guardian Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies may act as, 250. Workmen's Compensation Act, 327. Hail Companies Mutual, 29, 407 to 437. Health Companies Annual statement, 75, 121, 129. Association of companies, 266. Capital stock, 69, 114, 118, 123, 227. Certificate of authority, 74, 76, 233, 243, 263. Charter, 49, 69, 70, 71, 122, 224, 271. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Defined, 68. Deposits, 97, 124, 125, 126, 127. Directors, 70, 82. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Dividends, 119, 264, 265. Fees and taxes must be paid, 266. Fire, Marine, Lightning, Tornado and Inland business cannot do, 28, Foreign, 121 to 131. Home office location, 50, 69. Incorporation of, 69, 223. Industrial Insurance, 118. Inquiries, 42. Investments and loans, 55, 56, 128. Joint policies, 266. Losses, when payable, 94, 95. Mutual, 123, 402. Organization, 69, 223. Penalties, 265. Policies, suits on, 92. Policy forms, 116. Publication of certificate of authority, 263. Real estate holdings, 81. Reinsurance, 83. Reserve, 16, 264. Service of process, 93. Surplus profits, 119, 264. Taxation, 91, 97, 266, 275 to 278. Venue in suits, 92. Hearings Complaints to Insurance Board, 210, 211. Home Companies Annual statement, 75. Capital stock, 50, 54, 55, 57, 69, 222, 291. Charter, 49, 50, 51, 69, 224, 225, 392, 393, 410, 430, 431, 503. Defined, 68. Directors, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 82. Dividends, 119, 264, 265. Examinations, 51, 52, 53, 411. 419, 436, 503, 507, 517, 520. Investments, 55, 56, 57, 80, 113, 154, 175. INDEX. 253 Home Companies Continued. Liability Companies, 290, 291. Losses, 94, 95. Mutual Accident, 391 to 407. Policies, suits on, 92. Reserve, 264. Service of process, 93. Taxation, 91, 97. Home Office of Companies Denned, 68. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 501. Investments and loans, 133. Location named in charter, 50, 69, 392, 410. Mutual Accident Companies, 392. Impairment of Capital Stock Commissioner's duty, 18, 121, 172, 173, 174. Fire and Marine Companies, 173, 174. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 114. Indemnity Contracts Reciprocal, 438 to 450. Industrial Accident Board, 311, 329, 335 to 349, 381, 384 Appointment, 335. Clerical help, 335, 337. Expenses, 335, 337. Fees, 346. Members, 336, 337. Officers and offices, 337. Notice to, 339, 344, 348. Quorum and seal, 345. Reports of injuries, 305. Refund of part of premium, 381. Rules and powers, 306, 307, 308, 321, 329, 330, 338, 340, 341, 346 to 349. Industrial Life, Accident and Health Companies Capital stock of company, 118. x Organization of company, 118. Policy forms, 116. Ineligibility of Certain Persons, 8 Inquiries Companies must answer, 42. Injuries * Action for, 297, 302. Defense to action for, 297, 302. Workmen's Compensation, 297 to 305, 316, 317, 319, 320, 339, 344, 371, 374. Insured Defined, 68. Interest on Deposits Commissioner may permit collection, 106. State Treasurer may permit collection, .97, 237. 254: INDEX. Investments and Loans Capital stock and other funds, 55, 56, 57, 80, 113, 128, 132 to 136, 227, 240. Casualty Companies, 227, 240. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 607, 608, 609. Directors, 82, 113. Exempt from investments, 146, 147. Foreign Companies, 128. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 147, 501, 507. Home Companies, all kinds, 55, 56, 78. Life Companies, 80, 113, 132, 133, 134, 135, 142, 144, 146, 148, 155. Loaning funds only, 148. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 416. Mutual Hail Companies, 434, 436. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 153, 157, 163. Penalty for failure to make, 144. Taxes reduced by investments, 137, 277. Schedule to be filed, 136. Texas reserves, 132, 133, 134, 135, 146. Texas securities, 132, 133, 134, 135, 146. Judgments Deposit liable for, 126. Liability, under Workmen's Compensation Law, 375. Must be paid, when, 44, 95, 257, 375. Laborers Exemption of certain, from Workmen's Compensation, 298. Legislature Report to, 43. Liability- Fraternal Benefit Societies, 500, 510. Total permanent, 312, 316, 317, 327, 329. No personal, 510. Mutual Accident Company, 401, 402. Mutual Burglary and Loss in Transportation Companies, 458. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 414, 415. Liability Insurance' Compani Agents, 462 to 484. Capital stock, 291. Organization, 223, 291. Reports as to experience, 388, 389. Reserves, how calculated, 388, 389, 390. Resident agents, 470 to 474. Workmen's Compensation, 325, 380. License Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 5851 Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 506, 521, 525. Lloyds Exchange, 576. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 409, 410, 420, 424. Mutual Hail Companies, 430. Revocation of license, 18, 20, 33, 36, 44, 111, 119, 161, 182 (3), 212, 216, 233, 257, 261, 399, 411, 583, 600/606, 620. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 333, 360, 362. Lien Fire Companies cannot avoid responsibility, 208. INDEX. 255 Life Companies Agents, 111, 142, 462 to 484. Annual statement, 75, 121, 136, 137. Assessment, 150, 151, 292. Association of companies, 266. Attorney for service, 130, 131. Beneficiaries, 120. Capital stock, 69, 114, 118, 123, 145. Certificate of authority, 75, 77, 135, 140 to 143, 148, 153, 263. Charter, 28, 69, 70, 71, 122, 152, 271. Commissions, shall not pay officers, 111. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Corporation cannot be agent, 476. Deposits, 97, 98, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 113, 124, 125, 126, 127, 145, 154. Defined, 68. Directors, 70, 82, 113, 122, 152, 153, 477. Discrimination, 289. Disbursements, 86. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Dividends, 84, 119, 264, 265. Estimates on policies, 293. Examinations, 36, 37, 74, 140, 152. Fees, 47, 70, 76, 107, 150, 164, 265. Fire, Marine, Lightning, Tornado and Inland business, cannot do, 28, 96. Foreign, 121 to 131. Form numbers, 100. Home office location, 69. Industrial Insurance, 118. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Investments and loans, 80, 113, 128, 132 to 136, 142, 144, 145, 148, 154. Joint policies, 266. Laws govern other companies, 290. Legal reserve, 132, 134, 135, 136. Loan business, only, 148. Losses, when payable, 94, 95. Misrepresentation of policies, 280, 281, 282, 286, 293. Mutual, 123. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152 to 169. Name, 69, 152. Officer to employ agents, 477. Officers, 122. Organization, 69, 152. Penalties, 265, 289. Pension, shall not grant, 85. Policies, Foreign Company, 89. Policy, legal requirements of, 87, 89, 282, 283, 286, 287, 288. Policy, shall not contain, 88, 283 to 288. Policies, shall contain, 88, 282, 283 to 288. Policies, suits on, 92, 280, 281, 282, 286. Policy forms, 100, 115, 116, 160. Premiums, report of, 137, 139, 140. Preliminary term policy, 159, 287. Publication of certificates of authority, 263, 274. Real estate holdings, 81, 132, 154. Registration certificate of deposit, 99. Registration fees, 107. Rebating, 289. Reinsurance, 83, 109. Reinsurance business only, 146. Reserve, 34, 98, 103, 105, 106, 108, 158, 264. Salaries of officers, 85. f 256 INDEX. Life Companies Continued. Service of process, 93, 130, 131. Special or board contracts, 289. Sub-standard risks, 110. Surplus profits, 119, 159, 264. Taxation, 91, 97, 137, 138, 140, 141, 266. Texas reserves, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137. Texas securities, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136. Voucher showing disbursements, 86. Venue in suits, 92. Withdrawn, desiring renewal license, 141. Withdrawn, may maintain agents, 142. Lightning and Storm Companies Capital stock, 50, 51, 55, 57. Certificate of authority, 51. Charter, 49, 50, 271. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Directors, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Examination, 51, 52. Inquiries must be answered, 42. Investments and loans, 55, 56. Laws govern other companies, 290. Life business, cannot do, 28, 96. Mutual, 408 to 427. Name, 50. Reserve, 16. List- Names of agents, etc., 77, 477. Limitation Time within which to bring suit, 284. Live Stock Companies Capital stock, 222. Certificate of authority, 51. Charter, 49, 271. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Directors, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Examination, 51, 52. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Investments and loans, 65, 66. Name, 50. Organization and operation, 222. Reserve, 16. Taxation, 275 to 279. Loan and Reserve Fund Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies. 605. Local Mutual Aid Societies Advertising matter, 524. Annual reports, 524. Burial associations, 524. Business limited to certain territory, 524. Examinations, 524. Expenses, 524. INDEX. 257 Location of Office Blue Sky Law, 529. Casualty Companies, 224. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 503, 507. Home Insurance Companies, 50. Lloyds Exchange, 575, 576. Mutual Fire, Lightning and Hail Companies, 409, 410. Lloyds Exchange Attorney in fact, 575. Attorney for service, 582. Examination, 579. Fee, 577, 582. Lloyds defined, 574. Net assets, 578, 581. Organization, 576. Penalties, 579, 583. Subscribers, 580. Suits, 582. Losses Agent shall be liable to policyholder for, 468. Classification by Insurance Commission, 195. Failure to pay, 95, 257. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, failure to pay, 257. Fire, 195, 197, 198. Mutual Accident Companies, 401, 405. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Company, 456. Mutual Fire, Storm and Lightning Companies, 414. Mutual Hail Companies, 434, 436. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 157. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 444. Shall be paid when, 94. Lump Sum Payment By Industrial Accident Board, 329. Marine and Inland Companies Agents, 462 to 48*4. Annual statement, 180, 181. Association of companies, 266. Capital stock, 50, 51, 55, 57, 173, 174. Certificate of authority, 33, 51, 182, 263. Charter, 49, 50, 271. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Directors, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Dividends, 264, 265. Examination, 51, 52. Excess insurance, 182 (4, 5, 6), 470. Fees and taxes, must be paid, 266. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Investments and loans, 55, 56. Joint policy, 266. Laws govern other companies, 290. Life business, cannot do, 28, 96. Name, 50. Organization, 49. Penalties for violating laws, 266, 464. Powers, 170, 175. 258 INDEX. Marine and Inland Companies Continued. Publication of certificate of authority, 263, 274. Real estate holdings, 175. Reinsurance, 170, 177, 182 (2). Reserve, 17, 264. Resident agents, 470 to 474. Risk, limit of one, 181, 182 (1). Surplus, how invested, 56. Surplus profits, 264. Taxation, 275 to 279. Unauthorized companies, 182 (4, 5, 6). Unearned premiums, 264. Medical Examinations Fraternal Benefit Societies, 492, 494, 522. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 161. Meetings Casualty Companies, 225, 268. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 486, 487, 509. Mutual Accident Companies, 396. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm, 413. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 153, 167. Policyholders, 153, 167, 396. Stockholders, 268. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 352, 357, 358. Membership Fraternal Benefit Societies, 490, 503, 510, 511, 516, 517. Lloyds Exchange, 574. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Company, 413, 418. Merger and Transfers Fraternal Beneficiary Association, 496, 505. Misappropriation of Funds Mutual Insurance Companies, 421. Misdemeanor Agents, 289, 466, 479, 480, 482, 525, 545, 583, 618. Blue Sky Law, 545. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 618, 619, 620. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 525. Insurance Commission Law, 217. Lloyds Exchange, 583. Medical examination, 161. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 421. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 161. Rebates and discriminations, 214, 289. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 446. Misrepresentation Application for policy must be material, 282, 286, 294. Blue Sky Law, 538. Fraudulently made, 286, 469. Pay roll, Workmen's Compensation, 382. Policy forms, benefits, dividends or surplus, 293. Stocks, sale, 538. INDEX. 259 Monopoly- Defined, 552. Penalties, 555, 557, 561, 563, 567 to 571. Prohibited, 554. Municipal Occupation Tax Prohibited, 277. Mutual Accident Companies Act, subject to this, 395, 406. Advance funds, must be deposited in bank, 393. Admission fees, dues and assessments, 395, 401. Affidavits of incorporators, 393. Annual statement, 400. Applications, must have 200 to organize, 393, 402. Assessment plan, 392. Assessments, 395, 401, 402. - Attorney General, charter and affidavits presented to, 393. Beneficiary, change of, 404. Benefits, 401. By-laws, 394, 396, 397, 401, 404, 405. Capital stock, have none, 392, 396. Certificate of authority, 394. Charter, 392, 393, 394, 400. Commissioner's duties, 394, 399. Definition, 395. Directors, 392, 394, 397. Dividends, 396. Examination, 398, 399. Exempt from certain laws, 292. Expense fund, 401. Fees, 394, 400. Forfeiture of charter and franchises, 400, 406. Funeral benefit, 402. Health insurance, 402. Insurance in force at organization, 393. Investment and loans, 401. Liability, limit of, 405. Lodge system, none, 395. Losses, 401, 405. Meetings, 396. Members, 396, 397, 398, 403. Name of company, 392. Notice of assessment, 403. Notice of by-law adoption, 397. Office location, 392. Organization, 391, 393. Penalties, 406, 407. Policy, 395, 401, 405. Powers, 394, 395. Profits, 396. Reserve fund, 401. Salaries of officers, 396. Sickness or disease, may insure against, 402. Term of existence, 392. Workmen's Compensation, 380. 260 INDEX. Mutual Burglary, Bobbery and Loss in Transportation Companies Admitted to do business, 454. Agents, 456. Annual report, 456, 460. Assessments, 458. Assets, 456, 460. Attorney for service, 459. Business limited, 457. Certificate of authority, 456. Charter, 456. Fees, 461. Impairment, 456. Liability of policyholders, 458. Limitation of business, 457. Organization, 454. Penalties, 460. Policyholders, 458. Premiums, 458. Prerequisites to transacting business, 455, 456. Membership fees, 458. Reserve, reinsurance, 457. Service of process, 459. Statement, 456, 460. Taxes,, 461. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 408 to 427 Affidavit, 409, 410. Application for preliminary permit, 409. Application for policies, must have, 409. Annual premium, 414, 415. Annual savings, ten per cent to surplus, 415. Annual statement, 412, 427. Assets of Foreign Companies, 29, 424. Assessments, 414, 415, 420. Attorney General, report to, 411, 420. Benefits, shall share, 413. Bonds of officers, 415. Business office, 409, 410. By-laws, 410, 414, 415. Certificate of authority, 409, 410, 411, 420, 423, 424. Charter, 410, 420. Commissioner's duties, 409, 410, 411, 414, 420, 423 to 425. Deposits, 426. Declaration, as to withdrawal of securities, 426. Directors, 410, 414. Dividends, 418. Examination, 419, 420. Expenses, 414, 417. ' Failure to report condition, 421. False statement, 421. Fees, 409, 410, 425. Felony, 421. Fire Companies, laws governing stock, 422. Foreign Mutual Companies, 424. Forfeiture of charter, 411, 420. Funds, 416. Insolvency, 411. Insurance in force before granting charter, 410. Investment and loans, 416. Liabilities, 414, 415. Losses, 414. INDEX. 261 Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies Continued. Meetings of policyholders, 413. Members, 413, 414, 415, 418. Misappropriation of funds, 421. Misdemeanor, 421. Name, 408, 409, 410. Note for first assessment, 410. Number of risks, for granting charter, 410. Number who may incorporate, 408. Officers, election, term and bond, 415. Organization, 408, 429, 430. Penalty, 421, 423. Policy, 409, 410. Policyholders, 413, 414, 415, 418. Preliminary certificate of authority, 409. Premiums, 410, 414, 415, 418. Profit or saving to members, 418. Repeal of Chapter 10, Title 71, 427. Revocation of license, 411, 420, 423. Reserve, 418. Residence of incorporators, 409. Risk, largest single, 419, 420. Securities, withdrawal of, 426. Solvency of company, 411, 418. Statement, 409, 418. Stock Companies, subject to laws for, 422. Suit for penalties, 423. Surplus fund, 415. Suspension of license, 420, 423. Taxes, 425. Title must contain the word "Mutual," 408. Votes of policyholders, 413. Mutual Compani Accident Companies, 123, 391 to 407. Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 454 to 461. Commissioner shall admit, when, 29. Cyclone, Tornado, Hail and Storm Companies (foreign), 29, 424. Farmers and Printers, 427, 453. Fire Companies, 219, 278. Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 408 to 437. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Insurance Commission Law, 219. Licensed, 29. Life, Health and Accident, 123. Mutual Hail Companies, 428 to 437. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152 to 169. Printers' Mutual Fire and Storm Associations, 426, 451, 452, 453. Taxes, exempt from occupation, 278. Workmen's Compensation, 380. Mutual Hail Insurance Companies, 428 to 437 Annual statement, 436. Application for preliminary permit, 429. Application for charter, 430, 431. Assessments, 429, 430. Attorney General, 434, 436. Board of Directors, 432, 435. Bond of officers, 432. By-laws, 432. 262 INDEX. Mutual Hail Insurance Companies 428 to 437 Continued. Certificate of authority, 429, 430. Deposits, 434. Directors, 431, 432, 435. Dividend, 433. Examination, 436. Expenses, 433, 435, 437. Fees, 431, 437. Funds, 434. Interest on investments, 434. Investment, 434, 436. Liability of policyholder, 430. Losses, 433, 434, 436. Name, 431. Note for assessment, 429, 430, 433. Number of applicants, 430. Number of counties, 430. Officers, 431. Organization, 407, 408, 409, 411, 428, 429, 430, 432. Place of office, 431. Policy, 412, 433. Policyholder, 433. Preliminary certificate of authority, 429. Premium, 430, 433, 435, 436. Rates, 435. Reserve fund, 434. Secretary of State, shall file charter, 430. Settlement of losses, 433. Suit on premium note, 430, 433. Title must contain word "Mutual," 428. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152 to 169 Agents, 165. Annual report, 164. Apportionment of surplus, 159. Bonds of officers, 153. Borrow money, 155, 163. Business confined to Texas, 160. By-laws, 153. Cash value of policy, 163. Certificate of authority, 152, 164, 165, 167. Charter, 152. Contract between company and agent, 165. Debts, 155, 168. Default in premium payment, 163. Deposits, 98 to 112, 154. Directors, 152, 153, 154, 161. Dividends, 159. Examination, 153, 166, 167. Expenses, 157. Fees, 164. Felony ; officer or director, 154. Funds, where deposited, 154. Investments and loans, 154, 157. Loan on policy, 157, 163. Medical examination, 161. Name, 152. Net premium computed, 157. Officers, 153, 154, 161. Organization, 152. Paid up insurance, 163. INDEX. 263 Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152 to 169 Continued. Penalties, 154, 161. Policies, 152, 156, 160, 162, 163. Policy form prescribed, 160. Policyholders' loans, 157, 163. Policyholders' meetings, 153, 167. Preliminary certificate of authority, 152. Preliminary term insurance, 157. Premiums, 157, 159, 162, 163. Real estate holdings, 154. Receiver, 167. Registration of policies, 98 to 112. Reinsurance, 167. Reserve, 98, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 158, 163, 167, 168. Surplus to policyholders, 159. Surrender value of policies, 163. Suspension of license, 167. Taxation, 168. Valuation of policies, 156. Winding up affairs of company, 167. Name of Insurance Company Casualty, 50, 224. Consolidated Company, 269. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 611. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 503. Home Companies, 50. Blue Sky Law, 518. Life, Health and Accident, 69. Lloyds Exchange, 576 (a). Mutual Accident, 392. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 409, 410. Mutual Hail Company, 431. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 440. Negligence Workmen's Compensation Law, defense and proof, 296. Net Assets- Defined, 69. Net Value- Companies must have on hand, 13. Policies calculated, 12, 13, 14, 34, 40, 101, 103. Notice- Assessment or premium, 401. Claim for damages, 285. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 517, 521. Meetings, 357. Misrepresentation in policy application, 280. Mutual Accident Companies, 397, 403. Premium payment, 162, 401. Publication of, 274. Reasonable time, 281. State Fire Commission shall give, 202, 207". 211. Subscriber shall give to employes, 372, 374. Workmen's Compensation Law. 300, 301, 305, 339, 340, 348, 357, 373, 374. 264: INDEX. Occupation Taxes Casualty Companies, 275 to 282. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 275 to 282. Fire Companies, 275 to 282. Live Stock Companies, 275 to 282. No other shall be levied, 139, 278. Life Companies, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141. General agent, 483, 484. Officers Annual statement, 129, 181, 228. Blue Sky Law, 529, 531, 539, 540, 545. Bond given by, 153, 415, 432, 501. Casualty Companies, 226, 246. Commissioner or clerk cannot be, 8. Commissions cannot be paid to, 111. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 597, 598, 618, 619. Directors, chosen by, 63, 153, 432. False statement, 129, 525. Foreign Companies, 121, 129. Fraternal Beneficiary Association, 487, 503, 510, 511. Industrial Accident Board, 337. Interest in purchase, sale or lease of company, 82, 1.13, 227. List of authorized, and postoffice address filed, 539. Misrepresentation of policy, 293. Mutual Accident Companies, 395, 407. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 410, 415. Mutual Hail Companies, 432. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 153, 154. Printers' Mutual Companies, 452. Service of process, 93, 246. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 353. Organization Accident Companies, 223. Burglary and Theft Companies, 223. Casualty Companies, 223. Companies to do more than one kind of insurance, 283. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 585, 682. Credit Insurance Companies, 223. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 49, 249, 250. Fire Companies, 49, 50, 228. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 503. Insurance Companies, all kinds, 49. Liability Insurance Companies, 223. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 69, 222. Live Stock Companies, 222. Lloyds Exchange, 576. Marine Companies, 222. Mutual Assessment Accident Companies, 391, 393, 394. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Loss in Transportation Companies, 454. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 408, 409, 410, 428, 430. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152. Printers' Mutual Companies, 451. Title Insurance Companies, 223. Penalties Agent's false misrepresentation, 479. Agent's license revoked, 217, 473, 502, 525. Agents without license, 448 to 452, 455, 456, 463, 464, 466 to 475, 478, 479. INDIA. 265 Penalties Continued. Anti-trust laws, 555, 557, 558, 561, 563, 565, 567, 568, 569, 570. Blue Sky Law, 544, 545. Bond of Fire Insurance Companies, 179. Casualty Companies, 239. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 600, 606, 618, 619, 620. Dividends unlawful, 264. Embezzlement, 481. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 519, 521, 525. Life, fire and marine insurance laws, 150, 464. Lloyds Exch;in<,M>. 579, 583. Misrepresentation by agent, 480, 482. Mutual Accident Companies, 406, 407. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 460. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 423. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 154, 157, 161. Rebates and discriminations, 214, 289. Resident agent's law, 473. State Insurance Commission, 201, 211, 214, 216, 217, 218. Surety company bond improperly canceled, 260. Surety company, for accepting unlicensed, 259. Venue for suits, 229. Workmen's Compensation Act, 333, 344, 382. Permit- Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 409, 410. Mutual Hail Companies, 429. Stock sale, 532, 533, 534, 536, 537, 538, 542, 543. Personal Property Taxation, 280. Plate Glass Insurance Organization of company, 223. Policies Age of insured, 87, 88. Agent cannot change, 475. Application for, 280, 281, 282, 286, 288, 393, 499. Casualty Companies, 231. Classes of, 100. Co-insurance 'clauses, 186, 187, 209. Consolidated Companies, 273. Entire contract, shall contain, 87, 286, 288. Extended insurance, 87: Fee for valuing, 47. Fire Companies, 188, 189, 208, 209, 214, 231. Foreign Life (may contain), 89. Form number, 100. Forms, 115, 116, 160, 207. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 489, 499, 507, 514, 515. Hazardous occupations, 88. Indisputable after two years, 87, 286. Installments, table of, 87. Joint, 266. Laws of Texas, govern contract, 283. Level premium, shall not be issued, 287. Life, shall contain, 87. Life, shall not contain, 88. Limiting time of suit upon, 88. 266 INDEX. Policies Continued. Loans upon, 88, 162. Misrepresentation in application, 280, 281, 282, 294. Misrepresentations of, 280, 281, 282, 293, 294. Mortgagor, interest in, 188. Mutilated, 102. Mutual Accident Companies, 394, 395, 401, 402, 405. Mutual Hail Insurance Companies, 433. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Loss in Transportation Companies, 455. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 408, 409, 412, 414, 415, 417. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152, 156, 160, 162, 163. Net value calculated, 12, 110. Preliminary term, limited to one year, 160, 287. Premium reduction, 84. Prerequisite to issuing, 231. Reciprocal Exchange, 445, 446. Registration, 99, 101, 103. Reserve value of, 87. Representations not warranties, 87. Resident agents, must be written through, 470 to 474. Surrender value, 88, 163. Settlement at less than face of, 88. Stipulations contrary to Texas laws, void, 283. State Treasurer's receipt, 97. Suicide, 88. Table of loan values and options, 87. Technical provisions, 184, 185. Terminations, record of, 101. Valuation, 101, 156, 158. Valuation by Commissioners of other States accepted, 14. Valued, a liquidated demand, 183. Venue in suits on, 92. Word "Mutual" shall appear on first page of, 408. Workmen's Compensation Act, 359, 360, 361, 364, 366, 368, 371, 373, 374, 377, 380. Policy-holder Agent, liable to, when, 468. Annual and special meetings, 153, 167, 396. Complaints as to fire insurance rates, 210, 211. Defined, 68. Deposit, protection, 97, 98, 125, 126, 127, 434. Dividends, Life Companies, 94, 157, 158. Examination list in report of, 166. Loans to, 157. May maintain actions, 78, 211. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 458. Mutual Fire, Storm and Lightning Companies, 413. Mutual Hail Companies, 434. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 153, 157, 158, 159, 162, 166, 167, 168. Notice of premium payment, 162. Profit-sharing, 213, 413. Rates and schedules of fire insurance, 205. Surplus to, 13, 14, 33, 114, 123, 159, 171, 283. Policy-holders' Fund Mutual Hail Companies, 434. INDEX. 267 Power of Attorney Blue Sky Law, 544. Foreign Life Companies, 130. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 507. Reciprocal contracts, 441. Powers Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 503, 504. State Fire Insurance Commission, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207. Preliminary Certificate of Authority Fraternal Benefit Society, 503. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 409. Mutual Hail Company, 429. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 152, 153. Preliminary Term Policy Limited to one year, 160, 287. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 160. Premium Receipts Annual statement, 137, 140, 141. Gross, defined, 275. Report of collections, 137, 138, 140, 141. Taxation, 137, 138, 140, 141, 275, 276. Premium Notes Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 401. Mutual Hail Companies, 429, 430, 432, 433. Premiums Collection of, 162, 215, 458. Default in payment, 163. Excess insurance, 153, 181 (4, 5, 6), 182 (4, 5, 6). Fire insurance, 190, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 210, 211, 215. Fraternal Benefit Society, 494, 500, 503, 514, 516. Grace for payment of, 87. Gross receipts, defined, 275. Mutual Accident Companies, 401. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 458. Mutual Hail Companies, 429, 433, 435, 436. Mutual Fire, Storm and Lightning Companies, 409, 414, 418. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 157, ^62, 163. Notice to policyholder, 162. Payable in advance, 98. Payable outside the State, 283. Report of collections, 137, 140. Reciprocal Exchange, 443, 444. Sub-standard risk, 110. Taxes, 137, 138, 275, 277, 425. Workmen's Compensation, 324, 363 to 370, 380, 381, 382. Printers' Mutual Fire and Storm Compani Annual report, 427, 452, 453. Bond of Treasurer, 452. Certificate of authority, 452. Corporation may be formed, 451. Fee for filing statement, 453. Organization, 451. 68 INDEX. Process, Service of Legal Casualty Companies, 246. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 252, 256. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 507, 508. Life Companies (foreign), 130, 131. Life, Health and Accident Companies (home), 93. Surety Company bonds, 256. Profits Defined, 68. Dividends, 84, 119, 236. Mutual Accident Companies, 396. Sharing, 213, 219. Promotion Blue Sky Law, 527, 528, 530, 533, 535, 540. Publication Capital stock, notice of increase or decrease, 235, 247. Certificate of authority, 263. Examination reports, 19, 520. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, reports, 250. Fraternal Benefit Society's examination, 520. No adverse, 520. When and how made, 263, 274. Public Use Surety Companies, charged with, 262. Bates of Fire Insurance Anti-trust Law, 540. Insurance Commission, regulations by, 190, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203, 206, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215. Heal Estate Casualty Companies, 241, 242. Fire and Marine Companies, 175. Deposit held in trust, 98. Holdings, 81, 154, 175, 241, 242. Investment and loans, 55, 80, 154, 175, 227, 229. Life Companies' holdings, 81, 133. Taxation, 91/97, 277. Bebates * Anti-trust Law, 569. Fire Companies, 213, 214. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 289, 302. Beceiver Casualty Companies, 233. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 600. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, may act as, 250. Fraternal Benefit Societies, 517, 518. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 114. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 167. Beciprocal Indemnity Contracts, 438 to 450 Application, number necessary to begin business, 440. Annual reports, 443, 444. INDEX. 269 Reciprocal Indemnity Contracts, 438 to 450 Continued. Attorney for service, 441. Attorney in fact, 439, 440, 441, 442, 446, 447. Commercial rating of subscriber, 442. Corporations, may exchange, 438, 445. Certificate of authority, 447. Declaration of attorney, 440. Deposit, 440. Dividends, 434. Examination, 444. Expenses, 444. Fees, 448. Individuals may exchange, 438. Insurance laws do not apply, 449. Life insurance cannot be exchanged, 438. Maximum indemnity of single risk, 442. Misdemeanor, 446. Name or title of exchange office, 440. Office of attorney, 439, 440. Partnerships may be exchanged, 438. Penalties, 446. Power of attorney to exchange indemnity contracts, 439, 440,. Policy of contracts, 440. Repealing clause, 450. Reserve, 443. Service of process, 441. Subscribers, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442. Who may exchange, 438. Workmen's Compensation, 380. Records Agent for excess insurance, 182 (6). Charters, 70, 394, 503. Commissioner shall keep, 23. Directors shall keep, 65. Fee for certified copies, 47. Fire losses in this State, 195. Injuries to workmen, 344. Registration Fees, 107. Policies, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107. Reincorporation Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 504. Reinsurance Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 254. Fire and Marine Companies, 169,, 178, 182. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 505. Life, Health and Accident Companies, 83, 109. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 167. Reserve of 50 per cent, 457. Reinsurance Reserve How calculated, 16, 35, 264. Mutual Burglary and Robbery Companies, 457. 270 INDEX. Repealing Clause Fire insurance laws, 189. Fraternal benefit act, 526. Reciprocal insurance laws, 450. Workmen's Compensation, 383. Reports to Governor and Legislature Commissioner shall make, 25, 43. Send to other States, 26. Reserve Accident and Health Companies, 16. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 592, 597, 605. Deposits, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110. Employers' Liability Insurance, 388 to 390. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 16, 252. Fire Companies, 16, 264. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 489, 495, 500, 503. Life Companies, 34, 98, 103, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110. Manner of reporting and calculating, 388 to 390. Marine and Inland, 17, 264. Mutual Accident Companies, 401. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 457. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 418. Mutual Hail Companies, 434. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 163, 167, 168. Report shall be filed, 136. Reciprocal exchange, 443. Sub-standard risks, 110. Taxation, 168. Value of policy, 87. Reserve Liability (Home Companies) How computed, 34. Resident Agents Policies must be written through, 470 to 474. Revocation of License or Certificate Fraternal Beneficiary Association, 507, 515, 521. Reciprocal indemnity contracts, 447. Mutual Fire, Lightning, Hail and Storm Companies, 420, 423. Life Insurance Companies, 143. Fire and Fire and Marine, 182 (3), 212, 216. Risks- Largest amount of, 181, 420. Rules and regulations for certain, 203. Mutual Fire, etc., single risk, 409, 418, 419, 420. Must have not less than one hundred separate, 409. Robertson Law Companies exempted from investment, 146, 147. Failure to comply with, 143, 144. Fraternals, exempt, 147. Investments, taxes and legal process, inclusive, 130 to 151. Penalties, 141, 143, 144. I^DEX. 271 Salaries- Industrial Accident Board, 337. Insurance Board, 193, 196. Life, shall not pay excessive, 85. Mutual Accident Companies, 396. Secretary Industrial Accident Board, 337. State Fire Insurance Commission, 196. Secretary of State- Blue Sky Law, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 536, 537, 538, 539, 541, 542, 546, 549, 550. Mutual Hail Insurance Company, charter, 430. Securities Co-Operative Savings and Contract Loan Companies, 589, 595, 607, 614. Custodian of, 107. Deposits, 97, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 145, 178, 227, 234, 237, 250, 254. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 252. Foreign Companies, 124, 125,. 128, 178. How and where kept, 106. Industrial Companies, 118. Investments and loans, .55, 56, 80, 240. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 456, 460. Record of, 104. Texas securities defined, 133, 134. Transfer to State Treasurer by Commissioner, 38, 39, 40. Withdrawal of, 105, 234, 241, 244, 252, 426. Service of Process Blue Sky Law, 544. Casualty Companies, 246. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 250, 256. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 507, 508. Life Companies, foreign, 130, 131. Life, Health and Accident (home), 93. Lloyds Exchange, 582. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Company, 459. Reciprocal exchange, 441. Set of Books Blue Sky Law, 541. Shares of Stock Fractional, 72. How divided, 54, 69. Number of, 69. Transferable, 73. Voted, 72. Sheriff and Other Peace Officers Will serve process issued by Commissioner, 32. Special or Board Contracts Prohibited, 289. 272 INDEX. State Fire Marshal Authority and powers of, 198, 199. Duties, 202. Expenses, 199. Selection of, 196. State Fire Insurance Commission Action may be brought against, 211. Amendment of rates, 203, 204, 206, 210, 211. Appointment and term of office of members, 192. Authority and powers of, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211. Certificate of authority to companies, 191, 212, 216. Clerical assistants, 193, 194. Credits for reduction of hazard, 204. Companies subject to commission law, 191. Complaints, 210, 211. Examination, 201. Expenses, 193, 194, 196, 199, 220. Experts employed by Commission,. 202, 203, 204. Extension of credit not forbidden, 215. Fire losses, to classify, 195. Fire marshal, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200. General basis schedules, 194, 201, 202, 205, 206, 211. Hearings, 210, 211. Lien does not render policy void, 208. Losses, record and classification of, 195. Members and term of office, 192, 196. Mutual or profit-sharing companies, 219. Notice of hearings, 207, 211. Penalties, 201, 211, 214, 216, 217, 218. Policies, establishing uniform, 212, 213, 214, 218. Policyholder, furnished with analysis of rates, 210. Powers of, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207. Premium collections, 215. Publication of schedules, 202. Public, rates and schedules open to, 205. Rates of fire insurance, 190, 194, 195, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215. Rebates or discriminations, 213, 214. Repealing former laws, 189, 192. Salaries of members, 193, 196. Secretary, 196. Statements from companies, 201. Suits against, 211, 212. Tax for support of, 220, 278. Testimony given, 218. Unconstitutional, if part of act is held, 221. State Treasurer Bond, in lieu of securities withdrawn from deposit, 254. Deposits, 97, 124, 125, 145, 178, 227, 236, 239, 252, 254, 257, 427. Duties as to transfer of securities, 38, 39, 40. Fees to be turned over to, 40. Interest on deposits, 245, 250. Losses of Surety Companies, paid by, 257. Securities transferred, shall countersign, 38, 39. Taxes, 138, 140, 276, 425. Statutes- Casualty Companies, applying only to, 244. Cumulative, 248. INDEX. 273 Statutes Continued. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, exempt from certain, 147, 151, 277, 292, 488, 522. Govern 'different kind of companies alike, 290. Mutual Accident Companies, subject to certain, 294, 395, 406. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, governing, 422. Policy contracts, governed by Texas laws, 283. Repealed, 189, 279, 427, 450. Unconstitutional, if held, 221, 385. Stock of Corporations, Regulating the Sale of Blue Sky Law, 527 to 550. Stockholders Amend charter, 71. Capital stock, impairment of, 172, 173. Casualty Companies, 225. Consolidation of companies, 267, 268. Dividends to, 84. Elect directors, 59, 60, 61, 62, 70, 225. May maintain actions, 78. Meetings, 60, 61, 62, 70, 74, 225. Quorum, 62, 70. Records inspected by, 65. Transfer of stock, 73. Votes, 70. Sub-contractor Workmen's Compensation, 342. Subscriber Under Uoyds Exchange Attorney for service, 582. Attorney in fact, 575. Additional subscribers, 580. Subscribers to Reciprocal Contracts Attorney in fact, 439 to 442. Attorney for service, 441. Commercial rating, 442. Declaration, 440. Deficiency of annual deposits, 443. Names and addresses, 444. Subscriber Under Workmen's Compensation Law 299 to 302, 305, 323 to 325, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 351, 352, 356 to 367, 371 to 375, 378 to 382, 387. Action against, 299 to 302, 342, 375. Assessment, 365, 366, 367. Contingent liability of, 364. Defined, 378. First meeting of the subscribers, 351, 352, 357. Groups, distributed into, 363, 366. Industrial Accident Board, 372. List of, filed with Department of Insurance and Banking, 360. Liability insurance, responsible for, 325. Notice, 339, 373, 374, 387. Number must not be below fifty, 359, 360. Physician, 323. Powers of, 370. 274 INDEX. Subscriber Under Workmen's Compensation Law Continued. Premium, cannot collect, 324. Record of injuries, 344. Voting power of, 358. Who may become a, 356, 380. Suits Against Commissioner, 143. Attorney General to forfeit charter, 411, 420, 556. Blue Sky Law, 538, 542. Commissioner may institute, 37. Damage for withdrawing from bond, 260. Fire Commission, 211. Lloyds Exchange, 582. Mutual Hail Company's premium notes, 430, 433. Penalty for accepting unauthorized surety company, 259. Removal to Federal court, 33. Suits on Policies Life, Health and Accident (home and foreign), 92. Bond or any obligation, 256. Bond by reason of misrepresentation, 538. Limitation as to time, 284. Misrepresentation in application, 280, 281, 282, 286, 294. Nqtice of claim, 286. Surety or Guarantor Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, may act as, 250 to 253. Surplus Money Casualty Companies, 240. Dividends, 84, 119, 159, 264. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 500, 516. How invested, 56, 240. Mutual Companies, 123, 415. Surplus to Policyholders Amount required to do business, 114, 172. Company must have, 13, 14, 114. Foreign Companies, 122. Life Companies, 114, 159. Misrepresentation, 293. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 159. Requisite before issuance of certificate of authority, 33. Taxation Agents, 468, 484, 485. Casualty Companies, 275, 276. Certificate to State Treasurer, 138, 276. Collecting taxes, 138, 276. Commissioner's duties, 138, 148. Co-Operative Savings and Contract Companies, 610. Excess insurance, 182 (6). Exceptions to Life Companies, 138. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, 275, 276. Fire Companies, 220, 275, 276, 425. Fraternal Beneficiary Associations, 277, 523. Gross premiums defined, 275. Gross premiums reported, 137, 140, 141, 275. Home Companies, 91, 97. INDEX. 275 Taxation Continued. Life Companies, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141. Live Stock Companies, 275, 276. Marine and Inland Companies, 275, 276. Municipal and county occupation taxes prohibited, 277, 278. Must be paid, 266. Mutual and Co-Operative Fire Companies, exempt, 219. Mutual Burglary, Robbery and Transportation Loss Companies, 461. Mutual Fire, Hail, Storm and Lightning Companies, 425. Mutual Life Insurance Companies, 168. Premium receipts, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 275. Real and personal property, not exempt, 278. Receipt for taxes, 138. Reduced by investments, 137, 277. State Fire Insurance Commission, support, 220, 278. State Treasurer, 139, 140, 276, 291. Withdrawn companies, 141, 142. Term of Office Commissioner, 2. Industrial Accident Board, 335. Texas Employers' Board of Directors, 351. Fire Insurance Commission, 192. Texas Employers' Insurance Association Appeals to Industrial Accident Board, 340, 341. Assessments, 363 to 370. Attorney's fees, 308, 341. By-laws, 352, 354. Certificate as to subscribers, 360, 361, 362. Compensation paid by, 299, 305, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 332, 333, 339, 341, 343, 348, 349, 386. Contingent liability of subscriber, 364, 366, 367. Created, 350. Commissioner's duties, 333, 360, 362, 377. Corporate powers, 350, 376. Definition of association, 378. Directors, 351, 353, 354, 355, 357, 363, 369. Dividends, 363, 366, 370. Employes, 302, 322, 359. Employers, 302, 356, 357, 378. Expenses, 313. Funds, 365, 366. Hospital service, 305, 306, 307, 322. Inspection, 371. Liability for judgment, 375. License, 333, 360, 362. Medical aid, 305, 306, 307, 323, 338. Meetings, 357. Notice, 339, 357, 372, 373, 374, 387. Number of subscribers and employes, 357, 359, 361, 362. Officers, 353. Policies, 359 to 361, 364, 366, 368, 373, 374, 377, 380. Premiums, 324. 363 to 370, 380, 381, 382. Refund of parts of premiums, 381. Reserves, 377. Subscribers, 299, 300, 302, 305, 323, 324, 325, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 351, 352, 356 to 367, 371 to 375, 378 to 383, 387. Voting power of subscribers, 358. 276 INDEX. Title Insurance Companies Organization, 223. Tornado Companies Agents, 462 to 484. Capital stock, 50, 51, 55, 57. Certificate of authority, 51. Charter, 49, 50, 51. Consolidation of companies, 267 to 273. Directors, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Dissolution when companies consolidate, 272. Examination, 51, 52. Excess insurance, 470. Inquiries, must answer, 42. Investments and loans, 55, 56. Laws govern other companies, 290. Life business, cannot do, 28, 96. Mutual, 29, 408 to 427, 451 to 453. Name, 49. Resident agents, 470 to 474. Townsite Corporations Blue Sky Law, 531 to 532. Trust Defined, 552. Penalties, 555, 557, 561, 563. 567 to 571. Prohibited, 554. Trustee Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Companies, may act as, 250. Unauthorized Compani< Excess insurance, 182 (4, 5, 6). Unconstitutionality Fire Insurance Commission law, 221. Workmen's Compensation Law, 385. Vacancies Commissioner, 12, 13, 16, 34, 35, 101, 103, 104, 156. Commissioners of other States, 14. Fraternal Benefit Society, 489, 503, 514, 515, 516, 522. Valued Policy Liquidated demand, 183. Venue Anti-trust suits, 558, 561, 571. Fidelity, Guaranty and Surety Company, suit against, 256. Penalty suits, 339. Policy, suits on, 92. Surety Company bonds, 256. Votes Policyholders in Mutual Companies, 396, 413. Stockholders, 70. Subscriber under Workmen's Compensation, 358. INDEX. 277 Water and Leakage Damage Organization of company, 223. Waiver of the Provisions of the Laws Fraternal Benefit Societies, 511. Workmen's Compensation Act, 300, 301, 328. Witness Compelled to testify and give information, 31, 565. Workmen's Compensation, 296 to 387 Accident Insurance Companies, 380. Action against employer, 299, 300, 301, 303, 331, 342, 343, 375, 382. Adequate rates, 380. Alien beneficiaries, 332. Amendment of previous law, 296. Appointment of Industrial Accident Board, 335. Appeal to the court, 340, 341. Appointment of Board of Directors of Association, 351. Assessment levied by Association, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370. Assignment of compensation prohibited, 299. Assumed risk, no defense, 297, 302. Attachment, compensation free of, 299. Attorney's fees, 308, 309, 310. Average weekly wages, 310, 314, 315, 317, 378. Beneficiaries, 299, 302, 309, 310, 311, 313, 332, 341, 343, 378, 383, 384, 386. By-laws of Association, 352, 353. Cases of necessity, 386. Cause of action, shall survive, 331. Certified copies of records, 346. Classification of premiums, 363, 366, 369, 370. Clerical help, of Industrial Accident Board, 337. Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, 333, 360, 362, 370, 380, 381. Compensation, amount, how and when payable, 304 to 323, 326 to 330, 332, 334, 338 to 343, 347 to 349, 386. Compensation, shall begin on the eighth day, 304. Compromise settlements, 349. Contracts, must cover both compensation and liability, 325. Contributory negligence, no defense, 297, 302. Corporate power of Association, 350, 376. Damage for personal injuries, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 341, 343. Death, 302, 303, 310, 311, 312, 313, 319, 329, 331. Decision of Industrial Accident Board, 340, 371. Defense, to action to recover damages, what shall not be a, 297. Defenses removed, 297. Definitions, 316, 378, 384. Disability, total, 312, 314, 316, 317, 327, 329. Disability, partial, 312, 315, 316, 317, 327. Disputed claim, 340. Dividends, paid by Association, 363, 366, 370. Domestic servants not subject to Act, 298. Emergency, cases of necessity. 386. Employer, 299, 300, 302, 303, 324, 325, 336, 342, 344, 356, 357, 372, 378. Employment, of not more than three employes, 298. Employer of labor member of Board, 336. Employes, 299 to 329, 334, 338 to 344, 349, 358 to 361, 372 to 375, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 385, 386. Examination of injured employe, 319. Exemptions from Workmen's Compensation Law, 298. Exemplary damages, 303, 375. 278 INDEX. Workmen's Compensation, 299 to 387 Continued. Expenses of Industrial Accident Board, 337. Failure to promptly pay compensation, 333, 341. Farm laborers, not subject to Act, 298. Fees of Board, 346. Fellow servant's negligence, no defense, 297, 302. Filing claim for compensation, 339. First week, 304, 305. Funeral benefit, 313. Garnishment, compensation free of, 299. Guardian, of minor, or mentally incompetent, 327. Hernia, 319. Hospital services, 304 to 307. Industrial Accident Board, 321, 329, 330, 335 to 349, 381, 384. Injuries, 297 to 305, 316 to 320, 339, 344, 371, 374. Injured employe, 298 to 307, 310 to 315, 317, 318, 320, 322, 323, 325 to 327, 329, 331, 334, 338, 341, 342, 343, 344, 349, 372, 378, 386. Injured outside of State, 334. Insurance companies, 380. Judgment, 375. Liability insurance companies, 380. License to Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 333, 360, 362. Lump sum payment, 329. Members of Industrial Accident Board, 336. Medical aid, 304 to 307, 319. Medicine, 304 to 308. Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association, 352, 357, 358. Minor or mentally incompetent employe, 326, 327. Misrepresentation of pay roll, 382. Monthly or quarterly payments, 349. Mutual or contingent liability, 364, 366. Mutual and Reciprocal Insurance Associations, 380. Negligence, 297, 302. No legal beneficiary, 313. Non-subscriber employer, 302. Notice of meeting to subscribers, 357. Notice of injury, 305, 339, 340. Notice of right of action or waiver of same, 300, 301. Notice to Board by subscribers, 372. Notice of suspensions of payments of compensation, 348. Notice to employes, 373, 374. Number of subscribers and employes, 360, 361, 362, 380. Officers and offices of Industrial Accident Board, 337. Officers of a subscriber, 379. Operation demanded, 319, 322. Partial incapacity, 312, 315, 316, 317, 319, 327. Penalty, 333, 344, 382. Physician, 305, 306, 319, 323, 338. Policies, 359 to 361, 364, 366, 368, 371, 373, 374, 376, 380. Power and rules of Industrial Accident Board, 306 to 308, 321, 329, 330, 338 to 341, 343, 346, 347, 349. Period to pay compensation, 304, 310 to 317. Premiums, 324, 363 to 370, 380, 381, 382. Quorum of Board, 345. Railway employes, exempt, 298. Representatives of deceased employes, 299, 302, 303. Recovery of exemplary damages, 303. Record of injuries to workmen, 344. Refund of part of premium, 381. Refusal of employe of suitable employment, 318. Regulations and rules for the condition of plants, 371. INDEX. 279 Workmen's Compensation, 299 to 387 Continued. Repealing clause, 383. Report of injury to employe, 344, 390. Reserves of Association, 380. Revocation of license, 333. Salaries of members of Industrial Accident Board, 337. Specified injuries, 317, 318. Seal of Board, 345. Subcontractor of subscriber, 342. Subscriber, 299, 302, 305, 306, 308, 310, 314, 315, 322, 323, 332, 333, 338 to 341, 343, 348 to 378, 380 to 383, 386, 387. Subsequent injury, 320. Texas Employers' Insurance Association, 299, 302, 305, 306, 308, 310, 314, 315, 322, 323, 332, 333, 338 to 341, 343, 348 to 378, 380 to 383, 386, 387. Total incapacity, 312, 314, 316, 317, 327, 329. Unconstitutionality of part of the law, 385. Unearned premium, 381. Vacancies, how filled, 354. Voting power of subscribers, 348. Waiver of employe's rights, 300, 301, 328. Weekly payment of compensation, 304, 305, 310, 311, 314, 315, 317, 319. Texas, Laws 468972 I HG8621 statutes T4 Insuran< e laws* 1921 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY