HOUSE DECORATION SERIES GUY CADOGAN HOTHERY tJWV. OF CALIF. LIBRARY. LOS ANGBUBB LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS The Heirs of R. Germain Hubby, A. I. A Cbe Bouse Decoration Scries CHIMNEYPIECES AND INGLE NOOKS THE HOUSE DECORATION SERIES Ceilings and their Decorations Chimneypieces and Ingle-nooks Staircases and Garden Steps House Antiquities and Curios Porches Windows CHIMNEYPIECES AND INGLE NOOKS THEIR DESIGN AND ORNAMENTATION AUTHOR OF "CEILINGS AND THEIR DECORATIONS" NEW YORK FREDERICK A, STOKES COMPANY PUBLISHERS "Ceilings and Their Decoration" is valuable not only because it deals with a subject of considerable interest, but also because, in treating of the various styles ... it helps us to realise the inherent defects of certain modern methods which we are apt to idly acquiesce in. ... (a) Should appeal to all householders . . . He supplies a terse but admirable and in every way adequate description of the history of his subject . . . (i) ... Related in a fluent and agreeable manner sufficiently technical to be of practical use to the student . . . and yet not too detailed to bore the general reader . . . (c ) Mr Rothery is a master of his subject . . . the book makes its first appeal to the artist and architect . . . treated from an original point of view . . . with criticism which is essentially stimulating. (