PK 3769 8 9 8 tlifornia ional lity THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES T H B MUSE'S ADVICE. ADDRESSED TO THl ♦ .POETS OF THE AGE.- er-1 i:'.] ia aL....,.::; ; ^ai v. jxl ( '«(I jnoiw B fii c By W. W O T Y. • LONDON: Printed for W. Flexnev, near Gray's-Inn-Gate, Ploiborn. MDCCLXr. «r ♦T» ADVERTISEMENT. THE Author of the following, forry to fee gentle* men of genius employed in cavilling at each other, has ventured, with a fpirit of good-nature, to fpeak his mind, and to propofe a reconciliation, not infenfible at the fame time (fliould they fee this little piece in a wrong light) how open he has expofed himfclf to their difpleafure. It^ ^^ %^ ^^ ^^ ^^ %^ « ^^ « 4^ Jd% ^^ 1-^ ^^ ^^ 1^^ K ^^ » « rp^ THE MUSES ADVICE, ADDRESSED TO THE POETS OF THE AGE. f *****! E Sons of verfe ! who have fo lately made § J Y J # My noble gift a litigating trade, |c*=*=Soc*c5o| Who, while the maggot crawl'd within your brains, On fools-cap fcribbl'd your invidious ftrains. B Long 738iSS C 2 J Long have I feen you in inglorious ftrife,, HifTm? each others credit out of life.. Why will ye drive good-nature far away,. While ftrumpet fatire flares in open day ? Fled from my arms, fhe fcorns an hcnefl praife^, And feeks her living by ignoble lays. The cobler with the cobler fmoaks his pipCj, And barbers club their fixpences for tripe, While the free^ focial, merry tale goes round. Anil ev'^ry care is in the tankard drown'd. Each with his neighbour joins, as humour leads,, And Po^^^ only, goto logger- heads. For fhame — (hake hands, and let the public fee That brother wits and authors can agree. [ 3 1 Or elfe refer the matter in difpute To two grave neighbours to prevent a fuit. And let feme honefi: member of the law, (if fuch there be) the obligation draw.. But why fo fmart upon a writer's trade, Since man for man conjunctively was made ! Defcend I (think ye ?) from my burnifh'd throne To vifit fquires and gentlemen alone ! No — fometimes (tho' but rarely) I difpenfe To porters wit, to fpecial pleaders fenfe. Suppose a being to a taylor bredy Who works amidft variety of fhred, Who fits crofs-legged five hours out of ten, And didlates rules and orders to his men. Suppofe him blefs'd with poetry of mind. With rich expreffion, and with thoughts refin'd. Shall E 4 ] Shall envy's eye with indignation roll Bccaufe he cuts and makes a button-hole 1 Now in the name of rhime I ye bards ! make known Of what importance is it to the town If ChurchiU\ jGhoulder mofl: diftended grows, Or whether Lloyd difpiays a pimpled nofe. If once the pimple from his nofe fliould fly, The jeft will droop, and with the pimple die. But (liould again the pimple be alive. Perhaps you'll fay, the jeft too will revive. What then — its fury vanifhing away Is but at beft the cracker of the day. Can't ye let mafter Murphy\ fword alone ? He wears it at no charges but his own ; And what's the diff 'rence to the world, oh fay ! Whether he reads a ftatute, or a play ? Wh. [ s ] why mufi: your anger fall (rcfolvc I beg) On this man's hump, or Mother's bandy leg ? For pity's fake, oh ! baftard humour, ceafe, And let dame nature's cripple walk in peace. 'Tis low, 'tis fordid to the lafl degree, And, gentle reader, may affed: ev'n thee. Is this the end of fatirc, — this the aim On which ye build your pyramids of fame ? Banifli the thought, — extend your daring views To nobler objeds, worthy of the mufe ! But fhould your anxious, ever ad:ive mind To poignant Wit, and I'atire be inclin'd, Oh ! let good-nature's hand condudl your pen, And lafhi the crimes and follies— not the men. Ev'n , on whom the fates unkindly frown, Who never wore fair fortune's fickle crown, C Rich [ ^ ] Rich in good-nature, on this gem depends, Thinks himfelf happy, and can meet with friends. While whofe talents eminently fliine, Superior in the nervons, angry line, Tho' in the fphere of dignity he move. May meet with fame, but feldom meets with love. Let private converfatioii be conceal'd Nor let one fingle variance be reveal'd. Rather than make this buflle and this rout, Strip into buff, and fairly box it out. -■ ' ' *. Which lines are dearefl: ? — thofe that kindly bear Love's genuine rapture to the virgin's ear ; Thofe that place virtue in a fteady light. And tell mankind—" Whatever is, is right ;" Or thofe that temporary colours wear. Tickling falfe laughter in a club-room chair? Be- [ 7 ] Behold the contraft — See good-nature ftand With open afped, and with open hand. A fmile of conftancy adorns her fiice, Her pleafant eye beams forth pecidiar grace. Where merit dawns, fhe labours to commend, And calmly bids ev'n ignorance amend. Now mark ill-nature — with malignant eye, She views each genius as he pafles by. The breath of fcandal ifTues from her tongue, She fneers contempt upon each poet's fong. Vain with felf-confidence, and flung with rage, She thinks defert dwells only in her page. Now fay! which pidiure amiable appears, And which the mofl inviting afped: wears. Are ye poffefs'd with frailties of the mind ? Are ye to follies temporal incHn'd } Thou [ 8 3 The qutftion folvcs itfelf. Who dares deny This gen'ral truth, he gives his heart the lie. Ceafe then your neighbours errors to make known, Before ve blazon others mend your own. Arise my fons ! correal your rigid lays, And tread another furer path to praife. By truth be guided, and with rapture fing The growing virtues of a Patriot King. Where-e'er the folar orb its light difplays, And chears exiftence with its kindly rays, Let faithful fame triumphantly proclaim The early luflre of his honour'd name. Recite how gen'rous Pitt, for ever dear, Saw with compaffion fad Britannia's tear ; How from her cheek he wip'd the flowing tide, And bid the laurel flourifli by her fide. In- [ 9 J Inftant the laurel freflier verdure wore, And look'd more bright, more vivid than before. Then ftately commerce fpread her ample fail, And gave un-aw'd her ftieamers to the gale. Then plenty, of induftrious merit born, Rear'd her high creft, and wav'd her copious horn ; And vidlory, refigning her command, Plac'd her gilt fceptre in Britannia's hand. Or, if your genius be too weak to fing Of Britain's glory, and of Britain's king : To the recefs of private life defcend, And praife the virtues of fome faithful friends Where worth lies flirouded in the veil of night Strip off the mafk, and bring her into light. Or if ye wifli your future fame fliould fhine, Let the found, moral precept deck the line. D Arc [ 10 ] Are fiibjeds wanting?— Nature's region view, The Hioddefs ever will have fomethino; new. A thoufand paths, a thoufand diff'rent roads Conducft the traveller to her fvveet abodes, O'er craggy rocks, rough feas, and burning fands, Domeftic counties and exotic lands, Up the fteep mountain, o'er the bleating plain. And where kind Ceres fpreads her wide domain. Churchill come near — for tho' a truant grown, I flill muft call, and love thee as my own. How couldft thou hurl thy venom'd dart at thofe Who ne'er till then profefs'd themfelves thy foes.* Forbear — of more exalted fubjeds fmg, And touch (for well thou canft) my grandeft mafler- firing. * Vide the Rose I AD. All All, all draw near ! whom fatire has miflcd, And let me twine the bay around each head, Wipe from your brows thofc black inglorious ftains. Ill-nature's dregs, and Scandal's foul remains. Approach, and take my kindncfs— What refufc, The generous offer of a friendly mufe ! Come hither, iiflers — join with me in moan, And let, oh ! let my forrows be your own. For ages paft my ftream devolv'd along The fmooth, harmonious eloquence of fong. Belide its banks un-number'd rofes grew Whofe fragrant leaves diftill'd celeftial dew. And fpotlefs lillies, humble in their pride, Met the chafte kiffes of my virgin-tide. In paftoral fimplicity array'd Pan blev/ his pipe beneath my willow-fliade, The fauns and druids flock'd to hear the flrain That llow'd fo eafy from their mafter-fwain. But [ 12 ] But now the fury fliews her hated face, Grim latirc, fcandal to her antient race. How changed her countenance from that (he wore When fmiling Horace liften'd to her lore. Pai^ drops his reed, affrighted with the refl:. And flies the prefence of fo rude a gueft. My virgin tide a cyprefs gloom o'erfhades, And ev'ry rofe, and ev'ry lilly fades, Where, where, my genuine offspring, are ye ftray'd ? To what remote, what foreign clime convey'd ? Will ye not liften to a parent's cry ? Will you not hear her tender-breathing figh ? Where art thou. Smart ! to whom (o much I gave, As much as poet could defire to hav^e. Thy haplefs genius let me not recall, " If I but mention thee, the tears will fall." Oh, Gray ! if ever on my Pindar's hill To thee I gave one golden-feather'd quill, Ap- [ ^3 ] Approach ! and from my lofticfl; towV defccnd, And ftoop for once to vindicate thy friend. Thou too, oh Mason ! near whofe magic wand Th* obedient images of Nature ftand, Whom fweet-lip'd fancy mufically leads Through folemn groves, and flow'r-envvoven mead's. Attend! and laurel'd Whitehead with thee bring, Whom confcious of his voice I taught to fing. Nor thou, deep-Ietter'd Johnson ! lag behind. Rich in thy vaft fertility of mind : Nervous, correct:, and elegant ot ftile, Polite of thought, and copious as the Nile. Attend unanimous afford your aid To comfort and protedl an injur'd maid. Save me from Satire's bafe aflaflin claws, And robe me in the vefliment of applaufe. Reftore my rights — my dignity reftore, Nor let my honour be degraded more. So [ 14 1 So fliall my fv^'ans in confcious pleafure float, And Pan (hall breathe again his ruftic note. So fliall eacli rofe refume its native hue, And ev'ry lilly ev'ry charm renew. So will I hymn your everlafting praife, And interweave the olive with the bays. N I S. SOiiTHcol:l"ril!i;^'*y °' California Refurn "^°'°NAL LIBRARY FACILITY Re urn fhts material to the library from which it was borrowed. THE LIBRAKi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 58 01022 9929 liiqiiBniii D 000 000 898 7 Universil Souths Libra