UUSB LIBRARY MANUAL RESBYTERIAN QHURCH CHICAGO, 1, 1883. CHICAGO: POOLE BROS., PRINTERS. l88 3 . CONSTITUTION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The universal visible Church consists of all those persons, in every nation, together with their children, who make profession of the religion of Christ and submission to His law. A particular Church consists of a number of professing Christians, with their offspring, associated for divine worship and godly living, agreeably to the Holy Scriptures, and submitting to a certain form of government. (See f orm of Gov., Chap. II.) The Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, was organized as at present in the year 1 780, and the first General Assem- bly was held in the month of May of the following year. Its Consti- tution is embraced in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. The Doctrines of the Church are those formulated and maintained by the Reformers of the sixteenth century, in France, Holland, England and Scotland, and are essen- tially in harmony with the belief of all Evangelical Christians. While the Church holds to the excellence of its system of doctrine, it acknowledges that its most essential features are, the incarnation of the Son of God, His vicarious atonement, repentance, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and justification by faith alone, and this faith wrought by the Holy Spirit; and possessing this faith, the believer is entitled to the communion of saints. THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. In its outward organization, the Church is a unit; yet each particu- lar congregation is free to move in its own sphere, as circumstances and local laws require, but conforming to the principles of the written Constitution. As the Church session stands at the door of communion and membership, so the Presbytery is the judge of the qualifications of its members, and can admit, censure or depose, acting in the fear of God, and in accordance with His word. The Synod is, in some sense, a lar.ger Presbytery, reviewing the proceedings of the Presbyteries under its care, with power to redress whatever has been done contrary to order, to form new Presbyteries, and generally to take such action as shall tend to the edification of the Church. The General Assembly is the highest judicatory of the Church. It decides all appeals and references brought from lower judicatories, reviews the proceedings of Synods, and gives advice and instruction to the whole Church in questions of law or morals submitted to it. It can decide all controversies respecting doctrine and discipline, and bear testimony against error in doctrine or immorality in practice in any Church, Presbytery or Synod. It may recommend changes in the Constitution, but a majority of the Presbyteries must approve before they are valid or obligatory. Finally, the distinguishing features of the Church are, the equalitv of the clergy, as opposed to Prelacy or Episcopacy, and the equal voice of the laity in all ecclesiastical assemblies. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CHURCH OFFICERS. (See form of Govt., Chaps. III. and IV.) The ordinary and perpetual officers in the Church are Bishops or Pastors, the representatives of the people, usually styled Ruling Elders and Deacons. The pastoral office is the first in the Church, both for dignity and usefulness. The person who fills this office hath in Scripture obtained different names expressive of his various duties. As he has the over- sight of the flock of Christ, he is termed Bishop. As he feeds them with spiritual food, he is termed Pastor. As he serves Christ in His Church, he is termed Minister. As it is his duty to be grave and pru- dent, and an example to the flock, and to govern well in the House and Kingdom of Christ, he is termed Presbyter or Elder. As he is the messenger of God, he is termed the Angel of the Church. As he is to declare the will of God to sinners, and to beseech them to be reconciled to God through Christ, he is termed Ambassador. And as he dispenses the manifold grace of God and the ordinances instituted by Christ, he is termed Steward of the Mysteries of God. RULING ELDERS. Ruling Elders are the representatives of the people, chosen by them for the purpose of exercising government and discipline in con- junction with Pastors or Ministers. This office has been understood, by a great part of the Protestant Reformed Churches, to be designated in the Holy Scriptures by the title of Governments, and of those who rule well, but do not labor, in word or doctrine. They not only have authority to receive members THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. and exercise "government and discipline in the Church, but are dili- gently to look whether every one properly deports himself; to admonish those who are disorderly, and to aid the Pastor in all things pertaining to the oversight and care of the flock. In case of a vacancy in the Pastoral office, they act under and with the advice of the Presbytery. DEACONS. (See form of Govt., Chaps. IX and X.) The Scriptures clearly point out Deacons as distinct officers in the Church, whose business is to take care .of the poor and to distribute among them the collections which may be raised for their use. To them also may be properly committed the management of the tempo- ral affairs of the Church. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN ffllMH. The Third Presbyterian Church of Chicago was organized by a Committee of the Presbytery of Ottawa, consisting of Rev. Messrs. Patterson, Bascom, Wilcox, Walker and Henderson, on the .ist of July, 1847. At its organization, the church was composed of thirty- five members, of whom Messrs. Philo Carpenter, Henry Smith, Law- rens Kent and Gustavus W. Southworth were chosen Elders. The house of worship, a small frame building, situated on Union street between Washington and Randolph streets, was dedicated to the worship of God on the succeeding Sabbath, the 4th of July, From the organization of the church until November, 1849, they enjoyed the ministerial labor of the Rev. J. B. Walker as their stated supply. In November, 1849, a ca ^ was ma de out and presented to the Rev. Lewis H. DeLoss, of Rockford, to become the pastor of the church. In answer to this call, Mr. DeLoss commenced his labors in the church on the second Sabbath in November, 1849, and was duly installed as its pastor May I2th, 1850. On the loth of June, 1851, the pastoral relations between him and the church were, by mutual consent, dissolved by the Presbytery. THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. On the 5th of October, 1851, Mr. Edwin G. Moore, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Franklin, Ohio, was invited to labor in the church, with a view to ultimate settlement as its pastor. Mr. Moore commenced his labors in the month of October, and was, on the 5th of November, 1852, called to settle with them as their pastor. Having accepted their call, Mr. Moore was ordained and installed over the church by a committee of the Presbytery on the i4th of the same month. The labors of Mr. Moore were continued until the autumn of 1854. The Rev. Mr. Ferris, of the Dutch Reformed Church, supplied the pulpit from the succeeding spring until the call of Rev. Asahel L. Brooks to the pastorate of the church. Mr. Brooks was installed June 1 2th, 1856. This ministry was terminated, at his own request, November lyth, 1859. On the 6th of February, 1860, the Rev. Arthur Swazey was invited to the pastoral care of the church. He began his labors on the ist of April following, and was formally installed by the Presby- tery September I2th of the same year. Over five hundred persons were admitted to the church during the pastorate of Dr. Swazey, and a debt of some forty-five thousand dol- lars nearly extinguished. On the i6th of December, 1869, he tendered his resignation, which, at his earnest request, was accepted at a meet- ing of the church held the following day. On the 1 3th of June, 1870, Rev. Abbott E. Kittredge, pastor of the Eleventh Presbyterian Church of New York, was elected pastor of this church, and on the 2d of October following began his labors, having been installed by the Presbytery on that day. Three churches have been organized during this period from our membership, the Reunion, Westminster and Campbell Park churches. Three Sabbath THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. schools' are under the care of this church, the Home school and the Foster and Noble Street Mission schools, with a total enrolled mem- bership of 1,917 scholars. In the autumn of 1877 t ^ ie church edifice on the corner of Wash- ington and Carpenter streets was sold to the congregation of the Reformed Episcopal Church, under the care of Rev. Bishop/Fallows, and in May, 1878, the present edifice on Ashland avenue was occupied. 10 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ARTICLES OF FAITH. ARTICLE I. We believe that there is one only living and true God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost self-existent and infinite in every perfection, the Creator, Preserver and Governor of the Universe. * ART. II. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were written by holy men as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practice. ART. III. We believe that Jesus Christ, our Mediator, is truly God and truly man, and that, by his sufferings and death on the cross He made atonement for the sins of the world; so that the offers of salvation are sincerely made to all men, and all who repent and believe in Him will be justified and saved. ART. IV. We believe that those who are justified through faith in Christ are renewed by the Holy Ghost, according to the eter- nal purpose of God, and will owe their preservation in holiness and final salvation to grace alone and not to any works of righteousness which they have done. ART. V. We believe that the children of God are created in Jesus Christ unto good works, and that a renewed heart will evince itself in the various acts of an obedient and holv life. THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 11 ART. VI. We believe that the sacraments of the New Testa- ment are Baptism and the Lord's Supper ; that Baptism is to be administered to none but believers and their households, and the Lord's Supper to be received by His disciples. ART. VII. We believe that Jesus Christ will appear at the end of time to judge the world; that the wicked will go away into ever- lasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal. 12 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. FORM OF ADMISSION BELOVED FRIENDS : You have presented yourselves before God, and His people, and the world, to make a solemn confession of your religious faith, and to take upon you, in a public manner, the bonds of the everlasting covenant. We trust and believe that you have well considered the nature of this transaction, and have already offered yourselves a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ. With regard to your doctrinal belief, we feel that, in this public act, but one doctrine is essential to your union with us, and vital to your spiritual health, and that is a hearty and intelli- gent belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, " God manifest in the flesh," and as such, your Almighty Saviour. In this one fundamental doctrine of our religion do you heartily believe? [ Those TV ho were not baptized in infancy id ill novu be baptized.^ You who were baptized in infancy do now reaffirm, for yourselves,, the vows made in your behalf by believing parents at your baptism. You will now enter into covenant with God and this church. Believing it to be your duty to confess Christ before men, you do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, solemnly avouch the Lord Jehovah, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, to be your God and portion forever ; receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Prophet, Priest and King, and the Holy Ghost as your sanctifier,. comforter and guide. You humbly and cheerfully devote yourselves to God, in the everlasting covenant of his grace; you consecrate all your powers and faculties to His service and glory; and, relying upon the promised aid of the Holy Spirit, you engage to walk in all the THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 13 statutes and ordinances of the Lord; ,to assemble yourselves with His people for His worship; to keep holy the Sabbath day; to maintain family and secret prayer; and to honor your high and holy vocation by a life of piety toward God and benevolence toward your fellow men. Do you thus covenant and engage? Now, then, beloved in the Lord, let it be impressed on your minds that you have entered into the most solemn obligations, and that you have become sharers, also, in the promises of the Everlasting Father. See to it, that ye be not moved away from the hope of the Gospel. [ Those who unite with the church by letter or certificate will rise and join with those ivho come on confession of faith, in entering into formal covenant with the church, the Pastor saying to theni\ : You, fellow-believers, do join yourselves to this church, and cov- enant to walk with its members in charity, faithfulness and sobriety; to submit to its government and the discipline which Christ has appointed, and strive earnestly for the peace, edification, and purity of the church. All this you promise and engage? We, then, as a church, do affectionately receive you to our com- munion. We welcome you to this fellowship with us in the blessings of the Gospel, and pi'omise to treat you with Christian affection; tp watch over you with tenderness, and to offer our prayers to the Great Head of the Church to incline you to fulfil this solemn obligation. The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you ; the Lord lift up his coun- tenance upon you, and give you peace. " Now, unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the pres- ence of His glory, with exceeding joy; to the only wise God and our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen." 14 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. QUESTIONS FOR SELF-EXAMINATION. The Pastor and Elders propose, for the spiritual improvement of each member of this church, the following questions: 1. Do you hate sin, and because it is in itself exceedingly sinful and odious? 2. Do you trust in Jesus Christ as your only Saviour from sin and death? 3. Do you love Christians, and do you delight in their societv ? 4. Do you make it a matter of conscience to attend the weekly meetings of the church? 5. Do you desire to know the Saviour in your domestic arrange- ments, in your place of business and in your social intercourse? 6. Are you watchful over yourself in every respect, especially over your tongue, in restraining it from evil speaking? 7. Do you pray in secret daily, morning and evening? 8. Are you at peace with all men? 9. Do you keep the Sabbath day holy, refraining from all words and deeds inconsistent with the sanctity of that holy day ? 10. Are your children instructed in the truth, commended to God in prayer and educated for eternity? 11. Do you worship God in your family and acknowledge Him with thanksgiving at your meals? 12. Do you read your Bible dailv and meditate on what you read? THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 15 13. What influence has religion on your habitual temper and conduct ? 14. What are you doing for Christ and the souls of men? 15. What self-denial are you practising for Christ's sake? 1 6. Do you labor diligently to bring neglectors of public worship into the sanctuary? 1 7. Are you in the habit of praying and laboring for the salvation of individuals? 1 8. Is your religious influence felt in the family, in the church, and in the social circle? IN THE MORNING ASK YOURSELF : 1 . What good can I do to-day ? 2. To what temptations shall I be peculiarly exposed? 3. In what particulars can I act more wisely than I did yesterday ? IN THE EVENING ASK YOURSELF: 1. What good have I done to-day? 2. What victory have I gained over temptation? 3. Have I been faithful in improving each moment for Christ? 16 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. t OFFICERS. PASTOR. REV. ABBOTT E. KITTREDGE, D.D. ASSISTANT PASTOR. REV. W. S. POST, D.D. ELDERS. WM. OSBORN. LOUIS F. BURRELL. WM..L. LEE. LOTHROP S. HODGES. SAMUEL M. MOORE. JOHN CRIGHTON. CHAS. L. CURRIER. THOS. KANE. EDWARD M. TEALL. DEMING H. PRESTON. DAVID BRADLEY. CHAS. F. CHESSMAN. JAS. A. HAIR. JOHN S. CARPENTER. FRANK E. SPOON ER. THOS. GOODMAN, TREAS. ALBERT G. BEEBE. R. N. TRIMINGHAM, CLERK. DEACONS. H. E. C. DANIELS, TREAS. WM. H. BRINTNALL. A. H. KEESE, SEC. HENRY A. OSBORN. W. D. MESSINGER. J. H. SNITZLER. JAS. S. HUBBARD. WM. H. BEEBE. TRUSTEES. DAVID BRADLEY, PRES. THOS. N. BOND. ROBERT SCOTT. JAS. A. HAIR. FRANK E. SPOONER. LOTHROP S. HODGES. CHAS. L. CURRIER. SAM'L W. ADAMS. JAMES P. KETCHAM, TREAS. USHERS. JAS. A. HAIR. WM. A. GOODMAN. JOSHUA EMERY. JOHN WALLS SCOTT. A. B. CLARK. THOS. A. STRAYER. HENRY A. OSBORN. A. W. BURKHARDT. GEORGE MORGAN. JOHN F. RICE. MORGAN K. DEALE. SEXTON. PRATT HAMILTON. THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 17 REGULAR SERVICES. Public Worship on Sabbath at 10.30 A. M. and 7.30 P.. M. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING. Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Reading Room open from 7 to 8 and from 9 to 10. LADIES' PRAYER MEETING. Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER MEETING. Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. TEACHERS' BIBLE CLASS. . CONDUCTED BY THE PASTOR. Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Is administered on the first Sundays in February, April, June, August, October and December. There is also a New Year's Communion on the first Sabbath in January, at which time there is no reception of members. INFANT BAPTISM. On the Sabbath following each Communion season. 18 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. HOME. MEETS AT 2.30 P.M. !- Assistant Superintendents. OFFICERS. EDWARD M. TEALL. . Superintendent. CHAS. F. CHESSMAN... WM. A. GOODMAN HENRY W. CALDWELL Sup't of Infant Dept. Loris A. M UN SON Assistant Superintendent. MERVIN E. JOHNSTON Secretary and Treasurer. A. W. BURKHARDT Ass't Sec. and Treas. CHAS. D. MILL Librarian. SEYMOUR MORRIS Ass't Librarian. REPORT OF HOME SCHOOL FOR YEAR 1882. Highest attendance any one Sunday 964 Lowest " " 448 Average " a k ' 824 Scholars received into Church 58 Balance on hand last report 5S 79 7 Total collections for the year 848 55 $927 62 Average collections for the year 17 31 Donated Industrial School of our Church $ 79 07 Amount collected for Young Ladies' Missionary Society 66 22 Donated Cook County Sunday School Association . . 2500 " Women's Presbyterian Board for Miss Cummings 25 oo " toward building church in Willowdale, Neb. 50 oo " to W. B. Morton 25 oo THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 19 Donated Miss Hattie Powers, Missionary, Erzroum, Turkey 100 oo " First Presbyterian Church, Miles City, Montana (J. W. Strevell) 100 oo " Industrial School of our Church 100 oo " Rev. J. W. Snowden, Missionary American Sunday School Union, San Jose, Cal. ... 50 oo " Rev. A. H. Campbell, Home Missionary, Casey, Iowa 50 oo " Presbyterian Church, La Dora, Iowa 100 oo " Presbyterian Church, near Fargo, Dakota (Mr. Morgan) 100 oo Balance on hand 57 33 $927 62 EDWARD 'M. TEALL, Superintendent. FOSTER MISSION. MASKELL HALL, 173 SOUTH DESPLAINES STREET. MEETS AT 2.30 P. M. OFFICERS. CHARLES L. CURRIER Superintendent. RALPH N. TRIMINGHAM. . . \ JAMES S. HUBBARD [ Assistant Superintendents. JAMES H. MILES Treas. and Sec. THOMAS KANE . Sup't of Infant Class. WM. T. TEMPLETON Asst. Sup't of Infant Class. DAVID W. WOOD Teacher of Bible Class. H. N. NORTON Librarian. ABBREVIATED REPORT OF FOSTER MISSION. Average attendance in 1882 407 Largest u 601 Smallest " 296 Number of teachers 45 Teachers and scholars united with church 20 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. TREASURER'S REPORT. AMOUNT CONTRIBUTED BY THE SCHOOL. January ist, 1882. Balance on hand $ 39 56 Sabbath collections (average $5) 261 43 Receipts for picnic i o i 45 $402 44 EXPENSES. Papers, etc., for school $ 1 85 59 Expenses of picnic 85 oo Sundry items 27 91 Christmas festival 82 15 Balance January ist, 1883 21 79 402 44 In addition to the above amount, about $600 is appropriated from the Church Fund, making the total yearly expenses of the school $1,000. The Infant Class numbers from 100 to 150 scholars, and the Bible Class from 25 to 40 members, while in connection with the same is held a weekly Prayer Meeting. NOBLE STREET MISSION. OFFICERS. DANIEL FORBES Superintendent. W. H. BEEBE Assistant Superintendent. G. E. SHIPMAN, Jr Secretary and Treasurer. H. J. SMITH Librarian. HEMMO HEIKEMA Assistant Librarian. Miss F. C. SHIPMAN.. . . \ Miss M. C. SHIPMAN . . . \ Infant &*!***** This school was taken under the care of the Third Church in January of this year, and the report, therefore, only covers the past four months. Average attendance 300 Largest any one Sunday 352 Smallest " " 201 Teachers and officers 39 Contributions by the school since January ist $71 82 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 21 REPORT OF TREASURER OF THE SESSION. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. January ist, 1882. Balance in the Treasury $190 86 Receipts from January ist, 1882, to May ist, 1883, as follows, viz. : COLLECTIONS. For Sunday-school work $3,398 70 " Foreign Missions I 337 33 " Home Missions 2,198 18 " Mayu ood Church 250 oo V Redemption of Fallen Women 157 53 Ministerial Relief 405 08 Publication Society 135 03 Foundlings' Home 74 77 Education 93 32 Freedmen 93 33 General Fund ; 1,008 13 9,151 40 Total $9,342 26 DISBURSEMENTS AS FOLLOWS: To Sunday-school work, including Home and Mission School $3,217 44 " Foreign Missions 1,298 33 " Home Missions. 2,198 18 " May wood Church 250 oo " The Society for Redemption of Fallen Women 157 53 Ministerial Relief 405 08 Publication Society 135 03 Foundlings' Home 74 77 Education Society 93 32 Freedmen's " 93 33 Ladies' Benevolent Societv 378 oo Church Manuals 206 50 Assessment of Presbytery / 157 95 " " " 17046 ' Clothing for an aged minister 48 33 Missionary boxes 50 oo Printing and stationery 34 5 Dr. Speer, for work among Chinese in Chicago 25 oo Hymns and leaflets 38 25 Communion plates 9 60 Church Register in hotels 7 oo Poor not otherwise provided 29 oo ' Sundry small items 1641 . 9,93 5 6 Balance in Treasury, May ist, 1883 248 70 Total $9,342 26 THOMAS GOODMAN, TREASURER. 22 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. THE BOARD OF 'DEACONS. The Deacons are organized as a Board with the Pastor as Mod- erator. The Board hold regular meetings monthly, at which time the Treasurer gives a report of receipts and disbursements during the month. Reports from committees appointed to attend to cases of suffering are made, and new committees assigned to families whose names have been presented to the Board. Report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons for the term commencing January ist, 1882, and ending March 3ist, 1883: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand January ist, 1882 $ I 57 6 Sacramental Collection for January, 1882 128 15 " " February, 1882 1 19 56 " " << April, 1882 12801 " " " June, 1882 112 79 " " August, 1882 49 01 " " October, 1882 145 87 " " " December, 1882 145 07 " " " January, 1883 I2 7 47 " " " February, 1883. 120 65 Thanksgiving Collection 44 92 Money refunded to the Board 71 40 $1,349.96 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. DISBURSEMENTS. For General Relief, January ist, 1882, to March 3ist, 1883 $6 1 1 oo Funeral expenses paid 1 5 40 Payments on Rose Hill Lot 360 oo Thanksgiving dinners for poor families 49 9 2 Bread and wine for Communion 49 90 Amount paid Treasurer of session 100 oo Miscellaneous expenses 4 75 Balance on hand March 3ist, 1883 158 99 $1,349 96 H. E. C. DANIELS, Treas. CHICAGO, March 3ist, 1883. During the past twelve months aid has been extended to sixteen families and persons members of our Church. Of the above number one person has . passed from the earthly communion to the heavenly. One feature of the work of the Deacons the past year has been a regularly organized visitation of a large number of the congrega- tion with a view to their becoming acquainted with each other. The Deacons remembered our worthy poor on Thanksgiving and Christmas Days, providing all with good dinners. The Board desire to ask the co-operation of the Church in their labors. They sincerely trust that persons who may at any time know of those in distress in our congregation, will promptly report their names to them that there may be no delay in rendering assistance. The Deacons respectfully call the attention of the ladies of the church to the fact that frequent applications are made to them, not only for pecuniary assistance but for employment. They, therefore, request that whenever ladies have sewing or similar work suitable for women, they will, before applying elsewhere, ascertain whether parties can be furnished from the congregation to perform the same. Application can be made to any member of the Board of Deacons. A. H. KEESE, Sec. 24 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. LADIES' BENEVOLENT WORK. MRS. SAMUEL SHARP, PRESIDENT. The Ladies' Benevolent Society has held eleven meetings for the season of 1882-3; one a call-meeting to complete unfinished work much needed at the time, and three all day meetings, at which lunches were served and a pleasant social time enjoyed. The largest number in attendance at any one Jime was 165 and the smallest 19. Forty-five dollars were received in membership fees, twenty of which were paid for our new sewing machine and the remainder went into the missionary box. Two hundred and seventy-five dollars have been contributed by the session for the purchase of material, from which have been made 650 articles, including clothing, towels and bedding. There were also donated 75 second-hand garments, making in all 725. Of the above 117 were sent to Park College, Mo.; 69 to Braid- wood, and 1 1 articles were given to Miss Cummings, the medical missionary, while the balance, 528, were distributed here in the city. The following articles were also received by donation : nine yards Canton flannel from Mrs. Henry Osborn; one piece of goods and ten yards red flannel from Mrs. Schwartz; two calico dress patterns and three and a half yards muslin from Mrs. Little for the Braidwood sufferers. The value of the above named articles, at a fair estimate, would be as follows: sewing machine, $20; one missionary box sent to Mr. Patch, $50; one box to Park College, Mo., $50; articles to Miss Cummings, $15. The 69 articles to Braidwood, together with the 528 distributed in the city, estimated at $400. THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. LADIES' PRAYER MEETING. This meeting of the church was organized nine years ago, and has been sustained each week, up to the present time, without inter- ruption. The meetings are held every Tuesday afternoon in the church parlors. The third Tuesday of the month the subject of Foreign Missions is considered and the following week is devoted to temper- ance. The influence of these meetings as a means of spiritual growth and strength to the church cannot be overestimated. All the ladies of the church are cordially invited to attend these services, and by their presence and efforts increase the interest of the meetings and also promote their own spiritual welfare. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. MKS. A. G. BEEBE, PRESIDENT. The Industrial School has held its sessions from 2 to 4 o'clock every Saturday afternoon, from November iSth, 1882, to April 2ist, 1883, in the Holland Presbyterian Church, corner of Erie and Noble streets. The object has been to instruct girls in sewing, together with religious instruction, forty minutes being given to the latter at the opening of the school. Although the field of labor was a new one, the school opened with .148 scholars and 18 teachers and officers, and the interest in the work steadily increased until, on March 30!, there were present 227 scholars and 29 officers and teachers. The whole number of pupils enrolled has been 267, with an average attendance of 194. The whole number of teachers and officers enrolled was 44. 26 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Average attendance 29. The number of garments finished by pupils, 311. Number of bed-quilts pieced, 79. The school has been successful on account of the faithfulness and earnestness of the teachers, who have been unusually punctual in attendance and interested in the work. Donations have been received from the Sunday School and Dr. Kittredge. Bibles were awarded to pupils for perfectly comrm'tting the Scripture Catechism taught in the opening exercises. WOMAN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. MRS. C. N. HARTWKLL, PRESIDENT. This Society, organized twelve years ago, has since been engaged in active work without interruption, holding regular meetings the third Tuesday of each month, at 3 p. m., in the church parlors. Its object is to disseminate missionary intelligence and to receive contributions for foreign missions. The officers consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer and Finance Committee. The Society numbers at present 246 members. The meetings are opened with prayer, singing and Bible reading, after which the monthly reports of Secretary and Treasurer are given; letters received from foreign fields are read, and items of interest connected with the foreign missionary work are contributed. The subjects for the meetings for the past year have been as heretofore, beginning with China for January, Mexico, India, Siam and Laos, Africa, North American Indians, South Amer- ica, Japan, Persia, Papal Europe and the Syria mission. The sup- port of two lady missionaries, Mrs. Kelso and Miss Olmstead, con- tinues to be the special object for which the greater part of the fund received is appropriated. THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 27 Mrs. Kelso, of Lodiana, India, who a year ago visited America, has returned to her work in India, and recent intelligence received from her shows her increased zeal and interest in her life-work, with added health and strength following the rest so much needed. Miss Olmstead writes beautiful letters from Bankok, Siam, full of joy and consecration. She went forth three years ago to the work that God had chosen for her, and her efforts have been blessed in all she has been led to do. Our own church has been honored : We have had the privilege of aiding in the preparation required in sending out one of our own number, a member of the Third Church, Miss Cummings, who goes as a medical missionary to Japan. Over three hundred dollars has been contributed through this Society toward her outfit. Our pastor, Dr. Kittredge, has found time to come into our meet- ings on several occasions, and has giv^n us words of encouragement and united his earnest prayers with ours in the cause which we represent. Christian sisters, shall we not strive to do a grander work for Christ in the coming year, by sending the Word of Life to those who sit in darkness, that when the "Harvest Home" is sung and the laborers gather at sunset, we may come with our arms filled with sheaves saved for the granary of our Lord ? TREASURER'S REPORT. The total amount of money which has come into my hands as Treasurer of this Society, since the last annual meeting $1,138 37 Balance in treasury from last year's account 38 77 Gift from Y. L. B. Society for Miss Olmstead's salary 100 oo Pledges paid after last annual meeting 95 Special gift for the Nestorians 10 oo Special fund 175 oo Pledges paid for the year closing to-dav -. 805 10 Total $!,i 3 8 37 MRS. H. A. OSBORX, Treasurer. 28 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. EXPENDITURES. This money has been expended as follows: Envelopes and printing %z oo Expenses of missionary meeting in June. 6 50 On account New England supper 12 oo Annual report i oo Members of Finance Committee for circulars, postage, etc. 12 80 For Nestorians 10 oo Mrs. Kelso's salary 400 oo Miss Olmstead's salary 450 oo $894 30 In the treasury at meeting March 2Oth 244 07 Si, 138 37 Unpaid pledges $i 34 85 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FUNDS FOR Miss CUMMINGS. Seed Sowers $10 oo Sunday School 25 oo Mrs. Story i oo Y. L. B. Society 25 oo Mrs. Hartwell 2 oo " Kane 35 oo " J. S. Knox 25 oo $123 oo THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. THE YOUNG LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. MRS. MARY O. LYMAN, PRESIDENT. This Society, composed of the young ladies of the church, was organized January lyth, 1882. During the first winter the young ladies appropriated $100 to Miss Olmstead in Siam, $57 to the Bible Readers' Home, and several smaller sums to various charitable purposes, and had, at their last meeting in May, 1882, $230.59 in the treasury. During the fall of 1882 $100 was sent to Miss Olmstead, $25 to Miss Cummings and $13.89 to the Bible Readers' Home. After January 1st, 1883, the young ladies gave a few mite socials, a Japanese tea party, and, after paying all expenses, had in the treas- ury $36-73i $300 of which was assigned to Mrs. Ash for the purpose of getting her in the Old Ladies' Home. The Society adjourned May 6th, 1883, to meet again in Septem- ber, with a balance in the treasury of $6.73. IDA B. HAIR, Secretary. THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. This As'sociation was organized in October, 1880, and is com- posed exclusively of the young people of the congregation. In the words of its Constitution, " Its object is to develop the Christian character, improve the spiritual, intellectual and social condition of its members, and to inspire religious activity among all the young people of the church." The growth and success of the Association has far exceeded the anticipations of its founders. It numbers now a membership of about four hundred, maintains an excellent free reading-room, and owns a 30 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. circulating library of about one thousand volumes, which is held exclu- sively for the use of its members. The work of the Association has been thoroughly systematized, and is divided among three general committees, as follows: A Devotional Committee, who have general supervision of the Young People's Prayer Meetings, select subjects, appoint leaders, and see that strangers visiting the meetings are cordially welcomed ; a Library Committee, composed of five gentlemen having control of the Read- ing-Room and Library; and an Entertainment Committee, of eight ladies and eight gentlemen, having the management of the social gatherings and of all literary and musical entertainments. As regards the general work of the Association, it may be said, briefly, that through its frequent socials it has brought the young people of the church together and bound them by ties of a common acquaintance and friendship. It offers them also the use of a circula- ting library in every respect equal to the best in the city. Spiritually its work is shown in largely increased attendance at the Young People's Prayer Meetings, now averaging an attendance of over three hundred, and in the very large number of its members, who have united with the church during last year. . While striving to supply to some extent the social and intellectual needs of our young people, it is beyond all 4lse the desire of the man- agers that the Library Association shall be a growing power for good, and that its work and influence shall be seen and felt in the salvation of souls and the strengthening of our church. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 31 TREASURER'S REPORT YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION-. RECEIPTS. To Balance on hand at last Annual Meeting $212 89 " Cash from membership 371 26 " " " complimentaries 6 oo " Entertainment by Prof. Cumnock and the Chick- \ ering Quartette 33 40 " Contribution Mr. J. K. Anderson . . k 50 oo " " Mr. Thos. Kane 25 oo " Library Fines to May ist (less incidental expenses) 33 68 $732 22 DISBURSEMENTS. By Sociables $ 1 45 60 " Library, purchase of books 219 50 " Subscriptions, magazines, etc 102 26 " Sundries, catalogue and case ^34 " Sundry expenses, postals, and printing. 73 9 " Balance 107 56 $732 22 H. A. OSBORN, Treas. THE SEED SOWERS. MRS. W. \V. FULLER, PRESIDENT. The Mission Band of " Seed Sowers" was organized March i ith, 1882, and is composed of the little girls of the congregation, twelve years old and under. The meetings have been held every alternate Saturday, the time being occupied in sewing and religious and literary exercises. The children have raised through their efforts during the year nearly $50, and will now assume the support of a child in some mission school. The meetings have been well attended and a growing interest manifested in the work by both parents and children. 32 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE BENEVOLENCE OF THE CHURCH FOR THE YEAR. Home Sunday School $848 55 Foster Mission 362 88 Noble Street Mission t 7 1 82 Treasurer of Session 9> I 5 1 4 " " Board of Deacons 1,192 90 " " Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society i ,099 60 " " Young People's Library Association 519 33 " " Young Ladies' Benevolent Society 30x5 oo " " Seed Sowers 48 oo To this may be added the receipts by the Board of Trustees 25,619 32 Total $39,2 1 3 80 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MEMBERS RECEIVED FROM JANUARY, 1882, TO APRIL, 1883. On confession of Christ 15 By letter from other churches 18 Total for the year 337 Absentees 73 Dismissed by letter 115 Total membership 2067 lit* JHetnortam* MRS. HARRIET A. AIKEX June, 1882. Miss HATTIE S. BESLY December 3ist, 1882. MRS. MARY BARR July 22d, 1882. JOHN C. COON LEY October 6th, 1882. Miss MARY DENT February 26th, 1882. MRS. MINNIE B. DUNWELI ^. April 3oth, 1883. MRS. SARAH E. DsLoss October ist, 1882. MRS. AMANDA DECHACON February, 1882. FLETCHER DEXXISON April 2cl, 1882. MRS. SUSANNAH FITCH '. October 2ist, 1882. Miss KATE G. INNIS February loth, 1882. Miss SARAH E. KERRY January 2oth, 1 882. MRS. SARAH C. KELSEY April i5th, 1883. MRS. GEORGIAN A O. PATTERSON May 3d, 1882. JOEL PETTIS August 28th, 1882. MRS. ANN RUSSELL December 2yth, 1882. MRS. EMILY M. RAWSOX March 3Oth 1882. MRS. MARGARET R. STORY March 2 ist, 1882. CHARLES SMART August 29th, 1882. GEORGE H. THOMAS May 26th, 1882. MRS. MINERVA WHITLEY October, 1882. MRS. REBECCA D. WALLER March 2ist 1883. HENRY G. WORMER March ist, 1882. "These all died in faith." "I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope." "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat." "And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun ; for the Lord God giveth them light, and they shall reign forever and ever." . "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, for they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them." "One family we dwell in Him, One church, above, beneath ; Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream of death. " One army of the living God To His commands we bow: Part of the host have crossed the flood. And part are crossing now." THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. LIST OF MEMBERS. Abdill, James C 1875 Abram, Mrs. Ella E 1873 Adams, Samuel W 1871 Adams, Mrs. Fanny R 1866 Adams, Mrs. Mary G 1873 Adams, Chas. R 1876 Adams, Miss Sophia B 1881 Adams, Miss Martha ... 1882 Adamson, Robt. J 1876 Adamson, Mrs. Zuleika M . . 1876 Afleck, Wm 1881 Afleck, Miss Mary 1881 Afleck, Miss Ellen 1881 Agnew, John L . . . 1877 Agnew, Mrs. Nannie 1877 Aiken, James E 1871 Aiken, Chas. R 1876 Ainsworth, Mrs. Mary 1876 Aldrich, Mrs. Mae F 1878 Alexander, Jas. G . . . : 1866 Alexander, Geo. B 1872 Alexander, Mrs. Elizabeth 1872 Alexander, James ; . . . 1882 Allen, Mrs. Eveline 1857 Allen, Mrs. Anna C 1871 Allen, Alexander S 1876 Allen,' Mrs. Eliza S 1876 Allen, Mrs. Charlotte A 1876 Allen, Miss Georgiana A . . . Allen, Mrs. Jane Allen, Thos Allen, Mrs. Eliza Allen, Frank S Allen, Geo. R Allen, John M Altmyer, Fred'k T Alvord, Ira M Alvord, Mrs. Emaretta. . . Ames, Henrv D Anderson, Wm. H ....... Anderson, Mrs. Hannah Y Anderson, David Anderson, Samuel P Anderson, Mrs. Sarah E . . , Anderson, Miss Jennie E . , Anderson, Mrs. Lillian M . , Anderson, Chas. E Anderson, Miss Belle Anderson, John G ........ Anderson, Mrs. Sarah E . . , Andress, Judson C Andrews, Miss Hattie. Arkins, Mrs. Laura J Armour, Mrs. Anne Armstrong, Frank H Armstrong, Miss Lizzie A 1876 1876 1877 1877 1879 1882 1882 1878 1877 1877 1882 1865 1865 1771 1872 1873 1875 1876 1877 1879 1881 1881 1871 1877 1877 1876 1874 1878 38 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Arthur, James 1875 Arthur, Mrs. Mary J 1874 Arthur, Miss Annie E .......... 1875 Ashley, Augustus G 1867 Ashley, Mrs. Laura A 1867 Ashley, Fred. S 1873 Atchley, Edward B 1877 Alchley, Mrs. Lucinda M. 1877 Atwood, Geo. H 1880 Atwood, Mrs. Elvira A. 1880 AustinVMrsTMinnie .T." . . . . . . '. . . "1871 Babb, Miss Estelle J 1880 Babcock, Mrs. Maria W 1863 Babcock, Mrs. Ann 1874 Bacon, Mrs. Fannie 1881 Bacon, Robt. M 1881 Bacon, George ..... 1883 Bache, Mrs. Carrie 1879 Baird, Frank T 1871 Baker, George. 1883 Baker, Mrs. Mary M 1882 Baker, Miss Laura 1882 Baldwin, Mrs. Mary J 1868 Baldwin, Miss Ella H . 1878 Baldwin, Andrew S 1880 Baldwin, Mrs. Frances L 1881 Baldwin, Mrs. Nettie A 1881 Baldwin, Miss Helen L. 1881 Balfour, Jas 1877 Balfour, Mrs. Grace A 1877 Balfour, Miss Grace D . 1877 Ball, Miss Frances 1880 Banks, Wm. H 1866 Banks, Mrs. Lottie 1866 Banks, Miss Lulu 1881 Barber, Wm. T.. ../.... 1877 Barber, Mrs. Emma C 1877 Barker, Mrs. Sally May 1880 Barnes, Miss Ellen 1877 Barnes, Miss Charlotte 1877 Barnum, Mrs. Lucy F 1877 Barr, Wm. J 1875 Barr, Mrs. Jane W 1879 Barrett, Mrs. Helen W 1879 Barrows, Chas. R 1875 Barry, Miss Sophie J 1878 Barstow, Miss Sophia E 1871 Bartholomew, Mrs. Louisa 1873 Bartlett, Mrs. Mary J . . . 1877 Bates, Mrs. Myra 1879 Baxter, Mrs. Fanny 1873 Baxter, Merwin W 1874 Baxter, Andrew L 1877 Beard, Harry A 1874 Beatty, Wm. R . . . . 1880 Becker, Henry C 1878 Becker, Miss Christina S 1878 Becker, Miss Helena 1878 Becker, Miss Gertrude M . . . 1878 Becker, Miss Henrietta C 1879 Becker, Miss Annie D . 1879 Beckett, Mrs. Frankie J 1875 Beebe, Win. II 1872 Beebe, Mrs. Kate K 1812 Beebe, Albert G 1879 Beebe, Mrs. Francis 1 1879 Beebe, Leslie W 1880 Beecroft, Mrs. Lizzie 1872 Beek, Geo. N 1879 Beek, Mrs. Annie E . 187!) Beek, Horace W 1879 Beidler, Wm. H 1867 Belding, J. M 1880 Belfield, Henry H .'. 1871 Belfield, Mrs. Anne M '. 1871 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Belfield, Wm. T 1881 Belfield, Chas. E 1872 Bell, Miss Carrie M 1882 Bennett, Rezin I 1880 Bennett, Mrs. Martha M 1880 Bent, Geo. P 1876 Bent, Mrs. Clara A 1876 Benton, Win. H ... 1877 Besley, Mrs. Isabella 1872 Besley, Miss Corinne 1872 Bews, Miss Mary L 1880 Bigsby, R 1882 Bigsby, Mrs. Eliza 1882 Bigsby, Irving 1882 Birdsall, Walter 1874 Birge, Manning D 1879 Birge, Mrs. Maria S 1879 Birge, Miss Mertice M . 1879 Birkhoft", Geo. Jr 1880 Birkhoff, Mrs. Elizabeth 1880 Birt, Miss Emma 1882 Bishop, Miss Maggie J 1881 Bishop, Miss Isabella 1882 Black, Jas . P 1867 Black, Miss Lizzie 1872 Black, Stanley P 1875 Black, Mrs. Fannie 1877 Black, Miss Mary R 1877 Black, Mrs. Augusta 1881 Black, Miss Jennie M 1881 Blackford, Henry 1882 Blades, Mrs. Mary A 1878 Blades, Miss Beulah J 1879 Blades, Miss Anna 1879 Blades, Miss Lolo L 1882 Blades, Miss Minnie F 1882 Blair, Wm. T 1883 Blakeslee, Miss Mattie. 1875 Blakesley, Fred. E 1881 Blascheck, .Joseph Blascheck, Mrs. Mary A . . . . Blay, Miss Belle M Blodgett, Mrs. Martha Blood, Seth N Blood, Mrs. Sarah J Bochove, Henry R Bond, Thos. N Bond, Mrs. Sarah C Bond, Wm. R Bond, Mrs. Martha B Bonnell, Mrs. Emily Booth, Miss Sidney May Booth, Spencer H Booth, Mrs. Carrie L Borwell, Edward B . . . . Borwell, Frank J. C Botham, Thos. II Both-well, Miss Maggie Bowen, Mrs. Mary H Bowie, James W Bradley, David Bradley, Mrs. Cynthia ...... Bradley, Miss Mary Bradshaw, Wm. D ......... Bradshaw, Mrs. Mabel H Bradshaw, Mrs. Harriet P . . . Brady, Miss M. Arabella Brady, Simon C Bray, Miss Eliza M Bremner, Mrs. Helen J Brennard, Mrs. Margaret A . Briggs, Mrs. Anna R Briggs, Mrs. Elvira P Brine, Mrs. Anna M Brintnall, Wm. H Brintnall, Mrs. E. Gertrude. Britton, Albert M Brockie, Miss Anna H .. 1879 . . 1879 .. 1882 . . 1883 .. 1877 .. 1876 .. 1882 .. 1867 .. 1867 .. 1878 .. 1878 .. 1879 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1877 ... 1881 .. 1876 .. 1876 .. 1871 . . 1871 ... 1882 . . 1870 ... 1879 .. 1872 ... 1875 ..'. 1877 . . 1881 ... 1879 , .. 1877 ... 1858 ... 1873 ... 1873 ... 1871 ,.. 1876 ... 1871 . 1882 40 ' THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Brodie, James M 1871 Brodie, Mrs. Jane F 1871 Brokaw, Mrs. Mary J 1879 Brooks, Mrs. Elizabeth 1880 Brown, Miss Ella L 1874 Brown, Mrs. Helen J 1876 Brown, Miss Mary 1878 Brown, Mrs. Adelaide 1878 Brown, Warren F... '. 1879 Brown, Miss Rachel , 1879 Brown, Joseph 1882 Brown, Mrs. Maria 1882 Brownlee, Thos. H. R 1882 Brubaker, Miss Mary I 1881 Bruce, Mrs. Susan E 1882 Bruce, Robert 1882 Bruce, Mrs. Mary A 1882 Bruton, Mrs. Jennie S 1882 Bryant, Miss Emily J 1877 Bryson, Mrs. Julia 1857 Bryson, Miss Isabella J 1858 Bryson, John M 1872 Buck, Miss Millicent M 1881 Buchanan, Joseph 1882 Builder, John 1882 Bullwinkle, Benj. B 1876 Bullwinkle, Mrs. Angeline J 1876 Burdick, Frank H 1873 Burdick, Mrs. Olive E 1873 Burkhardt, H. S 1876 Burkhardt, Mrs. Bettie 1876 Burkhardt, M. L 1880 Burkhardt, Henry 1880 Burkhardt, Mrs. Elizabeth S 1880 Burkhardt, Miss Ella V 1880 Burkhardt, Albert A. W 1880 Burkhardt, Miss Alice C 1880 Burkhardt, George T 1880 Burkhardt, Miss Elizabeth 1880 Burkhardt, Miss Ella V , Burns, Miss Emma J . . . Burrage, Thomas B . . . . , Burrell, Louis F Burrell, Mrs. Maggie A . Burrell, John F Burt, Mrs. Harriet , Burtis, William G. Burtis, Mrs. Emma J . . . . Butler, Wm. A Butler, Mrs. Bessie Butler, Mrs. P. W Cady, Mrs. Laura Caldwell, Henry W Caldwell, Mrs. Hannah H . Callen, Miss Margaret Callender, Frederick A .... Cameron, Mrs. Sarah T . . . Campbell, William Campbell, William E Campbell, Mrs. Isabella. . . Campbell, Miss Jeanie G . . Campbell, Miss Jessie E . . . Campbell, Miss Mary E . . . Campbell, Colin C Campbell, George W Cannon, Mrs. Ella M Capers, Mrs. Emma M . . . . Carlile, Miss Ella M Carman, Mrs. Sallie H Carman, Mrs. Hannah Carpenter, John S Carpenter, Mrs. Hattie A . . Carpenter, Miss Ida B Carrington, Mrs. Esther E Carroll, Mrs. Annie E 1882 1877 1881 1871 1874 1879 1876 1879 1879 1876 1876 1877 1880 1882 1882 1859 1877 1877 1875 1875 1875 1875 1875 1878 1882 1883 1875 1875 1878 1877 1877 1878 1878 1878 1874 1870 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Carson, Francis 1878 Carson, Oliver 1878 Cartland, Miss Bertie 1877 Cartland, Mrs. Priscilla W 1877 Cary, Miss Anna S 1877 Case, Francis W 1880 Catlin, Win. R 1879 Cavener, Mrs. Ellen W 1875 Chadwick, Mrs. Annie .......... 1872 Chambers, Miss Clara B 1871 Chandler, Frederick B 1877 Chandler, Mrs. Lydia DeK 1877 Chandler, William W 1877 Chapman, Almon 1876 Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth S 1878 Chapman, Mrs. Susan C 1882 Chappell, Mrs. C. H 1882 Chappell, Charles Henry Jr 1883 Cherry, Chas. L 1875 Cherry, Mrs. Minnie 1875 Chester, Harry W 1881 Chessman, Chas. F . 1872 Chessman, Mrs. Julia G 1872 Chessman, Chas. F. Jr 1877 Chessman, Miss Fannie. 1880 Childs, Edward W 1881 Claghorn, James D 1882 Clapp, Mrs. Fannie 1876 Clark, Albert B 1878 Clark, Mrs. Sarah H 1878 Clark, Miss Lulu 1881 Clark, Benjamin T 1877 Clarke, Mrs. Harriet 1880 Clarke, Miss Mamie P 1880 Clarke, Miss Margaretta 1880 Clark, Lemuel 1873 Clarke, Mrs. Annie W. L 1873 Clark, George W 1875 Clark, Mrs. Cornelia . 1875 Clark, Wm. G Clark, Mrs. Lizzie Clark, Holly C Clark, Miss M.Carrie Clark, Miss Sarah L Clarke, Charles T Clarke, Eugene H Clarke, Henry Clark, Miss Hattie Cleland, Andrew M Cleveland, Mrs. Johannah . . . Close, Mrs. Nettie E Clothier, Albert , Clothier, Mrs. Minnie B Coburn, Miss Emma Cochrane, Miss Inez M . . . . . Cockfield, Henry Cockfield, Mrs. Henry Cockfield, Joseph Colburn, Mrs. Carrie H . . . . . Cole, Mrs. Cornelia Cole, Charles D Cole, Mrs. Ella Cole, John S Coleman, George M Colston, Mrs. Margaret J.. .. Comfort, Mrs. Olive Comfort, Miss Grace V Compton, Miss Elizabeth C. . Compton, Miss Minnie S. W. Cone, Miss Roma B Cone, Mrs. Eliza Conrad, Irwin W Conner, Miss Alicia Conry, Dr. T. J Conry, Mrs. C Cook, Mrs. Catherine ....... Coonley, Mrs. Lvdia A Coonley, Miss Marv L. .. .. . .. 1875 . . - 1875 . . . 1876 . . . 1876 . .. 1882 . . . 1882 ... 1882 . . . 1882 . . 1883 . .. 1881 . . . 1883 . .. 1875 . .. 1881 . . . 1881 . .. 1875 . .. 1877 . .. 1878 . . 1878 ... 1878 ... 1881 ... 1868 ... 1875 . . 1875 .. 1882 .. 1873 .. 1877 .. 1873 . . 1879 . . 1876 .. 1878 .. 1880 .. 1876 .. 1878 .. 1875 .. 1879 .. 1879 .. 1875 . .. 1875 . 1883 42 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Corbett, John 1873 Corbett, Mrs. Mary A . . 1873 Corbett, Miss Ella J 1883 Corby, Edward L : 1877 Cornell, Mrs. Henrietta W 1877 Cornell, Miss Mary 1880 Coulter, Henry C 1880 Cowles, John T 1881 Cowles, Mrs. Mattie E 1881 Coxhead, Geo. C 1873 Coxhead, Mrs 1875 Coxhead, Miss Harriet B 1875 Crampton, Miss Carrie 1879 Crane, Mrs. Mary 1858 Crane, Chas. R 1873 Crane, Miss Jennie A 1877 Crane, Miss Mary R 1877 Crane, Miss Katie 1877 Crary, Oliver A 1866 Cravens, Mrs. Nancy A 1882 Cravens, Miss Helen A 1882 Cravens, Miss Addie D 1882 Crawford, Jas. M 1880 Creswell, John 1866 Crighton, John 1876 Crighton, Mrs. Jessie 1876 Crighton, Miss Alice M 1876 Crighton, Miss Jessie . ... 1878 Crooks, David L 1876 Crooks, Thomas 1874 Crooks, Mrs. Anna 1874 Crooks, Miss Agnes 1876 Cross, Wrn. A 1881 Cross, Leo. G ! 1881 Crozier, James . 1882 Crozier, Mrs. James 1882 Culver, Fitz-Edward 1870 Cummings, Miss Sarah K . . . 1882 Currier, Charles L . . ........ 1870 Currier, Mrs. E. Almena. Currier, Charles L. Jr . . . Currier, Orville P. Curtiss, Miss Sarah E . . 1872 1881 1875 1876 Dale, Jas. A Dales, J. P Dales, Mrs. J. P Dally, Miss Anna R . . . . Damon, Mrs. Kittie Danforth, George C ........ Danforth, Mrs. Peachie W. Daniels, H. E. C Daniels, Mrs. Mary D Daniels, Franc B Daniels, John H Daniels, Mrs. Frances L. . . Daniels, Mrs. Claudine Daniels, Taylor A Daniels, Mrs. Agnes. ...... Daniels, Win. H Daniels, Mrs. Mary E Davidson, Jas. A. . . . '. Davis, Win. O Davis, Elihu T Davis, Mrs. Jennette K Davis, Colby Davis, Mrs. Effie Davis, Isaac Davis, Mrs. Mary Davis, John E Dawson, Josiah B Dawson, Mrs. Ida B ........ Dean, Miss Mary H Dean, Miss Jennie Deale, Morgan K . .......... 1874 1879 1879 1878 1880 1882 1882 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1879 1880 1880 1882 1882 1875 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 .1882 1882 1883 1877 1877 1876 1881 1881 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 43 Deale, Mrs. Emily F 1882 Deale, Wni. G 1882 Deale, Mrs. Clara H .'. 1882 Decker, Henry ! 1880 Decker, Mrs. Ann E 1880 Decker, Benton C 1878 Decker, Miss Cora E. 1878 Decker, Everett G 1881 Decker, Miss Martha M 1881 De Grqot, Miss Anna A 1881 De Groot, Miss Lottie E 1881 Dehn, Julius J 1875 Deming, Charles R -. . 1882 Deming, Mrs. Eva M 1875 Demples, Miss Susie 1881 Dempster, Mrs. Cecilia 1880 Dennison, Victor 1881 Deuel, Alfred E 1877 Devers, Jas. H 1877 Dew, Charles A 1880 Dewey, Washington 1876 Dewey, Mrs. Zue 1876 DeWolf, Mrs. Harriet L 1876 Dickinson, Miss Adelia M 1872 Dietrich, C. J 1880 Dietrich, Mrs. Hannah 1880 Dietrich, Miss Cora M 1880 Dixon, Henry J 1874 Dobie, John J. C 1881 Dobie,Wm 1881 Dobie, Mrs. Arabella 1881 Dobie, Arthur L 1881 Dobin, Mrs. Anna M 1878 Dobin, Arthur 1877 Dobin, John C 1880 Downs, Mrs. Lydia E 1851 Downs, Myron D 1852 Downs, Miss Mary E 1866 Downs, Miss Clara G.. . 1871 Downs, Miss Augusta L. . . Downs, Miss Etta B Downs, Walter B Downs, J. Edward Downs, Mrs. Mary A Downs, Miss Julia H Downs, Miss Mary R Dox, Wm. H Drake, Frank C Drent, Jacob R Drent, Mrs. Rosa A ....... Drummond, Duncan Drummond, Mrs. Jane F. . . Drummond, Davis D Drummond, Robt. A ....... Drummond, Ralph A Drummond, Mrs. Agnes D Dubois, C. L Dubois, Mrs. Kate Duerson, Mrs. Martha L . . . . Duff, John Duff, Mrs. Agnes Duff, Miss Jennie A Duncan, Miss Lizzie A. . . . Dunk, Miss Louisa Dunk, Thomas H. W Dun well, Wm. C Dutton, Walter V Dutton, Mrs. Elizabeth E. . . Eager, Miss Ella A Eager, Mrs. Annie M . . Eager, Charles E Eastman, Mrs. Sarah C . Eckel, Oliver W Eckel, Mrs. Mary H Eckel, Miss Nancy K . . 1871 1871 1877 1877 1866 1878 1878 1880 1881 1880 1880 1874 1874 1882 1882 1882 1882 1875 1875 1878 1878 1878 1881 1880 1881 1881 1881 1877 1881 1881 1881 1883 1878 1874 1874 1875 44 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Edington, Mrs. Henrietta 1881 Edington, Miss Marietta 1881 Edington, Miss Augusta 1881 Edwards, Ebenezer 1877 Edwards, Mrs. Mary 1877 Edwards, Miss Matilda E ........ 1881 Eger, Jacob 1878 Eger, Mrs. Lyda B 1879 Elder, Samuel 1874 Elder, Mrs. Kate E : . . 1877 Ellis, Mrs. Julia G 1866 Ellis, William 1879 Ellis, Mrs. Grace 1882 Elliott, Wm. S 1880 Elliott, Mrs. Athaline 1880 Elliott, Miss Carrie L 1880 Elliott, Albert J 1883 Eltzholtz, Miss Josephine 1880 Emery, Joshua 1880 Emery, Mrs. Emily L 1869 Emery, Miss Hattie P '. 1878 Enright, Miss Emma L 1880 Ervin, Hugh. 1877 Ervin, Mrs. Henrietta 1877 Ervin, Miss Laura .... 1883 Erwin, Miss Mary I 1880 Evans, Miss Grace E ... ... 1880 Evenhuis, Miss Denie ... 1881 Evenhuis, Miss Jennie .......... 1880 Everett, Mrs. Mary A 1881 Eves, Miss Mary E 1877 Ewing, Dr. George V. 1882 Ewing, Mrs. Elizabeth 1882 Ewing, Alex. W 1883 Ewing, Mrs. Annie 1 1883 Farr, Wm. 1877 Fenn, John J . . 1874 Fenn, Mrs. Elizabeth 1874 Fenton, Alfred E 1875 Fenton, Mrs. Eliza M 1875 Ferrier, Miss Jane 1879 . Ferrier, Thomas 1872 Ferrier, Mrs. Mary A . . 1875 Ferris, Geo. W 1871 Fewins, Miss Helena 1878 Field, Mrs. Sophia K ............ 1881 Fielding, Mrs. Ann 1860 Finch, Mrs. Margaret A 1878 Finch, Mrs. Charlotte C 1879 Findall, Mrs. Hannah 1882 Fish, Henry 1871 Fish, Mrs. Seliner E 1871 Fish, Miss Josephine L 1874 Fishburn, Randolph E 1878 Fishbum, Thomas F 1878 Fisher, Miss Ada J 1879 Fisher, Orrin 18.80 Fittz, Mrs. Eliza 1857 Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Margaret 1878 Flagg, Mrs. Ann J 1862 Flagg, Miss Sarah 1863' Fleming, Mrs. Isabella C 1876 Flinn, Miss Sarah T . ' 1881 Floyd, Miss Sarah 1876 Fondell, John 1881 Fondell, Robt. T 1883 Forbes, Daniel 1880 Forbes, Mrs. Carrie G 1866 Forman, Dr. John 1872 Forman, Mrs. Annie L 1872 Forman, Geo. L 1872 Forman, Miss Rose L 1874 Forman, John Jr 1877 Forman, Miss Annie 1877 Forney, Henry C 1877 Fort, Mrs. Mary A 1882 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Fort, Miss Helen M 1882 Foster, Henry C 1871 Foster, Mrs. Anna M 1871 Fox, Mrs. Laura P 1874 Fraser, Mrs. Hattie E 1877 Fraser, Allan 1879 Fraser, Mrs. Julia A 1879 Freeman, Harman C 1873 French, Mrs. Martha 1874 French, Charles B 1877 French, Miss Minnie M 1880 French, Mrs. Harriet A 1882 Fuller, Wm. W .'. 1878 Fuller, Mrs. Susan B 1878 Fuller, Miss Cornelia A 1879 Fuller, Henry H 1880 Fuller, Miss Bessie 1881 Gale, Edmund E. W.. Gale, Mrs. Melissa A. Gait, Mrs. Isabella A. Gardner, Mrs. Susan . . 1880 1880 1858 1877 Garrott, Mrs. Florence L 1878 Gaskins, Thomas P , 1880 Gaskins, Mrs. Effie E 1880 Gates, Miss Amanda E . . 1882 Gates, Miss Marion B 1883 Gayley, Malcom . . 1882 Gaynor, Henry 1877 Gay nor, Miss Lucy A 1877 George, Nelson H 1882 George, Mrs. Carrie K 1882 Gibson, Miss Minnie . ... 1878 Gibson, Miss Kate F 1878 Gibson, Mrs. Frances 1880 Gibson, Alured G Gibson, Mrs. Elizabeth .... Gibson, Robt. W Gibson, Geo. C. .......... Gilbert, Miss Jennie M Gilbert, Geo. H Gilbert, Charles T Gilbert, Mrs. Adelaide C.. Gilbert, William Ginther, Miss Augusta L. . Giordano, Joseph Giordana, Mrs-. Virginia . . . Giordano, Andrew Giordano, John Giroux, George Giroux, Mrs. Libbie Glasner, Miss Ruth H Glass, Miss Isabella ...... Glenn, Miss Harriet Hope. Goldsmith, Mrs. Louisa I. Good, Miss Carrie D Good, Miss Lillian L ..... Goodman, Thomas Goodman, Mrs. Hannah J . Goodman, Miss Annie M. Goodman, William A . . . . . Goodman, Miss Laura L. Goodman, Mrs. Catharine . Goodman, Thomas C ..... Goodman, Mrs. Jennie M. Goodman, John S Goodman, Mrs. Mary C . . Goodman, Miss Grace . . . . Goodwillie, Miss Carrie J. Gordon, William Gordon, Mrs. Cornelia A . Gould, Webster Gould, Mrs. Clara P Graham, Porter 1880 188( 1881 1881 1876 1877 1877 1877 1881 1877 1879 1879 1881 1881 1877 1877 1880 1875 1874 1871 1881 1881 1871 1871 1871 1871 1872 1878 1878 1879 1879 1879 1882 1877 1882 1882 1874 1874 1872 46 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Graham, Mrs. Mary A .......... 1872 Graham, Charles 1877 Graham, Dr. David W 1877 Graham, Mrs. Ida A 1880 Graham, James 1879 Graham, Mrs. Mary P 1879 Graham, Edward E 1882 Graham, Mrs. Mattie A 1882 Graham, Miss Annie J 1882 Gray, Miss Lizzie 1882 Graves, Dwight W 1871 Greenwood, Mrs. Susan H ....... 1877 Green, Mrs. Sarah E 1878 Gridley, Charles C 1880 Grinnell, G. G 1874 Grinnell, Mrs. Catharine 1874 Grinnell, Miss Grace A 1877 Grinnell, Miss Florence 1 1877 Griffith, Thomas S 1879 Gritzner, Fred. A 1879 Gritzner, Miss Mary A 1880 Gritzner, Mrs. Adelia! 1880 Grubb, Geo. G 1875 Grubb, Mrs. Juliette 1875 Guffin, Mrs. Harriet N 1879 Guilford, Alvin J 1881 Gunderson, Miss Hilda S 1877 Gunderson, Win. P . 1883 Gunn, Mrs. Catherine 1870 Gunn, Miss Jessie 1875 Gun-ad, Miss Clara L 1876 Guy, Mrs. Lucella B 1875 Gwathmey, Mrs. Elizabeth ... 1872 Hagan, Mrs. Mary 1872 Haigh, Mrs. Eva L ............ 1882 Haight, Edgar A 1881 Haight, Mrs. Anna D Maine, Miss Emma A .... Hair, Mrs. Eliza S I lair, James A Hair, Mrs. Amelia R I lair. Miss Ida B 1 lair, Samuel G Hair, Mrs. Jennie L Hair, Wm. F Hair, Samuel F . . Hair, 15. M Hair, Mrs. Hattie R Hale, Mrs. Ellen Isabella. . Hale, Miss Lizzie M Hale, Mis- Mary B Hale, Otis II Hales. Mrs. B. F... ...... Hall, Mrs. Flora B Hall, Lemuel R Hall, Mrs. Augusta A Hall, Wm. A Hall. Miss Edith B Hall, Miss Alfarata R Hall, Miss Belle. Hall, Miss Elizabeth Hall, Mrs. Rachel R , Hallett, Mrs. Olive. ....... Hamilton, Pratt Hamilton, Mrs. Susan V. . . Hamilton, Paul II I lamlin, Frederick N Hamlin. Mrs. Nettie M . . . . Hamlin, Everlin B........ Hamlin, Mrs. Helen D. W. Hammond, Miss Hannah . . . Hand, Bayard E ........... Hand, Mrs. Anna B ....... Hanley, Miss Isabel M.... Hanning, Jas. T. . .... 1882 . ... 1879 . ... 1868 . ... 1871 . ... 1871 :... 1878 . ... 1872 . ... 1872 . ... 1873 . ... 1874 . ... 1882 .... 1882 .... 1863 . ... 1875 . ... 1877 . ... 1877 . ... 1881 . ... 1872 .... 1873 .... 1867 ... 1877 ... 1881 ... 1881 .... 1882 ... 1882 ... 1882 ... 1876 .... 1877 ... 1877 ... 1879 ... 1877 ... 1877 ... 1873 ... 1873 ... 1880 ... 1880 ... issn ... 1883 . 1881 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Hannis, Mrs 1877 Hardy, Mrs. Jane W ............ 1876 I Hardy, Fanny W 1877 Hardy, Wm. M 1877 \ Hardy, Miss Alice J 1881 Harris, Charles 1872 Harris, Wm 1882 Hart, Miss Elenora F 1881 Hart, Joseph C 1882 Hartwell, Mrs. Caroline N 1873 Hartwell, Miss Nellie L 1882 Hartzell, Elmer 1876 Hartzell, Miss Mattie 1877 Haskell, Mrs. Ellen R 1874 Haskins, Mrs. Helen M 1882 Hatch, Mrs. Celia P 1876 Havens, Mrs. Louisa A 1882 Havens, Miss Carrie B 1882 Havens, Miss Louisa M 1882 Havens, Miss Fannie W 1882 Haverkampf, John L 1882 Haverkampf, Mrs. Mary 1882 Haverkampf, Miss Anna 1882 Hawes, Mrs. Jennie 1881 Hawkins, Miss Alice 1879 Hawkins, Mrs. Salina 1878 Hawkins, Mrs. Selina C 1879 Hawkins, Miss Etta V 1881 Hawkinson, Miss Amanda M . . . . 1876 Hawkinson, Miss Nellie P . . 1876 Haycock, Mrs. Anna M . 1880 Hayes, Wm. H 1876 Hayes, Mrs. Elizabeth M 1876 Hazen, Mrs. Sarah A 1877 Hazeltine, Miss Rebecca E 1866 Heaton, Wm. L 1873 Heaton, Mrs. Bessie D 1874 Heaton, Mrs. Margaret J 1877 Heath, John H . 1878 Heath, Mrs. Ellen Heath, Jas. M Heckler, Harry A Heegaard, Miss Petrea M . . Heermans, Miss Anna A.. Heermans, Paul W Heffling, Addison B Heffling, Mrs. Mary M Helm, Henry T Helm, Mrs. Julia F. L Helm, Scott Helm, Miss Nellie Helm, Miss Alice Helm, Miss Judith Henderson, Andrew M . . . . Henderson, Mrs. Agnes L. . Henderson, Miss -Carrie B. Hendrie, Chas. C Hendrie, Miss Mary E Henkel, Miss Emma F. . . . . Hensler; Mrs. Julia A. . . . . . Herbert, Edmund Herbert, Mrs. Mary Hertig, Miss Elmira Hesse Henry Hesse, Mrs. Agnes Hewett, Austin C Hewett, Mrs. Martha B . . . . Hickcox, Benj Hickcox, Mrs. Helen M. . . . Higgie, Miss Mary L ...... Hill, Mrs. Esma Hill, John.. Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, Miss Hattie H Hill, Edgar P Hill, H. H. Hill, Mrs. S. E Hill, Mrs. Sarah E. .. 1878 1881 1876 1874 1877 1883 1880 1880 1883 1883 1880 1883 1883 1883 1882 1882 1882 1876 1879 1880 1879 1874 1874 1882 1883 1883 1879 1879 1882 1882 1883 1872 1876 1876 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 48 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Hiltabidel, Mrs. Annie 1879 Hiltabidel, Miss Lulu 1879 Hinchman, Miss Emma M. ..... 1881 Hitchcock, Chas 1874 Hitchcock, Miss Ella L 1879 Hobbs, Henrv H - - . 1877. Hobbs, Mrs. Kate R 1877 Hobbs, John D 1878 Hobbs, Miss Alma M 1880 Hobbs, Mrs. Mary C 1880 Hockaday, Miss Mary 1878 Hodges, Lothrop S 1872 Hodges, Mrs. Helen 1872 Hoelzer, Geo. W 1878 Hoffmann, Miss Carrie B 1871 Hoffman, Mrs. Carrie M 1876 Hoffman, Geo. D , 1877 Hoffman, Luis. 1880 Hofman, Miss Susanna F 1879 Hofman, Miss Henrietta J . . 1879 Hofman, Miss Cornelia M. H . . . 1882 Holden, Mrs. Isabella. ......'.... 1865 Holden, Mrs. Louise R 1877 Hollingsworth, Achilles 1877 Hollister, Frank P 1873 Holmes; David H 1880 Holmes, Mrs. Rebecca 1880 Holmes, James C 1882 Holmes. Mr*. Mary E 1882 Holmes, Miss Mary L 1882 Holmes, Mrs. Mary B 1883 Holtzlander, Mrs. Sarah 1881 Hood, John W 1881 Hood, Mrs. Mary Alice 1881 Horn, Geo. E 1881 Hosking, Benjamin T 1882 Hosking, Mrs. Carrie J 1882 Hoskins, Benjamin 1872 Hoskins, Mrs. Sarah T 1881 Houston, Edward C . Houston, Mrs. Ann Houston, John T Hovell, Miss Mary F Howard, Mrs. E Howe, Mrs. Laura J Howell, Mrs. Eva W. H . . . Hoysraadt, Miss Blanche... Hoyt, Dr. A. W Hubbard, Jas. S Hubbard, Mrs. Anna E Hubbell, Miss Hattie Hudson, James Hudson, Mrs. Sarah A Hughes, Hugh Hughes, Mrs. Laura D. . . . . Hughes, Miss Sarah Hughes, Miss Elizabeth , Hughes, Mrs. Marv A Hughes, Miss Adele Humberstone, Mrs. Carrie A , Humphrey, Mrs. Harriet Humphreys, Alfred O Hunt, Wm. H Hunt, Mrs. Martha Hunt, Mrs. Jennie Hunt, Mrs. J. O Hunter, Thos. J Hunter, Mrs. Margaret S Hunter, John L Hurd, Darwin M Hurd, Frank W Hurd, Miss Julia E Hurdle, John G Hurdle, Armstead L Hussander, Geo. H Hussander, J. B Hutchinson, Mrs. Meda Hutchinson. Miss Eva A . -. 1877 . .. 1877 . .. 1879 . .. 1882 . .. 1877 ... 1883 ... 1870 ... 1881 ... 1880 . .. 1872 . .. 1872 .. 1882 , .. 1878 ... 1878 ,.. 1874 .. 1874 ... 1875 .. 1875 .. 1878 .. 1880 .. 1874 .. 1882 .. 1881 .. 1857 .. 1860 .. 1877 .. 1882 .. 1878 .. 1878 .. 1883 .. 1866 .. 1866 .. 1866 .. 1877' .. 1881 .. 1876 .. 1876 .. 1880 . 1880 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 49 Hyers, Geo. A Hyers, Mrs. Frances. Hypes, Wm. T 1876 1876 1880 Ingold, Arthur J 1881 Innis, Hugh : 1876 Innis, Mrs. Hugh 1879 Inness, Hugh 1877 Irvdne, George 1882 Jacobson, Miss Sophie 1879 Jacoby, Mrs. Kate 1881 Jameson, Gavin 1877 Jameson, Mrs. Erne B 1877 Jenkins, Miss Laura B 1876 Jennings, Pearson D 1875 Jewell, Oliver P 1872 Jilson, Mrs. Jane 1874 Johnson, Mrs. Martha L 1868 Johnson, Miss Lizzie 1875 Johnson, Royal F 1875 Johnson, Louis G 1877 Johnson, Miss Daisy M 1878 Johnson, Edgar M 1880 Johnson, Mrs. Harriet S 1880 Johnson, Albert L 1882 Johnston, Mrs. Judith C 1871 Johnston, Mrs. Dora 1871 Johnston, Mervin E 1876 Johnston, Sidney B. 1878 Johnston, Mrs. Louisa M 1878 Johnston, Miss Fanny F 1879 Johnston, H. Morris 1881 Johnston, Mrs. Mary L ..... 1881 Jolly, Mrs. Isabella S 1876 Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, Thomas Jones, David L Jones, Arthur B Jones, Miss Esther E Jones, Miss Annie Jones, Miss Rose F Jones, Mrs. Eliza A Jones, Miss Marion L. . . . Jones, Mrs. Almira P Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan, Miss Georgiana S . Jordan, Joseph D Joss, Sewell E Judd, Miss Emily P Kane, Thos Kane, Mrs. A. E Kant, Chas Keese, A. Hoffman Keese, Mrs. Elizabeth F. . Keese, Mrs. Cornelia H . . . Kellberg, Adolph Emil. . . Kelly, Wm: A Kellogg, Mrs. A. F Kellogg, Othniel W ...... Kelsey, Miss Sarah P Kelsey, Miss Alice S Kemper, Mrs. Mary A . . . . Kempster, Sam'l W Kempster, Miss Fannie E . Kempster, Alfred E Kemsley, Mrs. Annie Kennedy, Miss Mary Ker, Chas. H Ker, Chas. H.Jr Ker, Mrs. Sarah V 1872 1874 1874 1875 1875 1878 1879 1880 1881 1881 1883 1874 1874 1880 1873 1876 1876 1882 1872 1864 1872 1879 1879 1882 1883 1871 1881 1883 1879 1881 1882 1879 1881 1879 1879 1879 50 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Kerr, A. Newton 1875 Kerr, Miss Rebecca 1879 Kerr, Mrs. Kate 1881 Ketcham, Jas. P 1877 Ketcham, Mrs. Agnes C 1873 Ketcham, Frank D 1877 Killen, Henry S 1881 Killen, Jonathan E 1882 Killen George E 1883 King, Miss Eliza K 1879 King, Chas. H 1881 King, Mrs. Ella M 1880 Kirkham, Miss Louise A t . 1879 Kirkham, Geo 1879 Kirkpatrick, Mrs. C 1877 Kirkwood, Miss Elizabeth M 1876 Kittredge, Miss Emma A 1878 Kittredge, Miss Mabel H 1878 Kline, Daniel H 1877 Kline, Mrs. Althea W 1877 Klingenberger, A 1877 Knight, Miss Julia H 1877 Knight, T. D 1878 Knight, Mrs. Martha T 1878 Knight, Miss Kitty M 1878 Knight, Thos. A 1877 Knott, Frank P 1879 Knowlton, Mrs. Austria C. . 1879 Knowlton, Miss Hattie G 1882 Knowlton, Mark D 1862 Knowlton, Mrs. Abbie E 1882 Knowlton, Miss Grace E 1882 Knowlton, Miss Annie D 1882 Knox, Dr. J. S 1873 Knox, Mrs. Elizabeth H 1873 Knox, Geo. G 1876 Knox, Mrs. Elvira J 1873 Knox, Mrs. Susan 1878 Knox, Miss Mary E 1878 Konkel, Chas. W 1882 Kraybill, Eli W 1875 Kraybill, Mrs. Lizzie E... 1875 Kraybill, Miss Anna G 1881 Krigger, Miss Lilly F 1874 Lake, Frank D : 1873 Lamb, Mrs. Anna 1866 Lamb, Mrs. Argent E 1872 Landis, Thos. I. S 1881 Landis, Chas. L 1883 Lane, Joseph 1859 Lane, Mrs. Helen D 1866 Lane, Julius A. 1872 Lane, Miss E. F 1881 Lane, Mrs. Sophia L 1882 Langlotz, Karl A 1879 Lanterman, Perry M 1874 Larrabee, Mrs. Julia S 1869 Lathrop, Mrs. Frances 1875 Lathrop, Mrs. Ann S 1879 Laughton, George 1873 Lavis, Wm. H 1879 Lavis, Mrs. Jane E 1879 Lavis, Mrs. Anna 1879 Law, Mrs. Eliza J 1872 Lawrence, Wm. E 1879 Lawrence, Mrs. Clara 1879 Ledgerwood, Robert E 1878 Lee, Wm. L 1866 Lee, Mrs. Deborah 1866 Lee, Mary 1871 Lee, John W 1873 Leeper, Wm 1876 Lettellier, Mrs. Eliza F 1876 Lewis, Theodore P 1870 Lewis, Mrs. Louisa J 1870 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. Little, Mrs. Mary S 1868 Little, Isaac 1877 Little, Mrs. Louisa 1877 Little, S. Miller 1879 Littlejohn, George 1882 Lloyd, Miss Emma 1864 Lloyd, Miss Eugenie 1874 Lloyd, Mrs. Sarah J 1875 Lloyd, James 1877 Lloyd, Mrs. Eliza 1879 Lobdell, Miss Rovilla 1872 Loder, Miss Anna B 1874 Loder, Miss Rebecca E 1878 Loder, Mrs. Hannah 1878 Logan, Miss Susan J 1876 Lord, Edward P 1858 Loury, Alex 1878 Lowry, Mrs. Martha B 1880 Ludlow, George M 1883 Ludlow, Andrew W 1883 Lyman, Mrs. Mary A 1876 Macauley, Miss Emma M 1878 Macdonald, John F. W 1880 Mackey, ^Eneas S 1883 Mackin, Jas. H 1880 Mallinson, John R 1882 Mallory, Frank 1878 Marrillar, Mrs. Mary 1876 Marsh, Mrs. Carrie H 1877 Martin, Miss Eunice A 1874 Martin, George 1876 Mason, Mrs. J. R 1872 Mason, Nelson 1874 Mason, Mrs. Desire 1874 Mason, Geo. A 1881 Mason, Mrs. Mary E 1882 Mather, John H Mather, P. L Matteson, William Matteson, Mrs. Isabella .... Mathews, Mrs. Margaret . . . Mathews, Miss Grace I Mathews, Chas. Hale Matthews, Mrs. Mary F . . . . Maxsee, Mrs. Abbie O Maxwell, W. R May, Gustave A. Jr Maybee, Charles McAdam, Mrs. Agnes McAllister, Jas. M McAllister, Mrs. Hattie L . . McAllister, Mrs. Jeanette . . McArthur, Mrs. J McArthur, Miss Ada J McArthur, Mrs Mary A ... McArthur, Mrs. Harriet. . . . McCabe, Chas. R McCammon, Miss Sarah J . McCammon, Miss Annie. . . McChesney, Miss Maggie S. McClelland, Thomas H M'Clory, William M'Clory, Fred. S M'Clory, Henry M'Clory, Mrs. Matilda M'Clory, Clement McClure, Mrs. Hannah. . . . McClure, Lester J McCormick, Mrs. Fannie E . McCrea, Miss Katie McCulloch, Miss Elizabeth. McCullough, /Dr. J. R McCullough, Mrs. J. R McDermid, Donald McDermid, Mrs. D 1872 1877 1872 1872 1878 181 1875 1871 1873 1882 1877 1875 1878 1881 1881 1883 1874 1875 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 1883 1882 1878 1878 1883 1883 1883 1874 1882 1881 1874 1860 1873 1873 1877 1877 52 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. McDonald, Miss Jennie 1875 McDonald, Mrs. Abbie A 1878 McDougall, Daniel 1873 McDowell, Thomas 1873 McDowell, Mrs. Mary E 1875 McEldowney, Stewart B 1878 McEldowney, Mrs. Lizzie 1878 McGillivray, Edward W 1882 McGowan, Frank 1872 McGowan, Mrs. Susan F 1872 McGowan, Mrs. Lily H 1878 McGregor, Douglas J 1872 McHatton, Samuel G . . 1882 McKay, Mrs. Margaret 1872 McKee, Miss Ellen 1882 McKinney, George 1883 McKinney, Mrs. Elizabeth J 1883 McKnight, Mrs. Lizzie 1874 McKnight, Miss N-ellie B 1882 McLaren, Peter 1876 McLaren, Mrs. Martha J 1876 McLaren, Miss Maggie 1880 McLaren, Miss Clarrissa 1880 McLean, Robert C 1876 McLean, Mrs. Ellen M 1880 McLean, Dr. John 1882 McLean, Mrs. Jane L 1882 McLean, John D 1875 McLean, Miss Gaetana 1880 McLelland, Dr. Alex. S 1878 McLelland, Mrs. Catherine A ... 1878 McLenahan, M. B 1872 McLenahan, Miss Minnie 1872 McLeod, Miss Sarah. ..... ; 1869 McLeod, Mrs. Isabella 1872 McMasters, Mrs. Annie E 1878 McMurphy, Mrs. Malvina 1881 McNeal, Miss Margaret 1875 Meacham, Dudley A 1881 Meacham, Mrs. Hattie E . . . . Means, George R Means, Mrs. Sarah I Medill, Mrs. H. B Melcher, Charles Melcher, Mrs. Charles Melcher, Win. G Mendsen, William Mendsen, Mrs. Julia Merchant, John A MerrinVee, Mrs. Jennie Merriman, Mrs. Josephine | Merriman, Miss Ida L Merriman, Chas. J Merriman, Miss Emily S . . . . Merriman, Miss Mable S . . .-. Merrit, Mrs. Elizabeth S . . . . Merritt, Mrs. Ellen L Messinger, Win. D Messenger, Mrs. Ella J Meuser, Bernard Michaels, Miss Jennie D. . . Michaels, Chas. D Michaels, J. C Michaels, Miss Fannie D. . . . Mickens, Jeremiah' R Miles, Jas. H Miles, Mrs. Sarah A Miles, Miss Clara Belle Miles, Miss Hattie P Mill, Jas. W. : Mill, Chas. D Miller, Miss Hattie Miller, Miss Carlotta L Miller, Henry W Miller, Mrs. Ellen:... ...... Miller, Miss Barbara Miller, Miss Alice Mills, Dr. Jas. P . . 1881 . . 1880 . . 1880 . . 1870 . . 1876 . . 1876 . . 1877 . . 1871 .. 1871 . . 1882 . . 1878 .. 1864 . . 1877 . . 1879 . . 1880 .. 1882 .. 1879 .. 1882 .. 1867 ...1873 .. 1882 .. 1871 .. 1873 .. 1875 .. 1875 .. 1878 .. 1873 .. 1864 . . 1874 .. 1880 . 1860 .. 1873 .. 1872 .. 1875 .. 1881 .. 1881 .. 1881 .. 1882 . 1879 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Mills, Mrs. Anna M 1879 Mills, John N.... 1879 Mills, Cecil 1880 Miner, Henderson H 1880 Miner, Miss Minnie M 1881 Ming, Moy Luke 1882 Minich, Mrs. Emma F 1872 Mitchell, Mrs. Catharine A . . . . . 1874 Mitchell, Hugh 1875 Mitchell, Mrs. Nellie A 1875 Mitchell, William 1877 Mitchell, Mrs. Mary 1882 Mitchell, Miss Elsie E 1882 Molinelli, Miss Deva . ... 1880 Molinelli, Mrs. Catherine 1880 Molinelli, Andrew 1880 Molinelli, Mrs. Mariana 1880 Monaghan, Mrs. Stella E 1879 Money, John M 1878 Money, Mrs. Sarah A 1878 Money, Wm. H 1882 Montgomery, Miss Elizabeth 1876 Montgomery, Miss Louisa 1876 Montgomery, B. C 1878 Montgomery, Mrs. Sarah A . 1878 Moore, Samuel M 1872 Moore, Mrs. Martha 1872 Moore, French 1872 Moore, Miss Samuella 1872 Moore, Miss Rosina B . . 1872 Moore, Miss Nona 1873 Moore, Fred. E 1881 Moore, Mrs. Anna W 1881 Moorehouse, Mrs. Mattie 1880 Morgan, Henry M I860 Morgan, Mrs. Mary Ella 1863 Morgan, Miss Catherine 1866 Morgan, Miss Harriet 1866 Morgan, Mrs. Catharine 1866 Morgan, Wm. B 1871 Morgan, Mrs. Agnes S 1871 Morgan, William 1871 Morgan, Henry J 1871 Morgan, Mrs. Abbie G 1871 Morgan, Miss Fannie L 1873 Morgan, Mrs. Mary J 1876 Morgan, Seward D 1876 Morgan, George 1876 Morgan, Mrs. Julia E 1876 Morgan, Arthur M 1881 Morgan, Geo. C. Jr 1881 Morgan, Miss Sadie 1881 Morgan, Homer B 1882 Morgan, Henry H 1882 Morlan, Chas. M 1881 Morrison, J. C 1877 Morse, Chas. H 1875 Morse, Mrs. Laura C 1875 Morse, Miss Evangeline 1877 Morse, Miss Ida . . 1879 Morse, Miss Lilian 1881 Morton, Mrs. Agnes C 1878 Moulton, Rollin II 1876- Moulton, Mrs. Julia A 1876 Moulton, Arnold Richard .1883 Muir, David 1874 Muir, Mrs. Margaret 1874 Muir, Miss Maggie 1875 Muir, William 1875 Muir, Jas. S 1875 Mulick, Mrs. Sarah 1878 Mullen, Mrs. Eliza 1876 Munson, Louis L 1878- Murray, Alexander 1870 Murray, Mrs. Isabella 1870 Murray, Magdalen 1870 Murray, Albert D < 1871 Murray, Thos. W. B 1872 54 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Murray, Wm. W 1876 Murray, Mrs. Laura A 1876 Murray, Mrs. L. W 1882 Myers, Miss Emma 1881 Nay, Mrs. Carrie S 1880 Naylor, Mrs. Elizabeth A 1872 Neahr, Mrs. Caroline W 1879 Nelson, Mrs. Mary J 1874 Nelson, Julius 1877 Nelson, Mrs. Augusta C 1877 Nelson, Miss Mary 1881 Nelson, Miss Laura M 1882 Nelson, Miss Florence M 1883 Neshit, Mrs. Mary 1881 New, Miss Emma 1877 Newman, Dr. Henry P 1882 Newman, Mrs. Fannie L 1873 Newton, Henry S 1876 Newton, Mrs. Ann H 1876 Niblock, Frank ' 1878 Nichols, Gorton W 1872 Nichols, Mrs. Annie M 1872 Nichols, Mrs. Nettie 1876 Nickels, E. O 1882 Nixon, Mrs. Leonora 1878 Nolan, Mrs. Lucinda E 1879 Nolan, Thos 1880 Norton, Mrs. Sallie A 1867 Norton, Miss Minnie M 1871 Norton, Henry M 1872 Norton, S. E 1872 Norton, Mrs. Jennie 1872 Norton, Horatio N 1876 Norton, Mrs. H. N 1880 Nourse, Francis 1881 Nourse, Mrs. Sarah E 1881 Nourse, Miss Anna E. . . Nourse, Samuel Walker O'Brien, Miss Nellie Oburn, James M Offield, Mrs. Mary R Olds, has. W Olds, George D Oliver, John M Oliver, Mrs. Agnes S Oliver, Mrs. Mary Olmstead, Louis E Olmstead, Mrs. Catherine. . Olmstead, Kingsley R Olmstead, Miss Louise M . . O'Neall, Miss Hattie Onslow, Thos. T Oosterbeck, John M Oosterbeck, Mrs. Reinon Oram, Miss Clara E Osborn, Wm Osborn, Miss Hattie J Osborn, Mrs. Susan Osborn, Henry A Osborn, Mrs. Anna C Osborn, Chauncey V Osborn, Mrs. Lydia D Osborne, Mrs. Jennie M Osborne, Miss Nellie White. Oswald, John Ott, Mrs. Sarah Ott, Mrs. Lydia Oviatt, Frank F Oviatt, Howard Oviatt, Mrs. Jesse L Owens, Mrs. "Lizzie Owsley, Harry B 1881 1881 1877 1874 1878 1881 1882 1871 1871 1879 1878 1878 1879 1880 1880 1872 1877 1877 1883 1856 1864 1873 1873 1873 1882 1882 1880 1881 1877 1881 1882 1871 1871 1881 1882 1878 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 55 1878 Peters Miss Lena ... 1882 Owslev Miss Kmilv 1879 Peterson, Miss Nellie . . . 187!) Owslev Miss Henriette E 1880 Petterman, John L . . . 1878 Owslev Fred D 1880 Pettibone John H . . . 1880 Owslev Geo K. 1880 Pettit, James W ... 1883 Page Chas T 1873 Pettit Mrs Maria L . . . 1883 Pettit Miss Marv L . . . 1877 Philip Chas. R . . . 1881 Philip Mr* Rosanna . . . 1881 Painter Mrs. Jane M 1874 Phillips Miss Hannah ... 1882 Palmer Sophie M 1873 Phillips Miss Maud H .... . . . 1883 Park, Henry C 1864 Pickands, Mrs. Louisa . . . 1871 Park Mrs. Marv 1864 Pierce Mrs A. M . . . 1878 Park Mrs Anna 1877 Pierce Miss Nellie . . . . . . 1879 Parker Mrs. Marv C 1874 Pierce Gerald A . . . 1879 Parker Thos. J 1877 Pierce Paul . . . 1881 Parry Mrs Martha A 1882 Pierson, J. F . . . . 1877 Partridge, Charles A 1877 Pierson, Mrs. Jane L . ... 1877 Partridge Mrs Abbie L 1878 Pierson Geo. K . . . 1881 Patchin Walter E 1880 Pinto Wm. H . . . 1878- Patterson, Mrs. Cornelia 1866 Pinto Mrs. Henrietta B . . . 1878 Patterson Mrs Alice 1875 Pomeroy Andrew J 1876 Patterson Wm. R 1876 Pomerov Mrs. Lizzie ^V .... 1876 Patterson, Sam'l E. . . 1879 Pond, Miss Anna ... 1880 Patterson, John 1880 Pool, Franklin ; . . . . .... . ... 1882 Pattison, Jas 1880 Pool, Mrs. Sarah R .... 1882 Pattison, Mrs. Maggie E . . . 1880 Pope, Mrs. Jennie. . .... 1876 Patton, Miss Ella 1879 Porter, Fred. W . ... 1874 Patton, Wm. D 1882 Porter, Mrs. Marv E . . . . 1875 Paulson, Paul 1882 Porter, Miss Venona E 1875 Pavne, Walter D 1873 Porter Theodore . . . 1877 Peck, Miss Emma A 1874 Post, Mrs. Helen A. R . . 1882 Pell, Wm. E 1883 Post, Miss Sarah E 1882 Pentacost, Miss Clara M . . . 1876 Post, Miss Maud 1882 Percv, Miss Jennie 1871 Post, Miss Anna .... 1882 Perrv, Millard F 1873 Potwin, Anson C . . . .... ... 1873 Perrv, Mrs. Libbv M 1871 Potwin, Miss Anna E. . . ... 1873 Perrv, John G 1876 Poucher, Barent ... 1876 Perrv, Mrs. Catherine 1876 Powell. Miss Carrie M . . ... 1882 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Pratt, Mrs. Anna M 1869 Prentiss, Benjamin C 1 874 Prentiss, Mrs. Sarah F . . : 1874 Preston, Deming H 1871 Preston, Mrs. Ella M 1871 Preston, Mrs. Clarissa N 1879 Pribyl, Miss Pauline O. 1878 Pribyl, Joseph A 1879 Pribyl, Ignatius M 1882 Price, Robert 1876 Price, Mrs. Mary A 1876 Price, Miss Elizabeth 1876 Price, Miss Emily S 1876 Price, Wm. J 1877 Price, P. B 1880 Price, Mrs. Jennie C 1880 Price, Mrs. M. E 1882 Price, Mrs. Agnes 1882 Pritchard, Daniel S 1876 Protis, Chas 1877 Purcell, Mrs. Adeline 1872 Purcell, Miss Virginia B 1872 Purdy, Fred. B 1877 Purington, James A 1882 Putnam, Mrs. Alida T 1873 Putnam, Willard . 1874 Quigg, Mrs. Francena. 1878 Ramsell, Mrs. Sylvina 1882 Randolph, Miss Frances 1874 Ransom, Edward S 1871 Rasmussen, Miss Olga M. M . . . . 1874 Rasmussen, Mrs. Nathalia 1874 Rawson, Mrs. Emily B 1861 Rawson, Miss Ada. Ray, Dr. J. E Ray, Mrs. Margaret Ray, William Augustus. . . . Ray, Mrs. Susan C. Rea, James H R eddick, Miss Annie Reddick, Miss Minnie J . . . . Redfield, Anson P Redfield, Mrs. Hattie A Redfield, Frank M Redfield, Miss Gertrude C . Reed, Mrs. Margaret J Rees, George T. Rees, Mrs. Sarah H Reid, Mrs. Anna Reid, Henry C Reid, Dr. Jas. G Reid, John Reid, Mrs. Isabella Reid, A. F Reinhardt, Jacob H Remington, Mrs. Mary E . . . Rendell, Miss Mary J Rennick, Miss Annie Reynolds, Miss Emma D. . Reynolds, Miss Marion Reynolds, Mrs. Mary E. . . . Reynolds, Miss Matilda. . . . Reynolds, Miss Maud M . . . Rice, Mrs. Elizabeth McL. Rice, Alonzo M Rice, John F Rice, John A Rice, Mrs. Elizabeth E Rice, Miss Harriet M Rice, Mrs. Mary E Rich, John M Rich, Albert R 1865 1873 1873 1868 1868 1875 1877 1877 1881 1881 1881 1881 1876 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1882 1880 1882 1881 1878 1877 1876 1877 1877 1882 1871 1872 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1872 1876 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 57 Richey, Miss Mary 1874 Richey, Dr. W. S 1874 Richey, Mrs. Clara W 1875 Richey, Miss Daisy B 1877 Richmond, Miss Myra V 1877 Ridgway, Wm 1882 Rietz, Alex 1880 Riley, Mrs. Maud 1880 Rine, Elbridge 1877 Ring, Henry H 1876 Ring, Mrs. Elizabeth 1873 Robb, Mrs. Sarah L 1882 Roberts, Leon E 1877 Roberts, Mrs. Clara B 1877 Roberts, Mrs. Ethalinda!- 1882 Roberts, Miss Bertha 1882 Roberts, E. P 1882 Roberts, Mrs. C. H 1882 Robertson, Miss Jessie 1876 Robertson, Wm. A 1877 Robertson, Johrv. 1879 Robertson, Mrs. Christine C 1879 Robinson, Joseph A 1873 Robinson, Mrs. Harriet S 1873 Robinson, Wm. T 1877 Robinson, Mrs. Jennie M 1877 Robinson, Miss Hannah 1880 Rockwell, Miss Lucy R 1878 Rodgers, Gladstone K 1878 Rogan, Mrs. Mary J 1879 Rogers, Mrs. Kate G 1877 Rommeiss, Miss Anna 1880 Rommeiss, Miss Pauline 1881 Rommeiss, Miss Emma 1881 Ronstrom, Miss Ellen... 1882 Root, Miss Fannie A 1863 Rose, Wm. J 1881 Rose, Chas. W 1882 Ross, Hugh R 1882 Ross, Mrs. Alice Roth, Miss Mary A Rowland, Miss Frances. . . Rowland, Miss Alice Rowland, Miss Mary Rowland, Miss Clara A . . . Rowland, Mrs. Mary C . . . Runyan, Clark Runyan, Mrs. Laura J . . . . Rutherford, Mr Rutherford, Mrs. Lucy A. Russell, Miss Anna Russell, Miss Marion Russell, Mrs. Minnie Russell, Mrs. Sarah S. . . , Russell, Miss Nellie C. . . . Sabin, Sidney A Sabin, E\igene F Salton, John Salton, Mrs. Emma Samse, Miss Helen Sargent, Mrs. Elizabeth H . Sargent, John Sanders, Miss Kittie N Sanders, Milton S. . . . Savage, Miss Louise Scharr, William Schimmel, Wm. K Schimmel, Miss Emma M . Schimmel, Elam O Schimmel, Mrs. E. O Schimmel, Miss Sallie Schimmel, Miss Hannah Schneider, Miss Emma R . . Schmeltz, Mrs. Lizzie Scholes, Parker 1882 1 1881 1874 1875 1875 1878- 1881 1875 1875- 1875 1879- 1873 1877 1877 1878 1879' 1882 1882 1878 1878 1880 1881 1882 1878 1882 1882 1878 1876- 1876 187& 187& 1877 1877 1882 1876 58 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Schureman, Miss Lilian 1882 Schwarz, August 1875 Schwarz, Mrs. Dorothea 1875 Sclanders, Jas. L 1881 Scott, Robert 1866 Scott, Mrs. Sina 1873 Scott, George 1866 Scott, Miss Martha 1871 Scott, John Walls 1881 Sedgwick, Edwin H ; . 1878 Sedgwick, Mrs. Virginia 1878 Sharp, Samuel 1873 Sharp, Mrs. Eliza 1873 Sharp, Miss Madgie L Sharp, Mrs. Margaret F 1879 Shaw, Miss Rebecca 1883 Shepherd, Miss Ellen 1880 Sherman, Geo. M 1877 Sherman, Miss Annie E 1877 Sherman, Miss Jennie 1878 Sherwood, Frederick W 1877 Shipman, Dr. George E 1866 Shipman, Mrs. Fanny 1866 Shipman, Frances C 1871 Shipman, Wm. J 1873 Shipman, Miss Margaret C 1875 Shipman, Geo. E. Jr 1875 Shipman, Wm. V 1880 Shipper, Miss Catharine 1876 Shoemaker, Miss Lizzie J 1880 Shoemaker, Miss Emma T 1880 Shoemaker, Miss Jessie M 1882. Shumway, Mrs. H. J 1862 Sibbald, Miss Emily 1880 Simpson, Miss Tilla A 1876 Simpson, Miss Harriet E 1876 Simpson, Miss Mary L 1876 Simpson, Thomas S 1877 Simpson, Mrs. Margaret 1877 Simpson, Miss Euphemia. . Simpson, Miss Mattie E . . . Simpson, Joseph A. . . Sinclair, Wm. H . . : Skinner, Miss Elizabeth A. Skinner, Miss Mary S . . . . Slabbyhand, Miss Mary Slater, Miss Hattie S Sloan, Mrs. Eliza A , Sloan, Miss Ella M Sloat, Miss Barbara A , Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth M . . Smith, Charles M Smith, Robert Smith, Mrs. Emma Smith, William Smith, Mrs. Christina Smith, Mrs. Mary Smith, Miss Laura A Smith, Miss Elizabeth L . . . Smith, John K Srnith, Mrs. Margaret D... Smith, Miss Etta Smith, Eben B Smith, Mrs. Harriet Smith, Mrs. Cornelia H Smith, Dr. Wm. A Smith, Mrs. Rebecca M . . . . Smith, Jas. G Smith, E. W Smith, Mrs. Lucy Smith, Chas. H Smith, Frank R Smith, David R Smith, Fred'k H Snedden, James Snell, Joseph H Snitzler, John Henry Snitzler, Mrs. Maria ... 1877 ... 1883 ... 1883 . .. 1883 .... 1875 ... 1882 . .. 1876 ... 1880 , ... 1875 .... 1877 .... 1882 . ... 1868 ... 1871 , . . . 1874 .... 1874 ,... 1874 . .. 1875 ... 1876 . ... 1876 ... 1877 ... 1877 ... 1877 ... 1877 ... 1879 ... 1879 ... 1879 ... 1879 . . . 1879 ... 1881 ... 1881 ... 1881 ... 1881 ... 1882 . . . 1882 ... 1882 ... 1877 ... 1879 ... 1872 . 1872 THIRD PRESBTTERIAN CHURCH. 59 Snitzler, Miss Julia 1881 Snow, Mrs. Emma L 1882 Snyder, Mrs. A. H 1874 Snyder, Omer C 1881 Solomon, Henry. 1877 Spain, Miss Helen 1880 Spalding, Miss Harriet 1872 Speaber, Theodore 1874 Spilman, Miss Florence 1879 Spilman, Mrs. Rebecca 1879 Spinck, John C. H 1875 Spooner, Frank E 1873 Spooner, Mrs. Maria P 1873 Squair, Daniel 1877 Squires, Charles 1872 Squires, Mrs. Mary B 1872 Squires, Z 1873 Squires, Mrs. Harriet L 1873 Squire, Harry F 1881 Staats, J. G 1881 Staats, Mrs. Elizabeth 1882 Staats, Miss Jennie M 1882 Staats, Henry N 1882 Stafford, Miss Ruth A .' . 1880 Stagg, Robert 1877 Stagg, Mrs. Eliza 1877 Stagg, Miss Lydia J 1881 Stanton, Miss Maggie 1879 Staples, Mrs. Amelia T 1881 Statler, Stewart. 1877 Statler, Mrs. Lida J 1877 Stattman, Miss Lillie F ' 1880 Steacy, Lewis E 1882 Stead, James H 1877 Stead, Mrs. Cynthia D 1869 Stead, Miss Minneiska 1876 Stein, Miss Anna P 1881 Stein, Otto 1 1883 Stelle, Mrs. Carrie E 1882 Stenhouse, Wm. B Stephani, Miss Annie D. . . Stephens, Edward Stephens, Mrs. Julia A Stephens, Mrs. Sarah H . . . . Stevens, Robbins E Stevens, Mrs. Betsey Stevens, James F Stevens, Mrs. Adelaide A . . Stevens, Geo. C , Stevens, Mrs. Nellie B Stevenson, Jabez E Stevenson, Mrs. Belle J. W . Stewart, Mrs. Caroline Stewart, Mrs. Mary Stewart, Miss Margaret A . . Stewart, Miss Alice F Stewart, Miss Catharine J . . Stewart, Wm Stewart, Mrs. Harriet A. . . . Stewart, Jas Stewart, Miss Mary Stewart, Neil Stewart, Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Miss Gertrude L . . Stewart, Henry Stewart, Wm Stewart, Mrs. Ella St. John, Jean Stimpson, James M Stimpson, Mrs. Theresa A. Stitt, Miss Maggie Stoddard, George B '. . Stoddard, Mrs. E. Blanche. Storey, Mrs. Elizabeth Story, Harry T Stratton, Mrs. Mary J Stratton, Miss Ladorna J. . . Stratton, Robert J 1878 1874 1874 1874 1876 1866 1866 1873 1875 1882 1882 1882 1882 1875 1876 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1882 1882 1877 1877 1877 1874 1874 1874 1874 1873 1878 1877 187T 60 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Stratton, Miss Sarah A 1877 Strajer, Thos. A . .' 1882 Strayer, Mrs. Grace L 1882 Streich, Wm. F 1881 Streich, Henry F .. . 1881 Streich, Fred. O 1882 Strum, Adolph 1875 Stryker, Stephen W 1877 Stryker, Mrs. Annie E 1877 Stuart, John T.. 1877 Stuart, Mrs. Emily L 1877 Stuart, Joseph 1878 Stuart, Mrs. Letitia 1878 Suter, Alexander 1875 Suter, Arthur 1882 Sutton, Mrs. Josephine A 1880 Swan, Miss Mary E 1881 Swartz, Mrs. Maggie F 1877 Swett, Mrs. Laura R 1878 Swett, Leonard Herbert 1880 Swingley, Allen A 1883 Swonson, Henry 1873 Swonson, Mrs. Ella W 1873 Symington, Wm. J 1874 Tallmadge, John H 1883 Tallmadge, Mrs. Mary C 1883 Tallmadge, Miss Florence 1883 Talcott, Wm 1872 Tanner, Miss Hattie M 1880 Taylor, Mrs/Elizabeth L 1879 Taylor, James 1883 Taylor, Mrs. Eliza 1883 Taylor, Miss Annie 1883 Teall, Edward M 1863 Teall, Mrs. Kate. 1863 Teall, Henry D 1871 Tebbetts, Arthur Telfer, Mrs. Agnes Telfer, Thos. C Telfer, Alex. R Templeton, Robert Templeton, Herbert Templeton, Mrs. Mary Templeton, Miss Mary Templeton, Wm. F Templeton, Mrs. Agnes .... Templeton, Miss Anna Templeton, Miss Maggie W Templeton, Miss Evelyn . . . Templeton, Clifford F Tennant, Richard W Terkurst, Miss Minnie Terkurst, Miss Sinna G . . . . Terkurst, Miss Hattie Terwiliger, Geo. W Terwiliger, Maynard Thiel, Miss Ida C Thomas, Mrs. Sarah Thomas, Jas. W Thomas, James Thomas, Miss Anna Thomas, Miss Elizabeth A. Thomas, Wm. H. H Thomas, Mrs. Caroline A . . Thomas, Miss Cora Thomas, Albert R Thomas, Mrs. Brescia Thomas, Miss Helen B Thomson, James. Thompson, Mark S Thompson, Mrs. Emma L. . Thompson, Mrs. Sarah C. . . Throop, Mrs. Ann E Tichenor, Lyman B Tilden, Edward... .. 1882 . .. 1882 .. 1882 .. 1882 . . 1872 .. 1880 .. 1881 ... 1881 .. 1882' . . 1882 .. 1882 . . 1883 , .. 1883 .. 1883 .. 1882 .. 1880 . . 1880 .. 1880 . .. 1877 . .. 1877 .. 1881 .. 1872 .. 1873 . . 1875 .. 1875 .. 1876 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1880 .. 1875 .. 1873 .. 1873 .. 1876 .. 1851 .. 1876 . 1882 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Tobin, Moses 1876 Tombs, Miss Jennie H 1877 Townsend, G. B v 1881 Townsend, Mrs. Carrie 1881 Townsend, Miss Mary E 1882 Travis, J. A 1880 Treleaven, Miss Mary A 1872 Treleaven, Albert 1877 Treleaven, Mrs. Jennie 1877 True, Mrs. Corinne 1878 Trimingham, Miss Ann E 1857 Trimingham, Ralph N 1858 Trimingham, Miss Frances M. . . 1858 Trunkey, Mrs. Ida 1 1876 Tuthill, Win. H 1880 Tuthill, Mrs. Sophia B 1880 Tuthill, Frank H 1881 Tuthill, Miss Eva 1881 Tuttle, Miss Bertha M 1879 Underhill, Mrs. Carrie E 1876 Upperdahl, John 1876 Van Bershot, John 1873 Van Bershot, Mrs. Jacomine. . . . . 1878 Van Bershott, Miss Hattie 1880 Van Buskirk, Mrs. Elizabeth 1879 Van Buskirk, Miss Estella. ..... 1879 Van de Roovaart, Jacob 1880 Van de Roovaart, Mrs. Elizabeth . 1880 Van Dusen, Arthur S 1880 Van Es, Mitchell M 1879 Van Es, Mrs. Mary P 1879 Van Housen, Mrs. Frances M . . . 1881 Valentine, John 1881 Van Ness, John Q Van Ness, Mrs. Clara. . . . Van Ness, John F Van Ness, Miss Anna A . Van Nortwick, John S . . . Van Orden, Mrs. Sarah . . Varney, Gorham C Varney, Mrs. Caroline C. Varney, Luther H Vermaas, Peter M Vermaas, Cornelius Vernon, Mrs. Wm Vix, Mrs. Sarah J Wade, Mrs. Charlotte D Wadsworth, Mrs. Bertha Waldron, Miss Virginia E.. . . Waldron, Abraham Waldron, Mrs. Mary E Walker, William Walker, Miss Emilie S Walker, Mrs. Emma E Walker, Oshea Walker, Mrs. Hannah A. . . . . Walker, Miss Olivett M Walker, Sylvester. Walker, Jas. P r ... Walker, Mrs. Maria R Walker, George R Waller, Henry Waller, Edward C Waller, Mrs. Mary L Waller, Miss Sarah Bell L. . . Wallis, Mrs. Janet M Walters, James Walters, Miss Elizabeth McL. Ward, Miss Agnes E I87o 187.-) 1880 1880 1877 1877 1870 1870 1877 1881 1881 1882 1879 1876 1874 1881 1882 1882 1877 1879 1879 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1881 1883 1871 1871 1873 1877 1871 1876 1882 1880 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Ward, Mrs.Janet 1880 Ward, Miss Helen M 1880 Ware, Miss Nellie S 1879 Ware, Alex. C 1882 Warner, Wm. C 1868 Warner, Mrs. Emily C 1876 Warner, Miss Ella M 1881 Warner, Miss Mary W 1880 Warner, Miss Mattie H 1882 Waring, Miss Henrietta A 1879 Washburn, Miss Julia M 1875 Washburn, Mrs. Jane C 1875 Waters, Wm. H 1875 Waters, Mrs. Sarah J 1875 Waters, John 1880 Waterhouse, Miss Maud H 1882 Watson, Artemas D 1875 Watson, Mrs. Catherine 1875 Webb, James 1869 Webb, Mrs. Mary 1869 Webb, Wm. E 1873 Webb, Mrs. Charlotte J 1873 Webb, Mrs. Mary 1874 Webb, Mrs. M. J 1876 Webber, Mrs. Hannah F 1880 Webster, Mrs. Ida N 1876 Webster, Miss Sarah 1876 Webster, Miss Kittie 1876 Weigley, Frank S 1880 Weigley, Mrs. Emily S 1880 Wells, Wheeler W 1879 Wells, Mrs. Nancy '. 1879 Wells, Miss Florence 1880 Wells, Miss Anna P 1881 Wells, Mrs. Cherrill H 1882 Welsh, Mrs. Rosanna S 1876 Wendtz, Mrs. Susie 1878 Wentworth, Mrs. Mary A 1877 West, Mrs. Catherine A 1883 Westerman, Mrs. Augusta E. Whallon, Mrs. Harriet S Wheadon, Seth Wheadon, Mrs. Phcebe A Wheadon, Miss Alice A White, Mrs. Agnes A White, Miss Lizzie D Whitley, Miss Mary Whiteside, Henry Whiting, Chas. H Whiting, Mrs. Frank C Whitman, Henry R Whitman, Wm. F Whitman, Mrs. Laura J Whitson, Mrs. Ann Whitson, Miss Jenniet E Whitson, Robt. J , Whiton, Miss Emma L Wilbur, J. H Wilbur, Mrs. Mary H Wilbur, Miss Josephine Wilcox, Mrs. Mary C Wilcox, Mrs. Celuda , Wilcox, Frederick W Wilkinson, Mrs. Arvilla E. . Will, Charles Will, Mrs. Lizzie Williams, Mrs. Mary Williams, Mrs. D Williams, Miss Martha Williams, Miss Sarah M. . . . Williams, Miss Mary J Williams, Miss Margaret. . . . Williams, Mrs. Marv Williams, Miss Jessie M. . . . Williams, Miss Annie E. . . . Williams, Miss Amelia H . . . Williams, Benj. J , Williams, Edwin C .. 1880 .. 1881 .. 1871 .. 1865 .. 1875 .. 1872 .. 1877 .. 1871 .. 1873 .. 1881 .. 1881 .. 1877 .. 1877 .. 1877 .. 1882 .. 1883 ... 1881 . . 1873 . . 1881 .. 1881 .. 1881 .. 1876 .. 1881 ... 1882 . . 1873 . .. 1876 , .. 1876 . . 1872 ... 1874 . . 1874 , .. 1874 , .. 1875 . .. 1875 . .. 1875 , .. 1878 .. 1878 . . 1879 .. 1882 . 1882 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Williamson, Norman J 1877 Williamson, Mrs. Maria D 1881 Williamson, Samuel S 1881 Williamson, Mrs. Martha A 1881 Williamson, Miss Mary 1881 Wilmot, Thos 1879 Wilmot, Mrs. Phoebe 1879 Wilmot, Miss Jane 1881 Wilson, Miss Margaret R 1872 Wilson, Miss May F 1878 Wilson, Miss Sophy Lou 1878 Wilson, Mrs. Eliza 1878 Wilson, Miss Lida M 1878 Wilson, John 1879 Wilson, Miss Anna M 1879 Wilson, Mrs. Lavinia P 1879 Wilson, Archibald H 1881 Wilson, George A. S 1883 Wilson, Mrs. Alice M ^ 1883 Wilson, Mrs. Malyina M 1883 Wilt, Chas. D 1877 Wing, Miss Annie E 1874 Winloff, Nels 1877 Winn, Mrs. Charlotte B 1874 Winter, Mrs. Minerva 1872 Winter, Hugh A 1875 Winter, Frank P 1880 Winters, Robert A . 1878 Wood, Mrs. Jane L Wood, David W Wood, Mrs. Jennie Wood, Mrs. Mary E Woodbury, Mrs. Hattie F . . . Woodcock, Lindsay T Woodworth, Mrs. Emma Woolf, W. H Wooli", Mrs. Harriet E Work, Mrs. Mary A Work, Samuel J Wormer, Mrs. Frank A Worthington, Mrs. Ella L... Wright, Junius P Wright, Miss Clara L Wyllie, James T Wynkoop, Mrs. Catherine A. Wysong, Mrs. Hannah Yates, Miss Frances L . . Yaggy, Levi W York, Miss Emma Young, Wm. F Young, Mrs. Jennet Young, Miss Margaret A . Young, William 1862 1876 1882 1878 1881 1881 1878 1879 1879 1879 1879 1872 1871 1877 1879 1882 1882 1877 1860 1880 1878 1876 1876 1876 1876 SUPPLEMENT. MANUAL THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. MAY, 1883-1884. M. A. TRVK, PRINTER, 161 LA SALLE STREET. OFFICERS. PASTOR. REV. ABBOTT E. KITTREDGE, D.D. ASSISTANT PASTOR. REV. W. S. POST, D.D. ELDERS. SAMUEL M. MOORE. DAVID BRADLEY. CHAS. L. CURRIER. LOTHROP S. HODGES. LOUIS F. BURRELL. JAS. P. KETCHAM. EDWARD M. TEALL. THOS. KANE. JAS. A. HAIR. DEMING H. PRESTON. FRANK E. SPOONER. JAMES SUYDAM KNOX. ALBERT G. BEEBE. HENRY A. OSBORN. LEVI W. YAGGY. BENJAMIN C. PRENTISS. ANDREW M. HENDERSON. THOS. GOODMAN, TKEAS. RALPH N. TRIMINGHAM, CLERK. DEACONS. JOHN H. SNITZLER. LINDSAY T. WOODCOCK. WM. D. MESSINGER. ALBERT B. CLARK. JAS. S. HUBBARD. JOSHUA EMERY. WM. H. BEEBE. TRUSTEES. DAVID BRADLEY, PRES. THOS. N. BOND. ROBT. SCOTT. JAS. A. HAIR. FRANK E. SPOONER. LOTHROP S. HODGES. CHAS. L.- CURRIER. A. J. HARDING. JAMES P. KETCHAM, TREAS. USHERS. JAMES A. HAIR. JOHN WALLS SCOTT. JOSHUA EMERY. LOUIS L. MUNSON. ALBERT B. CLARK. WM. A. GOODMAN. GEORGIA MORGAN. MORGAN K. DEALE. CHAS. D. MILL. JOHN F. RICE. THOS. A. STRAYER. A. W. BURKHARDT. SEXTON. PRATT HAMILTON. THIRD PRESB YTERIAN CHURCH. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. HOME. MEETS AT 2.30 P.M. OFFICERS. ALBERT G. BEEBE Superintendent. WM. A. GOODMAN . . . . ~\ JOSHUA EMERY V Assistant Superintendents. BENJ. C. PRENTISS . . . J E. H. COOK Sup't Primary Dept. Louis L. MUNSON Assistant. CHAS. D. MILL Secretary and Treasurer. SEYMOUR MORRIS Assistant. FREDRICK W. WILCOX Librarian. J. HOHMANN Assistant. M. E. JOHNSTON Reception Committee. MEMBERSHIP OF THE SCHOOL, APRIL I, 1884. Primary Pupils 246 Teachers 22 Junior " 370 40 Senior " 257 " 26 Bible Class Pupils 239 " 7 Total Membership 1236 Average Attendance for the year 838! Largest " in " 1026 Smallest " " " 482 Balance brought forward May i, 1883 S 276 59 Total contributions during the year 1,045 7 2 $1,322 31 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The following sums have been donated by the School, viz: To Foreign Missions $ 349 78 Also to Miss Powers, in Turkey 100 oo To Capt. Bundy, Gospel Ship 50 oo " Church at Eureka Springs, Ark. (Communion Service). . 21 20 For Funeral flowers 40 oo " Sick person in Woman's Hospital 50 oo " Church Industrial School 147 55 " Church at Lawrenceburgh, Ind. (injured by Ohio flood) 58 88 " Cook Co. S. S. Association 50 oo Christmas festival, Foster Mission 36 29 " " Noble street Mission 36 28 To Northwestern Theological Seminary, for Organ 25 oo " Presbyterian Church, Flandreau, Dak 25 oo " Free Kindergarten, Halsted street 50 oo " Rev. Mr. Young, Boys' School, Alaska 50 oo " Home for the Friendless, City 50 oo " Deacon's fund to aid poor families not connected with our Church 100 oo " Women's and Children's Hospital 23 24 Balance carried forward 59 09 $i,3 22 3 1 Scholars received into the church during the year 1883 57 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, FOSTER MISSION, MASKELL HALL, No. 173 DESPLAINES STREET, MEETS AT 2:30 P. M. OFFICERS : JAMES S. HUBBARD Superintendent. HENRY H. MORGAN . . . ) . . . JAMES P. KETCHAM. . . j Assistant Superintendents. JAMES H. MILES Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM T. TEMPLETON. Sup't In ft. Class. THOMAS KANE Ass't Sup't Inft. Class. DAVID W. WOOD Teacher Bible Class. SAMUEL W. KEMPSTER Librarian. ABBREVIATED REPORT OF FOSTER MISSION. Total enrollment 754 Average attendance in 1883 388 Smallest attendance in 1883, January 21 226 Largest attendance in 1883, December 19 542 Number of teachers and officers 45 TREASURER'S REPORT. Balance on hand January i, 1883 $ 21 79 Sabbath collections 314 85 Home school contribution 36 29 Received for entertainment 9 72 5382 65 EXPENSES. Papers, etc., for school $231 88 Sundry items 31 50 Christmas festival 95 90 Entertainment 15 oo Balance on hand January i, 1884 8 37 5382 65 In addition to the above, the Third church contributed 450 oo for rent of the hall and other expenses. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The Infant Class numbers from 100 to 175 children, and the Bible Class from 30 to 50 members. In connection with the latter a weekly Prayer meeting is held. The location of this school is unfortunate, both for its growth and prosperity, held in a hall in a third story, inaccessible to children, and under the shadow of a Catholic church, not favorable to its prosperity with many of the children living a long distance south. The necessity seems apparent that the school, for its own usefulness, should be located south of Van Buren or Harrison streets. JAMES H. MILES, Secretary. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. NOBLE-STREET MISSION. OFFICERS. DANIEL FORBES Superintendent. W. H. BEEBE Assistant Superintendent. GEO. E. SHIPMAN Secretary and Assistant Treasurer. A. M. HENDERSON Treasurer. Miss F. C. SHIPMAN Superintendent Infant Department. SECRETARY'S REPORT. From May i, 1883, to May i, 1884 : Total attendance during the year I7>i23 Largest " " " " 465 Smallest " " " " 302 Average attendance for the year 330 Number of teachers and officers 34 Number of scholars received into the Church 12 TREASURER'S REPORT. RECEIPTS. Balance brought forward $3 13 Collections for the year 208 53 Donation from Home School 36 28 Collected for Christmas Entertainment 75 50 Total $3 2 3 44 DISBURSEMENTS. Cook County Sunday School Association $5 73 Foreign Sunday School Association 51 oo American Sunday School Union 50 oo Half Qrphan Asylum 52 46 Foundlings' Home 52 47 Christmas Entertainment in 78 Total 3 2 3 44 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF THE SESSION. Payments made from May i, 1883, to May i, 1884, by Thomas Goodman, Treasurer of the Session. Balance in the Treasury May I, 1883 $248^70 Received in Collections for the following causes : For Sunday School Work $4,319 39 " Home Missions 884 78 " Foreign Missions 1,510 89 " Gospel on the Lakes 50 oo " Church Erection 337 31 " Sustentation 112 45 " Bible Society 38 30 " Boards of the Church 1,076 35 " General Fund 510 71 8,840 18 Total $9,088 88 DISBURSEMENTS AS FOLLOWS: To Sunday School Work, including Home and Mission Schools. .$4,161 12 " Home Missions 1 ,014 07 " Foreign Missions 1,726 50 " Gospel on the Lakes 50 oo " Church Erection 377 05 " Sustentation 146 89 " Bible Society 55 97 " Aid for Colleges 130 29 " Ministerial Relief 42 39 " Freedmen 42 39 " Education 14 12 " Publication Society , 14 13 " General Assembly 192 86 " Church Manuals 212 oo " Trustees of the Church 176 6l " Funeral Expenses, Flowers, etc., at Funerals of Ruling Elders. 77 50 " Printing, Stationery, Postage, etc 68 75 " Eastman & Fiske for Hotel Registers 10 oo " Manuals of Chicago Presbytery 6 oo- " Sundry items 6 1 35 8.579 99- Balance in the Treasury May I, 1884 508 89 Total $9,088 88 THOMAS GOODMAN, TREASURER. 10 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. THE BOARD OF DEACONS. The Board of Deacons is organized with the Pastor as Moderator for the purpose of overseeing the poor of the Church in visitation and relief. An additional duty is the care of the communion service, and of providing for the communion table. They also have under their care the church burial-lot at Rose Hill, which is entirely paid for, and upon which they expect to erect a suitable monument at an early day. A regular meeting of the Board is held on the second Friday of each month-, at which the Treasurer renders a report of receipts and expendi- tures. At the same time, reports are made by the different members of the Board, as to cases left in their charge. New cases are then brought to the attention of the Board, and such measures taken for their investiga- tion and relief as may be deemed necessary. Great care is taken in extending assistance, and the unanimous assent of at least three members must be obtained before any pecuniary relief can be rendered. The resources of the Board are obtained from the Sacramental collec- tions, which are set apart for the relief of the poor of the Church, and from occasional special collections. The work of the Board for the past year has been carried on faith- fully and quietly ; but we believe not unfruitfully, and to the honor of the Savior's name. Pecuniary aid has been extended to seventeen families and individuals during the year, which includes funeral expenses in several instances. In accordance with the custom of the Board, a large number of turkeys and other necessaries were distributed amongst our Church poor on Thanksgiving Day. We trust that our Church membership will during the coming year contribute even more liberally to the funds of this Board, as there is practically no limit to the good that can be done, if only the necessary means are made available. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 11 During the past year, our dear friend and fellow-laborer, A. Hoffman Keese, has been called from the service below to that of the Church above, being the first from our number to pass through the gates fnto the City. The Board unanimously passed the following resolutions : WHEREAS, God in His Providence, on the twelfth of March, 1884, called from our number our dear brother and Secretary, A. HOFFMAN KEESE, Resolved, That we as a Board do hereby testify to his great Christian worth, his devotion to the Master's cause, his zeal in every good work, his earnestness and consecration as evinced in his daily walk, and to our high appreciation of his faithful and valuable services as a member and Secretary of this Board. By his death we have lost an efficient and earnest fellow-laborer, and the Church a most useful member. Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family in their bereavement, and that these resolutions be placed upon the records of this Board, and copies be transmitted to his wife and mother. WM. H. BEEBE, SEC. 12 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons for the year com- mencing April i, 1883, and ending March 31, 1884: RECEIPTS. Balance on hand March 31, 1883 $ 1 5& 99 Sacramental collection for April, 1883 126 80 " June, 1883 139 77 " " " August, 1883 56 oo " October, 1883 142 33 " December, 1883 123 85 " January, 1884 106 10 " " " February, 1884 135 42 Thanksgiving collection from Wednesday evening meeting, November 28, 1883 66 41 Thanksgiving collection 126 83 Emma New, donation 3 30 Money refunded Board i 50 $1,187 30 DISBURSEMENTS From April i, 1883, to March 31, 1884: General relief $393 75 Funeral expenses 104 oo Bread and wine for communion 43 01 Paid Treasurer of session for manuals 69 88 Miscellaneous expenses 6 75 Thanksgiving dinners for poor families 40 79 Sinking fund for Monument 200 oo Foundlings' Home, one-half Thanksgiving collection. 60 91 Women's Christian Association, one-half Thanksgiv- ing collection 60 92 Balance on hand March 31, 1884 .07 29 $1,187 3 J. H. SNITZLER, TREASURER. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. DEACON'S CONTINGENT FUND For assisting those who are not members of the Church : RECEIPTS. January 24, received from Treasurer of .Sabbath-school . . $100 oo DISBURSEMENTS. General relief $19 25 Balance on hand March 31, 1884 80 75 $100 oo MONUMENT FUND. RECEIPTS. Set aside from Deacon's Fund $200 oo DISBURSEMENTS. Balance on hand March 31, 1884 $200 oo J. H. SNITZLER, TREASURER. 14 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. REPORT OF TREASURER OF TRUSTEES. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand $ 1,579 21 Received from Pew Rents 18,242 02 " " Collections 3>594 2 5 " " Other Sources 3,55088 $26,966 36 EXPENDITURES. Paid Pastor's Salary $ 8,000 oo " For Music 3> 2 38 45 " Interest on Bonded Debt 1,200 oo Gift to Westminster Church 4,900 oo Paid for Insurance on Church Property 432 50 " Janitor and Assistant 1,410 oo " for Gas 416 80 " " Fuel 60216 " " Pulpit Supply Pastor's Vacation 400 oo it Printing Sermons and Leaflets 1,214 2 5 " " Repairs to Church Building, etc 1,456 32 " " Sundry Expenses 3,228 87 Balance on hand 526,966 36 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 15 LADIES' BENEVOLENT WORK. MRS. W. H. ANDERSON, PRESIDENT; MRS. WM. MENDSEN, VICE-PRESIDENT. The Ladies' Benevolent Society reorganized October 23, 1883. There has been held, during the season, ten meetings, four of which con- vened at ii o'clock, and were made interesting and entertaining by reports from various charitable and benevolent societies ; also readings and religious exercises, after which a lunch was served. The remain- ing six were devoted entirely to work, and met at the usual hour. The largest attendance has been 135 ; the smallest, 45. Individual contributions of material have been received, valued at $35 ; also 400 second-hand garments. Special purchases have been made from the society fund, amounting to $90, which were equal to 100 pieces. The above 400 articles, with the 500 made by the united efforts of the ladies, makes a total of 900 pieces. From these, four boxes have been compiled and sent away, two to Park College, Mo., and two to home missionaries; the approximate value of them being $265. The remainder were distributed in our city, as follows: The Northwestern Theological Seminary : Illinois Industrial School for Girls; Home for Incurables; Foundlings' Home, and some fifty families of our worthy poor. Our season closed March 26, with a mem- bership of 88. As our reports stand, may we not feel amply repaid for the time given, and cheered by the sacred words, " Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." 16 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. TREASURER'S REPORT. Balance in Treasury from last year $ 2 50 Received from Benevolent Fund of the Church 250 oo " " Membership Fees 47 oo " " Special contributions 33 oo Total $332 50 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid Park College, Mo $ 6 oo " A. C. Stark, Iowa 21 oo " Sick woman 14 oo " Mattress for Y.M.C.A. room 10 oo " Incidental expenses of the society 25 75 " Drayage and freight on boxes 45 " Mrs. Anderson, Pres., for the purchase of material 251 25 Total $332 50 MRS. C. H. CHAPPELL, Sec. and Treas. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 17 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. OFFICERS. MRS. A. G. BEEBE Superintendent. MRS. P. B. PRICE Assistant Superintendent. MRS. E. T. DAVIS Superintendent of Work. MRS. J. P. MILLS Secretary and Treasurer. Miss HATTIE RICE Superintendent of Primary Department. The School opened October 13, 1883, at the Temperance Church, on Noble street, with an attendance of 176 scholars. By November 15, the number had increased until no more scholars could be received, and December ist the School was removed to a larger church, where there has been a Total Enrollment 347 scholars Average Attendance 272 " Smallest " October 13 176 " Largest " February 16 307 " Total Enrollment 36 teachers Average Attendance 26 " Smallest " 6 " Largest " 31 " The girls under instruction in this school are from five to fifteen years of age, and of eight nationalities, and have been found to be teachable and obedient, and during the two hours each Saturday spent in the Schools, have made great progress in sewing, also in their appearance, special attention having been given to cultivating cleanli- ness and ladylike behavior, as well as teaching the foundations of the Christian faith, and endeavoring to lead them to Jesus as their Savior and Guide. 18 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. There have been completed in the School during the past winter 374 garments and 240 tidies, the latter being used as preparatory to garments by beginners, in connection with patchwork. Collections have been taken in the School every Saturday, amount- ing in all to $34.17, which, with $147.55 gi ven by the Home Sunday School, has been used to defray the expenses of the School. The thing standing in the way of the highest usefulness of this School is the want of a sufficient number of faithful teachers, though there is an increased interest in this department of the ladies' work, and we hope another year may find many more of our sisters ready to sacrifice something to be used by the Master in this work of bringing some of the heathen at our own doors, both to knowledge of civilized living and to Christ, by helping these girls to become useful, Christian women. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1!> THE WOMAN'S FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The annual meeting in March brought another year's work to a close making thirteen years since this society was organized. The following ladies were elected officers for the ensuing year : President, Miss L. R. Hall; vice-presidents, Mrs. H. T. Helm, Mrs. A. E. Kittredge, Mrs. L. S. Hodges, Dr. Emma Woodworth; Treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Osborn ; Finance Committee, Mrs. J. P. Ketcham, Mrs. Lockwood, Mrs. R. I. Adamson; secretary, Mrs. J. P. Mills. Our society numbers over 250 members, and has never seemed more prosperous, or sustained by more efficient workers than at the present time. Meetings have been held during the year on the third Tuesday of each month at 3 P.M., in the church parlors. The general subjects rec- ommended by the Board have been taken up and discussed. Letters have been received from all parts of the missionary field. The oppor- tunity of listening to Mrs. Van Hook, of Persia, and others returned from their missionary labors for a little rest, has been offered to us on several occasions. We have also had the pleasure of welcoming to our society Mrs. Hoge, president of the Woman's Board of the Northwest. Her earnest spiritual words have been a help, and an inspiration to us in pushing forward the work. We have renewed our pledges for the support of Mrs. Kelso and Miss Olmsted for the coming year. Mrs. Kelso is again engaged in her lifework in her beloved India. She writes of having been transferred from Lahore to Saharanpur. Her letters are full of interest as her own noble life is full of labor for the Master. Mrs. Olmsted, who is in Siam, devotes much of her time teaching in the girls' school at Bangkok. Her knowledge of medicine gives her opportunities for doing untold good. 20 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. We know that her life is consecrated to the service of Christ, and that whatsoever her hands find to do will be done to His honor and glory. The work of the year has been in several respects unusually pleasant and encouraging. Both officers and members have labored together earnestly and harmoniously, and have not been without the reward which such association in Christian work is sure to bring. Our society has grown to be one of the regular church activi- ties, but our constant prayer is that every sister in the church may arise, and, in the strength of her spiritual energies and intellectual en- dowments, place this work on a higher plane than it has yet attained to, or ever can reach until an interest is felt and evinced, not by the few or the majority, but by all. We cannot forbear to make mention of the praise meeting, held under the auspices of our society, on the after- noon of February 28, that "great day of the feast," when, in response to the invitation "Bring an offering and come into His Courts," the "tithes were brought into the storehouse," and a blessing was poured out upon us. Hymns of praise were sung; psalms of thanksgiving were read; prayers of consecration were offered; glowing words came from consecrated hearts and lips, and offerings of praise were laid at His feet. As we turned our steps from the church door, these words seemed borne on every passing breeze, "Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name," and the response came back to every heart who had offered a gift, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me." Let us not be discouraged, for the work is the Lord's; but be thankful that He permits us to have a share, not only in the work, but in the reward, listening to His words, "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not." But though u 22 3 73 Thank-offerings received at the Praise Meeting 243 oo Collections 7 71 $1,662 41 DISBURSEMENTS. Gift to Miss Cummings $ 1 5 Printing and postage for Praise Meeting 15 90 Fund for Presbyterial expenses 12 90 Miss Olmsted's salary 450 oo Mrs. Kelso's salary 400 oo Woman's Presbyterian Board of Missions 620 oo Miscellaneous expenses 8 20 1,657 oo Balance in the Treasury 5 41 $1,662 41 MRS. H. A. OSBORN, Treasurer. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. YOUNG LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. This Society was organized purely for benevolent work. The year 1883-4 opened with Mrs. A. G. Ashley, President ; Mrs. R. J. Adamson, Vice-President ; Miss Carrie B. Havens, Secretary ; Miss Louise Savage, Treasurer. During the preceding year $300 had been raised, and it was the first work of the society with this sum to provide a home for an old lady in the Old Ladies' Home of this city. The number of members this year, both active and associate, was 112. $408.52 was the total amount raised during the year. Of this $303.65 was disbursed by different committees in their work of visiting and aiding the Hospital for Women and Children, the Cook County Hospital, the Home for Incurables, one sick lady, and eight poor families. $25 was donated to the tem- perance work under the auspices of the Y. W. C. T. U., of the West Side, leaving in the treasury for the ensuing year the balance of $104.87. SEED SOWERS. The society called the Seed Sowers is composed of little girls from six to twelve years of age. There are sixty members, with an average attendance of thirty. The children meet once in two weeks. They have supported, the past year, a little boy in Lodiana, India. The money was raised by a sale of fancy articles made by the little girls, and also from mission boxes, which each child has at home. The society was very successful this last year, under the care of Mrs. B. C. Prentiss. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 23 YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. OFFICERS. L. T. WOODCOCK President. C. D. MILL r Vice-President. M. E. JOHNSTON Secietary. SEYMOUR MORRIS , Treasurer. During the year ending May i, 1884, there have been added to the Library 376 volumes, of which number 359 were library books, in the strict sense of that term, and 17 were bound volumes of magazines and other periodicals; so that the library now contains about 1300 volumes. There were also added to the number of magazines and periodicals for the reading-room sixteen weekly papers ; so that there are now on the tables of the reading-room, for the use of the young people of the church and congregation, thirty-three different newspapers, magazines and periodicals, including some of the best British and American publica- tions of the kind. Since the ist of January of this year a new catalogue has been prepared, the library has been entirely rearranged, and it is to-day in perfect order and good condition. The Association numbers 404 members. 24 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. TREASURER'S REPORT OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RECEIPTS. Balance on hand May i, 1883 $ 107 56 Received for Initiation Fees and Dues $393 " " Tickets to Sociables 8 oo ti K. ]sj et p rocee( j s Lecture course 680 79 " " Fines 37 72 - 1-119 5 1 $1,227 7 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for Books, Periodicals, etc $564 25 " " Sociables 147 78 " " Binding, Printing, Stationery, etc 315 29 -$1,027 3 2 Balance on hand $ 199 75 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 25 CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE BENEVOLENCE OF THE CHURCH FOR THE YEAR. Home Sunday School $i 5 45 72 Foster Mission Sunday School 360 77 Noble-street Mission Sunday School 320 31 Industrial School 34 17 Treasurer of Session 8,840 18 " Board of Deacons 1,028 31 " Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society. . 1,518 34 " Ladies' Benevolent Society 330 oo " Young People's Library Association. 1,119 5 1 " Young Ladies' Benevolent Society .. 408 52 To this may be added the receipts by the Board of Trustees 25,387 15 Total $40,392 26 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. n MRS. MARY B. HALE January i4th, 1883. MRS. CLAUDINE DANIELS May nth, 1883. Miss JENNIE A. CRANE June ist, 1883. DANIEL SQUAIR June 22d, 1883. MRS. JENNET YOUNG July 23d, 1883. ADDISON B. HEFFLING August i2th, 1883. MRS. CATHERINE STEWART ! September igth, 1883. JOHN F. W. MACDONALD October gth, 1883. JOHN S. CARPENTER November i2th, 1883. CHARLES F. CHESSMAN November igth, 1883. WILLARD PUTNAM December ist, 1883. MRS. DAVID WILLIAMS December 4th, 1883. JOSEPH A. PRIBYL December i6th, 1883. MRS. BRESCIA THOMAS December i yth. 1883. WILLIAM OSBORN January 2d, 1884. A. HOFFMAN KEESE March i2th, 1884. MRS. FANNIE BACON April 27th, 1884. SAMUEL WALTER NOURSE April 27th, 1884. MOSES TOBIN April 29th, 1884. "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course. I have kept the faith." "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out." "The Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." " And they shall see His face." THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. " He which testifieth these things, saith, Surely I come quickly, Amen. Even so come, Lord Jesus." Multitude, which none can number, Like the stars in glory stand, Clothed in white apparel, holding Palms of victory in their hand. They have come from tribulation, And have washed their robes in blood, Washed them in the blood of Jesus ; Tried they were, and firm they stood. Gladly, Lord, with thee they suffered, Gladly, Lord, with thee they died ; And by death to life immortal, They were born and glorified. Now they reign in heavenly glory, Now they walk in golden light, Now they drink, as from a river, Holy bliss and infinite. Love and peace they taste forever, And all truth and knowledge see In the beatific vision Of the Blessed Trinity. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. WILLIAM QSBOR> An honored elder in the Third Church, who, in its early history, gave not only strength and time, but wealth for its prosperity, and never failed to guard its interests with a loving vigilance. He fell asleep, in a ripe old age, having nobly finished the work which his Master entrusted to his care. The session would gratefully acknowledge the debt they owe to the fidelity and zeal of this revered brother, and his name and memory will always be cherished in our church as of a sincere Christian and a pillar of spiritual strength. " He rests from his labors, and his works do follow him." ' Faithful unto death. ' ' JOHN S. CARPENTER CHAS. F. CHESSMAN. The session would place upon its records their deep sorrow in the unexpected deaths of two of its most honored members of the Church and most reliable officers, Bros. John S. Carpenter and Chas. F. Chessman. Though these brethren had been connected with the eldership only a few years, they had become, through their earnest piety and loving unselfish devotion to the interests of the Church, strong pillars in the service of the Master, and, in our poor judgment, they could not be spared from the field where they so joyfully labored ; but we bow in submission to His will "who doeth all things well," assured that "our loss is their eternal gain." THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. MEMBERS RECEIVED FROM MAY, 1883, TO MAY, 1884. On Confession of Christ 101 By letter from other churches 112 Total for year 213 Dismissed by letter. 99 Total membership 2, 183 30 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. NAMES OF MEMBERS UNITING WITH THE CHURCH FROM MAY, 1883, TO MAY, 1884. Albert, Mrs. Frances. Alden, Mrs. Frances M. Allen, Alex. M. Armstrong, James. Austin, Miss Hattie M. Averill, Miss Carrie. Baker, Everett S. Baldwin, Mrs. Charlotte. Beach, Edward P. Beach, Mrs. Julia E. Beers, Miss Bessie. Blaikie, Miss Elizabeth A. Bobo, Mrs. Ella F. Briggs, Theophilus. Briggs, Mrs. Mary E. Brown, Miss Elizabeth. Brown, Miss Isabella. Brown, Miss Jennie. Bruton, James J. Bulkley, Robert H. Bulkley, Mrs. Margaret F. Cantner, Mrs. Frank C. Capner, Mrs. Margaret B. Garner, Miss Julia F. Caution, David. Caution, Mrs. Ellen B. Chase, Murray C. Chrystal, Wm. L. Cleveland, Miss Laura B. Cobb, Mrs. Augusta D. Cook, Ezekiel H. Cook, Mrs. Clara. Cox, Chas. W. Craik, Mrs. Grace L. Davis, Mrs. Mary A. Davis, Miss Mary L. Doerr, Edward F. Downs, Mrs. Sarah A. Drake, James. Drake, Mrs. Isabella. Drummond, Mrs. Catherine E. Duff, Edward H. Ealy, Elijah R. Ealy, Mrs. Nettie. Edwards, Sherman T. Edwards, Miss Maggie A. Elliott, Mrs. Mary E. Elliott, Robert J. Elliott, Miss Ada W. Elliott, Miss Edith. Evans, Mrs. Harriet E. Ewing, Wm. B. Ewing, Mrs. Lucy H. Fish, Chas. E. Fisher, John. Foxley, Miss Clara A. Galpin, Richard H. Gardiner, Mrs. Charlotte. Garrott, Miss Florence Lee. Gates, Frank A. THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. George, Miss Elizabeth. Gillespie, John. Gillespie, Mrs. Keturah. Gillespie, Chas. E. Gillespie, Miss Hattie M. Gordon, Daniel C. Gordon, Mrs. Graham, Jas. J. Graham, Wm. Griswold, James. Hansens, Bewnie. Harlan, Mrs. Eliza J. Harlan, Miss Rosalie M. Harlan, Miss Bessie M. Haynes, Fred'k T- Hebard, Jas. L. Henderson, Miss Ada T. Hoge, A. H. Hoge, Mrs. Jane C. Hoglen, Mrs. R. S. Holden, Walter S. Holden, Nelson B. Holden, Mrs. Katie S. Howard, Joseph J. Howard, Mrs. Mary. Howland, Miss Amelia. Hunter, Miss Harriet J. Hurd, Robt. A. Hutchinson, Miss Mabel C. Jewell, Ira H. Jones, Fred'k H. Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Johnson, Olaf A. Johnson, Miss Josephine A. Kammerer, Wm. S. Kammerer, Mrs. Mattie G. Keehn, Geo. W. Ker, Miss Mary. Ker, Miss Sarah V. Kerr, Miss Annie E. Kidder, Miss Frances M. A. Kittredge, Mrs. Jane B. Kittredge, George A. Latshaw, Mrs. Texie F. Lay, Robt. H. Lay, Mrs. Sarah J. Lay, Miss Georgiella. Le Vally, Mrs. Lettie. Lockwood, Sam'l T. Lockwood, Mrs. Juliette P. Lockwood, Sam'l P. Lockwood, Miss Edna May. Long, Mrs. Jane S. Sfcmdgren, Sven A. Lundgren, Mrs. Matilda A. Mac Kay, Mrs. Jessie. McCallum, Wm. Me Cormick, Chas. A. Me Cormick, Mrs. Amy S. Me Creight, Samuel L. Me Cullough, Wm. H. Me Henry, Daniel. Me Murry, John. Miller, Miss Alice. Miller, Mrs. Esther P. Mills, Mrs. Mary F. Mitchell, Archibald. Mowen, Simeon J. Mowen, Mrs. Laura E. Mullin, Mrs. Annie. Munger, Miss Sarah M. Murray, Alex. G. Nichols, Mrs. Noyes, Victor C. UCSB L1BKAKY 32 THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Olson, Miss Emma M. O'Neill, Mrs. Venia. Overbaugh, Edgar M. Overbaugh, Mrs. Ella F. Palmer, Mrs. Emily A. Patterson, Mrs. Lydia A. Patterson, Wm. R. Patterson, Mrs. Ida L. Paulson, Miss Mary M. Pease, Erastus S. Pease, Mrs. Mary L. Petersen, John. Petersen, Mrs. Nettie F. Phillips, John H. Phillips, Mrs. Florence. Phillips, Miss Florence M. Pitt, Mrs. Rebecca. Pitt, Miss Lizzie H. Pitt, Miss Alice M. Powell, Myron H. Ramsdell. Electus. Ramsdell, Mrs. Carrie E. Reid, James Me B. Rockey, Isaac W. Rogers, James Gamble. Salveson, Mrs. Susan A. Saunders, Thos. H. Saunders, Miss Marianne C. Scott, Thos. L. A. Shields, Mrs. Elizabeth G. Shields, Miss Jennette. Shields, Miss Emma M. Shivers, Geo. B. Simpson, Mrs. Mary. Simpson, Miss Lillie M. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth L. Smith, Miss Juliet C. Smith, Mrs. Wm. B. Smith, Miss Nellie B. Spinning, Isaac P. Spinning, Mrs. Rose. Spinning, Geo. F. Spinning, Miss Clara H. Spooner, Miss Carrie. Squires, Miss Carrie M. Stagg, John L. Stagg, Mrs. Jennie. Stan wood, Mrs. Mary C. Stephenson, Wm. Swift, Fred. Thayer. Tichenor, Mrs. Kate R. Tiffany, Mrs. Martha. Tomlinson, Wm. M. Trimingham, Benjamin L. Vaillencourt, Mrs. Harriet D. Vaillencourt, Miss Florence A. Vaillencourt, Miss Nellie I. Van Steenberg, Mrs. Margaret D. Wales, Mrs. Anna. Walker, Chas. F. Watson, Aquila. Warren, James L. Webber, Miss Louisa. White, Alfred S. White, Miss Jessie L. Wickoff, Benjamin D. Williams, Chas. S. Wilson, Jas. J. Wilson, Mrs. Josephine. Wilson, Irwin D. Wilson, Wiley H. Wood, Thos. J. Woodman, Miss Ella F. Young, Robt. S.