GIFT OF GITT APR 3 1913 GENERAL ACTS RELATING TO- EDUCATION Passed at the 1913 Session of the General Assembly ISSUED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ]. E. SWEARINGEN, STATE SUPERINTENDENT If I3 AN ACT To LKVY AND COLLECT A ONE-MlLL STATE TAX FOR THE) FREE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AND PROVIDE FOR THE DISTRIBU- TION OF THE SAME. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina : That a tax of one mill is hereby levied on all the real and personal property of the State, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively for the free public schools and expended as hereinafter stated. SEC. 2. Of the proceeds of this one-mill tax levy fifty per cent, shall be retained in the county in which collected, to be known as the "County Board Fund," and shall be used by the several County Boards of Education for the aid of the free schools in the respective counties in the discretion of the said Boards ; fifty per cent, of the proceeds shall be deposited with the State Treasurer and disbursed by him on the warrant of the Chairman and Secretary of the State Board of Education as other State funds are disbursed, to be used by the said State Board, as follows : For High Schools under Sections 1825- 1835 of Code of 1912, $60,000; for Extension of Public Schools under the Act of 1910, $60,000; for Consolidated Graded Schools under Act 1912, No. 497, $20,000; for Rural Libraries, $5,000. Any additional funds at the disposal of the State Board of Education under the provision of this Act shall be used for the lengthening of the school term under Sections 1783-1789 of Code, 1912. No. 237. March 1, 1913. AN ACT To REQUIRE THE FILING OF REPORTS BY TEACHERS, PRINCI- PALS AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: Any teacher, principal, or superin- tendent employed in the schools of this State, supported in whole or in part at public expense, shall file within two weeks after the close of the session of such school a full and accurate report as now required by law. Any person neglecting, refus- ing, or omitting to file such report when requested by the County Superintendent of Education shall be liable to the can- cellation of his or her certificate to teach, and to a fine of not more than twenty-five dollars, to be imposed at the discretion of the County Board of Education. SEC. 2. Any and all private schools shall report to the County Superintendent of Education upon request therefor, of the county wherein such school is located, the number of pupils receiving instruction, the number in regular attendance, the number of teachers employed and such other facts as will show the grade and amount of educational work actually done in such private school. The management of such other private school neglecting, refusing, or omitting to file such report within two weeks after the close of the regular session, shall be subject to a fine of not more than twenty- five dollars. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of each County Superintendent of Education to file with the State Superintendent of Educa- tion within two months after the close of the scholastic year, a full and accurate report of all the schools under his supervi- sion. Any County Superintendent failing to make such report shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined in the dis- cretion of the court in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. SEC. 4. The cancellation of any certificate hereunder shall be reported to the State Board of Education, and may be reviewed on appeal taken within ten days after the decision of the County Board. SEC. 5. Any and all moneys collected hereunder shall be paid into the county treasury to be disbursed as a part of the County Board Fund now authorized by law. SEC. 6, Any and all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. No. 203. February 27, 1913. AN ACT To PROVIDE: FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF KINDERGARTENS AS A PART OF THE COMMON SCHOOL SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TO PRESCRIBE THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE INSTRUCTORS THEREIN AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: From and after the passage of this Act any County Board of Education throughout the State, upon recommendation of district trustees, whether known by that name or another, whether created by general or special Act, shall have power to establish and provide for Kindergartens for the education of the children of not less than four years of age within their respective jurisdictions, but no child under the age of six years shall be counted in the average attendance of any public school district when public school funds are to be appor- tioned to the several school districts. SEC. 2. That said Kindergartens, when so established, shall be a part of the free common school system of this State and all funds now available, or which may hereafter become avail- able for the maintenance of said system, and all other funds which may come into the hands of said Boards of Education for educational purposes shall be available in due proportion for the establishment and maintenance of said Kindergartens. SEC. 3. That no teacher or instructor shall be employed to teach in the Kindergartens of this State who has not taken at least a two years' course in kindergarten training, and received a certificate or diploma from a recognized kindergarten nor- mal training school approved by the State Board of Education. SEC. 4. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby, repealed: Provided, hoivevcr, That the terms of this Act shall not apply to the counties of Sumter, York, Greenwood, Bamberg, Abbeville, Saluda, Lee, Aiken, Jasper, Chesterfield and Williamsburg. No. 246. Approved March 1, 1913. Makers Syracuse, N. Y PAT. JAN. 21,1908 YC 57280 380091 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY