'-^rrxfi- (^^ '.Jti 4 2 3 1 e ORISSA: ITS GEOGRAPHY, STATISTICS, HISTORY, RELIGION, AND ANTIQUITIES, ANDREW STERLING, Esq., LATE PERSIAN SECRETARY TO THE BENGAL GOVERNMENT. TO WICICH IS ADDED, A HISTORY GENERAL BAPTIST MISSION ESTABLISHED IN THE PROVINCE. BY JAMES PEGGS, LATE MISSIONARY AT CUTTACK, ORISSA; AUTHOR OF "INDIA'S CRIES TO BRITISH HUMANITY," &c., &c. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY JOHN SNOW, 35, PATERNOSTER ROW ; SOLD BY BROOKS, LEICESTER; NOBLE, BOSTON; NICHOLSON, HALIFAX. 1846. ILKESTON: VRDTIED BY JXO. yrOMBELL, BAXH-SIKEZSV / 35S rilEFACE. The first missionaries to a country are like the spies which Moses sent to " spy out the land of Canaan," and the writer has often been reminded of the language which Moses addressed to the per- sons engaged on that important occasion, — " Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain : and see the land what it 3 is ; and the people that dwell therein, whether they are strong or 2 weak, few or many ; and what the land is tiiat they dwell in, ^ whether it be good or bad, and what cities there are that they dwell in, whether in tents or strong holds ; and what the land is, whether it be fat or lean ; whether there be wood therein or not. And be ye of good courage and bring of the fruit of the land." Numb. xiii. 17 — 20. The General Baptist Missionary Society, which was formed in 1816, commenced its labours in Orissa in the early part of 1822, and the writer, who has long survived the first missionary, his beloved colleague, the Rev. W. Bampton, has for several years been desirous of laying before the friends of the Orissa Mission both in Britain and America, " the geography and statistics, history, religion, and antiquities of Orissa," with the History of its mission- ary operations during the first thirty years of its labours. Very few of the Ministers who were present, or living at the formation of the Society have been "allowed to remain by reason of death," and hence the propriety that this effort for " the generation that shall be" should not be long delayed. It has been in contemplation for some years, by the Committee fji of the Society, to publish the interesting Account of Orissa by the 3| late A. Sterling, Esq., and the Rev. J. G. Pike had revised it for cl that purpose, with additional information from Hamilton's Descrip- ^\ tion of Hindostan, Col. Phipps' Description of Juggernaut's Tem- ■^' pie. Festivals, &c., &c., but the apprehension of loss from its publi- IV PREFACE. cation has prevented its appearance. Through the liberality of a few friends, particularly Joseph Sturge, Esq., B. L. Ward, Esq., the Rev. T. S. Grimshawe, W. Evans, Esq., M. P., and the late Sir T. F. Buxton, Bart., the writer has been encouraged to under- take the task, (to him a very delightful one,) of presenting the claims of the Orissa Mission to the present and to succeeding generations. Seeley, in his "Wonders of Elora," thus adverts to this Account and its talented Author, — " A very valuable Essay has lately been presented to the Asiatic Society, on the country about Cuttack and Pooree, by Mr. A. Sterling. This young man when I was at Cuttack, was Assistant to the Commissioner, W. Blunt, Esq. After having stood at the head of all the oriental classes at college, he was selected for an important post. The work has not yet reached England, and the parts in my possession are too long to be inserted : and I feel I should not do justice to the valuable matter by abridging it. I have been sitting with him (in 1821,) while he was conversing in three languages with some Natives of consequence, himself writing in Persian, dictating to a Native Secretary, and at intervals speaking to me, and occasionally giving orders. The country entrusted to his sole care is •probably larger than Irela7id." An American writer says, " Posterity is eager for details." History supplies these details ; and it may be said ■with peculiar propriety of the historian of a Christian mission, "i/e being dead yet spcaketh." Mr. Sutton's History of the Orissa Mission was prepared by him, aided by his excellent wife, during their voyage from India to America, in the early part of 1833, and ■was written for publication in America. At that period the brethren began to be cheered by " the day-spring from on high visiting them, to give light to them that sit in darkness ;" but at this time, it shall be said with admiration and gratitude — "What hath God wrought ?" It is of great importance, that the claims of the Orissa Mission should be laid before the Ministers, Officers, and Members of the Churches which sustain it ; and likewise the Teachers and youth in our Sabbalh Schools, and the young in the families of our people. When Joshua was " old and stricken in years," he had PREFACE. V to admonish his people, tliat " there remained yet very much land to be possessed," saying, " How long are ye slack to go to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers hath given you f" Thus in Orissa, in " the length thereof, and in the breadth thereof," how ^^much land yet reviains to be possessed !" More missionaries are required to bring the whole land under the cul- tivation of the gospel. Who can tell, but " the God of the whole earth," may honour the perusal of this volume, by making it the instrument of stimulating some pious persons to consecrate themselves to the work of God in Orissa? It is designed to send at least one hundred volumes to India for gratuitous circu- lation, and the profits of the work are devoted to the Orphan Asylums in Orissa. In conclusion, the writer would adopt the sentiments of an invalid Missionary, in his valuable publication, — " In visiting the churches, the vast importance and the urgent necessities of our Eastern Empire have constituted the great theme of his sermons and addresses ; the deliverance of Hindoos from priestcraft and superstition is still the burden of his thoughts, his prayers, and his toils ; and whether in the good providence of God he is di- rected to return to his field of labour, or is obliged to occupy a different sphere at home, — the claims, the welfare, and the con- version of India are bound up with his mortal existence, and must ever have a warm place in his heart. To the gracious care and blessing of that Master whom he desires to serve, the w^riter commends this attempt to advance the interests of his kingdom ; and he hopes a Christian public will receive it, in the spirit of the gospel, as the effort of one who reckons it his highest honour to be a missionary to the heathen, a friend of humanity, and an advocate of the rights, the liberties, and the sj)iritual interests of India." Burton-on- Trent, StafforJuhire, November 2nd, 1816. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. PAGE Introductory Sketch b}' Hamilton— General Description — Boundaries ancient and modern — Soil — Productions — Geo- logy — Rivers — Towns — Commerce . . . . . . . . . . 1 CHAP. II. Casts — Character — INIanners and Customs of the Plain — Description of the Hill people — Coles — Khunds — Soars — Language— Population — Revenues — Land Tenures and In- stitutions . . . . 44 CHAP. III. The Chronology and History of Orissa . .' 78 CHAP. IV. Religion — Antiquities — Temples and civil Architecture, . . 109 HISTORY OF THE GENEEAL BAPTIST MISSION. CHAP. L Hise of the Mission in Orissa. Introductory observations — Sketch of the History of the Gen- eral Baptist Denomination — Formation of the Foreign Mis- sion — Embarkation and Voyage of the first Missionaries to India^ — Approbation of the British Government obtained to proceed to Orissa — Abundant supply of Scriptures and Tracts for distribution 143 CHAP. II. Estahlislimcnt of the Mission in Orissa. Arrival of the TMissionaries — Site of the Mission — Sketch of the Extcnt^nd Population, Manners and Customs of Orissa —View of the Idolatry of Juggernaut — Account of the Temple — establishment — festi\als — pilgrimages — piostra- COKTERTS, vn I'AOB tion iintlcr the cars — mortality — British Connexion witli IdoUitry — Prevalence of Suttee — Churuck Pooju — Infanti- cide — human sacrifices — various austerities — ncij,'lect of tlic dying and the dead — moral and spiritual state of the people 153 CHAP. III. History of Missionary Operations. Rise and Progress of the Mission at Cuttack — Pooree — Bala- sore — Midnapore — Berhampore — Ganjam — Calcutta — Christianpore— Khunditta — Choga, Pipley — Native Schools — Orphan Asylums — The English Scliool — Circulation of the Scriptures and religious Books — Influence of the Press, 19 1 CHAP. IV. The American Branch of the Mission. Rise of the American Mission in Orissa — Labours and success of the Missionaries at Sumbulpore, Balasore, Jellasore, Midnapore, &c 323 CHAP. V. Success of the Orissa Mission. Its usefulness in the conversion of Europeans and ludo-British — Portuguese and Hindoos — Raising up of Native Preachers and Evangelists — Their ordination to the w^ork of God — ■ Students for the ministry and establishment of a College — Brief accounts of Erun, Gunga Dhor, Ram Chundra, Krupa Siiidoo, Doitaree, ^c * • . . . . 349 CHAP. VI. Memorials of departed Friends, Brief record of departed Missionaries, both male and female — Christian Friends in Orissa, and Native Converts — Reference to departed Friends and Supporters of the Mission in England 3G2 CHAP. VII. Preparations for the final Triumphs of Christianity in the East. Diffusion of education in the English and Native languages — Tin CONTENTS. Abolition of Infanticide — Suttees — Anti-colonization Regu- lations, and distinctions of colour and religion — Pilgrim Tax Abolition Measure — Abolition of Slavery — Disallowance of the Grant to Juggernaut's Temple — Suppression of the Churuck Pooja — Grateful review of past progress — Decay of Idolatry and INIahomedanism — Diffusion of Christian knowledge — Facilities of Britain for usefulness — Anticipa- tion of the final triumph of Christianity in the east — con- cluding appeal 386 APPENDIX. Names of the Missionaries and Native Preachers — Recent Sta- tistics — Income of the Society 414 REFERENCES TO THE ENGRAVINGS. The Temple and Cars of Juggernaut, Bulbudra, and Soobu- dra, before the title page 1 Hindoo Devotees 46 The ten Hindoo Avatars 109 Festival of the Swinging of Krishna 118 Temple of Juggernaut in Orissa 143 A Hindoo School 162 Pilgrims measuring their way to Juggernaut 177 Hindoo self-torture at the churuck Pooja 187 Infanticide among the Khunds at Goomsur 188 Christian Orphan Girls . . 309 A Brahmin and his wife at their devotions 344 Gunga Dhor , . . . . 356 Sebo Naik 361 Tomb of the Rev. William Bampton 373 The Suttee 392 Death of Hindoos on the Banks of the Ganges 399 OPvISSA: ITS CEOGRAPIIY, STATISTICS, HISTORY, CHAP. I. Introductory Sketch hy Ilnmilton — General Description — Boundaries Ancient and Modern— Soil — Produclians — Groloyy — Rivers — Towns — Commerce. Orissa is a large Province of the Dcccaii extending from the ISth to the 22nd degree of north latitude. To the north it is bounded hy Bengal ; on the south by the river Godavery ; on the east it has the hay of Bengal ; and on the west the province of Gundwana. In length from N. E. to S. \V. it may be estimated at 400 miles, by 70 the average breadth. According to the institutes of Akber, Orissa, in its greatest dimensions in 1582, was divided into five districts ; viz. Jellasore, compribing Midnapore and the British pos- sessions lying north and east of the river Suhunreeka ; Budruck ; Cuttack ; Culling or Cicacole ; Rajamundry. Besides this territory on the sea coast, Orissa also comprehended a mountainous unpro- ductive region on the western frontier, making part of the Jeharcund or jungly country, with the districts of Piuttunpoor and Suml)hul- poor ; but the two latter properly belong to Gundwana. At present the principal modern territorial subdivisions, commencing from the north, are the following ; but there are many other petty states and large zemindaries : — Singhboom, Kunjeur, Mohurbung'e, Balasore, Cuttack, Khoordah. 8 The tracts composing the districts of Ganjam, Vizagapatam, and and a portion of Rajamundry, are also included within the ancient limits of this Province, but the five northern Circars have been long a separate jurisdiction. The interior of this province remains in a very savage state, being composed of rugged hills, uninhabited jun- gles, and deep water courses, surrounded by pathless deserts, forests, or valleys, and pervaded by a pestilential atmosphere. It forms a strong natural barrier to the maritime districts, being only traversed during the driest season, from February to May, by the Lumballies or inland carriers. There arc only two passes, properly explored, in the whole length of the great mountainous ridge, ex- tending from the Godavery to the Mahanuddy rivers ; the one di- rect from Chanda to Cicacole ; the other oblique from Choteesghur by way of Kalahinki ; both uniting at the pass of Saloor or Sau- racca. By this pass, during the French possession of the Northern Circars in 1754, a body of Maharattas were introduced; more than half perished from the noxious air of the hills, and the remainder, rather than return by so noxious a road, made a prodigious circuit south by Rajamundry and the Godavery. With such a barrier to the west, and the ocean to the east, the defence of Orissa does not appear difficult ; the jealousies, however, of a people subdivided into many petty conununities, the absence of civilization, added to the habitual indolence and apathy of the natives, ever rendered it an easy prey to invaders, and they have passed from one yoke to another with scarcely a struggle. In ancient Hindoo history, Utcala or Udradesa was nearly co- extensive with the modern Orissa, the name Utcla, or Udcala, im- plying the great or famous country of Cala. According to tradition, it was then inhabited by a powerful and martial race, who were ex- tirpated by the Karnas or kings of Magadha (Behar.) In more recent times it was governed by a dynasty of Hindoo princes of the race of Gujaputty, who, in 1592, were conquered by Mansingh, the Emperor Akber's viceroy in Bengal ; to which dominion it was then annexed as a dependant government, extending from Tumlook on the Great Ganges to Rajamundry on the Lesser Ganges, or Gunga Godavery of the Deccan. From the accounts of ancient European travellers, fragments of national history, and a few remnants of former splendour, it was probably, at least on the sea-coast, a flou- rishing country before the Mahommedan invasion, but soon after fell into a comparitive state of depression. It does not appear, how- ever, that the Mahommedans, or any other invaders, ever completely occupied or colonized this province, which, still remains one of those ill which the Hindoo manners are preserved in their greatest pur If i/, and where the smallest proportion of Mahommedans is to be found. After die expulsion of the Afghans from the province of liengal du- ring the reign of the Emperor Akber, they retreated into Orissa, and retained possession of tlie maritime and more fertile portions, and also of the temple of Juggernauth, for many years. At present nearly one half of this extensive region is under the im- mediate jurisdiction of the British government; the other possessed by ti^ibutary zemindars called Ghurjauts or hill chiefs, who mostly jiay a fixed rent, and are under British protection, so far as refers to their external relations, and some iew are directly amenable to the European courts of justice. The first division comprehends all the lovp lands trending along the coast ; the second the hilly and woody interior. The British half is in general a plain, fertile, but not well cultivated or peopled ; the native section is either a barren tract or wild expanse of rock forest, and jungle, thinly inhabited, yet producing a surplus of grain beyond the consumption of its in- habitants. The inhabitants of the first may be estimated at 100 to the square mile; of the second not more than 30 to the same area. The principal articles of produce and manufacture in the British portion are rice and salt. The last, although a monopoly, affords much employment to the inhabitants on the coast ; the former is the staple commodity of the j)rovince, and is so abundant as to ad- mit of exportation. Every sort of grain and vetch is cultivated, and the common manufactures suffice for the frugal habits of the natives. Under such circumstances, and with a mild government, it is highly probable this division of the province is undergoing gradual amelioration, and that the inhabitants, although ignorant of the cause, are gradually advancing in the process of civilization. The tributary part of the province presents the reverse of this pic- ture, a great proportion being unfit for culture, and the lots, under cultivation yielding but a scanty return. In the wilder tracts the necessaries of life are not attainable, and frequently subsistence of any sort is only procurable with the utmost difficulty. Many of the natives are iron smelters and charcoal burners ; others make a livelihood by boat building and the felling of timber, thus protraetint/ a miserable existence under the iron rod of their rapacious chiefs, in whose eyes to be wealthy, or even comfortable, is criminal. The territories along the bay of Bengal are subject to frequent hurricanes, which greatly injure the farmer ; and the lowlands, in spite of embankments, liable to ruinous inundations from the sud- den overflowing of rivers. The buffaloes are a fine large breed, and 10 supply the natives Avith milk and ghee ; hut the oxen are of a vcry iuf'erior description, and the horses mere carrion. The low lands ahound with hogs, deer, tigers, and jackals; and the highlands are infested by wild beasts in such numbers, that they are in many places, reyaining the cowitry which had been wrested from them hy human cunning and comhinalion ! The rivers and waters swarm with fish, reptiles, and alligators ; the plains and jungles with winged vermin. The chief rivers are the Godavery, the Mahanuddy, and the Subunreeka, besides innumerable hill streams of a short course, and small channel. The principal towns are, Cnttack, Juggernauth, Ganjam, and Vizagapatam. The country between the rivers Gaintu and Bamoni is one of the finest parts of the province, and is inhabited by a considerable number of weavers, chiefly of coarse muslins for turbans ; sanaes are also a staple manufacture. The best bamboos for palanquins come from the pcrgunnahs of Tolchan and Hindole. They grow near the summit of the rocks, and spring in July, when the people who collect them, having selected the strongest shoots, tie them to stakes driven into the ground, and thus direct their growth to the proper shape. In this manner they grow from ten to twenty yards long, by the setting in of the dry season, when their tops are cut off. If sufTcrcd to stand longer, the hollow part increases, and they become weaker. Some of the native Ooreas in the back parts of this province still retain their semi-barbarous manners, are a fierce people, and possess a considerable degree of personal courage. They commonly go armed with bows and arrows, or swords ; the latter being generally carried naked, and are of a shape which is broad at the end, and narrow in the middle. Between them and the Maharattas a rooted antipathy has long existed. The Ooreas within the British terri- tories, having been long accustomed to peaceful, inoffensive habits, are good cultivators, and tolerably industrious, their chief character- istic being an effeminate timidity accompanied by much low cunning and dissimulation. The great body of them are Hindoos, distin- guished into the castes usually found in other parts of Hindostan. In a specimen of the Lord's prayer in the Orissa or Utcala language, examined by the missionaries, thirty-one of the words could be traced as being the same with those used in the Bengalee transla- tion of that prayer ; but notwithstanding its close afiinity to the Bengalee, its ])eculiar tcrniiuatious cause the whole specimen to differ much in sound.* * Hamilton's Hindostan, vol. ii. pp. 31-4. 11 The extent ami Itoundaiics of Ori.s.sa liave iindcrtrone many changes at different periods of its history, and remain to this day very ill-defined and imperfectly understood. The corresponding Puranic division of Utkala Desa or in the vulgar tongue Utkal K'hand reached on the north to Tumlook and JNlidnapore, taking in a portion of Rarha Des in Bengal, and south to the Rasikulia or Rasikoila Nadi which flows into the sea at Ganjam. On the cast it was bounded by the ocean and the river Iloogly, and on the west by Sonpur, Bunay, and other dependencies of Sumbulpoor and Gondwana. Or Desa, or Oresa, the old original seat of the (Jr or Odra tribe, had anciently less extended limits, the Rasikulia river marking its southern and the Ivans Bans which passes near Soro, in latitude about 21°. 10'. N. its northern extreme; but in the progress of migration andconquest, the Oreah nation carried their name and language over a vast extent of territory, both on the sea shore and in the hills, including besides Orissa properly so called, a portion of Bengal and of Telingana. During the sway of the Princes of the Ganga Vasa line, for a period of nearly /o?rr centuries-, the boundaries of the Raj or kingdom of Orissa niay be stated as follows, with sullicient accuracy for a general description. Norlli, a line drawn from the Tribeni or Terveni ghat above IToogiy, tlirough Bishenpur to the frontier of Patkum ; east, the river Iloogly and the sea ; south, the Godaveri or Ganja Godaveri ; and west, a line carried from Sinhbhurn to Sonepur, skirting Gangpiir, Sumbul- poor and its dependencies, and thence through Bastar to Jayapiu', and the Godaveri. Thus in the more prosperous days of theOrissan monarchy, and that too at no very remote period, it comprised within its limits four of our modern zillahs entire, and ])ortions of three others, viz. Midnapore, Cuttack, Ganjam, and Vizagapatam, with parts of the Jimgle Mehals, Iloogly, and Rnjanuuidry, besides a portion of the hills and woodland country of Gondwana. The degree of authority exercised by the sovereign power throi'ghout this extensive territory, fluctuated of course greatly at diiferent periods, depending on the personal character of the reigning Prince, the circumstances of the times, and the conduct, resources, and dispositions of the numerous dejiendant Rajas and feudatories, whose principalities or jurisdictions have at all times formed so remarkable and important a feature in the political geography of Orissa. Occasionally the conquests of the Gajapati Princes ex- tended into the more renu)te parts of Telingana, and even to the Carnatic, but it appears that they never obtained a firm footing in any acquisitions. South of the Godaveri, and during the last 12 Of ntury of their iiulepciidenco, tluMr possession even of Rajnmundry was much contested and disturbed by the Bahmini sovereigns of the Deccan. One of the first arrangements of the ministers of Akber on annexing Orissa to the Dewani of the jNIogul empire, was to join Iloogly and its ten dependant Mehals, to Bengal. The Mogul Subah of Orissa then comprised the whole country stretching from Tumlook and Midnapore on the north, to the fort of Rajamundry south, divided into the five unequally apportioned Sircars, called Jellasore, Budruck, Cuttack, Calinga, Dundpat, and Rajamundry. The vast range of hilly country bounding the Subah to the west- ward, from Bishcnpur down to the neighbourhood of Karronde, Bastar and Jayapur, w^as classed under a separate head in the reve- nue accounts of the empire, and was allowed for many years after the Mahommedan conquest, to remain entirely under the management of its native Chiefs, subject either to the condition of military ser- vice or to the payment of a light quit rent. Very early after the settlemennt of the Emperor Akber, if not indeed at the moment of its formation, theCircar of Rajamundry and that portion of Kalinga Des which lies south of Tikali Raghunat'hpur were dismembered from Orissa, by the successful encroachments of the Mahommedan Kings of Golconda, called the Kutteb Shahis, but of this event, no distinct account is given in the history of the country. At the opening of Mahommed Tacki Khan's administration, A. D. 172G, who governed as the Naib or Deputy of the Nazim of three provinces, the most authentic Revenue records exhibit the Subah of Orissa as extending from Radha Dewal seven coss beyond the town of Midnapore to Tikali* Raghunat'hpur, one of the estates in or near the Mahendra Mali range of hills in Ganjam, a computed dis- tance 170 coss, and on the west from the sea at False Point to the Bennul Pass, 85 coss. Before the close of his government its limits liad become much reduced. The Officers of the Nizam of Hyder- abad intriguing with the powerful Zemindars of the Ganjam district, contrived to alienate from the Province the whole of the country south of the Chilka Lake. On the Bengal side, views of finan- cial convenience induced the Nawab Shuja Uddin Mahommed Khan to annex the mehals included in the old Jellasore Circar, as far as the Subunreeklia, to the territory immediately dependent on the !Moorshedabad Government with the exception of Pergunnalis • Mr. Grant in his Political Survey of the Northern Circars calls this place "Teckaly or llo;,a>naut'ii])oic on the sea coast 43 miles N. E. from Cica- cole, the inlicrilancc of.Jnsf^ut iJt'o another descendant of tlie royal family of Orissa but more inuuodialely brauchiuj; from that of Kiiiiedy." 1.3 Pattaspur, 8rc. It was boumlod liy tlicSubunrerklm ajid Pcrtfimnali Pattaspnr, S:c. north, and by tbe Chilka Lake on the soiUh ; I'^ast, ])\- the ocean, and west by tbe Bernuil Pass, tliat Orissa was relin- qnished to the Berar INIabrattas, by the famous Aliverdi Klian in A. D. 1T5.)-G in lieu of the sums whieh he had stipuhated to pay as Chouth : and it is to this tract, the modern zilhih of Cuttack, which may not inaccurately be called Orissa Proper from its com- prising the ancient original country of the Uria or Odra nation, aiul from the circumstance of its retaining amongst the natives of the present day the exclusive appellation of Or Desa or Oresa, that the following description is intended chiefly to apply. The Purans and Upapurans are lavish in their praises of Utkal Kliand, "The famous portion or country," and not, the famous country of Kala, as rendered by a very high authority. It is declared to be the favourite abode of the Debtas, and to boast a population composed, more than half, of Brahmins. The work called the Kapila Sanhita, in which Bharadwaja Muni explains to his inquiring pupils, the origin, history, and claims to sanctity of all the remarkable Khctrs or holy places of Orissa, opens with the following panegyric : " Of all the regions of the earth Bharata K'hand is the most distinguished, and of all the countries of Bharata K'hand, Utkala boasts the highest renown. Its ivhole extent is one uninterrupted Tirfh {place of pilgrimage!) Its happy inhabitants live secure of a reception into the world of spirits, and those who even visit it, and bathe in its sacred rivers, obtain remission of their sins, though they may weigh like mountains. Who shall describe adequately its sacred streams, its temples, its khetrs, its fragrant flowers and fruits of exquisite flavor, and all the merits and ad- vantages of a sojourn in such a land ? What necessity indeed can there be for enlarging in the praises of a region, which the Debtas themselves delight to inhabit ?" The Annalists of Orissa are fond of relating, that when the famous Sivai Jay Sinh, the General of Akber, marched with an army into the country in A. D. 1530, he was struck with amazement at the sight of its sacred river IMahanadi, its vast crowds of Brahmins, its lofty temples of stone, and all the wonders of the ancient capital Bhuvaneswar, and exclaimed, "This country is not a fit subject for conquest, and schemes of human ambition. It belongs wholly to the gods, and is one entire Tirt'h." He accordingly interfered little in its affairs and soon returned to Hindustan, leaving a large share of authority in the hands of its Native Princes. The imjjortance of establishing Christianity in a country so highly esteemed by the inhabitants of Hiudostan, must strike every intelligent and pious mind. 14 The Hindus of modern times however, freely admit, tliat thr estimnlion in whicli Orissa is or was held, is to be ascribed entirely to its temples, places of pilgrimage, and its brahminical institutions. At all events, the European observer will soon discover, that not- withstanding its puranic celebrity, the soil of the country is gener- ally poor and mifruitful, all its natural productions of an inferior quality, and that its inhabitants rank the lowest, in the scale of moral and intellectual excellence, of any people on this side of India. This circumstance may probably be ascribed to the debasing influence of idolatry on a country so peculiarly devoted to its baneful sway. Modern Oiissa or Cuttack, comprises, as is well known, an extensive, imperfectly explored region, on the west, consisting chiefly of hills and forests, intersected by many fertile plains and valleys ; and a plain level country, extending from the foot of that barrier to the sea, evidently of alluvial formation, the uniform sur- face of which is not disturbed by a single rocky elevation throughout its whole extent — nor does a single stone occur between the beds of iron clay lying on the western frontier, and the ocean, if we except the curious spheroidal concretions of calcareous matter or limestone nodules which are found very generally dispersed. The Province may be considered as divided both naturally and politic- ally into three regions, distinguished from each other by their climate, general aspect, productions, and the institutions prevailing in them, viz : The marslnj ivoodland tract which extends along the sea shore, from the black Pagoda to the Subunreekha river, varying in breadth from five miles to twenty : the plain and open country between this and the hills, whose breadth on the north is about ten or fifteen miles, and never exceeds forty or fifty; and the hill country. The first and third are known to the natives as the Eastern and Western Rajwara or Zemindara,* that is, the country occupied by the ancient feudal Chieftains or Poligars-f- of Orissa; and the second, as theMogulbundi, from which the native sovereigns and the JNIogul conquerors of the country derived the chief part of their land revenue, and which at present pays a revenue to the British Government of Sicca Rupees 1,201,370 ; whilst the tribute yielded by the other extensive portions is fixed in perpetuity at Sicca Rupees 1,20, 411. J * Tlic Zemindars are landholders — Zemindara or Zcmindarcs, the estates of siicli landholders. t The Poli^rjirs are small triliutary landholders in the south of India, who were never llioroufrldy sul)dned by tlie Maliomnicdans. X Kluirda beloiifrs to the Uajwara, but is at present imdertlie immediate manafremcnt of tlie Enftlisli Revenue Olliccrs, and is not included in this statement of Land Revenue. 15 It will be convenipnt to describe the soil, produclionft, nnrl geo-' logical lorniation of" the country in the order just noticed. The first region has much of the character of the Sunderbands, in its swamps and marshes, innumerable winding streams swarming with alligators, its dense jungles and noxious atmosphere ; but wants entirely that grandeur of forest scenery, which diversifies and gives a romantic character to many parts cf the latter. The broadest part of it is divided amongst the Rajas* of Kanka and Kujang, and the Khandaits of Herrispur, Meriehpur, Bishenpnr, Golra, and others of less note. The Killah or Zemindari estate of Al likewise comes in for a share. Northward of Kanka the quan- tity of jungle diminishes up to the neighbom-hood of Balasore, but the whole space is intersected by numberless nullahs which deposit, and creeks which retain, a quantity of fine mud, forming morasses and quicksands higlily dangerous to the unwary or uninformed traveller. The surface of tlie whole is covered with coarse reedy grass, and brushwood, valuable as fuel to the salt manufacturers. Much of the Jhao or Tamarix Indica :s interspersed with quantities of a stunted dwarf Palm, called Hinlal (Phoenix Paludosa.) Gener- ally, where pure sand appears, mors especially about the black Pagoda, the surface of it is covered with a thick net work, formed by the interlaced stalks of a creepiiig convolvulus, with succulent loaves, which are for half the year Ipaded with large gay looking flowers of a bright reddish purple. The natives call it Kynsarilata. A delicate succulent plant with small bright green leaves growing thickly together, is also very common ; and the summits of the sand hills are for the most part crowned with tufts of the Asclepias Gigantea and a stiff" thorny gramineous plant known by the name of Goru Kanta. The prevailing timber is the Sundari. Extensive thickets of the thorny bamboo render travelling impracticable in most parts of Kujang, Herrispur, &c., except by water. The whole of the jungles abound with leopards, tigers, and wild buffaloes, and the rivers at the flowing of the tide are perfectly surcharged with large and voracious alligators of the most dangerous kind. The climate seems to be hurtful even to the natives, who are pecu- liarly subject to 'two formidable diseases, the Elcphuntiasis, and a species of dysentery called the Sul, besides the more common complaints of fever and ague. In this wild inhospitable tract however the finest salt of all India is manufactured, which under the monopoly system, yields annuaby to the Government a net revenue little short of eighteen lacs of * Raja, a kint;^, prince, chieftain. c 10 rupees. The produce, distingjiiished for its whiteness and purity before it has passed into the hands of the merchants, is of the species called Pangah procured by hoiliua;. The process observed by tjje ^Molunghees or manufacturers is rude and simple in the last degree. The sea-water which is brought up by various small chan- nels to the neighbourhood of the manufacturing stations, is first mixed and saturated with a quantity of the salt earth, which forms on the surface of the low ground all around, after it has been over- flowed by the high tides ; and which being scrajied ofi" by the Mo- lunghees, is thrown into cylindrical receptacles of earth having a vent underneath, and a false bottom made of twigs and straw. The strongly impregnated brine filtering through the grass, &c., is carried, by a channel dug in the groiind, to a spot at liand, sur- rounded with an enclosure of mats, in the centre of which a number of oblong earthern pots, generally about two hundred, are cemented by mud into the form of a dome, under which is a fire place or oven. The brine is poured into this collection of pots, and boiled \mtil a sufficient degree of evaporation has taken place, when the salt is taken out as it forms, with iron ladles, and collected in heaps in the open air. The heaps are afterwards thatched with reeds, and remain in this state until sold, or removed by the officers of the agency. Occasional patches of rice oultivation are to be met with in this portion of the Rajwara producing sufficient grain for local con- sumption, and the Raja of Kanka exports a considerable quantity both to Calcutta and Cuttack. The sea all along the coast of the bay of Bengal yields abnndance of fine fish, of which upwards of sixty-one edible kinds are enumerated, by the natives. Those most ])rized by Europeans are the Sole or ]3anspatti, Tapsiya (Mango Fish,) /V//rZ:/ (Ponifret,) Gajkariaa {^Wnimg^,) Hilsa (Sable P'ish,) KItaravga or Mullet, a fish called the Bijay Ram something resem- bling Mackerel, and the Sal or Salia. The Chilka Lake produces noble Bhelcti or Cockup. The value of the excellent Turtle, Oys- ters, Crabs, and Prawns, found off False Point, and in other })arts, was unknown to the natives prior to their subjection to the l^ritish rule, but they are now of course eagerly sought after, to supply the stations of lialasore, Cuttack, and Juggernauth. The great season for fishing is in the winter months, from October to February, whilst the wiiul and the surf are moderate. At this time all along the northern coast the fishermen go out in parties of from twenty to thirty each, with large nets, which they set up before the com- mencement of flood tide, with the aid of bamboo poles, in the form 17 of a vast triangle, liaving the base open towards the shore. As tlic tide retires the fishermen take in and ch):,e up the nearest nets, thus driving the fish into the apex of the triangle where there is a net placed with a large pouch ready for their reception. The quantity obtained at a h;iul in this way is often prodigious. The produce is taken to the neighbouring villages for sale, after reserving a sufli- ciency for home consumption ; and a large quantity travels far into the interior, unprepared in any way, which it of course reaches in the last stage of putridity, but not on that account a bit the less palatable or acceptable to the nice and scrupvdous Hindu. On emerging from the insalubrious and uninteresting tract just described, you arrive at the second and most important division of Orissa, called the Mogulbandi, which is divided into 150 Pergun- nahs, and 2361 estates of individuals, recorded in the public ac- count of the British Government as Zemindars and proprietors of the soil. Though this region in general is highly cultivated, and produces most of the grains and vegetables common in Bengal, its soil is certainly for the most part of a poor and unfruitful descrip- tion. South of the r\Iahanuddy it may be characterised as generally light and sandy. Beyond that river, and especially in the neigh- bourhood of the hills, it acquires a clayey consistency, and appear- ance, and is often remarkably white. Often too, for miles together it has the surface strewed with a thin sprinkling of gravel or lime- stone concretions, called by the natives Gengti. This description of soil extends nearly to Alidnapore. It is generally speaking uiin productive, particularly near the hills; and large plains occur, aa about Dhamnager and Budruck, which are wholly unfit ftir cultiva- tion, growing nothing but low stunted brushvvood, chiefly the wild Corunda and tufts of the Bena grass. Rice is the great article of produce, and consequently of food, throughout Orissa Proper. In the Pergunnahs north of the Byterini river, it is almost the sole object of agricultural hibour. Th<^ grain is in general large and nutritious, but coarse, and is conyidered far inferior to the average produce of Bengal and Behar. The two great rice crops of Cuttack are called the Sared and Beali, Of these the first and principal is sown in May, and Jvuie, and reaped from the middle of November to the middle of January. The land which grows it rarely yields a second crop. The second in import- ance called the Beali is sown about the same time on the higher lands, and the produce is obtained from the end of August till the end of September. Afterwards a plentiful crop of the Ruhbea grains is derived from the same fields. There is another less abundant 18 crop called Satkia, put into the gromul in August and September, and reaped in November; and an inferior description of rice which is sown in low marshy spots at the opening of the cold weather, and by frequent transplantation and irrigation is rendered fit for cutting, in the following April. The cultivation of the latter sort called Dalo, takes place chielly in the Pergunnalis between Khurdah, the Chilka Lake and the sea. In the northern Pergiinnahs the Sared rice cultivation is occa- sionally but rarely diversified with a few patches of Sugar-cane, Tobacco, and Palma Christi, in spots suited to their production. In the Central and Southern parts however, abundant crops of pulse, millet, and vegetable oils, are raised during the cold v/eather. Next to rice, the culture of the Arend or Palma Christi is perhaps the most abundant. The natives use the oil in their common cookery, mixed with a snudl quantity of mustard seed oil, which latter they prefer for burning as being the most economical. Cotton, Sugar-cane, and Tobacco, are every where common South of the Byterini, but the produce is of a poor description. The I'icher natives will not condescend to use the Desi Tambaku and the cotton formerly required for the manufacture of the finer fabrics was nearly all imported from Berar. Good wheat and a small quantity of barley are grown in Pergunnahs Saibir and Asseresser. There is but little of the vegetables producing materials for dyeing, cordage, &c., reared in the district, the Sajfloioer, Pat (Hibiscus Cannabinus,) and Kasmira or Sana (Crotolarea Juncea,) being the only kinds that are commonly met with. The culture of the Poppy, Mulberry, and Indigo, is unknown in the plains of Orissa. Nor, were the peasantry acquainted with the method of cultivating the Betle vine, until taught by the natives of Bengal some generations back. The Piper Betle now flourishes in the gardens around Poorce and in the neigh- bourhood of a few Brahmin villages, but the produce can be adequate only to the supply of a very limited consumption, notwithstanding the assertion of the author of the work called the Ayecn Jkbcri, or Institutes of Akber, that "they have a great variety of the Ik-tle leaf in Orissa." The spots which are destined for the cultivation of Betle as also of Turmeric, Sugar-cane, &c., require laborious pre])aration and the application of a la:-ge quantity of manure, for which latter purpose the oil cake or Pire made of the refuse of the sesamum, mustard, and other seeds of the same family is generally u.sed. An occasional sprinkling of rotten straw, cow-dung, and ai.hes, is the only maaure expended in ihe iields which yield the ollu.'r kinds of produce. 19 Orissa has little to boast in the produce of its gardens, though praised by Abulfazl for the excellence and abundance of its fruit and flowers. There is no deficiency however of the humbler kinds of pot herbs, and cucurbitaceous plants, with the Hibiscus escu- lentus, the e(/g plant, the sweet potatoe, and Capsicum annimrn. The native lists likewise comprise most of the ordinary garden pro- duce of India. The more common fruits are as elsewhere, tlie Mancjo, the Phalsa, the Jam, the Guava, Custard Apple, the Hur- phaleri, the Chalta, the Kcndhu, the Pomegranate, the Cashewnut, the Jack, the Bel, tlie Kath-Del or V/ood Apple, and the Khuranj, from whose fruit an oil is extracted, used for burning by the natives. The Wine palm and the Khajur abound in particular quarters. We rarely meet with the Cocoanut and S'upari except near Brahmin villages, though they would tlirive every where in Cuttack, more especially the former. In all times Cuttack has been famous for its abundant produce of the fragrant Keora or Ketaca (Pandanus Odoratissimus.) It grows every where wild, and is much used, jointly with several kinds of Eupliorbia and Mimosa, for nuiking hedge-rows. The fruit borne in quantities by the female plant has much of the rich and tempting appearance of the pine apple, but the inside proves to be hard, stringy, and tasteless. Its pith is used when boiled, as an article of food by the poorest classes, but seems to be little prized even by them. An intoxicating spirit is distilled from the strongly scented flowers of the male plant, to which the lower orders have no aversion. Tlie surface of the Mogulbandi is in most parts south of the Kans Bans embellished and diversified with fine shadowy groves of Mangos, dense thickets of Bamboo, and the most magnificent Banyan trees. The better cvltivated gardens are loaded with Jes- samines, Sambacks, Marigolds, Bauhinias, the Hibiscus, China Rose, Michelia Champaca, &'c. About the huts of the natives we generally find in great qiuintities the Hyperanthera Morunga, Melia azadirachta and Sempcrvirens, /Eschgnomene S'csban, and grandi- flora, the Bombax HeplaphyUum, Nauclea orientalis, iLc, witli the usual proportion of Plainiains. The infei'ior quality and limited growth of many of the most valuable prodacts of agriculture in Orissa, are owing in a great degree to something unfavourable in the soil and climate, is clearly evinced by the indifferent success attending the eflbrts of the Euro- pean residents in gardening. Much however must be ascribed to the geueral poveity, ignorance, and want oi enterprise of its pea- santry and agricuituiisib. No one can entei the euclosures oi the 20 Villages held at a light qnit rent by colonies of a particular class of Brahmins, without being instantly struck with the wide diiFerence, which their precincts exhibit, as contrasted with the aspect of or- dinary Ooreah villages. The higher description of cultivation which pr^'vails 0:1 those lands, the superior value of their produce, and the flourisliing groves and gardens which extend all around, evince what may be effected by intelligent industry, secured in the enjoyment of an adequate return and undisputed proprietary pos- session, even in this little favoured soil and climate. It is in such situations only and in the neighbourhood of some of the well en- dowed temples, that the eye of the botanist is gratified by the pre- sence of those graceful trees and plants, which constitute the chief orn.ament of the Indian Flora, such as the Nagacesara (Mesua Ferrca,) the IMoulsari (Mimusops Elengi,) the Jonesia Asoca, the Ochna Squarrosa, the Sultan Champa or Calophyllum Inophylluin, the Jarool, (Lagerstroemia Flos Reginoe,) and the finer kinds of Ixora, interspersed with Cocoa and Areca nut trees, and plantations of the betle vine, turmeric, and ginger. The Sasan Brahmins in- deed are the only land proprietors of Orissa, Avho manifest any symptoms of a disposition to improve their system of agriculture, or to raise any plant or produce beyond what the wants of nature absolutely demand. The Domestic Animals do not rank higher in the scale of excel- lence than the produce of its soil. The horned cattle, sheep, and goats, are a miserable diminutive breed. A few fine buffaloes are dome.'iticatcd on the eastern frontier for the sake of their milk, but they are not at all used as beasts of burden. There is little Game to be met with, excepting (jrey partridges, hares, snipes, jungle fowl, and ducks of various kiiid.s, and that little is difiicult to be obtained from the nature of the jungle. Few districts in India perhaps possess fev/er attractions for the sportsman. The mention of the wild animals will more properly come under the description of the hill portion of the district. The third region to be described is that of the Hills which bound the Mogulbandi to the westward from the Chilka Lake to the Subunreekha river. A few groups extend into the plains, as at Derpen, Alemgir, Khurdah, Limbai, &c. In latitude about 21° 20' N. the hills take a direction considerably to the eastward for some miles, tlien turning north they compress the Balasore Chucklah within very narrow limits. The distance between the high land and th.e sea is no where more than from sixty to seventy miles. At Balasore a growp of line rocky hills project boldly forth, to within 21 sixteen or eigiitcen miles of tlie shores of the bay of Een)portunity of submitting an extensive collection of Cultaek specimens to the examination of Mr. li. Voyscy, Surgeon arid Geologist to Col. Laml)ton's survey, I am enabled l)y his assistance to ex- press myself with some confidence in the little which I have to offer re- garding the mineralogy of the province. 22 continuous cluiin of mountains is no where to he mot with in the I{.ijvv;u-a of (3jiss;u The prevailing colour of the principal rock is red. As far as my observation goes it never occurs stratified. Its texture often approaches to slaty, and from its generally decomposed aspect, the quantity of red spots which it contains, being the in- formed garnets above noticed, and the frequciit veins of red and white steatite intersecting it, it presents altogether a most remark- able a])pearance. The sa.nie rock I apprehend extends throughout the Nortliern Circars and far into the Deccan. The rock most abounding in this division of the Province next to the granite, is that singular substance called Iron Clay by Jamie- son, and Laterite by Dr. Buchanan. It lies in beds of considerable dejith on the feet of the graiiite hills, often advancing out for a distance often or fifteen miles into the plains, where it forms gently swelling rocky elevations, but never rises into hills ; sometimes it is disposed in the manner of flat terraces of considerable dimensions which look as if they had been constructed with much labour and skill. The composition and aspect of the Cuttack iron clay are very remarkable, from the innumerable pores which it contains, filled with white and yellow lithomarge, and from the quantities of iron ore pebbles and fragments of quartz imbedded in it. By far the most interesting circumstance is, its complete and intimate mix- ture with the granite, which has been traced in several instances, exhibiting one rock entirely invested by the other, though it is not easy to pronounce which is the inclosing substance. We have here an instance of a rock of the Wernerian newest Foetz trap formation, resting upon the oldest primitive rock and in actual junction with it. The granite, at the place where the specimens were principally collected, appears to burst through an immense bed of the laterite, rising abruptly at a considerable angle. Numerous broken frag- ments are strewed all around the line of junction, and in some s]U'cimens the two rocks are so mixed as to form a sort of coarse breccia or rather conglomerate. South of the Mahanuddy, in Khurda, a few isolated hills of white and variegated s;indstone occur, curiously interspersed among the granitic ones. An indurated white lithormage is found in company with them from which the natives prepare a white wash to ornament their houses. In the estates of Keonjher, Nilgiri, and Moherbenj, which con- stitute the northern portion of the hilly division of the Cuttack Province, the half decomposed granite above described passes into fine white granite and gneiss rocks containing micaceous hornblende 23 as a cojistituent part, many of which differ little in composition and general appearance from specimens collected on the highest accessi- ble summits of the Himalaya mountains. The whole of the re() A.D. "On the 29th of November, 1688, during a rupture between the East India Company and Aurengzebe, Captain Heath landed a body of troops and seamen, attacked and took a battery of 30 pieces of cannon, and plundered the town of Balasore. The English factory was burned by the governor, and the Company's servants carried prisoners up the country, from whence it does not appear that they ever returned. On the breaking out of the war with the Nagpoin" Maharuttas in 180o, an expedition was dispatched against this place. 36 ■when the troops ami stores were conveyed in vessels to within four miles of the town, where they were landed, and the fort and factory captured after a long contest, but with little loss on the part of the assailants."* The trade of the place was formerly important, from the Sannahs and fine Muslins manufactured there, and likewise at Budruck and Soro, the demand for which has now almost entirely ceased. The drugs and dies imported from the hills, may have constituted also a considerable article of export. Balasore, doubtless derived its principal consequence as the site of a factory, from its conveni- ence for carrying on commerce with Bengal Proper, before permis- sion had been obtained to establish settlements within that province. The Town of Pooree Juggernaut owes its size and importance entirely to its connection with the temple. It is situated on the sea coast in lat. 19° 49' N. long. 85° 54' E. 47 miles S. by E. from Cuttack. Travelling distance from Calcutta 311 miles ; from Be- nares 512 miles ; from Madras 719 ; from Delhi 910 ; and from Bomba)' 1052 miles. It contains 5741 houses. Every span of it is considered holy ground, and the whole of the lantl^is held free of rent, on the tenure of performing certain services, in and about the temple. Respecting the value attached to this reputedly holy ground, a resident in Orissa observes, — ' For about one hundred yards from the temple every square cubit is worth a row of rupees eight deep ; the space for the next hundred yards is worth a row seven deep; the next diminishes to six deep, and so proceeds till you get beyond the ground subject to these regulations.' The ])rincipal street is composed almost entirely of the religious estab- lishments called Mat'hs, built of masonry, having low pillared ve- randahs in front, and plantations of trees interspersed. Being very wide, with the temple rising at the southern end, it presents by no means an unpieturesque appearance ; but the filth and stench, the swarms of religions mendicants, and other nauseous objects, which ofTend one's senses in every part of the town, quite dispel any illu- sion which the scene might otherwise possess. Fine luxuriant gar- dens and groves enclose the town on the land side, and produce the best fruit in the province. The stately and beautiful Callophgllum Inophgllum, called by Dr. Ainslie the Alexandrian Laurel, grows here in great abundance, and the Cashew-nut thrives with peculiar luxuriance. The environs exhibit some fine tanks, as the Indra Daman, Chandan, Msrkandeswar Talao, ^c., which are supposed to be very ancient; and the inquisitive stranger who may be • llaniilton's lliado^tan, vol. ii. p. 37. 37 disposed to explore amidst the sand hills situated between the sea and the town, will find many ancient and curious looking religions edifices, nearly overwhelmed with sand, to excite and reward attention. The climate of Juggernaut, is the most agreeable and salubrious probably in all India, during the hot months from. March to July. At this seasou the south-west monsoon blows from the sea in a steady and refreshing breeze, which seldom fails until the approach of the rains, and every door and window is thrown open to court its entrance. A visit to Juggernaut has in some cases proved, as beneficial to the European constituticm as a sea voyage. Buddrnck is situated on the north bank of the Cowah, or Soliin- dee river, which at one season of the year is here 300 yards broad, and at another, fordable, Lat. 21" 7' N. long. 80° 26' E. 38 miles S.S.W. from Balasore. From this part of Orissa, come most of the people termed in Calcutta, Balasore bearers.* Sinxjhoom, a town in the province of Orissa, governed by a Raja, independent within his own territories, but under ^political subordi- nation to the British government. It is bounded on three sides by the districts of Chuta Nagpoor, Midnapoor, and Mohcrbunge ; aud on the south by that of Kunjeur. The zemindars in this and other districts on^the frontiers of Midnapoor, were formerly many of them robbers by trade, kept robbers in their pay, and have still a hanker- ing after their old profession. While tributary to the Maharattas, they were under no external control, and were, at home, magistrates, with unlimited powers of life and death, and accustomed to make predatory inroads on British territories. The town of Singboom stands in lat. 22" 31 N. long. 85*' 40' E. 105 miles W. from Mid- napoor, and notwithstanding the etymology of the name of the pergunnah, it is notorious that there never was a lion seen within its limits. The town of Kunjeur stands in lat. 21° 31' N. long. 85" 32' E. 92 miles N.N.W. from Cuttack. Ogurrapoora, a town in Orissa, 77 miles N.N.W. from Cuttack. Lat. 21° 21' N. long; 85° 24' E. Andwpoorcjhur, a town in the Orissa province, 48 miles west from Balasore. Lat. 21° 34' N. long. 86° 5' E.f Harriorpoor, the capital of the large zemindary of Mohcrbunge, and residence of the zemindar. It is situated in lat. 21°51'N. long. 8G° 42' E. 28 miles N, by W. from Balasore. + * Hamilton's Ilindostan, vol. ii. p. 38. | pp. 34-5. % p. 37. f^: T~ 4"i jr\ 5~u rf'"" 38 Biirwa, a town in Orissa, 27 miles N.N.E.from Ciittack, in lat. 20o -15' N. lonp;. 800 21' E. CrnilaJiandi/, a town in Ori.ssa, 95 miles S. by W. from Sumbluil- poor. Lai. 10° 49' N. long. 83° 12' E. Jeffhedcrpoor, a town in Orissa, 20 miles south from Bustar. Lat. 19° 14' N. long. 82° 28' E. Under this town a considerable river runs, named the Inderowty (Indravaty,) the bed of which at this place is very rocky, and not fordable at any time of the year. There is a small fort on a peninsula formed by the v/inding of the river, which in the rainy season overflows its banks, and forms a lake of considerable dimensions. Narlah, a town in Orissa, 37 miles E. from Bustar. Lat. 19° 37' N. long. 83° 2' E. Jyapoor, a town in Orissa, 70 miles N. W. fjom Vizagapal.am. Lat. 18° 25' N. long. 82° 43' E. Aul, a town in the province of Orissa, district of Cuttack, 50 miles from the town of Cuttack in a north-east direction. Jagejpoor, a town in the Cuttack district, 35 miles N.N.E, from the town of that'name. Lat. 20° 52' N. long. 8Go 24' E. It stands on the south side of the Byterini river, which is here in the rains nearly half a mile broad. This is a large straggling town, in which a good deal of cloth is made. During the Mogul government, it was a place of importance, and the remains of several MUhommedan edifices are still visible. The mosque was built by Abou Hassir Khan, who, in an inscription, is very extravagant in the praises of his own mosque, although it is remarkably ill proportioned, having a large dome and small pillars. The country around is much in- tersected with small rivers and water courses. The principality of Jagepoor in Orissa was invaded by Toghan Khan, the Mahomme- dan governor of Bengal, in A.D. 1243, at which period it appears to have been a state of some strength, as the Raja not only defeated Tohban Khan, but pursued him into Bengal, where he besieged Gour, the metropolis. The approach of reinforcements from Oude compelled him subsequently to retreat. The Mahommedans were again totally defeated by the Raja of Jagepoor, in 1253. There is no record at what time this place fell finally under the domination of the Mahommedans, who possessed it until expelled by the Maharattas. Kunka, a town in the province of Orissa, district of Cuttack, 80 miles N. E. from the town of Cuttack. This is the capital of one ef the tril)utary estates in Cuttack subject to the British regulations, the exact limits of which have never been ascertained, but which 39 have been ronglily estimated at 75 miles from north to south, by 50 from east to west. Prior to the acquisition of Cuttack by the British, the Raja of Kuiika, who possessed this inundated and un- healthy tract of country, had long baffled the Maharatta generals in all their attempts to subdue him. The Maharattas had been accustomed to embark troops and artillery on large unwieldy flat bottomed boats, unmanageable in large streams or near the sea ; in consequence of which, their ill-constructed fleets always fell a prey to the Raja's light armed vessels, which were long, narrow, with barricadoes to cover the men, and some of them having 100 paddles or oars. When these squadrons met, the Ooria boats moved quickly round the heavy Maharatta armada, and picked off" the men with their matchlocks, until the remainder were compelled to surrender, when they were carried into a captivity from whence they seldom returned, the perniciovis atmosphere of these morasses permitting none to live but the aborigi.nes. Point Palmiras, a small tov.'n and promontory in the province of Orissa, district of Cuttack. Lat. 20° 43' N. long. 87° 5' E. In favourable v/eather, Bengal pilot schooners for the river Hooghly are frequently met with as soon as this cape is passed. Dcknall, the capital of a tributary zcmindary in the province of Cuttack, 40 miles N. N.W. from the town of Cuttack. Lat. 20" 58' N. long. 85° 48' E. Bamragliur, a town in the Orissa province, SO miles N. W. from Cuttack. Lat. 21° 3' N. long. 85° 2 E. To the south of this place are some iron mines and forges. Aiitghur. — This place stands in the midst of a wild and v/oody country, about 14 miles N. W. from the town of Cutlack. On ihc north it is bounded by the tributary state of Durpun, and on the west by the fortress of Tigria. Owing to the quantity and density of the jungle, the country is reckoned very unhealthy, and its ex- treme dimensions are 15 miles east to west, by 12 from north to south. Narsingah, a town in Orissa, GO miles W. by N. from Cul'ack. Lat. 20o 37' N. 85° 1 1' E. Oiu/olognr, the capital of a large zemindary in the Cntta^'k dis- trict, situated 59 miles W. from the town of Cuttack. Lat. 20° 32' N. long. 85° 11' E. Bankee, a town in the province of Cuttack, the capital of a tribu- tary zemindary, 30 miles west from the tov.n of Cuttack.* * Hamilton's Hindostan, vol. ii. pp. 46-7-8-9. r 40 KliQordali. — Tlio Khonrdah Raja is hereditary high priest of Jiig- geriiauLh, and keei^'r of the idol's wardrobe. Khoorduhghiir his residence, is situated about 20 miles S. W. of Cuttack, and 15 west of Piply. It is enclosed by a depth of impervious forest to the extent of many miles, carefully trained to grow in a close matting of the most thorny thickets, the only avenues to the interior being- through defiles strongly fortified. The principal entrance in 1804 was from the eastward, communicating with the road leading to Piply, which was also strengthened in the native manner; and. there were two other accessible entrances, one from the north-west, and the other from the west. Soon after the conquest of Cuttack, this pergunnah became re- markable for its hostility to the British government ; and at length became so turbulent, that to preserve the tranquillity of the district, it became necessary to secure the person of the llaja, Mukund Deo, then 18 years of age, and retain him in custody at Midnapoor. For the accomplishment of this object, in 1804, three separate at- tacks were made on Khoordahghur ; on which occasion, the route pursued by the troops was along the banks of the Mahanuddy, through a picturesque country, diversified by hill, dale, and water scenery. After penetrating, with much physical difficulty but little loss, through a great depth of forest, the detachment reached a vale of an oval form, about three miles long by two in width, the whole under rice cultivation, and ready for reaping. This vale contained also a mango grove and neat village ; but the Raja resided on a hill at the south end, the approach to which was strongly stockaded and fortified with several barriers, and a M^ell constructed stone wall surrounding a portion of the summit, wdlhin which dwelt the Raja and his family, with their principal officers and domestics. By a series of well concerted operations, the whole multitude were here pent up, and a scarcity of provisions ensuing, a great proportion of them dispersed, leaving only a garrison of 1000 men. After three weeks' endeavours, rendered difficult by the comi)Hcated and unin- telligible form of the enemy's works, the external defences were stormed under a heavy but ill-directed fire, until at length the base of the stone wall and gateway were attained, leading into the body of the place, on the sunnuit of the hill. Another party which had gone by a more circuitous route, having got over the wall, proceeded to the gateway, and let in the rest, when they all proceeded against the Raja's dwelling, he having recently fled through another gate- way at the foot of the hill. With this terminated the siege of Klioord.igluir, but the troops being much exhausted were unable to 41 pursue, the Raja, who however, a short time subsequent, voluntarily came in and surrendered himself. Marickpoor, a town in the province of Orissa, district of Cuttack, 40 miles S. E. from the town of Cuttack. Ahmedpoor, a town in Orissa, 11 miles north from Juggernauth. Lat. 19° 58' N. long. 85" 54' E, Piply, a town in Orissa, 27 miles south from Cuttack. Lat. 20° 5' N. long. 85o 58' E. Boad, a large fenced village in the province of Orissa, situated on the south-side of the iNIahanuddy river, which at this place in the month of October is one mile and a half broad. Lat. 20° 32' N. long. 84° 10' E. 124 miles west from Cuttack. The face of the whole country, in this neighbourhood is mountainous, interspersed with valleys, from four to sixteen miles in circumference. The villages are fenced with bamboos to protect the inhabitants and their cattle from wild beasts ; and in the fields the women are seen holding the plough, while the female children drive the oxen. The Boad territory commands some of the principal passes into the Cuttack division. By the engagements concluded with the Boad Chiefs, in 1803, they were liberated from the payment of any tribute to the Maharattas, and guaranteed in the possession of their estates, on condition that they faithfully discharged their duties as tributa- ries to the British Government. Ramgur, a town fortified in the native manner in the province of Orissa, situated in the south-side of the IMahanuddy river, 10(5 miles west from Cuttack. Lat. 20° 2G' N. long. 84" 2G' E. By the ar- rangement made during the Marquis Wellesley's administration, in 1803, the chief of this place was exempted from the payment of tri^ bute to the Maharattas, and had his territories guaranteed to him, on condition of faithfully fulfilling his duty as a tributary to the British government. Cooloo, or Kontiloo, a town in Orissa, 80 miles S. E. from Sum-, bhulpoor. Lat. 20° 31' N. long. 84° 39' E. This is a considerable mart for the inland trade, the Berar merchants bringing their cot^, ton to CooloOj from whence they return to the interior with a load of salt. Judimahoo, a town in Orissa, 58 miles W. by S. from Cuttack, Lat. 20° IG' N. long. 85° 13' E.* The following Towns are not within the limits of modern Orissa, yet some information respecting them may be useful. Midnapoor is a considerable town situated on the south side of * Hamilton's Hindostan, vol. ii. pp. 50-9. 42 the Booree Bellaun river, 70 miles W. S. from Calcutta, but travel- distance 141 miles. The Ibrt has recently been converted into a prison. Hijclle is situated on the west side of the llooghly river, 55 miles S. S.W. from Calcutta, and formed a part of the province of Orissa. Tumlook is about 35 miles S. W. from Calcutta. Major Wilford supposes there were kings of this place, one of \vh(lunt observes on the authority of the Jaghirdar of Malud and Manick- patam, (vide Journal of his route from Chunar to Yertnac/oodini/,) that the Coands and Goands are to be considered quite distinct races.* The Sours are found chiefly in the jungles of Khurda, from Banpur to Cuttack, and in the woods of Atgcrh, Daljora, Sec, * The passap;e is as follows : " Having afterwards heard of a])eo])lo who in the northern Sircars are called Coaiids (Kands) and whose depredations into those provinces are attciuled with hiinilar acts of cruelty, 1 naturally conceived them to he the same trihc, but in conwrsation with Kunial Mahommed, the officer in charge of the Marluitta Pergimuah of Manick- patani, and who appeared to be well acquainted with the ditt'ereut trihes of mountaineers subject to the Berar government, he informed uio that these are a ditFerent race from the Goands. The latter he said are much larger men, and had in many instances been made good subjects, but the Coands are inferior in stature and so wild, that every uttcmpt which had been made to civilize them had proved ineffectual." 52 which skirt the foot of the hills for some way to the northward of the Mahanuddy. They are in general a harmless, peaceable race, but so entirely destitute of all moral sense, that, they will as readily and unscrupulously deprive a human being of life, as any wild beast of the woods, at the orders of a chief, or for the 7nost trifling remu- neration! Thus during the insurrection which prevailed in Khurda, they were the agents employed to carry into execution most of the schemes of revenge planned by its instigators, whenever helpless individuals were to be the sacrifice; and the quantity of blood shed by the hands of these ignorant savages without motive or remorse, during the above period of anarchy and disorder, is almost incredi- ble. In ordinary times they are considered very useful both by the zemindars and villagers, in clearing the jungles and providing fuel which are their chief means of gaining a subsistence. They like- wise collect the produce of the woods, and dispose of large quan- tities to the druggists and fruit sellers, in the neighbouring bazars. They are distinguishable from the other natives of the province, by their inferiority of stature, mean appearance, and jet black colour, as well as by an axe for cutting wood, the symbol of their profes- sion, which they always carry in their hand. Their language little resembles that spoken by the Oorias, and is scarcely intelligible to any but themselves. They are said to worship certain rude forms of Devi and Mahadeo or rather the Hindus so interpret the adora- tion paid by them to a few natural objects, as stumps of trees, masses of stone, or clefts in rocks, in which an impure imagina- tion may discern some resemblance to the Lingu. Some dwell in small villages called Sour Sais ; others lead a migratory sort of life, clearing annually spots in the jungle, where they erect huts of sticks, leaves, and grass, and sow different sorts of grain of the Millet kind, which sprout up with extraordinary luxuriance in such situations, 'i'hey will eat almost any kind of food, whether animal or vegetable. A great part of their subsistence is derived from the roots and produce of the jungles. The flowers of the Madhuka ( Bassia latifolia,) and the Keora, yield them an intoxicating liquor; in lieu of rice they consume the seed of the bamboo, a very heating and indigestible food; the wild yams, arums, and other roots, fur- nish a nutritious and not unwholesome substitute for bread; and ibr a desert they have the wild mangoc, the fruit of the Bela every M'here abundant, and the seeds of the Bauhinia raccmosa, served up on the large ribl)cd leaf of the Ravya, which answers the purposes of a dish. " The Puttah Soar (says Rennell) cover their nakedness with Saul leaves, and inhabit the mountains. They do not cultivate 5a grain, but subsist on wild herbs, roots, berries, and such like, and hold no communication with the villagers." The author of the work called Kholaset ul Towarikh, places in the neighbourhood of Orissa, the country called the Triya or Stri Raj, where females exercise the powers of government, and have the superiority in society, and in the management of all affairs. The fable of the existence of such a country in this part of India, seems to be a purely gratuitous invention of the Mahommedan writers, and is unsupported either by the histories or the current belief of the natives. The language of the Or or Odra nation is a tolerably pure dialect of the Sanscrit, resembling closely the Bengali, but far remote ap- parently from any affinity with the Telinga. Most of the titles of which the natives are so fond are pure Sanscrit; more than ih'ree- fourths of the nouns and roots of verbs may be traced to that lan- guage, and its few simple inflections are obviously founded on the rules of the Vyakaran or Grammar. The basis of the alphabet is 'the common Hindi or Nagari character, somewhat disguised how- ever by a peculiarity in the mode of writing it. In the direction of Bengal, the Ooria language is used tolerably pure, following the line of the coast as far as the Hijellee and Tumlook divisions at least : I have been credibly informed that in the Mysadal Pcrgun- nah, all revenue accounts are written on tal patr or leaves of the palmyra tree in that dialect. On the western side of the Midnapore . - district, the two languages begin to intermingle, at Rani Sarai about twenty miles north of the Subunreekha. A very mixed and impure bhasha is used by the Zemindari of Naraingerh and the hill estates beyond it, which improves a little at Midnapore, and at that town becomes more decidedly Bengali. The inhabitants of the country on the north of Keerpoy (officially termed the Jungle Mehals) probably speak the language of the Bengal province quite correct and unmixed. To the westward the Gond and Ooria lan- guages pass into each other on the estate of Sonepur, the Raja of which country informed me, that half his people speak one and half the other dialect. On the south we find the first traces of the Telinga about Ganjam, where -a different pronunciation may be observed. The people there call themselves Oodiahs and Wodiuhs, instead of Oorias ; Gerh becomes Gadda, Juggernaut, Ja.gannada, &c. The language of Orissa Proper still however prevails at Barwa, forty-five miles south of Ganjam, on the low lands of the coast, and as far as the large estate of Kimedy in the hills, beyond which the Telinga begins to predominate ; at Cicacole it is the 54 prevailing dialect, and in Vizagapatam, Telinga only is spoken in the open country. In the mountains of the interior, however, the dialect of the Odras is used by the bulk of the inhabitants, from (ioomsur down to Palcondah, Bastar, and Jayapoor. The Oorea lan'ma^e thus prevailing iVom Tumlook to a considerable distance beyond Ganjam, or over an extent of country from three to four hundred miles in length, a wide field is furnished for the labours of missionaries wlio acquire that language. I know of no original composition deserving any notice in the language of Orissa, excepting the Epic Poem called the Kanji Kaviri Pothi, which celebrates the conquest of Conjeveram, one of the most distinguished events in the modern history of the country. There is no deficiency however of translations of the more esteemed writings of the great Hindu authors, both religious and scientific, and every temple of importance has its legend or Sthan Puran, every almanac maker his Panji, and Bansabali, composed in the local tongue. In estimating the amoitnt of the Population of the Cuttack Pro- vince, we have no means of forming even a tolerable conjecture of the number of inhabitants in the hill countries. Information on that subject could be procured only from the hill Rajas or zemin- dars; and such are their jealousy, contumacy, and untractableness, that we might be sure, even if they condescended to furnish any returns at all, that they would be entirely false. The estimate given for the Mogulbandi, and that portion of the Rajwara which lies between it and the sea, though mostly conjectural, is founded upon data of a nature which warrant some confidence in its accuracy. The total of villages has been tolerably well ascertained. The eighteen Police Thanas* of the Mogulbandi including the Rajwara estates of Aul, Kanka, Kujang, Herispur, Marichpur, and Bishenpur, with the whole of the smaller Killajat, contain 11,915 villages (Mouzahs and Patnas,) and 243,273 houses, ex- clusive of the towns of Cuttack, Balasore, and Pooree. This enumeration yields an average of about twenty houses to a village, which although low compared with the Bengal average, is corro- borated by actual observation of the very small size of such villages of Orissa as ordinarily meet the eye. In the three northern Thanas which comprise the poorest and most unproductive portion of the Mogulbandi, tlie average is scarcely nineteen ; in the twelve central * They arc thus named : — Basta, Balasore, Soro, Clmraman, Badrak, Mattii or Talnial, Janjii)ur, Pataniandri, Asserassar, Arackpur, Cuttack, Puliarajpur, Taran, Harihurpur, Gopc, Piply, Pooree, Khurda, Banpur. 55 ones it is nearly twenty ; and in the three southern ones which contain the pergunnahs adjoining Pooree, filled with the large villages of the Sasan Brahmins, it is thirty. In the first mentioned division, the ascertained number of in- habitants, men, women, and children, in 1678 houses, is 9576 ; yielding an average of rather more than five and two-third inmates for each house. In the southern division, 19,930 hoxzses have been ascertained to hold 130,871 inmates; viz., men 33,518, women 33,903, infants 36,450, that is five and a fraction of about one- fifth per house. Adverting to these data which have been prepared with much care and accuracy, more especially in the southern division, an average rate of five persons per house, for the whole district, would not appear too high. On this calculation, the en- tire population of the district will stand as follows : — - Village inhabitants 12,16,365 Population of the tovrn of Cuttack . . . . 40,000 Pooree 30,000 Balasore .. .. 10,000 Total, 12,96,365 \ This calculation does not, as has been observed, include the in- habitants of the hill country, by some supposed perhaps as many more : nor does it include various districts in which the Ooi-ea language is spoken, but Avhich are not now reckoned parts of tlie province, as Ganjam, Tumlook, &c. The area of the tract now under consideration, has been estimated with tolerable accuracy at about 9,000 square miles, by counting the squares into which Captain Sackville's map is divided. The result of the above calculation therefore gives to the open and culti^ vated part of Orissa, a population of 135 sovls per square mile. That the estimate for Cuttack should fall much below that suggested for Bengal, viz. 203 per square mile, will not surprise those who have attended to the picture drawn in the preceding part of this history, of the general poverty of the people, and the paucity of large towns and villages. The statements for the pergunnahs Raheng, Saraen, Choubiskud, Uldhar, and Rorang, which are by far the most to be relied on, yield the following proportions of the principal classes, viz : H 56 Total number of Householders 19,930 Cliasas or Husbandmen 7,432 Brahmins . . 3,5(55 Mahtis (Carana or Writer cast) Gil Gowalas (Cowherds) 537 Baniyas, both Druggists and Shroffs 232 Artisans, Manufacturers, Shopkeepers, &c , 4,887 Low casts, as Fishermen, Kandras, Pans, Bawaris, Chandal,") ^ .^^ See, or common labourers, coolies, village watchmen, Scc.y ~' Balance composed of Mussulman, foreigners, mendicants, 7 ^.„ and casual residents 3 It will not be altogether uninteresting to compare this estimate of the popvilation of Cuttack, with the sales of salt for the supply of the district. Salt is sold on the part of government at several golahs or store-houses in the interior, in quantities of not less than one maund, at the fixed monojooly price of Sicca Rupees two per maund, increased by charges of transportation, storing, commission, &c., which raise the price according to circumstances to from 2 Rs. 3 As.^to 2 Rs. 6 As. per maund, at the storehouses. The average retail rate varies from about 2 Rs. 8 As. to 3 Rupees per maund. This system of supply has been established since the beginning of 1818. During the last four years, the average of the public sales for consumption within the Mogulbandi, has been 2,00,000 maunds. Mr. Colebrooke considers the quantity of one-fourth of a chittack per diem to be an ample allowance for an inhabitant of Bengal. In Cuttack, an allowance of half a chittack is insisted upon by the people themselves as the usual average, when salt was cheap ; and the larger individual consumption of the article in this district, is explained by a reference to the peculiar diet of the people, the vil- lainous insipidity of which must necessarily require to be relieved by an additional mixture of salt. Abulfazl has observed of the Oorias, "After boiling their rice they steep it in cold water, and eat it the second day." This stale and unpalatable species of food is still universally used under the name of Panbhatta. As the enhanced price of salt under the British government, certainly amounts to from 400 to 500 per cent, may have somewhat reduced the former consvmiption by the poorer classes, that is the mass of the community, we shall perhaps arrive near the truth by taking a medium between the Cuttack and Bengal allowances. Some de- duction too must be made on account of children \inder ten years, 57 ■whose numbers, adopting the average suggested by the Raheng returns, may be estimated at about one-third of the whole popula- tion. The calculation of the quantity necessary for the Cuttack people will then stand as follows in round numbers : Eight and a half lacs of adults, at between one-fourth and one-half chittacks per diem, consume annually . ,Mds. 1,75,000 Four and a half lacs of infants, at rather less than one fourth ditto Mds. 5G,000 Total consumption .. 2,31,200 The balance required of about 80,000 maunds, may be supposed to be obtained by smuggling, independent of the government sales. The accounts remaining to us of the most important operation in modern Indian finance. Raja Toral Mall's settlement, called the Taksim Jamma and Tankhah Raqmi, are as imperfect and deficient in Orissa as in every other part of India with which I am acquainted. There can be no doubt but that ajarib or measurement of the lands of the three sircars Jelasore, Budruck, and Cuttack, was made, under the orders and superintendence of that distinguished minister, with what is termed the Bareh Dasti Padika or rod of twelve spans, and all the Ruqbeh accounts in the offices of the Sudder Canungos and their Gomashtehs, are stated to be founded on that measure- ment. The subsequent corrections and alterations that have taken place, are said to have been made by Nezir Andazi or guess work. What is curious, the standard of the' bigah, which was originally uniform, is now found to be different in every part of the district, to such an extent indeed, that in some pergunnahs the bigah is four times the size of that nominal measure in other divisions, and all the intermediate variations frequently occur. By what rule the other great step in the settlement was adjusted, viz., the determi- nation of the rates of rent to be paid by the husbandmen for a bigah of each description, I can find no evidence or information whatever. Abulfazl in describing the Emperor's settlement for Hindostan generally, says, that an average of ten years' collection was struck. But whether in this province which had then only recently been conquered from its Hindu sovereigns, and rescued from the de- structive anarchy of the Bengal Afghans, the ancient rates were maintained, or heavier ones imposed, I cannot venture to offer any assertion. My general impression is that the fixed and regular assessment of the Moguls was heavier than that of the Hindu Rajas, but the indigenous princes of Orissa seem to have had so many 58 methods of extorting a large revenue from their subjects, by extra deniaiuls, occasional requisitions, and irregular claims under various heads and pretexts, that the burthens of the ryot may be presumed to have been pretty much the same under either administration. I shall now proceed to furnish abstract statements of the land assessment of CuttacTc according to its present dimensions, translated from revenue accounts in the private possession of the family of the former Dewan of the Marhatta government, the authenticity of which I see no reason to doubt ; and it is on these only I should be disposed to rely, in forming any comparison between the former and i^resent productiveness of the revenues of Cuttack. Taksim Jamma of the Moguls. Tliirteen Sircars contain INIehals 297 Deduct Tehsil Bengaleh, or collected under Bengal. . . . Mahals 27 Remain, Mahals 270 Kahans. Pans. Tankhah Raqmi or Jamma of the above .. .. Couris 59,01,499 8 Under the Marhattas. Tashkhis Bhoonsla, or fixed Jamma imder the government of the Nagpore Raja Rupees 2,42,236 lO Couris, Kahans 47,36,803 viz. Couris. Rupees. Kahans. Mahalat and Thanehjat (Khalesah Land).. .. 2,24,079 7 36,42,978 Tribute of the Zemindarah or Killajat Estates.. 18,157 3 10,93,825 Rupees, 2,42,236 10 47,30,803 Dakhil Sircar or remitted to the Raja's Treasury at Nagpore, calculated in Rupees of sorts 6,00,000 Kharch Sipahan o ghyrah, expenses of Troops and manage- ment 9,00,000 Total Rupees, 15,00,000 Equal to Sa. Rupees, 13,50,000 The sum of Sicca Rupees 13,50,000, may be assumed as the standard revenue of Cuttack under the Nagpore government, and was certainly the highest amount ever realized by the Marhattas from the district, though their assessments were sometimes rated higher. The collections indeed I suspect very frequently fell short of the above standard, more especially during the last ten years of 59 the Marhatta administration. The proportions he tween tlie net ex- penditure, and the remittances to Nagpore, I take to have heen in a great measure nominal. The following are the results of settlements formed by different Subahdars, taken from authentic accounts which are still extant. Some indefiniteness must attach to the statements, from the uncer- tainty of the rate of exchange between couris and silver, which fluctuated td from three to four kahans per dch masha rupee, during the whole of the Marhatta administration. The settlement of Sheo Bhat Sautra for 1167 A. is entered as follows. Gold Mohurs 231 ♦ Rupees, of sorts 3,82,829 8 Couris Kahans, 27,82,440 Another settlement by Sambha Ji Ganesh in 1178 A. is entered. Ashrafis .. ., ., .. .. 110 Rupees, of sorts .. .. .. .. 5,01,394 15 Couris Kahans, 42,37,660 Another by Raja Ram Pandit, Rupees, of sorts 1,10 318 14 Couris Kahans, 53,37,685 Another by Inkaji Suk'h Deo. Rupees, of sorts .. .. .. .. 1,51,435 9 Couris .. .. .. ..Kahans, 57,78,224 On the subjugation of the province by the British government, in 1803, a rate of conversion of four kahans of couris per Sicca Rupee was assumed, and the revenues have been invariably de- manded and paid entirely in silver, at least since 1807. Tlie as- sessment of the British government has been raised by two succes- sive and gradual augmentations, to the amount of 14,45,950 rupees. Mogulbandi (exclusive of pergunnah Pataspur, ccc, as- sessed under the Marhattas, at Rs. 30,000) . . . . 12,G4,370 Killah Kurdah, held khas for political reasons, which paid latterly to the Alarhattas a Peshcash of Sicca Rupees 10,000 61,109 Fixed tribute of thirty-one Kliandaitis or Zemindaris of the Military Chiefs of Orissa, styled Rajas . . . . 1,20,411 Total, Sa. Rs. 14,45,950 60 "The IMogulbandi (says Hamilton,) or that portion of Cuttack paying revenue to government, and the rents of which are not yet fixed, is distributed into 83 pergunnahs or revenue divisions, of difterent and capricious magnitudes. The total amount of the Cuttack revenue termed Mogulbandi, is 1,363,668 rupees. The estimated measurement of the assessed lands in cultivation and arable, is only 1,200,220 bigahs ; the number of estates 2349 ; and of inhabitants 737,922, of which number only 21,932 are IMahommedans. The tributary estates, their annual payments to the revenue, and extreme dimensions, are given below, and those not subject to the British laws and regulations are marked with an asterisk (*). List of the twenty-nine Ghiirjaut or Tributary Estates. Dimensions. Tribute, per ann. Mohurbunge .. .. 150 miles by 100 .. .. 1,001 rupees. Kunka 75 by 50 .. .. 19,132 *Autghur 15 by 12 .... 6,84.8 Marickpoor.. .... 9 by 6 .... 3,120 Aul 20 by 10 .... 26,680 *Deknal 112 by 87 .. .. 4,780 *Bankee 30 by 25 .... 4,162 *Khandeapurah .. .. 25 by 12 .. .. 3,948 *Jenmoo 17 by 9 .. .. 620 *Neyaghur 75 by 25 .. .. 5,179 *Nursingpoor *Neelgur 3,656 *Ongologur ,. .. 125 by 10 .. .. 1,550 *Hindole 17 by 12 .... 516 Koorjung 50 by 25 .... 7,034 Harrespoor 80 by 5 . . . . 34,083 Sookundah 8 by 5 .... 1,272 *Koonjeur 182 by 125 .. .. 2,790 Muddoopoor .. .. 15 by 13 .. .. 5,813 Chedra 3 by 2| .. .. 2,134 Demparah 7 by 5 . . . . 776 Durpun 15 by 13 .... 5,853 Buttoo Dumparah *llunpoor 15 by 10 .. .. 1,313 *Talchere 15 by 15 .... 974 *Tegrah 13 by 12 .. .. 826 Burmba 12 by 8 .. .. 1,310 Bissenpoor 5 by 3 .. .. 1,740 Kulkulla I5 V 1 .... 123 The annual demand on the above 29 zemindaries is fixed at the aboNc sums. The sum total annually accruing to the British 61 government, from this source, amounts to 118,087 rupees; the supposed surplus of clear profit remaining to the landholders is estimated at 525,250 rupees, which is a mere trifle considering the immense tract of country from which it is derived. All these tri- butary zemindars assume the title of Raja in their respective terri- tories, and admit each others claim to that dignity. They also ex- hibit the insignia, go abroad with the retinue, and observe the forms and state of independent princes, according as their income suffices for covering the consequent expenditure. Some of the principal zemindars, to the number of sixteen, are at present exempted from the operation of the British regulations ; the remaining thirteen are within the jurisdiction of the laws. The exemption of the first sixteen, from the operation of the Bengal code, was not founded on any claim which the proprietors of these tributary estates had to the exercise of independent authority ; on the contrary, it originated entirely from the opinion that was enter- tained of the barbarous and uncultivated manners of these zemindars and their subjects, combined with the impervious nature of the country, consisting mostly of hills and jungles, which local circum- stances would have rendered it extremely difficult to execute any process of the courts of judicature, or to enforce the orders of the public functionaries. Experience, however, has demonstrated, that the liberality of this arrangement has not exempted it from much inconvenience and embarrassment. On the contrary, the tribes thus left to their own guidance have habitually addicted themselves to the perpetration of crimes of the blackest dye, and the zemindars who ought to have been the conservators of the public peace, and distributors of justice, have been the very persons most suspected of these atrocities, more especially of assassinations committed for the purpose of usurping estates, and acts of extreme cruelty exer- cised on the persons of their tenants. The Bengal government, however, not being prepared to extend the regulations generally to those estates, which without an efficient police might tend rather to aggravate than alleviate the sufferings of the inhabitants, determined to appoint a special officer to control the conduct of the Rajas ; both to serve as a check on their pro- ceedings, and with the view of obtaining an accurate knowledge of the country, a necessary step towards the introduction of an im- proved system of administration. A superintendent of the tributary estates was accordingly appointed, and invested with a general con- trol over the conduct of the proprietors. 62 A great outlay is annually necessary in Cuttack, for the purpose of keeping the embankments in good order ; the expense incurred by government on this account, in 1814, having amounted to 40,514 rupees. Some of the principal embankments, especially that at the town of Cuttack, are indispensable; but the utility of many of the inferior ones is by no means equivalent to the dis- bursements they involve. INIore than one fonrlh of the circulation of the district is carried on by cov>'ries ; copper one tenth, gold one fortieth, and silver three fifths. Formerlj^, the revenue was calcu- lated in cowries, and annual importations of these shells are still made from the Maldives in return for grain exported.* The excess of regular receipts under the head of land revenue alone, may be stated at from one to two lacs per annum in favour of the British government, which increase may be fairly ascribed to the improved and enlightened system of management now- pursued. The country has unquestionably prospered under our administration, though much suffering Avas long experienced in particular quarters from injudicious measures, the errors of which have been jierceivcd and remedied : cultivation has greatly increased in every part : and if the ryot or husbandman has not benefited by the change of government, in proportion to the superior importance of that class of the community to which he belongs, and to the benevolent intentions of the legislature, his condition must certainly be considered on the whole better than it was under the native system, whilst the higher classes connected with the soil (now ac- knowledged as proprietors) have undoubtedly attained to a state of comfort, independence, and comparative opulence, quite unknown at any former period of the history of the country. The revenue derived from the salt monopoly, exceeds the total amount of the land rents paid to the state, and is entirely the crea- tion of the British government. The salt sold within the province yields a net return of about 3,00,000, and the quantity annually exported to Calcutta for public sale at the salt office, produces little short of from rupees 15,00,000 to 16,00,000. Under the heads of customs, tax on spirituous liquors, and tax on pil(jriws,\ a further net revenue of about one lac per annum is obtained. The value of Cuttack, after deducting expenses of management, may be fairly assumed at upwards of thirty lacs of rupees per annum. If a revenue of 3,00,000 rupees annually is derived from the people, * Hamilton's Ilindostan, vol. ii. pp. 41-2-3. t Repealed by Regulation, April 20, 1840. 63 how imperative the duty that sometliing upon a large scale should he attempted for the intellectual and moral improvement of the people. In surveying attentively the ancient Political Institutions of Orissa as connected with the tenure of land, it is impossible not to be struck with the marked resemblance which many of their features exhibit to the system of European policy called the feudal, at cer- tain stages of its progress. I am strongly inclined to think that the comparison might be extended to India generally, and that a care- ful enquirer would not fail to discern in every part of the country, obvious traces of the former existence of such a system, however irregularly defined, and liable to variation in the details, from local peculiarities. The subject has not hitherto met with that attention which its importance, more especially when viewed in connection with the much disputed question of Zemindari rights, unquestion- ably merits. Some writers indeed have treated with utter contempt and derision, the notion of the existence of any analogy whatever between the ancient institutions of India, and the feudal system of Europe. Others, however, of equal or greater authority, have not been able to resist the striking evidence of such affinity which pre- sents itself in every province of India, where the Hindu form of government has been little impaued or modified. Thus, Sir J. Malcolm, page 375 of his valuable Report on Malwa, observes, " The principle of this part of a Raj or Rajput principality, differs little from that feudal system which formerly existed in Europe, and is liable to the same vicissitudes in the relations and powers of the respective parties." But every one knows that the Rajput, is only one branch or epithet of the great Regal and Military caste amongst the Hindus, called the Cshetriya ( Khetri,) and anciently all principalities and kingdoms might in one sense be designated Rajput. Captain IMacMurdo in an excellent Paper on the province of Cutch, in vol. ii. Bombay Transactions, states, "The government of Cutch is that of a pure aristocracy, in which the power is vested in a variety of Chiefs on their respective territories, which bear a strong resemblance to the feudal baronies. These Chiefs have a head who is entitled Rao, to whom they owe the duty of military service with their relations and followers." The Chiefs in question are afterwards described to be Rajputs. Colonel Wilford expressly applies the title of Barons, to the inferior Khetris, in his historical Essays on ancient India. In the essay on Anugangam we find the following curious and apposite passage, — " Like Parasurama he (Maha Bali) either destroyed or drove out of his dominions the remnant of the Cshetris or Military tribe, and placed Sudras in I 64 their room. These were the Barons of the land who often proved troublesome. Raja Balwant Singh, the predecessor of Cheyt Singh did the same in the district of Benares with the Zemindars, who represented the Cshetris, and even pretended to be really so ; from an idea, that it was impossible to improve the revenues arising from the land tax xmder their management." In the preceding part of this account of Orissa, I have noticed generally the great territorial divisions, both natural and political, which exist in this province. The extensive hilly regions and forest tracts, jungle Pergunnahs and jNIehals, as they are now termed, reaching nearly from Bishenpur to the Godaveri, together with the woodland country on the sea shore of Orissa Proper, have been in all ages parcelled out among and occupied by a number of Chieftains of the Military class. These Chiefs may be safely con- sidered as de facto proprietors of their possessions under the native governments, that is, they held them hereditarily, exercised uncon- trolled territorial jurisdiction within their limits, and appropriated the entire revenues subject to the condition of preforming Military service, or other offices and duties, at the court of their superior Raja, the Gajapati, residing mostly at Cuttack, Avhich services have in latter ages been generally commuted for a light tribute or money payment. The more fertile and productive division of the province formed the Kot, Khaliseh, or domain of the prince, from which the Hindu sovereigns of Orissa like their successors the Moguls, Mar- hattas, and English, derive their principal revenues. There can be no question, but that this other great territorial division was the landed estate or property of the sovereign. It may be observed that such a state of things as above indicated, conforms exactly with the declaration contained in a well known passage of the digest of Hindu law translated by Mr. Colebrooke: " By conquest the earth became the property of Parasurama : by gift the property of the sage Casyapa, and committed by him to Cshatriyas for the sake of pro- tection, became their protective property, successively held by powerful conquerors and not by subjects cultivating the soil." So strikingly and universally true indeed is the maxim of the pro- perty of the soil vesting in the Cshstriyas, that we find them always either asserting a title to ownership in the land, which they occupy hereditarily, or in the actual enjoyment of the proprietary right, even when reduced to the situation of ' cultivating subjects' — witness the various casts and classes of Rajput village Zemindars in every quarter of Hindustan, and the western provinces. The feudal Lords of Orissa, for such certainly may the Military 65 Chiefs refeiTed to, be termed, are known and described by several different titles both in history, in official records, and in the common language of the country, and these are quite indiscriminately ap- plied, whence has resulted a corresponding confusion of ideas. They are called simply Khetris (Cshetriyas,) from their caste; Khandaits, an Orissa name for a branch of the same class, signifying literally persons entitled to wear the Khanda or national sword of Orissa ; Bhunia, Bhuyan or Bhumi derived from Bhu,* the earth, and synonymous with Bhvpati (Lord of the soil:) Poligar, a Te- linga word, derived from Pollam, a fief: Sawant, in Persian, Sirdar, meaning Chief and Lord : Sevakan Ami Dar, or servants and vas- sals holding tracts of country hereditarily, on the condition of ser- vice ; and finally Zemindars. Many of them were descended from the supreme Rajas of the country. We have Orme's authority in a remarkable passage of the 8th book of his History, for the belief entertained by the Poligars south of the Chilka lake of their origin as above intimated. He says, " These conquests (made by a Raja of Orissa, some centuries before Mahommedanism,) were distributed in many portions to his relations, officers, and menial servants, from whom several of the present northern Poligars pretend to be lineally descended, and to govern at this very time the very districts which w^ere then given to their ancestors." It is not improbable that many of the Orissan Khandaits and Bhunias first received estates during the 12th century of the Christian era, in Raja Anang Bhim Deo's time, who is said to have created sixteen Sawants or great Lords, but the tenure of the majority no doubt reaches back to a very remote antiquity. To describe a little more particularly their duties and offices, it may be observed, that they were posted all round and along the frontiers of the Raj, with the view to defend it from the irruptions of neighbouring powers, or the incursions and devastations of the savage inhabitants of the wild regions in the interior, such as the Kands and Coles, who to this day give serious annoyance in many parts of the hill estates, and if the belief of their origin and ancient situation be well founded, were doubtless in former ages far more numerous than at present. In this point of view their situations and duties resembled much that of the Lords of the Marches in Europe. Nor is the above the * Mr. Elliot, in his observations on the inhabitants of the Garrow hills transmitted to the Asiatic Society, observes, "The head people ot the villages are called Boonkiks a name used by the liead Rajas ot Bengal when the king resided at Gour." In the Ayin Akberi, the word lioomi, derived from Boom, the soil, is continually used as synonymous witn Zemindar. 66 only striking feature of analogy between the feudal lords of India and the western hemisphere. The estates or jurisdictions of that class in Orissa were always called by the Hindus, Gerhs, and by the Mussulmans, killahs or Castles. A certain part of the lands under the head Officer were parcelled out amongst several military retainers and dependents called Naiks, Dalais, Dalbehras, and sometimes Khandaits, Avho held of their superior on much the same principle, as he did of the supreme Raja, though generally speaking by a more limited and imperfect tenure. Under these again, a portion of the lands of each subordinate Gerh, were assigned as service land to the feudal militia of the country, called Paiks, who following equally the occupations of soldier and cultivator, were obliged at any moment when cnlled on by their leader, to take up arms, and accompany him to the field. In time of war the Khan- daits or nobility of Orissa at the head of their respective contingents of this landed militia, ranged themselves under the standard of their sovereign, and formed the main part of his military array. Thus we frequently read of the Gajapati assembling his chiefs to attend on a warlike expedition, and we find that the Sunnuds, gTanted by the Mogul government (in cases where they exercised the right of investiture,) always contained a condition that the Khandait should be ready to attend with his contingent, when sunmioned by the Military Officer of his division. The Paiks arc the local Infantry constantly referred to in the Ayin Akberi. The author observes, speaking of the imperial army ; " The Zemindari troops alone are in number upwards of four million and four hundred thousand, as will hereafter be particularized"— a fact which shews the extensive prevalence of the military tenure throughout the country, even as late as the 16th century. The proportion of laiided militia set down for Orissa Proper in the same work, is about one hundred thousand. Besides the general obligation of military service, the Indian feudatories were bound to do homage, and to perform certain nominal duties or offices resulting from their tenures, when in actual attendance on their liege lords, called by the expressive word Sewa^ Scva, or service, (in Persian Khidmat,) a consideration of which, reminds one strongly of some of the ancient forms of the Germanic constitution. Thus it was the business of one to bear the sioord of state; another held the shield; a third carried the umbrella or royal standard; a fourth presented the Raja's slippers; a Mth. fanned him with the regal chouri, &c. The above services are to this day performed in the presence of the Kluudah Rajas, by several of the hill Zemiudars, as often as they visit Poorcc, though the distinctive 67 character of the office appropriated to each, has hecome a good deal merged in the simple duty of hokling the chouri and pankha, in the presence of the representative of their ancient Lords Paramount. The estate of the Chief Khetri, or Lord Paramount, comprised the fairest and most fertile portion of the monarchy of Orissa. In every part of India it would seem that, even under the Hindus, the domains reserved for the crown constituted, if not the largest, at least the most valuable and productive share of the whole territory, and it was the uniform policy of the strong government of the Ma- hommedans, constantly to enlarge this share by the gradual subju- gation and absorption of the possessions of the lesser chiefs and princes. As it is the above-mentioned estate or concern, Avith the management of which the Officers of the British government are chiefly occupied, and from which nearly all its revenues are derived, it is of course of particular importance to enquire respecting the system and the rights anciently prevailing and still existing, in the tract known by the modern ajypellation of the Mogulhandi or Khaliseh. Whilst it yields to the state a revenue of between twelve and thir- teen lacs, in its real character of proprietor, the Rajwara or division occupied by the feudal chiefs, pays a light tribute of only 1,20,000, the difference between that and the actual net produce, which is at the lowest calculation in the ratio of one to ten, being enjoyed by the several Zemindars, in virtue of their proprietary rights. In the Cuttack territory, obvious traces exist to this day of a subdivision of lands into tracts held by military retainers, and those of the common ryots. Tenants of the former description are called at present Paiks, and lesser Khandaits, and the estates on which they are found are entered in the revenue accounts as '^ Khurdiah Gerjat," but whatever may have been their number anciently, they are now too few and unimportant to claim a particular notice. The ryoti land, paying a full rent to the sovereign, demands our principal attention. According to the uniform system of India generally, it was partitioned into numerous ^rfl??is, townships, or village societies. The larger revenue allotments or circles of villages known to the Hindus of Orissa, were denominated Khand and Bisi ox Bishe ; words meaning literally a portion or district. Each of these petty districts was under the management and control of two descriptions of hereditary officers, vested with police and revenue functions, viz. the Khand Adipati and Bishuya or Bissoee, (words signifying chief of a division,) who was the principal man ; and the Bhoi Mul of the Karau or writer cast, who had the more particular charge of 68 keeping all tlie accounts and registers connected with the land. In parts of the Deccan, the same description of officers still exist, and are called the Des Mukh and Des Pandiah, terms of precisely cor- responding import. They seem to have acted jointly in the dis- charge of some of their functions, and separately and independently in regard to others. One perhaps had the more especial duty of administering the police., the other of collecting the revenue ; whilst they hoth w^atched generally over the fiscal interests of the state, and acted as umpires and moderators of Punchaits, in investigating and adjusting disputes betvi^een inhabitants of different villages, or betvi^een the people of a village and their head man. Every re- spectable village had its chief and accountant, called the Padhan and Bhoi — but frequently several of the smaller hamlets of Orissa were associated under one set of officers of this name; much oftener the same individual performed both functions in a village ; and sometimes none of the kind existed, in which case the charge of the village affairs attached more immediately to the division officer. Where the Padhan and Bhoi existed, they discharged respectively much the same duty in regard to their individual village or villages, as the superior officers exercised in regard to their circle of villages. The Padhan looked after the police with the aid of the village watchman, who made his reports to a Sirdar or Sirdars called the Or Khandait, stationed with the Bisoi ; the Bhoi kept the village accounts and furnished information to the Bhoi Mul or chief accountant. All these functionaries held their situations here- ditarily, and were in the habits of mortgaging or even selling the whole or shares of them, with the sanction of the ruling power, just as we see the priests and officers in the temple of Juggernaut at this day, disposing constantly of their several shewas or services, with the emoluments thereunto annexed. To infer from these cir- cumstances any right of property in the soil, would seem equally rash and absurd. It is a nicer question, whether under the old Hindu system the actual occupants of the soil were considered to possess any subordinate title of ownership in land. There are no obvious traces of such a right now remaining in Cuttack, as we read of in Canara and Malabar. I have never yet been able to discover any well authenticated instance of the sale or mortgage of land by a Malguzari ryot of the province. The thani or fixed cul- tivators, however imdoubtedly possessed under the old Rajas the privilege of hereditary occupancy ; their fixed assessment was light and easy ; and there was then no one to dispute the matter with them, excepting the despotic uncontroled sovereign of the country, 69 who, whatever his claims in theory, of course required nothing from the land but an adequate revenue. The changes consequent on the subjection of the province by the Mogul government come next to be considered. It is well known that after the defeat of the Afghan usurpers, who had gained tem- porary possession of Orissa, by the armies of Akber under the com- mand of his General Khan Jehan and others, the celebrated Dewan Tural Mall visited the province A. D. 1580, to superintend the introduction of his settlement of the crown lands, founded on a measurement and valuation called the Taksim Jamma and Tankha Raqmi. The arrangements for the annexation of the Suba of Orissa to the empire, did not, however, receive their final comple- tion until the arrival of Raja INIan Sinh, the Imperial Lieutenant, who assumed charge of the government in 999 Amli, or Mahom- medan era. Under his administration the heads of the existing branches of the Royal family were acknowledged as Rajas ; they were invested with the rank and titles conferred by the Mogul Court on officers of distinction ; and extensive portions of country were assigned to them as hereditary fiefs in Zemindari tenure. No regular tribute appeal's to have been required from them on account of their own lands, but the right of investiture was i-eserved to the ruling power, with the privilege of levying such contributions on the accession of a new Raja, as it might be thought expedient, according to the circumstances of the times, to demand. The reigning prince was styled the Raja of Khurda, with the rank of a Commander of 3,500 *^'Mansabi Seh Hazar Panjsad," and his estate was composed of the jurisdiction called Killah Khurda, with the Mehals Rahang, Limbai Pursottem Chetter, &c., alienated from the Khaliseh. To the two sons of Telinga Mukund Deo (the last independent mo- narch,) were assigned respectively with the title of Raja and rank of five hundred, Sarangher, Pattia, Sailo, Saibir, &c., and Al with Derabissi, and Uthar. A certain number likewise of the great Chiefs of Orissa were placed under the control of each of the above Rajas, who collected the tribute before due from them, or then for the first time imposed. Zemindar* is the obvious translation of * Even the powerful Rajas of Joudpoor, Bhartpoor, Src, were called Zemindars by the Mogul government down to the latest period, and we know from history the nature of their tenures. They were bound to at- tend in succession on the person of the Emperor at the head of a fixed quota of Troops. Their own countries were and are still subdivided into the lands of the Military retainers or Thakurs, and the revenue lands, on the same principle that prevailed under the Hindu government in the empire at large. 70 tlie word Bhunia, Bhyan, or Bhupati, llie common title of the ancient feudatories of this province, whose offices now received a Persian name, as well as their jurisdictions, the Hindi word Gerh, being exchanged for Killah. The more distant Zemindars were separated from the control of the superior Raja, and placed under seven principal Zemindars or Sawants, viz : the Zemindars of Kconjhar, iMoherbcnj, Bishenpur, Futtihabad, Naraingerh, Karran- gher, and Nag orBagbhum. The jurisdiction thus left to the Raja of Khurda, extended from the Mahanuddy to the borders of Kimedy in Ganjam, comprising 129Killahs, Gerhs, or hill estates, exclusive of those situated within his own Zemindari. The above number agrees exactly with that given in the Ayin Akber, — " In Cuttack are one hundred and twenty-nine brick forts (killahs,) subject to the command of Gajapati." The other two Rajas had under them al- together Jifty-two Zemindaris and seventy-nine killah divisions; and the seven Zemindars mentioned fifty-six ditto, containing one hundred and one killahs — all exclusive of their own estates, and the dependent killahs situated within them. Extract from Documents in Persian. Statement of Killajat, in the jungles and hills under Zemindars, subject to tribute (Peshkash) according to the allotment of Raja Man Sink in 999 Amli, (Mahommedan era.) Under the Raja of Khurda whose ]\Ianseb is that of 3500, are placed exclusive of Mehals, thirty-one Zemindars, and two hundred killahs. The Raja's own estate of Khurda, one Zemindari, contains seventy-one killahs, viz : Khurda, Rathipur, Ber Gerh, Sissupal, Jharpareh, Kuplipersad, Paterpareh, Nonepur, Jamkhely, Tapang, Chatarma, 1a\ Sinh, Gangpareh, jMaliparch, Dumduma, Palih, Ramesar, Manibandh, Mankgora, Mangoi, Kormati, Kalamatiah, Kondlogerh, Mangalajuri, Jaripareh, Rorang, Karm, IVIallipareh, Narsingpersad, Baran Gerh, Karang, Mirtunjay Gerh, Kaimattia, Usna, liaranda, Balbhadderj^ersad, Nowailee, Banjgiri, Tarkai, Seracn Gerh, Matiapareh, Bangro, Bhingro, Koklo, Karki, and eight killahs, in Limbai ; Andharua, Darutang, Kolapokhar, Tirah Sowri thirteen killahs, Nakhikot, Kaipadda, Bolgerh, Gumhapur, and Muljher. Under the Raja's command are thirty Zemindaris of Hindu Sirdars, containing one hundred and twenty -nine killahs. 71 Under the Raja of Sarangerh, -whose Manseb is that of 500, (ex- clusive of Mehals,) are placed thirty-one Zemindaris, containing fifty killahs. The Raja's own estate with Balanta, two Zemindaris contains twelve killahs, viz : Killah Sarangerh, Bajgiri, Talgiri, Gowaligerh, Raghunathpur, Pattiah, Kalabank, Atagerh, Motri, Garukun, Ba- lanta, and Nurkantiah. Dependent Hindu Sirdars, holding twenty^ nine Zemindaris and thirty-eight forts under the Raja's orders. Under the Raja of Al with the rank of 500 are placed twenty -four Zemindaris, containing /or;?/-/?i'o killahs. The Raja's own estate of killah Al, one Zemindari and one killah. Dependent Hindu Sirdars, twenty-three Zemindaris, con- taining /orinted, feasts and festivals established, sasans founded, and the whole country around Puri assigned as en- dowments for the maintenance of the temple. On this memorable occasion the Raja received by general acclamation the title of the second Indradyumna. Towards the close of his reign, Raja Yayati Kesari began the buildings at Bhuvaneswar, and died A. D. 520. The reigns assigned to his two svicessors, Suraj Kesari and An- anta Kesari, are probably of too long duration, being altogether ninety-seven years, and are distinguished by nothing remarkable, excepting that the latter prince began the building of the great tem- ple at Bhuvaneswar. He was succeeded A. D. 017 by Lalat Indra Kesari, a personage of high repute in the legends of the Bhuvaneswar temple, in con- sequence of his having built or completed the great pagoda at that place sacred to Mahadeo under the title of the Ling Raja Bhuvanes- wara, in the year of Salivahana 580 and A. D. 657. He also founded there a large and populous city containing seven sais and forty-two streets which became the capital of the Raja. An uninteresting series of thirty-two reigns of the Kesari Princes follows, extending through a period of 455 years, of the history of which little is given excepting the characters of the Rajas, and some absurd stories connected with the temples of Juggernaut and Bhuva- neswara. A few particulars worth noticing however may be gleaned from the accounts, such as that the rate at which the ryots were taxed by the sovereign was five kahans of cowris per batti, or about one anna per biga. One of the Rajas named Bariya Kesari, in a time of emergency, raised the demand for revenue as high as one kahan of cowris per biga, or four times the former amount, but his successor Suraj Kesari reduced it to the old rate. Raja Nirupa Kesari, a martial and ambitious prince, who was always fighting with his neighbours, is said to have first planted a city on the site of the modern Cuttack about A. D. 989. The reign of Markat Kesari was distinguished for the construction of a stone revetment, or embankment faced with that material, (probably the ancient one of which the remains are yet 89 to be seen), to protect the new capital from inundation A. D. 1006 ; and Madhava Kesari has the credit of building a fortress of vast dimensions at Sarangher. Different stories are related of the extinction of the Kesari family. The Raj Charitra says, that the last of the line died childless, when at the suggestion of the deity, another family were brought from the Camatic by Basudeb Banpati and placed on the throne. The Vin- savali ascribes the change of dynasty to a dispute between the Raja and this same Basudeb Banpati, a brahmin and powerful officer of the court ; who having been driven with indignity from the royal presence, went to the Camatic and instigated a person named Chu- rang or Chor Ganga to invade Orissa. He conquered Cuttack, on Friday, the 13th of Assin, A.S. 1054 or A. D. 1131, and thus ac- quired the sovereignty of the country. Both accounts agree in giving the above as the date of the accession of Raja Churang Deo. This personage, whatever his real origin, is fabled to have been the offspring of the goddess Ganga Sana or the lesser Ganges (Godaveri) by a form of liiihadeo. AVith him began the race of princes called the Ganga Vansa, or Gangbans line, who ruled the country for about four centuries ; a period fertile in great names and events of importance, and which forms unquestionably the most interesting portion of Orissan history, if such terms may be applied to the an- nals of a hitherto unknown dynasty, governing one only, of the many provinces which now constitute the British empire in India. Churang, or Sarang Deo, held the reins of government for twenty years, and conformably with his supernatural origin is believed to have been a skilful magician. It is said of him that he established the records of the Juggernaut temple called the Mandala Panji, and was a great worshipper of certain forms of Devi to the neglect of all the other gods and goddesses. The memory of his reign and of his singular name, which is certainly not an Oorea one, is preserved in a Sai or quarter of the town of Pooree, with a tank called the Chu- rang Sai. Tradition also ascribes to him the building of forts and palaces both at Sarengher and Cuttack Choudwar. His son Gangeswara Deo succeeded A. D. 1151. His dominions reached from the Ganges to the Godaveri. He had five kutuks or royal metropolises, viz., Jajpoor, Choudwar, Amravati, Chatta or Chatna, and Biranassi, the modern Cuttack. The account which places Amravati, a town near the Kistna in the heart of the Deccan, amongst the capital cities of this Raja, is one of the commoner ge- nealogies to which I attach no great degree of credit. It is not improbable, however, that the place may have formed part of a 90 principality held by Cliurang Deo when invited to ascend the throne of Orissa, which thereby became annexed, temporarily to the latter Raj ; and claims and political relations arising out of the possession of it, may have been one cause of the frequent expeditions south of the Godaveri and the interference in the affairs of Telingana and the Carnatic, which we shall find to be henceforwards exercised by the Ganga Vansa Rajas. As a specimen of the morals of the Court of Orissa in this age it should be mentioned, that Raja Gangeswara Deo committted incest with his own daughter; to expiate which offence, he dug a superb tank by the advice of the brahmins, called the Kousala Ganj, which is still pointed out between Khurda and Pipley. After two short and unimportant reigns. Raja Anang Bhim Deo, one of the most illustrious of the Princes of the Ganga Vansa line, ascended the Gajapati Sinhasan or throne A. D. 1174. He resided during the early part of his reign in the palace called Choudwar at Jajepur, but was induced by some omen, to build a magnificent pa- lace on the site of Fort Barabatti, adjoining the town of Cuttack, where he afterwards held his Court chiefly. The construction of the present castle of that name should in all probability be referred to this period, though a later date is generally assigned to it. Raja Anang Bhira Deo may be called the Firoz Shah of the age and country, from the number and variety of public works executed by his orders for the benefit or ornament of his dominions. Having unfortunately incurred the guilt of killing a brahmin, motives of superstition prompted him to construct numerous temples as an ex- piation for his offence, whilst the suggestions of a noble and jorincely sj)irit urged him to a large expenditure on works of more direct public utility, as tanks, wells, and bridges. He is said to have built sixty stone dewals or pagodas, ten bridges, forty wells, one hundred and fifty-two ghats, and to have founded four hundred and fifty sasans or villages, containing colonies of brahmins, besides ex- cavating a crore or ten millions of tanks ! He more especially filled the whole khetr of Jagannath witli sacred edifices, and the great temple was erected by his orders under the superintendence of Pa- ramahans Bajpoi, at an expense of about thirty or forty lacs. The date of its completion was A. D. 119G. He at the same time en- larged considerably the establishment, added fifteen brahmin and fifteen sudra Shewaks or officiating priests, and gave fresh splendour to the worship of the idol of the place, by the institution of numerous bhogs and jatras (feasts and festivals.) 91 The most remarkable feature of Raja Anang Blum Dec's reign, however, is the measurement undertaken by him of the whole of the land comprised within his dominions, and the arrangements connected with that procedure. We are informed that under the superintendence of the principal ministers Damodar Bar Panda and Isan Patnaik, the whole country from the Ganges (Hoogley) to the Godaveri, and from the sea to the frontier of Sonepur, w^as measured out with the rods called Nal and Padhek. The results were as follows, viz. Total contents, (each batti containing 20 bigas). . Battis 62,28,000 Deduct, ground occupied by sites of hills, beds of nul- lahs, towns, &c., and land irreclaimably waste .. 14,80,000 Remains, 47,48,000 Of this quantity 24,30,000 battis* are stated to have been re- served as the Raja's Nijharch, khaliseh or royal domain, and the remainder 23,18,000 battis were assigned for the support of his chiefs, armies, officers of state, brahmins, elephants, &c. Connected with and illustrative of the above proceeding, a highly curious speech of the Raja's is given in the annals of the Pooree temple, of which the following is an abstract translation. Having been warned in a dream by Parameswara (Sri Jagannath,) that it was proper he should offer his devotions at Pooree, the Raja pro- ceeded to that place in the 12th year of his reign. After performing the usual worship with great pomp and solemnity, he collected about him the princes of his family, vassal lords, and chief officers of state, and held the following discourse : " Hear, Oh Chiefs and Princes, the arrangements which 1 have established for the manage- ment of my empire, the expenses of state, the pay of my armies and religious establishments, and the support of the royal treasury, and attend to the counsel which I give you. It is known to you that the Rajas of the Kesari line ruled from the Kans Bans river on the north, to the Rassikoilah south, and from the sea on the east to the Dandpat of Bhimnagar west, from which tract of country they derived a revenue of fifteen lacs of marhs of gold. By the grace of Sri Jagannath, the Princes of the Ganga Vansa have, after subduing * The amount of the estimate in square yards or miles, must depend on the size of the biga, which is not indicated. If we assume it at the present average of the province, the dominions of the Gajapatis included at that period more than 40,000 square miles. 92 the khetris and bliuniyas, added to the Raj the following extent of country, viz., on the north that lying between the Kans Bans and the Datai Borhi river ; south the country from the Rassikoilah down to the Dandpat of Rajamundry ; and west to the confines of Boad Sonepur, from which an increase of revenue of twenty lacs has been obtained : my total gross revenues therefore are thirty-five lacs of marhs of gold. Out of this amount I have assigned stated sums for the payment of the Sawants (Commanders,) Mahawats and Rawats (chiefs of horses and elephants,) priests, brahmins, and the worship of the deity. For the maintenance of the Paiks, Shewaks (vassals or officers,) and other servants of the state, lands have been duly set apart. Oh Princes and Chiefs, respect my ar- rangements, and beware that you never resume the above grants and allowances, lest you become liable to the penalty denounced in the shastras against those who take back what has been given. Above all in the management of the country under your charge, be just and merciful to the ryots, and collect revenue from them ac- cording to the fixed and established rate. As I have by my own good fortune and exertions accumulated a large treasure, viz., forty lacs of marhs of gold taken from the countries of the conquered bhuniyas, and jewels to the value of seven lacs eightj^-eight thous- and marhs, it is now my intention to devote a portion to the service of Jagannath, by building a new temple one hundred cubits high, and bestowing a quantity of ornaments and utensils. Let me hear your opinions on this point." The ministers and courtiers all re- plied that so good a work could not too soon be taken in hand, and that after the sagacity aud prudence displayed by his majesty, any advice on their parts must be superfluous. An officer named Para- mahans Bajpoi was therefore directed to take the work in hand forthwith, and twelve lacs and fifty thousand marhs of gold with jewels to the value of 2,50,000 were set apart for the purpose. The marh of gold is stated to be equivalent to five mashas weight, a valuation which would raise the amount of the revenues of Orissa according to the above statement, far beyond what we can believe them ever to have realized, even allowing, as offered in explanation, that the gold of that age was very impure, and that the statement includes the gross rents of the whole of the lands of the country, both the royal domains and those now held by the hill Zemindars and Poligars. It appears unaccountable too, why the sum total of the revenues should be stated in gold, when we know that cowris always formed the principal currency of the district. As I am un- able to furnish any satisfactory elucidation of these points, I must 93 leave the statement as it stands, content with having presented a faithful translation. On the occasion of building the temple, a new coin and seal were struck by the Raja's orders, with the titles which are used to this day by the Khurda Rajas, who claim to represent the majesty of this once powerful race. Their pompons nature may amuse those who are unacquainted with eastern ostentation, and with its displays of the pitiful jiride of dying men. They run thus, — " Vira Sri Ga- japati, Gaureswara navakotikernatotkalavergeswaradhirai, Bhuta bhairava deva, Sadhusasanotkarana, Rawat Rai, Atula balaprakar- masangrama Sahasra bahu, KshetriyaKuladhumraketu," &c. "The illustrious Hero, the Gajapati (Lord of Elephants,) Sovereign of Bengal, Supreme Monarch over the rulers of the tribes of Utkala, Kernata, and the nine forts, a divinity temble as Bhairava to the wicked, the protector of the grants enjoyed by the pious ; king of kings ; like the lord of a thousand arms in the field of battle by his unequalled might, and a comet to the martial race." His son Rajeswara Deo reigned thirty-five j'ears and was suc- ceeded A. D. 1236 by Raja Narsinh Deo, surnamed Langora, a prince of great celebrity in the annals of Orissa, as well as in its legends and romances. His great personal strength, and skill in athletic exercises, seem to have invested him with a sort of super- natural character in the eyes of his subjects ; and popular tradition has exaggerated some peculiarity in his figure or dress, into tlie fable of his being provided with a tail, whence is derived the epithet Langora. He is said to have been of a very martial turn, and to have waged a long war to the southward. It was this Raja who built the famous temple of the sun at Kanarak, called by the Europeans the Black Pagoda, "thereby," observes the author of the Ayin Akberi, "erecting for himself a lasting monument of fame." The work was executed chiefly under the superintendence of the minister Shibai Santra, and is stated to have been completed in the year of the Sacabda 1200, answering to 1277 A. D. After Raja Langora Narsinh Deo, five other princes named Nar- sinh and six with the title of Bhanu, whom some describe as a separate family called Suraj-bansi, ruled over Orissa, until A. D. 1451. Their reigns are for the most part undistinguished by events of importance, but they have left some public works which coupled with other -lapnuments of the Ganga Vansa Rajas, give a favourable impression of the public spirit and munificence of that race. Amongst these is the bridge at the entrance of Pooree called the 94 Atliara Naleh, said to have been built A. D. 1300, by Raja Kabir Narsinh Deo. A dreadful scarcity is recorded to have happened early in the 14th century, when paddy rose to the (then) enormous price of 120 kahans of cowris per bharan — about three times its present average rate calculated in the same currency, but nearly sixty times the ordinary selling price of that age, if an account in my possession is to be credited, which states, that under the Bhanus, rice in the husk sold for two kahans per bharan, clean rice at ten cowris per ser, and cotton one pan ten gandas per ser. The last of the Rajas surnamed Bhanu, being childless, he adopted as his son and successor a youth, named Kapila or Kapil Santra, of the Suraj-bansi tribe of Rajputs. The boy became afterwards a prince of high renown under the title of Kapil Indra Deo, and the native chroniclers have not failed therefore to embellish the history of his early life, with flattering fictions and stories of supernatural occurrences, prophetic of his future rise and greatness. It is said, that when a child, he gained his livelihood by tending the cows of a brahmin. One day his master found him fast asleep on the ground at mid-day, and a huge snake standing erect near him, witli its hood spread out and held in such a manner, as to shelter him from the fierce rays of the meridian sun. This indication satis- fied the brahmin that he was destined to become something great. Shortly after, the Raja, whilst passing one day to the temple, took notice of him, enquired his name, and being struck with his answers and appearance, finding moreover that he was by caste and descent a rawat or leader of the Suraj-bansi Rajputs, he attached him to the royal household, where he speedily became a favorite. He was soon directed by Mahadeo in a dream to adopt him as his son and successor. The lad was now called Kapil Bhowarbar, and rose rapidly through several offices to the post of Pater or Prime Minister. The Moguls having come into the country from the north with a large army to demand tribute, the Raja feeling himself xmable to cope with them in the field, sent his favorite to negociate a treaty of peace. He was detained as a hostage for the payment of the sum agreed upon, but was well treated by the King or Nawab, and on the death of his patron soon after, he was allowed to return to Orissa, when he assumed the government, A. D. 1451, under the title of Kapil Indra Deo. His reign is described to have been one continued series of wars, sieges, and expeditions. He visited in person every quarter of his widely extended dominions, but was occupied chiefly to the southward, and resided a good deal at Kimcdy and Rajamundry. He also visited the city of Vijianagara 9^ and founded there several Sasans, more especially one called Dam- oderpur Sasan. The Raja afterwards pursued his conquests as fur as Rama's bridge, opposite Ceylon, which the natives call Set Band Rameswara. Ferishteh relates, that in the time of Humayun Shah Bahmini, about A. D. 1457, the Telingahs prevailed on the Rajas of Orissa and Uria to afford them assistance against the IMohammedans, who sent a large army to their aid, with many war elephants. The con- federates completely defeated the armies of Islam, and pursued them from the field of battle for many miles. Under Nizam Shah, son of the above, the Rai of Orissa in conjunction with the powerful Zemindars of Khetris of Telingana, again invaded the territories of the Deckany sovereigns by way of Rajamandry and plundered as far as Kolas. The Rai of Orissa is said to have advanced in great state and splendour, with the declared intention of conquer- ing the whole of Telingana from the Mussulmans, aud compelling them to pay tribute. When he had arrived however witiiin ten miles of the Mohammedan capital Ahmedabad, the ministers taking courage sent him a message of defiance saying that "their king had long intended to subjugate Orissa and Jehannagar and render it tributary, but the idea of the distance of that country had hitherto deterred him from the undertaking : however as the Raja had now come so far to throw himself into the jaws of destruction, much trouble would be saved to the victorious armies of Islam." This bravado was followed up by a spirited sally of Patan horse, which cooled a little the ardour of the Hindus, and induced them to fall back. They were finally glad to purchase a secure retreat to their own frontier, by paying down a sum of five lacs of rupees. The Bahmini king, who had always wished to obtain a footing on the Godaveri, agreed to Himber's proposal, marched an army into Uria, defeated the usurper Mangal Rai, and restored the prin- cipality to his ally, taking for his own share the forts of Rajaman- dry and Condapilly. After some time Rai Uria seems to have repented of his connec- tion with the Mohammedans, and to have become desirous of re- turning to his old allegiance. One of those destructive famines noticed in the accounts of Raja Kapil Indra Deo's reign, having spread general ruin and consternation throughout the Dcccan, the conjuncture appeared to him favourable for making an effort to throw off the Musselman yoke, and he accordingly dispatched a message to the Rai of Orissa, saying, that "if he wished to recover 96 his hereditary dominions in Telingana, r.ow \vas the time." About A. D. 1471, the Raja of Orissa collected together an army of 10,000 foot and 8,000 horse, and summoning all his tributary chiefs to attend him, proceeded into Telingana without delay, i^io- hammed Shah hastened to oppose the combined forces of Orissa and Uria, and soon compelled the Rais to retreat across the lake of Rajamandry, He then, says Ferishteh, resolved to punish the Idolater for his insolence and aggression, and taking with him a chosen body of 20,000 men, made a dash into Orissa, and pene- trated as far as the capital, plundering and laying waste the country on all sides. The Raja unable to withstand the fury of the storm which he had so rashly raised, fled before the invaders, and was soon obliged to sue humbly for peace ; which was granted on con- dition of his paying a large sum of gold and silver, and surrendering twenty-five celebrated elephants which he valued next his life. The Musselman prince then retired, with the same degree of rapid- ity as he advanced, to Condapilly, where he humbled his other op- ponent Rai Uria. The reign of Raja Pursottcm Deo who came to the crown A. D. 1478, is rendered memorable by the most striking exploit recorded in the annals of Orissa, viz. the expedition to and conquest of Conjeveram, 48 miles S. W. from Madras. The circumstances of that transaction deserve to be rescued from oblivion, as well for the curious picture which they afford of the manners and opinions of the age and nation, as from their connection with an historical incident of some importance. The fullest account of the expedition is to be found in the poem called the Kanjikaveri Pot'hi. The story runs nearly as follows: " In the country of Dakhin Kanouj Kernat Sasan, there lived a powerful Raja who had a vast fortress and palace built of a fine black stone, called Kanjinagar (Conjeveram,) and a daughter so beauteous and accomplished, that she was surnamed Pudmavati or Padmini.* The fame of her charms having reached the ears of Maharaja Pursottem Deo, he became anxious to espouse her, and sent a messenger accordingly to the Chief of Conjeveram to solicit the hand of his fair danghter. That Raja was well pleased with the prospect of having for his son- in-law so great and powerful a prince as the Gajapati of Orissa, but considered it advisable, to make some enquiries regarding the cus- toms and manners of that Court before consenting to the alliance. * Tliis was the name of a Princess, Avhose amours with Khosru Perviz, are celebrated in several Indian and Persian Romances, and is in Sancrit indeed the general nauie of a particular class of beauties. 97 He soon found that the Maharajas were in the habit of preforming tlie duties of a sweeper (Chandal) before the image of Jagannath, on its being brought forth from the temple annually at the Rat'h Jatra. Now the Kanjinagar Raja was a devoted and exclusive worshipper of Sri Ganesh (Ganesa), and had very little respect for Juggernaut, the divinity of Orissa ; and conceiving the above humiliation to be quite unworthy of, and indeed utterly disgraceful to a Khetri of such high rank, he declined the alliance in conse- quence. The Gajapati monarch became very wroth at the refusal, and swore, that to revenge the slight cast on him, he would obtain the damsel by force and marry her to a real sweeper. He accord- ingly marched with a large army to attack Conjeveram, but was defeated and obliged to retire. Overwhelmed with shame and con- fusion, he now threw himself at the feet of Sri Jeo, and earnestly supplicated his interference to avenge the insult offered to the deity himself in the person of his faithful worshipper. The god promised assistance, says the author of the poem, directed him to assemble another army, and assured him that he would this time take the command of the expedition against Conjeveram in person. When the Raja had arrived, during the progress of his march, at the site of the village now called Manikpatam, he began to grow anxious for some visible indication of the presence of deity. In the midst of his cogitations on the subject, a milkmaid named Manika, came up and displayed a ring which she said had been entrusted to her, to present to the monarch of Orissa, by two handsome Cavaliers, mounted the one on a black, and the other on a white horse, who had just passed on to the southward. She also related some par^ ticulars of a conversation with them which satisfied the Raja, that the promise of assistance would be fulfilled ; and that these horse- men were no other than the two brothers Sri Jeo (Krishna) and Baldeo (Baladeva.) Full of joy and gratitude, he directed the- village in future to be called, after his fair informant, Manikpa- tana, and marched onwards to the Deccan secure of success. On the other hand the chief of Conjeveram, alarmed at the second ad- vance of the Gajapati in great force, appealed for aid to his protect- ing deity Ganesh, who candidly told him that he had little chance against Jagannath, but would do his best. The siege was now opened and many obstinate and bloody battles were fought under the walls of the fort. The gods Juggernaut and- Ganesa, espousing warmly the 'cause of their respective votaries, perform many miracles and mix personally in the engagements, much in the style of the Homeric deities before the walls of Troy ; but the latter 98 is always worsted. In reality, after a long struggle, Conjeveram fell before the armies of Orissa. The Raja escaped, but his beau- tiful daughter was captured and conducted in triumph to Puri. A famous image of Gopal, called the Satbadi Thakur, that is, the " truth speaking god,'' was brought off at the same time and set up in a temple ten miles north of Pursottem, where it may still be seen, a monument of the Conjeveram expedition. Conformably with his oath, Raja Pursottem Deo made over the fair Padmavati or Padmini to his chief minister, desiring him to wed her to a sweeper. Both the ministers, however, and all the people of Puri commiserated her misfortunes ; and at the next Rath Jatra, when the Maharaja began to perform his office of Chandal (sweeper), the individual entrusted with the charge of the lady brought her forth and presented her to him, saying, " You ordered me to give the Princess to a sweeper; you are the sweeper upon whom I be- stow her." Moved by the intercession of his subjects, the Raja at last consented to marry Padmavati, and carried her to the palace at Cuttack. The end of this lady's history is as romantic as the pre- ceding portion of it. She is said to have conceived and brought forth a son by Mahadeo, shortly after which she disappeared. All the circumstances were explained to the husband in a dream, who acknowledged gratefully the honor conferred on him, and declared the child thus mysteriously born his successor in the Raj. Pursottem Deo died after a reign of twenty-five years, and was succeeded by Pertab Janamuni, the son of Padmavati, under the title of Pertab Rudra Deo, A. D. 1503. The wisdom and learning of this prince soon became the theme and admiration of the whole country. He had studied deeply all the shasters, was very fond of disputing and conversing on points of theology, and introduced many curious constructions of his own, and doctrines that were al- together new. He was also devout, and built many temples. His skill in the arts of war and civil government, were eminent; he was equally celebrated as an able, learned, warlike and religious prince. A very curious anecdote is related of his conduct, which seems to shew that the followers of Buddha continued to form a sect of im- portance in this part of India until the beginning of the sixteenth century.* It is said that a serious robbery happened in the Raja's * As this is contrary to received opinions, to the inferences warranted by the works of Madhavacharya in the 13th century and the statement of Abulfazl in the Ifitli, it seems Hkely that the original authorities have con- founded, ns is very commonly the case, the Bauddhas and Jains, and that tlie hatter are here intended.— A^'o/e hy the Secretary C. A. S. 99 palace, and that he being anxious to discover the perpetrators, as- sembled together all the wise men, both of the Bauddhist and Brahminical persuasion, to obtain their assistance in prosecuting an investigation. The brahmins could tell nothing, but the followers of Buddha, through their knowledge of the occult art, were enabled to point out both the offender and the place where the stolen pro- perty was concealed. The Raja was induced by this incident to form so high an opinion of the learning and skill of the Bauddhists, that he became for some time a warm supporter of that sect. His Rani on the other hand espoused zealously the cause of the brah- mins. It was at last determined to make another formal trial of their relative skill as men of science, or rather magicians. According- ly a snake was secretly put into an earthen jar, the mouth of which being covered up, the vessel was produced in a great assembly at the palace. Both parties were then asked what the jar contained. The brahmins answered, "it contains only earth," and sure enough when opened it was found to contain nothing but earth. This spe- cimen of skill entirely changed the Raja's opinion, and he now be- came as violent against the Bauddhists as he had been before preju- diced in their favour ; so much so that he not only withdrew his protection and countenance, but violently expelled the whole sect from his dominions, and destroyed all their books except the pot'his called the Amer Singh and Bir Singh. About this time Chytunya or Chytan Mahaprabhu came from N;iddia in Bengal to visit the temple of Jaggannath, and preformed various miracles before the Rga. The key of the whole story is probably to be found in the visit of this celebrated Vyshnavite reformer or secretary, who doubt- less had some share in creating the hostile disposition of Raja Per- tab Rudra Deo, towards the followers of the heretical Budha. Another of those famines which have so often afflicted India, oc- curred early in the sixteenth century in Orissa. The Raja who could find leisure for schemes of conquest and ambition amidst his religious enquiries and controversies, marched with his army down to Setu Band Rameswara, reduced several forts, and 'took the fa- mous city of Vijayanagara. The Mohammedans of the Deccan also gave abundant occupation to his arms on the southern frontier of the Raj, and whilst he was occupied in repelling or provoking their attacks, the Afghans from Bengal made an inroad into the province in great force. They advanced as far as Cuttack, and pitched their camp in the neighbourhood of the city, when the Governor Anant Singhar finding himself unable to oppose any effectual resistance, took refuge in the strong fortress of Sarangcrh, south of the Katjuri. 100 After satiating themselves with the plunder of the capital, they pro- ceeded towards Pud, where they committed dreadful devastations ; but the grand object of their search, the Idol or Deo of Orissa, had been removed out of their reach, the priests having taken the pre- caution, so soon as they heard of the approacli of the invaders, to carry off Sri Jeo and the other images in boats across the Chilka in order to conceal them amongst the hills. Raja Pertab Rudra Deo on receiving intelligence of these disastrous occurrences, hastened back from the Deccan ; and preforming a journey of months in a few days, he came up with the invading army before they had left the khetr, gave them battle, and destroyed a great number. He was however himself so much crippled by the contest, that he was hap- py to conclude a peace nearly on the enemy's terms, when they re- tired and left the province. This prince died A. D. 1524, having reigned twenty-one years. "With him terminated all the glories of the Ganga Vansa dynasty, and the royal house of Orissa. The race itself became extinct soon after the demise of Raja Pertab Rudra Deo, and the independence of the country was not destined long to survive. Pressed at both extremities by the vigourand enterprize of the Mohammedan govern- ments of Bengal and Telingana, now in the full maturity of their strength, the downfall of the Orissan monarchy was further hasten- ed by intestine commotions, disunion amongst the chiefs, and a series of bloody and destructive contests for the supreme dignity. Soon after the death of Raja Pertab Rudra, the powerful mini- ster Govind barbarously murdered thirty princes of the royal house, and waded through blood to the throne. Various individuals suc- ceeded him; and in 1550 A. D. the last independent Raja ascended the throne with the title of Telinga Mukund Deo. All the native accounts concur in describing their last indepen- dent Raja as a man of courage and abilities. He has been honored with a notice in the work of the Jesuit TiefFen thaler, who extends our knowledge of his character by informing us, that "the last king of the Orissans was called Mukund, who was very polite to stran- gers and had four hundred women." The early part of his reign was employed chiefly in constructing monuments of jniblic utility or superstition, as temples, tanks, and brahminical sasans. Amongst other works of the kind, he founded a ghat and temple at the sacred spot called Tribcni, on the Hoogly, north of the town of that name which formed the extreme verge of his dominions ; and whilst so oc- cupied, frequent communications are said to have passed between him and the king of Delhi, or rather the officers of the emperor. 101 SoHaman Gurzani, the Afghan king or governor of Bengal, having assembled an army to invade Orissa, the Raja built a strong fortress in some commanding situation, and for this time opposed his endeavours successfully. At last however came Kala Pahar Gen- eral of the Bengal forces, the conqueror of Orissa, with his wonder working kettle drum, at the sound of which it is said the ears and feet of the idols would drop off for many coss all around. The Hindus say of this dreaded enemy of their images and superstition, that he was originally a brahmin, but lost caste through acontrivance of the princess of Gaura, who was smitten with the manly beauty of his person. He then married her, turned Musselman, and became a relentless persecutor of the adherents of the faith from wliich he had apostatized. Many dire omens preceded iind announced his arrival in the province ; amongst others a large stone fell from the summit of the great tower of the temple at Puri, and when he en- tered the precincts of the khetr, a general darkness overspread the four corners of the land. In short, Kalapahar invaded Orissa on the part of the king or governor of Bengal with an army of Afghan Cavalry, defeated and killed the Raja or drove him from the coun- try, and finally overthrew the independent sovereignty of Orissa, A. D. 1558. Two titular princes were set up after the expulsion of Mukund Deo, who both fell into the hands of the conquerors and were put to death by them. An anarchy of twenty-one years du- ration then ensued, during which the Afghan Mohammedans pos- sessed the whole of the open country, and there was no Raja. The several accounts which have been handed down of Kalapa- har's invasion of Orissa, differ widely in the details, though the main facts are well known and established. The story told by the Musselman writers is that, Mukund Deo, apprehending the designs of the king or governor of Bengal, encamped with a large part of his army on the Ganges ; but Kalapahar turning his position got a-head of him into Orissa, and began to plunder the country and attack the temples of the Hindus Avith relentless fury, before any force could be brought to check him. A battle at length took place at Jajipur in which the Raja lost his life. The Afghan chief then went on to Sumbhulpoor, where he was killed by some of the Bhuyans. Others say that on his passing the great temple of the Ling Raj at Bhuvaneswara, a swarm of bees issued from the throne of the idol and stung him to death. The Puri Vynsavali makes the Raja to have been busy in Khurda when the Afghan army suddenly advanced upon Cuttack, defeated the Governor Gopi Sa- want Sinhar, and plundered the palace and treasury, alarmed at 102 which news, Mukund Deo fled out of the province not daring to oppose so powerful a force, and died shortly after in the king of Delhi's dominions. All the native writers agree in speaking with horror of the cruel excesses committed by their Afghan conqueror, and the wide de- struction of images and temples occasioned by his unrelenting per- secution of the Hindu faith. Many demolished idols seen at various temples demonstrate the devastation caused by these invasions. Their conquerors gloried in the destruction of idols, and even made them stepping-stones to their mosques. The adventures of the great Idol form a curious episode in the history of this period. According to the Mandala Panji, when the priests at Pooree saw the turn which matters were taking, they again for the third time in their annals, hurried away the helpless god in a covered cart, and buried him in a pit at PariJcud, on the Chilka Lake, Kalapahar was not however to be defrauded of so rich a prize, and having traced out the place of concealment, he dug up Juggernaut and carried him off on an elephant, as far as the Ganges, after breaking in pieces every image in the Khetr. He then collected a large pile of wood, and setting fire to it, threw the idol on the heap. A bystander snatching the image from the flames, threw it into the river. The whole proceeding had been watched by Besar ]\Iainti, a faithful votary of Juggernaut, who followed the half-burnt image as it floated down the stream, and at last, when unperceived, managed to extract from it the sacred part, (Brahm or spirit in the original,) and brought it back secretly to Orissa, where it was carefully deposited in charge of the Khandait of Kujang. After twenty-one years of anarchy, the principal men of the country chose for their chief a person named Ranai Raotra, whom they raised to the rank and dignity of Maharaja of Orissa, A. D. 1580, under the title of Ramchandcr Deo. With him begins the third and titular race of sovereigns called the Bhoi Vansa, or Zemin- dari race. The election was confirmed by Sewai Jye Sinh, the general of the Emperor Akber, who came into the province about the time, with his army, to look after the imperial interests. The sight of Bhuvaneswara, its numerous temples, the crowds of brah- mins, and the sacred character of every thing in Utcala Desa, is said to have impressed him with feelings of so much reverence and admiration for the country, that he determined to interfere very little in its affairs, and retired shortly afterwards, leaving a large share of authority in the hands of its Native Princes. The town of Midnapore was at this time made the northern boundary of Orissa. 103 Raja Ramchander Deo's first care was to recover the sacred relics belonging to the old image of Jagannath, which duty being accomplished with the assistance of their preserver Besar Mainti, the Daru Murat, or image made of the wood of the Nini tree, was fabricated according to the rules of the shaster, and again set up in the temple, on a propitious day, with much pomp and solemnity. The worship of Sri Jeo was now fully restored, all the feasts and endowments of the temple put on their old footing, and a number of sasans were founded in honor of the memorable event. It was disturbed again however almost immediately afterwards, by an in- vasion of Musselmans from Golconda, whose king or Adipati, as the Hindu writers call him, seems to have given the Raja a severe defeat, Ramchander Deo enjoyed his station and dignities for twenty- nine years. He was an able and respectable prince, and his memory seems to be much venerated by the natives of the province. From his time, the field embraced by the Orissan annals, becomes greatly narrowed, though they still aftbrd a vast deal of curious local in- formation. The necessary limits confine me to an exhibition of 1st. A list of the names of the several Rajas and the duration of their reigns ; and 2nd, a brief outline of such part of their history, as has any connection with the general affairs of the Suhah of Orissa. The materials for an historical account of the country, under this new denomination, are very scanty and imperfect. The slender information extant of the proceedings of the Mogul officers from the retirement of Raja Man Sinh in A. D. 1004, to the dew- anship of the flimous Nuwab JafFer Khan Nasiri (A.D. 1707 to 1725,) has to be gleaned from a few scattered notices in Persian histories of Bengal and scarcely intelligible revenue accounts ; though the century in question must be regarded as a most import- ant period in the annals of the country, when we consider the deep and permanent traces impressed on the state of affairs, by the ar- rangements, institutions, offices, and official designations, introduced by the imperial government during that interval. Subsequent to the elevation of JafFer Khan, we meet with tolerably full and de- tailed journals and records both of the Mohammedan and Marhatta administrations, composed in the Persian language. List of Khurda Rajas. Ramchander Deo, succeeds A.D. 1580 Pursottem Deo 1^°. 11'. N. long 75". 52'. E. By Abul Fazel in 1582 it is described as follows "Onjein is a large city on tlie banks of the Sopra, and held in high veneration by the Hindoos. It is astonishing that sometimes this river ilows with milk. ' ?iiifcmA>ti>i.iiiii- ..-iiiiirlll T' 11111-ii-Hiiii-i.iX IlIl.i.Xi ll ■ i i 1 1 i ixAii_^kA^k^_4^ rESTlVAL OF the' SWINGING OF KIHSHNA. IN THE TEMl'LE OF JUGGERNAUT, IN ORISSA, ON THE BAY OF BENGAL. 119 prince in the Satya Yuga, he conceived a desire to perform worship at the sacred shrine, and accordingly set out on a journey to Orissa, with a large army, after having first dispatched a brahmin to make enquiry. Just as he reached the spot, on the expiration of a three months' journey, it was reported to him that the image of Nil Ma- dhava had disappeared from the face of the earth. The Raja was overwhelmed with disappointment at this intelligence, and fell into a state of the deepest melancholy and affliction until comforted in a dream by the deity, who informed him that although he had aban- doned his former shape, he Avould soon reappear again, (or that a fresh Avatar would take place), in a still more sacred form, that of the Daru Brahm whicli would remain to all ages. Shortly after, the Maharaja was apprized that a Daru,* or log of wood of the Nirn tree ( McUa Azadirachta ) was to be seen floating to the shores of Pursottem Chetr from the quarter of the Sitadwip island, adorn- ed with the Sankha, Gada, Padma, Chakr, or several emblems of Vishnu, viz. the conch shell, viace, lotus and discus, and bearing a most divine and beautiful appearance ! Transported with joy the prince ran to the sea shore, embraced the sacred log, which he was satisfied from the above symptoms must be a real form of Vishnu, and proceeded to deposit it with great ceremony in a consecrated enclosure. He then through the advice of Narad Muni, who had accompanied him, obtained the aid of Visvakerma, the architect of the gods, to arrange the image in its proper form. At the fii-st blow of the sacred axe of the Hindu Vulcan, the log si)llt of itself into the four-fold image or Chatur Murti. A little colouring only was necessary to complete them, and they then became recognized as Sri Krishna or Jagannath distinguished by its hlaclt hue, Baldeo, a form of Siva, of a white colour, Subhadra, the sister of these bro- thers of the colour of saffron, and a round stafl" or pillar with the chakra impressed on each and called Sudersan. The Ptaja's next care was to erect a temple and to establish the worship on a suitable scale of splendour. On the great day when all was ready for con- secrating the temple, Brahma himself, and the whole company of the deities of Indra's court, came down from heaven on their several appropriate vehicles to offer up worship at the shrine of the lord of the universe, which, say the Urias, has since that period, and espe- cially in the Kali yuga, maintained a rank and celebrity such as • Some accounts say that the Maharaja had first to preform a hundred thousand Aswa Mcd'h Jagya or sacrifices of tlie horse, before favored \\\i\\ a viev/ of this choice form of the deity, but as usual wilh every Hindu fable there is prodigious discrepancy in the several versions of it. 120 even Kasi, or Benares, Brindraban, or Setu Band Rameswar, cannot boast. j\Ir. Ward in his valuable work, thus describes the origin of the Worship of Juggernaut. " The image of this god has no legs, and only stumps of arms ; the head and eyes are very large. At the festivals the brahmins adorn him with silver or golden arms. Krishnu in some period of Hindoo history was accidentally killed by Ungudu, a hunter; who left the body to rot under the tree where it fell. Some pious persons, however, collected the bones of Krishnu and placed them in a box, where they remained till Indru Dhoomu, a king, who was performing religious austerities to obtain some favour of Vishnoo, was directed by the latter to form the image of Juggernaut, and put into its belly these bones of Krishnu, by which means he should obtain the fruit of his religious austeri- ties. Indru Dhoomnu inquired who should make this image, and was commanded to pray to Vishwukurmu, the architect of the gods. He did so, and obtained his request ; but Vishwu-kurmu at the same time declared, that if any one disturbed him while preparing the image, he would leave it in an unfinished state. He then be- gan, and in one night built a temple upon the blue mountain in Orissa, and proceeded to prepare the image in the temple ; but the impatient king, after waiting fifteen days, went to the spot, on which Vishwu-kurmu desisted from his work, and left the god without hands or feet. The king was very much disconcerted ; but on praying to Brumhu he promised to make the image famous in its present shape. He now invited all the gods to be present at the setting up of this image. Brumhu himself acted as high priest, and gave eyes and a soul to the god, which completely established the fame of Juggernaut. This image is said to be in a pool, near the present temple at Juggernaut-kettra in Orissa." The Hindus of Orissa endeavour, though with little foundation, to ascribe to the worship of Jagannath a more sjiiritual character than is generally claimed for their superstition elsewhere. They refer to the common title of tlie divinity of the place, which implies the Brahma or Divine spirit that pervades and sustains the universe, and are fond of quoting a passage in the legendary account of the temple, which runs thus, " Hear now the truth of the Dara Avatar, (the appearance of the deity in the form of Nim tree log). What part of the universe is there which the divine spirit does not pervade? In evei-y place it exults and sports in a ditl'ereut form. In the heaven of Brahma it is Brahma ; at Kylas it is Mahadco ; in the upper world it is Indra ; on the face of the earth it is to be found in 121 all the most renowned Khetis, at Baddrika as Badvinatli ; at Briii- daban and Dwaraka as Krishcn ; at Ayodhya (Oude) in another shape ; but in the Khetr of Pursottem it appears in its true and most sacred form." The brahmins also have a practice of dressing up the figure of Sri Jeo in a costume appropriate to the occasion, to represent the principal deities, on the occurrence of the yearly festivals held in honor of each, which are termed the dillerent Bhues, or Phases, of the Thakur. Thus at the Ram Navami, the great image assumes the dress and character of Rama ; at the Jan- am Ashtami, that of Krishen ; at the Kali Puja, that of Kali ; when the Narsinha Avatar is celebrated, that of Narsinh ; when the Ram- an Avatar, that of the mighty dwarf. This wovild seem to evince some symptoms of a belief that in offering up worship to Jagannath, his votaries do not confine their adoration to any particular deity, but adore the whole host of Hindu heaven, or rather the spirit which animates them, whilst at other Khetrs the divinity of the place alone is worshipped. Mr. Paterson's hypothesis refers the worship now under consideration to the adoration of the mystical syllable. A, U, M, coalescing into Om, and is certainly the most ingenious and plausible that has been suggested, but goes far beyond the know- ledge or comprehension of the most learned and intellectual of the present day. All the explanation which the more intelligent brah- mins can or will afford on the subject, is, that they worship at Ja- gannath Bhagwan or the supreme sjiirit itself, and not any subor- dinate deity ; that the images are shapeless, because the Vedas have declared that the deity has no particular form ; and that they have received their present grotesque and hideous countenances, witii. the view to terrify men to be good. The same fancy which harf invested the Khetr of Jagannath with superior sanctity, is the cause, of course, of the unusual virtue ascribed to the Muhaprasad, or food cooked for the deity, and consecrated bj' being placed before images. The Khetr Mahatmya says, that Malia Ijukshuii herself preparer and tastes it. He who eats it is absolved from the four cardinal sins of the Hindu faith, viz. hilling a cow, killinc/ a braJniiin, drinkiiy spirits, and commiiiing adultery with the female of a Gum or spiritual pastor. So great is its virtue, that it cannot be polluted by the touch of the very lowest caste, and the leavings even of a dog ;'.re to be carefully taken up and used. The most tremendous and in- expiable of all crimes, is to handle and eat the JMahaprasad, without a proper feeling of reverence. "Without going into any profound speculation as to the origin, nature, and meaning of the worship ol' Jagannath, there is one cause 122 sufficiently obvious ^hy all sects should here unite in harmony in the performance of their religious ceremonies, viz. that the temple instead of being consecrated exclusively to some form of the deity Vishnu alone, is in fact occupied, in joint tenancy, by forms of three of the most revered divinities of the Hindu faith. Balbhadra or Baldeo, (Balarama,) the elder brother, -who is treated with the great- est respect, though not so popular as his black relation, is clearly identified with ]\Iahadeo, both by his white colour, and the figure of the serpent Shesha or Ananta* which forms a hood over the back part of his head ; and Subhadra is esteemed a form of Devi or Kali, the female energy of the above. The precedence is always given to the elder brother ; he has a rath or chariot of equal size with that of Jagannath, and altogether the veneration paid to him is quite sufficient to conciliate the votaries of Siva, who are the only violent or bigoted sectaries. All the idol deities are allowed to occupy niches or temples within the precincts of the great Pagoda, and are treated with so much respect, that the most obstinate sectary could not with any decency or consistency refuse to join in the ge- neral worship of the place. Juggernaut's temple thus becomes in effect a Pantheon of the Hindoo idols. The legend above quoted regarding the establishment of the wor- ship of Jagannath, does not provide for or explain the sacred deposit which popular belief, sanctioned by the brahmins, places in the belly of the image. Some conjecture it to be a hone of Krishna, but how it came there is not explained. As the image has been often remade of the wood of the Nim tree, it seems not improbable that it may be a relic of the wood of the old original idol which is thus preserved. Col. Phipps who was stationed at Juggernaut in 1822, in his account of Juggernaut's Temple {see Mis. Register Dec. 1824,) thus describes the formation of a new Idol. " When two new moons occur in Assur (part of June and July,) which is said to happen, about once in seventeen years, a new idol is always made, a Nim tree is sought for in the forests on which no crow or carrion bird was ever perched ! it is known to the initiated by certain signs. This is prepared into a proper form by common carpenters, and is then intrusted to certain priests who are protected from all intrusion : the process is a great mystery. One man is selected to take out of the idol a small box containing the spirit, which is conveyed inside the new ; the man who does this is always removed from this world before the end of the year .'" • Both these words in Wilson's Sancrit Dictionary are explained to mean a serpent and a name of Baladeva. 123 The memory of Raja Indradyumna is iierpetuated by a superb tank which bears his name. Either the author of the Ayin Acberi, or his translator, has confounded things together, in calling him Raja Indra Dummun or Nilkurpurbut (Nilgiri Parvat,) instead of stating that he visited the sand hills at Puri called by that name in the Hindu writings. The assertion also of Abulfazl that the image of Jagannath is made of sandal wood, is founded apparently on some confusion between the material appropriated to that purpose, and a bar of timber used for closing the entrance of the temple during the Chandan Jatra, thence called the Chandan Daru or sandal wood. The monstrous idols of the place may be seen daily, with few exceptions, seated on their Sinhasan, or throne, within the sanc- tuary ; but they are publicly exposed to view on two occasions only in the year, the Asnan and the Rath Jatras. At the Asnan or festival of the bath, Jagannath and his brother, after undergoing certain ablutions, assume what is called the Ganesh Bhues or form of the elephant-headed god, to represent which the images are dres- sed up with an appropriate mask. Thus arrayed they are placed on a high terrace overlooking the outer wall of the temple, sur- rounded by crowds of priests who fan them to drive away the flies, whilst the multitude below gaze in stupid admiration. At the Rath Jatra, the images, as is well known, are indulged with an airing on their cars and a visit to the god's country house, a mile and a half distant, named the Goondicha Nour, after the Rani of Maharaja Indradyumna who founded the worship. The display which takes place on this occasion has often before been described, but some brief notice of it will naturally be expected. On the appointed day, after various prayers and ceremonies have been preformed within the temple, the four images are brought from their throne to the outside of the Lion gate — not with decency and reverence, seated on a litter or vehicle adapted to such an oc- casion — but, a common cord being fastened round their necks, certain priests to whom the duty appertains, drag them down the steps and through the mud, whilst others keep the figures erect and help their movements by shoving them from behind, in the most indifferent and unceremonious manner, as if they thought the whole business a good joke ! In this way the monstrous idols go rocking and pitch- ing along through the crowd, until they reach the cars, which they are made to ascend by a simular process up an inclined platform reaching from the stage of the machine to the ground. On the other hand, a powerful sentiment of religious enthusiasm pervades 124 the admiring multitude of pilgrims assembled without, when the imao-es first make their appearance through the gate. They wel- come them with the loudest shouts of joyful recognition and stun- ning cries of Jye Jaf/annaili, victory to Jagannath ; and when the monster Jagannath himself, the most hideous of all the figures, is dragged forth the last in order, the air is rent with plaudits and acclamations. These celebrated idols are nothing more than wood- en busts about six feet in height, fashioned into a rude i-esemblance of the human head resting on a sort of pedestal. They are painted white, yellow, and black respectively, with frightfully grim and distorted countenances, and are decorated with a head dress of diff- erent coloured clothes shaped something like a helmet. The two brothers have arms projecting horizontally forward from the ears I The sister is entirely devoid of even that approximation to the hu- man form. Their Raths* or cars have an imposing air from their size and loftiness, but every part of the ornament is of the most mean and paltry description, save only the covering of striped and spangled broad cloth furnished from the Export Warehouse of the British Government, the splendour and gorgeous effect of which compensate in a great measure for other deficiencies of decoration If After the images have been lodged in their vehicles, a box is brought forth containing the golden or gilded feet, hands, and ears of the great Idol, which are fixed on the proper parts with due ceremony, and a scarlet scarf is carefully arranged round the lower part of the body or pedestal. Thus equipped and decorated, it is worshipped with much pomp and state by the Raja of Khurda, who performs before it the ceremony of the Chandalo, or sweeping, with a richly ornamented broom. At about this period of the festival, bands of villagers enter the crowd dancing and shouting, with music playing before and behind, each cari^jing in his hand a branch of a tree. They are the inhabitants of the neighbouring Pergunnahs, Raheng, Limbai, &c. called Kalabetiahs, whose peculiar duty and privilege it is, conjointly with the inhabitants of Puri, to drag the Raths. On reaching the cars, they take their station close to them, and soon as the proper signal has been given, they set the example to the * Jagannath's Rath, called Nandi Ghos, measures forty-three and a half-feet high. It has sixteen wheels of six and a half feet diameter each and a platform thirty-four and a half feet square. The Rath of Bal- doo, called Thala Dhaj, is about forty-oue feet high and has foin-teen wheels. The Devior Subhadra Rath called Padma Dhaj is forty feet higli, the ])latform thirty-one square, and fourteen wheels of six and a half feet diameter. t This has ceased by the abolition of the Pilgrim Tax. 12^ multitudes assembled, by seizing; on the cables, when all advance forwards a few yards, hauling along generally two of the Raths at a time. The joy and shouts of the crowd on their first movement, the creaking sound of the wheels as these ponderous machines roll along, the clatter of hundreds of harsh sounding instruments, and the general appearance of so immense a moving mass of human beings, produce, it must be acknowledged, an impressive, astounding, and somewhat picturesque effect, whilst the novelty of the scene lasts;, though the contemplation cannot fail, to excite the strongest sensa- tions of pain and disffust in the mind of every Christian spectator. At each pause, the Dytahs or Charioteers of the god advance for- ward to a projecting part of the stage, .with wands in their hands, and throwing themselves into a variety of wild and frantic postures, address some fable or series of jokes to the multitude, who grunt a sort of response at the proper intervals. Often their speeches and actions are grossly and indescribably indecent and obscene ! The address generally closes with some peculiar piquant allusion, when the gratified mob raise a loud shout as the final response, and all rush forward with the cables. The progress made varies greatly according to the state of the roads, the care used in keeping the Raths in a proper direction, the zeal and number of the pilgrims, and the will of the priests, or as they say of the god, the former having some method of choking the wheels, and thereby preventing the movement of the cars, notwithstanding the utmost efforts of the credulous multitude to advance forward. Generally from two to three days are consumed in reaching the Gondicha Nour, where the images are taken out. Before even this period has elapsed, the curiosity and enthusiasm of the pilgrims have nearly evaporated, they steal off in numbers, and leave Sri Jeo to get back to the tem- ple as he may. Without indeed the aid of the villagers before de- scribed, and of the population of Puri who hold their ground free of rent on condition of performing this service to the deity, the Raths would now-a-days infallibly stick always at the Gondicha Nour. Eve7i the gods' own proper servants will not labour zealously and effectually without the interposition of authority. I imagine the ceremony would soon cease to be conducted on its present scale and footing, if the institution were left entirely to its fate and to its own resources, by the offcers of the British Government, Hamilton enumerates the festivals at the Temple. At Jugger- naut there are 13 annual festivals : viz. 126 1. Chandana A sweet-scented powder. 2. Snana The bathing festival. ;5. Rntli The car festival. 5. Bahura Ditto returning. ft. Shayana The lying down festival, G. Janma The birth festival. 7. Kojugara The waking festival. 8. Rasa The Rasa festival. 9. Urana.. The warm clothing festival. 10. Abhishaca The anointing festival. 11. Macura A sign of the zodiac festival. 12. Dola The swinging festival. 13. Rama Narami Rama's birth-day festival. Such Hindoos as perform this pilgrimage contrive to arrive at four particular times, when the swinging, the sweet scented, the bathing, and the car festivals take place ; but much the greater number at the swinging and car festivals : some go and return im- mediately, while others sojourn for two or three months. After the preliminary ceremonies are gone through and the fees paid, the pilgrim goes and looks at the image ; he next bathes in the sea, and then returning to the temple, purchases some rice which has been recently offered to Juggernauth, and with it performs the ob- sequies of his deceased ancestors. During his stay he attends, the daily solemnities, and makes offerings through the Brahmins of rice and other articles to Juggernauth. For payment the officiating priests supply him with food ready dressed, which is particularly nutritious, as having been first presented to Juggernauth, who eats (by proxy J 52 tiines each day !! The penitent also feasts the Brah- mins, and eats with all descriptions of pilgrims, of whatever caste. Various reasons are assigned, and stories told, all equally irration- al, to account for the singular exception of permitting an act to be done here, which performed anywhere else would render the indi- vidual a miserable outcast. All Hindoos eagerly accept whatever has been offered to an idol, hence it is common to observe flowers which have been so offered stuck in their hair, and the water which has been offered to Juggernauth is preserved and sipped occasion- ally as a cordial. The appellation of Juggernauth is merely one of the 1000 names of Vishnu, the preserving power, according to the Brahminical theology. The concourse of pilgrims to this temple is so immense, that at 50 miles distance its approach may be known by the quantity of human bones, which are strewed by the way. Some old persons come to die at Juggernauth, and others measure the distance by their length on the ground ; but besides these voluntary sufferings, 127 many endure great hardships botli when travelling, and while they reside here, from exposm-e to the weather, bad food and water, and other evils. Many perish by dysentry, and the surrounding country abounds with sculls and human bones ; but the vicinity of Juggernauth to the sea, and the arid nature of the soil, assist to prevent the contagion which would otherwise be generated. When this subject of their misplaced veneration is first perceived, the mul- titude of pilgrims shout aloud, and fall to the ground to worship it."* That excess of fanaticism, which formerly prompted the pilgrims to court death by throwing themselves in crowds under the wheels of the car of Jagannath, has happily long ceased to actuate the wor- shippers of the present day. During four years that I have wit- nessed the ceremony, three cases only of this revolting species of immolation have occurred, one of which I may observe is doubtful and should probably be ascribed to accident; in the other two in- stances the victims had long being suffering from severe excruciating complaints, and chose this method of ridding themselves of the burthen of life, in preference to other modes of suicide so prevalent with the lower orders under similar circumstances. The number of pilgrims resorting to Jagannath has I think been exaggerated, as well as the waste of human life occasioned thereby ; though doubt- less, in an unfavourable season, or when the festival occurs late, the proportion of deaths cavsed hy exposure to the inclemency of the weather, is very melancholy. The following is a statement of pilgrims of all classes who attended for the last five years at the three great festivals, procured from the most authentic sources, viz. 1817-18, Paying Tax 35,941, Exempt 39,720, Total 75,641 1818-19, 30,241, 4,870, „ 41,111 1819-29, 92,874, 39,000, „ 131,874 1820-21, 21,946, 11,500, „ 33,446 1821-22 35,160, 17,000, „ 52,160 The Khetr of Jagannath or Vishnu contains temples innumerable sacred to the worship of all the other principal deities, and some secondary ones rarely met with elsewhere, as the god Cuvera or Plutus, who has a curious antique looking temple amongst the sand hills on the coast. Shiva and his female energy are likewise fabled to reside constantly within its limits, in sixteen different • Hamilton's Hindostan, vol. 2. p. 53, 54. R 128 forms, eight male and eight females. Tlie male ones or Samhiins figured by images called Yameswara, Visveswara, Gopal Moclian, Markandeswara, Nilkantheswara, Trilochan, Bhuteswara, and Pa- taleswara ; the female figures or Chandis have the apellations of Mangala, Bimla, Sarvamangala, Kali, Dhatri, Karuakhya, Ardha Asti, and Bhawani. There is also a small Sikh* College amongst the sand hills, inhabited by three or four priests of that sect. The horrid practice of self-immolation of widows prevails less at Pooree than might perhaps have been expected, with reference to the general chai-acter of the place and the numerous families that resort there to pay their devotions, the average of Suttees not exceeding six per annum for the police division in which it is coraimzed. The concremation both of the dead and the living bodies takes jjlace on the sea shore, close to the civil station, at a spot impiously called the Swarga Dwara, or passage to heaven. There is this pe- culiarity in the rite of Suttee when performed here, that instead of ascending a pile, the infatuated widow lets herself down into a pit, at the bottom of which the dead body of the husband has been pre- viously jilaced, with lighted faggots above and beneath. The latest returns shew the whole number of victims who destroy themselves annually in the above revolting manner, to average from twenty to thirty for the entire district of Cuttack.f The Arka or Padam Khetr at Kanarak is distinguished by its containing the remains of the celebrated temple of the sun, called in our charts the black Pagoda, which is situated amongst the sand hills of the sea shore, near the site of the old village of Kanarak, eighteen miles north of Jagannath Puri. The Jagmohan or anti- chamber is the only part of the building which exists in tolerably * The Sikhs are so called from Shishy a disciple ; their founder was Nanuk, a Hindoo born in HG9, and at his deatli left 100,000 followers. He maintained the divine unity, that God dwells in the devout, and that this divine inhabitation renders tlie ascetic an object of reverence and even of worship. Their works advise the Sikhs to seek absorption in God, rather than tlie happiness enjoyed in inferior heavens, from whence the soul descends to enter on a succession of birtlis. As Ions as tlie soul is confined in the body, it is in chains, and whether the chains be of gold or iron, it is still a prisoner and enduring punishment. Nanuk taught — He who serves (jod, the fountain of all good, will ol)tain his blessing. God is served, by listening to his excellences, by meditating on them, and by celebrating tlieir praises, the method of which is to be obtained from a spiritual guide, wlio is above all gods, and who is in fact God himself. God has cieated innumerable worlds. The period of creation is not laid down in any writing ; it is known only to God. There are said to be a hundred Sildi Cliiefs possessing separate districts in the Punjab. — Ward's Vieic, vol. ii, p. i;}]. t Tiie Suttee was abolished by Regulation of the Bengal Government, Dec. 4th, 182y. 129 good preservation. The great tower has been shattered and thrown down by some extraordinary force, either of an earthquake or light- ning, and in its fall seems to have injured that side of the adjoining edifice which looks towards it. A small section however still re- mains standing, about one hundred and twenty feet in height, which viewed from a distance gives the ruin a singular appearance, some- thing resembling that of a ship under sail. The whole of the outer enclosures of the temple have long since disappeared, and nothing is left of tiie edifice called the Bhog INIandap but a heap of ruin, completely buried under a sand hill. The black Pagoda even in its present imperfect and dilapidated condition, presents a highly curious and beautiful specimen of the ancient Hindu temple architecture ; and as it has long been com- pletely deserted, we may here study at leisure and without inter- ruption, some of the most striking peculiarities of that style. The deity of the place is called by the vulgar Soorju Deo (Surya) and at full length, Chunder Soorju Birinji Narayan.* The origin of the worship of a divinity so little honored in India, generally speaking, is ascribed to Samba, the son of Krishna, who having been afflicted with leprosy, and banished from his father's Court at Dwarka, as a punishment for accidentally looking in upon the nymphs of the palace whilst sporting naked in the water, was cured at this spot by the Sun, to whose service he in gratitude raised a temple. The present edifice it is well known was built by Raja Langora Narsinh Deo, A. D. 1241, under the superintendence of his minister Shibai Sautra. I cannot discover any authority for the assertion of the author of the Ayin Acberi, that the entire revenue of twelve years was expended on the work, but doubtless * "Tlie Brahmins consider Smya, or tlie Sun, one of the greatest of the gods ; and he is at present worshipped daily by them, when flowers, water, &c., are offered, accompanied with incantations. On Sunday, at the rising of the sun, in any month, but especially in the month ul Magr.u (part of January and February,) a number of persons, clii'. fty wonun, perform the worship of Surya. Surya and tlie.other planets are fn quently worshipped, in order to procure health. This the liiiidoes call a sacrince to the nine planets, when flowers, rice, water, a burnt sacrifice, Src, are offered to each of these planets separately. The origin of obtainin.g relief from sickness (by worshi])ping the sun.) is ascribed to Shandju, the son ot Krishnu, who was directed in a dream to repeat, twice a-d.iy, the twenty- one names of Surya, then revealed to him. The persons \yho receive the name of Surya and adopt this god as llioir guardiaii deiiy, are called Souras : they never eat till tney have worshipped the stni, and wlu n tlie sun is eniirely covered with rlouds they fast. On a Sunday many Souras, as well as Hindoos belonging to other sccis, perform, in a more I'articular manner, the worship of this idol, and on this day some of them last. Surya has two wives Snvurna and Chaya (Shadow.) There are no tem- ples dedicated to him in Bengal." See Ward's View, vol. ii. pp. 42-6. 130 the cost was very serious compared with the state of the Raja's treasury. The natives of the neighbouring villages have a strange fable to account for its desertion. They relate that a Kumbha Pathar or loadstone, of immense size, was formerly lodged on the summit of the great tower, which had the eifect of drawing ashore all vessels passing near the coast. The inconvenience of this was so much felt, that about two centuries since, in the Mogul time, the crew of a ship landed at a distance and stealing down the coast, attacked the temple, scaled the tower, and carried off the load- stone. The priests alarmed at this violation of the sanctity of the place, removed the image of the god with all his paraphernalia to Puri, where they have ever since remained, and from that date the temple became deserted and went rapidly to ruin. As above inti- mated, the origin of its dilapidation may obviously be ascribed either to an earthquake or to lightning, but many causes have con- curred to accelerate the progress of destruction, when once a begin- ning had been made. To say nothing of the effects of weather on a deserted building, and of the vegetation that always takes root under such circumstances, it is clear that much injury has been done by the inhabitants of the neighbourhood, in forcing out the iron clamps which held the stones together, for the sake of the metal ; and it is well known that the officers of the Marhatta go- vernment actually beat down a part of the walls, to procure mate- rials for building some insignificant temples at Puri. Abulfazl's quaint, but lively and picturesque, description of the temple of the Sun, is of course familiar to those who have perused the Ayin Acberi with attention. Although however it aff'ords a good general idea of the character of the building, it is strangely inaccurate in respect to measurements, no less than in the descrip- tion of the emblems and ornaments which embellish it. Without noticing its several errors in detail, I shall first insert the description above alluded to, and then offer an account of the place as it appears to the visitor in the nineteenth century. The author of the Ayin Acheri observes, (vide Gladwin's trans- lation,) " Near to Jagannath is the temple of the sun, in the erecting of which, was expended the whole revenue of Orissa for twelve years. No one can behold this immense edifice without being struck with amazement. The wall which surrounds the whole is one hundred and fifty cubits high and nineteen cubits thick. There are three entrances to it. At the eastern gate there are two very fine figures of elephants, each with a man upon his trunk. To the west are two surprizing figures of horsemen completely armed, and 131 over the northern gate are carved two lions who having killed two elephants, are sitting upon them. In the front of the gate is a pillar of black stone of an octagonal form fifty cubits high. Tliere are nine flights of steps, after ascending which, you come into an enclosure where you discover a large dome constr\xcted of stone, up- on which are carved the sun and stars, and round them is a border where are represented a variety of human figures, expressing the different passions of the mind, some kneeling, others prostrated with their faces upon the earth, together with minstrels, and a number of strange and wonderful animals, such as never existed but in imagination. This is said to be a work of 730 years atiqui- ty. Raja Nursinh Deo finished this building, thereby erecting for himself a lasting monument of fame. There are twenty-eight other temples belonging to this pagoda, six before the northern gate, and twenty-two without the enclosure, and they are all reported to have performed miracles." The wall which formed the outer enclosure may have measured about two hundred and fifty yards on a side ; within this was a second enclosure having three entrances called the Aswa or horse, the Hasti or elephant, and the Sinlia or Lion gate, from the colossal figures of those animals, which surmounted the several side posts. The horses and elephants on the north and south, have long since been precipitated from their bases, but the lions, or rather griftins, still retain the attitude and position assigned to them by Abulfazl, except that they are standing, instead of sitting, on the bodies of elephants, and have one paw lifted in the act of striking. Fronting the Sinh gate, stood the beautiful polygonal column, formed of a single shaft of black basalt, which is now placed at the entrance of the Puri temple. It supported, at that time, the appropriate em- blem of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun, which has since given place to Hanuman, and measures about thirty-three feet in height, instead of fifty cubits. From the eastern gate of the inner enclosure, a flight of ruined steps leads to the only tolerably perfect part of the building now remaining, called the Jagmohan, or Antichamber of the Sanctuary. No one, certainly, can behold the massive beams of iron and the prodigious blocks of stone used in the construction of this edifice, without being struck with amazement. The ground plan is a square, measuring sixty feet on a side, or, if we take in the four projecting doorways, it should rather be called a cross. The walls rise to a height of sixty feet, and have in some parts the unusual thickness of twenty feet. They support a noble and curiously 132 constructed pyramidal roof, the stones comprizing which overhang each other, in the manner of inverted stairs, until they approach near enough towards the summit to support iron beams laid across, on which rests a prodigious mass of solid masonry, forming the head-piece or crowning ornament. The slope measures about sev- enty-two feet, and perpendicular height, sixty-three or sixty-four. The total altitude of the building, fi'om the floor to the summit, is about one hundred feet or a little more. The outside of the roof is divided into three tiers of steps, formed by slabs projecting curi- ously from the body of the building, which are all bordered with u very fine pattern of elephants, birds, and various figures executed with considerable skill and spirit. Each of the terraces between the tiers, is decorated with statues, placed at intervals, nearly as large as life. One of the two lower ones, are figures of nymphs and heavenly choristers, dancing and playing upon sundry instru- ments, but with countenances expressing very little passion or feel- ing of any kind. The third story has the usual mythological ani- mals, more nearly resembling lions than any thing else, which sup- port on their shoulders the outer rim of the huge turban-shape ornament on the top ; besides these, there is a four-headed statute over each of the door-ways, the crowns and sceptres of which, mark them as intended to represent the majesty of Brahma. Each face of the Jagmohan has a fine rectangular door-way, with a porch projecting considerably beyond and lined with superb slabs of the grey indurated chlorite, many of which measure fif- teen feet high by a breadtli of six or eight feet. The architrave of the door-way, as well as the roof of the passage leading to the inte- rior, and an enormous mass of masonry resting upon it, are sup- ported by nine iron beams, nearly a foot square by twelve or eigh- teen long, which are laid across the side ways in the most rude and inartificial manner. The whole fabric is held together by clamps of the same metal, and there is no appearance of any cement having been used. If the style of the black Pagoda betrays, in the rude and clumsy expedients apparent in its construction, a primitive state of some of the arts, and a deficiency of architectural skill, at the period of its erection, one cannot but wonder at the case with which the archi- tects seem to have wielded and managed the cumbersome masses of iron and stone, used for the works, in an age when so little aid w^s to be derived from any mechanical inventions ; and it must be al- lowed that there is an air of elegance, combined with massiveness, 133 in tlie whole structure, wluch entitles it to no small sliare of fidnii- mtion. There is much, however, about this remarkahle building, which it is difficult either to describe or comprehend. The interior is filled, to a height of several feet, with large blocks of stone, which seem to have fallen from above, and what purpose they answered, in their former situation, is a matter of great doubt and discussion. Amongst the heap are to be seen, two iron beams, measuring twenty one feet in length by about 'eight inches square, absolutely crushed beneath a superincumbent mass of stone, many of the blocks com- posing which, measure fifteen and sixteen feet in length, by about six feet of depth and two or three in thickness. It seems probable that they formed part of an inner or false roof, but neither is it easy to assign any precise place for such a ceiling, nor can one divine the motive or object of elevating such prodigious blocks of stone to a great height in the building, when lighter materials would have been so much better adapted to the w^ork. The exterior of the side walls, as of the roof, is loaded with a pro- fusion of the richest sculptured ornaments. A remarkably hand- some cornice or border occupies the upper part, all round, for a depth of several feet. Below this, the surface is divided by another fine cornice, into two tiers of compartments, parted off into inches by clusters of pilasters, in each of which are placed figures of men and animals, resting on pedestals with a sort of canopy overhead. The human figures are generally male and female, in the most lewd and obscene attitudes, **«***» Amongst the animals, the most common representation is that of a lion rampant treading on an elephant or a prostrate human figure. Generally speaking, the style and execution of the larger figures, are rude and coarse, whilst the smaller ones display often much beauty and grace; but it should be observed that the whole have suffered materially, from the corrosion or decomposition of the stone, of which tlie building is chiefly composed, viz. the coarse red granite of the pro- vince, which is singularly liable to decay, from exposure to the weather. The skill and labor of the best artists, seems to have been reserved for the finely polished slabs of chlorite, which line and decorate the outer faces of the door- ways. The whole of the sculpture on these figures, comprizing men and animals, foliage, and arabesque pat- terns, is executed with a degree of taste, propriety, and freedom, which would stand a comparison with some of our best specimens of Gothic architectural ornament. The workmanship remains, too. 134 as perfect, as if it had just come from under the chissel of the sculp- tor, owing to the extreme hardness and durability of the stone. A triangular niche, over each door-way, was once filled with a figure cut in alto relievo, emblematic of the deity of the place, being that of a youth in a sitting posture, holding in each hand a stalk of the true Lotus or Nelumbium speeiosum, the expanded flowers of which are turned towards him. Each architrave has, as usual, the Nava Graha, or nine brahminical planets, very finely sculptured in alto relievo. Five of them are well proportioned figures of men, with mild and pleasing countenances, crowned with high pointed caps and seated cross-legged on the Padma (Nelumbium speeiosum), engaged in religious meditation — one hand bears a vessel of water, and the fingers of the other are counting over the beads of a rosary, which hangs suspended. The form of the planet which presides over Thursday, (Vrihaspati or Jupiter,) is distinguished from the others by a flowing majestic beard. Friday, or Venus, is a youth- ful female, with a plump well rounded figure. Ketu, the descend- ing node, is a triton whose body ends in the tail of a fish or drag- on ; and Rahu, or the ascending node, a monster, all head and shoulders, with a grinning grotesque countenance, frizly hair dres- sed like a full blown wig, and one immense canine tooth projecting from the upper jaw ; in one hand he holds a hatchet, and in the other a fragment of the moon. These are doubtless the " sun and stars" mentioned by the author of the Ayin Acberi. Why they occupy, so uniformly, a position over the door-way of every temple in Orissa, sacred to whatever deity, I have never been able to learn. The walls of the interior are, as usual with Hindu temples, en- tirely plain and devoid of ornament ; but each of the projecting steps in the square pyramidal roof, has been curiously rounded, and formed into a sort of cornice, which gives a slight finish to that part of the building. From the fragment remaining of the great tower, it would seem to have been covered with rich and varied sculptured ornament, in the style of the Bhubaneswar temple. Like all edifices of the kind, too, it had evidently an inner false roof, of pyi-amidal shape, formed of the inverted stairs used by the old architects of the province, as a substitute for the arch. The Rev. A. Sutton thus describes this Pagoda. "I set off to the Black Pagoda about half a coss distant, where I expected to meet with a great many people, and get a sight of this ancient monument of idolatry, and was not disappointed, except in having 135 my expectations far exceeded. There was a very large assembly of people sitting round about the temple, and quite at liberty. This is by far the best spot for missionary purposes, and would amply repay the trouble of an excursion another year. I preached to the people in different places, and distributed the remainder of my books to very eager applicants. I had entertained the mistaken idt-a that Hindooism originally was comparatively a pure system to wliat we see it in our day ; and if any one entertains the same opinion, I would recommend them to visit the Black Pagoda on the Orissa coast. Here is one of the oldest temples in India, so old, that no account can be given of its origin or antiquity ; the natives believe, and told me repeatedly, it was the work of the gods. It is very magnificent in many respects. The carving in stone and marble work, is laboured and various to an astonishing extent ; but this sJcill and cost is principally bestoivcd on jicjures the most heastlif that can he conceived, and altogether, presents a tnass of ohsceniti/ which beggars all description ! The temple is now little better than a heap of ruins. The Idol, they told me, was stolen away, and it is now at liberty for any one's minutest inspection. On my entering it, the stench was extremely disagreeable, occasioned by the swarms of bats, bears, and other noxious creatures, which had taken up their abode in the holy place. It must have been a noble .gilding once. The stones of which the interior is built are many of them of an immense size, and excited my wonder and admira- tion how the Hindoos could have managed them. I measured one on which I stood, that lay clear of the heap, and on my return home found it to be twelve feet long, and nearly the same in girth. This stone had fallen with the inner roof or dome, and I have no reason •whatever to suppose it one of the largest. The Temple however served me for a very difTerent p\n-pose to that for which it was originally intended ; for, as there were many people inside looking about, our conversation led me to discourse at some lengtli on the universal destruction of Idolatry, and the spread of the glorious soul-restoring gospel of the Son of God, They listened with at- tention, and seemed to think I spoke the truth. I was afterwards struck at the idea of making a preaching-house of an Idol's temple. Before I left I clambered nearly to the top of this mass of obscenity. One of the beastly representations over which I crawled, and which had fallen down, was large as life, and there were many others like it." 186 The Birjai or Parbati khetr, comprizes the countr}' which stretches for five cos around the village of Jajipur (Yajyapura) on the banks of the Bytarini, as a centre. The sanctity of the place is, as usual, founded on a variety of ffinciful notions and v/ild traditions, wliich it v/ould be tedious to detail at any length. In the first place, its name, the " City of Sacrifice," is derived from the circumstance of Brahma having performed here, in ancient days, the great sacrifice called the Das Aswamed'h, at the ghat so called, to which all the gods and goddesses were invited. Amongst others, Gangaji was prevailed on to attend, and has since flowed through the district in the sacred form of the Bytarini, which, descending to the infernal regions by an opening near Jajipur, becomes there the Styx of the Hindu Tartarus.'^ At this same sacrifice, a particularly holy form of Durga, or Parvati, sprung up from the altar on which the burnt offering was laid, and adopted the title of Birja, whence the name of the khetr : from her, again, issued the eight Chandis, or repre- sentatives of the Sacti of IMahadeva ; and their appearance was followed by that of the eight Sambhus, or lords of the Linga, who with their dependent lingas, amounting in all to no less than a crore, are stationed at different points, over the whole khetr, to guard it from the intrusion of Asurs, Rakshases, and other malig- nant demons. The titles of the female energies above noticed, are Koth Vasini, Sidaheswari, Nibakhi, Uttareswari, Bhagavati, Kotavi, and Bhimaki ; those of the males, Trilochana, Someswara, Trilo- keswara, Pranaveswara, Isaneswara, Akandeswai-a, Agniswara, and Siddhiswara, which the learned reader may compare with the epithets of the same divinities who protect and sanctify the Bishen Khetr. Besides the afore-mentioned claims to veneration, Jajipur is far- ther esteemed, from its being supposed to rest on the navel of the tremendous giant or demon, called (he Gaya Asur, who was over- thrown by Vishnu. Such was his hulk, that, when stretched on the ground, his head rested at Gayn,f his navel (nabhi) at this place, and his feet at a spot near Piajamendri. There is a very * "The dead in soiiiir to the jnd.ujinon), hall of Yuniu or death, cross the B3'tunnioc, the India Stj'x, the waters of which like those of Pblegethon, the fourth river of hell, which the dead were obliged to cross, are said to be boiliiif!: hot. Tliis vivor encircled the infernal regions nine times. By- turinice encircles this hall six times." t This is the modern capital of Bchar. It is situated in Lat. 2Io 49' N. Long. S5o E, 55 miles south of Patna, a celebrated place of Pilgrimage, to release the souls of the dead out of purgatory. The Pdgrim Tax was abolished here April IbJlU. 137 sacred well or pit within the enclosure of one of the Jajipur temples, called the Gaya Nabhi or Bamphi, which is fabled to reach to tlie navel of the monster, and into it the Hindu pilgrims throw the Pin- da, or cake of rice or sweetmeats, which is offered, at particular conjunctions, as an expiation for the sins of their ancestors. The priests and inhabitants of Jajipur insist, that in 1821, a sudden rise of water took place in the well, which forced up the accumulated mass of sour rice cakes that had been there fermenting for months or years, and deluged the whole area of the temple with filth. The occurrence was regarded both as a miracle, and as the fore- runner of some great calamity. The numerous stone temples on both sides of the Bytarini river executed mostly in a very respectable style of architecture, bespeak the ancient importance of the place ; and history informs us that it was formerly one of the capitals of the Orissan monarchy. The Rajas of the Kesari dynasty held here their Court occasionally, as well as those of the Ganga Vansa line, and the remains of their palace, at present an undefinable heap of ruin, are still shewn. The Musselman writers seem sometimes to mention Jajipur as a separate principality, in the time of the Ganga Bans Rajas, but I can dis- cover no ground whatever for such a territorial division. Moham- med Taki Klian, the Deputy of Shujaa Khan Nazir of Bengal, held his Court at Jajipur, and built a fine palace and mosque on the banks of the Byterini, early in the last century, out of the materials of some dilapidated Hindu temple, the sculptured orna- ments of which may be still observed in many parts of the walls. His palace, again, has been in great part destroyed by the officers of the present government, to obtain materials for the construction of public works in the neighbourhood. The environs of Jajipur, present much to interest the curious, in its temples, khambas or columns in various styles, and fine remains of statuary. On one of the pillars, an inscription has been discovex-ed, which is said to be of the same character exactly as that on the brow of the Khan- digiri cavern of Khurda. The most eminently curious objects of the place however, are, the images of certain Hindu goddesses, carved in stone, which I shall now more particularly describe. At the back of a high terrace supporting the cejiotujjli of Syyed Bokhari, a Musselman saint, three colossal statues of the Hindu divinities, are shewn. They lie with their heels upi)ermost, on a heap of rubbish, in precisely the same position apparently that they assumed, when tumbled from their thrones above, by the Mussel- man conquerors of the province, who destroyed a celcbiated temple 138 at the spot, and further desecrated it, by erecting on its ruins a shrine and mosque of their own worship. The images are cut in alto relievo, out of enormous blocks of the indurated Mugni, or chlorite slate rock, and measure about ten feet in length. They represent Kali, Varahi the wife of the Boar Avatar, and Indrani the lady of Indra ; and though the subjects are grotesque, the execution is distinguished by a degree of freedom, skill and propriety, quite unusual in the works of Hindu sculptors. The first is a disgusting, but faithful, representation of a ghastly figure, nearly a skeleton, with many of the muscles and arteries exposed to view, invested with the distinguishing marks and attributes of the goddess Kali. She is seated on a car, or vahana, supported by a kneeling diminu- tive figure of Mahadeva. The second has a boar's head, and a huge pot belly, like that of Ganesa, and rests on a buffalo. The third is a well proportioned female figure, seated on an elephant, the animal consecrated by the Hindu Mythology to Indra, the lord of the Debtas On the banks of the river, we meet with a sort of raised gallery, filled with mythological sculptures, amongst which seven large co- lossal figures of the female divinities called the Matris, are parti- cularly remarkable. They are said to have been recovered, lately, out of the sand of the river^whcre they were tossed by the Moguls on their shrines being destroyed — by a mahajan of Cuttack, who built the edifice in which they are now deposited. They differ little in style and dimensions, from those above described, but appear to be cut out of blocks of basalt, or greenstone, instead of chlorite shist. They arc styled respectively, Kali, Indrani, Cau- mari, Rudrani, Varahiiii, Vaishnavi, and Yama Matri. The figure of Kali is sculptured in a very spirited manner; she is represented with an axe in one hand, and a cup full of blood in the other, dancing in an infuriated attitude, after the destruction of the giant Rakta Vija, and trampling unconsciously on her husband Mahadeo, who, as the fable runs, had thrown himself at her feet, to solicit her to desist from those violent movements, which were shaking the whole world. That of Jam Matri, the "mother of Yama," is also a very striking and remarkable piece of sculi)turc. Her form is that of a hideous decrepid old woman, seated on a pedestal, quite naked, with a countenance alike expressive of extreme age, and that sourness of disposition which has rendered her proverbial as a scold. There are likewise fine representations in this mythological gallery, of the Narasinha Avatar, and the Giant Ravana, with his hundred hauh and arms. 139 Under the head of Cicil Architecture, I shall, in conclusion, mention the Bridges of Orissa, which are certainly the most credit- able, though not the most magnificent, monuments remaining of its indigenous princes. Many of these works are to be found in differ- ent parts of the province, still in excellent state of preservation. The principal bridges which I have seen, are, that between Sim- leah and Soro, of fourteen nalehs or channels : the Athareh or eighteen naleh bridge, at Puri ; the Char naleh, in the same neigh- bourhood ; the bridge at Dclang, and another over the Dya, be- tween Kiiurda and Pipley. They are generally termed indifferently by foreigners, Mogul and Marhatta bridges ; but the latter race during their unsettled and disturbed government in Cuttack, cer- tainly never constructed works of so useful and durable a cliaracter; and besides the fact that the history of some of the principal ones is well known, it is quite obvious from a consideration of their style and architectural ornaments, that they are of pure Hindu origin, and belong to an age ignorant of the use of the arch. A sliort de- scription of the Athareh naleh bridge at Puri, will serve, to illustrate sufiiciently this part of the subject. It was built of a ferruginous colored stone, probably the iron clay, early in the fourteenth cen- tury, by Raja Kabir Narsinh Deo, the successor of Langora Narsinh Deo who completed the black Pagoda. The Hindus, being ignorant how to turn an arch, substituted in lieu of it the method, often ad- verted to above, of laying horizontal tiers of stones on the piers, the one projecting slightly beyond the other in the manner of in- verted stairs, until they approach near enough at top, to stistain a key stone or cross beam; a feature so remarkable in Hindu archi- tecture, that it seems strange it should not have been liilherto par- ticularly noticed, in any description of the antiquities of the country. The bridge has eighteen nalehs or passages for the water, each roofed in the way described. Its total length is 2 during the 17th century,* an active, numerous hody of Christians. They were orthodox in sentiment, and fervent in piety, but unliappily the doc- trine of Socinianism cre])t into their churches, and while it ate out the vital spirit of Christianity, thinned their members, and spread a general torpor over the whole body. At length the indefatigable Dan Taylor, was raised up among them, and fanned the dying embers of piety into a flame. His spirit v/as grieved at the desolation of the churches; he wrote, and tra- velled, and preached and pi-ayed in behalf of the pure doctrines of the gospel. He succeeded in many instances, in confirming the wavering in the fun- damental truths of the Bible ; he gathered around him a band of brethren of similar feelings with himself ; they grew bold in defence of thi! faith oncedelivered t^ the saints; they o])posed the deadening influence of Soci- nianism, and when they could do no more in reforming the body, they separated and formed themselves into a distinct society uuder the name of " T//e A^civ Conned'iou of General Baptists." This important measure was effected A. D. 1770, and from that time the New Connexion has grad- ually increased in numbers and influence, while the old Gtueral Baptists have continued to sink into comparative insignificance. Th.e rise of tlsc Particular Baptist Mission in 1792 spread a new infiuerice tlu-ough the churches ; a higher tone of l>iety was excited ; a more active ^jrineiple of benevolence warmed the h.earts of British Christians, and zeal for the salvation of the world was called into exercise, which had lain dormant throiigh many preceding generations. The New Connexion of General Baptists partook of this revival of Primitive Christianity, though f;>r some years they supposed themselves too few in nmnber, and too limited in their resources to do any thing for missions, more than throw their mite into the treasury of existing societies. At lengtii providence raised up the Rev. J. G. Pike to advocate tlie cause of missions among the General Baptists. His whole soul was called forth in behalf of the perishing nations of idolaters. He pleaded their cause with such affecting importunity, and such invincible ardour, that opposition was silenced; ditHculties vanished ; friends were encouraged ; and the resolution to atten.ipt to do something among the heathen was formed at the Annual Association of the New Connexion, in A. D. ISIO. In turning over the pages of civil history, we cannot helj) reflecting that the mightiest nations arose from small beginnings, and that some of theinost famous heroes were once obscure and perhaps despised individuals. This remark is not intended to convey an idea that the Inunble memorial 111)011 which we are now entering will yield to a more importp.nt history of mightier achievements performed by the little society to which it relates, (though in one view this will most assiu'cdly be the case,) but it may in- diice a salutary application of the question " Who hath despi.sed the day of small things?" and justify the attempt at preserving an account of the efforts of a body of Christians engaged in attacking one oi" the strongest holds of the prince of darkness ; and which under Providence extracted the first stones from the foundation of that " migl)ty pagoda" which after ages are destined to see crumbling into dust. Juggernaut, the (jrcat, the obsceiie, the hloodij Jnyijcrnant, must fa//; long, ])erhaps, will be the struggle and fierce the conflict, but he must fall ; and the place which knows him now will know him no more for ever. The Prophets and Apostles who foretold the triumphs of the gospel, and the blessings of Immanuel's reign, looked through many a bitter per- secution, and beyond successive ages of pagan darkness. They saw in * For an account of the Old and New Connexions of the General Bap- tist Denomination, see Manas.-ycf/yn Prize E;'c.ay, p. ;>3-44. 14-7 their prophetic vision the long nii^ht of antichrist, and the extended sway of the iron licartcd man of Mecca ; but we have passed tliose direful scenes ; we anticijjate no such obstructions to the s])read of liglit and trutli, we believe that the last struggle of exi)iring Idolatrj'has connnenced, and that the first kindlings of tbc glorious day of universal bliss have already dawn- ed to be obscured no r.iore. Or if a passing cloud shall for a moment spread the gloom of night over our hopes and prospects, it will soon pass away, and the full orbed glories of the Sun of llighteousuess, appear to diffuse eternal light, and life, and joy.'"* The formation of the ^lission, destined, it is Imnihly trusted, to undermine the Idolatry of Juggernaut, and to blot out its atrocities for evei', vi'as an event of great importance in the church of Christ. " A thought (says Dr. Cox, in his Ilistori/ of the Baptist Mission- ary Society,) arises in the mind of an individual. There it works secretly for a time, till it'irresistibly demands expression. Theii it calls into exercise the sympathies of other minds, till, attaching it- self to kindred elements around, it moulds into form, and stimulates into activity a series of efforts. These issue in the salvation of in- numerable souls, and by the various combinations of christian benevolence, send down an ever augmenting influence to distant ages. Some of the greatest events, both of secular and ecclesiasti- cal history, have been connected with circumstances apparently the most insignificant, or with men the most obscure and unpretending, that "the excellency of the power may be of God and not of man." The first publication of the Baptist TJissionary Society commences with the observation ; — " The origin of the Society will be ft)und in the workings of our Brother Carey's mind, which has been directed to this object for the last nine or ten years, with very little inter- mission. His heart appears to have been set upon the conversion of the heathen, before he came to reside at Moulton in 178G." — As the Particular Baptist Mission originated with the venerable Carey, so the General Baptist Missitni must be traced to the deep and anxious solicitude for the heathen of its Secretary, the Rev. J. G. Pike, of Derby, the author of so many valuable works on practical divinity. His name first appears in the Minutes of the General Baptist Association in 1809, as residing at Mr. Dan Taylor's, in London, or addressed at his residence. The following account of the rise of the Society, is extracted from " The Committee Book," and is in Mr. Pike's handwriting. "This Society arose in 181G. Some members of the New Connection of General Baptists had long felt a desire to see a Society for the propagation of the gospel among the heathen, established by the cliurclies of the Connection. The • Sutton'a Narrative oi the Mission to Orisaa, 1833, Iniio. p. 6-8. 148 writer of these lines has little acquaintance, from personal observa- tion with what passed in the body previously to 1809, but thinks that he has seen a statement that a case respecting a Foreign ISIission was sent from Castle Donington, to a Conference or Association before that time. If this wei'e the case no visible effects appear to have followed. In 1809 an anonymous letter on the subject was read at the Association at Quorndon, Leicestershire. This letter ap23eared to excite some attention ; Mr. Freeston spoke of it in terms of high commendation ; and Mr. B. Pollard, observed that he could almost have sold the coat from his back for the missionary cause, or to that effect. This letter was printed in the General Baptist Repository, No. 17. In 1813, a question to the following effect was presented as from the Church at Friar Lane, Leicester, to the Conference at Derby, — " Ought not the General Baptists to exert themselves as much as they can, in establishing, though on ever so small a scale, a Mission of their own ?" It is believed that the question was brought forward by the desire of an intimate acquaint- ance of the Minister; and in 1813 two letters apjjeared in the Repository on the importance of a Mission to the heathen. About 1812 the present Secretary of the Society applied to Mr. Fuller, the venerated Secretary of the Baptist Missionary Society, to know if their Society would employ as a Missionary a person who might be a member of a General Baptist Church. His answer amounted to a negative. In 1814 or 15, Mr. Fuller was again inquired of respecting the formation of an auxiliary Baptist ]\Iissionary Society, which should include both the bodies of the Baptist Denomination. It was thought this might be supported by the Churches of the former description, and being a mere auxiliary would not interfere with the management of the Baptist Missions. His answer to this proposition v/as decidedly unfavourable. It now remained for the friends of the heathen among the General Baptists, to see a little done among themselves for the support of the Missionary cause as carried on by others, or to make a fresh attempt to form a Mission- ary Society in their own Connection. In the early part of 1816, another letter* appeared in the Repository, calling for the establish- ment of such a Society. This letter appears to have had some effect. The subject was taken up by the Lincolnshire Conference. This letter appears to have been read at a Church meeting in Stoney Street, Nottingham, and a case from the Church was presented to a full Conference at Wimeswould, June 4, 1810, requesting the Con- • It is most probable that Mr. Pike was the writer of these letters. 149 ferencc to take into consideration the formation of a Foreign Mission. After some discussion, which gave an unusual interest to the meeting, it was resolved that the subject appeared to be of such importance, that the Conference recommended it to the serious consideration of the next Association. It was determined that a copy of the resolution should be sent to every Church previously to the Association. The subject was accordingly taken up by the Association at Boston ; and though the design met with some op- position, the result was favorable, and a resolution was passed re- commending the friends of the measure to form a Society imme- diately."* The writer was present at the discussion in the Association, and also his late valued colleague IVIr. Bampton, and great was their satisfaction, in unison with the feelings of every friend of the infant Society, at its auspicious commencement. The Minutes of 181G contain the Resolution which was unanimously adopted, that, "JVe highly approve of a General Baptist Foreign Mission, and heartily recommend it to the Friends of this measure immediately to form themselves into a Society for the prosecution of this im- portant object." This event took place at Boston, Lincolnshire, June 26, 1816. Mr. Pike, of Derby, was appointed Secretary, and Mr. R. Seals, of Nottingham, Treasurer. The names of forty brethren were nominated on the Committee for the ensuing year, "with power if needful to increase their number." An admirable Address, of which 5000 were printed, was prepared and circulated for the promotion of a missionary spirit. Two or three paragraphs cannot but deeply interest the reader. " It is one of the glorious distinctions of our divine religion that it pro- duces in the heart, which enjoys its saving power, a spirit of universal sympathy and benevolence. It will not let us live for ourselves alimo, but teaches us to toil and live for others, as those who were before us ni the clmrch of Christ toiled and lived for us. Christianity teaches us to connect in oiu- views eternity with time, and to ])ehold in every liinnan being a creature formed to live when smi and stars expire. It teaelies us that such is the capacity of the soul for sulIVring or delight, that the whole mass of temporal happiness orinisery, which a thousaml nations could en- dure through ten thousaiul times ten thousand years, is but like a droi) to the ocean, compared with the ha])i)iness or misery which every soul nmst enjoy or sulfer in the range of eternity," " Within a few years many Cin-istians of diflercnt denominations have been exerting themselves to si;read the knowledge of the holy n.anie of .lesus; and, God he praised ! they have not lahoured in yaiii. ne re- joice in their success, and would "imitate their example. This has long See also the Baptist .Tuhilee Memorial, pp. 79-80. 150 been the desire of several among ns wlio are the friends of missions. That desire spread furtlier and wider, till it led to the formation of a General Baptist Missionary Socicli/; whose object is the sjjread of the };'lorions Gospel of Christ among the heathen. The earliest business of this Society, it is conceived, must be the acquirement and diffusion of information on missionary subjects; tlie awakening the consciences of their fellow christ- ians to aid its exertions; and the placing of themselves in a position to act when the providence of God sliall call them into action : and it is for tliis infant institution that wc s;;licit Bui)port. When its object is considered, can any decline supporting it with all the talents and all the power they possess? An eloquent friend t)f the heathen world has justly said, " Tlie cause of IVIissions is one that will sanctify everj' churcli, every house, everj- bosom in which it has a friend. It is a cause stani])ed with the seal of heaven, dyed in the blood of Christ, and impressed with the characters of eternity. The connnaiul of Jesus gave it birtli; the providence of God has watched its growth ; the agonies of the cross insurk its success ; and the happiness of countless millions through eternal ages, is the end it has in view. " The rapidity with which men are hastening to the judgment bar. A clergyman now emidoyed Ity the Church Missionary Society in a public meeting, observed, " While Britain deliberates, the world is perishing. It has been calculated, that in every moment of time, the soul of one hu- man being passes into eternity. How awakening this reflection! I am bound to call every liuman being my neigldiour, my friend, and ni}' bro- ther. My Saviour has taught me to do so. A kindred soul to mine is at this moment departing — he is dying — he is dead ! ere I can give utterance to the thought, anotlier— aiul anotlicr— and anotlicr is no more. O could I call up the spirits of those who have dei)arted this life, since the present assembly began its meeting. Could they tell you the scenes that in the last few moments have burst uj)on their view : some perhaps unfolding a tale that would harrow uj) the soul ; others animating us by a ray of that joy, wliich eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive ; how gladly would I leave to tliem the plea- ding of this cause ! but they are dead — Still there are millions yet alive, and other generations yet unborn." The first Report of the Society presented to the Annual Meeting in June 1817, contains some striking observations well worthy of preservation and mature consideration. — "The oak which forms the pride of the stately forest, and whicli bears unmoved the storms of revolving centuries, creeps through the first years of its existence a feeble unnoticed plant ; while the gourd that has advanced to ma- turity in a night, has sunk to decay before the rays of one setting sun have shone upon it. The cloud that was repeatedly sought in vain, and which, when discovered, appeared small as a human hand, has afterward poured down its copious stores, and watered a nation with its fertilizing rains. If men do, the Lord doth not despise " the day of small things.'' — A missionary Society, it should be considered, resembles the stream that tends to the ocean; at first a rivulet that may be measured by a span, but wliich, increasing as it flows, swells till the insignificant brook expands into a mighty river ; and swelling still, before its course concludes, the river 151 becomes almost a sea. Thus, brethren, has it been with other Missionary Societies ; and let us hope that the little stream which last year sprung up at Boston, shall continue increasing as it flows, till some ages hence, when all who watched its rise are long forgot- ten, it shall, like a torrent, pour the waters of salvation through many a barren spot in the wide heathen wilderness." The Rev. W. Ward, of Scrampore, in his ^^ Farewell Leiters" refering to the Society, observes — " Your Missionary Society may not be so extended as to excite great public attention ; but a spirit of supplication may do more for you, than if your resources placed you at the head of all the Missionary Societies. I fear we do not perceive sufficiently, the immediate and inseparable connection be- tween divine agency and success in these efforts for the conversion of blind and infatuated heathens. " Prayer moves the hand that moves the world."* The arrival of the Rev. W. Ward in England, in May 1819, was an event of great interest to the Society. In his first letter to the Secretary, he wrote — " I am glad to hear you are going to engage in missionary work. If you will send a missionary to Bengal, I am sure he will be hospitably received at Serampore, and a place of labour recommended. The exact spot would be better selected after his amval. Any aid in the power of Serampore; — an asylum, advice, correspondence, &e., I am sure he may rely upon ; and so far as a brotherly concern for his welfare goes, he would be one of us." In a subsequent letter he said — " I shall be very glad of the company to India of one of your Missionaries, and would assist him on the voyage in Bengalee." The Committee received this as an ojiening in Providence highly favorable to the Society. The first candidates for missionary labours, whose names deserve honourable record, were Messrs. Slater and Glover, who offered themselves iu Sept. 1819. It was expected that Mr. Ward would return in the spring of 1820 ; and it was remarked that " the young men previ- ously engaged were not judged sufficiently matured in experience and literature to be so soon employed." Mr. Ward's visit to America, Holland, &c., &c., delayed his return till May 1821. It is one of the mysteries of providence, that those v-'ho are most ready to engage in the cause of God, are sometimes not employed, " the pm-pose firm being equal to the deed ;" and those who are rtiost * \\aYd'i3 Farewell Letters, 1321, pp. 310-12. u 152 diffident are pressed into the woik. Mr. Slater, visited France to do good ; and both he and his fellow student have long since rested from their laborers, finishing their course in their native land. Mr. Slater died in Aug. 1822. Mr. Bampton, then minister at Yar- mouth, in Norfolk, offered himself to the Committee, in a letter dated Jan. 11, 1820. A meeting w^as called, and "the offer unani- mously accepted." Not long after, the writer, then minister at Norwich, though with great diffidence, wrote the Committee — " This afternoon I have solemnly devoted myself to the service of God among the heathen." 7'he writer left Norwich in the April of that year, and continued at the Wisbeach Academy till a few weeks before the embarkation for India. Mr. Bampton also removed to Wisbeach, and subsequently studied medicine, surgery, &c., in London, which proved very useful to the jNlission. The Report of 1821, thus describes the ordination of the first Missionaries, at Loughborough and Wisbeach. These events were indeed, " a new thing in tlic land." " On May 15th, the ordination of Mr. Bampton took place at Long-li- borongh. The meetint,^ was one of a highly interesting and solemn dc- Bcription. Crowds of friends to the best of causes tloeked from the iieigh- bouring churclies, and some persons even from the distance of tlnrty or forty miles. Tlie cba])el lilled to excess, vv'as unable to receive all who scjught admittance, and a luimbcr were thus deprived of the pleasure wliich tliose enjoyed who v/cre happy enough to gain a place within its walls. The services were deeply impressive. Mr. Bampton with an innisual de- cree of firmness and,with much propriety, i-eplied to the questions proposed respecting his motives and principles. The congregation were tlien a.sked if thc-y would pledge tliemselves to support the mission and pray for tlio missionaries, and requested if they gave that pledge, to exin-ess it by holding up their hands. Such a show of hands v/as instantly presented as lias not been often seen. Never were so many raised at once before in our Conueetion ; and hand and heart seemed to go together. Before this scene the mission had many friends, now it has many who in the liouse of God, and in his solemn presence, have pledged themselves to be its pray- erful friends aud constant supporters. Surely tliis vow will not be forgot- ten ; the prayers of so many thus pledged to pray cannot be offered in vain. Mr. Smith offered an affectionate and earnest prayer, and Mr. Bampton was then set apart to the work ])y the iuiposition of the hands of tho brethren. Mr. Pickering delivered a charge full of important advice. In the afternoon, Mr. Ward called on all present to regard their morning pledge, by addressing them from the apostolic request, " l>rethren, pray lor us, that the v/ord of the Lord may have free course and be glorified." On the evening of this happy day, this day which may form a new era among our cluu-ches ; a missionary prayer-meeting was held. Collections were made at all the opportunities in aid of the sacred missionary cause, and though made merely at the gates of the burying ground, the amount exceeded £70. The spirit that prompted these liberal donations was the spirit of Christianity, which is not satisfied v/ith profes^^ions, but with the professions of the lips connects the prayers of the heart and the bounty of hands. 153 On tlie Thursday followins: Mr. Pop^ixs was sot apart at Wisbcacli, Aftet an introductory discourse I'rom Mr. jjissill, llic ordiuadon i)raycr was of- fered by Mr. 'J'lionias Ewcn, accompanied ])y tlie imposition of liands. Our esteemed friend who had I)een the Tutor of our Ixdoved brother, after- wards delivered a very instructive and appropriate rlian;e from Nehoni- ah's words, "lam doing- a j^rcat work, and I cannot come (h)wn." Tlic meetiuf^ was well attended — was a pleasino- and s(demn oi)portunity, and much tender solicitude for the comfort of the individuals engaging and for the success of the mission was apparent." In the very judicious Instructions to the Missionaries, presented in a written form, tlie following directions were giveti in reference to their future scene of labour. — "We caimot with propriety deci- sively fix on your future station, but suggest one or otlicr of the following, — Assam, tlie Punjab, Central Ilindostan, viz., the Country in the neigh])ourhood of Aurungabad, or one of the great Eastern Islands which may be as yet unoccupied. The first of these may probably be found the most eligible, the last the least advisable. When you reach Serampore consult the Missionaries there on the eligibility of the above stations, or if none of these should seem suitable, on any other that may appear eligible. Value their advice and treat it v.illi deference, yet you arc to consi- der it as advic{% and not as actual direction, but must endeavour to act as before God, seems most advisable to ynuv own minds." How important the decision to be formed — surely the angel of the Lord went before the lirethren, to seek out the lot of their inherit- ance, and to put them in possession of it. The jNIissionaries embarked at Gravesend, on board the Abberton, May 28th, in company with Mr. Ward, Mrs. Marshman and hct daughter and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Mack, jNliss Cook (afterwards Mrs. Wilson,) so valuable a benefactress to the females of India, and two youths named Feris, born in India. Three or four days were spent at Madeira, and after air agreeable voyage the vessel arrived at Madras Sept. 21th. It is not requisite to detail the events of the voyage, it may suffice to say, that the society of Mr. Ward and Mrs. Marshman, and their kind assistance in Indian studies, were very valuable to the missionary band. The vessel was detained at Madras ten or twelve days, and the missionary party arrived at Serampore Nov. 15th. It was the weekly mis- sionary breakfast and united prayer for the progress of the mission, and great was the pleasure with which the brethren and their wives were received by the missionaries Carey, Marshman, and Ward. After mature and prayerful consideration, in accordance with the advice of the Serampore brethren, it was determined to make 154 Orissa the scene of the society's operations. This decision arose from tlie unsettled state of Assam, the distance of the Punjab, the preparation of an improved edition of the New Testament in the Oreah language, the contiguity of Orissa to Bengal, &c. It was requisite that application should he made to the British government at Calcutta, for permission to proceed to Orissa and settle in the country. A previous application for two missionaries was unsuc- cessful on account of the imsettled state of the country ; but as peace was now restored, God gave his servants favour in the eyes of the Governor-General, the late Marquis of Hastings, and they were allowed to proceed to Cuttack the capital of Orissa. The writer remembers the pleasure which beamed in the countenance of Dr. Carey, when he first informed him of this important event. Did the Lord say of his people, as of the church of Philadelphia — *' I know thy works ; behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it : for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and has not denied my name." The missionaries in their Journal record, — "Jan. 22nd, 1822. Prayer-meeting for us at Serampore, as we were expected to go to Calcutta in the morning, and embark for Cuttack on board the Cyclops. Brethren Ward, Carey, and Marshman prayed very af- fectionately for us, and in the language of one of the hymns, showed, They wish'd us in His name. The most divine success. We have been pleased with the respect and gratitude of our old Oreah Pundit. The Lord give him the knowledge of that gospel, which in his own language, he makes known to others. Our minds are affected at leaving our kind friends ; but the God of our fathers who will be called " the God of the whole earth," will we trust be with us and help us." The brethren were well supplied with good seed for the new field which they were about to cultivate. It is stated in the Report — " Previously to their departure from Calcutta, they were provided with a considerable quantity of tracts and copies of the Scriptures for distribution. From Serampore, they received a thousand gos- pels and epistles in Oreah, and five hundred tracts. From Mr. Pearce, of Calcutta, six hundred tracts, in different languages, fur- nished by the Calcutta Baptist Tract Society, From Mr. Thoma- son, the Secretary of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, between seventy and eighty copies of the Scriptures in English, Bengalee, 155 Persian, ,iiul Ilindostance ; and from ]\Ir. Keith, from the Inde- pendent Tract Society, two thousand tracts in Bengalee, and in Bengalee and English. ' Thus,' Mr. Peggs ohscrves, ' We go forth bearing precious seed : may we return, bringing our sheaves with us.' " Agreeably with the wish of the missionaries, your Committee judged it proper to offer some remuneration to the kind friends wliosc liberality had provided them with these helps for immediate exertion, and voted a donation of £10. to the Independent brethren at Calcutta ; of £5. to the Baptist brethren in that city, and of £5. for the tracts furnished from the brethren at Serampore. — The Oreah gospels and epistles, and the copies of the Scriptures, were paid for either by the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, or from the funds of that magnificent Institution, the British and Foreign Bible Society." CHAP. II. Establishment of the Mission in Orissa. Arrival of the Missionaries in Orissa — Site of the Mission — Sketch of the extent and population, manners and customs of Orissa — View of the Idolatry of Juggernaut — Account of the Temple — establishment — festivals — pilgrimages — prostra- tion under the cars — mortality — British connexion with Idol- atry — Prevalence of Suttee — Churuck Poojah — Infanticide — human sacrifices — various austerities — neglect of the dying and the dead — moral and spiritual state of the people. The Brethren being encouraged, by the appearance and movement of " the pillar and cloud" in the direction of Orissa, engaged a country vessel named the Cyclops for 200 rupees, to take them and their luggage. They gratefully record — " We have received much kindness from different friends in Calcutta, through whom our store of provisions for the voyage has been increased. Mr. J. 156 Carey sent tis n ham from liis breakfast table, which with annthcf given us at Serampove, were very agreeable on the voyage. Mr. B. and I went on board the Abberton, and took onr leave of the sailors with prayer. When Ave returned, we weighed anchor, and thus were separated from our friends and brethren in this city." — There accompanied them into Orissa, as * a man of all work,' a native christian, named Abraham, born near Seringapatam, who had been baptized by ]3r. Marshman, a few weeks previously. He could speak several languages, and proved a very valuable acquisition to the mission for a number of 3'ears. Near the mouth of the river on the coast of Orissa, the vessel struck upon a sand bank, but provi- dentially sustained no serious injury ; and on Feb. 7th, they state - — " This morning on rising we found ourselves at anchor, about three miles from Patamoondy, the vessel not being able to proceed farther for want of water in the river." After much detention in disembarking their luggage, the distance to Cuttack the capital, about 50 miles, was travelled in native doolies constructed for the purpose, and they arrived Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1822; a day ever to be remembered in the history of the Orissa Mission. The pious christian often exclaims with the prophet — " O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." Jer. 10. 23. This is evident in refer- ence to the daily occurrences of life ; how much more so in that which concerns the eternal welfare of families, communities, and nations ! The missionaries w^ere directed — " With respect to your station, we beg you to consider it, a leading principle in directing your decision, that it shall be one, where the field for usefulness appears tvide, and as yet unoccupied by others. We wish you if practicable, to convey the gospel to some nation, for whom no man cares." Orissa fully realized these enlarged and benevolent views of christian philanthropy ; and succeeding years have shown the special guidance of Providence, in leading the first missionaries into this untrodden, benighted, and idolatrous land. The approbation of the selection, gratitude to God for his direction in so important a step, and particularly for the adoption of Juggernaut as a station, are well expressed in the Report of 182 1 ; — " It may be recollected by many, that when that distinguished friend of India, Buchanan, had witnessed the abominable Idolatries perpetrated at the temple of Juggernaut, he observed — ' From an eminence on the pleasant bank of the Chilka Lake, where no human bones are seen, I had a view of the lofty tower of Juggernaut far remote ; and while I viewed it, its abominations came to mind. Ruminating long on 157 the wide and extended empire of Moloch in the lieathen world, I chorishcd in my thoughts the design ol" some Christian Instiltilion, which heing fostered by Britain my christian country, might gradu- ally undermine this baneful Idolatry, and put out the memory of it for ever.' When the members of this society first read these observa- tions, little did they imagine, that ten years after the date of those remarks, a society would spring up among themselves, which should be so honoured, as to be allowed to fix the first Christian Mii^sionary beside the infamous temple whose Idolatries JJuchanau de])lored." The following extract from the speech of Col. Phlpps, at a pub- lic meeting in London, in May 1829, evidently refers to the com- mencement of the Orissa Mission. The interest of a child for the salvation of the heathen is worthy of emulation. "On my arrival at Madras, 1 expected to join a regiment re- turning to Bengal from the capture of Seringapatam ; and, notwith- standing I was afterward ordered to proceed by sea, I will relate what occurred on its march. On entering the district of Cuttack, which at that period belonged to a Hindoo Prince, the troops fouiul the inhabitants about to attend the great festival of the idol Juggernaut, whose celebrated temple lay in their route. Permission was asked by the Hindoo soldiers to stop and join in the religious rites. They were left in charge of two ofiiccrs : one, an intinuito Christian Friend, informed me, that no sooner had the soldiers joined the pilgrims, than the Hrahmuns of the temple thought that a safe opportunity ])resented itself of gratifying their hatred of Christians : the officers were insulted, and their lives placed in jeopardy. No sooner did the soldiers, hov/ever, perceive what was doing, than they ran to their tents — got their arms — returned speed- ily — surrounded their officers — and told the priests that they had been desirous of joining peaceably in the worship of the idol ; but felt indignant that those British officers, who had so recently led tliem to victory, should be molested ; and declared that they would shed the last drop of their blood in their defence. The Bralimuns perceived that it would be prudent to pacify the soldiers : the reli- gious ceremonies were resumed ; and vvhen the Sepoys were about to depart, they chose to mark their sense of the conduct of tho Brahmuns, and to leave some memorial of their having visited the temple. To eflect this, they went to a large pound, iu which the priests luxd confined many poor pilgrims, in order that their rich friends or any charitable persons might redeem them ; the pound was soon broken, and the pilgrims released, After this exploit, 158 the soldiers contlnuecl their march to Bengal. The sovereign of the country having joined a league against the British government, a war ejisued, which added this District to the British dominions : and the standard of England Avas planted near the temple of Juggernaut. In the course of my public duties, when on a visit to this place, 1 well remember, that one evening an officer returning home with his family on a large elephant, some INIahometans were observed cele- brating their grand festival of the JMohurrum. The elephant was conducted close to the spot, in order that the ceremonies ^might be conveniently seen. A little girl, who was expected to take a lively interest in the pomp displayed, seemed rather absorbed in medita- tion ; and the moment she got home, she earnestly intreated her mother to allow her to oiler up a prayer to her heavenly Father, that he would have compassion on the deluded natives, remove the gross superstition and darkness in which they were involved, and teach them that there is no other name under heaven by which they can be saved, but that of the Lord Jesus ! Such was the deep in- terest excited in the bosom of a little child for the spiritual welfare of the people ! Some months afterward, tivo Missionaries, at the hazard of tlieir lives, came to Juffgcrnaztt ; and the gospel has been faithfully j)reached ever since. Thus the planting of the standai'd of England in the kingdom of Mysore, and the district of Cuttack, was followed, in the providence of God, by the lifting up the standard of the Cross !" The ample information respecting Orissa contained in Mr. Ster- ling's valuable work, render any enlarged account of the extent and population, the manners and customs of the Province unnecessary. The following interesting extract from " Sutton'' s Narrative of the Mission to Orissa,^' may abundantly suffice. " Ootkul K'hand or Orissa is supposed to be the ancient country of the Or, or Oreah tribe of Hindoos, and comprises an interesting and extensive portion of the Honourable Company's territory in India. It is situated between 19 and 23 degrees north latitude, and 81 to 88 degrees east longitude. But its boundaries have been so often enlarged and contracted in diirerent periods of Orissian his- tory, that at the present day it is difficult if not impossible to mark tliem with precision. The country of Orissa however as it is gener- ally understood, consists of a long narrow strip of land extending from Midnapore in the north, to a few miles below Ganjam in the south, and from the shores of the bay of Bengal in the east to Singboom, Sumblepoor, and Sonepoor, &c., situated amongst the vast range of mountainous country in the west, comprising a tract 159 of about 300 miles in length, and from 20 to 170 in breadth. The Orissa nation, however, has in different periods of its history, car- ried its arms and language to a much greater extent than is here described ; and at the present day some traces of its former power are discoverable in the neighbouring countries of Bengal and Telingana. " Orissa Proper may be considered as distinguished into three different regions. " First, a low swampy tract of land extending along the sea shore from the Rlack Pagoda nearly up to the Iloogly river, about 100 miles in length and from five to twenty in breadth. The greatest part of this district is covered with impenetrable jungles through which numerous creeks and rivulets, abounding with ravenous and monstrous alligators, wind their way. The surface of the less jung- ly parts is covered with grass and reeds of an extraordinary length, which afford a fine retreat for the wild hogs, buffaloes, tigers and leopards that infest the country. Towards the Black Pagoda nothing but a wide barren sand is to be seen, excepting a strong kind of creeper bearing a gay purple flower, which with its exuberant arms enterlaces the ground in every direction, making walking over it very troublesome ; occasionally tufts of tall thorny grass are to be seen, and here and there a stunted scrubby palm or cocoa-nut tree varies the otherwise barren and dull uniformity of the scene. During the year 1832 a most alarming inundation deluged this part of Orissa, and swept away 15,000 of its wretched inhabitants. A famine followed this awful visitation of Providence, and subse- quently another tremendous storm, which have spread desolation and death over a great part of the district. The second and most valuable part of Orissa includes the present District of Cuttack and part of the territory of the Raja of Moher- bunge. Though this region is in general highly cultivated, and produces most of the grains and vegetables common in Bengal, its soil is certainly for the most part of a poor and unfruitful descrip- tion, particularly near the hills. Such are the general characteristics of this part of Orissa : occasionally however, grateful and interest- ing exceptions are to be made, and the eye is delighted and the senses regaled with fruitful fields, agreeable perfumes, fine shady groves of trees, and pleasant rivers. The third portion of Orissa is a long range of hilly country, ex- tending from near Midnapore in the north to the river Godaveri in the south, a distance of nearly three hundred miles in length, and w IGO one hundred in brcadlh. This extensive and interesting region is parcelled out to nearly thirty petty Rajas who pay tribute to the Bengal government. These are again divided into a variety of estates or small zemindaries subordinate to the Raja's chief zemin- dar. The population of that p;irt of Orissa Avhich is subject to the British sway may be estimated at about 1,200,000 of which number about 2o,000 are Mussulmen. The inhabitants of the tributary states and mountain districts, are chiefly Hindoos, Chooars and Goands. It is exceedingly difficult to offer any statement as to their number. The Orcah language is spoken among the hills as far to the southward as Rajamundry. But the mountaineers speak a language, apparently, entirely distinct from it. The Oriyas are pure Hindoos. Their Brahmuns are celebrated in the Pooranas as of a superior order, and are supposed to consti- tute one half of the population. The Mussulmans are chiefly de- scendants of the early conquerors of India. Some few are occa- sionally added to their number by conversions from among the Hindoos. The mountain tribes are supposed by some to be the aborigines of the country, who have been driven to their miserable retreat among the jungles and fastnesses of the mountains, by the present inhabitants of the plains. They differ essentially both in their language and appearance from their more civilized neighbours. Those toward the northern boundaries of the province, which the writer has seen, are of a dark slate colour, approaching the sooty black of the negro ; but those in the neighbourhood of Ganjam are brown and much resemble some of the Mug tribes. It is not un- likely that the present campaign among the hill tribes will bring some interesting particulars to light respecting these unhajipy people.* The religion of the Oriyas is the same as that of Hindoos gener- ally. The following brief sketch of their character contained in a letter to a friend, may not be unacceptable. No sooner is a woman pregnant than a regular round of religious ceremonies commences, for the future welfare of her offspring, Avhich continues, if the child should be a boy and the head of a family, long after his death ; I believe while any of his male progeny, to the most distant genera- tions exist. Previously to the birth of a child, various ceremonies are observed, and at the birth many more, and again on the 5th, 7ih, or 8th day, when a woman is considered out of danger. The children both boys and girls go naked till three or four years of This has been done in reference to the Khunds. IGl age, and, if they are not taught to read, require nothing but a little food. About the age of seven to twelve years their boys and girls are betrothed, and the marriage ceremony takes place as soon after as the circumstances or inclination of the parents will admit. Mar- riage is an important affair, and great care is taken to select a proper match as to family, rank, &c. Comfort and happiness arc generally sacrificed for these, and the boy and girl are often married without having seen each other till the day when they are linked together! I need not say that this system is productive of incalcu- lable wretchedness. They generally are very iintractable and abuse their parents and one another in a way most shocking for civilized men to behold. Multitudes obtain no instruction at all. Girls are universally prohibited from learning to read, or from doing any thing in the way of mental improvement. They remain buried in their father's house till marriage, and after a girl has been united, without any choice as to her husband, for life, (often to a wretch who will never live with her,) she is shut up in the house of her lord. A woman of respectability seldom appears in the street, or if she should go out on any occasion, she is close muffled up, so that only her feet can be seen. She is not permitted to mention her husband by name, but calls him her lord, or the owner of the house, &c. She cooks her husband's food, waits on him while eating, and eats what he and the children leave. At night she shampoes him to sleep, (tliis is a sort of squeezing operation over all parts of the body.) Should she die before her husband, it is considered a blessing to her ; should her husband die first, she is often expected to burn herself with his corpse.* Should she not burn, she either becomes a prostitute, or has her head close shaved, and becomes the slave of the family. Sometimes young widow^s marry again, but this seldom occurs. The women are very abusive to one another, and those of the lowest classes, which are seen abroad, quarrel and abuse one another upon every trifling occasion. I have seen them often stand a long distance from each other with their hands on their hips, and rage and storm till they almost l)urst with anger. Their language is of the most extraordinary opprobrious kind, such as I cannot pen ; 'you strumpet, youwretcli, you destroyer of your children, eat your son's head, you vile hussy, may your complete destruction take place, may your father and mother die, may you be childless, may you have no one left in your family to light a lamp,' are extremely common, * This cruel rite has been abolished since the above account was written. 162 and even gentle wishes compared with many others which they use in their quarrels. Boys, about the time of marriage, or of being betrothed, or from eleven to twelve years of age, are clothed, that is have a cloth wrapper round their loins, which passing between the thighs, tucks up behind. This is the dress for life ; generally they wear nothing else, that is the lower classes, excepting when they are cold, then they use another cloth which covers their head like the hood of a woman's cloak and wraps round their bodies. Some casts wear a kind of jacket of thin cotton, and others a loose cloth carelessly thrown over their shoulders like a shawl. They are fond of gold and silver ornaments, such as ear-rings, nose jewels for the women, and for both sexes anklets, bracelets, finger rings ; some boys have silver chains or hoops for girdles to fasten their clothes to, and children often wear them for ornament. Women wear rings on the toes, and prostitutes often wear little bells round their an- kels, which tinkle as they go. The men are fond of smearing themselves with sandal wood, mud, and powders of different kinds. They generally wear the mark of their debta on their foreheads. Women have a red spot between the eye-brows, blacken their eyelids, and the eyelids of their children Avith alcohol, or black powder. Boys at about twelve years of age, if they are Brahmuns, are in- vested with the piota, and pass through a long round of ceremonies. The Brahmuns are the curse of Orissa. To these lords of creation all must submit ; they call themselves the peculiar recipients of the divine essence, and claim in many cases divine honours. The poor soodra esteems it an act of merit to drink a cup of water in which a Brahmun has dipped his toe. He prostrates himself at his feet, seeks his blessing, dreads his curse, and in every situation and engagement of life from infancy to death, must seek to jiro- pitiate him, and contribute all he can collect to satisfy his voracious appetite. Nothing is to be done without propitiating the twice born. The people generally are grave in their deportment, thrifty, and laborious; but they are, alas, very depraved in their morals, dishon- est in their dealings, and unfaithful in their engagements. Their food consists principally of rice, pulse, fish, milk, spices, salts, fruits and vegetables. Some of them will eat flesh, especially deer flesh, goats, and that of the wild boar and bufFaloe. There are many liyraggces and other religious mendicants in the country wlio live upon the people; these are usually base characters, prac- tising the vilcit crimes under the mask of peculiar sanctity ; they 163 are generally naked, excepting about six inclics of clotli, and have their hair long and sunburnt, sometimes lengthened by other hair, and their bodies smeared with ashes and dirt ; they spend their time in gambling, eating, chewing opium, singing and sleeping."* INIr. Sutton prepared an account of the Idol Juggernaut, the erection of the Temple, the scenes attending the Ruth Jattra or car festival, and the miseries consequent upon the accumulation of such masses of the population. This was published in The Calcutta Christian Observer, Oct. 1832, and cannot fail to be painfully interesting to the reader. " Juguturunth, Jugurnath, or Jugunhath, (Lord of the world,) is the name of the most celebrated idol in India. He is said to be an incarnation of Vishnoo, or Daru Bruhma, literally " wooden god,^' but meaning god who has revealed himself in a body of wood. There are a great many images of this god, set uj) in different parts of India; but the one established at Pooree in Orissa is the prin- cipal, and by far the most venerated. The origin of the idol is by the natives ascribed to Maha Raj Indradumana. This pious prince had been induced to set out from his own dominions in Hindoostan, upon a pilgrimage to a famous image of Nilu Madhuba, situated on the Nil Gri, or blue hills of Orissa ; but just before he reached the spot the image suddenly disappeared from the sight of the people. The prince was incon- solable at being thwarted in his pious designs of adoring the sacred image, when behold Vishnoo appeared to him in a dream, and con- soled him with a promise of soon re-appearing in a form which should be celebrated far and wide throughout the Kalee-joog. The prince, waited at Pooree for the advent of the new Abatar; at length, one propitious morn his attendant Brahmuns brought the welcome intelligence, that a most wonderful tree was making its way over the sea towards Swerga Dwar: and this could be no other than the new incarnation, as it was accompanied by the sacred insignia of Vishnoo, the chockra, i^adma, concha, and the goda. Indradumana, filled with joy, hastened to the spot, and most devoutly embraced the sacred log! A cloth of gold was then thrown over it, and immense sums distributed to the h(jly Brah- muns in attendance. The prince then by his pious su})plieations obtained the aid of Vishwakurma, the architect of the gods, who with one blow of his wonder-working axe formed the block into the chatoor moorti, or four-fold image. * Sutton's Narrative, pp. 25-30. 164 A temple was then built, and the images set up with great pomp and expense. The gods and goddesses all came down to worship them ; a number of rites and ceremonies were decreed, and from that time to this. Juggernaut has maintained his preeminence among the gods of India. Of the twelve annual festivals which are cele- brated at Pooroosootama, the proper name of Pooree, the RuthJuttra is by far the most important. The engraving which accomj^anies this volume furnishes an interesting representation of the commence- ment of this festival, and the remarks which follow are intended still further to explain or illustrate the principal objects presented to our view in the plate. The buildings immediately over No. 1. is a Muth or Hindoo monastry, belonging to the Raman uj a sect of Voishnobs. Most of the buildings, which line the principal streets of Pooree, are estab- lishments of a similar kind. .These establishments tend greatly to keep up the celebrity of Juggernaut, as most of them are devoted to him, and interested in drawing pilgrims to his shrine. They are generally liberally endowed, and many of them are very rich. Within their cloisters, the most learned professors of Hindoo my- thology arc found, and to see and converse with them, must with the pundits of other countries be as much an object of desire as a sight of Juggeniiiut : indeed, it is difficult to account for the visits to Pooree, of many learned men who despise the popular idolatry, but on this ground. Disputation with pundits of other parts of India has ever been a favorite pursuit with Hindoos, and their history furnishes us with many accounts of the travels of their ancient sages for this purpose, as the sages Sunkara, Ramanuja, Choitun, &c., who are said to have disjiuted with and overcome the professors of every opposing sect. It may be observed respecting the mahant or gooroo of the Muth in the plate, that when the late excellent Mr. Harington visited Pooree, just before he left India, the mahant called upon him. He is a venerable old man, with grey hairs, and on tluit occasion ap- peared leaning upon two of Ids favorite disciples. In reply to some questions respecting the connexion of government with Juggernaut, and the abolition of the pilgrim tax, he said, "that Juggernaut was never so popular as under the British protection ; that his glory was now spread through the three worlds ; and that it would be a pity for the Honourable Company to destroy all the holiness they had acquired by leaving him to himself!" No. 2 in the plate directs our attention to the " mighty Pagod." Here " the Lord of the world," impiously so called, has for siicces- 165 sive ages established his destructive sway. Here, from generation to generation, myriads of human beings liave fallen victims to his impious domination, and whitened with their bones the horrid plain where he dwells. Hither, in obedience to the mandates of his priests, they have bent their wearied steps, and dropt and died un- j)itied and unknown. This far-famed temple is said to have been built in A. D. 1198, by Rajah Anunga Bhim ])aib, under the super- intendence of his minister Bajpoi, at a cost of from 40 to 50 lacs of rupees. The principal tower is supposed to be 184 feet high, and upwards of 28 feet wide within the walls. It is surrounded by a stone wall 20 feet high, and nearly G.50 feet square. Within this inclosure are upwards of fifty smaller temjiles, devoted to the various gods of India. The walls of these temples, and especially of the great temple, are covered with the most filtliy representations in durable and massive sculpture ; and from fragments on the outer walls, it is probable they were once disgraced. These obscene figures and emblems are a very common appendage to the temples in Orissa; as may be seen at the Black Pagod, the temples at Jaji- poor, and a new temple, now building, dedicated to Juggernaut, at Rhumba, on the side of the Chilka Lake. But they abound all over the Province ; and in Pooree itself, it is easy to point out as much evidence of the above assertion as any man will feel disposed to contemplate. The land within 10 miles, or according to some accounts 10 kosa, of this temple is holy, and denominated the Shree Kshetra ; and to die within its limits is considered a sure passport to eternal bliss. Upwards of 3,000 families of priests and other servants of the idol, are supported directly by this temple, while about 15,000 of the inhabitants of Pooree are supposed directly or indirectly to profit by it. Among other servants of the idol in this temple are 300 or 400 families of cooks, to prepare the idol's food, called muhaprasad, or "great favour ;" and 120 dancing girls, prostitutes of course, to dance before the gods. No. 3 may guide the eye to the principal gate of the temple, called Singha-dwara, or " the Lion gate." By this gateway the pilgrims enter when they go to worship the idol. There are three other entrances, one on each side of the square, but they are com- paratively little frequented. At each of these gates is placed a number of seufoijs or hnrkandasses belonging to the government, for the purpose of keeping off intruders and guarding the sacred idols. There is moreover a stone pavement, perhaps IG feet wide, before the Singha-dwara, on which no polluted Christian, or Mus- 1G6 sulman, or even a Hindoo of low caste, is permitted to set his foot. No. 4 is placed beneath the beautiful column standing immedi- ately opposite Singha-dwara. It is surmounted by an image ot Aruna, or the dawn personified. This chaste specimen of Hindoo sculpture formerly occupied an appropriate place before the temple of the sun, or Black Pagoda. It was removed from thence, and placed where it now stands, by a wealthy inhabitant of Pooree. Nos. 5, 6, and 7, point to the cars of Bullubhadra, Soobhudra, and Juggernaut. Bullubhudra, (No. 5) is called the BurraThakoor or Great Lord, and in several minor particulars enjoys the pre-em- inence, such as having rather the largest car, standing nearest the temple, being first brought out, &c. But he does not receive a tythe of the adoration, that is paid to Juggernaut. The face of Bullubhadra is painted ivhite. Soobhudra, the sister of Juggernaut, has the smallest car. She is made without arms, and is painted a yellow colour. There is little notice taken of her by the majority of worshippers. Juggernaut is painted black, with a red mouth, and red and white circles for his eyes. He is the great object of attrac- tion. Some of the pilgrims say, that he is more vindictive than Bullubhudra ; hence their extra endeavours to propitiate him and secure his favour. All the idols are made of the Nimh tree, and it is probable that the mysterious deposit within them is the Salgram. Some indeed have supposed that it is a bone of Krishnu, and others have fan- cied that it is a box of quicksilver. The images are as ugly and as monstrous in their appearance as any thing that can well be imagined. Their very distant approximation to the human figure does not extend below the bosom and all the rest is a mere huge block of timber Arms and feet they have probably none ; but these appendages, made of gold, are supplied on state occasion. All the images are profusely adorned with various kinds of or- naments, and their bodies arc clothed with rich silks and shawls. These images are brought out of the temple on two occasions, viz. at the Snan, or bathing festival, and at the Ruth Jattra^ or car festival. On the former occasion, they are placed on an elevated terrace to the east of the temple, within the sacred inclosure. Holy-water in brass lotas is brought in native pomp, with music playing, and the sacred canopy preceding it ; and then poured over the idols, which has the eliect of obliterating the lineaments of their misshapen countenances. While this ceremony is performing, many of the most zealous devotees rush forward, and with their 167 hands rub off the paint from the images, to smear on their bodies, and thus of course rapidly hasten on the work of spoliation. When the uncouth l)locks are sufficiently saturated with the holy-water, they are dressed up in the most captivating style. The crafty Brahmuns so manage to adjust the ornaments, that the face of the idols is almost hidden, and their faded beauty is scarcely perceived. Thus they remain till evening, receiving the adoration of the gaping multitude, while the Brahmuns pocket the offerings of manyakind, which the zeal of the worshippers prompts them to bestow. After this day's exhibition, the gods, (for gods they are, though subjected to " all the ills which flesh is heir to,") are reported ill, until the Ruth Jattra ; or in other words, they are kept secret, in order to be repainted, that they may appear with their freshest looks on that occasion. These cars are built new every year ; and when the festival is over they become the property of the pundas, or priests of the idol, who break them up, and sell them for a con- siderable sum. The writer of these remarks paid five rupees for one wheel only of Juggernaut's car. Bullubbudra's car is 43 feet high, and has sixteen wheels. Juggernaut's car is 41 feet high, and has fourteen wheels. Soobhudra's car is 40 feet high, and has fourteen wheels. The upper parts of these cars are covered with green, blue, red, yellow, and other gay coloured cloths, hung in strips fantastically arranged, and adorned with various devices, formed with silver spangles, 8cc. The tower of each car is sur- mounted by a globe and flag, while from various parts of it, birds, monsters, and flags project, producing a picturesque effect. The platforms on which the idols sit enthroned are about ten or twelve feet from the ground. These are decorated with varied coloured sliawls, and different figures of Hindoo mythology. Immense ca- bles are manufactured, with which to drag the cars, and are fixed to the carriage part of the vehicles. As it has been observed respect- ing the wheels of the cars, they are extremely ponderous, and the rough spokes project from Ig to two inches beyond the felloes, so that the poor wretches who may throw themselves under them are inevitably crushed to a horrid mass of flesh. Several such sacrifices have occurred to my knowledge within the last seven years ; and on one occasion, particularly, I was coming up to Juggernaut's car, as it passed over the body of an up-country Brahmun. The entrails, blood, and brains, of this infatuated victim were spirted about in everv direction ! 168 On the second day of the new moon in Asar (June or Jul)-,) the Ruth Jattra commences. The cars ai-e the previous day arranged in front of the Singha-dwara and purified for the reception of their holy burdens by various incantations and ceremonies. When the propitious hour arrives for the gods to take their annual ride, they are brought out of the temple — not with pomp and state, consistent with the divine honours they at other times receive — but as though they were the vilest dogs in creation ; some drag them, others push them, with as little ceremony as can well be imagined, they are thus rocked along to the cars ! Then oh ! what desecration ensues, a rope, yes, a rope is twisted round the neck of the great Juggernaut, and what with some tugging above, and others shoving him below, he is constrained to ascend an inclined plain to his station on the car ; then, however, as if to atone for the insult offered to his god- ship, the Brahmuns with the multitude prostrate themselves and worship him, while a shout, as of " the voice of many waters," shakes the earth, with " victory to Juggernaut our lord." The other idols are brought out in like manner. The Khoordra Rajah then sweeps the cars, and the purification process is completed, when suddenly a rush of some thousands of men, appointed to draw the car, who come jumping and shouting like so many wild infernals, announces, that the gods are about to commence their journey. They immediately seize the huge ropes, and range themselves in Older ; if peradventure any of them are found loitering by the way, a smart application of the ratan to their bare backs soon sends them to their posts. The scene now presents its most picturesque and animated appearance. The cars dressed in their gaudy colours, towering far above the vast wilderness of heads, have at a distance a very imposing air ; while the loud sounds of idol music, the ele- phants of the gods and their worshippers stationed here and there, adorned with gay trappings, the vast numbers of devotees from the house tops and elevated verandahs of the adjacent houses, waving their chowries, and the various acts of adoration practised by the zealous worshipjiers accompanied by their loud acclamations, com- bine to give an air of state to the festival, and stamp its character as a worshipping assembly. Here and there a few Europeans are to be seen, some on their elephants, and others on horseback, witnessing the ceremonies. Some few are engaged in company with those who Avere once idolaters, but now Christians, in dis- tributing the words of eternal life to the thousands of eager ap- plicants, who are perishing for the lack of knowledge. 169 The tremendous shouts of men, and the hissing and the hooting of the women announce, that the cars are about to move. All seems infernal revelry, and involuntarily reminds one, that this is the triumph of hell over the fallen souls of man ! Here satan seems to have carried his power to the utmost to insult the Majesty of heaven, and to laugh at the awful extent of his dominion over his deluded subjects. It is the very acme of his triumph. The object, which he has seduced the people to worship, is the ugliest and most senseless in creation ; and the service, which under the name of divine worship, they pay to him, consists of the most la- scivious gestures, and most obscene addresses. Buchanan in his Journals mentions these obscene songs and gestures, and the writer has heard and witnessed them many and many a time. Although it is a shame to speak of those things which are done by them, not in darkness but in the open front of day, and that too before upwards of 200,000 people, men, women, and children ; yet a par- tial exposure of these abominable songs may perhaps be necessary to their everlasting suppression, as well as to give an idea of the moral degradation of the people, who can listen to them with such evident delight. In the repetition of these songs, the speaker steps forward to the extreme verge of the platform, and addresses the crowd in boisterous language ; he has usually a long wand in his hand, with which he makes the action to accompany the words, so that his meaning is understood where his voice does not reach ; and occasionally some half dozen of obscene Brahmuns fall pell mell upon each other close under the nose of the idol, and repeat the filthy pantomime."* Gungadhor, the first brahmun in Orissa that received the gospel, assisted by another native, of the writer caste, prepared the follow- ing account, which may probably contain mare truth than any yet offered to the public. The late Rev. W. Ward justly observed, — "to know what Ilindooism is, a man must become a Hindoo." Here is the testimony of a Hindoo, enlightened by Christianity. " In Orissa, having cut down the Nim-pita tree, they (the Brah- muns and workmen,) by manual labour form it into an image. Then they paint it into the resemblance of a (human) picture, with Vermillion, yellow, black, white, and green colours. Thus making it with their hands, they anoint it with various kinds of per- fumes and sandal- wood, and adorn it with flowers and leaves ; after which, placing it in a stone temple, they serve and adore it. * Sutton's Narrative, pp. 58-67. 170 " About G30 years ago, Anunga Bliim Daib, Raja of Orissa built the first temple, at au expense of from forty to fifty lacks of rupees. Then the Brahmuns with various muntras from the Veds consecrated the images. They made a representation of the lotus flower on the back of the three moortis, under which is an excavation with a door. Having brought from the Gangootree river, at the bottom of the Chitrakote mountain, three round stones (the Salgrama,) they designated them Sila Vishnoo. Then within the images they place them under the lotus, which they paint ; they lock the door, and adorning the image with various coloured clothes, they worship it as Sila Vishnoo. From that time to this, they have cut down the nim tree, and made and worshipped this image fifty or one hundred times, or it may be oftencr. But the old images, having been thrown out (in the temple yard,) from the operation of wind and rain became rotten. But the stone they call Sila Vishnoo, with great secrecy, no one seeing it, they take from the old wood and place in the new. They then falsely assert that he who effects this removal dies. The Raja sometimes begs the old block, and taking it a way, places in it the Salgram, and worships it. *' At this present time, in consequence of the power of the English extending through the numerous countries, many causes of alarm are suppressed. On this account the pundas spread themselves through different parts for the purpose of collecting pilgrims. Having arrived at the respective stations, they repair to people's houses, and compel them to eat Mahaprasad (Juggernaut's food,) and by much flattery, induce them to receive various kinds of cakes. Having furnished themselves with stripes of cloth, which have touched the sacred limbs of Juggernaut, they suspend them round their necks, saying, ' See you are highly favoured ! sitting in your houses you have obtained these precious relics.' Then they say, ' Gome, accompany me to my country. There God is revealed. There the goddess Lukshmee, Saruswuttce, Bimblee, and 10,000 others constantly serve him; moreover, the gods of heaven, earth, and hell, all the o30 millions of gods worship him. His glory is immense. All casts before him eat out of one vessel. In the month of Asar is the Goondicha Jattra. He himself comes out of the temple and sits on his car. He himself causes the car to move. In one day, he eats 70 poata, (about a thousand pounds weight !) but all that he eats of different kinds who can declare ? Listen however to a truly wonderful fact. In the cook-house, they place seven cooking pots, one above the other, over one fire. The bottom pots are not cooked, but the top one is !" In this manner 171 they tell a number of tales, and persuade the people to come. Having arrived, they direct them to the different houses saying, * This is the holy land, here the fruit of your pious actions is enjoyed. Come, I will obtain for you an interview with Juggernaut. and cause you to bathe in the five holy places, viz, Indradunimun tank, Lokenath do. Seeta-gunga do. Chokerteeth Sea, and Mar- kunda tank, thus you will obtain salvation for seven generations of your ancestors : hut hear in mind how you will liropitiate me.' In this way they lead them to the temple, and give them a sight of Juggernaut. At that time many priests surround them, and stroking their heads, exclaim, 'Behold the visible god glorified! present him with an oflering of 25 rupees ; give lis a present of ten rupees ; come quickly, no delay.' In this way, by much talk- ing, they wheedle them out of their money, and take all they can get. Others come begging to their lodgings. If they have no more money, these piindas coax them out of a promissory note, and make them engage to pay when they reach home. They also make a number of cakes, and bring for the pilgrims to eat. For that which is worth four annas they extract 12 — for an anna's worth they take six annas. If they refuse to have them, they abuse them with filthy curses and speeches and say, ' You — where will you get such food as this !' Thus saying they cram it by main force into their mouths. Thus the pundas exceedingly oppress the people, and by a variety of cheating tricks get from them their wealth. Sometimes when the pilgrims enter the enclosure of the temple, they steal the ornaments from their noses and ears, and take away their clothes and money. If they resist, the pundas assemble and beat them till they make off, crying out, ' O father, O mother, I die, I die !' and thus they escape from the temple. Or if the piindas see a beautiful young woman, they allure her in the temple, and seduce her, let her go, telling her, ' This is a holy place, and I am a holy man. By having surrendered your person to me it is purified ; the sins of a million births are destroyed ; know that you have certainly enjoyed Juggernaut. God and his worshipper are inse- perable.' On other occasions giving the pilgrims some potion to eat, they render them insensible, and rob them of their wealth. I have seen from five to ten boys watch near the gate for a single pilgrim ; then laying hold of him, they beat him till he cries out, * Mercy ! mercy !'' but no one coming to his assistance, he sinks down througli nuich beating : then becoming insensible through fear, they rob him of his property and decamp." 172 It may be presumed that the establishment at the temple of Juggernaut must be very considerable. One of the head men stated to Col. Phipps, that the number consisted of 3000 families, in- cluding 400 families of cooks to pi'epare holy food. The following account was procured for the author, written on the leaf of a tree, by a native of Pooree. 1. "The Moodeerut as the Rajah of Koorda's representative with Jug- gurnaut, at all the festivals moves about the light, performs the daily service before him, and makes the ottering of food. 2. There are three head Pundas, who having poured out clarified butter on the fire, and worshipped the sun and the divine regents of the gates, present the sacrificial articles from the kitchen, to the three gods at three of the daily offices, until the period of Juggernaut's retiring to rest. 3. There are three P/mhoo-palas, who perform worship between the periods of the regular service ; and ascending the throne of Juggernaut, clothe him in the three different dresses appropriated to the three services. 4. The Bheet-hahoo guards the sacrificial food before it has been of- fered, prevents the crowd pressing on it, and should the smallest blem- ish be found in it, (such as an hair or an ant) he seizes and punishes the Pundas. 5. The Tuluhu Purehchas guard Juggernaut when he retires to rest. In their absence the Pushoo-palas act in their stead. G. The Potee-muhapatra, at twelve periodical festivals, make the pro- per offerings, and move about the image of Soodha-budeu ; and at the great bathing festival, when Juggernaut moves out to the Neeladree beej, worship him during his progress, and during the fifteen succeeding days when ]te is supposed to he ill, not having recovered Jrom the effects of his bath .' 7. The Patree-huroo arranges the sacrificial articles, and calls the Pundas to worship. 8. The Gora-buroo, at the time of worship, places the water pot and presents the water to the officiating priest. 9. The Khoofiya calls the Phashoo-paluhs who are appointed to wake Jtiggernaut, and bring forward the vestments and necklaces with which he is to be invested. 10. The Paiieeya-melcah presents the ornaments to Juggernaut to the Pushoo-palii/:, and counts thein as they conie from Juggernaut's body ; and likewise coiuits to the Purcechus any new ornaments ofiercd by pilgrims. 11. The Chaugra-melah carries the vestments of Juggernaut, and counts them oiU and puts them away. 12. Tlie lilia)td(ir-mckab coiuitsout the ornaments when taken off from Juggernaut by the Paneeya-mekah. Tiie vestments, presented byi)ilgrims, pass into their custody after they have been worn. l.'J. The Sun-ar-buroo sweeps the place, and places the sacrificial dishes before Juggernaut, presents odours to those who wake him and distributes flowers among the servants and worship])ers. 14. The Purcehha-buroo holds up a looking glass to Juggernaut during worship. 15. The Uhhundu-nie/.ab, or lamp-lighter, places lights and removes the lamps, 16. The Pureeyarecs watch at the gates and doors. 173 17. The Dah Ihal brinp^s out Jupcsernaut's bed ! 18. The Puree ijnree of the southern gate cries out, ' the sacrificial food is coming." 19. The Purceyarees of the gate watch the food, and when Juggernaut moves out, carry with liini the sweet smelling wood. 20. The Juyn and J'/jiii/a-Piireei/arces allow no one to enter while .Juggernaut is at his meals ; and there are two watchmen at the door of the inner room where Juggernaut partakes of his food. 21. The Khnrgu-nayiik, at the close of the daily offices, presents the paun to the officiating ]n-iests to be given to Juggeiaxaut, and on the occa- sion of the last daily office, offers it himself. 22. The Khatsii)/a-)iH'/cab vtirr/es Juggernaut's bed to him at niglitfor him to deep on ; and carries it hack to its place in the morning. 23. The Mook-pakhul pureeijaree presents tlie wafer and the tooth-pick to Juggernaut, and inspects ever}' tiling respecting the temple. 21. The Suwar-Kota prepares the cakes, and delivers tlicm to the Alaha-Suwar. 25. The Malta-Suwar 1)rings the first service of cakes. 26. The Gopal-})uUuhha distributes it. 27. The Bhatee-huroo places food of a particular description before the Idol. 28. The Rosh-payeed lights the lamp in the kitchen, and expels the smears when they become unclean ; he accompanies the royal ofi'ering of food as far as the Juya and Vijuya gate. 29. The Beeree-buha-suwar takes the articles of paun from the Sum- nrthas, and delivers tl.cni to the Suwars. 30. The Dhoa-paklialiya brahmun washes and cleanses the kitchen. 31. The Unga-buha brahmun removes the ashes from the cook-room, and throws them away. 32. The Dita-suwaree carries the image of Juggernaut when necessary, and prepares the image. 33. The Datya paints the image, and fastens the flags on his carriage. 34. The Divar-nayuk is employed in opening and shutting the door. 35. The Mahajhun carries the image of Juya and Vijuya, the two heavenly porters. 36. The Beeman-huroo carries the image of Juggernaut and fixes it in its place. 37. The Moodolee-hliandur guards the door, and puts the chamuramto the hands of the distinguished ])ilgrims who desire to fan Juggernaut ; and locking, guards the door of Juya and Vijuya, the two heavenly porters. 38. The Chootar holds the umbrella over the great god when he proceeds on a journey. 39. The Turasee holds before him the tnras (a large fan) when he goes on a journey. 40. The Meg-dumboora proceeds with the Aleg dumhoora when he goes on a journey. 41. The Moodra holds the lamp when an offering of flowers is made to Juggernaut. 42. The Paneeya-pnt delivers the water pots to ihe Buroo, and washes them. 43. The Kechulcea, at all the stated festivals, during the service and during the cflVring of flowers, performs worshij), and jilays the Aahulee. 44. The Ghuntooa rings the bell during Juggernaut's meals, and when he goes on journeys ! 174 45. The ChvmpiUec-itmiiJcreeya, at the time oi pusooiva and during jounieys, plays the tumuk. , . , . , m. "The lioad Pinuki calls all the servitors to their duty, gives the golden scoi)tie to the Pureecha, and gives food to the Brahmuns of the Mooldcc mnndvpa. •17. The Glndnwarcc prepares the sandal wood and gives it to the mekaps ; and at one of the festivals, goes before the image with the incense. 48. The Biiree Dccga supplies the water for cooking ; and removes the remains of food. 49. The Sumundha pounds peas of one kind, and grinds peas of another kind. .50. llie Gnihii-mclah cleans the dishes after the principal meal. 51. The Yogukuma brings forward the articles of tlie principal meal. 52. The Tomahutee accom])anies the principal evening meal with a lamp, and brings the pots and cooking utensils. 5.'J. The Chaulhacha cleanses the rice and the peas. 54. The Elck carries the Chukru or discus of Vishnoo before the Idol when he moves out, and is a general superintendent. 55. The Pft/roZ-, having dismissed the attendants, cleans the temples, and there retires to rest. 56. The Chnonara serves the image of Guroora (the bird god,) has charge of the great standard of the temple, and lifts the great lamp. 57. The Khiircja dhoaneeya cleanses the space between the western part of the temple and the place called Jugunmohun. 58. The Nayadhya washes Juggernaut's linen, and hangs it up to dry ! 59. The Daree ganee sings the songs which precede the anointing of Juggernaut with sandal wood. 60. The Pooran-punda reads the Pooranas in the gate of Juggernaut. 61. The Beenkar plays the beena, a musical instrument. 62. The Tunuhohi/k dances in the spot called Jugunmohun. 63. The Sunkhooa sounds the shell during the offices of worship. 61. The Madolee plays on the madol, a musical instrument, -during worship. 65. The Tooree-nayuk plaj^s on the tooree or trumpet. 66. The Muhasetee washes the linen of Juggernaut- 67. The Panecpaee vialiar removes all filth from within the enclosure. 68. The JIakeemeeshristar-lnirii-pureecha is the great judge of all ques- tions ; he holds the golden cane." A London Paper in 1841 contained the following additional in- formation upon this subject. " From a return prepared for the House of Lords, we learn that there arc about sixty officers to dress and ornament tlie idol of the temple of Juggernaut, and three hundred watchmen, day and night, who, if they allow any one to enter who is not admissible, and thereby defile the food for the idol, have to make good the food if they do not secure the offender. There are twenty keepers of the wardrobe of the idol, forty to ornament and perfume the idol, three " duts" to paint the eye brows, &c., of the idol different colours, and three servants to see that the several officers perform their several duties. There are, further, three hundred 175 cooks, to prepare rice, &c., to make sweetmeats ar)d tlie like; tetl persons to take charge of the vessels with which the " pimdahs'* perform " poojah," and to hand them to the latter ; ten to supply water whenever required ; one to keep watch at the door whilst the idol is asleep, and to affix a seal on the door during the time. There is also a servant to witness the opening of the door " when the idol wakes," with the view of making sure that the seal on the door had not been broken during the slumbers of the idol ; and there are further twenty keepers of the keys, and twenty keepers of the doors, to complete the list of officers to the temple of Jugger- naut — there being, thei'efore, no fewer than Gil persons, whose sole duty it is to take charge of this celebrated Indian temple !" At the temple of Juggernaut there are thirteen festivals in the year, which have been particularized. The most popular of thenr are, the snan or bathing festival, when the idol Juggernaut is exhi- bited on some part of the wall of the temple, and the Xvater of the Ganges poured over it ; and the rtiih festival, when as previously described, the three idols. Juggernaut, Bulbudra his brother, and Soobudra his sister, are brought out of the temple, and taken iu large cars to the extremity of the city. These monthly festivals cause a constant ingress of pilgrims to the city, and it has been observed " Juggernaut is tlie great resort of pilgrims from all j^arts of India ; the number of which, according to a low calculation, is 1,200,000 persons annually." I think this estimate is too high, but the number of these " weary wanderers after rest" is very great, and may well excite the deepest sympathy of the Christian heart. Mr. Lacey gives the following particulars of the ruth Jattra of 1838, which may be considered 'a peep behind the scene.' " I have gathered some information respecting the festival, pomcpavtof which I did not know before. The stupidity of tlie people is amazing. The Christian's faith gives existence to things f\it\n-o and luiseen ; tlie Hindoo's faith contradicts the senses. He sees a block of wood, but believes it a spirit ; a temple of stone, hut believes it gold ; a car of wood, but believes it gold; sand,but lielievesit particles of diamonds ! lilthy bira- gees andbrahmuns, but believes them holy and heavenly saints and gods; hears lying, unclean talk, cursing, blasjihemy, sees adultery, theft, robbery, murder, but believes there is no sin in Pooree ; sees disease, misery, or death, but believes that Pooree is Blicgkoiita, where neither disease, mis- ery, or death, comes; sees the car drawn by the strengtli of men, yet believes the god moves it liinisclf! Jnggornaut's temple is a])art from lii-; wife Lockslimee. She has a temple appro^iriated to herself and Surruswottce the daughter of Brnmha. When he takes his ride in Ins car at the Kutb festival, the greatest care is taken lest she should liear of his going, otiier- wise she would prevent it ; he steals away therefore unknown to bis wife. After he has been gone about four days, she gets to hear that her husband 170 is gone, and is in a terrible rnge and all her estaWishmcnt of priests and servants with her. This rage is vented by the lowest and most abusive epithets as, O tliat black-faced wretch ! O that vile destroyer * * * * A wretch, but I will reckon with the debauched wretch ! Lockshmee now orders preparations to be made for following her husband to beat him and l)riiig hiiii back. These pre])arations are set about with spirit by her priests and they frequently fight with Juggernaut's people if they meet them. AVhen ready she is conveyed with fiaming jealousy and wrath to the car of her husband, and there begins in the lowest manner to abuse him and curse him, and apply every possible epitliet of obscenity to him, and all her priests unite in abusing him and his servants. She then proceeds to attack his car, and sei-ious apprehension is entertained that injury will be done. Meanwhile Juggernaut confesses his crime, and says !iot a word in his own defence, and sends word to his enraged partner that he trusts that slie will moderate her anger. Tiiis she rejects with indignation, and at length Juggernaut is driven to employ tlie mediation of Mahadab to settle the matter. Messengers are sent with all speed for two gods named Sowkasmer and Markundasmer. These mediators are brought in haste and state, and are introduced to the lord of the world ; he is glad to see them, tells tliem his troubles with tears, and begs their interference. These tuidertake the task and proceed to the feet of the goddess. Here they unite their hands in humble posture, repeat hymns in b.cr praise, speak of the penitence of her husband, remind her that the salvation of thousands of poor sinners depends on his going abroad, and finally promise that he shall soon return. They barely succeed however in restraining her vio- lence, she consents to retiu'n to her temple, but vows vengeance on the guilty head of her husband, and that for herself she will never see his black face again. As she departs she throws handsful of sand, broken pots, &c. into Juggernaut's face, saying, O thou black-faced, who destroy- edst the virtue of 10,000 gopees, wlio was kicked and cursed for thy vile- ness, can I ex])ect to escape sorrow from thee ? O thou black monkey- faced wretcli who telledst thy wife was stolen in the jungle, and went about like a fool crying to this tree, and that monkey, " Saw you Seta, O saw you Seta!" O wretch, why should I think to escape sorrow! On her return she calls at the car of Juggernaut's sister, and abuses her freely, saying, O you ****** wbat he has put ornaments on your arms, and a beautiful sarceon your filthy body has he? O may firebeputinto your face, you shame-faced wreteii, who does not feel ashamed to elope with another woman's husband, and that her own brother, &c. Then she passes on to lier temple. Thus things remain till Juggernaut returns to his temple, wlieii, lo, the doors are closed against him. lie sends to know tlie reason of this, and is informed that Lockshmee is highly oftended and will not admit him. A great anxiety is now manifested by the poor lord of the world as to what is to be done ; message after message is sent to no efi'ect, he confesses, asks forgiveness, promises all she wishes, but all in vain; at last a happy thought occurs to one of his priests, that perhaps a present may api)eas{! the angry Loekshmce's mind. This scheme is im- mediately adopted, and ear-rings, nose-rings, armlets, anklets, beautiful sarees, &c., &'c., are arranged on spleiulid salvers, aiul carried in proces- sion to the feet of Lockshmee. When she sees all these nice fine things her anger becomes ap])eased, and she exhibits a half smile, and says to the messengers, O a black-faced wretch ! a * * * * Well open the doors and let him come in ! The doors are now thrown open, reconcilia- tion ])roclaimed witli acclanuition, and the lord of the world enters his tem])ie elicered by Ins devotees and worshippers, and even smiled upon by his angry wife !" Pilgrims are sometimes seen measuring their tvay to Juggernaut by constant prostrations. The writer saw three eases of this kind. 177 When Dr. Buchanan visited Juggernaut's temple in June 1805, he observed — " I passed a devotee laying himself down at every step, measuring the road to Juggernaut by the length of his body, as a penance of merit to please his god." Mr. Lacey some years ago, furnished an affecting account of one of these wretched pilgrims that he beheld. " I had my attention arrested by a poor creature who was measuring his way to Juggernaut, by his own body, or rather by half its length : he never rose upon his feet, but only upon his knees, when on his knees he reached his hands forward, and then drew his body forward a little ; every time he made this advance, he beat his forehead against the ground three times, look- ing towards the temple, which was now in sight. When I got suf- ficiently near I called to him, but he did not appear to hear what I said, aiul contiriued on his way without paying the least attention. I succeeded in stopping hiin : a deep mela'.icholy sat visible upon his countenance, his lips moving with prayer to his god, in a low grumbling tone of voice, Wlien I had surveyed him a few moments he gave over repeating, and T began to converse with him as well as I was able. I first enquired how far he had come in that manner? he answered 750 miles ; how long have you been on the ■way ? about eight months ; he appeared about twenty-one years of ;;ge, and was so emaciated l)y his austerities that his voice wa^i neaily gone." 178 Immolations under the wheels of the Cars appear to have been of frequent occurrence. The Brethren unite their testimony in con- firmation of this appalling fact. In July 1826, Mr. Lacey thus describes one of these horrid martyrdoms, " This afternoon I had an awful subject for my discourse, the body of a poor man crushed to 2)ieces by the car of Juggernaut. The massy wheel had passed over his loins, and had nearly severed his upper from his lower parts ; his bowels and blood had gushed out, and presented a sight too shocking to look upon. It was one of the most horrid spectacles I ever beheld ; and while standing by it, I became quite ill with sickness, and every limb shivered witli horror. The wheels of these cars are made for this work of death most effectually, as the spokes project three or four inches beyond the felloe. The poor wretch threw himself from the front of the car, and so became a voluntary sacrifice. He seemed a respectable man, ajDparently a Hindoo- stance and a brahmin. I felt myself very much indisposed this evening, but could not lose this opportunity of witnessing against the system, which produced such effects : I felt my own mind in a serious frame, took my stand over the body, and spoke with some feeling of the nature of the Hindoo religion, and compared it with that of Christ ; — and, perhaps, I never had a more serious congre- gation. Some hardened wretches said ' Sae, Sir, the glory of Jug- gernaut!' pointing to the mangled body. Concluded with recom- mending them to look to Jesus Christ for mercy and salvation, wliich Juggernaut could never give." The Report of 1841 refers to the same fact. " Messrs. Lacey and Sutton, from Cuttack, with Stubbins and Wilkinson, from Berhampore, accompanied by several native brethren, attended the last car festival at Pooree. As this was the first Jattra since the abolition of the tax, it was confidently predicted that the attendance would be overwhelming, but so far from this being the case, there were fewer pilgrims from a distance than they ever remembered to have seen. Some Europeans calculated the whole attendance at the festival at thirty thousands, and none at more than fifty thous- ands ; but on some former occasions the Missionaries have seen an assemblage of at least two hundred thousands. Though the con- course of pilgrims was so mucli smaller than formerly, the horrors of idolatry were not less apparent. One miserable pilgrim immo- lated himself under the wheels of Juggernaut's car. His brains were dashed out, and he instantly died. At another time during the festival, in consequence of a sudden rush of the frantic crowd, many persons were entangled in the ropes of the car. The car 179 rolled over dozens. Six were taken iip quite dead, several more insensible, who were sent to the hospital. This caused a perfect ecstacy of delight among Juggernaut's worshippers, because of the renown thus accruing to the festival of 18-10. — Reiterated shouts of triumph and loud flourishes from their barbaric instruments of music were heard till midnight." The mortallli/ attendant and consequent upon the filyriniages exceeds conception, and in its statements is almost beyond the bounds of credibility. " Idolatry," says Dr. Carey, " destroys more than the sword, yet in a way which is scarcely perceived. The number who die in their long pilgrimages, either througli want or fatigue, or from dysentery and fever, is incredible." Tlie Report of 1812, contains a very pathetic description how " their sorrows are multiplied that hasten after another god." — "A relation of the miseries and mortality of Juggernaut's pilgrims (says JNIr. Lacey) I consider to be a business which I may not resume or dismiss, as a reader's feelings may dictate : it is a duty, an imper- ative duty. And once a year at least, that is on occasion of this wasting festival, so long as I am spared to attend it, I nuistlet the world know, I must let the friends of humanity know, some- thing of what is going on in that part where God's providence has placed me. On the former part of my journey while the light of the day enabled me to see them, I met with many dead; some of them were in the mud of the road which was nearly knee deep, others had crept under trees, or under the eaves or sheds of houses by the way side, and died there, some lay on the grass beside the road with their eyes picked out by ravens and crows, others again seemed to have died in the act of drinking water from the jeels or pools, or from the trench which runs parallel with the road, not being able to rise from their position. In the towns, and near the saries by which I passed, there was a large collection of corpses about which the dogs howled, and the vultures screamed. The circumstances of the pilgrims were most pitiable, and greatly jiro- ductive of the fatal disease which was thinning their ranks. The incessant and heavy rain, had completely soddened their clothes to their skin. They lay by hundreds, in rows by the road side, and the pelting rain had battered their garments into the sand and mud of the ground. Weak and weary, and without proper food, they were fully prepared for an attack of the cholera, and they were presently carried off when attacked. When their companions arose to pursue their journey, how many they left v.ho were never to rise any more ! I\Iy wonder is, that considering the destitution 180 and exposure of the people, they are not destroyed in much greater numbers. When the light of the morning returned, the same mis- erable and destructive scenes presented themselves to my view, till I arrived at my house." Had this state of things been found in a part of the world before unknown to our countrymen, it would have been a subject of great surprise and pungent regret to the philanthropist and the christian ; bitt the darkest shade in this picture is yet to be laid — the climax of the description of a people " sitting in darkness and the region and shadow of death," is yet to be told, and it is this — "Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the Lord" — Britain, the mother of nations, the patroness of civilization, the liberator of the slave, the messen- ger of Christianity to the nations over whom her sceptre waves — has been found regulating and supporting, promoting and amassing wealth from tlie absurd and cruel Idolatry of Juggernaut's temple. Hamilton, in his valuable ^Description of Hindostan," 2 vols. 4to., says, — " Possession was taken of the Town and Temple of Pooree by the British, Sep. 18, 1803 — the sacred loill of the Idol, being first ascertained tlirougli the medium of the officiating Priest /" — Is the historian in earnest, or in jest ? Did our countrymen in arms, act so unworthy a part as to tamper with the superstition of the people, by condescending to ask at the shrine of the modern Baal, whether they should be peaceably admitted or not? Proh dolor ! No British superintendence of the temple existed during the administiation of the Marquis of Wellesley, whose enlightened mind firmly objected to any connexion with Juggernaut ; but on his Lordship's return to England, a system was adopted in 1806 and 1809, for the regulation of the temple, making it a source of wealth to its professedly Cliristian Rulers, the details of which, to use the language of scripture, should cause " the ears of every one that hearcth it to tingle." — This system, as Sterling shews, was a return to the mercenary and persecuting spirit of the Moguls, who gained possession of Orissa in the sixteenth century, and of their successors in power and opjiression, the Mahrattas — unworthy leaders of the policy of enlightened Britain. Tlie following sketch of this system (though now happily abol- ished) shows the entrenched power of Idolatry at Juggernauts Temple, on the arrival of the Missionaries. " The superinten- dence of the temple and its interior economy are vested in the Rajah ot" Khoorda. I'he Govenor General in Council posscses the power of lemoving the Rajah or any of his successors from this 181 superintendence, on proof of misconduct. The superintendent of the temple is authorised to punisli instances of neglect or misconduct by imposing small fines, or by removing the offender (if not one of the three head Piirchas) from his office : the (nnount of fines to he carried to the account of Government. The three devvul Pur- chas are to be appointed hy the Collector of Cuttack, subject to the confirmation of Government. In the event of orders being issued by the Rajah contrary to the recorded rules and institution of the temple, a representation is to be made to the Collector of the tax for the orders of the Governor General in Council, if it ap- pear necessary. The third dewul Purcha shall give account to the Collector of the tax of all offerings and presents made to the Idol. The Collection of the tax is intrusted to an officer with the official designation of " The Collector of the Tax on Pilgrims," subject to the authority of the Collector of Cuttack ; the general superin- dence of the collections, and the control of the officer in the per- formance of that duty, is vested in the Board of Revenue at Fort William. The avenues for the admission of pilgrims shall be con- fined to two Ghauts, Atturah Nullah on the north* and Ghaut Loke- nauth on the south-west of the town of Juggernaut Pooree. The pilgrims liable to the tax shall be divided into four classes — laul jattrees, nim lauls, hhurrungs, punj tirthces, including the following persons of low cast who are not permitted to enter the temple, j' The rate of tax payable by the difiercnt classes is as follows, viz. pilgrims of the first class from the north, passing the Atturah Nul- lah, pay a tax of ten rupees; from the south, passing Lokenaut, six rupees. Pilgrims of the second class from the north pay ^yFre rupees ; from the south three rupees. Pilgrims of the third class, from either north or south, pay two rupees. Pilgrims of the fourth class, passing either Ghauts pay two rupees. A pilgrim of the first class is allowed free access to the temple for thirty days, * We have authorised the disbui'sement of 10,20G rupees for tlie con- struction of a wall in the vicinity of Juggernaut's temiile, in the district of Cuttack. The work was stated to be necessary for tiic piu'pose of pro- venting the pilgrims from forcing tlu'ir way to the temple, and by tiiose means evading payment of the established tax. Par. Papers, ISl;}. j). 20. Hamilton's Hind. Vol. ii. p. 55—57. t These are kusbce, ^^z-o^^Z/w^es; cnllal, liquor sellL'r.i ; macho:nvn, fish- ermen ; numosoodor, boatmen; ghooskee, private bad women; gazur, labourers who carry burdens on their heads; baugdee //.v/fc/'A-, labourers; joogee, weavers ; kaliar \y,\wvy,bearers ; raujbunsee, different east of bonl- men ; chainar, shoe makers; dhouiec, washermen ; paun, basket makers ; teor, another cast of boatmen ; bhoinmalee, makers of garlands, S(c. for marriages ; haddee, maters. These sixteen casts arc not suil'ered to enter the temple to worship Juggernaut. 182 constnnlly attended by a punda. He may be exempted from the attendance of these officers by a further payment of ten rupees to the Collector ; and by surrendering his pass shall be allowed to remain in the town as long as he pleases. Pilgrims of the second class, at the Car Festival, are allowed access to the temple ten days ; at other festivals seven days only. Pilgrims of the third class, at the Car Festival, are allowed five days ; at other times but four ; and must be attended by a punda. Pilgrims of the fourth class are allowed to ivorsh'ip outside the temple sixteen days. Pilgrims may enrol themselves in either of the first three classes on paying the prescribed tax. Printed certificates shall be procurable on the pay- ment of the fixed tax, at the office of the Secretary to the Board of Revenue, the Collector of Cuttack and Ganjam, and at the two Ghauts. Form as follows : " y^. B. inhahitant of in the district of , having this day paid info this office the sum of sicca rupees, is entitled to pass through the Ghaut iinthout further interruption, as a laul jattree to the cutchery of the Collector of the tax at Juggernaut. On producing this certificate to the said Collector, he is further entitled to receive a pass, and to have access to the temple thirty days." Names, or designation of attendants. Amount of tax paid respectively. Period for which to visit the temple. Forms No. 2, 3, and 4, differ only in the names of the class of pil- grims, the rate of tax, and the period of attendance at the temple. A pilgrim of the first class, desirous of visiting the temi^le with bis- family and attendants, not exceeding twenty persons, these must first pay the tax of the second or third class, and then they may stop as long as their master. The certificates shall be dated and attested by the official seal, the blank places filled up, &c. A pil- grim presenting the printed certificate is to be allowed to pass with- out interruption. The molestation of such an individual by the daroga at the Ghaut, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding his salary for three months, and dismissal from office. The duty of the Collector of Juggernaut is to superintend the conduct of the darogas. Pilgrims of the first, second, and third classes, having passed the Ghauts at Juggernaut, are to apply to the Collector for a license of access to the temple, in the following form : " A. B., inhabit a}tt of in the district of , is entitled to perform the customary cercinonies, under charge of during days, that is to say, from the — day of the month of until the day of the month of ; and for that period you will 183 afford to (he holders hereof free access (o tfie temple of Juggernaut. At the expiration of the period granted, you will return tlie license into the office of the Collector of tax." The mischief of this unhallowed connexion of Britain with Idol- atry, was further increased by the adoption of a premium to be paid by the wretched pilgrims to the pilgrim hunters, who had deluded and brought them. What infatuation in our countrymen ! Hear the plea. The Collector of the Pilgrim Tax, in March 1800, wrote to the Governor-General at Calcutta—" As the pilgrims will never be well-treated by their conductors, unless they receive a present from their own hands, I beg leave to propose that the fees of the pundahs, &c., be publicly fixed, and collected by them- selves, separate from the tax, as was formerly done under the Mahratta Govt." To this it was replied — " The Governor-General in Council approves of your proposition for permitting the pundahs to collect a fee of the pilgrims, exclusive of the tax ; you will ac- cordingly fix the rate at which such fee should he levied, and publish the rates for general information at the temple, and in its vicinity.'^ Thus, a bonus Avas established upon the collection of pilgrims. Col. Phipps, who had been stationed at Juggernaut, informed the writer — "A purharee, in 1821, despatched 100 agents to entice pilgrims, and in the ensuing year, received the premium for 4000 pilgrims ! He was busily employed in instructing 100 additional agents in all the mysteries of this singular trade, to send them into the Upper Provinces of India."- — Could any lino of policy have been more unchristian ? Harington's Analysis of the Laws and Regulations of the East India Company, vol. 3, p. 222, gives the following statement of JUGGERNAUT. liiipees. " Gross collection of Pilgrim Tax for 1815-lG (inchuling . . \ r., ^25 seventy-two rupees mis. rccepts) / ■> ' Assessment of endowed lands 26,814 Sale of holy food * 5,488 8)86,027 £10,753 • " With the consent of the Purchas, I deputed an Aumeen to oversee and state the produce from the sale of holy food, the quantity and value of cloth presented for tlie purpose of being displayed on the wheel at the top of tlie temple, on which Government receives from the person presenting its full value as a fee, under the head of Dujja, exclusive of 184 Rujyees. Deduct charges for cstaLlislimcnt and contingencies ^''^'*'^ Expenses of Juggernaut's Temple 56,372 English cloth for three cars 1,365 74,880 Net collection . . .. £11,147" Dr. Buchanan, in his "Christian Researches," states, from official accounts, the annvial expenses of the Idol Juggernaut, presented to the English Government, as follows : — Rupees, £,. " Expenses of the table of the Idol 36,116 or 4,514 Ditto of his di-ess or wearing apparel 2,712 — 339 Ditto of the wages of his servants 10,057 — 1,373 Ditto of contingent expenses at the different seasons) j^ ggg j g^g of pilgrimage / ' ' Ditto of his elephants and horses .. _ 3,030 — 378 Ditto of his ruth, or annual state carriage 6,713 — 839 Rupees 69,616 £8,792 "Thus (says The Friend of India, Oct. 1825,) a regularity, a splendour, an attraction, are given to the worship of this Idol, and an impetus to the delusion it originates, which it never possessed under the former dynasty ; an impetus too, which, fatal as it is in its consequences to so many of our Hindoo fellovir-subjects, is in- creasing with the gain it produces, which knows no bounds but the number of persons they are able to deceive from year to year ; and these have no bounds but the inhabitants of Hindostan itself." Such was the state of things, at this high place of Idolatry, — its population increasing, its votaries triumphing in the favour and support of their Rulers, and the influence and glory of Juggernaut extending through the whole of Hindostan ; when the Christian missionaries arrived in 1822, with the exhibition of gospel truth, to abash its nominally Christian Patrons, and with " the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, to smite the blasphemous Idol, till, like " the dust of the summer threshing-floor," the Idol and all its infamous atrocities, shall be found no more. Haste happy day ! It has been observed, ^^ If you ivould know the state of a people, look at the temple."~Vrom thus reconnoitering the metropolis and citadel of the enemy, where, as Chamberlain said of Benares — which, he has also to pay the fee of the Purchas and others, for their ministry during the ceremony." G. Webb, Collector of Tax, Dec. 1807. Par. Papers, 1813, p. 65. 185 "Satan sits enthroned," let us view the state of Orissa "in the length thereof, and in the breadth thereof;" and the necessity that existed for the introduction of Christianity, Avill be most evident. The Lord give "his word to have free course and be glorified," that, " his way may be known upon earth, his saving health among all peojile." The state of a people is most clearly seen in their peculiar man- ners and customs. Those that relate to caste, the degradation of the female sex, the comparatively stereotyped habits of the people, &c., &c., have passed under review in the general history of the country ; the customs which exhibit the nature and influence of Idolatry, naturally arrest the attention of the Christian philanthro- pist, viz., the Suttee, the churuck Pooja, Infanticide, Human Sacrifices, peculiar Austerities, the neglect of the dying and the dead, &c. No tongue can express, no pen depict, no heart con- ceive, the miseries of a people suffering from the sanguinary hydra of Hindoism. A brief description of these singular practices will demonstrate the value of Christian Missions. The Suttee, or the burning and burying alive of the Hindoo widow, prevailed in Orissa, though not so extensively as in the adjacent Province of Bengal and other parts of India. In Dr. Carey's Bengalee Dictionary, the rite is thus described ; " Suttee. From sut, good, chaste, jDure, &c. ; a woman who burns herself on her husband's funeral pile, being thought an irrefragable proof of her chastity." The Parliamentary Papers upon the Suttee, ob- tained through the late Sir T. F. Buxton, Bart., shew the number that perished in the different Presidencies. — " Total in ten years, (from 1815 to 1824,) 6G32, give for the Cuttack division in 1821, 28 — 1822, 28 — 1823, 31—1824, 25." The author was present at a Suttee, at Cuttack, Aug. 19, 1824 ; but he prefers giving the account of one at the temple of Juggernaut, witnessed by his late colleague, Mr. Bampton. In Orissa, the woman was sometimes burnt in a pit ; the author saw one of these pits at Juggernaut, but did not hear of the horrid deed till it had taken place, "so swift were their feet to shed blood." — What an appalling exhibition of the horrors of Idolatry, does the following relation contain. The account is dated. Juggernaut, July 7, 1824. "The infatuated woman, whose cleath I witnessed, was the widow of a Brahniun who had died in the morning. The man's age seemed to have been about forty and the woman's thirty-five. The place where the Suttee took place was called Swurgu Dwar, which signifies the gate of heaven ; and when I reached it 1 found the coolies em])loyed in diggiug the hole, which was circular, about six feet deep, its diameter nt bottom perhaps a 186 little less than its deptli, and at top twice as much. Soon aftei- my arri- val, about twelve persons came, each bringing a load of wood on his or her head ; for several of them were women. I charged the labourers with being accessary to the crime about to be committed, and the general reply was, tliat they woi-ked for money, and did this work as they did other work because they were i)aidfor it. Carelessness or cheerfulness charac- terised all the Hindoos near or on the spot. The pit being finished, a quantity of water was mixed with cow-dung and sprinkled on the margin about one-third of tlie way down; two ropes were also well wetted with the same mixture. Inquiring tl>e use of two bamboos which lay near, I was told they were to stir the frc and turn about the bodies ! The bits of wood prepared for the occasion were between twelve or eighteen inches long, on an average five or six in circumference; a quantity of them were thrown into the pit, and a man at the bottom proceeded to set them up on their ends two or three thick round the sides ; upon this he placed a second tier ; and on the second, a third ; he also covered the bottom per- haps five or six inches thick, so that the pit was now two-thirds lined with wood. Soon after all was finished, the dead man was brougiit on a rough bier, which I supposed might have been made in less than quarter of an hour. I soon saw the procession (if it may be called one), halting a few hundred yards before me : the crowd was kept oft' the woman by a square made of four pieces of wood, five or six feet long. The rabble were pre- ceded by some of tlieir rude nuisic. Unwilling to see her burn herself, my worthy comi)anions, Lieut. \y. and T. B. Esq., tried several times to prevent the horrid deed, and I lent my feeble assistance, but all to no purpose. They halted twenty or thirty yards from the lianiing pit, where the last effort was made, and, that failing, her infamous coadjutors gave her a lighted lamp, which I think she put into an earthen pot under her arm. In a little time all was confusion ; and a scene, the most perfectly liellish that we ever saw, was presented ; and a way was made for the woman to the pit, and its margin was left clear ; she advanced to the edge facing her husband, and two or three times waved her right hand ; she then hastily walked round the pit, and in one place I thought the flames caught her legs; having completed the circle, she again waved her hand as befoi'e, and then jumped into the fire «•»*•* At this moment I believe the drums beat, and an infernal shout rent the air, but I can scarcely say I know — all was confusion. A dense smoke issued from the pit, entermixed at intervals with partial bursts of flame, occasioned by quantities of powdered resin thrown into the pit by handfnls. In a little time they allowed the fire to clear itself, and we then saw the wretched woman in the midst of it ; I think her posture was that of sitting on lier heels ; she sometimes moved gently backward and for- ward, as if she bowed. The poor creature still kept an erect posture ; but at length seemed partially to rise, and pitched forward with her head against the side of the pit, about two feet from her husband's left hand. The motion of her head in this ])osition indicated pain, and she continued to live two or three minutes longei-. Tlie gentlemen then went home, but I stayed a little longer and saw the bodies taken out : for though the women are burnt in these pits the bodies are taken out while distinguis- able, and consumed in two difterent fires (at least that is the case here), and we are told it is done, that the son may make sure of some fragments of both his parents to be throiru info the Ganges. Now the ropes came into use ; one was doubled and the middle thrown down to catch the man's chin, one or two bamboo levers were put under his head to raise it and get the ro])e round his neck ; tlie rope was then twisted, in order to fasten it, and tliey began to draw, but they failed, for the rope slipped oflT. Another man llien att('m])ted to fasten the rope; he succeeded, and they drew up the body, with the exception, I think of the legs ; but it was quiet dark, and nothing could be seen but by the light of the fire. They then tried 187 to raise tlie woman, but could not easily get the rope round her nock, so tliey jjut it on her arm, wliich projected in sucli a way as to favour tlieir doing so ; and, after twisting it widl, tliey drew lier nearly to the top of the pit : but they seemed afraid that they should lose her again if tliey trusted entirely to her arm, so she was held just below the edge of the jnt till another man jmt the other rope under her chin, and she was then drawn quite up. Some of the people em])loj'ed themselves in arranging the wood for the fires to consume the bodies, and I stayed perhaps ten minutes lon- ger, finally leaving the bodies on the brink of the pit. Such are the facts, and Heave them to produce their proper effect."* The churuch Pooja appears to have been as popular in Orissa as in Bengal. It is so called from churuch, a circle, the devotees being carried or whirled round in the air, suspended on a transverse beam, which turns on a pivot upon a substantial post in the ground ; some are even carried on a bakery, or native carriage. It is a most disgusting and brutal exhibition. A friend in Calcutta, in March 1823, thus describes it: — "The places of the body which are pierced are, the back, the arms generally above the elbow, the sides, and the tongue. But the piercing is the least part of what is endured by the sufferers. The tongue being pierced, an iron rod is thrust through it, sometimes carried by the individual himself, and sometimes by one of the group of his attendants. One of these sufferers bad the point of a bayonet fixed upon a musket through bis tongue, and carried before him by the sepoy to whom it be- longed, and thus he paraded the streets. Another had a live snake of five or six feet in length, the tail of which was thrust through the man's tongue, the head and part of the body remained twirling in frightful shapes above his head. A singular instance of audacity was seen this year : among the numerous groups there was a man having the iron through his tongue with the upper part fastened to the leg of a woman of ill fame, who was carried upon the shoulders of bearers in a chair precisely even with the man's head, and he dancing and frolicking below. Some are so determined to excel, that in order to insert a thicker rod, the tongue has been so far pierced as to leave merely a shred on each side, and it has hapjiened that one side has given way, leaving the part of the tongue hanging on one side merely by a piece. The number of persons in Calcutta who thus torment themselves eaunot, it is supposed, be less than a thousand ; in all probability it is much greater. Europeans are not likely to hear the tenth, or even a hundredth part of the evil that occurs from these practices. The natives are not sufficiently at- tached to each other to think the maiming or death of their country- men of importance sufficient to induce them even to relate the fact, * See Suttee's Cry to Britain, 1828, pp. 8-9. 188 unless it is elicited by some special circumstance, or inquiry should lead to the subject." Infanticide was supposed to be almost confined to the Rajpoots of Western India, and it was not till Avithin the last few years, that it was discovered to prevail to an awful extent among the Khunds of Goomsur, in Orissa. The following information is deeply affect- ing. The Friend of India, July 1841, stated — " Mcria Pooja or Human Sacrifice, takes place once a year, in one or other of the confederate Mootasin succession. The victims are stolen from the low couutry, or are brought from some other distant ])art, aud sold to those Mootas wliere the sacrifices are performed. If children, they are kept until they attain a proper age. This cruel ceremony is thus per- formed. When the appointed day arrives, the Khunds assemble from all])arts of the country, dressed in their finery, some with bear skins thrown over their slioidders, others with tails of peacocks flowing behind them, and the long winding feather of the jungle cock waving on their heads. Thus decked out, they dance, leap and rejoice, beating drums and playing on an instrument not unlike in sound to the Highland pipe. Soon afternoon, the jani or presiding priest, with the aid of his assistants, fastens the un- fortunate victim 10 a strong post which has been firmly fixed into the ground, and there standing erect, lie suffers the cruel torture of having his flesh cut from his bones in small pieces, by the knives of the savage crowd who rusli on him and contend with each other for a portion. Great value is attached to the first morsel cut from the victim's body, for it is supposed to possess greater virtues, and a proportionate eagerness is evinced to obtain it; but considerable danger to the person of the oper- ator attends the feat, for it happens also that equal virtues are attri- buted to the flesh of the lueky holder of the first slice. To guard against so disagreeable an appropriation a village will geuerally de])ute one of its numl)er to endeavour to secure the much desired object, and they according arm him with a knife (mereri,) tie cloths roiuid him, and holding on by the ends, at the appointed signal, rush witli three or four thousand others at the miserable sacrifice ; when, if their man should be successful in his aim, they exert their utmost efforts to drag him from the crowd. Should he escape unhurt, the whole turn their faces to their homes, for in order to secure its efhcacj', they must deposit in their fields, before the day has (/one, the charm they have so cruelly won ! Tiie intent of this human sacrifice is to propitiate Ceres. In Ouddapoor, another and equ;dly cruel sacrifice frequently precedes the one already described. A trench, seven feet long, is dug, in which a human being is suspended alive by the neck and heels, fastened with ropes to stakes firmly fixed at each end of the excavation, so that to prevent strangulation, he is obliged to support himself with his hands over each side of the grave. The presiding priest, after going through some ceremonies in honor of the goddess Manekisiri, takes an axe and inflicts six cuts at equal distances from the back of the neck to the heels repeating the nmnber one, two, &c., and at the seventh decapitates him — the body falls into the pit and is covered with earth, when the hellish orgies first described, are enacted. Women are sacrificed as well as men. Since the arrival of the troops in the Khund country, a female found her way into the Collector's camp at Pattingia, with fetters on her legs. She had escaped during the confusion of an attack on the Widsa or hiding place of the peojde who had charge of her, by our men, and related that she had hecnsoldby her brother toamooiikoo of one of the Pattingia Mootas, 189 f(>v the puvpofic of being saenficed ! ! I need not say that she was instantly released, and that she adjured all furtlier connexion with the people." The form of Invocation to the Khund Goddess, forms an INFERNAL HYMN. Hail, mother, hail ! hail goddess Bhobanee ! Lo, we present a sacrifice to thee, Partake thereof, and let it pleasure give, And, in return, let us thj' grace receive. With music's various sounds, on festive day Lo ! thee we worship, and thy rites obey. Hail all ye gods who in the mountain dwell, In the wild jungle or the lonely dell ; Come all, together come, with one accord, And take the sacrifice we have prepared. In all the fields, and all the plots we sow, O let a rich and plenteous harvest grow ; O all ye gods and goddesses give ear, And be propitious to our earnest prayer. Behold a youth for sacrifice decreed, Blooming with tender flesh, and flushed with blood ; No sire, no matron, says. This youth is mine. His flesh, his blood, his life, his all, are thine ; WithoutJthe pale of sacred wedlock thrown, We took and fed him for thy right alone. Now lo ! with rites from all pollution free, We offer him, O Bhobanee, to thee : Taste now this offering, satisfy thy heart, And bid us joyful to our homes depart; Taste now this offering, and ])ropitions be, And let us each, marks of thy favour see. This extract was repeated from memory, by Abraham, a Khund boy, in the School atCuttack, to Mr. Lacey, who translated it ; he was then a great fat boy, and would soon have been sacrificed, had he not been res- cued by the English Officers. He well remembers, and relates, how he was stolen from his mother. She was then a widow. They had laid down to sleep for the night, when the men entered the hut, and beating the mother and children, placed poor Abraham over their shoulders, blind- folded him, and carried him off". He is now sixteen years old and has been baptized." One of the British Authorities, thus describes the scene repre- sented in the engraving respecting Infanticide in Goomsur. — " They offer human sacrifices to their deities. The principal one is a pea- cock with three heads. From all I can learn, it w^ould appear that the Chieftains of the different Districts take it by turns to offer a human sacrifice annually, to ensure prolific crops ; but an offering is frequently made at other times, to avert or remove an evil. A spot being cleared in the immediate vicinity of the A-illage, a girl, the most common sacrifice, is put to death by the blow of an axe. The body is then removed to the village ; in the centre of which, a peacock carved in wood, with three heads, is placed on the top of a long pole, over which the blood of the victim is sprinkled. The 190 body is then divided into as many parts as there are villages in the Mootab : each of these parts is again divided, so as to give a por- tion to each family ; and these they again divide into the smallest possible pieces, -which they bury in their houses or around their fields! The JMolekoos frequently have a child, sometime children, purchased, or taken in tlieir marauding exhibitions in the low country, to bring up for this express purpose : they treat them with kindness, perhaps for years, till they are required for an offering : the more full-grown and perfect, the better : a male, though less common, is prefered."* Human sacrifices were found to exist, nor is this a subject of surprise, when it is known that they are formally enjoined in the Hindoo code of laws and religious ceremonies. Mr. Lacey wrote, in June 1827,— "A human sacrifice has lately been offered near Cuttack. Human sacrifices are more frequent than is generally apprehended. Every possible precaution is taken to keep them secret, so that few are heard of. In the present instance the sacri- fice was a young child, a boy. Ilis parents are of the soodra caste. He was either bought or stolen from them by the sacrificer. It seems probable, that the person who offered the sacrifice had made a vow to the goddess to offer a beautiful child in case of some favour granted. Hence, the boy chosen was of very respectable parents, about five years of age, and very handsome. How the ceremony was performed I do not know ; but most likely by cutting off the head, as bodies and heads of human sacrifices have been found. And the goddess Kalec, of the Hindoos, is represented as being pleased with the flow of blood. I have witnessed the sacri- fices of goats and buifaloes to Kalee, in Bengal, and this was the manner of sacrificing them. It is therefore most probable that the blood and head of the child, were carried immediately before the image and off"ered to her. The Brahmun, to conceal the murder, after ofiering the sacrifice, took the body of the victim, cut it into small pieces, and boiled it in a large earthen pot, in which it seems he intended to bury it. This was a most secure method, as the boiling disfigured tlie flesh, and no one here could suspect flesh being in a handy. It seems he was detected in boiling it. The perpetrator and the idol were brought before the magistrate of Cuttack, and a minute investigation ensued. The evidence ap- peared clear against the Brahmun, We, however, condemn no one without oaths ! and, the murderer being a Brahmun, not one of the witnesses would swear against him, as it would have taken his life. • See Infantici'Je in India, 1811, p. 22, 191 In this manner the murderer was quitted of all charges, though it appeared evident he was guilty of the crime."* " jNIr. N. told me (says JMr. Sutton,) that he feared human sacri- fices were frequent. He mentioned that a little while ago, when the cholera raged here, that several of the people declared that Kalee had appeared to them, and said if they would sacrifice a man to her, she would stop it. He afterwards mentioned another cir- cumstance, with which he appeared to be well acquainted. During the Ganjam fever, the servants of a Mr. M , who was often in the habit of giving them money for their ceremonies, asked him for 500 rupees, which he gave them. But another servant, a Mus- sulman, who I suppose, was jealous of their obtaining so much, went to Mr. M. and told him they were about to offer a human sacrifice. He immediately called them back, and told them he thought they were about to attend to some innocent ceremonies, but he would be no party in murder ; and of course made them return the money. "^ Mr. Lacey records the following appalling fact in his journal : — ■ " This morning Capt. C , a very respectable officer of the Company's service, called on us and related the following awful instance of human sacrifice, which he discovered about a year ago, in the neighbourhood of his own station. On the occasion of a new Resident, one of the Company's tributary rajah's vowed to sacrifice twenty men to Kalee, if she would grant him a prosperous interview. He set out for the residency, and twenty men were seized, shaved, fasted, and anointed. He obtained a favourable interview, and as soon as he returned home, the twenty victims were beheaded, and their blood poured out before the image of Kalee. This account may be fully depended upon ; Capt. C mentioned that human sacrifices are by no means uncommon in the part of India where he resides, which is in the Nagpore Residency. It is more than probable that human sacrifices exist under all tri- butary and independent rajahs. "J Lawson, in his Orient Ilarpings, describes one of these deeds of darkness. § The following are the concluding lines, — "Not so Died the pale boy this night, for he was led Through the dark village to the place of death, Where oft had died before him other boys. Steady, inflexible, the Brahniuns walk * Sutton's Narrative, pp. 288-9, + pp. 22,3-4. : Gen. Bap. Repository, 1830, p. 312.— § Vol. 1823, p. 103. 2 A 192 Behind, before, on either side, and calm Chatter, and smoke, and smile. Some tliere are lean And wrinkled, who betray that they are old : With peevish self-conceit, they boast of skill In learned books and righteous acts, and sputter With toothless rage in pious controversy. Others of broad and brawny limb, and step Proud and majestic, toss tlie graceful poita ; And, unconcerned in matters of dispute. Swagger with bloated face, and ogling eyes, And muslin girded loins, and slip-shod heels Triumphant. Younger ones are there, who pert And slim, march in the infernal throng. No heart In tlieir brass bosoms throbs with shame, or fear, Or ])ity. Never do they inwardly Relent, or with reluctance plunge a soul Into eternity. — They have arrived ! Eager they come ! they urge the trembling youth ! Poor fellow ! how he falters with the cold sweat Bathing his forehead, and with speechless tongue And chattering teeth. Of curious arch and turret There stands the temple with its grinning queen, Kalee, of bottomless darkness born, obscene. There bends the neck of the poor quaking lad A human sacrifice. The hatchet falls ! The crash alone is heard — the guggling blood Is on the ground, the priests have done their work, And coldly walk away ; they find their home. Nor feel one sting of guilt." Various austerities are practised among the people, too justly descriptive of the system of Idolatry prevalent in India. At the temple of Juggernaut, persons may be seen having their heads covered with earth, so that it would appear impossible to breathe, or sitting between two or three fires ; or, (as the author has seen at Cuttack,) a man resting upon a piece of wood suspended from a tree, and not permitting himself to lie down for weeks ; or with his arm elevated till it has stiffened. " While I was talking (says Mr. Sutton,) a byragge passed me with his left arm stiff, and his fingers rotted off." The Exposure of the drogress of the Mission at Cuttack — Pooree — Balasore — Midnapore — Berhampore — Ganjam — Calcutta — Christian- pore — Kunditta — Choga — Pipley. Native Schools — Orphan Asylums or Boarding Schools — The English School — Circula- tion of the Scriptures and religious Books — Influence of the Press. We have seen that the destination of the Missionaries in Orissa was Cuttaok, the capital, where they arrived February 12th, 1822. Cuttack is beautifully situated between the banks of the rivers Mahanuddy and the Katjoory, and contains a population of about * Sutton's Narrative, p. 393. 195 fifty thousand souls. It has been the seat of power both of the Native Princes, the Mahomedans, and the Mahrattas, as it is now of the British. It may be painfully interesting to place upon record, the following description of the conquest of Orissa by the British, and particularly the taking of the Fort of Cuttack, ex- tracted from " Plummer's Journal,'" a Sergeant in the 22nd regi- ment, whom the writer recently met with in Norwich. Alas ! how great are the horrors of war. The Lord " cause war to cease to the ends of the earth." " The expedition, which was 5500 strong, sailed from Bengal, Aug. 3rd, 1803, and landed at Ganjam the 25tli. The army marched imder the coinniand of Col. t[arcoin-t and Col. Clayton. We began our march for the cajntal, and advanced to Cuttack, where we took possession of the black Prince's palace. His soldiers had fled into a fort at Barabatti, and the next morning our army encam])ed in front of it. We began to build a battery in the front of the fort, which was completed in three days. Oct. 14. At day-break we opened a fire upon the fort, but our gnns made but little impression u])on it, as the place was rendered strong by three walls one above another ; between each there was a deep trench full of water. The only entrance into the fort was over a bridge secured by three strong gates. We had made an entrance through the first gate, where, if the enemy liad had courage to sally out, we nnist all either liave been drowned or ])ut to the sword, which api)eared to have been their plan. Our battery guns threw a ball through the upper part of the fort gate ; but to prevent another occurrence of a similar nature, the Mahrattas had built a wall in front. I was ordered out with the storming party and one six- pounder. We began a smart fire upon the three-gun battery, and upon the enemy in the trenches. Our small gun threw a double-headed shot through the gate, but finding it would not give way, our officer put into the gun a blank cartridge, and brought the muzzle close ; it blew open the small door ; but the Mahrattas had dug a deep trench close to the threshold, that we might tum])le in while entering, and that they might have an opportunity of cutting us to pieces. But the door blew open so suddenlj', it took off the legs of the man, who was placed there with his drawn sword to defend it. IVe entered through the gate, one by one, till the whole storming party ivere in! The next object we had to encounter, was a gun loaded with grape shot, ready to five in our faces : but, i)rovi- dentially, one of our party shot the man with the lighted matcli in his hand, just going to the piece ; befell, but while attemjiting to rise, a sergeant killed him wdtli his pike, and brushed oif the priming. One of our men Avas shot through the knee, and another through the heart! The enemy ran to' shut the third gate, but before they could secure it, we forced an entrance. We then flew to the trenches and batteries, pidled down the flag, and hoisted in its place a soldier's jacket ! Many of the enemy threw themselves into the trenches and were drowned; 400 were killed, and the rest threw down their arms. One ])oor woman was so friglitened, that she jiunped into a well, with her child in her arms; but we got them both out alive. Well might the poor creature be frightened, to see her husband killed by her side. The dead bodies were carried out of the fort in small carts, and laid in heaps by the river side, where there flesh was devoured by jackals and vultures! ! It was terrible the first night to hear the groans and cries of the wounded men. How many were killed of our different regiments I never heard, but the two companies of the 22nd had two killed : the wounded all recovered, except one, who was disabled for service. 196 Tlic fort is an exact square, with a very handsome temple in the middle, wlicre tlie Malirattas worsliipped ; it was not injm-ed eitlier by the shots or sliells. The place was large enough to contain the whole army ; a part stayed, and anotlier division went to occupy tlie palace of the black Prince. Several of the othcers were wounded, and one black lieutenant killed. AVe had no sooner buried our dead, than the jackals rooted up the earth, and dragged the bodies from the graves. About a thousand of the army pursued the black Prince, whose army lay near the banks of the rivev which ran past the fort: they followed him to the hills, but could not come up with him. Many of the men caught the hill fever, and returned, and were quartered in villages belonging to the Prince's dominions. One of the chiefs offered himself to the Commander as a Collector of taxes. He was frequently at the Colonel's house attended with great pomp ; he was carried in a palankeen and a guard of his own running by his side with drawn swords and having pikes. He attended the Colonel to teach him the language of the country. He likewise waited upon Colonel Harcourt every day. There was a man who had frequently been in the Mahratta service, but liad deserted it, and enlisted into a Regiment belonging to the Company's service. Tlie black Collector, frequently gave the man money, and promised promotion if he would enter into his designs ; and promised to inform hiin of his plan. He told him iico days before the execution of the secret. He was to be a guide to the army of the black Prince, who would convey a letter by a servant to the other side of the river. The night of its execution was to be, when the Officers liad a hall where they iverc all to he murdered, and 10,000 men ready to rush into t]ie Fort and put aU the soldiers to the sword! The man when he heard the whole plan developed, went and gave information of the conspirators. An ambush was laid to intercept the letters whicli succeeded. The black Collector was confronted with his own hand writing, which was found upon the messenger, but he flatly denied the whole. He was seized and coniined in prison. Our army marched to Piph'y, where the enemy were then lying who engaged us with great fury. We charged their guns and took them and made a great slaughter. The rest fled to a Fort on the hill, took some of the conspirators and hung them. We had many killed in the fray and almost every Officer wounded. We returned to the fort ; and the principal conspirator was tried and executed." The intelligent and pious Christian, cannot with propriety appear as the defender or apologist of war. He ever looks upon it as ' the act, the strange act,' of a mysterious Providence, From seeming evil, still educing good And better thence again — and better still In infinite progression. Happy day, when all people shall * heat their swords into plough- shares and their spears into pruning-hooks, v>hen nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.' CUTTACK. The Jirst sabbath at Cuttack, is thus described in a Journal of that period. — " A soldier of the 7th Regiment of Native Infantry, with his wife and several females coming, Bro. Bampton delivered an address, and our servant Abraham rendered it into Iliudostanee. 197 He spoke afterwards from Col. iv. 3-G. A Mr. G., a Portuguese, whose two sisters have been baptized at JjaL-isore, by ]\Ir. Peter, attended. In the afternoon we partook of the Lord's Supper, tlie writer administered it. In the evening Bro. B. preached : the sol- dier brought his brother, who understands English. Now we see the day of small things, but who hath despised them ?" — This was indeed the day of small things, but at this time it shall he said, "What hath God wrought?" The Brethren purchased bungalows in the cantonments, at a mo- derate price, which proved comfortable habitations ; and afforded accommodation for the public worship of God. At first most of the Europeans attended English preaching on the Lord's Day evening ; but after a time, some little offence was taken at the faithful exhi- bition and application of gospel truth, and but few attended. Cuttaek being the capital of the province, employment was found in the Govt offices for a considerable number of Indo-British ; these form the connecting link of the European and the Hindoo, and constitute throughout India, a very interesting and important sphere of labour to the missionary. Within a few days of the arrival of the missionaries, a native presented a petition for English books, ascertaining his ability to read, he was presented with a New Testa- ment. The following was the petition — " The bearer, Roykoanauth Loll, being to inform before your honor, that he is learning English. Therefore he begs to desire, if you will be good enough to favor him with any books by which he will be duly bound. I am Sir, Your most Obedient Servant. Cuttaek, Feb. 24th, 1822. In the next month, reference is made to the commencement of an Enc/lish Sunday School, after morning service. A few days afterwards it is stated — ■" In the evening we went with Mr. Baptist, a writer, to look at a spot for a Native School. "We hope to pro- mote education, as preparatory to the reception of the gospel." On Lord's-day, ]\Iay 5th, Mrs. Renncl and her sister, baptized at Balasore, united with the church. One of the ^^lissionaries wrote on the occasion ; "I feel encouraged that our number in church fellowship is now seven and looked forward with cheerful hope to the time when it would greatly increase." — "June 1. To day our Oreah School commenced. Tlie schoolmaster preferred this day to Monday, that day been considered an uiducky day !" In the following month Mr. Charles made a present of a School-room 198 which he had built. July 12th, it is stated — " We have been here five months to-day, and after much consideration, and, I fear, too much delay, this evening our servant Abraham, baptized in Cal- cutta, -was introduced to his public work among the Natives." — The value of native help in the infancy of the Mission is self- evident ; and hence the special providence that provided it, in the person and labours of our servant Abraham. It is stated of him — " From twelve years service, under two gentlemen of the army, he speaks Hindostance almost like his native tongue. His action, tone, figure, and the attention he commands, have often caused surprise. We think it very likely to be useful to our mission, gradually to disengage him from service, that, supported by the Society at about eight or ten rupees per month, he may fully de- vote himself to the work among the heathen." On October 1st of this year, the practice was commenced of the monthly assembly of the school children, at each others' bungalows, for examination and reward. Considerable difficulty was experi- enced in dissipating the fear of both parents and children ; for ru- mours were in circulation that the children would be taken to Calcutta to make them Christians, or give them victuals, or in some way take away their caste. About fifty children were present at the first meeting, and several gospels Avere introduced into the schools. In reference to the aspect of the Mission at this time, the Report quotes one of the brethren saying — " As it respects the state of the IMission, what can we say ? Who can define the progress of the growth of seed, while buried in the clods of the valley 1 We have distributed tracts and scriptures, far and wide — have instructed a number of youthful minds in the schools established— have borne our humble testimony to the truth : how far this seed will thrive, it is not for us to say, God giveth the increase. You will not expect a fruitful field, a valuable estate, before we have been here one year. We rather suppose you to say — How thick did you find the woods ? What quantity of ground have you cleared ? What is the quality of the soil ? How much have you under cultivation ? Truly this is an uncultivated people, though capable of much cul- tivation. The Lord send forth labourers." Vigorous efforts were early made to promote the instruction of the rising generation. From June 1822 to Dec. 1823, fifteen Native Schools were established, three of which Avere at a distance from Cuttack. They contained 305 boys and 63 girls. In Aug. 1823, a Fund was formed to promote Native Schools. It is 199 observed in the closing paragraph — " The paper now contains moiithli) suhscriplions to the amount of 35 rupees 8 annas, and may probably through the good hand of our God upon us, be enriched by some more subscriptions or donations from our wealthy neigh- bours. The means multiply ; may the Lord give effect to them, to the glory of His name." This hope was not extensively realized in reference to the Fund, but it was most delightfully exceeded, by the support afforded for the establishment of the Cuttack English Charity School, which commenced in Oct. 1823. It may be interesting to families in Orissa, to give the names of the first Scholars. In the first Report it is stated — " Since the commencement of the Institution, twenty scholars have been ad- mitted, whose names are, John, James, Charles and Charlotte Bap- tist, Henry l^iVans Kenny, William Mordick, Levi and Betsy Torrs, John and Lewis Emmanuel Xavier, Andrew Ransin, Maria and Mary Dermont, Neel iMahadab Haider, Gunga Naraign Chatoorga." Tliis Institution was honoured with the patronage and support of the Civilians and Military OlKcers of the Station and different parts of the Province, and has doubtless proved a blessing to many youths, both Native, Indo-British, and English. The first efforts to prepare books in the language, are noticed under date Nov. 1823. "Perhaps you will be expecting to hear that your Missionaries have begun to send something of their la- bours into the world. I have at last ventured to send to the press the elementary tables of the School Book Society from the Benga- lee ; a tract on Idolatry, v>holly Scripture Extracts ; a few select passages on the Laiv and the Gospel, for a sheet, or a small Tract for Schools and first distribution ; and four Hymns from the Benga- lee, for native worship. The Tables I expect will be printed in Calcutta ; the other pieces at Serampore. The Oreah language has only the Scriptures and three or four Tracts in it ; liow great must he the dearth of Christian knowledge /" The writer cannot forbear noticing the reference to the little Tract — " A few select passages on the Law and the Gospel," 4 pp. 18mo., as this Tract* proved the seed of the first fruits of Orissa unto God. This will appear in the subsequent history of the Mission. " You will be pleased to hear," says one of the breth- ren, " that while one of our dear partners is engaged in the English School, the other is attempting a translation of our venerable Bro. • This Tract was sent to Serampore to be printed, Oct. 25th, 1S23. 2 B 200 Dan Taylor's Catechism, which we should be happy to see intro-' diiced into our Schools." The first baptism took place April 27th, 1822. The subject of it was Mr. F. Rennell, son of the eminent Engineer, His wife and her sister were pious persons, and his conversion and union with the infant church was hailed with great delight, as * a token for good.' The Missionaries soon began to feel the need of more help. They say — " We are almost lost in this place ; and how much more as it respects the whole country. Pray for us — send others to our help — what are we for this Province ?" Early applications were- made to them to settle in different places. Under date^ Jan. 22nd, 1823, they wrote — " Balasore on the Bay would be a good station, and we have been already invited thither." A few months after, !Mr. Ward offered them the purchase, or even gift of the mission premises at Midnapore, the missionary at that station being about to remove. But these invitations could not with propriety be ac- cepted. But help was soon experienced. Mr. C. Lacey^ formerly a member of the church at Loughborough, Leicestershire, devoted himself to the missionary work. He was ordained at Lough- borough, May 7th, 1823. The annual Report states — " The op- portunity was one of the most solemn kind. Never probably did a more solemn service take place in the Baptist denomination. All the interest that had been felt two years before by the ordination of ]\Ir. Bampton, and the presence of Mr. Ward, appear-ed again in action. The spacious chapel was crowded, if possible, still more excessively than even on that affecting occasion ; and many after all, were unable to gain admission within its walls. Tears flowed from the eyes of hundreds of witnesses, which manifested the deep impression which they felt. The candidate for missionary labours passed through his trying part with much firmness and propriety, and gave in reply to the questions proposed, respecting his conver- sicm and his design in engaging inpul)lic labours, answers of a very satisfactory nature. The same pledge to support and pray for the Missionaries as had been given on the former interesting opportunity, was repeated ; and the uplifted hands of a multitude, declared that they would persevere in supporting with their property and their prayers, the great cause they have espoused." While help was thus preparing, to "lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes," of tlie little tent pitched at Cuttack, Mr. Bampton, after mature deliberation, removed from Cuttack to Poorec, in Sep. 1823. Ho had visited this ' higli place' of Idolatry at the ruth Jattra, and in humble dependence upon the Lord, he 201 determined to take his stand l)cforc this fortress of heathenism, which he never finally relinquished till death. Mr. and Mrs. Laccy arrived at Cvittack, Dec. 19th, and were a very valuahle acquisition to the Mission. Mr. Peggs went to Patamoondy to meet his new friends, and on their journey home by water, which occupied several days, various opportunities were enjoyed of extending ' the savour of the knowledge of Christ.' Mr. Lacey's aifahility of temper proved of great importance in the acquisition of the lan- guage. He was at home every where, and with every body, and by this means soon made very great progress in the language. The advice of the venerable Dr. Carey to Mr. Lacey, before leaving Serampore, is too important to be omitted. Taking Mr. L. by the hand, he said — " My dear brother Lacey, though 1 cannot pray publicly for you, yet I have the same warm desires for you, and I give you my advice. PLcmember three things : — 1. That it is your duty to preach the gospel to every creature. 2. Remember that God has declared that his word shall accomplish that for which it is sent. 3, That, when he pleases, he can as easily remove the present seemingly formidable obstacles, as we can move the smallest particle of dust. Be not discouraged, but look constantly to the great reo©mpense of reward. Farewell, may the Lord bless you, and give you many souls in Orissa for your hire." The year 1 824 dawned upon the Brethren Peggs and Lacey, on a short tour of four days to establish some Native Schools in the ad- jacent villages. At Gungaswur, after dinner, Mr. Lacey, for a little amusement, and to shew contempt for idols, went up to a large tree as if ignorant of what was near him, laid hold of some of the little idols, and sat down upon them ! He called his com- panion, and taking up one of them, placed it for his seat The amazement of the stupid people was]^great. Inquiring of the cook what the people would say, he replied — " That the Sahabs are (jreat people, and fear nothing !" The connection of the British Government with Idolatry was referred to by a Native in one of the villages, who inquired — IFhy should the Company destroij Jugger- naut ; he is their cliachar or servant ? Alas! for the evils of this unholy alliance. After stopping some time at Cuttack, Mr. Lacey proceeded on a visit to Pooree ; but settled at Cuttack, to assist Mr. Peggs, whose health began to give symptoms of decay. He proved a very agree- able and valuable colleague to the close of his missionary course in India. The first years of missionary labour are usually character- ised by circumatances requiring ' the patience of the saints.' The 202 early history of the Orissa ]Mission afForcls no exception to this general rule. But there must be ploughing and sowing, before ' the joy of harvest.' Reviewing the early years of the Mission, it is stated — " The first four years of the Mission in Orissa, saw the four original members strengthened by four others from England ; encouraged by the addition of four others, baptized in different parts of India, and were favored to baptize four more." In this l^eriod no Native convert cheered the heart of the Missionaries, though some cases occurred which awakened their hopes. The ordination of Mr. Sutton to the work of the ]\Iission, took » place at Derby, June 23rd, 1824. The Report of the Society stated — " At an early hour the chapel was crowded to excess. The ordination service was deeply impressive. Many were power- fully affected while the young Missionary detailed the progress of his conversion, and narrated the important change which took place in his state and feelings when he was brought from scenes of impiety, vice, and misery, to embrace the gospel, and to consecrate himself and his all to the service of God among the heathen. — Tears flowing from the eyes of hundreds testified the feelings of their hearts : the uplifted hands of perhaps a thousand persons of- fered the pledge given on former similar occasions, to pray for and support the mission. On the follov/ing evening, Mr. Sutton preached for the last time to his friends at Derby, and seven breth- ren engaged in prayer. The language of an eminent christian on another occasion, on this probably expressed the feelings of many ; " If I were so unhappij as not to he a Christian, I should now 6e- come one." After an unusually long voyage, Mr. Sutton arrived at Calcutta in February, and at Cuttack March 11th, 1825, where he was hailed with delight by the brethren. Mrs. Sutton, Avho had greatly en- deared herself to the friends of religion in Calcutta, Serampore, and Cuttack, was taken seriously ill, eight or nine days after the birth of her first-born ; and being removed to Pooree for change of air, she continued in a state af partial derangement, and died May 15th, 1825. Death had previously invaded the Mission family twice, in the death of two of the autlror's children, and in a few days after- wards, in the removal of his third and only child. This was felt to be a very severe stroke, depriving the mission of one of its be- loved agents. Shortly after, the author, whose health had been declining for two years, was advised by the brethren at the Conference lield at Juggernaut, to try the effect of a journey to Serampore, and if that 203 was not attended with the desired result, to return to England. This appeared a very heavy stroke to the infant mission. Tlie parting scene is thus descrihed : — • July 15th, 1825. Last day at Cuttack. — Three years, five months, and three days, after arriving at my station, I was compelled to leave it from indisposition. I3ut "my times are in thy hand." I kissed sister L. and gave poor Abraham one hand, while L:icey had the other, and hurried to the palque. Indulged reflections on leaving this })lace, so painfully inter- esting ; thought of my departed cluldren, schools, English and ntitivc preaching, labour, defects, fears, hopes, temptations, &c. and then com- mended all to God. " Some natural tears I dropt, tlien wiped them soon : The world was all before us — where to seek Our place of rest — and Providence our guide." A few days previously, Mr, Sunder, the master of the English School, and Abraham the Native assistant, returned from a journey to Calcutta. It is observed; " Lord's-Day, July 10. r>Ir. Sunder and Abraham arrived to day; they are both married. Abraham has married the daughter of Solomon, a converted Jew at Seram- pore ; Brother Yates married them at Chitpore. I feel very thank- ful for this Providence. The young men and their wives, Mr. Sander's mother and brother, with Deena, have arrived safely, though much affliction and death were seen on the road." The two Sunders became useful characters in the mission, and served its interests for several years. Tlie mother, brother, and wife, also joined the church. Thus v/e often see, that when one mercy is taken away, others are frequently given in its place. The author may be permitted to occupy a short space relative to his farewell to India. — He arrived in Calcutta, the end of July, and spent three months and some days at Serampore, under the hospi- table roof of his valued friend Dr. Marshman. Mrs. P. was brought to the verge of the grave by fever, but mercifully restored. No per- manent improvement being experienced in hii own health, a passage was engaged in the Fort William for England, and a final leave was taken of India, Nov. 9th. Dr. Carey's parting advice was—" Com- mit thy way unto the Lord and he shall yive thee the desire of thine heart.'" Dr. Marshman, on being asked for his, said — '^ Look up- wards." The homeward voyage was long, but upon the whole, agreeable. The visit to St. Helena was very interesting and re- freshing. The complaint at the chest rendered preaching, conver- sation, and even vocal prayer, almost impracticable. The voyage terminated uu Mondav, Mav 1, 1S2G, bv landin"; at Deal iu Kent. 204 The Lord be praised for the special mercies of the past years. Mr. Sutton, in his Narrative, kindly referring to the author's labours for the jNIission, adds ; — " But our friend and brother still lives. The remembrance of him and his beloved partner, is cherished Avith affectionate esteem. May they long live to benefit mankind, whether in England or India, and at length obtain "an abundant entrance into the everlasting joy of their Lord." The first Chapel at Cuttack built for the worship of God, was opened Nov. 6th, 1S2G. Previously divine service was held in the houses of the Missionaries. Of its dimensions it is said — "It is forty feet long and twenty-two wide, exclusive of the vestry, and is described as a neat respectable building. It stands on the ground on which an idol temple, dedicated to one of the most impure of the Hindoo idols, once stood. How changed the scenes that pass upon that spot of ground ! Once it witnessed the abominable and untold impurities of Hindoo worship, now the voice of prayer is lieard, the accents of prtiisc rise there to the ear of the Eternal, tho heart feels his love, and the aspiring soul exults in his salvation. Surely in the circumstances connected with this house, the friends of the Mission may behold an earnest and an emblem of that more glorious change, which sluill one day be effected, and for which the efforts of this Society are, as far as Orissa is concerned, preparing the way : — the change that will be visible on that rapturous day, when the hist idol shall be hurled from his seat, and the last idolator renouncing former abominations, shall bow in penitence at the Re- deemer's feet. The day on which this meeting-house was opened, is represented as one to be remembered with gratitude. INIessrs. Sutton and Laeey preached : a few more than usual were present ; but the happy and enlivening influences of the Divine Spirit were more than usually enjoyed. Besides what was raised in the Pro- vince towards the exj^ense of this erection, Mr. Sutton, when on a visit to Calcutta, collected G2() rupees. The Deputation of the London Missionary Society generously presented him with 100. Mr. V presented for the service of the chajiel a handsome set of wall shades, worth at least 100 rupees." In the latter part of the year 182G, ^'the day daivned, and the day atar'' appeared, the hapjiy precursor of " the sun of righteous- ness with healing in his beams." ]\Ir. Sutton gratefully describes ' the sun the mountains touching, gilding now the spacious lawn.' " The God of grace and glory has declared, that his word shall not return unto him void, but shall accomplish that which he pleases. Of this truth, during the present year, the missionaries at Cuttack, 205 were favoured with a peculiarly pleasing illustration. From an obscure village they were rejieatedly visited by some inquirers of a hopeful description, whose attention was directed to Christianity by means of some tracts and portions of Scripture." He writes, — October 10, 1S2G. The last three days have been the most interesting I have ])asscd in India. On Saturdaj' brother Lacey sent for nie to come and see some people respectini;; wlioni we liavc, for a considerable time, been interested. It appears that abont eiglit or nlnt' viontlis a call him t!u-ir religious father, and themselves his religious sons. Some of them came to Cnttack, made some interesting inquiries and obtained other tracts, a gospel, and a testament. During brother L"s visit to I'ooree, they made one or two calls, and soon after bis return another, which in- creased our interest in them. Brother L. and myself determined on pay- ing them a visit to see and converse with the old man, their gooroo. It appears that they had read the books with great attention, and to a sur- prising degree luiderstood their meaning. A Brahmun in particular was well acquainted with them, and quoted in the course of our conversation many very striking and appropriate passages, such as " Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Loi-d," &c. and the difterent characters that should enter heaven ; the necessity of anew heart, and others too nume- rous to write in detail. But the Ten Commandments to which they are ■wonderfully attached, winch they make the standard of their moral con- duct, and to wliich they refer incessantly, they all seem to have at their tongues' end. One principal object of "their present visit was to ask ouv advice in an important affair. It appears that in addition to keeping tlie .Sabbath, and assembhng on that day to read the dhurma shasters, (winch they learn from their favourite Dos ylc/ea, or Ten Connnandments,) the gooroo thought it their duty to spread the knowledge they had obtiiined, throitgh other villages. Accordingly he sent some of his disciples for that purpose. But the Brahmuus in perfect consistency with what the friends of religion have always experienced, were filled with cmnity ; and assem- bling and incensing the villagers they loaded the disciples with abuse, and beat two of them unmercifully. They wanted our advice as to what coarse they had best pvn-sue. We told them that such treatment they must cer- tainly expect if they loved the Saviour, and chose the way of liie ; ajid that it was what the friends of Jesus had ever met with. We read to tbcni the tenth and eleventh verses of the fifth cliapter of Matthew, and other similar passages, and recommended patient suffering under their perse- cutions. In this they seemed to have antici])atcd our advice, niul were quite willing to abide by it. But as we had already determined on visiting them and their holy father on Monday, we proposed a farther consider- ation of the subject at that time. On the next day, (Loi-d's-day,) eleven of their number came down to my house during oxn* English service. After tliat was over, we had anotlu r long interesting conversation of several ho\u-s ; when it was agreed that most of them shoidd return, and one remain to accompany us in the mor- ning. I accordingly went to brother L's to sleep, in order to be able to start early in the morning. Just as we were about to have our eveinng wori^bii^ three of them came in and joined us, one a nu'sscnger from tlie old man. It was exceedingly interesting to see them bow with their faces to the ground, and in tliat position join us in the worship of the blessed and glorious God, to whom all iiesh shall assuredly come. We seemed trans- ])orted back to the times of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. After wor- ship, two departed, and the messenger alone remained to be oiu guide. 206 In tlic morninjT, we were up al)otit five ; .incl after prajcr for our heavenly Fatlier's blessing, we set ofi'. The place appeared to be about nine or ten viiles distant in a veri/ retire sllual'ion, wliich we reached about nine o'clock. On our arrival wc found some course cloths s])read on the ground, beneath a wide spreading tree, wliich was the spot prepared for our conference. Several of the disciples and villagers were assembled. The old gentle- man soon made his appearance. He appeared to be about hfty years of age, rather below the middle stature, and inclining to corpulency. Round his waist he wore an iron chain, to which was attached a small piece of cloth, which passed between the legs and fastened or tucked up behind. Over his shoulders was thrown his capara or mantle, and his head was quite bare and shaved close. On approacliing us, he saluted us by pros- trating himself on the gi'ound, and knocking the earth with his forehead. We of com-se did not let him remain long in that position, but raising him up, sr.luted him in European stjle, by a shake of the hand. He expressed himself nuich ])leased at our visiting him, and after some preliminaries, we seated ourselves, tailor fashion, on the cloth. Our conversation, of course, soon turned upon religion. Although it appeared that the old man could not read, yet, we were frequently surprised at the correct scrip- tm-al knowledge he jjossesscd on many subjects. The Brahmun, to whom I formerly alluded, it seems had read over to him attentively the books we had given them ; and bj^ the help of a strong mind and retentive menmrj', the old gentleman had acquired much iiiformation. Although we fomid that he was sLill in error on several important points of doctrine, yet the correctness of his ideas on others, and his peculiar method of conveying them, often drew forth tears, and smiles, and wonder, and gratitude. We Bpent the whole day with him, excepting about an hour, when the old gentleman went to eat; during which brother L. and myself ate a meal of rice and milk, and spent the remainder of the time in talking to the peo- ple, wlio, it seemed would not leave vis for a moment. When the old man returned, we again seated oiu'selves on the cloth, and the disciples around us; the old gentleman's instructions, and generally his replies, were de- livered in the form of parables or fables, which were often very striking. He frequently referred to the Dos Agea, or Ten Commandments, which were his standard. In referring to the death of Christ, he illustrated it by supposing the case of a criminal condemned to die, for whom another offers himself as a substitute. In speaking of the folly of the distinctions of caste, he pointed first to some clothes of a bearer in the place, which were spread out to dry. In another place to some clothes belonging to Rome other castes, and lastly to some maitre's clothes, and said they would be dcfded if they touched each other ; but pointing to the sun, said, it dried thi-m all! 11 is observations were generally introduced by 'Hear! licar ! hear! children, atteiul.' Not thinking of returning that night, we did not bid the old gentlenum farewell when we parted ; but afterwards tliinking it better to go home and come again another day, we followed him to his little hut, where we found the old man at prayer. We waited U7itil he had finished, and then took an opportunity of looking into his house, but could see nothing in the shape of an idol. We then parted with nuitual good wishes, and after some trouble in breaking awaj' from the people, we reached home in safety. We have seen several of the dis- cij)les, at diff'erent times since, and have tried to give them more correct notions respecting the individuality of the soul, which seems almost, if not entirely unknown in Hindooism. * * * "We paid another visit to the old Gooroo, hut found it was an imfa- vourable time, as most of his disciples were absent on various occasions. We talked with the old gentleman five or six hours on religious subjects, and was better ])leased with liim than on our first visit. We proi)osed establishing a school in the village if he would superintend it. He seemed to approve of the plan, but it was not quite decided upon. He was to 207 SPiul tlie Bralinuin about it. He proposed our buildings a small bungalow ill tlio village, and paying occasional visits, for a month or so togcthcT, The plan is not a bad one, and will have our serious consideration." Of what passed at the first interview of the Missionaries with these in- teresting inquirers, Mr. Lacey's journal furnishes some additional in- formation. The old gooroo's remarks on the New Testament, are worthy of being long remembei'ed. "The gocn-oo said to his disciples, 'Mi/ children, there is iruih, and great truth. This is the great truth. There are gifts of rice, of cloth- ing, and of n-isdoni ; tliis is tvisdom, the highest gift : rice decays, clothing perishes, bid wisdom never dies. Talce this my children, and let this he your guide ; all the silver and gold cannot purchase this.' He said many more things that gave us pleasure ; and would have eaten or done any- thing with us that would take his caste, but this we forbore at present. About four we left the place ; he took a most aiTcctionate leave of us, which created in us a love for him, and a regret at leaving him. Certani- ly he is a very hopeful person, and has much knowledge of the sacred Scriptures. We distributed books and tracts among the inhabitants, and came away rejoicing for this encouraging intimation. These people are already sufi'ering persecution for Christ's sake. We rejoice, but with trembling, knowing the deception of the human heart; the many tailurea in like instances ; and the many discovu'agements and obstacles to^ the profession of Christ by natives. We leave our cause in the hands of the Lcnxl, with ardent desires, and fervent prayers. To the residence of this man, our way was through a rocky wilderness covered with jungle, with here and there a beautiful flov^-er ; a true picture of the moral wilderness in heathen lands. Among the millions of idolaters, there is here and there a disci))le of Jesus ; but when shall the wilderness become like the garden of the Lord — full of flowers, with here and there a weed!"* On Dec. 2-Uh, 1826, three persons were haptized in one of the rivers that skirts the city of Cuttack. One was the wife of Abra- ham, the others the mother and brother of Sunder the English Schoolmaster. The Report of 1827 refers to the marriage of Mr, Sutton with INIrs. Colman, widow of an American Missionary in Burmah. — " An important addition has been made, in the course of the year, to the number of the Society's female Missionaries in India, by the marriage of Mr. Sutton to Mrs. Colman. This lady is an American ; she was the widow of an American Baptist Mis- sionary to Burmah. whose labours soon terminated, by dying in Ar- racan. After his death, she continued her exertions to benefit the benighted natives of the east, by acting as the Superintendent of Female Schools in Bengal, under the direction of the Independent and Baptist Brethren. By those who knew her in Bengal, Mrs. Sutton was much esteemed ; she is represented by Missionaries, who have come from India, as a truly estimable woman," This year may be said to have closed auspiciously. The erection of the chapel — the diffusion of light among the followers of the old * Sutton's Narrative, pp. 238-43. 2 c 208 gooroo — the addition of Mrs. Sutton to tlie missionary band — and the additions made by baptism, gave promise of abundant increase. Herein is that saying true — " One soweth and another reapeth," but " he tliat soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." Of the inquirers among the disciples of the old Gooroo, Mr. Lacey states — " There is good reason to hope that their minds are serious- ly and well disposed towards the truth, and that eight, or ten, are more particular than the rest ; these have repeatedly visited the Missionaries during the year for instruction, and their views as it respects Christianity, and their own idolatrous system, are exceed- ingly improved. They have diligently read the Scriptures, and other religious books ; the majority of them have devoted the Lord's day to religious instruction ; many of their heathenish customs and superstitions have been laid aside, and christian practises siibstituted : this is particularly applicable to the poor old gooroo himself, his beads are broken off, his chain is cast aside, and he sits clothed in good white raiment and in his right mind. They thought them- selves a part of God ; now, they acknowledge themselves sinners against God, liable to punishment : they offered idolatrous sacri- fices, esiDecially to fire, these have ceased ; and "the stir they have made, and are continuing to make, is producing a very wide and strong impression on the part of the province they inhabit." Of these inquirers one of the most interesting is Gunga, the intelligent Brahmin mentioned in the Society's last Report. He, after up- wards o£ two years deliberation, has requested baptism. The hopes of the brethren were alternately raised and depressed respecting him : his attachment to the gospel seemed sincere ; but formidable obstacles lay in the way of his professing Christianity : to be the first that should break the chain of caste in the vicinity of Jugger- naut needed resolution and christian fortitude. While his mind was exercised on the important subject of renouncing the super- stitions of his fathers, his friends, and his country, various inter- esting circumstances contributed to encourage the hopes of the Missionaries." The following letter fiom the old Gooroo, dated Cuttack, Nov. 1827, shews the dawn of Christian light. This man has certainly proved the precursor of gospel light in Orissa.* A letter from Sundra das Bargee, to Christians in general. " O ye favoured people, who are blessed with the Divine Spirit, ye have existed 1800 years, and what have ye done for this dark world? • See the account of Dulol in Cox's History, vol. i. pp. 77-80. 209 I am a Hindoo Boistub, poor and destitute, but ask of you neither land nor elephants, nor horses, nor money, nor pahuuiuees, nor doolies ; but I nsk, what can be done to teach the people to obey the laws of God? O holy people this I ask. "Pooree is the heaven of the Hindoos; yet there the practises of mankind are, adultery, theft, lies, murder of the innocent, whoremonf!;cry, eating fish with maha presaud, disobedience and abuse of parents, defi- ling of mothers, defiling of sisters, defiling of daughters! Such is thereligion of Juggernaut ! For these crimes the people are visited with rheumatism, swellings of the legs, leprosy, scrofulas, grievous sores, and acute pains, blindness, lameness, and such like! Such are the servants of Juggernaut. " And now holy people hear the names of the gods of this people — gods which the people, when they have eaten rise and worship — these are gold, silver, brass, cedar, stone, wood, trees, fire, water, &c., these be the names of their gods, and these be their servants. To serve these gods, they burden themselves with expensive ceremonies and costly rites ; they affiict their bodies, and their souls with pilgrhnages and many cruelties. The Brahmuns no longer observes the Vades, nor the devotees keep merc}\ O ye Christian Rulers, ye feed the rich, the proud, and the great ; while the poor and the destitute are dying in want ! O good fathers ; good children! good people ! hear the cries of the poor, O good people ! " The thief is judged, the mtirdei-er is judged, the perjured is judged, and all the wicked are piuiished according to their crimes. A large army is kept in obedience to your orders; but why are not the people made to obey tke Saws of God ? Ye are the seed of the good, ye keep God's word, cause the subject to keep it. The Mahrattas wei-e rob- bers, but they relieved the distressed. Europeans are faithful rulers, but in their Governm.ent falsehood abounds. Children, Fathers ! the fate of of all in the four quarters is in your hands ! O good people ! the subject has become wicked, having ffjlen into error, and in consequence get not food nor raiment. " Rulers are the example of the people. O good people teach them God's commandments by your example. If ye will do this, then it will be well ; if ye will not then ye are stones to them. What more shall I write ? Do as ye will, still religion is true, religion is true, religion is true!"* The indefatigable labours of Mr. Bampton in scattering the seed of the kingdom far and wide, were honored by the "baptism of the first Hindoo convert. This important event took place at Berham- pore, Dec. 25th, 1827. It is thus described — "Owing to the operations of various causes, the minds of Hindoos are genenally weaker than the minds of Englishmen ; but there are few, if any, English Christians who have been called to display so much Chris- tian heroism as is displayed by a Hindoo who gives up his caste, especially if he be the first in the neigbourhood who receives the Gospel. And Erun's remaining fear, after again wishing to he baptized, showed itself in a proposal that I should tell the truth if asked whether he had eaten with me or not, but say nothing aboufc * Pilgrim Tax Pamphlet, p. 7G. 210 it if I were not asked. But this I felt myself obliged to refuse, and I told him that if he determined to remain unbaptized, no sum of money, nor any consideration -whatever, should ever induce me to publish his having eaten with me ; but that if he was baptized I would certainly publicly declare that his caste was gone. For I told him, the caste ivas an enemy to Jesus Christ, which none of his friends could spare ; and stood like a stone wall across the road to prevent the progress of the Gospel. This firm but fair and honest way of treating him, manifestly pleased him, and he soon expressed his determination to face every difficulty. ''^December 'loth was fixed for his baptism, and between three and four in the afternoon, to our no small satisfaction, he came to the tent, bringing with him a change of apparel ; between four and five we proceeded to a tank called the Ramalingum tank, and on our arrival, including ourselves and servants, there were not present perhaps above ten persons ; before we had finished there might be twenty. In an address I delivered, I briefly pointed out the way of salvation : said that Jesus Christ reqi;ired, first faith and then baptism — that my friend Erun had forsaken Hindooism — that he had c/iven tip his caste — that he believed in Jesus Christ and wished thus to connect himself with his followers. Then 1 asked Erun if this was not the case, and he said it was. I had not given him notice of my intention to ask him any questions at the water ; but I proceeded to say ^lat I should request his answers to a few, which, with his replies, I shall subjoin, — "Do you honour the Hindoo gods?' — 'No.' ' What do you think of the Hindoo shastras ?' — 'They are all false.' 'Are you a sinner?' — 'Yes.' 'Who saves sinners?' — 'Jesus Christ.' What did Jesus Christ do to save sinners ?' — 'He died for them.' 'Who will be saved ?' — ' Those who rely on Jesus Christ.' ' Do you be- lieve in Jesus Christ i*' — 'I do.' 'Do you wish to obey Jesus Christ ?' — ' I do.' ' Jesus Christ requires his followers to abstain from worldly business every Sunday, and devote the day to reli- gious exercises : do you engage to comply with this requisition ?' — • ' I do.' ' Do you wish to be baptised ?' — ' Yes.' " We then prayed, and after prayer went into the water, when I said, Peeta poolra dhiirmatmar namorai amhhai toomhokoo doobo dayee ; i. e. 'I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ; and my friend thought that as he was addressed it would be right to reply, as he said Acha, i. e. ' Very good,' and I baptised him ; and on coming out of the water much wished, that we had a host of Christian friends present to vent, in a 211 song of praise, those feelings which the event couhl not fail to excite. After changing our clothes we returned to my tent, and Erun drank tea with us." Of the state of Erun's mind under his subsequent trials, Mr. B. gives a pleasing account. " When any new trouble arises, he seems to come regularly to my tent, and it is pleasing to observe, that he commonly goes away more cheerful than he came. I have exhibited to him the promises made to those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, and they cheer him. One day soon after his baptism, I went to his house to see how things w'crc going on ; a number of people collected to- gether, and 1 happened to say to Erun, ' If all these people forsake you, the Lord will not.' On which he turned to the people and said, ' If any of you had a son who ran about and lost his caste, when all his neighbours disregarded him, would you refuse to notice him and take him in?' to which they said, ' No.' 'Thus' ' if you all forsake me the Lord will not.' Sometimes he magnifies his profession and tells the people he is not a low caste, his caste he says is God's cade.'" To the preceeding particulars respecting Erun, IMr. B. adds some other information, which while it may excite a smile at the new convert's simplicity, pleasingly shows how great, in his esti- mation, should be the power and efficacy of the Gospel. " He is of course a child in knowledge, and has some wild fancies. He once thought of going to Pooi'ee, and he thought that the Rajah, himself, and I, might all go into the temple, and if Juggeraaut refused to give us some proof of his divinity, we wei'e I think to kick him, and show all the people that he was nothing ! Again, he wanted a commiKsion to go about the country and break all the idols. Another of his schemes was to go to England, and by means of an interpreter, to prevail on the Honourable Company to fill all the ofiices in this country with pious men ; and on itsbeing hinted that the Company wanted money, he seemed to think that a propensity of that kind might soon be cured, as money is of use for so short a time. It is, he says, teen deenoro kotto: i. e. a three day's word." The Society's Report of 1827, contains reference to a new source of support, which has proved very productive — this was, the pre- paration of a Missionary Bazaar. These items are now interesting, viz., " By Miss Roberts, from sale of articles at Quorndon and Leicester Ordinations. By Mrs. Peggs, from sale at Derby in the Association week," &c. Thus, as in the erection of the tabernacle 212 in the wilderness, a spirit of liberality was cherished, which has ren- dered great service to the good cause. The first Oreah convert was a Brahmun, named Gunga Dhor. Erun is a Telinga. This very interesting event of his baptism took place March 23rd, 1828, a day long to be remembered. See the account in the Society's Report, 1829, pp. 11, 12. In the early part of the year 1828, Mr. Cropper arrived in Orissa, to strengthen the Mission. He was ordained at Leicester, April 25th, 1827. "On this occasion Mr. Burditt prayed. A short but appropriate discourse w^as delivered by Mr. Payne. Mr, Derry proposed the questions, and received the young Missionary's replies. The ordination prayer was offered by Mr. Peggs ; and a charge, grounded on 2 Tim. iv. 1,2, was delivered by Mr. Pike- In the evening an animated discourse was delivered by Mr. Steven- son, of Loughborough. Both services were highly gratifying, and excited considerable interest and feeling. May the prayers offered, be answered in continued blessings on the sacred missionary cause through successive years." This interesting young man was in- deed "a burning and shining light," and many were the tears shed at his early death, before the close of this year. The Rev. Mr. Brown, of Calcutta, said to Henry Martyn — " You burn like phos- phorus, and you may as well burn in Persia as in India." Alas ! that this promising young man should have so much imitated him in his consuming zeal, and early removal from the missionary field. His course was short, but it was not in vain in the conversion of souls, and in "preparing the way of the Lord," both in Britain and in India. The Report of the Society contains the following just encomium upon his character : — "God often moves in a mysterious way: one of the mysteries of his providence has been this year seen at Cuttack, in the unex- pected removal by death of Mr. Cropper. He had begun to travel through the villages of Orissa proclaiming the Gospel, and afforded fair indications of eminent usefulness. Not many weeks before his death a brother Missionary wrote, — "As far as I can judge, brother C promises to be eminent as a preacher in Oreah. I have observed his serious and affectionate addresses produce much effect on his hearers." Alas! the last of those affectionate addresses is finished. He, whose ways ai'e not our ways, has called the labour- er to his rest. How much the Missionaries felt at his removal is evident from their correspondence. Short as was his course, that brief course contributed materially to advance the interests of that kingdom that will endure for ever. As far as India is concerned 213 Mr. Bampton writes, — " With respect to our work it will perhaps appear eventually that our lamented brother Cropper, by turning our attention to one subject, has been of immense use ; that subject is, the expectation of success.'" In England liis brief Ministry was, it is known, blessed to the conversion of many individuals. In his short life the value of early religion was impressively displayed. He tvas a fervent Christian, a tiseful /Minister, and a devoted Mis- sionary ; and all this before tiventy-one years from the day of his birth had rolled away. This Society was the favoured instrument in bringing him forward to public usefulness, as he had not preach- ed a single sermon before his connection with the Society com- menced." But while one labourer was removed, the great Head of the Church soon raised up others. " In July, 1828, a Conference was held by the Missionaries at Pooree, *and it was then part of their pleasing business to call forth other brethren to the work of the ministry. They determined, after mature consideration, that Mr. John Sunder, at that time the English Schoolmaster, at Cuttack, and one of the fruits of their labours, should be liberated from his employ, that he might devote himself to the Ministry of the Gospel. It was further agreed that he should spend some time with Mr. Sutton. He has accordingly left his former situation and proceeded to Balasore. These two young men are natives of Arracan, but have received an English education. "Another interesting helper in the w^ork of the Gospel is Guno-a Dhor. His mind had long been exercised on the great truths of Christianity, and he became mighty in the Scriptures, even before his baptism. The brethren at the Conference at Pooree unanimously agreed to call him forth, and employ him as a native preacher in the service of the Society. Respecting his talents and spirit Mr. Lacey writes at different times : — " Gunga Dhor has been unani- mously received on the funds of the Mission on a salary oi seven rupees per month. The sum is trifling, and could some individual Church, or some rich friend take him as their labourer, and support him at this rate, they would perform a most important service to the cause of God, and free the Mission from the expense. Our Church at Cuttack proposed to support him, but we thought it would be bet- ter for him to feel responsible to us as the agents for the Society than to the Church here. His preaching is very simple and very alFect- ing ; i:)rincipally consisting of a relation of the Saviour's death. He has a very superior mind, and with a little attention, will be- come a very efficient Minister of Christ ; and his knowledge of the 214 language, of the manners, religion and experience of the natives gives him a vast advantage. We not unreasonably look upon him with great hope, and we and all our friends have reason, great reason to bless our Master's name for raising us up such a convert. Guuga Dhor has not constantly laboured in Cuttack, but only as he stayed with us a few days before and after the administration of the Lord's supper. His sphere of labour has been around his own neighbourhood, and in his own village, where there are two large markets in the week. The Gospel has hence in this direction been widely proclaimed by him." "A fourth individual, whom the brethren assembled at Conference esteemed gifted with suitable talents for promoting the great objects of the ]\Iission, is Mr. Beddy. His conversion and baptism were announced in the last Report. Talents for the Ministry of the Gospel were soon apparent in him, and a zealous desire to pro- mote its interests among his heathen servants and other pa- gans. Being in the service of Government, he was, soon after his baptism, ordered back to Calcutta. In the Conference at Poo- ree, the brethren considered what means could be adopted to facil- itate his becoming a candidate for missionary labour, and decided, that he should be requested, if practicable, to obtain a four months' furlough, that he might spend three months clear with Mr. Bamp- ton on probation ; having particular reference to his progress in the language, and his missionary habits. The illness of Mr. Bampton frustrated part of this arrangement, and it was then decided that Mr. Beddy should study at Cuttack. One of the Missionaries w'rites, — " Brother B. is a superior Christian, and possesses superior abilities as an English preacher, and we hope his zeal for souls will enable him to apply these powers to Oreah labours." The conversion and baptism of Ram Chundra, gave an in- teresting character to the year 1829. This important event is detailed in the Report of 1830. The following account of the Schools, both Hindoo and English, at this period, cannot fail to interest the reader. Mr. Lacey writes of the Schools at Cuttack. " Of these there are seven, containing upwards of 300 children. About 100 read the Scriptures — the History of Christ — Jewel Mine of Salvation — the conversation between Father and Son — the Essence of the Bible ; and the Catechism. Many of these have committed all these tracts to memory, and, from time to time, re- peat different parts ot them. They have generally a very pleasing and correct knowledge of the doctrines and precepts of the Gospel, much more correct than tlic country-born Christian youth in India, 215 and I think generally superior to the same class of youth in Eng- land. Tliere are few important questions which they cannot an- swer. Another class of these children read the Conversations between Father and Son, and the Catechism, preparatory to being introduced to the first class ; of these there are about eighty or ninety. The remduder are writers on the ground. There are a very few girls among the number, but they are small, and always leave school before they have obtained any good instruction. On a Lord's Day, the larger boys are brought by their masters to the Mission bungaloii', to ottr Oriya worship, which, from the books they read, and the instruction they receive, they very well imderstand, and we have good reason to expect they will be profited. This plan also introduces a proper regard for the Lord's Day ; instead of running about the streets and fields in play, they attend the worship of God. We have been obliged to discontinue the Bhulbudrapoor School for the attempt was hopeless, but have commenced another in Chowlia-gunge, with much better prospects of success. Mrs. L. also expects to commence a girl's school at another village near Cuttack ; but we have had so many promises and failures of this kind, that it would not be well to speak of it yet. Mrs. L. has had the whole conduct of the Native Schools, except that I have assisted her *in the accounts and payment of the masters' wages, and have sometimes gone vvith her to address and examine the children. We have occasional examinations of all the schools ; the last was on the 4th, 5th, and Gth, of December, 1829; which was very numerous and encouraging. A number of rewards, in clothes and pice, w^ere distributed among the poorest and most deserving children. Several of the elder boys have left the School for the purpose of obtaining employment, and others have been taken by us and placed with other masters, to prepare them to become teachers ; which plan if we can succeed, will be a great advantage to our schools, as the class of men we are obliged now to employ, often leave their work to beg, whereas the other will not be able do so, being of a different class of people." Respecting the English School at Cuttack, the Missionary at the Station furnishes some pleasing information. It appears in a state of progressive improvement, and when it shall receive the advan- tage of the Superintendence of an English master, is likely to be- come extensively useful. The following is the information to which reference is made : — 2 D 216 " This Institution has received the decided approbation of the English community at Cuttack ; it is supported by the most in- fluential and respectable residents. A boarding school, which pro- vides for ten destitute children, has been added : these children are taught, fed, clothed, and lodged, entirely at the expense of charity. Mrs. Pigou clothes the children entirely herself, besides liberally subscribing to the school. Besides this improvement, a subscription has been made to build a new school and house for the Master; 1,100 rupees have been obtained, which, though it will not complete it, will do most of the work of the building, and we propose to raise the rest as hereafter noted. The building is as follows, — a house for the master, containing two principal rooms and two smaller ones, with a good veranda, all of pucka. A dining and sleeping room and school-room for the boarding girls, the whole ninety feet long by fourteen wide inside, and tliirteen feet high, all of pucka. A school-room for the day-school, and a lodging room for the boarding boys, the same dimensions as the other side, and of the same materials. This will be a spacious and substantial building for the institution. It is now forward, and we shall have it ready for use about July, 1830. The school-master has been dismissed, and, indeed, no country-born person will do for the school, and till we get a master and mistress from England we have the school in our own hands. I take a general superintendence of it, and emjiloy an assistant to do the greater part of the labour, they allow him twenty-five rupees per month ; and the surplus to seventy rupees, will be devoted to finish the school-house. The funds of the school, in consequence of its increased expenditure, are not so large, but we have no reason to fear that it will not be supported. Mrs. L. conducts the girl's school, but it is very de- sirable that the Missionaries should be liberated from the school, as it takes more labour and time than is consistent with their more legitimate labours, and particularly as it keeps us out of the country." To supply this defect, Mr. W. Brown was appointed to the work, which he fulfilled for a number of years ; but ultimately settled at Balasore, in the service of the Government. He was de- signated to the work of the jNIission, in Stoney-street Chapel, Nottingham, May 25th, 1830. " Various ministers engaged in the services of the day. The charge was delivered by Mr. Steven- son. Mr. Brown's peculiar department is to be the management of the English Benevolent Institution, at Cuttack, for educating, and in some instances boarding destitute Indo-British or Hindoo 217 children ; and liis support is expected to be derived from funds raised in India." Mr. and Mrs. Urown, and their daughter, em- barked for India in the Elphinstone, shortly after the ordination. They arrived in Calcutta, Nov. 14th, and were guests with Mr. Pearce till their departure for Orissa. " The premises recently erected for the English School at Cuttack, have been secured to the Society, with the entire concurrence of the donors and subscribers. Much friendly feeling and liberality ap- pear to have been manifested by the European residents to this Institution. When the buildings were completed a remaining debt appeared of 670 rupees. The report of the Institution, and a circular, were sent round, and on the first day between 300 and 400 rupees were subscribed ; and the whole was expected to be procured without difficulty, Mr. Pigou, the pious judge at the Station, materially assisted the design, by employing convicts to labour in levelling the ground, and in various other ways. Au expense of at least 500 rupees Avas thus saved. Mr. Lacey states, that this gentleman thus " finished off the grounds, and garden, &'C., in a very complete manner." The whole imparts a character to the town. May the spread of the knowledge of the Saviour, and the glory of God, be subserved by it ! I trust they will. The house is now ready for Mr. Brown. I^Iay he long occupy it happily and usefully ! It lies well for the bazaar, the chapel, and for us." The second Native Preacher raised up in Orissa, was Ram Chun- dra. It is stated in the Society's Report; "In May, 1830, the brethren finally concluded to receive Rama as a native preacher, indulging the hope that, if he continued steadfast, he would be very useful. He was then represented as preaching the Gospel clearly, with great affection and force, and as making Christ and his cross the essence of his discourses. He paid much attention to the in- spired volume, and in his addresses to his countrymen frequently read a verse and then explained, applied, and enforced its doctrines, and in that way would hold a congregation together in the street for two hours daily. Before he was accepted as a native labourer, he spent a short time with Mr. Bampton, and the opinion of that lamented brother respecting him is highly satisfactory. Writing to Mr. Lacey, he remarked: — "I was glad to see bim, and am much pleased with him. I think I never heard a native preacher that I liked so well ; at Pooree, he does not show the slightest want of courage, and he preaches Christ. He has been in the habit of going into the bazaar, sometimes before I go, and he speaks so loud that I am really afraid of his hurting himself. 218 I think the good man is humble and intelligent, and I should wish him to know that I think well of him, but it may not be prudent to tell him, that I think so highly of him as I do." In Oct. 1830, Mr. Lacey gives some pleasing information respect- ing our native brother, and in Sept. expresses his hope of sending Rama on short tours of six or eight days at a time, into the coun- try, throughout the cooler season that was then approaching. " Down in Boro bazaar we met a large and interesting congre- gation. Rama preached well ; as he has always done of late. He improves, and particularly in his application and invitation. The people, on our returning, were mad for books, and I readily and as I believe usefully, distributed all I had. Last evening Rama went to Telinga bazaar early, and when he had done there he join- ed me in Chowdry. I never heard him so eloquent. He almost astounded the people. He has not so much sarcasm as Gunga, but is more powerful and more clear. He used a very striking figure last night, which produced great effect ; speaking of the righteous andthe wicked he said, ' The servants of God, true Christians, are like beautiful trees by the river side ; their leaves are young and green, their fruit tender and abundant, and their shade grateful. The wicked are like the skeletons of trees, on the rocky mountains in May, which have been bui-nt up by the devouring element, and their vicinity presents not a leaf.' The people felt much, and were eager to have books ; gave away satisfactorily all I had." In 1832 the annual Association of the General Baptist Churches was held at Boston, Lincolnshire, the Town in which the foreign Mission was formed. The retrospect is thus hapjiily expressed by the Secretary. — " Sixteen years have elapsed since the day that witnessed the formation of the Society, within this house of prayer. Its first years were years of weakness, and compared with most kindred institutions, it is still weak ; yet it was not formed in vain. Ten years ago, the Society's first Missionaries opened their heaven- ly commission in broken accents on the plains of Hindostan, and there Oreah converts have been gathered to the Saviour, and Hin- doos now proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ. The grand contest between light and darkness in one of the darkest regions of India, has thus commenced. Even in the land of the modern jSEoloch of the P^ast, satan no longer maintains an unmo- lested empire. The first trophies of redeeming grace have been snatched from his power. The first fruits unto life eternal have been gathered into the garner of the Lord. Future vears, and distant 219 ages, will yield the copious harvest ; and eternity will display the whole result." The conversion of Krupa Sindoo, and the progress of the work generally, is thus recorded in the Report of the year. — " At Cut- tack most of the baptisms of natives have taken j^lace, though none of the converts were previously inhabitants of the town. During the past year several pleasing additions have been made by bap- tism to the little Christian band in Orissa. Some of the persons thus added to the flock of Christ are Europeans, or of European and Hindoo extraction. The greater number, however have been Hindoos. In April one interesting native convert was baptized. In June and July ordinance of baptism was administered thrice at Cuttack, and on each occasion two Hindoos were baptized. The circumstances under which some of the converts made the solemn profession of Religion have been peculiarly interesting. Krupa Sindoo had gradually renounced all his idolatrous practices, and continued to read the Scriptures and improve in scriptural know- ledge, though backward to avow himself a Christian. At length he became so miserable that he could neither sleep nor eat. His friends wished to relieve the gloom of his mind, by taking him to an idolatrous festival. He felt this would add to his sorrows, and determined to confess the Saviour. " He told his wife and child that he should never be happy if he neglected to follow Jesus Christ ; that he had given his life for him, and that he must obey his com- mandments. His wife for the first time consented that he should, and said she also was a sinner. He then went to all his relations and acquaintances, and informed them of his resolution, saying that he did not wish to leave them secretly, but that he was de- termined to leave them if they would not follow the truth with him. He also went to his landlord, and told him he need not fear for his rent, for that he should be paid, and he told two or three per- sons to whom he owed some two or three rupees, that he did not wish to go away secretly, lest they should say he intended to cheat them ; that they should see that true religion would make him punctual in all his payments. Having thus fiiirly and openly declared his design, some persuaded, and some dissuaded, and some wondered at the man. A number came with him to the outside of his village, and there they parted. At that moment he renounced all that is dear to man on earth. His wife, sister, and children were among the number. Thus this man after Jive years' strvg- ^Zf?, broke at length through his difficulties, to embrace the Gospel.". 220 He went to Cuttack, and there, in the waters of the Mahanuddy, confessed the Son of God as his Lord and Saviour." To alleviate in some degree, the trials of the converts, and to render them mutually helpers of each other, the foundation of a Christian Village was laid at this time in the vicinity of Cuttack. Another plan adopted for the diffusion of the gospel, Avas the formation of Country Bungalows and Circuits. — Mr. Lacey wrote — " I have long been im^^ressed with the conviction that circuits in the Country would be greatly advantageous to the spread of the Gospel light. Pursuant to this impression, we have erected a small Bungalow at Bhogerpoor, a place about eight miles north of Cut- tack, surrounded with villages and markets to a great extent. Bho- gerpoor is the neigbourhood from which most of our converts have come, and where great inquiry is abroad in regard to Christianity. We shall spend some time every year at this Bungalow, and besides that, shall visit it occasionally through the year. We intend also to erect a small place of worship, where we shall occasionally col- lect the native converts in the neighbourhood for divine worship, and thus afford means of comfort and improvement to them, as well as exhibit the ordinances of the Gospel before the mass of people ; and as it is one of their first inquiries, 'How shall we worship God whom we cannot see V it will be of use to them. We hope to enter into our new circuit house on the 3rd of January 1832. The place will cost about sixty rupees, but will last for forty years or more, with a little yearly repair." The usefulness of the English services of religion is gratefully recorded at this time. The Secretary observes—*' From the com- mencement of the Mission in Orissa, the Missionaries have laboured to promote religion among the European residents, nor have their labours been in vain ; several individuals have been converted. ]Mr. Beddy, one of the first fruits of Mr. Sutton's ministry, who, soon after his baptism, removed to Calcutta, and joined the Lai bazaar church, has recently resigned his secular employments, and devoted himself to Missionary labours. He is engaged as a Bap- tist Missionary ; was publicly set apart to the ministry and soon aftei-wards jjrocceded up the country. The following information, respecting the English services and the progress of religion, has been received ; — " The English worship has been kept up twice every Lord's-Day, i. e. in the forenoon and in the evening. The attendance on the former occasion has generally been good, but on the latter scanty. Some good impressions have been made by these means on the 221 niiiuls of several European hearers ; tlie piety of others has been nourished and strengthened ; while a few have been we trust saving- ly converted, and have owned the Saviour in his own appointed way. From the English congregation two have been added to the church by baptism, and are now walking consistently with their profession, though they have been removed from Cuttack to Cal- cutta by their employers. Mr. S. who had been separated from the church for some time, has been restored to his place, and has evidently benefited by the discipline of tlie church exercise over him. We hope his spirit will be saved in the day of the Lord. His bro- ther, who was formerly a member, has lately died. Good is more- over doing among our European neighbours with whom our chapel is now well and regularly attended. After a sermon from John xxi. 17. the other Sabbath, one of the officers wrote for a Bible. He has since called and purchased a hymn-book, the Guide and first volume of Sutton's Sermons, and we gave him Baxter's Saints' Rest. He looked over and took several religious tracts. Lieut. C. is decidedly pious, and sits down at the ordinance with us with Mr. Pingle, and thus we form one of the most pleasing appearances a christian can behold on earth. Our poor dark native brethren and sisters, ranged round the same table on the same seats with the civil and military officers of Government. You would be better able to judge of this, were you able to witness how the poor black natives are generally despised and avoided. Around our Lord's table, however, we find one level. Lieut. C. when spending the evening with us the other day observed, in the course of conver- sation, that he perceived lately a great improvement in the Euro^^ean residents, for, that wherever he went, they had something to say about religion. — The conversation and devoted life of a European, among these idolators, is a circumstance of great importance to the cause of religion in India, The regular and pretty general atten- dance of the civil and military servants of the Government, makes a very favourable impression on the native mind. They thereby discover that their Ilulers, and professed Christians in general, at least acknowledge the obligations of religion. There are numbers who stand to witness our sacred exercises on the Lord's Day." It is pleasing at this period of the Mission, to observe the pre- paration and circulation of useful books and tracts, before a press was established in the Province. It is well observed by Mr. Pike ; — " When our great English Martyrologist refers to the wounds inflicted on the Papal system, by the invention of printing, he re- marks, "I suppose that eithcE. the Pope must abolish printing, or 222 he must seek a new world to reign over, for else, as tins world staiideth, " printing will doubtless abolish him." Subsequent ages have evidenced the truth of these remarks. The advocates of the Romish Antichrist, in the martyrologist's day, conii^lained of the "pestilent little books," with which the Reformers were deluging beni^dited lands. The Missionaries in Orissa have been furnishing the brahmuns with similar causes of complaint, and printing appears to be one of the means by which the God of truth will abolish them. At the annual Conference held at Cuttack, several resolutions were adopted on the subject of tracts, and other publications. It may be more interesting to furnish the minutes of the Conference, than to present the details in another form. " 1st. Resolved, That brother Lacey print 300 copies of his tract, ^ Am la Chrstian?^ presented at a former Conference. This tract is an abridgment of ' Alleine''s Alarm,'' translated from the Bengal- lee. " 2nd. That brother Sutton print 5000 copies of ' The True Re- fuge,'' a dialogue translated and improved from the Bengallee. " 3rd. That brother Sutton print 5000 copies of his revised edi- tion of ' The Jewel Mine of Salvation.'' " 4th. That brother Sutton prepare a MSS. Hymn-hook in Oriija, to be presented next Conference ; and that he adopt as many plain metres as possible. " 5th. That brother Lacey print 3000 copies of the First Cate- chism, a second edition. " Gth. That brother Sutton print 2000 copies of the Second Cate- chism. " 7th. That if the School Book Society will print a second edition of brother Sutton's Oriya ' Easy Readiiig Lessons,' we will take 500 copies at half-price. " 8th. That brother Sutton prepare and print 2,500 copies of An abridgment of the Bible; about forty pages, 12mo. " 9th. That an extra 2000 copies of ' Pctumher Singh' be printed." Besides the publications referred to in the preceding INIinutes, several others, from the pen of Mr. Sutton, have issued from the press, or are in a state of preparation. Some of these are ex- pressly on the momentous subject of religion, and others are design- ed to promote that useful knowledge which, from its contrariety to the notions inculcated in the Hindoo shastras, cannot be diflFused without preparing the way for the fall of Ilindooism. The follow- ing may be mentioned, — 223 In English. The History of the Hindoo Fonndlinff Girl.- -The Family Chap" lain, or Preachers' Substitute, a volume of sermons designed to assist domestic worship in English families in India, that are so situated as not to enjoy the puhlic means of grace. A considerable number of copies of this work have been subscribed for, at from six to eight rupees per volume ; 200 copies have been sent by Mr. Sutton as a present to the society. It appears that he contemplated the publication of a second volume. An Oreah Grammar, compiled by the request cf Government, and of which the Honorable Company subscribed for 100 copies, at five rupees each. Of this INIr. Sutton remarks to a friend, " I have endeavoured to simplify the language as much as possible. That no improvement can be made I do not suppose ; however, I did the best circumstances would allow." He further remarks that he hoped the Government subscription would about clear the ex- pense, and that the Mission and the cause of humanity would re- ceive sufficient benefit to justify the labour employed on the publication. In Oreah. Natural Philosophy and History ; thirty-two pages, octavo. Printed by the Calcutta School Book Society. A Geography, with maps ; about sixty pages, octavo. Neeta Cotta (or fables,) before the Committee of the School Book Society. The Durma Postock Sar ; second edition." The return of Mrs. Bampton is referred to in the following terms, — " The widow of our much valued and laborious Bro. Bampton has returned to her native land after a voyage, on the whole agree- able, and about four months long. She has declined charging the Society with the expense of her passage home. This generous act would at any time have rendered the Society much indebted to her, for what in fact constitutes so considerable a donation to its funds ; but in consequence of their depressed state, is peculiarly acceptable at this time." Some stringent observations are made on the de- crease of the Society's funds, and " the friends of the Institution are entreated to weigh well the remark of Mr. Sutton, ' The only thing I fear for Orissa is, a decline of zeal and ^j/t'/// icith refer- ence to the cause at home.' In a Committee INIeeting held at this 2 E 22i inne, it was suggested that as Mr. John Goadby had offered himself for the work of the INIission, a special appe.'d should be made to the churches. See G. B. Repos, Jan. 1833, The Misses Barnes, of St. Tves, Hunts,, gave £50, and various individuals and congrega- tions responded to the call. The amount of this special subscription appears to have been about £280, besides the ordination collection;, and the expense of outfit,- passage, &c,, about £300 ; so that the "whole expense would be defrayed by the different contributions far that purpose." In the Report of 1835, reference is made to the ordination of two Native converts as Evangelists. *' This is such an event in con- nection with the progress of the Gospel in Orissa, as may excite the most pleasing emotions. The ordination of two Christian Na- tives of that country, to the solemn work of Evangelists, is doubt- less, what that long benighted land has never before witnessed.^ Let us praise God for the first solemn service of this kind, that Orissa has witnessed; and rejoice in believing that it will be the precur&or of thousands of such solemn services, that, through suc- cessive ages, will there take place, when we are gone to our eternal home ; and when the idolatry of the dark land, into which we have been permitted to convey the light of life, shall have vanished like a dream, nor left a wreck behind," FIRST NATIVE CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE, Wherever the religion of the Lord Jcsus Christ prevails its pro- gress is marked by the blessings that follow in its train. Not only does the Gospel enrich the soul with peace and hope for an unseen world, but it becomes the source of numeroais benefits in the pre- sent state. Its influence in reference to the connection of man-iage is most important Only where Christianity prevails is woman placed upon her proper level ; and only in such countries are the marriage tie and the mutual obligations and duties of the married state, appreciated aright. The past year has witnessed another step in the progress of the christian cause in Orissa, by presenting the pleasing spectacle of the first native christian marriage. The event is too interesting to be passed lightly over, and the details- of it, as given by Mr. Lacey, must gratify the members and friends of the Society, lie thus writes in November 1833 : — Mahadab and the daughter of Krupa Sindoo wish to be married T have appointed the 20th as the day on which I marry them. This vill not only be the first native christian marriage in Oiissa, but 225 most proLably the first marriage of reason and affection. He is a ■\vidower of about 30, the girl is about 1(3 years of age. This forenoon at half-past t-en o'clock, I married Mahadab to Comela the daughter of Krupa Sindoo. Kearly the Avholc of the native christians v/ere present, and the native school masters ; be- sides a number of peoj^le from the town. jNIahadab and Comela, sat forward before the table. They where dressed in clean white dresses which reached down to the floor. The native Christian females and their husbands sat around, dressed clean and white, and the scene was solemn and imposing ^ so much so, that the wit- nesses could scarcely write their names. This marriage is a dread- ful smashing npof Hindooism. By it, it is discovered that Hindoos can be marri-ed who are of far different castes, and that without brahniuns, boistnobs, proctors, gifts, bades, or expensive festivals and noisy tom-toms for days or weeks together. An ordinary Hindoo cannot celebrate a marriage without involving himself in expense which often ruins him ; but here is a marriage without any expense whatever ! A certificate of the marriage was prepared, and after signature by the officiating missionary, the contracting parties* and the witnesses of the solemnity, was delivered before the congre- gation to the female. A duplicate was also prepared and signed in the same w^ay, and recorded in a book belonging to the body of christians connected with us. The marriage form which was used, and which we have agreed to use among the natives, is, I consider impressive and scriptural. After the parties were seated, they were asked in a tone sufficient- ly loud to be heard by the whole congregation, whether they desired to be united to each other in marriage ? and they answered in the affirmative. Then ]\Ir. Brown commenced with a few words of prayer in Oreah. When this was concluded, myself, and the man and woman stood up, and they repeated after me in an audible and distinct tone the following form. " We will love, and support, help, and comfort each other. We will dwc41 together, and hence- forth we will have no separate riches, or possessions. If one of us be sick, or afllicted, or in any other difficulty, then, the other shall stay near, and according to ability shall help and comfort. For the purpose of committing adultery, we will go to none else ; but until death we will never leave each other ; and whatever God has com- manded, according to that will we proceed. Into this covenant we enter." They then sat down, an.d the following ^^ils read aloud, and the places in which the difterent passages are recorded pointed out. 226 " Concerning marriag-e, and the duties of husbands and wives, it is thus and thus recorded in the Holy Book. " Before man had connuilted sin, when God made the order of man, then he gave this commandment, that leaving father and mother, a man shall cleave unto his wife ; and they shall be one flesh." Gen. ii. 24. " And our Lord Jesus Christ giving testimony to that word says, ' For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife ; and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together let no man put asunder.' Mat. xix. 5, 0. Mark x. 7, 8, & 9. Again, by the inspiration of Paul, God says, ' Marriage is honourable in all, and the marriage bed undeliled ; but whore- mongers and adulterers God will punish." (Then follow Rom. vii. 1-3. 1 Cor. vii. 1-3, 10, 11. 1, Cor. vii. 39. Ephes. v. 22-23. Col. iii. 18. 19. 1 Pet. iii. 1, 2, 7.) After distinctly and slowly reading over these scriptures, the two persons stood up, and Mahadab in his right hand, taking the right hand of Comela, repeated deliberately after me to her. "I Mahadab, taking thy hand in my hand, am thy husband. As God has commanded, so will I, to the utmost of my ability, preserve, and support, and comfort, and in a proper manner love thee; and until death I will not leave thee." Then loosening their hold, she in like manner took Mahadab's right hand in hers, and after me, to him, repeated as follows : " I Comela, take thy hand, and before these witnesses acknowledge myself thy wife, and as God has given commandment, so will I to the utmost of my ability, serve and help, and comfort, and in every proper way love thee ; and till death will not leave thee." In the afternoon the new married couple had their christian friends to dinner at the house of the bride, and we also went and eat a little rice with them ; but of this part of the transaction Mr. Brown will give a more detailed account, and so I refrain from saying more about it." Mr. Lacey communicated some intci*estiiig information respecting the old Gooroo, SundraDas, and the manner in which he undesign- edly promoted the diffusion of some measure of Gospel truth. " The old Gooroo is again contributing greatly, but undesignedly to the spread of the truth. Perhaps there never was a case nearer that which the Apostle mentions of some preaching Christ of envy and strife, than the old gooroo's. Phil. i. 15. He receives our Scriptures and tracts, compares them with the Hindoo books, com- 227 mantis the kecpin<^ of the ten commandments, — speaks of tlie in- structions, miracles, and death of Christ ; and many other things that are useful. He has no proper view of the gospel, and so cannot make it known further than by these means; nevertheless a degree of light gets abroad which soon exposes these designs of the old man, and makes his disciples wiser than their teacher ; and when this discovery is made, they cannot remain attached to him, and are too much enlightened to turn again to their own books and old observances ; and in consequence, those who really desire to find and follow the truth, turn their thoughts towards us. What shall we therefore say, to the conduct pursued by the old gooroo ? Why, although we cannot commend his motives, yet with the Apostle we say, " Notwithstanding every way, whether in pretence or in truth, Christ is preached ; and therein we do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." Our English congregation remains low, though not so much so as some weeks past. If it shall be for the good of the cause of religion, and for the glory of God, I trust he will bring them back again, for it is distressing to have the preaching of the gospel closed, where such a number of persons reside; but if it will not, I hope God will prevent it. I hope I can truly say, imless these great ends can be answered, I have no desire to make a show in connection with the rich. " Sundradas asked Ilamara why we cut the corn he had sown and cultivated with so much care ? (referring to the baptism of the two females,) to which Rama replied, that sometimes the master might set one servant to reap that corn which another servant had sown with much labour and anxiety ; that we must not look so much to what we reap here, as to the approbation of our master at last ; but really we had reaped that corn which he could not have reaped, but which hud it been left to him, he would have suffered to spoil in the wilderness. " The old man is very zealous in enforcing the Ten Command- ments and the Christian Scriptures, and does much good : however his disciples grow wiser than their teacher, and pass beyond the line in which he would confine them ; and then he involves himself in persecution. I am persuaded the old man knows the truth, but it is hard work, after all this reverence to take up the cross, and be- come an ordinary and despised Christian." It was a subject of great thankfulness, that the year 1833 sav/ an addition to the number of the labourers in Orissa. " It is a matter of sincere congratulation (says the Secretary,) that this year a small addition has been made to the number of the Society's Missionaries. 228 Mr. John Goadby, the second son of the esteemed pastor of the Baptist Church, at Ashby-de-la~Zouch, has long luid an earnest desire to devote himself to the work of Clirist among the heathen. Three years or more ago, he offered himself as a candidate for mis- sionary service. The circumistances of the Society then prevented any favourable attention being paid to his application. Soon af- terwards he commenced regular studies in the Academy under Mr. JaiTom, of Wisbeach, but still his mind was directed, should a door ever be opened to him, to labour among the heathen. At length, in the providence of God, his way was made plain. He was so- lemnly set apart to the important work of the Mission, at Lough- borough, on the 29th of JNIay ; when his Father with much feeling and force, addressed to him an important charge ; and his worthy Tutor presented an ordination prayer, im2:)loring numerous blessings on him, and the partner of his course. The day was one long to be remembered. It was apprehended that more persons were pre- sent, than at any ordination of any previous Missionary of the Society. Much holy feeling was excited. Many, by their uplifted hands, declared their determination to pray for, and support the Missionary. Mrs. Goadby's mind had long been directed to the same great object. In fact, so devoted were both of them to this object, that notv.'ithstanding the sacrifice of country and friends, to which they are called, it appeared to them a cause of joy that the way was open for them to go, and in their spheres of operation to make known the Saviour's love. They proceed in the ship, Alex- ander, Captain Waugh. " That this esteemed brother and his partner are thus proceeding to strengthen the Mission, is, under (Jod, to be ascribed to the zeal and liberality of those friends, principally in a few churches, who, by an extra suh-scriplion, for the express purpose of defraying the expense of outfit and passage of another Missionary, have enabled the Committee, at this important crisis, to send them forth ; and thus to strengthen the weakened hands, and encourage the hearts, of the brethren in Orissa, almost drooping for Avant of more aid. Let the subscril)ers to this object, reflect with pleasure, that divine goodness has tlius permitted them to give to India two more Mis- sionaries ; and that India is indebted, under God, for this benefit, not to the Society generally, but to them, and them only, whose extra exertion and additional liberality, have sent these Mission- aries forth." They arrived in Calcutta, Nov. 15lh, the anniversary of the arrival of the first jMissioiiaries in 1821. 229 The additions to the church this year, were of an cncoxirnp;in,^ character, particularly in the case of Pooroosootura, from Vizaga- patam. It is thus narrated iu the Report of the Society, " During the past year, several more Hindoos have been gathered into the Redeemer's fold, and have displayed their strong attachment to the Gospel by enduring sorrow and privations on its account. One of them is named Pooroosootum ; and he appears to be the first fruits of the labours of the Missionaries of the I.or.don Society, who v.ere stationed at f'izagnpatam. This young Hindoo has furnished an interesting narrative of his own history, lie appears to have been early initiated into the superstitions and idolatries of his country- men ; and was zealous in his regard to idols, idolatrous rites, and abominable practices. Yet while following these, he represents him- self as desiring earnestly, "to know the source of true Religion," On one occasion he met with a tract, which had fallen into the hands of a bo}.'. Pooroosootum obtained the tract, read it and laid it aside. Some time afterwards he obtained two other tracts ; and at length a fourth, and this directed him to the Saviour. After passing through various scenes and trials lie wished to avow him- self a disciple of Christ ; but the Missionaries were dead ; and had died without witnessing any apparent success of their labours ! Poo- roosootum at length became acquainted with a jnous officer, and he thought of sending him to Madras, a distance of not less than four hundred miles, to be baptized ; but afterwards determined to send him to Cuttack, a distance of three hundred miles. lioiv aw- ful is the state of a country, how deplorahle the dearth of Mis- sionaries in India, lohcn a converted Hindoo coidd find, in no direction, a recognized Christian instructor, loithin less than three hundred tniles of his otcn dwelling! How pleasingly this interenting Hindoo was taught of God is evidenced from his own narrative ! He gives the following description of his experience of the Saviour's care, previously to his becoming acquainted with his Christian Friends. " The Lord Jesus Christ through infinite grace and mercy, made my soul to thiive and strengthen in fai;h and knowledge ; and enabled his servant within me (the soul) to resist with firmness those friends of the devil, shame and anxiety about the mortal body, which had long caused me to struggle in sin; and had often thrown me into darkness and the most dreadful apjjrehension ; and would have thrown me back for ever, had it not been for the help obtained of my gracious Saviour ! He has freed me from the power of these two wicked enemies. Now as soon as my near relatives, 230 as my brothers, mother, wife, several kinsmen and friends, as well as merchants who had from time to time lent me money, heard of my wonderful change, they began to afflict me. Some spoke ill of me ; some execrated me ; some calumniated me ; some were en- raged at me ; some gnashed their teeth at me ; some intended to imprison me ; and others sought in various ways to injure me. Notwithstanding all this, the Lord Jesus Christ, on whom I repose my whole trust, and whom I followed as my heavenly Instructor, encouraged me with sufficient patience, to answer with reason, all the revilings of the persecutors ; and to stand fearless, undejected, and unperplexed. And with firm purpose I avoided the society of such people as would perplex me ; and for such mercy, I with wonder and delight praised the kindness of the blessed Saviour, who thus delivered me from my persecutors." By letter he was introduced to Mr. Lacey, who furnishes an in- teresting account of his baptism, and offers some judicious remarks on his singular case. " Lord's Day, October Gth, 1833, was fixed upon as the day for his baptism. The Circuit Judge readily granted us the use of the large tank, near the kutcheeree, which being in a central place, close to the large road, and near the bazar, was well suited for the ad- ministration of the sacred ordinance. We had a hymn, a prayer, and an address in the native language ; and there were certainly not fewer than a thousand persons present. As soon as the previous service was over, the crowd involuntarily placed themselves on the grassy sloping banks of the fine tank, and the scene was most in- teresting. The multitude was silent, and the administrator and candidate descended the steps into the water, and the ordinance was administered. The sacred names were repeated, both in the English and native languages. The reasons for so public a place being fixed upon were, first, that a large company miglit be brought togetlier and addressed ; and then, that by seeing how baptism was administered, the people might be disabused of a number of ridicu- lous notions, which the interested have industriously propagated for the purpose of prejudicing the public against the ordinance. " The same evening our new friend approached the Lord's table, and learned the meaning of that gracious institution. He has since that time up to tliis day, (when he starts off for his own country,) talked and walked so as to lead us to hope well of him. lie is at present, humble, and diligent in reading the word of God, and zealous for its propagation amongst others. lie appears to be the first fruits of the labours of our Independent Brethren on the 231 coast ; and on liis first visit to Vizagapatam, when his intention \va§ to profess the Saviour, Mr. Dawson, though very ill, was still alive. lie speaks well of several others in his neighhourhood, and it is not unlikely that from henceforth, some important fruits will, in that direction, be gathered to the fold of the Lord Jesus. " The case affords a fresh instance, that while we are moiii'ning over our apparently fruitless labours, and even dying without seeing one single individual turn to the Lord, there are those, who are not only enquiring the way to Zion, but who have by means of some tract or gospel which we may have distributed, obtained a clear knowledge of the way of life, and are walking joyfully therein. And how cheering the persuasion, that after a life of labours in the Saviour's vineyard, v/e shall meet, perhaps many, whom v/e have been the unknown means of guiding into the way of life I How joyful the announcement will be I How delightful the interview ! And how such a persuasion ought to stimulate us, still to pursue our object ; leaving our ' work with the Lord,' either to be rewarded with visible fruit here, or only hereafter, as he shall see most fit, for he best knows what we can bear. " We see also in this instance, the utility of Tract Societies ; here is a young man, enlightened, convinced, and brought to trust and rejoice in the Saviour ; and all effected through the instrumentality of religious tracts, without having once had an opportunity of con- versing with a Christian ! The distant consequences are still more important ; for this young man will henceforth commence the preaching of the gospel to his fellow countrymen ; and from the grace vouchsafed to him, and the sanctification of his naturally excellent abilities, he will demand great attention, and exert great influence : and so may, if he continue faithful, be a means of turning many to paths of holiness and life. "He left Cuttack for his country, Oct. 21st, in company with Radhoo, whom I have dispatched with him for the two-fold purpose of accompanying him on his journey, of seeing his brothers who are well disposed towards Christianity, and also for the purpose of seeing several enquirers at Beihampore. He was rather sorrowful at leaving the society of the native Christians, among Avhom he has been very comfortable since bis arrival. He is no ordinary addition to the Christian cause ; and will be very useful among his Tcloogoo countrymen, and very helpful to our friends of the London Societ}*, on the coast." 2 F 232 The approach or arrival of one missionary, is often attended by the removal or death of another ; and before Mr, Goadby arrived in, or even had embarked for India, jNIr. Sutton, com])elled by sickness, sailed from Calcutta, and arrived at Boston, in America, in ]\Iay of this year. The Society's Report of 1835, commences with an account of Mr. Sutton's return from England, to his missionary labours in America and India; and the ordination of the new missionary, Mr. John Brooks. "A few days after the last annual meeting, Mr. Brooks was solemnly ordained at Derby, as a Missionary. The day was one of very peculiar interest. A multitude of friends from neighbouring places, flocked into the town. The services were solemn and delightful in a high degree. Many tears were shed, while the young missionary narrated his religious history, and the circtimstances that had led him to devote himself to labour for the perishing heathen. Fervent prayer was offered for him and his partner. Mr. Sutton delivered a deeply impressive charge. The evening service had also its peculiar interest. On that occasion jNIr. Sutton bade farewell to multitudes that felt deeply the solemni- ties of the day, and a most numei'ous assembly united in singing a hymn, expressive of their hope that, ' when days and years are passed, they all should meet in heaven.' Since that time one year has nearly passed, and, already many that were present, have finished their earthly course. May it be the concern of all now on earth, that enjoyed attendance at those solemn services, to uphold the missionary cause, and love and serve the Saviour till he calls them to an unmerited, yet infinite reward." It was found necessary this year, for Mr. and Mrs. Lacey to return home for a time, to recruit their health. Mrs. Lacey wrote to a friend — " Before this arrives, you will pi'obably have heard that it is my intention to sail for England in January next. For several years I have been urged to this step by all who know what 1 have suftered in health, and the danger I have been in ; till this, I never could prevail on myself to leave the field, but have at length concluded to do so, and I make no doubt but you will also ap- prove of the step. I have been aaxious as much as possible myself to pay the expenses I shall incur by my voyage, and am happy to inform you that I have two little girls to bring with me, which will enable me to pay sixteen hundred rupees of the passage money. I now begin to feci my approaching dcpai'ture very much ; the native Christians are weeping and dissuading me from leaving them almost every time I see them. The other evening I called at 2S3 Guiiga Dhov's, to see his wife, and she wanted to know if I was going of a truth, I told her 1 was ; and she burst into tears, saying, — I was her mother, her sister, her reprover, and old friend ; what should she do ? do not go, do not go, do not leave us ; when I do wrong you come and reprove me, and bring me to a better mind, who will instruct us like you ? I replied I was obliged to go for the sake of my little children, who doubtless would be left motherless if I stayed to have another illness in this climate, and their ends would be defeated by my death. That all my doctors said Go, flee for your life ! all my friends said the same, and I believed it to be the will of God also ; but that they must look to and listen to our other missionaries, and put their trust in God." " Even now (says Mr. Goadby, referring to Mr. Lacey's depar- tui'e,) we seem to be losing our strength. Lacey is returning to England, and Sutton is not returned ; still the work will go on, the most efficient part of it cannot now so easily be stopped ; our books are widely circulated, and we have every reason to believe much read ; our Native preachers are the most efficient labourers in the field, and they are zealous and devoted to the work. European guidance and instruction they indeed want, and I have now suffi- cient of the language to make myself generally understood, though not enough to warrant me to attempt a public address." Of the circulation of Tracts, it is stated — " During the year, about twenty-eight thousand tracts have been distributed. The American Tract Socieiy has voted a second grant of five hundred dollars to assist the Missionaries in the wide distribution of religious publications. The Religious Tract Society has continued its annual grant of paper for the printing of tracts. That grant this year is forty -eight reams of paper. In addition to this, the Committee of the Tract Society has voted ffty pounds towards the printing of the Pilgrim's Progress in the Oreah language, for the use of the native Christians. This work is now in hand, and Mr, Lacey hopes to be able to proceed with the translation, during his stay in Eng- land. This estimable work has, for almost two centuries, amused the young, and delighted and instructed the more mature, in its once persecuted author's native land. It has instructed many in other European countries ; and now begins to speak in the lan- guages of India, to guide the pilgrim in liis way to God." " In October, Cuttack was visited by a dreadful and destructive inundation. The waters of the Mahanuddy rose higher and higher^ till at length, the lofty banks, that guard the city, were overflowed, and gave way, and the waters deluged the neighbouring country. 234 Many lives were lost. Beasts of variovis kinds, as elephants, cows, sheep, together witli men, women, and trees washed from the hills, were seen floating down the torrent. The lives of the missionaries were graciously preserved, hut much damage was done to the So- ciety's premises. Mr. Brown states, — ' The storms which are so frequent here, have unroofed the English School House, and left me almost in ruins. The great flood which happened in November inundated all the lower places of the district, including the town of Cuttack itself. Many thousands of poor people are, by this sad calamity, rendered houseless and destitute. The water rose several feet in our yard, and was for some days in the house. We took refuge Avith brother Goadby, till the waters subsided. The same flood which was so destructive in other places destroyed our chapel, which is now being rebuilt. We sent a circular to the Europeans, and they have generously enabled us to rebuild the chapel in an improved form. Thus, amidst judgments, the Lord remembers mercy. I trust the whole of the Mission property will be restored without any assistance from the missionary funds." Of Cuttack in the year 1835, it is stated by the Secretary of the Society — " This city, being the first Station occupied by the Society, has of course continued a principal scene of the exertions of the brethren. jMr. and Mrs. Brooks arrived here, to reinforce the Mission, in a favourable state of health, on April 1st, 1835 ; and continue to be favored with that inestimable blessing. Mr. B. in his latest communication, states that both Mrs. B. and himself are well, that he had escaped fever, enjoys better health than he did in England, and hopes, by avoiding exposure, to enjoy many years in India. The evening after their arrival, they were introduced to the native brethren at Christianpore, among whom Gunga Dhor, though unable to utter a word that Mr. B. could understand, pe- culiarly interested him. Mr. Brooks appears to preach with con- siderable acceptance to the English congregation. The English congregation has much improved. It is observed, " Last Sabbath evening it was considerably better than usual ; on the following Monday evening we had a large missionary prayer meeting, nearly as many as on the Sunday evening." On April 12th, the English Chapel, having been nearly Tcbuilt, in consequence of the injuries it sustained from the desolating flood, of the preceding year, was re-opened. Mr. Brown preached in Oreah at four o'clock, and Mr. Goadby in English at seven. Both services were well attended. The place was rebuilt by subscrip- tions, kindly contributed in the neighbourhood. It is represented 235 as a great improvement upon the last. Mr. Goadby remarks that it looks very well, and that there is not, he apprehends, much reason to fear dilapidation from a future flood, unless it were very violent indeed. In the same month, a new native chapel was opened at Chris- tianpore. Mr. Goadby states that it is a very neat commodious place. Mr. Brown remarks, — " This morning I preached for the first time in the new chapel at Christianpore ; it was full, and we all seemed to enjoy the opportunity. The place was built entirely by the liberality of one gentleman, who has expended, within the last few months, some hundreds of rupees upon our Mission. The text was chosen for me, and one suitable to the peculiar circum- stances in which the place was built. Luke vii. 5, 'He loveth our nation, and hath built us a synagogue,' which 1 ajoplied to the ^jar- ticular occasion. This is a neat native chapel, and is beside a great ornament to the Christian village. I am to preach once on a v/eek- night here, and once on the Lord's day in the other chapel. May these places be blessed to the conversion of many a benighted heathen." The native preachers chiefly officiate in this chapel. One of them preaches at ten o'clock on the sabbath morning, and another at four o'clock ; excepting on the Sabbaths when the Loi-d's supper is administered ; one of the native preachers, also regularly preaches at Bhirapoor. At these places the congregations are good. It may be interesting to state that a piece of ground contiguous to Christianpore has been added to it. The old ground is stated to be about full. " This addition will be found highly useful The expense will be supplied here, and I hope this increasing Christian village will soon be doubled in size." THE ENGLISH SCHOOL. " This useful Institution has been proceeding during the last year, and the fruits have been seen in two young men having joined the Church. One is at present a scholar in the School and the other received his education here. The number of scholars on the books is not so large as last year, I have struck oil" the names of several who did not regularly attend ; so that though the names on the books are less, the real attendance is better than last year. The engagements have been the same as in former years, embracing the usual branches of an English education, reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, geography, and history. Their acquaintance with Scripture History and the general doctrines 236 of the Christian Religion has been highly spoken of by persons competent to jndge. Upon the whole our cause of thankfulness is great, that in this poor benighted country an Institution which has been so useful still continues to exist. A School at Pooree has been established, but this, though matter for rejoicing, has in- jured the subscriptions to this Institution. We have found excel- lent friends in the Collector and his Lady, who have frequently visited the school. Our examination passed off well, though as usual the attendance of the great was not large. The boys answered a multitude of questions apparently to the great satisfaction of those present. j\Iany of the native Christian children attend the school, and besides English are learning to read and write their own lan- guagein the Roman alphabet, a system lately introduced and applied to all the Indian languages." The year 1837 reported the return of Mr. Sutton and the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Stubbins. It is gratefully observed — " The operations of the Society's Missionaries, and the sphere of their exertions, are now considerably more extensive, than they could be reported last year. An interesting addition has also been made to the number of the Society's Missionaries, by the return of Mr. and Mrs. Sutton to Cuttack, and the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Stub- bins in India. The week after the last annual meeting Mr. Stub- bins was solemnly designated to his important work as a Mission- ary to India. The ordination service took place at Fleet, Lincoln- shire, when an instructive charge to the young Missionary Avas delivered by Mr. Rogers, the estimable pastor of that Church. A few w^eeks afterwards he and his partner proceeded to India, in the Broxbournebury, Captain Chapman. In this fine vessel their accommodations were of the most agreeable description, and the kindness and attention of the excellent Captain of that ship, render- ed their voyage peculiarly pleasant, which was also pleasant in every other respect. Mr. Stubbins by Captain Chapman's permission, had frequent opportunities of preaching on board, and also of endeavouring, by other methods, to promote the spiritual benefit of the sailors ; and, previously to leaving the ship, Mrs. Stubbins collected ten pounds for the Mission. After having been ten weeks at sea, they reached the Cape of Good Hope where the ship touched. The passengers going for a few days on shore, the Missionaries took lodgings and pleasantly spent the short time they passed in Africa. In the latter part of December, the Broxbournebury entered the river lloogly. On the 4th of January, the Missionaries landed, 237 and were kiiully welcomed by Mr. Yates, and were then directed to the house of Mr. Thomas, tlie successor of ]Mr. Pearce, where tliey found lodgings, ready provided for them, and where they were treated with great atfection and entertained most kindly." On April 27, 1836, Mr. Sutton wrote to the Secretary representing his feelings on again beholding tlie wide wastes of spiritual desola- tion and death, presented iit Hindustan, to the Christian's view. " I wrote to yon from Calcutta announcing our arrival in India, and giving an account of our Missionary p;;rty and voyage. The Hrethren and Sisters destined For Burmiih, Shun, and China, left us at Kcdjcroe, wliile we came up by the steam boat to Calcutta. It was an affecting parting with so many in whom I felt so deeply interested. Our company now consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Day, destined for the Telingas, (their colleague Mr. Abbot, went on with the other party to fetch his intended wife from Burmali,) Mr. and Mrs. Noyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, myself, and Mrs. S. and Mary for Orissa, and Mrs. Tondin for Calcutta. Never did I feel more tlie spiritual wretcliedness and dcsti- tiUion of India than during this trip. The contrast between the blasting influence of Idolatry, and tlie blessed cft'ects of tlie Gospel were probably more vividly impressed on my mind from my having just left the sliores of a christian land. Oh it is grievous to contemplate the wide wastes of this beniglited country, over wliicb no Missionary's foot has ever trod, and where the joyful gospel sound lias never been proclaimed. How did I long for one more opportimity of pleading with Christians in behalf of the wretched lieatlion ! and how did I feel humbled and abased tliat I liad allowed ni)' golden opportunity to pass away with so poor an improvement! my feelings alas! too much resembled what tiiej^ have ever been ; regret and self abasement for the past, mingled with resolutions of more faithful- ness and diligence for the future. How enviable the attainment, to have a conscience void of offence both toward God and towards men ! All the way from the sea to Calcutta, the banks of the Hooghly are crowded with villages, but not a single Missionary is there. Manj- a scheme did I revolve in my mind, for supplying these perishing multitudes with the bread of life ; whether any one will prove fruitful time must reveal. We spent a fortnight in Calcutta, which was fully emploj-ed in making preparations for our journey, and future residence in Orissa. I preached four sermons, two in the Circular Road Chapel, one on board the Bethel, and one for Mr. Robinson, at Bow Bazaar. The first two I have since heard were not in vain. Two j'oiuig men baptized last ordi- nance day, by Mr. Yates, both mentioned being benefited by my labours. We at first proposed that tlie whole of our Missionary party should travel together over land, as far as Cuttack, but an op])ortunity having offered for brother and sister Day to go by sea, as far as Vizagapatam, they embraced it and are now waiting there for their colleague from Birma to join them. The rest of us acted upon our first agreement, and travelled over land to Balasore. Brother and sister (Joi'.dby were just settled here, and gave ns a cordial welcome ; as this was the case, and as brother and sister Philliiis seemed to think favourable of Jellasore, a large village about tliiity miles from Balasore, it was agreed to leave them witli Brother and Sister G. to nc([uire the language, and otherwise fit themselves for this new station. This plan I ardently hope will be acted upon. After spen- ding a few days with our friends at Balasore we prosecuted our journey to CiUtack : liere we arrived in safety and liealth on Saturday evening 12/A March, and were cheerfully entertained by Brother and Sister Brooks." 238 At tills period it was stated — " The English congregation had increased. Several fresh Europeans attended. Several among them seemed hopefully serious, and Mr. Williams, the Judge at Cuttack, with his pious lady, appeared truly the friends of Religion. The latest reference to the state of the English congregation repre- sents it as very serious and as numerous. Of one of the most solemn of Christian acts of worship, Mr. Sutton remarks, — " Our assembly at the Lord's Supper presented a most interesting appearance ; and cold must be the heart which is not affected at the sight. Our Chapel is almost filled with Euroj)cans, Americans, East Indians, and Hindoos, who eat of the same bread and drink of the same cup. We are all one in Christ Jesus." At another time he records the singular, but pleasing fact, that on a day when three Hindoos had been baptized, at a most refresh- ing opportunity at the Lord's table, they had in their company, communicants from Mahratta, Bengal, Orissa, and other parts of Asia ; from Portugal, France, America, England and Scotland. Haste happy day when the nations to which these converts, uniting at one table at Cuttack, belonged, shall be all one in Christ Jesus !" At a Committee Meeting in 183G, held at Loughborough, it was suggested, that a Press would be of great importance in Orissa. The suggestion was cordially adopted, and the annual Report stated, " To give more efficiency to the book and tract department of the Society's operations, the Committee have determined that a jinnf- ing press shall be established at Cuttack, and placed under the immediate superintendence of Mr. Sutton. The Committee have accordingly detemiined that Mr. Sutton continue to reside at Cuttack, where, besides taking part in other departments of Mission- ary labour, he will take the especial supervision of the press ; and it has also been arranged that Mr. Sutton and Mr. Lacey be joint pastors of the Church at Cuttack. This arrangement has been made with Mr. Lacey's cordial concurrence and approbation. The Religious Tract Society has made its usual grant of paper for the printing of tracts : the grant is increased to ninety reams of paper, part of which the Missionaries are authorized to devote to the publication of Baxter s Call to the Unconverted. The American Tract Sociey, has announced to its supporters, that they considered it necessary for the year then passing, to appropriate the sum of one thousand dollars to the Orissa Mission, and to that of their Baptist P'riends, in the same district of India. During Mr. and Mrs. Lacey's sojourn in their native land, they received the following letter, from the native brethren and sisters, 239 wiiom the_v liacl left for a time, ' like sheep in the wilderness.' — But the great Shepherd, through the care of his under shepherds, pfc-^ served them from ' the lion and the bear.' " Continually and for ever, may the grace atid consolation of God oui* Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, be with tliee. To our greatly beloved, our crown and our joy, even to Padree Lacey Sahib, and also to his Lady Sahib, do we address this epistle. All the fbristian bretliron and sisters, wlio compose the Chm-ch of Christ in. Cuttack, namely, Rama Chnndra, Gunga Dhor, and Doitaree, with all tlie rest, send you much much love and christian sakitation. On the foi^ lowing account have we written to thee: By the grace of God, atthe present time, we are all wellj and we desire to receive a letter, containing agreeable intelligence, from thee. Tliou has shown unto us^ the great and gK)rious way of salvation. In the midst of darkness, by thy instruc- tions we obtain to see a great light ; thou hast been to us an example in the ways of lioliness. Tlie mercy M'hich God intended before the world began, even that Gospel liast thou preached unto us. Affording U9 various help, and all kinds of excellent instructions, thoU hast firmly settled and established our minds ; and therefore by thy means, in the Lord Jesus Christ, we have obtained a new birth unto life. We are be- come of the household of God, and continually rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ, offering praise to the Lord our God. Moreover, we enjoy the sweet hope of everlasting life ; and therefore, O oiu- greatly beloved, since the day thou didst depart from this place, and set out on thy journey to thine own country, taking with thee thy wife, and chddren, even from that day tears have not ceased to run down from our eyes lot* thee ; for as a father and mother protect their children, so hast thou, _ with all knowledge, and uiiderstanding, and love of God, fed and nourished our precious souls. This instruction, even now, we daily digest in our minds. For thee we never cease to pray to God, that thou mayest obtain his grace ; that as with thy wife and children thou didst leave this country, so thou mayest safely arrive in thine own, and there enjoy an affectionate meeting with all yoiir brothers and sisters. Give our affectionate christian salutation to all the Churches of Christ. May their prayers be to God on our behalf, for we are weak; then shall we be strong in the strength of the Lord. O may we remain steadfast in the good way even unto the end, and remain declaring the Gospel in thi^ benighted land, till at length, in the day of the Lord, we shall all find grace from Him. That we obtain this grace, O pray for us. O, beloved brother, we heard of the affliction which happened unto you while you remained in Calcutta, namely, that you heard there how tiiat thy father had gone to heaven ; we were on that account much concerned tor thee. Also we heard how that Boxoo stole some of thy property, being un-' grateful, as well as how you had not money sufdcient for your joumey^ and were greativ distressed. But most of all we heard of the affection wdiich you manifested for us at the moment of yov.r departure, even by your tears. We heard also that thy children, and thy lady Sahib, wept at the remembrance of us. All this we heard ; and vdien the intelligence reached us, we gave ourselves up lo grief, and were as though we siiould not again see pleasure. Goaaby Sahib read to us the 1/tter you sent from on board, which letter informed us of the illness of Willie baba, and we all united in prayer that God would recover him from sickness, and protect and save yon ail ; nor shall \Ve feel our minds at rest till we re reive a letter from thee. In the cold season we went out with the missi.mary brethren to preach the Gospel, and we distributed many tracts. We havs So 210 preached on tile Lord's -day to the Native Clirlstian congregation, and iMr. Brown has also dons so. Mr. \V. has greatly assisted the Church, being very kind and us-f'ul. In Christiani)oor he has built a chapel for us, new, and of substantial materials. Here we have divine worship, while a large verandah in front serves for a school-room for the Native Chris- tian children, where they obtain wisdom. He has inorever opened a well in the new christian village, where our brother Hurree Paree lives; he allows our aged brahmuiiee sister something to eat ; and has agreed to sui)port Krnpa Sindoo as a Native Christian preacher, as well as ex- l)resses himself generally very favourable towards all the brethren and sisters. From these iatiinatioiis, we hope that his heart towards the Lord is well afiected. Since thy departure Sebo has been baptized, and now lie and his family live in the house of Bumadab at Nokora. The rice you left has been fccld, and the money deposited in the hands of Goadby Sahib. Padree Goadby went to Calcutta to seek for a wife, and from America there came a wife for him, and to her he was married, and returned in one month to Cuttack. Padree Brooks has arrived at Cuttack, and lives in the Bunga- low belonging to Mr. Brown, where he is studying the Oriya under the ])undit Bhagnutty-misser. We are all well. The chapel near the house of (Junga Dhor, whicli you know was destroyed by a flood, has been rebuilt and there is English worship therein. On Lord"s-day, at four o'clock in the afternoon, we continue to have Oriya worship in this chapel, when Mr. Brown officiates. We have divine worship at Bhogerpoor, in the little chapel there ; we preach by turns on every Lord's-day. Mahadab-das has not been restored to fellowship; his mind is not at present in a right state. Gunga Dlior, he who laid hold upon the river Gunga, and Rama Cliundra, Ram, who is of the nature of brightness, and Doitaree, he who conquers demons, and Krapa Sindoo, he who is a sea of mercy, and Bam- adab, he who is as a god of comfort, and Rahadoo, he who destroys Rahoo, and the Bniddhee-bltoonee, she who is the aged sister, and Dahanee, she who reduces to ashes, and Knmllee, she who is softness, and Ilurreeparree, he who is the saviour or deliverer, named Hurree, and Treelochitn, he who is the three-eyed, and Coranusowa, he who bears mercy, and Seba-purree, he who undei-stnudaSeho, (Hid Bolcruni, he who is the strength of Ram, and Soobanee, he who is the sweet worded, and Sodanunda, he who is the ever-joyful, and all the rest of the men, women, and children, are well. Truly some are occasionally indisposed in body, but get well again. All these brothers, sisters, and children, to thee, and to thy lady Sahib, once more much much affectionate salutation send. Also to the child Hannah, and to the child Willie, and to the child Charlie, all the above persons send kisses of love. To all the brethren and sisters believing in Christ, of the churches in Kngland, the brethren and sisters believing in Christ who are of the church in Cuttack, send their endless endless salutation. We are all in one mind, proceeding in the path of the Gospel, and are praying and labouring for the extension of the kingdom of God. The brother who came from Bisak-patna, (Pooroosootum,) and was baptized, has sent us a letter. He has had much inconvenience in travelling from place to place with his wife and children ; but has been finally appointed to one of the mission stations on the Coromandel coast, along with Mr. Gordan, whom you saw at Madras. There he is preaching the Gospel. Bainadab and Krupa Sindoo have been chosen to preach the Gospel here ; and the rest of the brethren are in the offices they held when you were here. The charge which thou didst deliver to us, a written copy of which we received from thee, the same have I read, and in all things think of thee and long after thee. Please give my salutation to the other ministers of Christ there, and to my christian brothers and sisters. About many other 241 things we intend to write to thee again in a short time. Favour us soon with an answer to this letter. Tell us where you are — the name of the town or city, and about tliysclf. We have some inquirers, who are obtaining instruction, and things are much as they were wlien you saw them. And now what more shall I write ? all things here are known to thee. Pardon the liberty we have taken in writing to thee." April oth, \83o, Cuttack. Appropriate reference is made to tlie new feature in missionary proceedings, occasioned by the consecration of Miss Kirkman to the good of her sex in India. It is stated — " The Committee received an application from Miss Kirkman, a young lady, who is anxious to consecrate herself to the promotion of the spiritual welfare of the female population of India. The peculiar departments of exertion, to which, it is conceived, she may devote her efforts, are female education, and the instruction of Hindoo v.oiuen. The Committee unanimously and ivith much jtleasure accepted Miss K's. offer of herself. Her estimable parents, in a spirit of consecration to the cause of Christ, like that of their beloved daughter, much as they feel the sacrifice, cheerfully resign her ; and with a similar devotcd- ness to the Redeemer's glory, engage to allow her anniudly such a sum as will be sufficient for her support. Surely the friends of the mission will pray, that His favour, v.hose presence fills the heart with nobler joy than even the society of the most affectionate and pious child, may rest abundantly upon them ; and that they may rejoice in the confidence, that whether in this uncertain world they meet again or not, the interval, at the longest, will be but short before they meet in heaven ; and there feel that every sacrifice they could ever make, was infinitely more than merited by Him who bought them with his blood. May they part in the spirit of that eminent Christian, who leaving, for a scene of danger and death, the beloved wife of his bosom, calmly said, ' We have an eternity to spend together.' " The Report of 1838, announced the return to India of Mr. and Mrs. Lacey, accompanied by Miss Kirkman to Orissa. It is stated — "Amidst the numerous population of this first station of the Society's labours, the glad tidings of redeeming love have continued to be proclaimed, and some additions have been made to the Saviour's flock. Daring the past year, Mr. and Mrs. Lacey have returned to their former station, accompanied by their devoted young friend I\Iiss Kirkman. The farewell services connected with the departure of these friends from England, took place at Leicester, August 22nd, 1837 ; ^nd early in September they left England for 242 India, in the Royal Saxon, Captain Reiiner. During the voyage, they had many opportunities for public and social worship, the Captain encouraging iNIr. Lacey to conduct divine service. *' As the Commanders of some East India ships are so unfavour- able to religions worship, it should be known that Captain Renner manifested a very different spirit. He always endeavoured to make way for divine service ; the men were generally present ; but when they could not be spared from the management of the ship, the Captain and others attended ; and besides Lord's day morniiig worship, lectures on Lord's day evening and on Wednesday evening were delivered by his request. Among tlie sailors, books and tracts were distributed ; and hope was entertained that salutary religious impressions were made upon the minds of several indivi- duals during the voyage. " They reached Calcutta in January ; they received a kind wel- come, and were entertained at tlie house of My. Hughes, Balle- gunge. During their stay in Calcutta, Mr. Lacey had frequent opportunities of addressing numbers of Oreas on the great truths of the gospel. So many of the natives of Orissa resort to Calcutta, that he found himself every where surrounded by persons who could understand him. By many he was recognised as 'the Cuttack Padree Sahib, who preaches against Juggernaut, and ex- horts the people to worship Jesus Christ,' and felt it not unpleasant to be thus recognised. " On the 19th of February, Mr. Lacey and his companions em- barked for Tumlook, and thence proceeded to INIidnapore. While there, for a few days, Mr. Lacey preached to large and attentive crowds in the Bazaar. Thence they proceeded to Balasore, and Cuttack. Of their arrival at the latter place, Mr. Lacey states, — 'About eight o'clock in the morning of the first of March, the bearers set us down at the school-house, where brother and sister Sutton are located, and thus our long journey ended. We were glad to see our old friends and fellow labourers, and joined sincerely and fervently in thanksgiving to our kind heavenly Preserver, that he had so long preserved us by land and by sea, and had at length brought us together again, where many of our best days have been spent, and much interesting labour bestowed. As we passed through the town, the people ran to express their pleasure to see us again, and throughout the day numbers of persons arrived, to say how glad they were to see us again in Cuttack. Komile and Danee were here, when we arrived, and were much affected, when ve a^'uin spoke to them ; and the native Christians one by one 243 dropped in to pay us a visit. I need not say there was a mutual pleasure from once more seeing eacli otlier. lirothcr Stubbins post- poned his departure till our arrival ; he is now gone to Berhampore, where, judging from the place and the labourer, there is every prospect of his usefulness. I found the native church better than I anticipated, the number of the members has considerably increased. The native Christian children's boarding school, forms now an interesting feature of the Mission in Cuttack. The first sai>bath after my arrival was of great interest. I preached in the morning in Oreah, with much liberty and pleasure, in the chapel in Chris- tianpore. Almost all the Christian community was present, and the chapel was well filled. In the afternoon I administered the Lord's Snppcr to the Church, composed of Natives, Indo-British, and English, in Oreah and English. O what a pleasing sight ! a large chapel full ! At night preached again in English, chapel full. JVe must have a new and larger chapel, and are setlincj about it. We thank God and take courage. I am much engaged in the Bazaar and at Mellas." The return of Mr. and ]\Irs. Goadby to their native land, is referred to, and the expected ordination of Mr. Wilkinson to the great work in Orissa. The blessed cause of the Redeemer gained ground in the follow- ing year. The first Tract printed at the Cuttack Press, was hastily composed for the Ruth Jattra of 1838, and was entitled — " The wonderful advantages of a Pilgrimage to Juggernaut." The evil:i of this pilgrimage are there detailed. Many of these Tracts have been circulated. Of the manner in which church business is conducted, one of the brethren gives an interesting statement, in furnishing an account of a church lueeting. " This evening we had one of the most inter- esting Church Meetings I ever attended. The members were al- most all native. Of Europeans there were only ourselves. Captain Bamfield, and Mr. Palfreyman. After singing and prayer in Oreah and English, an application for re-admission was dismissed on ac- count of the individual having been discovered to make too free a use of gunga, so much so as to become intoxicated. A candidate's name also was struck off the list. The names of eight candidates were then read over. Some were fresh ones. Their cases were considered, and their experience, profession, and conversation can- vassed with much prudence and christian feeling. Four were re- ceived, Mr. Harris, schoolmaster, Komilee, the wife of Mahadab, Rosikaront, and Ilarree, the wife of Boliakonta. The baptism to 244 take place next Lord's day ; the natives to be baptized in the open air, where heathen natives can come to see and hear, and the European in the chapel after the evening sermon." The baptismal services took place as appointed : Mr. Harris was baptized in the chapel, and the Hindoo converts in the open air, when, it was supposed, about eight hundred spectators were present. The enlargement of the chapel is particularly referred to at this time. "The chapel at Cuttack has been enlarged to more than double its former size. Its present dimensions are fifty feet long by thirty wide, with a verandah ten feet wide on the sides and front. This enlargement was rendered necessary by the increase of Europeans at the station ; by the additions made to the native church, and by the increase almost every month of the native con- gregation. This rendered the former chapel inconveniently small, especially on those sabbaths when the Lord's supper was adminis- tered. Mr. Sutton collected for the object about seven hundred rupees, which he transferred to the hands of Mr. Lacey, who had much of the superintendence of the work. A circular was sent to the Christian residents in Cuttack and the vicinity, which soon raised about five hundred rupees more. To this, subsequent addi- tions were made, and the v/hole expense, amounting to one thousand four hundred and twenty rupees, has been defrayed. Above an acre has been added to the chapel ground. A tank has been opened in the centre of this ground, for use on baptismal occasions. This tank is about one hundred feet wide. With the soil taken from the tank, thegi'ound in the old chapel yard has been improved, and the whole of the ground enclosed with an embankment, to prevent the ingress of the flood in the rainy season. The whole of the ground which has been enclosed, is planted round with cocoa- nut trees of five years growth, which add much to the appearance of the place, and will hereafter add to the usefulness of the addi- tion. The cocoa-nut plant being the exclusive perquisite of the sacerdotal class, and being usually planted around the temples of the land, their appearance around this christian sanctuary produces a favourable impression on the natives. The chapel was re-opened on Lord's day, August 19th. Mr. Sutton preached in the morning, from 1 Cor. iii. 9. In the after- noon the native congregation assembled at four o'clock, and Mr. Lacey preached on Isa. liii. 11. A goodly company of natives, all clean and orderly, were present, and many were in tears. Mr. Lacey preached again at seven in the evening, from Isa. liv. 2, 3. 245 The attendance was good, the attention serious, and the whole a day of mnch holy pleasure. After relating these events Mr. Lacey remarks, — " It is just twelve years since the chapel was first opened. 1 laid the foun- dation stone in May 1826, and on Novemher 5th of that year delivered the first sermon. Brother Sutton was at Cuttack at the time, and assisted, and we have been spared through twelve event- ful years, in an Indian climate, and are now permitted together to re-open the Chapel after an enlargement to more than twice its former size. This is what is seldom seen in India. We were then without a single native convert, and yesterday the coldest heart must have been warmed, to have beheld our native christian congregation." The ordination of Mr. Wilkinson, is mentioned at the close of the Report. " The ordination took place at Wisbeach, Cambridge- shire, August 1st, 1838. The services of the day were of an inter- esting and solemn nature. Mr. Wilkinson's account of his religious history, excited much deep feeling throughout a crowded and nu- merous congregation. His conversion from sin and infidelity was connected with circumstances of a singular kind, and strikingly displayed the power of divine grace. An introductory discourse was delivered by Mr. J. B. Pike, then of Boston. The ordination prayer was off"ered by Mr. Jones of March, and was very solemn and appropriate. The questions to the young Missionary were proposed by his warm friend Mr. Peggs, of Bourn, and a short charge was addressed to him by the Secretary of the Society. During the solemn services of this important day, the presence of the Lord was enjoyed. On the morning of the day, Mr. Wilkin- son was united in marriage to Miss Desborough, a valuable young friend, much esteemed and beloved in the church at Wisbeach, to to which, like her partner, she belonged. They were to have sailed for India in a few days, but various delays took place, so that they did not finally leave their native land till late in Septem- ber. They then sailed in the Moira, Captain R. M. Carthy. Another Baptist Missionary and his wife went in the same ship. They touched at the Cape, and from thence Mr. Wilkinson address- ed a letter to the Secretary. The Society was, this year, much indebted to a kind friend, the late Miss Barnes, of St. Ives, Hunts, for two bequests, one for a thousand pounds, to be paid without needless delay. The other for four hundred and fifty pounds at the decease of an individual, who 246 is to receive the interest during her life. IMiss Barnes had long been a warm friend to the Society. She has left the larger legacy for the expressed purpose of sending out additional INlissionaries. The subject has been laid before the Committee at a recent meeting, when tlie following resolution was adopted, " The Committee pledge themselves to appropriate the money left by Miss Barnes, to the purposes specified in her will, on the receipt of it." Mrs. Wilkinson has given an interesting account of tlieir first interview with the Native Ministers, which took place at Cuttack, March 30th, 1839, where the brethren were assembled for their Annual Conference. " The native preachers soon heard of our arrival, and came to see us. They had assembled in an adjoining room. Brother Lacey led lis to them. All were seated on the floor, but they in- stantly arose, and presented a noble army on the Lord's side. I was truly delighted to see their intelligent faces, and hear their solicitude for the best interests of their countrymen. Gunga, in his figurative manner of speaking, asked Mr. "Wilkinson "7/ any other Missionaries were hanfjing to his tail .''" We said, " Why are you so anxious that others should come ?" Ke gave three reasons, — First. — Because there was a great sinking in the well of igno- rance, and more ropes were wanted to pull the people out. Second. — Many were drowning in the sea of sin, and more ships must be sent to rescue tiiem. Third. — He desired that many more Christians should follow the example of Christ, who left heaven that he might do good to men." The year, whose proceedings are thus in part detailed, proved on the whole an important and encouraging year. Foi'the measure of success that has been enjoyed, much gratitude and praise are due to God. lliis is the view taken by our estimable brother, Sutton, vv'ho observes, " On the whole we consider the year to have been one of general prosperity, and which in many views calls for our fervent thankfulness to the Author of every good and per- fect gift. Let us labour on, taking fresh courage from the past, and present success ; and animated by the hope, " that when we have fought the good fight, kept the faiih, and finished the Course, there is a crown, in reserve, which the Lord the righteous Judge, shall give us at that day." In reference to the future, Mr. Stubbins takes a very encoura- ging view. He writes, " Aly conviction is, that Orissa is white" niny to the harvest, and we want only men to gather in the pre- cious and innnorlalgrain.^' Thus encouraged by mercies received, 247 and bv hopes excited, the Society is bound to use every effort to send other labourers into the harvest." An anonymous donation of £G0. was, a few months ago, sent to the Secretary, to assist in sending out Missionaries. A consi- derable part of Miss Barnes's legacy, for the same object, has also been paid to the Treasurer; and John Wright, Esq. of Birmingham, with singular liberality, offered to the Committee, to defray one third of the expense of the outfit and passage of four Missionaries. The statistics of the church at Cuttack in 1840, is stated — "Since the year 1828 when the first Hindoo was baptized the record of baptisms is — Europeans and East Indians 53 ; Hindoos 95. To the above are to be added nominal Christians and Enquirers 196. — The Report of 1845 states — "The number in connection with the Society's stations, that are freed from the shackles of Hindooism, cannot now be much, if any, below one thousand; for according to statistics furnished by your senior Missionary, the number at Cuttack, and the locations more especially connected with the station amounts to 816. Of this number there are at Cuttack 409. Christianpore 89. Laceycie 34. The Asylum 92. Societypore 39. Khunditta 39. Choga 44. Bhogerpore 15. Indo- British 55. It is not pretended that all these are really christians, but many of them are such, and the rest, including children, are delivered from the chains of Hindoo superstition and idolatry, and are brought under christian instruction. This is not a trifling measure of success, though small compared with what is needed." The year 1841, saw the mission considerably assisted by the ordination of Mr. and Mrs. Grant, the appointment of ]*Ir Vv . Brooks as a Printer, and of Miss Derry as assistant to Mrs. Stubbins, (for- merly Miss Kirkman.) — " These brethren with their wives and Miss Derry, sailed for Calcutta, June 17th, in the Pekin, Captain Laing. The service in which Mr. Grant v/as set apart to this great work, and in which all this interesting party were reminded of then- duties, and commended to the divine blessing, took place at Not- tingham on Tuesday the first of June. The day was one of much sacred pleasure. Numbers displayed a lively interest for the object, to which this band of young disciples of the Saviour were devoting themselves. Mr. Grant in his answers to the usual questions, manifested much intense concern to be employed as a Missionary labourer, declaring that he would prefer being a Missionary to the highest earthly dignity, and that his desire was in India to live, 2 II 248 in India to die, and in India to be buried. Tlie Committee have determined that his station shall be fixed by the next Orissa Con- ference, Mr. Brooks is placed as a Missionary Printer upon the same footing as a Mi«sionary in every I'espect. In the first instance he goes to take the superintendence, and whole management of the mechanical part of the Printing Establishment ; but as he has manifested talents for preaching, it is deemed most probable that he will by degrees, engage in other Missionary labours. Miss Derry goes out to assist INIrs. Stubbins in promoting female education, and instructing Hindoo women. The expense of her outfit and passage has been defrayed by the Ladies' Society for advancing education in the East. The managers of this Society have mani- fested the interest they take in JNIrs. Stubbin's labours, and their satisfaction with her efforts, by a grant of twenty pounds to assist her schools." The year 1842 terminated the first twenty years of the Society's actual labours in Orissa. Mr. Pike in his own peculiar style, de- scribes the position of the Society, and his views are happily con- firmed by Mr. Lacey. — " When your Society was just struggling into life, it was remarked, that a Missionary Society resembles a stream tending to the ocean : at first a rivulet, that may be measured by a span, but which, increasing as it flows, swells till the insignificant brook expands into a river, and swelling still, before its course concludes, the river becomes a sea. A hojie was then expressed that this then little stream might, in some distant age, long after those, who saw it rise, were forgotten, — pour the waters of salvation, through many a barren spot, in the wide hea- then wilderness. The events of the past twenty years furnish evidence that this hope was not presumptuous. You may look for- ward to a lime when thousands of chrii^tian churches, as so many centres of light and love, shall bestud that portion of India, which falls to the lot of your Society. Then the land will have its tem- ples, but they will all be temples of Jehovah. It will have its songs and its offerings, but its songs will be the sweet hymns of Zion, and its offerings millions of renewed and consecrated hearts. It will have its pilgrims, but they will all be pilgrims to the city of the living God. Prophecy predicts these triumphs, the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish them ; and their commencement is found in your humble yet expanding efforts. Your little rivulet has already swelled to a brook. On this fact one of your brethren ^n India has remarked ; — " Twenty years have now elapsed since our brethren and sisters, Bampton and Peggs, with one native 219 christian attendant, Abraham, trod their uurriciulcd way to this phice. The darkness of Idolatry was then universal and un- broken ; and compared with what then existed, in relation to the good cause, our present circumstances must induce the exclamation, ^iVhathath God wrought?' It is the Lord's doing, and is wondrous in oureyes ! From this spot, where five souls formed the little christian band, the cause has spread from the centre to the uttermost north- and south of the land; nor overlooking intermediate places, and more local settlements. At Berhampore, we have three European and two native labourers, with a native christian church of more than twenty members : and the Gospel is being made known through- out a wide and populous district. At Ganjam, sixteen miles north of Berhampore, we have two European and three native labourers, with a church of ten or tivelve members ; and through a wide field the empire of Idolatry is being invaded by the light of divine truth. At Balasore, there are two American and one native labour- er, with a church of some tivelve or fourteen christians. At Jella- sore, a few miles north of Balasore, there are two American and two native labourers ; all actively employed in circulating that knowledge which in its progress subjects all mankind to the love and service of God. At Midnapoor, although no results have appeared, yet books have been put in circulation, and to some degree the tidings of mercy have been made known. And now, at Cal- cutta, amidst a population of more than a million souls, we have four European and two native labourers ; with a church of sixteen or eighteen members, seeking the eternal salvation of some forty thousand of the sons of Orissa, who have wandered there in search of the bread which perisheth. While at Cuttack, from whence these branches have generally shot forth, we have six European and four native labourers, with a church of one hundred and twejit// two members; and three minor stations, where native preachers are labouring for the edification of the native christians placed under their care, and for the instruction of the multitudes of liea!- thens all around them. And the movement of all these Stations, (except Midnapoor, now for a time vacated,) is onward. The preaching of the Gospel, is awakening enquiry, the tracts are dis- tributing knowledge, and the numerous schools are instructing the young, while our Press is pouring forth a tide of instruction to be let into a thousand channels to fertilize the wliole land. Upon the whole, there is reason to say, " The Lord has done great tilings for us, whereof we are glad." 250 The efforts of the Missionaries to diffuse the Gospel in Cuttack, and its vicinity, have continued through the past year, and have not been in vain. Sixteen have been added to the church by baptism, fourteen of them Hindoos, and the other two Indoo-britons. Mr. Laeey states, that the year has been marked b)' no circum- stances of unusual interest in the progress of the sacred cause, but it has offered no reason for discouragement. He justly observes, that in India the progress of christian light is like the dawn of a morning, darkened by dense and universal fogs. On such a morning the light struggles long with the darkness, but its pro- gress though imperceptible, is certainly, and finally triumphant. Thus the dawn of a bright and blessed day has broken upon the benighted Oreas ; and that dawn has advanced during the past year. On the first Lord's day in December, five candidates were baptized, four of them young persons. The other was a widow of an enquirer from Choga, who died while he was seeking in- struction. She assists in cooking for the girl's department of the School, and is very steady and consistent. On the day of baptism the chapel was crowded. Mr. Lacey preached and baptized, and afterwards administered the Lord's supper. He observes, it was a happy, " a very happy opportunity, a day long to be remem- bered." On the first Sabbath in February, a Telinga convert belonging to the sixth Madras Native Infantry, was baptized, being the eighth baptized from that regiment during its sojourn at Cuttack. " They are now," the Missionary writes, " called to China, but they value the word of God, and can use it with great ease, and I hope and think they will be able to go forward in the good path." Of Missionary Students and Native Ministers, it is stated — " The last Report announced that Somnath, Damudar, and Sebo Naik, had been placed under Mr. Sutton's care, as students for the ministry ; the two former were boarders, and the latter being mar- ried was a daily attendant. They thus continued till a special Conference in October, when it was agreed that they should be re- ceived as assistant preachers, Damudar to accompany Mr. Sutton to Calcutta ; and Sebo to go to Berhampore, and assist Mr. Stubbins ; and Somnath to remain at Cuttack. Mr. Lacey referring to them observes, "We have added three to the number of our native preaclicrs, who are all men of more than ordinary promise." 251 Mr. Sutton referring to them and to the period of their continuance •under his care writes, " It was a short experiment, but long enough amidst all the imperfections attending it, to show its importance, and what results may lie expected from a proper and thorough system of training. These young preachers bid fair to make useful men, and fully justify our selection of them to the office they sustain. Still it were to be wished, the two youngest could have had a year or two of close study of several subjects, immediately bearing on their work." He adds, — ■" Khum- boo has not been received as a student yet, but I have still hopes of him. The next most promising class on our premises, are four of the youths recently converted, but they are still so very young, that nothing can be said of them as preachers for several years, though I am determined on commencing a course of pre- paratory studies with them, so soon as I can find a master. My pundit that I employed in teaching them Sanscrit, is retained by Brother Lacey, and I have not yet been able to find another. At present, therefore, I can only report on the past, and say but little as to what may be done during the current year. I hope however, to lose no opportunity of promoting this important branch of our work, so far as I can do it, or secure co-operation in it. May the Lord raise up and send forth during the present year, a class of Damodurs, and Somnaths, and Seeboos." The subject of cultivating native talent, and of training up suitable converts as native ministers, has been frequently referred to, in letters from the Secretary, especially in correspondence addressed to ]Mr. Sutton. In a recent communication he express- ed his strong feelings upon this subject, and made a proposal to which the Committee have most cheerfully acceded. " I suppose I may do something in the matter of Government translations ; and this, in connexion with my probable return to Cuttack, leads me to make a proposal to which I beg your kind attention. I find that it is vain for me to expect to do much, (excepting on the Sabbath), beyond my daily labours in trans- lating and correcting the press, and taking the general oversight of our educational department; and that the little time I can spare from writing, may be most advantageously employed in endeav- ouring to train up a class of young men as native preachers. Now we can have little hope of permanently and extensively benefit- ing Orissa, without raising up an efiicient native ministry ; but to do this involves considerable expense, both for their education 252 and support. My question therefore, is, Will the Committee sanc- tion me in endeavouring to increase and improve this department, and in devoting to it any funds that I may realize by my labours in translating and printing, beyond what is necessary for my own support? or, if we should be unexpectedly prosperous, beyond that of the support of Brother William Brooks also ? Teachers of some kind must be employed in this department, and if we should pros- per so as to get any thing of a class, it will be well worth a con- siderable portion of the time of the best qualified man the Commit- tee can send. We want no display either in our establishment or our men, but the means of raising up a body of hardy efficient labourers, who need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of life. I cannot expect to do more perhaps than get such a branch of our Mission into operation, and lay the foundation for its con- tinuance ; but to do this is worth living for, and I should feel that it is an object worth all the time and labour I can spare, and happy should I be to commence it, and then hand it over to some Brother better qualified by talents and grace, to carry it on to perfection. Most Christians may by a little extra exertion and self-denial, do something more than they would otherwise in b-chalf of a favourite object. We, I suppose, are no exception to this general law ; it rests with the Committee to supply the necessary stimulus to exertion." At the Conference the following arrangement for the labours of native ministers was made for the coming year. — Calcutta, Gunga Dhor, Seebo Sahoo, and Damudar. — Cuttack, Rama Chun- dra, Ramadab, and Somnath — Midiiapore, No application.- — Khun- ditia, Luckindas and Doitaree, in succession — Piplcj, Doitaree and Luckindas, in succession. — Ganjam, Balage. — Berhainpore, Pooroosootum and Sebo Naik. — Ballasore and Jellasore, Bickbaree. In case of Gunga not going to Calcutta, Bamadab takes his place. The Society was this year ninch indebted to the Religious Tract Society, for the grant of 200 reams of paper, part of which was to be appropriated to the publication of Earth's Church History, and two volumes of Tracts for the use of the Native preachers and others. The Bible Translation Society made a grant of £150, and the American and Foreign Bible Society, the handsome grant of 1300 dollars, or £265. 18s. 2d. Of this sum 300 dollars were directed to be given in copies of the Scriptures, to the American Brethren at Balasore and Jellasore. The Report for 1814, gave a favourable view of the parent Church at Cuttack.— "At this first station, christian truth has 253 continued to exert and extend its influence. Several converts have been added to the church tliough not so many as in some preceding years. The long-tried Missionaries have on the whole been favoured with a large measure of health. Mr. liacey in his annual Report records the divine goodness in having permitted him to spend another year in India in the enjoyment of almost uninterrupted health. He remarks : — " I have felt much less of that lassitude and weakness which are so natural to this climate in the past year, than in any former years of my Indian existence, and have consequently been able to spend most of those months among the people, during which the weather admits of our being out with safety. I have not felt it to be either unpleasant or injurious to be out in the sun all day long, in communication with the people, or in going to and returning from their places of resort. I have, I believe, no greater desire than that my time, my health, and my life should all be devoted to the cause of God ; and I hope as He has hitherto, so also, in time to come He will enable me, every year of my remaining existence, to do something for the spread of His knowledge, and the promotion of His glory. I feel that as the past portion of my life recedes and mingles with the ages that are past, never more to be available for serving God or benefiting man ; the small portion that may remain is infinitely important ; and the more so as my capabilities henceforth for doing good will not increase but decrease." " Our personal labours (says Mr. Sutton) are carried on in a narrow space, but I would hope are destined to have a wider influence. Formyself I have been "nailed to the wood" pretty closely- all the year. The past year like all the years which have preceded it, has had its lights and its shadows, its sorrows and its joys. The conditions of our warfare are present toil and future rest — present sorrow and future joy — presefft expectation, and oft disappointment, but future realization and fulness of delight. He who now '^ gocth forth weeping hearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, hearing his sJieaves ivith him." The church contained 140 members, of which eleven had been added during the year. Amidst the defects of which their pastor complains, the fact that family worship prevails among these dear people is an interesting evidence of the reality of their religion and a token for good. INIr. Lacey observes that the means for improv- ing in christian knowledge, which the possession of the Scriptures and other religious books furnishes are daily used, and he adds, " Their family worship has generally been attended to with regularity, 254 and on a morning visit I have sometimes found — everT/ house in the village engaged at their devotions. The head of the family sings a hymn, reads and prays.'' The following is the arrangement for the labours of the Native Ministers : — " Caleutta, Bikharee. Balasore, Seeboo Naik. Khundilta, Somnath and Parasua, on trial. Choga, Bamadab and Doitaree, if restored to his office. JeUasore, (belonging to our Society,) Rama, junior, Berhampore and Ganjam, Balagee and Denabundcr. Cnttach, Gunga, Rama Chundra, and Damadur, in part. Neiv Station, Sebo, and Damudar partly. Pippley, No supply." In the Report of 1845 it is stated — -"At the conference at Cuttack it was agreed that the Hindoo brethren, Seboo Sahoo, Sebo Naik, Balagee, Damudar, and Somnath, should be ordained to their work as native evangelists. To this number Denabunder was afterwards added. Most of these brethren had satisfactorily passed a probation of three or four years as assistant preachers. At the same time it was agreed to receive Prasa Rout as an assist- ant preacher. Several English friends have forwarded presents to the native ministers, which have not only administered to their comfort, but been received with gratitude as expressions of christian union and love. Friends at Nottingham took a leading part in this labour of love, and very pious and interesting letters have been received from their Hindoo friends ; several of which have been published in the Repository. One of the Hindoo brethren writing to a lady at Nottingham, observes, — "The articles which, on account of the grace of Jesus Christ, you sent to me and my wife as tokens of your regard to us, we have duly received.- — For these tokens of your love, what return can I make ? When I look upon the articles, be assured I will not forget your kindness. The warm clothing has been a great comfort to me. In the cold season when we were travelling about with our dear pastors, it protected me from the cold and rain, and thus aided me much in attending to the Lord's work. Though we may never see each other in this world, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, I hope to meet you in heaven." It appears evidently desirable that manifestations of love, like that to which these lines refer, should from 'time to time 255 be repeated by christians in England to their brethren and sisters in India. Of Mr. Buckley's ordination to the work of a Missionary it is stated — "In imitation of Apostolic example as recorded in Acts xiii. 2, 3, he was solemnly set apart to this work by prayer and the imposition of hands on j\Iay 29th. The service took place in the new and spacious chapel at Derby. On no occasion, it is believed, not even when tlie Society's first Missionary was ordained, did a greater number of friends, attached to the sacred cause assemble. The service was solemn and impressive, and when the congregation were requested, if they would pray for and support the Missionary, to express this, by standing up, nearly the whole assembly instantly arose. Let all who then, before the Lord, expressed their determination to support his cause, remember that the vows of God are upon them. That day week, your devo- ted brother commenced his voyage, by going on board the Well- esley, Captain Toller, which with the divine permission, is to land him at Vizagapatam, thus diminisliing his travelling by land, and lessening his voyage several hundred miles." — The voyage was very favourable, lie writes from ]\Iadras, Sep. 10th, 1844, "I have had a remarkably propitious voyage ; it is with one exception the quickest ever made. We lost sight of dear Old England shores June 1-1 th, and 78 days after, August 31st, we anchored in Madras roads." The voyage and journey to Vizagapatam and Berhampore, were attended with many mercies. May this beloved brother long prove a great blessing to India. The Society's Report of 1845, gratefully records the return of Mr. Stubbins and also the ordination of Brethren iMiller and Bailey. " The home proceedings of the Society, during the year, liave de- manded an unusual degree of attention and exertion. The number of missionary services attended by diHerent bretlircn, and especially by the brethren Stubbins and Hudson, has been very considerable. The calls on the Committee have been more frequent, than in most preceding years, and it is trusted that they have not laboured in vain, in endeavouring to carry out the resolutions announced in former Reports, of sending iMissionaries to China, and coiisiderably increasing the number in India. The result of their efforts on the former subject is before you. And towards the accom.plishment of the resolution of sending five additional missionaries to India, some pleasing progress has been made. The attention of the Com- 256 mittee having been directed to ^Ir. William JMiller and Mr. William Bailey, as candidates for missionary service, their applications were considered, and after much enquiry and deliberation, the Committee determined on accepting them as candidates for the important office, and of placing them, on probation, under the care of the estimable Tutor of the academical institution at Leicester. The improvement they made under his tuition was so encouraging, and his report and that of other friends, as to their spirit, deportment, diligence, and mental ability, so satisfactory, that the Committee, at a subsequent meeting, cheerfully accepted them for the great work to which they wished to devote their lives. To that work they have since been solemnly set apart. The designation services of JNIr. William Bailey were held in Broad-street, Nottingham, where a most crowded and deeply interested audience attended. The ordination of Mr. William Miller took place at Heptonstall Slack, where, as at Nottingham, much holy interest and sacred feeling were experienced. Soon after these interesting and mo- mentous days, the farewell services of Mr. Stubbins were held at Leicester. These were solemn and impressive in no ordinary de- gree, and will not be soon forgotten. Multitudes of friends from neighbouring towns and villages crowded the house of God. In- tense feeling pervaded the breasts of many who went that day to receive and bid farewell, in the case of numbers a last farewell ! to their beloved and devoted missionary brother and sister. Hun- dreds then again pledged themselves to pray for, and support their missionary friends, and many prayers were offered, which it is hoped will be recorded in heaven, and answered through future years. All these brethren, with Mrs. Stubbins and ]\Iiss Collins, who is sent out to assist Mrs. Sutton, sailed in the Wellcsley, Captain Toller. In their way to Portsmouth they passed a few days in London, where they experienced the kindness and hospitality of some of the London friends. At Portsmouth they were welcomed with equal cordiality, and experienced a most hospitable reception at the hotel of Mr. Tottcrdell, who had previously welcomed and treated with equal kindness your missionaries for China. Letters have been received from some of your friends since they went on board. Mr. Stubbins observes, " I believe we are all devoutly thankful that we are on our way to India — " I would not change my blest estate For all the world calls good or great," is I believe the feeling of all our hearts. I have spoken strongly 257 at many of our meetings, but never too strongly, never stronger than I would Avish to do on a dying bed. INIy only regret has been that I could not more fully depict the state of those to whom, blessed be Jesus ! we are carrying the gospel. I should like to be at the meetings next week, but I had rather be where I am." Influenced by such feelings, your brethren and sisters go to the burning plains of distant India. Surely you will think of them, pray for them, and support them !"' In reference to the progress of religion at Cuttack, it is observed — "At this first station, it is trusted that the word of truth has made some advancement. The number of the real and nominal christians at this station has been already mentioned, as ahotit five hundred, including the young persons in the Asylum. The num- ber in communion at Cuttack itself, is stated to be one hundred and thirty-seven, — but this evidently does not include those mem- bers that are connected with the six christian locations in the neighbourhood, for the whole number of members is stated to be one hundred and eighty-nine, though the number at each of these jilaces is not distinctly named. During the year 1844, fourteen were added to the church by baptism, and four by restoration ; ■while two were separated from it by exclusion, and one by death. Various information is given respecting events that have transpired, the labours pursued, and the effects resulting from them." At an experience meeting. Ram Chundra spoke of ' the delight- ful contrast that was exhibited between what he then witnessed of the progress of the gospel, and the gloomy scenes of his early pilgrimage.' " I bless God for what my eyes have seen and my ears have heard ; things which I never believed I should see, yea, of v.-hich I always^ des- paired. When the first brother Gnnga became a christian, and Krupa followed, and next by the grace of God, I v/as brought in, bow few and feeble we were. Of knowledge we bad very little, of right conce])tions how few. We met witli our instructors and tried to profit, but all our services were in so small a way! All around seemed dark; there v/ere none but ourselves to speak to ; none to bid us God speed. Whenever we past the door of those we knew, they pointed and said, cV.e ! ciio ! fie ! fie ! I used to have a thousand fears whetlier I was right. Some- times I wondered what was b;'fbre us, how our familifs would be p/CM i ved, where I should get a wife for my son, and to wliom I shoubl give my daughter! No otliers seemed to come forward and I despaired of them coming. If I went to a distance I used to have a thousand fears. Satan disturbed my peace by suggesting, your wife is dead, your house is burned, some misfortune has befallen your children ; while every where, from every bodj', we met with opposition. But God has been better to us than all these apprehensions. Here I can m<'et with two or three hundred brethren and sisters, a thhig I could no: have believed would ever be. We can read and pray and tell of our experience, and help each other. 258 Til? gospel has bronglit down our pr'ule and levelled cm* distinctions; and we can marry our children withont difHcuUy and as we please. I see our yonng folks arrowing \ip to sncceed ns old ones. Yea, I have heard our children* preach to nie the gospel, and seen them go forth with us to the work. Again, then, I bless God for what my eyes have seen, and my ears have heard." The writer fears that this sketch of tlie history of the Mission, in reference to Cuttack, may be thought too full and disproportionate ; but it is hoped, its intimate connexion with every movement of the cause of Christ in Orissa, will render this record of the mother church valuable for reference and example to her sons and daugh- ters for generations to come. May " the little one become a thou- sand, and the small one a strong nation. The Lord hasten it in his time," POOREE, OE JUGGERNAUT. This celebrated seat of Ilindooism in Orissa, is the second mis- sionary Station of the Society. An invitation had been given by the Serampore Brethren to settle at Midnapore, but this great high place of Idolatry, appeared more central and important. As the English Government might disapprove of a Station so near the Temple of Juggernaut, the Brethren consulted their valued Friends at Serampore. They replied under date August 18th, 1823. Very dear bretliren, — After giving your case every degree of attention in our power, we are of opinion that one of you is warranted to remove to any otlier place in Cuttack,t or even near "it, without any new appli- cation to government. Indeed, we think such a step in reality more ]ilcasing to them, to do it without them than with any frcsli a])plication. Our ideas are, (altliough we may be mistaken,) that while an application is necessary at the first entrance into a country, the less tiiey are troubled afterwards thebcttcr they are pleased. Perm'isshm is at all times anthnrl- zing to a certain degree, and this relative to missionary efforts seems like an attempt on the part of government to change the religion of their native subjects; every apparent advance towards which they wish to avoid, even while they may in reality wish it effected, on the ground of human- ity alone. Hence as you have their permission to reside in Cuttack, we think you need not apply for any minute permission as to the part of Cuttack you may choose ; or whether you may occupy, jointly or sepa- rately. Tlie land is before you ; arise and possess it in the name of its Maker and Lord. Pooree we think a good station." Mr, Bampton first visited this city, during the Ruth Jattra, ,Tuly 1823, a full account of which is given in the Report of the following year. He thus described his removal from Cuttack to his new scene of labour. " Mrs. B. and myself left Cuttack in a Yomigcr members coming forward to engage as preachers, t 'I'liat is, the District so called. 25a boat, Sept. 17th, and arrived here in about twenty-three liours. We should have waited till the rains were over, but the river from Cuttack to Pooree unexpectedly becoming navigable, we thought it best to take the opportunity ; I should however be more careful about removing in the rains again, for many of our things got very wet, and it has cost us much care and labour to prevent books and other articles being much injured. Our bungalow stands on the barren sand, about a furlong from the sea, and twenty minutes' ride from Juggernaut's temple ; it contains six rooms, and we can see the temple from five of them; a hill of sand twenty or thirty yards from the house, partially hides the pagoda, but ascending that, we have a view of it. T shall not now attempt a description of the temple; unless it could be put to abetter use, we should triumph in its downfall. The people, however, are by no means willing that it should be dilapidated. A wealthy native has just given fifty thousand rupees towards repairing and perhaps beautifying it : and no wonder, for it is the residence of his god.'' In a later communication, he writes : — " During the first few weeks I went about the toAvn to make myself acquainted with it, and daily, or nearly so, gave away some books ; numbers took the books very readily, though I had reason to conclude that some w^ere shrewd enough to regard them as so many stones thrown at the great idol. Thus, comparatively inactive, I was not very com- fortable, and began to open my mouth quite as soon as my judg- ment would admit of it ; and 1 now talk a little to them every evening. Besides the resident population, the town is important as a place of great resort. We had many pilgrims here a few weeks ago, d out a Missionary, as soon as can be. The last Report related the baptism of Seeboo and two other converts in .tiiis .place,; to these, others Jiave since been added. Hitherto they have formed a bxanch of the church at Cuttack, though the distance between the places is considerable, being about forty miles. Doubtless after the station shall be more regularly occupied, .they will form a distinct church. Seboo and Luckindas, two of the native ministers, are stationed here. The Committee of an auxiliary missionary fund at Cuttack, have determined ta •appropriate a liberal sum for the erection of a bungalow, a Chapel, and a native preacher's house. The bungalow has been completed at a cost of about one hundred and fifty rupees, and the chapeJ iand preacher's house were in progress. George Beecher, Esq. late 301 ofCutfacIc, who has been a warm friend to the mission for several years, has given twenty acres of good land for the location of a christian village. Several other friends have assisted to provide cottages for the converts. The. native chapel is erecting in the centre of the settlement. The prospects at Khunditta are stated to remain very encouraging : the christians are respected and the truth is raaliing a wide and deep impression on the surrounding population. ]Mr. Lacey has visited the district several times during the year, and for about eight months divine worship has been conducted on the Lord's-day by Doitaree, who was for a time stationed there. Several converts have been baptized. Sir. Sutton mentions that of the last natives baptized, three were from Khunditta, making six, in that new field, to which a further addition has been subsequently made. — At this place, Sebo-saho and Lockhundas, have been received as preachers, nor have their labours been in vain. Mr. Lacey has furnished an account of the settlement. The ground given by Mr. Beecher, which forms the site of the settlement, is eastward of the great Juggernaut road. The land is fertile, but has some drawbacks in consequence of being infested with monkeys from a neighbouring jungle, and from its nearness to the Juggernaut road, being liable to the petty plun- derings of the idol's pilgrims. About eight professedly christian families appear to be located on the spot. Four of these families have each two acres of land allotted to them, a quantity, it is stated, equal to the maintenance of six or seven persons, and as much as one man can well cultivate. On Lord's-day, Nov. 1, Mr. Lacey opened the small village chapel. He states, — " I preached in the chapel, which has been erected in the midst of the village. My congregation was but small, but combined much interest. There were present all the christians, nominal and real, amounting to about thirty-two or thirty-three souls, and a number of heathens sitting and standing around the door. My text was selected from Acts V. 20. The people paid good attention, and appeared im- pressed. In the afternoon Bamadab preached from " Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." In the evening for the first time in this place, we had the Lord's-supper. I spoke to the Christians about remembering Christ, his love, his sufferings, and especially the object of the latter ; and pointed out the eilect such remembrance should jijroduce on the affections and the cha- racter. The opportunity was solemn, and useful. This morning some enquirers arrived to whom something was said, and they were invited to stay and attend worship. Also early this morning, 302 Narabaree walked over to his village and brought away his wife. He effected his object without molestation." A very pleasing instance is related of success crowning the labours of the native brethren.-^" One day about the middle of November, as Sebo-saho and Lockundas were preaching to the passing pilgrims on the large road at Khunditta, a person named Kessari Naik, going to his field to reap his rice croj), stood with a number of others, to hear what was being said. The preachers were reading and explaining one by one the ten commandments, and showing how all men had broken them and were consequently, exposed to the wrath of God. As they proceeded the mind of Kessari Naik was powerfully arrested, and he found the truth applying itself to his conscience ; he felt himself a guilty sinner, and became greatly distressed. After the native preachers had laid open the guilty state of man, they adverted to the remedy for sin, the death of Jesus Christ, as an atonement, and exhorted sinners to withdraw their trust from idols, and believe in the only Saviour. Kessari Naik felt that this intelligence inspired him with hope, and he thought in his mind. Who then have I hut Christ ! in him I will put my trust : he shall he my Saviour. Instead of pro- ceeding to his field that day, he returned to his house, and entered on a more deliberate consideration of the resolution he had taken. He examined the claims of his own books. In this examination some of the instances of monstrous fiction recorded in the shastras occurred to his remembrance. When Urjoon, thought he, balanced, the whole earth for nine days upon the end of his bow, where did Urjoon stand ? He soon became entirely convinced of the false- hood of those records, and at once renounced them for ever. His people soon perceived the anxiety of his mind, and he explained his feelings and determination to them, especially to his wife and children. They entreated and threatened, but to no purpose, and after about four months spent in such exercises as above ; he tied up a little rice and salt in his cloth, and set out for Cuttack, where he requested to be baptized, and where he now stands a hopeful candidate for christian fellowship." He has since been baptised. An American missionary travelling in Orissa, stopped at this oasis in the moral desert. He administered the Lord's-supper, and fifteen sat down to that holy feast. He says,- — " No sooner had they received intelligence that a Padre had arrived, than they came running to me with great glee, and spent the evening with me in religious conversation and prayer. After this, as I intended to start early the next morning, 1 visited their houses by lamp light: 303 found all in the neatest order, not even a straw on their floors or in their door yards ; and their little gardens exhibited a taste which does not exist with ' the heathen.' This brief but gratifying testi- mony to the effects of the gospel at one of your minor stations, it may be remembered comes from a stranger, and was sent not to England but to America. Mr. Lacey's testimony when he visited the station while on his way to Buddruck, is not less favorable than that of the American traveller. " This morning we moved into Khunditta, our little christian settlement. Found some of the native christians sick, to whom I administered medicine. They were all very glad to see us, as I am sure we were to see them ; and it is very refreshing amidst the wild wilderness of idolatry, to come upon a little chris- tian garden planted with the trees of righteousness — amidst the darkness of Hindooism, to enter upon a little spot filled with chris- tian light and principle. Our people here are growing in the confi- dence of the heathen around them, and the little colony is doing well. The twenty acres of land which, when the christians entered upon it, was one third waste, is now all under cultivation ; the large ant-hills have disappeared, the patches of jungle have been rooted up, and fertility smiles all around the little spot. The people have corn in their houses, have added cows, bullocks, and hackeries to their little stock, and the whole place abounds with marks of prosperity." Of their spiritual condition he elsewhere adds, " The little native christian band have maintained their christian profession, and have generally increased in knowledge and piety, and in the respect of the heathen around them." Mr. Lacey's recent account of Khunditta is, that the native christians are " consistent, respected, and in their temporal circum- stances thriving." This place has been repeatedly mentioned as an important sphere for the location of a missionary. It should be remembered as an interesting field of labour, and prayer should ascend to the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into his harvest. PIPLEY. In the Report of 1840, this Town is mentioned as a native station. It is said — " At the last Conference in Orissa, it was determined to occupy this place as a regular thoiigh subordina'.e station. Pipley is situated oa the Juggernaut road, about half way p 2 304 between Cuttaclc and Pooree, and is near the ancient city of Blio- baneswar, so celebrated for its numerous temples. The neighbour- hood is populous ; several markets and mellas, or superstitious festivals, are held in the vicinity, and the place is excellently situated for meeting with pilgrims on their way to or from Pooree. Rougburdass had a house and ground at Pipley, which he offered to make over to the missionaries for a native preacher. Doitaree has accordingly been appointed to labour there for the present year." At the Conference in 1842, Doitaree and Luckindas, in succes- sion were appointed to labour at this place. Lying on the greatt north road from Cuttack to Juggernaut, it has doubtless been fre- quently visited. Much seed has been sown, and in ' due season we shall reaj?, if we faint not." The Report of 1840 makes the following reference to these places, describing them as colonies. "What a delightful thought, that these villages may grow into colonies, and colonies into towns,, and towns into cities ; fulfilling the promise to the ancient church, " Thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left ; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles,^ and make the desolate cities to be inhabited." Of the locations of native christians, Mr. Lacey says — " Of these interesting and important institutions, I have to- note more than at any former period in the history of the Orissa mission. They form the criterion of its outward enlargement and prosperity. Christian natives must form themselves into colonies and separate communities. They have no possessions when they embrace the gospel, and they are not permitted to mix with the population of the country. Our four colonies are Christianpoor^ Khunditta, Bhojerpoor, and Choga. The latter is in the territory of the Athgur Raja. In Christianpoor there are eighteen families^ in Khunditta four, in Bhogerpoor five, and in Choga one ; besides these, at all these places there are families of inquirers ; and other christian families are either separately located^ or are living upon our compounds, Choga is five, Bhogerpoor is eight, and Khun- ditta is forty miles from Cuttack. Choga is the village whence Bamadab, Hurree-jiare, Kinapore, and Treelochun came, more than six years ago. Christian light has been at work ever since, Prosua has since been baptized from Choga, we have three inqui- rers now at Cuttack from the same place, and hear af many more upon whose minds tb.e light of truth is breaking. Prosua has obtained permission to retain his house and farm there, and as he is permitted to do so, others will have the same privilege, Bhog- 305 erpoor remains without alteration. We hope the time is not very far off, when our christian colonies will be able to be recognized as separate churches, and support their own n.itive ministers." In the Report of 1844, Mr. Lacey says, "The increase of nominal christians, or of such as have joined the christian commu- nity, but have not been baptized, has been greater in proportion ihan the number added by bajjtism. The natives are held to idola- try by their caste, and their social relationsliips. "When therefore they see their way clear to prosecute their employment, so as to live in the world among christians, they, or many of them, are very willing to renounce idolatry and nominally to profess Christ, and attend the means of christian worshij)- Sevend families have joined the christian communities in the past year. They have located themselves among the christians and form a part of their body, and their children have been taken into the school. Eight couples have been married during the year, and have either com- menced a separate household, or have gone to their friends into ihouses already prepared for them. "In this way' our native christians will soon form a numerous ?body of people in this land, without the prejudices of caste or idolatry. The habits induced even by a nominal profession of •tihristianity, are greatly conducive to increase, and will soon in this country extensively multiply the christian natives. They ate very much more hopeful to labour among than the darkened and pre- judiced heathen, and their increase therefore is a real accession to :the good cause. On this account I have felt, and do still feel very anxious to encourage the location of such people in separate villages, and this encouragement I think should not bo confined to such as are converted, but to any and all who will forsake their idolatry, lose their caste, and attend means for christian instruction. The whole of the nominal christian natives attend the means of chris- tian worship, and have laid aside every idolatrous practice." It is a very gratifying fact that seven Christian locations, or small ■villages of professed christians, are already formed, containing iu the whole fifty-four households. They are as follows : •Christianpore, seventeen households. Laceycic, six and about four more to commence. Societypore, six. Khunditta, eight. Bhogerpore, three besides six or eight who have dctacilied divellings. Choga, six. Qdyapoor, eight." 306 An interesting account of these places is given by the same pen, under date March 1844. He writes — " I wish I could give you an account of Our Locality at Cutfack. Conceive then, first, a hill about eighty yards in circumference, and about eight feet above the surrounding level, standing in the middle of five acres of ground, belonging to the Cuttack canton- ments. On this hill, which is named * The Mount,' stands a mo- derate sized pucka-house, one story high, surrounded by a veran- dah, and fronted by a portico. This is our residence. To the eastward of my house, and at one hundred yards distance, is the printing office and school premises, on a piece of ground about four acres. Here Mr. and Mrs. Brooks reside ; and here Bro. Sutton has built him a house. The old school-house is now occupied by the press, and the school abolished. On these premises are loca- tions for about eighty boys and girls, under the care and instruction of brother and sister Sutton. The devotion of sister Sutton to these childi-en is Ijeyond all praise, and she has been rewarded by many of the children becoming pious. Several couples have been bap- tized, married, and have set up their household in life. Connected with these schools, and on the same premises, I must now mention tliat there is A neat little Chapel erected. This Chapel was opened for divine service, with the children, only yesterday. Brother Lacey preached in Oriya from Leviticus xxvi. 11., "And I will place my tabernacle among you." Returning to our own house, twenty or thirty yards to the west of us, is the little native Christian village called Society-poor, Having at present in it five or six families. These are fast increas- ing. Again, to the south east of us, distance about 300 yards, and joining the Press compound, is another Christian village, which has been denominated Lacey-cie. Here there are already four families located ; and, two days ago, I portioned out land for three young men, who want to be married, and build themselves houses here. Here also increase is proceeding. Haifa-mile east of us, brings us to our oldest Christian village, 307 Christianpoor. This comprises about two acres, and lias long since lieen filled. Increase is here rapidly going on, and some of the branches have been obliged to migrate to other places. In Christianpoor stands a house, ■which serves the double purpose of chapel and school room. Mrs. Lacey has a school here, containing Christian and heathen children. They are in number about twenty-five — they read the scriptures, Christian poems, and catechisms. Turning from the road which leads to Christianpoor, and directing our steps southerly, after walking about 150 yards, we come to the residence of Gunga Dhor, our senior Christian, senior native preacher, and the first native I baptized. On the ground now occupied by his house once stood a temple of Hoonuman. I purchased the god's house over his head, and then pulled it down upon him, and for several days the divine monkey was exposed to the piercing rays of an Indian sun ; but such was his power of endurance, that he never, no, not once cried out, or manifested any signs of uneasi- ness! The owner at length carried oif the godship in a cart, but that owner afterwards becoming a Christian, he was brought again to Cuttack, and with other divinities and divine things, was delivered up to me. He stood for some time at my door, and my little boy John, and my little girl Harriet, one day got a hammer, and by way of amusing themselves, knocked off the arms, and ears, and nose, of the unfortunate Iloonuman ! But even, then, he mani- fested no signs of pain or uneasiness, and the natives said as they say of Juggernaut, that he was a god of "great patience." Gunga Dhor, you are aware, proceeds from this place to proclaim the Gospel every day, in the streets and bazaars of Cuttack. Ten yards beyond Gunga's house stands our chapel. It also is erected on the site of an ancient temple of ]Mahad:;b, or Sebo ; and in the chapel compound are located two other families of native Christians. Five miles due north from our residence, and visible from " the Mount," is the village of Oodt/a-poor, The village of rising, or, what we commonly call Choga. It is a Christian village, and has about twelve families located in it. The village is situated in the middle of a large rice-plain, and stands on a hill, a prominent object in all views to all around. We have had many converts from Choga, but some have become preachers, and are at work in their stations, and others are use- fully employed at the press, schools, S:c. North-west from ^ 308 ta^, Cutta^, on the large Juggernaut road, and forty miles distant is a village named Khu7iaitta. Near this village a piece of ground has been given to me, hy ISfr- Beecher, a friend to our mission, for the purpose of locating native Christians. Here are eight native Christian families, and they are fast on the increase. We have at this village a small chapel, a hunffalovv, and a house, for the native preacher. A native prea- cher is stationed here, and looks after the Christians, as vv^ell as peregrinates about in the thickly populated neighbourhood. I •should have mentioned Bhogerpoor but I have mentioned till my paper is full and I must cease. Lying on our south, and com- mencing 200 yards from my door, is the city of Cuittack, popu- lated by 50,000 inhabitants." NATIVE SCHOOLS. We have seen that the first native school commenced at Cuttack, in May 1822. The establishment and superintendence of these schools formed a very useful employment in the infancy of tlie mission — preparing the way for the dissemination of the gospel, and the cultivation of their own abilities for its promulgation. In the Report of 1828, the missionary at Cuttack wrote of the Schools in that populous city — " We have seven schools at Cuttack, which contain 233 children ; of these, sixty-six read the New Testament, •commit the History of Christ to memory, and repeat other religious tracts and poems : these also learn to write on the tall pottra. The greater part of these sixty-six boys have obtained as good a know- ledge of the sacred Scriptures as cliildren in England of their privi- leges and circumstances ; and particularly are they informed of the way of salvatiou by the atonement of Jesus Christ. We are, on the whole, much encouraged Avith their general information, industry^ and improvement. Of the above number, thirty-six are learning a catechism and writing ; and the remainder, except ten boys, ai-e writers of the lowest classes. They have all succeeded in commit- ting some Christian poetry to memory, which may be useful to them in future life." In 1840, "a native heathen school was established, under the tuition of a christian master, and the progress it has made is de- cidedly pleasing." Less attention appears to have been given re- cently to native Schools, from a deep impression that the great work 309 of a ]\Iissionary is the preaching of the gospel. Several schools are supported at Cuttack, but the establishment of Orphan Asylums have been found the most efficient means for the instruction and conversion of the rising generation. ORPHAN ASYLUMS. These valuable Institutions commenced in Feb. 1829. Mrs. Lacey writes from Cuttack ; — " On Feb. 2nd, we commenced a Boarding School, for the indigent Christian children of the station. We have placed twelve boys and girls with the master already, and others are making application for admission. These children are very destitute indeed, generally fatherless. Their friends have no care whether they be able or not to obtain their bread respectably, and they are equally careless about their eternal welfare ; so that the condition from which they are taken is wretched indeed in all respects. By being placed in the school they will not only be taught the importance of religion, but have the means of obtaining a living put in their power. The board of these children will be of considerable expenee monthly ; but our excellent Judge and his lady, whom we may truly call fellow helpers in the Lord, exert themselves to the utmost in behalf of the school. They subscribe largely themselves and obtain subscriptions from others, with whom we could not succeed. Mr. and Mrs. Pigou subscribe £16 yearly to the school, besides finding money for beds and clothing for the children. They also visit the school once a fortnight, and give rewards to the children according to their diligence. We have made it a rule, that the children attend our chapel morning and evening on the Lord's-day, and it is very pleasing to see the bojs and girls arranged in rows en each side the pulpit ; it reminds us of the Sunday Schools in England ; surely these children will rise up a better generation than their parents." At Berhampore similar Lislitutions are formed. The Secretary observes. — " A condensed view of the progress of these benevolent Institutions, furnishes a powerful claim for their support. They were commenced ]\Iay 3rd, 1830, with ten or eleven children of both sexes. Since that time upwards of one Imndred children, including eighteen for a time sent from Berhampore, have found a refuge in them, for a longer or shorter period. Some have completed the system of education their kind friends could aftbrd them, and are now entering on the active duties of life. One that belonged to Mr. Sutton's senior class is now the native preacher 310 at Balasore ; one his employed by Mr. S. in is study, as a copyist ; six arc in the printing office, preparing, it is remarked, " to use the mi"htv press in enlightening their country !" Four of the girls have been married to native christians. Several received in a state of extreme exhaustion or disease, have died, and thirty males and thirty-six females, still remain in the different asylums. Within two years eleven of the native pupils and five from the English department, including the master and his wife, have been baptized, and of course united to the church. To this may be added, three or four more baptized by Mr. Stubbins. From the different Schools at Cuttack three have been baptized during the vear, viz. Ghunu Shyan, a son of Doitaree, the native preacher, from the English School department, Khumba from the boys' asy- lum, and Moola from the girls'. Two candidates, Boi^hnub, a for- mer pupil in the boys' department, and Dooke, now in the girls', have long applied for baptism." The Report of 1844 contains very interesting information. "At Christianpore and Odyapore there are day schools, the former having about thirty scholars, the latter about twenty. In these schools the children have been partly those of Christian parents and partly of heathen. No native books are allowed. The scho- lars read the Scriptures and other Christian books. At Christian- pore the master's salary is three rupees eight annas per month; the other master has one rupee per month less. The Cuttack asylums maintain their importance as benevolent Institutions, eminently adapted to benefit the rising generation. The whole number of scholars during the year has been fifty hoys and forty-seven girls. Many of the earlier scholars have become men and women. The girls especially, it is observed, go off fast to take charge of their own homes ; and so quickly rolls on human life in India, that many who were pupils in the asylum a few years ago, are now heads of families, and their children are springing up in rapidly increasing numbers. None from the female Asylum have been bajJtized during the year. Indeed most of the elder scholars are members of the church. From the male Asylum five youtts have professed Christ in baptism. Seven of the eldest are employed in the printing and binding offices, and three others are learning other employ- ments. One interesting youth has finished his short course. He was a candidate for baptism, and died the very evening on which he was accepted for Christian communion. Mr. Sutton saw him, and gives an interesting and encouraging account of his last interview Willi him. His name \\as Senjama," ;ii Of the Girls' Asylum, Mrs. Sutton states, "The number of scholars reported as having attended in whole or in part during last year, 1843-4, was of boys fifty, and of girls forty-seven. This year the record gives, boys sixty, and girls forty-six, making a total of one hundred and six. Several however it will be seen were but for a very short time in the school." These Schools have been liberally supported. — INIr. Sutton thus refers to the success of his appeal under date July 1844. " Last July I published a brief account of the first seven years of our orphan asylum in the Calcutta Christian Observer, and in a post- script gave a hint that assistance towards building a chapel for the use of the Institution, would be acceptable. Our first contribution was from Mr. Alexander, our generous Calcutta friend, 100 rupees; Col. Eckford, who was baptized at Cuttack, fifty rupees ; J. W. Skipvvorth, — now a pious magistrate, but when I was at Balasore a wild young man who, with three others, use to turn their hounds loose to hunt close at our door nearly every Sabbath, (three out of the four, I have heard, have become changed men,)— 100 rupees. Anonymous 100 rupees ; Capt. H. Lyall (perfect stranger), 50 rupees ; George Thompson, Esq., sent to me from Delhi with a little commission ; I saw Mr. Thompson in the United States of America, twenty rupees. James Alexander, twenty-five rupees ; Mr. Robert Trotter, says he saw that Mr. Skipworth had given and therefore he sends 100 rupees ; Captains Martyn, Towns- hend, and Mac Cleghan, from the banks of the Indus, 50 rupees. A reply to my note thanking these gentlemen brought another which led me to copy these subscriptions ; the note being short I copy it. Enclosed was a draft for fifty rupees. " My dear Sir, — I had the jileasure of receiving a very nice letter from you enclosing one to Col. Eckford, which I forwarded to Sheh-jehan-poor. The Lord has been very bountiful to me, and I would humbly present the enclosed for his service, and place it at your disposal. Let us return thanks for his goodness". I apprehend the gentleman and his brother officers, who united in sending the first contributions, have passed through the dreadful Affghan campaign. Col. Eckford was shut up with the illustrious garrison at Jellahabad, there also was Dr. Marshman's youngest daughter's husband, the gallant captain Havelock, a pious man. Col. E. was very busy in his attempts to do good. Mrs. E. in a note lately received speaks of his collecting a large company of officers and men, and reading my sermons to them, (forgive this Q 2 312 personality) and goes on to say, "I doubt not at the last great day, when we shall see clearly all the way the Lord has led us, we shall then bless him for sending my dear husband to Jellahabad." He was then in daily attendance upon the sick soldiers in the various hospitals, and I rejoice to say many heard him gladly. One man, who died, wrote to his wife in the provinces to tell her, if she was every near the 6th regiment, to go to it and tell the good colonel " what joy and peace he had been the means of im[:arting to him." The poor man died soon after leaving Jella- habad. You will forgive me quoting these letters, notwithstanding per- sonal allusions, as they seem to show something of the liberal spirit of Christianity in India ; for all these donations were voluntary, and most of them from perfect strangers ; while the quotation referring to Col. Eckford will, without I hope trespassing too far upon private communications, show how widely christian influence may be spread, and that even amidst the most appalling wickedness (for such was the Affghan war) there may be an under current for good." THE ENGLISH SCHOOL. This school commenced October 1823, and has doubtless been a blessing to many. In the Annual Report of the Society for 1828, Mr. Lacey states — " The English Charity School has this year continued under the care of the Missionary at Cuttack. The num- ber of Christian children is abo'.;t as last year : the native children have increased. Three have finished their education ; two have retired to their homes ; and one has obtained a situation as English writer in the Commissioner's office at Cuttack. All these have left the school with some good degree of religious knowledge, and have taken with them that word which is able to make them wise unto salvation. The prospects of the school are, however, not pleasing, for the income is a good deal below the expenditure, and the little fund in hand is nearly exhausted. We hope some friends will be raised up to support so useful and promising a cause but the pre- judices which prevail over the minds of Europeans in India against every thing connected with Missionaries, has done our school much injury. " I have made an effort for fresh subscribers, and have succeeded in getting three: the Rev. D. Garide at thirty rupees per quarter; Dr. Brandee, Pooree, at ten rupees per quarter ; and Thos. Garide, 313 Esq., Madras, at twenty rupees per quarter; as well as a few dona- tions, the principal one from the lion. J. II. Harrington, 1 GO rupees: however, I much question whether we shall now keep on, as we must have a school- room soon ; but we will leave this for the pre- sent, and see how we stand, if spared another year : we may have new friends springing up by that time. How well it would be if we could have an English Teacher : he might be a great help to our mission, and would bring forward the children much better. If our Society could select a pious young man who would devote himself, as Penney does, to the work, and send him out, allowing him some forty or fifty rupees per month, which, with the present salary of eighty, would be sufficient, they would render a most efficient help to the mission and the school. The passage money is the greatest difficulty. You can mature your thoughts on this subject, and so act accordingly. I believe the gentlemen would have no ol)jection to such a measure, though I have never mentioned it to them. " The progress of the children, particularly the Bengalee children, has been encouraging in all the brandies of learning taught in the school. "We held the aimual examination of the school on the first of March, in our chapel. It was attended by Thomas Pakenham, Esq., Acting Commissioner ; Dr. Stiven, Civil Surgeon ; and Mr. C , who, I believe, was then Acting Secretary to the Com- missioner. The boys exhibited some very neat specimens of their hand-writing, also their account books, which gave great satisfaction both as to proficiency, correctness, and neatness. They also were desired to work sums before the Commissioners, and although a good deal disconcerted before the above-named persons, they managed exceedingly well, particularly James Sunder. After this, they repeated some moral pieces of poetry, which was the least acceptable part of the performance ; for although they understood well the drift of the pieces, their pronunciation was defective, par- ticularly that of the native children. It is extremely difiicult to get a native to pronounce English well. Poor lads, they were extremely desirous to pronounce well, and had endeavoured to prepare them- selves for the occasion, but the presence of the gentlemoii quite disconcerted them. This evening they declined and compared some pronouns, adjectives, and substantives, and conjugated verbs in diff"erent moods and tenses, and parsed, repeating at large the syn- tactical rules. Upon the whole, the examination gave great satis- faction, and evinced a good deal of improvement. The gentlemen present assured me they were much pleased, and hoped succeeding years would bear equal testimony to the improvement of the insti- 314 tution. TIic lower classes read, exhibited their copy-books, spelled, &c. The examination lasted for three hours and a half, and would have been longer had I not curtailed the lessons ; the gentlemen expressed their desire to be at liberty as soon as possible. Mr. C. promised a donation of 100 sicca rupees for the school, and ex- pressed his best wishes for the welfare of the institution in future. He seemed surprised that we had been able to accomplish so much as he thought it ; but he was little aware of the pain we ourselves feel tliat we have done no more. Perhaps it is well that it is so. " Hearing of a vacancy in the Commissioner's cutcherry, I re- commended Hurree Chund Bhose to Mr. Pakenham, who placed him in it at a salary of twenty rupees per month. I hope this young man, through the instruction obtained in the school, has be- come acquainted with better feelings than the Hindoo system imjiarts." In 1841 this Institution was merged into a larger Government School. Mr. Sutton states, — " I would first advert to the now defunct English School, defunct so far as relates to our Mission. About two years since the Bengal troops were withdrawn from the province, and their place supplied from the Madras presidency. Up to this period, since the time of my taking charge of the School, the contributions had met the expenditure, but our iMadras friends, partly from being accustomed to less liberal contributions than their predecessors, and partly from feeling themselves to be but temporary occupants of the station, reduced their subscriptions to a very low scale. Still as there were two regiments, we man- aged by close economy to meet the expences ; but on the removal of one regiment to Midnapore, and some of our best friends in the other to England and distant parts of India, there was a sudden fall almost to nothing. While this process of pecuniary reduction was going on, conversions in connexion with the schools in different parts of India, so alarmed the wealthy natives, that they chose to be at the cxpence of employing private teachers, rather than send their children to a mission school. To these causes operating within, there were others without, especially the determination to remove the Government school from Pooree to Cuttack. This last determination turned the scale. The Government school promised to give a better education than \ve could do, and upon a scale of expenditure to which we could make no approach, and would moreover absorb the funds upon which we had hitherto depended. Even the abolition of the pilgrim tax affected us, for on its abolition, the funds from which five 315 boarders had been supported were withheld to keep up tlie pilgrim hospital. Under these circumstances Messrs. Lacey and Sutton proposed to make over the School to Government, on condition, that the managing Committee on the part of the subscribers should relinquish all right and interest in the school premises in favour of the Society. To this they agreed, and the premises are now the l)roperty of the Society. Thus after running its useful course for seventeen years, distributing the stream of knowledge through many parts of this desert province, the stream has swollen to a river, whose waters if less limpid, will yet form a vaster body swelling on we trust with increasing power, and bearing on their bosom the ark of knowledge through the length and the breadth of the land." Circulation of the Scriptures and religious Books. The necessity of such exertions is shewn in the Report of 1827, furnished by the autlior, on his return from India. " To shew the necessity of this department of missionary labour, it may be inter- esting to the friends of the Mission to know the whole number of printed Books and Tracts in the Oreah language in 1822. It appears to have been as follows; — 1. The Oreah Bible, by Dr. Carey, in five vols. Svo. 2. A Vocabulary, Oreah and English, by a Native. 3. A poem of 100 pages on the Christian religion, written by a Bengalee Christian. 4. A Tract on the stopping of Juggernaut's car at Serampore, by Mr. "Ward, written to prevent a human sacrifice that the car might proceed, 5. A Tract upon the folly of the worship of Juggernaut. G. Scripture Extracts. (one leaf). A copy or two of another Tract has been found in Orissa. Behold, dear brethren tlie whole of a Christian Oreah Library on the arrival of your Missionaries in Orissa. In addition to several pieces, in diff'erent degrees of preparation for the press, the following have been printed at Serampore and Calcutta: — 1. Elementary Tables of the Oreah language. Printed at the expcnce of the School Book Society, Calcutta. 2. On the Law and Gos- pel. (Scripture Extracts). 3. Ilalf-a-dozen Hymns, from the Bengalee. 4. The Word of God concerning Idolatry. Scripture language relative to its nature, absurdity, wickedness, &c. 5. A Catechism from one in Bengalee. 6. A Word for Christianity, (one leaf). Thousands printed. 7. Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 8. Serampore Copy-Books, partly printed." To this list may be added, 9. A Harmony of the Gospel in verse." 316 We have seen that IMr. Lacey took out a Press M'ith him on his return to India in 1837. Mr. Lacey states that on the arrival of the Press, several persons called to look at it, and appeared to view- it as half a miracle. Mr. Sutton soon announced that one press was insufficient for their work. In consequence of these additional facilities, the Missionaries carry on their operations in the printing department, on a more extensive scale. Previously to the arrival of the printing press, ISIr. Sutton, who has the care of the publishing department, felt increasingly the extreme inconvenience of being placed three hundred miles from the place where the Society's pub- lications were printed, and expressed an opinion that it would be needful for him to remove nearer to the press, or to have that brought nearer to him. Unless this were done, he stated, that the work of revising the scriptures would occupy a long life, and even then be very imperfectly performed. The establishment of the printing office, has, of course, removed the inconvenience com- plained of. The Report of 1845 contains a very interesting account of the labours of the press. The Secretary observes — " In this depart- ment of labour the past year has witnessed important progress. Mr. Sutton, as has been mentioned, has been enabled to complete his new version of the Old Testament. This has been carried through the press at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society. For his personal labours as translator, Mr. Sutton has received 5,000 rupees, which he has carried to the credit of the Society, thus displaying most honorably his disinterested zeal for the Mission, of which he is so faithful and efficient an instrument. The Committee of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society thus refers to this work :— " Your Committee are happy in being able to announce the completion of the new version of the Old Testament into the Oriya language, which the Rev. A. Sutton, of Cuttack, has been preparing for the Societ3\ The edition, which consists of 2,000 copies of the entire Old Testament, in three volumes, besides 3,000 copies each of Genesis, the Psalter, and Proverbs, has been printed at the mission press at Cuttack, under the imme- diate superintendence of Mr. Sutton ; 1,000 copies of Isaiah, in a separate form, have also been struck off while the work was passing through the press. It is pleasing to observe the steady progress of the work of God in this country ; every year adds something to the great cause; and your Committee look, with thankful feelings, to every additional version issued. In the pre- sent instance, where missionaries have been labouring for a number 317 of years, and where already Christian congregations have hecn gathered from among the multitude, it is especially a matter of gratitude to be able to supply those faithful labourers, and the people whom they have been the instruments of bringing under instruction and training, with the Oracles of God. To Mr. Sutton, who, by his indefatigable labours for the last four years, has, almost single handed, accomplished this important work, the especial thanks of your Committee are due." IVlr. Sutton furnishes the following report respecting the publi- cations of the year :— " Since the completion of the Old Testament Scriptures, I have been at Calcutta and presented my accounts for printing, &c., which I expect will be paid at the next com- mittee meeting of the Bible Society. In the mean time they have paid me the last instalment of 2,000 rupees for my personal labour as translator, making the sum of 5,000 ruj^ees, which I have carried to the credit of the General Baptist Missionary Societv. I trust it will not be deemed unbecoming in me, here to record my humble thankfulness to Him, who has been to me so much better than my fears or deserts, and permitted me to accomplish an imder- taking of so responsible and important a character. May it still further please Him, that neither the imperfections of the work, nor the sinfulness of the workman, shall be permitted to operate against this translation of the Holy Bible being rendered an ex- tensive blessing. " The Sanscrit and Oriya Vocabulary for the Government schools, announced in the last Report as having commenced, has, during the year, been finished, printed, and paid for. ' The Oriya and English Grammar, with idiomatical exercises, &c., intended to furnish a compendious and easy introduction to the language, and especially designed for missionary students and candidates, has also been completed, and a hundred copies have been taken by Government, which will cover the expence of pre- paration. " The third volume of Tracts, entitled ' controversial series,' intended as a ' Guide for enquirers,' containing 244 pages, has also been finished, and a number of copies of this, as also of the two preceding volumes, have been put in circulation. One other vol- unae of miscellaneous tracts yet remains to complete the series. "Our Hymn book in Oriya, has been completed, and is now in constant use at our different stations. It contains three hundred and ten hymns by various authors, chiefly native metres, and an appendix for children of a hundred and forty hymns and poems, 18 some oriTinal and the rest taken from Watts, Doddridge, &c. This appendix has been transhited into Bengalee, and has been j)rinted for general use at the Serampore press. " Two or three tracts have been revised for new editions, and added to our stock for distribution. Our tracts on 'Drunkenness' and 'bein"- in debt,' have been adopted by our Calcutta brethren and are published in Calcutta by the Tract Society. The intro- ductory part of a little treatise on ' Remedies for Bodily Diseases,' pointing out the disease and remedy of the soul, has been drawn up by me and accepted by the Calcutta Tract Society, but has not yet made its appearance. 1 anticipate much good from the dis- tribution of siich a work, both among native christians and heathens. In publishing a book of this kind among a people who suffer so much from ignorance of the most common remedies, I trust we are follov/ing in his steps, who went about doing good. At the same time, it may be hoped that under circumstances of bodily alfliction, some will be willing to attend to the things which belong to the welfare of the soul. "We are going on with the printing of revised editions of the New Testament, but hitherto our progress has been but slow. While I write, the proof embracing the last chapter of Mark is lying before me. If spared to complete this edition, with the folio edition of fifty copies for the pulpit, I deem it probable that my labours in biblical translation will be pi-etty well concluded, atlea^^t my long cherished plan will be accomplished. But a report calls for history, not prophecy. " I may however add in concluding this brief statement, that I have been at times during the year, engaged in the compilation of a work similar to the Tract Society's ' Companion to the Bible,' with a ' Summary of Scripture truth.' I hope to finish this during the current year, for the use of our preachers and students. " In connexion with this department of labour, it may be stated that Government have concluded to establish a number of vernacular schools in the Province, and there will probably be a call upon us to assist in furnishing books.* The call has in fact been made upon me for some time, but I have hesitated about compliance with it while I had so many other engagements on baud. Indeed I had cherished the hope of being liberated somewhat from the desk, and having ihe opportunity of doing more in the direct preaching of the gospel. My way however seems hedged up for the present." * " Wl)ilc writirif? this paper the Government order for the translation of a book of 200 pages has reached me." 319 The following testimony from the Englishman Newspaper, may show the estimation in which some of the important publications of your valued brother are held in India. The unknown author re- marks, — "A very useful Dictionary also, of the Oriya language, in three volumes, has proceeded from the Cuttack mission Press, which both in the literary and typographical departments reflects the very highest credit on the ability and perseverance of the gentle- man, to whose exertions every individual in the District, native or European, is debtor." Of the amount of printing done during the year, Mr. Brooks sends the following; abstract ; — ■ SCRIPTURES. Third vol. Bible, (Psahns to Malachi,) 8vo. Gospel by Matthew, 12mo TRACTS. Oriya Prose Tracts, vol. 3, 12mo Christ's Invitation Tlie Gate Thrown Open Jewel Mine of Salvation, royal 32mo Instruction to Religions Inquirers, 12mo Brief View of the Cliristian Religion; I2nao God is a Spirit, 12mo Address from Hindoo Christians to their Heathen Brethren SCHOOL BOOKS, &c. Poetical Dialogues for Children, royal 32mo Oriya Hymn Book, (second edition, enlarged,) .. Goveriunent Regulations, (13,) 8vo Introductory Lessons and Idiomatical Exercises, (Oriya and English,) 12mo Vocabulary of Sanscrit Terms, 12mo Earth's Church History, 12mo Total., Pag es 508 100 228 12 12 24 20 20 12 252 36 256 226 236 „ . Total No. Copies. ofPaRPS. 2,000 1,016,000 5,000 500,000 3,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 250 1,000 300 250 400 500 684,000 120,000 60,000 240.000 100,000 100,000 40,000 120,000 2,000 252,000 10,800 61,000 90,000 168,000 2,058 62,500 3 566,800 WORKS IN HAND. New Testament, (2nd edition,) and separate Gospels. Oriya Geography, (Rev. J. PluUips'.) Amara Kosha, Sanscrit. Reprints of Tracts, &c. &c." Usefulness of Religious Tracts. The Report of 1839 states — ''"Yhe first tract printed at the Cuttack Press was hastily composed for the Jattra iu 1838, and 320 •was entitled " The wonderful advantages of a Pilgrimage to Jug- gernaut." Tlie evils of that pilgrimage are there detailed. Many of these tracts were circulated. " One pleasing proof that the tracts circulated at this horrible place are not circulated in vain, has recently occurred. Referring to it, Mr. Lacey writes, — ' Yesterday a very interesting enquirer, or rather convert, arrived. He is from Nuaga Siloe. He received his first information on Christianity from me at Pooree, on occasion of a Ruth Festival, and took a book. He make no progress from this for some time, and though he could read, he could not com- prehend the book. Afterwards he received a tract from Rama in the Telinga Bazaar, Cuttack — he read and understood it. Then he met with Gunga, in Chowdry Bazaar, and questioned him and received much information. His views of his own religion and on scripture truths are very correct. He has no hope of pardon and salvation except through Christ crucified for his sins. About bap- tism he kncv.- nothing till he arrived here yesterday. He is a wi- dower, and has a son about twelve years of age. He seems deter- mined not to burden any one, and though a man of reading, he this morning engaged as a common coolie about some work in Christianpore. O for money to purchase some pieces of land now at liberty all around us. Our native converts are anxious to get their bread, are ashamed of asking help from us, but we know not how to help and assist them.' "* " Last week (says Mr. Lacey) the following cheering incident came to my knowledge. A person of Kasenpoor, a small village four aniles from Cuttack, about six years ago heard the gospel, and had conversation on the way of salvation it reveals. He went away and I saw him no more. He dwelt with his brothers, and attended his calling as usual, but remembered what he had heard, and read the books which were given him. By these means he lost his regard for idols, and placed his trust on the Saviour. About a year ago he was taken ill, and his recovery appeared doubtful. As he grew worse his mind clung to the Lord Jesus, and in vain his brothers offered him the mysteries of idolatry. He became anxious to sec me and the native christians, that he might talk on religion, and profess Christ, but his relations strenuously opposed his desires. His resolution however increased, and apprehending he would by some means become contaminated and involve them in loss of caste ; 1 * J'*''^oJ>J<-Ft was realized through the liberality of some friends in En' land and India. ;1 llioy stinted lum in liis food, and thereby increased his weakness so nuicli that he soon expired. Mis mind continued firm, and at the hist hour lie persisted in his trust in Jesus Christ, and refused all their idolatrous rites. Thus he died, partly half murdered and wasted by disease, but placing his trust in him who has compassion on the weak, and who can see those who put their trust in him though they may not be known to his people. This information was owing to a conversation apparently accidental with a neigh- bour of the man's brothers, who compliment themselves on having cleverly escaped family disgrace. How many such instances there undoubtedly are, though we hear not of them, and they ought to encourage all whose hearts are set on the missionary cause, and whose hands are employed to support it. In eternity, we shall meet unknown thousands to whom we have been the means of conveying the word of salvation. " I cannot say exactly the number of tracts distributed by all the Brethren this year 1835. I have distributed in all about ten thousand, principally in those parts of the Cuttack district not lately visited by other Missionaries. Several instances of their great usefulness have appeared. To mention no other, a man now a member of our Church some years ago received a tract. He read it till literally worn to tatters. He at length left his wife and village, and came to Cuttack to enquire of us the way ; assigning as a reason the wonderful things written in the paper. We did not like his manner, a trifling circumstance increased our prejudice against him, and so we dismissed him. But he would not leave us. To whom, said he, should I go, my own people are in sin, and their minds, dark, you have the way ? I will work and do any thing you wish me, but I will not leave you. At length coa\inced of his sincerity, we received him into the Church." The Report of 1844 contains the following encouraging instance of the usefulness of a religious tract. " One instance of usefulness has just been brought to my knowledge by the person who derived the benefit. A certain man of his acquaintance, who lived about eight miles from Cuttack received a tract named the Jewel ivline of Salvation, but could not read it. This little book he sent to our friend, desiring him to read it. He soon applied himself to read and comprehend the tract. It was in easy poetical measure, and he presently understood all it contained. The tract made a bene- ficial and powerful impression on his mind. The first thing that attracted his attention was the unity of the design, and uniform oneness of the book in compai'ison with his own shaitruo. The 322 more lie read, the more his judgment opened, and the greater his approbation became ; till, to use his own very descriptive language, his own shastras looked like a tangled and intricate jungle which it is impossible to penetrate, and like a cow pasture, which in this country is intersected by a thousand paths, neither resulting from or conducting to one place, but after circuitous windings termina- ting in nothing. The receiver of this tract sought and obtained others, till he finally became a consistant disciple of Christ, and is now baptized and become a christian preacher."* Influence of the Press. Of the establishment and influence of the Press, The Friend of India observed, — " We have received a copy of a tract printed at Cuttack, at a press which the Missionaries have this year established at that station. It is printed in the Oriya character, and for neat- ness of execution is not exceeded by any other similar brochure which has issued from the metropolitan press in Calcutta. It does no little credit to those, to whose feelings of public spirit and chris- tian benevolence, the district is now indebted for an efficient press. The establishment of a press in any province is an important era in its history. It is delightful, thus to contemplate the rapid increase of the means of intellectual and religious improvement, through means of this mighty engine in the various and even remote pro- vinces of this empire. We now witness the establishment of presses, at the opposite extremities of the Bengal Presidency through the spirited exertions of Missionaries ; but for whose labours those provinces might long have remained destitute of them. Looking down to the southermost of the provinces, we find a press set up in the country of Orissa. "We rejoice that a press has been established in that country capable of executing any work in the Oriya language and character. The extent to which the language is used has only been discovered of late. We find that it is spoken and written through an extent of country three hundred miles in length from the sea, to one hun- dred miles in length west of Sumbhulpore, and more than two hundred miles in breadth from Midnapore where it melts into Bengalee, to Ganjam where it meets the Teloogoo. It was indis- . pensable therefore to the completeness of missionary operation to that kingdom, that means should be provided on the spot for • Sec G. B. Repository, 1831, pp. 4G7, and 1832, pp. 436. OQO multiplying boolcs in a language so extensively tised. But why should the benefits of this local press be confined to missionary operations? "Why should not Government avail itself of the means of communication with the people which have thus been provided, by publishing its own acts and notifications through the same channel ? We know that a strong disposition exists in the highest quarter to provincialize the public service in Orissa. It is the wish of Government, that those who are appointed to this pro- vince should apply themselves earnestly to the acquisition of the vernacular tongue, and should move in a circle of promotion within the Province itself. In this arrangement there is much wisdom. Indeed since the principle has been adopted, that the people can be more efficiently governed through their own language than through a foreign medium, it has been necessary to consider the civil officers in Orissa as in a measure individualized from the rest of the service ; this is a great step towards the improvement of the Province. But to render it eflicient, it is necessary to follow it up by the translation of all orders which the people are required to understand and act on into their own language, and by a liberal use of the press which has now been established in the Province." CHAP. lY. The American Branch of the Orissa Mission. Rise of the American Mission in Orissa — Labours and Success of the jSIissionaries at Sumhulpore, Balasorc, Jellessore, Midna- 2')ore, S)-c. Dr. Cox in his valuable " History of the Baptist Missionary Society from 1792 to IS !2," has the following beautiful observa- tions on the rise of the Society from a very small beginning. "At the Kettering meeting, Oct. 2, 1792, the society was formally in- corporated ; and the first subscription, made on the spot, amounted to £13. 2s. 6d. This sum though really small, was comparatively large ; for it was the contribution of a few poor, but enlightened servants of .Tesii?; Christ. It was such as to free it from all charge 324 of ostentation in the motive, and yet such as to evince the faith and self-sacrifice of those who had laid it on the altar of God. The ■warring world was at the time expending millions in sanguinary- conflict, which exhausted nations and terminated in death and deso- lation ; these men were contributing to enhance the happiness of the earth, and promote the glory of the Redeemer. " What" said the objectors of the time, " is thirteen pounds the mighty sum with which it is proposed to undertake so vast a scheme ?" " And were these the men and the means," have said opponents since, of fifty years of reiterated scorn, "with which the conversion of the world was to be attempted ?" Precisely so, we reply ; for means are ac- cepted of God, when they are proportionate to possessions, and blessed with success, when they are employed in faith." It has been well remarked, — " We are really what we are rela- tively ;" and the importance of the mission whose history is here narrated, must be estimated by this rule. The first persecutors of Christianity " doubted ivhereunto this wozild grow ;" and the early friends of missions could not have conceived the mighty influence they wielded for the benefit of their own country and of the distant nations of the earth. When this mission was contemplated, little was known of the brethren of similar views in religion, residing in America ; nor was it probably expected, that any resources for the promotion of its great objects in the east, would arise from that country. At a Committee Meeting in Aug. 1821, it was resolved — " That the Secretary write a letter, accompanied by a few Re- ports, to the American General Baptists." It may be presumed, that this tended to prepare the minds of our distant brethren for co-operation in the great work. It must be considered a very inter- esting circumstance, that the claims of India should have been laid before myriads in America by an invalid jMissionary; and valuable aid contributed to the dissemination of the gospel in Orissa. These efforts are worthy of distinct and honourable mention ; and may fully occupy the following chapter. In January 1833, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, embarked at Calcutta for the United States. This step was considered requisite on account of the state of his health. In a letter dated Jan. 7th, he says, — " To morrow I expect we shall embark for America, by the ship Fenelon. My own health is much better than it was, and under this consideration, I have felt great reluctance in leaving India; but then I am perpetually receiving fresh intimation of a relapse, which obliges me to concur in the opinions of the Doctors, that there is no prospect of a permanent recovery without taking a 325 long sea voyage. I do hope that you will be enabled to obtain three or four well-qualified young men, to return with me to India within the next eighteen months ; and that our American brethren will send as many. O let the cry from the dying millions of Hin- doos be heard and felt : Come over and help us. I once heard of one of our ministers being terribly afraid lest one of several sons should become a missionary. I hope this feeling will never wither our hopes again. Domestic union and comfort are too dearly pur- chased at the price of the blood of souls, and the Saviour's favor!" How far these pious and enlarged views were realized, it will be interesting to state. On the voyage from Calcutta to America, i\Ir. Sutton, aided by his amiable and beloved amanuensis, prepared the MS. of a verv interesting volume, entitled — " A Narrative of the Mission to Orissa, the site of the Temple of Juggernaut ; supported by the New Connexion of General Baptists in England." Of this work, 3000 copies were published at Boston in America, and has doubt- less extensively promoted the missionary spirit, in that section of the church of Christ for which it was principally intended. The character and design of this work will appear by the following brief advertisement, dated Ship Fenelon, April 20, 1833. " When the compiler of this Narrative first turned his attention to the work, he had not suflliciently considered the delicate situation in which he was about to place himself, by narrating the progress of a Mission with which he stood so closely connected. But as he advanced he felt this difficulty so sensibly, that many times he had nearly resolved to abandon his task. When, however, he reflected upon the weak state in which he left the Orissa mission, and the sweet hope that his American brethren would render some assistance was present to his mind, he was again induced to prosecute his work. The praise or censure of mankind, so far as respects himself only, he feels to be of little consequence, provided the cause which he has espoused is not injured; but should the Narrative of this Mission have the eifect of eliciting the prayers of God's people in its behalf, or of adding to ils means of benefiting the immortal myriads of Orsssa, he will have accomplished his design. On the ground of authorship the compiler begs to state explicitly, that he lays claim to nothing. His task has been to arrange such materials as he could obtain from printed documents or private memorandums ; these he has connected, sometimes by remarks of his own, and not unfrequently by the remarks of others which have been so blended with his own observations, that it v.as diffi- 326 cult to mark them with precision. He hoped to accomplish his luimble labours more carefully, but his floating study was so throng- ed with passengers, and rendered so incommodious by the variety of business transacted in it, that very little opportunity for literary pursuits was allbrded liim. Indeed, he could not have accomplish- ed his task, but for the willing services of Mis. S. as his amanuensis. But too much has perhaps already been said respecting this Nar- rative. May the Lord of the vineyard condescend to employ it as a means of benefiting his cause ; and to him, as is most due, shall be the praise." The work has been reprinted in Scotland, and the Narrative is introduced by a well-written and powerful Essay, on the subject of missions to the heathen, by a Scotch minister. In a review of it in the General Baj^tist Repository, 1835, it is said — " The work is well-v.'ritten ; the publication may be considered very cheap ; and it ought to have a place in every church and congregation, in evei'y school and family connected with the interesting Christian Mission in Oriasa." Mr. Sutton's visit to America was well received, and the follow- ing letter was addressed to the Committee in England. "North Parsonsfield, State of Maine, Oct 14th, 1833, To the Rev. J. G. Pike, Secretary of the Committee, of the G. B. Foreign Missionary Society. Dear Brother, AVe have had the satisfaction of receiving a visit from Brother A. Sutton, your Missionary in Orissa ; wliose coming lias been greatly blessed to tlie awakening of the spirit of Missions amongst us. We have heretofore done nothing in this cause; but many of our brethren are now disposed to do what they can ; and we think if brother Sutton could labour with iis, a few months longer, he might render essential services to the cause in which he is engaged. HOSEA QUINSBY." The Committee approved of the proposal and passed the follow- ing resolution — " That in compliance with this request, Mr. Sutton be recommended on leaving England, to revisit America, and to endeavour there to ])ut the missionary cause on a permanent footing, by the formation of Associations, &c ; not extending his labours beyond twelve months, without a further vote of the Committee." It was stated by Mr. Sutton that in 183"2, there were in America "loo Free Will Baptist Churches, 300 Ministers, 10,000 Commu- nicants, and a population of 150,000 souls." In 1846 the Connex- ion consisted of "1193 churches, 107 Yearly Meetings, 801 327 ordained Preachers, 233 licensed Preachers, Communicants 58,174." (Free Will Baplist Hcgisler, IS-IG, p. 70. J Among so numerous a people, it may be hoped that much aid will be rendered to the evangelization of India. The Report of the Society for 1835, gives information of JNIr. Sutton's labours in America. It is stated — " Early in August, Mr. Sutton and ]\Ir. and Mrs. Brooks sailed for the United States. They arrived there towards the end of September. It was soon determined that Mr. and Mrs. Brooks should take an early oppor- tunity of proceeding to India. During their continuance in America, they enjoyed many christian privileges, and experienced much christian kindness. Early in November they left the United States. Three jNIissionaries from American Societies, with their wives and a single lady, were appointed to sail in the same vessel in which a passage for our friends was engaged. Previously to their going on board, a united meeting of the friends connected with these different Missionaries, was held. On this occasion Mr. Sutton gave an address, which afterwards appeared in several of the American religious newspapers. They sailed from Boston, November 4th, and had every prospect of a pleasant voyage, in consequence of having much christian society on board. jNIr. Sutton soon after his arrival in the United States, recom- menced his assiduous labours, to promote a missionary spirit in that body of American Baptists among whom hehadbeen introduced. To promote this object, he accepted for one year, the office of Corre- sponding Secretary to their newly formed Missionary Society. In this office he has been actively engaged, in visiting different churches, making collections for the IMission Fund, and diffusing information. Thus employed he has travelled over some large sec- tions of the Union. Still however, his attention and that of Mrs. Sutton have been directed towards their Indian home. Their hearts have been in India. Tha Missionary Society, that Mr. Sutton has been instrumental in forming, has had several applications from young men desirous of being employed as Missionaries. Mr. Noyes, one of these, has been accepted, and is expected with his wife, to sail with Mr. Sutton. It was also hoped, that at least one other Missionary would accompany them, though no decision had been formed upon the other offers for missionary service that were before the Committee." The Report of 1836, narrates the departure of Mr. Sutton and his new colleagues for Orissa. " Mr. Sutton was successful in s 2 S2S exciting a considerable degree of missionary spirit, in some districts of the United States. In September last he left that country, on Jiis return to India. A considerable number of Missionaries sailed in the same vessel. Of these Mr. and Mrs. Noyes, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, were going out to be fellow labourers with our brethren in Orissa. The Missionary Society, which sends them forth, appears to possess an honour, which does not belong to the American Baptist Missionary Society. Its friends and supporters are the enemies of Slavery ; and are not like many of the supporters of that, and other American ^Missionary Societies, raising thousands of dollars annually to send the Gospel to Birraa and India, while they are mad upon supporting that cruel and murderous system, which by law, dooms millions of Africans, not only to the tempo- ral horrors of Slavery, but to live and to die in a state of heathen- ish ignorance. Mr. Sutton appeal's to have been highly esteemed by many professors of religion in the United States. As far as this was the esteem of the truly pious in a land of Slavery this was desirable. But no consistent christian could desire the esteem of persons who are in reality robbers of mankind, and by the word of God described as " menstealcrs," who themselves trample under- foot or support others in trampling upon, all the rules of immu- table justice ; and who rob the negro of his liberty, of his children, of his privileges, of his opportunites of acquiring divine knowledge, and, in many instances, of his life. If such persons profess to be Christians, or Baptists, with them, consistent English Christians can neither desire nor hold communion. Information has just ar- rived of the safe arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Sutton in India. Of their departure from the Uuited States ; of the views and feelings with which they contemplated resuming their Indian labours, and of their arrival at Calcutta jMr. Sutton thus writes. " Ours is the largest party of clerical Missionaries that ever sailed from America, and this circumstance added to the celebrity which some of our party have acquired in America, excited con- siderable attention. On the Sabbath Evening we had our farewell services in Dr. Sliarp's spacious IMeeting House. It was crammed in every part long before the services commenced, and many hun- dreds went away, unable to get a hearing. "We expected to sail the next day, but received notice of our detention till Tuesday, in time to announce a prayer-meeting at Mr. Stow's (Dr. Baldwin's) meeting-house on Monday evening. This proved a still more in- teresting scene. !29 " I do not know tliat I have anything particular in the way of incident to record. You will see that goodness and mercy still follow us, and that we are constantly meeting with fresh reasons why we should unreservedly devote ourselves to Him, who died for us and who rose again. The 2)rospcct of resuming our labours in India looks very pleasant to us. It is indeed a drawback on our pleasure, that our Brother and Sister Laeey will not be there to welcome us. Yet still it seems a piivilege, to look forward to a few more years of labours and sorrows in that benighted land. We know now what we have to expect, but yet beyond the trials and discouragements of the present generation of Missionaries, we see a delightful succession of seasons of enlarged prosperity ; churches upon churches rising up to glad the land ; thousands and millions of happy converts travelling on to glory ; and idolatry with all its guilt, and all its wretchedness, passing away into everlasting forget- fulness. O it is an honor to labour and die in this divine enter- prize ! Our most ardent wish is to live worthy of it. We know that we shall soon fall in it, but we resolve by God's grace to sell our lives as dearly as possible : to do Satan all the injury, and the cause of Jesus all the good, we possibly can, before we quit the field. "We safely arrived in Calcutta, Febc Gth, 1835. We once more were welcomed by our beloved friends in tliis great city. We are all well. I have heard from Cuttack and Balasore. The Goadbys have been ill, but they are pretty well again. W^e hope to see them in eight or ten days." Mr. Sutton received a grant of one thousand dollars from the American Bible Society, and grants of three thousand three hundred from the American Tract Society. The character of these brethren is very strongly drawn in the succeeding Report of the English Society, which describes the com- mencement of their labours in Orissa. " It is knov/n to many of the members of this Society, that Mr. Sutton was instrumental in establishing a Foreign Missionary Society, among a numerous body of American Baptists, that from their viev.-s of tlie general provision which is made by the Saviour's death for human salvation, were denominated free-will Baptists, a name by which they are generally designated. They are a body of Baptists, with which jou may cheerfully co-operate, for they are the enemies of the system which renders America, in a great degree, a land of tyrants and of slaves. They have no triennial Convention at which those who hold not slaves themselves trim to those who hold them ; and treat as dear 830 brethren in Christ, men who live violating the most golden precepts of the Saviour, and robbing injured Africans of their dearest rights. They are not a community partly made up of men-stealers and men-sellers, and partly of those who tolerate and palliate the op- pressing and thieving propensity of others, who are very good chris- tians, except that they are thieves ; and thieves not merely of a little cash, but of the daily labours and of every civil right their injured victims might possess. Your American brethren are not liaptists of this description. Their accredited organ, the Morning Star, is a decidedly abolition paper. It pleads the cause of the negro, and exposes the cruelty, the murder, and the lewdness of the system, which allows no marriage tie — which sells young women for prostitution — which rears human beings for sale, as in your land of real liberty cattle are reared ; and which tortures and works to death multitudes of men and women far more estimable than their iron-hearted, and in many instances, hypocritical oppressors. For those persons can be nothing else who boast of liberty and cling to slavery ; who talk of religion, while they trample underfoot the grandest and most equitable precepts given by the God of love. So well known are your American friends to be abolitionists, that the State Legislature of New Hampshire recently rejected a bill for the incorporation, according to Amei-ican usage, of their Home IMissionary Society, because there were so many abolitionists among them. As Mr. S. was instrumental in establishing a Missionary Society among them, they have now become your fellow-labourers in India. Their first two missionaries, Messrs. Noyes and Phillips, ■with their wives, proceeded to India with Mr. Sutton. Mr. Phillips for a time resided with Mr. Goadby at Balasore, and proposed to commence a new station at Jellasore, about thirty miles from the former town. Mr. Noyes, for a few months, acted as master of the English School at Cuttack. Mr. Sutton, referring to these Mis- sionaries, remarks, " Our friends the Noyes are promising labourers — we have spent a very hap]:)y twelvemonth with them, and part with great regret. The Phillips' have been but a little time with us, we hope however they will be very useful." From a recent number of the jNIorning Star, we learn, that a meeting was held at Cuttack, to consider the propriety of the American brethren entering upon a new field of labour. At this meeting Mr. Sutton presided; and it is stated that "the most perfect harmony and unanimity of views and feelings prevailed among the Missionaries. The place selected for the field of their labours is Sumbulpore, far in the midst of a great population en- 331 tirely heathen, there being only one europcan settler within one hundred miles of their location." Sumbulpore is described as a very interesting and important station. Some of the tracts issued by your Missionaries, a few years ago, reached that neighbourhood, and appeared to excite, in some minds, considerable alteration. The Executive Committee of the American Society have found it necessary to appoint an agent to travel among their churches, to raise subscriptions, form associations, establish monthly concerts for prayer, &c. A brother named Mack, has been appointed as their first travellins: ajrent. SUMBULPORE. " Sumbulpore is a large city pleasantly situated on the east bank of the Mahanuddy, about two hundred and fifty miles from Cuttack. It is on the government mail road between Calcutta and Bombay, which with the present method of shortening com- munication between Bombay and England, renders it an important and promising station. As it regards the population of this place, like the most of Hindoo towns and cities any thing like an exact census is unknown, but I should suppose it could not fall short of thirty thousand. The inhabitants are usually more dark than in Cuttack and their features more spare. — They are very timid, but unaccommodating and ungrateful. The bands of caste I have understood are not so strong as in Cuttack. Thehigh caste brahnums eat flesh of almost any kind, and do any kind of respectable laboui". The females of respectable families are not kept very close, but it is common for them to stand and listen to our conversation, and sometimes ask questions. There are more temples than I have seen in any place except Poorcc, and the people are strangely prejudiced in favour of tlieir idcjls. Sumbulpore is the capital of a fine country, governed by a Rajah, who, though under a small tribute to the English government, exercises almost unlimited power in his dominions. All land is considered his property and at his disposal ; hence he frequently takes the land of one man and gives it to another. It is not probable that the English government would interfere in case of the greatest anarchy, providing their mail, which runs through the country, should not be obstructed. The desirableness of conciliating the favour of a prince, having such unlimited sway, is readily seen ; and though at first, we did not on his account apprehend much danger in forming our stations, 332 j-et it seems that the Rajah's suspicion has been made to rest upon us. Being himself a devoted follower of Juggernaut, he is much concerned lest we should change the custom of the times, in detract- ing from the honour of his god. When we walk out we are gen- erally watched by his emissaries, who often come near and ques- ion us in regard to our plans. They show us some respect, because Ave wear the fearful white face, but his repeatedly refusing us some small favours shows plainly that he wishes us out of his country. — Without his favour we see no way to get along, since without his command we cannot get men to build us houses, or even a single article of provision from the market." On their removal thither, Mr. Sutton accompanied them for a con- siderable part of their journey ; they then pursued their way and travelled through, and fixed themselves in a district, which is not British territory, though the Rajah is tributary to the British govern- ment. They experienced considerable inconvenience from being thus situated. In fact the difficulties to which they were exposed, may render more conspicuous the wisdom and goodness of God, in subjecting the greater part of Hindostan to Great Britain. Notwithstanding their difficulties they commenced their labours of love, and experienced more of the Rajah's favour than they expected. Your brethren sent the native Evangelist Doitaree, to their assistance. From recent accounts however, it appears that they have been so tried with affliction, as to have removed from Sumbulpore, and it would seem without the intention of returning. Mrs. Phillips one of the little band, has finished her short course. Mr. and Mrs. Noyes have both been dangerously ill, and for change of air visited Cuttack, where their health improved. After they left Sumbulpore, Mr. Phillips had an attack of illness. From the latest information it appears that they were then at Balasore. At Sumbulpore, there was but one European, within one hundred miles of their abode. Some of the information they gave respecting that part of India, and their situation there, must excite the interest and sympathy of those who love the gospel. The Rev. E. Mack, the travelling agent of the Society, represents the exertions of Mr. Sutton, when in the United States, as having been productive of very considerable good. "We regard the past correspondence with your Connection, and the actual help which you have as instruments of divine Provi- dence afforded us, to be of incalculable value to us ; rather might I say, to the interests of our Redeemer's kingdom, as the interests 333 of that kingdom are connected with our Denomination. The assist- ance rendered ns by the visits of Mr. Sutton, vtill never, we hope, cease to be remembered and appreciated ; — appreciated to some degree at least, for it must remain for the day of judgment and eternity, to develope the vast amount of good eflTected through this instrumentality in all its fulness. Our Mission must still continue dependant on yours to a great extent. You must continue to be a father in the gospel, unto us, at least in respect to our India Mission. The establishment of your India Printing Press especially, will afford you increased facility for laying us under obligations yet greater and more numerous. Indeed by recent letters from our Missionaries, we are informed of the reception by them, of some hundreds of Testaments of Mr. Sutton's translation, and some hundreds of tracts — and yet further your IMission had fur- nished them with a native preacher of a character, such as justified the expectation of much assistance from him, in the labours of their Mission." From the brethren at this station, the writer received the follow- ing letter, which shews the circumstances of missionaries in the beginning of their labours. " Sumbulpore, Aug. 18, 1837. Beloved Brother Peggs, With much pleasure I received yours by the hand of brother Stubbins, and should have replied long ago, had not my time been com- pletely taken up with the building. Probably you are aware brother Phillips and myself have taken up our residence at this place, and we think it, in many respects, a promising field for missionary exertions. But there is one advantage we had fondly anticipated, we are extremely sorry to say we have not realized. We thought, at such a distance from Juggernaut, the people would, in a great measure, be unacquainted with the manner in which the government supported idolatry ; but alas, even in this dark corner, we have it thrown in our teeth. This vice is twin brother to American Slavery ; and it is hard to tell which is the worse — the manner in which the English Government betrays its imwary sub- jects into the hands of the cruel pundas, or the manner in which America holds her 2,700,000 subjects in the most abject and cruel bondage. But, dear Sir, enlightened as our countries are, they are the king- doms of the world. Tlie policy of our rulers is entirely averse to that of him, whose kingdom is not of this world, and, like oiu- divine Redeemer, we must testify that their works are evil. Let us, therefore, while we mourn over the present sad state of tilings, fix oin- eye on tlie day-star of prophecy, till the Sun of Rigliteousness shall arise, when it shall be lost in his resplendent blaze, 'fhen shall Christ reign king of nations. We must now pray and labour, for tliis is not to be accomplished all at once. I bid your books God speed; may the truths therein prove effectual to the conversion of Christendom from Idolatry. You will wish to hear a word of our prospects : — In company with Doitaree we daily visit the bazaar, and the people usually hear with 334 attention, and often come to our house to converse and to get books, lam sensible many are already convinced as to the gennineness of our religion, and were it not for their strong worldly attachments would become Christians. As we have had much fine weather this rainy season, we have had several short excursions in the country ; and at such times our hearts have been peculiarly refreshed, from the good attention which the villagers paid to the word. We intended to commence boarding-schools innnediatel^'. We have already four children which we have adopted as our own, and expect to take more. Brother P. has the same number. Our interest is the same with your Missionaries ; our sentiments are one ; our cause is one, and we are one. O may nothing ever take place to disturb our union. Remember me to all my Christian brethren in your Society. Tell your friends to write to me, and I will be punctual in replying, though my epistles may sometimes be short. When you can make it convenient please send us your pamphlets and papers. Yours, &c. E. NOYES." The propriety of the occupancy of the station is strongly urged by Mr. Sutton. " This station is situated in the centre of the hill district of Orissa, in the direct route from Calcutta, via Midnapore and Bombay. It is a large and populous town, stated by Mr. Babington to be nearly as large as Cuttack, while there are many large towns and villages at an easy distance from it. It was occu- pied for a short time by our American brethren, but scarcely had they completed their habitations, when death and disease broke up the Mission and drove them to Balasore. During the residence of Messrs. Noyes and Phillips at Sumbulpore, the importance of the station grew daily more apparent, and the prospect of extensive usefulness was very cheering. They had enquirers visit them from the neighbourhood of Ruttenpoor, upwards of one hundred miles so the north-west, who speak the Oriya language, and who asserted tliat it was commonly spoken in their neighbourhood ; while the wide fields of Gundwana and the Khund districts on the west, with, the whole Cole country on the east, strongly invite the Missionary of the Cross. At present, however, we can only hope and pray that God will raise up the men who are able and willing to enter upon this field, and connect our stations on the plains with those on the hills." BALASORE. This station we have seen had been successively occupied by the Brethren Peters, Sutton and Goadby. After the return of the latter to England, in 1838, it was made over to the American Breth- ren. The Report of the Orissa Mission, printed at Cuttack, 1841, 33i contains a full account of the Missionaries' operations. Mr. Noycs states — " Upon our arrival we found no native christians, nor any visible traces of our predecessors labours, though the almost un- paralleled antipathy of the people to the Gospel appeared to evince that they were not strangers to its doctrines. We make this re- mark not to undervalue those labours, but to explain why we have to report so little success. At first we could seldom get a hearing in the bazaar, but the people soon changed their method of attack and strove by silent contempt, and occasional sneers and curses, to do what they were unable to perform by raising tumults. Their unusually intemperate habits, such as using ardent spirits, opium, and other intoxicating drugs, appear to render Balasore less hope- ful than many other stations. " The place is important. Its proximity to Calcutta, both by land and water, its populous vicinity and good country roads, are advantages. The population of the zillah, from Jellasore on the north to Budruck on the south, a distance of seventy -five miles, is said to consist of half a million. On the west are the countries of several Rajas, some of which are very populous. Since our resi- dence at B. we have made several excursions into these countries for the purpose of preaching the gospel and distributing books. We found the Oriya language spoken by the people, excepting the Santals and Bhomyas, races who though interspersed with the Oriyas, have a language and religion peculiar to themselves. In 1839 a chapel for English and Oriya worship was erected, the ex- pense of which was defrayed by the liberal donations of European friends. This year two natives were baptized. One was a man from Budruck, of the Khundait caste, who is now a preacher of the gospel. "At the commencement of 1840, Mr. Phillips and his wife re- moved to Jellasore, about thirty miles north, and formed a second station, since which time 1 have laboured alone at Balasore. *^Bazar preaching and distribution of Books. With few excep- tions Prasaram and myself have visited the bazar daily, for the purpose of preaching and distributing books. The people usually hear with good attention. It is indeed seldom the case, that we are prevented from proceeding with our discourses with all that composure we enjoy in the chapel. Within two years a change has taken place in the manners of the people. The reason I sup- pose is, that we have so long been unmoved by their noise, that they despaired of putting us down in this way. We have had many T 2 S36 interesting ciiseu^.sions, and met with many promising hearers ; hut I must not pass over the case of one man, with whom I formed a most agreeable acquaintance more than a year since. While travel- ling through the country I came to his village, about 10 miles from Balasore, when he sent for me to come and pray in his house. I did so, and an acquaintance commenced, which I trust will yet become more sacred. He accompanied me to Balasore, and would have broken caste, had be not been prevented by bis family con- nections. For several months, I had heard nothing from him, when one evening, I saw him in the crowd to which we had been preach- ing. He told me he had been in the constant habit of reading our books, and wished to live a christian life, asking me if he could not bcome a christian without breaking caste. I of course replied that he could not, at which he appeared seriously affected. I gave him a copy of the New Testament which he promised to read atten- tively. I might refer to several similar cases of persons who are almost persuaded to become christians. I cannot give the number of gospels and tracts distributed, but it is certain that thousands have been scattered throughout the Zillah and the Mohar Bunge. That they are read, the inquiries and objections of the people clearly evince. *' Enquirers. I could refer to more than 20 who would have been willing to break caste and profess Christianity the past year, but as it was evident they had sinister motives, they met with no encouragement. There are two, a man and his wife, who have for the last year lived on my compound, who have at times mani- fested some sincerity. In addition to these, I have had frequent visits from some of the most respectable classes, who have desired books, and wished to converse upon religious subjects. ^^ Changes in the Church. During the past year five native members have been dismissed to Jellasore, three have been added by bap- tism, and one excluded. Our present number of members is eight, \Ve were joined by the Rev. O. R. Bachelor and wife and Miss Cummings in Se])tember. ^^ Candidates for Baptism. We have at present three candidates for baptism, who have been waiting some time for an opportunity to be baptised. These are "children from our Boarding School. The case of one, a girl about 15 years old, deserves notice. For a long time she had manifested deep conviction for sin, when one day she came into my study, and with tears, said she had often wished to open her mind to me, but fear prevented her ; but now as God had forgiven her sins and given her a hope of eternal life, she could 337 no longer keep silent. Indeed I never saw greater evidence of a work of grace than she manifested. Boarding School. We have about 30 boarding children, 20 girls and 10 boys, who live on our compound, and are taug}i!t by a native christian, also seven children of native christians. Of these I have a class of eight who have made good proficiency in the Oryia gospels, Geography, History, Arithmetic, S:c. I spend an hour or two with them daily, and have reason to believe that these children form no small part of the hope of our mission. The girls are taught to cook, clean their houses and spin, and spend frona three to four hours a day with Mrs. Noyes, who teaches them to sew, &c. " If the gospel is a system that must be learned, it is evident that those who commence in childhood have a great advantage over such, as come under 3.ts influence at an advanced period of lifa^ They may be unaffected by innumerable disadvantages that must follow the converted heathen to the grave. Though the whole expense of food, clothes, &e. for each child, has not exceeded two rupees per montli, yet we have not been able to meet this expense the past year without incurring debt, as our society was not aware of the rapid increase and consequent greater demands for our schooL "■ State of naUve schools. There was about 30 Oriya schools in Balasore, each containing from 15 to 30 boys, I have of late fcpent much time visiting and examining most of them. Saying nothing of the impure books, it is evident their system of education is very deficient. The situation of a schoolmaster is far from being respectable, hence no well informed native will engage in the profession. The books read, though calculated to engage the memory, contain nothing to call into action, and strengthen the rational faculties. This appears to be one reason why the people so lightly esteem our books, which are generally argumentative. Their taste is formed from early childhood, for narrative, stories, fables, &c. " Need oj help. Though we are in the habit of itinerating as circumstauces will admit, yet we are far from being able to answer the demands of a million of souls. There are several large towns in this Zillab, where it is highly desirable to establish missions. We have often sent urgent appeals to our society, and to some extent have been gratified ; but alas ! laboui'ers are few, and means insignificant for the accomplishment of so great a work as lies •before us. Several European friends have liljerally contrilnited 338 towards the support of our Boarding school and native preacher, for which they have our grateful thanks, and we pray that the blessing of many ready to perish may rest upon them. Any ad- ditional donations from friends in India will be thankfully received and duly acknowledged. " Present state of the Church. Baptised Europeans two, East Indian one. Natives seven, excluded two, present number eight." Recent communications indicate the steady progress of the cause at this station. A baptism of two interesting individuals is reported in the Morning Star, Jan. 4, 184G, published in America. JELLASORE. The Indian Report of 18-11, contains Mr. Phillips' account of this station. He says — " It is one year this month since I removed to this place, and commenced my missionary work here, though a part of the previous cold season had been spent in travelling and preaching in the neighbourhood. •' Jellasore is a pleasant country town situated on the east side of the Subunreeka river, 46 miles from Midnapore and 33 from Balasore, the nearest European station to it. It is about fourteen miles inland from the Bay. Including Patna and Lukanath, two villages situate on either side of it, the population is estimated at about 6000 inhabitants. The Oriya language is spoken as purely here as at Cuttack or Pooree. Immediately on becoming settled, regular meetings of worship were commenced. These are attended by the native christians, school children, and some of our servants, with occasional visitors from the heathen. !My usual practice has been to preach a familiar discourse on some practical subject on the Sabbath school lesson, which the elder children have learned during the previous week. Evening meetings for prayer and religious conversation have been held twice a week, with pleasure and I trust profit to all concerned. In these meetings all the native brethren take a part. " On the 7th of last month, with the assistance of my esteemed brother and colleague Mr. Bachelor, we were organized into a church, there being six native members. Three of these were ori- ginally from the church at Cuttack, and one, a native preacher, is soon to leave. One of the others is our eldest school-boy, who was baptised and received into the church at Balasore in October 1839. The two remaining ones have been baptised the past year, one for- merly a brahmun was baptised in October last ; the other a Talee 339 (oilman,) in February. These are both youngj men, and appear studious. The former is very amiable, possescs some talent, and bids fair to become useful. " During the year, preaching in the bazar aiul at the country markets, (of which there are not less than twelve witliin reach of home, and most of them held twice a week) has been attended to so far as other important duties would allow ; with what success tlie future must determine. We have often had our hopes very much raised, but about as often disappointed, as it regards real conver- sions. Still we have good reason to believe the truth is gaining ground. *' Since tlie cnmnienc ment of the Inst cold season, about 12,000 tracts, 1000 single gospels, about 40 New Testaments, and numerous other portions of the sacred word have been distributed among oagfr applicants. Most of them have been given at the different markets visited, and thus must have been scattered very extensively over the country. Oh, may the precious word thus sent forth jirove th.e savour of life unto life to many undying souls. A few of these tracts and scriptures were in the Bengalee language, and generously furnished by the kindness of our B;iptist brethren in Calcutta. The greater part however were in the Oriya language, and kindly supplied from Cuttack. The judgment and propriety manifest in the selection and compilation of these publications, and the neatness and taste displayed in their execution, prove the ability of the Cut- tack press to supply the demand for books of this kind in the language. " Native Boarding School. A year ago we had twelve children in school ; the number has since increased to twenty-six, besides bix who have died and three who have run away. The progress of the children in their studies has been such as to afford much en- couragement. Thirteen are able to read in the New Testament, and a number of the oldest have advanced very well in a variety of elementary studies. As before remarked, one of the boys is a member of the church. One of the girls is now a candidate for baptism. The manual labour system is adopted as far as we have the means. " My sheet is about full, but I cannot close without a word re- specting the Santals, whose villages Mr. Bachelor and I visited on the opposite side of the river a few weeks since. Beside visiting a number of their villages, we attended an anniial donu which hap- pened to take place at the time. There were about six hundred people assembled, both men and women. In the centre of a circle 340 were placed a number of small images, &c., around which the fe- males marched with a slow step, and outside of them the men formed a ring, and moved on with great glee. They were equipped with swords, clubs, &c., and a variety of feathers about their heads, and some of them carried horses' tails in their hands. A liquor made of rice, which made all very merry, was served out in cups made of leaves. The perspiration ran freely, and mingling with the dust on their bodies looked like muddy water. These are a very simple and peculiarly interesting people. INIany of their cus- toms reminded us of the North American Indians. May they soon be blest with a knowledge of the glorious gospel. A missionary situated at Patna would have very ready access to their villages. O may we soon have the happiness of welcoming a Brother here, who will gladly devote all his energies to labour for their salvation. At present they haveno wiitlen language, and we could only speak to them through the medium of Oriya, of which many of them can speak a little. They certainly must be far less shackled v/ith idol- atry and superstition than their Oriya neighbours. JSIay " the day spring from on high" soon rise upon them !" The supporters of the American missionaries in Orissa are free from the plague spot of Slavery, which Wesley designated — " The execrable sum of all human misery." The English Report of 1840 and 41 contain some tremendous charges against this national sin of America, and highly commends our brethren for washing their hands from its guilt. The Rev. J. G. Pike, states, — " Though acting under the direction of a distant Society, the American brethren in Orissa, as to their object, are but one with your Missionaries. No reference would here be made to them, if they were connected with those American Baptists, who support the atrocious and infamous system of American Slavery. Nothing can be more inconsistent than for persons, who support a system of perpetual robbery, and slow but extensive murder, to j^rofess anxiety to diffuse the heavenly system of Christianity- No taunts, "with which the missionaries of such professors could be met in India, would be too severe. The priests of Goomsur, when shedding tlie blood of human victims to their gloomy goddess, might exclaim, *'We offer a few victims to Kalee, you offer myriads to your idol ! — Covetousncss — the love of dishonest gain. We fertilize our fields with pieces of human flesh, you fertilize yours with the sweat and agonies of many victims destroyed for one that we slay." Tlie Thugs, those robbers and murderers by profession and descent, might exclaim, " We murder hundreds 341 that we rob, and -when detected suffer death for doing so. You murder by lingering cruelty thousands, that you have robbed all their days, and yet boa?t yourselves freemen and christians, and profess to send teachers to us." Even the prostitutes of Jugger- naut's temple might upbraid such missionaries. " You denounce the lewdness of our land, and the prostitution of a few hundreds at our temples in honour of our gods, but you maintain a system of lewdness not less atrocious and far more extensive. We devote ourselves willingly to the life we lead; you breed human beings for sale, deny to hundreds of thousands of your female population, the ties of marriage, and rob them of their honour, and then vaunt your love of freedom and Christianity. Away with such teachers sent from such people ; India needs them not." Every Missionary, sent from America by pro-slavery men, deserves to be met with such rebukes as these ; and wei-e the American Missionaries in Orissa sent by such professors, no reference would be made to them. Were that the case it would dishonour and pollute this page to acknowledge them as fellow labourers, but they are men of a differ- ent class, and sent by men, who advocate the abolition of the wicked system, which fixes such a stigma on various bodies falsely called christian churches. This being the case, we acknowledge them as brethren and fellow labourers in the Lord. "At Balasore, their first station, they have a native church con- sisting of seven members. A few months back they baptized an intelligent and respectable man from Buddruck. He subsequently remove to Balasore, with his wife and family, and appeared en- couraging. They have also baptized the wife of Bikhari, a daugh- ter of Doitaree, the native preacher. They were when Mr. Sutton wrote, daily expecting a reinforcement from the United States. An extract from the Report sent from Balasore, by Mr. Phillips, to the last Conference at Cuttack, narrates their progress. " It has been my practice during the hot and rainy seasons to visit almost daily one of the bazaars, or some village or market in the neighbourhood, for the purpose of teaching the way of eternal life to my heathen brethren, and distributing among them tracts and portions of the Sacred Scriptures, " During the present season, I have been able to itinerate more than in any previous year, since being in the country. As the cold weather set in early, I commenced a tent life by the middle of October, and continued it but with little interruption till the 11th Jan. when other duties required my attention at home. I have no exact account of the number of villages visited, but during 342 the time I attended more than twenty country markets, where the word of God was preached and tracts and Scriptures distributed. ]\Iany of these phiccs were unknoMn to missionary efforts before the present year; but if liil' and health are spared me, 1 hope to visit them agai:i and again, and to enL>rge my circuits as I may be able. " On the first of IMay, I commenced a small Boarding school, consisting of the four native children which had been given me at Sumbulpore. Since then Vv'e have received into the school six other poor destitute children, but three of them have either run away or been bribed away after remaining a time. Our number is seven, three boys and four girls. The proficiency made by those longest in the school is truly gratifying. The eldest boy, an inter- esting lad about twelve years old, has given evidence of decided piety, and been baptized, and received into the church the past 3'ear. A day School was commenced at the same time on ray compound, in which two masters were employed. The average number of daily attendants was forty, and the proficiency made was quite pleasing. " In accordance with the views of brother Noyes and myself, in relation to the propriety of occupying separate stations, and of making Patna our next, I have made arrangement for removing there for the purpose of commencing a new station. At this place my work will be entirely among the natives. This circumstance renders an efficient native preacher a great desideratum. Should you not be able to spare Gunga Dhor, I trust you Vv'ill do the best you are able to send another efficient native brother." In the following year reference is made to the return of Mr Noyes, through ill health, but hopes were entertained that his return would be for " the furtherance of the gospel." The American brethren at Balasore and Jellasore, persevere in their honourable efforts to diffuse the light of truth, nor have those efforts been in vain. Several Hindoos have become converts to the Gospel. They have had some striking and highly pleasing instances of conversion. That they are in heart one with your brethren, may be inferred from the fact that in this arrangement of native ministers for the current year, it was agreed to send one these brethren to assist them. They have experienced a trial in the return through ill health of Mr. Noyes to the United States, though probably he may there be instrumental in exciting so much missionary spirit, as shall cause his return to be for the furtherance of the Gospel. S43 Some interesting facts respecting the usefulness of religious books, and tracts, have been given by the Brethren, -which may "well encourage " to sow in hope." " All who are acquainted with the history of this mission are aware, that the religious publications issued have been, in the hand of tte Eternal Spirit, one of the principal means for enlightening many benighted minds, and subduing many hearts to Christ. The distribution of tliis sacred seed has been extensively carried on, from year to year. Mr. Lacey, when giving areportof the Cuttack Station, writes, "The distribution of religious publications has been attended to on every occasion of our preaching the Gospel, aud though I cannot speak with certainty about the number of tracts which has been put into circulation, yet I do not think fewer than thirty thousand have been given away. Our books have been readily received, and many we know have been read. The festivals and markets have been our best oppor- tunities for distributing tracts — then the rush to get them has been overwhelming. Several instances of good arising from this means have come to my knowledge during the year. " One pleasing instance of this kind is the following : — "Down near the sea coast, nearly ninety miles from Pooree, Mr. Phillips, an American Missionary, discovered a number of people, who appeared far advanced in christian knowledge. Soon after this discovery Mr. Phillips dispatched a native preacher to see them.. He went, and returned with a very pleasing report of the knowledge and pro- ficiency of the people, and bore a request from three of them, for baptism. On further inquiry Mr. Phillips learned that ticelve or thirteen years before, these people had received some tracts at Pooree, in the midst of the noise and bustle of the Car Festival." After referring to this narrative, i\Ir. Lacey remarks, — " How plainly we read in such instances the divine precept, 'In the morn- ing sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand, for thou knowest not which shall prosper, whether this or that.' How often have I, with our native brother, been pelted with cow-dung and sand, followed with the abusive vociferations of the infatuated multitude ; almost speechless with hoarseness, and sore with the crowding of the people, retired from the town of Pooree wearied and discouraged, and ready to conclude that these people are ac- cursed of God ! But while we have been thus discouraged, the precious seed we have sown in tumult and persecution has been quietly carried away, and has taken root and brought forth the fruits of eternal salvation.' V 2 344 Encouraging as is the preceding fact, another, very similar hut still more interesting, has heen narrated by Mr. Noyes, whose ill health compelled him to revisit his native land. The fact is evi- dently connected with the labours of the brethren at Pooree, though the narration has not been received from them, but from the United States, Avhere it v/as published in a recent Report of the Freewill Baptist Missionary Society, Mr. Noyes v/rites,— " One day as 1 was sitting in my house, Lokanath was introduced to me by one of the native Christians, as an enquirer after salvation. The following conversation took place between him and myself: — V7ell, my brother, from whence have you come ? 'About one hun- dred and forty kos' — two hundred and fifty miles. For what pur- pose have you come all this distance ? ' Sir, I heard you could tell me about the invisible God, and the means of finding him.' But your people all v/orship idols, so how has it happened that you should think about the invisible God ? ' O Sir, will you hear my message ? — Three years ago I went to see Juggernaut, and as I v/as returning, 1 saw a European, who with three or four Hindoos, was teaching the people from a book. I came near them, and they put three small tracts into my hand. These books I took to my village, where they were read openly. We found that they were about one true, invisible God, and one Jesus Christ, who was said to be his Son, and the Saviour of sinners. Thus things went on. The books were daily read in the centre of the village, till some of us began to conclude, that if the books were true, then the religion of this country must he false. At this, many were displeased, and said, they were the books of the Englishman, and that by reading them, we should become outcasts. Only eight of us remained firm, and as we met with much persecution, we commenced the habit of retiring once or twice a week to the jungle, where we read the books, and suppli- cated the invisible God. We also gave up the worship of idols, and broke all the badges of idolatry. Thus passed nearly three years ; when we began to conclude that we needed some one to teach us the new religion. Now, my comrades said to me, you are the oldest, and we will send you in search of a Teacher. You shall go to him and become a Christian, and then return and tell us, and where you go, we will go, and what you do, that we will do. So saying, they all took an oath by the book of the invisible God, which they held in their hands, and I immediately took my dejiarture. 1 knew that there Avas a Padre Sahib at Bcrhampore, but as I had maiiy relatives and acquaintances there, I was afraid of their re- sentment. So I came on to Cuttack, where I arrived late in the '"^ ; p^i^Wlii l|l,f |J''i;i'ij''! !i '!l'iti.|;i*:;i''^ ■'■ 315 evening, and left early llie next morning, the people telling me there was a Padre Sahib at Balasore. [It appears that in his short stay at Cuttack, he did not hear of the missionaries and native Cliristians there.] Thus hearing, I came immediately to this place, and enquired for your house, which I at length found — and now sir, / wish to hear the word of the Lord, by ivhich I and ivy com- rades may be saved." After remaining some weeks at this station, and affording satisfactory evidence of piety he was baptized by brother Noyes, and departed for his country, to communicate the results of his journey to his associates in seeking for the kingdom of heaven. One of the publications of the English Tract Society in 1844 contains this statement, — " Mr. Phillips, stationed at Jellasore, has communicated the following facts : — Upwards of thirteen years ago, a man from the eastern corner of the province travelled up- wards of 200 miles to Pooree to attend the car festival. He then obtained a tract and carried it back to his village, where the pe- rusal of it introduced light into a mind hitherto dark as midnight. He continued to read it till his convictions induced him to abandon idolatry, and follow the teachings of the tract. Whether he ob- tained any other tract or further intormation I know not, but he continued to walk in the way of truth, so far as he had been able to discover it, till he died, which was a year or two since. His younger brother then, amidst the loud lamentations of his aged mother, adopted the same course, and has recently found his way to Jellasore, where he avows his intention to become a Christian, and gives this account of his brother. This, we are happy to believe, is only one among many similar instances of the influence of these silent messengers of mercy. " In an interesting revival of religion in our native boarding schools, several of the boys referred to our tracts and books as first inducing serious impressions. Little Henk-Y and his Bearer was n\entioned by one or two, but upon inquisy of Sol- omon (our dear Khund boy) what first impressed his mind, he replied it was the Call to Ukconverted Sikneks, (in Oriya of course,) and especially the vvords, " Turn or die." He afterwards becam.e a candidate for baptism, and v/e hoped to add him to the visible church, but he was, with tvv^o other dear boys suddenly cut down by the cholera. We grieve not for him, however, as for those of whom we have no hope. But shall I thus dismiss the record of our poor boy ? May not some eye glance on this brief notice, to vrhom the words which first impressed his rnind are as 346 applicable as to the poor barbarous Khund ? Yes, ye young, ye gay, ye refined, ye amiable, whether in America or England, you must " turn or die." Oh may these words prove to be one of the arrows of the Holy Ghost, piercing your heart, and leading you to turn and live !" The following interesting letter from Gunga Dhor to Christians in America, will be read with deep attention. In a letter to an American friend, Mr. Sutton observes : " The duplicate of your letter of June 5th, reached me a few days ago. Gunga Dhor was with me when it arrived ; so I explained the purport of it to him. His eyes filled with tears at the mention of the liberality of Chris- tians in America for people whom they have never seen. He is a man of exquisite sensibility and generous sentiments. I immedi- ately proposed to him to write a short letter to jour Society, to which he readily assented ; and the next day handed me the ac- companying, (written in the Oiiya language,) to which I have an- nexed a literal translation. TRANSLATION OF GUNGA DHOR's LETTER. April 3th, 1838, Pooree, Orissa. " To the Friends of the Lord Jesus Christ, rendered benevolent through his love, delivered from sin, and by the power of the Holy Spirit reconciled to God, even to you, the holy people dwelling in America, Ghunga Dhor Suring, a Christian, sends this congratu- latory epistle. env "O my fellow-heirs of everlasting life, a short time since my soul was ^xiveloped by the gloom of sin, and through violating God's law, I was deserving of perdition ; but God having mercy upon my country, sent missionary brethren to preach the Gospel of his Son. They circulated many tracts, and in consequence I obtained one or two. By continuing to peruse them I discovered the wickedness of my heart, became acquain- ted with Christ, and learned to know that God is a Spirit, dwelling in heaven and separate from matter. What I worshiped, even created things and men — all these forsaking, and believing in the name of Christ, I was baptized. According to my ability I now preach the gospel ; and should God bestow the blessing of the Holy Spirit, then will my country- men yield good fruit. As I have obtained a knowledge of the Scriptures, so will they ; and from those shasters from which I have turned, they also will turn. For I plainly perceive that the books of my native land are false ; there is no truth in them. But alas ! there are none to teach the true wisdom, or bestow the true sbaster. They wander like forlorn sheep. O my beloved brethren in eternal life, if you pray for my countrymen, if you are concerned for the salvation of their souls, then I entreat your aid, according to your a,bility, in behalf of my brethren and sisters. The sacred book, which like a sun is able to irradiate their hearts and minds, which is able to 347 convert them to everlasting life iti heaven, which can save from the fear of death and from the torments of hell, and deliver from the evils of sin and the temptation of Satan — even that holj- bo(ik bestow, and we may distribute it and scatter it like seed. As the wealthy in India in this time of famine, are bestowing their thousands of ru;)ees to save men's bodies, so, or even in a superior degree, bestow your aid for the salvation of men's souls. Communicate of that property whicli you have acquired, for those souls in whose behalf Christ endured incalculable anguish. Commit it to the custody of my missionary brethren. At this season thousands of people, leaving their homes, accompained by their wives and children, are going on pilgrimage. In some places one hundred thousand assc'.uble; in others eighty thousand; in otliers fifty tliousnnd; in others thirty thousand; in others fifteen thousand; in others five thonsand ; and in others three, two, or one thousand. Exceedinggreat sin is committed, and daily increasing. On this account, we saj% furnish us with religious books and tve tvill distribute tliein^&o shall we free our garments from tlie blood of souls. The misssionaries will explain this matter to you. What more can I write? Accept from me, man)', very many salutations. !May blessings rest upon j'ou. Postscript — The last seventeen days, with the Rev. Mr. Sutton, I have been at Pioree. We go day by day to the b^.zaar, and preach to four, five, or six hundred people. Many acknowledge that our doctrine is true ; others niakirig various excu, down, and taking the chair foot broke it ! ! 1 soon after saw a man exhibiting some parts of the broken thing, and requested to see them ; they were immediately put into my hands, one of them was the principal part of the article, and the other a little bit that had been broken off; so I asked the owner if 1 might have them, to which he not onl)^ replied in the affirmative, but said that I might have the case too, and immediately gave it me. "March 3rd. Erun, Avho broke his lingu, has been with me a good part of the forenoon. He says that the people are highly dis- pleased with him for what he has done : they threaten to pull down his house and stone him. They say that the Sahib has given him forty rupees, and he may go with the Sahib, for they do not want to see his face in Berhampore. The man is afraid of them, and re- quested me to apply to tlie authorities for protection. Among other things my disciple (as the people call him,) told me that his father died at the age of 105, and his mother at 90. The old man, he says, retained his sight, hearing, and teeth to the last ; his father despised the idols, but his mother did not." His baptism and subsequent conduct are thus reported, — "Owing to the operations of various causes, the minds of Hindoos are generally weaker than the minds of Englishmen ; but there are few, if any, English Christians who have been called to display so much Christian heroism as is displayed by a Hindoo who gives up his caste, especially if he be the first in the neighbourhood who receives the Gospel, And Erun's remaining fear, after again ■wishing to be baptized, showed itself in a proposal, that I should tell the truth if asked whether he had eaten with me or not, but say nothing about it if I were not asked. But this I felt myself obliged to refuse, and I told him that if he determined to remain unbaptized, no sum of money, nor ajiy consideration whatever, should ever induce me to publish his having eaten with me ; but that if he was baptized I would certainly publicly declare that his caste was gone. For I told him, the caste was an enemy to Jesus Christ, which none of his friends could spare ; and stood like a stone wall across the road to prevent the progress of the Gospel. This firm but fair and honest way of treating him, manifestly pleased him, and he soon expressed his detemination to face every difficulty. *' December 25th was fixed for his baptism, and between three and four in the afternoon, to our no small satisfaction, he came to the tent, bringing with him a change of apparel ; between four and five we proceeded to a tank called the Ramalingum tank, and ODO on our arrival, including ourselves and servants there were not present perhaps above ten persons ; before we had finished there mii^ht be twenty. In an address I delivered, I briefly pointed out the way of salvation ; said that Jesus Christ required, first, faith, and then baptism — that my friend Eruu had forsaken Hindooism — thatThe had given itp his caste — that he believed in Jesus Christ and wished thus to connect himself with his followers. Then I asked Erun if it was not the case, and he said it was. I had not given him notice of my intention to ask him any ques- tions at the water ; but I proceeded to say that I should request his answers to a few, which, with his replies, 1 shall subjciin. 'Do you honour the Hindoo gods?' — ' No.' — ' What do you think of the Hindoo shastras V — ' They are all false.' — ' Are you a sinner V — ' Yes.' — ' Who saves sinners V — ' Jesus Christ.' — ' What did Jesus Christ do to save sinners V — ' He died for them.' — * Who will be saved V — ' Those who rely on Jesus Christ.'—' Do you believe in Jesus Christ?' — ' I do.' — 'Do you wish to obey Jesus Christ?' — 'I do.' — 'Jesus Christ requires his followers to abstain from worldly business every Sunday, and devote the day to relig- ious exercises : do you engage to comply with this requisition ?'— - ' I do.' — ' Do you wish to be baptized ?' — ' Yes.' " We then prayed, and after prayer went into the water, when I said, Pp.eta pootra dhurmatmar namorai ambhai toomhokoo doobo dayee ; i. e. 'I baptize thee in the name of the Father, ard of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;' and my friend thougl.t that as he was addressed it would be right to reply, so he said, Acha, i. e. * Very good,' and I baptized him ; and on coming out of the water much wished, that we had a host of Christian friends present to vent, in a song of praise, those feelings which the event could not fail to excite. After cli^ngirg our clothes we returned to my tent, and Erun drank tea wi.h us." The consistent profession of this first convert is frequently no- ticed in terms of respect. In 1840 it is stated in the Annual Re- port — " Erun, who was baptized by Mr. Bampton, and was tho first Hindoo baptized by the brethren, continues to pursue his spiritual pilgrimage. The probity produced by christian principles, has secured him the respect of his idolatrous neighbours ; and, not- withstanding tl^e opposition he once encountered, he is now' much encouraged in his trade as a weaver. A lillle time ago he was em- ployed to weave some beautiful cloth dresses for the Rajah. These were a kind of guaze about eight yards long, and an ell wide, some yellow, others a light or dark green, the n-.iddle parts plain, with 356 gold thread woven into the sides and ends, and various pretty de- signs in coloured cotton. " Erun is now aged, he cannot read, but his son reads the Bible to him ; he dwells at times with much delight, on the kind instruc- tions he received from Mr, and Mrs. Bampton. After a sermon on the judgment, Erun was asked by a friend, " Why he hoped to go to heaven ?" He replied, " There was a flock of goats that the tigers and bears had seized, the good Shepherd rushed in among them, and brought him out; and now if he, till death, continued to love and follow that good Shepherd, he should be taken to dwell with him iu heaven." GUNGADIIOR. The first Oreah convert, whose conveision has been attended with the most important results, is the beloved individual whose history has now to be sketched. In the Society's Report for 1827, Mr. Lacey thus speaks of him. " I invited Gunga Dhor, our brahminical inquirer, to accompany me to the bazar, and he gladly acceded. He sung a geet, the ''Jewel Aline of Salvation,' to a great number of people, who were astonished to hear such things from a brahmin. This piece exposes the ten incarnations of the Hindoos, and introduces Jesus Christ, as the Saviour of sinners ; and speaks very feelingly of his sufferings and death. I have had it written on the tall potta for distribution, and was much benefit- ed while putting it into Oreah from the Bengalee. Gungadhor ut it was a mercy, for which 1 felt very thankful, that Mr. S. suH'ered so little, tliat he was not prevented ivaiting iipon me the whole time. We have indeed been the subjects of many mercies, and, through tlie goodness of (nu"'C)od upon us, we arrived at Calcutta in health and happiness, on the 4th of January. Our voyage was long but pleasant, not having ex])erienced either storm or gale. The passengers were extremely kind : there were eight ladies onboard, and most of them made me very handsonn' presents : their kiiidness opened my way for ])leading that cause which I have espoused, and which 1 trust will ever lie nearest to my heart. One young lady ap])eared under rcry serious impressions ; may the Lord deepen them, and may she be converted. " We touched at the Cape — spent six days there, and enjoyed them very much. We boarded with a member of Dr. P. 's church; she is a most amiable woman. Mr. S. preached twieo on the sabbath ; but I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed meeting with christian friends, and in the sanctuary of the Lord, having been deprived of it for ten weeks. I was much delighted to see a number of the sable tribe sitting attentively to hear what the Lord had to say unto their souls. O that the time may soon arrive when all natii»HS sliall know tlie Lord. I feel sometimes ready to sink under the responsibility which lies upon me : may that God in whom I trust grant me grace and strength ec^ual to my daj'. I cannot describe to yon the sensation I felt at the first sight of the natives of India. Tiiey approached the ship in boats apparently ready to sink, and them- selves almost naked. O what a degraded condition! Christian friends, send thcin the Ciospel to change their inward and outward man : cotdd you but see them you would notecase to i)ray and strive fVn- them. Mr. Brooks has just come in. O how delightful to meet a dear christian bro- ther and fellow labourer in a foreign land: he resides at Midnapore, about seventy miles from Calcutta. In a few days more we shall accompany them home, when I hope to see our dear sister B. And nov\', my dear niothtr, I commend you to (iod, praying that his presence may be with you in life, in deatii, and for ever. 1 intreat also an interest in your prayers, tliat the gooil Lord nray establish the work of our hands, and nuike us a blessing to uuiny. • • • Your aflectionate daughter, Annb Stuebins." Mr. (loadby remarks, — "' During the whole of her afflictions, which were heavy, slie manifested the greatest patience and resignation ; not a murmur esca])ed her lips. Sometimes she woidd exclaim, ' Oh riij- head, my head ! ' but she was, throughout the whole, uniformly peaceful aiul happy. Her ccmlidence was strong and unshaken — her hope bright and cloudless to the last. She was much engaged in prayer, and her expres- sions of confidence in God, and submission to liis will, were of the most pleasing kind. Our hopes of her recovery were never entirely gone until three boms before her death, when she appeared to sink very ra^ndly, but was still calm and peaceful, and said, with peculiar emphasis, 'The Lord is my help and my shield he is my strong tower,' and then, peaceful awd 378 noiseless as tlie falling dew, hex- redeemed spirit left its worn-out taberna- cle to join the glorious assembly above. Death assumed his least repul- sive form, and while we hung over, watching with painful and intense anxiety, we could not help feeliug, ' Let my end be like hers.' Mr. Sutton observes, — " My dear wife and I had been fondly cherishing the idea of welcoming them to a participation in our labours and trials at Cuttack. Wc had prepared our house for them, their goods and furniture had arrived, for they were to be stationed with us, when, as they ludted at Balasore, sister Stubbins was attacked with fever : slic lingered for about a fortnight in a most happy and peaceful state of mind, and then gently died in Jesus, on the Sabbath. Tlius all our fond anticipations are cutoif, and our plans again frustrated, at least to human api)earance ; and yet I have had too much experience in the results of these atllictive dispensa- tions, not to know that God is often most favorable to our l)est hopes when he seems most adverse, and most kind when he appears to be most severe. Let not our friends despond, but still 'Onward, onward,' and so much the more as we see the day approaching. " The words of Scripture have been much on my mind since this event first appeared probable : 'And his servants shall serve him.' Do they not seem to say, ' Mourn not that 1 have removed your aiiectionate iVHow- labonrer ; I have another vineyard, and there, in a liiglier grade of ser- vice, I have appointed your sister to serve mc. 'I'liink not then all is lost; far, far from this ; did you know all, you would see that very nuich is gained.' This, dear hrotlier, is another call to live and labour yet more diligently, seeking that honor which cometh from God only : so shall it be said, ' Well done, good and faithful servant.' " You will doubtless pray for, and sympathise with, our afllicted bro- ther : we expect a mournful meeting with the solitary widower, instead of a hajjpy greeting with the beloved wife and husband. To my wife es- l)ecially, this is a heavy disajipointment : she is much over-worked, and ])as never yet been permitted to have a sister to labour with her. But not our will, but our Father's be done." The Society's Report for 1838 contains mucli valuable informa- tion in reference to our departed sister, pp. 3 — G. Mr. Grant. In the armies of Immanuel, as well as those of earthly Ijrinces, there arc soldiers of various degrees, both as to their rank, their success, and the period of their service. As none who enlist under the banners of the cross, and are laudably andntions to take the "high places" in the field, can possibly be excluded from public notice, a record of their names, and their spirit, even though they fall in the first onslaught, is due both to them, and the glorious cause to which they were devoted. Of this class, was the subject of this brief memoir. Though he was in the mission field for the short space of twelve months, he fairly en- tered on his work, and is now to be numbered with the honoured 379 names of those who have borne the (Jospcl to the benighted inhabitants of Orissa. Thomas Grant was born at the village of Biu^bage, near Hinek- ley, lieicestershire, Jan. 2o, 1817. His parents were in thehninbler M'alks of life, but his mother, whose maiden name was Clarke, appears to have been respectably edncatcd. At the age oi thirteen he was apprentieed in his native village. His Master was a Wes- leyan, and Thomas was led by him to worship. Abont the age of sixteen he became united with that body of christians, and after a short time began to preach. " I believe, (says one of his friends,) almost immediately after his conversion, he received a powerful impression, that the great head of the Church designed him for the work of the Ministry, and it appeared as though he could scarcely have lived did he not preach or promote the salvation of sinners in some way or other ; and to the momentous work of saving- souls he was soon called, not only by God, but also by his Church. But, before he was formally called to the work by the church, he did, in a sense, preaeli the Gosjiel every day ; for he warned all who came in his way, of the folly and danger of sin, and earnestly and affectionately cxhorted them to flee to Christ, as their only refuge from eternal death. And such v/as his zeal, such his solicitude to do good, that in less than twelvemonths, he was put upon the plan of the Wes- leyan preachers in the Hinckley circlut, as a Local Preacher. The first time he went out to preach, I went with him. He commen- ced the great work in which he expired, on Clu-istmas day, at Sharnford, a village about three miles from Hinckley. His text was "God is love;" and considering it was the first time, he preached with liberty and enhirgemuHt. I heard him several times after, and thongli I did not think he possessed first-rate abilities, I was (jiiite convinced he was calculated to be useful." Mr. GiiuU's views on the subject of baptism, became decidedly opposed to tho?,e entertained by the Wcsleyaji body, and he, with his master, united themselves to the General Baptist Church at Hinckley, and were baptized Aug. 7, IHoG; after this, his ven- erable pastor states, " He continued to preach, and v/as well- beloved for his steadiness, as well as his punctual attendance on divine worship. His character was good. He was a pious young man, industrious, and for his opportunity, assiduous in learning." He soon manifested a desire to become a Missionary, and was received by the Committee in the latter end of 1840. He took for his companion in life. Miss lloss of his native village, to whom 380 iie was married in May, 1841. On tlic first of June, he was solemnly set apart to his work, at the Stoney Street Chapel, Nottingham; on the 17th of the same month, he bid farewell to his friends in England ; and on the 2Gtli of the following Novem- ber, the " Pekiii," cast anchor, in the Iloogly near Calcutta. With commendable diligence, and considerable success, Mr. Grant applied himself to the study of Oreah, after his arrival at the missionaiy Station at Cuttack. He frequently visited the bazar, with brother Lacey, and in the Autumn of 1842, went a missionary tour with brother Wilkinson, and two or three native preachers. Before he returned home, Mr. Grant had symptoms of illness. On January 23rd, 1843, he was so far recovered as to preside at the Lord's table, and deliver a short address in Oreah. He afterwards visited a Hindoo festival with the native preachers ; but, on Thursday, January 30, he was again afflicted. On Tues- day, recourse was had to more decided medical treatment, and he appeared to rally. But on Saturday, February 4th, he was sud- denly seized with the pains of death, and in about half-an-hour, ills liberated spirit M'inged its way to the regions of the blessed. Thus, when he was entering on his saered work, and the pros- pect of extensive usefulness was before him, Mr. Grant was taken from his labors, and another breach was made amongst our already too weakened Missionary band ! May the Lord who does all things well, stimulate our Churches to increased zeaJiind devotedness iu his cause, and raise up amongst us a succession of devoted Mission- aries, who shall be his witnesses to the cuds of the earth ! The Report of 1843 contains Mrs. G's. account of her bereave- ment, and Mrs. Lacey 's testimony to the value of this di'parted labourer in the Lord's vineyard. Mr. Lacey writes, — " Brother Grant was a devoted Missionary ; and, except on the score of his health, he pronnscd to be useful. His acquisition of the language was not rapid, but very correct ; every letter he could, and did properly ])ronounce. He had just commenced to address the people. He did not venture into large crowds, but conversed with six, or eight, or ten, on the subject of Christianity. He had also commenced liis labours in the instruction of the christian natives; and his address was understood, and liked. He had for some months, exerted himself in distributing tracts, and had given away some thousands. He has been permitted to sow some seed, which, by the divine blessing, may hereafter spring up and bring forth mucli fiuil. O that this may prove to be the case." 38: Mns, Piiir.Lirs. We have seen that the American brunch of the Orissa Mission \ra5? first located at Snnibulporc. At tlie beginninpj the prospect was encouraging, but lieavy afllictions befel tlie infant mission, nnd it was ultimately abandoned. Balasore was tlien fixed i\])on as the scene of its operations. At Sumbulpore tlic infant of Mrs. Noyes died, and afterwards Mrs. Phillips. Tixe writer regrets that he has no account from her friends of her missionary course. The only infoniiation posessed is a short account appended to a letter of Mr. Sutton's, to Mrs. John Goadby, dated Cuttack Nov. 11, 1837. Ke says, — "Oar Sumbulpore friends have been very ill, and when just recovering their little girl was suddenly taken from them. Since then Mrs. Phillips has finisht;d her short course, a few days after a premature confinement. Poor Phillips seems greatly afflicted, and I rather expect, they will all come down to Cuttack for a season. Thus a dark cloud is passing over the brightning prospects of that long neglected region. Poor wretched, degraded, oppressed land. AMieu shall the day of its visitation dawn .'' Is it to be now ? So I hoped ; but it is now hoping against hope. Yet I expect there would be great good done in that neighbourhood could the friends prosecute their labours. The people listen well, and Doitaree is very respectfully treated. Our friends in Calcutta are as bad off for labourers as we are. I cannot help thinking that the Baptist Society acts wickedly, in leaving their few men to sink into the grave neglected and un- aided, while, to gratify a very questionable public sentiment, they send all their men and means to the West Indies. It is just so much practical infidelity." Mrs. Bachelor. Mrs. Bachelor, the wife of the American Missionary at Jellasore, died Jan. 20th, 1845. See an affecting account of her career in the General Baptist Repository, 1845, p. 251. SIr. Allsop and Mrs. Hudson. There are two more names dear to tlie friends of Missionaries in our ehuiehes, which cannot be omitted in this record. It does not full within the limits of this History to give an account of the West 382 India Mission, mul therefore, Avitlv great reluctance, hnt witli reeliiu-s of niucli afTection to tlie memory of his beloved brother-in-law, and of the wife of our valued IMissionary now in China, he can do no more than refer to their interesting Memoirs by the Secretary of the Society, in the G. Baptist Rcpos. 1831 and 1833. May their children possess a ' double portion of their spirit.' The Apostle Paul when recounting the deeds of departed saints, exclaimed — " And what shall I more say ? for the time would fail me to tell of Gidc^on and Barak, and Samson and Jephtha, David also, and Samuel and the Prophets ?" Thus the author is arrested in his labours, and much as he loves the memory of his departed friends, he finds it impossible here to present their memoirs and obituaries, though he had sketched many of them. Grateful is the memory of Messrs. R,ennell and Baptist, Abraham the first native preacher, and Luckshmeebie, the wife of Ramachundra, Purama, Dalimba, Scnjama, Cassia, Suttura, Lockindas, &c. It was once asked in a Missionary Meeting, rather abruptly, but very forcibly, by Mr. Rogers, of Fleet — ■" //ow do they die ? Tell vs how the// die." Well is it said — "Ask death beds, they can tell." Their simple, touching narratives, demonstrate the power of the Gospel to support the Hindoo in his conflict with " the last enemy." Surely we may adopt the language of the poet Lawson, in his * Dying scene of the converted Bengalee," to several of the dear departed in Orissa. " O, born too soon to die ! ea^er to quit This mortal state, careless of all its blaiulishments ! Tired, not ef thy new life, but of its ills. 'J'ho wreck of thy old nature : thou aspircdst To lieaven to see thy Lord so lately known. Enough to say of tliee, thou livedst a life Worthy thy Christian name, and diedst a dealli, (Oh, may 1 die like thee) so calm, so still — ' Twas imperceptible ! It came upon tliee Like tlic sweet dream of lieaven, it caught thy soul, And drew thee gently from the fading regions. Stealing the breath that wliispered the last hymn Of praise fo Him whose mercy saved thy soul. "J'was night, 'i'he moon was in her coiu'sc, and blest With her fair glimmerings the wreathy cloud 'J'hat hung about her, and the breathless air l"'ound 11(1 distnrl)aiice, when they dug a grave And laid him there. They loved him well, and wept And hojied that soon (for fhey were Christians too) Tliemselves should lie beside him, and await The blessed judgment day." 383 The writer has felt miicli in erecting this monument to the me- mory of his departed friends in Orissa, and tears have flowed copi- ously, while he has been inscribing their names upon it. There is yet space for other names, and a thought has glided through his mind, — would it not be interesting both in this country and in India, to record the names of llie departed friends and supporters of the Mission? But how can this be done? His space will not allow him to do it ; his knowledge of the extent of the missionary spirit in the churches of our ' half tribe of Israel' is unequal to the task. The prevalence of the missionary spirit has been too exten- sive, deep, and effective, and many now sleep in Jesus whose names are and were to ' fortune and to fame unknown.' To discriminate, where so many have done well, is a very delicate and diflicult duly. But their ' record is on high,' and the ' day shall declare' their love to Christ, their pity for the heathen, and the result of their labours for their good. The founders of the New Connexion deserve the first and most honored place in this record, viz. — Messrs. Taylors, Deacons, Tarratt, Smith, Thompson, Grimley, Donisthorpe, &c. &c. See the History of the General Baptist Denomination, by A. Taylor, 2 vols. 8vo., and J. Taylor's Statistics of the G. B. Churches, 1844. They possessed a missionary spirit, and were in ' labours more abundant,' though the state of the church required their energies to be employed at home, to be, as of old, ' a repairer of the breach, a restorer of paths to dwell in.' Mr. A. Taylor, in his history de- scribes the character of these fathers of the Connexion. Truly, * other men have laboured, and we have entered into their labours.'* The example given by the other part of the Baptist Denomina- tion had doubtless considerable influence upon the churches of this Connexion, and when Mr. Fuller declined the proposal to form a Society to be supported by both parts of the Denomination, Mr. Pike felt no rest in his spirit till the General Baptists came up ' to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty.' In 1809 a letter upon the subject was read at the Association at Quorndon. INlr. Frceston of Hinckley, spoke of it in ternis of liigh commendation, and Mr. B. Pollard of Quorndon, we have seen, is stated to have said — "he could almost have sold his coat from his back for the missionary cause." The writer cherishes an affection- ate recollection of interviews with Mr. Felkin of Kegworth, and Mr. J. Deacon of Leicester in 1820, and particularly of the hospi- * See Manasseh, pp. 41 -3. A 3 3S4- tality of the latter, and his lively interest in the missionary cause' to ■ivhich he was then devoted. Mr. A. Taylor, the editor of the Repository , speaking of the formation of the Missionary Society at Boston, Lincolnshire, in June 1816, states — " The zeal and liber- ality displayed at these meetings yfeve highly encouraging, and afford good ground to hope well of the future success of this infant institution. As the noble efforts made by others,, for carrying the religion of Jesus to the benighted nations of the heathen have al- ways claimed the peculiar attention of the Editor of this Miscellany, it will certainly afford him greater pleasure to record the progress and success of the General Baptist Mission ; and he trusts that the transactions of this Society will give additional interest to his future numbers." It is an interesting circumstance, that the venerable Founder of the Connexion, the Rev. Dan Taylor, then in his 78lh year, presided at the Association when the Society was formed, and thus lived to see the dawn of foreign missionary operations among his people, He was invited to preside at " a general meeting of all the London Ministers," in reference to the persecution of the Pro- testants in the south of France, on Nov. 21, 1816. This was his last public service : in five days afterwards, he ' rested from his labours.' It is enough to say of him — ' His praise is in all the churches.' When the Society was enabled to commence actual operations by the ordination and departure of its missionaries to India *in 1821, the zeal of its friends, both lay and ministerial, male and female, was highly encouraging. The ordinatiojis of the first Missionaries at Loughborough and Wisbeach, and of other brethren at Leicester, Derby, Nottingham, Fleet, &c., demonstrate the ardour of minis- terial brethren and of multitudes in the saci'ed missionary cause. And where are many of the honored ministers who assisted on these occasions, and who travelled scores and hundreds, and some of them thousands of miles to attend missionary meetings, and committees, and the embarkation of the missionaries and their wives ? Where ? And the echo pensively says, Where ? Where are Thompson, Felkin, Deacon, Sexton, Hobbs, R. Smith, Stevenson, Goadby, Rogers, Hoe, Underwood, Binns, Cramp, Jarrom, Ingham, Bissill, Hardstafit', Wilders, Kceley, Orton, the Taylors, and the venerable Ewen ? Ah! where ? They are gone 'the way of all the earth.' They have 'finished their course with joy.' These names should be dear in Orissa, for Orissa was dear to them. Let them be fami- liar to succccdinec ccnerations, at home and abroad. They have 385 ^ served their generation :' may the present generation foHow then^ ' as far as they followed Christ.' But there is another column for names upon this mural stone, •which is not yet full, and must not be filled, till Orissa, and India, and China, and the World need such benefactors no more. The writer refers to those who have assisted the Society by their pro- perty after death. Some of these deserve the most honourable mention, such as Mr. Parkinson, Miss Barnes, Mr. Radford, Mr. Payne, Mr. Newberry, &c. fi:c. These friends, as it is said of Abel, ' being dead, are yet spoken of.' The kindness and liberality of these friends in death to the poor benighted heathen, must be most grateful to the native christians. Let them be informed of their names that they may supplicate blessings upon their children, their kindred, and their friends. May many of our people deeply con- sider " the responsibility of property," and weigh well our Lord's words, "AfaJce to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteonsness, that when ye fail they may receive you into everlasting habitations.''' O for grace to be faithful ! There is doubtless another class of the friends of India whc^e names would adorn the column. The departed Subscribers and especially Collectors of the mission. But the writer cannot presume to undertake this work. Doubtless their names have been honor^>d in answer to the prayer — ■ " In thy fair book of Life divine, My God, inscribe my name ; There let it fill some humble place. Beneath my Lord the Lamb." Paul speaks of his ' helpers in Christ,' and declares ' whose names are in the book of life.' Let that suffice. ' The Lord knowetli them that are his.' — May every church possess such subscribers and collectors, as the claims of the perishing heathen and the resources of the Christian church demand; and some other historian of the Mission may transfer their honored names to this Ebenczcr, upon which, at its base, is written — " IIitiiekto hath the Loud HELPED us." Some will probably be rea ly to expect a more full account of these dear departed friends, but as Dr. Cox forcibly observes in his History of the Baptist Mission, — " It does not belong to history, to give the details of biography, or to pronounce an oration over the grave of departed worth and greatness." Let what has been writ- ten suffice to shew the value of religion in the coiiaecratiou of mis- 386 sionarics, the conversion of the heathen, and the divine support which the grace of God can impart in man's ' final hour.' " Here is the patience of the saints : here are they that heep the com- mandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me. Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rcit I'roni their labours : and their works do follow them." CHAP. YII. PRJKPARATIONS FOR THE FINAL TRlUMril OF CHRISTIANITY IN THE EAST. Diffusion of education in the English and Native languages — Abolition of Infanticide — Suttees — Anti-colonization regulations and distinctions of color and religion — Pilgrim Tax abolition measure — Abolition of Slavery — Disallowance of the Grant to Juggernaut — Suppression of the Churuck Pooja — Grateful review of past progress — Decay of Idolatry and Mahomedan- ism — Diffusion of christian knowledge — Facilties of Britain for usefulness — Anticipations of the final triumph of Christianity in the East — concluding appeal. It was written of Messiah's reign, "Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times and strength of salvation." It is a most anomalous and extraordinary fact, that in the latter part of the last century, and even for a number of years in the present, the views of the Government of India were opposed to the diffusion of Christianity among the teeming millions of its subjects. This state of things aroused the powerful mind of the late Rev. R. Hall, who wrote an address on the subject of the renewal of the India Charter ill 1813. He justly observed, "It must surely be considered an extraordinary fact, that in a country under the government of a 387 people professing Christianity, that religion should be the only one that is discountenanced end discouraged. Every individual of the immense population subjected to our sway, has claims on our justice and benevolence, which we cannot with impunity neglect. The wants and sufferings of every individual utter a voice which goes to the heart of humanity. In return for their allegiance, we owe them protection and instruction, together with every effort to ameliorate their condition and improve their character. It is but fair to acknowledge that we have not been wholy insensible to these claims, and that the extension of our power has been hitherto highly beneficial. But why, in the scries of improvements, has Christianity been neglected ? Why has the communication of the greatest good we have to bestow, been hitherto fettered and res- trained ; and while every modification of idolatry, not excepting the bloody and obscene orgies of Juggernaut, have received support, have attempts to instruct the natives in the things which be- long to their peace, been suppressed or discountenanced ? It will surely appear surprising to posterity, that a nation glorying in the purity of its faith as one of its highest distinctions, should suffer its transactions in the cast to be characterised by the spirit of infidelity, as though they imagined the foundations of empire could only be laid in apostacy and impiety ; at a moment too, when Europe, convulsed to its centre, beholds these frantic nations swept with the besom of destruction !" The efforts of the friends of religious liberty were so far success- ful as to obtain in the Act, the insertion of four clauses relating to "persons desirous of going to India, for the purpose of promoting the religious and moral improvement of the natives," beneficial iu their results, though not such as to preclude absolutely the oppres- sions of a resolved infidelity and despotism. Since this period, a brighter day has dawned upon the east. Missionaries are no longer forbidden to land upon the shores of India, but are rather welcomed to its glowing plains. As of old, ' the earth helped the woman,' a most important change has come over the authorities of India ; and the interests of education, and tlie civilization and evangelization of our eastern dominions, obtain their cordial concurrence and support. One proof among many may here be noticed. A correspondent in March 1829, stated that the following notice appeared daily in the Calcutta Papers. — " The Governor-General invites the communication of all suggestions tending to promote any branch of national industry ; to improve the commercial intercourse by land or watei* ; to amend the defects of 888 the existing establishments ; to encourage the diffusion of education and useful knowledge ; and to advance the general prosperity and happiness of the British empire in India!" The late Rev. W. H. Pearce of Calcutta, on his visit to this country in 1837, thus describes the important changes in progress in India, and the desire of the Natives for education both in their own language and in English. " It is evident to all acquainted with the state of native society in Calcutta, that a great and interesting change in the Hindoo mind has been long going on ; but has been lately far more clearly and rapidly developed than before, and now requires corresponding ex- ertions on the part of christians to give it a right direction. A new era, it is evident, is now bursting on India. The labours of former years are producing an extensive and beneficial influence, and am impetus has been communicated to the native mind which can never be repressed. In some places, the institutions of caste are gener- ally, though not openly, violated; and in others, they have already fallen into contempt. A taste for European science and literature has been excited, v.'hich, in its influence, promises to be the most important. Such ridiculous statements v.ith regard to geographi- cal and astronomical facts are given in the sacred books of the Hindoos, that every youth who acquires only elementary scientific knowledge, soon suspects them to be false ; his religious opinions being derived from the same works, doubt is gradually excited, which the increasing knowledge of every day tends to strengthen, till before his education is complete, Hindooism is discovered to be utterly an imposture. Hence the pupils who receive an English education, are all becoming, or have already become^ complete unbelievers in the popular religion, and must either settle down as atheists and deists on the one side, or as christians on the other. Many thousands of youth are taught at the expense of differeat missionary institutions ; these are all instructed in the great prin- ciples of Christianity, and some almost every month acknowledge the Saviour. But many young people are in very different circum- stances. Four colleges in Calcutta, and twenty-three colleges and superior schools in other large cities, have been established at the expense of government ; in twenty-three of which, at least five thousand native youths are now receiving an English education of a superior order. No instruction in the principles of Christianity, however, is afforded in these institutions ; so that as they begin to siic the folly of Hindooism, they become acquainted with no better 389 system of religion, nnd are thus exposed to the contagion of infi- delity and vice. " I may add, that their salvation or destruction will not take place alone, — it must involve tliat of many others. The late Governor-General, Lord William Bentinck, and his successor. Lord Auckland, having very judiciously encouraged the English lang- uage, in preference to to the Persian, in public business, the desire for education in this language throughout India, is greater than was ever known before. As an illustration, I may mention, that at the latter end of last j^ear, when a new college was opened at liooghly, a few miles above Calcutta, fourteen hundred native youths en- rolled their names as English students within a lew days ! Several native princes, with their chief officers, are already learning our language, and are frequently applying to Calcutta for instructors. To supply the demand from all quarters, numerous teachers are required ; and the pupils who are now under instruction in Calcutta, in the government as well as the mission schools, being the most advanced, will without doubt be engaged, and in a few years be scattered all over the country as instructors of their countrymen. Even now, almost every boy who receives instruction in English in the day time, communicates it to a class of his relations and ac- quaintances, at night ; and several advanced pupils, who are still pursuing their studies, unite in superintending a large free school for the benefit of their countrymen. How lamentable will it be, if these young men, becoming infidels, should proselyte their pupils, as they emerge from heathenism, into the same destructive senti- ments ! How delightful will it be, if through the active exertions of missionaries, many of them should now be brought to God, and in various situations of influence, which from their superior inform- ation they must occupy, should widely diff"use among their country- men, a saving knowledge of the blessed Redeemer !" It is scarcely necessary to state, that, a similar movement is per- ceptible in Orissa ; the Government School at Cuttack, in favor of which the Missionaries, though reluctantly, relinquished their own Benevolent Institution established in 1823, is one of the Schools above referred to, and that upon the whole, it is anticipated that the diffusion of general knowledge cannot fail of promoting the downfiil of Idolatry and the diffusion of the gospel. One of the most evident and pleasing features of the progress of Christianity in India, is the abolition, through its mild and human- izing influence, of various inhuman, impolitic, and mischievous practices. It appears important to place these triumphs of our 390 common Christianity in detail, that the friends of Christian Missions may ' thank God and take courage.' Infanticide. — It is impossible here to enter into a description of the origin and nature, the extent and atrocities of this unnatural custom. The writer has endeavoured to do so in two editions of a Pamphlet on ^Infanticide in India,'' and in his ^India's Cries to British Humanity .^ This practice has chiefly prevailed at Saugur Island, near Calcutta, and in Western India, in the Provinces of Cutch and Guzerat. Dr. Carey, Buchanan, and other friends of India, presented a Memorial to the IMarquis of Wellesley upon the subject, and in 1802, a Regulation was passed abolishing Infanticide at Saugur.-f- Colonel Walker exerted himself in Western India, to obtain the renunciation of Infanticide, in 1808. J It is a subject of deep regret, that on the departure of that philanthropic Gentleman from India, this important document became in effect a dead letter. More recently the British Government has shewn a very laudable zeal to abolish this inhuman and murderous custom. In October 1819, "A Treaty of Alliance between the Hon. East India Com- pany and His Highness Maha Raja Mirza Rao Shri Desscrljee, Chief of Cutch, was formed. The following clauses are very im- portant. *' The Hon. Company engages to exercise no authority over the domestic concerns of the Rao, or of those of any of the Jahrcja Chieftains of the country. That the Rao, his heirs or successors, shall be absolute masters of their territory, and that the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the British Government shall not be intro- duced. "His Highness the Rao, his heirs and successors, at the par- ticular instance of the Honourable Company, engage to abolish in their own family the practice of Infanticide ; they also engage to join heartily with the Honourable Company, in abolishing the custom generally throughout the Bliyaud of Cutch. " Previously to the execution of the deed of guarantee in favour of the Jahrcja Bhyaud, according to the tenour of the sixteenth article, a written engagement shall be entered into by them to abstain from the practice of Infanticide ; and specifying that, in case any of them do practise it, the guilty person shall submit to a punish- ment of any kind that may be determined by the Honourable Company's Government and the Dutch Durbar." t See this valuable Document, Par. Papers on Infanticide, 1824, p. 29,30. t Par. Papers on Infanticide, 1824, p. 49. 391 It is a subject of deep regret, that this practice is not yet fully extirpated. The Governor of Bombay addressed the Court of Directors in Nov. 1842, — "We now beg to solicit the attention of your Honourable Court to Lieutenant-Colonel Melvill's Reports, Dec. 8, 1810, and Jan. 11, 1841, submitting the first census that has yet been obtained of the Jahreja population of Cutch and Wa- gur ; and explaining the measures which either have been adopted or are in progress for the suppression of Infanticide in Cutch, to- gether with some observations regarding the custom of Suttee, which we regret to state is still permitted in this provmce. At the same time we request the notice of your Honourable Court to the memorandum, date April 28th, 1841, written by your political secretary, containing remarks and suggestions on these Reports. Your Honourable Court will regret to find in these documents a most lamentable account of the extent to which female Infanticide has during the last twenty five-years prevailed in Cutch ; and that it is established beyond doubt that the practice is not simply con- fined to the Jahreja tribe, but that their evil example is followed by other Hindoos, and even by Mahomedan tribes residing in that province. "The census submitted by Lieutenant-Colonel Melvill embraccfs the whole of Cutch and Wagur, (with the exception of Addooee,) belonging to tlie Chief of Moorvee, in Kattewar, and which is now included in the census of that province, and exhibits the fol- lowing results : Total number of houses or heads of families 2,287 Ditto sons, grandsons, and great grandsons 2,625 Ditto daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters, 335 Excess of males over female children 2,290 "Deeply as the results thus exhibited are to be lamented, it is, nevertheless, satisfactory to observe, from the observations con- tained in Lieutenant-Colonel Melvill's Report, Dec. 8, 1840, that the practice of Infanticide has lately diminished in a very sensible degree ; and that the measures recently adopted lor its suppression, although in their infancy, have already been rewarded with con- siderable success." The prevalence of Infanticide in Goomsur, a district of Orissa, appears to have been very appalling. Lord Elphinstone, Governor B 3 392 of Madras, in a letter to \hc writer, dated Jan. 18-12, speaks of a party of men being sent to aliolish the practice. The Friend of India, Feb. 15, 1844, contains interesting intelligence upon this subject,- — " We understand Hiat Captain ]\'[acpherson has lately- returned to the low country, from a month's visit to the sacrificing district of Goomsur, a tract about 30 miles long by 12 broad. Although his stay was curtailed by attacks of fever, and the extent of his operations necessarily thereby limited, yet, we believe, that his visit has been eminently successful. Our letters state, that all the tribes of Goomsur have been induced, not only to give up their victims, (already more than 80 in number,) but also to pledge themselves to the discontinuance of the rite of Human Sacrifice — the great social right of the Khund religion. " Human Sacrifice has been abolished as a puMic rite throughout the whole district of Goomsur, though it may possibly be still oc- casionally practised in secret. To us this appears to be great and very gratifying success, and the abolition of the rite in the remain- der of the Khund country, oug^ht now to be comparatively easy." Suttees. — Suttee is the name given in India to the woman who immolated herself on the funeral pile of her husband, or M'as buried with his body, and denoted that the female considered herself faith- ful to him even unto death ; the term is also applied to the rite itself. Dr. Carey thus defines it in his Bengalee Dictionary, — ^^ Suttee, From sut, good, chaste, pure, &c. ; a woman who burns herself on her husband's funeral pile, that being thought an irrefra- gable proof of her chastity." Diodorus Siculus, who twice refers to the practice in the 103rd and 106 Olympiad, B. C. 327 and 314 yeai-s, supposes the practice to have originated in the unfaithfulness cyf the women to their husbands, and their taking them off by mixing deadly plants with their food. He observes, " This wicked practice increasing, and the punishment of the guilty not serving to deter others from the crime, a law was passed, that wives should be burned with their deceased husbands, except such as were pregnant and had children, and that the individual who refused to comply with this law should be comjoelled to remain a widow, and be for ever excluded from all rites and privileges, as guilty of inipiet}'. ■'i'l. is measure being adopted, itfollov^ed, that the abominable dispo- 5ti:ion to which the wives were addicted, was converted into an op- posite feeling. In order to avoid that climax of disgrace, they not only took all possible care of their husbands' safety, but emulated each otlicr in promoting his glory and renown."* Stnibo is of the same opinion. f jNIandello, a German who witnessed a Suttee at Cambay in 1638, accounts for the rise of this singular custom in the same manner.;}; A practice similar to the Suttee exists among the Yarribanians in Africa, and its origin is very similarly accounted for. 11 An intelligent Magistrate in India supposes it may have originated in " the voluntary sacrifice of a widow inconsolable for the loss of her husband, and who resolved to accompany liim on the funeral pile," He supposes the IJrahmuns commended the deed, and " the most esteemed authors of the age were induced to recommend it. Menu and the most ancient and respectable writers do not notice Suttee ; it was therefore not known or not approved in their time.^ The number of the Suttees in the three Presidencies of India, from 1815 to 182G, as far as they can be ascertained, was 778!). Probably a thousand poor unhappy widows have annually perished in Hindostan. And has this practice existed for more than twenty centuries? How noble the triumph when this horrible custom was abolished by the British Government in India. The late Sir T. F. Buxton, first drew the attention of the British Parliament to this evil in India, in 1819, and in July 1821, appeared the first volume of " Papers relating to East India Ajfairs ; viz. Hindoo Widows and Voluntary Immolations.'" These were continued to eight vol- umes, the last being dated June 1830. The first Pamphlet upon the Suttee was published by Dr. Johns in 1816. The Rev. T. S. Grimshawe followed in 1825, and in 1827 appeared the speeches of J. Poynder, Esq. and R. Jackson, Esq., and the Suttee's Cry to Britain. Bedford had the honor of being the first Town to petition against the horrid custom in 1823. Numerous petitions were pre- sented i:i 1827 and 1828, and utiexpected and great was the joy, when in Dec. 1829, that excellent and benevolent Governor-Gen- eral Lord William Bentinck abolished the practice. The Regula- tion** is dated " Fort William, 4th December, 1829," and signed " W. Bentinck, Combermere ; W. B. Bailey, C. T. Metcalfe." This magnanimous act will be mentioned in terms of high approba- tion by all succeeding generations. His Lordship and those who co-operated with him, have acquired honors in comparison with whiich — " The laurels that a CiCoar loaps are weeds." * Lib. xix. c. 32, 33. i GeoKV. Lib. xv. Asi. Jomivil, May 1827. : Asi. Jour. Jan. 1823. || Eel. Rev. Way 1832, p. 378. H India's Cries, 3rd edit. p. 215. *• vp. 233 1, and G. Bjp. llc- poiitory, ISuO, pp. 271)80. 394 The Madras Government abolished the rite by a similar Regula- tion dated Feb. 2, 1830, and the Governor of Bombay abolished it before the close of the year. It is to be regretted that the Suttee still lingers, like a wild beast in the jungle, among the Seiks, in Gwalior, Cutch, and little Java, and some few independent States. It is hoped that the influence of the British power and example will effect its universal abolition. Haste happy day ! when all the miseries of heathenism shall " Be buried 'midst the wreck of things that were." Anii-colonization Regulations and distinction of coheir and re- Ji(jion in the Functionaries of the State have been removed. It was the singular policy of the East India Company for many years to discourage and prohibit the settlement of Englishmen in their eastern territories. A writer in an Indian Magazine uses very strong terms in reference to this policy, viz. " Never could insan- ity have devised any thing more utterly monstrous than the pro- hibition of Englishmen to settle in India." Hence Burke in his day thundered against his countrymen, exclaming, — "Were we to be driven out of India this day, nothing would remain to tell that it had been possessed during the inglorious period of our dominion, by any better than the ourang-outang or the tiger." Heber more temperately, but scarcely less cuttingly, observed ; — " It was painful for me to think, if the English were now expelled from India, how few relics would be left behind of their religion, their power, or their civil and military magnificence. Still little, very little is done in comparison with all that there is to do." Rome held her conquest by colonizing them. Hume thus eulogizes Agricola, the ablest and wisest of the conquerors of Britain. — " He introduced law and civility among the Britons, taught them to desire and raise all the conveniences of life, reconciled them to the Roman language and manners, instructed them in letters and sciences, and employed every expedient to render those chains which he had forged, both easy and agreeable to them. The inhabitants having experienced how unequal their own force was to resist that of the Romans, acquiesced in the dominion of their masters, and were gradually incorporated in that mighty empire." The New India Bill, the provisions of which took eflTect from and after April 22, 1834, contained three important clauses relative to the settlement of Europeans in India. Lord W. Bentinck took away all the remaining restrictions Is India thus opened to settlers from every part of her IMajesty's 395 territories ? Are many persons and families of property and talent, character and influence, removing to British America, the United States, Cape Colony, Australia, Van Dienuui's Land, &c. ? Are there no suitable persons in our Churches and congregations, who could settle in Bengal, and especially Orissa, and in various ways aid the cause of Christ ? The Jews were scattered over the whole Roman empire, and they generally formed, as the seals of apos- tolic labours, the nucleus of Christian churches. Let our friends, our children, be taught to look forward to such an object, as im- portant to the interests of commerce, morals, and religion, in Ilindostan, and the whole of the Eastern world. A friend in trade at Nottingham has long had his mind directed to this object. Now the way is open. "Who is there among you of all his people ? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel, (he is tho God,) which is in Jerusalem. And whosoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, beside the free will offering, for the house of God, that is in Jerusalem." Ezra i. 3, 4. Tlie Despatch to abolish British Connexion with Idolatry in India, The reader must have noticed with painful interest, the obstaclesi opposed to the progress of the gospel by the impolitic and un- christian conduct of the British Government in India, in regulating, fostering, and deriving wealth from its deadly superstitions. The writer has felt this subject for these twenty-four years, and has prayerfully cherished the purpose to labour for their removal. A correspondent in India writing from Manargoody, Dee. ISIl, says — " Christian England is the main support of the Idolatry of this country ; and if that support be withdrawn, Idolatry in this land will soon fall." A Hindoo very justly inquired — " If the Government do not forsake Juggernaut, how can you expect that we siiould ?" A Hindoo at Allahabad, (where a tax was levied by the Govt on pilgrims that bathed in the junction of the Ganges and the Jumna, and even stooped to the degradation of licensing barbers for the purpose,) inquired — " / have paid the Company this morning a rupee for my salvation, and can there be a doubt of my safety ?" Tliis evil has extended its ramifications into almost every part of Ilindos- tan ; and the evil is far from being eradicated in the Madras and Bombay Presidencies. In Feb. 1833, a very valuable Despatch upon this subject, said to be from the pen of the Right Hon. Lord 396 India. The following summary of its provisions is peculiarly in- teresting. 1. "That the interference of British Fnnctionarios in the interior management of native temples, in the customs, habits, and religious proceedings of their i)riests and attendants, in the arrjmgements of their ceremonies, rites, and festivals, and generally in tlie condition of their interior economy, shall cease. 2. *' That the Pilgrim Tax shall be every where abolished. 3. "That fines and offerings shall no longer be considered as sources of revenue by the 13ritisii Government, and they shall consequently no longer be collected or received by the servants of tlie East India Company. 4. " That no servant of the East India Company shall be engaged in the collection, management, or custody of monies in the nature of fines or offerings, in whatever manner obtained, or whtlher furnisiicd in cash or in kind. 5. " Tliat no servant of the East India Company shall hereafter derive any emolument resulting from the above mentioned or any similar sources. 6. "That in all measures relating to their temples, their worship, their festivals, their religious practices, their ceremonial observances, our native subjects be left entirely to themselves. 7. "That in every case in which it has been found necessary to form and keep up a police force, especially with a viev/ to the peace and se- curity of the pilgrims or the worshippers, such police shall hereafter be maintained and made available out of the general revenues of the country." Excellent as are the provisions of this invaluable Despatch, it is notorious that it has not yet been fully carried into effect, in various parts of India. It is imperative in the friends of their country, and of Christianity in the east, to use every effort till our Rulers are' ■" free from the pollution of Idols." Haste happy day ! nigrim Tax Abolition Measure. This unchristian system of making a gain of Idolatry has past under notice and received de- served condemnation, but like every improvement that involves the loss of money, many years rolled away before the friends of missions hailed the accomplishment of their long cherished desires, in refer- ence to some principal temples. A few generations hence it will scarcely be credited that Britons, enlightened Britons, living in the nineteenth century of the Christian era, amassed wealth from the miserable votaries of superstition at Juggernaut, Gya, Allahabad, Tripetty, &c. At the temple of Juggernaut the mistaken policy of Government actually regulated tlie fees of the liilgrim Hunters, for- getting that these parties would not only take what the law pre- scribed, but as much more as they could get from their deluded 397 votaries ; v.iio, boj^g^ared by these rcj];ulations and exactions, droop- ed and died by hundreds and thousands in their long pilgrimages. Oh my country ! may God in mercy deliver thee ^^ from blood- guiltiness." Tlie abolition of the Pilgrim Tax at Juggernaut, &-c., is an important event. See the Act, in the G. Baptist Repository^ 1843, page 312. It is dated April 20, 1840. j4holHion of Slarenj. It is the genius of Christianity to promote the temporal as veil as the spiritual welfare of mankind. Harris in his Britannia, has well observed — " It is the distinguishing fea- ture of Christian benevolence, tliut while it aims cliiefly at the highest good of man, it bestows a proportionate regard on all his inferior interests : resembling its divine Exemplar, ivho on his way to the Cross to save a ivorld, often stood still to heal the diseased and relieve the wretched.'' Slavery very extensively prevailed in Bri- tish India. The slaves in Canara, Malabar, Travancore, Tinne- velly, Trichinopoly, &c. &c., amounted to 800,297. Some writers estimated them much higher. One extract from the voluminous Par. Papers on Slavery in India, will demonstrate its character. — • " The treatment of slaves necessarily depends principally on the individual character of their ov.ners ; and when we reflect on those evils which are inseparable from even the mildest state of slavery, and consider how large a portion of our most industrious subjects are at present totally deprived of a free market for their labour — restricted by inheritance to a mere subsistence— and sold and trans- ferred with the land which they till — policy no less than humanity, would appear to dictate the propriety of gradually relieving them from those restrictions which have reduced them, and must continue to confine them, to a condition scarcely svperior to that of the cattle which they follow at the flouyh.''* The writer has long cherished an interest in the abolition of East India Slavery, and has often regretted that West India Slavery so much engrossed the sympathies of the friends of humanity. Great was the joy of every Philan- thropist when tidings arrived of the suppression of Slavery through- out our territories in India. It was hailed by the Anti-Slavery Convention then assembled in London, with the greatest delia:ht. It has been frequently observed of this measure — " In the grandeur of its conception it rivals those great measures of justice and bene- volence — the Act for the Abolition of the African Slave Trade, and the Law for the extinction of Slavery in the British Colonies ; so in the magnitude of its blessed results will it eclipse them both. * See India's Cries, p.3Gl. 398 Its effects on all Asia will be immense ! The States bordering on the British dominions in India must follow the example of emanci- pation, or their slaves will seek liberty in flight, and find it under the protection of our laws. The spirit of freedom is ditfusive ; like the light of heaven, it will find its way to the dark places of the earth, which are full of the habitations of cruelty." The brevity and comprehensive range of this measure, viewed in connexion with its truly enlightened spirit, entitle it to universal imitation in legislative proceedings. See Gen. Bap. Repository, 1843, page 312. Disallowance of the Government Grant to Juggernaut'' s Temple. The Poet justly observes — " 'Tis lame kindness that does its work by halves." This very forcibly applied to the British Government in reference to the repeal of the Pilgrim Tax at Juggernaut. It was anticipated that all connexion with the Temple and its affairs would cease ; judge how great was the surprise and regret of all interested in the question, to read in Lord Auckland's Despatch in Nov. 1838, — " I would therefore in wholly relinquishing the tax, make over to the Rajah of Khoordah as Superintendent, and to the Priests, the entire management of the ceremonies and affairs of the Temple, on the understanding of the established pecuniary donation. I would retain the suttais hazaree mehal (or Temple lands) in the management of our revenue officers, &c." Lord Auckland conceived, from some erroneous statements made to him, that " we conciliated submission by binding ourselves to the accustomed maintenance of the temples of the country." Lord Wellesley thought otherwise, and during his administration, no sup- port was given to Juggernaut's Temple, or any Tax levied. The friends of the Orissa Mission felt this " established Government Donation'' to be a great abomination ; and on June 21st, 1843, Memorials were presented to the Right Hon. the Earl of Ripon, President of the India Board, and also to the Court of Directors and Proprietors.* At a Quarterly Court, held Dec. 18, 1844, the Chairman stated, " The necessarj' documents have been forwarded to India, to com- jilete the severance of the Govt, of India from the idolatrous worship of the Natives in the temple of Juggernaut." The last Despatch is dated Dec. 18, 1844,-j- which is of a satisfactory character. Mr. Lacey wrote under date October IGth, 1844—" The endowment * See this Memorial G. B. Repository 1843, pp. 256. t G. B. Repository 1S15, pp. 318. — '^'OC^li 399 lands linve been given up." This docs not appear to be yet complete — Alas ! In a letter dated May 18 10, he speaks of a sum of money being given by the Britisli Government, apparently, for the relief of the poor, miserable pilgrims. He says — " The sum of 30,000 rupees is conveyed by the officers of the Rajah, from the Collector's office, before the multitude — -a most convincing proof that the Idol is the object of British support and patronage. Orders have, it appears, come out for the suspension of the donation, and it is acknowledged, that there exits no obligation or pledge. The seat of power is at home. The lever must be applied and worked there, and then the unsightly monstrous incubus -will be rolled away." If this grant is for the relief of the pilgrims, it is highly exceptionable. Multitudes will be induced to take the pilgrimage for the sake of obtaining a trifle. Surely "the orders for the sus- pension of the donation" will be speedily obeyed ; that Britain may be free from connexion with the pollutiona of this ' high place' of idolatry. Tlie Chnruek Poojah, the Ex-posure of the sick on the hanhs of the Ganges, Burning the dead, Sf-c., are all revolting customs which the mild influence of Christianity will remove. The former was prohibited in Calcutta in 1833, a happy commencement of its general suppression in Bengal and Orissa. One of the Hindoo Papers in Calcutta, called upon the Authorities to put down these disgusting exhibitions. The Editor says — " We earnestly implore our Rulers to rescue a deluded people from the thraldom of inhuman superstition. Let Pundits and other res})ectahle independent Na- tives be consulted on the subject, and if Government find that the cruelties practised at this Poojah are not enjoined by the Shasters, let bye-laws be immediately made and promulgated among the peo- ple by beat of torn tom." The Exposure of the Sick, it is apprehended has not awakened that deep attention which its real character demands. Ram ^lohun Roy, in conversation with the writer in London, emphatically said of it — *' It is murder! murder T^ The Rev, J. Lacroix, in his speech at Exeter Hall, May 1812, fiolemnly declared, "The prac- tice of exposing the sick on the banks of the Ganges is still mur- dering its thousands, and increasing the agonies of death in its tens of thousands." The Rev. W. Carey of Cutwa, in Bengal, in Nov. c 3 400 1845, writes — " I liope the time is not faroiT, when Ghaut Murders will be abolished, and not only the bringing the dying to the river, but also their bringing the dead. Thousands are destroyed by being brought to the river before they are dead: but bringing the dead and burning them, or casting them into the stream, is a cloak by which thousands of murders have been concealed. Not only so, but at times the water is made so impure, I have no doubt thou- sands of people die by drinking it. A little river clay or water taken to dying people would serce the same purpose ; therefore, to put a stop to all these practices would be no hardship to the Natives. O what a blessing would attend it !'' The abolition of this murderous custom is loudly demanded of the benevolent Rulers of India. Ram Mohun Roy stated in a letter, " From a reference to the decision on the Appeal to the King in Council, made by certain Hindoo inhabitants of Calcutta, against the abolition of the practice of burning Hindoo Avidows alive, it is evident, that the local Government of India is invested with the power of aholishinc) any cruel practice without standing in need of parlia- mentary authority." May this power be speedily exerted on behalf of those who are daily ' drawn unto death and ready to be slain' by this liorrid superstition. Tlie Crematian or burning the dead, or casting them into the river, it is conceived will disappear before the humane influence of the gospel. " The practice of burning the dead (says Mr. Ward) tends very much to blunt the feelings of the living, and the method of doing it is a striking contrast to the respect and tender feelings cherished in burying the dead among Christians. In the Hindoo funerals, no children or relations are seen weeping over the pile ; the only persons present are two or three men, with bamboos in their hands, to keep the limbs and bones on the fire, and to fa- cilitate their destruction. Even the ashes are washed away, or thrown into the Ganges, jiot leaving a vestige that can remind the living of tJieir deceased friends.'' Intelligence from India states, " The King of Bokhara has prohibited his Hindoo subjects from burning their dead. The order has b^en quietly submitted to." — When will the barbarous rite of cremation cease to brutalize the Hindoo people ? 'j'he review which has passed under the reader's notice, may be considered as affecting the exterior of Christianity ; but the interior is scarcely less encouraging. Let us obey the command to the church in the wilderness — " Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness." 401 '* When a comparison has been drawn (says Dr. Cox,) between the operations of the mission in the East and West Indies, it has been frequently to the disadvantage of the former ; so that the public mind, attracted by the splendid successes of the missionary and anti-slavery operations in Jamaica, seemed, for a long period, to be cooling in interest and sympatliy with regard to the East. This was the more to be lamented, not only on account of that country being the primary seat of the mission abroad, and having for a long succession of years attracted universal attention by the unparalleled exertions of Carey and others, but also because the amount of good accomplished, though dilferent in kind, was perhaps equal in degree to that of any part of the great undertaking. The results of labour were more immediate, more rapid, and, if it may be so expressed, more personal in the West Indies than in the East, as made known in converted thousands and tens of thousands, and in the far re- sounding victories over slavery ; while in India, the work was, and still is, in a measure preparatory and prospective, as traceable, in the cidlivalion of native talent, the extermination of native and eu- ropean prejudice against the gospel, the improvement of the young, the diminution of the power of idol gods and their advocates over the l>opular mind, and above all, in the circulation of translated ^^ortions of the sacred Scriptures among the teeming myriads of Asia, in their vernacular languages." See Cox's History, vol. ii. p. 273, and vol. i. p. 96-102. The review of a quarter of a century of christian exertion in Orissa is very encouraging. We have seen the chains of caste broken in numerous instances. The victory over language is scarcely less marked, as is demonstrated by the revision of the Scriptures, in the preparation of Tracts, the publication of valuable Dictionaries, and all the various labours of the local press, not to omit the ability of the Missionaries to preach the gospel with great power and eitecl. It is stated that a respectable Native at Cuttaek, was observed at a little distance from the bazaar, listening to Mr. Lacey, and on being spoken to, he expressed his admiration at the fluency which he had acquired in the Oreah language. The work of conversion has btcn of the most decided and satisfactory character, as must have been evident from the history of the converts already perused. The number of Native Preachers is an encouraging proof of the influence of the gospel. Ten have been ordained to the work of the evangelist, and as many more as preachers or students are helpers in Christ. Mr. Ward's desire and prayer in 1799 have been fulfilled. The "new caste has arisen, and Brahmuns preach the gospel." The 402 reflex influence of the mission at home has been most valuable. "Charity is twice blessed ;" and this has been verified in the mis- sionary enterprize. A new state and order of things has arisen ; the scale of contributions in every good work has been increased, and we have seen that "There is that scattereth and yet increaseth." The value of the mission to the British churches is beyond calcula- tion. The travels, labours, numerous works from the press, &c., &c., of its agents, missionaries, and active supporters, demonstrate the wisdom of the Great Head of the church, in his new axiom of christian morals — " It is more blessed to give than to receive." It has been remarked, " Man is built up on circumstances." And what circumstances so favorable as the promotion and advocacy of the Bible, Missionary, Sunday School, and Tract Societies ? The General Baptist Churches have more than doubled their number and members since the commencement of their missionary opera- tions. The Lord still " delight over his people to do tiiem good," to " bless and to make a blessing." The decay of Idolatry and Mahomedanism gives promise, as the scripture expressoth it, that, " that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." The efl:brts of tlie christian church to dispel the darkness of the east are still weak and few, compared with the wants of the population. As some one expresses it — " The idea that for thousands upon thousands of years idolatry has enslaved the inhabitants of that country is dreadfully overwhelming, but faith in our immutable Saviour affords the cheering hope, that small as is the little band there engaged, and weak as are our efforts, yet, they form the advanced guard of the army of the Prince of Peace ; which shall one day conquer every opposition, and captivate every soul, and triumphantly exclaim, ' Thanks be to God v/ho al- ways causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us, in every place !' " The following fact speaks volumes on the influence of education and the diffusion of christian light. It is extracted from a Hindoo newspaper called Pruhhakar. "A few days ago, an inhabitant of Calcutta took his son with him to Kaleeghaut, to obtain a durshun of the divine Kalee. Plaving gone to a shop, and, after bathing, prepared his offering for worship, he approached the goddess, and, with all present, prostrated himself before her. But his sweet son olFered no worship. This fool of a child, only saluted her who is worthy of the humble adoration of Brumha and all the gods, with — "Good morning, Madam!!" On hearing this, many put their hands to their ears and fled, and as his father was about to chastise 403 him, a worthy person prevented him, saying, ' Be cahn, it is not proper to exliibit passion in this pL'icc' Tiie father, witli gricl', ex- chiinied, ' What crime had I committed, that I should have placed you in the Hindoo College, that, for your sake, my caste, honour, and every thing else should be lost ? Alas ! for this wicked son ! I am a separated man, and cannot go to the Dhurma Subha.' Many lieaiing this lamentation, asked him, ' Sir, we have heard tliat the Hindoo College is under the direction of many respectable liengaleo inhabitants of Calcutta ; how then is there such misconduct among the students V He replied, ' Sirs, do not inquire into the merits of the great Bengalees ; you can see how by donations of their money they are destroying the future welfare of all. How then can I speak of the merits of our Bengalee Baboos ?' — A Servant of Kamee." The diffusion of Christian knowledge is attended with the most important results. It is an acknov/ledged maxim — Jh hustc dcccri, fas est, — from an enemy to learn is right. Hear the following com- plaint of a Hindoo, addressed to the Dhurma Subha, which appeared in a Bengalee Newspaper in Calcutta, in 1812. " O most holy men, do not bnast nny longer of being Hindoos ! You think your children will remain faithful to tlie religion of tlieir fathers, and join your religious bodies to defend Jlindooism. Give up such hopes. The niissiontiry gentlemen, who have left their own country and come to India, are now, whole bauds of theiu, perambulating every lane and corner, in order to destroy the Hindoo religion; and foolish boys, like greedy fishes, being deceived by the hojje of gain, are caught by the hook of their sorcery. In consequence of the exertions of Mr. Uuff, many boys have given up their fauiily, caste and religion ; entered the family of Jesus ; have been initiated into the mysteries of the Bible ; and have destro)^ed their own nobility by thiur instruction. The leopard of the Hedo forest swallows up, one Jifter the other, those children who in mulcrstanding, are not above beasts. Last week a child again lifted his wings, and flew to the tree of the love of Jesus Christ. What will happen hereafter nobody can tell. Like the sacrifical block at Kaligh;it, the blocks of the missionaries are day and night ready, and whenever they find an opportunity, they bring their oblation and kill their victiui. We are more afraid of the padrees than of cholera, fevers, or snake -bites ; for these may be healed by cliarms and by medicines : but for the dis- ease which tiie padrees inflict, neither charm nor medicine avails any- thing. This time Mr. Duff has returned from England with great design : he is very learned, and has a particular ability for instruction : it is therefore not to be wondered, when, by his instruction, senseless children are deluded, and plung into the ocean of Christ Jesus' religion. We cannot find great fault with the i)adrees, for it is the glory of their own religion that they have crossed seven oceans and t'lirteen rivers, [a saying among the Hindoos] come into tliis country and are now s})en- diiig immense sums in order to convert the Hindoos. Our religion, having no means of defending itself, is dying, and is going to its hon>e, that is to say, to the house of Yam [the infernal regions]; and the holy men of Dhurma Subha will not even once apply the medicine of their eudeav- 404 ours for the restoration of their dying religion. Why do you quarrel with each other? If all the children join the white-faced Ilishees [Sages] you will soon have nothing left to quarrel ahout?" Grent are the facilities possessed hy Britain for the diffusion of divine Ji(jht. " jNIany are the ties (says the Rev. J. G. Pike) which bind England to a British heart ; many the excellencies which make her appear "the pearl of the ocean — the gem of the earth." To the Christian, however, the dearest attraction of his native land springs from the fact, that Britain appears appointed to lead the van, in preparing the way for the final and universal triumph of the Prince of Peace. Was the Gospel to be diffused through the count- less Islands of the vast Pacific ? England by her Colonies in Aus- tralasia prepared the way. — Did one hundred millions of Hindoos need that inestimable treasure ? England has Ilindostan committed almost miraculously to her care, — Did Birma reject the messages of gospel mercy? much of Birma is given to England ; and a wide and effectual door is opened for introducing the rejected religion of the Cross. — Do nations, whose coasts extend through a space of many thousand miles, dwell around the Mediterranean, enveloped in su- perstition's darkest night — has the light of truth being extinguished in their dwellings, and death and darkness overspread their once favoured abodes ? England has Malta given to her, whence that light has again begun to shine, which at length shall shine on every child of man. Feeble and inadequate indeed are all the exertions as yet employed to diffuse that light; yet in them British Christians have the happiness of taking the lead." How coinmanding the position which Great Britain occupies among the host of nations. A French writer thus eulogizes it, " The British Empire may be considered as the greatest that ever existed; surpassing all others also in knowledge, moral character, and merit. The sun never sets on its dominions ! Before his rays withdraw from the steeples of Quebec, his morning rays have en- lightened the districts of Port Jackson ; and while he is setting to the countries round Lake Superior, he is rising to those about the banks of the Ganges." How great the true glory of our country as described in the following glowing period. "If an Asiatic or a Roman of the conquering ages of Asia and Rome, could start from his grave, with what astonishment would he see an Island, once almost too trivial for his ambition, and too distant for his know- ledge, — lording it over a dominion wider than all ancient empire, touching with her sceptre the eastern and western extremities of the earth, impressing her will on the councils of every kingdom, filling 405 every corner of the earth witli her arts, her henevolence, and her h-arning ; gathering into her hosom the opulent products of every region ; pushing her brilliant adventures to every spot where man can master the wild powers of nature ; controling an empire in tha heart of Asia : not less proudly conquering another empire from tlie swamps, and forests, and savage solitude of the western world ; founding another empire in the new-born continent of the south ; and ill all, leaving vestiges of herself that no time will ever wear away ; erecting altars that shall last when sword and sceptre are dust; founding institutes, not of harsh and sanguinary power, but like the pillars in the journeyings of Israel, bearing sacred evidences that their God had been their guide, and renewed his covenant with his people ; i:)lanting her noble language, the old wisdom of her laws, the matchless security of her freedom, the incalculable know- ledge of her religion! — England, the mighty mother of empires; the great dispenser of good ; the intellectual sovereign of the globe !" The extent of the British dominions has been thus graphically described on the occasion of the birth of the heir apparent to the crown "Salutes in honour of his birth will be fired — in America — ■ on the shores of Hudson Bay, along the whole line of the Canadian Lakes, in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, in the Ber- mudas^ at a hundred points in the West Indies, in the forests of Guiana, and in the distant Falkland Islands, near Cape Horn ; in Europe — in the British Islands, from the Rock of Gibraltar, from the impregnable fortifications of Malta, and in the Ionian Islands ; in Africa — on the Guinea Coast, at St. Helena and Ascension ; from the Cape to the Orange River, and at the Mauritius ; in Asia — from the fortress of Aden in Arabia, at Karrack in the Persian Gulf, by the British army in Affghanistan, along the Himalaya Mountains, the Banks of the Indus and the Ganges, to the soulliern point of India, in the Island of Ceylon, beyond the Ganges in Assam and Arracan, at Prince of Wales' Island and Singapore, and on the shores of China, at Hong Kong and Chusan ; and in Aus- tralia, at the Settlements formed on every side of the Australian Continent and Islands, and in the Strait which separates the Islands of the New Zealanders ! No Prince has ever been born "either in this or any other country — in ancient or modern times — whose birih would be hailed with rejoicing, at so many different and distant points in every quarter of the world." O may our country seriously consider her high destiny, and the church of Christ in every part of our empire sedulously labour to fulfil her " high and holy calling." 406 An excellent writer has well said — " In the government of the Great Disposer of events, nothing is done without a reason, and that " the wisest reason." Tlie reduction of so vast a portion of the earth under the Roman sceptre, was among the providential means of exteiuling Christianity. What design inferior to this can he the ultimate cause of Hliis miyltty donative of supremacy' to an Island in the German Ocean — the very end of the ancient world ? Never was there a more significant emblem than has been grafted upon the royal escutcheon of England, by the accession of the house of Brunswick- — the white horse of triumph ! But who is its view- less rider ? One whom heraldry knows not ; whose form the po- litical eye discerns not ; but who not the less sways and directs, the apparently self-guided movements of the unconscious agents of His purposes. Whatever be the fate of England, she is planting in the desert, and stretching over both hemispheres, ' a kingdom that cannot be moved.' " Let us cherish anticipations of the final triumph of Christianity in the East. The writer knows not better how to exjDress this sen- timent than in the glowing language of the late Rev. W. Ward, of Serampore — '• It must have been to accomplish some very important moral change in the eastern world, that so vast an empire as is comprised in British India, containing nearly one hundred millions of people, should have been placed under the dominion of one of the smallest portions of the civilized world, and that at the other extremity of the globe. This opinion, which is entertained by every enlightened philanthropist, is greatly strengthened, when we consider the long-degraded state of India, and of the immense and immensely populous regions around it ; the moral enterprise of the age in which these countries have been given to us; and that Great Britain is the only country upon earth, from which the in- tellectual and moral improvement of India could have been ex- jiected. All these combined circumstances surely carry us to the persuasion, that Divine Providence has, at this period of the world, some great good to confer on the East ; and that, after so many long and dark ages, each succeeding one becoming darker than the past, the day-spring from on high is destined again to visit these regions, containing the birth-place of humanity, filled with all that is mag- nificent and immense iu creation, made sacred by the presence of patriarchs, prophets, and the Messiah Himself, as well as the theatre of the most remarkable revolutions that have ever been exhibited on earth. 407 "At (lifTcrcnt periods it seemed doubtful whether Portugal, or Holland, or France, should obtain the ascendancy in the East. But on tlicui it was not conferred. A day of trial was given to these powers, but they were found unworthy of the great trust, and incapable of accomplishing the good intended for India ; they were therefore rejected. For a considerable period the power of Britain in India appeared very precarious ; and, amidst such an uncertainty, but little opportunity for improvement was afibrded. Latterly, however, our power ha^ been so consolidated, in the de- cided preference of our sway in the minds of the governed, and in the complete dependence of every remaining power in India, that the improvement of the intellectnal condition of the natives, as tlu; means of uniting them to us from prir>ciple, has become the sound- est policy, and a point of such paramount necessity and importance, that almost every one, at all conversant with the state of our Indian empire, is become a convert to this opinion. " When it is considered that the intellectual condition of our Indian population is far lower than that of our ancestors at the period of the conquest ; that there is not a single school or book in India by which the mind can be enlightened ; that all the countries around Hindostan are enveloped in the same darkness ; that the great mass of society in every country have emerged out of dark- ness by a progress so slow, as to be almost imperceptible ; and that the population, to be raised into active and thinking beings in India, amounts to nearly one hundred millions, — all idea of the danger to the parent state, from attempting to improve the mental condition of society there, must be very extravagant. Many cen- turies must pass away, before India shall be in the condition of our American subjects at the commencement of their revolution ; and after all these centuries shall have rolled over our country, if her power, and splendour, and foreign possessions, shall be retained so long, and she should, five or six hundred years hence, lose India, she will derive greater glory from having elevated into a mental and moral existence all these millions, than she would derive from adding all China and Tartary to her eastern possession : and India, thus enlightened and civilized, would, even in an inde- pendent state, contribute more to the real prosperity of Britain as a commercial people, by consuming her manufactures to a vast ex- tent, than she does at present, or ever will do, remaining un- civilized. D 3 408 "JBut let Hindostan receive tliat higher civilization she needs, that cultivation of which sh.e is so capable, l?t European literature be transfused into all her languages, and the ocean, from the ports of Britain to India, will be covered with our merchant vessels ; and^ from the centre of India moral culture and science will be extended all over Asia, — to the Barman empire and Slam, to China, ■u'ith all her millions, to Persia, and e^'en to Arabia ;> and the whole Eastern hemisphere will be gilded wdth the rays of that Luminary, whose beams alone are the source of all the life and moral beauty found in our world. And when we consider that so many millions of the pojxBiation of India are our fellow-subjects, Avhat a stimulus to seek their good ! What a^i imperative, what a paramount duty ! Is it not manifest, that in the mental and moral improvement of this vast empire, Great Britain has a work of benevolence before her which in national glory, will eclipse all her other achievements,, as much as the meridian sun exceeds in splendour the morning star. Knour then, the eounlry of the Howards and the Wilberforces, thy high destiny f— Never ivere such miseries to be removed — never teas svch a mighty good 'put within the potver of one nation — the raising a populaiio'n of a hundred millions to a rational and happy existence, and through them, the illumination and civilization of all Asia^"* O Britain ! " Pursue thy glorious course. Be this thy art, Not to corrupt, but meliorate the heart ; Where'er mankind in Gentile darkness lie, Instruction's blessed radiance to supply ; O'er the oppress'd, soft mercy's dews to shed, And crush with ruin the oppressor's head. O haste your tardy coming days of gold ; Long by prophetic minstrelsy foretold ! Where yon bright purple sti;eaks the orient skies. Rise Science, Feeedom, Peace, Religion, rise! "fill, from Tanjore to farthest Samarcand, In one wide lustre bask the glowing land : And, (Brahma from his guilty greatness hurl'd. With Mecca's lord,) Messiah rule the world !" *' Then, wliile transported Asia kneels around, With ancient arts, and long lost glories crown 'd : Some liappier bard, on Cianges' margin laid. Where })layful Ijamboos weave their fretted shade. Shall to tlie strings a loftier tone impart, And pour in rapturous verse his flowing heart. Stamp'd in immortal light on future days, 'i'hrough all tlie strain his country's joys shall blaze ; The Sancrit song be warm'd with heav'nly fires, And themes divine awake fi'om Indian lyvesT't • Wrangham and Grant on the restoration of Learning in the East, T805, i Ward's View of the Hindoos, vol. iii. preface, pp. 17, 18, 51 — 54, 409 "What more can the writer add in his coiichiding appeal, to " provoke to emulation" his hrethren and sisters, to come up "to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty?" Mr. Sutton, in his " Narrative," thus pathetically pleads for his beloved Oreahs. "" And now beloved reader if thou hast been taught to feel the value of those privileges "which a Christian land affords, pause I beseech you. Yes, look at dark, awfully dark, benighted Orissa ! Gaze on its awful desolatiou ami srn. Behold its impure temples, its bloody sacrifices, its shasters, unaittcrably obscene — the roads crowded with pilgrims hastening to the detested •temple — the young untaught whatever most concerns immortal men — the aged uncheered — the afflicted without a comforter — the dying without a Saviour. On these hapless millions no Sabbath shines, an emblem of the Sabbath in the heavens — no Saviour's cheering voice diffuses gladness through their souls — no heaven opens its immortal portals to bid them enter in. Their religion is infernal — their hearts the scat of sin — tbelr land the dwelling place of sorrow, and lamentation, and woe. And sucli it has been for ages. Time has thus rolled on through successive centuries, while millions, numberless as the dew-drops of the morning, have risen into life, spent its little day, and sunk into death ; but all has been gloom and darkness, without one beam of heavenly light. Unhappy land ! Can we be Christians and not lament its sorrows ! Shall these sorrows always continue ? Ah no ! Ten years ago our brethren began to proclaim the message of heavenly love to Orissa. A spark of light then entered those re- gions of darkness, that spark has since strengthened toalittle flame, that flame will doubtless strengthen, and diffuse its light from vil- lage to village, from town to town, from hill to hill, till all Orissa sees its splendour, and the night of more than two thousand years vanishes before its brightness. We are encouraged thus to speak and hope because similar has been tli« gradual increase of the gospel kingdom in every age. The blessed Redeemer declared, that it is to be compared to a grain of mustard seed, which being cast into the ground grows up into a tree, beneath whose branches the fowls of heaven find food and shelter. Or it may be compared to leaven which being cast into meal, ceases not to operate until the whole mass is leavened. " When the first missionaries of the gospel landed in the British Isles, they doubtless seemed a small and feeble band, yet few and feeble as they were, at leugth they triumphed over the superstition of ages, and the powers of darkness ; and became the harbingers o| 410 eternal blessings to immortal myriads. The flame they kindled still continues to burn ; and its splendour has cheered many while paus- ing through the dark night of time to the bright day of eternity. The stream from the fountain they unsealed, has swelled into a river, and conveys the waters of life to multitudes that else would thirst and die. The first unnoticed British church has spread its branches over all the land : the little one has become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation !"* The Indian Report of the Society, probably from the same pen, thus closes, — " In presenting this report and appeal to the Christian public in India the Orissa Missionaries feel strong consolation that they are not inviting attention to a new and doubtful enter- prize. Imperfect ind^'ed as is the sketch which is here presented, there is enough to show that their progress from the commencement has been onward, and their labours if perserved in, certain of been crowned with yet greater success. They have no misgivings as to the result of their humble efforts. They are disposed to view their actual success in making converts as bearing no greater pro- portion to the real progress made in the subversion of idolatry in Orissa, than does the light froth borne on the ocean's wave to the unfathomable depths that roll beneath. And they would extend these remarks to Missionary operations generally. "Father! thy word is passed, man shall find grace." India, with all her tribes, shall yet be blest in Christ, and oh ! fellow christians, who read this appeal, may it be your happiness first to secure an interest in the Saviour of men yourselves, and then when your are removed to dwell with him whom your soul loveth, may you welcome to . glory, through all the generations of time, successive multitudes who shall gratefully exclaim 'for our eternal salvation we are in- debted to Christ, but for the means which brought us to him, we are, under God, indebted to you.' Amen." How powerful is the appeal to Students and young Ministers, to devote themselves to the work of the Mission. Let the glowing language of the poet "stir up the pure mind." Where the majestic Ganges swiftly pours Her mighty streams along the eastern sliores, My hovering fancy dwells, and bears me hence To India's burning climes, and plains immense ; Where darkness reigns I fain would spend my breath, And toil to weave a never-fading wreath To crown my Saviour's brow ! O blissful thought ! To win to Christ a soul with darkness fraught! * Sutton's Narrative, pp. 119-20. 411 Ye champions of the mighty God, arise, And wave 3 onr floatin;^ bamiers to the skies ; With shouts ])rociaini a dyiny; Saviour's love, And, conquering and to conquer, onward move. Sliall not the chmg of vile idolatry Awake your souls to set the i)risoners free, And loose the dreadful chains that bind them fast To superstitious rites and hellish cast? Ye ministers of Christ, behold with grief, The dying heathen panting for relief! 'Tis j'ours to break Oppression's cruel rod; 'Tis yours to point them to the Lamb of God : Wliy then so slothful ! — Why this long delay ? The work is God's — Immanuel leads the way!* The Rev, C. Lacoy, in a recent communication, refers to the state of the people, which vi'as presented to him on his journey, and observes, " In passing through their native wilderness, I could not resist the following thoughts, — O may these shades which own the tigers' sway, And scarce admit at noon the light of day , Where, if man treads, he treads with trembling steps, And roimd the scene a watchful vigil keeps ; O, 'mid those shades may Christian dwellings rise, And Christian temples enuilate the skies. From hill to hill may Christian anthems swell. Roll down tlie rocks, and fill the lengthening vale, 'Till joy to frightful solitude succeed, And nature's cheerful voice proclaim a gracious God. In operating upon a mass of people like the Hindoos, a great deal of time and labour must be evpended ere much can appear of pleasing and satisfactory results. The improvement is real, but apparently slow, and promises glorious results for the future rather than for the present time. We may, and do expect, occasional conversions ; but the harvest will be gathered by our successors. The light of truth resembles the rising sun, which does not diffuse its beams on particular spots, but spreads everywhere, and at once enlightens the whole hemisphere, till darkness is banished. Of this gradual progress w^e enjoy many evidences. Tiventy-two years ago it was not known that there was a God, by the Orcahs ; now, this truth is everywhere acknowledged ; — the naiue of Christ, as a Saviour, was not known, and could not be pronounced, — now, many, in every village throughout the land, know that He is the Saviour, and can pronounce his name, though with stammering tongues. It was not conceived that there existed an antagonist * See G. B. Repository, IStl, p. 159. 412 system of religion, to llindooism : 7iow, the brahmins, tbe conser- vators of idolatry, feel that they are assailed, that their system has commenced to wane ; and are called upon to step forward in de- fence of the faith which has made them, and supports them in their dignities and emoluments. No voice exhibited and explained the doctrines of Christianity- — now tens of thousands have heard them, from our lips, and retain a portion of the precious truth they have listened to. No doubt ever disturbed ,the mind of any among the mass of the population, that " Perhaps Hindooism is not true" — noio, doubts are everywhere discovered to exist ; they set in from the sphere of our labours and ministry, and, like a wave of the sea, are spreading wider and wider : — not a book existed, but books of false religion and siu — now, every village in the country possesses many, and some of these are being daily read. The increasing light and influence of Christianity has already destroyed some of the monstrous institutions engendered by a dark, an infernal, and destructive system of idolatry^ The flames of the suttee have been quenched ; human sacrifices liave been abolished ;* brahmins are rendered amenable to the lawof criminal jurisprudence ; — punishment for embracing Christianity is done av^^ay with, and tax by govern- ment on shrines of idolatry abolished. From east to west of the land, — now, we have eight Churches and Iranch Churches, containing several hundreds of converted natives ; and our schools are rearing numbers of young persons of both sexes, who are forming families, and these families Christian locations among tlie people. The work has commenced, and has consider- ably advanced ; and these testimonies are many of them among the means of facilitating its progress ; so that every year the general improvement will be more and more strongly developed, till converts (for conversion is a degree of its progress) will, in large numbers, be brought into the fold of Jesus Christ. To promote the moral, intf.'llcctual, and spiritual regeneration of these degraded and miserable people, our ellbrts must be increased and continous. Our labours and sacrifices have already been crowned and rewarded, and converts from time to time will still come forth to encourage •our efforts ; but, in a while, thousands and tens of thousands will bless us for thinking of them, and labouring for them : and when the brief scenes of time shall close, we shall reap eternal and peculiar satisfaction for having brought the Gospel here. How glad should I be could I encourage the exertions of our friends at * Tlicy still exist in the tributary states. 413 home by a relation of instances of conversion among tlie fieatlico, but I can only encourap;e them by the consi.ierations with which I am myself encouraged. 1 enjoy the immecUate approb.-ition of God in spending my life and labours here ; and so may they in sending us forth, and keeping us here ; — we are, elFectually though apparently slowly, demolishing a system of idolatry which has flourished for unknown ages, and has defied all other attempts ; — ■ the mighty superstructure is being uiulermined, and is cracki ig- and splitting, preparitory to its fall, its fall to rise no more. These eitbrts they have largely contributed to prodnce \ and, as the crisis comes on they do not think of slackening their efforts, much less of suspending them ! How act the brave phalanx which assaily tha citadel of the foe ? Every intimation of approaching success, serves but to stimulate their zeal and increase their ellbrts, and though many brave men may fall in the breach, they press on till the standards are planted on the conquered battlements, and shouts of joy proclaim the conquest effected. So we may fall, and our friends at home may fall ; yet, seeing the intimations of ;ipproach- ing conquest, we must press onward in our labours till the enemv is subdued, and Christ shall reign in Orissa. Foremost in the band wc write to tell our fellow-la;borers, our help- fellows in the rear, that many and indubitable signs exist that the enemy is yielding, and the conquest is proceeding. Let them con- tinue, and if possible, increase their efforts ; and in due time, all these fair realms, at present blasted and cursed by Idolatry, will yield to our Lord, the Prince of peace; and his banner will wave throughout the land. I am often delighted with the grateful sense our native Christians feel and express for the Gospel and all its blessings, sent to them by, as they designate them, their brothers and sisters in England. We should like to see them muchimproved beyond what they are ; but this improvement will occur as thev recover from the pliysical, moral, and intellectual wt-akncss, in- duced by idolatry. j\Icantime, they see and feel the value of the precious Gospel, and rejoice in its communications, and various privileges; and are especially thankful th-jt our friends at h>>me ever sent forth the tidings of revealed mercy to them. O how iin- portant it appears to me, that this precious plant has been i)laced in this soil ! Ila^jpy are those who sent the seed, and happy ar WOMUELI,, EATH-SIREET. 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