t:TN L SURVEY OF GEORGIA :ALLIE. STATE GEOLOGIST HAND-BOOK MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA s. w. MCCALLIE STATE GEOLOGIST ATLANTA; GA. 1918 EXCHANGE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA S. W. McCALLIE, STATE GEOLOGIST HAND-BOOK MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA REVISED EDITION S. W. MCCALLIE STATE GEOLOGIST ATLANTA. GA. 1918 FOOTE & DAVIES CO., ATLANTA EXCHANGE THE ADVISORY BOARD OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGIA IN THE YEAR 1918 (EX-OFFICIO) His Excellency HUGH M. DORSEY, Governor oi Georgia PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD HON. PHILIP COOK Secretary oi State HON. W. J. SPEER ---..- - State Treasurer HON. W. A. WRIGHT - - - - Comptroller-General HON. CLIFFORD WALKER - - Attorney-General HON. J. J. BROWN - - Commissioner of Agriculture HON. M. L. BRITTAIN Commissioner oi Public Schools 393285 MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA The mineral resources of Georgia are both varied and extensive. The State is producing at present 34 different kinds of minerals in commercial quantities. This great diversity of mineral resources is accounted for in a large measure by the great diversity in the geological for- mations. Following the description of each indi- vidual mineral here given will be found references to publications issued by the State Geological Survey, in which the minerals are more fully discussed. Any of these publications can be obtained from the State Geologist upon payment of postage. ASBESTOS Asbestos is a fibrous mineral often re- sembling petrified wood. The asbestos deposits of Georgia are confined chiefly to the Piedmont Plateau, where they are found associated with dark colored, igne- ous rocks. There are two varieties of as- bestos, the chrysotile and the amphibole, 8 Gi -O,,P<, ii AT. SURVEY Or GEORGIA. The latter variety is extensively mined in Habersham and White counties, near Nacoochee, this State. The White County mines here referred to have been the chief producers of asbestos in this coun- try for several years. The finer varieties of asbestos are spun and woven into fire- proof cloth. It is a non-conductor of heat and electricity, and therefore is used for electrical insulation, steam pipe, boiler coverings, etc. It is also used in the manufacture of fire-proof paint, various building materials, such as lumber, shin- gles and plaster. References on Asbestos: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Go,. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Hopkins, Oliver B., Asbestos, Talc, and Soap- stone Deposits of Georgia. Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 29, 1914, 319 pp. BARYTES This mineral, often called heavy spar, from its high specific gravity, is a com- mon gangue mineral of lead, zinc, copper, etc. It likewise occurs as distinct veins and as irregular ore bodies in limestones, sandstones, and in residual clays. The Georgia barytes deposits, which have so far been worked in a commercial way, are located near Emerson, Bartow County, and at Eton. Murray County. The mineral is largely used as a substitute for white lead. It is used also in the MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 9 manufacture of paper, rubber, oilcloths, paper collars, and barium salts, as well as for refining sugar, glazing pottery, and for enameling iron. Georgia last year produced about two- thirds of the barytes mined in the United States, all of which came from the Car- tersville district. References on Barytes: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. GeoL Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Hull. J. P. D.. Barytes Deposits of Georgia: Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 36, in preparation. BARYTES MINING. BARTOW COUNTY. BAUXITE The first bauxite found in America was discovered near Hermitage, Floyd Coun- 10 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. ty, in 1887. Later, deposits were found in Polk, Bartow, Gordon, Chattooga and Walker counties, and between 1907 and 1915 deposits were found in the vicinity of Mclntyre, Wilkinson County, near An- dersonville, Sumter County, and also near Warm Springs, Meriwether County. The bauxites of northwest Georgia are asso- ciated with Cambrian rocks, while those of central Georgia occur associated with the white Cretaceous kaolins. Since 1888 a high percentage of the bauxite mined in BAUXITE MINE, SUMTER COUNTY. this country has been obtained from Ar- kansas, Georgia and Alabama. Bauxite is a hydroxide of alumina. The ore occurs both in the form of large pockets and as beds, and is mined in the MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 11 same manner as clay. The Georgia bauxites are used largely in the manu- facture of alum and the metal aluminum. Bauxite is also employed in making fire- brick and alundum, an artificial abrasive. References on Bauxite: Watson, Thos. L., Bauxite D'eposits of Geor- gia : 'Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 11, 1904, 169 pp. Veatch, Otto, Clay Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 18, 1909, Appen- dix D. Shearer, H. K., Bauxite and Fullers Earth Deposits ot the Coastal Plain of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 31, 1917, 340 pp. CEMENTS Both natural and Portland cements are made in Georgia. Natural cement plants are located at Cement, Bartow County and at Rossville, Walker County, while extensive Portland cement plants are op- erated at Rockmart, Polk County. The raw materials for the manufacture of Portland cement, consisting of lime- stones and shales, are abundant and pretty generally distributed throughout northwest Georgia. Both Portland and natural cements are largely used for structural purposes, and as these uses are so rapidly increasing it might be said that we are now entering the ce- ment age of structural material. 12 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. References on Cements: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Maynard, T. Poole. Limestones and Cement Materials of North Georgia: Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 27, 1912, 296 pp. Brantly, J. E., Limestone and Marls of the Coastal Plain of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Sur- vey No. 21, 1916, 300 pp. PORTLAND CEMENT PLANT, POLK COUNTY. CHLORITE Chlorite is a magnesian aluminum sili- cate composed of greenish or grey mica- like scales. It has a soapy feel and for this reason it is often mistaken for talc or soapstone. This material occurs in commercial quantities five miles west of Canton, Cherokee County. In the last two or MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 13 three years this chlorite deposit has been extensively mined and hauled to Canton, where it is ground and prepared for markets. It is said to be used for foun- dry facings, coating tarred roof paper, in the manufacture of electrical insula- tors, for lubricating purposes, etc. Reference on Chlorite: Hopkins, p. B., Asbestos, Talc and Soap- stone Deposits of Georgia : null. Oa. Geol. Survey A'o. _M), 11)14, 319 pp. CHROMITE Only two counties in Georgia, namely, Towns and Troup, as far as known at present, have chromite in apparently commercial quantity. The deposit in Towns County is located two miles due west of Hiawassee, on lot 92; while the deposit in Troup County is near Louise. From the latter locality a limited amount of ore has recently been shipped. The ore in both localities is associated with ferro-magnesian rock and is generally found in the form of boulders in residual clays. Chromite is used in the manufacture of hard chrome steel and chrome brick, which stand intense heat. It is also used in calico printing and electric batteries as well as a source of various chromium compounds such as potassium bi-chrom- ate. 14 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. Reference on Chromite: Hopkins, O. B., Asbestos, Talc and Soap- stone Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 29, 1914, 319 pp. CLAYS The clays of Georgia, which may be classed as one of our inexhaustible min- eral resources, present a great variety. In the southern part of the State occur the Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary clays. The great thickness of these beds and the purity of the clays themselves are probably nowhere else to be dupli- cated in this country. These clays, which are now being extensively mined, are used largely for the manufacture of high- grade china, for paper filler, and for fire- brick, terra cotta, etc. Scarcely less im- portant are the alluvial and residual clays of the Piedmont Plateau and north- west Georgia, which have extensive use in the manufacture of common building brick. The value of the clay products of Georgia now exceeds that of any other mineral product of the State. References on Clays: Ladd, Geo. E., The Clay Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 6-A, 1898, 204 pp. Veatch, Otto, Clay Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 18, 1909, 453 pp. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 15 - KAOLIN PLANT, TWIGGS COUNTY. COAL The coal measures of Georgia are con- fined to Sand, Lookout and Pigeon moun- tains, in Bade, Walker and Chattooga counties. They form a part of the north- ern extension of the Coosa and the War- rior coal fields of Alabama. The Durham Coal and Coke Company's mine and the mine of the Vulcan Coal Company, both located on Lookout Mountain, are the only mines now in operation in the State. The coal from these mines is semi-bitum- inous, has a high heating value, and is largely used for steam and coking pur- poses. The total coal area of the State is approximately 170 square miles, which area is estimated to have had originally 933,000,000 short tons of coal. About 12,- 000,000 tons of coal have been mined up 16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. to the present, leaving still in the ground a total of 921,000,000 tons, enough to last the State, at our present rate of consump- tion, for more than 200 years. Reference on Coal: McCallie, S. W., Coal Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey ~Vo. 12, 1904, 121 pp. COKE OVENS. WALKER COUNTY. COPPER MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 17 posits have been worked at only one place, namely, the Canton copper mine, one mile south of Canton. The Waldrop copper mine in Haralson County is lo- cated about three miles northwest of Draketown, near the Haralson-Polk county line. In addition to the deposits here named, copper is also known to occur in Lincoln, Lumpkin and Fulton coun- ties. The copper deposits of Fannin, Cherokee and Haralson counties are as- sociated with Cambrian rocks, while those in Lumpkin, Fulton and Lincoln counties occur in older rocks, probably Archaean. References on Copper: McCallie, S. W.. Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Shearer, H. K. and Hull, J. P. D., A Pre- liminary Report on a Part of the Pyrite De- posits of Georgia. Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 33, in preparation. CORUNDUM Corundum is an aluminum oxide. It is next to the diamond in hardness. There are three varieties of this mineral: sap- phire, corundum and emery. The purer kinds of fine colors, transparent or translucent, used for gems, are known as sapphires and rubies; the dull colors, not transparent, are called corundum; while the black or grayish black variety, intimately mixed with oxide of iron, 18 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. either magnetite or hematite, is known as emery. All varieties of corundum have been found in Georgia, with the excep- tion of emery. The principal variety is the non-transparent variety. A few gems of the variety sapphire have been found near Hiawassee, Towns County. These were small, prismatic crystals of ruby color, but somewhat cloudy. A few gems of sapphire are said to have been found at the Laurel Creek mine in Rabun County. Corundum is known to occur in many counties in north Georgia. The chief corundum output has come from the Laurel Creek mine, located in the extreme northeastern part of Rabun County. From 1880 until 1892, Georgia was one of the chief corundum producing states in the Union. In recent years, the mines have been idle, due, chiefly, to the low price of corundum. In addition to gem material, corundum has an extensive use as an abrasive. Reference on Corundum: King, Francis P.. Corundum Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 2, 1894, 133 pp. FELDSPAR The feldspars are widely distributed throughout the Piedmont and Appalach- ian areas of Georgia, where they occur in dikes associated with mica and quartz. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 19 The only place where feldspar has so far been mined in any quantity is near Hiram in Paulding County. A limited amount has also been mined in White and Rabun counties. The Georgia feld- spars so far put on the market are potash feldspars and have been used for fer- tilizer purposes after being chemically treated to make the potash soluble. Feldspar is used extensively as an in- gredient in the raw mix of china por- celain, whitewash, glazes, and enamels. It is also used as an ingredient in some polishing scouring soaps; in the manufac- ture of certain kinds of glass, for pot- tery, grits, etc. Furthermore, it has recently been used to a limited extent as a source of potash. Reference on Feldspar: Galpin, S. L., Feldspar and Mica Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 30, 1915, 129 pp. FLUORSPAR Fluorspar is used largely as a flux in smelting ore, in the manufacture of opal- escent glass, and hydrofluoric acid. The mineral has a variety of colors, the most common being purple and green. Fine specimens of this mineral, having a beautiful greenish color, have recently been found in the vicinity of Ranger, Gordon county. At Graysville, in Chat- tooga County, the mineral in the form 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. of cubic crystals with a violet color, oc- curs associated with limestone. FULLERS EARTH The best known deposits of fullers earth occur near Dry Branch, Twiggs County, and in the vicinity of Attapul- gus, Decatur County, where they have been worked for some years. Extensive deposits also occur in Bibb, Columbia FULLERS EARTH PLANT, TWIGGS COUNTY. and other counties near the Fall Line. The deposits of Twiggs County are now being worked by the General Reduction Company. Georgia stands second in the production of fullers earth, being ex- ceeded only by Florida. Fullers earth is a clay-like material of various colors. It differs from common MINERAL Rt SOURCES OF GEOHGIA. 21 clay in being more porous, carrying a high percentage of silica as compared with the alumina and in having little or no plasticity. Fullers earth, so-called on account of it being first used in fulling cloth, is now largely employed in decolor- izing and clarifying oils and fats. Be- sides the use here given, it has also a limited application in the preparation of certain medicines and in the manu- facture of soap, as well as an absorbent. References on Fullers Earth. Veatch, Otto, Clay Deposits of Georgia : Hull. Ga. Geol. Surrey A T o. 18. 1900, 433 pp. Shearer, H. K., Bauxite and Fullers Earth of the Coastal Plain of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 31, 1917, 340 pp. GOLD. Gold has been mined in Georgia for more than three-quarters of a century. Previous to the discovery of gold in Cali- fornia, the mines of Georgia furnished the greater part of the gold produced in the United States. As early as 1838, the output of the mines of the State had be- come so important that the United States government found it necessary to estab- lish a miritat Dahlonega. The gold de- posits of Georgia belong to the Appalach- ian gold fields, an auriferous belt extend- ing from Nova Scotia to Alabama. In Georgia, the gold occurs in a number of narrow, parallel belts, having a north- east-southwest trend. The most impor- 22 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. GOLD MINING PLANT, HARALSON COUNTY. tant of these are the Dahlonega and Hall county belts. Another belt including some very important mines traverses Lincoln, Columbia, McDuffie and Warren counties, in the eastern part of the State. The in- dividual auriferous belts are usually made up of a great number of veins or ore bodies running parallel to each other. The veins vary in thickness from a frac- tion of an inch to several feet or rods, and often continue without interruption for long distances. References on Gold: Yeates, W. S., McCallie, S. W., King, F. P., Gold Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Sur- vey No. 4-A, 1896, 542 pp. Jones, S. Percy, Gold Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 19, 1909, 283 pp. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 23 GRANITES The granites of Georgia, together with the gneisses, constitute the most exten- sive and one of the most important building and monumental stones in the State. They occur in inexhaustible quan- tities and are widely distributed through- out the Piedmont Plateau. One of the most interesting and one of the largest barren granite masses in the country is that of Stone Mountain, located only a few miles northeast of Atlanta. This mountain has long been the seat of a very important granite industry. The stone obtained from these quarries is a light colored muscovite granite possess- ing remarkable strength, and is quite free from all chemical and physical de- fects. The stone has extensive use as a building material and is also largely em- ployed in street improvement. There is probably no granite in the South more widely known and more generally used than that furnished by the Stone Moun- tain quarries. Another granite, or rather a granite-gneiss, of almost as much economic importance as the Stone Moun- tain granite, is the Lithonia granite. This stone covers a considerable area in the eastern part of DeKalb and the contiguous parts of Rockdale and Gwin- nett counties. The Lithonia quarries are very extensive and furnish large quanti- ties of stone for street improvements as 24 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. well as for concrete and general building purposes. In addition to the granites here named, there are other granites of superior qual- ity used for monumental stone. Some of the granites of this character are those obtained from the Elberton, the Oglesby, the Lexington and the Meriwether quar- ries. These monumental granites have but few equals, if any superiors, in the United States as a monumental stone. At present, Georgia stands seventh *n the rank of the production of granite in i" country, being exceeded only by Verm; _it, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, Wiscon- sin and Maryland. Reference on Granites: Watson, Thos. L., Granites and Gneisses of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 9-A, 1902, 367 pp. GRAPHITE Both amorphous and crystalline varie- ties of this mineral occur in Georgia. The amorphous variety is quite abundant in the neighborhood of Emerson, Bartow County, where it has been mined on a more or less extensive scale. Fine sam- ples of crystalline graphite have been found in Bartow, Pickens, Elbert, Hall, Madison, Douglas, Troup and Cobb coun- ties. All of the graphite material so far mined in Georgia has been used as a filler for commercial fertilizers. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 25 Reference on Graphite: McCallio, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : BuU. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. IRON ORES Iron ores occur in Georgia in large quantities. The most common ores are the brown ores, or limonites, and the fos- sil ores, or hematites. Magnetite also oc- curs. The brown iron ores are most abundant in Polk, Bartow and Floyd counties, but workable deposits are also to be found in nearly every county in the northwestern part of the State. These ores are confined chiefly to two geological horizons, viz., the Weisner quartzite and Knox dolomite. The ores associated with the Weisner quartzite sometimes occur in ill-defined veins, but more generally they are found in the form of pockets or irregular deposits in the residual clays. The brown iron ores of the Knox dolo- mite series occur chiefly in the form of pockets or irregular deposits in the resid- ual clays. The deposits are quite varia- ble in size. Some of the individual de- posits in the vicinity of Cedartown have been worked on an extensive scale for more than ten years without exhausting the supply. The red, or fossil, iron ores of Georgia are confined to Bade, Walker, Chattooga and Catoosa counties. These ores occur in the Red Mountain iron ore bearing 26 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. series, which is so well developed near Birmingham. The ores occur in continu- ous beds varying from a few inches to several feet in thickness. Some idea may be had as to the abundance of the red fossil iron ores of Georgia when it is stated that the aggregate length of the outcroppings of the beds, which average more than two feet in thickness, is ap- proximately 175 miles, and that in many places the ore can be economically mined to the depth of several hundred feet. References on Iron Ores: McCallie, S. W., Iron Ores of Polk, Bartow and Floyd counties. Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 10-A, 1900, 190 pp. Fossil Iron Ores of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 17, 1908, 199 pp. IRON ORE MINING. POLK COUNTY. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 27 LIMESTONES Cambrian, Silurian and Carboniferous limestone, suitable for lime, fluxing and building materials, exist in great abun- dance in northwest Georgia. The most extensive of these calcareous formations is the Knox dolomite, a magnesian lime- stone of great thickness. This formation furnishes much of the lime used in the State, as well as a large amount of stone for concrete and for general building pur- poses. Other calcareous formations of scarcely less commercial importance are the Bangor and the Chickamauga lime- LIMESTONE CRUSHING PLANT, BARTOW COUNTY. stones. In addition to these occurrences, extensive beds suitable for lime and for agricultural purposes occur in the Creta- ceous and Tertiary formations of south Georgia. 28 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. References on Limestones: McCallie, S. W.. Roads and Road-Building Materials of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 8, 1901, 264 pp. Maynard T. Poole, Limestone and Cement Materials of North Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 27, 1912, 296 i>i>. Brantly. J. E., Limestones and Marls of the Coastal Plain of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Sur- vey No. 21, 1916, 300 pp. MANGANESE The manganese ores, like the brown iron ores, are confined chiefly to Bartow, Floyd and Polk counties. The largest and most productive deposits are found in the vicinity of Cartersville, where the ores occur as irregular deposits in the residual clays derived from the Beaver limestone and the Weisner quartzite. The manganese deposits of Georgia have been worked almost continuously for many years. During their early workings the ores were shipped to England, but in the last few years they have found a ready market in this country, where they have been used in the manufacture of steel and for bleaching powder. References on Manganese: Watson, Thos. L., Manganese Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 14, 1908, 195 pp. McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 29 MARBLES Previous to 1884, the marbles of Geor- gia were practically unknown as building and ornamental stones, but at present the output of the quarries exceeds that of any State in the Union with the exception of Vermont. The most valuable marbles of Georgia are those of Pickens, Chero- GEORGIA MARBLE QUARRIES, PICKENS COUNTY. kee, Gilmer and Fannin counties. These marbles occur in a narrow belt which runs parallel to the Louisville and Nash- ville Railroad, from near Ball Ground, Cherokee County, to the Georgia-North Carolina State line, a distance of more than 60 miles. The main marble Indus- 30 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. try of the State is located in the vicinity of Tate, Pickens County, where the de- posit attains its greatest thickness. The Pickens County marble usually has a coarse texture, but admits of a very fine polish and is admirably suited both for building and monumental purposes. In color, the stone varies from white to al- most black. A flesh-colored variety is also found. The physical and chemical properties, as shown by the numerous tests made by the State Geological Sur- vey, demonstrate that its durability equals or exceeds that of any other mar- ble now being put upon the market. At present a number of different mar- ble quarries, having an aggregate annual output of several hundred thousand cubic feet of stone, are being operated in Pick- ens County. The product of the quarries is shipped to nearly every State in the Union, where it is used in the construc- tion and decoration of some of the most costly buildings. The State capitols of Minnesota and Rhode Island; the United States Government building, Boston; St. Luke's Hospital, New York; the Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington; and the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111., with numerous other handsome build- ings throughout the United States, are constructed wholly or in part of the Georgia marble. There is probably no building stone in this country, in recent years, which has gained such a wide- spread use and given such universal sat- MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 31 isfaction as the Georgia marble. The growth of the use of the stone has also been equally as phenomenal in monu- mental work. Reference on Marble: McCallie, S. W., Marbles of Georgia: Bull, Ga. Geol. Survey No. 1 Revised, 1907, 126 pp. MARLS Marls of good quality are found in the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of south Georgia. There is probably no county in the southern part of the State which does not possess marl deposits of more or less agricultural value. In ad- dition to the common calcareous or shell marl, green sand marls also occur. Analyses of these green sands show that they carry a considerable amount of phosphoric acid and potash, two of the most important plant foods. The use of the Georgia marls as a natural fertilizer has so far been quite limited, but in all cases where they have been given a fair test the result has been entirely satis- factory. References on Marls: McCallie. S. W., Phosphates and Marls of Georgia : Bull. Oa. Geol. Survey No. 5-A, 1896, 98 pp. Brantly, J. E., Limestones and Marls of the Coastal Plain of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Sur- vey No. 21, 1916, 300 pp. 32 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY or GEORGIA. MICA Mica is widely distributed throughout the Piedmont Plateau. It has been work- ed to a limited extent in Upson, Cherokee, Lumpkin, Union, Hall and Rabun coun- ties. Some of the most promising pros- pects in Cherokee County are in the vicinity of Holly Springs and Toonigh, and in the Hickory Plats district about ten miles southeast of Canton. The Lumpkin and Union County deposits, as so far developed, occur near the Lumpkin- Union county line. Upson County is now an active producer as well as Meriwether County. Mica has been mined in Rabun County at the Kell Mica Mine, 10 miles east of Clayton, and in Hall County, near Gainesville. In addition to these locali- ties, good mica prospects are found in a large number of other counties in the Piedmont Plateau. Mica has a great variety of uses, but at present the greater part of the produc- tion is consumed in the electrical indus- try. Ground mica is largely used in wall paper and roofing as well as a lubricant. References on Mica: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Galpin, S. L., Feldspar and Mica Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 30, 1915, 190 pp. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 33 OCHER The ocher mines of Georgia produce more than one-half the yellow ocher out- put of the United States. These mines are located near Cartersville, Bartow County. The deposits are confined to a narrow belt about eight miles in length and less than two miles in width. The most extensive workings are those of the Georgia-Peruvian Ocher Company, situated on the left bank of the Etowah River, two and one-fourth miles east of Cartersville. Ocher mining in the Car- OCHER PLANT, BARTOW COUNTY. tersville district had its beginning in 1877. In 1890, the Georgia-Peruvian Ocher Company began operations on an extensive scale, and, later, three other large ocher plants were put in operation. 34 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. The total maximum output of these four plants is estimated at about 1,000 tons per annum. The principal use made of the yellow ocher mined in Bartow County, up to the present time, is in the manufacture of linoleums and oilcloths. The important markets are England and Scotland. It is also used to a limited extent in the manufacture of paints. Reference on Ocher: Watson, Thos. L., Ocher Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 13, 1906, 81 pp. PRECIOUS STONES A large variety of minerals suitable for gems and other ornamental objects and cabinet specimens has been found in the State. No systematic mining for gems, however, has been carried on, and the finds have been accidental, or incidental to gold, corundum and other mining. Nearly all of these minerals are found in the Piedmont Plateau and the mountain- ous section of the northeastern part of the State. The most important gem stones heretofore noted as occurring in the State are as follows: Diamond, ruby, amethyst, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, smoky quartz, agate, jasper, opal, beryl, garnet, rutile, moonstone. Reference on Precious Stones: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 35 POTASH-BEARING SLATES Slates containing 7 to 10 per cent, pot- ash occur north of Cartersville, Bartow County, in a belt 15 miles long and 1 to 4 miles wide. The best exposures are near White, on the L. & N. Railway, where a thickness of several hundred feet of such material may be worked by open-cut methods. It is believed that these slates are exceptionally fine raw material for the extraction of potash for fertilizer and other purposes. Some of the slate has also the essen- tial physical and chemical properties of a first-class roofing slate. Reference on Slate: Shearer, H. K., Slate Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Go,. Oeol. Survey No. 35, in preparation. PYRITE 36 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. near Hiram, Paulding County; the Mari etta mine near Marietta, Cobb County the Sulphur Mining & Railroad Company mine in Douglas County, and the Waldro; mine near Draketown, Haralson County Other promising deposits, which have been worked in the past or rather exten- PYRITE PLANT, CHEROKEE COUNTY. sively explored are Reeds Mountain, near Bremen, Haralson County; the Southern Star mine, four miles west of Woodstock, Cherokee County; the Swift mine near Draketown, Haralson County; the Swift or Blake mine at Creighton, Cherokee County; the Canton Copper mine, Cherokee County; and the Mam- moth mine near Hiram, Paulding County. The copper ore from Mine No. 20, Fannin County, is also a source of sulphuric acid. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 37 References on Pyrite: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. GeoL Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Shearer. H. K., and Hull, J. P. D., A Pre- liminary Report on a Part of the Pyrite De- posits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. -'{.">. in preparation. ROAD MATERIALS The road-building materials of Geor- gia are quite abundant and pretty evenly distributed throughout the State. Nearly all the varieties of stone used in highway construction occur in large quantities in many sections. It is questionable whether any State in the Union possesses a greater variety of road-building mate- rials than the State of Georgia. References on Road Materials: McCallie, S. W.. Roads and Road-Building Materials of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 8, 1901, 264 pp. McCallie, S. W., Public Roads of Georgia, Second Report : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 24, 1910, 36 pp. McCallie. S. W., Public Roads of Georgia : Bull. Ga. GeoL Survey No. 28, 1912, 12 pp. SAND AND GRAVEL Sand and gravel are both widely dis- tributed throughout the State. They are especially abundant in the northern part of the Coastal Plain. Enormous deposits of sand are to be seen near Howard, on 38 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. the Central of Georgia Railway, in Taylc County; at Junction City, in Talbot Cour ty; on Bull Creek, three miles east Columbus; on the west side of the Flin River, at Bainbridge; on the Flint River just opposite Albany; on the east bank Little Ogeechee River, one and one-half miles northeast of Lumber City; and on the east bank of the Oconee River at Dub- lin. In addition to these various locali- ties there are numerous other localities throughout the Coastal Plain where more or less extensive deposits of sand and gravel are to be found. In the Piedmont Plateau and the Appalachian Valley re- gion, the sands and gravels are mostly found along the streams. References on Sand and Gravel: McCallie, S. W., Roads and Road-Building Materials of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 8, 1901, 264 pp. McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. SERICITE Sericite of exceptional purity occurs in Pickens County only a short distance west of Jasper, where it is found in beds from a few inches to six feet or more in thickness, interlaminated with quartz schist. The mineral is a variety of mica made up of small elongated silver-colored shreds. It resembles talc very closely, in MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 39 physical properties, and is often used for the same purposes. The Pickens County sericite has re- cently attracted considerable attention as a raw material for the extraction of pot- ash. Two different companies are now mining this material with a view of ex- tracting the potash for fertilizer pur- poses. The results of the tests so far worked out by the companies here re- ferred to, have not yet been made public. However, they appear to be very san- guine of a financial success. References on Sericite: Hopkins, O. B., Asbestos. Talc and Soapstone Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 29, 1914, 319 pp. Galpin, S. L., Feldspar and Mica Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 30, 1915, 192 pp. SERPENTINE Serpentine is a hydrous silicate of mag- nesia, carrying, usually, more or less im- purities. The only deposit of serpentine, so far worked in Georgia, occurs at the Verde Antique Marble Quarry in Chero- kee County, about two miles southwest of Holly Springs. The stone is used al- most exclusively for interior finish and decorations. It is especially adapted for stairways, corridors, mantels and pedes- tals for statuary. 40 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. Reference on Serpentine: McCallie, S. W., Marbles of Georgia : Bui Go,. Geol. Survey No. 1, Revised, 1907, 126 pp SLATE Slate is found in Georgia in Bartow am Polk counties. The largest area of slat in Polk County, extends from about thre miles south of Cartersville to about fiv miles south of Rockmart. Another bel of slate of the same age occurs south o Cedartown. The Polk County slate is o a dark blue to black color. It has a fin texture and smooth cleavage and but few defects. Another very promising slate belt is found in northern Bartow, Gordon and Murray counties. This slate has a greenish color and possesses all of the physical and chemical qualities of a first-class roofing slate. References on Slate: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Shearer, H. K., Slate Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 35 in preparation. TALC AND SOAPSTONE Talc is a white, gray or greenish soft mineral with a greasy feel. It is a sili- cate of magnesia. Soapstone is usually considered an impure form of talc. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 41 Talc has been found at a large number of localities in the northern part of the State, but commercial deposits have been developed at only a few places. Soap- stone is more widely distributed. Pour companies are at present producing talc in Georgia. The mills of these companies are located at Chatsworth, Murray Coun- ty, and the mines are on Fort and Co- hutta mountains, about three miles dis- tant. A considerable amount of pros- pecting and mining has been done on the Dickey property, one-half mile south of Mineral Bluff, Fannin County. Talc has also been mined to a limited extent near Ball Ground and Holly Springs, Cherokee County. Favorable prospects are known to occur in other counties in north Geor- gia. Talc is principally used for pencils, gas tips, paper filler, lubricants, fire- proof paints and toilet powders. References on Talc and Soapstone: McCallie, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Oeol. Survey No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. Hopkins, Oliver B., Asbestos, Talc and Soap- stone Deposits of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Sur- vey No. 29, 1914, 319 pp. TRIPOLI A light, porous, siliceous stone, locally known as tripoli, occurs in Murray, Whit- field, Chattooga and other counties in northwest Georgia. One of the best known deposits in Murray County is on 42 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. the Tilton property, near Spring Place. There are several localities in Whitfield County where it is known to occur. It has been rather extensively worked near Dalton and Lyerly. Tripoli mined in Georgia is said to be used largely in the manufacture of scouring soaps and polish- ing powders. Reference on Tripoli: McCallio, S. W., Mineral Resources of Geor- gia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survcv No. 23, 1910, 208 pp. MINERAL WATERS Mineral springs of greater or less im- portance are widely distributed through- out the State. They are abundant in the Piedmont Plateau and Appalachian Val- ley, where one or more having a local reputation are met with in nearly every county. These springs are especially abundant in the mountainous regions of the Piedmont area, where many of them have become sites of prominent summer resorts. References on Mineral Waters: McCallie, S. W., Underground Waters of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 15, 1908, 376 pp. McCallie, S. W., Mineral Waters of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 20, 1913, 190 pp. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 43 ARTESJAN WELLS The artesian wells of Georgia are prac- tically all confined to the Coastal Plain, which is the only part of the State where the geological conditions are favorable for artesian water supply in large quan- tities. A considerable number of deep, non-flowing wells are also found in the Crystalline and Paleozoic areas, but as a general rule these wells furnish only a limited amount of water and they can not always be relied upon for a continuous supply, as they are often affected by long drouths. References on Artesian Wells: McCallie, S. W., Artesian Wells of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 7, 1898, 214 pp. - Underground Waters of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 15, 1908, 376 pp. WATER POWERS It is estimated that the streams of Georgia at low water will furnish an ag- gregate of 500,000 horse-power, only a small part of which is now developed. The money value of this power, reckon- ing a horse-power at $20.00 per annum, is $10,000,000, which is nearly twice the State's annual income from taxes and all other sources. By the use of storage dams, or by the use of auxiliary steam power for short periods during the dry 44 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. season, fully 1,000,000 horse-power, low estimate, could be utilized. References on Water 'Powers: Anderson, C. C., and Hall, B. M., Water Powers of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 3-A, 1896, 150 pp. Hall, B. M. and M. R., Water Powers of Georgia : Bull. Ga. Geol. Survey No. 16, 1908, 424 pp. Hall, B. M. and M. R., Third Report on the Water Powers of Georgia. In preparation. TALLULAH FALLS POWER PLANT (102,000 H. P.). HABERSHAM COUNTY. MINERAL RESOURCES or GEORGIA. 45 BULLETINS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA 1. Marbles of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1894, 87 pp., 16 pi., and 2 maps. Out of print. 1. Marbles of Georgia, Second Edition, Re- vised and Enlarged, by S. W. McCallie, 1907, 126 pp., 52 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, 13 cents. 2. Corundum Deposits of Georgia, by Francis P. King, 1894, 133 pp., 6 pi., 1 map. Postage, 9 cents. 3. A Part of the Water-Powers of Georgia, by C. C. Anderson and B. M. Hall, 1896, 150 pp., 10 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, 9 cents. 4. A Part of the Gold Deposits of Georgia, by W. S. Yeates, S. W. McCallie and Francis P. King, 1896, 542 pp., 21 pi., and 1 map. Out of print. 5. A Part of the Phosphate and Marls of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1896, 98 pp., 3 pi. Out of print. 6. A Part of the Clays of Georgia, by Geo. E. Ladd, 1898, 204 pp., 17 pi. Postage, 11 cents. 7. Artesian-Well System of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1898, 214 pp., 7 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, 13 cents. 8. Roads and Road-Building Materials of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1901, 264 pp., 27 pi., and 1 map. Postage, Ify cents. 46 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. 9. A Part of the Granites and Gneisses of Georgia, by Thomas L. Watson, 1902, 367 pp., 32 pi., and 4 maps. Postage, 21 cents. 10. Iron Ores of Polk, Bartow and Floyd counties, Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1900, 190 pp.. 8 pi., 1 map. Postage, 11 cents. 11. Bauxite Deposits of Georgia, by Thos. L. Watson, 1904, 169 pp., 12 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 10 cents. 12. Coal Deposits of Georgia, by S. W. Mc- Callie, 1904, 121 pp., 14 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 9 cents. 13. Ocher Deposits of Georgia, by Thos. L. Watson, 1906, 81 pp., 11 pi., and 3 maps. Postage, 6 cents. 14. Manganese Deposits of Georgia, by Thomas L. Watson, 1908, 195 pp., 8 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, 12 cents. 15. Underground Waters of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1908, 376 pp., 29 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, 20 cents. 16. Water-Powers of Georgia, by B. M. and M. R. Hall 1908, 424 pp., 14 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 21 cents. 17. Fossil Iron Ore Deposits of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1908, 199 pp., 24 pi., and 3 maps. Postage, Ik cents. 18. Clay Deposits of Georgia, by Otto Veatch, 1909, 453 pp., 32 pi., and 3 maps. Postage, 25 cents. 19. Gold Deposits of Georgia, by S. P. Jones, 1909, 283 pp., 8 pi., and 2 maps. Post- age, 16 cents. MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. 47 20. Mineral Waters of Georgia, by S. W. Mc- Callie, 1913T 190 pp., 24 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 11 cents. 21. Limestones and Marls of the Coastal Plain of Georgia, by J. E. Brantly, 1916, 360 pp., 11 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 18 cents. 22. Brown Iron Ores of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie. In preparation. 23. Mineral Resources of Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, 1910, 208 pp., 20 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, IJj cents. 24. Public Roads of Georgia, Second Report, by S. W. McCallie, 1910, 36 pages. Postage, 5 cents. 25. Drainage Investigations in Georgia, by S. W. McCallie, and U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1911, 123 pp., 7 pi., and 5 maps. Postage, 12 cents. 26. Geology of the Coastal Plain of Georgia, by Otto Veatch and L. M. Stephenson, 1911, 463 pp., 30 pi., and 2 maps. Postage, 21 cents. 27. Limestones and Cement Materials of North Georgia, by T. Poole Maynard, 1912, 296 pp., 22 pi., and 1 map. Post- age, 18 cents. 28. Public Roads of Georgia, by S. W. Mc- Callie, 1912, 12 pp. Postage, 5 cents. 29. Asbestos, Talc and Soapstone Deposits of Georgia, by Oliver B. Hopkins, 1914, 319 pp., 21 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 11 cents. 30. Feldspar and Mica Deposits of Georgia, by S. L. Galpin, 1915, 192 pp., 9 pi., and 1 map. Postage, 16 cents. 48 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF GEORGIA. 31. Bauxite and Fullers Earth of tlie Coastal Plain of Georgia, by H. K. Shearer, 1917, 340 pp., 16 pi., and 1 map. Post- age, 21 cents. 32. Agricultural Drainage in Georgia, by H. H. Barrows, J. V. Phillips, and J. E. Brantly, 1917, 122 pp., 9 pi., and 6 maps. Postage, 12 cents. 33. A Preliminary Report on a Part of the Pyrite Deposits of Georgia, by H. K. Shearer, and J. P. D. Hull, 1918. In preparation. 34. Third Report on the Water Powers of Georgia, by B. M. and M. R. Hall, 1918. In preparation. 35. Slate Deposits of Georgia, by H. K. Shearer, 1918. In preparation. 36. Barytes Deposits of Georgia, by J. P. D. Hull. In preparation. ogicai andbook i Georgia urvey mineral resourfees O G4A6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY