THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IN MEMORY OF THOMAS S. DABAGH 1903-1959 FIRST DIRECTOR OF THE LAW LIBRARY Classic Series BRITTON legal Classic Series. GLANVILLE Introduction by Joseph Henry Beale. Jr., A.M.. LL.D. BRITTON Introduction by Hon. Simeon L. Baldwin, LL.D. LITTLETON'S TENURES Introduction by Eugene Wambaufjh, LL.D. MIRROUR OF JUSTICES Introduction by Hon. William C. Robinson. also FLETA, and others. J3RITTON AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND NOTES BY FRANCIS MORGAN NICHOLS, M.A. /f OF LINCOLN'S INN, BARRISTER AT LAW FORMERLY FELLOW OF WADHAM COLLEGE WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HON. SIMEON E. BALDWIN, LL.D. PROFESSOR OF LAW IN YALE UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. JOHN BYRNE & CO. LAW PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS 1901 V COPYRIGHTED, 1901 BY JOHN BYRNE & COMPANY. Of* INTRODUCTION. BY SIMEON E. BALDWIN, M.A., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF LAW IN YALE UNIVERSITY. THE founders of nations or of national institutions have a place by themselves. They are judged, not like other men, by their own talents or character, or im- mediate achievements, but rather by the ultimate consequences of the movements in which they shared. Edward I is one of the few English sovereigns who has played a founder's part. Parliamentary history really dates from his convocation of the assemblage of the different estates of the realm at "Westminster in 1275. The courts of England also, if we are to meas- ure them by their relation, on the one hand, to the people, and, on the other, to the law, had first come into existence under the legislation of his reign, be- ginning, at its outset, with the Statute of "Westminster, the First. A few years before his accession English law had been put in form by Bracton. That great work, how- ever, was written in Latin, and addressed to the scholar. It was too long to be a ready source of information to anybody. Bulk and want of indexes made such trea- vii Vlll tises, before the invention of the art of printing, of lit- tle use in the practical administration of judicial busi- ness. An abridgment of Bracton, also in Latin, was prepared by the Chief Justice of the King's Bench, under Edward I, Gilbert de Thornton ; but, like most abridgments, it was read by few. The treatise styled " Fleta " was published at about the same time ; but this, again, was in Latin, and, so far as it has any preten- sions to originality, contains little of value except its account of the constitution of the royal household. Edward I had brought his courts, and wished to bring his law, into close touch with the English people. This could only be done by making the way in which it affected them known in a language commonly under- stood by those who were the natural leaders in tlw community. Such was then the form of French used in court circles. It is more intelligible to a French- man of our day than the English of the time of Edward I is to the Englishman of the time of Edward VII. The treatise, of which a translation is given in this volume, was written in this " Law French," as it is often called, but what may be better styled the French of the thirteenth century. Law books have preserved it for us, but they took it from the common speech of the date. No English king wrote in English before Henry V. If the contents of a Latin document w r ere to be communicated to the courtiers at the royal pal- ace, in the time of Edward I, it was done in French.* Who " Britton " was is uncertain. The authorship * Nichols Ed. of Britton. I, xlvi, note. IX of the book was attributed by Sir Edward Coke to John Britton (or de Breton), bishop of Hereford. The bishop, however, died in 1275, and if he wrote it, great additions must have been made by a later hand, for statutes are mentioned which were enacted long after that date. It is more probable that the author was one of the justices of the inquisitorial tribunal insti- tuted by Edward I, towards the close of his reign, and popularly called " Trailbaston." In a commission is- sued in 1300 to those who were to hold it in the coun- ties of Norfolk and Suffolk we find the name of John le Breton,* and that of 1304, for the county of York, includes " Johannes de Barton de Eiton." f It is sug- gested by Nichols, in his edition of Britton, that this John le Breton was the same person who is variously described in other annals of this reign as " Sir John le Breton," " Sir John de Breton," and " Johannes le Breton, dominus de Sporle." ^ We find also that in 1305 " Sir John de Bretaign" is assigned by the king to serve on a parliamentary commission to receive and answer petitions that concerned the people of Gas- cony. The title of Edward I was " King of Eng- land, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine." Aqui- * Ibid., xx i. f Spellman's Glossary, Trailbaston. Diet, of Nat. Biography, Barton, John de. Possibly B. RITON may be the fanciful name assumed by the unknown author. $ Nichols' Britton, I, xxi. Parliamentary History of England, I, * 127. taine was the Roman name for Gascony and, twa years before, the English had regained possession of it by a treaty with France. In selecting the members of such a commission regard would naturally be paid to their familiarity with the French language as it was written, and Sir John de Bretaign was therefore pre- sumably well acquainted with it, and so qualified, as far as scholarship was concerned, to compose such ti treatise as Britton. Spelling in those days, when men knew their mother tongue mainly from oral conversa- tion, often varied, and " Bretaign," which was cer- tainly the same name as " Bretaigne" or " Britain," * may not improbably have been identical with " Briton," " Britton," " Breton," " Bretoun " or " Barton." The Britanni of the Romans passed both into Britones in monkish Latin and Bretons in French. The Baron of Sporle f can hardly have been the author of Britton, for he inherited his lands and title in the reign of Henry III, and the book, if his, would * Two years later (1307) we find " John de Britain, Earl of Richmond," as one of those summoned to the Parliament of Car- lisle. Parl. Hist, of Engl., I, * 133. The first Earl, Alain Le Roux, came with William the Conqueror, and being from Brit- tany, was known as Count Alain the Red, of Brittany. His de- scendants made " de Bretagne," and later " de Britain," a part of their names. Planche, The Conqueror and his Companions, I, 8265. f He is one of the barons who signed the famous protest to the Pope in 1301, and died a few months before Edward I, his name not occurring in the writ summoning the last parliament of that reign. 1 Parl. Hist., * 123, *133. XI have been likely to go by the name of his barony rather than by that of his family. Probably it was the work of his son, Sir John le Breton, of Blath- erwyk, in Northamptonshire, who died at a mature age in 1306 or 1307 (34, Edward I),* and who may also have been known as " Sir John de Bretaign." But from whatever pen Britton may have come, its main authority is due to the stamp which it bears of royal approval. Like the Institutes of Justinian and many of the later barbarian codes, it speaks in the name of the sovereign. The Roman Emperor gives the names of those to whom he entrusted the work of revising his laws. The barbarian codes often refer in general terms to the aid given by the bishops and judges.f Edward I, in his prologue to Britton, simply speaks of it as a compilation of the existing laws which he has had put in writing for the information of his subjects, and which he reserves the right to repeal or alter by the assent of his council. Britton was, no doubt, prepared with the special view of familiarizing the people with the idea that the administration of justice belonged only to the crown and to those to whom the crown had committed it. It was the policy of Edward I to curtail or sweep away, so far as possible, the jurisdiction of the local * Burke's Commoners, IV, 230; Nichols' Britton, I, xxii. f See, for instance, the captions to the Laws of Liutfrand, King of the Lombards, and to those of Peppinus, King of Italy, in the Corpus Juris Germanici, 1027, 1282. Xll courts of a manorial or feudal character.* He had been at pains first to reform his own. Shortly before the publication of Britton, of the sixteen judges of England, fourteen had been convicted of extortion and corruption in office. f The bench was then reconsti- tuted, and a favorable opportunity thus given to make the king's courts more acceptable to the community at large. The two judges who were allowed to remain seem to have fully reflected his views as to the royal prerogative. One of them, John de Metingham, when in 1296 Edward undertook to frighten the clergy into submission by a decree of general confiscation, we find announcing from his seat in the King's Bench that "for the future no manner of justice sball be done them in any of the King's courts on any cause what- soever, but justice shall be had against them to every one that will complain and request it of us. " ^ The statutes of Gloucester and Westminster the Second, which were the expression of Edward's policy of concentrating all judicial business of importance in the hands of his own judges, had been passed early in his reign, but the corruption of those to whom the people had then been invited to entrust their concerns must have militated strongly in favor of the old order of things. The new judges, armed with Britton as a * See Select Pleas in Manorial and other Seignorial Courts, Vol. I, in Selden Soc. Publ. in the introduction to which this subject is well and extensively discussed. t In 1290. Parl. Hist., I, *89 ; Spellrnan, Glossary, Justitiarius. t Pad. Hist., I,* 104. xni guide of procedure, entered upon their field of service under the most favorable circumstances. Most of Edward's legal reforms, so far as Acts of Parlia- ment could go, had been accomplished. " The laws," says Sir Matthew Hale, " did never in any one Age re- ceive so great and sudden an Advancement, nay, I think I may safely say, all the Ages since his Time have not done so much in Reference to the orderly settling and establishing of the distributive Justice of this Kingdom as he did within a short Compass of the thirty-five Years of his Reign, especially about the first thirteen Years thereof." * But Acts of Parlia- ment could not execute themselves. It Avas through his new-made bench that Edward expected to incor- porate them into the life of the people. It was by their aid also that he proposed to re-shape the common law in the interest of a strong and centralized govern- ment. So it was that, to quote again from Hale, " gradually the Common Justice of the Kingdom came to be administered by Men knowing in the Laws, and conversant in the great courts of B.R. and C.B. and before Justices Itinerant ; " and " partly by the Learn- ing and Experience of his Judges, and partly by his own wise Interposition, he silently and without ]S"oise abrogated many ill and inconvenient Usages, both in his Courts of Justice and in the Country." f Britton, like Glanville, is primarily a book for * History of the Common Law, * 158. ] Ibid., 160, 162. XIV judges and lawyers. It looks at rights through rem- edies. First (Book I, Chapters 1 to 4) comes a description of the various officers of justice and the general method of holding and conducting the King's courts. Then public rights and wrongs are discussed (Chapters 5 to 26). Next follows a statement of the remedies forcer- tain private wrongs (Chapters 27 to 29). One chapter (30) is given to a description of the Sheriff's courts or " Tourns," a matter passed over by Bracton. The next provides for the universal use of standard weights and measures, and for the regulation of prices of bread and beer. Yillenage is the subject with which the first book closes. Book II is devoted to remedies for wrongs affecting the possession of real estate, and mainly to disseisin. Book III treats of inheritances and actions by heirs and coparceners. Book IV takes up actions concerning the Church establishment and matters of religion, including ad- vowsons and false oaths. Book V first sets forth the procedure to obtain dower, and then (Chapters 14 to 16) explains pleas or writs of entry. Thus far possessory rights to property have been expounded. The last Book (VI) begins by taking up property actions, and (Chapters 1 to 8) the rules of in- testate succession. Then comes an explanation of " Essoins " or excuses for non-attendance at court (Chapters 5 to 9), and the work closes abruptly with a XV statement (Chapter 10) of the nature and office of attorneys. Throughout the whole of the treatise there is a steady endeavor to guard and magnify the royal pre- rogatives. The laws as they are set forth are to be obeyed because the king wills and commands it (Pro- logue 1, 1). He may take jurisdiction over all manner of actions (I, 2). Holy Church shall " retain her liber- ties unimpaired " because the king so wills (I, 12). It' a. royal charter is set up, whether it be allowable or false or doubtful can be judged by none but the king, " car a celiest respoundre et de juger qi en fu autour " (I, 99). If a law is to be abrogated or altered, the power to do this is saved to the king by the assent of his earls and barons and others of his " conseyl," who these others might be being left to the royal pleasure from time to time. " Council" was of course the name for what we now call Parliament, and the Judges were often invited to it, and took an active part in drafting the statutes which they were afterwards to enforce.* Trial by jury, in the time of Britton, was in a state of transition. The jurors were tellers of the facts in issue rather than judges of these facts. They were to decide on what they knew before they entered the court room, more than on what they learned at the trial. If at its * See Pollock & Maitland, History of English Law, 3d Ed., I, 198, 200. XVI conclusion they reported a disagreement, and declared upon their oaths that they knew nothing about the fact in dispute (I, 126), a new jury was to be impanelled. The system also lacked one of what we have come to consider its essential features, the requirement of unanimity. In trials for felony, if the jury failed to agree, the Judge could examine them one by one, and if he found that the majority knew the truth (I, 12b), judgment was to be rendered according to their opinion. A failure to agree, however, was only to be reported as a last resort. If they (that is, apparently, if a majority) were not certain where the truth lay, the defendant was to be discharged (I, 13). In civil cases, after a disagreement had been re- ported, and the Judge, on examination of each, had found how the majority stood, the parties were asked if they would consent to adding enough more to the majority to make twelve. If both consented, a verdict could thus be obtained. If either refused his assent, judgment went against him (I, 136). Felons, as now, were not to be brought to the bar in irons, nor in any manner of bonds (1, 14), but appar- ently this provision was not always observed, for in a MSS. copy of Britton in the library of Cambridge Uni- versity, made early in the fourteenth century, there is substituted for it the words " hors de trap grosfers et hors de trop gros liens* * Nichols' Ed. of Britton, I, 35, note, lix. Occasionally felons XV11 A humane saving in favor of burglars is worth no- tice. Infants under age, and poor persons who from famine made an entry for any victuals of less value than twelve pence, could not be convicted of this crime (I, 17). As three half-pence a day was then considered sufficient to support a man (I, 12), this exception in favor of the poor meant a good deal. Britton is not without value to the modern lawyer for his definitions. An obligation, for instance, it is said is a bond of law through which any one is bound to give or do any thing, and so is a mother of a plea, and takes its birth from some preceding trespass or contract (I, 61). Here is clearly brought out the notion which was the subject of discussion in Ogden v. Saunders, 12 "Wheaton, 213, that a contractual obligation is the consequence of a contract, and not a part of it. An oath is "an affirmation or denial of anything whereby a man is charged on peril of his soul to say the truth " (II, 237). The foundation of the still surviving doctrine as to the peculiar force which a seal gives to a written docu- ment is nowhere more plainly traceable than in the pages of Britton. If suit is brought on a writing, and the defendant denies its execution, he cannot enter the plea of non were arraigned in fetters as late as the time of Chief Justice Holt. Campbell, Lives of the Chief Justices of England, III, 24. XVlll estfactum if it bears his seal (I, 6-lb).* That makes it his deed ; but he may plead in avoidance that it was made after he had lost his seal and had had the loss cried and published by the churches and by the markets. A plea that the plaintiff was once his seneschal or chamberlain or in other service with him, and that, for the great confidence he had in him, lie gave him his seal to keep, and while he so had it in his keeping he made the writing without his knowledge, was bad ; for he should have provided himself with a more trusty keeper. In such case his remedy was by an action of treason against the plaintiff by appeal of felony, or, if he preferred, by a civil action in trespass. Attorneys-at-law Britton styles "general attorneys." They were to be admitted by royal letters patent, which could be issued by the Chancellor (II, 286). The Justices on the circuit could only admit attorneys for a particular cause, upon the appointment of the parties to it (II, 285b). All general attorneys could levy fines and make the record of them (drographe\ the fee for this record being limited to four shillings (I., 37b). The class of sergeants-at-law was already rec- ognized (1, 37b), and if any appeal of felony were abated by reason of the mispleading or other default of a ser- geant, since he ought to know the way to plead, he was to be fined a hundred shillings (I, 40b), and if the error were malicious, punished criminally and deprived of his office. * Cf. Fleta, 132, et seq. XIX As we compare Britton with his predecessors in English law, we find no such prominence given to mere -form as marks the pages of Glanville ; nor is there much of the scientific arrangement and civil law learning of Bracton. When put by the side of Fleta, Britton appears to write with a freer pen and to cover a wider field. He has also a better understanding of the sources of English law.* Torts receive more at- tention, for they are now more fully remediable in the king's courts (I, 23, 141, 157). The main causes, however, Avhy Britton supplanted the earlier treatises, so far as real use was concerned, were, first, that he wrote in a language commonly un- derstood by those taking part in court proceedings, and, second, that he spoke in the king's name. His general view of the royal prerogative was less favorable to the liberties of the people than that taken by Bracton. The latter, in speaking of the laws and customs of England, says that " Quae quidem cum fuerint approbatae consensu utentium et sacramento re- gum confirmatae, mutari non poterunt nee destrui sine communi consensu et consilio eorum omnium quorum consilio et consensu fuerunt promulgatae." f This has a more manly ring than the opening words of Britton's first book, in which the law of the realm is spoken of as " here ordained" (ceo qe cy est ordeyne) Britton was widely read while it lay in manuscript* * See Holmes, Hist, of the Common Law, 266. t I, 1, 7. XX and more than twenty-five copies made in the four- teenth century are still preserved in English libraries. The translation which follows was made from one of these (collated, however, with others), which was found at Lambeth palace. It may be one of the original publications furnished by the Crown for the use of the Church, and so date back to the last decade of the thir- teenth century. This is the more probable because it bears no name or title. Britton was first printed about the year 1530, but that edition is an imperfect one. Mr. Nichols was obliged to choose between different manuscripts in respect to the apportionment of some of the chapters between the different books. Ville- nage, for instance, he assigns to the first, Avhen others place it in the second book. The plan of throwing the work into sections sepa- rately numbered is his, and was not adopted in any previous publication. This translation was published by Mr. Nichols in connection with the original in the French text, to which the upper half of each page AVUS devoted. His book was issued from the Clarendon Press at Oxford in 1865, with a scholarly introduction, and the valuable notes to the translation which are reproduced in this volume. It was in two volumes, each paged separate! v, but a marginal paging was also given which follows the paging of the earliest printed edition, above de- scribed. In the present volume, the paging used is that which XXI Mr. Nichols placed upon the margin of his volumes ; but in order to facilitate the use of his very excellent index, his paging is reproduced on the margin. Thus, page 30 corresponds to page 75 of his first volume (I, 75 ). The references in this introduction are to the pages as numbered in the Oxford edition. SIMEON E. BALDWIN. YALE UNIVERSITY, April, 1901. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION vii INDEX 615 ARRANGEMENTS OF BOOKS AND CHAPTERS. BOOK I. OF THE AUTHORITY OF JUSTICES AND OTHER OFFI- CERS, AND OF PERSONAL PLEAS, INCLUDING PLEAS OF THE CROWN. PROLOGUE 1 CHAPTER I. Of the Authority of Justices 2 II. Of Coroners 6 III. Of Eyres of Justices 15 IV. Of the Chapters of the Eyre 20 V. Of Counterfeiting the Seal and Coin ; and of the Trial of Felons 20 VI. Of Homicides 29 VII. Of Murder 32 VIII. Of Accidents 33 IX. Of Treasons 34 X. Of Arsons 35 XI. Of Burglars ! 36 XII. Of Prisoners 36 xxiii xxiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE XIII. Of Outlaws 41 XIV. Of Inlawry, or being restored to law 44 XV. Of Rape 46 XVI. Of Larcenies 47 XVII. Of Abjurations 53 XVIII. Of Treasure-trove, Wrecks, Waifs, and Estrays. . . 56 XIX. Of the King's Rights 58 XX. Of Franchises 62 XXI. Of various Wrongs 64 XXII. Of the King's Officers 71 XXIII. Of Appeals 81 XXIV. Of Appeals of Homicide 91 XXV. Of Appeals of Robberies and Larcenies 96 XXVI. Of Appeals of Mayhem 101} XXVII. Of Attachments 105 XXVIII. Of Distresses 112 XXIX. Of Debt 128 XXX. Of the Sheriff's Tourns 146 XXXI. Of Measures lift XXXII. Of Villenage 150 BOOK II. OF DISSEISINS AND THEIR REMEDIES. I. Of Suits concerning Land, pleadable by Attach- ment 174 II. Of Purchase 175 III. Of Gifts 181 IV. Of Joint Purchases 189 V. Of Conditional Purchases 198 VI. Of Reversions and Escheats 201 VII. Of Purchases by Villains 203 VIII. Of Charters 206 IX. Of Seisins 212 X. Of Purchase of Rent 220 XI. Of Disseisins 222 XII. Where an Assize does not lie 2315 XIII. Of Remedies in Disseisin 238 XIV. Of Views in Disseisin 242 XV. Of the Proceedings in Assises 246 CONTENTS. xxv CHAPTER PAGE XVI. Of Title to Freehold 250 XVII. Of Exceptions to the Writ 253 XVIII. Of Exceptions to the Person of the Plaintiff 260 XIX. Of Exceptions to the Action 265 XX. Of Assises turned into Juries 268 XXI. Of the Challenge of Jurors, and of the Trial of the Assise 277 XXII. Of Judgments 281 XXIII. Of Appurtenances 287 XXIV. Of Common of Pasture 296 XXV. Of Remedy for Disseisin of Common 299 XXVI. Of Exceptions to Common 302 XXVII. 'Of Admeasurement of Pasture 305 XXVIII. Of Quo jure 309 XXIX. Of Reasonable Estovers 314 XXX. Of Nusances . 316 XXXI. Of Remedy of Nusances 320 XXXII. Of Exceptions in the Assise of Nusance 323 XXXIII. Of Farms... .329 VOL. II. BOOK III. OF INTRUSIONS AND THEIR REMEDIES. I. Of Intrusions 333 II. Of Wardship ; of the various Tenures of Land ; and of the Remedy against Supposititious Children. . 336 III. Of Marriage 351 IV. Of Homage 355 V. Of Reliefs 374 VI. Of Moitdancester 376 VII. Of a Mixed Action 385 VIII. Of a Divisible Inheritance ! 393 IX. Of the Plea De Rationabili Parte 398 X. Of Summons, and other proceedings in the Assise of Mortdancester 402 XI. Of Warranties in Assise of Mortdancester 410 XII. Exception of ' same Descent ' 424 xxvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIII. Exception upon the word ' seized ' 426 XIV. Exception upon the words ' last seized ' 429 XV. Exception upon the words ' in his demesne ' 431 XVI. Exception founded on the words ' as of fee ? 435 XVII. Exception founded on the words ' the day whereon he died' 488 XVIII. Exception founded on the words ' of so much land with the appurtenances ' 442 XIX. Exception founded on the words ' since the term '. 443 XX. Exception founded on the words ' next heir ' 444 XXI. Exception founded on the words ' who holds the land' 447 XXII. Exceptions of Felony and Bastardy, and other ex- ceptions to the Assise 450 XXIII. Of Assises turned into juries 457 XXIV. Of the Trial and Judgment in Assise of Mortdan- cester 459 XXV. Of the writ called Quod permittat 460 XXVI. Of the writs of Cosinage, Ael, and Besael 462 BOOK IV. OF PLEAS RELATING TO ADVOWSOMS AND THE PROPERTY OF CHURCHES ; AND OF ATTAINS. I. Of the Assise of Last Presentation 467 II. Of the day of Plea ; and of the Count of the Plain- tiff 469 III. Of Exceptions in Assise of Last Presentation 470 IV. Of Exceptions independent of the Writ 477 V. Of the Verdict and Judgment in Assise of Last Presentation 489 VI. Of the Action of Quare impedit 492 VII. Of the Assise of Utimm 496 VIII. Of Exceptions in the Assise of Utmm 498 IX. Of the nature of an Oath, and of the process of Attaint 501 X. In what cases Attaint lies 507 XI. Of the Excuses of Jurors in mitigation of Attaint. 511 XII. Of the Trial and Judgment in Attaint. . . . 513 CONTENTS. xxvii BOOK V. OF PLEAS OF DOWER, AND ENTRY. CHAPTER PAGE I. Of the Nature of Dower 518 II. Of the Establishment of Dower 522 III. Of the Assignment of Dower 527 IV. Of the Remedies for recovery of Dower 533 V. Of Vouching to Warrant}' in Pleas of Dower 536 VI. Of Exceptions respecting the Husband's death. . . . 538 VII. Of Exceptions founded on the invalidity of the Marriage, and on the Dower established being different from that claimed 540 VIII. Of the Pleadings when several Women claim Dower of one Husband 546 IX. Of Exceptions relating to the Assent of the Father 548 X. Of common Exceptions in Actions of Dower 550 XI. Of the Judgment in an Action of Dower 561 XII. Of the Plea of Right of Dower 562 XIII. Of Admeasurement of Dower 563 XIV. Of the Actions founded on Writs of Entry 565 XV. Of the Proceedings in an Action of Entry 570 XVI. Of Exceptions in an Action of Entry 573 BOOK VI. OF PROPRIETARY ACTIONS. INTRODUCTION. Of the Plea of Right 575 I. Of Proximity of Heirs . . 575 II. Of Succession, and the Law of Inheritance 577 III. Of Degrees of Kindred 584 IV. Of the proceedings in a Plea of Right before the Court Baron and County Court, and of its re- moval into the Royal Court 588 V. Of Summons in a Plea of Right 597 VI. Of Essoins 602 VII. Of the Essoin de ultra mare 604 VIII. Of the Essoin founded on the King's Service 608 IX. Of the Essoin de malo veniendi 60!) X. Of Attorneys 610 INDEX .. 615 BRITTON, BOOK I. OF THE AUTHORITY OF JUSTICES AND OTHER OFFICERS, AND OF PERSONAL PLEAS INCLUDING PLEAS OF THE CROWN. Prologue. EDWARD 1 by the grace of God, king of England, lord of Ireland, and duke of Aquitaine, to all his faithful people and subjects of England and Ireland, peace and grace of salvation. Desiring peace among the people who by God's per- mission are under our protection, which peace cannot well be without law, we have caused such laws as have heretofore been used in our realm to be reduced into writing according to that which is here ordained. And we will and command, that throughout England and Ireland they be so used and observed in all points, sav- ing to us the power of repealing extending restricting and amending them, whenever we shall see good, by the assent of our earls and barons and others of our Council ; 2 saving also to all persons such customs as by prescription of time have been differently used, so far as such customs are not contrary to law. 1 Edward I. 2 'This Preamble or Prologue is divided into two parts ; first, 1 BRITTON. [I, *1 CHAPTER I. Of the Authority of Justices. 1. First, with regard to ourselves and our Court, WT& have ordained, that, inasmuch as we are not sufficient in our proper person to hear and determine all the complaints of our said people, we have distributed our charge in several portions, as is here ordained. 2. We will that our jurisdiction be superior to all jurisdictions in our realm ; so that in all kinds of felonies trespasses and contracts, and in all manner of other actions personal or real, we have power to give, or cause to be given, such judgment as the case re- the regal style, where he says, " Edward &c. ; " and then the salutation, where he says, "and we will and command &c. ; " affirming a prerogative in his person, that what he thinks right ought to be held to be law ; according to the saying, " Quod principi placuit pro lege habetur." Because peace cannot be without law, nor law without a king : who can change the laws and establish others, but not without the assent of the Earls and others of his Council : ' quiaubi voluntasuniusin toto dominatur, ratio plurimum succumbit.' (Note in MS. N.) This note is cited by Selden as from a MS. in his possession ; Diss. ad Flet. p. 468. The passage from the Civil Law, " Quod principi &o." (Inst. lib. i. tit. 2. 6. Dig. lib. i. tit. 4. 1. 1) was imported into English Law by Glanvill, in his Prologue, and was a frequent subject of con- troversy with subsequent writers. See Bracton f. 107 ; Fleta 16,. 17. See also Selden. Diss. ad Flet. 466. I, *2.] OF AUTHORITY OF JUSTICES. % quires without any other process, whenever WQ have certain knowledge of the truth, as judge. And the Steward of our household shall take our place within the verge of our household; and his office shall ex- tend to the hearing and determining the presentments of the articles of our Crown, when we shall see good. 3. Further, we will that Justices Itinerant be assigned to hear and determine the same articles in every county and franchise every seven years ; and that our Chief Justices of Ireland and Chester have the like power. 4. With respect to the Justices assigned to follow us and hold our place wheresoever we shall be in England, we will that they have cognizance of amending false judgments, and of determining appeals and other pleas of trespass committed against our peace, and that their jurisdiction and record shall extend so far as we shall authorise by our writs. 5. We will that the Earl of Norfolk, by himself or another knight, be attendant upon us and upon our Steward, to execute our commands and the attachments and executions of our judgments and those of our Steward throughout the verge of our house, so long as he shall hold the office of Marshal. 6. In our household let there be a Coroner to execute the business of the Crown throughout the verge and wheresoever we shall be or come within our realm ; and let the same person or some other be assigned to assay all weights and measures in every our verge throughout our realm according to our standards ; and these two duties he shall not fail to do by reason of 4 BKITTOK [I, *2 b. any franchise, unless such franchise be granted in fee farm or in alms by us or our predecessors. 7. In every county let there be a sheriff who shall be attendant on our commands and those of our Justices ; and let him have record of pleas pleaded before him by our writs ; l and under the sheriffs let there be hun- dredres Serjeants and beadles attendant on the sheriffs. And in every county let there be coroners chosen for keeping the pleas of our peace, as shall be author- ised in the chapters concerning their office, and let them have record of things relating to their office. 8. Moreover our will is, that there be Justices con- stantly remaining at "Westminster, or at such other place as we shall be pleased to ordain, to determine common pleas according as we shall authorise them by our writs ; and these Justices shall have record of the proceedings held before them by virtue of our writs. 9. Also our will is, that at our Exchequers at West- minster and elsewhere our Treasurers and our Barons there have jurisdiction and record of things which concern their office, and to hear and determine all causes relating to our debts and seignories and things inci- dent thereto, without which such matters could not be tried ; and that they have cognizance of debts owing to our debtors, by means whereof we may the more speedily recover our own. 10. And we will, that Justices be assigned in every county to have cognizance in such causes of petty 1 The text may admit of another interpretation. But see c. 28, B. 1, and note there. I,*3.] OF AUTHORITY OF JUSTICES. 5 assises and other matters, as we shall assign them by our letters patent, of which causes we will that they have record. Let Justices also be appointed to deliver the gaols in every county, once in every pleadable week, l while they find anything to do ; and let them likewise have record of the pleas brought before them and of their judgments. 11. And although we have granted to our Justices to bear record of pleas pleaded before them, yet we will not that their record be any warrant to them in their own wrong, nor that they be permitted to erase their rolls or amend them or record contrary to the en- rollment. And we will that the power of our Justices be limited in this manner, that they go not beyond the articles of our writs, or of presentments of jurors, or of plaints before them made, save that they shall have the cognizance of vouchers to warranty, and of other in- cidental matters without which the original causes could not be determined. And we forbid, that any have power of amending any false judgment of our Justices, except the Justices who follow us in our Court. w r ho are authorised by us for that purpose, or ourselves, with our Council ; for this we specially reserve to our own jurisdiction. 12. We forbid all our Coroners and Justices, and all 1 The same rule is laid down in c. 12. s. 5, where the expression is chescune simeyne en tens pledable. Mr. Kelhani interprets this as excluding times prohibited by the church (see book ii. c. 21 s. 1) ; but the whole passage appears to require further explanation. See Kelham's Britton, p. 8. n. (24.) f, BRITTOK -, .[I, *3&. others to whom we have given authority of record, that any, except our Steward and our Justices of Ireland and of Chester, without our leave substitute another in his place, to do any act of which he him- self ought to make record ; and if anything be done before such substitutes, \ve will that it be of no force, though it should be of abjuration or outlawry. 13. We will also, that in counties and hundreds, and in every freeholder's Court, the Courts be held by the suitors ; the like in cities boroughs and franchises, and in sheriffs' Tourns and in view of frankpledge. CHAPTER II. Of Coroners. 1. And because our will is, that coroners shall in every county be the principal guardians of our peace, to bear record of the pleas of our Crown, and of their views, and of abjurations and outlawries, we will that they be chosen according as is contained in our statute concerning their election ; and when the} 7 shall be chosen, we will that in full County they take the oath before the sheriff, that they will lawfully and without demanding any reward make their inquests and enroll- ments, and do whatsoever belongs to the office of coroner. 2. Also, we will, when any felony or misadventure has happened, or if treasure be found under ground and wickedly concealed, and in case of rape of women, I, *4.]. OF CORONERS. 7 or of the breaking of our prison, or of a man wounded near to death, or of any other accident happening, that the coroner do speedily, as soon as he is informed of it, give notice to the sheriff and the bailiff of the place, that at a certain day he cause to appear before him, at the place where the accident happened, the four ad- jacent townships and others if need be, whereby he may inquire of the truth of the casualty. And when he is come, let him swear the townships upon the Holy Evangelists, that they will speak the truth of such ar- ticles as he shall demand of them on our behalf. And in this case, and at the sheriffs' tourns, and at view of frankpledge, and in the office of escheators, and in our presence before our Steward, and in the eyre of our Justices, we will that people be sworn though our writ come not. 3. Afterwards, let the coroner with the jurors go and view the body, and the wounds and blows, or if any one hath been strangled or scalded J or by other violence come to his end ; and immediately after the view, let the body be buried. And if the coroner find the body buried before such view made, let him make an enroll- ment thereof ; but let him nevertheless not fail to have the body disinterred, and view it openly, and have it viewed by the townships. 4. Those who are summoned, and come not to the coroner's inquest, shall be in our mercy at the coming of our Justices at the next assises in that county, if 1 Perhaps, suffocated, a sense suggested by Carpentier. Du- cange, Gloss, s. v. excaldare. 8 BRITTON. [I, *4b. such defaults be entered in the roll of the coroners ; so that neither our coroners, nor our escheators, nor any mere inquirers, have authority to amerce any one for any default. 5. When the coroner shall have a sufficient number by whom he may make his inquests, let him in the first place inquire, whether such person was killed by felony or misadventure ; and if by felony, whether the felony was committed in or out of a house, or whether in a tavern, or at a wrestling-match or other meeting. Then let it be inquired, who were present at the fact, great and small, male and female ; and who are guilty of the fact, and who of aid, or of force, or of command- ment or consent, or of knowingly receiving such felons. And if the coroner on the first inquiry suspect conceal- ment of the truth, or that there is need of further in- quiry, and that by others, let inquiry be made again and again ; but let him not for any contrariety in the verdicts alter or curtail his enrollment in any point. And further, he must inquire of the manner of the kill- ing, and with what Aveapon, and of all the circum- stances. 6. And let the sheriff forthwith cause all those who shall be indicted to be taken, if they be found. If they be not found, let the coroner inquire, who they are who have withdrawn themselves on that account ; and let the sheriff forthwith seize their lands into our hand simply, without removing bailiffs or putting in any one on our behalf, until the parties are convicted b\ r judgment or cleared of the felony. Next, let him seize I, *5.] OF CORONERS. 9 all their chattels into our hand, and appraise them by good inquest, and that, whether they be the chattels of villains, who have fled and are suspected, or of free- men, and cause the value to be enrolled in the coroner's roll, and the goods to be delivered to the townships to be answered for to us, in case the person indicted shall either refuse to submit himself to justice in our Court, or be afterwards attainted as a felon. Afterwards let it be inquired, whether any of the persons indicted ever by virtue of our writ of menace found surety of our peace to the person killed ; and let the names of the mainpernors be enrolled according as shall be found by the verdict. 7. If there be any one who would seek vengeance of the death by appeal of felony, let the male, of what age soever he be, be received before the female ; and the next of blood before one more remote. And if the plaintiff is willing to prosecute his appeal within the year and day, let him find in full county two sufficient pledges, distrainable to the sheriff of the county in whose bailiwick the felony was committed, that he will prosecute his appeal according to the law of the land, and thereupon let him be admitted thereto. Then let the coroner enter his appeal and the names of his pledges. Afterwards, let the bailiff of the place where the felony was committed be commanded to have tho bodies of the appellees at the next county court to an- swer to the plaintiff. 8. And if he appeal several, some of the fact and some of the force or accessory facts, to every appeal let 10 BRITTOK [I, *5 1. two pledges to prosecute be entered ; and let the appeal be entered separately against each person. If the bailiff at the second county court testify that he could not find them, then let it be awarded that the princi- pals appealed of the fact be solemnly demanded that they do come to our peace, to take their trial for the felony whereof they are appealed ; and let them be so demanded from county court to county court until they appear or be outlawed. And if the plaintiff makes default at any county court, then let the exigent l stand over till our coming into the county or the Eyre of the Justices ; and if the plaintiff will resume his ap- peal, let him on finding other pledges to prosecute be received thereto, so as he pray it within the year and day. 9. But whether those who were appealed of consent- ing and of accessory facts withdraw themselves or ap- pear, no exigent shall run against them, nor shall they be compelled to answer to the plaintiff before judgment be pronounced in the case of the principal. But if the principal be outlawed, then let exigents be immediately awarded against the accessories. And when any of them, is outlawed, or hath withdrawn himself and is suspected, let the coroner inquire of whose tithing or whose mainpast such fugitive was, and make his en roll - 1 The exigend or exigent is the writ or precept in pursuance of which an absent defendant is exacted or required at the county court, with a view to his outlawry. The name and the practice still continue. See Termes de la ley, s. v. Exigent ; 3 Blackst. omm. 283. App. xix. ; 4 ib. 319. J, *6.] OF COKONERS. 11 inent according to the verdict ; and let him inquire of the lands and chattels of every fugitive, and in what place he has had property elsewhere than in his bailiwick. And if they appear before the outlawry of the principal, let them be replevisable, and immedi- ately after outlawry of the principal, let them come and answer to the plaintiff. 10. If the felony was committed out of a dwelling- house, then let the coroner inquire, who first found the body, and let him or them, if there be several, women as well as men, young as well as old, be taken and re- leased by pledges, until our coming into the county or the Eyre of the Justices ; and let the coroner cause their names and the names of the pledges to be imbre- viated. 11. We forbid every coroner, upon pain of imprison- ment and heavy ransom, to make his inquests of felo- nies accidents or other things belonging to his office, by procurement of friends, 1 or to remove a juror on the challenge of any party, or to take anything by him- self or other, or suffer anything to be taken by his clerk or any person belonging to him, for the exe- cuting of his office ; or to erase, or alter, or practise any kind of fraud in his rolls, or suffer it to be done. 12. If he finds that any one has come to his death by accident, then let him inquire by what accident, whether he was drowned, or fell, or whether he was killed without felony prepensed of any, other, or was a 1 The meaning appears to be : by procuring friends of the parties implicated to make up the jury. 12 BRITTON. [I, *6 b. felon of himself ; and if he was drowned, whether in the sea, or in an arm of the sea, in fresh water, or in a well, or ditch, and by what occasion he was drowned ; also from what vessel he fell, and what things were in such vessel, and to whose hands they came, and of what value they were, and who first found the body. If in a well, then let it be inquired, whose the Avell was. If by a fall, whether it was from a mill, or from a horse, or a house, or a tree. If from a mill, what things were then moving in the mill, who owned the mill, and the value of the things therein then moving ; and likewise of houses, horses, trees, and carts. 13. If the person was killed, then let it be inquired, whether it was done by man or beast or any other thing ; if by man, Avhether by the person himself, or by another ; and if by another, whether the misad- venture happened by chance, or from necessity to avoid death ; if by a beast, whether by a dog or other beast? and Avh ether the beast was set on to do it, and en- couraged to such mischief, or not, and by whom, and so of all the circumstances. 14. Of such as are drowned within our realm by fall- ing from a vessel not at sea, our will is, that the ves- sel and whatsoever shall be found therein be appraised as a deodand and enrolled by the coroner, -that is to say, whatsoever was moving ; for if a man happens to fall from a ship under sail, mothing can be deemed the cause of his death, except the ship itself and the things moving in it ; but the merchandise lying at the bottom of the ship, is not presumed to be the occasion of bis I, *7.] OF CORONERS. 13 death, and so in like cases. And of those drowned in fountains and wells, we will, as in the other cases, that the coroners admit to mainprise the first finders, and enroll their names and the names of their pledges; and of those who have come to their death by carts or mills, and in the like cases, let the coroner make his inquests and enrollments as above directed where persons are drowned. 15. Whenever the coroner takes his inquest on the body of a person feloniously killed, let him cause one or more of kin to the deceased on the side of the father or mother to appear before him in proof of Englishery according to the custom of the country, and enroll their names. 16. We will also that the coroners receive the con- fessions of felonies made by approvers in the presence of the sheriff, whom we intend to be his controller in every part of his office ; and let them cause such confessions to be enrolled. And when any man has fled to church, we will that the coroner as soon as he has notice of it, command the bailiff of the place, that he cause the neighbours and the four nearest town- ships to appear before him at a certain day at the church where the fugitive shall be ; and in their presence he shall receive the confession of the felony ; and if the fugitive pray to abjure our realm, let the coroner immediately do what is incumbent on him. But if he does not pray abjuration, let him be de- livered to the township to keep at their peril. 17. Tf the coroner be to take an inquest of rape, let 14: BRITTOK [I, *7 l>. him carefully inquire into all the circumstances of the force and of the felony, and make enrollment of the presumptive signs, such as stains of blood, and tearing of clothes. If of a wounding, let him inquire with what weapon, and of the length and depth of the wound. Let him likewise enter in his roll all judg- ments of death given in his bailiwick by any other than our Justices ; and in such cases, we will that their rolls be a record. And whereas it is declared above, that coroners ought to make enrollments of appeals of fel- onies of the death of a man, let them do the like in appeals of rape, robbery, larceny, and in appeals of every other kind of felony. 18. It also belongs to their office to inquire of ancient treasure found in the earth, of wreck of the sea, of sturgeons and whales, as soon as they shall have notice thereof ; and to attach and let to mainprise those who have found or made away with them, and to enroll their names, and to secure such findings for our use. And we will that our sheriffs and bailiffs be attendant on our coroners, and execute their precepts. I, *8.] OF EYRES OF JUSTICES. 15 CHAPTER III. Of Eyres of Justices, 1. With respect to our coming, and the Eyre of our Justices, we will that general proclamation be solemnly made in the markets cities and boroughs throughout the county, as well within franchises as without, that all the freemen of the county, and four men and the provost of every vill, and all the mainpernors and those who have been let to mainprise throughout the county, appear at a certain day, which shall be forty days distant at least, before us, or such Justices as shall be named in our precept to keep the eyre in the same county : and that all those who claim any franchise in the same county be the same day before us or the same Justices, and that every one show distinctly in writing what franchises he claims ; and that all those, who have any complaints to make against our minis- ters or bailiffs or those of others or any persons what- soever, be there at the same day, to exhibit such com- plaints and find pledges to prosecute ; and that the sheriff of the county have there all such writs as have been adjourned until the eyre, and all the assizes of novel disseisin, mortdancester, darrein presentment, utrum, and of dower, and all the prisoners and attach- ments. And meantime we will command our Justices of the bench, that they adjourn all the pleas of the 16 BRITTON. [I, *8 b. county and send them before us or such Justices itinerant in that county, so that they be there at the day named. 2. And as to the coming of our Justices, our will is, that as soon as the} 7 be come to the place appointed for holding the eyre, they produce the authority they have of us by our letters patent, and cause them to be read in the hearing of the people ; and afterwards let him who is first named in the letters, show and declare to the people the occasions and advantages of their coming into that county ; this done, let them receive the essoins of the common summons, which shall be immediately determined and adjourned. Then let the essoins of pleas of land be received ; and let these be adjudged and the fourth day after adjourned. 3. Next let the letters whereby any persons whatever claim to hold franchises in that county be received, and let their claims be enrolled, and a transcript of the same enrollment be delivered to the sheriff ; and as to all such franchises as are not claimed, let the sheriff be commanded to seize them into our hands by way of distress, and be answerable to us for the issues, until those who shall claim them have saved their de- faults for not attending the summons ; and let them Mien answer by what warrant they have held them. 4. Afterwards let the Justices take the wands of the ,heriff, and of the lords of the franchises, and of all the other inferior bailiffs, and then let the sheriff swear, that he will duly execute the lawful commands of our Justices, and will well conceal the secrets and counsels T, *9.] OF EYRES OF JUSTICES. 17 of their eyre, so help him God and the Saints. And after this oath is taken, let the wand be delivered back to him. Then let the sheriff present all his officers and bailiffs, clerks and others, by whom the precepts of the Justices and executions of their judgments are to be performed ; and let them all take the same oath that the sheriff took, and their wands be delivered back to them. 5. And if there be any archbishop, bishop, abbot or prior, earl or baron, or other, that claims the franchise of return of our writs, let him take the same oath that the sheriff took ; or let them take their wands in their hands, and present such bailiffs in their stead as will take the oath for them, and for whose acts they Avill be answerable as to that which to their office shall belong : and then let the wands be delivered by those lords to their bailiffs. Afterwards let proclamation be made, that all persons belonging to franchises, except the bailiffs, depart unto their own homes until further summons or until a certain day. 6. Next let the bailiffs of the sheriff swear, that they will truly present two or four 1 of their bailiwick, or more or less, who are not appealed of any crime, nor are appellors, and such as shall best know and will 1 According to the so-called Statute of uncertain date, but probably of the early part of the reign of Edward I, entitled ' de sacramento ministrorumregis,' tivo knights orprodes homes were to be chosen by the bailiffs, and twelve knights or prodes homes to be chosen of themselves and others of their hundred by the first two. According to Bracton and Fleta/or/r knights were to be first chosen. Cf. Blackst. Comm. vol. iv. p. 302. 18 BKITTOX. [I, *9 b. inquire and discover secret acts concerning the breach of our peace. And when the names are given in, let those come and swear, that they will lawfully associate to themselves such others, by whom the truth may best appear. Afterwards, let them, together with those whom they have chosen for the most sufficient, swear, that they will lawful presentment make of such chapters as shall be delivered to them in writing, and that in this they will not fail for an}' love, hatred, fear, reward, or promise, and that they will conceal the secrets, 1 so help them God, and the Saints. And then let the chapters be read to them, and delivered to every dozen separately. 2 7. Afterwards, let proclamation be made, that none presume to amerce any man for making default in a court baron or hundred, who shall at that time be before us or our Justices ; and that no market be kept within ten miles, except in the town where our Justices shall be, if the town is not able to find sufficient pro- vision for such as shall abide there ; and that, if any 1 This clause of the oath is not in Bracton or Fleta, nor in the statute ' for oaths of the king's officers.' In MS. N. a form of oath is given in French nearly resembling that in the text, and concluding, ' mes vostre conseil e de ceste eyre bien e loialmente celeray.' 2 ' He [qu. the Justice] shall then read the articles distinctly in English. And that which they shall present, he shall put first in a roll, which shall be their note and shall remain with them. And afterwards of that and the other things, by command and direction of the more prudent of the twelve, he shall make his chief roll.' (Note in MS. K ) I, *1U.J OF EYRES OF JUSTICES. 19 person be come who has no business on hand, he shall make his attorney, if he please, and depart home. 8. Afterwards, let the coroners, or their heirs, be Commanded to deliver to the Justices their rolls since the last eyre ; and we will that the Justices seal them under their seals, and forthwith without any examina- tion deliver the rolls back to them, so that they be every day with their clerks before the Justices, while they have occasion for them. 9. Afterwards, let the presentments upon the chapters delivered to the dozens be received in writing ; and let the same be indented, so that the Justices may have one part thereof and the other may remain with the presenters. The chapters which are to be delivered to them are not however of any certain number ; for as crimes increase, so much the chapters and other rem- edies increase. Some of these chapters are concern- ing counterfeiters, murders, accidents, and other mat- ters, as will appear from the following heads. 20 BRITTON. [I, *10 b. CHAPTER IY. Of the Chapters of the Eyre. In the first place, let the old articles presented in the last eyre in that county touching breaches of our peace, which then remained undetermined, be inquired of, heard, and determined. Of our mortal enemies abiding in our land presentment cannot properly be made, 1 but accusation and appeal, as will appear in the chapter of appeals. CHAPTER Y. Of counterfeiting the seal and coin and of the trial of felons. 1. Let inquiry be made of forgers, and not only of such as counterfeit our seal, but of all those who shall have in any way falsified our seal, as those who have fraudulently hung it to any charter without our leave, or when it has been stolen or robbed or otherwise obtained, have sealed writs therewith without other 1 This appears to be a correction of Fleta 24 (li. 1. cap. 20. sect. 1), who puts treason as the first article of the eyre. It does not appear among the matters enumerated by Bracton, or in the Capitula Itineris (Stat. incert. temp.) But compare post. c. 30. s. 3. I, *11.] OF FORGERS. 21 authority. And also of forgers who have counterfeited our coin, or put more alloy in it than according to the form and usage of our mint ought to be put, or that have coined money, whether good or bad, in our realm without our leave. Likewise of those who have clipped our coin or otherwise impaired it. Of those also who have brought into our realm counterfeit money in any way resembling ours in despite and damage of us and our people. 2. Upon presentment of this felony, we will that the sheriff do cause all those who are indicted of it to be instantly taken, and their bodies kept safely in prison ; and that they be brought before us or our Justices ; and, to the intent that no one may be unprepared with his answer, let those who are so taken have fifteen days at least, if they pray it, to provide their defence, and in the meantime let them be safely kept. And when they shall appear in judgment before us or before our Justices, let them be there arraigned by the sheriff or other officer on our behalf, and indicted of the felony according to the nature of the presentment. And if they will not put themselves upon their ac- quittal, 1 let them be put to their penance, until they 1 That is, if they reiuse to be tried by an inquest or jury. This sort of trial appears, in theory at least, not to have been con- sidered valid either in criminal or civil causes, without the con- sent of the parties. Compare liv. ii. c. 20. 2. So in liv. iii. c. 23. 4, the consent of the party is extorted by the alternative of a judgment against him. It has been a question, whether the penance here described, which is referred to in Stat. West. I. c. 12, as prisone forte et dure, \vas introduced by that Statute. 22 BRITTOK [T, *11. prav to do it ; and let their penance be this, that they be barefooted, ungirt and bareheaded, in the worst place in the prison, upon the bare ground continually night and day, that they eat only bread made of barley or bran, and that they drink not the day they eat,- nor eat the day they drink, nor drink anything but water, and that they be put in irons. 3. If one indicted of felony alleges clergy, and be found to be a clerk and claimed by the ordinary, let it be inquired how he is suspected ; and if the present- ers upon inquiry find that there are no certain grounds Coke contends (2 Inst. 178) that it was previously used in cases of appeals, (see post. c. 24. s. 7. ; Fie. 51, 33), but was extended by that Statute to indictments at the king's suit. Others have observed that no trace of it is to be found in any authorities anterior to the reign of Edward I ; and examples have been cited from earlier records, showing that by the practice of the previous reign, the inquest might be taken by jury without the consent of the prisoner, either, voluntary or enforced. (See Hale, Pleas of the Crown, vol. ii. p. 321; Kelham's Britton, p. 35.) This might appear to be in some degree confirmed by the general statement of Glanville, that in cases of treason where there was no appellor, but the prisoner was accused by common fame, the truth was to be inquired by inquests and interrogations before the Justices. (Glan. li. 14. c. 1.) On the other hand, it does not appear to have been observed, that Bracton, although he does not mention the particular means employed, expressly refers to a prisoner on trial for felony being forced to put himself upon the inquest per patriam. " Istam vero formam inquisitionis per patriam servabnnt justiciarii generaliter in omnibus inquisition- ibus quae faciendae sunt pro morte hominis, ubi quis se posuerit super inquisitionem sive sponte sive per cautelam inductus sive per r^cessitatem." Brae. 143 b. T, *11 I.} OF FORGERS. 23 for suspicion, let the judgment be that ne be entirely acquitted ; and if he is believed to be guilty, let his chattels be appraised, and his lands taken into our hands, and his body delivered to the ordinary ; J and if the ordinary deliver him out of prison before due acquittance according to the purgation of clerks, or if he keep him so negligently as to let him escape, or out of malice keep him in such manner as to prevent his coming to his purgation, and be convicted thereof, in each of these cases let the ordinary be in our mercy. 2 And according as the ordinary shall certify us of the acquittance 3 of those clerks, we will cause restitution to be made them of their goods, if they have not fled from our peace. 4 1 If the principal accused refused to put himself on the coun- try, and claimed clergy, the accessories could not be attainted of felony. A case to this effect is cited in the note in MS. N. as having occurred at Lincoln. ' The accessory put himself on the country and by Sir John del Ille was commanded to the gallows. But Sir Elias de Preston said "Repeal that judgment, for the principal never put himself, and is not yet attainted." And he was ordered back to prison and afterwards made his fine for ten pounds.' John del Isle was a baron of the exchequer from 23 Ed. I. to 12 Ed. II. (Foss, Judges, vol. iii. p. 270). Elias de Pres- ton is not mentioned in Mr. Foss's work. - The amercement shall be 100s. at least ; and 100Z. for ad. escape from prison.' (Note in MS. N.) 8 ' Et sic habet ordinarius recordum in eodem.' (Note in MS. N.) 4 ' Hence the inquest may be had, whether the clerk put him- self thereupon or not, for two things ; namely, to know for what 21 BRITTON. [I, *11 b. 4. For we will that Holy Church retain her liberties unimpaired, so that she have cognizance of judging of mere spirituality, of testaments, of matrimony, of bastardy, of bigamy, and in the felonies of clerks, and in the correction of sins, provided the ordinaries take of the laity no money nor the value thereof, nor give judgment of any property except concerning testament and matrimony and mere spirituality, and of the repairs of churchyards and defects in churches, and of mor- tuaries, and of tithes, without prejudice to us. 5. And if any ordinary, either in person or by his proctor, demands one who is a mere layman, or a biga- mist, 1 or of such other condition that he ought not to enjoy the privilege of Holy Church, we will that he be committed to prison and punished by fine ; and so of a proctor who presents himself for the ordinary with- out warrant in writing. 6. If any felons will confess their crimes and accuse others and become approvers, let them be put out of penance, and let their confessions be presently received cause he ought to be delivered to the bishop, and also for his chattels, whether he has forfeited them by his flight.' (Note in MS. N.) 1 Bigamus in the canon law is he that has married two or more virgins successively, or that has married a widow. See Coke, Inst. Pt. ii. p. 273 ; Blackstone, Comm. vol. iv. p. 163. By the council of Lyons, A. D.. 1274, Bigamiwere declared to be ' omni privilegio clerical! nudati, et coertioni fori saecularis addicti,'and forbidden under anathema to assume the tonsure. (Sext. Deer, tit. 12.) This was confirmed in England as to benefit of clergy by the Statute 4 Ed. I, thence called Statutum de bigamis. I, *12.] OF FORGERS. 23 and enrolled by the coroner, and from that day forward let them have of the sheriffs three halfpence a day for their support. 7. When persons appealed at the eyre shall appear for trial, and demand judgment, whether they ought to answer concerning an act done before the last eyre and not then presented in that county, in all such cases they shall be put to their answer, 1 because we will not that felonies remain unpunished ; and if the article was not presented in the last eyre, the presenters for that hundred in the former eyre shall be in our mercy for the concealment, and any of them found to be liv- ing shall be punished by imprisonment and fine. 8. When the defendants have put themselves upon the country, and the jurors are come into court, they may be challenged in the following form. Sir, this man ought not to be upon the jury, because he indicted me, and I presume of him and all those who indicted me, that they stiil bear the same ill will against me as when they indicted me. And we will that, where a man's life is at stake, this exception shall be allowed. The} r may also be challenged in many other ways besides this, as shall be shown in treating of exceptions. And when the accused either cannot or will not chal- lenge the jurors, or there are jurors enough unchal- lenged, to the number of twelve, let them go to the book. If there are not sufficient, let the challenges be 1 This is mentioned as a valid exception by Bracton, who cites a case of the 9 Hen., III. in affirmance of it. Brae. 116 b. 140 b. 141 ; soFleta49 (6). 26 BBITTOK. [1, *12 1. tried ; and if the challenges be found true, so that there are not full twelve remaining, let another day be appointed, and let the sheriff summon more. 9. When they are to swear, let them swear one after another, that they will speak the truth of what shall be demanded of them on our part, so help them God and the Saints. And let no falsehood be ever know- ingly practised ; for they cannot swear in a matter t of greater moment, than in that of life and member.! Afterwards let the jurors be charged of what fact they are to speak the truth. And then let them go and confer together, and be kept by a bailiff, so that no one speak to them ; and if any one does so, or if there be any one among them who is not sworn, let him be committed to prison, and all the rest amerced for their folly in suffering it. 10. If they cannot all agree in one mind, let them be separated and examined why they cannot agree ; and if the greater part of them know the truth and the other part do not, judgment shall be according to the opinion of the greater part. And if they declare upon their oaths, that they know nothing of the fact, let others be called who do know it ; 1 and if he who put 1 The statements of the text as to receiving the verdict of a majority, and as to impanelling a fresh inquest in criminal cases require to be examined and compared with other authorities. Section 1'3 appears to be inconsistent. See a learned note by Mr. Kelham upon this passage in his translation of the first book of Britton, and the authors there cited. The question as to the right of the judge in criminal cases to discharge a jury without I, *13.] OF FORGERS. 27 himself on the first inquest Avill not put himself on a new jury, let him be remanded back to penance till he consents thereto. 11. We will also, that if any man, who is indicted of a crime touching life and limb, and perceives that the verdict of the inquest, on which he has put himself, is likely to pass against him, desires to say that any ono of the jurors is suborned to condemn him by the lord, of whom the accused holds his land, through greediness of the escheat, or for other cause by any one else, the Justices thereupon shall carefully examine the jurors, whether they have any reason to think that such_slan- der is true. And often a strict examination is neces- sary ; for in such case inquiry may be made, how the jurors are informed of the truth of their verdict ; when they will say, by one of their fellows, and he perad- venture will say, that he heard it told for truth at the tavern or elsewhere by some ribald or other person un- worthy of credit ; or it may happen that he, or they, by whom the jurors have been informed, were intreated or suborned by the lords, or by the enemies of the per- son indicted, to get him condemned ; and if the Justices find this to be the fact, let such suborners be appre- hended and punished by imprisonment and fine. 12. And if the jurors are in doubt of the matter and not certain, the judgment ought always in such case to be for the defendant. If they say that he is not guilty of the felony, the award shall be, that he go quit, and a verdict, has been discussed in modern times in the case of Regina v. Charlesicorth, 1 Best and Smith, 460. 28 BRITTON. [I, *13 ft. that he have restitution of his lands and of all his goods. And if they find that he is guilty, as he hath offended by treason against us, let him be drawn and condemned to death. 13. In felony of counterfeiting there lies no appeal, except between the accuser on our behalf and the ac- cused, and between the approved, who has confessed the felony, and him whom he has appealed as his ac- complice, and between a person found in possession, and another whom he shall vouch to warrant ; for in these cases no suit lies, except ours. 14. With regard to false writs or writs disavowed or writs of false judgment, found in any person's possession, we will, that such persons be arrested and detained in prison, until they are warranted, or until those whom they have vouched have either put themselves on their defence or are outlawed ; and if the vouchees are out- lawed, or if they have vouched such as are not known in the county, then we will, that they either acquit them- selves by the county or be put to penance. If they are warranted by those who cannot justify those writs according to the laws and usages of our realm, let judgment be given against the warrantors; and if the vouchee refuses to warrant, then the course of law is such as shall be afterwards mentioned. And with respect to false and clipped money and money coun- terfeited like our coin, let proceedings be taken accord- ing to the statutes concerning our coin, or according to what is laid down concerning false writs found in any one's possession. I, *14.] OF HOMICIDES. 29 CHAPTER VI. Of Homicides. 1. Let inquiry also be made of homicides and mur- ders ; and our will is, that those, who command aid or counsel others to kill, be indicted of this felony as well as the principal actors. And inasmuch as this felony may be committed under colour of judgment through malice of the judge, or under some other pretence, as by false physicians and bad surgeons, and by poison and sundry other ways, our pleasure is, that all those who have committed such secret felonies be indicted ; and also those who falsely for hire, or in any other manner, have condemned, or caused to be condemned, any man to death by means of a false oath. 2. According to the presentment of this article let it be commanded, that all those who are indicted be ap- prehended ; and if any one suspected of this crime be dwelling out of the county, let his lands be immediate- ly seized, and his chattels appraised and delivered to the townships ; and let him afterwards be put in exigent until he appear or be outlawed. And when any felons appear in judgment to answer of their felony, our will is, that they come barefooted, ungirt, uncoifed, and bareheaded, in their coat only, without irons or any kind of bonds, 1 so that they may not be deprived of 1 In MS. A T . the above words, which probably originally stood 30 BRITTON. [I, *U *. reason by pain, nor be constrained to answer by force, but of their own free will ; and then, agreeably to the presentment against them, let them be indicted. 3^ If the prisoners are found guilty, let their judg- ment be death for death, and let their movable goods be ours, and their heirs disinherited ; we will also have the year and day of their inheritances, of whomsoever the} T are holden, that they may remain one year and one day in our hands, so that we neither cause the tene- ments nor the woods to be destroyed or Avasted, 1 nor the meadows to be ploughed, as was wont to be done in memory of felonies attainted, such tenements being excepted whereof the felons were not invested or seised in their demesne as of fee ; for of such lands as they held for term of life or years, or by fresh disseisin, or in fee farm rendering annually the true value, or in mortgage or on like condition, we will take nothing. as in the text, are erased and altered, in the same hand as the notes frequently cited, as follows: "en lour peiore cote hors de trop gros fers e hors de trop gros liens." This may serve to show that the practice was not so indulgent as the rule laid down In- cur author. 1 It was the opinion of Bracton that the year and day were given to the king in lieu of the right of laying waste the lands of felons. The Great Charter (c. 22) appears implicitly to give ny the claim to waste, and to have been so understood by Bracton and the authors of Fleta and Britton (Brae. 129 ; Fie. liv. i. c. 28, 6). But both rights were afterwards insisted on (Brae. 129, 1296; Stat. Praerog. Reg. 17 Ed. II.) ; and such appears to be the present law in cases of murder. See Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown (8th ed.), vol. ii. p. 638. I, *15.] OF HOMICIDES. 31 We will also, that their lands aliened after commission of their felonies, be escheated to the lords of the fees, so that immediately after judgment given it shall be lawful for those lords to demand by our writ of escheat the tenements so aliened. 4. If any man be found killed, and another be found near him with the knife or other weapon in his hand all bloody, wherewith he killed him, the coroner shall be presently fetched, and in his presence the felon shall, upon the testimony of those who saw the felony done, be judged to death. The like when a person is found in a house, or other place where one shall be found killed, 1 and the person found alive is neither hurt nor wounded, and has not raised the hue and cry, and has not charged any with the felony, and shall not be able to do so. 5. We will also, that the heirs of felons, begotten before the felony committed, be disinherited of every inheritance which may fall to them on the part of the blood of the felon attainted by judgment ; and heirs 1 Bractcm (137, 137 b) mentions the two instances here given, as cases of presumptive guilt, in which there is no need of proof, sen per corpus seu per patriam, either by duel or jury ; and this, he says, is an old established law, antique constitutio. I find no mention either in Bracton or Fleta of judgment of death for homicide before the coroner. Cf. Mag. Char. c. 17. The coro- ner's presence was required at capital trials in courts of lords. Ante, c. 2. s. 17. In the Year Book 30, 31 Ed. I, app. ii. p. 545, a thief taken with the mainour is adjudged to death, by the cus- tom of Yorkshire, coram quatuor villatis. Compare post c. 16. 8.1. 32 BRITTON. [I, *15 1. begotten after the felony committed, shall be excluded from all manner of succession to the inheritance, as well on the part of the mother as on the part of the father ; the wives also of felons shall not hold in dower any tenement assigned them by such husbands. CHAPTER VII. Of Murder. Murder is the felonious killing of a person unknown, whereof it cannot be known by whom it was done. And our will is, that for every murder the hundred in which it shall be committed be amerced, 1 and if the act is found to have been done in two hundreds, let both the hundreds be amerced in proportion to the extent of each hundred. And it shall not be adjudged mur- der, where any of kin to the deceased can be found, who can prove that he was an Englishman and thus make presentment of Englishery ; nor, although the person killed was a foreigner, if he lived long enough to accuse the felons himself ; nor where any felon shall be apprehended for the fact ; nor in case of accident or mischance ; nor where any man shall have taken sanc- tuary for the felony ; nor in any case where the felon shall be known, so that the felony may be punished by outlawry or otherwise attainted ; nor where two or more persons have feloniously killed each other, although they be unknown or aliens. i ' At 100s.' (Note in MS. N.). 1,10.] OF ACCIDENTS. 33 CHAPTEK VIII. Of Accidents. An accident is that which occasions the death of a man without felony, as where people die suddenly by any sickness, or fall into the fire or into the water, and there lie until they are quite dead. A mischance is where a man is killed by a fall from a tree, ship, boat, cart, horse, or mill, or in the like cases, where no felony is committed, and in which there is no need of raising the hue and cry, or making any presentment by the kindred of the deceased or by the tow r nship at the next county court, but the coroner's inquest is sufficient. In such mischances, the things which caused the death shall be adjudged to us as deodands, as is men- tioned before in the chapter concerning the office of coroner. And where a man is felon of himself, his chattels shall be adjudged ours, as the chattels of a felon, but his inheritance shall descend entire to his heirs. 3 34 BKITTOK [I, *16 I. CHAPTEE IX. Of Treasons. 1. Treason consists of any mischief, which a man knowingly does, or procures to be done, to one to whom he pretends to be a friend. And treasons may be either great or little, of which some require judgment of death, some loss of limb, pillory, or imprisonment, and others lighter punishment, according to the nature of the case. 2. Great or high treason is to compass our death or to disinherit us of our kingdom, or to falsify our seal, or to counterfeit our coin, or to clip it. A person may likewise commit great treason against others in several ways, as by procuring the death of any one who trusts him ; as for instance those who poison their lords or others, and those who lead persons into such perils, that they lose life and member or chattels. 3. The judgment in high treason is to be drawn and to suffer death for the felony. The same judgment is incurred by those, who in appeals of felony are attainted of having counterfeited or otherwise falsified the seal of their lord, of whose dependence or homage they are, or of adultery with the wives of their lords, or of violation of the daughters of their lords or the nurses of their children. And if a woman be attainted of any treason, let her be burnt. I, *16 b.] OF ARSONS, 35 4. Where persons are attainted of crimes of this nature at our suit, let them be sentenced for falsifying a seal, if the act be of small consequence, to judgment of pillory only, or to lose an ear ; but if the act be of importance and heinous, as touching disherison or lasting damage, they shall then be judged to death. And of the other offence let Holy Church have correc- tion. CHAPTER X. Of Arsons. Let inquiry also be made of those who feloniously in time of peace have burnt others' corn or houses, and those who are attainted thereof shall be burnt, 1 so that they may be punished in like manner as they have offended. The same sentence shall be passed upon sorcerers, sorceresses, renegades, sodomites, and heretics publicly convicted. 2 1 As to this punishment for arson by burning, which is not mentioned in Bracton or Fleta, see a record of 5 Hen. III. cited by Sir Samuel Clarke in his edition of the first book of Fleta, c. 18. p. 36 n. (d), and by Mr. Kelham in his notes on the first book of Britton, p. 40. 2 It seems that as to these offences, though the king's court was in general ancillary to the ecclesiastical tribunal, it sometimes acted independently. ' Burners of corn and houses, wives guilty of treason against their husbands, sorcerers, sodomites, renegates, and misbelievers, run in a leash (currunt en une leesse) as to their sentence of being burned. But the inquirers of Holy 36 BBITTOK [I, *17. CHAPTEE XI. Of Burglars. Let inquiry also be made of burglars. Such we hold to be all those who feloniously in time of peace break churches, or the houses of others, or the walls or gates of our cities or boroughs. Infants under age, and poor people, who through hunger enter the house for victuals under the value of twelve pence, are excepted ; as are also idiots and madmen, and others, who are incapable of felony ; and those, who enter into any tenement of seisin in respect of some right which they think they have, are not held to be burglars. The punishment of such felons is death. CHAPTER XII. Of Prisoners. 1. Let inquiry also be made of those who have bro- ken our prison ; for to escape from the prison of an- other is no felony. We will that a prison be accounted Church shall make their inquests of sorcerers, sodomites, rene- gates, and misbelievers ; and if they find any such, they shall deliver him to the king's court to be put to death. Nevertheless, if the king by inquest find any persons guilty of such horrible sin. he may put them to death, as a good marshall of Christen- dom (come bon Mareschal de la Chrestienete).' (Note in MS. N.) I, *17 &] OF PRISONERS. 37 a place limited by us within certain bounds for the keeping of the bodies of men, which bounds we forbid on pain of death any one to pass with a felonious in- tent of escaping ; and if any one having such intent is taken, and is attainted of compassing that felonious intent, let him receive judgment of death., 1 2. If the prisoner was in the custody of any one claiming the wardenship in fee, let the franchise be seized into our hands. And if the prisoner, who made his escape, has escaped from the custody of any one of our officers, let that officer be amerced at 100s. in the eyre of the Justices. And if he who thus escaped was an approver, let the warden be ransomed at our will. If any prisoner escape from the custody of a township, let the township be in our mercy in the eyre of the Justices, according to the custom of the coun- try ; and if from the custody of a private person, let such person be amerced; and if any gaoler be suspect- ed of having consented to the escape, let him be taken and indicted for consenting to the felony ; and if he be found guilty of consenting, let him have judg- ment of death. 3. As to prisoners, we will that none be put in irons but such as have been apprehended for felony, or are imprisoned for trespasses committed in parks or 1 This passage may serve to assist in ascertaining the age of the present book. By theStat. de frangent ibus prisonam (23 Ed. I.) it was enacted that none should undergo sentence of life or limb for breaking of prison only. See Introduction by the Editor. 38 BRITTON. [I, *18. vivaries, or detained for arrears of accounts ; and we forbid their being put to any pain or torture other- wise than by law they ought, 1 or that any person be disseised, while in prison, of anything- which shall be- long to him. Their lands and goods shall be seized into our hand, but without ousting anything; the prisoners and their families shall be supported out of their own goods as long as they remain in prison, and none of their bailiffs shall be removed, nor others put in. And when they have lawfully acquitted them- selves, all that was theirs shall be delivered back to them ; and if anything belonging to them shall in the mean time have been removed, we will in such case af- ford our especial aid to recover it and to punish the offenders. But if judgment of death pass upon them, we will that then, and not before, our officers put out their wives and their bailiffs, and cause their chattels and lands to be seized into our hand, and that their movable goods be appraised by inquest of office of the coroner, and delivered to the townships, who shall be answerable to us in the eyre of the Justices. 4. If any person die in prison, our pleasure is, that the coroner go and view the body and take a true in- quest of his death, in what way it has happened. And if the inquest find that his death was hastened by 1 ' Note, that for a felon slain in prison judgment of homicide shall be given. For, though he was lawfully condemnable for the felony, yet it is necessary that it pass by judgment. For we ought not to hold them absolutely felons until the law has con- demned them.' (Note in MS. N.) I *18 &.] OF PRISONERS. 39 the harsh keeping of his gaolers, or by pain unlawfully inflicted on him, then let the body be buried, and let all those, who are indicted as being the cause of his death, be immediately apprehended and detained as felons homicides. 5. And we will, that in time pleadable our gaols be delivered once in every week of all prisoners deliver- able, such being excepted as are not to be delivered without our special command. 6. Prisoners shall in general be answerable to such as shall implead them as long they remain in prison ; others shall likewise be answerable to them ; and essoins shall be allowed to them, as Avell as to others, neither shall they lose anything by any de- fault. But prisoners apprehended for felony we will by no means suffer to implead or be impleaded by any one, unless for some greater felony, so that a greater felony be not stifled or covered by a less. But our will is, that such prisoners may allege as an exception in every lesser plea whereof they shall be impleaded, not being the cause for which they have been appre- hended, whether the plea be moved against them before their apprehension or after, that they are not bound to answer such pleas, until they are acquitted of the greater cause for which they are detained. 7. We forbid any one to take money, or the value thereof, for receiving prisoners, or to delay receiving them, or to take for the keeping any prisoner more than four pence, on pain of ransom and fine. Of the poor let nothing be taken, and let no prisoner 40 BKITTON. [I, *19. be longer detained for default in payment of such fees. *8. And we will, that whatever contracts shall be made in prison by prisoners not taken or detained for felony shall be held valid, unless made under such dis- tress as includes fear of death or torture of body ; and in such case they shall reclaim their deed, as soon as they are at liberty, and signify the fear they were under to the nearest neighbours and to the coroner ; and if they do not reclaim such deeds by plaint within the year and day, the deeds shall be valid. 9. Those who claim the custody of any prison in fee shall not detain a prover, who has confessed himself to be a felon and appealed others of the felony, beyond a day and a night, but shall send him forthwith to our prison which is in our own hand, on peril of forfeiting the said custody ; and no other person shall keep in prison any one apprehended for felony beyond a day and a night, but shall send him forthwith to our prison 1 on pain of ransom. And therefore with respect to this article, let it be inquired, who has imprisoned another or detained him wrongfully in his custody, or in our prison maliciously and wrongfully under colour of 1 This rule was subject to an exception, where there was a franchise of Infangthef or Utfangthef ; for the lord might keep those in his prison whom he could judge in his court. Brae. 1226, 123. The abbot of Peterborough in the parliament of 3 Ed. I. established his right to keep in his own prison twenty- nine prisoners of his liberty appealed of homicide in the county- court of Northampton. Chron. Petroburg. p. 21. T, *19 I.] OF OUTLAWS. 41 judgment; and let such as shall be convicted thereof be punished by imprisonment and by ransom, which shall be greater or less in proportion to the offence. *CHAPTER XIII. Of Outlaws. 1. In the next place, let inquiry be made of felons outlawed, and of such as have abjured the realm for felony, who have returned without our leave ; and of those who knowingly receive them. And because it is needful that every one should know the danger of receiving such persons, our will is, that all who are of the age of fourteen years 1 or upwards shall take an oath to us, that they will be faithful and loyal to us, and will neither be felons nor assenting to felons ; and that every one be in some tithing and pledged by their tithingmen, except persons in religion, clerks, knights and their eldest sons, and women ; and let the obli- 1 Bracton (124b) and Fleta (p. 40) mention the age of twelve years as the time of taking the oath ; and this is in some degree confirmed by the terms of the Stat. Marl. c. 25. The Mirror, however, as printed (p. 13, 283), agrees with our author in fixing the time at fourteen years. Coke (2 Inst. 121, 147) cites both Britton and the Mirror as naming the age of twelve, and says, that where old books mention sometimes fourteen years, it is but misprinted. The mistake, however, if it be one, appears to run through all the manuscripts. Compare Brae. 115 6, where the age of fifteen is mentioned as the time for persons of higher station to take a similar oath. 42 BRITTON. [I, *20. gation of the pledge be this, that if they do not pro- duce those for whom they are pledged, to be amenable to justice in our Court when required, the tithingmen with the tithings shall be in our mercy. With regard to clerks, knights, persons of religion, and women, our pleasure is that the head of every household be answer- able for all his chief domestics, and that they answer for those under them. As to guests, we will that every one answer for his guest that he shall have harboured for more than two nights together, so that the first night he shall be deemed a stranger and uncouth, 1 the second night a guest, and the third night a hoghenhine. 2 2. And for the maintaining of peace, we will that when a felony is committed, every one be ready to pur- sue and arrest *the felons, according to our Statutes of Winchester, with the company of horns and voices from township to township, until they are either taken or have been pursued as far as the chief town of the county or franchise. We will also, that every one who flies from our peace forfeit his chattels to us for such flight, if he be suspected of felony, although he be afterwards acquitted of the principal fact. And if it be murder or other felony concerning the death of a man, let such felony be presented at the next county court by one or more townships, and by the first finder and the kindred of the person killed, that is to say, by one or more of kin on the part of the father, or on the 1 Anglo-Saxon, uncuu, unknown. 2 Anglo-Saxon, agen hina, his own hind or domestic. I *20 &.] OF OUTLAWS. 43 part of the mother, according to the custom of the county. 3. If one or more be appealed of the death, and others of the force and accessory facts, let the princi- pals be first demanded at three county courts to come and answer concerning the felony, and if they do not come at the fourth court, and are not mainprised to appear at the fifth, they shall be outlawed at the fourth. 1 A woman however cannot properly be out- lawed because she is not appointed to any tithing or to the law, but she may be waived, Avhich is equivalent to outlawry. 4. As to the punishment of outlaws in their lifetime for their felonies, their judgment shall be this, that, since they will not be amenable to the law, they be fore- judged from all law, and put out of our peace, and be answerable to all, and none to them, and be judged felons, as shall also all those who knowingly receive them or bear them company after their outlawry ; and he who shall kill them shall be acquitted of their death, except in cases where they shall offer to sur- render themselves or where they might have been otherwise taken; neither in appeals shall they be heard against any man ; and if they are taken, and found 1 The practice has been to proclaim a fugitive at five county courts, so that he is not adjudged an outlaw until the fifth ; and Bracton agrees with this practice. He says, however, that the proceeding at the first court is merely a calling of the fugitive, and is not part of the outlawry, and therefore the fifth court is x.-alled the fourth. Brae. 125 6. 44 BR1TTON. [I, *21. to be outlawed by record of the roll of the coroner, they shall be hanged, and their chattels shall be ours, and their heirs disinherited of every kind of inheritance. CHAPTER XIV. Of Inlawry, or being restored to law. 1. Inlawry in many cases ought to be granted of right, and in others it ma} 7 be of favour; and, where of favour, the outlaws ought always to carry about them our charter, containing the release of the out- lawry before pronounced against them, that they may not fail to be protected by us, when they shall have occasion. But if they have been legally and deservedly outlawed, such release will not avail them to recover any of the lands or chattels which were theirs before the outlawry pronounced against them, or to demand any inheritance or debts, or any manner of remedy for an injury which they shall before have suffered. 2. Inlawry ought of right to be granted in these cases, namely, where a man has been outlawed before the fourth county court, or without suit and without command of the Justices Itinerant after their eyre ended, or without our writ, or where there was not a regular succession of county courts, or if the outlawry was not in the county court, or not in the presence of the coroner; or if the outlaw at the time of pro- nouncing the outlawry, was under the age of fourteen I *21 I.] OF INLAWRY. 45 years, 1 or out of bis right mind, or deaf, or an idiot, or out of our realm, or detained in prison ; or if the cause of outlawry be found null, as if the man who was sup- posed to have been killed be still alive, or if the outlawry was pronounced in any other county than where the felony was committed, or if the outlaw was then in our service in war or castle, or if it be found that the occasion of the outlawry was not felony. 3. In these and other like cases, if the outlaws return and surrender themselves to our prison, and acquit themselves of the principal fact, the Justices shall certify us thereof ; and we will immediately, as of right, command by our writs the sheriff of that county and the counties adjoining, that they cause the peace of such outlaws to be proclaimed in cities and in boroughs, in fairs and in markets, and cause it to be solemnly declared that the cause of the outlawry is found to be false, and that the outlaws be restored to their lands and inheritances, saving to us their chattels, if they shall have given occasion of suspicion by flight. 4. We will that those who by malicious contrivance sue any man to an outlawry in any other county than where the principal fact was committed, and are con- victed thereof, shall be banished our realm for their malice. 5. And although a person be rightfully and deserv- edly outlawed, yet it may appear that he was dead before the outlawry pronounced against him ; in which 1 See note to chap. xiii. s. 1. ante, p. 48. 46 BRITTON. . [I, *22. case liis heirs shall enjoy their inheritance, because the ancestor did not live to have judgment passed upon him. 6. If it be found that an outlawry was pronounced before the third county court, or that the proceedings in the county court were in any other manner erroneous, let the county be adjudged in our mercy ; and if it be found that the outlawry was pronounced in the absence of the coroner, and that the coroner was in fault, let the coroner be punished by imprison- ment and fine. The like of abjurations made in his absence, although he send his rolls by his clerk or other person not properly authorised. 7. As to lands and tenements aliened by felons at- tainted after commission of their felonies, we will, that such alienations be voidable by the chief lords of the fees by means of our writs of escheat. CHAPTER XV. Of Rape. Rape is a felony committed by a man by violence on the body of a woman, whether she be a virgin or not. Of such felonies let inquiry be made ; and whoever is attainted thereof, either at the suit of the woman by appeal of felony, or at our suit, shall have the same judgment as for the death of a man, whether the woman have consented after commission of the felony or not, as is contained in our Statutes of West- minster. I, *22.] OF LARCENIES. CHAPTER XVI. Of Larcenies. 1. Let careful inquiry also be made concerning robbers, 1 thieves, and such like offenders ; as to whom our will is, that if those who rob, or steal the goods of another, amounting to twelvepence or more, 2 be 1 ' A robber is lie who by force in the day or night despoils an- other of his goods. A thief is he who carries off or steals an- other's goods in the absence of the owner, or in his presence but without his knowledge.' (Note in MS. N.) 2 In the time of Edward I. the price of a cow varied from 5s. to 12s., the price of a sheep from 8d. to 3s. Wheat varied from 2s. to 16s. the quarter, and in times of scarcity rose much higher. See Fleet wood's Chronicon Preciosum ; and see the provisions as to the assize of bread below, in c. xxxi. Bracton says that steal- ing a pig is a petty theft (Brae. 105) ; and we shall see below, in s. 7. p. 61, that stealing a sheaf of corn is so treated. The com- mentator in MS. N. states that three halfpence (iii mailles) a day was a poor living for a man, and gives the following singular reason for 12d. being fixed as the limit of petty larceny. ' At three halfpence a day, 12(1. would be eight days' wages ; and a* a man going without sustenance for eight days might be ex- pected to die on the ninth, the 12d. has regard to the destruction of life, for which offence a man is rightfully put to death.' The same note asserts, that ' in France and many other countries beyond sea, thieves are put to death for less than in England, as for the value of sixpence or one penny.' By the Anglo-Saxon laws no mercv was to be shown to a thief of above the value of 48 BRITTOK [T, *22 b. freshly pursued for the same by the owners, or by those out of whose custody the things were stolen or robbed, and the goods are found upon them, they shall be forthwith taken and brought to trial in the court of the lord of the fee, if he has the franchise of infangthief, or in our court in the hundred, or county, or elsewhere ; and the coroner shall be fetched forth- with, and in his presence the sakeber 1 shall be heard in his own person, and if he claims the goods as stolen or robbed and there are lawful people as witnesses to prove it, such robbers shall be immediately adjudged to death. 8d. (Leg. Atheist, i. 1. Leg. Hen. I. lix. 20.) But by another law of Athelstan the sum is fixed at 12d. (Leg. Ath. v. 1.) Spelman points out the increased severity of the law arising from the change in the value of money. In quantam asperitatem ex rerum temporumque vicissitudine lex antiqua abripitur. Quod enim olim 12d. venit, hodie saepe 20s., imo 40, vel pluris est. Nee vita hominis interea carior sed abjectior. (Spelm. Gloss, s. v. Laricinium.) 1 ' Sakbere is he from whom the chattels are stolen, and is so called from sak (English) which is enchesun in French, and bere which is porteur in French : as being he who bears the cause to go to the deliverance of the thief.' (Note in MS. N.) Compare Spelman, Gloss, s. v. Sacaburth, Sacaber ; Thorpe's Glossary to ancient English laws, s. v. Sagemannus. The former part of the word appears to be the A. S. Sacu, Germ Sache, a cause or mat- ter of contention, whence the legal term sak for jurisdiction. The latter part of the word is variously derived from the A. S. beran. to carry, the A. S. borh, a pledge or security, and the old Teutonic Bar (A. S. war) a man, whence the French and Eng- lish Baron. I, *23.] OF LARCENIES. 40 2. If they are not taken freshly l upon the fact, although the goods are found upon them, they shall be permitted to answer, and then they may demand in what manner the plaintiff intends to proceed against them, and if he answer, 'by words of felony,' then the thief shall be either sent to our gaol or let to main- prise until the next county court or until the next gaol delivery, and there the plaintiff shall make his suit by words of appeal, as will be explained below in treating of appeals. And if the fact was com- mitted out of the lord's jurisdiction, or if the lord has not suitors sufficient to take the inquest, then such felons shall be forthwith sent to our county gaol. The sakeber, if he pleases, may bring an ac- tion for his goods, as lost ; and then he shall not sue judgment of felony, but of trespass only ; but when the sakeber has begun his suit in the form of felony, if he does not prosecute it, we may ourselves proceed to conviction of the felony 3. If the accused has any warrant within our realm, then he may defend himself by voucher ; and if he vouches to warrant any person who gave him the thing, or sold it, or otherwise made it over to him, let a day be given him to produce his warrant, if he be not then present ; and if he cannot produce him, let him be compelled to appear by the aid of our Court ; at which day if he fails to produce his warrant whom he has vouched, where he vouches him at his 1 The commentator in MS. N. explains the word freschement as denoting that the sakeber must make his suit the same day. 4 50 BRITTON. [I, *23 I. own peril and without aid of our Court, be shall be- obliged to give some other answer, or be put to his penance, and the goods shall be delivered to the person who claims them. And when a person is vouched to warranty by aid of our Court, the sheriff, in whose bailiwick the warrant is expected to be found, shall be commanded to have his body at such a place on a certain day, either to undertake the warranty or to refuse it. If the sheriff returns that no such person is known in his bailiwick, the voucher shall be driven to his answer in chief, or to his penance if he refuse to answer ; and if the sheriff returns that the vouchee is not found, then let our w 7 rit issue to the same sheriff, to cause him to be demanded from county court to county court until he either appear or be outlawed. 4. If the vouchee comes and enters into the warrant to defend the voucher in the possession of the thing, let the plea against the principal be suspended, and one commenced against the warrant. And if the warrant makes good his case, then let both the voucher and his warrant be acquitted, and the plaintiff be adjudged to prison for the reason which shall be given in the chapter of appeals. If judgment be given against the warrant, then the thing challenged shall be adjudged to the plaintiff, and the principal shall be indicted of the felony at our suit, upon presumption of his being an accomplice of the warrant, who is attainted of the felony. 5. If the principal has no one to vouch, he may say that he bought the thing challenged in such a year and on such a day, at such a fair or at such a market, in I, *24.] OF LARCENIES. 51 the presence of a great number of people, and paid a toll to the bailiffs for it. And if he vouches the testi- mony of the said bailiffs and others then present, and evidence is given accordingly, or if he puts himself on the country and is acquitted of the felony, and yet the prosecutor has proved that the thing challenged be- longed to him, and that it was stolen from him or out of his custody, in such case he must be answerable to the owner, and make him satisfaction, and the judgment shall be, that the claimant recover the thing demanded, and that the person challenged go quit, and lose what what he gave for the thing ; and if he can produce no such witnesses, let him acquit himself by the country. 6. If any one be indicted by presentment of robbery, or of larceny, or of cutting of purses, or of receiving of felons, or of enchantment, as those who send people to sleep, 1 or of cheating by selling bad things for good, as pewter for silver, or latten for gold, or of other petty offences of the like nature, our will is that such be apprehended ; or, if they cannot be found, they shall be demanded, and their lands and chattels be seized into our hands ; and if, when they are tried, they can- not acquit themselves of the felony, whether at our suit or another's, let them be condemned to be hanged, 1 This seems to give some support to the conjecture, that the experiments of mesmerism and animal magnetism, which have created so much interest in our times, were not unknown in the 13th century. Endormeurs de genz are mentioned as offenders in the Consuet. S. Genov. f. 34. MS. cited in Ducange, Gloss, s. v. Dormitabilis. It is possible however that the effect may have been produced by drugs. 52 BK1TTON. [I, *24 1. or to lose an ear, or to the pillory, according to the greatness of their crime, and according as they have been habitual offenders or not. 7. In small thefts, as of sheaves of corn in harvest, or of pigeons or poultry, let the judgment be this, that if the thieves are not found to be otherwise of bad char- acter, and the thing stolen is under the value of twelve pence, they shall be put in the pillory for an hour in the day, and be not admissible to make oath on any jury or inquest, or as witnesses ; and the like as to all those who have been sentenced to undergo such punishments or the punishment of the tumbrel, or to lose a limb. And if these petty thieves are persons of bad character, or if they have offended out of mere wickedness, and not through want, then their sentence shall be to lose an ear, and be rendered infamous for ever, as above mentioned; and if they be found guilty of a second offence, then it shall be in the discretion of the Justices, either to judge them to death or order their other ear to be cut off ; and if they are convicted a third time, whether it be fora great or a small crime, and whether at our suit or another's, let them receive sentence of death. 8. As to cutpurses, if they have not been guilty of any other offence, let them be sentenced to the pillory for the cutting of the purse ; and if there be anything else stolen by the prisoner under twelve pence or of that value, he shall lose one of his ears, and if the thing exceed the value of twelve pence, then judgment of death shall be passed upon him. I, *25.] OF ABJURATIONS. 53 CHAPTER XVII. Of Abjurations. 1. Concerning those who fly to churches for their crimes, our will is, that the coroner of the place go to them to inquire wherefore they have taken sanctuary, and hear their confessions ; and if they will neither confess felony nor come out of church to be amenable to justice, they shall forfeit their chattels on account of their flight, and the coroner shall immediately cause their lands and their chattels to be seized into our hand, and their chattels to be valued and delivered to the township. The admission which they shall make that they are not willing to appear to answer to our peace, shall be entered in the roll, to the intent that they may never be under our peace, until they are ac- quitted in our Court of the crimes wherewith they shall be charged ; the coroner however is not obliged to go, unless he pleases, notwithstanding the fugitive is desir- ous of confessing felony and praying the favour of abjuration. 2. If the fugitives abide in sanctuary above forty days from the time of the coroner's first going to them, 1 the whole county shall be charged with their custody, 1 Other authorities seem rather to show that the forty days were to be reckoned from the arrival in the church. See Brae. 136 ; Fie. 45, and compare Stat. 32 Hen. VIII. c. 12. 5-fc BRITTON. [I, *25 b. and they accounted as felons or as persons out of our peace. And if they confess felony and pray to abjure our realm, and beg the protection of the church until they have provided for and settled their departure, then our pleasure is, that they have such protection for forty days from the day of the coroner's coming to them ; and forthwith after the enrollment of their confession, let them be given in charge to the constables of the townships, that they may not in the meantime be allowed to escape out of sanctuan^. 3. Let the abjuration be made at the gate or fence * of the churchyard, in this manner. Hear this, you coroner and other good people, that I for such an act which I feloniously did, or assented to the doing there- of, will depart from the realm of England, (or the land of Ireland,) and will never return thereto unless by leave of the king of England or his heirs, so help me God and the Saints. 4. Immediately after they shall choose for them- selves 2 some seaport, or passage into Scotland out of the realm, as far as which port or passage we admit them to our protection, provided they are not guilty of fraud. And then let them be forbidden on peril of life 1 Qu. Steps. See Ducange Gloss, s. v. Scalarium ; Roquefort Gloss, s. v. Eschallier. 2 There is a note in the Year Book of 30 Ed. I. that he who wishes to abjure the realm shall take the port assigned him by the Coroner and no other. (Year Book 30 and 31 Ed. I. App. i. p. 509.) See also the Statutes of Wales (12 Ed. I.) c. 5. Brae- ton and Fleta agree with the text. T, *26.] OF ABJURATIONS. 55 and limb to turn aside anywhere out of the high road, until they have left the kingdom, or country, at that port or passage which they have chosen, and no other, with all possible dispatch and without fraud. Let them then go \vith a wooden cross in their hands, bare- footed, ungirded, and bareheaded, in their coat only. And we forbid any one under peril of life and limb to kill them so long as they are on their road pursuing their journey ; nor shall they, or any other fugitives, be killed, if they can be taken in any other manner. 5. If such fugitives abide in sanctuary forty days after the coroner's coming to them, they shall be de- barred thereafter from the favour of abjuration, and deemed as felons convict, so as to have no right of ac- cusing or appealing any others ; and we forbid all laymen under forfeiture of life and limb, and clerks under pain of banishment from our kingdom during our pleasure, to give them any meat or drink after the said forty days, or to have any manner of communica- tion with them. 6. We will and grant, that whenever any one has abjured our realm through fear, and it can be after- Avards proved that he was not guilty of the felony which he confessed, he may safely return, saving to every one his suit ; and in such cases the heirs of the fugitives shall not be disinherited, but their chattels shall notwithstanding be forfeited by reason of their flight. 7. And our will is, that all abjurations taken by any one, who shall have meddled with the office of coroner 56 BKITTOK [I, *2G I. without being authorized thereto by us or our prede- cessors, shall be held void and may be disavowed and annulled ; the like, if the coroner, though authorized, he did not attend in his own person. 8. In abjurations made on account of our game, or other trespasses, let none be disinherited of his lands or tenements, but forfeit his chattels only. CHAPTER XVIII. Of Treasure-trove, Wrecks, Waifs, and JZstrays. 1. Concerning treasures found concealed in the earth, and concerning wrecks and waifs belonging to us, and sturgeons and whales, and other things found, which of right belong to and are detained from us, let careful inquiry be made, and of the names of those who found them, and to whose hands they have come, and to what amount. For treasure hid in the earth and found shall belong to us, but if found in the sea, it shall belong to the finder ; and any person who shall find such treasure in the earth shall forthwith inform the coroner of the district or the bailiffs thereof ; and the coroner shall go without delay and inquire, whether any of it has been carried off, and by whom, and save all that can be found for our use ; and those who carried it off shall be held to mainprise until the eyre of the Justices ; and if our Justices can convict the eloiners of malice, they shall be punished by imprisonment and fine, but if malice be not found, they shall be punished by amerce- ment only. I, *27.] OF TKEASUKE-TKOVE. 57 2. As to things lost and found above ground, if the owner demand them within the year and day, and can prove them to be his property, they shall be delivered to him ; so likewise to him who lost the things, pro- vided he can prove the loss ; and if the things are not claimed within the year and day, and the finder has caused them to be cried and published in the neighbour- ing markets and churches, then the finder may keep them. 3. Waifs or estrays, not challenged within the year and day, shall belong to the lord of the franchise, if he be rightfully seised of such franchise ; but if the lord did not cause the beast so found to be publicly cried in manner aforesaid, then no time shall run against the owner of the thing or beast, to bar him from replevy- ing it whenever he pleases ; and if the lord avow it to be his own, the person demanding it may either bring an action to recover his beast as lost, in form of trespass, or an appeal of larceny, by words of felony ; and if the lord by either proceeding be found guilty of a tor- tious detaining, he shall lose his franchise of estray for ever after. 4. With regard to wreck of sea found, the ordinance of our statutes shall be observed. Sturgeons taken within our dominions shall belong to us, saving to the persons who took them their reasonable costs and ex- penses ; and of whales caught within our jurisdiction the head shall belong to us and the tail to our consort, according to ancient usage. 58 BRITTON. [I, *2T b. CHAPTER XIX. Of the King*s Rights. 1. With respect to our seigniories, let inquiry be made of cathedral, parochial, and conventual churches, and of religious houses and hospitals in the county, what are of our advo \vson ; and what ought so, but are not ; and who has deprived us of them, and how ; also what demesnes in the same county we hold in our hands, and what demesnes we and others hold of the ancient demesnes of our crown, and what by escheat and by purchase, and who hold such lands besides our- selves, and what the lands are severally worth accord- ing to their true value ; and of demesnes which ought to be ours and are not, how they have been aliened, and by whom, and who hold them. So likewise of seign- iories and advowsons of churches. 2. Also of hundreds, which ought to be held of us in chief and are not, inquiry must be made how they have been aliened, and by whom, and who now hold them, and from what time, and what is their true value by the year ; likewise of the true value of the county, and how much rent the sheriff pays us a year, and how many of the hundreds are in our hands, and what each hundred is worth, and how much the bailiffs annually pay to us or any other for them. 3. Inquiry must also be made of customs and serv- J, *28.] OF THE KING'S RIGHTS. 59 ices due to us, whether they have been withheld, and by whom, and how long. The like with respect to suits due at our county court, our hundreds, and our manors, and at the tourns of our sheriff, and our views of frankpledge, and at our mills, whether they have been fully performed ; and if not, how they have been withheld, and from what time, and by whom ; and so of all services which of right are due to us. 4. Inquiry shall also be made concerning escheats, which ought to fall to us by the felony of felons, or by the death of our tenants without heirs, or by any kind of reversion ; and concerning the lands of Normans, and of felons who held of us in chief, which have been aliened after the commission of their felonies, and ought to be our escheats, who hold them, and from what time, and how much a year they are worth with their whole profits at the true value ; the like as to lands and tenements held of other lords, and aliened by felons after the commission of their felony, without compounding with us for the year and waste. 5. Also concerning earldoms, baronies, knights' fees, grand and petty serjeanties, dismembered without our leave, inquiry must be made how they are held, and who hold them, and of whom, whether of us in chief, or by mesne. Also whether there be anything in arrear to us for any service or profit which of right belongs to us ; and whether we have fully had the wardships, marriages, homages, reliefs, and heriots, wherever we ought to have them of right, and if not, by whom they have been withheld from us, and how 60 BRITTON. [I, *28 ft. Jong, and what is their yearly value ; so of all children, male and female, and widows, whose marriages be- long to us, and who have been married without our leave, how often and to whom they have been married, and ho\v much their lands are worth by the year. 6. Let inquiry also be made of all kinds of purpres- tures made upon us of lands or franchises ; and those who shall be presented as deforceors and purprestors by fresh force since proclamation of the eyre, shall be summoned to appear at a certain day to answer for the wrong they have done, and the process against them shall be as in a plea of land by our writs of great and little Cape. 7. The deforceors also in the other articles aforesaid shall be summoned. And when any of them appears in court, and pleads that he found his ancestor seised and can prove it, the demand made without our writ shall be stayed, and those who are appointed to prose- cute our right, shall immediately apply for a writ of right which is called a Prmcipe quod reddat nobis against the deforceor ; and if the writ be obtained for anything appendant to our crown, such as our ancient demesnes, let no time be limited in the count ; and if the tenants desire to put themselves upon an inquest in form of the great assize, let them not be admitted thereto without the consent of us and our council, un- less our attoreys in any such case are of opinion that a verdict will pass in our favour ; for we are bound to recover such rights of our crown as have been wrong- fully aliened ; in which rights no man ought to aid him- I *29.] OF THE KING'S RIGHTS. (51 self by exception of long tenure, though he may by vouching to warranty, and by reasonable exceptions, as shall be hereafter set forth in treating of exceptions. And if the writ is obtained on our behalf concerning escheats or purchased lands which have been aliened, or other things which are not appurtenant to our crown, in such case the count ought not to go farther back than in a writ of right, and prescription shall run against us as well as against others. 8. Escheats deforced from us, shall be demanded by writ of escheat. And as to suits withheld from us, the proceeding shall be by distress, for this prerogative we claim on account of the great delays which occur in writs of customs and services. With respect to our fees dismembered and held of us by mesne since the last eyre, our will is, that they be taken into our hands, and the sheriff be answerable to us for the issues of them, and they shall not be restored without our leave. And as to wardships and marriages detained from us, we will that proceedings shall be taken im- mediately without writ, and the penalty provided by our statutes shall be enforced against the deforceors. 9. And we will have it known to all, that if any man dies who held of us by knights' fee, or by grand serjeanty, whether he held of the ancient demesnes of the crown, or lands escheated, or purchased, and his inheritance after his death descends among several daughters as one heir, we will have the marriage of all the daughters as often as they shall be to marry ; and the like with regard to all widows, whose husbands 62 BKITTON. [I, *30. held of us in chief ;and if it be presented that any one, whether mule or female, whose marriage belongs to us, has been married without our leave, let all their lands and the lands of their husbands be immediately seized into our hands, and the sheriff shall answer to us for the issues, and they shall not be restored to them with- out our leave. 10. As to purprestures our will is, that such as are nusances shall be removed at the costs of those who have made them, and such as may be permitted to re- main shall be taken into our hand, and the yearly value thereof enrolled ; and according to the discretion of the treasurers and barons of our exchequers, they shall be let at fee farm to those who will give most for them. CHAPTER XX. Of Franchises. 1. Let inquiry also be made, what persons in the county claim to have return of our writs, or custody of our gaol, or that the Justices in eyre shall come into their franchises, or to have their own coroners, or chattels of felons, or view of frankpledge, or the franchise of infangthief and outfangthief and gallows, or fairs, or markets, or the execution of pillory or tumbrel, or to have wreck of sea, or to have pleas de vetito namio pleaded in their courts, or to have lestage, or amercements of their tenants, or traverse, or toll, I *30 &.] OF FRANCHISES. 63 or estray, or murage, or pontage, or cheminage, 1 or warren in his demense lands or in other lands, or to be quit of doing suit at our county court, or at sheriffs' tourns, or at our views of f rankpledge, or to be quit of lestage, murage, or pontage, or who claim any kind of liberty more than other people. 2. We will therefore that the presentments upon such articles shall be pleaded in this manner. First, the claimants shall be ordered to appear by reasonable summons, as shall be mentioned in treating of sum- monses; and then if the summons be attested and they make default, the franchise shall be taken into our hand, the sheriff answering to us for the issues, and so re- main in our hand until the claimants appear and answer. And if those who make default have of their own wrong usurped such franchises upon us, they shall be distrained in such manner as shall be mentioned in the chapter concerning attachments in trespass and debt ; and when they appear in court, if they cannot clear themselves of the personal wrongs committed against us to our disherison, let it then be awarded, that we re- cover the franchise, and that they be disinherited of the value thereof, or be in our mercy. 1 Murage was a tax for the repair of town-walls ; pontage, a toll taken on bridges, or for their repair ; cheminage, a toll ex- acted for the use of a way through a forest ; traverse, a toll paid for passing through the limits of a town or lordship ; lestage or lastage, an impost in fairs and markets, calculated by the last, a measure by which several kinds of solid goods were sold. See" Ducange, Glossary; Comyns's Digest, s. v. Toll. (U BRITTON. [I, *31. 3. But if it be found by their answer, that their ancestors died seised, then they shall not be obliged to answer without our writs, unless they choose to do so ; but our attorneys shall immediately cause our writs of Quo warranto to be issued against them. By such writs they shall first be summoned to come and answer at a day certain, at which if they make default, the franchises shall be taken into our hand, as aforesaid, and so remain without any other summons, until we shall otherwise direct ; so that they shall never be per- mitted to replevy such franchise if they do not answer forthwith. If in their answer they allege long posses- sion, or vouch others to warrant who allege long tenure, in such case judgment shall be stayed for the deter- mination of us and our council, whether such answer be a continuance of the wrong done to our crown, or a title of right in the tenants. CHAPTER XXL Of various wrongs. 1. In the next place let it be inquired what persons have built castles or fortlets or houses of stone, crenel- lated and defensible ; and let those who have so done be summoned to come and answer, and show if they have any license from us or our ancestors for erecting or repairing such fortlets, and if they cannot produce .any such license, let them be taken into our hand, either T, *31 &.] OF VARIOUS WROXGS. 05 to be held by us or pulled down, according to our pleasure. 2. Afterwards, let inquiry be made of bridges and causeways, and of common highways destroyed, or otherwise in bad repair, who is bound to repair and amend them ; and such as are named in the presentment shall be attached to appear by personal distress. A.nd if it be found on their appearance in court, that any of them hold tenements of us, for the repairing of such ways, let the said tenements be taken into our hand, and the sheriff be charged to answer us for the issues, and to cause the repairs to be done ; and where there is no tenement held of us by the performing of such services, our will is, that the persons who are bound to repair the ways, and have not done what they ought, shall be in our mercy, and the sheriff shall be commanded that he cause them to be distrained by their beasts and chat- tels, and detain the distresses until they have amended the defects, and this as often as it shall be needful. 3. Let inquiry also be made concerning those, who since the first day of the last eyre have erected any gallows, pillory, or tumbrel ; and such persons as are indicted thereof shall be compelled by distress to come and answer ; and if on their appearing, they can neither show sufficient warrant for what they have done, nor deny that they have done it, let them be awarded to be in our mercy, and let the instruments be pulled down. Let inquiry also be made concerning those, who, not being our Justices or our coroners, have held pleas of felony and of important trespasses committed against 5 66 BRITTOK [I, *32. our peace ; and concerning those who have held pleas de vetito natnio, or of debt exceeding forty shillings, or of trespass exceeding the same sura without our writs. And also concerning those who have the fran- chises of view of frankpledge and of infangthief, and have not the instruments of punishment which belong to such franchises, whereby such franchises have be- come disused. 4. Let inquiry also be made of those who keep their lands in warrens, other than those lands which they held in their demesne as of fee on the day of granting their charter of warren : or who have used any other franchise otherwise or more largely in any point than is warranted by the tenor of their charter whereby they ought to forfeit the whole for the abuse. Also of those who take fines for leave of beau pleader; J and of those who hold pleas of persons not within their jurisdiction, and of all such as have aggrieved the people by distresses contrary to the ordinance of our statutes. Those who are accused thereof, shall be dis- trained to appear by the sheriff ; and if on their ap- pearance in court, they can neither deny the fact, nor justify what they have done, their court and their warrens shall be taken into our hand without replevin. 1 It was forbidden by Stat. Marl. c. 11, (confirmed by Stat. West. 1. c. 8) that arbitary fines should be imposed in Justices' Eyre, County Court, or Court Baron, pro pulchre placitando, that is, for license to amend a defective plea. But when such fines had become settled by custom they were allowed. See Coke Inst. pt. ii. p. 122. I, *32 &.] OF YAKIOUS WEONGS. 67 5. Inquiry shall also be made concerning those who have detained felons or provers above a day and a night in prison elsewhere than in our gaol under the custody of our own officers. And if any one has died in pris- on and been buried without view of the coroner, then let it be inquired who buried him, and of the manner of his death ; and those who are indicted and convicted of the first article shall lose their wardenship in fee, and if their offence extends farther, shall be punished more ; and as to the other article, the township where such bodies were buried shall be in our mercy, and if there be any felony, let those who shall be indicted answer it. 6. Afterwards let inquiry be made concerning weirs raised in common waters, and concerning waters and highways stopped or straitened or in other manner appropriated, and concerning watercourses diverted ; also of walls, houses, marlpits, or ditches, made near the common road to the nusance of passers by, and of those who are guilty of such nusances ; and of high- ways not widened, and of those who have neglected to watch according to the ordinance of our Statutes of Winchester ; and of landmarks and boundaries re- moved ; and according to the presentment of these articles, let the abuses he redressed by view of the presenters at the cost of the offenders, and let the guilty be amerced in proportion to the damage they have done and the profit they have received there- from. 7-. Concerning those also who have tortiously dis- 68 BRITTON. [I, *33. turbed the judgments of our Court, so that execution thereof cannot be made, or have knowingly broken the sequestrations of our officers ; and let such be punished by imprisonment or fine. 8. Also concerning lands and tenements alienated in mortmain ; and let such lands and tenements be taken into our hand without replevin ; and the purchasers also shall be in our mercy and charged with the issues from one year after the purchase, and the sheriff shall be answerable to us for such issues. 9. Let inquiry be made of false weights and measures, and let such order be taken as shall be mentioned in the chapter concerning measures. 10. Let inquiry also be made of clerks who hold pleas of lay people concerning other matters than wills, marriages, or tithes, or who have adjudged any layman in Court Christian to any pecuniary payment, or in any other manner or case than in the articles aforesaid, or who have excommunicated lay people wrongfully, or wrongfully caused them to be apprehended and im- prisoned ; of those also who have aggrieved others bv maliciously serving them with two bills l or summonses for the same day at different places ; and let all such be punished by imprisonment and fine. 1 The text here is doubtful. The mention of abuses of ecclesi- astical courts immediately preceding lends some support to the reading bulles, which appeared in the former printed editions of Britton. Bracton (f. 402 b.) has a form of prohibition issued to an ecclesiastical court from proceeding in a cause concerning an advowson under the authority of a letter of the Pope. I, *33.] OF YAKIOUS WRONGS. G9 11. Moreover let inquiry be made of those who have taken thef bote, 1 of menders of clothes dwelling out of boroughs or cities ; 2 and also of tanners who follow the trade both of a tanner and of a butcher retailing meat ; 3 and of those who blanch the skins of beasts which have been stolen, that they may not be known again ; also of cooks who knowingly cook stale or stolen meat or any kind of flesh hurtful to the health of man for the purpose of retailing it ; also of forestallers ; and of those who take up more carts for our use than we need ; and of all other offenders against the form of our statutes ; also concerning messengers and others, who go about aggrieving the people by representing themselves as in the service of those with whom they 1 ' Taking thef bote' is explained in a note in MS. N, as equiv- alent to letting thieves escape for reward. In the Statutes of Wales it is thus defined : ' De Thefbote, hoc est de enienda furti capta sine consideratione curiae Regis.' (Stat. Wall. (12 Ed. 1.) c. 4.) The word appears to have originally signified the legal bote or composition for theft ; and then to have been applied to the illegal compounding of theft, or taking money to maintain or connive at such offenders. See the Glossaries of Ducange and Spelman ; Terms de la ley, s. v. Theftbote ; Coke, Inst. iii. 134. 2 ' It is forbidden,' says the commentator in MS. N., that any redubber of clothes or tanner or bleacher of skins (i. e. Wyttawi- ares), shall dwell elsewhere than in cities or boroughs, to avoid the mischief of receiving stolen goods. For a receiver may be the occasion of great wickedness, as is commonly said : Ne is non thef wythouten rescet.' As to whitetawers see Stat. Wall. (12 Ed. I.) c. 4; Cowel's Interpreter, s. v. Whitawarii. 3 This restriction of trade was at a later time established by Statute. Stat. 1 Jac. I. c. 22. s. 3. 70 I3R1TTON. [I, *33 b. are not ; of those also who invent and report rumours and falsehoods concerning us ; of those also who flay or shear sheep ; and of those who have coursed in others' warrens without leave ; also concerning all hamsokens, and blood feloniously shed since the last eyre ; and upon every such presentment, let a speedy remedy be applied with punishment either of life or limb or other penalty. 12. Further, let inquiry be made concerning those who did not appear before us or before our Justices the first day of the eyre according to their r .immons, and let such be amerced. The like concerning those who alienat- ed their tenements against the eyre, that they might not be summoned upon juries or inquests. 13. Let inquiry also be made of customs used in the county differing from the common law, and what they are, and if there be any repugnant to the common lq,w, let them be prohibited, unless they have been con- firmed by us or our predecessors. I, *34.] OF OFFICERS. 71 CHAPTEK XXII. Of our Officers. 1. Let inquiry be made concerning our escheators and under escheators, and what lands they have seized into our hand in the county since the last eyre ; and of the several lands so seized let a separate inquiry be made of the true value of the profits which every part returned to them or might have returned to others during the time of their possession ; also of waste committed by them in parks and in vivaries, of venison, of fish, and of rabbits and of other destruction done by them in warrens and woods and in other things, and of the value thereof ; and of the chattels found in such tenements or elsewhere and taken by them during the time the lands remained in their custody. 2. Inquiry is also to be made of all their receipts to our use and their own use, how much they have taken for endowing widows, or for suffering them to be en- dowed, or for permitting heirs being infants to continue with their mothers ; and also for making insufficient extents of land, or for certifying our wardships and our marriages to be less than their real value, or for con- cealing anything which ought to turn to our profit ; or for procuring or suffering false inquests to pass upon the ages of our wards, or in any other thing, to our prej- 72 BKITTON. [I, *34 k udice ; and let such presentments as shall be made concerning these officers be enrolled and transmitted to the exchequer, and there determined. We reserve however the judgments upon great offences committed by them for our own determination. 3. In the next place let inquiry be made concerning the fees taken and frauds committed by coroners, their clerks, and officers, according to that which is con- tained in our Statutes of Exeter. Also of sheriffs and other officers, who for reward or entreaty or out of friend- ship for any man have concealed felonies committed in their bailiwicks, or suffered prisoners to remain unappre- hended, whether within franchises or without, or have let to mainprise prisoners who were not bailable, and have detained others who were bailable. 4. Likewise, how many prisoners have escaped out of our prison or from the custody of any others in that county since the last eyre, and who they are, and out of whose custody they escaped, what chattels they had r and what is become of their chattels, into whose hands their lauds are come, what they are worth a year, and who has received the profits thereof since their escape, and from what time ; also how many provers have es- caped, and out of whose custody, and by whose consent such prisoners have escaped. And for every escape out of the custody of the sheriff, let the sheriff be amerced one hundred shillings, and for the escape of a prover, let him be committed to prison during our pleas- ure. Let inquiry also be made concerning the defects of gaols, what they are, and who ought to repair I, *35.] OF OFFICEKS. 73 them, and through whose default such escapes have happened. 5. Also concerning sheriffs, their clerks and officers, who have falseh r and maliciously made provers appeal innocent people, or hindered them from appealing the guilty ; and let such as are guilty of this offence be im- prisoned during our pleasure. Also concerning sheriffs who have knowingly let their hundreds to farm to persons of no substance at too high a rent, to the wrong- ful oppression of the people in divers manners ; and let such be amerced. 6. Also concerning sheriffs and bailiffs who have levied money of the chattels of felons, or for the escape of prisoners, or from amercements for defaults made before coroners or escheators or other general inquirers, or for non prosecution in appeals of felony, or from mainpernors who failed in producing the persons deliv- ered to them on writs of menace, or for not pursuing the hue and cry raised, or for treasure or wreck of sea, or sturgeon or whale found and carried away, which amercements no man ought to levy without our writs of green wax by estreats of our exchequer ; and let such offenders be punished by fine. 7. Also concerning sheriffs, who have taken fines and amercements from persons in their bailiwick, that they might not be distrained to become knights, 1 in which 1 As to the date attributed in the margin above to the so called Statutum de militibus, which has been commonly ascribed to 1 Ed. II., and the whole subject of compulsory knighthood, see a paper by the Editor in the Archaeologia, vol. xxxix. p. 216. 74 BKITTON. [I, *35 I. case the sheriffs are amerciable ; or that have main- tained suits or the parties to actions, and have procured false inquests, whereby justice has been hindered, in which case they shall be punished by fine ; or that have levied one amercement twice, or of two persons bearing the same name, or have levied more than was contained in the estreats of our exchequer ; or if any sheriff has procured the removal of any coroner by ob- taining our writs upon false suggestions, in which case they are amerciable ; or if any sheriff through malice has kept any man in prison whom he ought to have brought before our Justices at our gaol delivery, and in this case they are to be punished by fine and im- prisonment. 8. Or whether any sheriff through malice has taken more cattle for our debt, or another's, than the amount of the debt, or whether he has distrained beasts of the plough, or wethers, or ewes, or household utensils, or riding-horses, or apparel, or things within doors, when other sufficient distress might have been found, and that without doors ; and whether any one has caused such distresses to be driven out of the fee, 1 or whether they would not suffer such beasts to be fed and supported by the servants and at the cost of the owners, to the injury of one party and to the advantage of the other; and in these cases they are amerciable ; and who have kept such distresses impounded above fifteen days. 1 It is possible some words may have been lost in this sentence. The rule was, that distresses were not to be driven out of the county, or taken elsewhere than in the lord's fee. Stat. Marl. (52 Hen. III.) c. 2, 4, 15, Stat. West. I. (3 Ed. I.) c. 16. I, *36.] OF OFFICERS. 75 9. Of those also who have suffered other pleas to be pleaded in Court Christian besides such as relate to wills, matrimony, and subjects merely spiritual, wherein no money is taken from any of the laity, or have suf- fered a layman to take oath before the ordinary. 10. It is also to be inquired who have taken fines for redisseisins, or for surcharge of pasture, and for pur- prestures ; and who have accepted annual fees or robes or other bounty for suffering any wrong to be done to us. Also concerning sheriffs or bailiffs, who have sum- moned more people upon juries and inquests than were necessary, with intent to oppress some of them and take bribes from others for leave to stay at home, or to remove some from the panel and put others thereon ; concerning those also who have put persons on juries or inquests who were sick, or disabled by gout, or maimed, or passed sevent} 7 " years of age, or persons not resident in the county, or persons who live remote and may be supposed to have less knowledge of the truth of the matter in dispute ; of such also as have put on the panel persons holding land under forty shillings to do duty out of the county, or under twenty shillings to be on inquests and juries in the county. 11. Let inquiry be also made concerning bailiffs who make scotales, 1 in order to collect money of poor 1 Scotales (A. S. scot, payment, eale, ale) appear to have been meetings for drinking, which were in some way made the occa- sion of extortion by foresters and other bailiffs. See Ducange. Gloss, s. v. Scotallium ; Capitula itineris (printed among the Statutes of the Realm), c. 45. var. lect. ; Fleta, p. 28 ( 102). 76 BRITTOK [I, *36 b. people, and concerning such as collect sheaves in harvest and lambs and young pigs, and thus go about begging, and have them fed in their bailiwick, to the grievance of the people. 12. Further let inquiry be made concerning sheriffs who have held their tourn oftener than twice a year ; and of their hundreders and others, who have held their views of frankpledge oftener than twice a year ; l also concerning sheriffs who have answered to us less than they ought for issues forfeited, in which case they are amerciable in double the value of the profit they have made. 13. The like of Justices, sheriffs, hundreders, and others who have courts, and of the stewards and bail- iffs of the same, who through malice have procured suits to be stirred up against any to oppress them, or have caused our writs of right to be brought wrongfully in their court, in order to increase their court and the amercements of it ; or have amerced people according to their own assessing,or in any other manner than by their peers,beyond the proportion of their offence, contrary to the ordinance of the Great Charter. And of all wrong- ful payments taken by our officers of traverse or of toll, as of lestage, pontage, murage, or causeage, in which case they are amerciable in double the amount of the damages. But as to trespasses of Justices we will that no judgment shall be given without our order. 1 By the Anglo-Saxon customs hundred courts were held twelve times a year for other business, but twice only for filling up the tithings. (See leg. Hen. I. 1. vii. s. 4 ; 1. viii. s. 1.) I, *37 j OF OFFICERS. 77 14. Also of prises or seizures made by our castellans, and others 1 who take upon themselves to be our takers of victuals or other things ; let it be inquired by whom such prises have been taken, and to what damage, and of what people ; and in such case our will is, that none be warranted by continuance of seisin to the dam- age of people, but satisfaction be made to all, nor shall any one make any manner of prises for us > unless he has the authority of our letters making express men- tion thereof. 15. Of sheriffs also and all other our officers, Jus- tices, coroners, and others, who shall oppress religious communities and other persons, overburdening them by often coming with too great a crowd of people to lodge with them at their cost, or by quartering servants, horses, and dogs upon them, or else by borrowing horses or carts or money of them, or by begging timber or wood or other things for themselves or some of their household or friends ; in which case let them be punished by fine. 16. Let inquiry also be made concerning our ser, jeants and our attorneys assigned to prosecute and 1 It is remarkable that the word ' purveyor,' which was after- wards in such ill repute, does not appear to have been used at this time, although the abuse of purveyance was at its height. No grievance is more frequently mentioned in the ancient statute- book. By a statute of Edward III. (36 Ed. 3, c. 2) it was enacted that the very name of purveyor (le haignous noun de purveour) should be abolished, and the officers called 'buyers' (achetours.) But the name very frequently makes its appearance in the stat- utes of subsequent reigns. 78 BRITTOK [I, *37 b. defend our rights, whether through favour or otherwise they have permitted or suffered any great lord of the county or other to continue in seisin of any franchise, or any corporeal thing belonging of right to us ; and let such be punished by fine. Also concerning those who have remitted, or have caused to be put out of the roll, or have omitted inserting in the roll, fines and amercements belonging to us ; let such be ransomed and from thenceforth removed from the Court, and their superiors punished at our will. 17. Also concerning our officers who have main- tained any wrong, or have accepted the presentment to any church, of which the advowson was in litigation in our Court, and let such be punished according to the statutes; or who have maintained any plea b} r champerty or in any other manner ; and whether they have hindered justice in any point ; and of the fees which they take, and of whom, secretly or openly. 18. Also concerning the clerks of our Court of Chancery, and of the one Bench and the other, and of the Exchequer, who take more than a penny for writ- ing a writ ; and of chirographers who take more than four shillings for the chirograph of a fine ; and of criers, whether any of them take more than is ap- pointed by our statute ; and let such offenders be fined, and expelled the Court, and if their superiors knew of their extortion, and took no measures to cor- rect it, let them be punished at our will. Also con- cerning the clerks of Justices Itinerant, whether they have taken more than two shillings for delivering the I, *38.] OF OFFICERS. 79 chapters of the eyre according to the ordinance of our statutes, or whether they have been guilty of any other excesses prohibited by our statutes, or whether any enrollment has been delayed, or any manner of damage or grievance done to any one, on account of damages not allowed to the clerks of our Justices, whoever the Justices may be ; and let them be punished by fine and expelled the Court. 19. Let it be also inquired concerning confederacies between the jurors and any of our officers, 1 or between one neighbour and another, to the hinderance of justice ; and what persons of the county procure themselves to be put upon inquests and juries, and who are ready to perjure themselves for hire or through fear of any one ; and let such persons be ransomed at our pleasure, and their oath never after be admissible. 20. Let it also be inquired of cloth made out of the realm, brought into the county and sold there, not 1 The commentator in MS. JV gives the following example of an offence coming under this head. ' In the county of Northampton a sheriff named Sir Robert de Veer in the 30th year of King Edward made a confederacy with several others of the county, that some of them should indict persons, and the others save them, for bribes, according as the same sheriff should arrange the panels. These persons were afterwards called ' the company of the pouch ' (les queux furent appelez puis : ' La Compaignie de la pouche).' Sir Robert de Vere here referred to was sheriff of Northampton 29-30 Ed. I., but was not continued in his office as was then usual, possibly on account of the above offence. See the list of Sheriffs in Bridges' History of Northamptonshire, vol. i. p. 5.) 80 BRITTON. [I, *3S I. being of the right assize according to the purport of the Great Charter, what quantity of such cloth has been sold since the last eyre, and by whom, and what was the value of the cloth so sold by each merchant separately, and who was appointed by us to seize such cloth into our hand ; and let this article be determined in our Exchequer. 21. Let inquiry also be made of wines sold, whereof the tuns did not contain two hundred and forty gallons, and who those are who thus sold them by wholesale ; and also of the prisage of wines, how many tuns have been taken to our use since the last eyre, and by whose hands, and whether those wines have been sold to any other than to ourselves without our orders ; and let this article also be determined at our Exchequer. 22. In like manner let inquiry be made concerning all sorts of flesh and fish, and of every kind of spice, wax, silk, canvas, cloth, and avoirdupois, 1 and of all manner of prises, which have been taken to our use since the last eyre, and of the value of each prise. And let inquiry also be made concerning our customs of leather and wool, who have collected them, and how many sacks of wool the collectors have permitted to pass without paying custom, and how much the yearly value of every kind of custom belonging to us amounts to; and let these articles likewise be determined at our Exchequer, according to the discretion of the Treasurer and Barons. 1 This word is said to have been applied to all goods sold by weight. See Ducange, Gloss, s. v. averium ponderis. I, *39.] OF APPEALS. 81 CHAPTER XXIIL Of Appeals. 1. Having in part treated of the articles provided for our eyres, by which we desire to punish evildoers and to convict the wickedness of people at our own suit, we will now set forth how felonies and crimes may be punished at the suit of others; and first of appeals. An appeal is a plaint brought by one person against another in a set form of words with intent to convict him of felony. Not every man however can be an appellor ; for neither an outlawed person, nor one who has abjured our realm, or been sentenced to death in our Court, nor an approver who has failed of his proof, nor an infant under the age of fourteen years, nor a madman, nor an idiot, nor one deaf, or dumb, nor a leper expelled from common society, nor a person in holy orders, is to be admitted in appeals ; yet they may accuse our mortal enemies abiding within our dominions. 2. There are some felonies which concern our suit, and may be prosecuted for us and not by us, 1 as against 1 I understand this as meaning, that certain crimes affecting the king, as well as certain crimes affecting subjects, may be prosecuted by appeal, but in that case the appeal must be by a subject for the king and not by the king himself. So Bracton says that where, upon failure of an appeal by the death of the 82 BRITTON. [I, *39 I. our mortal enemies, and for counterfeiting our seal and our com ; and there are some which concern the suit of others and not ourselves, as of treason committed against any lord, by violating his wife or his daughter or the nurse of his children, or of counterfeiting the seal of his lord. There are also some felonies, where no other execution follows at our suit than such as- takes place in trespass, as in mayhems, wounds, and imprisonment; and there are others, where judgment of death ensues, as well at our suit as at another's, as in felonies of the death of a man, rape, arson, rob- beries, and others. 3. First we must treat of appeals of felonies which may be brought for us, and not by us ; as of treason and a compassing designed against our person, to put us, or our consort, or our father, or our mother, or our chil- dren, to death, or to disinherit us of our kingdom, or to betray our host, although such compassing be not put in execution. Of which compassing, our will is, that the accusation be laid before ourselves, or some other who shall without delay inform us thereof ; and any person shall be permitted to make such accusation ; l appellor, the appellee is brought to trial at the king's suit, he cannot defend himself by his body, but must put himself on the country, because the king does not fight, and has no other champion but the country, and, even if he were allowed to fight, he could not use the words de visit et auditu necessary in an ap- peal. Brae. 142. 1 In case of high treason, a servant or even a bondman might appeal his own lord. This was contrary to the general rule re- specting appeals. Brae. 141, 155 b. I, *40.] OF APPEALS. S3 for no presentment can be made thereof after any great length of time, without the presenters being in some degree implicated either in consent or in concealment. 4. When any person shall offer to prove this crime against one or more, Ave will cause the body of the accused to be immediately apprehended and brought before us. And when they appear for trial, let the accuser make his appeal for us by some serjeant in this manner. ' John who is here appeals Peter who is there of this, that being in such a place on such a day and year, the same John there heard such a death or such a treason contrived between the same Peter and another, such an one by name, and by such confedera- cies, and that the said Peter thus acted and thus con- trived feloniously as a felon and traitorously as a traitor, he the same John is ready to prove by his body, in any manner the Court shall award that he ought to prove it.' In every felony however battle may be hindered by many circumstances ; in which cases it will be necessary to speak otherwise ; for if the appellor be maimed, or under the age of fourteen years, or above seventy, or in holy orders, or a woman, or if he can be aided by record, then he shall say thus : ' This the same John is ready to prove, in whatsoever manner the Court shall award that a man, who is maimed, or of such an age, or of such a condition, ought to prove it ;' or he may say, 'And of this he vouches record of such or such an one, and of their rolls, to warrant.' l ? It is not easy to see to what sort of cases this mode of proof 84 BRITTOK [I, *40 b. 5. We forbid any attorneys to be received either for the appellor or for the appellees, or any essoin to be allowed on one side or the other, in any cases of death. 6. And our will is, that if the appeal be pronounced by the mouth of a serjeant, and be abated on account of its being ill set forth, or through other default of the serjeant, who ought to understand the art of plead- ing, the serjeant himself shall be amerced one hundred shillings ; and if there was secret malice in the act, and he be convicted thereof, then let him be sent to prison, and suspended from his office. 7. And as to the defence, the appellee may defend him- self in this manner. ' Peter who is here defendeth all the felonies, and all the treasons, and contrivances, and compassings of mischief against the person' of such an one, or such an one, according as he is charged, word by word. And we will that in these appeals, it shall be more necessary for the appellor to set forth the words orderly without any omission, that his appeal may stand, than for the defendant in his defence ; and in every felony we allow the defendant to defend the words of the felony generally, without treating him as undefended, so that for default of a word or syllable he be not adjudged undefended, but it shall be suffi- refers. Possibly to such a case of manifest homicide or petty treason as is mentioned before, (c. vi. s. 4) where the Coroner's roll may have been held conclusive, no other proof either by battle or by the country being required. See before, p. 37, note nnd compare Brarton. 1H7. I, *41.] OF APPEALS. 85 cient for him to say, that he is not guilty of such felony as the appellor lays to his charge, and that he is ready to defend the same against him by his body, in such manner as the Court shall award that he ought to do it, or by the country. And in cases of death none shall be held convicted for being unde- fended, but he shall be put to penance, until he be pre- pared to answer better, if he has spoken his defence by his own mouth ; and if by a serjeant, who is avowed by the appellee, let the serjeant be amerced as above directed, and if he be disavowed, let him be punished by imprisonment and fine, and let the defendant pro- vide himself with a better serjeant. 8. The appellee, having sufficiently defended the substance of the appeal, may then aid himself by ex- ceptions, and first to the jurisdiction of the judge, afterwards to the person of the appellor, then to his own person, and next to the appeal, and lastly to the action, as shall be mentioned amongst exceptions. With respect to the jurisdiction, he may say, that he is not bound to answer in a place where the judge is a party, since in every judgment there ought not to be less than three persons, to wit, a judge, a plaintiff, and a defendant ; and in cases where we are party, our pleasure is, that our Court, to wit, the earls and barons in time of parliament, shall be judges. The jurisdiction of the judge being established, he should consider whether he can aid himself by excepting either to the person of the plaintiff or to his own person ; and next in abatement of the appeal, which may occur in many 86 BRITTON. [I, *41 I. cases, as by omitting to name in the appeal the year, day, or place, or naming one name instead of another, or setting forth the appeal thus, ' This showeth unto you John,' where he ought to say, ' John appeals ' ; or by closing his appeal by these words, ' and this I will aver,' instead of saying, 'this I offer to prove,' or for variance, the appeal being made before the Justices in one form, and in the coroner's roll in another. 9. If he can by any exception abate the appeal, then our will is that he be acquitted as against this appellor, and the appellor shall be committed to prison, because he has failed to prove that he bound himself to prove; and so it shall be in all appeals of felony, and also where the appellor withdraws himself from his appeal before judgment ; 1 and his pledges to prosecute shall also be in our mercy, because they have failed in their engagement. But in these cases we will that modera- tion be used, inasmuch as such persons proffer them- selves to fight in maintenance of our peace. 10. But though it happen that the appellees are thus 1 In later times an appellor could by release discharge an ap- peal, (Hale, PI. Cr. vol. i. p. 9) ; and Blackstone is of opinion that the chief object of an appeal at all times was to compel the de- fendant to make a pecuniary compensation : and that when the verdict in the appeal was given in favour of the appellor, he might insist upon what terms he pleased as the ransom of the defendant's life, or for a commutation of the sentence. (Blackst. Comm. vol. iv. p. .'516.) It will be seen that this opinion, so f;ir as regards appeals for minor offences, is confirmed by our author. Soe below, ch. xxvi. s. 2. 1, 41 &.] OF APPEALS. 8T acquitted as against the plaintiff, it does not therefore follo\v that they are not guilty of what is laid to their charge ; wherefore in such case let it be immediately demanded of them on our behalf, how they will acquit themselves of such slander; and if they say, by the country, then they shall be remanded to prison until a certain day, and in the meantime the country shall be summoned, and according to the verdict of the country charged thereon, judgment shall be given. 11. If the defendant cannot abate the appeal, then it shall be in his election, 1 whether he will defend him- self by his body or by the country, and so in all felonies prosecuted by private persons, except in special cases, as of women, persons maimed, and 2 others who neither can nor ought to wage battle. 3 And if he says 1 In Glanvill's time, the appellee of felony appears to have been bound to defend himself by battle, unless he was excused for age or infirmity, in which case the trial was by ordeal. (Glan. li. 14. c. 1.) The beneficent change which gave the accused the election of purging himself by the country was introduced be- tween the time of Glanvill and Bracton. 2 The commentator in MS. N. adds, that if the appellee, not being actually maimed, is otherwise ' in so poor a state ' that his inability to fight is evident, the Court ought not to allow him to be wantonly destroyed ; and that lepers are not permitted to wage battle, lest their disease should be communicated to the other combatant. See before, s. 1. It was one of the privileges of the citizens of London, that they should not be obliged to wage battle. See the Charter of Henry I. in Ancient English Laws, p. 217, and the Charters of Kit-hard I, Henry III., and Edward II., in Liber Custumarum. p. 88 BEITTON. [I, *42. by his body, and it be in the case of felony at the prose- cution of another, then let the matter be examined before battle is joined, whether the cause be trespass or felony, and if trespass, let the appeal be abated by the Justices ex ojficio. But if felony, then let the defendant give security to defend himself, and the appellor security to prove the cause ; next let a day be given them to provide themselves with arms, and let the defendant in the meantime remain in prison. 12. When they appear armed in Court, let the plain- tiff repeat his appeal word for word as he did before, and the defendant defend himself as before ; and after- wards let them take each other by the hand, and let the defendant swear first in this manner, and the appel- lor afterwards as shall be presently more fully set forth. ' Hear this, you man whom I hold by the hand, who call yourself John by your name of baptism, that I, Peter, did not in such a year, nor on such a day, nor in such a place, compass or propose the death aforesaid, nor did assent to such felony as you have charged me with, so help me God and the Saints.' Afterwards the appellor shall swear thus. ' Hear this, you man whom I hold by the hand, who call yourself Peter by your name of baptism, that you are perjured, inasmuch as on such a day, in such a year, and in such a place, you did propose such a treason .or such a death as I have 248, 252, 259. The same immunity was claimed by the citizens of Lincoln (Kelham's Britton, p. 153, note), and the burgesses of Bury. Ci-on. Joe. de Brakelonda, p. 74. I, *42fl.] OF APPEALS. 89 said against you in the appeal, so help me God and the Saints.' 1 13. Then let them both be brought to a place ap- pointed for that purpose, where they must swear thus. ' Hear this, ye Justices, that I John (or I Peter) haye neither eaten nor drunk anything, nor done or caused to be done for me any other thing, whereby the law of God may be abased, and the law of the devil advanced or exalted.' And thus let it be done in all battles in appeals of felony. And let proclamation be imme- diately made, that no one, except the combatants, whatever thing he see or hear, be so bold as to stir, or cry aloud, whereby the battle may be disturbed; and whosoever disobeys the proclamation shall be impris- oned a year and a day. 14. Next, let them go to combat, armed without iron and without the slightest armour, 2 their heads uncovered, their hands and feet bare, with two staves tipped with horn of equal length, and each of them a target of four corners, without any other arms where- 1 Selden observes, that in these oaths the clause de visu et auditu, which occurs in Bracton (141 &), is omitted, and that this is in analogy to the rule established in civil trials by the Statute of Westminster the first, c. 41. Seldon's Duello, c. vii. See below, p. 91, note ; and compare s. 5. p. 84. 2 These particulars as to the armour and weapons of the com- batants in an appeal are not found in Bracton or Fleta. Leather armour appears according to most authorities to have been al- lowed. Other notices of this curious subject are to be found in. Dugdale, Orig. Juridic. 68 ; Dyer, Rep. 301 ; Y. B. 1 Hen. VI, 7 a': Selden's Duello, c. viii ; Archseologia. vol. xxxii. p. 287. 90 BRITTON. [ by either of them may annoy the other ; and if either of them have any other arms concealed about him, and therewith annoy or offer to annoy his adversary, let it be done as shall be mentioned in treating of battle in a. plea of land. 1 15. If the defendant can defend himself until the stars can be seen in the firmament, and demands judg- ment whether he ought to combat any longer, our will is, that judgment pass for the defendant, and so in all battles between champions ; and in the case of felony the appellor shall be committed to prison. And if the defendant will confess the felony before he is other- Avise attainted, and appeal others of consenting to the same, we allow him to be admitted thereto. 16. And if the defendant be vanquished, let the judgment be this, that he be drawn and hanged, or put to such other painful death as we shall direct, and that all his movable goods be ours, and his heirs disinherit- ed ; and his children shall be incapable of ever hold- ing land in our realm. And let not any, unless they would be suspected themselves of the felony, presume to intercede for him ; and let the accuser, who without delay shall prosecute such felony with good effect, re- ceive from us a notable reward. Appeals may likewise be sued for us in the same manner for counterfeiting our seal and our coin, and also for violating our consort, or our daughters, or the nurses of our children ; and in such cases, the judgment is, to be drawn and hanged. 1 The passage here referred to is not to be found in the work .us it exists at present. See Introduction by the Editor. I, *43 b.] OF HOMICIDES. 91 whether the conviction be upon an indictment at our suit or upon an appeal by another person for us. CHAPTER XXIV. Of Appeals of Homicide. 1. Concerning homicides, our will is, that those shall prosecute whom it concerns, to wit, the male nearest in blood of the kindred of him who has been feloni- ously killed, or one who has done homage to him or been of his household. 1 And their right of action shall last 1 A woman might bring an appeal of the death of her husband. Mag. Cart. c. 34 Glan. li. 14. c. 3; Brae. 125. (s. 3.) A godson might appeal the slayer of his sponsor. (Post, s. 3.) The appel- lor in earlier times was required to be one who had been actually present at the homicide. (Glan. li. 14. c. 3. Brae. 125. 138, 141, 141 b.) There is no intimation in our author that this was con- sidered necessaiy in his time ; and in later times, when appeals were allowed only by the wife or the heir male, it was not re- quired. Staundford Plac. Cor. 59 b ; Blackst. Comm. vol. iv. p. 314. Coke treats the change as a consequence of the Statute of Gloucester, c. 9, which provided that appeals should not be so lightly abated as they had previously been. Coke, lust. ii. 317. The case of the champion in civil actions was analogous, the oath de visu et auditu (See Glan. li. 2. c. 3.) being abolished by Stat. West. 1. c. 41, on the ground that it only led to perjury The expression used by the older authors as to the wife's appeal for the death of her husband. ' killed between her arms,' (Brae- ton, 125, 148 b; Fleta 53; Britton, post, s. 7.) which implied the necessity of the wife being present at the killing (See Glan. li. 14. c. 3.) : was in later times explained to mean, that the wife was 'in seisin ' of her husband as his lawful wife at the time of 92 BRITTOK [I, *43 b. a year and a day. Every man must commence his ap- peal in the county where the felony was committed, and the plaintiff at the first county court, when he wishes to bring his plaint, must find two pledges to prosecute, and cause his appeal to be entered in the roll of the coroner, and then continue the same from county court to county court without interruption ; and if justice be not done either to the plaintiff or to the ap- pellees, we will that upon reasonable occasion they may b}^ writ out of our Chancery remove the appeal out of the county court before us wheresoever we shall be in England. 2. We forbid that any person be detained in prison for an accessory fact, if he can find mainpernors to an- swer for him, until conviction of the principal fact, or that any Justice proceed against the persons appealed of the force or accessory causes before conviction of the principal fact, or until those who are appealed of the principal fact are outlawed for their contumacy. his death. See Coke. lust. ii. 68, 317 : and compare Mirror, c. 3. s. 18. There is another observable change in the law of appeal, probably connected with the change already noticed. In the time of Glanvill and Bracton it would seem that any kinsman was admitted to appeal, although of several appellors the nearer in blood was preferred. (Glan. li. 14. c. 3. Brae. 125.) In our author's time the appeal appears to have been abatable, if there was any person neai'er in blood than the appellor, who might have appealed though he did not actually do so. See below, s. 3. But the author of the Mirror states this ground of exception in accordance with the older practice : Sir, oest actor n' avera nule accioun, de sicome il y ad un autre pluis prochein de sank que ad attame son appeal. (Mirr. c. 3. s. 18.) I, *44.] OF HOMICIDES. 98 And if the person appealed as principal be acquitted of the fact, our will is, that those who are indicted or appealed of the force, or of the receipt, or of command- ing, or of other accessory facts, shall be cleared thereof by the same judgment. 3. When the parties appear in judgment, let the plaintiff set forth his appeal; and let the defendant defend the felony, in words agreeable to the form of the Court, and then aid himself by exceptions, as where the appellor is outlawed, or adjudged to death for fel- ony, or has adjured the realm ; for in these cases they shall not be bound to answer such appellors. He may likewise abate the appeal several ways, as where the appeal was not commenced within the year and day, or not in the county where the felony appears to have been committed, or for variance between the appeal made there and in the roll of the coroner, or if there is any other male nearer of blood, who has a better right to bring the appeal, or if the plaintiff is not concerned to appeal, not being of the blood of the dead man, nor having been of his homage, nor his fosterchild, nor his mainpast, nor by him lifted from the baptismal font; or if there is homage still subsisting between the plain- tiff and defendant ; or if the fact alleged is not felony ; it may likewise be abated for omission, as if no felony or treason is named in the appeal, or if the breaking of our peace, or other words of the substance of the appeal are omitted, as above mentioned ; so likewise for error, as if the name of Reyner is used for Reginald, as will be noticed in treating of exceptions. 94 BKITTON. [I, *44 b. 4. The appeal may also be abated for want of pros- ecution by the plaintiff, as when he has sued in the county at two courts, and made default at the third, and this can be proved by the coroner's roll ; in which case our will is, that if the defendant can prove the nonsuit in the county to have been made before the date of our writ to remove the appeal, our Justices shall commit the plaintiff to prison for his nonsuit, and his pledges shall be in mercy. But if the appellor die or fall so grievously sick that he cannot carry on his suit, in such case the pledges shall not be amerced for the nonsuit, and we allow that some other person,, whose duty it is and who is capable of doing it, shall be permitted to revive the suit and prosecute it until the appellees are either acquitted or condemned. And if any of the appellees surrenders himself before he is outlawed, where the appellor makes default, let him be admitted to bail, as to our suit, until the first gaol delivery, in cases where he is bailable. And although he acquit himself as to our suit, yet the suit of any other, who will prosecute within the year and day, is not thereby taken away. 5. The defendant may also answer by exception to the action in several ways ; for he may say that at another time there was an appeal in our Court between the same persons for the same felony, and that he was acquitted thereof before such Justices ; and if he avouches this by warrant of record, and the record passes in his favour, he shall be awarded quit, and the plaintiff to prison. Or he may say, that although he I, *45.] OF HOMICIDES. 95 committed the act, yet he did not do it by felony pre- pense, but by necessity, in defending himself, or his wife, or his house, or his family, or his lord, or his lady, from death ; or that he killed the man in defence of our peace, or by some mischance, without any thought of felony ; in all which cases, if proved, the appellees shall have judgment of acquittal. 6. If the defendant cannot aid himself by any excep- tion, let it be in his election to defend the felony by his body, if the plaintiff be able to fight, or by the country ; and if he will not put himself on his defence, let him be put to penance until he prays to do it. And according to the event of the battle, or of the verdict of the country, judgment shall be given. The punish- ment of felons who have committed homicide shall be death, with disherison of their heirs, with further punishment if the occasion requires it. 7. As to women, our will is, that no woman shall bring an appeal of felony for the death of any man, except for the death of her husband killed within her arms, 1 within the year and day. For an infant killed within her womb, 2 she may not bring any appeal, no 1 As to the interpretation of this phrase, see note above, p. 109. 2 Although neither Glanvill nor Bracton specifically mention an appeal by a woman for the death of her unborn child, the ex- pressions used by them, ' injuria corpori suo inflicta ' (Glan. li. 14. c. 3.) 'injuria et violentia corpori suo illata' (Brae. 148 &), may include this crime as well as rape. And it is clear from ancient records of the time of John and Henry III, that such an appeal was anciently allowed. (See Sir Sam. Clarke's Note on Fleta, li. i. c. 35, Kelham's Britton, p. 152.) Fleta expressly ad- 96 BRITTON. [1, 45 I. one being bound to answer to an appeal of felony, where the plaintiff cannot set forth the name of the person against whom the felony was committed. With regard to an appeal of rape, our pleasure is, that every woman, whether virgin or not, shall have a right to sue vengeance for the felony by appeal in the county court within forty days, but after that time she shall lose her suit; in which case, if the defendant confesses the fact, but says that the woman at the same time conceived by him, and can prove it, then our will is that it be adjudged no felony, because no woman can conceive if she does not consent. CHAPTER XXV. Of Appeals of Robberies and Larcenies. 1. WITH respect to robberies and larcenies, our will is, that if other persons desire to bring an appeal and sue for revenge of such felonies, their right of pros- ecution shall continue a year and a day, and that ap- peals be commenced in the counties where the felonies were committed. The appeals may be made in this manner. ' John who is here appeals Peter who is there, that whereas the same John on such a day in such a year had such a horse, which he kept in his mits it, and gives the form of accusation (Fie. 53, 54.) ; and the statement in the text may have been intended as a correction of that author. Possibly it was considered that the right of appeal in this case was abolished by Magna Carta, s. 24. I, *46.] OF KOBBERIES. 97 stable' or elsewhere in such certain place, 'the same Peter there cume, and the same horse feloniously as a felon stole from him, and took and led away against the peace, and that this he wickedly did, the same John offers to prove by his body as the Court shall award that he ought to do it.' And if the horse was stolen out of his custody, or if he was robbed of it, let him change the words of his appeal according to the sense required ; so if the plaintiff be maimed, or in such other condition that battle ought not to be joined. 2. Next let Peter answer and defend the felony by words proper for defence ; and then he may either de- fend himself by exceptions, or by his body if there are no circumstances to prevent the battle, or by the country, or vouch to warranty, if he has any one to call. And if he pleads that the horse was his own, and that he took him as his own and as his chattel lost out of his possession, and can prove it, the appeal shall be changed from felony to the nature of a trespass. In this case let it be awarded that the defendant lose his horse for ever ; and the like of all usurpations in similar cases, because our will is that every one proceed rather by course of law than by force. 3. If the defendant vouches to warranty by aid of our Court, and the vouchee comes by aid of our Court, or without such aid, and enters into warranty, the principal plea shall cease, and the appeal begin anew against the warrant, and according to his defence let judgment be given. 4. If the vouchee will not enter into warrantv, the 7 98 BRITTOX. [I, *4C I. voucher may say thus. ' Peter who is here, says that Thomas who is there, wrongfully refuses to warrant the same horse against John who is there, who challenges it as his own ;and herein wrongfully, inas- much as the same Thomas sold (or gave or lent) the same horse to him said Peter on such a day and year, in such a place; and that he did so, the same Peter offers to prove by his body, in such a manner as the Court shall award he ought to prove it.' And in this case it behoves the vouchee to defend such contract, either by his body, or by the country, so that judg- ment of death may pass upon the one who is defeated, and the successful party be allowed to go quit ; and the thing challenged shall be delivered to him who challenged it, if he properly prosecuted his suit, other- wise it shall belong to us. 5. And if there be any fraud in. the warranty, as if the appellee by collusion vouches to warrant some champion or other strong man, or a clerk, who malici- ously and for hire enters into warranty, and the demandant prays leave to lay open the fraud and the malice, as done to make him withdraw himself from the battle for fear of the might of the champion, or for the privilege of the clergy, inasmuch as the vouchee being a clerk intends to purge himself in Court Chris- tian, should he be attainted by the lay Court, let him be admitted thereto ; and if the malice be proved, both the warrantee and the warrant shall have judgment of death, 1 and the demandant shall recover his demand. 1 By this clause a severer punishment is imposed upon the I, *47.] OF ROBBERIES. 09 6. As to larcenies and robberies committed in time of peace, where the offenders were not freshly pur- sued ; the owners of the things shall have their suit by appeal of felony within the year and day as in other felonies ; but after that time their right of appeal shall cease, and the suit shall be ours. It is equally so within the year and day, if no other suit is commenced, and so in all manner of felonies. And if the demand- ants bring their suit in form of trespass, they shall be heard, if they have not before commenced their suit in form of felony, in which case they cannot, by with- drawing from their suit, deprive us of ours. But where they have sued in form of trespass, although our peace may have been broken, we will not prose- cute. 7. If any appellee has withdrawn himself, let him be demanded from county court to county court, till he either appear or is outlawed. And when he shall have come into Court, and the appellor shall have appealed him by words of felony, and the appellee de- fended himself by proper words of defence, let him in the first place consider whether he can aid himself by general exceptions, as to the person of the judge, that he has not authority to hear and determine the appeal, which exception may be true in many ways, as if the act wherewith the defendant is charged was colluding vouchee than was before in use. According to Brae- ton and Fleta, the hireling champion was to lose a foot and hand. And according to Fleta, the clerk was to be imprisoned and ran- somed. (Brae. 151 b; Fie. 55, 56.) 100 BEITTOK [T, *47 1. not done within his jurisdiction, and this exception holds good in counties, or where the judge is not authorised thereto by our writ. Or he may except to the person of the appellor, which may also be in sun- dry ways; or to his own person. If no objection lies against any of the persons, then let him see whether he can aid himself by general exceptions to abate the appeal ; and if he cannot, let him then aid himself by ex- ceptions to the action, as that the thing challenged is not of the value of twelve pence ; and many other exceptions may be used. If he cannot avail himself of any exception, and has no warrant to vouch, he may lastly defend himself by his body, or by the country. And if he be attainted, let him have judgment of death. 8. The appellor may afterwards proceed against the receivers and the others for aiding and consenting, whosoever they are. And when one man is appealed by several, or several by one, and battles are to ensue, the battles shall not take place at one time, but at different times. Nevertheless the felon's wife may plead, that although she was privy to the crime of her husband, yet she neither could nor ought to accuse him as long as she was under coverture ; but this answer must not be allowed in too general a manner to such wives to excuse them from acquitting themselves of the fact, and of the consent, by the country ; for it mav often happen that the wives of felons hold the persons attacked whilst their husbands kill them, and in such case both of them are guilty of the felony ; and as to I, *48.] OF ROBBERIES. 101 the concubines of felons, they shall in no wise be allowed to excuse themselves by coverture. If it appears that any woman who is adjudged to death for this or any other felony be big with child, then execution of the judgment shall be delayed until the child be born. 1 9. Felons, in this as in all other felonies, may have accomplices, receivers, and abettors, whom they may appeal for the sake of prolonging their own lives ; and if they will become provers, then let the coroner go to them, and hear the confession of their own felonies, and cause such confessions to be enrolled, and also their appeals, together with their names and the names of the appellees. And if the provers make the justice of their appeals appear, and have lied in no particular, then they shall have our pardon of life and limb where we shall see meet because they have fought for our peace. 2 But our will is, that from the time any such prover has failed of his appeal, he shall be no more heard against any other whom he has appealed, but all others appealed by him shall be adjudged quit as to his appeal, and the prover shall be condemned to death ; 1 Braeton derives this rule of humanity from the Roman Law, citing a passage in Dig. lib. 48, tit. 19. 1. 3. 2 The commentator in MS. A T . states that it was considered that an approver had not merited pardon until he had made good his appeal by battle against seven accomplices ; and that by some the number was put at nine ; and that even then he was not to be permitted to remain in the country, but to be exiled, or to take the cross in the Holy Land. The latter point is confirmed by Braeton : ' Vitam habeat et membra, sed in regno remanere non poterit, etiam si velit plegios invenire.' Brae. 153 b. 102 BKITTOK [I, *48 b. and if the persons appealed are suspected, let them answer at our suit, and clear themselves of the slander ; but if they are of good fame, then we permit them to be let out by sufficient mainprise as to our suit until the eyre of the Justices, or until we shall take proceed- ings against them. The like liberty shall be granted to those who are indicted of any felony through hatred, and by procurement of their enemies ; which hatred shall be convicted by inquest by virtue of our writ De odio et atia, saving to every one his suit. 10. As to pigeons, fish, bees, or other wild animals, found in a wild condition, we ordain that no man have judgment of death on account of them ; but otherwise if they have been feloniously stolen out of houses, or if they are tame beasts, out of parks. And no appeal shall lie where the damage is under twelve pence, nor in any case which shall be found by examination of the Justices to be rather trespass than felony ; as where the appeal is made of a wound, and it appears to be only a bruise or scratch. I, *49.] OF MAYHEM. CHAPTER XXVI. Of Appeals of Mayhem. 1. Concerning mayhems, we are content that the maimed shall sue by appeals of felony against the offenders ; and when any appellee is convicted of such felony, and brought up for judgment, let the judgment be this, that he lose the like member as he has destroyed of the plaintiff ; and if the plaint be made against a woman who has deprived a man of his members, she shall have judgment to lose a hand, being the member wherewith she committed the offence. In this felony no prosecution shall lie at our suit with a view to the judgment of loss for loss ; but if the appeal be abated, the felons shall answer for such felonies, and if they are attainted at our suit, they shall be awarded to prison, and ransomed thence for breaking our peace. And our will is, that nothing be deemed a mayhem unless a member be lost, whereby a man is rendered less able to fight ; as the loss of an eye, a hand, or a foot, or fracture of the skull bone, or loss of the fore teeth ; but the loss of the molar teeth, or of an ear, or of the nose, is not accounted a mayhem, but a dis- figurement only. 2. Appeals of felony may also be brought for wounds, and for imprisonment of freemen, and for every other enormous trespass ; but for avoiding the perilous risk BKITTON. [I, *49 I. of battle, it is better to proceed by our writs of trespass than by appeals ; for if variance be found between the appeal as entered in the roll of the coroner and as set forth in the county court, or if there has been any omission, or any interruption of the county courts, or other error, the plaintiff shall be commanded to prison for not having performed what he bound himself to do, and shall make satisfaction to the defendant, and afterwards to us. But if the appeal be maintained, and the defendant have put himself for good or ill on the country, and the jury say that he is guilty, the same judgment shall be given against him as would have been in case he had been vanquished in battle, to wit, wound for wound, imprisonment for imprisonment, and trespass for trespass. But in such cases our will is, that the execution of the judgment be so far miti- gated, that the appellees be sent to prison, and there remain in irons till they have made satisfaction to the plaintiffs ; and they shall afterwards be punished for breach of our peace. 3. The like judgment shall result where the proceed- ing is by our writ of trespass. But some trespasses deserve a greater punishment, as trespasses committed in time of peace against knights or other honourable per- sons by ribalds or other worthless people ; in which case our pleasure is, that if a ribald be attainted at the suit of any knight of having feloniously struck him without any provocation from the knight, the ribald shall lose the hand wherewith he offended. We have said, in time of peace, because as to injuries done at tourna- I, *50.] OF ATTACHMENTS. 105 raents and jousts, or such warlike feats, \ve will not in- terpose, unless the acts be done in our presence. 4. Our will also is, that the articles and penalties or- dained by us and our council, -and proclaimed to be put in force for a certain time with regard to strangers, be observed and executed according to such ordinances. CHAPTER XXVII. Of Attachments, and other proceedings in actions of tres- pass j and of the concision of the Eyre. 1. We have already treated of the manner of convict- ing offenders for breach of our peace by appeals and presentments ; we must now show how the breach of our peace is to be convicted by way of trespass. In the first place, when any one has obtained our writ of trespass for a mayhem, imprisonment, or wound, or for anything stolen or robbed or in any other manner wrongfully car- ried away or detained, or for breaking parks, or for bat- tery, or for other things committed against our peace, or against a bailiff for refusing to render account to his lord, let him begin by delivering his writ to the sheriff ; and afterwards let him find two pledges distrainable to the sheriff to prosecute his plaint. A.nd let the sheriff cause the trespassers to be distrained by their cattle or by their chattels, and afterwards adjourn them to be in our Court at the day prefixed according as shall be contained in our writs, to answer to the plaintiffs for 106 BRITTOK [I, *50 I. the trespasses contained in the writs ; so that every defendant may have notice of his adversary's case. 2. And if the writs are returnable in a franchise, and the bailiffs will not execute our precept unless the plaintiff will find them pledges distrainable to them^ in such case the sheriff may make a return in our Court, that he sent to the bailiffs of the person having the franchise of return of writs to do execution, but that they have nothing done ; and we will immediately command the sheriff that he omit not by reason of the franchise to enter and do execution. And the plaintiff, if he will, may proceed against the bailiffs to recover his damages ; for it would have been allowable for the plaintiffs to have found sureties to prosecute their plaints in our Chancery without prejudice to any one; wherefore the surety found to the sheriff on every writ is sufficient. 3. If the defendants suffer distresses to be taken into the hands of the sheriffs, the sheriffs may return that they have distrained them by such cattle or by such chattels ; and if the defendants do not thereupon come into court, then it must be distinguished whether the plaint is in our Court, or elsewhere, as in the county, or in a court baron or other freeholder's court ; and if in our Court before us or before our Justices, then we will that no default be adjudged in any plea until after the fourth day. If they do not come within. the fourth day, and are not essoined, and the plaintiff offers him- self and demands judgment for the default, the great distress shall be awarded, and the sheriff shall be I, *51.] OF ATTACHMENTS. 10T charged to answer unto us for the issues of the first distress ; and the Justice shall adjourn the defendant to be in court on another day ; at which day no essoin shall be allowed him, for we forbid the allowing of an essoin in any case after default, until such default be cleared in our Court. And if upon this day the defend- ants make default, the issues shall be forfeited to us, and the sheriff shall be charged to answer unto us for the same, and these distresses shall be continued from day to day until they appear and answer. 4. If the plea be in any other court than ours, and the defendants have neither appeared nor caused them- selves to be essoined, we will not that judgment be de- layed until the fourth day ; but immediately on the first day let it be awarded by the suitors, that such distresses be detained, and more be seized, and so from court to court. If the sheriff or the bailiff has not exe- cuted the precept, let him be in mercy. 5. The same process of distress is to be awarded in defaults after essoins in a writ of trespass committed against our peace ; but in an attachment of felony no distress runs excepting against the body, if it can be found. And if in the above cases the sheriff return, that the trespassers have nothing in his bailiwick where- by they may be attached, it shall be awarded that he take their bodies ; and. if he return that the bodies are not found in his bailiwick, then let it be ordered by our \vrit of judgment, that they be demanded from county court to county court until they be outlawed, if they do not appear. 108 BKITTON. [I, *51 h. 6. And when any person who has been distrained shall come into court, and cannot clear his default, let him be straightway adjudged in our mercy for his de- fault; and if there be several defaults, let there be several amercements. And if any one be attached by pledges and make default, let the pledges be summoned to hear their judgment, for not having him in court for whom they were pledged. At which day if they' do not appear, or cannot deny their being pledged, they also shall be in our mercy ; but if they will deny the plevin, the debate shall be between them and the sheriff. 7. When the defendants have appeared in court, and heard the plaintiffs count against them, and have defended themselves by proper words of defence, they may then aid themselves by exceptions general or special ; and first, by exceptions to the judge ; after- wards to the person of the plaintiff or to their own person, as shall be mentioned amongst exceptions in the writ of right ; 1 or they may except to the writ, as where a writ is sued out into any other county than where the fact is alleged to have been committed, or for a fault, error, or omission therein. 8. If there be no dilatory exception, let them an- swer to the action ; to which they may say that they were previously acquitted of the same trespass, as 1 The proposed chapter on Exceptions in the Writ of Right ivS not contained in the Treatise as it now exists ; but some further observations upon exceptions to the person may be found in book ii. chap. 18. I, *52.] OF ATTACHMENTS. 109 against the same plaintiff; and if -this be verified by record, let judgment be given accordingly. Or the defendants may say that the parties made accord of this trespass ; and if the plaintiff deny it, let the truth be inquired by the country. And if the plaintiffs will not agree to the accord, let the defendants be awarded quit, and the plaintiffs in mercy. 9. With regard to receivers of trespassers, com- manders and accessories, there is not as yet any pun- ishment ordained, *except only against the principal trespassers. And if the plaintiff complains of a damage done to himself and to his men, or only on behalf of his men, the defendant may say that every man has a separate action ; and in such cases we will that the plaintiffs recover nothing by their plaints beyond the damages which they can reasonably show they have sustained by the loss of the services of their men, who have been beaten or imprisoned, or so treated as to be incapable of service. And their action shall not be brought until after conviction of the trespass commit- ted against the servants. 1 10. If the sheriff return that the defendant is a clerk, and refuses to submit to his jurisdiction, and that he has no lay fee in his bailiwick whereby he can 1 According to Bracton, an action might be brought by the master for the insult and disgrace inflicted upon him in the per- son of his servant, although no loss of service followed ; and even though the servant withdrew from his action, or refused to prosecute, the master might himself sue. (Brae. 115.) The change of law is indicative of an increase of personal inde- pendence. 110 BRITTON. [I, *52 b. be distrained, let his ordinary, as the archbishop or bishop, be commanded by our writ that he cause such a one his clerk to appear. And if he does not produce him at the day named in our writ, let the bishop be summoned to answer why lie did not produce him at our precept. And if the bishop neglect our summons let him be attached to come by distress, and if he does not come at the first distress, let the great distress as above said, proceed against him until he shall come ; and when he has appeared in court, if he cannot clear his default, let him be amerced. *11. There are however several actions of trespass which require greater expedition, as trespasses com- mitted against us or our consort, or our children, or against foreign persons, as solemn ambassadors or alien friends, or against our officers, or against merchants, or against those who have taken the cross ; in which cases no formality of attachment shall be required, but the bodies of the defendants shall be immediately attached, so that the sheriff shall have them to answer on the first day. 12. There are some actions also pleadable by like distresses as in trespass, where no outlawry ensues, and which are more dilatory by a day, and commence by summons; as a plea of debt, of covenant, in case of warranty of charter, waste, sale, destruction of houses or woods or other freehold, and pleas of naifty, and several others. 13. Whatever may be pleaded in the county court may also be pleaded in the eyre of the Justices ; as pleas I,.*53.] OF ATTACHMENTS. lit de vetlto namio, of debt, of naifty, of wards, and mar- riages ; also presentments made in the sheriff's tourns and in views of frankpledge ; and also pleas concern- ing false weights and measures, and many others, which are pleadable before our Justices assigned to take assises *in the county, and writs pleadable before our Justices of the Bench at Westminster. 14. If any presentment upon the articles of our Crown remain uncommenced or undetermined, then let the Justices, unless they have a good and reasonable excuse, be punishable at our discretion. When the presentments on the articles of the eyre are determined, the pleas of land shall be immediately adjourned before them to another county ; or if the eyre is not to be continued, they shall be adjourned into the Bench, in the presence of the parties. The amercements are immediately to be assessed, 1 and the estreats sent to our Exchequer; the like as to fines and the chattels of felons and fugitives ; and the names of the fugitives shall be enrolled in two rolls, whereof one shall remain with the coroners and the sheriff of the county under the seal of the Justices thereto attached, and such persons are to be demanded by their names at the first county court after the eyre, to come and submit to justice in our Court, and so from county court to county court, until they appear or be outlawed. The other roll, together with all the rolls of the eyre, shall be trans- mitted to our Exchequer, and safely kept in our Treas- ury. 1 See before, c. ii. s. 4. 112 BRITTOK [I, *53 b. 15. If the suitors of the county be attainted of false judgment, or have made any other error in the usage of the la\v, the county shall be in our mercy. The hundreds also for the defaults of the suitors, and the townships for divers defaults ; and the amercements shall be assessed according to our Statutes of West- minster. And afterwards let the sheriff be commanded to aid the presenters by causing the neighbours to raise reasonable contributions towards their expenses. CHAPTER XXVIII. Of Distresses. 1. In counties we have a twofold court ; 1 one of the pleas of our peace, which is held by our coroners and the suitors, and of which the coroners only have record ; we have also a court of the nature of a court baron, in which the suitors are judges, and have no record out of their court, except by consent of the parties. For in their courts neither party may deny what he has before pleaded ; but if the plea be removed 1 This description of the several branches of the county court is somewhat obscure. The twofold division probably applies to the original or ordinary jurisdiction of the county court on the one hand, and the derivative jurisdiction by virtue of the King's writ on the other. The first is again subdivided into the crim- inal jurisdiction, in which the coroner took part, and the juris- diction in civil actions commenced by plaint, where the process was similar to that in courts baron. (See post, s. 20, and c. 29. 8.1.) I, *54.] OF DISTRESSES. 11.3 out of the court of such suitors, either of the parties may deny the record. But for that purpose he must have suit ready at hand, to wit, such a one his free man who was present at such court, and saw and heard that the plea was so pleaded, which he is ready to prove by his body, in whatever manner the Court shall award that he ought to prove it. We have also our court there, with the sheriff of the county for our Justice, whenso- ever we command our sheriffs by our writs, that for purposes of justice they cause any plaint to be brought before them, whereof the sheriff with the suitors bears record. 1 2. And whereas they may be entrusted with the de- termination of several kinds of writs, in the first place we will that they understand the nature of the plea of distress ; which plea we do not allow any one to deter- mine \vithoutour writ. But to the intent that beasts and other distresses may not be too long detained or impounded, and to avoid further damage, we have granted that the sheriff by simple plaints and by pledges may deliver such distresses, and determine the 1 The sheriff, when sitting by virtue of the King's writ, is treated by our Author as the King's Justiciary, and as having the power of record incident to that office. See before, c. 1. s. 7 ; and farther on, li. ii. c. 30. s. 8. See also Brae. 117. Hengham Mag. c. iv. pp. 20, 21. It was decided in later times, that the county court, though sitting by virtue of the King's writ of Jus- tides, or De Nativo habendo, had not the powers of a court of record. Y. B. 2 H. IV. 24 ; Brooke, Abr. Faux Imprisonment, 30 ; Dalton, Offic. Vicecom. p. 158 6 ; Jentleman's Case, 6 Coke. Rep. 11. 8 BKITTON. [1, *54 b. taking without regard to the vee 1 and tortious detaining, if the plea is not removed by our writ into the Bench, because vee is an article of the breach of our peace. The substance of this plea consists in two things, to wit, in the taking and in the detaining; and forasmuch as one may take, and another detain, it is necessary that both be named in our writ. And because he who wrongfully detains, does a greater injury than he who wrongfully takes, the principal burden of the answer shall in such case fall upon the detainers. Naatn^ is a general term for cattle, chattels, and for all other movable things which may be taken by way of dis- tress. 3. When any one, finding himself aggrieved by a wrongful detaining of his cattle or of his chattels, shall have obtained our writ to his sheriff, and found pledges to prosecute his plaint, let the sheriff immediately go or send some known bailiff to the place where the plaintiff says the distress is detained ; and when the sheriff or his bailiff come there, let him demand a view of the beasts or chattels whereof the plaint is made. And if he cannot have a view by reason of disturbance from any detainer, or other person, whereby he cannot discharge the duty of his office, let him immediately raise the hue and cry, and cause all the disturbers to 1 The vee (from the old French vier or veer, Latin vetare) was the refusal to deliver the distress upon offer of surety. See be- low, s. 6. 2 Naam (Anglo-Saxon, name, from niman, German, nehmen, to take), a seizure, or taking. I, *55.] OF DISTRESSES. 115 be apprehended and kept safely in prison, so that they may not be set at liberty without our leave, for the dis- turbance of our peace. And if the beasts are shut up within a house or within pound, or if they are driven out of the county, or if the bailiff meet with other disturbance, let him immediately cause beasts of the deforcer to be taken to the extent of double the value by way of withernam, 1 and keep that distress without permitting it to be replevied, until the distress eloined be brought back. 4. If the taker or detainer admit the bailiff to view, and avow the thing distrained to be his property, so that the plaintiff has nothing therein, then the juris- diction of the sheriff and bailiff ceases. And if the plaintiff is not a villain of the deforcer, let him im- mediately raise the hue and cry ; and at the first county court let him sue for his chattel, as being robbed from him, by appeal of felony, if he thinks fit to do so. 5. When the sheriff and the bailiffs have had the view of the distress without disturbance, the distress shall be delivered to the plaintiff ; and the sheriff or bailiff shall give a day to the parties at the next county court. At which day no essoin shall be allowed against the plaintiff, since this suit, like disseisin, is nearly con- nected with robbery ; but if the defendant makes default, the distress shall be adjudged to the plaintiff, and the distrainor in mercy. If the plaintiff does not come at the day nor cause himself to be essoined, and the defendant offers himself and demands judgment of