X-i'-l ^yv ^ * *' : *?'>**>. LIB R ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIKT OF" Received Accessions No. %?* ?m*m ^ LAO-UNA INDIAN TRANSLATION of MC oi FEYF'S >KW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. TRANSLATED AND PRINTED BY JOHN MENAUL. LAGUNA, NEW MEXICO 1882. tw/tfs ol as a Text Book. The work would be much more satisfactory if the words were separated into syllables by hy- phens ; but as it is very desirable that the contents of each page of the English should be represented on the opposite ptge of the translation, we could not uniformly, so separate them into syllables for want of space. In adopting a mode of spelling for the Lagu- na Language, our endeavor has been to use only the Jetters necessary v to represent the Indian sounds as given by the Inte^reter^ (see the Alphabet for the sounds of the lettrs)v /But in this, as in all unwritten languages, * 'many difficulties present themselves as soon as an attempt is made to re- duce the language to writing. The same word is II often given under several modifications when, to an English mind, it ought to mean just the same thing and be written in the same way. These modifications are caused by the different connec- tions in which the word is used as related to other words in the same sentence, or to different ideas in different sentences, by singular, dual or plural nominative and objective cases, by affirmative or negative assertions, or in asking a question. Again when modifications are expected and ap- parently necessary, there may not be any, the pe- culiar idiom and formation of the Language not requiring changes where we would expect them. It is often a question whether a word should end in a or ah, in e or eh, 6 or 6A ; or whether they should be written at all when they have only a breathed sound. In all such cases we have writ- ten the words or syllables so that we could read them ourselves wherever or in whatever connec- tion we found them. When we could not thus read them, the spelling has been changed for one more in conformity with the true sound. We had to follow this course for want of linguistic authority on ihe subject. Again, there are many click sounds which can- not be represented by our letters. These will, in time, drop out of the Language, but their place Ill must now be supplied by sounds which can be written, and at the same time, be intelligible to the native ear. The greatest difficulty, in thi& connection, con- sists in the unsettled state of the Language itself, especially in the vowel sounds. This/is owing to the total want of records or writing of any kind among the people ; thus necessitating the Transla- tor to depend upon the Interpreter who, in this case, being unable to read or write, can not give an analysis of even the commonest word. The greatest difficulty in getting a literal transla- tion consists in the want of prepositions, conjunc- tions etc. in the Laguna Language, and the want of equivalents of very many of our common ideas and words. The Language is very full as far as the daily customs and avocations of these people are concerned but exceedingly meager outside of that sphere. The work of translating this book has been done through the Spanish Language, and has been ren- dered as literal as the Laguna idiom etc. would permit. The greater part of the translating was done some two years ago, and has since been used in the Day School in connection with the English as a means of enabling the scholars to understand what they read. The work of printing has extend- IV .* ' ed over a year. I have done the type setting and press work in the intervals of Day School hours as opportunity permitted. On this account, there is neither that degree of accuracy nor uniformity in spelling that is to be desired in such a work. As we advanced in the work the pronunciation of many words became plainer to us, and thus necessitated a change in spelling. We were also, becoming better able to detect those sounds only lightly articulated by the Interpreter, and the Interpreter himself was be- coming better acquainted with the work of trans- lating; yet the work as, a whole, is as near correct as we could expect under the attending circumstances. John Menaul. Laguna, Valencia Co. Feb. 20th 1882. New Mexico. ECLECTIC EDUCATIONAL SERIES., McGUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER: FOR YOUNG LEARNERS. BY WM. H. McGUFFEY, LL. D. VAN ANTWERP, BRAGG & CO., 137 WALNUT STREET, CINCINNATI 28 BOND STREET, NEW YORK, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857, by W. B. SMITH, in tho Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Ohio. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by SAKGENT, WILSON & HINKLE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Southern - District .of Ohio. ECLECTIC PRESS: VAN ANTWERP, BRAGG & CO., CINCINNATI. UNIVERSITY) Page 7 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, THE ALPHABET. A a as a in far CH ch as ch in church D d as d in dread E e as ee in see EA ea as ea in teach H h as h in hoot K k as k in kick M m as m in mum 5T n nasal o as o in note R r as r in roaring SH sh as sh in should T t as t in tramp [ as tdh or t in Spa. tu U u as u in but Y j as y in year AI ai as ai in aid CK ck as ck in cackle E e as e in then E e as e in echo El ei as ei in eider I i as i in pick L 1 as 1 in lull N n as n in nun STY ny as Spanish n P p as p in pipe S s as s in sauce SK sk as sk in skate TH th as th in thank ty as kty, as one sound W w as w in wish Z z as z in zone. a A a n N n b B b o c C c P P P d D d q Q q e E \ e r R r f F / s ' S 8 g G g t T t h H h u U U i I , i V Y V j J j W W W k K k \ X X X 1 L 1 \ J Y y m M m i z Z 7 z NEW FIRST READER. E e AX ax CAT cat ELK elk LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OP Page 8 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. A a AX ax | F f FAN fan Opkowanye | Opopots B b BOX box | G g GIRL girl Kasha Makutsa C c CAT oat | H h HEN hen Musa Kwako D d DOG dog | I i INK ink Teya Omistchits E e ELK elk | J j JUG jug Tyusha Page -9 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. K k KID kid | P p PIG pig Karawash Koeheno L 1 LARK lark Qq QUAIL quail Lark Kwasfoets M m MAN man Hutstse R r RAT rat Sufia N n NUT nut I S s SUN sun Tyeianye Oshatcha o OX ox T t TUB tub Weyes Asa THE ECLECTIC SERIES. L LAEK Q 1 larkjq 10 NEW FIRST READER. ZEBRA zebra MODEL PRONOUNCING EXERCISE, Embracing all the words found in Lesson I, on the follow- ing page. I in it on is an no do go we am ox he my up LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 10 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. F u URN urn X x EX ex Weislafrye Ex Y v VINE vine Y y YOKE yoke Tsekeiyow | Ayowfyuisht W WREN wren | Z ZEBRA zebra Sutfye Zebra Hinomekeia epech hinometitch he it fyu thoko imme sashe inline iske sail weyes tinyeae Page 11 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON I. Imme^a (ua iske weyes ? ^ua immetsa iske weyes. ^ua imme satyashe weyes.. Nuty&feko (ochosa hinometitch ? How tyu nuty66ko ^ochosa hinometitch ? Hinometitch how tyu nutyggya ^ochosa. Eikeia feyeficho hinome ? Te keia tygfecho hinome ? Hinome imme eikeia tyfefecho. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 11 LESSON I. Let the child spell each word in the line, then read the line. SPELL. is it an ox it is an ox it is my ox READ. Is it an ox? It is an ox. It is my ox. do we go do we go up we do go up am I am I I am in in in it it Do we go? Do we go up? We do go up. Am I in? Am I in it? I am in it. 12 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON II.* Is it an ax? . It is an ax. It is my ax. Is it by me? My ax is by me. So it is. Is he in ? He is in. Is he by me? Do we go in? 'It is I. It is he. We do it. Do as we do. * Spell each word in the line ; then read the line, as in Lesson I. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 12 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LJSS8ON II. Iimne^a ^ua iske opkowanye ? ^ua immetsa iske opkowanye. {,ua immetsa sopkowanye. Howfeko siya sepsho hinome opkowafiye ? Sopkowanye imme howeko sepsho hinome. Ha imme teska. Eikeia feyacho? J Imme (o hinome. Eikeia ka. | Immeta howeko siya | sepsho hinome ? | Nutygpo tochosa hin- | ometitch keia ? Wa immetsa. Hinometitch enyech- ana. Epech immeg hinome- titch esetchanatshe rage 13 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. III. Iske kowetonyeme kaiechonye kwako. Itye kwako neyolyo? Iske tsanawanye teya. Teya kakoh iske hutstse. Iske sitchu weyes. Chajowe sop6. Iske kishaja kocheno Itye kocheno iiyometstyo? Iske kukanye waksh. Eicheish waksh ashanye sewastyanye. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 13 LESSON III.* A sly hen. Can she fly? A bad dog. It bit a man. A big ox. Let him go. A fat pig. Can it run? A red cow. Has she hay? * Spell each word in the line; then read, as in Lesson I. 14 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON IV.* Can the cat get the rat? See the rat. Was it hid? See the kid. Can it run? A sly fox. He had a hen. An old ape. Can he hop ? * Spell each word in the line; then read, as in Lesson I. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 14 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. IV. Itye musa nityatyo suna ? Seokutch suna. Choeskomush suna? Seokutch karawash washtye. Itye karawash washlye nyometstyo ? Iske kowejonyeme kaiechonye mastya. Mastya keikakah iske kwako. Iske hustchetsa ape. Itye no^otstatyu ape ? Page 15 LAGbNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, V. Immeja ^ua iske eist- Iske opopots ka Ann. chustche? ^uaimmetsa Itye hishome nyopopot- iske eistchustche. Im- sanyetyoma hinome ? meja Jua seistchustche ? Hinome itye nypopotsa- ^ua imme seistchustche. iiyeshoma hishome. Musa washlye imme Hishome itye nyopopot- howka seistchustche. saiiyeshoma hinome. Hishome feyopopotsaiie hinome. LESSON VI. Hinome seokutch iske | Hinome seokutch iske kavayo. Itye hishome | kocheno. Kwae imme nyokutchsho kavayo '( \ skeie kishaj,a kocheno ! Ha, ha, hinome nyo- | Itye kocheno nyomets- kutchse. Kavayo itye 'I feyo ? Kocheno satse nyometsko. Muh kava- | itye nyometskono. yo, 0, seokutch kavayo | Kocheno imme skeie komeisa ! j kisha^a satse itye nyo metskono. - \ THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON V. I 15 Is it a bed? It is a bed. Is it for me? It is for me. Kit is on my bed. A fan for Ann. Can you fan me? I can fan you. You can fan me. You do fan me. LESSON VI. I see a nag. Do you see it? Yes, yes, I do. The nag can run. See it, 0, Bee it run! I see a pig. How fat it is! Can the pig run? It can not run. It is too fat to run. 16 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON VII. -< .--, Aii old log hut. A new log hut. Is it for me? Is it for you? It is for us. See my fat ox. Is it an old ox? It is an old ox. It is not a red ox. It is a dun ox. 0, see the fly! How it can fly! It bit an old ox. Can the fly run? Yes! run, fly, run I A sly old ape. It has a nut. Get it for me. May I get it? Yes, if you can. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 16 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LJESSON X. Iske sawenye kowwoh koats. Iske natse kowwoh koats, Immej,a sowwoh hinome ? Imme[a chuchowwoh hishome? Imme suchaowwoh. Seokutch satyashe weyes kisha^a. Imme[a j,ua iske hustchetsa weyes ? Imme iske hustchetsa weyes. Jua imme weyes satse kukanyesho. Jua imme iske kweme kukanye weyes. Iske kowe|onyeme kaiechonye hustchetsa ape. Ape kaikoiya iske tyeiaflye. Howe keikome tyeiafiye koyotseme hinome. Itye hinome neiyowotye nitf,a|ye tyeianye ? Ha, hishome itye kowko. 0, seokutch tsape ! Kwae itye tsape tsea^a ! Tsape kako iske hustchetsa weyes. Itye tsape iiyometstyo ? Ha ! nyometsko, tsape, iiyometsko ! Page 17 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, Immeja (ua iske waksh ? j,ua immetsa iske waksh. Jua imme satyashe waksh. Waksh satse hate ashanye sewastchafiye. Pityesha waksh ashanye sewastchailye. Hinome seokutch iske asa. Asa imme tseya. Itye hishome heya nowyastchesho ? Ha, hinome itye. Hinome itye heya nowyastchese. 0, seokutch satyashe musa ! Musa imme eitinyeanu stchu ka iske eistchustche, Musa kokutcha iske suna. Suna kokutcha musa. Suna komets kotyeitye. Seokutch sashe natse keiskuucheika~ Kwae itye keiskuueheiko katsa. Hishome itye nyena[acho iske. Satse nowe^aanyekweashoiio iske. Hinome satse nowe^aanyekweashouo. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 17 LESSON VIII. Is it a cow? ( It is a cow. It is my cow. She has no hay. Let her be fed. I see a tub. The tub is big. Can you use it? yes, I can. 1 can use it. 0, see my cat! He is on a mat. He saw a rat. The rat saw him. The rat ran off. See my new top. How it can hum. You may get one. Do not beg one. I do not beg. 18 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON IX. See! a new cap, A cap for you. I had a cap. It was new. Now it is old. See the big kid. It is my pet kid. Is it not shy? My kid is shy. Let us go out. It is an elk. The elk is sly. The dog saw him. He saw the dog. The elk ran off. See the dog run. It saw a man. The man did say, pup, pup, pup! The dog ran off. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 18 MC GCFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. IX. Muh ! iske natse oshtyat^huts. Iske oshiyafrhuts nasho hishome. Hinome saiske oshtyat|huts. Immee oshtyatjhuts natsetsa. Seokutch karawash washtye sitchu. Tua imme satyashe karawash washtye sotcho- owetyo. Imme^a karawash washtye satse kowkutseiosho? Satyaishe karawash washiye imme kowkutseiosho. Hina showo nutyfeko chaiye. ^ua imme iske tyusha. tyusha imme kowkutsaiyawe. Teya kokutch tyusha tyusha kometsa kotyetyu thoko. Seokutch teya kometsa. Teya kokutcha iske hutstse. Hutstse fekatsa, teya washtye, teya washtye, teya washtye ! Teya kometsa kotyetyu thoko. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 19 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. X. Hinome itye nyokutchse hishome musa. Hishome musa itye nyokutchtyuma hinome ? Musa imme eistyu tinyeyano styuka washats soshtyat|huts natse. Yoko thoko hustchetsa musa. Hinome seokutch iske teya. Hinome nyokutchse iske teya washlye. Itye hishome liyokutchtyuma hinome ? Teya thick teya washtye itye nyomets(,ako setyu. Ned thick katyashe kavayo. Itye flyometslyo kavayo ? Itye nyometslyo kavayo ty86 ? Ha, kavayo itye nyometsko; thick itye Ned fiyometsko. Seokutch koyowtsa kwako. Satsena kwako cheshaj,a ? Itye kwako nyeyotyo ? Itye kwako nyeyotyo ty66 ? Kwako itye neyoko. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON X. I can see you, cat. Do you see me? The cat is on my new fur cap. Get off, old cat. 19 I see a dog. I can see a pup. Do you see me? The dog and pup may run all day. Ned and his nag. Can the nag run? Can it run far? yes, the nag can run; so can Ned. See the old hen. Is she not fat? Can the hen fly? Can she fly far? The hen can fly. 20 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XI. i see an old cat. The old cat is by her pet kit. The cat and kit are on a rug. A sly old fox, and a fat old hen. The fox did try to get the hen. Did the hen fly? dog boy get log joy let hog toy set fog coy bet Do you see the boy and his dog? Is it a dog, or is it a fox? Is it a fox? no, it is a dog. The dog can run; so can the boy. Now, Tom, let us see you run. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 20 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LISBON XI. Hinome seokutch iske koyowtsa musa. Ko- yowtsa musa imme ai- howtko kawashtye so- tchoowetyo musa wash- tye. Musa she musa washiye immetsapa ei- stchu eistchustehe tyeka stchu ka, Iske kowetonyeme kaiechofjyme hustchet- sa mastya, she iske kish- ata koyowtsa kwako. Mashtya imme eeko nitj^akonishe kwako. Nyeyotyo kwako ? teya sitch kocheno heashe mutyetaa sewestchea owesheianye kowkwetse^a tseeina itygetsa epech kutyeeh Itye hishome nyokutehtyo mutyetsa thick kat- yashe teya ? Imme^a j,ua iske teya, kome imme*a |ua iske mastya ? Immeja ^ua iske maslya ? Sah, tua imme iske ttya. Teya itye fiyometsko; thick imme itye mutyetsa fiyometsko. Keitsho, Tom, shoukchiria hinometitch shometsanshe. Page 21 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. stchomo the etsetch seokutch itye him katsa tseaja mutyetsa nyekutch^oko hishome owestcheaanye Itye hishome nyokutchlyo stchomo ? Eiiya stchomo nyekutchtokonyesho ? ha ! Hinome seokutch stchomo. Stchomo eistchuka nyekutch- tokonyesho. Itye stchomo^ nyeyotyo ? Thick itye stchomo natsaiyo ? Stchomo itye nyeyoko thick natsako. Ha ! taah stchomo itye. ^ hinome itye seokutch ^aah koyastchokotse ha ah Ned ty66 eie Tom hishome Ned itye hishome nyoyastchokotstcho ? Itye hishome nyoyastchokotstcho tyeg ? Ha, hinome itye nyoyastchokotse. Hinome itye nyoyastchotse taah tyee. Itye hishome nyoyastchokotstcho Tom? Itye hishome nyoyastchokotsiyuma Joma hinome lyeka? Ha; seokutch hinom.e. Hinome itye nyoyastchokotse ^oma iy68 hishome tyeka, Ned. Hinome itye nyoyastchokotse h&mako ty66 kwa hishome itye. Ha ! Jaah hishome itye. Showoh keitsho shoyastchokotsaiio. THE ECLECTIC SERIES 21 LESSON XII. bee the do see can him hum fly boy bud you joy Do you see the bee? Is it on the bud? yes ! I see the bee. It is on the bud. Can the bee fly? Can it hum too? The bee can fly and hum. Ah! so it can. me can see so hop yes ah Ned far oh Tom you Ned, can you hop? Can you hop far? Yes, I can hop. I can hop so far. Can you hop, Tom ? Can you hop to me? Yes; see me. I can hop to you, Ned. 1 can hop as far as you can. Ah! so you can. Now let us hop. list Rd. 2, 22 NEW FIRST READER. Ann, how old are you? I am six. Are you but six? Why, I am ten. But you are not as big as I am. Ned too but Hal was bad pet box odd Pig boy who Ned has a pet pig. Do you see it? Is it not an odd pet? Can it run? Hal has a pet hen. His hen can run. Can she fly? Can she fly or run far? Ned, who has the pig, is a bad boy. Hal is a big boy, but not a bad boy. Simple and familiar words, not found in the reading lesson, are occasionally introduced into the spelling list, LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 22 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON XIII, Ann kuts koyowtsa immetsapa schis hishome imme sitchu kwae ^aah sko sekoma Ann, hatso kusheitye shaah hishome ? Hinome imme schis kusheitye. Immeja hishome no we schis kusheitye ? Sekoma, hinome imme kuts ku- sheitye. Sko hishome satse hemakokujaow hema- koeuttyeshe hinome. Ned mame sko Hal mesho satse tawa koowefeyosewasho kasha satse tyuetsaow kocheno mutyetsa howe Ned katyashe iske koowetyosewasho kocheno. Itye hishome iiyokutchiyo kocheno ? Immeja j,ua kocheno iske kweme natse kooweiyosewasho ? Itye kocheno nyometslyo? Hal katyashe iske koowelyosewasho kwako. Katyashe kwako itye kometsa. Itye kwako nyeyotyo ? Itye kwako fiyeyotyo she nyoinetslyo lyee ? Ned, howe kei- koiya kocheno imme iske satse tawa eachatsaow. Hal imme iske kocha each, sko satse sah tawatsa- ,u\v each . Page 23 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. kaash ka kukanye the iske koeach epech mesho koweia and Ann Ann tseanyekwea katyashe leya howlyu kukaii. ye kamaslye keianalye. Teya etsetch kwae sech- anyeshe. Teya how[yu etsetch kamaslye kaashtyu. Hishome satse chokutch leya? Teya howtyu satse iska kamaslye nowe howlyu kamaslye kukanye etsetch. suna tyefe kei^hoa seeina kowejonyeme koweiskulyetsta kaikoiya komets seokutch teya hishome stchomo Itye te}^a nityalyo suna? Pokutch, seokutch, kwae kaiechonye kowejonyeme immetsa teya. Ah, wa keitsho teya kaikoiya suna. Hishome chokutch komets^a suna ? Nyometslyo suna lyee? Teya satse seolyemetyo ometse tye8. Teya sitya sufia. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. Ann bid her dog put up its rod paw. The dog did as it was bid. It put its paw in her lap. Did yon not see it? It put up no paw but the red one. rat far fee get sly lee has run see dog you bee Can the dog get the rat? See, see, how sly he is. Ah, now he has the rat. Did you see the rat run? Did it run far? The dog did not let it run far. The dog did get the rat. 24 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XV. is " us my the fat sty not pig let fed bit now lay ray say pay I see a dog. The dog bit my pig. Is my pig in the sty? Let us see. The dog can not see my pig now. Let the fat old pig be fed. boy lid off ill put sat out pill box cat ran kill hen the eve mill / A boy put a cat and a hen in a box. The boy sat on the lid of the box. The cat bit the hen; and the hen put out the eye of the cat. The boy got off the lid of the box. The cat got out and ran off. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 24 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER XV. imme kisha[a {,0 pech eipecha hinometitch seiyastchema pityesha keispechaiye sashe satse kako gkatsa the kocheno weie petsoa Hinome seokutch iske teya. Teya kako satya- she kocheno. Lnme^a satyashe kocheno eikeia seiyastchema ? Hanye showoh hinometitch nyok- chana. Teya satse itye nyokutchshono satyashe kocheno weie. Pityesha kishaja hustchetsa ko- cheno imme paowya^a. mutyetsa aastche iyS8 sewasa epech kokwea chalye wawa kasha musa komgts kaowj,a kwako the howanaanye alyewanye Iske mutyetsa anutseponeie iske musa thick iske kwako kasha tyekanuh. Mutyetsa kokwea eistchu aastche kasha iyeka stchu. Musa kako kwako , she kwako kowanalyeko musa. Mutyetsa saaj,a aastche kasha. Musa thoko chatye she komesa Page 25 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, flassolr xvi. sewasa taah she kaeitse , mame the epech koshj,o tseeina komets ashanye kaiastche kwako oshatcha mesho stchatchu Kwako mesho mame sewasa satse itye nyeput- feyekono ; sko kwako satse mame sewasako satse nyostokono. Kwako eisfeyu kaah ashanye sewas- tchanye feyeka stchu. Kwako eisfeyu kaah ashanye sewastchanye feyeka stchu, kaaspefih. kaash s^oets kaeitse seio koowelyo she wepgnye kocha teya (karawash washlye) kopyowkwea 6ka Ann kashe iske ko{,ots Ann ka iske koowetyo teya-kaash. Ann seohe- gtsanye teya-kaash eityu eitsimme eistchusche feye- ka tyu Ann kashe. Ann sityesha teya seio heme ze kapeweshe. Katyashe teya satse kotchow kwa iske karawash washlye kotchanshe ; satse kochano kwa iske karawash washfeye iske seie seanshe hust- chetsa. Eisutchfeya iske sepg imme kukanye. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 25 she lie put die get run hay pie hen sun was hie The hen was too ill to get up; but she was not so ill as to die. The hen was put on the hay. She was put on the hay, in the sun. lap tip lie all pet she ear tall dog kid eat call Ann her one ball Aim had a pet lap-dog. She let it lie on her bed. She fed it of all she had to eat. Her dog was not as big as a kid; not as big as a kid one day old. The tip of one ear was red. 26 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XVII. let us our fay hot fun out hay dog can new nay hog put with day It is a hot day. Let us go out. Let us go out with our dog. We can go to the new-cut hay. We can put hay on our dog for fun. oh fit the aid we this bid are that God our eye then 0! my God, let me do no sin. Aid me to do as I am bid. Our God can see all we do. Let all I do be fit for his eye. Let me do to all as I am bid. Let me do as all are bid to do to me. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 26 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XVII. to pach hinometitch sutchatyashetshe pame kowweicha koeshai chaiye (ashanya sewastchanye) teya itye natse sah kocheno epech eskawa sechuma Weie imme iske seie a^umatse. Showoh chatye. Showoh chotye nutyCko sutchatyashetshse teya. Hinometitch itye nuty^ko ashaiiye sewastchanye weie seotsotstche. Hinometitch itye nyoplyin- ame sewastchanye satyashetshe teya ^oma nowa- wesheiiysya. seio eie tawa the ka komatsanye hinometitch Jua kashe koweia immetsapa wee Dios sashetshe howanaanye hamasho ! nashtea Dios, pame koheetsanye hinome sotsitseshe. Komatsanye hinome ekochanye kwae hinome seechanyeshe. Sanashteashe Dios itye nyuwakutch skwachoma seio hatso zeesechanatshe. Komatsanye hinome hatso ze etsechanshe lyokoch- anshe kutchanalyea. Komatsanye hinome esetch seio hano hatso ze kwae hinome choyanyekwea- nishe. Komatsanye hinome esetch hano kwae io hano sheanyekweanishe ekochanye hinome. Page 27 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. mastya kisha^a komets sea{,a hustchetsa sun a kwako kowetonyeme Skatsa musa teya kotsitch^a itye oshtyat^huts kokutch kuskeitsja Mastya ityeekatsa: hinome imme sowe^onyeme seiechonye. Hinome satya iske koyowtsa kisha^a kwako. Iske hutstse seokutch hinome. Iske teya seokutch hinome. Hinome seomets she soesko- mush. Hinome imme mame sowe|onyeme seie- chonye satse itye iske hutstse nityastyomano hin- ome. Iske teya satse itye nityaslyomaiio hinome, hinome seometsa. kotsotsja ^omeka to kaeitse kwachinnyea sipkawe|a etsetch pame satse okweanye eistchustche kosh|o and kustchetsja oshatcha stchatchu Musa itye ekatsa : hinome satse fiyotsosaskono, hinome sewachinyea. Hinome itye nyometse. Seokutch hinome itye nityase iske suna. Hinome itye nityase iske tsape, tsape satse lyee tseono. Hinome itye seostchetsja, thick hinome itye neitsese kanachowema. Hinome itye neitsese eitinyeyanu- tyu iske eistchustche lyeka, ko sewastchaiiye lye^ ka feyu. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 27 LESSON XVIII. fox fat may rat cat hat ran fly hen sly dog try saw cry The fox may say: I am sly. I had an old fat hen. A man saw me. A dog saw me. I ran and hid. I am so sly, a man can not get me. A dog can not get me, if I run. sip few^ to lie lap hew do tie not pew rug die and mew sun hie The cat may say: I do not sip, I lap. I can run. See, I can get a rat. I can get a fly, if it is not too far off. I can mew, and I can lie in the sun. T can lie on a rug, or on the hay. 28 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XIX. far lay ten use jar say lien man car may pen egg bar play wen eggs The lien may say: I can run. I can fly, but not far up in the air. I can lay eggs, and am of use to man. The fox and the rat may get me; but if I see the fox or rat, I run off. see joy tea rose bee toy kill dose flee coy dew hose glee boy new nose The bee may say : T fly in the air. I sip ? but I do not get in the tea-cup. I sip the dew on the rose, and fly off. Boy, do not try to kill me; for I am of use to man. LAG UNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 28 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON XIX. eipech kuts tawa spuna gkatsa kwako hutstse kareta itye otyatyejanye naweka tseama ko'shai sineichanye hinome Kwako itye tkatsa : hinome itye nyometse. Hinome itye nyeyose, sko satse mame tinyeae ei- sesh^ai. Hinome itye naweka nyewayaskoma, sh8 hinome immet a eiyaawe hutstse tyeka. Mastya thick suna itye nityaskoma hinome ; sko hinome seokutch maslya suna, hinome kometse lyee. seokutch sewestchea tea akutchtse stchomo oweshaiyanye kaowja tsepakwea kotyetiye kaowkowetse^a tskaah aslyeponeime sewestchea mutyetsa natse weshonye Stchomo itye ekatsa : hinome nj^eyose tinyeae eiseshtai. Hinome seotots^a, sko satse hinome styuitsiplyo oweisj,ane tea lyeya neskasinishe. Hinome seotsots|,a tskaah akutchtse lyeka, she yoko seo Iye8. Mutyetsa, satse Sekono nyomu- iyetsaskomanyesho hinome ; stche hinome imme tawats^a hutstse tyeka. Page 29 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XX. Ann meshkope seokutch hishome Tom mastya sitchu eskawa Tray suna waksli skotsip gkatskwea teya him popyowtsa |,ua imme hustchetsa Tray. Tray imme iske sitehu teya. Itye hishome seokutch sutchatyashet- she hustchetsa Tray, sitchanishe teya ? Tom thick Ann sityeshetano teya. Teya nyometsko hamatsa Tom Ann popyowtsano teya. Keitsho, Tray, ha- nye showkacha hinome kwa hanye hishome itye nyometsho. Sly kocheno sko eel hutstse kwako ^opech ko^awatch^a kayawa[eie kwae and kanaka keiyaw68 weie sekoma kamalyetyanyekwea Sly itye enetchako kwae seechanyeshe. Sly imme iske teya sewasho koowetyo. Sly itya ka- atchlyea nyometsko iske kocheno ko thick iske waksh. Sly kaatchtyea nyometsko iske inaslye ko thick iske weyes. Sly itye kaatchtyea nyo- metsko iske kwako ko thick iske suna. Iske mas- feya ko thick iske kocheno satse natchtyeyakono nyometskono Sly, THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 29 LESSON XX. Ann fed Tom fox Tray rat tell dog see big you with cow will him call It is old Tray. Tray is a big dog. Do you see our old Tray, the big dog? He is fed by Tom and Arm. He will run if Ann and Tom call him. JS T ow, Tray, let me see how you can run. Sly pig but eel man hen let peel met how and heel mud now w T hy feel Sly will do as he is bid. He is a pet dog. He will run at a pig or a cow. He will run at a fox or an ox. He will run at a hen or a rat. A fox or a pig will not run at Sly. so NEW FIKST READER. LESSON XXI. get try but eel did use you feel can saw low heel mud now may peel I saw an eel in the mud, and I did try to get it, but did not. May I try now? No, it is of no use. It is low in the mud. You can see it; but you can not get it if you try. let she but has kit am her bid do the not will are now why may Let the cat be: she has a kit. Do not go to her now, but sit by me. Why may 1 not go to her now? Do not ask why, but do as you are bid. I will do as I am bid. I will not go. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 30 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LESSON XXI. tseeina koeach itye keiawefi kotsitch^a keiowo kokutch weie sko hishome nutseaah itye eel kaowja kanaka ko^awai Hinome seokutch iskc eel eikeiyawenyesho, she hinome seka keika nityase eel, sko satse ityetsaow. Itye hishome nityatye weie ? Sah, satse tsetyo- mafio. Eel imme mame nutseaah kaah eikeiya- wenyesho. Hishome itye nyokutchtyo eel ; sko hishome satse itye nityashono eel pajo hishome seka nityachoilyeko, to pech musa washlye etsetch immetsapa she imme the weie sko kashe satse sekoma ka tseanyekwea kowstcheaanye ityeetsja Fame musa : musa imme kowwashlye musa washtye. Fame kanitchtyea musa lyeka weie, eiseape sepsho hinome eihowekose, Sekoma satse itye hinome weie nyenitchlyeaskono musa lyeka ? Satse shepejo sekoma, sko epech kwae hishome sheechanshe. Hinome ekeich kwae seechanshe. Hinome pame kanitchtea. Page 31 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XXII. kopyowkwea ityeetsa ho we heyatsa naweka anamalye kua sekoma mametawa naweka kastchochtse kua ze kowwaa kaiatanish keikapinye koeshai hama kwawaa kaiatanish Ze heityetsa eikuatsishe lyeka lyu ? Iske kowwaa. Iske kowwaa imme eikuatsishe lyeka lyu. Ze heityetsapa eikowwatsisho ? Naweka. Naweka immetsapa eikowwatsisho. Kowwaa imme eikuatsishe Iyeka lyu. Ze heityetsapa eikeialyu naweka ? Keiatanish. Keiatanish immetsapa eikeiatyu naweka.. Naweka immtsapa eikeialyu kowwaa. Kowwaa imme eikuatsishe Iyeka lyu. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 31 LESSON XXII. U eat free who seat tree why heat trees what neat spree when lest - egg best eggs nest bird nests birds What is in the tree? A nest. A nest is in the tree. What are in the nest? Eggs. Eggs are in the nest. The nest is in the tree. What are in the eggs? Birds. Birds are in the eggs. The eggs are in the nest. The nest is in the tree. SPELLING is of the utmost importance in securing the prog- ress of the young learner in reading. 32 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XXIII. air rice rat fair vice rats hair nice cats pair mice hats A dog will bark and run and play. A cow will give milk if well fed. A hen. will lay eggs on the hay. A sly cat will get mice and rats. A bird will sing in the tree all day. tree egg bird eggs sing give milk horse A horse can draw the cart and man. A bee will fly in the air and hum. An ox or a cow will eat hay. A fox will eat hens. He will eat mice and rats too. Ah, the sly old fox! Always see that the spelling lessons are thoroughly studied. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 32 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON XXIII. seshlai aroz suna kweme stchumuts sotsimme suna hachanye anyetse musa lyuetsaa seanu oshtyatpmts Iske teya itye seianowwats|,a thick komets thick koeshai. Iske waksh itye nasjeieko hoene tse nowya opewekasho. Iske kwako itye nyuweiat- soma naweka eiashane sewastchanye lyeka lyu. Iske kaiechonye kowejonyeme musa itye nityako seanu ko thick suna. Iske kaiatanish itye natsako eikuatsishe slychu setyu. kareta kua naweka seianowwats^a kaiatanish naweka achacha kuyo[a kowooh katyachanye hoene kavayo Iske kavayo itye howwe nyeyotseko kareta thick hutstse. Iske stchomo itye nyeko tinyeae sesh^aiyanyeshoe she natsako. Iske weyes ko iske waksh itye nopeko ashanye sewastchanye. Masiya itye nopeko kwako. Maslya thick itye nopSko seanu thick suna. Ah, kowetonyeme kaiechonye mastya. Page 33 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC REAPER, &E880N XXIV. Mary heya oponeime | kavayo Lucy keilonits|,a | keiskutse Kitty nyoakwechskoma | p86cha (keikapinye (seotsipasa | (satse koh) imme putcha) | sotsimme) suesish (wa |,eistche tsemotye) keialye kowskets sitchu seoska mokeicha waksh nowjako Zion kamapa sitchu sityachane ko|ots kowefeyu kos86h kweme tawa Imme^a ^ua iske teya, ko iske waksh, ko iske weyes ? Sah ; |,ua satse immetsaow iske teya, ko satse immetsaow iske waksh, ko satse immet- saow iske weyes. ^ua imme iske mokeicha. Muh katyashe sitchu kowelyu kosefeh thick seoska. Mokeitcha itye now^ako iske hutstse. Mokeitcha itye kamapatyea iske hutstse nyoj,otsko heikame katcha kamapa. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 33 LESSON XXIV. Ma-ry Lu-cy Kit-ty la-dy cov-er hov-er lov-er cov-et po-ny bony co-ny ho-ly lit-tle ket-tle set-tie met-tle 0^00 paw blow tail li-on kill Zi-on long let-ter mane^Jbet-ter Is it a dog, or a cow, or an ox? Ho; it is not a dog, or a cow, or an ox. It is a li-on. See Ids long mane and tail. The li-on can kill a man. He can kill a man with one blow of his big paw. Many words of two syllables are more simple than some mono= syllables of three, four, and five letters. 34 NEW FIRST READER. six you mix now what when where play lie die pie fie Get up, Lu-cy. Do not lie in bed now. It is day, and the sun is up. Ma-ry got up at six, and is out at play. Up, up, Lu-cy, why do you lie in bed? Get up, Lu-cy, and go out to Ma-ry. red new the came has Ann this same box was that fame YOU said then tame Ma-ry has a new box, a big box. Let us go and see it. The box is redo Ma-ry said it was for her: so, Ann, it can not be for you. It has M on the cov-er; M for MA-RY. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 34 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER schis ze kaaitse hishome keiasha weie hama halye koeshai koshjo ' seiastche pame LE8SON XXV. tseeina wa tseeina eistchustche oshatcha Bpaiyu, Lucy. Satse na sekeitfryo seschatsa weie. Weie imme sechomatsa, stche oshahatcha imme tySelyu thoko. Mary sepatye stchis, sh8 im- me chalye koeshaiya. tyuna, tyuna, Lucy, seko- ma hishome kutyekei eiiyu ki>ttyeschatsa ? Epat- iyu, Lucy, she chatye ema Mary kaapsho. kukanye ka kasha hishome Mary natee Ann mesho gkatsa chaatse imme6 the [ua w62h saanyemasa satse kowkutseioshow ka iske natse kasha, iske sitchu kasha. Hafiye showo hinometitch nyokchana kasha. Ka- sha imme kukanye. Mary ekatsa, kashe imme ka-. [aah, Ann, kasha satse itye nashono hishome. Kasha ka M eityu kow^ame ; M imme nasho Mary. Page 35 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, LESSON XXVI. seshjai kite seokome tee kowooh natse siiya eskawa tyuitseyo pitya hama shumatsa Tee imme Tom thick kashe natse kite. Tom ekatsa shumatseshe Ned tyeka, seokutch sashe kite ! Hamatsa kite imme eitsesh^aiyanyesho, hishome itye nityalyesho kite. Ned tsoyo eskawa Tom, sh3 sit- yaiye kite. Tom komats, she kiteiyuitseyo. Sh5 Tom sowhoh seokome Ned. ka iske chatiye seokutch tyue oshtyat^huta mutyetsa kokutch nowe Ned natse suesish Itye hishome nyokutchyo mutyetsa? |ua imme shumatseshe Ned. Ka Ned iske tyowshtat^huts natse ? Itye hishome fiyokutchtyo oshtat^huts. Ned imme eikaacho kocheno nyokutchl^o katyaahe kocheno suesish, Hinome s3okutch kocheno kop~ yowkwe kweme chupkumlye. Weie imme sho kwe- me chupkumlye, Satse itye kocli'iio nyouiotyo wa eikaacho- THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 35 LESSON XXVI. air kite line here gave new held with rose hold when lit-tle Here is Tom with his new r kite. Tom said to lit-tle Ned, See my kite! When it is in the air, you may hold it. Ned went with Tom, and held the kite. Tom ran, and the kite rose. Then Tom gave the line to Ned. Do you see the boy? It is lit-tle ]S T ed. Has Ned a new cap? Can you see it? He is at the pen to see his lit-tle pig. I saw it fed at one. It is now on-ly two. Can not the pig get out of its pen? 36 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XXVII. sun see west may how down gone why killed came soon set-ting May 1 get my cap, Ned? We can go and see the sun set. See, Ned, how red it is. Why is the set- ting sun so red? Will it soon be down in the west? Yes; the sun will soon set in the west. A dog saw a rat. A cat saw it too. The dog ran for it, but the cat got it. How did the cat get the rat? I will tell you. The sly old cat was hid. The rat had gone in-to a box; but it came out of it too soon. The cat put her paw on it, and killed it. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 36 HC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LESSON XXVII. oshatcha seokutch yonapuh itye kwae nutseaah thoko sekoma kaowj,a chate hawena nyusotsa^a Itye hinome nit{,atye sowstyat^huts, Ned? Hinometitch itye nutyeakwea j,ochosa nyokchinjo- chasa oshatcha nyusotsaja. Seokutch, Ned, kwae kuka'iiye kaeitch kopunye oshatcha. Sekoma im- me jaiame kukanye kaeitch oshatcha nyusotsaj,a ? Hawena oshatcha nyusonye{,atyo yonapuhfiyeafiu ? Ha; hawena oshatcha yonapuhfiyeafiu sonyeko. Iske ,teya kokutch iske suna. Iske musa kokutch suna thick. Teya komets nityako suna ; sko musa sitya suna. Kwae itye musa sitya suna? Hinome shope hishome. Kowejonyeme kaiecho- iiye hustchetsa musa kweskoma. Suna howtyupo iske kasha tyekft ; sko suna selyomoh hawena ka- sha iyeka. Musa titya kamapanyea suna, she ka- * ow^a suna. Page 37 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XXVIII. komunyesho tseeina akutchtse hustchetsa oskeits amoko sepakwea Ckatsa sitcha kotsitch{,a weshonye kaishjai Skatsa (satse sekstcheshow) asiyeponeime kowskets kowtsutchtsa keia^a sep6(,a kotsaiawe^a. hustchetsa sewasa keiatah immefe pasho hishoine amometsa mesho cheiowoh (satse sekstcheshow) sfika suesish ^ua hustchetsa hutstse imme amometsa^ thla k sewasa, she satse sekstcheshow. t ua hutstse imn? ie seyotseya katyashe teya, iske suesish teyakukany r e. Mesh meiko Jua hutstse imme keika m.utyetsa* ? mi- me6 hishome ; sko weie imme husfccbetsa h sh se- wasa, shfi amometsa. |,ua hutstse satse howti kei- atchshow pasho fiyomals^omauyesho. ^ua h'l' s:se nyotsipatseoma fiyeo'seyajseonuulyeahe ka,tle boy ? like you ; but now he is old, and sick, and poor. He has no son to take care of him. He must be led by his lit-tle dog, 1st Ed. 3. 38 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XXIX. cart this seek part that meek dart thou cheek tart there cheeks Do you see the new cart and the fork? Is it a new cart, or is it an old one? It is a new one, but the fork is old. A new cart and an old fork. Do you not -like to ride on the cart? eye doll eyes gave Jane small cheeks Su~san Lit-tle Jane Day had a new doll. She went to see Su-san Page, and Su-san gave her this doll. It is a wax doll, and has blue eyes. It has red lips and cheeks. Jane has a small box to put it in. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 38 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XXIX. Kareta ^ua seeipatyekwea shukasha w88 tawa hano ishj,oa hishome howaponye sepuna weiye kowawapo Itye hishome nyokutchtyo f,ua kareta natse thick omish^oeye ? Immeja j,ua iske natse kareta, kome immeja |,ua iske sowenye kareta ? Jua imme iske natse kareta, sko omishjoeye imme sowenyet- sa. Iske natse kareta thick iske omish^oeye so- wenyetsa. Satse hishome howlyu nyopcho kareta tyeka lyu ? semocha howanaanye wak hachanye howanaanye sowoh sestchenye Jane suesish kwisk howawapo Susan Each Jane Day ka iske natse wak. Jane thoko kokchanye Susan Page, she Susan seuttye tua wak Jane. Wak imme sestchenye, thick kana kwisk. Wak imme semocha thick kowawapo kukanye. Jane ka iske suesish kasha eiiyu nyetseko wak. Page 39 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XXX. skashe owanye keitsaatse mutyetsa skashe kamaskuucheiko kaiatanish ayowstyowanye tseeina seoshetsa seokome skutyits kowshutsa Iske skashe, iske skashe owanye, iske ayows- lyowafiye, thick iske seokome. Itye iske skashe neitsaatselyo ? Itye iske skashe neitsaatselyo Iy8e ? Ha, iske skashe itye neitsaatseko setlyu. Skashe itye neitsaatseko lySe kwae itye iske mut- yetsa kometsanshe, ko thick suesish kaiatanish kwae itye tsea^anishe Iye6. -<><*SH. of kotsots^a sesh^ai j,ona tseo tea chalye ha stchomo sashe sekoma hishome tskaah nakutch^ako keiatsa weiye Itye hishome nyokutchtyo sowskutlye ? Iske stchomo imme eikeiaka oskutiye tyeka. Sekoma howkop stchomo oskutiye tyka ? Imme|a oskut- iye nalyo iske stchomo ? Sah, oskutiye satse im- me nakono stchomo. Stchome howkop oskuttye tyeka kotsotsja tea. Kotsots stchomo she yoko tseo. Tseo chatye sesh|aiyanyesho. Nakutch^ako lycka thoko thick 'kotsots^a kashe tskaah. THE ECLECTIC SERIES* 39 LESSON XXX. net swim boy fish swing bird pole found lend line round rend A fish, a net, a pole, and a line. Can a fish swim? Can it swim far? Yes, a fish can swim all day. It can swim as far as a boy can run, or a lit-tle bird can fly. r. : v5^p of fly bee dew sip tea my bud air out why in-to yet yes you yon Do you see my cup? A bee is in it. Why did the bee get in the cup? Is the cup for a bee? No, it is not for a bee. The bee got in-to the cup to sip the tea. Sip and be off, bee. Fly out in-to the air. Get in-to the bud, and sip its dew. 40 NEW I 1 HIST READEK, LESSON XXXI. air duck fast fair luck past take pond swift make bond swim Do you see the duck? Can it swim? Can it fly too? Yes, the duck can fly and swim. It can fly far. It can swim in the pond, or fly in the air. The duck can swim in the pond all day. oak owl aft-er saw gun raft-er was tree sun-set said shot sit-tino: An owl was sit-ting in an oak tree. The owl can not see l>y day; but it can see aft-er sun-set. A boy saw the owl, and said to a man, An owl is in the top of the oak. The man got his gun and shot the owl. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 40 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LESSON XXXI. seshj,ai wayosho hawena kweme schumuts kowyee seatyu keiowoh koweianyesho seei koeach keimatshe keitsaatse Itye hishome nyokutchlyo wayosho ? Itye wa- yosho neitsaatseyoiyo ? Itye wayosho nyeyotyo thick ? Ha wayosho itye nyeyoko she neitsaatseko thick. Wayosho itye nyeyoko lyee. Wayosho itye neitsaatseko eikoweianyesho, ko nyeyoko ei- seshj,aiyanyesho. Wayosho itye neitsaatseko ei- koweianyesho selyu. i.q i i ^ hapanye kokop hamasho kokutch ocheiots pachama mesho kua ^keispechalya fikatsa kocheiots kokwea Iske kokop imme eistyuka iske kuatsishe hapa- nye. Kokop satse itye nekanyekweakono sechu- matse ; sko kokop itye nekanyekweako kopunye oshatcha. Iske mutyetsa kokutch kokop, she kope iske hutstse, Iske kokop imme eistchuka kuatsishe stchu hapanye. She hutstse keiowoohkowcheiots shS kocheiots kokop. Page 41 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. tygnye kokutch kowetyumechanye beer china seochawanye haweema nutseae keiotse howeput{,a koskuttye ekatsa Tom, haweema she pokutch tygnye. tyfinye tyeka? Sekoma, Ned, imme|a wee iske tyenye? Ha, we8 imme iske tyenye. Satse itye hishoine nyokutchtyomo ? Satse na lyenye imme mame kowkutseiowo thick kaiechonye ? lyenye howe- thok nutseae eichina nakop koskuttye. Jane kochacha Sam amomatsa eisitch suesish keiowo keiatsa nutsatye naskeine keiokei keiokei Amometsa Jane ! Kashe wak imme kaowkai- otse. Suesish Sam Page imme eikeiatsa. Jane totsetch kashe wak, she Sam Page ko|a wak. Sam Page eichokwea wak einutsatyanu ; sh8 weie wak imme keiokei. Wak kashe kunaskei^oa imme yo- ko kaeich. Satse itye hishome nyokutchlyo wak kunaskei^oa eie nutsatye ? THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 41 LESSON XXXII. deer look to-ken beer brook sto-lcn come down bro-ken some drink spo-ken Tom, come and look at the deer. At the deer? Why, Ned, is that a deer? Yes, it is a deer. Can yon not see? Does not the deer look wild and shy? lie has come down to the brook to drink. Jane poor took room fall left floor head Sam lit-tle broke bro-ken Poor Jane! Her doll is bro-ken. Lit-tle Sam Page was in the room. Jane had left her doll, and he took it. He let it fall on the floor; and now it is bro-ken. Its head is bro-ken off. Do yon not see it on the floor? 42 NEW FIRST HEADER. LESSON XXXIIT. mel-on fol-ly fel-on sor-ry lem-on sol-id wag-on cop-y play o-ver clay ro-ver slay do-ver stay clo-ver tree found took ver-y were sor-ry i phi in seems saw lost nest eggs Has the poor bird lost her nest? See how sad and sor-ry she seems. Lit-tle Sam Page saw the nest, He found it in a plum tree, and took it. He took it for the eggs that were in it. Was he not a ver-y, ver-y bad boy? LACUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 42 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LESSON XXXI. melone satsekosomo | koeshai eiyoe sotsetsetch kotsitchf,a | hatse ^okanitchtea lemon keio | kaow^a dover karo sityachane | hatsomasho kopewewa kokutch keiawanishe kowaah naweka kua keiowooh immetsapa sirawS wa tseeina mame kotsitch^a kokutch Imme keiawanishe amooh kaiatanish katyashe kowaatsishe ? Pokutch kwae kotsitch^a thick satse se westchea immetsa kaiatanish . Suesish Sam Page kokutch kowaah. Sam Page tseeina kowaah eilyuka kuatsishe slyuka sirawe, thick chaowasha kowaah. Sam Page cheiowo kowaah nako nawe- ka ze immetsapa eilyuka kowaah. Satse na im- metsaow Sam Page iske mame, mame sa kwe|,on- yemishe each ? Page 43 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. owaslanye ( lyeeipalye- l kwea koh mame-koso eiiyuolye page iska sanawanye naia gage omoh XXXIV. kwako ) sewatow hutstse J flock koshamats dock kainalyejai aastche sewestchea kutchlyo kotsiska oh imme weie shS kwae sewestchea eskawa naia Ann peesh kutchashe sityachane Ann hishome itye peesh kutchashe sityachane weie, shS hinometitch nochomosochooh chatye. Ann pe8sh kashe sityachane, koshtyatthutsa, she imme Ann komets^a katyashe teya koowelyo. Ann thoko eskawa ka naia ; sh6 kwae skwcstchea immetsa Ann ! THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 43 LESSON XXXIV. cage sage page rage gage lov-er cov-er oth-er moth-er broth-er cock flock dock lock rock ral-ly sal-ly par-ry hap-py sap-py was then hap-py moth-er Ann, you may shut your book now, and we w r ill go out. Ann shut her book, put on her hat, and then she ran for her pet dog. Ann went with her moth-er; and oh, how hap-py she was! 44 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XXXV. mill mills pills hills rills light right sight night fight laid paid maid braid a-fraid pur like mat puss lie still place a-fraid My fat pup will bark like a dog. A clog will lie on a mat or a rug. Puss will pur, if I place her in my lap, She will lie still in my lap and pur. Is not puss a-fraid of the pup? No; but she is a-fraid of the old dog. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 44 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LESSON XXXV. awanye seokome awaafiye hoawenye wawa-ko^ots sastche sko^otse trace sispeya^a heitye mashatsa eipech stuts keitsoa lyeme makutsa kupsh kowanechanye koweipe seuchu lark katsa kaeitse kotseiawe^a koskeiq pestcheko kachachatyaya eistchustche heitye kwetyumechanye musa seuchu Satyashe kisha^a teya wastye itye nutseiawe^ako Jaah iske teya. Iske teya itye eitinyelyu kaeitse iske seshchatsa ko thick iske washats itye kaeitse. Musa itye kuyo^a, she hinome lyushajaawe musa eistchu shaah satyashe. Musa makoko pestyeko neitseko eistchu shaah satyashe shS thick kuyo^a. Satse seotshosho musa teya washtye tyeka ? Sah; musa seotsho hustchetea teya. Page 45 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. sho|a-huts- ( wawashow- tse \ chanye olyekona kowmots^a wetyetsatse kochowa lyunamats kooweiyo pischanye kanaschochoe XXX FT. kohotsa ( howse kaas- l tche seoyas^os^ots^a pitiya seyaawa pa-katchuitiye katitfeyo otsemastcheme kweichopits^a ( kwecho- / kos kaiatanish tseeinokwea kuyo|a pokutch kochowa satse tsepeio kooweiyo seana kechatchoa musa satse tawa kaiyotsetsa Itye hishome nyokutchtyo nausa thick satyalye- mishe kooweiyo kaiatanish? Haah musa tseeino kaiatanish, musa now^ako kaiatani&h. Musa itye nityako tseana ; stche tseana skowachawaya she tseafia wechintsekwea hinometitch lyeka. Sko musa satse itye sityako satyashetshe kooweiyo kaiatanish. Kaiatanish kuyo[a,she sachatchoa hinometitch kayatsetse. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 45 LESSON XXXVI. gan-der heal crip-pie pan-der peal dim-pie dan-der steal pim-ple hin-der dear sim-ple cin-der clear rip-pie latch catch batch patch match bird look dear puss gets steal mice harm sings wake wakes morn-ing Do you see puss and our pet bird? If puss gets the bird, she will kill it. Puss may catch the mice; for they steal and do us harm But puss must not have our dear bird. It sings and wakes us in the morn -mg 46 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XXXVII. T i . n . beach nice ny-ing reach large fry-ing teach what try-ing Ma-ry, do come and see the peach! Is it not a nice large one? Is the peach for me, or is it for you? It is not for you or me. It is for Lu-cy. Ah! what a fine peach Lu-cy will have. eye o-pen eyes ly-ing were since mo-ment down closVd sleep-ing Ah! see the sly puss ly-ing down. How still she is: her eyes are closed; but puss is not sleep-ing. A mo-ment since her eyes were o-pen. If she can, she will get our bird. 0! do not let puss get our bird! LAG UNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 46 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XXXVII. loraz sitiyumishe kwepgtyit^a sinowts keikapinye tsea^a tsipcheia sitchu keinitya skosoinestya ze kockchinkwea Mary, haweema she pokutch loraz ! Satse na immeja ^ua iske loraz anyetse sitchu ? Imme^a ^ua loraz nalye hinome, sko imme|,a {,ua loraz nacho hishome. Loraz satse imme nashono hishome thick satse naskono hinome. Loraz imme nako Lucy. Ah ! kwae skeie anyetse loraz koee kutcha Lucy. eie howanaanye saatawe kaiatanish howanaanye kwepeiyit^a immetsapa ke ^ohatsoma nutseae kuuchei sepei Ah ! muh kowelonyeme kaiechonye musa eiiyu kaeitse. Kwae pestcheko immetsa musa : musa kana imme kucheie ; sko musa satee immetsaow tsepeiyo. Jo hatsoma musa chucheie kana imme thick slyutlye. Sko musa itye, musa nityako satyashetshe kaiatanish. ! satse showeanyelyo musa pame pitya satyashetshe kaiatanish. 47 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XL. wakune karnyero washlye kaaiko karawash shoeanalyu meiko irjaskokanishtea kokutch itye karayero ^o na washlye seiastchema Tmmeta |,ua iske kariiyero kome iske karawash,. komg immeja ^ua iske karawash washlye ? Jua satse immetsaow iske karawash washtye, ko satse iske karawash. ^ua imme iske karnyero. Imme- |a |ua iske koyowtsa kariiyero, ko imni|a ^ua iske (o na washlye karnyero ? ^ua imme iske koyowtsa karnyero. Kariiyero tseweyo kowashlye karilySro washlye. Kwae kotsitch^a immetsa karnySro. kowsenits tawa haweema seoska sityesha kanishtea showooh howanaanye kavayo mistchits kutchtchashe suesish Hinome skotsip ^ua kavayo. Hinome skotsip katyashe sitchu seoska. Hinome skotsip katyashe suesish kanaskeitlye thick katyashe kana mistchits. Haweema, kavayo, kweme kowsenits. Howeka- nishtea. ^aah! hishome we howecheots anye ka- walyeich seoska tawa. Kutchtchashe kanaskeie imme tinyease kanaskeilye. Weie pityesha kava- yo seiastcheme katyashe she thickina pityesha ashanye kavayo lyeka. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 47 LESSON XXXVIII. coat lamb car-ry goat jamb tar-vy creep looks a4>lo sheep young sta-l;lc Is it a sheep or a goat, or is it a kid? It is not a kid or a goat. It is a sheep. Is it an old sheep, or is it a young .one ? It is an old sheep. She has lost her lamb. Ho\v sad she looks. well feed eyes V your come move horse small 1 like this horse. I like his long tail I like his small head and dark eyes. Come, sir, trot a lit-tle. Move. So ! you car-ry your tail well. Your head is up. Now take him to the sta-ble, and feed him. 48 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XXXIX. one stop with two rest black cow noon white plow soon horse Can the man plow with one horse? He can plow with one, but he has two. Ah! so he has; a black and a white one. Can he plow all day? yes; but he will stop at noon to rest. boy cow said your milk what gives which bread but-tcr din-ncr dri-ving An old man met a boy dri-ving a cow. The old man said, My lad, what is your cow good for? The boy said, Our cow gives milk. From milk we make but-ter. We cat but-ter with bread for our din-ner. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 48 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON XXX IX. iske eij,opech eskawa iyue koanutch mistchits waksh sunatsittyu stchumuts otyeitsimme hawena kavayo Itye iske hutstse iske kavayo nopotsitsfeyo tyea ? Hutstse itye nopotsitsko iske kavayo, sko hutstse tyue katyalye kavayo. Ah ! ^aah imme hutstse ka ; iske mistchits thick iske stchumuts. Itye hutstse nopotsitsiyo setyu ? ha ; sko hutstse itye nowanachako sunatsitiyeye shg newanachako. mutyetsa hoene pah waksh ze ishatye Skatsa skowooh sunatstySS nopse kutchchaslie heitj^e keiapots^a Iske hutstse hustchetsa kayeieilyuma iske mut- yetseshe keiaposja iske waksh. Hustchetseshe hutstse ^a ekatsa, ze heitye tawatsa imme kutch- chashe waksh ? Mutyetsa Skatsa, suchatyashetshe waksh kash^eie hoene. ^ua hoene hinometitch sowowechana ishalye. Hinometitch nochape so- chosa ishafeye thick pah sunatsfeyfiS nopse. Page 49 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LMS8ON XL, natse tawatsa howe anyetse sityachane sdnawe kwetse tawatsa kutchashe ka haweema sowooh Haweema, Mary, she pokutcha sashe natse sit- yachane. Iske natse sityachane, Lucy, chutcha hishome iske natse sityachane ? ha, shg sitya- chane mime skeie anyetse sityachane thick. Ha Jaah hishome kutcha. Howe kutyulye sityachane hishome ? Kutchdnawe ? Kwae anyeshokutch thick tawa immetsa kutchdnawe. hawe tse nopko iyukanye shokaka kowecha shoja shokaka suesish china kokutch nowya sitch marne Tua imme iske shokaka eskawa kalyalyemishe suesish shokaka. Shokaka immetsapa eichina. Itye hishome nyokutchtyo shokaka? Shokaka kokutch kwetse iske shoja ; sko shokaka mime sitch mame, she stchumuts kwae hawe. Shokaka ka sitch kowecha thick suesish kaslye. Shokaka satse tawatsaow opewe satse nopskono. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 49 LESSON XL. new good who ; x- : H nice book aunt such kind your HEP have come gave Do come, Ma-ry, and see my new book.' A new book, Lu-cy, have you a new book ? yes, and it is such a nice one too. Ah so you have. Who gave it to you? Your aunt? How kind and good she is. snow swan swans looks food neck short niucli loose goose nv-er larg-er This is a swan with its lit-tle swans. They are in a riv-er. Can you see them ? The swan looks like a goose; but it is larg-er, and as white as snow. It has a long neck and short legs. It is not good for food. 50 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XLI. bird rests gloss-y come ri-ses gold-en wing sis-ter set-ties thing pret-ty shi-ning .See! oh see this shi-ning thing! It rests its gold-en, gloss-y wing: Its wing so bright with gold-en light; Say, is it not a pret-ty sight? Sis-ter, sis-ter. come and see! 7 Tis not a bird, 'tis not a bee: Ah! it ri-ses, up it goes; JS T ow it set-ties on a rose. seal hear that aw-ful heal haste then law-ful steal waste these arm-ful takes rings those let-ting rakes sings there set- ting bakes wings thine bet-ting LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 50 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LESSON XLI. kaiatanish haweema koasa heityetse kowanacha tyuitseyo sakwech any&tse kostchemits^a kochinnye kokwea konupitsja Pokutch ! oh seokutch |ua imme konupitsj,a po- reikal Poreika kowanatcha katyashe koasa kochinnye thick kostchemitsja : Katyashe koasa mame mashatsa imme mashatsa kochinnye ; E- katsa, imme^a j,ua satse na iske anyetse seokutch ? Sakwech, sakwech, haweema she pokutch ! |,ua satse immetsaow iske kaiatanish, (,ua satse im- metsaow iske stchomo : Ah ! poreika tseyo, po- reika tinyeae tseyo ; Weie poreika eitinyealyu kokwea iske akutchtse lyeka kokwea. tse tseocho s|,utshe saakashe eitsitch kopo koasa kutchashe kottyee tsaaah seotseipo kochowa keiowoh eiyaskanye sekah stchastchu ^otsetch katsa kuyoj,a wee she tua wee we6 Page 51 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON XLII. kayawa^eie koyaskowasifya sityepe kotanitch kotanitch kaiyotse keimats hatsoma Lark imme tinye sutchtya tsea^a kayawa^eie o- shatcha, Stchomo imme ho we tsea^a ; See katya- she kojanitch imme kaacheia, Eistchu sityepe ka- yaskowets^a gkatsa. Itye kaiatanish, sh8 stchomo, shg see, imme ko^onyemusa, Hamatso hinome sotsimme so^a- nitch ? hinome komatsanye neputiyesinishe kaiotse lyowa, Shfi sashe notanitchsinishe kanitch- lyea. keitsoa sekeishe sekoma yawashtye sesh^ai kokutch oshlyat^huts howe sewaiyo ( kweme ( stchumuts stchomo sityepe ze kweanukuts^a eikowetsho itye kokutch hama osapats komus amoko sityachane heitye spechatse sheets seotsipa showewets halye ^akuts tsemotye THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 51 mu-sic be-gun morn-ing mo-mcnts The lark is up to meet the sun, The bee is on the wing; The ant its la-bor has be-gun, The woods with mu-sic ring. Shall birds, and bees, and ants, be wise, While I my mo-ments waste? let me with the morn-ing rise, And to my du-ty haste. fees goods why sticks air sees hoods who ricks fair bees woods what kicks lair could looks when picks leak would books which nicks peak should hooks where bricks beak 52 NEW FIRST READER. ^c?^*>-- LBSSON XLIII. girl floor ver-y bird kill'ed hap-py gave a-bout nioth-er cage a-gain rim-ning See the girl with her bird and cage. One day her moth-er gave her a bird. It was run-ning a-bout the floor; and a sly cat came and killed it. The lit-tle girl felt ver-y sad. Then her moth-er gave her a new bird. Now she is hap-py a-gain. air leak licks eat-ing fair peak ricks seat-ing lair beak kicks beat-ing hair weak picks heat-ing pair freak nicks heal-ing stair speak wicks peal-ing chair streak sticks steal-ing LACUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 52 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER XLIII. makutsa nutsa^a mame kaiatanish ka6w^a sewestchea sutye howeko naia owash^anye thickina komets^a Pokutch makutsa eskawa katyashe kaiatanish thick owastynnye. Iske seie kanaja seutye makut- seshe iske kaiatanish. Kaiatanish imme komets^a natsatya ; thick sho iske ka'e h nye musa howe- thoko sh8 kaow^a kaiatanish. Suesish makutseshe imme mame kotsitchja. Sh6 kanaia seiij e makutseshe iske natse kaiatanish. Weie makutseshe imme tliickina sewestchea. sesh^ai komus kopg^otsa kopyowkwea kweme-stchumuts sheets sewatyo kokwea eikowwetsho tseinotye kweanukuts^a kotyowes^a hachanye satse-stehatshow osapats kokweeishe tyuetsaa freak spetyetse seotseiposo watyeyame katsa seokome kaatsa okweafiye kowweishots yowastche kochowaya i'age 58 LAUUJNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XLIV. sestyai tsape tyB8 atchomo see seotyeshu mapafiye tese tsea|,a weis[anye satse-shame kopyowkwea Iske teya washtye imme mesh kopyowkwea iske weis^anye iyeya. Teya washtye kokutch iske stchomo eh& iske see. Stchomo satsena howko- kwea iske nakutch^okonyesho. Stchomo tsea[a sesh^aiyafiyeshowe. See satse tseyono. Iske see satse itye tseyaiyow, sko see itye nyometsko. Teya washfeye sitya kamapa iyeya eityu see sit- tya. Sko teya washtye komets ty8S stchomo tyeka kotye&feyS. Imme stchS stchomo mame sitchu, Btch8 satsena shame kwe^onyeme teya washtye seotyesho stchomo tyeka. kokwea sakwech wetyitsats ehame-6etseakwea Jakaanye seamash^o kolyowetse^a hutstse . kokwea^a kusheittye sotsekwea kopeits^a 9anuchuts^a oya^awe kokweeishe koshtyuitsho mame-chuchananuts seotseipuso THE ECLECTIC SERIES, 53 LESSON XLIV. air fly a-way bee ant a-fraid from fly-ing sil-ly eat-ing A pup was eat-ing from a dish. It saw a bee and an ant. The bee was not on a bud. It was fly-ing in the air. The ant did not fly. An ant can not fly, but it can run. The pup put its paw on the ant But it ran a-way from the bee. It was a big bee, and the sil-ly pup vras a-fraid of it. sit-ting sis-ter an-gry fit-ting blis-ter hun-gry hit-ting mis-ter seat-ing suin-mer sin-ner beat-ing Imm-mer din-ner heat-ing drum-mer thin-ner heal-ing 1st Rd. 4. 54 N^EW FIRST READER. LESSON XLV. din-ner a-way sit-ting to-day Imn-gry try-ing suin-mer mis-ter One sum-mer day, a luin-gry fox saw a fat lien, sit-ting on a box lid. The sly fox said, I can get a din-ner now. But not so. A big boy saw mis-ter fox, as lie was try -ing to get the hen. The boy ran for his gun. The fox saw the boy go for the gun. Ah! said mis-ter fox, I can not get a fat din-ner to-day. If I am not off, the boy may get me. So, a-way ran the fox. stay wing that rives pound clay bring then dives wound play string there hives ground LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 54 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LES8ON XJLV. oya^awe ty8 kokwea^a weie seamastyo seo^anyekwea kusheittye hutstse Iske seie kusheittye, iske mastya seyamastchishe kokutch iske kishaja kwako kokwea^a eistchu iske kaastche kasha lyeka stchu. Maslya kaiechonye kowe^oneme ekatsa, hinome itye nityase opewe weie. Sko satsena aah. Iske kocha inutyetsa kokutch maslya, immee stchS masiya kotsitch^a nityakonishe kwako. Mutyetsa koine ts kowchei- ots kaaikoiya. Mastya kokutsh inutyetsa kowchei- ots howe kaaikoiya. Ah ! gkatsa maslya, hinome satse itye nityasinishe kisha^a nopsinishe weie. Sah hinome sayoko^hosSow, w6S mutyetsa nye- einakoma hinome. ^aah, mastya komets yoko Iye8. pame-na-ema koasa w8e echina owetyeme hatse hawecheiko she-imme ( kowenyeS- ( kona- \ stchuputs \ iyume koeshai seokome weiye stchomo-kama hatse Page 55 LACUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MO GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LE88MN XLVI. hawena koasa thickina eskaiatse seokome tyuitseyo howeput^a konalyumo tyuitseyo kowenye&stchuputs hatse iska Muh mutyetsa thick kashe natse kite. Weie kite kowenyeestchuputs sesh|aiyanyeshow. Kite nukamesenuthoko hatse tyeka. 0, stche kite nowe iskaiatse koasoiye ! Kite satse itye nyeyokofio. Epech eie nowei- nase iske ko'asa imme |aah. Shaow, keitsho imme tawa. Weie shaow keit- sho hanye kite kowko itye tyu nyeyofeyo. "0 ha, keitsho hawena kite tyuitseyaja ! Weie seokome imme seio seiskwesputja. Hishome itye teape she pityalye kite. Hinoine kama sh keieipalye thickina seokome. yaka waksh paiiye makutsa sitchu satchiye weie kannye yaspa kuyoja keiatchlye olyeitsimme mist chits kopewewa stchats THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 55 LESSON XLVI. fast wing side string some wound dives ground more rise ri-ses oth-er Now See the boy with his new r kite, it dives in the air. It will come to the ground. 0, it has but one wing! It will not fly. Put a wdng on the oth-er side. There, that will do. Now let us see if it will rise. yes, how fast it ri-ses! Now the string is all Avound off. You may stay and hold it. I will go and get some more string. corn cow sack horn now back horns plow black long lass mass song grass strong 66 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON XLVII. cart lies hard works quite drinks white wa-ter An ox has two horns. He has four legs and four feet. The ox can draw the plow. He can draw the cart. He is quite strong, and works ver-y hard for man. He has red, or white, or black hair. He eats grass, and hay, and corn; and he drinks wa-ter. He lies do\vn on his side to sleep or to rest, aft-er his work is done. sees light glow could east flees night grow would feast trees bright know should beast LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 56 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON XLVII. tyana kareta kaeitse hawe-tseotseya keio kojanitch sepakwea maeina kuskattyekwea hamasho stchumuts sits Iske weyes imme tyue satchtye. Iske weyes imme lyana kamalye thick lyana kaslye. Weyes itye olyeitsimme neikoiako. Weyes itye howenyeotseyako kareta. Weyes imme skeie stchats, she weyes tawa ko- Janitch nakonishe hutstse. Weyes imme kuseeh kukanye, ko stcumuts, ko mistchits. Imme weyes kopyowkwe kopewewa- nishe, ko sewastchaiiye, ko yaka ; she kuska sits, Weyes kaeitse iskeiatsenu nepa|ako nowanacha- ko, hamasho seio katyashe ko^anitch. kokutch mashatsa kastchotse itye yonahah kotyetye kupsh ke^onye seotsipa pashko kua konuputs^a ko^onye enetchako atyashe Page 57 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. XL VIII. yonapuh kua thick kama shetyet^a kwe^onyeme howooh tawatch otse^okeie koeach ko^onye kaah keiowoh pashoko kopewewa itye etsetch sepei sowaka-kochinnye enetchako Muh, oshatcha imme tinyeaska. Oshatcha iyeya sotchowamasho, oshatcha imme koeach nye^onyekonishe kuatsishe sh8 ashanye ko- pewewanishe. Oshatcha komuh hanyesatyu, shS kopo puna- miniluh. She imme komunnye oshatcha, imme sechuma kaeichaV she imme oshatcha kopunnye imme kupsh kaeitcha. Sho^onye hishome howe oshatcha koeach? Dios koeach oshatcha. Dios thick ko- each tawatch, thick seio shetyet^a. Imme tawatch shetyet^a tyeya kupsho howe eskawachafiye mash- atsa. Dios seiotse howoh eskawachafiye hinomc- titch seiotse stchashetshe, she pashoskwatchoma sfcch&Bmishe neskonishe. Enetchana sochosa fiye- wahemaskowatchomanishe nyotse^okeie sochosa Dios, sh8 otse^okeie kashe tawa owestcheaiiye. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 57 takes makes LESSON XLVIII. west trees al-so lives stars ho-ly If gives moon o-bey made know a-live keeps grass could sleeps brass should See, the sun is up. The sun gives us light. It makes the trees and the grass grow. The sun ri-ses in the east, and it sets in the west. When the sun ri-ses, it is day; when it sets, it is night. Do you know who made the sun? God made it. God al-so made the moon, and all the stars. They give us light by night God gives us all A\ r e have, and keeps us a-live. We should love God, and o-bey his ho-ly will. 58 NEW FIRST HEADER. LESSON XLIX. sick what Wil-ly each blind a-bout which mates Hen-iy school James him-self free kept large thank three slept barge Frank Well, Hen-iy, what do you read a-bout in your new book? I read of three boys who went to school; Jaines, Frank, and Wil-ly. Each boy had a fine, large cake. James ate too much of his cake. It made him sick. Frank kept his so long, that it was not fit to eat. But Wil-ly gave some of hi$ to each of his school-mates. He then ate some him-self, and gave the rest to a poor, old, blind man. Which, do you think, made the best use of his cake? LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 58 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER sewasa ze Willy howe noyo satse sekstcheshow howSko heittye kootsekome Henry school James noyo ityetsa pasho sitchu wuS chimmeS sepa^o china oyomunye Frank She, Henry, ze shokchaimyekwea eikeia natse kutchashe sityachane ? Hinome seokchaniiyekwea chimmee mutyetsa keisorngshjanishe school ; James, Frank, she Willy. Noyo howe mutyetsa keisheme iske tawa, sitch nopskonlshe. James mame nowya kope kashe tawa nopskonishe. She imme heya sewasa James. Frank eiskocha kashe mame meiko, she satsena tawatsa nopskonishe. Stch6 Willy seio kwawanachafiye kwatsekomishe eie keisomesh^anishe school. Sh8 Willy noyo ko- pe ^o kweme, she seochanye iska mina hustchetsa hutstse, amometseshe, sh8 satse sekstcheshow. Heitye, shineichafiye hishome, mame tawa etsetch kashe tawa opewe ? 59 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. seiastche gkatsanye sakwech keikapinnye nowe ko^onye etsetch katsa kokwea gkatsa seotsipah Edward Sakwech Mary, Muh pokutch Fido. Fido iinme eistyuka kokwea, sh6 kanaskeityu kowko iske osh- tyat^huts. Satse na teya kwae iske suesish mut- yetsa each eityu okweanye ? ^ua imme nowe Fido. Itye hinome nowpg^a teya nachape howpa hinome- titch weie ? ha ; popS^a teya nachape howpa hinometitch ! Fido, hinomtitch imme nuchape eochosatshe iske mame anygtse kocheno nuchape sochosatshe. Itye hishome nopecho iske yaku- chanye howpa hinometitch ? Hishome itye natcho kweme suesish seiastche, thick. Teya satse iske putja kwakutsaow. Fido satse itye katsaow im- me8 hinometitch suchatseyatshe. Sko teya ityet- sa tseyah imme itye enetchakonishe seotsepatsha seiiyemasatshe. Edward imme eka mutyetsa. Eka tya imme Fido. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 59 LESSON L. pie word sis-ter nice on-ly known does speak sit-ting says wants Ed-waid Sis-ter Ma-ry, do look at Fi-do. He is sit-ting up, and has a hat on. Does he not look like a lit-tle boy in the chair? It is on-ly Fi-do. Shall I ask him to dine with us to-day? yes; do ask him to dine w r ith us! Fi-do, we are to have a ver-y nice pig for din-ner. Will you take a rib with us? You can have a bit of pie, al-so. He says not a word. Fi-do can not speak as we do. Yet he has ways by which he is a-ble to make his wants known. Ed-ward was the name of the boy. The name of the dog \vas Fi-do. 60 NEW FIRST READER. LESSON LI. goes a-ny cru-el fight li-on ti-ger night young call'ed sheep strong al-most cave caves sleep sleeps find finds beast beasts live lives The Li-on lives in dark caves. It sleeps there all the day. At night it goes out to find food. In the day it goes back to its cave. It can kill an ox, or a sheep, or a ti-ger, or a man. It can kill al-most a-ny thing it can find. The Li-on will not eat a-ny thing that it finds dead. It is not cru-el, but will fight for food, or for its young. It is so strong, that it can kill al-most a-ny oth-er beast. It is called the King of Beasts. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 60 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER LMSSON LI. kanitchtea heitye sityowaiiyekwea koweiko mokeitcha tiger kupsh ^o na washtye saapyowtse karnyero stchats sutlya kona^aiyoma sepakwea tseeina atyash sama kona^aiyoma tyepakwea tseeinokwea atyash kaah Mokeitcha imme kowooh kona^aiyoma samis- tchits. Mokeitcha sepa^o konataiyoma sitfcyoma- na. Noyachomana mokeitcha kanitchtea seeipat- tyekwea nopekonishe/ Imme sechuma mokeitcha thickina kona^aiyoma sotsaja. Mokeitcha itye now^ako iske weyes, ko iske karnyero, ko iske tigar, ko iske hutstse. Mokeitcha itye nowjako sutlya heitiye ze itye nyeeinako. Mokeitcha satse nope- kono heitye tseeinow shomotsa. Mokeitcha satse sotsnechakono, sko mokeitcha seka now|,ako nop- ekonishe tyeya, stchS thick nako keiatchtyemishe lyeya. Mokeitcha imme skeie stchats, stchg itye nowjako sutiya heitye iska atyashe. Mokeitcha imme stche 8ka hochinye atyashe feyeka. Page 61 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. keikeiame sekeipe hamasho stchinatsapa pit^a tySimmetsa sakwech kotsitch^a kokwea koso kowjoe tseamsh^o kwechokos sitya omo heitye ze Henry. Mary ! hinome weie seokutch iske suna sitchu eie kwametsa ; sh8 hustchetsa Nero immee kotsitchja nityakonishe suna. Mary. She titya teya suna ? Henry. Sah, sakwech, Nero satse sityako, sko musa sitya snna. Mary. Satyashe musa ? Henry. Sah ; immetsa koyowtsa musa. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON LII.* 61 latch H'ed catch tri'ed liatch taught match caught aft-cr sis-ter suf-fer broth-cr e-ven sor-ry hun-giy sonic-thing Henry. Ma-ry! I just saw a large rat in the shed; and old Ne-ro tried to catch it. Mary. And did he catch it? Henry. No, sis-ter, Ne-ro did not, but the cat did. Mary. My cat ? Henry. No; it was the old cat. * Too early attention can not be given to Emphasis. It is during the first year at school that those habits of drawling and monotony in reading are formed, which teachers find so much difficulty in correcting, when the pupil has advanced to the higher classes. This and the following lessons will be found to furnish excellent drill exercises in Emplmi* KEW FIRST READER. 62 Mary. 0, how did she get it? Do tell me: did she run aft-er it? Henry, No, sis-ter, that was not tlie way, Puss was hid on the top of a big box, in the shed. The rat stole out; and, pop, she had him. Mary. Poor rat ! It must have been ver-y hun-gry, and came, no doubt, to get some-thing to eat. Henry, Why, Ma-ry, you are not sor-ry Puss caught the rat, are you? Mary, No, broth-er, I can not say I am sor-ry she caught the rat; but I do not like to see e-ven a rat suf-fer pain. ze-ro al-so liv-cr o-vcr he-ro al-ter riv-er ro-ver Ne-ro al-most giv-er clo-ver a-way al-ways cv-er dro-ver a-bout sis-ter lev-er oth-er a-bove blis-ter sev-er motli-er a-round mis-tor nev-er broth-er LAGCJNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OP Page 62 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Mary. 0, kwae itye musa sitya suna ? Sfeka kope hinome: sh& tyomets musa hamasho suna nityaiyo ? Henry. Sah, sakwech, Jua satse immetsaow. Musa kweskoma eityu iske kasha sitchanishe, eie kwametsa. Suna nyomoko chatye nyometsko ; sh8, ^o heikame, muse sitya suna. Mary. Amooh suna ! Keimats sufia huts skeie neamash^oko, she howetsthoko, keimats, seeipat- yekwea ze heitye nopekonishe. Henry. Sekoma, Mary, sah hishome shotsitchja stchg musa sittya suna, imme hishome shotsitch^a? Mary. Sah, skowa, hinome satse itye Snatsas- kouo sah Josowestcheyanshe shg imme musa sityat- she suna ; sko hinome satse nyokutchskono ko iske suna kunalyume. zero thick ^V ^ ^-^ W enanye eityu kowskets naname china ^okanishtea Nero suttya sowoh kopewewa yohatye ^akanye sityotse keichotsea howfiko sakwech okatsimme iska tinyeae ^akaiiye kowshuttyetsa naia ghoyana hutstse satse-hama omo Page 63 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LIU. koeshai kamastye keitsaatse ( mame \ hustchetsa howeko yae koeach Willy eskawa koats oyestyecome Katy suesish Carry ze heitye sutchtya Willy, Katy, sh8 Carry immetsapa howpa ka naia eie tseanyeko sutchtya. Itye hishome nyokutchtyo Willy? * Itye hishome gnatsatcho nyopStyuma ze kaikoiya kastye shume- kawaya ? ha, hinome nyokutchse Willy. Satse na chei- koiya Willy iske oyestyekome kamastyenyea? ^ua imme kokutch kwa iske oyesiyekome. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 63 LESSON LIII. play hand sails old-er near sand made Wil-ly with wood spade Ka-ty what shore small Car-ry Wil-ly, Ka-ty, and Car-ry are with their mam-ma at the sea-side. Do you see Wil-ly? Can you tell what he has in his right hand? yes; I do see him ! Has lie not a spade in his hand? It looks like one. 64 NEW FIRST READER. He lias a spade in his hand; a small spade, and it is made of wood. A spade made of wood! Pray, of what use is a spade made of wood? It is made to play with. There is sand at the sea-side. Wil-ly can dig in the sand, with his lit-tle spade. Ka-ty has a spade, too. Do you not see it? It lies near her on the sand. She has laid it down to look at the ship. Can you see the ship? Do you see how fast it sails? Soon it will be out of sight. Then Wil-ly, Ka-ty, and Car-ry will go home. Wil-ly is old-er than Ka-ty, and Ka-ty is old-er than Car-ry. right found wade old-er light sound made bold-er sight hound blade cold-er night bound spade Jiold-er bright ground shade mold-er LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 64 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER Willy imme kaikoiya iske oyesiyekome kamash- tyefiyea ; iske snesish oyesiyekome, sh6 ^ua imme oyesiyekome koeach koats. Iske oyestyekome koeach koats ! Sekoma, ze neiyotyo iske oyestye- kome koeach koats ? ^ua oyesiyekome imme ko- eacli ^oma oeshaianye. Weie imme yae howeko sutchiya tseanyeko. Willy itye nowsotsko yae tyeka, kowyesiyekome suesish lyeya. Katy thick kaikoiya iske oyestyekome. Satse hishome itye chokutch oyesiyekome ? Oyesiyekome eisitch how&ko katye yae tyeka. Katy anutsitch oyes- tyekome nyokutchkonishe tyeya china oyomunye. Itye hishome nyokutchtyo china oyomunye ? Itye hishome nyokutchtyo kwae hatsomako china oyo- munye neitsaatseko ? Hawena china oyrnunye thoko satse na itye skokutchow. Shg Willy, Katy she Carry s6ko katchuitiyeaese. Willy imme ma- me hustchetsa ^ua Katy iyeka, she etyu Katy im- me mame koyowtsa Carry tyeka. stuts tseeina keiyaslye^aatseso mame-hustchetsa mashatsa katsa koeach satse-immekono thekstche teya heske mame-keish^ai kupsh ko^ots^a oyestyekome eiafeyafeye hatse konasputiye kowelyit^a Page 65 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, LIV. tama keiashattye|a nowe Jane haslyeenye howkasho satse-hama Cora kokchinkwea itye koso Mary kakah chimmee sityotse Lucy naskeine mame eiskutchanye Nelly Iske, tyue, chimmee, tyana, tama. Tama makutsapa suesish, seio stchanahematsapa; Cora, Mary, Nelly, Jane, she Lucy. Satsena imme anyetiyeshe masecha makutsapa ? Kwae tawatsapa she sewowstchea immetsapa. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 65 LESSON LIV. five foot read hear head spell class shall three quite on-ly nev-er read-er al-ways stand-ing Jane Co-ra Ma-ry Lu-cy Nel-ly One, two, three, four, five. Five lit-tle girls, all of the same size; Co-ra, Ma-ry, Nel-ly, Jane, and Lu-cy. Are they not pret-ty lit-tle girls? How clean and sweet they look. 66 NEW FIRST READER. Lit-tle Co-ra is at the head of her class. See, she is stand-ing up, read-ing to her teach-er. Shall I tell you why she is at the head ? She al-ways knows her les-son, and nev-er comes late to school. How old do you think these girls are? They are on-ly six, but they can read quite well in the FIRST READ-ER. Lu-cy is at the foot of her class now. Last week she was at the head. One girl can stay at the head a week, if she does not miss. Was not Lu-cy a good girl to stay at the head a week? These are all good girls. Will you not try to be good like them? If you are good, all who know you will love you. God loves good girls. clean these les-son teach-er sweet school pret-ty read-ing LAG UNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 66 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Suesish Cora imme yanye kwatsekomishe. Muh, Cora imme eiskutchanye, kwakchinkwea kokchinkwea seisomeshtanshe. JSTyewapSchawatchoma hishome kwae Cora itye yanye ? Cora sityotse ko^oiiye kashe sityachane, she satse hama chupkuimye howethoko keisomesh^an- sho. Hatso kusheitlye eesho hishome tee nowa- asonishe Jua makutsapa ? Makutsapa imme no we stchis kusheitfrye seeh 7 sko makutsa itye shame kwakchinkwearia imme Seia Sityachane. Lucy imme mame nutseatsa immetseshe weie. Lucy weie iska domeko seatiyotshe imme yaiiyetsa. Iske makutsa itye immena^ako eiyanye iske do- meko, sko satse eitchuma iske heitye ze. Satsena imme^a Lucy iske tawa makutsa imme eiyanye iske domeko ? ^ua seio imme tawa makutsapa. satsena che- eina hishome heya tawa nu^ashonish kwa hatsoma- ko tawatsapatche ? Nowe hishome tawakujaow, seio haiio kutyinyemasastche hishome mame amo- iiyemasa kutchaamasa hishome. Dios mame. tawa etsetch nako seio tawa makutsapa. seoyastcheme ^ua lesson seiasomeshja kweche keisomeshtanyesho anyetse kokchinkwea Page 67 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MO GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LESSON muh amome shorn o eskawa seotse katyekweasu keisomesh^a kowweianye itye weiye kakah hama Frank kowkene mame-eko Brown kaiyowo nashtea sityotse ze-heitye Muh, pokutch, satse imme^a (ua Frank Brown ? Ze sekoma howesthoko Frank Brown feyeka ? Amooh each imme kosh^o. Frank imme hakS thoko kosomestyansho, shS iske each sakwetouye- mishe kayawa^eie, sh8 ^atskwea : THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 67 LESSON LV. m look lead cri'ed school poor pond could ta-ken dead there heard pa-rent with when Frank al-ways kind loves Brown niat-ter Look, look, is not this Frank Brown? What can be the niat-ter with him? The poor boy is dead. He was on his way to school, when a bad boy met him, and said: 68 NEW FIRST READER. ^o^^te*^ "Come, Frank, go \vith n:e to the pond." "0 no/ 7 said Frank, "I can not; I must go to school/ 7 But the bad boy told him it was not time to go to school. So Frank went with him to the pond. Do you see the bad boy ? He stands by the side of the man. Frank fell in-to the pond, and the bad boy could not help him out. He cried, " Help, help ! " A man heard him, and ran to the pond. But when he got there, poor Frank was dead. What will his pa-rents do when he is ta-ken home dead? Do not stop to play on your way to school. Do not play Avith bad boys. They will lead you in-to harm. their game skate bri-dle theirs games skates bri-dles stand shame school pa-rent stands shames schools pa-rents LAGCNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF tage 68 MO GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Haweema, Frank, stchSfieiyo hinome kowweia- nyeshoS." "0 sah," fika Frank, "hinome satse itye; hinome sonyese sBka sosomeshlailyeshoe." Shg sakwe^oiiyemishe each fe^atskwea satse na sitySkaiechow soiiyekonishe skpsomesh^anshoe. ^aah sh8 Frank sotyo tyeyo sakwejonyemishe each kowweiafiyeshoS. Itye hishome nyokutchlyo sa- kwe^onyemishe each ? Imme eihowSkose kutcha- nye hutstse leka. Frank lyochacha eikowweia- nyeshoefiu, sh6 sakweJoByemishe each satse itye stchulyoko Frank. Sh& lyuskeitsa sakwe^onye- mishe each, "komatsanye lyana^a, komatsanye iyana^a ! " Iske hutstse chaka kutskeitsanishe, shg tyomets kowweianyeshoS. Sko howo satsinye hutstse, mesho amooh Frank imme stchosh^o. Kwae natsako kanashtea kanaia minashoh sho- mo kama howSse saeikolye ? Hishome pasho sSka sonyesho shosomes^ansho. Hishome eatse hama noeshaiashono sakwe^nye- mishe each iyeka. Sh5 sakwetonyemishe each sotsimme howetsofiyeko hishome leka, kashe koeshai skete otyekeiame kashe kowawesheilyea skates otyekeiame lyuku^atyu seotsho keisomesh^anyesho kanashtea tyukuiyu sawatsho keisoineshtanyesho J kanashtea Page 69 LAGITNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER, LE880N LVI. sitchu pitya sitchu kavayo Ska tokuts katchuutye otyekeiame tyeyo&kuttye mistchits konuputsla nashtea kowtse^okeitshe soyanaka George sekoma Muh ^ua kavayo tawa afiyStse ! Eka kavayo imme Jack. Satse kavayo mame mistfejyilye she ^okuts. Kavayo itye kowsinits, she nyeinitchteako, sh8 fiyometsko. 0, kwae ha\vena kavayo itye nyo- metsko ! Satse kana tyeya tyacha thick chunuputs^a? Satse imme sitch tyeyoskuttye ? THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON LVI- 69 long name catch sleek large house po-ny bri-dle mane lov'ed black fence bright George fa-ther be-cause See this fine po-ny! His name is Jack. Is he not black and sleek? He can trot, and pace, and run. 0, how fast he can run! Are not his eyes large and bright? Has he not a long mane? 1st Kd. 5. 70 NEW FIRST READER. The name of this lit-tle boy is George. He and his fa-ther live in this house. Do you see his fa-ther? He stands by the fence. George is a good boy. When lie was ten years old, his fa-ther gave him this po-ny. George has come out to catch his po-ny. He holds out his right hand to him, and says: "Come, come, Jack! 77 But will Jack let George catch. him? Will he not ran ? no, he will not run; lie will let George catch him. See, he looks at George and does not run. Did you ev-er ride on a po-ny? It is fine sport. Do you see the bri-dle George holds in his left hand? He will put it on his po-ny. Then he can take a ride. George is kind to Jack, and Jack loves him, be-cause he is kind. The kind and good are al-ways loved. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 70 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER Eka ^ua mutyetsa suesish imme George. Mut- yetsa thick kanashtea kowooh ^ua katchuittye. Ttye hishome fiyokutchtyo kanashtea? Ka- nashtea imme howSko kushtye kutchafiyeka. George imme mame tawa mutyetsa. Imme George kuts kusheitye kaape, kanashtea seutye ^ua kavayo patyatseoma. Howetsthok George nityako katyashe kavayo. Imme George howkowja shome kavayo kamashtye, she ekatsa: "loeema, toeema, Jack! 77 She itye Jack nowtyetyo George tyeka ? Satse fiyolyetchtyo nyometstyo kavayo? Sah, kavayo satse nyctyetchkono nyometskono; kavayo eko George nityaseomanishe. Muh, ka- vayo seokutch George she satse kotyetfeyo kometso. Hishome hama iyu chokwea kavayo tyeka stchu? ^ua imme mame tawa koweshaiyanu. Hishome itye nyokutchtcho ofeyekeiame kamas- iye ishshuya kaikoiya George ? George seutyekeio ^ua olyekeiame katyashe ka- vayo. She George tyu kokwea katyashe kavayo tyeya. George imme amoko katyashe Jack, she Jack mame amoko George, stche George imme mame tawatsa kavayo tyeka. Stche howe tawa hutstse koh amonyoko ze kashe katyashe seio thick kashe katyashe amonyomatseoma. Page 71 LACUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. &EBSQN tyana katsa tseeina satse-hama kaiatanish ^otsetch hatye sewestchea kowwaah sittya sotsetch satyumo kwah keiots koso sekoma Fanny. 0, satyumo, eika iske mame aiiygtse kaiatanish ! Sshono kotchowestcheano fiyotyatye- tyoma hinome kaiatanish. Henry. Hatyeka, sakwech? Hinome satse itye nyokutchskono kaiatanish. Ze kwetse imme t,ua kaiatanish ? Fanny. Hinome satse skonyemo ze kwetse im- me tua kaiatanish, sko ^ua kaiatanish imme mame anyStse sh6 natyase hinome natse weistanye lyeka lyu nokse. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON LYII. 71 four chirp found nev-er bird leave where hap-ry nest touch wrong broth-er such break taught be-cause Fanny. 0, broth-er, there is such a pret-ty bird! Please get it for me. Henry. Where, sis-ter? I do not see it. What kind of a bird is it? Fanny. I do not know what kind of a bird it is, but it will be so pret-ty for my new cage. 72 NEW FIRST READER. Henry. 0, I see it now. We have made it leave its nest. Do you not see its nest? Fanny. yes, I do. There are eggs in it. We will get the nest, and the eggs too. Henry. No, sis-ter, we must not touch the bird, nor the nest, nor the eggs. Fanny. Why, broth-er? I would so much love to have them all. Henry. But it is wrong to rob a bird of its nest. This bird loves to fly in the air, and make its nest in the trees. Fanny. Then, broth-er, I do not want the eggs. I did not know it would be wrong to take them. Henry. It is wrong, sis-ter, to harm the pret-ty biicls. Wo should nev-er think of them but to love them. God made the lit- tie birds to sing, And flit from tree to tree; ? Tis He who sends them, in the spring, To sing for you and me. LAG UNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 72 MC GUFFEY 7 S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Henry. She, hinome seokutch kaiatanish weie. Hino metitch satsotsinnyeya se seyo kowwatsa kai- atanish. Hishome satse itye chokutch kowwatsa? Fanny. Hema, hinome sookutch. Eikowwatsa tyu seth naweka. Sh8 nowalyow kowwatsa thick naweka. Henry. Sah, sakwech, satse itye hinome nitya^a skosatya kaiatanish, ko thick satse kowwatsa, ko thick satse naweka. Fanny. Sekoma, salyumo ? Hinome mame skotsipa natyasinishe mame ^ua seio. Henry. Sko mame satse tawa saow nochowa- skonishe kowwatsa iske kaiatanish. ^ua kaiatanish mame anyeko nyea|akonishe sesh^aiyanyesho, sh8 thick nowaakonishe knwatsa tyu. Fanny. She, salyunio, hinome satse siyotsipa- lyo naweka. Hinome satse sko^onyemo satawa- tyeshe skeialyako skwealyeow naweka. Henry. Imme satse tawa, sakwech, heya sots- nyechaskonishe any8put|ye kaiatanish. Satse ha- ma itye natsotsitch^a skosatyo sotsimme kaapsho kaiatanish tyeka. Dios koeach kaiatanish heya natsakonishe, She nyeyoko iske kuwatsa ko isk kuwatsa ; Imme Dios how8se kaiatanish, keitshotseyaja, Heya natsako shotsinneya ko thick sotsinnyeya. Page 73 LAG-UNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S 'NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LJE88QN LVIII. kuskeio tyuko^otsla eiyanyese haweme amoko koeshai mashatsa anyetse amoko kokutch karfiyero howetsthoko sa karnyero-washtye hapostche sekoma Iske karfiyero shg katyashe karnyero washtye. Kwae mame anyetse shokutchow ! Satse hishome amocho iske suesish karnero washtye ? Satse hishome shotsipa iske karnero washtye sewasho ? Nowechako iske karnero washtye anyetse sewa- sho? THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON LYIII. 73 like skip front snow-y love play light pret-ty fond sees sheep com -in have lamb fleece be-caus A sheep and her lamb. What a pret-ty sight ! Do you not love a lit-tle lamb ? Would you not like to have one for a pet? What, a lamb for a pet? Does a lamb make a nice pet? 74 NEW FIRST READER. This lamb is on-ly a few weeks old; but it can run, and skip, and play. The sheep, or dam, takes good care of it. See how close she lies to it. Does she not seem to love it? She docs love it. She does not like to have it out of her sight. If she sees a dog com-ing near her lamb, she will run in front of it. Do you know why? Some dogs kill lit-tle lambs. They will kill sheep too. But sheep can keep the dogs off: the lambs can not. Would you not feel sad to see a dog kill this lit-tle lamb? 0, what a pret-ty, pret-ty sight, To see a lit-tle lamb, With snow-y fleece, so soft and white, At play, be-side its dam. see dam leap be-side sees dams leaps be-sides seem lamb take be-tide seems lambs takes be-tides LAGUJNA ii\i>JAN TKAJSbLATlUJN OF Page V MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Tua karnyero washlye mina sho iske lyue do- in ekoka; sko imme itye nyometsko, tyunototstaka, shS noeshaiko. Karnyero, kanaia, mame pasho- seoma karnyero washlye. Muh mame howeko kanaia lyekaka. Mame amoko karnyero kow- washlye ? Ha hema mame amoko karnyero kow- washlye. Satse seotsipatiyo kowwashlye tyee nj^enitchteakonishe. Karnyero kokchano iske teya howetsthoko kowwashlye tyeka, sh8 karnyero hakSh nyometsko yanye kowwashlye tyeka pasho- nyoko. Sho|onye hishome sekoma ? Shg meka teya koowatchteya karnyero washlye imme heya. Tua meka teya koowatchteya karfiyero thick. Ko thick karnyero itye noyo pashonoko teya tyeka: sko satse itye karnyero washlye. Satse hishome chotsitch^a shokchow iske teya kaow^a ^ua karnyero washlye. 0, kwae anyetse, anyetse shokutchow, Okchanye karnero washlye suesish, Hapostclie kosenyeshe haweme, mame washats she stchumuts Koeshai, howeko kanaia lyeka. seokutch naia so^ots^a howSko kokutch naiatyemishe ko^ots^a howeko seokutchow karnyero-washtye satyah ze-howetseyo skokutchow karnyero-washfeyitch katyah ze-how- etsthoko Page 75 LACUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LIX. waksh-washtye seio itye waksh-wasHtye stchatchu kutchtyashe pitya seotsho ^ua showetse sineichaiiye howtko nowya kaikoiyana kopeits howeko sineichane wee-hano skotsipa seiasomesh|.a Hamasho lesson tkatsa iske karnyero ko iske karnyero washlye. Tua lesson imme Skatsa iske waksh ko thick kowwashtye waksh wasfeye. Muh waksh ko kowwashtye. Chineichanye hish- ome ^ua waksh ko kowwashtye immeeh anyetse kwae karnyero ko karnyero washtye ? THE ECLECTIC SERIES. LESSON LIX. 75 calf last could bos-sy fast your touch a-fraid this hook guess a-bout much wear strike to- ward think them would teach-er The last les-son was a-bout a sheep and a Lamb. This les-son is a-bout a cow and her calf. Look at them. Do you think they are as pret-ty as the sheep and lamb? 76 NEW FIRST READER. We call a calf bos-sy. How shy this bos-sy looks! Do you think it would let you pat it with your hand? No, it would not. It would run, if you were to try to touch it, One day it saw a boy com-ing to-ward it. Can you guess what it did? It ran a-way as fast as it could. The boy ran ver-y fast, too. The cow saw the boy, and ran to-ward him. She tossed her head, as much as to say: "Do not touch my bos-sy; if you do, I will hook you. 7 ' The boy was a-fraid of the cow 7 and ran off. Was he not a bad boy, to try to strike a lit- tie calf? head strike look les-son what strikes looks les-sons lamb hook learn read-er much hooks learns read-ers touch thinks wears teach -ers LAGCJNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 76 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Eka ^ua waksb washtye imme bosetsa. Kwae seutchu imme ^ua waksh washtye ! Chineichanye hishome Jua waksh washtye nitya- shonishe nowtyekonishe samashstchenyeya? Sah, waksh washtye satse nowtyekono. Shg waksh washtye imme komets immeeh hishome nityashonye. Iske seie waksh washtye kokutch iske mutyetsa howetsthoko waksh washtye tyeka. Itye hishome gnatsacho kwetsetchanshe waksh washtye ? Imme waksh washtye komets tySS ha- wena itye. Mutyetsa thick komets maine hawena. Waksh imme kokutch mutyetsa, shg komets mut- yetsa tyeka. Imme waksh stchowa satchanyeya, imme enatsako : ''Paine pitya sowwashtye; sh8 hishome shetyako sowwashtye, hinome nityowasho- ma sachanyeya hishome tyeka." ShS mutyetsa seutyesho waksh, sh8 komets ty68. Satse mame sakwe^onyeme mutyetsa s6ka nityakonishe iske waksh washtye ? naskeine seopeits skokutch sityachane ze kopeits kokutch sityachane karnyerO'Washtye shoets sowtyumitch kokchinkwea nowya showewets kowtyumitch kwakchinkweana sitya sineichanye kaikpiya seiasomesh^a Page 77 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. katsipatye sekstche kowiyumitch satse-ko^anye- chow tawa yanye katsa satse-hama koeach selyanawe^a seuiyesho thickinah keikoiya satse-ko^oiiyemo sewestchea seiasomesh^a 0, ze kotsitch^a, kotsitchja kokutch imme (ua ! Iske mutyetsa imme ka iske oshtyatthuts sakow- lyumechanj^eshe lyeya kanaskaistchu kastyatthuts! Sekoma eiyanyese kutchanye keisomeshja tyeka? Ze imme sotsimine kwetsetch ^ua mutyetsa ? . Jua imme satse tawa mutyetsaow. Imme katsa selyanawej,a eikeisomesh^ansho (ua mutyetsa, ^.ia mutyetsa imme tseotsipa sano^anitchkonishe, satse kowtyumitchow kashe sityachane. THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 77 LESSON LX. must good does wear sight i-dlo front laugh dunco nev-er a-gain teacli-cr learn talks shame please 0, what a sad, sad sight is this! A boy with a dunce-cap on his head! Why does he stand there, in front of the school? What has lie done? He is a bad boy. He talks and laughs in school. He loves to be i-dle, and does not learn his les-son. 78 NEW FIRST READER. Docs ho not look bad? All the good boys shun him! Do you think a good boy can love a bad one? Can his teach-er love him? I think not. No one loves a bad boy. No one can love those who are bad. This boy tries to hide his face with his hand, for it is red with shame. Can you see his face? Do you see how he tries to hide it with his hand? Poor boy! I hope he will be good, and nev-er have to wear a dunce-cap a-gahu God loves those who are good. If you would please Him, you must al-ways be good and kind. shun does miss bless have done missed bless ed hope hide miss-es bless-es front love toss kiss think loves toss'ed kiss'ed stand lov'cd toss-es kiss-es LAGUNA USDiAN IKANbLATlON OF Page 78 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. Satse immegh eSiye iske satawa mutyetseshe ? Seio tawa mutyetsapa satse irnmeeh howpa sekwe- aiio. Chineichane hishome ishe tawa mutyetseshe itye amonyolyo iske sotsimme mutyetseshe? Itye seisomesh^anshe amonyomatyoma imme ^ua sata- wa mutyetseshe ? Hinome sineichane sah. Satse howe itye amonyokono sotsimme mutyetseshe. Satse howe itye amoiiyokoiio j,ua sotsimme each. Tua mutyetsa seotsipa noweskomush kowawe ka- masMyanyea, stche kowawe kukanye kopotsanshe tyeya. Itye hishome nyokutchtcho kowawe ? Hishome itye nyokutchtcho kwae ^ua mutyetsa kweskomastcheshe kowawe kamashtyenyeya ? Amooh mutyetseshe ! Hinome seokame keika imme tawa iiyowtyumitchkonishe, she satsena ha- ma itye nostchatsutskono sakowtyumechanshetye- ya. Dios mame amoko tawatsapatshe each, She hishome Dios shotsejokeio, she sityotse tawa iiyg- nitchteasho tawa notsitchjasho. satse-howpa koeach satse-etsetchow tawa-etsetch , sah seio-koeach satse-etsetshow tawa-etsetch seokame kweskomasha satse-tseeina tawa-koeach eiyanye amoko shamatsetch kotsots sineichanye amoko shamatsetch kotsots |yuko|,alye amoko shamatseakwea kotsotsja Page TO LAGUNA JULIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LXI. ekatsa seotseko wetyetsats wak eatsanye weetitch sotsimmetsa seotseko atyematseteh |omaetsetch yokotsetch keimats seka satyumo onatyestye konaskuts Ellen. Muh, naia, muh musa ze sotsetch ! Satse tawatsaow musa ! Satse hama hinome itye musa tyeka nyewestcheastchomano. Nnia. Hishome satse hama itye nyewestchea- stchochoma musalyeka? Kutchtyashe anyttse musa ! Keimats, hishome satse itye enatsashono ua. Ze kwetsetch musa ? THE ECLECTIC'SERIES. 79 LESSON LXI. told fault soiled spoiled hate child pull'ed sure-ly word those should broth-er mean wrong clothes naught-y Ellen. See, mam-ma, see what puss has done! Bad puss! I shall nev-er like her a-gain. Mother. Nev-er like puss a-gain ? Your pret-ty puss! Sure-ly, you do not mean that. What has puss done? 80 NEW FIRST READER. Ellen. Why, mam-ma, she has spoiled my doll. See, its head is bro-ken, and its clothes are all soiled. , Mother. I am ver-y sor-ry, my dear. But how did puss get your doll? Ellen. I went to play with broth-er Lew-is, and left dpll-y on the floor. Puss saw her there, and pulled her in the dirt. 0, how I hate puss! Mother. Stop, -my child, do not use that naught-y word. You should not blame puss, for the fault was all your own. Ellen. 0, mam -ma, how can you say so? Mother Be-cause, puss did not know it was wrong to play with' your doll. But you knew it was wrong to leave her on the floor. Ellen. Then, mam-ma, I am sor-ry I struck puss. I shall nev-er do so a-gain, but will love her more than ev-er, came wrong toil'ed to-ken name strong soiled bro-ken blame throng spoiled spo-ken LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 80 MC GITFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER Ellen. Sekoma, naia, musa sotsetcha sawak. Muh, wak kanaskai yokotyetch, she kownatyestye seio atySma tyeiatch. Naia. Hinome imme mame sotsitch{,a, samak. Sh8 kwae itye musa tseeina kutchawak ? Ellen. Hinome howeh sufcyeya saiyumo Lewis soweshaiano, she hinome eisinasekwea sawak. Mu- sa eie kokutch sawak, she kattyetyowe alyematse- show. ShS, hatso sanyewestcheaskoma musa lyeka! Naia. Fame, samak, pame Schatsa he8 sotsim- me eatsanye. Satse hishome itye sotsimme gnats- ashoiio musa tyeka, she hishome noyo kochotseko. Ellen. She, naia, sekoma ^aah ekutchtsa hishome? Naia. Stche, musa satse koiohyemo sotsimme eiiyechakonishe koweshaianishe kutchawak tyeka. She hishome sho},onye sotsimme enychashonishe eisina shekweanu kutchawak. Ellen. Sh8, naia, hinome imme sotsitchta hin- ome musa seopeitsanshe. Satsena harna hinome thickina immee enyechaskono, she hinome weie mame amonyose musa kwa immeeh amosinishe. saatse sotsimmetsa ko^anitch kowelyumechanye eka stchats alyematsetch keiots seotseko sehano sotsetsetch gkatsa Page 81 LACUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LXII. tsea^a koskeits sewestchea kowsenits tseei koawesheityea sewestcbea komets^a kashe sowaka-hashoeme maema selyanawe{,a Kakaanye each koaskeitsja sewowstchea, "tyana suna chupkuniiye, shg keisomehjansho setsemu ! 7? Muh each, immeeh each Johawena tsekweaja, Kaiapets^a kachuityefise tinyeanu hawe iyekagh. Sewowstchea, mame koawesheityea makutsapa ko mutyetsapa, Kotsotsitch^a skowweshaaianye sh(3 seiotse skowweshaaianye, Sowaka hashoeme, kaiyeityesheyots^a, she sitya- chane : Sh8, kwae sewowstchea immeeh noyo howpa I THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 81 LESSON LXII. . flics swift their shout games skates joy-ous mer-ry in-deed trip-ping run-ning laugh-ing Hear the chil-dren gay-ly shout, "Half past four, and school is out! " See them, as they quick-ly go, Trip-ping home-ward o ? er the snow. Mer-ry, play-ful girls and boys, Think-ing of their games and toys, Skates, and sleds, and dolls, and books: 0, how hap-py each one looks! 82 ? T EW FIRST READER. "Now for snow-ball/ 7 Har-ry cries, And to hit his sis-ter tries; But the ball, so white and round, Miss-es her, and hits the ground. Sis-ter Flor-ence, full of fun, With her lit-tle hands makes one, And at broth-er Har-ry throws; Swift it flies, and hits his nose. "Have I hurt you, broth-er dear?" Asks his sis-ter, run-ning near; "Hurt me? no, in-deed," says he, "This is on-ly sport for me." Thus these lit-tle chil-dren go, Trip-ping home-ward o'er the snow; Laugh-ing, play-ing, on their way Ver-y hap-py, glad, and gay. cries gay-ly miss-es asks play-ful broth-er sport quick-ly Flor-ence makes play-ing think-ing throws chil-dren home-ward LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page 82 MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER " Weie iske ko^ots hawe," gkatsa Harry, She hey a kakwech nyoyowtchoweko ; Sh8 ko{,ots, mame stchumuts sh mame ko^ots, Kespa^atsa kakwech, shfe yae teeka kuyotsa. Kakwech Florence, seotsipa oweshaaianye, ShS suesish kamaslyenyeya koeach iske ko^ots, . Sh8 kweowchowe kalyumo Harry ; Seei ko^ots hawena thoko, shfi kuyotsa seshono [katyumo u Hinome chownatyume, amooh saiyumo?^ Seope^a kakwech, komets^a howSko ; "Chownatyume hinome? sa maema, ?7 gkatsa Harry, "tua imme ^omah koeshai hinome tyeka." |aah Jua each suesish kanitchtea, Kowsenits kamaese eitinyeanu imme hawe lyeka; Tselyanawe^a, koawesheityeya, eiheanye kashe Mame sewestchea, sewowstchea, sh8 anyeh. koskeits^a sp8j,a koeshai anyBta noweshaiako hawena satse-kuyotso safeyumo Florence etsetch kattyechowe koweshaia^a each kotsitchja kamaSse Page 83 LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER. LXIIJ* sina^a |otsekwea yaeh tySimme each iske-tawatch nowya hamasho sowkene sewestchea sityachanQ nashtea-naia sowkenetyemishe keisomeshta seiasomesh^a each Ze ! seio(,a ^ua sityachane ? Howohjutyfetyu seio sityachane iyeka ? Heitye iske tyue tawatch seyatyutshe hishome satse itye gnatsashono sityachane. She weie hishome seio itye nyokutchsho Tseia Sityachane. She itye hishome shame fiyokutchtcho sityacha- ne ? Itye hishome howenetchatcho seio eatsanye? gnatsatcho hishome ha ? THE ECLECTIC SERIES. 83 LESSON LXIII. buy child friend friends waste month please school pit-y inan-y read-er teach-er read-y sec-ond pa-rents chil-dren What! the last les-son? Have we come to the last les-son in the book? A few months a-go you could not spell. Now, you can read all the les-sons in the First Read-er. But can you read them well? Can you spell all the words? Did you say yes? 84 NEW FIRST READER. --3^#5e-!5>t~- - Then you may have the New Sec-ond Bead-er. Are you hot glad to be read-y for a new book? There are man-y chil-dren whose pa-rents are too poor to send them to school. Do you not pit-y them? They can not have nice books, and learn to read them, as you do. Are not your pa-rents kind to send you to school, and buy new books for you? Should you not try to please them? You must not waste your time in school. Try al-ways to know your les-sons. If you are good, and try to learn, your teach-er will love you, and you will please your pa-rents. When you go home, you may ask for a NEW SEC-OND READ-ER. Take good core of your new book, and give your old Bead-er to some child who is too poor to buy one. And now, my lit-tle friends, we must bid you all a kind Good-by! THE END. LAGUNA INDIAN TRANSLATION OF Page MC GUFFEY'S NEW FIRST ECLECTIC READER ShS hishome itye nasho Natse Stchei Sityachane. Satse hishome chowestchea tygimme nu^ashonishe natse sityachane ? Mame nowyatsapa each ka- nashtea kanaiatyemishe mame amometsapa satse itye keatchtyemishe hakSh nyeyatchawanakosa- tyow keisomeshlanyeshoSh. Satse hishome chots- itch|,a {,ua amooh each? ^ua amooh each satse itye anyetse sityachane nuchashe kosalyo, ko thick satse nowatyumitch kosafeyo sityachane, hishome showtyumechanshe. Satse mame tawatsaow ku- tchanashtea kutchanaia imme howoh nyekwea ku- tchomanishe hishome keisomeshjanshe, she thick nyenatakonishe natse sityachane shotsinnyeya hish- ome iyeka ? Satse hishome itye nyeyotseyashono keisomesh^ansho ? Seka onye sityotse nyotonye- shonishe kutchaslie sityachanishe. She hishome tawa each ku^aow, she seka shono nowlyumitch- shonishe, she kulyesomeshtanshe nyewestcheatse- oma hishome lyeka, she hishome kutchawetye- mishe nyewowstcheatsewachoma. Sh6 hishome kutchama 8se thoko, hishome itye nyepejasho iske Natse Stchei Sityachane. Sh6 amonyosho tawa natse sityachane kutchashe, nyofeyesho ^ua sawe- iiyetseshe Sityachane howe amometseshe each howe saitye nyina^akonishe iske lyeka. ShS weie, suesish sowkene, sutchashe gaachatsa sochosatshe seio hishometitch lyeka mame tawat- seshe Shuoweshats Seio. EVER 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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