39 9/ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / P, i\c f COUNTRY TOWN, WITH FR^GMEJVTS ANCIENT AND MODERN MORALITY. IN RHYME. -Ubi quid datur oti llludo chaitis, hoc ex vitiis unum. HOB. PRINTED RY EDWARD BAINES, MERCURY-COURT. 1808. /5r Sff/ ALTHOUGH the insignificance of the following trifles, intended solely for the amusement of a leisure hour, precludes any serious apprehension of critical reproof, it seems necessary to apologize for those frag- ments, in which a mixture of common-place reflection may have enfeebled or obscured the nervous and brilliant sentiment of Horace, that most expressive and, in general, most moral poet of heathen antiquity. By dings, Jan, 1, 1808. H7ii:>i COUNTRY AND TOWN, TWO CANTOS. CANTO FIRST. COUJVTRY. When erst the rural muse on peaceful plains. Her melodies atlun'd to list'ning swains. The strain, to nature*s inspiration true. And various as eacli season's changing hue, AVinning reluctant care's consenting smile. The toils of early life would oft beguile. Ere imitation tyrannis'd o'er sense, And held the glowing soul in cold suspense. But diff 'rent now, when to the sylvan string. Her ancient minstrelsy she fain would sing. In empty air the unheard descant floats. No rustic feeling kindled at the notes. Since modern swains, acquainted with the town. Plain nature's fascinating power disown, Tutor'd and moulded by her rival art. To ev'ry callous fashion of the heart. 2 Yet while in far sequesler'd life are found. Bosoms responsive to the simple sound, "Where soft congenial sympathies arise. Obedient to primaeval harmonies, There, tho' nor taste nor learning's impulse move> A palsied bard his tardy zeal would prove, AVithout one lale of fiction, or one gleam, From radiant fancy to illume the theme. Forbidden thus the consecrated song. Which rural deities, a num'rous throng, Patrons and guardians by prescriptive right. Instructed ancient poets to indite. He cannot invocate their power divine. Their God of harmony and tuneful nine, Kor call a faun or dryad to his woods. Or fav'ring naiad to protect his floods; Stranger to Aganippe's sacred fount, Murm'ring soft strains round Helicon's low mount, And streams Pierian tl>at in rocky bed, fash inspiration from Olympus head ; Nor knowing where Pindus or Hocmus towers, O'erTcmpe's vale and the far-sounding bowers^ In which, transported with astherial fire. Mortals from hands celestial snatch'd the lyre, Fa^er on its responsive chord to roll. Each ebb and How of the tumultuous soul. Conceal him then from censure's critic frown, \c dii:tant scenes to pomp and pride unknown. Thro* whose deep shade no threat'nlng sounds intrude. To break the charm of hallow'd solitude. No angry clamor or contentious rule, Reverberating loud from logic school. No human voices, heralds of dismay. Shouting in unison with beasts of prey. While blushing reason hesitates to trace, Her offspring foremost in the cruel chase ; Nor yet the thund'ring din of hostile arms. Source inexhausted of the world's alarms. While ruthless war proceeds as it began. When man first thirsted for the blood of man, Tho' every outrag'd sense with panting breath. Upbraids each rash confederate of death. Mid such retreats, imagination dreams, LuU'd, as of old, by gently purling streams. How nature's unsophisticated train, If aught of nature's purity remain. Thro' swift revolving life serenely moves. As reason dictates and as heaven approves. And sure beneath rude passion's blust'rlng gale, Where life's swift current flows along the vale, Far from the rapid, roaring, public tide, On which conflicting crowds incessant glide, Tho' trouble there a moment Intervene, To cloud the clear and ruffle the serene. Amid tranquillity betray'd to rest. The foe forgets to sting the guileless breast. 4 Till hope's past frauds and fears impending woes. Together sleep in undisturb'd repose. But not to peace's humble rustic home, Or joy or sorrow unattended come, Thither wise instinct's families repair. Free denizens of water, earth and air. In whom existence finds its bliss complcat. Safe from foreboding as from vain regret, Gay painted troops that thro' each secret grove. Proclaim the extacies of feathcr'd love. Leading the lower choir of insect sound. To spread life's rapt'rous harmony around. Light tripping flocks forward in bounding play. Feeding or frolicking the live-long day, AVith graver herds, whom duller pleasurefs please. That once rcplenish'd ruminate at case. And all the scaly tenants of the stream. Brightly reflecting days refulgent beam, "Whether direct or in swift curve they glide. Thro* each meander of the lucid tide. Nor less to aid the magic of the strain, A living landscape with its leafy train, Difl'using odours as it graceful moves, Tliro' ev'ry waving line that beauty loves, Brings vernal buds, confessing quick alarms. When northern blasts invade their tender charms. But in tlic western breeze's soft embrace. Freely surrend'ring every blooming grace, Till perfect seed, ripe fruit, and full-blown flower. Proclaim alternate th' inexhausted power. Which, as the withering parent droops and dies. True to their kind bids offspring germs arise. Yet not alone to please admiring sense. Or fruitless wonders lavishly dispense. Great nature widely spreads her various store. That sated need may gratefully adore. Nor ever from the bounteous purpose swerves. By which her Maker all his works preserves, And thro' each circling season as it flies. With parent care his children's wants supplies. And lo ! the infant year in paly hue. Still coldly cradled in bespangling dew. While scarcely heard, the gently rustling gale, AVafts airy fragrance from spring's opening veil, The early hind foremost in rustic toil. For man's support upturns the rigid soil, And in the loosen'd furrow hides his grain. The destin'd glory of the fertile plain. If gracious heaven afibrd the wonted aid. And suns and showers mature the springing blade. For him too summer's mantle floating round, Fosters to swelling life th' impregnate ground. Till o'er the garden blooming luxury spreads. And smiling plenty crowns the russet meads, Where in responses to the mower's scythe, Swelb the pure harmony of carols blithe. 6 From nymphs and swains as quick from row to row. The steaming herbage widely round they throw ; While echoed frequent from the distant lawn, The shepherd's pipe salutes the rising dawn. Leading his flock to pasture, or to lave. Their fleecy burdens in the cleansing wave. Nor less man's feast, from autumn's bursting zone. Falls the last produce of a parent sun, Nectareous fruits and streams of honey'd stores. By insect labour cull'd from scented flowers, "With all tlie weightier treasures of the fields. Where cultur'd earth her largest bounties yields, AVhen strongly nerv'd and rang'd in order due, Reapers with gleeful zeal their task pursue. Till the full joys of harvest home declare, Man the prime object of creating care. Prcserv'd alike for him, in folded robe. Winter secures the embryos of the globe. When drenching rain each verdant scene deforms. Or when congcal'd it falls in fleecy storms, AVhile rigid frost the gliding stream enchains, That the fix'd current thro' earth's deeper veins. The congregated mass may saturate, And make the hard tenacious glebe dilate. 1 hen while the ground in needful respite lies, 'Till warm prolific suns again arise, Shrlter'd wiiliin the close domestic fold. Propitious guard, from want and piercing cold, Mid hoards of rustic plenty timely stor'd, Man's meek dependants wait around their lord. , And see the generous steed with flowing mane, Ardent for him to scour the distant plain. Or to his meaner service tam'd and broke. Bending submissive to the galling yoke, The patient ox, whose strength subdu'd the clod. Lowing his mpdest claim for hard-earn'd food. Mid grateful heifers glad to pay their host. The purest tribute luxury can boast. While intermingled flocks of various breed, Prepare to clothe Uieir master or to feed. And bristly herds for him contented thrive, Tho' from his waste thek nurture they derive. With countless feather'd tribes quick flut'ring round, To pick his scatter'd fragments from the ground. Nor be unsung the guardian of the store. The faithful sentinel that keeps the door. And slumb'ring listens wiih attentive ear. To sound alarm when rapine ventures near ; Nor yet the furr'd companion of the toil, AVhosc watchful caution save's from vermin spoil. That nimbly grasps the foe with piercing claws. Then on the genial hearth purrs soft applause. Kind coadjutors in heav'ns bounteous plan. To gratify and serve high-favor'd man. But should the prouder faculties of mind. To rare and subtle niceties inclin'd. 8 Looking with apathy on things well known. All charms hut those of novelty disown, Where shall fond admiration's eye hehold. Such novelties as rural scenes unfold. Or whitlier roving fancy fly to trace. More various forms of grandeur or of grace, Profusely scattered o'er extended vales. Level, orchequcr'd thick with hills andjales. Thro* all varieties of sun and shade. On lightsome plain or darker woodland glade. Mid interrupted rocks and cliffs sublime. Which scarce the lusty eagle's pinions climb. Whence rushing cataracts with awful sound. Impetuous thunder to the distant ground. While at their feet, by no rude breezes driven. Oceans reflect the canopy of heaven. Or lash'd by winds In curling surges rise. Dashing with angry foam the ihreat'ning skies. Till death triumphant rides on parting waves. And broken navies sink in sudden graves. Here too enquiring study soars uncurb'd. By no profane impertinence dlsturb'd. Free to observe within the vaulted sky, How pensile worlds thro' trackless nether fly, Kor suns, nor moons, nor stars, nor planets stray. Beyond the limits of their deslin'd way, Kor frozen-pac'd, nor shot with blazing force. Comets forr a guilty land ; And where distinct alike the chain extends. Far as the conglobated surface bends, AVhile from each billow of the restless main. Rises a deluge for the thirsty plain. Which floating atmospheres obedient drink, 'Till sated clouds with the rich bev'rage sink, And earth's green progeny and budding flowers, Refresh'd and strengthen'd by descending showers,] Breathing new essence to the vapid gale, Restore the subtle food their j)orcs Inhale, And faithful 'mid corruption and decay. Each boon of life and nutriment repay. B 10 Yet vain the curious, superficial look. That reads no maker's name in nature's book. And doubly vain the impious sense that pries, Amid her secrets with audacious eyes^ Where having guess'd what rude conjecture can. From partial knowledge of a boundless plan. Rushes a sceptic into vacant space. To build an universe on chance's base. Hailing the parent of the monstrous birth. In water now, now air, or fire, or earth. Fluid or fix'd, light, heavy, hot, or cold, Skill'd to repel or in close junction hold. Then aping philosophic language tells. How in the thing contriv'd, contrivance dwells. And 'mid his works, usurping God's high throne. On reason call, their author to disown. COUNTRY AND TOWN. TWO CANTOS. CANTO SECOND. TOW M. 1 HE simple muse with rustic lyre unstrung. Her peaceful scenes and sober pleasures sung, The hand of contrast pointing to the view. Beholds the world a diff'rent bliss pursue. Where loud discordant passions join to raise, A thund'ring chorus to the city's praise. But least just candor blame her flippant stile. And on the ranc'rous libel scornful smile. Her willing testimony first she gives, Where wisdom self-intrench'd with folly lives^ And virtue's friends confronting vices frown. Redeem the moral credit of the town. Thus shall llie lustre of patrician fame. Shine iinobscuf d where nobles prove their clalaij, Nor stoop from their high stations to engage, In the loose triflings of a laggard age. 12 Religious, Ilb'ral, orderly and just. Minutely faithful to each private trust, Or call'd to action for the public good. Earnest to slem corruption's whelming flood. And with a native energy of soul. That knows no selfish policy's controul, Pr^par'd to second, fearless to oppose. As conscience wills, unmov'd by friends or foes, Eclipsing like bright planets in their spheres, A twink'ling galaxy of meaner peers. Yet not the brilliance of patrician worth. Outshines the virtue of plebeian birth, M'hile glowing genius, tho' of humble name. Still kindles into honor's purest flame, "While talents elevated into place. Old freedom's temple still support and grace, Vv'hile indu-^try, the pride of modern times. Rich with no plunder of defenceless climes, Altlio' its argosies touch ev'ry coast Appears a sinking nation's strength and boast, Contrahttd with the venal courtly tribe, AVhose patriot service asks the custom'd bribe. Respect rluis paid, behold a struggling crowd. Medley ol liiL;h and low, of mean and proud. On sordid profit or gav j^leasure bent. All on one medium of their hope intent, As in harmonious supplicating strain, '1 hey humbly bow in Mammon's glitt'ring fane. 13 Acknowledging together the same God, Elsewhere pursuing each a different road. As adverse passions each demand their slave. And one to squander runs, one starves to save. For soon perverted, even honest gain. Too closely grasp'd, becomes the miser's bane. Or loosely held, in riot melts away. The spendthrift left to hopeless want a prey. And oft, alas! fair commerce's full purse, A blessing meant, turns to a pubhc curse, The tainted mass on which corruption feeds. That quick successions/ of state reptiles breeds. Greedy to swallow every remnant store, And leave the state dishonor'd, mean and poor, Ordain'd to serve not to enslave mankind. Tyrannic money sways the public mind^ Since independence reverences gold, Mid senators and ermin'd peers enroU'd, AVhile admiration's crowd daily resort. From change and senate, common hall and court, To bow at fashion's meretricious shrines, AVherc tricksey folly in full glory shines. Fantastic fashion, born of giddy pride. Propriety's plain grace long envious ey'd. Hoping with civil semblance to delude. And make a convert of the decent prude, At length successful, from her rainbow throne, AVith visage various as the changing moon. u Each new caprice hid in a treach'rous smile. Sends hourly mandates round her subject isle. Hence Britain's sons, sometimes more brave than just, Lur*d by her wiles, neglect some honest trust. And oft to swell her pageant vile parade Contract new debts, or 'ere their old are paid, While Britain's fair one's in cameleon ves^t Amid their anxious cares to be well drest. Should rigid prudence or nice honour blame. Sometimes forget the blush of conscious shame. Hence too the vanity of nobler names. Whom fashion as her prime supporters claims. Torch-bearers to the rival crowds they lead, On loose pretension's upper ground to tread, Who all impatience of day's vulgar light. Await the splendors of returning night. Nor drowsy once protracted vigils keep. Thro' all the period nature meant for sleep. And lo ! the day half spent, where luxury wakes. And noon long past, the morning bev'rage takes. While yawning lacquics thro' the spacious hall. Echo from each lo each the ceaseless call, 'Till twilight bringing useful toll repose, Draws ihc whole pluihinx of gay liv'ricd beaux, Kank behind rank, iiidu.slilous lo prepare, Tor well-bred guests ilie diiincr's banquet larc. That mighty sacrifice vvlit re la^lc rehnes. On min'jlcd hecatombs and Hoods of wmcs. 15 The ceremony over, rous'd again, From life's full apathy, th' unsated train, Files off by troops to join the public throng. In rattling carriage swiftly borne along. Or fearful of the damp nocturnal air, Singly and safely pent in lacquer'd chair. To concerts, where in loud chromatic tones, Divorc'd from sense, sound unregarded moans. Plays, frittering all the drama's worth away. As high plum'd actors warble out the lay. Or lewd buffoons with each grimace of art. Convert to farce what ought to mend the heart. Assemblies, midnight routs and morning balls, "Where cheated hope for satisfaction calls. That stranger never found in pleasure's haunts. While riot squanders more than mis'ry wants,] And conscience baffled in the gamester's soul. Submissive yields to hell's entire controul. Yet not with fortune's minions ends the rage. The sorc'ress fashion levels rank and age. And tho' the rigor of her captious rule. Leaves not one badge to sever wise from fool^ All wear the liv'ry of the haughty dame, Unquestion'd passport to the realms of fame. / And see at her command, the motley crew. Like streaming meteors varying shape and hue. In habits close, or flutt'ring wide in air. Cut long or short, full, scanty, round or square. 16 Of each prismatic color in the sun, Now all contrasted, now absorbed in one, I^ance folly's round in mingled masquerade. While common sense bewails its rights betray *d. Thus men of years, lectur'd by time in vain, In youthful garb return to boys again. Great Lords, like valets rob'd, distinction lose. And foppish legislators sink to beaux. The rev'rend priest, unmindful of his God, Struts a mere coxcomb in the newest mode. The sage physician, gravity foregone. In gay attire becomes a man of ton. The learned lawyer, wise in wig and gown. Aping hisclerk, scarce from his clerk is known, Tlie sober tradesman with his 'prentice vies. And every hope of thrifty care belies. While his genteeler wife improv'd in taste. From ladles learns her husband's goods to waste. And quit the tranquiljoys of humble home. To squeeze the last in fashion's drawing room. Hence tho' the din of tralTic dies away. When night brings respite for the toils of day. Scarce one mute interval of peace is found. Ere vanity rcnc^ws the bustling sound, Kound distant parts rcvcrbcraling loud. As each new puppet shew attracts it's crowd. And ccho'd thro* each blazing square and street, To darker corners where blind alleys meet, 17 Thro' porticoes th^t shade the gilded coach, To narrow lanes where guests on foot approach, From first rate parties, each a thousand strong. To the last dregs of dissipation's throng. But not alone the wide infection spreads. It's cobweb furniture thro' senseless heads, Science itself in bloated sickness droops, Puft'd into pride by fashion's circling troops, While spruce philosophy with borrow'd smiles, Each vacancy of modish life beguiles. And with gay meretricious fiatt'ry throws. The wreath of diligence on idle brows. Leaving pale study all it's strength to waste. At humble distance from the scliools of taste. The body politic too feels the rage. And mid the cares which statesmen's minds engage To varnish over a suspicious cause^ From supple fashion stoops to steal applause. While polish'd courtiers v\ ith a sidelong glance, Glide in due homage thro' her mazy diuce. Nor scapes religion the contagious stain. Moulded to suit the frivolous and vain. And with unfetter'd conrcleiicc nobly free. Careless how modes and morals disaorce. Content, provision for the world f.v^t made. And fashion's decent riics all duly paid. To make a forinal visit to the place, Where lieavcn is worshipp'd with bccoiiiir.g gracs, (J 18 And well-bred sinners now and then resort. To bow and court'sy as they do at court. To pictures of such artificial joys, Such scenes of nonsense, rivalry and noise. Let but imagination's pencil add. All forms of want in squallid seeming clad. All forms of desp'rate guilt that brave the day. Or prowl in darkness to secure their prey. Veiling the secret haunts and noisome cells. Where brutal lust with hungry rapine dwells. Judgment appall'd, with sighing truth must own, " That God the country made, and man the town." FRAGMENTS 07 ANCIENT AND MODERN MORALITY. In ancient times ere vice grew proud. Flaunting with folly's frequent crowd. And in despite of open shame. To public suff'rance laid claim. Nor knave nor fool undaunted stood, In presence of the wise and good. Where virtue's all commanding frown. Instant abash'd and kept them down. Nor censure then applied in vain. Her scorpion lash and iron rein. To drive the sluggish, check the bold. The stubborn bend, the fickle hold. Nor vain her keen reproachful taunt, Lighlen'd thro' folly's darkest haunt. And thunder'd in the secret breast. Where guilt abode a harbour'd guest. But modern knaves and fools combln'd, Controul and awe the public mind. 20 While, in one gulph of passions tost. All ranks, the hehii of reason lost. Are born like chafl'in eddying round. When whii ling tempests sweep the ground. A legion thus, join'd hand in hand. In fashion's liv'ry clad, they stand, Careless who dare their deeds rehearse. But scorning most reproof in verse. Whether in melancholy strains. Of worth neglected it complains, Or rattles from the louder strings. On which the frenzied poet flings. His swelling soul in flowing rage. Imprinting satire's glowing page. With angry sounds of bold defiance. Gainst vice and folly's proud alliance. Hurling to each, tho' crown 'd in state, Virtue's unconquerable hate. ON MAN. What magic art seduces thoughtless man. To waste in Idle plaints Hfe's littlespan. His chance and chosen lot alike to scorn. And for another's good incessant mourn ? With envious eye the war-worn soldier sees. The lucky merchant crowned with wealth and ease, while merchants for war's quicker fortune pray. When driving storms their argosies delay. The lawyer with litigious cares opprest. When term allows no interval of rest, Longs for the peaceful cottage of the clown. Where studied forms of wrangling are unknown, While rustic bosoms pining in their turn. With ardor for the public contest burn. And inly sigh as fancy gilds the scene, AVhere courtly crowds learn to conceal their spleen. But the dull murm'ring catalogue to end. And patience with the tale no more offend. Suppose Omnipotence had delgn'd to say, " Each discontented wretch shall have his way," Lo ! where the soldier rich in barter'd hoards. The merchant mid the clash of conqu'ring swords, 22 The lawyer undisturb'd in tranquil life. The clown successful in his wordy strife. With one consent the wish'd-for boon disdain. And join to importune the skies again. Nor only snar'd in envious surprise, "With neighbour blessings glitt'ring in his eyes. Intemperate alike in lawful things. To native discontent man closely clings. Single, impatient for connubial joys, Married, complaining that the blessing cloys. Childless, begrudging poverty Its heirs. And rich in children, sick of parents' cares. Pulls down, rebuilds, the square converts to round. Exhausts the springs and deluges dry ground. Feathers that on the stream of passion glide, As moon-struck fancy rules the veering tide. Yet what each Inconsistent act reveals The boasting language of resolve conceals. Inflexible to reason's justs requefts. And only yielding when caprice suggests, As songsters Importun'd long silence keep. But sing unask'd their auditors to sleep. Or if on steadier purpose wisely bent. And will) th.c nature of his good content, Wishes and hopes unsatcd by success, Betray mans wild extravagance no less, Greedy llio' full, unhappy while at ease, Nor least dislurb'd, when all conspires to please. 23 The farmer mid full granaries turns the soil. The wealthy trader perseveres in toil. The laureird warrior for the battle burns. The sailor safe in port to sea returns, Deterrain'd all to make their little more. And then like prudent ants enjoy their store. But prudent ants no dang'rous tempefts brave. Secure and happy in their frugal cave. While reason*s fool a truant exile runs, * Where livid deaths descend from burning suns," And all the poles relentless ? igor dares. To fill the coffers of ungrateful heirs. Deferring to the last heav'n's bounteous treat. And hungry, starving on mean offall meat. Thirsty, forsaking the clear fountain's side. To sip hereafter of a fuller tide. Another Tantalus outstretched to drink. From whose parch'd lips the waves resentful shrink. TfFK RULING PASSION. 1 HRO' all the scenes of bustling strife. That fill the void of human life, Where in pursuit of glitt'ring toy?. Mortals forego substantial joys, The many, pent in narrow scope, Illumin'd by no distant hope. In mingled tumult blindly stretch. At every bubble in their reach. While some, their present slate forgot. Anticipate a prouder lot. Yet they whom expectation goads. On emulation's slipp'ry roads. Deluded by the meteor ray. That glimmers o'er the doubtful way Oft headlong born in eager speed, Behind them leave the glorious meed. Or distanc'd in more mcasur'd pace. By over-caution lose the race, While, '^trange elTect, tho* won the prize. With added liable the victor llics. 25 Obedient to the urging force, Gaiii'd in the swift impetuous course. Each kindling spark of young desire. By habit fann'd to glowing fire. Pervading thus the yielding breast, A ruling passion stands confest, Inflam'd by ev ry fav'ring breath. Till the hot fury cools In death. In consequence absorb'd, the great From humble freedom soon retreat. And condescending for an hour, Elaflic turn to pomp and power. The slaves of luxury and ease. Whom scarce indulgence self can please. By hard compulsion forc'd to think. From the short effort sudden shrink. Content as sluggish moments creep. Like beasts to eat and drink and sleep. The victims of more active mind, Their bliss in swelling tumults find. As hunters rufli with horn and liound. Enraptur'd by the jovial sound, A brisker instinct to obey. And on the pangs of nature prey. Should clam'rous war a moment cca