UNIVERSITY O'F CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FIRST EDITIONS Bryant Emerson Hawthorne Holmes of Longfellow Lowell Thoreau TVhittier Collected by William Harris Arnold of New York The Marion Press Jamaica Queensborough New York I 90 I ^wew^i^i^^s. ^^ ^/'^VC^'"-'' 3 i<\0AAA.^Vl.^>-^S.Uw, / ^/^ /-^^^g^^^^^. ^^a.^^' z^^'**^ /^^^^, cyU^J^l^ ^.*i-«^ >z^^=^^^. -> ■>> > > 5 o t e 3 > > J > J • > ' o ro ' • , , 3j' 3 , > , , , ' ' 3 , , , > 3 13 , > 3 3 > 1 J 1 I J ) 3 3 3^5 FIRST EDITIONS 0} Bryant Emerson Hawthorne Holmes Longfellow Lowell Thoreau JVhittier Collected by William Harris Arnold of New York The Marion Press Jamaica Queensborough New York I 90 I , • ' f 1 , € r fJV 1 '-^1 / The Arnold Catalogue of First Editions misstates the days of the week on which the sale occurs. Please substi- tute the enclosed leaf for the one incorrectly printed. To be sold at Auction Without Reserve by Bangs & Co 93 Fifth Avenue New York at 3 o'clock p m Wednesday January 30 1901 lots I to 353 Thursday January 31 1901 lots 354 to 709 :i;4iG54 To be sold at Auction Without Reserve by Bangs & Co 93 Fifth Avenue New York at 3 o'clock p m Tuesday January 30 1901 lots I to 353 Wednesday January 31 1901 lots 354 to 709 Note All are First Editions except a few which are specified. This is, by far, the fullest collection of First Edi- tions, of the eight authors named, that has ever been sold. Nearly all the books are in good condition — much better than usual — copy after copy having been disposed of, from time to time, as better ones have been obtained. With few exceptions, they are in their original covers. The present owner, who gathered them, believes that no binding, how- ever well executed, is so desirable a cover for a book as that in which it was given to the world. Autograph letters of the Authors have been in- serted in many of the volumes, and most of them relate to the books they now accompany. A few holograph manuscripts are included in the collection. The designation of sizes is in accordance with the scale of the American Library Association. The manuscript of Bryant, which heads the list, is perhaps the earliest of his that remains; it has never been published. The "Embargo," 1809, second edition, and the "Poems," 1821, are scarce enough to be mentioned here. Of Emerson, there are the "Right Hand of Fel- lowship," 1830, so rare that few collectors have ever seen the pamphlet in which it appears ; the " Poems," vii Note 1847; '^'^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ "Oversongs," 1864. The com- plete hologniph manuscript of ** Threnody," written in 1842, will doubtless be estimated as of higher in- terest than any other item in the whole collection. The Hawthorne books begin, of course, with the rare " Fanshawe," 1828, a remarkable copy; soon followed by the even rarer " Peter Parley's Univer- sal History," 1837, a recognized Hawthorne; **The Gentle Boy," 1839; the three little juvenile publi- cations of 1 841; and the highly valued tiny tract, **The Celestial Railroad," 1843. "Mosses from an Old Manse," 1846, appears in the well known cloth volume, and also in two parts with paper covers, in which state only one other copy is known to exist. "The Harbinger," 1833, is the first book of im- portance in the Holmes list. The "Poems," 1836, by no means a rare book, but difficult to obtain in good condition, is here an excellent copy. The privately printed pamphlet, "The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever," 1843, ^^ almost unknown. The poem, "In Memory of Fitz-Greene Halleck," 1869, rivals in rarity the copy of "A Family Record," 1877, ^^^ ^^^ broadside poem, "James Russell Lowell," 1 891. All three were privately printed for the author's use, and each bears his autograph signature. The insignificant "Fair Play," 1875, ^^ scarce that it is found in few collections, is accom- panied by an autograph letter by Holmes, which refers to the few lines he contributed to its pages. The Longfellow list begins with an autograph letter, 1825, by the poet's father, which indicates that Longfellow sowed some wild oats in his under- viii Note graduate days. The next item is ** Miscellaneous Poems from the United States Literary Gazette," 1826, an uncommonly fine copy of this scarce little volume. Then follow the eight scarce Italian and French books, which were issued from 1830 to 1833, while Longfellow was professor of modern languages at Bowdoin. And next comes **Outre-Mer," as issued in two paper-covered parts in 1833 and 1834 respectively — probably the finest copies of these ex- tremely rare volumes that remain. Other Longfellow rarities are ** Voices of the Night," 1839; ** Hype- rion," 1839; "Poems on Slavery," 1842; "Ballads," 1842; "The Spanish Student," 1843; "The Belfry of Bruges," 1846; "Evangeline," 1847 — ^^^ ^^ original covers and all uncut — and the scarce "Noel," 1864, privately printed for the author. Of Lowell there are fine copies of the "Class Poem," 1838; "A Year's Life," 1841; "Conversa- tions," 1845, ^ presentation copy; "The Biglow Papers," 1848; and "The Vision of Sir Launfal," I 848. Of the greatest rarity are the poems "Mason and Slidell," a pamphlet printed in 1862, and "II Pesceballo," of the same date. The privately printed "Commemoration Ode," 1865, is a presentation copy. The Address "On Democracy," 1884, will be found not only in the scarce first edition printed at Birmingham, but also in an earlier proof-copy, in large type, made for Lowell's own use, and with his manuscript additions which are incorporated in the first published issue. The "Hob Gobling's Song," 1866, is herein the original holograph manuscript. Here, too, is a copy of the "Poems of Maria Low- ix Note ell," 1^55, one of the rarest books of American Poetry. The little list of Thoreau books includes remark- ably line fresh copies of **A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers," 1849, and "Walden," 1854. Of the books of Whittier there is a great array, beginning with ''Incidental Poems" by the "Rustic Bard," 1828, in which the Quaker poet appears in a book for the first time. The rare "Legends of New England," 1831, is here; and also the much rarer "Moll Pitcher," 1832; and "The History of Haverhill," 1832, identified a few years ago as the production of Whittier. Of little "Mog Megone," 1836, the "Poems" of 1837, and the "^oems" of 1838, there are choice examples in best "collector's condition." Another volume, identified as a Whittier, is the "Narrative of James Williams," 1838, a very fine copy of the earliest issue. The unique copy of "A Sabbath Scene," 1850, is one of the treasures of the collection. Here, too, is the only separate issue of "The Song of the Negro Boatman," 1863, and Whittier's poem "Fitz-Greene Halleck," 1869, pri- vately printed for the author, and bearing his auto- graph signature. Besides the Whittier books, there are holograph manuscripts of two of his poems: "Gone," 1844, and "The Battle Autumn of 1862." The catalogue closes with the bibliographical vol- umes of Harris, 1874, a privately printed copy; Leon, 1885, on large paper, unsewn and unopened; Stone, 1893, with the introduction by Eugene Field; and Foley, 1897, "^^^^ useful of all, on large paper. ^ 1 .'-/■^} A G^oc/rrv /•Vt.4:. ^v.^^. .^4^ jfia^ffL ^-ETf^Z i<^^^r^ *>^^ ^^^Ir.t^t^ \ .Jl.itt .f^^t^ ^A^--f^ ->v/-x^ U^.iJ^t'.'y^^ /ayi^^<.^^ i^^t.^iJ^^J JY/i^yxj ->-vin*-e^ tffc-p-i-Cit '"i^>^*^''^''t';;!^3^%ll^C'9'>^-'^',T^i^«^ >^ .*■ • ^ ^ ^ ^ '•' - • ii "cW^^'^ '^^^^^-^^ ^^> f/^^ ^.,/ ^^^r- I See No. i. TVilliam Cullen Bryant 1794 - 1878 Bryant 1 Manuscript of a portion of a very early unpublished Poem, written on both sides of a sheet of paper, measuring 6 1^^ x 4 inches. With the MS. is an autograph letter of 3 pages, signed John H. Bry- ant, dated January 28th, 1879, which gives interesting reminiscences of his brother, the Poet. In this letter he says: "I do not know that I can recollect any early poems that have not appeared in print that would be worthy of your attention. I have a portion of one written in May, 1809, when he was at his Uncle's in North Brookfield, fitting for College, which I send you in his handwriting." Bryant was in his fifteenth year when he wrote this poem. See facsimile of the first page of the MS. on opposite page. Bryant 2 The Embargo; or Sketches of the Times. A Satire. The Sec- ond Edition, corrected and enlarged. Together with The Spanish Revolution and Other Poems. Narrow i2mo, straight-grain morocco, with the original paper covers bound in, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Boston, 1809. Both the first and second editions are rare. Of the first only two copies are known. Bryant 3 Poems. 1 2 mo, original boards, uncut. Cambridge, 182 1. A very fine copy of this rare volume. Bryant 4 Poems by William Cullen Bryant, An American. Edited by Washington Irving. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, leather label, uncut. London, 1832, Fine copy. Scarce. Bryant 5 Poems. Fourth Edition, i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1836. I Arnold Collection of First Editions Bryant 6 Selections from the American Poets. Harper's Family Li- brary. i6mo, original cloth. New York, 1840. Bryant 7 The Fountain and Other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1842. Presentation copy with autograph inscription, "S. F. B. Morse with the Author's regards, Nov. 1844." Bryant 8 The Fountain and Other Poems. i2mo, original glazed boards. New York, 1842. Fine copy. Bryant 9 Poems by William Cullen Bryant. With illustrations by E. Lentze. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1847, Bryant io Letters of a Traveller ; or, Notes of things seen in Europe and America. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1850. Fine copy. Bryant 1 1 Poems. Collected and arranged by the author. With introduc- tory essay on the Genius and Writings of the Author by George GilfiUan. Square 1 6mo, original cloth, uncut. Liverpool, 1850. Bryant 12 Poems. Collected and arranged by the author. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1855. A few poems not in the previous edition have been added. Bryant 13 Celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorpo- ration of Bridgewater, Mass., June 3d, 1856. With the hymn "Two hundred times has June renewed," by Bryant. Frontis- piece and portrait. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1856. 2 Arnold Collection of First Editions Bryant 14 Memorial of Jessie Willis; prepared for her little daughters, Annie, Blanche and Jessie, by their father. With a letter to Mr. Willis by Bryant, dated Roslyn, October 11, 1858. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1858. Bryant 15 Letters of a Traveller. Second Series. 1 2mo, original cloth. New York, 1859. Fine copy. Bryant 16 Bi-Centennial Celebration at Hadley, Mass., June 8th, 1859. With an ode by Bryant. 8vo, original paper covers. Northampton, 1859. Bryant 17 A Discourse on the Life, Character and Genius of Washington Irving. 1 2mo, original cloth. New York, i860. Bryant 18 Hymns. (For private circulation.) i2mo, original cloth. [New York, 1864.] First edition. Scarce. Bryant 19 Thirty Poems. 1 2mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1864. Bryant 20 The Bryant Festival at "The Century," November 5th, 1864. With a speech on Bryant by Emerson, and the poems " Bryant's Seventieth Birthday," by Holmes, " On Board the Seventy-six," by Lowell, and " Bryant," by Whittier. 8vo, original boards. New York, 1865. Bryant 21 In Memory of Hon. Increase Sumner, of Great Barrington, Mass. A funeral discourse by Rev. Evarts Scudder. With a let- ter by Bryant. Portrait. 8vo, original paper covers. Bridgeport, 1871. Arnold Collection of First Editions Bryant 32 Picturesque America; or, The Land We Live In. With Illus- trations on steel and wood by eminent American artists. Edited by \\'illiam Cullen Bryant. 2 volumes, in 48 parts, imperial 4to, original paper covers, uncut. New York, 187 2- 1874. Bryant 2*} Poems by AV'illiam Cullen Bryant. Collected and arranged by the author. Illustrated by 100 engravings from drawings by Bir- ket Foster, Harry Fenn, Alfred Fredericks and others. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1876. Bryant 24 Memorial Meeting. William Cullen Bryant. The Century, November 12, 1878, with the poem, "The Death of Bryant," by Stedman. Portrait. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. New York [1878]. Bryant 2«> Poetical Works. Collected and arranged by the author. 24mo, original cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1879. Inserted is an autograph note signed W. C. Bryant. Bryant 26 The Life, Character and Writings of William Cullen Bryant. An address delivered before the New York Historical Society, De- cember 30, 1878, by George William Curtis. 1 2mo, original cloth. New York [1879]. Bryant 27 A Biography of Wilham Cullen Bryant. With extracts from his correspondence, by Parke Godwin. Portraits. 2 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. New York, 1883. i 6 IZi (U Ralph TValdo Emerson 1803 - 1882 Emerson 28 A Sermon. Delivered at the ordination of Hersey Bradford Goodwin as colleague pastor with Ezra Ripley, D. D., by James Kendall, D. D., with Right Hand of Fellowship by Rev. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 8vo, stitched. Concord, 1830. The first writing by Emerson to appear in a book. The "Right Hand of Fellowship" is on pages 29, 30 and 31 of this very rare pamphlet. The present owner has never seen another copy. Emerson 29 A Sermon delivered at the ordination of Rev. C. Robbins over the Second Congregational Church in Boston, December 4, 1833, by Rev. Henry Ware, Jr. With the hymn, "We love the venerable house," by Emerson. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1833. A clean copy of this scarce pamphlet. Emerson 30 A Historical Discourse, delivered before the citizens of Con- c/^amJj^/^xji./ i\j^ 7 cord, 1 2th September, 1835, on the second Centennial Anniversary ^ of the Incorporation of the Town. 8vo, stitched. Concord, 1835. The present copy lacks covers. Emerson 51 A Historical Discourse delivered before the citizens of Con- cord, 1 2th September, 1835. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, n. d. Second edition. Emerson 32 Nature. 1 2mo, original cloth, Boston, 1836. Fine copy. From the library of Wendell Phillips. 7 Arnold Collection of First Editions A Emerson 33 An Oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, August 31, 1837. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1837. Afterwards published under the title, " Man Thinking." Fine copy. Emerson ^rseKL^ "V ^ ?3 34 An Address delivered before the Senior Class in Divinity Col- y^ \cg&, Cambridge, Sunday evening, 15 July, 1838. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1838. Fine copy. Emerson V -~ 35 An Oration delivered before the Literary Societies of Dartmouth College, July 24, 1838. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1838. Afterwards published under the title, " Literary Ethics." Fine copy. Emerson 36 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Carlyle. Edited with an introduction by Emerson. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1838. Emerson 37 Essays: by R. W. Emerson. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1 84 1. This volume is one-quarter of an inch taller than the following copy, and the designs stamped on the covers of the two books differ from one another. The present owner is unable to determine which is the earlier issue. Fine copy. Emerson 38 Essays: by R. W. Emerson. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1 84 1. Fine copy. Emerson 39 Essays : by R. W. Emerson. With preface by Thomas Carlyle. 1 2 mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1841. 8 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 40 Man the Reformer. i2mo, stitched. [London, 1841.] Rare. The present owner has never seen another copy. Foley in "American Authors" gives the date of pubHcation as 1844, but, as stated in the pamphlet, the lecture is taken from "The Dial" for April, 1 84 1, so it seems most likely that the first separate print was is- sued in the same year, as here catalogued. Emerson 41 The Method of Nature. An oration delivered before the So- ChlAH^S^*-^^^ "^ ^ ciety of the Adelphi in Waterville College in Maine, August 11, 1 84 1. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1841. Fine copy. Emerson 42 Two Sermons on the death of Rev. Ezra Ripley, D. D. By Rev. B. Frost and Rev. C. Francis, D. D. With notice on Ripley by Emerson. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1841. Emerson 43 Original Holograph Manuscript of Threnody, dated 1842. Written on 14 pages of 4to letter-paper. Collation: i folded sheet 4 pages; i sheet 2 pages; i sheet 2 pages; i folded sheet 4 pages; i sheet 2 pages. Size of each page, 8x10 inches. This poem is one of the longest written by Emerson ; no other of his has such a high personal interest, and none has higher poetical value. Manuscripts of Emerson are extremely rare, and another opportunity to secure such a treasure is not likely to occur soon again. On page 6 is a facsimile of the first verse of the poem. Emerson 44 Past and Present by Thomas Carlyle. Edited by Emerson. i2mo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1843. Inserted is an autograph letter in which reference is made to this book as follows : " My Dear Sir : Carlyle did not send his copy in his own handwriting, but used an amanuensis. A page or two of soiled copy in his own hand, however, were in the paquet and I send you the best fragment of this which remains to me. I am glad you like his book, which I think his best. Yours, R. W. EMERSON. Concord, 21 May, 1843." / Vniold Collection of First Editions Emerson Yy An Address delivered in the Court-House in Concord, Massa- chusetts, on I St August, 1844, on the Anniversary of the Emanci- pation of the Negroes in the British West Indies. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1844. Fine copy. Emerson 46 Essays : Second Series. 1 2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1844. Presentation copy with inscription, " Cornelius Matthews, Esq., with the Respects of R. W. Emerson. Concord, October, 1844." Emerson 47 The Gift: Christmas and New Year's Present. 1844. With a prose article, " The Garden of Plants," by Emerson, and the requiem, " Ay, pale and silent maiden," by Lowell. 8 steel plates. 8vo, original roan, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1844. Emerson 48 The Gift: A Cliristmas, New Year, and Birthday Present. 1845. With the poems "The Poet's Apology" and "The Dirge," by Emerson, and " A Gleam of Sunshine " and " The Hemlock Tree," by Longfellow. 8 steel engravings, including two portraits of Washington. 8vo, original calf, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1845. Emerson 49 Our Pastor's Offering. A compilation from the writings of the Pastors of the Second Church. With three poems, " The Last Farewell," " Woodnotes," and " My Thoughts," by Emerson. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1845. Emerson 150 Address of the Committee appointed by a Public Meeting held at Faneuil Hall, September 24th, 1846, for the Purpose of Consider- ing the Recent Case of Kidnapping from Our Soil, etc. With a let- ter by Emerson, " I feel the irreparable shame to Boston of this abduction." 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1846. 10 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 51 Memoir of the Life of Henry Ware, Jr. With letters from Em- erson, in reply to Mr. Ware's criticism of Emerson's sermon before the Harvard Divinity School. Portraits. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1846. Emerso7i 52 The Diadem for MDCCCXLVI. With three poems, " Loss and Gain," " A Fable," and " The Forerunners," by Emerson. 10 engravings. 4to, original cloth, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1846. 5^ Poems. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1847. Very fine copy of this rare volume. Emerson 54 The Massachusetts Quarterly Review. Edited by R. W. Emerson (who also contributed the editorial address, December, 1847), Theodore Parker and James Ehot Cabot. Volume i, in 4 quarterly numbers. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1848. Scarce. Emerson 55 Nature. New edition. 1 2 mo, original cloth. Boston and Cambridge, 1849. Emerson 56 Representative Men: Seven lectures. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1850. Emerson 57 The Boston Book. With the prose article " Nature," and the poems "Concord Monument," by Emerson; "Boston Church Bells" and "The Morning Visit," by Holmes; "The Syrens," by Lowell ; " Kathleen," and the prose article " The Yankee Zincah," by Whittier; the poem " Resignation," and the prose article "Footprints of Angels," by Longfellow; and the prose article " Drowne's Wooden Image," by Hawthorne. Vignette. i2mo, original gilt cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 18^50. II Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 58 The Present, or a Gift for the Times. With five prose contribu- tions, " Conformity," " Philanthropy," " Friends," " Sincerity," and " Love of the Beautiful," by Emerson, and the poems " Maiden- hood," by Longfellow; "A Portrait," by Holmes; "Annabel Lee," by E. A. Poe. 24mo, original gilt cloth, gilt edges. Manchester, N. H., 1850. Emerson 59 The Liberty Bell by Friends of Freedom. With two transla- tions from the Persian of Hafiz and Nisami, by Emerson, and the poem " Yussouf," by Lowell. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1 85 1. Emerson 60 Kossuth in New England : A full Account of the Hungarian Governor's Visit to Massachusetts. With an address by Emerson. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth. . Boston, 1852. Emerson 61 Memoirs of Margaret Fuller OssoH. Edited by J. F. Clarke, W. H. Channing, and R. W. Emerson. 2 volumes. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1852. Emerson contributed the chapters on Concord and Boston in volume I, pages 199 to 351. Emerson 62 Autographs for Freedom. With the poem " On Freedom," by Emerson. Portraits and facsimile signatiures. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1854. Emerson 63 English Traits. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1856. Emerson 64 Miscellanies ; embracing Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. i2mo, original cloth covers. Boston, 1856. Fine copy. Name written on title-page. 12 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 65 Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Second edition. With a letter by Emerson. i6mo, original cloth. Brooklyn, 1856. Very scarce. The letter by Emerson first appears in this edition of " Leaves of Grass." Emerson 66 The Conduct of Life. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. Emerson 67 The John Brown Invasion. Portrait of Brown. With a speech by Emerson. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, i860. Emerson 68 Tributes to Theodore Parker at the Music Hall, June 17, i860, with the Proceedings of the New England Anti-Slavery Con- vention. With a speech by Emerson. i2mo, original paper covers. Boston, i860. Emerson 69 Over-Songs [Poems written specially for the occasion of the wedding of Henry Morton Lovering and Isabel Francelia Morse]. With the poems "The Lover's Petition," by Emerson; " Epitha- lamium," by Bayard Taylor; "Bridal Song," by George William Curtis; and " Invocation," by Lucy Larcom. 4to, thick paper, with printing in purple and ornamental border in red, on one side only of each leaf, half morocco. n. p., 1864. Inserted is an autograph letter by Mr. Lovering in which he states : "I think but eight or ten copies were printed." The present is the only copy of this privately printed volume ever offered for sale at auction. Emerson 70 Lyrics of Loyalty arranged and edited by Frank Moore. With the poems " Boston Hymn," by Emerson; " The Flower of Liber- ty," "Trumpet Song," and "An Appeal," by Holmes; "The Voice of the North," " The Proclamation," and " The Battle Anthem of 1862," by Whittier; "The Cumberland," by Longfellow; and " Our Country's Call," by Bryant. 24mo, original cloth, roan back. New York, 1864. Arnold Collection ot First Editions X Emerson 71 The Boatswain's Whistle. Published at the National Sailors' Fair. With the poems "Seashore," by Emerson, and "The Man at the Wheel," by Holmes. 4to, original cloth. Boston, 1864. Emerson 72 Poems. Portrait. 24mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1865. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages, signed R. W. Emer- son. Book-plate of Charles B. Footc. Emerson 73 The Gulistan or Rose Garden by Musle-Huddeen Sheik Saadi, of Shiraz. With a preface by Emerson. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1865. Emerson 74 The Lincoln Memorial. With an address by Emerson and " Ode for the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln," by Bryant. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1865. Emerson 75 May-Day and Other Pieces. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1867. Emerson 76 Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument in Con- cord, Mass. With an address by Emerson. Frontispiece. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Concord, 1867. Emerson 77 Public Ledger Building, Philadelphia. With letters from Em- erson, Holmes and Longfellow. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched. Philadelphia, 1867. Emerson 78 Free Religion. Report of addresses at a meeting held in Bos- ton, May 30, 1867, to consider Free Religion in America. With an address by Emerson. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1867. 14 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 79 Address delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the birth of Alexander Von Humboldt by Louis Agassiz. With a eulogy of Humboldt by Emerson, a letter by Whittier, and the poem, " Bonaparte, August 1 5th, 1 769-Humboldt, September 14th, 1769," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1869. Emerson 80 Society and Solitude. Twelve chapters. 1 2mo, sheets, folded, uncut. Boston, 1870. Emerson 81 Society and Solitude. Twelve chapters. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1870. Emerson 83 Sixty-fifth Anniversary Celebration of the New England Society in the City of New York, at Delmonico's, December 22, 1870. With a speech by Emerson. 8vo, original paper covers. [New York, 1870.] Etnerson 85 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society for May to August, 1 84 1. With a speech on Sir Walter Scott, by Emerson, and letters by Holmes and Bryant. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 187 1. Emerson 84 The Unity of Italy. The American celebration of the Unity of Italy at the Academy of Music, New York, January 12, 187 1. With letters by Emerson, Holmes and Whittier. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 187 1. Emerson 85 The Wanderer. A colloquial poem by William Ellery Chan- ning. With a preface by Emerson. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 187 1. 15 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 86 Dedication of the new building for the Free Pubhc Library of Concord, Massachusetts, Wednesday, October i, 1873. With an address by Emerson. Illustrated. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1873. Presentation copy, with inscription in the autograph of Sophia E. Thoreau. Emerson 87 Parnassus. Edited by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Svo, sheets folded, uncut. Boston, 1875. Emerson 88 Letters and Social Aims. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1876. Emerson 89 Selected Poems. New and revised edition. 24mo, cloth, red edges. Boston, 1876. Emerson 90 Nature. Vest-Pocket Series. 3 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1876. First separate issue of this essay. Emerson 91 Fortune of the Republic. Lecture delivered at the Old South Church, March 30, 1878. i6mo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1878. Emerson 92 Bedford Sesqui-Centennial Celebration, August 27, 1879. Historical discourse by Jonathan F. Steams; also a sketch of the celebration. With a speech by Emerson. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1879. Presentation copy from Josiah A. Stearns, Chairman of the Celebra- tion Committee, to William Peirce. Emerson 93 Testimonials, to Francis Ellingwood Abbot. With letters from Emerson and Holmes. Svo, original paper covers. Boston, privately printed — not published, 1879. Very scarce. 16 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 94 The Preacher. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1880. Scarce. Emerson 95 Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club of Chest- nut street, Boston. With the essay, "Rehgion," by Emerson; the poems, "To M. E. S," by Longfellow, and "How Mary Grew," by Whittier, and an essay on Jonathan Edwards by Holmes. Il- lustrated. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1880. Emerson 96 Ralph Waldo Emerson: His Life, Writings and Philosophy. By George Willis Cooke. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1 88 1. Includes letters of Emerson not published elsewhere. Emerson 97 The Centennial of the Social Circle in Concord, March 21, 1882. With a memoir of Ezra Ripley by Emerson. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, other edges uncut. Cambridge, 1882. 98 Memoirs of Members of the Social Circle in Concord. Second Series. With a memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson by his son, Ed- ward W. Emerson. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, other edges uncut. Cambridge, 1888. These two privately printed volumes are here classed together as they are the first and second series of memoirs of members of the Social Circle in Concord. The memoir of Emerson in the 1888 volume contains many highly interesting extracts from his journal and from his letters. Both volumes are very scarce. Emerson 99 In Memoriam. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Recollections of his visits to England in 1833, 1847-8, 1872-3, and extracts from un- pubHshed letters, by Alexander Ireland. Two portraits inserted. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1882. Emerson 100 The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872. Portraits. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth, gilt top, leather labels. Boston, 1883. 3 17 Arnold Collection ot First Editions Emerson lot Old South Leaflets. Boston. Sicut Patribus, Sit Deus Nobis. A poem by Emerson read at Faneuil Hall on the Centennial An- nivers;iry of the Destruction of the Tea, December i6, 1873. 4 pages, i2mo. [Boston, 1883.] Emerson 102 Poems. Household edition. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1884. Emerson 105 Lectures and Biographical Sketches. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1884. Emerson 104 Miscellanies. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1884. Second edition. Emerson icj Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Incorporation of Concord, September 1 2, 1885. With speeches by Emerson and Lowell. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Concord, 1885. Emerson 106 The Hundred Greatest Men. Portraits of the one hundred greatest men of history, reduced from fine and rare steel engrav- ings. With general introduction by Emerson. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1885. Emerson's article first appeared in the London edition of this book published in 1879. Emerson 107 Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson. By Charles J. Woodbury. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. New York, 1890. Emerson 108 Natural History of Intellect and Other Papers. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1893. 18 Arnold Collection of First Editions Emerson 109 Two Unpublished Essays, "The Character of Socrates," "The Present State of Ethical Philosophy," by Emerson. With an introduction by E. E. Hale. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top, other edges uncut. Boston, 1896. Emerson 110 A Correspondence between John Sterling and Ralph Waldo Emerson. With a sketch of Sterling's life by Emerson. i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1897. Emerson 111 Letters from Ralph Waldo Emerson to a Friend, 1838-1853. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1899. Emerson 112 Essays by R. W. Emerson. 8vo, original boards, roan back. n. p., n. d. This appears to be an early edition. Not mentioned in any biblio- graphy. 19 FANSHAWE, A TALE. " Wilt thou go on with mel" — SoDTHET. -««©•*«• BOSTON : MARSH & CAPEN, 362 WASHINGTON STREET. PRESS OF PUTNAM AND HUKT. 1828. Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804 - 1864 Hawthorne 113 Fanshawe. A Tale. i2mo, original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1828. A remarkably fine copy of this rare book. Enclosed in a morocco case. Hawthorne 114 The Token; A Christmas and New Year's Present. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. With "The Gentle Boy," by Hawthorne. Illus- trated. i6mo, original embossed leather, gilt edges. Boston, 1832. Hawthorne 115 The Token, and Atlantic Souvenir. Edited by S. G. Goodrich. With "The Seven Vagabonds," by the Author of "The Gentle Boy." 20 engravings. i6mo, original stamped morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1833. Hawthorne 116 Peter Parley's Universal History, on the Basis of Geogra- phy. For the Use of Families. Illustrated by maps and engrav- ings. 2 volumes, square i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1837. One of the rarest of the first editions of Hawthorne's writings. A few signatures are loose, and the margins of some leaves are a little torn. Hawthorne 117 Twice-Told Tales. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1837. Fine copy. Inserted is a bill for repairs to the Custom House at Salem, with Hawthorne's autograph signature. Hawthorne 118 The American Magazine of Useful Knowledge. Illustrated. 3 volumes, royal 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1836. The six concluding numbers of Volume II, March-August inclu- sive, 1836, were edited anonymously by Hawthorne, who, with his sister, wrote or revised almost the entire contents. His contributions to this magazine have never been reprinted." — Foley's Am. Authors. 21 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 1 19 The Token and Atlantic Souvenir. With seven stories by Haw- thorne. Illustrated. 1 2mo, original stamped leather covers, gilt edges. Boston, 1837. All of the illustrations are badly foxed. Three of the stories, "Monsieur du Moroir," "Mrs. Bullfrog," and "The Man of Ada- mant," were not included in Twice Told Tales, 1837, and appear here for the first time in a book. Hawthorne 120 The Gentle Boy: A Thrice Told Tale. With an original illus- tration. Oblong 8vo, morocco, with the original paper covers bound in, by the Club Bindery. Boston, 1839. Very scarce. Hawthorne 121 Grandfather's Chair: A History for Youth. 32mo, original cloth, paper label on front cover. Boston, 1841. Very scarce. Hawthorne 122 Famous Old People: Being the Second Epoch of "Grand- father's Chair." 3 2 mo, original cloth, paper label on front cover. Boston, 1 84 1. Very scarce. "Maria B. Long, 3rd Feb., 1 841," written on fly- leaf. Book-plate of Malcolm Campbell. Hawthorne 123 Liberty Tree: With the Last Words of "Grandfather's Chair." 32mo, original cloth, paper label on front cover. Boston, 1841. Very scarce. Hawthorne 124 Famous Old People. i6mo, original cloth covers. Boston, 1842. Second edition revised. There is a large spot on each of the upper left hand corners of several leaves ; otherwise this is a good copy. Hawthorne 125 Liberty Tree: With the Last Words of "Grandfather's Chair." Frontispiece. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1842. Second edition, revised. 11 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 126 Biographical Stories for Children. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1842. Fine copy. Scarce. Hawthorne 127 Twice-Told Tales. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1842. Fine copy. Volume i is a reprint of "Twice-Told Tales," 1837; volume 2 is here first published. Hawthorne 128 The Celestial Rail-Road. 32mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1843. A remarkably fine copy of this very rare tract. Enclosed in a morocco case. Hawthorne 129 Journal of an African Cruiser. By an Officer of the U. S. Navy. Edited by Hawthorne. i2mo, original paper covers, un- cut. New York, 1845. Hawthorne 130 Journal of an African Cruiser. By an Officer of the U. S. Navy. Edited by Hawthorne. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1845. Hawthorne 131 Mosses from an Old Manse. Part I. Mosses from an Old Manse. Part II. i2mo, original paper covers, uncut. New York, 1846. But one other set of the first edition of this work in two separate volumes, with the original paper covers, is known. Hawthorne 132 Mosses from an Old Manse. Two parts in i volume. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1846. Hawthorne 133 iEsthetic Papers. Edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody. With "Main Street," by Hawthorne; "War," by Emerson, and "Resistance to Civil Government," by Thoreau. 8vo, original paper covers, un- cut. Boston, 1849. This book is seldom found with the leaves uncut. Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 134 The Scarlet Letter. A Romance. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1850. Fine copy. Scarce. Hawthorne 135 True Stories from History and Biography. By Hawthorne. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth, gik edges. Boston, 1851. This, the first edition, has 335 pages. Hawthorne 136 True Stories from History and Biography. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1851. Second edition ; 343 pages. Hawthorne 137 The House of the Seven Gahles. A Romance. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 185 1. Inserted is a bill for repairs to the surveyor's office in the Custom House at Salem, dated February 9, 1848, with Hawthorne's autograph signature. Hawthorne 138 The Snow Image and Other Tales. 16 mo, cloth, leather label. London, 1851. Hawthorne 139 Twice-Told Tales. New edition. Portrait. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1851. Hawthorne 140 The Memorial: Written by friends of the late Mrs. Osgood and edited by Mary E. Hewitt. With "The Snow Image. A Childish Miracle," by Hawthorne. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. New York, 185 1. Hawthorne 141 The Blithedale Romance. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1852. 24 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 142 Life of Franklin Pierce. Portrait. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1852. Hawthorne 145 A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. With engravings by Baker from designs by BiUings. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1852. Fine copy. Hawthorne 144 A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys. With engravings by Baker from designs by Billings. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1852. The paper on which it is printed and the designs stamped on the covers differ from the preceding copy. Otherwise the two copies are alike. The present owner is unable to determine which is the earlier issue. Fine copy. Hawthorne 145 Tanglewood Tales, for Girls and Boys: Being a Second Won- der-Book. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1853. Fine copy. Hawthorne 146 The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded. By Delia Bacon. With a preface by Hawthorne. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1857. Hawthorne 147 The Keepsake, 1857. Edited by Miss Power. With " Uttoxe- ter," by Hawthorne. Twelve engravings. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. London, 1857. Hawthorne 148 Bacon and Shakespeare. An inquiry touching players, play- houses, and play- writers in the days of Elizabeth, by William H. Smith. With a letter by Hawthorne to the author. i6mo, orig- inal cloth, uncut. London, 1857. Hawthorne 149 The Marble Faun; or. The Romance of Monte Beni. 2 vol- umes. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. Fine copy. 4 25 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne x'^o The Marble Faun; or, The Romance of Monte Beni. 2 vol- umes, i2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. The second edition, with five additional pages at the end of vol- ume 2. Hawthorne 1^1 The Weal-Reaf. A Record of the Essex Institute Fair, held at Salem, September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, i860. With two supplementary num- bers, September 10, 11. With a letter by Hawthorne, describing a spot near Salem, a conspicuous hill known by the name of "Browne's Folly." Sq. 8vo, crushed levant morocco, gilt top. Salem, i860. Hawthorne 1 52 Our Old Home : A series of English Sketches. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1863. Hawthorne 153 Pansie: A Fragment. The last Hterary effort of Hawthorne. i6mo, original paper covers. London [1864]. Hawthorne 154 Twice-Told Tales. A new edition. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1865. Hawthorne 155 Passages from the American Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1868. Fine copy. Hawthorne 156 The Snow Image. A Childish Miracle. Illustrations in color. Square i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1868. Hawthorne 157 Passages from the English Note-Books of Nathaniel Haw- thorne. 2 volumes, i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1870. Fine copy. 16 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 158 The Christinas Locket. A Holiday Number of Old and New. With a prose article, " Father Time," by Hawthorne. 8vo, orig- inal illuminated paper covers. Boston, 1870. Hawthorne 159 Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2 volumes, crown Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 187 1. Fine copy. Hawthorne 160 Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2 volumes, 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1872. Hawthorne 161 Septimus Felton; or The Elixir of Life. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1872. Hawthorne 162 Recent Art and Society as described in the Autobiography and Memoirs of Henry F. Chorley. With two letters by Haw- thorne to Mr. Chorley. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1874. Hawthorne 163 The DoUiver Romance and Other Pieces. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1876. Hawthorne 164 Fanshawe and Other Pieces. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1876. Hawthorne 165 A Study of Hawthorne. By George Parsons Lathrop. Vig- nette. 24mo, original cloth, red edges. Boston, 1876. Hawthorne 166 Hawthorne. By Henry James, Jr. English Men of Letters series. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1880. Book-plate of W. Wood. 27 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 167 American Classics for Schools. Hawthorne. Portrait and il- lustrations. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1882. Hawthorne 168 An Analytical Index to the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, with a sketch of his Ufe. 1 6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1882. Hawthorne 1O9 Dr. Grimshawe's Secret. Edited with a preface and notes by Julian Hawthorne. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1883. Inserted is an autograph letter signed Julian Hawthorne, relating to the preparation of the MS. of this book for the press. The letter begins as follows: "15 E. 45th St., N. Y. June 30th, 1882. My dear Osgood : Since coming in possession of my father's papers, I have discovered various things which have an important bearing on the story of Dr. Grimshawe, and it will be necessary, before printing any of it, to set all these notes, etc., in order, and methodically to develop their significance." '&■ Hawthorne 170 Hawthorne and His Wife: A Biography by Julian Haw- thorne. Illustrations on India paper. 2 volumes, 8vo, original boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1884. Large paper. Number 59 of 350 copies printed. Hawthorne 171 Delia Bacon. A Biographical Sketch. By Theodore Bacon. With twenty letters by Hawthorne, relating to the Bacon-Shakes- peare theory, now first published. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1888. Hawthorne 178 The Diary of William Pynchon of Salem. With a letter by Hawthorne, in reply to a letter by a descendant of Mr. Pynchon, whose name was borrowed and fastened upon an "imaginary vil- lain" in "The House of Seven Gables." 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1890. 28 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hawthorne 173 Hawthorne's First Diary. With an account of its discovery and loss, by Samuel T. Pickard. Illustrated. lamo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1897. Hawthorne 174 Memories of Hawthorne. By Rose Hawthorne Lathrop. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1897. Hawthorne 175 Sketches and Studies. Portrait. 24mo, original cloth, red edges. Boston, n. d. Hawthorne 176 Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. By Moncure D. Conway. 1 6mo, original cloth. London, n. d. 29 A FAMILY RECORD WOODSTOCK, CONNECTICUT, July 4th, 18^7. Not to myself this breath of vesper song, Not to these patient friends, this kindly throng, Not to this hallowed morning, though it be Our summer Christmas, Freedom's jubilee, When every summit, topmast, steeple, tower. That owns her empire spreads her starry flower, Its blood-streaked leaves in heaven's benignant dew Washed clean from every crimson stain they knew — No, not to these the passing thrills belong That steal my breath to hush themselves with song. These moments all are memory's ; I have come To speak with lips that rather should be dumb ; For what are words ? At every step I tread The dust that wore the footprints of the dead But for whose life my life had never known This faded vesture which it calls its own. See No. 281. Oliver TVendell Holmes i8og - i8g4 Holmes 177 The Token; A Christmas and New Year's Present. With the poem "The Lost Boy," by Hohnes. Eleven engravings. i6mo, original stamped leather, gilt edges. Boston, 1831 Holmes 178 Youth's Keepsake; A Christmas and New Year's Gift for Young People. With the poems "Crossing the Ford" and "The Fairy World," by Holmes. Seven engravings. 24mo, original boards, leather back, gilt edges. Boston, 1831. Holmes 179 The Harbinger; A May-Gift. By O. W. Holmes, Epes Sar- gent and Park Benjamin. 8vo, original cloth, paper label. Boston, 1833. Seventeen of the poems in this volume were written by Holmes. Fine copy. Scarce. Holmes 180 Poems. i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1836. Fine copy. Holmes 181 Library of Practical Medicine. Volume VH, containing Boylston Prize Dissertations for 1836. By O. W. Holmes, M. D., R. W. Haxall, M. D., and Luther V. Bell, M. D. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1836. Holmes 182 Boylston Prize Dissertations for the years 1836 and 1837. Map of New England. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1838. 31 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 1S3 The Token and Atlantic Souvenir. With the poem "The Only Daughter," by Holmes. Ten engravings. 1 2mo, original morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1838. Name written on title-page. Holmes 184 Principles of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. By Mar- shall Hall. First American edition revised and much enlarged by Jacob Bigelow and OHver Wendell Holmes, M. D. Illustrated. 8vo, original sheep. Boston, 1839. Holmes 185 Homoeopathy, and Its Kindred Delusions; two lectures delivered before the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knovifledge. i2mo, original boards, paper label. Boston, 1842. Inserted is an autograph letter of three pages, dated Beacon street, November 13th, 1871, signed O. W. Holmes, one paragraph of which begins as follows: " Homceopathy is a business I have pretty much done quarrelling, but I will confess sotto voce to yourself that I feel so ashamed of the human intellect when I hear of educated men as prac- tising it, that I not only am ready to believe that we come from monkeys, but am disposed to question whether we are not reverting to the original type." Holmes 186 Report of the Dinner given to Charles Dickens, in Boston, Feb- ruary I, 1842. With original verses, "The stars their early vigils keep," written for and sung on the occasion, by Holmes, the poem "The Wery Last Obserwation of Weller, Senior," by J. M. Field, and speeches by Dickens, Bancroft and others. i6mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1842. A fine copy of this scarce little volume. Autograph of "Ralph Em- erson" written with pencil on fly-leaf. Holmes 187 The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever. 8vo, original paper cover (back cover missing). [Boston, 1843.] Rare. Only a few copies of this pamphlet were struck off for pre- sentation to the author's friends. With autograph inscription on front cover, " Professor Jackson. With the Author's respects." Enclosed in a cloth case. 32 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 188 The Position and Prospects of the Medical Student. An ad- dress before the Boylston Medical Society of Harvard University, Janu9.ry 12, 1844. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1844. Holmes 189 The Berkshire Jubilee, celebrated at Pittsfield, Mass., August 22 and 23, 1844. With the poem, "Come back to your mother, ye children, for shame," by Holmes. Illustrations. 8vo, orig- inal cloth. Albany, 1845. Holmes 190 An Unpublished Poem. By Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D. i2mo, original paper covers. n. p., n. d. Privately printed. A printed note on the first page states, "These verses were read at a medical supper party about the year 1845." Although doubtless printed at a much later date, this pamphlet, in the absence of definite information of the time of issue, is here catalogued as it would have been if printed in 1845. Very rare. This is the only copy ever offered at auction. Enclosed in a cloth case. Holmes 191 History of the Town of Dunstable: Including Nashua, Nashville, HoUis, Hudson, Litchfield, and Merrimac, N. H.; Dunstable and Tyngsborough, Mass. By Charles J. Fox. With poem, "The Pilgrim's Vision," by Holmes. Engravings. i2mo, original cloth. Nashua, 1846. First appearance of "The Pilgrim's Vision" in a book. Holmes 192 Guide to Plymouth; and Recollections of the Pilgrims. By William S. Russell. With the poem, " The Pilgrim's Vision," by Holmes. Map and illustrations. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1846. Although usually catalogued as the first, this is the second appear- ance of "The Pilgrim's Vision" in a book. Holmes 195 Poems. i6mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1846. Presentation copy with autograph inscription: "Dr. Morton, with the Author's respects"; also autograph signature, "O. W. Holmes," at the top of the title-page. "Contains all of Dr. Holmes's poems published in the last Boston edition. Those which follow 'The Hot Season' on page 141 are here collected for the first time." — Extract from Preface. 5 33 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes i«)4 Urania: A Rliymed Lesson. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1846. Inserted is an autograph note, by Holmes, dated Boston, July I5tli, 1859. Holmes \{)^ Introductory Lecture delivered before the medical class of Harvard I'niversity, November 3, 1847. 8vo, original paper cov- ers. Boston, 1847. Holmes 196 Some Account of the Letheon; or, Who was the Discov- erer ? By Edward Warren. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, orig- inal paper covers. Boston, 1847. Second edition. Autograph of George Hayward on cover. Holmes 197 Poems. Vignettes. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1849. The edition has 286 pages, and bears the imprint of Ticknor, Reed & Fields. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages signed O. W. Holmes, which begins as follows: "Please send the manu- script you have received to some one of your literary advisers, if you are in the habit of consulting any. I could not undertake to read what any gentleman has written about me and my writings to see whether I approved his praise or dissented from his blame." Holmes 198 Poems. New and enlarged edition. Vignettes. 1 2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1849. This edition has 272 pages and bears the imprint of William D. Ticknor & Co. Very fine copy. Holmes 199 Minority Report. W. T. G. Morton, concerning the discovery of the -'Anaesthetic property of Sulphuric Ether," February 28, 1849. With a letter by Holmes, in support of the apphcation to Congress by Dr. Morton for a grant as a recompense for his ser- vices in introducing the use of ether as a means of avoiding and re- ducing pain. 8vo, paper covers. House of Representatives, 30th Congress, 2nd session, 1849. 34 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 200 Astrsea. The Balance of Illusions. 1 2mo, original boards, un- cut. Boston, 1850. Holmes 201 The Benefactors of the Medical School of Harvard University. With a biographical sketch of Dr. George Parkman by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1850. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription, "Dr. Bigelow, with Dr. Holmes's compliments." Holmes 202 An Address by Rev. Henry Neill and a poem, "Angel of Death ! extend thy silent reign !" by Oliver Wendell Holmes, delivered at the dedication of the Pittsfield (Rural) Cemetery, September 9, 1850. With other matter and a map of the grounds. 8vo, original paper covers. Pittsfield, 1850. Holmes 205 Report of a Committee of the Massachusetts Medical Society on Homoeopathy, by O. W. Holmes and others, October 2nd, 1850. 4 pages, 8vo, uncut. Boston, 1850. Holmes 204 Poetical Works. 24mo, original cloth, gilt edges. London,i852. In this edition the poem "To an English Friend" is published for the first time; and two poems, "The Ploughman" and "Pittsfield Cemetery," are now first collected. With these exceptions and the prefatory Memoir, the text of the second issue of poems, 1849, is copied. This edition is issued both with and without engravings. This copy is without them. Holmes 205 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Volume n. May, 1848, to May, 1852. With the article "On the Use of Direct Light in Microscopic Researches," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1852. 3S Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 206 An Account of the Pilgrim Celebration at Plymouth, August i, 1853. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1853. Holmes 207 Puerperal Fever as a Private Pestilence. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1855. This is a reprint of the rare pamphlet, "The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever," 1843, with the addition of an introduction of 20 pages and 2 pages of "References and Cases." Holmes 208 Oration dehvered before the New England Society in New York, December 22, 1855. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1855. Holmes 20Q Speeches of Drs. Thompson, Jackson, Holmes and others at Massachusetts Medical Society Dinner, May, 1856. 8vo, cloth, original paper covers bound in. Boston, 1856. Holmes 210 The Seventy-fourth Anniversary of the Birthday of Daniel Webster. With the poem, "When Life hath seen its largest round," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1856. Holmes 211 Mercantile Library Reporter. Edited and published by the members of the Mercantile Library Association. With contribu- tions by Holmes. 3 volumes, apparently all that were published, 8vo, in original parts as issued, uncut. Boston, 1856—7. Scarce. Holmes 212 Valedictory Address to the Medical Graduates of Harvard University, March loth, 1858. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1858. 36 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 213 The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. With the half-title, the engraved title and the rubricated title. Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1858. An uncommonly fine copy of the first issue of the first edition. In- serted between the pages (i 10 and 1 1 1) of the printed poem is averse in the autograph of the author, as follows; "Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll ! Leave thy low-vaulted past ! Let each new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast. Till thou at last art free. Leaving thine outgrown shell by life's unresting sea ! 1858-1892. [Signed] Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, March 23d, 1892. From 'The Chambered Nautilus.' J )) Holmes 214 The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. With the half-title and the rubricated title. Illustrated. 12 mo, original cloth. Boston, 1858. There were two issues prior to the publication of the second edition (which has the words "second edition "on the title-page). This copy is believed to be the later of these first two issues because in size, in the color and the quality of the paper, and in the style of the cloth covers it resembles the second edition, which also lacks the engraved title. The first issue of the first edition differs from the second edi- tion in all these particulars. Inserted is an autograph letter of three pages dated Beacon street, August 4 [1874], signed O. W. Holmes, in which reference is made to "The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table" and also to "The Poet at the Breakfast-Table," which at the date of the letter was almost ready for the printer. Holmes 215 Trials of a Public Benefactor, as Illustrated in the Discovery of Etherization by Nathan P. Rice. With four letters, a petition and a testimonial by Holmes. Portrait and engravings. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1859. Holmes 216 Gifts of Genius. With the poems "The Beni-Israel," by Holmes, " Socages Penitential Sonnet," by Bryant, and " Sea-Weed," by Lowell. 1 2mo, original cloth. New York, 1859. 37 ;!4Ji& Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 21- A History of the Boston Dispensary. With a letter on the in- conveniences of the system in operation at the Boston Dispensary, by Holmes. Portrait and engravings. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, not published, 1859. Holmes 218 Celebration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Rob- ert Burns. By the Boston Burns Club, January 25, 1859. With the poems " 1 have come with the rest, I can hardly tell why," and " The mountains glitter in the snow," by Holmes, "A hundred years ! they 're quickly fled," by Lowell, " How sweetly come the holy psalms " and a letter, by Whittier, and a speech in eulogy of Burns by Emerson. i2mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1859. Scarce. Holmes •J 19 The Illustrated Pilgrim Almanac for i860. With the poem •• Robinson of Lcyden," by Holmes. Illustrated. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1859. Holmes 220 The Professor at the Breakfast-Table; with the Story of Iris. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. Inserted in the volume opposite the printed poem are three verses in the autograph of the author, as follows: "Her hands are cold, her face is white. No more her pulses come and go. Her eyes are shut to life and light. Fold the white vesture, snow on snow, And lay her where the violets blow. But not beneath a graven stone To plead for tears with alien eyes; A slender cross of wood alone Shall say that here a maiden lies In peace beneath the peaceful skies. If any, born of kindlier blood, Should ask. What maiden lies below? Say only this: A tender bud That tried to blossom in the snow Lies withered where the violets blow. From 'Under the Violets.' [Signed] Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, July 5th, i860." 38 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 321 Memorial of the Commemoration by the Church of the Disci- ples of the fiftieth birthday of their pastor, James Freeman Clarke. April 4,1860. With the poem, "Who is the Shepherd sent to lead." 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. Holmes 222 The New England Tour of H. R. H. The Prince of Wales. With the poems "The Prince's Welcome" and "Our Fatherland," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, i860. Numerous newspaper clippings laid in. Holmes 225 Address at the Inauguration of Cornelius Conway Felton, LL.D., as President of Harvard College, July 19, i860. With an address by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, i860. Autograph, "Prof. F. J. Child," on cover. Holmes 224 Medical Communications of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety. Vol. IX, No. VI, i860. With "Currents and Counter- Currents in Medical Science," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, i860. Holmes 225 Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science. An address delivered before the Massachusetts Medical Society, May 30, i860. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, i860. Holmes 226 Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science, with other addresses and essays. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 186 1. Holm es 227 Elsie Venner : A Romance of Destiny. 2 volumes, 1 2mo, or- iginal cloth. Boston, 1861. 39 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 228 The Address of Mr. Everett and the poem "Vive La France," by Holmes, at the dinner given to H. I. H. Monseignem- the Prince Napoleon, September 25, 186 1. 8vo, original boards, un- cut. Cambridge, privately printed, 1861. Scarce. Holmes 229 Chimes of Freedom and Union. A Collection of Poems for the Times, by Various Authors. With the poems, " Under the Wash- ington Elm," "Army Hymn," " Brother Jonathan's Lament," and " A Voice of the Loyal North," by Holmes, " Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott," by Whittier, and "The Star Spangled Banner," by Bryant. 24mo, half morocco. Boston, 186 1. Inserted in this scarce little volume are the following lines in Holmes's autograph : "From 'Army Hymn.' God of all Nations ! Sovereign Lord ! In thy dread name we draw the sword, We lift the starry flag on high That fills with light our stormy sky ! [Signed] Oliver Wendell Holmes. Boston, May 2d, 1882." Holmes 230 Army Melodies: A Collection of Hymns and Tunes. With "Army Hymn," by Holmes. i6mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1 86 1. Holmes 231 The Soldier's Manual of Devotion; or, Book of Common Prayer, and a Collection of Hymns and National Songs. With the poems "In War Time," an additional verse to the "Star Spangled Banner," " When our land is illumined by Liberty's smile," and " Union and Liberty," by Holmes. Narrow 24mo, original cloth. Alton, Mo., 1861. Rare. Holmes 232 Songs for the P'ourth of July Celebration, 1861. With "Army Hymn " and " Star Spangled Banner," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1861. 40 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 253 Songs in Many Keys. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1862. Holmes 234 Border Lines of Knowledge in some Provinces of Medical Science. An Introductory Lecture, delivered before the Medical Class of Harvard University, Nov. 6th, 1 86 1 . 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1862. Holmes 235 Oration delivered before the City Authorities of Boston on the Fourth of July, 1863. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1863. Holmes 236 Songs of the War. Part I. With the songs " Thus saith the Lord, I offer thee three things," "The Flower of Liberty," and "Voice of the Loyal North," by Holmes; "Our Country's Call," by Bryant; "The Cumberland," by Longfellow. i2mo, original paper covers. Albany, 1863. Holmes 237 Songs for War Time. German Airs with English Words. With "Army Hymn" (fourth appearance) by Holmes. i6mo, stitched. Boston, 1863. Holmes 238 Soundings from the Atlantic. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1864. Holmes 239 Our Daily Fair. With the poems " Father, send on Earth again," "The Poet's Reply," and a letter in answer to a request that he should be funny " over his own signature," by Holmes. Illus- trated. 4to, half morocco, marbled edges. Philadelphia, June 8 to 21st, 1864. Holmes 240 Complimentary Banquet Given by the City Council of Bos- ton to Rear-Admiral Lessoffsky and the Officers of the Russian Fleet, June 7, 1864. With " Song of Welcome," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1864. 6 41 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 241 Fifty-Eighth Anniversary Celebration of the New England Society in the City of New York, Dec. 22, 1863. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1864. Holmes 242 Verses from the Island Book. With five poems by Holmes: " Prelude," " Song for a Hunt," "Answer to an Invitation," " Sun and Shadow," "The Last Look." i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Cambridge, 1865. The island is Naushon. The book was printed, not published. Scarce. ^ Holmes 245 A Memorial of Abraham Lincoln. With the hymn " O Thou of soul and sense and breath," by Holmes. Royal 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1865. Holmes 244 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Memorj' of Edward Everett. With the poem "Cm- First Citizen," by Holmes, and a letter from Whittier. Portrait of Everett. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1865. Holmes 245 Fifty-Ninth Anniversary Celebration of the New England Society in New York, December 22nd, 1864. With a letter by Holmes containing a factitious advertisement, "Great Moral Show of Architectural Models. A. Lincoln, manager." 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1865. Holmes 246 Harvard College. Commemoration Day Programme, July 21, 1865. With the hymn "Union and Liberty," by Holmes. 2 leaves, square 8vo. [Cambridge, 1865. J Holmes 247 Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of George Livermore. With remarks by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1866. 42 Arnold Collection of First Editions Hohnes 248 An Introductory Lecture delivered before the Medical Class of Harvard University, Nov. 6, 1867. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1867. Holmes 249 The Guardian Angel. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1867. Inserted is an autograph letter dated Boston, September 2nd, 1867, in reference to "The Guardian Angel," which was then appearing in The Atlantic Monthly. The letter is here given in part: "It is very grateful to a writer, especially to one who is engaged on a serial story, to have a word or two of approval now and then. I fear you are too sanguine as to the measure of my success, but I am not less sensible to your warm wishes, and beg you to consider me as gratefully sign- ing myself. Yours very truly, Oliver Wendell Holmes." Holmes 250 The Atlantic Almanac, 1868. Edited by Holmes and D. G. Mitchell. With prose articles "The Seasons," by Holmes, "Visit to an Old English Abbey," by Hawthorne, and " Domestic Life," by Emerson; and the poems "A June Day," by Lowell, "A Winter MoonHght" and "Building the Fire," by Whittier, and "Planting the Apple Tree," by Bryant. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1867. Holmes 251 Russian Account of the Official Mission to Russia of Hon. G. V. Fox, in 1866. Translated by S. N. Buynitzky. With the poem "Though watery deserts hold apart," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Washington, 1867. Holmes 252 Sixty-Second Anniversary Celebration of the New England Society in the City of New York, at Delmonico's, Dec. 23, 1867. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. [New York, 1867.] Holmes 253 Sixty-Second Anniversary Celebration of the New England Society in the City of New York, Dec. 23, 1867. With a letter by Holmes, " I am but an indifferent traveller My heart, how- ever, travels extensively, and I shall send it as a special delegate to your meeting of the 23rd." 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1868. 43 Arnold Collection o^" First Editions Holmes 2-^4 Reception and Entertainment of the Chinese Embassy, by the City of Boston. With the poem "Brothers, whom we may not reach," by Hohnes, and a speech on Japan by Emerson. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1868. Holmes aS") The Atlantic Almanac for 1869. With "Talk concerning the human body and its management," by Holmes, and " My Gar- den Aixiuaintance," by Lowell. Colored and plain illustrations. 4to, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1868. Holmes 256 History of the American Stereoscope. Illustrated. i6mo, stitched. n. p., January, 1869. Holmes was the inventor of the Stereoscope. This little pamphlet is quite rare. Holmes 357 Programme of the National Peace Jubilee Concert, June 15, 1869. With "A Hymn of Peace," by Holmes. 8vo, 4 pages. Boston, 1869. Holmes 258 Music to be performed at the Grand National Peace Jubilee, to be held in Boston June, 1869. With "A Hymn of Peace," set to music. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1869. Holmes 259 The National Peace Jubilee and Musical Reporter. With "A Hymn of Peace," written for the National Peace Jubilee by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1869. Holmes 260 In Memory of Fitz Greene Halleck [A Poem]. Read at the Dedication of His Monument in Guilford, Connecticut, July 8, 1869. 8vo, leaflet of 4 pages, of which the third and fourth pages are blank. n. p. [privately printed for the author, 1869]. First edition. Extremely rare. Autograph signature " Oliver Wen- dell Holmes" on second page at end of the poem. In forwarding this poem to General Wilson, at whose request it was written, Dr. Holmes wrote: "In addition to the manuscript of the Halleck poem I send you a printed copy, which you can perhaps read at the unveil- ing ceremonial with more comfort than the original." Enclosed in a cloth case. 44 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 261 Mechanism in Thought and Morals. lamo, original cloth. Boston, 1871. Holmes 262 The Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Frontispiece. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1872. Inserted in this volume are two autograph letters from which extracts are here given : " 296 Beacon St., Nov. 6th, 187 1. Dear Mr. Osgood : I have made up my mind to write for the Atlantic a third series of papers of the same general character as the ' Autocrat ' and the ' Pro- fessor,' beginning in January and continued monthly, barring acci- dents, through the year. Very truly yours, O. W. Holmes." "Boston, April loth, 1872. Mess. J. R. Osgood & Co. Gentle- men : I accept the proposition made through you by Mess. Rout- ledge & Sons, of one hundred pounds sterling for the advance sheets of the 'Poet at the Breakfast-Table.' I will have the copy ready in- cluding the December number, by the first of September. Yours very truly, O. W. Holmes." Holmes 263 The Claims of Dentistry. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1872. Holmes 264 Centennial of the Boston Pier, or the Long Wharf Corporation. With an address in response to the sentiment "The Poetry of Boston Pier: Good Dividends," and the poem beginning, "Dear Friends, v^e are strangers; w^e never before," by Holmes. 8vo, or- iginal paper covers. Cambridge, 1873. Holmes 265 Proceedings at the Farewell Banquet to Professor Tyndall, New- York, Feby 4, 1873. With a letter by Holmes. i2mo, original paper covers. New York, 1873. Holmes 266 A Memorial of Charles Sumner, from the City of Boston. With the hymn " Once more, ye sacred towers," by Holmes. Royal 8vo, original, cloth. Boston, 1874. Inserted is a programme of the services, April 29, 1874, with the hymn in full ; also a ticket of admission to the services. 45 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 267 Proceedings of a Special Meeting of the Massachusetts Histori- cal Society, Dec. 16, 1873. Being the one hundredth Anniver- sary of the Destruction of the Tea in Boston Harbor. With "A Ballad of the Boston Tea Party," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1874. Holmes 268 In Memoriam. Died at Newport, R. I., Sept. 30, 1874, Gard- ner Brewer, in his 69th year. With a tribute to Mr. Brewer, by Holmes. i6mo, original paper covers. Boston, printed for private distribution, 1874. Holmes 269 Proceedings of the Mass. Historical Society, Jan. to June, 1874. With remarks on Scaliger, and life in Leyden a few years before the arrival of the Pilgrims, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1874. Holmes 270 Songs of Many Seasons. 1 862-1 874. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1875. Holmes 271 Fair Play. (A collection of riddles for a fair at Waltham, Mass.) With a rebus by Holmes. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Waltham, October, 1875. Inserted is a printed " Key to Fair Play," and an autograph letter by Holmes in which he alludes to a riddle he gave for "a Fair at Waltham." Very scarce. Fine copy. Enclosed in a cloth case. Holmes 272 Memorial of Bunker Hill. With the poem "Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle," by Holmes. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1875. Holmes 275 Proceedings of the Bunker-Hill Monument Association at the Annual Meeting, June 23, 1875. With the sonnet "Joseph War- ren," by Holmes. Frontispiece. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1875^ 46 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 274 Proceedings of the Mass. Historical Society from April to June, 1875. With a Memoir of Professor Jeffries Wyman" and the poem *' Grandmother's Story of Bunker-Hill Battle," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1875. Inserted is an autograph letter which is here given in full as it estab- lishes the priority of the preceding volume: "Nahant, Aug. 9th, 1875. Dear Mr. Osgood: You may remember that I read the Bunker Hill poem before the Historical Society with your approval. They have sent me a proof of their ' Proceedings' in which I find they have set it up from your published copy. I cannot think that you will object to this at this late period, and as so few of the proceedings are published, but I think it right to tell you, as I got the proof unexpectedly this morning. I am at Nahant for the present if you wish to communicate with me. Yours very truly, O. W. Holmes." Holmes 275 Proceedings, July 3, 1875, in Celebration of the Centennial Anni- versary of Washington's taking command of the Continental Army on Cambridge Common. With the poem "And can it be you've found a place," by Holmes, and the poem beginning, '* Words pass as wind, but where great deeds were done," and speech, by Lowell. Frontispiece view of Soldiers' Monument. 8vo, original cloth. Cambridge, 1875. Holmes 276 Semi-Centennial of the Philomathean Society, Phillips Acad- emy, Andover, Mass., May 26, 1875. With a letter by Holmes giving reminiscences of his school days. Illustrated. 8vo, original paper covers. Hyde Park, 1875. Holmes 277 Laurel Leaves. Dedicated to Oliver Wendell Holmes. With the poems "Old Cambridge," by Holmes; "Amalfi," by Long- fellow; "Poems from the Spanish" and "The Poet Goethe," by Bryant; "Gloria Mundi" and "To a Friend," by Lowell; "Over- ruled," by Whittier. Illustrated. Square 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1876. One signature loose. 47 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 278 Memoir of Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe. By Julia Ward Howe. With the poem "A Memorial Tribute," by Holmes. Portrait. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1876. Holmes 279 Parks for the People. Proceedings of a PubHc Meeting held at Faneuil Hall, June 7, 1876. With a speech by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1876. Holmes 280 The Centennial Exhibition. Centennial Supplement to Barnes' Centenary History. With the poem " Welcome to the Nations," by Holmes, and the " Centennial Hymn," by Whittier. 8vo, orig- inal paper covers, uncut. [New York, 1876.] Holmes 281 A Family Record. Woodstock, Connecticut, July 4th, 1877. 4to, original paper covers. [Cambridge, 1877.] Rare. Only a few copies printed, from large type, for the author's use. "Oliver Wendell Holmes" in his autograph is on the first page of the poem, under the title. Enclosed in a cloth case. Facsimile on page 30. Holmes 282 An Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Boston Mi- croscopical Society. 8 vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1877. Holmes 283 The Story of Iris. Vest Pocket Series. 32mo, original cloth. Boston, 1877. First separate issue. Holmes 284 Tribute of the Massachusetts Historical Society to the Memory of Edward Quincy, by Lowell; and John Lotlirop Mot- ley, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1877. Holmes 285 Edgar Allan Poe. A Memorial Volume by Sara Sigoumey Rice. With letters in facsimile by Holmes, Longfellow, Bryant, Whittier, Swinburne, and Tennyson. Portrait of Poe and view of his tomb. Square 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Baltimore, 1877. 48 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 286 The Poetical Works of Holmes. Household Edition. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1877. Holmes 287 Guide to the Ridge Hill Farms, Wellesley, Mass., and Social Science Reform, Sept., 1877. With a letter by Holmes in reply to an invitation to attend the obsequies of a bear. Map. i6mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1877. Holmes 288 Visions: A Study of False Sight (Pseudopia), By Edward H. Clarke, M. D. With an Introduction and Memorial Sketch by Holmes. Portrait, 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1878. Inserted is an autograph letter of three pages to James R. Osgood, dated February 9th, 1878, signed O. W. Holmes, from which extracts are here given: "The late Dr. Edward Clarke left a manuscript on 'Visions,' etc., to be examined by me and subject to my decision as to whether or not it should be published. I do not hesitate to say that I think it calculated to interest the public and deserving of being made known to them. I am willing to look over all the proofs and to write an introduction short or long as I may think best, but explaining the circumstances — very interesting and exceptional — under which the essay was written. The manuscript consists of six hundred pages." Holmes 289 Poems. New and revised edition. With illustrations. 8vo, orig- inal cloth, gilt edges. . Boston, 1878. Holmes 290 Proceedings of the Harvard Club of New York City at Del- monico's, Feby 21, 1878. With the sonnets "Harvard. ' Christo et Ecclesiae.' 1700" and "1643. 'Veritas.' 1878" and a letter, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1878. Holmes 291 A Memorial Volume containing the Exercises at the Dedication of the Statue of John A. Andrew, at Hingham, Oct. 8, 1875. With the hymn "Behold the shape our eyes have known," by Holmes. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1878. 7 49 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 292 Proceedings (IV) of the Massachusetts Historical Society, No- vember to December, 1878. With "Memoir of John Lothrop Motley," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1878. The Memoir is an abridgment of the complete Memoir, which was not published until 1879. Holmes 293 John Lothrop Motley. A Memoir. Portrait. Large paper, square 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1879. A small edition only made in this size ; the ordinary copies were i2mo. Inserted is an autograph letter of three pages to Robert C. Winthrop, dated 296 Beacon St., Oct. 13th [1878], which is here given in part : " Dr. Ellis has told you how we have arranged it about the Memoir. It is altogether too long, as I have written it, for the 'Proceedings' and I shall draw up one of reasonable length for the Society, omitting such portions as seem superfluous for our pages, and especially such as might lead to differences of opinion within our own body. I shall then be at liberty to print a longer Memoir — some- thing like a Biography — on my own responsibility. Always faithfully yours, O. W. Holmes." Holmes 294 The School-Boy. With illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1879. Holmes 295 Proceedings (I) of the Mass. Historical Society, January to April, 1879. With tributes to George S. Hillard and Dr. Jacob Bigelow, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1879. Holmes 296 Memorial Oration in honor of Ephraim McDowell, by S. D. Gross, M. D. With a letter by Holmes. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth. Louisville, Kentucky, 1879. Holmes 297 Proceedings at a reception in honor of the Rev. O. B. Froth- ingham, given by the Independent Liberal Club April 22, 1879. With a letter by Holmes, a letter by Emerson, and an address by E. C. Stedman. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1879. 50 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 298 City of Boston. Report of the Joint Special Committee on Intramural Interments. With a letter by Holmes, protesting against disturbing the bones of our ancestors in old burying grounds. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1879. Holmes 299 The Iron Gate, and Other Poems. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1880. Holmes 300 Seventieth Birthday of James Freeman Clarke. With the poem "To James Freeman Clarke," by Holmes. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1880. Holmes 301 The Huguenots of the Nipmuck Country; or, Oxford prior to 1 7 1 3. With an introduction by Holmes. Plan. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Boston, 1880. Holmes 302 Proceedings of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Gathering in England, Departiu-e for America, and Final Settle- ment in New England of the First Church and Parish of Dorchester. Mass., March and June, 1880. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1880. Holmes 'jo^ Medicine in Boston. By Samuel A. Green, M. D. With ad- ditional Memoranda by Holmes. Royal 8vo, buckram. [Boston, 1 880. 1 Removed from a copy of " The Memorial History of Boston." Holmes 304 Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Hall of the Boston Medical Association on Dec. 3d, 1880. Square 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1881. Holmes 305 Benjamin Peirce. With the poem "Benjamin Peirce: As- tronomer, Mathematician. 1 809-1 880," by Holmes. Portrait. Square 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Cambridge, 1881. 51 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes '506 Exercises in Celebrating the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniver- sary oi the Settlement of Cambridge, Dec. 28, 1880. With the poem "Home" and a letter by Holmes, remarks by Longfellow, and letters by Lowell and Whittier. Portraits and other illustra- tions. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1881. Holmes •507 Songs and Poems of the Class of 1829. Part IL 1868-1881. With seventeen poems by Holmes. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1881. The pagination is continued from the issue of 1868. Hohnes 308 Poems and Prose Passages from the Works of O. W. Holmes. With a letter, "The Poet to the Children," by Holmes. Illus- trated. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1881. Holmes 309 Gems of Poetry and Song on James A. Garfield. With the poem "After the Burial," by Holmes; the poem " President Gar- field," by Longfellow; and a letter by Whittier. Engraved por- trait of Garfield. Square 1 2mo, original cloth. Columbus, Ohio, 1881. Holmes 010 The Poets' Tributes to Garfield. With the poem "Afterthe Burial," by Holmes. Portrait. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1881. Holmes 31 1 Proceedings (HI) of the Mass. Historical Society from January to June, 1882. Tributes to Dana, Longfellow and Emerson, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1882. Hohnes 312 Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson by the Massachusetts Historical Society. With an address and remarks by Holmes. Portrait. Square 8vo, original boards, gilt top. Boston, 1882. 52 Arnold Collection of First Edition; Holmes 315 Pages from an Old Volume of Life. A Collection of Essays. 1 85 7-1 881. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1883. Holmes 314 Proceedings at the Dinner given by the Medical Profession of the City of New York, April i 2th, 1883, to Oliver Wendell Holmes. With the poem " Have I deserved your kindness ? nay, my friends," by Holmes. Portraits. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. New York, 1883. Holmes 315 Proceedings at a Banquet given by his Friends to the Hon. Marshall P. Wilder. With a letter by Holmes. Portrait. Royal 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Cambridge, 1883. Presentation copy from Marshall P. Wilder. Holmes 316 The New Century and The New Building of the Harvard Medical School, 1 783-1883. With an address and an appeal by Holmes. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1884. Holmes 317 Address and Exercises at the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Medical School of Harvard University, Oct. 17, 1883. With an address by Holmes. Four illustrations. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Cambridge, 1884. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription "James Freeman Clarke, from his friend and classmate Oliver Wendell Holmes." Holmes 318 Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Reports Made to the Boston Medical Library Association, Oct. 7, 1884. Licluding a report of the special meeting for the presentation of a bust of Dr. J. Marion Sims. With remarks on Sims by Holmes, who presided at the meeting. Square 8vo, original paper covers. [Boston, 1884.] Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 3i() A Mortal Antipathy. First Opening of The New Portfolio. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1885. Inserted is an autograph letter by Holmes, dated and signed. Holmes •J20 Ralph Waldo Emerson by O. W. Holmes. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1885. Hohnes 321 Recreations of the Rabelais Club, 1882-1885. With an introductory letter by Holmes. Square 8vo, original cloth, un- cut. Printed for the members. [London, 1885.] Only one hundred copies printed. Number 84. Holmes '322 Address at the Complimentary Dinner to Dr. Benjamin Apthorp Gould. With the poem " A Welcome to Benjamin Apthorp Gould," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Lynn, 1885. Holmes 323 Reception and Dinner given to Hon. John Lowell. With a speech by Holmes, and his poem " Dorothy Q." altered to suit the occasion. Portrait. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1885. Holmes 324 Speeches at the First Dinner of the Phillips Academy Alumni Association. With a speech and the poem " Bill and Joe," by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, Boston, 1886. Scarce. Holmes 325 Programme of the Commemorative Services, King's Chapel, Boston, upon the Completion of Two Hundred Years, Dec. 15, 1886. With the hymn "O'ershadowed by the walls that climb," by Holmes. Vignettes. Square 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1886. 54 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 326 Services at the Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Church in Cambridge, February 7-14, 1886. With the hymn " The Word of Promise" and remarks by Holmes. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1 886. Holmes 527 New Verses from the Harvard Advocate, 1 876-1 886. With the poem " How the Old Horse Won the Bet," by Holmes, printed here for the first time. 1 2mo, original cloth, paper label, gilt top. New York, privately printed by Kilbounie Tompkins, n. d. Holmes 328 Our Hundred Days in Europe. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1887. Inserted is an autograph letter by Holmes, dated and signed. Holmes 529 Beecher Memorial. Contemporaneous Tributes to the Mem- ory of Henry Ward Beecher. With a tribute by Holmes. Portrait. 8vo, original cloth. Brooklyn, privately printed, 1887. Holmes 330 A Testimonial to Charles J. Paine and Edward Burgess from the City of Boston, for their successful defence of the America's Cup. With a letter by Holmes: "General Paine is my near con- nection. Proud as I am of their achievements I own that the General is the only Commander I ever heard of who made himself illustrious by running away from all his competitors." Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original morocco, gilt edges. Boston, 1887. Holmes 331 The Commemoration by King's Chapel, Boston, of the Com- pletion of Two Hundred Years Since Its Foundation, Dec. 15, 1886. With the poem " Is it a weanling's weakness for the past" and the hymn " O'ershadowed by the walls that climb," by Holmes. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887. ss Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes •532 Photograph of Holmes standing in front of his house at Bev- erly. Size 7^x5%' inches. On the reverse of the card to which the photograph is attached are these lines in the autograph of the Poet: " I will own That I should like myself To see my portrait on a wall Or bust upon a shelf. [Signed] Oliver Wendell Holmes. October, 1887." Enclosed in a cloth case. Holmes 333 Before the Curfew, and other Poems, Chiefly Occasional. i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1888. This is one of a few copies issued with leaves uncut. Inserted is an autograph letter by Holmes, dated and signed. Holmes 334 Proceedings (III) of the Massachusetts Historical Society from June, 1888, to January, 1889. With a tribute to James Freeman Clarke, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston [1889]. Holmes 335 Proceedings on the Occasion of Laying the Comer-Stone of the New Library Building of the City of Boston, Nov. 28, 1888. With the poem " Proudly, beneath her ghttering dome," by Holmes. Frontispiece view of the Library. Royal 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1889. Holmes 336 The Story of the Memorial Fountain to Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon. With a letter advising Mr. Childs that he has written a poem for the celebration of the opening of the Fountain, and the poem *' Welcome, thrice welcome, is thy silvery gleam," by Holmes. Portrait and view of the Fountain. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1890. 56 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 3^7 A Report of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Harvard Dental School, March ii, 1889. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1890. Holmes •j-jS James Russell Lowell. 181 9-1 891. [A Poem.] 8vo, broad side. [Boston, 1891.] Extremely rare. Printed for the author's use. This is a presenta- tion copy, with autograph inscription "Robert C. Winthrop, with the kind regards of O. W. Holmes."' Attached to the sheet is the face of the envelope in which the broadside was originally enclosed, post- marked " Oct. 4, 1891." In the lower left-hand corner of the envelope is the autograph "O. W. Holmes." Enclosed in a cloth case. Holmes 'j^9 Over the Teacups. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1891. Inserted is an autograph letter by Holmes, dated and signed. Holmes •340 Memoir of Henry Jacob Blgelow. 8vo, original paper cov- ers, uncut. Cambridge, 1891. Holmes •341 The One Hoss Shay. With Its Companion Poems "How the Old Horse Won the Bet" and "The Broomstick Train," by O. W. Holmes. With illustrations by Howard Pyle. i2mo, original un- dressed calf, gilt top. Boston, 1892. Holmes ';42 Abraham Coles: Biographical Sketch, etc. Edited by his son. Jonathan A. Coles. Illustrated. With letters by Holmes, Whit tier, and Lowell. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. New York, 1892. Presentation copy from the editor to Rev. John Hall. Holmes '>43 Sermons and Addresses in recognition of the Twenty-fiftl) Anniversary of the Installation of Rev. Alex. McKenzie. With a letter containing historical reminiscences of old Cambridge, b\ Holmes. Svo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1892. 8 57 Arnold C\:)llection of First Editions Holmes 544 George W. Childs' Recollections. What Eminent People Say of It. With a letter by Holmes. Portrait of Childs. 8vo, original paper covers. n. p., n. d. Holmes's copy. With autograph inscription, "Dr. Oliver Wendell Mohncs. With the warm regards and appreciation of his old friend and admirer George W. Childs. Philadelphia, Aug. 30, 1892." Holmes 34'5 Dorothy Q. Together with "A Ballad of the Boston Tea Party" and " (Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle." Illustrated by Howard Pyle. lamo, original cloth, silvered top. Boston, 1893. The Preface by Holmes first appears in this the first illustrated edition. Holmes 34O Horatian Echoes. Translations of the Odes of Horace by John Osborne Sargent. With an introduction by Holmes. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1893. Holmes 347 Lucy Larcom. Life, Letters, and Diary. By Daniel D. Addi- son. Portrait. With letters from Holmes, Longfellow, and Whit- « tier, all commending Miss Larcom's poems. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1895. Holmes 348 The Last Leaf. Illustrated by G. W. Edwards and F. H. Smith. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1895. Holmes 349 The Poet Among the Hills. O. W. Holmes in Berkshire. By J. E. A. Smith. With several poems by Holmes of which these four are here first pubhshed: "The New Eden," "Camilla," "Portia's Leaden Casket," "What a Dollar will Buy." i2mo, original cloth. Pittsfield, 1895. Inserted in the volume is a letter by G. Blatchford, the publisher of the book, in reference to the hitherto unpublished poems by Holmes. 58 Arnold Collection of First Editions Holmes 550 The Complete Poetical Works of O. W. Holmes. Cambridge Edition. Portrait and Vignette. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston [1895]. Holmes 351 Life and Letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes by John T. Morse, Jr. Portrait and illustrations. 2 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, paper labels, uncut. Boston, 1896. This copy is one of a few issued with leaves uncut. Holmes 952 Passages from the Correspondence and Other Papers of Rufus W. Griswold. With two letters by Holmes, one asking the editors of Graham's Magazine if they wish to publish his poem " Terpsi- chore"; the second to Mr. Fields asking him to favor Mr. Poe by giving him matter for a biographical notice. 8vo, original cloth. Cambridge, Mass., 1898. Holmes 355 Thoughts and Experiences in and out of School. By John B. Peaslee. With six letters by Holmes, five letters by Whittier, and two letters by Longfellow. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, printed for the Author. Cincinnati, 1900. Presentation copy with autograph inscription of the Author. 59 Henry l^^adsworth Luong fellow 1807 - 1882 Longfellow 354 Autograph Letter of 3 quarto pages written by Stephen Long- fellow, the father of the Poet, to Professor Cleaveland of Bowdoin College, dated January 19, 1825. Longfellow was an under- graduate of Bowdoin at the time this letter was written. The por- tion of the letter that refers to Longfellow is quoted below. "Dear Sir: I lament extremely that my son should have been so regardless of his character, and inattentive to his duties, as to require the punishment which has been inflicted on him. Having warned him most earnestly & affectionately of the danger of the course he was pursuing, I had indulged a hope that reformation would have been produced, and that he would have more wisely improved his time and advantages. But in this I have been most sadly disappointed. Still I cherish the hope that his suspension may have a salutary effect on him, and that, by diligence, he may redeem some of the time, which has been so shamefully misspent. Perhaps I am influenced too much by parental affection, but with all his errors, I think he has tal- ents, and an amiable disposition ; and I most earnestly hope that he may be reclaimed. I shall do all in my power to effect this desirable object, and I must look to the Government of College for aid in its accomplishment. It has been & still is a subject of the deepest solicitude with me, and I have not failed to give him, from time to time, those parental admonitions, which his situation seemed to re- quire. But we are doomed, in this life, to grevious disappointments, & this is one of my severest afflictions. As he had been constantly furnished with money to pay his bills, I am quite unable to conjec- ture the purpose for which he wanted that, which he borrowed of you, but I am much obliged by your kindness in advancing it, & now en- close you the amount, in a five & ten dollar bill of the United States Bank." Longfellow 355 Miscellaneous Poems Selected from the "United States Liter- ary Gazette." With fourteen poems by Longfellow. i6mo, orig- inal boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1826. Only five of the fourteen poems in this volume, written by Long- fellow, were retained in subsequent editions of his poems. The auto- graph of Caroline Eliza Harrod appears on the fly-leaf, with date "Feby i8th, 1826," on the leaf with "Advertisement," and on the leaf with "Table of Contents." On the reverse of "Advertisement" leaf, which is otherwise blank, are several quotations in the same handwriting as the autograph and a few lines in another handwriting. A remarkably fine copy of this scarce volume of American poetry. 60 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 356 The Atlantic Souvenir. 1827. With the poems "The Song of the Birds" and "Burial of the Minnisink," by Longfellow. Il- lustrated. i6mo, original boards, gilt edges. Enclosed in the original board case. Philadelphia, 1826. Rare. Neither of the two poems by Longfellow in this volume are included in the fourteen poems by him in "Miscellaneous Poems." Longfellow yy'] Novelas Espanolas. Edited with a preface by H. W. Long- fellow. i2mo, original boards, cloth back. Brunswick, 1830. Fine copy. Scarce. Longfellow 358 Elements of French Grammar, by M. L'Homond. Trans- lated from the French, with Notes, and such illustrations as were thought necessary for the American pupil. By an Instructer (sic). i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Portland, 1830. Very fine copy of this exceedingly rare book. With original printed errata slips pasted in on pages 34 and 75. Longfellow 359 French Exercises. By an Instructer (sic). i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Pordand, 1830. This copy was obtained by the present owner with the preceding book. It is also a very fine copy and quite as rare as the Grammar. With errata slips pasted in on pages 21 and 39. Longfellow 360 Manuel de Proverbes Dramatiques. Edited with a preface by H. W. Longfellow. 1 2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Portland, 1830. Fine copy. Rare. Longfellow 361 Elements of French Grammar, by M. L'Homond. Trans- lated from the French, with additional notes, for the use of schools by H. W, Longfellow. Second edition. i2mo, original boards, cloth back, paper label. Boston, 1831. 61 OUTRE-MER; A PILGRIMAGE BEYOND THE SEA N^. L I have passed manye landes and manye yles and contrees, and cherched manye fulle straunge places, and have ben in manye a fulle gode honourable companye. Now I am comen home to J-este. And thus recordynge the tyme passed, I have fulfilled these thynges and putte hem wryten in this boke, as it woulde come into my mynde. Sir John Mattndevii,li:. BOSTON: HILLIARD, GRAY, & CO. MDCCC XXXIII. OUTRE-MER; A PILGRIMAGE BEYOJVD THE SEA N^. 11. I have passed ruanye landes and manye yles and contrees, and cherched manye fulle straunge places, and have ben in manye a fulle gode honourable companye. Now I am comen home to reste. And thu3 recordynge the tyme passed, I have fulfilled these thynges and putte hem vvryten in this boke, as it woulde come into my mynde. Sir John Maundkville. BOSTON : LILLY, WAIT, AND COMPANY. M DCCC XXXIV. Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow •562 Le Ministre de Wakefield. 121110, original board covers, cloth back with paper label. Boston, 1831. Exceedingly fine copy of one of the rarest of the Longfellow books. Longfellow '{O3 Saggi de Novellieri Italiani. lamo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1832. Fine copy. Scarce. Book-plate of Isaiah Dole. Longfellow ';()4 Syllabus de la Grammaire Italienne. 1 2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1832. Fine copy. Scarce. Longfellow •365 Coplas de Don Jorge Maurique, Translated from the Spanish; with an Introductory Essay on the Moral and Devotional Poetry of Spain. By H. W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth, paper label. Boston, 1833. Fine copy. Scarce. Longfellow '>66 Outre-Mer; A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. No. I. 8vo, orig- inal paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1833. Outre-Mer; A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. No. II. 8vo, orig- inal paper covers, side and bottom edges uncut. Boston, 1834. No. I has covers of marbled paper. No. II has covers of light blui paper. These two rare volumes are probably the finest that remain. The present owner has never seen another copy of Part I in its original state. The publication in numbers was not carried beyond No. II. The complete work was issued in two volumes in 1835. Longfellow '367 Outre-Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. 2 volumes, i2mo. original cloth. New York, 1835. Fine copy. Longfellow •368 The Portland Sketch Book. With "The Village of Auteuil,'" by Longfellow. Vignette. 1 2 mo, original cloth. Portland, 1836. 64 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 369 Voices of the Night. 1 2mo, original boards, paper label, un- cut Cambridge, 1839. Very fine copy. Scarce. Longfellow 370 Bowdoin Port-Folio. MDCCCXXXIX. Conducted by the Undergraduates of Bowdoin College. With " Leaves from Hy- perion, an unpublished Romance," by Longfellow. 8vo, stitched. Brunswick, 1839. Rare. Longfellow 371 Hyperion. A Romance by the Author of " Outre-Mer." 2 vol- umes, 1 2mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. New York, 1839. Fine copy. Scarce. Longfellow 372 Manuel de Proverhes Dramatiques. Troisieme edition. Edited with a preface by Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth, paper label. Boston, 1840. Longfellow 373 The Bowdoin Poets. With the poems "The Spirit of Poetry," " The Beleaguered City," " Burial of the Minnisink," and " Footsteps of Angels," by Longfellow. Frontispiece illustration of Bowdoin College. i2mo, original cloth. Brunswick, 1840. Longfellow 374 Poems on Slavery. i2mo, original paper covers, uncut. Cambridge, 1842. Very fine copy of one of the rarest of Longfellow's books. Enclosed in a cloth case. Longfellow 375 Poems on Slavery. Second edition. i2mo, original paper covers, uncut. Cambridge, 1842. 9 65 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 376 Ballads and Other Poems. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Cambridge, 1842. Very fine copy. Rare. Longfellow 377 Ballads and Other Poems. Third edition. Royal 8vo, orig- inal boards, paper label, uncut. Cambridge, 1842. Large paper copy. Longfellow 378 Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature. Edited by George Ripley. Vol. XIV. With the poem " Luck of Edenhall," by Longfellow. 8vo, original cloth, paper label, uncut, Boston, 1842. Longfellow 379 The Spanish Student. A Play in Three Acts. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Cambridge, 1843. Very fine copy. Rare. Longfellow 380 Poems. With illustrations by D. Huntington. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1845. Longfellow 381 The Waif. 1 2mo, original boards, paper label. Cambridge, 1845. Edited by Longfellow, who contributed the poem "The Day is Done." Very fine copy, except that many of the leaves are foxed. Longfellow 382 The Knickerbocker Sketch-Book. With "The Blank Book of a Country Schoolmaster," by Longfellow. i2mo, original paper covers. New York, 1845. Scarce. Longfellow 383 The Liberty Bell. By Friends of Freedom. With the poems " The Norman Baron," by Longfellow, and " The Happy Martyr- dom," by Lowell. Portrait of Wendell Phillips. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1845. Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 384 The Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems. i2mo, original illuminated paper covers, uncut. Cambridge, 1846. The illuminated covers are dated 1845. Very fine copy. Rare. Longfellow 385 Poems. Complete in one volume. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. New York, 1846. Fine copy. Scarce. Longfellow 586 Evangeline. A Tale of Acadie. 1 2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1847. Rare. Longfellow 387 Scenes in the Lives of the Apostles. With the poems '* Blessed Are the Dead," by Longfellow, and "The Way of Life," by Lowell. Illuminated title, and eight engravings by Sartain. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1847. Longfellow 388 A Sermon preached at the ordination of Samuel Longfellow at Fall River, Mass., February 16, 1848, by John Wiess. With the hymn "Christ to the young man said: 'Yet one thing more,' " by Longfellow. 8vo, original paper covers. Fall River, 1848. Longfellow 389 Kavanagh, A Tale. 12 mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849. Longfellow 390 The Bowdoin Poets. Second edition. Frontispiece. With the poems "Footsteps of Angels," "The Slave in the Dismal Swamp," "Excelsior," "The Village Blacksmith," and "Sea- Weed," by Longfellow. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Brunswick, Maine, 1849. Longfellow 391 The Seaside and the Fireside. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1850. Very fine copy. 67 Arnold Collection ol First Editions Longfellow ^92 Poems. A new edition including "The Seaside and the Fire- side." 2 volumes, 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1850. Longfellow 393 The Golden Legend. 1 2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1 85 1. Longfellow 394 The Golden Legend. i6mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1851. Longfellow 395 Autuinn Leaves. With the poems "In the Churchyard at Cambridge " and "A Legend of Lady Lee," by Longfellow. 1 2mo, original cloth. Cambridge, 1853. Longfellow 396 The Song of Hiawatha. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1855. Longfellow 397 The Song of Hiawatha. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1855. Longfellow 398 The Golden Legend. Illustrated with fifty engravings on wood from designs by Birket Foster and Jane E. Hay. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1855. Longfellow 399 Prose Works (Including Driftwood, a Series of Essays now first Collected). Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1857. Longfellow 400 The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1858. Longfellow 401 Irvingiana: A Memorial of Washington Irving. With an address and resolutions by Longfellow, and a poem, "Irving described in verse," by Lowell. Portrait and facsimile. Square 8vo, original paper covers. New York, i860. 68 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 402 Tales of a Wayside Inn. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1863. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages dated Cambridge, July 2, 1866, signed Henry W. Longfellow. Longfellow 403 Noel. i2mo, red straight-grain morocco, uncut, by the Club Bindery. Cambridge, 1864. First edition. Very rare. A few copies only of this poem, as originally written by Longfellow in French, were privately printed for the author for distribution among his friends. Longfellow 404 Household Poems. With illustrations by Gilbert, Foster, and Absolon. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1865. Longfellow 405 Flower-de-Luce. Illustrated. Square i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1867. Longfellow 406 The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Translated by H. W. Longfellow. 3 volumes, royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1867. This was the Pope copy. Inserted in volume I is an autograph let- ter, with the original stamped envelope, dated Cambridge, March 20, 1866, in which reference is made to this book as follows: "In answer to your inquiry about my Translation of Dante, I am happy to say, that nearly all the text and more than half the Notes are stereotyped. It will not however be published before the Autumn." Longfellow 407 The New England Tragedies. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1868. Longfellow 408 The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chrysanthus and Daria. A drama of early Christian Rome, from the Spanish of Calderon. With dedicatory sonnets to Longfellow by Denis Florence Mac- Carthy and a letter by Longfellow in regard to Mr. MacCarthy's translation. 8vo, original paper covers. Dublin, 1870. 69 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 409 The Building of the Ship. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1870. Longfellow 410 The Divine Tragedy. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1 87 1. Longfellow 411 The Divine Tragedy. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1871. This and the preceding 8vo edition were issued simultaneously. Longfellow 412 The Alarm Bell of Atri. A poem, by Longfellow. 8vo, printed, on three pages, for the " Fair for our Dumb Animals." Boston, December, 1871. Longfellow 413 Three Books of Song. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1872. Inserted in the volume is the following receipt in the autograph of the poet: "Cambridge, Sept. 7, 1876. Received of J. R. Osgood & Co. Ten hundred and ten Dollars 30-100, quarterly payment of copyright for July, with interest to date. Henry W. Longfellow." Longfellow 414 Christus A Mystery. Comprising The Divine Tragedy, The Golden Legend, and the New England Tragedies. 3 volumes, i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1872. Longfellow 415 Aftermath. Frontispiece. 1 6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1873. Longfellow 416 The Masque of Pandora, and Other Poems. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1875. Inserted in the volume is the following receipt in the autograph of the poet: "Cambridge, April 21, 1876. Received of J. R. Osgood & Co. their cheque for $1000. (one thousand dollars) the same being a quarterly payment of copyright, as per contract. Henry W. Long- fellow." 70 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 417 The Hanging of the Crane. With illustrations. i6mo, orig- inal cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1875. This poem first appeared in the New York Ledger, published by- Robert Bonner. Inserted in the volume are two letters to James R. Osgood, both of which refer to this poem. One, dated Cambridge, March 20, 1874, signed H. W. L., states at the close: "Bonner has published the poem"; the other, dated Nahant, Aug. 6, 1874, is in part as follows: "I see no possible objection to announcing the new poem, without naming the title. I do not think Mr. Bonner could take umbrage at that. Still, as he may be sensitive and tenacious on this point, I wish you would send him a proof-sheet of your Announce- ment, and ask him whether he objects. That would be courteous. If he should object, it would be better to say nothing about the mat- ter. This is the light in which I see the matter at first thought of it. [Signed] Yours truly, H. W. L." Longfellow 418 The Skeleton in Armor. With illustrations. Square 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1877. Inserted is an autograph note dated "Camb. Jan. 8, 1879," and signed Henry W. Longfellow. Longfellow 419 History of the Old South Meeting House in Boston. By E. W. Burdett. With "Ballad of the French Fleet," by Long- fellow. Engravings. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1877. Longfellow 420 Excelsior. With illustrations. Square 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1878. First separate issue. Longfellow 421 Keramos and Other Poems. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1878. Longfellow 425B The Early Poems of H. W. Longfellow, now first collected. Edited and prefaced by R. H. Shepherd. i6mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1878. 7i Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 42'j "The City and the Sea." A poem by Longfellow. With other Cambridge contributions in Aid of The Hospital Fund. With a preliminary verse by Lowell. Square 1 2mo, original cloth. Cambridge, 1881. Longfellow 424 The Masque of Pandora. Music by Alfred ColHer. Ar- ranged for the stage by Bolton Rowe with the permission of the author. Portrait. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 188 1. Longfellow 425 The Sons of Maine. Proceedings at the Banquet of the Sons of the State of Maine in Illinois, June, 1881. With letters from Longfellow and Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Chicago, 1 88 1. Longfellow 426 Ultima Thule. Portrait. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1880. Longfellow 427 In the Harbor: Ultima Thule. Part II. Portrait. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1882. Longfellow 428 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Seventy-fifth Birthday. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, February 27, 1882, With the ode "Many a day and wasted year," a letter and a tele- gram, by Longfellow. Portrait. 1 2 mo, original cloth, gilt top. Portland, 1882. Longfellow 429 The Illustrated Fryeburg Webster Memorial. With " Lovewell's Flight," the first poem Longfellow gave to the world with his name attached ; and the poem " O mountains of the North unveil," by Whittier. Portrait. 8vo, original paper covers. ;^ryeburg, Maine, 1882. 72 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 430 The Home Life of Henry W. Longfellow. Reminiscences of Many Visits at Cambridge and Nahant, During the Years 1881, 1882, and 1883. By Blanche R. Tucker-Macchetta. Frontispiece and facsimile of the last letter written by Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1882. Longfellow 431 Michael Angelo. A Dramatic Poem. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1884. Longfellow 432 Fourth Annual Report of the Dante Society, May 19, 1885. With an appendix containing additional notes to the Divine Comedy, by Longfellow. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1885. Longfellow 433 History of the Ordination of Caleb D. Bradlee, and History of the Thirtieth Anniversary of his Ordination, Dec. 11, 1884. With the hymn " O God, thy children gathered here," by Long- fellow, and a letter by Holmes. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1885. Longfellow 434 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Seventy-eighth Birthday. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 27, 1885. Un- veiling of the Bust of Longfellow. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Portland, 1885. Longfellow 435 The Longfellow Collector's Handbook. i2mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. New York, 1885. 250 copies printed. Longfellow 436 Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence, and Final Memorials. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. 3 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1 886-1 887. Longfellow 437 The Song of Hiawatha. With illustrations from designs by Frederic Remington. 8vo, original russet calf, gilt top. Boston, 1 89 1 10 73 yames Russell Lowell i8ig - i8gi Lowell 43S Harvardiana. Vol. IV in the original ten parts, with all the original paper covers, 8vo, uncut. Cambridge, 1838. Of the one hundred and sixteen articles comprising the contents of this volume of Harvardiana sixty-seven were contributed by the edi- tors: Lowell, Nathan Hale, Jr., Chas. W. Scates, Rufus King, and G. W. Lippitt. Lowell's prose compositions have never been repub- lished. Very fine copies, as issued. Rare. Lowell 459 Class Poem. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1838. Fine copy. Rare. Lowell 440 A Year's Life. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1 84 1. Very fine copy. Rare. Lowell 441 The Token and Atlantic Souvenir. With "The Ballad of the Stranger," by Lowell. Ten steel engravings. i6mo, original stamped leather binding, gilt edges. Boston, 1842. Lowell 442 The Liberty Bell. By Friends of Freedom. With three son- nets, " Great truths are portions of the soul of man," " If ye have not the one great lesson learned," "The hungry flame did never yet seem hot," by Lowell. i6mo, original boards, gilt edges. Boston, 1842. Lowell 443 The Pioneer. A Literary and Critical Magazine. J. R. Lowell and R. Carter, Editors and Proprietors. January, 1843. Vol. I, No. I. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1843. This number contains the sonnet "Our love is not a fading earthly flower," the essay on "The Plays of Thomas Middleton," and literary notices, by Lowell; and the story "The Tell-Tale Heart," by Poe. Two full-page plates lacking are replaced by reproductions. Margins of several leaves water-stained. Very rare. 74 Arnold Collection of First Editions Longfellow 430 The Home Life of Henry W. Longfellow. Reminiscences of Many Visits at Cambridge and Nahant, During the Years 1881, 1882, and 1883. By Blanche R. Tucker-Macchetta. Frontispiece and facsimile of the last letter written by Longfellow. 12 mo, original cloth. New York, 1882. Longfellow 431 Michael Angelo. A Dramatic Poem. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, original cloth, giU edges. Boston, 1884. Longfellow 432 Fourth Annual Report of the Dante Society, May 19, 1885. With an appendix containing additional notes to the Divine Comedy, by Longfellow. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1885. Longfellow 433 History of the Ordination of Caleb D. Bradlee, and History of the Thirtieth Anniversary of his Ordination, Dec. 11, 1884. With the hymn " O God, thy children gathered here," by Long- fellow, and a letter by Holmes. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1885. Longfellow 434 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Seventy-eighth Birthday. Proceedings of the Maine Historical Society, Feb. 27, 1885. Un- veiling of the Bust of Longfellow. With a letter by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Portland, 1885. Longfellow 435 The Longfellow Collector's Handbook. i2mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. New York, 1885. 250 copies printed. Longfellow 436 Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence, and Final Memorials. Edited by Samuel Longfellow. 3 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. Boston, 1886-1887. Longfellow 437 The Song of Hiawatha. With illustrations from designs by Frederic Remington. 8vo, original russet calf, gilt top. Boston, 1 89 1. 10 73 yames Russell Lowell i8ig - i8gi Lowell 438 Harvardiana. Vol. IV in the original ten parts, with all the original paper covers, 8vo, uncut. Cambridge, 1838. Of the one hundred and sixteen articles comprising the contents of this volume of Harvardiana sixty-seven were contributed by the edi- tors: Lowell, Nathan Hale, Jr., Chas. W. Scates, Rufus King, and G. W. Lippitt. Lowell's prose compositions have never been repub- lished. Very fine copies, as issued. Rare. Lowell 439 Class Poem. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1838. Fine copy. Rare. Lowell 440 A Year's Life. 1 2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1 84 1. Very fine copy. Rare. Lowell 441 The Token and Atlantic Souvenir. With "The Ballad of the Stranger," by Lowell. Ten steel engravings. i6mo, original stamped leather binding, gilt edges. Boston, 1842. Lowell 442 The Liberty BelL By Friends of Freedom. With three son- nets, " Great truths are portions of the soul of man," " If ye have not the one great lesson learned," "The hungry flame did never yet seem hot," by Lowell. i6mo, original boards, gilt edges. Boston, 1842. Lowell 443 The Pioneer. A Literary and Critical Magazine. J. R. Lowell and R. Carter, Editors and Proprietors. January, 1843. Vol. I, No. I. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1843. This number contains the sonnet " Our love is not a fading earthly flower," the essay on "The Plays of Thomas Middleton," and literary notices, by Lowell; and the story "The Tell-Tale Heart," by Poe. Two full-page plates lacking are replaced by reproductions. Margins of several leaves water-stained. Very rare. 74 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 473 The Rendition of Anthony Burns; Its Causes and Conse- quences. A Discourse by James Freeman Clarke, June 4, 1854. With the hymn " Men! whose boast it is that ye," by Lowell. 8vo. original paper covers. Boston, 1854. Lowell 474 The Poems of Maria Lowell. Edited by J. R. Lowell. Portrait. Square i2mo, original cloth, bevelled edges, title in gilt on front cover, gilt edges. Cambridge, privately printed, 1855. Fine copy. Only fifty copies of this book were printed by Lowell for private distribution, and of these so few now remain that the little volume is one of the scarcest in this collection. Lowell 475 The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. With a memoir by J. R. Lowell. Portrait. 3 volumes, i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1855. Lowell 476 Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 volumes, 32mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1858. Lowell 477 Poetry of the Bells. With the poems "Godminster Chimes" and "An Incident of the Fire at Hamburg," by Lowell; "Caril- lon," "Song of the Bell," and "The Spire of Strasburg Cathedral," by Longfellow; "The air is hushed," from " Urania," by Holmes. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1858. Lowell 478 Report of the Committee of the Association of the Alumni of Harvard College, July 16, 1857. With a state- ment of deficiencies in the Library of Harvard University, by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1858. Lowell 479 Mason and Slidell: A Yankee Idyll. 8vo, stitched. Jaalam, 6th Jan., 1862. Very rare. One of a few copies made for the Author's use. En- closed in a cloth case. 79 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 480 II Pesceballo. Opera Seria: In un Atto, Musica del Maestro Rossibelli-Donimosarti. The words by F. J. Child, the English text by Lowell. i2mo, stitched. [Cambridge, 1862.] Privately printed. Fine copy. Very rare. Lowell 481 Fireside Travels. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1864. Lowell 482 The Spirit of the Fair [In aid of the United States Sanitary Commission]. With the poems "To a Friend who sent me a Meerschamn," by Lowell; "The Duke's Exequy," by Stedman; and the prose article "The Devotional Poetry of Dr. Watts," by Bryant. 17 numbers, 4to, uncut. New York, April, 1864. Complete set. Scarce in the original state. Lowell 483 Ode Recited at the Commeinoration of the Living and Dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. 8vo, original boards, paper label on front cover, gilt top. Cambridge, privately printed, 1865. No. 30 of fifty copies printed for Lowell's use. Presentation copy with autograph inscription: "F. H. Underwood from J. R. L. 3d Sept'r, 1865." Book-plate of F. H. Underwood. Very rare. Lowell 484 Original Autograph Manuscript of Hob Gobling's Song, consisting of seven verses of eight lines each on two small sheets of paper. [1866.] This poem was written by Lowell for the magazine "Young Folks." With the MS. is the printed proof, attached to which is an additional verse also in Lowell's handwriting, making eight verses in all, as pub- lished. Lowell 485 The Biglow Papers. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1867. Book-plate of John Fiske. 80 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 473 The Rendition of Anthony Burns; Its Causes and Conse- quences. A Discourse by James Freeman Clarke, June 4, 1854. With the hymn " Men ! whose boast it is that ye," by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1854. Lowell 474 The Poems of Maria Lowell. Edited by J. R. Lowell. Portrait. Square 12 mo, original cloth, bevelled edges, title in gilt on front cover, gilt edges. Cambridge, privately printed, 1855. Fine copy. Only fifty copies of this book were printed by Lowell for private distribution, and of these so few now remain that the little volume is one of the scarcest in this collection. Lowell 475 The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. With a memoir by J. R. Lowell. Portrait. 3 volumes, i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1855. Lowell 476 Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 volumes, 32mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1858. Lowell 477 Poetry of the Bells. With the poems " Godminster Chimes " and "An Incident of the Fire at Hamburg," by Lowell; "Caril- lon," "Song of the Bell," and "The Spire of Strasburg Cathedral," by Longfellow; "The air is hushed," from "Urania," by Holmes. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1858. Lowell 478 Report of the Committee of the Association of the Alumni of Harvard College, July 16, 1857. With a state- ment of deficiencies in the Library of Harvard University, by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1858. Lowell 479 Mason and Slidell: A Yankee Idyll. 8vo, stitched. Jaalam, 6th Jan., 1862. Very rare. One of a few copies made for the Author's use. En- closed in a cloth case. 19 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 480 II Pesceballo. Opera Seria: In un Atto, Musica del Maestro Rossibelli-Donimosarti. The words by F. J. Child, the English text by Lowell. i2mo, stitched. [Cambridge, 1862.] Privately printed. Fine copy. Very rare. Lowell 481 Fireside Travels. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1864. Lowell 48s The Spirit of the Fair [In aid of the United States Sanitary Commission]. With the poems "To a Friend who sent me a Meerschaum," by Lowell; "The Duke's Exequy," by Stedman; and the prose article "The Devotional Poetry of Dr. Watts," by Bryant. 17 numbers, 4to, uncut. New York, April, 1864. Complete set. Scarce in the original state. Lowell 483 Ode Recited at the Commemoration of the Living and Dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. 8vo, original boards, paper label on front cover, gilt top. Cambridge, privately printed, 1865. No. 30 of fifty copies printed for Lowell's use. Presentation copy with autograph inscription: "F. H. Underwood from J. R. L. 3d Sept'r, 1865." Book-plate of F. H. Underwood. Very rare. Lowell 484 Original Autograph Manuscript of Hob Gobling's Song, consisting of seven verses of eight lines each on two small sheets of paper. [1866.] This poem was written by Lowell for the magazine " Young Folks." With the MS. is the printed proof, attached to which is an additional verse also in Lowell's handwriting, making eight verses in all, as pub- lished. Lowell 485 The Biglow Papers. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1867. Book-plate of John Fiske. 80 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 486 Under the Willows and Other Poems. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1869. Inserted is an autograph note dated Elmwood, 2nd July, 1868, signed J. R. Lowell. Lowell 487 The Atlantic Almanac for 1870. With the prose articles " A Good Word for Winter," by Lowell, and " Bo-Peep, A Pastoral," by W. D. Howells. Illustrated. 4to, original illuminated paper covers. Boston, 1869, Lowell 488 Among My Books. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1870. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages dated " Legacion de los Estatdos Unidos de America en Espana, 25 Feb. 7, 1878," in which Lowell asks his publisher, Mr. Osgood, to send him "three sets of 'Among My Books.' " Lowell 489 The Cathedral. Vignette. 1 2 mo, original cloth. Boston, 1870. Lowell 490 The Poetical Works of John Keats. With a memoir by Lowell. Portrait. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1870. The first edition was published in 1854. Lowell 491 Proceedings (VII) of the Mass. Historical Society for June, July, August, and September, 1870. With a tribute to John P. Kennedy, by Lowell, and a letter in reference to Kennedy, by Holmes. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1870. Lowell 492 My Study Windows. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 187 1. Lowell 493 The Courtin'. Illustrated by Winslow Homer. 4to, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1874. First separate edition. II 81 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 494 Among my Books. Second series. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1876. Inserted is an autograph letter from Lowell to his publisher, dated Elmwood, 4th July, 1875, in relation to this book, then in preparation. Lowell 495 Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration of Concord Fight, April 19, 1875. Portrait and facsimile. With the ode "Who cometh over the hills," by Lowell, an address by Emerson, and a letter by Whittier. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Concord, 1876. Lowell 496 The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell. House- hold Edition. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1876. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription "To Mr. John Owen with the author's regards, i6th May, 1877." Owen was the publisher of the first edition of Lowell's "Conversations on Some of the Old Poets," issued in 1845. Inserted is an autograph letter to Mr. Tick- nor, the publisher, dated Elmwood, i8th Feb., 1876, signed J. R. Lowell, in reference to the terms of the contract for the publication of the Household Edition of the poems. Lowell 497 Alpha Delta Phi Reunion Dinner in New York, 1875. With a letter by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, privately printed, 1876. Lowell 498 Three Memorial Poems. Square i6mo, original cloth, red edges. Boston, 1877. Inserted is an autograph note from Lowell to his publisher. Lowell 499 The Life of Edgar Allan Poe, by Wm. F. Gill. With letters by Lowell, Whittier, and Holmes. Portrait, illustrations, and fac- similes. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1877. 82 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 500 Old South Meeting-House. Report of a Meeting of the In- habitants of Cambridge in Memorial Hall, Harvard College, Janu- ury 18, 1877. With an address by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1877. Lowell 501 A Moosehead Journal. Illustrated. Vest-Pocket Series. 3 2 mo, original cloth. Boston, 1877. First separate edition. Lowell 502 A Masque of Poets. With the poems " My Heart I Cannot Still It" and " Red Tape," by Lowell. No Name Series. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1878. A list of the contributors to this volume and an autograph letter relating to them are inserted. Lowell 503 Class Day. With ten photogravure illustrations. Square folio, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1878. Written by Lowell for "The Harvard Book," from a copy of which the article has been extracted and specially bound. Lowell 504 Death of President Garfield. Meeting of Americans in Lon- don, at Exeter Hall, 24th Sept., 1881. With an address on Garfield, by Lowell. Portrait, original cloth, gilt top. London, 1881. Only 100 copies printed. Presentation copy, with inscription "With B. F. Stevens' compliments." Stevens was the publisher of the book. Lowell 505 Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone. By J. L. Basford. With a letter by Lowell. Square i6mo, original cloth, red edges. London, 1882. Lowell 506 Browning Society. Address on Browning, by Lowell, at the 24th meeting, April 24th, 1884. 8vo, sewed. n. p., 1884. Only issued to members of the society. 83 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 507 Transactions of the Wordsworth Society. No. VI. With an address by Lowell. Frontispiece. 8vo, original paper covers, cloth back, uncut. Edinburgh, 1884. Lowell 50S John Howard Payne. A Biographical Sketch of the Author of " Home, Sweet Home," with a narrative of the removal of his remains from Tunis to Washington, by Chas. H. Brainerd. With two letters by Lowell, relating to the removal of Payne's remains. Portrait and illustrations. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1885. Lowell 509 John Howard Payne, Dramatist, Poet, Actor, and Author of "Home, Sweet Home!" His Life and Writings, by Gabriel Har- rison. Illustrated. With three letters by Lowell, all relating to the removal of the remains of Payne from Tunis to Washington, 8vo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1885. Lowell 510 Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Concord, Sept. 12, 1885. With a speech, reminiscent of Concord, and the connection it has with literature, by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. Concord, 1885. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription " Chief Justice White with regards of Geo. F. Hoar." Lowell 511 The Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Set- tlement of Newbury. With a letter by Lowell and a letter by Whittier. Royal 8vo, original paper covers. Newburyport, 1885. Lowell 512 Wensley and Other Stories. By Edmund Quincy. With the poem " Bankside," by Lowell. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1885. 84 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 513 Proceedings at the Dedication of the New Library Building, Chelsea, Mass., Dec. 22, 1885. With an address by Lowell. Frontispiece. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1886. Lowell 514 Fifth Annual Report of the Dante Society, May 16, 1886. With an essay on Dante, by Lowell, reprinted from Appleton's Cyclopaedia, 1859. 8vo, original paper covers. Cambridge, 1886. Lowell 515 Proceedings of the Dedication of the Fountain on Eaton Square, Ward 24, Oct. 24, 1885, in Memory of Theodore Lyman, Jr., Mayor of Boston in 1834-35. With the poem "The Foun- tain" (set to music) and a letter by Lowell, and a letter by Holmes. Two portraits and a view of the Fountain. Royal 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1886. Lowell 516 Address [on Democracy] Delivered before the Birmingham and Midland Institute, at Birmingham, on Monday, October 6th, 1884, by James Russell Lowell, D. C. L., LL. D., &c., &c. Square 8vo, stitched. London [1884J. Proof copy for Lowell's own use. Printed on one side only of each leaf; in larger type and differing in text from the published versions. With manuscript additions in Lowell's autograph on the margins of pages 7, 9, and 16, which are incorporated in the Birmingham issue. Probably unique. Enclosed in a cloth case. Facsimile of page 16 on verso of this leaf. Lowell 517 On Democracy. An Address Delivered in the Town Hall, Bir- mingham, on the 6th of October, 1884, by His Excellency, The Hon. James Russell Lowell, D. C. L., LL. D., American Minister in London, President. 8vo, stitched. Birmingham [1884]. This, the first published edition, differs in text not only from the proof copy, but also differs from the Address as published in Lowell's collected writings. Scarce. Enclosed in a cloth case. 85 i6 the worn-out farms of Massachusetts and making them pro- ductive again by the same virtues of industry and thrift that once made them profitable to the Enghsh ancestors of the men who are deserting them. To have achieved even these prosaic results (if you choose to call them so), and that out of materials the most discordant, I might say the most recalcitrant, argues a certain beneficent virtue in the system that could do it, and is not be accounted for by mere luck. Carlyle said scornfully that America meant only roast turkey every day for everybody He forgot that States, as Bacon said of wars, go on their bellies. As for the security of property, it should be tolerably well assured in a country where every other man hopes to be rich, even though the only property qualification be the ownership of two hands that add to the general wealth. Is it not the best security for anything to interest the largest possible number of persons in its preservation and the smallest in its division? In point of fact far-seeing men count the increasing power of wealth and its combinations as one of the chief dangers with which the institutions of the United States are threatened in the not distant future. The right of individual property is no doubt the very corner- stone of civilisation as hitherto understood, but I am a little impatient of being told that property is entitled to exceptional consideration because it bears all the burthens of the State It bears those indeed which can most easily be borne, but poverty pays with its person the chief expenses of war, pestilence, and famine. Wealth should not forget this, for Poverty is beginning to think of it now n . and then.^ ^' '^^ '^^' ' I bhould not think of coming before you to defend or to ^^^ ti^t^*^'^^' criticise any form of government. All have their virtues, '^^^ ^^ fl£c«/t^ all their defects, and all have illustrated one period or ''2^*^ cc4 "Cu^^cui^ See No. 516. Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 518 Addresses at the Inauguration of Bryn Mawr College, 1885. With an address by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. Philadelphia, 1886. Lowell 519 Richard the Third and the Primrose Criticism. lamo, sheets, folded, uncut. Chicago, 1887. Lowell 520 Democracy and Other Addresses. i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1887. One of a few copies bound with leaves uncut. Lowell 521 A Record of the Commemoration, Nov. 5th to 8th, 1886, on the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of Har- vard College. With an oration and a speech by Lowell, and a poem and a speech by Holmes. Illustrations and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Cambridge, 1887. Lowell 52a Proceedings of the Mass. Historical Society from Oct. 1886, to January, 1887. With a tribute to C. F. Adams, by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. n. p., 1887. Lowell 535 The West Church, Boston. Commemorative Services on the Fiftieth Anniversary of its present Ministry and One Hundred and Fiftieth of its Foundation, March i, 1887. With an address by Lowell. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1887. Lowell 524 Political Essays. Crown 8vo, original cloth, paper label, un- cut. Boston, 1888. Only 75 copies were bound with leaves uncut. Lowell 525 Introduction to "The Progress of the World." Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. [Boston, 1888,] Lowell's article extracted from the book and specially bound. 87 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 526 Heartsease and Rue. Portrait, i2mo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1888. One of 250 copies bound with leaves uncut. Book-plate of E. H. Bierstadt. Lowell 527 The Independent in Politics. Reform Club Series. — I. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. New York, The Reform Club, 1888. Number 250 of 300 copies printed on large paper. Lowell 528 Arbor Day. With a letter by Lowell to H. L. Wood, "a tribute of friendly gratitude for the inventor of Arbor Day." Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1888. Lowell 529 Proceedings at the Meeting for the Formation of the Interna- tional Copyright Association, Dec. 27, 1887. With a speech from the Chair by Lowell. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1888. Lowell 530 What American Authors Think About International Copyright. With letters by Lowell, Holmes, Longfellow, and Whittier. Facsimiles. 8vo, stitched. New York, 1888. Lowell 531 Report of the Proceedings at the Dinner Given by the Society of Authors to American Men and Women of Letters, July 25, 1888. With a speech by Lowell on American Literature. 8vo, original paper covers. London, 1888. Lowell 532 The Washington Centenary, Celebrated in New York, April 29-30-May I, 1889. With "Literature's part in the Celebra- tion," by Lowell, and the poem "The Vow of Washington," by Whittier. Illustrated. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1889. 88 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 533 The Complete Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With an introduction by James Russell Lowell. Illustrated. 2 volumes, 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, other edges uncut. Boston, 1889. Number 405 of 500 copies of this edition printed for America and England. Lowell 534 The Soldiers' Field, June 10, 1890. With inscription, etc., by Lowell. 8vo, original paper covers. n. p. [1890]. The Soldiers' Field was presented to Harvard University by H. L. Higginson, and is marked with a stone bearing the names of some of Lowell's friends and an inscription composed by Lowell. Lowell 535 Publications of the Modern Language Association, Vol. V, No. I. With an address on three dead languages: Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, by Lowell. Dec, 1889, 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Baltimore, 1890. Lowell 536 Latest Literary Essays and Addresses of J. R. Lowell. Portrait on India paper. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Cambridge, 1891. This edition antedates by one year the ordinary issue (1892). One of fifty large-paper copies printed for Europe. No. 42. Lowell 537 The Old English Dramatists. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1892. Lowell 538 American Ideas for English Readers. Portrait. Narrow i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1892. Book-plate of E. H. Bierstadt. Lowell 539 Conversations on Some of the Old Poets. With an intro- duction by R. E. Thompson. Third edition enlarged by the ad- dition of the two essays "Thomas Middleton" and "English Song Writers," reprinted from The Pioneer. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1893. 12 89 Arnold Collection of First Editions Lowell 540 Letters of James Russell Lowell. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. Portrait. 2 volumes, 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, other edges uncut. New York, 1894. Lowell 541 Last Poems. Portrait. i2mo, original buckram, gilt top, other edges uncut. Boston, 1895. Lowell 542 Lectures on English Poets. 8vo, original half morocco, un- cut. Cleveland, The Rowfant Club, 1897. Only 224 copies printed, of which this is number 166. Lowell 545 Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Dec, 1896, and January, 1897. With a despatch from Lowell, while Minister to Spain, about a Frenchman who smuggled petroleum into Madrid through the medium of lean women. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. [Boston, 1897.] Lowell 544 Impressions of Spain. Compiled by Joseph B. Gilder, with an introduction by A. A, Adee. 1 2mo, original cloth, gilt top, other edges unCut. Boston, 1899. Lowell 545 James Russell Lowell and His Friends. By Edward Everett Hale. With portraits, facsimiles, and other illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1899. 90 Henry David Thoreau 1817 - 1862 Thoreau 546 A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, and Cambridge, 1849. An uncommonly fine copy. Scarce. Facsimile of title on next page. Thoreau 547 Walden; or, Life in the Woods. Vignette and map. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1854. An uncommonly fine copy. Scarce. Thoreau 548 Echoes of Harper's Ferry, by James Redpath. With "A Plea for Captain John Brown," a lecture, by Thoreau, two speeches by Emerson, and the poem "Brown of Osawatomie," by Whittier. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. Thoreau 549 Excursions. Portrait. lamo, original cloth. Boston, 1863. Thoreau 550 The Maine Woods. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1864. Thoreau 551 Cape Cod. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1865. Thoreau 552 Letters to Various Persons. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1865. 91 A WEEK ON THE CONCORD AND MERRIMACK RIVERS, BY HENRY D. THOREAU. BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE: JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. NEW YORK : GEORGE P. PTTTNAM. PHILADELPHIA : LINDSAY AND BLACKISTON. LONDON : JOHN CHAPMAN. 1849. Arnold Collection of First Editions Thoreau 'y'y^ A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. 1 2 mo, original cloth. Boston, 1866. Thoreau 554 Thoreau: The Poet-Naturalist. By William Ellery Channing. With memorial verses by Emerson, i amo, original cloth. Boston, 1873. Thoreau 555 Early Spring in Massachusetts. From the Journal of H. D. Thoreau. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1881. Thoreau 556 Henry D. Thoreau. By F. B. Sanborn. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top, other edges uncut. Boston, 1883. Thoreau 557 Winter: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Edited by H. G. O. Blake. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1886. Thoreau 558 Autumn: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Edited by H. G. O. Blake. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1892. Thoreau 559 Familiar Letters of Henry David Thoreau. Edited with an introduction and notes by F. B. Sanborn. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1894. 93 aiOLL PITCHER, A POEM. : ''^If the scclccr be of an haute and stomachful carriage, and malieth mcrrie of the wisdom of thine art, thou mayest gain an empery over his orgulous and misbelieving spirit, by some full strange, and terrible misterie, or cunning device, whereat he may be amort with doleful misgivings," C. Agripp. J^ote to Ahra kat Mrc. BOSTON: GARTER AND HENDEE. 1832. yohn Greenleaf Whittier iSoy - i8g2 Whittier 560 Incidental Poems. Accompanied with Letters, and a few Select Pieces, mostly original, for their illustration. Together with a pre- face and sketch of the Author's Life. By Robert Dinsmoor, the "Rustic Bard." i2mo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Haverhill, 1828. This volume contains the first poem by Whittier printed in a book : "J. G. Whittier To the 'Rustic Bard,' " pages 248, 249, and 250. It has never been reprinted. About one-half of the original paper label remains. A very fine copy of this rare volume. Enclosed in cloth case. Whittier 561 Specimens of American Poetry. With Critical and Bio- graphical Notices. By Samuel Kettell. With the poem " The Si- cilian Vespers," by Whittier. 3 volumes, i2mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. Boston, 1829. Fine copy. Extra-illustrated by the insertion of 25 portraits and a view of Bunker Hill Monument. Book-plate of Cheshire Athenaeum in each volume. Whittier 562 Legends of New England. i2mo, original boards, cloth back. Hartford, 1831. None of the poems in this volume were ever reprinted except "Metacom." Only a portion of the original paper label remains, but otherwise this is a fine copy. Rare. Book-plate of E. H. Bierstadt. Whittier 563 The American Common-Place Book of Poetry. With oc- casional notes by George B. Cheever. With the poems " Her lover died away from her," "She leaned against her favorite tree," "To the Dying Year," "The Indian's Tale," "A Legend," by Whittier; " Woods in Winter," "Autumn," "The Spirit of Poetry," "April," "Burial of the Minisink," "Hymn of the Moravian Nuns," "Earth with her thousand voices praises God," by Longfellow; "Crossing the Ford," by Holmes. i2mo, original boards, uncut. Boston, 1831. Fine copy. Scarce. Whittier 564 Moll Pitcher : A Poem. 8vo, blue crushed levant morocco, top edges gilt, other edges uncut, by Bradstreet's. Boston, 1832. Very rare. This copy is from the library of Thomas J. McKee and has his book-plate. Facsimile of title-page opposite. 95 Arnold Collection of First Editions JV bit tier 565 Mirick, B. L. The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts. Fron- tispiece view of Haverhill. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, pa- per label, uncut. Haverhill, 1832. That this scarce town history was written by Whittier is not gener- ally known. It is not mentioned in Bierstadt's "Whittier Bibliogra- phy" or "Foley's First Editions of American Authors." An advertisement appeared in "The Haverhill Gazette" of March 27, 1830. ADVERTISEMENT. The subscriber proposes to publish a history of Haverhill, from its first settlement in 1640 to the present time. . . . He trusts that the citizens of his native town will approve of this proposal, and he pledges himself that no pains on his part will be spared to render the work worthy of their acceptance. . . . The price will be 87 1-2 cents in case the number of pages does not exceed two hundred ; if, however, the material of history should swell the volume beyond this number of pages, the price will be $1.00. John G. Whittier. Haverhill, March 27, 1830. In the same issue of "The Haverhill Gazette," an editorial written by Whittier calls the attention of readers to the Advertisement. Very fine copy. Whittier 566 The Literary Remains of John G. C. Brainard. With a sketch of his life, by Whittier. 1 2mo, original boards, cloth back, paper label, uncut. Hartford, 1832. Fine copy. Whittier 567 Justice and Expediency; or, Slavery considered with a view to its rightful and effectual remedy. Abolition. 8vo, stitched. New York, 1833. Second edition. Scarce. The first edition was printed at Haverhill and bears the same date. This second edition is number 4, volume i, of the Atiti-Slavery Reporter. Whittier 568 The Maryland Scheme of Expatriation Examined. By a Friend of Liberty. With the poem "The Hunters of Men," by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1834. A piece has been cut from the front cover. Scarce. 96 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 569 The Oasis. Edited by Mrs. Child. With the poems "Slave Ships," by Whittier, and "The Slave Trader," by Elizabeth H. Whittier. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1834. Scarce. Whittier 570 Address to the People of the United States, by a Commit- tee of the New England Anti-Slavery Convention Held in Boston, May, 1834. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1834. Whittier was a member of the Committee. Scarce. Whittier 571 Youth's Keepsake. Illustrated. With the poem "The Harvest Moon," by Whittier. 24mo, original boards, leather back, gilt edges. Boston, 1835. Scarce. Whittier 572 The Gift. With the four poems, "New England," "The Sicilian Vespers," "Adoration," and "To a Star," by Whittier. Frontis- piece. 24mo, original calf. Concord, New Hampshire, 1835. Scarce. Whittier 573 Mogg Megone, A Poem. 32mo, original cloth. Boston, 1836. Very fine copy. Rare. Whittier 574 The Laurel. With the poems "The Spectre Ship of Salem" and "To the Memory of J. G. C. Brainard," by Whittier; "To a Blank Sheet of Paper," "Old Ironsides," "The Dilema," "The Star and the Lilly," and " The Last Leaf," by Holmes; " Hymn of the Moravian Nuns," "The Sea Diver," "Autumnal Nightfall," "Sunrise on the Hills," by Longfellow; "Song of Marion's Men," "Summer Wind," " Thanatopsis," and "To a Waterfowl," by Bry- ant. i6mo, without covers. Boston, 1836. "Another poem in this collection, ^ A Love Letter,' signed J. G.W., is attributed to Whittier by Charles A. Dana and others, but it bears no trace of his style." 13 97 Arnold Collection of First Editions fVhittier 57'5 A Full Statement of the Reasons which were in part offered to the Committee of the Legislature of Massachusetts in favor of Abolitionists and Anti- Slavery Societies. With the poem " Stanzas for the Times," by Whittier. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1836. First appearance of "Stanzas for the Times" in a book. Very rare. Whittier 576 Songs of the Free, and Hymns of Christian Freedom. With the poems " Voice of New England," " The Hunting of Men," and " Our Countrymen in Chains," by Whittier. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1836. Scarce. Whittier 577 A Voice to the United States of America from the Me- tropolis of Scotland. An Account of Various Meetings held in Edinburgh on the Subject of American Slavery, etc. With an amusing letter by Whittier about an attack on Abolitionists by a mob at Concord. 8vo, original paper covers, uncut. Edinburgh, 1836. Scarce. Whittier 578 Right and Wrong in Boston, in 1836. Annual Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society. With the poems " To the Memory of Charles B. Storrs" and "Clerical Oppressors," by Whittier. i6mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1836. Rare in this form. Whittier 579 Right and Wrong in Boston, in 1836. With the poems "To the Memory of Charles B. Storrs," and " Clerical Oppressors," by Whittier. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1836. This copy is the same as the preceding except for the different bind- ing. Scarce. Whittier 580 Letters from John Gtuincy Adams to his Constituents of the Twelfth Congressional District in Mass., etc. With "Stanzas for the Times," by Whittier. i6mo, stitched. Boston, 1837. Second appearance of "Stanzas for the Times" in a book. Cata- logued in the Foote Collection as the first issue of the poem. Rare. 98 Arnold Collection of First Editions VThittier 581 Poems written during the Progress of the Abolition Question in the United States, between the years 1830 and 1838. Frontis- piece and vignettes. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1837. "As prepared for the press the volume was originally intended to end on page 96, and possibly some copies do so end." — BierstadVs Bibliography of Whit Her. The present copy ends at page 96, and is therefore the earlier issue. The owner has never seen another copy in the same state. The vol- ume is in the best possible condition throughout. Whittier 582 Proceedings of the Fourth New England Anti-Slavery Conven- tion, held in Boston, May 30 to June 2nd, 1837. With a preamble and resolutions by Whittier. 8vo, paper covers. Boston, 1837. Whittier 583 Right and Wrong in Boston. Annual Report of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, 1837. With the poem "Lines writ- ten on reading the famous 'Pastoral Letter' of the Massachusetts General Association," by Whittier. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1837. Scarce. Whittier 584 Poems. 1 2 mo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1838. Very fine copy. Rare. Book-plate of Frank House Baer. Whittier 585 Narrative of xlames Williams, An American Slave; who was for several years a Driver on a Cotton Plantation in Alabama. Portrait engraved by Patrick Renson. Vignette on front cover. 24mo, original boards, cloth back. Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society. New York, 1838. Published anonymously. In "Proceedings of the American Anti- Slavery Society" (New York, 1864) is a catalogue of Anti-Slavery publications in America from 1750 to 1863 in which this book is stated to have been "drawn up by Whittier," and in a letter written by Whittier he acknowledges his connection with the book. Another New York and also a Boston edition were subsequently issued in the same year. Very fine copy. Exceedingly rare. 99 Arnold Collection of First Editions JVhittier 586 History of Pennsylvania Hall, which was Destroyed by a Mob on the 17th of May, 1838. With the "Poetical Address" by Whittier. Frontispiece and two other full-page illustrations, one of which is a mezzotint of the Hall in flames, by Sartain. 8vo, origi- nal cloth. Philadelphia, 1838. In the present copy the frontispiece, which shows the Hall as it ap- peared before the fire, is printed in colors. Whittier 587 History of Pennsylvania Hall, which was Destroyed by a Mob on the 17th of May, 1838. With the "Poetical Address" by Whittier. Frontispiece and two other full-page illustrations, one of which is a mezzotint of the Hall in flames, by Sartain. 8vo, origi- nal paper covers. Philadelphia, 1838. In this copy the frontispiece is in black and white. Whittier 588 Moll Pitcher and The Minstrel Girl. 24mo, original paper covers. Philadelphia, 1840. First edition of "The Minstrel Girl"; second and revised edition of "Moll Pitcher." Presentation copy from the publisher, with auto- graph inscription. Portions of the covers have been torn off and are missing. Book-plate of Thomas J. McKee. Scarce. Whittier 589 Freedom's Lyre: or. Psalms, Hymns, and Sacred Songs, for the Slave and his Friends. With two poems, " Seeking Indepen- dence for the Captives" and "What Hath God Wrought?" by Whittier. 32mo, original cloth. New York, 1840. Whittier 590 The North Star: The Poetry of Freedom by Her Friends. i6mo, original red roan. Philadelphia, 1840. Edited anonymously by Whittier, who, in addition to the prefatory note and the poem, pages v-vii, contributed the poems "The Exiles, A Tale of New England," "The World's Convention," and, almost certainly, "Granada." Among the other contributors were Whittier's sister Elizabeth, James T. Fields, and John Pierpont. Scarce. 100 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 591 The Christian Keepsake and Missionary Annual. With the poem "The Northern Lights," by Whittier. Nine engravings. i2mo, original stamped leather, gilt edges. Philadelphia, 1840. Whittier 592 A Visit to the United States in 1841. By Joseph Sturge. With "The Old School of Abolitionists," an editorial, and an ar- ticle on the "Anti-Slavery Cause," by Whittier. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1842. Whittier 593 A Visit to the United States in 1841. By Joseph Sturge. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1842. A reprint of the first edition, London, 1842. Whittier 594 Poetical Remains of the Late Lucy Hooper. Collected and Arranged with a Memoir by John Keese. With the poem " On the Death of Lucy Hooper," by Whittier. 1 2mo, original cloth. New York, 1842. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription "Dr. J. E. Cornell with the respects of the Editor." Whittier 595 Lays of My Home, and Other Poems. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1843. Fine copy. Scarce. Whittier 596 Holograph Manuscript of the Poem "Gone." i page folio, dated "iimo., 1844," and signed "John G. Whittier." This is an early draft of the poem ; it differs materially from the published version. Preceding the manuscript, but on a separate leaf, is an autograph letter to R. C. Waterston, signed Jno. G. Whittier, and two post- scripts, one signed W., the other J. G. W. \% pages, folio. Ames- bury, 5th, I2th Mo. 1844. "I send thee a few verses of recent date, which, alas, have more truth than poetry." Whittier 597 The Stranger in Lowell. 1 2mo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1845. Scarce. lOI Arnold Collection of First Editions TVhittier 598 The American Liberty Almanac for 1846. With the poem "The Branded Hand," by Whittier. i2mo, stitched. Hartford [1845]. IV hit tier 599 Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates Assembled at Fan- euil Hall to Consider the Annexation of Texas. Whittier and others, secretaries. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1845. Whittier 600 Voices of Freedom. Fourth and complete edition. i2mo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1846. All the copies known of this book bear on the title a designation such as "Fourth and Complete Edition," "Fifth and Complete Edi- tion," etc.; but, as all copies are otherwise alike, it is supposed that these terms are merely devices of the publisher to create a factitious impression of the popularity of the book. IV hit tier 601 Narrative of the Sufferings of Lewis and Milton Clarke Among the Slaveholders of Kentucky. Two portraits. With the poem " Our Countrymen in Chains," by Whittier. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1846. Scarce. The poem by Whittier also appeared in "Songs of the Free," 1836. Whittier 603 The Opal: A Pure Gift for the Holy Days, MDCCCXLVI. With the poems "My Soul and I," and "The Wife of Manoah to Her Husband," by Whittier. Nine engravings, colored by hand. 8vo, original calf, gilt edges. New York, 1846. Whittier 603 Supernaturalism of New England. By the Author of "The Stranger in Lowell." 1 2mo, original paper covers, uncut. New York and London, 1847. Fine copy. Scarce. Whittier 604 Memoir of Rev. Charles T. Torrey, who died in the Peni- tentiary of Maryland, where he was confined for showing mercy to the poor. By J. C. Lovejoy. With an article on Torrey, by Whittier. Portrait. 12 mo, original cloth. Boston, 1847. 102 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 605 The Opal: A Pure Gift for the Holy Days, MDCCCXLVII. With the poem " Worship," by Whittier, and the poem " Birds of Passage," by Longfellow. Nine engravings, colored by hand by Chapman. 8vo, original calf, gilt edges. New York, 1847. Whittier 606 The Free Soil Minstrel. With the poems " Gone, Sold and Gone," " Free Soil Gathering," " Stanzas for the Times," " Our Countrymen in Chains," "The Yankee Girl," "The Branded Hand," by Whittier; " The Quadroon Maiden," " The Slave Singing at Midnight," by Longfellow; "Are you truly Free?" by Lowell. i2mo, original cloth. New York, 1848, Scarce. Whittier 607 Our Day. A Gift for the Times. Edited by J. G. Adams. With the poem "The Reward," by Whittier. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1848. Whittier 608 Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1678-9. i2mo, original cloth, unc^ut. Boston, 1849. Very fine copy. Whittier 609 Poems. Illustrated by H. Billings. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1849. Whittier 610 A Tract for the Times! A Sabbath Scene. Twenty-seven stanzas printed in double columns within ornamental borders, on one side of a single sheet measuring 7^^x13^ inches. n. p., June, 1850. The only copy known. Enclosed in a cloth case. Whittier 611 Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1850. Whittier 612 Songs of Labor, and Other Poems. i2mo, original -boards, paper label, uncut. Boston, 1850. 103 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 613 Songs of Labor, and Other Poems. i2mo, original doth, un- cut. Boston, 1850. Whittier 614 Operatives Reply to Hon. Jere Clemens. By Harriet Far- ley. With a letter giving statistics of the corporation of J. Aubin, and a history of manufacturing interests in Amesbury, by Whit- tier. 8vo, original paper covers. Lowell, 1850. Whittier 615 Little Eva; Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel. Dedicated to Har- riet Beecher Stowe. Words by Whittier; music by Manuel EmiHo. Royal 4to. Boston, 1852. Scarce. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages, dated 4th mo., 12, 1879, signed John G. Whittier, in response to an inquiry as to how many of his poems had been set to music. Whittier 616 The Chapel of the Hermits, and Other Poems. i2mp, orig- inal cloth, uncut. Boston, 1853. Whittier 617 Autographs for Freedom. With the poem "The Way," by Whittier. Engravings and facsimiles. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1853. Whittier 618 A Sabbath Scene. Illustrated. i6mo, original paper covers, gilt edges. Boston, 1854. The twenty-second stanza of the first edition (1850) is omitted from this, the third, edition. Scarce. A small piece has been torn from a corner of the front cover. Whittier 619 Literary Recreations and Miscellanies. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1854. Whittier 620 Proceedings of the third Pensylvania Yearly Meeting of Pro- gressive Friends at Longwood, Chester Co., Fifth month, 1855. With a letter by Whittier in which he states his religious belief. 8vo, original paper covers. Philadelphia, 1855. 104 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whit tier 621 Proceedings of the Anti-Slavery Meeting in Stacy Hall, Boston, on the 20th Anniversary of the Mob of Oct. 21, 1835. With the poem " The Awakening," by Whittier. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1855. Whittier 622 The Panorama, and Other Poems. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1856. Whittier 623 Address Before the Essex Agricultural Society. By Ben : Perley Poore. With the poem " A Lay of Olden Time," by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Newburyport, 1856. Very scarce. Whittier 624 The Fight, Faith, and Crown. A Discourse on the Death of Stephen Grellet. By C. Van Rensselaer. With the poem "The Christian Tourists," by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Philadelphia, 1856. Whittier 625 Poetical Works. Including ten Later Poems, now first col- lected. Portrait. 2 volumes, 24mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1857. Whittier 626 Proceedings at the Dedication of the Kenoza Club House (Great Pond) August 31, 1859. With the poem "Kenoza," by Whittier, who was an honorary member of the club. 8vo, original paper covers. Haverhill, 1859. Only 35 copies, for distribution, not for sale, were printed. The poem by Whittier differs from the version published in his complete works. Fine copy. Whittier 627 The Slave-Auction. By Dr. John T. Kramer. With the poem "The Christian Slave," by Whittier. 2 4mo, stitched. Boston, 1859. Whittier 628 Home Ballads and Poems. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, i860. 14 105 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 629 Oration by Thomas Chase and Poem by J. G. Whittier. Delivered before the Alumni Association of the Friends' School at Providence, i860. 8vo, original paper covers. Philadelphia, i860. Name cut from front cover. Whittier 630 The Thrilling Narrative of Dr. John Doy, of Kansas; or, Slavery as It Is, Inside and Out. With the poem "Burial of Thomas Barber," by Whittier. Illustrated. 1 2mo, original paper covers. Boston, i860. Whittier 631 The Bobolink Minstrel: or. Republican Songster for i860. Edited by George W. Bungay. With the song " Up for the Con- flict," by Whittier. i6mo, original paper covers. New York, i860. Whittier 632 Complete Holograph Manuscript of The Battle Autumn of 1862. Eleven stanzas, written on two 4to pages. [1862.] This is evidently the original draft of the poem as prepared by Whittier for the printer. The last stanza, as first written, is cancelled and a substitute is pasted over it. On the opposite page is a facsimile of the first page of the manuscript. Whittier 633 The Patience of Hope. By the Author of "A Present Heaven." With an introduction by Whittier. i2mo, original cloth, red edges. Boston, 1862. Whittier 634 Only Once. Original Papers, by Various Correspondents. With the poems " Song of the Negro Boatman," with musical accom- paniment, and "Patience," by Whittier, "The Better Age," by Bryant, and "Before the Embers," by Lowell. Full-page steel engraved portraits of Bryant, Lowell, and others. Royal 4to, original paper covers. New York, 1862. Very rare. Fine copy. Enclosed in a cloth case. 106 s yL /icM^ Ou^:y»^ i^^L^^ , ^^ ^Jk-^-r--^- C CiL^^&a-^ ^i^*a-^ t^^^,JL^,jfy^ , -"'^^z-*?^^ ^<;fc-^/^^ iTy^ aa^/^^^uZ^ '^^iy^cIZe^ /^^i^^^^ 7L. yC/^'. 't {/3^z±- ^O-^-iA, ^^^'Z.-o^C w-/2ix^^;Z^ (^^^^^^^^f-c^^pjuf 7^-^^>^cr 7<^>^^ Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier dy, Song of the Negro Boatman. Four stanzas. Published by the Supen-isory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments. Broadside, measuring sf-xg^- inches. n. p. [1863]. First separate edition. Exceedingly rare. Enclosed in a cloth case. Whittier 636 Proceedings of the Alumni Association of the Friends' Yearly Meeting School. With the poem "In War Time," by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Providence, 1863. Whittier 637 In War Time and Other Poems. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1 864. Inserted is an autograph letter in which a correction is made in the opening lines of the prelude to the poem "The Countess," which first appeared in this book. The letter is here given in full : ''Amesbury, 29th, 3 mo, 1863. My dear Fields : It has just occured [sic] to me that the first two lines of the prelude to my poem are wrong: 'intervene between us' means simply *go between us.' If not too late, pray let them read thus : ' I know not. Time and Space so intervene, Whether still waiting, with a trust serene, Thou bearest up thy fourscore years & ten, Or, called at last, art now Heaven's citizen.' I am ashamed of my habit of troubling thee with such matters. I presume on thy patience, which exceeds Job's. What if Satan had made the old patriarch a publisher, at the mercy of importunate authors, male and female? Thine ever, J. G. W." Whittier 638 Proceedings of the American Anti-Slavery Society, at Its Third Decade, in Philadelphia, Dec, 1863; with a catalogue of Anti- Slavery Publications in America from 1750 to 1863. With two letters by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1864, Whittier 639 In Memoriam Thomas Starr King. With the poems "Thomas Starr King," by Whittier, and "Relieving Guard, March 4, 1864," by Frank Bret Harte. 8vo, original paper covers. Published for the Benefit of the Sanitary Commission [1864]. 108 Arnold Collection of First Editions IVhittier 640 National Lyrics. Illustrated. 1 6mo, original paper covers. Boston, 1865. Inserted is an autograph letter, dated Amesbury, 12th, 9 mo, 1865, signed John G. Whittier. JV hit tier 641 National Lyrics. Illustrated. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1866. Whittier 642 Snow-Bound. A Winter Idyl. Portrait and Vignette. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1 866. Number 5 of an edition of fifty copies on large and thick paper. The covers and a few leaves are soiled. Rare. The ordinary issue was i6mo. Whittier 643 The Tent on the Beach, and Other Poems. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1867. Inserted are the following lines from this book in Whittier's auto- graph : "From 'The Eternal Goodness.' And so beside the Silent Sea I wait the muffled oar; No harm from Him can come to me On ocean or on shore. [Signed] John G. Whittier." Whittier 644 Fitz-Greene Halleck. [A Poem.] Read at the Dedication of His Monument in Guilford, Connecticut, July 8, i86g. 8vo, leaflet of 4 pages, of which the 4th page is blank. n. p. [privately printed for the author, 1869]. Extremely rare. Autograph signature "John G. Whittier" on first page below the title. Whittier 645 Among the Hills, and Other Poems. Frontispiece and vignette. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1869. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages to James T. Fields, signed John G. Whittier, from which an extract is here given: "Amesbury, Tuesday Evg. Dear Fields: I sent back the proof of 'Among the Hills' yesterday with a few changes. It now occurs to me that it might be well to omit the ' Summer Idyl ' in the title, as I may sometime give something better entitled to the name. But it is perhaps too late now." 109 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 646 Ballads of New England. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1870. Inserted is an autograph note referring to the illustrations of this book. "Amcsbury, 6th mo. 8th, 1869. The proofs arrived safely. Looking over them, the beauty of the engravings almost makes me ashamed of the verses they illustrate. In those of 'Cobbler Keezar,' 'Wreck of Rivermouth,' 'The Play- mate,' and 'The Countess,' especially, I recognize the scenery famil- iar from boyhood, & which I have endeavored to associate in the mind of the reader of my ballads with the characters & incidents of local traditions. Very truly your fd, John G. Whittier," Whittier 647 Winter Poems. By Favorite American Poets. Illustrated. With the poems "The Pageant" and "In School Days," by Whittier; "The Golden Mile-Stone," "Woods in Winter," and "Midnight Mass for the Dying Year," by Longfellow; "The First Snow Fall," by Lowell; "The Snow Storm," by Emerson; "A Winter Piece" and the "Snow Shower," by Bryant. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1871. Whittier 648 Miriam and Other Poems. Frontispiece and vignettes. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1871. Whittier 649 The Journal of John Woolman. With an introduction by Whittier. 1 6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 187 1. Whittier 650 The Pennsylvania Pilgrim, and Other Poems. Engravings, i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1872. Whittier 651 Child Life: A Collection of Poems. Edited by Whittier. Illus- trated. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1872. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages, dated Amesbury, 31, 12 mo. 1870, signed John G. Whittier, from which it appears that Whittier suggested a different title for this book. The first paragraph of the letter is quoted below. "I have taken time to consult with one or two of my literary friends, Miss Larcom, among others, & I think that with their kind assistance I can do what you wish as regards the compilation of poems. The title I would suggest should be Poems of Childhood." IIO Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 65a Dedicatory Services of the Parker Memorial Meeting House, Sept., 1873. With the poem "God in Humanity," by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1873. Whittier 655 Child Life in Prose, Edited by Whittier. Illustrated. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1874. Inserted is an autograph letter of two pages, dated West Ossipee, 9 mo. 13, 1873, signed John G. Whittier, in which the following ref- erence is made to "Child Life in Prose," which was in press at the time the letter was written. '*I suppose 'Child Life in Prose' will make its appearance. I hope & believe that it will prove a worthy companion to the Rhymed col- lection." Whittier 654 " The Prayer of Agassiz," a poem by Whittier, and " Agassiz," a sonnet by T. W. Parsons, With a letter by Whittier, in answer to the request for a poem on Agassiz. 1 2mo, stitched. Cambridge, 1874. Whittier 655 A Memorial of Charles Sumner. With the poem "Sumner," by Whittier, Portrait. 8vo, original cloth, Boston, 1874. Whittier 656 Hazel-Blossoms. Frontispiece and vignette. i6mo, original cloth. Boston, 1875, Inserted is an autograph note, signed John G. Whittier, which be- gins as follows : "Dear Friend Osgood: I think you may venture to announce 'Hazel Blossoms.' If I fail to come to time I shall be no worse than Emerson," Whittier 657 Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl. Illustrated. Vest Pocket Series. 3 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1875, Inserted is an autograph letter to James R. Osgood & Co., dated Amesbury, 14th, 12 mo, 1875, signed John G. Whittier, asking them "to send me 10 copies of the V. P. Snow Bound" and inquiring if it would be advisable "to publish 'Mabel Martin' with two or three il- lustrations in this V. P. collection." Ill Arnold Collection of First Editions fVhittier 65S Proceedings at the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Lex- ington, April 19, 1875. With the hymn "Lexington," by Whit- tier. Illustrated. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lexington, 1875. IVhittier O59 Souvenir of Lexington, 17 75-1 875. Illustrated. With the hymn " Lexington-i 775,'' by Whittier. Royal Svo, original paper covers. Boston, 1875. Inserted is a copy of the programme for the occasion, which also gives the hymn by Whittier in full. Whittier 660 Mabel Martin. A Harvest Idyl. With 58 illustrations. Svo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1876. Inserted is an autograph letter which is given below in part. "Amesbury, 11 mo. 17th [1874]. My dear frd.: I send back the proof with some changes, I think for the better. I shall not meddle further with it except perhaps here & there a verbal substitution, before it is fixed irrevocably in book form. I am inclined to make the title read: Mabel Martin, A Harvest Idyl. As it now stands I regard it as the best poem of the kind I have ever written, and I am pretty sure that I could not improve upon it in a new poem at this late day. Truly thy frd, John G. Whittier. Whittier 661 Mabel Martin. A Harvest Idyl. With 21 illustrations. i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1876. Inserted is an autograph letter: "Amesbury, i2mo, 25, 1876. My dear Osgood : I am greatly obliged through thee, to receive from Mabel Martin her Christmas present of one thousand dollars ($1,000). I scarcely expected the young lady to ' come down ' so handsomely. Thine truly, John G. Whittier." Whittier 662 Centennial Hymn, As sung at the Opening Ceremonies at Philadelphia, May loth, 1876. Words by Whittier. Music by J. K. Paine. Royal 4to. Philadelphia, 1876. 112 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 663 The Centennial Liberty Bell. Independence Hall. Its Tra- ditions and Associations. With the " Centennial Hymn," by Whittier, and the poem " Welcome to All Nations," by Holmes. Illustrated. 12 mo, original cloth. Philadelphia, 1876. Whittier 664 Commenioration of the One Hmidredth Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, by the Town pf Brookline, Mass., July 4, 1876. With Centennial Hymn, "Our Father's God! from out whose hand," by Whittier. Square 8vo, original paper covers. [Brookline, 1876.] Whittier 665 Songs of Three Centuries. Edited by J, G. Whittier. Svo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1876, Inserted is the following letter in Whittier's autograph from which it appears that Lucy Larcom assisted Whittier in editing this book, and also "Child Life" and ''Child Life in Prose": "Messrs. J. R. Osgood & Co.: Pay to Miss Lucy Larcom, one- half of the sum due, as percentage on 'Songs of Three Centuries,' 'Child Life,' and 'Child Life in Prose,' which is owing to her on my part, and oblige Yrs. truly, John G. Whittier. Oak Knoll, Danvers, 3mo., 22, 1877," Whittier 666 Christmas Carols. King's Chapel. With " A Christmas Car- men," by Whittier. Svo, 4 pages. 1876. Whittier 667 A History of Western Reserve College, during Its first Half Century, 1826-1876. With the poem "To the Memory of Charles B. Storrs," by Whittier. Svo, original paper covers. Cleveland, Ohio, 1876. Whittier 668 Proceedings at the Dedication of The Haverhill Public Library, Nov. II, 1 87 5. With a letter by Whittier, in which he alludes to the scarcity of books in Haverhill half a century ago, and the poem " Let there be light, God spake of old," composed for the occasion by Whittier. Svo, original cloth. Haverhill, 1876. IS 113 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 669 Indian Civilization. With an introduction by Whittier. Large folded map. 8vo, original paper covers. Philadelphia, 1877. Whittier 670 Reunion of the Free-Soilers of 1848 at Downer Landing, Hingham, Mass., Aug. 9, 1877. With the poem " Psean — 1848," a statement " In reference to the Liberty Party," and a telegram of " Greeting to the men of Forty-eight," by Whittier. 8vo, stitched. Boston, 1877. Whittier 671 Poems of the "Old South." With the poems "In the Old South Church," by Whittier; "A Ballad of The French Fleet," by Longfellow; "The Brave Old South," by Holmes. Illustrated. Square i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1877. Whittier 672 A Memorial of Fitz-Greene Halleck. With the poem "Fitz- Greene Halleck," by Whittier, and the poem " In Memory of Fitz-Greene Halleck," by Holmes. 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1877. This is the first published edition of these poems. They were both privately printed in 1869 as catalogued in these pages. Presentation copy from James Grant Wilson. Whittier 673 The Vision of Echard and Other Poems. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1878. Inserted is an autograph note dated 5mo, 30, 1877, signed John G. Whittier. Whittier 674 Memoir of William Francis Bartlett. By Francis Win- throp Palfrey, With the poem "WiUiam Francis Bartlett," by Whittier. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1878. Whittier 675 Our Home. Foiuth Annual Fair for benefit of the Home for Young Women and Children. With a letter by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Lowell, Mass., 1878. 114 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 676 Tributes to William Lloyd Garrison, at the Funeral Ser- vices, May 28, 1879. With the poems "Garrison," by Whittier, and " The Day of Small Things," by Lowell. Portrait. 1 2mo, original cloth, Boston, 1879. Whittier 677 William Lloyd Garrison and his Times; or. Sketches of the Anti-Slavery Movement in America, and of the Man who was its Founder and Moral Leader. By Oliver Johnson. With an introduction, and the poems "Garrison," by Whittier, and "The Day of Small Things," by Lowell. Portrait and illustrations. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1879. Whittier 678 Bronze Group Commemorating Emancipation. With the poem "Amidst thy sacred effigies," by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Boston, 1879. Whittier 679 Origin and Early Progress of the Republican Party in the United States. By Stephen M. Allen. With a letter by Whittier. 8vo, original boards, cloth back. Boston, 1879. Whittier 680 The Fifth Half Century of the Arrival of John Winthrop at Salem, Massachusetts. With a letter by Whittier. 8vo, original paper covers. Salem, 1880. Whittier 681 The King's Missive and Other Poems. Portrait. i6mo, orig- inal cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1881. Inserted is an autograph letter to James R. Osgood, dated Oak Knoll, Danvers, lomo., 19, 1880. The volume referred to in the ex- tract from this letter given below, is probably "The King's Missive": "As regards my little poem would it be possible to let me publish it in a small volume of some 15 or 20 pieces next Spring? It would not occupy a prominent place in the volume coming in towards the close. I shall be ready to return $100 of the sum paid me for the privilege. Thy old friend, John G. Whittier." Whittier 68a The King's Missive, Mabel Martin and Later Poems. i6mo, original parchment paper covers, gilt top, other edges uncut. London, 1881. Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 6S3 Grand Banquet Given to the American Pomological Society by the Mass. Horticultural Society at Music Hall, Boston, Sept. 1 6th, 1 88 1 . With the hymn " O Painter of the Fruits and Flow- ers,'' wTitten for the occasion by Whittier. 1 2mo, 4 pages. Boston, 1 88 1. Scarce. Whittier 684 The Poems of John G. C. Brainard. A New and Authentic Collection. With the poem "To the Memory of J. G. C. Brain- ard," by Whittier. Portrait and engraved title. i6mo, original boards, leather label, uncut. Hartford, 1882. Whittier 685 The Bay of Seven Islands and Other Poems. Portrait. i6mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1883. Whittier 686 Acts of the Anti-Slavery Apostles. By Parker Pilsbury. With the poem by Whittier "On the Sentence of John L. Brown." i2mo, original cloth. Concord, N. H., 1883. Whittier 687 Proceedings at the Presentation of a Portrait of Whittier to Friends' School, Providence, October 24th, 1884. With a letter by Whittier, the sonnet "New England's poet rich in love as years," and letters by Lowell and Holmes. Portrait. 8vo, orig- inal paper covers. Cambridge, 1885. Whittier 688 Proceedings at the Unveiling of a Bust of Elizabeth Fry, at Friends' School, Providence, R. I., ninth month, 29th, 1885. With the poem "The Two Elizabeths," by Whittier. Two por- traits. 8vo, original paper covers. Providence, 1885. Whittier 689 The Dedication of the Washington National Monu- ment. With a letter by Whittier. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo, original cloth. Washington, 1885. Inserted is an autograph note to James R. Osgood dated Centre Harbor, N. H., July 16, 1887, signed John G. Whittier. 116 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 690 Saint Gregory's Guest and Recent Poems. i6mo, original paper covers, uncut. Boston, 1886. Whittier 691 Reunion of the Schoolmates of John Greenleaf Whittier at St. John's Rectory, Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 10, 1885, With the poem "182 7-1 885," "The Gulf of Seven and Fifty Years," written for the occasion, and a letter, by Whittier, and a letter by Holmes in reference to Whittier. 8vo, original boards. Haverhill, 1886. Whittier 692 Memoir of William Henry Channing by O. B. Frothingham. With a letter by Whittier. Portrait. 1 2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1886. Whittier 693 Inauguration of the Statue of Liberty EnHghtening the World, by the President of the United States. With a poem composed for the occasion by Whittier. Frontispiece. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1887. Whittier 694 One of the Signers: A Poem by J. G. Whittier. With Auto- graph Verses Read at the Unveihng of the Josiah Bardett Statue at Amesbury, July 4th, 1888. Two portraits. Square 1 2 mo, orig- inal paper covers. Amesbury, 1888. Whittier 695 Unveiling of the Bartlett Statue at Amesbury, Massachu- setts, July 4th, 1888. With the poem "One of the Signers," by Whittier. Woodcut portraits and frontispiece. 1 2 mo, original pa- per covers. Newburyport, 1 888. Whittier 696 Annals of the Boston Life Underwriters' Association, 1888. Compiled by C. M. Barrows. With a letter by Whittier. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1 888. Whittier 697 Souvenir Twenty-Fourth National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic, Boston, 1890. With the poem "Our Country," by Whittier. Portraits and other illustrations. Royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1 890. 117 Arnold Collection of First Editions Whittier 69S At Sundown. With Designs by E. H. Garrett. Portrait. i2mo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1892. A privately printed edition of this book was made in 1890. In- serted is an autograph letter of three pages, dated Danvers, 9th mo., 21, 1888, signed John G. Whittier, in which the following reference is made to this, the poet's last volume: "Dr, Holmes, I see, and Longfellow are out this fall with new vol- umes. If my life is spared I think of publishing next year a small volume." Whittier 699 Souvenir of Whittier. Portrait, With his Autobiography. 1 2mo, original paper covers. , Boston, 1892. Whittier 700 The Statue of John P. Hale. An Account of the Unveiling Ceremonies on Aug. 3, 1892. With a letter by Whittier. Frontis- piece. 8vo, original cloth. Concord, 1892. Whittier 701 A Memorial of John Greenleaf Whittier from his native city, Haverhill, Mass, Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Haverhill, 1893. Whittier 702 The Demon Lady. Square i6mo, original paper covers, uncut. 25 copies privately printed (from the original manuscript), 1894. Whittier 703 Three-Score and Ten Years. 1820 to 1890. Recollections by W, J. Linton, Portrait, With a letter by Whittier, 8vo, orig- inal cloth, gilt top. New York, 1894, Whittier 704 Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier, by Samuel T. Pickard. Portraits and engravings. 2 volumes, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1894. Whittier 705 Moll Pitcher. A Poem. Facsimile reprint of the original edi- tion of 1832. 8vo, stitched. n. p., n. d. This excellent reproduction is quite as common as the original is rare. 118 Bibliographies 706 Index to American Poetry and Plays in the Collection of C. Fiske Harris. 1 2mo, original cloth, uncut. Providence, printed for private distribution, 1874. First edition, printed on one side only of each of the leaves. 707 Catalogue of First Editions of American Authors. Com- piled, Arranged, and For Sale by Leon & Brother. 4to, original paper covers, uncut. New York, 1885. This is a Large Paper copy ; the sheets are folded and unopened, but not sewn. Scarce, and especially so in this state. 708 First Editions of American Authors. A Manual for Book- Lovers compiled by Herbert Stuart Stone, with an introduction by Eugene Field. i6mo, original cloth. Cambridge, 1893. Scarce. 709 American Authors 1795-1895. A Bibliography of First and Notable Editions Chronologically Arranged with Notes. By P. K. Foley. With an introduction by Walter Leon Sawyer. 8vo, origi- nal cloth, paper label. Boston, printed for Subscribers, 1897. Large Paper copy. Inserted is the original prospectus and order blank. 119 Twelve hundred copies of this catalogue were printed at the Marion Press, Jamaica, Glueensborough, New-York, in December, 1900. Frank E. Hopkins. Price List and Buyers' Names OF THE- First Editions of William Harris Arnold S01.D AT Auction by Bangs & Co. Jan. 30-31, 1901 Presented to the Subscribers to THE LITERARY COLLECTOR Geo. D. Smith, Publisher. 4 East FORTY-SECOND STREET, NEW YORK ( The prices are per volume. fall of the hammer). The buvers' names as announced at the Lot Buyer Price per vol 1 Geo. D. Smith $ 22.00 2 Geo. D. Smith 39.00 3 Mr. Morris 3L00 4 Mr. Pynson 10.50 6 Geo. D. Smith 3.00 6 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 2.25 7 Mr. J. C 20.00 8 Mr. J. C 7.50 9 Dodd, Mead &Co.. 2.50 10 Geo. D. Smith 3.50 11 Mr. Pynson 4.25 12 Mr. Morris 4.00 13 Mr. Dryden 2.50 11 Cincinnati 2.00 15 Geo. D. Smith 3.50 10 Mr. Dryden 2.00 17 Mr. J. C 4.25 18 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 24.00 Lot Buyer Price per vol 19 Mr. Morris 5.25 20 Cincinnati 8.00 21 Mr. J. O. W 4.25 22 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 3.50 23 Mr. J. O. W 3.50 24 Cincinnati .75 25 Mr. G 5.50 26 Geo. D. Smith 2.25 27 Geo. D.Smith L50 28 Geo. D. Smith 25.00 29 Mr. Pynson 4.50 30 Mr. J. C 2.00 31 Mr. Water 3.00 32 Mr. Pynson 19.60 33 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 6.00 34 Mr. Water 6.00 35 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 8.00 36 Geo. D. Smith.. .. 3.62 K Lot fyiiyfr Price per vol 37 Geo. D. Smith 16 00 3S Mr. Morris 11.00 39 Mr. Morris 6.50 40 Dodd, Mead& Co.. 30.00 41 Geo. D. Smith 5.75 42 Geo. D. Smith 2.50 43 Mr Water 300.00 44 Geo. D. Smith 17.50 45 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 5.00 4(5 D.Miller 35.00 47 Scribner's 5-50 48 Mr. Water 5.50 49 Dodd. Mead & Co.. 4.00 50 Mr. G 1.75 51 Mr. Manning 1.50 52 Scribner's 5.00 53 Mr. Buckler 30.00 54 Cincinnati 1.75 65 Cincinnati 1.50 5G Mr. G 5.00 67 Cincinnati 2.25 58 Scribner's 5.00 59 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 5.00 60 Mr. G 3.00 61 Geo. D. Smith 1.75 62 Cincinnati 2.00 63 Scribner's 6.50 64 Geo. D. Smith 5.50 65 Geo. D. Smith 22.00 66 Scribner's 7.00 67 Geo. D. Smith 7.50 68 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 69 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 40.00 70 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 6.00 71 Geo. D. Smith 2.00 72 Geo. D. Smith 14.00 73 Mr. G 4.50 74 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 3.00 76 Mr. Pynson 5.50 76 Mr. Foley 2.00 77 Mr. G 1.00 78 Geo. D. Smith .60 79 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 80 Geo. D. Smith 5.75 81 Scribner's 5.50 82 Mr. G 2.00 83 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 84 Geo. D. Smith 7.00 Lot Buyer Price yer vol 85 Geo. D. Smith 2.12 86 Mr. Bishop 3.00 87 Mr. Pynson 4.25 88 Mr. G 4.50 89 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 2.75 90 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 1.25 91 Mr. Hill 2.00 92 Geo. D. Smith 1.87 93 Geo. D. Smith 1.88 94 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 2.25 95 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 1.00 96 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 3.75 97 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 8.00 98 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 13.00 99 Mr. G 1.50 100 Geo. D. Smith 1.75 101 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 102 Geo. D. Smith .50 103 Geo. D. Stnith 8.50 104 Geo. D. Smith .50 105 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 106 Dodd, Mead &Co. . 2.25 107 Scribner's 3.00 108 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 1.25 109 Mr. G 2.00 110 Scribner's 1.13 111 Mr. G .62 112 Mr. Pynson 2.75 113 Geo. D. Smith 410.00 114 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 9.00 115 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 5.50 116 Mr. Pynson 50.00 117 Mr. Pynson 41.00 118 Geo. D. Smith 2.25 119 Mr. Water 4.00 120 Geo. D. Smith 57.00 121 Geo. D. Smith 60.00 122 Geo. D. Smith 45.00 123 Geo. D. Smith 48.00 124 Geo. D. Smith 15.00 125 Geo. D. Smith 12.50 126 Mr. Pynson 34.50 127 Mr. Pynson 11.00 128 Mr. J. C 124.00 129 Geo. D. Smith 11.00 130 Geo. D. Smith 5.50 131 Mr. Pynson 31.00 132 Scribner's 15.00 Lot Buyer Price per vol 183 Geo. D. Smith. . . . 8.50 134 Scribner's 32.00 135 Mr. Pynson 10.50 136 Geo. D. Smith 5.00 137 Mr. Pynson 15.50 138 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 5.00 139 Scribner's 2.50 140 Geo. D. Smith 4.50 141 Mr. Pynson 10.50 142 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 3.00 143 Mr. Pynson 10.00 144 Mr. Water 10.00 145 Mr. Pynson. ... 10.00 146 Geo. D. Smith .... 2 25 147 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 4.00 148 Geo. D. Smith 1.62 149 Mr. Rains 5.75 150 Geo. D. Smith 2.00 151 Geo. D. Smich 8.50 152 Mr. Pynson 5.25 153 Geo. D. Smith 1.25 154 Mr. G 1.25 155 Mr. Pynson 5.25 156 Mr. Pynson 8.50 157 Mr. Pynson 3.75 158 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 4.50 159 Mr. Pynson 5.00 160 Mr. Pynson 4.25 161 Mr. Pynson 5.25 1<;2 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 163 Mr. Pynson 4.00 164 Geo. D. Smith 2.50 165 Geo. D. Smith 1.25 166 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 167 Geo. D. Smith .25 168 Geo. D. Smith .25 169 Mr. Pynson 20.00 170 Mr. Pynson 6.25 171 Geo. D. Smith 3.50 17 2 Geo. D. Smith 3.50 173 Cincinnati .62 174 Scribner's .85 175 Dodd, Mead& Co. . 1.38 176 Mr. G .75 177 Mr. Hill 7.50 178 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 5.00 179 Geo. D. Smith 21.00 180 Geo. D. Smith 23.00 ^•t Buyer Price per vol 181 Geo. D. Smith ].50 182 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 2.00 183 Geo. D. Smith 4.50 184 Dodd, Mead & Co . . 1 .25 185 Geo. D. Smith 22.00 186 Geo. D. Smith 8.50 187 Geo. D. Smith 24.00 188 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 189 Geo. D. Smith 1 . 00 190 Geo. D. Smith 14.00 191 Geo. D. Smith 2.00 192 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 193 Geo. D. Smith 47.00 194 Geo. D. Smith 5.00 195 Geo. D. Smith... . 2.37 196 Mr. G 1.75 197 Mr. Pynson 31.00 198 Mr. Pynson , 10.50 199 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 200 Mr. Stern 1.50 201 Geo. D. Smith 5.50 202 Geo. D. Smith .75 203 Mr. Foley 1.00 204 Mr. G 1.75 205 Geo. D.Smith .50 206 Mr. Anthon 2.00 207 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 3.00 208 Dodd, Mead& Co. . 3.00 209 Geo. D. Smith .50 210 Geo. D.Smith 1.50 211 Cincinnati 1.25 212 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 1.25 213 Scribner's 35.00 214 Geo. D. Smith.... 10.00 215 Mr. G 3.25 216 Geo. D. Smith. . . 2.87 217 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 218 Geo. D. Smith.... 3.12 219 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.25 220 Scribner's 33.00 221 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 100 222 Cincinnati 5.25 223 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 1.25 224 Geo. D. Smith .25 225 Geo. D Smith 3.50 226 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 227 Geo. D. Smith 4.25 228 Geo. D. Smith 2.00 Lot Buyer Price per vol Lot 229 Geo. D. Smith 19.00 277 230 Geo. D. Smith.... 3.25 278 231 Geo. D. Smith.... 4.00 279 232 Geo. D. Smith. . . . 3.62 280 233 Mr. Buckler 3.00 281 23-4 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 282 235 Dodd, Mead & Co. l.()2 283 236 J. O.W 7.25 284 237 Geo. D. Smith.... .75 285 238 Geo. D. Smith.... 1.12 286 239 Geo. D. Smith.... 1.00 287 240 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.00 288 241 Mr. Anthon .50 289 242 Cincinnati 5.50 290 243 Dodd, Mead &Co. 1.25 291 244 Dodd, Mead & Co. .50 292 245 Mr. Anthon 1.25 293 246 Geo. D. Smith. . . . 3.25 294 247 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.00 295 248 Dodd. Mead «& Co. .50 296 249 Geo. D. Smith. . . . 12.00 297 250 Geo. D. Smith.... 1.38 298 251 Dodd, Mead& Co. 1.25 299 252 Mr. Anthon .62 300 253 Mr. Anthon 1.38 301 254 Geo. D. Smith.... 1.25 302 255 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.12 303 256 Geo. D.Smith.... 14.00 304 257 Geo. D. Smith. . . . 1.00 305 258 Geo. D.Smith.... .50 306 259 Geo. D.Smith.... .50 307 260 Scribner's 25.00 308 261 Geo. D. Smith. . . . .50 309 262 Geo. D. Smith.... 22.00 310 263 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.25 311 264 Geo. D. Smith 1.13 312 265 Dodd, Mead & Co. .50 313 266 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2 25 314 267 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.12 315 268 Cincinnati 1.50 316 269 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.00 317 270 Mr. Stern 1.75 12.00 318 271 Geo. D. Smith... 319 27 2 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.13 320 273 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.12 321 274 Geo. D. Smith.... 10.00 322 275 Geo. D. Smith .50 323 276 Geo. D. Smith.... .50 324 Buver Price per vol Geo. D. Smith 1.38 Geo. D. Smith .50 Geo. D. Smith .50 Geo. D. Smith 1.12 Geo. D. Smith 21.00 Cincinnati .50 Geo. D. Smith .88 Dodd, Mead & Co.. .50 Mr. Buckler 5.50 Geo. D. Smith .50 Mr. Anthon .62 Geo. D. Smith 7.25 Cincinnati .50 Geo. D.Smith 1.50 Geo. D. Smith 1 25 Mr. Anthon 1.25 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 10.50 Mr. Aitken 1.00 Geo. D. Smith...'.. .60 Mr. Gillam .50 Mr. Anthon 1.37 Cincinnati .25 Geo. D. Smith .... .50 Geo. D. Smith... .50 Cincinnati 1.37 Mr. Aitkin .50 Cincinnati .50 Geo. D. Smith .25 Dodd, Mead & Co.. .50 Dodd. Mead & Co.. 3.00 Cincinnati .25 Geo. D.Smith .25 Geo. D.Smith 1.12 Geo. D. Smith .87 Cincinnati .25 Mr. Aitken .50 Dodd, Mead & Co.. .63 Cincinnati .50 Mr. Aitken 1.37 Geo. D. Smith .25 Mr. Tosh 6.00 Cincinnati .25 Mr. Hankinson 5.00 Geo. D. Smith 1.25 Geo. D. Smith 4.50 Cincinnati .25 Mr. Gillam .00 Cincinnati ,50 t-ot Buyer 325 Dodd, Mead&Co. 326 Geo. D.Smith.... 327 Cincinnati 328 Geo. D. Smith.... 329 Geo. D. Smith 330 Dodd, Mead&Co. 331 Dodd, Mead&Co. 332 Mrs. Everson 333 Mr. Stern 334 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 335 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 336 Cincinnati 337 Dodd, Mead&Co. , 338 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 339 Geo, D. Smith 340 Mr. Dixon 341 Mr. Aitken 342 Mr. Aitken 343 Mr. Dixon 344 Geo. D. Smith 345 Cincinnati 346 Geo. D. Smith 347 Mr. Aitken 348 Mr. Anthon 349 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 350 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 351 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 352 Mr. Aitken 353 Mr. Dixon 354 Withdrawn 355 Geo. D. Smith 356 Geo. D. Smith 357 Geo. D. Smith 358 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 359 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 360 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 361 Dodd, Mead & Co . . 362 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 363 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 364 Dodd, Mead&Co. 365 Geo. D. Smith 366 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 367 Mr. Hill 368 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 369 Mr. Morris 370 Dodd, Mead&Co.. 371 Mr. Fox Price pet vol .50 .50 2.50 8.25 2.25 1.00 .87 3.50 6.00 .50 .o 4.25 .35 8.00 4.75 1.25 2.00 .62 .50 6.37 1.00 .63 .75 .62 1.13 .87 2.00 1.88 2.25 28.00 12.00 12.50 15.00 15.00 12.00 11.00 52.00 15.00 11.00 17.00 155.00 8.00 5.00 25.00 6.00 12.00 I ot 372 373 •^74 t* 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 Buyer p^ice Dodd, Mead & Co . J. O. W Geo. D. Smith. . . . Mr. Morris Geo. D. Smith. . . . Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith.... Dodd, Mead&Co. Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Sraith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead&Co.. Geo. D. Smith F. Howard Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & Co . . Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & Co .. Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead& Co.. Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Mr. Rains Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead&Co.. Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead&Co.. Mr. Fox Geo. D. Smith Mr. Anthon Dodd, Mead&Co.. Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead&Co.. per vol 1.25 5.00 69.00 4.25 54.00 6.00 2.50 47.50 3.00 18.00 11.00 6.50 22.00 21.00 91.00 2.00 2.25 4.50 1.00 4.50 1.13 4.00 .50 3.50 3.50 1.50 .50 2.00 400 1.00 10.50 55.00 .50 2.00 6.25 1.50 .50 2.00 1.00 .50 19.00 7.00 3.25 1.62 5.50 20.00 4.50 3.25 l4>t Buyer Price per vol 420 Geo. D. Smith .50 421 Mr. ]Morris 2.75 422 Geo. D. Smith 3.50 423 Dodd. Mead& Co.. 3.00 424 Geo.D. Smith .50 425 Geo. D. Smith .50 426 Geo. D. Smith 2.00 427 Geo. D. Smith 1.50 428 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 1.25 429 Dodd, Mead& Co.. 2.00 430 Geo. D. Smith .50 431 Geo. D. Smith 2.00 432 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 3.26 433 Geo. D. Smith .80 434 Geo. D. Smith .50 435 Mr. Fox 3.50 436 Geo. D. Smith 1 .37 437 Mr. Hill 2.00 438 Mr. Foley 30.00 439 Geo. D. Smith 52.50 440 Geo. D. Smith 47.00 441 Geo. D.Smith 5.50 442 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 5.00 443 Geo. D. Smith 27.00 444 Geo. D. Smith 8.00 445 Geo. D. Smith 24.00 446 Geo. D. Smith 11.00 447 Geo. D. Smith 3.25 448 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 3.00 449 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 52.50 450 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 7.00 451 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 3.00 452 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 3.00 453 Geo. D. Smith 7.50 454 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 3.75 455 Scribtier's 2.00 456 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 24.00 457 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 1.25 458 Scribner's 15.00 459 Scribner's 21.00 460 C. P. Roos 35.00 461 Geo. D. Smith 16.50 462 Mr. Stern 3.50 463 Dodd, Mead & Co.. 2.00 464 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 5.00 465 Mr. Rains 6.25 466 Mr. Anthon 4.25 467 Dodd, Mead & Co. . 2.25 Lot 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 Co Co Co Co Buyer Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & Co. Scribner's Scribner's Dodd, Mead& Co. Dodd, Mead & Co . Dodd, Mead & Co. Dodd, Mead & Co. Geo. D. Smith. Geo. D. Smith. Geo. D. Smith. Dodd, Mead & Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & D. Miller Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Mr, Stern Geo. D. Smith Mr. Foley Scribner's Dodd, Mead & Co Dodd, Mead & Co Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Dodd, Mead & Co Dodd, Mead & Co Geo. D. Smith Geo. D. Smith Scribner's Dodd, Mead & Co Scribner's Dodd, Mead & Co Dodd, Mead & Co Mr. Pynson Dodd, Mead & Co Dodd, Mead & Co Geo. D. Smith . Scribner's Geo. D. Smith . Dodd. Mead & Co Geo. D, Smith .... Price per vol 7.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.25 .75 90.00 1.00 .75 4.00 .50 175.00 140.00 2.75 15.00 220.00 65.0© 11.00 6.50 1.50 14.50 2.32 1.25 1.12 3.50 2.00 16.00 2.75 39.00 3.25 6.50 3.75 3.25 .50 4.00 1.25 2.25 .75 10.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 3.25 2.75 Lot Buyer Price per vol 516 Dodd, Mead & Co. 70.00 517 D. Miller 110.00 518 Dodd, Mead & Co. 4.00 519 Geo. D. Smith .... 2.75 520 Dodd, Mead cS; Co. 3.00 521 Geo. D. Smith .... 1.50 522 Scribner's .88 523 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.75 524 Dodd, Mead & Co. 4.00 525 Scribner's .75 526 Dodd, Mead & Co. 4.00 527 Dodd, Mead & Co. 14.00 528 Geo. D. Smith .... .50 529 Dodd, Mead & Co. 3.00 530 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 531 Dodd, Mead & Co. 4.50 532 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 533 Geo. D. Smith ... . 2.12 534 Scribner's 1.25 535 Mr. Buckler 3.00 536 Dodd, Mead & Co. 15.00 537 Dodd, Mead & Co. 3.00 538 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 539 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 540 Geo. D. Smith .... 3.00 541 Dodd, Mead & Co. .75 542 Dodd, Mead & Co. 30.00 543 Scribner's 1.50 544 Dodd, Mead & Co. ' -62, 545 Mr. Rains 2.50 546 Scribner's 52.50 547 Dodd, Mead & Co. 30.00 548 Dodd, Mead & Co. 11.00 549 Scribner's 8.00 550 Scribner's 6.00 551 Scribner's 6.00 552 Scribner's 6.00 553 Geo. D. Smith .... 8.50 554 Scribner's 4.00 555 Mr. Fox 5.50 556 Mr. Fox 3.00 557 Scribner's 5.00 558 Mr. Fox 5.00 559 Dodd. Mead & Co. 2.50 560 Geo. D. Smith 35.00 561 Geo. D. Smith .... 7.60 562 Scribner's 52.50 663 Dodd, Mead & Co. 5.50 Lot Buyer p, ice per vol 564 Dodd, Mead & Co. 200.00 565 Dodd, Mead & Co. 37.50 566 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 4.50 567 Geo. D. Smith. . • . . 13.00 568 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 1.18 569 Geo. D. Smith . 3.50 570 Dodd, Mead & Co. 3.25 571 Mr. Foley . . . 1.50 572 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.25 573 Geo. D. Smith . > > • 55.00 574 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.50 575 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.00 576 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 577 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.75 578 Dodd. Mead & Co. 3.00 579 Geo. D. Smith . ... 2.25 580 Geo. D. Smith . . • . .50 581 Dodd, Mead & Co. 42.50 582 Geo. D. Smith . . . .50 583 Mr. Fole}' 1.00 584 Mr. ^Morris 21.00 585 Dodd, Mead & Co. 45.00 586 T. 0. W 7.00 587 Mr. Roos 3.00 X_^ ^^-^ » ^* Jk i*. .*. ^ V-^ V.^ \J • * • * 588 Geo. D. Smith 32.50 589 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 590 Geo. D. Smith . . . 11.00 591 Geo. D. Smith . . . • 2.12 592 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.25 593 Mr Aitkin .50 594 Air Pvnson . . . 2.25 ^_^ ^^ » ^TJI..A. • .A. J A.J ^_/ v.' &A • • • 595 Dodd, Mead & Co. 10.00 596 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 52.50 597 Geo. D. Smith 47.00 598 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 599 Geo. D. Smith .25 600 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 4.50 601 Dodd, Mead & Co. 1.00 602 Dodd, Mead & Co. 2.00 603 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 11.00 604 Geo. D. Smith 1.00 605 Mr. Anthon . . . . . • . 2.25 606 Dodd, Mead & Co. 4.25 607 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 1.00 608 Geo. D. Smith • . . . 4.00 609 Geo. D. Smith . . • . 3.75 610 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 35.00 611 Geo. D. Smith . . . . 1.00 Lot BuYtt 612 Dodd, Mead cS: 013 Geo. D. Smith 614 Dodd, Mead c^ 615 Geo. D. Smith. 616 Geo. D. Smith 617 Dodd, Mead & 618 Geo. D. Smith 619 Geo. D. Smitli 620 Geo. D. Smitli 621 Dodd, Mead .S: 622 Geo. D. Smith 623 Mr. Foley 624 Dodd, Mead & 625 Geo. D. Smith 626 Geo. D. Smith 627 Dodd, Mead & 628 Geo. D. Smith 629 Geo. D. Smith 630 Dodd, Mead & 631 Dodd, Mead & 632 Geo. D. Smith 633 Geo. D. Smith 634 Dodd, Mead & 635 Geo. D. Smith 636 Dodd, Mead & 637 Geo. D. Smith 638 Dodd, Mead & 639 Dodd, Mead & 640 Geo. D. Smith 641 Geo. D. Smith 642 Geo. D. Smith 643 Dodd, Mead & 644 Geo. D. Smith 645 Dodd, Mead & 646 Dodd, Mead & 647 Geo. D. Smith 648 Geo. D. Smith 649 Geo. D. Smith 650 Mr. Stern . . . 651 Dodd, Mead & 652 Dodd, Mead & 653 Geo. D. Smith 654 Geo. D. Smith 655 Geo. D. Smith 656 Dodd, Mead & 657 Dodd, Mead & 658 Dodd, Mead & 659 Geo. D. Smith 660 Dodd, Mead & /'»( Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co (•per to! 6.50 2.75 1.00 9.00 1.00 1.50 8.50 3.75 .50 .75 2.00 1.00 .50 2.00 10.50 2.00 1.00 1.50 1.25 5.00 53.00 1.00. 15.00 15.00 .63 20.00 1.10 3.00 5.00 .25 28 00 9.00 12.00 14.00 19.00 .50 1.00 1.12 1.13 14.00 .87 15.00 1.25 .50 14.00 11.00 1.00 1.50 20.00 Lol Buyer 661 Dodd, Mead .S: 662 Geo. D. Smith 663 Dodd, Mead c*\: r»64 Geo. D. Smith 665 Geo. D. Smith 666 Geo. D. Smith 667 Geo. D. Smith 668 Mr. Dixon 669 Geo. D. Smith 670 Dodd, Mead ^V 671 Miss Manning. 672 Geo. D. Smith 673 Geo. D. Smith 674 Dodd, Mead cS: 675 Geo. D. Smith 676 Geo. D. Smith 67 7 Dodd, Mead & 678 Geo. D. Smith 679 Geo. D. Smith 680 Geo. D. Smith 681 Geo. D. Smith 682 Mr. Foley 683 Dodd, Mead & 684 Geo. D. Smith 685 Geo. D. Smith 686 Dodd, Mead & 687 Dodd, Mead & 688 Dodd, Mead & 689 Dodd, Mead & 690 Mr. Morris .... 691 Dodd, Mead & 692 Dodd, Mead & 693 Dodd, Mead & 694 Geo. D. Smith 695 Dodd, Mead & 696 Mr. Dixon 697 Dodd, Mead & 698 Geo. D. Smith 699 Geo. D. Smith 700 Dodd, Mead & 701 Dodd, Mead & 702 Geo. D. Smith 703 Mr. Gillam ... 704 Dodd, Mead & 705 Mr. Leary 706 Geo. D. Smith 707 Geo. D. Smith 708 Mr. L 709 Scribner's Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co /V( 11975 nimrKRSiTT oii' calxfoioiu LOv.' . 1 i t t .1 i f t % '] t -« J '•1 '; n 'J a i ( 1 '.) ;l t < K.' r '